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A bit of a story: There were once two ships, the old sailing kind with tall wide sails and miles of ropes to be manned.
One was manned by a crew that understood the same language, had similar values and in time of distress had a strong cultural core to fall back upon as a kernel of hope.
This crew understood each other and even though each was not thrilled to be on a ship they all thought it best if at least most of them were to survive to get back to land.
In fine they cared about each other beyond mere utility or personal gain.
The other was manned by one of each kind.
Each had his own language and values.
They had nothing in common but an agreement to sail for mutual advantage but only so long as the good winds held, mind you.
This motley crew had no deep understanding or regard for each other.
They viewed each other are merely means to ends to personal selfish ends.
In short these could not have cared less about each other if they tried.
Well in time they both ran into hard wind running the Shoehorn of Modernity … the One banded together almost if by instinct, maned the decks and sails and pulled through as a cohesive unit, because when the tide was high and the dark deep they did not cave in and give over the fear; each thought of his DUTIES to the others and this pulled the whole lot through the tough times.
They also realized that some routes are best left untraveled by the wise! The other ship nearly foundered as the Babylonian crew debated and debated about what to do -- in everything from Manchu to Hindu to Zulu! And when they finally did find common ground and resolved to act, they lacked any passion about it; each rationalizing the odds such that all the others were just cogs to be tossed over in the fight; thus each slight worsening of the conditions made them all the more ready to abandon all the others to save only themselves.
And it came to pass that when the water was at its worst this bunch lost their nerve, deserted their posts officers first, each seeking like raped apes to break and run.
The wheel and sails left to tide and wind; their ship went down as they scampered about like rats learning too late that out in the deep sea there is no place to run to and no place to hide -- you either pull through or you go under.
Moral of the Story: The Nation is a ship of sorts floating upon the waves of reality.
We either do our duties or the Nation goes down.
The 'I do what I want' mentality is in effect a national mutiny against the National Survival.
It undercuts the discipline, sense of identity, and shared community necessary to survive the tough times.
And tough times must surely come again as they have come before time out of mind.
The credit Monopoly The western peoples, are ruled by a credit monopoly, which has chosen the facade of democracy,'freedom' and market principles; yet labels not with standing none of these states are governed in the interest of the Nation which founded them.
Not a single one.
But how can this be? They are all 'democracies' and the people get to vote, freely, for several candidates of 'their choices' do they not? Well, yes in all of these nations, there is a nominal right and left (a relic of the French Revolution).
I say nominal, because, both parties are under the control, of the money donors whose approval they must gain, to hold office.
The Donor pays the Candidates way and the elected fellow repays with favorable legislation, rulings or enforcement.
By way of this power of the purse the donors thereby secure access to public money and power over the public, by means of their puppets in the parties.
These donors are none other than the domestic face of the Credit Monopoly.
And the parties their rum-dummies.
The parties are paid to misrule in the interest of the international financial credit monopoly, which interests are more often than not adverse to the interests of the nation in which the nominal parties operate.
Thus any party which the credit monopoly continues to support with money, does not operate to the interest of the common person; whose national interests are adverse to the international credit monopoly's interests.
Those parties the credit monopoly favor are favored by the media, and those policies they support are given serious attention, and 'sold' to the public as 'reasonable' and 'the compromises necessary to keep things going' and under a hundred other guises.
However, Any party, policy or action, promoted, supported or otherwise presented by the commons to see to its own interests outside those bounds set by the Monopoly is suppressed, both by legal and extra legal means.
Therefore elections are really a formality since no matter which party 'wins' at the poll, the credit monopoly's money wins the (s)election, therefore the credit monopoly always wins; having paid the way of ALL 'major' parties and most 'minor' ones.
In fact the Money that owns the so called 'two party' simple cannot lose long term the way the matter works out in real life.
There being plenty of weak and desperate persons among the masses willing to take their money.
'The People' and 'a White Majority of citizens' comes to mean those that pay for the parties way, and no others surly not a numerical White Majority of citizens.
Thus we have in fact a 'vote' counted in dollar amounts or what can be called 'financial democracies'.
Through this financial democracy the Credit Monopoly have bought the freedom to write laws in their favor.
Thus this monopoly, controls much more than just credit, and the volume and value of the money supply, since these same persons who make up the credit monopoly, have also employed the corporate veil, to combine their money, and dominate the general economy, media, and academia as well as the finance economy by means of the power of the purse.
They are a full set, cradle to grave operation - wishing to maximize profits off of every major event in your life from birth, to death.
So we have a situation where the so called productive economy, which is really just the productive citizens, is being milked dry, against the National will, to the advantage of the small group of international traitors who collectively comprise the credit monopoly.
And this situation is generalized across, all of the western nations.
Some more than others and all a bit different but all the same in essence.
In Fine: The Problem we are not suppose to mention is that Cosmopolitan Credit is King over our Countries of Birth and is attempting to subjugate us in our Ancestral Lands.
This situation can only be remedied, by ensuring to the Nation the power to issue their own credit free from the internationalist Creditors and their bought pet parties control and outside their power thus beyond their authority.
My sense is that this can be done best by: banding together on the local level; forming productive enterprises; buying selling and trading at the local level with the intent to form your own local pricing mechanism; and finally banding all of this wealth and expertise together as communities into credit unions.
Credit Unions are unlike a bank ran for the interests of those whose money is deposited in them, and are 100% controlled by the members.
Thus one has, a productive local economy, based upon LOCALLY controlled prices, and credit that is ultimately based upon said local work and efforts, not on the say so of international financiers.
It is my feeling that such enterprises, would put the lie to to the false two party systems.
It would show them to be the lapdogs for international finance, which they indeed are.
And would wield together the people, into a unitary wholeness, which would be much harder for the international money monopoly to manage and maintain control over; a unified group being harder to master than single individuals.
It is my feeling that trying to take this power from these united wholes would result in very large popular outbursts, which outburst could and will only end badly for the Credit Monopoly.
It is my feeling, but all of this hard work, needed to bring about these credit systems, will act as a solvent to wash away much of the destruction that the credit monopoly has unleashed on the west.
The first great washing, will come in the minds of those who create credit from wealth as they realize these bankers have lied to them the whole time.
We are credit; they've simply been selling us back our own work! From this all the rest of Modernity and PC, Diversity and the rest crumbles as it is all based upon the Credit Monopoly Usurers controlling The People's Credit and thus being able to FORCE PC upon us at the end of a Loan! Reject any; reject all! Take back the one; fight back all the others! The end.
Where will they go? Once a normal mono-cultural mono-ethnic patriarchal society lost its mind.
Slowly in stages, this society went over to Matriarchy, egalitarianism and what they called 'beehivism'.
* They thereupon threw the vast White Majority of the men out of first the home and family, then the jobs, and then Urban society all together.
The motto was,"So the Bee thus We!" This resulted in an Urban society based on rewarding the 'bees', which society was just barely able to function -- ironically because of the few men the women refused to make leave.
These new drones and sperm donors labored even harder, to maintain civilization than before society had lost its mind, since each had more of a work load and more demands placed upon his limited time.
Their lot was to labor, be laughed at, and when they were of no more use to the Hive to be left out exposed like a left over lump of dung.
** *Ends Really Really Badly as somethings are NOT options Folks.
* ** Going to the rural areas was simply not a 'mental option' for the Queens or drones as they has written that off long before, thinking their little concrete box was the universe.
** Meanwhile the normal men, rather than rolling up and dying off as the Queen Bees of PC had intended, instead banded together, trekked back into the rural towns and villages, made do,pooled their resources and rebuilt in the rural lands by way of hard work and making what they needed from what they could have as men have done for millennia.
They simply pooled capital and labors to produce wealth from raw materials.
These Normals by the normal human interactions attracted the non lesbian reality starved motherhousewife worthy elements from the insane pseudo society.
And so these normal folks were able to form a COMMUNITY which was able to survive and thrive, based on the Natural division of Male and Female labors to ensure maximal offspring survived birth to be reared.
In short these Normals simply formed a society outside of the urban society.
They went to the rural 'sewers' and there simple lived while they avoided contact with and did not openly strive with the Urban fantasy based society they simply lived, bred, and built solid communities in the areas the urban society had already forgotten about or did not concern itself with and let time do its magic upon the fantasy based 'beehive' project.
While the pseudo society eight its own guts in the urban areas the Grown of Normal Communities based on the mass of Tossed Men went on in the rural areas very little noticed by the urbanites.
There the many communities of outcasts, here and there laid to ground, and quietly lived their lives like normal people.
There in the bosom of nature and its supply of raw materials that the rural areas provided, they produced food and clothing and generally produced those things they needed.
And as by magic the one society based on reality grew stronger, while the other based on fantasy declined.
The one with a foundation in rural nature and its supply of raw materials, that one grew strong.
There in the rural lands these outcasts of the Queen Wochild urban psuedo society bred like rabbits, counting their children more dear to them than any of the trinkets the urban people so favored over all other things.
And thus outlasted and wore down the urban society that hated them and their ways.
From this rural vantage point, from there, they watched as urban society devoured itself, from the inside.
And from their based on their own hard work they outlived the unstable pseudo society that had cast them out, and moved into the rubble to rebuild.
The End-The Beginning.
( Feminism must be smashed FIRST; Then Egalitarianism-Diversity-Tolerance; Mass Immigration; then All the rest of the Rotten Lot that is PC and Modernity.
Thus Restoring Sanity and Order to Our Homes, Lands, Identity, and Lives.
Do Not be a drone; Be Normal.
Magic is for Children not for Nations of Grown Men The country club conservatives have this belief in magic.
They believe that if you put a thing in a hat and wave a piece of paper around it can physically become another item! Yes t'is truth! They verily believe that magically a piece of paper, is able to turn a person of one nation into a person of another nation.
Further they believe, that because a piece of paper says that all persons are equal that all nations of persons are equal.
Therefore they reason it doesn't matter where we import new citizens from because everyone is the same.
And this is a fantasy, based upon Liberal Anti-White Egalitarian tolerant Anti-White Egalitarian tolerant Lies.
The real fact is that no such equality exists in nature, and thus these conservatives are deluded, tools of the Egalitarians.
Persons are not equal to persons, nations are not equal to nations, and therefore who from where matters as to, what results, how.
Why? Because, and this is the God's Truth, abilities are inborn, they come from descent.
And mere pieces of paper, and the legalistic magic rituals cannot at any time ever make people(s) equal as DNA made them Unequal from Birth.
This is shown time and again, by different outcomes among different groups of people based largely upon the single common denominator of common origin and descent.
It is simply a hardwired part of natural survival strategies playing out in groups as they are designed to by nature--or God if you wish.
This inequality categorically is not the result of racism, xenophobia, or hatred; it is in fact only the natural abilities of each separate kind playing itself out, and resulting in natural inequality, which is just the way of things in nature.
It is not subject to political pressures, it cannot be changed by applying money or resources to it; again the only thing that can happen is that the higher will be brought to the status of the lower in a vain attempt to bring up or cannot be brought up, or to shape that which will not be shaped.
PC will have you believe that tribal savages live the way they do because of racism but that is just their natural way of living.
PC cannot accept this naturally unequal status.
Thus the war PC is waging against inequality is a war against nature itself.
It is a war against all kinds.
It is the act of the common enemy of all mankind.
It surely will be this destruction of our kind, if we allowed it to continue with its mad quest for equality with third world non-white savages.
To that end, the country club conservatives are the hewers of wood, and porters of water for the PC world order.
Carrying the egalitarian logs with all the cheer of a coolie in their magical belief in the power of paper.
Their insistence On using words like racism as shaming words.
Their kowtowing to equality as if it is reality.
All these cowardly and servile acts, facilitate the destruction of our people and our nation.
These conservatives are the equivalent of the Western roman aristocrats talking about barbarians becoming good Romans; it was a fantasy then and is a fantasy now.
It destroyed the Romans then, and if followed long enough, to full enough a result, it would destroy us now.
Thus these country club conservatives, these colorblind GOP dolts, must be put to task with the rest of the PC banker golden calf worshiping crew ( both D and R ); for they are the face of the enemy, and work against our best interest in all of their ways.
They are the enemy within and thus must be dealt with most severely else they will betray uS all to Political Correctne$$ and Diver$ity every time they get a chance.
Liberal Anti-White Egalitarian tolerant Anti-White Egalitarian tolerant Lies: Here be Hypocrites! Liberal Anti-White Egalitarian tolerant Anti-White Egalitarian tolerants are the ultimate hypocrites.
They have a time lampooning poor whites for their supposed racism, yet the same time these caviar socialists live work and play as far from the diversity, vibrancy, and enrichment, that tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism have brought us as they physically can place themselves.
We invite them to move themselves and their family to the poorest most diversity rich area they can find and walk the walk, while checking THEIR privilege.
But, they will not as they know in their heart that this claptrap is a lie.
They know that all their grandstanding about 'equality' is merely a stool from which to spit down upon others.
They know it is all about them looking down the nose.
And yet they still will lecture those who are honest about racial differences, as if they themselves do not believe in these differences.
They will continue to prance about as if they are some kind of morally superior human to us poor, working, and middle class whites.
They will surely miss no chance to denounce us for being leery of the minorities and their disproportionate amount of criminality, barbarism and savagery.
They will continue very much to mock us from their little well to do perch about how we hate these people for taking our jobs.
All of them pretend mightily -- even fooling themselves in some cases -- that they believe these fables about equality being absolute, and every one in every place being the same.
But the acts of these caviar socialists; their choices in places to live; the general society with which they surround themselves and their families; all belie the words which they mouth but which do they do not hold to their hearts.
The lectures are nothing more than grandstanding, so that they can act superior to others morally.
Being called to task by us 'cracker people' for their malarkey way of acting really gets them going: Oh they hate us 'racists' for calling them out.
( Try it and see Call them out for their Faux Adherence to PC.
) And how they wish they could silence us.
But wish, want and will are not the same thing.
So accordingly, until what they wish matters We will simply point out that, they choose NOT to live in the rubble of the urban areas where the entire population is 'enriching' and is 100% 'vibrant' in most cases.
In point of fact they will fight to live amongst us evil 'racists' whites in the suburbs and rural areas rather than live in the Urban Enriched Zones.
And what is more they do this by choice.
Thus indicating a preference by this choice -- Seems the Left needs to Check its Choices! Seems they need to admit reality: Until then They are as We have already said the ultimate in weakling hypocrites.
Too Timid to Tell the Truth, and too Weak to Matter if they did!
The Score Message to the Netz Neo Nutzis: What you are doing is Failing.
Find a new plan.
Since it is time to bring the costumes back to the shop.
The fact is that the net based costume party larping 'nationalists' are NOT going to make the next cut to the A Team, because they are of no use to the White Majority who rightly reject them as alien oddballs.
The Costume Clowns IMHO, are tools of the system they purport to oppose and of NO use to the Nation they claim to support.
They MUST be called out and driven into the wilds to perish since they are toxic filth they dirty everything they touch.
They are unwilling to work and worthless for anything else.
<|endoftext|> One Head Two Arms -- Same Ending.
Two h ands, One Head; All hooked to the same Body! This accurately describes the Single Payer Political System we operate under -- One Money Bag, two sets of Prostitutes ( D and R ), all paid for and keep going by You John Q Taxpayer.
Folks the White White American left, and right, are in fact one party owned and operated by and for Wall Street ( the Big Money Internationalists who in fact OWN this Slave Camp.
) While we may openly have the appearance of a two party system, the fact that the same big money buys all significant factions that operate in politics, has ensured that we have a De Facto one party system.
The people 'choose' nothing and merely SELECT from among candidates chosen for them.
No matter which person wins this or that race over all the Moneybags win EVER SINGLE election as they CHOOSE who would be running with their money donations.
This is the reality.
This single party system, is internationalist, and has absolutely no loyalty to the common White Majority White White American in any way shape or form, having as its stated goal the end of diversifying our nations --diversifying being a euphemism for less White Majority citizens, and more foreign barbarians, whose sole purpose in the country are to drive down wages, lower standards of living, divide the White Majority, dilute and destroy our unique identity, and thereby insurer that we can never vote our way out politically correct serfdom to the one party plutocrat money bag system, which will have destroyed all these things we love.
The one party system will if allowed its way, take our land, destroyed our heritage, break up our homes, and more generally make us homeless serfs, on the continent our fathers conquered.
The one party system, both democrat and republican, promote Jewish political correctness and neoliberal economics, the democrats have an emphasis on Jewish political correctness and its social values, while the republicans place their emphasis upon neoliberal economics; however, they both to a lesser or greater extent support all Jewish political correctness and neoliberal economics .
Neoliberal economics, is crony capitalism by any other name.
Those bankers who stole trillions from us some years back, they are the poster children of neoliberal economics.
Jewish political correctness is Judeo-Marxist communism by any other name.
The Reds subversives that teach your children about butt sex and that encourage society to embrace every degeneration known since Sodom and Gomorrah, are exemplars of the red Maoist Soviet variety of Jewish political correctness .
In White America, at the top of the pyramid, the international plutocrat moneybags, have decided that Jewish political correctness and neoliberalism, are going to be the ponies that pull their chariot to victory over us the people.
The longer you the White Majority People validate their decisions by a voting for the candidates which they select and present to you, and then go about pretending that you made a real decision, the longer these two ponies will pull you all, to the destruction of Our unique people, the loss of Our lands, and the end of Our way of life.
This is the fact of the matter plain and simple.
The very fact is, the moneybags want everyone in the world dependent upon their centrally controlled market, that is the neoliberalism part of the deal; however, they also need everyone divided, and unable to unite against them, and that is the politically correct end of the deal.
The moneybags know that the third world non-white peoples are too incompetent to ever organized against them effectively, but since the moneybags are based in the first world, they must divide us by way of mass immigration, else the White Majority citizens, in the first world, would not long tolerate being these people slaves nor would we care to pay their way.
So they have imported voting blocs to outvote the White Majority first world people, and created subversive voting blocs it home to subvert the White Majority people's traditions at home.
Thus using the communist tactic of pressure from within and pressure from without, to ensure the first world people remain their slaves and that they can, remain in control of their neoliberalism political politically correct empire.
All empires require diverse populations, to rule, because no unified nationally minded people are they easily held in bondage, well mixed minority populations with no center of tradition have no means of unifying against tyranny and imperial domination.
The money bags are merely using the old roman trick of dividing conquer, applying neoliberalism and politically correct rhetoric to it, and for the same ends: so that they may rule as they extract wealth from us to their advantage and our general disadvantage .
If they make us a minority among minorities in our own lands, then then we will be their slaves forever, and most likely we will cease to exist in any meaningful way, as they will have degraded and destroyed our unique identity.
As such under their boot we will merely be a token people,servile and low.
Betrayed and sold into bondage.
The standard response from both the right and left to the sorts of statements by working and middle class people such as myself, are racism, Klansman NAZI, and many other insulting 'shaming words' meant to shutdown debate, and ensure that the resolution to all discussions about our future in the in the favor of Jewish political correctness and neoliberalism, rather than in the favor of the White Majority population, who again are called racist by these people for asserting their White Majority rights to national self determination.
Everyone knows this is the standard response, we're not supposed to talk in terms of our country in our land, but only in terms of this country and this land; the implication being that it's not truly OURS but just a land, among many lands that are all equal.
Well to the PC, money bag, golden calf worshipers all lands may be equal, but to me this is my land of birth, not just any land that they get to give away to whomever pays the ticket to ride the ride it is their little country.
This land isn't a club you come here to enjoy or that exists to bring you 'happiness' or any other quality at all.
This land is something one is born into as part of a living people, a living continuation of the national tradition, as part of the historical heritage in a specific home to parents who were born the same way.
That is what 'this land' is to me and many others, quite a great deal of whom are still afraid to speak out, but They will find their voices as the vice of Neoliberalism and PC starts to squeeze their children's future like a wine-press.
The Moneybags mean to have your land and the Two Party Charade is the Means they intend to use to have It! Fact.
The very fact is is unless you want these golden calf worshiping politically correct raiders to give your land away to third world non-white immigrants in the name of diversity and tolerance, you have no choice but to raise your voice and to say, " I reject Jewish political correctness .
I reject mass immigration .
I reject being replaced in my own land like replaceable parts.
I reject the insane notion that my neighborhoods have been enriched by the diversity which has brought violence crime poverty disease and every other undesirable characteristic in its wake .
I reject the idea that my people are just the same as every other and have no unique value whatsoever, who moreover should like panda bears just become minorities in our own lands.
I reject white guilt.
I reject enforced equality affirmative action and so called tolerance which is in fact the White Majority happening to tolerate non-white, barbarian minorities bad actions.
I reject international country club elitists looking down their nose at me while they tell me that I have to give up everything I love for their profits.
I reject the caviar socialist who wish to steal everything I love in the name of their fantasy utopia.
And I reject the idea that it is hatred to love my own people, my own land,my own way of life, my own laws and to wish to keep them, just as I reject the insane notion that it's hatred to prefer my own kind, my own country, and my own ways over foreign kinds, countries, and ways .
I reject PC's nonsense shaming words, finding PC to be lacking in moral character, and therefore lacking in any standing, to judge me in any matter whatsoever.
" Until the normal person out there can say, these things and mean them, as well as carry through with the actions necessary, beginning with rejecting the two party phony system, we the White Majority will remain slaves to Jewish political correctness and neoliberalism, and therefore be nothing more than the property of the international money bag class who own the White White American government.
It really comes down to folks do you want to be free, or do you wanna live under Jewish political correctness and the rainbow fantasy, while you are bled dry by golden calf worshiping carpetbaggers?
Ice and Snow: Reality Comes To Visit We begin this tale in a remote village located in the heart of Europe during the ice age.
It is fiercely cold.
Organization is needed for survival.
There are many small bands of people scattered, separated by glaciers and ice shelves.
One of these bands, one winter, discovered a drug called Egalitarianism.
They took it in excessive amounts.
Full ideological systems were generated to justify the effects of this tragic intoxication.
And intoxicated they got.
Now this band of people, had formally had hierarchy, and the men were in full control of their family's within this hierarchy.
The Women tended the Home.
The Children were firmly under the control of both and broken to civilization.
But under the effects of Egalitarianism the absurdity of ABSOLUTE 'political equal' was born.
Where before egalitarianism all things had been decided by councils of MEN of over a certain age that had performed their duties to society alone, it was NOW found that all from first voice to last cackle had to have a 'voice' in matters large and small .
enter lesbians, sodomy, pedophilia and bestiality .
then comes the belief that nature ought to just give them all for nothing .
then .
{ passes one, two, perhaps three generations at most } .
They all died.
Normal people then moved into their lands, set up Patriarchal Hierarchy, organized, and survived based on the Family units converging into villages that acted as larger units when the need arose.
These people were told about the former peoples from a lone survivor and found them to be utterly mad.
Since everyone knows that , acceptance of natural inequality and steadfast adherence to natural divisions of labor is what ensures the survival of the kind.
The Infection Runs Deep .
Jewish political correctness , has infected our society so deep, that vast sections of the GOP ( Nominal Right Wing) accept its tenets, almost without question.
They deny the role of People in history, and exalt the lie of the individual, which so conveniently, runs hand in glove with their economic interests.
They deny the existence of organic people who come from a first mother and first father, needing to deny the the existence of such people, to justify the importation, of foreigners, who are used, by said GOP scalawags and Democrat carpetbaggers to undercut the organic people of the nation.
These profiteers who live in our nation but who are in fact our enemies, do all in their power to ensure that the White Majority of the nation, cannot unite against them, by denying the White Majority any unique place or purpose and perpetually attempting to demoralize them with 'equality'.
To this end they have made common cause with the left wing communists, and embraced the ideology known as egalitarianism, which is nothing more than the communist denial of nations, people, traditions and heritage, under new verbiage.
It is the same old materialist nonsense.
It is the same belief system, whereby individuals are merely interchangeable parts and we're all the same.
It is in fact, a full court press against the White Majority citizens of the United States of White America, jointly undertaken by the left and the right funded by the big money bag internationalists, with the express stated intended purpose of undermining our White Majority, undermining our authority, undermining our way of life, and thus ending our unique identity by importing third world non-white barbarians to play off against us in our own lands and thus weaken us enough to ensure the Traitors can Rule us while they destroy all we hold dear! Therefore all White Majority citizens who wish to keep your White Majority.
Who wish to keep your traditions.
Wish to keep your authority over your own lands.
Who wish for your children to inherit the lands your fathers gave to you.
Who wish for your homes to be secure against diversity and it's riots outrages and rampages.
Who wish for your jobs to be secured from the world's third world non-white scabs and wage breakers.
Who wish for your lands to remain yours and for you to remain in control of your future: Leave the false parties, the false labels, the phoney media promoted 'leaders' which are all funded by the plutocrats .
Unite as one White Majority White America people, reject Jewish political correctness in all its forms, rejecting enforced diversity and tolerance, reject multiculturalism, but most of all it is time to denounce the false parties and the moneybags that sit behind them.
It is time to denounce the media, the academia, and the so called consensus, that allows for this treasonous farce of a government to continue to operate in front of us.
It is time to say," We don't want any more immigration legal or illegal, since we already have too many citizens without jobs, and frankly don't want to be 'enriched' any further by poverty.
" It is time to say ,"We categorically reject importing third world non-white people, sense when we import them we will import their third world non-white culture with them, and that is utterly unacceptable to us.
" It is time for us to say, "We don't have to explain to anyone why it is unacceptable to us Our saying it is enough.
" It is time for us the Majority White America citizens to remember that we are Sovereign here and no other, and it's time for us to tell anyone who doesn't like that Fact that it is long past time for them to leave our lands; now quickly without looking back.
We have to be able to rely on us.
Dependency, is the mother of slavery.
Autonomy, is born of sufficiency, upon ourselves.
Let these simple sentences sink in; if you do not control what you need, another is master over you.
This is true, for us all.
With this in mind, Our attention turns to the fact, that the majority Americans, and their western European cousins, are utterly dependent upon an internationalist rootless cosmopolitan plutocratic oligarchy, who, have no loyalty to our people, and who are paying for both PC with it's mental poisons, and for mass immigration, which is displacement by any other name.
In short the elite of the West are waging mental, spiritual, and economic warfare against the majority European citizens of the West.
Those among the citizens of the west who refuse to be part of the national suicide that is PC coupled with mass immigration, must therefore, make from scratch and by their own efforts the means necessary to become free of any dependency whatsoever, upon the internationalist cosmopolitans.
The citizens, must be able to provide their own food, clothing, housing, and to use these provisions as a stable base from which to build industry, such that they will have control over the necessary items they need to survive.
To do this they must have a strong family and community identity and a 'common good' spirit that will not tolerate PC selfishness or greedy Judas like behaviors.
The citizens will have to fall back upon their historical identity, their historical majority, so that they thus can in autonomy control their historical lands.
For autonomy is born of sufficiency upon one's self.
But this cannot be done in the school systems which are under the control of the rootless cosmopolitans, thus that dependency must be broken as well.
The minds of our people particularly our youths must be kept from the clutches of the rootless cosmopolitans and their enablers.
Our citizens must become autonomous in their learning and their education, so that their culture, may be kept by them in their own lands.
From here the citizens would be wise, to form their own counter banking system, and thus be free of the rootless cosmopolitans tyranny.
The road to this organization is paved by our historical identity, by our loyalty to this identity, and our love for the intangibles which this identity implies.
The great fortress of our people is the fact that we have no place to fall back to, and thus our love for this land, will be among our greatest assets.
The cosmopolitan politically correct elite know these to be facts, thus the reason for white guilt, the indoctrination with the nonsense about racism, sexism, homophobia, and the rest of the buzzwords which PC fills people's minds with in order to break down their identity, and weak and their love for their native lands.
It can be ready grasped that while we are dependent upon the international cosmopolitan system for Our provisions, for our education, for our moral instruction, we are slaves, to those who hate our way of life, and who wish to displace and destroy us.
Therefore it behooves the citizens to becoming Morally Autonomous from the PC's world view and to build upon the values of their fathers rather than accept the 'new' values of this degraded age.
This is a great truth: the ultimate root of autonomy from PC lies in being morally autonomous, and determining for, by, and with reference only to ourselves what shall be our moral law and how it shall be applied.
It is this control of our group conscience which is the most paramount autonomy that can be gained from the politically correct system.
For here is the great power that leads to all other successes against the PC Internationalists.
In point of fact, the power that becoming autonomous from PCs morality accrues to those who are willing to embrace it, is the root of the motivation which will drive the masses to overturn the apple cart of Jewish political correctness .
Mental spiritual autonomy is the wellspring of all true freedom.
From here we become Our Own Men and from that point We and Not PC write our History again .
We have become able to rely on us.
And thus we are able.
The single cell vs.
the whole body The liberal individualist single happy cell model was always doomed to failure, right from the start.
The failure is inherent in the idea that people are 100% complete unto themselves and have no need for anyone else.
If this cellular basis for society is allowed, doomed follows close by on the time line.
Shortly Swiftly, and Surely.
The simple reason is that humans operate as groups of families, of communities, as peoples, not as individual cells.
There is no individual cell that can long survive in nature.
And so it is with people.
Humans operate in groups of at minimum a family unit.
These groups of persons (families, communities, the People as a whole) not the single individual are the vehicle of human history.
If the individual is taken from the context of these groups they become sterile and lifeless - man and women alike.
Culture, Commonality and History are a group effort.
The liberal world order in its relentless quest to atomize and singularize all things, has been breaking down these group bodies for quite a long time.
Like a greedy and mindlessly destructive virus that invades a cell, so the liberal order has invaded and destroyed the people, community and family units among the Western World Order that was once Christendom.
It also like a virus uses the now lifeless bits of its hosts to replicate more virii which act to further weaken the host(s).
This is all liberalism - both economic and social - from Smith to Mises, Mills to Popper, it is known by its corrupted fruit and denuded landscapes.
Worse, yet for the Western Peoples, Liberalism paved the way and opened the door for Marxism, which is merely liberalism striped of all romantic notions and taken to the logical extreme implied from the start - Materialist, Determinist, and Atheist.
Thus attack the Liberal root and you take out the Marxist branches as well - fall this rotten tree must for it has no substance.
The reality is that the modern hyper-individualist hedonist world is alienating, and empty of true joy, fulfillment and satisfaction - for everyone of all ages by and large - even among the plentiful goods and shallow shows the masses find but temporary escapes, which leave them lacking, always needing more, never sated.
Among all these material goods there is NO sense of The Good, community or anything like working towards a common good that transcends merely personal gain.
The entire consumer matrix is designed to stimulate us all to always want more, more, more, and to never at any time find our fill, want as we might.
It thus is logical since it promotes atomized people as individuals that it leads to alienation person to person, and because it has nothing of substance to offer it must empty all it touches as the cold bleeds away the heat.
Logically it is no wonder that many of Us feel as we do that something is terrible rottenly amiss with this completely upside down system.
And this my dear readers is because to arrive here as a collective whole, we have forsaken much that once filled these voids in men of former ages - ethics, heritage, traditions, communities, families, trust, goodness, God himself, and not least our own honor.
All this in exchange for beer, sports, soaps and shopping malls - TV Circuses and Bread Crumbs! Let us be as a light in the materialist, atheist, determinist, darkness.
Let us Be the Heralds of a return to normalcy, Let us enforce Life by teaching a History about our Common Past that will motivate the Majority to make a life affirming Future.
After all, History is the knowledge of the past - it is NOT a science; it is an ART - a knowledge that we shall wield without SHAME to our ends.
A knowledge that is Power; A power that will bring the Single Cells back into a Whole Body!
Free Speech? F ree Speech? Only if one is a leftist hippy homo loving race mixer whistling past the graveyard of the West on the way to Sodom or what the cucks of the world call 'tolerant' of being 'enriched' by the diversity horde.
The real fact is that, in the modern USA - and the 'free' world more generally - One truly only has 'free speech' if one says what the left allows one to say.
Every thing else is labeled 'hate'.
Hateful speech gets censored using 'terms of service', codes of conduct, ethical standards and other low life lawyer games here in the USA, while at the same time SJW types aided by the Media, Academia and Government, will go after one's employment - hate has no right to participate in the workplace - threatening one's surely weak willed boss with the hellfire of 'racism' if they don't shun one like a leprous apostate.
They will hammer away and do everything possible to drum one out of society forthwith and posthaste, since they decide what is to be freely said in this free land and no others.
So yeah anyone 'can' freely say anything IF they are willing to risk their good name, job and the security of their family.
The parody starts when the oppressive menstruating SJW apparatchiks pretend that they are being oppressed by the people they have decided to hold their little inquisitions upon - Oh yes they will LOOK for folks talking about things they don't like.
Claim to be triggered.
Denounce the person they intruded upon with shaming control words like racism and hater.
All the while trying to rally the crowd to denounce the person intruded upon by the little communist agitator.
And then as a final act the agitators will pretend that they are the 'victim' of an aggression, if their intended victim fights back against their nonsense accusations.
It happens all the time on social media, at schools, parks, stores and frankly we can only imagine where else, that the purveyors of perversion, and putrefaction, look for anyone having a conversation about race, nation, history, biology, politics, or any other subject not to their liking.
Find what they FEEL to be nonconformity - Then Commence to pretend that they have the right to 'look' heretics over to see if us unwashed racists live up to PC orthodoxy in our deeds and thoughts.
In their arrogance, they act like Bolshevik Informers and Fat Cat Party Bosses! They act as if their feelings are the Law.
As if their whim is our Moral imperative.
As if they are the living face of ORDER, JUSTICE and PEACE.
They seem to think that the White Majority need their leave or permission to think and speak as we wish, will or whim.
Triggers coming, clutch the pearls baby -- We are not subject to SJW or the Lefts pseudomorality.
We simply grant them NO power to dispose of our person, let alone to control, order or otherwise inform, our thoughts, feelings or actions.
Let them VOTE - We shall VETO! Veto - I REFUSE CONSENT! Yes, WE refuse to consent to their bully boy games and badgering antics of the SJW types.
Lawyer games are based on paper; Fire is greater than paper.
We refuse to allow these modern day Babylonian Temple Merchants the RIGHT to hold judgment over us.
We will not be harped on by harridans as if they are our headmistress.
That is for cucks, punks, sissies, and boys.
We tell such as this to shut their lips and mind their own shop.
We realize that We are NOT subject to the PC folks' will.
We refuse to allow these lowly and vile hoi polloi the right to judge us, as we are the rightful Lords of This Land.
We do not allow the enemy to shame us into accepting defeat.
Mice allow cats to badger them.
The correct response to 'your a racist' is not 'no I am not' it is 'racism, racist, hater and the rest are imaginary concepts with no basis in fact, so only idiots babble about them as if they matter'.
The correct response to 'you hate X' is 'no, rather you hate me because I won't agree with your view about X, but thanks for trying to manipulate me anyways.
' The old 'but you are really afraid of Y' game is best counted with a variant of 'we will go into the tank with Y, Y being a bear, RIGHT after you do.
' The correct response to most PC accusations is bluntly,'What you say and think does not matter in the least, now Shut Your Lips, or physically force us to comply, Please Leave as your Commie Gibberish is NOT Welcome.
' Never defend always deflect and attack.
Always challenge their authority and make them carry the load of defending their insane world view.
Deflect; Attack; Defeat! The PC bots will double down on the names, huff, puff, rave, stomp, maybe even cry, but if you hold to the guns, they will go away in obvious defeat.
This will leave YOU able to have your say to the crowd.
This simple fact will encourage others to defy these PC commie control freaks in the future.
They shame, you refuse to care, they flee, you win.
Deflect, Attack, Defeat! That is how National freedom is had.
Freely say what you want, free of concern for diversity, tolerance, or PC's moral approval.
Freely defy their wants, norms and expectations with Nationalist wants, norms and expectations, this is how Nationalism is reborn from the rubble of PC Multiculture Liberalism.
Freely be a Free Man who has NO need to ask their leave to freely say and think what is right, good and just for Free Men to think and say.
Then you are truly free of PC.
Barbarian lives don't matter: (Niggers, spics, jews and antifa are barbarians.
) (B D M for short) (Warning Massive Triggers Coming: Seek Medical and/or Legal Attention if you are fragile.
) There is an awful lot of chatter from the media and academics, these days about the supposed, 'equal' value of lives, minority thug barbarian lives particularly.
We are told, that every minority barbarian thug life, which is cut short by, an assumed to be White policemen, suddenly has vast impart, and truly matters, as if by ghetto fabulous magic, due to the 'fact' that, 'black lives matter'.
'Black lives matter' - so runs the never ending narrative - the narrative We are told by the academics, media, sjw and 'community leaders' because White racist police only harm, arrest or otherwise cause injury to innocent inner city minority youths.
Gentile caring youths, who would have been future saints, community leaders, and rap stars, if only allowed to grow to their full thuggish potential.
Saints community leaders, and rap stars, who were slated to graduate university with the highest marks.
These special youths incidentally would surely have invented the cure for a cancer, we are told, if only their life was not tragically cut short by racist White police backed by a racist White system.
We are told that the mile long rap sheet of the barbarian thug, was merely a technicality.
We are often told that it was just such 'experience' at 'keeping it real' in 'da hood' that enabled him to so ably enrich the ghetto community, along with the greater society as a whole.
We are without fail told how 'they was a good boy' who 'dindu nuffin'.
Good boys, who though they might have been covered in the victims' blood, were completely innocent.
Every time against all odds.
Because? Black Lives Matter - Full Stop.
We are told just as endlessly that for majority White people to insist that 'all lives matter' IE that White lives have value as well, is racist, evil and exclusionary.
While we are told that the exclusionary slogan 'black lives matter', is just and apparent; the implication, never spoken but always there, being that all nonwhites' lives matter, while Whites (racists) are merely racists whose lives, do not matter.
in a 1,000,000 subtle ways, and 1,000,001 not so subtle ways.
We are daily told emotionally laden stories, fables really, recounting yet again how violent vicious thuggish barbarian lives matter, more so, after they are killed in the act of their barbarism, by (White) police.
Vicious Wicked Lie.
In point of fact every important authority figure in the PC modern world has made pact with this wicked lie - This false slogan which, we are told endlessly by the Marxist Media to excuse Minority misbehavior.
This false slogan used to shift the blame onto the White Man for the actions of others.
This false insidious slogan, which is a means of accusing Whites of racism by proxy through the police, seeking to trigger 'White guilt', which will act to appease the barbarian horde rather than hold it accountable.
It has come to the point that We are even expected to repeat these absurd lies among ourselves as if they are some sort of joyous, truthful and useful news to be celebrated.
We shall not do this thing.
We have made no such pact with Death.
We reject the expectation that we lie to each other about the value of such 'lives'.
We shall not lie to you or anyone else about the value of barbarian lives.
We state emphatically that these barbarian thugs have no one to blame for the deaths they meet but themselves.
We state emphatically that viscous violent thug barbarian lives, not only do not matter, but that their lives are also overly costly, as well as being, overrated in regards their relative value to the majority citizens.
The same citizens, who pay for the thugs to live, bred and prey upon us in our own lands.
We state that barbarian thugs, who pose a threat to the lawful majority, should be put down in the street with no mercy or remorse.
We state, that anyone who supports these thugs against lawful authority, by, stonewalling, protesting, rioting or looting to 'honor the memory of the dead' should be treated as if they are the thugs themselves.
We state that no strong civilization allows its dregs to intimidate it on the streets of its OWN cities, nor do the strong allow the weak to pillage and loot among them.
- this is what we state.
We state that the honest lawful citizens whom these thugs rape, rob, murder, and subject to other horrific terrors, matter far more than any of these barbarians thugs ever mattered.
We state that the least amongst these honest lawful majority citizens, are worth more than all of the barbarian thugs in every ghetto across the entire nation.
We state without ambivalence that it is the majority honest lawful orderly citizens, whose lives matter and whose safety is paramount.
The hardworking citizens, who play for the PC traitors and diversity to enrich us, matter, while those that threaten their well being do not matter.
We state that every thug who raises a hand to any honest hardworking lawful citizen, takes his life into his own hands, in effect they kill themselves when they engage in lawless barbarism among us.
We state that, our people matter, while Barbarians who cause us harm do not matter - alive or dead.
QED: We state emphatically that these barbarian thugs have no one to blame for the deaths they meet but themselves.
We state emphatically that viscous violent thug barbarian lives, not only do not matter, but that their lives are also overly costly, as well as being, overrated in regards their relative value to the majority citizens.
The same citizens, who pay for the thugs to live, bred and prey upon us in our own lands.
To Finish - We say that those of you who attempt to use the words hater, racist, NAZI, or other attempts to emotionally manipulate us into silence are dupes in pact with death, having sold out to the modern world and PC/diversity for a temporary safety amongst the maelstrom that is the rising tide of diversity's anarchy.
We say the Barbarian Thugs are merely encouraged by the academic and political left, social justice warrior types, and media appeasing them as they grow more and more restless and violent.
We say the turncoats will find it a bad bargain, as the increasingly barbarous behaviors of the ghetto thugs, will more and more endanger their family and person.
A danger they promoted under the banner of 'Black Lives Matter' - IE 'Anarchy is the way to get things'.
A danger which will turn upon them and devour them as they signal to the false idols of Equality and Tolerance, in horror and shock only then to realize - Barbarians Don't Matter.
What is the Alt-Right about? Alt-right is a revolt against economic determinism, individualism and modernity.
It promotes the common good over selfish interests with pride.
It promotes the tribe, nation and organic whole over the parts which comprise that whole.
And it promotes traditional family and social values including opposition to all degeneracy that decreases births.
Alt-right places Duty and Honor over Liberty and Freedom as there is NO true freedom that does not involve doing ones DUTY to the FOLK who give one LIFE.
That is what Alt-right is about .
and much much more.
By showing an interest in the topic you have taken the first step in freeing your mind from the prison house that is Modern PC Multiculture.
Good for you.
Glad to have ya.
For more information please see us here.
#altrightmeans -- #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #honestpayhonestwork #MenNotBoys #MothersNotMilfs #ChildrenNotPets #LifeNotDeath #LiberalismIsDead #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage #nation #national #nationalism #nationalist #nationalists #nationstate #nationalismislove #nationalismislife #nation4life #nationsarepeoples #peoplesarenations #family4nation #justprice #justdue #justplace #familyoffamilies #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #goodwagesforthecommongood #commongoodoverselfishinterests #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank
Falsifying Modernity's Fables - - Toppling its Taboos! Down with this Anti White Tyranny - the Common Cry.
We all know that modernity is based on a narrative which is basically a fabric of a great many fables one must pretend to believe.
Which fables in sum amount to Whites being evil and deserving to be destroyed/punished for the sin of being White.
Among these is the absurd notion that violence is in some way inherently bad for whites but just *shrugs* when non-whites, since White bad oppressor and nonwhite good 'victim' of oppression.
Father intends to slap this notion down today.
Triggers are coming.
Feelz will be hurt.
Free Speech will be Had.
Hitler will be Hitler still after all this time.
Puppies might drown.
Kittens will weep.
I will not be sorry not even a little.
Patriarchy, Identity and Pride will rise from the ash in .
5 .
4 .
3 .
2 .
1 .
"Violence is 'bad'", says the weakling.
"Violence is a tool, that is used for personal and group survival, protection, expansion and advancement",says the Man with the Hand.
Violence is neither more inherently bad or good, than any other tool, use to sustain life.
Violence, just exists as part of the natural order.
Violence must be used as needed to survive just the same as cooperation within the group must be used to ensure it thrives.
Violence without the group is the means to ensuring that cooperation within is used by the group for the groups best over all ends.
Aggression comes to those that accept aggression; peace comes to those that can wage war.
-- Reality.
This belief that is good or holy to suffer merely to suffer on sufferings account, that whites must never retaliate with violence against violence, is death cultism and nihilism.
It is devoid of meaning, since to truly be a martyr one must be dying for a higher ideal that is more than ones own ego fulfillment - True Martyrs die for ideals that transcends the today with an ideal LIFE tomorrow; not for sodomy, feminism and libertine degeneracy.
Dying to affirm materialist hedonism is only suicide by diversity in the name of tolerance by fools and selfhaters.
It is just Anti Life; Nothing More at all.
It is the outer expression of a life hating cult that has engulfed our western world.
The great Death Cult that consumes the earth, its peoples and must dominate all things at all times in the name -- today -- of 'progress', tolerance and 'love'.
In fact its retrograde, demanding and cold.
If this anti-life-affirming behavior in the face of internal spiritual/cultural assaults and invasion from without continue long enough uncorrected they will result in the destruction of the white western people, by the much more aggressive and pragmatic enemies, from the third world, who are brought in by the Death Cult -- since the Death Cult is Anti Life it WANTS TO BE DESTROYED but it needs to see Whites who are the object of its projections destroyed first.
Driven only by hate, and a lust to dominate without concern for future only the now, the Death Cult means to have its way.
Selfish, senseless and senile, modernity, must be cast down History's stairwell for the good of all.
Like a mad old uncle it must be put humanely out of its guilt ridden existence.
To be targeted it must be framed.
The Death Cult is Liberalism,Communism and Heretical Christianity all syncretised into the religion of #antiwhiteness.
It is the out cry to #ItsOkayToBeWhite that makes one realize: They hate YOU WHITE MAN.
This notion of the inherent badness of White retaliatory violence in particular (which makes us physically weak in the face of invasion) essentially comes into the modern Death Cult from heretical low church evangelicalism synthesized with the liberal happy feel good notions about universal humanity and universal salvation, and some dollops of commies 'oppressors' are always evil; whites are oppressors; for extra maximal completely morally paralyzing White Guilt.
Modern Whites are too Guilty to breed, or fight for freedom from the death cultist insanity, thus has the WHITE man bowed down like a Panda Bear.
So guilty he submits willingly en masse to what amounts to a remake of the Moloch baby murdering death cult of old, meant to destroy the White Peoples by any other name, using every means from abortion to the mythical concept called xenophobia.
Except for 'the furnace' they cast Whiteness into in this case,the 'hot place' that consumes our children, our very selves, are Muslim rape gangs, packs of blacks and other enriching immigrants who roam the streets predating upon White women, the weak and even upon children knowing they are protected by the elite death cultists notions about violence and white racial 'evil' and guilt.
Also they rely upon the brain dead soulless deracinated masses whom live life dumbed down to the level of circus apes and gutter tramps such that they are willing, proud and happy to be victims of violence.
Death Cult is all they have even known - they must be driven from its embrace by demonstrating its impotence.
The End of this Rotten System is Upon Us - The Crack of Doom.
This Death Cult must be countered head on for this violence that is done to our people by the savages in our home lands to end.
Anything else will be at best an evasion of the totality of the issues at hand.
Its tenants must be broken.
Its Power Destroyed.
Its taboos violated.
Its 'truths' invalided.
To that end: we must never at any time fall into their trap of rejecting the use of violence.
No, it is by meekly submitting, before there is any contest that we ENSURE our defeat by these honorless soulless merchants of misery.
We must simply resist them if need by using their weak legal system to our advantage since most convict Whites out of hand reject the Death Cult Guilt trip.
We must at any rate plan upon pushing them aside as we deny them the right to impede us.
We must indicate by millions of discrete decentralized acts of manly valor to both the elite death cultists and their street thugs we are serious out protecting our persons against their outrages.
When we are attacked: Destroy all aggressors.
Let none stand that attack you in your rightful land - Victory.
We must topple this evil horrible life destroying system.
We have but the sole option in the end to be free of Death Cult such that We Loyal Sons have power over affairs to keep the invaders out of our lands.
In Short, We must alter and abolish the existing death cultist regime and erect a life affirming ethno state upon the rubble of the failed multicultural disarray.
We have no other hope.
But this is a viable hope still yet.
But hope only has meaning when there is action - Valor.
We must find a will, create the desire in hearts, to reject the fable that is diversity.
We must find the strength to reject the lie that is tolerance.
To these ends the taboos about diversity and tolerating invasion under the guise of mass immigration which are both keep in place by the fear of being a racist must be completely put to route by laughing at the racist nonsense and only keeping our eye upon our group advantage to the benefit of NO others but our own.
Openly proud of being intolerant of Death Cult Lies about Inclusion.
We must remember that we rose above the level of dumb vile apes in the first instance because we used violence to dominate the world in a very communal centered and unyielding manner -- this is to be CELEBRATED not castigated.
Let us be thankful and openly appreciative of our blessings from the Lord God of Hosts who gives us Victory in Battle not ashamed.
We must recall that we were the master of the worldwide house, because we better coordinate and use resources, both for peace and war.
Once our mind returns we can be Strong in our Culture, Nationality and Traditions once against as ever proper people are at all times.
We must remember that to have peace it home, that have strength we must be ready for war against all who are enemies.
And no war was ever won, solely by prayers.
Pray but be armed too, be vigilant for thieves come at night -- like Africans, Mestizos and Muslims who run borders where ever white people exist to 'oppress' them with prayers and welfare.
Men manifest in action not words - Heroism.
We must realize, that, yes we are at war with third world.
We are at war with African invaders.
We are at war with Islam.
We're at war with mestizos.
And this war is for our homelands.
It is a war that if lost will destroy our biological existence as a unique National Culture Entity.
We must admit the invaders are brought here by our treason lobby elite for the purpose of diluting us as a Nation, as Folk, so that our identity, wealth and pride can be stolen from us along with our Independence and future.
It is a war of destruction which we must WIN or Lose FULLY and FINALLY.
The Great War.
The Only War that has ever mattered in all time.
The Greatest mystery about this conflict is the lack of knowledge that most Whites exhibit about the nature of the demographic, spiritual, material war that is being waged against them by invaders and elite traitors.
Since you see whether you pray, go to war or otherwise, when the enemy is invading your lands, will being allowed into your gates: you are at war.
You need not agree or even know you were ever at war to be on the losing side.
See: Ambush; also 'betrayed gate'.
Fact is that: We are simply losing at this time, because death cult traitors, weaklings, and self haters have control of the means of public discourse and the means of policing, organizing or rallying the people at large.
Too few are too little aware of the enormity of the issues about us.
We're losing because our so called leaders, have surrendered without a shot fired, having chosen to sacrifice us the western people, upon the altar of diversity.
We whites have nothing to gain by meekly being a lamb to slaughter in this obscene ritual.
We have nothing to gain by some mission to this insanity.
Our most rational choice would be to rebel against these leaders, and repel an drive out the invaders.
The Veto of History is upon PC and Diversity - Truth.
We must totally remove those others who are here, back to their home lands.
By hook or crook they must go.
But for these to do Death Cult must die.
No other formulation is acceptable.
Our Land for our People Alone.
No Others.
No Diversity Acceptable, no Death Cult Elite.
We run with scissors and reject PC, tolerance and diversity out of hand.
Equality is a patent LIE.