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"We present ProsAudit, a benchmark in English to assess structural prosodic knowledge in self-supervised learning (SSL) speech models. It consists of two subtasks, their corresponding metrics, an evaluation dataset. In the protosyntax task, the model must correctly identify strong versus weak prosodic boundaries. In the lexical task, the model needs to correctly distinguish between pauses inserted between words and within words. We also provide human evaluation scores on this benchmark. We evaluated a series of SSL models and found that they were all able to perform above chance on both tasks, even when trained on an unseen language. However, non-native models performed significantly worse than native ones on the lexical task, highlighting the importance of lexical knowledge in this task. We also found a clear effect of size with models trained on more data performing better in the two subtasks."
"The increasing reliability of automatic speech recognition has proliferated its everyday use. However, for research purposes, it is often unclear which model one should choose for a task, particularly if there is a requirement for speed as well as accuracy. In this paper, we systematically evaluate six speech recognizers using metrics including word error rate, latency, and the number of updates to already recognized words on English test data, as well as propose and compare two methods for streaming audio into recognizers for incremental recognition. We further propose Revokes per Second as a new metric for evaluating incremental recognition and demonstrate that it provides insights into overall model performance. We find that, generally, local recognizers are faster and require fewer updates than cloud-based recognizers. Finally, we find Meta's Wav2Vec model to be the fastest, and find Mozilla's DeepSpeech model to be the most stable in its predictions."
"Deep neural network based speech enhancement technique focuses on learning a noisy-to-clean transformation supervised by paired training data. However, the task-specific evaluation metric (e.g., PESQ) is usually non-differentiable and can not be directly constructed in the training criteria. This mismatch between the training objective and evaluation metric likely results in sub-optimal performance. To alleviate it, we propose a metric-oriented speech enhancement method (MOSE), which leverages the recent advances in the diffusion probabilistic model and integrates a metric-oriented training strategy into its reverse process. Specifically, we design an actor-critic based framework that considers the evaluation metric as a posterior reward, thus guiding the reverse process to the metric-increasing direction. The experimental results demonstrate that MOSE obviously benefits from metric-oriented training and surpasses the generative baselines in terms of all evaluation metrics."
"Deep neural network based speech enhancement approaches aim to learn a noisy-to-clean transformation using a supervised learning paradigm. However, such a trained-well transformation is vulnerable to unseen noises that are not included in training set. In this work, we focus on the unsupervised noise adaptation problem in speech enhancement, where the ground truth of target domain data is completely unavailable. Specifically, we propose a generative adversarial network based method to efficiently learn a converse clean-to-noisy transformation using a few minutes of unpaired target domain data. Then this transformation is utilized to generate sufficient simulated data for domain adaptation of the enhancement model. Experimental results show that our method effectively mitigates the domain mismatch between training and test sets, and surpasses the best baseline by a large margin."
"Monaural speech enhancement has been widely studied using real networks in the time-frequency (TF) domain. However, the input and the target are naturally complex-valued in the TF domain, a fully complex network is highly desirable for effectively learning the feature representation and modelling the sequence in the complex domain. Moreover, phase, an important factor for perceptual quality of speech, has been proved learnable together with magnitude from noisy speech using complex masking or complex spectral mapping. Many recent studies focus on either complex masking or complex spectral mapping, ignoring their performance boundaries. To address above issues, we propose a fully complex dual-path dual-decoder conformer network (D2Former) using joint complex masking and complex spectral mapping for monaural speech enhancement. In D2Former, we extend the conformer network into the complex domain and form a dual-path complex TF self-attention architecture for effectively modelling the complex-valued TF sequence. We further boost the TF feature representation in the encoder and the decoders using a dual-path learning structure by exploiting complex dilated convolutions on time dependency and complex feedforward sequential memory networks (CFSMN) for frequency recurrence. In addition, we improve the performance boundaries of complex masking and complex spectral mapping by combining the strengths of the two training targets into a joint-learning framework. As a consequence, D2Former takes fully advantages of the complex-valued operations, the dual-path processing, and the joint-training targets. Compared to the previous models, D2Former achieves state-of-the-art results on the VoiceBank+Demand benchmark with the smallest model size of 0.87M parameters."
"Transformer based models have provided significant performance improvements in monaural speech separation. However, there is still a performance gap compared to a recent proposed upper bound. The major limitation of the current dual-path Transformer models is the inefficient modelling of long-range elemental interactions and local feature patterns. In this work, we achieve the upper bound by proposing a gated single-head transformer architecture with convolution-augmented joint self-attentions, named \textit{MossFormer} (\textit{Mo}naural \textit{s}peech \textit{s}eparation Trans\textit{Former}). To effectively solve the indirect elemental interactions across chunks in the dual-path architecture, MossFormer employs a joint local and global self-attention architecture that simultaneously performs a full-computation self-attention on local chunks and a linearised low-cost self-attention over the full sequence. The joint attention enables MossFormer model full-sequence elemental interaction directly. In addition, we employ a powerful attentive gating mechanism with simplified single-head self-attentions. Besides the attentive long-range modelling, we also augment MossFormer with convolutions for the position-wise local pattern modelling. As a consequence, MossFormer significantly outperforms the previous models and achieves the state-of-the-art results on WSJ0-2/3mix and WHAM!/WHAMR! benchmarks. Our model achieves the SI-SDRi upper bound of 21.2 dB on WSJ0-3mix and only 0.3 dB below the upper bound of 23.1 dB on WSJ0-2mix."
"In this work, we propose a frequency bin-wise method to estimate the single-channel speech presence probability (SPP) with multiple deep neural networks (DNNs) in the short-time Fourier transform domain. Since all frequency bins are typically considered simultaneously as input features for conventional DNN-based SPP estimators, high model complexity is inevitable. To reduce the model complexity and the requirements on the training data, we take a single frequency bin and some of its neighboring frequency bins into account to train separate gate recurrent units. In addition, the noisy speech and the a posteriori probability SPP representation are used to train our model. The experiments were performed on the Deep Noise Suppression challenge dataset. The experimental results show that the speech detection accuracy can be improved when we employ the frequency bin-wise model. Finally, we also demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms most of the state-of-the-art SPP estimation methods in terms of speech detection accuracy and model complexity."
"In this study, we present an approach to train a single speech enhancement network that can perform both personalized and non-personalized speech enhancement. This is achieved by incorporating a frame-wise conditioning input that specifies the type of enhancement output. To improve the quality of the enhanced output and mitigate oversuppression, we experiment with re-weighting frames by the presence or absence of speech activity and applying augmentations to speaker embeddings. By training under a multi-task learning setting, we empirically show that the proposed unified model obtains promising results on both personalized and non-personalized speech enhancement benchmarks and reaches similar performance to models that are trained specialized for either task. The strong performance of the proposed method demonstrates that the unified model is a more economical alternative compared to keeping separate task-specific models during inference."
"Speech utterances recorded under differing conditions exhibit varying degrees of confidence in their embedding estimates, i.e., uncertainty, even if they are extracted using the same neural network. This paper aims to incorporate the uncertainty estimate produced in the xi-vector network front-end with a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) back-end scoring for speaker verification. To achieve this we derive a posterior covariance matrix, which measures the uncertainty, from the frame-wise precisions to the embedding space. We propose a log-likelihood ratio function for the PLDA scoring with the uncertainty propagation. We also propose to replace the length normalization pre-processing technique with a length scaling technique for the application of uncertainty propagation in the back-end. Experimental results on the VoxCeleb-1, SITW test sets as well as a domain-mismatched CNCeleb1-E set show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques with 14.5%-41.3% EER reductions and 4.6%-25.3% minDCF reductions."
"In this work, we propose a frequency bin-wise method to estimate the single-channel speech presence probability (SPP) with multiple deep neural networks (DNNs) in the short-time Fourier transform domain. Since all frequency bins are typically considered simultaneously as input features for conventional DNN-based SPP estimators, high model complexity is inevitable. To reduce the model complexity and the requirements on the training data, we take a single frequency bin and some of its neighboring frequency bins into account to train separate gate recurrent units. In addition, the noisy speech and the a posteriori probability SPP representation are used to train our model. The experiments were performed on the Deep Noise Suppression challenge dataset. The experimental results show that the speech detection accuracy can be improved when we employ the frequency bin-wise model. Finally, we also demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms most of the state-of-the-art SPP estimation methods in terms of speech detection accuracy and model complexity."
"In this study, we present an approach to train a single speech enhancement network that can perform both personalized and non-personalized speech enhancement. This is achieved by incorporating a frame-wise conditioning input that specifies the type of enhancement output. To improve the quality of the enhanced output and mitigate oversuppression, we experiment with re-weighting frames by the presence or absence of speech activity and applying augmentations to speaker embeddings. By training under a multi-task learning setting, we empirically show that the proposed unified model obtains promising results on both personalized and non-personalized speech enhancement benchmarks and reaches similar performance to models that are trained specialized for either task. The strong performance of the proposed method demonstrates that the unified model is a more economical alternative compared to keeping separate task-specific models during inference."
"Speech utterances recorded under differing conditions exhibit varying degrees of confidence in their embedding estimates, i.e., uncertainty, even if they are extracted using the same neural network. This paper aims to incorporate the uncertainty estimate produced in the xi-vector network front-end with a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) back-end scoring for speaker verification. To achieve this we derive a posterior covariance matrix, which measures the uncertainty, from the frame-wise precisions to the embedding space. We propose a log-likelihood ratio function for the PLDA scoring with the uncertainty propagation. We also propose to replace the length normalization pre-processing technique with a length scaling technique for the application of uncertainty propagation in the back-end. Experimental results on the VoxCeleb-1, SITW test sets as well as a domain-mismatched CNCeleb1-E set show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques with 14.5%-41.3% EER reductions and 4.6%-25.3% minDCF reductions."
"We present ProsAudit, a benchmark in English to assess structural prosodic knowledge in self-supervised learning (SSL) speech models. It consists of two subtasks, their corresponding metrics, an evaluation dataset. In the protosyntax task, the model must correctly identify strong versus weak prosodic boundaries. In the lexical task, the model needs to correctly distinguish between pauses inserted between words and within words. We also provide human evaluation scores on this benchmark. We evaluated a series of SSL models and found that they were all able to perform above chance on both tasks, even when trained on an unseen language. However, non-native models performed significantly worse than native ones on the lexical task, highlighting the importance of lexical knowledge in this task. We also found a clear effect of size with models trained on more data performing better in the two subtasks."
"The increasing reliability of automatic speech recognition has proliferated its everyday use. However, for research purposes, it is often unclear which model one should choose for a task, particularly if there is a requirement for speed as well as accuracy. In this paper, we systematically evaluate six speech recognizers using metrics including word error rate, latency, and the number of updates to already recognized words on English test data, as well as propose and compare two methods for streaming audio into recognizers for incremental recognition. We further propose Revokes per Second as a new metric for evaluating incremental recognition and demonstrate that it provides insights into overall model performance. We find that, generally, local recognizers are faster and require fewer updates than cloud-based recognizers. Finally, we find Meta's Wav2Vec model to be the fastest, and find Mozilla's DeepSpeech model to be the most stable in its predictions."
"Deep neural network based speech enhancement technique focuses on learning a noisy-to-clean transformation supervised by paired training data. However, the task-specific evaluation metric (e.g., PESQ) is usually non-differentiable and can not be directly constructed in the training criteria. This mismatch between the training objective and evaluation metric likely results in sub-optimal performance. To alleviate it, we propose a metric-oriented speech enhancement method (MOSE), which leverages the recent advances in the diffusion probabilistic model and integrates a metric-oriented training strategy into its reverse process. Specifically, we design an actor-critic based framework that considers the evaluation metric as a posterior reward, thus guiding the reverse process to the metric-increasing direction. The experimental results demonstrate that MOSE obviously benefits from metric-oriented training and surpasses the generative baselines in terms of all evaluation metrics."
"Deep neural network based speech enhancement approaches aim to learn a noisy-to-clean transformation using a supervised learning paradigm. However, such a trained-well transformation is vulnerable to unseen noises that are not included in training set. In this work, we focus on the unsupervised noise adaptation problem in speech enhancement, where the ground truth of target domain data is completely unavailable. Specifically, we propose a generative adversarial network based method to efficiently learn a converse clean-to-noisy transformation using a few minutes of unpaired target domain data. Then this transformation is utilized to generate sufficient simulated data for domain adaptation of the enhancement model. Experimental results show that our method effectively mitigates the domain mismatch between training and test sets, and surpasses the best baseline by a large margin."
"Monaural speech enhancement has been widely studied using real networks in the time-frequency (TF) domain. However, the input and the target are naturally complex-valued in the TF domain, a fully complex network is highly desirable for effectively learning the feature representation and modelling the sequence in the complex domain. Moreover, phase, an important factor for perceptual quality of speech, has been proved learnable together with magnitude from noisy speech using complex masking or complex spectral mapping. Many recent studies focus on either complex masking or complex spectral mapping, ignoring their performance boundaries. To address above issues, we propose a fully complex dual-path dual-decoder conformer network (D2Former) using joint complex masking and complex spectral mapping for monaural speech enhancement. In D2Former, we extend the conformer network into the complex domain and form a dual-path complex TF self-attention architecture for effectively modelling the complex-valued TF sequence. We further boost the TF feature representation in the encoder and the decoders using a dual-path learning structure by exploiting complex dilated convolutions on time dependency and complex feedforward sequential memory networks (CFSMN) for frequency recurrence. In addition, we improve the performance boundaries of complex masking and complex spectral mapping by combining the strengths of the two training targets into a joint-learning framework. As a consequence, D2Former takes fully advantages of the complex-valued operations, the dual-path processing, and the joint-training targets. Compared to the previous models, D2Former achieves state-of-the-art results on the VoiceBank+Demand benchmark with the smallest model size of 0.87M parameters."
"Transformer based models have provided significant performance improvements in monaural speech separation. However, there is still a performance gap compared to a recent proposed upper bound. The major limitation of the current dual-path Transformer models is the inefficient modelling of long-range elemental interactions and local feature patterns. In this work, we achieve the upper bound by proposing a gated single-head transformer architecture with convolution-augmented joint self-attentions, named \textit{MossFormer} (\textit{Mo}naural \textit{s}peech \textit{s}eparation Trans\textit{Former}). To effectively solve the indirect elemental interactions across chunks in the dual-path architecture, MossFormer employs a joint local and global self-attention architecture that simultaneously performs a full-computation self-attention on local chunks and a linearised low-cost self-attention over the full sequence. The joint attention enables MossFormer model full-sequence elemental interaction directly. In addition, we employ a powerful attentive gating mechanism with simplified single-head self-attentions. Besides the attentive long-range modelling, we also augment MossFormer with convolutions for the position-wise local pattern modelling. As a consequence, MossFormer significantly outperforms the previous models and achieves the state-of-the-art results on WSJ0-2/3mix and WHAM!/WHAMR! benchmarks. Our model achieves the SI-SDRi upper bound of 21.2 dB on WSJ0-3mix and only 0.3 dB below the upper bound of 23.1 dB on WSJ0-2mix."
"Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models have extended the usability of speech technologies to a wide variety of languages. With how many languages these models have to handle, however, a key to understanding their imbalanced performance across different languages is to examine if the model actually knows which language it should transcribe. In this paper, we introduce our work on improving performance on FLEURS, a 102-language open ASR benchmark, by conditioning the entire model on language identity (LID). We investigate techniques inspired from recent Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) studies to help the model handle the large number of languages, conditioning on the LID predictions of auxiliary tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique over standard CTC/Attention-based hybrid mod- els. Furthermore, our state-of-the-art systems using self-supervised models with the Conformer architecture improve over the results of prior work on FLEURS by a relative 28.4% CER. Trained models are reproducible recipes are available at https://github.com/ espnet/espnet/tree/master/egs2/fleurs/asr1."
"We study multi-task learning for two orthogonal speech technology tasks: speech and speaker recognition. We use wav2vec2 as a base architecture with two task-specific output heads. We experiment with different methods to mix speaker and speech information in the output embedding sequence, and propose a simple dynamic approach to balance the speech and speaker recognition loss functions. Our multi-task learning networks can produce a shared speaker and speech embedding, which are evaluated on the LibriSpeech and VoxCeleb test sets, and achieve a performance comparable to separate single-task models. Code is available at https://github.com/nikvaessen/2022-repo-mt-w2v2."
"Conventional methods for speaker diarization involve windowing an audio file into short segments to extract speaker embeddings, followed by an unsupervised clustering of the embeddings. This multi-step approach generates speaker assignments for each segment. In this paper, we propose a novel Supervised HierArchical gRaph Clustering algorithm (SHARC) for speaker diarization where we introduce a hierarchical structure using Graph Neural Network (GNN) to perform supervised clustering. The supervision allows the model to update the representations and directly improve the clustering performance, thus enabling a single-step approach for diarization. In the proposed work, the input segment embeddings are treated as nodes of a graph with the edge weights corresponding to the similarity scores between the nodes. We also propose an approach to jointly update the embedding extractor and the GNN model to perform end-to-end speaker diarization (E2E-SHARC). During inference, the hierarchical clustering is performed using node densities and edge existence probabilities to merge the segments until convergence. In the diarization experiments, we illustrate that the proposed E2E-SHARC approach achieves 53% and 44% relative improvements over the baseline systems on benchmark datasets like AMI and Voxconverse, respectively."
"Voice conversion (VC) techniques can be abused by malicious parties to transform their audios to sound like a target speaker, making it hard for a human being or a speaker verification/identification system to trace the source speaker. In this paper, we make the first attempt to restore the source voiceprint from audios synthesized by voice conversion methods with high credit. However, unveiling the features of the source speaker from a converted audio is challenging since the voice conversion operation intends to disentangle the original features and infuse the features of the target speaker. To fulfill our goal, we develop Revelio, a representation learning model, which learns to effectively extract the voiceprint of the source speaker from converted audio samples. We equip Revelio with a carefully-designed differential rectification algorithm to eliminate the influence of the target speaker by removing the representation component that is parallel to the voiceprint of the target speaker. We have conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the capability of Revelio in restoring voiceprint from audios converted by VQVC, VQVC+, AGAIN, and BNE. The experiments verify that Revelio is able to rebuild voiceprints that can be traced to the source speaker by speaker verification and identification systems. Revelio also exhibits robust performance under inter-gender conversion, unseen languages, and telephony networks."
"The recent progress in text-based audio retrieval was largely propelled by the release of suitable datasets. Since the manual creation of such datasets is a laborious task, obtaining data from online resources can be a cheap solution to create large-scale datasets. We study the recently proposed SoundDesc benchmark dataset, which was automatically sourced from the BBC Sound Effects web page. In our analysis, we find that SoundDesc contains several duplicates that cause leakage of training data to the evaluation data. This data leakage ultimately leads to overly optimistic retrieval performance estimates in previous benchmarks. We propose new training, validation, and testing splits for the dataset that we make available online. To avoid weak contamination of the test data, we pool audio files that share similar recording setups. In our experiments, we find that the new splits serve as a more challenging benchmark."
"Distilled self-supervised models have shown competitive performance and efficiency in recent years. However, there is a lack of experience in jointly distilling multiple self-supervised speech models. In our work, we performed Ensemble Knowledge Distillation (EKD) on various self-supervised speech models such as HuBERT, RobustHuBERT, and WavLM. We tried two different aggregation techniques, layerwise-average and layerwise-concatenation, to the representations of different teacher models and found that the former was more effective. On top of that, we proposed a multiple prediction head method for student models to predict different layer outputs of multiple teacher models simultaneously. The experimental results show that our method improves the performance of the distilled models on four downstream speech processing tasks, Phoneme Recognition, Speaker Identification, Emotion Recognition, and Automatic Speech Recognition in the hidden-set track of the SUPERB benchmark."
"Previous pitch-controllable text-to-speech (TTS) models rely on directly modeling fundamental frequency, leading to low variance in synthesized speech. To address this issue, we propose PITS, an end-to-end pitch-controllable TTS model that utilizes variational inference to model pitch. Based on VITS, PITS incorporates the Yingram encoder, the Yingram decoder, and adversarial training of pitch-shifted synthesis to achieve pitch-controllability. Experiments demonstrate that PITS generates high-quality speech that is indistinguishable from ground truth speech and has high pitch-controllability without quality degradation. Code and audio samples will be available at https://github.com/anonymous-pits/pits."
"This paper presents a novel optimization framework for automatic speech recognition (ASR) with the aim of reducing hallucinations produced by an ASR model. The proposed framework optimizes the ASR model to maximize an expected factual consistency score between ASR hypotheses and ground-truth transcriptions, where the factual consistency score is computed by a separately trained estimator. Experimental results using the AMI meeting corpus and the VoxPopuli corpus show that the ASR model trained with the proposed framework generates ASR hypotheses that have significantly higher consistency scores with ground-truth transcriptions while maintaining the word error rates close to those of cross entropy-trained ASR models. Furthermore, it is shown that training the ASR models with the proposed framework improves the speech summarization quality as measured by the factual consistency of meeting conversation summaries generated by a large language model."
"Distilled self-supervised models have shown competitive performance and efficiency in recent years. However, there is a lack of experience in jointly distilling multiple self-supervised speech models. In our work, we performed Ensemble Knowledge Distillation (EKD) on various self-supervised speech models such as HuBERT, RobustHuBERT, and WavLM. We tried two different aggregation techniques, layerwise-average and layerwise-concatenation, to the representations of different teacher models and found that the former was more effective. On top of that, we proposed a multiple prediction head method for student models to predict different layer outputs of multiple teacher models simultaneously. The experimental results show that our method improves the performance of the distilled models on four downstream speech processing tasks, Phoneme Recognition, Speaker Identification, Emotion Recognition, and Automatic Speech Recognition in the hidden-set track of the SUPERB benchmark."
"Previous pitch-controllable text-to-speech (TTS) models rely on directly modeling fundamental frequency, leading to low variance in synthesized speech. To address this issue, we propose PITS, an end-to-end pitch-controllable TTS model that utilizes variational inference to model pitch. Based on VITS, PITS incorporates the Yingram encoder, the Yingram decoder, and adversarial training of pitch-shifted synthesis to achieve pitch-controllability. Experiments demonstrate that PITS generates high-quality speech that is indistinguishable from ground truth speech and has high pitch-controllability without quality degradation. Code and audio samples will be available at https://github.com/anonymous-pits/pits."
"This paper presents a novel optimization framework for automatic speech recognition (ASR) with the aim of reducing hallucinations produced by an ASR model. The proposed framework optimizes the ASR model to maximize an expected factual consistency score between ASR hypotheses and ground-truth transcriptions, where the factual consistency score is computed by a separately trained estimator. Experimental results using the AMI meeting corpus and the VoxPopuli corpus show that the ASR model trained with the proposed framework generates ASR hypotheses that have significantly higher consistency scores with ground-truth transcriptions while maintaining the word error rates close to those of cross entropy-trained ASR models. Furthermore, it is shown that training the ASR models with the proposed framework improves the speech summarization quality as measured by the factual consistency of meeting conversation summaries generated by a large language model."
"Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models have extended the usability of speech technologies to a wide variety of languages. With how many languages these models have to handle, however, a key to understanding their imbalanced performance across different languages is to examine if the model actually knows which language it should transcribe. In this paper, we introduce our work on improving performance on FLEURS, a 102-language open ASR benchmark, by conditioning the entire model on language identity (LID). We investigate techniques inspired from recent Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) studies to help the model handle the large number of languages, conditioning on the LID predictions of auxiliary tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique over standard CTC/Attention-based hybrid mod- els. Furthermore, our state-of-the-art systems using self-supervised models with the Conformer architecture improve over the results of prior work on FLEURS by a relative 28.4% CER. Trained models are reproducible recipes are available at https://github.com/ espnet/espnet/tree/master/egs2/fleurs/asr1."
"We study multi-task learning for two orthogonal speech technology tasks: speech and speaker recognition. We use wav2vec2 as a base architecture with two task-specific output heads. We experiment with different methods to mix speaker and speech information in the output embedding sequence, and propose a simple dynamic approach to balance the speech and speaker recognition loss functions. Our multi-task learning networks can produce a shared speaker and speech embedding, which are evaluated on the LibriSpeech and VoxCeleb test sets, and achieve a performance comparable to separate single-task models. Code is available at https://github.com/nikvaessen/2022-repo-mt-w2v2."
"Conventional methods for speaker diarization involve windowing an audio file into short segments to extract speaker embeddings, followed by an unsupervised clustering of the embeddings. This multi-step approach generates speaker assignments for each segment. In this paper, we propose a novel Supervised HierArchical gRaph Clustering algorithm (SHARC) for speaker diarization where we introduce a hierarchical structure using Graph Neural Network (GNN) to perform supervised clustering. The supervision allows the model to update the representations and directly improve the clustering performance, thus enabling a single-step approach for diarization. In the proposed work, the input segment embeddings are treated as nodes of a graph with the edge weights corresponding to the similarity scores between the nodes. We also propose an approach to jointly update the embedding extractor and the GNN model to perform end-to-end speaker diarization (E2E-SHARC). During inference, the hierarchical clustering is performed using node densities and edge existence probabilities to merge the segments until convergence. In the diarization experiments, we illustrate that the proposed E2E-SHARC approach achieves 53% and 44% relative improvements over the baseline systems on benchmark datasets like AMI and Voxconverse, respectively."
"Voice conversion (VC) techniques can be abused by malicious parties to transform their audios to sound like a target speaker, making it hard for a human being or a speaker verification/identification system to trace the source speaker. In this paper, we make the first attempt to restore the source voiceprint from audios synthesized by voice conversion methods with high credit. However, unveiling the features of the source speaker from a converted audio is challenging since the voice conversion operation intends to disentangle the original features and infuse the features of the target speaker. To fulfill our goal, we develop Revelio, a representation learning model, which learns to effectively extract the voiceprint of the source speaker from converted audio samples. We equip Revelio with a carefully-designed differential rectification algorithm to eliminate the influence of the target speaker by removing the representation component that is parallel to the voiceprint of the target speaker. We have conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the capability of Revelio in restoring voiceprint from audios converted by VQVC, VQVC+, AGAIN, and BNE. The experiments verify that Revelio is able to rebuild voiceprints that can be traced to the source speaker by speaker verification and identification systems. Revelio also exhibits robust performance under inter-gender conversion, unseen languages, and telephony networks."
"The recent progress in text-based audio retrieval was largely propelled by the release of suitable datasets. Since the manual creation of such datasets is a laborious task, obtaining data from online resources can be a cheap solution to create large-scale datasets. We study the recently proposed SoundDesc benchmark dataset, which was automatically sourced from the BBC Sound Effects web page. In our analysis, we find that SoundDesc contains several duplicates that cause leakage of training data to the evaluation data. This data leakage ultimately leads to overly optimistic retrieval performance estimates in previous benchmarks. We propose new training, validation, and testing splits for the dataset that we make available online. To avoid weak contamination of the test data, we pool audio files that share similar recording setups. In our experiments, we find that the new splits serve as a more challenging benchmark."
"In recent years, reinforcement learning and bandits have transformed a wide range of real-world applications including healthcare, finance, recommendation systems, robotics, and last but not least, the speech and natural language processing. While most speech and language applications of reinforcement learning algorithms are centered around improving the training of deep neural networks with its flexible optimization properties, there are still many grounds to explore to utilize the benefits of reinforcement learning, such as its reward-driven adaptability, state representations, temporal structures and generalizability. In this survey, we present an overview of recent advancements of reinforcement learning and bandits, and discuss how they can be effectively employed to solve speech and natural language processing problems with models that are adaptive, interactive and scalable."