Our enemy is good at hiding his dais and antechamber. He puts many a figure before him as a distraction to others and a shield for himself. He uses Priest, Poet, Politician, and Praetorian as a cover and blanket behind which to conduct his foul alchemy of making money from nothing, and controlling destines based upon a false claim to creation of wealth.
They are there in plain sight. There before you sits the dark lord and his servants triumphant over you and your nation. Milking your wealth and strength to his own ends and to our ruin. There he is right there, in front of you. He is your taxes to live in your own home. Your restrictions upon travel. Your burdens that authority puts wrongly upon you, while taking for the beast,that is right that.
And yet the trees of the modern media world and the exigencies of the modern mode of survival blur mask and distort their true presence to all but those that can see--truly see, the second sight-- that one rotten tree; the tree of the other trees' genesis. The root of the matter going back into the abyss and into times long forgotten of man. You must clear the forest from the minds eye. You must calm the emotions and feeling of being hurried along by 'fate' or 'destiny'. You must conquer your own self, and then you will be able to concentrate your mind so as to say:
I see you my enemy since time began.
I see you my foe since all time.
I see you destroyer of my kind.
I see you, NOW see me serpent, dark hateful dragon.
See the light that I bring.
See the might and majesty of the Lord on High, who I am a servant there of.
See your doom in my sight. See yourself brought to ruin, you and your foul servants of the pit.
See your lie stricken by Truth,
See yourself beast of perdition cast into hell by the Angles of God, lord of battle hosts,by thier very Righteous Wrath.
See your kingdom of sand fall, fallen one.
See your hordes feasted upon by crows, and carrion eaters.
See my lord and my kind victorious over thee.
See you and yours banished to death eternal with great howling and wailing.
See Christ Victorious! See Christ Eternal! See Christ Triumphant over evil and death!
With me my Brethren day and night until our minds have brought the energy together to destroy our enemies. It is in our minds that our victory is to be won. The Light is the our strength the inner light, that comes from seeing without seeing. Those that can must, and those that cannot...well they are what normal worship type religions are designed to chatter to and thus they help as well, as the wave of will and concentrated energy is built and pushed and built and pushed. But the Priesthood that will fight the spiritual battle is a sine non qua of the victory over our foes. The rallies and marches are merely the material base expression of the energies that need to be put into making them real. I can not do this alone, but as a group we can do this. And until they outlaw wishing for your tyrant to be cast down: It is legal.Even people that do not believe are believed in by my Lord, and thus as long as you say the 'prayer' with intent and mean for it to become true, your belief is not a relavent factor. My Lord is not hobbled by such a petty thing as human disbelief, as after all it is only the human that suffers for the disbelief.
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