# **I-Dataset Card for English quotes** #### Dataset Summary english_quotes is a dataset of all the quotes retrieved from [goodreads quotes](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes). This dataset can be used for multi-label text classification and text generation. The content of each quote is in English and concerns the domain of datasets for NLP and beyond. #### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards - Multi-label text classification : The dataset can be used to train a model for text-classification, which consists of classifying quotes by author as well as by topic (using tags). Success on this task is typically measured by achieving a high or low accuracy. - Text-generation : The dataset can be used to train a model to generate quotes by fine-tuning an existing pretrained model on the corpus composed of all quotes (or quotes by author). #### Languages The texts in the dataset are in English (en). # **II-Dataset Structure** #### Data Instances A JSON-formatted example of a typical instance in the dataset: ```python {'author': 'Ralph Waldo Emerson', 'quote': '“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”', 'tags': ['accomplishment', 'be-yourself', 'conformity', 'individuality']} ``` #### Data Fields - **author** : The author of the quote. - **quote** : The text of the quote. - **tags**: The tags could be characterized as topics around the quote. #### Data Splits I kept the dataset as one block (train), so it can be shuffled and split by users later using methods of the hugging face dataset library like the (.train_test_split()) method. # **III-Dataset Creation** #### Curation Rationale I want to share my datasets (created by web scraping and additional cleaning treatments) with the HuggingFace community so that they can use them in NLP tasks to advance artificial intelligence. #### Source Data The source of Data is [goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/?ref=nav_home) site: from [goodreads quotes](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes) #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization The data collection process is web scraping using BeautifulSoup and Requests libraries. The data is slightly modified after the web scraping: removing all quotes with "None" tags, and the tag "attributed-no-source" is removed from all tags, because it has not added value to the topic of the quote. #### Who are the source Data producers ? The data is machine-generated (using web scraping) and subjected to human additional treatment. below, I provide the script I created to scrape the data (as well as my additional treatment): ```python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd import json from collections import OrderedDict page = requests.get('https://www.goodreads.com/quotes') if page.status_code == 200: pageParsed = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html5lib') # Define a function that retrieves information about each HTML quote code in a dictionary form. def extract_data_quote(quote_html): quote = quote_html.find('div',{'class':'quoteText'}).get_text().strip().split('\n')[0] author = quote_html.find('span',{'class':'authorOrTitle'}).get_text().strip() if quote_html.find('div',{'class':'greyText smallText left'}) is not None: tags_list = [tag.get_text() for tag in quote_html.find('div',{'class':'greyText smallText left'}).find_all('a')] tags = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(tags_list)) if 'attributed-no-source' in tags: tags.remove('attributed-no-source') else: tags = None data = {'quote':quote, 'author':author, 'tags':tags} return data # Define a function that retrieves all the quotes on a single page. def get_quotes_data(page_url): page = requests.get(page_url) if page.status_code == 200: pageParsed = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html5lib') quotes_html_page = pageParsed.find_all('div',{'class':'quoteDetails'}) return [extract_data_quote(quote_html) for quote_html in quotes_html_page] # Retrieve data from the first page. data = get_quotes_data('https://www.goodreads.com/quotes') # Retrieve data from all pages. for i in range(2,101): print(i) url = f'https://www.goodreads.com/quotes?page={i}' data_current_page = get_quotes_data(url) if data_current_page is None: continue data = data + data_current_page data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) for i, row in data_df.iterrows(): if row['tags'] is None: data_df = data_df.drop(i) # Produce the data in a JSON format. data_df.to_json('C:/Users/Abir/Desktop/quotes.jsonl',orient="records", lines =True,force_ascii=False) # Then I used the familiar process to push it to the Hugging Face hub. ``` #### Annotations Annotations are part of the initial data collection (see the script above). # **IV-Additional Informations** #### Dataset Curators Abir ELTAIEF : [@AbirEltaief](https://tn.linkedin.com/in/abir-eltaief-pmp%C2%AE-469048115) #### Licensing Information This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (all software and libraries used for web scraping are made available under this Creative Commons Attribution license). #### Contributions Thanks to [@Abirate](https://tn.linkedin.com/in/abir-eltaief-pmp%C2%AE-469048115) for adding this dataset.