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A bit of general History.
Historically the ONLY people who have been made slaves were either WEAK or made weak. We are being made weak systemically. We are being separated from the land and the skills needed to work it. We are being driven out of the factory and losing the skills needed to build and maintain those.
That is purposeful and has NOTHING to do with 'markets' as that word is an illusion that merely hides WHO is in control of what!
The very simple outline of 'what to do' starts at first base: Building up the morale of the men; then progresses to building a material base; using that base to build a social base ( community of loyal persons ); using the social organization to generate CREDIT and create their own capital ( farms factories and the like), and from all these lower 'levels' build a stable political system that is based upon service, loyalty, honesty and hard mutual reciprocal labor. Understanding where you want to go versus where you are is key to good understanding, as is having a solid grasp on 'First Principles'.
Thus we stay strong, maintain our lands, find our former values ( honestly, hard work, thirft and community spirit) and most importantly keep Our People in our Land, under Our Law, Living One Way of Life by the Light of One Culture, United as One White Nation!
United as One White Nation
The keys to stopping political correctness are: speaking out against it and encouraging others to rejecting its communist inspired egalitarian mamma jamba; and, a united White Majority population; those are the two keys to ensuring Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC is routed.
We have to awake from our slumber take notice of the late hour, and rage against going into the Perverse Light of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC!
We must UNITE behind our White Majority, Our History, Our Families, Our Homes! We Must cease being a mere trading post country and become a proper united White Nation with One People, One Culture, One Way of Life,and One United White Majority Voice!
We state and believe: A culture is the Soul and Mind of a White Nation; A unique People its living Heart and Blood; A state the Peoples body and defense! We have one culture complete! One heart which is our people! One body which is our state. All of this together makes one White Nation-- complete unto itself; unique and lacking in naught - We are United as one White Nation!
Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC's Days are Numbered. Every single assertion made by Political Correctness is a Lie and is in Error. Diversity is a weakness. Tolerance a vice. Multicult a shoddy production, not a shining example for 'humanity'. Equality is a bad joke, that means 'equal to dirt'.
Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC took over our institutions with the intent and purpose of destroying the White Majority people's authority in Our Own Homelands - and creating of them a Minority among many many other minorities, in their own lands - so that those elitist and their leftist and right scallywag carpetbagger Allies (the clowns with D and R after their names those scallywags and carpetbaggers) can have it their own way. Thus it is both inherently opportunists and subversive. Being perfectly willing, to make treason pay big, and to pay big for treason, at turns.
Political correctness has been instituted to: destroy our identity; shame Us into accepting own denigration in our homelands; to divide and destroy the family; to 'remake' The People into consumerist persons; break the People down morally in a thousand subtle ways; and divide us meaninglessly endlessly and uselessly politically.
This all is done to make us weak and ensures that the virus of political correctness infects Our body and Our very souls unchecked, as Our Pantries, Closest and Pockets are picked clean!
The keys to stopping political correctness are: speaking out against it and encouraging others to rejecting its communist inspired egalitarian mamma jamba; and, a united White Majority population; those are the two keys to ensuring Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC is routed.
We have to awake from our slumber take notice of the late hour, and rage against going into the Perverse Light of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC! We must UNITE behind our White Majority, Our History, Our Families, Our Homes! We Must cease being a mere trading post country and become a proper united Nation with One People, One Culture, One Way of Life, and One United White Majority Voice!
We must and shall become an united White Majority population that is not afraid to say," we Choose ourselves and reject Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC. We reject diversity and becoming a minority in our own lands! We choose to remain, and We shall remain one people in one land under one Law, with one way of life, living by the light of one culture united as one nation! We have chosen and that is the end of the matter! (For Vox Populi vox dei! )
We state and believe: A culture is the Soul and Mind of a Nation; A unique People its living Heart and Blood; A state the Peoples body and defense! We have one culture complete! One heart which is our people; One body which is our state and all of this together makes one nation-- complete unto itself; unique and lacking in naught - We are United as one nation!
Once THE (not 'a' but THE) White Majority People United in defense of their homes, futures and White Majority, take to the streets, with chants like this in our hearts and on their minds: the days of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC numbered.
The Days are Numbered for Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC and Multicult! Unite for your White Majority! United as One Nation! Folks if you're a White Majority citizen, in what is soon to be the former United States of America, then my friends, I would advise highly, thinking about your future outside of the political system.
Now friends, I know that the government hasn't changed openly. But we all know that it is not the same creature, that was even so recently as under Nixon or even Carter. It is alien and foreign to us the Rightful White Majority - Openly Proclaiming it supports our becoming a purposeful minority in Own Own Lands! That's the truth. Now lets get this out of the way: I'm not here to bash of one party or the other, the blame spreads equally. Both parties, not unlike the pigs and the men at the end of animal farm, are playing cards at the table with each other. Gambling away our futures, grubbing our money while bowing low to their Masters on Wall Street and In London! Doing anything but ruling from DC! Representing anyone but the White Majority people! They are responsible to internationalist over nationalist principles and loyal to foreigners over the White Majority People who are the Real Nation called 'America' and No others!
For us Working and Middle Class White Majority citizens it is time to face the fact: The program called 'the two party system' is defunct! It ( the system both the Dems and GOP ) represent: Big Money, Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC, Internationalism, Cronyism and Nepotism, NOT Free Exchange, Tradition, Nation, Merit, and Justice. Thus, Anyone who talks about the GOP this or the democrats that, I say please wake up, thank you. They are ALL WWF style actors. In the end the White Majority is forgotten and Big-Money and Political Correctness Triumph on the Hill; daily! In a million ways! And the triumph of these two is the implicit victory of internationalist principles over Nationalist principles of governance.
Therefore both of the Parties are, to judge by their actions not words, nothing more than greater or lesser subsidiaries of those two listed 'Real Powers' -- joint stock ventures owned by the elite to maximize profits from us White Majority Folks. Between them they have driven the White Majority, traditional, Western, heartland, citizen in America, to a status of dependence (off shored jobs, farm and home foreclosures, and 'market unrest'), upon a market, an elite, and a government, which is dedicated, to an egalitarian Red Diaper Baby ideology, called "political correctness" which by means of mass immigration of third world low value added hordes, enforced tolerance(your toleration of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC's pets lowering your quality of life), and diversity(lower paid alien hordes), open proclaims its intent to destroy that White Majority population's unique identity, flood our lands with alien foreign hordes, debase our culture by eradicating; up end the family; and most insulting of all, force Us all to pay for this 'benefit' while we are called names like racist for not wanting the benefits, we have had foisted upon us!
The reality is, that by the machinations Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC and the Money Bags (the two powers behind the American throne we are not suppose to question... 'Equality, Tolerance and Diversity' and the Holy Market. ) Control the parties utterly from top to bottom, and almost to the living room level if you factor in the media.
The media and academic allies of this great plot against Civilization, label anyone that speaks out against any of its dogmas as a hater, a racist, a xenophobic racist hate filled Not-See even, but that's all smoke and fluff. It is exactly identical to a virus telling the healthy cell is the invading, that the cell is hateful for rejecting the virus.
For the healthy cell like a healthy people,a healthy culture, a healthy society wishes to reproduce itself as itself like itself.
Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC on the other hand wishes for the western world to produce copies of communist inspired egalitarian third world multicultural cesspits and not of itself proper and orderly. It is thus exactly analogous to a social and ideological virus.
The politically correct will label me a hate filled not-see or whatever they will, but those are merely shaming tactics descended from Freudian psychology --which I reject in total, and so they matter not to me-- this shaming tactic is of course Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC strongest weapon against the masses.
It comes the undeniable fact that political correctness is in 100% firm control of academia, the media and more and more the political structure.
These facts being due to the deeper and seldom discussed fact that "political correctness" is in fact an alliance of the left wing communists and the scions of the banking industrialist robber barons of last century. Every single assertion made by Political Correctness is a Lie and is in Error. Diversity is a weakness. Tolerance a vice. Multicult a shoddy production, not a shining example for 'humanity'. Equality is a bad joke, that means 'equal to dirt'.
Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC took over our institutions with the intent of purpose of destroying the White Majority people's authority in Our Own Homelands - and creating of them a Minority among many many other minorities, in their own lands - so that those elitist and their leftist and right scallywag carpetbagger Allies (the clowns with D and R after their names those scallywags and carpetbaggers) can have it their own way. Thus it is both inherently opportunists and subversive. Being perfectly willing, to make treason pay big, and to pay big for treason, at turns.
Political correctness has been instituted to: destroy our identity; shame Us into accepting own denigration in our homelands; to divide and destroy the family; to 'remake' The People into consumerist persons; break the People down morally in a thousand subtle ways and divide us meaninglessly endlessly and uselessly politically. This all is done to in making us weak and ensuring that the virus of political correctness infects Our citizen body and Our very souls, as Our Pantries, Closest and Pockets are picked clean!
The keys to stopping political correctness are: speaking out against it and encouraging others to rejecting its communist inspired egalitarian mamma jamba; and, a united White Majority population; those are the two keys to ensuring Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC is routed.
We have to awake from our slumber take notice of the late hour, and rage against going into the Perverse Light of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC!
We must UNITE behind our White Majority, Our History, Our Families, Our Homes! We must unite around all that we hold dear. And we must speak up to defend that which we Love and Treasure. We must recall what it is to be a Proper People Unitary, Whole Complete and Strong! We Must cease being a mere trading post country and become a proper united Nation with One People, One Culture, One Way of Life, and One United White Majority Voice!
We must and shall become a united White Majority population that is not afraid to say," we Choose ourselves and reject Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC. We reject diversity and becoming a minority in our own lands! We reject anyone and anything that tried to bring this result upon US!
We choose to remain one people in one land under one Law, with one way of life, living by the light of one culture united as one nation!
We state and believe: A culture is the Soul and Mind of a Nation; A unique People its living Heart and Blood; A state the Peoples body and defense! We have one culture complete! One heart which is our people! One body which is our state! We are complete unto ourselves; unique and lacking in naught - We are United as one nation!
Once THE (not 'a' but THE) White Majority People United in defense of their homes, futures and White Majority, take to the streets, with chants like this in our hearts and on their minds: the days of Jewish Anti-White Jewish Anti-White PC numbered.
Having thought over Jewish Anti-White PC's Offer -- to be equal to the niggers,spics, faggots and jews, while also giving up our lands for some supposed 'guilt -- We have Decided to Remain the Majority, Keep Our Ways, Law, History and Unique Idenity, as we are quite fond of them. We have further determined to keep our Lands. Thanks, Please be out of Town by Sundown Jewish Anti-White PC. Or we shall destroy thee and expel your diversity pets to the darkest corners of the terra firma.
GOP nigger lovers thinkg they have the moral high ground. NO rejected.
Reply to GOP Jewish Anti-White PC Way Travelers Racism, is a BS word used by the ELITE and Jewish Anti-White PC fanatics ( who work as ONE team against the Nations who they are sucking dry and killing off with mass immigration and enforced diversity!) to keep the Majority from Uniting for own group interests!
It is the exact same as the Kings Men calling the Colonists 'rebels' and 'a rabble' it is meant to demoralize and demean them in the eyes of the common person. But I seem to recall a certain Rabble banded together and beat the King as We the Majority shall band together and defeat Jewish Anti-White PC and Diversity and keep our lands, laws, way of life! Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Unique Identity!
The time of the Shaming Words Power is coming to an end; the Time of the United Majority is upon us!
A nation is a home -- would you let illegals invade your home?
A nation is a home. Would it be 'racist' to insist that people only enter your home upon your rules and only stay upon your terms? Then why should we cower before illegal immigrants just because they say 'racist' at us?
It is OUR nation and they have NO right to be here against OUR will, using our nation as a flop house slash charity. So in effect they are calling us racist for complaining about being their doormat and paying their way.
And to our shame largely we suck this up like cowards.
Repeat after me: It is not racist to prefer your own kind, your own family, your own ways and your own values over those of invaders trying to force themselves upon you. It is perfectly normal to want to EXCLUDE others from your Homes who do not belong and who cause problems for you and yours.
And to put to bed the nonsense 'legal - illegal' evasion: Legal ... Illegal ... Nope it is 100% about One is like the Others and One Does not Belong, because We say so and that is that.
We are full and are not taking new lodgers at this time! It is about Our House, Our Rules, Our Way, or Hit the Highway!
And we don't have to answer to anyone for that because this land is OURS not theirs. This land they are invading is our home. This is OURS: Period. We don't have to back peddle or explain, or simper or care about your concerns one little bit. And that is the long and short of it: It is about WE proper born citizens want our land and we are tired of subversives from inside our own gate trying to sell it our from under US to the lowest third world bidder. We want OUR land full of OUR people, who will carry on our traditions and ways, not full of low paid labor for Walmart.
We want our land to ourselves, for ourselves by ourselves to give to those like ourselves that will carry on the chain of those like ourselves. So let us stop being cowards and hiding behind legal and illegal when it is about being over ran by a foreign alien horde of barbarians in our own lands, plain and simple. It is about defending our way of life, our lands, and our right to our way of life and lands. It is about US remaining US. We are not a club you get to join by paying immigration fines. We are not a source of profits or growth. We are a living organic People with a destiny, an history and a will to be free from this Multicultural Prison Camp Society.
Historically the ONLY people who have been made slaves were either WEAK or made weak. We are being made weak systemically. We are being separated from the land and the skills needed to work it. We are being driven out of the factory and losing the skills needed to build and maintain those.
That is purposeful and has NOTHING to do with 'markets' as that word is an illusion that merely hides WHO is in control of what!
The very simple outline of 'what to do' starts at first base: Building up the morale of the men; then progresses to building a material base; using that base to build a social base ( community of loyal persons ); using the social organization to generate CREDIT and create their own capital ( farms factories and the like), and from all these lower 'levels' build a stable political system that is based upon service, loyalty, honesty and hard mutual reciprocal labor. Understanding where you want to go versus where you are is key to good understanding, as is having a solid grasp on 'First Principles'.
Thus we stay strong, maintain our lands, find our former values ( honestly, hard work, thirft and community spirit) and most importantly keep Our People in our Land, under Our Law, Living One Way of Life by the Light of One Culture, United as One Nation!
The Jewish Credit Monopoly The western peoples, are ruled by a Jewish Credit Monopoly, which has chosen the facade of democracy,'freedom' and market principles; yet labels not with standing none of these states are governed in the interest of the Nation which founded them. Not a single one.
But how can this be? They are all 'democracies' and the people get to vote, freely, for several candidates of 'their choices' do they not? Well, yes in all of these nations, there is a nominal right and left (a relic of the French Revolution). I say nominal, because, both parties are under the control, of the money donors whose approval they must gain, to hold office. The Donor pays the Candidates way and the elected fellow repays with favorable legislation, rulings or enforcement. By way of this power of the purse the donors thereby secure access to public money and power over the public, by means of their puppets in the parties.
These donors are none other than the domestic face of the Jewish Credit Monopoly. And the parties their rum-dummies. The parties are paid to misrule in the interest of the international financial Jewish Credit Monopoly, which interests are more often than not adverse to the interests of the nation in which the nominal parties operate. Thus any party which the Jewish Credit Monopoly continues to support with money, does not operate to the interest of the common person; whose national interests are adverse to the international Jewish Credit Monopoly's interests.
Those parties the Jewish Credit Monopoly favor are favored by the media, and those policies they support are given serious attention, and 'sold' to the public as 'reasonable' and 'the compromises necessary to keep things going' and under a hundred other guises.
However, Any party, policy or action, promoted, supported or otherwise presented by the commons to see to its own interests outside those bounds set by the Monopoly is suppressed, both by legal and extra legal means.
Therefore elections are really a formality since no matter which party 'wins' at the poll, the Jewish Credit Monopoly's money wins the (s)election, therefore the Jewish Credit Monopoly always wins; having paid the way of ALL 'major' parties and most 'minor' ones. In fact the Money that owns the so called 'two party' simple cannot lose long term the way the matter works out in real life. There being plenty of weak and desperate persons among the masses willing to take their money.
'The People' and 'a majority of citizens' comes to mean those that pay for the parties way, and no others surly not a numerical majority of citizens. Thus we have in fact a 'vote' counted in dollar amounts or what can be called 'financial democracies'.
Through this financial democracy the Jewish Credit Monopoly have bought the freedom to write laws in their favor.
Thus this monopoly, controls much more than just credit, and the volume and value of the money supply, since these same persons who make up the Jewish Credit Monopoly, have also employed the corporate veil, to combine their money, and dominate the general economy, media, and academia as well as the finance economy by means of the power of the purse. They are a full set, cradle to grave operation - wishing to maximize profits off of every major event in your life from birth, to death.
So we have a situation where the so called productive economy, which is really just the productive citizens, is being milked dry, against the National will, to the advantage of the small group of international traitors who collectively comprise the Jewish Credit Monopoly. And this situation is generalized across, all of the western nations. Some more than others and all a bit different but all the same in essence.
In Fine: The Problem we are not suppose to mention is that Cosmopolitan Credit is King over our Countries of Birth and is attempting to subjugate us in our Ancestral Lands.
This situation can only be remedied, by ensuring to the Nation the power to issue their own credit free from the internationalist Creditors and their bought pet parties control and outside their power thus beyond their authority.
My sense is that this can be done best by: banding together on the local level; forming productive enterprises; buying selling and trading at the local level with the intent to form your own local pricing mechanism; and finally banding all of this wealth and expertise together as communities into credit unions. Credit Unions are unlike a bank ran for the interests of those whose money is deposited in them, and are 100% controlled by the members. Thus one has, a productive local economy, based upon LOCALLY controlled prices, and credit that is ultimately based upon said local work and efforts, not on the say so of international financiers.
It is my feeling that such enterprises, would put the lie to to the false two party systems. It would show them to be the lapdogs for international finance, which they indeed are. And would wield together the people, into a unitary wholeness, which would be much harder for the international money monopoly to manage and maintain control over; a unified group being harder to master than single individuals. It is my feeling that trying to take this power from these united wholes would result in very large popular outbursts, which outburst could and will only end badly for the Jewish Credit Monopoly.
It is my feeling, but all of this hard work, needed to bring about these credit systems, will act as a solvent to wash away much of the destruction that the Jewish Credit Monopoly has unleashed on the west.
The first great washing, will come in the minds of those who create credit from wealth as they realize these bankers have lied to them the whole time. We are credit; they've simply been selling us back our own work! From this all the rest of Modernity and PC, Diversity and the rest crumbles as it is all based upon the Jewish Credit Monopoly Usurers controlling The People's Credit and thus being able to FORCE PC upon us at the end of a Loan! Reject any; reject all! Take back the one; fight back all the others!
Gender Choice' equals insane make believe by any other Name Iron Law of Creation: Male and female he created them - -and only male and female he created them. Enter Medical Science, Nihilism, Materialism, and some PC Modernity.
This gender choice mania is based upon the delusion that biological sex and gender are in some way separate, when in fact they are matters of chromosomal differences whereas the modernist idea of gender has absolutely no empirical data to verify it at all--being entirely based upon feelings and subjective states of mind.
The pushing of this unnatural and sterile way of life is part of the war on traditional values, gender roles, familial, public, private morals and our overall culture. Hand in hand with this inversion of western values has come the ascent of humanism to pagan God-King like pretensions.
The most startling is the notion that WORDS will paper over empirical reality. From this one flows, among many others, the arrogant notion that we can change human nature with chemicals, surgery, and other mental techniques, such that these cosmetic changes ensure some lasting change to the biological person. Put another way they believe that because we can SAY we can change Males into females and the reverse, that in fact we can do that, when in fact it is all a grand illusion based upon corollary fantasy enabling notion of 'mental gender as distinct from biological sex.'
Now the Subjective Truth we are required to kowtow towards in our daily life is the absurd notion that: 'There are Males, females, and everything else between if you but believe'.
And believe the misguided and misled souls do, since they are led on by false teachers form cradle to grave to be mindless drones.
But belief or NO: The reality is, that we can surgically remove a person's sexual anatomy, and give them the outward appearance of the other sex; however, no power on earth will make them a viable part of a natural male and female breeding pair, this too is truth. For it is a great Truth of nature, that only Males and females, in a matched opposing set lead to life and the creation of a true family unit with the self perpetuating future. Male slash male, female slash female parents, and any pairing with a sterile imitation, result in nothing and are doomed to the grave by the end of one generation. For these pairings create no life to perpetuate themselves and are sterile and empty imitations of nature.
This is because underneath the illusion of transforming gender, nothing has changed at a biological level, and the man remains a man, while the woman remains a woman, both again merely being sterile imitations of naturally occurring Males and females who have had cosmetic and superficial changes made in appearance only and no changes made at the essential level of biology.
They have not transform into the other gender at all, but have merely become a eunuch caught in between the normal natural sexes. The reality is that they have nearly given up their natural healthy body for a freakish imitation with the other sexes outward gender traits but having none of its inner essence. This ensures that they are an outsider to both genders, outside the circle of life, a mockery of the 'transformation' promised. This phenomenon of mutilating sick people is fundamentally wrong as it harms sick people to perpetuate the insanely dangerous illusion that the elite who push this delusion are in fact in control of nature such that they can bend it to their will Whim. Thus because these needless operations harm the sick, enable the enemies of tradition, and encourage further sedition by the degenerates among the Liberal Lumpen, this crazy practice must be opposed and denounced as the insanity that it has become. They believe in their New Gender nonsense... We Need NOT. Since frankly pretending to believe what is NOT real is utterly moon bat insane.
Western People are under a guilt trip about 'colonization' when in fact sans our genius there would be NO modern clean social orders at all, not even a facsimile, in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or even the UK which, was parent to all, itself, not to mention Continental Europe without White Western People.
What there would be is violence, crime, squalor, and essential all the 'culture' one sees among bushman cannibals in the Amazon basin. So part of the 'free the mind; backside follow' doctrine is to GIVE UP 100% of this nonsense narrative about our 'guilt'. No the colored world owes us for our hard labors. We owe them nothing. Refuse to be 'reasonable' IE to accept that your side of the matter is subject to arbitration in theory by your enemies. No. Never allow the enemy a willing whip hand over your person, nation, family, community. Never do this. Whence White Guilt goes; so goes the whole cult of equality, tolerance, diversity. No Guilt -- No Cultural Marxism.