id,navigator_useragent,navigator_language,age,handedness,comphours,layoutcomf,layoutnow,comptype,countryres,nativelang,englishyears,englishcountrymonths,englishexposure,otherlanguages,cefrself,cefrlevel,cefrwhen,educ,time,task1_time,task2_time,task1_events,task2_events,task1_words,task2_words,cohort,prompt_id,prompt,answer,mark_a0,mark_h1,mark_h2,mark_h3,cefr_a0,cefr_h1,cefr_h2,cefr_h3 R_2EGIsZARLydD3Uc,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,25,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,20.0,1.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1294,441.54169999999925,621.0258999999994,6309,6756,302,278,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal, any at all, I would surely pick a bird. As to which one, I would probably wish to be an eagle. I would love to see the world from up above. Soaring the skies, feeling the winds and currents gently pushing me to one side or the other. Eagles live where mountains are, don't they? That is probably another reason why I would choose them in particular. I love the mountains. I would love to be able to just reach the top of a mountain in a blink of an eye, then be able to go back down in an instant and then up another top. I reckon the views would be spectacular. I did think of an eagle right off the bat. I always loved those drone-shot footages of mountain tops, snowy white, nobody there to be seen. I like desolated places. I do, I really do. It takes your mind off the frenetic life of the city. You're always running, your mind constantly thinking about something and never really getting a moment off. Imagine really beaing an eagle, a few hours would suffice, soaring the skies and hearing just the leaves being blown by the wind. Nothing else, nothing at all. It would be as good as doing yoga. I reckon it might get scary after a little while. After all, we are ""social"" animals. But I am also curious about being inside a bird's mind for a day. Thinking about all the stress we are under each and every day, what do birds think? Do they think as we do, logically, or are they just pushed by their instincts?",10,11,7,10,C1.ii,C2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1obCaysaZCWZXoG,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0,es-CL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,6.0,0.0,4.0,Portuguese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1517,488.516,765.346,5780,6059,302,253,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would like to be a bear. ""But why? why would you like to be a bear?"", that's an excellent question, I must say, well, physically, i have a lot of hair on my body: From the legs to my face: I'm very hairy. Another reason is that I'm big, I mean, I am smaller than, Lebron or Henry Cavill or Haaland, but I am still 1.81 meters long (apparently I'm more higher than the 80% of the population? i remember that i read something about it). ""What else?"" well, bears like fish, ""Fish? So you like fish too?"" thats right dear reader, this person likes fish a lot, although here were i live we dont eat it too much, just for you to know, i still live with my parents, because i'm at Uni, so I don't have any cash.What was i talking about? Oh right, bears and fish, well thats it, i like fish; I also like honey, and apparently bears too, or at least, Po bear likes it, so i assume that every bear likes it. What else? OH RIGHT I FORGOT, i already talked about the hair, but that amount of hair allows bears to survive in cold enviroments, like mountains for example, very useful!; what else? While they dont seem to be great athletes, bears run alot, that's right (or thats what i've seen on tv and the internet. Something else? they like to climb trees, or at least, the black bears do that, from what i've seen.",9,6,5,8,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_3fqTek829k38iCk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.102 Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,3.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2315,710.3918999999762,857.4237999999523,6158,5677,302,257,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal for one day, I would definitely chose dog. Its because I also have my own dog. The dog called Nela and she is maltase. In my opinion dog's life was amazing. I tell only about the dog, who have the owner, because the rest of them actually don't have such a great life. If I could be a dog, I will spend all day laying on a sofa, sleeping on a pillow or running outside with my family. Dogs could do everything what they want, they don't have any duties and everyone loves them. If I would be a dog, I will eat every meal with my owner, its exacly the same as my own dog Nela. I hope my family go to the walk with me, because dogs love to be outside. There are a lot of things to smell and there are also others dogs, who can become my friends in the future. After long and full of adventures walk, I would obviously get a snack for good behaviour. Its really good award. I would also have fun using my toys, because I love it. Of course every animal have your problems. For us is just a perfect life, free of bad things, but dogs also have sad moment like spending time alone without their family or being far from friends, but to sum up, I thint that I would like to have life like a dog for this one special day. Its gonna be funny and really interesting. ",8,6,5,7,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_brxD7Q5ZnPW8Gn7,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,43,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2000.0,High School,1220,507.925,437.1335,5459,4534,301,249,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose to be any animal for day I would choose to be a domestic housecat. I have 2 cats of my own and I often find myself thinking that it would be such a chilled out and easy life to be a cat. Quite often cats will spend the vast majority of their day sleeping, waking only to go in search for food, treats or a tickle from their owners. Most housecats are predominently lazy animals, they get food given to them almost on a constant level, so they can graze all day. I would love to be a cat so I could just prowl around my house and garden, chasing butterflies in the summer and sunbathing during sunny days. Cats tend to have very easy lives, and most people know that cats will choose their owners rather than the other way around, so I would be with an owner that I know would take care of me. I would spend most of my days lounging around in comfy spots around the house, like on my owners beds or in a hidey hole somewhere I know I won't be disturbed. Another reason why I would chose to be a cat is because of how satisfying a cats stretch looks! They look like they put their heart and soul into a good stretch! I would also spend my days gazing out the window and daydreaming about how I'd like to catch all the birds I could see. ",10,9,9,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1k1RE78cBbZyZMA,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,AZERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,3355,677.659,1966.441,5686,6522,274,263,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?"," If I could be any animal I choose for one day I would probably be a bird. My choice would be obvious for a simple reason - birds can fly. It is something that we as a humanity dreamed since forever, to be able to conquer the sky. Leonardo da Vinci few centuries back then made a sketch about flying machine and in today's world flying by plane from point A to point B seems to be normal. Even if we can reach the sky by a machine nowadays it would be much better feeling to be able to fly by ourselfs. Birds from ages were seen as a symbol of freedom because of their ability to fly. The feeling of being free as a bird in the skies would be incomparable to e.g. diving as a fish. People actually can dive with proper equipment by themself so in my humble opinion the bird option seems to be better. Why wouldn't I choose other interesting choices like lion or other fast or maybe even big animal? As a bird you could travel more freely, discovering the world would be easy and effortless not mentioning beautiful views! For that simple reason I'm pretty sure this would be best option if I could by any animal for one day. The adventages of choosing a bird are really convincing if you ask me, I can't imagine any better choice - traversing the world freely in the skies is a superior argument, that's the main reason that I would rather be a bird than any other animal.",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2zUd3XOFkwN8n67,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,5.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4014,1237.9545,2142.410799999997,5929,4550,300,253,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","It' a very difficult and interesting question, but I'll try to get my thoughts together. I think I would be a dog. It's not an easy decisin because thre are a lot of animals that have a good life. A dog , for example, has a very good life it has a good owner. He brings a lot of joy to other people and he has a lot of joy in his life. In addition, it hs all the food he needs and he doesen't have to hunt other animals. It he get sick, the dog can be sure that people will be help him. He can know that he will get well soon. If the dog has a good owner, it can be trusted with everything. The dog never has to be cold. A dog is cared for a lot and has a lot to live for. When yur dog gets sick there are myny different medicines avialable to help. The dog never has to go thirsty because his owner always gives him fresh water. A dog has many friends in his life when his owner takes him for walk. You can run your dog a lot and keep it healty throughout its life from all the exercise. When the dog old, many people help it and it can live longer than wild animals. So many good things can happen in a dog's life if it has a loving owner and cares about him. Being a dog is good for a day.",7,7,5,6,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_1NwuZMzRkVIR0WT,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 15183.78.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1270,346.042299999997,507.27079999999705,5639,4724,302,257,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal for a day, I would choose to be a golden retriever. I think it would be fun to have the ability to run and play and to put a smile on the face's of people around me. I also think it would be nice to take a break from human worries and to just follow where my instincts take me. I would want to be a domesticated animal, rather than a wild one, because I wouldn't want to have to worry about predators. I would prefer to be protected and relaxed as an animal. I would also enjoy being able to go where humans can't - whether it be crashing through the forest or swimming in cold rivers. Though a wild animal can do the same, they don't have a warm home to go to afterwards. I think that, as a golden retrieved, I would also have fun getting to play with other dogs. I could run and race with the best of them. Or, if I felt like it, I could take a nice long nap in a pool of sunshine. The freedom of a dog's life would be both fun and playful and simple and relaxing. In short, I would want to be a golden retriever for a day so I could live a simplified version of an animal's life; one without worries and with the variety that comes with having your needs cared for. It would be a great chance to take a break from being a human.",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2t8LOS9nQDBQPA8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,24,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3167,1063.326899999976,1443.6568999999758,6262,6928,302,250,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","It is a very hard question for me, because I daily see how all kinds of animals suffer everyday caused by humans. But after analyzing it I think I would choose to be an eagle for a day, the reason is that I feel eagles have less contact with humans, so I would feel a little bit more protective, also eagles are hunters by nature so they have least possibilities to get caught by a predator. Also, I would love to experience flying, I often dream about it but I think that it would be way cooler to live it. As an eagle all I would do is fly around all day looking at beautiful sunsets and sunrises, I would also love to cuddle on a nest, I think it would feel very warm and cozy, especially with babies in it. I once read that eagles have one of the best sights, because they get to see the colors more vivid and with way better resolution than human beings. I would feel like the queen of the sky crossing it as an eagle, I think they are majestic. But the part that I would hate about being an eagle is the hunting time, I don't like the idea about being a predator and eat living animals, it would be too shocking for me, but I think I would pay that price just to live one day as an eagle and fly around all day long looking at beautiful landscapes scenarios. ",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_239Q0X5YLwB7U6Z,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1074,265.59160000002385,567.0563999999763,5395,5832,300,259,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","It's hard to choose something specific because I think what I would value most would be safety, and the animal kingdom fundamentally isn't a safe place to be as you are always on some predator's hit-list. I think considering that I would only be the animal for one day, I would want to be an animal that lives or is able to be in places that humans typically aren't. At first I instinctively thought I would want to be an animal deep in the unknowns of the ocean so I could see what was really down there, like one of those fish with the giant teeth and the glowing bulb hanging over its head (I can't for the life of me remember the name), but I think maybe the darkness would be terrifying, even for a day. But I'd still get a glimpse of all of the unknown creatures that haven't been categorised by humans yet, though it may even be that there is simply nothing down in the ocean and it may be a wasted experience. With safety in mind, I think it would be incredibly fun to be any kind of flying bird so that you could see the world from a completely different perspective, one that a human being really isn't capable of seeing. I don't know an awful lot about birds, but I'd choose to be the fastest flying bird so I could understand the experience of flying while also being able to see as much of the world as I could in a day. ",10,10,9,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_10xbkjEmnsusfb1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,8.0,3.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1326,500.321,568.996,5976,4871,304,249,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i coult choose what animal i would be for one day i think i would be a delphin. I always wanted to dive but i cannot swim so water is only a mystery for me, so while i could swim i will use it to see all fauna of ocean. I will also squick a little, because it is really funny. I would also come to shore to see if there is any humans to feed me or just make photo with me. I wonder what else deplhins do or if there anything more in deep ocean so i will try my biggest dive maybe i would see a special fishes that humans never saw before.. I wonder also how long i could last before i would need to take another breath of air from surface. I also wonder how it would be making a combination swim with other delphins maybe i would try make some acrobatic things with them and have so much fun swimming with them. Also i thing delphins are really likeable and while im not that likeable person myself i would like to have some attention - and while delphins looks sweet i think i would get it. Maybe someone would recognize my big talent as obiedent animal and i could be even in tv or famous by other social media. That would be a great adventure to in same time swim throught ocean and and be most popular animal at the same time.",5,5,5,6,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_10CbLBzAnYKgWxB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,2.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,1567,369.6676999999992,797.8807000000003,5728,4308,282,255,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would like to be an indoor cat. I wouldn't have to do anything. I could cuddle with my ownres, they would give me good food and I wouldn't have to get my own food. In addition, I could sleep as much as I want ald play whenever I want with my toys they would buy for me. If there were more of us cats I would have a super family and I would like to have cat children. It would be great if we would all be at home with our owners for the rest of our lives. We would give them joy, play with them, as if they had children of their own we would love to play with them too. As cats we would chase balls or lasers, and sometimes we would wade because that's who we are. Cats also have a good effect on people and feel when something is wrong with them. So if my owner of his children were depressed, for example, I would be happy to cuddle and encourage stroking to alleviate the sympthoms a bit. If there were dogs in my neighborhood I would also want to be friends with them, because why couldn't a dog live with cat? Sometimes I would like to chase a mouse of hamster, but I would know that if would be wrong to eat them. I also woulnd't eat fish, because my owners would be very angry with me. So much for why I would want to be a indoor cat.",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1NlbUxZcpNCVrx5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,57,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2127,965.7739000000356,681.4783000000119,5527,4632,302,268,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose to be an animal then I would want to be an elephant as they are such a big, beautiful animal that is strong and steady. I love elephants and have always wanted to spend time with them and over 3 years ago I was able to do just that and loved the whole experience. The mother and baby were just so amazing and I just loved the whole vibe that I got from being with them. They are just such magestic animals and I felt such a love and connection to them. I felt that we could relate to one another and I know that if I needed to go on a long journey that this is the animal that I would want to take me there. I know that other people feel that these animal are so big and dirty but this is anything but the case and that they are also dangerous but when I looked into this big mother's eyes I just felt a connection with her and I knew that I was safe. I felt as if I was at one with her as we were both mothers and just wanted to take care of our young and I felt I wanted to talk to her and did. I felt that she understood what I was saying and it was just awesome and because of this we spent another hour or so washing them and feeding them and it was just amazing and I will always treasure this memory and cannot wait to have another experience with such special animals.",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3fH0Mi9mCBQSRU0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",lv-LV,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Latvia,Latvian,19.0,2.0,5.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,2654,570.1165,1626.6462000000477,5782,6170,302,258,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day, I would choose to be the king of the jungle himself. I would choose to be a lion, one of the strongest and fastest predators in the world. Being this beautiful animal for the day I would be able to explore African landscapes without any fear of the wildlife. As beautiful and gracious zebras, giraffes or hippopotamus are, they must fear for their life every single day. I believe lions live a very relaxed life, chilling in shade unbothered, hiding from the hot sun. For me they symbolize leadership, confidence, beauty, strength and fearlessness. Lions are also very intelligent animals because they learn from watching others. It may seem that while they are not hunting, lions just sleep to save up their energy, when actually they keep a close eye on everything that is going on around them. Lion has the most beautiful tan fur and an amazing mane that makes them look much larger and also distinguishes male lions from female lions. Lion cubs are the most adorable little animals in my eyes. Being totally helpless when born, while also being dangerous to a human, they look abnormally cute and cuddly. I believe every year lion population decreases in size rapidly, making it a one of a kind experience for me to be this amazing animal just for one day, because who knows how long they will be around us and how long will we still be able to enjoy the company of the king of the jungle.",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1K0ZJyEUObi0zc7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1591,472.744599999994,746.742900000006,5507,4463,302,251,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for just one day I would be a shark because they are one of the kings of the ocean and so nothing would probably eat me. I would be able to travel far because they are fast swimmers and explore deep in the ocean, seeing places that are unknown to humans and also see lots of cool sea life creatures. I would be interested to see animals like turtles, tropical fish, octopus and sea horses. I love being in the water anyway as a human so a shark seems like an amazing animal to become. I would travel as far as I could in just one day and see as many different things as I could see. I would dive deep into the dark untouch corners of the earth just to find out what is there. I wouldn't eat any other animal and wouldn't like if they were afraid of me. The only scary part for me would be if humans tried to catch me for food or just to hunt, or even larger animals like whales. I would love to be able to breath underwater without having to surface for air and feel all the sensations of a shark. Going with the flow and just enjoying a calm, relaxing day in the ocean. Overall, I think being a shark is a good choice to be for the day for me personally even though I'm sure I would love to be many more animals too.",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1FEx2T10BWa0c6J,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,34,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1887,419.2512999999989,1183.0942999999988,5770,14941,302,674,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","With this question I am assuming that I would maintain the counsciousness, memories, and self-awareness that I currently have as a human, or at least remember the experience once I returned to human form. With this in mind I think that I would want to be an animal that was vastly different than my current form. That is to to say it lives in, or is capable of going to, an environment that I cannot do as a human. I feel that this would give me the most unique and memorable experience as I would not ever be able to experience it again. I can think of two such environemnts that meet this criteria, underwater or the sky. If I decide to go underwater what would I get to do I wonder? I would likely want to go extremely deep to places that humans cannot really go. But will I find it interesting at the bottom of the seabed? There will be little or no light so I won't be able to see anything to remember probably, and most of me senses will probably come in the form of some vibrations and perhaps sound. Is there anything down there that is even interesting? The other option is the sky. Sure, it is possible for humans to fly with the aid of mechanical assistance but is it really the same as doing it as natually as I currenly run? I imagine there is a great freedom in that. Moreover, many flying creatures have excellent eyesight and can hear well too so I would likely be able to remember and interpret a lot of what I experience. With this in mind I have decided I would like to become a flying animal. The only question now is what one? Tiny ones such as insects do not seem very appealing at first but upon more thought I have to imagine that the minature world is incredibly different and interesting. Imagine being the sive of a gnat or something and witnessing humans as colossal giants. The down side to that however is that I would be a bit limitied in the altitude I could reach and also the things I could interact with because of my small size. Alternatively I could choose to be a larger flying animal such as an eagle or falcon. They would be able to go much faster, fly much higher, and interact a lot more with the environment. Speaking of which, what exactly would I want to interact with and do apart from flying. Do I want to hunt? WIll that be an instinct I cannot ignore as a bird? Or If I become a mosquitoe will I have an irresitable urge to suck peoples blood? There are so many questions but I have to make this choice on limited information. I think I will choose to be an eagle. Flying aorund and seeing the environment from high, doing stunts in the sky, and even hunting a small creature. Although the last part I am kind of uncertain I would have the stomach for. It has just struck me that maybe I could be a parrot and use the time to actually speak and interact with people. What if I lose this memory after I change and cannot tell anyone. This as I could maybe convince some person to record me and even be able to vocalise what I am experiencing to some degree. Yes, now that I think of it I feel that I would choose to be a parrot. I would fly around for about 1 hour and then find someone to record me for the remainder as I do my best to explan to them my situation and document my experience beofre I have to change back. I think that it will be incredible to see a human mind communication through a parrot's body with a parrot's voice. This way I feel I will get to enjoy myself but also do something worthwhile and make the most from the opportunity. ",12,9,9,11,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_sbsnXSfYqFZ9oxX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Safari/605.1.15",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,6.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2096,813.732,779.3510000000001,6114,5618,301,258,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could be an animal, i would be a lion, once he's the king of the jungle. I consider myself as a strong person that always fights for the objectives I want to achieve. During my professional path, I have a clear notion that all the goals I propose myself to achieve were achieved, for example, I wanted to apply to the most exclusive master in the world of wine, so, during 1 year I applied to all the activities that could improve my cv and making me as an asset for the master. The result was that I was able to get the scholarship and I was the first person from my country that ever be accepted into this master. Since ever, I assume a leadership paper in all the group projects I have to work on, and even so, when I have groups with older and more experienced people than me, they are the ones that give me the paper of leader in a group. In my personal life, I spend my time taking care of my family and my close friends, once for me that's the pillar that guides my happiness, but also I like to support people that don't belong to the close circle of my people. All those characteristics that define me as a person, like, being strong, being a leader, fitting in to achieve my goals, and taking care of people, are common characteristics of a lion. So that's why I think I could be an excellent lion for a day.",10,7,7,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2uTCH9KkMRaOUPX,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,it-IT,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,18.0,1.0,12.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2934,738.683,1808.87,5630,5190,283,294,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would love to be a bird because flying has always given me a strange feeling like suspension, kind of like time slowing down. So if I get that feeling when I fly in an airplane I imagine what the feeling might be to be a bird and be able to fly for real, flying over whole countries and being able to see them from above in all their glory. I wouldn't have to worry about time passing, i could just focus on what i see and feel as i travel from one country to another feeling first the sea breeze on my wings and then the frigid mountain air freezing my beakand then finally perch on the hightest branch of a lonely tree and enjoy the sunset glimpsed on the horizon. Finally after the sunset enjoying a well-deserved night's rest in a warm and cozy nest, among other birds similar to me in appearance but with a thousand stories to tell, about their travels, their adventures, what they have seen and heard, letting me be lulled by their chirping and dozing off in the shadow of a radiant moon and a night filled with millions of stars. I know, i realize, it is just a dream, a crazy but wonderful dream. It is said that if you can dream it then you can do it, well i would love for this dream of mine to come true if only for one day to really experience what it feels like to fly, to feel at one with nature around us, to feel the rays of the sun so close that it warms our hearts, to feel the soft and delicare touch of a whimsical cloud that endures lonely and stoic in a clear sky.",10,10,9,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_1LLi8eIGazWAYTA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,29,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,8.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1401,282.66,829.7308999999761,5788,9530,298,361,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could be any animal for one day, that i can choose. I will probably choose to be a dog. I will choose a dog, because I'm a really dog-lover. I have 2 dogs and i really love them. They are my best friends, one of my dog is 9 years older than second dog and he is male when younger dog is female, but returning to the topic I'd like to know, what my dogs feel when i'm playing with them, what they think and what are their emotions. I'd like to know, how they feel when i'm leaving home and nobody is in it and what they are doing in this time, what they are thinking about during this waiting time until somebody return to house. I'm working from home, so I'm almost everytime in my house so atleast they don't have to wait 8 hours everyday alone in house when me and my girlfriend are outside. Third thing is that I'd like to know how dogs behave when they are ill or they need something. For example when my dogs wants to get out or want food or play with me they just trying to get my attention by touching me with their noses or by or they squeaking at me. But i'd like to know how they feel and behave when something hurts them, because dog can't tell u that he feels bad or he feels that he is going to be ill, of course that he can sneeze when something is hurting him, but it's not enough and this is the problem, because my older dog have 13 years and i have to ride with hime on control examination to the vet everytime, so it will be very nice to know what dog feel when he is ill or something is hurtining him, and by being a dog for one day i will be able to try to understand that at least. And this is probably everything what i can say about it. To sum up if i could choose, i'll choose that i want to be dog, to understand how and what dogs feel. ",6,6,5,5,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_2qdWv3rmKaYpowO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,28,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,17.0,12.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1659,503.725,734.6715,5576,7659,302,358,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I've never really thought about transforming into an animal for just one day. That being told, my answer does not entail a great amount of thinking into it. However, if I really had to pick I would probably choose to be a whale. Then you would ask me, why would you like to be one of the most heavy weights animal in the animal kingdom, with zero agility skills. The answer goes beyond having the ability to move quickly, or having the ability to fly to see the world from above. My choice is closely connected to my curiosity. Whales are one of the oldest creature in our world. They are highly respected in the sea-world, or that is what I would like to think. I find it fascinating that they can communicate through ""screams"". It takes one very intelligent creature to master that type of communication. In addition to this, the feeling of being literally the biggest animal alive must be intimitating even for your ownself. I could not imagine how you would feel if everything around you, in terms of size, is irrelevant. You would possibly feel like the most superior creature. That alone imagines quite scary, yet incredibly interesting. Last, but not least, being a whale comes with an additional privilege. We, as humans, have evolved and progressed. We have managed to travel through the infinite space, land on the moon, see galaxies millions of light year away. Yet, we are still unable to study our own planet fully. We are aware, partially at the very best, of what lies at the bottom of the ocean. You would imagine that creature that travelled to space would have know what the secrets of the ocean are. Being a whale can give you this knowledge. You can see the depths of the ocean with your own eyes, and all that by being a natural part of it, not as an intruder. And who knows, you may ensure whether mermaids are fictional. Because by not being fully aware of the entire marine life, you could never be 100% sure that mermaids aren't real. There is always that possibility.",12,8,7,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3LXNC1oloyifnSd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,34,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",800,278.98739999999106,359.32940000000593,5616,5393,302,256,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I think my answer comes in two parts. Firstly, as a recreational gymnast, I've always admired big jungle cats for their combination of speed, agility and stealth. So I think being able to explore a jungle environment as an apex predator, along with the enhanced senses would be of great interest. Perhaps something like a puma/spotted leopard, being able to explore both the jungle ground and inside the trees. The second thought is that whenever I travel, I always try to do some nature hikes or go to the highest point in the city. Being able to have that visual exploration from up high would also be of great interest, perhaps as an eagle based somewhere in the US given the beautiful vistas on the West Coast. You might notice that both of these options have no predators; I'd be very worried as an animal for one day! Both of these animals are based in exotic locations so I think there is an appeal to me of combining the novel experience of being an animal with exploring a new environment. I've had a similar feeling in the past when scuba diving, having the nature experience of being underwater and in a completely new habitat, whilst simultaneously feeling like I wasn't disturbing the natural fauna (sea creatures seem relatively unperturbed by scuba divers as it turns out). I think that would have to be a third choice, some kind of underwater animal for the day! I think a seat turtle around the Galapagos Islands would be ideal. ",12,9,9,11,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3oECSi57YP8BpdN,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Slovenia,Slovene,7.0,0.0,4.0,Croatian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1535,529.0930000000002,666.0260000000002,5829,5262,302,250,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for one day, I would be a cat. They get as much snuggle as they want and almost everybody likes them. I would eat and sleep all day. I think it would be a very relaxing experience. I'm under a lot of stress lately at my job and I feel like a day as a cat would give me much needed rest. Maybe I would go explore the neighbourhood. It would probably be an exiting experience. Maybe I could even catch a mouse or two. I wonder how they taste like. It must be interesting to see the world from the cat's perspective. They are small and can squize in small holes. I would feel like a spy. But the world is also quite dangerous for them. There are cars, bigger animals and evil people. So I should not be too adventorous on my day as a cat. My favorite part of the day as a cat would be to lay on the bed near my girlfriend. She would pet me and snuggle with me. She would be so happy that I choose to be with her. She likes cats and is sometimes sad when no cat of ours wants to snuggle with her. When she would pet me, I would purr and make her calm. And when she would fall asleep I would lay on her chest and we would sleep together. This would be my perfect day as a cat. ",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2U6ffEdcz13GEhD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,45,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1955,469.2290999999941,892.891900000006,5800,8274,302,268,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for the day I think that I would choose to be a bald eagle. One of the main reasons I have chosen to be an eagle is that it would give me the opportunity to fly which obviously is not something I am currently able to do! It would be incredible to understand how the mechanics of flying works, and to have the chance to experience to do it. I would love to feel free in the sky with very little sound, I think it would be a peaceful and liberating experience. Bald Eagles are mainly based in the North of America and Canada, both countries that I love visiting, which is another reason I would choose this animal. I would spend my day flying over the spectacular scenery in Canada, perhaps in the British Columbia region, gliding over the mountain and lake regions. I spent some of my honeymoon in this area, so this would envoke special memories for me, being able to visit the area but view it from a different angle & perspective. As an eagle in this area, I may be able to see other incredible wildlife, such as wild bears, whales, moose & wolves. I have seen bald eagles in the wild and they are extremely beautiful creatures which is another reason that I have chosen them. They are a powerful bird of prey who are endangered so it would also allow me to potentially obtain an insight into what life as a bald eagle is like so that I could perhaps help with their species protection. ",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3ESfOUrwA20mGy5,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,6.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3972,282.715,2476.463,5096,6682,272,261,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I had to choose what animal I would like to be for a one day it would probably be an eagle. He's fearless, self-sufficent and can fly. In my opinion an eagle is a symbol of loyalty, bravery and victory (That's probably why they are used in so many logos, it reminds me of the 101st Airborne Division from II World War). It would be interesting to see a world from the high skies while flying. Since eagle is a predator, most of the time he can easily get some food like fish. If they can't find fish they will probably eat whatever they can find, even other birds. The eagles are also one of the fastest birds and can strike with precision out of nowhere. I think that eagle also has to be out of his comfort zone because he's feeding on live food. The eagles are also very important in maintaining balance in food chain and are very strategic in their actions. The other fascinating thing they have in my opinion is their sight with which they can see up to few kilometers. In conclusion I think that living one day as an eagle would be very interesting thing to experience - living on the edge, hunting for the prey, being up as high as clouds in the sky and getting respect or fear from most of the other animals. I think that this experience would be also very intense since the eagles are living probably way less years than average human being (atleast that's what I assume).",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2EAdrOl8BnZOt3a,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",5565,725.0655,902.8176999999991,5606,5426,299,262,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","That is truely an interesting question. I have thought of this question a few years ago. If i could be any animal for a day, I would definitely be a puppy. Reason being, I have noticed how carefree they are and how everything is super fascinating to them. They do not put too much thought into things. For instance, when one gives them a blanket, they do not see it as something to keep them warm, but rather, they think of it as something they can dismantle or destroy. To them everything is a ""Toy"". That carefree nature they have is what i would enjoy most. Having a big heart for people especially my owner would make me the happiest. Furthermore, they are also loved by alot to people. I rarely come across people who say they do not like/ ove puppies, including those who are afraid of them. I would enjoy being carried around EVERYWHERE and being taken for pamering every now and then at the dog parlor. Moreover, puppies sleep for alot of the time. I am someone who really enjoys sleeping so this makes another reason why i would enjoy being a puppy. Basically, being taken care of from start to end, having someone else feed me, bath me, pick up after me would really make being a puppy for a day very nice. Having people picking me up or giving me all sorts of compliments would also make me choose this option. Lastly i wouly be a puppy for a day because of all the cuteness they exude.",10,7,7,11,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3MtVJsiRayvcdsp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,55,Right-handed,4,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Mexico,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2425,942.3954000000954,916.9761000000238,5766,5594,302,280,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose to be an animal for a day, I think I would choose to be a lizard. It might sound sort of strange, but lizards seem to have a good life. They live in warm or outright hot weather, and I love hot, sunny weather. In fact, I hate cold weather. I am very sensitive to the cold, as it affects me not only in a physical way, but also emotionally. During the winter months, when it gets cold, I feel sleepy most of the time; my energy levels are low and I wish I could sleep in until warm weather returns, kind of the way polar bears do when they hybernate. On the other hand, lizards sunbathe frequently, at least the ones I've seen. They thrive in the sun, actually. When I visualize lizards, I see them lying in the sun, or roaming around plants, I imagine them living in tropical weather, with lush vegetation surrounding them, with food being pretty much easily accessible to the. When they get hungry, they catch insects and bite away at plants with their tiny mouths, which seems pretty awesome. Contrary to other animals who have to scavenge around for their meals, lizards don't seem to have to make too much of an effort to keep themselves fed. This seems to leave them a lot of free time to roam around and explore, and also to worship the sun much like humans do at the beach. Additionally, lizard can hide very easily from predators by simply going into a hole or camouglaging themselves against some plants. All in all, I believe lizards have relatively easy and comfortable lives, generally speaking. ",12,9,7,11,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3QGkW4pFz1X6Irf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1477,699.9571999999993,584.0065999999978,6074,4947,302,265,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I were to choose an animal I would choose to be a dog. Dogs are universally loved by all types of people across the world. Dogs have the capability of loving all sorts of different kinds of animals as well as humans. Most dogs have enough cognitive ability to be able to understand the world around them. Those kinds of things mixed with the curretn domestication of dogs in the developed world would make this an appealing anima to be for a day due to the provisionof food, water and a place to live without having to put in any effort on your part except for ""looking cute"". Another advantage of being a dog for a day, especially in a country where dogs are domesticated, is that in all areas of where you would most likely explore, whether than be indoors or outdoors, is that there would not be any kind of fear of predation form any other animals in the vacinity. Being a dog for a day would lead to an increase in my postive state of mind as, from my perosnal poit of view and experiences, dogs are seen as some of the happiest and most contnt animals I have ever come across. Conversely the day spent as a dog would make me consider my own happiness as a human and make me wonder at to whether life in itself would be better and perhaps if we all lived a life which was a bit simpler and less difficult to navigate perhaps as a society the human race would be better off.",11,7,7,11,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_pPKsvYDQq98sNA5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,2.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1934,568.4918999999985,1041.3998999999983,6094,5342,302,256,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Well, just for one day? That's a hard nut to crack to answer this question but I will do my best! So let's begin! If I could be any animal for the one and only day, I would choose to be a bird. Being a bird would allow me to experience the world from a different perspective, no more ""boots on the ground"" and moving just in 2 dimensions, I would be able to soar high in the sky and get a bird's view of the planet Earth. I would be able to winess places in ways I've never seen them beforme. I woul be able to observe the beaty of high mountains, the splendor of splendid lakes and much more! I would also be able to experience the freedom of flying in the air, feel the wind in my wings and sun on my beak. Being a bird for a day would also allow me to experience the joy of being alivem I would be able to feel the joy of flight and contentment of neverending exploration. In this case I could be truly experience a sense of freedom, that I could experience right now as a human being. If I were a bird, I would't have to worry about my loans, daily problems and my annoying boss I could just fly away further where borders don't exist! Overall in my opinion it would be an experience that I would never forget! I envy all bird species this sense of freedom, unavalaible for human mankind. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_25MYROZBV5FOXwl,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,42,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,Vocational qualifications,2124,693.585,594.967,5887,5481,301,261,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for a day I think I would like to be a monkey. I think they are fun creatures and they seem to live their lives in quite a care-free way. I would like to be living in a place that were cool, but warm; perhaps somewhere like South Africa. I remember going to Cape Point and the monkies there seemed to be having lots of fun and were extremely cheeky, I think thats alread a little bit like my character already! I would imagine my day being quite relaxing. I'd get up in the morning and first greet my monkey friends and family. Then I'd go and look for some food, play with my monkey friends some more and have a little bit of fun. I would imagine later in the day I would be with the rest of the monkies and look for even more food or maybe go back to where I found it before, then relax in the sun for the rest of the day. During the day I'm sure I could also fit in a bit of time to clean myself and help my friends do the same. Jumping around and playing would get all bits in my hair so it'd be important to get that off as it wouldn't be very comfortable to sleep with it all making me itch and digging into my skin. I think I would try and spend as much of my time as I could lazing around in the sun and generally taking it easy.",10,8,7,8,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1LA5WTyCA34npEV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,59,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Chile,Spanish,10.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1244,305.88659999996423,451.5126999999881,5460,6030,302,314,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal for one day, I would be a cat. The reasons why are many: One, they are a pet, and almost all pets in the world get treated very well and are loved by their family. Two, wild animals have a very rough life, they constantly have to survive and there's many who have natural predators. Three, I could sleep as much as I want to, as I barely get any time to sleep properly and feel very exhausted on a daily basis. Four, they have no responsabilities, so they don't need to have a job or worry about bills or taxes, they simply exist to be loved and cared for besides entertaining themselves however they want. Five, cats can see in the dark, and as I am very afraid of the dark, this would be lovely and also very useful. And finally, they are one of the top three most liked animals in the world, so there's a good chance I would live with a good family that loves and cares for me if I were to be their pet cat. There's plenty of other animals I could have chosen, such as dogs or other cool looking wild animals that I like, such as tigers, but as I explained above, wild animals have very rough lives in which they constantly have to worry about survival and their only purpose is to reproduce. As for dogs, they usually are treated very badly in lots of countries due to being mostly seen as just ""guard dogs"" instead of pets or family, and I would also hate to be crated every day for hours on end just because a human decided to go out and that it isn't cruel to put me in a box where I can't move freely or do anything else. That is why, I choose cats instead.",12,8,9,9,C2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_25QP6qzCJW0aG1G,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1263,426.52989999985687,644.9415,5459,7660,300,371,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for a day then I think I would choose to be a whale. Some sort of big whale, maybe a blue whale. I mean, whales fall under the category of animal right? I can't remember biological phylogenetic trees or whatever it's called, but I think every living creature from bird to spider is an animal. Anyway, yeah, a whale. It would just be such a different experience living in the sea. You would have this gigantic brain, there is conscioussness there I think. Feelings and thoughts, complex ones. There would be a real rich experience being a whale I think, and the sort of rich experience that is utterly different from being a human. The noises, the sights, the sounds you would experience would be like being transported to an alien world. I can imagine swimming deeply into the depths, the feeling of temperature, the darkness creeping and sourrounding me. I can imagine swimming to the surface, taking a big breath of air; I wonder what it would feel like breathing in the lungs of a whale and pushing air and water from my... whale spout? again I am not a biologist. Diving back down, seeing a shoal of fish and just opening my gaping maw and consuming. What it would feel like to see a cluster of plankton and gulp them. What the flavour would be like, what the sensation would be like. Maybe being a whale from the context of previously being a human would be a sort of horrific experience, it would take some getting used to. I am not sure what being an animal would really be like. I suppose you could think of it as being in the body of an animal but with the brain of a human experiencing it. But to truly be an animal means having the mind of one, and to have the mind of any animal in the given moment requires going through the cycle of life as one. To be just transplanted with a blank slate brain into any adult of any species, or to have the mind of a human suddenly in animal form, this is less fantasy then true horror.",12,9,9,9,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_1dpmlkvn9V8uVqK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,41,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2002.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1597,503.7697000002861,544.6505,5275,4957,282,254,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for a day, I would probably choose to be a lion. A lion is strong and powerful, and is known as king of the jungle, for me that would be the animal I would choose to be. I admire Lions in their natural habitat and is my favourite animal of all the animals out there, so this would be my choice of animal for a day, To be king of the jungle for a day, that would be an amazing experience, and one that would be the best of all time, for me that would be thrilling. I have always admired Lions throughout my life, and watched movies such as Disney's The Lion King, and as such makes me a great admirer of the Lion species. The Lion is a great hunter, as it strives to provide for its cubs, which makes it a great provider, which I think is great and really admirable. There have been times where Lion's have killed humans, which I think is sad, but a lot of the time it is down to the Lion protecting its territory from hunters, whos main aim is to kill Lions for sport, which to me is very wrong, as Lions are beautiful animals. I conclude my essay by saying that my choice of animal for the day would be a Lion, for all those reasons listed above, and also to state they are very admirable animals, that deserve recognition for the great species that they are.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_XSRWf9zlWq8ePAJ,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,it,39,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,25.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1892,676.193,836.584,5443,5215,302,251,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","This is a very interesting question, a question someone makes on job interviews to explore psicological things or during a casual meeting for example at a party or somewhere else. But I don't think this is a very psicological question. Normally no one thinks of himself as an animal. This is the typical question with multiple answers and with multiple explanations to these aswers, so we could write a lot of words for this test. For example, I can answer I like to be a domestic cat: all day sleeping, served with food and with a very large degree of autonomy. Or I could be a fly, to enter some special places to listen the conversation of other people or spying some secret documents... Someone would want to be a powerful lion, a king in their land. But I think this is not for me. I'm a very peaceful person and strong animal, ferocius animals, doesn't make for me. But there's a thing I really want from the animal world: the capacity to fly. This is a very different and strange sensation, different from something anyone could experience day to day. Sure, there were planes, air balloons, the sensation of falling down where you are in an elevator... But the capacity to open the wings and take a jump and fly: this is a very different thing. So, definitely, if I could be and animal for one day, I think I will choose to be a chicken. May I miss something?",9,7,7,8,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2TQO8KS7p0wlmwA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,High School,1622,476.8470999999941,678.4876000000088,5453,5273,302,268,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","That is a most interesting question! Cat would seem an obvious answer, as I share a lot of their attribute; love of comfort, laziness, being a night owl, and having a fairly good sight in the dark, which is ironic considering my miopia. However, being a cat would be somewhat familiar, I would chose a bird instead, let's say eagle. I would love experience what it is like to sore on the cold winds, while not falling to my death, seeing the world from a bird's view and possible scaring the boots off of unsuspecting bystanders. As an eagle I would have a chance to see many parts of the world, simply by traveling around freely, and being the national animal of many countries is not too shabby either. However, I am not too fond of eating animals alive or raw, so if my cognitive abilites remained the same, as in a human mind/soul in an animals body, then I would likely skip a couple of meals. Getting in fights as an eagle however would be very interesting. Unlike drunk humans, who sputter around, or professional fighters who are mostly aiming at effectiveness, there is a sort of grace between a fight between birds. Claw and beak, wings and feints, the ""dancing steps of war"" to quote a classic. But to finish off in a more positive note, as I said earlier, soaring in the sky and seeing the patchworks of fields and forests, the concrete jungles of cities from many different heights and angles would be the most interesting thing about being a bird for a day.",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1rB0506hb4YBFOb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1159,363.835399999857,449.467,5488,5239,301,285,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I think that if I could be any animal for one day, I would like to be some sort of migratory bird that is able to fly high and far for hours at a time, so that I could experience what it would be like to see the world from such a height (under my own steam, not trapped inside an airplane) as well as experience the feeling of surfing the air currents and propelling myself into the air with my wings. Although not as spectacular as a hawk or an eagle, maybe I would like to experience being a seagull, because I could experience the skies but I could also rest on top of the ocean even far out to sea if I would like, and with my wings I could access cliff edges and tops as well as remote island locations that are inaccessible to humans. Although there are many animals that could provide me with very interesting experiences if I was to be one of them for a day, I do think that birds are uniquely different to humans in a way that any warm-blooded animal is not going to be. Being a fish of some sort for a day would be an interesting experience as well, but I don't think their senses would be as keen as a seagulls, so some of the experience would be lost to the darkness of the ocean and poor eyesight. I could not travel as far in 24 hours as a fish either. So overall I would choose a bird like a seagull, because the views through their eyes and the feeling of wings would be sensational and the ideal use for the short timeframe. ",10,10,9,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_25BKOSk03wyxUVg,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,27,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,5.0,0.0,3.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,middle school,1584,593.339,714.817,5769,5188,302,269,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","This is actually a very deep question, after meditating about it for a bit I came to a conclusion: an eagle. Since I can be this chosen animal for just a day, I would like to anjoy this 24 hours without any worries. Being an eagle I am a top predator on the trofic chain, meaning ther is no animal that lives off of my meat. So, I can do whatever I want and I don not need to be too careful about where I go and who I meet. Second, I have a very amazing ability, I can fly. Eagles can fly at a very high speed and they can cover deep distances without stopping. I can fly all over the world and access places that human beings can only imagine. I would love to fly above the grand canyon, stop for a visit in the wild africa but also see antartica from above with its immense white desert of ice. I would probably try to fly as high as possible and enjoy every single sensation I would feel. Something that I am very courious about is: what is like eating raw meat? I would probably find my prey, attack and then taste the fresh meat. I know this is strange but if you think about it we as human beings in 2023 are not predators and we do not hunt and eat so the adrenalin of getting your food with your own hands it's not something we experience. This is sadly impossible but I would pay to be an animal and live purely out of my instinct. ",9,7,9,9,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3KIutploWsAGYDz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",hu-HU,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,13.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,1606,316.403,748.3075999999643,5352,5316,302,268,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","To be honest, beeing an animal would be a cool thing, because the animals don't have to do things what the don't want to. They don't have to work, don't have to get up early. If I have to choose an animal, maybe it would be an eagle. Why the eagle? Because the eagle is a very beautiful animal. The feathers of the eagle are very beautiful. Eagles are the kings of the air. They have a very good vision, and they can hunt and catch almost every one of their prey. Eagles are flying in the high air, they can feel the whistling of the wind anytime they want, and there are no other bigger bird in the air that would try to catch them. Also the eagles are not in danger, because the people don't hurt them, so they don't have to be afraid of being shot or being catched. If I could be an eagle for a day I would probably just fly in the air almost all day, because the sight is very beautiful in that height. I would just enjoy that I am the king of the air, and I can do whatever I want. If I want to hunt down a little animal, then I can easily just do, and there is nothing that I have to be afraid. I would go to high places, and I would just look down at the towns, peoples, and to other animals. Everyone would look up to me and be afraid of me. So thats why I would be an eagle if I could choose.",8,7,7,7,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_3EHd90nmiSav5pJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Left-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,3.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,High School,2233,463.237,1557.312,6587,6465,330,252,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would probably choose to be a dog, i would love the experience of being a dog for one day, they're smart, supportive and the bestman friend.I always loved dogs fo my whole life and that's the answer that makes more sense to me but i would enjoy to experience other animals as well, like a monkey, or a dolphin. Dogs usually have a long and joy life, they are not much agressive and they socialize with all kind of animals, including us, humans. Would be interesting to feel what they feel in certain moments and experiences from their life, their happiness and energy it's something really excitable to be experienced as well. That being said, I would enjoy to experience others animals because there exists a lot of variety and diversity that I would love to try, like flying animals or animals from the sea. An Eagle for example would be a wonderful experience as well, it most be a sensation out of this world to be on the sky and do the miles on their lifes that they usually do with the instinct that they have. A dolphin or a whale would bring other sensations from sea and forms of living, it's really a tough choice to be made on that question! The most joyable would be definitely experience that for one day only, because as humans, we still have a lot of questions to solve for a better understanding of the animal world, from a lot of different animals. ",10,6,5,6,C1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_1gFSXx6DmmZ4QMS,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 15183.78.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,72,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2817,878.9325,1340.795700000001,6132,6099,302,262,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would most definitely choose a Bird. In particular, a Dove. I would choose a Dove because they seem so angelic and heavenly and free. Furthemore, being able to fly high, above in the sky and to feel the wind beneath my wings would be the most incredible feeling. The feeling of being safe and protected as you could just fly away, anywhere in the world, whenever you feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Exploring new locations throughout the globe and seeing new places from a, as they say ""birds eye view"". Also, known as the ""bird of love"", I think is a really cute nickname given by people and dove's being symbolised with weddings and being in love is such a prestigious thing to be represented by. I feel as though I relate to Dove's because being married for over 50 years has a certain amount of sentimental connection to the love aspect of the gorgeous creatures. Adding to what the Dove represents, next is peace. If this world was full of dove's there would always be peace and in-turn, no Wars. How different history would look then and futhermore, the state and aesthetic of the current world's look as a whole would be greatly improved and overall beautiful. To sum up, they bring peace, love and an overall beauty to globally signify what the Dove represents. No intimidation, no anger, just content and for these reasons, I feel as though there is no better choice for myself to choose the most amazing animal/ bird, which is refered to as the Dove.",12,8,9,9,C2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_XTGFkxKAWng0C5j,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3442,928.9695999999046,1893.0557999999523,5286,5412,282,268,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would choose to be a lion because it is one of the most dominant and powerful animals in the animal kingdom. They are known to be the ""King of the Jungle"", and they have a charming trait that allows them to move swiftly. Lions are brave, courageous, and vicious, but most importantly, they are leaders. They guide their families and teach their young how to be independent hunters and predators. If a lion would be a politician, I believe it would be a strong-willed, opinionated individual. Always looking for dirt on their opponents or a way to outdo them. They are most likely to be charismatic public speakers who can easily sway a crowd. They would be widely respected as a public political figure and would go after the undesirable elements in any country with vengeance. In my opinion, they would make excellent politicians. They would be on the far right because they are so powerful as animals that I believe they would match the energy of the most extreme conservatives. They would keep their beliefs close to their hearts and fight indefinitely for what they believe is right. They would always try to come out on top and push their agendas. They would go to great lengths to make their plans known and not necessarily care about a perfectly polished reputation. For example, Trump embodies a political lion very well. Trump wants what he wants and does everything in his power to get what he wants. I see braveness in both, as they take risks even if it may jeopardize the progress they have already made.",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_1rvpxP1EqG25UXb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-PL,21,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,7.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1686,530.3952000000179,631.1865999999941,5955,5363,301,282,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would want to be a gorilla. For some time now, I've been obssesed with gorillas and I've watched over hundred videos of them. I think they are funny and I love the way they walk, it always makes me laugh. The way they act make me want to be one of them. It is not just that they are cool, but I love watching funny things and I like when people think I am funny. That is why I would like to be a gorilla. Everything about them makes me laugh and I love to make people laugh. My love for them started when I first saw a video on social media app, when one gorilla was acting like he was in dramatic movie scene. He was throwing hay all over the place and banging on some wood, when there was another gorilla on the other side. It reminded me of dramatic Indian movies with a lot of close ups and slow motions and just made me laugh uncontrollably. After this I started watching tons and tons of videos of gorillas. RIght now my favourite is the one with gorilla sliding like a wizard and turning over in front of other people and presenting his bum. Every video with bunch of gorillas walking like they are drunk makes my day better. I always show these videos to my friends, I want to make my friends happy just like I am watching these videos. I hope one day I will see gorillas and send them big kisses. That is my dream, and that is why I want to be a gorilla. To be one of them and observe them all the time.",8,7,7,7,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_YYNT3yFzxhTwVax,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2478,789.5973000000121,1117.600700000018,5467,5257,302,275,1,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day I would be a lion. Not a lioness, but a male lion. The reason is very easy. They do nothing all day. They just lie on a grass field, under a shade of a big tree watching as lionessess hunt for him, while he does absolutly nothing. The only thing he has to do is fight another lions who try to take control over the pride (lions pack name I think) and I will just hope that the day I am a lion I wouldn't have to do any of that. Just sleep, eat and cuddle with other members of my pride. Also nobody could tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I would run if I wanted to run, I would roar if I wanted to run and I would lie on grass if I as much as wished to. I would enjoy as much freedom as I want to. Another animal I would choose is some species of a big bird. For example a hawk or a stork. Maybe even a parrot. I would just fly away. It is very convenient. If I don't like something or if I'm bored I can just simply leave and settle far away. Well I guess it would be impossible if I was a bird just for one day, but oh well. I would also like to see how flying feels like. If it is the feeling of freedom that everyone gushes about or just wind in your face and trying to outmanuver as many bugs as possible. Seeing beautiful scenery wouldn't be a bad idea either. ",9,8,7,8,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_23f4LxjgHkE0Zni,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.33",en-US,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,1.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1348,376.23389999999847,632.002299999997,6078,5916,302,276,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey Pal! You know, I've been thinking about what you said the other day about trying to improve your English reading skills and I started thinking about how I could help you in some way. Maybe this won't be super useful, but I think you might find some of my experiences as, at least, good 'you shoud know' material. First of all, I think (as you may have already guessed) that the best way in general to get better at any type of skill is to fully immerse yourself in it, so you should try to read as many things as you can in English. I'm not telling you to go to a library and get a dozen books, but you could try to watch movies with English subtitles, visit websites that are mainly in English like Reddit, if you want to give the book route a go you could try ready a book you've already read in Spanish so you already have a general idea of what's happening and you can focus more on the 'translation' part of the deal. Now, of course knowing your fundamentals is super important, there's no real benefit on learning how to 'read' in English if you don't really know 'why' phrases are written like that. Don't forget to pay attention in class, or look for a basics english course on Google, remember that strong fundamentals make everything easier, to the point where even if you don't really know how to write something you'll end up developing this 'feeling' when something isn't written quite right. Well, we can always voice chat if you want some more in-depth answers. Good luck!",12,9,6,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2EgiQ6rqJkr6O52,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0,hu,46,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2000.0,High School,2271,672.155,1184.2910000000004,6572,6538,299,293,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Frank! I've heard about your problem with reading in English. I had this problem in the past and had a difficult time to get over it. Mostly I had problem to pronounce classic words like family names, names of places. Luckily today I much easier to practice and improve. Of course you can start with a simple dictionary where you can find, in written how to pronounce the word but it isn't the best without proper help from a teacher or from someone who has the experience. The second method is to get a newspaper (it is better than a book because of the different topics) and ask someone to read it with you. Unfortunately this method needs another person too. By the way. Start with light reading, I mean children books, nursery rhymes. I know it sounds silly but remember when you learned you first words. You didn't start with Shakespeare right? So take your time and take it slow. Ever since we have youtube there are countless videos in English so you can easily find educational videos. So head on to these channels (see links below) and you can see by the title that what topic they cover in the video. The text is on the screen and just like in karaoke a little dot moves forward above it as the reader reads. You can repeat any segment thanks to the timestamps in the description of the videos. You are able to choose between different accents too, so if you like to learn Australian accent, you can do it using these videos just look for the playlists. I really hope that I could help with your problem. Write back if you have any questions and/or you have improved. Sincerely: A.",10,6,6,11,C1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C2.i R_1PUAWLMxjvndZKX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3041,827.2391999999285,1870.900600000024,5580,6773,281,281,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Jack, How are yoy? I hope you're fine. I'm writting because I heard that you want to improve your English reading skills. I understand you because it is also difficult for me. I find that reading in English is problematic because we don't know every word in English. I lost a lot of time to chcek in paper dictionary.First I wanted to read long stories and it was mistakes because I should start read easier texts first. But parctice makes perfect and I want to give you some advices. It may be difficult at first sight to read all book in foregin language. It is important to reading books at an your English level. But you should start reading short texts - news article, magazines, fiction. Read about things which interesting you. Sometimes you may bypass some words because they' re not important to understand context. You may use online dictionary then you find the word faster. Remember practice makes perfect so set aside 15 to 25 minutes each day to read. You could take a book out in bed, on a train or at the office. You need to focus and study. Take notes while you read. For instance, you might write down new vocabulary while reading. After that ask yourself questions to make sure you understand what you re reading. Read text again it is also good advice. Sometimes reading just once is not enough. Read many kinds of texts. Read anything and everything! I hope that if you follow these steps to learn English reading, you might suddenly discover that you are reading better and sometimes you understanding more even in polish. Write me soon! Your Adam ",9,6,5,8,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2sR8jtEtUznvOW5,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pt-PT,23,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,13.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1214,306.566,640.564,5783,8741,301,363,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi mate, hope you are doing well. I understand your point. Though your English reading skills are good enough for you to get by, you still want to become more proficient because it may bring you benefits both in personal and professional matters. I feel the same way. Though I often read stuff in English, both in terms of things I find online as well as books, I still feel I have plenty of room to improve. I mostly get this feeling because I've come to notice that I take quite longer to read a book in English than I do a book written in my native language. The main culprit for this is, of course, the fact that I sometimes don't know the meaning of some words. I often am too lazy too look for their meaning (specially shameful since I do most of my reading on an ereader with instant access to a dictionary) and just try to figure out what the author is trying to convey with them from the general flow of the sentences. This is a big mistake, and I'm mentioning it so that you don't do the same. It's always worth searching for the meaning of the words you aren't familiar with with. First of all, it makes it easier for you to understand what you're reading. And second, it's always nice to have a large vocabulary. Another thing that I've come to do is not only search for the meanings of words, but for their way they're pronounced as well. On countless times I've said a word the wrong way because I didn't bother to learn properly how it is pronounced. I think this is something really positive for learning English, so I guess you could do it as well. My last advice would be to try and read slowly and reread sentences or even entire paragraphs or pages as many times as you need to figure out their meaning. Not only will you enjoy more whatever book you're reading if you're able to fully understand what the author means, but you'll also be improving your English level. Best regards and hope I see you soon",12,10,9,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_2YazP1o2wdEYFfH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,26,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,18.0,10.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1927,801.812,817.3075999999046,6481,6359,302,257,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Mark, I'm writing this message in order to help you improve your English reading skills. I persinally know how difficult this is, but you have to try even harder. You have to spend time practising and reading as many books as you can in English. I tried to highlight some words that were really hard for me to remember, even to understand, and read them again and again. Don't forget to take some tests that really help you improve. Maybe a teacher is a very good solution. You can easily find someone on Internet. You don't have to pay a lot of money. You can also buy some audiobooks. Audiobooks can really help you improve your accent and make your mind think how to pronounce some words while you read them. All you have to do is to read as many as possible books, magazines or whatever you want that's in English, obviously. You can do it just don't worry. If you practice you will see a result and something that seems diffucult for you right now, in lees than you think will be pretty easy. You can also read loud the books so you can hear yourself. To sum up, the most important think is to devote some time on something you want so much. Do not get frustrated or alienate. This should make you try even harder in order to see the final result. Just be patient. I would like to get a feedback from your improvement. Hope i somehow helped you. Best wishes. ",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_AurQSBdbX74X0rL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,50,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,7.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2616,763.0939000000952,1014.3454000000954,5486,6532,299,307,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Marlon. As you've asked, I will try to my best to give you some advice on how to improve your english reading skills. As you know, I never had difficulties reading and understanding english. I don't really know why, never could explain it to myself... Tha fact is that i've been exposed to english from an early age, mostly through television series and movies (films still are aired in their original language and subtitled in portuguese). I think this is first reason for my ""ability"" to learn english. Of course listening is not the same from reading or writing, but it gives you a predisposition for it. Whan i first had english classes, and we started with simple words, I couls see the relation between spoken and writen words. It seemed that they fitted together. So, first thing is to listen, listen, listen (and have a ""translation"" for what you listen to - as I had the portuguese subtitles). Then, I began trying to think in english. As you know, there are some differences in how phrases are formed (the place of the verbs in a sentence, for example). I got better and better as i practiced. So, second advice is to start thinking in english. Reading was another challenge. I started buying some english magazines on subk«jects i was interested in. As i wanted to learn more from the subject, i did an effort to fully understand waht was writen in the arcticles. That's how i improved my reading. Noeadays I read a lor in english, mostly online stuff. When i do not know a word, I try to guess it's meaning through context. Is i can not understand it that way, i'll go to a dictionary and try to make sense of it. That's it dear friend. I hope this can help. Best regards. ",9,7,5,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_12F4UPzeZSHpwmB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1842,358.8832999999523,1116.402900000095,5433,7041,302,250,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi there friend, I have become aware that you have a desire to improve your English reading skills. I would like to take this opportunity to perhaps share some of my personal experience of reading the English language and some common issues I think you may encounter. Hopefully this will be of some help and interest to you. One of the first problems that to come my mind is that it can often be difficult to understand the pronounciation of certain words just from the text alone (pronounciation, meaning how you say you words). This is because text and pronounciations do not always follow consistent rules. One example of this is 'silent' letters - meaning, letters that are written in text but that you don't actually pronounce (hence, ""silent"" letter). This occurs in words like ""palm"", for example, which is simply pronounced to something closer to ""pam"" than it is to ""pall-m"". For such instances, it would be wise to seak out auditory examples to better grasp how certains words are pronounced. Another piece of advice I would give you is to seek out reading materials that match the type of style of language you are interested in (eg. modern day slang; classical english; posh, etc.), and that match your current proficiency of the language. Even the very best native English speakers started off by reading simple books made for children, so there's no shame in getting some books with big pictures and that use simple words and setence structures!",10,9,7,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_2uJnM6g3ytxldQv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,15.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,2417,590.3365999999943,1399.744200000003,5874,6697,301,254,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear friend, I know that you've been having problems with learning English, so I tought I would give you some advice on how to improve your reading skills. When I was at your level I struggled a lot with long sentences, I would try to read fast like in my native language and skip words or read the wrong word completely. So my first advice would be to be patient with yourself, you can take a bit of time to put the words in order and decode the actual meaning of what you're reading. Other issue I had was with vocabulary, I would'nt really practise my reading skills, I focused on my listening and pronunciation because I thought it was more fun, as a result my vocavulary was poor and I would have to stop every two or three sentences to google the meaning of a new word I found, this is natural I guess, but I would get frustrated and it made the reading comprehension more difficult because I would lose track of the text, so I think it can be useful to have a notebook or something like that where you write some of the new words you learn that you can't decipher or that make you curious. This would also serve as a diary or log book for your progress. Finally, I think the most important lesson when learning a language would be to be curious and patient. Hopefully my advice is useful in your effort to learning this awesome language.",9,9,5,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.i,C1.ii R_2ALppS6HAsKLyMY,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,es-ES,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,11.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",5519,794.8489999999997,3459.785,6166,7758,303,286,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","My dear friend Someone told that you want to improve your english reading skills, that is awesome, english is a wonderful language, you will learn many things once you become fluent in the language (btw why i am writing this in english if you struggle reading english? Oh anyway...). I want to help you with some practical advice that worked for me. Well, in order to improve your english skills you will need two things: Study and practice. By study i mean learning the grammatical rules of english, the verbs, substantives, etc. And then there is the practice, this will be much more easier and fun. Start by picking an interesting book and read it, if you have already read the same book in your language it will even better as you can compare paragraphs that you do not understand in english with the same ones in your native language, as you already know some words that exist in english does not exist in other languages, thus, in my humble opinion, the important thing is to grasp the meaning of the sentences, once you master this you english reading skills will improve greatly. Finally, if you want to improve your reading skills then you should also improve your writing skills as well, both set of skills help each other. Write any kind of stuff, you can even try to write what you read in english but using different words, if will help you with the meaning thing i mentioned. What about this idea: Log into an online chat with english speakers and try to talk with them, you will struggle at first but you surely will get more skilled with enough time. Good luck and cheers",9,9,5,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.i,C1.ii R_3oRP8A121rXqPsS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",6876,4279.29,1443.0838999998568,6122,5844,296,271,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","hello Jane, i know you want to improve your reading skills in english, english is not really somthing tough atleast not like mathematics and some other thins to learn. English is an essential language which everyone needs to know or rather learn if it not a native language, English is not only neccesary but also compulsory for evryday life. Acknowledging the fact that english is neccasary it is a must to know how to read fluently in english which also includes writing, english is very acceptabe in most continents which includes country. Some reasons why some people dont know how to speak fluently in english is always because English is not their native language or they have not dedicated time to learning how to learn because of how they were brought up or the region where they were raised. Some come from nartive speaking countries wher their languages are very different from english, most of these are the reasons why people do not have reading skills and and learn how to write well also in English. I find reading in english difficult to some extent and also fun. Reading in english can be tiring to some extent fun and reading often makes an individual more perfect and more fluent in english. reading novels can improve your reading skills a great deal as you know prctice makes perfect, the more you read the more you get better and improve your reading skills. it is important to improve reading skills, it is a great deal and will want to hear your genuine feedback on how you are doing on improving your reading skills.",7,6,5,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_3IbYJd8CnTW2ZjV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1151,296.25590000000017,695.8783999999997,5699,5778,302,253,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","English can be a very difficult language, especially with how many words are spelt the same yet read differently. One word for example, I have just used, read. The best advice is to first get used to the context of the sentence and try to understand which pronunciation should then be used. For example; She read the book. Which is pronounced ""red"". Do you want to read the book? Which would be pronounced ""reed"". Another good way to remember this and know which is the correct pronunciation, if you are speaking about the past tense, it should be pronounced ""red"". If you are talking about the future or present tense, it would be ""reed"". A couple of good ideas I would give to help with learning the language would be to actively try to use words or phrases you know in every day life. Become familiar with what you're saying. If you're shopping and you see a product, try naming the products in english as you walk round. Active take note of new vocabulary that you hear! Talk to friends, colleagues, try to have simple, short conversations and build your way up to longer and more complicated conversations. Get used to every day conversations. Watch TV shows and Movies that you're familiar with in English with subtitles on. Read English books and newspapers. Even label things round your house! The more you familiarise yourself with every day object and items, the more you practice, and you'll pick the language up in no time. ",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_302cVAfFhImWsFP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",de,24,Left-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,France,German,10.0,2.0,4.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1752,269.01170000000303,433.578700000003,5451,6454,302,303,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Jon, I have been thinking about ways you could improve your English reading skills. In this email, I will send you some of the suggestions I have on the matter. Personally, I think that reading is all about practice. English as a language, unlike French, does not have an incredibly complex set of rules concerning grammar and spelling, for exemple, in English, there is no difference between feminine and masculine articles, everything is just ""the"". I think that what you should do, is to start reading books you have already read in German, but in their English translation. This way, you already have the general content and the important points of the story in the back of your head, and you can focus on the language practice. Furthermore, I think you should start about writing down the words that give you trouble and practice them after reading. I wouldn't recommend you to do this all the time, as the constant noting could turn into frustration, giving you the feeling that you don't understand anything at all - and this would be exactly counter-productive: learning is all about making progress, and understanding that it takes time to improve and grow. Therefore, you should be gentle with yourself and maybe after every ten or twenty pages or so, stop, and go back and think about the words that gave you trouble. You note them down. And once you have finished reading, and put the book aside, you start looking for translations and noting them in your textbook. With this method, you will quickly grow an entire dictionary of words and terms, and expressions for you to practice and strengthen yourself. You will see. You will make progress in no time, which in turn will motivate you to keep going. Good luck and best wishes,",12,10,9,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_24O9wskOz32PqvH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2299,828.4216000000015,803.859799999997,5115,4917,268,257,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","mostly english have the same words but with different meanings, so it is very difficulty to define or to understand very well the words that are written down, other difficult part is that phrases and verbs carries more weigh thab menaing, meaning that mos of the phrases used, either grammatical inncorrent or that the meaning that was meant to me, it does not mean the same as before and to put in mind that some does not consider english as their prime language, meaning that they have their own language that they use for communication, which brings out the difficulty when it comes to direct translation and it carries out the whole new meaning as one wrotten down and most of the places does not encourage the use of english as that much. the best way to practice english very well is to do caught up on shows that display more like regular basic english, such as kids shows, and in that way, have soemthing to write down as the show goes on and on. then later use multilingual dictionary that can easily simplify the meaning the words, in that way, the vocabulary will be increasing with new words, and better understanding of words, and try to engage into conversations with few words that were accumulated in the process and that it will help on some of the ideas, abd the ways to improve english is to stay in touch, mostly with local news, reading articles and other sort of news and maybe to watch some online. ",9,5,4,9,C1.i,B1.i,A2.ii,C1.i R_3dRrTXy5SZZr18J,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,35,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,10.0,4.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3393,467.854,2152.0727,5545,5437,300,264,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi dear; I so sorry to hear that you are having trouble learning to read English properly. I know that it is difficult reading English because the phonetics it is totally different to your mother langauge. I think taht it is a good idea use a videos of Youtube with subtitles and put the speed 0,5x. This way you will be able to hear how the words are pronunced. Also, you can listen music with the lyrics. So you enjoy listening to music and listening to how the words are pronunced. Even though you will think you are at a karaoke party hahaha. Another idea you can use to learn to read English is to write the most difficult words and below them, write how they would be read using your phonetics. For me the hardest thing is when I see a word for the first time and I do not know how to pronounce that word, so I start pronouncing the word in my head in different ways before looking up how to pronounce it in a dictionary. In any case, I believe that with perseverance, without stress and with effort, everything can be achieved. You have to read as much as you can. If you want, we can meet sometime in person or online to practice reading and at the same time, we can see each other. I hope you find this advices helpful and enjoy reading English. Best regards from your friend who loves you very much. P.D.: If you would like more advice, do not hesitate to contact me again ",10,7,7,10,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3GcW2YrAw3w6NF5,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,30,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1069,338.916,471.866,5373,5344,302,292,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Mike, I think it's wonderful that you want to improve your English reading skills. It will allows us to communicate more clearly and it will open up a load of new opportunites for you. I suppose I have been lucky to be born in an English-speaking country and haven't really struggled to read the language. Although there are times when I'm reading a book or an article and come across a word I'm unfamiliar with. In those instances I just look them up in a dictionary or find the correct pronunciation. I think the best advice I could give you to improve your English reading would be to just immerse yourself as much as possible. It will be hard at first but the more you read English words the easier it will become. You could watch your favourite movie with the subtitles enabled, or play a video game with subtitles. You could read the news in English too. All of these things will quickly improve your English reading ability and soon you'll be unstoppable. I understand how tough it can be to learn and improve your language skills. When I was in school I took German lessons and could never really get the hang of it. In some ways it should be easier to learn English because of how much media there is available in English. It would be difficult for me to follow the same advice I have given you, for me to become better at German, because I wouldn't know how to find my favourite movie in that language. I wish you all the best in your continued work in improving your English and feel free to let me know if you'd like any further help. All the best.",12,10,10,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_OO7LRoqzbHHCiVb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,19.0,0.0,14.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1616,446.41580000000033,832.9467999999997,6094,6145,301,257,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear friend: How have you been? I hope you're doing well. Your sister told me yesterday that you want to improve your English reading skills and asked me if I could help you out in some way. First of all, if you want to improve in another language what you need to do is to really inmerse in said language. Choose a book from an english speaking author that you really enjoyed but read in your language and get a copy in english and start reading it. If you remember the version you originally read you can easilly follow the plot and if you get stuck or don't understand something you can check the book in your native language and compare. What this exercise accomplishes is to help you ""let go"" of the fear of reading a large piece of text in another language. Also, since a book is usually long you practice reading comprehension because you must piece together the plot from start to finish. If you want to take a more academic approach I recommend that you read Cambridge's ""English collocations in use"" and English phrasal verbs in use"". These books contains many real life examples of conversations in different settings that should help you understand how and why some english words are used in different contexts. Lastly I strongly recommend that you expend some times in forums or communities of your interest where english is the main/sole written language. Is easy to learn when the topic being talked about is something that you enjoy.",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3n0p2Srv7gUGqyQ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2010,533.053,812.308,5603,5929,289,255,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey buddy! So you say you want to improve your English reading skills? Well, there are a lot of ways you can do that. Firstly, you could try watching English children's shows on TV. The shows are designed to teach young children new words in English and often they come with subtitles so you can hear how the words sound as you read them. English children's books such as short stories may also ba a good idea as they will teach you new expressions and give context in simple sentences. If you are loooking for something more advanced, you can probably find English language classes that will teach you basics skills to improve. Some of the difficulties of learning English is that some words use letters that change the sound of a word. For example: using ""ph"" at the beginning of a word changes the sound to ""ff"". So the word ""physics"" is pronounced ""fizzics"". Some tother challenges can be learning to use the right context for certain words and using past, present or future tenses. An example of this is using when word like ""driving"" is present tense, but the past tense chages it to ""drove"" It can be challenging, but I have every confidence that you will manage to learn it. I hope this helps and that the fact that I typed all this out in English isn't too challenging for you. I suppose you may need to get someone to translate for you. Hope you are doing really well! Yours sincerely, Dave.",12,8,8,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2ro975xzfflXS4b,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,42,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3571,723.0724000005722,1906.3213000001908,5640,7494,301,259,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Frendolina, The English language can be very confusing to read sometimes so do not worry. One of the main reasons I think is due to inconsistencies in the phonetic sounds of certain letters. For example; the words 'threw' and 'through' are phonetically identical in English, meaning that they sound the same. When reading these words though you may not realise that the letter G in the word 'through' is silent in this instance. In addition, to add more confusion, consider the word 'rough'. While you may read this and in your mind draw a comparison to 'through'. Understandable, as the words 'through' and 'rough' look very similar. This though would be a mistake, as in the word 'rough' the letter G is not silent but combines with the letter H to make an F sound! There are many examples like this in English reading. Another thing that can make reading English tricky is the fact that we have some phonetic words that have multiple uses and definitions depending on the spelling. For example; the words 'there', 'their and 'they're'. Also, be aware UK English and US English have some slight spelling differences. My advice on how best to improve is through a lot of practice, when some of the quirks of the English language become clear it does become easier. Watching your favourite shows, or the News with English subtitles on is also a great way to learn how different spellings of words are used in different contexts in English. All the best - Speak soon ;) Dain",12,11,9,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1qeqm550InJleVa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,34,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4139,999.85,1407.6486999999286,5862,6921,302,297,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Jack I find that when coming to reading English, that there can be some challenges or difficulties that a person can face. Firstly , it can be that the proununciation of certain English words can be problematic to read. Secondly, it can be that a person does not have the knowlegde of how they should use punctuation marks when reading a sentence in English. Lastly, a person could be experiencing a problem of dyslexia and they cannot read. Firstly, to solve the problem of not being able to pronounce certain English words is by starting from scratch, like starting to learn your alphabets, combining this with learning short words and also getting to the longer words. Then a person must be taught how to break down the words, which means this where syllables a taught, to finally teach the person how to eventually pronounce the English words properly. Then this will lead the person to also start learning how to use these words in a sentence or combining them with others to create meaning. Secondly, when coming to the use of punctuation marks in English reading, a person needs to first learn the definition and meaning of these, like when do we use them and how they are used in English reading. Then that is when a person will know, for example that when reading a full stop meanings to stop reading. Lastly, there people also having a problem with reading. It could be that they did not get any reading lessons when they were young or they are suffering from the problem of dyslexia, having trouble reading. The best way to solve this is by finding educational centres that help people who suffer from dyslexia, that are dealing with many people everyday to help them.",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2UY2HIFEPQZzxDb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2253,743.0372999999522,947.79,5944,6107,299,280,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Nick, how are you, I hope you good, I received your last email about your difficulties with learning English, so I wanted to write to you with some advice and tips that helped me. As you know English is not my first language, I started learning in school when I was six years old but the school system didn't really work for me, I had problems with everything, until couple years ago I started reading in English, I started with social media, Twitter was a great choice because of the words limit that make tweets really short. It wasn't easy at first, I needed google translator help but with time it got better. Then I started reading fanfiction online about my favorite books and TV shows, familiar characters and story make it easier to understand, still there were a lot words I didn't know but thanks to context I manage to guess most of them. Then I moved on to real books, and here, ebooks I great because a lot of apps has dictionary, you can check the meaning of the word without going to different pages and also it gives you a description of the word in English so you learning more. For me, the hardest part was to learn specific words, for example, medical terms that are not used daily but I get through that. So my advice for you is to do what I did, I know that you may think that you won't understand anything but trust me, you know more English than you think you do. So good luck I write back to me and tell me if it works for you. Love, Ann",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_29bGCa7bxoRVEIv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",it,28,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,16.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1871,422.1852999999523,882.173,5712,7736,302,355,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Friend, How are you? I'm fine thanks. I'm writing this email for answer your question about how to improve your English reading skills. I'm glad you asked me for these suggestions but I have to remember to you that I'm probably worst than you in this subject. I find English language really easy to learn compared to other languages but I think that the most difficult part of it is that you have to understand the meaning of a lot of different words. Tha grammar is really easy and logical but there are so many different words to know. Another difficult thing to understand is a bit more advanced. It regards the dialectal constructs or the proverbs, the already made way to say something that is very different by the literal way to say it. In this case you can only learn these things one by one when you find them in a text or talking with someone. The last difficult thing I see in these topic is about the technical terms in a specifical study area. If you want to read about, for example, anthropology, before you can easily do it you have to know a lot of specifical and scientifically terms that belongs to this subject. And if you change the study area you have to do all the work again, restarting from the beginning. But there are also some tips that I can give to you if you want to improve faster your reading skills. First of all, you should avoid old literature because is full of very difficult and rarely used terms that will only make you mad without really help your ability. Another thing you can do is to read about an interesting topic for you, something you can't find in other language. With that you should be helped to finish the text and you will be not annoyed because of the new terms you will find, because you will naturally want to finish the text. I think that that's enough, your work around your reading skills should be helped with these tips. Hope to see you soon! Bye.",12,8,6,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_d4l5yRNXVDWuS0p,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,59,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1949,697.1444000000059,962.334400000006,5608,5149,300,254,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Reading English can be difficult as the grammar and punctuation is not always logical in their use. One way to help with this would be to read a book while listening to an audio version of the book so you can follow the words in the book while listening to them being spoken. Join a spoken class to practise speaking which will help with reading. Watching TV programmes using sub titles to help connect the spoken word to the written word. Connect with people with similiar problems through social media to help each other. Join the local library to borrow as many books as you can of varying difficulty. They also have papers delivered daily which can be read. Different tenses can be problematic and words that are combined such as didn't, they're and she'll etc. what is meant is not always that obvious. Sentence composition is different from other foreign languages so it doesn't always seem a logic layout. Emmersion is no doubt one of the best ways to improve being able English reading skills so creating and getting together with other people is a good way forward. From this group see if someone would like to buddy up to become an email pen pal so written and reading skills would improve. There are comprehension, grammar and understanding workbooks available to purchase which could be purchased to use to practise reading and writing skills. Contact your local college to find out about evening classes and how to enroll to help improve reading skills.",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_qVDLthcx0KPWCQN,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,20,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2709,389.099,1217.284,5196,5546,273,273,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello, Michael! I heard you've been learning English lately and you need to learn to read the language better. I am writing this email to help you with that. I've been learning English for a long time, so I think I can give you a lot of advice. Like me, it's probably hard for you to get used to the way some words are read at first. At first it seemed impossible for me to learn it. But as I got older, I became interested in different things. Why am I telling you this? Because that means I had to search for knowledge on a lot of really different topics. In our native language - Polish, there was not much information on how to start programming. I was very motivated to learn it because I want to connect my future with it. So what did I do? I was looking for information on the English-speaking Internet. In the United States, a lot of tutorials on various programming languages have been created a long time ago. So I had no other choice. I had to learn to read English. I downloaded a translator which, if I didn't know a word, would translate it for me and say it. It turned out to be very helpful. I recommend you do the same, which is to find an English forum about your interests and read it. There are no shortcuts. It is also a very good way to watch movies in English with English subtitles, because you learn the pronunciation. I'm sure you will learn it and you will be happy. You just need time. Regards!",12,9,7,9,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_NVbR7hl9HBM04IF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,52,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2005.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",5655,1487.323199999988,1505.1965,5545,5281,301,263,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Pancho. I know that you want to improve your english skills, both read and write in english. But, for my own experience you must learn first to read in english. That will help you to undestand the most of words, sentences and phrases. Don´t give up if at the begining you see that your rhythmn is slow or not have the speed that you want. That is completely normal. Start with books for beginners wehre you can find the most of sentences that people used on normal instances. You have to be consistent and persistent. You must repeat again and again the lessons, this is practice and practice. Think about a child learn to speak and read. You will see that day by day you will understand more and more words and you will begin to recognize and understand common phrases, words and sentences. If you do not understand a word there is no problem to use a translate, but try to use it the less you can and obly for the words that you don´t aunderstand. Another technique that I use is to read manuals of a lot of implements, like smartphones, TVs, computers, etc. As many of this type of manuals come in a lot of languages, if you don´t understand a section of word you can check the same part in the language that you understand. Also you can try free internet questionaries where you have to read a short story and then answer a short questionnaire. That is a method to check if you understood what you read",8,7,6,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1jDGMu1jIhJ4GaU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,High School,1266,291.9838999999999,724.9512000000003,5643,9571,302,318,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi there Andrew, I was really pleased to recieve your email regarding you wanting to improve your English reading skills. After living in the United Kingdom for all of my life I would like to think I am quite knowledgeable on the English language. When I first started learning to read, I used to struggle with understanding the past and pre tenses. I had a lot of practice in this due to attending education in the U.K. I used to do lots of worksheets to help me understand the past and pre tense. For example: If you carried a bag to the shop, that is the past-tense however if you are carrying a bag to the shop, this is in the present-tense. A good idea for you to practise this may be writing a small 50 word essay of what you did today? Explain where you went, what you did and try your best to get the tenses correct. I found grammar is also quite hard to get a full grasp on, it took me years! I think grammar comes with a lot of practice, for you to practice I would recommend: Maybe find an audio-book or some form of audio media that you could try to transcribe, take your time and choose a slow piece of media so it isn't adding pressure. Try your best to accurately transcribe the media with accurate punctuation and grammar, once you have completed this, find a online grammar checking software and get it to audit your work and then you will be able to see where you are going wrong! It all takes practice but I am sure you can get there Andrew. I hope this helps you and if you have anymore questions please feel free to contact me, if you are able to be more specfic, I am sure I can give you more accurate feedback. Kind regards, Johnathon",10,7,10,9,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii,C1.i R_3kImcMSWzbbZnbu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,6.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1433,459.9175,562.5748999999985,5642,6221,303,265,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi xyz I've heard that you want to improve your English reading skills. Honestly that's a geniune idea from you. I've got a couple tips&tricks to help you to become more succesfull with achievieng your goals. First of all as somebody would say ""Practice is the key"", so naturally you need to read more, i know it's kinda obvious but i have a speciffic tip that could help you out, you should create account on site wchich is called ""Interpals"" it was meant for foregin exchange, you can talk to people from all around the world. That way you can improve your reading skill via reading messages that people send you, and also you can overall work on english skills like writing or even talking when you decided to exchange voice messages with some strangers. But if you don't fell that's your cup of tea i have another sollution, that is trying to read the books that are not in your native langugae, i know this could be kinda hard at the start, but trust me it gonna pay off really quickly, every time when you don't understand some words you just quickly come up to the dictionary and start searinch what this word means. The last tip i can reccomend is watching every show with an english dub with subtitles enabled, you can loudly repeat every sentence that show characters say. That's all i can think off. Hope you're way to become more skillfull in English reading will be easy. I hope you're dooing ok, hope we'll see each other soon. Take Care. Konrad",8,6,6,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1MXHi1QDEUYDSc8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,7.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1463,488.1755999999047,698.5860999999046,5970,6791,302,266,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Paulo. I know you want to improve your English reading skills, I'm writing this Email to try to help you improve it, I'll try to explain how I improve my reading and my English skills. I know going to the English class insn't enough, wans't enough for me either, what help me a lot was wathing movies with the original audio in english but with the subtitles in portuguese, and while you are watching the movie try to read the subtitles and listen to what they are saying and try to understand in the tradution what are the words that they are saying in English. Then when you are comfort with the subtitles in portuguese try to watch with subtitles in English and when you don't know 1 ou more words pause the movie and go to the dictionary and the next time your see that word you will note forget what it is. Other method that help me alot was watching videos in English only, after a few weeks/months you will start to understand every single word they are saying. Last method the was the most usefull for me was talking in English alone and when you forget the word for what you want to say dont ""cheat"" and go to the dictonary try to remember the word and dont continue the conversation until you remember the word your trying to speek. I hope this helps and I'm excited to know if this help you like it help me, and who knows in the future we can only speak in English with eatch other. ",6,5,7,7,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i,B2.i R_xreu4JnTrrfJX4R,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,29,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,23.0,0.0,4.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1653,511.86300000000006,639.096800000012,6065,6121,303,266,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi, friend: You have asked me about what to do to improve your English reading skills, so I'll start by writing about what I find difficult about reading in this language, and how to overcome that. First, the problem I remember having the most was that the order of words in a sentence was very different from Spanish to English, so if I tried to translate word for word I ended up with a word salad I couldn't understand at all. How did I go about it? I chose to read the sentences in parts: first the subject, then the action, then the effect, and I tried to make sense of those parts first and then did my best to weave those three ideas into one that made sense in Spanish. With time, that excercise became unnecesary as my brain did it more automatically, but I still do it when I need to translate something in a more exact way. Second, the language. Most words in English do not resemble their Spanish equivalents, so if I didn't know what one meant, what i did was check in a big dictionary I had at home (remember, this was in the early 2000s), and chose the translation that best fit in the context of what I was reading in the same excercise from the previous point. I then just did my best to remember it if it ever came up again. I still do this to an extent, if I've forgotten a word or haven't seen it yet in my life. I hope this helps. Your friend, George.",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_56jIwXfGPWTuJQR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,2.0,Dutch,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2003,612.4202999999524,1090.1159000000953,5760,5310,301,254,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Damian, I heard that you want to improve your English reading skills. That is great idea and I am proud of that you want to improve your English. So you know that my english is better than yours and you will listen my advices. For me the best option to improve your english reading skills is to read a lot of texts with english words. I have an idea that you could read your favourite book: Harry Potter, that I know you have read this in the past. I know that it will be great option for you. When you will be reading this book I think the proper way is to speak loudly every sentence of it. I know also that you like to watch movies and cartoons in netflix. Another good idea I think will be to watch them with english subtitles with the original sound to improve also how to prononcue words perfectly. It would be joyful for you, I hope that you will do it systematicly. The effects in my opinion will be immidietly. When I was learning this stuff I was enjoying every moment of it. I knew that my target is possible to reach and that was motivating for me. Remember to make it regullary, that is the most important thing in my opinion. Sometimes effects are not the best but with your effort I know that you are going to make it. I hope you will speak to me sometimes and inform me about your skills.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_1KkTxwBxq4ltsNm,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,33,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3747,863.6310000000003,1661.606,5339,5311,289,256,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello! I know how much you want to improve your reading skills in English. Well, the most important thing is practice, I know it's from my own experience. You must read a lot, even if it's difficult for you at the beginning. Try to buy some English newspapers several times a week and read all the articles several times. Books are also a good idea, I practiced this and until now I really like books in this language, it develops a lot reading skills. I remember that the first books were the series about Harry Potter. The beginnings were difficult but then it became a pleasure. Another idea that has worked very well for me is reading subtitles while watching movies. It's very good method because subtitles often disappear quickly and this is good training for reading speed. Well, you must know that there is no quick way to learn to read English, practice makes perfect. You will get better and better over time, I am sure. But remember that regular practice is essential for success in this matter. Try to read at least a small amount of text every day and increase the amount over time. After few weeks you will notice the difference and this fluency in reading. You will see how after some time you will read whole books with pleasure. In the future I will be happy to recommend you some great novels in English. And one more advice, treat this learning as a great pleasure adventure. I wish you good luck!",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2SjXF2wNE125rsi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,46,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1216,380.87,445.51370000000014,5777,5658,301,264,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Friend, I was so pleased to find out that you want to improve your English reading skills. I can imagine this is a scary thought at how you will manage this as your age. I guess when you think of learning to read its just something you do as a child starting with picture book and then moving on to books with word which are more focused for children. But I thought that it is not uncommon for adults to have been failed at school or during their childhood or one reason or another and not have gained the skills to reading and writing to an acceptable level. Its will be quite alot more common that you would expected. There are specialist courses as well as resources, such as books expecially for adult learns. It won't be like going back to primary school and learning it the same way as a 5 year old with baby books. There will be books designed for adults learners, topics that will appear to adults. Whatever you are interested in i bet there is a book that you will be interested in and wanting to read. Reading about something your interested in will be key to you getting better at reading. Making it something you enjoy will keep you motivated to carry on learning, even if its difficult. Please, don't feel ashamed at not being able to read well. There is really no shame in it and I am so proud that you have admitted you have a problem and are trying to do something about it.",10,8,5,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_29h9L4RpcvbZLyS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,11.0,3.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1537,366.3787999999523,882.9777000000478,5931,8013,302,258,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear X, You said you want to improve your English reading skills. I think I can help you with it. First of all, if you want to improve reading skills you have to read a lot of books/articles written in English. Everyday practice will make you read faster and faster with better understanding of what you are reading! Secondly, eversince I was a kid I always loved watching English YouTubers on the Internet. I think thats the most fun way to practice reading skills - by hearing native speakers using their own language. It can help you with the way you read words, understanding context of text, and overall knowledge in grammar. Overall it improves your fluency in reading while having a lot of entertainment. I almost forgot about another good method. While reading text you should ask yourself questions about what you've just read. By doing so you will test yourself if you understood the text corretly - if you don't know how to answer your questions read the text again. Its a perfect way to master your English reading skills. While reading in English i found spelling of some words difficult. When you are reading you hear that ""voice"" in your head and I've caught myself a lot of times that I don't know how to actually spell something. If that problem appeared I always did research such as writing that word in Google Translate and clicking speaker emoji to hear how you pronunce it. Hope you wont have that problem though! See you soon!, Y",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_10AE2HcSqmPLsLY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.2 Safari/605.1.15",en-gb,37,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1827,629.148,818.1410000000003,5331,5169,301,264,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi, so that main parts of English that I find difficuly when reading is that I still don't know when certain grammatical rules are used. Obviously I am ok with the easy ones liked; full stops, comma's and speech marks nut many of the other's confuse me and to be honest I don't really know when I should be using certain one's when writing English either. I think some I just recognise when using them. So after reading alot of English I can see a pattern when they are used and that helps me to learn when I should be using them when writing. Unfortunately they're I think some grammatical rules that are broken so I would suggest trying to learn about the grammatical rules of the English language and this should help you when you are reading English. Then hopefully you will start to memorise these rules. If you find something that trips you up then it's easy to search what something is or why it was used in a particular place. Other suggestions that I have for learning English would be to; socialise with native English speakers, watch English language films, read English language novels or newspapers and also you could listen to English language music. Keeping a dictionary is also helpful too. Hopefully, all of these suggestions can help improve your knowledge of the English language and will help improve your English reading skills. I guess the more you practice reading the words the more familiar they will start to feel and also the grammatical understanding will start to make sense.",10,8,6,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2zCuwzDFeH2WWc0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,1.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,3084,982.9413999999762,1644.216800000012,6002,7432,293,317,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Mark When we were talking last time , you mentioned that you often find it difficult to read fluently in English. Honestly , You should not feel ashamed because of that, it takes some time for people that ause English as second language to have similar reading skills as native speakers. I'd like to give you some advice on how could you improve your English reading skills. Firstly, you eed to deal with big amount of new words . The more you readdin foreign laguage , the harder it gets to memorize all of the words that you encountered for the first time. You should be patient , and learn them step by step, for example by dividing them to a certain grups ( for example: these connected with medicine etc.). Then use quizlet ,or some similar app/website to learn them in most effective way. Soon you will start to recognize more words that you learned in new texts , and eventually your reading will get better thanks to that.The second idea is to record your pronounciationand practice it regularly. This is the aspect of language that in my opinion is strongly underestimated in schools. Knowledge about pronounciation of words that yuou read is crucial factor in effective reading.By learning that you minimize the risk of changing meaning of the sentence, which might be problematic in real life. Last but not least, practice as much as you can . It may sound trivial for you , but this is the truth that I learned myself: practice beats talent. By reading many kinds of texts like articles , essays, novels etc. you will develop much better reading skills that you could imagine. Overally I think that after doing things I mentioned in my email you will eventually get much better in reading in English. I hope that my ideas will be helpful for you. Best wishes Radek ",11,7,6,9,C2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_vCtnV4j77CngnMl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-BR,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,6.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1722,344.4238000000119,1029.3638999999762,5608,8227,299,252,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Tom, I'm currently writing you this e-mail in order to help your English reading skills. For me the it's difficult sometimes to keep up with the reading, English is not my native language so it ups the difficulty level a bit. I was tought English in School, since my elementary years, and its was a gradual learning until I was out of High school, since then I did not have any English lessons, all I've learned for the past 9 years was on my own, browsing the Internet, listening to podcasts, watching movies and playing games. Although I don't have the habit to read books, or watch movies/shows in english subtitles, I would advise you to start doing it vividly. Start by doing reading sessions everyday, progressively you can start with a 10 minute sessions per day and try to increase it 5 to 10 minutes every week. If you can do atleast 30 minute session in the future, this would be a big push to improving your English reading skills. Like I said before you can also when you watch a movie/show turn your English subtitles on and keep attention to them. Another thing you can try is typing dictated texts or copy typing text compositions online on your laptop/desktop, make sure you get a nice keyboard with all the keys working and try it. Pick two out of the three methods to start, and keep me updated on the results. Hope I was helpful, I'll be waiting. Sincerely, RP",10,7,7,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1BWLiZSA1BYz6at,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,20,Ambidextrous,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,11.0,0.0,1.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1629,504.523,790.709,5610,6233,302,259,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Sergio, long time no see! So, you've been asking me how you could improve your English reading for a while, and now that i have a few spare minutes. I'm gonna answer. First, you should try consuming more English content, maybe you could start by watching your favorite tv-series again, but this time with added subtitles (in English, of course :)); furthermore, you could try using some English-centric socials, such as Reddit. Obviously, you need to start reading English books, if you're not comfortable with the idea of starting reading in English out of the blue, i suggest reading some comics in English, ie Spiderman is gonna be far easier to read than Kafka's novels. If you're still in Uni, it's a good idea to get English books rather than the translated versions, I know, math is already hard in Italian and bla bla bla, I get it, but be aware that your teacher will start using English sources sooner or later, so it's better if you get good at reading English BEFORE everything becomes a math-English soup, right? If again you're not ready to let go of your italian books, at least you could use them in tandem withe the English version and you could use your Italian book if you encounter something that you don't understand in the English one. Oh, another thing, there's another website called Prolific that makes you answer scientific surveys and pays you a few bucks for each survey you take. They're mostly in English, so it's worth taking a shot. Bye",12,8,7,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3qqhZojEfjJlJzi,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0,en-US,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,8.0,0.0,10.0,Polish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1671,511.65,612.493,5568,5517,301,271,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Laura! I heard from Sara that you started learning English again and wanted to improve your reading skills. I thought that I could give you some tips, since I have a lot of experience in that area. First off, find something you like that is readable, like a book or a comic or even short stories. I think it really helps with getting familiar with different words and repeating them over and over when reading is a great way of memorising them, which will allow you to be more prepared to read them if you see them in some other text (just like bizzare and less used words in your own native language). I think watching films or tv series with subtitles is also a good exercise. Even if you don't feel like reading something, it's hard to resist the temptation when the subtitles are right in front of your face. Moreover, choosing this method also allows you to hear how different words are pronounced and give you more confidence when speaking English. The same goes for songs - just pop up the lyrics and sing along. It's fun, it's easily accesible and it also helps with pronounciation. I'd also recommend getting a notebook and writing any weird words that you may come accross like hiccough or xylophone etc. Whatever you do just remember - practice makes perfect. Find something that suits and interest you and just go with it. I hope you're not gonna get discouraged easily and I wish you good luck and a lot of strength to persist in your studies. Can't wait to see you! Mikołaj.",12,10,8,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_1cZK4pwQp5XNsdf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,26,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Zulu,24.0,24.0,7.0,Xhosa,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,3116,920.567900000006,1602.399,6268,6556,289,277,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear friend i hope this mail finds you well. I am writing you this mail to talk to you about the difficulties i am facing with reading English. It really has been difficult, but i am finding my way around it. Watching cartoons has really helped me improve my English and those nursery books also worked wonders. You know reading everyday and every chance i get has really improved my English reading skills. For me to improve, i have set aside aside time to read each day, atleast 10 to 15minutes, read articles, fiction and magazines. Set reading goals, which has helped develop a wider vocabulary and gain a deeper understanding of different texts. you could also learn different vocabulary on a certain topic that could be interesting to you and then you can find meanings to unfamiliar words which could build your vocabulary as you read. You could also preview the texts you read, which is another step to improving your reading skills. While reading you can also practice determining the purpose of the text, and think about different reasons why the texts were written. As you read you can also apply several key strategies to help you improve your comprehension, take notes while you read, which is a highly effective strategy to improve your reading skills, a mind map could come in handy or making visual presentations like charts, tables and diagrams. Learn how to summerize what ever you were reading, you could do that verbally by telling someone what you read in short but also make sure you tell every important keypoint. i hope this will help you too. kind regards your favourite friend",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1M3A2OjwyZ0mFWh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Left-handed,8,AZERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3755,921.5112000000476,914.8201000000238,6299,7108,301,263,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Marrissa, I hope you are doing well and hoping that this email will be of use to you with regards to sharpening your English skills. English is quite a complex language for me and I believe that it requires constant practicing and research. Yesterday I was on google and found that the best way to improve reading and writing in English is to find a study partner. This is true considering the fact that everytime I try to study, I get irritated quite easily. How about we start studying English together and find ideas on how to make our studying interesting? I do not know what you have in mind but I think I look for articles in the newspapers and magazines and will also consult Youtube on the do's and don't when trying to study. In addition, I think we should consider signing up for English classes because I believe that they will help sharpen our English skills quicker as compared to when we do it ourselves. It is difficult to read English when there are complex words I do not understand. I remember the other day I lost interest in reading a poem written by William Shakespear due to difficult words that were there. I couldn't even understand what the gist of the poem was can you believe that!? So if you also have the same problem, why not? Let's try out what the English classes have in store for us because I believe that we have nothing to lose. Please let me know if you are interested. Love Pam",11,9,8,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2Tztr1cNvSV7UNx,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,22,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,7.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1390,513.7675999999997,328.1590999999996,5690,3986,299,210,1,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello dear friend! I am writing to you because I've heard you want to improve your English reading skills, and I have an excellent idea for you. When I wanted to do the same thing, I was basically reading, all the time, and everything. I read everything that came to my hands. For example titles on your youtube page, some articles, like, I've had my favourite game which is Wither 3, and the developers were doing some sort of updates in it, and of course I could read all information about it in my native language, but that is not the point. I've read all of it in English and I has a really great time because I was interesed in it. When I didn't understand some words, I translated it. And when I finished, I read it once again, but trying to remember the words I've just translated. And the next day, the same thing. I did it with a lot of things, but only the ones I was really interesed in. It is the way that will keep you motivated during your hard moments. Because you have to like something to be focused on it. So this is my idea, tell me what you think about it, Michael.",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2wp40Fb2VdCHj1u,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,10.0,0.0,2.0,Portuguese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1703,519.2962999999523,918.7089000000954,5662,5917,285,284,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, I hope that you are doing well, I hope that you've achieved the first goal we've always wanted to make sure we completed, being happy. Everyday I wonder were the future will take us. Did we left the country, studied abroad, got a job at Sweden or Germany? Did we stayed in Mexico and got an amazing job at a great workplace? Have we felt in love yet? Who is it? Do we really love them? I want to ask you if you really think the decisions I am making are the right ones? I am at a point where I believe that whatever I stop doing, whatever I do, whatever I undertake will determine what my future looks like. I have many dilemmas and I don't know how to know what to do. Sometime I make decisions so suddenly, I'm so impulsive, and the I just keep thinking if what I did was really the best thing for me. I wish I could talk to you, know where I'm wrong or how to do things better. I know that everything doesn't always have to be perfect, and maybe at some point I'll learn. Perhaps this is a process that I have to live, and that at some point I will learn from it. When you read this in the future, I want you to know that I love you very much, that you are very special and that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do. I send you a hug form where I am, and I want to tell you that I love you very much; never forget how important we are. Love, your past self.",9,7,6,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_3ptcbVRVTrVcZvB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,24,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3691,1607.7985999999994,1155.4451999999992,6545,6591,301,255,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Greetings dear future self. I am where I am because, I kept thinking where would I be in few years to come, how will life treat me?. Will I be wealthy as I always wish to be? To be honest, I am a person who is wild and who concentrate more on his imaginations. I sometimes emagine myself affording all the things I never had in my childhood times. The happiness that comes and the sadness that follows from that imaginations, it's huge. Thou sometimes I feel like giving up, but the moment I start to think that mybe the future is bright, it is just the matter of time so I get to where I am supposed to be. I always pray that I work hard and concentrate on that end of the channel. I am a dreamer and I will never stop dreaming. I have lots of goals to achieve, family to feed and I would like to give myself and family the life I always promised I would. I am not putting pressure to myself, with the very same consistency that I am moving with I will reach that end of the tunnel, and I will see the light and everything will start to make sense. I use my prayer as a daily motivation, that god should always give me strength. I new I was capable after I finished my BSc degree in Applied Math and now I do trust and believe in my strength of meeting me in future more advance.",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3QJMIf3s7cUUjMX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",it-IT,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,6.0,6.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1369,413.7205,653.8797999999522,6305,6095,306,261,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey Riccardo, how you doing? Now that you're a grown man, I would like to know what job you're actually doing, if you were able to complete the studies that you were in, like that nursing course that your father suggested to you. I really really hope that you got over by that break up with your ex, have you tried to contact her after the break up? has she replied to your textes after all? to be fair i really hope that you two fixed all the troubles that you and her had in that relationship, she is a beautiful person, and i've always figured my future after her, holding her hand, working together or in the same city, in the end build something together that's it. also i want to let you know that i'm focusing on my self, i've been trying to avoid depression at all costs, i will recover from this bad temporary state i will promise you. what about the gym? i planned that after completing the nursing course and got my first job i would've started doing powerlifting to agonist levels, did we ever competed? i really hope that all the effort i'm putting on the gym today will pay in the future and that we reached some high level competitions. last but not least, how are mom and dad been doing lately? are they still alive? to be honest i don't care about mom, but i really hope dad is still there with you. hope that you're doing all good Riccardo. keep it up!",9,8,6,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_vdlMJQqRYPMMbYJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3209,797.4531000000238,1795.665600000024,6100,10000,302,470,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, your past self is currently going through a variety of changes, as you may remember. A lot of self reflection has been done. You've realised that you have made an awful lot of mistakes over the years, right from ordering too many take outs to losing the one that you loved most. It's a testing time with many challenges, both mentally and physichally. You are aware of the challenges and you are desperately trying to forge a way forwards. You know what you need to do, but you have a few demons and anxious thoughts preventing you from your future goals, or so you think. You feel that it's too late to make any impactful change, but you also know it isn't. You know what you need to do. You know how you need to go about it. The only thing preventing that onwards and upwards motion is yourself. You have many positives that you often overlook, and like most people berate your own abilities which adds to your anxiety and lack of self worth. Up to the point of writing this letter, you have made progress towards being self sufficient. It may not have been the progress that you once imagined, it may have been a lot harder to get to than you once thought, it my have broken you on many occassions, but you would still plod on, doing a bit everyday towards that goal with an almost military style objective in laser sights. You work hard. You probably work more hours than most people at times, you know that, and you know why you do it, and you know you often make less income than others and go without, but you also know why you do that. You can see the success of others and you know you can equally attain that style of self sufficiency. The only thing preventing you is you. You have great plans, they're not far fetched or overly ambitious, but you know they will bring you joy, security, a feeling of belonging in society and the excitement that you always perceived it would. You should go forwards, you should not ponder the past, it will do you no good. You should carry on with your goals of a steady business, you will welcome the freedom and feeling of acomplishment that you know you will not get from anything else. You should continue to prioritise you sleep, however boring that may feel at times. You have many memories of the negative consequneces in the past from not heeding your own advice, and you know it is stupid to and careless to not analyse your own beahviours and coast along in a meaningless fashion. You know what you need to do, you know how to do it, do it! and keep doing it!",11,11,11,11,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i R_eRM4Nhn6x0Lo7Nn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1239,263.33620000000303,520.2396999999955,5554,9145,300,491,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Me, It's me. It's you. I know this is a little strange, but I am taking the time to write to you. I feel that you would benefit from hearing my thoughts now as you assess where you are in life. There is so much that I would like to ask you, but of course I cannot do that. Instead, I will ask you to ask yourself some questions. Have you made it? Have you reached for the stars and taken the plunge on all those risks and days of hard work I keep telling myself I will? Or have you gotten lazy? If you haven't, how do you feel right now? I know if I found out that you didn't achieve these goals, I would be really depressed and disappointed right now. Do you feel that way? I suppose you might have to live with regret. For me, I suppose it would give me motivation to ensure your present is not my future. If it motivates me now, does it motivate you? It is a very curious thing to consider how time left factors into how we process this sort of feeling. Certainly I feel a bit trepidatious thinking about the risks I'll have to take to have the life I want. I know it will take a lot of hard work and disappointments before I get there. I just hope you know that you right now are in the position I am with you. There's a future you who you could write to just the same as I am writing you right now. I really want you to consider that. These years will pass quickly and I know that. And so will yours. However, they are still a considerable amount of time to do what needs to be done. Ask yourself what you would write to your future self if given a chance. I hope when you do that you really find the motivation to put the work in. It's funny I almost tell myself you didn't put the work in and assume you're where I don't want you to be. Is that insecurity or self-doubt? Or perhaps, it's a sign that I don't think I'm going to put the work in. Just considering that thought is very telling. I want to believe in myself, and I suppose there's still some work to do right now so that I feel the confidence I will do all I need to. I wonder if writing this letter is something you remember, and in writing this letter I changed both our paths by really bringing this thought to mind. Certainly beats meandering around a circle day in and day out doesn't it? It is my time to go. I hope you've considered my thoughts over carefully. Make the right decisions if you haven't already. If you have, congratulations and I am so proud of the two of us. Take care, (Me)",12,11,11,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i R_1oAqP9HN1zASFz0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1856,638.4068000000119,967.608199999988,5952,6456,302,272,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"So, it looks like you made it through. It was touch and go there for a bit, but you made it through. Those years were difiicult, for sure, but you finally figured it out. Don't get me wrong, you sure took your sweet time with it, but I guess better late than never. I don't really know if I'm in any kind of position to give advice, but here goes. Try not to think about the time you've spent ""spinning your wheels"". That won't make you feel any better. Just keep looking ahead, and eventually you'll be ok, or close to it. You won't notice it at first, but after a while you'll realize that you're making little, tiny improvements everyday. Soon, you won't even recognize that person from before. Ok, that last part isn't totally true. You're probably still the same person, more or less. Same insecurities and fears. Just a bit wiser and more experienced. Right now, in the present, things are pretty rough. You probably remember that. So enjoy yourself a bit. You've spent too much time thinking about what to do that you forgot to actually do it. So now, you should actually do some things. Stop saying no. Stop thinking about all of the reasons it isn't a good idea. Stop procrastinating. You've been doing it long enough. Things aren't going to fall into your lap, you're actually going to have to go and get them yourself. So go. Do. Enjoy. Make decisions. It isn't worth wasting time agonizing over things you can't control. That's about all I have to say. I guess I'll see you soon. ",12,11,9,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_21HADNK2qwGuIWG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,46,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2056,1012.4106000000238,658.0747000000476,5630,4609,303,254,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"i would start savings as much money as possible for when you retire. things are getting more expensive and i did not plan for that. So put away as much as you can and control your spending. Teach your children to save as much as they can at an early age to prepare for unexpected events and for the retirement. Keep learning as much as you can so you can keep advancing in your career and get ahead. I want you and my children to always be prepared and have enough money saved for that unexpected event that always seems to happen at the worst possible time in your life. Always be a helpful, honest, trustworthy person and so all you can to help other people and future generations. Eat healthy and always take care of yourself and stay heathly by eating right and exercising on a daily basis. Take as many online classes as you can in your spare time to keep up yo date with new technology so you will be able to advance in your career and find the best possible job making the most money so you always have something to fall back on in case of an emergency. Always take care of your children and your family no matter how old they are and always keep in close contact with your family and do not drift apart. Holiday meals with your family are a very important part of life and should be done at least one holiday every year",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_28UkbjqgPLxxsQC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Ambidextrous,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,apprenticeship,2410,800.898,1057.994,5842,6540,298,252,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi there future me. So how are things going with you? Still got the same old problems and worries or have we moved on yet? Surely we've got past most of them now but there's always the worry that certain things will never get better and that's fine, can't win them all. I'm going to assume you've moved up the company ranks by now so well done for that, it's a lot more fun to be in charge than having to listen to orders from higher-ups all day. The extra money should help. But by then of course you never know if society might have collapsed and we've entered the Mad Max territory after this current Demolition Man world we live in at the time of writing this. If this is the case try to stockpile supplies before it happens and hope for the best. What about exercise? Have you been lifting and stretching and working on your cardio or have you been lazy? Remember the consequences of not doing it and that should be enough motivation to put in the required effort we don't want to have to get wheeled round by a carer and hoisted on to the toilet. Remember to try and treat all people with respect and kindness but don't become an easy touch at the same time. You must find that balance or you'll either drive people away or become a doormat. Family is a different matter just try to avoid the drama as best you can.",9,11,9,11,C1.i,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2SIFq3G0S4jPiVm,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,en-US,28,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",6297,317.801,1213.114,5449,6410,281,313,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey cutie, If you are reading this, then I feel confident saying that you and I both share the same level of surprise. I hope that all is well, but you and I both know that is not entirely true. It begs me to ask about your living conditions, but there can be no reply and so it feels like an empty gesture. If you still have failed to resolve the issues with you know who, I would kindly ask that you reconsider and take the necessary steps to rekindle that relationship. We owe her that much. And on that note, I hope that you have or will introduce her to the second special person. She seemed to see that as the one blind spot in our personality and they both may benefit from a connection. I hope by now that we no longer are haunted by those dreams, but it seems they will last as long as necessary. And so consider that if they still happen. Absent are the words from my mind that I would like to say because I am baffled at this notion. And so I ask you, what would you say to your future self? What information do you feel that we have forgotten? Have conditions in our life changes so drastically that there is a sufficient cause to attempt a reallignment with our true self? I certainly hope not, but I would love to hear from your perspective. The about wraps it up. I take it that society has not yet mastered time travel due to the simple fact I am writing rather than speaking to you. That is unfortunate, but expected. Keep on keeping on until you can no longer. Then just make sure that your body and parts go to science. We need not litter the world with another casket. Yours in spirit - us",10,10,8,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_2zXPiRFeHW8bUdK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36",en-GB,20,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1045,310.1122999999821,492.04540000000594,5171,6650,262,301,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Future me I am a bit surprised that you are still kicking it, won't lie. Depression is a nasty illness that seems to have consumed way too many people. If only there was a cure. Is Depression the new cancer? It seems almost inhumane to compare a disease that is so invisible to one that is all consuming, but that's the trouble with mental illnesses. I hope you are coping with school work and enjoying being educated on something that interests you so greatly. Just focus on your time management skills and everything will be easier. There is a lot of work to be done but it is all for your beneift so that one day you will be an amazing dietician. Health Sciences is tough. I wish other people admitted that as well. Not everyone can be a doctor and not everyone wants to be. How are your patients? It is challenging to disconnect from them right? I do not think this is a disadvantage. It will make you more committed to your work. I know driving is hard, but you need to get your license. I know it is scary to do something you never thought you would but I hope despite the fear you choose to be brave anyways. Do not lock yourself away from the world. It needs you and you need it. Continue to grow your relationship with yourself, other people, nature and God. You are only as close to people as you allow yourself to be. The right people will find you as long as you are authentic. Keep on keeping on. Your journey is just beginning and like Taylor Swift says "" The bad news is that you're on your own now, but the good news is , you're on your own now"" ",11,11,8,11,C2.i,C2.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_3P6Oq4ijnuiPR2W,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Shona,14.0,22.0,15.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1558,758.6881999999956,620.1696999999955,6092,5336,301,256,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear me, you will read this letter in a couple of years and I know you will be successful in whatever you do. I am happy that you never gave up even when you wanted to, look where you are now. You are truly limitless, hopefully you have learned to be responsible and not spend money recklessly and also be responsible in general things. Unlike the things you allowed yourself to go through, like crying over boys that aren't worth your time. It can be difficult to fight your heart and mind at the same time, but continue trusting God in everything you do. Trust everyone but don't be stupid. People are out to use you. I hope uou have learned to control your emotions and behavior. Take care of yourself and make sure you always wear sunscreen and remove your make up before you go to bed. And I hope you sleep under the sheets and make your bed in the morning now, if not... stop being lazy. Reach for the stars and love everyone. Whatever you put your mind to, can come to life... don't underestimate yourself and do not be afraid to approach someone with new ideas like you always did. You never know which opportunities you can get just by being vocal. Your life will always be a rollercoaster but take it easy, otherwise you will crash. And do not be two faced, respect other people and do not cheat others. You are loved by old me and everyone else around you.",10,10,7,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1CrJnzZu4V3UTBd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1274,603.2027000000003,432.4589000000004,5681,4793,302,267,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, how are you doing? I hope your answer to this question is well! I really hope that you've made huge progress on all of your goals. Are you still running every day? Did you end up moving up in your career like you always wanted to? Are you even working at the same company? Even if some of this isn't the case, I know it might still be for the better. And I hope that through it all, you've mad progress in being mucb more kind to yourself. You and I both know that was always something you had a hard time with. Shoot, most of your loved ones knew it just as well! Also, I hope your remembered to set aside time for your loved ones. You always had a hard time juggling the demands of life and still finding the time to relax and have fun with the people your cared about. And above all, I hope your still sober. As of right now, I have four years and 10 months clean and I hope that timer never had to be reset. It was a long and daunting road getting clean but we both know it was for the best. You were always capable of it, despite how hard it coudl seem from time to time. But with all that said, I'm sure you're in a good place even if it isn't identical to what we may have envisioned along the way. That's what's so funny about life... things hardly ever go perfectly to plan, but it isn't always a bad thing!",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2rjdjGQBFqgmo27,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,9.0,0.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,1876,326.6752999999523,1222.5963000001907,5697,7436,302,252,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future V., I'm writing to you from the past, I know it sounds crazy but they are paying me to do it and you really need some money for college and paying the rent. Anyways have you get the degree? Now I feel really bummed about it because I'm failing all of my classes I hope you got that useless degree to prove to ourselves we look normal. I hope you made some friends in G.? Because at this time I feel completely alone in this new city, or are you still alone in that house with that roomate I'm trying to romance and miserably failing. Remember not to get too crazy about it; also I hope sister is finally feeling okay, right now she has some mental health problems as well, remember to stay near her if she's alone. Right now I'm trying to keep in shape, avoid meat, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Please do not waste my ""sacrifices"" and remember life is a gift from God and mustn't be wasted, even if sometimes it sucks a lot to live in my conditions. I also hope you got back your relationship with Y., L. and A., even if I hate them a bit now they are precious and we shouldn't let them go forever. I'm going to finish this letter by saying you should have fun before your forty hits because then life becomes even worse lol. We can do it, today and tomorrow. Sincerely your V. from the past.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2zUU6h0e8o5GoBz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,12.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,2595,650.7018000001907,1226.2325999999046,6265,5479,300,251,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello Zsombor, I am writing this letter from the past, I hope you have achieved a lot in your life and that you sometimes remember the past, how much you have benn through, I hope that too you are living in a big house, with a big family, and you are having a bar and a well paying job as well. I hope that you are working in the same subject area where I am currently studying, so it was worth all the effort and time what I have spent in the past. Now I am having a lot of friends and I wonder if they will stay with me in the future as well. I hope that everything is alright with my family, and with my brother in the future. I am very curious about how I will think back to the past in the future and about my loved ones. Please think about whether it was worth if to deal with informatical technologies and with the school for so long and draw a conclusion about your future, and future job, how it will worth it. Speak more to your brother not that way you have done it in the past, because he can help a lot in your subject and job and maybe you can do something big with each other, maybe a company. I am really hope so you are alright and everything will be better in the future not like now. greetings from your past self, Zsombor!",9,7,4,8,C1.i,B2.i,A2.ii,B2.ii R_12s9RWttcrQWBH4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,34,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Shona,20.0,24.0,24.0,Afrikaans,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2554,1152.007,761.8071000000238,6167,5937,288,264,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self l thought l could take this time out of my busy schedule and write this letter to you.l know l haven't been easy on you lately but l just want to let you know that we are in this together.Firstly l know that you have tried so much to make things work in the past .but you failed today nl ma here to tell you that don't give up what we failed to accomplish yesterday we can still do it tomorrow, yesterday is gone let's forget about him and focus on what lies ahead.Let us put on the armer and look in the mirror, and loudly say that we can do it. One day when you look back at this time you will realise that you were more than able to accomplish your goals .From today onwards dear self l just want you to focus on your happiness, your peace and your laughter that is all that matters ,once you do so then the rest will fall into place just don't think too much about what people say about you People will talk today ,but tomorrow their focus is on something else. Please take out a small piece of paper and write this promise to yourself,"" l am no longer worried about what the world say nbut from now l focus on me"". Remember all the dreams you heard when you were growing up dear self .Yes those dreams of becoming a pilot, keep dreaming again and please dont stop continue until it is no longer a dream but an achievement.",8,8,5,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_3HRECeywX1HimkG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,2.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1315,448.072,581.823,5998,5472,302,256,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future me, I know that it is maybe weird idea to write a letter to my future self but actually why not? First of all I hope that I am healthy and happy in the future. I don't know if I am still working at the same work place, but if I don't I hope that I have found something better and less draining. My hopes are that I am still in love with the same boy as I am now. Probably we're leaving together in a house because we moved out of the flat that we are sharing right now. If I am reading that later than in 2025 I may have a dog. It would be so cool to have a pet after so many years of waiting. It has always been my goal to have a dog. It was something like a childhood dream and I really really hope that this dream came true. If I have to give any advices or warnings I would say: ""be careful with people"". Sometimes the best thing that you can do is to avoid certain people. Even if at the very beggining you may think that they are ""your people"" who would never hurt or betray you. It is very wise to watch your friends and their ways of acting. My second advice for myself is to take care of my health. It is extremaly important to regularly check our bodies. I hope that everything in my health is alright. Greetings Me from the past",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1JOYuF53h3BRnIU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",en-GB,32,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,High School,1441,462.38310000002383,615.6601000000237,6332,5907,302,263,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, I am currently thirty-two writing this, I have three children, and my living situation isn't too great right now but I am working too improve it. I am hopefully moving soon with my partner, and life should get amazingly better. I have just finished working at the most fantastic place, where I made the best of friends I hope I never lose touch with. I have overcome so many things in the last year with my health, But I am feeling loads better and hopefully this continues to when you read this. I just want to tell you, too stay strong, dont focus on the past and keep overcoming the battles we have fought so hard too. Keep being the caring, happy, good-natured person we have become these last few years. Ring your friends, keep in touch with them and keep good connections so you have a support network. Its done me wonders up until now and I couldnt imagine you not having these people around you that I do now. Make memories with the children, keep them happy and smiling and keep working hard to give them the life I always dreamed of. They are such happy little kids. The partner I have is a good one. He will still be there when you read this in 8 years when you turn the big 40! I can't wait for you to read back and think about the situation I am in now and where you will be then. Always aim high and reach for the stars. You got this! ",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_211IVGByQBOgRmj,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,26,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1632,313.768,936.328,5048,5797,264,257,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey future me! I really hope that you have found a better job than the one that I have right now. As Im envisioning youre in your fifties, you have lived an entire life, buying a house, having children etc. I feel like I should start living more healthy to live even these 50 years. I'd really like to see my grandchildren. I also hope all of my friends lived that long and theyre happy. I guess you already know if all that happened. Are you still reading so many books as I am right now? I hope so because I love them. I want you to remember the way i am living right now, paycheck to paycheck, not being able to get the things I want. I want you to remember this because even though I believe you're in a better position right now, a human still should remember the darker times. Have any of my friends changed? I think they would be exactly the same in their future. I just can't see them with other personality traits. I don't know what more I can write to you, as I am the one with questions, and youre the one with answers, and Im still gonna need to answer the questions myself, on the journey which life is. I am still required to write some few more words though, so I will try to do my best at this task. I am so impatient to get the answers, I guess it gonna happen someday anyway. See you!",9,8,5,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_1MXQ0c33fa3Vfqi,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,40,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2839,847.181,1272.7089999999996,5654,5467,302,258,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Well, hello my friend. I would like to tell you something about your future plans today. You are probably suprised but it's true... I am you. Know that you are a very ambitoius and hard working person. So you have to take care of your family. But remember, it is important, don't just pay attention to work, but also family relationship. Take care of your wife and children, they need it. Also don't forget about your parents and parents in law because they did a lot for you, remember about it. Take care of your health. Also remember about your dreams that you always wanted to realize. You've always dreamed of reaching the highest mountain peaks, you have the list of those peaks, am I right? Just do it! Also take the family to the sea once a yea, they love it, you know that. Make each other's dreams come true, your family will be very happy. Well, I write all this for a reason you know. Unfortunately, I don't have time for all of that right know, and I am very sad about it. Now I understand that work is not everything, you have to remember about loved ones before it's too late my friend. Sometimes small gestures are very important: walk, talk, cinema... Just think about it and everything will be ok, I promise. And NEVER stop loing family members, that is most important feeling, I know that for sure. Finally, I wish you to be happy, always. Best regards, my friend from the future. Bless ",11,7,6,9,C2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_25EAxxYkkebkzdV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3999,679.6722000000029,2797.4018000000124,6513,7249,301,253,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, I want to write to you to tell you some things. I hope future me will feel better than I now. Maybe you have now good job, loving wife, kids or something like this and your life is beautiful. Now im working on my self to be a better men, i'm trying to get a job, maybe go to collage, lose some weight. Sometimes i think about how it will be in one, two years, how my life and world will look. I've been thiking a lot about buying PS5 becouse i started watching The last of us and i want to play this game. Maybe it is a little bit stupid to pay that much money to play one game but life is only one so why we dont do things that we realy want. Any way I want to give you some adices, please do not change for the worse and just be yourself, do not try to pretend to be someone you are not. I am very curious how you look now but i have to wait and see it myself. I want to tell you about yesterday, I was in cinema with my sister i watched very good movie ""Puss in boots 2: The last wish"". We ordered nachos with cheese dip. We had a lot of fun, it was a great day. I hope there will be movies as good as this one in the future. I hope you feel good and watch some good movie tonight.",7,5,5,7,B2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_2VxOSUBEtVY1OXV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1490,562.62,661.9649000000061,6144,5839,300,251,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear chosen one, im writting to you from the future. Dont ever regret about your choices, always learn from your mistakes, you will need them. I have spent the lat 30 years learning the best way to found love. I have lost opportunites to met the women of my dreams, but i dicided to listen the opinion of strangers. It was hard. Always trust your mind, and dont ever be afraid of your choices. Sometimes we choose what we think is the best, sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we make good choices. if you like playing football, play football, if you really love Sara, keep her, keep her closed to you. Ther is a quote which you need to learn as fastest as you can: yesterday i as cleaver, so i wanted to change the world, today i am wise, so i am changing my self. The path we choose for oursleves makes us being human, They wont fear it, until they understand it and they wont understand it until they´ve used it. You will be the best person in your life, trust your self, be brave, be quiet in your thinking and louder in your actions. People will always think that they know better than you. Let them, let them think what they want. Go and help people, help your country, learn from the mistakes of others, and you will be great. Go and find love, find a family and trust only the people that ask about what your doing. ",6,7,5,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_QnrWtSf3HaPMfiV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1942,355.16889999997613,1074.166600000024,5564,6178,302,265,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future me. I want to kindly inform you, that the problems which you face won't last forever. The last months of 2022 have once again turned your life upside down just like in 2018, but this is not the first time when life has kicked your ass and you You're smart enough to get our of even the toughest situations. You just need to have more patience with your life. Take your time, stop overthinking that much, don't worry about thing you can't control, be humble. Life has taken a few people closest to you away forever, but you still have someone to rely on. Loneliness is hard for you, but it cannot defeat you. You have people with whom you can spend many more wonderful moments. Also you're able to get so many life opportunities, but you need to make them first. Happines will finally smile at you. I strongy believe, that you have completed your master's degree and you finally working in your study profession. If you haven't found the right girl for you - trust me, no problem. Don't chase after her, she will come by herself when you'll be truly ready. The times in which I'm writing this are very hard and it doesn't look like it'll improve in the years to come, so I really hope that when you read this, people's lives in your country are easier. Take care of your close awesome friends, family and the most of all: yourself. Finally, don't forget not to take everything so seriously - it's self-destructive and you're not worth it. ",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3PThgM6URXkKMfp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-GB,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,6.0,0.0,9.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2577,664.806200000003,1319.4368000000009,5616,6893,302,325,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear my future self, I want to help you navigate throught the hardest times of life. Life is a road full of bumps and problems but I want you to remember that you are going to make it. Slowly, day by day, practice self-compassion and self-care in order to build confidence and overcome every problem that arises. Remember that you always have friends and family and people that you can lean on and talk about anything. Maybe it is a good reminder to always cut the toxic people out from your life, or at least watch out for the red flags from the very begining, and leave them. Choose wisely on the people that you have in your life and never let anyone get you down with their behaviour, at any point. Your friends, lover etc have to be there in order to cheer you up, not the contrary. Celebrate your successes on your job and drawing sessions with your people and never compare yourself with other -irrelevant to you- people. Always compare you with yourself of the past. This is how you will see the progress that you have made. And you made a lot of progress. Remember also that in order to success - you have to fail first. Overcome your fear of failure and your perfectionism. No single piece has to be perfect. Instead, practice with patience and hard work and this will help you steadily progress. Also, ask for help when you need it. This goes to job and drawing both. Some people have already mastered the level you want to achieve and they can help you to be better more fast and easily. Last but not least, remember to take care of your body and practice some everyday habits to be better and more efficient. By establishing habits you can progress faster, build your identity and take a lot of steps towards your goals. Lots of love, my current self",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_12okUBloal0EP1K,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,1.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2673,790.9800999999941,1193.270400000006,6162,6596,302,265,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future M, Probably you are now working in the job you always wanted and I hope you're happy about it, even with all the ups and downs. I really want to imagine you as a person more confident, with lots of self love. Even if sometimes things get difficult as you tend to overthink everything, never forget the advice that a special person once gave you: Sometimes when we are lost in the woods and we can't visualize the end of it, stop worrying about it and focus on the next step, the step that you know for sure that you can take. Continue to focus on things that you are able to control and let life do her business in everything else, do not worry about that and ALWAYS take a step at a time. I also imagine you with your family, with your little kids that you love the most, playing and doing fun things together. I hope that you never lost the patience that you've always had. As I can preddict, you need tons of it, dealing with kids all day and when you arrive home. But that is what makes you happy right? From the bottom of my heart, I wish that you have a man by your side that truly loves you, supports you and above all respects you. You deserve all these good things, above all the mean things you tend to say to yourself. I hope that you still love really tighted hugs because I would really like to give you one. I am proud of you!",10,8,8,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_2Bx7LV0WgdYFFDZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,Italian,13.0,6.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1003,242.37209999990463,471.4352000000477,5550,5661,302,276,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future me, I hope you're doing as great as ever or even more. If you aren't, make sure to remember all the past times where you struggled to find meaning in your life and yet kept on going and going. Remember all the beauty that there is in the world and remember all the good memories with your friends (some may be dead, some may be not your friends anymore, it doesn't matter at all), remember all your years with your partners. They all led to who you are right now. Forgive yourself of the mistakes you made as they taught you the most meaningful (albeit painful) lessons; push yourself to improve even more and make life better for the people around you. If you're good, on the other hand, remember that there are people that aren't, even if they're saying so. Try to connect with them and let go of past misunderstandings. Your life is precious as everyone else's and it must be attended as such. I really hope you've grown out of the obvious losses in your family and managed to build up new attachments and possibly created a new family of your own. If you set your targets on your career, remember that work isn't the only thing that matters, focus on events and experiences rather than money and power, as only those will persist and accompany you to your demise. If you are with someone, tell them you love them and cherish your feelings towards them every day. You never know what can happen during a random day, so make sure you live it to your fullest, without exhausting yourself obviously.",11,11,9,10,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_bOsEoJNOv3qn9xn,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,fi-FI,35,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Finland,Finnish,12.0,0.0,10.0,Swedish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1459,384.479,625.052,5378,5827,302,287,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Future Self, I am writing to from the year 2023. I am enjoying life, spending time with my friends and trying to do my best at my job. The important thing in life, I believe, is to have a balance of things. Too much work or a strong career-orientation will lead into neglect in other areas of your life. On the other hand, spending too much time on personal matters and ignoring your work and potential career progression will not be a good way forward either. I thus hope that in the future, I have found a way to balance these two important aspects of life in a matter that is satisfactory, and leads to a feeling that my life has been well spent. We all have a single shot in life, and past mistakes and wrong choices will haunt us for a long time. At least, that is my experience. Looking back at the various choices I have made, it also seems that the ones where I chose the easiest or the most comfortable route have been, in hindsight, wrong. The saying ""no pain, no gain"" is, in my experience, very true. I thus hope that in the future I have worked hard and tried to do my best in all of my endevours, and not always preferred to pick the easiest option over the harder, but eventually more rewarding ones. Life can seem like a struggle sometimes, but in most cases, hard work and perserverance pay off. At least you can be sure that if no effort is made, satisfactory gains are quite unlikely. I hope these comments based on my own experiences can help you ponder your own attitudes and actions. best regards",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2sd3ZnQ66iy8vzl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1787,751.5863000000007,709.0100999999997,6224,5139,300,250,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,The first thing i want to say to you is just hang in there buddy it will be good. If you have achieved your goal to be engineer it is good and if not that it is totally ok it is not the end of the world. The one thing that i want to achieve is to get the nationality of Germany and to be the citizen of Germany you need to work really hard. The only way is to get it is to get a good job and get a visa through it but to get that job I need to complete my Masters degree and through that achieve my goal of being a German national. Don't loss track of your goal and no matter what life bring to you you just keep focusing on your goal and the way to achieve it. you are living few thousand miles away from your family and they all want to see you become succeeful in the long run. Make it worth a while for living away from your family and in the end if you acheived your goal they will be the one who will be most proudest. And if you find yourself in the dark place just don't panic just focus on the next step and forget about all the other things and by doing just that i belive you will be able to reach your goal. Also I hoped you have learned a new culture but forget your own.,9,7,5,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_XiYRfMziPxwmIg1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2125,565.8483000000119,594.768,5858,4860,302,251,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self. I hope life is treating you better than it is now. I really hope I have achieved my dream of being my own boss and I have people working for me. I am sure my kids are all grown up now, and probably have their own family. Well, I would sure love to see how it turns out. I would like to give an advice; enjoy your life and have fun while you still can, life comes at you fast. I hope I have enough money now and I live in a comfortable mansion with a serene environment to go. I am kind of struggling right now, and it hasn't been very easy for me. But I am sure I will pull through, I always do. How are my dog? I hope they are still being well fed and taken care of. How about my siblings? How are they doing? I hope I was able to settle with my brother and make ammends. Have there been any more virus outbreaks similar to the covid pandemic? I really hope there hasn't been any new oubreaks. The covid season was a very scary one Well, I don't have much to say. I know I have asked too many questions. I am just really curious about the future and how life is going to be. Just continuing being great and awesome at handling whatever life's throws at you. Time heals everything. I will see you when I see you. Goodbye.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1hQkw78I8TpYEad,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",en-GB,57,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2899,867.7734000000954,1550.8059000000949,11235,15654,302,261,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"The first thing I would say is don't drink. You stopped, don't start again It's a waste of time, and all that happens is that you end up in the company of other drinkers. Let other people have hangovers. Get out and be active. It doesn't last. We all get old. Meet interesting people. Second, thing watch your health. Third, keep saving your money. Money gives you options. Fourth, know what you want to do. The world tries to button hole you from a early stage. If you start off as an accountant you'll likely stay an accountant. This is why it's so important to get out, to meet people. It gives you options and access to contacts that will serve you well. What about God, religion and such. What do you need to know. Well, just this, that religions describe the fight that goes on inside us. We fight the devils within us. There's always going to be a part of you that takes the easy option, that gets caught up in dreams and forgets see the reality of life in front of you. That's the part of you that you have to fight. You have to take each day one a time, and achieve something in that day. Forget dreams, they're just dreams. Meet actual people, do actual work, save actual money. And stop over-thinking things. Above all, do what you want to do. Too many people had ideas for the sort of person you should be, the sort of job you should have. Ultimately it is your life.",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_28M5KUOVXxFdmB8,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,1.0,8.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1497,346.076,726.824,5765,6032,301,311,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Future Myself, How is life going? Is future a good place to live in? I hope it only gets better, since in my times, many years ago, it wasn't so satisfactory. I'm writing this letter to remind you what is the most important thing in our life. I hope you still care about our family and friends just the way I've been doing it so far. Do we have a gorgeous house with splendid garden and a lot of small smilling faces running around? How are our friends doing? I'm sure we're still meeting every month for a movie night. Please tresure them because friendships that last for so many years are really irreplaceable. Do you still keep that precious box with small gifts we got from our friends? I hope it's only growing every day. It's a box full of memories so never forget about it. Even if we sometimes argue with others or get mad at each other, every memory is worth remembering. Every smile and every frown. Tell me, did I changed much in those years? Do I still love the same things? Do I still have the same hobbies? Do you remember our big dream to see the World together with our dearest ones? I hope in those years we had a chance to see many different countries, meet with many fascinating people, experience a lot of funny moments, and get to know other cultures. Discovering was always a big part of our life. The only thing that could've ruined it is a routine. That's why I'd like you to remember that it's never to late to change something in your life. Start a new hobby, change jobs, move to another city. Life is full of wonderful opportunities and we should never ignore them. I hope you will live a wonderful and long life. Sincerely, Yourself.",12,8,7,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_ZHKItCsKl2NY8tH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",pl,21,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2268,604.318,1251.9557999999522,6334,7991,302,313,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Welcome ""the future me"" (it soudns pretty uncanny, doesn't it?), I don't really know what I want to say to you in this letter. I've just had a sudden urge to write it, maybe the reason is to calm myslef in this difficult times and ensure that the future can bring happiness. The question is, how old ""the future me"" would be while reading this letter? 30? 40? 60? Unfortunatelly this question will reamin unanswered. So I think the good idea would be to include only topics which could be interesting to me in any life period. There are few things on my mind: Did I finished college? If so, did I stayed in my hometown or did I traveled to a different city, or maybe even abroad? Where I'm woriking at the time? Do I'm stiil in love with medicine? Am I still gaining new knowledge in my workfield? Am I considered a ""good specialist""? Did I finnally regained happiness after breakup? Did I found a new love? Am I living alone or with my ""other half""? Do I have my own family? Theese are the questions I currently have on my mind. But there are also few thing I want to tell to my future self: No matter in what place in your life you are right know, rememeber that your choices, through whole your life, were guided by the wisdom you had at the moment and theese choices were the best for you to pick at that exact moment. Were they the best ones? Probably not. Could you do some things better than you did? Probably. But remember one thing - your choices defined who you are right now and there shouldn't be any regret in you because of them. I hope you are happy, because I'm doing everything in my best to make you happy. Yours truly Past self",9,8,6,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2TC4NjWmvD3fEOO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2501,728.1056999999993,1004.5128000000008,6369,7206,299,296,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self. You're probably enjoying the perks of not giving up on yourself. You're probably surrounded by success and hapiness as I sit here and type this wonderful letter to you. I am currently filled with hope and excitement as I write this letter because I know that by the time you read it you will be the happiest person ever. Let me guess, you probably working on your next project at work while you're at home waiting for your spouse to come back from a business meeting abroad. I wonder what you have named that cute kitten sitting next to you and that cute dog looking at you right now. I really hope you didn't name the cat ""Kitty"" because it's long overdue. How does it feel making almost 5 million every month? I hope you can really see that you are leaving in your prayers. As you read this letter, I want you to remember how passionate you were about using data to solve world problems. I know the journey wasn't easy but it was definitely worth it. I'm sure you agree with me. Remember all those late nights trying to complete your school assignments, and those hours you spent trying to impress your supervisors? They are really paying off. You worked hard and did your best to learn everything you could about data engineering and it paid off. Don't belive me? Look out the window and see that fancy Range Rover you have parked outside the garage which speaks volume of how much hard work pays. My advise to you is that keep on working hard. Nothing is easy and life goes fast. Make the most of it while enjoying the time with your family and don't forget the Lord your creator.",12,9,7,9,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_10Cu8ZVZ0TyTS2O,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Other,10.0,0.0,8.0,Xhosa,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2921,1053.3108000000009,1141.6396999999993,6695,7878,302,272,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi lady, I want you to appreciate life as it comes. Do everything that you feel like doing, do not let anything stand in front of your way. Make smart choices, but even if you have made choices and they happen to be the worst in the future, do not regret them. Life will never be perfect. It is good to have dreams but do not let your dreams stop you from living your life. Sometimes things that make you happy are not good for you. In life there is time for everything. There is time for sorrow and there is time for happiness. When you experience both sides of life appreciate and learn from them. Nothing last forever. Make sure you are happy before you make others happy. People will always have their opinions have yours and know that you are not compelled to change the way you see things because people around you see them differently. Live without shame, be firm on what you believe in. Do not let someone else lower your self-esteem. You are enough! Youcan achieve everything that you put your mind on. Life is a beautiful journey and if things do not go well it does not mean they will forever be like that. If something does not work for you try another one and just because it works for someone else it does not mean it will work for you. Appreciate your journey of life and do not envy other people by seeing their lives from the outside because you do not know what their struggles are, especially the ones that people know nothing about.",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_0k34oh9kUHFUGTn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,19,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4860,841.0691999999992,927.8209000000004,5901,5923,301,296,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello, future self, I hope you are doing well. I am writing to you because I want to make sure that you are not wasting your time on frugal things, I hope that you can start taking studying seriously, I know it is a chore, and that it can be hard to pay attention to something that doesn´t interest you in the slightest when you could be having fun right now, going out with friends, looking at your phone, playing videogames, whatever it may be, because I know that I am possibly throwing my future away at this moment by not giving it my all, I hope that you gave it all that you had, and in the reeped the reward of your hard work, I hope that you became motivated to be as good of a student as you knew that you could be, as you once were, and I hope that you applied yourself into finally taking that driver license, way too much money was wasted on driving lessons for you to not pass the driving exam. I also hope that you got a girlfriend, a beautiful, intelligent woman that loves you as much as you love her, someone that brngs happiness to your days, a shinning ray of light, I know that you would have at least worked on that, after all, you don´t need a book shoved down you face to do that. But of course, hoping is not worth all that much now, is it, unless you worked on turning those hopes an dreams into reality, the time you spent hoping in the past was as good as nothing. That´s it for now, you know what you have to do to live a better life, and so do I, take care",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_24vD1NOx6ufFJqy,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1463,566.2265,621.7685,6445,5517,303,256,1,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, Right now you have just finished your master's degree and the world is full of possibilities. The truth is: that can be scary. But you have to keep in mind that lots of possibilities is not a bad thing! I now the part-time job you have is not the one you dreamt about but it is only temporary. Keep that in mind. Soon you will apply for a PhD scholarship and when they grant it to you (yes, you will win the scholarship!) everything will change and for four years you will breath science and make a difference in the world. You just need to keep aiming. Do not forget that quote that has been with you this entire journey: ""An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwars. When life is pulling you down with difficulties it means is going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming!"" More important that this is that you stop compare yourself and your achievements with others. Each person has its own path, obstacles and dificulties. Regarding your personal life, I really hope that you have kids some day soon. I just know you will be an amazing parent and your children will be very lucky to have such a caring person to take care of them. If something goes wrong and that plan does not happen because you can't have children, do not be frustrated or sad. There are lots of kids to adopt and to love in this world.",10,9,6,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_r7Qivd9CAftPMqt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",et-EE,25,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Estonia,Estonian,17.0,0.0,9.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1925,395.36109999999405,1075.4255,5898,6020,302,257,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would be in Iceland. Even though it is quite expensive country to live in or visit, the nature compensates the high prices. It has always been my dream to visit Iceland to see the magnificent landscape that they have. In addition, life there seems much calmer but I guess it depends where you reside. In my opinion, the calm comes from all the green, it seems like everything is covered in grass or moss, and it all seems so soft. Feels like a perfect day to graze the sheep, drink coffee or tea and eat a sandwich. I have always loved nature and feel like home whenever I get to be outside, far from the citylights, noise and the crowd of people. That is the reason why Iceland seems the one place to be when you want peace and quit. Another reason I would like to visit Iceland, is because of their famous hotspots. How ideal they seem, hot water bath with cold air, can it get anymore superb? Furthermore, the temperatures through out the year are really suitable for me as well. I have never liked the hot weather and have not dreamed of visiting countries where the average temperature is 30 degrees (Celsius). In Iceland (depends on the city of course), it is usually either perfect weather to be with light coat or in the winter, a bit warmer coat, but the temperature is still not that low that your nose will freeze off. ",10,8,7,8,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_3m2KQBlr2r8Ly3Q,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3211,1137.422399999976,1049.6651999999283,5709,5949,292,264,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would definitely choose to be at a secluded place with a beach close by and no internet reception. The place should be of nature, peacfeul and quiet so that all I hear should be the sound of water from the beach. It should also not have too many people around so that I wouldn't have to deal with noise from my neighbours. I want to be at a place like this because I have been too stressed and overworked for the past few months that I havn't had time to just rest quietly so, in my own space. I feel that my mental health has been compromised especially because of the busy city that I reside in. There is always something to worry about. From the school work that I get on a daily basis, taking care of my 70 years old grandmother, the chores in the house, anxiety as a result of the increasing crime rate in my town and helping out my parents with my younger siblings. I have also noticed that I spend too much time on my gadgets and social media which also puts too much pressure on me. I come across posts that make me feel like I am not doing enough to achieve my goals even though I know that I put in the work that I am supposed to. So, some time off social media would be a positive for me in terms of my mental health and the pace in which i reach my goals.",10,8,8,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_10U8SIZSSnGkNND,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,High School,2422,629.1375,1442.2642999999966,6092,6576,298,261,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","In my entire life I've always dreamed about visiting some exotic country such as the Maledive Islands. That's because I think life there is much slower there than in the city where I live - London. People are always hurry here. The same situation exists in all western cities. This is crazy for me. I wouldn't like to live here for a very long time. In my opinion most people in such countries are happy even despite their poverty. In EU and USA people are definitely richer but in cities such as London the weather is often quite bad. It is always raining here, the temperature is about 10 Celcius degrees. This makes me really tired and disgusted about living here. In some Pacific countries the weather is different. The sun is shining almost whole day, it is very hot outside. That makes me very happy. I wouldn't be so depressed as I am now. People are not working there in international corps so they are less depressed than citizens of western countries. Imagine you could go to the beach and sunbathe the rest of day day. This is a place of my dreams which brings many good vibes to my head. If I were there I would do that everyday. The next important thing is their culture. I am very curious about it, so if I were there I would intensely explore it. I would also be diving in clear ocean , because the water in it is very hot and clear. I would make good memories from that place.",10,6,7,8,C1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1mwSickNoIaYlnK,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,el-GR,28,Left-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,21.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2403,652.9540000000002,1393.734,6675,9363,301,259,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","To be honest I would choose to be anywhere in the world right now (excepting countries that are currently at war). I would love to be somewhere in Norhern Europe for example, and get to see my self how people are spending their cold winter days there. I would go to musuems, art galleries, theaters and cinemas. I would stay at a hostel in order to meet other travelers from all around the world and experience different cultures. My camera would become my best friend, as I would try to preserve those precious memories by taking as many pictures as I can. Small trips in nature would be my go to way of spending my days. As much I love big cities, sometimes I value the peace and quietness nature has to offer. I would go hiking, biking and swimming in the cold water. Furthermore I would consider visiting nearby countries via train in order to make the most out of my trip. The reason I would choose to do the aforementioned things is that I feel the need to break out of the routine of my everyday life and get to experience an adventure in an unknown place for me. I think repetition is a silent killer and that we all need to feel adrenaline rush. On top of that my country is a bit unorganised and not that developed and sometimes that feels a bit tiring for me as its citizen. As I age more I tend to appreciate order and politness more that the Meditteranean taperamento.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_12ykyo9dWQYVkcs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Canada,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1438,300.8711999998093,316.7552999999524,5642,5546,302,287,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Currently, it's winter in Canada. it's also the end of the holidays and I don't feel the slightest bit refreshed, so I would like to go where it's a little bit warmer but also an enjoyable place where I can take a vacation. I'm not a big fan of the tropics, so unfortunately I wouldn't be going south. I've visited Japan a few yeras ago and fell in love, especially the hot springs (onsen) in the old fashion towns and hotels. If it's good enough for the macaque monkeys, it's good enough for me. Oh, and the water is boiling there, I've never felt water that hot. In short, I'm sick of the cold so I really want to be in a hot spring, surrounded by nature and culture. After that I would like to be able to visit historical attractions, eat some good food, drink some local sake, and go see some live entertainement, perhaps sumo or some drama acting plays. Although Tokyo is the capital of Japan, it's a bit too modern for my tasted, so if I headed over there I wouldn't stay too long and instead take the bullet train (the shinkansen) to Kyoto, the original capital. In Kytoto, there are many temples and castles, as well as family shrines - so many that it almost feels like you're tirpping over them when you visit because you can't avoid seeing one every five minutes. It's truly a very unique culture. The landscapes are also beautiful. Although we missed the fall, they usually have the nicest red leaves you can find in a forest, as well as massive canyons that the trains pass through, which makes for a lovely commute from town to town.",11,8,7,10,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1NfzOhgSv6akYEr,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,2.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1630,394.53,668.3580000000002,6241,7302,302,303,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Anywhere in the world? well there is no really a single place where I really want to be, everything seems so alluring but so mundane at the same time. It's not that I'm and ill travelled person, quite the contraty, thanks to the spoiling of my grandmother we could see places from all around my country of origin, Mexico. I've gone to Palenque in Yucatan, to Ensenada, Tabasco, Veracruz, Campeche. But everything felt almost like in rails, every tour, every landscape was heavily curated so that incoming tourist would not get harmed on their trip, of course also because ancient monuments are sensitive to the touch, so the fewer people pointed the cameras and kids with their dirty fingers touched them, the better. I won't deny that it was a bratty attitute to have, most of the time I spent inside of hotels room I could have used to get to know my family better, but those opportunities are now gone. So, if those places are not it then what? There is this covent at the outskirts of my city, it was an obligatory school trip thanks to the intitution being catholic, we would go on the scorching heat of summer and travel for at least 1 hour in a bus with another 30 students, trapped inside a giant vehicle like sardines in a can. Inside the grounds of this convent was a kiosk, apart from everything in there, it was so far away that the noises from my classmates playing football while in recess where drowned by pure silence, and just a like farther was a rock slab beneath a tree. Nobody else went there, nobody else found out that I spent most of the trip there, it was my special quiet place, a white wooden kiosk surrounded by grass and trees. ",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_s6eUdF9mcymf9E5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,34,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2093,628.9833999998567,983.604,5356,4736,301,259,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I can be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in Japan. At Japan, I would visit the sushi place under the mountain. I want to go there because I heard great things about it on Yelp. On the Yelp page, it said that the Japanese sushi resturant under the mountain uses only the freshest ingrediants found near the Japan ocean. The price there is very affordable as well. The sushi there is hand made by a elder chef assisted by the elderly chief's assistant. The resturant itself has very nice decor. The resturant has many flowers inside and it has a very nice smell too. I want to go there because I want to take my girlfriend there to enjoy a good meal with a nice decoration. It would be there where I would ask my girlfriend if she would spend the rest of her life with me. If she say yes, we would eat a nice big meal filled with happiness. If she say no, we would still eat the meal but it would be really arkward. I think this place has the nice food and nice scene that would make this place the perfect place to propose. We would take many pictures and make wonderful memories there. We would tell all our friends of the food we had and how great the place look. We would also show all the pictures we would taken to all our friends and family. After all of that, we would post our review on yelp",7,7,6,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_3MJPifVPgtMK8CF,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1542,482.686599999994,345.8055,5575,5111,300,264,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would be in Israel. Even though it is a small country it has a lot of redeeming features. I have never lived in a country so small that has so much to offer. From the landscape changing drastically from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem even though it is only a 45 minute drive away. You go from being in a big city that is right nect to beautiful sandy beaches and a tech hub with lots of progressive people to a city that is higher in elevation with rocky hills and where 3 different religions meet. The people are different and the weather much wetter and slightly colder. When you go up north past Haifa you have more green hills covered with rocks and beautiful hills and down south you run into a desert that is unlike any other desert in the world. Farther down you run into the red sea and 2 different borders with Jordan and Egypt right there. In a country roughly the size of new Jersey it is incredibly diverse and a ""melting pot"" of cultures and people from all over the world. In a country that has always been at war it is amazing to see how so many people are just going about their daily lives and do not mind the sirens for the incoming rockets. On another note the food is absolutely amazing and I just love everything about the mixture of foods. I would choose to be there for all of these reasons and many more.",12,9,9,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1CpCNFde3WJBwJS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,College,1194,422.26019999999926,498.08080000000086,5594,5804,303,267,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would love to be in Denmark. More specifically, the countryside or the outskirts of a town. I like Denmark because it is one of the most bicycle-friendly places on Earth. As I grow older my hatred towards cars also grows. I live in England and the bicycle infrastructure is a mix. Sometimes it can be great and sometimes it can be non-existant, quite the opposite in Denmark. To elaborate, I love cycling to work, love using public transport and love not having to have a big chunk of my money dissapear every month on transport but the infrastructure is nothing compared to Denmark. Also, I think it is well known Denmark is the Country for pedestrians, get me away from cars. I follow a lot of Cyclist YouTubers and the like and I know if I could have a choice Denmark would be for me. Cycling in Denmark is really common and it is also a beautiful country. They have safe places to store your bikes, infrastructure for cycling and a great Country for it. A big part of my life is Cycling, it always has been. I personally don't think Electric cars are the future, or self driving cars. We technically already have self driving cars, they are called trains. I think if you ask any Cyclist their answer would be Denmark or a country similar. I would also enjoy visiting the Tivoli Gardens and Museums. It's a beautiful Country and sometimes I do wish it was my home. One day, that would be nice. ",9,8,9,10,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_5u858KDZtRS0zLj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1285,495.3942000000477,563.0077000000476,5615,5364,303,266,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","if i could choose to be anywhere in the owrld right now it would be Tokyo, Japan. I visited Japan in 2016 and can honestly say it is one of the best places that i have ever been to. i feel like a only scratched the surface. I hve since had 2 children (11 months and 3 years) so 'adventure' has been faily limited in the 3 years since, not helped of course by the global pandemic. I miss the juxtaposition of life in Japan, Toyko in particualr. Simultaneously extremely safe but absolutely buzzing too. Shibuya, shinjuku and Tsukiji are the areas that particularly spring to mind. i miss the feelign of exploration we hasd there. how nothuing seemed to make sense, but equally worked brillaintly. I miss the jingles when doing anyhting, walking into a shop, jingle. Leaving a shop. Jingle. the food i found a challenge, but the experience was second to none. the bullet train, sumo, wondering around akihabara. I feel it would be a real thrill for my children, mainly the older one to visit japan and am extremely keen to vist again in the next 5 years. My concern is the long flight and the jetlag, which would be extreely difficuult to explain to my children, the youngest in particular. i remember it being the only time in my life ive had jetlag and it was brutal. the rewards were so worth it though. I loved the culture, the safeness and the wackyness of eveything as well as the underbelly of nightime debauchery once all of the 'salarymen' had finished work ",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_31MhNqL69lNUG0Y,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,New Zealand,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1492,334.4075,928.4685,5306,6736,264,266,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in Guilin, China. Cuilin is a beautiful city located in the Guangxi Zhuang Region and is known for its stunning natural screnery, including the iconic karst mouintains and the Li River. The city is surrounded by lush green hills, and the river goes through the landscape, creating a peaceful and serene enviroment. I want to be in Guilin bcause of its breathtaking beauty. From the tranquil landscapes to the quaint villages and rice paddies, there is a sense of peace and serenity that pervades the area. I would also love to explore the iconic karst mountains and take a scenic boat ride along the Li River, taking in the stunning scenery along the way. In addition to its natural beauty, Guilin is a cultural hub, with a rich history dating back over 2000 years. I would to visist the local museums and learn about the city's rich history and cultural heritage. Overall, Guilin would be my ideal destination as it offers a perfect mix of natural beauty, cultual heritage, and tranquility. I would love to soak in the lush scenery, explore the historic sites and experience the peaceful way of life in this beatiful city. Guilin is also renowned by the locals for its delicious cuisine. The city is famous for its distinctive dishes, including beer fish, rice noodle soup, and fish fried rice, which are made using fresh ingredients and traditional cooking methods passed down through generations. I would love to sample the local cuisine and taste the unique flavors.",9,9,9,9,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3Gpj48q7xGiYPyB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,34,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,AAT,2067,742.7278000001908,1056.7559000005722,5725,5150,302,249,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would choose to be at Disney World Florida. I went as a child many years ago but I would love to go as an adult with my partner, especially as it is her dream to go there as well. It is a magical place with many many rides and various themed parks (lands) to go to. You can meet the characters from many different films, even go and eat breakfast with them at the hotel! There is a huge nightly firework display and various parades during the day. The rides are thrill seeking and adventurous. Some of the other parks are water parks so thgis adds to the variety, where you can go on thrilling water rides. The hotels at the parks are very highly rated on travel review websites, very clean and are themed according to the films they are based on. I would want to be there as it is a complete change and escapism from my own life here at home and the drudgery of going to work. The weather is also far, far better than where I am currently. There it is very hot, but here it is cold, wet and miserable. It would also be an opportunity to try a wide variety of new foods compared to the normal ones that I normally have at home. I could also buy a lot of merchandise that I wouldn't neccasarily be able to purchase elsewhere. ",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3IZ6VEmEeIJajBH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,39,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1835,580.2241000003814,711.5203999996187,5761,5431,301,282,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If i could choose to be anywhere in the world right now, i would be in Tortuguero in Costa Rica. This is an area on the Northern coast of Costa Rica, not far from the cloud rainforests. The reason i'd choose to be in Tortuguero right now is that this is a place my wife and i stayed on our honeymoon and it was one of the most magical experiences i've ever had. I would be there with my wife, but i would also take our three children with us so that they could share the experience. One of the main things i remember, was sleeping in a wooden cabin, where you could hear all the sounds of the forest while you were laying in bed. The forest was literally right behing the cabin, which made it really easy to go and explore at will. The wildlife surrounding us was immense. We saw sloths, howler monkeys and tree frogs, among many others. The company in charge of the area put on river cruises, where we could explore various river systems in the local area. This was also amazing, as we got to see crocodiles, kingfishers, herons and turtles, among many other animal species. My wife and i love wildlife, so this made it a really magical experience. I think our two year old boys are a bit too young to fully appreciate it, but our seven year old daughter would absolutely love it. Other factors that made me choose Costa Rica, are factors such as the food and the climate, but also the people of Costa Rica, who were really friendly and welcoming. I'd be there in a heartbeat if i could.",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1oHCKMQpiPxjJ08,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,33,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,17.0,6.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2006.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2729,839.6094000000952,1149.7042999999526,6317,6942,302,282,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","The only place i can really think of is Japan, Tokyo specifically. I never went to Japan and it was always on of i dreams to be there. I expect the place to be crowed at any time of day, clean and its a place were you have a lot of options in terms of entertainment, food etc to choose from. I read that crime rates are really low in Japan in general and i also know is way more technologically advanced that most countries and especially Greece and thats one of the main things why i want to go there. I think that most people there are respectful and know how to live by their laws and political corruption there is very low unlike Greece or most european countries in general. I would definitely start by visiting their temples since the main reason i would want to be there is my love for their culture and tradition. I know there may be some downsides like i need to change most of my ways since this would be whole different place that the one i used to live and most things that i do here my be considered disrespectful in japan. Also another reason i would want to live there is that when i was young my uncle who had just came back from a trip to Japan start telling me all those stories and how beautiful the place is and i remember being so impressed that i really wanted to do that as well. Obviously i dont expect it to be a ""paradise"" but i ever had the change to go and stay there i would take it in a heartbeat",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3oNsIpyQpuOXFWy,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1073,328.10129999998213,382.6917999999822,5661,4923,302,257,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world, I would choose to be in Thailand. More specifically, at a Muay Thai camp in the middle of the country. I have spent time here before on two occasions in my life and both times it was one of the few periods in my life where I have truly been at peace. It's cut off from the hustle and bustle of modern life and the way of living there is very simple. People from all over the world come to this camp and it's nice to have conversations about each others culture and background. As someone from the United Kingdom, it's quite hard to get away from other brits as we travel everywhere. This camp is one of the few places i've been to where there aren't many other brits ruining the place by drinking too much and being too loud. The weather is always nice there, it's never cold. The food is healthy and delicious. It feels like a family, a very multicultural family. The trainers there are great, they don't speak much English but it's easy to communicate with body language and laughter. It's a place where one can really focus on their health, both mental and physical. I hope to travel there many more times in my life as a break between the stress of living in this modern world. The nature is also beautiful, with dense forests and mountains all around. So if i could choose to be anywhere right now, it would be there. ",12,9,11,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_2bIVMd6As69Hbwu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,49,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1731,694.7872000000477,726.5265999999046,5658,4683,301,255,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could choose to be anywhere in the world right now, it would be somewhere like Hawaii. It looks like an amazing place to live with white beaches and blue seas. I'm current living in the UK where the temperature barely gets above 5 degrees just now as it's wiinter so Hawaii would be a lovely warm place to be. It looks quite a hiily place which would be great for cycling (which I love). I also love running and the climate there looks brilliant. There are loads of great bars and night life which I would love to experience. Best of all, it is an English speaking island so soaking up the local culture and talking to people wouldn't be a problem. While I was there I would check out some of the local towns to see how the locals live away from all the tourism. If all went well, it would be a great place to emigrate with my family. My kids would love the beaches and the sea. As I'm getting older, I'm becoming less tolerant of the UK's cold winters and could really see myself moving there permanently. I would probably have to check out the local businesses to see what the chances are of finding work for myself and my partner. We would also have to check out the schools and colleges for the kids. I could then sit at the beach with a drink in my hand and go over the figures to see if it was affordable.",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_PTlxOPfW7zxjVnP,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,37,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,33.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1635,392.395,684.3689999999998,5328,6249,302,301,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Although it is not easy to narrow down the places in which I'd like to be a single one, I'd say I'd like to be somewhere within the galician interior or a similar slightly cold, slightly humid, green, lush mountainous terrain. I know it's not a very popular choice for a place and I'm usually told it's weird to like places like that but I find cold, at least in moderation, easier to tolerate than hot environments. I like cloudy and rainy days and the noise of rain soothes me for me some reason. The galician interior gets a lot of rainfall due to the prevailing atlantic winds in the region. This is not to say I would like to be in one of those old fashion stone houses traditional for the region mind you. I appreciate modern commodities as much as anyone else so ideally it would be not in the middle of the mountains but in a mid-to-small sized town with all the modern luxuries or at least reliable transportation to the nearest cities. A reliable internet connection would also be a must, which is not often found in rural areas of the region. Many people have this idealized idea about rural areas that is simply not often true. I've lived in a very small town most of my life and I've always yearned for the amenities of bigger cities. In small towns not only are internet connections and transportation unreliable and unconvenient, but the lack of specialized stores severely limits things like your diet. Most supermarkets and grocery stores simply sell the most common stuff they are sure to be able to sell easily and deliveries take a while to get there. Thus why I emphasized not wanting to be in jsut any rural house of the area.",11,9,9,9,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3KVAsrjf3NwNRTu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,7.0,0.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2603,813.1922999999522,1338.7008999999762,6230,8654,298,267,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would like to be in Yemen, I had a friend who was from there. We were friend by internet, he always sing for me a Yemeni song in arab, I would like to hear his voice face to face. Also I want to help there, his hospitals and clinics don't have enough staff, maybe I could do something for them, the crisis there is something awful and nobody talks about it, I wish I could do something. People there is dying for insanity, hunger, war, etc. Sanaa, Yemen's capital is under attack constantly, but the world always forget that people in Middle East, for ethnical, racial, socioeconomic reasons. World only wants to dry those contries and do nothing for them. I want to do something, help the people, I'm just one, but I have the knowledge for healing people and I want do that in someplace around the world where they need people. So much people say ""do something in your country"" ""why you wanna go to other place you can do the same here?"" The diference is, in my opinion, here we have enough people, maybe the infrastruction here is not good, maybe is not well organizated, but we have enough prepared people for this, but there they do not, women can not study or work, man are in war, so, who is caring the others? Who is attending in hospitals? Just a little piece of their population can be prepared for that job, and others don't want because they don't have the materials for do their work. That's why I want to be there",7,7,5,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_OHDiakHnXjnEyZz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2958,580.93,1296.232,5550,5509,302,272,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","It would be interesting to think of a place where I could have a safe environment, where I could rest enought for the mandatory job I would take. Portugal, my country, actually fill this requirement as long as it provides me a good quality of life, despite not being the wealthest person financially speaking. Although, I believe that there are other places with the exact same specifications, I can't think of any other alternative that our own country where we feel part of its culture (in our case, we have a lot of diversity and multiculturalism). There is a place called Coimbra, in Portugal, which has an ancient history which I'm emotionally attached to. My father who's born in a small village in Pampilhosa da Serra (which locates in Coimbra) used to take me and my mum there on holidays and weekends to appreciate nature and the calm it provides. I would see myself there where I could work remotely (half month ~ 15 days) and the other 15 days phisically in Lisbon (where I was born). Just of thinking of this, I feel so satisfied I could do it (or be there) right now. That village brings me some special memories I wish it wouldn't be just memories because of the wild fire that took our houses and things. It's fully rounded by forest areas, which makes it even more beautiful even been affected by the fire of 2017. Having said these, my point of view resides on the fact that some places take a huge part of our sense (feeling) of belonging and that place represents me in my essence.",9,7,7,8,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_3nHNoRu27EMZYaw,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1313,438.859800000012,563.1035,5767,5559,302,265,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world, I would be on holiday, in the Maldives. I've seen people go there on holiday, and I have absolutely loved all the pictures I've seen. The water is so beautiful and clear, and looks so refreshing. I'm not the biggest fan of swimming, but it's currently summer and I would do anything to be cool and to feel refreshed. The villa's I've seen along the beach, on the islands, are beautiful. The design is impeccable. The architecture is well thought of. They use such cool tones such as nudes and light blue's, and use pot plants to give the space life. They also sometimes use wood or bamboo as well, to create and continue to give off that relaxed and cool feel. I just imagine myself on an island, with a partner or with my sister, just having the time of my life. Just having fun and creating great memories that we would never forget. On this island, they also serve such beautiful breakfast baskets that you can enjoy in your private pool. There are also nets that hang above the water, where you can just chill or even read a bit. Everything about being in the Maldives seems very cool and relaxed. I have never heard or read about the weather not being perfect. It's always sunny but not too much. The wind is alway just perfect, not too strong. I just would love to also learn about the culture of the people there, also get to experience their way of life, and taste their food.",11,7,7,9,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_bl9T390sYlKnOOl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,1.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1359,501.5829000000004,634.2882999999989,6013,5581,301,255,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If i wanted to be anywhere in the world right now, it woukd definetly be Japan. I just love the japanese culture i love their lifestyle, i love everything about it. Since i was a kid I always watche anime on television and on my computer and i was amazed when i started watching slice of life animes and seeing how life was in Japan. It is just a beautiful mix of modern but also traditional and old elements. If i went to japan i would want to visit Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto which are the most populated cities in Japan. I would love to see the giant buildings and trains but also go to the outskirts of tokyo where life if more calm and slow paced, the vegetation, the streets, everything fascinates me there. It also has a lot of new technology and home to a lot of companies that someday might ""rule"" the electronics industry. Another thing to talk about japan is its foods. home to sushi (which is my favourite food) japan has so many delicious things to try, such as ramen, previously said sushi, Tempura which is fried seafood or vegetables, Udon noodles, Miso soup. It also has a lot more to offer but those are just some of the things i am excited to try the most. I think that summs up Why i would want to live of visit Japan somewhere in my lifetime. I really hope i can go there and i will work hard to do so.",8,6,7,7,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i R_2VD3njDE615f07o,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1391,403.6419000000004,755.0544000000003,6018,7835,301,298,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be on a beach in Jamaica. The soft sand is almost white. The clear blue sea is calming to look at and relaxing to swim in. The sun is warm and I am much happier when I am somewhere where the weather is warm and sunny. I struggle in the cold winter days, especially when it's raining and I'm cooped up indoors all day. My reason for wanting to be in Jamaica is because I first went here for my honeymoon which was 10 years ago and I have some amazing memories of this place. Although I don't remember lots of details about the trip, the one thing I remember is the beach. I also remember how I felt when I was here. I felt calm and relaxed throughout my stay. Nothing was on my mind. Nothing was worrying me. I didn't feel as though I needed to rush home or think about anyone else. This is the biggest reason why i would want to return - to feel calm and relaxed. The difference is, is that if it were possible for me to go to this place right now, then I would take my children (and husband) with me. I know this would be counter productive as I wouldn't feel the sense of calm I felt when visiting before. I wouldn't have zero worries like I had when I was on honeymoon because I'd be worrying about my children. But I do this regardless of whether they're with me or not. Even so, I would still get to feel the sun on my face and I would get to swim in the warm sea uninterrupted for 5 minutes which is enough for me!",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_YVxYmNeh8BFBAjf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,19,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,4.0,0.0,12.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1911,383.9928999999762,1014.140399999976,5686,7190,302,257,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would propably choose France, more precisely small town called Metz. More than a year ago I've met a person that lives there on the internet and that person described me ""Metz"" in every possible detail. Not gonna lie, this town seem to be very ""comfy"" to live in and has an amazing architecture. I would especially love to visit De La Cathedrale, it's located in the city centre, not only this is monument, but also functions as a hotel! The style of the rooms is just beautiful, I bet sleeping there makes you think that you are some prince or princess. Beside the hotel this would be a great idea just to learn some French (it's my small dream) and meet new people. Why there? Because I've heard a lot that citizens of those small towns are much more friendly towards foreigners, even the ones who don't speak their native language. The most important reason why I would like to be there right now is because of the culture. I could observe and learn how my distant western neighbours live in town like Metz. I could compare their behaviours to what I've heard about French people in general. I could enjoy both the beauty of that old French city and the sound of one of the most beautiful languages on daily basis. After all, there's nothing more exciting and scarier than going somewhere for the first time without preparation, at least it is what I think. ",12,8,7,9,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2YWzdq72BODiCwZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2181,710.9402000000031,952.4350999999978,5701,6147,299,252,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would still choose to be in the country that I am in right now. Because my whole family is here. However, I would like to relocate with my whole family to Cape Town. Considering the crime situation in my country, i would prefer an estate in order to be safe with my whole family. Estates have a lot of advantages: you can get to take walks at anytime, The whole atmosphere is great because the grasses and trees are always maintaned,Some of them have airpots, Some have lagoons, they have shopping stores, they have fields for golf and more activities. An estate that is in Cape Town near the beach would be the best option. I would really love to wake up to the sound of ocean waves and the tranquillity. Such an atmosphere helps me relax and think properly. I have always envisioned myself having a mension in such areas. Not having to work hard to maintain the lifestyle but working from home and getting more time to travel to other countries for a week with businesses that are international. I just want to get to the part where i get to live life comfortably without having to worry about certain necessities. Such an environment would truly do me good. But I would say that the biggest thing that I am going for is to make sure that my mother and little sisters get to live the life that they envision without any limits. Them being happy makes me content.",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_22zBcACsG6mzEDG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,Other,27.0,0.0,3.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3841,1240.725299999982,1617.263099999994,6302,6991,299,269,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","England is the place at the top of my mind. I would love to visit there, sometime. I wonder, how the culture of the United Kingdom is over there. England is the supreme nation, highly regarded all over the world. I am a football/soccer fan, I would love to visit this wonderful and glorious place, were it all started. To visit the priceless stadiums and museums. See poeple different from our people, and engage in a total different culture, their food, I hope they have their own food culture rather just copying other cultures. I have seen over the internet that England is one of the most developed countries in the world, you can tell by how their currency tops all the charts. Their cities a far better than our cities, it is like England birthed all the wanna be cities around the world, except Arab, Ofcourse. One of the main reason to visit England, is that my uncle who I have not seen over 3 years lives there. He has three beautiful daughters, two are a bit younger but their eldest is a very close cousin of my mine. I have not seen her for quite some time. I heard she has a duaghter too, ""might have seen her photos, don't tell."" I would love to see them, visit where they live. Just for a month or so. To experience a different culture, lifestyle and enrionment. I always found it interesting whenever they were visiting with their accent, it's fascinating. Makes you feel like your English is horrible, or your just forcing with things especially with our accent.",9,6,5,7,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_sdtREKWum2S17bz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,50,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,CEGEP degree,1337,547.7855,460.3075,5479,4524,302,252,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could chose anywhere in the world to be right now it would be in Ottawa, Canada. It is cold and snowy there right now. The canal is frozen and winterlude is about to begin. That is not the reason I would want to be there though. I was born and raised in Canada and I live overseas now. For many reasons I have not been back home in many years and I miss my family and friends in Canada. I would love to be able to visit my mother in her nursing home, to spend her last days with her and to support my sisters who visit her in the home every day. It would also be great for my children to live closer to their extended family. There are so many experiences they miss out on by living so far away from my family. I would also benefit from a large support network. Being a single mother is very hard and I would love to get an occasional break. My mother used to say that if wishes were horses then beggars would ride. Unfortunately wishing for something does not make it magically happen so I just get on with it and enjoy the sights and sounds of Canada via Skype and Facetime. My children do get to stay in touch with family just not in the way that I would have preferred. One day we will visit, maybe even stay, but, for now, video calls will have to suffice.",11,9,11,9,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i,C1.i R_1rGLA24ElZBo818,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1538,356.1359000000358,944.7549000000356,5748,8169,300,272,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Right now? Japan. It's been a long time dream of mine to visit Japan, i guess it sounds rather generic, since its a ""common"" travel place/country. I love the gaming culture, there are no arcades left where i live, while Japan is ""full"" of em, I'd kill to play house of the dead 2 on the arcade cabinet once again, its retro gaming scene, where games and consoles tend to be cheaper there plus exclusive games that never came out in Europe. Otaku stuff like anime, id love to visit a figurine shop, check books on artists like suehiro maruo, rockin jelly bean (this dude has a store which i'd love to visit and check the merch, maybe buy a poster or two), try the food, dumplings, ramen, sushi you name it, try the several weird drinks that you find on vending machines... Check and see monuments, palaces, museums, temples. Another thing that i'm a big fan of vinyl and i love japanese music, bands like YMO, Japan X, Cornelius, Akiko Yano, The Yappoos, couple of other names which i don't know to spell, i'd have the oportunity to shop around for discs // vinyl. Overall i have the perception that Japan is ""something else"" super different from anything i've experienced in terms of culture from any other country and i simply need to go there eventually, maybe i came across as weeaboo from my text but that was the first place that popped on my mind when i read the question. Maybe i should start saving up on some money so i can make this trip a reality. Thanks for reading",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1OWiPcrnxhGAdDi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,9.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2015,451.031,898.6731999999956,4884,6769,246,270,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would probably choose Japan. Japan seems from my point of view a place that is very rich in history, tradition and culture. This country has a lot to offer to foreigens since the culture is so different from what I am used to. The people look very polite and respectful also their food feels amazing with so many flavours and new things to try. The only bad point I could say about Japan is that is propicious to natural dissasters altough they are prepared for it. It can my kind of scary to imagine going though a earthquake or a tsunami right in your eyes and it can be very traumatic. I'm sure if I could choose any place to be right now it would be Japan also because of their streets. The streets of Japan seem very amusing and interest to walk in and just discover what's around the corner, knowing it will amazing. It's like walking in a totaly different planet. It's amazing what the earth planet has to offer in terms of place for visiting and live in. For exemple take the middle east, Japan and America, their culture is very diferent from one place to another, the weather, language,food and people are all diferent because of where they were born and grew. Even in Europe if you going to the east it will be very different from the west. It can be fascinating what all this countrys have to offer. With some doubt because there are amazing places to be with I would choose Japan. ",7,6,7,6,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii R_2pSJ9BcadrYRFT3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2257,831.5945999999046,583.9012000000478,5711,5117,304,268,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would like to be in the united state of America, i prefer studying there than staying here in the united kingdom, where i was in nigewria i felt like leaving the country for my masters degree and i got the option of choosing between united state of America and United Kingdom but i ended up coming to united kingdom, i have a friendf in united state of America who is explaining how his studies there is far better than what i,m facing here, they have a better working system and more chances of getting a paid job than it's here in united kingdom, schooling here is tough i have to shuffle between unskilled jobs and school which is very stressful to me compared to where i came from, most of the jobs here are not related to what i'm studing which doesn't count as experience to me compared to my other colleagues in united state of America, they are currently working in their field of schooling which is very good for their experience and Growth as a graduate, they even get certifications there which helps to boost their employability, he told me about their taxing system there which is far b etter than the one in United kingdom, i feel betrayed sometimes coming here, it's not really what i expected to meet, i get depressed most times thinking of why i moved here, life has been tough for me both in schhol and normal life, there's no enough job here, i have bills to pay as a student, i wish i moved to United state of America.",2,5,5,6,A1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_8uhOfSOcI5sWDiV,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2278,335.6140000000001,1399.13,5742,8576,301,344,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","The place I would love to be in is very special to me. So special in fact, that I think about it every single day. It is very far from where I am at right now, and the thought of moving there makes me very worried, but also incredibly excited. The move will definitely be an ultimate test of my character, I think. The place I would love to be in right now is in a foreign country, so I will have a lot of adjusting to do and many hardships to go through. I soon will graduate from university, so the day of the move keeps looming over me, getting closer and closer, and, knowing myself, I am certain that I will only get more nervous. But in the end, it will all be worth it. I always wanted to move abroad, but now I feel more motivated than ever. The real reason that place in the world is so dear to me is because that is where I will be able to settle down with my amazing boyfriend. I do not know where we will end up, but honestly, the only thing that matters to me is being close to him. With him. Our place will be small, but very cosy. It will surely take a while to feel comfortable in there, as we never moved homes before, but the thought of decorating it and making it 'ours' really thrills me. I cannot wait for the long walks in the nearby parks. This place is like the perfect mix between living in the city and in the countryside. The stores in the area will provide us with all our necessities, the trams will make commuting so effortless, and on top of that, the seaside is so very close that some weekend trips to stroll on the beach won't be an issue at all. And I love this special place of mine. I was there before, and it is very beautiful. I cannot wait to go back and stay there. Forever. With him. ",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_T0k4ud9JRC71OKJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,31,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1072,415.80230000019066,407.94860000014313,5681,5382,302,276,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would love to go and travel Japan. The reason for this is because I love the Japanese culture and would love to be able to go to a city that I have wanted to visit for many years and experience it for myself rather than through documentaries and TV shows. I would love to see how busy the city is, ride the trains and see how efficient and clean the city is. I would like to go and see all of the sites and the buisinesses that we just dont have here in the UK. I love the fact that the country is made up of many islands, each with their own cultures, traditions and even climates, with snow covered mountains in the North and much warmer, almost tropical beaches in the south. I would like to see the Historical sites, many from the second world war. I would like to be able to go and pay my respects to the people who were killed in the atomic bomb explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and visit the museums to do with this event. I would love to have some traditional Japanese food made by highly skilled chefs like Sushi and try rice wine that has been made by people who have developed skills over a lifetime. I also enjoy the anime and manga culture of Japan and would love to go to Tokyo and experience their anime and manga stores that I have seen on TV and be able to buy some of the fantastic looking toys and figures that they have available for sale. ",10,8,9,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_1EYDmmfozhNdOX2,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",en-GB,59,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1362,564.4246999999992,485.2095999999996,5534,5188,301,276,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the World right at this moment, I think I would have to say Jamaica in the Carribean Sea. It is freezing here in the UK today and it looks very dark and dismal outside my window at this moment. We don't have the money to put the heating on either so it is freezing inside this house today, just cant wait for a bit on sunshine. There would be plenty of sunshine today in the Carribean I am sure, they have beautful warm winds and gorgeous sunsets with swaying palm trees. The last time we were there we stayed on a gorgeous island owned by the holiday company, Sandals. They had a little boat that would take you across to their island and on the island they would serve lunches of amazing food like Jerk Chicken, salads and other gorgeous foods which you could eat sitting at little tables in the woods in the shade. The tables would even be laid for you in the middle of the island. There was also a swimming pool in the middle of the island with a swim up bar but then there were quite a few beautfiful white sandy coves on the beaches there to swim from as well. The butler's would still come and take your orders and bring you your drinks on a tray. But there was hardly anyone there at all. There was Catamarans to take out and free diving and then you could explore the coral reef that the hotel was built very near too. Just paradise and a place most people would love to return to I'm sure.",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_WvTMOZiR50iKPy9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,46,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,8.0,0.0,3.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2701,762.224400000006,1701.976300000012,5969,4924,300,265,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I couldn't be here right now, I think I would like to be in a country with a large green areas, untouched nature and many possibilities to live in contact with nature. I really love nature and I think it's the best way to spent my time. I think I would try to organizmany excursions, in my spare time, and that I would try my best to leave that place a little better that I found it. I really love spending time in contact with nature, I love hikinhg with my backpack, covering long distances with my mountain bike, sailing rivers with my canoe, and snorkeling. I would also try to organize activities to preserve the paradise in wich I would be, studying the place in which I am in the best possible way. I Imagineit would be nice to spend days in this place, perhaps slleping in thent, studying the plants present to try to understand their nature, trying to classify the animals present, or even simply studying the stars in the sky or that area. At the moment I would not be able to classify a real place, but I would rather try to locate a place with the most interesting characteristics for me. I do not deny that it would be convenient to comehow have an internet connection somewhere ( not necessarily everywhere) to be able to do more detailed research on what I will find there. I have to admit that my ayes sparkle just imagining what I have just described, thank you for virtually bringing me to this place!",10,6,7,8,C1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_22Lj7ili5k96lts,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",pl,22,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3179,520.7427000000476,1166.8207000000475,5884,5235,302,257,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","That's not easy question, since I am happy with where I am right now. However, if I had to choose, I would probably want to go with my girlfriend to Rome. I have read quite a lot about this place, since I always been a huge fan of Italy and it's culture. It's a heart of Christianity, has a lot of museums and many, many other interesting places you could possibly see. Of course, the thing that interests me the most is Colosseum. It's a large amphitheatre and it always shocks me how big it is. Another place that I definetly want to see there is St. Peter's Basilica located in Vatican. It is one of the most beautiful Catholic Church. Forum Romanum is completly ruined now, however, it is still an amazing place to see. In ancient Rome, it was the heart of it. That's where city lived. Even though there is a lot of places to see in Rome, what I really love about this place is it's style. As much as I would like to also go on vacation to some place that is modern looking, the Rome is a place that strikes my heart with it's style. Ancient Roman architecture was really good, and I really admire it. That's why I would choose Rome as the place that I want to be right now, even though there are definetly better places that you could spent your vacation in. When I explore Rome and Italy, my next place to go would be United Kingdom.",10,7,5,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_1Dx2Cry9xMqLPnD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4415,723.5246000000238,2954.661400000036,6112,7249,300,243,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would choose to be in the exact place where I am right now. I live in Rome, Italy, and this city makes me happy and joyful. It's far from being perfect, I know, but this place once was the center of the world for a reason. The city center is wide, and is historically full. In 2/3 hours of walking you can see centuries succeed one another. Pass from religious icons like San Pietro, to the symbol of imperial history that is Colosseo. But these are the popular symbols of the city, they are known in every corner of the globe so it would be easy to talk about them. It's what sorround them that i like the most. When I feel down and sad, I go in the city center, put up earphones with music, and start walking. Everytime is like a new journey, a new experience. I randomly walk through alleyways, where basically no one goes since everybody goes through shopping streets. I feel good there, walking slowly, looking at old stone walls or at windows of some ancient shop. It makes me feel relaxed, and music helps too. More I walk, more I want to walk. I never choose to go in a specific place, also because I've really bad orientation capabilities. I always say that I like to get lost in Rome. At the end of every walk I feel a lot better, relieved. Surely, not feel tired.",10,7,7,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2Soarcizl8CgFfA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.78",pl,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1673,585.3773000000119,602.0447999999523,5558,4909,301,270,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the whole world right now, I would choose to be in a secluded place with great views. I would be there only with my boyfriend. It is not a particular and existing place, there are many options that qualify to my expectations. I want the place to be full of nature, preferably with a lake and mountains around it. I wish to be in that place in a summer weather, so that I could enjoy the most of it. I would want to be there to ease my mind and let go of all the things that are stressing me out at this time. Without anything that will be remiding me of all the work that I need to be doing. I wish for that place to also be full of flowers so that their beautiful fragrance would spread around and you could smell them anywhere you go. A this place that is full of nature I would love to have a house. Small, cozy one. Basic necessities and cute decour. I wish for that place to make me feel like me and my boyfriend are the only people in the world, just enjoying each other company. I feel like the most important thing in such place would be the scenery. I really miss nature. I live in a big city that lost its charm. I am overwhelmed with all the ads everywhere I go, the noise of the whole city and the stress and pressure that I feel. I belive that is why such place would be ideal for me at this point. ",11,7,7,8,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_3GdeJ8nOhHB9X5p,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,20.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2302,548.498,1113.43,6066,5264,302,262,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","One place I could see myself in is Bali, Indonesia. Bali is an Indonesian island known for its volcanic islands, beaches and coral reefs, which actually I've never seen in my life! There's a lot of culture, art and some spirituality in that region of the globe that you can't see elsewhere. One of the best parts might be how connected you can get with nature while in there, and that can get me relaxed for sure. If the pictures are true I would love to hike the mountains and be able to witness such a beautiful landscape and probably have a swim on those crystal clear water, which I can't really find where I live. Even tho I'm not a person to enjoy a lot of different types of food, the ones traditional to Bali can really work out the appetite. Another aspect of it will surely be just walking down the streets as they can really be a canvas on itself, since they are way more colorful then what I can find here. Another thing I would love to see for myself is the many island's temples, and that must really be an adventure in itself. And with that surely there must be a lot of traditional rituals and I might find that funny since I am a Just Dance enjoyer myself! In conclusion, I would love to visit Bali for the unique offers it has. I would love to better describe them right now but I think I'll only be able to do it once I fully experience it.",10,7,9,9,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_veqdrwyp7qp0l6F,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,2.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3489,875.8709000000059,1854.7915,5893,10147,304,332,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","When I would to be now? Why I want to live there? Well, now I don't want to be in an exotic place o particulary far from my city or country (it's a paradox: I like travelling!). The place which I would to be now is a my property house, a little far from one of the principal metropolis of my country. No rent, no other things, a totally my house which I can live alone there. Yes, I like to invite friends in my home, also for one or two nights, but I woukdn't have a co-abitants. Now, I live in a town outside the principal city, in province. Here it isn't so much, the necessary for life and something more: here I haven't more important friendships and I have my principal bounds/social links/friends/whatever inside the city, where I had frequented high school and university. Now I live in a very nice hous, but with my mom and my brother. It isn't really bad, but I feel the need of owning a my and personal home and space, which I can live with my times and relatively near to my friends. I imagine my home with a near green public zone -maybe a little forest- when I can walk for relaxing and, why not, with a little private garden for me only. I imagine the house interior made almost in a dark wood with the living room, a bathroom and the kitchen in the same floor and one or two bedrooms (mine and for others) in the first floor, with another bathroom. I wuld put somewhere a studio room and a garage for a motobike and my 3D Printing (with all its equip), but I don't know if put it in the ground floor or in the first one. I like thinking that the house can have large windows for see the outside environment. Another thing that I would have one day is a group of solar panels on the roof.",10,5,5,7,C1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_tExI1jeg1t8o88h,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,31,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1673,738.7627000000003,680.1460000000002,6193,5714,299,251,1,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?",If i could be anywhere in the world right now i would choose to be in Norway with my wife and kids to see the northern lights also known as the aurora borealis. I would love to sit under the northern lights and see them slowly flow through the sky and let me family enjoy the view too. Wrapped up with my family maybe even pitching a tent out there somewhere even having dinner whilst watching them maybe try stay there as long as i possibly because who wants to go back to the normal daily life of working? Not me! Even sitting in the cold is something i really enjoy so that along with a hot cup of chai (Cooked tea) in a large flask right now would be perfect! The lights when looking online make it enough for anyone to want to go see something that looks like something you wouldn't ever see in your average city like mine. It has been something i have wanted to see since a very young age. I often spoke about it as a kid and even as an adult. I want to be there currently as i have not had a break woth my family in a long time and seen as that is something i would dream about doing then that would be my choice. The view of the northen lights capture alot of people and i love places that have a good vibe to it. This would just be mine!,8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2vc6vI0rUwk8GSZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1930,520.354,1197.2397,5682,5168,302,262,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I think one of the most important decisions in my life was to choose a girlfriend, two to choose from. This was a couple of years ago. I was a strong ""player"" - girl or guy who plays with the feelings of others, conquerors, pick-up artists, and I was hitting on girls as much as possible. One wasn't in love with me all that much and the other was strongly in love. Me being stupid I probably took the worst option and chose the first one. There is also a long story of how it all started, so I have summarised it as much as possible. It ended up that I had neither a girlfriend nor female friends - I was left alone. This girl i chose pounced on me and didn't take me seriously. I wanted to end the relationship normally, that is, to talk to the girl who was in love with me, but she decided to take revenge on me anyway. I also felt quite depressed. I think a slight depression took over me even a bestfriend turned away from me. To this day my psyche is still affected, but I'm working on it and doing well. If it wasn't for this situation I would probably have other plans for my life. Other priorities, other goals. I look at this situation differently over time. I think it taught me a lot about not treating people like that. I think the girl in love also looks at it differently today and regrets those revengeful and other intrigues directed at me.",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1Fthnmi6OSHGp4T,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,31,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,1.0,11.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1940,397.1592000000477,833.4969000000954,4924,5561,279,256,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"In December 2021 i quit from my work after two years. I was sometimes thinking about something new, but my work was quite good and I have a lot of independence. But, my close co-worker told me in a secret that terms of my work will be little change in the near future. In this time I also got an information from another coworker from this company, but actually working in another place, told me that in this company will be a vacancy on job very related with my actually conditions. I've decided to take part in recrutation and finally I got this job and then, I quit from my past job in December 2021. In the new job In my decision I was working only three months because of too hard job, e.g. physically and not exactly like in my imagines and not all connected with my passion. Also I don't like working when boss too often looks in my car gps, altought I was making everything in fair way. A little hard also was my collegaue, who told me about this work. I don't like to be obligated to something, but he Was OK. I was quit from this work and later I found more interesting work, after about two weeks break. In this new work I am using English more often and it is also good for me, because I know that is is worth to using language regullary. My coworker is from Sri Lanka, but I am working also with another people.",6,5,3,7,B1.ii,B1.i,A2.i,B2.i R_0e1LUW6O44g5mwh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,1.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2125,535.1057000002861,1059.7539000000954,6253,8568,285,279,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Fair enough, I strongly believe that one of the most important decisions im my life (one can argue that university degree is not a big deal nowadays and you can proceed career without it) occured about 1.5 years ago. Back then, I was enrolled at university of technology at one of the STEM courses. While I was really enjoying programming, all the mathematical stuff and so on, the technical part was draining all of my energy and passion. After being enrolled for 2 sems, on the 3rd one I make an final decision: I was going to drop out and and start over. I signed the papers and from following academic year I decided to study pure mathematics. It was rather a choice of heart. I always loved that, and now, being here for one year I can say that I do not have any regrets what so ever. Long story short: I enrolled STEM in 2019, were there for 1.5 years, dropped spring 2021 and from october 1st 2021 I started studying math. What I realized now, it is not important to graduate from prestigious course on well known collage, but rather to be great at what you love to do. I currently am self-employed as private math tutor (couldn't possibly imagine doing that as my previous course - hated that), and even have a few offer of internships at data science related positions. Seeing many motivational speaks from succesful entrepreneurs (and of course - collega diploma hepls) I reallized to pursue my dreams I cannot depend on someone else - I need to study at my own, to broaden my knowledge and to be better person everyday.",11,7,7,8,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2XbUHXjQ6sWRL0w,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1164,489.3798999999762,357.5116000000238,5324,4590,298,261,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to make an important decision about my health back in June of last year. I had been getting side pains and I went to the doctor for them. It turns out I had somehtign called uterine fibroids and they were so big that were were hurting my uterus and stomach. They doctor took a look at me and told me that I need to get surgery on them. So I set up the surgery for a few months from the initial appointment, and I waited so long. It took forever. I decided during that time period that I was going to get very healthy after my surgery and that I would quit somking and drinking alcohol. I would clean my life out. When it came time for the surgery I went to get my blood tested. It turns out I had an underlying health issue. My kidneys were not functioning properly. I had to go back into the doctor and get checked over. She told me I needed to quit smoking and drinking, adn that I needed to clean up my life now. I felt very determined to do just that. After 3 weeks of fasting and eating clean, and trying to quit drinking and smoking, I had changed my attitide. I felt very confident I could do it. After the surgery I was in a lot of pain and I didn't eat very much. I had already stopped drinking and smoking so it was easy to keep it up and stay healthy. Overall it was a great decision.",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1jcGbDq7wHsbS6h,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,Italian,12.0,12.0,20.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1427,458.99939999985696,503.1105,5789,6363,301,246,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I have been in a relationship with my partner for over 4 years now. We met whilst travelling and we both had lives in our home countries, in two different contintents. After 2.5 years of mostly long-distance relationship, I graduated and had the opportunity to look for a job in a different country. My plan was to move in with him so we could finally be together. However, a few months after graduation, with a pandemic still wreaking havoc in the job market, I received an offer for a one-year contract from an international organization based in my home country. I was conflicted as I honeslty was hoping we could finally live in the same city (or at least in the same continent!), but the offer was really so good I could not refuse. I had to give it a try. I felt sad for having to put us through another year of long-distance relationship, but also proud of myself for being able to score such a good job in my home country, while most of my peers were forced to accept low-paying jobs even with high qualifications. In the end I accepted the job and my partner was immensively supportive of my decision. After a year and a half, I finally had the opportunity to move to the other side of the world, this time with some solid work experience and ready to take the next step in both my career and my personal life.",11,10,9,11,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_2B5vUOkp03yLSwO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2010.0,High School,836,247.553800000012,402.8445999999642,5880,7355,303,308,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I happen to live opposite a rather loud garage that bothers me, my family and my neighbours. They often blast music really loud, beep horns and are hammering objects all day. They also shout to each other and get into loud aggressive arguments often, this causes people in the general area anxiety aswell as myself. Although I have never personally had an altercation with the people who work at the garage, I have seen several customers have physical altercations over prices and damaged cars. They also often smoke marijuana as there is a large smell coming from there when they are taking a break, which doesn't personally bother me but it shouldn't be taking place in the workplace around heavy vehicles. Now it comes my my dilemna, one summer evening I was smoking out of my window which I love to do as it is peaceful and there is no sound on an evening as they have all finished work and the neighbours are inside. I heard rustles over near the garage back entrance, as it is in plain view of my window; I had no lights on so I wasn't worried about being seen by anyone. A short while later I heard what sounded like a door breaking, and then I saw flaslights in the windows of the garage! Clearly it was thieves breaking in. I wasn't sure whether to call the police or just let it take place, as I definitely got a small amount of satisfaction knowing the terrible owners would have to deal with the outcome all day. In the end I did notify the police, and the garage got me flowers. I have sinced asked them to keep it down during the day as there are eldery people nearby, which they have agreed to. I'm not sure if they ever caught the thieves.",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1OV2373loAGXwzH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.61",en-US,40,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1535,280.972,482.35910000002383,5628,5943,300,268,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"My most recent important decision made, was regarding the sale of my condo. I had purchase this condo as my first ""own home"" in 2016, on my own. At the time, my priorities were to find an adequate place, close to work and family, and have all the basic amenities, all within my modest budget. Fast foward 4 years later, I was living in that condo when the COVID pandemic occurred. Within a year of lockdown and working from home, I got my first puppy - however, my building rules prohibited pets. This meant that I have been harbouring my dog in secrecy, and after about 2 years of that I decided it was unfair to everyone, including my dog, to live in secrecy and anxiety. Therefore, I decided it was time to sale my first home, and look towards getting a place that fits my current needs. I feel that this is the the right decision and I feel it is the right and fair decision for both my and my dog's quality of life. Additionally, my professional and financial circumstances have changed/improved from the time I was readying to buy my first place, and I know that I am in a better position to carefully consider my options and decide on the perfect next place. In being able to do this, I feel fairly proud and accomplished. I worked and relied on myself for the past few years, and consciously shaped my work life and career progression to ensure that I keep moving my life in an upward trajectory, and this new move reflects my efforts.",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1LIqrSvGKsZI8aP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15",en-ca,23,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,Hindi,18.0,36.0,12.0,Punjabi,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1601,521.078,643.498,5671,7329,290,347,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Decisions are part of everyone's life, from whrn you are really young to the day you die, there are always some small, insgnificant or significant decisions you have to make. For one - what to eat, what to wear, which friends to make and so on and so forth. I have made countless decisions in my life but the most important decision I took was regarding my higher studies and if I would uproot myself from my family and country to a new and strange country, with no one I might know. This decision took me by surprise, the amount of time it took me to make this decision was in even more astonishing. My brother had gone to a European country for his studies so you can say I had an example to look up to. He did not enjoy it very much, the language was different, people were not so friendly, he was struggling to make friends and the studies stressed him out. He kept it real for me, the cons and hardships were not sugarcoated and I believed him and yet I took the decision to move out to a new, different country very fast. I chose Canada as my destination and shifted here in 2019. At first, I did not know anyone, did not have any friends, was not familiar with the transportation, especially the college and how everything was taught. I was definitely taken by surprise but I was not disappointed. Through the struggle i have found more about myself than I would ever have in my own country. I know my limitations and how resilient I can be. The decision that I took freshly out of high school is going to affect the trajectory of my life very much. To conclude, the decision was to leave behind comfort, familiarity, family and friends to shift to an unknown, strange, cold place; build my life from scratch. I have never once regretted that decision even if sometimes I miss my life. I like to trust that young me knew what she was doing.",11,9,10,11,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_1NtbKdYcmEiUOBl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,34,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2042,303.8590000000001,621.895,5433,6675,300,292,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One time I had to make an important decision was when I was deciding which college to attend. There were a few that I was debating between: mainly a large state school and a smaller private school. I did a lot of research and reading, and made lists of the pros and cons of each. I felt a little nervous, knowing that the choice would affect me for many years to come. I knew that the smaller school might give me more of a chance to stand out and get one-on-one attention, but it would also cost a lot more. The state school was well known and would have lots of recuiters available, but I felt that I might get lost in a sea of students. I was anxious and concerned about making the right choice. In the end I decided that the smaller school was right for me, even if it would take longer to pay off my loans. I was really impressed with the programs there, and I felt like I really connected with the staff in my major when I went to visit. The reviews were good, and I knew a few people that went there, and they liked it, so even though I was very uncertain about my decision, I decided to go with it. It was a bit of a relief to finally make the decision and to go all in on it, but I was still a little concerned and doubtful. It felt like my whole life up to this point was leading to this big decision, so I felt some pressure. It took me a while to get comfortable with my decision, but in the end I eventually felt like I made the right choice.",12,10,9,9,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_2Y93o8F5hvafknZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,32,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,24.0,1.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2365,399.1324000000358,704.2787999999522,5656,7078,300,271,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When I was 19 I finished high school and had to take an important decision: which university would I go after? It was a bit hard to tell. My father is a dentist so I tought it was a good decision to pick the dentistry university, but he never pushed me into it. My dad was always tired after a long working day and he never suggested for me to take his same career. I wasn't also really fascinated by that work so I had to change my mind. I liked math but not at high level and I also like to count and calculate things, so I finally decided to go to an economics university. I think that was the right choice because I really enjoyed the classes and it was easy for me to keep up with the lessons and exams. I felt very happy about my decision and I think my parents were happy too. I think If I went to a dentistry university I would end up dropping it or having a bad time. Exams are really hard and if something is not on my chords I will end up hating it. If I could come back I would pick economics again because It taught me a lot about many interesting subjects that I genuinely enjoy and makes me curious. If I had to tell someone how to chose their future career I'd say him to think about what job would he do if he had to work without being paid, so that's for sure something he would like to do for the rest of his life.",9,7,9,9,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3Mh5BowpiC7MC3x,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2291,534.3557000000477,1446.4201999999286,6381,5845,302,259,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Hi, it's me. I want to tell you about something that I thought I will never share with anyone, but here goes. This is the most important decision I made in my entire life. It happened last year, when I was supposed to continue my Computer Science course in college. I knew I was failing it, so I had to make a big choice between staying with my family, far from civilized world or basically running away from there. The more time I spent there, the more I felt suffocated and restrained. My family got me to cut all ties with my friends and I had no one left to talk about stuff. They made me quit all my hobbies and things that I enjoyed doing. Finally, I made up my mind and I ended up choosing the second option. I took a small loan and started looking for a place to stay and for a job. After I managed to do so, I simply packed my stuff and left early in the morning. I was really anxious and scared about the things that may or may not happen to me, but it ended up just fine. I finally found the peace, finally I was not yelled at for days, I stopped being scared for my own safety. I started going to the psychiatrist and I got properly diagnosed. I also started to exercise, which I thought would never happened. I started to live my own life and I'm very hopeful for the future. I finally believe in myself.",11,9,9,9,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_2e5dsXk0vBYqiX9,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,de,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Austria,German,15.0,1.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,High School,1211,329.236,457.529,5724,5825,302,257,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"An important decision for me was, when I had to apply for my first job. I had studied chemistry for five years at the local highschool and then started my civil service at a nearby home for handicapped people. During that time, I applied for various companies focusing in chemistry and analytics, but most of them didn't even reply to my applications. However, after a few months of sending out CVs and references, my mother told me to apply to at a packaging production plant, that's not too far from our old home, where I grew up. Not only were they looking for a former student and were willing to give me some work experience, but they also replied on the very next day. The next week, I already got an appointment for an interview. My boss-to-be was more than impressed by my references and english-skills, which were not nearly as good as they are today. However, he and the interviewer were quite pleased with me and agreed on another appointment to present the department and to see, if this job really interests me. Of course, I was hooked; even more so after the next appointment and signed the contract immediately. I was more than happy to finally find a job, that suited me and has kept me interested for five years now. I've made many contacts, learned so many things about packaging and technologies and am quite interested to dive deeper into other departments to develop new recycling technologies and change the world's view on plastics.",11,9,9,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_sA5q8I0Dgu5xptf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,62,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1443,552.6337000000477,611.9333999999761,5388,4940,302,261,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The last truly important decision I made occured about a year ago. I was teaching in an International school in Malaysian Borneo. My mother-in-law (who was living in Scotland) had a bad fall, breaking her hip in the process. It was clear that my wife would have to return to the UK to look after her mother (and her invalided father). On her arrival, it became very clear that this was not going to be a temporary fix - it needed to be a permanent one. Thus I decided to retire from the job, and indeed the profession, and return to the UK to play my part. I had been an international school teacher for nearly 40 years. In fairness, I would have retired in the near future anyway, but the decision was ""made for me"". This was a little hard to take, but family is important, and there were few alternatives to consider. I still think a lot about the decision - it clearly ""ended"" one very important part of my life, and it would be easy to feel resentment and negativity about that. Intellectually, I know that the way forward is to focus more on the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and that is generally what I am doing, with some success. But every now and then, in my quiter moments, I imagine myself back in Borneo - walking in the foothills of Mount Kinabalu. And I think that, if I had a super-power, I would fix things so that my mother-in-law never had that fall.",11,11,11,11,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i R_XhQ8PZ1LID0XwxX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.61",en-US,20,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Slovenia,Slovene,20.0,0.0,16.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,1677,410.066400000006,622.8771999999957,5718,6788,302,336,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The time I had to make an important decision was when my girlfriend practically dumped me. I met her three weeks prior to the break up. I know, I know, three weeks doesn't seem that long but to me it was an eternity of happines. I met her through tinder, our energy was in perfect sync. There were a few hiccups here and there but I didn't notice the enormous red flags radiating from her aura. One day she asked me to come watch a movie with her. I rode to her house with my friend on a bike. He hid in a corner and waited for me. Prior to me meeting up with her I told her I won't be able to stay that long. So I just came up the stairs with her, had a drink and left. She even gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was in love. Then the next day or the day after she asked me to come by again. That night we actually watched a movie and started kissing. It all felt surreal. Then it started progressing forward, and there was no going back. 3 weeks go by since that, and on a random morning she texts me she wants to take a break. I said that was okay, but come to find by ""break"" she meant a few month break. I got really upset and we started arguing. We basically broke up and, but the hatred and arguing continued on. She was acting like a child, she became a monster, but I could not let go. I knew how she was and that pursuing the chance of us still being together was slim to none. I had to make a really important decision. Either I keep trying to make things work or leave the relationship. I chose the second option. Now I'm in a wonderful four month relationship with my current girlfriend and things have never been better. The ex still misses my till this day.",10,8,9,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_3hAqTLm61s1ZmuT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ",en-US,29,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1695,339.598,912.059,5658,10939,302,521,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I suppose one of the most important decisions in my life was to move away from everything I knew to be with my current wife. It was a big decision. But a decision that I tried not to become too emotionally involved in. I thought about the decision from a logical point of view and of course I had input from my wife and from my parents. My brother had moved a few months prior with his girlfriend and I knew as the older brother I had sort of outstayed my welcome with my parents as I was in my mid-20s and after a series of failed jobs I knew that I needed a new start with my future wife. A lot of the actual moving away seems very cloudy in my memory, but I believe I actually managed to move the most of my belongings on a train. I didn't own (and still don't own) a lot. I don't think my parents actually came down to visit me for some months afterwards. I knew my Mum being a little upset by the news as she knew ""her boys"" had fled the nest and my news was particularly unexpected. I suppose I can be quite a predictable person in some ways. But they were happy that I was starting a new life and willing to stand on my own two feet for a change, even if very worried due to my past experience with work. I don't even remember moving everything into the flat, even if it was only a few years ago. But I remember the feeling of ""freedom"" as I didn't have to worry about when to have meals and what I had to do. I felt as if I had become a proper adult. I had more responsibilities. Finally I could prove to my family that I was able to become independent. 5 years later on, I moved out of that flat into a proper house. I've decorated the entire house and there are bigger projects coming that I have planned once I've saved up enough money. I've had around 3 or 4 jobs since the move, but I've finally found a secure job with a regular income to keep things ticking. I got married to my wife. Again, my parents were truly happy. They never pushed for marriage. My younger brother isn't married to his girlfriend and probably never will be. But this is how I wanted to live with some remains of the traditionalism that have been left over to our generation and that's no bad thing to me personally. Anyway, the conclusion from my decision was a positive one. I don't always dwell on the positive things as I should. My mind for some strange reason likes to think of the negative past experiences I've had. I could have been a really negative individual if I wanted to be. But I refused that path. There's nothing to be gained from that path. I chose realism with a sprinkling of positivity. I think the future can only get better and that's where my plans are heading.",12,11,9,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2YVpLWiZJrXdius,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,nl,34,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,25.0,1.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2342,467.482,636.081,5718,5219,300,248,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"At one point I had to decide whether or not to continue finishing my college degree. It was a hard decision because I was struggling quite a bit. I also wasn't making as much progress as I wanted in the time alloted to me. Planning things and being dedicated was part of that struggle. At a certain point I decided to quit because I just wasn't progressing fast enough. I may continue doing something related to my degree at a later time, but I'm sort of glad I don't have the pressure of finishing things in a certain timeframe. Now I just have another job where I don't have to think too much but pays decently well. It's a job I can leave behind after work, so I don't have to take the stress home with me. It's sort of a job to fall back to in case other carreers don't work out for me. In the meantime I just go about living my life. Spending money on things I need and still have enough money to splurge a little bit. To earn a little bit of extra cash I try to invest in certain things and partake in a study or two at websites like prolific. That's pretty much where I'm at at the moment. I'm now checking how many words I've typed because I've pretty much run out of things to say. I guess I'm close to reaching the required amount of words which is good. ",10,9,9,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_31Bs2L2bCMPKV7Y,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1019,370.8431999999881,269.7583000000119,5917,4590,302,250,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The time that I had to make an important decision was when I turned age fifteen and had the choice to leave my foster carers home. This was a big decision as I had my then nine year old brother who would be left behind if I decided to leave. This decision troubled me as the foster carers home was not a caring place for someone to be, their son was abusive and the mother was a criticising woman who had stated that ''we were never getting anywhere in life.'' I had thought on the decision for weeks and met with my then support worker. I told my support worker that I would leave, as I could move in to my grandmothers but only if my brother was moved to my Grandparents a few weeks later. My support worker agreed with this and I felt more confident about my decision. When the day came, I decided to move and leave my brother behind, but only for two weeks. Two weeks had passed and I could still remember my brothers crying face as I left to go to my new home in the taxi. I felt like I had let him down and that I was a bad sister. Seven years have passed and I now have my own home, cats and a partner and this guilt still surrounds me, even if he did end up moving into my fathers at the age of sixteen after the passing of my grandparents. ",10,8,9,11,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_UVZ5u5gIrZrcY0x,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,41,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1294,449.430899999976,611.6842000000478,5933,7081,301,315,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to decide what career path to take in my late teens, i worked a few odd jobs from part time employment but never really knew what i wanted in life or what i had any expertise in. I studied math, physics and chemistry at college for a levels but never understood i why took them, only that i had an abilty to break down problems and enjoyed algebra and set numerical problems but hated abstract ideas and lots of writing and text such as this write up. I wanted to be useful so I decided civil engineering for a degree at university but chose blindly not understanding what living on a university campus would be like and if i would enjoy the degree content. In my first year I got bored of the non-math content on the degree , had made no friends and always got into arguments with my flat mates. It built up to the point i got homesick and decided I had to go. I packed up and left the university but not without arranging transfer to another university locally. I completed the transfer to another civil engineering degree but after the transfer I decided to go down the pure math route knowing I was physically and mentally incapable of working with others and hated practical problems instead of instant numerical solutions to math equations. eventually i got transfered and competed a math degree in 3 years but only to find i had no job prospects and did no planing for my future. In the end i became an accountant and studied another 3 years to become qualified. I partly enjoy my work but now realise I could have made a bigger difference in my life and others had i followed the civil route instead. I am living with regret to this day but now working to fufil my retirement.",8,8,7,11,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1fj5INGS8ldiBoi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,6.0,Norwegian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2362,869.6146999999879,915.282,5775,5777,290,259,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of the most important decisions I have ever had to make was whether or not to pursue a graduate degree.After completing my undegraduate studies, I was faced with question of whether to enter the workforce or continue my education.On one hand, entering the workforce would have provided me with oppurtunity to gain real-world experience and start earning a steady income.On the other hand, pursuing a graduate degree would have allowed me to specialize in a specific field and potentially increase my earning potential in the long run. After much contemplation and consideration, I ultimately decided to pursue a graduate degree. I felt that knowledge and skills I would gain from the program would be invaluable and would better prepare me for the workforce in the long term. Additionally, I was pasionate about the field of study and wanted to dive deeper into it. I was both excited and nervous about decision. I knew that a graduate program woud be challanging and that it would require a lot of hard work and dedication. However, I was also excited about opportunities it would provide and the impact it would have on my future career. Looking back, I am confident that I made right decision. The graduate program was difficult, but also incredibly rewarding. I learned a great deal, made valuable connections, and gained the specialized knowledge that I needed to advance in my career. The decision to pursue a graduate degree was significant step in my personal and professional develpoment and it was a decision that I am proud of.",11,10,9,10,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_1eLQs77DUhLBuSg,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,2.0,8.0,Korean,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2338,531.5197000000012,1305.8893999999984,5415,8704,303,252,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Throughout my life, I have experienced numerous times when I had to make extremely difficult decisions. One of those times was when I had to decide whether I really want to drop out of college. At the time, I was a 2nd year student of Japanese studies and I was about to start writing my BA thesis. I always got good grades at exams and never had any problems with studying. However, as the pandemic started, I started to have some difficulties with catching up with all the material, and what is more, I started to have problems with my mental health. This is why I decided to drop out and take care of my health. It was a very difficult decision to make because I was close to finishing the 2nd year which is why I had many doubts about it. I also did not want to feel like I wasted two years on studying all the subjects I would probably never need. This situation made me feel extremely nervous and scared. However, due to both, my family's and friends' support, I decided to do it. After dropping out, I knew that it was the best decision I could have ever made and I was really happy about the fact that I decided to do it. Right now, I am really grateful I did it because my mental health really improved. What is more, I am able to continue learning the language without feeling pressured to get good grades at exams.",10,8,9,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_21tXwlujDNP576k,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3356,574.7892000000012,1194.7878000000007,5626,8973,303,286,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember that during my final year at A-Levels I had to decide which course I wanted to study at university. At the time I was overwhelmed by all these different options and I wasn't particular sure which would suit me best. Simply because I haven't really given too much thought about it up until that particular moment. Given my natural affinity and skills in mathematics and physics, an engineering course or even physics seemed the most obvious choice. It is a respectable field of studies, lots of perks, stable income and plenty of opportunities to grow. On the other hand, I have always been curious and fascinated by technology and programming and, for that reason, the thought of studying computer science crossed my mind as that was also another career path that offered many advantages. It is only natural that at this point I would seek help from my parents as they went through a similar experience when they were younger and had to pick a course they wanted to study at university. They know me very well, more than anyone in this world. And so I figured their opinion would be highly appreciated. After a serious discussion, both insisted that I would pick mechanical engineering as they believed I would fit in straight away and do well in it. And I felt it as well. Plus, the idea of potentially being able to work with car manufacturing companies is something that really fascinated me. Therefore, I ended up studying mechanical engineering at university and it proved to be the right decision as I ended up doing well in it and met many wonderful people that I am still in touch with to this day. ",12,9,7,11,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_1QutD9sgyZtQt2P,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,8.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2958,904.3157999999524,1646.2508000000714,6447,7478,301,257,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to make an important decision, when I had to choose my college way. I thought about 2 ways. First of them is longer, less paid but very interesting - it is medicine. Second is a few shorter, better paid, but more exausted - it is dentist. I chose second way. But most of the time I had doubts. I thought a lot of time about it but always conclusion is that I made a right decision. Now I know that I made a good decision. I am a dentist but I can be a surgeon, if I will go to specialisation. I can mostly schedule my day by myself. I can earn enought money to be satisfied. I feel that I have a lot of options in my carier. I work with people, can talk with them but I don't have to talk so much, which I don't like. It is accurate. I think that if iI had chosen a first way I could be forced to refuse going out on parties, meetings or relaxing. I couldn't go back to my home as frequent as I wanted to. Now I don't have doubts, I think that I made a right decision and if I had had to make it again I made it the same. I enjoy that I can earlier earn a money and be better paid. I also learned how to fast read, remember and be organized. And also that college isn't the most important and I can pass an exam sometimes worse.",7,5,6,9,B2.i,B1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_eQyj0TOh6tK2rbX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",887,298.453100000143,349.5697000000477,5642,4852,303,256,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"A time when I had to make an important decision in my life was when I did not achieve the grades I wanted in order to attend my first chose University. As a result, this University offered me an alterative course which I could take with an extra year. My other option was to study my original course but at my second choice University. I was torn as my first choice had been my dream to attend for years and I was heartbroken that I did not get the grades I needed to in order to study the same course I was intending to. I did some research into this new proposed course and decided that despite my dream of attending this University, I was not completely happy with the proposed course and I did not want to sabotage my happiness by taking this risk. I decided to accept the offer from my second choice university, and this meant that I was atleast able to study the course I had originally planned to study. Whilst deciding, I was completely overwhelmed and stressed as this decision would affect the rest of my life and I felt the pressure of not wanting to make the wrong decision for my future. However, once I had accepted the second offer, I felt relieved as I knew that I was going to study the course I had always wanted to, the course which I had spent years doing research about and ensuring that that was what I wanted to go for. ",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3L0jecn1Vxdb4N4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Left-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1266,579.9412000000477,473.516100000024,5550,5503,310,298,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"A time when I had to make a decision and I was still fairly young was deciding what university to go to and what course to study. at the young age of 17, I was still not certain about what career I wanted to go into and if I wanted to study outside of my city. All my school friends and peers seemed so certain in what they wanted to pursue yet somehow i always felt lost and usually just followed the crowd in terms of what they wanted to study . That is kind of how I picked my A levels to begin with. My personality also meant i didn't like going to people for help including my parents or teachers which left this decision all up to me. it was something i pondered hard on and eventually decided all on my own. My biggest factor when it came to where i wanted to study was the location. Many teenagers would have love to get as far away as possible from home however i was set on staying in London, the city i am from. This narrowed the pool of universities down by a lot and now i just had to focus on finding the right course to study to fit who i was as a person and what i was already studying at a levels . After a few weeks of deliberation i finally decided that i would be studying some sort of engineering, the actual type i would discover later on when i started studying as the first year was all general. My decision was based on the fact that engineering is one of those degrees where you can pivot in to other sectors if you don't enjoy it, it incorporated a bit of everything.",9,9,10,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_1M4FndPadN4KfZV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,44,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,33.0,1.0,10.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1651,552.2045,615.2712999999524,5422,5333,302,254,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The time when I had to make an important decision is actually right now. I'm involved in a really complicated familiar situation - I live with someone who has been my romantic partner for more than 10 years, however the relationship deteriorated in the last 3 years, and currently only the coliving persists, with all that goes with it (sharing expenses, domestic chores etc.). Last year I decided to meet a coworker who at that time was a simple friend. The friendship evolved quickly, and became a distance love relationship, since we both live in our own city and only meet periodically. After one year, I finally decided to leave this house and my (now ex) partner in order to move to my coworker's city. This will bring many changes to my life - I will have to move to another country, learn the language much better than I'm already doing, and most of all leave my friends and acquaintances. I decided to do that because it's the best thing for me to be happy, but I have to admit I feel scared sometimes. It will be a big challenge for me at my age - I'm not so young anymore, and I believe the ability to adapt to new life circumstances decreases as much as the age increases. Luckily I am conscious that my new partner will always be on my side for whatever needs and doubts I will have. I actually feel both happy and excited, and worried at the same time.",11,9,8,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3GqrzuuRq5Pe0v5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-BR,20,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2155,695.0525999999941,994.603599999994,5655,5442,302,267,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The most important that i made in my life up to day was probably what course i was going to choose for university. I had good grades so that wasn´t an issue, so my options were plenty but i knew i wanted so kind of engeneering. So then the search started and i came up with 3 options, mechanical engeneering, physics engennering and informatic engeneering but still i couldn´t decide between these 3. That´s when someday i discovered on youtube a peculiar type of content, it was the youtuber building all kind of stuff like swords, shields and sci-fi equipment, the channel i found was the hacksmith industries, they build stuff like a lightsaber, the power loader from the movies aliens that is a crazy project and even more recently an giant and rideble spider robot. That was the first channel i found but it wasn´t the only one, that helped me make my decision, i wanted to build stuff like them so i came to the conclusion that the degree i wanted was mechanical engeneering, and even already choose what masters degree i wanted to follow, which was mecatronica. After the choice i feeled that i made a good decision but was still anxious about the future but after the university started i started to realize i made the right choice for my future, i loved the people i was surronded by, and i liked learning and making the projects we were told to do. Today i still feel happy with my choice and i wouldn´t know if i would trade this choice for anything else",6,6,5,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_7NXj5joxrx7p7rj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2473,627.376,1080.9105,5658,7672,296,408,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"As a soon-to-be father of twins, i reflect on a time when i had to make a significant decision that would shape the course of my life. It was a turning point that tested my character, resilience, and determination. it was the moment when i had to decide whether to take a leap of faith or stay within my comfort zone. The decision i afced was whether to quit my well-paying corporate job and start my own business. I had been working for the same company for several years, and i was comfortable with the routine. However, i had always had a passion for entrepreneurship, and i felt that i had something unique to offer the world. I knew that starting a business would be a risky and challenging journey, but i also knew that it was my calling. i weighed the pros and cons, and i consulted with my family and friends. I took time time to refletc on my values, goals and aspirations. i realized that didn't wan to live life of regret and that i had to take the chance to pursue my dreams. I decided to take the leap o faith and start my own business. The decision was not easy, and i felt a mix of emotions - fear, uncertainty, excitement, and hope. I was scared of the unknow and the potential failures that lay ahead. However, i was also filled with sense of purpose and a burning desire to succeed. I knew that the journey would be tough, but also knew that i had the resilience and determination to overcome any obstacles. in the end , my decision proved to be the right one. Starting my won business was the best decision i ever made, and it has opened up many opportunities for me. i have learned valuable lessons about leadership, innovation and the power of perseverance. I have also met amazing people an d made meaningful connections that have enriched my life. in conclusion, as a soon-to-be father of twins, i hope to instill in my children the same values and principles that guide me in making this important decision. I want to teach them that they have the power to shape their own lives and that they should never be afraid to take a leap of faith. i want to show them that with hard work, determination , and positive attitude, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.",10,8,8,11,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_25vx2EdxScENZHr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",sl-SI,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Slovenia,Slovene,10.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,High School,4952,860.2651000001431,3382.0672999999524,5875,14887,302,263,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to make an important decision a couple of years ago when I had to choose between studying abroad or studying in my home country. I applied to a couple of universities abroad and as required I wrote motivational letters and different kinds of essays. At this time of my life, I spent my days watching videos of students reporting their daily life as foreigners, things to be cautious of etc. I also searched for the places to visit, things to do in the country I chose (hoped) to study in. I really wished my course would be of high quality and that I would take away knowledge I wouldn't attain if I studied domestically. Meeting people from different cultures motivated me as well. Looking back I mostly I wanted to get a good education in my chosen field. Additionally, I wanted to experience an eventful student life in a different country. Things didn't turn out as I had expected and hoped. I felt quite bad about it. At the end I decided to study in a domestic university. In retrospect, this was a good turn of events, because I think I needed this for my personal growth. It is easier to study in an unknown environment if you are more familiar with who you are, what you want and need. Thankfully we live in a world nowaydays where we have so many options, when something doesn't turn out as we would have liked, there are always ""doors"" left to be open and consequently even more important (valuable) decisions to be made.",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_26byCxBmyTrtKvS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,12.0,0.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1232,354.566,483.09229999995233,5666,5646,302,260,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"While I was studying at my masters program in business administration (msc), I was a board member of a social impact consulting student organization. My role was to keep track of all investments, and keep track of all the transactions and administration. I was also responsible for the marketing together with 3 other students, and also for the website of the organization. This particular website was a bit outdated, and we had a meeting about how we should improve this. We had to decide if we would do it ourselves, or contact and pay a professional or even a professional organization. We could have looked up on the internet how we could do it ourselved, we could hire a freelancer with sufficient experience to upgrade our website, or we could hire the ""expensive"" organization. We heavily discussed the pros and cons of each option, but in the end I had to make the ultimate decision. I decided that this was a very important aspect of our business and that we should not try to save costs on the upgrade of our website, therefore we chose to hire a professional organization to upgrade our website. I felt that I made a great decission, as we negotiated a fair price since we are a student organization. The website turned out great for a cheap price. In the end the other board members were also convinced that this was the right decision, as they saw that the new website better reflected our brand identity and looekd more appealing towards businesses and more professional. ",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1opYslvpzqKAbgS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,8.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1450,267.7628000000119,529.0598999999762,5670,6598,302,251,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One decision i had to make recently was what to study for my masters degree. I had two options - optometry or photonic engineering. I already have bachelor's degree in photonic engineering, but in my country i thought it would be hard to find a job with that. That's why i decided to study optometry. I think it was good choice, but optometry is much more boring than my other option. I don't feel bad about my choice, but i don't really want to work as an optometrist. My plan A is to get master's degree, and then learn some programming. Maybe do some courses or learn by myself. Then, i think, it would be easier to find a job while having degree in photonic engineering, optometry and with knowledge about c++ or other programming language. If i dont find a job i want, then i still can just work as optometrist. I think demand for that is pretty big, so i wont have troubles finding a job. I heard some bad things about working as an optometrist without working experience, but if i had to then i will do it. Best case scenario is i find a job in some kind of engineering enviroment, where i can use all my skills i learned in college. Basically anything about optics is fine, and if i could also learn ways to implement it to a computer, like ray tracing or things like that, i think it would be fun and profitable job.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2EFaR5KasPjuX2k,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,54,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2314,1078.4910999999047,839.5277000000477,6524,6700,301,322,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had been living in a large family home for over 20 years which was rented, I moved in at a time when my family of 5 children were young. It was a happy home and I knew the area well as it was an area I had lived in most of my life. My children grew up and started to leave getting married and having children of there own, I also had another child late in life. When I reached the age of 48 I became ill and was unable to work by this time there was only myself and my 9 year old daughter living in the house and I could no longer afford the rent. I did not want to leave as the house held so many memories and the option of a smaller house in the same area was not going to be prudent as I only had a limited amount of savings, I was anxious and had to make a decision to move to a new area as it was a lot cheaper and too a much smaller home with only 2 small bedrooms, It also meant my daughter would need to move school. This was a hard decision to make but I knew it was one which needed to be made as financially I would have eventually ran out of money and we may have been left homeless and destitute, Packing up my life into boxes and boxes and having to give away things we could not take with us as we would have not room was heartbreaking, but I put on a brave face for my daughter and told her everything would be fine. We moved into our new home my daughter went to her new school and made new friends I got a new job and we have been happy here but I still miss my old home and the life I had there.",12,9,9,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1GIVDKeFhVMxAhm,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,25,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3758,1158.089899999976,1732.0828999999762,5999,4719,305,228,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"some time ago i had to make the most important and difficult decision of my life... i decided between my job groowth and the love i had for a person. I decide that it was better to get away from a manipulative, machist person who was always looking for a way to make me feel sad and insecure with my physical appearence, every action i took in my life that person always questioned and tried to persuade me not to do it. one day, i just got tired, i no longer wanted to endure those actions day after day, and i got up with all the courage i had and put a stop to that person. I told him i didnt want to see him again for my own mental health , and i appreciated the experience he gave me all that time i had it. at that moment i felt so relieved and as if a huge burden had gone i started doing things to raise my self esteem , i began to learn to love and value people who are worthwhile , i began to lose the fears i had and my conficence began to return to me little by little. Today i apreciate that decision i make, since i can spend my time with the people i love and with whom is my true love...",6,7,6,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_vjZJzmIuWZIDuUh,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,22,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",798,242.55,414.141,5970,8091,302,342,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"There was a time where I had to decide. I had to decide whether or not I would go to College or leave and get a job. It was the one time in my life where I didn't know what to do. Funnily enough, I knew what subject and what type of work I wanted to do; that is IT Networking and Security. I didn't know if College was right for me, I didn't feel like I wanted ot be in education and that I would do better in a practical technical role for a company where I would be doing real work. My mum encouraged me to do College. Mainly because she liked the look of the place and thought it was a nice short drive! Bizarre. I'd done really bad in school so I really did not want to go to College. It got to the point where I was adamant that I was not going to go to College, despite my mum's best efforts to encourage me. I did not do very well in school, however, that was purely due to my lack of interest and hard-working mindset. I did end up going to College, and it was really enjoyable and honestly one of the best times of my life. I currently am 22, have 4 years work experience as a Network Engineer and currently my work is funding my BSc degree in which I am in the final year. I wouldn't have thought I would go to University due to my academic experience and likeness. Even now, College was still better than any form of teaching I've had in my entire life, the lecturers were the best people and tutors I've ever met. I am so happy I did decide to go, although I wasn't happy about it and also just went with it because I didn't think I'd be able to get a job very fast! So in conclusion, my life is excellent now. It comes down to trying something that I never even wanted to try!",11,8,9,11,C2.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_2aCseuumOEQTSJH,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,31,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",873,328.795,325.509,6015,6073,302,275,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"After having our second child, we decided that it would be a good idea to move our family 300miles across country to be closer to our extended family. It would mean our children would be growing up with access to their grandparents and cousins. Also with friends in the area who had children of their own of the same ages. We decided to put our house up for sale and start looking for houses in the area. It was really easy to sell the house we were in, however buying was a completely different matter. All houses sold within days of being listed, and being 300miles away from viewing meant there were times where we weren't physically able to view the properties before they had been sold. We had to finally take a risk on a property which was overpriced for the condition, however was in the location we needed. We had to make a decision quickly as our son is disabled and needed to start the health visitor professional process for us to be able to access support for him. We were unable to start this process until we were settled in a house. We completed purchase finally 16months after starting the initial journey of moving house. Having to live in rented accomodation at times, moving 2 babies 300miles over 2 houses. We are finally in the house we settled for. It has been an extremely emotional journey but the stress is finally start to lift from the family. New hurdles will always appear, broken boiler, falling apart conservatory, mould appearing in places. But we are settled and we can tackle anything together now.",11,9,9,11,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_vTDYhiesYWDTAPv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,41,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2000.0,Technical College,1855,637.4455999999046,826.8963000000716,6053,7303,302,315,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"This is a story about why you should stick to the job no matter the circumstances. This happened in 2009 when the world was going through a recession. A lot of companies closed down, some of the lucky ones went to ""short time"" and just worked 2 to 4 days instead of the usual 5 days a week. Now I was in the motor industry as a toolmaker and things were not looking good as we already were working 4 days a week and the management was complentating to go 3 days a week. Also I will add that we were told that we will not be getting increases, but that is obvious due to the recession and short time. But one day a major deal was made with an automotive company and suddenly we had work again. They still had to make cars parts, but not in greater numbers but us toolmakers suddenly had a lot of work on our hands. In fact, there was tremendous amount of over time, had to work 12 hour shifts mondays to fridays and a few hours on the weekend. However since we started working a lot at the time, a few toolmakers decided to demand increases. Management said they would consider it after the tools where completed, because there was still developement and maintenance to do on the tools afterwards. Most of the toolmakers refused to work overtime until they got there increases, but I and a few others decided to carry on working overtime. At the end of all that fabrication of the tools, I and the few that continued to work over time got increases, but the others did not. Also we got paid for the overtime. I look back on this as you should be grateful you have: A job, plenty of work to do, plus they pay for overtime, especially during a recession.",11,7,7,9,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3irOspm8xSzayiV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,41,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2005.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2788,656.2985,1101.3326000000238,5736,5392,302,253,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"At the beginning of 2020, during the highest peak of Covid, our local office had to shed some jobs as the company was not doing well and could no longer afford staff salaries. I work with a team that could easily be outsourced, an exercise that would save the company a huge amount of money to be used to sustain some of the operations. My team was made up of 12 agents and my task was to make at least 6 positions redundant. I had worked for years with these people and to me, they were more like family. I had the daunting task of building a case and evaluating who amongst them would be the unfortunate candidate/s. As I had no choice, I had to let go those who were not the best performers and joined the company last. Once the decision was finalised by the board, it was then my duty together with HR to break the news. One-by-one, I called them and delivered the bad news. It was those with families to look after that made it difficult or unbearable to break the news to. The despair and agony in their eyes, especially, at the hardest time when most companies were either laying off staff or closing down was heartbreaking. However, hard as it was, it had to be done. This was by far, the hardest and possibly, most stressful period of my life. It was an important decision, but one I will regret for the rest of my life.",11,10,11,11,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i,C2.i R_2BnsOV99qU6EG9R,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,10.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,3199,801.1535999999996,1941.8289000000009,6077,6689,301,261,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I send a lot of CV's when I was looking for job. Someday I have got two calls from firms that I send CV's to them, they invite me to the job interviews. I went to them boths. I feel that I did pretty well in the interview. They said they will call be back. Some week later I got a phone, thats come from the first company that I was inteviewed, they told my that I can work to them. I was so happy, but some 3 hours later I have got another phone call from second company, they also told my that I can work with them. I was very confused. This decision was hard becouse both companies have good working conditions, but first company was about 30 minuts closer to my house then secound one, but the secound one have slightly higher hourly rates. I had to decline the second propsiton and told them that I have got competitive offer. Luckily they understood, so for now I was the worker of first company.From the saved time from commuting to work I Could develop my passion in home. I was happy and motivated. I was waiting for this moment until I finished my school. I can meet my new coworkers that are into the same passion as me.I was so exiced to this work becouse it offers a great opportunity to develop myself. I am happy that I make this decison becouse developing can make me much benefits in the future then a little more money at the beginning.",7,5,5,8,B2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_vrgKzDgD1DjfLSp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4174,983.9832999999524,2123.2602000000475,6442,7185,302,270,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I once had to make a decision as I was nearing the end of my high school career. The decision I had to make was as to whether I should go to university or go work instead after I was finished with high school. I did not know which option was better at the time. This greatly stressed me out as final exams were fast approaching and everybody at school seemed to have already figured out what they were going to do with their lives after school. I felt as though I was the only one who had not figured out what I was going to do yet. I decided to ask older friends and some family members for advice. I also consulted the internet for information on the benefits and disadvantages of both options. The more people I asked, and the more information I discovered on the internet, the more I realised that getting a job would be beneficial in the short term but going to university would be more beneficial in the long term. I then decided to go to University to study instead of getting a job. Understanding the benefits that going to university was going to have on my professional life put me at ease. This made me look forward to going to university in excitement as I knew that I was going there to improve myself. I knew that if I had tried to look for a job after high school instead of going to university, I would have likely found a low level, low paying job that I would have likely been trapped in.",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3siQSjb2u6thhUt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1119,385.5762000000012,383.8080000000001,5281,5426,283,290,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"There was a time where I had to decide between making money or my life, 2 years ago. You see, the problem was the owner of the company where I worked did his utmost best to NOT spend money on repairs and maintenance of his company vehicles. You see, I drove the company vehicle 5 days a week, so natually I would be able to pick up if something was amiss with the vehicle I was driving. I've told him multiple times before that something feels off, he would shrug it off then weeks, sometimes days later the EXACT thing would happen that I told him about it! Fas forward working a couple of years for him, the vehichle I drove that fateful day was swerving left and right on the road, out of the blue. Almost causing me to cause a few accidents. I told the boss, that I won't be able to load 1 ton of weight today, because the vehicle is swerving on it's own. He still chose to ignore my warning and make me load 1 ton of weight. On my way back from the pickup I almost caused 3 more accidents. I decided that the mere peanuts of money he was paying was not enough to warrant risking my life, so I decided to leave right away. I did not have a backup plan for another job, but this felt like the right thing to do. It's been 2 years since I left there. At the time I felt wonderful for making that decision, but ultimately now.... I don't think it was wise to leave without a backup plan. I still feel like the benefits of leaving right away, outweigh the dangers of that workplace",9,8,8,11,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_QlSIjRaLoqLIGcx,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1117,250.193,457.7630999999942,5632,6334,301,257,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"During my semester break I had to choose what I want to do in between of it. I was in dare need of money, since my family doesn't provide me with any money, unlike most other students. I could either go to a normal job, which could include working in a factory, giving out pamphlets, or a restaurant for two months. While it would be the easiest way, there was something that I could try... which was trying to find my first job in the industry, which in my case, was Informatics. The issue was, that I had no previous experience, and no much money that I could spare for the time where I would be trying to find a job, which could mean even two months. But I did it - I decided to start searching, and while I succedeed in the end, finding a job as Java programmer, which is uncommon to do so, while still not finishing university. But I did have to pay a price of a whole month, where I would sit for 8-10 hours every day, sending out job offers, trying to create valuable projects that would interest companies and try to hide the shortcoming of my lack previous of job experience. It was extremely stressful and it was a risky decision, but in the end, it was worth to me, since now that I'm close to finishing my university I still hold this position, and I'm leaving university with two years of experience, giving me great possibilities for future employment.",9,9,6,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1RGrseeSyTn24XD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Left-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,10.0,0.0,10.0,Portuguese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1932,492.1871000001431,1082.7602999999524,5926,7257,301,312,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When i was 13 i was asked by my parents if i wanted to go to study abroad for one year. The school was in India and it taught both general academics as well as having extra activities sucha s yoga, meditation and excercise. The school ideals were of training both the mind and the body. At the end of the year they asked me whether i wanted to go back or not. This was a time where i had also startied to think about my future. That boarding school due to all the extra activities, was not very strong in the academics department. Us students didnt have a lot of time after academic hours to self study, and in the few that we did have we werent motivated enough to actually study. So i was a bit unbalanced wether to go back to a serious school and study to go to a good university or continue in that boarding school. In the end i decided to stay and ultimatly graduated high school in that boarding school. This was because i realized that while i could always catch up and learn missed academics at a later time, if i needed it, it would have been much harder to learn the other values that school was trying to teach. The school was trying to teach us how to meditate, keep calm in stressful situations, be kind and help others and be selfless. Thinking back i think this was a wise decision because although later on when i did end up going to college i struggled in the first year, and needed an extra year to get my bachelor, i felt that the experience and knowledge i gained form that time in the boarding school enriched me as a person and far outweighed the lesser academics that i received by attending that boarding school.",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_R2mcbsjEQLkmUkp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2598,706.6941000000238,1015.973,3251,5292,301,252,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"That one time I had to make an important decision was deciding what I wanted to do regarding my career which started with my high school subjects . I knew I loved to travel I just also knew I had or will have a family so if I choose travel and tourism how will my future work. The feeling was definitely a strong one I was sad but also overwhelmed because I feel I was too young also very naive to be thinking about a future then. Furthermore I ended up choosing life sciences, history , mathematics and that led me to doing Bachelor of Laws and it was a good decision for me for some time but honestly my heart and desire is stuck on traveling so yes thats the one decision that was difficult for me to make and i made it but with alot of regrets now. That was the one of my most difficult and important decision I ever had to make because it led me to the life im leading now. Choosing between tourism and law made me feel really anxious since like I have mentioned was a big decision that took all turns it did in my life. I definitely find no regret in my decisions because with everything I am now that I have learnt and grown into has made me who I am today therefore I am greatful as well as I have learnt strongly from everything and I am very much happy now. ",6,7,6,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_pzO3TdjNWsnOMyB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-GB,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2195,800.2981999999881,1102.0505,5685,7124,300,370,1,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be an airplane pilot, and I always found very fulfilling to give something valuable for my country. Knowing that, it was clear that I wanted to become a Portuguese Air Force Pilot. My parents, specially my mother, never supported me in that decision. They always had a bad prejudice towards military and armed forces. Because of that, and because of the fact that I have ever had some health problems my entire life, I was paving a plan B, in case I failed to join the Air Force. When I turned 18, the world was struck by COVID-19. That meant that, because I stayed locked up at home for a really long time, my physical condition ended up by degrading with time. When the time to submit my application to do the tests in order to becoming an Air Force pilot, I had a really hard time to decide if that was the right time to do it. I eventually decided that, despite all the obstacles, I had to give it a try. When the so awaited day finally arrived, the tests were going really well, passed all the physical tests, and the last one was a running time-trial. I had 13 minutes to complete the required distance. About half-way done, I started to get cramps on my right leg. That slowed me down, specially in the last 500 meters. When I crossed the finish line, I was told I had finnished in 13 minutes and 30 seconds. I couldn't believe my ears, I was completely devastated. It was one of the worst moments of my life, but I always live up to the belief that it's the bad moments that translate in a better future, and this was not an exeption. I got to meet amazing people that I keep contact 'till this day, I can rest my mind knowing I, at least, tried, and it meant I was going to college. I got in Aerodinamics Engineering, in a city I had never been to, really far away from my home town, met tons of new people, created incredible memories, and, nowadays, I'm glad it turned out this way.",12,8,9,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_232aPxXgop3wJQd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,United Kingdom,Vietnamese,20.0,36.0,24.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2171,493.30210000000153,763.314,5556,5371,300,257,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"As I was a Mom so I am interested in how to grow my kid to be healthy, kind and successful. So I would love to interview parents who have the kids as describe. My kid is very fusy, he doesn't like any foods that other kids find appealing. This has concerned me too much. He will either eats what he likes or nothing at all. As a working mom, who spends 8 hours at work a day and going home to think what to feed my kid is challenging. I would love to see how other parents do that? What they do to encourange their kids eating healthy food? I think, these days playing game is part of growing up for kids. Within limit, I think it's ok, but if parents are not careful about the amount of time their kids staying on computer to play games, it would be a problem such as kids would be exposed to the games which are not age appropriate. Or playing too much games online would limit their social, communication skilles. So I also would love to know how parents manage that. If there is any expert in the field, I would also love to interview to see how much is enough and at what level we should be worried. If we could have talk show to share about raising our kids, I think it would be lovely for parents. We have too much information on internet these days, but to have trusted source of information is not easy.",9,7,5,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_31GX3A1gPoNBcs3,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0,en-US,24,Right-handed,7,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Czech Republic,Czech,14.0,1.0,12.0,Slovak,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,5398,771.067,1400.737,5792,6703,301,255,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to invite and interview Dr. Phil McGraw as he is a host of the Dr. Phil show, which is extremely popular and succesful and I particulary find it very entertaining, and therefore I see him and his show as a perfect model for my upcoming show. There would, of course, be differences as to avoid any copyright violation. Next I would like to interview Conan O'Brien as I find his ways of interviewing people very efficient and funny at the same time. I also like his personality and energy with the guests and his staff, which you can check out on many of his Youtube videos. He is also hugely popular and would this invitation would be a great marketing move. Speaking of which, I would also love to interview Trevor Noah. I think inviting him would be, again, a great marketing move, as he is very popular not just on TV but also on Youtube. He can sometimes be quite controversial, but I think we have a lot to learn from him and his show. John Oliver would be great as well. So far I have only talked about hosts of various shows, but it would be fitting if I invited other guests as well. For example I think a great idea would be inviting singers or bands, which I would interview and also let them sing and perform their latest songs. This would greatly draw in people who doesn't watch television talk shows on TV as well as on Youtube.",10,8,9,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_3NyLigQTeTZFcZ5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.61",en-US,30,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1209,326.17159999999404,553.880300000012,5484,5621,302,269,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"On my talk show, I would like to interview Zelenskyy, who is the President of Ukraine. Right now, he is probably the most popular and admired man in the world. He was Time Magazine's person of the world in 2022. He became most famous when the US offered to give him an escort out of Ukraine during the beginning of the Russian invasion and to set up a government in exile in Poland. Zelenskyy famously said ""I don't need a ride. I need ammo."" Zelenskyy is an example of modern day courage and leadership. There will probably be courses in the future taught at universities on his effective leadership ability. He serves as an inspiration for hope and good around the world even against crushing odds. Ukraine was badly outnumbered and outgunned at the start of the Russian invasion, yet Zelenskyy didn't flee. In fact, he took daily videos in downtown Kiev to set out to the world. He serves as motivation for his troops who are outnumbered and outgunned stuck in the cold, wet, and muddy trenches just like in World War 1. He visits his troops on the front lines to provide them with inspiration. Contrast that with Putin who hides in his bunker in Russia. Due to Zelenskyy's passionate speeches, he has been able to unite the Western world against Russia and has been able to get a torrent of modern weapons into Ukraine to push back the invaders. Zelenskyy is the George Washington of Ukraine so I would be honored to have him on my show. Just think of the TV ratings he would draw!",10,10,9,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_sBAlTAE7vSOSOEp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1647,443.014,751.4553999998569,5702,7808,302,266,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear television executives, thank you for the opportunity of pursuing my dream of having my own television talk show. This message intends to shed a light on what type of people I would like to interview. Since a young age I am obssessed about productivity, tracking time and organizing schedules to maximize what I do. Recording everything to ensure, in some way, that my time does not go to waste, like having a substantial proof of it. So, being a bit proeficient in this matter, and having experienced myself several techniques or methods for productivity, I would like to elaborate a list of people with proven results on how they deal with productivity mixed with others that struggle with achieving their goals. From successful people to the average Joe, I would like to interview the spectrum of productivity and relate these methods with the success they try and indeed achieve. The result of this, for the viewer of this television talk show, would be real world descriptions of how people try to succeed, with the results being exposed for the viewer to analyze and dwell on his own efforts of achieving their objectives. With a motivational touch, people would be encouraged to participate and make their own questions, in order to get better in topics that matter to daily life, such as money, job, family and relationships, physical and mental health, leisure time and others. Between the audience and the interviewed, it would be created a informal conversation with me being simply a mediator. A placeholder title for this show could be ""The challenge of productivity!"" ",10,9,9,9,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_27x1DrKYkonElql,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.1 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,47,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,High School,3573,1258.03,972.662,5924,5690,306,287,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir/Madam, I would first of all like to take this opportunity to say thankyou so much for allowing me to have my own talk show , this is something i have wanted for many, many years. If it is at all possible I would love to have Madonna as my first guest on my talk show , there are so many reasons why I think Madonna would be a fantastic guest , she has just announced a huge world tour that is going to happen this year. This world tour will showcase 4 decades of fantastic music from Madonna , lets be realistic , I don't think there has been anyone else in the music industry like Madonna. There would be so much to talk about , if we went back to her material girl days , also her acting career , then obviously a bit more personal , we could talk to her about her marriages and children , I suppose her family life , If she wanted to talk about it , which of course she absolutely might not want to, we can try and i think the chat would be fantastic , although , there is the risk that we can never know what Madonna may say , but we could edit out any bad language etc: . I would also for my second guest really like to have Peter Andre on my talk show , i feel like he would be a very chatty guest, also he has led an eventful life, and would have lots to talk about . He is quite private but i think any projects he has coming up he would love to talk about them with us.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3P4PewzCEmqIWWC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",732,281.838599999994,330.337299999997,5318,5261,302,255,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Since I have my own television talk show, there are many guests that I would like to try and interview. Some may include role models, influences, and even celebrities from my childhood. But for me, as a first guest, I feel that having Stone Cold Steve Austin would be someone I would really want to have on my show to interview. Stone Cold was the catalyst in Professional Wrestling's boom period called the Attitude Era. His rebellious attitude against the authoritarian boss character Vince McMahon was seen as a projection from kids who disliked their teachers or adult role models. I would love to ask him about what he thinks about his influences on people during that time period. It would be interesting to see and hear from the horse's mouth about whether he liked being an influence or not. Another reason why I would want to have Stone Cold on my show is because I would love to hear about his thoughts on professional wrestling as a whole. As he did wrestle for most of his career before transitioning into Hollywood acting, I would love to hear about his escapades as a wrestler compared to being an actor. That is what I would want from an interview on my show. Another thing that I would want is maybe a segment on beer. Stone Cold loves his beer and a segment on beer tasting would make for great television. So have him on to taste weird beer flavors would be a draw for the ratings.",10,11,8,11,C1.ii,C2.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_3jZgFPmleO5jeoi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2262,1004.3263999999762,829.6850999999643,5749,4803,302,267,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview Michael Jordan. I want to know about how life was when he was younger and about the talk that he was cut from his high school basketball team. Michael Jordan don't give a lot of interviews so for me it would be special and I'm sure our channel would get high ratings. I would like to know how he handles the media of being such a huge icon, I wan't to know what his family is like and how he feels about be a husband, father and grandfather. I wouldn't want to put him on the spot but I want to know how things are going with him and his first with Juanita, are they friends. How does he feel about possibly being supplanted by Lebron James as the GOAT, does it bother him that some view Lebron James as the GOAT. Another thing is why he a Charles Barkley is no longer friends, I know it's rumored that he didn't like how Charles Barkley said he wasn't good at being a owner as he was a basketball player but Charles Barkley was just doing his job and answering a question. Jordan took it out of context as to what Barkley was trying to said about Jordan so I want to be able to talk to Jordan about patching up he and Barkley's relationship. Their is also a lot of talk in the black community that Jordan doesn't hang around black people and I want to know his take on that and does it bother him that some blacks feel that way.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_UoMkN8U1qVcJVyF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,38,Left-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,Technical qualification,2356,493.073,1262.8969000000957,5382,8005,301,275,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"To the television talk show, I am absolutely excited to begin this enthralling venture with a reputable company. Eagerly anticipating to begin my talk show with engaging dialogues with fascinating guests. I am aiming to interview individuals from various culture and backgrounds of life, enabling the audience to learn and maining engagement with the show. I would like to interview Elon Musk on my talk show. A well known, extraordinary personality with views that take us to the stars and back. Intrigued by his technological advancements and knowledge, my aim is to dissect his way of thinking, understand his methodolgy, alternative viewpoints on life. For instance, his view on the simulation theory, mind boggling to some and yet cohesive with others. Exploring these ideas and unleashing them onto the audience in a thought provoking manner. The aim of the show is to expand on personalities way of thinking, explaining terminologies in a simplistic way so the messages reaches out to my audience regardless of their level of understanding. Elon Musk would be perfect choice for my show, It would be a fascinating experience, journey into the mind of ""one of the intelligent"" individuals on this planet. Humanity is always eager to know about the future, what technological advancement will occur, how will our species adapt and evolve with machines. This insight can be entertained by Elon Musk, learning and anticipating our future. My aim is to benefit my audience and myself included, letting their mind ponder, divulge, and enlighten. I'd like each interview to be a life lesson for my audience, giving them the information and tools to explore many endeavors in life. Kind Regards ",9,10,7,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_6s4KUBBx4ijAUud,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",6399,1178.318799999982,3936.905099999994,6096,7622,302,254,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, I would really like to interview Neil deGrass Tyson. He's an american astrophysicist and author that I admire. I really enjoy astrophysics and science in general, and I really think he does an amazing job at explaining all the complex things in an easy way to understand. Therefore, it would be a blast to have him on the show, I think he would be an amazing interviewee. He's very intelligent, very good at conversations and a great science communicator. I've always enjoyed listening to him on podcasts or watching him on the tv or videos. He always has something interesting to say and can carry conversations so well. The topics he talks about are also of interest to me and I find them very appealing to an audience because he can talk about very ""normal"" topics but explain how in fact it's something way more complex than what people think. His participation on Joe Rogan's podcast remains in my memory because it was really extraordinary. So, since I have the opportunity to have my talk show, the very first person that comes to mind is him. I really want to interview someone I admire and respect a lot, someone I can learn from whilst at work. I also have a lot of questions to ask him, since he talks about topics I like, so if he can be on the talk show I can do that, which is amazing! I hope you consider my suggestion, I would be very happy to have him.",9,9,8,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_30dV29zSNDa6j02,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,54,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1554,386.9615,589.035700000003,5765,5744,303,271,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Television Company Producers, I would like to interview as my first guest the naturalist and presenter David Attenborough. I cannot think of anyone who has achieved as much in the field of science communication and conservation as he has in his amazing lifetime. As a boy growing up in Africa, and then as a teenager who had been so influenced by Africa that he couldn't see any other career than being a zoologist, he was my hero. I would watch every tv programme he produced, avidly and repeatedly. He influenced my thinking about how we share this planet with millions of other species, how it is so diverse and so beautiful, how precious and fragile it is, and how inter-connected we all are on this blue orb in space. Probably the most memorable of all his scenes, for me, was his experience in the Virunga mountains among mountain gorillas. This scene was the biggest single influence on my decision to try to follow in his footsteps. Indeed, years after seeing it, I was studying in an anthropology department among an inspirational group of scientists and researchers who studied a range of primate species, including gorillas in Rwanda and chimpanzees in Uganda. Although I had dreamed of doing the same, by this time my interests had evolved somewhat and I was to end up studying a different species altogether, but one that Sir Attenborough would find equally intriguing and special, no doubt. He is widely known now as a national treasure, and I would consider it one of the most significant moments of my life to meet and talk to him.",11,11,10,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_3MonESxNaBKbzLn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,12.0,1.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1676,369.604800000012,959.0219000000355,5466,9053,301,405,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear production team, in this message I would like to explain to you my top three candidates for interviewing on the next episode of the talk show. I have chosen these candidates, because they are well known figures of public interest, active in very different fields of work and have opinions that one would consider controversial. The first candidate is Elon Musk. The richest man on earth, invested in many well known companies, driving forward innovation and not scared to take risks. As one of the thinking minds behind arguably the most innovative electic car manufacturers, I am sure that we could talk about electrification of our roads and the climate crisis, both very recent topics. As the person behind SpaceX, we could talk about how difficult it is to build reusable rockets and why reaching mars would be an importat goal for humankind. Lastly, as the new CEO of Twitter, we could talk about the general topic of free speach, why he acquired Twitter and what he thinks about all the controversy it generated. My next candidate is Jeremy Renner. One of the best known actors in hollywood, starring in Marvel movies and even his own show, and currently recovering from a gruesome accident that might leave him unable to act ever again. Talking about the accident in general, his feeling, would be vastly interesting to our audience. This will most definitely include an amazing story about surviving and fighting to get ones life back to normal. And on top of that, this would give us the oppurtunity to bring information on what he plans to do with his career now to our audience. My last candidate is Al Gore. Once a presidential candidate, he has now mostly retreated from politics to fight the climate crisis - not only that, but he has been doing so for years, long before it became so big in the public eye. He could give our audience a perspective on what life is like after being a presidential candidate, how pulling out of politics works for a prominent figure like him, how he sees todays political landscape and what the current change in mindset in the general public will do for the human race. I think with the candidates I pitched we could put together a informative, funny, smart and very interesting show for everybody. For any questions concerning my recommandations please call me. Have a great day.",12,11,9,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3FWDGEK9FgF3hTn,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,37,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1884,319.641,1079.981,5720,6939,303,309,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,Thank you for the opportunity of having my own television talk show. In my first show I would like to interview a panel of experts rather than an individual and I would like to focus on what is still a major issue for the entire world at the moment; the global SARS-COV2 pandemic. Even though most people feel like we are moving on and are now past the pandemic cases and deaths are on the rise again globally so it still isn't endemic and Long Covid is a growing concern. I would like to have a balanced panel of the most experienced and qualified experts with varied viewpoints to discuss the past 3 years and what has been learned as well as all of the latest evidence and how they then expect the rest of the decade to play out. While I would like it be balanced I would like to only invite on experts that have had a proven track record of being right more often than wrong over the past 3 years so the general public can be better informed about where we are and what is more likely to happen next going forward and make better decisions. I would like to interview virologists that study viruses so they can explain more about how they expect the virus to continue evolving and mutating as well and answer any questions about bacterial and fungal infections. I would also like to interview epidemiologists that can explain how the virus is transmitting and the best mitigations we should implement to help to lower transmission of an airborne virus as well as what can be learned to help prevent any future pandemics. I think it would also be helpful to interview some Immunologists to answer questions about our immune systems and the effect the virus and repeated infections could be having.,11,11,10,10,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3KMH06WT4bFbTeQ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,7.0,6.0,3.0,Portuguese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1730,616.3132999999971,608.8576999999992,5730,5142,302,249,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hi! I wanted to let you know Im very interested in inviting Chester Bennington to my new talk show. I really admire him, but besides that, I really think he is a very interesting person to let people know. He is a singer of the legendary rock band called ""Linkin Park"". He is a very talented singer, he has a lot of styles, he can go from angel voice, to a demon voice. I really like Linkin Park. In other hand, not everything on his life is perfect, he has lived a lot of unfortunate situations in his life, but that's what makes him interesting in my point of view. I wanna let all the people watching or hearing my talk show, that even when you had a bad childhood, you can still being a good person, working hard to get your goals, and even inspire people around the world. Linkin park music is so good, not only songs are enjoyable to hear, but they have very deep lyrics, that describes some situation Chester had live in the past. And that is it. I think this is gonna be a good interview with him, because he has a lot of fans out there, that really supports him and all the band, and maybe I can get to know him better, as well the people. I really hope you give me the chance to get to interview him, I promise you will not regret it! have a good day. Peace. ",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_6lg0rzST8sz8MfL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,44,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2641,1163.038299999997,951.995399999991,5828,4842,302,253,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir/madam thank you for giving me the oppotunity to host my own television talk show I am very much looking forward to working with you. For my first guest I would like you to try and book Volodymyr Zelenskyy the president of Ukraine as he a personal hero of mine having seen how brave he has been over the past year and I'm sure he would also be good for ratings as he is a hugely popular figure. For my second guest I think I would like a comedian as I don't want my talk show to become too heavy and they would provide the laughter, somebody like Alan Carr would be great if you can afford him. Also I think a good addition to the talk show would be a world famous musician or singer as I would like to also have a musical act during the show at some point my ideal guest being Taylor Swift or Lionel Richie. Lastly I think a world famous actor would complete the line-up if we could get Will Smith imagine the interest he would get especially after his infamous meltdown at the oscars I think it would be good for him also as I can get his side of te story across so that would be a good seling point to get him on to the show. Again thank you for having faith in me and offering me this oppotunity I'm sure it will be a great success and you won't be sorry.",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3QYHos0GFsQNbu5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1019,348.0409000000953,454.8227000000477,5690,5355,302,272,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to host my own television talk show. I would like to interview High Laurie as my first celebrity guest, because I truly admire his career and intelligence. He started as a comic actor in the UK and always played the bumbling idiot character in sitcoms like Blackadder or on his sketch show with Stephen Fry. Since then, however, he has gone from strength to strength with more serious roles in the US like in House and in an adaptation of a John le Carre book where he played a truly intimidating arms dealer. On top of all that, he has also released two blues piano albums and is an extremely talented musician. I knew vaguely of his musical ability as he used to do comic songs on his sketch show but I was truly impressed by his talent when I heard those albums; perhaps he could perform on the talk show! I think these days he is in a newish Armando Ianucci sitcom called Avenue 5 in which he plays a Brit pretending to be an American spaceship captain, so maybe that will be the plug he is trying to promote on the show. I haven't seen it yet because I think it's on HBO which you can't get in the UK but hopefully it appears on Netflix or similar soon. That role seems perfect for him though as he himself spent many years pretending to be an American on House, and his accent was so impressive that I think many Americans are genuinely surprised when they find out that he is English. ",10,10,10,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_2aLcEq4vP0P2ZVS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,60,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2623,920.254,1199.983,5778,5205,302,251,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hi. My name is Ella. I am looking for an opportunity to host a talk show programme. I am keen to let the world know about a range of diverse and controversial ideas which I have been introduced to. I would like to talk to Jan Shane who has ideas regarding mindfullness. I think that the general public would be enlightened by her words of wisdom regarding this subject. She has new and exciting ideas which have not been highlighted before but which have been shown to improve many areas of general health. I would be happy to introduce you to her if you could see a way of letting me visit your studios and talk to you about my ideas. I have a vision that I could open peoples eyes to different subjects which may not have been suggested before. I am very much into speaking to people who see life from many angles and who are able to cope with difficulties in a different or unusual way than what we usually expect. I feel somehow the talk show idea has been around for a ling time and sometimes it can become a little dated. My idea, I think, would add a bit of freshness and interest to people who like the general idea of a talk show but want something different. I look froward to hearing your thoughts on my idea, and would be happy to supply further information that you may need. I await your reply. Kind regards",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3dMOTeSQmZfuL0b,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,5.0,2.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2814,691.3337999999524,1605.4622000000477,5673,5528,305,252,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I wolud really like to interview Dwayne Johnson on my talkshow, because he is one of the most popular actors in the world, so I am sure that a lot of people will watch the show. Secondly, he is a very hard-working person, also he looks very good to his age, so I would like to ask some questions about his secret to keep in shape for many years. I wonder if it is just gym training or he is using some kind of boosters in his lifestyle. Another point is that he is the richest actor in the entire world, with networth around 800 milion american dollars, so questions about his business life will, of course, be asked. I am sure people are interested how he achived sucha success and how hard or easy was his road to current life. Many people want to hear some advices from aperson like ""The Rock"". I am, personally, interested in his work-life balance, how he organize it and balance with parenting. What is more interesting, is his work, as an actor he works for many hours and remember all that stuff for movies. I have some games ideas to play with him to add more entertaiment to the show. He is a person that motivates huge amount of people all around the world and I am sure that all those people will watch with encouragement our talk show. I am sure that this interview will be ine of the most popular in our history.",7,7,8,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2P7LK68sBGrusl6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,44,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1559,452.6853000000717,651.8422999999523,5801,5268,302,255,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview Sir David Attenborough. The reason i would like to interview Sir David is because he has lived a very interesting life and has seen animals from all over the world in their native habitats, as someone who loves animals i would love to hear more about him and ask questions on his favourite animal, which animals need the most help to survive and which animals are in danger of being extinct soon. David could also give his views of climate change, a hot topic in todays world. I would like to know how climate change is going to affect animals throughout the world, some animals live and thrive in very cold climates, if the temperatures rise in these countries are the animals in danger or having health issues due to overheating or does would it make it harder for them to hunt their pray? I would like to ask David about the koalas in Australia and how endangered they are and how the yearly bush fires and depleting the numbers of healthy koalas living in the wild. I also think David would appeal to a wide TV audience, everyone loves animals young and old and he is very engaging and passionate about animals and our planet whenever i hear him speak. As David is getting older now he would be my first pick for an interviwee, we dont know how long this special man has left on our planet and i for one would love to hear more from him.",9,9,10,10,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3RxNZQDIgu5iYo8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,14.0,3.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1775,620.263,734.9910000000001,5431,5565,299,258,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"My idea is revolved around predestination. Is social circle the stronger factor for cognitive behavior or biological genes which could tell the identity of a person from birth? I would like to find that out in a talk show, where we ask self reflecting and dramatic questions of our guests in different situations. Sometimes they will know that the camera is recording, but on other occasions they will have no clue. We will also invite their friends and family to get to know our subjects a bit better as well as to see how good they can predict the answers of thier friend/relative. The show would also include placebo effects. Maybe if we tell our subjects that they have specific genes or social circle that are reminisent of a heroic character, are they gonna behave that way in fabricated situations? And so, did anything changed after we told them? We would need to see these experiment before and after. The show could also go in either take the scientific path like a good documentum film or the mainstream television path wich would take a more flashy and dramatic approach. Of course I would prefer the scientific way as a sociologist myself, but I would not mind the dramatic approach either because If this gets into television at least there will be a chance that the viewers will think about themselves and reflect on their own behavior which would profit soceity itself. I hope you take this idea into consideration and I'm looking forward to your answer. Thank you!",7,7,8,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1g2zTjFOrRQu1CE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/107.0.1418.56",en-GB,23,Left-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2395,444.9245999999642,1798.8200999999642,6247,6186,302,270,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I want my talk show to be both enjoyable and poignant. I do think that, in this age, if you have a platform you should use it wisely and while my intention would obviously be to entertain, I would want to have guests that provide something more important than surface level chat. This could involve having various experts on topical or unusual subjects, with the aim of providing an insight or a little information about a subject that hopefully viewers would find interesting. Many talk shows today focus on anecdotes and gossip, which are enjoyable, but I believe there is value in trying to promote more meaningful conversation in a high profile, highly visible context. While there are many options for people that would make good interview candidates, I am biased in my love of literature and reading and would recommend an author to start. People often enjoy hearing the perspective of creative people, and authors often have very insightful opinions about the world that are presented through their work. For example, I think an author like Margaret Atwood would be an excellent choice. She has written several award-winning and widely recognised novels, and her perspective and inspirations for some of her novels would make for pertinent discussions about the state of the world today. I imagine there would be some concern as to the initial appeal of this approach, however I think with enough effective marketing and the right host to direct conversations to be interesting and fruitful, the idea would gain traction and there would be real anticipation as to which guest would appear from show to show. ",11,11,9,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_1GQCiLfjCWSfmUn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1078,320.74529999998214,557.6435,5799,7150,299,255,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Television Company, I am writing to request a special guest for my television show that I believe will boost views, bring publicity, and generate substantial attention. The person that I am requesting is podcaster Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan is extremely controversial figure in today's society. As he has been adopted, integrated and idolised by many Republicans and right wing groups, he is the subject of tremendous attention. Thus, by bringing him onto the show, both fans and opponents of Rogan are likely to view. This will cater to both of the main parties of America, as well as many of those engrossed in US politics around the world. Beyond political groups, Joe Rogan is also well known for his role as a UFC commentator. As someone who seeks to discuss MMA on this television talk show, discussing with Rogan and drawing in his fans will likely lead to a longterm audience of MMA fans. As this is likely to be the target demographic of my show, it is axiomatic to why Rogan will be an important figure to introduce. Depending on his availability, I plan to force provactive discussions regarding both politics and MMA, which will increase the probabality of going 'viral', by doing so we will likely substantially increase viewership for our next episodes. Potential subject matters to be discussed, assuming approval by the company, include COVID-19 treatments, the futility of masks, and the outcome of Jon Jones vs Cyril Gane. Thank you for your consideration, I eagerly await your response. Best Regards, ",11,11,9,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_Xh2J3OfLJi2TPQR,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,22.0,12.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1345,330.283,613.887,5822,6751,302,257,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XYZ and I am coming to your with an idea of television talk show. I have always been dreaming about making a program in which I could show some opportunities to the people lost in their lives. People of success but not only in the meaning of gathered wealth but people who used to be in the crossroads. Those who at one point of their road had no idea what to do in the future, felt like they have no perspectives and decided to go all-in. I want people truly happy or at least those who feel satisfied with what they have achieved. Also I would love to see people who with their charisma are able to get the audience interested in what they are talking about. (e.g. stories, events etc.). Honestly, I don't want to talk with celebrities or people well known. I want to introduce to the bigger audience people same simple as we are. Some who we can describe as one of us. Why am I writing to you? Because I feel your television has the feeling of the mission and shares same values as I do. I think we could both by our cooperation help decide how to plan the future. Show what are pros and cons of their potential decisions. I am the person who wants to finish his job with the feeling that he did something good. Thank you for your spent time and I am looking forward to your answer. Kind Regards, XYZ",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_eqXJLCSEEwZte9P,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,8.0,Japanese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1671,315.2886000000238,760.4775999999048,5459,5851,303,273,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello. I'm writing to let you know what I have in mind for my own talk show. Well, the idea is pretty simple - we get all the famous YouTubers and TikTokers who have huge followings on their respective platforms, ask about their personal lives in an interesting way, inquire about the beginnings of their internet career etc. Such personalities will potentially bring a lot of fans in front of TVs to watch their heroes in a completely different environment. We'll have to share some teasers and best scenes on our social media profiles and YouTube, the usual stuff. Back to our guests... The idea behind inviting those people is not only to cater to their fans but also to potentially introduce them to people who may have no slightest idea of who they are. It may be shocking, exciting or ridiculous to them, but at the end of the day it generates emotions in those viewers. We'll definitely have to start with some huge Internet star so the show gains some traction. Then gradually we may introduce less popular, but equally interesting individuals from the virtual world. What can I say, the Internet is the thing to be on and we need to be flexible in today's dying TV. Squeeze as much out of it as possible. One of the names that immediately comes to mind is Mr Beast - a man who perfected the art of clickbaity thumbnails and turned his amateurish YouTube videos into high quality high value entertainment for everyone (but mostly for teens). Well, give it a thought and let me know how you like it. Best regards",12,9,9,11,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_OdHAVMPOJNeQhk5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2569,413.364,1215.9407999999976,5810,9475,302,253,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Greeting, I am writing to you today in order to talk about a person I would like to interview in my new telivision talk show and why I want to interview him. This person is now the richest man on the planet and everyone knows his name: Ellon Musk. I would like to interview him because I'm very interested in his projects with Tesla and SpaceX. I would like to talk to him about the technologies his team is building and what he's investing on. I would also ask why he wants to colonize Mars and if he thinks it can really be habitable. I feel like it's really far-fetched the idea that we can make a planet that has no living beings and therefore no oxygen producing plants habitable in the future, and I'm sure he has a huge team researching and trying to make that possible, so I'm interested in knowing his vision on this matter. I also admire the Tesla brand since it is a great alternative for combustion engine cars, so it's better for the environment. I would also ask him if he's investing in projects to save the Earth from the climate changes and whether or not he has teams researching on ways to control this problem that is putting future generation in risk. I feel like he's a very simple person and he's open to talk about this, so I feel that he would be a great person for the first interview on my telivision talk show.",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2uPuqJbDRMNk79k,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,45,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,0.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3083,611.817,1550.941,5384,6418,301,272,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir/Madam, On the first episode of my talk show I would like to interview an expert who knows how to increase selling in shops. I want them to tell us what marketing tricks they do to make customers to buy more. That will be about: - where to put the product, like if it should be high or low on the shelves depending if this is for kinds or adults; - how many same products should be presented - the smell in the shop - what kind of music to play to make clients visit longer - interior colors - paths organization in the shop (maze-like or easy to enter/exit) - How our adverbs should look like - exterior of our shop - where our shop should be (shopping center or standalone? Business district or were people live? In a City or in a village? - how should our webpage be, who should create it (we alone or buy from a proffesional company) - crew behaviour/kindness - making your own weekly magazine with products currently on sale and distribute it in the shop's vicinity - reduse prices of some products to attract more buyers and increase price of other products to not lose profit in general That will help the audience to understand how we as customers are influenced. But this will also help those who are shop owners and want to increase their sale figures. I would also like to get info how much each point increases sales. I hope this subject will be of interest of our audience. Please let me know if that idea is good. Regards, XYZ",9,7,8,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_1dnvx71FLoR3bCO,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,37,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1233,489.318,526.479,6238,6062,302,271,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview people involved in crime. By this I dont just mean criminals or serial killers, but everybody involved in non-petty crime. So this woud be the suspects, the offenders, the witnesses and the victims. The police also. The show would centre around the crime itself and then evolve into a 'talk show' style interview. The questions would eventually elude to the crime itself but I want to know more about these people. Where are they from, what do they believe in? What do they want in life and what are their opinions. It would show us and those who chose to watch what people really are why they make choices, how crime really effects us and where to go from there onward. It would offer insight and understanding into those who make poor choices. It would be an eye into the desperate mind and occasionally an evil or broken mind. It would also show us the humanity of such events. Crime is unacceptable but some people are willing to understand the bigger picture and listen to those who want the chance to improve themselves. Each show would be a journey, though the life, crime and thoughts of those involved. I want to do something different, to show something hidden something new, something that is misunderstood across the nation and the world. I want a opportunity for everyone to learn as a society. I want to delve where few others have reached before. I dont however want to glorify or make famous people who commit serious or any crime and care not to show remorse, reasoning or understanding.",8,11,8,10,B2.ii,C2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3L0chIstGu6vGIi,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,20,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1339,351.55400000000014,810.362,5990,5790,300,234,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.," Hello. It's me, ****** and I would like give my idea on who my talk show could feature. As it was discussed previously, I believe that grounding the talk show to a more local perspective could be successful based on the demographics that tend to watch the channel. Given this, I would like to feature the mayor of our city, ******, to discuss issues that are local to the area. My motive for doing this is to hopefully reignite interest in local politics over the obsession with the national scene that has been recently, over the last few years, taking up more and more peoples interest in politics. Digging deeper into the previously mentioned demographics, who tend to scew older, we see based on previous shows that local figures tend to do significantly better in viewership than national figures, and that the messaging tends to stick with the audience more with local figures as well. I am hoping to use this to increase the interest of the local scene directly. I believe that this would be good, not only from a monetary perspective, but also good for the community itself, which I know you have a deep place in your heart for. The mayor himself is very open to this idea, and his charisma should go a long way in keeping peoples attention, ideally moreso than previous guests. Let me know what you think. ",9,9,9,10,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_3Jr9SzHWiavrfi1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,54,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2912,358.61470000004766,1640.185600000024,5955,8665,302,263,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear television company, I am writing to express my interest in hosting a talk show that would bring attention to the inspiring stories and perspectives of people from a variety of industries and walks of life. Ideally, my guests would include entrepreneurs, activists, artists and everyday individuals who are making a positive impact in their communities and beyond. The show would be a safe space for them to share their stories and experiences, and to offer insights and inspiration to others. Additionally, I would also like to focus on the challenges and obstacles that these people face or have faced and overcome, thus creating a sense of hope and closeness for others who may relate to having to deal with these issues as well. I have been a traveler my whole life, learning about wide range of topics from people of all kind, thus being able to understand their perspective and also have a penchant for conversation. I can vouch on the fact that this knowledge, my unique perspective and ability to connect with my guests would create an engaging and informative viewing experience. By bringing all of these people to my talk show, I would be able to provide a safe space for them to connect with a wider audience - all of it would serve one big purpose, as in: fostering a sense of understanding and connection between different classes of people, bringing all of our nation together. In conclusion, my show would have a positive impact on viewers and I am eager to bring my vision to life. Sincerely, XYZ",11,11,9,10,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_rpe5wBO8niN2Ce5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3883,798.8205,1331.2812999999526,6098,5672,299,250,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"The television company's name would be named THE TALK SHOW. I would love to interview my favourite musician Rihanna also known as "" The Bad girl"". THE TALK SHOW would be a very informative interview as I would ask Rihanna questions about how she grew up and how she was like as a child. I would be interested in getting to know her background which is probably some thing most of my viewers would also be interested in knowing. I would ask how she was discovered and how she felt knowing that her life was about to change for the better. I would ask her about her good and bad days as a musician and how she handles negative press, and if does the negative press ever affect her and what she does and if so how does she handle it, by sharing this it might also help people who experience cyberbullying. Lastly, I would ask her about her fashion sense and where she got it from, and who she looks up to when it comes to her style. I would also ask her to share her fashion tips so that the views can improve their own personal style as well. Then Ii would ask her about her next album and what we should expect from it as her fans. I would then ask if she has any advice for a young girl watching the show who also wants to become a musician, and become a star just like her.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_r7PidznbjpuTHr3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Hebrew,25.0,36.0,17.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4950,720.8302000000477,937.1337999999524,6805,7737,302,256,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I am writing to you to propose an exciting and entertaining interview opportunity. For my television talk show, I would like to host Jon Stewart. Not only does he have years of experience hosting his own talk shows, but he is also one of the best debaters and interviewers among the popular television talk show hosts. He is able to turn virtually any mundane, every-day subject into a fruitful and thought provoking conversation, leading to some of the best interviews in television history. On my talk show, we will discuss what is happening right now in the world, and especially in the United States of America. There is an alarming amount of contreversy, racism, bigotry towards minorities and the likes of it. Together, we will dive into what is really driving this issues, and what can be done, especially by everyone that cares about these issues, to remedy them. I believe my interview with the one and only Jon Stewart will go down as the one of, if not the most, best interviews in interview history. Hopefully, our time together will push to people taking a stand for what is right, and not just what is convinent. A stand for what is essential for the survival of the American nation and the whole world, because only together can the human species overcome its own shortcomings. For those reasons, I believe you, the very-real television company, should let me host the great Jon Stewart on my television talk show. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.",8,9,9,10,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2SCyoayAejVMTNV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,34,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1693,737.296099999994,577.410300000012,5707,5778,303,251,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"For my new television talk show, I would like to have multiple formula one world champion Lewis Hamilton on as a guest. Lewis is a very charismatic individual and will made a great guest as he is loved by a large audience. Lewis has many interesting anicdotes and stories about his career in formula one as well as celebrity friends, Fashion and activism. I would like to ask lewis more about his environmental activism and vegan lifestyle. This would be a great opportunity for us to also champion those ideas. Lewis is very popular with young audiences that we can connect with. I would also like to invite on actor Tom Cruise. Again Tom has a large fan base who will like to see him appear on our show. It will be good to talk to him about his new upcoming film that relaises soon as well as to have him speak on his long and successful career acting and producing movies. Another great guest to invite would be Comedian Jerry Seignfeld. He will again attract a different audience as well as bring some comedy to the show. It will be good to hear more about his process of writing and creating television programmes. I want to also talk to him about some of his comedy infulaences when he started as performing and how they shaped the comic he is today. Then it would be good to hear his thoughts on the next generation of up and coming comics working today. ",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2ris4lsJJwGL281,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2128,526.5189000000357,1276.647800000012,6266,6244,301,258,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, I have seen that You are looking for people who could run a talk show on your television channel. I am very open to have my own talk show. It has been always something that I really wanted to have. In my opinion, you can do great stuff with interviews. I already have some ideas who could appear in such talk show. Having world-known doctors, physicists, biologists, who in an easy way anwer questions that people are often asking and have trouble understading them, inteviewing them about their everyday life, with what they struggle with, how hard or easy their life is, would be great in my opinion. People don't really like listening to people like them when they are talking in a really scientific and boring way. I think that if I could interview them and connect their lives with the questions people are having and them anwering them, then the viewers could be way more interested in what they are saying. They could also get to know how these people live and see how much it differs from their lives. From my point of view, this could grant You many, many new viewers who would like to have their questions answered and who would like to listen and finally understand things that they never understood. The talk show's name could be something like ""The Life of Science"". I would be very greatful if you considered this type of talk show to appear on your TV channel and if you gave me opportunity to star it. ",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2Uhfvx0X8lRL1jn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,32,Ambidextrous,3,IDK,IDK,Desktop,Italy,Italian,8.0,2.0,1.0,Japanese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2391,652.4514000000061,1345.621100000009,5241,8199,271,263,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Mr or Madam, I hope that this mail finds you well. I am writing this email with the aim to thank you for this incredible opportunity. To have my own television talk show is my dream since I was a child. In my talk show I would like to speak about mental illness. I firmly believe that this topic is not well know from the biggest part of society. Problems such as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), depression, Borderline personality disorder (BPD) are really unknow and scare the biggest part of the population. A great part of what a normal people know about mental illness came from TV series and movies. This is really dangerous! I would like to inform and educate people on this topic and explain that a person with mental illness is not dangerous. To this aim, I would like to interview some DID systems, for example Dissociadid from youtube. I believe that they do a really good job in destigmatize DID. I like to talk with someone that have BPD, maybe T. P. the is an actor. In this way we can demonstrate that you can be perfectly functional even if you have BPD. If it is possible I would like to speak to a psychiatric too. I think that Dr. F.C can be a good choice. The aim is undertand this disease from a scientific point of view. I really like speaking with a psychologist to have practical ideas on how to copy with panic attacks or depression. If you have any questions please contact me Best regards ",8,6,6,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_0j3GSizAYUuYAAV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,19,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Other,15.0,3.0,12.0,Zulu,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,2849,1128.9321999999993,1067.1944000000003,6300,6210,298,258,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"My talk show, Mental health matters is all about bringing awareness about mental issues such as depression amongst other mental illnesses and to offer preventative strategies to people so that they don't find themselves being added to the high number of people who commit suicide due to mental health issues and to also decrease the number of suicides. The person whom I wold lie to interview my show is Marcia Benard who is 42 years old. Marcia is a suicide survivor unfortunatley she was left paralyzed by the suicide attempt. She was diagnosed with high functioning depression and put on anti-depressants at the age of 42 when she lost her two children and husband in a car accident. she could not bear the pain and hence took action of taking her own life. However she survived and had to live without being able to walk for the rest of her life, but that did not stop her she was able to find her potential and started an NGO where she gives people who have lost a loved one emotional and financial support. she has also been recognised as a great community member. Marcia is proof that suicide is not the correct way to deal with issues and she would like to share her story to provide awareness to people going through similar situations. Sharing her story will show that even though life may throw difficult situations that are unbearable, a certain light will shine and we can be able to move through and become savers to other people.",9,8,9,9,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_UAUM70rpZE0tD8t,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,24,Left-handed,7,AZERTY,AZERTY,Laptop,France,French,14.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1296,369.299,457.745,6238,5846,302,262,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello Mr X, I really enjoyed our talk last week about the possible opportunity to have my own television talk show. I really about that we are going to make it together. As stated I still want to do my talk show based on sports in general, mostly soccer. As a french guy I would like to have Kylian Mbappe as my first guest. You may know him it's the current biggest star and best player in France. We managed to win 2018 soccer world cup thanks to him. And failed to win the 2022 edition despite Kylian score 3 goals against Argentina. The main subject of this interview will be of course his feeling about this World cup. But we will also talk about his new contract with the PSG team. Secondly, as I told you. The show will be for everyone, not only soccer fans or sports fan. We will introduce some ""games"" in the show. Thoses games aren't written for now but we are working on it with my team. Finnaly, I will ask more personnal questions to Kylian. And as his birthday will be the next day after the show, I will bring him a surprise. A call from his grandma that follows him in Africa. Hope you will appreciate and validate my proposals. I'm really excited to do this tv show on your channel. I always wanted my own talk. Maybe you have a different vision for this ? I'm excited to hear your ideas if you have any ! Looking forward to receive your mail. Bests.",8,7,6,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1qe0Ezck6cv2Ozh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,27,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Other,12.0,36.0,7.0,Zulu,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3553,1207.5672999999526,1237.602399999976,6212,5711,302,267,1,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would love to write this letter to inform the television company about the kinds of people I'd like to host on my talk show. I hope my ideas will be taken into consideration. The kinds of people I would love to have on my talk show are the kinds of people who are successfully in what they do currently, but these people need to come from a disadvantaged background. My reason for this idea is because I want these people to come to my talk show to inspire people, especially young people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. I want people who can inspire people to work hard and follow their dreams no matter how hard it is in life. I want influencial people on the talk show, people who can influence others to do good and remind people that doing good for other people is free and doesn't require a lot of work. I want this talk show to be watched by those people who are from disadvantaged backgrounds, those people who have given up on chasing their dreams because they lack financial support or simply think they can't do things because it is above them. This talk show should be able to inspire and influence everyone that they can do just about anything that they put their mind to, even if they think that it is way above them. This show will not only be for the youth, but for everyone who needs a little inspiration to begin chasing their dream. It should remind people that if they don't start now, they will never finish.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_SSIFBJp9pAPD9lf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2978,656.3951000000237,1806.397300000072,5383,5497,301,260,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I'd like to have the power of being invisible. I'd choose this first of all beacuse I'm a very curios person and having this superpower would allow me to spy people without being seen, so I can be conscious of how they really behave when noone is with them. Also, I can find their secrets. This is obviously a very risky superpower, because you can always been heard and been caught red-handed. In any case I think that I'd become bored of this superpower very soon, probably beacuse the secrets of people are not really interesting as I expect them. However I can also think about a lot of useful social application of this superpower that I surely would use: for exemple if I were invisible, I would succeded in taking part in dangerous operetions, for exemple in case of people that are being hold in hostage, and i can attempt to solve this situations knocking out the criminals. In this case I would absolutely became a sort of hero and people would begin to be really greateful to me. I think that probably I would use my superpower to escape from situations which require too social skills or, however, in which there is a lot of people who ask you questions or want your attention in some sort of way, because actually I'm a very lonely and shy person who hate to stay in contact with too subjects at once. Certainly my superpower would consent me to achive my family's respect and i would be very happy of that.",8,6,7,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1kUIYezX0HpM9sA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3127,716.3630999999046,1411.2869000000946,5362,6336,272,251,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"To produce money naturally. Money makes the world go round. Money brings people together regardless of their race, gender or religion. Money is important because it builds love where there was hatred. If I could produce money, I would give it to unemployed people or anything who needs it so that they can stop committing crimes, harassment, theft, and killing innocent people. Money is the root of all evil, with it, the world would be at peace. With money, the depression rate would be decreased because most people are depressed due to the fact that they cannot afford or maintain a certain lifestyle. Some fathers run away from their responsibilities because they cannot provide for their little angels. Young women are involved in prostitution, offering their bodies just to get money so that they can buy basic needs. Some people are living with worse health conditions because they cannot afford surgery. All of the above shows why money is a necessity in our lives. Having the ability to make money, I would set everybody free, help everyone achieve their dreams, and build a generation free of theft. The money would be the voice of the inferior and the comforter to the heartbroken. The money wouldn't just change my life, It would change everybody's life. The world would never be the same again. Everyone would be at the same level. This would ensure that people are treated equally regardless of their background, or gender. And finally, everyone would sleep withier doors unlocked. ",9,9,8,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_2OUUer87swvQcn0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt,32,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Portuguese,27.0,36.0,24.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1390,494.1473000000119,544.6523999999762,5921,5593,301,257,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could have a superpower it would be the ability to read peoples' mind. I find it fascinating and that way I could get most things, I could take part in the type of games that have money as a reward but that you need to make a guess of how many things people but inside a container or I would just bet people that I could tell what they were thinking. I would not tell most people about as that is how you end up super busy by maing everyone's favours. The reason I chose the ability to read peoples mind over other superpowers is the fact that no other power could benefit me as much as that one, being strong and flexible for exemplo wouldn't bring nowhere near as many benefits. I would try to use it for good as well and use for charity or to help the police out. That way I could tell what someone is actually thinking and it would be impossible to lie or decive the authorities. I would also use it to expose criminals such as peadophiles and murders if I came across that type of person while walking down street and hopefully I would also be able to expose millionaries and how awful they are. I believe having a superpower would make my life a lot easier as my anxiety would drop down by a lot. I would always know what people are thinking of me and I would be able to use it in my favour.",9,7,7,8,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1DGZVL1Y1eT0xat,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.61",en-US,54,Right-handed,12,IDK,AZERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1129,470.2195,399.256599999994,5676,4742,302,254,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would love to have the superpower of being invisable. I would love to follow people around and see how they go about their day. I also would love to be in their homes and to see how they live their lives. Having a superpower of being invisable is more important to me than flying, being super strong or even being able to read peoples minds. I have always been fascinated in people and their differences, how they live their lives differently than others and why. I want to see people cook and do laundry and do they do it the same way as I do or how do they do it? This kind of stuff has always fascinated me. Having this superpower would change my life for the better, I would learn new hobbies, tips on how I can do things differently and more efficiently. I would love to see people cooking an actual meal for their family and to see the family sit around the dinner table in the traditional way. I would also love to see people running their errands. I would be very intrigued if they spread their errands out over the course of a week or do they just get it all done in one day. I would love to follow them around and their place of employment and to see how they react to others and how they deal with the stress of the average american life. A life that is family centered, a career and a home. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3Orz4forJryCOTE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,19.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1264,372.1500999999996,649.8170999999996,5354,5693,301,287,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I were to choose one superpower, I would choose the ability to fly, as it would give me the freedom to go anywhere and see the world from a new perspective, and it would also be a practical power for emergency situations. The ability to fly would change my life in a number of ways. For one, it would greatly enhance my ability to explore and experience the world around me. I could fly over mountains, oceans and deserts, and see things that most people can only dream of. I could also use my power to help others, such as in emergency situations where quick transportation is needed. I could fly to disaster-stricken areas and help with rescue efforts, or transport medical supplies to remote locations. In addition to the pratical benefits, bing able to fly would also be incredibly empowering. It would give me a sense of freedom and independence that I cannot even imagine. I would be able to go whenever I wanted, without having to worry about traffics, flightschedules, or other transportation issues. Of course, with great power comes great reponsibility, so I would be sure to use my power responsibly and ethically. I would also make sure to keep my identity and abilities a secret, in order to avoid drawing unwanted attention or putting myself or others in danger. I would choose a superpower there more than all others because for me it is very practical and will really help in many situations. In conclusion, the ability to fly would be an incredible superpower to have. It would open up new opportunintes for exploration, adventure, and service and would gratly enhnace my ability to experienece and contribute to the world around me.",11,9,7,11,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_1hYBIzdCaufNP9u,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,38,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Spanish,25.0,36.0,18.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,Associate degree (AAS),1509,411.9625999999046,514.4949000000954,6200,5121,302,251,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The one superpower I'd really like to have would be having the ability to cure every illness. The reason is, if I had it I could have cured my ailing cat from the cancer that suddenly took his life. Not only that, but I would have been able to cure my grandpa from the dementia that made his final years terrible. The power to cure any illness would change my life in a radical way, because I could ensure my loved ones live for a long time, free from pain and misery. Thinking about the future, perhaps I could travel the world and cure people who don't have the resources to go to a hospital or have access to expensive medical treatments; there's simply too many people in said situations. I don't think I'd try to make money out of it, because it would be wrong to do so. I'd just try to charge very rich people in order for me to pay for travel expenses, and food and shelter. With a power like that, I'm sure there'd be people who would try to abuse it, and kidnap me as a result; therefore, I'd also need to pay for security, or at least surround myself with people who would protect me. I think that superpower would also bring a sense of meaning and direction to my life; to know that I saved many peoples' lives would be very rewarding and I'd feel I accomplished something valuable and worth remembering while alive.",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_AvuL7hLMzjzKX61,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,18,Ambidextrous,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1751,618.7436000000015,951.4147999999972,6053,6954,301,293,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like to have the power of teleporting extremely small distances, now, I know that sounds ridiculous, why not flying? Super Strength? Teleporting across the world? My reasoning is that I would want to strike a balance between my own personal gain from this superpower, and how much it would help the world, now, it might sound selfish, but if I had the power of teleportation, super strength or flight, the goverment would want to use that to potentially use me as a goverment spy, save people or any other sort of world benefitting aspect, but, a life constantly saving people and on the clock 24/7 is not a life worth living, with the ability to teleport extremely small distances, I am of barely any use to the government, why also being practical to my own uses, lock myself out? Just teleport in! Somebody tries to rob me? Hey, this house two meters away sure looks nice. If im just being pure lazy and need some food, I just teleport to the fridge, will my ability to teleport to the fridge help the government in some way? Not at all! Now would having the ability to fly or super strength be cool? Of course! But the consequence outweigh the benefits to me personally, It is a monkeys paw situation. Now I know what you're probably thinking, ""wow, this guy is extremely selfish."" To that I say, genuinely imagine your life being dedicated to fighting terroism, saving people, being a government spy every day for the rest of your life, you would never have a life to live, never have time to form connections, never have a family, no friends, no life. So overall, having a dull superpower is what i would choose.",9,8,8,11,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_12bbDBEYmWpNPSM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,43,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,certHE,2253,885.4255,1006.087,5647,4876,297,247,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"i woulld probbally chose the super wer of time travel. not only wold I have the ability to visit any event in time, to witness great and decisive moments, but I could almost constantly control my mistakes. i could take myself back to before the point of saying something hurtful. i could move forward to see how a decision worked out. and imaging to being able to see the birth and death of the universe and every point in between. to explore advanced technologies, to discover ancient ancestors, a wide open existence without the constraint of time. and think of the learning potential. lesson after lesson without time passing. and learning history by being able to witness historical events first hand. it would be hard to resist temptation not to change events. but then again maybe that is something that shouldn't be avoided. find moments that have negative impacts on humanity and try to change them for the better. potentially there could be a creation of a world without conflict an war, one that is driven towards the betterment of all. but then again it could just lead of a spiralling cascade of chaos, of never ending changes and a futile string of a perfection that could never possibly happen. when a save to time becomes the master could they possibly rule any better, or will they be destined to be burdened by the inability to truly break free? would their mastery just be a mocking illusion? ",5,8,6,10,B1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1OH1v5o07qIZPJk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,22,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,5.0,10.0,Polish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2625,275.472400000006,1626.880799999997,5068,8796,273,260,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"My Superpower If I were to chose what superpower I will be gifted with, I would go for flying. This specific kind of power would give me occasion to look around the city high above the ground, travel fast from one spot to another, I would not have to pay for any kind of means of transport, since I would use my superpower for it. Also flying to some spots would not only be fun and beautiful views, but also definitely could provide some stressful, full of adrenaline moments and make me feel like I could do anything. I find this flying power to be better than other ones because comparing to super strength, ability of reading minds, being able to shoot lasers from my eyes, invisibility, hyper intelligence, and other super powers, would not certainly make me feel free like the one I chose. Also if I ever was to pick such superpowers, people around me could be frightened and afraid of me. With my new superpower I would easily get famous around the world, bringing me tons of money and fame, and besides material things, people would definitely like to know what is it like to fly high, so that would bring many fans to my life aswell. If there were any things I could do for human nation, I would be ready to help people with my power, for example with delivery of important things. Having an opportunity of choosing a superpower would definitely be great, and It could help people a lot with many different things.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1GwrlDv75FLE0vr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,22,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,2.0,1.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4162,944.788,2536.298,6100,5790,300,277,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"It´s a great question because who wouldn´t want to have a superpower? The superpower that I would like to have and that one of my favorite comic book characters also has is super speed. The superpower of speed seems very incredible to me because if you think about it, having this power you can go wherever yo want regardless of the moment. Another reason why I would like to have the superpower of superspeed is that I would never again be late for meetings, appointments, trips or anything that involves commuting late anywhere, since sometimes things happen before or during my transfer, although sometimes it is totally my fault for being late. In adittion to the above, another reason why it would seem incredible to me to have the superpower of speed is because I could eat anything I want from its original place of origin, for example; Sushi from Japan, pizza or lasagna from Italy, some tipical food from France and many more typical foods from different countries that at this moment do not come to mind. I could also eat any dessert from its original place of origin for example; marons, creme brule or croissant from France, tiramisu or gelato from Italy and many more desserts from different countries. Another big reason why I would like to have the superpower of superspeed is that by having this superpower I could travel anywhere in the world at any time and in an instant and by having this I could visit the cities that I have always wanted to see in person and with this, I could also see the historical monuments that are in those cities.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1ov7Jd7ZGiWEtGJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,53,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1528,591.639700000003,519.201299999997,5509,4635,303,255,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower that i would love to have is the ability to heal. In particular, I wish I had the power to heal cancer. This is especially close to my heart because I have spent the last 12 months watching my beloved sister go through the heartbreakbreak of a breast cancer diagnosis, and then endure the side effects of three surgeries and chemotherapy. I am happy to say that she is now on the path to recovery. The hair that she was devestated to lose is now regrowing, she is able to look to the future with a little less trpidation, and she has begun to regain some of her zest for living. Just imagine how the lives of many millions of people would be enriched if just one person had this superpower. Cancer do not only take lives, it also means very arduous treatment for many patients, not to mention the impact of those family and friends who are bystanders. It has just felt so terrible watching someone I love go through such physical and metal pain, and knowing that her life was literally now in the hands of the medical teasm treating her. I could do nothing. This is not a selfless wish for a superpower. If I had the ability to end cancer then it would have benefitted me. However, I do think this would be less self serving that wishing for the ability to fly, or to be invisible. It is a superpower that would be life changing for so many. ",9,10,9,11,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_2waGqUAfwE2F45K,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70",pl,23,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,8.0,Polish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1769,415.7848000000119,975.531,5921,6425,299,263,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"i think that i would choose ability to learn new things in very short amount of time. Right now I'm in my early ages so this skill should be helpful right now. I was thinking about other superpowers such as flying or super strength etc. but to be sure I'm afraid of height and there are ways to gain extra strength, so as I sayed, ability to learn new things would be nice for me right now. I imagine myself as a specialist in early age also it would be nice to help other people with understanding things to be some kind of teacher but not as full-time job, but maybe as as favor sometimes, for friends or family. Idea of learning new things cheering me up, because it is my main concern right now, to learn faster and get better in area of my interestings and job duties. The biggest change would be a flexibility I assume in the next 20 year I wont be able to learn new things from scratch I would be specialising at something, so I could quit from this particular subject that I choose to learn in my early ages, so right now it is important to my to learn as much as I can and prioritise my goals, so in next 2 years i might learn this much of stuff, so i will be sure about what i want to do for the rest of my life i think that ability to fly or to be super strong wont help my much in that particular area.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_3xUPjo4xGSiyGmR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Left-handed,9,IDK,IDK,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1848,420.1471000000238,936.2395,5817,7156,301,257,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower I would choose a wish granting or an ability to instantly manifest things. I do not see much use in abilities based on power like superstrength. Another ability I do not see myself using is telepathy because I would like to not let what others think get to me and I feel like I am already pretty good at reading people. Super speed or teleportation would not mean much to me because I don't travel or go out much anyway. I don't see a pratical use in a skill like invisibility and telekinesis seems a bit lazy to me. I feel like my desired superpower would give me greater options and be more useful for me. I would like a wish granting ability because it could make anything possible. It would make me be able to be more independent and not have to rely on things like timing, other people, and any other limitations. I would not have to stress about things going wrong or being stuck in a situation. I would feel very lucky to have this ability. I believe that I would be able to think things throughly enough to avoid any potential consequences of this ability. This ability would allow me to have more freedom and be able to improve the conditions of my life. I would use this ability most importantly to manifest financial independence, good health, and peace. I would try my best to be grateful, humble, responsible, genorous and not greedy with my new power.",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1eVpJv4FC97CCwa,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,21,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,14.0,1.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1807,397.456,829.066,6196,7955,301,262,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower it would probably be the ability to fly. It could be useful for a lot of things: when you want to travel, you can reach a place in a matter of hours, without paying for a flight ticket, and you can still enjoy the view. When you need to wind down or stay alone, you can just float above the city and not think about anything else. The best thing about this superpower would be discovering new places. Imagine flying over a jungle, following the river, maybe even dodging the trees. I could be a superhero, too. Maybe I don't have super strength or invisibility, but I could rescue people that are stuck in the mountains, bring food and medicines to the needy with zero to no cost, take injured people to the hospital, and so much more. And of course, this power could be used for bad things, like stealing things. I'm not really sure if I would like it though. It would change my life forever and I don't want that. I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy slow walks anymore, because I could just fly away and get to the destination, without walking or driving. And what if I hit something? I think it would be too hard to avoid hitting birds on the way. Maybe it's good that I live a down-to-earth life. It's much more difficult to walk and be patient, than to ""teleport"", and It's also much more difficult to face the problems in your life than to fly away",12,9,7,11,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_W6GqReYMANnQ0Zb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1249,337.721,701.5342999999989,5746,8397,302,335,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Imagining what superpower I could choose is a question I would never have imagined to be asked after leaving elementary school. It was and still is a classic theme of friendly and creative discussions. Back in 4th grade I would always answer flight as opposed to my friends who would choose abilities such as teleportation, mind reading or invisibility. I just thought about how breathtaking and spectacular it would be to soar around the skies like a bird. Yes, teleportation is the most practical and useful but it would just bore me out. I always imagined it as closing your eyes and appearing where you want to be. But you would be there by yourself, no friends, no family just You. Moving onto mind reading, it also is extremely practical and appealing but if you really try you can basically be a mind reader by experiencing life to its fullest, finding out how people work, the different types of personalities and approaches to life. The only setback is you need to have a really open mind to allow yourself to socialize that much and push yourself out of your comfort zone. The 3rd most common answer: invisibility was mostly an answer from introverts, being able to dissapear and just relax from all the stress involed in your life would be quite tempting but compared to the other ones it's underwhelming. Now as to why flight is in my opinion the most viable option. It combines the best of both teleportation and invisibility. If i were to be overwhelmed with negative things in my life I would just fly away. Travel through the skies and clear my mind out of everything bad. I could use it if I wanted to travel aswell, I could enjoy the beautiful sights along the way to my destination and not have to look at them through a measly airplane window. Altough flight wouldn't fix my life as a whole it would definitely be a amazing form of escape from reality.",12,9,9,9,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_1NfxLYsHeQrPoND,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,21,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,10.0,3.0,4.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,High School,1351,438.822,574.991,5745,6955,302,312,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The first answer that comes to my mind is that i would love to be able to fly - go everywhere and travel wherever i would want to. But the more i think about the word superpower and the more i dont associate the word with movies, i think the superpower i would choose would be the ability to heal (psysically, mentally etc). I dont know if i would want to be able to stop death - atleast not before someone dies from ""natural causes"" in the late stages of her/his life, but it would be ideal to be able to cure diseases such cancer or mental ones like depression and have an impact, first and foremost to my family and friends and why not the whole world. I am definetely not sure about the whole world part, because this would definetely be such a responsibility, but whenever i think about my life, i would always choose my family's and friends' wellbeing over money, over power and over anything in general. I believe that there is nothing more valuable than health and i would choose that over anything at any time. Thus i believe having the ability to ""protect health"" via curing diseases or preventing them, will propably be the greatest superpower to fullfill my wish. According the death part i mentioned earlier, i am not sure if i would want to be able to prevent death, as an extend to retain everyone i want healthy, but i would wish they die in a very old age, living the fullest of their lifes. I think everyone that comes to earth for a limited time, and that limited time is so valuable because it has an expiritation date. So in conclusion, a soperpower to heal anyone, cure from diseases and negative feelings, but not prevent death when a human reaches an elderly age.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1K7IRKPNlxol5Zf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,40,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2097,1037.1237999999523,632.0920999999046,5629,4535,300,265,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, it would be to be able to teleport. I would choose this one more than any other because it would have the most benefit for me in my life for many reasons. I live at the other end of the country to my extended family. If I ever want to go and see them it involves a 6 hour drive or more depending on traffic. This means I only get to see them a limited number of times through the year as it is too far to drive just for the weekend, and I have children in school meaning I am restricted to when I can drive there the rest of the year. This superpower would mean that I could see my family whenever I wanted to without having to have a big long drive. I could pop over for a cup of tea and be back before the end of the school day. I am also a very nervous driver and going anywhere by car is a big deal for me. With this superpower I would be able to go where ever I wanted to without having to think about the journey, parking, petrol money or the risk of having an accident. I wouldn't have to rely on my husband to take me anywhere and I would be able to save so much time if I didnt have to travel which would leave me with more time to do other things. As well as this, If there was ever an emergency I could be there in an instant.",9,9,6,11,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C2.i R_1mCw80lnQmK9d2U,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,24,Right-handed,2,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Italy,Italian,11.0,0.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4306,836.9215999999941,2416.9525999999937,5498,5373,283,254,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose any superpower I would choose time travel for sure. I've always been fascinated with the concept of travelling between time, in fact I've read many fictions on this subject. I find intriguing the idea I could use my power to travel backward in time to revive important historical events, to study ancient cultures, to observe the world as it was before the industrial technology, the wars, the revolutions, even before mankind. I would be equally fascinated by being able to travel forward in time, to explore a world changed by the history yet to come. Of course, I have no doubt that all of that could be very dangerous, but it is a price I would be willing to pay. Asto what I would do and how it would change my life? Well, I assume with my new power I could not change past events, for they are alredy set in stone, but the future is always in motion and changing its course could me doable. My life asit is now would be almost over, if faced with the possibilitie I would rather be back in the past to study how events come to pass or in the future scouting for possible threats to prevent. I can imagine a variety of other superpowers (like invisibility, being invulnerable or be able to fly) that would be just as extraordinary as time travel could be, but to me nothing can equal the exciting and terrific experience jumping through time would bring me.",10,9,5,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B1.i,C2.i R_pKLahFQZ1Uo08O5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,33,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,10.0,1.0,8.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1517,633.0652999999522,508.3617999999523,6029,5202,302,256,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would love to be able to teleport myself anywhere. Traveling from place to place, such as work, takes so much time and creates so much frustration that would be avoided if I could simply teleport there. Also, it would be very cost effective when I want to travel somewhere further, like to another city or country. Not to mention that terelporting would not cause any anxiety, because I am afraid of airplanes and I could avoid using them for travelling abroad. The only bad thing is that I wouldn't be able to take someone with me, and that's not fun. I would probably use it for going to and back from work and other chores, to be fair. I was between flying and teleporting, to be honest, but teleporting was the best of the two because even without the fear of falling I would still be afraid of heights and not being able to fly happily and enjoy that. Imagine going to Paris with just a snap of your fingers, or by thinking or however it would work. One minute in Athens, watching Netflix, and the next minute at the Louvre. So, teleporting would be awesome because I would sleep more, or spend my time doing other stuff rather than waiting in traffic and also I could travel anywhere in a blink of an eye and experience so many things! I just wish it would work for many people at the same time. Traveling without a friend or a loved one is very very boring...",11,8,8,10,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_PLD2rU5POOWtDTr,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 15183.78.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,41,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1088,337.3578999999998,424.88559999999984,5302,5196,303,252,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like the ability to control the flow of time. I feel like a procrastinate a lot and if I could control how quickly time passes, I would be able to slow it down when I'm wasting it on Reddit or Twitter or wherever, and I would be able to speed it up if I'm waiting for an appointment that's running late. I often take a long time to do tasks, so controlling the flow of time would take the pressure off when I have deadlines to meet. My power would need to create a bubble that I could include other people in, which would allow me to extend the time I have to spend with the people I care about, and perhaps also speed it up to get rid of an unwelcome visitor without causing offence to them. My control over the flow of time would not extend to moving time forward and backwards. I wouldn't like to revisit the past. For me, finding acceptance with past mistakes and missed opportunities has been important. Going back and changing them would alter them me as a person. Being able to have whatever I wanted by going back and changing it would blind me to my privilage and probably effect my empathy. I have no desire to see the future, either. It will happen eventually, and if I can control the flow of time, I would be able to speed it up to get there more quickly if I so chose to.",9,10,7,11,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1NfwLTvotPZlnuV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl-NL,22,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,12.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1386,365.0533999996185,547.9924000000954,5634,5520,303,250,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had one superpower I could choose it would be time management, so I can make time go foward or go backwards or even stop the time. It would be so convenient for my life in every aspect possible, I would not have to wake up tired if I have to get up early cause I can stop the time, I can see the lottery numbers if I foward the time and win a lot of money that will take care of all my needs. If there is something I want to change in time that would sort of a better outcome I would do it. You can relive every moment if you make a mistake or do something embarrasing. It would have endless possibilities, if you chose by example flying as your superpower it would be cool for if you are outside but you can't use it most of the time, people will look at you funny and you will be an outcast. If you have control over time no one would ever know, and if they would know, you could change the time so they would'nt know. It will change my life by 100 times because a lot of things will be predictable for me and I have the control over that, so I have more knowledge then everyone else in the world and I could use that knowledge to change the world and make the world a better place without revealing too much of my power. ",8,7,6,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2tMCB5OjIi0zwK4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,3.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1023,337.8515,383.81870000004767,5792,5536,301,253,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could have any superpower I would propable chose to speak with the animals. Since I was a little kid, I only felt really comfortable around animals, never with humans, but I really wanted to read their thoughts. I am curious, what are their needs, feelings, do they experience love, do they worry about life, do they feel comfortable, and things like that. If I could talk with animals, I could help doctors, vets, or any profession who work with animals. It would be a great help for them and for the animal too, especially considering their well being, and their feelings. It could raise awareness about factory farming too, if I could present their fear and feelings. I am not sure if I could handle that, if they would shair their pain with me, but for a greater cause, helping them, it would worth it. I really feel sad when I see an animal in a situation when they cannot help themselves, and people let them suffer. We are not better or greater than the animals, just different. But the ""language barrier"" is there, and it causes many problems in the way how we treat animals. They usually counting on us, and they cannot live on their own, but we should not take advantage of them just because they cannot speak. They can feel pain, they can suffer and we tend to ignore these facts. I think the world could be a better place if we would care about them more.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_UfDgZGrQrrQ4QG5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,25,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2020,498.25529999995234,1161.1149000000953,5513,7747,302,290,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would love to have the ability to control time. That is to say, I would love the ability to pause time, rewind or fast-forward as I please. This superpower offers an endless number of possibilities and exploits that can be achieved. With unlimited time at my disposal, and the ability to control and influence the past, present and future, I could manipulate and explore the world in almost any way I please. I could pause time and relax, learn skills, gain talents and learn as much information as I wish. I could go back in time to fix mistakes made by others or by myself, I could verify things, answers questions or obtain knowledge that I could use to my advantage. I could speed-up the advancement of civilisations by introducing new insights and technologies to previous generations before these would have been discovered naturally. I can see how major or minor changes in the past shape outcomes in the future. If an outcome is not to my liking I can always rewind far enough to undo whatever changes I've made by allowing events to once again replay themselves naturally. The only thing I am unsure of is how time control would impact my own mortality and lifespan, ideally I would be able to control the progression of my own ageing as well so as to not be constrained by limits of a single lifespan. Another issue might be that time control would introduce a number of paradoxes into the world which could interfere with the functionality of the superpower. More than anything though, I'd just love the ability to pause time so that I can sleep and enjoy my hobbies for as long as I wish, whenever I wish. ",10,11,9,11,C1.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2AHBxh9Fi8774LC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,5199,1118.676899999976,2419.091,6102,5293,302,277,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I think I'd choose to read other people's minds. That would be interesting and interesting. Then I could see what they think about me, predecit their next year, know what they really want, what they think about, what they think about. When they lie, why they lie. Any job interview would be a cliche. This super power would be really interesring because I would know everything and maybe it wolukd help me in a job interview or whatever. I wolud use it for a job interview so that it would be easier for me to get to her and I would be less atressed and with any other conversation to stress me out I think that this super power is really very interesting and useful it would be nice to have it. I thought a bit how great power to choose but I just decided to read in to think. Let me give you an example I am meeting a friend and I see that he has a problem something is wrong with him I can see that he is sad and depressed and needs some help. And with this super power, which is mind reading, that I can smehow help him thoroughly, give me some advice, that I understand his problem exactly, and in addition, if I didn't know. So mind reading apparently is very good in some cases and good. I always want to know what other people think of me and sometimes I want to know waht ither people think of you so I think this super power is really very intersting I think a lot of people would choose this super power to.",9,5,7,8,C1.i,B1.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1BVkRHmeLjtAXjh,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,10.0,Polish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1309,290.798,779.596,5428,6076,302,266,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower I would choose is being able to change how I look like on the spot. Kind of like a cosplayer chooses a characted to cosplay, I could immediately change into that character. My face, the shape of my body and my clothes would immediately change. It would pretty much eliminate any body dysmorphia that I experience. It's hard for me to make my hair perfectly like I want it to be. My hair really makes the biggest difference for my looks, if my hair looks bad I look bad. I could really look how I wanna look. Without any limitations. It takes a lot of effort to look a certain way. And with this ability I wouldn't have to worry about that. I could go to anime conventions and change instantly into characters I really like! The character I would like to look like the most is Hatsune Miku, getting hair like her naturally would be impossible! I will start cosplaying in the near future but I need to get my body more in shape. I would like this superpower more than others because its pretty unique compared to the usual ones like invisibility or flying. Also it would be really powerful, I could pretty much change my identity in a split second. Could be really useful in some certain situations. I probably came up with this superpower while playing a virtual reality game called VRChat. There you can simly choose a character you like and you look like them. It would be amazing if it was possible in real life! Maybe one day...",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1MKibQm5o4lvIFJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,37,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1316,428.8346000000238,600.5790000000002,5469,4949,302,264,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could have any superpower I would choose the power to teleport. I've never had a job with a commute of less than an hour, and most of that time has involved going outside into the rain and the cold to catch public transport or to walk between bus stops. If I could just disapear from my home and arrive at work I would save myself so much time and misery. I could also use this power to make money. Imagine the number of people who would pay to have me teleport them across the Atlantic for half the cost of a plane ticket and in one second flat. I could make more money in an hour than I would be able to make working for a week in a normal job. And I wouldn't even need as much money. I could have a home somewhere were property is cheap, but with the power of teleportation I could be a heartbeat away from the sorts of places people pay through the nose to live. In an instant I could be surfing on a beach, or in the centre of a major city, or go camping in the wilderness - without any of the costs or time loss associated with travel. And who knows what limits there are to the power of teleportation. Perhaps I could get into a spacesuit and teleport to the moon. I could be the first person on mars. I could go exploring in other solar systems and search for alien life on inhabited planets right across the Milky Way.",11,9,8,11,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_2dyAGudG2n03s8q,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1505,602.502,627.7869999999998,6301,6045,302,253,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If i could choose any superpower that human's brain is capable to imagine, I would choose controlling the time at no circumstances. I would want it just because it seems so usefull. When the other superpowers that I can imagine can transport me from place A to B in quick time - when we are talking about powers like some sort of super speed, teleportation or flying, others could make me look good in society like super strenght or shapeshifting, the time control would give me freedom. I could slow time to save somebody from accident or to think about respond not for two seconds but for literally over an hour. I could speed up the time to skip some boring activities. With slowed time I could sightsee so much in just one day, that others would do this in over a year. I would use my power to achive my personal life goals - travelling and looking for rare things - that is what I like. But not to sound selfish - I would use this power to help others too. Imagine that you see drunk person speeding in city zone. And then you see group of young people walking on the zebra crossing. The driver is going towards them. I would just simply slow down time that much, that I could save their innocent lives from one unresponsible person. It would change my life completly. I wish that I had that superpower in real life - it would be very usefull. ",7,8,5,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_3kilb2QopC2N4aj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,27,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,989,361.648,427.23,5373,6413,302,339,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I have actually thought about this a lot and I have decided that my superpower of choice would definitely be Time Control. The way I see it, Time Control allows you to have three superpowers at once. You can obviously go back and forth in time which is a great power in itself but because I can also freeze time it means that I can also teleport and be invisible. If everyone is frozen except for me then it basically makes me invisible because I can move around and do things without anyone seeing me. And it also gives me teleportation because if I wanted to suddenly be in a different country I could stop time and get there and it would be the exact same time when I arrived. Even though it would feel like a long time for me it would all happen in one second for everybody else. But the first thing I would probably use this power for would be to gamble and place lots of money on lots of bets that I know the outcome of because I could either go into the future and see what will happen or I could go back in time and place bets on things I already know the result of. This would set me up financially so I would never need to worry about money. And going into the future I could save events from happening in my life like avoidable deaths or being able to see if a decision was the right one or not. And then for fun I would probably go really far into the future to see what Earth will be like in 100 years or 1000 years and so on. And I would also really like to go back into the past to see how many things we got right or wrong. I would try not to mess with timelines because I know that is always going to mess something up so I would probably just observe everything for my own amusement.",11,9,9,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_3kh5ClAOUgxnajO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,27,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,9.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2322,364.7641999999881,805.9135,5358,7998,276,261,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower I would choose the ability to cure or heal instantaneously anything. People have ambitions and want for their lives, usually for themselves of for others. I would like to have something that would both be able to benefit me and others, and this power would be a dream come true to me, as I find health to be the base pillar of everything in life and not the other way around, as most sometimes prove to be their conviction throught their actions. With this superpower I would be able to extend my vitality and also from the people I love and that I care for. It would change my life as I would be able to help with an inherent ability that would increase greatly value to other people's lifes. Being alive should not be a burdensome task and is a basic right everybody should have, it would give me great pleasure to be able to help people in that sense. My healing ability would also extend to non living things. I could also fix a broken object, perhaps even a broken existence. Safety is also an issue and the way things break around us and reliability fades people become insecure and this way of being able to fix things would give a great comfort to a lot of people. A will to help while being able to achieve a great level of self-realization are the greatest of motives why I believe I would have to be someone who this superpower would be bestowed upon. ",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3eztEpmx1KrNLRu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl,24,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3478,294.1423000000118,736.7602000000179,5378,7197,302,278,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower out of any possible ones, I think I would go with being invisible. There are probably more exciting ones that could be thought of, but to the extent of my imagination as of now, this one seems like it would be very useful in many situations. For example, I could attend to places like museums and cinemas for free. I could listen to people talk without being noticed. I could visit their homes and private spaces and see what they really do in their free time. This ability would provide me with many situations that would be a test for my morality. It's difficult to imagine how different my life would be with it. I would know things other people aren't capable of knowing. I would see things other people couldn't. Plausible scenarios I can imagine is having the possibility to gain knowledge of secret hiding spots in people's homes, or what passwords they type on their computers. A world of very questionable ethically conundrums would await me. I could both help people and take advantage of my new power. Another side of this power may seem a bit more mundane. Knowing I'm invisible would probably lessen my anxiety and fear of people. I could be more myself in social settings. I could do whatever I want and feel free even in crowds, possessing the knowledge that no one is judging me. Maybe, just maybe, putting myself in those situations would lead me to desensitize myself and be possible to do such things when still being seen by people (when not using the superpower). That would result in people admiring my confidence.",10,10,7,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3NDP8fwJ6f1udvZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1263,411.6717999999523,509.4472999999523,5651,5463,302,269,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could have any superpower it would be the ability to read minds. I would love this superpower because I like to be nosey and I like to know the truth. I could find out the truth without the person actually knowing. Sometimes when I want to get something out of a person, but they refuse to talk and can now get it out of them by reading their mind. I would definitely keep this superpower to myself and use it wisely and use it to my advantage. I can ask personal questions to another person; they may not physically say the answer, but they are most likely to say it in their own head. Yes, this superpower may be a very intrusive superpower to have, but I feel like I could get some good out of it and selfishly most of the good would benefit me. However, selflessly I feel like it could be good to benefit others, they may be having a bad day and may keep that to themselves, but I would know and I would do anything to brighten up their day. I would like this superpower more than others because I feel like I would get the most use out of it like being invisible would be cool, but what else does that bring other than being invisible. The ability to time travel is actually a strong competitor, I hate flying so If I could click my fingers and get anywhere that would be so helpful. But then I'm not tackling my phobia, I'm being weak and not stepping out my comfort zone. ",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_z88Wcd1tG6sKrPH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-BR,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2132,526.3852999999822,861.6865,5782,5080,302,267,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, I would definitely choose being able to fly. I think it is the best superpower ever, because I could see everything from a different perspective like the birds. I could be anywhere at any time basically because I could transport myself almost instantly to any place I want to go. I always wanted to travel, but I did not have really that opportunity, because in the present I am just a student and I have no money to go to all the countries I pretend to visit. So I think this superpower would be ideal for me, as I could go anywhere, see what I always wanted to see and it would not have costs at all. I whink I would use this superpower all the time, what a better way to live than to travel the world? So I am sure this would completely change my life, it would satisfy my desires, live to the fullest my life, I can not think in another better way to live honestly. It would also be nice if I was able to become stronger, because I do not see myself travelling around alone, I would want to bring my family and / or friends with me of course. I think it's great to travel alone and it makes us have a huge selft growth, but it's always fun to travel with the people we love, it would be incredible to me have such an experience. So I would be getting stronger or I would demand that they had the same superpower as me.",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_pShjP7WgkdwL3PP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,47,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2604,796.0282999999522,1156.5436000000238,5559,4995,281,238,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,Picking one superpower is a tough choice. There are so many good and useful ones. But I think the one superpower that I would pick it the power of flight. I would like to have this power because then I would be able to fly around and see diffent places that I normally would never get to see. I would get to fly to different cities or countries and see many things I will never see. And I would be able to fly high in the air like a bird and see everything from great heights. It would change my life a great deal. I think with this power I may be able to help a lot of people. I could save people from falling or buring buildings. And I would be able to carry important items to places faster. I don't know how I would use this power to make money but I'm sure I could find something that would pay. I think I would migrate like a bird and fly to warmer climates in the winter. I probably would not live in one place. I would fly around and just stay where ever I wanted. It would probly be a lonely life. Which would be kind of sad. I don't know if it would be good to actually have a superpower. That is a lot of responsability and I don't know if I would be worthy.,9,8,8,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_BW9Xg7hwQsh78NH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.70 GLS/97.10.5929.30",en-GB,58,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2130,779.9060000000003,638.1812999999988,5442,4698,299,263,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I were granted a superpower it would be the ability to heal myself, others and animals. I think this would be the greatest gift that I could give to anyone. I've lost too many people and pets to injury and ill-health and I know all too well the pain and lasting grief it causes to the friends and family left behind. Pain never really eases and never goes away. Grief doesn't stop, we just get better at living with it and hiding it from the view of those we meet and those who care about us. I would want the ability to heal both disease and injury and especially cancer. Too many people die of cancer. Yoo many children grow up without parents and too many children die of cancer before they have ever met the promise they all show. As for animals, to some they are just animals, but to others they are far more than that. They are friends, family and often the only living being that a person has. Even when a cure is possible it is often impossible for their owners to meet the astronimical vets bills. This adds guilt to grief and loneliness. I now the scale of the need for someone with my super-power out there. So that is why I want to be able to heal myself too. If not, I would soon work myself to death and what good would that do? Oh I wish it could really happen. I'd jump at the chance. I wouldn't get rich, but the satisfation would be huge.",10,9,8,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_1l9KZTGcILPUuJZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,66,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2719,878.5446000000238,1279.549300000012,5415,6636,301,311,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"There are a many super powers that could be very useful - some that would benefit me directly and others that I think would benefit the world. I think that if I could have one super power, that I would like it to be the power to read people's minds. This might sound a little bit wierd; and I'm certainly not a control freak that wants to tell people how to think, or how to behave in any way. Other super powers that I can think of include the ability to travel in time; the ability to predict what is about to happen, along with the ability to stop it when I want to; the ability to heal sick people; the ability to make a lot of money; the ability to fly, or at least run very quickly. Although very useful, these powers all have their drawbacks, in my opinion. For instance, time travel sounds great but the potential for taking actions that might have drastic unintended consequences is huge. I wouldn't want to abuse this power to read people's minds and I would use it to benefit mankind in general. Having this power means that you will be able to understand people's motives and reasons for thinking the way they do. Understanding their motives means that you can then develop strategies to ensure dangerous ideologies have less chance of spreading throughout the world. Such things as religious fundamentalism, or dangerous dictators spreading misinformation and evel could be counteracted. I think it's a fairly subtle super power to have as it wouldn't be something obvious, or something that people would hate or worship. It would work in an understated way. And I think it would work to the benefit of the world, as I have no desire to be seen as a high profile operator; merely someone who can advise unselfishly. ",11,11,10,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_xnpE6y9Yvq35inv,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Romanian,15.0,36.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1545,315.713,904.007,5998,8606,302,280,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I've never actually considered this, but if I had to chose then probably I would go for the ability to fly. I think this superpower would make my day-to-day life easier because travelling anywhere would make the journey very short and I could save time this way and spend it doing more interesting activities. Firstly, my commute to work would be shorter and I would have some time to fit a workout in in the morning, right before work, or I woulnd'n be stuck in traffic for ages after work. Secondly, being able to fly would also mean that I don't have to spend any money on transporation, and this might be a life saver especially for long-haul flights which are very expensive. However, this might only work if the person who join me on the trip also have the same superpower as me, otherwise I won't probably end up using it if I had to travel alone. Moreover, besides the convenient reasons I have mentioned, I expect flying to also offer a very nice experience, as you can enjoy the nature,the view and the wind while also visiting a lot of new places. However, I expect that it would feel very weird to be the only person that has this superpower, and I wouldn't necessarily want to draw a lot of attention on myself, so I would definitely prefer to go unnoticed if possible and only the people close to me to know about my ability or share the same ability as me. Overall, this superpower would make my life easier by considerably reducing the time spent on travelling and also the money I have to allocate to transporation. ",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2zeYqzFlsgn9o1D,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,1.0,8.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2278,701.8162000000029,1218.656799999997,5208,6463,283,292,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Shapeshifting, the ability to alter one's physical form, is considered to be my ultimate superpower due to its many advantages. Firstly, shapeshifting gives me an unparalleled level of versatility. With this power, I can take on any form I desire, allowing me to adapt to the environment and overcome challenges in ways that would be impossible without it. For example, a shapeshifter can change into a bird to fly over obstacles or turn into a fish to swim under water. Moreover, shapeshifting can provide with a significant advantage in terms of survival. In dangerous situations, a shapeshifter can take on the form of a powerful animal to defend themselves, or escape danger by changing into a smaller, faster or more agile form. In addiction, shapeshifting can also be used to blend in with different enironments and cultures, making it easier to gather information and avoid detection. In terms of personal growth and development, shapeshifting can be a transformative experience. By assuming different forms, I can gain access to new experiences, perspectives, and knowledge. For example, a shapeshifter who takes on the form of an animal could gain an understanding of the natural world from a new perspective, or they could take on the form of a person a different culture to learn about their costumes and traditions. In an ordinary life, shapeshifting can bring about many positive changes. For one, it would greatly enhance one's personal experiences and broaden one's horizons. A shapeshifter could travel to new places and explore newcultures with ease, and they would never have to worry about being out of their element or not fitting in. Additionally, shapeshifting can provide a huge sense of freedom and liberation, as if I am no longer limited by my physical form. ",11,11,10,10,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_33wJTE4oFGnykqL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,7.0,0.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4021,1049.427400000006,2200.777800000012,5834,9938,301,337,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"This is areally difficult question. The reason is that there are so many unsolved problems on this planet that I can't choose easily only one superpower that I would like to have. Some of the superpowers that I would like to have are the following: a) end the envy b) solve magicly the eco issues c) end all kinds of racism. Today I feel like I would like to have the ""solve magicly the eco issues"" superpower. The reason is that I concider as ecological damages many of the human actions. First, the meat industry which contains so much cruelty and pain ,at the same time is one of the most eco damaging factors because the whole process of the production leads to deforestation, the polution of the oceans (if the factory is near the ocean) and the increase of the greenhouse effect. Second, the seafood industry which is the number one cause of the ocean and sea polution and emptying. Fishing with those big fishing boats are responsible for damaging the corals, cause extinction of many marine species, and throw their huge plastic fishnets into the buttom of the sea which frees micropalstics into the water. Last but not the least the fast fashion industry. The fast fashion industry exctept the unethical working condicions of their emploements is responsible for the plastic polution and the water polution. The fibers that they use to make their clothes are low quality fibers that are made out of polyester and other synthetic materials. They overproducting clothes and they use very toxic chemicals to color the fibers which leads to water polution. All those things are not gonna stop because of the capitalism, of course we are all victims of the capitalistic society that we grown up to. But it really hurts me to see the collapsion of the ecosystems, the animal suffering and not being able to do as much that I 'd like to do. So yes, the superpower that I choose is ""solve magicly the eco issues"".",9,6,6,7,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_1H646Kr9ynqvYOt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,16,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2591,933.25,1009.597,5729,6991,300,275,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would really like to be able to create money through my powers. Money is the most important thing in life, if you want to create a good life for yourself and unfortunately now, you need money even for the basic stuff that should be free. Money is important because you able to afford yourself the life of your dreams. So if I could just afford that greateness to people at no cost and improve the life of others and mine. Fulfill the mandate to make the lives of all that need me to have excess. I would make sure that everyone is able to afford basic needs without having to spend anything, afford the wants that they might have. Be able to substain a healthy and flexible lifestyle. My superpower will get people out of poverty. My superpower is greater than others because, other superpowers are there to help others out of danger and safely into their respected places. Others are protecting the people on the ground and every citizen that might be in trouble. But I think about all the problems that these superheroes are protecting the people from are caused by lack of finances in an area, individually or the overall economy of the country that they live in. So the people that commit these crimes and injustices are people who want money. From petty crimes up until the white-color crimes, everyone wants money. So if we know the motive or the drive that is moving these crimes, then the money making powers will make everything better and make the world a better place. We could do with a very peaceful world.",9,9,6,8,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1dKpSn7o4jnXnea,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1428,350.20489999985693,739.9436000001431,5829,7066,302,255,1,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"There are many superpowers which could be useful in a lot of ways. Personally, I would choose teleportation. No other superpower would have as strong an impact on my life as this. Teleportation would make my day to day life a lot easier as I live in the countryside. My daily commute to work would not be a problem anymore and I would not have to drive for an hour each day. This would free up a lot of time. Furthermore, my life would be a lot less stressful. If I, for example, slept in I could just get dressed and in 5 minutes I would be at work as I am everyday. Secondly, teleportation would be a great thing for me because I am in a long-distance relationship. My usual ride from home to my partner takes around two and a half to three hours. Teleportation would cut this time to zero. There is also the matter of just small everyday tasks, like shopping, running errands etc. Teleportation would make stuff like this so easy. Another thing worth mentioning is how much money could be saved using teleportation. No more paying for gas, train tickets, plane tickets etc. You could not forget just travelling and exploring the world. I could visit any place on Earth in a matter of seconds. To sum it all up, I think teleportation would be the best for me. It would save me money, time and energy, therefore making my life easier and better in almost every possible way.",9,9,9,10,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_3m3ibeMP74Zoz1W,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,33,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4003,535.1890999999047,3165.548900000096,5729,4695,301,256,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would much rather to be invisible for a day. This is because I would be able to go aywhere I like and do anything I like. I would be able to get into places with restricted access such as bank vaults or even the White house of the president. As the queen of England has died, I would fly to Engalnd in an aeroplane and gain access to the royal palace and eavesdrop on how the royal family is really coping with their loss and how their relationships really are as compared to what I hear on the media. I would also gain access into the homes of bad people and just cause them a little trouble, like making them believe that their homes are haunted by dropping objects and banging doors and pinching them. I have dear friends and family scattered all over the world, I would visit them and try to make them aware that its me and we would spend quality time together. If I was invisible I would also play tricks on my spouse, tease him a bit. I live on a game reserve, I would walk right up to the dangerous wild animals that we have here like the leopards and elephants and just take the opportunity to see and study them from really up close,I would even go swimming in the dams and lakes that have huge crocodiles. I would also climb the tallest tree and just sit there and have some fun watching the world g o by",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_25ZUDDPScy1D3fi,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0,en-US,25,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,19.0,3.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,High School,1956,639.741,850.0419999999997,5713,5428,302,266,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"This is a tough question, as usual when someone asks about my favorite super power or something like that. On one hand, being invisible would allow me to move through the world as I please, without feeling judged. I have a touch of social anxiety, and, I must admit, a little bit of paranoia at times, so knowing that no one would be able to see me would take a huge weight off my shoulders. On the other hand, flying sounds like so much fun! And I guess, right now, I would go with flying. First of all, because a surprising amount of people have asked me if I'd like to be able to fly in the past week, and it just seems like too much of a coincidence to ignore. Secondly, because I love birds. Where I live, there's pigeons and crows, and they always look like they're a lot of fun. I'd have to be careful and avoid the seagulls, though. Thirdly, because flying in dreams always feels so liberating and effortless, and always leads me to big discoveries and beautiful things. I need some of that in my life right now. And lastly, I want a big pair of wings! I know I would look so stylish with a cloak of black feathers, they would truly complement my outfits. Tell me they are not the ultimate fashion statement! So yes, when I started this task I thought I would have to go over the pros and cons of both options you presented, but I guess that wasn't the case. Flying wins, hands down.",11,10,8,10,C2.i,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2DTwXIIDLsiiyK1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,37,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2114,354.8228000000008,1198.1993000000011,5728,6651,301,279,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Would I rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? After some thinking I would say, being able to fly for a day would be much better choice and here is why. Lets for now consider how usefull would be to be invisible. In my opinion it's not that much how it can seem for a first glance. Society has evlolved, people don't communicate as much as they did, these days it's actually not that hard to become invisible in some sense. Unless you stand out, people won't notice you or care much about at least, this can be called becoming invisible to some extent, thus this ability is not that usefull for most people or for me at least. Look, you can just stay at home if you really hate having someone look at you. Though, there is actually one use for becoming invisible and that is if you want to do some shady stuff but thats not for me. So lets now look at ability to fly. People for centuries have dreamt how it is to fly like birds in the sky and look we are able to now thanks to inventing airplanes. Then why I chose this abilty for a day over the other one? The answer is pretty simple. Even though flying a plane is an option, it's not an option for most people including me. These things cost a lot of money, need a lot of knowledge and time to learn and here I am having none of it. I don't need whole airplane, all I want is to experience a flight, to feel free for one day.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3MsMeDQbY4twUez,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.69",pl,28,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,21.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2311,750.3752000000478,1220.9343999998566,5578,5949,304,256,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"It is actually pretty hard question. Both of those abilities are very promising and I could use them in many ways. If it was possible to have those abilities for longer, I would probably pick being invisible, because it would be more useful in daily life, but when it comes to such short period of time I would pick flying, because who wouldn't want to try it at least once in their life? Actually, I flew many times already, but only in my dreams. It is such a nice feeling, to just be free and enjoy breeze in your hair. So I think it would be even better in real life. I wish I could fly around the city I live in and look at everything from above. I wish I could touch the clouds and fly with birds. I would go super high in the sky and I would look a the starry sky. I would enjoy sunrise and sunset from totally different perspective. If I flew fast enough I would go to another place, possible somewhere where I can see aurora, because it is my dream to see one. I think (if I still have some time left) I would dress up as some superhero and just fly around the city, to make people confused. It seem like a very fun idea. I would have nice memories of this day, because they might put me on front pages of the newspapers. I hope someone will give me such oppurinty not only in my dreams.",10,7,7,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2YQj8AXhlXegbMU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Germany,German,27.0,0.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1041,301.879,284.36980000000074,5356,4569,302,270,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"That is a pretty tough question. Not because it is so hard to decide between flying and invisibility in general, but rather because it is only for a day. Normally I think I would go for flying, since I know myself - and going for invisibility would only make me consider doing illegal things like robbing a bank. Flying on the other hand would enable me to fly over the city and look at everything from another angle. I do enjoy the view when flying in an airplane, so being able to do this without an airplane would be one of the best things I ever had. But only having it for one day might make me miss it even more, than I crave it right now. By saying that I think that I might go for the invisibility for one day. Though the idea of being able to fly still intrigues me. With the invisibility I think I might do some things to fullfill my curiosity. Maybe listening in on other people talking about me. Or just have some fun by scaring someone. Just for a day that could be a nice thing to spend my time with, and after that day, nothing is gained and nothing is lost. Though on the other hand: If the speed with which I can fly on that day allows me to fly one time around the whole globe, that might be still a valid option for me. Quickly being able to see places I might never see otherwise in my lifetime would put a big smile on my face for many years.",10,9,7,9,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3GpnUyOQy9mksXQ,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,49,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1408,371.0981000000015,444.315,5654,5111,302,254,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would much prefer to be able to fly for a day. The first reason is that flying seems to equal freedom to me. Yes, we humans can fly in mechanical devices. But we aren't able to just take off and soar the same way that birds, insects, and other animals are able to do. I would be able to feel the wind in my hair, the sun on my skin, and dart in and out of the clouds. I think that this would be the adventure of a lifetime, to explore our world from above. I would have memories that I could savor for a lifetime. Another reason that I would prefer flying over being invisible is that being invisible seems like it would give me too much power. Whereas flying would be an adventure that would let me explore, being invisible would let me be in places where I could hear or see things that may be better left unheard and unseen. I would be afraid that I would learn information that could alter my opinions and feelings too much. I see this much the same way as science fiction warns of time travel allowing you to know too much and change the course of time. I could accidentally see private things, hear private conversations, go to dangerous places. This makes me feel fearful. I would prefer to retain some of my ignorance about things in order to keep my curiosity alive. I would prefer to be seen and not cloak myself.",10,11,9,11,C1.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_1GP3uiFT4tVmpbn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,37,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1965,953.9241000000088,686.3980999999941,5989,5118,301,250,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I had the ability to choose a superpower for mysely, and the options were to either be invisible for a day, or be able to fly for a day. I would most certainly choose the ability to be invisibe. This is becasue i have a strong desire to be able to know what is being said about me by other people when it is assumed that I am not there. I would use this power at my work place as well, and hopefully be able to find ways to ensure that I am able to get a some career advantages, to progress into senior management. I would also like to use it to listen in on friends and loved ones to know what they get up to when no one is there. Finally i would also use my power to gather information on people who I either do not like or who may not like me so that i can have information that i can have at my disposal if the need ever arises. The reason that being able to fly is not a superpower that I am interested in, is becasue i believe that after a very short while the novelty will wear off and there would not be many place that i would really want to go to anyways. Also I have a terrible fear of birds and the potential of being that close to birds flying in the sky would be far too terrifying for me. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1JVqdQUnKqOxfqy,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,22.0,1.0,9.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3002,813.4918999999762,1626.6342999999524,5133,5975,277,260,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think I would rather be able to fly because usually I'm a shy and fearful person, so I think flying would be a very interesting challenge and a way to force myself to get out of my comfort zone. The ability to fly would represent courage and self-confidence because I'm also a bit afraid of heights. I would definitely be afraid and would be having second thoughts, but I think the hardest part is the beginning, once you've overcome this, the rest just gets better. If I choose the ability to be invisible I think I would only be hiding behind my fears and staying in my comfort zone which could be good for some time, but since this would be a one-time opportunity, I think it is better to risk it all. In addition to this, flying sounds more exciting because it is related to traveling, which is one of the things I enjoy the most. Traveling gives you the opportunity to get to know different cultures, lifestyles, people, food, and experiences... and all of this in less time. If I could fly I would definitely travel as much as I could, even if it's just for a day. Overall, the ability to fly sounds more challenging and exciting than being invisible and unable to show my capacities to other people. This choice wasn't hard for me to make since I have always thought that challenges are what give sense in our lifes. If you don't challenge yourself, I think you're not getting the most of your life. ",11,8,8,10,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1mDZLQ0xlt29ff6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,51,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3915,742.5495999999642,747.8188999999762,5566,5422,301,295,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I most definitely would rather be able to fly for the day than to be invisible. My reasons for this are that at it's very base level, being invisible to me would feel devious and I'd be worried that I would see or hear things I would rather not, because people wouldn't self censor like they normally do, as they wouldn't necessarily know I was there. They may think they were alone. It just feels morally wrong to me. Whereas flying would be amazing, it's something I woud love to do. To see our planet from a totally different perspective than normal. It wouldn't compare to what it would be like to view earth from an aeroplane as it would just be you and your body, flying free as a bird. Can you imagine?! I would fly along side birds if they would let me haha. I would swoop and soar, and tumble and roll. I'd fly to as many places as humanly? possible within my day. I'd go look at places that I've always wanted a bird's eye view of. I would be trying to take it all in to remember later whilst having the most fun. Would I be able to remember it all because I'd be busy being joyful and excited. The amazing freedom one would feel to be flying around all day would be immense. I don't think I'd want that experience to ever end. To wake up flightless afterwards would be so sad. I think my favourite flying experience would be on a perfect summers day. Barely any clouds, a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining, not too hot, just right and just a slight warm breeze for added excitment whilst flying. What a perfect day that would be! ",11,10,7,10,C2.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1I4djrICuZOkhcD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Left-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1380,339.594,521.144,5364,5083,301,252,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day because i would get to see things i can not see currently by sneaking into places where i am not allowed to be and also i could goto places to learn stuff without being seen. I feel like this could be a very powerful thing to have because you could learn secrets, skills and much more. You could be invisible in meetings and learn secrets you could be invisible in government headquarters and learn all kinds of things. You could be invisible in top company meetings to learn of new products and or any problems the company might be having which you could then use to make money off of. I feel ike being invisible rather than being able to fly for a day is way better because with flying you only get to see things, whereas with being invisible i could see the same things by sneaking onto a aeroplane or helicopter and see those same things. I also feel like with being invisible the possibilities and experiences are endless and amazing. If i could be invisible for one day i would try and use the ability to make as much money from it as possible. I would also sneak into places like Apple, Tesla and amazon and learn all their secrets (good and bad) and i would also sneak in to top secret celebrity parties and finally i would sneak in to government buildings like the houses of parliament and MP's offices.",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2AQLK0pLxBsvljU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,15.0,1.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1582,417.8866999999994,876.6390999999996,5701,5869,301,250,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. This is my answer because it would give me much more possibilities than to be invisible. If you only have a day to enjoy the new skill, the ability to fly is a much more useful thing to do. I could travel around the whole world. I could see a lot of things than I couldn't do anyway. I would go to places where I wouldn't able to go in my whole life. The first place where I go would be the Mount Everest. At the end of my life I could say that I have been on the highest mountain of the world. Then I would go to the northest and southest places on the earth. These are such places, where very few people can travel in the life. After that I would travel to a dessert because that is also a very rare thing to do. Besides if I can fly, I would try to fly like birds, I would try to fly in the air. I just wanna try to look around, and see the living earth. It must be an amazing feeling to see the ocean, the islands, the cities and the mountains from the sky. After I am done with that, I would try to fly into the space. I would go to the moon and a mars, and I would just fly in the space, because it would see a lot of wonderful things.",9,8,6,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1irpKN65dGhHFHz,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,12.0,2.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2398,845.216,954.105,5579,5074,297,258,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would love to try fly for a day, because i could try to visit as many capitals as i can, so i can feel the freedom, enjoy myself and learn about other cultuers. Ofcourse i would see all the cities from a bird view, which should be amazing. I would fly above the clouds, to see sun, which is shinging on top of the earth. i would love to try to feel, smell and taste the clouds. I would stay away from the dark clouds, i dont want to get risked getting a lighting strike, which would propaly kill me. My first capital would be paris, i want really see the eifeltower. It should be amazing to watch how the people moving around the city and im just about enjoying the view. The next capital would be rom. I want to see rom sights from above and fantasize, how the rome life would be. I buy some pizza, so i will have enough energy to keep flying. The rest of the day i would love to enjoy the view on flying birds, i would try to become friends with them and provide them a sitting spot on my hand, so they can calm down, while i beeing their flying train :D. The idea about beeing invisible is problematic, because nobody can see you, so you cant stay in a town with people in it, because they would trip over you or even drive you over, which could kill you and nobody will be able to help you.",7,6,5,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_V4Dqy4JkVGD6FUd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,44,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,12.0,2.0,6.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2684,470.251800000012,1713.504600000024,5779,6483,302,254,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I have absolute no use for invisibility. I can walk into a room and nobody will know I'm there as long as I don't make noise or stand in someone's way so what, exactly, am I supposed to do with that ability? Being invisible would serve no real purposes unless I want to become some kind of criminal. On the other hand, do my clothes go invisible too? It's cold outside sometimes. As I said before except for doing some spying, lewd, perverted, thieving acts or I'm fighting in a war and I need to get behind the enemy lines it's actually not really useful. I think I would rather be able to fly even though I see a few problems here. You'd have serious problems to contend with storms, lightnings, winds, planes, wildlife and more. There's a danger for sure but If you're about to crash, you have a short period of time and get ready for the impact. I would like to fly to visit a few countries I've never been and revisit the ones I like. I would be never late for work, never be stuck in traffic (this would also be really useful in time of emergencies) or rarely be restricted from going anywhere outdoors. In short, flying seems to be not only the most practical option here but the only practical option here. I would love to dive into the clouds and just spend my time up there which would make me kind of invisible for a certain while.",11,11,7,10,C2.i,C2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3qyVOknMX7KRMu2,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,35,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1404,417.41539999985696,577.0703999998567,5606,7107,302,370,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think I would far prefer to fly over being invisible for two categories of reasons: practical and ethical. First, the practical reasons. I imagine being able to fly, even for a day, would allow me to see many things that I never thought I would be able to see (depending, on the speed of flight, obviously). With the ability of flight, I would probably go round the country and abroad if possible and see all sorts of tourist destinations, landmarks and unfamiliar places. It would also come with a spectacular view in general, as being able to see any location from high above would be pretty cool. I think I would also rather enjoy the general sensation of flight and the sense of freedom it provides. Feeling the wind and knowing I can take to the air at will. I think it would be liberating and exciting to simply perform the act of flight. On the other hand, it would come with some downsides. It could be dangerous or more frightening than expected. I'm also a generally shy person and would probably not enjoy the attention of such a visible and obvious power, unlike being invisible which is obviously more discrete. When it comes down to the ethical reasons, I would say these apply more to reasons why I should not become invisible more than they apply to reasons why I would choose flight. While being able to fly has some ethical considerations - i.e. being able to spy on people from above or essentially trespass anywhere, the power of invisibility is much more easily abused. With invisibility you could violate private, intrude on people's property or where they live, or eavesdrop on conversations. And while I think I would not consider anything serious with the power of invisibility, I would probably eventually not be able to resist the urge to do some snooping or eavesdropping to satisfy some curiosity or other. Aside from the obvious violation of privacy this would probably ultimately also make me unhappy, whether by just making me feel icky from doing something I would be horrified at if carried out by someone else, or by finding out something I did not want to know. ",12,11,9,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_21hKYd7z9C6yiQN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.52",pl,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,2.0,3.0,Polish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2497,833.5772000000478,1309.5645,5748,6064,297,252,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Its a tough question, its really hard to chose betwen beeing invisible or be able to fly, beeing invisible so much things wich u can do woth that, but most of that isn't legall or even ethical i guess, but its so tempting to sneak in through ''whales'' and overhear som value infromations which can make a bilionare. So i will stay with seconond option because its kind of acomplischement dreams from my childood, i remeber it like yesterday i have those dreams when im flying aound my hose. I had that dream so many times. There is so my place that i want to see i guess that my flying hase a max speed but maybe not. So i will fly to other countries, one day its really short period of time so i will not have time for exploring them but i will see them at least from above, peaople paying high prices to se a town or some other place from the helicopter. Im not sure what place i would se its hard to decide, but if i wouldn;t have any restrictions i would go to the place such as new york, alaska, some place in europe, australia and even north pole, i would fly around the whole earth. This would be something unforgettable. This would be evrything i have been dreaming as a child. There is no posobilite to make it true but, who knows? Someday maybe i do it with a plane or maymbe in other life?",5,5,5,7,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_21GmlCNmWl6VMZg,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,36,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,Vocational,1243,404.749,394.667,5738,5094,301,238,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather fly for a day because being invisible sounds very dangerous! Let me explain; being invisible would increase the risk of being ran over by a car for example. But by flying, you are visible and it genuinely sounds like fun! It could also be dangerous of course, because you could be swept away by fast winds. And if flying too high, this could lead to having less oxygen to breath. But if one was sensible, it should be safe but still without risks. Much less so than being invisible! But assuming for moment that being invisible was fairly safe, it would also be interesting. Depending on ones morales, they could use this ability to rob a bank or jewellery store for example, or other sinister reasons such as spying on people. There might be some good intentions, maybe to get away with just spying without causing any trouble! It does make me wonder what people would use the ability for the most, maybe sneaking into concerts or football games for free could be quite handy. But this would come at risk, people could walk into in you, it is not clear if being invisible means people and objects can walk through you or into you. That then leaves the question, if everything moves through you when invisible so does the earth and the universe itself potentially so being invisible could lead to instant death perhaps.",10,8,8,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2D7RHFSbmsLKaW3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,26,Right-handed,2,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2061,749.22,981.0817000000476,6302,8168,301,337,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather fly for a day. I would say, however, four, five years ago I would have said I would prefer to be invisible for a day so I could see what people really think of me. However, as I have gotten older and do not seek peoples approval to have self confidence, I wouldn't want to know. I would love to be able to fly for a day, firstly, to have a sense of freedom that I struggle to have in my day to day life. I am anxious on public transport on my own, however, If i could fly on my own I would feel safer. I would also love the aspect of being able to visit many places I havent had time to, mostly from money and time contrants. For example, I would love to visit Scotland but I have no one in my life who wishes to go. I would love to fly up to Scotland and travel around the highlands. So, I think I would start my day with flying to Scotland and then once I was done, I'd fly to Spain, specifcally a place called Calpe I used to visit regulary as a child. I would stay for lunch and have a swim in the sea, again this is something I haven't been able to do as I am trying to save money. I would then travel back to the UK and visit family. I currently live a 200 mile round trip from my hometown and family as my partner is the miltary and we move around with his postings. I would love to visit family, I find it hard when visiting to fit seeing everyone in but If i could fly around I would have a lot more time to see everyone. Lastly, I would love to fly around freely in the evening with a group of birds, I would love to fly around aimlessly and get the true sense of freedom and feel the air beneath my wings. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3k7lrPRYMRt584U,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,47,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Israel,Hebrew,12.0,5.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2384,805.9296999999881,1128.575100000024,5628,5769,301,269,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. As a child I would be amazed at superman ability to fly and wanted to fly as well. I also always envied the birds for flying, It looks fun and the abilty to look from above gives you a better perspective on people and on how we all connect. It seems to be the epithamy of freedom, being able to fly everywhere I wanted (Is there a speed limit? Can I fly to other countries? or am I limited to highway speeds? Do I have a weight limit? Can I bring a suitcase with me?). Also, I envied the migrating birds, flying together in formation seems very rewarding! (Can I bring friends on my flight?). That was the pro side, On the con side, There is wind to consider, I need to be insulated against it, Good googles is also a must, takes the freedom issue down a notch. Also, hopefully no military anti aircraft battery will shot me down (Am I fast enough to avoid it?) , It would ruin my day. Note to self, Don'r fly over the highway, people will look up and not on the road, I do not want to be responsible for that. Being invisible for a day is nice only if your insecure enough to want to hear what people are talking about you. It might also work if you are a spy or a nature film maker (will the camera be invisible? can the animals smell me?). None of those is me and therefore, I want to fly for a day!",10,8,8,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2V3Y6wSGjWPIhwt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,19,Right-handed,3,IDK,IDK,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2535,986.759100000024,841.5857000000477,5903,4888,301,258,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day instead of being able to fly for a day. The reasoning behind this is that I am afraid of heights. So that's why I didn't pick being able to fly for a day. But also being invisible for a day would be perfect like you can just take food without even paying because there wouldn't be any eye witnesses due to them not being able to see you.I would probably joke around with my family pulling pranks on them. Even though being invisible can favour you in many different way such as doing something that is illegal, like stealing. They won't be able to see you and they can't catch you because they can't even see you so that would be a massive advantage to me. Being invisible would helps me alot, when my mum asks me to do the cleaning she won't be able to tell me if she can't see me. This would help me so much. Another reason is that I would love to get revenge on those rude, mean girls. I would make sure that they get what they deserved for all the rude comments they ever made of me. I would go to their home and tell them who the boss is but except they can't see me so I would show them who's the boss but by physical items. What I mean by that is probably throwing water at them to give them a clear warning not to ever mess with me or else.",10,8,5,8,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_9AevfBujOa7SJyh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2918,1053.3585,1413.3385999999043,6499,7338,304,278,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would go with the option of being able to fly for a day. In all honest the idea of flying, not on a plane, hot air ballon, helicopter, or any other means seems liberting. Taking flight in the sky and actually experience they true feel of it. The thrill, the sights...the freedom! I get to see the world from a different angle and see places that would be restricted to go by with any flying mechanism avaliable to us today. I get to nose dive into the Grand Canyon, dance on to of the peaks of the ice bergs of the Antarctic, and maybe even glide over the 7 wonders of the world. All these activities express on my views on flight, as to me grants on adventure, excitement and liberartion. The ability to be invisible on the other hand is something on the other end of the happiness spectrum. To be invisible in my opnion would be to either not exist for a day as a means to seperate from your current reality, or to seek out what is hidden behind the mask of many; their secrets. Both fall on the dark and gloom side of every person's existance. Yes there are other things to be done when invisible like watching over a loved one you can't reach, being the greatest spy in existence for a day or a roleplay as Casper for the rest of the day, but in most instances it is used more for bad than for good. One does not even need to compose the many negative examples as you probably already had a few before reaching this point in the text. ",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1ffl7iiFziUqJsE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,40,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,929,389.6065,312.23869999999926,6416,5419,302,276,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I'd rather be able to fly for a day. Whilst being invisible would be very fun, there's not much you could do with it. You could creep up on people and make them jump - but that would be about all. I wouldn't like to sneak around, or steal stuff, invisible or not - so I see no value in it. However if I could fly, I could visit all my loved ones who live around the country - and think of all the amazing things you could see - the freedom you would feel. Imagine being able to soar with the birds, over land or sea - and how amazing it would look! In the past I have done a parachute jump, and the scenery on the way down was simply exquisite - so imagine being able to fly around the whole country viewing it from a birds eye view. However, I'd like to be able to fly fast or I wouldn't get very far. As a child I used to have dreams of 'flying' well - to be honest I'd just hover a foot or so off the ground - but even that was awe inspiring! There would, of course, be some downsides - for instance I can imagine it would be very cold up in the atmosphere - and of course, you'd have to look out for aeroplanes so as not to crash / cause a crash! There might also be government officials who would like to experiment on you. Actually, it sounds a bit scary! I think, in conclusion - I'd prefer neither - just the ordinary, hum drum life for me! ",12,9,8,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_22S3DpA6Ots7C2H,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,1.0,15.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1213,448.0390999999941,405.2622999999821,5865,4654,302,267,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"First of all, both of the options are very good if you ask me. But without a doubt I would rather fly for one whole day because I would be able to fly and leave my country for good and experience every type of culture for the first time. I've always wanted to leave my country so flying to a different one without any costs or any sort of those things would be so ideal for a person like me. Not just because I would be able to fly to another country but also because I would be able to be free for a little while. Flying over cities and enjoy its landscapes and really just appreciate how beautiful the world is. And also, if I would have the strength necessary I would be able to bring people with me maybe and enjoy the same things I said before. But really what I wanted to do the most is fly to the moon and appreciate the earth and the whole galaxy how they really are. I wouldnt be able to do that if I was invisible. Of course being invisible has its perks but if you can fly it has so much more than just flying. On a hot day I could just fly and catch a breeze instead of walking on the heat of the sun. And lastly, when talking about the earth and its nature, I would be the best photographer in the world because no one would be able to take shots of the beauty of the earth like i would be able to.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1gncgT6WS7EKCH5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,Zulu,25.0,36.0,20.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1810,597.774,591.005,5823,4856,282,258,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I had to choose between the two options, I would choose to be invisible for a day because flies are annoying and nobody wants them around.I am a very reserved person who usually avoids any unnecessary attention towards myself, therefore being invisible would be ideal for me.I would be able to listen to conversations, go to places and do whatever I want without anyone seeing me.It would also be beneficial for me because I can sometimes have my moments of being anti-social without anybody seeing me and trying to make small talk. I would hate to be a fly, I despise them and they are not very clean animals.I probably would not even survive that long as a fly because somebody would kill or get rid of me before the day even ends. As an invisible person for a day I would spend it doing the things I have always wanted to do but have been too scared to do, I would go shopping at no expense of course and follow my crush around just to see what his day looks like.It sounds very stalker like but hey how often does one get an opportunity to be invisible for a day.I would use it to my advantage and get as much as I can for free and not have to talk to or deal with any humans for the day. I honestly do not think anybody would want to be a fly, being invisible would mean freedom to be and to do whatever I want to do.",9,8,8,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1BYu0VYQicoL43M,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2026,571.760700000003,1038.828799999997,5789,7035,302,279,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"That's a very interesting question. Personally, I would be interested in both as both would have its perks. Either ones, I believe both would be one's inner desire. On one hand, being able to fly for a day means to me, I will be able to do what I want, and most importantly escape the world and experience true freedom. Moreover, I will be able to travel anywhere I want, explore the world. Travelling has always been a true passion of mine, therefore the ability to fly would most definitely help me pursue my passion. On the other hand, being invisible for a day means to me, that I could experience the world differently. I would be able to do what I want, without the judgement of others or at least without caring about others. I think I would take the opportunity to enjoy the peacefullness. I am aware that being invisible also means I could spy on people, however I would not want to spy on people as I believe this could destroy relationships and I do believe everyone need their alone time to do whatever they want. However, If I had to make a choice, I would rather be invisible for a day because flying for a whole day can be very tiring and I would prefer to enjoy this power for longer than a day, a lifetime even! Being invisible would require less effort and seem to be the easiest option to me. And I still will be able to experience freedom, but by being invisible, which to me sounds ideal. After all, I would still be able to travel anywhere I want visible or not. ",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1lsZYwm8vqI72E8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,40,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,2.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,Some college,2108,396.73109999999406,903.220100000009,5511,5767,302,269,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Both opportunity seems very tempting, it is difficult to decide which would be more interesting. Almost everybody wants to try flying this is was one of the great dreams of humanity. I think it would be very useful at times, but also would draw too much attention which is not what I like. I am not the kind of person who likes to be at the center of the attention. So maybe even if I am able to fly, I would not have too much opportunity to use it publicly. On the other hand these super powers only works for one day so you should think through which would be better experience. Maybe I go for hiking a mountain and I should not have to afraid of falling down. The other possibility obviously relates it with hiding and watching secrets which rise moral questions. Do you have right to spying other people's secrets? I think the answer is no. But I would be liar if I say that nothing interesting about being a voyeur in general. I think it is rooting in human nature. Maybe you could do it some heroic investigation with this kind of invisibility helping to get evidence against criminals. But this is more likely belongs to a fantasy-fiction category than reality. So paradoxically maybe flying is more secure than becoming invisible, you have less chance to get into some serious trouble with criminals or the law. But in any case one day seems to me a little too short to use it with a life changing effect but certainly it is an interesting daydreaming topic.",9,8,6,8,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_12i2f0oK0UH8SIq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,675,257.85079999999704,263.26140000000595,5756,4707,302,272,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day than be able to fly because I think being able to fly is something that is too generic of a fantasy and I probably wouldn't be able to put the power to good use. Even if I could fly, I wouldn't be able to stop much crime anyway because I wouldn't have super strength or heat vision to go along with it. It would definitely be a lot of fun to be able to fly but it might be like a drug where I enjoy it so much, I can't shake not being able to fly after the day is over. But being invisible has its uses: even though I try to be morally correct at heart, I can't deny that I would have a strong urge to be quite selfish if I was to be invisible for a day. Maybe I would rob a bank? Maybe I would sneak into somewhere illegal to see what's really going on? For example, I could go into Area 51 without being spotted, or board a flight filled with politicians and celebrities to see what they really get up to when they think no one is watching. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure right now what I would end up doing if I were to become invisible for the day but I know that I would rather pick that power over being able to fly. I think there's an inherent joy of not being able to be seen whilst seeing everything around you that appeals to me and I'm sure I would make better use of that power.",12,11,10,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_Puphr3ZGXwi9bjz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,22.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1417,334.1117000000477,657.0038000001907,5443,5609,302,264,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think I would rather be invisible for a day. I have never been an extremely social person, so I usually need tons of alone and quiet time, and sometimes I even wish I could spend an entire day without any kind of social interaction. That's why I think being invisible for a day would be a quite interesting experience for me. Even though I would probably feel kind of lonely after some time, I'm quite sure I would also enjoy the chance of having a peaceful day without people trying to interact with me everytime. Just me, with my thoughts, doing stuff without being bothered by anyone and, especially, without being seen by others. That last part is important, since I have always been extremely self-conscious and most of the times when I'm out I feel overwhelmed because I always feel like people are watching me, laughing at me, etc, so it would be a relief not to feel like that for a day. Regarding the ability to fly for a day, it would be interesting too, but I don't really see it as something as practical as being invisible. It could be fun, though, and it would also give me a great feeling of freedom. But due to the reasons stated above, I still think the best choice for me would be to be invisible. Besides that, by being invisible, I would also be able to care for my loved ones, make sure nothing bad happens to them and protect them. So, yeah, in my case, my choice would be that one.",12,9,8,11,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_Ui0eD0r8nESUckp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,6.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1606,511.787200000003,725.4596999999992,6042,6619,302,268,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly. Contrary to being invisible in which I would not be seen at all. To fly would mean that I would be able to see all of my surroundings from a point of view which as far as I recall, I do not know. Another interesting thing that comes from the ability of flying is that I would be able to go whatever place I want to visit. That will eventually happen If I had unlimited energy and if I had not feel tired. On the other hand, to be invisible for a day also would mean that I will be able to see all of my surroundings but from a point of view that I have already know. This, I find it a little bit boring. That is why I am choosing the second option. Finally, to be able to fly would mean that, aside from seeing the earth surface itself, it would mean to experience what birds live through everyday life. To be able to feel the wind and plane through the clouds within the sky would be truly inspiring. Perhaps, with that magnificient experience, I would be able to write a short story, or maybe a long poem. Because one thing is to image being able to fly and another truly different is to live it. It is like to think about death, but we will only expirience that and we will not be able to tell to anybody about it. Which in the case of flying for one day, it would be awesome to tell what we/I experience. ",9,7,9,7,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i R_xcoJaaNHOCZ3Hk5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu,22,Left-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,13.0,0.0,10.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,High School,1859,501.3010999999996,823.1469000000003,5562,6364,302,262,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would probably choose being invisible for a day. I know that this might sound evil, but i could go into stores and take some money or prank others. I am a college student so money is a problem for me, thats why it is the first thing that comes to my mind. I think it would be a pretty funny day, I would eat as much as i could from different restaurants, and also take some clothes home. Maybe even watch a movie for free. There would be a lot more options, than being able to fly. In my opinion, humanity already achieved flying so it wouldnt be a very new thing. In addition, if I was invisible for a day, i could travel anywhere i want for free (of course the 24h would be a problem) so its nearly the same as flying. Also there are a few people that I really dont like, i could give them ghost slaps without them ever knowing it was me. I would really enjoy that. But i dont want to be a villain, if i have a chance to help others, for example i find myself in an armed robbery, or something worse, I could be the invisible superhero. That has its own drawbacks, for example people would never know it was me, nor believe me. All in all, im pretty sure that being invisible for a day would be the most memorable part of my life, I would always choose it over being able to fly, i think thats much more boring.",8,8,8,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2YgghQWDHzcFA4y,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Turkish,7.0,30.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4242,778.9789999999997,3145.133200000003,6511,6942,300,250,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"This is a very interesting question to answer. I'd rather be able to fly for a day. I feel in this way for two reasons. First, I really would like to know how is the feeling of gliding in the sky freely. When I look at the sky I envied to birds since my early ages. Observing how they fly was quite interesting for me. Weren't they feeling any fear or wasn't flying too much work for them? In time, when I grow older I started to see that they were actually having joy no matter what were drawbacks of it. They were glading in the sky freely with joy and they don't care about anything. I really would like to know this feeling. Second, that would be quite interesting to see the ground from sky. I believe almost everyone had a flight at some point in their life. I always feel fascinated when the plane lift-off and move away from the ground and ground became far far away after a while. However this experience cannot be compared with flying in the sky without being in a flying cage. Flying in the sky alone would definitely allow the one see the ground freely with real feelings when it compared to flying in the plane. In plane I always feel like I am not actually watching the ground from the sky, instead watching a video shows this scenery. So that, I feel lack of reality watching the ground from the plane.",10,6,8,7,C1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i R_1hRSPwUJtl4Oiga,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,pl,28,Ambidextrous,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,28.0,0.0,11.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2237,698.1,1081.682,5354,5857,294,262,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Examining the above question, the latter choice seems to be strictly superior. There are scarcely few potential uses of invisibility that would not border on the illegal, while this obviously wouldn't hold for the power of flight. Furthermore, the complete range of options and actions presented by both of the choices is significantly skewed toward flying, as not only would it allow a greater freedom of movement, making reaching normally inaccessible places possible, the travel time would be greatly shortened as well. Of course, because the duration of a newly acquired superpower would be only one day, which can be assumed to mean twenty four hours from its first use, a non-insignificant risk of getting stranded in a secluded and remote area, from which descent would prove highly difficult, if not outright impossible, exists, and should not be overlooked. One possible countermeasure for this occurence would be the creation of a comprehensive and exhaustive action plan for the whole day. This, however, would present further difficulties, such as ascertaining your possible and viable travel speed in advance. What's more, detailed weather forecasts would need to be procured as well, as to preclude any possibility of happening upon the condition that would be at the very least unconductive to flight, if not outright dangerous for any humans suspended in the air. Regardless of these possible complications, I still hold flying as the superior option due to the sheer freedom and action potential provided by such a superpower, even if like all the other boons in this world, it would require thoughtful consideration beforehand.",11,11,11,10,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_eRri4pYTioxmLCN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,2.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1149,338.225,525.096,5661,5974,302,252,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day. I think that's not an obvious choice at first glance, but if I think about it flying is something that is possible with today's technology whereas being invisible is not. That power could be used to do very malicious activities such as spying or robbery, though If I was invisible for a day I think I would use that power in some kind of positive way for society or for myself. One of the things that could be beneficial for myself and from my point of view, not harmful to anyone else, was taking the opportunity to watch some wild animais in close proximity without being noticed. I like to watch animals and life, and that would be the perfect power to see in close proximity some animals that would otherwise run away. There could be a lot of other things that have potencial to be great, but from an ethical point of view, they would not be accepted. For example, in human psychological studies, there is a bias - the observer bias - which states that someone when being observed changes their behavior. Being invisible would be a good way to overcome that, but at the same time that would be considered unethical so I don't think I would do that. All in all, I would choose being invisible because that's something that's completely out of the realm of possibility for humans nowadays, whereas flying has been around for quite some time now. ",11,9,11,10,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_1nZ6lPywD0GXjYW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,50,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1672,433.0896000003815,623.379,5335,4533,299,253,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible. Flying could be done in so many other ways if I really wanted to - plane, helicopter, hand glider. But to be invisible would be a one off thing you'd never be able to do again. I would be so interested to hear other people's honest opinions of me. I would definitely go into the homes and workplaces of friends family and associates to hear what they may be saying about me. I would also try to put it to good use. I would steal some money from somewhere like a large corporation who don't pay taxes and I would travel as far as I could to give money to homeless people or others who deserved it. I would maybe pick up a sandwich, snack, drinks, from the local shop and pass it to a homeless person, nothing too expensive to ruin someone's business but I'd pick some items, toiletries etc and distribute them. If I knew there were some 'bad guys' out there I'd have no compunction about taking some of their wealth and passing that out to the needy. If I had enough time I'd love to sit in the workplace of my country's leaders to hear what they really say behind the scenes. I'd also love to listen in the classroom to my child and his friends to hear how they really talk. I don't think there would be enough hours in just one day! I wouldn't rest and would use my full 24 hours.",11,9,11,11,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i,C2.i R_0cU3jXuWU7TjkWJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1911,775.1133999996185,732.5301999998093,5880,4928,302,262,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. In the beginning of 2021, I got a new job which was in a developing city almost 1000kms from where I grew up. Desparate for work due to the lockdown, I had decided to take the job and move away. This meant being alone in a new place with no friends or family nearby, not realizing that trying to be near friends and family would cost quite a bit and that I would not be able to afford in on my entry-level salary. Travelling between this new town and the nearest major city was a 4 hour drive and driving to my home town was 10 hours and the cost of fuel and tolls meant that I would not be able to do this all the time. This new city also did not have an airport which means that driving has been the only option. In 2022, my grandmother has passed away and it took me two days from the day she passed to get to my hometown and it was the most mentally and emotionally taxing experience of my life because prior to her death, I had not spent much time with her since I got my job and it was one of my biggest heartbreaks of my life. So, given the choice, I would much rather by able to fly. If it meant I could visit my family and spend time with them for the day before returning to my now-normal life, I would take that without a single doubt. ",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2X4jPkDoM4l87EO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1860,482.4298999999762,990.224300000012,5823,5457,302,254,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I feel like having the ability to be invinsible for a day would be much more beneficial because of the possible monetary gain. Being able to fly for a day would be a great one time experience but wouldn't be usefull. In the long run being able to fly would be much better as you would practically never be late for anything and wouldn't worry about gas prices, tickets and other expenses. If I were invisible for a day I could just go to any store and take anything I would want, I could access places that I was curious about in my past. I'm also on the shy side so being invinsible would be something I would like to do at some occasions. Being able to observe the world without the world seeing yourself is something that I think about some of the time. Besides that it would be kind of fun to confuse people by floating objects in their face for example. I guess some people would find it creepy but I think it would be very interesting to be invisible for a day. You could skip any queue aswell although you would still need to manouver around obstacles and other people. So in conclusion I would rather be invisible for a day over being able to fly for a day. Either way, having any kind of power only for a day wouldn't be much of a use, more like an one time experience but being invisible would bring you more gain.",10,10,9,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_viue98fIfdoFlQZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,11.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3217,332.7708999999762,859.4489000000954,5316,7239,245,257,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. It really doesn't give me any kind of reward being invisible, it could give me the ability to listen to other conversations, steal, play jokes on other people, but no more than that. It gives an invasion of privacy of other people.This is what i think other people would do. Flying is way better than invisible. The thing is flying can give me the ability to travel around the world for a day, learn stuff, see every kind of things around the world. But is not just that. Flying gives the opportunity to takes photos from another angles, for example. And if we imagine a day where is hot, we just go straight into the sky and just take the wind in our body. Unfortunaly, it just one day, and it can't give that a lot of experience. Like, if I was going to Maldives and the time was running out, i was doomed. I couldn't afford to leave that place and go back home, that's a downside for just one day of flying. But, it's the only pratical choice if we don't want to be a criminal, like people would should invisibility just to be criminal. However, I could bring another option, read minds. That would be way more difficult to chose. However, it would be extremely difficult to read a mind because of the unconsciously layer of our brains. But if that would be in the table, it wouldn't be that easy of a choice.",9,6,7,9,C1.i,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_7a28yIoMR8VI0NP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,2.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2980,984.0205,1389.7390999994277,6850,7848,301,311,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day than be invisible for a day. I have always looked at the sky and wanted to get able to fly through the clouds and feel the wet or the cold of the clouds. Also, I think that people who rather be invisible is a kind of pervert. The only reason they want it is in order to make bad actions like sneak into a house and see what other people do, maybe even steal some stuffs. I could fly, even for a day, It would be the biggest and best experience. I have always wanted to be a pilot so this could be an approche. The day I would be able to fly is going to be a lazy day. I will not do anything besides fly cause there is only one day available and it can´t be wasted working at the mall or studying at the university. Actually, may be I will not even think about normal taks that day. I'm gonna be so impressed that the first thing I will do is passing away. There is something I am afraid of. If the experience is that great, I am not gonna feel sad or empty once it's done. I mean, It's like if a blind person could be able to see, like having a new sense and after just one day it's gone. I am not quite sure of it. There are few things I'm not thinking about like, will I be able to fly so far as the sky or maybe just 10 meters?... Am I gonna fly fast or more like a mosquito?... Will I be protected from insects and birds flying around? There are a lot of questions to be expressed but even if they ar not like a expect, I will always choose to fly.",9,6,7,8,C1.i,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_2VswJKo2RTfrr6d,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,2.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1421,336.13059999990463,708.694,5719,5578,301,252,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would prefer fly for one day, first of all i dont really want to be invisible, for what purporse you will need to be invisible? maybe a thief would pref being invisible for a day but for me of course not. And who really doesn't want to fly? who hasn't looked the sky and said ""what is looking that bird in the air"". Its just very awesome thinking of it. Who doesn't get impressive when you go to the airplane and look in the window and see your land very very small i always will prefer fly over being invisible. For sure if you fly you will be very fast traveling you dont will need a car or a airplane for traveling that day, ofc when i think it more you can't fly over 24 hours you should need rest like a bird reposing whenever they can. Also you can't die by fall because if you fly you can't ""fall"" and die ( unless you get stunned or you feel very tired flying). I would go to the bigger mountain of my land i will do free fall all the time i got. When i think about it i really found it very fun. Also if you are able to fly for a one day you grow wings or how we could fly? like superman or you will need wings yes or yes? So i rather be able to fly for a day 100% times over being invisible for a day.",6,5,5,6,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_11ZVceOXUwbZTUA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1757,394.88870000004766,867.2410999999046,5368,6423,302,282,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"In the modern age, technology can do a lot for us - a lot of what we would have considered impossible centuries ago. We can dive into the ocean and stay down there for hours thanks to the invention of oxygen tanks and diving equipment, we can fix our bodies when they get damaged, going as far as organ transplants. Humanity has also been trying to fly since forever, and this dream has come true thanks to some talented inventors and use of technology. There are still many things, however, that we have not yet achieved, and being invisible is one of them. Some people, when presented a choice between being able to fly or to stay invisible for a day, might readily answer that they want to fly. As a person with horrible social anxiety and a considerable fear of heights, I won't be one of these people. I'd much rather turn invisible for one day. I've always disliked being perceived by others. My style and self-expression are rather eye-catching, but it's not my intention to make people look at me, as I am quite shy and would like to just be left alone. If I were invisible, this wouldn't be a problem. I could dress as extravagant as I want and just be myself in public, without drawing so much attention. It'd also be safer, as I quite like exploring less populated areas, be it in the city or out in the wild. While on my adventures, I am always afraid of someone spotting me and potentially attacking me. Being unable to be seen would make me feel at peace, free to do whatever I want without anybody judging me.",12,10,10,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii R_b89g7h1DQSmLmDf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,39,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,29.0,1.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",6229,1568.4123999999758,3870.754299999952,6115,3786,302,248,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"It is hard to choose between invisibilities and flying, both have their advantages and disadvantages but I think I would rather be invisible for a day. For one single day I could walk through all the city streets and listen to the conversations of the strangers but also my closest friends and family. I could travel aroud the country tasting delicious things, being where I am not allowed to be with practically no consequences. For one day I could feel like a super hero, I could use my super power to help other people, but I could also use them for my own benefit for exampIe could rob a bank of millions and not be noticed. Invisibility gives you the glimpse into someone's lifes, it allowes to you to be free without any boundaries,it gives you anonymity and yet access to everything. But it also brings with it certain limitations; in invisibility you are completely alone, you cannot share your super power with anyone else. This gives rise to a certain feeling of loneliness and a sense of a certain absence. It doesn't allow you to fully enjoy all the activities you undertake. Which doesn't change the fact that the invisibility is a whole range of possibilities. It is difficult for me to go on listing the advantages of invisibility over flying although there are probably many of them, but in my case, where I value anonymity, I think that invisibility is a superpower ideally suited to me.",10,9,5,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B1.i,C2.i R_2CwH8WYjb2u2s3g,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,26,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,5.0,0.0,7.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2322,699.4028999999762,1028.625199999988,5803,6155,297,267,1,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I rather to be able to fly, because i´d like to could travel to other countries, or simply be close to the clouds and have the company of birds, i like the birds. Another reason could be to escape somehow of the noise of the cities, i´d never flew before but i´m sure that, in the skies i will find a quiet silence, and be able to float without a base or floor is something that i´d like to experiment. That only day if i could fly, i try to travel to the places in the other side of the world, places where probably i never could travel in plane or car, places with ancient cultures and unknow traditions. I don´t know if i can travel to all countries in a day, but i have a list of some countries that i´d like to visit. Maybe hours before that day of fly i tried to do something like the story of Icaro to discover how to up i´ll be able to arrive. Otherwise if i could be invisible really i don´t know how have the best of that power or hability, i can only think in enter to places where nobody or almost nobody can enter, so i don´t mean that be invisible is a useless power, i wouldn´t know how approach. It will be cool, that really every person could choice and experiment to have powers like these, at least once in life but i think that we need to find the way of control that, who knows the limits of every single person having powers.",5,6,5,5,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_3NOExCq4RDtEdgP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,58,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,934,319.40730000001184,413.892,5294,4466,301,254,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I'd love to invent a hairdryer that plugs into your laptop, so you can dry your hair and work at the same time. Drying my hair takes forever, and I always feel like it is such a waste of my valuable time. If I could plug in a hairdryer which stood up on it's own stand, instead of me using my hand to hold it, it would be such a boon and then I could scroll the net or continue working. This would make my world a better place as I seem to spend so much time drying my hair and it is just dead time to me. I'd also make the hairdryer silent, as there is no good reason for it to make the noise that it does. Making it silent would mean that I could listen to online programmes or listen to Youtube whilst I was drying my hair. Loud and noisy hairdryers are such an old fashioned invention and it seems to me that the more expensive the hairdryer, the louder the noise it makes, which is just nonsense! Making the silent plug-in hairdryer on it's own stand would solve the problem of me having to use my hands to hold it, so I could use my hands to continue to type and scroll. I would probably wash my hair more often than twice a week, as at the moment it takes so long to dry my hair with a noisy hairdryer and that time could be put to better use.",8,11,7,11,B2.ii,C2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_1LIGwRc8ld751HQ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,26,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1882,509.0943999999912,1000.359199999988,6277,6888,302,279,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention I think would be useful is a tool that let's you communicate with animals in a way that they can clearly understand you and you them. There are a number of problems that arise from us not being able to communicate with animals, from people being attacked to not being able to help animals in need because they are afraid of us. For example if a bear was chasing you, you could tell it you are mean no harm and that you could get it some food if it is hungry. Or if you were trying to rescue a stray dog that needed medical attention you could tell it you are only trying to help and you won't hurt it. You could also inform animals that are at risk of extinction that they should try to mate with eachother for the future of their species. I also think if animals could communicate their feelings with us some people might reconsider mistreating them or eating them. I think some people find it difficult to relate to or care about things that they can't talk to. Obviously it wouldn't solve all the problems humans cause for animals but I think it would make a big difference. I also think it would help pets who are need of a home to find new owners, as it would be easier to get an idea of their personalities. Some people end up giving up their pets because they are more trouble than expected but if we could communicate properly with animals we could get a better sense of if our personalities are compatible or figure out if we should expect any difficulties.",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1gFmQZmQwSNx7KP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,11.0,2.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2611,520.5668000000119,1658.1625,5842,8434,302,250,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think that the best invention that doesn't exist yet will be device that can translate any words in any language in real time. Every person around the world could speak with each others. Nobody could learn language and life could be very easy. It would make communication easier. You could meet a new people with no worries that they couldn't understand you. It could be helpful in buisness, people could be made a new exchanges and import/export etc. In my opinion that device could translate animal language. I think it may be fun be able to talk with your dog or cat. We really don't know what's going on their heads, do they have any emotions? Do they can think and can understand us? It would be crazy hearing thousands ants' voices. I think that animals could teach us a lot and tell us a very nice stories. People could easily make friends with their pets, but it would be so much sadder and awful telling our best friend that he'll be put to sleep forever. On the other hand people with this device could use animals for evil purposes. For example as a spy or wiretapping. I hope that someday somebody involve that device and we would listen and understand animals. I would be happy because I love animals and I want to speak with everybody in any language. I think that it would make the world a better place. Thanks for survey, it was nice topic, cya!",7,7,6,6,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii R_1rdkkkqERtvpzMG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,40,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2894,623.8719000000954,1127.4837000000475,5088,6244,282,252,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The world around us is built of atoms, the building blocks of everything. Elements are made up of atoms and the different arrangements of the protons electrons etc within these elements are what differentiates them all. What I would like to invent is an atomic assembler, something that could make any element or material from their basic building blocks. With this you could make food from dust, fuel from dirt, water from ash by rearranging the atomic structure. There would no longer be draught or famine or shortage of energy. It'd be a ""God in a box"" that could create anything. Alas, I think the likelihood of anything so advanced is tiny and the concept might be one that can never be achieved. However, the idea of reconstructing things to make new, more useful ones has universal benefits and infinite possibilities. Supposing it could be done, the big issue would be who had control of it. Governments? Wealthy manufacturers and corporations? Possession of such a device could allow for the monopolising of all industries as the have nots face the impossible task of competing with those with no obstacles. Nefarious uses are as numerous as positive. It would be something of a nuclear weapon in the potential threat it posed. Perhaps it's something for the far off future, a colonisation tool for distant planets that could be reconstructed from their dusty, airless states into habitable, fertile lands. Maybe it's a subject for the science fiction writers who can ponder the endless possibilities!",10,11,10,11,C1.ii,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_3gTxpw7jJsz7Bew,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,6.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1881,378.333,1155.2914000000358,5176,7523,280,253,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet is a fully automated vehicle that doesn't need any human intervention at all and that is fully aware of the environment surrouding it, it would solve a lot of problems, like acidents, transit and humans mistakes. It would make the world a much better place by reducing carbon emissions and reducing the time we waste in transit, we could have a shared ""uber"" or a bus that is fully automated, it could use artificial inteligence to calculate routes by seeing where people need to go and figure out the most economic trip that would fill the requirements of a lot of people using the app, it would improve a lot our daily lives like: saving a lot of people's lives like the ones who are run over by cars everyday, the ones that die from car accidents that they provoke or that they suffer from another driver by removing the human error and by reducing the amount of cars in the roads; reduce the amount of people that die from carbon emissions that don't need to exist; saving a lot of money from the users that don't spend more money than what they need (e.g. Gas; Maintaining the car) and the government to maintain the roads; people could also use the time they would otherwise spend driving doing other things like reading, watching a movie or simply using their phone This tech could also be applied to other means of transportation like planes, trains and subways.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1Q3I8Dj0LLgx114,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,29,Right-handed,5,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,12.0,1.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2681,557.4185999999996,1541.224,6135,7467,280,284,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Thinking of an invention that does not exist yet feels like a very complicated topic. I have been worrying about climate change for 15 years. People are a very mean individuals. Nowadays what is really matters is the money, nothing else. We do not care about our future, our childrens life. What makes the world a better place is only human thinking. 1 things going through my mind is the world average temperature. It is getting warmer and warmer every years and it won't be better if We keep countinue this. At high school my geography teacher mentioned a method which is very interesting and relative. It was about enormous machines which can freeze giant ice sheets at north pole to cool our world's and our ocean's temperature. The idea is feasible. It makes me so sad We have the knowledge, the technology but We ain't use it. It has to be our porpuse. We would save planet Earth but everything just way more important than solving this problem right know. I can't imagine what is going to happen when everything goes wrong until no turning back. At the moment we have a chance and all companies have to realize this critical point. We need those freezing machines, otherwise We will loose all of our ice sheets. I want to talk about one thing before it ends. You can make the world a better place just by yourself You just need to change your attitude. Take care of your enviroment, respect the nature because it is all We got. Sorry for my english I know it isn't perfect but I hope you guys get my message. Thank you and God bless you. Peter Turu",9,6,6,8,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_30uDoCbi5kj8ii4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,58,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3575,715.6209000000954,651.9183000001907,5536,4917,282,251,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Delvery service by flying. It would be something that would not hold up traffic and would be safe. I think they would need to put in place some traffic safety restrictions to help with the controlling of the air space. The delivery will also help with the environment and the use of carbon. The world would be a better place. It can assist in technology jobs but would cost delivery jobs. The delivery would have to be sized to able to lift the package. I like the idea yet I worry about the safety and feasability of it. The ease of travel and delivery without traffic would be beneficial. The programming would be difficult and would need an expert. The logistics would need programmed and the system of deliveries would need managed. Such as project management or dispatch management. All in all it would be helpful if implimented. No traffic, no restrictions. It would need accuaracy of delivery so as to place items. It would be wise to utilize a camera to procve delivery. It would need a soft touch to set down the item without breaking it. All in all it would be good. The programming woul have an initial larger up front cost then it could run more streamline. I do not think it can be created and designed quickly but could be worth it. The running of the sytem would need some training and then it could be smooth. Try it you might like it and make money.",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1EjvKVUuFsbxCIs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,19,Right-handed,3,IDK,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,11.0,0.0,5.0,Polish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,High School,3941,613.8183000001908,2723.767199999809,5714,7369,301,254,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Throughout history, humans have developed all sorts of life changing inventions. From the Internet and its incredible applications, to smart cars and houses or space ships that are literally able to leave Earth and explore other planets, it seems that we already have have it all. However, there is one area where we still have a long way to go: the creation of devices that could actually cure Alzheimer´s disease. Although science has made some huge progress in terms of understanding this terrible and devilitating condition, we still do not have anything able to free a patient from this illness forever. Alzheimer´s is so incredibly common nowadays, we all have heard of someone that has it, and yet, getting diagnosed with it is like a death sentence. An anti-Alzheimer´s device, drug, machine or therapy could not only diagnose and treat this illness in its earliest stages but also make someone live many more years without forgetting completely about their loved ones. It would not only give hope to millions of people that have been dealing with these condition for years, wrapping their heads around the fact that they will soon forget everything they have ever known, but also prevent many others from ever going through this painful reality. All things considered, it is quite obvious that the tools we have to fight Alzheimer´s right now are definitely not enough. The invention of a device able to completely get rid of this disease would definitely make the world a better and much more happier place. ",11,10,10,11,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_3MzbRU5mpNscp2O,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,45,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2121,587.8866000000237,1148.7727999999522,5750,7403,297,256,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A smart-watch that can detect diseases. Currently, we spend an infinte amount of money and resources simply consulting with medical professional to help in the diagnosis of certain diseases and symptons of illness, most of which of which turning out to be benign or low level illness' such as the common cold. By inventing a easily wearable smart watch which detects these diseases and illness, we can reduce and re-direct these resources to more pressing matters. Imagine a situation where an individual who upon waking up and feeling under the weather can look at the watch from which a variety of physical metrics are recorded and can provide a diagnosis. This individual, with out the need of clogging up the resources of her local medical professional, can then take the appropriate next steps to aid their recovery. Furthermore, imagine this device be used by inidividuals and communities in more far flung or issolated areas of the world. Parts in which access to medical facilities and professionals can be time consuming and exhausting to access if even if the were available. These isolated communities can still continue to thrive and continue their traditions without the need to feel the are being punished or that their basic human right to medical care is compromised due to their location. A watch that reads and detects diseases, symptons and illness could provide the first step for all human kind to have the same human right of basic medical care, that is free from bias and without a great financial cost.",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2zZMMRv3sD0SElK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Ambidextrous,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2695,416.6995,1785.6691000000014,5655,7421,302,254,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would propose to create a device that converts gas in the atmosphere into breathable oxygen. Our planet has been subjected to drastic changes due to climate change. We now experience far more forest fires than we used to. Recently, volcanos that were deemed to be dormant have erupted releasing plumes of smoke and ash into the atmosphere. These are just two examples of how the atmosphere is contaminated with particles from natural or man-made disasters. That said, this device can help convert contaminated particles from the atmosphere into breathable oxygen. This can help solve the problem of air pollution worldwide. This device is not limited to natural nor man-made disasters but also for general air pollution as well. For instance, in countries with many factories, smog affects the air quality of its citizens. This device can be used to convert the smog into breathable oxygen. While the device is not meant to encourage the development of numerous factories to meet the growing demand of products, it does offer a solution to help citizens breathe oxygen that is not contaminated. It would make the world a better place by providing all people the opportunity to breathe in oxygen that is not contaminated. This is critical because the people who suffer the most are those who are in vulnerable positions. Due to the nature of the machine and of the issue, it is critical to acknowledge that everyone benefits. Because the atmosphere is shared, the device has the capacity to benefit everyone in the world. ",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_30cMObdf64JChAr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2750,973.6036000000238,1171.5246000000238,5534,5984,281,282,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not yet exist that i feel is need is a braiding machine. Yes, the are a lot of black women and other races of women who are currently doing well in their braiding endeavers but thyey are now ridiculously expensive. And not only are they expensive they also make their braids so tight that people end up getting alopecia especially when they are older. And not oly will a braiding machine be cheaper for repeated use but if a woman or a man has it, they can get their braids at the comfort of their homes, at their own pace. A machine can be set to do braids at a lower pain to the person getting the braids, better looking braids because some braiders be doing a horrible job on peoples' heads, less time compared to when a real person does it thus reducing fatique for both the braider and the customer. This will also prevent numbing of the butt after sitting in a chair for 3 to 4 hours and neck pain. The painless way of getting braids through a machine would also prevent alopecia and sleepless nights after getting your hair braided. Saving money you spend on getting braids every few months would also be a win. This would make the world a better place because; less women or men would lose hair due to braiding, more women(or men) would be able to save money of having to go to the salon every few months to braid hair and use it for other stuff especially in this economy and their overall hair health would improve i.e less edges would be snatched. A win in my eyes.",8,7,8,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1r83z6MS7Ml401q,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,53,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,6.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2000.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3019,986.1505,1630.8227000000034,5737,4854,281,253,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention we need to invent is a way to go another planets faster, than actually we can. Travel at the speed of the light is not enough right now, because we take too long to go anywhere. We all know that we are not alone in this big universe, so we have in my modest opinion to travel great distances to be able to find other planets with another some kind human beings. Our closet galaxy has almost all been explored by us, and we haven´t found anything similar to us, so the solution is we have to go beyound that. Because I don´t think anyone believes that we are alone in this world, it would believing that we are the result of chance, and I don't believe that. But for this , we need to move faster from planet to another planet and if we do this we will solve the biggest question of all, that we are not alone. These UFO´s sightings that are reported from time to time I believe that are true, I think that are some kind of beings much more evolved than us that come to the planet Earth to see if we are evolved like them, and unfortunaly we are not, so they go way, and come back later to see our evolution. When we reach they degree of evolution they will pass us their medical knowledge , and in all Earth the people will not die again of disease like cancer and so on.",6,8,6,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2v6ryPBfRImyZAJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1064,322.7452999999523,442.94779999995234,5293,6609,302,313,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"So, in my opinion there are many inventions that do not exist yet that would make the world a much better place. Almost too many to list, but I'll try to list a few. One inconceivable invention would be a 'teleportation' machine. This doesn't need to be explained as the concept is well known by everyone. The benefits of such a machine would be tremendous, reducing travel times to near zero would be helpful for everyone and would increase happiness for everyone around the world as travelling long distances can be dull at times. This is an invention that is impossible to believe happening though, unfortunately. One invention which could be a realistic possibility in the distant future is a cure for cancer. Currently we don't have a full cure for cancer, and at some points in the cancer cycle the passing of an individual is inevitable. A cure for cancer of some sort would save so many lives and families. Another invention which is yet to exist could be something like holograms, which would be beneficial for those who work from home and making it so that you don't need top be in the office at all. This would in my opinion increase worker satisfaction as they would not feel pressured to be in the office and would be able to contribute as much as if they were in the office with this invention. Another invention which doesn't exist yet and possibly won't would be a device for glasses which would stop them from fogging up, a defogging device of sorts. As someone who wears glasses, in certain weather conditions glasses are easily fogged up multiple times in a short duration even when cleaning them, and clearly this would affect millions of others in their daily lifes too. Whilst this would be a minor invention, it would be beneficial for many people. ",11,9,10,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_1gtjg9HuH2zNFYS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,8.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1574,314.502,500.422,5470,5084,300,252,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"What would be good invention, that doesn't exist yet? It should be useful, since otherwise why would you do it. I would want something that would fix issues that we are currently running with financial systems. You should be able to freely send money to other friends, without or with minimal fees. Current banking systems operate on holding your money for their own profits. You get close to none with that. This one could be diffrent. Let's say that there would be a option to ""freeze"" your money for temporary time in order to recieve share of a company that requested quick-cash loan. That amount of money + shares would land into your account after 6 months, from requested period. This would give you option to sell, hold or collect revenue from this source aswell. It would be better than classic banks, that can freeze your money for good - when there's ""cash run"". However, if you would like to withdraw money, it would be instant since owners don't need to juggle with your money to generate profit, but it's your only decision to do so. To motivate customers to give out those loans, on parts of stored cash it would have to cost like 1$/monthly for operational costs when you aren't loaning any sum of dollars. Clients would recieve 95% from profits, while creators would get only 5%. It is fair for both sides, since they are only providers for this types of transactions. I would want to see it someday. ",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2bTXNdHZEjU0zYN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,30,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Turkish,15.0,31.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1592,591.187,738.5870999999046,6137,6084,300,251,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"If I had a chance, I would make a tool to protect children and women from domestic abuse. The tool should have a future to observe the behaviour of the people around the users, in this case children or women, to send notifications about possible risks around them. Of course, in order to have this tool available, we need to integrate physiological studies' result and train the tool to categorize possible threats that coming from outside. For example, we should list the possible cases that cause domestic abuse or common characteristics of a human being to attempt this kind of behavior. I believe that thanks to this tool, the world is becoming more secure not only for babies and for women as well. In that way, they can understand the threats around them and have precautions to protect themselves beforehand. The tool would send a notification to the police or related service providers to deal with the situation as soon as possible. I think this is the world's responsibility to provide a safe space, especially for children all over the world. The usability perspective of the tool is also an important aspect in addition to its aim. The tool should be very easy to use to address the requirements of diversity. It should be available for everyone from Asia to Africa, from limited technological access to the new version of the blabla phone as well. In this way, we will learn to overcome domestic abuse and the attached problem to it. ",9,8,9,10,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_2zvxRLmARd2daSv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,19.0,1.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1924,393.9352,659.1285000000003,5589,6239,279,255,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invetion that does not exist yet is a ""smart recycling bin."" The problem it solves is the issue of improper recycling and waste managment. Currently, many people are not properly educated on what can and cannot be recycled, and as a result, a large amount of recyclable marerials end upin landfills. Additionally, sorting through recyclable materials can be a time-consuming and costly process for waste management facilities. The smart recycling bin would use advance technology such a machine learing and image recognition to determine what materials can be recycled and sort them accordingly. The bin would also have the capability to compact the recycled and sort them accordingly. The bin would also have the capability to compact the recyclable materials, making it easier for waste management facilities to transport and process them. In addition to improving recycling efforts, the smart bin would also have the potential to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, ultimately leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The bin could also be integrated with a rewards program, where individuals are incentivized to properly recycle aby earning points or discounts at local businesses. The ""smart recycling bin"" would also have the potential to create jobs in the technology and waste management industires. With the increasing pressure on the world to transition to more sustainable practices, that ""smart recycling bin"" would be a setop in the right directioon towards creating a cleaner and more efficient future. To sum up, I believe that this is very future-oriented and well-thought-out project.",10,9,10,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_Z9kByw87Q8jWIJb,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1918,723.1805999999997,628.4583,5778,6067,302,347,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not yet exist is teleportation. I think it would be a device that is almost looks like a gun. In my mind I am kind of picturing from Rick and Morty, Rick's portal gun. It would look something similar to that or perhaps a little bit bigger. Using this teleportation gun it would be so much easier to travel to new place. In the blink of an eye one would travel to say Greece or France. I think there would need to be setting on this gun to determine where you will end up. You do not want to end up at someone's home rather somewhere out in public. I also think there would need to be some privacy setting because you do not want to end up in lets say a jail or somewhere where it is a highly secure area. I think the device should be powered with lithium battery cells and warn you when it is about to did. There also needs to be a reverse setting if you wind up in a bad place. I think this device would make the need for cars, planes and trains disappear. People can finally be able to travel and not have to wait until their older to see the world. I am just just basing off the last sentence on income. It would make the world a better place because more people would get to meet each other, have new experiences and get to see some amazing things. I think the world would also be a lot happier in the long run because they now get to see so many things outside of their own country. I think more laws would change based on seeing how people co-exist in other countries. I think it is something that would truly change the world. I would love to see this device be able to be made in my life time but I do not think this technology will exist for a long time. I think for a while this technology will stay in cartoons. ",10,8,8,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_2tzNqmqLJ5ddg20,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1009,353.00360000000154,404.1650999999978,6000,5273,302,254,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet that I have thought of is tarmac that does not freeze. This would solve a number of problems, such as issues for commuters getting to work on days when it is icy, as well as dangers for cyclists who need to use the roads to get from A to B. By creating this tarmac, it would mean that the need for gritters would be eradicated, and therefore will have positive effects on the environment as the gritter trucks are heavy pieces of machinery that produce a lot of fumes that can damage the environment. Although this may have an impact on the jobs of the gritter operators, their roles could be transferred to the maintenence of the non-freezing tarmac to ensure that it is working as it should be. Lots of road traffic accidents are caused by ice on the roads, and especially in the United Kingdom where the weather can change rapidly, it can be difficult for gritters to get to all of the roads in time for the next morning. There are a number of considerations that need to be made when considering the non-freezing tarmac as an option, such as the cost for local councils to implement this change to the roads, as well as the initial disruption it would cause to the road users whilst the road is being redeveloped. However, as a whole, the change would be positive once the roads had been redeveloped and therefore this is something we should consider. ",9,10,8,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_216U8ecgFjy3XjV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,43,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1288,499.3405,559.9305999999642,6040,6053,300,261,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The invention would be a food pill developed to solve world hunger. It would take all the left over and waste food from richer, more developed countries and condense all the food, nutrients, vitamins, minerals et cetera, and condense them into tint, freeze dried pill that could be distributed to wherever they were needed. The pills would be small and light enough to be able to be transported throughout the world easily, cheaply and at a high enough volume that hunger would be eradicate in the developing world. The developed world wastes a huge amount of food through over consumption of food and drink that leads to lots of it being thrown away, or left to rot. Factories and plants would need to be built in order to recieve this left over food and turn it into these almost magical hunger-eradicating pills. The left over food would be processed (I don't know the exact mechanism, this is just a thought experiment) and condensed into the tiny pills. I imagine this would be done largely by automated processes, like with robots, or machines or something. It would be very efficient, have a small enough carbon footprint to be negligable, and be very sustainable. The pills would be packed in sustainable packacking and also be infused with seeds and nutrients that people in the developing countries could also use to grow food that would also contribute to the eradication of hunger in that area. The pills could be consumed without water, as water is often scarce in areas where there is also hunger.",11,9,8,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1mfI3x1TPzvcLaM,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,34,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2004.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1789,290.506,649.639,5527,5704,302,267,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Teleportation is an invention that has yet to happen to us as a species, but it would be an absolutely incredible invention, and one that would help us greatly as a species. Getting ourselves around is something that has greatly challenged us as a species, as well as the transport of goods, but with teleportation, that immediately becomes less of a problem. Furthermore, the invention of teleportation would have several positive consequences. The first one is the positive impact towards fixing climate change, as a large proportion of the carbon put into the atmosphere would be prevented from occurring in the future, because all of the cars, trains and planes would no longer need to exist. The fuel that these modes of transport run on no longer needs to be harvested. Secondly, the space that was taken up by railways, roads, and airports can be used for procurement of renewable resources, such as solar energy or wind farms. Thirdly, the time saved by us as a species would be astromical, as there will no longer be any commute, nor any ""are we there yet?"" from our children. Fourthly, we will subsequently save a great deal of money as we no longer have to spend any of our wages on petrol, car maintenance, taking trains, or any other method of transportation. There may be some negative consequences, such as a lack of freedom to just drive and explore, as well as issues with who owns this method of transportation and how it would be run. Overall, I believe this would be a huge step forward as a species.",10,10,9,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_2E62QMcXEJSBXCs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,30,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,20.0,3.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2684,1025.1156000001429,1396.6544000000956,5721,4876,299,249,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"In my opinion, the invention that will make people's lives easier is the flying car. Traffic congestion is one of the biggest problems in modern cities due to a large number of trucks, cars and all of types of vehicles competing for space. Now imagine never being in a traffic jam again. Since flying cars can take more direct routes from one point to the other, the journey is was quicker than the same journey in the land. Flying cars do not have to go trough the twists and turns and traffic lights that normal vehicles have to go trough. Human error is estimated as the cause of more than 80% of all car accidents. Flying cars will have a faster reaction than humans. Flying cars has disadvantages too. Flying cars need to meet the technical standards of both aeroplanes and cars, therefore, being quite costly to build and maintain. They are also built on different structures and principles hence aerdynamic designing being very expensive. As we have seen flying cars require assignificant amount of energy to get airborne. Depending on the technology used, this can come with much noise. A typical helicopter produces more than 100db in flight. In my opinion there are more advantages than disadvantages. Flying cars is future. World will be more frendly to live when flying cars starts to be produced. I can't wait to use it for the first time. Go from my home to my job by flying car wil be awesome. ",10,7,7,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3jcGjwCy4B2BxyY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,44,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Israel,Russian,10.0,4.0,2.0,Hebrew,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",3224,893.423700000003,1971.5451000000005,6689,8260,298,250,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I thought a lot about the problem of cancer as an unpredictable desease. Or better to describe the cancer as too problematic to be predictable. The humanity spend huge amount of money and time to find some solution to early cancer's detection and I cannot say that we especialy success in it. I believe that one day we'll invent a sophisticated system that will permit to find cancer in very first it's moments for 100% cases without exception. As result mankind will save millions of lives and will promise equal life's chances to anyone. At least with cancer. When you know that you life is garded by that system, your long term planning will be more detailed. You will act more calmly and tranquilly. You will learn a bit more due your desire to build better carrier. You will marry later in the view longer life. I'm sure the this predict system will give a titanic push to the world. It will not solve all problem in the medicine. But it will allow to redirect the efforts and resources to other deseases and questions. By the way, the human thought will be change to the more positive about life' nature and all it's aspects around. I believe that some day one small step will born huge change in cancer's problem. We need to promise to us and to our descendants better chances to survive and to live a long lives. It will be some of the great human inventions ever!",7,7,6,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2ZEwXlmFgQMHuHk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",es-419,28,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2322,588.1151999999283,739.7907999999524,5654,4986,297,248,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A phone who also can be used as motorcycle and doesn´t use too much energy and can be recharged with solar energy. This can help the people who lives so far from their works, school, tec to get in time at theirs appointments with the GPS help. There´s a tons of people who lives in areas so so far from the cities that needs transportation and sometimes they can take hours to reach a place even they can lose a whole day. most of the people has acces to their cellphones this days and it can quite of helping if they get a method to transportate everywhere, more in the mountains or islands. Even with a phone and the Google acces you can check your location at the moment and the gps can be useful to check new routes where to go. The solar energy is a good source to help the enviroment and to not waste more gas like the normal motorcycles or cars only we need to be cautios with the rain. The world would be a better place to live if we can help each other to make our life´s easier and the technology can be improved to help us to resolve tons of actual problems like transportation, communications, etc. Even with technology we cannot get to certains places yet, but the globalization made us to exchange or information and get new ways to help people also to get to know new cultures as well. ",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3F2mTM1kbpJPGY2,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,35,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1165,402.2742999999523,566.3807999999523,5839,5483,300,263,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"My invention would be a device/test that would analyse and detect certain characteristics and personality types of an individual, based on genetics, brain scans, blood work, DNA and cellular information. This information would then be collated to be put into a database where it could be used to match up with individuals who share similar, thus making it an ideal way for individuals to meet potential romantic life partners who are similar to them. This could be used in such a way to ensure that people are matching with others and building meaningful, long lasting partnerships, creating less need for relationship and marriage breakdown. It would solve the issues of divorce and children being split between 2 homes, as couples would be less likely to terminate their partnerships due to incompatibility. Individual's would be able to meet partners who they could go on to share a life with, knowing that their partner's have things in common, similar interests with regards to hobbies and interests, food preferences, outlook on life and so on. Every person taking advantage of this database would basically be able to find 'their soulmate' and never have to worry about ending up alone in life. The world would be a happier place, everyone would know there is someone out there for them and home life would be safe, content and secure. With such information at your fingertips, you would never have to worry about ending up with the wrong person. Marital problems would no longer occur, domestic violence would be on the decline, parentless children would be on the decline. ",12,10,9,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_1NbiwgSort7ScTj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,22.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1834,401.902,561.6095,5312,5398,302,294,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"This is a very hard question! But also quite interesting, because it lets me think very hard. I am not sure if it would be feasible, or realistic at all really, but I think an invention that could be useful for the world would be a monitor, or a technological box that controls your overall body health from the comfort of your home. You move it up and down your whole body, and it can detect potentially serious or light problems, that you can then go to a doctor to get checked. It could detect bone issues, blood vessel issues, heart-rate issues, teeth issues, ear issues, lung issues, etc. It would show on a tiny screen and beep, and tell you the basic info necessary for you to then get checked, for example: ""it has been detected that you feel pain in your arm, it could be caused by a pulled muscle. The recommended ways to handle such things are (and here, there could be trusted sources that say how to handle the pain and such cases). It's not a serious injury that requires hospitalization, but if you so desire you can go to your family doctor and have it checked for reassurance."" I think health-related stuff in this day and age is very advanced, and also quite accessible, but sometimes it's paywalled and some people cannot afford to be healthy only because they do not have the money, and I don't think it's fair. I think such things should be accessible to everyone, and this device for example could help in preventing more serious injuries, or prevent those problems to evolve in ways that can become too serious and debilitating. Every household could have one, kinda like how every house owns a thermometer. ",11,9,8,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1mkFJlw1ipcpAYi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,3.0,2.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2389,730.3694000000952,1265.255200000286,5802,5208,305,253,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"i think the best invention now ould be a cure for cancer. it could save many lives. many people are now dying of cancer and their families are suffering greatly. i personally know a lot of childrens suffering for a cancer because i am workin in aa hospital and daily i see mothers and fathers crying. i think a lot of people are still working on finding a cure. i can say form my own experience living in Poland. that i see many people dying of this disease, it is probably caused by chernobyl explosion. and the bad air situation and a climat changes.due to terrible air in our country, there are many people suffering. form lung cancer and chernobyl affected womens thyroid glands. the invention of the drugwould cure the present disease of civilization. i think it would make the world better place because more people could live to a very old age and help with their granddchildrens but that is not yhe biggest advantage, because i work in a hospital i feel. sorry for children and young people who either did not enjoylife or did not live at all. if people did not die prematurely, there would not be somuch sadness in the world. but this is just the melody of the future. for now we need to deal with climate change and poor air quality taht are destroying us and depriving people of the possibility of living in given areas.whn we fix this the world will be a. better. place ",6,5,6,7,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_3F4naLvgaNtzt02,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,1.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1848,575.7341000000239,985.3235,5865,6831,300,274,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that doesn't exist yet is a smart city energy management system. This system would aim to solve the problem of inefficient energy usage in cities and the resulting high energy costs and carbon emissions. The smart city energy management system would usea combination of different devices, machine learning algorithims, and real-time energy consumption data to optimize energy usage in cities. For example, it could monitor energy usage patterns in buildings, streets and public transportation systems to identify areas of inefficiency and develop solutions to reduce energy waste. Additionally, the system would incentivize citizens to adopt more energy-efficient habits by providing them with personalized energy consumption data and suggestions on how to reduce their energy usage. For example, if the system detects that a household's energy consumpition peaks during the day when everyone is away, it could send a notification to remind the residents to turn off their lights and appliances. The smart city energy management system would also provide decision-makers with valuable data and insights to inform their energy policy and planning decisions. For instance, it could track the impact of energy-efficient initiatives and identify areas for improvement. This invention would bring numerous benefits to the world. Firstly, it would reduce energy costs for cities, households, and businesses, saving them money and allowing to invest in other important areas. Secondly, it would help improve the quality of life in cities by reducing energy waste and creating more sustainable energy practices. In conclusion, the smart city energy management system sould represent a major step forward in sustainable energy usage and urban planning, helping to create a greener, more efficient, and economically prosperous world.",11,11,9,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2BzjvFwmOulxnpZ,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4785,452.219,845.29,6176,5948,300,272,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Imagine in the future, where techonolgy has advanced far beyond that of now. In this future a fully functioning humanoid robot exists and everyone has their own. They can do all the annoying and tedious tasks around the house such as cleaning and tudying up. This way, you can spend more time working, relaxing or doing the things you enjoy. They can be excellent chefs and cook every meal for you, with knowledge of a wide range of meals to make you stay healthy and and that taste good. They are able to run errands such as shoppinhg leaving you worry free. Their advanced artifical intellegince systems will cater to everyoens individual needs. They can also speak and be able to say the most comforting words to improve peoples emotions and mental health. They could also act as your friend or accompany you for support. A slightly controvertial idea is that they could possibly be able to replace a loved one or friend who has died. This could be done by letting the AI learn all about that person, their interests and how they act to make them seem like they have come back to life, just in a different form. The reason I said controvertial is because the robots will not be able to age, therefore as you get older, you'll still be talking the the person back when they were younger and you would eventually die before them. I suppose they could try to simulate aging and what they would have looked like based on the DNA of the person but this just sounds too creepy to be a reality.",10,8,8,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1PbB2fPbxO7mjDJ,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,42,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2054,670.785,1001.097,5600,6018,300,254,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"""Infinite"" clean free energy source. While I agree that this is something unlikely to happen soon, having a source of clean and infinite and free source of energy will solve a lot of world's actual problems. It will provide people with all the requirements of energy for heating, transport, manufacturing, etc. Also It would solve one of the world's biggest problems which is climate change. This will help greatly by balancing the environment in which we live and ensure that further generations can benefit a clean environment. Quite likely this will produce a temporary imbalancing in the world at currently there are many countries that are dependant financias of fosil fuels and there is no interest from their part to have such a source of clean free energy. It is unlikely that governments are interested to contribute to this solution and ordinary people must take initiative. We can see all what is happening around the world and the impact that the current energy sources have across the environment. Having an infinite clean and free source of energy would only be helpfull for the planet, humankind and ecosystem. This would open the way for deep space exploration. While Earth is a amazing planet to live, humans have a thirst for knowledge and access to infinite energy would make deep space exploration possible. There will be infinite possibilities to explore and this would be an incredible achievement for humanity. We should all hope that this happens and many of the world's actual problem will be eradicated. ",8,9,8,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_4VkojX1W121YkVP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2184,701.4492999999524,1093.9725,5499,5536,281,265,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The only thing that comes to mind is a teleporter, something that could take someone or things anywhere. Just like me, a lot of people have loved ones and important people far away, and It's usually not easy to meet and spend time with them, and pains us not having them around or waiting many months, maybe years just so we can see them again face to face and give them a hug. Someone could just be like, in thirty minutes I will be able to go have dinner with my parents who live in the UK while I'm in France and come back before dinner, I know its not the best example, it is not like it is that far away, it's even inside the same continent but distance is distance. If we can also teleport things, like food, and medicine and basic need supplies we could help third world countries way easier, just make food show up when and where we wanted, to feed their villages and whole entire family, provide care to the ones who are sick when they don't have any hospital or anything close by, or if they do might not have the possibilities to afford those treatments, because in a lot of places can be really expensive. I will never understand how it is normal for some people to go into debt because of medical expenses to save their lives or from a loved one. Since that is only applied in some countries we could use it to teleport people to other countries to have better chances at treatment.",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_22M17i8AGPCZ8xi,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,42,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1763,673.05,703.078,5465,4389,303,258,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think for me I would like to see an invention of a robot that is similar to a human being. If I could have a duplicate of myself in a form of a robot, that would solve a lot of my issues. It would come in handy when I am sick or too tired to attend a meeting. I would simply send the robot to do some of my tasks and I would have more time to rest. Some days I have to be in different places at the same time. The robot would be able to attend on my behalf and I would attend to some other appointments. I can get a lot done in a space of 24 hours. I think a lot of progress can be made in a day if every person on earth has a duplicate robot to assist them. For example, an engineer working on building a road, which would normally take 7 months, could complete that same job in a space of 4 months. The engineer could do some work during the day and the robot could continue with the work at night. The engineer would have rested at night and come back to the job refreshed to continue where the robot left of. It may sound unrealistic but that is why it is called and invention. I know a lot of people might not afford to get these robots because I assume they would be very expensive to make and sell. This would be a great invention for me.",9,8,8,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1d9Wfdrj8Dgp52d,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,6.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2026,597.3489999999998,811.5587000000003,5794,5743,301,264,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A nice and new invention that could exist is a medical robot that follows your health state and registers different parameters to determine if you are OK or not. I would solve many health problems that could involve self-care, old people caring or preventions of many diseases that could take people around the world to live with chronical problems or even death. Also I thing this robot should be sell by a low cost that anyone could be able to pay, because Health is a good business that a lot of governments, companies or wealthy people take for their own benefit withouth thinking on another's situation. This robot should gerenate equal conditions of healthcare to people from big cities or for the ones who are located on the fursthest place on earth. This proposal it's just to create a fair condition around the world where everyone knows which are their diseases and how they should treat them, the robot should act under emergency situations when someone is alone at home or is that person is not able to take care of himself, this robot should make easer medical tasks and help setting a possible medical diagnostic. I think that health is not a business where only people with more money can receive a treatment or a cure, the ones with more influence into the market should not take advantage of chronical diseases as cancer and they should help science to find some cure or a way to promote that people reach a better quality of life in the same conditions all over the world.",8,8,8,8,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii R_2R9xKqmtcloN4Lz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",cs,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Czech Republic,Czech,9.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1560,358.566700000003,652.5595999999978,5375,6249,302,292,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"This is definitely something that is from my mind, because it was mentioned in multiple movies/books/stories, but I believe that nanobots could be very good at curing people. Imagine a couple millions of nanobots which could for instance get rid of your bacteria, heal your muscles or organs, get rid of tumours or cancer that is starting to spread in your cells and body. Recently I heard that every fourth person will encounter having a cancer in their life and every third person out of these people actually dies. So imagine having a tool that can heal all these people! You would just go to your doctor, tell them your problem and the nanobots would heal you. After, you could get rid of them just by peeing them out or something. Or these nanobots could have a little cameras as well and in case the doctors would not be able to diagnose you based on your symptoms or the blood tests and further examinations, the nanobots could actually find out what is wrong with your body. Also let's not forget about the mental health problems or diseases, because I think the nanobots could not heal that. I am actually no doctor but I think this is somehow connected to the hormons created in human's body, so maybe it is treatable. On the one hand, this could be a great and very advantegous invention which could save a lot of lives. On the other hand, nanobots hackers might harm a lot of people as well and I believe, where is good in every invention, there is bad as well and even though this could be a literarly lifechanging tool, the bad side (even regarding testing) might have a huge negative impact as well. ",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_25s8fp0SzM0x5tU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,21,Left-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,18.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,1883,541.179,917.5140999999644,5785,7799,301,256,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet but would be very helpful are enviromental friendly flying cars. Airplanes are extremely useful means of transport, however they are very polluting, especially private airplanes. Flying cars could instead be a mean of transport that does not pollute because they would use energy from the wind and the sun as its fuel; in fact, flying cars would need way less fuel to move from one place to another as they are designed to only transport a maximum of 5 people, making the car much lighter than an airplane. they would be made only with technical materials that would maximes the absorption of sunrays, thus the production of energy Creating an accessible and private mean of transportation would make a lot of people invest in this invention thus creating the market for new enviromental friendly products These cars would have the double advantage of creating less traffic on the streets and polluting way less, since they use renewable energy. This invention would have great benefits for everybody in society. It would allow people to continue travelling when there is an incident on the highway; it would also make it much easier for ambulances and people with medical emergencies to reach the hospital and everybody could have access to this invention, while other means of trasportation used for emergencies are unaccessibile, like helicopters. Furthermore, the possibility to move with your own car and at your own pace would make people stop buying airplane tickets, which would help the environment even more",9,9,9,9,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_6LHiBTrJ0ijOrdf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,21,Right-handed,2,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,13.5,0.0,10.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,High School,2897,468.8375999999046,1309.2364000000953,5680,13420,301,271,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An accumulator that could store energy with stability, from all kinds of renewable energy sources. From a scienctific perspective, such a device could drastically increase our chances of solving the climate crisis and global warming. The device would have many variatons: There would be a quite portable, smaller version that could communicate with the the larger version. The portable version would, for example, be inside a car, while the larger versions would become integrated parts of every nations´ infrastructure. All these devices could communicate with each other and allocate their resources in the most optimal way possible. These connections would not be established through wires, but by wireless connection, which would not be harmful to living creatures whatsoever. It would make our planet much more habitable for all living creatures, including humans, and over time, reverse the severe damages humanity caused to te ecosystem. Because of these accumulators we could harness and store more energy than ever before, setting in a new age of advancement for our technology, making electricity more accessible to the masses in developing countries. With such an endless supply of energy we could uplift all nations plagued by malnutrition and poverty and make it impossible for big corporations to artifically keep prices of natural resources like oil high, as there would be no need for them anymore. Energy for heating and electricity would be so abbundant that it could even power space travel. As these accumulators would not be made by corporations but by states themselves, there maintenance would be incentivized rather than their repairment after malfunctioning, so their waste would not pose such a big threat.",11,9,8,11,C2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_1eRyGAV3DuSL63q,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,6.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1841,564.9582999999523,938.2890999999046,6533,9240,300,267,1,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Curiously enough, I am actually working on something related to this. I am portuguese, and therefore want the natural resources of my country to be used as best they can, in particular, natural resources, such as grapes (we have some of the best wines in the world), olives, etc. However, a particular agricultural product that is not at all valued is a small, white berry, called ""camarinha"" which grows in poor soils close to the coast. This is a very unique berry, not only because of its colour, but also because of its honey-like smell, and acid and fresh taste. It is also rich in fibers, and has antioxidant properties. Since it grows on poor soils, and does not require great amounts of water to grow, contrarily to other berries, it is a great alternative as a more environmentaly sustainable option in the berries market. In the past 5 years, a lot of research has been conducted to further explore the different properties of the berry, and it is therefore a product of great interest already, at least on a national level. For these reasons, I believe this berry could be of great value as an export for my coutry, as it is unique to the Portuguese and Spanish atlantic coast. This berry could be sold as is, used for juices, smoothies, etc. It is also used to help the stability of dunes, and as a decorative ornament in certain places. In conclusion, this berry would help not only the portuguese economy, but also provide an environmentaly friendly option to other berries, whilst maintaining important biological properties. ",11,9,7,11,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3qsasY7hujDjn6V,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1062,408.55300000000005,447.7045,5621,5534,302,289,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Today I'll be telling you a story, an unforgettable story I have experienced myself at first hand. I was a teenage boy, I'd say around 13, maybe 14 years old at that time. It was just a usual another boring winter day in the middle of the week when I had to go to school. Nothing really special or particular to look forward for that day. Anyways, I woke up, it was kinda late, so I did not had too much to get ready. I had to be quick - I jumped from the bed, ran downstairs to clean myself as quick as I can, found the clothes, warm jacket gloves etc, was about to go and then... I've realised ive no backpack, so I ran quickly to my bedroom to pick it up. At last, I've felt ready to go. I went outside the house, it was cold. Freezing cold. But hey in this part of the Europe in these times, that was the usual. From November up until March, you would be having snow and freezing cold weather. I had no time to think about cold weather, in my mind I was just checking my clock and hoping ill make it to school on time. I was worried Ill be late and teacher will be mad at me. This has happened before, so I knew I better be on time. After around 15 minutes of fast pace walking, I arrive to the school. Its dark, unusually dark. I was thinking - this is weird, how come theres no one...Then idea in my head popped! OMG - the school is closed because of the cold weather, and I was walking all the way just to come back!",11,7,6,8,C2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1C2zcnQCe67UjF9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,34,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2627,315.8402000000001,2083.3648,5483,17592,302,746,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Amelia was an alpaca who lived in the Scottish highlands. She had a pretty good life. Every day Farmer Kit came along with fresh food and water. Amelia got to spend the rest of the day however she chose. She frolicked around the hills with her alpaca friends, roaming to the very ends of Farmer Kit's property which were surrounded by a high fence. A couple times a year she had to submit to the humiliating process of being shorn but the resulting lightness almost made it worthwhile. One day Amelia was playing hide and seek with her friends. She started off hiding behind a large rock but she could tell that Humphrey was coming her way and would soon see her ears poking out behind the insufficient boulder. Amelia took a chance and ran away from Humphrey's direction as fast as she could. She ran and ran until she couldn't hear the other alpaca's footsteps anymore. She suddenly realized that she couldn't hear anything at all. Amelia looked around and saw one of Farmer Kit's fences had collapsed behind her. Amelia had crossed beyond the property lines without even realizing it. This patch of grass looked much the same as the grass she was used to, but knowing that she was beyond the edges of her known universe sent a thrill through Amelia. Amelia began to explore this new world with vigor. There were hills she'd never seen before, marshy patches with sharp new scents, and no alpaca droppings anywhere. At length she came to an enormous puddle. This puddle was larger than any she'd ever seen before. It seemed to go on as far as she could see, shiny and flat except for occasional ripples across the silent surface. With a burst of glee, Amelia leaped into the puddle. To her surprise, the water turned out to be far deeper than she knew water could be. She watched in shock as it went above her legs, above her neck, and finally over her head. With a gasp of air Amelia thrust her head out of the water and looked around. It was quite lovely, really. The water made it feel as if she weighed nothing at all. She waved her legs back and forth, enjoying the cool pressure on her wool. Amelia cavorted in the puddle until she became a bit cold and decided to wander back home to Farmer Kit's. She shook herself off and trotted back over the forbidden highlands, stepped neatly over the fallen gate, and met up with her confused friends. The other alpacas never really believed Amelia when she told them about what lay beyond fences, especially the part about a puddle so massive that it could even cover the ears. Amelia's adventure became a kind of family legend, passed around by believers and nonbelievers alike, and every newborn alpaca learned about Amelia as a fairy tale. Soon after Amelia's journey, Farmer Kit went into town and was surprised to find it in an uproar. Groups of people gathered in pubs, in the streets, all holding a newspaper with a grainy picture on the front page. Farmer Kit heard bursts of exclamation like ""Sea monster!"" ""Dinosaur!"" ""Hoax!"" As he got to the pub, the owner told Farmer Kit about this monster someone had managed to photograph. Who would have thought it? Some kind of fantastic monster living right there in their very own Loch Ness. Farmer Kit eagerly picked up one of the papers to look at the photograph more closely. The image was dark and grainy, but it was unmistakeably a long neck emerging from the water. Something about it looked oddly familiar to Farmer Kit. He peered at the faint texture on the creature's skin, the length of the neck, how it joined to the head. Suddenly it hit him - ""My god! It's Amelia!"" Farmer Kit turned to tell someone, anyone, that they got it wrong, it was just his alpaca who must have gotten out of the fence last night. He saw that he was surrounded by energy buzzing like he'd never seen in the town. People were talking excitedly of bringing in scientists to their small town, national news reporters calling for interviews, building shops and inns for the tourists that would undoubtedly want to search for the marvel themselves. After a pause, Farmer Kit calmly returned to his beer with a slow smile growing on his face. He would keep Amelia's secret.",12,11,11,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i R_3gUbj2kEoV4Ng0B,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,33,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,25.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",5815,1035.3857000000178,3135.773099999994,6253,6538,302,307,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Once upon a time there was a boy who had a dream. He was 18 years old and he had to make a decision about what bachelor's degree he was going to study at the university. He wanted to be a radio announcer, but he had doubts as to whether or not he was fit for that profession. His family and friends had always told him that he had an incredible voice, but he did not believe it. One day, during the summer holidays, he saw an advertisement on the internet for an internship as a radio announcer at a radio station in his city. He was afraid of not giving the profile, but finally he sent an audio recording with his voice. Two weeks later, he received an email asking him to go to the radio station for an audition. Finally, he passed the audition and, during that summer, he did an internship at that radio station, which made him gain confidence in himself and, from that moment on, he knew he wanted to study a bachelor's degree related to voice-over and so he did. He knew it would not be easy, as voice-over is a very demanding job, but he was ready to fulfill his dream of being a radio announcer. Finally, he finished his bachelor's degree with very good grades and, although at first it was not easy for him to find a job because he had recently finished his bachelor's degree, he got a job at a radio station in a city near his home city. He worked there for a year until he got his big opportunity, which was to work in one of the most famous radio stations in the country. He did not think twice and gave up everything to fulfill his dream and become a great radio announcer. ",12,8,10,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii R_1i9GjYGYp8oPXOE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,40,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2116,365.7895,1202.863,5383,7100,302,322,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","""Unforgettable"" Amaya woke up feeling less than refreshed after a normal amount of sleep that bright sunny morning. She had errands to do but didn't feel energized or motivated to get them done first thing in the morning. Still, she pushed herself to take a shower. She jumped in the shower and spent as long as she could there to delay the inevitable. When she got out of the shower, she put on the coffee maker to brew herself a fresh pot of coffee for the day. She grabbed a granola bar to munch on while she sipped her hot cup of coffee, savoring the rich robustness of her creamy coffee. She got dressed and put on her makeup and quickly brushed her hair before heading out the door. As she walked slowly to the neighborhood commercial district to do grocery shopping and make a run to her bank ATM, she saw a small crowd formed on one block around something or someone. She didn't know what was going on, so she moved closer to try to get a better look. Perhaps someone had tripped and fallen down or fainted for some reason. Anything was possible at this point although there was no ambulance or police cars anywhere in sight. She inched closer to the crowd that had gathered to see what had happened. Amaya approached the crowd and asked some bystanders that were nearby what was going on. An older woman with gray streaked dark hair told her with a twinkle in her eyes that a man had set out a menagerie of animals on the sidewalk. Among the collection were a guinea pig, a hairless cat and an albino squirrel. The Sphynx cat, in particular, was quite a sight to behold. Amaya considered this display to be a sign of only good things to come later that day. Rather than expecting the worst, she ultimately stumbled upon a beautiful discovery. ",12,11,11,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C2.i,C2.i R_bqtoFPTYw3gGqs1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3345,344.819,1103.985,5605,4822,302,253,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","One day, 2 campers named Johnny and Sam went on a camping trip in a different state. They were walking on the trail and then realized that they had got lost. They had to use water filters in order to drink fresh water because they were stranded for hours. They eventually found their way out and had to build shelter for the night since the sky was pretty dark. Once they were building the shelter, it had started to rain which ruined all of their plans. It was pretty cold and they had to be quick about it. Eventually, they built a shelter out of heavy leaves and logs that can at least survive throughout the night but it was very rough due to no heat. They were able to get a bit of sleep but then the sun had awoken. They venture out in need of food since they were not able to eat anything the day prior. Johnny was able to catch a couple of fish using a fishing rod and Sam got ready with the fire to grill the fish over. They ate the fish they had caught and then headed back home since it was a disaster the whole time. Johnny and Sam had one of the most unforgettable experiences during their camping days. They both hated going here and would never travel this far to camp ever again. If they ever did, they would need to be very prepared and know the whole landscape of the camping grounds.",10,7,9,10,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1dbtxgoRTe1U60u,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,49,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,IDK,Desktop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3368,873.9536000000238,1993.0185,5452,5069,279,267,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","This story is called unforgettable. One day, tired of everithing, Frank left school without saying anything and went into a lonely forest with the hope of finding answers to why his life was so empty and somehow escaping from his sad reality. Grank spent a lot of time in the forest and his relatives considered him missing. Little by little frank became a survivor since he had to learn to live with the resourses of the forest. Every day he went out to explore the mysrerious forest and always learned something new. He developed his hunting skills, stealth, cooking, etc. One day he entered the dense forest like never before and found a strange cave, his curiosity was so great that could not help but enter. Once inside he began to hear voices, as he approached the source of the sound he saw a witch who was practicing a ritual. The witch looked at him and said these words: ""I know your pain, from now on you will not be able to forget anything anymore."" As soon as he heard these words, Frank fainted. After a short time, Frank began to notice that he could remember averything in great detail and that it not cost him anything to preserve so much information. As the years passed, Frank felt that he could not handle so many memories, he was submerging in a state od madness that condemned him to abandonment. Finally, he just walked away toeards a dark place where no ray of light appeared, that way there was nothing more to learn or store in his memories.",10,7,9,10,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_3W2TTd2rpnVd2uJ,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,27,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1577,385.96,760.952,5468,10373,302,490,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable I will never forget the look on your face that day, the last day we spoke before you skipped town to escape your problems. When we first met, we instantly connected on a deeper level than anyone ever expected. Not you nor I ever thought we would meet someone as intricite as each other. We were best friends. We were closer than close. We often spent a lot of our free time hanging out together, a forbidden friendship. We were unseparable for months but then suddenly one day, things changed. I made a mistake that couldn't be undone and you dropped me the first chance you could get. Fast forward to the days when we always seemed to be arguing. Everything had changed since the days of our friendship. You ran your mouth around this town but the truth was far from the story you spread. You saved yourself and let me drown. To this day, people still see you as a perfect angel, an innocent victim. I know the truth. I will never understand why you would much rather be surrounded by 100 fake people who didn't see you for who you were than one real person who got you and accepted you, your flaws and all. I think you found out why surrounding yourself with fake people never works in the end. We were friends but you didn't want friends, you wanted popularity. You wanted to run that school and have everyone love you. That really is a red flag for a teacher. You shouldn't have been given so much power. Not many people truly understood you in that place, but I did before you threw me away. That school was full of gossips and nosy people who would do anything for gossip. Rumours spread quicker than butter. But you didn't do anything to dissolve those rumours. You could have said no. You could have told them where to go and chose the truth. You chose to live a lie. I left you there despite that being the last thing I wanted to do. And a year later I went back for you. You had a chance to finally do right by me but you chose a cowards leave. I will never forget the look on your face that day, all hope pinned on me. I saw the scared little girl in your eyes who just needed a friend nearby. I didn't have the heart to leave you to drown so I did what you didn't do for me, I threw out a lifeline. I stayed by your side and listened to you. You took up my time and I let you. However, it was wasted in the end. You never had it in you to apologise, you never wanted a real goodbye. Thanks for the closure you never gave me. I just hope it hurt for you a little bit less than it did for me.",12,11,11,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_d0sW36JftfLy22Z,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-GB,24,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,3.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1718,509.195,741.67,6437,8286,300,328,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","One day, Gustavo, a boy with 19 years old, went on to participate in the Stree League of Skateboarding, the best skate tournament in the world! He was feeling really anxious about it, cause it was the best of the world out there. Started with the training session the day before, all went as planed. The night came by and he had a good dinner a rested well. The next day, by 10 A.M he woke up, did his routine and went on to the arena. It was crowded, he was feeling the pressure around him even before the training begin. Finally the show time arrived, and it went on with the dispute for the podium by 8 amazing skaters. Gustavo got two runs with scores of 9 out of 10. It was going great. He likes the pressure, gives him coffidence. The final moment arrived. The best trick. Now its now or nothing, and he knew it better than anyone. He proceed to land the 3 next tries with all the scores being a 9 or above again. But then it happened, on the fourth try he failed, and one of the opponents managed to pass him. Gustavo was the first to qualify from the run section, so he was the last now on the best trick. It was the final moment, that try meant everything, if he fails he loses the championship, if he lands and gets a nice score he manages to win the championship. He goes for the rail, pops the trick, slide and land it. The crowd goes insane, that tricks was never been done before. Juris took their time to score, but ended up giving him a 9.5, his best score on the SLS and getting the win of the championship of the year. It was the first time he won a chapionship and from that day on, his life changed for real. Unforgettable day for him and the Portuguese skate community.",10,6,6,9,C1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1kS6RZnnRUjucQ4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,17.0,3.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1621,376.18739999985695,981.5075999999046,5350,8150,302,333,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","John woke up as the sun decided it was time to shine directly into his eyes. He quickly closed them, laughing, and said: ""good morning to you soo Mr. Sun"". He was happy. Today was going to be an unforgettable day. John quickly got out of bed and went to have a short shower. Nothing like a bit of freezing-cold water in the morning to fully wake up. Teeth-trembling but fully awoke, John decided not to have breakfast today, after all, he didn't want to make Gloria wait on such an unforgettable day. Propmtly he dressed-up with his best clothes, and after checking he look dashing, he hoped in the car and quickly drove to the local park, not before first grabbing a bottle of wine, which he notice, was half empty: ""how strange"" - he thought - ""I don't remember opening it"" - he shrugged and continued on. Once at the park, he saw Gloria waving at him. He quickly rushed over her waving and laughing, not before he noticed a sad expression on her eyes, which dissapeared as soon as it appeared. John had been texting her for some months and they finally decided to meet up. He really liked her, and thought the feelings were mutual, as such they decided to have a picnic. It proved to be a great idea, as they had a wonderful and unforgettable morning, eating, talking and laughing at jokes, even if John noticed that Gloria's laughs were a bit forced at time. They decided to continue meeting, and John went back to his house not before dropping Gloria off at hers. As she saw him driving away she thought: ""I'm sorry John, it was my fault it happened... I can't let you notice..."". John spent the rest of the day giddy, and finally went to sleep late. The next morning he woke up as the sun shone directly onto his eyes. He laughed. He was happy. Today was going to be an unforgettable day.",12,9,10,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3GD32f2fKyxMkFt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,44,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1999,680.7819000000004,625.9937000000002,5815,6301,302,306,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable. Well I have has only an experience or maybe two in my life that has been unforgettable. The only one that sticks out most is learning what true love really felt like and how it can be the best thing and the most painful thing. About 6 years ago i was divorced finally after a bad marriage, one would think If you get married you are in love. I though I was. But after I was divorced and a year went by of being single i never went looking for anyone or anything but it was one of those moments that take your breath away that you hear about. I spoke to him a few times on the phone before meeting him and seeing him the first time. Which was a story in itself. But everyday we talked i found myself even after that first call looking forward to hearing the sound of his voice. Few weeks went by and i finally got to meet him face to face and I saw him coming from a distance and I just knew it was him. I got goose bumps up my spine and my heart was racing. When our eyes met as he got closer it was like i got the air sucked out of my lungs, hit a wall. He was eveyrthing i ever dreamed of and wanted. The time spent in the car together, the sound of his voice, his gorgeous blue eyes, his sense of humor, just his presence was everything i could of ever dreamed of in my life. Six years later is where we are now, i still feel the same way I did from day one. I look forward going to bed at night just because I know I get to see his face when I wake in the morning.",9,8,5,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_cCsn8nWR88GR1ND,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1425,195.8356999999285,440.68170000004767,5382,6585,302,305,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I was born with a single premise. My family has told me, that I should be a force to be reckoned with, the ""Unforgettable"". While I was a kid, I always tried to stand out, to make sure everyone will recognize me. The more days have passed, the more I have realised, that as time goes on, I will be forgotten by someone. During my young twenties, I have given up on that goal. Getting through high school, getting into college, finishing the degree, working a regular white collar job. I was just a cog in the machine that noone will remember. The boredom of passing days was getting into me, and I was ready to struggle until my retirement. One day, I have learned that my father is struggling with cancer, and he requires chemotherapy. I felt shocked, yet I didn't know a single thing that I could do to help him. Months have passed, he was being bounced from one hospital to another, but the illness was just getting worse. As helpless as I was, I did my best to have a financial backup in case something happens, or just to be available to talk. Sadly, after two hard years, he was in a critical condition. I went to the hospital, to talk with him. ""Thank you, for all you've done"", he said. I was shocked, and I suddenly started crying. That's when it hit me. Being unforgettable, is not only being a hero, someone who changes the entire world. Sometimes, it is just being someone, that is true to themselves, and their dear ones. Despite the struggles, everyone can be unforgettable, as long as they have someone to improve for. And as long as I carry on, I shall be unforgettable. For the sake of myself. For the sake of my family.",11,10,6,10,C2.i,C1.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_eaDJjreDCNS2Xqp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,61,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1946,644.8976000000239,795.2120999999046,5447,5310,294,288,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","When I was fifteen years old I went to a party at a friends house where I met a nice boy. We chatted and played cards all night and I didn't think I would see him again. The day after I was outside mowing the lawns and he pulled up and asked if I wanted to go fishing with him. I did go and we never caught any fish. I saw him every weekend for the next three months and then I had to leave the country with my parents to return to the United Kingdom. The country I was living in at the time was New Zealand which is 12,000 miles away from the United Kingdom. The boy told me that he would come and visit me when he was 20 years old because he was due to get an inheritance from when his parents died. He was an orphan. I doubted that he would because in those days we never had a telephone, email, social media etc and he wasn't much of a writer. One day I received a letter telling me that he had booked his flights and would arriving at Heathrow in September, he was 20 years old in the August. I met him at the airport and that night he asked me to marry him! I said yes. I have never forgotten that moment and neither has he. We have been married now for 40 years and have two children and two grandchildren. We are both full time carers for our daughter who has severe learning difficulties, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and autism. The shared care has brought us closer together over the years and I hope we have several more years left together.",10,10,11,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i,C2.i R_1E9ViN1cK2MQiD7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,29,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,2.0,Polish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2264,424.350099999994,789.3178000000121,5490,6785,302,347,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Ok so first i want say that my english reading/listening is much better than writing so sorry if i make any mistake One upone time was a dragon. He really like eat all of thnig was he see. People tell he a really bad dragon and they hate him. But one day to the village appear a knight. He was a good man with warm harts. He was listened a people and he take the him mind he will going to dragon and kill him as good knight. Next day after preparation he set up eqiment and go to dragon. Dragon was living in the dark wood place so even sun can't go in the this place. Knight when see that place was frighent but said to himself: It will be unforgettable adevnture and he go into the forest. He saw a lot stranger creatures and more stranger event but he don't mind go straight ahead to dragon. When he arrived to dragon he said: Dragon !!! you was a bad dragon i here to punish here come here and go fight to me. Knight preaparte to the wrost scenariuo but sudennly dragon appear and he was crying. Knight had good heart and ask: Why you crying. Dragong when he crying told all story him life have he loved one time and his haerts was hurtting when the girl said : i don't want be with you and use to spell to turn in dragon and punich the girl but gril was died because she was sink in the river when she bath and now he can't turn back and he regret all the eveil thnig was he done but people tell the lie about him but he don't have staright to fight back. Kinight was really muving he story and hug him suddelly he trun up as human and knight and no-dragon back to viallage and said they kill the dragon. People was very glad of that and give then a nice mounting gold price. And this time all thnig was be fine. Good night :D ",3,4,5,5,A2.i,A2.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_1rJkXYYmheHmzt8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1163,491.97,470.43539999999854,6135,5773,302,270,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable During a cold dark night I sat stirring in bed, looking at my girlfriend wondering if something was wrong. She had been off with me the past few days, not her usual self acting sheepish and hiding her phone. For me this was suspicious I couldn't help but think what was going on. All of a sudden I heard a vibration noise, it was her phone and she was fast asleep. I decided to take a look at what the notification was, I wish I hadn't. To my surprise she had a message of another male, one who I had never heard. I proceded to unlock the phone and read the message, there was nothing strange with the message it seemed like general conversation. However upone scrolling up the messages it became clear that my partner was romanticly involved with this other male. I witnessed pictures and videos of sexual acts and was distraught and broken so much that all my trust had gone. I woke my girlfriend up and confronted her, she tried to defend herself saying it was nothing and that they were just chatting not realising I had seen all the prior messages. When I explained what I had seen she couldn't say anything other than sorry. She packed her bags and left. A few days later she wanted to meet, I couldn't face it she had broken me. I told her that her acts were unforgiveable and I will never forget them for as long as I live, and that I never want to feel this way again. That was the last time we spoke.",11,9,9,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1Fg3CiQSi9g8mhx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1977,584.634,1172.9840999999044,5536,7200,304,382,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The first signs of spring were beginning to emerge. The birds were finding more luck in their scavenging as the ice began to recede. The sound of dripping water from the surrounding fir trees just barely audible with the river coursing down through the mountain pass. On my way back to our rented cabin in rural Poland. The architecture foreign to me with steep sloped rooves with small windows in the eaves housing an effigy of a saint. The cambered streets are eerily quiet, I am not familiar with the normal activity level of the town but this is impossible. Not a single car in motion, no restaurants are open, the lights are on in every home. We walk in the empty roads to a bus depot we arrived at, eagre to get back to the cabin, the flight home is tomorrow. The bus does not come, an hour goes by, two. Irritably we set off walking, it is only a few miles, but on unfamiliar roads and mountainous terrain. There are shrines along the road, not like we have in the UK of some flowers taped to a lightpost, but three walled wooden huts with a table adorned with trinkets and gifts for the saint in a weathered picture frame on the back wall. Still no cars have passed us. It is entirely dark by the time we get back, what infrequent streetlights there are are dim and failing. The cabin is cold, we are cold. We huddle together on the fold out couch and watch a pre-downloaded film on a cracked tablet, the cabin still cold and still no activity outside, the lights of the small store opposite our cabin now dark. Mercifully the coach back to the airport is running, the driver wearing a plastic gown and a mask, we had heard about a virus in passing before leaving for Poland, but that was a few cases in China at the time. The roads still empty save for a few decrepit cars and emergency service vehicles. The airport is deathly still, all staff are wearing the same gown, the same masks. A lot of other flights are grounded, their home countries closing borders, fortunately ours is still available, I'm looking forward to getting home. Flight 11 into NYC, 2001.",12,11,10,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_2VaRI7QuEpZPrJs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,25,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2381,651.395300000012,1273.5941999999882,5821,6774,302,320,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","There was a little girl name Sophia, about eight years old, that was very scared of mice. One day she woke up and got ready for school. The day started normal, she woke up, brushed her teeth, had breakfast, and off she went. Little did she know she would be facing on of her biggest fears that same day. First she had math class, and then the morning break came about. All the kids in class grabbed their snacks I went to play outside. Sophia stayed behind with two of her friends, Mark and Tina who were wating for her to organize her things and come play. All of a sudden, her friend Tina yells: ""MOUSE!"". Before she could even process what was happening, Tina bolts out the door, closes and locks it from the outside. And there they were, Mark and Sophia, alone, locked in a classroom with a mouse running around and they couldn't get out. Sophia and Mark quickly climbed the chairs and got on top of the desks. They were yelling and crying, screaming for someone to come open the door and get them out of there. After what felt like an eternity, a janitor came to help them. Sophia saw the janitor and a sense of relief came over her. But that was brief. Sophia noticed the broom he has holding and knew what was coming. The janitor was going to kill the mouse it. ""POW!"", the broom hits the little animal. Sophia rushed down from the desk and went over. ""His it dead?"", she asked. ""No."", said the janitor, ""it just passed out"". Sophia felt terrible, she felt guilty for that mouse's suffering. She asked her teacher if they could keep it as the class pet. From that day onwards, Sophia took great care of the mouse. And that was the day the overcame her fear of mice, a day she would never forget.",12,8,8,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2ZC7ceNmsq6tkAB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,33,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2501,491.1178000000119,666.3526000000237,5368,6313,299,324,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was few years ago when I was working in a big internationl company. One day I got information that there is a need for me to go to a headquarter of the company for a short training. I was super happy about that as I do enjoy business trips a lot. Everything was organised by the company so on my end was only one thing - show ou in a right time on an airport. Everything went smooth and soon I was in London where I spent few nice days. Some of them in the office and some on experiencing London and everything the city has to offer. After few days it was the hight time to go back home. I planned everything carefully to be on time on the airport and do not stress too much. Got to the place 2 hours before the departure and had enough time to do some shopping and find my gate. The time were passing and my departer was closer and closer, but then the flight disappeared from the schedule. At first I was not worried, but only surprissed a bit, but then I started thinkign what to do and looking for some help. It was 6 PM, in fact departure time, but I was missing any information. It wasn't cancelled yet, but noone knew what happened. After few hours we were told that it will be departuring soon from a new gate. The crowd moved there and they started onboarding process. I was so gratefull to be already in a plane and aplanning already how to get home from the airport. After hour or two in the plane, around the midnight we were told that they do not have a pilot available and there is no replacement for him so in fact we had to leave the plane. 6 hours of waiting just to be told at the end the flight is in fact cancelled...",9,6,6,9,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1f7dRg6f9ylR2EO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,75,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2784,656.14,1666.061,5870,12130,302,451,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable by R. This is a simple story the bond I had with my beloved Maine coon cat. I was never a ""pet person"" growing up, I didn't get it, and while I enjoyed animals I would never consider or understand the bond some people had with their pets. This remained the case well into my 50's until the point I got remarried. My wife was a ""cat person"" and some years down the line she got another cat, a Maine Coon called Kyra. Kyra was a huge fluffy cat, with big paws and tall ears. She had a tortoiseshell colouring: orange, white and brown with a white ruff which looked a bit like a lion's mane. Kyra quickly became the most important member of our household (at least in my wife's view) and was to be fair, a pretty demanding cat. However, she had many wonderful characteristsic in which I now understand why people have the strong bonds they do with animals. Maine coons in particular really have a lot of character. So slowly over the years my bond grew stronger and stronger with her and I was ""converted"", she used to help me in the garden and was always interested to join in. I loved having a companion. One day Kyra went missing, she always came home for dinner and usually stayed around the house and garden but this day she didin't return as she ususally would. As it got to night time we started searching the area close by, calling her. We checked any sheds and outbuildings we could. The day after we started asking neighbours to check their outbuildings. We were of course beside ourselves with worry. It was a total of 5 days before we saw any sign of her and by some miracle she made it back home, poor Kyra was injured and it was unclear if she would make it. We rushed her to the vets, praying she would be ok. Kyra unfortunately had to have her tail amputated but the vets were able to save her life, what was miraculous about this was how she managed to get back to us during those 5 days. We honestly thought there's no way in the condition she was in she could have survived that long but Kyra was a very tough old coonie and she surprised us all. She made a good recovery from her surgery and lived many years on with her family at our home until she sadly passed away from another illness later in life. Kyra was a very loved member of our family and I definitely treasure our bond. It was something I hadn't experienced before and will always be unforgettable. ",12,10,11,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,C2.i,C2.i R_1i8th1QKwspTiyS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1501,393.741700000003,789.8428000000008,6062,7175,303,320,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Last summer, I had the most unforgettable few months of my life. I think what made it so, is that it was all so unexpected. I'd had a year and half at university where covid had brought everything to a pause so life had been pretty dull. But one morning, I woke up late, hungover and with a headache. I opened my phone and on Facebook there was a job for one of the most popular reality television shows in the wolrd. Through blurry eyes I sent off my CV and to my surprise, five minutes later the producers were on the phone asking if I could start work tomorrow. I packed up all my university things and moved to the city. My best friend, that day, also got her internship for the summer confirmed so I moved in with her. We spent the summer working all day on our dream jobs and then party in the evening. Some days, we'd get no more than two hours sleep, but it didn't matter because we were in our twenties lviving our best lives. We went on dates, met each other's friends and cooked each other dinner. After a long days work, we'd meet at the apartment and discuss every hour of our day over a seltzer and a cigarette on the blacony. We both missed out on our family holidays, but it didn't matter because we'd made our own fun, while earning our own money. That summer is long gone now, but we talk about it all the time. The hard reality of work set in with the winter cold, but we still stay at eachother's houses all the time. Our friendship was solidified and we can't wait to do it all again next summer. The suprising thing? Perhaps when this friend started temporarily dating my brotber - sure things got rocky. But it didn't last and didn't affect our friendship.",11,10,9,10,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_3KW7LqkUYGN3zyT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,Hindi,23.0,12.0,8.0,Kannada,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2349,686.817800000012,941.849400000006,5478,7169,301,366,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Here I share one of the incident that happened in my life around five years back. This was during the last few days in my previous company. I and my colleagues often went for trips during holidays. In that year, which is 2017, many of my colleagues were leaving the company including me. Most were travelling to a different city closer to their natives. I was all together travelling to a different country. Since we were all quitting the company, we decided to go for a trip before we all leave. we started calling this trip as ""the last trip"" as it seemed difficult to meet again at a later point of time. We had 4 continous holidays which we thought a perfect time to plan the trip. We decided the place and generally we used to travel in our own vehicles. But this time we decided to take a public transport. So we decided to book a bus for 5 of us. we started our journey on thursday night and reached the destination in the morning. It was a hill station so we all enjoyed the weather and visited many nearby places for 3 days. On Sunday eveing we boarded our bus travel back to our city where we were all working. Generally I am not a person who is specific about where I sit in bus. But on this day I felt like sitting next to a window. So I asked them the seat and sat next to the window. The driver was too rash with his driving and after some point we all slept. The next memory what I have the bus falling into the trench and the guy from the other side of the bus jumped and fell on me. At this point, I felt my life has come to an end. But after a couple of minutes, we realized the bus is stagnant and we immediately broke the window and got out of the bus to see that bus had fallen to a trench. We climbed the trench and got back to the road and boarded the next bus. The so called last trip became an 'unforgettable' trip of my life.",11,7,8,9,C2.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_3JJVyaLTnk1U8xT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1268,417.890400000006,686.455199999988,5539,5222,284,268,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was Summer 2011 when I first met my partner. We spent the entire Summer holidays together, enjoying our time with friends and playing in the countryside. We were both young and naive and those holidays seemed to last a lifetime. One day we were enjoying an afternoon in the local park when all of a sudden the weather turned from a beautiful hot summers day to a windy, rainy stormy that lurked over us. The rain poured down so violently that it soon began to cause huge floods in the area, rivers were bursting there banks and our route home was seemingly blocked by the rain water. We tried so many different paths back to the safety of one of our homes but we had no luck. The water was beginning to rise and soon it was up to our knees and then our waist. We climbed a nearby tree in hopes that somebody would see us and come to our rescue but nobody did. We were stuck. Stranded. We found ourselves working our way further and further up the tree as the flood waters caused us to retreat to safety. The wind was blowing the branches around and I could feel the trees roots begin to strain under the huge weight on the rushing water. All of a sudden, the roots gave way and we were both thrown into the the rabid water below. We held onto each other for as long as we could until the cold, violent water tore us apart. She was washed away and I never saw her again. She was unforgettable. ",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_30vObA4XUultpxJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,58,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2150,570.072,732.8726000001428,5725,6641,300,351,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable. My husband and I had decided to take a holiday to Africa. We were spending a week in the visiting different places and game drives and the next week in Mauritius at a sea side resort. I had been working very hard and was really looking forward to it. We spent the first night in Nairobi and ventured out on a little walk outside the hotel. We soon realised this was a mistake when we saw a woman being forced to remove her jewellery by a man with a machete so we quickly went back to the hotel. The next night we spent at Treetops to watch the animals come and drink at the waterhole. This was amazing and was where the Queen had spent some time on her honeymoon. We went to a beautiful lake and watched thousands of flamingoes taking off in flight over the lake. It was spectacular. We took a small canoe to an island and walked with lots of animals around us. We also took a ballon ride and flew over a herd of migrating wilderbeest. When we were having breakfast at the balloon landing site a group of lions came a little to close for comfort. It was slightly unnerving seeing the guards grab their guns. On another game camp we were escorted by guards to the main lodge for dinner. We asked the guard why this was and he shone a flashlight into the night and showed us all the eyes watching us. We then went to the Masai Mara region to visit game reserves and villages, my husband was offered a herd of goats in exchange for me. It was a very interesting experience we were very lucky to be invited in to a villagers home and they were very interested in us! On our final game drive we were amazed to see a pair of cheetahs take down a wilderbeest only to have it stolen by a pack of lions. I remember being so alive in Africa and it is the most memorable time of my life. I never went back",11,9,10,9,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.i R_2tmtCeeSkj2H2nx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Ambidextrous,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,English,,,,,,I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2524,601.7547999999998,1660.8884999999998,6164,6230,300,344,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was a warm summers day in London, the skies were blue and not a single grey cloud in sight. I was walking down the high street enjoying the heat and thats when I saw her. Wow. Before this day I never believed in love at first sight, but I had been more than enlightened when I laid eyes on her. Her long blonde locks of hair glistening in the sun whilst her gorgeous green eyes had me instantly mesmorised. I had to speak to her, I had to find out more. After the first glance of eye contact with her, she carried on walking as I stood there stationary trying to keep myself composed. I quickly turnt around but to my surprise she had gone. At this point I, out of curiousity, began pacing backwards in the direction I had came from but also the direction she was headed. I had to find this girl. After passing many a woman, but none her, I eventually decided that it was time to let go. How can a 30 second yet silent interaction change the whole course of my day? As clarity and sense arrived in my mind I decided to listen to my body and search for the nearest place to buy food. My hunger was there before I met this woman and my belly soon reminded me of this once I had given up. So there I was in the queue of McDonalds thinking to myself which meal would suffice. I had still yet to decide my order when I was next at the till. 'Hi Sir, what can I get for you today?' said the woman at the till before I looked up and went to respond 'Hi can I get a-'. As my eyes locked onto the woman at the till realised that the woman of my dreams was in fact right in front of me. How could this be? Wasnt she just? I've always known that my type was blonde but this time I fell in love with a brunette.",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2Cv2roydqccPOKY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,32,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,12.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3054,723.2674000000952,1695.2605,5708,5965,301,275,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","""Unforgettable"" This day was one of the happiest days I remember in my whole life. I remember it was the end of August, my 19th birthday was near. I had to visit my future University to bring some papers from the high school they needed. I was travelling by bus. After arriving the bus station I noticed a young man, he was good-looking, tall, has short blonde hair and lovable blue eyes. I noticed he also observed me. We sat together on the bus, talking for nearly 1,5 hours. He told me that he is going to study on the College nearest to my University. We became friends. When the university year started, we were almost inseparable, excluding time spent on lectures. The time spent with him was the happiest in my life, I realised I have never met such a person to understand me. Our relationship flourished for many weeks, we had planes to live together after graduation. My parents wanted to know my boyfriend, however, he was not eager for this meeting. In the end, the meeting had been arranged and was about to take place. A few weeks before the end of the academic year, I arranged with my parents that the two of us would come for an extended weekend in May. On the day of the meeting, when we entered my parent's house, my mother turned pale. I didn't understand why she reacted like that. He was confused too. Only after a while it turned out that my boyfriend was once the lover of my mother's friend. It was a huge shock for me and I couldn't continue this relationship. ",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2CrosOmbNKfyT57,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Right-handed,9,AZERTY,AZERTY,Laptop,France,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2522,685.0671999998093,1156.9513000001907,4952,6359,246,254,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was back in 2015 when a little girl from a very small town called Franciou has passed her matric and went to university to further her studies. That transition from high school to university was life changing and the most defining season of my life. I had always had it easy at high school and known as an A student who passed with a hopping five distinctions little did i know that university will the most traumatic experience of my life. I found myself failing assignments and assessments. my life change in a blink of an eye, I was obviously confused why I was suddenly failing and not understanding the work. at that point it seemed like my life was falling apart, I just could not pinpoint anything that was going well for me, until a mentor suggested I go for counselling so that i can cope with this transition and settle in at university so that I can sort off go back to my old bright self,my grades started picking upand I started passing my semester,I spend five years on a three years degre. my most Unforgettable moment is that I finally managed to graduate and I had two distnctions on my academic record and I couldn't be more proud of myself for holding on, phushing myself and the overall reselience. I graduated and applied for honours studies which i successfully completed on record time and now I am proudly a master of commerce candidate and a peer mentor at the university.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_DNyvYOCkC0VBku5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Ambidextrous,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,Turkish,20.0,13.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1974,436.048,1135.5592,6060,7414,302,342,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Once upon a time in a normal day in Chess Town, an ordinary pawn clicked the door of Queen in a timid manner. The Queen, who was enjoying the weeknd in a silk rob with a whisky in the hand, got annoyed at this untimely visitor. ""Who is it?"" she yelled to her servant. The servant went to open the door in a hurry wondering who is disturbing the queen by coming to her house. When the servant opened the door and saw a pawn, she knew in the exact moment that the queen will get really angry if she saw him. So she asked the pawn ""What do you want? Who in his right mind will disturb the queen at the weekend?"" The pawn was frightened, he tried to explain that he came to warn the queen about a possible counter attack coming from the white knight of the opponent. Meanwhile, the queen came to the door to see what was all that fuss about. When she saw the pawn, she got so angry that a simple pawn, a nothing in the Chess game had the audacity to come to her door and told him that ""You can't warn me about anything. You are a nothing in this game. An attack from a knight will do nothing to me, I am the second most important player in Chess after the King. Get lost now!"". The disgruntled pawn said nothing and went back to his place. After 3 moves, the Queen was taken down by the opponent's knight, just as the pawn warned her. She was too arrogant to take the pawn's warnings into account and she paid its cost. The pawn, on the other hand was promoted with a command from the King to be the Queen for his respectable and courageous behaviour on warning the queen. To this day, pawns that manage to move to the last rank in the chess board can be promoted to a new piece. This is the unforgettable story of this rule's origin in chess.",10,10,10,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_3hbdxmHvAyGRkeK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,6.0,Bulgarian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2463,395.0420999999046,1537.5567999999523,5786,8637,301,347,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah. Coming from a poor background, she never had anything of value in her life, except her own family members of course. All of her toys were old belongings of her siblings, or simple objects like sticks that she could transform using her colorful imagination. One day, she was sent to the woods by her parents to look for wild berries. They had promised to bake her favorite pie if she could provide the fruits, so of course she was excited! Slowly but surely, she made her way to the dark forest, and after walking for a few miles, she stumbled across a tiny shrine next to an old elm. Sarah could swear she had never seen it before: it was beautiful, though consumed by time. Driven by curiosity, she decided to come in, and she coulnd't believe her eyes: there was a sleeping bear cub on a stone slate, it was slowly waking up after hearing Sarah's footsteps. ''Hey there, are you lost little bear? Is your mom around?'' Sarah almost whispered. The baby bear suddenly stood up, there was a certain glow to its eyes. It couldn't understand a word of course, but it attached itself to sarah's leg, as if it was telling her to take it with her. Sarah wasn't so sure how her parents would react, but nevertheless she decided to take the little cub back to the village with her. As she walked in her house, all of her family's eyes were full of terror and surprise, except her grandfather. The old man stood up, and he said: ''Little Sarah, the Gods favor you. They gave you their greatest blessing: a forest spirit. You don't have to believe me, you'll see for yourself''. As he finished his somewhat crazy claim, the bear's paws started glowing, and it summoned the berries Sarah was sent to gather in the first place. Nobody could speak a word, the awe was such. The old grandpa just smiled and went back to his rocking chair.",12,10,10,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii R_1Q0ggHkCuB5VLSR,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",lv-LV,26,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Latvia,Latvian,16.0,1.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2482,819.3835,1183.4235,5627,5762,301,286,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable I every persons life there comes a moment that stays with them trough their life. Some of those moments are big and you prepare or avait those moments - graduation, marriage, birth of a child, promotion, a trip, death of a loved one. But some of those moments an be small and unexpected. I do not believe in horoscopes, witches, tarrot cards and all thet jazz. But one day I ended up in a fortune tellers office. My friend and I were walking downtown on a sunny saturday afternoon cathing up on our lives as we passed ''Madam Maxines fortune telling shop''· My friend got excited, she begged that we go inside and get our fortune told. I relented to her beging and telling me it will be fun. The shop was decorated all in dark purple and dark blue colors and filled with smoke from incese. Madam Maxine was a lady with dark curly hair and asked us to sit down at her table wher a crystal ball awaited. My friend asked how her love life is going to turn out to which Madam Maxine told her that she is not ready for love yet, that her focus now should be on herself and her career. When it was my turn I decided to ask the same question as I didn't know what else to ask. Madam Maxine told me I would meet the love of my life later that year, that she would be handsome, funny, blonde. We wont on for the afternoon. I did indeed meet the love of my life later that year, however she wasn't blonde, she was a black lab puppy that has been by my side ever since.",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3hcgBPMclXQOwY6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,English,,,,,,My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,High School,5985,1553.256,1276.1170000000004,6239,5527,302,265,1,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","UNFORGETTABLE When aI was young, about 9 years old I used to play with my friends on the street. We used to play marbles, tennis, soccer and sometimes hide and seek if weare playing at the firends house in the neighborhood. My mother always told me when I left to play to come back home before the street lights came on, I for some reason always remembered to follow this rule, every time the lights went on I ran home. One day me friend and diced to build a race cart, and for that we needed supplies, non of us really had money to buy the supplies to make a race cart. So we dicided to go to the dump site right at athe back of the township to look for supplies to build this cart. We got there, started picking up old pieces of wood stuff we could use for making wheel and all we needed now was something we could use as a seat for the driver, we kept looking and looking, but nothing quite seem to fit. So as kids we lost focus and started playing with the stuff there. As we were playing the street lights came and I had to go home. I immediatly, rushed for my shoes, wore them as fast as I could and started running, I was so far from home I knew I wouldn't make it before my mother realised that the street lights came on. When I finally arrived home she was waiting for me in my bedroom, and she gave me an UNFORGETTABLE beating.",8,7,6,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2bTbdU7ZneA5aPx,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pt-PT,21,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,Currently finishing BSc,1014,402.154,274.588,6212,3636,301,187,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for one day, I would probably choose an eagle. I would want to be able to fly, to experience high speed in the air, all caused by my movements. To be able to travel wherever, whenever I feel like it. I chose the eagle because it was the first bird I could think of; I knew right away that it had to be a bird, but not a small and fragile one that would be difficult to survive for the day. So an eagle seemed like a strong bet. However, I do feel like a dolphin would also be a great choice. I would love to experience life underwater, to be able to travel throughout the ocean and see how different life is out there. I chose to go with the eagle option because I've heard some disturbing things about dolphins and I wouldn't want to put myself in a situation where I'd have to deal with that part of dolphins and have my perception of them completely changed. So, my final answer would have to be an eagle. ",9,8,7,11,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_2SI8SNQtQfUglYq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Catalan,12.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1590,752.502,487.66869999999926,6277,3899,301,163,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose to be any animal for one entire day I would go for the eagle. The reason of it is the ability they have to fly, be a fierce animal and be on top of the world. Since I was a kid I always liked the idea of being able to fly over the cities and different countries, so I move faster and see as many places in a short period of time. Besides of being a respected animal among the others birds, as it is an animal of big dimensions compared to the average birds' sizes. Therefore, with the ability to fly and the power of the characteristic aggressiveness from the eagle I could come close to a free state, where no other specie could interfer in my way and my freedom. Finally, as some countries do, they acknowldege the eagle as a national symbol of power and is even use for commercial purposes, becoming then a public figure.",8,7,5,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2dhW7Fod54fSGkz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,28,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2024,494.8322000000477,540.3417000000477,5869,4509,301,225,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal, I would chose for sure one that is tipically reserved as a pet. As much as I would like to be able to fly, no kind of exiting feature of the wild life is convincing enough to let me consciously decide to take any risk for my life and confort. That is why I would probably chose the animal that enjoys the highest standard of confort in our houseold, a dog. Being a dog would ensure me to get the tastiest food on the market, and enjoy leftovers from the table for special occasion. I would ensure my dose of pizza or any delicacy is coming from my owners kitchen. Just make the cutest and saddest eyes possible, and the world would be mine. Then let's not forget that owners feel guilty if they don't take you out at least daily for a walk, that would ensure my daily dose of exercise and a satisfying amount of errands for an introvert like me. Living in my owners flat would ensure me alway confortable temperatures throughout the year and probably the cosiest of the beddings for any time I would feel like to get some rest. So for somebody that likes food, doing the bare activity and don't have too many interecations, being a dog would be the preferred choice.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_xFrcru1iwxrOMw1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Germany,Portuguese,15.0,5.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,2134,603.9615,592.3635,5740,3423,304,162,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","The only right answer is: butterfly. Since I was a little kid, I have this dream about being able to be free and fly to wherever I want. Every time I have this talk with someone, they keeping saying that ""but butterflies only live 1 or 2 days"". What they don't get is how much beauty you can see even if it's only for a couple hours. In my imagination, being a butterfly is like being able to see the colors in a different way, maybe blue isn't blue, maybe red is orange, and can you image how the sunset would be if the colors change? Everyhting else around me would change forever, maybe they can't smell the flowers, but they can rest in them. And the most beautiful thing about being a butterfly for me is the act of being free but also die so young, it is truly the definition of ""here for a good time, not a long time"". ",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1LkEyMBmNwZa1Gi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3045,1502.694799999997,1008.096200000003,5575,6496,302,186,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal for one day, I would probably choose to be a bird. I don not have any preference regards the species, as long as it could be a bird that is able to fly for long distances. My choice mainly relies on the fact that by being a bird, I would be able to experience things in a completely new perspective. As humans, we are terrestrial animals and we can only experience flying by artificial means. Therefore, I believe that flying in a natural way might transmite the ultimate sensation of freedom and realization. Besides, birds are capable to reach high speeds, which would even improve the experience, due to the adrenaline increase. Lastly, some birds have beautiful chirps, and it would be fun to contribute to the amazing sounds of nature. As a final remark, I would like to disclosure that birds are not my favourite animal type (dogs are). However, I think that, when confronted with the oportunity to be anything we want for a short period of time, we must choose the most opposite perspective from our own.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1obybQk1Ql60deG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Korean,20.0,36.0,24.0,Chinese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",750,332.36,154.75670000001787,5613,2915,302,169,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?",I would be a panda for a day if I could choose to be an animal for a day because pandas get to do whatever they want to do in their lives. I would just not do anything and just laze around. I would eat as much as possible and I think the bamboo plants are yummy because I have eaten them before and I found them to be delicious. Pandas are also very greatly taken care of in zoos where caretakers bring them all sorts of necessities and luxuries in order to make their lives as easy as possible. Pandas are known because they are lazy and I would like to be a panda. A panda gets to do anything that they want to and no one else judges them for the actions that they take. I could wake up and sleep whenever I want to. I could jump and run around when and where I please. People have to take care of me and make me happy.,7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_37XepnyR30EsYUx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",en-US,21,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Hungary,Bengali,17.0,1.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1396,573.5105,393.1703000000045,5633,3534,301,176,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I was given the chance to be any animal for a day, I would choose to be a bee. More specifically, a honey bee. I have a sweet tooth, so being able to consume honey all day long would be a treat for me. Besides that, bees are also very systematic creatures. I am someone who loves to be in a disciplined environment. Bees have this system of making honeycombs, collecting honey, and consuming that honey. It is all laid out before me. No extra efforts are needed to live that life. So, that mechanical way of life would suit me very much. Apart from that, I am also a very introverted person who just wants to mind his own business. And, bees usually just stick tp their routine unless something happens that disrupts their ordinary life. I don't like disruptions either. So, being a bee that can just live its own life for a day would be fun for me. Of course, I wouldn't want to go near any human for the entire day.",9,9,9,10,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_1OVKY86zXQLPxtC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,43,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,25.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1442,535.841,486.384,5994,4114,301,185,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose I would want to be an elephant. But not an elephant from the zoo or circus. I would want to be true african elephant. Not living today when all the hunters can kill me for my bone. But in past, hundred or two hundred years ago. I would love to be free. Taking care of my own buiness. Eating grass. Drinking water straight from clean lake or river. Walking around Africa with other elephants. Why you ask? Because of a freedom. Of being able to do whatever I want. And yes, I am taking into account that there were other animal predators. But still it would be great to just walk without many problems in my head. Also remember, that elephants are strong and big animals and that means that there are no that many issues that I could encounter. Couple of days ago I watched ""Elephant whisperers"" - Oskar's winning movie in 2023. When I think of my day as an elephant I imagine that it would be great to be one just for a moment. ",8,6,7,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_2DZiLp9imkMK8C5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,3.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2002.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1819,418.8816999999992,373.55279999999686,5506,2927,302,161,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any kind of animal for a day, I would be a cat. I've used to own both a cat and a dog when I was young and I've always admired their calm nature as oppossed to the very energetic nature of dogs. Whenever I see a cat sleeping they seem like they're having their best naps of their lives and I would like to see for myself how that would feel. Their curious nature and their agility is also something I admire very much. I'd like to see how it would feel to run and jump, climb over fences, buildings etc. with their supperior agility and accuracy. They also are quite sociable animals, even though they might not look like it and even have formed the reputation of being ""loners"" but there are actually stray cat colonies with hierarchies so I would also try to mingle with them and get to see how they communicate with eachother.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_VPsO2OkRtYVhKz7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,8,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Hungary,Bengali,20.0,12.0,3.0,Chinese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2398,793.2445,642.8336000000237,5121,3651,284,190,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Humans are one of the best creations in the world by God. From a religious perspective, I believe so, and the other creatures are created for the well-being of humans, including animals. This is my core belief. As far as the question is concerned, I would try to be honest in my answer. Therefore, If I were given to make the choice, I would rather not choose any animal instead, I prefer not to live in this world. Because I believe living one a day with honor and dignity is far better than living thousand years like an animal. However, there are some animals which I like to have as a pet. I would try to come up with the best one of my choice. Therefore, I love to announce the name of a bird. Bird are very beautiful creatures of God. And, I love the sound of the bird. In addition, pigeon is the very beautiful bird and it's very easy to pet them. We can also keep it by letting them free, so no need to put them in cage. They can fly and come back for food. ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2sWG6fvFOKgH5ys,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Spanish,10.0,34.0,13.0,Portuguese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,787,302.90019999998816,187.2087000000179,5688,3307,302,168,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would probably be a dog, I believe dogs are the best animals in the world and I think, in most cases, they are treated very nicely, although I dont know whether they would rather just be a free, wild animal, but I think I would just love to be stroked and fed and sleep all day. This is all assuming my owners are nice and take me for normal walks, im able to have other dog friends and I am provided with enough space to move around. I just, as a human, give my dogs so much love and I do what (I think) makes them happy, and I know I'd love to be in that position where someone just does everything to make me happy. Although it does also have cons, It must be pretty frustrating living with someone who doesnt understand you and you dont understand them (Apart from some specific commands). Overall it would be fun, but just for the one day, I think.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3O1zspWIgZgKn0W,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1336,565.3273000000714,376.0353000000715,5615,3694,300,159,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would choose to be a horse. Not any king of horse, I would shose to be a Lusitano, this is a breed of portuguese horses. They are strong, tall, fast and beautiful. I would chose to live in the wild, or at least in a place where I felt truly free, so that I could run with other horses. I wouldn't like to be a carrie horse, that has to take people to different places, although I belive most horses like that are treated well, I would perfer not to be dragging people all they long. Furthemore, I also wouldn't like to be a circus horse. First, I don't especially like the circus performances with circus, it is the animals that have all the merit, but they are the ones who are treated the worst. Second, the idea of always moving around, and to not have a place to call home, it is something I would definitely dislike.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_wUjAtZTVLkMgiwV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,18.0,1.0,10.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1302,448.352,472.25,6366,2915,302,155,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I have often thought about how great life is as an animal, without too many problems, without having to think about money, maintaining yourself, studying and always being picked on by people who don't like you. I have four dogs, so I would like to be a dog. I have always liked the idea of understanding what they want to say, because we don't always understand them, it would be nice to understand if they are really happy and loved. In addition, one of my dogs is sick at the moment and I would like to empathise with her, understand the pain she feels and especially if she understands what we feel when we see her sick and especially if is too much for her what she is going through. I would love to be a dog because they look really happy and above all they can make the people who have them really happy.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_vAGFOHkdBY43e7L,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,36,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,11.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1965,669.2324000000023,728.9727999999969,5745,3566,302,157,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal, I would like to be a hummingbird. Because they are marvellous, gorgeous and their life span is short. Some species are colorful, they are small, they feed up on nectar and little insects, so I think it is easy to allocate food, and it is very attractive to me that they go from flower to flower. I don't know about hummingbird illness; for sure they have, but I hope they do not suffer as much as a human. Maybe they have some predators, but they are very smart and quickly, so they can avoid them. Their hearts bit at a very high rate and they can fly backwards, that is not common in the animal world. Plus, in my country, they are a symbol that a dead person that you loved could appear to you in a form of a hummingbird. And recently I read that they represent love and lucky. ",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2QDNQS9C21Re6xM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,38,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Arabic,27.0,3.0,5.0,Arabic,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3263,1232.2405,1234.4917000000012,5850,3452,301,159,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal, I would choose to be a tiger. Tigers are powerful animals. They have lovely fierce bodies and orange striped fur.They symbolize power and beauty. They hunt for food and it would be a novel experience to hunt rabbits, deer or any other prey. They are one of the fastest animals. Tigers also can swim and I love swimming so it would be wonderful to spend some time swimming. I would also spend sometime in the den with my little cubs. I woud love to travel freely long distances without having to cross borders or pay for tickets or have passports. Wouldn't it be a lovely experience? Tigers are the kings of wildlife and I think it would be an excellent experience to live their life for one day. It also would be great to live in the forest and speak their language and interact with other wild animals like lions, cheetahs, leopards, etc.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1LGaoQa4aMe6HzM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,22,Right-handed,5,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Italy,Italian,8.0,11.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1234,494.4069000000002,443.3644000000004,5884,4401,302,211,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I had to choose to be an animal for one day I would like to be a bird. A normal, small and simple bird that you find everywhere and that everyone knows and has seen it at least once. You may ask why, but I am sure that everyone, at least once in their childhood or adulthhood, had thought of 'What if I could fly? And how does it fell?'. Well, this is still one of the question stuck in my head. I would like to try the feeling of flying, how it functions, how it is from up there to see human beings, the world and nature. I assume it would be challenging and surprising from a human being, to see the world from that perspective. However, I know that being a bird would imply challenges such as: find a good place to sleep, build a nest, look for food and maybe provide food for a possible 'bird family'. But I think they are lucky to see me, my house and all around us from a higher perspective. They can fly and reach the top of trees and on houses' roof. I guess this will explain quite well why I would like to became a bird for one day. ",9,7,7,7,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_3h9oW9MLlOe1ITr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,34,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Other,28.0,12.0,12.0,Hindi,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1363,517.084700000003,330.17779999999703,5825,3650,302,199,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day, I would choose to be a bird like a vulture. I want to be a bird because as a bird I can fly long distances over a short period of time. Being able to fly has been one of humanity's biggest dream. While we have airplanes now that can carry people over a long distance, in reality, we are not flying. We are sitting in a machine that flies. Being a bird, I myself would be able to fly and experience the joy of flying. I can fly as and when I want and do not have to buy a ticket or wait in a queue. Also, I would be able to decide the path I want to take while flying. I can fly over the ground, above water, through the mountains, via the forests or all of these. I can also fly close to the ground or high up in the air. If I feel tired I can relax a bit and then again continue my journey. All these sounds very fascinating in my mind and hence if possible, I would want to be a bird for a day.",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3MGPnG0ECThdznw,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-AU,27,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,4.0,0.0,6.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1465,345.0789000000004,540.7705,5785,5169,302,152,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would choose to be an animal that has the ability to fly, like an eagle for example,flying through the cities, and skyscrapers would be awesome I also would love to go around the world and fly through the clouds, towns, small villages and all the deserts and oceans. Or maybe even a falcon, same flying capabilities but better eye sight and wingspan if im not mistaken. But on second thought, I would like to be a pet (such as dogs and cats, even hamsters) as their life is really chill and they are mostly well treated, I'd like to be a golden retriever or a dachsund in particular, as they are my 2 favourite kind of dogs, although being a dachsund would be cool, Yes, but they suffer from back pain cause of they're body structure so that would probably be a no if i actually sit and think about it. ",7,7,7,7,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_00RbUqO7jXLDItP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,28,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Italian,18.0,0.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1926,554.2948999999999,644.3766999999998,5897,4128,301,159,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose to be any animal for one day I would definitely choose to be a bird. Any kind of bird which has the ability to fly very high. I would like to feel what it's like to fly up in the sky, feeling the wind on my skin (or my feathers) and see the world from above. I would explore and discover places that I never saw before, where my feet could not reach. I would like to gain altitude and then, with a spin, decending almost to the ground, vertically, accellerating to the maximum. I think that would be an amazing feeling: being in control of you direction in a 3D-space. Up, down, left and right: all directions are allowed. I would see where all my fellow birds go when migrating, flying together in triangle formation. I would learn how to feel, and use for my advantage, the direction and changing intensity of the wind.",9,9,7,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_2CjrQ3XYYlowUnY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de,42,Right-handed,2,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,30.0,0.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2428,734.8683000000119,1025.863799999982,5484,3268,304,166,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal for one day I would defintitely choose to be a cat. They are allowed to sleep 20 hours a day and no one expects them to be productive. They can go outside when ever they feel like it to bathe in the sun, but when it's raining they stay inside close to the fire place for warmth or near the window to see what's going on outside. The person who considers themselve to be their owner is actually their staff who has to provide food or cuddles whenever the boss (cat) screams for it. In case kitty needs cuddles the staff member has to sit still and provide as long as their majesty wishes. If your expectations are not being met you just poop in the shower or pee in the staff's shoes as a complaint and everyone will immediately struggle to improve the service. I think there isn't any better way of living on this floating rock called earth.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_DozZbGGIQddrrjz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,High School,1060,301.16009999999403,364.92889999999113,4778,3328,262,167,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","This is quite a complicated question even if it seems pretty easy or even dumb, I am not even sure of the answer. If I could be any animal probably I would be some kind of bird. Let's say an eagle to make it easy. I think it's quite easy to imagine why I would choose that. If I close my eyes and I try to imagine being an eagle or any sort of bird I can only imagine the sensation of free flying. I would want to be an eagle to experience that feeling, I can't even really imagine how freeing it must be to feel the wind on my body while I'm flying around, being able to observe the world below me, passing by cities or maybe entire countries. I picture the houses getting smaller as I fly higher, the sun on my back, the freedom and the loneliness, both beautiful and scary. Yes, I think this is it. I'd like to be an eagle.",8,8,7,11,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_BQFhnlrDkb3abGF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,22.0,2.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1617,506.6329000000004,695.7116999999993,6155,4334,302,150,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would be a horse. I was incentivated to like horses since I was a child, so I grew with this passion along me. Now that I remember, my parents associated the horse with the horoscopus, I am sagitarius. I think that horses are free creatures, and have the best compromise/equilibrium between being an animal, strong and unconscious, but, at the same time, beautiful and docile. It cannot swim under water or fly up in the skies, so it kind of resembles the physiological barriers of the human being. In some way, I still want to believe that, in the future, I will have a horse. I really want a horse. Probably, this fact leds me to have a strong connection with this animal and make it my first thought for the answer to your question. To sum up, I think that the answer is clear and direct: a Horse!",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_CmCGjqgj3bAqFmV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",en-US,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Germany,Greek,7.0,1.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2772,1124.3949000000002,983.7273000000008,7489,5309,302,173,2,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could be an animal for a day,i would personaly chose to be a rhino. Im very fascinated by these animals, by how they look, they are absolutely amazing creatures, to me they look like modern dinosaurs, they are huge and strong they could destroy any other animal. I would roam around bullying and showing off to any other animal that crosses my way. I would cause a total mayhem destroy and beat any other animal that i see. I dont think i would be afraid of any other animal as a big huge rhino, im a strong rocky muscular tough beast. Every animal would be afraid of me, i would feel like im the king of all animals. If there is nothing intresting to do i just walk around find some water to take a bath, but i would be very careful for crocodiles, as thats probably the only other animal that i could actually be afraid to face, but i still would like to face,it would be an intresting fight.",6,7,5,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_1CjBzZL9ZSnxO1E,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,30,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,23.0,8.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1598,523.738,527.076,5903,3377,301,154,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I'd love to become invisible for a day, because I would be able to visit places that otherwise would not be possible. For example, I would be able to sneak into an airport's control tower and just enjoy the atmosphere and look at the scenery. Or go to the top of a skyscraper that's not open to the public. I could also visit top secret areas, such as Area 51, which is extremely interesting to me. I would just look at the places, I wouldn't cause any trouble of course. I think the ability to become invisible is much more intriguing than being able to fly, which is actually possible by using a jetpack (although not many people own one). Being invisible is probably always going to be just a fantasy, because it seems like a physical impossibility. The impact of such ability would be immense, just imagining all the possibilities this would allow.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2TtpiYLCSNFXTi4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,1.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1687,684.4137000000478,656.215600000143,5948,3060,300,161,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think if I were to chosse one of this options, even tho I would like both of them, I would say that I rather be able to fly for a day. Why? I think it's pretty obvious. I would literally be able to fly everywere and anywere that I wanted. I would go on a trip and fly by every country that is on my wish-list. Think, you can go anywere and not wait for deslocation, transit, flights, etc. It's just as simple as ""I feel like going to Italy"" or ""I feel like going to cross oceans and see what's there to discover."" and go, just that easely. And the thought of flying by side with the clouds, and seing everything that you want. I think I would be like going to heaven really, I t would be a experience to never forget. The things I would go see, and if I could bring someone with me even better.",7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1JVXKfovP2J3aKT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,High School,1127,423.8086000000016,386.443200000003,6129,4374,300,180,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Well that's really a simple question. Flying sounds cool and all, you could see the world without paying a penny and visit really remote places that otherwise would be near impossible to see without the ability to fly. Also the views would be breathtaking and maybe even you could make some money flying around and recording crazy stunts or a career as a super spy sounds amazing as well. But I believe invisiblity is way better. Why? Well because you could realisticly accomplish more. For instance you could sneak in a bank and steal cash to not have to work a day in your life! Also this applies to the super spy stuff too. You would be far more effective as a spy if you were invisible compared to having the ability to fly. Maybe even you could research your sudden condition and extended the duration of the effects. Actually when I think about it the super spy stuff is not really that viable if you have the ability only for a day oh well, robbing the bank it is.",6,8,7,10,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_rkc6fMvhbhLvbdn,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,es-ES,43,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,10.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2183,632.856,970.992,5655,3733,302,182,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Between the two possibilities to be invisible or to be able to fly for a day, I'd prefer the latest one, to be able to fly for a day. You ask me why. I can tell you, my choise it's because I'd like to feel that freedom sensation a bird can feel when it spreds its wings starting to dance with the air and the wind. Also, I would like to fly till a place I've never visited and watch that place from the above. I'd like to fly but not in a human body, I'd like to fly as a bird, being into a bird-shaped body, having my wings, my feathers, soffering not so much for the cold or for the rain and being a part of a flock of birds, like a sparrow. I'd like to be like a little sparrow in a group of little sparrows flying and making circles and other strange shapes in the sky. Just for a day, and then remember all that like in a dream, because sparrows have no memory of all their flights.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3MMrFr6ZuReJihT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,13.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3940,1065.378,2147.232599999905,7155,3506,292,154,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for day because I would to love feel the freedom and the sensation of flying. Just think about the pros. You could fly to another city without even to worry about traffic or money, and also the fun that it would be. And I'm not afraid of heights so that wouldn't be a problem for me, and I always wanted to do extreme sports related to fly, so would be a win win situation. Regarding being invisible, I think that would make me feel really alone, a whole day without no one to see you would be lonely. Nobody would notice you, but if you wanted to disappear for a day that would be good. In the end I see myself as a person who do not want to be alone and appart from the others and someone who wants to feel free flying in the sky.",7,7,6,10,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_3HGqbkRzttWwtAu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1144,389.468,416.716,5661,4657,302,228,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"While i could see the utility in both options, i would definitelly go for ""be able to fly for a day"". The most important thing to take into account on this question is the fact that this superpower only lasts for a day (presumably 24 hours). I would probably take more things into consideration if this superpower was permanent or lasted a lot longer. Since i could only do this for a day, i would choose the superpower that provided me with a more fulfilling experience. While being invisible sounds cool (to an extent), there is not much of an experience that i could have while invisible that i couldn't without any superpower. The most i could get out of the invisible superpower would probably be in places where i shouldn't be or use that invisibility for nefarious purposes. Now flying, that would be really fun! I could always remember for the rest of my life that day which i was able to see the world from above and felt free as a bird. Where i could experience one of the most desired power humankind always had: ""being able to fly without any tools"". I could only imagine how amazing that experience could be, and it is a little bit hard to choose to ""just be invisible for one day"" when i could literally be a human bird!",9,9,6,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_AzB9ohdAd7xwz29,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,pl,18,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,3.0,11.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1367,313.309,664.2130000000002,5468,7758,302,363,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"The possibility of being invisible or being able to fly are both very tempting, however I believe that invisibility is a much better options considering several different factors. Taking into account the social aspect, physical ability to control one's superpower and the intention it becomes clear that invisbility is the better option. During one day of being invisible I would have the opportunity to fully experience the world without the fear of being judged. Supposing only the sounds I make would be any indication of my presence I believe it is entirely possible to go a day without anyone noticing. I have always appreciated the ability to see and what it gives me. Strolling through a neighborhood I have lived in for several years has given me both more appreciation for my vision and also more anxiety about the fact that I am too seen by others. The sheer carelesness I could feel while being invisible make it seem much more thrilling than the ability to fly. The second reason for my choice is the physical aspect. It seems to me that it is much more dangerous to fly than to be invisible. While crossing the street or asking for help are the two obvious things that come to mind when one thinks of how invisibilty might be a hindrance, it does not comper to the physical injuries one could sustain if they did not know how to control their superpowers. I imagine that understanding how to actually fly, land, turn etc. might take more time to comprehend than the actual fun of it. Invisibility would also allow me to feel the adrenaline rush of hearing someone talk behind my back, of being able to commit petty crimes such as stealing candy from a shop or just simply of seeing the confused faces when I am holding something and to them it looks as if that thing is flying. In that matter, invisibility is a much bigger social responsibility, that I believe I would be able to take on, while I can only imagine that flying would cause me much more pain (both metaphorically and literally) than it would provide me with fun.",12,8,10,11,C2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_ymDZcdUuY9V7Dfb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,18.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1533,536.1248999999762,589.6215999999048,5613,4947,280,174,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think that I would rather be invisible. Quite funny to say, but the first thing that came to my mind was that I could steal. Not from small businesses, of course... Rather go to the local chain supermarket and get myself some broccoli, the finest kind of pasta and the tastiest chocolate... And just walk out of there, with my hands full of avocados. I'm quick to think what could I do to benefit the society - fly to the USA and get a billionaire to donate all their savings to charity? Would I be able to do that in a day? I think the flight alone would take me like 10 hours. Perhaps I should not be so USA-centric. I'd go to Warsaw and sneak into the house of the richest person in Poland (I would have to see who that is) and donate their money to, for example homeless people. I would deposit some money to my bank account as well, so I can buy the good kind of pasta everyday.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3e3lpv0sTHi5xX5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,1.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1200,442.9347999999998,316.8640000000001,5597,3257,302,152,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"The age old question of ""what super power would you choose?"". My answer has been different every time I've been asked this question, but today, at this very moment, I would much rather be able to fly for a day. For an extremely short time in my life, I made a living by being a helicopter pilot. It was absolutely magical. The feeling of being able to traverse the world through the air and see how tiny everything looks from above is something I never really got over. The lack of traffic up there was certainly a big plus too! If I could fly without the constraint of a heavy piece of machinery that needs constant maintaining in order to not plummet from the sky, I would choose it in a heartbeat. Then again, this is me now. I wonder what my response will be next time I get asked this question.",8,10,9,11,B2.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_Duh3Zp3Y9nbOJKF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,35,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,29.0,0.0,2.0,Galician,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,technical school,2644,666.6587999999998,966.3645999999997,5909,3733,300,150,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day than to be invisible. It would be a pleasure to visit anywhere not using a car nor public transport but my own body to move around. Flying would let me travel places anyone could never visit easily and it would let me see the world as a bird does. I would go to the beach, to the mountain, to the best viewpoints anyone has never seen. I could visit my best friends, the ones that live far from my home and that I rarely visit because of the distance between us. I would also visit my uncles and cousins that live 500 kilometers from the city I live in. Depending on my speed flying I would visit some country I love a lot like Turkey or Thailand, which are two of my favorites countries I would be happy to visit.",6,7,6,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3PtdpgXqGRsUNqG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,3.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",884,269.4796000000238,247.4896999999285,5475,3404,301,174,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I'd prefer to be able to fly for a day I think, because that would give me the chance to see more things on a limited time frame. Assuming I could fly as fast as a bird, that is. I'd be able to experience the world from an entirely new/different perspective. Being invisible sounds fun but I think it would mostly be useful for human affairs, e.g. it would allow me to walk into places I wouldn't usually be allowed into (like an important conference or something of the sort), but it wouldn't allow me to experience the natural world differently. If I were able to fly I'd be able to look at mountains from above, travel from one place to another at greater speed, etc. Plus I think it'd be a more fun experience overall. I think flying would be experiencing existence through the lens of a different animal, whereas invisibility, whilst incredibly fun, would ultimately not make me feel closer to the world I live in, which I reckon flying could do.",8,9,8,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3dTfjXjLkDQ4cOU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,21.0,1.0,10.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1174,361.83719999999926,271.89390000000225,5735,2995,302,151,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly, have the experience of seeing the world from the sky and flying to multiple places with the knowledge that it would be safe for me and I wouldn't be contaminating the earth. Also, it would make the time from point a to point b shorter, facilitating me to travel and not worrying about the traffic. I'd also like to know how does the wind feel while flying in high altitudes, and making it easier to travel to places where the roads simply don't go. I'd also would like to travel the ocean and see it's inmensity, and at night I would like to fly as close to the moon as I could, or see a volcano, or watch wild animals without disturbing them. I'd also like to feel what Capitan Marvel feels while she's flying, I'd like to be able to fly a lot.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1puQObYP9G6aEZs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el,34,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,20.0,1.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1455,280.9931000000015,468.6238000000008,5406,3239,302,164,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,I would rather to fly for a day because I would be able to see the world from above. I would like to see my city and the people moving. It would give me a sense of freedom because i could go anywhere and any time I want. For example it wouldnt be necessary to spend money on fuel for my car or to be stuck on traffic for long hours. Also i would be able to move much faster and comfortable from one place to another. I would like the feel of flying as it would give me a sense of freedom. Another thing i could do is to could brag to my friends and family about it and i would take them with me for a ride. Been invisible is not that good because there is always the danger of listening something about me that I wouldn't like and that would make me very sad. So I think flying is better overall.,7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_74yCYNYPCwwJo2d,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,36,Left-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,10.0,1.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2060,673.2969000000004,763.8105,6637,3726,301,173,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I have the choice to be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day I would choose to be invisble for a day, because I have a fear of heights. As higher it goes the more it fears me, especially if I have to fly by myself. If i sit on a plane I'm not so feared, maybe I trust the pilote. But if I have to land by myself and I have to dive a few hundred meters into the deep air under me I'm afraid of that. On the other hand I like it sometimes to hear and see no one. It has the advantage that it can be really comfortable because no one can disturb me and I have sometimes the wish that I don't have to meet anyone, especially when I have a bad mood. And the other advantage is if you are invisible you can check out what family, friends and other people really think of you if they are talking about you.",7,6,5,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_tXndkDiDtjYWhVv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,6.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2005.0,High School,4285,1347.2731000000238,2220.7456999999285,5808,4322,303,156,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Now that's a tough question. I am not gonna lie. I thought about it in the past and the answer was not easy at all. Even though to be able to fly was one of my biggest dreams growing up i have to go with the invisibility. Sure, the feeling of freedom while flying must be really fulfeeling and satisfying but you can't use this ability to help others. That's why i have to go with the invisibility. While being invisible you can do a lot of stuff. You can sneak up to places, hear conversations and expose bad people and their behaviors. You can visit places no ordinary human is allowed to and you can find answers to a number of questions the powerful people don't want as to know. You can also help youself and the people you love in various ways. You could make the world a better place. The possibilities are limitless.",6,8,6,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3EKhOt8xL1lHR5h,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Romanian,10.0,24.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1309,383.454,622.2965999999046,5423,3279,302,156,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Hmm, I think both options sound fantastic! Personally, I would prefer to be invisible, due to one single superpower that you can use it for: luck. I think everyone around the world has experienced at some point some days/moments in the day when they just felt very lucky and on top of the world. I also think that it is undeniable that no matter how much effort you put into something, there is also an element of luck involved. So by being invisible, I would try to change things in different situations to ""increase"" people's luck. It is also great that once invisible, people won't know that you have helped them, which in turn will increase the confidence in themselves, as they might believe that they are awarded for their effort. I think being kind and having empathy is one of the best things that humans are good at, so we should do it more often.",10,9,7,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_urXsGRvmY6QrwGJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Hindi,18.0,36.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1251,489.74509999999407,512.2939000000059,5626,3831,270,152,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Would I rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? I would say neither as it's possible anyway. You can become invisible by not coming out of the room and you can fly by taking a flight. I think we should enjoy the physical and mental gifts that we are born into this world with. As humans we should be happy for what we are and strive like everyone else. Perhaps this could be suited for someone who is afraid to face the world, or who has faced extreme difficulties in life. Even to them i would say this momentary escape from the world, would not do you any good. I would recommend you stand up, take responsibility and face the world head-on and push for a better life for you and those who are close to you. That's I would like to say about that. ",7,9,8,10,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1IYEMtxCBTggVFe,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Zulu,20.0,36.0,24.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2498,1070.3277000000476,471.8555,6448,3767,298,150,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly so that I would visit most of my relatives, simply becuase travelling is expensive and time consuming. I would visit my Father since he stays in another province and its really far to travel from where I stay. I would also visit my grandparents becuase I would love to spend some time with them, since they also live far. Being able to fly would also allow me to visit other countries without having ro pay for transport or sit for longer hours driving to those destinations. Flying would also give me the freedom to move freely and get to feel how it is being a bird. Flying would be a fun sport for humans as it isnt something humans are used to or can be able to do. Flying also looks like a therapeutic thing to do to stop overthinking & being bored.",7,7,6,10,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1rq7G0GgGdoyaGA,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0,en,23,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,3.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1368,448.704,563.425,5873,4486,302,159,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible. One day is such a short amount of time so it's not useful to be able to fly for that duration. I would fly to some great places but that's it. There is not enough time to travel to every beautiful place in the world in one day. On the other hand invisibility could provide me ability to do some crazy stuff without anyone noticing me. I want to get rid of someone, I can do it. I want some money, I can steal it. I can sneak up into a plane so I could also fly for that day and do so much more. Messing with people can be fun, like taking their fork in a restaurant over and over. It could be fun. Why not take something glowing and move with it around NASA? To summarise I think invisibility is better option. You can do so many things and never tell anyone. ",6,9,7,9,B1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3CHN6qT5PzDEnHj,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,en-US,38,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Polish,28.0,34.0,24.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1325,437.637,464.066,5363,4070,302,205,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I had to choose between these two options available to me, I would definitely go with the latter and be able to fly for a day. There are pros and cons to both invisibility and ability to fly and at times it's hard to make a viable decision as to which abillity is perceived as more beneficial or satisfying in long term. Flying like a bird give the sensation of freedom of unrestricted movement and being able to reach places which otherwise might not be accessible that easily or not all. Seeing the world from above, observing its flow and appreciating the overwhelming beauty that surrounds us every day without us noticing it due to other committments that perhaps are more important in our mind, gives the sense of belonging and appreciation for how the nature shaped this planet and let us shape it to our own needs. I would love to go to places which otherwise are destined for people with money to spend, meet people for a brief moment, a quick chit-chat, and then fly away again to land somewhere totally different, other climat, different culture and yet another story to tell. No wonder the old saying goes: free as a bird...",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1rwCg331jxU735K,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,it-IT,30,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2262,434.269,450.169,5898,4152,302,168,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think both ""abilities"" are not very much useful for just a day. Right now I can't really think of some key actions I could do with one or the other ""power"". However if I would have to choose one, probably I would choose to be invisible, because it could give me some better utility than to be able to fly for just one day. Besides, practically speaking, the action of flying would probably give me way more troubles and attentions from people and authorities. Another reason why I would avoid flying is that I would surely regreat it a lot after that day, because I'd like to be able to fly againg, and that desire would be very strong. Being invisible on the other hand wouldn't draw any attention, how could be? So it could be way more useful, even without any specific plan on how to use it, and wouldn't be such a great experience that I couldn't live without it after the day, I think.",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_z7NjUFBHLywcFhv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,Romanian,14.0,0.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1489,291.1670000000001,637.7436999999285,5248,6692,302,257,2,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Depending on the speed, I would fly with, I would probably like to fly for a day. Assuming the speed of flight is very high and I can adjust it as I please, I would visit many places I haven't had the opportunity to visit since of my economical situation. Flying would allow me to do that for free. So I would probably visit most of the Scandinavian countries, maybe see the polar lights. I would also love to go to the Sahara desert, which I wouldn't do otherwise since I could get lost without food, water, etc. but flying would make that quite a lot easier. I'd fly to The Great Wall of China and on the top of the Eiffel Tower, and many more places. I'd also try to see how high I can fly up without losing too much oxygen. I didn't choose to be invisible for a day, since I feel like that's an option for people who want to invade others' privacy, break rules, etc. And I can honestly live just fine without doing that type of stuff. It also doesn't provide as many options as flying does. I feel like flying gives me the widest range of experiences. Other than that it was a little harder to decide since it's only ""for a day"". And there's just so much one can do on a single day. Though all in all, I think flying is the best option out of the two because of the aforementioned reasons, thus I would choose that.",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2wsG9XGylF2BTdO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",en-US,25,Ambidextrous,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,13.0,0.0,8.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2072,523.1589000000004,1060.6989999999996,6047,5533,300,183,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future You, I hope this finds you in good health and spirit. I hope you have resolved your personal health issues and have found a way to make it work, becoming strong and fit, maybe have even quit smoking so your lungs can function normally again. I also hope that you have finally found the discipline to start working on your goals, your indolence of the last years has disgusted your old self and hope that future You have finally taken action. Furthermore I hope that you are taking good care of your family as they have taken care of you and fight less with them, afterall families should stay together. I am positive you have started to become a better friend to the people around you, keeping tabs on them and generally being there for them, something that you neglected to do many times in the past. Lastly I hope that you have finally taken that university course on computer science that you have been thinking about for years and are on the path of securing a stable clean cushy job.",7,8,5,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_126gVU34M7UP5d2,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pt-PT,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1245,479.137,459.88,6170,3436,302,171,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, This is me. I hope this letter find you well. I don't know when you are going to be reading this, but I sincerely hope that by now, you have figured out most of your life. I hope you're happy with your job, whether that's in our current field or not, and I hope you have found peace - mainly, peace within yourself. Life is not so easy right now, and you will probably be reading this, looking back on our life and wonder ""Why are you so concerned about everyhting? It will all turn out, don't worry"". Who knows if this is wishful thinking, but I like to believe that everything will be okay. All in all, I just hope that you wake up everyday, excited for the day ahead and in a comfortable place in life, with your own independence and security. But, most of all, I hope that the bad days are behind you, and you can look back on this time and be grateful. Much love. ",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_23UlxMv5JS76wDP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,2.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1941,406.82840000000016,491.81789999999984,5269,2782,273,117,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?," The future me. As i sit down at my desk i wonder how the future will look like for me. I hope the things that are important for me are still around and keep getting me the feeling of happiness. Things that i started will be perfected and my whole progression at the music field and my psychique will improve as always. Please be careful about temptantions . You can not quit and forfeit your dreams. You fill find people that will fully support you at your case and be with you when the hard times arrive. Remember when you came from when you are at the breaking point. I hope it all matters at the end. ",5,6,7,8,B1.i,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1LMAxNDphmflXli,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,25.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1960,528.3178999999999,703.0325999999999,5524,5909,302,237,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Well, hello Future Me. It is kinda hard to write to you in this particular moment of my life, ""our"" life I should say? You probably know how much unknown lies ahead, inside our foggy heads and out there in the real world. I mean ""real"" not so much as in the global-stat- of-our-country, politics or society sense, I mean it in our inmediate, day to day reality: the difficulty to plan even some months ahead, to thinks what to do and gather enough willpower to do anything. Well, I write you all this as some kind of apology: first because picturing you, Future Me, right now is really hard; recognizing you in between all this mess... sorry, you know I really am. Secondly, I say all that to apologize for these decisions, these bets I am taking blindly most of the time for ""both of our sakes""; I apologize for my ignorance and shortcomings and as I learned to forgive the ones of Past Me, I wish you could forgive mine. I really hope, whenever you read these lines, wherever your picture them in your memory, that all my decisions and my priorities have paid off. Even though shortsighted, I really want to take my time in each and every step, I really think that's best. I only wish, in your time, that these calculation of mine proves true. I love you, please love me back.",9,9,6,9,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3ivPJRRyv5fQaKc,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Left-handed,9,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2431,308.4211000000089,253.1720999999941,5628,3633,302,179,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future self. Hope you are doing well. Are you rich yet? Hopefully but not probably. The least you could do is keeping your girlfriend, I hope you appreciate her just as much as I do or more. If you have a kid, say hi to them. I can't wait to meet him/her. I hope you already have been to at least 50 countries and very beuatiful ocean shores in South America and Bali. Also I suppose you are a master of SQL as of now and use it as a data analyst and make good money. Not only SQL but other programming languages as well. I imagine you are speaking native Hungarian, fluent English (just don't regress, it's easy), fluent Spanish (still long way to go) and as I just started learning German this year, hopefully after several failed attempts this time I will be progressing in a way that my future self will be able to state that he is a confident German speaker. Anyway, hope you are happy and learnt to manage the anxiety even more. ",9,8,8,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_1DTsZExKgfLjm2x,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-BR,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,1.0,4.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1283,573.0058000001908,426.2907000000477,5969,3860,303,185,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi there, future me! As to give you a little bit of context, right now you are 22 and is finishing your master. It seems late a lot of things to do, you are pretty overwhelmed, but I am sure that everything has passed by now. After all, life goes on. I hope you are collecting what I am planting now. I hope this hard work made your life easier. Also, I hope that you are still with the love of your life and enjoying every day like is the last. Do you have three kids already? Have you travelled to Rio? have you moved to Barcelona?? Did you have a big wedding? I hope mom and dad are still around, right now it hurts a lot to be living so far from them, I always planned to move closer when I was older - did I keep this plan? Never forget to charish those close to you, but you know better than me, if I have experienced a lot of changes, imagine you?? Anyway, let me know how things are, hope you are happy!",9,7,5,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2rDigb6A39rKAoc,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,20.0,1.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1500,323.2946999999956,467.378,6187,6696,306,269,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Kevin, I hope you're doing well and have managed to find another job. I know you're not exactly happy with you current position in a reasonably large international company, ironically enough a company that English as it's primary language (or ""voertaal"" as we say in Dutch.) I say it's ironic because I'm writing this letter for a research study that you may have already forgotten, one that wants to test our language skills. While we have studied accounting college and managed to complete the 4 year study we weren't actually enjoying ourselves doing so, always thinking that perhaps we'd be able to branch out into something we'd enjoy more. Like computer science, for example. Not at all related to accounting but something we enjoy doing as a hobby. Coding, that is. A job is important as it gives purpose in live, but the importance of health is the most important. I'm currently still struggling with a meniscus (to the knee) injury due to overexerting myself. While I'm going through physical therapy right now I certainly hope it will have some effect and that future me doesn't have any knee troubles any more. Above all though, enjoying life is vital. And I hope future me is able to do so. I know this turned into a bit of a rant, but I'm on a timer and wasn't expecting to write this letter at all. That's why it's not turning out to be a masterpiece exactly. However, I hope future me will still be able to use this letter for some purpose. A research purpose maybe? With friendly regards, Kevin",10,10,9,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_263c251uOIbIAJz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,18,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,13.0,1.0,4.0,Polish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,1473,604.8430000000002,442.3860999999978,5778,3225,299,155,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self. I really don't know what can I say and how can i help my future me. But as you know you should avoid smoking ciggs, i know that you like doing it, but please be carrefoul. Also i really belife that you have now your beloved one, so you can give her my best regards. If u have children please tell them about your past. About how lonely you were in your early youth. Please tell them that i love them. I know that you are the future me but please rememver about your roots and that you are belonging to such a fantastic family. Take me advice and start writing a book. Yes, i know that's your dream from the time of teenager. Make the dream come true, you will not regret it. I wish you all the best, your past. Ps. Please drink more water, you are always dehydrated.",6,5,5,9,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3FRHYNiwXtjl7aZ,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,en-US,30,Left-handed,8,IDK,IDK,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,2.0,2.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1852,437.326,448.874,5058,3803,279,170,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self, I would have known that you were able to deal with all that has happened to you in the past. You have finally finished your PhD, you were so afraid of not having the necessary skills to defend you PhD thesis but it turns out you have successfully done it. You are now in a tecnhnology company, which was what you wanted, and your career prospectives are looking favorable. You finally accomplish buying a house. It was your dream all along and you always thought that it was an unantainable goal, but you made it! You must be so happy, and it was your ""dream"" house, which is not that hard because you were never picky, you just wanted a nice outdoor space with protection for your cats to enjoy it also. As a final remark, be carefull with the people that surround you, you were always in favour of giving second chances but don 't let people push it too far. Sincerely, your present self.",7,9,6,9,B2.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2TovY6Wi4771e8N,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pl,20,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,7.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,3107,633.633,974.014,5798,4245,302,207,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey, it's past (probably and hopefully dumber) version of you. I'm writing to you because i got told to and i assume future me would like to read that in order to remind myself who and how i was in the past. I'm quit fine now, trying to make sense of things. I'm finding out what's important to me and in life in general and what i want to do now and later in the future. You probably know what i'm talking about so no need to point it out. I just hope right now that you won't be disapointed in past yourself and that you've learned a lot and found new ways. I hope that goals that i set up for myself are valid from you future perspective and if so that you are still working on them. I hope future brings a lot of exciding stuff and that the life direction is upwards, not downwards (for both yourself and humanity itself). Anyways, good luck brother. I hope in the future there are ways to write back letter to your past selves. I would love to hear from you but i guess it's stupid and i will need to find out myself. Cheers, your past self",6,8,6,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1ih8sZCv6rqKA0C,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bulgarian,25.0,36.0,24.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1059,347.0453999999761,243.45869999998808,5488,3403,299,169,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi Future Aleksandra, How are you? I hope you are proud of yourself for achieving so much in life so far! I hope you are being positive, you are living your dream life where you like your job, have time for your hobbies and catching up with friends and family. I hope you are no longer so hard on yourself, you look yourself in the mirror every morning and you say that you are brilliant, beautiful and deserving of love. Becuase you are! You should love yourself for who you are because you are a great and kind person. You should not pay attention to what others are saying and you should be content with what you have achieved in life. Appreciate the little things in life, like going for a walk, sipping your morning cup of coffee and feeling the sun on your skin. When you love yourself, other people will start loving you too. You will have the best relationship with yourself and other people. Be brave!",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3JqhOlEGITyrqgo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,42,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Indonesian,16.0,36.0,9.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1197,486.2728999996185,423.3136999998093,5618,3094,301,167,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self! I guess today you might feel tired after working the whole day. You might want to just relax and watch Netflix or maybe some other TV shows but remember to keep our promise. We promise to be healthy and stay active. We promise to exercise twice a week if possible to prevent any illness when we are older. We want to stay fit so we can see our grandchildren and enjoy our family as long as we can. We still want to travel to Europe and Asia so we need to stay active and healthy. Ok, now instead of lounging i the media room, you better go down and start running. You can do it while listening to the music or even watch the new series coming out today. I know you don't feel like it but remember about our goals. It will be fast and you will feel better after you do it. Come on, you can do it! You got this!",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1lif46csUpCCeze,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,29,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,9.0,1.0,2.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1259,497.50510000000895,509.176299999997,6130,3032,301,155,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello, older me, I really wasn't counting on such a task today, but here we are. What would I want to say to you? First of all, I hope I did well, I hope you are fine in your life because of my actions. I want us to have a meaningful existence and make the life of those around you better. I still hope you don't want a pool in the house, just like me, as it still feels like an expense I don't want. All jokes aside, I assure you I am doing what I can to improve your life. As of now, I do not have the hope the future will be too bright and positive. One thing you could do would be to let me know in advance which lottery numbers will come out some day, or which investment will be really profitable, just so we both are better in our lives.",7,9,7,9,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1FDhTnnYSgMWR5m,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,6.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2026,512.8761000000002,628.2025999999996,5031,2494,275,153,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello me from the future, I think that by the time you read this we will be a successful person and full of money, I hope that at that time we are a great experienced programmer and that we make a lot of money both in our investments and in our work, I hope you have fulfilled with your goals now are to invest every month a part of your salary to have a good future, even if the return is not the best, always invest in different things so that you can retire earlier than many. I hope you are very happy and that you achieved all your goals, I hope you are smarter in life and trust only the people closest to you, I think this is all I have to say, your past self is very happy and will stay that way, you are a great person, never forget that.",6,7,5,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2vjqq0hKTFA0ag9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2349,781.9372999999997,799.0323999999997,5866,4267,300,176,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, i hope you're fine. I know that this is weird for you, but i hope you have everything you want. I hope you finish your master degree, Im so nervous for the teses, i'm hopping for us to do a good job. How many years past? We finally have the house that we want? Or travel to the disnyland? I'm praying for that. The future is something that scares me now, i hope you are not scare anymore. Now i'm with a lot of work and exams, im suffering for you to be happy. I have i big question... We are married? im dreaming about that day, where him ask me the big question, and i start to cry between yes's. We leave together? im afraid of doing something bad and he leave us, sometimes im so dumb, i hurt the people i love the most, i hope that you're not like me anymore. I want to be you, to have the life i allways want, with the people i love. Yours sincerely, Your past.",5,5,4,7,B1.i,B1.i,A2.ii,B2.i R_Y4zbfyd8owXbeRr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,29,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,35.0,24.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,Associate's Degree,1087,370.89,299.78259999999403,5355,4543,301,206,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future Me, You are proably wondering why you are reading this letter. The truth is, you have made some mistakes and I would like you to avoid them. Remember when you did not go to college and decided to find a job instead? Maybe you should think about this decision again. You will end up working in factories and warehouses your whole life. I had to learn it the hard way, but eventually managed to go back to school. I also know about your plans about moving out of the country. You prefer an English-speaking place and you will move to the United States. But be careful! It might be more than what you can handle! Complicated healthcare system, paying for education, having to drive everywhere are just a few of the problems you will face. You can be proud of your English abilities though! You will fit in just fine, but I know you are scared when you have to talk to people and you are an extremely nervous driver. If you cannot overcome these problems, you might have to think twice about this decision. Overall, you will have a nice future. However, you need to get better at some aspects of your life!",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1K3ATslD7bBJEaK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,18.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1497,493.4820999999046,649.4757000000477,6021,6612,301,234,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future me! I hope you are doing just fine, in fact, I know you're doing just fine because you always have been. There were some tough moments, sure, but you always kept it together and went straight ahead. So, do you have the job that you wanted after graduating from university and getting your Master's degree? Was it worth it? Can you finally afford a comfortable life after being a semi-broke student for the past couple of years? You know what, actually it doesn't matter. I know you (or maybe us? not sure how I should address you my future self). Always working towards the goal, very ambitious. But what truly matters is that you're happy. Maybe you're not where you had imagined yourself to be 5 years ago, but as long as you're happy with where you are at the moment, it is all okay. Ah, there's just so much I want to know about you my future self! I mentioned the job only, but what about your significant other? Are you engaged, or marrried? Are you decorating your house the way that you always wanted it to be decorated? What about your friends, family? How are they? I guess there are so many questions that I want the answer to know, but it's just impossible. So see you in a couple of years, future self! Hugs and kisses, Your past self ",11,9,5,10,C2.i,C1.i,B1.i,C1.ii R_9NrQFxDUNXC8Sf7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,3.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1876,663.8115999999046,829.7750999999048,5902,3482,302,166,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future me! I don't know if life turned out to be amazing for you, even if now you are ritch with three dogs and a husband who loves you. I hope you already have children as It was always a dream you wanted to achieve, as soon as you had the conditions met. I'm sure you're doing your best and being the big girl I already am, on your first real job. Today you biggest problem has been building a base of friend you can count on for everything, that you feel the love as equal as your's, who will follow you on new adventures and who are as emotionally grown up as you are. It has been a tough year, you lost your grandparents and you're dealing with the loss for the first time...I hope you still have your parents supporting you and that they understood each other enough to help with your children. I like you and I hope you still like yourself ",9,7,5,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3fTrP5Y40bCYevE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2232,765.7944000000059,892.9971999999881,5577,4118,301,203,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello me from the future. It's you from 10 years ago. How is everything going? Are mom and dad ok? I hope that this letter founds you well. I'm currently on my last year in law school and I really hope it that I can graduate this year but as you reading this you already know (can you give be a spoiler, please?). In the present time I'm feeling a bit lost in life so I hope that my future self has her life together. Nonetheless, if my life went a very different route from what I envisioned I just expect that I am happy. As you know we are dating a boy and I do really wish that we are still together but if not... Oh well, that's just life I believe. So 10 years in the future means that I'm 33 now. That seems so far in the future but at the same time it doesn't. Time is relative so I think that this years will pass in a blink of an eye. Just remember to always stay true to yourself and never give up. When you put your mind in something you can always surpass any obstacle. Love always, You.",7,7,5,10,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.ii R_DcMMhEi0OXOFmxP,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,en-US,36,Ambidextrous,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,6.0,2.0,4.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2002.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3191,1557.682,1071.579,5993,3811,308,180,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self i want to say to you that the numbers of Loto are 6 ,23, 7 ... am just kiding i don't know the numbers of Loto i wish i could. I hope you still doing gym exercises almost every day and ofcorce the every day joging , also i hope you still love cars as much as i do and i have manage in the future to buy a Lamborgini ( Not an electrick one ). I also hope that you have a hapy family with 2 children (more or less) and you are enjoying your self.I want to be be optimistic and think that i quit smoking and also reduce the beers that i am drinking know.I also hope that you are stil doing some savings like i do in order the buy your ""dream house"" or even beter you hane already bought it. That's all my future self i don't think that i have something else to say to you , i hope we are still hapy! See you in the some years Bye!",3,6,4,8,A2.i,B1.ii,A2.ii,B2.ii R_1Do2hhsRoUus7N3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Romanian,6.0,36.0,12.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1167,452.36369999999926,433.98710000000153,5907,4869,301,235,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dearest future me, How are you doing? Your 2023 self is doing fairly okay. I got a good job (my first managerial position!), I live in a lovely flat (do you remember it? Do you remember the lovely view of the river in sunlight and all the afternoons spent on the swinging chair taking it all in? (I hope you do) and I live with the (hopefully) love of my life - but you'll be able to confirm that. I guess the first thing I'd like in this letter to you (me?) is are we married yet? You'll be nearly 35 so I hope we had our amazing day back home, all dressed in white, with lots of music, lots of food and all our friends. Are we still together? Was he the one I walked myself down the aisle to? (Did it hurt quite as bad that I had to walk on my own, the way I'm imagining it will? I hope not.) What about my career? Have I specialised like I said I would? Did I hit 6 figures like I'm planning? What about a house? Is it big and white and has so many rooms I've run out of ideas of what to do with them? Did I ever get brave enough to dye my hair? So many questions, future me. I hope all is well with you. Love, Me from 2023",10,9,6,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2pLzCYAImjgBDTb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.43",it,25,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,19.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1312,435.7175,449.4131999999881,5908,5103,302,238,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"If I had to write a letter for my future self, I will say the following things. At first, I will say ""I'm proud of you"". Proud because of what you were able to achieve during your life. You were always so scared of your abilities and you were always so insecure about yourself that you missed some opportunities at times. But all turned out great. You are now doing the job of your dream: It's not properly a job, but you're going in the right direction. So please, don't be scared. Don't be fearful. Be brave. I know you will be brave because you'll find out that when you are, you can accomplish everything. I will give you some other advice: don't let people force you to do anything you don't want. You're a force and you can make up your own mind. Be always as kind as you are now, because it's part of your strength. Maybe study English a bit more, because it will be useful in your life. I don't want to spoil you all, but you will also meet the man of your life very early in life. He's good for you, so don't let him go because you feel scared or bored. He's the real deal and will support trough everything. Please stay close to my (your) dad. He's going to need you and he loves you so much. I love you. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2S94RT1c4bBThrk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",fr-FR,50,Right-handed,4,AZERTY,AZERTY,Desktop,France,French,38.0,0.0,7.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3428,951.9276000000016,734.9353000000008,5976,4170,298,190,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I would like to write a letter to you , my future self. Just a simple letter to avoid you to make big mistakes in your future adult life , without prevent you to make your own decisions. My first advice would be to enjoy all the good moments with your familly , your girlfriend(s) , your friends and all other people , because time goes by really fast and we never know what tomorrow will made of.My second advice would be to be a kind person with weak persons you will cross and never forget the chance you have to be a strong and healthy person. My third advice would be to love life and never re-schedule what could be done right now because we never know what will happen. To resume my way of warning you for all you will live is : enjoy and eat life strongly because we only live once , and it's important to never have regrets not to have been able to do what you wanted to when you wanted to. Bye myself and have the most beautiful and enjoyable life you can.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2DNW2m3dzrAWZrz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,11.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1901,534.7908999999999,867.8068999999997,5491,5671,302,210,2,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi. I know that u decided to change something. Taking a break is good, but there were things that shouldn't be put away right? So Im curious how things went. Now u probably got answer to my every question, but the most important one is: Are u happy after everything u went trough? I would say that the answer is yes, but there are always unpredictable elements on every path. I had pretty straightfoward plan, if u managed to complete every part of it now you are probably seeking for a job in a big company, or u are on the edge of deciding about future buisness tactics. I wish taht you dont have any health problems, and u can focus on stabilisation because it's the most important thing now. I would love to see how our ""project"" turned out, and how it looks like. This thing was one of our most passionate. I hope u didnt end with any relationships we have now, and u didnt forget about our hobbies, because if u stopped creating things I started I would be very mad at you. We will not see each other again, so the only last thing that comes to my mind is to say: always be yourself. Bye.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2t3y8MUtrZHl3Ch,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,2.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2280,459.3825999999996,513.1517999999987,6136,4151,299,164,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hi. I'v got a chance to have my own television talk show. I so excited about that and thanks for this oportunity. I was wondering a lot, witch person can i invite for the interview. I knew, that this person sholuld be famous and interresting, because pople watching this program would want poeple like this. After some time, i thougt that the person witch i can ivnvite would be Elon Mush. He is known by almost everyone. As a one of the richest people over the world, he has a lot of interrested things to say to viewers of my program. Also, he has an experience in talk shows, so it has a big potencial to be interesting to our viewers. I watched couple videos with him on youtube, and there always were a lot of viewes and likes. I will be very thankfull for approving my idea and concept for the talk show. Let me know what do you think. Best regards, Mateusz.",5,6,4,8,B1.i,B1.ii,A2.ii,B2.ii R_OxlS1jpFPUMCdtT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,21,Right-handed,7,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Czech Republic,Czech,13.0,0.0,10.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1009,358.7515,337.04029999999983,5714,3491,302,194,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, it has been a big pleasure for me to be able to be on your talk show. I cannot think of how much i want to thank you. It has always been my dream from the moment I have seen your talkshow on a TV to be once a part of it. Anyways, as you asked in the previous mail, I have some list of people that I would like to invite to my talk show. For the first one I would choose MrBeast. MrBeast or Jimmy is a very nowday popular content creator that also helps the world to be a better place by his action. He donates thousands of dollars to charity and other charity actions. I would like to ask about his background and how he managed to get his far. As the second person, I would love to invite a random person from the crowd. It would be a new way of changing things around. I would ask about his life and what he or she has managed to do. I think people would then start to think about each other very diferently, not just as a background characters.",9,7,5,7,C1.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3PuiMEXHLi26zUL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Ambidextrous,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1213,383.2691000003815,454.7897999997139,4763,3603,248,167,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello everyone at SPORTS TELEVISION NETWORK My name is Blacke and i'm contacting you guys to tell you all about my idea for a talk show in regards to sports events. In this program, i'd like to interview different people related to sports, from players, to coachs, general staff and anyone else with connections to sports events. The goal would be to gather different perspectives from different games and sport events through out one hour long programs. In these, not only I could chat with those persons one on one, but also could invite interested people, such as viewers, to participate. I believe it would be a very interesting talk show, not only to people in the business but to general public as well, being that sports and sports events are in the interests and hobbies of many millions across different age and social groups. In conclusion, i believe this would be a great opportunity for your company to invest in this type of format.. Thank you",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_12eWPIszqOWG1B8,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,9.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,High School,1962,689.7316000000003,857.6905,5777,5035,301,190,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"In my television tal show I would like to interview Yuval Noah Harari. This man is a teacher and writer of many best-sellers, in particular ""Sapiens"" and ""Homo Deus"", which I have read recently and amazed me a lot. I think it would be a really good option considering that Yuval discusses very interesting topics in his books sucha as the past, present and future of the human species. Before reading the two books I already mentioned before I knew just a few basic things about the human evolution and almost nothing about what could happen in the future to our species. Now I can assure you that I know more about the past of homo sapiens than ever before and tht my perspetive about the furure have completely changed. This is the main reason why I think Yuval whould be a really good guest on my show, since he would surely broaden the horizons of many people who may be as I was before reading his books. Besides that, the writer also know a lot about many more different themes and topics that would be very interesting to discuss.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1jZmlnYy7pe1nxf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,High School,1352,465.4883999999762,470.531100000024,5771,3101,302,155,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, for the talk show I'd like to interview various artists, ideally from out own country, to give them a platform to promote themselves and show the younger students and soon-to-be artists that it can be possible. I'd like each of them to present their work, whichever type of art it is, to our spectators and explain their journey as detailed as possible. I'd also like to have a big variety of people, keeping in mind that everyone is valid no matter their skincolor, age, gender or even disabilities. I know that motivation and inspiration a lot of times comes from observing others as mentors, especially if they have struggled on their way up, so having those kinds of people answer questions and explaining how they make an income, how to improve and even show us simple techniques of their craft would be very useful to who wants to learn more about it and them.",6,8,7,10,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2CBYAO3d9eXtiwh,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0,en-US,37,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Hindi,10.0,36.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1013,337.641,319.9,5447,3353,302,164,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If I ever get the opportunity to have my own television talk show it would be with an Indian Television company named Sony TV. I would like to interview the cast of a very famous Indian comedy tv series called ""Tarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma"". The show is really funny and the characters are amazing and are so generic & real life that you could actually relate to them. They would be the one of many casts that I would invite on my show. My favorite character on the show is Jethalal who is a local businessman. He is married and lives with his son, wife & father. He is an ideal son who respects, admire & loves his father a lot. He is happily married but still has a little crush on a neighbour named Babita. Every now & then there is some healthy flirting is going on between both of them. She knows but still acts like there is nothing going on. ",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_22mZFXDv3ZAIH6M,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Polish,15.0,36.0,12.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,hnc,1599,647.1898999999763,580.4692000000476,5387,4153,283,172,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, for my talk show i would like to interview Janette McCurdy. Janette was a child actor on Nickoledon who rose to fame by being in ""iCarly"". She then got her own spin off show called ""Sam and Cat"" where she and Ariana Grande were the main characters. These shows were directed by Dan Schneider whom was later found to be a questionable character in the Hollywood atmopshere. Since leaving acting, Janette has written a book called ""Im glad my mum died"" where she talks about her trauma of being a child actor, being surrounded by industry creeps, and then mental abuse she received from her own biological mother on a daily basis. This book helped Janette heal the trauma she endured during her younger years. She talks about unfair treatment between ""equal"" cast memebers such as Ariana, where she was allowed to skip work due to her musical commitments. Janette was not allowed this. Ariana also got paid more for being in the same position as Janette which was really unfair.",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3qez9im9U8lbu5l,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Netherlands,German,12.0,7.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1720,403.0965,731.724799999997,5423,5283,302,202,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir or Madam, I recently heard that my application was accepted and that I will have the opportunity to run my own television talkshow under your company. Accordingly, I have layed out some initial plans for future guests. This is the regard I am writing you this email today, as I want to disclose my first guest. As the format is new, I would like to start with someone interesting but not too big of a persona. This should also play into the fact that I want to test the waters in which direction future guests should lean, depending on the viewers feedback. It is to mention that I have considered many people from various professions and after all I came to the following preliminary decision: I would recommend having a well renowned psychologist or psychiatrist on my first episode of the show. The underlying reason being the recent rise and demand of this sector. Additionally, the topic of mental health became vividly relevant for most people during the recent pandemic and thus many lay people also have shown interest. Does this decision go along with the company? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you in advance, MyName",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3MKVkHeiqZzQE9D,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1196,310.508,575.538199999988,5721,4429,302,154,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Greetings AMTV, Thank you for accepting my proposal regarding the television talk show. It's a joy and pride that I can work alongside amazing colleagues in this company, while doing something that I am profoundly passion about. I would like to interview a group of people who have gone through different kinds of traumatic experiences, such as vehicle accidents, burning accidents, sexual and physical assault, among others, as I believe that awareness about these topics is of extreme importance. It might avoid future victims from becoming victims, as well as it might give strength to those who have unfortunately fallen victims to these tragedies. Furthermore, people who have gone through tragic scenarios have a different point of view about life, which might enlighten even those who thankfully have never become victims. I think that these interviews will serve well for everyone who will listen to them, enriching them mentally. Thank you for your time. ",8,9,8,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_1LnfMKv7Fxdv2ml,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0,fr,32,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,France,French,10.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2335,620.69,1107.079,5830,4072,302,156,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I am very uninspired by this question. I guess I would like to invite a climate change expert. I would want him or her to explain in a simple way what is happening and what will happen in the future given different scenarios. The goal would be to raise awareness about the critical situation we are in. TV shows need to take responsability, be more educational. I would like the climate change expert to be engaging and as fun as the topic allows. The public could ask questions. Hopefully more people would get interested in the topic. Different solutions would be presented in a clear way. We would use beautiful and impressive animations to make it more accessible. We would want to paint a realistic picture but end on a hopeful note. People would feel that they can come together and fight, and would feel empowered. We would make clear that climate change is everyone's concern.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_YRBNcRbrizXfUUV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,15.0,0.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,High School,1190,294.11959999999783,354.33130000000074,5249,4029,302,176,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Television Company, I am writing to you to talk about a suggestion concerning who to invite for the next episode of the talk show. I have been thinking of inviting a recently popular person, Jenna Ortega, who has become very well-known and successful after having been part of Netflix's Wednesday series. She seems to be quite an excellent actress as well, the majority of people like her and her performance in other series as well, and we could really catch the attention of the younger audiences who usually just watch something on the Internet instead of sitting down in the living room, in front of the TV with their family. I have come up with some questions to ask her so that we can start the idea from somewhere, questions like how she felt during the production of Wednesday, whether she has any upcoming movies she will be a part of, maybe we can ask about some romantic interest in her life to catch the attention of teenagers. I look forward to hearing from you.",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_dpdj5tzLwJpY6R3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl-NL,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,5.0,1.0,15.0,Chinese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1370,276.7102000000477,645.8997999999523,5525,6840,303,317,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear sir/madam, First of all, thank you so much for providing the opportunity to have a talk show hosted by me. Your consideration for me is highly appreciated and I will do my utmost best to deliver results for the expectations set by the company. As for the guest starring in the talk show, I would like to invite Mr. Barack Obama to join us during the first interview of the show. As you might be aware of, it has been several years since his presidential election and the commonfolk is curious about his life after he served his presidency. Especially during times of turmoil, the audience would like to listen to someone who adhered peace within the nation. Furthermore, it is by no means unknown that Mr. Barack Obama possesses a certain charm that captivates the audience. His charisma has certainly shown during television broadcasts in previous years, especially since he is very relateable for the commonfolk. Therefore, I believe he would be the perfect candidate to kick-off the television talk show and would make the perfect guest. If it is him, I am sure the conversation would satisfy the curiousity of the viewers. However, it might be quite difficult to contact him as he has been living a quiet and remote life ever since stepping down from his presidency. For this specific reason, I would like to request assistance from the company in hopes of connecting with him and inviting him for the interview if he desires so. Although there are other suitable guests that could possibly captivate the audience, I believe he possesses the highest potential for the success of the show. I would absolutely love to have his presence accomodate our show and humbly request of the company to assist in our search. Thank you so much for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from the company's decision. Yours sincerely.",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_ZyErVll99cnxSRH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-GB,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,1.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1805,652.6955,666.1954000000952,6126,4069,302,169,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Company, I am writing to express my interest in hosting my own television talk show on your television network. I will offer a great model with access to vast amounts of knowledge and informations, I believe I could offer a unique perspective and valuable insights to viewers. My show would be focused to interviewing notable figures from a variety of fields, with particular individuals who are making a positive impact on society. I would like to use my platform to highlight the accomplishment and contributions of these individuals, as well as to explore their thoughts and ideas on a range of important topics. The first quest would be Elon Musk, I am fascinated by Elon Musk's entrepreneurial spirit and his vision for the future of technology and space exploration. I believe that my show would offer viewers a unique perspective on a range of important issues, and I am excited the opportunity to bring these conversations to your network. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Zsombor",9,9,6,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1FhrRJAVpoK0OLv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,24,Right-handed,3,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Greece,Greek,10.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2454,926.3105,1114.675600000024,5947,6801,301,243,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"In the new television talk show that I'm going to have, i would like to interview two boys that are neither celebrities nor famous, but in my opinion are heroes. Recently a deadly train accident took place in Greece, a tragedy for the country that was government's fault and cost the life of many young people. Many people, especially university students, were dead, hundreds were seriously injured and many more are still missing. In all that tragedy, two boys that survived this and were alive but injured, put themselves in danger and decided to go again back in the flames to save their co-travellers that were barely alive and were in need of help. They managed to save almost 20-25 young people's life. These two boys, even though they are not celebrities and famous, deserve to go to a big television talk show and share their story. People need to see and learn what our humanity needs. More people that care for others and don't always put their ego first. More real people that have empathy and great qualities. People have to help people. We are all we have. Government was never by our side. And these two young men are the best example and the best lesson for the greek world. This need to be heard by everyone. The real story. And my new tv talk show will give people the truth and will enhance the need to have its other backs. ",9,8,5,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_2xV4mEv8EUIefqh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,6.0,2.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",944,270.4517,256.2283999999999,5586,3727,302,171,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If I had the opportunity to have my owen television talk show, I think it would be great. There are a lot of people who go unrecognized for their talent and contributions to the world, because they don't have the platform. I would mainly interview simple people who aren't already celebrities, but who have done something valuable for their community. This could be a fireman who saved a baby from a fire, or a single mother who worked all her life to put her children in college. These people often go as unoticed but I think they are a very important contribution for society and should be given a platform to tell their stories. I think these people could be more inspiring to a regular person because they are more relatable, not a celebrity who often got where they are because they have famous parents. If you let me have this talk show, I promise I will make a change in the world and inspire people through a sense of community.",7,9,6,9,B2.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_ZriFSU3E7ZUBiEh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",pl,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,1.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1402,575.0525,551.3253999999912,5920,3674,300,159,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"HI! I would like to present you with my possible guest that I would want to invite to my talk show, as I was given an opportunity to. The First guests, I want to invite to my talk show, is the cast of the lately academy rewarded movie ""Everything everywhere, all at once"" I would definitely be a hit. This interview would bring a lot of audience to view it live, and likely be willing to see next episodes. This would also be first big interview with all of the cast after the academy gala, so this will bring a lot of traffic and recognition to other shows on the channel. I would also like a music segment in which Billie Eilish will perform, same as with the interview, it would be a great start tot the whole series, and also bring many new watchers. Please consider my offer seriously, as it would benefit both me, and the company",7,6,5,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2TmY7QZ1EbykCSx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,8.0,0.0,10.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1498,638.8290000000002,465.1895,5859,4083,302,195,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello, I would like to interview an E-sports proffessional. It needs to be a proffessional League of Legends Player. I would really like to question him about his lifestyle and how he spents the day in the off season and one day in the season. I think that might be really interesting for the viewers aswell since there are many young people who will watch my show. These young people have ambitions to become a proffessional aswell maybe, so we can actually teach them how to become one and how much it takes to actually become a proffessional Player. Many young people have that dream and dont think about the consequences and the effort they need to put in, so let's give them a reality check. Another thing i would like is to show the gaps between european proffessionals and asian proffessionals. There are many rumors about asian pros and i want to discover, if these rumors are fake or not. I think this might be an interesting point aswell. And at last I am incredibilly interested in these kinda topics as well so it would be a win-win situation for the both of us. ",6,7,5,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_1Fs8PaXXOhJNsRV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,5.0,1.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1880,685.6598999996186,918.2773000001908,6117,5198,304,192,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear ""television Company"" I'm the guy you choose for your talk show, I think it could be a talk show focused on sports and sport world related people. Every week we could invite someone from a different sport background and interview him; we could invite one week a football player/ ex-football palyer/ Football Coach and the next week we could choose from any other sport more or less popular, like: tennis, basketball, Volleyball, Skiing, Swimming, Athletics, Weightlifting. Another idea could be to invite two guest, one actual player and one ex-player and see how their sport changed during the years and how their life as sporstman affect their lives. As a gust for the football week we could choose from on of the most popular player in the word like Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mbappè ecc.. and as an old player we could invite someone like Francesco Totti, Henry, Xavi.. I'm pretty sure this meeting could give an exceptional popularity for the show. They are some of the best football palyer in the world and people will love listent to their stories. Thank you for your time. I hope to see you soon",7,5,6,8,B2.i,B1.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_r6XeQ0qjHlvtvyx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,43,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Polish,15.0,35.0,8.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2315,1119.8383999996188,851.762,6329,3541,297,154,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Good mornig, I writing to you regarding my new talk-show in your TV. I was thinking that my first guest should be someone very famous for younger generation . I think Dan TDM will be perfect person for this show. He is a very popular youtuber. On the program I will ask him question about his channel and his creation. This show will be very popular as younger generation will watch it to see their idol. I belive that older audience will join aswell to try understand why their children are so fascinated about him. Dan TDM have few channels on youtube , most of them about gaming like Minecraft. He have few million fallowers and he become millioner thanks to Youtube. He is married and have 2 childrens so we will talk about his family , private life and his plans for nearest future. I hape thats sound interesting for you. Kind regars.",4,5,5,6,A2.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_3POdX9g23usPCNG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,24,Left-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,10.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1503,495.968,545.0060999999939,5438,5310,303,221,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear television company comitees, I would like you to introduce you to a talk show idea I have created. The very basic idea behing this talk show is to get people (on the talk show, and the ones watching) to understand differences between long-term couples and a short-term couples. On each episode there would be two pairs of people invited. The age does not really matter in this case but it would be valuable if the ""long-term pair"" would be a little bit older than the other one. After a couple minutes of introductions there would be series of questions to the pairs. For example segments about: how did they meet, how does their everyday life looks right now when they are together, how did they change during the time they have been together. The point of this show would be to get real life examples of how relationships can differ in any aspects. These days we see many people struggling with finding their another half, and this show could show them, that love is different in every case. This could also help young people who have their ideas about relationships disturbed by social media or movies. I would like you to hear your opinion on this topic and to share more information with you about this show. Best regards, X",10,7,6,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1FmL7mzX3A0ysLc,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,IDK,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,0.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3832,925.6265,1451.7242000000174,5619,3920,280,164,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear television company: Thanks a lot for giving me the opportunity to have my own company television talk show. I will be doing my best to provide the best television talk show ever. What i have in mind is to interview very famous people, or either rich people; in the other hand i would be also interviewing people which life was pretty hard, like people in jail or just people who´s life was rough. I think it would be a really interesting way to let everyone know the lifestyle this kind of people have so we could try to make a comparassion between this lifestyles, just to see how maybe rich people life it´s really asi . Once again, I really appreciate the opportunity you are all giving me, thanks a lot for trsuting me, i won´t let you down and I promise my show is going to be the best! Believe me, tons of people will be watching my show Very Sincerely Sam ",5,6,5,9,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_3ptX3WtnrtMtl32,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,37,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,25.0,0.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1713,423.9064000000061,929.272699999988,6029,4839,302,165,2,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear John, First of all I want to thank you and your company for the chance you're giving me. I know you wanted my input on who I would like to interview on the first episode of the show and I think I had a very bright idea. Since our talk show is about foreign music, I would start with a bang and interview the japanese metal band Babymetal. Their new album is right around the corner and as far as I know, they didn't schedule any interview outside of Japan yet. They have a massive following outside of Japan (I know you are a fan as well), so I think it would be a very interesting idea to put on the table for our first episode. I'm sure it would gain traction pretty quickly. Let me know what you think about it, even if I'm pretty sure you will be delighted by my idea. Thanks again for your support and have a good day!",8,9,6,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_bPASIFjM0dtr9Fn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,22,Right-handed,5,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,10.0,0.0,3.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3371,1189.652899999991,726.1490999999941,5618,3456,301,182,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An excelent invention it would be something like a personal robot that makes you feel confortable with the person that you are, a robot that teach you the steps of sucess, because in schools they do not theach you about that, a robot that helps you with the self- esteem, that believes in you since you were a child and stay with you for years, helping you in your mind that is the most powerful thing that you have, that helps you to think correctly, because the only thing that we can control is the thoughts that we have, to create in out mind the world and the life that we want to live, and make this experiment with many childs and how this coukd help the people to be the best version of themselves, tou will earn the money that you want, to be the person that you imahine, and create your thoughts in reality, this robot could be the best machine ever, and of course it will make the world a better place because it will be a better humans",6,6,5,6,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_6RMWGlQfJTW51FT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,10.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1380,728.403399999991,355.201700000003,5897,3495,302,168,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"now i think scientist have invented everything but something that really would be useful for people like me, young students, would be an app for universities papers. Something that everyone can use, like a library. Universities book could be really expensive, and sometimes professors want a specific book, or more books, for a specific exam, It would be amazing if for every exam there would be only one book, already with the programm in order. Like, if you need to do biology 1, you have the biology 1 book, alreday ready with the tests, the explanation of the exam, just one book. And maybe there would be like an app where you can catch up with how many pages have you done, like with eevry exam you have your programm divided in the app and you can see also you progresses, how many hours do you need to complete the programm. Somthing that could help students to catch up with progress but also help them managing the exams.",6,7,5,6,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_25tQSM7viGLxbPm,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es,39,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,35.0,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2005.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1619,551.6907999999821,700.551900000006,6018,4585,302,199,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Well, I think that it is actually quite hard to think about something that doesn't exist, as people have basically already invented everything, but I guess I'll give it a try. Just the other day I was struggling at work because the light from the window was being reflected on my screen and I couldn't see well what I was doing. Of course, I'm not the only one in the office, so I couldn't just go ahead and close the blinds. So I thought that maybe if there was some kind of protective glass on every desk that could prevent the sunlight from reaching the screens this problem could've been solved, kind of like those glasses that can be seen on some cars and are basically the same concept. Desks with glasses probably already exist, but I have never seen them in real life. If we could have some kind of individual protection at work, we could each work peacefully without bothering the others and without having to resort to personal cubicles which I've always thought are depressing and claustrophobic. I like to think that this would encourage social interactions at work which would contribute to a healthier workplace. ",10,10,8,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_3p6m4tfBJIx2sK4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es,26,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Spanish,20.0,36.0,24.0,Basque,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2358,665.8265,1204.4095,6217,6081,301,184,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would create a tool that allows you to know which diseases you will get throughout your life. This way it could be easier to prevent them or start treating them early. For example, if it shows that you have high chances of having osteoporosis in the future, you could start taking medication and make some heathy decisions to prevent it or make it affect your life as little as possible. It could also make it easier to start some treatments earlier, to increase the likelihood of sucess. This could be useful for cancer treatments, for instance. It could make people worry less about their lives. It would also give us the chance to get ready and make our last days as confortable as possible if we know what is more likely to happen to us when we get older. It wouldn't be able to tell us about diseases that are contagious, or broken bones, but I think it would make the world a better place because it would make us live more peacefully and we wouldn't worry as much about our loves ones.",8,10,7,11,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1GZAT1FzLe4ZDDj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,1.0,15.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,5511,527.465,607.3029000000004,7096,5413,302,165,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think that invention that could be helpful would be drones that deliver your packages for you. I think that these drones could be atlest working for one family houses where they could deliver package under the customer's doors. They could be programmed so whenever someone orders something and seller send package with QR code Drone automaticlly takes care of this package whenever it arrives at the delivery spot. I think that at every single home and house there should be some sort of spot where drone can put the package at, well it probably would work with big packages but with small ones it would be different story. That invention would be helpful for delivery services which are always late because of too much work to handle at once. It would be helpful for a world by making lots of customers happy that they recived their orders faster, delivery guys would maybe take theirs jobs more seriosuly If they had less jobs to do.",6,7,6,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2fpxohr35BMx73A,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pl,27,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,24.0,6.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4603,618.845,576.931,5661,3384,301,156,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that could make a significiant impact on the world is a device that converts plastic waste into fuel. This device would break down plastic waste into its basic components and then convert these components into fuel. This fuel could be used for a variety of purposes, such as powering vehicles, heating homes or generating electricity. This invention would solve the problem of plastic waste by providing a sustainable source of fuel. Rather than relying on finite resources likke oil and gas, we could use our existing plastic waste to power our homes and businesses. This could create a more sustainable future and reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources. A small and portable version of this device could be made available to individuals, communities and businesses, making it accesible to everyone. In conclusion, a device that converces plastic waste into fuel could have a significant impact on the world and make it a better place.",8,10,8,10,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_TcprP6OdoAojAJz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,42,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Chinese,20.0,36.0,24.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1347,306.2578999999999,428.48630000000026,5330,3529,302,168,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet would be a time travelling machine. It does not really solve any problems but it will allow people to have another dimension to travel, either to the past or to the future. The laws that we understand today will probably have to be rewritten. Instead of travelling at present time to see other places, one can then travel to the same place years ago to 'watch' what it's like. One can also travel to the future to see the same place that exists in another time dimension. This invention will give people the opportunity to watch and experience history live, instead of from books. By travelling to the future of another 'parallel universe', we will be able to learn from the future and bring the ideas and experiences back to the present. We may be able to solve many problems in our present world, such as climate change, energy crisis, etc, and to make our own future world a better place.",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_sk7WrxFHwlLU21H,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,6.0,6.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1842,591.8933000000007,691.6156999999993,5492,3633,303,152,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Contact lenses that protect from the sun. I don't know if they do not exist yet, but I have never seen them before. It would be great to have normal contact lenses that also serve as ""sunglasses"" when you go outside in the sun. I know many people that do not protect their eyes from the sun, because they can't be bothered to buy contact lenses, plus sunglasses, plus normal vision glasses. Other than that, some people just do not like to wear glasses on their face and when I wear sunglasses I usually get a lot of reflexions on the lenses and end up not seeing what's in front of me well, or my eyes become tired from always having glare. I don't know if it would make the world a better place, there are many more important things that need solving, but it wouldn't hurt to give people more options.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_73rXtMiYQzVBzJ7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",pl,38,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,18.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2920,1255.4463000000717,1074.6228999999762,5712,3350,298,153,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I wish there was a time machine. I would like to go back to my childhood years. If I could, I would change many things. I wouldn.t make some mistakes. Some things I did I would do differently. I would try to avoid the people I met. I would have chosen a different school. I would have chosen a different boyfriend than I had. I wouldn't make the same mistakes twice. I might have had a better life If I had acted differently. The whole world might look different now. Maybe there wouldn,t be so many wars. Other people would also have the opportunity to change their lives. there would be less unhappy relationships or marriages. A man would think before going to bed with someone no unwanted pregnancy. It would be possible to build a completely different , better world.Some bad things wouldn,t happen. Such an invention could completely change the world.",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3saEGoFHLZodn52,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,13.0,1.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4779,993.4066000000238,1627.237,6092,6376,300,204,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"If we look back over the entire history of mankind, we will quickly realize that the name of our time - ""the modern times"" is quite accurate, after all, who would have thought 40 years ago that we would be able to take virtual walk around the cities on the second side of the world only by putting on goggles, but what if we were able to teleport to those cities for real, in this essay I will try to tell you more about the invention from the future - The Teleport. Firstly, I would write about, in my opinion, the most important benefit of using teleport - it would be much easier to keep the long distance relationship because we would be able to be wherever we want in blink of the eye. Secondly, you could foreget about spending the half of the day in the traffic jams, they would dissapear just like your worries about gas prices, furthermore it would have a positive outcome on the enviroment by reducing the air pollution. We could talk about possible benefits of teleport all day long, but instead of talking about it I would recommend to invent it, but unfortunetly this is the harder part.",10,8,8,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_32QNmSA4X5g8Fa1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,German,20.0,36.0,24.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1015,479.6311999999955,284.895799999997,5462,2818,293,154,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,An invention that does not yet exist is a machine that could detect and target cancer and would effectively kill only the cancer cells with a 100% success rate. It would solve the problem of people dying of cancer. It would be a live changing invention to so many people. People would be able to get cured of cancer and there would be no guessing of whether or not one survives. This would help so many people and their loved ones. The machine since it only kills the bad cancerous cells would be able to allow people to no have any side effects such as losing hair and weight (which is what happens when you go on chemo or radiation therapy). People's quality of life would be greatly enhanced. People would also be able to live a more carefree life and simply live in the moment. Cancer will be a thing of the past.,7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_qLajJs6MFbjl5RL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Gujarati,5.0,36.0,15.0,Hindi,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1549,356.64420000000297,729.0829000000059,5485,3509,302,162,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet could be an instant tattoo removal device. This device would be useful in allowing people to remove any unwanted tattoos in the comfort of their own home, without having to pay a large amount or having excessive scarring. Many people tend to get unwanted tattos during rough/drunk nights which they later regret or via friends playing pranks. Some people tend to get tattoos which may look good one day but then they later regret and want it removed. The problem this would solve is giving people the ability to freely experience getting a tattoo without having to deal with a lifetime tattoo or one that would be then be extremely costly to remove. The world would become a better place by having these devices invented because people may feel uncomfortable, anxious or guilty after having an unwanted tattoo done. This could lead to increased suicide rates in the population and solve a possible life crises. ",5,9,7,9,B1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3EoqhVFV9Jcuq38,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,36,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Pashto,30.0,2.0,7.0,Urdu,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1651,554.9792000000477,475.9749000000954,5373,3442,300,163,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think a robot that can actually think for you in your stead. Let's say you are tired and sleepy and can't think but you really need because it's about something very important. You can tell your problems/issues to the robot and ask the to think in your stead and come up with solutions/ideas. What it'll do is that it'll help people make rational decisions even when they are tired and can't make proper decisions themselves at that time. It'll help with providing better ideas'solutions to people, companies and the world overall. Let's say this person isn't a morning person and he goes to work very early in the morning. He is very sleepy in the morning at work and he has meetings every morning at work. Instead of making wrong decision or giving useless ideas because his mind is asleep, he can rather have the robot think for him. That way he can be of a lot of help to the company.",5,7,5,8,B1.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_1l5cTNYbc6DfweI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1801,643.3360999999046,729.2106999998093,5496,3798,302,152,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"If i could invent something, it would be a product that imitates the taste of all types of meat. A lot of people will not stop eating meat just because they like the taste of it, so if you could put that taste in some other type of protein, it would be great, specially for picky eaters like myself. Not only do I like the taste of meat, but I'm too picky to eat things like tofu and beans. This would reduce the consume of all types of meat, and as many studies show, this would be great for the evironment. I would also save a lot of animals lives, which would be also very good. Both of this factors would make the world a better place, but the first one would be the best benefit. We all know that the environment is not doing great, so this product would help greatly.",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2zwiWHML0e7JAW1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,11.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2239,866.2834000000954,634.8427000000478,5622,3536,301,165,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I'm thinking about an application that knows every single items of your wardrobe and everyday choose for you an outfit, also by cheking the wheater outside and the temperature. It could be able for the people to not wasting a lot of time in the morning tho choose what to wear. I don't know if it would make the world a better place but probably it would be able to save a lot of time. It will be great to put inside this application every itimes that you bought by making some photos and why not, create a personal avatar that permits you to know the combinations of the items before that you wear them. The application should also consider the occasion for the outfit (for exemple: outif for the day, fot the night, for special occasion, etc.). It could be very useful for who that never know what to wear with the possibility to joing different items creating a lot of outfit and conbinations.",5,6,5,9,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_1kGM5lW7eIqBQyL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",cs-CZ,41,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Czech Republic,Czech,25.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1303,427.6662000000477,418.08279999995233,5308,3666,302,184,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I have three children, all biological, and as such I have always joked - at least during the last trimester, every time - that the greatest invention of mankind would be reverting to laying eggs. To have a nice warm egg-holding incubator at home to grow your baby for nine months without those pesky back pains and nausea and the general turning-into-a-whale thing. But now, for real: I would love to see the advent of the teleportation technology in my life. However physically impossible it sounds now, well - so did the manned flight, once! Like in Star Trek: step on a platform - hold your breath - materialise in a place thousands miles away. It would solve so many problems - carbon footprint of global travel, time delays... And not only for people (because some do like to travel for the sake of traveling) but mainly for cargo. Imagine the elimination of huge cargo ships that consume fossil fuels faster than Behemots, imagine not having to wait for months before the thing you ordered will arrive from the other side of the world. ",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3jTFzzUFxO8K09i,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.43",el,29,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,15.0,1.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1429,378.95570000000015,564.3215999999996,5474,3992,292,171,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Violence detection and supressor robots. There should be little devices with motion sensors, mandatory installed in every house and workplace. What they would do is simple: They would detect violence in any shape or form. Physical or verbal violence. When it does detect violence, this device would immediately notify the nearest police officer nearby. There should be small and indestructible so noone could break or jam them. This would make a lot of homes and workplace safer and nicer to live in. Violence is completely unnecessary in this day and age. Everyone should feel comfortable in their workplace and house. Knowing that the police are less than a call away can provide that assurance and also prevent perpetrators. Years after this has been implementing on a global scale, the world would already be a better place since no act of violence would go unpunished and violent people would have to find other ways to let out their emotions, such as picking a sport, going to the gym or seek medical help.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_31WO8x36aHxj4Nx,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0,zh-CN,25,Ambidextrous,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Germany,Chinese,22.0,0.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2158,428.584,1174.108,5170,4683,273,167,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Currently, many countries in the world rely on fossile energy sources, including coal and oil. These sources, whilst providing the energy every human being relies on, are a cause for heavy pollution. Along with the pollution comes many environmental issues that ultimately decrease the sustainability of the world. While many scientists are focused on replacing the fossile enery with renewable sources of energy, one may imagine that researches would find a source of unlimited energy, that is, a energy source that would consume few energy but output a higher amount of energy in return. If this goal were to be ever achieved, the energy source would not only tackle the issues renewable energy improves upon fossile energy, it may even overcome the reliability issues in renewable energy caused by uncontrollable factors such as fluctuations in wind speed. In conclusion, the invention would become the solution in search of the ultimate energy source and reshape the entire world in ecoomic, ecological and societal domains for a better future.",7,8,5,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_3hzNbl2A3AIBzSL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,29,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,1.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3157,1091.5657999999974,1119.473900000006,5808,3097,302,152,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Modern, fast, reliable accurate Lost Item Locator Mom, where are my shoes? Baby, where are the keys? Have you seen the documents from the last project? Where did I put that phone again? You know did? Sure, but if there was a missing items locator, it would be quite the opposite. No stress and nervous bustle in the morning, less geting angry at kids who lose everything and a partner who is always looking for something with our help. One click and the loss is located with an accuracy of one centimeter, and we can focus on matters more important than dissapearing socks and notebooks falling into a black hole. The invention would make life easier for all people, both in professional and everyday life. People could focus on the big things instead of worrying about the litlle things. This invention would reduce the amount of stress for all people using it.",8,8,5,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_1oir6jHTbumD3Rc,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,20.0,0.0,8.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1153,471.3005,369.6816999999992,6035,3943,302,168,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The new lease on climate intervention. As the world is currently already facing the repercussions of our actions of the last couple of decades regarding climate change, and is not yet ready to fully convert to a climate neutral state, we'll need a temporary solution to help us get trough the next couple of decades without doing irreversible damage. My idea is toch launch a whole bunch of mirrors into space, just like we are currently already doing with StarLink sattelites. These mirrors will then be used to redirect X% of sunlight from the sun, back into outer space. This sunlight would have otherwise hit the earth, warming it up further. We can start launching mirrors while monitoring their effect on the climate, and launch more if we feel like we need to. Once we have figured out how to truly convert to a carbon neutral economy in a couple of decades, we can simply deorbit the mirrors in space again when the global temperatures start going down.",7,8,7,11,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_3oQLGUVGKQb4MLT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,46,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,14.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1914,765.0351000000087,672.525,5948,3884,302,156,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I believe that teletransporting is the invention of the future, that certainly doesn't exist yet. Well, almost certainly! And that is because, to the little of my knowledge, scientists have manage to teletransport certain particles of matter to some very close distance. But that is not the invention I dream about! Solving serious transportation problems, including time saving and practically changing the whole world in commerce and trading. No more need of cars, trains, ships or planes! No emmitions no delays no limitations! Anyone would be able to go anywhere at any given moment and transport anything without delays! No weather restrictions, time-consuming travels or costly journeys. And the most important! Exploration of the universe! Wer would be able to travel the cosmos and literaly find out what's out there. Maybe even live on another planet or even find other living beings! Who knows? The possibilities would have been endless! However this is still a dream!",8,7,6,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3HOdsmjjR9Vk4Cl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",pt-PT,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2389,312.9845,1417.0701999999994,5428,8409,302,186,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exit yet and is something the world needs is a small, safe and portable nuclear reactor that you could fit in a person's pocket, similitar to the one in the Iron Man movies and comic books. These small portable devices could be used to power everything a person needs (their houses, cars, smartphones, etc...). The process of nuclear fission, in which heavier elements are split into lighter ones releasing tremendous amounts of energy (millions of times greater than burning fossil fuels), would power these devices. In this case, the fuel used would be Uranium-235 (an isotope of Uranium, which itself can be extracted from seawater in an inexpensive process), and since it's so energy dense, they could run for decades before having to be refueled or replaced. They would solve the world's desperate needs for clean, affordable and reliable energy. They would allow us to steer away from fossil fuels, which are harming the environment, causing millions of deaths every year due to pollution and mining and are also responsable for political tensions between nations and the big fossil fuel companies. ",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2ATKbDudypLqFU7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,13.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1832,455.4095,1093.9857000000004,5853,5145,301,166,2,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I don't know if something of lesser extent already exist or not, but a machine that could modify the weather at will would be really cool and useful. It's been known that because of global warming there have been warmer temperatures, which enhances evaporation and dries out soils and vegetation causing droughts. A machine capable of modifying weather at will would resolve the droughts and by that help farmers with their harvests, but would be only a fraction of what this machine would be capable of. Some places in the world are often hit by storms and hurricanes of incredible violence that cause massive destruction and many deaths, this machine would be capable of altering or stopping those natural disasters before they could make victims and as such save lots of people. I think that this machine if used wisely and for good could make the world a better place, but it could also make the world worse if it was used for war or destruction.",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1l3uw8NKVRFA23n,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,26,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,23.0,6.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",841,326.08919999980924,235.377,4973,3272,263,171,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When I finish university, I did an ingternship in a newspaper in my city. It was the workpalce of my dreams. I had teh best 3 months of my life writing news with REAL journalists. After I finished the inetrnship, they couldn't give me a contract so I left and started to try to find a job. I quickly found a job as a journalist in a much smaller website, an online newspaper. I had a contract with no date to finish. I was there for about a month when I received a call from the other newspaper for an interview, they had a professional internship for me or another girl. But it wasn't for the place I wanted and it wasn't sure I would get a contract at the end of the 9 months. So I decided to stay in the smaller newspaper. Funny is today I'm writing this from the big newspaper. I got a contract around 2 years ago and here I am. It was meant to be. ",7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_6rQp2bJjxYRDOGR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,1.0,9.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1724,553.3183999999985,764.9284000000023,5808,4850,277,198,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Hello, today I want to tell you all about a time I had to make a decision whether to continue living and slacking off or try to do something good with my free time. The story begins when I just finished working at a company, where I have worked for the last 6 months. All of a suden I had a lot of free time on my hands, so I had to decide whether to start going somewhere or stay in the place I was. I wanted to start going to the gym in a long time but never actually started doing it, but one day I just felt a jolt of energy to do something, anything so I chose going to the gym with my friend, it was a greate decision to go with him, because he was able to show me how to propperly work out. I'm glad that I started going to the gym because it improved my life in a lot of ways, I even felt it in the parts that I didn't think could even benefit from moving and working out. If I could make the decision again I wouldn't change a thing.",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_xgr6wXPfqOKG4Sd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,48,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,3.0,0.0,1.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3473,963.0915999999996,1029.0704000000003,5591,3176,305,179,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"At my first job at the 25 years. When they didn't want to give me access on a cable system. I thought about staying, asking for a raise or leaving. I asked for a raise but it wasn't much. The position no. So I opted to quit my job of 5 years. They tried to keep me at work by giving me more money but not enough. I Started looking for work. They were difficult weeks because I loved my job finally came the day of resignation. After 20 years of that resignation I still remember everything and how I said goodbye to each department. As I Was leaving little by little. All the paperwork and even saying goodbye to security. going out to the square and getting lost. Finally at night it was my farewell in a bar with all my friends and colleagues. It was very sad. It was a great decision but i do not deny that. I Would have liked to continue my whole life there. It is the greatest work memory of my life.",8,5,3,9,B2.ii,B1.i,A2.i,C1.i R_1K9jiQ4ZgOkNF1M,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1138,422.755799999997,428.5188999999985,5704,3333,302,151,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The time when I made the most important decision in my life so far was when I decided what degree to take and at what university. I did not have an exact option when it came the time to choose my degree. I enjoyed chemistry and biology a lot in high school, and I always wanted to work in the health sector. Obviously, the first profession that you think of when you think of Health it is doctor, but that's not exacly what I felt like I would be good at, because I think I lacked a few personality traits that are vital to excel in this field. So when I was looking for options, Pharmaceutical Science popped up, and I instantly made up my mind. This decision, taken in a matter of seconds, would completly shape up the rest of my life in a way that I could never predict.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_25vxRNvNNjBYpwT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Left-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,17.0,0.0,7.0,Finnish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1556,558.7316999999994,632.3046000000015,5738,4872,302,190,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of the most important decisions I had to make in my life so far was whether I wanted to go abroad to study at a high school in a foreign country for a year. There were many positive impacts that this could have on my future. The possibility to learn a new language, live with a different family for a year, and get to know a completely different culture were just some of them. However, there were also arguments against going away. All my school friends would be a year ahead of me when I came back, so I wouldn't graduate with any of them. Also I would not be able to see them or my family for a year, and of course leaving would also be a big cost for my partents. In the end they decided to make this experience possible for me, which I was very grateful for. The chance of finding a second family and a new friends in a different country sounded very exciting to me. So, not even a year after first thinking about it, I left to go on a big adventure. ",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3stTFLJh20WwdpM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-GB,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,1.0,9.0,Norwegian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1886,469.7104000000004,645.1057000000011,5954,5935,302,201,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"After I graduated high school I had to decide whether I want to go to art university or technical university. Both options seemed appealing to me. I've always liked drawing and painting, that was my passion since I was 6. But at the end of high school I got into coding which I thought I could do for a living. My parents obviously wanted me to study IT since it 'grants me a future' and is a solid option. Nobody ever knows what to do after getting an art degree. I started researching about every school I could find in my country. I even considered moving out to a different city just because there was an animation school there. (Turned out I couldn't go there because money related issues.) So when I found out that on 3rd year of Information Technology in university in my city there's a major called computer graphics I knew what I wanted to do. I was so happy that I could combine both of my passions and see my future as a concept art creator, 3D modeler or even animator. Currently I'm in my 2nd year of university. And I know I've made the right choice.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2WMbjZ3V2bA80PN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl-NL,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,13.0,3.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1294,436.05300000000005,457.7701000000016,5734,4609,302,159,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember it well. It was in my second year of college, when I had to choose if I wanted to continue my last studies (international business) or not. It was already my second study, and stopping would feel as a failure, so I decided to continue for another year. This was a mistake as I lost all motivation and got depressed. Luckily my parents noticed my mood changes and decided something had to be done. I started going to a psychologist who helped me alot and after I stopped that study aswell, I started my latest study, which I really like! The study I'm now attending is Archaeology, where I have learned so much more then I ever did at International Business. This once again confirmed to me, that when one door closes, another opens. This is something that I will also tell my children in the future who hopefully will not make the same mistakes as me. ",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_UzLNFpQxHuii6CB,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0,en,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Denmark,Danish,17.0,0.0,6.0,Turkish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2011.0,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",2051,480.343,585.007,6525,5896,301,161,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,When I was 14 my parents went through a divorce. It was a very hard time for my family. But it was especially bad for my little sister and I. My little sister was only 9 years old back then. My father wouldn't accept that my mother wanted to divorce. He gathered the whole family and tried to convince my mother to try again. She ended up giving it a try again. Few months later she couldn't do it anymore and they got divorced. My sister and I had to make a very hard choice; to live with our mother or live with our father. We wanted to choose our mother because we thought she was more fit to take care of us. My father couldn't take this and started crying and begged me to choose him. But that would mean I would also be apart from my sister. I couldn't do it. And I think I made the right choice.,8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1UjsNlH7j9s15U5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,14.0,0.0,7.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,High School,967,350.03510000000153,279.74789999999854,5453,3113,302,160,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I don't really have a lot to say about it, but one important decision I had to make at one point in my life was choosing which university to go to. At first, I really didn't know what I was going to do after high school, I had and still have lots of different interests (one of my best traits is my innate curiosity, I can develop an interest in a lot of things). Biology was something I thought about in the beginning, but then I moved on to the computer science field so that I could find better job prospects after getting my degree. At that point, I had to choose between computer science and computer engineering, and I ended up going with the latter, as I thought it would provide me with a more versatile profile at the end of my academic career. I'm still in it right now and I can say I've made a good choice.",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2EcRVSbk9MDU3R6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,28.0,5.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1201,570.2509000000059,320.508200000003,6150,3718,300,159,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The first thing that comes to mind with this promt, is when I left my previous job to take the one I have right now. It was during the covid-19 pandemic, about a year after it started and things were starting to calm down. I was a little tired of always working from home so I started sending out my resume to different job offerings I found online. I got called back from one of them and the offer looked very promising. Here comes the important decision.... Should I take the new job and start going out to an office with other people, or should I just keep my current job and keep working from home in a safer environment? After pondering a lot, I decided to take the new job and started commuting to work every day. I felt nervous at first, but now, I am very happy I took that decision. I really like my new job. ",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3efPLyfnxiWhaxa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,40,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,2.5,0.0,3.0,Portuguese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1554,457.6225,453.39659999999776,5842,3354,302,157,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember a time when I was young (I was only 17 years old) and suddenly I was confronted with the toughest decision in my life so far. My father wanted me to study medicine, but no college in our country seemed to be good enough for him, so he took action and decided to send me to La Habana, Cuba, to study in one of the top world's medicine school. I understood it was in order to grant me a better life than what my parents could give me, so after a while, I decided that I would move to La Habana and study medicine there. However, I couldn't accomplish my father's plans, because there was an issue with the cuban embassy, as they didn't fill some papers regarding my safety (I was not an adult yet!) and later on they cancelled the student exchange program. I never got the chance ever again to study medicine.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_yUNP5YTtOWBRkAh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,15.0,0.0,1.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1993,671.8048000001908,988.9194000000954,5592,4037,281,208,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Right now i dont remember something very important, but i could say the choise of a new car, because a car is very expensive and i always want to choose something that will last me for many years. I was thinking and comparing for a few months and in the end i managed to decide on a car of the same brand that i had before, now, i think it was a grat choise because of the positive experience i have had with that brand of vehicle. I remembber that i came to look at many vehicles, comparing everything the had, from the size of the vehicle, interior and car trunk size, typer of lights, accesories, etc. But the most important of all this, for me, was the consumption and maintenance of the vehicle, sonce there were some cars that were very expensive on maintenance or needed a lot of care so that the did not break down. The car that i chosse meets all the requeriments that i was looking for, in addition to having the basis of knowing the car brand from my own experience, for having one of that car brand that is over 20 years odl, which i still hace as a secondary car.",6,5,5,7,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_2SwchU8gTB4uDyR,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",zh-TW,50,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Chinese,16.0,36.0,24.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,1931,637.4425,861.490299999997,5719,6353,301,163,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"An important decision I've made was I decided to get marry with a man who's living in England. I have to quit my job which was the best job in my life. Well paid, good colleagues, nice bosses. And also, I have to leave my family, my best friends to move to England. This was a big decision I have to made in my life. Especially I cannot look after my parents anymore but fortunately and thank you to my family gave a fullly support. The weather in England, a language, some cultures, life style are quite abit different with the place where I was born. Therefore, I've got many things to learn since I lived in England. Everything's started from zero, such as looking for a job, needed time to get used the cold weather, speaking a english everyday, learning different cultures, also need to know how to be a good wife. And now, I am happy I have made this decision. ",7,5,5,8,B2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2c7wY4AiDMjVC6g,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,17.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1222,344.7793000000119,416.411,5573,3751,302,193,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When I finished high school period I had to decide what I was going to do with my life afterwards. It was a difficult period, and I found myself often clueless. Despite being too early to make a decision, I was seventeen years old, I found out that all my friends seemed to have a clear idea about their future. Everyone but me. I tried to pay attention to the things that had always interested me in order to make the decision. I had always loved history, but I felt like it wasn't a real job from which I could make a living. However, talking to my family, friends and teachers. I learnt that I needed to follow my gut and give it a try: when you study something that you are very passionate about, you work harder and get to accomplish your objectives. That year, I entered my History Degree, which became one of the best choices I have made in my life. I learnt about the topic, I met many friends and, now, I am applying for jobs as a history teacher. I am very proud of the decision I made.",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_QggkA3YVDRVMySR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,20,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,12.0,0.0,5.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,High School,1673,528.5135,798.6617000000031,7021,6539,302,237,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of the most difficult and important decisions a young person in Greece has to make is which university major to choose. I mean, how are you supposed to know for a fact what your academic interests are at the age of 18? Add in the factor of the job market opportunities each major has to offer and the decision-making proccess gets even more complicated. Three years ago I found myself on the same boat. In my case I knew with absolute certainty that I wanted to attend an Enginnering university. Big question was ""Which One?"" Since I was a kid I've been fascinated with technology, so Electical Computer Engineering sounded like a great option. It is also one of the most highly regarder universities in the whole country, with great work opportunities all around the world and also future- proof. On the other hand I found the idea of being a ship mechanic equally tempting. Travelling around the world, (reportedly) great pay and also future-proof while being in a country which is a nautical superpower. I started feeling overwhelmed when I had to submit my final decision and had to stall until literally the last hour. After consulting all my teachers and searching online for opinions from people in both bussiness areas, I ultimately chose attending the ECE university in Athens. Looking back 3 years later, I am happy to say I made the correct decision.",9,10,7,11,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_24NxqFEFlKa3MOO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1764,543.855199999988,831.8821000000238,5483,5165,302,158,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One day, I was saturated from my Computing and Informatics Engineering course, like other children (with around 18 years old, yes), many choose their course by feeling and with their ""heart"" which is something that should never happen as it has severe consequences on their future. I personally picked this choice simply becaused I liked computers, yes, just playing games and doing technical things with computers. Never mix your hobbies with work, I say. I knew I had to give up on that course and pick another one, because I knew that I would go nowhere if I continued down on this path (not to mention the years I've wasted). So, I chose Accounting and Administration, which was something that interested me, and with this new mentality, graduating that course was much, much easier (of course, the level of difficulty was easier than the previous course, but my mind had a key role to play in this too).",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3oSJbMhYs0P5GmT,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Hungary,Arabic,10.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2021,917.418,414.852,5861,3114,302,152,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Looking back at my life, 5 years ago. I was in a very complicated situation. I got an offer to study medicine at my home country while I also had an offer to go and study physics abroad. Physics has always been my passion ,but it is medicine school and having that argument with my parents that I am choosing to study physics was not an easy one. I took my time and after I camee to the conculsion that I want to study physics for sure, I told my family and I explained why I made my decision. At first, I felt so scared because now if I do not do good, each one of my family will blame me and remind me of my choice and it was enough presure trsveling abroad for the first time but I was still happy I was following my dreams and not giving up.",6,6,5,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_xmA8s1FuHQNNmdX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,45,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,25.0,6.0,3.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2365,927.1465,610.508099999994,6151,2762,302,160,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,There was a time i just had not enough money to buy a pc so i had to think of the necessary parts i really need for my work. the most important thing is that my pc is good enough to have the possibility to surf in the internet so i can do my work to earn some money. after the counting of all needed pc parts i told the needed money result to my father so he maybe help me with some money out. so he was able to help me with money and i could build a cheap office pc. after some time has passed i earned some money and i could pay back all the money to my father. the important decision thing in this story is for me that i had not a good relationship to my father at that time and it was not an easy decision for me to ask my father about money.,5,5,5,8,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_1ruBW9lqM81oCIU,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,nl,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,10.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",819,317.108,234.797,5782,3733,302,169,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The time when I had to make a difficult decision was when I had to choose which type of university study I was going to pursue. I had just graduated from high-school, but didn't have the slightest idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was good at learning languages, but also good at the exact sciences such as mathemathics, chemistry and physics. Also, I did pretty well in music classes. Yet, the large amount of choices meant that the difficulty of choosing the best study was also increasingly diffucult. I felt stressed and unsure how to approach this important choice. Ultimately, I took the university guide and started striking out studies. A strikethough through a study meant that it wasn't one I was interested in. Eventually, I ended up with 2 studies that I hadn't crossed out: International Business and Media Studies. I went to the open days of both studies and through those open days decided that I wanted to pursue a career in business. ",9,8,8,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_vOGF76thhB2lxyF,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,pt-PT,45,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,Professional Degree,2050,741.909,858.4889999999997,5735,3633,302,169,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"My girlfriend at the time was a foreign national. And after some time apart in a long distance relationship, we really wanted to make things progress to moving in together and perhaps some day marry. I really do not wanted to leave my homeland and my family. And at the time it did not seem possible to go for various reasons. But I do not wanted to loose this woman too. So we had to decide together what to do. After some consideration on the pros and cons, she ended up moving to my home country and we live together to this day. Eventually we did marry and we have to childreen together. It wasn't easy because I feared that my family wouldn't accept her or that there could be some kind of inadaptation to a new culture on her part. But in the end it all worked out perfectly. I's strange how sometimes things turn out that way when in the begining it didn't seem possible at all.",6,6,5,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_XRDl2uDKiyeDMk1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,17.0,0.0,14.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,High School,2416,962.2192999999968,908.618600000009,6086,4974,301,275,2,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of many life altering decisions i was about to make some years ago was to chose what martial arts gym i was going to go to in the new town that i moved to. I knew that i would affect me a lot as matrial arts are a big part of my life and i used to spent a lot of my time in the gym of my old town. There were a lot of small gyms around town teaching al different martial arts but there were 2 big gyms in the town. Gym A was a lot closer to my house and the people there were nice and friendly, the teachers were also welcoming and had found a lot of success in competition but also outside of it. At first i thought that gym A was the obvious choice. But i also wanted to check out atleast once gym B. I made my final choice the moment i steped foot inside that gym. It was dirty and gloomy, the equipment was old and worn out there were not a lot of people in it so i thought tha a new face was going to catch their attention but i was wrong. To them i didn't exist. To them being there was everything, they had no distractions. I new that i truly wanted to achieve my goals i had to go in gym B. I knew that there would be a lot of times in my life from that point on were in the moment i would hate being in here but in the longrun i would bring me the most amount of happiness.",6,7,6,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2RQUBWeOa50xahS,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,es-ES,25,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,20.0,1.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,High School,889,276.896,253.195,5509,3027,302,162,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I'd probably chose to be invisible. The thing is, I don't really know what could I use any other superpower for. For example, I could chose to be super strong but then what. I would win championships lifting and stuff but it wouldn't have merit. I could chose to fly but then I'd be a weirdo. So being invisible you still have a superpower that you can utilize and you don't feel too overpowered compared to the rest of the people. I think I would turn invisible whenever I feel like it, to relax, to turn off social contacts and have a nice time alone. Bad thing is probably my girlfriend would know when I turn invisible and that doesn't help with the idea of turning of social contacts. Not that I dislike my girlfriend but everyone need some time alone. I don't think it would change that much of my life since sometimes I can feel as if I were invisible.",6,8,6,8,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1d6tfysAlv2XioN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,7.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,1600,325.6265,929.511,5651,3776,301,153,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Choosing superpower is simple, isn't it, right? No, not at all. List of superpowers is endless, only obstacle is your imagination. But I would choose super speed, like Bary from TV series named ""The Flash"". With super speed you can do anything, even time jumps, in theory.... I would like to have this superpower, cuz of time. Time is the worst ""enemy"" of all of us. We can't fight time, time is unstoppable. But with those powers I can do anything in snap of my fingers. My life is coming to the end? *Bam* time jump to my childhood. Need to go shopping? *Bam*. Simple as that. I would do mass of things, starting from going to the trips all over the world, ending on time jumps to the diferent centuries. This would flip my life 360 degree. I'm convinced the super speed is one of the best super powers you can get.",5,6,5,7,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_2pWQMn71Vy883DD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,24,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,18.0,0.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1924,472.9425999999996,789.1835,5950,3457,302,160,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I think that the best superpower for me is the teleportation. I think it is very usefull because you can go everywhere you want immediately. For me is better than others superpower because, for example, the ability to fly is less slowly than the teleportation and maybe more weary than it and the same is about the super speed. I thinks that teleportation can change my life because i won't never late and I can go everywhere I want in every moment. I can go to the job o to the supermarket without tirednessand I can go to my friends or my parent when I miss it but I'm so far to go to them. I also can travel in all the cities or countries in the world that I desire without buy a the tickets for flights or the trains and without spent a lot of time for the travel. Yes, I think that it is the best superpower.",4,6,5,5,A2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_3HwvB75FV7PSgES,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,45,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,30.0,0.0,11.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1587,567.3536000000237,565.2045,5695,3511,304,154,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like to have the invisibility power. I've always been very curious about the reasons that motivate us human beings. If I got to be invisible, I could observe the things that drives a person to go one way or another. Being that no one could really see me, they would never know someone was watching them and learning more about human behavior. It would change my life in the sense that I would be able to understand people and life in general in a better way than I do now. That understanding, in my point of view, is a thing that not many people have access to. Plus, I would be able to stop bad things from happening, because I would choose to be in places where I could make a difference. Stopping a war or a tragedy from taking place would be a nice accomplishment for my passage here on Earth.",10,8,6,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1FaibJ2x2KGvG86,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3042,622.002,1108.0655,5707,5481,302,172,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"As a child I would always dream of having a superpower, be it super strenght, incredible speed or invisibility. Years later, sometimes I still wish I had some kind of power to make my life easier, and if I were to choose one, It would be mind reading. Is It actually a best pick among all of the superpower that could make one godlike? Well It is certainly not. I think most people would not even consider this power while given a chance to acquire a superhuman ability. Why is that? It is simply not flashy or useful enough, but for me, someone who seeks truth, and is always curious of what other people are thinking, The mind reading powers would make for a perfect ability. Making money, picking up girls, cheating on exams, winning tournaments - all these are just a mere fraction of endless possibilities with that kind of power. I would always know what people want, so I could be the perfect human that can meet other people's desires.",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_8bOUEy0Ae02X86B,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Vietnamese,19.0,36.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1646,260.23760000000146,534.468700000003,5508,5764,303,290,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I think that the one superpower that I would like to have, over any other superpower, would be the ability to read other people's minds and thoughts, especially without them knowing. I think that this superpower would enable me to know exactly how other people who I interact with are thinking and feeling, which could help me get to know them better. This superpower could also be very helpful in a job or career where knowing what the other person is thinking would be a great advantage to me. For example, if I were selling something, I would be able to know what the person is thinking and if they have any concerns about the item or service that I am selling or the price. When I am meeting someone new, I might be able to anticipate the person's feelings and what they might want from my conversation with them. This could be very useful in keeping the conversation going, and knowing if the other person might be hiding something as well. Having this superpower could also mean being able to gain crucial knowledge in projects, such as a potential investment in a company when I am at a meeting with the CEO or other professionals. However, being able to read other people's minds could also end up finding out things that might be hurtful, both to me and to other people. So, it is important to consider when it is appropriate to read someone else's mind and when it is better not to know what they might be thinking. Overall, I think this superpower would help me in a lot of social interactions and even put me at an advantage when taking on projects in a job or project.",11,11,7,11,C2.i,C2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_2Sw3kQxFMbKtE6w,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,14.0,0.0,11.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1113,404.233,323.821,5867,4280,303,221,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Ok, if I could pick a single superpower, it would be a bit hard to decide if i'm being honest, picking a power may seem simple, flying, changing forms, infinite strenght, but at the same time it also entails thinking outside the box and maybe picking a superpower that people have never thought of. But answering the question I would pick the superpower of teleportation. What I like about it is how it would save me in a lot of things, and not necesarily save my life like if I was falling from a cliff or something, but in that it would save me so much time and money. Any kind of planning for an overseas trip, no need to pay for a plane or a train, sometimes the most expensive part of it. want to travel to a new location? maybe after seeing the location you can travel instantly without waiting, without charging the car with gas or anything. Another cool option is that it could allow me to go instantly from one place to another saving me the effort of walking and also help me feel safer since I could just skip not walking through dangerous areas. Kind of ironic since I'm a big fan of taking walks and running as a hobby now that I think about it.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_3PYmYTG6KCItmrJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2223,729.5896999999992,876.9488999999985,5935,4064,301,180,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could really choose a super power I would chose Time Manipulation. With that power I would be able to manage the time the way that I want it. I could stop the time, make it past faster or slower, and, it it was possible, I'd love to back in time and just watch somethings again, but just for watching again, I don't want to change past moments, just remember. A lot of times, I give myself to think the amount of things that I could do if I was able to stop/pause the time. My weeks are really tiring, and I need a lot of time to study for my exams and other things, teamworks, presentations, etc. In some way, with that power I could do my ""work"" things and would have time to have fun, like playing games on my computer and watch some movies. I JUST REALLY WANT MORE TIME IN MY DAYS. They are too short to do the amount of things that we have to do daily. That superpower would come even in handy.",7,7,5,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_PNhanD1apwKLPW1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,23,Right-handed,8,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2368,508.12,1209.9338000000118,5828,5492,303,174,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had the chance to choose a superpower, I would opt for the ability to teleport myself at will. The list of benefits I could gain from wilful teleportation is endless. First of all, it would allow me to maximize my time efficiency. Never-ending to-do lists would become a thing of the past. I could check my tasks off that list at full speed. In addition, being in possession of this superpower would let me fulfil one of my childhood dreams - travelling around the globe. With the issue of time constraint out of the way, there would be nothing stopping me. But the list of advantages gained does not stop there. Alongside the increased efficiency and fulfiled dreams, teleportation is also beneficial to one's economic status. No more paying for petrol or fares! All in all, deciding on this superpower was a no brainer for me. There are a number of breathtakingly cool superpowers one could go for, but with teleportation, one gets the best of both worlds - wonder and practicality.",8,10,7,11,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_3OoCa6YvqDnJv76,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,17.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1195,352.5057999999524,453.22739999997617,5798,4664,302,180,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"As a student that has to commute to university by public transportation everyday I would definitely like to have the power of teleportation. Teleportation is really an efficient superpower since it would cut off the time I spend travelling everyday and would probably lead me to explore new cities or famous tourist's locaiton. After two years of covid I really forgot how frustating can be waking up so early to follow a lecture that I wouldn't even listened to I were at home and that's why I really would love to be able to teleport myself. My ideal day would be waking up at 9 am so I can get a nice breakfast and then teleport myself right outside the classroom, ready for my 10 am lecture. This superpower would probably change my life since I could teleport everywhere in the world. If I'm having a bad day I could decide to go to a nice city with lots of attractions. Or I could go to my favourite artists concerts, since most of them don't perform in Italy very often.",8,7,5,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2xIZwRslG4imHhe,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,27,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,6.0,0.0,1.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1341,647.1542999999998,422.9415999999997,5810,3239,298,170,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had a super power I think I would like to see the success rate or possible outcome of my actions like bad/neutral and great. I'm sure it would help me to take the best course of actions and decisions to have a great life without affecting other or having lots of attention on me. Also, if possible I would want to have the option to turn it on and off at will since I don´t want to use in my every day life. I would use it to change works and have one that fulfills me and enables me to have an impact on others. Also, for my personal finances, I would use it to make investment and gamble a bit to acquire funds and have for me and my family a leisurable life. I could choose seeing the future or knowing what will happen in the future but knowing all that may happen will make me do no effort at all and might be unthrilling and boring. ",6,8,6,8,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2VlLRm5XxzUxIYa,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pl,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2150,757.539,756.3660000000001,5622,3016,300,158,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Superpower sounds pretty great. It is like a dream since I was a child. I think I would probably choose to be able to rewind time. When you have this power you can do everything. If you posses this power you may read somebody's mind, you know what the future brings like a future teller. It seems that I started to think about this when I bought a game about rewinding the time. I am not sure about this kind of ""magic"" because in this game it didn't end well. All actions have consequences. Everything may influence future. Everything has a meaning and purpouse. It is hard to decide which superpower I would choose but thanks to rewinding time I could be the most powerfull. I could avoid many mistakes, I could save a lot of time on learnig or meeting toxic people. I could also be rich because I could see the winner numbers of a lottery.",7,7,6,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_33pPl6kRcTDUmMk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,39,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,4.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2231,749.8828999999762,1150.3622999999525,5513,2920,301,160,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"There are so many superpowers I wish I had. I wish I could turn back time, look into the future and fly. If i had to choose on superpower, it would by flying. It's great to float in the air like a bird. This superpower would help me help other people and save their lives. It's not everything. this superpower would also allow me to travel the world quickly. I could travel without limits. This superpower would also allow me to earn money. There would be many ways to do that. I could, for example, equip myself with a special harness and take willing people for a fee on short or long flights. I love mountains. That superpower of flying could help me save people from this very hard toreach area. I could be the best mountains rescuer. This would save thousands of lives. If i could fly, I would be a hero and be liked all over the world.",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_30itxlDWrrFMaiu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,39,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bengali,19.0,36.0,18.0,Hindi,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2611,988.0102999999988,889.0617999999989,5513,3157,301,153,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower I would want to have the power that enables me to eradicate child poverty from earth for good. All children deserve to have a pleasant and meaningful childhood that is not hampered by poverty. Because, If we can ensure that, children are not going hungry, children are not being left out of education, we will build a kinder and thoughtful next generation. I will also ban child labour anywhere in the world. A meaningful childhood is extremely important for a human to flourish in their adulthood. Using my superpower I will make sure that, all the children in the world are fed and they get proper education. It is also important to provide a family environment for children to grow up. They can learn a great deal from family. Values, manners can be learned from family, which will beyound doubt will help children with their mental growth.",7,9,7,9,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_12LNMpphyIfljxW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,3900,399.646099999994,776.7521000000087,5570,4394,301,167,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would not go for anything that would be either harmful in it's potential or could be used to destroy things. I'd like to have the ability to remember things very quickly; to learn basically anything just by looking at the brief description of it and it wouldn't decay in my head over time. Then I could complete most of the degrees on lots of universities and help people by building, creating, crafting, or inventing new and imaginative things and ideas that would generally improve the well-being of humanity. My insight would be the definitive answer to every political, socio-economic, or a global problem and by working with other people no matter their background, nationality, gender, or anything used to divide us as humans I would want to finally end wars and disputes over land and money, and unite all people under a single banner. Maybe then we could finally start to colonize other planets and transform our planetary civilization into a galactic or even inter-galactic one.",8,9,7,11,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3mfHGNoLGuTP7SV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,2.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1174,320.25289999997614,284.9463999999762,5376,3584,302,155,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I am a big fan of Brandon Sanderson's books, and in the Mistborn series, certain characters swallow different types of metals (i.e. zinc, brass, iron, etc.), they then burn them to gain temporary abilities, such as extended physical power, sight, control of other's emotions or even a glimpse in the future. There are 2 metals, brass and zinc which are the emotional metals, brass burners are called soothers while zinc burners are called rioters. Soothers, as the name suggests calm the emotions while rioters empower one specific emotion. I would choose any of the 2 to control people's emotions around me. I don't yearn to have supreme physical powers, but what usually bothers me with people is that I'm not always sure whether they are open and honest with me or not. Having such an ability would always grant me honest answers from a person and then I could better evaluate who they really are. ",7,9,8,9,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_bK6LoPQw1anMSrL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.44",en-GB,31,Left-handed,9,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,5.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1187,461.2338000000008,379.4585999999997,5700,3540,301,159,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I really want to have a superpower similar like Superman's power. So this power would be all about being unmortal, being able to fly and being always healthy and fit. I think there would be no any other better option for me as this power would fulfill everything I need. With this new power I could do what I want and whenever I want. For example if I would like to go the mountains or to beach in the middle of night I could do that without any issue. With this power I could also help people inside and outside of the country. For example if there is an earthquake somewhere in the world I could just fly there within seconds and save people's life. I am sure people would appraciate it very much. To be honest I would be jealous if someone else would have this power as well, because I really want to have it all alone.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2TC70WLfOpnBEET,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.69",cs,30,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Czech Republic,Czech,10.0,5.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2046,490.7417,1133.9195000000002,5965,3903,302,166,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"From superpowers I know from comics and Marvel moovies I would choose the ability to travel in time. First of all I really love history and I like to collect information about ancient nation. So a time travel into the ancient Greece and Rome would be a fantastic experience for me. Or a time travel to find out, how it was possible to built a pyramid in ancient Egypt would be fantastic one. On the other hand a time travel ability could bring a strong responsibility, because of the well-known butterfly effect. Accorgind to this theory a small change in the historical event can results in various unintended consequences. So it would be a commitment to not to change the history, because it could result in way different present and future than we know today. On the other hand, there is a lot of questions, how would our world looks like, if some events in the history happened in different way, or didnt happened at all? ",7,7,6,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_2SiQXUexDj5DJQx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1063,378.801,410.8971999999881,5592,2913,302,161,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would choose time control superpower. Simply i could change the past from some bad moments of earth. I could rescue many people and save their lives. Of course i would made some money too. With this superpower i could do everything - win a lottery, buy some bitcoins for cheap. I could go back in time to see my dead family members. I would go to the future too to see how it will looks like. With power like that i would change my bad decisions from my past. If i could stop the time i would take some items for free. With big money comes a big house so i will adopt many stray dogs and give them best life they could. I think this is the best superpower for me and i would use it everytime i can. Maybe i can get cure for cancer from the future? Maybe i can get to know aliens? Options are limitless.",4,8,5,7,A2.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_325gxQgvk3C1LUB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",en-US,37,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Spanish,12.0,10.0,12.0,Dutch,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",832,312.545,242.832,5884,4065,302,186,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose to gain a superpower, it would be the ability to read into other people's minds. Just imagine having that power! Whatever someone might be thinking, you would know it. Is it about me? I would know what you think. Is it about someone else? I would know that too. It would be ideal if I could turn the power on and off as I wanted, because if not, it would be a little complicated to keep track of which thoughts are mine, and which ones are from other people. With this new power, I would have an advantage when trying to convince people about something, because I would know in advance what they think about a certain topic, and therefore I could prepare arguments for when I have to convince them. This would be revolutionary! I could use this power both in my own advantage, convincing people of little things, like what to have for dinner, or which movie to watch on a given evening, or for more important things for society, such as what kind of political party we should elect.",9,9,8,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_3pcdWg6BfwKnJD8,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,7,QWEASD,QWEASD,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,1.0,12.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1516,536.297,530.901,5361,4485,275,189,2,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"That is an intesting question. The main superpower that I would like to have is the power to off ""nature"" probably. A way to speak with animals and to ''speak'' with plant. I already love the nature, just sitting there and lissen to the water, wind, birds, etc. To be able to walk with animals and try to save as many as I could, I would love that. But I m also obssesed with lighting. Since young that I love how powerfull it is and how beutifull it looks. Now, what would I do with the powers that I got, would depend on the worl it self. Are there more people like me? With powers? Then I would try to be the best and the strongest. But if I was the only one, I would try to have as little effect on other people life as I could, I dont want to play god. I would try to end wars and some injustices, but other than that I would not do much. Probably try to get money with my superpowers so my family doesnt need to work ever again.",6,7,7,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_pckiGehlzrkHf21,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ES,22,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,18.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1116,373.4256999999881,496.0751000000238,5545,3669,301,179,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Sofía, Since you told me you were looking to improve your English reading skills, I wanted to give you some advice and suggestions towards reaching your goal. First of all, I think if you're having difficulties reading a normal book in English, as in a novel, or a more advanced kind of book, I think you should start slow. Start with maybe a children's book or with a story or novel that you know in Spanish, that way it'll be easier to understand what you're reading. While reading your book of choice I think it would be great to highlight with a pencil words or phrases you don't know, and after finishing your reading time write down what you've highlighted. With these new words and phrases you can include them for studying. Lastly, I strongly recommend watching T.V. shows and movies that you like in English and also with English subtitles, this has definitely helped me a lot when for not just reading but also speaking skills. I hope this helps you. Keep me updated on your progress.",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2wbKQ6PT9Ab29IZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",pl,31,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,4.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,High School,1154,330.0122999999523,486.9316999999881,5802,4075,302,177,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi XYZ, Today I've decided to sent you e-mail in response to your previous one. I know reading in English can be painful to learn, but I wanna share with you some tips that I've used when I was learning. First of all, learning how to read in English is all about the practice, the more you do it the more you the better you become. There are multiple free resources out there, on Youtube, on English learning forums and sites, but I know they seem to be kinda boring, instead I wanna sell you my favourite way to do it. Just watch some Netflix or other subscription based online series provider like HBO GO or Amazon Prime, but remember to turn volume down and turn on English subtitles, it's a top must thing to do. Just chose some random series that you may think is worth watching and do it. Not only you will spend time in relaxing way, but also you will learn how to read in English and maybe some new words. Sincerely, ZYX",6,7,5,10,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.ii R_1P0CUYq89A6Cawp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,8.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1473,351.14409999999964,574.0556999999992,5497,3974,272,165,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Markus Your girlfriend told me, you want to improve your English reading skills. So I decided to write you. I have studied English for 8 years and I have some tips for you. For example you can try read your favorite book, but in English it's very helpful. I tried this method and that was funny and useful experience. Second method I recommend to you it is watching movies with English subtitles. This method connect entertaining with study and in my opinon that is cool. I also know, you like to listen to music just like me. Have you ever thought that you can listen to music and following the text? This is also my method to improve my English reading skills. You follow the text and your favorite artist is singing. The best way to learn langunge is by having fun, play games, read books, listen to music. Just do stuff that makes you happy and connect it with learning English. Dear Matthew ",8,7,6,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_BWIgVrt2tlzwkXn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1686,675.5780999999939,595.815799999997,6193,4151,304,206,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Tim! I hope that you have a good day. I am really glad that you turned to me for help with your English reading skills improvement. First of all you need to take it easy, do not put a lot of preasure on yourself, do not overthink about the text you read for the first time. That was my biggest mistake, I was being so focused on understanding the text that I was not able to do it. At first read the text in your own speed, carefully, of you need to go back, do that. After you finish reading, take a little break, make yourself cup of coffee and then get back to reading. But this time take a piece of paper, a pen, a dictionary and a text you read. I want you to underline the words you do not understand, write them down on the piece of paper and use a dictionary to translate them, to it with every word you do not understand. After that take a longer break and then get back to reading with translated words. It would be easier to read the text for the third time. At the end try to summorize what you've read. Greetings, A. ",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1QFXmVSrgsDn77o,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,19.0,0.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",999,225.603400000006,261.59,5476,2872,302,164,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Joe, Thank you for your email. I understand that you are eager to improve your English reading skills. I have to be honest with you here, it is not always easy to learn English, but that goes without saying and that is pretty much the case for learning any language. I struggle with it too! Learning a new language, in my opinion, is done purely through practicing. You can name any method you want, but in the end I am convinced that the only way you can get better at learning a new language is by doing. So my advice would be to go out there, seek English content, really try to grasp what is being said and try to understand the essence of the message that is being conveyed in the text you are reading. I wish you the best of luck, and if you have any questions or need advice, you know who to call or email ;) Kind regards, Peter",11,9,7,11,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3eeQUEKiMuqNNdP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,1504,424.3034000000061,733.334,5565,7855,301,385,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Friend, I have heard that you have some problems with your English reading skills. I have also been there, so I know how much of a problem it is. Fortunatelly, I also know how to deal with it. The most important factor in improving your reading and comprehension side is to read a lot of text in English. It may sound really trivial, but this is the best thing you can do. There are a lot of articles on the internet, books in beginner-friendly language and stories that you can comfortably read even if you are not that good. The most important thing while reading these texts is to find words that you could not understand, translate them and try to remember what they meant. This way, they can stick with you for a longer period so when you stumble encounter them later, you will know what they mean. This is the best way to broaden your vocabulary and understand more and more English. Another way is English learning apps. You can search them on Apple Store or Google Play and they are really good if you want to stay consistent. I understand that sometimes you might not be in mood to search for some article or for some good words to remember, but most of these apps do these for you. The force you not to break your daily streak of learning English which enables you to get most out of it. Some of them are paid, but there is also plenty of free options. You just have to look for them. For me, the most difficult thing in reading English was focusing too hard on trying to understand every single word. The best is to just go with the flow and try to understand most of it out of context. If you get stuck on every single word, you will get stuck in actually studying the language because it would really slow down the process. So my advice is to sometimes just try to read the whole text without trying too hard to understand everything, this way you can get used to seeing English sentences and therefore improve greatly. I hope that these advices will help you with your English reading skills. Remember, stay persistent and you will get there! Yours, XYZ ",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1pMxAQeofZ6cB1V,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Chinese,19.0,36.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1607,471.1075,689.9177999999522,5824,3633,301,154,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi M, How are you doing these days? I hope this email finds well! Glad to hear that you wants to improve your English reading skills. I can feel your need! As a non-native speaker, I still remembered the time when I was struggled and got frustrated when reading in English! Indeed, I still feel it occassionally now. I feel like the most frustrating thing about reading in English is that there are too many words that I didn't know the meaning, or even some common word can have very different and unusual meanings which is completely unknown to me. I guess you find this difficult as well? But no worries, improving reading skills is also very easy. All you need is to keep reading. Don't be discouraged by unknown words; dictionaries are your good friends. Just keep reading and you will see your skills are improving every day! Hope it helps! Best, A",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3jZjNMu2vuTKQtI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-AR,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,13.0,1.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1890,562.221,374.267,5994,3766,275,154,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey, Mark! I know that you are having trouble with your reading skills, and i have to admit that I spent a lot of time struggling with that too! At first, what worked for me, was to stick to easy reading texts, children stories for example, so you start to get familiar with reading in english. Also, try to make an dictionary with words you don't understant, so you start building a more complete vocabulary. This will help when you start to read more complex texts. And when you start with this kinds of text, remember, there will be words that you won't understand at first, so add them yo your dictionary. It will be tedious at the beggining, but with practice you will be able to read all kinds of text in no time. If you need any kind of help, please let me know and i will be happy to assist you. ",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3DqfnFBi0NvmjDI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,39,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,8.0,1.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1955,991.028,552.4981999999992,6366,3425,301,153,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","I find difficult about reading in Anglish, the correct pronunciation, so for me It's important to listen the pronunciation of google or of native teachers to have the real idea of what i have to read. You can listen and than repeat the word you don't know, it is very simple but you nedd patience and time. English is the most important language for me and, I think, in the world, so it's very important to improve it and to understand when someone talk to you. You need to pratice a lot, nut it is funny and interesting to learn. There are many on-lune course you can take, so you can stay at home and achieve a good command of the language. Just do a research on google, you will find all you need to improve your language and do examen to have an official recognition. Good luck my friendand enjoy yuor English!",6,5,4,8,B1.ii,B1.i,A2.ii,B2.ii R_XOjkZufTzzNQmIN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,32,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2740,883.1765,1196.6832000002862,5724,6939,303,349,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Patrick! What I know already, you have some problems with learning English, especially with reading. I'm reading this to help you a little bit with this. As you may know, I learned some English at school. You had this lessions too, but few years less. To be honest, I'm not an English speaker, and also reader. But I think I have quite good tips that I could share with you. I love English(or American) mowies and every time I watch them I try to do it using subtitles. I hate when producers use dubbing. It's horrible to be honest. Every time I hear English in the movie, there are always some words that I want to check or try to say them in correct way. It's really useful when you want to learn English. Typying words, learn them. Also music is really amazing way to learn English. I used to listen about 90 % music in English. You may think, why not in Polish, because I'm from Poland. I tell you something. English is primary language all over the world and I don't think it will change in next hundred years. If you listen to music in English too, you can use music apps and try to sing with attached lyrics. It could be really useful. Almost same as learning English with a little help of English native speaker. If you're still confused and want to learn how to read English in a good way, maybe you can try to buy some magazines in English and try this way? I did it few times some time ago, it was a nice change. Little different idea is to try to read your favourite books in English, even if you've already read them. It's better, when you try with some easier titles, such as Harry Potter. Do not to try quantum physics :) It could kill you ...Please let me know, if you want to try any of my tips. I'm always open to help you. We can learn together. My English is still in a average level. Greetings, Matt ",11,6,6,7,C2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_yWoapNPeIq08Pdf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,17.0,0.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2009.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1911,580.737299999997,795.340900000006,5440,5685,300,192,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Giovanni, I hope you're doing well. I know from your last email that you're willing to improve your English reading skills. When I was a boy, I was really into songs and lyrics. I could not wait to go home after school to print every single song's lyrics I could think of, and try to understand the meaning behind it. I have a suggestion for you. Since you love poetry and I happen to know a few great English poets (Keats, Larkin, Morrissey LOL), you could begin by diving into their poems. It could be a little puzzlig at first, since you're not fluent in English, but you can muscle through it and use your passion to learn new rules and grammar. A few years ago I bought Morrissey's biography (which was included in the Penguin books Modern Classics): I left the book after only 50 pages, because I had to stop on every other word to check the meaning. It was frustrating, so I went back to listening to his songs. Who cares! They're a piece of English art anyway. Write back when you finish your first Shakespeare! Love, Giuseppe",12,8,7,9,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1Qhdov7h4VEFH6N,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,pl,41,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,32.0,2.0,4.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1918,603.262,979.805,5318,3983,293,171,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Kasia, How are you doing? I hope everything's ok. Last time you wrote that you wanted to improve your English reading skills. Great :) I've been always telling you that it's about time to do that. I know you've had English lessons in high school but after you graduated you didn't carry on with it. English is not that hard, in fact I think is one of the easiest languages to learn. All because it surrounds us basically every day and learning by reading is a very good method. Let me give you some tips how to be efficient. First of all - read. I know, right? :) But it's really that simple. Read english websites: blogs, news etc. The more you do it, the better. Get a note book and write down words you doesn't understand and translate them, but not into Polish. Use an English-English dictionary. It's not a rocket science, that's all you really need to do and you'll be fine :) Take care and good luck!",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1FQwT9zVn2bFgry,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2057,670.3810000000002,804.477,5516,4286,300,214,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Tom, I heard that you would like to improve your English reading skills. First, let me say I think it is a great idea! English is probably the most important language on the Earth at this moment, so improving it can open a lot of possibilities. Learning to read in English is not an easy task, but it is no different from any other complicated competency. I remember when I first tried to improve substantially my own English reading skills. The first few weeks were the most difficult. I had to spent a lot of time looking up the meaning of the words. When I encountered some new and longer words, sometimes it was quite tricky to read them. But after some time things get better! If you translate the words you do not understand dilligently you will remember them. Especially the most common ones. That means you will read faster and you won't need to spent so much time checking the meaning of words. You could also use apps that help you remember certain words. Also it is important to learn at least the basics of grammatic because sometimes you need to know these rules to have a better comprehension of a given text. I wish you all the best! Best Adam",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1He5LnrZ1ARmGYa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,33,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Russian,26.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2356,774.1225,695.3317000000477,5078,4880,270,199,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Mark. How are you? I'm fine. Now I live in Spain. I'm lucky that I live in tourist city and here I can hear and practice different languages. Spanish and catalan are the main languages here, but also I can have practice in english, french and russian. So I don't have any problem to speak in this languages. But sometimes I have problems to read information in english or french. And in last letter you told me that you have same problem. Last time I try to listen podcasts in english, and also you can finв some podcasts with audio and written text. So this helps me a lot. You can read a text and at the same time you can hear a pronunciation. Also every day I enter to some websites of newspapers to read somу news, and if I have any problem to understand I use online translation for that word or sentence. You can find some websites with themes that you are interested in. For example you can find some webs with information about cars, sport or hi-tech. If remember or will find any new thing i will write you. Best regards, your friend Nikolas.",4,6,5,8,A2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2yj9rM1UbHkVUjr,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,de,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,France,German,14.0,9.0,4.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1070,416.861,360.396,5661,5117,302,261,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey Jake, I remember you talking about how you want to improve your English skills and it made me think think about the time when I was still learning and improving my English skills. I started from a young age with courses in school, but I believe I made the biggest progress when I started to surroun myself with the English language. I started to listen to podcasts in English as well as turn the streaming language on Netflix to English as well. Moreover, I began reading whole books in English and worte down every word I have not yet heard or didn't understand. By doing so, I not only expanded my vocabulary but I was also confronted with how the language was actually applied and used in written texts. I have been doing this for a few years to really improve my capabilities and feel secure in my knowledge. The next step was to apply my knowledge in real life. So I decided to take a trip to England and throw myself into the cold water by going to a country where my native language was not spoken. This trip ultimately changed me and helped me to get to a level, where I am not only comfortable, but also confident about my language skills. Now I love talking, writing, singing or listening to anything I can get my hands on in English as I love the language so much. I hope these tipcs my help you with your English skills and let me know how it goes. Kind Regards, JJ",10,8,9,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_2pMITpO3U9Lgiup,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,41,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Belgium,Spanish,20.0,0.0,8.0,Catalan,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2010.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1401,510.96589999999946,345.4915,5760,3948,302,185,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Carlos, long time no speak, my friend! How are things going for you? Here everything is good. I am texting you today to give you some advice on how to better improve your reading skills in English. I know you are very interrested in this. First of all, you well know that it took me a while to realy learn well English. It was not an easy thing to achieve but all the efforts paid off. Well, to start off, I would recommend you to not be afraid of making mistakes. this is part of the learning process. When you start reading in English, you must be focused, go little by little trying the new sounds of this language and capturing the main message of the text. Little by little you will gain fluency and will feel much more confident. do not give up since this is a long journey. If you need more tips, you can always reach out to me, I will always be here to help. Take good care of yourself, my dear friend. Talk to you soon. Warm regards, David.",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2U5dRrzOOTxqjfr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,21,Ambidextrous,4,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Poland,Tamil,17.0,36.0,20.0,Malay,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1715,561.6534000000061,783.840900000006,6083,4352,302,194,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Alex, I just received your email about the tips to improve your English reading skills. I will try to help you with it and give you some ideas and tips. Sometimes the hardest part about reading in English is the pronouncation of some words especially when it involves some mixture of words or spellings. The first tip that I will sugges you is watching English movies or series with subtitles. This way you can learn how they pronounce it and also read the subtitles and knowing the spelling of it. This would really help you in improving your English verbally and also writting. The next thing that I can suggest you to practice is read books that you actually enjoy or into it. This may sound irrelevent but it can help you more than you know. When you are reading something with interest, the urge to know about the words and the meanings will not only improve your English reading skills but also your speaking skills. Maybe you can try these tips out and let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you. See you soon. Regards, Raja",8,7,8,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_25v9Hf7xbrAHu7o,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bengali,16.0,17.0,24.0,Hindi,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1826,625.072,495.494,5885,3812,296,152,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey Dude, Hope you are good. I head from proffesor Hall that you are really trying to up your skills in english and are even looking forward to the IELTS test. To that i would say you are absolutely taking the right track. However, there are few things you do need to keep in mind in this, as have myslef given IELTS test i can geniunely say its no pice of cake that everyone thinks in the beggining. To really master your Reading, i would suggest you start with skimming essays and answering questions about it but at the same time try timing yourself. For example give yourself 3 mins to quickely look through an essay, highlight any important keyword or line you feel like, then start answering the questions and give youself 7 mins for that. The example might not the the most practical or reasonable but your get the idea. ",5,6,7,9,B1.i,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_AMQGpWIkcod5czL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",ar,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Hungary,Arabic,15.0,3.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2601,996.746200000003,822.7327000000031,5898,4576,302,189,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Friend, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for asking my advise on how to improve your English reading Skills. I'll be more than happy to assist you and provide you some tips to be a better reader. First all of, don't worry if you're finindg some difficulties when it comes to reading. that's normal especially in the early stages. Practise is a key. Try to read everyday, no matter what you are reading but try your best to read what you enjoy the most. If you have passion for sports for example, then you can search for sport magazines or articles so you will not feel bored. The second advise I would say, is to read out loud with a friend who is a native speaker. That will improve your confidence speaking the language, and if you made a mistake then your friend can correct it right a way. After all I wish you all the best, and please let me know if these tips worked out well for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need further help, Regards, Your Friend ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3JyGKf0t72wF5U9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2189,601.7376000000006,608.7554000000002,5816,3958,302,167,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello, my dear friend. So, I learned that you want to improve your English reading skills. Based on my personal experience, I can say that, because the language is different from yours, it's kind of difficult to talk properly, because the words and grammar are different. A great idea would be to watch some movies in English, as you would listen to people speaking that language, and you would learn how to speak like them after some time doing that specific task. Another way would be to listen some musics on the same language as well. Despite this, you could visit a country where one of the main languages is English. I heard from other people that this is one of the best ways to learn the language, and you would also be able to improve the reading as well. I hope these tips can help you. Send some feedback, I would love to know about your improvements. Good luck to you! From your dear friend, Rodrigo",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3oTOrj8u7Ou3IS6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Ambidextrous,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,High School,2191,783.9524000000059,1026.875900000006,5927,5482,274,194,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi my friend Steve, I'm writing you this e-mail to help you improve your English grammary and reading skills cause I know and understand your struggle you are going though as I was in a few months before. Here i will explaing you some basics tactics that I used to and I'm sure it going to help you too learning with fasters prograssion. So first fo all you have to have to start watching some TV Shows, Movies or even news better with english subtitles for better undertsanding or without but its gonna be harder at first. Second it would be excellent start reading books or magazines, you can find them on your nearby bookshop or your library. Reading help your eyes and mind to anderstand the English language better and trust me you will see fast results. Lastly I would suggest you to make some new friends even if you don't feel comfortable to so speak this language but trust yourself and you gonna be great! Don't be afraid what the other going to say about your accent. I hope to help you my friend, hope to see you soon!! Your friend, K###!",7,6,6,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_ukLQGcih3QCUagp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2020,527.6298000000007,705.4211999999992,5711,5063,302,209,2,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear ZXY, I heard that you started to learn an English. My language isn't that fluent as I would like to be, but I can give you few advance. Like with everything - if you want progress you have to work hard on it. I know that you really like to watch some movies in TV so I think the best what you can do right now is just watching TV in your language and using English subtitles. I also recomend you to read English wikipedia site and then translate word's that you don't know. After when you realise that you don't know the meaning of some word just write that in your notebook and then translate it by using I think this is the best one online translator right now. If wikipedia would be to hard to read then maybe try somethink else like your kid's school book. When i started to learn an English I also had huge problems with reading, but right now I know how to do it and even if I don't know some words I can guess what that's mean from the contest. That should really increase your reading skills and I hope that would be usefull to you. Best Regards, XYZ",7,6,6,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_3D0KmvROD0xLFCs,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,Italian,20.0,1.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1110,494.0188000000009,292.26369999999923,5761,3249,301,177,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would definitelly choose a warm place. I currently live in Berlin and the winter here is horrible and I really miss the sun and the warm. Also, I am a big fan of subsaharian Africa so I would prbably go there. If I really need to decide I would go to South Africa, it is warm but not too much and still decently developed so I would be able for example to surf the internet and keep in touch with the rest of the world. I have already been in South Africa once before and I really liked the country, most notably a small village called Saint Lucia, near the ocean, and is there that I would go back. It is a really interesting place, with traffic signs warning you to beware of hippos. You have the ocean on one side and a national park with rhinos, lions, buffalo, hippos, crocodiles etc on the other, good weather and no pollution, what else could you ask for?",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_vHpvelII0vV3laF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,0.0,4.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1749,563.0601000000015,625.9978999999985,5634,3627,302,166,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","That's a very good question. I would say without any doubt that I would really love to be in Japan right now. Since I was in elementary school I had this dream, I really love the culture, the architecture, the food and of course the anime and manga. Also when I was 15 I started to lear the language, my teacher, who was japanese, was a very good teacher and had a lot of patience. I studied japanese for more less 2 years until my sensei returned to his country. So since I was a teenager I had this dream to visit Japan, the streets of Tokyo, the lights and noise in Shibuya, see the beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring, admire the magnific mount fuji, had fun in the themed parks, eat ramen, visit the museums, see the fireworks at a summer festival like in the animes, wear a kimono or a yukata and a lot of etc... I know I would be there someday.",6,6,5,6,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_2nSZr5tv2ICnyZb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,12.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,HAVO (High School) and MBO (4),1784,393.8655999999642,751.0473000000119,5424,5152,301,199,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would love to be in Colombia and even though it feels like it's hard to explain, I will try my best. First of all, I never really thought about Colombia until one or two years ago. And the main reason for that is that I never knew anyone from there. Then around two years ago I met someone that grew up there, and we've become really close friends. She is not the main reason I would want to be there, but a big reason for sure. The other reasons are pretty simple, I just love Latin/Spanish culture, cuisine, places and I'm interested in the language (I'm currently trying to learn it). And I think that Colombia (South-America) is a lot more interesting than Spain because I've been to Spain plenty of times and there's just a magical feeling about going and being in another continent. I imagine it's like you're entering another world (which I don't know if it is, because I've never been outside Europe). Hopefully one day I will be able to go and be there for a while, until then I will keep wondering about how it will feel and dream about all my expectations.",11,7,9,9,C2.i,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_2uCJ1Q4wT3z1zZn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",el-GR,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,12.0,0.0,0.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,High School,2806,937.17,1378.523,6936,4656,300,154,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I'd rather be in Austria with my boyfriend. What i love about Austria is the fact that i love winter and this place has lots of snow during the winter and its mountains offer a very picturesque landscape as well as an exquisite and cozy atmosphere. Furthermore, i would like to visit Vienna during Christmas because I cherish all of the decorations, celebrations and all the vibes. Nevertheless, i also adore the old traditional villages such as Halstatt which is located next to beautiful crystal clear lake where the view is breathtaking. I would also like to go skiing on a mountain slope and visit the world famous Opera because i love classical music. Last but not least, one of the main reasons why i would like to be in Austria is because of its chocolate. Another reason is to taste the Viennese schnitzel. ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2cd9U6tSKSIi0qF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,20.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",996,399.8115999999998,317.565,5593,2826,299,151,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I wold like to be on Iceland right now, because I just love the whole enviroment on this island. There is a lot of grass and I really don't like forests because of all insects and stuff. Island is cold, there is also wind, so it is perfect for me in all aspect. I'm a little bit terrified about volcanos that could explode in any moment, but honestly I can take that risk and just stay there. I would love to try some uniqe food and drinks from there, climg some mountains and spend whole night in tent or something like that. I've never beed outside of Europe so Iceland would be my top 1 choice. I would choose shit as a transport, because I'm scared of planes and I have heard that they have some beatifull docks so It would be amazing to see al of it at one time",6,6,5,6,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_33B9w8nsgBrl4E3,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pl,26,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,6.0,3.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1413,635.313,410.071,5446,2976,300,168,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would definitely choose to be somwhere where it is warm, and it stays warm for most of the year. It would be a place, where me and my friends can live together, not having to worry too much about all the things that worries us in our day-to-day life. The place can't be too dry, as I'm planning to make huge garden there, in which we could grow food for ourselves, and hopefully for the community there also. It should be a place, where we can easily engage with each others, and as easily tend to ourselves if we want to. Most likely it would be a mix of shared and private spaces. I would like it to be somwhere over the sea, but in a place that is not crowded with tourists. It would be a small village with local community, but I would like it to still be possible to get to the city easily.",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1pyDbYnkLsEBGTS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-HU,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,19.0,0.0,15.0,Dutch,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,2063,708.201,561.024,5844,3403,302,162,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would be in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I've been learning Dutch for years now and learned so much about the language, history and culture, but I have never actually been to The Nethelands. I only know how the city looks like from pictures and videos but there are a lot of channels in the city, and the northern part of the city is separated by a larger canal. There are a lot of old and historic buildings, many of them date back to the 17th century. There are a lot of bike paths as cycling is very popular and widespread in the whole country. It has a lot of museums and other culturally significant places. I was supposed to go there this summer to see my favourite band Coldplay perform there but unfortunately I can't make it anymore. I'm hoping to visit in the near future along with many other Dutch cities. ",10,7,7,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1M4ZW3dzzW6OWDh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",tr-TR,35,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Turkish,20.0,15.0,8.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2375,606.7921000000001,805.3521000000003,5594,5906,299,188,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would like to be in Orange County, California right no. There are several reasons why I desire to be there. First, the weather is generally sunny and warm. I do not need to take on warm cloths. I would wear a t-shirt head out for a great walk, run, hike or cycling. Second, there is pacific coast to surf, play beach volley or just walk on silky sand beach. Besides, Pacific Coast Highway is spectacular for driving a convertible with open top during the dask. The coast smells beautiful. Third, my university where I got my Master's Degree is also located there. I have still my friends living there. I do not even need to pay for accommodation in Orange County. I am sure they can host me with pleasure. I have beautiful memories to reminisce. Last but not least, being Californian gives you top satisfaction by knowing that all famous, succesful and wealthy people live in your neighborhood. Whereelse would I spent my life if I had chance to live wherever I want? As a result, these are the reasons why Orange County is my heaven.",8,7,9,7,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i R_3M6cT64kDlmk5rV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,29,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,10.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2635,527.6105,403.9646000000006,5519,3157,282,172,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I want to be at an amusement park at night, with roller coasters, a carousel and lots of food, as a kid my mother took me there but seems a little boring just look at the attractions just move, and I seen a lot of moviers that looks amazing how the lights glow as you are riding on a roller coaster. I want to be there but sadly at my city there was two big amusement parks and due to the pandemic the goverment took the decision to close them for a long time to avoid crowds and the first one close because they sell the place for another bussiness that didn't do anything on the park to this day, and the other one close for no reason. There are another amusement parks that settle for a few days but they are two or three cities apart from where I'm living. I hope soon there will be another amusement park that last for decades and be as big as the other ones.",7,6,5,5,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_2cbZJM0Zux9S5L5,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,it-IT,24,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,10.0,12.0,10.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2416,1121.411,546.023,8093,3312,302,150,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would choose to be in Kyoto.I believe it is a city full of history and tradition, with beautiful temples, gardens and natural scenes. I would love to explore their ancient temples, and visit Mount Fuji. But aside from historical and cultural attractions, I am also drawn to Kyoto's and Japan's food culture which is known for its delicacy. I would love to try Japan's traditional dishes. Overall, I believe Kyoto is a place of tranquillity and beauty, compared to chaotic cities like Tokyo. It is known for the calm and gentle people, and I would love to experience it entirely. The city is surrounded by mountains and there are many spots where one can really enjoy nature. I think it would be a great place to take a break from the stresses of everyday life and recharge my batteries. Also, it is the country where Anime were first created.",9,8,9,9,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_TmV5gxlGb80b5ct,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Spanish,19.0,36.0,12.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1180,621.5773999999984,334.475299999997,5461,3450,278,155,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would probably be in Japan somewhere near Tokyo, but not too central. So I can enjoy going to the outskirts and taking in the weather, sights and people around. The place is very natural looking, with a lot of folliage and uninterrupted nature and landscapes. The people are courteous and respectful, and everyone is often looking out for each other. I think the environment would keep distractions away since all the people I know would be sleeping. I want to be there just to expose myself to a different city and country, which I like. I grew up watching a lot of anime and reading manga, so the sights themselves are already engrained to be nostalgic in my brain, and the fidelity to which the drawings represents the cities and landscapes it's just perfect for me, and does it. I feel with this constant peacefulness, I can surely focus on the things that matter.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1jqORPIfFYeCRrn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,27,Right-handed,6,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,23.0,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1927,675.2760000000002,850.9873000001908,5976,6191,302,225,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Alright, so this specific week is actually very special because my favorite singer in the whole wide world is starting her brand new tour in Glendale, Arizona in the United States (tomorrow night). I've been a huge fan of hers for the longest time and being on social media (twitter) I've found out that a lot of fans are attending the show. Traveling from other parts of the country and even the world. I live in Mexico therefore it is not as easy for me to just drop everything and go there as I guess it is for U.S. citizens. I'm not gonna lie, I'm currently feeling very jealous today because that is exactly where I wish I was right now. At the State Farm stadium. In Glendale, Arizona. And tomorrow I'll most likely feel worst. It is strange but I'm also happy at the same time. Because I have a couple of friends who were actually able to arrange everything and travel and will be at there at the show. And besides, not all is lost for me. In about two and a half weeks from now, I will get to go to a different show of this tour, in a different city/state. Somewhere closer from the place I live than Arizona. That is something I'm looking forward to and it makes me excited. ",11,7,9,8,C2.i,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii R_BJ9TRdt53h1yU6d,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0,hu-HU,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,4.5,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3019,827.275,1515.264,5552,5663,278,264,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere I think my first place came in my mind was Southwest Germany. If I want to be more specific I would be in Mundelsheim which can be found in Baden-Württemberg Germany near to Stuttgart. I know that place, I've been there more than once. It's a trurly beautifull place as I heard before people call it a little treasure box or something like that, and it's not a suprise why is that. It's like surronded by hills and mountains, and there is the Neckar river as well. Besides the breathtaking sightseen, it has everything people need, like. This place is traditional but at the same time very modern village witch in my (and my parents) oppinion, its more like a town. When I went for there for the first time with my parent, I was fascinated with them. Thanks to my dad we could get to know Mundelsheim, because he worked there for years. When my dad's boss agreed that he can take the whole family in the apartment where my dad was, we went immediatelly. We also lived a few years in there, and it was one of my best od my life, but sadly because of other family reasons we went home. I wish we stayed for forever there, it was like a dream. Me and my family will never forget thats for sure. Mundelsheim is a beautiful, dream like modern and peaceful place. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's almost like a true Eden on Earth. Always will be in our heart, thats for sure.",8,6,7,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3dFlbeHT5B3bv0X,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,27,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,18.0,0.0,1.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,High School,3232,742.6072999999997,1703.2101000000007,5774,3261,302,164,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world, I would choose to be in a small but comfortable mountain house in Germany. The house is built entirely of wood and is furnished in a modern style. There are several reasons why I would make this choice. First of all I love the mountains, I like to spend a lot of time outdoors, especially in the woods and seeing wild animals. During the winter I always spend my holidays in the high mountains, where I enjoy being surrounded by ice and snow. Sometimes I also go to the mountains in the summer to escape the scorching heat of the city. The country I chose to be in is Germany because I really like it. I have been there a couple of times and I was fascinated by the culture, punctuality and precision of the Germans. Furthermore, I study the German language and culture, so being immersed in this environment will help me in my studies.",10,8,9,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_xxPS7OMEFEhjwKB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,38,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2001.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1491,440.467200000003,644.5953000000045,5444,4371,302,175,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I wouldn't be much far from where I am now. My partner has an house near the beach in Montalto Di Castro (at the border between Lazio and Tuscany), and that place and its surroundings are lovely. There is much sun, nature, calm, and the house itself is very nice. It has a small garden which I love to take care of. It is possible to work from there, and between one task and another take a break and enjoy some sunlight and the smell of the flowers. It is located into a ""village"" where there are many other similar houses, so during the Summer is quite noisy, but in the Spring it is as peaceful as a post-apocalyptic town, altough there aren't zombies or any of the other slight disadvantages that the apocalypse could bring. With a thirty minutes walk you can reach to the sea and take a relaxing walk on the beach. Really nice. I hope we'll go there as soon as possible, but If I could i would teleport now! Energize!",9,8,7,8,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_xctWFj3I2T3T75n,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,cs,29,Right-handed,11,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Czech Republic,Czech,15.0,1.0,11.0,Slovak,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,1300,365.22,259.737,5554,2975,301,155,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now then it was probably Canada. The reason being is that my long term gf who is from Argentina have family there and... as naive it sounds, we wanted to meet there and for her, maybe she would emigrate to Canada from Argentina. Canada before was also my dream place, the country have everything I loved. Ice-Hockey, professional wrestling and even soccer is getting popular there. As a long Maple Leafs fan I would probably be coming on their home matches most of the time. My place where I would stay would probably be far away from people, next to some lake where nature is not touched by humans hands. The place is very calm, very beautiful and most importantly.. the place is mine. I would have my dog named Jammie with me, we would be going on walks every single day arround the big lake.",7,6,5,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_2VjQ7FgUKefAaoe,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Chinese,10.0,36.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1413,365.9522000000477,438.75489999985695,5356,2799,301,162,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere now, I would be very happy on a caribbean countries, where is warm and sunny. Actually, I never been there, I'm not sure if it would be too hot for me, too hot to go out and I rather think it's a bad choice if I am actually there. But as I'm living in this cold place for such long time, I really wants sunny days, bored of this rainy, wet and cold wether, really fed up with it. Unfortunately, I chose the life here, now I have family, it's very difficult to move anywhere eaisily. Now this magic question can take me anywhere, the first thing poped up into my head is caribben beach! I imaging there would be sun beds on the beach, I can rent a umbrella and have a big glass of ice drink, and lie down there for a whole day, the sea water is so calm and relaxing wind surround me.",8,6,5,6,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_1PZEdWB4l4TCGQk,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,en-US,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Finland,Finnish,24.0,0.0,13.0,Swedish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1817,293.153,501.8080000000001,5737,4039,302,158,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I think I would like to be in a cottage somewhere in Canada. I like having different seasons and especially during winter time, it's quite beautiful outside. There would not be anyone else there and the closest neighbors would be miles away. I'd like to just walk around in the forest with my cat, maybe chop some trees or do some other physical labor outside. It would be a quiet and peaceful place with nobody watching me. The sun is shining and I feel at peace. I don't like spending time outside in urban areas, as there are always lots of other people who see me. I wish I could go skiing or skating, but due to my social anxiety I absolutely loathe the idea that someone sees me exercising. I rationally know that nobody really would pay attention to me, but I know that it is my just anxiety preventing me living my life to the fullest.",7,9,7,10,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3M9xxIXE3rK0bXX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.69",nl,31,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,20.0,0.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3737,322.5428999999762,1508.9626000000242,5507,11443,301,164,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would choose to be in the Netherlands, in a small town near the coast where I can go walk along the beach and gaze across the ocean. I find such places to be soothing to the mind. There's something deeply confrontational about a beach where the ocean wipes away your footsteps in the sand. As if they're tears in the rain. For a brief moment in time you leave your mark, but it's eroded and wiped away by nature itself as if there never was a mark at all. It can make me question what I'm doing with my life and how I want to spend the little time that I have on this Earth. Do you rather spend your days engrossed with social-media, engaging with strangers who have nothing to give in return, or do you rather spend your precious time with your loved ones. I think that the question answers itself.",8,10,7,10,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_10ABeusdzjJoELV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",fi-FI,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Finland,Finnish,20.0,0.0,4.0,Swedish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1460,323.681,826.1010000000001,5481,6268,302,253,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","First of all, I'm quite happy to be where I already am right now: at home. But if I could teleport my self anywhere on this planet, I would probably choose Switzerland. My girlfriend is from there and is living there at the moment, too. I have visited the country multiple times over the years and gotten to know it fairly well. There are still some places I'd like to visit that I haven't experienced yet. For example, the French-speaking part of Switzerland is pretty unknown to me, and I know that it has a great amount of locations worth visiting. At the same time, I don't mind spending time in areas that I'm already familiar with. The nature has everything to offer and is always within a short walk or a drive - regardless where you happen to be located. Naturally, aside from my girlfriend, there are people in Switzerland that I've gotten to know over time and meeting them is always a pleasure. Since pretty much all of the time I've spent in Switzerland has been during holidays, it probably affects the way I think of the country. Obviously, if I was to start working there, it would feel totally different to be something else than a visitor and also, most probably, less special. Finally, to be with my girlfriend a bit closer that 2,500 kilometres apart is always fun, so I'm definitely looking forward to my next visit to the alpine country. Hopefully it will happen rather sooner than later.",12,8,7,11,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1JFoFE5DkgVJURU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,38,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,32.0,1.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,VMD,1980,785.0110000000003,606.7731000000239,5477,3143,300,152,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","The place that I want to be right now is here, actually. I have a wonderfull, loving familly around. But if I had to choose a destination point it would probably be Sicilia. This is one of my favorite places in the world. It is so colorful and the nature there is breath-taking. I love the flowers and the sea. I really enjoy spending time at the beach and swim a lot. If I could be there with my husband and kids it would be wonderful. It is highly important, that the temperature there is a lot higher, than it is in tle place I am right now and to be honest I want the winter to be over. Sicilia is a beautiful island at the bottom of Italy ""shoe"" so it is surrounded by the sea. People there are very specific and it still has climate like in old italy movies.",6,7,7,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_338zgYIOd95zh9D,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,el-GR,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,10.0,0.0,9.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2688,794.1160000000001,988.418,6048,5280,301,151,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I honestly don't really a specific place in my mind. I would be happy if i lived in a suberband area of a larger city like Athens. I think it's the best compromise between living in nature and in a city center. Usually the neighborhoods are more peacefull and in a better shape compared to the larger cities.And If i want something that is hard to get, i can just drive with my car or use public transport to go to the city and get it, since there re way more options there. Other then that, i don't have any other reasons. I like rural areas too, but unfortunely the don't really have many options when it comes to employment, options for entertanedment are usually very limited (e.x bars, clubs or cinemas), and sometimes the people living there, are very closed minded and you can't have very productive conversations with them.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2dSAddoFT7iv9je,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",en-US,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,15.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1242,434.8588000000119,382.2422999999822,6127,3252,301,163,2,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I had that choice, I'd really want to be in my village. I used to spend the weekends there, with my grandfather and grandmother. As a child with close to zero responsiblities, it was a place of peace. Clean air, a playground we used to play with other children. Forest like sceneries I used to walk or ride my bike. On summers there were also a lot of other children, along with my cousins. We used to spend all the day together playing games and stuff. No we grew older. We no longer visit my village, except a few days in a year. I really miss these memories I sometimes dream about them. I also miss my grandfather who died some time ago. It was so sudden we couldn't spend some last times together, remember the good old days. This place reminds me of my childhood and it is the most peaceful place I can imagine I want to live in now.",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_240ojXQdA1HKvlX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,16.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1338,305.88259999999406,788.0423999999913,5463,8157,301,350,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","A very very long time ago, existed a reign named Pasato. It was the most beautiful in the world. Its economy was based on turism; millions of people gathered there only to see it for one day. It's right there that his story begins, the most forgettable man in the world in the most unforgettable reign. He booked there a night, knowing that it would be the best night of his whole life; while exploring the streets of Pasato, the man encountered an old lady, hidden behind a wall in covering clothes. The old lady called him, asking for him to come closer; he did as asked, a little scared, but as soon as their eyes met, the fear in his body disappeared. He knew this old lady, but couldn't quite understand how, it was his first time in Pasato. The old lady asked to the man something to eat; without thinking twice the man handed her a piece of bread he had in the bag. The old lady was happy to see food, but was happier to finally see a man as good as him. Their eyes met again, and suddenly a spark of light covered both of them. Her clothes completely disappeared reveiling her beauty. She was the most beautiful lady he has ever seen in his entire life. The lady told him he would bestow upon him a blessing, he would not be a forgettable man anymore, he will be the one who will never be forgot. The brilliance around the lady became even brighter, and a flash of light stunned the man. He awoke in a bed, a really big one; the room was big too, with furniture he would not be able to buy with his own money. He jumped out of the bed to look closer, and was shocked to look at his reflect in the mirror. He was beautiful, a man with blonde hair and beard, tall with a gold crown on his head. He knew, suddenly, he was now the king of Pasato, the most Unforgettable man for the most Unforgettable reign.",11,8,6,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3DekZ0jvz3yx3rF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,2.0,7.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2020.0,High School,1553,590.7465,624.3534000000358,5683,3614,302,187,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising."," It was the summer of 1997 and Jenny, a high school senior, had just returned from a week-long camping trip with her friends. She had a great time hiking through the woods, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, and swimming in the nearby lake. But one moment stood out among the rest. On their last night in the wilderness, Jenny and her group were stargazing when they saw a shooting star streak across the sky. In that instant, Jenny made a wish she knew she’d never forget: to find true love. Years passed, and Jenny went off to college and then began her career as a journalist. She dated here and there, but nothing ever seemed to stick. Until one day, she met Tom at a conference. They hit it off right away and started dating soon after. A year into their relationship, Tom surprised Jenny with a romantic proposal on a beach at sunset. Of course, she said yes. The engagement was everything she had dreamed of, and she knew without a doubt that she had foun the love she had wished for all those years ago.",9,9,10,10,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_2VImsi89f6UrA0V,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,24,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,16.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2160,587.472,766.788,5902,4514,301,180,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It is a story from my college days. I have studied computer science at the average university. I was young and ambitous. Some of my teachers and many of my collegues have noticed my skills and stubbornes while doing tasks and I have often helped them with programming related stuff. Some day one of my teachers on algorithm class asked me if I can help him with some algorithm in his paper. It was his doctorate work and it was really complicated but exciting at the same time. He knew that I was interested and proposed me a deal - instead of working on the class tasks I could help him with the algorithm and this will make me pass the class. I agreed and worked hard on this. I have made a lot of progress in the half of year. When the semester came to an end, my teacher said that I have not done anything on the lessons and I got 2 at the end. I could't do anything with it becouse it was informal deal between us.",6,7,5,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3frg2H8dwZMDBD9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Finland,Finnish,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3771,801.077,1681.0906999999954,5888,7441,302,297,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable. Once upon a time there was a boy living in a jungle. The boy's life was pretty boring and he didn't know much about life outside the jungle. The boy spent his day running around, gathering food and hunting. He liked to climb in a odd-shaped tall tree in the late evening and gaze at the stars. Some days he saw some explorers in the jungle but he was scared of them and didn't go close and also would not understand their language. The boy was so curious though, trying to follow them from a distance without being seen. After hours of following the explorers got on some huge balloon shaped thing with a basket hanging from hit where the explorers climbed and the whole thing flew away. The boy hadn't ever seen this thing before, even though it was enormous. A week later they came back. The boy knew the area where the thing landed. And had been waiting nearby to try to get to see it very close. He saw how it was set down and waited that the explorers go away first. Then he approached and was brave enough to climb on. There were all kinds of stuff on the hot air balloon, which was the name of the thing. There were many tools left there and a flame creating object which he could turn on. He figured out everything within seconds and without much thinking he cut the ropes and lifted off. He flew away and after hours of flying he landed miles away from his home on a mountain he couldn't reach on foot. He had an unforgettable day surely but he then he really had to worry about the explorers finding out he was the one who stole the balloon.",11,8,9,9,C2.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_31oNnAxMoGJOUvA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41",en-US,25,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Albanian,15.0,0.0,3.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,5194,590.7188000030518,1195.8228000030515,5418,5077,297,184,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The last 30th of March will always be the best day ever for me. It was a beautiful day, and I was with my girlfriend. We went on the beach in Naples and spent a wonderful day there. When dinner time arrived we went to this amazing restaurant, a very elegant and romantic place. The night went on and we were talking and laughing when all of a sudden she kneeled and said: ""you are the best person that I've ever met, I love spending time with you, but most of all I love that we like the same things!"" I was speechless, and shocked...was she going to propose to me?! She then grabbed a box from her purse and said: ""I could never imagine doing this with anybody you want to go to the Comicon with me?"" and opened the box with two tickets inside. I swear I almost peed myself from laughing. Obviously I said yes, and later on we went to the Comicon together in our costumes, but for sure that night in Naples will always be unforgettable for me.",8,10,7,10,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_5AbgvZ8R6DEfnoJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,2.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1298,373.92040000000594,717.647099999994,5825,6690,302,284,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","A long time ago there was a kid just enjoying his life with his friends at school. It was a normal day to everyone of them, just living life and being children. Suddenly, when no one was expecting, a thunder hit one of the kid's friends. His name was Felicio. The group of children didn't know what to do, since he was completely paralised and burnt. Then, out of nowhere, a helicopter could be heard but not seen. It was all surreal for the kids and they all just stood quiet and confused at the same place. The main kid started screaming for help but no teachers were coming. The school was deserted. The kid kept screaming until his lungs couldn't hold any more air. The helicopter noises became louder each time the kid screamed. When the noise started to be unbearable everyone but Felicio got to the ground while covering their ears. The noise stops. Everything is quiet. Then a pod, that was carrying a nurse and a doctor arrived to help Felicio and his friends. They asked what was that place and why wasn't anybody there besides them. No one could answer. The helicopter noise comes back again but now they could see it and they could see the pilot as well. As soon as the nurse and the doctor hear the helicopter, they pick up Felicio and start running away. As the helicopter is coming closer you can hear him shouting repeatidly ""WAKE UP!"". The kid wakes up. It was all a non sense dream which leaves the kid happy and calm. He goes back to sleep again but then there is the helicopter noise again. Was it all a dream? ",10,7,7,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1Eafd3Pkk1i6w98,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,25,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,17.0,0.0,6.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1802,562.1160999999998,987.6551,5441,9060,304,394,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Recalling the year 2017, I truthfully had the best vacations of my life during the summer. I was still a student in my second year of my bachelor's degree with little to no interest in my exams or even my degree. I was really confident about myself though and had many friends and hobbies that I would always pursue to spend some time for. Moreover, I had a well paying job for the time being, since I was still living with my parents and all my income would nurture my needs and deep cravings. It was my first job and I was really enthusiastic about that due to the fact that I had the discipline in a young age to work for what I want. Thus, I decided that since I was not willing to finish my degree on time, I should find a white-collar job in order to fullfill my juvenile desires. What I achieved made me feel even more comfortable. I had savings that I could spend however I want. That is, I organised my first vacations in a Greek island with my friends without stressing out about having money or not. In my vivid imagination I can still recall being in Naxos island, drinking cocktails, going to the beach, strolling through the narrow white-painted streets of the island during the night, eating delicious food in various restaurants and meeting new people from all around Europe who were also there for their vacations. We were drunk every night, but not in a dangerous way of drinking. We were drinking to a point where we would start acting funny but not be ridiculous. We had great laughs during those days. Nowadays, I will always bring up those days when we chit-chat with my friends and we all reach a ""consensus"" that those were indeed the days that one should live for. Sometimes I get a nostalgic feeling and get irritated that I did not get the chance during the past years to relive such experiences. Nevertheless, the most surprising fact about this trip is that when we returned to our hometown, we had a major conflict between us and did not talk for a couple of months with each other. I never understood why, but we got back together again out of nowhere. Thanks to those people, I made the most precious memories.",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2YLJeSS2IWCTYSh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,5.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3045,304.539,2143.661799999952,5931,10323,302,275,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","As uninspired as this is, I'll be writing a simple ... ""essay"", if you will. Writing stories is not my forte and neither are my creative abilities. I've been sitting down in front of the computer for like a half hour, trying to think of a simple plot. Somehow, every thought of mine would drift the to the theme of memory loss and retrieval. I'm a fan of fiction and good dramas. A few days ago I saw ""Remember"", a movie starring Christopher Plumbert, portraying an elderly Alzheimer pacient who had been led by a friend to find the soldier who tortured and killed their family on the Auschwitz prison camps a long time ago, and finally get even. Going through all the mishaps of being a forgetful old man, he ends up finding the torturer, who immediately recognized him. The old soldier's reaction was priceless: He smiled and hugged the protagonist. ""What is this about?"", he thought. Well, actually there were two villains (soldiers), and Christopher's character was in fact one of them, as he came to discovered during the grand plot twist. He finally remembered who he was and the pain and death he had caused. Enough spoilers, I am not telling the rest. It's amazing how powerful our mind can be when affected by disease. To me, forgetting my essence is a truly dreadful thought. I hope I won't forget it, even on my death bed. I wouldn't put past me having a life ending epiphany like the man who cried ""Rosebud"" as his last breath. I might even remember something very personal and endearing from my childhood. That would be something...",11,11,10,10,C2.i,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_1mOuwM5lA9h20gB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu,45,Right-handed,2,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,3.0,0.0,1.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3221,1191.2024000000956,1504.1282999999523,5868,3442,297,156,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Eva couldn't believe she was finally on her dream vacation in Hungary. She soaked up the sun on the Balaton beach and went on exiting adventures. One evening, she decided to take a sunset cruise along the coast. As the boat sailed, Eva felt grateful for the experince. Suddenley the boat hit a rock and started to sink. Panic set in as Eva and the other passengers struggled to stay afloat in the choppy water. Just when Eva thought it was all over, a group of local fishermans apperared out of nowhere and rescued everyone on board. They took Eva back on the beach, where se collapsed in tears of relief and gratitude. For the rest of her trip, Eva couldn't stop thinking about the unforgottable experience. She made sure to thank the fishermans again before she left, promising to never forget their kindness. And she treasured the memory of her incredible adventure on Lake Balaton.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_4U8aXOrSSWemz29,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,7.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3613,498.50410000000153,2550.602200000003,5452,14462,302,618,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","When I was young kind, I had very vivid imagination. I always day dreamed about some exciting things, and always managed to find something interesting to do. I had much older cousin that was living in US and would sometimes get back to Poland (mainly during the summer). One of the times he returned he brounght back a roleplaying book. Dungeons and Dragons manual. And over that summer we played many adventures with other kids from our family. He was oldest and only one who could fully understand rules that were in english so he became our game master, creating and narrating stories for us. And we, younger kids played adventurers in fantasy world, fighting undead, dark knights, evil wizards and other monsters, avoiding deadly traps and solving mythical mysteries. It was magical time for a kind with vivid imagination like me. It was also event that started my fascination with fantasy worlds, knights, mages, dragons and heroes. Few years later that fascination turned me into fantasy book devouer, I would read book after book, sometimes finishing book in one sitting during the night. One series in particular was my favorite. Forgotten Realms, was series of books by various authors that all took place in same world and would sometimes share heroes, and villans across the books. This world and history consistency, and fascinating characters like Elminster, Drizzt, Cadderly etc was what young teen boy like me loved most about those books, and always imagind myself how it would feel to be part of that world. Then, few years later, again. My pasion with books now subsided, and computers and computer games were what was on my mind. But one day I read in gaming magazine that new crpg game was coming out. It was game that would take place in world of Forgotten Realms. It instantly piqued my interest, so over few weeks (still was teen at that time) I menaged to save enough money to buy that game on it's release date in Poland. This was one of first if not first original games I bought with my ""own"" money (as piracy was still rampart in Poland at that time). I was instantly fully imersed in the game. I could create my own character, there were familiar classes, and terminology as game was based on advanced dungeons and dragons, system that I was familiar with from times I played paper and pen rpg with my cousin. The game was beautiful, it had painted, very detailed (for that time) backgrounds, amazing envriomental sounds and your character even showed visibli equipment he had equipped. But all those things, it was nothing to what came later. I / My character was traveling to safety after beeing ambushed, and on the foresty road, at dawn I meet lone man wearing strange clothes and pointy hat. He greeted me and started asking probing questions, and I, aspiring adventurer had witty oneliner answer for him. But my jaw was on the floor. It was on the floor because even before that ingame character told me who he was, I already knew, I just knew him, this was Elminster, character that I read countless books about, powerful wizard, guardian of balance that was often working behind the curtains to fight evil. And he was interested in my character, and I managed to snap witty answer to his inquiry. This memory is unforgettable to me. One of my most cherished momories, all of my hours spent imagining various aspects of this world that was only presented to me in the text, all of my knowlege and memories reading books. All realized in this magical game exactly as I imagined those things, or even better.",12,9,8,9,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_3mfIXC2cZCit8zL,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,pl,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,6.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1306,348.14,568.178,5979,7001,301,335,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was a day as normal as ever. I have woken up at 7 am because I had my weekly grocery shopping to do. Going to toilet, washing hands and face, going back to my room to wear some random clothes on. Afterwards waiting for mother to get ready, getting into car and driving to nearest city. As always, we first went to bakery to buy weekly supply of bread we would later freeze, to save on the petrol costs. Next one was butcher's, then another bakery. She wanted to hit a supermarket so we went in and out without buying anything significant. The last stop was medical shop where she spends, like, 20 minutes every time, buying meds for grandparents and herself and that takes a lot of time. In the meantime I went to visit my favourite flower shop. The lady working there is always smiling nicely when she sees me. We like to talk a lot about freshly delivered potted plants and fragnance of the cut ones. Last time I've overheard her talking on phone, saying she doesn't need any gift for her birthday next week. I felt bad for her, so that day I've decided to buy a plant that I thought would be most suitable for her. After looking for 4 minutes for the best one I've chosen a calathea, in my mind kind of resembling her. I came in to pay for it and afterwards said 'happy birthday' to her. What a shock could be seen on her face! She said she would give me something too, went behind staff's door and came back a minute later with a piece of paper, saying to open it at home. So i left the shop. At home I've looked at that paper. Actually, it was folded. There were both a discount coupon for a pair for amusement park and a phone number with ""?"" mark at the end. What else could've it been than her asking me to ask her out? ",12,7,5,9,C2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_26aoqGeZSI8MlMP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,4.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2050,574.8635000000037,978.1232000000032,5896,6599,302,236,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","When I was a little girl, my parents have a few friends which one was Anna. Anna was mother of 2 children - Kamil and Olaf. My parents and they parents loved to go on holidays together. We have so much fun. Kamil was in my age so with him I have the most fun. I think in that time that Olaf was strange because of his weird behaviour. The story begin when we want go to to mountains. I loved and now I love walking past the mountains. My parents also because ever year we go to another place. Parents of Kamil and Olaf also liked, not loved so much but still liked the mountains. But the boys hate them so much. They was scared of forest animals or something in the trees and all the nature. Finally we went to the mountains (HURRA!) to the 9-days trip on 2 cars. They drive first, we were the second. Suddenly on the road appear bear. Family of Anna and the boys have a crash. We stopped and not be able what to say. After the crash, we saw Olaf who hate animals hugging a bear. You believe this? This was a little bear you know, but the thing - Olaf were Olaf - still strange and weird boy. After that we must to stopped our trip because unfortunatelly Anna was in a bad health after that. ",7,5,6,5,B2.i,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i R_5cHGm9DELNdkuSB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36",cs-CZ,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Czech Republic,Czech,10.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2562,257.8387000000477,946.0382000000476,5300,7329,302,320,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","As a teenager in Czechia, drinking beer was one of my favorite pastimes. It was tolerated, sometimes even encouraged, by people close to me, as it was seen as safer than drinking secretly, possibly much worse than things than beer and with less desirable people. We would usually arrive at a pub before 8 pm and leave at 10:30 pm, which was the closing time, in a mood that could be described as elevated and playful. Sometimes the playfulness grew into something more - a creative pressure swelled inside and loudly asked for release. Those were the days when we would wrap the gate to our high school with packing paper, place a bust of Lenin on the stairs leading to the main entrance or sang loudly riding the bus home. Or do things that, due to statute of limitations, probably could be written on paper by now, but, to not tarnish my good name, I would still prefer not to. Of course the ones that I will always remember and cherish are the ones that were sort of inbetween - not exactly legal, but not really bad either. Like finding an old toilet bowl next to a trash bin and carefully placing it in the middle of the street, seen from afar. This gave me an idea - I wanted to do more. My grandfather was a retired construction worker and a hoarder. One of the things that have been in his garden for at least two decades was another very practical porcelain item. Surely borrowing it indefinitely would be fine, he wouldn't even notice. And he truly did not. We had fun and didn't cause anything bad! Only, the next day my friend and classmate came to school an hour later. The reason? He started laughing when he saw a bidet placed in the middle of a busy roundabout and crashed into the car in front of him. ",11,9,10,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3QEnlhghGkNoz8F,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,31,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2737,709.0553999999994,1501.1933,5710,4705,302,206,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","A few years ago I went to the Baltic sea for a little swimming. I do love to swim. I feel free in the sea. I've rented a boat and a full diving equipment. I sailed to the middle of the sea. I jumped from the boat. The water was cold. I love it. I was diving. My goal was to get to the sea bottom. The water was bright. Then it was darker and darker, as I was deeper and deeper. The water was colder and colder. Did I mention I love it? Suddenly, the water gets bright again. It was also warmer. I did not like it. I could see clearly the bottom of the sea. And there was a lizard. A big, fat, red-skinned lizard with wings. Some folks would say it was a dragon. I was amazed. I was shocked. I went straight to his head, to touch my very first dragon. Then its mouth opened and I unvoluntary went in the inside of the dragon. And, long story short, now I live in the red dragon's belly. It's much too warm for me, but I have a lots of fresh fish (it's good for brain!) and lots of time for thinking.",9,6,5,10,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_1obwQiqUrbczcNB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",pl-PL,28,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,5.0,0.0,8.0,Norwegian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2010.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3807,532.1073000000007,1114.1405999999974,5474,6410,302,315,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable: When I was still a student of trumpet at an Acedemy of Music I had to perform for an exam 2 times a semester. I was a diligent student and I would rutinely spend 3-5 hours every single day practising my trumpet skills. Unfortunately for me, the way I was taught was not the most efficient and in the process I picked up many wrong playing habits that plague me to this day. Even though I practiced so much I was not getting better as fast as I would like and my playing was inconsistent. One day I was playing like a trumpet god only to struggle to produce a decent tone the next day. When I hit a particularly bad spell of playing days, with my exam closing in in just about a month, I felt lost and defeated. In the last ditch attempt to wrestle myself free of my despair I went back to the basics and practiced just the fundamentals over and over and over again, untill I was so mentally exhausted that I could not tell you what my name was. My playing got better, but with the exam right around the corner I still was not satisfied. When the day of the exam came I felt a mix of excitement and fear as my playing was still not consistent enough. When the time came for me to perform I gathered all my thoughts and after a brief moment I started playing. I don't know how or what really was a reason for it, but I played like a beast. The tone: impeccable, intonation: on point, tempo: kept perfectly. I was in some kind of a zen state of mind. My professor said that he didn't hear me play like that ever. That one exam gave me the confidence that I can become a successful trumpet player. It was unfrogettable.",10,10,8,10,C1.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2vkUuPU8XaYmlpV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,7.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1151,427.5366000000001,418.4103999999999,5936,3934,301,199,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","There once was a fox who would visit a near-by house, the fox always stole a bit of food with every visit, but the old lady who lived there didn't mind. Each sunday, the lady would bake a cake and place it outside of the window, waiting for the fox to grab a piece and run away. One day, the fox decided to take more than the usual chunk of cake to bring it to its family, so the cake was left half-taken. When the old lady saw it, she felt betraied, but she kept baking cakes every sunday. Each passing sunday, the fox would start taking more and more of the cake, thinking that the old lady wouldn't be able to eat that much anyway, so it kept taking more and more cake for its family and friends. After some weeks, the fox barely left a small piece on the plate, but while running away with all the cake it turned around, and what it saw broke it: the old lady was bringing the plate to her husband, both of them sit at the table, dividing an already tiny piece of cake in two, eating barely any crumbles.",8,7,9,9,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3p53mEOfCte5hiw,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Russian,10.0,26.0,15.0,Greek,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1494,451.771,469.537400000006,5943,5365,300,210,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable. This is what i would describe a night that i found myself in. This all began when i received that message int he morning. I was just starting to wake up and hear the birds singing in the distance. Barely opening my eyes when my friend invited me to go out for a drink tonight. Harmless i though. Oh how couldn't I be more wrong. Starded the night by going around and meeting couple of friends. The supermarkets work 247 so why not save some money and buy a couple of beers from there and sit by the cold pier, wearing our thick jackets, reminising about the times we were younger. The stars were all reflecting against the water, and there was a chilly breeze when all of a sudden, the person we were remnisng about, that we though was gone from our lives, that suddenly disappeared one day, was standing there, right infront of us. This is when a reunion happened, at the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected day, in the most unexpected city, far from all of ours previous lives. We have now build and lived completely different lives, but we could still connect and be with each other after all that time has passed.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1DBGMkSRAV3oYv2,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,55,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,5.0,0.0,3.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2326,995.5955,806.755599999994,5668,4141,301,199,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable When i was i college student, i decided to take some summer art classes in Italy. Lucky for me, my best friend decided to join me. So a month later we were on a plane, on our way to Perugia, a beautiful medieval city with great architecture and history. While we were there, we thought it would be fun to visit other cities, like Firenze, Rome, Verona and Venice. On the third week of our stay then, we took the train to Firenze. After a long day of sightseeing, we went to the station to go back in Perugia. But the italian train system, it is a little all over the place, so we ended up in a different train, and even though the checked our tickets, they didn't noticed that we had a ticket to Perugia, in a train headed to Milan! So long story short, after a few hours we ended up North, with no hope to return to our city that night. Maybe it was just a sign that we should have visited this gorgeous city, before our return to our country. It was a trip that i will always remember and laugh about it...",10,7,7,10,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_vHyfz6tEuy4p8vD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,63,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Dutch,5.0,36.0,12.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2793,618.8678999999985,1653.6057000000012,5136,4777,282,224,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","This is a small story about about an unforgettable moment or expereince in my life. Everyone will have one, but most likely more of these moments in this life. It takes me back almost 30 years ago while being on holiday in Kenya. While we, my wife and I, were staying in Kenya for a beach holiday we decided to book an excursion to the Masai Mara and do an balloon safari. As far as I remember it was and expensive thing to do, but also a almost one in a lifetime oppertunity. With a small airplane we flew to the Masai Mara, landed on a small airstrip where the zebra's where grazing. We slept in a comfortable tent, and early in the morning we where woken up by some of the staff with tea and biscuits, saying that we are going ballooning. In the dark we where taken to a place where the balloon was filled with hot air, and we took of when the sun became to rise at the horizon. What followed was an amazing journey in the sky. Noe doesn't hear any sound, except when the air in the balloon is being heated-up. At the end of the trip we had a bush breakfast, and the eggs where fried on the burners of the hot balloon. What an amazing experience. ",8,6,7,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2SCVziTDaL6geWV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Chinese,20.0,18.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",5537,501.4193999999762,530.5723000000119,6104,3734,322,157,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The most unforgettable experience I have was an exchange programme I had in America, I spent 6 months there and made a lot of friends, travelled to different places and had a lot of fun. I can still recall we visited national park and went skiing during spring break, and went to Las Vegas over a weekend. It was my first time studying abroad and it was definitely an eye-opening experience for me, and learning other students' cultures and languages was very interesting. My friends came from different countries and continents, but we repsected each other and got to learn their cultures. And thus far, I have to say this is the best period of time I have ever had in my life. I am still in contact with some of the friends I have made there, and we would visit each other from time to time. This is a life-changing experience and unforgettable memory for me.",9,7,6,10,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2tKKj2DhnV6PfTw,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1389,683.2368999996186,379.2565,5734,3903,303,185,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","When I was young, my father teached me how to use a computer. However, he only teached me the basis. Turn on, turn off, connect to wifi and to use the paint. I was fascinated, I learned to use the computer that only grown ups were able to use. When in school, my teacher asked for an amazing presentation. My friends wanted to use the paper and scissors, do an amazing poster and present like that. But I wanted to be a grown up and use the powerpoint. So I went home and asked my father to teach me to use the office. However, I was to little for that. So I decided to learn alone. I tried to understand the functions, the animatons and the formatation of the slides. And after two days, I finished my presentation. I went to school and presented to my teacher. I felt like the king of the world, I had done it, I was a grown up. I was amazing. However, when the teacher gave me my grade, the story was another one, but that's for another day.",7,6,6,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3O1WIdXtacNecPT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,37,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Tamil,10.0,35.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2560,832.7950999999048,928.9728999996188,5409,4647,285,216,2,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The story is about a girl who had an average childhood. She was loved by her grandparents and her aunts. Her mom and dad was always very strict with her so she had a liking to her grandparents more than she liker her parents. She finished her schooling and entered her college days. There she met a boy who she fell in love with. The boy was very caring and loving towards her and they were head-over-heels in love with each other. They finished their college and the boy got a job but the girl was not able to find one. It was age for her to get married and her parents were seeking a boy to get her married to. She told her mom about the boy whom she loved and her family was against it. She was so adamant that she'll marry only that boy. Their grandparents stepped in and tried to convince her dad but he was so stubborn. He didn't speak to his daughter for almost a year. And everybody in the girl's house tried to convince her out of the marriage. Atlast the father agreed to get them married and now they're happily married and they have a lovely daughter. The father adores his granddaughter and thinks the world of her.",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_22QtXuWTQh0tNy5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,36,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Slovenia,Macedonian,8.0,0.0,6.0,Slovene,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",881,300.322900000006,295.5467999999821,5511,3495,302,159,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"The choice between the invisibilty and the ability to fly is most certainly a tough one. Both superpowers have their own advantages, as well as downsides. My initial answer however would be that I would choose flying. While being invisible provides access to places and situations in a discrete manner, it does not provide the libery that flying would bring. Flying can make your life easier, enable you to travel distances and overcome obstacles much more easily, and I believe it is not percieved as threatening as the invisibility is. Being invisible is quite dangerous, especially while being on the road. People would lock you and unintentionally hurt you, and if they know that you can become invisible they would feel unconformtable. Flying provides access to views that can be breathtaking and you can make friends with the birds. So out of these two superpowers I would definitely choose flying as the better, more interestring and more attractive option. ",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2XdkGQCavTkc85K,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,French,20.0,36.0,16.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",905,410.050099999994,230.632,6073,3257,301,168,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. This would allow me to go from places to places easily, and also potentially travel around. Furthermore, if I was able to fly for a day, I potentially also would get the same benefits as if I was to be able to be invisible. I would be able to fly so high above people that they would not be able to see me. If I was to be able to fly for a day, I would go around the sky, maybe travel abroad too (hopefully I would be able to fly quite fast as well so I would be able to go places without wasting too much time on ""travelling""). I would also love to see the view from beautiful cities from the sky, take pictures and maybe even take someone special with me on a romantic trip across the sky. I would commute to work flying too and would go run my errands in such way too.",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_11dATX5WAdfluZb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,7.0,1.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,1594,377.2076999999993,792.7035,6247,4580,302,192,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Honestly, I think I'd rather choose to fly for a day. I think it's more worth it, I mean, of course it is nice to be invisible. There are few times in my life where I wish I could disappear, even for just a minute when something embarrassing happens or simply when it's a bad time of my life. But flying must be beautiful, maybe I'm just biased since I'm a fan of butterflies and dragons but I don't know, I think flying is amazing. I love travelling too, so imagine being able to explore whatever place you feel like visiting by your own self, without the help of an airplane. For example, I wish I could go to Denmark, It's my favourite nation for different reasons which I'm not gonna list or else I would go out of topic, but, yeah, these days are difficult times where I can't afford to go there. Even if only for a day, but If I could fly, first thing I would do is go there, I don't care if it would last few hours but at least i could be able to do it.",8,7,6,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_3HNR4rVPdY8WKJg,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,49,Right-handed,6,IDK,IDK,Desktop,Italy,Italian,35.0,5.0,18.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1736,729.7268999999762,576.8232000000478,5526,3324,302,170,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day to go and spy in all places without being seen. I like this idea even if usually I'm not a gossipy person, but I like the idea of being invisible over the idea to fly. Mind you, I also love the idea of flying as I can go where I want and fast and in a safe way but I still like the idea of being invisible. After a day I would definitely want to go back to be visible again. I would really be curious if I became really invisible to the eye of others. this seems to me the typical dream we do during the night, only to wake up a few hours later finding out it was all a dream. Now I'm really curious why you asked me this question and I guess that the reason must be there. Maybe to spark our fantasies. Now I will count to make sure that my text is more than 150 words",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1cYcQ2pfxbRfkGA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2124,591.3203999999763,551.4885,6846,3998,300,161,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day then be invisible for a day, because being able to fly was on of my dreams ever since I was a little kid. The idea to fly through the sky like a bird, seeing the small world underneath, seemed like the best think anyone could ever wish for. Just thinking about it I am starting to get goosebumps. If I could fly for a day, I would go to New York and fly through Manhattan skyscrapers. Although being invisible would have its own benefits, they seem like nothing when compared to being able to fly. People can learn to run fast, to swim fast, to crawl fast, but they will never be able to truly flike like birds. Frankly I would say that this is one of the things I would use as my wish If I ever met a Genie. To being able to fly, would mean everything is possible.",8,7,6,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2zx07Nkujpxw9fN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,30,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,25.0,4.0,11.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",958,430.9456999998093,224.5653000001908,5884,3194,301,165,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think I would prefer to be invisible. Flying would be great, but I think it would require a lot of training, to really be able to utilize it to it's fullest potential. Not to mention how dangerous it is if you don't fully control what you are doing. Invisibility however would allow to do so many things (many of the illegal, but hey, superpowers are rarely used according to law). You could walk anywhere, do anything and never face any consequences. You could see all the things that you are not allowed to see due to your nationality, sex, race, religion and so on. Is it moral? Sure, it's not. But the chance would be too rare to just let it go without even trying to experience all the wonders that invisibility grants you. That's why if I were to choose from the two of those, I would go for invisibility, although flying would be just as awesome (even if a bit more dangerous).",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3GDGm0Ck7sFe8gl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,36,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,30.0,3.0,3.0,Tagalog,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2007.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1154,440.451,325.1140000000001,5516,2917,303,153,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would really love to fly someday, it's a kind of a dream that I've always dreamt about since I am a kid. The reason? I would like to feel what the birds felt everytime they spread their wings and fly away - a famous song literally said that! I would love to feel the air in my face and the freedom that only an experience like flying on your own could give you. Honestly it would be great even to be invisible, just to observe other people secrets or people that are now for some reasons distant to me. But I am more attracted by the possibility of flying. I would for sure go up to the sky reaching some high mountain top and then flying down to the sea catching the breeze coming from the sea and its waves! I would love to be Superman just for one day, yes please!",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3hhDGWRH34JZfzM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,26,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,5.0,0.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1430,449.5461000000015,413.4983000000008,5627,4003,284,187,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"That is a very interesting question. It needs a lot of thought I believe so it can be answered. All of us have think that we wanted to have super powers like be invisible or be able to fly for a day. Maybe we wanted to have both of them. We have seen movies like batman and spider man and from our youth those are the characters and our heroes. What we wanted to be, what we dreamt every night. I believe in the question what would you rather be invisible or be able to fly for a day I would choose to be invisible. Even though I always want to see how is like to be a bird, flying like nothing can stop you and everything is down from you. Seeing the world from the sky and going in every place in earth. Nevertheless, being invisible have a lot of benefits. First of all, you can check and go in restricted places where if you weren't invisible you couldn't be in. Last but not least you can hear conversations from different people and spy on them.",7,6,5,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_1KlKx84JbBFKflW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,13.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,2688,1095.958699999988,978.5071000000238,6019,3748,304,159,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. That's because This is one of my childhood dreams, he he! I would feel like a bird and experience that sense of falling. Looking the world from an altitude would be pretty exiting from me. On the other hand, being invisble might be much more useful. I could listen or see things that other people would never show me or I could use it in order to do things for me and nobody will know. But, I don't believe that it would be fair and respect my values. Everyone who wants to tell or do something without being seen by me is free to do so. If I ever had the chance to fly I would have taken the oppotunity to travel in the skies rather than be the perfect detective. Maybe some people believe that flying into a plane is the same, but I don't agree at all.",8,7,5,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_25FvxqJtGtShwzP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Canada,Chinese,5.0,29.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",838,287.07,303.25109999999404,5648,3160,304,158,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,I would choose to be able to fly for a day. To be able to travel across the sky with the wind in my hair would be a such a worthwhile experience. The freedom to travel with out traffic and people in your way is such a liberating feeling. To have a bird's eye view of the city and see things you have never seen before if you were on the ground. Flying is something that has always fascinated humans and to be able to do this without technology is something that can be only thought of in dreams or movies. To be free as a bird and explore the world around you would certainly change your life expereience and perspective. It would also provide you with great stories to tell your friends and family about the sights and sounds you've seen. You can even write a book about it and share it with everyone across the globe. ,9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_20NhKMOIMTj3l9e,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,16.0,1.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",878,273.5462000000477,274.699,5608,3663,302,170,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"This is a question I had already thought about before, because I have asked my friends and girlfriend: ""What superpower would you choose?"" and usually I'm torn between those two. So, at the end I always pick the ""fly"" superpower, and in this case I would choose to be able to fly for a day rather than being invisible for that same day. The reason behind this, is that I love visiting different places, and I hate walking, especially when there's a lot of sun. Being able to fly would help me view some amazing places that I have never visited before, and also enjoy going to nearby places that I usually dread going to because of the travel. Also being invisible to me, seems more like an hability to do some evil or not so nice things, and I'm not looking for that kind of experience. But I don't disagree that being invisible would give me some cool moments, as I said earlier, I have already considered that option.",10,7,7,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2U6ms1j4IMg0cpu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1661,663.1691999999993,512.3225,6140,4202,302,155,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"That's a great question than many people have asked me. To be honest, i'd rather be able to fly for a day just because i'd be able to do much more things than i would if i were able to be invisible for a day. If i were able to fly, i'd go to so many places in the island i live. There's so many different and marvelous places around here that would be very cool to watch from the skies and beyond. I would've also liked to visit my ex-girlfriend, if had the power earlier.. But she's long gone. If i were to answer this question before i would probably chose the other option, just cause i would like to either scare people away or sneak in into places i couldn't before. Steal something, who knows ahah. I'm a different man now, and am able to appreciate life way more than i did before.",6,7,6,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1ie8A9vGgr3Tu86,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1685,271.626,802.3510000000001,5536,6715,273,191,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I had to choose between those two I would rather be invisible for a day. This is because being able to fly seems like a very good option to pick at the start but one day for flying it is just nonsense to be able to fly for a short period of time. If I had the opportunity to be invisibile I would defnitely make some weird stuff that's for sure. First thing that's coming to my mind would be probably stealing some stuff from shops because how would they recognize an invisible person. Also probably like most of the persons I could not resist checking places that normally I could not access being ""myself"" I would listen to some people I know talking about me and others when ""I am not there"". Considering other stuff I would defnitely also prank a lot of people being ghost. I just like to see when people are scaried. All in all being invisible is a better option but ONLY if I would have to choose ""superpower"" for a day otherwise defnitely flying as it's the humans dream to move around the world.",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_2qeKi2PKVjIKbig,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1983,562.1906999999993,835.4689999999997,5709,4150,299,155,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Being presented with given options I would honestly more likely chose the option to fly for a day, beacuse I find this option more appealing at the current time in my life. While being invisible sounds like an honestly more valued power to act, it brings only bad or mischiefious acts or thoughts to my head, ones I would not name. Flying on the other hand could almost definitelly provide me with an once in a lifetime adventure that I could never possibly achieve in other means, Flying all around and over the world, visiting lands far away from my birth-place and current location where I could relax and tour around the world and observe the places from among the clouds while being high in the sky is so soothing and cozy idea that I would want to do as a relieve from all the stres and anxiety im faced in the work and college.",7,7,6,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_6xQWjZ7mjbLDUeB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,29,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,3.0,4.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2126,1332.4212000000475,411.3644000000954,5452,3068,284,156,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would really go for a fly for a day, can you imagine all the things you can do if you can fly to everywhere. I would cerntanly go to Canada or mount everest o the alpes. Flying around the world is something I have been dreaming about this last 6 years. That´s because I did some trips in Europe a few years ago and to be honest it was not enough, there is always places to visit a meet people is always a good way to get all the information about this places. With the ability of flying I would be back in Europe, of course if I could fly in a high speed only in this way I could reach this places and have enough time to visit them and get back home. But who knows all the things you can see in one day just jumping from the ground and start to fly.",7,6,6,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_2fC04QwSgEvAole,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,28,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1300,449.7375,437.191600000024,5398,3713,302,165,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"The question above is complex and might be approached from a lot of different perspectives. For example, very important factor would be to know how fast I would be able to fly, if I would choose this ability. On the other hand, if I would chose to be invisible, I don't know if that would influence me in any other way, such as I would not be able to speak to people. But, considering everything, I think I would rather be able to fly for a day. If I could fly at least as fast as birds, I could see a big portion of the world. Of course, I don't know how good would I be at flying, so I would probably be very catious not to hurt myself in any way while flying. I also don't know how would that influence my family, if they would see me flying they could get scared and they would not want to speak to me ever again. ",8,7,6,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2EGnzIYleAEGxnz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,5.0,4.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1376,621.6436000000239,322.68290000003583,5765,3457,302,158,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"This is a very hard question but me and my friends are always playing ""would you rather"" with each other, so I have this one already answered in my head. I would love to be invisible for a day. And that's because I would be able to go anywhere I want and be anywhere I want without people aknowledging my presence. Like I could for example, enter a store and take anything for free without anyone knowing, I could enter a plaine/train/boat and go travel and meet new places without spending any money. Also just being able to be in a place, enjoying the moment, feeling the vibe, without thinking someone is watching me or judging me. That would be very cool. Flying is overrated and I'm a little afraid of heights so I think I wouldn't enjoy myself that much, also not a fan of birds and to fly means to hang out with birds, I guess.",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_6XB1P0RcL6w896F,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1501,426.359,524.719,6086,3502,300,157,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly. I always wanted to see a world from a better perspective, just like a birds. Flying fells like freedom to me. Being invisible would be rather sad for me. In that situation I would feel abandoned and ignored. What's more, I would feel like I was invading someone's privasy, like a stalker. Flying would make me feel free. I could visit distant cities, take a break from people and noice. When I was a kid, I wished Peter Pan would give me some magic fairy pollen. It allows you to fly and visit Neverland. It would be amazing to make a dream come true. Flying would allow me to distance myself and understand that we are small as people if we look from the perspective of a huge and magnificent world. If I would chose invisibility, I don't know what benefits I would get, what I would do with it. ",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_bJgBqwHToKrhju9,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,27,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Israel,Arabic,23.0,0.0,5.0,Hebrew,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2340,730.7189999999997,1108.577,5720,3436,303,158,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Both answers sound like a fun experience. As an introvert, it's tempting to choose invisibility, though it would be for mundane, social anxiety reasons, and not for attempting a covert heist or anything remotely exciting. But in reality (or, realistically as possible given the already fantastical premise), I think flying wins out as the more useful ability, even if only by a little. I don't imagine it'd be a very low-key ability, but it still provides a helpful method of getting around hard-to-reach places. I remember seeing an online post saying how ""if people could fly, they still would use cars or planes, because flying would probably involve effort."" I do see that point, but I think the novelty of flying for a day would have its uses, and provide motivation by taking away the at-times daunting task of getting from point A to point B. And it seems like a cool party trick? So does invisibility though.",9,10,8,11,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_2sSZFgvPnNPeIv0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Spanish,22.0,36.0,12.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3308,680.1089999999998,568.891,6963,4427,302,179,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would love to be able to fly for a day because one of my current dreams is to travel the world. I would love to travel but it can get very expensive because of plane tickets and other expenses while at the destination. Anyways, the place I would love to fly to first would be one my dream places to see, which is Japan. I love its overall culture, history , pantheon of gods, food, music, anime culture, car culture, I also love how the culture is about respecting others. The nest destination I would fly to would be South Korea. I decided this country to be my next because I love their trendy music of Kpop. I also love their food, like korean BBQ, also love their fashion style. The next country I might possibly fly would be Chine because I saw their was one city that was considered cyberpunk city of the world, which I would love to visit because another passion of mines is technology. I would also love to fly over their huge mountains.",6,7,9,9,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_1qWh7TapYRaBLt0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,3.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1037,531.1145,302.6238999996185,5989,2974,301,156,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would prefer fo be able to fly for a day. Because that way I could travel a little bit and see things from a different angle, from a different view, and that would be way more worth it than be able to be invinsible, can only thing about bad things to do regarding being invisible for a day. While being able to fly would be a life time experience, and I could do so much fun things. I could fly to a new country, feel the wind in my face, the sun in my skin, that would be magical and would stay with me for the rest of my days, while being invisible I could not see how I would enjoy it in the same way, not even close ny any chance. Spread my wings and fly away! And that is why I choose to be able to fly instead on invisibility for a day.",7,6,6,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2DUjTs37KFOLgza,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,it-IT,36,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,30.0,0.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1061,388.149,340.9380000000001,5570,3153,300,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Ha! Nice one. I think everyone dreamed at least once to be able to fly. It is every child nad adult's dream. Being invisible, of course, is intruiging, but I think I would be so scared that I nver really considered it. I grew up watching Superman's cartoons on VHS tapes, I was such a Superman fan! I'd really don't know how being invisible could help me, except the obvuious teenager fantasy, but I think it yould just be a novelty that I would be get bored quite soon. I'm also quire scared about high places, but I think I would still rather want to be able to fly than to be invisible! Definitely be able to fly above the clouds, even just to be able to reach far away places faster and without traffic. That's it, I think. I don't really have that much to say, really! See you, goodbye!",8,6,7,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_33a3kxCuZ7UTiKa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl-NL,24,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,13.0,1.0,5.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1078,366.3753999999762,332.86539999997615,5458,4191,302,225,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I had to choose between being invisible for a day or flying away for a day, I would choose to fly away for a day. I think it would be very appealing for me to be invisible for a day, because I could do whatever I want without anyone seeing what I am doing. But, for me, it is of more value to fly away for a day. If I had the power to fly away for a day, I would fly to many different countries, like Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, etcetera. I have recently been on vacation to Portugal and I liked it there very much. The weather, the girls, the parties, it was a good vacation. I really want to go there again. If I had the ability to fly, I could go there whenever I want. Next to that, I think it is also appealing for me to fly away to a nicer place when I am having a bad day. For example, when someone irritates me, I could easily fly to another place in my own country or in another country, to be away from the person that irritates me. Sadly, the ability to fly as stated in this study is only for one day, so if I would have this ability, I would have it for just one day. ",9,7,8,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_2U4oSdTfZO5dCAN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5 Safari/605.1.15",it-IT,24,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,18.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1766,536.246,773.065,6051,3670,301,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If I have to choose a power, I think that i would be invisible for a day. I have always wanted to fly on my one, but for my entire life. So if I have to choose a power for only a one day, I chose to be invisible. I cloud spy people with this is a superpower: I cloud listen their conversation, find out their secrets and also I cloud make them some pranks for fun or for revenge. Moreover I cloud go everywhere I want, for example in museum or water park without pay the ticket or I cloud go in a national secret place, like Nasa base or Area 51. Also I cloud go to the mall and take every dress, shoes, food, phone, make-up product and object, that I want for myself. I think that is a nice superpower, but there are someone more usefull and cool.",3,5,5,8,A2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2uEAzqJ3xuDhzg0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1256,470.398,357.5201999999881,5840,3086,303,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I think I would be more pleased to be invisible for one day. That's maybe sound scary, but then I'll be able to seek in other people, stay right next to them and listen, maybe even some secrets. Also, I could do pranks and pick up something in front of a person and then run away. Also I'll be able to see some of people naked, but I would not be using that, that will be too much. Flying is ok, but that could help me to get from A to B faster, that's it. Invisibility can provide me much more pros. I can go to places when no one see me, maybe some abandoned buildings and etc. Also I can hide to be alone (I like that) and nobody could find me. And I could... spy on someone. I would also rather not do that, but that is an option.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_5mWVkW9k04XKCtz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,1.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1987,700.4866000000238,674.4388000000715,6165,3495,300,157,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day. This choice takes into consideration the for a day part, because if it was forever I would rather fly. So I chose the invisible for a day because during that day you could enter all the prohibited places without getting in trouble, you could listen to conversations that you couldn't listen before due to you being there, you could even mess with your friends without them knowing. So basically you could do somethings you really wanted without getting in trouble/paying and for a day I think that would be better than just fly. Sure I think that flying would be cool, but for a day I think that being invisible would be more impactful for your wants and needs than flying. Flying would be cool for the first hours but then it would just be the same, for a day, being invisible would have a ton more of activities.",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2ZTZFhrqwChavHI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,37,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,30.0,1.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4466,613.4006,522.6168999999999,5533,2911,299,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be able to fly for a day. I can't see the point in being invisible: I don't want to check any place or anybody in a hidden way; I don't want to know what people say or do when I am not around, and I don't want to enter any forbiden place or steal anything. Addind to that, I love to travel but I get in panick in airplanes. I really suffer when the plane takes off and when it lands, even thoug I take calming pills and pills to relax the muscles, but I don't stop travelling because I really need it to be happy. It is easy for me, than, to choose to fly and take that being able to fly day to travel to the furthest place from home, even thoug I would have to take a plane to come back or to other destination.",6,7,6,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_0c66la5Hr1Thlpn,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,26,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,2.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1300,431.468,308.2340000000001,6227,3757,301,166,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would love to be invisible for a day, just imagine, you could go anywhere without being spotted. Like in very private events such as movie premiers, or like with the president or something like that. I could imagine so many situations that being invisible would be such a great option. But on the other side, I can also think about all the pros on being able to fly; I could be such of help to other, for example a mother who needs to get somewhere super fast, I would lift her and fly to where she needs to be, no trafic and no need for public transportation. I would definitely help out in emergencies, such as a car accident or something like that. I would also be able to take my family to some new place extra fast, like Europe or like Africa and just visit there, have a good time. So at the end I think I would like to fly for a day. ",9,7,6,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_27QpZZI6Jcb6wjM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,41,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,1.0,0.0,1.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3842,1308.224399999857,1613.509600000143,5648,4867,301,158,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I prefer be a day invisible, because i could go to many places that generally I can´t entry like meet people interesting for me and know who are they really, discover secrets, listen conversation of peope and know that they think of me, i go to the movie theatre free, concert of my favorite artist free. I thing that be invisible is much better than fly, because i thing that i have more free to interactive in the world. If I will be invisible make jokes to bad people and help to good people. I think that be invisible is like almost be a god, jeje. Nothing stopping me for make evething that i want. An invisible human will be dangerous or wonderful depend of people that have these power. Someone that have these power will have the world in your hands. In my opinion be a invisible is much better than fly, because I could fly too. ",3,5,5,8,A2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_3e9ugTQZhUkiHea,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,3.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1471,495.157,402.33,6472,3593,301,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"If it would get the power forever i would choose to be able to fly, as one of my bigest problems is that i hate to travel be it by car or bus i just hate wasting time mocing from one place to the other. I get anxious. I'm aware that it would stil take time to fly from one place to another but still. However this question sets the time frame of one day. So i would prefer the invisibility power. I would probably prank my friends or try to spook them. Maybe try to listen to people's opinion of me when im not there. Either way i think one day would not be enough time to experience the power fully, so maybe flying would be the better option sinceflying its probably a better experience than being invisible for a day. Nah I think i'll stick with invisibility for now.",5,7,5,9,B1.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3IQeUbXvvjsi4TN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1670,544.7915,458.443,5430,4302,302,204,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"Choosing whether I would prefer to be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day is truly a tough decision to make. On one hand, being invisible seems to me like the most useful ability. With it, I can hide my presence if I find myself in situations of danger. I can also prevent others from fooling me, since, if I suspected that I am being played, I could simply follow them around a bit, invisible, and investigate what are the intentions of the person. Knowledge is power, and this is why I believe this would be the most useful skill. However, on the other hand, being able to experience flight, even if just for a day, sounds like a dream. Children often wish for such marvels, and I was no exception. Even if in adulthood this seems more daunting, it is still something that I imagine being a wonder to experience, a feeling of liberation and independence from the constraint of gravity, land obstacles, and borders. Although, I still believe invisibility would be a better choice, because flying by myself would be dangerous and tough under certain conditions. Being invisible for a day, would be the most useful option.",10,9,9,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2vkUoyybey8V1Yq,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-GB,26,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Polish,18.0,36.0,15.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2984,634.594,890.217,5932,3154,298,150,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I'd rather be invisible for a day and be able to observe people rather than have ability to fly. If I was invisible, I could do whathever I wanted. I thing this ability be cool and unique and I really want this for a day. Flying don't seem be so interesting.I have fear of heights so this superpower wouldn't make much sense to me. If I were invisible, I would visit places I couldn't reach. I would feel free and happy. I wish it would have lasted much longer than a day. Invisibility definietly would be my final choice. I think it would be an experience I would never forget for the rest of my life. I think it's a topic I can write about all the time at the same time, being invisible seems very dangerous such power in the worng hands would certainly do a lot of harm.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3qg8BmFbeKTBiMq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,27,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,20.0,1.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1642,453.9555,826.8845999999941,5604,3422,300,174,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I could not choose at the moment what to be. Of course flying for a day would have its advantages, because I could reach any part of the world in a few minutes and enjoy the view from above. I could sit on a cloud and be happy to meet a plane and greet the passengers! But how lucky to be invisible. To be able to spy on someone and listen to their conversations. Maybe I would be able to understand many things about my work colleagues for example. Who knows what they think about me in my absence. Being invisible has its advantages, but what if someone spoke ill of me behinf my back and then made a good face in person? I don't know how I would react. So I cannot give an answer to this question, but perhaps in my heart I would prefer to fly to visit a person who is no longer with me and that my religion is in Heaven. Would I be able to fly up there? ",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1ghYCcEhsdH2R7o,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0,en-US,51,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Polish,32.0,36.0,2.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1893,660.086,578.9680000000002,5527,3249,302,151,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"There were times in my life when I would love to be that fly on the wall, to see what is going on in some place while I am not there, or to hear what people would say behind my back. At this point however, there is no such place or people I would like to spy on. On the other hand, I feel like my life choices are limited and I am stuck in my paths. So I would really appreciate a possibility to spread my wings and soar to the clouds. Just to feel free and raise above the every day problems and limitations. I would fly away from the city and over the see and the nearby mountains. I would zoom down the valleys and then rest on the high mointain peaks. Hopefully I would see some wildlife in their natural habitat, not hiding away from intruding humans.",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_1qV5VDqvUx6LM6e,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",sl-SI,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Slovenia,Slovene,10.0,2.0,8.0,Croatian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",970,256.319900000006,175.864,5229,2749,302,153,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would rather be invisible for a day, rather than be able to fly for a day. Being invisible is something that is not possible without some special abilities, on the other hand being able to fly is getting more and more possible in many different ways. If I would be able to be invisible I would be able to go to places I am not able otherwise at the moment, and also, if I'm being a bit of bad guy, I would be able to steal some money, since I'm invisible and they can't see me. This would be able to solve my financial problems long-term, even though I'm not struggling at the moment. Also I would be able to visit places that are prohibited otherwise and I would just have fun hanging around. So I would definetly reather be invisible for a day, that being able to fly for a day. ",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_24vCAcfvBHdkT4S,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,es-ES,26,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,18.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1281,490.925,385.492,5601,3346,298,155,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I definetly prefer to be able to fly rather than being invisible. I can't really see the use of invisibility. To spy? To do crime? Is not worth it. But with the ability to fly I could see the landscape from different perspectives and get to places that are far away. And It would also be helpful for spying or other criminal purposes. But I guess that it would be important to take into consideration what day I can have this power and what conditions It has. For example, If the weather is really bad It would be worthless to fly around, having the risk of getting strike by lighting, or having to endure cold and rain. Also, if I can fly but only really slow, I don't think I would enjoy it. Maybe invisibility would have it's perks to. I could get inside theaters or stadiums to see for free what is being played.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3ITegUg6xprN3IP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,19,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,8.0,1.0,1.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1361,456.5931999999955,499.5698999999985,5664,3337,298,153,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"I would like to be invisible for one day. I think this special skill will be very useful and maybe it could be dangeours. If I was invisible for one day I can do whatever I want, i could see whoever I want. If I am invisible for one day, firstly I go to some really expensive hotel or something famous event for free! After that If I am smart, I have free drink for this day and also free food. After that I can see whatever I want. Yes it is everyone biggest obsession to be invisible and see whoever want in naked. It is maybe sounds bad, and that is but if its possible so many people do that. I choose invisible over flying because flying is so overrated you can fly with airplane or helicopter and nothing special without it I think. With invisibility you have so much more opportunity. ",4,6,5,6,A2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_33qKaN6qFbj5w3K,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.115",es,28,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,10.0,1.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2073,908.5578,659.6042999999999,5708,3393,304,146,3,12,Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day? Why?,"i think that being invisible for a day is way more useful. Being invisible you can know secret that could help you earning money, or favors that prvide you wealthy items. Although maybe this answer changes when you´re older. Maybe the knowledge of a corruption cases make you ask for later favours. Maybe flying is useful for saving people, altough is way dangerous, if you land in the wrong way , you could be seriously injured. The invisibily could let you know some corporatives secrets, that will provide you with useful knowledge of your rivals. Saying all that is easy to choose the invisibily, in sucha competitive world it will provide you with an enormous adventage over the competitions. But maybe it will be too dangerous in the worng hands, because in a smart people could led to a perfect crime, and to a total paranoia.",6,6,5,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_3MzE4aB1ECQbAfn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,2.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,High School,1390,417.98970000004766,598.7601000000237,4982,4169,245,157,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The world runs on burning fuel to make things happen. It may be oil it may be wind but its always some type of fuel. So the best invention for this society would be a prepetous movment machine. Its an ideal machine that would run on its own fuel, like a solar panel car that would run only with the power of the sun hitting it at that moment. It would be the perfect thing for everyone and the most for high producing companys. The name of this invention would be ""The ideal machine"" and it would solve almost all the problems that come with this unreal and fast paced consuming society that we live in today, having self suficcient non energy wasting machines its the best solution for the world today. We would have less waste of energy and trashed produced less money invested in optimizing productions a more sustainable life and a more sustainable world. ",6,8,8,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_1E719H67PuyxYph,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0,en-US,23,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1711,546.097,671.5980000000002,5937,3976,301,164,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"If i had to think of an invention that does not exist yet i would probably focus on a machine capable of producing clean energy. This invention would be able to reduce the usage of more polluting solutions that are currently used worldwide which in turn would reduce waste, emissions and other byproducts that would be damaging to our ecosystems. An example would be a machine capable of producing energy from common renewable resources that are not being used today, something like a generator capable of producing energy from the separation of salt and other impurities from water. This would result in a method capable of producing energy without depleting earth's resources, while also creating other beneficial byproducts such as clean water. By reducing the usage of harmful energy generating solutions for earth's ecosystems this invention would increase the quality and lifespan of all life on the planet which is a safe way to say that it would make the world a better place.",9,10,7,11,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1dvmVsIlbm1sBvY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Hungary,Urdu,15.0,19.0,24.0,Arabic,"Beginner (A1, A2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1430,662.3370999999996,294.6045999999996,6091,3829,274,148,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that doesnt exist till now is that could be an automated artificial intelligence ROBOT as we see previously in movies such as IRON MAN, could be an AI like ""Jarvis"" and by implementing such an social-human friendly robot, we can solve alot of problems. This robot with such high human intelligence can be used to assist in surgeries, or manufacturing processes. It can also be implemented in usage of old-people houses or assistance with people who have some sort of medical trouble such as blindness or Alzheimer's. Such kind of robots can make the world a better place by helping humans solve their daily life problems or complex problems in such ways and rapidity that humans cannot do so. I believe that, they should be implemented in human-assistance more than human replacement and they can help improve the quality of life around the world alot better. ",5,8,6,9,B1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2YtZD1uYwD3XfEp,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,22,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1825,442.467,922.719,6246,6777,302,154,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Swimming goggles that are inteligent. Basically these goggles would help swimmers in their activities, that be casual or professional, in pools or oceans. These goggles would help lifeguards locate people that might be in trouble and make it easier to save them. Not just that, but the goggles would also have the ability to identify wildlife by looking at it, basically having a function similar to Google Lens. When it comes to professional swimming, this would help the athlete know about important knowledge, like the heart rate, or how many laps were done around the swimming pool. I think this would make the world a better place by helping people in problematic situations. With tecnology like this, there would be less deaths in oceans and lakes, and even swimming pools. Not just that, but also being able to help professional swimmers to keep track of important knowledge that could be useful for their health.",7,9,8,10,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_21j5ch6p1MjFxjz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,3.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",928,312.36530000001187,311.87159999999403,5493,3504,299,151,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"As far as we move as humanity, science and technology have been evolving the past years. I think a good invention and one I would like to still live to experience that would be immortality. Our lives are short and with the work mentality nowadays, people just 'survive' and don't live their life, they just exist. It's a vicious cycle where you wake up -> go to work -> back home and repeat. With immortality people could experience everything, could visit other countries, even galaxy, discovering other species, because we don't live alone in this infinite galaxy. This invention would solve the problem of time,experiences and it would make a world a better place, because they could explore other planets, galaxies and much more. Of course, every invention have pros and cons. The cons would be the amount of population in our world, so we need to explore other planets, galaxies!",6,8,7,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2PoG9exxZzYzgTd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-GB,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,16.0,1.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1194,281.56759999996416,546.6443000000119,5677,4327,302,161,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A teleportation device is an invention that does not yet exist. This device would allow users to teleport from one location to another. The teleportation would be very energy efficient and therefore be relatively cheap compared to other forms of transportation. This would help reduce travel time for people. Also, due to the low energy requirement, this form of transportation would be sustainable and environment friendly. It would allow for everybody to travel around freely without any issues. The travel time would still depend on how far the teleportation is. A teleportation spanning 100 kilometers would take roughly 2 minutes with the teleportation device. Therefore, the teleportation device is a lot faster than any other traditional travel method. This will open the door for rapid travel and increase the quality of life for humankind. It is also possible to travel in groups. A group of people can enter the device at the same time and travel together to the same destination. ",8,8,8,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_8ApdXrMTVoqhoWZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,27,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,19.0,6.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1599,431.5665999999997,642.1704000000004,5988,4111,302,187,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"My ideal personal invention would some kind of translator to understand what dogs are trying to say when they bark or whine. It wouldn't be exactly like a translator because it doesn't seem like their language is just like ours, but it should be able to give their owners a general idea of what are they feeling. At first it sounds like a crazy dog owner thing to say, but it could be very useful in terms of pet care, in case they get hurt, they could be able to tell what they're feeling, the scope of their injury, if they think we should go the vet... It would also make their training smoother, as we could grasp if they understand what they have to learn in that moment. A more sentimental reason, but it would make the pet-owner bond stronger than it already is. It could also decrease animal abuse, because they could somewhat say who is hurting them. In general, I think it could lead to some great benefits (even thought I don't think it's something I will be able to see in my lifetime).",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3s6zNg0i6E6QrQ0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Arabic,20.0,25.0,24.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1756,832.5520999999941,495.069,5659,4052,302,186,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A teleportation chamber, it would allow a person or object to teleport from one loaction to another in the blink of an eye. It would make commercial flights and cars a thing of the past. Just imagine being able to travel from japan to the United Kingdom faster that you could take a breath. It would make country borders obsolete, all nations would be one nation. And maybe even one day take us to different planets. One could step into one and just like that, be on the Moon, Mars, Pluto, or maybe even further than that, Who knows what's out ther in outer space, just waiting to be discovered and studied. Also it would be a revelation for online shopping and e-commerce businesses, no more one-day delivery (or even two hour delivery). It would just be instant delivery, click a button get your item right there. We could send food to Africa, it wouldn't really matter the amount, unlike shipping now adays with all the expenses that go into it, and the pollution it causes just to ship a phone, computer, or even a banana.",7,8,8,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3EMvnWY9DKPyBNF,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,el-GR,37,Left-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,4.0,1.0,3.0,Bulgarian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2064,625.063,757.9680000000003,5806,5225,300,193,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Hello dear researchers. I wll be honest with you. The first think comes to my mind is an automatic-robot machine that can do any house work! For example the robot could pick the dishes from the table, washing them and put it back to their place, ready to be used again. The same could be with clothes etc. It will solve the problem that every people in almost every house in this planet have this modern days, the lack of time to do all that hard house-work things. I can see it by myself, when i coming back from work, tired, ready to get a nap and suddenly realise that i have to do so many works, like coocking, or wash my clothes and dishes etc, in order to keep home and all our personal staf clean. So an invention like that will definetly make the world a really better place, because it will allow all the people to do live in a more comfortable homes, alowing them to focus at more beneficial things for them. So please! Do your best to make this dream true for me (and everybody else)! Thank you.",7,6,6,7,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_W2SHA0j6R8YFoXv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,30,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,14.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3782,607.4276000000239,1014.1136999999284,5388,3250,277,160,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Im not very creative, but the first thing comes to my mind i a type of rain in home. I mean, this days the sun hit hard in Spain, very hot, so i say we could do a substitute of the artifical cold air usually are in the homes of the cities in form of fresh air, or other things. This new thing would be literally water sighly droping from above into a home. You could choose the temperature of the water, the speed of the drops, etc. Maybe is even cheaper than fresh air. Obiusly would be sighly but enough to be a solution for the damn high grades. This maybe already exist in similar ways, but i mean with a properly system and all. It would be controled with a controller like the tv one. It can have an automatic power off, an atomatic star in the hour you choose, etc all type of options like other devices. ",5,5,5,5,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i R_1LYB6hHeK8yUAh0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",pt-PT,28,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,13.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1406,408.6216000000016,580.4739000000022,5344,3698,301,162,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I was thinking that such a things as actual, functionable, eye prosthetics could be groundbreaking. Imagine an artificial eye, kind of like an android's, which could be connected to the nerves where the normal eye was. It would use some sort of microscopic, high definition lense that could work in tandem with the other eye; or in the case of the person being completely blind in both eyes, through surgery, find a way to implant such technology in the eyes, rewiring them, and allowing the person to see. This kind of invention would solve the problem of blindness, or eye loss, which would undoubtedly help many people. Those people would be able to lead a more 'normal' lifestyle, find other jobs, etc. I think they would be happy enough to be able to look at their loved ones for the first time ever. Those moments can make a grown man cry. It would also be a considerable step techonlogy-wise and medicine wise.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_28As4hSIH5U2oOD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,30,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,South Africa,Afrikaans,25.0,0.0,24.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1706,339.1775,463.2308999999762,5799,3854,302,161,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Being a mother, I've often wondered how amazing it would be to have a device that can translate babies' cries into a language you can understand, similar to the device that Steve wears in ""Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs"". Don't get me wrong, most mothers learn the meanings of their babies' cries during the first few weeks, but with all the exhaustion related to giving birth, and having to adapt to your new situation, it would be so much easier if someone would invent a device that you could just attach to your offspring's head that will do the translating for you. Not only will this save you time by bypassing the trial-and-error method, but it will make you feel more in control of your life and therefore lead to a happier, more confident mother. This could in turn result into you being a better spouse and friend, as mothers often experience turbulent emotions due to mental overload and exhaustion.",9,10,8,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2t3ezoKnFOUXdf4,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,23.0,3.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1752,429.379,872.367,5406,5404,302,171,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that does not exist yet is a ""Dream Recorder"". This gadget would solve the problem of people not remembering most of their dreams when they wake up. When we dream we can escape to a different place, think about different scenarios and experience things that may be impossible in real life. Dreams can also be scary and take us to places we do not want to go, but these dreams could, for example, be instantly deleted from the Dream Recorder. The world would become a better place with a Dream Recorder because people would be able to review their thoughts, escape their lives when going through tough periods and live experiences that they can never be able to experience during their lives. I think there might have been many great ideas and inventions that were not explored because people forgot about their dreams as soon as they woke up. However, I think the ""Dream Recorder"" should have limited usage so that people do not stop living their real lives.",8,9,8,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_3mjJ5KyCVa5DwHV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,26,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,23.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1904,424.53530000000086,400.0205,5554,3559,302,169,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think that the world need an invention which can protect the invornment in a greater way so the planet, the animals and us can live in a better world, without many pollution and animal deaths that they're not necessary. I think the bigger problem on earth is that problem. What is the purpose on living if we don't have a good place to live? If our forests, species, foods and environment in general are dying? I believe and i know that we're already too late to find a good answer that can solve all the problems we have with pollution, but at least we have hope that maybe someday, we can find a good solution that can save us from all the environment destruction. I know the main problem and the main guilties that cause this problem are the factories and the industry who produces a lot of garbagge and waste and its nearly impossible to make them change, but at least we can try to solve it. ",6,7,5,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_1IRftePRd0SE0sw,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,el-GR,40,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,34.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2002.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1009,309.1090000000001,411.859,5650,4288,302,205,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would think of a device that counts live the amount of calories we intake via food and the amount of calories we use in order to perform everything, from sitting to exercising. I think it would be extremely useful, because it would solve the problem of fat gain that most modern, developed countries have. This way we could reduce the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases or cancers that come from obesity which is one of the most leading causes of death in the world. Also, this way we would be able to cut costs from public healthcare systems, because the need to hospitalize people that have health problems from obesity would be much less and we could afford more and better services to other patients. Also, live data would make people to understand better that exercising is a good way to lose weight and they would make a better effort to maximize their weight loss, it would be like taking bets with theirselves that they could do better. I wish there was a device like this, it would surely make the world better, it could also have effects in the department of climate change (due to lower usage of meat and processed foods).",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3PMIrVC9VSoTe69,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,16.0,0.0,8.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1507,629.1253999999761,513.9375,5802,3927,301,155,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"As far as I know, an invention that does not exist yet, is something that could make polluted air into clean air. Our world is dominated by fast trends in consumption, which means that there is always a need to produce, not taking into account that it is not good for the environment. No only factories and production plants create waste of all kinds, but they also pollute the air, which leads to a poor air quality. All the people who work in these plants probably don't live far from there, meaning the not only work in awful conditions, but also have to live in a polluted environment. Making the air cleaner for these people might make their life a little bit more tolerable, given that they're probably also overworking and being underpaid. The one thing they have the right to have, is a clean environment in which to live and clean air to breathe.",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1DGrmphVU2tJkRr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",tr-TR,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Germany,Turkish,20.0,9.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1001,344.24040000000593,310.80360000000894,5718,3900,302,150,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"For this question I would like to think about a hologram machine. We are living in a globalized world and the distances are rising. Individuals constantly moving abroad for either working or studying... Or both. It is not always easy to just find a timeslot and sufficient money for the trip and visit the loved ones. Even though we have smartphones and virtual meeting tools, they do not give the same feeling as being with the family and friends and being able to hug and/or touch them. These distances cause psychological distress and possible psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. I believe that a machine allowing to be in a place (almost) physically would help a lot to decrease psychological discomfort caused by the distance. This way, the individuals could be in places that they would like to be and it could be a time and money saver solution.",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3lMJWe8qAsZaUoo,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,33,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,23.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1724,555.203,732.235,6086,5303,300,230,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would really like to have a smart robot that can water my plants. I needs to be rather sophisticated, because my plants, and the plants of other people certainly too, are often in difficult to reach places. So the robot would probably be needed to fly like a drone, otherwise it would be unable to reach all plants. As flying object I would not be able to carry a huge amount ofter water, so it would probably be best to have a refill station where it can automatically get fresh water when the tank is empty. The robot should have some kind of sensor to check the humidity of the soil of each plant. I should automatically tell if a plants needs water. Maybe it can even check on the plant´s general health using an optical sensor. So it would be able to tell, if a plants needs more nutrients, which could then be added to the water automatically. The robot would only be active when no one is at home, so it does not disturb anyone. I think this device would be of great help for many people and would perfectly fit into a smart home environment. It is often very hard to tell which plant needs water or nutrients and then to decide on the right amount. A smart robot would be perfectly suited for this task.",8,9,7,8,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_XYrbPirOmrUhltf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,23,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,3.0,14.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1021,352.907,336.0908000000715,6027,4344,302,167,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I believe that we need an invention that is capable of analysing our body and mind. We would use this machine to see what jobs certain people would excel at, for example I feel like I'm in the wrong field. If I had access to such a machine when I was 18 I would probably go into a different field and do a lot better than I'm currently doing. This machine would be a guide for young people that have no idea what they want to do in the future, machines results of course would not for someone to go into that specific field, but It would be used to determine your capabilities in a field. How would It make a world a better place? Well that's a simple question to answer, a lot of people feel like they are wasting their potential away, people make wrong decision by going into a college that they don't really fit in and then they regret It their entire life.",9,8,8,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_dhwudarc9hOTtmN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,6.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1050,347.825900000006,527.108599999994,5578,4035,302,162,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The problem that this invention solves is efficient EV chargers. I have read that there are places where fossil fuels are used to generate an energy for EV vehicles. Thinking about that electrical vehicles are being produced to help the environment, we can think that our pro-nature steps are illusionary. The invention will use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transform it into the energy, which will supply the vehicles. With the help of this invention, we can solve two problems: - one of this problems is the high carbon dioxide emissions. Since it will use CO2, it can help us with cleaning the air around us, globally. - second problem is that illusion. We will not use the energy from burning coals, but we will use the CO2 that this burning generates. I mean, we will not generate CO2 to power our cars, but to transform CO2 into that energy. I think that this invention can be helpful for the environment.",6,8,7,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_21Ajw2dMnzc5uLM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,22.0,2.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1692,653.3069000000004,627.5208000000008,6467,3698,302,169,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would like to talk about the mobile solar panel. It consists in either a instalable solar panel that you can use it on the back of your phone or a phone that would have a previous one installed. It would solve a bunch of problems, not only in causal cases like in a regular work or in a day-off that you need the phone to contact someone, take a picture and you ran out of battery, but also in extreme situations like in mountain hiking where there is a lot of reports of people missing and having no battery on the phone. It would help every phone user that struggles with battery issues, but also long distance travelers that have difficulties in getting a plug to charge the phone. The major problem of the invention would be the issue of no sunny days and the impact that would have enviromentally. I think it is a great invention but all of this problems would have to be solved first. ",7,8,7,8,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_3qmVolRkI5q2u6t,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,20.0,0.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2006.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2184,961.639899999976,696.8578999999762,5590,3547,301,157,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"A new invention that I don't think that exist yet is a way to send macidation and other objects of primary need to secluded place and 3 world countires. We all know and understand the problems in 3 world countires but in modern sosieties we see similar problems. For instance there are villages in countires in Europe that one needs to travel lots of kilometters and for hours before the next big city that has a medical professional or a market. Those villages are mainly occupited by older civilians that are in meed of more medication and are not very easy to travel. Amazon is trying to do a similar cause with drons but that problem with drons is that they can not flight in strong winds, heavy snow, high temperatures or in places with high dencity of trees and mounties. So there is a need to find an other way to hep this people in need. ",5,5,6,6,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.ii R_3oXWM08wc5uact5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,34,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,20.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3536,548.4345,976.678,5380,3660,284,164,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would invent materials that degrade in a few days or even better instantly, in contact with the ground. so when people throw something away on the streets or on the beach or nature reserve it doesn't stay there and pollute the enviroment. I would turn plastic into this super fast degrade material, especially for the plastics that goes in the sea, to protect the animals and enviroment. This material may be produced in laboratory, we can't eliminate plastic from everything so we need to commute the nature of it, a new type of plastic that is degradable. It's very important to preserve the enviroment to create this new technology, it can save animals and reduce pollution, it also helps the humans because we are eating lots of plastic and we don't even know. Yes, plastic can be recycled but since many people throw it away in the enviroment, the solution would be to make it bio degradable, and make it very fast degradable.",7,7,7,6,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii R_1Q5j75EwQW5Kvt9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1308,273.280800000012,719.7713000000119,5384,5052,301,220,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I came up with an idea of a tool that gives you tasks to do and you can receive money from it. First, you would have to fill all information about you in it (because it is electronic and you can do it) and later you would have some tests which decide which type of person you are. It would be something like Prolific but you could also solve physical tasks for example company owners can write their tasks here. For example, you find out that the company that produces penciles need someone for one day and gives you money per each pencil made. Some tasks would be permament here, so for example if you wanted to earn some money at night you would always have posibility to do so. You could have some levels that gives you higher-paid tasks and more interesting tasks in your area. It would solve for example problems in countries which are poor (my invenstion would use imaginary currency or maybe bitcoin solves that). You wouldn't need any own electronics because it would be something simillar to these things in McDonald's which u use to order your food. I think it would make the world a better place, because people would have kinda similar access to it and it would have solve many financial problems.",7,7,6,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_1jGGA9Xgovpw2iv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,33,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,7.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2006.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1483,602.0502999999524,531.2586999999285,6091,4609,300,192,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I am not very good at finding innovative ideas, but generally i try my best to provide solutions to everyday problems. One invention i could come up with, in a short time period, is a device or some kind of technology that would give people the opportunity to check up their health without going straight to a doctor. There are regions in my country that are not accesible by health providers, and these regions are usually habited by elder people who need healthcare the most. This device will help people with their check ups, holding a file with each one's medical history and providing data to the nearest available hospital. It will arrange any appointments with doctors and provide simple information to the pationets when a doctor visit is not necessary. I know it is not the best solution in a case of an emergency, but it covers at least the lack of doctors and nurses in areas that are most needed. I believe it could be a temporary solution showing to the world that someone at least is doing something for the better good until a more suitable solution is provided. ",9,8,6,8,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_Dx8fBU1EQ2Si8Ex,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.5,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1694,495.3171000001431,622.757,5644,4059,300,164,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invetion I'm thinking about right now would be the ""The richness spliter"". It would work as way to split richness throughout the world in a simple way, such as spliting the taxes applied by the government in two parts. One for the government, and other you could choos to donate to the most disadvantaged people in the world. For example, the richest people as well as the government would have the possibility to transfer certain amounts of money to people in different countries in a direct and safe way. This invention would help a lot of people in need and would avoid the fact that the governments can sometimes keep all the richness of a country to themselves. On the other hand, it would be very difficult to understand which people are in a real need and the ones who aren't. Besides that, it would be a much faster and simple way for those who want to donate and help others in need.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_1Os1OOvewodOz7g,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-US,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Chinese,14.0,22.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2255,501.375,1071.918,5775,4307,303,160,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The invention comes to my mind is something that can totally prevent people from being bit by mosquitos. Now it's summer and there are some mosquitos in the area I live. I hate the feelings of being bit by them, which is itchy and unbearable especially at night. Also, the sound they make is very annoying, which would bother you to sleep or focus. What's more, the mosquitos may carry some bacteria and illness and will spread it through blood. I've tried some products that can help to kill the mosquitos or repel them. But they do not work prerfectly. The effects of some products only last for a limited period of time and some may generate unpleasant smell. If there is an invention that can help to solve the mosquito problem, it would allow people to have a better environment for both rest and work/study. Besides, the invention prevents the mosquitos from spreading the illnesses like malaria as well. ",7,8,6,8,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1GWuKZctVacoTLm,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,5.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1031,421.1521000000016,359.5222000000029,6189,4092,301,156,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"An invention that has yet to exist could be a machine that analyzes the body instantly in a way it can detect any problems in one's health and provide solutions on how to solve them, if it were to exist the device would allow for quicker and 100% accurate diagnoses, this way general doctors could choose to specialize in something so that they could attend more patients are a time. In third world countries the device would get rid of long time queues just to get an appointment done, as well as to speed up the process helping people recover sooner, as well as detect undiagnosed illnesses that would be easier to cure prematurely. The problem I can think with this is that it the technology were to exist it might be really expensive and as such rich people would gatekeep it from the world, but I would hope health organizations could regulate that matter efficiently.",7,8,7,7,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i R_3kudwh8O1uWzWFU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-NZ,29,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,New Zealand,Chinese,15.0,30.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1519,347.1823999998569,716.4607999999522,5493,4978,304,185,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I would love to have a chip invented that can contain all the knowledge and infomation that the lastest scientists have discovered and the chip can be transplanted to anyone within a second, with no pain and no cost. This can be really benefical to those people who live in poverty and have no access to high-end education. Currently the wealth gap between rich people and poor people is huge, and this is not seem to getting better. The rich people having all the resources and power to make sure their kids will have a rich life as well. However the poor families are struggling to get enough food, and with less knowledge and less resources, it will be less likely for their kids to get to a higher class and have an as easy life. With this invention, all people, no matter of their social status, can have easy access to the most recent knowldge and recourses. Therefore, in the long run, everyone will be more equal, no matter in terms of social status or financially. The world will be a much better place. ",6,8,7,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_e8KoMVOfP24ZMqt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,5.0,0.0,5.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",891,253.6163000001908,324.81640000057223,5929,4059,302,161,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Teletransportation. It would probably be the most revolutionating invention in the last few centuries. The benefits of being able to transport, basically instantly, different objects, or even people, are beyond imaginable. A key aspect would be to make it as affordable as possible. And to regulate it's usage. From medical usage like organ donor transportation, and different medications and antidotes that would save precious time that is sometimes wasted during transportation. To industrial perks, shortening the waiting time of deliveries, improving the way we share products. This could easly rocketship the way we produce and ship all kinds of products. From basic needs like food and hygiene to just hobbys and collectables. And to transport people would revolutionize the travelling industry as a whole. The possibility of travel from one place of the earth to another in the blink of an eye could open the world even further for everyone, and create a new market and new opportunities for the world.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2EtvTgrKdm4cOkD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,25.0,2.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1594,458.759,747.7377000000031,5664,6276,302,234,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Teleportation is something I think a lot about. It all started when I had a long-distance relationship and my partner and me could only have the chance (and afford) to see each other once or twice a month. I believe teleportation would have simplified the 4/5 hour distance, granted it would be cheap. On the one side, I think that a structured teleportation system would probably solve all transportation issues, the daily commutes and work/family-related travel. On the other side, it would probably create new problems, such us make us incredibly spoilt (or fat as the Wall-E characters): I know some people that we would definetely use teleportation to get from the bed to the bathroom in the middle of the night, just out of laziness. As far as making the world a better place, teleportation would probably impact hunger and illnesses issues in poor countries, as we could easily teleport food and medicines in far and hard-to-reach spots where people need assistance (counterpoint would be that it would create food/medicine scarcity on the side of the planet which is providing them). If teleportation would not use much electricity or power, it would definetely impact global warming in decreasing world pollution levels related to transportation (of goods and people). All in all, it is something great to fantasize about, but for the moment it is an invention still too far away from current technology.",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2rqmkpl815eY1OJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,37,Right-handed,3,IDK,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,30.0,0.0,1.0,Spanish,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2654,705.8836999999285,627.5998999999763,5611,3176,302,163,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"The invention that I would think of is the universal vaccine that works for all viral diseases regardless of their origin or the virus from which they come. This is very pertinent after the coronavirus pandemic that we have been through, since with a vaccine of this type, one would no longer have to worry about maing different types of vaccines depending on the disease. The world would be better because far fewer people would die from these diseases. This is currently being studied in various parts of the world and significantly in Spain, where there is a prestigious team led by a world famous scientist who is tackling this task with a high percentage of probable success, apparently and according to the news. Let's hope than one day, sooner rather than later, we will reach this goal that will undoubtedly make the world a much better place to live and that future generations will grow up healthier and overcome fears of disease",9,9,8,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_PODT7NSZjjmLOox,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,33,Right-handed,1,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Russian,25.0,36.0,7.0,Latvian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2774,1187.4430999999047,996.6237999999524,6861,3964,303,161,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,Our world is full of great inventions and smart people. Since I am not a scientist it is difficult for me to think about any useful invention. I would be very happy if I can find a way to invent some kind of a connector for people to make them understand each other better. This might help reduce agression between people and make a lot of them happier. On the other hand I would be happy to invent some machine which could transform plastic waste in some biogradable substance. Hopefully this substance can change the quality of life for all the planet and all the living things on Earth. Cleaner planet is what we all need. It's not going to work without humans being responsible fo their actions. Hopefuly soon we all can change the way we treat our home planet and we start to respect each other better. Planet Earth is such a beautiful and unique place in whole universe,7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1gbVBkoc33WwWBM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,49,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,9.0,6.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2604,818.1708999999762,1055.0642999999525,6091,3688,302,155,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I always though that it would be useful to create an application or page in which an audio recording can be uploaded, and this can transcribe everything that's said but in writing. The truth is, my daughter studies at the university and she always complains that she has to transfer eternal recordings of her classes, she spent a lot of hours in that work, so it ocurred to me that something like that could exist to save time to students. I'm sure that a page will take much less time to transcribe a recording that a person, and the truth is that this will help not only to my daughter, but also a many students so that they can start studying the subject faster and more efficiently. I don't know if already exists something like that, i haven't really heard anything about it, but i know that it would be useful for all the students. ",6,8,6,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_Rh7cJVDhdsn52c9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,1.0,10.0,Arabic,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1585,624.9278999999761,573.3278999999761,5755,5267,302,257,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"Hmm... Honestly, if you are asking me, I would really love if someone invented a way to not get addicted to any kinds of drugs or sugar, or junk food. I mean, some kind of substance that makes you immune to get addicted to something, or maybe much less addictive substitutes for those things. For example, sweets that doesn't make you crave more and make you satifsied after one portion or dosage. It would definitely make the world a better place, in my opinion, because people would almost never get obese or permanently sick in that way. But I guess this is too beautiful concept to exist in a real world, because big companies love to make money on making people serious addicts to something (like cigarettes or alcohol), and then make money on them quitting those addictions (like therapies). Anyway, I thought of this kind of invention at first, because I recalled my brother who suffers from epilepsy and takes medication that has to make him less nervous but also gives him a huuuge appetite. That way he has a big problem with food and I feel worried about him, because he is eleven years old right now and his diet is mostly sugar and junk food. My parents don't really watch what does he eat, they work a lot. And I live quite away from home because of my own studies in other city. I hope I didn't get away from the subject too much! But that's the invention I wanted to share with you.",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2TZep6GjiM1Vk1U,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt,24,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,5.0,0.0,15.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3807,610.4035,1698.293699999988,5608,8753,303,180,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I'm thinking of some sort of medicine that would act as a powerfull cancer treatment. When this medicine is combined with other types of treatment (physical, therapy, or of the same nature as the medicine), the chances of reaching cancer cure is extremelly high. This invention would be revolutionary and would be known by the whole world the moment that the news is spread around by the media, that is, social media, newspaper and similars, as well as future communication media that does not exist yet. The great thing about this medicine is that it is relatively easy to be produced. The ingredients necessary for its composition are not hard to find, nor do we need great technology for its extraction. With this medicine, less fortunate people would be able to have access to cancer treatment and the percentage of deaths caused by stage 4 cancer would reduce significantly. Cancer would no longer be know as a ""death sentence"" as it might be seen today, rather it would only be a temporary condition that will be treated and probably cured.",7,8,6,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_C17jjcZPIYC0Om5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,26,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,12.0,0.0,16.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1285,465.27469999999926,409.37889999999845,6318,3862,302,154,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think I really suck at coming up with inventions and creative ways to solve problems. I was thinking maybe a robot that cleans my whole house, but how expensive would that be? Even if it existed, I wouldn't even be able to afford it. Then I ttought about some kind of pill that helps purify water. I don't think that something like this exists already, or maybe it does but I have no idea. The problem that would solve is the lack of drinkable water in some countries. Even in my country sometimes you want to drink water and there's nothing near, but tap water, which is really dangerous and you could get really sick. The way it would make the world a better place is by keeping people hydrated. It is important that we drink water becaue our bodies need it to survive. It should be a right to have drinkable water. ",6,8,7,10,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_5d0HsRaFZb1rXVL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,41,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,9.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1846,602.3762000000003,646.2082999999998,5655,3694,298,160,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"One invention that does not yet exist is something that can translate any language in the world in any other language. Something along the lines of a universal translator, that could translate anything immediately and correctly, without the need of any other device. This would solve the problem of people often not understanding or misunderstanding each other, which can sometimes cause negative situation. Is would also assure that anyone can go anywhere in the world and be understood and get their message across. I believe this would be very beneficial to the world, because with would eliminate ll the situations where people sometimes don't understand each other's point of view because the message does not get across properly. Also, I think it would make more people receptive to the idea of travelling and getting to know others places, without boing afraid of not being understood when they get there. Perhaps this could be a positive way to bring people together.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1qeWbftoibHxEjB,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,5.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2143,671.446,969.905,5550,4023,300,181,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think that a flying car would be a good invention, it doesn't exist yet. It could solve a lot of problems that we currently have with cars, for example, there would be less crashes and pedestrian fatalities, as flying cars would not be able to hit anything, I mean it's obvious that they are in the air and there's not any danger of hitting any form of life (besides birds maybe). Another thing that would be be solved, is the need of road maintenance, just think of all the money that could be saved and all the space what would be freed, people could enjoy more free space and not be worried about getting hit by a bad or drunk driver. Everyone will be more happy. Flying cars may also solve traffic problems, as they could go faster that conventional cars, and won't be limited by roads in awful conditions or pedestrians that get in the way. That invention could have some cons and might require tons of money to implement, but I believe that the benefits outweigh those problems.",8,8,7,8,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1k0JdcUo1wMUcTs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,16.0,1.0,0.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2777,837.2014000000954,1036.6621999998092,5353,5257,274,189,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I am thinking about an car powred by wind turbine of a top of it. It would solve the problem of CO2 pollution and end the hell of kids working in cobalt mines. It would be easier to travel- without taking brakes to charge or refuel tanks. That eco-friendly car will help us to stop buying russian oil, and being independent from politic- made decisions which hits in ordinary citizen. World will be more healthy due to not using oil and thankfully to that technology our goverments could provide us more stable live without problems with gas prices. I understand that kids in poor regions will lose their workplace- but I think that's even better. We already know that working kids in europe, especially in such conditions is immoral- It is banned! Money collected from selling such cars should be used to provide education and food for such kids giving them chance to get success in their live. However would big concerns split their icnom only with brilliant intensions, especially without making medial information how gorgeous they are? At least that invention could save the planet before CO2 pollution...",6,6,6,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_1OT45vLrFQE6Val,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,29,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1755,482.368900000006,626.0018999999911,5590,4165,301,178,3,2,Think of an invention that does not exist yet. What problem does it solve? How would it make the world a better place?,"I think that something that needs to be invented is a massive-scale air purifier. Today, especially in the most populated areas the quality of air is at the lowest and it brings many damages. First polluted air is dangerous for people, especially young people that now spend their lives in these conditions. We still don't know completely the effects of smog and pollution on the human body. Second, clean air is important also to mitigate extreme weather conditions, for example during heat waves we need more dry and clean air to be able to suffer less. Also clean air is important for animals and plants. There are some densely populated areas like, in east Asia, where people are not able to go outside without face masks. When I was growing up I used to live a in an area with plenty of trees, parks and mountains and I always took that fro granted. Now that I live in a great urban area I really feel the difference in the quality of air and it really makes me suffer. ",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_ZxZfK6ErOs3y8Mx,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,it-IT,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,10.0,5.0,7.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1746,831.562,556.499,6065,3520,302,163,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Near my girlfriends, in Sardinia, because i living in Pisa for work, and I can't see my girlfriend everytimes i want. then sardinia is very beautiful for the cultures, nature and other things. stay in sardinia, i'm able to travel, dinner, stay with her, but otherside i've a family in sardiani, my parents!!!! Pisa-sardinia isn't very far, there is a sea beatween, but with work, i've many day free i want stay in villa near the see, and behinde a mountine, a full immersion of green, with gardens e a swimmingpool in the house. with many plants e flower, and in a house, a small garage where can i brewing beer, but this is for me, i want a place for my GF and eventualy for a kids, a park with toys for them, a garden with barbecue for party with friends and maybe the house near the see for use a small ship to go to fishing o maybe near a lake ",4,4,5,5,A2.ii,A2.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_3hfKMbFD4VcNToo,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,3.0,15.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1386,397.437,656.6260000000002,4855,5369,247,151,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would want to be in japan, they're pretty cool and I've always wanted to visit places. I've been watching anime for some time and playing games for some time now. I think they got quite interesting architecture and probably it's overall more quiet than the place I'm living in now. Also I think the salary is alot better than in the country I'm living in right now. I would want to try the food and try some of the more popular dishes I've seen in media, for example ramen and some other stuff. Also it would be a great practice for me when it comes to the language, because I've been learning it Japanese for quite some time now, it would be cool to make some friends I could practice my language speaking with. I think it would be interesting experience overall because of those and possibly some other reasons.",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2uDCV0ZNIZiCDS1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,2.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1407,488.981400000006,493.0099000000061,5979,4487,302,217,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","This is a difficult question to answer because I can think of many places where I would want to be right now. But I´m going to chose the one where I´ve never been before, because I believe that first times are always the most special. One of the places I would wish to be right now is in Egypt. I would love to visit the pyramids in Cairo and many other cities, such as Alexandria because I believe that it is a beautiful country with breathtaking landscapes. I know that this country has many religious places and I would love to visit them because those are places where I always feel at peace, no matter the religion. I would love to go there to try the typical food from the country. I feel it´s a country that is very rich in history and culture and I would learn so much from travelling there. One of the main reasons for wanting to go there is my best friend. He lives there so we don´t get to meet a lot and it would be an amazing opportunity to spend more time with him and learn more about his backgrounds. Besides that, I enjoy meeting people from all over the world and I think it would be great for that. ",9,7,9,9,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_1kFVA8wPqF8n94B,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,21,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3815,471.6413999999985,2666.9805,6698,9948,300,205,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","It's not an easy answer, but I would say that if I could be anywhere in the world at this exact moment, I would want to be in the most magical place known or unknown to any living being. The exact location or name to this place cannot be told. If I were to teleport there right now I would find myself in the middle of a hand painted sky with tones of purple and blue and a striking orange light hugging everything around, the water reflecting dancing falling petals of golden flowers. Little stones under the water shine and change colors depending on where you are, almost looking like they are the stars of this place. All it knows is the gentle touch of the sunlight and the moonlight, day after day, night after night. I want to stay here, continue to paint the rest of the sky, the water and all the things in between. Here I can be at peace with myself, cry or laugh and change all the hues as I feel. Away from the real world there's nothing to be scared of, I can be creative and take as long as I need to finish the art I never started.",9,9,11,10,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_ue8Ii92V7yS0Avf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1705,656.384399999991,626.078799999997,5912,3259,301,151,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I will choose to be in some quiet place for example forest or jungle with the lake nearby. I will live in wooden small house far away from cities and other people.I will spend time on a fishing, swimming in the lake and get some mindfullnes meditation excercises. I will take my girlfriend with me and also my cat. I think I will spend ther one or two months. I love connection with the nature. I feel deeply inside me that when I'm around trees and plants my mind is calm. I have a lot of stress due to exams (studies), and I spend a lot of time learing. My mind is in rush and some calm place shoud give me peace. Here in big city in Poland when people are busy and life rush's It is hard for beeing calm ",6,6,5,6,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_3HuF77KmGNew2lE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,18,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,13.0,0.0,8.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,903,249.4877000000179,336.8252000000179,5603,5210,302,213,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would probably travel to Asia. In particular, I find places such as Thailand and Japan fascinating. The way they have their own culture so different from ours, makes it so special. What I love the most about Thailand for example, is how they keep their traditions alive: you can find temples anywhere. Not only that, they are very friendly and although their english usually is not that wonderful, they still try their best to understand you. It goes the same way for Japan, but what's even more special about the country is how well mixed their traditional culture is with their modernity. Although some places are really modern, you can find next to them some temple, which will not look like it is unmatched at all. The colors they use, makes it so that everything fits perfectly in. The food is another reason why I would love to visit those places, as it is completely different from european food. The way they eat using chopsticks, their different eating routines (for example rice in the morning) looks really fascinating. I am not the type of person who criticises one country's uses and traditions, as I believe it is their way of doing things.",8,8,9,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_oYoxiKvL09uEtW1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,13.0,1.0,15.0,Turkish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1058,394.6845999999997,270.74820000000017,5997,3108,302,154,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would want to be at my best friend's house, she lives far away from where I live and I rarely see her. To make up for this, we text every day and spend time together doing stuff over a phone call, such as playing games together, watching movies or series.The city she lives in is very different from the one I live in, so it's also very fun to go out together, there are many different types of restaurants and bars that we don't have in my town, so whenever I go visit her we have a lot of fun together. After spending the day out and walking everywhere, we'd come back to her home and do what we usually do together when we're apart - watching movies, playing video games or board games, and so on - but of course being actually together in real life makes it all a lot better. ",10,7,7,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2pMiEMINToMOLJz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1959,627.3162000000011,836.9625,5380,3774,280,159,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now it would be Japan. Since I began to watch japanese cartoons and shows,watching videos about their culture and even going to festivals about Japan in my home country that I dreamed to go to Japan some day. The country is full of magnificent landscapes, from the snowy mountains to the warm and wounderfull beaches. The monuments and the architeture of Japan is also something that I really like, because it all fits so well and emits some sort of peacefull energy. I want to be there because it's really a dream of mine to be able to visit that country some day and expirience all the things that it has to offer me. From eating new things and exploring new places and even learning a new language if it was possible. That's why I want to be there, to fullfill a dream that I had for a long time.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2njPE7VV7DzZ733,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-GB,46,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Chinese,20.0,36.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2726,971.2964000000952,892.8397000000476,6102,4773,299,161,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If there is no conditions limit on this question, I will properly to choose to back to my hometown. The place I had been there over 27 years, there still has my old parents, my brother, my old friends, the most important thing is some of my miss still in the air, from childhood to being a adult, ages and memories around in my brain. But the most realistic factor of why I am choosing this palce, is I haven't seen my family for over 4 years due to the world wide pandimic. The restriction either in China or United Kingdom was very different at the same time. Years ago, there were a lot ot strictly restriction to visit China, such as three weeks quarantie, times of test need to be done before dispatch, also a lot of expensive fly tickets could stop me to think this question. I wish I can back to the place I miss very much now.",6,5,5,5,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i R_3hhdS1l9kh63bbo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1420,391.1527000000477,611.7207000000477,5835,3874,302,166,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world I would chose to be in the Japan, it's a dream for me to be able to visit it. I would like to be there with my girlfriend because she is my best friend and the best company I can ask. Why japan? Because I love the culture and I think it's a country very different of what I'm used to. I would love to try their gastronomy especially the sushi and the ramen! I would love to try to visit the snow monkeys and every major city that the bullet train can reach. If possible I would like to go on a spa day to fully rest and relax. I imagine the people are very friendly and very different in terms of culture and respect to the other people. I imagine Japan being a techy country with a very organized life style, like the public transportation always on time and very automated places to eat or drink.",6,7,7,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_10OWb5KpJuwrVbH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,25,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,13.0,0.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1650,415.5626999999881,716.0014000000357,5522,4280,302,153,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?",If I could by anywhere in the world I would like to be in Brasil. I really don't mind any place in Brasil but if I had to choose I would like somewhere near the beach with a beer in my left hand. I went there like 7 times already with my family and it was always a good time. Probably the best vacations I have ever had. The food is kinda like portuguese food so I like it. They have picanha that is a really good. Great beaches with beautiful water. The weather is always good. Even if its raining the weather is good because it's really hot all the time. The language barrier is not that big because I am Portuguese so I can understand pretty much everything except some worlds that are only from a specific place. Every time I was there the people were all really nice and helpful.,7,6,7,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1jVCBGMtJhGwsc6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,47,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,11.0,1.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1723,509.06300000000016,686.3786000000239,6661,4888,303,155,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I think I would love to be in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. I have not visited the city but for some peculiar reason the thought of traveling there seems to be in my mind recently. I have seen photos of coloured facades in the city's port. The thought of yellow, red, green and blue houses and building that co-exist and contrast beautifully with each other and the water of the sea and the harbour, seems very alluring to me. My gut says that I would probably love being there for a short visit or even longer. I am also a tea lover and Danish cookies are a perfect companion for my long sippings of tea. In other words, I would be in a beautiful and peaceful urban environment with nice food and deserts. If I were there I would also find the opportunity to visit museums and stroll around small craft shops, weather permitting.",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2cpEbVIby55B43a,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,12.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2147,998.6082999999968,720.4796999999955,6158,3659,297,158,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If i could choose one place to be right now I would choose for sure Japan, why? Simple is my ideal trip I like the food, the asin food is something i like a lot, mainly sushi. The native people, everyone looks friendly but a little bit weird at the same time,but overall they look kind and friendly. The culture is one primarily reason i would like to be at Japan right now, I like anime, and the Japan is the country of anime, so many shops with mangas and things related to anime. And i like the buildings compared to my country they look like futuristic, tall buildings whith a lot of posters. And the history of the local, discover more about the old Japan, mainly the samurais and their swords called katanas. Overall i would like to go to Japan because is a completely different culture and my dream place for a trip or to live.",6,6,5,6,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii R_swecnNgdTb4asGl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",es,56,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,10.0,0.0,2.0,Basque,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2787,1235.5242000000474,726.4155999999643,6049,3757,304,214,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in world just know, I would remain in the same place where I am in this moment: a small town in the north of Spain. Theplace were I was born and where I live is my favourite place in the world. I would try to explain you why. First of all, I know my city. I know where I can go when I need to buy something. I know where to go when I want to spend a good time with some friends. Even I know where to go when I am alone, and even in this case I can have a good cu of coffee in a pub where I know the barman and I can talk with him and with other people in the pub. I would also choose to be in my own town because my family is here and also most of my friends are here. I like to be close to them. Finally, and the most important reason for me, I choose to be here, because here I feel safe. I feel part of something bigger than myself. So, If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I wouldn`t move from here,from my town, because this is my place in the world.",7,6,7,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1G0m4d5x43eUV9L,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,38,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,14.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1193,522.2799000000954,305.00759999990464,5504,2959,300,157,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would be with my family (wife and three children) on an insland, I would say Menorca for instance. I was never there before, but I can imagine that the weather is perfect this time of the year. Naturally, in this imaginary situation, money is not a concern and I imagine we stay at a small village, with a white painted 2-story house, with lots of space and a big garden. Right in from of this house we have access to a tiny remote beach, only for us. We are chilling and the kids play on the sand. We have absolutely no worries at all and only enjoy the moment. I want to be there because our daily life is a little stressfull, both of us working and taking care of three children is sometimes exhausting, and those little moments of peace a worth more than gold.",7,6,7,11,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_1oGbAVUG4F89TIb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,52,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,45.0,0.0,1.0,Galician,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1539,644.2532999999522,374.186800000012,6007,3145,301,161,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","In order to understand my answer first you have to know my family and my circumstances. I am a 52 year old married man with three children: a daughter of 18 years, and two sons of 15 and 10 years. At this moment my daughter is living in Madrid where she studies, my older son is having some vacations with my sister, sho lives in Germany, and my youngest son is in a camp with his classmates. So if I could decide a place to be I woul select a paradisiac island with a beatiful hotel and spectacular beaches. But the place is not so important as the company. I would select a place where I can be reunited with my wife and my children and whre we can spent quality time together. Of course a beach seems a correct place to take sun bathings and swim. And a hotel is necessary for us to have nice rooms and nice meals.",6,6,7,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_3pg1vocdYCQPjK0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,32,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bengali,26.0,19.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1977,767.8102000000476,470.7296000000238,5640,3362,302,179,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in my small village, which is situated in Bangladesh. There I have a small house, not so fancy but comfortable enough to live. Around the house there is a huge garden of Jackfruit tree. There are plenty of barren space too. I would I like to go there and grow different fruits and vegetables on the empty space. There is a pond just in front of the house. As nobody is using it now, it is now in not a good shape. I want to renovate it and cultivate fish there. I do not know, may be I will also grow a few goat and cows in the place. I had always a facinate towards the life of a village farmer. Although this place is far from the town and does not have all the facilities of town, like- high speed wi-fi, stable electricity connection, but there is a divine peace in there. I felt inner peace whenever go to visit my small village.",8,6,7,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_pmY56oRFw8UnV5v,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,56,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Afrikaans,12.0,36.0,13.0,Zulu,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2500,1109.766,672.315,5626,3413,301,168,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Chicago. I lived in that beautiful city for more than five years. As I grew up in a small village in South Africa, the experience of living in a big city, like Chicago, was exilerating. I found that I enjoyed the city live. The ability that you can find any obscure thing that might interest you. Shops and restaurants of any nationality, some open 24 hours a day, catering for whatever interests you. Not just that but art museums, science museums and planeteriums is what atracted me most. I could walk in a real original German u-boat or go look at the stars. For somebody from a small Free State town in South Africa this was heaven. The other thing I was not used to was the public transport system. You actually did not need a vehicle of your own. We could look at real Picasso's and not just at a museum but infront of the Post Office and other buildings. The variety and the people were astounding.",7,7,9,8,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii R_W68EKGXw6xyPz4l,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0,pt-PT,27,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",923,392.766,216.405,5751,2960,302,166,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If i could be anywhere in the world, i would like to be at my dream job, in a radio station. It is like a garage, but very modern and full of technology, with a lot of good people. I met them before, i am a very fan of them. They speak with their hearts, they have an awesome musical taste, they entertain the people and help people to have a better day. I like that, i would love to do that for the rest of my life. I love to speak, some say i speak too much, but they also say i have a good voice and they can hear my smile through it. I love to communicate, hear new stories, as well to tell them to someone. Basically i love speaking. Like a lot! And i also love music, music festivals, new releases, meeting music artists and interview them, know their story and share it with the world. Is a wonderful world to me. ",6,6,7,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i R_3Hq0oORnRwQhG2A,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,1.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1383,583.6205,387.6575,7042,3807,302,155,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Right now i want to be in Mexico, Cancun, because of all the stress I'm going through in college with all the exams I have and the fact that everybody is expecting me to pass at every single class since next year is my last year, but this is only making me more stressed and I just want all to go away and enjoy the summer and some tranquility, I just want to be surrounded by nature, eat some nice food and have fun with my friends and maybe find love. I'm just a teenager who doesn't really know what he want's to do for the rest of his life and has to make life changing choices now that will impact his life forever. I envy my friends who know exactly what they want and have something to fight for while me I'm just going with flow I'm trying to be happy while doing it.",6,7,7,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_26bdRhIccUdaKgj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",it-IT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,10.0,1.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1897,877.8650000000001,460.548,5629,3122,300,154,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If i could be anywhere in the world right now, i would choose to be at Galileo Telescope, in the Gran Canaria, in Spain. I would choose to be there because i am an astrophysics student, and a place like this is my dream. In Gran Canaria there are two telescopes, one is Galileo and the other is a spanish telescope. i would like to work there and i hope i'll work there one day, after graduating. Not to mention the weather, a constant temperature of 20-25 celsius degrees, there is the ocean and an unpolluted sky. I would like to be there with my boyfriend, that always supports me, even throught though times. I like to observe the Moon, and the stars, but i prefer working as a theoretical physicist, like Sheldon. Infact, i want to study relativity and black holes and gravitational waves, i have a very strong passion for these arguments.",6,7,6,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_tFHl4tnahQMl99n,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,30,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2409,974.4145,1079.6157999999523,6193,4301,302,155,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would be in ""Ilha Grande"" in Brazil, it's a big island with paradise like beaches, nature in pure state an a city were there is no cars (only an ambulance that i know of), so the only way to go around is by foot, bycicle or boat (there are many taxi-boats there). It's a calm place with the hotness that is characteristic of brazil,the only downside would be that if i get ill i had to be transfered outside of the island since there is no big hospitals only the basic care. I would be far away from the stress of the city and the work. There would be no language barrier has they speak portuguese, the money they use in Brazil (real) is also very cheap compared to the euro so there would be particularly easy to have a good quality of life while i'm there recharging batteries below the sun of Brazil.",6,6,7,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_1juYdmk1AcGdjhK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Bengali,12.0,34.0,12.0,Hindi,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4958,1422.1329999999994,2047.8672999999524,6527,5800,309,238,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in the breathtaking region of Kashmir ,India. Known as ""Paradise on the earth,"" Kashmir is a breathtaking natural beauty and serene landscapes.The scenic beauty of Kashmir is Unmatched. Imagine standing amidst the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, Surrounded by lush greeen vally dotted with collorful flowers.Exploring the lush valleys of kashmir , such as Pahalgam or Gulmarg , Would offer a respite from the chaotic world as I wonder though with colorful wildflowers. Beyond its natural wonder , Kashmir is steeped in rich culture and history, the rich culture tapestry of kashmir entices me . The bustling markets of Srinagars, with their vibrant handicrafts and aromatic spices, offer a glimpes into the region's vibrant heritage. Beyond its natural and cultral splendors, Kashmir cuisine tantalizes my taste buds. I yearn to savor the flavors of traditional Kashmir dishes , like Rogan Jose. Another reason to vist kashmir is their warm hospitality of the Kashmir people. Known for their warmth and friendliness they welcome visitors with open arms making them feel at home in this serene paradise. In essence, i would choose to be in kashmir for it's breathtaking natural landscapes , rich cultural heritage , warm hospitalities ans delectable cuisine. It is a place where I can find solace in nature, immerse their history and hospitality also create memories that will last a lifetime.",8,8,9,7,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i R_3Ra9vCSPcDvmQBX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,34,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Canada,Korean,10.0,36.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",958,347.17080000000016,194.5437999999998,6306,3609,302,154,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be in South Korea with my family. I was born and raised in Incheon, South Korea, which is a beauiful harbor city. It's also surrounded by so much nature such as mountains, a big river and trees. I would love to be there right now because first of all, that is where my parents live and I would love to spend some quality time with them. Second, I miss delicious Korean food, so I would love to be there to just eat out every day and try different restaurants. Lastly, there is a big wedding ceremony that is coming up in 2 weeks. One of my cousins is getting married but since I currently live in Canada, I can't make it there. So, I would love to be there to celebrate the big day with all my family and relatives. ",9,7,9,10,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2wFthFOZKAVK5DC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,36,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2009.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1102,381.9442999999969,319.9765,5525,4076,303,214,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I want to be in Saint Catherines, Ontario, Canada. This is the farest I have ever been from Hungary, and honestly it is a night and day difference between the two countries. I spent previously a month there with my uncle and it was the best month of my life. What is holding me back from going back there? My education won't easily allow me to find a job, and now, 15 years later, I have a family I need to support and without my job, we quickly would lose our current standard of living. But sadly the political events in Hungary more and more makes me question my descision if I want my children to grow up here, because sooner or later this country will fall into total dictature and my children will not be able to get to their full potential without this. I seriously hope that the situtation will turn around, but currently I don't see much hope. Canada seems to be country which will gladly accept new citizens from all over the world, the new melting pot, which was the US couple decades ago. I hope and dream, that I can raise my children to be able to learn english and a profession, that will allow them to move abroad.",9,8,8,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_b8IdG8fpIjTk9e9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,31,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,15.0,0.0,8.0,Turkish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1872,639.835,443.115,5893,2698,301,152,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I had the chance to be anywhere in the world right now I would choose to be at our lake house. That house and that small city bring me so much joy just by even thinking of it. It reminds me of my childhood, my teenager years, my grandma. I have the best memories from there. Being there always means summer and fun. Time passes differently at that place. I also could ride my bicycle that I miss a lot since in the city where I live I do not have the chance to bike at all unfortunatelly. Just travelling there is a pleasure, that I got used to already. Going there by car or train is the part of this experience. I could have a nice ice-cream by the lake after swimming and tanning all day. Pure joy. This is the place that I want to be at the moment.",8,7,5,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_30hJEaW6cqMl4Dl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,24.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2257,599.0942999999522,1100.6872000000476,5831,4092,301,174,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","This is pretty good question... Actually which place I chose if I could have chosen a one, right here, right now. I think I would choose pretty warm one with clear sky and with landscape including seaside and mountains - all filled in green of palms and other exotic trees. There will be a woody house built from these trees with roof made from palm leaves and straw. At the seaside there'll be pretty wide golden sandy beach where I could spend some time with myself or with my closest family and friends and right next to it - the sea bathed in blue. I also imagine hammock in a shady spot where I can relax every time when I get nervous a bit. I would like to be able to contemplate nature, beautiful things and those rather worse ones, books. The sound of waves and the rustling of leaves. I could die happy in such place, but if I couldn't - just want to spend some months to have a break from civilisation.",8,7,5,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_2YKYp9JLNbiGs7D,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-CL,25,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,17.0,0.0,9.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1001,361.94969999998807,310.2515,5617,4200,301,206,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would be in some of the many national parks in my country that I have been wanting to visit from years ago. I have not had the opportunity for a vacation since before the pandemic, so I'm really itching to go to somewhere new to explore. I want to get lost myself in a forest with ancient trees older than any of the cities in my country. I want to be surrounded by nature and birds chirping, hearing the rustle of the leaves, the trees swaying, the wind blowing and smelling the damp earth beneath my feet, the moss that covers every surface. I want to be under the rain as I struggle to keep my clothes dry inside my tent. If I could be anywhere right now, I would be sleeping on the floor with only nature as my companion, the silence engulfing me and protecting me from the outside world. I want to be there because not being there means being where I am right now: the loud city, having to go to work the next day, trying to escape from the monotony of life. Why be here, when I could be there?",10,11,9,10,C1.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_WvauhBUxQsSO5LX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,0.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1955,679.6320999999642,748.0135999999643,5561,4095,302,174,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, it would definitely be somewhere in Northern Europe, like Norway, Iceland or Sweden; somewhere I can see the northern lights. Seeing an aurora borealis has always been one of my biggest dreams, and it's at the top of my bucket list. I would love to be in a place with huge mountains and beautiful lakes, with a clear sky full of bright stars. Maybe it should be all covered in snow too. I've never seen snow in real life, so I would love to touch it and play with it and lie on the ground looking at the sky. I imagine the place being in complete silence. Maybe just the sound of the wind. I would also like to have my headphones and some music with me. It would be really cool to experience such a place while listening to my favourite songs so I can associate the feeling to them, and remember it later whenever I listen to them again in the future.",9,9,8,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_9XZbUUs2D8jZCk9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,22,Left-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,2.0,0.0,2.0,Galician,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2502,1030.266200000003,984.9687000000032,6549,3900,300,152,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I wannt to go with my friends a week to a paradise isle with beautifull and clean perfect beaches and gardens all type of luxury prestations and activities like sand buggys , airsoft matches , snorkel , volley , socer , ... To sleep a little castle for all of us to make a party with alcohol and games like beer pong , pirate drunk game and similar to take drunk. This castle counts whith climatizated pool , jacuzzi , music equipment and all of this things for the perfect paty for all of us. We can do this activities al days and relax too on the private beach or pool . All of this days are for all the best days on our lives and never can forget that travel . This is the place then i want to go at this moment to get more happyer than this weeks .",3,4,5,5,A2.i,A2.ii,B1.i,B1.i R_3nIfUgYhyRquhGi,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",ca-ES,28,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Catalan,12.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",832,298.9445,274.6242999999523,5835,3211,303,154,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world I would be in a beautiful valley the middle of the mountains. The place would be really quiet with high mountains with snow surrounding it. It would be very green and full of nature, with animals all arround. There would also be a clear lake where I would be able to swim. With a house in the middle of it that it isn't too big but has a nice garden where I could plant my own vegetables and fruits. This place would be in a foreing country with a different culture I could learn and explore. The locals there would be really friendly and welcoming. In this place I would be able to do a lot of hiking and all sort of activites related to nature. Finally, the weather would be good, not too cold or rainy with the sun on the sky almost every day. ",8,7,6,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2TvKaOIZqyWlXQJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Slovenia,Slovene,15.0,0.0,12.0,Croatian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1647,323.57,555.737,5425,5449,301,247,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Honestly that is a hard question, myself I don't like hot placed and there aren't many cold places that would suit my preferences. So really I wouldn't change much about where I would want to be. Maybe I'd move to some other place or really at least a different location with more living space. Seeing how the American dream is dead, being plagued by corrupition by the rich, I'd most likely chose an European country, maybe somewhere near the hills or mountains, I always liked the Alps. France is in a dissaray, Italy.. the people aren't great, what is English you may ask yourself. Seing how Austria is already just a couple hours away I'd most likely chose that or some where in Swisterland, seing how everyone praises it. I wouldn't want to be on some Hill but some where where it's relatively flat still close to society and infrastructure but still surrounded by trees and hills to provide shelter and prevent the heat. Let's say a bigger village or town where you have most of the essentials yet isn't plagued by troubles like in the cities, safe place where everyone is friendly and most people know each other. There should be fields or smaller parks, fields for the farmers, shops for the essentials, maybe a bar, certanly a restaurant or somewhere to eat local, nothing fancy! A bus line would be nice, good infastructure especially optical fiber, a school and some other local things to do.",10,7,6,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1Cdy2gFNvCUemxn,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-GB,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Polish,17.0,33.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,College (A level equivalent),2796,399.736,1614.375,5726,7675,301,292,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could go anywhere in the world right now, I would have a difficult time choosing where to go. There are so many wonderful places out there, full of history and breathtaking views, it would honestly be difficult to decide. I live in the UK and let's be honest, the weather isn't great, so I would start by looking for a warm destination (despite this, I would love to see the alps someday, but it's not exactly warm there). Next, I would decide if I wanted to see some history or go somewhere with spectacular views made by the mother nature. It would probably be the latter as I have recently visited Rome, so let's go for something a bit different this time. The important part of planning your holiday is how far away from home you are willing to travel. Of course, anyone would prefer to just get in and out of the plane as soon as possible. In my case, I'm still young and I don't have kids. With that in mind, it's much easier for me to travel further and visit the places I probably won't have a chance to see whilst my kids are young, so I would look for something outside of Europe. Somewhere in Asia would be my destination. Philippines have some beautiful exotic islands which are levels above the European ones in terms of landscape. I have heard good things about the Coron island and to finally answer your question, this would be the place where I want to be right now. Far away from my daily life, basking in the sunshine in a state of peacefulness, surounded by breathtaking views and a different culture, whilst filled with excitement of trying out new food.",12,9,9,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_W0Qwk6HE9iV2TK1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,22.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1086,287.856,436.3517000000477,5445,5322,302,208,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world I would like to be in Porto Santo island. I live right next to this island and I've been there before but the thought of relaxing and taking a vacation there eases my mind. I would like to be there to enjoy the good weather, a walk on the golden sand, swimming in its crystal waters. Porto Santo is a little island but for me it's like a go to paradise destination. Morning start with a little chill wind and nights also end with it but it feels so good to get those chill winds after being on the beach all day and having your skin warmed by the sun. The trip on the ferry takes around two and a half hours sometimes it's a crazy trip because of the weather but it brings back so many memories of being on board and watching over Madeira island disappearing while you are getting to Porto Santo. Also in Porto Santo you get to taste the best ice cream ever named Lambecas. In the summer you have to get in a queue that might make you wait around twenty minutes for your ice cream. It's always good to go to Porto Santo.",9,9,6,9,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2CZZ0Xvi8RC6Pzv,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,9.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,844,211.907,437.467,5426,3103,302,158,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would choose to be at the Hollywood Museum in Los Angeles. I am a big Back to the Future fan, and seeing the movies' museum would be astounding. I have been going through a rough patch in my life, and this being my childhood movie, it would bring me immense comfort. I would love seeing all the screen-used props, the cars, the letters and all the memorabilia - it is, after all, one of the greatest trilogies of all time. I believe that such a trip would rekindle my spirits, even if briefly, to continue onward. The city of Los Angeles is also filled with famous cultural landmarks which would be great to visit for a first-timer. It seems improbable that I will ever visit such a place, but that is indeed where I would like to be at, if I could choose in this exact moment.",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2tfAFeJsn6EEE58,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Sweden,Swedish,23.0,0.0,14.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4368,843.2965999999977,569.721,6524,4547,302,166,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","Perhaps it is a short-sighted take, but out of all the places I would like to be right now, it would be the Azores. Outside of being geological and natural marvels, they are also incredible temperate, similar to the island of eternal spring, Madeira. Year round the climate is similar to a European spring. With increasing temperatures, even the north of Europe is starting to have extreme summers, and this heat is much more unbearable than the heat in the south of Europe. As such, in my present state I would like to experience the eternal spring of those Atlantic islands. Besides the just right weather, it also sports an incredible green, lush climate. With mountains and volcanoes formed from the islands geological past giving spectacular views and further flourishes the green. It is a wonderous geological climate like Iceland and Scotland but with more green and better weather; it's like a tropical Pacific Sea island, but without the insufferable heat. That, is paradise for me. ",9,9,8,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_2rjzSQCvyS7SOJd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,20,Left-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1358,362.1855,480.052599999994,5582,4256,300,155,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","If could go anywhere in the world right now I would go to Greece, I've been there once in my life on vacation, stayed there for a week and it was my best vacation experience ever. I loved everything there, food, people, the beaches were wonderful and everything just felt good. The mountains of Greece are wonderful, and the view from them is breathtaking. Mediterranean Sea is amazing, the warm climate make the water quite warm, and I adore sea you can swim in without getting froze to death, like in baltic. People there are more chilled, maybe even lazy, not in a bad way though, I think it's adorable that they just don't care about certain things in my experience. Of course Greece is full of ancient history, you can experience ancient history in person, actually see what people built few thousand years ago, stuff we learn about ancient Greek culture is still there.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_1rjNcWma6anQIDL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,30,Ambidextrous,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,1.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,High School,1189,289.910299999997,302.8316000000015,5790,3830,302,156,3,18,"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be? Describe the place. Why do you want to be there?","I would be in forest with small lake, in small house made from wood. I like forest, specially love the smell of the trees, animals, and that silence. Now when I grow up, I need some private place, far from city noises, people who are racing for nothing. In free time, I would like to learn how to fish, and survive without traveling to city. Fishing is really calming me down, but I hadnt any oppurtinity to try it unlucky. But! In my house must be an stable ethernet what can be hard, but in this times, I know it can be done for sure. I need it so I can connect with people in city. I would be sitting infront of house in a chair, and watching beautiful viewes and smell the forest. Also, I hope my family could be close to me, I really love them and I was missing then in my childhood.",6,6,5,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_b7cYJpZ6uijJTrj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",es,28,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,4.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1838,485.088,917.9118000001909,5855,3446,302,165,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Were you finally able to get a worth-while job, and a life of your own? Maybe even a reason to keep going, to make all that've happened worth the pain and loneliness that you had to deal with through the years? Probably not, maybe all you've been able to do is keep that one friend of yours, and perhaps, that's just enough, who knows, maybe keeping that one friend around is the reason you needed to keep going, i hope it is, because otherwise there would be no-one left to read this little letter. And what about that other person, the one you once called a friend so many years ago, did you ever talk with them again? Did you manage to apologize for all your mistakes? Did they accept them, or even care that you apologized in the first place? I think is better not to know that last part, whatever may have happened there, it'll have to be okay, there's no other choice.",7,8,6,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1hyQN3TEhgL9qnE,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",872,305.9597999999821,275.8925,5918,2822,301,156,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello, my future self. I've been told to write an email to you. Why? I have no dearest idea. But as in life, some things has to be done. I want you to remember about our life goals. Our first life goal is to be rich. I don't really care how should we do it. I hope that we will get lucky and the chance will come to us. The second goal is to be happy. I think I don't have to explain. I'm happy when I have a lot of free time. I'm also happy when I don't have to care about a thing in the world. About advices, there is not much to be said. Have fun and think about the goals. Try to find a way to get there. It's all i got to say to you, as my word count for this email is coming close to a sweet 150. Yours Sincerely",9,7,6,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1OZcgDW6MSNFX45,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,12.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2114,732.2941999999993,867.6560000000003,6142,5548,302,167,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"To my future self, How are you doing man? Still alive? I writing you this letter mostly because I have to do it as a task for a study. As such, I'm not really sure if there is anything I want to tell you since it's kind of useless to talk to my future self, if it was to my past self I could avoid a lot of trouble with this letter, but to you it's more like ego stroking you know: Have you achieved my future goal? Wow really? I sure am amazing! Things like that. Whatever the future holds for me I'm sure that I will success of fail spetacularly as myself and only as myself. And at the end of the day that is the only thing someone can really be proud of, being yourself, for better or for worse. If it's for better then great, if not, well you can almost get better next time. That's it, godspeed brother. From your past self.",7,8,9,9,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i R_2OTn8Hd68ZW25Z6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,36,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2681,663.6673000000717,1244.431100000024,5356,3335,301,157,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello my future self. I hope everything is going fine in your live. I'm writting you this letter to remind you of some important things. Don't forget to keep doing physical exercise daily and keep eating properly. I also hope that you didn't stop hanging out with your family and old friends and playing some football together. If you did, please call them or contact them in some form. Even if some time as passed, they will like your call. Don't think about all the mistakes You did in the past, because You did the best You could at the time. And your dream trip? Did you manage to do it? I hope so. If you didn't, it's time to start thinking about it again. Try to have less negative thoughts and be more positive, because everything will be fine in the end. Don't forget to enjoy life and have some fun. Have a good live, goodbye.",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2S2bJwjeTAdS7ll,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-US,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,1.0,15.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1354,358.3248999999985,288.70969999999926,5493,2881,279,150,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self: I hope you are actually able to read this in 5 years or so. I want to make sure you are doing the things you love, 'cause you and I know we are very consistent in the things we love. I hope you found timefor yourself, keep exploring the wolr don your own or with some friends. I expect you not to lose the ability to be amazed at new things throughtout the years. If by any chance you feel down, remember to Never Give Up (we both know who came up with that) and always stay true to yourself. I am proud of the things you have accomplished 'cause I am excited of the things I will be doing. You deserve to feel loved and special, so I hope you are still around the people who make you feel that way. Much love, your past self.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_BJrijESYLsBFyE1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,15.0,1.0,16.0,Catalan,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1090,326.31219999999934,427.5201000000016,5665,4305,301,171,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Mr. Future: I hope everything is fine around there. I hope, that if you have not achieved your goals, at least you tried with everything you had. And if you didn't, try again giving everything. No excusas. Go with all, focus on it, and achieve what you want, which I hope it is what I want. It's our goal, and we have to get it. Sacrifice everything you have. I promise it will be only one year of suffering and we will enjoy the rest of our life. I swear. Please, try it. I believe in you and everyone does. Here, I can't see anything that could disturb in our goal. It's impossible. But if you had any problem, I know that you can deal with it easily, as we always did and will do until we pass away. There's no chance we fail. Try again. Harder, and harder, and harder, until you succeed. I know you can do it. Surpass your limits. Best regards, you a few years ago",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_1oBD3VhYpliDdYV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-US,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1362,321.76629999999705,729.0407999999969,5407,3646,302,170,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Sir, I am writing to you, maybe a bit spontaneously, to send you the soothing words calming the storms of your possibly troubled existence. It is paramount to state that I am in awe of you – all the work you put in your goals, all the incredible thing you managed to achieve, all the difficulties you had to persevere make you a character to be proud of and a persona to be followed. But those seem to be weighted by incredible costs you had to pay – countless malicious actions against you, neutrality, hiccups and exhaustion were an impressive challange to beat. Remember that, no matter what happens, you're a person worthy of kind attention; you do not deserve to be mistreated, nor abused. It will be profoundly important to you to save the balance between hospitality and your own well-being. Do not be afraid to defend your health. I want you to remember that there is always someone, who always looks up to you. Yours sincerely, ~",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_25zPeUg4CLekHOo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,34,Left-handed,5,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Hungary,Hungarian,8.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2009.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1672,646.5601000001429,612.150399999857,5742,3362,302,173,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future me, I hope you are doing well, you are happy and healthy. Now I have a lot of plans to do in the near or farther future. I'm in the middle of my thirties and still have around another 30 years to be active before retirement or possibly serious health issues. I am curious that how much of my current plans have been fulfilled during the years. I worry that may be not too much if I account my carreer and financial goals but I believe that in my family life everthing went and goes well like it is the case in my time ""dimension"". I can't give advice to you since you have much more experience than me and you know me may be better than I know myself at this moment. I hope my personality did not changed to a direction that I can't accept or if it really happened you think it over whether this change was really necessary if not could it be reversed. Best Your youngerself",7,8,5,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_55CICLL2fvyuskF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,51,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,15.0,6.0,6.0,Galician,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2015,756.7131000000015,477.3423000000008,5892,3921,299,162,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi my future elder: How is everything in that future? I hope world not colapsed yet and you, our family and friends are doing OK. I'm working hard everyday so I expect now you liveng the best life, travaling all day to all that far away lands we always liked. Thinkings about that travels give me energy to do my job hard and happy. Today I was thinking about Socrota island, that's next place I want to go with my current husband. Wonder I the future you are at there is virtual travels that look real, tecnology is amazing and probably that will work in ways that I can't imagine and is really popular. Probably people wont go out home because computers took over society and people can stay home enjoing the world over a screen, like a huge global videogame that everybody plays. I wish you the best, best of health or best of mainteance if you already became a cyborg.",5,5,5,7,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3rH6h27qiCod11h,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Chinese,10.0,2.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1878,503.398,850.087,6241,3447,304,154,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I have to tell you, myself. You have to enjoy the life and your every friend and partner now. You should remember that you have made great effort to achieve everything you have today (I mean your date). For this, you have almost abandoned all of the great people and choices that you have because you decided to choose another life style. So don't regret the decision you made and appreciate the life you have now. The past you are now and I have longed for your life now. Those you miss are very nice people, so please don't miss similar friends again. And another thing is about the money. The past you have always been worried about the money, so please care more about the things that you have missing rather than money, such as health, cate, books and so on. I hope you can appreciate the past you that help you grow.",5,7,6,8,B1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_1hWNu66QGCKnjfY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,20.0,0.0,4.0,Korean,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",854,307.30979999999704,206.515400000006,5739,3315,302,163,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey future me, From these 32 years of life, I've learned a massive life lesson: take care of yourself. You cannot save others without saving yourself first. Do not hesitate to say ""no"" when you feel uncomfortable. Do not be afraid of rejection. Those who wish to remain in your life will do everything to see that happen. Those who don't are better left alone. I've lived these 32 years always trying to make everyone else happy, and I've found myself not happy on my own. Do not be like myself, please. Make these 32 years count, make these lessons be engraved with fire on your skin: you are worth it. You don't need anyone else. You deserve love, respect, and people who care for you. You are not a superhero. You need to be happy before you make others happy. You need to be your first priority, always. Not your family, not your significant other, not your friends: you. Love, Past you. ",8,8,9,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_A4heTFjCn260cPn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,0.0,12.0,Portuguese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1261,463.895,350.26759999999405,6139,3617,298,158,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I will skip the formalities and get straight to the point. At this point I feel like I left my parents down, being rejected from Apple after all those hours in interviews feels like a punch in the stomach. Besides that, I feel like I left myself down and I see myself always thinking about the ifs, ""if I studied more?"", "" if I got the job how would my life be like?"", etc... I hope in the end it all paid off and you are living a happy life with a happy wife. I just want to assure that we got our opportunity of living abroad I am hoping you say UK or Germany or even something like USA, ""Living the dream"". Finally, I hope you stayed connected to your family and your origins. It's been hard studying away from the family and now working away, enjoy the couple of days per year you have with them.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1NlgK8RFybO34YR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,1.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1444,672.5146000000237,336.4322999999523,5763,3118,302,157,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I used to think about the future a lot more than I do today but I suppose it's worth thinking about it once in a while. If I could tell you something in the future is I hope that you're healing and living your best life because you certainly deserve it. I sincerely hope all your dreams of having a stable job, a loving husband and kids came true. I hope you and your partner have the financial stability to not depend on anyone else but yourselves. I hope you've done some forgiving and improved some of your personal relations. Try not to dwell on the past as it doesn't do you any good. But knowing you like I do you still probably do it once in a while. I really hope you are getting the help you so desperately want and need, you and your partner both. Above all and most importantly I hope you're happy.",8,9,8,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1QuzoX8h6OVGpHa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1821,898.6251999999284,480.9166000000238,5879,3383,300,165,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I my future self, this is me, your ''present'' self talking, what's happened since my present moment, did you get to finish the university? Did you move to a diferent house? Are you still working in that lame job just to gather money for your dream of becoming a video game producer? I would like to ear from your end but I know that is not possible to do so yet so I'm just going to say that currently I'm really happy with my life, I have my house, I have my new car, I've the love of my life right by my side and I couldn't ask for anything else at the moment. I'm really happy and I'm enjoying life, I'me taking care of me and my spirit, I'm doing meditation, I am working out, I am trying to live my life to fullest, so I hope that I leave a good past for you to remember. Thank you and I'll be seeing you.",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2qezV4I7ka59EjB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-CL,41,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,23.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1943,808.2275,417.9815,6921,3979,301,191,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear me. It's funny to think about you are trying to be more accurated and perfect some things. Like when you take this task in the first part you take a break because you see a gap between the size of the Jobs speech and yours typing (i think this is the proper way it write it). Other thing is you enjoy a lot with you little chump, our dog, please be careful and make her happy and live more than every living thing on the planet jejeje it's a joke but this make us happy. The differents things you could try or in our past, when you read this letter, would make some noise but with you knowledge and our new experiences we could understand what we been trought and how every step in our life make more sense with the time. Our family is great and stop thinking too much, could be a lot of trouble in the future but we can make some upgrades if we stop thinking a lot. And please tell me that our yard is green and we finally sleep in our grass. Loves M.",6,5,5,7,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3JDboWZ33jdW1vE,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,28,Right-handed,7,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Finland,Finnish,15.0,1.0,7.0,Swedish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1284,440.923,325.405,6107,3304,300,152,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, I hope you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve. On this day in 2023 all I hope for you to be is to be happy and helping others. Please charice and concentrate on your relationships; family, significant other and friends. The people around you make you who you are. In the past we have concentrated on work and achieving the perfect position, but that is not something that will make you as happy as the people closest to you. I do not want to live with any regrets. Right now I do not plan on getting married or having kids, but if that did happen then I hope it was your own decision. Pressure of others and the world is heavy but hopefully that is not the core reason. All in all I hope nothing but happiness for my future self. And hopefully lots of dogs as well.",6,8,7,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_yEZc2o38oCFTgFX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,30,Left-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Other,28.0,36.0,24.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2010.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1952,754.057,526.189700000003,5858,3950,303,185,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Letter to my future self. Dear future Me. Know that you have the strength and the ability to overcome hardships, although at times they may seem impossible just trust yourself enough to know that you will do it. But first before I give you this great life advice, let me remind where you came from. You were born in a family that didnt acknowledge one's feelings and that might be giving you a hard time to deal with your own feeling and other people's feelings as well. Your own parents never seem to love you but that is okay, because we eventually get to live life with a loving husband who fills that void. It will not be easy having children, heck! we are still trying but just dont give up on that special dream because it will happen eventually. Continue writing fictional tales they bring you joy and peace, maybe one day we might write a book. Remember to continue loving and being kind to people, it is your greatest gift. Keep on dreaming and making mistakes, we are only humans. I love you.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1hX7CpNGE0kyEqf,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,es-ES,33,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,21.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2690,422.06300000000016,1650.953,5744,5376,302,165,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear me: It is June 27, 2023. You can't read this letter until June 27, 2033. I don't really know what to say to you, you will be 43 years old, still a young person who is really capable of doing things. I hope you're having a wonderful life. I'm going to try to change since I wrote this letter, because I'm not living the best moments of my life right now. Please eat healthier, do exercise and live life at its fullest. I don't care if you have family or not, but please be happy with yourself and everyone around you. Don't be so grumpy and solitaire. I hope when you read this letter again you would improve as a human being. Just be happy, material things don't really matter, don't waste your life doing things you don't want to do. If you haven't changed at all in the future, it is still time to do it or you would regret it. Sincerely, me. ",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_bEjuIsIxSH7KRgJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Ambidextrous,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,11.0,2.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3566,391.839,766.1110000000001,5632,3828,301,173,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello Bartosz, It is really strange that I write to myself from the future. It's kind of difficult to write to the person who I know everything about. Or maybe not. I am wondering about do you have happy family or our dream job. If yes, don't answer to this question! I know this from movies to not to bend space-time. Are you healthy? You know that I do not like hospitals and stuff like that. But if is something that I need to change about it, just tell me, I will try to change that. Becuase we love to play basketball and I can't imagine my life without this game. Did our investments went good maybe? Please tell me that being in this university and graduating is useful... I always wanted to write a letter or meet myself from the future, but it is not that easy you know. I feel that I have this opportunity, but I feel like speechless. And what. I think that's it my boy. All the best!",6,7,6,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_2c5fl1trjD1Id34,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,29,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,4.0,0.0,2.0,Other,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1208,399.9516999999881,386.3383999999762,5465,3915,302,150,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, future me. This is your past self. I hope you're doing fine. You know that we are afraid of a lot of things and i hope you understand that we can't run away in front of every kind of danger. I'd like to know if you've been able to face the fact that we're right the way we are and if you've been strong enough to defeat the fear that lives in our heart. I also want to tell you that probably you will miss the dear ones which i can still hug , but i can assure you that they'll live with you through all your life, even if they're not still there with you. You have to understand that love and health are the only valuable things on this earth and you should put these two aspect of life the absolute priority. Love you, your past self.",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3rO3Im4LtzQ7A5u,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1647,451.8641999999285,520.6957000000477,5637,5353,298,215,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hey you, I hope you made it. I hope you finished your PhD dissertation. It has been months now where all I have to do is sit at home and write. But I hope it was worth it, and that you were able to finish it. Does it feel like a weight lifted of your shoulders? I would say that you should not put so much pressure on yourself. I kept doing that and all I got was anxiety. You are capable, you have proven that to yourself, you have even proven that to others (although you shouldn't focus on that). Does having the degree feels that important? I wonder what you end up doing, but I hope that you had the guts and took the leap. Yes, I may feel that by changing our main line in research of field I am wasting all the work from the past years. But I hope you prove me wrong, with a huge smile on your face. The smile of someone who took the risk to be happy. You will see that your work is not as important as you make it out to be. There is so much more to live, and I hope you were able to break the cycle and experience the world. Best,",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_D2euVQwUObrxDO1,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0,de,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,12.0,0.0,6.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2098,461.172,440.265,5947,4226,302,201,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I am writing a letter to my future self. I am writing this letter in great distress and hope you have turned your life around. I hope that you have achieved all your dreams and goals that you've set to achieve. Furthermore I hope that you have found happiness and excluded all those toxic people in your life, so that you can be finally confident and self-depentend. As for warnings, I recommend that you always listen to what your heart tells you is the right choice and don't listen what everyone else is saying. You are a Great Person! To help you with your future Goals I give you the advice to keep going! Times may be hard but in the end it all pays off. Keep doing what you are doing and be confident. Your field of study may not be the best, as in what others say, but if you believe and work hard enough you can be successfull and achieve your dream of becoming a great Gamedesigner and Programmer. If you read this and followed through, I really hope got the point that you are now fully indepentend, and if not i assure you the time will come.",9,8,6,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_PFISZQKQkX5PCiR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-ZA,31,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Zulu,3.0,3.0,6.0,Afrikaans,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2457,808.961,446.767,5804,2711,302,154,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self I hope you got it togetger and finally took that girl out or bought her flowers. Currently in the middle of fumbling so that's awkward. Honestly I wish I was talking to our younger self instead. I have so much advice and so many warnings to dish out to them. Like focus on making money. It's so important and no on eis good enough for you anyway, so may as well take a break from women. And to never move back home after college. I will regret that until I'm dead. Anyway, back to you, silver fox. If you still live with your parents just end it man. There's no point. But if you at least have a support system and you're out, I'm proud of you and I love you. Assuming you've had top surgery if you're still around so well done. Good luck and bye for now. Write back",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3LYLSRxPTv1wBAs,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,hu-HU,36,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,4.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3235,877.8589999999997,754.187,5760,4174,301,163,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Myself, I hope my letter finds you well. If not, then work on it right away. I would really like to see what happened with ""our"" plans, where they've concluded. I hope you did find that nice and cosy job we always wanted, and a good salary with it. On a more personal matter: I hope you are married now. We waited so long with it that the time you're reading this is way overdue. As a direct consequence you must have your own house by now, we dreamed about it so many time. It must be big and spacious with a private gym. I don't really know what to write about for some more, I'm not a poet or a novellist, mind you. I suppose the bottom line is that you're doing well for both of us and have a loving family. p.s.: send me the lottery numbers if you are able to. It would be a huge help. Thanks! Bye!",10,8,5,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_s71aGmvzDo5zq6J,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,25,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,1.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1229,537.4962000000477,438.3141999999285,5993,4890,302,214,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello future me! I hope that I find you well. How's things going? In the present time I'm about to be out of work to take a deserving vacation. I know that you remember this time uh? I'm sure you are at a better paying job now and helping mother with her needs, but most importantly I trully hope that you are working on a job that you like in the field of our studies. Please take care of your health as I am not doing it so much in the present, and I'm sure you are feeling the reprecussions of my decisions today, and for that I apoligize. Maybe you have already found your significant other and are happy together. In the time being I am very alone and sad most of the time. Maybe not most of the time, but the saddness is here deep down, and altough I try to be cheerful around our friends the nights alone are not easy so I hope you are dealing with that feelings better than I am now. Well, I don't have any advice for you as don't know what you're up to but I trust you to be a good person as I try to be now! Be happy, N from the past ",8,9,6,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_30rgTBvBIUPiGpb,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,19,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,1.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,High School,1237,527.6709999999998,442.547,5673,3252,300,152,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi my future self! I don't know what to start with so I'll start with the basics. Keep making money, working hard, studying. It's all worth it. Do NOT sacrafice your health, eat well etc. Try not to drop out of the college and try your best to get the dream job you love. Remember to always try to enjoy what you do and never let anybody tell you otherwise. Never give up if you're sure you really want it. Don't forget it's easier to pass some early tests than having to write all exams in one week. Remember to stay yourself and keep pushing. Don't forget to exercise regularly and drink water. It's all gonna be worth it at the end, at least I hope so. Try not to overspend on anything and keep trying your hardest. Hope you're doing well and will keep doing so. Take care, bye for now!",6,8,5,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_1K82Zh0X2lflcs7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,6.0,1.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1564,666.0066999999285,513.4235,6411,3335,300,154,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello André from the future. I hope you are doing great. I want to remind you of the power of perseverance and resilience. No matter what challenges or obstacles you may be facing, remember that you have the strength within you to overcome them. Life is filled with ups and downs, but it's often in the face of adversity that we discover our true potential. I hope that you have continued to nurture your dreams and passions. Don't let the passage of time diminish your enthusiasm or dampen your spirit. Pursue what ignites your soul and brings you joy, even if it takes you down unexpected paths. Remember, life is a journey, and the destinantion is not always as important as the experiences and lessons along the way. I am excited to see the person you have become, the adventures you have embarked upon, and the wisdom you gained. See you really ""soon"". André ",7,10,10,11,B2.i,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_2V2fSJhxJYotLgG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,16.0,0.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,High School,1448,414.2214000000061,447.42530000001193,5483,4123,285,170,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Monica. Hi! It's me, well- it's you, but from the past. I'd like to lert you know that no matter what you are doing at the moment, I know you are just fine. Or at least better than how you felt before. Here- at the past (which is my present) things have been though. But I know I can't give up on us. I know that by working hard, healing, and taking care of myself, will affect our future self- which is you. Are you finally working in a mechatronic project that helps the world? Are we doing something for the environment? I know you must be doing your best, or maybe you are steps ahead and up the ladder than I am. I am just getting started, but I promise you I am giving my best, and anything you are doing is making us both proud- as well as to all of our previous versions. Thank you for resisting, for growing, and for being patient. With love, Monica.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3GvJz7QrP6n26JI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,29,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,10.0,36.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3712,822.5458000000044,1113.5933999999986,5865,5821,303,291,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, I hope this message find you well and in a good health. As I sit here and pen these words, I am filled with a sense of excitement and curiosity about the person you have become. There are a few things I want to share with you some words of advice if I may say, goals to strive for, and perhaps even a gentle warning or tow. First and foremost, I wanted to remind you to cherish every moment and embrace the beauty of life. Time is a precious gift, and it slips through our fingers like sand. Take a pause from the hustle and bustle, and appreciate the simple joys that surround you. Be present in each experience, for they are the building blocks of your journey. Remember to dream big and pursue your passions with unwavering determination. Set ambitious goals and break them down into achievable steps. Your dreams may seem distant and impossible at times, but never lose sight of the fire within you. Believe in your abilities, stay focused, and take action. You have the power to turn your dreams into reality. However, dont forget to find balance in your pursuits. Life is not just about achievements and accolades. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Nurture your relationships with family and friends, for they are the pillars of support in your life. Invest time in meaningful connections, and remember that love and laughter are the true treasures that enrich our existence. I am excited for the person you are becoming, for the experiences that lie ahead, and for the lessons you will learn along the way. Trust yourself, believe in your journey, and always remember that you are capable of greatness.",10,10,10,11,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_r72UbFngJqRBpZL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,23,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3893,429.9543999999762,480.4848000000714,6017,5495,301,167,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello there, It's been a couple years, huh. Glad you found your way here. There's so much we need to catch up on! Did we keep up with our yearly goals? I sure hope we've been reaching each one. Most of all, I hope we're happy, healthy and keeping in touch with the ones we love most. I really wanna know: Is our friend group still the same? Did you start investing like I hoped we would? Are our parents in their brand new home, or traveling the country in a van, like they wished? Have we found the one? Do we have more time to focus on us? Just know that it is all worth it. Life keeps moving and so do we, so why shouldn't we make the most of it? Plan that trip, make plans with friends, go out and have fun, do something you've never done before every week, and don't be afraid to be you, because we're pretty awesome. See you soon.",8,8,9,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_1MJWg11kiljehOL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,3,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,1767,640.685599999994,415.511600000024,5651,3232,302,157,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear Rafael from the future, First of all, no matter what i love you. If you´re still alive that's a big victory, first of all. Let me remind you that you struggled a lot and went throw hard times in your younger times. I hope that you're happy, like you always wanted to be. An honest person, not just with the others, but most importantly with yourself. It doesn´t matter if you're rich or poor, i'm just worried about your happiness. If you've found as husband, a woman it doesn't matter. I honestly hope that you didn't forgot your environmental worries that you worried with so much. Also your love for animals. Concerning professional goals, since you never had a lot of them, i don't expect that you're tremendously happy with your job. I hope that you're happy, share love and take care of your family and friend, that's the most important thing in the world. Hugs",7,8,5,8,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_Usiqz3P5ACWLTUJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",it,26,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,20.0,0.0,5.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,High School,915,398.46140000009535,251.06370000004767,6416,4033,298,184,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello future me, I don't know how old you are right now, but you're definitely older than me. I'd love to ask you so many questions but I wouldn't get you answers anyway, and maybe that's for the best. At the moment, I'm 26 years old. I have no future plans and, to be completely fair, I am quite scared of the future. I don't know what will happen, I don't know what I'll do. I just wish to be happy. So, future me, I really hope you are. I hope you found a job you like, not one that someone forced you to do. I hope you have lovely friends to spent your time with, I hope family is still close and healthy. I hope you found a special someone... even though right now it seems impossible to me. All of this, really, seems impossible to me. But I still hope you got it all. Hope you stayed the same, still have your hobbies and maybe own a few pets. I generally hope you're happier than I am right now. Wish you well.",7,9,7,10,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_22JOTZJBavgnhVV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,30,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,28.0,6.0,12.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1155,548.3727999999523,283.5503999999761,5866,3110,301,153,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello Javier: I hope you are doing well in the future. I imagine you are now living in a different city, I wonder which one would it be. Hopefully, you are still working the job you like and spending time with your close friends and family. I am happy now and I will do whatever I can so I am still this happy when I get to where you are. I would like to give you some advice or something like that but I'm sure you know more than me right now so maybe it would be better if I got advice from you. I guess if you still have our pets, Mali and Batman, if they are with you I hope they are doing well. Please never forget who you are and keep doing what makes you happy ever lose sight of what we want o we can continue thriving. Regards, Javier",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2vbOPUJt37bdhq8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1282,335.825,497.102,5935,5690,301,225,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear self, You have gone so far already. When you were a kid, little did you know that you would actually go through everything that you have until now, neither did you know that you would accomplish this much. You should be proud of yourself. Even though you do not think so, you have power within you. You get through every obstacle that gets in your way. Your mom would be so proud to see you thrive as you have. Your family and your friends have been such great supporters. You have people around that love you so, so much. So, if you're thinking at some point that you are not capable of doing something, that it is way out of your league, look at where you are now in your life. Many people wish they could do as much as you did, even if you think it is not enough. Trust yourself. You are way stronger than you think. Let me give you an advice. If you want to do something really hard and you are not sure if you should: prioritise your will, instead of what you think other people would prefer to see you do. You may not get the result you wanted, but at least you tried. The younger version of yourself most probably is very proud of you. Keep going.",9,10,8,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_VVI0ollxHhWfCvv,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,48,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,French,39.0,36.0,14.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1404,299.9715,248.942300000012,5500,3705,301,192,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"I want to become debt free and to buy a narrowboat so that I no longer have to rent (and to put up with inspections). I have to stop expecting friendship or approval from colleagues and managers, as they use this to exploit me (and make me do unpaid overtime). I have to carry on eating as healthily as possible, cooking from scratch, and I have to watch my intake of biscuits. I also need to revise my 'end of life' plans, I am more disgusted with the way the UK is headed and am thinking of moving somewhere else (but France doesn't look very promising, with the riots). I will also struggle to find work in another European country, given my age, and I do not have enough money put aside to live comfortably in retirement, especially as I will probably have to carry on renting until I die, or live in a narrowboat or similar (tiny home, campervan etc.) Finally, I would like to start playing the violin again, and I would like to get a cat and maybe a dog (once I have bought a place of my own). ",9,8,9,10,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_bjDbyBlRSXExJYJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",it,44,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,2.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3265,724.5842999999969,1926.177799999997,5309,6157,265,179,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi, you don't know woh I am, until now, but you will soon find out. I am you, I am what you have become, we are the same person. I don't know what tell you, it's difficult fomr me. What you know is probably more than I know right now, but I want to tell you to be strong and proud of who you are. We have struggled and struggled to become who we are. I have no particular reccomendations for you, I can tell you to always be honest and sincere, to go your own way and avoidshortcurts that could make oyu fall, love your family and always protect it. I wanted to tell you something about the family, you will have a hard time but you have to be strong and you will see that everythings will go well, in the end all that fighting will give you so much joy and you will be rapaid. Now I salute you, our street will never cross butyou know that what I am you will be. Hi my friend.",6,6,6,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2QyMsBN2KXem5RL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,31,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bulgarian,10.0,36.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1170,414.63520000000295,409.3448000000119,5545,4326,301,210,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello there, I know you really hate this type of thing, but my therapist said this can help. I suppose it can't really hurt, so here goes. I want you to stop overthinking for a second and maybe get out of your bed before reading further. You're not in your bed? Liar. Alright, let's move on. I would now like you to take a deep breath and take a moment to remember all the things you have acomplished. Sure, there have been some pretty bad days along the way, but can you really remember those? I didn't think so. All you can remember is all the laughter and sillines filled days lounging with your partner and the stupid catchy songs you both sang to your pets. The smell of the ocean on one of your well planned vacations which actually never went according to plan. After all, you, just like me have it all figured out - the only goal that matters, the one true goal is to enjoy the moment. Everything else is there to aid this goal. I want you to remember that, in case you have somehow forgotten and got tricked into chasing other people's goals for a woman of a certain age. Love you. Love, you. ",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_x0lckf6bASK2va9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,10.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1721,322.1205,348.95219999999915,5219,5094,289,215,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future me, Hi. I hope you're doing alright. Actually, let me rephrase. I hope you're doing great. Because if you're anything like you are (were) now, you wouldn't be happy with doing (just) alright. Are you a lawyer already? Hopefully, otherwise you've had a disaster. I'm kidding. I hope you didn't lose your sense of humor. It is one of your most unique personality traits. Did you change careers? I wish I knew if you changed careers. You've always seen yourself as someone whose unique characteristics were not exactly monetizable. But have you ever tried? Tell me honestly. After all these years, are you still thinking that you're too funny to be a lawyer? Have you tried becoming a comedian? After all these years, are you still thinking that you're to good with people to be sitting for 8 hours straight in front of screen? Have you tried working with people? I hope you're more certain of who you are and who you want to be in life. I really hope you have somehow began the process of fulfilling your potential. Because if you are anything like you are now, you remember OUR biggest fear was not to fulfill OUR potential in OUR lives. Because we are the same person, but two different beings.",11,9,9,10,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_25Kn4eLb5d9NZEx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,8.0,3.0,3.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,818,331.65969999999925,271.718,6281,4002,303,168,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hello XYZ, How are you? I hope you're doing great. I hope everything worked out and you have a nice apartment in a nice city with air conditioning and a cooled mattress. How's work? I believe that you figured everything out and finally found employment which suits you in every way and you have nice people around you. I also hope that you're still with your girlfriend and have contact with your great friends. I hope your family is healthy and well and that you managed to gain some weight and you're not as skinny as you used to be (As I am now haha), well to sum it up, I have high hopes for you, you're welcome for all of the hard work I am putting in so you can have a nice and comfortable life, I hope it's worth it and you're not wasting it away. I also hope you found fullfillment and are finally happy with your life. Cheers, you from the past ' '",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_qWUBzMqQxOYd7xf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",es-ES,23,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,16.0,1.0,18.0,Polish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1171,381.0723000001908,369.4261999998093,5800,3880,301,167,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi future self, it's me, you, but from the past. I'm very interested in how are you, what type of person have you become, do you have the same friends, the same partner, the same hobbies and world-views? I hope most of those things remained intact, I value them very much now and I wouldn't be able to imagine a world without them, it would be radically different. I hope you expanded your language knowledge and that at least you dominate Polish and German. I also hope you are more physically active, as we both know that's good for us. I really hope we accomplished our economic goals and that in the future where you exist we no longer have money problems or that at least we have the basics figured out, like a house. I also hope you feel understood, loved and that you matter. That this world needs you, that people need you. You're valuable and you can do so much good to many people. ",7,9,8,9,B2.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_u4ys7DIUPQ7Rkd3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,12.0,14.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1500,518.2272000000477,468.86639999985687,5685,3543,302,190,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self, I hope you have managed to fulfill all your goals and feel more confident in your abilities and own self. The main thing you need to remember is to live your life without any regrets. I hope you have managed to travel and set your self free from what others might say or think of your actions. I also hope you are satisfied with your choices and you have found true friends with whom you can share valuable life experiences and feel that you belong. If you haven't yet, I do not want you to feel disheartened or stop trying. Life is full of obstacles, but full of adventures too. Kepp close to you the people that genuinely love you and make sure to not be selfish. Try to offer to people and be kind. Cherish the moments cause life can be short and I know that you have not been able to live your life as you had imagined. Be careful with who you trust and take care of your self. Exercise and try to eat healthy. Food is tasty, but stop eating chips and chocolate. ",6,9,7,9,B1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_vphwQ7uK7EFFrFv,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,el-GR,30,Ambidextrous,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,15.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2007.0,Vocational Training,2261,416.891,964.204,5678,7121,302,204,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Hi. Hello. What's up, future me? I hope all is well. Did you remember to check this letter on time or are we 20 years into the future? I hope we are at 10 years right now cause you will also be writing one for our future self 10 years from you. So how life has been for you? It was pretty mediocre for me so far, not bad but not great. Did you finish your studies? At the time of this letter we have 5 exams for our bachelor degree. Oh, did you learn a third language like we always wanted. We were pretty good at french in middle school, but when we went to high school we pretty much dropped it. How about our health? We never had a major problem, but I at least hope you are still training at least 2-3 times per week, like I am doing right now. Finally, I'm praying we have a nice stable job and a family by the time you are reading this cause things are about to get a bit harder for us at 40 for these two things. It was nice talking to you man, better get started for the next one!",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_SOGt2MFSoEbXWMx,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.6.1 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,20,Right-handed,1,IDK,QWERTY,Desktop,Slovenia,Slovene,12.0,1.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2121,771.3400000000001,624.2010000000001,5916,3071,303,154,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Dear future self! I am writing to you to inquire about the future. I am the most curious about what our job is. Are we happy? Do we have a lot of money? Was it hard to get that job? I am also hopping we have found a ourselves a boyfriend or a husband at this point. If we did in fact found someone - what is he like? I am hopping we are doing well and that all the hard work and stress has paid off. I believe in you and I am proud of all of your achivements, because I know you worked hard regardless! Stay true to yourself and do not let anyone bring you down, leave toxic people in the past and be succesful in the future. Travel more and enjoy life, because it is short, but sweet. I wish you the best now and in the future. Kisses X",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_ByT0IQoilKFpc8p,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,21,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,9.0,0.0,14.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2220,520.413,669.9298000000119,5034,3131,274,152,3,11,Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to say? Maybe you want to write about your future goals or give yourself some advice or a warning?,"Sup future me, I hope this letter finds u good. I am writting this letter to remember u to never forget ur childhood, although at the moment I am 21 and I am at the university phase, it sucks but it is what it is. Just came home from an IT Exam, it went pretty good i would say. But unfortunately i cant rest, not yet. I still have some Exams left to do. But hey! its not all bad. Yesterday i hung out with some long date friends. We went to the pool, and went shopping. It was nice, you know? Sometimes its good to get some fresh air. I hope that things in the future are cool and all and that ure happy doing whatever ure doing... So yeah, have a great day, and send a kiss to my future girlfriend. I really hope that u have one. Cya muchacho",4,7,5,8,A2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_1dsHPfvYnDLkS8y,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.4 Safari/605.1.15",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,2.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1706,720.9940000000001,405.227,5997,3257,300,155,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like to have a superpower that allow me to read peoples minds. im the person that really like to know what others think of me. Do they like me, what impression I make, or in that specific moment when I speak do they respect me or they think that what I'm saying is stupid. It is really nice to know that kind of stuff. Of course there are other cool superpowers like being able to make gold of everything and be rich forever or being able to heal people or flying or time travelling. But I think that reading minds makes you stronger because you never have to wonder what is, in people head - you just know. It would change my life because I would be one step ahead of others, I could predict things based on the stuff they think, predict their behaviour and be better prepared for what's to come.",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3oSipAqnPpP0MvK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,2.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1326,493.6495,501.01969999980935,5788,3962,299,189,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Well, I guess that there are some general answers to this question. The power of being invisible? The ability to fly? Snap my fingers and generate money? I think that the most interesting answer people can give is the one based on each one of our personalities. I am a very indecisive person. I am not impulsive. I don't have the confidence to be absolutely sure that I am right and that I should be mad about something. So, I feel that due to my fear of making a possible mistake I lack some self-respect and confidence. If I could have a superpower, I would like to be able to know for sure that I am right. That this is the right decision, the right approach, that I am not going to regret it. Simply to know that I am right. With this power, I would also be able to know if I'm not misinterpret anyone and what they are thinking about me, how they feel about me. I think that this superpower would end my torment of being so afraid of making a mistake that could jeopardize me.",8,9,9,10,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_AAj2NPp2ZP2Ae1H,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,1.0,4.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2051,576.0425999999941,988.704700000018,5393,5023,280,177,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower I would definitely choose is the ability to teletransport through time and space. This superpower could make my life a lot easier in terms of travelling and specially being able to be present in the most important events in worlds/universe history. However and for the best I think, I couldn't interact or change the world history in time travels, all I could do is seeing what happened before. With this power I could see how all started, the big bang theory, the dinossaurs geting extinct, the homo sapiens rise, greek and roman empire, Alexander the great, Caesar, Augustus, my country birth, the italian renaissance, florence in his prime days, pirates, the french revolution, Napoleon, the industrial revolution, world wars, painters and writers life, looks amazing to me. Besides, travelling would be so easy, that I could be whenever I would like, not only to leisure travel, but also, when I had to go to work, or be in a specific place for a specific time! Therefore, this superpower would made me really happy and fullfiled.",8,7,7,7,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_2SvIVwnusHYjAq3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,1.0,5.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2448,325.09830000001193,603.1186000000239,5501,4065,301,154,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I have thought about having superpower few times in my life. I was mainly thinking about teleportation or being invisible. But if I have to choose I would definitely pick teleportation. The reason why is my love for traveling. I only visited 6 countries in my life - Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Italy and Malta. And I would be glad if I can expend that in countries from Asia or South America. I really like their culture, and I think experiencing it by myself would be awesome. At this point its only my imagination caused by high tickets cost for these countries. Traveling through Japan and at the same day playing football with kids in Brazil would be great. I would definitely try some food, like for an example Pad Thai, that I only ate from Thai restaurant in Poland. There must be some differences between local and same thing in foreign countries.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_W2Hgl50zZjbTGiB,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,33,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Latvia,Latvian,5.0,6.0,3.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1845,663.1081999999992,400.366,5772,3000,302,152,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, I would choose healing. This power appeals to me more than others because of its ability to bring comfort and make a positive impact on human lives. With the power of healing , I would be anle to cure illnesses , injuries. I could mend broken bones, heal wunds, restore health to those who are suffering. I would use this power to voulunteer in hospitals offering my healing abilities to those who need it the most. I would also travel to remote areas around the world amd provide medical assistance those who are in need. This superpower would also change my life by giving my life a purpose and fulfillment. The power of healing is a superpower I would choose because of its important impact on others and the ability to bring hope , health and happinest to those humans who are in need the most.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_OIhrVhUTleGYXMR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,4.0,1.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1020,254.767,222.439,5006,3183,282,156,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Make people understand feelings. I am not sure if this may be considered a superpower, but I think that creating empathy everywhere would turn the world better than ever. I don't believe the argument that: ""without bad, good wouldn't feel as good"". And I am also not saying that there wasn't going to be bad. People would, maybe, also use that to create chaos and fake some feelings but, at least, everyone would understand them and judgement would be lesser and lesser. I also think that normal superpowers like flying, being invisible etc. would only be cool and good as an individual, in terms of the world it would never change nothing. Also, if everyone actually understood everyones feelings, people that actually want the good for everyone, would even be stronger, so I can't see anything wrong with this superpower to make this world a better world for everyone. Even for the so called ""bad actors""",8,8,6,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_3fC1W9ps1TmkPkc,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,11.0,0.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,High School,1550,593.406,532.03,5518,3267,302,172,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would choose the power of always knowing if the person is telling the truth or not. I think that I need that more than other people because am going to be a doctor in the nearest future - possibly a psychiatrist too. If I had this kind of superpower, my job would have been so much easier since I could easily tell who is really sick and who just wants me to believe in it. Furthermore, it would help me to tell who is lying because they want something from me e.g. sick leave and who is lying because somebody else told them to - e.g. in any form of abuse, abduction etc. So it will not only make my job much easier and help me avoid unnecessary treatment but also help the ones in need. I think that it would also make my private life easier, since I would always know who is being sincere with her/his/their words or/and actions and who is simply using me for their own purposes.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3h25jEaAxnqxvoZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,26,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,0.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2112,925.5783000000716,641.2177000000478,5626,3098,302,152,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, I would choose to never be hungry again in my life. If I was never hungry, I could stop eating and never have the need to buy food anymore. I would stop working immidiatly and start living my life without a job shakling me. I would become free and be able to pursue my life's dreams and goals. As long as I need to make money to afford food, I will never be able to stop wasting my life in a useless job and actually do what I feel satisfying and fullfilling. I would never have to wake up to the sound of an alarm clock again, and could actually follow my slowly dying passions. I would never take another order from someone else, and I could just get a tent and go live in the woods alone, with nature all around to keep me company.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1Qn2yC9obBGUIxX,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,24,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,6.0,0.0,12.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2782,456.39,1759.062,5712,3451,300,156,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower I would choose is teleportation, I would love to be able to visit any place I want instantly here on earth and maybe other planets if there is evidence that the atmosphere is breathable and in general just explore any place I want without risk. I imagine I would want this superpower more than others because my goal aside from exploration would be to help advance space travel, for example helping move equipment or even people to other planets like mars and even further, scout for habitable planets, try to find alien civilizations, with a spacesuit I could even go to the edge of the universe if there is any and uncover and study some of the mysteries of the universe. Before all that I would try to help save as many people as possible from dangerous situations and maybe stop some bad guys like terrorists along the way but that's the ordinary stuff.",6,9,7,10,B1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3JlyOzBZt4OVUEI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Portuguese,5.0,2.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",724,326.4341000000238,183.2935,5795,2911,302,153,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could have a superpower, I would choose the same power and rogue in X-men, the power of stealing other peoples powers. Why limit yourself with one power if you can have all the power in the world? with that superpower I could simply touch a person's skin and get all the knowledge, and power from that person. The only downside is that, along with the superpower or whatever unique characteristic that person has, their memories comes with that, which can be a burden for myself, because if i steal power from many people, I will have all their memories too and that can make me crazy. However, there are more pro's than cons, I could be the smartest person on earth, which would lead me to power and wealth, and if other people had superpowers, I could be immortal and travel to other planets and see how the universe looks like.",6,7,7,10,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_tFYBgwgxSw2kcwh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es,40,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Russian,30.0,0.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1159,386.1043000000119,328.6477999999821,5776,4996,301,209,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, I would definitely choose to be able to travel in time, perhaps without ability to change anything in my life, so it couldn't break the reality I am living right now. But I would absolutely enjoy this experience of comething back in time, yes, especially, back in time. I would see the lands and counties as they were before, maybe centuries ago, I would go back in the past to see The Doors playing onstage, or Randy Rhoads and so many more of my favorite musicians who are unfortunately dead by now. I would go to that concert of Avicii in the place I live, because when he was here with the festival , it was 2013, I think, and I was like, ""Ah, Avicii, I will see him on another ocasion"". How many tears I shed when I realized in was probably the only chance for me to see his performance, before he bacame incredibly popular. In other workds, I'd like this superpower not to change my life outcome, buit to experience many things you can't experience anymore. Other superpowers could be - understanding birds and animals language, resurrecting people and animals, flying... But well, time travelling sounds too good to me! ",9,8,5,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_4TpbPEcrDksl9v3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,24,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,1.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1410,381.789700000003,390.286799999997,6089,3275,305,154,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"if i could have a superpower it would be the one of teletransporting. in my daily life, the commute to work, my house, etc is really frustrating for me, as i do not own a personal vehicle, so it would be very time-saving, i would get more things done in my day to day and then and only then i would consider moving to a big city, meaning i would save time on commuting, traffic, etcetera. another useful superpower would be flying or being invisible, but even then, those two would not offer me the time-saving feature that teletransporting would, so when putting all of those in a balance, teletransporting wins by a lot. also, i am training to be an ob-gyn, and this would really help with my work tasks, given in big hospitals you spend a lot of time walking trough halls, going from one place to another so you achieve things",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_UsceFhlh6IETeoN,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,34,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Marathi,22.0,36.0,20.0,Hindi,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1921,753.350799999997,711.687200000003,5528,3235,302,149,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like to go back in time and change some of the historical events that caused enormous harm to the society. I would also like to change some of my personal choices I made in the past. I would allow me to correct some of he historical misakes like transporting and enslaving africans in the usa, assasination of ausrian prince in Serbia that caused the first world war. By going back in time and observing events will give me insights of the future, that will help me be able to make informed decisions. It would give me an opportunity to study history by experiencing it firsthand. I would also love to learn about unsolved mysteries in the history. On the other hand, I'd also like to cherish my good memories in the past. I would like to spend some more time with my grandparents who have passed away. ",8,8,5,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_12EyqtjhsR1vKDG,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,54,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,30.0,6.0,5.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4172,1268.0785,999.095,6236,3821,301,150,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had to choose a power I would choose the teleportation one. This power would help me accomplish some of my desires in life, such as traveling around the world, and arriving early to all my dates even when I am very far. I could even use it to make money delivering things and I would make a lot of profits that would make my life one hundred percent easier. I would choose it because of its convenience, freedom, and efficiency. This power would enable me to be present for the most important moments in my life. I would be on escapades exploring the planet, and learning about many cultures as I could imagine only in my dreams. In moments of crisis and emergencies, this ability would help me to escape from them and in some cases, I could save other people's lives too. It has thousands of possibilities.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_0q7bm4iFlH8B2Ip,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-GB,24,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Romanian,21.0,33.0,10.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",977,195.172,414.265,5337,7832,301,330,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower, it would most likely be eidetic/perfect memory, or at least the ability to very quickly & efficiently memorise things, be they words, sounds or visual stimuli. The reason for this is because I am someone who really enjoys learning across quite a broad field, and I know that most other people do not share a genuine desire for knowledge. I would use this superpower to improve several skills in my life quickly: playing the piano, learning visual arts and learning new languages, to name a few, as well as better memorising the various things I read. This way, I would be able to reach a level of high competence very quickly and very efficiently, and it would greatly serve to help me make a living through the skills I most enjoy learning & practicing. Most other people choose superpowers such as invisibility, turning back time, or flight -- they all have their own merit & use, respectively, but ultimately, to me such superpowers fall short of the true reason to have a superpower: meaningful self-betterment. Many intellectually-gifted people are sometimes refered to as having a superpower of their own, by virtue of their high intelligence, but even that has its own little imperfections, and so I strongly believe that an extraordinary memory which can retain information losslessly would be incredibly useful in the pursuit of any human endeavour. I believe that me having this type of superpower would drastically change my life, in a positive sense, as I would suddenly be able to learn so much faster, and every goal & target I've set for myself would not only be accomplished very quickly, but also open up myriads of new doors of learning; even if I did have perfect memory, it would still take an incredibly long amount of time to learn everything that there might be to learn, given how vast each field of study is and how much there is to them.",12,10,7,11,C2.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_2TUmt1vswwVOC1r,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Bulgarian,12.0,34.0,23.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1304,469.6409000000004,369.9237999999999,5646,3515,301,156,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I have actually never though of this before, even though I have read similar question many times. I reckon the superpower that I would like to have is the ability to read other people's thoughts. It's a super power that can easily be hidden away from others, yet has unbelieavalbe power. I am sure that it would be difficult at first, especially since most people think a lot of nonsense, and some people are just simply evil. I am sure taht after a few years I would find an useful way in qhich to use this power for good. I can't really think of any specific ways of doing it right now, but I believe having the ability to hear what people really think is extremely powerful. I really wanted to choose a power that would not be necesarily noticable by others and is not obvious, that way fame will not have to come with power. ",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_3KIo8rrd6xEtR5c,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,32,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1755,896.9316000000001,505.19870000000014,5759,3589,302,155,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"My choosen superpower would be a power to show peoples real intentions. It would help in so many different ways! Imagine politicians with signs above their saying ""money"" or ""people"" while being on the live tv. That superpower may lead our generation to be more thoughfull and choose our goverments by the things, they really care about. My superpower would cause some drama at first, that i can agree on. But lets think furter, in the future where only good people, who care about world, society and other humans have space for actions. This superpower would not only change my life, and peoples around me. It would change the whole world in couple years from now. We could be driven by peple who really think alike us, not just make fake promises to gain our votes and then forget about given promise. I think that superpower is the best, I wish I could have it.",7,8,7,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2VHHPnrdnpNmcfY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,40,Left-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,5.0,2.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1841,624.437700000003,710.7653999999985,5362,5056,271,170,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I were to have a super power it would be flying. I would choose this because I am currently very happy about my life and work and would not want to change it drastically. Most super powers, like super human strength or laser eyes would mainly mean I need to go and fight some villans, which I do not favor. Other powers like mind contol, telekinesis or reading thougths are aslo not my cup of tea. Flying would benefit my current happy life style the I most as I am thinking about it. No more waiting in traffic jams. I could save some money on the car. I know this might seem dull, but I just like my life as it is at the moment. I am so happy I do not like big changes at this time of my life. Flying is perfect for that; it helps me ease my current way of living without having a too large impact to really turn my life 180 degrees around. ",6,8,7,10,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2S6o0G0wzQbZvkp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,1.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1067,425.963,379.402,5786,3871,301,187,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had to choose just one superpower that would be really difficult, but I think I would go with space flight. What do I mean by this? The ability to flight, not only on earth but also go through space flying and not die. I really like this superpower because first, I am a person that loves to go to places and visit the world, this would give me more chances to do that, daily after work I could simply fligh to any other place and visit it for a couple of hours, second, I always believed that there were aliens, and based on this power I could go in search throghout the universe, finding the answers everyone always asks, and third, I could completely change my work, I could work for NASA (a dream of mine) and help them with exploring the fast universe. It would make me a scout and an explorer, someone that would go and maybe find advanced technology or thinking that would help mankind, I could have the power of truly help mankind. It would be a dream come to fruition. ",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3MQLDBTrFvHNEnH,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,hu-HU,39,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,0.0,0.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2006.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1536,484.921,560.999,5502,3212,272,153,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I had a superpower, I think I would choose super speed. With this help, I could prevent accidents and natural disasters, moreover, I could travel the world super fast. I could have vacation on the beach and relax in the mountains in a few minutes. And after another few minutes I would be ready to help people in a differect country. With this superpower, my life would really change in a drastical way. The best part would be that no enemy could harm me because of my speed. I would use a superhero set with blue colors, because it would be cool. I really do not like Flash, the movie, so I would be a more dramatic hero, like Superman, not a teenage guy. I think my super speed would be useful in cities when a lot of emergencites occurs in a few square miles. That's my story of my super power.",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1QN0Bs0zmcTg5eX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,20,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,2.0,Polish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,2509,395.235,313.48,6256,3188,302,161,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If i could have any superpowers I would like to have an ability to fly everwhere. I would like this power more than anyone else cause I have multiple ideas how to use it in good intensions. If i could fly I would visit my dream places on the world, my family that live abroad and discover new places on our planet. I would also become an astronaut and fly without a spaceship! Only by myself with a suit! It would be amazing because the gravity wouldn't be able to sink me into the black hole or just the whole universe. I would safely travel in the space and discover new planets! Maybe even find a new life on a new planet. That would be amazing, I could work for NASA as a first human with superpowers. I would definitely use my abilities to change the world, find solutions or even make some changes in the future history of our planet.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_1JUUi1qTvTuycIi,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",975,278.843,330.561,5679,3666,302,176,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"It's hard to choose only one superpower, but one thing that ultimately matters most in life is the capacity of being able to adapt to new circumstances, whether it be from changes happening on the outside, or even with changes on the inside, in your own body and mind. I'd say a great superpower to have would be to be able to quickly and efficiently adapt to said changes, not having to go through the hassle to learn a new ability for years if you need or have to change careers, getting stronger when your body starts to grow weaker, becoming more resistant to heat when the weather gets hotter than usual. I'd say that would be a great superpower to have. In truth, this would be a multitude of powers, but if I could only have one, I'd want one with several benefits to it, a sort of jack-of-all-trades. Having a single-use superpower would probably mean I'd grow bored of it after a while, so I can't seem to choose just one to go with.",9,11,8,11,C1.i,C2.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_1FOFHLmpBVT0Sxs,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.51",en-GB,44,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Afrikaans,5.0,12.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1312,419.4433999999762,396.526,5400,3435,301,163,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower I would choose is the power of healing as I feel it would bring more change to the world than any other superpower can. I suffer from chronic diseases myself and live in pain on a daily basis and this is one reason why I would want the power of healing, to not only heal myself but other people too. I would go around the world healing the sick and create a society where nobody has pain from sickness or injuries. If you think of all the superpowers that are out there, the famous ones like Superman who has the power of strenght and flight but not of healing the sick. A superpower of healing without taking anything from me would be my favourite superpower to have and share with others. Now just to think of how I would go about getting to everyone to heal as there as so many people that would need it and only one of me.",7,9,7,10,B2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1jwBvhn0UzjF0OI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1349,528.239299999997,397.856,5777,3677,302,164,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would like to be able to go back in time. As a person that likes to think about the past, I would like to get to experience some of my foundest memories again. Being able to travel to the past would mean see things again for the first time, and hang around with people that unfortunately are not alive anymore. Again, I am a person that has found memories of my past, and I think about them a lot so it would be very special to get to live them again. It would change my life in the sense that it would bring me happiness and more time with those who mean a lot to me. This, I think, also realtes heavily to the fact that I've always been very connected to my family, and the memories I have with all my familiy members. Others superpowers like teletransportation are also good options, but time-travelling is what I feel would make me the happiest. ",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_dcjPKZG1tvvR4pX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,33,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1906,632.2603,567.8592000000002,5704,3335,302,160,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could choose a superpower I would choose teleportation. It would great to be at any place in the world any time. We spend so much time on traveling from place to place. It's waisting the time we have and also long distance travels are often very tiring. And of course traveling over the world cost a lot of money. If I have a superpower of teleportation I would see the most beautiful places. From Africa to Australia. Australia is one of my biggest dream to vist, but it is impossible for now. But with teleportation - no problem. It would be useful in everyday too. I could go to work or shopping in one second. I wouldn't have to squez in crowded public transport and again - it's so much saving time! And of course what's the most important I could see my relatives who are away from me in a second and as often as I want.",7,7,6,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_2YbMbaYPlK9IRAR,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,23,Ambidextrous,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1524,311.172,345.344,5460,3554,302,181,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would love the superpower, which would help me give life, but on a whole new level. When I am speaking about give life, i am more about the nature side of life than the human ones. Imagine you could raise pumpkins and other ""nature made"" food in just seconds. I would really love this power, since then I would be able to help so many other people in my country, and in the world. World hunger on one side would be pretty much over, since I could just help the hungry people with my power. I think my life would be changed drastically, so It would make my life more happier than before. I could help so many people, and my family too, which would mean that the food prices would go down at least a bit, which would make other foods reach a mark in price that even the poor can buy it. It wouldn't crash any market at all, since I could help the farmers out too. It would be a big business, and it wouldn't destroy much. ",7,8,5,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_8ff5iU82IgVWcU1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,18.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1385,554.875,419.4766999999881,5599,4064,302,164,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The superpower I would like to have is time travel. I would like to go back in time to prevent certain things from happening, or just to undo mistakes from my life. Time travelling would be useful to always bring good no matter what, and also to know what other outcomes from some decision I took or other people took for me are. It would change my life tremendously. I could use it not only to be a better student at university, be a better person overall by knowing exactly what to say on certain situation through trial and error, and also being able to try things without the fear of failure since I could just go back to the past and change my mistakes. Also, since time also goes forwards, I could go to the future and look, for example, at the stock market for stock that is really expensive then, but on the present day is really cheap, making me a millionaire.",9,9,6,11,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C2.i R_20ShWucjUqB75lF,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,32,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Sweden,Finnish,23.0,0.0,8.0,Swedish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1475,226.672,978.593,5384,13006,302,521,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Hmm, I think that's a tough question. There are a lot of powers that would genuinely be amazing, but I think one that I value the most would probably be being able to perform magic, more specifically make things appear out of thin air. Be it food, clothes, money or anything of value. I'd want this superpower because it would be superior to all the other ones that I know of such as mind reading, telekinesis, flying or...I don't know, manipulating water probably? I mean obviously there are SO many other powers than the ones I've listed, but to keep myself from spending too much energy on remembering other ones I will keep it at that. Obviously with the way I've described it, you can imagine the things that would be possible to do with it, but that's just the thing...YOU can imagine the things that would be possible to do with it, so then it's not that personal, right? It opens up a whole lot of doors for me to make things appear out of thin air. Imagine if I REALLY wanted that one specific hamburger from 30 Burgers that I had when I went to New Jersey last year, their Maui burger. Sweet grilled pineapple, some added salt from the ham and of course a sweet and savory teriyaki sauce on top of a patty. Or if I really needed to summon a phone charger, or even a power bank, for my phone. I could upgrade my computer to literally any specs I'd ever want or imagine, I could create very personal decor for my new apartment without having to make the effort of searching through the whole Internet. If I run out of female hygiene products, or better yet if I'm outdoors with no way of getting them, I could just make them appear. Just like that! I could bake and cook any way I want, if I need specific ingredients only found in South America to make local tacos from a tiny village in Mexico I could do that. Heck, I could probably even get a translated secret family appear in front of me if I wanted. I've longed for a fruit named mangosteen that only grows in parts of Asia for over 20 years now and I would be so happy if I could taste it again. I would never have to buy shoes again, I could always create a pair that fits me perfectly and replace them whenever they wear out. I'm picky when it comes to perfumes/fragrances, so getting one that exactly fits my sweet vanilla and caramel needs would be the bomb. Really, only my imagination would be able to get in the way and probably my skills. I don't have a driver's license yet, so it would be pretty ""useless"" for me to summon cars and the like. All in all, having this superpower would mean a lot less stress in my life and I would be content with everything. Anything that I could ever need or want would be within reach, and that is something that I value over anything else.",12,11,9,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_sQXNkvTHDxAV3MZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,28,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,15.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3120,401.1768000000119,600.1451999999881,5965,7356,302,364,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"When faced with the question which superpower people would like to have, I am sure that important contenders for the ""win"" would be powers such as flying, teleportation, forecasting the future or superhuman strength. I could also imagine abilities like mindreading or telekinesis to be a very popular choice. Personally, though, I'd like to choose a different power if I could. If I could have any superpower, I'd like the power to heal. It is one of my strongest convictions in life that if we could heal and cure debilitating diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's or ALS, we'd have a world that I would consider close to a real utopia. While having superhuman strength, for instance, would be a very helpful and frankly very cool power to have, it pales in comparison to the idea of being able to heal suffering directly at the source: illness, disease and sickness. What good is superhuman strength if your body will wither away due to the natural course of disease anyway? What good is knowing the future if all it holds is an untimely demise at the hands of devastating sickness? If I had the power to heal myself and others from any kind of disease, I'd try to travel the world doing just that. I'd also try and cooperate with scientists all over the world to find the cause of my powers and to answer the question of whether these powers might be replicated. As a single person, I could not heal everybody. I couldn't be everywhere I'd need to be. How would I even choose where to start, who to help first? If I had this power, apart from working with scientists to help spread the ability to cure and heal, I'd also try to get a good support team and a psychologist. Having to face the question of who to save and where to go would probably impact my mental health a lot, so I would definitely need all the support I could get. In the end, I think it would still be worth it even if I only managed to put a small dent into the combined mass of human suffering caused by disease. ",12,11,10,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.ii,C2.i R_2qy2nFq4mgAN7sj,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,32,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,18.0,2.0,3.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1269,551.048,330.5619999999999,5772,3300,304,158,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I could freely choose a superpower I would choose the manipulation of atom structures. For example: multiplication of an item, changing the amount of the drink substance, and so on. I don't know if any superhero is using this superpower, I am most certain that there is someone like dr Atom or something. I like this powet more than others, because it could solve the problems like poverty and hunger extremalities, but only when it happens because of natural phenomenal. I believe strictly in ballance - there is a price cost for everything. I believe in karma and i would not be willing to use this power to reballance the natural order and let all humans live as long as they can. It would change my life in little way. Maybe few trips in a year with a discreet help. I would not be planning to be a world celebrity superhero like in the boys for example.",7,7,7,7,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_3nSF5UtLJf1COqW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1511,393.1215,674.4697000000477,5514,3257,302,156,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I would choose to be able to travel through time. This would be better than other superpowers since it would allow me to not only experience historical events but also have a look into what the future will bring in terms of technological advancements, which would be more interesting than being able to fly or be invisible. I would also be able to change the past and the future, potentially correcting past catastrophes and making the world a better place, making me more powerful than if I had chosen other powers. Even if I could only change small things in the past, the butterfly effect could potentially alter the course of history drastically. It would completely change my life, not only because I would be able to change my past but it would also give me a lot of power to shape the world in the way I prefer, making it a better place for everyone.",8,10,8,11,B2.ii,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_1gzv72aiDCTEANd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,30,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,24.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2003,493.9515999999048,686.3595999999046,5452,3009,302,151,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I have always been fascinated by the idea of controlling time and go back to the past. Imagine doing or undoing things until they happen like you want to, changing little aspects until you succeed. You could prevent people from natural disasters if something happens and you can go back and alert them; you would know from crimes before they are commited. That would be a huge power. Maybe too huge. It would be necesary that the person who has the power wasn't selfish and think about a global good. That would be dangerous for the hero too, because all the criminals would be focus on him as he can make fail all the mean plans. But I think it is worth, just thinking in all that people who are suffering from a lost and they can go back and be again with their relatives or friends. That would be awesome.",8,7,7,8,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_umkOjY7wZkGjNsJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es,26,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,20.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2524,242.92520000004768,224.52840000009536,5475,3314,302,174,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If i could have any superpower i would choose to be super-smart because it certainly could open my a lot of doors in all kind of places, for example job offers, new carreers oppportunities and probably travel to another countries, also i think i would have the ability to easily learn almost anything just by reading it and i can use this intelligence as i would so i can not be discovered and also dont losing my sense of humor, my charisma etc, because i wanna still be me, I think this superpower is as Useful as discret as it could be if a choose another superpower i would get the attention of everyone and maybe put in danger to my family and friends, so i can continue my normal life just knowing a lot more than anyone making it easy to me to get a new degree, new certifications, and eventually more money to do whatever i want, i dont want to be like batman or Tony stark just to make life easier",3,7,5,7,A2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3fW5r17HDW2eo9X,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,15.0,0.0,12.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,High School,1146,232.873,587.9854000000057,5585,6482,302,249,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"This is a tough question, as there are multiple good options. I would either pick invisibility, teleportation or time control. But since I have to chose one, I'll go with invisibility. It's a superpower that would guarantee me an easier life with less financial troubles. I could just go invisible and rob a bank, or get into certain institutions unnoticed where I might gain insight on new technology that I could even steal. I know, I know, stealing is bad and doing illegal things is bad, but I'm being honest. Who wouldn't take the chance that invisibility brings to better their life? Whenever I would feel stressed, I could just immediately hide. I could observe people and learn new things about them. I could even get myself some cool hidden base somewhere, and nobody could track me to it. On the more negative side, I think it would definitely make my social anxiety worse, as I wouldn't be forced to interact with people on the daily anymore. I would likely quit my job and just do whatever I want. Which is not always as good as it sounds, as being alone and without limitations can be hard on a person, especially mentally. I think after a while I'd get bored and probably start doing some good with it, though. I could spy out things that nobody else could, and I would save people. I guess that would be nice, and would give me some much needed motivation in life.",10,9,7,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3ER3ggaKX8FV71Q,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,12,IDK,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1151,497.3061999998093,315.40890000009534,5986,3591,285,155,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"If I were able to choose a superpower I think I would want to be able to read other's people minds. That would be great specially since I'm an introverted person that would help me a lot in relationships and to figure out other's people intention. Also I'm a person that's not only introverted but also I don't have a lot of patience to talk with person that I don't know and that I don't have interest into, so a lot of times since I don't have interest I don't think in a conversation theme when I'm in this kind of situation but I know that this type of behaviour makes me lose a lot of possible friendships or even more, so with this superpower I think that would be such a great improvement to this type of situations. Also would be pretty funny to know what some persons think in some more delicate situations.",7,6,5,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_0lEh5PT2kAcaBcl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,21,Left-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,Spanish,18.0,36.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",999,440.6646000000016,272.6056000000015,5487,3229,300,162,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I personally think that a really interesting superpower to have would be to se superfast, that way I could be able to solve my daily tasks way faster than usual and have more free time to do other activities that I'm genuinely interested in. There are multiple benefits to this superpower such as saving money in travel expenses, because I would be able to travel anywhere in the world in just minutes, thanks to the superspeed, maybe even winning races and earn money while doing so, without the need to train or follow an specific diet. Many persons would use superpowers to become superheroes, but in a realistic setting I believe superheroes would be focused on just being the face of the marketing of a brand or promoting products, instead of actually providing something positive for the society, so in that case I would like to use the benefits of my superpowers for myself than to be used by others for profit.",10,8,7,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_1kGQ31aJNXdRoIj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,24,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,5.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1471,454.857599999994,599.6043000000119,5678,3765,302,172,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I guess I would love being able to know the future. Not the whole future but only random stuff just for fun. I don't think I would want it to really change my life, but if it can be something weird just to make your life a bit more interesting, well, that's what I would want. I can imagine myself predicting random stuff to my friends just to look at their faces! I don't think I would want to take advantage of it but I would definitely use it when I get too worried by life uncertainties. Like, you are waiting to hear about your job interview: even if anticipation is one of the most beautiful things in life, having to wait can be very frustrating and it would be nice to just skip that part! Also, it would be nice predicting dangerous events in order to save lives, even if I'm not sure I would use it to save my own, because that would basically mean knowing when I would die.",9,9,6,10,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_cBz6jTUyluyXRVn,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl,24,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,7.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1986,577.3955,827.4042000000478,7122,6670,301,224,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"Out of all possible superpowers I usually wished to be able to fly or become invisible. Honestly, now that I'm older I would probably like to become see-through at times. Invisibility could make me avoid some awkward situations. Evade some unwanted meetings or just simply vanish whenever I want to. Obviously becoming invisible could be helpful when I don't want to be seen. Either because of shyness or doing something that I instantly regreted. I believe everyone had at least one situation, where they wished to leave or not be seen. Saying something so blatantly stupid, getting rejected by a crush or simply embarrasing yourself. I think invisibility would be helpful in each of those cases. On the other hand I could get to places that I wouldn't normally be able to. Maybe listen to some conversations which people wouldn't want me to listen to. I imagine that I could hear some upsetting news or gossip about me, but in my opinion the bitter truth is better than sugar coated lies. If I ever wanted to do some illegal or mischevious act, then invisibility could come in handy. However I'm not intrested in exploring that to be honest. To sum up, with the possibility of choosing any superpower myself, I'd choose invisibility. I think this would bring endless opportunities to use in various conditions. ",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2EtQ9nirvMRw2OV,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,High School,2001,711.655,695.6080000000003,5674,3779,302,161,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"One superpower I have always found quite interesting is the ability to travel back in time. I think one of the major advantages I would have is that I could always fix it if I somehow messed up. Also I would be very rich, since I could win the lottery whenever I wanted (but I also would have to be careful not to get caught). One disadvantage that I also found was that it is very easy to get lost in it, for example if someone I loved died and I couldn't do anything about it, it would be very possibe that I would get lost in trying to save the person for a long, long time, always going back in time. Compared to other superpowers, the ability to travel back in time also has it's advantages, for example being one that is more discrete, so I wouldn't be a ""target"" for governments and/or people that would be jealous of me.",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2VgdCCY9XD5UqFz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,18,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,10.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2285,343.63,498.9427999999999,5448,3973,301,157,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"I've thought about this question before and I came to the conclusion that the superpower I would like to have would also come with many disadvantages. That superpower would be reading and manipulating minds. I consider it being one of the most powerful superpowers in existence and also one of the most intrusive ones. I think that in the long run reading minds would become a curse more than a superpower. With that said, my answer to the original question would be being able to control time. Move it forward, pause it, go back in time and this would also be applicable to singular objects instead of the whole world. I would have the ability to age someone to death, or to make a plant grow right away, and the contrary would also be possible. I think having this much power could influence someone's perspective and personality pretty easily, humans tend to grow selfish when in power. ",9,10,7,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3hlNnR3r6YPxeTC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Safari/605.1.15",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,5,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Poland,Polish,19.0,2.0,7.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1697,645.861,547.494,6227,4010,301,176,3,1,Imagine you could choose a superpower. What one superpower would you like to have? Explain why you would like this superpower more than others you can imagine. What would you do with this new power and how would it change your life?,"The one superpower that i would choose is telekinesis, the superpower of lazy people. I could become a really strong superhero with that power but also my day to day life would be so much easier. I could make my food without leaving my living room, also i would't have to carry heavy things. If my power of telekinesis could make my body move i could fly and basicly teleport everywhere I wanted to wihout using my energy. That power would be helpfull for other people too. After any disaster i could go and help people lift things that have fallen on them or I could help clean after the disaster. Fithing the crimnals by thrownig havy things on them would also make me a helpfull superhero.Also i could stop and redirect guns bullets for example. Other than that i would be very good in multitasking, doing several things at once wihout even thinking about that. Telekinesis is a very useful power that would make me even lazier but also could help a lot of people. ",5,7,6,8,B1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_XEXKHKiMgpVi0zD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,7.0,0.0,3.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2398,671.2715,1100.3043000000002,5901,5680,301,217,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Emily! Thank you for writing to me. I've received your e-mail about your struggles with reading English skills. I would be very glad if I could help you improve with that so I thought about it and came up with a few ideas that could perhpas help you improve reading English. First thing I thought about was trying to read books in english instead of your native language. It might sounds difficult but I don't necesserily mean ambitious, long books. You could start like a kid from scratch reading books dedicated for kids learning to read as well, simple books. Another thing that could help you might be reading the way kids read too. What I mean is kid read out loud, pronuncing the words they currently read. They don't just silenetly read in their minds like adults. Don't be afraid or ashamed to do that there is nothing to be ashamed of when you're trying to improve, and you could practice this method alone without worrying someone else could judge you. I hope you will try out the methods I mentiond, and rememeber practice makes perfect! You're not gonna improve without actually practicing and doing the work. Good luck and you should see some progress after reading like thirty minutes a day! Greetings Your friend ",9,7,7,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2qDbv6avmV9xwXy,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,13.0,0.0,15.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,1508,237.076800000012,646.639800000012,5550,9087,302,337,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey Elian, Are you still up for the party this weekend? I've heard that you've been meaning to improve your English reading skills, so bear with me for writing to you in English. Before you RSVP on the party thing, read the rest of my email since I wanted to talk about my own little experience with improving mastery of the English language, particularly the reading part. First of all, reading is painful, I know. The most difficult part for me has always been understanding new terms which I've never read / heard before. Or have heard about before but never bothered to learn the meaning behind it. Whenever I've been too lazy to immediately look up meanings (this issue has been mitigated by technology, i.e. my iPad (and yours, I'll tell in a bit)), I just kept reading, often misunderstanding the message that sentence or ""section"" was trying to convey and ending up misunderstanding fundamental parts of what I was reading. Since I know you have an iPad I can share some tips about how to make the most of it. Start reading books (or any content that can be read online, this applies to that too) on the Books app on the iPad. You can put down bookmarks, highlight text and do loads of other useful things. The most useful thing though is by far the portable dictionary. Select the word you're curious about and you can immediately get a dictionary definition of it, along with usages and synoyms. Since you also have a MacBook and iPhone, you can do this on those too. On the MacBook simply select a word and push down (harder than usual) on your trackpad, it will 3D-Touch and reveal the dictionary popup. Super useful. Anyhow, before you completely forget what I was actually interested in writing to you about - yes I don't actually care about you - do let me know if you're showing up for the party and if you're gonna drive or not. Talk soon, Leo",12,9,9,11,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3IWRLyAv5HVYxLk,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,21,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,14.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1697,497.015,543.516,6333,4616,302,169,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Andrea, I write this email to you to help you improve your english level. I think that the most important skill to have to be able to read english at a good level is having a good vocabulary. I suggest you to start by reading texts for kids that use low level lenguage and vocabulary. What really helped me to develop my understanding of english texts was watching YouTube videos, movies and TV series. My suggestion is to watch them in english with subtitles in english. Sometimes it's really hard to understand what an actor in a movie is saying because of the speed at which he talks or because of the accent. But with the subtitles it's much easier to understand. I also suggest you to note every word you don't know and to search for its meaning. After some time your vocaboulary will improve alot and you will be able to understand every word and also understand how to use those word in a phrase. Matteo",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_23q7Kuo9n1WboIh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,12.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2224,723.1569999999997,830.7193999996185,5125,3540,282,167,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Adam I'm writting to you because during our last conversation you told me that you wish to improve your English reading skills. I have a few ideas for you that could help with that. First, the most simple idea, basically try to read as much English texts as you can. Various articles, books etc. Try to use only English sites when you are browsing the internet. It should definetly help you improve your skills. The second idea is to watch a movies, episodes with the english descriptions. It should help you to learn read faster, as the descriptions are changing pretty fast. Also, you can try to start writing in English. when you do it, your reading skills should also get better. I know that these ideas requires a lot of time and commitment from you, but I think that they are surely improve your English reading skills. If you need any help or want to discuss these ideas just simply write me back. Sincerely, Michael ",9,8,7,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3haqpKjVr2FoPdv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3179,529.179,1444.8253999999758,6083,4443,302,161,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Marcin! In your last e-mail you wrote to me that you want to improve your English reading skills. I was thinking about that for the last two days, and I would say that the hardest thing to me were confusing idioms. A lot of these cannot be really translated into Polish, our native language. I still have trouble with some of them since I am learning more with every day, and I think the best idea is to just search everything we do not know or is confusing to us. If you have trouble with words - just use English. Watch movies with subtitles, read lyrics when you listen to music, play videogames in English. It will come to you eventually. I personally feel that I understood English better as time passed. In my opinion, the best you can do is simply use English everyday. I keep my fingers crossed. I am looking forward to your reply. Take care, Przemek.",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1FbUeylWFORV4L8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,17.0,2.0,4.0,Dutch,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1533,297.4602000000477,398.1853000000717,5395,5146,302,251,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear friend, as I heard that you were trying to improve your English skills, I was very excited and and consider this letter as a form of suggestion. I will use a structure with bulletpoints to give you the best overview possible. 1. I would suggest, that as a start you should download an app like Duolingo, this makes learning languages feel like a game. This gamification of learning helps you to reduce internal restitance which might occure when you feel demotivated. And also the lessons in a app are usually very short and can be done even in work breaks or in other stressful situations. 2. If you have a basic understanding of conversations I would suggest, that you start consuming media with native English speakers like youtube videos or TV-shows. To make it easier for you, it is recommended, that subtitles in your native language are displayed. This will not only make it easier to learn a few new words, but also get a grasp of the tone of the conversation. Also another huge point is that you get to learn sayings, which you can include in the next tip I will show you. 3. Find a native English speaker or a person who is fluent in English and try keeping the conversation in English. This will not only require you to speak the language, but also you gain trust in yourself and your improving language skills. I hope I could help you with my tips. Kind Regards Yours",9,9,6,11,C1.i,C1.i,B1.ii,C2.i R_2pXqg2j6NFxvlAF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,12.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1786,286.559,576.5795,5449,5822,302,209,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey friend, it's me, Nicolas. I got your email about wanting to improve your english reading skills, and as someone that has learned english since little and up to this day continues to practice, I can tell you how I do it. For the most part learning english, just like any language, requires constant practice. While applications like Duo Lingo can certainly help you, I actually don't really like them, as it feels like a chore and it may have the opposite effect. Doing things that you find fun, like reading or playing games in english for example, is actually what helped me the most in learning the language. Not only do they help you develop a wider vocabulary, but you'll also have fun doing it. In the case of games particularly, you can practice both listening and reading comprehension, if the game has voice acting. The biggest hurdle in improving your reading skills is at the start, because there may be a lot of words that you don't know, but with time, your vocabulary will widen, making it a lot easier and faster. I don't mind us texting each other in english, if that helps you too. With nothing else to add, hope you have a nice day. ",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2vdgQJTcUJOJSPP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,28,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,0.0,12.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1829,508.51010000014304,459.22589999985695,5527,3935,298,178,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Mary, I'm really happy that you decided to ask me some advices about learning English. As you know I'm a languages lover and I'm always excited to talk about this topic. I would like to share with you some tips how to practise English. So, first of all, to read better in English you simply have to read in English! Try to read as much as possible, for example some articles on the Internet, books, magazines. Remember that the language should be understandable for you plus to contain some words that you may not know. With the time you gonna understand more and more. You can also watch movies in English with English subtitles or try to sing a song while looking at the lyrics. Mabye at the beginning everything may seems tirying and difficult (at least it was like this for me) but I am sure with the time you gonna love it. Oh and remember to read only the content that is interesting for you, otherwise you can easly get bored. Sending love! Yours xyz",9,7,6,9,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1MRYKWIFBQu2yg9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-HU,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,22.0,0.0,12.0,Hungarian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1745,385.21,364.6894000000004,5457,5210,302,195,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Kai! Firstly I would like to tell you my difficulties in when it comes to reading in English; Since you speak multiple languages like myself I find it difficult to properly think in English with the same emotions and understanding that I have in hungarian, despite thinking more in english than not. Also another problem for me was that in Hungarian we write almost everything how we say it so it is not hard to make typos when typing fast in english. My advice to you would be on how to improve your own skills would be perhaphs watch movies, series, play games with subtitles on in english first and foremost. This one helped me a lot, after a while you can drop that and don't even need those subtitles anymore. This should help you understand the language better therefore it should massivly increase your own reading skills as well. On the other hand you can find someone like me, to exchange messages with and look up words that you don't understand the meaning of AFTER you try and guess that meaning from the context. Basically as the saying goes practice makes perfect. Cheers",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_6EiMrpIGjGSQL29,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,20,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,12.0,1.0,2.0,Catalan,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1669,652.65,536.227,5710,3415,303,154,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Leonardo, If you really want to improve your english maybe I can help you. The bests ways to learn one lenguage is watching TV and/or shows in these language, you can also listen music and try to understand what are they saying in the songs. Read a book is also a good way to learn and if you have some doupts you can ask me and I will try to help you :) If you want to improve your speaking skills you can go to an english academy and have conversations with the other students, moreover there are apps in the google play that helps you to find find people who want to talk in theses language and you can practice together! I'm glad that you are so interested to learn these beautiful language! I'm sure that yopu will improve quickly!! :))) And remember: I love you and I'm here for you <3",6,6,5,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_3ssQ2dEU70sZIve,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,25,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,5.0,4.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1793,744.6938000000121,639.349599999994,6330,5002,302,209,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear John, It comes to me as a great news your attempt to improve your english reading skillls as such I want to share my struggles with this task. For me the hardest part of reading in English is the ability to connect different ideas and names into a fluid sentence. Most of us start learning English by memorizing certain words, we start with the classic Thank you, Goodbye, Hello and so forth, understanding individual words is natural but compreehending the meaning of a sentence is harder than simply translating words. This skill takes practice but is crucial when developing a good reading strategy. Abstract ideas are the most difficult because it forces you to think on the possibe underlying meaning of a sentence as such reading Poetry I think provides key insight into the hidden meanings behind words or expressions. If you are a not a great reader for start maybe a more managable strategy could consist of playing videogames. The constant exposure to dialogue, text and UI incentivizes the players to adapt in order to follow the story and improve in the game, as such is a great passive way to improve overal English skills. I hope you are capable of reaching your goals. Best regards, Madalena ",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_11hJwjWDTJrEhLH,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,30,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,5.0,0.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1672,384.249,837.7176000000238,5489,5102,303,261,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Mark ! The other day, you told me about wanting to learn some english, but you were thinking about how to start. I thought about how to help you as best as I can, and have some tips for you. So, you must know right away, that even though english is pretty easy to learn as far as languages go, your first weeks or even months of learning can be rough. There is a massive amount of weird words and phrases, and the pronunciation can be even harder for someone not familiar with this type of language. But I want to recommend you a thing or two that helped me the most - just immerse yourself in the language. What I mean is, if you want to read something, listen to something, or watch something, do it in english if you can. Actually traveling to another country and being forced to use the language, even if you don't know it yet, is the most effective, but this is the second best method in my opinion. Depending on your sources, or the type of media that you would consume, it can be harder or easier by being exposed to different types of words, or even slang, so try starting with maybe some easier to digest books or movies. You can actually learn any language by being gradually exposed to it. Maybe it can take more time than the traditional learning methods, but for sure it's more fun. I wish you the best, let me know if you need any help ! ",11,9,9,11,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_xaeTELHwp78MGPv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,1.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,1117,230.6522000000029,577.798800000012,5102,6842,276,273,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey (friend), How are you doing? I hope this email finds you well. I found reading increasingly hard texts to be a good way to improve your reading skills of English. You can start by reading examples of CEFR exams and raise the level as you go along, or do the same with English textbooks for people learning it as a second language. For instance, in my country of Portugal we learn English since primary school, but obviously those textbooks are way easier than the ones we have when in high school or when studying for a B2+ level Cambridge exams. Using tools like Google translate's audio can also help you try and understand how to pronounce words while you are at the first stages of your reading improvement journey. As you start getting better (it'll take its time, don't worry if you don't get immediate results), you can move on to proper books. I would say start with children's books, as they are naturally easier to read. From there onwards, again, increase the difficulty of the stuff you're reading so you can start getting a better grasp of the language. Personally, this second piece of advice helped me a lot - I am at the stage where I read plenty of books to try and improve, even though some older English authors are still quite hard for me specially when they use plenty of old words haha Anyway, I hope these pieces of advice have helped you and I hope you do achieve your goal in improving your English reading skills. If you need more help, let me know! Take care, Juan",12,10,10,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3h9kZjq1guTLiTz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,46,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Spanish,38.0,36.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1141,395.8706000000238,289.0855,5384,3530,301,179,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Enrico, You have written to me asking for some recommendations to help you improve your English reading skills. I can give you some advice using my own experience. I started reading Tintin comic books in English and, in retrospect, that was a good choice. Comic books are text-light and the pictures help you understand what is going on. You could try having a dictionary (online or on paper) next to you, to check the words you do not understand. However, this will still be frustrating as dictionaries do not always help with phrasal verbs or everyday expressions characters may use. That said, the web can help you with that too. It is a sometimes painful process so try to make it as pleasurable as you can. I loved Tintin and I was eager to read it, so that worked for me. I do not think a novel is a good place to start, but if there is one you really want to read and its language is direct, give it a go. Hope some of this helps you!",9,9,9,11,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2SoaCIpeg8hbG9g,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,7.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1371,543.7705999999047,481.6477999999523,5611,3684,302,190,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Jason, I heard you were looking for some advice on how to improve your English reading skills,well don't you worry no more, I'm here to help you. You know that I've been studying and learning English for some years now, this doesn't mean I have a miraculous solution for your problem, but if you put in the work you'll definitely see results. My advices are: 1- Start by reading a short story or an article in English out loud, and try using your best English accent focusing on the words. When there is a word that you don't know the meaning of put in on a notebook and search for its meaning. 2 - One of the most important and harder skills in reading, is the correct comprehension of the text, so, what i would recommend is to, after a first reading, translate it to your mother tongue, this way you will be able to analyze if your interpretation of the text on the first reading was correct. These are some suggestions that I think you shoud implement, let me know if you found them useful. Best regards, Mike",9,7,8,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_Du7f9jGPklFG0i5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 LikeWise/95.6.4875.76",en-US,37,Right-handed,8,AZERTY,AZERTY,Desktop,South Africa,Afrikaans,33.0,36.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2004.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1987,741.6756000000001,747.5314000000003,5528,6425,300,301,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Sally I hope this email finds you well. I've given some thought to the conversation you and I had about your frustration with more advanced English reading. In that phone conversation you mentioned experiencing a break in the flow of your reading and a disconnect from the story every time you do not understand an important word in the text. I know my English is quite a bit more advanced than yours, but I absolutely believe you will also reach English fluency. I've had the same struggle with not understanding certain words and feeling like I disconnect from my reading material because of it. I think the most important thing to do is to wright every word down, that you don't understand, while reading. You can then opt to search for the meaning immediately as you encounter the words or you can return to the words later and learn their meaning. It is a bit tedious, I know. it's not fun to read with a dictionary next to you or to constantly having to look up words online, but I think it is very important in order to expand your vocabulary. Secondly, I can advise watching movies in the specific type of English (British or American) that you are reading. This will give you repeated exposure to words and how they sound. It will also give you emotional context surrounding those words. Switch on the subtitles so that your brain can register the spelling and sound simultaneously. Lastly, have as many conversations with English speaking people as possible. Maybe connect via a language sharing platform and just have a conversation in English as often as you can. Maybe on a Friday evening with a glass of wine to lighten the mood...hehe. Speak to you again soon. Lots of love ET",11,10,9,11,C2.i,C1.ii,C1.i,C2.i R_3GfAbnkiWYCLyOr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,South Africa,Afrikaans,26.0,36.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2019,651.5712999999522,928.1847999999524,5480,3362,302,158,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Johnson, I have been struggling lately when reading in English. I struggle to understand all of the words and I am not sure if my pronunciation is correct. I have lately started to keep my google translate app next to me when reading. When I am unsure of a word's meaning I make sure to search the meaning to understand the word and the context in the sentence. When I am unsure of how a word is pronounced I will use google translate again and use the voice function to listen to the correct pronunciation. Sometimes I even use youtube to listen to the sound of the word in different words. I try to read different type of books as well such as business, science fiction and biography. The different type of books has a plethora of different words linked to the genre. I hope this helps you in your journey to enhance your english reading skills.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_vZBFueSIGQAoSOd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,5.0,3.0,Japanese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4992,2060.3012999999987,1397.8711999999994,6156,3976,302,173,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Anna, How are you? Are you as good as before? How's the weather? What have you been doing interesting lately? I'm sorry I haven't written for such a log time but I was very busy. I'm fine but as you know I have moving to other places and I have a problem I need to learn English perfectly. But as you well know I have a big problems reading in English. I'm confused all the time and I'm very stressed about it all. But I have a few ideas that I hope will help me. One of my first ideas is to read a book aloud in English every day. Sign up for special English courses in my town. Reading in front of the students will definitely help to overcome fear. Doing a presentation for people and reading it aloud would be a good idea. My last idea is to watch movies in English. And what are you thoughts? Tha's all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care, Mai",8,7,6,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3MQLBOz4ST7W77J,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1230,391.5191,492.9492999999998,5926,4957,302,177,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Jacob! First of all thank you for reaching out to me and asking for help, I'm glad you decided that you want to improve your reading skills. First things first my best suggestion is to find a trilogy or any other long series of books that you really like and try reading it. If there is a problem with pronunciation when reading the just take a break and listen to it only on how to pronounce that word. By the way this is the one thing that I'm sometimes struggle with aswell, so if I run into a word that I'm not sure how to pronounce I just google it and listen to it. If you think reading a series of books won't help you or you think it's too big of a bite straight up, then you can always find a local english teacher that is actually a professional and can maybe suggests better things then I am. Lastly practice makes perfect maybe just read online blogs that you are intrested. Kind regards, Your friend",9,7,6,10,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_325X56fNfvK26Qh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",de,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,13.0,0.0,5.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,1365,571.5816999999283,452.7408999999762,6325,3807,303,153,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello my dear friend Max, it's me Roland, how are you today my friend? I heard that you want to improve your english reading skills. First of all english is a difficult language, i learned english at school here in germany at class 3 and learned it until class 12. I have practised my english in online games, like counter strike, because you have to talk to your teammates to have a good game. But you can improve your english also by reading english books, like harry potter, that helped me also. Maybe go in some Chatgroups to write with other english people, so you have to write english, and they can correct you, when you make a mistake. I dont be afraid to make mistakes, i had also. You will be bether everytime when you practise and i hope sometime we will make a nice talk in english. Have a nice day. ",4,6,5,9,A2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_2SddLjNMiuyVwo5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,24,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,6.0,3.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1753,432.83,662.04,5751,4586,301,201,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey John, I am writing this email because I have heard that you want to improve your English reading skills. Some time ago I was in the same situation. Maybe I can show you some tips I used to pracitse reading in English. First of all you need to find a book you already read in your own laguage and also you find interesting. For me it was ""The Witcher"", because I find it very interesting. Choosing a book like this helps you understand whole plot without translator. Second advice from me is to read book that has simple english and cool plot, maybe a sequel for the first one. I have read the second book of ""The Witcher"" only in English and it work for me really great. A type of english was similar to the first book so it was really nice to read. The third advice except of the first two read some articles or news in diffrent language. That helps me a lot to learn new words, its so easy to browse translation when you scroll on Internet. Thats all I wanted to say, hope we catch soon and you gonna thank me for those advices. Mateusz",7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1d03ofiCO56BLWW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,5.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2938,929.664199999988,1071.5545,5708,3409,279,154,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi marco, I hope this email finds you well, i understant you having some issues regarding your hability to read and understand English written text. Since i have some experince having learnt english myself, for me it help a lot getting used to be exposed to the language on a daily basis, try to read when you have some free time, and what i found out that helps as well is audio books they are very helpfull and was a powerfull tool to use when trying to master English. I also think watching movies with English subtitles is a very reliable option too since you can enjoy that process even more, it's actually pretty great. Remember, there's no rush learning a new language always takes time and eventually you will get there. Just keep practicing as regularly as you can, and you sould expect to see major improvents in your skills. See you soon",6,6,5,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_22E1b0WiNMBzIxd,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,2712,386.187,1212.093,5703,6482,302,184,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Mark, I heard that you want to improve your English reading skills! I remember when I was in your position and I thought that I will never be able to read properly, I was making a lot of basic mistakes and it started to really annoy me. The biggest problem for me was correct pronunciation. As you know, I'm not an native english speaker, my accent was making everything much harder, but I found some useful tips on internet. One of them was to read loud and slowly. It helps you with correct pronunciation. Reading everything fast can lead to many mistakes, and as you know we want to minimalize these. Another one is that, you can try to read some articles on the internet and translate as much as you can. Thanks to that you can check how much you already know, and what is the most problematic to you. But most importantly, try to have fun when you learn. Maybe try out some minigames with your friends or read your favorite books in english. Good luck with learning! Your friend, Nicolas.",7,8,8,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_3qQK1bQWe6HoTPZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,39,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,10.0,0.0,2.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",986,526.7331999999957,243.55900000000003,5656,2971,302,159,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Francesca, it's so nice heating from you, and I hope my email finds you well, as your did in my case :) It's also very nice hearing that you are back into studies and willing to improve you English skills. I have to be honest: I've been often thinking this myself, as improvement in reading could really help me out even in my job, but, a part from the time and dedication needed, I really find it very hard to do it! A collegue of mine suggested me to try and signup to some app the can help me, and I think this could be an useful advice for you as well. The app is named HHHH, and it promises to improve your reading and also writing skills! I still haven't tried it, but from what I've read so far it seems to help a lot! Let me know how this proceed with you! best, my dear! A",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_22u07Wy3pLLOfXY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-GB,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,1.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1390,488.0224000000022,579.7543000000007,5414,5224,301,236,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey Catarina, how have you been? I heard you wanted to practice your English reading skills, so here I am to tell you about my experience. First, I want to give you a heads up, reading and listening go hand in hand, so you shouldn't try to learn one without the other. That brings me to my first tip on improving your English reading proficiency, subtitles. I know you watch a lot of English speaking shows, so you can just turn on the subtitles for those shows, and read at the same time you're listening. That way, you'll be able to connect the words being spoken and their respective written form. My second tip is, practice makes perfect, so, buy some books. Try to start with books with simpler words so you can get a hang on the phrases and understand their meaning. As you read more books, you'll be able to understand the context of some words, even if you don't know it's meaning, just by it's context in the phrase. If you keep on it, you'll get better in no time, just remember you won't be a pro just like that, even I get dizzy with some words sometimes. The other day I was reading the word crown and I read it as crow(the animal)n, so you get the idea. Hope I got you some good ideas on how to practice, See you soon.",11,9,9,11,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_3PsII3lwhrSYnlf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,44,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,United Kingdom,Macedonian,30.0,30.0,15.0,Macedonian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1781,713.980100000143,286.93139999985686,5596,2730,301,152,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear John, What I would advise you is that you expose to the language as much as you can. The problem with the English is that is different how we write and how we pronounce the words. Thats why I would suggest that you simultansily listen music, watch movies and read in English. Like this, you will be improving your pronouncination, and learn how to write the words properly. And dont be hard on yourself, people even after many years of using the language, they are making mistakes at all times. Sometimes, even the British people also struggle how to pronounce or spell some words. It is a lovely language, will help you traveling the world as so many countries are using it but yeah, it is not the easiest to be learned. Wish you good luck and I am always here to help you with whatever is needed during the process. ",7,7,6,10,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2BbP7UzkLL1AfGk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",ko-KR,31,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Canada,Korean,18.0,36.0,8.0,Korean,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2664,518.596700000003,1659.511,6686,6409,302,275,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Jun, I heard that you are having some difficulty improving your English reading skills. I feel your pain. So, I thought of writing this email to share with you some of my tips I learned. First of all, I would go find a booking that is of your interest. I would first start by reading the entire book and draw an underline on words that you are not familiar with and expressions that are new to you.I would then re-read the book, once you are done with your first pass with all the words that you underlined. Then, the second time you read the book, you will look up words in the dictionary and make a small note on the side, what the meaning of the word is in both your language and in English. Once you are done coding the book, you will read it again, and if there are still words you do not understand or remember, copy the words to a notebook and look for sentences using that word. There are many websites nowadays, that gives you an sentences to learn from so you can utilize those websites if necessary. I would then re-read the book after a few months to confirm you have mastered those words. This is a tidious process but it really does help with increasing your vocabulary. I think that knowing more words is the key in improving your reading skills as you can piece together words to understand a full sentence even if it is not perfect, you can guess what the sentences and paragraph generally means. Hope this gives you some insight :), good luck!",12,8,7,10,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_p3gWZ78wRvnZjCp,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,28,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,23.0,1.0,5.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2779,299.562,733.7189999999997,5586,5312,302,206,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I've been exposed to the English language for almost as long I can remember, but even then I still find various challenges when speaking or reading it. Particularly, I find it hard to pronounce some words that omit certain letters (as many cities in the UK do) so my best practice for that is when I find such examples (for example, on the top of my mind, Leicester) I just try to find the pattern of reading them by searching for more examples and try to familiarize myself with it. But unless you need more specialized vocabulary I think you will learn a lot from watching movies, listening to music or playing games in english. Growing up, even though my school always taught english as a second language for pretty much all grades, I learned the most by playing games online or interacting in english written foruns and social media. And if you want to get bettter at speaking and reading, one of the most valuable things you can do is interacting with other people that also speak the language, as it will allow you to expand your vocabulary but also to train your accent and speaking patterns.",10,9,9,11,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i R_1LHGajUQ5dAT06r,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2359,422.8476999999881,696.9515,5829,5701,299,267,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey John! How are you? I've been told you're trying to improve your english reading skills. How's it coming along? I remember when I first started learning english as a second language in first grade and it wasn't easy. To this day I still have difficulties when reading but it's mostly when I read words I don't usually hear spoken. You know, formal english and all that. In order to get better at reading english words, I suggest seeing english movies and tv shows with english subtitles on so you can identify the words being spoken as the words that are written in the subtitles. I know that helped me a lot when I began. It's a great way to practice because you can do it without even intending to. You can watch your favourite tv show, your favourite films and just do it with the subtitles on and you'll gradually get better at reading. Another way to do it can be books. If you like reading, why not read english books? It can be actual english books, from Shakespeare and others or books in your native language translated to english. Even if you don't understand some words, you will either understand them with time by seeing them pop up in the same contexts or by taking a quick trip to google translate to see what it means. There are also other tools to help you improve your reading, it's just that, other than duolingo, none come to mind. It's always great talking to you John, hit me up whenever if you need anything! Take care, (me)",11,11,9,11,C2.i,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2CVb40qt1ESeMoV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,55,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,5.0,8.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1821,671.6633000000119,449.2991999999881,5802,4603,301,184,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi friend! Look, I know that reading english sometimes could be a little confusing, for example words that are similar on pronunciation could provoke confusion and cause that understand a text could be almost impossible. On this situation you can check in a dictionary the words that are involve in the similar pronunciation and with an app like duolingo you can hear the correct pronunciation. When reading a text is very important to put special attention to the tricky words that seems that are written similar but their pronunciation and meaning could totally different. On this case I recommend you that you could find a internet helping webpage where you can check in in the instant the correct meaning of each word so you can understand and give the correct spelling, entonation and meaning to the text. In the other hand, I recommend you to take reading english classes with a proffesional with that person you can practice and correct instantly tyour reading mistakes. I wish you the best and I hope this advices could be useful to you. With love Your dear friend. ",6,7,7,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1BVMRJgAkLvuUUY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,33,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,7.0,0.0,2.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2003,707.9441999999992,466.8649000000023,5607,3062,302,150,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Brandon, my dear friend, I have heard that you feel the urge to improve your English reading skills. I know what this is all about. It is because of this new blonde girl in our school? It is because you want to write with her when we are not at the school right? I think I have some advice. First of all, I really do know how do you feel. When I was learning how to read in English, the hardest part for me was to find a good books, the ones that are really interesting for me. My advice is: find some books which are about someting you geniualy like or maybe even love. About your hobby or something. Then read. Just read. Practice will make you better and better, day after day. And then, one day, you will be able to read everyhing you will really want.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2PdpvnLsMd4gPLa,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,1.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1263,406.346,418.135,5739,4906,300,207,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello John! I am very happy that you decided to improve your English reading skills. I must admit, when I was planning to improve mine I found it much more difficult than what I expected. Learning or improving language skills isn't easy, even if English does feel like something that you should learn naturally nowadays, so don't worry if you find this task harder than expected. What can you do to improve your reading skills? Well, you could start out by purchasing (or renting) a school text book. That might be a nice idea if you think your English skills are very basic right now, you'll find that every question and text is properly translated, so it'll be much easier to learn English from scratch for you. Otherwise, you can invest in online courses (that's what I did). The good thing about this choice is that you can easily find a course that suits your needs - whether you just want to improve your basic reading skills, or are actually looking forward to learn some more specialized, complex vocabulary. All in all I wish you all the luck and success with your plans. Remember, learning new languages might not be easy, but it definitely is worth it. ",11,8,8,11,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C2.i R_31F2CgsiXYv72OA,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,es-MX,37,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Beginner (A1, A2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1603,635.8919999999998,426.889,5933,3713,299,158,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi my friend. Who are you? I hope good. I want to write you a mail about how I find difficult to read in English, and give you some ideas fro how you can improve your English skills for you daily routine. The first thing I what to tell you is that English is very difficult for me because is a lot diferent from the spanish, the structures of the sentences are completly different, I would recommend you to practice every day some words, learn the basic principles and practice, practice and practice. You can find a friend thta want to learn the leanguage and spent 15 minutes everyday exchanging words. Another thing you can do is watch movies in English and do no put the captions, only try to hear and identify the words and translate the sentences. I really hope this tips can help you to improve your skills for your next trip to United Kingdom.",5,6,5,8,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_OuM8uduMXkDhUel,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,12.0,0.0,12.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1716,401.654700000003,815.8695,5553,4774,302,189,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","My dear friend, I'm writing to tell you something about my experience with reading in English, as it can be difficult sometimes and I heard that you want to improve your skills. First of all, I personally find reading in English difficult, when there're words which I don't know. However, gaining knowledge by searching those words is really realistic and beneficial. You can easily use dictionary or ask somebody for help. It is better to get into reading and trying to learn new words than ignore the unknown. When it comes to my recommendations, I advice you to use text that are related to your interests, so that you can feel more comfortable and engaged into reading. There're many apps and websites that provide text about biology, zodiac signs, criminal stories. Feel free to use any kind of apps, so you will be able to find your favorite. I hope you will feel more confident about reading, because many interesting text are in only English language. We're not robots which remember everything. Thus don't worry about any unknown, forgotten words. I'm waiting for your response, Love and kisses, xyz. ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_aVjovwbDDyhtBUR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,31,Right-handed,1,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,3.0,0.0,4.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2344,1235.6705,638.401200000286,5707,3842,294,204,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello my dear friend Jonh! Hope that this email finds you well. I have read you previously email and i agree that its really hard to read in english. I believe that the hardest thing is the way that they spell. As for anything else in the world there is a solution that requires really hard work and dedication. the best way to pimprove is practice. as they say practice leads to perfection. In my case i do repeat a lot what they say in the english movies. As i love watching movies i can take the most of it and use them to improve my language skills. You can also use google translator and repeat after it. I believe that these are the best solutions that i can think about to help us improve but if you have any better idea or just an idea let me know. My father used to say i never meet a guy so dumb that i cant lean something with him. Or maybe wanst my father who said that and its some famous quote. im kinda confuse about that now. Anyway its time to say goodbye. I really hope to see you soon. Best regards, Your friend ",7,6,5,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_77obi6RPCIf87Op,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,33,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,27.0,6.0,2.0,Portuguese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2005.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1396,512.9824000000954,556.1491000001431,6679,5855,302,185,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Henry, Hope this email finds you well. Henry, if you are interested in improving your English reading skills, obviously you should practice reading English books, newspapers and magazines. But it's very important at first, that you choose text at your level so you can make adecuate progress and you don't stop doing it. It's also very interesting to use any kind of text to speech tool, so you get a hold of how those words are pronounced. I used to read movie scripts, because then you can watch the movie and see how things are pronounced in a great variety of English accents (for example: Scottish, Irish or America to name a few). Lastly, after you have an understandign of the general text you are reading. You should read it a loud so you get a sense of the pronunciation of each individual word but also the silences and general phrase rhymth and sound. Although, it would be nice to have some native teacher helping you with that. Because he could correct you and give hints to help to you improve. Best regards, Jose ",9,7,8,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_2ZIxpZnHfdY5Q2L,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",vi-VN,18,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Vietnamese,8.0,36.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,1 year of college,2218,663.1273999999763,911.4906000000238,5900,6869,298,239,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Greetings [REDACTED], How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. It has been many years, we ought can't see each other. and I have received your email stated that you are planning to study aboard, and needed to hone your english skills. Don't worry, it will be a tough time for both of us. As I recalled, during the time I studied aboard in the US, and my crappy English won't even pass any sorts of english superliminary test for middle school, it was a huge disadvantage that I hardly caught up with all my peers. So I started asking english teacher to practice hearing, and speaking 1 on 1. Also, it's a good thing to find a native English speaker to practice your hearing and speaking, that way you will excel in no time. Furthermore, you need to make sure to practice outside, like watching English movies or videos, and through an app, like Duolingo. In that case, it will help you over grammars, and other aspects you need to work on. But trust me, the grammars are not that hard as it seems, don't sweat it too much. Finally, ""Believe in yourself, and you are half way there."" It's an aspiring quote I still remember till this day. I'm glad to be helping you, and I can't wait to see you soon over here. Please do take care and don't overwork yourself. Regards, Your friend",10,6,5,8,C1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_3psXIHVpJSFIrom,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,28,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,16.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2316,757.7539999999997,534.17,5596,4782,302,249,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Friend, I understand that you are in need of improving your english proficiency, namely, your reading ability. Getting better at a foreign language is always a demanding quest, but I think I am qualified to help, since I have been at it from a young age. The best advice I can give you is to immerse as much as possible. The only way you are going to improve your reading ability is by reading. There is no other way about it, just power through. Read as much as you can until it becomes second nature to your brain. Until you don't even realize you are reading english words. A second piece of advice I can offer you, is to address, early on, a typical rookie mistake in language learning: translating text/speech in your head. Don't do it. You will only become fluent if you learn to think in your target language. Only this way will your brain become fast enough and accostumed enough to the language in order to be fluent. If you are translating every line of text in your head, then you are too slow and will always struggle reading like an adult english speaker should. Ditch english to portuguese dictionaries and only consult english to english dictionaries when you don't understand a word. In fact, that's how native speakers learn the words, and so should you. If there is anything else I can help you with, just let me know. All the best, Prolific User ",10,9,9,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2CeOA876T0sTSky,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",sl-SI,23,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Slovenia,Slovene,15.0,0.0,14.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1493,391.8451000000016,670.597,5697,5883,301,199,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello! I have some tips that you mind find useful. I find it helpful to find something I'm really interested in and then find books about it. It could be fiction or nonfiction. I actually think finding nonfiction books would be easier. There's plenty of topics that that are covered by books made for different ages, so it's easier to find something that you can still understand enough to enjoy while being a bit of a challenge to get through. I would first start by finding books about any of your hobbies, and if you've gone through all of those, I'd pick a book that can teach me something new. Maybe a book about a random country. Regarding fiction books, if you want a challenge, I recommend older books. Think from the 19th or 18th century. For example, Carmilla is a great novel that's quite short but demanding. As it was written in the 1800s a lot of the words the author used have became archaic, making it an interesting read. Overall, it gets easier the more you read. Reading is a pain if you're not enjoying the book, so just make sure that doesn't happen. Hope you're well! ",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3svNeo5VMKPP9iS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,47,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,32.0,0.0,2.0,Catalan,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1691,604.2653000000007,549.8253000000009,5521,3563,301,170,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hello Jose! Someone told me that you want to try to improve your english reading skills. Nice! Go on! As you know I tried it for come time so let me give you some tips. First of all, I found quite difficult to start with some of the books we use to read (like novels) even if I already read it previously. Avoid that. The good new is that social networks and NEWSPAPERS helped me a lot! Social networks for the usual and short expresions. Newspapers for some more ellaborated language. In the newspapers I started with some easy and not complicated themes. Like sports or tv shows reviews. Because the termonology is some kind of familiar. The social networks, I focused on cooking and life style accounts. There's a lot of people commenting and they use a language that is not very complicated (usually!). Step by step and with a bit of effort I was able to improve a bit. I hope you will do it better than me!! ",9,7,6,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2cjgTgDPnliNnB8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,48,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Ireland (Republic of),French,20.0,36.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2061,607.0339000000954,688.2945,5964,4745,306,210,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hey my friend, Yoann here. I hope you are doing well. If you are able to read this, well done. I remember when I was struggling reading English. As a French native speaker, I remember how difficult it was for me to focus on the reading of English words mainly because of the letters arrangement and also the way a word is pronounced differently despite having a similar structure. For example why does the word door sounds different than the word poor? Three was my personal hell. I would make it sound like free. as in freedom. In France we don't pronounce the H also so my spelling at first was out of control. My girlfriend at the time , she was scottish, told me that I should apply to university and try as a under graduate at stirling university. for a full year I have learnt Rnglish intensely and to my surprise I was able to join the university and I did a degree in criminology. At the time there was no Duolingo. The fact that I lived in an english speaking country helped me tremendously. Dating a scottish girl helped me also in achieving my goals of improving my language skill. Good luck and have fun learning !",7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_27wcWWVoX6secs8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3116,530.7801999999991,580.0403000000008,5406,4366,303,201,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Hi Adam, I'm writing to you about reading in English. I heard you have difficulties with reading in this language so I'm here to help you with practising that. There are several things that can make reading difficult, for example difficult words that can mean many things or spelling of some of them. For me it was the first one, because in English there are many words to describe one thing or the other way around. You can find many more of the difficulties as far as i am aware. The solution for these difficulties can be reading more books in English or talking with your friends in English to improve understanding of some words. You can even play computer games in English, especially some Role Play games when you have to read what the characters have to say. You can improve your reading by reading a book while listening to an audiobook, so you can get in touch with the language and forms of it. I hope i helped you in some way, if not, I can write to you more of the emails so you can get in touch with reading a mail for example. See you soon! XYZ",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2R9u4ZQyqQqddq3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,58,Ambidextrous,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,3.0,0.0,3.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4777,1345.323,1936.5519,5935,3879,303,158,3,20,"Your friend wants to improve their English reading skills. Write an email to your friend: remember not to reveal personal information (so just use a first name, for instance). Write about what you find difficult about reading in English and give some ideas for how to practise and improve English reading.","Dear Andres, English is so difficult to learn, specially to speak it, but i know that you study all for the best result of improve the reading skills evaluated. I have the conviction that you find the way to solve the English exam because we've both studied enough to exit well from it. I recommend you practice to reading everyday, read the text without pausing and without stopping. Another advice is read the news daily, watch a film movie or series with english subtitles, listen to another person read texts in english, be constant and practice everyday. i recommend you do not be nervous and enjoy the language because English is a beautiful language and is spoked in almost all the countries in the world. To end my recomendations for you to improve the English skill to take things easy and enjoy this moments what will happen fast and we can meet in a future with more knowledge. ",6,6,5,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_3J3maj6fRMShGbM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,22,Ambidextrous,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,12.0,1.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2848,519.3137000000179,746.3093999999762,6074,3706,302,161,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","In my opinion, if I could be any animal I wanted for only one day, my option would be a black panther. This opinion is based on not only the physical attributes that are given to a panther, but also the mental capacity that a black panther has, in order to survive in the jungle among all those wild animals. It's like a big cat, that wanders around the jungle with stealth, it has a lot of raw power and this can be shown in the ability to climb the trees in the blink of an eye. Also, it is a very good hunter, especially at night. It's eyesight and hearing is on another level. It is often called ''the ghost of the forest'', for a reason. I would choose this animal, because that's how I would want people to see me in the outside world. As a fearless person with clear sight of his goals, as well as deliberate movement. ",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_33pe7rqzqF1NZLa,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,19.0,0.0,9.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1430,460.199,456.61300000000006,5597,4310,302,240,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day, I would choose to be a cat. I have always loved cats. They have a lot of attributes that I admire them for. And also some that I can relate to. Cats are head strong: they know what they want and usually also know how to get what they want. It's not as easy to gain a cat's trust as it is to win a dog's trust for example. But if you manage to win their loyalty and affection it's a lot more rewarding in a way. That's why people who like cats appreciate having them around so much. Their affection isn't unconditional like a dog's affection. That's how I would like to be treated. Like you need to earn my love and respect and not just assume I'll give it to you regardless. I'd also really enjoy spending a day as a cat because of their physical abilities. Being able to jump and climb on most things with a feline ellegance would be very enjoyable. I'd love to explore the world as a cat. Seeing it from a different perspective and finding appreciation in different things. And then at the end of the day I'd love to come home to a loving family and lounge on a sofa or a bed. I feel like I wouldn't have any worries in the world, if I was a cat for a day.",11,8,7,11,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_3G3sUVfz2FcBqZO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Mexico,Spanish,10.0,1.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2039,485.5118999999912,263.59790000000595,6195,2969,300,152,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would be a Kangaroo, I honestly think is one of the most amazing animals out there, also there is some background about it. I was aroung 8 years old when I was at the mall with my mom, we were just visiting stores and in one of them whe found a cool clothing store, which was made for kids mostly. Then I saw a T-Shirt that was really good and I saw that the logo brand was a Kangaroo, and in that moment I felt related to that animal. Also, when I started my gaming part of my life, I created an user name that included a Kangaroo, which I kept until today, so I really liked feeling like I was part Kangaroo as a kid, and now I just like the animal, seems cute and they are really strong, they have a really big biceps and they run pretty fast.",7,7,5,7,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_3MLI8yBukAN98Re,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,35,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Slovenia,Slovene,9.0,0.0,10.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2085,643.61,953.375,6491,7751,301,149,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Any animal on Earth or ... well since it is not defined and Vulcans are animals, although sapient, I'll pick them. Hm ... well to be honest I don't have the temperament to be a Vulcan, so I'll pick another life form. I forgot how the telepatic beings were called. Damn. Sometime I totally not wish to be a borg. You know what, let's cross out the Star Trek/of world animals, I will choose another one. (Note to myself: Why complicate, why just not pick a random Gaia's creation.) Perhaps a sea creature. I keep reading about these comunistic orcas that these days vandalise rich people ships. Then again water is overpopulated with microplastic and perhaps even UFO. To be honest I can't imagine myself to be another animal, perhaps on a different world. Ok, I would be a Hobbit. Just minding my buisness and relax and foraging mushrooms. ",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_eWmtN1dkzvVMUvL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,27,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",4123,560.4402000000001,499.98970000000014,5748,3614,303,160,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Ig I could be any animal for one day, I would definetely choose to be a horse! First of all, I admire them for their beauty, freedom and strongness. It is amazing how fast and durable for long trips they can be. Second, they only let someone ride them only if they want to and they can harm somebody if they sense that they are in danger from them. They can also get along very well with other creatures and animals and they have very good soul towards humans. I always have admired the horses when I saw them on movies and series, no matter which size and colour they are, although I have a special preference for the big white ones. Last but not least, they are very trainable and can do amazing things with obstacles and other objects when they are bonded with their trainer/owner. These animals represent all of the charismatic features I would love to have.",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1Dx5hk34jgg7PKu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,26,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,16.0,1.0,1.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1126,458.9468999999762,367.1123999999762,5854,3471,302,154,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?",I would choose to be a dog. Maybe a golden Retriever. I could just lay down all day and maybe go for a walk or to and get scratches from every person i meet. Play with other dogs. Altought i propably would not like some other dog to sniff my stuff. Also beeing naked all day and walking barefoot through the mud and soil. The family i would be living with would also be important. If they fed me dry food all day it would not be so good. But if they cooked or have some sort of meet for me to eat it would be okay. Water and Food from a bowl which would most likely be a little bit dirty would by disgusting. The Life Expetancy would also be to short for a really nice live. In retrospect i should not take a dog but rather something with a longer life time.,6,5,5,6,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_1HXcYEu0ZTY0yfT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,1.0,12.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,High School,1497,557.91,625.4175,5789,4562,298,187,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","The lion. The king of the jungle. He isn't the fastest, it's probably the cheetah..., not the strongest, probably the elephant, not the smartest, to be fair I have no idea which animal is the smartest... So the lion is not the fastest, not the strongest or even the smartest. So why is the lion the king that rules the animal kingdom? If I had to answer, I would say it is his courage, the way he walks, the way he hunts, the way a lion is supposed to be. Fearless. There's much to be afraid in life, afraid of losing loved ones, afraid of not being enough, not being able to love and be loved. The fear of death is probably the most common one. I do think to myself... The fear of losing something is keeping you from enjoying the moment, from experience your life to the full extense of it. For all we know there is nothing after our days living, nothing before death. So I would give everything just to be able to be worriless, fearless... The lion is animal I would choose.",7,8,5,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.ii R_1l4R790xC1RpKeP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,7.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,1733,885.7322000000478,522.9019999999998,6470,3121,301,152,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could choose to be an animal for one staight day, i would probaply choose a rarer one. An animal that´s not as usual to see as a dog or a cat for example. i would probably choose to be an aquatic animal. A shark would be an awesome one, but i think i rather go with the whale. if i could be a whale for a day i do not have to worry about being eaten and i would have the previlieg to search and travel threw the deep of the ocean. See want type of life forms exist, search for old wrecks and treasures. have the experience to stay a full day underwater. I think a whale could be a fantastic choose despite being hundreds of awesome animals out there that i would love to choose, but i think the aquatic form could be a fantastic pick to choose.",5,5,5,7,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_2V1oA3zqqxxtHAu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,49,Left-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Portuguese,40.0,36.0,24.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2925,357.528099999994,1449.280300000012,5608,3294,302,186,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day, I would be a dog. Dogs who are lucky to have loving and responsible owners have comfortable lives. They are fed good food, they have a warm bed to sleep in at night, and they receive constant love and attention. Dogs live in the moment and they seem to make the most out of their time. I would like to be a dog for one day just to see what it is like to be on the other side of the human-dog relationship. Maybe I would understand what is so fun about a tennis ball or a dirty sock. And would I really hear the sound of my human opening the front gate of the house located about 100 feet from my bed inside the house with windows closed? I wonder what that would be like. And also, what are all those smells in the yard? Chipmunk? Squirrel? Rabbit? I would like to know what those things smell like. I guess then that a better answer to your question is, I would like to be MY dog.",8,9,7,9,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_TjeqKPHkJ7nKnfz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",en-GB,25,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,5.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1388,548.632,420.10000000000014,5698,3496,300,160,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would be a whale. Firstly because I'm fascinated by them. I think that's because since I was born my mom used to put this cd with whale sounds for me to go to sleep. They are free, they swim freely in the ocean, an environment that I also find facinating. Being under water calms me down. And a whale can experience that. They are also very interesting, they care for each other and also have behaviors like humans. The mourn their dead. They are very social and family is something important for them. They are really smart. Once I watched a documentary about their strategies to capiture prey and it is amazing. One of my dreams, one that is even written on my bucket list, is that I want to be able to caress a whale one day. I would be incredible. Feeling it with my own hands. I would be even better if I could swim with them.",7,8,7,7,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i R_1JJfr9sPHXLM9Pr,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,es-MX,31,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,10.0,12.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1681,447.984,536.187,5666,3934,277,153,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I can be any animal I would choose a spider. I know many people consider spiders an insect, but in reality they're animals. Spiders have very special abilities, they can see very well, they are poisonous and the spider web is a material so interesting. Their ability to create geometric forms of webs is a very special skill in the animal kingdom. Unfortunately they are feared for various reasons. They have many eyes and 8 legs, (and in some special cases more legs), their posion and the relation with horror and nightmares because of fiction. In reality they are very kind, and the majority of species are not as poisonous as people thing. I would love to be a spider because they are tiny, cute, and they have a really quiet life, they have very interesting colors and forms, they are lonely and they prefer not to be bothered just as me.",6,7,7,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_1pR1n70242pEVyA,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,15.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2633,328.78080000001194,184.738,5608,2842,301,153,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would choose to be an eagle. An eagle can fly around all day, go anywhere it wants to go in the world with few limitations. I yearn for the freedom that must come with being able to fly so high, unburdened by any earthly influence. I don't know what do eagles eat do. I guess they hunt down from high in the sky to a small mammal on the ground. I don't think I have the best reflexes, so that might be hard. Similarly, I believe I read somewhere that eagles mate mid-flight, with the culmination of the act happening just inches from the ground. In fact, the source I read claimed that park rangers usually don't bother with two dead eagles on the ground, because the probably died happy. On the other hand, if there is only one eagle, the park ranger might suspect hunting practices. Thank you for your atenttion.",8,8,7,8,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_3KPB50Hr8qLhZI0,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,21,Right-handed,8,AZERTY,AZERTY,Laptop,France,French,14.0,0.0,8.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1133,236.936,324.297,5529,3461,302,155,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","That one is actually a pretty easy answer. I've always dreamed of being a bird! They are graceful animal, soaring through the skies, enjoying the freedom of moving along a third dimension, seeing the world for high up, blessed with a perspective humans only got to enjoy since the last century. As such, I've always been fascinated with planes and the art of flight. I have my own pilot license, and there's nothing like seeing houses turn into colored dots, and flying over the crashing waves, spotting birds and beach-goers alike. I would love to be an eagle, to go to places no machine can reach, deep in mountain ranges, agile like no other creature of this world. Birds are often as pretty and magnificent as they are graceful in flight: colorful feathers, elegant beaks, deep eyes... I really love the violet backed starling, with its iridescent colors; it is my favorite bird of all.",9,9,7,9,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.i R_VQDhPE9lxCtQjBf,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,21,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,7.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,1514,373.391,537.812,5932,3623,301,153,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I had to choose which animal I want to become I would choose some kind of cat, best guess is that type of household living cat, wild cat also could be awesome but not so much. Why? I just love these animals, they are majestic and if you are kind to them they are very friendly. I would sleep all day and play with humans, and I would get food for free without hunting. If I want to escape and have time for myself I can hide anywhere since cat's are liquid and can fit anywhere. I could also hunt in garden just for fun and bring some dead animals home so humans get mad. I would also love to take short hikes in neighbourhood at night and as cat I could escape every trouble, jump on the roofs and watch landscapes or even sunsets from roofs which could be also nice.",6,7,5,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_1HoVCNeAofEdGFQ,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,22,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,17.0,1.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1885,540.906,834.826,5982,6293,301,256,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for one day, I would definitely choose to be a cat. The reason to do so is that I really adore cats. When I was 11 years old, I got my first cat. Before, I only lived with dogs so I didn't really know what to expect. It turned out, that cats' nature and behaviour amazed me. I love all animals but there is something really inspiring in cats. First, the way they move with grace is truly unique. They can omit all the obstacles on their way and not destroy anything. Second, I have always been astonished by the way in which they jump so high. Cats are able to somehow measure the height of the object they want to jump on and they almost never miss. But what is most crucial is the way in which cats treat people. I have heard many times that cats tend to be rude and ungrateful. However, it made me think about people's expectations towards other creatures. What I observed is that cats truly value people who value cats. While dogs are almost always loyal towards their owners, cats are able to define who is really worth it. In my life I saw moments when my cat really despised some people. Later on, these people turned out to be cruel. So probably I am most inspired by the way the cats treat others. They love the ones who love them but they never forget nor forgive those who hurt them. ",10,9,7,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2fjTsHphhmc7M2R,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,hu-HU,32,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,24.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2007.0,High School,1943,855.921,516.53,5873,2934,303,164,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would like to be a rabbit. I have a pet rabbit at home and I always wondered what it's like to be him. How do they feel, how do they think. What it is like to run so fast and jump so high. What do they think about and what a life they have when were are not at home. It would be interesting to see with his eyes and know the toughts in his mind. What they think about people in general or what is their connection to us. Our bond is very strong already but it would be an other level to know these things. And I know he has a good life. He can sleep all day, eat as much as he wants, play with his toys. He gets a lot of attention, hugs and pets. I would really like to try out what it is like to be loved and cared for like him. And have a carefree life.",7,7,7,7,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_1rjlrSTABWn6Vjq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1594,515.312,638.528,6004,3265,302,156,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","if i could be any animal in the world for one day, i would choose to be an eagle or a hawk, some kind of a raptor. Why would i want to be an eagle? Mainly because i could fly. Who would not want to fly, even for one day. I could fly wherever and whenever i want. Nothing would stop me from it. I could be truly free, which is the most important thing. I also would be a raptor, so i would not have any natural enemies, so i would not be afraid that i could be easily killed. I would also like to be an eagle because of their perfect vision. As a person who uses glasses on regular basis, i would love to have perfect vision, so i could see anything from far far away. So that would be my ideal animal to become, not only for one day, but even more.",6,7,5,7,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_2S7R0iMW8RzQyqt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1133,311.05530000001187,470.0906999999881,5673,4070,303,152,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for one day I want to be giraffe. I love that animals. They are big and have very long neck. It's curious to me that animals can be that long. They also are herbivores and they eat leaves from trees. When they fight they use neck for it. I want to see world from theirs perspecitve, look at their behaviors. I don't know when I became interested in giraffes. I saw them in Zoo, my friend was working there so she takes photos of giraffes for me. And I watched series ""The last of Us"" where giraffes was alive when world was in apocalypse. That was awesome. I played a game called ""Horizon: Zero dawn"" to see big, mechanical giraffes with platform on top of her. Maybe I want to be giraffe because i'm short and I want to see world from higher view? ",5,5,7,5,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i,B1.i R_1mCpNt0vvIzX5li,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,8.0,1.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2160,912.634700000286,460.73969999980926,5590,2873,302,154,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","there are many different animals in the world. Each of them works in a different way. It's really interesting. If I had yhe opportunity to be any animal in the worls, I would choose to be a cat. It is one of the most popular pets after the dog. I would like to know what it is like to live with a human from his perspective. To be able to climb all the furniture, to squeeze into small corners, and to sleep with people. It would be nice to be tickled all the time. The only downside is the possibility of meeting another animal, for example a dog. Then I will be careful, but cats run fast and always land on their feet. So it would be a very interesting experience. Sleep in different places, hide from people in bad times. It also defent itself with its sharp claws. Cats have a great life.",7,7,7,7,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i R_1QudnGd7gf3fSpe,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,24,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,1.0,2.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2363,880.5413000000716,1113.0752000000475,5863,3676,302,157,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal I choose for one day, I would choose to be a dog. Because if I was a dog, i would experience life with heightened senses, enjoying simple pleasures like smelling the world around me, chasing balls, and sleep everywhere. I would love the opportunnity to build a strong connection with one or more humans, providing companionship, protection and confort to everyone around me. I imagine that dogs are always living in the present moment, so I think I would embrace every day with enthusiasm and a contagious happiness for the ones around me. This would grant me a chance to spread happiness, bring smiles to people faces, and remind them of the beauty of the simple things. Ultimatly, I would choose a dog because my dog teach me very valuable lessons about empathy, forgiveness, and living with a heart full of love, plus who wouldn't want to be pet all day.",7,7,7,8,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii R_vBJ4Lf6PTj2ig3n,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,26,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Chile,Spanish,21.0,1.0,3.0,Italian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1268,310.2409000000954,625.7756999998093,5465,4316,302,170,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would choose a dolphin if I could be any animal for one day because it is my favourite animal since I was a little girl. I love dolphins, because they are smart and pretty, but mostly, because they can swim all around the ocean, and I think that's a very attractive quality. I'd definitely choose a dolphin in order to be able to explore the ocean for a day, to discover things that otherwise I'd never get the chance to see. I am really curious about how dolphins and other sea creatures live, so I think it could be an interesting opportunity to learn new things, to discover how it feels to breathe in the bottom of the ocean and to travel around it. I also think that another exciting thing about dolphins, as I mentioned before, is that they're very smart animals, and becoming a dolphin for a day, would allow me to understand how they think and how they interact with each other and with another creatures. ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2YSyCC3ocqcSXk2,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,22,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,1.0,15.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1394,627.611,516.094,6044,3512,303,157,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Without putting much thought into it, I would probably be a bald eagle. I think that being an eagle not only lets you fly (duh) but also, because it is a fierce predator, it pretty much does not have any other animals to fear. Every time I see one I get amazed at how gracefully they fly. Plus, they are cool looking! Now, since I only get to be an eagle one day, I would probably fly across my country non-stop. I would also definitely fly over the cities I visit the most since I am not very good at orienting myself. I would be my own GPS for a day. If I knew in advance that this would happen, I would ask someone to attach a go-pro in my pretty little (not really) bird leg and record the whole experience. Now that I think of it, I would also hunt some fish for the following week.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_400OrPOPUGXVqVz,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,36,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Chile,Spanish,5.0,0.0,10.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2067,671.387,867.7389999999997,5741,3614,300,183,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Thats a really good question often as a child i used to think about this as most childs ask them selves this question, it was almost always some african jungle animals like the rhino, the lion, the elephant, the cheeta, the hippo, the cocodrile, etc. But the one that always stood out for me is the tiger. I think is the most effective hunter of the jungle even stronger that the so called ""king of the jungle""; the lion. It may not be the fastest as the cheeta for example, or the biggest as the elephant, the most peolple think about but for me is the ""coolest"" it might have something to do that my chinese sign is also the tiger (The Fire Tiger to be specific). The colors, the stripes, the speed and the agility make it stand out in my opinion. It also has some unic traits like the spots on the back of its ears to make it look like it has eyes on his back so its preys think it looking at them when its drinking water for example.",6,6,5,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_31RDAtqZSbjgnWV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,41,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,30.0,0.0,5.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2290,426.476,950.573400000006,5443,4258,303,162,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one whole day I'd totally choose to be a an eagle, feeling the freedom, the power and the majesty like if I really was the king of the skies. Flying would be the ultimate thrill. I'd love to feel the wind rushing through my feathers as I soar effortlessly through the air, taking in the breathtaking views from high above. I would be like having the most epic bird's eyes view of the world. Plus being able to ride the currents and thermals whould be one of the most exciting experiences I could try. I couldn't forget the sense of liberation that come with being such beautiful animal. I'd be free to roam wherever i want, wihout any pesky limitations holding me back. It would be like breaking free from gravity and embracing the limitless possibilities that the open skies have to offer. I'd be living my best life, soaring high and feeling totally alive.",9,10,7,10,C1.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_eajmy0hjtU1ueml,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,31,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2397,690.2778000000119,564.6528000000119,5893,3328,302,149,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day I would choose to be an indoor cat, more specifically a ginger British short hair or a white persian. I don't have cats by from what I see and heard from my friends, they spent the day laying on the couch, sleeping, only moving to eat. Since I work so much, and even when I have a day off, I find other things to do, I would spent a day as a lazy cat. I would spent the day sleeping and relaxing, knowing the food would be prepared, the WC would be clean, and that the owner would arrange everything from me, and in the end I would gain cuddles. At night when the human wanted to see TV, I would assure that he/she would see what I want, without complaining because they love and do anything for their pet. ",6,7,5,8,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_3PUgiysW96Ij0ry,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,6.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3236,942.672100000024,849.0075,5807,2754,302,156,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could choose which animal to be for one day, I would definitely choose a wolf. The wolf is strong and agile, lives in the forest so it shows great fortitude. The wolf walks on four legs. I would like to feel what it is like to run in the forest and feel the coolness of the earth under my feet. Wolves also need to hunt to survivr. Chasing a victim would be an amazing experience for me. It would give me a real adrenaline rush. After all, my life would depend on the success of the hunt. If i were a wold, I could see the world from a different perspective. I would run around the forest free, I would feel only the wind in my coat and nothing else. I would howl at the full moon. if i were a wolf, everyone would still be afraid of me and tun away from me.",6,8,7,9,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2EtoKcDMENI033Z,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1657,592.9163999999763,743.1352999999523,5775,4027,296,153,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could be any animal i will choose a monkey, because monkey is the most similar animal compared to human. I always liked jumping on trees and monkey is specialist in this. Of course i want to be free monkey in jungle no at the zoo. I think it will be a very interesting experience . Monkeys are strong and they are living in groups. It is good for me that we are from monkeys so in part i can be monkey. Jumping on trees, discovering new animals in jungels, beeing part of free system. Beeing free from electronical devices, from wars and other stuffs that i have to live with as human.No work, no school, free house. Just climbing for bananas watching everything around me, clean oxygen.Living with nature for nature. Not being part of broken system that somebody created. I will live on my own away from any big cities.",5,5,5,5,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i R_9ZWIGoePi4xLRvj,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-GB,30,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Chile,Spanish,20.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2031,872.296,635.375,5701,3844,301,166,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for only one day I could choose to be a condor, one of the biggest birds in our times, because I would like to experience the joy of flying without equipment or risks, having no pedrators I would have no worries for that day of being eaten or killed by other animals, only enjoying flying for the whole day and bringing those memories to my human self the next day. Of course I would have to still be careful of humans but since condors can survive in extreme attitudes I just need to go to a desolate mountain, inspect it so there are no humans in there and stay in the mountain for the remaining of the day. Is not like I have a fantasy for flying, but almost all animals have risks of death by other animals, and flying is the only unique experience I can think in this moment that is worth transforming into other animal for it.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_27eR7KJ2moFxBi5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,39,Left-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,7.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2000.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1449,457.3723999999762,489.23410000002383,5620,4630,302,180,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day I would choose to be a cat. While I like a lot of animals the reason I like cats is that they are an animal that is both dependant and independant. Dogs are great animals as well but they are too emotionally attached to their masters which might ""hurt"" them if they get abandoned. Cats have the dependancy of food and shelter but as long as they have it their problems are solved and all it takes is being fuzzy and cute, and not, literally (and metaphorically), bite the hand that feeds them. Then life consists of sleeping, eating and existing. And being loved and love their humans, in their own way of showing love. Also would be a nice way to see their way of thinking as distant cousins of tigers and other wild animals. Maybe subconsiounly my desire of being a cat for one day connect with the fact that I may enjoyed to own one, but it was the first thought in my mind after seeing the question. ",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3k7mIoUfSkJbCvt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",pt,31,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1704,620.9561999999993,650.7261000000005,5772,3852,301,157,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would chose to be an eagle, because that way I could fly anytime I wanted and would experience something I il never be able to experience since I'am a human being, if I could fly I would try to do a lot of things I would even try to fly as fast as I can to see what speed I could achieve in the air, I would also try to fly upwards as much as I could until I reached a limit I also would do a lot of air tricks to enjoy my day as an eagle to the fullest, before reaching the end of the day I would also try to find other eagles to see if I could understand how eagles inteact between eachother, so in the end of the day I had fun but also learned more about eagles and realize how trully amazing flying is and how impressive an eagle is.",5,7,5,7,B1.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.i R_1nOcnQpJzlrmGYt,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,fr-FR,42,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,France,Bengali,35.0,1.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",1914,913.26,635.839,6397,3131,301,167,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I have that option, I would be an elephant for a day. I like a lot of things, but the thing I really really like, is being alive. There are many animals that sits on the top of the food-chain but this one creature stays alive for a very very long time by being huge. It is a safe bet and also the view must be amaizing from that height. They are social and they take care of each other. I can relate to that and I think I can get along nicely. I also always wondered how the trunk might feel like. One aperatus for beathing, grabbing and bathing. It must be something. I have always been big and heavy for a human being, but an average elephant could weight around 4000 Kg. I can't imagine how that might feel. I would like to experiance that. Other animals just don't stand a chance if I want to push them around, that is just a bonus.",7,7,7,10,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_AptitOA38M16FDb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,2.0,2.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2407,729.655900000006,475.28840000000594,5906,3753,280,176,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Is a hard question to me, because i have some favorites animals, the first one could be a cat, i think is the animal more similar to me, they cat sleep a lot hours at day, they are like mini kings on the home where they live and could be very stuborn with some stuff that they like, but also they are very fancy and have a very strict daily routine so if a cat want to eat in the morning he will do anything in his paws to comunicate you, meow you all the day, jump in your face or put a pillow in your face to try to kill you, in few words be a cat would be phenomenal. In the other side i almost never tought about how would be an animal because i really like be a human being i mean we are conscious of the things that happen in the our enviroment, may that our sin as humanity i dont know, but definitivaly i could be a cat, a orange cat.",3,6,5,7,A2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_3G1UzBwtHw1BXIN,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pt-PT,20,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,13.0,0.0,12.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,3304,493.703,382.81300000000016,5912,3678,301,155,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be any animal for one day I probably would choose to be a cat. I've lived with cats all my life so far and I can guarantee that they live an envious life. If a cat has the luck to be born or adopted in a loving family with the capacities to feed them and give them comfort, they are probably the happiest animals ever. All a cat has to do is sleep, eat and play all day. They can even get away with the bad things they do like breaking things or even running away and getting lost sometimes. Cats can get cuddles and food whenever they want; they have no responsabilities or worries about money or socialization; they just do what they want whenever they want with the bonus of getting treats and affection all the time and I honestly would find that an appealing way to live my life.",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_ysjbHshlf7yGjND,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",it,23,Right-handed,13,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,9.0,0.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,High School,966,266.6696999999881,241.312300000012,5513,3342,302,154,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If I could be an animal that I choose for one day, my guess is, it would be a dog or a cat. The reason why I say this is because they are mostly well cared for, have all the food they need and attention and don't really need to do much. That is, assuming I was owned by someone good and I wasn't treated poorly. It would also be required for the owner not to just let me go outside on the road, because I would probably be ran over by a car. And preferably also bring me to the vet so I can get all the vaccines I would need. It would be also be very interesting for me to experience what it's like to communicate with either dogs or cats, and to see how their relationships go as far as mating is concerned and dealing with other animals, similar or not.",6,7,7,10,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1K9Yerj9AjQsLrL,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,31,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,20.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1104,455.39369999980926,301.7175,5154,3415,282,181,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I like animals in general, but I think that, if I had to choose only one, I'd choose to be a magpie. Besides thair beautiful appearance, they are very clever and have great skills. I love watching them l living their lives in the streets. It seems like if they always had something to do. They fly from one tree to another, they scream at the cats and dogs, they steal food from the rubish bins... I've taken care of several magpie chicks that I found on the street and learnt a lot about their way of thinking. They are very smart. These two chickens lived in my storage room, I feed them and tried to make that room comfortable. They loved changing my stuff from one place to another, usually to the floor. They vocalized a lot. I hid food in different places and they always found the way of getting it. Then, one day, they decided they were big enough and just jumped and flew through my window. So I'd love to live as a magpie for a day.",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3EZmQZlgzrRBC8D,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pt-PT,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,16.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1416,607.4954000000059,469.4972999999822,5890,3040,300,156,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","I would be any kind of parrot. It could be literally any kind of parrot: macaw, cockatoo, cockatiel, budgie, parrotlet, caique, indian ringneck or any other parrot. This is my choice because i love parrots a lot since my boyfriend showed me their pet potencial and the fact that they can be very silly animals. I would be capable of flying, as long as my wings weren't clipped, and as long as i would not be in a cage all day long. I could also eat lots of seeds, or, like parrot owners on the internet say, as a meme, ""seeb"". I could also be as silly as any other parrot and i could be capable, depending of species and my sex, of talking to humans. I would also, in some cases, to be as smart as a toddler or even as a child, which means i could engage on simple conversations with my possible owner.",6,7,5,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2dMvW1hsGqnvxt6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,34,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,1.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2379,733.2895999999997,959.9713999999984,5619,2723,300,153,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","If i could be an animal i would like to be a bird. I could fly and i could see everything from above. I like to observe everything around. I would like to visit the whole world. I would like to be a bird of prey, preferably a falcon or an eagle. Every day i follow the life of birds on online cameras on youtube an i am very fascinated by it. That is my hobby. I could also be a stork. Storks are s symbol of happiness and are very popular in my country. I like to watch these birds also live because there are several nests of these birds nearby. Watching the world from above would be extremely exciting for me. The possibility of covering many kilometers a day with wings would make my dreams come true. Finally it would also be an extremely interesting experience to deal with food hunting.",6,6,5,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_21EPvcYJxdWpXPa,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-PL,25,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,17.0,0.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,3006,640.793,1572.064399999857,5936,8502,302,160,3,8,"If you could be any animal you choose for one day, what animal would you choose? Why?","Out of all animals in the animal kingdom I would like to be a bird. Especifically a crow, but any flying animal would be awesome. To see the earth from above any time I want, to feel the freedom to move such long distances only with their wings. To feel the wind pass underneath my wings and hunt small prey and catch them in their claws before flying away. Their endurance is something I greatly admire. The crows, to me, seem like the most beautiful of birds, with their pitch black feathers and beady eyes. More majestic than any other bird. Actually, yesterday I saw a photograph shared on social media of a grey featherd (very fluffly looking) crow, next to its basic black feathered counterpast and it somehow looked even more majestic. It was so grey it almost looked albino. So I think I will change my answer to an American Grey Crow (if i remebered the name correctly). ",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_6St1NaVFJ3tBSaR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United States of America,Ukrainian,20.0,36.0,24.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",901,401.5615,289.0551000000238,6016,3925,302,190,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"During the pendemic in 2020 I was 24 years old and still living with my parents. My boyfriend at the time lived close an hour away. When the restrictions were put in place we were worried about not seeing each other for a while, so we decided that he would come stay with us. This was end of March, his lease expired June 1st. We had to make a hard decision, was he going to renew his lease or, were we going to move in together. This was a really difficult decision because neigher of us were making much money at the time, he is a graduate student and I was still working a job I started in high school. But in the end we decided moving in together was the best option. We found a really good sized apartment in the city. A few months later I got a new job and I now make twice as much as before, and he is finishing up his degree. It was a really hard decision especially as we've only been dating a year, but it all worked out in the end. ",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_40KoPyh9VEwuTo5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-BR,21,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,9.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1463,446.2736999999994,654.1499000000022,5901,3679,302,175,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The important decision that I made and that I will talk about is accepting to be a in intern in a place that I never would've expected to. In the following weeks I will start my internship in a statal Agriculture and Fisheries branch, in a city that is located considerably far away from where I live, working for my first wage, meeting new people and exploring an unknown world (for me) in the field of Biology. Seeing as I was still unsure about what specific Biology area I would get my masters degree in, I decided to accept this internship to exclude or find a new path while making money. Finding housing hasn't been easy, and I'm still unsure if I will find the right house for me (especially considering that my salary is nothing to brag about). This has been an extremely stressful phase in the start of my new journey, although, I'm sure that when I get through this, it won't be smooth sailing but it will definitely be easier to breathe.",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3OdbrgFwmRwqFxC,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,60,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,10.0,3.0,14.0,Turkish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1508,609.9285,339.36040000000594,5430,3045,303,180,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"when I was 13 years old I started working at a bookstore in my home town. I was attending the night High school of the town. After 3 years and as I saw that I liked that job very much, I asked my parents to open our own business of a book store. They knew I was very good at that job and after thinking on it for some weeks they at last decided to open the business. I was ""over the moon"" and I started working night and day to prepare the family business. But I had to make a very difficult choice: I had to stop from school as I would be working almost all day every day at the book store. While I was very happy at my store, I was also very sad to leave school. On the first days of the family business I forgot very soon about the school but very soon my friends started visiting me and were asking that I rethink about and return to school. It was very depressing for me.",8,6,6,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_2qltgFvSNQqc65n,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Bengali,9.0,36.0,2.0,Hindi,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2115,620.2270999999048,341.59290000009537,6407,4142,305,236,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"It was at the end of January 2 years back. I just finished my first semester at university and was into my 2nd one preparing for my summer exams. Everything was going well. A few days later, my mom gets a call from back home with the news that my nan was feeling ill and that she might need to be hospitalised. It was definitely not a pleasant news for her and me. We were praying for her recovery. A few days later her condition worsened and she was taken to a hospital as anticipated. It was during covid time so we all had nightmarish thoughts running through our minds. The last thing I wanted to see was to see my nan pass away while I am hundreds of miles away from her. I had to make a decision. Do I disrupt my studies and go visit my nan or do I not go and live a restless life. I was not sure, I was uncertain. After a lot of hesitation, I made up my minf and booked my flight. I fly out the next day evening and finally get to see her. She saw me and I could see how relieved she was seeing me after 2 years. I felt at ease and so did my mom. Luckily, after a few days she was discharged from the hospital and she is now healthy and safe. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2QgnXWr6eJPOwoh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,38,Left-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,1.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2007.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2313,848.4738000000119,884.0186000000238,5866,4705,297,219,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"This story is about something similar to the decision of Steve Jobs. Although I've never became a bilionaire. When I finished High Scholl I had a possibility to go straight to college. But my parents were had a little restaurant, and, if I went to college, I could not help them in their bussiness. Also, my major that I graduated in high school did not gave me anything I liked. So I decided not to go to college and satyed to help my parents in their bussiness while most of my close friends went to college. Only after 7 years, when my finances were good and a deep refletction on what major to choose, I went to study Science of Sport on a college from Porto. At the time that I choose not to proceed to college I felt bad, and I noticed that my parents felt that they were the cause of it. Maybe... I say that family comes first! But now I don't regret it. I have now a Bachelor in Sports Science and am now in a job that I love. Most kids think that, once they finish hogh school, need to go quickly to college. You need to do a deep thinking about what you want to choose that'll impact the rest of your life.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_z3eCXj0AIIEXSal,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,High School,1021,385.55490000009536,282.41380000019075,6042,3410,301,155,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Last time when I had to make an important decision was a year ago. It was decision about moving out to another city for college and job. It was hard because of my parents financial situation. But somehow I managed to move out, it wasn't an easy task. I had to rent an apartment with my girlfriend to make ends meet. Doing job and college together wasn't easy task either, it's quite difficult to this day. I felt a lot of confussion and I was a bit scared of the outcome. Since then I'm still scared about the future. You don't know what tomorrow brings in, especially when you are without any help in a big city. In the end I can say that I'm a bit happy too. It was a big decision for me and one of the most important in my life. I'm glad that I took the chances and made it.",8,7,5,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_rj5ukmCvWqGdcT7,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,34,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,25.0,0.0,1.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1067,342.921,308.905,5598,3398,302,167,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Years ago I was in a relationship with someone I dearly loved. This person was however struggling with manic depression. I had known about this issue before, but I never thought it would trouble our relationship. As the years went on, I noticed how my partner's issues were making me feel depressed as well. I was feeling unhappy almost all the time. When I then met someone else and developed feelings for this person, I felt the need to make a decision. I thought about how my existing relationship could develope in the future and what potential a relationship with the other person could hold. I decided to break up with my partner and try something new. On the one hand, I was very happy to not feel the burden of depression weighing on me anymore. The new relationship started out very well and despite having problems of its own made me happy overall. Yet, I still feel guilty for abandoning the old relationship to this day.",8,8,9,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_OjySPdCuzXQsgLv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,38,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,8.0,0.0,8.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1902,504.7715,605.4511999999993,5664,4786,302,212,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When I was finishing high-school, I had to decide which type of university studies I was going to take, and in which town I was going to move for my studies. I was living with my parents, and they wanted me to choose a univeristy that was in the same town we were living, in order to be close to them and to minimise the required expenses for my academic years. They didn't force me to choose, and made it clear that it was my decision. Even so, it was clear that they wanted me to choose a university in my then town of residence, which made my decision a bit difficult. After a lot of thought and consulting with my older brother, who was already enrolled in a university in the same town we were living in, I decided that I needed to take a chance and choose a university that was in a different town, not only because of the academic subject that I wanted to follow, but also in order to start becoming more independent and start living on my own. This was one of the most important decisions that I took in my life, which ended up shaping not only my professional path, but also my personal life. ",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_21ApMYDAzLBUk4V,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-US,27,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Germany,German,18.0,0.0,3.0,Vietnamese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1738,352.17130000007154,1000.2314000000954,5591,7481,301,167,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I was studying in my last year of university in Vietnam and I had to make a decision, either to continue the study there or I can start my study as a college student again in Germany. I decided that I want to go aboard and study a new field. It wasn't a easy decision and It took me a lot of time to decide, part of me wanted to stay because of my friends and family, but the other part wanted to go to a different country, to explore something new. In the beginning at the new country I was very nervous because mostly I coudn't speak german fluently, I had trouble communicating with other people. But after a month, with the help of some friendly friends at the new university I started to understand the culture here and felt it very interesting. I made new friends, tried new foods, visited a lot of cities here. So right now I think I made the correct decision.",6,6,6,10,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_3fAUwc6OunG9wlp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,25,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,4.0,0.0,1.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",951,413.0995,370.8087000000477,5839,3969,302,183,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"3 years ago after I had completed my military service on the navy I had to decide whether I embark on a ship as I am a merchant marine officer and be away from my home, my country, my friends and my family for 6 months or so or take exams again to go to university and obtain a better work life balance. It was a very difficult decision becuase on the one hand. embark instantly would give me experience and money so I would have my own car or rent a house to live when I would come back from the ship. On the other hand stay in my city and give exams again and attent university costs money and time from working experience but focused on a future better work life balance. So I decide to do both. I studied, took exams and attent the university while half the year I was embarked on a ship. This was the best decision I would have made in my opinion that not only is focused on present but in the future as well.",6,7,7,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_217BLoVPcT1ARc0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,20.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1053,388.591100000024,387.6326000000238,6380,4524,302,224,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"About two years ago I had to make the decision to separate from my long term partner, and parent of my child. It was something I had wanted for many years by then, but I could never find the right timing and I thought it would be best to try to suck it up for the kid's wellbeing. I was very unhappy as it was a very toxic and emotionally abusive situation. However, one day I found out they were cheating. At first I was enraged by how cold and heartless they had been, being disonest and going behind my back, with me being the parent of their child, to do such a thing. I was disgusted like I had never been before. But then it hit me, that was it... I finally had a reason to leave that relationship. So I did. Although it left me with real trust issues and a lot of hurt, I had grieved all I had to grieve by then as the relationship had been dead for years. Actually, it shouldn't have gone past the 6 months mark and here I was, 9 years in. So I packed my bags and I left. Our child accepted it very well, and I've been happier than ever, living my life free, at peace, away from all the negativity and stress.",11,10,7,11,C2.i,C1.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_3KBbHIR4eD3i50x,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,11.0,8.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1726,740.182700000003,392.9823000000045,6555,4063,302,153,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remeber when i make an important decision as today, OMG! I never felt so nervous, was a saturday and I need to decide my career, I need to put my answer on a computer, because I need to take an exam. I decide Politics, i don't know why but I feel like that's my decision. My mom was on shock, she doesn't belive that I went to College. My stomach doesn't fel well, because my nervous are extra. But today I feel that decision of one of my best decision in life, because i love my univeristy, i love my rommate, my friends and my college-friends. I take the same decision if i need to do. Or not? i don't know jaja, because it's stresfull and we don't know if in the future worth it. I think that decision and who marry you are the bigest decision you take in your life. ",3,5,4,7,A2.i,B1.i,A2.ii,B2.i R_294wViV1kskOgl4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,26,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,18.0,0.0,24.0,Basque,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1307,459.12539999999854,335.3373000000008,5714,3486,302,194,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember years ago when I had a little dog. Her name was Lassie and I never knew which breed was. My family adopted her when she was a little puppy and grew up with me for 17 years. One day, in summer, I saw somethingstrange on her belly. It was like a little scratch and wounds and I didn't know how that happend so I decided to heal myself. Days were passing and the wound got worse. We went to the veterinary and they told us that she had type of cancer and she need medical intervention but it was a posibility that the cancer returns in some days. We had hope, so we accept and she was recovering well for 10 days. It looked like we was finally fine but the wounds returns and her vitality was fading with pain. My mom could not make the decision and I was so sad and suffering for her so I took the decision to let her go in the most human way possible. I went to the veterinary, they put her on sleep and I spent her lasts moments with her on my arms. ",6,6,5,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2AQl8B6X4v5mi0m,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,33,Right-handed,12,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,20.0,0.0,12.0,Hungarian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2013.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1840,585.2707000000478,575.9447000000476,5338,3946,302,208,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"As a gay man, I have often thought throughout my youth, that I would never come out of the closet. I just couldn't see that in my future ever. However, when I turned 25, I had the sudden realization that everything I was afraid of happening if I did come out, I was already living. I was afraid I would get isolated, would not be seen for who I really am, and that I would feel like a liar and a phony. Interestingly enough, all of that came true anyway, as I was constantly hiding a large part of my life from the people in my life, and it made me feel very alone. Yet, at the same time I was confused, and couldn't understand why I felt so by myself. Luckily, once the realization hit me, that all my worse fears have come true, and that it was my day-to-day life by that point, all of the sudden I felt like I have nothing to loose of what I was holding onto. Existance became a lot lighter from then on, and having that realization later spread over all parts of my life where I previously felt tension. Now I live for undoing all where those feelings arise.",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_Z2h2h1eRaa90Bnb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-LB,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Arabic,6.0,9.0,7.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1592,389.9675,679.055099999994,5542,5528,302,298,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"This isn't an easy thing for me to talk about. In a month from now, we will be marking the third anniversary of the Beirut blast. I was in the city at the time, and having lived through occupation, war, and suicide bombings before, I had thought nothing could shake me up until that point. I had thought I had seen it all. The Beirut blast was different - writing this I am getting flashbacks of the huge pink mushroom cloud that engulfed the entire city within minutes, the broken glass in my apartment, and the falling shelves. I didn't consciously know it at the time, but I intuitively knew that was it for me; I had to leave the country. From that point on, I tried everything in my power to escape Lebanon. A rapidly collapsing economy, no future prospects, and now one of the largest non-nuclear explosion in the history of mankind - I had to do something. I knew leaving in such a rushed and precarious position would leave me disadvantaged, and that was never the plan anyway. It also meant I would have to leave my family behind, which I never considered as a permanent possibility. The time did come and my visa to the UK was accepted, however. I took on a course I truly enjoy, yet I do not feel full. This was not on my life agenda, and I find myself altering career paths for the sake of survival, not mere joy. I say this to say I am nonetheless content; happy. I feel blessed; not lucky. I know hundreds of my peers back home envy me for this, so I have no choice but to convince myself it was indeed for the better, and that things will work out eventually.",12,11,9,11,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_1rP9zbAwt1snYPk,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,0.0,1.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1779,675.3285,406.0008000000715,5809,2963,303,155,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to make an important decision when I was about 18 years old. I had to decided where I would like to go to study... Knowing that probably I would have to move out from home, so I was not very excited about that. However, I made that decision and I moved out from home and I went to college that was a few hundred kilometers away from home. After I decided to embrace that new experience I felt like I would grow a lot, but at the same time, I was afraid because I was alone, all by myself for the first time! It was a hell of a experience, in a good way of course. Today I do not regret my decision, I think that the time I was there I was able to grow up, I was able to exceed my dificulties and learn so much about me and about life!",8,7,6,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_AEYXjEtQLUb7Reh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,26,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,8.0,3.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2150,565.4416999999285,1117.0398000000716,6406,7619,302,350,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"This was in highschool. I was studying languages in my local school and I had failed one of my previous years, so I had to take the same school year again. This new class was a bit younger than me, but they were nice. I made friends with some people quickly and one of them was a girl that caught my attention since the beginning. I never loved anyone before so, I knew the love bug had bit me. We kept a strong friendship through the year and I kept hinting her that I enjoyed her company. She always felt chained by something, and later in the year I found her kissing someone near the school. I felt heartbroken. She never mentioned she had a boyfriend. The next months were rough for me and I felt blue all the time. We kept in touch but our friendship was not the same. Suddenly we seemed like strangers to one another. I kept living my life while she kept living hers, but I always kept her in my heart. On the next school year, we began talking again, our friendship grew again like the first time we met. One day we were together near the school and she said she had some news. She mentioned to me that she was single. I was a fool for not taking the hint at the moment. Later that day, I realized what she meant and I messaged her to meet up after school. I was ready to declare myself to her. When the time came, I had a massive bellyache and was ready to make a big decision: Should I leave to go home and take care of myself, or should I go talk to her and maybe shit myself in the process. I chose to go home. After that day I knew I had made a mistake. Even today I feel bad only thinking about it. If I decided to go talk to her, we could be dating or more today, instead she is now engaged with some other person. Always take your chances.",11,7,7,10,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2EFzDUP4Yxncl28,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",fi-FI,30,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Finland,Finnish,10.0,2.0,4.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3586,639.0987999999987,877.4373000000007,5673,6247,301,237,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of the most important decisions in my life was on buying my first own apartment. Me and my partner were looking to buy an apartment after living on rent for about five years. We had our budget and the suitable areas in mind so we started scrolling through the different possibilities. After a while we found a two-room apartment that seemed quite nice. Initially would have preferred a 3-room one but as this apartment turned out to be in the right area and in a great condition, we decided to make an offer on it. To our misfortune, someone else had visited the apartment right after us and decided to buy it on the spot. My spouse was mortified but naturally we kept on looking. After a while we managed to find another great candidate - it had three rooms, it was located in the same area and it was within our budget too. After visiting we decided to make an offer on in too. After a while we got a call from the real estate agent who informed us that someone had made a better offer. After a short discussion we decided to raise our own offer by a couple of thousand euros. This broke our budget but we figured we needed to do it in order to buy our first own home. This time we were lucky and the previous owner accepted our offer!",8,9,7,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_6rIBb5at7Gy7emd,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,6.0,0.0,14.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1188,368.3280999999941,405.5187999999822,5745,5371,302,234,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of my most difficult decisions to take was what should i take as a major in university. My fathers always wanted me to keep studying and always made all the efforts needed to pay my schoolarship but, when i was finishing high school i wasn't able to get the exams to enter in the public university in my country so I needed to find a way out of it. Being honest, I felt sad and defeated by not being able to achieve the correct score on the exams, but that gave me time to choose what field of study i would like to take, I thinked about it and choose Nursing, my family kinda que approved but my brother was always saying to go to medicine, even tho I struggled with the exams. I made a decision to keep studying even tho I didn't had the exams since here in my country there's some universitys that let you take the first year without the exams but in the end of it we need to have achieved the sufficient score to ingress in the course. It was a long year by studying nursing and studying for the exams but in the end, I felt accomplished and happy because i was able to achieve my exams score and was able to choose a field of study that i liked and loved every moment of it.",7,6,5,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_pSsM7LqTezLlAJz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",cs-CZ,20,Right-handed,1,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Czech Republic,Czech,11.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1770,535.7147999999999,696.8537000000003,5896,4745,302,184,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When it comes to importants decisions, the last time I can easily remember from the top of my head was last year, when I was submiting my college applications and chosing what I want a study for the next few years. I had a few university courses in mind, and I spent time on going through their syllabus to figure out which one will fit me the best, where the studies will fulfill me and help me with my future career. So when I was accepted to multiple courses at the university I wanted to attend the most, it came to actually deciding what I want to study the most. Unexpectedly, I decided to study the course I am currently studying. It just seemed to be the one to interest me the most. I felt happy to be accepted to study at that university and content with my decision. I liked the campus, the environment where I would study and most importantly what will I specifically study. As I recently finished my first year of studies, I can say it was a good decision.",7,7,6,10,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_0wWcPGrQBPHCZ4R,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en,36,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,8.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2603,618.928,1442.6400999999046,5610,9464,305,417,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The last time I had to make a difficult decision was what laptop to buy. This seams trivial for most people but not so for me. I am a software and network engineer, so not only do I have to spend a lot of time on this device but I also am unable to do any serious work when things are not functioning properly. I was an avid user of apple laptops in the last 15 years or so. Apple laptops work great most of the time, but when something as little as a small sip off coffee gets on the wrong spot, this thing might suddenly leave me without the tools I need to perform my job. Not only can it get expensive reall fast, it also is just pure pain to deal with apple ""geniuses"". Nothing on their devices are really repairable. Almost always you have to exchange the whole device, loosing all your data and a huge chunk of money in the process. It's not like it is impossible to get to the data, they are just not willing to. I am now a proud user of the framework laptop. It's not a device which you will buy new every few years. It is modular, so you can upgrade single components or replace them when damaged for that matter. It's maybe not as slick and sexy from the outside but it proved itself for the last year or so. In retrospective I have to say, it is still a little sad that I had to do the switch. Even though in my teens and later in university I was a hardcore Linux power user and willing to spend hours maintaining and customizing the operating system, I really got used to the apple software ecosystem. It was hard initially to switch back to a Linux Desktop. True, I never really stopped using Linux as I am maintaining a number of server running with it, but using it on the Desktop is something else. It can be really cumbersome, sometimes even agonizing. But I was so fed up with how apple treated me as a customer, I rather support a company that had my best interests in mind and not just their yearly profits. I sometimes still miss the days where all the stuff just works. Using a Linux maschiene daily sometimes has little problems I need to solve, but I think it also makes me a better software engineer in the process. F you apple.",12,9,7,10,C2.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_2R1xiESry38I63B,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",zh-SG,32,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Chinese,10.0,36.0,9.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3006,888.3420999994278,1029.648400000572,7233,5256,302,165,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I made an important decision 5 years ago. I decided to move to UK from Singapore. It's not just a decision of moving to another country but also a big turning point of my life that involes marrige, career and my relationship between my parents. Firstly, I had been in a long distance relationship with my boy for over 2 years. To make this relationship works, one of us had to make sacrafice. At that time, I had a job what allowed me to do what I am good at with a good pay. It's was very difficult for me because I believed job was the most important thing in my life. Secondly, moving to UK means I cannot frequently fly back to China to spend time with my parents, which could be the most important reason for a chinese child not move to far away from home. Obviously, I was also excited because I enoyed my time in UK when I was studying there.",6,6,6,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2wFZwQV97715mFW,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,34,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,29.0,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1130,389.9738000000008,299.4405,5892,2808,301,159,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember one of that days when I had to make an important decision. I have just finished college and I couldn't find a job y my hometown. The decision was to leave the country and find whatever job that I could apply. The city was London. I remember was exciting days for me but I also had the pressure of losing my savings. I remember my mother at the airport crying. I told her I was going to be fine, I left my hometown to go to college so I was used to live alone. Everything went fine in London, I never felt alone. I found a job in a sushi store as a manager. That period was the most stressful and funny of my life, sometimes I want to get back, but after brexit, that was not the best options, the rent was crazy and unnafordable. But I keep good memories of that period of my life.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_3DjV6R8eZ3JqF1L,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,1.0,Ukrainian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1398,439.2886999999955,606.3913999999985,5905,5170,296,231,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"One of the most important decisions in my life was to take rensbonsibility and take care of a dog. I were always dreaming about having a dog. A pet, a friend which will be next to my, and will be my companion on daily basis. The problem was that my parents were't sure that's a good idea. Being responsible for a dog is real think, and I should spent a lot of time and work on it. Another problem was that I were alergic to a lot of things and before owning my pet i should have been 100% sure that i gonna be fine with it. I made some allergic test, and results was positive for me - I don't have allergy to any domestic animals. Then the process of getting a dog started. With my family we were looking for possible best breed which will fits well with our life and enviroment. After about month on my birthday this day finnally comes. We travels about the 200km to the recommended dog breeding and that day my dream comes true. I became a dog owner. Little, and cute Shiz-Tzu puppy were my responsibility and treasure from that day. I was over the moon, and can't believe that this happend. I was so happy all the time back day and I had started amazing journey with my loving and wonderfull dog.",8,6,5,8,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_2riQLxF0dDc9yi4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,7.5,1.0,2.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,1925,801.5875999999997,761.0691999999992,6494,4780,302,164,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"When I finnished high school I had to decide In what course to enroll in University. This was a very difficult task,as I was 18 years old and was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Because of this I had 3 courses on my mind, all of them from different areas, from engeneering to health realated. I also considered of not going to Uni at all , and going straight to the working world. This were all options that I liked and felt would be good for me and my future and would provide great carreer and work oportunities. I eventually decided to enroll in Uni and chose the course I wanted after extensively thinking for a couple days, which after it was done was a major relief off of my shoulders. I also felt a deep happiness and joy as I was about to start a new very important chapter of my life.",8,6,5,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_2fe9vXuvQylOdF1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",en-US,24,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,17.0,0.0,3.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2017,536.5523999999762,557.8402999999523,4896,4505,257,164,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I made an important decision for my life when decided that I would have applied to a master degree in data science. I knew it would have been difficult but I also knew that it is something I like and usefull. It was April 2021 when I took real actions and decided to add an additional course to my study plan. I needed more credits to enter the master I wanted, and the bachelor in economics I was about to complete didn't have enough exams on statistical topics. I was feeling overwhelmed during that time because I was writing my bachelor thesis and I also had some personal problems but I knew that that additional course would not have given me many problems. I needed to change the topic of my studying career. I actually enrolled in my bachelor because I didn't know anything else and many classmates from high school were doing the same thing, but statistics made much more sense to me.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_2m1pZbZ234YhrLX,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,19,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,8.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1112,387.1775999999997,384.1153000000008,6045,3579,302,156,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"It was not so long ago actually. After graduating from high school I was faced with a difficult choice of what I want to do with my life. I tried to dodge the need to make a decision as long as I could, but I had to face reality as an adult and grown person. I decided to apply to a chemistry college in order to get an engineering degree. I had to look for a lot of possible problems such as my housing are the financial choices my parents would have to make in order for me to attend college. But my and my parents decided that getting an education is my best choice in order to live my life comfortably and well. So in the end I feel that we've made a good choice, and I won't regret it. But as always time will be the best indicator to see if we were correct.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1jxFnSkqbL8nM60,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/113.0.1774.57",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,8.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1488,513.4982000002861,571.2665999999048,4881,4599,261,217,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I remember it well. I was about to finish high school and it was exoected for me to go to university. The problem was... I did not know what i wanted to study. It has always been something that I could never figure out. All my friends and colleagues were either very certain or had some vague idea of what they wanted to study and what they wanted to become; not me though. I never knew - still don't know -, and it has always bothered me. So, given this situation, what would I study? What degree would I apply to? It was a very difficult decision and also... it wasn't much informed either. I tried my best to scavenge accross universities websites trying to find a degree that would call for me, but I did not. I was hoping to find something that would fullfill me - something that wouldn't even be an effort to study, but no degree seemed to meet my standards. I truly did not know what to do, and I feel like I made an impluse decision. I ended up not loving my degree and I never had the courage to quit, so I ended up getting a bachelors and a masters and now, I don't know what to do with it.",8,8,7,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3sdcV5xObzQtKdK,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-MX,36,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,6.0,1.0,1.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2738,816.3604000000001,1218.2846000000004,5706,3530,302,166,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"It was the beginning of 2020, to be more specific, march of 2020. On TV they talked of beginning the covid 19 pandemic. It was then that I asked my self if the time had come to study a master's degree, something I had always wanted but for work reasons I saw that posibility as far away. Since with the pandemic and the contingency, at work they told us to work fron home as a home office. So I decided to study a master's degree in education, It was a wonderful experience since all the classes were taken online and I met great people who were my classmates. Without a doubt, I do not regret having done it and being able to fullfill one of my professional goal. After all, it will be useful in my job as a teacher. I was not only able to fill myself with knowledge in the educational field, I was also able to learn new teaching strategies mediated by technology,",9,7,6,10,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2XaIPSaEI7GSZKM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United Kingdom,Russian,16.0,35.0,9.0,Lithuanian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1566,598.242700000003,503.819,6347,4069,301,152,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Early into 2020 I was forced to make a rough decision on how my father was due to be dealt with as he had recently passed away. My mother knew little English, which put preessure on me to handle his estate. Februaury was the most gruelling month I've ever experienced. Being only 18, having no experience in almost everything, I had to step up. I felt emotionless, I wanted it all to be over. The constant pressure for me to do everything was getting too much. I arreanged a service and we as a family decided it was best to cremate my father and bury his ashes in our home country 'Lithuania'. A year later and we travelled with his ashes internationally. They were brought tho his mother, who prepared another service to commemorrate his memory and peacefully send him away. He was buried next to his own father the next day.",8,9,8,10,B2.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_AaN7rXjA5XaCpMJ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,27,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,18.0,0.0,2.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1325,597.3415,337.56559999990463,6426,3591,302,179,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I had to make a decision about buying a car. I got my driver's licence for one year but as I work remotely from home I don't have many financial reasons to buy my own car. It feels like a waste of my time to not buying a car, because of course I'm not driving and my skills are now probably significantly worse than months ago, but I also have to collect big amount of money to my wedding, which will be next year. To be honest I've got enough money to buy a car and to afford a wedding but I don't want to get into the scenario, where I spend all my money and I got nothing left and I have to wait to the end of the month, when I will get the salary, to make any financial decisions. So it it quite hard, but until now I did not buy a car and I feel bad, but I think that I could feel way worse with the fear of not having enough money to live.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_bjyUkOK3qrWiHcZ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,10.0,1.0,3.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2202,345.2548000000119,317.15959999996426,5336,3671,301,180,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"Back in high school, I needed to decide which subject I wanted to study. I remember feeling very insecure and indecisive about it as I thought this decision would determine my whole future life. I didn't know where to start or who could help me or what I should base my choice upon. I have always enjoyed languages and they were my strongest subjects when graduating, but I wasn't sure if studying languages would get me a well-paid job. Moreover, there would always be people who grew up bilingual, who would be able to speak the language better than I did. I remember having a thick book with all universities and courses you could take that year, and I read the whole thing and put sticky notes on every page that had something interesting. When I had to narrow it down, I decided based on which subjects I enjoyed and was good at in school. That's why I didn't go for nutritional chemistry, but rather communication science, as I love languages as stated before, but didn't have knack for biology.",6,10,7,10,B1.ii,C1.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3I3Rsp252xCxoSV,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,24,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,17.0,10.0,8.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2458,555.1132000000476,1132.1495,5658,5404,302,168,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"In Italy, during 2020 a new law was written, and it's still in effect today, this law is called ""ECOBONUS"". It's an important economic help that italian government gives to everyone that decide to improve his house energetic class. When it became law, my grandmum had just died, so i iherited her house with my father. The building was old and it needed some renovations, on the other side it was a memory of my grandmum, so I discussed with my father whether to take advantage of the bonus or not, in order to keep memory of my grandmother. At the end we decided to take advantage of the ECOBONUS and we started to renovate the house. Today works are finished and the house is literaly beautifull, but i'm honest, during works my feelings weren't that good, every piece of that house which was changing, was a piece of a memory of my grandmother, which was being destroyed, and I think it was the same for my father.",9,6,6,7,C1.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i R_beLtVhspbfBTZ6x,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-GB,22,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Polish,10.0,36.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1372,569.9482000000478,456.0287000000477,5490,3264,297,159,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"A couple of years ago, I was studing at a sixth form college and I really hated it. I spent a few months being incredibly anxious and depressed. I woudn't go to class, instead just spent time in the library or in the university 'quiet room'. My parents were getting really worried because they didn't understand what was happening with me. And I also didn't understand what was happening with me. Eventually I decided to quit but I didn't tell my parents until after I quit. This was a bad decision because it made them really upset. I should have discussed this with them before but I just didn't know how to put my thougts into words. Once I quit that college, I took the rest of the year off and started fresh at a different college the next year and was much happier there. I think this was the right decision but I should have hanfled it differently.",7,8,8,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1GZZtICmOVGfdRh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,23,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,9.0,0.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2480,727.7526000001428,895.9379000000954,5488,3653,285,168,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"In all the time that I have lived, the only time I have to take an important decision was back in my seventeens, when I have to decide wich career I want to study. I was very indecisive because nothing caught my attention and the I get nervous because I thought I wasn´t good at anything. Then I started to look out for careers in public health but I didn´t want medicine. I'am not that strong to see inside the human body, after that I checked the career in psychology but it didn't meet my expectations either. Finally arrived to the degree in nutrition and human health, started to search for more information and casually my cousin´s boyfriend was studying nutrition at that time, he guide me and convince me to take the test to enter that university. I made it. Now 6 years later I'am already graduated and feel very happy about it, it was truly the degree I want it and don't regret anything about it.",6,6,5,7,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_3FJ7hX430mhhfol,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,31,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Italian,28.0,35.0,24.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2013.0,High School,1028,332.91659999990463,239.387,5583,3190,301,162,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I recently had to pick between quitting my job or staying at my company. I had been offered to return to a position from which I had been made redundant only a few months earlier. Under normal circumstances I might have refused, but I had enjoyed the work very much and I didn't like what I was doing. The company I was working for when I was offered the other job was slow and with cumbersome burocracy and I couldn't be bothered to keep going, especially because I found I was being underpaid. Fortunately, my old company called asking if I'd consider going back and offered me a raised compared to what I was making before. This was an important decision to make because the company I was working for had some prominent people in my industry that I didn't want to annoy by quitting early into my tenure, but at the same time I felt like it was an obvious decision.",8,8,6,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_C7w4Ma0Nj9ck9JT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1185,453.1383000000119,394.281100000024,6778,4992,301,210,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"So, that was actually pretty recent so it's really fresh in my memory, and it's college related too. I finished my Bachelor's degree and started working as an accountant in a Bank. I thought it would be a nice experience, knowing the financial sector and getting to know important things for my future. I didn't take long for me to realize that I wasn't quite what I was expecting. The job was pretty boring, spending 8 hours on a pc, sitting on a desk, working through some excel files was not exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I decide that I wanted to pursue a carreer in a path I really enjoy and figured out that the best way to do it was to take my Master's in Sports Management. Soon as I started searching I found out that if I wanted to do that I would have to leave my family and friends and go abroad. I didn't renew my contract and I applied for a Master's programm in another country, waiting now for the application results. I am excited and really scared of what can come out of it, but I am willing to take the risk and find the hapiness I am looking for.",9,8,5,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_yQH1t33VPaa0G9b,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,20,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,4.0,Chinese,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1599,673.6080000000002,494.047,6066,3437,301,166,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I started college in October, 2022. It as a difficult decision, as I was torn between finding a job fresh out of high school and going to university for studying a less important for me subject. I wanted to go to an art school, I'm passionate about arts and wanted to try my best at graphics, but I didn't manage to finish my portfolio on time so I decided to take a gap year and go to work. The plan was to save money and work on that portfolio of mine, but my family really wanted me to go to college. I believe my mom was afraid that once I find a job, I would never get higher education later. I was really torn, but once I got the news that I got into university I decided to give it a shot. It wasn't exactly what I envisioned for myself, but now I'm enjoying my sinology major very much and I'm glad I decided to stay.",7,8,6,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_PTicrwMUockf5O9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,23,Ambidextrous,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2104,620.0776999999993,868.0512000000003,5866,3308,302,152,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I recently had to make a career decision. I did my bachelor degree and after that it was time for me to decide what I want to do next. I had to choose beetwen doing a masters degree or leave my hometown and start my dream job. It was a difficult decision for me because the university (the only one that I could go to) has a very bad opinion. On the other side, leaving my hometown was also difficult, because me and my boyfriend were in the middle of moving in together. I've decided to move out and start working as a policeman. I'm seeing my boyfriend on the weekends. Although I'm still planning to do a masters degree in the near future. But right now I want to focus on making some money, so my boyfriend and I could start a future together in a place were I live now. ",7,7,6,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_1q1JXyHrK3Txuw8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,35,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Lithuanian,15.0,9.0,14.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2011.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1733,755.8718000000121,570.3795,5575,3001,300,157,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"I do remember being 16 years old and having to make a decision to drop out of the school, it was painfully hard to leave all the friends behind, some of them I was together since 1 grade. All of it happened to to the argument with principals sister who accused me of using force against her while all of it was just lies. Suddently my grades started to drop for no reason in all classes I knew im being targeted by the principal. It was nice autumn morning, so here I was with my parents, siting in the principals office with everyone staring at me, saying words ""I quit"". It worked for good, changing schools helped me to fix my grades it was actually beter than ever before. I managed to graduate with best grades and proceed to higher education. Sometimes I think what would happened if I would have said ""I am staying"" that day.",8,6,5,7,B2.ii,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_1CIlPF3DMh7Rzx9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,25,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Switzerland,Italian,17.0,0.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1221,452.2633999999762,402.7435,5465,3911,274,197,3,16,Write about a time when you had to make an important decision. What was the decision? What did you decide? Describe how you felt about it.,"The most important decision I had to make recently was about choosing were to start my doctoral degree. The situation was quite distressing, becaus on the one hand, I could go on to work with the Professor that assisted my while writing my thesis and her research group (the selection for the PhD was still to be done); on the other hand, I could start a PhD for which I won a position with a Professor I met previously in my career as a student. In that case, the topic of the PhD was completely different from the topic of my thesis. In the end, both for economic convenience and for the opportunity to go abroad to study, I chose the second scenario and in some way I turned down my thesis-Professor. I tried to explain her that what I choose was just a matter of chance (the selection happened before, and I had already known the Professor from past experiences), but nonetheless she felt somewhat betrayed by my decision not to even try her PhD program. I felt very sorry, but, as we usually say, in life it's better to hop on the first available train.",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_2CqElAZ8Mo1dZii,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,United Kingdom,German,16.0,36.0,14.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1528,455.5363000011444,501.1841000003815,5662,4409,301,226,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable It was abould two years ago that I had an unforgettable experience. My family and I were holidaying in Disneyworld in Florida. AS my parents were not very rich they could not afford any of these skip-the-queue fast passes or any other luxuries. Nevertheless, I was full of excitement for this trip. I packed my shorts, my suncream and sunglasses and left cold and soggy Europe for our Florida adventure. When we arrived the weather took a turn for the worse, Thunderstorms, hurricanes and incessant hail. We were meant to stay in a hotel on site which would allow us to make the most of our two days there but in the morning of day one, the staff would not allow us to leave our rooms due to the danger present outside. We tried to make it a party by plying games, watching movies and playing cards but by the third day we left the hotel very dissapointedly without having been able to go to the park itself. Disneyworld promised to send us reimbursements for this dissapointing trip. A week later, having landed back in Europe we received vouchers that allowed us to stay a week in Disneyland Paris! And when we finally went there we had glorious sunshine and not a speck of rain. I think we will stay in Europe from now on!",9,9,7,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3PuHnScxIIFcju0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,26,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,21.0,1.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2772,629.411200000003,1503.611,5656,4950,302,202,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The story starts in April 2016. This was the month my dog of 15 years passed away. My husband really wanted another dog, but I wanted a cat, because I just couldn't think about replacing Nero with another dog. A month later I adopted a cat without my husband knowing, and we discovered that he was born the same day our dog died. We named the cat Goyangi. My husband really didn't like cats before, but he fell in love right away with the kitten. The feeling was mutual, because Goyangi chose him as his owner. He is an outgoing cat, so a few months later, he brought himself a friend. Tured out it was a homeless, starving cat, that would probably die soon if we didn't take care of him. So we adopted a second cat. Then, after probably 2 years, they brought another cat home. This cat was in very bad condition so we had to spend a lot of time at the vet before he recovered. So we adopted a third cat! My husband became typical cat person now. But still Goynagi is my husband favourite cat and they are best friends and I have the two other cats. ",7,8,7,8,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_5gwYD8gyUJZE0Y9,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,26,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,13.0,0.0,4.0,Greek,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,High School,2764,842.676,1392.003,5879,8432,302,310,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","In my life I had several unforgettable moments. One of these was a trip I participated in high school. It was decided that the school would visit Beograd and many other villages and towns in Serbia during a four day trip. At the beggining I did not like the destination. I believed that Serbia was boring and unimportant country, at least according to my interests. However, the destination could not be changed at that point, I would go with my school to Serbia or no trip at all. I thought that there may be something interesting or funny even in a country I would not choose as my destination. At the first day of the trip we spent almost the entire day in the bus because the distance was quite big. We traveled from Larissa in Greece to Beograd in Serbia, several houndred miles. We reached Beograd at night and the weather was not good. The hotel was fine but still I started to believe that it would be better to have stayed at home. During the second day though, many things were different. We visited many museums, churches and historical buildings, the park in the old fortress of the city was magnificent. there were huge beautifull trees with several squirrels running on the branches. The Danube river and the bridges were also spectacular. During the second day we visited few more cities and villages and I started to realize that I underestimated Serbia too much. We even met people that spoke fluent Greek and have been in Greece in the past. The country was really amazing, despite it suffered a lot in the war a few years bofore. During the following years I learned many more interesting things about Serbia. I want to visit this country again and maybe even move there and stay for ever if I can.",10,8,8,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_2YP2sPjjZdhvOdu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,10.0,1.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1601,347.1013000000119,331.95830000001195,5540,4354,302,203,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Alice was an adventure-seeker who lived in her dreams. She happend onto a secret route in the woods one day. She was drawn deeper into the enchanted woodland by curiosity. She came accross a mysterious lake with glistening water. She plunged her fingers in, releasing the soft energy coursing through her veins as she watched, mmesmerized. Days turned into weeks as Alice spent time by the lake, and a strange connection developed beetwen her and the water's magical powers. But when she finally arrived the lake had been converted into a huge, empty pit. She sobbed beside the once-magical waves as she war broken-hearted The chasm sparkled and came to life as her tears rushed across the barren ground. The lake's eauty was restored with each drop of Alice's tears since they shared the same enchantment. Alice became the protector of the lake, providing joy to everyone who came into contect with it after realizing that her tears had the power of resurrection Years later, Alice cired just one tear as she lay dying. Unexpectedly the tear became a little seedling, and it eventually grew into majestic tree. The tree communicated somic secrects, ensuring that Alice's spirit would live on indellible memory ",10,8,11,10,C1.ii,B2.ii,C2.i,C1.ii R_2U5TtN33B6jJNLA,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,it-IT,36,Left-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,30.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1680,288.688,1159.03,5330,4565,300,176,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I always considered myself a practical, down-to-earth person. One of these people who in online communities are called ""STEM-lords"" valueing math and hard sciences way more than humanities and other social sciences. Give me hours of number crunching, playing around with spreadsheets, and I'm a happy man. Get me to write down poetry, play an instrument, or produce any kind art - or ask me to write any short shory, and my thought would be on the lines of ""why this?"". It took me a trip to Germany to start appreciating something barely related to art. Architecture ended up something barely bearable to me, enjoying the hard science behind the aestetical ideas behind it. I believe it was because at the time I was dating someone with an opposite mindset as me, but it was the only time I was able to enjoy the beauty in seeing a sunrise over the beach, enjoy a piece of music, or admire a painting. Needless to say, once that relationship ended I moved back to my old, calculating self.",8,8,8,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_23f2mUkJCvS9vvu,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,27,Right-handed,9,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,8.0,Italian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1706,310.765,1028.874,5610,8032,298,276,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It's hard to imagine now, but there was a time I was a kid. I used to always visit my grandparents during my school holidays, in their big wooden house guarded by a family of three dogs that looked more like sheep. I spent more time outside there than during the rest of the year at my hometown, probably. Running through the fields, hanging out in the villlage, playing with the resident kids, going on our little adventures in the woods. There was always something to do, something to discover. One time, during one of ours many trips to the forest, we met a girl picking mushrooms. She looked our age, but we didn't know her - she told us she's from a neighbouring village and her name is Marie. I thought she's probably poor because her clothes looked weird and she was picking the mushrooms like it was her big responsibility. She told us to leave her be, as she has ""many miles before the sleep"" left. We did as she pleased. Later that day, I told the story of meeting this strange girl to my grandma, who asked how my day was. She said when she was young, every kid would go pick the mushrooms as part of their daily duties. She knew a girl named Marie that would always strain from the group, go further and further until one time the night came and she hasn't come back home. The girls was never seen again, her fate is unknown. There's a local legends that says she's maybe still looking for mushrooms in the forest. That's when I've realized I had met a ghost.",10,7,8,8,C1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii R_323GmYwqfygngSM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,18,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,8.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,something like highschool but polish,2323,473.6518999999985,1390.4756999999993,5271,8426,272,290,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable May 19th was the last ""matura"" exam (Polish finals, considered the most important exam we have to take in our lives) I had to attend. I was so happy high school was finally over. That also meant my 4 months long holidays were about to start. No words could ever describe how excited I was. One lazy moth later, me and my boyfriend decided we should get a job before we go to college, as some additional money would make things so much easier (we wanted to move to another city). Of course, our parents were going to help financially, but we didn't want to be dependable on them. I came up withe the idea to look for a job in another country, as that would be much more profitable than working in Poland. We decided to look in France. One day I saw this perfect looking offer, they didn't expect speaking french, were looking for a couple and paid a good amount for an easy work. Of course we had to apply and, surprisingly, they called back a day after. We got in. They had us covered as for the drive, so we packed our things and a few days later the day of the departation came. A pretty scuffed white bus drove up to the pick up place. At first, we didn't think anything of this, but as we approached the bus, last thing I remember is a hard hit on the back of my head. Right now, I am hearing some steps coming my way, to the basement, I won't have time to finish. If you are reading this note, please hope that I am still alive and please help us. The steps are getting louder.",11,8,7,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_vIhgZAnD9wnMCxX,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pt-PT,23,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2455,717.3610000000001,1058.031,6333,7685,301,225,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable This is a story about a little boy and the lessons he learned. There was once a little boy named Kebab, he was chubby, whore glasses and had a really bad case of acne. He went to school everyday and the only thing he could think about was video games. His grades were never amazing but he allways managed to get trough his classes. He was allways a bit of an introvert and very anxious and some kids took those weaknesses and made fun of him, wich made it hard for him to control his temper. He whould get angry and charge at anyone in his way. At some point he started to think why that was allways happening, and decided to reach out and get help. He started seeing a phsycologist that really helped him control his actions and most importantly, understand his feelings and what made him feel what he felt. He decided to reduce the gaming and to focus more on school. From that point on school was allways his number one priority. Since then he got a Masters Degree in Electrical Engeneering and got a job at one of the most prestigeous company in the field, Apple. Thanks to one man that teached him how to understand his fellings, he became the happiest and most succesfull boy in the world. ",7,6,6,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_Q6trjxtLBuhpHHz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-419,32,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,25.0,24.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",4129,515.8001999999285,393.14339999997617,4836,3375,264,155,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Once upon a time a little boy had a dream about his future, about fighting againts an injustice, this kid always wanted to do his things with peace because he was really afraid of fullfiling his dream, he always avoided fighting and always look to fix thing with dialogue and calmly, people went very kind with him since he was a boy, one day the war started and every young men should respond to the Call of Duty, but he accepted only on the condition to not use any gun, the soldiers believed he was useless and most of them mocked at him, but when he went to the landwar he saved most lives even when he got wounded many times, at the end no one believed this man was a hero by saving even the peaple who mocked at him, he died old with great honors and his story pass from generation to generation",3,6,5,7,A2.i,B1.ii,B1.i,B2.i R_YVQJpbfG0vRYVJD,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,19.0,0.0,6.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,1471,556.8123000000003,580.0965999999996,5717,2834,280,155,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Some day after school, I went to the bus station. As i get to the place, I sit on bench and waited for bus 114. When the bus was coming, I got up to get on it. Sudenly I felt a strong pain and then I woke up in the hospital. When I woke up, the doctors told me I had been in a coma for 2 years. I looked completly different, I was getting old and didn't recognize my family. I didn't remember anything, niether the accident nor my identity. I was so shocked and axiety, that I did not want to continue living. When the doctors decided to send me home, I still don't remember anything. So I decided to jump out of the window, because I felt I wasn't myself. I jumped, and suddenly, a second before hitting the ground, I woke up againg. I turned out ti be just a dream.",7,6,6,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_VI5g8YDeqZSWnjr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu-GB,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,10.0,0.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1838,438.97389999999854,1053.5909000000022,6081,8054,302,254,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Me and my mates have been planning on going on a vacation for a long time. Last summer everything fell in place and finally after long years of waiting we decided on going to Ibiza. We were grateful that this trip will finally come to reality. As soon as we boarded the plane we felt that this will be the greatest holiday of our lives. The plane landed safely and when we got off we were greeted by our designated driver who said that he will take us to our hotel. We didn't think anything of this as we also booked transfer to the hotel. When I saw the limo outside the airport I knew something was up. We got in anyway. We felt like we were really important people because of the luxorious enviroment. The driver informed us that we arrived at the destination. When me and the boys jumped out the car we were shocked. The limo stopped at the priciest hotel of Ibiza, Four Seasons. Now everyone knew that there must be some misunderstanding but we went with the flow. The staff lined up before the hotel and waited for us. They were suprised too. Turns out that the driver had mistaken us for the football players of Manchester City. The actual players arrived shortly after us by Uber. They were confused too but ended up paying for our accomodation at the hotel and we went on a 72 hour bender with Jack Grealish, Haaland and Kyle Walker. What a weekend!",8,8,8,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_1eFYsmW10Nvt6jp,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",it-IT,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,15.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2018.0,High School,2267,551.1575,783.7562000000478,5666,4975,303,232,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable When I was very little I was so much fond of animals. I loved horses, cats, dogs, any type of mammals. When I was five I was already convinced to become a vet. Later on I found out that the view of blood make me pass out. I gave up on that dream forever and started to look at science subjects form afar. Then I became an adolescent and I was very found of justice. The disregard for the law by the citizens of my small town made my blood boil; so I went to law school at university. I was very passionate and determined to become a good lawer, I loved to discuss about civil rights and this kind of stuff. One day I was on vacation and I visited the wonderful city of Florence, in Italy. It was delightful to visit cathedrals, museums, bridges... something changed inside of me, for the first time I saw a beautiful light, like a fire. I was very wrong about my studies, my whole life. I really felt like Saint Pole on the road to Damascus during his revelation. I left all those years behind, all those hours on books to understand laws and rights. After four years of University I began to study Architecture all of a sudden. I've really left my heart in Florence that day, I will never forget it. ",10,8,7,9,C1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_YYbIQDp2e8UF9vz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,6.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2417,741.9646999999992,1253.733,5804,5583,302,274,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","There once was a woman who was always sad. She didn't understand why but it seemed like everyone ignored her even though she always tried to say hello to the people of her village. For a very long time she have had the same daily routine. She would wake up, have breakfast, feed her cat, go to the near market to buy whatever she wanted, take a stroll in the forest and then go home to eat and sleep. However, one day when entering the forest she decided to explore a new path. On that path she had the strangest and the most unforgettable encounter with a man wearing all black. For the first time in a while, someone talked to her. It was not something extraordinary but he said hello to her. She didn't know how to react so she just said hello and went home. She kept thinking about that man and how strange he was but what she did not expect is that he had the answer to her questions. A few days after the man appeared before her and asked ""Do you already know what you want to do? Do you want to continue to live beside those who are actually alive even though they can't see you?"". After a moment of confusion she remembered how in fact she was dead and a long time ago decided that she wanted to live among the living but now she was finally able to see that this life was no good to her. After leaving no one missed her except for her cat who was never able to forget that sweet lady.",8,8,8,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_VKGasa2tOALh5zb,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-US,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,6.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,High School,690,181.92260000002383,329.77070000004767,4947,4219,261,169,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The last day at the pier was unforgettable. It was a summer of unrelenting heat, and I belive now I was not thinking straight. I had gone there with my group of friends and my girlfriend, by car. Jonathan decided we should all jump and have a swim, which I thought was a crazy idea. However, the heat was killing us and I went on with the idea. When we swam back to the shore, panic set in. I could not find my car keys, and all hope was lost. Without them, we would be stuck in this unknown place all night. As Kimberley said, this was to be a ""spiritual retreat"" so we had brought no electronics at all! As desperation set in, while we looked for the keys and swam back to the water, the craziest thing happened. A dolphin swam to us, with the car keys in its mouth. It let the keys go, near Dave, who was so stunned he barely managed to grasp them!",8,10,10,11,B2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C2.i R_2D2KaJ73tA1UmC7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,16.0,0.0,12.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1756,351.7220999999996,1044.3168000000007,6068,6538,302,222,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","'Unforgettable' It was a chilly april afternoon. The sun was setting down behind the trees. I was sitting on a bench near the road with my new girlfriend in a city we both didn't know. We were talking about dogs. We were expressing our love towards dogs, their behaviors. I suggested that we both should find the photo of the dog breed that we like the most in our phones and show it to each other in the same moment. How surprised I were when both our phone screens were filled with long black dachshunds. From that moment I knew that she was the one. After a while we went to grab a snack. We grabbed hot dogs. The booth was decorated with a long dachshund sticker. On our way back to the bench that we were sitting before, we were stopped by a mysterious man. He asked us, whether we bought hot dogs at THAT booth. We looked at eachother and slowly responded that we did. He then told us if we know why there was a long dachshund sticker on that booth. I tried to guess that maybe because hot dogs and dachshunds are long. He shook his head, and left without saying a word. Few weeks later while watching news we found out that the meat was dachshund meat.",8,8,7,9,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_1eOTxGsBOP3FssF,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,hu-HU,23,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,9.0,1.0,8.0,Japanese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2019.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2051,357.43800000000016,1333.389,5702,8331,302,361,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Fishing is fun, isn't it? You sit down at the river bank with a rod in your hand and gaze at the water. Sometimes, you even catch a fish! That's exactly what Dean Reed was thinking. He's been fishing at that one river for 15 years now. Alone. Not a single soul in sight. His only companion was his dog. The nearest town was a 3 hour car trip away. Dean began his day like any other in the past decade. He took some bait, his trusty rod, some lunch and hollered his dog. He sat down and started the hunt. This place was particularly good for fishing; no wind or rain, no animals that can potentially disturb the peace our fisherman admired. The clear weather also allowed him to sit there all day. After a few hours though, he noticed something. Something big was floating on the water. A man, dressed in black from head to toe. No, not a man; a corpse. He recognized it. Someone from his past - the man who saved his life and got him out of the CIA. The man who got him this peaceful life. Of course he couldn't forget him. Solomon Jones; ""the man who makes the impossible possible"". They served together, went on hundreds of missions together, until Dean wanted out. He wanted to desert. And Solomon helped him. He helped him fake his death, got him a new identity and finally, a new life, where no one could get him. That day was truly unforgettable for him. And now, his lifeless body was floating down the stream. That could only mean one thing; he's been made. He went back to his cottage and got his gun. He wasn't the kind of man to go down without a fight; if his time come, he will die with a gun in his hand. He knew all of their tactics. Reed took down both who were sent for him with ease and went back to bank. Only, once he sat back, the cold barrel of a gun was pressed to his head by his old comrade and partner in crime - Solomon Jones.",12,10,11,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C2.i,C1.ii R_RblZEFVwCFyTwKl,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",nl-NL,31,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Netherlands,Dutch,23.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2099,598.8096999999998,900.0736,5805,4247,300,161,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Last summer i met a girl, it was at the local rock festival. She was standing alone, with a cigarette in her mouth looking in her purse for a light. Being the gentleman that i am, i offered her a light and went on my way. Later at the exit of the festival i ran into her again, she was still alone. We started talking and exchanged phone numbers. During the entire summer we saw eachother everday after that. Spending time together, swimming, dancing and drinking. It was a true summer romance. Unfortunetly she was only here for the summer. When september came she went back to college on the otherside of the country. We never talked much after that, both being bad texters. Which made her untimely passing in a car accident, much harder to swallow. I cried many night wishing i had picked up the phone to call her. But atleast i had that one unforgettable summer with her.",7,8,6,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_30kjxdRf3oTxUGs,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,47,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,10.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2834,589.719,1391.266,5431,6402,299,324,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable It was a lazy summer day in the east of germany. To be more eprecise in a big city in germany and to be even more precise in berlin. The first summer storms have past by and our protagonist thought about what chores he had to do today. The cats Greta and Kija where really unhappy with there current food so he decided to use the break in heavy storms and go out shopping for new catfood. He decided to go out to a nearby pet-store. He took is bike and enjoyed the ride at the new bike lanes that were built in the last years. Finally you could use your bike without the dange of getting run over by an car or truck. The food store was filled with a plenora of different foods. But he knew that they loved chicken, so he found a new brand with a high amount of chicken (more than 60% as main ingrediant) in it, bought it and went back to his home. As usual in berlin the building is a 5 floor building from the 19th century with a rather big fancy staircase (way?). As he entered the staircase (he lived in the 4th floor) he allready heard a loud meowing. Now he was confused, its impossible to hear the cats through the door and down 4 floors. He went up and the meowing got louder and louder. As he finally reached the 4th floor, a panicked black cat named Kija aproached him and looked really frightened. There was also an awfull smell, because Kija in her fear peed all over the staircase. Somehow she managed to sneak by, when i left the place and as she is usually to afraid to go out alone, she must had the most horrible time of here life. The new food helped to calm here down and after an hour of cleaning the staircase everything was fine again. ",11,7,8,7,C2.i,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i R_3fTceYACKIeK2tg,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,2.0,8.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3961,528.065,572.0605999999642,5841,4530,302,224,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","""Unforgettable"" One time, I was coming home from work, when I saw a basket on my treshold with a little sticky note on it, saying: ""I'm looking for a new home."" In the basket, there was a small puppy, whose breed I couldn't quite make out. Naturally, I took it home because I didn't know what else to do. I decided to keep him (later it turned out that it was a him) because I had been thinking of getting a pet anyway. And I am so glad that I did. I got really attached to the dog. I bought him organic food from a farmer's market. I took him to the dog park and to run errands with me. At that time, I didn't know that the decision of keeping this dog would one day save my life. One evening, a burglar broke into my house. I am a hard sleeper so I didn't hear anything. I woke up to my dog barking loudly and saw his snout covered in blood. Then I saw the burglar. He was lying on the floor, screaming in pain. Next to him, there was a gun. My dog woke up after hearing him break in, saw him come into my bedroom and point a gun at me. That is how an unforgettable decision saved me from death.",9,8,8,9,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_BDSd9eC2RabztLj,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,27,Right-handed,17,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,1.0,0.0,12.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1606,403.659,808.159,5700,5547,302,255,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","This is the story of an alive pencil called George, he was the best of the shop, all the customers love him and want to buy as soon as posible, but George wasn't for sale, he was the manager's best friend, they had 3 years together and a lot of stories drawn, George was a little pencil who had a height of 7cm, he was the ''Unforgettable Pencil'', that's because he was the best on his work, he was always sharpened and never had a round tip. A common day, the manager went out to buy some groceries for his shop and his house, but he left the shop open, so a teen girl went sneaking into the shop, and stealed his best pencil, she kidnapped George, when the manager came back to the shop and noticed about George, he ran to call the police and went to look at the cameras, there was nobody in the videos but a little hand taking his precious pencil, so he showed it to the police and they started searching for it, the police noticed that hand was from a little girl from the other side of the street, called cynthia, the manager was sad about his loss, but he went to the house of cynthia to talk with her and their parents about that steal, he though it was a kid's thing so he gave George to cynthia and went back to the shop, and prayed to find another best friend to help him with his job.",7,6,6,9,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2dJZvBhp89uFnK5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,29,Right-handed,7,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Greece,Greek,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2359,584.7855,1033.837899999976,5362,7806,300,385,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Beginning When i was on vacation in an island of Greece with some of my friends, many years ago, i experienced some unexpected events. First things first. We were at a beach and we just got out of the water. We had our umbrella and our seats. We were drinking ice tea and cold espresso. It was a really hot day. I was single and i wanted to find a girlfriend, but i didn;t know how to make the first move to secure a date. Middle So, i was relaxing at the seat, when i noticed a girl at a distance with her friend. I estimated she was around 22-24 years of age. They were inside the beach, i was outside, around 50 meters distance. I felt a feeling of attraction and i wanted to go and talk to her. She was a really beautiful blonde girl with average height. At the same time, i felt some inhibitions. I was thinking that she had a boyfriend, was too pretty for me and i was not pretty good at communicating. But in my anxious and also excited state, i mastered the courage to go appoach her. My heart was pounding and my legs felt heavy. I went there and approach the girls sideways. I said hello girls, how are you doing? The girls smiled and return the conversation by saying, good how are you? We made small talk for a few minutes and then i disclosed why i approached them. The entirety of the small talk, i had the sense that the girl i liked was a bit disinterested, because she wasn;t really focused on the conversation, she was looking away at the sea and she gave short close ended questions. I felt numb in my limbs, because i feared an upcoming rejection. End After i disclosed that, i was pretty sure that their faces would turn dusgusted, but in my surprise they were smilling. I asked the girl on a date and she said yes. I could not believe it. Other approaches in the past were unsuccessful, so i was pleasantly surprised. She was from my hometown Athens, so when i get back, we started dating. The moments before approahing, i could never in a million years thought, that i would day this girl.",10,6,6,9,C1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_10IdHzdo9jNkLl1,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,38,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Other,13.0,34.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",3855,403.53619999999967,2803.9927,5545,17892,302,711,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable For Sam, it was just another day of going on an operation destroying the aliens as an XCOM operative. In the transport, he sat with his senior, Clutch, joking about the beer they had last night and how the bartender watered it down. Jane, the specialist, sat there fixated with tinkering her little drone. Matt, who's on his first mission, was checking his rifle and gear for god knows how many times. The landing was smooth. They were approaching the downed UFO to sweep the area clean of any surviving aliens. Everything went smooth. The couple of aliens left were battered and scattered. Although they have superior technology, firing their plasma rifle with desperate zeal, they were no match for the trained XCOM operatives. Sam and Clutch were holding down the aliens with suppressing fire while Jane harress them repeatedly with the drone shock. Even Matt was doing a good job, peeling off one of the alien's cap clean off. Watching the motion tracker, they saw only one alien was left inside the UFO. The team quietly approached the wall, readying themselves for a breach. They had trained it for thousands of times. Move in, flashbang, suppression, then Sam goes in to put a shotgun to the alien's face with Matt steady on his sniping shot as backup. Then they will just have to secure the area and wait for the salvage team to arrive before going home. Simple. Only the flashbang didn't go off. Jane was in complete shock when the flashbang clanged on the floor right next to the alien's feet. Nothing happened. The alien, who is part metallic and part humanoid, immediately got to his feet and dashed for cover. Clutch deployed his machine gun to lay down some suppressing fire, except it did nothing. Matt, who was doing it oh-so-smoothly the whole mission, missed his shot at the last moment. Sam went sprinting, charging across debris and broken parts hopinig to catch up, but the alien turned back to fire once, hot plasma singed his left thigh. He rolled to cover. Clutch was yelling, ""ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"" Sam, panting, pointed to the power source, which the alien was frantically tinkering. ""Stop him! He will wipe us out!"" Nobody dared fire a shot in the risk of hitting the power source and do the job for the alien. Jane, in desperation, drove the drone right at the alien's face. That startled the alien, but it returned to its work quickly, setting the source to detonate. The team knew there was no escape. The beep went at a frantic pace, accelerating and signalling everyone's last moment on earth. Clutch just kept his machine gun roaring, hoping to bring the little sucker death with his dying breathe. Sam couldn't move, he wasn't close enough, and the shotgun will simply do him no good. Jane was wide-eyed, her hands on the ground, her mind a blank, wishing she had had that last sip of soda before leaving the base. The flashbang, lying stupidly on the ground. Went off. Except it wasn't a flashbang, it was an EMP bomb. The pulse reverberated through the whole room, knocking out every single electronic component on deck, and the beep went silent. Everyone was struck dumb, trying to shake off the shock of returning to the land of the living. A loud bang followed, Matt was finally on his job, putting one right through the alien's skull, and the alien drop onto the floor, dead at last. On their transport back to base, they received a message from the science team. ""Please note that the upgrade to our flashbang is now deployed. The flashbang will now function both as a blue-screen grenade and a disorientation flash. However, we noticed some of the flashbangs to be faulty. Please return all flashbangs to the engineer bay for checking and replacement. Thank you for your attention."" ""Well, a lot of good that does!"" Clutch quipped. ""At least we are still alive."" Sam returned. Matt smiled. He knew with that last kill he will be promoted to lance coporal. A junior sniper being promoted for just one mission would be quite a tale for years to come. And Jane can finally return for her sip of beloved soda. ",12,10,10,10,C2.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii,C1.ii R_3hlLOBK8DDqlnXF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",fr-FR,28,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Mexico,Spanish,16.0,0.0,2.0,French,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",3942,417.1256999999881,2140.213100000024,5413,14859,302,426,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Once, during the end of the first semester of the university my partners and I had to answer some final exams to raise our notes. We had studied hard for them but specifficly for the organic chemistry exam. I still remember we were nervous before taking it. To do the exam the teacher divided us in two groups, the first one get into the room to answer the exam, the second group -where I was in- was made up to form a line to talk with the teacher. He talked with each of us quickly, when it was my turn to be in front of him he just showed me the list and with his pen arised my score in one point, then he asked me if I desired to take the exam or stay with my new note. It took me by surprise and I told him that I would keep the new note. After getting out the room I knew that all the people that were in the second group had taken a similar situation than me and all of them had accepted the new and better note. We seemed to be happy and surprised. In that happiness I talked easier with some people that were around, among them, a girl who I started speaking with. It took some seconds of this conversation for making my friend get upset because it seemed that I was flirtting with that girl. I got so sad because my friend got dissappointed of me but also angry because I wasn't flirting at all. In that moment I felt that I had lost something imporant and also was angry, my friend hadn't had a good reason for getting mad at me. My feelings had changed and with the sensation of 'I have no more things to loose' I thought: 'I will do the exam, I studied, I do not worry for any more looses and probably I could risk to get a better note'. Without looking or telling anyone I got one more time in the exam room and walked directly to the teacher and told him that I had made my mind I decided to do the exam, he look at me and said ""you sure?"" I noded without doubts, then he erased my note and wrote the highest one! I got confused, I had not done any exam yet. He looked at me one more time and apparently without noticing my confusion just smiled and said: the first one who takes the risk wins the best.",12,6,7,9,C2.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_3htkf3hAZnD4yO0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",en-GB,26,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,20.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2019.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",974,325.55909999999784,297.7975,4854,3115,264,171,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Today I received a call from my dad, I am a student and I live 150 kilometers from home. My dad said that it was in Padua (the city where I currently live) and I was happy to hear that. Actually he didn't call me, he just texted me. So I decided to take a shower because I tought that we were going to eat somewhere. It was 11AM and and it was really hot. Here in Padua summer is more humid than in my city and we always use the air conditioning unit. After the shower my dad called me and he said in was in Padua with his brother, who is a painter, and they were going to a restaurant to deliver a painting to a client. He asked me about nice places where he and his brother could go and that's it. He never go to Padua and the one time he did he called me to ask infos and not to come and see where I live.",7,6,6,8,B2.i,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.ii R_ZeJZ6daMq1yKfG9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",it,29,Right-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,10.0,0.0,10.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1367,511.5872999999821,435.898600000024,5458,3775,301,181,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","The most unforgettable day. After everything that a human could endure, a day finally arrived that even for the most people could be a normal day, It was an amazing one for them. The girl prepared herself to go out, eating as much as possible so in her mind she could help her enjoy that day even more. Nothing could go wrong this day, and her smile was a proof of that. The sun was shining in the clear blue sky, some birds chirped while the girl continued to walk toward her destination. After a long walk that seemed to take days, she waits patiently the stoplight to let her pass. The green light finally lights up and with a happy skip of her little legs she crosses the road. But a car comes very fast into her path and hits her, her body came flying to the hot road. That unfogettable day, were she wanted only to go see for the first time the sunlight that never came into her town was the first and last day for the girl.",7,8,8,9,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.i R_1jTzsjtFfSO0W9a,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,34,Left-handed,9,QWERTY,IDK,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,22.0,1.0,3.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2196,429.8761999999881,1037.982899999976,5859,9154,283,423,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I forgot, I forgot about small problem for a long time, because sometimes we think that our problems ar the biggest in the world, but never think that there are much bigger problems than ours. I came to this reflection since I met Kale. Every afternoon when leaving school, on the way home, I loved going to the library and observe the great treasures that were displayed in that place, the books, I love read and in very book I inmerse myself in a different story, imaginary story. One cold winter evening, when I was leaving the library, I saw an elderly gentleman sitting on a bench across the street, with glasses, a cane, white mustache and plaid coat. He called my attention that in is hands he was holding a book, while he was looking closely at. He looked away from him and stating at me ahd he replied that he was trying to ""don't forget"" Stunned, I continued on my way home. I went back in front of the library and there was that old man sitting again with a book in his hands. I sat next to him and saw that the book he can not read. I began to summarize the story for him. He listenned attentively to me and with a half smile told me his name, Kale. Kale was his name. It was a person who transmitted a lot of serenity and affection, but there was also sadness in his gaze. He did not talk much, but from the little he did say, it seemed as if life had not touched him very well. He told me he has a daugther but that he lived in another country and that he had not lived in a long time. One day, I went to the banck to spend the afternoon with Kale but he was not there. And so one day ad another day, until the librarian turned to me and gave me a letter. A letter from Kale. I sat down to read it on the bench. ""Dear Maria, I will never be able to thank you for everything, for reading, for being my friend. But now, I have to go home, not my country, but my planet. I lied to you. I am alien. I came Earth to understand your specie, your behavior. You taught me to read, understand the human world, I will show your culture in my planet, Thank for everyhing."" I was petrified but I felt an inmense joy for him, for Kale. ",11,7,7,9,C2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_1puQPumtEYZxNu8,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,34,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,25.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1201,363.53,445.496,5789,4863,302,249,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I was very exciting about starting my holidays that I had been longing for so long and finanlley the day arrived. I was at the airport waiting for the gates at the airport to be opened when I realised that my passport was missing. I kept looking in my bad, I took allt he stuff out but no signs of the lost passport. Then I remembered that I left it right in the tiny table at home close to the door. ""That can't be real"", I thought. Suddently, the delayed word appeared in the screen of my flight and I was relieved as I still had enough time to go back home and get my passport. I went straight to the taxi line but it was endless. After one hour waiting, finally it was my turn to get in the taxi. I still had an hour to spare. When it was only 1 kilometer away from home, the taxi car broke down. I couldn't believe my luck! I had to walk home while it was pouring down. By the time I got back home, it was the time my flight was departing. I had missed my flight and my holidays were ruined. Out of nowhere I hear an alarm in the distance. It's not other than my alarm clock!! It had been only a dream! I was stressed abou the situation but I little sad that I had to go back to work this morning instead of my holidays.",9,7,6,8,C1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,B2.ii R_9BKiDe3tS8IFiQF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,20.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2021.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2509,656.1673000000717,1125.2335999999043,5623,6978,299,302,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","'Unforgettable' Recently, I picked up a habit of going to the cinema. I even bought the cinema card and talked my fiancee into doing the same, so we coud buy tickets for lower prices. Thanks to that we can afford more movies a month. Basically, we go to any kind of movie that catches our interest. It can be comedy, drama, action fick, or even movies for kids. But personally, my favourites are superhero movies. So, obviusy we had to go and see ""Spider-man: Across the Spider-Verse"". Now, I'm really going to try and not spoil the movie for whoever is going to read this, but be vary if you haven't watched it yet. In my opinion the movie was great. I was kept on the edge of my seat througt it. There was a lot of action and a few unexpected situations. But aside of being just a generally good movie, I was so happy to see that kind of animation, which really can be compared to art. The different kind of drawing for every universe was something trully beautiful. It was propably one of the best of my cinema expierience. But, surprisingly, there is one thing I cannot get over. I knew beforehand, that it won't be the last part of this story. But I really hate the feeling, that they left so big cliffhanger. Usually, even if the movie is the midlle part of the story, it has some inner kind of clouser, but not this time. I saw someone commenting it, that: ""This movie seems like a 2 hours long trailer"". And I agree. I mean, I really liked it, but it left me with the feeling, like someone paused a movie in the middle, and now I how to wait whole year, so I can finish watching.",11,6,7,8,C2.i,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_2OUpK8pVGQZzivR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,25,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,10.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1900,507.4615,966.8162999999524,6753,9256,302,295,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable My dad is a detective. One day I asked him about the most unforgettable case he's been working on. He told me that once there was a man named Billy who attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a building he was living in. A few seconds after the jump he was in fact dead, but what killed him wasn't the impact with the ground, but a bullet that went through his scull. As it turned out, when he was falling down, an elderly man who was living on the 4th floor had an argument with his wife, and decided to threaten her with a gun. When he pulled the trigger, he missed his wife and shot Billy instead, who happened to be next to the man's window in the exact ""right"" time. As it turned out, the man used to threaten his wife with the gun every time they had an argument, but the gun was never loaded. Some time later the police found a witness, who claimed to have seen an young man loading the gun before their argument. The witness said, that the young man was the son of the elderly couple, who obviously knew about his father's habit. The reason why he decided to do this, was the fact, according to the witness statment, that he wanted to take revenge on his mother, who refused to give him money, as she knew he had a problem with illegal substances. One day, after a big fight between him and his parents, they decided to kick him out of their house. He took his things, secretly loaded the gun, and left. He didn't go far though, got just to the rooftop of the building and jumped off it. His name was Billy. ",11,9,7,10,C2.i,C1.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_3JjRlb6bpWWO9J9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",ru-RU,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Russian,10.0,36.0,12.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Doctoral Degree or higher (e.g., PhD, MPhil, etc.)",822,333.4385,303.640299999997,5414,5111,301,273,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable? The first thing that comes to mind when I hear that word is my exciting trip to Japan. It has been a long dream of mine to go on holiday in one of the Asian countries, but the timing has never been right and I knew this would be quite expensive. So, when my then boyfriend was selected to go to Japan for a year abroad, I got very excited - finally, the opportunity has come! I have been preparing for this trip for weeks and even months. I have not seen my boyfriend for a couple of months, and being apart was quite difficult. Hence, I wanted to make sure everything goes perfect. We were planning trips together, what cities we are going to attend in Japan, what museums and restayrants we should attend for a full expereince. I was planning my outfits carefully: I wanted to look good both for my boyfriend, but also to impress the Japansese community, which is known for their good sense of style. How great that was meant to be! And it really was. It truly was. We did all of these things, it was so lovely and romantic, we enjoyed every single bit of a city together. I could not have imaged it better myself. Until the very last day, when he told me he met someone else and he was breaking up with me. Yeah, I know... How surprising is this end for you? With that being said, my trip has truly been unforgettable, both because it was absolutely fantastic, but also because it left me broken hearted for many years to come. ",11,8,6,9,C2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_2UaatTD1nsQvrL6,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-GB,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1481,357.624,737.313,5786,7153,302,296,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was the first time Sandra had been to the forest. The night was falling and, as the stars and moon began to shine above the trees, she felt at home. There was nothing quite like a night walk to rethink her life choices and the path she wanted to follow in the future. Her mother had always told her about the dangers of the forest but, despite that, she kept walking. Sandra was not of the fearful kind, she was brave and always followed her instincts. The other fairies in the city weren't as corageous. Sandra stretched her wings and took flight a few meters above the ground, gazing at the starry sky and wondering what could go wrong in such a beautiful and calm forest. Suddenly, a bat flew through. Shortly after, a group of about a dozen more bats appeared and flew to hide somewhere inside a cave to Sandra's right. ""Something must have frightened them"", Sandra thought. As she went to check on what caused all the chaos, she spotted a bright light shining behind a couple of bushes. She hid her wings to avoid them from reflecting any light and revealing her presence. There was a melody sounding from the bushes, a shy and trembling voice singing. That's when Sandra saw her: a little fairy sitting on the floor, one of her wings broken, tears rolling down her face, her eyes closed. She kept singing in fear. Sandra stretched her hand to help the girl getting up, but as her fingertips touched the girl's skin, everything went dark. Sandra woke up in her bed to the sound of her usual alarm clock, she had dreamt of fairies and mysterious forests again. There was a new day ahead and waiting for her. ",12,9,11,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C2.i,C1.ii R_2Y3Xgq5Livlo9dR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,30,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,9.5,20.0,10.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2008.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1479,532.298,505.8638000000008,5808,4328,300,230,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable Two years ago, just before the final exams of my first year in university ended, I fell in love with a fellow student of mine with whom we had been friends for six months. As we were talking as friends, we found out that we had arranged to go to Rome for holidays with our respective friends during the same period, completely unintentionally. So, we decided to call each other when we would both be in Rome to meet up. You can imagine how excited I was, to meet my crush at Rome! I felt like stars aligned! When we met up, everything was wonderful and he was actually showing a lot of interest in me, so I thought that maybe we could be together as a couple. However, after our trip, he stopped getting my calls for one month, and I thought that he decided that he didn't like me romantically. Until the last weekend of holidays, when my mother told me that we would have a family dinner with my extended family before I went back to university. There, my mother's sister also joined us, and she was really excited because she had finally found her long-lost son that someone had stolen from her at birth, and she showed us a photo of him. And it was him: the friend that I had fallen in love with!!",12,8,7,9,C2.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i R_2c0pitEtm1vtMw9,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,7.0,1.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2017.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1644,562.4981999999881,729.7275,5928,6160,302,309,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","It was a calm summer night, I was in probably 18 or 19 at the time, those ages where boys tend to be more reckless and, in the lack of a better word, horny. I had met this girl, her name was Bruna, and we had been hooking up that summer, but since we both lived with our parents, we had to find excused to sneak away. Luckly, by that time, I had already gotten my drivers licence, so that made things a bit easier. So, as I mentioned, it was a summer night, we were out in a field, just sitting on the car and talking, kissing, listening to music, until I get interrupted by a phone call. Normally I would just ignore it, but it was a call from a friend who usually doesn't call people unless it's important. I pick up. He says: ""Please drop whatever you are doing, there is no time to explain, just come near Tomas' house as fast as you can."" From his voice, I could tell he was not playing around. I just drove as fast as I could, not even stopping at stop signs, just so I could get there as fast as possible, all of this while Bruna was still in the car. As I arrive there, 3 of my friends just hop inside the car, all sweaty, and tell me to go away as fast as I can. While I did what they asked, they told me that they had been found drinking and smoking outside and that police had been running after them for the last 20 minutes. After that incident, I never saw Bruna again, she was probably scared of me after all of that reckless driving and after earing my friends stories. Still, if I could go back, I still would have done it again.",12,9,9,9,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.i R_3PFW1vSTwbSI9RS,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,21,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,9.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2298,588.3902000000478,752.2031000000238,5584,6314,302,297,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable. Yes, a word with an ""un"" first and ""forgettable"" before. That's what some things in life are. They are something that you cannot forget, for example, the first time for had sex, the fisrt kiss, that one time that every one make fun of you, tht one time that you were so embaressed that the only thing you wanted was to hide as fast as you could in some place that no one could see. Like that one time that you said ""I love this girl/boy"" and the love wasn't motuous. The word ""Unforgettable"", doesn't work only for bad things. Something unforgettable communly is used for something posity too. Like that one time you when to the beatch and have nerver seen one. Like that one time you when to the cinema with your best friend or girl friend. That one time you tried surfing or snowboarding and fell in the water or snow. Basically, unforgettable is a thing that as everything that you remember, the first expirience the first love the first time you had fun the love you are able to give and get, the unstopable and always passing time that makes everying and some things special. That is Unforgettable. I rebember a time when I was a kid, jumping from pool to pool. A enocent boy hom was running and having fun. I remember the exact steps and moment that I take to fall and hurt my head. I almost died. blood all over me and the pool. People trying to get off the pool because of the blood. My mum and granny desperadly scriming for help. Thank fully my dad was there to call an ambulance and send me to the hospital. I was in the verge of death. Thank you, dad.",7,5,5,7,B2.i,B1.i,B1.i,B2.i R_C8KcvC6SVISY9BD,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,fr,35,Right-handed,8,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,French,8.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1373,323.576,661.365,4414,4220,252,200,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","Unforgettable John and Lisa were both young mouses. They grew up in southern France and were raised by their grandmother Ania. Life was hard back then, they hadn't much money and were more surviving than living. One day when John was six he found a large suitcase in a park. Since he is a curious little mouse he smelled it and couldn't resist opening it. He was amazed and the content changed his life forever. There was twelve kilos of pure gold inside. He thought about bringing it to the police but also knew the value of those gold bars would change his life. He brought it back home and showed it to his grandma, she cried and said it must be a present from God. On the same day, at night someone rang the door. It was a large detective rat, quite scary looking. He was asking questions, said that someone lost a valuable suitcase in the neighbohrood. Ania had to lie, she barely had enough money to buy bread. It didn't work, the detective actually knew she was lying. He found the gold, luckily the family had no trouble with justice but they will never forget this day.",9,7,8,10,C1.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_11atObneLHN18cy,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,30,Left-handed,7,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Italy,Italian,23.0,0.0,8.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1838,465.229,950.877,5639,4193,302,165,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I met my wife in a bar in Brooklin in 1927. She served me coffee, and I immediately fell in love with her kind attitude and simple beauty. When the bar closed we spent the rest of the night talking and joking, and it was then that we decided to marry as soon as possible. After about ten years of happy life with her, I was sent over Europe for WWII; the fighting was intense and exhausting, and after a dangerous mission I went missing for years. The return to my country was difficult and full of adventures, but finally I was able to get back. I found my wife, who was still waiting for me. We hugged and kissed, but I acted like I wasn't able to speak anymore. My relatives were puzzled, thay thought it was due to the war or other traumatic experiences. But the truth was really simpler: I actually forgot my wife's name and didn't want her to know it.",9,8,9,10,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_3FJ7wNaa27yW5tk,Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0,pl,33,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,14.0,0.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2230,345.096,895.21,5546,5596,302,290,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I exited the door of a tall building on a sunny morning with doctor's words still ringing in my ears: 'You're going to have a beautiful baby girl in about three weeks.' I don't remember a time in my life when I was equally excited and scared at the same time. I went home where my mother awaited. 'Three more weeks', she thought aloud, 'we have some time for final preparations.' 'What do you mean? I asked.' 'Bathroom needs painting.' I sighed. Right. After dinner I brought tools and a bucket of paint and took to finishing the last room in our new apartment that needed it. With the help of my mother I prepared the surfaces and started to move the brush up and down on a wall, when I felt a strange sensation in my pants. As if I peed myself, but at the same time I was sure I hadn't. 'Mom,' I said, and explained what happened to me. She laughed as if I told a good joke. 'Your waters broke, silly. Get the bag and we're going to the hospital.' she said, still chuckling a bit. My heart skipped a beat. I mean, what? It was supposed to be three more weeks. I scrambled to get the bag and ran to my car with my head full of doubt. Where are the cramps then, I thought. But then I thought, mom had three, I guess I trust her judgement. Next couple of hours felt like they were going fast forward. Soon I was admitted to the emergency ward, then they said something was wrong and that they had to do a c-section. Next thing I know I am handed a beautiful baby. Boy. Wrong again, doctor. ",12,11,9,10,C2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_31EKBcolpFWF6cT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,56,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,United Kingdom,Japanese,44.0,36.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2896,664.3442999999522,1198.6031999998092,5298,3540,284,166,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","When I was in University, I stayed in a dormitory. I shared a room with a girl and we got along very well. After we graduated, I moved to America and my roommate started working at a hospital in Japan. I like skiing and on some winter day, I went on a ski trip to Colorado. It was a very long bus trip to Colorado and I arrived at a condo near a slope. There was a shuttle service from the condo to a slope, so I took the shuttle and took a sheet. I just gazed blankly ahead. And I realised someone who is sitting in front of me wearing a ski suit which I have seen before. I raised my gaze upwards and looked at the person who is wearing the ski suit. And I found out that was my old roommate. Why she is in America? Is it really her? I was very confused. But the next second, I was screaming her name.",7,7,8,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i R_1rrzdNaJfJcZW9c,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,22,Right-handed,2,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Estonia,Estonian,17.0,0.0,5.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2020.0,High School,1990,379.1685999999642,1304.245399999976,5864,7869,302,260,3,5,"Write a short story with the title ""Unforgettable"". Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end must be surprising.","I think the most unforgettable thing that has happened to me was when I was 15 years old. I was just starting to get really interested in learning Spanish and the culture of Spain and I remember that my biggest dream was to visit the country. As my parents had never really brought me along to their trips to foreign countries, I hadn't travelled much back then, and the dream seemed to be something rather utopic for me back in the day. I remember that I was just sitting on the couch with my sister on some random winter day, when suddenly my parents came home and told us that we were going to Barcelona in two months. I was absolutely ecstatic and started counting the days right away. The trip finally arrived after what appeared to be the longest waiting period ever, and I remember bawling my eyes out when it was finally time to go home. I completely fell in love with the city and promised myself that I would learn Spanish one day and explore the beautiful country even more. The trip left me such an unforgettable memory that it has influenced some of the most important decisions of my life. By now I can finally say that I am fluent in Spanish, I have lived there for a year and I am hopefully going to get a bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Culture by next year. This all is heavily influenced by that one unforgettable trip I went to, when I was 15 years old.",12,9,10,10,C2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii,C1.ii R_Q3xWNBQrRQtalXz,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,5.0,Russian,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,High School,1382,261.3108999999762,753.4128999999762,5515,6754,274,269,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"When it comes to the talk show, I would like to invite Jarosław Kaczyński as the first guest. He is a widely known politician in my country, and he has a cult like following amongst the elderly. Interestingly, he also has a huge amount of ""haters"" I guess you could say as many young people claim that he singlehandedly ""destroyed"" the whole country by weird and controversial decisions. He is widely known for his traditional and controversial beliefs. The only reason why that many people hate and love him at the same time is because he poses as a right wing representative, but at the same time his party does things opposite to that. For example - he is known to act like a socialist, when there is a problem in a specific area his answer to that is to just throw money at it. Not enought kids? Give away money for every kid born. Costs of life increased? Give away money for everyone that earns the minimum wage. Oh, and the minimum wage, yeah... He just keeps increasing at every year, which leads to even more inflation (Which is already high enough as all he can do is just print more money to give it away). All I wonder is: Is he really that stupid or is he doing all that on purpose? Doesn't he know that his actions will have repercutions for the next 20 years? Or does he simply not care about that? He doesn't have any kids after all... I dont know. I feel like a session with him could spark up a public discussion.",8,9,9,10,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_3rZYoOPXOon4nZf,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)",pl-PL,22,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,20.0,Chinese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1381,525.2192000000177,496.0604000000061,5496,3304,301,151,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear television company, if I’m about to have my own talk show, I’d like to tell you who I’d like to interview. I would be thrilled to be able to talk with Marc Okrand. He’s the guy behind the Klingon language and many other artificial languages. As a language and conlang enthusiast, I’d be able to ask him about many details of creation of a language and I think people would find it quite fascinating. The process of creating a language from nothing is quite an interesting thing. I’m sure he would be able to say a lot about his work but also his hobby. He would be able to inspire many other young creators who, just like me, are just staring with conlangs. He may not be very famous in the world, but he definitely is an inspiring, hard-working and talented man whom I personally look up to very much.",8,9,9,10,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_22re2iOklYjCpES,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,32,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Estonia,Estonian,22.0,0.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,High School,2534,656.3681000000237,686.8518999999761,5578,3501,303,168,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If I had the opportunity to have my own television talk show it would be on MTV. I would like to interview all the latest reality-TV stars and musicians. It would have to be a late night show with fun games and drinks. One of my all time favourite reality-TV show is ""Jersey Shore"" so I would like to have Snooki and Deena as my co-hosts. DJ Pauly-D could be a musical guest every night spinning the latest hits. My first guests would be ladies from the ""Housewives"" franchises since I'm a huge fan and love their drama. I would also interview all my favourite rockstars and live out my teenage dreams. There would be audience watching my show and I would make sure that they all have drinks and having a good time. They would all leave my show with goodie bags and get a chance to take photographs with my guests. My talk show would be on maybe 3 times a week. Thursday to Saturday night.",7,8,9,10,B2.i,B2.ii,C1.i,C1.ii R_3lMumWP1K5V0LUF,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,47,Right-handed,15,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Spain,Spanish,15.0,5.0,8.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2656,1099.0722000000178,1117.914,6107,3460,300,155,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If i have the opportunity of my own program i like to interview people that make this wolrd a better place like elon musk, michio kaku and the like. I want to say what we can to save the wolrd of bad people that are dishonest and only think about themselves. I like the program to be fun and honest with good questions that make you think. It have to be live with real persons that can make questions to the person interview to be expontaneous, like a town hall. I like to know whats is the lasted in good news not bad we have too many of them. We need a group of them sometimes to make them question between themselves. And sometime we interview the common people of the street to make them think about the world we live in and we shared, with questions like the pollution, climate change, and the economy.",4,5,5,9,A2.ii,B1.i,B1.i,C1.i R_25Zw9g8FBXNU1oY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Poland,Polish,15.0,0.0,2.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2022.0,High School,2648,830.6258,760.841,5885,4811,303,170,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview Andrea Pirlo as he is my favourite football player. He is an elegant Italian man that played in Italian National Team between 2002-2015 and played in some of the best Italian teams, for instance Juventus, AC Milan and Internazionale Milan. Andrea is known for his patience and elegancy. Also, he has not given many interviews in his career, so his visit in my talk show would bring new audience. Furthermore, he is considered to be one of the best midfielders in history of that sport discipline, an interesting interview about his teams and teammates would catch attention of supporters of all teams in Europe. In recent years he has started to be the coach and the team manager. He had managed players such as Paulo Dybala, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gianluigi Buffon, Wojciech Szczęsny, Giorgio Chiellini and other popular players that have many followers all over the world. Many people would be intrested to listen to his thoughts and impressions about these players from their private site.",7,7,7,9,B2.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_2pPr06lDvrn8Kuv,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-US,35,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Vietnamese,25.0,25.0,10.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1322,504.424400000006,472.2008000000119,6896,4788,302,186,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Television company, I am pleased to have the opportunity to pitch my idea for a captivating television talk show. In the show, I plan to bring diverse perspectives and engage viewers through insightful conversation with some of the most influential people of our time. The show would focus on interviewing leaders from various fields who are shaping the world that we live in. From scientists, technologists to artists and writers. I would look for individuals who have made significant contributions and had captivating stories to share with everyone. Another idea is to invite social activists who are making changes in our world by seeking justice and equality, as well as people who have overcome adversity or disciminism and inspire others with their determination and effort. By showcasing these people, my talk show would provide a platform to explore their unique insights, achievements encouraging viewers to dream big, and make a positive impact in their lives. Thank you for considering my proposal. I am excited about the opportunity and possibility to bring this show to life and connect like-minded viewers through unique conversations. Best, Jane Doe",8,11,9,11,B2.ii,C2.i,C1.i,C2.i R_2uKWkxcDOmSCYL6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,21,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Spanish,15.0,0.0,6.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1642,367.42800000000005,745.68,5880,5757,302,210,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear [television company], I would like to interview Sara García Alonso on tomorrow's show. She is a Spanish reserve astronaut and a cancer researcher. She is the first Spanish woman to be chosen as a astronaut by the ESA. I strongly believe that she is a rather good option since I have seen how she talks about the experience and it is fascinating. I saw a podcast where was invited, and when she started talking about her selection process, it was really interesting! She explains that she had to perform many tasks, such as being told a random sequence of numbers -at different tones and speeds- and, once she heard ""Start"", she had to recall the numbers backwards. She had to pass a huge amount of medical tests and interviews with psychologists, too. She was once of the few people that passed the process, from more than 20 000 applicants. A fun anecdote that she explained in the podcast was that she truly thought being nice was was the most important quality the ESA was looking for. At the end of the day, if you are going to be with a group of people in a claustrophobic space for a long time, you need to be easy to live with.",10,9,9,10,C1.ii,C1.i,C1.i,C1.ii R_2ctSpqz7jC5KiGl,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,23,Right-handed,2,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,6.0,0.0,4.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2174,933.72,642.235,6108,4073,300,153,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"For my proposal for a television talk show I would suggest a political podcast type show, where I talk to guests about broad political subjects, as well as everyday news. I would invite prominent political activists, social media personel, politicians and the like. I would have a small research and operations crew to help me with running the show. I would consult with artists and television experts to set up a small, but nice studio to fit with the themes of the show. My guests and me would present the news and give information about political activities around the world, with a focus on the European Union and the United States of America. Furthermore, we would give opinions and analyses about these events. Every episode should also feature certain concepts and ideological ideas considered worth exploring. For these segments it would be beneficial to invite experts that could provide a more detailed insight.",8,11,7,11,B2.ii,C2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_117ypbcYN5ChDlO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",it,34,Right-handed,11,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,8.0,0.0,6.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2903,366.9277999999821,1444.324599999994,5898,9691,301,263,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir/Mrs, I am writing in regard to the previously discussed idea of a TV talk show of my own. When having to chose the guests to interview, most people would decide for very famous or very rich and successfully people, probably with the idea in mind that the secret for success would be revealed. Personally, although I'm often interested in hearing the interviews of the so-called VIPs, I find that artists, the very famous as well as the not-so-much-so, are the kind of people that make the most interesting talk shows. Here I am thinking of people like Sebastiao Salgado, a well known photographer who traveled the world for his projects and ended up planting hundreds of thousands of trees only a few kilometers from when he was born. I find that artists are often multi-faceted souls, they are very good in their own field but they also a very peculiar take on the world and their times altogether. These are to me the most important ingredient for a great talk show. My name for the first episode of the talk show, however, would be Jonathan Coe. Not only because his books are modern masterpieces, but most of all because of his attentive eye to the world in its entirety and his capacity of channeling very deep and complex thoughts in just a few words. I am absolutely sure that in the span of an episode he would give an original take on our lifes after a pandemic and in the middle of a war. I look forward to hearing from you",12,11,7,11,C2.ii,C2.i,B2.i,C2.i R_3qqXCDTP1wYNPPt,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,7,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,17.0,0.0,20.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",5311,409.3353000000045,537.1591999999955,5705,5573,302,171,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If I were to have my own television talk show, maybe I would propose to a television company a smaller, cheaper, program centered around filmmaking, interviewing the people that make up a crew on set, from staff, to camera operators, to sound mixers, to directors, actors, everyone. Maybe focus more on the indie world of filmmaking first, but growning an audience to get to a wider public. A show that would give an insight to this world, exploring it's history, it's present and it's future. Exploring and campaining for new projects, helping students. A show focused on expanding filmmaking and making it known for people who might care to listen and watch. I think it would be important to have many types of people being interviewed, but also try and bringing some more ""famous"" and well known people to help build the show's reputation, and inspire everyone who is a part of that world, who wants to be a part of that world and everyone who is interested in that world. ",7,8,7,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_3fQd4ZsWkZuUUP6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,28,Left-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1096,260.94489999997614,594.0488999999761,5750,7127,302,283,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Personally I would like to interview Cristiano Ronaldo, I've been a big fan of him since I was a little boy. I've always admired him playing football since his days at Sporting Clube de Portugal and when he was signed to Manchester United I was speechless, I was also a very big fan of Manchester United and when he got signed to the club I was super happy. I've seen one of his most famous goals when I was a child, it was against my hometown football club here in Portugal, ""Futebol Clube do Porto"" and he scored a massive kick from the middle of the pitch, even tho it was against my club I couldn't help myself to cheer for him, from that moment forward I was always a fan of him. He had some controversial stuff surrounding him and I would personally touch those topics when I meet him. He said that he wanted to finish his carreer at a great club and it didn't care about the money, but then he went for a club in Saudi Arabia for some astromonic amount of money which went against his words spoken before. I would also ask what's his plans after retirement and at what age he's planing to do so, would ask him if he will become a football coach, if he just gonna keep investing in other things or just leave it and enjoy his years doing nothing. I'm very interested to know more about his future and I would ask him if he's also gonna join his club where he started playing football. After the interview I would ask him for a picture ofcourse, and one of his jerseys!",10,7,6,9,C1.ii,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3JknGW68iNGv4AO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,25,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,19.0,0.0,12.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1343,525.109799999997,368.7591000000015,5868,4359,298,179,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview people who are connected to things that could be considered ""conspiracy theorys"". So i would like to know more about the pyramids, aliens and ancient stuff. Are the pyramids older than we think? Was it really possible for people to build it in 23 years like some professors say? Alien stuff i would like to interview people that could give me real evidences or real storys, I know its probably impossible to get this typo of info since its ver classified. It would be interesting to talk with scientis also about the universe, could the theory of Big Bang be wrong? We know there is ""evidence"" but could we be wrong? The main point of the talk show would be something close to the Joe Rogan podcast, a talk show to make us think. I love to talk about this kinda of stuff so it should be pretty easy for me to talk a lot, and I would know what questions ""normal"" people would like to ear about. I think it would be interesting.",7,7,5,8,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,B2.ii R_3EsEkW7wlooJzWP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",hu,22,Right-handed,4,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Hungary,Hungarian,7.0,1.0,14.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1794,563.3968999999985,526.6165,5867,4051,300,190,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Firstly, my talk show would be about different importent topics in life, but whit not experts, but whit old people who have worked in there entire lifes just doing simple jobs. It would be kind of a reality show, when we welcome celebrities, but not to entertain there ego, but to make them feel a little bit guilty about there lifes. I know a few cases where a celebrity cuts all connections whit there parents and grandparents, and i would like face them with the hars reality, that they are not special, they are just lucky. The television company will be notorious with mistreatment to celebrities, but regular people will love it, beacause they will see how much a clown is a regular talk show. Topics with regular normal will be simple, we would just about there lifes, their past goals, how they feel about not achiving them, and what can someone do to not feel shame or guilt about a normal life with normal problems. As far as my opinion goes, regular people love clowns, but they will love meaningful stories and topics more, than some celebrity personal habits.",8,6,4,9,B2.ii,B1.ii,A2.ii,C1.i R_5zsMywLIznuwpTb,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,30,Left-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,United States of America,Other,24.0,36.0,24.0,Vietnamese,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1435,334.047,698.0310000000003,5545,4504,301,193,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"As someone who has done a lot of videos reviewing video games and enjoys recording my travels, there are a group of individuals with mutual interests that I would love to interview in such a talk show. For the first group regarding video games, I would very much like to have an interview with those who create Let's Play videos on video games as I'm sure they have much to cover with gameplay, soundtrack, game cover, controls, story, and other features to video games. With there being a mutual connection, it would be a nice easy going back to back conversation between two who have had the same, if not, similar experiences playing these video games. For the second group in spite of travelling, it would be interesting to interview those who have had extraordinary moments in their adventures whether it's from hiking or how cities or countries differentiate from where they live. Getting their perspective could widen an audiences interest and even get people out more instead of staying indoors all the time which often is an issue in many countries. I hope you will take this television talk show into consideration!",8,8,8,10,B2.ii,B2.ii,B2.ii,C1.ii R_1dp1tUdE4UBLYIm,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,17,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,18.0,5.0,11.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2126,902.7825,524.5936,5701,3534,300,159,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would like to interview someone that is influential among the the new generation because it is this people that will tkae our world and will make it evolve. I really think that interviewing elon musk would be a great task beacuse he is very influentional and is very present in this generation. Maybe we would start by making him explian his path and career and how he made his empire. After that we could start by making him explain what kids nowadays should do if they want to be succesful as him. To finalize, i think that he should make an invitation to all this generation to invite him perosnally and understand how a day of his life is. I really think that enterviewing elon would make a great talk because he is followed by a lot of people and is really influential, 4reaching a great audience and a thus makiing the channel grow in terms of viwership",6,6,7,8,B1.ii,B1.ii,B2.i,B2.ii R_2v681aOlChuh1ef,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-NL,25,Right-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Netherlands,Dutch,8.0,1.0,6.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1238,311.286,463.6526000000002,5569,4932,274,219,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir/Madame, Thank you for giving the opportunity to me for having my own television talk show. As we've discussed earlier, I'm here to inform you I've made a decision regarding who I will interview and why. The person of interest is Donald Trump, the ex-president of the United States of America. I'm positive many other TV channels are trying to reach him since he has announced he wants to tell the truth about the things he did when he was the president. I think with him on our show, it will give a considerable boost for viewership and we'll be able to create a big following. There is a lot of interest when it comes to the lies, questionable decisions and behind-the-scene things that he did. With him on the show, I'll also be able to showcase my skills being an interviewer as I've got a lot of experience with talking to high-profile political leaders. I also already have many questions lined up that could be a used in break commercials and trailers of the show to catch interest of potential viewers. I hope I've informed you enough with my decision. Please consider it and let me know as soon as possible what your final verdict is. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind Regards, XXXX",10,9,8,10,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_2SIkic90UCf2mGI,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,30,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Estonia,Estonian,20.0,0.0,6.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1689,294.37130000001184,790.962700000003,5279,3876,302,203,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you regarding my television talk show. I have been brainstorming to decide who I would like to interview and on which topics. I would like to start by inviting Volodymyr Zelensky to be my first guest. As the times in the world are unpredictable, I believe our viewers would gain a lot of confidence hearing from him. I would also interview him about how he became a comedian, what is is background – and how he ended up as a president of a country like his. So not only would this show give an overview of the conflict to people, it would also encourage them to dream big and not be afraid that once they have chosen their way, they will be stuck. Next on, I would like to invite Jimmy Fallon to my show. Not only can he share his experience on his own show, he would definitely be a fun guest – and an inspiration to myself as well. I would most definitely like to discuss having other people over as well any time soon at your convenience. Please feel free to let me know about the ideas listed here. Yours truly, ABC",9,8,7,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_12FT1g4LrNfhtid,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",es-ES,29,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Spain,Catalan,20.0,0.0,4.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2010.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",1641,472.240100000024,590.9765,5916,4936,302,178,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"If I had the opportunity to have my own television talk show, I would love that the show was about the theatre scene, and interview different people from this sector: actors and actresses, directors, critics, writers, etc. It would be a show for talking about theater, the plays that are scheduled at that moment in our city, recommendations and other interesting things from the drama scene. Like this, the goal is that people who are not familiar with theatre, can see it as a more accessible cultural product and they consider going to see a play a usual activity, not only something that they do once a year. Also, it would be useful to be a speaker for people working in this sector to reivindicate their rights and conditions, in a cultural sector that is very uncertain. I think that this proposal as a television talk show can be a very good option for getting to know the drama scene more in deep, not only as an entertainment but also as a very important asset for our society.",9,8,6,10,C1.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_1I5WrEpVrYLh0SV,Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,it-IT,33,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,25.0,1.0,2.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2797,754.045,797.5419999999997,5733,3213,299,152,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"For my new talk show I would like to interview differents personalities that are at top of their fields; I would like to start with Conor McGregor; I think that he's a good choice because not only has been a champion in his sport but also accomplished something that no one had done before, becoming double champion in two diffenet division. He also is a great personality and an amazing entreprenuer. He has business in many areas, starting from MMA where e become the face of the sport and the highest payed athlets. He also has business in the whisky industry, in fashion and many other. He's interested in charity and that too would be amazing. He's an interesting person and knows how to talk and entertain people. Thats why I think he would be the most interesting person to have and he's the right person to start with my talk show. ",6,7,5,9,B1.ii,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_25MwrO9Z9xVoUlE,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,29,Right-handed,6,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Laptop,Germany,German,9.0,0.0,4.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,4092,621.936,571.3290000000002,5443,4130,280,177,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Good day, I would like to produce a talk show maiI about mainly story telling. More specifically I would like to invite George R.R Martin to interview him. In this interview I would like to ask him specific question about his process and the development of certain plot elements, I wouldn't want to do the usual questions about his other shows or the story parts he always gets asked about. In other word I would want to be a bit more critical about his works go more in depth about the development of certain plots and also ask him tougher question about this writing progress with his newest novel. Of course I will not be obnoxious about it, but I think the usual ""softball"" interview abou this topic is not really some people want to see anymore, nor would it be insightful anyway. Furthermore I would also like to talk a bit about his background and early life, because I think he comes fro am interesting origin and his path to become a writer is pretty inspiring.",7,8,6,10,B2.i,B2.ii,B1.ii,C1.ii R_0OL8ueLCslRrplL,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,23,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,16.0,0.0,7.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,High School,1395,355.625,732.765,5310,3769,273,155,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Regarding the interviewee I am writing this to inform you that i have decided who would be the most suitable candidate to interview on the talk show. That person being none other than Paul Mccartney! As a huge beatles fan not only would this be an amazing opportunity to meet one of the fab four, but it would also be great to have on the greatest musician give us some insights on how he creates those amazing works of his. The former beatle would also be a great choice as lots of fans would love to see the interview which means that more people will be willing to watch the show. Lastly, we can also give him a guitar and ask him to play some of his songs live!It has been a long time since Sir Paul has played live on television so this is definately something that would make for a n interesting watch.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1HC6UdsWT0ggzvP,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.51",en-US,29,Right-handed,10,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Hungary,Bengali,15.0,0.0,4.0,German,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2310,1058.778300000012,495.5036999999881,5517,2953,300,154,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,If I have the opportunity to have my own talk show on the television I will be very thrilled for this opportunity and definitely I will choose the best person to whom I want to interviewed. May be I will invited AI chatGPT and ask about it or may be I will invite the person who created this AI machine and ask him about it. WHy he created this thing and what the benefits or risk. I am very interested regarding all those things and I will be delighted to get my answer. So i think my audience will be also going crazy if they think about this conversation and they definitely wanted to join the programme. It would be fun and I will be honored to do so. We can also earn a handsome revenew from this programme which will be beneficial for us and our company's reputation will be increased .Thank you.,5,6,5,9,B1.i,B1.ii,B1.i,C1.i R_1IoxPCADN8DENt6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pl-PL,20,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,13.0,0.0,8.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1395,480.125,578.251,5730,4891,301,190,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hi my name is Derek and as you know I'm going to have a television talk show promoted by your company. I wanted to talk about who I would like to interview on the show and why. I would like to interview a nieche artist ""Dijon"" and his band. I find them really interesting and I would like to ask them a few questions. I want to talk about their bondage with music, how they all got together, and most importantly ask them about how do they manage to create this kind of music. I would talk with them about the musical instruments and sound modulating gear that they're using. I would also like to ask them about their story, how it all started with the music, and how are they in person, cause after what I've seen about them on the internet, they seem pretty chill. It would also be a really great opportunity to make them more recognizable and of course it might bring some benefits to the company if they would've ever become more popular, because there are not that many interviews with them at the moment.",9,7,7,9,C1.i,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_OwiIeuNNVdwpW13,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,20,Left-handed,6,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,5.0,Other,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1355,472.201,467.578,5922,3327,302,158,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I would probably dedicate my talk show to ""unknown people"", people who work hard everyday to give society something that is needed. So the talk show with invite a person with a different job every time and have them talk about it. I think this would show the importance of all the elements in society and would make people see diferently some jobs. They would maybe appreciate them more and understand the difficulties that those people have to go through. Nowadays, people just take some things for granted, they don't realize there is someone behind that helping you have a lot of those things and eases in life. I also think we would hear a lot of interesting and constantly different stories which would catch the viewers attention and that would make them wanna watch more of it. This is a different concept from the average talk show and I think it would be a really interesting format.",8,7,7,10,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.ii R_1K7lszVRDIgkXNf,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,en-US,31,Right-handed,16,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Italian,18.0,0.0,16.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2018.0,High School,1911,432.375,397.078,5576,3903,302,174,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Esteemed colleagues of the network, I write to you to present to you in more details the new format we previously discussed. What me and my team of writers have in mind is an guest interview based show that would feature science communicators that come from a spectrum of fields, spacing from personalities who have made a career in television, to YouTube stars. We would like it to be a show featuring people that can add some real value to the lives of the spectators, being new perspectives, or new information about facts of science and life. The show would focus mostly on open questions about various fields, giving as much freedom as possible for the guests to have free rein to talk about what makes them passionate. We believe that this would be key to make a show that can transmit the passion of the guests to the audience, making it much more suggestive and giving it a more profound emotional impact compared to what could be perceived as a lecture by some.",9,9,8,10,C1.i,C1.i,B2.ii,C1.ii R_ZlcVwSyoFiYGr2F,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,pl,34,Right-handed,14,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,15.0,1.0,1.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2014.0,"Master's Degree (e.g., MSc, MEng, MRes, etc.)",2061,677.2189999999998,667.485,5429,3697,300,159,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"It's very hard question, so let me think... Well maybe I would like to interview the great American director Martins Scorsese. You can ask why. So let me explain. I'm the really big fan of the movies and cinema. Especially old movies like Citizen Kane but also other classics like Scorses movies, for example Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or Goodfellas. I think it could be awsome conversation, and big oppurtinity for me to talk with such person. I'm sure that he has a lot to told amout movies and history of cinema, becsuse his whole life means only one thing: cinema. From his childhood to his old ages (he has almost 80 years old). I would ask him about his inpirations, why he loves polish movies like ""Ashes and Diamonds"", and ask him: tahat is trut that he has poster from this movie in own office. What he think about modern cinema, how it changed diurging his career etc.",6,5,6,9,B1.ii,B1.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_2UXxOC2EJ82YXs7,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,8,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,10.0,12.0,24.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,2183,543.7485,1318.4347999999998,5737,5092,279,154,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Greetings, I would like to give you an opportunity to invest on a new idea, a new talk show that cares about the young generations problems. Us adults we should support in every way possible our future. As an young adult i understand what a generation-z feels in their day to day life, their problems, the different feelings, how they react and so on. It would attract a younger audience as well the an older generation that wants to know better their children. Everyday childen take their own lifes for various reasons and would like my effort to change that to be know because maybe I had the same opportunity that these children can have I wouldn't feel so bad about myself and my upbringing. So take my idea as an great opportunity to help a lot of young people, our future, our children, we should care more about them and not just ourselves.",5,7,6,9,B1.i,B2.i,B1.ii,C1.i R_3O78sjRXA44PUhO,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",de-DE,19,Right-handed,5,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,10.0,0.0,6.0,Turkish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2022.0,High School,1083,499.9423000000008,375.1575,6135,3584,300,152,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Ladies and Gentlemen, for my new television talk show I´ve decided that it would be a great idea to interview the persons in society no one really wants to interview on live television. I am talking about conspiracy theorists, people with disabilites, people with weird fetishes and James Corden. The talk show would do a poll every week where the viewers could decided which guest they want to see and we could even do some minigames with the guests where they play against people in the crowd. I think choosing these kind of guests would be a great idea because almost every talk show is doing the same interviews with the same celebrities and we could really stand out and be a special thing in television. I also imagine it could be very interesting to hear from people who rarely get a platform as big as television to make their voices heared",6,8,7,10,B1.ii,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.ii R_2dMVm0arFOwZLfo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",fr-FR,22,Right-handed,3,QWERTY,IDK,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,11.0,0.0,6.0,Other,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2020.0,High School,2370,631.6835999999643,1032.9388999999762,5822,6847,302,207,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I have a feeling that with the rise of tiktokers and influencers the brigde between them and celebrities is starting to detiorate. And with that, given that most influencers were regular people once, celebrities need to step up their game in they want to continue to be relevant. With that being said, I would love to interview celebrities that have been a co-worker to a relevant tiktoker, Tanner Buchanan. He has been on other tv shows but his big hit was the netflix show He's so hot, co-stared with Addison Rae. We never heard anything about him despite the show having been such a success when it comes to viewership. There would be so many topics to touch such as to how is it to be on a successful show with someone as famous as Addison and how does he feel for the fact that she didn't have any acting experience. I think that would open a big discussion for the public as well as to how fame and talent has been mix up. I hope you consider this person, I think it would a great success given the topics this person brings. Also to get to know this celebrity and his story of becomming a star.",8,7,8,11,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.ii,C2.i R_2wn1Lzd4IdfhaWq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,20,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,2.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2315,627.4595,947.578,5897,5702,302,206,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"At frist, I would like that my television talk show was really transparent in a way that the people watching it would truly understand the people that I was interviewing. Thus, I would study about the people's life to create the most individual question to get the most genuine responses. The idea of the talk show would be to know the people better and not just about their work. In order to give to the public culture from several fields, I would invite people from government, people from the fitness industry, comediants and much more. Eventually, I would make a poll as well, just to know what my public was thinking about the talk show and what people they want me to invite. More precisely, I would try to invite Cristiano Ronaldo, because I'm portuguese and I would like to people to know him better, not just his routtine neither the way he works out, but the personality itself. I would invite Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa that is the President of Portugal, because he seems to be a good person as well. To summarize, my talk show would be about experiences and feelings, with a little care about the things people already know about those celebrities.",8,7,7,9,B2.ii,B2.i,B2.i,C1.i R_3PMJJP6zxEpAIUq,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",pl-PL,21,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,12.0,1.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1108,379.541,413.88320000000016,6070,5773,302,247,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hi! My name is Wojciech and I am writing to you with a business proposition. I would like to have my own television talk show which I think would bring a lot of new viewers and interest to your company. First things first - The main topic of the show would be to find internet artists that have never been on live television before to give them a chance to make an entrance to their future music career. I was thinking about having one show every week or two. Plan of the show would be simple, firstly I would show audience a song from an unknown artist and then invite this artist to join me up the stage. We would be chatting about his life, his experience and his music. Then, at the end, I would ask the artist to perform one song of his choice to the audience, It would be a small live concert both for us and the audience. After this kind of shows I could collect his or hers contact so that we can call them whenever some music company wants to work with them. This would benefit both your station and the artists. I think this show would become quickly popular and we could have a chance to change music business forever. There would be millions of new songs, all thanks to our cooperation on this show. I hope I will recieve a message back as soon as possible. Best regards, Wojciech.",8,7,9,9,B2.ii,B2.i,C1.i,C1.i R_s73Qx9J0tll4fLj,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,21,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,15.0,0.0,3.0,Spanish,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2016.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1760,618.9259999999998,640.077,5746,3805,298,171,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Good afternoon 'company', For today's talk show, i think we should interview someone special that has a great story to tell everyone at home. A story that give people chills, but at the same time motivation to pursue happiness and everything they want in life. I also think that we should spread positivity with this person, and also make people think that besides being in a bad situation we can make the best out of it. Someone that we can relate to. A role model. Someone that knows what is hard work, and someone that can show the younger generations that hard work pays off. With this said and with the search i've made i think we should interview Jonas Vingegaard. This young man is a professional cyclist, that started as a simple danish boy but make his own way to be one of the main cyclist in the world. This is an example, but i think athletes are the best example of what type of person we should be interviewing. ",8,8,5,8,B2.ii,B2.ii,B1.i,B2.ii R_3ELU9yHC5LjAjm6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",pl,18,Right-handed,4,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,7.0,2.0,3.0,German,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,High School,1891,584.7088000000008,896.8210999999997,6335,4351,301,156,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Hello Man/Ma'am My Name is Giorgio and im writing to you about my next guest in my talk show. I'm thinking to invite Mateusz Borek, because, he is very well known in his country ( Poland ), and have probably some funny and interesting anecdots. We can talk about upcoming matches in Major League Soccer, transfer news and some sport-type things. Mateusz never before talk about his childhood, past, so its good topic to start. He is commenting a Champions League matches, World Cup, so maybe he can tell us how to start a football matches commenting career. Mateusz have an fight organisation where people fighting without gloves, clear fist's. I think Borek, is very good candidate to interest our watchers and supporters and i think you will invite him to my studio so I can announce in my program. I have hope that my mail will get into a life plan. Yours Faithfull, Robert Kaczynski.",5,5,6,7,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii,B2.i R_27v7HpSwfP1DuhU,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.67",pl,47,Right-handed,12,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Poland,Polish,3.0,2.0,2.0,Russian,"Beginner (A1, A2)",My CEFR level is A1 or A2,2014.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2667,1297.5266000001434,902.7017999999524,6101,3162,298,150,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Good morning I wanted to ask for the opportunity to talk to Tom Cruise on ypur air if it would be possible to creata a talk show. I hope it will be an interesting conversation.Thank you in advanced for this oportunity.The program will suelly get a lot of viewersip.Maybe other actors too.Thank you again i am waiting for informations.I hope, that if the show gains viewership again, I will be able to invite other actors. I alredy have experiences in runnig these type of programs and i hope that my experience will help you gain more viewersip.I ve also talked other actors and rhey might be on this type of show if it dindt last of the actresses was nicole kidman and sylvester stallone.the whole project should be in the greatest airtime possible.viewers will also incrase advertising revenue thank you for listening and please assign the program. bye bye",5,5,5,6,B1.i,B1.i,B1.i,B1.ii R_31SghPGU3yOx5fY,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.0 Safari/605.1.15",pt-PT,22,Right-handed,4,IDK,IDK,Laptop,Portugal,Portuguese,13.0,0.0,5.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1476,636.04,417.472,6078,3900,303,161,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"In my television talk show I would like to talk about politics, specially portuguese politics since I'm from Portugal. Politics is something I'm very interested of, specially since I've been part of a left party. I think it's subject that it's very talked about but most shows are more drone to a far-right wing and my show would have more leftist voices. I would invite young politicians, since we need to hear young voices because they are the future of our country and world. We would talk about current politics news and joke a little bit about to engage more poeple onto the show. Like Ricardo Araújo Pereiras's show ""Isto É Gozar Com Quem Trabalha"" but better. Maybe more like ""5 para a Meia Noite"" with Filomena Cautela. It would be awesome because I'm a woman and there aren't many young girls like myself hosting a television talk show. In general it would make a great show. RTP1 please contract me.",7,7,5,9,B2.i,B2.i,B1.i,C1.i R_3LZp81c6iCFH2el,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",el-GR,22,Right-handed,5,QWERTY,QWERTY,Laptop,Greece,Greek,16.0,1.0,4.0,,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2016.0,High School,1897,649.6275,595.3415999999046,6499,6070,302,244,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing to you as I am interested in developing a new tevelision talk show for your channel that I think would be very innovative. The central topic of the show would be interviewing people who have had been wrongfully convicted in the past and had later been acquited. My show would be an interview style show that would also go into the stories of the interviewees. I think people would really be interested to see the dysfunctional and at times unjust justice system that exists in our country. Exploring these stories could shine a light on why our system and society so often fails its own people and citizens and maybe uncover at what point of an investigation it goes south. Is the police not doing its work? Could they be tampering with evidence so that it can quickly close cases? Is the DA corrupt? Are judges overworked and not able to do their work? Or are they maybe unecessarily power-hungry and ruthless in their convictions? A big part of this show would be getting to know these innocent people and how they felt all this time when noone would believe them and how they finally were correctly proved innocent. These are just some of the topics that I would to explore with this talk show. Please let me know if you would be interested as I would be happy to talk to you about it further. Best regards.",10,9,7,11,C1.ii,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_2AR7y3pGTDU93NR,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",it-IT,27,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Italy,Ukrainian,15.0,2.0,9.0,Russian,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",My CEFR level is B1 or B2,2012.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1442,368.104,682.4883999999985,5344,5079,303,236,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"I have never been keen on popular people but I've always been interested in the depth of human's minds. I'd like to invite very specific characters to our television show. Let's start by people who are treated for psychiatric issues, with proper custody and safety measures of course. People who struggle with depression, those who struggle with issues beyond ""normality"". I want to unveil all television shows that are sugar coated to appeal to a certain mainstream standard. Have you ever seen that movie? Can't recall its name but it had something to do with joker's origins. And when he sat in front of the public and was getting bullied, that's where the true colors of society came to light. I want to light our lives with reality. That kind of reality that everyone is running away from. People need to know that they can't escape from pain by procrastinating in front of a television for the rest of their lives hoping that some holy entity will help everyone get better. We should help each other to make society a better place. I know this sounds very serious and absolutely unappealing for a show but maybe we can make it mildly interesting without hurting anybody's feelings. I have friends who work in the theatre. I will ask for their help to make this right. What do you think? Let me know if you have better ideas. ",9,9,7,11,C1.i,C1.i,B2.i,C2.i R_DTwQQuJNIdqZWoN,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0,de,34,Right-handed,10,QWERTZ,QWERTZ,Desktop,Germany,German,28.0,1.0,7.0,French,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2015.0,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",1530,461.093,620.922,5409,3946,302,203,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Sir or Madam, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come up with my own TV-Show on your network. I would like to use this chance to come up with a fresh format for a political talkshow. There already are a lot of political talkshows all over Television, however, they usually focus on a specific agenda or a partisan guest. My show works differently in that way that it tries to bring people together and find some common ground between different oppinions and poisitions. So instead of focusing on just one guest I would like to invite two people. No polticians, just common people who dont hide behind rhethorical tricks. These two people have a different position on a certain topic. In my show I would like to try to host a discussion between these two people and try to find some common ground and views to share. The goal of the show is not to evenout political views neither to shame people with a specific viewpoint. Its merely an approach to try to counter the division of society, while maybe, having some entertainment value for a potential audience. I hope I sparked your interest and this letter finds you well.",9,8,7,11,C1.i,B2.ii,B2.i,C2.i R_u8ERy9wN57fL0d3,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",pt-PT,23,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Portugal,Portuguese,14.0,0.0,10.0,,"Intermediate (B1, B2)",I have not taken an English language exam,,"Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BSc, BA, MB, etc.)",2419,312.633,1542.624,5533,4828,302,154,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Good evening, I would like to interview Jonh Cena about when he was a teenager, if he knew what he wanted to be, when did he start training, what type of exercises he was doing, who was his idol, what he did in the free time. This interview would be for knowing what was his mentality when he was younger to know how he went from zero to a big star. I would like also to know what he think's that was his biggest achievment and the achievment he is the proudest. Another thing that I would also want to ask if he knows about the memes about him in the internet like : ""And his name is John Cena"" and such. Lastly and no less important, what happens when he goes the streets, what the reaction of the people that spot him, do he gets lot of attention and people asking for photos?",6,6,6,9,B1.ii,B1.ii,B1.ii,C1.i R_eF1ibfGGnPP2zPr,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",en-GB,28,Right-handed,10,QWERTY,QWERTY,Desktop,Greece,Greek,20.0,0.0,2.0,Spanish,"Advanced (C1, C2)",My CEFR level is C1 or C2,2011.0,High School,3500,625.5345999999048,2279.022699999929,5747,5977,302,201,3,9,You have the opportunity to have your own television talk show. Write to the television company and describe who you would like to interview on your talk show and why.,"Dear Channel X manager, I am writing this mail to inform you about the first person I would like to interview in our new television talk show. Choosing our first guest was, of course, not an easy task and I had to consider really carefully my option in order to make an interview that will both entertaining and informing. So, after a lot of thought I came up with the idea of a well known scientist: Neil deGrasse Tyson, a famous astrophysicist and author. Neil, aside from his extensive knowledge and research, has the ability to express pretty complex ideas in a very understanding manner, even to an audience that might not be familiar with science in general. But, apart from being an inspiring astrophysicist, one of the top scientists in his field, Neil is also quite informed about a wide variety of matters that affect everyday life (e.g. economics, technology, politics) and he is never afraid to express his personal opinion when asked to. As a result, I believe that Neil deGrasse Tyson can definitely be one of the strongest contestants for our first interview, the guest that can appeal to the different target groups of our show the most. ",11,9,9,11,C2.i,C1.i,C1.i,C2.i