date,text,emotion_label,sentiment_label,sentiment_score 2017-05-27 18:37:51,"I am a very free girl, I tend to talk to ppl like freely. Nd this happened. I have a boyfriend, which I love very much. Nd one time we went to his apartment to just fool around nd I met his roommate. He is a very talkative, ladies man. And he keeps complimenting me about my clothing nd my hair. He made me feel special unlike my boyfriend, which got me pretty attached to his roommate. Nd all I think about is him, complimenting me nd stuff like that. Nd I feel guilty for being such in love with his roommate. Thank you for reading.",love,POSITIVE,0.997027575969696 2017-05-27 18:48:49,I got a confession to make am a dude with different kind of personality ...when ever I see a beautiful girl n I get attached with in a sec literally a sec that's how long it will take me and a min of talkin to love her .... then after me n her get into a disagreement it will take me 1 min to find another beautiful girl n do the same tng all over again.... if i find three beautiful girls there times i will love 3 at once.... am I a fuck boy?? Or a lover?,love,NEGATIVE,0.9804598689079285 2017-05-28 05:44:35,"Here is my confession. I am a university student and I thought I was pretty decent girl. When I got to the second semester of my first year, I got a boyfriend he is a very lovely, really affectionate man. We dated for like 2 months which we had sex by that time... Then one time I went to his dorm nd I met his friend, who is super hot. So we got to talking nd I had no choice but to be in love with him. I told him that I liked him, he said the same thing. We dated for a while, we had sex of course. Then I saw his other friend, nd the same goddamn thing happens again. I am now a 3rd year student, nd I have been with a lottttta guys already. I hate this behavior of me but I just can't help it. Is it that the guy's circle is rly hot. Or I am I just being a slut. This just hurts me everyday, nd I just wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5099419951438904 2017-05-28 08:36:58,"Trying to set your friend up with the girl he likes, who just happens to be someone you've been in love with for quite a while. Talking to her for him and getting to know her and falling in love with her even more. She's just perfect for you but you can't very well tell him that cause he's your friend and came to you with his feelings, what kind of a friend would that make you? I think i know what I should and should not do. I just needed to get it out there, needed it to be heard.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8961904644966125 2017-05-28 09:55:31,"Im so rich. Im not bragging, im just so rich, i have everything ive ever wanted. But i cant find love. Why? Why?? Whats the problem? Is the problem with me? I dont brag and all, but im single. I just wanna let this out.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9559899568557739 2017-05-28 11:30:20,"I need to let this out. I am a normal girl but weird and crazy in a good way. But love is not the thing I have. I like this guy at school. Seeing him is like joy for me. I knew deep down he likes me back but I don't know why he doesn't want me. He even told me to move on which is not the thing I expected. That is what he wanted so am trying to do that but it's so hard. If he could just knew how I feel bout him.... I don't know. Even though I ain't happy bout what he said but am still doing it cuz love doing things what the person u love makes him happy. I wanted to take a chance to be with him. He is like my soulmate. I tried to make him see how much I wanted to be with him but it wasn't enough or I wasn't that good at showing it. But how can I show him that when he keeps pushing me? You can't always get what u want right?! There is nothing I can do except moving on. I hope I will find the right one.",love,POSITIVE,0.8780035376548767 2017-05-29 14:27:16,"I need to get laid so bad right now. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8419317603111267 2017-05-30 13:22:39,"I have a confession to make. I am a girl with feelings for the boy i dumped first and then ask him to be together and got dumped again. When we were together i didn't give him that much attention and it wasn't ma intention to be with him @ first place but did it anyway out of pity and i know i shouldnt have done that but now i have grown to like him ver much even now all i think about is him. And how i could make it up to him if we can just be together again, if he can just give me 1 more chance. And so i need your advice should i just stop thinking about him or what? Cause clearly he doesnt even wanne talk to me. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9768083095550537 2017-06-12 19:34:05,"Hide my identity. I have a confession to make. I got a call the day before yesterday with some curses at me and stupid threats from a number I didn't recognize. A little later, this ""ex"" I hadn't thought about in a very long time texts me. She calls me a bitch and that I'd pay for what I'd done. I call her and ask her what she's talking about but she wouldn't even give me a chance to deny her accusations; spits some curse words at me and hangs up. I text her saying I hadn't done anything and I've left her alone for all this time. She goes off at me and swears she'll make me pay for playing with her life. I promise her that if she doesn't leave me alone I'm gonna show her what playing with her life looks like. Her ""man,"" who was a friend of mine back in the day, then texts me with pretty much the same angry thoughts. I realized then that he was he one on the phone earlier. I block both their contacts and continue with my day. Then messenger says I've got a new message, from the sister. She asks why I'd been sending pictures of the ex to people, I tell her I hadn't and she's rational about it and let's it go. A little later I get a text from the ex. She threatens me some more and claims that since I've come after her family she has to make me pay. I ignore that text too. I've left them alone so far but they're pushing their luck. I'm usually a very nice guy but I've got something worse than the devil inside. I don't think even the devil can be as mean as me. I've got pictures of her. Interesting pictures. They'll be making an appearance on social media and her accusations of me sending pictures of her will finally come true. The best part about all of this is that they don't know what I've got in my arsenal. Stay happy people. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9957692623138428 2017-06-13 10:29:27,"He can't love anyone yet. I know very well that his heart is exhausted to love anyone. As always I have been by his side, but he seems to still be living in the love of his past. I want him and I also resent him. Only him. The person who makes the days that are to come unendurable and hard. I don't want to know about his painful past and memories. Even when he laughs out loud, I know his heart is crying so I feel that I want to hug and embrace him tightly. But I am afraid my feelings will be discovered. Right now, he needs anyone to fill that empty spot in his heart. I want too much to just be a temporary source of rest for him. That's really enough for me. I wouldn't wish for more. Even though I hate him I still want him. Even though he makes me regret the future, I will only tell myself how I feel. I love you alot.",love,POSITIVE,0.9806665778160095 2017-06-13 22:00:40,"Its a good thing am drunk right now , here is my confession hide my identity ! Am lost i really feel lost ever since sosi left me she was my everything my life,my love my day & night i am nothing with out her ! Its been a year and a half since she left i tried to love agian but i couldn't , i just cant forget her , i tried to kill my self b/c of her . Life is just empty with my sosi in it ! It hurts knowing that she's happy wit some one else! It hurts that some one else is kissing those lip , it hurts that she's saying i love u to some one else !! I love u sosiye ! Bemen leresash mare ! Bemen The painfull part is anchi resteshinale !!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967132806777954 2017-06-14 08:38:52,I was in a relationship with some one like 2 years ago but after me n her broke up because she cheated on me I jst could nt get back out there and start dating again I Hv not went on 1 date since me n her broke up idk why but everything keeps leading me to her I Hv asked her to get back together like idk 5 times neger gin she on the other hand moved on very quickly but now I'm jst like screw this I need to get back out there now but now I'm trying my best but I guess I'm a little rusty and out of game I'm that type of guy who believes in true love and all that crap but now I'm giving up on everything I Hv been trying to get back out there for like 2 years now gin no success what's so ever so I feel like I should give up,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9935591816902161 2017-06-15 00:24:25,"I confessed last time about liking someone and moving on menamin. Well I kinda did. But shit happened. We hang out with another guy a lot. Have good days together and shit we made out and all that but all of the sudden he said we can not continue like this at first I was mad when he said that. But again when I thought bout it he was right. I am mad right now at my self. Very mad. Where can I find the one that I love. I think that only works in fairytale. I guess I expected a lot from this guy too. But sometimes u can't get what u want right?! But this is too much. I think am done finding that so called love shit!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9979653358459473 2017-06-15 06:14:01,"I have a confusion 2 make Well I had a gr8 gf which I rly loved like a lot we have been together for 5 years .she was my first gf and nw after we broke up things don't feel the same ....the girls I get close 2 r not like her or not even close 2 her and I know I will never find any body like her BT I just can't stop the feeling that I will never find anybody close 2 her I think I better sit my as* down !! Thank u",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.941597580909729 2017-06-21 23:38:26,There was this girl i really like ena she've been postponing when she will see me and due to this procrastination ive kinda lost the feelings that i have and when i try forget about her she will appear again after like 3month or so and the feelings i have for her come up again and i feel like she is kinda playing with my feelings..what should i do,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987685084342957 2017-06-24 08:34:48,"I hope this thing is anonymous cuz I'm about to drop some history on y'all. This is a story of me nd my bf. I was a 10th grade student, and he was 12. He was the greatest most considerate sweet thing I know. I bet u u don't know a guy like him, or u married him olready. We have been 2gether for like two years. But I have this problem. When I see pictures of couples, and like people talk about them, I get like very attracted to the other guy. So I saw this picture of a couple, nd I saw the guy he was cute. So endeminim biye, I got his number. Keza beka awarahut nd I mentioned his gf, so he didn't expect me to like make a move on him. Keza we talked bedemb, ena beka our convo started drifting off to a whole type of sex chat. I think he liked it too. But then a tragic thing happened, his gf saw the texts that we were having ena she like flipped on him. She said after all that we have been through, you go out nd cheat on me with some whore minamin alechiw. Keza she left him. He was heartbroken, i told him he has me. Then we started dating. Nd this is all happening while I was with my sweet bf. Ena beka tegenagnen. Beka yalaregnew neger yelem. Back then I felt nth But now I actually feel bad for cheating on my bf. Hope he is cheating on me too, cuz it would make things easier. But he never will nd IDK what to do now.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9944548010826111 2017-06-24 09:03:29,"Hi there. I need to get this off my chest. Six months ago, I met this guy on Facebook. We had amazing communication from the start and our talks moved from fb messenger to phone conversation. We don't spend a day without taking. Morning noon and night. Then our talks somewhat revolved into hot topics. We had deep fantasies about each other. The one problem though is that he said that all we were going to be is phone friends. He never wanted to meet. There is nothing he hasn't told me about him and me too. Then one time, we had a long discussion and we decided to meet, but as friends with benefits. And that day, I skipped off work, got a room and waited for him. And guess what, he forgot about it. When he found out, he was very shocked. Then we decided to meet on a Sunday and that time we did. It was such a beautiful time for me. Maybe for him, it was just physical but it was such an intimate time for me. After that day tho, he literally didn't even want to continue our friends with benefits agreement, not even those late night phone talks. Now we are meeting as simple friends, nothing more. I jump at any chance to meet him but he doesn't. The guy who didn't want to meet in person is hanging out with me almost three days of the week but now, he is making sure to show me that he thinks nothing of me except as his very good friend.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9530718922615051 2017-06-25 11:01:38,I wanna make a confession. I'm the type of person that is nice humble due to that behavior of mine people find a way to step over me or use me and even manipulate me but now it's time that changes I'm different now,neutral,POSITIVE,0.9675094485282898 2017-06-25 12:48:04,"every time I close my eyes I see evil, I think evil, selfish, sad, dirty, terrible thoughts. I desire too many, I urge for more, But I mistreat what I have. Keep up fake appearances. I Smile even tho I'm dying in the inside and at the same time thinking about killing other's happiness. Confused? So am I",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9791346788406372 2017-06-25 12:57:23,i am truly helplessly utterly friendzoned.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9955384135246277 2017-06-25 13:05:53,"hmmm what not to confess on a Sunday? The fact that I cannot get over that ass hole ex of mine. The fact that he is dating someone else (not a girl better than me, beauty, intelligence, class, ass..... he knows that he can never get anyone better) while I am sitting here wondering (not wondering actually, going crazy with the all the guys around me) or the fact that one of my best friends is in love with me . Or the fact that my father has kids and a wife (officially married wife) oooorrrrrrr the fact that I have a feeling that something is going to go wrong sometime soon? I think that it's that time of the year where shit is going down around me. Thanks for the time you took to read all this",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9974791407585144 2017-06-25 13:51:24,"I am without purpose. I feel like I am going through tunnel with no light at the end. Just never ending darkness. Infinite abyss. All things I fancy have become dull and boring. I feel nothing towards almost all my interests and hobbies. I have become indifferent. I don't know why, I don't know how. I am bemome that which I pity on others. I fear of the fate that awaits me. I am genuinely scared of what's to become of me.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991917014122009 2017-06-26 20:30:08,"Well the story starts with this girl. She was fun and cute....a full package she was. We were great friends and on our way to become more until she suddenly shut me off. And i was soo angry that. after some attempts to reconcile with her i just left her alone. When she got out of her eggshell I was nowhere to be found. And now I am too ashamed to make things right again, even when i truly long for her.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.993225634098053 2017-06-26 20:53:28,"There is this guy i Like. He is soo nerdy and cute and funny and smart. I love every minute i soend with him but everytime i throw hints in his way to show him im into him he jus continues joking around. I dont think he sees me that way, and it truly sucks to not be noticed. Jus wanted to get that out there",love,POSITIVE,0.924365758895874 2017-06-26 20:53:58,Okay this is weird... Can this be my 1st confession? Yes it can! I like handsome guys. I mean what sane girl doesn't ryt? But I like looking at them not talking to them... The minute they open their mouth I lose interest!! Kinda dumb I know,love,NEGATIVE,0.9963706731796265 2017-06-26 20:54:25,Hi I'm here to confess and actually need advice on it I Hv this close friend we Hv been knowing each other for Idk 4 months now but apparently when I first met her my intentions were towards getting to know her more than a friend if u know what I mean I had more intentions than jst knowing her maybe r/p and all but things were diffrent and she actually was in a relationship so I changed my mind set and stayed friends with her as my feeling about her starts to change as friendship I started seeing signs that she might actually want me too but she jst keeps giving these signs that will make me stay me liking her and as I was this close to moving on and friends feeling was strong she told me that she is gonna end things with her man and wanna stay single forever i know for sure that she don't mean it gin I'm thinking that actually might be a sign of her shouting to save her gin what if it ain't please help guys I'm confused as far as I kno this girl is the first girl I actually liked after two years and should I persuit her or remain friends with her both choices have their own draw backs,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9269766807556152 2017-07-04 13:52:15,"Have you ever felt happy when your parents scold you?.. well I have.. My mom and dad have been fighting constantly with each other since the day I remember. They hate each other so much for the things that they've done to eachother. And all I could ever do was to just sit there crying all night unable to do anything. I'm 18 now and I don't remember a time when all of us ( my mom's and dad's family) sat together had a funny conversation had fun or even talk. I've been trying to avoid them for the past couple of years, their quarrels and stuff.. All I do is sit in my bed hear them shout at eachother for no reason at all.. I remember them happily talking to each other mostly when my dad was abroad. About 3 yrs before, my dad came back home because I wasn't scoring enough marks in my tests... But fortunately I passed in everything with his help. Recently I had my 12th grade exam and while the exam was going on, the evening before Maths exam, they start fighting about some random thing and my dad hit mom.. and things escalated​.. and I interfered (i usually don't) which made it worse. And it some how ended, i don't remember exactly. it was a rough night for me. I couldn't sleep all night. I kept thinking of how all of this is my fault, my dad coming back home, me scoring low marks, me interfering, everything. And I stayed awake all night, just like most of the days. Next day I was unable to attend my exam properly because I was sleepy and tired from all the shit. Something similar happened on the evening before Physics exam too, and all went to shit. Fast forward 1 and 1/2 months I get my results I failed in both Maths and Physics by 2 marks. Soon it all came down. My mom and dad were sad and blamed me for not studying ( they don't remember what happened on those days) . And yesterday they fought again (not because of me) and It​ was a lot for me to take in and I shouted out How it was all their mistake that I failed that if they had shut up for two days! It would have made a difference. And since yesterday I haven't said a word to them. Today evening my mom and dad were having a conversation ( I overheard accidentally) , They were talking about how big of a pain I was to them. And that I was lying of them being the reason that I failed. And that I never really cared about them fighting with eachother, that I was just a show off. Eventhough it was supposed to make me feel sad and suicidal, it kinda made me happy for them. They were standing side by side even if it was to talk like this. I never had a friend who I trusted, maybe it's because I just don't trust anyone. I don't talk to people much, I don't share my feelings with anyone, maybe I'm afraid. And this is just 1/2 of my life.. the reason why they hate eachother so much will itself take me an hour to type. And thank you Unihorse. For creating this channel I wouldn't​have shared this with anyone.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989628791809082 2017-07-05 07:48:40,"I hardly went to any class this semester and i was punished for that. For those who have gone through calculus,many will be quick to tell you how they narrowly escaped the fucking unit, with a number of them vowing to never wanting to experience something like that ever again. Myself, i thought the lecture halls were too packed and too noisy to read in. I pushed my luck and decided to watch youtube tutorials at the expense of going to class. All was well since i was in my own comforts pretending to learn as much as my counterparts, while i was secretly streaming kaniel outis(prison break) and king in the north(game of thrones) on my laptop. Come exams day, all the odds were stacked against me. The examination halls were scarcely packed with each student miles away from each other. Even with my perfect zooming capacity in my cheap geeky glasses, i could hardly peek on my neighbours big handwriting. The eerie creepy feeling of the halls were very sickening as wafts of print on paper hang loosely in the atmosphere like a roaming ghost,trying to scare away all the gradient dx/dy that i had hurriedly uploaded into my head the previous night. Trouble really blew up immediately after writing my name and registration details. I skimmed through the paper confident that my youtube experience was the exhaustion of everything calculus had to offer. Soon the only sounds were pen on paper amid a few dry coughs and muffled whispers that instantly went mum on the high pitched exam supervisor's voice. I was already in mental turmoil as i approached number one question, fazed by the diverse collection of jargons in the paper. As soon as i started writing,i was already crossing words and numbers as i realized i had hit a dead end. All around me papers were perusing pages as i sat there staring blanky at my cursed pen and answer booklet. A chic next to me was already onto the third, as i crafted meaningless formulae, creation of my own to match her few answers that i had glimpsed as she turned her papers. Gradually i tried to scribble along until hell broke loose when she suddenly rose up to hand in her booklets. Like a wave,desks got dragged as more people thronged to hand in,leaving me and a few others(must be fellow youtube students) in a sea of gloom and doom of a looming retake. I think i will attend all classes henceforth.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993970394134521 2017-07-06 18:18:04,I'm secretly a potato king. I dominate the potatoverse with my charms and I'm afraid the other potatoes are angry at me.,fear,POSITIVE,0.7260152101516724 2017-07-06 21:55:30,I have craved love for as long as I can remember. I have loved...a lot more than I should. But I've never felt that love back. I never felt that i love you i get. Not from family or the partner i had. Its not that I have trust issue but idk why it just feels like I'm looking for the love I'll never get.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9783527851104736 2017-07-10 07:15:40,"I am a19 yrs old normal girl is what happened i meet a guy on random talk recently and exchange username. We started talking everyday he is sweet gentle loveable.....i don't have words for him coz i've never and will never meet a guy like him.And i started to have feelings for him and so does he, he told me that he loved me and asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes coz i have feelings too but there is one problem we live in different parts ov z world we both knew we cant meet each other but despite of that we are in rlnship days pass i started feeling guilty coz i am holding him back to have his girl beside him to get lots of love and sexual life so i let go of him....told him that we have to stop talking ....but still now I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH IN A WAY THAT I HAVE NEVER LOVED ANYONE BEFORE!!! please don't forget me and i wont may GOD give you love piece and a happy life",love,POSITIVE,0.99790358543396 2017-07-10 20:41:46,"Bear with me. Being brought up in a very rich , very Christian and very happy family life was NEVER hard. Not once have i struggled or had a battle to fight.I had everything anyone could ask for and no worries engulfed me. I love to tell myself i have alot of friend's because of my mother kindness that was passed along me.. buh soon enough i always come to realise that it is infact my father's money that they see through my eyes. Grade after Grade i had my so called friend's use me again and again. I never stayed  much i used to get away the first chance i got thinking i would run into better ones but no they were the same if not worse. The first time i made friends which was in Day care i had been trashed and over loved in my family's name. In a littel town such as where im from a family like mine was a huge deal. Some babies hated it hence i was bullied at a daycare level. Some loved it and i was shown fake smiles of 6 year olds. Moving up here in Addis i enrolled in a new school and Book wormed my life. The first 2 grades passed in a flash. I never spoke to a soul in school yet i was aware of everyone and everything. I used to go up the stage four times per event and shower with awards for best achiever. I didnt like it. So in 3rd grade i opened up and i regret it till this day. I have met great people during the journey and i hate the fact that they mean so much. Without the influence of anything people started getting attached to me. I became a peoples magnet. Under the harsh speaking cuss dressed mouth of mine people started seeing my mothers kind smile imprinted on me. The warm feeling that sparks within me every time someone speaks kind of me and the dark that cloud my eyes everytime i make someone unhappy scares me. A foreign feeling which i came to fear. Fears turned into weakness. From weakness rised cruelty. Which is a point as low as one can go. Like a crime scene waiting to happen i dont know what i will do if i fall for someone or even worse if they leave me there. How can i overcome the fear of holding on to people AND letting go of them? I appreciate the read.",love,POSITIVE,0.7907793521881104 2017-07-10 21:09:49,I have been in love with this boy for 2 years but he never felt the same about me. Infact I think he hated me a little. So now even though I have had many opportunities to move on Im still hung up on the guy and idk how am going to move on.,love,NEGATIVE,0.5323903560638428 2017-07-10 23:19:58,"I'm in a dilemma. I'm pissed not at anyone per say but at a stupid situation. Bella said I was too happy that my happy was making the world unbalanced so universe said enough on breaking down. Well I feel exactly like that, I was too happy this days with all the was going on in my life. I was enjoying myself. I was enjoying life. Life was undoubtedly and unbelievably beautiful. Until today. Now there is a big fight going on inside my head. The selfish me. The selfless me. The caring me, Some how helping both sides of the argument. To be continued.......",joy,POSITIVE,0.9811524152755737 2017-07-11 08:13:03,"I used to be a hopeless romantic until i was dumped by my ex....(for reason i could understand). Thing is its been really hard for me to move on n almost a year down the line i feel like am making progress but one thing is really bothering me. See my ex was a freak in bed, she was aggressive ,so vast on sex matters in short to me she was a sex god. After we broke up av hooked up with some chicks n they r not even close compared to her. I know i shouldnt compare her to nobody but its bugging me that its the only thing we shared that am still hung up on.....glad i could share",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976868629455566 2017-07-11 08:22:27,"This confession is in no way a mockery to my parents or the efforts they have put in raising me especially my education but shit happens right? This confession is about my university life. For a long time the only thing i wanted was to make my parents feel proud of the woman i will become but that's all gone now. To my parents they still can experience that but deep down to me it will never be as legit as i would have wanted it to be. I joined college a pure person, didn't know anything apart from books. Everything from kissing, relationships, sex, drugs and money i learnt after joining college. it all began when i was given three super crazy roommates when i joined. Those three turned my world around. Everything they had was expensive, at first i thought they were from rich families but turns out they weren't. They transformed me to a naughty girl in a flash and soon i was in their bandwagon. The first thing they introduced me to was weed. I grew up being taught the harmful effects of weed n i hated it with all my heart until those three showed up. weed makes one become open to new ideas, i did everything they did I got into my first relationship with a fellow freshman. Had sex for the first time with him, from there i became a sexual beast. On second year we rented a room 3km from campus. we did everything in that room, sometimes smoking and drinking. Flirting with lecturers to pass the exam is a norm to me. my GPA is among the highest in class, i will graduate with a first class honors come next year. We have been sleeping with older richer men for money. After school i will start my own fashion boutique because i have the capital to start(this men got cash). since this is an anonymous platform, i would also like to add that i've had two abortions in a period of two years, am not proud of that or myself. It pains me when i think about my family back at home who see me as a role model to my siblings n are glad am going to finally make it in life of which i know i've used the wrong road. If i could have a do-over, i wouldn't follow the path am in now. If parents only knew what most of their children turn out to be in campus. Anyway that's my confession.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8752050995826721 2017-07-11 22:54:29,"There's this guy I know and I've grown to like. He's sweet, we've been on a couple of dates and I enjoy his company so very much. We're at that point my friends consider in a relationship lol. Thing is though, dating and being in a relationship are two different things for me. I think he's gotten comfortable . I'm dating other people. Getting to know who's what. A girl has gotta sample. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Would I like him to find out? Hmm... hell no. Up until he asks me to be his girlfriend... that's when I'll stop coz I already like him way too much anyway",joy,POSITIVE,0.974311113357544 2017-07-12 00:19:45,I've heard people say that I should wait until I find a guy I love till I loose ma virginity but I don't think that's a good idea. If we break up he'd be the guy I loved and gave my virginity to. It'll just be too painful. I have no idea what to decide.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995055198669434 2017-07-12 06:49:44,So there is this girl who I liked for a while now. I keep on being confused. My friends tell me I should move on but I feel like I should wait cause I get the feeling that I should. I've never been this confused about anything cause I like her. I really do.,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8363843560218811 2017-07-12 07:50:23,"I hate myself, I hate that I'm a problem to other people. I don't want to be a problem but I am when drunk, I wish that there was someone could handle me the wat I am. He was there but not ny more. I'm a problem to him now too. I'm not worth the fucking trouble nymore. I feel so F-ing Bad. So bad it hurts. Why am I such a problem to people. I try so hard not to be. But I can't help it.i just can't. I want wat I want. Nd I want to have fun with them I just can't. Coz I'm a problem. I knw I am. But I thought I was worth the trouble. I guess I'm not. I'm not worth the trouble I'm not worth nything. I hate me. I hate myself. But I love me nd I love myself. But I hate me at the same time. I don't want nybody to tell me that I'm an F-ing trouble. I don't want nybody to Handel me to sugar code nything. I just want somebody to trust me to believe in me nd to let me be. Why can't I find somebody like that. Either that's the problem or my personality is nd I don't want my personality to be a problem. I'm an F-ing problem. I'm a problem. Why the F am I a problem. This was wat I was afraid of. Nd became real. I hate me. I just want to go home. I'm going home tmrw. I want to go home tmrw. I want to go away from Ery body. From Ery body. I shouldn't have been here. I'm nothing but a problem.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9983944296836853 2017-07-14 09:25:29,"I give up. I tried so hard to be their friend I tried so hard to ignore all the mean things they say and do to me. But I can't anymore. They finally did it. They broke me. They say friends are supposed to make you feel better. Fix you when idiots break you. So that makes them the idiots not my friends. What sucks is because of this I'm telling myself to be selfish. To not give a damn about anybody else. To only do me. But I don't want to become that. I care. That's who I am. If I'm not that anymore I don't know who and what I'll be. But I have to admit the idea of being selfish doing only me is so damn attractive. I guess we will see what happens. What we won't see is them. All my plans of our kids becoming besties, us growing old together. It went up in smokes. They killed it nd they killed my spirit. They are making me wonder whether everything is temporary. And that sucks.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7498329877853394 2017-07-14 09:32:34,"I live apart from my parents for some reason, which was my own choice,,..but leaving with the family am living with currently has made me realize nothing like family eventhough they are amazing and treat me very well, but different small mistreatments made me more sensitive over things than i ever was, I honestly dont want to go live with my family but still want a life on my own where I wont have to look up on others!",realization,POSITIVE,0.9958874583244324 2017-07-14 13:36:49,"Here i am confessing again I hate losing ppl i love. Am bout to lose my cousin too. Life is unfair this world is unfair.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998236894607544 2017-07-15 15:55:52,"Hello I am the sword in the darkness The watcher on the walls I am the shield that guards the relms of men I shall hold no land or father any children I shall live and die at my post",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9859981536865234 2017-07-16 08:21:13,I think my dick is dying,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980946183204651 2017-07-16 08:21:44,This is the funniest I have ever seen. I swear.,amusement,POSITIVE,0.9997958540916443 2017-07-16 21:10:32,"I'm a virgin I'm getting to my point just wait I'm drank so this will be easy.. I'm quite charming and girls are easy for me but when we're about to have sex I always chicken out. it's not that I don't like sex, I'm just petty religious I don't want this to be just a confession I want it to be an advice",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9949022531509399 2017-07-16 21:37:13,"To my fellow virgin in the vent above, I know society these days can make you feel like you've failed or something if you haven't had sex before your teens are up. I credit much of that to the movies we most of the times choose to watch and how young people these days are starting to act. I say being a virgin is natural. I say you'll do it when you're ready. I'm 24, I'm a virgin and I'm proud of it. I'm proud I haven't shared that most intimate act with just anyone. I'll even add to it, I've never had a girlfriend or even kissed one. Not for lack of opportunity, but by choice. Just letting you know you're not alone.",pride,POSITIVE,0.9983037710189819 2017-07-17 12:43:05,Hey well I have a problem. There is this guy in my life the reason am saying guy is I don't know what we are. This started a little back but then it was just hookups and I was fine with it u can call it friends with I think he got a girlfriend so we never meet up then stopped calling then after a while he got some things on his plate all around family... So now he calls again and started to be there but in a not so comfortable for me but I go with it I did it twice but not dat happy the second time so am trapped I don't know how to say no I know he doesn't want anything serious with me so what should I do am lost,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9970381259918213 2017-07-17 18:08:35,"I'm losing trust in people It sucks. I can't have people around me if I don't trust them fully. And people I trusted blindly ended up being not so trustworthy. I might be becoming a monster. Monsters are never born, they are created.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987176656723022 2017-07-17 18:16:28,This is to my fellow human being up there. To let u knw that u r not alone nd that becoming a monster is not the answer. Try to find that one person in ur life who still hasn't betrayed u yet nd stay cool nd amazing for that one person.,neutral,POSITIVE,0.9497898817062378 2017-07-18 09:47:47,"i nutted so fast one time i had to lie n to tell the girl her p***sy stink, she left crying. It was either me or her and i chose me.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9895660877227783 2017-07-18 10:16:02,"""When my wife and I do it, I'm usually the one who starts things up. Well, one very hot night she walked up behind me, pressed her body against mine and very casually reached around and began to undo the buttons on my shirt. She caressed my chest, undid my belt, opened my pants and slid her hand inside. She went on to slowly take my clothes off, all the while fondling me. I'd never been stripped before, and I'll never forget it.""",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9907447695732117 2017-07-18 10:34:45,I'm finding it very difficult to let go. Although I say it's for the better and that I kept dragging around wats bringing me down and that if I just let go I'd be set free. Still it's F-ing hard. It's Hard coz I've invested so much energy in that relationship. I've loved nd I've been hurt nd I've forgiven nd I've stalked till the ends of the world. Now I'm supposed to view all that as a waste??? It just doesn't make sense life doesn't make sense. The world is an F-ed up place. I'm to delicate for it. Of all the peeps I'm finding it difficult to let go that one person who has been there for me all those times. Why did he have to become an idiot? Why did they have to become basic hoes? What pains me the most is as much as I loved them now I hate them. Losing all that love at once created a hole where there shrine used to be in my heart.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976677298545837 2017-07-18 10:54:19,"The Hell!!!! I take it back it's not hard at all like at all. I just remembered what they did. They basic hoes. I ain't gonna feel bad abt all of this. Ain't nobody got time for that. moving on this Bot is F-ing awesome. Anonymous platform where you can vent abt literally anything. Who ever created this channel, respect.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9898000359535217 2017-07-18 22:56:14,Harassed?Molested? Taken advantage of?..people go through worse right?...the degree is not the same. I never felt like i had the right to complain. Help me find my voice.,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982712268829346 2017-07-19 02:23:24,"Im soo happy there is finally a comment section. We can give helpful advice to people who need it.",joy,POSITIVE,0.995370090007782 2017-07-19 05:52:12,I have been deeply in love wiz someone for quite a while now,love,NEGATIVE,0.9905596375465393 2017-07-19 09:01:35,"Its not so common for me to talk about him with most people so I'll just pretend I'm addressing him. Its funny how everything reminds me of you. Songs, books, odors, even words. Not even big words like love , soulmate, twin flame but simple words like ""always"" and ""happy"". It feels like even the universe regrets breaking us apart. Of course it will regret it. But you know, I have actually moved on. The first few days, I even hated That I had to breath. I hated everything, everyone but then, I remembered how strong u were leaving me behind. I knew I wasn't helping anyone by being like this, so I decided that I had to get up and live. Or maybe even ""fake it till I make it"" I tried to kill the part of me that felt like I couldn't live without u. I did, I killed it And I lived. But I never got you out of my mind for a moment. I knew it was my gravest mistake and that I would be forever resentful but it was too late already. U had left. U had left me there, begging, crying. You were stone cold and that moment we were video calling I knew you'll never feel the same way about me again and I won't be to you what I was. I'd check my telegram often to see if u have checked upon me within a few days time sometimes u go days without checking. U wouldn't even check if I sent u text. You really were sure about this. This was what u wanted for us. But I never got tired of waiting for texts or missed calls or I don't know last Seens. Often there were none but sometimes I'd see that u checked in a couple of hours ago and that would anger me again. I hated how I was so weak when it came to you. I hated how a simple ""baby"" would make me forget everything u have done and said. Even the fact that u checked upon me, would lighten me up. But again it also angered me, it was like u were holding me. You wouldn't let me be with you, neither would you let me go away too far. That was really harsh of you. You wouldn't let me leave this behind and move on.....that's what I thought a month ago but I'm now I'm back to square one. Learnt you still feel the same. But look, I don't want u to hurt because of me or anyone else for that matter and I highly doubt the distance relationship would work for us. Nonetheless, I love you and highly doubt I'd feel the same way about anyone else. I just want us. Happy. Together.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9759111404418945 2017-07-19 09:41:03,"I have a big problem wiz problem is I cant talk to people when I'm alone with them. specially boys, I hv no idea wht to say whn I met a someone for a first time its really hard for to communicate with other person. but trust me im very much okau with my frnds I have a big problem that I cant get ride of. my problem is zat I cant talk to people I know for a short time. I just don't know wht to say when I'm alone with them (specially wiz boys) that's why I always avoid meeting someone who always asked me to........I don't know wht I will say when I met him.....I'm just afraid that he will find me boring when I meet him alone. I need ur advice on zis guys.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9970494508743286 2017-07-19 10:12:33,"I got an inconvenient erection while waiting for dinner at my girlfriend's house, so I figured I'd think of something stupid to make it go away. So I starting thinking of old spongebob cartoons. For some reason that made me even harder. That's all Thank You",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9942136406898499 2017-07-19 11:51:04,Im in love with someone who doesn't deserve me,love,NEGATIVE,0.9857274889945984 2017-07-19 17:04:58,I'm soooo damn hungry !!,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9929344654083252 2017-07-20 12:33:02,"I'm a girl. It's kinda important for the confession If your girl best friend told you that she loves you in the way you don't think she loves you what does it mean At first I thought yeah she loves me but her answer ""in the way you don't think"" confused me. What confused me more us that she always gets mad at me when I flirt with guys She is my best friend like REALLY. Because of her public display affections my friends are like why don't you just date. And I don't want to hear this Yeah that's why I am scared cause I didn't know things like this actually occur here I mean in Ethiopia. Please give me your help on this. Help.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9815678000450134 2017-07-20 12:49:35,"Hey guys just wanted to say a few words of wisdom to some people stop sharing confessions from Google. This bot is to real people having real problems !!!!! Yours, Unihorse Lol",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9985257983207703 2017-07-20 13:02:19,Have you ever met someone you connected to in ways you can't even explain.. They light up your eyes make you feel things youve never felt make you laugh so hard you cry hug you so tight you feel warm inside.... But then they leave you like you never existed your no more than a regular person they once knew you try to cope up but it's been a while and your still in a state of nostalgia your afraid to ask the people around you for advice because they might be tired of... This person was your rock when your life was shitty he was there now he's not your still you but he's not him anymore do I get closure for something that happened a very long time ago?,sadness,POSITIVE,0.9483696222305298 2017-07-20 21:25:59,Am having a hard day I don't know what to do and what to choose what should I do should i present pharmacology assignment or leketaw? O_o,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9991031885147095 2017-07-21 10:15:49,"Here is my story It all started when a girl first texted me Then we kicked it off, we talked nd we became close. After sometime a convo started up ND she told me she knew my friend I didn't feel threatened cuz he was a friend nd I thought me and her had passed that moment of betrayal So I just played it cool. She told me that she feels really close to me nd stuff like that IDK why but I got attached fast which I don't do fast Then one night she told me that she got a new boyfriend. I couldn't believe my eyes. I asked her about it nd she said that it was her bestfriend nd that things just changed between them I was hurt of course but I hid it but I still seemed bummed. She asked me what was wrong. I told her that I liked her, she said that she really liked me too but just she had to do this. I said okay I can get through this if I just became her friend. She asked me just friends nd I said okay But after that every text she sent hurt me every single one. She just looked past at our texts like nth but i felt it all. But three days after she told me that she got a boyfriend​, my friend told me that he is gonna meet her. I said good luck to him. Nd he went he told me that he had a great time. Nd they met again, they spent the day together I said okay But like after a week she told me that she got a bf, he told me that they kissed​ nd that they started dating. That's when I realized that she lied to me. Nd I REALLY HATE people who lie to me. I said nth I told him to have a blast. But that she was dead to me nd never mention her to me ever again. He asked why but I didn't tell him. Well now I have met her, both of them together actually nd I'm over her now. And I wish they have a good time together Peace out",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9830458164215088 2017-07-21 13:26:14,I don't know what to do. Knowing that there will be another girl kissing him touching him kills me. We love each other so much but distance is an ass. N being friends with him sucks too cause I know he is not with me...... even if he not all z things he say to me make me feel like he is mine. I guess am too confused even if it kills me not having him at all hurts me more. I don't know what to do. Help me,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9940673112869263 2017-07-21 15:41:56,"I'm almost twenty and I'm straight of course, if you're wondering. I have never even kissed a guy let alone slept with one. My closest friends think I have an active sex and love life but the closest I've ever come to sex is masturbation... and that's even without touching myself. I would really like to go out and have fun but I'm so insecure it's practically impossible for a man to get close to me. I'm horny, lonely and scared as hell.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.950186014175415 2017-07-24 01:22:03,"This might be a little weird but, I think I'm crazy. I really do. A couple of weeks ago, I could've sworn it. I saw myself going around naked on the streets. I am in a humongous danger but everyone thinks I am this happy, brave intelligent girl that would never let them down. But I really am dying inside. I can't even construct proper sentences at this point and this insomnia is getting the best of me. I'm some type of nocturnal animal that could use some spiritual life but is tooo messed up on the inside. Forgive my disorganization.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9780305624008179 2017-07-24 02:27:40,I feel like I dies inside its a really bad feeling. I am constantly on a zone I didn't even know existed in me. I tried to hurt myself the other time not kill but hurt so I could feel alive again. I am feeling better now tho,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9961193799972534 2017-07-24 02:27:51,I just can't sleep so I been on you,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.991960346698761 2017-07-24 21:16:20,I hate feeling empty inside. I am not dead inside I am just mostly blank. I wanna feel over the moon about the tiniest things again.,anger,NEGATIVE,0.9892244935035706 2017-07-26 20:16:11,"why do shit keep happing to me? am i some sort of problem magnet? or people r just bad n i make bad decisions. Am a good person, well i think so, but shit loaded so much i dont even know who i am n where am going any more...i used to be in control but know am like feather in the winds moving in whatever drxn it blows, i feel this hole inside myself that keeps getting wider n wider, at first i thot it was just one of those days tht am feelin empty n worthless but latley its happenin more often. Am even drifting from ppl due to my bad moods thinkin they may live me so i do it first. And there is you or atleast some of u, i wish i tell u every thing but then how;why, its not like we'r tht close n again arnt we?...does one need to touch, smell or see to feel?- peace out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974746108055115 2017-07-28 14:42:10,I am in love with a girl from this group what am I going to do,love,NEGATIVE,0.7615045309066772 2017-07-28 15:04:09,OK let me be clear she showed me this place and this is my way of confession because am a sissy to tell her in person,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9843377470970154 2017-08-01 16:24:06,Loneliness,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979873895645142 2017-08-01 19:23:06,"I think i like him. He makes me feel happy. But i dont want a relationship am not ready. But the way he kisses me ..... I dont think he wants a relationship either. But i like him...i guess I dont know what to do",love,POSITIVE,0.9949592351913452 2017-08-03 16:44:39,"Okay, here it goes. My confession is that of my junior, he arrives early every time he is at a weird angle. When it is hard and if it is shifted like a gear,boom. Is it just me?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9915251135826111 2017-08-03 21:04:55,"It was just a dumb rumour a stupid someone started cause the reality was there was no chance to get anywhere with me. And these days I can feel it following me like a shadow everywhere I go. Am scared that it will follow me for the rest of my life too. I just wanna forget and move on and it sucks that whenever I am so close to doing exactly that, there is a reminder right around the corner waiting for me. I hate this and I hate you stupid someone for ruining my quiet life.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984917640686035 2017-08-03 22:17:50,"Been so long since i felt this way. Most people would try to find someone cute tall handsome or something of the sort but i fell in love with him. Its scary and there is no one to talk to about it. Am the type of girl that is ""one of the dudes"". But amazingly he saw me differently. And i think he feels the same way. But its scary. To feel again. To have something filling u up after feeling empty n blank for a long time.",fear,POSITIVE,0.8982179164886475 2017-08-03 22:55:31,"I Masturbate daily, is that bad?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998522937297821 2017-08-03 23:01:08,"I used to have a girlfriend and i really had fabulous time with her. But now it's getting too hard for me to adjust my self for a new life. I am not showing good progress in chat, not even having a better flirt style, I keep on being stupid to girls. I wish I could go back and mend my self. Any recommendations?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999163031578064 2017-08-04 15:04:34,I think I'm in this condition that I have to help my friend but I keep on ruining it cause she is not totally honest with me and I'm scared that she will do something bad to herself,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9995977282524109 2017-08-04 16:26:01,I have been trying to live my life but peoples start talking shit and spreading it all the way I will never have a life on my own with out peoples influence please tell me what I should do help me !,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9932963252067566 2017-08-04 18:30:30,"Being the good girl is over rated sijemer. Now more so coz I have realized wat being a good girl actually gets u, so I'm done being the good girl. I want to be a bad bad girl. If it means going out tmrw then I will. If it means smoking then I will do it. Coz I am so F-ing done. I'm soooooo done. I don't give an F that I'm done. Tmrw is the day with or without him I'm gonna stop being a good fucking girl. Hopefully with him.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987190961837769 2017-08-05 00:12:30,I'm sooooooo confused right now with my life. Today I just became wat he said I was. To day I lived up to his remark. Don't get me wrong I wanted to live up to his remark. It's as if my doing that is a revenge for wat he said. I don't knw wat to do. They really fucked me up. They fucked my way of thinking. All I want to do now is all the things I'm not supposed to do. All the things that are not expected of me. I just don't give a fuck abt wats right or wrong ny more. Now that is freaking me out. Which means I give a fuck a little. I just wish I would stop giving a Fuck all together. Or not feel the need to stop giving a Fuck. I knw this is so vague. But this is the only way I can describe it.,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989737272262573 2017-08-05 00:29:11,Im kinda confused with my life right now cuz all i do is flirt with many girls like literally tons of em and as soon as i get along with them for a while i completely lose interest in them and dont give a fuck if they live or die cuz i couldnt get back the girl i was into some years back and thinking that i hate them but despite i talk to them and stuff..what should i do?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9978078007698059 2017-08-05 06:27:46,"I am good, but I'm not an Angel. I do sin, but I'm not the devil.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.6432960033416748 2017-08-05 08:31:17,"Good morning Have a good and strong day Happy sisters day wish it for every girl you consider a sister",caring,POSITIVE,0.9994243383407593 2017-08-05 21:18:20,"Well my life has been a continues road of misfortune I've been trying my best to let shit go and move on But every time I try something just drags me my family , my so called ""friends "", most of all myself .... I want to change I NEED too Buh there's always something ... Anyways if anyone got any solution to my shity issues",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9976235032081604 2017-08-05 21:33:00,"Well I don't know what kind of person I am to begin with. don't know how to expresses myself ,don't know how to stand up for myself.I give off this I'm strong and I don't care off vibe but I think I do... Do I ? I've been thru shit I can't say I wanna get over it Well I wanna put myself out there and experience life , live like actually live ..... Anyone got any solution ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9475553631782532 2017-08-05 21:35:51,So I just got in this new relationship with this amazing guy he treats me well and all and I'm happy with him but at times I keep thinking about my ...I don't even know what to call it ..we just missed our chance of being together and I hate that I keep thinking about him and I don't know how to get closure can u guys help and tell me what to do cause I'm confused af,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9932738542556763 2017-08-05 21:45:33,"I was once friends with this guy and and we used to be awesome tho it was for a short time...things got complicated at some point and there was no more him and me, i feel responsible for it. Iwas sad i had to lose a friend as crazy, weird and funny as him but i had no choice....i want my friend back now what should i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.990094006061554 2017-08-06 22:08:22,"just coz i said i like u doesnt mean i want u, just coz i said i think of u doesnt mean i always do. Dont make urself someone special, u r just who i made u to be...dont think u r winning while u r in my game.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975749850273132 2017-08-10 22:27:27,"Hide my identity Well I think I have a crush Yes way It's someone I shouldn't like And I still like them me What should I do to stop this feeling He is getting married and he doesn't even know I exist Ur bad",love,NEGATIVE,0.7346885800361633 2017-08-10 22:51:18,"Guys.. you know what, am dating lot of girls right now and am getting confused who to choose. All of them are in a good mood with me so am having same view over them, i couldn't say she's better than she or i couldn't choose. Now they are asking to be with me and am having a hard time of choosing. Can any one help me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9928801655769348 2017-08-12 06:06:28,i fucked my girl's friend,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984419941902161 2017-08-12 07:49:13,"I feel like I'm not the part of the world. Whatever goes around doesn't consider me as an option. I feel like the world as forgotten about me, and I feel every other ignorance. And I don't tell anyone, as they will feel remorse to me and that is not what I need right now. What I need to have is recognition, love, or just a little friendship. It's hard like you will never think. Going out of home without any purpose, knowing that even if you die today, no one will drop even the smallest drip of tear. But that hope, that small flicker of light, that little drop of tear will get you up from bed every morning, live the day and makes you wish you get up the next day when you sleep. But having a bigger purpose is my ultimate goal here. Not being crazzy happy, or mad sad. IDC if I'm both. I just wanna have a part in it all, a bigger purpose. That's all thanks for reading. Sorry if I dropped all of my problems in you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.5214055180549622 2017-08-12 14:00:57,"If I had a birr for every fictional character I caught feelings for.. I could afford the therapy I obviously need.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980623126029968 2017-08-12 20:57:11,"I think I'm depressed or something... I don't really know what to call it I have become numb... I can't feel sad or happy, but this days I am getting very angry I don't feel like I belong anywhere! Any suggestions would be great...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991821646690369 2017-08-13 07:10:18,I am so sick and tired of ppl ruining my life. I used to blame myself for everything now I say it's enough but the rumor that is going on abt me is making everyone hate me. I have tried soooo hard to make them believe me but I am tired of trying cuz it doesn't matter they will never believe me so pls give me an advice.,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984456896781921 2017-08-14 18:40:21,Am tired and need to go to bed .But I can't cause I got tones of works to do!!,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981813430786133 2017-08-15 19:39:54,"Ohhhkay I am gonna do something bad or good... Not sure, you decide which is better for me. If you are presented with a two decisions, one will make one friend and you happy and at the same time will hurt another friend... And the second will hurt everyone... Which would you choose?? Only I can change the result of this event. I was thinking of taking the first option but isn't it hard hurting a friend??? Help please...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9964235424995422 2017-08-16 01:16:29,"I think I'm finally starting to get a hang of it now. Happiness is a motherf***ing choice. I can choose to get hung up on my ex and replay all of our memories over in my head. Or I can choose to think of how happy I'll be when I find someone who actually cares about me. I can choose to mope around about how I didn't get into any of the good universities I wanted, or I can be happy that the one I did get into, although not so prestigious, is not as bad I can choose to sit around and be pessimistic and depressed, or I can choose to get out there and be the best me I can. Of course, choosing the former is a hell of a lot easier than the latter, but I've been depressed for too long. I'm ready to make a change.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.6630444526672363 2017-08-16 01:45:39,"I've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. It's been wonderful but it also hasn't at the same time. We've been through a lot, and he's cheated on me twice that I know of. I wanted to leave him. I know I don't deserve this, I know that. But he's the first man I've ever truly loved and I can't seem to shake him or leave him. Whenever I catch him cheating he always promises to never do it again and tells me I can trust him and check on him. But then after a few weeks it's right back in the same routine. I have such a hard time trusting him and he's constantly throwing it in my face that I don't. I want to trust him, I really do. It's just hard when every time I do he breaks it and does something stupid. Lately he's been treating me not so good. He's always ""busy"" as he says. And whenever he actually gets off and I want to do something like watch something etc, he pulls out his phone and uses it for hours, and ignores me. He's constantly chatting up random girls all the time, and flirting. Whenever I get upset about it he calls me crazy and controlling, and we have the biggest fights over it. Whenever we fight, he says horrible things to me, like he wishes he never met me, and I was such a mistake. I feel like he only stays with me for like attention and stuff. I feel like I'm never good enough for him. And whenever I try to bring to his attention how I feel, he just gets angry or upset with me and calls me overly sensitive and stuff like that. I've just been feeling so unloved and unwanted by him these past few weeks. I just want him to change. Please someone give me advice. I can't talk to anyone else about this. And for vent here. Amazing",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9953486323356628 2017-08-16 05:36:01,"I am completly lost now, there is agirl i love most and i know she love me back too, she already have a bf but we started doing some unwanted staff and that is disturbing me alot i couldnt stop it coz she is her and also i have to stop it coz it is not giving me peace inside, please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.994763970375061 2017-08-16 06:59:28,"I have a crush on a friend, we are not close enough to be besties but we aren't distant enough to be merely acquaintances either. He keeps giving me mixed signals and I can't help but trying to find meaning behind his every word. I know he was crushing on some girl in our friend group, but he gives me so much hope idk if he's into me or not",optimism,POSITIVE,0.9783495664596558 2017-08-16 12:03:47,"Honestly, I just feel like no matter how hard I try to be good, everything in my life is just going to wrong. I feel like a mistake, like every accident that I make will spit in my face and destroy me. I keep telling myself it isn't okay to eat, or sit, or talk, or do anything because it'll certainly mess up. I feel like I only have friends because I'm generous, and thats what people like. But other than that, I'm just some piece of sh** that's ugly, emotional, talentless, and all around terrible. Really. I feel like a waste of everyone's energy, time, heart, life, air, and resources. What's the point in living if all you'll ever do is mess up then beat yourself up for it? On a side note, which has been really making me sad but also sounds pretty petty, I've been seperated from a lot of my friends in school and its really making me miserable",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997395873069763 2017-08-17 22:59:12,"I'm a pathetic waste of a person. I have the opportunity to get to know a very cute girl. If I ask her out, I know she'll say yes. Yet, I'm a guy with zero confidence who can't get past my nerves and anxiety. I hate myself.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981834292411804 2017-08-18 07:56:34,"Honestly I am completely fed up with myself. My obsessions and compulsions have been getting...worse lately... School is about to start. I have in the span of a year accomplished so much, academically, personally and sort of mentally. I don't want to lose all of it. The compulsion's objective is to prevent me from failing. Of course that's just bull**** (please excuse my French).They're doing more harm than good. They're preventing me from concentrating in any sort of task. They take so much time and have to be performed so regularly.I wish all of this would stop.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9888278245925903 2017-08-18 23:01:35,"This is not a confession, it's a vent. I can't understand why, when there the nice loving guy right there, she would choose the one that pained her. Does she not remember how she felt? Does she not remember the pain heade her feel? He made her hate herself and she chose him instead of the one she clearly should have chosen. I just can't understand that. I'll just stop, I should.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992448091506958 2017-08-19 08:19:58,"I don't exactly know how to express what makes me sad. It just happens really I wake up and my heart is filled with pain, like life is just a pathetic lie we all fall for. I don't want to talk to anyone, I actually want to beat up anyone that starts up a conversation about how good their life is. Pushing people away, like I did my best friend. I want to be able to love and care genuinely for my friends not just because I have to. I want to stop being cripplingly shy, And fudging concentrate on my studies and actually get somewhere. I just want to make sense of it all!",desire,POSITIVE,0.8912891149520874 2017-08-19 10:08:58,"I'm twenty. Female. My life revolved around my education. Ddn have time for anything else. I've always been the DUFF (that's Designated Ugly Fat Friend, if y'all saw that movie. Doesn't mean I am ugly and fat; it's just a comparison ). I was never the one the guys were after and I've always been cool with it. I honestly preferred being considered as ""one of the guys"". But there's this thing I just HATE when guys that wouldn't look at me twice on any given day when I'm with my pretty girlfriends suddenly start showing interest when they actually talk to me or when I decide to get out of my hoodies and braided hair and actually flaunt my curvy figure. I am talking to all of you a**holes who thought I was a nobody. Nigger I don't even need to wear makeup (never did my entire life) and I'd still look as pretty as all the other girls that did. Y'all thought I was shy and boring? Well I did notice that flicker of surprise across your faces as you realized that I was actually an outgoing person with a great sense of humor. Y'all thought I was fat underneath my baggy clothes? Well I did notice your double take as your eyes followed me across the room marveling at how I had a killer booty. Y'all even had the audacity to make a comment. This is to all of you guys who went from ignoring me to noticing me to trying to get my attention. Seriously it's sad. I hate you all for it. I hate you guys because u made my little, innocent self blush inside and get butterflies because I was finally becoming the center of a ""cute guy's"" attention. I hate you for making my little innocent self yearn for that giddy feeling to last a little bit longer. But most of all I hate you guys for moving on and leaving me hanging. Well that little innocent girl grew up. So now I've gotten the IDGAF attitude, cuz nigga I KNOW I am AWESOME. But I just HATE how u've inflicted a scar, an insecurity, this dreaded feeling of knowing that a guy finally moved on. So yes, I have this immense fear and dread for that moment when a guy finally stops trying. So I ignore or decline offers. I make a point to scare guys from calling me for late night conversations. I always change the subject or laugh it off when a guy is trying to ask me out. It's not like I don't want to, trust me I'd like to have fun, but I have this fear that I can't recover from the day when he starts making excuses for not wanting to hang out. Those of u reading this may think I'm silly but please don't judge..... I've been insecure my whole life. And now I've chosen to become this strong, hard working girl who's fine with not having a guy a phone call away. I just don't know if maybe this wall I've been building around myself will become too high eventually......",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9360973238945007 2017-08-19 16:21:37,"I went out with this guy about a year ago and continued to do that on and off till we Brock up about five month ago cause he still hadn't finished his issues with his ex and that bothered me even tho I knew that wasn't fully the reason why I Brock it off with him and now that he's back I tried to cover up the fact that I've been thinking about him a lot but now I see this smug look on his face when ever I try to make conversation and not telling him everything and not saying the things that I want to say is killing me cause before we started going out we where close friends and I just feel like I will make horrible discussions again if I don't get my self in control I just don't know what I should do honestly case part of me is really tempted almost all the time . I NEED HELP !",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984311461448669 2017-08-19 16:31:51,"Who am I? Tell me! who am I?? I am lonely. I am too alone with my thoughts, which allows me self-reflect a loooot, especially semonun..(and no I am not backdoor-bragging). Well, while I am alone with my thoughts.... and self -reflect.. I keep going back to every human interaction I have ever had... and realize that I have been a total dick through most of my life, but I didn't realize this until now.. I used to think everyone was like me.. that they didn't mind the shit I said to them..I also used to think that I was more evolved than them because ""I spoke bluntly without sparing their feelings and such"" The thing is... I didn't know I was a 'mean individual'. Or maybe still AM.. So, now I am alone with my depressing thoughts trying to repent for something I didn't even realize I was doing I guess this is a pretty boring cheating ex-boyfriends with my best friend or my sister or something .. lol. Maybe next time......",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9533865451812744 2017-08-19 17:06:42,"Ok here goes nothing. I have been meaning to get this off my chest for a while. I have a weight issue, it didn't start in high school or college it started wen I was six or seven. My whole family is obsessed wid it, constantly telling me that I'm overweight and the gagillion problems that come with it. Hello me isn't blind, I can access the damn internet so I know what the hell u all think I'm oblivious to. But they never let it go and I can never forget it. And it's not like I'm so big I can't see past my belly or something. And so now I'm obsessing over it, to the point wer I get on a scale 4 or 5 tyms a day just checking I I have gained weight in the last two hours or something. Pathetic I know. Well I didn't kno who to tell, definitely not my family but not my friends either since I don't want anyone pitying me. I read somewhere strangers make the greatest confidants so here I am.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9930703043937683 2017-08-19 23:16:16,"I have a confession to make I am addicted to hacking my friends social media account, i am a person with an amazing mind ena i always figure out a way to hack their accounts, i really want to stop but i cant help me out.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9730957746505737 2017-08-20 13:55:13,"I gave up on every aspect of this thing called ""love"",..does it even exist? They say it does but am starting to think it doesn't! Okay that is it i cant say more.Thank you!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9817780256271362 2017-08-20 13:55:32,"Iam 18 yeard old and I have been through a lot in my life I was raped by my step dod when u was only15 years old I am living alone now and living with this guy that beats me n sexually abuses me...I dont want to.have sex with him Y",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9953870177268982 2017-08-20 23:22:54,That moment when your mom makes u feel like the ugly sister and offers every good thing for her cause she thinks ur worthless and she is more productive.and she leave a scare in your heart like everybody else who have let her down...I never thought u would be one too.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.964576244354248 2017-08-21 07:28:04,"I have a problem with lying. It's not major lies that hurt people or something. But ones that alter my reality. I feel like my life isn't that interesting to talk about so I make it the life I would have wanted to live. The problem is that my friends don't really know me and that I don't really know me either. It's I was so focused on what I wanted to be that I forgot who I am. Please help I don't know what to do. I have a problem with lying. It's not major lies that hurt people or something. But ones that alter my reality. I feel like my life isn't that interesting to talk about so I make it the life I would have wanted to live. The problem is that my friends don't really know me and that I don't really know me either. It's I was so focused on what I wanted to be that I forgot who I am. Please help I don't know what to do.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991243481636047 2017-08-21 19:00:43,I have never been sexually attracted to anyone and I am already 23! What should I do?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9956520199775696 2017-08-21 20:00:17,"Well I just feel like life keeps kickin me down and down and down and everytime i try to get back up and fight just never works for me, I have this stupid thought in my head that keeps telling me that its always not about me and that i should be a bit more passive at some conditions and here i am doing that but f*** it cause all i get is nothing but being unhappy with my life What should i do? How can I teach myself that it always doesnt have to be about making other people happy but also myself???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980903267860413 2017-08-21 20:09:03,"Where do i start... one day this girl sent me a text on Telegram and we started talking then she was really in to me, one time we were playing trust and dare ena she asked me if i liked her i said yes but i really didn't that much keza one thing led to another we started dating online. We haven't seen face to face we just send each other photos. Then she wanted to take our relationship to the next step but i said no because i am a good guy and i really don't believe the online thing is good and can work out, so i told her we should stop and she flipped out and told me i am like all guys who can't commit to a relationship and called me names but i acted like an adult and said nothing but i broke up with her coz i don't want to cause more harm to her coz i know this online thing will never work, so am i a bad person for doing that?",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9974513649940491 2017-08-22 09:38:17,"I am so angry just everything sucks rn okay? just everything I am tired of everything How can people be like this??? So stupid and so ignorant towards one another and now i want him. i want him just like i wanted him 4 years ago I want him just as bad and just as much and i'm breaking again. I am so stupid, why did i have to go to see him? he says i am like intoxication. does he even know how long it took me to get rid of him as my addiction?It took all of me. Piece by piece, i ripped myself apart to give place for this new me minus him and there he was yesterday, his mouth inches away from me, laughing with me, hitting on me. I cant function rn. I thought i'd be okay and it wont affect me and maybe it doesn't but right now it's hurting me. I wanted to kiss him when he had his face inches away from mine, but he is with her. how can he want me when he is with her?Will always be with her? He brings such a storm with so much of sunshine, I want to die. I truly loved him, he took a part of me with him. And now there he was with lust and god knows what. I cant blame him. He warned me. But I am stupid. And naive. And weak and not in control. AAaaaaaghhhhhhh. I hate this. I hate him. I wish i could erase him and yesterday too.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9865893125534058 2017-08-22 16:04:44,"To special person searching for that unique person i thier life: It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find a courage to let that person know how you feel. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet a right person we will know how to be grateful for that gift. A side thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you , only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. Giving someone all your love is not an assurance that love you back! Don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart. But f it doesn't, be patient it will grow in years.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9728220701217651 2017-08-24 04:59:14,"it's difficult sometimes, always sitting by the phone waiting for your texts. It can take up to hours or days and we can go weeks without seeing each other in real life but, hey, we're teenagers having a love unknown to the rest of the world. Keeping it silent, hidden, smashing every sprout of a rumour that comes up. *sigh* Love, I'm willing to sacrifice, but for how long…",love,POSITIVE,0.9764673113822937 2017-08-24 05:10:58,"i've had crushes before, obviously, and none of them have ever worked out – most of the time they're already taken or they're just not into me. i'm afraid that i'll never date. i would like to think that everything will turn out fine, but what if i end up thinking like that forever and i never do anything to start a relationship with someone? what if that turns into me just waiting desperately for someone else to make the first move and they never do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9959298968315125 2017-08-24 06:40:38,"Ive been talking with this girl for a while perhaps a bit longer time than i usually talk and through time we started meeting up and stuff, when i first started talking to her my plan was date and smash but when i started to know her bedenb she is an amazing girl so playing with her were out of the option and she started to text me that she miss me and yet she told me she loves me so i planned to tell her lets take it another level but at time i didnt know she was seeing somebody so being a perfect gentlemen i said nothing but now she is single i told her and she was like didnt see it that way n i was like go fuck urself cuz i hate being played but still she calls me..what should i do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9867362380027771 2017-08-24 07:48:07,"I love my boyfriend very much, and my best friend is equally important. Although they do not get along. My best friend just told me that sometimes he wants to push me away but he knows he cant because im what keeps him going. I dont know what to do about anything… I feel like im not good enough for either of them, they are both so great and important to me, i dont want to disappoint them. I love them very much, i just cant get a grip, but i dont want to let go. Im so confused. Im sorry if anyone reads this and doesnt understand or just thinks im whiny but i needed someplace to go to tell.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9932143688201904 2017-08-24 18:37:51,I think I am bi-curious. Does that make me bad? Because I've wondered what it would be like to be with another girl. Just the thought of it turns me on insanely. Is that bad?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987803101539612 2017-08-24 21:29:58,"I feel so pent up and angry that I want to fight. I want to punch walls and bite things. Do you ever get that? It's relationships that does it. I'd never hit my partner but sometimes I can see how people can get that angry that they would. You're being a fucking cunt, just apologise! It's not fair, not fair at all. Threaten me with leaving me I genuinely couldn't give a fuck. At the minute I'm supporting you and it's hard you don't get this. Well don't throw around empty threats especially before pay day",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9940863847732544 2017-08-25 08:40:30,Is it wrong to favor one parent over the other? Favor one friends over the other? Idk tell me please. I feel bad and whenever my friends' parents ask me who they like more (the mom or dad) i always laugh it off but seriously who asks that to someone who gets as uncomfortable as me! Also i hate when ur on the sidewalk and your friends decide to cut you out of the conversation and stand side by side so you cant stand next to them. I hate when that happens.,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981873631477356 2017-08-25 17:29:26,"I tnk I have a problem. I prefer to be alone with my thoughts instead of socializing. I am a loner putting it mildly, n I can't seem to be comfortable when I am out with my friends or people I kno. So much so that I find myself on several occasions sitting in a cafe alone, drinking my macchiato and typing away at my laptop. It doesn't usually make me sad or anything I actually enjoy myself but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to feel that comfortable with someone, to have a friend I don't feel awkward around. I can't tell if it's society pushing me towards those feeling or if I actually do mind being alone. It's wierd right? I tnk its wierd.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9936168193817139 2017-08-25 17:40:17,"I really need to get everything off ma chest . I have a boyfriend he is gonna be in university nxt year and am in high school so am thinking about breaking up with him. It's not about z distance only we might be in the same city next year gn beka I just don't feel like having a bf malet he is ma first bt I agreed coz I couldn't say no to such a sweet n shy boy he is like no other boyz I thought I wud feel z same through time bt I got no love for him so when he says he loves me I replay I love u too but that kills me because am just not feeling it.I just pity him I guss I know am not supposed to gn beka I just can't break him that's y I kept doing this but now I think it's time I listen to ma self and just stop it....don't u think so?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980371594429016 2017-08-25 18:13:44,"Have u ever felt like u were being left out. Like the whole world is in on the joke but u. I feel like people have lives that completely cut me out, even my friends. I feel like they talk and meet and have fun without me and any time I try to include muse there is little to no reply. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or if they actually don't want to be around me. Wouldn't they tell me if they didn't want me around? Or would they just keep pretending everything is fine making me feel like the crazy one. I'm really confused!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9966597557067871 2017-08-26 16:30:59,Wat the hell is wrong with me. A very cute guy I have had a crush on since forever actually wants to date and I'm all freaked out. He says he wants to meet but I keep turning him down. I guess I'm scared. This guy has the potential to break my heart and I can't decide if z risk is worth taking.,fear,NEGATIVE,0.8521937727928162 2017-08-27 15:26:09,"I like him. I mean he is my bf and he treats me like a fucking princess but why is he not the one that's on my mind these days. Why is it the other guy that plays in my brain. Why does a song, a book, a movie remind me of him and not my bf. If i tell him how i feel ik for a fact that he is going to make fun of me for being too attached.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9948970675468445 2017-08-27 16:42:30,"Honestly,um so fuckin in luv wid a cute,pretty girl she is more than muh ideal type n she kinda likes me too n i don't hv any experience in dating n stuff so un scared wt i will do when we meet n stuff n um also kinda shy type so um afraid i will make a mistake n regret it forever zts y um nt meetin up but i fuckun luv her so much i dont knw wt to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9617695808410645 2017-08-27 18:34:27,"So me and my friends were this really tight group and I had this boyfriend for like, 2 years now and we were happy and all that stuff. So my boyfriend is older and I got him to come to prom with me. Everything was fine and well until the next day. One of my friends (We were 7) was missing. We looked for her the whole day and we had my found her (And it was the morning after!) So I got really worried and I told my other friend to go to my boyfriend's house and get him to drive around looking for her since he was older and had a car. I went with my other friends and scoured the city looking for her. When I got back i find the friend I sent with my boyfriend with a bad expression. I asked what was wrong and she tells me that when she can knocking at my boyfriend's door, who else but to answer but my missing friend! In just a t shirt! The bitch has slept with my bf!! When my friend got inside, she saw my boyfriend eating cereal in boxers with bedhead. My friend slapped the bitch and she left to tell me. So a week later and that traitor bitch hasn't shown up to school. No matter, I still hated her guts. Anywho, that Saturday was TOA (taste of addis) and me and my fruends went and while we were just chilling, we spot my ex and the bitch grinding a little ways over!! How dare they show their face after what they did. So I got my guy friends who were with me to beat up that punk and my other friends took the girl by her hair and dragged her to where I was standing. We soaked her in beer and beat her up. That should teach her ro never mess with me. It felt good at the time but now I'm wondering if that was a good decision. So I wanted to speak out. Feel free to give comments on what you think.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963095784187317 2017-08-27 22:53:29,"Hmm okay so this is gonna be a long rambling about something that's not even a big deal and is also've been anyways i started texting this guy on messenger a few months back and then he asked for my number. I didn't really like the idea but i just gave him and we started talking on other social medias. He...well he was insane, but in a really good way( not sure if that makes sense). Anyways we just kept talking, everything he says i was so into it. So if he doesn't text for a day or two, i never text first so i would change my profile picture so he would start texting me(i know there are atleast a few ladies here who do everytime right). So he does and then as we kept talking i started to have feelings for him. It was strange for me cause i never had real feelings for anyone, well not for their personality, atleast not like this. Sometimes i would get angry at him for no reason, which i now realize is cause of the feelings. But the guy, i don't know how to explain it, every reply is makes me want him more and more. We both never mentioned about meeting up. Well there was a time he said he would do anything i want so we could fuck. But ofcourse i declined cause i'm the shy type. Anyways we used to sext alfo alfo but i kinda got uncomfortable with this one kink so i declined. Then after that he disappeared for a week( he's in college and in a stressful department). So after that i did something i've never done...i SMSed him. Told him i was worried. Seriously if you knew me this things would surprise you. Then after that i told him to get online. Then after everytime we stopped texting i would be the one starting the conversation. And he wasn't like he used to be. This is like 3 months into our texting. But still i kept falling for him, a guy i have never even met. After a while i got fed up of feeling like shit cause when he replied it was like i was bothering him so i told him to have a nice life. I know what i just said doesn't make sense but if i explained every shit it would be a book. So its been more than a month and a half since we stopped talking but i still can't stop thinking about him and i can't get every fucking conversation out of my head. I am like 99.9 percent sure i will never meet someone like him. I don't know what the hell i'm supposed to doi'm terrified that i'll never forget him",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9991618394851685 2017-08-28 00:59:01,"Am sad,so sad.I don't know how to defend myself.I always let people walk all over me.I have a lot to say,when I open my mouth it ends up being a word I never meant to say.then I feel bad,I always say""why,why did I say it."".I leave my feelings all bottled up and when I finally can't,I explode only to end up broke and sad.always sad.always hurt",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982525706291199 2017-08-28 19:51:01,"I kno I can't say this out loud ever for obvious reasons so I will type it anonymously I guess. I really don't like my sister! I mean I might even hate her. Everything she does annoys the hell outa me. Smtyms I just wanna scream at her to shut the fuck up. It's not just one thing it's the fact that she criticizes everything I do, that she is the most flaky person I kno, she doesn't stick to anything she decides on. She has something to say bout my weight, my cloth, my friends every single fucking thing. I mean get a life!!!! butt the fuck outa mine!!!!! Is that too much to ask???",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9986112117767334 2017-08-29 21:44:54,"Why the fuck has life to be this hard??? Why does God have to take away everything he gives me after i am already attached?? I dont need answers or anything, it just sucks to suck at everything, and also not knowing who is really here to stay",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992604851722717 2017-08-29 22:23:36,"Have u ever felt that everything is a vanity not only that but u sit there watching people nd u understand that u are so much different from them....what makes them excited do not have an effect on u..... Or u have so much in ur plate but when watching everyone living with excitment and u say to urself ...""u peoples dont have any idea what I have on my mind""...but u laugh with them always like nothing happens.....u dont have any feelings or any moral to continue ur life....nd the only hope that u have is God....nd u re waiting God with every possiblity of staying calm....This world sometimes makes u misereble",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9874704480171204 2017-08-29 23:20:57,"This is not really a confession but an answer to one of the confessions above. I know u said u didn't want answers but I couldn't help but give u one. It's is to my fellow human being up there that started the confession with why does life have to be this hard?. Life doesn't have to be this hard. Life can be beautiful. It all depends on us. Nd watever God gives u nd takes away from u he has his reasons. Instead of being pissed at him for taking a person away from u, u should be grateful that he gave u that person in the first place. Nd grateful that u had the time u had with that person however short or long that time may be. Nd abt not knowing who is coming in ur life to stay. I have bad news but that's hw it is. Nd that's hw it's always gonna be. U will never knw. Because u can't be sure abt ny body in this world. U can't even be sure abt urself. The only thing u can do is enjoy the moments u have with the ppl in ur life while they r still here. Nd the second is to do everything in ur power to make them stay. now ask urself ""have I really done everything in my power to make them stay?"" If the answer to that is yes. Then u have no choice but to let go nd move on. If it's a No. Then u have a Job to do. Nd if U think u suck at everything then it just means u haven't found ur thing yet. As the fish thrives underwater nd the bird thrives on the air. U just need to find ur version of water nd air. I knw it's easier said than done gin u can do it if u stop all this negativity. Nd start thinking positive.(I knw this sounds stupid but it works). Note: if ur confession was abt losing someone to death. Then I'm sorry coz my advice is way off. Except for the first part.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9823483824729919 2017-08-30 00:06:55,"Right now...i am the luckiest girl in the whole crush confessed to me....i am doing everything i want to do but above all i had kitfo for lunch and chicken for dinner After turning him down, I AM ABOUT TO EXPLOAD IN HAPPINESS AND AM REALLY FULL!!!What should i do????",joy,POSITIVE,0.9996249675750732 2017-08-30 08:27:25,"Have you ever felt like having a day off, i do but now i realize that i need them often. I made a decision to push that one person that understood me and maybe even liked me and now i feel like shit. He made me laugh but at the same time cringe from the taught of having him for only me. I'm just mumbling here so sorry for wasting your time and thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9959471821784973 2017-08-30 17:35:05,"I am tired of fake people And everyone is not real I am tired of every body gossiping about there Friends behide there backs I feel like I am the only one who sees this and it's really annoying And I I just want to get my self out of this ducking stupied thing Plus I don't get the fact y they act sweet towards each other this is so fucking stupid Uffff I just want to run away or idk Everything sucks like hell",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996035695075989 2017-08-30 19:20:26,"This is not a confession. But listen to all the people who are venting and confessing here. Somethings are simple in life, if you want them to be simple and they will drag on if you want them to. Everything is is a matter of choice and decision!! Choose the right thing! If you think you are doing something stupid, it's most likely that you are. If you choose that and you say my life is messed up or something like better wake up and make the right choice and decide!! Also girls, listen to me. We are wiser (I'm not just saying that it's a fact) so please be as you are. We should not be led by our hearts rather both by out heads and hearts. Look at your mother, your aunts or any other female figure you look upto. They do things after examining them critically. Be WISE!!!! Boys, make a smart choice. If it's a relationship you want, a good relationship (even if it doesn't last, one tht you can enjoy) go with smarter and emotionally stable girl. Take my advice and you will see. And once again: people venting about relationships....yes love exists! Where? Who? Whn? I really don't know. But I know that the right person may not come at 16 or 18 or 23 or even 25. Just because you went through a bad break up and the person was an ass it does not mean that love doesn't exist. Also it depends on the definition of love you have in your head. Be real when you define love. It's not Cinderella story and all those movie types neither is it gonna be like your parents and grandparents because things have evolved. Also also..... love has a lot of components and the older you get the more you understand about life and love. So..... If she or he is not right WALK AWAY! It might be hard at the beginning but it will heal. Time heals. So patient. Be WISE AND SMART LIFE IS ALL ABOUT THE RIGHT CHOICE AND DECISION.",approval,POSITIVE,0.9435482025146484 2017-08-30 22:00:34,"I think am avoiding everyone now. I dont even get out that much. But i hate myself for avoiding my frds. I love them but i need alone time with my self now. Is it a bad thing? I need to fix things this summer. Especially my love life. I feel like i need a man in my life not a boy if u know what i mean. A man who can take care of me. M sick nd tired of the fact saying i have a bf nd then we broke up cuz that boy hurt me. Is it too weird to want that kinda man??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9980660080909729 2017-08-31 09:50:14,"Am like to thar sewye and she's like lju altemecheshm am like he's sewye NOTE I WAS 17 AT THE TIME am likr he's older than you she's like so am like ur 14 years older than me. Bcha I got home yelled at mom how could you do this mnamn then here's the betrayal part SHE MY AUNT DENIED IT She said it was a coincidence and the hook up was all in my head and she had the nerve to be mad at me for embarrassing her...bitch pls. Before this incident me n her were like sisters she would consult me about birth control when I was 12 mnamn that close n now...n ene mekadwa new betam yegodagn beka alakm then mom comes n says that all I have are thoughts of men and that I assume they're all sexually interested oooh my mom also literally said I was whore. She saw a shirt which I had cut bcuz we have to wear both sweater n shirt in skl ena lesrsash endimechelsh blesh new alechegn ye geza enate. Oh PS though my dad has other kids they're in the U.S. and my mom's only child is me. I know I wrote a lot but trust me when I say this doesn't even begin to cover it. So I need all advice I can get. Other things you need to know about me are am very sociable, bubbly, strong af and through all this I still believe happiness exists idk if it's for me but it exists. 1 Can I forgive my dad and forget he tried to rape 2 My mom isn't willing to change wat can I do DON'T SAY THERAPIST 3 Whenever I see a shirt mnamn I borrowed from my aunt ende addis yamegnal ahun le eid hulum beteseb sisebaseb megenagnet mayker new mn teshalegn 4 Will I ever love like I did 5 Is moving abroad just to get away good? Yes am studying abroad not for b8r tmhrt just eyesheshehu new 6 All these things tlk influence fetrewbegnal will I ever be...normal? Sorry for the inconvenience but this channel is what I've been longing for. So please advice opinion and if u need advice am experienced I may be 18 but ik more than someone who's 81",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9610509276390076 2017-08-31 21:32:36,"--------------------------------------------------- Me and my mom were walking back home it was about mata 3:00 and just a few meters away from our home we encountered some dureyewoch and told us to stop.. we tried running but they caught us and took my phone and everything .. they didn't say anything to my mom and i was thanking God about that then told me to go ... Holding my mom. I said "" no take her phone and leave her alone"" but they didn't listen instead he took out a knife and when she saw it ... She told me to run ... But i couldn't b/c she's my fuckin mom ... He came at me and pushed the knife through my hand. I felt almost nothing at that time only my mom screaming and she was repeatedly saying run... Run... Run... At Tha time i knew they were going to kill me or something if i didn't run so i just keept running until i find help and people's on the road tot I'm a crazy person and just kept passing by. About my mom. they killed her ... probably raped her too by the time i got back she was laying on the ground half her clothes torn apart and i couldn't believe my eyes ... I still can't .. I'm sorry if it comes to the people who advised him as a shock but I have something to tell you. --------------------------------------------------- The story that he has been telling you is not actually his but rather his friend's. His friend is very shy and he couldn't ask for help himself. So the only thing he could do is help him in this way ... At first when he asked for his friend's approval he said no b/c people might not understand it as it happened like his dad. But with a help of some other friends we convinced him to share his tragic incident with people who were interested in helping out. But another problem came his friend was not willing to use his account so we made a deal ...he'll change his username and Name similar as his friend's and I will post his username saying he needed help and he'll forward him all the texts he got to him and send back his replys back to the sender, filtering all the inappropriate ones because he didn't wanna take any negative comments. So pretty much he was the guy in the middle. I hope you are not disappointed/mad at him ... His only intension was helping a desperate friend. And he is very thankful for all the advices you have given him. You can still send comments down here",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985079169273376 2017-09-01 10:23:59,"when I was 14 I did something wrong it maybe wierd but I did slept with someone bigger than me I always regret it it's the moment that changed my life forever it make me become lustful but now I'm struggling with it but I always have faith in God he will help me one day that's all",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9207823276519775 2017-09-01 12:58:19,"I am girl who is molested by their cousin brother when I was 8 years.. Now I wanna kick him..but he too have girl child... I pray to God that ... that baby girl should not suffer like me.. and To all girls be strong , be brave. .. to kick those bastaeds who touches u without your permission..... Take care",caring,NEGATIVE,0.866615891456604 2017-09-01 13:53:34,"I have the same feelings... ( as just the above confessor) .. I also want to comfort my dad with my soothing words... I want to tell him that I love him soooooooo much and I am just leaving this life for him (my dad) and my Mamma ... I want to make them proud ...",love,POSITIVE,0.9912880063056946 2017-09-01 15:44:57,"it might be long & boring but i need some advice so i will appreciate if uh keep reading it tnx ma story is .......i was dating my ex almost for a year but there was afew time's we broke up and made up before our real break up but since we broke up i couldn't forget her i dated one girl after her but i couldn't feel anything for her we live in the same nighborhood & i mate her at ma friends party & talk abit then i kissed her she was cool about it after i notice that i inserted ma hand through her bra she didn't do anything i was like wow then i take ma hand out of her shirt go down to her panties she was like there people seeing us so i was like ya i agree to but the wirdest thing is ma dick wasn't hard for the entire time after i notice that i grabbed her hand take her to the quietest room & what i did was her kiss her while thinking of my ex ik it was weird the most weirdest thing is ma dick was so fucking hard when i imagined ma ex while kissing her so i dated her for while & as i told uh we are in the same neighborhood so i could call her anytime & we talkd we kissed we laughed we did many things some of them i did them with ma ex but still i couldn't forget ma ex so i break up with her bcoz i didn't wanted to hurt her feelings & it has been almost year since i broke up with ma gf (the one i couldn't get her out of ma mind ) & i still love her & i can't be with her she's dating other guy & seems happy so i want to be happy with other girl too so what should i do um concerned???",love,POSITIVE,0.8293234705924988 2017-09-01 21:46:09,"I need help. Serious help. I'm a danger to myself. I can't think of anything other than self harm right now. I don't know who to talk to so this is my last resort. I don't know what's happening. I feels so dead but death wouldn't hurt as much. I drank today, for the first time ever. Just a few gulps. Just to give me the confidence to talk to those people that did this, I don't know. I am crazy. I have 0 self control right now. I don't even know why I'm writing just need something to keep my mind of suicide. My mom will die if she finds me dead. I can't do that to her. I have to take the pain. But I don't think I can anymore",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9942474365234375 2017-09-02 11:21:44,"Hi i am madly in love with u i want to tell u believe me i want to but u know that if u told u how i feel abt u we will never talk again and u r happy wiz your new boyfriend wow he is so lacky i mean he have the girl of my dream i will always 1st Love love u. What can i say abut u u r everything to me my whole life depends on u i dont know what i will do if smt happens to i love u i wish i could tell u n be together like we r in my dreams.....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9915739893913269 2017-09-02 13:26:00,"Maybe it's cuz I'm a pushover, maybe because I want everyone to like me but I can never seem to say no. I make plans to see a friend for lunch and if someone else asks me to dinner I'm like yea sure even if I'm super tired and just want to snuggle up in my bed. I never reschedule if it inconveniences me and worst of all is the fact that no matter how late they are imma still be there. I mean I should be able to tell em dude I have been sitting here for 45 fucking minutes it's so not ok but no I'm all sweet and smiley even if there is a fucking volcano erupting inside me. Anyways I thought I should write to you all since I have been sitting here for an hour now and no sign of my friends. It's so stupid it's funny now!",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9942724704742432 2017-09-03 07:34:08,"I hurt people. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I really do not want to hurt a fly but I just can't love the people that love me the same. I hear I'm a good person and a very marvelous friend but when it comes to boys I don't know, I just hurt them no matter how much I care. And it's usually the people that really care I hurt.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908961653709412 2017-09-03 08:27:28,Hi I really want to be happy.I don't want to associate it with anything I just want to be. I don't know how.,desire,POSITIVE,0.9750497937202454 2017-09-03 08:42:08,"*True situational Analysis of Life.* After Secondary School.. Some of our classmates have gone out of the country, Others have completed universities and are now Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Pilots, Lawyers, Administrators, etc. Some have married, Some have given birth.. . Some are dead, (Don't forget that too) And others are confined in psychiatric homes. Some are doing their masters programme, PHD, etc. Some haven't even gained admission into the tertiary institution. Some own companies, Some are now Directors and majority shareholders of huge companies. But how do you feel When you meet your classmate, and it seems like he/she has reached his dreams And you're not yet close to yours? So many thoughts runs through your mind. How about the one you meet on the street wearing dirty rags and feeds on the refuse dumps and drinks from the gutters? Do you get the same thoughts running through your mind? First God has not been fair to you. But don't forget some are also dead. Somehow feels like jealousy, its a normal feeling. But, You must not regret your life. We all are different And our path to greatness Is not same in distance. Some might reach before you, Some might reach after you But wherever level you are presently, Please keep trying to break limitations and move further. Celebrate the success of others, its an application for yours. Your friend buys a car now, Be happy with him/ her. Remember when you get yours, Theirs might not be the latest again. Life is not by competition, If not, We all will be born into one type of family, One religion and same in everything. Let the passion in you never quench the desire in you Keep it burning. What you pass through, Write it down because one day the world would be ready to read it. There's no height you cannot attain, Just believe. Define goals and recognize distractions. Spend time teaching yourself, Because the things that Mainly take people to the top Are the things They devoted time to develop. Don't be intimidated by your fellow's success, The sky is too wide That the birds can fly Without touching themselves. Value the small things That God brings And comes into our lives And love God And do the work of God. For with God, All things are possible. Now to those who are on top, Never forget to give a helping hand To those who are down. Life is full of uncertainties; The one you pull up today May be the one to hold your hand To prevent you from falling down. A piece of advice there. May our friendship grow From strength to strength, From grass to grace, From zero to hero And from Earth to Heaven. WISH YOU MORE SUCCESS IN THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. +ve Indian",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9059095978736877 2017-09-03 13:07:10,These days I'm really being tempted not like peer pressure but i wanna do them myself I'm gonna do them but there's this lil doubt inside of me,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9411900043487549 2017-09-03 13:32:58,"They say love is beautiful, complicated and hard guess all loves r like that it doesn't come in a book or in the perfect way from ur mom and dad or the perfect guy, love is just love it's something u give and not ask in return, it's something u do for someone who is important to u. That important person may be ur mom, dad, best friend, sister, brother, a freak cousin or even that asshole all us girls complain about but it's love what u did with that asshole or the perfect guy or the family member u had or still have it's all just love. That person might not stay whom ever that is but what u felt it's something that will be with u forever. Girls that asshole might not have loved u but u did and that all it matters I rather feel and get hurt than not feel it at all. So this is for everyone who lost there love might be a guy, a girl or a great mom or dad u felt it and it's so much better to feel something than not feel anything at all, am done complaining am not perfect or that am not good enough after all that's what makes us all human. I ramble to much I guess",love,NEGATIVE,0.9833025336265564 2017-09-03 13:49:54,I don't know why I push guys away.....I want a good stable relationship. ..... but as soon as something good is starting to happen ...I flee..what's wrong with me? Perhaps I don't know what I want....I tried but suddenly I get all awkward and cold and I push them away...what should I do? Is this a phase I'm going through or am I affection-phobic?? I need advice....feel free,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9993283748626709 2017-09-03 14:52:06,"K here it goes i am in my early twenties and my Gf broke up with me a couple of months ago and I can't seem to let her go couldn't sleep well, my grade's r down, Becka I couldn't function until a couple of weeks then i got this crazy Idea I am a V so why not just have sex I have surched many websites logged in more than I could count but doesn't seem to find one and it seems i lost control of myself.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994515776634216 2017-09-04 12:32:21,"I wanna die.. I am weak.. I can't do this anymore.. my parents don't know.. nobody knows .. I am ashamed of myself , I don't wanna be a coward but I am",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9968159794807434 2017-09-04 13:28:56,"I was sexually abused at the age of 9 and then raped at the age of 14. My parents don't know about anything . I am suicidal now , slowly killing myself. I have proved to be a coward . I hate myself for being so week",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998875081539154 2017-09-04 21:15:46,"I kind of feel jealous of my friends and it feels horrible I sometimes feel like I hate my mom tooooo much I listen too much to my fantasy life",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985565543174744 2017-09-04 22:09:13,I hate sex the extent of throwing up.....I really hate it....and guess what....I want to live hating it,anger,NEGATIVE,0.9986716508865356 2017-09-05 17:11:54,"Its not actually a confession i wann ask u something I've been confused about love i mean do you think love exist? Im a girl soon to be twenty been around few guys not in a relationship gen be jenjena stuff i play gen still feel alarekutm eskahun maqachewm they are player ena think saregew love as a word enji as a semete exist ayaregem beye demedemku What do you think??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9889107942581177 2017-09-06 11:01:16,"So am talking to this guy i met on randtalk...we haven't stopped talking ever since we started..we got rly close,calling eachother n problem is dat we told eachother we hv feelings for eachother ena am not sure if he feel de same way anymore..i don't even know if he really hv feelings for me...anyways i want to stop talking to him without any hard feelings in him or wat do think i should do??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9975417852401733 2017-09-06 12:55:31,"When i started college i had a boyfriend. I loved him too much. He was always willing to wait for me nd i was happy. Or so i thought. But halfway into my first year, i brokeup with him. I told him nd everyone i did it because he hurt me in z past nd i couldnt get over it. But that wasnt the case. I just didnt want to admit it myself. Here goes the reason. I met a rude tall boy in my new life and i hated him at first but anyone could tell he was interested in me. But then we started spending time together nd i slowly started falling for him without even realising it. But i guess i was too late. He made me feel alive. He made do things which anyone would belive insane but i loved them. I was truely happy. He brings out something in me that i didnt know even existed. He annoys me nd i annoy him even more. He is honestly the only person who can tolerate my annoying behavior. He has more pride than i do and its toxic. I am fire and he is my gasoline. We are bad for eachother but we are worse for someone else. I dont allow myself to feel these things because building up a shell around you is better than being broken to pieces everytime. But he shattered those walls nd i didnt even know it. He made me feel wanted just to brake me once again. Please tell me what to do. ------------------ i'm sorry for the length i just wanted to let all that out.",love,POSITIVE,0.9872589707374573 2017-09-06 16:03:48,"This is not only a confession, it's an admittance. And it's boring. I'm a mean person. See, now, we all have a mean side that comes out at the worst of times. Here's the thing, I'm playful, friendly, almost unbearably sarcastic, understanding and so on, I could keep on writing about my good sides all day (not really); problem is all those good characters are for everyone but my family. It's like hey I'm a nice person you wanna see, haha, not you fam. My family gets the crappiest side of it and unfortunately or otherwise it's not even deliberate. I have a bad day, well no worries, lil brother is there to take a shitload. I have a good day, why not say vile things to the nicest mom out there. Is the smart cousin asking an innocent question, better start an argument and start screaming. I'm constantly angry or on edge around them. It's as if I get off from topping the mean scale of the day. Somehow, I couldn't get past the teen moody, be angry at everyone (not everyone in my case) phase. Yes yes I know you think I'm taking them for granted. Maybe but I don't think so. I'm grateful to have them, I really am, cos I feel shitty after acting out like a teenager everday and tell myself just STOP. But then I decide to show how grateful I am by being a self absorbed asshole. (Geez boy, does that sound like an abusive partner who acts all sorry after inflicting pain once again). So another analysis of mine is that I'm actually entirely mean and none of my friends (or strangers) know that because the comfort zone is only for family that won't abandon you no matter how shitty you are. Analysis three is I'm angry at them subconsciously but subconscious isn't saying much (for the record it's a very functional family even with the dysfuntion of mine). If you made it to here, you either skipped a few sentences or I'm one hell of a writer, fine, I'm not but you're a patient one so ideas, insults, advises are welcomed.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9914715886116028 2017-09-06 18:22:55,"I stole 10,000 from my dad's account He still hasn't noticed",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983073472976685 2017-09-08 00:08:35,"I hate everything. I hate being a girl. I hate the world I live in. I hate the community I grew up in. I hate how selfish people can be. I hate love. I hate being left alone. I just hate every single thing. I hope this is just a phase. I wish I can see the good things in life again. And I wish I can stop faking my smiles. I wish people would stop leaving. I wish things could just be normal for me for a change.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9892370104789734 2017-09-09 02:47:40,"I dont know where else to put this so here. I don't even know if i want to get better.. I dont want to forget, i dont want to move on. I never cared that she didnt love me back.. I never cared.. I only wanted to make her feel loved.. She deserves to be loved like that.. I miss being near her its so bad. Its like bad poetry and a terrible story of a man too weak to stand up and say that he deserves that kind of love too. The truth is I am too weak to say that, i never believed that I did deserve that, and still dont know.. I keep getting told it is true, even by some part of my own mind but i dont beleive it. If i deserved to be loved why didnt she love me like that when i did nothing but show her how much i loved her.. I would give up anything to have her back next to me right now.. Cold and heartlessly laying with her back to me not letting me hold her warmly.. Just to be near her again i would give up anything..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9825921058654785 2017-09-09 06:14:03,"Hey i have a confession to make not rlly one gin anyways there is these guy i love we met in randtalk and things started to change malet. We felt something both of us and thenhe asked me out and were together the only thing is weve never met in person which is weird any asvises guy's These the only place i could come too so comments",love,NEGATIVE,0.995254397392273 2017-09-09 12:18:03,"Love being not kept in the loop with the simplest things. Like one text is all u gotta send & I don't gotta stay up waiting for u 2 call. It's bullshit that I can't have friends because they haven't met u yet and I know you'll be salty yet u can go out and have fun while I'm miserable everyday. At least u have a friend. I can't hang out with people in my class and they make me really happy because I feel like I can only be where u approve of and I can't go places without asking u first and what's the point when u don't answer my texts until hours later? There's nothing more embarrassing then saying ""wait let me ask my boyfriend"" to go out and eat lunch. But if I didn't you'd get suspicious and things won't ""add up"" and don't say u won't act that way because I know you will because I know you better then you know me. If something comes up that I've had to deal with before I know how you'll react if I said or did something. Yet you keep saying and doing things that you KNOW makes me uncomfortable or pisses me off or makes me in a bad mood then get mad at ME? It's not fair! You can't push my buttons then get mad when I cave in. It's not fair. It's not fair that I don't know how to talk to people or make friends because right in the prime of my social life, right when I was learning to socialize, you came into my life and not a year and a half later I'm depressed and my anxiety is back and you're not even trying to help me. And if you do ask ""how can I help"" and I say idk u get mad at me. Saying ""how do u expect me to help u if you don't tell me how!"" I'm lost. I've lost myself while trying to love you and I can't find her again. And I feel like I can't say anything to you because you'll get mad or flip it on me and say things I've done wrong even though this I'm not TRYING to point fingers it's just how I feel. Do you not realize that 99.8% of my life revolves around you? So chances are if something wrong it's because of u because that's all I do or think about. So when you don't text me back for hours, yet blow up my phone if I don't answer a call I wasn't expecting so I wasn't near my phone, yea it's gonna build up til I explode. Idc what you say that shit hurts me. It's not about how you ""sometimes text first"" it's about how when you don't text back all day, yet expect me to answer u in less then a minute. Then when I do I wait for hours for a response. Like Louis CK said, ""if someone says you hurt them, you don't get to decide they don't."" Then flip shit around on me because what I say makes you feel guilty. I'm too scared to say it to your face but maybe if you feel guilty it's because you know you're wrong. If you're feeling guilty most of the time then change how u treat me. You used to write me notes and text me all day and talk to me like I was the stars in the sky but now I feel like shit on your shoe not even worthy of a text or attention. And I need attention. Yea I said it I need attention. I'm an only child, but I'm an only child who's mother is working her ass off providing and sleeeping when I got home and wanted to play. I'm an only child with a father thousands of miles away who promised me for as long as I can remember that he would stop smoking cigarettes for me, yet still smokes to this day, and made me feel like he didn't even love me enough to keep a promise to his little girl let alone live long enough to see her grandchildren. Yet you've broken more promises then a glass thrown on a floor. Actions speak louder then words but your words are shit and your actions are even shittier. You always said how lucky you are to have me and that I'm the only good thing in your life yet you never try to keep me. I'm trying hard to hold on but i don't want to be in a relationship like this. Idk maybe my expectations were too high. I grew up watching and reading love stories and wanting even just a fraction of that. I guess I have to settle for an occasional note and empty promises.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9954808950424194 2017-09-09 16:09:28,"I want to die... because I think I am failed in life.. I am studying good ..but I want to study good and bring my parents peace in my case...but I am failing",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987362027168274 2017-09-09 19:28:28,I've changed a lot...I've said so many bad things and made people feel bad...but that wasn't what i meant to do....anyways i just want to say sorry to all...i wish they'd all understand cause i always do what is the best for them,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9973099231719971 2017-09-10 05:25:55,"I screwed up big time. I met what I believed was the perfect guy. He was too perfect though. Kept making me feel so insecure about myself because I was scared he would eventually leave me. I barely met him a few days and I fell so hard in love with him. But I never admitted it because I feared that I would get my heart broken. I personally believe in second chances. I screwed up badly to the point that he could never trust me again. We haven't gone on a date yet and I was just absolutely falling so hard to the point that I knew that I was gonna crash and burn and right now that's how I'm feeling. I wish he could forgive me for my mistake. I wish I could redeem his trust. I wish I could change the past. But I can't. I just gotta accept it, learn from it and move on. I miss him so much tho. I miss everything about him. I miss our late night phone calls. I miss the way he would make me smile everytime he would say the sweetest thing. I love him....I know I do. I just needed to say that...... And I hope to God he could forgive me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9920010566711426 2017-09-10 07:42:52,"Hide me identity and I wanna ask all of u for a big time advice. I have a bf and we been going on for three years know with a lot of fights like a lot and for 4 months we are really bonding and I really like z way we r but z problem is he doesn't get freaky or goofy or he doesn't kiss me he just gives me a hug or one kiss when we say bye to eachother, he says he is still shy very shy and I can't make the first move it's wrong since I'm a girl so how do I make him to get to make out with me or not make him shy????!!!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.8651760220527649 2017-09-10 15:23:10,"What do u do wen ur heart is just filled with hate! Wen u wake up angry at the world and go to sleep angrier. Every little comment infuriates u. I just want to punch through a wall, or smash something to bits and pieces. I don't kno wen this happened because I was happier once. I was cheerful and optimistic. Now all I want to do is numb my mind with music and never leave my room. Is this like a depression thing or something a lil more chemical?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9953241944313049 2017-09-11 00:00:08,"Happy New year to you all . May the new year bring you more happiness than the past and carve all your pain away.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9998447895050049 2017-09-11 17:05:27,"I have to vent. It's impossible this life! I did something that I regretted instantly. But I did it and well I will never be able to take it back. But the guilt is killing me. Like everytime someone looks at me I feel like they kno wat I did. I see the judgement in their eyes. Which is mostly paranoia I kno but i still feel the same way. I don't know how to make it stop don't kno how to get past it. I just want to forget it ever happened and get on with my damn life but it's always on my mind. Urghhh I hate being so damn weak!!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.6296002864837646 2017-09-12 23:26:50,"I have to vent. Some times I'm confused. I don't know wat I want. I find myself perusing this idea in my head and I'm never satisfied with what reality offers. In school, friends, love life or even family. I don't know why I'm like disinterested the second the chase is over. I don't know why I find myself doing more extreme things each day just to feel a little exhilaration. It's not drugs or anything, more like driving blind or dangling from high places. I want to be happy with what I get but my first instinct is always disappointment.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997418999671936 2017-09-13 15:17:05,"I need to vent. Don't you sometimes see the people you care for get hurt? Don't you just want to intervene and do whatever to stop it from happening? And what do you call it when they know the risk and go at it again, even though they have been there and hurt before? What do you do when you have given them all the advices they need but still still go to the blade that has their blood stains on it? How can your see them get hurt again and again and again but you can't do shit about it? It's just sad, very sad that people don't realize that their ignorance is making not only them but others that care about them get hurt. I don't wanna care but I do too. I don't wanna ask but I do. It's just sad that's it.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997287392616272 2017-09-13 19:26:40,"I need to vent. Woo my parents are in fucking believable. And please don't tell me I'm a brat for saying they want to keep me confined in my room for the rest of my miserable life if they could. I mean what is the point of all the mean glances and snarky retorts. They can never say what the fuck they want to but just say words like do you think it's right? Or don't u value ur future? Ok if I was out there doing drugs and sleeping around with anything that walks sure I'm throwing away my future. But the worst I have done is probably stay out till 8:00 pm sitting at a darn cafe talking and eating a damn chocolate cake. But no I must be snorting cocaine if I stay out after dark! Yea cuz 100 bucks a week as an allowance just aids my alcoholic self. Aaaaaaah I just wanna scream. Can't wait till college is over and I can move on the hell outa this country. Cuz we need an ocean between us for this relationship to work!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9957031607627869 2017-09-13 20:31:11,"I need to vent. Am tired of everything. Am tired of my feelings changing every time, am tired of being depressed, am tired of being sick, am tired of people looking at me like am retarded, am tired of dissapointing people, am tired of being a boring company, am tired of being the mood killer, am tired of hating my self, am tired of being alone, I am tired of people feeling sorry for me and most of all am tired of hoping that everything will change that things will get better when it clearly won't!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990699887275696 2017-09-13 20:42:37,"I need to vent. Well I don't understand this love thing. I have an answer for everything but this. I found the perfect girl in every way but pur only difference is culture and religion. What kind of world are we living in, why would it matter when we are all the same. I don't know what to do but sure will give it a try?? What is Love anymore!!",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9937159419059753 2017-09-13 21:57:00,"I need to vent. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (breath) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (heaving) I can't but I have to... Why do I have to... Why can't I not??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984462857246399 2017-09-13 23:23:56,"I need to vent. ""There is more to life than what you are feeling now,"" they said. I have been hearing that sentence for way too long now. I have been waiting for it endlessly. I'm slowly giving up. All the screams and the invisible tears... I wonder if anyone heard me... I wonder if anyone noticed that I am almost gone",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9924032688140869 2017-09-14 00:38:44,"I need to vent. The fact that I'm asking romantic relationship concerned question is lame as fuck but I don't know anyone who can advice me with out being biased. So I'm sorry in advance for y'all with real problem out here. My question being, Is it OK for boyfriend(girlfriend) to be friends with your ex-bestfriend ? The ex-bestfriend being someone you never want to have in your life ever again, because they are a toxic to you and people around them.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9973472356796265 2017-09-14 20:16:33,"I need to vent. So I don't know how to say this to any of my friends cuz they all think I'm a happy go lucky kinda person. Well that's not exactly true yea I smile constantly but most of those smiles aren't genuine, just trying to convince myself that I'm happy just the way I am. Truth is there is a lot I want to change in my life but every time I start to a snide comment from my family or a tease from my friends just brings me back to square one. I'm tired of starting over every time I want to be happy with myself so I can experience life to the fullest. I just don't know how to tell the people in my life that words hurt and especially when they come from people you thought had ur back no matter what.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.986335277557373 2017-09-14 20:43:33,"I need to vent. I am not going to tell this to someone it is gonna be weird sooo.. I don't know but I saw a guy and a girl making out right beside my house. My innocent eyes . Yeah this is my first time watching by my two eyes. and it was disgusting for a first time",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9907735586166382 2017-09-14 21:50:36,"I need to vent. I know kids my age usually only have little crushes, but I love him, like seriously love him. Like I would jump in front of a car to save him. I've loved him for five years, and and some point I know he liked me back, but then his feelings changed. When he broke my heart, he did it in the nicest possible way so that I still love him for being such a beautiful soul. It would have been easier if he had been a jerk about it. He caused me to do self harm and have scuicidal thoughts after he broke my heart, but I still love him so much. I don't know what to do, because I want to hate him, but I can't because I love him so much.",love,POSITIVE,0.9985608458518982 2017-09-14 23:48:50,"I need to vent. I can't fucking take this anymore. I love my boyfriend dearly I really do but he says the meanest things just because he's not thinking before he's speaks. For example, tonight he told me I was a nihilist. I know damn well I'm not. I'm strong in my religion and I try my hardest to live in such a way that I'm proud of who I am and so is God. I am not perfect. I have made major mistakes in life and some have cost me a great deal. He has no right to make snap judgements about me or preach to me like he's better than me and on a high horse. He judges me and my family. I never claimed perfection and my family is far from it as well but they're perfect for me. He blames my mistakes on them when it's me who made the choices I did. I AM NOT PERFECT. I WILL NEVER BE PERFECT. IM NOT GOING TO BE THE PERFECT LITTLE WIFE YOU WANT. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE PRESSURE THAT PLACES ON ME WHEN YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT HOW IM GOING TO BE A WONDERFUL MOTHER WHEN I DONT EVEN FEEL LIKE IM DONE GROWING UP MYSELF. I AM 19. I HAVE SO MUCH GROWING AND LEARNING LEFT TO DO. ALSO HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND NOT TELL ME HOW I NEED TO START READING MORE OR IM GOING TO GET STUPID JUST BECAUSE I READ BOTANICAL WRONG. WHO THE FUCK MADE YOU THE FUCKING JUDGE YOU PRIDEFUL SON OF A BITCH. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH AND BEEN IN THE DARKEST PLACES WHERE I DONT EVEN WANT TO KEEP GOING BUT I PULLED THROUGH. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME WHEN I AM GIVING LIFE ALL I HAVE. WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ALL OF THE SHOTS. WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO BE A STAY AT HOME MOM LIKE YOU PLAN. WHAT IF I FIND A CAREER I TRULY LOVE AND I DONT WANT TO GIVE IT UP. I WANT KIDS BUT IM NOT READY RIGHT NOW. I NEED TO FIND ME AND YOU NEED TO BACK THE FUCK UP. Ugh that's what I want to say. I feel less mad now so I'm done.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9914960861206055 2017-09-15 08:05:27,"I need to vent. I thought that i could trust her after all those things she did for me. But maybe i was wrong. Maybe she'd do that to every nigga out there!!! Itz stupid if ur girl doesnt have self control...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991752505302429 2017-09-15 08:08:11,"I need to vent. (Well technically I'm just here to say kind words to those who are suffering, I will vent when the time comes) one of my best friends just sent me this channel. :) Good morning! Today is a new day! :) Let's try and stop beating ourselves up and enjoy the day with a sense of self worth! Don't forget each and everyone of you are loved, unique and beautiful in every way! You're heading somewhere great! Doesn't feel like that but it's true. Don't give up ;) Never give up! So put on your favorite dance song and jam to it until you shake it off :) Have a great day y'all",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9990110397338867 2017-09-15 15:14:01,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Okay, So am gonna let it all 20 with good figure & cute face but still hadn't been in a serious relationship. To be honest I was just thinking if I am gonna be single all my life cause am rejecting all the boys around me. I am lookin for the perfect guy which we all know its existence only on tales or romance movie. Please U guys help me cause this thing is sinking me in a heavy depression thinking that nobody wants me. Help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9943321943283081 2017-09-15 19:24:37,"I need to vent. i need an advice about love coz I think am feeling it",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9945021867752075 2017-09-16 06:41:21,"I need to vent. This is for y'all good hearts out there. We all know it's not possible to please EVERYONE but you still try to please as much people as you can, you go out of your way and do it not realizing that it will soon kick back on you. You think the world lacks goodness and you try to balance the bad with you're good but deep down you know it's not possible and it will only hurt you at some point. So STOP. No one should be more valuable to you than yourself and especially not a whole bunch of the society some you don't even know. You're not any different from them all. You too have your shit. You too suffer. Why the fucking hell does it get so freaky when its someone else that gets problems and not you!?!? We all have our share of shit and you had your own. So let people deal with themselves. Stop fucking intruding.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9725616574287415 2017-09-16 11:34:48,"I need to vent. i used to always think everybody thinks about eachother but not me. but i have realised that its just that everyone is so selfish to care about anyone else.i never knew how to be selfish and care about my self. i gave my all to this somebody with out even thinking to look back at me. i gave it all. i have now realised that he needs to figure his shit out and come back if he ever gets ready. im keeping strong and keeping my distance. im giving me some me time..i think im doing the right thing.",realization,POSITIVE,0.9639506340026855 2017-09-17 06:03:53,"I need to vent. Don't listen what people think cause u will lose yourself for them and do what u want as long as u live.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985063672065735 2017-09-17 11:54:01,"I need to vent. I need advice. Ppl keep telling me that I need to be a lil less shy and a lil more outgoing. Well it's not like I chose to be that way, I just can't help it. Any time I meet new ppl my mind goes into overload and I end up being mute. I can't speak I can't even look at them. I will probably find a hiding spot an fiddle with my phone, which is super rude I now know. But texting or writing stuff is simple, maybe it's because of the fact that I can't delete and rewrite it like I did to this vent or maybe it's because I am not exactly using my voice but it works. Problem is I can't exactly meet ppl at a cafe and text them while eating some chocolatey delight. So help me pwease, tell me if there is a button I can push, because I seem to have lost the manual to this body.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9949235320091248 2017-09-17 17:18:14,"I need to vent. i dont think anybody in this world understands me for real lyk i dont know why ...i say one thing nd they think the worst...but i really care about them... nd i hate myself everytime they think lyk that...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.5861335396766663 2017-09-17 20:00:59,"I need to vent. Sometimes, I fucking hate how this world works and how most of the things that happen to me, are not my choice.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9990150928497314 2017-09-17 20:01:50,"I need to vent. You feel it's aight not to say anything You feel like it's not right to trouble others with ur worries You feel like every time you complain, it will get worse n worse You feel like the best way to get over all the things that get to happen to you are God's way of testing your faith and strength You feel like you need to be stronger by the day to overcome all the troubles You feel like you are responsible for what you get to feel about everything that happens to u But Just someday Someday n for some minute I really do want to scream and cry : cry and scream and put my heart at ease But still i feel Everything will be okay : ifnot soon, atleast someday",neutral,POSITIVE,0.990900993347168 2017-09-18 07:46:51,"I need to vent. I can't win in this whole relationship bidness! I can't seem to understand what guys want from me, we talk and hang out and it's all good but I never seem to feel like there is a connection. I don't kno if I'm scared but I always end up pushing for being friends. I don't understand men...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9908870458602905 2017-09-18 08:54:02,"I need to vent. Hey guys I really need advice, I met this guy in class and I fell for him instantly. I know it seems like I'm making it dramatic and stuff and I'm not he's the most nicest guy I've ever met. He handled it better than anyone i ever met when he found out (accidentally) about me having anxiety issues. But he left the country and we still chat I don't know if we're flirting even though it seems like that sometimes. And I don't want to tell him anything because a. I don't know if were that close yet and b. I don't want to lose our friendship if it turns out that he doesn't like me back. Plus we have mutual friends back here and what if he tells them I don't want things to get awkward.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9972002506256104 2017-09-19 00:42:26,"I need to vent. It's my eighteenth birthday and I can do is cry over a boy. I have gotten to know boy over the past six months and he has helped me through a lot, from potential parents divorcing to dying grandparents to family drug addictions. He is always there no matter what time of day, even when I text him at 4 am he was there to help me (I was also there for him (I hope)). I don't think I was too needy. Since he goes to a different school I saw him once a month. We would have our nightly chats to talk about our days and if we didn't feel up to talking we had a sign so I don't think I was too needy. And if he needed me he would text. Once he was under the weather on the day we were suppose to meet for the end of the month but he can anyway just cause we wanted to see me. We had our little jokes for each other and we got along with each others friends, but we didn't start to become friends we met and instantly liked each other, so naturally we flirted and eventually we went on a date. The date is a horrible amazing story for another day. After the date which didn't go great but not worth ending everything for, I texted him for nightly chat and he replied but the next few days his responses got shorter until I gave up. Then two weeks after we went to a party of a mutual friend. I kept my distance so he could be with his friends. It casually chatter but he kinda ignored me. He got pet and would send me pics cause we would talk about it prior but after a few days he stopped and we went say to no talking, now a month later it's my birthday and he was informed a few times but hasn't said anything and I just want it to stop, the hurt. Cause he's just a boy but he means so much and I hope I meant something to him.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9874316453933716 2017-09-19 01:58:21,"I need to vent. I screwed up big time. I met what I believed was the perfect guy. He was too perfect though. Kept making me feel so insecure about myself because I was scared he would eventually leave me. I barely met him a few days and I fell so hard in love with him. But I never admitted it because I feared that I would get my heart broken. I personally believe in second chances. I screwed up badly to the point that he could never trust me again. We haven't gone on a date yet and I was just absolutely falling so hard to the point that I knew that I was gonna crash and burn and right now that's how I'm feeling. I wish he could forgive me for my mistake. I wish I could redeem his trust. I wish I could change the past. But I can't. I just gottal accept it, learn from it and move on. I miss him so much tho. I miss everything about him. I miss our late night phone calls. I miss the way he would make me smile everytime he would say the sweetest thing. I love him....I know I do. I just needed to say that...... And I hope to God he could forgive me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9904172420501709 2017-09-19 09:17:42,"I need to vent. Once I met a guy, we have been talking more than 2 month and one day he told me that he loves me but I just said nothing he keep in telling me this and I told my best friend about this she told me to accept and be with him cause I may fall in love and when the moment I was thinking abt this a girl texted me... That he stop talking to her. And if I could make them together. When I asked her who can I call she told me her name and she is his girlfriend. I said owk and tell him this he talked to her and apologize. Then he said thank u to me. I couldn't hold what I want to say so I asked him to tell me the truth... Actually he is the worst guy he told me he loves both of us. By that moment I have nothing to say so I switched my phone for 3 days and after I get back I saw he texted lots of things. Even tho I was so angry I try to forgive and forget. He keep talking to me. He always make mistakes and I was tired of forgiving. He always get so angry with tiny mistakes. I was tired of all this staff. After that I start living my life in different way. I stop caring abt any one except me. And once I told him to stop calling me with my nick name which he usually calls me and call me by my real name he said lots of staff but I said I don't care say what u wanna say and he said stop talking to me I did. His gf is still talking to me about their problems can u please advise me cause am tired of this whole staff",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992561936378479 2017-09-19 11:41:57,"I need to vent. I'm looking for some help. Psychiatric help, but my parents can't know since they will blow it out of proportion. They will be too worried. I just wanted to kno if there are any places in Addis that provide this service at a fair price? Can anyone help?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993915557861328 2017-09-20 18:20:39,"I need to vent. There's this person I've had hella feelings for, for a while now. But whenever I tell them that I like them, they like another. And each time my heart breaks even more. I gotta stop making a fool of myself in front of this person. She's so beautiful and kind and funny and adorable and perfect. She's everything I've ever wanted, but in her eyes, I'm not what she wants. And I understand why. It's because I'm ugly, I'm a dork, I'm fat, I'm petty, I'm not even funny, I don't look as good as the people she likes. I try so hard to be there for her but when I talk to her she seems so happy with another and talks about them and it hurts a lot. I just wish she knew how much I love her. I really do love her, so much. I wish I didn't though, because I wouldn't be hurting as much. The worst part is, it seems like she enjoys my pain. Then it seems as though she gets mad at me for expressing my feelings, especially for her. I'm so sorry babe. ""K."" No longer will I ever enjoy seeing that word.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8568834662437439 2017-09-20 19:45:41,"I need to vent. Hi. I won't say how old I am, but I'm probably younger than you might think I am. I'm going to tell you the story of my obsession (even though you don't care, this is literally just so I can vent). So, first off, my obsession resolves around creating accounts (usually social media) pretending to be someone that I'm not. But no, I don't take a picture of a random girl and say that's me. I use my face, but I change my name and personality. Out of all the social media accounts I have made, they are all fandom accounts, so it's not really ID theft (that's a different vent). Anyway, I keep getting caught with these accounts. But I keep coming back because I have made some very special online friends. It's so hard to deal with… I wish I could just have an account in peace that my parents know about. Well, that about closes up this short vent.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9969634413719177 2017-09-20 22:36:17,"I need to vent. I wanna die ....a guy promised me love he told me he loved me n it took me time to believe him ..then when I finally fell hard I needed one insurance so I lied n told him that I don't think we will work n all..... Then ,.... he said hurtful things to me n even made it so that I won't see when he is online....does that mean he doesn't love me right he was liying right?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988798499107361 2017-09-20 22:41:36,"I need to vent. Adding to what i just sent ....I need advice should I just ignore him or should I try to apologise is it my fault?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9996163845062256 2017-09-20 23:32:56,"I need to vent. I'm a girl....a girl who thought she would find a guy to love and have a fun and cute relationship she always dreamed of .....that guy found a way through my life when I was most hurt he begged me to let him in bt after sometime I did and it was such a dream come true for quite a while bt then that guy started showing his true colors he was a player afterall he cheated on me bt he somehow managed to tell me after I saw a hickey on his neck what he did crashed me like it shattered me into pieces while he was all fine after a while he tells me he decided to get back with his ex with is also his first love they broke up recently and we got in touch again we started texting and stuff bt I'm still dead in love with him bt I'm also scared that I might get shattered again what do you think I should do...?",fear,POSITIVE,0.5080273747444153 2017-09-21 08:11:03,"I need to vent. I don't like it when people tell me they like me... I just dont. I feel like they're tryna play me or they're just saying that so i wouldn't be scared. But he was different. I showed him my true colors and he stayed but i left i pushed him away in fact i pissed him off. He is different from the guys ik he is so hidden but at the same time knows what words to use if he opens up. But why do i keep doing this why do i always find a way to kill shit before it even grows.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9942041039466858 2017-09-21 08:25:40,"I need to vent. I started this relationship, and all we do is the benefit type, but things started to change a while back, our conversations are different, like we r in a real relationship. Do I confront the person and ask what we are or do I just keep going? Please comment",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9895358681678772 2017-09-21 11:42:52,"I need to vent. Hate my life so fucking much ........for people I'm that girl who is rich has a Perfect family has everything she wants n is happy but I'm not my family is far from perfect mom lost her mom n now she is in silent mode she doesn't even look at me ....sometimes i think she blames me for he moms DEATH my dad is a cheating fuck......he cheats on my mom with this little younger bitch n she even knows he is married what kind of person does that god !...n my sister's r all in bitch mode ever since my grandma died everyone has changed I have no one to talk to even my own best friend makes up reasons to not talk to me ....i have nobody fuck it's not even worth living anymore",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9987187385559082 2017-09-21 12:17:08,"I need to vent. Well my life is kinda mom left us when i was 4..she remarried had dad was an alcoholic... but he was my mentor my father and my world.then suddenly he got sick bc of all z drinking..i was 15 time passed he got worse.she never bestfriend who later became my boyfriend was z only person there for me...shortly after zat he passed away..i had to move in with my mom..i hate it here..she tries to b z mother she never was..after my dads death i cant think.. i cant eat i cant im 16..and my boyfriend said he wants more than just talking..then we broke up..a few weeks later he asked my bestfriend(a girl) out..and they r together now..z only person i could ever talk to was my dad...i dont know wat to heartaches so bad",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998838484287262 2017-09-21 12:28:26,"I need to vent. Hey Just wanted to get this out... My life is not awesome, it's like all of you. And yet I am thankful every day. And all you people who always talk about the horrible silly things in your life please get a grip.",desire,POSITIVE,0.971244752407074 2017-09-21 13:56:09,"I need to vent. I don't kno why ppl find the need to lie. Why is it that they say one thing and do the complete opposite. If you tell me to trust u and that ur my friend I expect u to BE MY FUCKING FRIEND. Not stab me in the back, that's just being a fucking hypocrite and an asshole. So TRUST ME wen I tell u this. Don't ever trust blindly, I will now go with the motto guilty until proven otherwise!!!! To all u ppl out there that think ur the shit just cuz u lie and get away wid it. KARMA IS A BITCH Named ME!!!!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9979069232940674 2017-09-21 16:05:10,"I need to vent. I am the most stupid person ever ... I loved a girl and now can't let go off her been 4 or 5 month and I still feel the pain like new every morning. I wish she would hate me say she doesn't wana see my face ever again maybe that would have been better .. I know she loves me still and I do too but she cant bring her self to fight for the love we have and every time i meet her I don't know what to do say or be I am lost last time I was freaking out and she said I kinda pushed her away I didn't mean to .. when we talk I always try to bring us back together but last night I think it was the end... I really hate myself for loving her",love,NEGATIVE,0.9955059289932251 2017-09-21 16:16:13,"I need to vent. I keep pushing every body around me and it keeps getting worse i dont know how to express my feelings so people think i am cold how can i open my self up",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992509484291077 2017-09-21 18:17:24,"I need to vent. I hate myself, the way I look, the way I talk, the way I make people feel. I feel inadequate, how can I love others wen I can barely tolerate myself. Every morning wen I look in the mirror I just see flaws, weather it's my skin, my body, my hair, my smile. Everything seems fake like I don't kno the person staring back at me. I don't kno how to stop it, it just keeps getting worse every day.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989622831344604 2017-09-21 18:38:33,"I need to vent. ... I'm a guy & a university student. I've never been stable in my religious life (guess it's got sth to do with the way I was raised) …I'm an Atheist now (i dont hv issues with anyone's belief) but I dont know hw that's going to affect my future life with girls..... Most of my friends know I'm an athiest n none seem to hv issues with it but i dont know what to expect from girls i meet... I dont know hw to bring it up...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9971565008163452 2017-09-21 18:56:39,"I need to vent. So my problem is I've got many insecurities. Mainly my looks. I hate everything about me. I feel ugly and am overweight which makes it worse. I just can't control my weight. I always try to make a difference but am sooo lazy so I keep failing. If I continue like this am gonna give up everything coz what can I do with 0% confidence? Can you guys recommend anything I can do to change that?? Plsss",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996131062507629 2017-09-21 19:50:50,"I need to vent. Just need to let this out, sorry if I'm troubling y'all... i may sound like a weak complaining bitch. All my life i never really wanted anything. Everybody's suppose to have a dream I don't, sure i love music but i don't want it to be my life I have accomplished nothing, i feel empty. I'm just going to the routes that are available and seem like the most easy...i never wanted any of it No matter how hard i try to look at it, at the end of the day...We're all alone! I don't know what to do! Any advice is welcome!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946904182434082 2017-09-21 22:09:25,"I need to vent. I am so sorry for being like this. I just can't accept the fact that I have lost you. You were my life. You were the reason I get off bed. Seeing you this unhappy is my worst nightmare. I wish I did more to make you happy. Yanchi fikir neber le'ene hiwote. I just feel worthless. Suicidal. I love you so much enat. Egzabher Yawkal!!! Maybe someday somewhere somehow we will fall back in love again.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9990455508232117 2017-09-21 22:13:51,"I need to vent. How can I say this....I'm lost, crazy lost, I felt like I had this under control and my life would go according to plan but nothing is going the way I wanted it to. And as I try and adjust to the new roads I'm taking cuz of all the L's I take every night it switches up and drops me. I need some help but can't get it seems like no one understands.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994426369667053 2017-09-21 22:46:14,"Hey guys, the advisor bot will be down for some hours. Sorry for the inconveniences.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.999426007270813 2017-09-22 08:50:11,"I need to vent. So there is no more u in my life again. You kinda played with my feelings too you know. Its like ur confused about us right? One minute u want me next minute u change your mind. But even though i know all that i still can not hate you at all i still like you. But since we can not be together i wanna stop wanting you. Just know that if you had told me all the reasons u told me other than changing what u want we would have been together. But u blew it. Thank you big time. You know who u are.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9588695764541626 2017-09-22 09:49:15,"I need to vent. I HATE SLEEPING .. i mean i love sleeping, who doesn't ? but i can't sleep early like normal people's do. Mostly I don't have any thing to do after midnight so i just seat in front of a mirror and look at myself for hours.. I know it's really weird especially the mirror part. I've told some of my friends about my problem and they suggested me to watch a movie instead of staring at myself. I was trying it for some time but it didn't help... I just leave the movie open and go back to staring at myself. My parents saw me do that a couple of times and they were worried so now whenever i hear footsteps i run back to my bed pretending that I'm not awake. Should i visit a doctor ?? Please help. Am i really the only one with this kind of problem ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975141286849976 2017-09-22 13:37:41,"I need to vent. I'm a woman who has seen some ups and lots of downs but I'm naive as well cause I haven't used the knowledge I acquired through life. There's a saying that I love which reads Knowledge is knowing how to use a gun; wisdom is knowing when to use it and when to keep it holstered. Does that make sense? Okay after saying that, as a woman who has dated my fair share of men. I ought to understand some of their behavior and what's the hidden meaning of their words but I don't. I mate this guy who's intelligent, funny and kind, I'm sapiosexual BTW. I liked him but he was the first to say so. I didn't have strong feelings at first but then he started acting all hot and cold, playing with my emotions; I don't think he intended to do that. We kissed which was magical and full of passion. I'm old school so that meant a lot to me. After that, he said he wanted more and I told him No. I didn't say no cause I was a virgin, I was a victim of sexual assault when I was a lil girl and I'm still in therapy for it. I said No cause I'm afraid of sex and it'll take a whole lot of trusting that person for me to do it. After I said NO, he said he can't be with me cause he can't love me as much as I deserve and that he's still in love with his ex. I stopped all contacts with him but I miss him, I miss him a lot. Should I call and tell him I want him in my life and he can hurt me cause pain is the only real feeling I know. I'm dying inside, not because of him but because of the sum of all the shits life has served me. I need to feel something.",love,NEGATIVE,0.981351912021637 2017-09-22 13:37:42,"I need to vent. So here is the shit. I fucked up but i always fuck up so thats no news but i just cant help myself. He makes it look so easy so fun so not scary to like someone. But me on the ither hand I'm confused asf. Idk what to do or say. I have no shame when it comes to him. I need him to tell me to stop to tell me to leave but he wont even though i begged him to. I want him soooo bad but yet i feel like running away. What am i supposed to do. How do i tell hirqmz",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9768730401992798 2017-09-22 19:05:26,"I need to vent. I love my mom so fucking much ....she is my life n my stupid dad is cheating on her ! N I wanna kill him,,....should I?....or should I make him leave?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9859246611595154 2017-09-23 14:47:45,"I need to vent. Hello all... Mine is not a vent but rather a message to the people in this channel that comment on people's vents. I just want y'all to keep in mind that your words could make or break the person, if that person has chosen this means to pour their heart out they deserve proper response or even words of comfort... nothing else .....Just a thought..... Thank you...",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.7087341547012329 2017-09-23 15:16:17,"I need to vent. Well I'm a girl and I can't go out of z house a lot and that is kinda affecting my relationship with this guy and I really love him he is my hart he feels z same way to but get really shy around me and I need an advice on how to make him make out with Me and get out of z house more often",love,POSITIVE,0.9934231638908386 2017-09-23 19:44:12,"I need to vent. I am trying my best to keep my friends but i can't tell them my darkest secret I wanted to trust them but every time I tried to spill it out I will feel all my pain again and I can't help it but cry I know they all feel there is something but they don't push it at all but I want to tell them but I can't so I don't know what to do please help me !!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9893534183502197 2017-09-23 19:51:13,"I need to vent. Okay. So my best friend's ex is trying to ask me out. I mean it's been a yr now since they broke up but I'm not that girl. Loyalty comes first. Or so I thought.... My crush took said friend out for dinner on her birthday and she ddn even give a second thought to my feelings. Funny thing is before that, when it was my birthday and her ex asked me out, it wasn't even a question I'd consider saying yes to. I thought they had this rule somewhere in the Girl Code. I guess not every friend reads the book well.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.997829258441925 2017-09-23 20:09:47,"I need to vent. My ex is still trying to get to me but I already had been over him a long time ago and I have told my best friend it's okay to make a move on him because I don't care about him but now he is threatening me about hurting my best friend and i don't know what I should do so help me out !",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970399737358093 2017-09-23 20:45:38,"I need to vent. I used postpil like for 5 times in a year and today to I am going to take 1 more but I promised my self no to it again....but now I am afraid that I couldn't have a baby bcuz of this",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9978429079055786 2017-09-23 21:17:14,"I need to vent. So this is the deal, one of the most awkward moments happened ... I run in to my ex gf last weekend we haven't seen each other [no text no call] in over a year now. And it was so hard for me 2 say hi but she saw me and came to me and said hi talked 2 me for a while... made me feel all those feelings back again the awkward hugs, me trying to act so cool, the way she smiled at me made me feel like I was meeting my crush for z first time. I don't know if I was just feeling nostalgic or something else. And now I can't stop thinking about her WHAT'S DID SHE DO TO Me... Does this feeling ever go away?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8000153303146362 2017-09-23 22:34:04,"I need to vent. This is not a vent but an advice for the girl that just vented but didn't have the comment option! POST PILLS ARE NEVER THE ANSWER!!!! THIS IS TO ALL THE GIRLS OUT THERE!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY PILL!!!!! EMERGENCY!! Read that again and again and again!!!!! EMERGENCY!!!! PLEASE!! Take care of yourselves and your bodies! At the end of the day you are the one who's gonna suffer the consequences!! Yes he might be there he might love you blah blah blah but you're the one with a uterus!!! You're the one that's going to be bearing the baby. Post pill has a lot of consequences if taken more than 2 times the maximum. And if we speak of the quality then even once is a risk. If you're sexually active go to the clinic (you can go to Marrystops or any other clinic that provides the services) and use one of the contraceptive methods! Also if u have a boyfriend TAKE HIM WITH YOU. If u cannot do this then honestly you clearly are not ready to have sex. Girls please it's not an advil or a paracetamol!! Whenever you think of taking a post pill better yet whenever you think of having an unprotected sex think of your future!! Think of all the possibilities. You are the one that's going to take the pill which is going to affect the blessing you have, bearing a baby. Post pill can affect you in a way that you can never imagen. Go research about it. Ask a health officers. Do not rely on the freaking pill. Respect your body and yourselves!!!!! Respect the future you are going to have and don't ruin it better yet embrace it!!!!! For the love of God just think for a minute. Again it's a freaking EMERGENCY pill and not a contraception method rather something to rely on.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9931546449661255 2017-09-24 10:59:21,"I need to vent. Okay so im one of those girls who was real late getting into the dating game. My parents were kinda strict about going out in highdchool so there wasnt a lot i could do. I got into my first relationship in college. I met the most amazing guy... He was handsome, funny and sweet and everything else. But due to my lack of experience, i fucked that shit up. I had problems opening up to him, and i wasnt as supportive as i could have been. He was patient for a while but then we started talking less and less, we stopped seeing eachother and one day he just breaks up with me saying he just isnt ready for a relationship at this time and asks me if we can just be friends. I say no because he means too much for me to have as just a friend so we stopped talking. We dont contact eachother at all now except for the occasional holiday or birthday text. Its been about 8 months since we broke up and i have tried to put myself ouf there again but i just cant seem to feel anything with anyone else. i keep meeting a lot of guys and they seem interested and all but im finding it so hard to give any of them a chance. So what i wanna know is, is this normal? Is it supposed to be this hard to get over your first relationship? Because i hate this feeling so much, i just want it to stop.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991544485092163 2017-09-24 13:39:45,"I had given up I didn't know who to trust So I designed a shell Kept me from Heaven and Hell And I had hit a low Was all I let myself know Yeah I had locked my heart I was imprisoned by dark You found me dressed in black Hiding way up at the back Life had broken my heart into pieces You took my hand in yours You started breaking down my walls And you covered my heart in kisses I thought life passed me by Missed my tears, ignored my cries Life had broken my heart, my spirit And then you crossed my path You quelled my fears, you made me laugh Then you covered my heart in kisses Dressed In Black from 1000 Forms of Fear by Sia",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9325562119483948 2017-09-24 22:17:41,"I need to vent. Heeeyyyyyy So what everybody got problems?! Everybody!!! But the solution is not to cry about it. Cry about it if it lets you get over it (specifically in a r/ship). But then, the best thing to do would be looking for a RATIONAL and LOGICAL solution and then...guess what??? There comes another problem So deal with that too!!! becha becha enie milew have fun!!! Make mistakes!!! Enjoy life!!! Look at the better side of life when you feel the absolute shitiest. that how ""shitiest"" is spelled? hmm...anyways love you all. Take care. Leave comments about the spelling of ""shitiest""!!! Real issue here",caring,NEGATIVE,0.976405680179596 2017-09-26 06:08:44,"I need to vent. I am feeling really guilty. I broke up wiz my GF recently and she was really sad about it kept calling checking up one me but I always ignored her. And now I am in a real shity situation where I absolutely need her by my side cuz she knows me better than anyone else and could understand my problems and help me in anything I do. I feel like I am going 2 be using her for my own selfish reasons and I don't think I would be able to live with my self knowing I could cause her that much pain again. Should I swallow my pride and get back together with her or stand strong and whether this shit storm which is hitting my life by my self. To be honest I am feeling really shity on how I ended things and starting a new relationship with her now would mean I am a class A asshole. I can't bear my self to comfort her. I am in a real dilemma!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972034692764282 2017-09-26 14:08:41,"I need to vent. Well am a girl in ma early 20th confused as here is the deal i was in relationship with this guy for almost 4yrs then he had to leave the country under the circumstances i agreed and accepted that we are going to be in a long distance relationship then after he left ma life turned up side down i had to start everything all over again was the hardest time of ma life i couldn't find a way to survive he was so brave and compassionate some how he managed to find a way for us to make things work after a while he started changing he wasn't the same guy i fall in love with i tried ma best but he kept pushing me to the corner finally I gave up and let everything go i cut-off the connection we have like ignored all of his family including his mom and move on to ma life... months passed by one day his mom called and told me to come home i didn't want to but at the same time i didn't want to be disrespectful so i went, his mom told me she didn't knew what was going on that we broke up she told me to not gave up on him that his depressed and he have no idea what his doing...a lots of excuse but finally she told me he wanted to talk to me but he scared after a while he txted me saying that his sorry and i told him it's all Good since that day he keeps txting me like good morning, good night, how is ur day kinda txt i reply sometimes we talk and some how am back to square one i keep thinking about him i miss him so much i don't want to i wanna be fine again i wanna focus on ma self and let everything go but they won't let me move on...the most confusing part is when we broke up and he disappeared for month s i met this guy he is funny, smart, easy-going i do like him but i already know ma heart belongs to the other guy so i could never love him as much as he deserves to be loved i told him how i feel and he thinks it's okay to feel that way after a long-term relationships breakup and now i don't know what to do should i wait for ma ex to figure it out or should I move on and start a new life",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9821606874465942 2017-09-27 09:49:34,"I need to vent. i don't know anymore i just can't the world is just throwing itself at me and i'm just not stable enough to face my problems i feel so torn i feel so empty i just want to be happy but everything just never seems to work out for me it's just so hard, i just can't help but run away from my problems, my friends and family and mostly myself. my parents just don't understand even i myself don't understand i don't know why but im just so tired and sad i don't know one minute i feel happy the second later im balling my eyes out from the simplest things my mood is just going on and off and everything is just so hard for at this point i feel like a whole giant coward bc i don't have the guts to tell anyone how i feel im just to scared to let someone know my vulnerable side im just so afraid of consequences i'm just so afraid of myself i always put up a front and tell everyone that i'm happy and that im perfectly fine with just myself and that i don't need anyone's company i just feel so tired and exhausted i don't i really don't my thoughts are scattered all over the place and i just feel so alone and i just don't want to do anything nor face anyone it just scares me knowing myself i'll probably forget in just a moment and go back to being carefree and then my sorrows are just going to come back again and if things can't get worse, im so insecure about myself, i just somehow notice all the flaws i have and im trying my best but it just seems like my best isn't good enough my head hurts i just don't know anymore and it's hard for me to get whats bothering me out due to my age ik it might be weird that age has to do anything with this but i'm still so young meaning i'm literally still in high school i still haven't got to my tough 5 years i still haven't faced bigger problems later in life yet i'm already breaking down i don't know if i'll make it i just i just can't find myself right now i just need time but there's no time.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9932954907417297 2017-09-27 10:09:27,"I need to vent. OKAY. SIT YOUR BUBBLY CHEERY BUTT DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT. THIS IS A DISCLAIMER. Yes, me and this person dated several times. BUT IT STILL DOES NOT GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO CALL ME THESE THINGS. Okay here we go. So a few months ago, maybe over kiremt, this person started calling me ""a deserate attention whore who just dates people for attention, then gets people involved in my problems so they will feel sorry for me"". We will reffer to ths person as… AB. Now, AB here has set off many red flags before this situation, but I was just too blind and blonde to realize it. Fast forward to a few days ago; AB here thinks it's a good idea to ask me a question. And that question is: Why I hate him. Now I go off with a good explanation, and he tells me that he was like that because he couldn't trust me anymore. So I go with the most obvious answer to that, and that is asking why it is still acceptable that he should still call me these things. HE REPLIED SAYING THAT IT DID NOT MATTER AT THE TIME BECAUSE WE WERE NOT DATING. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME: IF YOU ARE NOT DATING SOMEONE ANYMORE, DO YOU THINK THAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO CALL YOU A DESPERATE ATTENTION WHORE WHO ONLY DOES SHIT FOR ATTENTION AND FOR PEOPLE TO FEEL BAD FOR THEM?????",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985197186470032 2017-09-28 20:20:44,"Sorry for the inconveniences, the bots will be up soon.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.667392909526825 2017-10-01 12:21:33,"I need to vent. I'm in an emotional dilemma. Everything seems surreal and I'm told not to trust people more times than I can remember. My life is full of narcissists I have no idea how to help nor I can throw out of my life. I'm being sucked in every moment if everyday but I can't break the chains. I get myself into things I dread to please people and end up regretting it. However, I still do the same damn thing next time around. I really don't know how a logical person can be this worthlessly stupid. I know exactly what I should do but it seems like I don't believe I have the power to say no and just yesterday I came to a realization that I've been raped by people I had never expected would do anything of the sort. I think that got me thinking that things are going to happen no matter how much I try to avoid them. I feel mute and powerless and it hurts and I'm supposed to be too young to feel this. I don't know how it got to this, this message has started as a way to check whether the bits were working in order to prepare my vent.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9987724423408508 2017-10-01 21:25:59,"I need to vent. I want to tell him i still love him but mostly I just want to knock him out and when he wakes up tell him how shitty of a person he is!!!! you can't tell me you love me and then say you could never love someone as fucked up as me!!!! i am not crazy!!! i was right and it pissed HIM OFF!!! i knew he was cheating and lying and stupid… and when i had proof and tried to walk away he couldn't let that happen. instead he tried to convenience me i'm crazy and its all in my head and i'm fucked up!! NOPE!!!! NOT ME!!! you sir are a piece of shit and by god i hope karma comes back on you so hard you'll be lost, lonely, scared, hurt, confused, thinking your going insane….then i hope you think of me. and when you look me up or ask around like you do… you'll find that i'm happy and have succeeded in life while your still a miserable excuse for a human and a giant ass waist. and i hope it kills you inside. and eats at you every night and day. knowing that you had someone who was on your side no matter what and would have done anything for you. you deserve to be alone and forgotten.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9687190651893616 2017-10-01 23:18:14,"I need to vent. ok so im 19, i just broke things off with my ex who is a year younger than me and finishing high school. we aren't seeing other people, we talk 24/7 still, and are still hooking up. we dated for two years. i broke things off because im a mess and unstable of my feelings. one minute i want him more than anything, the other minute im mad at him for lying over small stupid things and could kill him. but now that i technically don't have him, im even more a mess and constantly want him all the time. what should I do, please help me... And I wanna mention, perfect channel",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957813024520874 2017-10-01 23:41:31,"I need to vent. I am currently seeing this girl, seeing is an over-statement to be honest.. We have fun together, we can talk for hours, and seem to complement each other well, we never run out of conversations, i like her a lot.. The catch is we aren't technically dating, she hates the idea of it... she was in a serious relationship for 3 years and then it ended abruptly, she was broken. Then we met... As i said, i really like her, but she told me she isn't ready to date and don't like the idea of being in relationship... because she is worth it, i really want to give her what she needs right at this moment, which is what we are right now... But, i also want her to be more. But far down the road, and we continue with this arrangement, my ultimate fear is, if her bf comes back calling, she will choose him and leave me.. that will certainly break me... who can compete with that history, huh?... but, if i pressure her into what i want her to be, i think she might get fed up and hit the door... i don't know what to do.. Did i say the part about how she is an amazing girl! Yeah, so Advices please!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9415795207023621 2017-10-02 10:38:32,"I need to vent. I don't know where to start ma judgment is fucked up I want to get u out of ma life and I don't even know y ur on ma mind dat much we r not even dating him so need help in forgetting him n just help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995349645614624 2017-10-03 07:36:44,"I need to vent. I'll keep this as short as I can so I don't bore you, but ever since I saw her last, I feel like I've fallen in love with one of my best friends. I've always sort of had a crush on her since I first met her, but I don't know why the feeling is so strong again all of a sudden. I guess it's a combination of not seeing her for a whole year due to my new school, and just spending a lot of time with her during kiremt. Getting kind of intimate with her and my friends, the way she hugged me and told me she enjoyed seeing me again. I don't know what it is. But it's eating me alive from the inside, and I don't know what to do about. Last time I told a friend this kind of thing, she vanished from my life, and I just don't want that to happen again, especially with someone I consider an even better friend. But she's just… kind of perfect. I've always been a huge wuss, and I just can't bring myself to tell her.",love,POSITIVE,0.9958171248435974 2017-10-03 17:52:37,"I need to vent. Hi guyzz..I need ur help.I am a student and my class can be refered as ""an all boys class"" nd only two girls including myself.the problem is I really can't communicate with boys..sorry but I really hate them.I have freinds that are like brothers to me and I spend fun times with them but I really have problems with new boys. I should get along with my classmates but I am afraid they will see it in another way.what should I do? Do really all boys see girls with another perspective always?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9968884587287903 2017-10-03 18:23:57,"I need to vent. OWk here it goes i have a loving boyfriend but its long distance relationship in the other hand there is these cute guy i met on school he seems very nice but and i kinda like him gin what bout my bf do i let him go cuz we barely meet and the ""cute guy"" well asked me out HELPPP Aggghh i just feel so bad like am a bad person What do i do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985822439193726 2017-10-04 06:10:02,"I need to vent. I don't deserve to cry anymore. Especially not tonight. I did nothing bad. I did her wrong in the past. I made her cry but now we both deserve some peace. I waited for her for too long. She used me until I became unusable. She drained me physically, emotionally and mentally without being mine. Now that I have nothing she's gone. And am still crying and looking for what's left of me to give to her. Cause that's the only thing that will keep her .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996775209903717 2017-10-04 10:17:35,"I need to vent. Hate that four letter word that most of us express, some of us suppress but inevitably all of us feel. That's what I'm feeling right now, hatred! I hate ultimatums, I hate rules, hate being told what I can and can't do. When I asked Google, it told me I was either depressed or that it was a reflection of my horoscope. Real helpful! I hate the labels people put on me, some call me lazy but I just don't want to do it. Some call me the happiest person alive, that's just fucked up genetics. Some say I'm a pushover, bitch please I just don't feel like arguing with you. Whatever or however u see this person I have become let me tell u this, u don't kno me, so u can't judge me n more importantly u have no right to try and fit me in the box u created!!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9968379735946655 2017-10-06 05:59:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys... so, to keep this short, I've got a big problem with my weight & look. Especially my weight is just driving me crazy... like out of my control. It's killing my confidence, my personality, over all who I am. I tried to change that but turns out it's harder than I thought. So it'd really help if you'd recommend what I should specifically do. If any of you guys got over this problem, please tell me how.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996211528778076 2017-10-06 18:49:46,"I need to vent. How do u live? do u live when all seems lost ..... when u have lost faith in everything n everyone..... when u actually would choose not to wake up the nxt morning..... when no one gets u..... when ur all alone.... when God is taking too long..... when the only thing ur left with is hope....n hope only .....n u don't even know if that hope is actually worth anything..... how do u live when nothing u do changes ur situation..... when all u can see is ending all this n get it over with.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993940591812134 2017-10-07 05:06:20,"I need to vent. I don't know much about relationships..I definitely don't know about love...I mean, I can't believe I talked like I did, I don't. All I want like in the world is to just keep talking to u..I wanna know how your day was, where u wanna eat and I wanna argue with u and I wanna hear all your theories even the ones that are just completely you know wrong...and I know it's not that simple.. I don't know I just think no I really believe that if u just ..if u just be willing to continue having this conversation with me, then we can figure the rest out.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9990772008895874 2017-10-07 11:23:34,"I need to vent. Am really depressed semonun betam....i feel like nth is going on my way.i feel like the world is out to get me.i feel like i need to do something horrible o kne it is horrible,gin i feel lyk i need to do sth,for everyone to give attention to me....why the heck am i thinking like that seriously...i never felt that way before eko.....bcha alakm i feel lyk this days are the worst....class is gettinh harder,and my mood is getting worse and worse bcha i am really worriedd....very stressed as fuck....guys please i need some motivation....i need it badly please say somethinh",fear,NEGATIVE,0.999516487121582 2017-10-07 19:45:01,"I need to vent. So am so into this guy I know n I think he knows that too n I rly think he's flerting with me on purpose to make me fall then just watch me die ughh the feeling sucks u can't give up on him cause he comes n melts ur heart but leaves u n ignores u for days and break ur heart am rlyyy torn apart the feelings I got I need help any suggestions",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9957915544509888 2017-10-07 21:13:39,"I need to vent. I just got out of a relationship( I think so, atleast). U know it can be confusing sometimes when u think u have broken up several times only to find yourself back in the relationship. Yeah, for all those strong people out there who broke up with their bf/gf at one go... congrats! u never loved them in the first place. .. anyways don't distract me, let me try and make my point. This was my second serious relationship(counting my first relationship that lasted 2 seconds when I was 17 as the first), unlike the first one this one was good while it lasted. I gave her all I had even if I knew in the back of my head it was gonna end one day because of this basic difference we had (Don't try guessing, let's just leave it at ""basic difference""). I loved her with all I had and cared for her, protected her. I did everything I thought would make her happy... morning texts, late night calls, kisses, cuddles,holding hands, everything and I didn't expect anything in return because I felt love was giving without expecting anything in return. And then the day came when we had to sit down and talk about our future and she tells me she had her guards up the whole time because she didn't wanna get hurt... the whole fucking year ke mnamn!! That shit broke me man!! She was protecting herself the whole time. Fuck!! How about me? That was when I was like this shit is over.... even if she started to be more vulnerable with her feelings afterwards, I replay what she said over and over again in my head and i said this ain't fair for me.... anyways I hope I didn't bore u... I guess what i wanted to say is that we (guys) also deserve to be appreciated in a relationships. Those asshole girls can't just take whatever we do forgranted & complain when we say FUCK IT, I AM OUT! They will realize what they missed out on once we are gone and hopefully will treat the next guy better. Let's do one another a favor. Daaaamn! I am so Menist (the guy version of feminist) I deserve a nobel peace prize for this.let me know what u guys think down below about the nobel prize or everything I just said . Adios!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9835339188575745 2017-10-07 21:37:25,"I need to vent. Its sad. To be here crying over a guy yet again. Why do you men not understand that if you actually have feels that you can come clean about it. Why do i always have to dig through hour huge brain and find out the truth. Why does it have to be so hard to love me for me. I know im not the hottest damn i dont care gin i swear I'm done trying. You left so its your ass that will regret this not me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976443648338318 2017-10-08 10:44:07,"I need to vent. I need you help guys . I just can't find any happiness right now in my university life. My grade are horrible I don't know how to fix it. And it's seems like I don't even how to study and Bering my grade up. And show by family that I can change and make them proud. Pls guy's if you have any idea share it with me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993027448654175 2017-10-08 10:55:42,"I need to vent. Why do I get the girl I don't really like and never get the girl I actually like? It's really frustrating and heartbreaking. It hurts both ways. When I get the girls I don't like, I date them out of pity or just thinking that I will like them in time but it never happens and I end up breaking their hearts and feeling bad about myself. When I don't get the girls I actually like, well you know how that feels.I've run out of hope in this dating game.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990954399108887 2017-10-08 14:16:39,"I need to vent. I want your adivce quickly am just bored I don't know what to do the time is getting faster and faster zat I can't repair myself for my future I am so worried zat sm thing will just happen nd destroy every thing zat I have nd loose everything when I wakeup everybody ,evrythingis changing e I feel like am abt to die because of my depression n also skul is making me anixous and also evrythin is getting worse nd my best friends left me to anozer country I don't have anyone I feel like am lonely coz am adapted nd z person hu adopt me Is so bad that she make me work all z time",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997404217720032 2017-10-08 18:25:55,"I need to vent. I'm fucking stupid. I knew myself to be a good strong person that has a more versatile definition to life but here I am rambling to some bot about some stupid guy for the god knows how many time. Been with this guy for some time. It was never candies and rainbows we actually fought very frequently about the pettiest things and we broke up around 4 times so far bit we always found a way back to each other. I think I've adapted to us getting back together after the most fatal fights that I'm unable to comprehend that this time its over for good. Jeles is a narcissist and I need him far far from me but I always find ways to connect him to my unhappiness. Don't get me wrong, I am a happy person and I love life. However, when it comes to him I'm just a sadistic bastard with no pride. And this may sound like a hyperbole but it really pains. Physically pains. I'm just the black sheep and for reasons that I don't understand it kinda annoys me he is doing perfectly fine without me. That was all I wanted at first. For him to be okay ahun gn that's being one of the problems. I wish I could just be depressed about it for a month or so, just cry my heart out and at the end, accept the facts and be okay. Too bad its not going my way. I'd think I'm okay and out of nowhere he would hit and get me depressed all over again. I don't even how long this will be lasting. Fuccckkkk!! I know it's long, sorry about that.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.995528519153595 2017-10-08 20:34:30,"I need to vent. I don't know what I should do!! Bad comment or just even in conversation if they say something I get hurt really fast and I think about the conversation all day and night. And I think something wrong with me . And I feel like am really losing my confidence . I can't even go out to present in front of crowd in a class room",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9997953772544861 2017-10-12 06:44:35,"I need to vent. So I’m saying this here because I’m too much of a coward to say this to you in real life. You don’t know this and hell, you probably don’t even feel anywhere near the same as I do, but I rely on you. There’s so much shit going on in my life right now and you have no idea how much it helps just to talk to you every day. We don’t even talk about whatever’s going on right now, but we spend most of our time on random stuff. You have no idea how much that takes my mind off of things, so thank you. It kinda stings a bit, knowing that you have eyes for someone else. Regardless of that, i’m going to do my best to make sure you and that special someone end up together. As long as you’re happy, i’ll do anything. I guess it’s sort of a ‘thank you’ for being there for me. I’m perfectly fine just being your supportive best friend. Anyways, I’ll always be there for you. I promise. whoops that was a mess, I’m just typing as I think and my thoughts are always all over the place. I hope you never read this for my sake and for yours",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9341936707496643 2017-10-13 12:10:35,"I need to vent. Don't know how to say this, hmm. I think I like someone, the problem is I gots pride, like heaps and heaps of it. So I am acting cold and distant instead of the usual hugs and smiles. The dude thinks he did something wrong, well he kinda did he made me like him!!! I kno I'm unreasonable. Bicha I just want to make I all go away, I don't want a relationship, jut want my feeling to go away!! hooooow tho?? That's what I wana kno!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992058873176575 2017-10-13 18:54:32,"I need to vent. I love you more than any woman I’ve ever known. The reason I know and love you is the same reason we are not together. I wanted to make things different but you were too impatient for me to make the necessary changes in my life. How can I go on knowing the best thing I could have had didn’t happen. Just know this. I love you and think of you every day. The time we spent together was pure Nirvana for for me. I thought we were inseparable.",love,POSITIVE,0.9893591403961182 2017-10-13 20:04:34,"I need to vent. I think all the people in my life truly dont care about me sure they’re there when im ok but they freak out on me and abandon me/guilt me when i go into a deep depressive state if there was an easier way to commit suicide, i would do it i have no future, and i really dont think my death would affect anyone too long my mother and father wouldnt have to deal with my breakdowns/spend money on my worthless ass my boyfriend would finally be able to date someone who makes him happy and doesn’t bum him out everyone else honestly would probably be glad that they didnt have to worry about me hanging around i have no one to talk to without worrying that i’m just gonna bring them down too and if i even dare to mention suicide to someone they always say ‘well how about how i’d feel??’ my entire goddamn life i have had to worry about other people before myself or else i could accidentally upset them and i was programmed to feel bad about every. little. thing i ever did to inconvenience someone for once i want to be selfish and just not exist lol this is dumb but i just wanna bitch like always but not to someone who’s going to make me feel worse because i’m ‘hurting their feelings’ by talking about my own",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967646598815918 2017-10-13 20:46:29,"I need to vent. So now that am changing school i feel so happy. Was it a prison Anyways its so sad that i wont see you but deep down we both know that we aint never gonna be together so i think its good. So that there aint no more me there u can hang out with girls i wont get jealous But u never knew i would Anyways part of me will miss u but part of me is glad too. PS i loved you but i regret it now",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9863367676734924 2017-10-13 21:54:59,"I need to vent. What do u do when u keep everything to ur self, when u keep all the shitty things that people do around u n just stay quiet. I try to hold it in N once in a while comes a day like this and i get filled with rage n i couldn't keep it anymore. I gettt soooo upsate, i just couldn't keep me down.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990621209144592 2017-10-14 11:34:48,"I need to vent. So my best friend met some one and I'm really happy for her. She seems happy and that's all I want for her. But I'm a little tired of her waking me up in the middle of the night to talk about the wonderful awesome things he did for her or said to her. I mean I'm all for listening to her, cuz that's what friends do but woooow can she talk. N to top it all of she knows that I'm not in a relationship n that my last one was less than ideal. Yet she keep rubbing salt in the wound by telling me all about her 'cuddle bear' yea that's wierd no? Anyways I need advice on how to approach the subject without making her feel like shit.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9638445377349854 2017-10-14 19:32:55,"I need to vent. Do you know what i hate ! Crying i hate crying but i love feeling the pain so much i know im a sico....or sound like one but i wanna feel pain cuz i dont im so used to blocking shit out.....i cant get emotional....i wanna feel pain i cry once in a lifetime! Esunem idk why gen i wanna feel pain so much like heart broken pain the one that makes u cryyy asfff till ur eye's pop out..n i know ima read this in a couple of days or after a good sleep ..but this is me now.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9893624186515808 2017-10-15 20:00:51,"I need to vent. It's rly good to have someone to share problems wid I am tied I have never experienced freedom i'ld like to be free once in a while but my parents won't let me experience fun stuffs and I know for sure I won't go to the wrong path n be an addict or sth but i'ld really like to be independent and do my own stuff with out being asked what I am doing, why I am doing it. I am above 18 but still bossed around well u know how that feels if I go a bit out of what I am told bammm I will be homeless and stm that feels a bit tempting may I could work my way and live the life I have dreamed of. Tnx for letting me share I feels good to let it out.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9905192852020264 2017-10-16 13:32:26,"I need to vent. I'm going insane! For some reason I feel like the world is out to get me. Like if I dot hear from my friends in a day or smthn I feel like I did something to make them angry. I always feel on edge n jittery. Like I'm in between ppl or they don't want me there. I over react about the smallest things, like did that smile look forced or are they just trying to be nice. Don't they actually like me?? Yea I kno I have finally lost all sense...why is this happening I used to be fine!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981822967529297 2017-10-18 12:11:42,"I need to vent. You know that feeling? The feeling you get when life finally hits you with an epiphany? When u finally realize that you deserve to be loved and that you are loved... Like the sun rises each day, like the wind sways the trees outside my window, as sure as the blue skies are dotted with light grey clouds, I know. I offer close to nothing, I can't shower you with expensive gifts, I can't offer u smart insight, I can't afford to spend all day and night with you. Be that a it may though, I still have people around me that care, I complained each day that people didn't understand or accept me. Through all those days I had people standing by my side, friends giving me a shoulder to cry on, two ears to listen. I had taken them for granted because I felt unworthy of their love, unworthy of their acceptance. The voices in my head had out spoken theirs. So I thank you, I love you, I appreciate you. Though I lack the words and confidence to say these to you out in the open, I want you to know whether I met you years ago or we have just spent one moment together, I appreciate the time you spent with me, the energy you spent for me, and the friendship u bestowed upon me. You will now and forever have a place in my heart. Thank u.",love,POSITIVE,0.9976450800895691 2017-10-18 20:27:15,"I need to vent. Hey there, so this is my first time doing this but here goes.. Sometimes, I feel like I don't have a deeper connection with some people. I have a lot of acquintances but none that I can call my best freinds. I know I am not a loner, though I like my own space. And I think I am freindly or so I have heard.. but I don't really understand why I don't have these close bonds or if this is normal at all... I don't like the confusion but it is here.. Advices?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9932425618171692 2017-10-18 21:48:25,"I need to vent. Well ok here is my issue, whenever we have these talks about old ages n how if it were possible ppl would just freeze time and live in the now i rly rly tried to understand their point of view but i cant help but feel, yes of course i wanna live n enjoy my life as it now it's perfectly fine now but rly if it were up to me i don't wanna live young forever does anyone else feel like not existing after a while on this earth is rly the best option like if you could just press a stop button on the best days of your life??",approval,POSITIVE,0.993988037109375 2017-10-19 06:58:23,"I need to vent. Don't u ever get so fade up with everything sometimes. That's how I feel right now sick of everything. I just need an escape but life has its way around my sadness. I wish I can just turn off ma feelings like there was a switch botton or sth.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9971742630004883 2017-10-19 10:26:03,"I need to vent. I am going to university and I am scared of the new environment and new ppl added by my low confidence plz tell me something to keep me straight i'ld like to hear it from someone else",fear,POSITIVE,0.8857951164245605 2017-10-19 15:13:53,"I need to vent. Okay here we go...I have this boyfriend who is very handsome, rich & lovely but the real problem is here My boy is very jealous!!! Like on everyone believe me or not he said am jealous of your brother who got to see you everyday. I tried to tell him but he couldn't stop! He introduced me to his father but get jealous on his father talking with me. He even cried once cause he saw me with my male best friend. You know am getting scared now what if this get worst. He precisely told me that when we get married that he will lock me in our room that no one could see me ( that was a joke for him but I know he mean it) pals help me out here please",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9941043257713318 2017-10-19 18:37:40,"I need to vent. Hello to anyone who is reading this! My story is a little complicated , I think. I am in a relationship. Me and my boyfriend has been dating for 3 years now. I love him, well I think I love him. I didn't love him back when he first asked me. I said yes because he told me his saddest moment and I couldn't say no after I saw him crying. I just wanted to make him feel better. Well one thing led to another and here we are in our 3rd year. So you might say, so what is the case here? Hmmmm... so I had a friend before I met my BF. And he was like everything to me. I have known him for 6 years now and he shows up once in a while in my life. When I told him that I got myself a BF, he became cold all of a sudden and I did not know then. But if he had asked when we were friends, I guess I would have said YES! But he did not So every time he shows up again I question my feelings for my BF. And my friend, he is so cute you have no idea! And I am a woman who watches out for the simplest romances in a relationship. My BF doesn't necessarily give me any of that. But my Friend, he is so natural at it and I want to leave my BF and be with him! But then I second think it, baaaam I do not. My BF is a nice guy, he really is but he doesn't give me those goosebumps my friend gives me! My BF is a caring guy but all of the stuffs doesn't flutter me like those of my Friend! I do not know if I should say this but even if I break up with my BF I am afraid anyone will want me ever again because I gave my virginity to My BF. Please you have to be in my shoes before judging. It is not like I wanted to give him my V, he was so depressed one day( well he is always like that since I met him) but that day he told me he was going to kill himself and all I can think I can do is letting him kiss me. So he couldn't stop and I felt bad for wanting to stop him. So I stopped myself from stopping him! Not any of my friends know this! They just know the good side of my relationship and I only show them that so when I ask them if I should break up with him, they told me I went crazy! I am so tired! And this secrets I carry are slowly killing me inside! I am not asking for any advices but writing this in Vent-here might let me off the edge a little! Thank you for your patience! And this is not some kind of copied and pasted story from Facebook. I really do exist! If anyone is going through anything that anyone around him doesn't know if I feel YOU! You are not alone! May God help me and all of us!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9618667364120483 2017-10-19 18:39:44,"I need to vent. Ugh ik u guys will judge me gin I meet this fuckin fool boyfriend I used to like him(not love) because I get him with lot of trials he was full of pride & ego cause he was the popular guy in our campus now he is in my hand I got sick of him.I tried to make him hate me but he always find excuse for me. If we have to meet I will make him wait for me for hours while am sleeping in my dorm or something then when I get there instead of getting angry he will say babe u fine ah? minamn worst of all he proposed me in front of his friends I had to accept him cause of the peoples there now tell me a way to run from this guy!! Am already soooooooooooooo sick of him",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987760186195374 2017-10-20 09:15:11,"I need to vent. Ehhh, I am so tired of every things, and everyone. I have this feelings that everyone don't want me, or it feels like I am a burden to them and I don't want to be that, some of my friends act so cold and some of them acts like they don't want me(idk if I am right or wrong but that's how I feel). And I want to be everyone's friend and I want everybody feel so free around me and I want everyone to be happy with me (mood brighter). And I am too emotional, I can get herart broken by easy things like when people get angry at me, or if they change their face around me and stuff. I always get mad @ my self after doing or saying sth, I never am proud of my self. Can anyone advice me on how to own my shit?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9990198612213135 2017-10-20 22:42:11,"I need to vent. hey well idk where to start .. am 20 and i have a boyfriend although its been only 6month since we started dating i really like him a lot and i think am starting to fall inlove with him but who wouldnt, hes really handsome a really way lolplus his really caring and loving and very smart, any girl would be lucky to have him and with this short time i met his hall family his mom his aunt his grandma even.. and me and his mom are really close we talk a lot and staff anyhow thats how ik his serious about me ..we usually hangout at his home..we havnt done that () yet but we kiss and makeout and cuddle a lot .. his 3 years older than me and he have his own house and a job .. becha his everything i could ever wish for but .. the probelm is that am sick i havent told anybody yet not even my family..but it wont be any secret after a while i really want to tell him i dont want to hurt him by disappering.. even now i dont meet him that much this days b/c am sick mostly and i dont want him to see me like that..and b/c his been hurt so many times and i dont want to hurt him too i really care about him a lot .. i want a future with him like we always talk about even we are talking about moving in together after sometime this is how much we r serious about each other but i dont think i can give him that .. i will get treatment after sometime and it could take a long time for me to recover so i wont ask him to wait for me that long i mean i think i love him and i dont want to ask him that much of me b/c he cares about me a lot thats how i know he will wait for me as long as i told him but as much as i want our relationship its going to be hard for him... so please tell me what to do should i disapper and come back not telling him, knowing that will hurt him or just tell him and go knowing that will put our relationship on rough place? please help ..",love,NEGATIVE,0.9769521951675415 2017-10-21 06:38:35,"I need to vent. Its getting to be too much. I am afraid of what will happen if I let go. Let go is not suicide or abuse myself. Let go as in release something. I can't help but think. Wonder. There is no rest to it. All the time. It's hard.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9987756609916687 2017-10-22 08:31:07,"I need to vent. Hey there , you know at some point life is all about friends n when u get to campus u've got to make new ones . problem is zat am rly nat z type to get along wiz ppl so fast n zats kinda affecting ma dorm life .ena ma first yr was some how boring am nat complaining tho am thankful for what ive got . but u know all of those things u get excited about when dorm life comes to ur mind the crazy things u do wiz ur besties, the adventures u discover wiz the ones n also zose risky things u do for fun. i just wanna do it all as hell hopefully z coming year wont be boring like z earlier n plz dont hesitate if u got suggestions on how i could work zis thing out. thanks",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9844663143157959 2017-10-23 20:00:16,"I need to vent. I have lied, cheated, fornicated, caused distractions. I am a very vindictive person, I do anything to be acceptable and if things do not go my way I self destruct, my mind and heart goes dark, I need spiritual healing, I judge myself more than I judge others.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9945669174194336 2017-10-23 20:00:19,"I need to vent. I'm sorry I wasn't a closer friend to you over the years. I'm sorry I couldn't convince you to drink less and never even realized you had a drinking problem in the first place. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from dying so young. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I never realized how important a friend you were to me until you were gone. Thanks Vent Here for the platform, it's awesome.",remorse,POSITIVE,0.9960373640060425 2017-10-23 20:00:22,"I need to vent. I am short tempered and pessimistic coz of my hard life and mental health issues. I end up hurting my family a lot. I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. I want to feel enough pain and suffering to make up for as much as I have hurt them. Mean it. Literally. I am so sorry I want to die. They are good people who deserve better than me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993589520454407 2017-10-23 20:00:25,"I need to vent. So ik its z normal boaring campus life but anyways i need advice......... i kinda used to be soo in love wiz zid dude for quite sometime but now i think i like his bestfriend even more. I mean he is hot besides he's been asking me out for z last 2 years but most of all he really is a good person. He has been hurt more zan any of us. I just want to be there for him but i dont know how cause he has moved on with his life and also ther's some thing............ eventhough everyone thinks i'm confident about everything, i'm actually not. I am specially never confident about myself. I dont think anyone could ever want me. even if i tell him that i like him and we start dating, i fear he is going to be embaressed by me. I'm the least funny or beautiful or hot girl he's ever dated before. And i just think he is not even going to be proud to be dating ME. I think me liking his friend was some kind of game that fate was playing with me. You know like he was my way to him. Anyways an advice would be awesome.",love,POSITIVE,0.691116988658905 2017-10-27 20:04:29,"I need to vent. I've been dating this guy for almost 2 years and hes a really good guy....we love each other......we're still in campus graduating nect year.......the thing we fight a lot and i've been hurt a lot by him.....he has a good and bad side as i have them too......our r/ship is a serious one and we always talk abt marriage and future stuff but am not so sure about our compatibility and am not sure whether to enjoy the moment or to let go before it gets too serious",love,POSITIVE,0.7866686582565308 2017-10-27 22:18:55,"I need to vent. I can't handle it anymore..... I know I am the only child but still I don't have to be insulated on everything specially by my mom. I know I am not good enough for anything and for anyone but still she don't have to tell me I am good for nothing, I know she is cares Sooo much and she love me Soo much that she will lose her life if anything happens to me. But her words hurt Sooo much that i convinced my self that maybe i am good for nothing. But still i will stuck with her b/c she is my mom.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9827902317047119 2017-10-28 16:48:15,"I need to vent. Ok so there's this girl that i really like but my lack of communication and assumtions are messing everything up. Today she totally ignored my existence and when i asked why she said she was giving me space to think everything through , when i thought she was totally ignoring me and wanted nothing to do with me. And before this we had actually dated, but she broke up with me bcuz she had major trust issues, and i thought she was using that as an excuse to break up woth me for this guy. And the next day i saw them holding hands and i confronted her about it , and she said that she was just feeling pity for him bcuz he has like this huge crush on her.. And just.. I really wanna be with her .. But i already screwed everything up and im scared to talk to her again, bcuz i told her that i didnt wanna be going back and fourth when in reality I'M the one going back and fourth. Damn I'm confused.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987671375274658 2017-10-28 18:30:25,"I need to vent. I am around 19years old I like funny things most time I weast my time by this thing but now people's think m e I don't have import thing I don't know what can I say am so apparent those who come close to me and when you are open for people they will juje u they will tell u what u told them bcha alkm I tired of this think I try to live it but I can't also I try to be Alon even if last year I was good in my education but zis year even I don't went to go school b/c I don't went to geat them there is some folklore ""awekush nakush"" I think when I tell for them every thing they become... Bcha I don't know please my friends what can I do",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9944550395011902 2017-10-28 20:09:20,"I need to vent. I really like this guy and I have no idea if he likes me too. I mean we tease eachother and have fun n what not. But I can't tell if he has feelings for me or he is just being friendly, please tell me if there is some way I can kno!!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.974379301071167 2017-10-29 07:39:01,"I need to vent. I never thought i would feel zis way abt a guy but i i guess u can say he is my first love. I met him through my frnd and as time goes by i started caring abt him and i was easily addicted to him. So we decided to meet and we did.......but after zat things changed, i started having feelings toward him zat got me worried......i always end up losing someone i care for so i started having insecurities abt him too.....and zat thought didnt even disappoint me and it happened just like z way i imagined, he started ignoring me and i was always like why didnt u call me, why didnt u txt me and his answers were always ""im in a bad situation right now"" so i thought he might be feeling bad so i tried to talk to him like he did nothing but zat wasn't working well. And now he doesn't even reply my txt.....i dont know wht happened b/n us. I really liked him and now without even starting anything he is out of my life guys tell me wht to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984933137893677 2017-10-29 09:29:21,"I need to vent. Hey y'all! I'm sick of life... honestly. I'm a university graduate. N i can't find job. N my main issue is that my mother is jealous of me. She has an hour glass figure. Like Nikki minaj or kim Kardashian. So she tries everything in her power for me not to gain weight. I'm tooth pick skinny. Back when i was in college... she takes the money that was given to her for groceries ""asbeza"" n she wines n dines at fancy restaurants. N when she's asked about us.. afer yiblu tlalech n I'm really sick of life in General. Cuz I'm just not.... a strong person. N now that i graduated. Beka twtalin kezi bet... astemarnat... ke 18 belay nech tlalech... N bekedada chama eyehedsh .. ekekut ekekam bicha tlalech... n there's a lot i wanna vent but my hand is shaking n i want to cut myself honestly. I'm just a shy girl I don't know how to deal with this mendere crap. I told her one time that i don't want to deal with her sstress so I don't want to talk to her. If i don't talk to her she won't buy me outfits n necessary hair oils n stuff. So i told her beka chamaw gedel yigba be egre hejem bihon sira felgalehu... chinketam eyehonku new kanchi ga slewalku. Ahunm bihon millionaire new mitebsew betekedede chama eyehedku silat (my ex was a millionaire, but I'm not the type that likes to use men to buy stuff)... anchi alesh adel yejajesh hule kushna new nurosh tlalech. Lemin bf chama aygezalshm minamin tlalech. N mind u kekushna endalweta. She tells the servant not to make me food. So I have to be in kitchen all day .. wichi endalznana fatherin birr endatlik tlalech.... I have inserted cv hulum bota gin no job yet. N FATHER DEMO TTEMAMA NAT ESUA DON'T DO SHIT FOR HER BLUAL. cuz guys like her asss yigabzuatal minamin. Ene demo endet agbta date twetalech bemalet i told my father. N she sent naked pics to Swedish guy through viber. N my father told her that "" she told me that u dine with other men n that u sent naked pics....she wants to divorce us"" on my fucking graduation they went to debrezeit alone to celebrate but I wasn't invited. The whole time... she was planning my grad... he kept telling her not to do so cuz I'm a bad person (mind you, I've never drank beer, I've never been to a party, I've never had a bf) so i confronted him... how the fuck am I a bad person silew he said... u dont3 wash dishes when you were a kid so TEMAMA NESH. LIBISH TIRU ADELEM? KEMECHE JEMRO NEW KOY SEW SEHAN SILALATEBE TEMAMA MIBALEW? I WAS A KID... YOURE6 SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME ! ( i was a nerd so i chose to read books instead of girly chores. N I'm the only girl in the family so i was tom boyish) My father lives in jijiga n we live in Addis! WHAT THE FUCK UM I SUPPOSED TO DO YO? Also is this punishment? N if so, for fucking what? Lemin????? Miskin ye bet lij negn honestly. I just don't know how to act around people that's all. N should they punish me for not knowing how to act? Huh???? They're my parents I'm supposed to get support from them!!~",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984188079833984 2017-10-29 15:08:17,"I need to vent. I'm a 15 year old girl… I don’t want to do this anymore. My life and feelings have just been thrown to the side my whole life by my parents. They make me do what THEY want to do, and not me. I’m not their puppet. I’m more than just something that they can control. I’m living, I’m breathing, I can think. I don’t want to be treated like this anymore. If I try to confront them, they’ll just get mad at me and tell me to do work, or to study. I’m always busy. Friends aren’t allowed after school anymore, from Monday to Friday. Mondays I’m always busy studying, Tuesdays I’m studying, Wednesdays I’m studying, Thursdays I stud, and on Fridays I’m studying. See a pattern? I’m never out of school. I never am. Saturdays I’m always studying, working. Sundays are for studying, working, and church. Whenever I go out with friends, I have to have a good reason for it, somehow. I can really never be happy like this. I need my own life. Thanks for letting me vent. Best channel ever",disapproval,POSITIVE,0.7382513284683228 2017-10-29 18:44:37,"I need to vent. You know that overwhelming feeling that you feel when you feel lost. And yes a guy did that. I tried my best and even though i grew weak cause my health wasn't in a good stage i never told you. I've been sick since that day but you didn't seem to care. Now im sitting here wondering if i should've just left cause clearly the people who care that much about me are few. I opened up cause you told its better to be heartbroken than not love. And so i did but then you shot me in the fucking heart and said it was my fault. Yet i still want you here. Im calm when you're around. Im not saying i regret it but damn i wanna change a whole bunch of shit. But still what happened has happened and now we're strangers. I'm not sure if i'll ever forget you or forgive but I'll try. I love you.",love,POSITIVE,0.8863639831542969 2017-10-29 21:56:25,"I need to vent. Why? That's all I could ask myself . . . Why she want to end? I wish I know why if its me.. How could i ruin something that was so wonderful? Every day I would wake up and wonder how this could possibly be real. I was so insanely happy that I would become unsure on whether this was reality or a dream. But it was utterly real. I almost wish it wasn't because, in reality, there's never a happy ending. May be many people think, ""That's not true!"" In a way, there can be a happy ending, but never truly. After all, we won't be here forever, and, once we're gone, the happy ending is gone with it. I just wish my ""happy ending"" wasn't so short-lived. It was not so long ago when we were playfully arguing about which one of us loved the other one more. And, of course, she ended up winning the argument. How did things go so downhill from there? Dose she just lost what she liked about me, she say I dont this any more .. did she mean it . . . when she say it. Those words just kept repeating in my mind. How could she lose something so wonderful? I kow it because she told me she will never want to live with out me .. or did she just left it somewhere . . . I wish she just check her heart.. maybe she did ..Maybe it's there. A part of me wants her back . . . my heart tells me we will be together till the end.. with her if we r not together right know I wonder how she is doing. I know she didnt lost her feelings for me . . . coz she love me and love means ""LOVE is not LOVING different peoples rather LOVING one person in different ways"" ""LOVE Means exploring new things everyday, telling them how much u LOVE them everyday, finding different ways to express ur LOVE,,,,,"" ""LOVE is loving someone with out any reason unconditionally; if u find a reason to LOVE it is not a LOVE?"" ""LOVE is putting at risk your career, ur future,ur everything for the person you LOVE "" ""LOVE is giving ur life for the person uLOVE wiz out hesitating; if u hesitate to give ur life it is not a LOVE"" ""LOVE is living and LOVING the same person until the end of days and die"" "" LOVE is telling everyday z person you LOVE how lucky u are b/c they are there in ur life"" I mean everyday and everyday.. And she was doing all this all the tym .. so.. she won't leve me i know she won't .. ow God what is going on I miss her so much... what should I do ..",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9719418883323669 2017-10-30 12:08:37,"I need to vent. Just so you know how twisted she is... ahun period metobgn amogn... ke lelitu 9 seat astawkogn... minamin alga lay tegnche neber. Keza she came to my room n said... ""lol sew twketun eskiterglat t'tebkalech"" alech. N my grandma rota meta newspaper yiza teregech.. n i was like sishalegn terargalehu ahunm eyamemegn new alkugn ... keza .. she talked a lot of shit. N i was like just go to work already. Keza ... she spilled the tea n then yewha birchko ansta litfenektegn. Keza she threw my clean panties in the twket n rubbed it with her feet... then threw clean jeans inside twket n rubbed it hard. N then went out saying. I was lonley n that ""keminim yelelesh kifu"" kifatsh yawtash... esti.. Now she's out to get police to throw me out of the house. N she told the servant minim endatserilat. I'm sick so... i need someone to cook for me. Mastatebyawn awt'ta.... bemilasua twketun titregew alech. Drama eko new ezi bet hule",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986993074417114 2017-10-30 16:03:21,"I need to vent. It just feels crap how nobody even likes me, like I am just some sort of piece of trash that's easily forgotten.. it isn't enough that I am still afraid of blood due to seeing a kid get split in half in mid air hit by a car when I was 6 years old, all the bullying I've endured through all of my school years with people fighting me and even grouping up on me assaulting me and beating me up to near death, my father being abusive and having my ribs broken twice with me having to be rushed to the hospital due to internal bleeding, the facial epilepsy I've had for 5 years due to him punching me right in my left cheek, the fact that those bullies have broken my arm and dislocated my shoulder and kicked me in the spine so hard it hurts to even walk every single day or stay upright in a chair, the fact that I thought I could trust a person that I geniunely thought saw something in me and then just tore my heart out with what she did and how she's treated me.. up to what point do I have to endure all of these thoughts, I've tried to kill myself 4 times, once with bleach, other time hanging myself, cutting up my arms 56 times collectively and wanting to jump off a building but never actually went through with it just because I'm way too fucking much of a pussy to do it.. I thought I could trust people, learn to love and try to at least enjoy life like a normal human being, these days I don't feel like doing anything besides staying as far away from everyone as possible. I don't feel like eating or sleeping, I'm ruining myself even more as each day passes and I hate the fact that I can't even be called a person anymore, cause nobody sees me that way. They just see some downright loser who spent most of their time infront of a computer studying bullshit and they all laugh behind my back saying I'm an annoying piece of shit and what not, and it's not like I haven't seen that. I simply fucking hate people. I want to kill myself, but I also want to watch this fucking world burn to the ground.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9994887113571167 2017-10-30 19:25:43,"I need to vent. She will miss me!!! She will miss my presence. She will miss how I gave my all to make things easier for her. I put her dream before mine! I worked for her everything she wanted! She will get a new guy and I promise you he will never be like me. He won't look after her the way I did. He won't love her as much as I did. He won't be as selfless I was to her. Am sure she'll feel it. But she will never show it. She will try to hide it but I will see through it. Now that she's gone, I have no meaning for my life. I made a mistake of loving too hard. I gave up everything for one person and now am lost. I don't see how my death will affect anyone! So as always, everytime she wants to leave( over 6 months now), I wish for my death!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8643624186515808 2017-10-31 00:08:07,"I need to vent. It's not climbing mountain Everest it's getting a guy to say I would hang out with her, and I always thought I was cute enough or funny enough or something enough that I would be with some one right now oh I guess I am not....Its frustrating as shit",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972894191741943 2017-10-31 00:11:46,"I need to vent. Hello friends I want ur advice desperately because once I was in love with a girl and then she broke me and after long time passed she asked me for forgiveness but then my feelings for her disappeard and now I am on another relationship but I don't know how to control my feelings should I love her? Is there even real love",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996639609336853 2017-10-31 07:48:30,"I need to vent. I am tired of life, tired of disappointments tired of fake friends, tired of these struggles I face everyday but I tell no one of...tired of missing my loved ones( ones who are not there anymore ), tired of being heartbroken again and again by people who are experts at camouflaging their true personality, tired of being doubted,mis represented and feeling un understood, tired of feeling lonely surrounded with people, tired of unnecessary arguments, tired of being tired anymore!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997248113155365 2017-10-31 19:31:25,"I need to vent. About 3 months ago two of my cousins were murdered. The day I found out was the day I ditched class to hang out with my friends and have fun. And that's exactly what I had. Fun. When I came back home, I saw my own big brother cry for the 1st time. My mom put on a brave face and broke the news to me. Idk what happened next, I guess I just fell. I went to the nearest room and locked myself in, and then cried. I went to my best friend's house and cried on her shoulder for what seemed hours. Then we went back home and cried some more. U see, it's time to move on. But I'm at a point where I'm close to breaking in class. Images of that day and how they died just keeps flashing in mind. I don't know what to do at all.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8978303074836731 2017-11-01 12:32:09,"I need to vent. So I have pretty much ONE central group of friends. About 10 people. They all claim that they love me and or really enjoy me as a person. And we all started talking and hanging out about a few years ago. About a year and a half in. They started pretty much leaving me out of everything. So I cut them off. I was done. But tbh I'm a super forgiving person so after a few months they wanted try again. It was good for like a month but now they just all act so distant. Like I'm a bother. Anytime I try to talk I either don't get an answer or they reply and they are obviously not interested in talking. I don't want to cut them off again. Because I'm already SO lonely. I just don't know what to do or say. Because I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just in such a mentally weak state. I just wanna feel wanted. Please. Someone. Give me SOME type of feedback.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999233603477478 2017-11-01 12:52:16,"I need to vent. Do you ever do smth u shouldn't knowingly knowing u'll regret it",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9978489875793457 2017-11-01 16:02:59,"I need to vent. I want to call him and text him that i love him and i miss him and that he meant a lot of things to me but he said he doesn't want me around anymore. Like i was some thing to pass time with. Even though its all his fault i still want him back. A simple I'm sorry would make me change my mind. But I'm sometimes I'm clumsy. I mess up and he wasn't the first to leave me and he wont be the last and maybe just maybe its all on me. But one thing is i'm no saint, I've had my fair share of darkness so dont judge me for not saying it out loud that inside I'm rotten.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990208148956299 2017-11-01 19:05:22,"I need to vent. So here's my problem. I can't stay in a relationship for long. I mean I've been in it a couple times but I always end up bored and being uncomfortable with the people I'm with. I'm getting scared that this is gonna be a problem for me in the future. What should I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993355870246887 2017-11-01 19:39:19,"I need to vent. They rode for what felt both like hours and mere seconds at the same time before they had gotten to where she'd get off. She told him good night and just as he started to go back into the car she held his hand and told him to squeeze... Caught off guard he squeezed and she squeezed back. ""drop"" he let his hand fall but she caught it and lifted it back up. ""push"" he pushed and she changed her grip and pulled both of their hand up. ""push"" she said again and repeated the process. ""now pull"" so he pulled away and she held on for a brief second before letting go. She told him "" when you feel like it's lo..."" he caught her hand pulled her close and gave a tight hug.. And as he went to give her a kiss right on her head he said ""I know..."" gave her the kiss said his good night's and got in the taxi. Now this didn't happen it's just how I wish it had happened... How I thought I could let it be known that I'd wait how ever long it took.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7883492112159729 2017-11-01 20:58:41,"I need to vent. Well Hey first of all this is weird cause it's my first vent and well it's cause I just cant find a guy to date Ik it's not a necessity but I feel empty without one. And I dont mean just any guy I mean a guy I can actually love no more teenage things but relationships thatll last 'till marriage. I just cant seem to find a guy is it cause Im not that good at flirting I dont know but at the moment theres noone I can call my romeo. It bothers me a lot to not have my other half with me Advice would be appreciated thanks",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984887838363647 2017-11-02 06:12:54,"I need to vent. So I got this annoying blister on my foot from a busy but fruitful day; Life is hectic but going well; I've been sleeping for three hours per night this past week what with school and all; this guy from school is blackmailing me to go out with him and I gotta think of new ways to dodge him; I feel like I have to be there for my mom, emotionally support her, just the way she's done for me for the past 20 yrs. But I go home only once a week, cuz school keeps me busy. What else.....? I'm deeply grateful to God for my life it's doing okay",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9735423922538757 2017-11-02 06:17:10,"I need to vent. Do you know what it feels like to love a person that doesn't speak the same language as you looks different than you lives far away from you with oceans in between the two of you and on top of all this it's only one sided where they don't even know about your existence and the only way to quinch your thirst to be loved back by them is by looking at their picture all day long listening to their voice on the radio and hoping that one day, a miracle where someone that u like can like u back...will come to u too Right?",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9892575144767761 2017-11-02 08:16:45,"I need to vent. Okay this is more of a question than a vent; what are your thoughts about older girls dating younger boys? When I say older; it's not like I'm Lucy's cousin, more like I'm 24 and he's 19 so 5 years difference. I don't have trouble dating guys my age but this guy asked me out and I said no at first but now I'm reconsidering since he's so smart and thoughtful.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.761650025844574 2017-11-02 10:11:43,"I need to vent. I want to be okay but Im having a hard time. I want some help but I don't have people I can completely be honest with or people who if I told would actually be able to help. I've only ever needed one person to listen it's just that that person had to be the closest thing I had to a life partener. I don't know what this vent will accomplish but I needed to tell someone. I'm not okay. I'm not functioning like I'm supposed to.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994995594024658 2017-11-02 17:54:10,"I need to vent. Hi there everyone who is reading I don’t know how to say this but I’m in high school and I’m gay i like boys so there’s this friend of mine that I’m in love with and i don’t think he feels the same way i feel about him and i don’t know how to tell him so please help me guys what can i do ???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9926900267601013 2017-11-02 19:43:23,"I need to vent. I don't like my neighbor. I don't want to tell her that I hate her because I am the one who can't stand her absurd idiosyncrasies. And it isn't like I can avoid her. She is just always around. Please help. How can I have my peace of mindd??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9820574522018433 2017-11-02 19:46:20,"I need to vent. A little effort is all I ask. I know u try to stay close and be there but tbh i sometimes feel like ur the girl and I'm the guy who's always tring to be there and show u that i care. You've been thr a lot I get it but u sometimes forgate that i have my own battles. Nd sure everyone thinks I can get thr life on my own or that i don't need anyone but u were suppose to know better. It's sad that ur always saying how u want to be there for me but when i literally beg u to be.. ur not. I don't know if u can be the right guy for me but I always defend u even when ur not lookin, it's sad that my heart only beats for u and only u. It's sad that I'll never say this words to u because if i do, ull think that I'm not being understanding or end up making me feel like an idiot for adding up on ur own issues. I know that this is where people with big problems talk but this is the biggest problem I ever had(besides some family stuff which is for another day).. I just had to vent it out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971222281455994 2017-11-02 20:12:23,"I need to vent. Im not egostic. That has never been the case. I just keep a close watch on this heart of mine. Everytime i think about submitting, He always gives me a reason not to. Everytime he submits to me I always assume it is fake. I just dont know how to trust anymore and even worse how to feel. I am dead inside.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.8767092227935791 2017-11-02 21:01:16,"I need to vent. My boyfriend is cheat on me. Afer yibla! ene lesu how many I have did!! But I am beuriful! Much people are loving me but I said no to zem for him. yihe likskis Yes way! Aniwe... he say he love me now and he make mistake. What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.6597896218299866 2017-11-03 14:14:23,"I need to vent. Although I have a consistently high urge for it I've never had sex. I can't put it into words how fucking horny i'm. I don't want to pay for it and I don't want to get into a relationship just to have it either. I only want a casual sex with no strings attached.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9938660264015198 2017-11-03 15:47:15,"I need to vent. Hey ....i just wanted to vent i've this heavy feelin for sometime now.i just cant figure out what my friends think of me..its kinda weird but am good at knowing one's mood just by lookin @ their facial expression.n it keeps running in my mind all day> what did i do disgusting nature is a cant say no to peoples.specially my friends n it really pains me a lot!with my ex...i got into fights twice...what can i do... N when they really crosses the line...their facial expression haunt me down every sec pease need an advice guys am in trouble",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9890545606613159 2017-11-03 18:54:11,"I need to vent. Ik it's wrong but Ive been having weird feelings of lust and love for my teacher Hes so quite and to me quiet attractive also but I dont know what to do and I dont trust myself because I might do something stupid just cause of too much emotions bilding up What should I do I just wanna be in his arms after a long day but I know its wrong and mostly unlikely",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9874824285507202 2017-11-03 18:54:34,"I need to vent. She saw him. She saw him with her. With z only girl she didnt want to see him. He let z other one do things he didnt do for her. Seemingly simple things zat meant a hell of a lot to her. But he doesnt care anymore. Or did he ever care?? So now she sits in silence. Watching as the other one gives him anything and everything she wanted to give him. It torchered her from the inside out and she couldnt even talk about it. Not that he was happy, because all she ever wanted for him was to be happy. But that her existence didnt mean anything to him. She could die infront of him and he wouldnt blink twice. All her friends look at her waiting for her to breakdown at any moment. But she wont. even though it's killing her and shredding her insides to pieces everytime she sees them, she wont breakdown cause she's stronger than that. She wont let a bitch-ass (excuse her language) boy control her.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8631809949874878 2017-11-03 20:52:32,"I need to vent. Moms dead Dads drunk Sisters sick I faint Having seizures on and on Dont know whats going on I dont wanna feel Nothing is the thing i wanna hear!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988341927528381 2017-11-03 21:03:28,"I need to vent. So to praty vent up hear, i am love with mai tacher and he not tiching me now so i mess him so mach, what shud i do? But i am ok far naw, nafkot is under control",love,NEGATIVE,0.9684026837348938 2017-11-03 22:12:15,"I need to vent. Sorry by mistake a click on the 'no comment' button am the one who is suffering by my friends facial express please drop your comment am waiting",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9994767308235168 2017-11-04 12:02:15,"I need to vent. So I'm a girl n I'm horny 24/7. N I have instances where I could fuck. Like bf begging n other guys i date n know but.... even after goin hot n heavy, making out bla bla....(parental guidance advised)... just goin third base n shit. When it comes to doin it... i just shut offfffff. Like off. I'm like get the fuck off me nigger ... lol he keeps doin it cuz guys think gurls want to b forced the first time. But hell nah, i force those big muscles offf me... i wanna do it. But I can't do it.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9985032081604004 2017-11-04 18:59:51,"I need to vent. I've been reading some of the comments and people really need to be sensitive and sensible. If you don't have anything supportive to say you might as well not comment!! People go through somethings that you may not approved of but it's not anyone's place to judge and be all negative and insensivtie and leave crappy comments. No one chooses their battles Okay? So if there are things that people are doing that you do not like or approve of, guess what???? Don't comment. It's simple. I really think that this channel is for people to get support and feel comfortable sharing whatever with NO JUDGEMNET!! SO LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!!",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9978649020195007 2017-11-04 18:59:59,"I need to vent. I have problem socializing even my friends friend are not my friends. My problem is getting along after that I'm gd to go but at 1st I look like dome creapy loner which I'm not. maybe I push Ppl wd out knowing it. I'm always amazed when Ppl say I used to be like u before....... I'm like wt happened for u to change? If u hv any advice pls share",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.765476405620575 2017-11-04 22:56:25,"Hey everyone please check and recheck the comments you give, to see if it includes your name on the top. If you copy and paste your comment from somewhere else, it most likely has your name on top so watch out and you can edit it out at anytime. Other than this, Enjoy.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9893019795417786 2017-11-05 10:18:32,"I need to vent. I wish i wouldn't have to let u go through this.... I wish u wouldn't have to shed a drop of tear because of me....i wish i didn't spent my whole nights listening to ur childhood stories....i wish i can be strong enough to tell u give up on me.. Nd I wish I can give u the reasons u are begging for..I wish i can love u wiz all my heart ( u don't deserve less) but u can't keep a person just because u care for zem.....U deserve much better...nd i wish you all the best",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9649412631988525 2017-11-05 10:19:54,"I need to vent. I've been broken once by someone I loved but my ex-bestfriend who also happens to be a lost soul like myself, stitched me back to pieces and brought me to life again. I have loved before but I never fell in love (yes there is a huge difference) so first the first time ever I fell inlove with my Ex-bestfriend. It's been going on for over a year now and the fact that we're no longer how we used to be is burning little pieces of me as each day passes. Everything I do in my life lay their basis on him. Everyday I want to commit suicide but I think of him and want to live to see his happy days. I want to live because if he ever has his bad days, I want to be here to balance his good days. I am his home he has left behind but will always come to when his soul needs comfortable. He's inlove with someone else now and even is that makes me happy for him, it's slowly killing me inside. To die for someone I'd easy trust me but to live for someone is extremely hard.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8119288682937622 2017-11-05 11:56:53,"I need to vent. Hy there, well I'm 18 n I live wd ma mom and my step dad. My mom become a control freak when my dad died she always acts like she is the only one missing him. When in reality she got another husbi and I got a step dad not an actual dad. She never let's me out of the house and she is so srerious ab guy litteraly I can't even talk to them for a casual thing n because of her obssestion I wont even go to church anymore and in college she always come and pick me up so that I won't go with anyone. God I'm tired. Of all this shit, I don't know what to do or say. There are times when I miss my dad Caz I know if he was there things will be different. Once she kicked out my step dad when he was trying to be on my side. What should I do pls help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972409009933472 2017-11-05 12:14:50,"I need to vent. Hey guys i really need ur advice on this goes my story,so i been kissing my best friend couple of times now..we first did it the day of my birthday which we both were drunk but we keep making out in any chance we got and the bad part is he have a nice girlfriend..she is so nice sometimes i wonder how he ended up with a nice girl like her and that makes me hate my self even more for wat i did....i keep telling my self am not going to do it again but when the times comes i cant control my self around him,i am the worst person ever ...i really need ur advice plzz guys what should i do now...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997044026851654 2017-11-05 13:55:18,"I need to vent. I am drawn to broken hearted people. Every time I meet someone new, they're either broken or completely damaged. I always find myself trying to help those kind of people. I always try to find ways to mend them and give them hope when I don't even have for myself. My mom keeps telling me to stop doing this, she says it's not in my power to fix every fractured soul that comes along. Maybe she says this because she sees how much I'm sacrificing to save someone's future. It's like with every soul I try to mend, I leave pieces of myself and in the end I become the one that needs saving because once healed, they throw me out of their life like a smoked and finished cigarette. I'm used to being used. But sometimes I want to have friends who values me as much as I value them. I can't save myself, it's clear I've drained all the energy I have radiating for others. I now seem to be sunken in the abyss of loneliness. I need help. Please!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9962791800498962 2017-11-05 19:01:40,"I need to vent. So I've had a tough week. I dont wanna bother my friends with this stuff so I'll vent it out. Both my parents are sick. Well my mom is better but my dad is really sick. He has been sick for a while but made the dumb decision to hide it from us. And when my mom found out that my dad is sick she got sick too. I'm the only child around and I get this comments from relatives like stay by their side and be there for them like i have somewhere to be. While all this is happening i just cant help bu think of you. I cant even understand why. It's not like we were a thing but still you still help me get my mind of all the shit thats going down. Thanks for reading.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.668156087398529 2017-11-05 19:59:45,"I need to vent. I think I have given up on love. I fell in love once and he broke my heart so now am involved with this really good guy but I can't fall for him and trust him. He told me he loves me and I said it back but I didn't mean it and I know that's fucked up but I had no other choice I didn't wanna hurt him. Now I am scared to fall for him cause he treats me so good so now I don't wanna get too involved n hurt my self again. I don't know what to do.",fear,POSITIVE,0.9805358648300171 2017-11-05 20:35:10,"I need to vent. God I wanna stop, I just wanna stop everything. . . Take a break from life. Tomorrow is Monday and I'm not ready to go back to work. I hate it. I love it but I really hate it now. I don't have any motivation. I'm just sick of my job taking everything from me. My time, my youth, my social life. .. I don't get to do anything. Why do I have to suffer to make other people's life better? I know I should be grateful and I'm but this just blows. I want a year break from my life, from my routine. I feel like I'm dying inside.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9984317421913147 2017-11-05 20:48:44,"I need to vent. I just spent a week with these amazing people and I fell in love with all of them. I can't imagine my life without them now. And I started dreaming of the future and what sort of adventures we can embark on. But reality hit. Hard! They are leaving by the end of this year. I am stuck here in my monotonous life studying a field I hate and love at the same time. There is a small part of me that wishes for them to fail so they stay here and I feel horrible about that. And I know how attached I get and I tried being cold blooded but I failed. I love them all. And today I spent the entire day feeling this immense emption of adoration toward one of them and it just dawned to me how much of an idiot I am. Help a G out guys. Tell me how to get over this.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9974820017814636 2017-11-06 07:04:07,"I need to vent. Well here is ma vent... I been heart broken so many * ...but now am in love n he loves me too...the pbm is that i meet a friend of friend...the guy is nice...n we chill together the thing is its more than chill...we had sex i was so drunk...i couldnt my mind going insane...i love my bf asf i wanna tell him everything...but am scared that he will...u knw...n am not ready i think he is ma true love. .its all my fault...i dont wanna hurt him...""truth hurt"" am so confused... Help Help Help",love,POSITIVE,0.7724872827529907 2017-11-06 07:04:18,"I need to vent. Hello...this is more of a question than a vent....why do girls friend zone their perfect guy and look for someone else exactly like him..why is that?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984815716743469 2017-11-06 07:04:32,"I need to vent. I regret it now. I kept going through all the things i should've said and did. I kept going through every day and every text in my head trying to figure out where i went so wrong. I wish i had the chance to do it all over again from the first time i saw u. cause if i got zat chance i know things would've gone differently. I feel shitty zat i closed all z doors i knew we would've worked out well toghtger.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993588328361511 2017-11-06 07:05:01,"I need to vent. I will kill him he thinks he has the right to call me babe. Well nigga, I don't know what want from me, but u ain't gon' git nuthn here, so keep yo ass moving. I think I'm even more angry that he's pursuing me cuz soon, I'm afraid I might let my guard down and he wins. Imma stay strong. For all the girls out there who've been tricked into thinking he really loved her but all that nigga saw was your booty. We'll see who gets the last laugh.",anger,POSITIVE,0.9902053475379944 2017-11-06 07:05:18,"I need to vent. Hey everybody. Ok here goes my problem...... I wanted to get to know this guy I have known him for years but we don't actually talk. I have heard that he has this wrong thinking ab himself n I want to change that but how? Just pls tell me wt to do(ya u) or how to start and keep the conversation going. Thanks",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966689944267273 2017-11-06 08:08:59,"I need to vent. So me my boyfriend have been together for a year now now.. but i still find my self being insecure, when he talks with his ex(which they been together for years) or talks with other girls more interesting than me i feel like he is gona leave me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980986714363098 2017-11-06 08:30:25,"I need to vent. This is for all those going through invisible disease. It is already hard enough. Don't make it harder. Putting the last spoon on the table, she smiled He may not know, but the one thing she tried, was to make the day a good one. With no reason to shun away the good times. Alas! He bought it up again ""You gotta loose all the gain"" Her eyes welled as she spoke ""Its not in my control. It hurts even to try."" ""You don't look sick"" said the voice of cajole. ""So do not cry Eat healthy. Run more Its in your head I am sure. Where is the swelling? Why you take pills? There is no telling How long can we pay bills. You are not sick. Just being lazy. Get back your old self. It's driving me crazy."" She sat there in disbelief. The one person meant to understand Refused her any kind of relief. Where shall she go? Whom to talk? People with invisible illness Must alone walk. All they want is to be believed, And with a pinch of care things to be recieved. You can't help them already. Just be kind and steady.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9933754801750183 2017-11-06 08:32:11,"I need to vent. My best friend stole my boyfriend so please tell me what can I do? I try to forget him but I can't I try so hard",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983236193656921 2017-11-06 08:53:43,"I need to vent. I am in love with this girl whom I can't date coz of many reasons but I really enjoy being around her! Save me!!!",love,POSITIVE,0.9988217949867249 2017-11-06 09:02:23,"I need to vent. This girl got me really down like for down to earth! U know am very handsome guy & obviously i used it to meet girls & screw 'em minamn gin now Am utterly friendzoned she thinks am her bro even she introduced me to her friends like that. When she smile I just wanna hug her tight & kiss those teeth...I wanna put back her hair from that pretty face beka the girl is perfection. she is worried about me being alone & tries to set me up with some of her friends but I ended up calling her just to tell how those girls are shitty. Now am at the peak I can't do this anymore. I got a scholar to study aboard & she is very happy about that but I know I will die there am not even kidding I WILL DIE!!!!!!!! If I ask her out & if she accepts me that will be the beginning of my life I will just stay here but what if the reverse happens.... Losing her in both ways? I can't even think. HELP.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9864571690559387 2017-11-06 09:23:39,"I need to vent. Hello, So this is me with a very nice & beautiful girlfriend. I got this girl through my friend & love starts between us. Everyone loves her, since she is very beautiful most of all nice. That's not the problem but that friend of mine loves her. I am stressed cause i don't wanna leave this girl on other hand my friends ignores me at all thinking that I stole her from the guy minamn.......he really loves her a lot I know but I love her too. He is on the edge of withdrawing because of her & am on the edge of going crazy because of loneliness. I do everything alone going class, going cafe & so on. My girl doesn't know all about this. What should I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9803500175476074 2017-11-06 09:50:14,"I need to vent. So I'm 21 and half and am loosing my hair. It started falling off about two years ago and seems it is never going to stop. It sucks cause I'm very young and there is noting I can do about it. I wouldn't have cared if I were in my 30s but now!? At this early age!? Its so frusturating. If you guys know of remedy at least to slow it down I really appreciate it.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.8999279141426086 2017-11-06 11:47:09,"I need to vent. What you gonna do if the most respected young lecturer in the university kneel down and asks you to save him from your torturing love?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966288208961487 2017-11-06 18:43:22,"I need to vent. Hi there so this might be a little shallow and whiny, because my problems aren't what u would call life altering, even tho in some way they have altered my life. I have great friends who care about me and a family which upto some level is sane. I haven't had a traumatic experience that has broken me or changed my personality. My problem is one thing my self confidence, I am the most approval seeking person I kno, I need recognition for everything I do or my head turns to the worst case scenario. Is something isn't good then I immediately feel it's the worst achievement ever. N it gets worse wid romantic stuff, I think I like a guy and I get close to him and flirt then when I see he likes me back or something I immediately turn off and find myself regretting meeting him. So my solution was not dating at all ever but now I feel like it's been too long and I don't kno how to even approach the subject i feel out of place like I shouldn't be trying to connect with someone. If anyone has any suggestions please help I am very confused.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992519021034241 2017-11-06 20:19:44,"I need to vent. I think I am in love Or maybe it's lust I'm always so excited to u know U got it beka And now I am confused because...... I want to chop him up and eat him! And he has such a beautiful thick Afro that I want to smell and sniff all day long.. Please do not JUJE me.. I'm just in LOVE. And he don't know I used to see him as a younger bro, but now that we in college I start seeing him as man. I don't know where the feeling came from.. One day I had this implacable rush to tear his head and limbs away from his torso.. and I got excited AF.. Ever since then we've been inseparable.. I watch him eat I watch him sleep I watch him trying to shave his back every morning I watch him trim his nose hair He is like drug to me.. I think he knows that what I feel for him.. I think he feels the same way.. I think that he also wants to eat me..devour me.. But we're both very shy.. HELP. What should I do? Should I tell him how he feels…?",love,NEGATIVE,0.939308762550354 2017-11-06 20:19:51,"I need to vent. How can u express ur feeling, thought other types of social bs with out talking to that person. I made the greatest mistake of my life without knowing about it. It is when I grew up that I know I shouldn't have felt that way at that time. It's so personal that it's my dad I should talk to but the 4 something years of not speaking about it is hard to just say the words and be over it. I need help PLEASE I don't think I will live in peace if this continue",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997201681137085 2017-11-06 21:31:06,"I need to vent. I tried to put this off for a while now but i just cant anymore. So ........ my sister died. i dont give place for things like sadness, feelings, hurt, mnamn. But this time i dont know what is happening. I loved her soooo much. Now it suddenly feels like something is off. U know like some part of me i didnt know was lost. It doesnt make sense even to me but something about me is changed and i feel it. I didnt know nothing could affect me like this but it did. I'm not bitching about it i know there is nothing i can do and death is not a new thing. I'm not sad. I just dont feel like myself anymore. I swear i'm not controling it. And i cant talk about it either, cause it wouldnt change anything. Besides i dont want to worry my friends. I didnt even know it but she changed me. I miss her!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9834080338478088 2017-11-06 21:38:44,"I need to vent. I just can't take it anymore So what am in love with you n its so fucking sad that I can't even tell u that cause of this dumb thought that girls shouldn't tell how they feel about boys but why not?? I just can't get why you are doing this to me I know that you are waiting for me to say the word I love u but why can't u say that of u did it would be much easier for me to say I love you too but me saying it first is wrong at least that's what they said but why are you waiting for me to say it cause am damn sure u know that am in love with u is it to say I was waiting for u or nahhh girl I don't love you can someone tell me why he might be doing this cause am torn apart n waiting is killing me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9994901418685913 2017-11-06 22:38:37,"I need to vent. Is it right being this happy? I mean it as much less offensive to this channel as I can. I mean I am happy. Idk if bad things just don't happen to me or I'm good at dodging and keeping them silent. But I feel like one day sadness will come for me. Why should I be different from anyone else. When everyone is sad and shit, I'm here just being . And I fear that day very much. I feel like I'm gonna crash and burn so badd",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9951991438865662 2017-11-06 22:58:47,"I need to vent. Soooo.... This is my first vent... I really don't like people and I think it's wrong. Everytime I think I'm meeting someone new they just find ways to annoy me and I end up cutting them off I only have one friend and I really don't mind because we connect.. But I feel uncomfortable about treating people this way Please help... What should I do...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992363452911377 2017-11-06 23:59:03,"I need to vent. If suicide wasn't a sin, that's the first thing i want to do. I regret about my past. I hate my life now. I'm just living for some blurred hope. Only one blurred vision.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975613355636597 2017-11-06 23:59:08,"I need to vent. Hey Life is fucked up I Dont know wat to do anymore",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989504814147949 2017-11-06 23:59:12,"I need to vent. Please don't do this to me... I've paid enough sacrifices for you and now you're cheating on me? I mean what have i not given you? You don't have time for me, and even if u do have time u don't want to spend it with me and it's killing me... We're both med students so that can't be your reason for not making time. Since i care enough to make time for u and i believe u should be able to do the same... Whenever I try to talk to u to make things work, u get really pissed of and i get scared because i don't want to give you the reason to leave me; i know you're looking for one. I'm lost and confused because i know I'll die if u leave me, especially for another girl.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984676241874695 2017-11-07 05:28:03,"I need to vent. hey vet family's okay so my problem is i get emotionally attached easily to people i dont even know well and everytime i do that the all end up disappointing me or leaving me behind and showing me that people aint shit i tried to fix it several times but it all keeps coming back to the point where i end up getting lost in a relationship.i just want to get rid of that personality but everytime i throw it away it just keeps coming back",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981638789176941 2017-11-07 14:53:53,"I need to vent. my brother died 6 years ago and my dad packed his bag not long ago for he cant bear his absence nomore I found my freedom in losing hope in drinking some gin please what should I do to feel like i belong anymore for he cant consider me as his daughter nomore he stopped calling and worse he started ignoring my calls. I found my freedom in losing hope and letting go I walk hopelessly with out expectation",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996562659740448 2017-11-07 14:54:15,"I need to vent. Hey I'm 20 n I need advice on this matter..ok the thing I have an uncle of sorts who is a doctor and so cool he let's have full diagnosis every 6 month for free n last year I was told I have a heart disease, diabetes and epilepsy since then I've had to go to emergency room twice for heart attack and all this time my mom and the whole family doesn't have a clue. I didn't want to tell'em cuz I just lost my dad and I don't want them to worry all the time n get paranoid every time I'm outside or alone. The only ppl who know about my condition are my doctor n my best friend. I need this advice cuz if I faint the 3rd time it may be critical or I could go into a coma or have a surgery. when we come to the point should I tell my family?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996493399143219 2017-11-07 14:54:50,"I need to vent. Okay.. Ever since I moved in with my sister she changed as a person she is always putting me down and mocking and telling me I'm worthless.. I really don't know what to do anymore I tried ignoring her but she always finds a way to get to me.. Please help she's my sister and I love her but I can't take this anymore...",love,NEGATIVE,0.9897861480712891 2017-11-07 18:56:39,"I need to vent. Yoooooooo .... I'm so fuckin sick n tired of shit. .. weyne gude. .. I'm heartbroken. I have no friends, family, bf, money... Nothing. My mother is jealous of me. I'm not kidding you alllll. I swear. Ere wtf does one do in this situation. Everyone tries to annoy me. Literally everyone. You have no idea how much my heart is broken. It's so broken i can feel it. I just came. N literally everyone says i look depressed. I'm everyones target. Hulum... shufer, redat, passerby, passenger, passing car... ""u look down. You're young don't give up yet"" idk who they think they r... forget them. But i honestly wish i was as badass n cheerful, n feta yale as a 20 something yr old. so my main question is. How do u deal with jealousy from parents... ? N my father doesn't really support me. Usually the mothers when they lose their beauty they start being jealous of their girls, n during this time she can rely on her fathers support. Lol but my stupid mother really has him rapped around her finger... so he can't step in. I don't even get basic necessities of a girl like lotion n stufff",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993849992752075 2017-11-07 19:33:05,"I need to vent. So i am soo happy in my life I have a good life: parents who love and respect my wishes me and friends that adore me and i adore back school is going great ‍ What else and ohh i won 2000 birr tournament my favorite football team is also winning SORRY PEOPLE IF YOUR LIFE IS FUCKED UP BUT THANK YOU GOD FOR MY LIFE",joy,POSITIVE,0.9989697933197021 2017-11-07 19:56:27,"I need to vent. My life is meh...but memes keep me going. I buy packages for memes, spend all my cash on memes. Memes are what keeps me away from depression. Memes are bae. I can't seem to get out of the loop of getting up looking at memes go to school come back then stare at memes all night then sleep and repeat. It keeps coming back and back again. Memes are bae. Ayyyy",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9829553961753845 2017-11-07 20:04:29,"I need to vent. So i tried love 3 all the times it ended in what i call ""A Disaster"" after that i think i generalized and moved on..since the 3rd time i had multiple girls. But i never had fallen in love with any. I was more passionate on Lust. Love just become too dangerous So i end up breaking up too quick with any girl i was with ... in a month or two. Now i feel like many hate me for damaging hearts and making someone wasnt intentional though. Its just that i just live the present where future dont exist and it felt good than the love i tried . I just end up being raw...who leaves a damsel in distress. Do i just embrace this me ? I have gone so far with this personality now i became a rolling stone...cant settle for nothing! I think i should have changed before the mystry of my relations and me fade...and even if am changed now i think it will be too late.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9783973693847656 2017-11-07 20:49:24,"I need to vent. I am a freaking bad boyfriend, I wanna give her to the fullest but am very overprotective boyfriend. I know she is getting frustrated. I get jealous of every guy she knows. Now a days I get jealous of assuming her with other boys. Once endewm she was gone out for drink with her girls ena I just get the image of boys hitting up on her I couldn't bear it & I head to the place where she is, I found her chilling with her girls. I feel bad!! Really bad!! I am OBSESSED on her very obsessed!!!!!!! I go anywhere to pick her up I be like 'yet nesh?' 'Ok methau'. Now I wanna give her freedom I don't know what to do though. Anyone who has been in this situation or got an advise please help me. Thanks for the platform",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9978544116020203 2017-11-08 10:18:08,"I need to vent. Let's start with the Truth. You feel you were given more than you can handle... You feel you've been dealt a bad hand. You feel you can't take this on your own. Well truth? You can't... You ARE given more than you can handle... You wont be able to keep yourself intact and still take everything head on... ALONE. That word (alone) is very important. We as people need help... We are co-dependent... We rely on one another to keep each other from falling. Truth. Consider this though... How can I keep you from falling if I'm not strong enough to stand on my own in the first place. If I'm looking to YOU to keep me from falling, how can I keep you from falling. I can't. Truth. Consider this... You and I just started ice skating... What do we do... I hold on to the bars at the edge.. You hold on to me and then we slowly start sliding. If I let go we might go on for a few but the second you slip I'll slip as well. So I need something stronger than YOU to hold us up.. Something rooted to keep me from falling and to keep you from falling. Truth. Consider this... Now we're moving together... I'm rooted and were up and going slow and steady. Now if you slip I'll almost always catch you but you'll slip a whole lot cause your only holding on to me and we know by now I'm not enough to keep you up and straight. I can only keep you barely up. So what do I do... I pull you and let you grab hold of the bars. That way we'll both be firmly rooted and now we can work faster for we are not limited by each other. Truth. We can how ever still go together... I could hold your shoulder. We could laugh... Tease and just have fun. Will we slip still. YES. Will we fall...NO. We're TOO secure for all that. Here's what I'm saying... I am merely human. I am not able to save you. I am not able to cure you. I am not able to be your rock or your anchor. You are merely human... You are not able to take everything... You are not able to handle hardship... You are not going to always be okay. Neither am I. I will how ever help you up and bring you to THE anchor... I will help you to THE cure. I will help you to THE light. I can't show you the light though. I can't be your eyes. But if you need proof I'll reflect it to you till you have enough to open your eyes.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9941360950469971 2017-11-08 14:37:20,"I need to vent. Am very very very very sick of this guy who follows me everywhere saying I love u & shits even though I told him not to. He don't give me time to breath, if am there he must be around me too. These days I start feeling very uncomfortable. I tried to talk to him several times but he never talks freely, he have to dry his sweats on his forehead continuously. the time will fly just he asking me if am fine, how is class beka. His friend new endwm who talks me a little. Now I want those guys to stay away for me cause am getting scared of their foolishness. What can I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9975939393043518 2017-11-08 16:36:13,"I need to vent. So my boyfriend talks to his ex(they been together for years) she is out of ethiopia and he told me they sometimes talk so i somehow have her number and constantly check if they both online and they talking Is this normal",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958775043487549 2017-11-08 17:54:48,"I need to vent. I don't know what's happening to me but I came to a level where I literally am too afraid to make memories. I don't know if you get it, but having a moment in the present that you know will cause your suffering in the future is not not worthy. Maybe it's about making memories with the wrong people that made it scary.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9994834661483765 2017-11-08 18:49:32,"I need to vent. OWKEY, i have kept this inside enough. Its time to vent here. This tiny classmate of mine, SHE SNIFFS PEOPLES BUTT every chance she gets. She is so tiny like 3'4 so always around the mid section of us humans and i always catch her sniffing then she moans, freaking moans. Just earlier, i saw her sniffing our psychology teacher's butt, and then he winked at her, made me wonder if he had seen her sniff before and wore a perfume down there. nyways yes, i dont think she is normal but she looks normal. So should i ask her why she do it? Or should i report this to the department head? What do you guys say?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9921115636825562 2017-11-08 18:51:32,"I don't know and I don't care if this thing is real, but this is too funny ‍‍",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9979815483093262 2017-11-08 22:13:27,"I need to vent. I was wandering around and finally clicked the post button...actually this isnt a vent.i l dont fucking know why gin i feel like i need to tell u my plans...haha....k let me start.i was a girl with full of fantasy about marriage,about children.i always thought the whole point of living is creating a family and living happily ever after...i have always been believing that, until all this beautiful fantasy shattered.i have been in a relationship twice.and both were something like serious stuffs.Well,it ended(accounts for this post) i was thinking i felt like i would never be able to get myself into such serious stuffs again,give my all again,and dream these experiences+me being a med student made me lower my expectations about having my own family...i give up,a husband,zat romeo llz...haha...but i dont dare to give up least i need to have what is wrong in dreaming to become a single mom???hell yeah amma be a single mom...and so there is in my plan....any any dick who is ready to become a father of a single mom's daughter/son is welcome...",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9946657419204712 2017-11-08 22:54:40,"I need to vent. Every feminist bone in my body is rebelling as I write this but here goes. I am not worthy of you. Every minute I spend with you I lose a bit more of my self esteem because I shrink in the light of your awesomeness. Wanting you is destroying me because I try so hard to make you smile it's embarrassing. And what kills me is that you are too nice to tell me straight up that there's no chance in this life time for the two of us. Every morning I tell my self ""you know what? am just as smart, funny, adventures, beautiful as you are'.....and then you look at me and I can't help wiping my palms on my worn out jeans before I take your hand",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8715381026268005 2017-11-09 00:28:10,"I need to vent. Ok iam 20 , a girl and i dont look that bad , i mean quite a few guys have asked me out but iam always like "" bitch pls , i dont want u "" so whats my problem ??? I fucking 20 and i have never been in love . like i never had a crush or anything like whatoever . i find every guy i met literally this face . sooooo am i weird ??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9860390424728394 2017-11-09 00:57:30,"I need to vent. I am in love with a married person. We have known each other for years. And i know somebody who loves me as a friend but that person want to take it to the next step",love,NEGATIVE,0.9770351648330688 2017-11-09 06:55:45,"I need to vent. I banged my neighbor And it was so fucking great. My boyfriend went away for a few days, and I started chatting with this guy in my building. Gives me his number, tells me to let him know if we ever need weed. Next thing I know I'm at his place screaming his name... And now all I can think about now is having a threesome with neighbor boy and my boyfriend because both these dicks are bomb, I'm actually going to try to work on making it happen.... I'm shitty lol. What do you think?…",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9982795715332031 2017-11-09 10:36:35,"I need to vent. Ok am a girl 23 yrs , I dated my boyfriend for 1 yr. We used to have quality times together since last month... He went to welyata sodo for work and returned back ... His behaviour is totally changed and became aggressive... He punches me in the belly while we make up...then he cries and apologizes... but he cudnt stop punching me... and am sick of being punch in the belly..he is muscular u can imagine how hard he punches what should I do ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9924038052558899 2017-11-09 20:22:47,"I need to vent. So u guys may not believe me but this is not about your approval its about me letting out my feelings. I am so fed up with it. I personally would very much like to enjoy sex with my boyfriend but he is not able to .i like my bf very much but when we r abt to have sex his dick cant function its so fuckin soft its not like its his fault but still .we tried everything even ""tenkuay bate"" Please guys what should i do??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9827069640159607 2017-11-09 20:53:59,"I need to vent. I don't close my eyes when i make out with someone. Is that weird?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9957323670387268 2017-11-09 21:04:26,"I need to vent. I want to have a normal conversation with my family but just as I am about to speak up all my emotion changes to anger regret blame on my self and my family I become a different person and the smallest thing will flip me literally. How can i say i have a home when the one place i live is where all my emotions are against me? I need my peace?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9910944104194641 2017-11-09 21:14:10,"I need to vent. Am 22 and I never had a r/ship before or anything is that weird for a guy? It's not that I don't want to but just the whole thing after meeting a girl then all bla bla bla bs lying stuff is not what I want. And from what I see almost all are just living the lie.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9991540908813477 2017-11-09 22:26:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys i really need ur advise. This is not a situation we heard of alot but its obvious sometimes it could happen. I hope u dont judge me for it. I have fallen in love with my relative. we are not dat much close relatives but we are relatives anyways. We are so much compatible, and comfortable around each other. she is so brave, beautiful and kind. we share a lot of the same interests too. At first i nv cared for anything and I nv thought this would happen but lately I realised dat i luv her and its time for me to face the truth. I want to tell her my feelings but first i need to setup dis situation. what should i do ?",love,POSITIVE,0.9860410094261169 2017-11-09 23:35:54,"I need to vent. It's hard but it's for the good. The only mistake I made with you was not thinking my words twice. Maybe i was really in to you. Didn't fight it at all. I missed that feeling. But it's my best mistake even though it ended in the worst case scenario.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956427812576294 2017-11-10 06:19:48,"I need to vent. What would u do if some one so hot but not ur type proposes to u in front of a big crowd I didnt want to say yes I didn't want to embarrass him so I said yes n now what should I do plz I need advices",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974173307418823 2017-11-10 06:20:09,"I need to vent. If anyone have been in my place please tell me. I know I'm just a student but I've got great gift of understanding people and judge their character I mean I don't just misjudge I get it right. So my point is I feel like I know what people want and like see through them and at some point I know they need help but I am in no position of telling I know their secrets, their feelings behind their smile and it is kinda awesome but at the same time frustrating",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9957447648048401 2017-11-10 14:24:39,"I need to vent. Ever since my dad passed away i havent been able to trust guys and everytime a guy approachs me i feel nervous...and i have never been in a r/ship and i hope i dont get in one...but i wish i could be less nervous around guys have any thoughts",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9963204860687256 2017-11-10 15:55:27,"I need to vent. Okay... here i go this is ma frst vent, and its a lot different than all the vents here... its been a while since i joined the channel and i hv only been readin vents and comments, and am ADDICTED to this channel... at first it was just like 'owww miskin"".. n stuff but den it changed to 'ohh i wanna help' n den it became 'damn i have to help'... n i just cant go a day without reading a vent from dis channel, n everytime i do, i just keep on thinkin abt those ppl who are actually in need, n i feel like they r in need of MY HELP they need me n am not being helpful here mnamn... i tried to even talk to some of them, some i actually helped n some am still figurin out a way to help. my concern grew cuz now i am in that state where i keep thinking abt how to help them even wen i hv my own ""unsolved"" problems all ova ma head... u hv no idea things am dealin wd ryt nw, bt i keep addin certain problems posted here to ma stress n make it even worse... i even tot of leaving d channel, bt at d same time, wat abt those who want help from me i say. bcha its gettin worse n worse, n for everyone out thr who hv a lot to say n seekin help i really wish i cud be ur fairy godmother... m just too tiny to handle it all bt i want to. n fo d channel admin its really amazin n i really really really wanna thank u on behalf of everyone ur helpin.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994077682495117 2017-11-10 17:10:01,"I need to vent. Hey its me so we wear so happy together n when i told her that am an Atheist she left me literally like i was nothing to her is it wrong to be athist am not going to change my belief becoz of her i just want to know is it wrong to be An Athist (FYI i have my own resons to be Atheist and am happy)",joy,POSITIVE,0.9104681015014648 2017-11-10 19:26:41,"I need to vent. hey okay here it goes.. i been with my bf almost 7month now but we kinda know each other way before we got together and i have real feelings for him ... we spend most of our time together and one thing lead to another we kinda had sex.. it was my first time so i didnt really enjoyed it ,infact it fucking hurts ..but my friends said it will get better by time but it has no change every time we have sex .. it still hurts i dont enjoy any of it but i dont want him to feel bad so i just tell him i enjoy it .. and now i dont know what to do i want to enjoy it as much as him but i can't and it hurts .. please tell me if there is something i can do to change that without him knowing.. i dont want him to feel like there is something wrong with him... thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9712095856666565 2017-11-10 19:37:58,"I need to vent. Hey I am a thirty year old married women with two kids but my husband isn't the father of one of my kids. Since his such a good father I'm having difficulties telling him the truth but now the biological dad is here and he wants to get to know his child so what should I do? I'm so stressed that my husband is figuring out that something is wrong because our sex life has also been affected by my guilt.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9964948296546936 2017-11-10 21:27:34,"I need to vent. Okay, hey guys so I have a question. I'm sure some of you have been in the position I am right now or may be you have never been. How do you know if you are in a 'Friends with benefits' situation when you thought at first you were headed towards the 'relationship' path? Please if you have an experience, share your thoughts. If you don't, try to empathise and tell me how you would know if it's one or the other. Thanks.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8461689949035645 2017-11-11 07:35:39,"I need to vent. Well okay so I'm 19 and I've been wiz my bf for like 2 yrs well z problem ryt now is zat we've been having sex for like a yr now. I lost my virginity to him and I luv him too but its just zat ive been thinking things lately and z spark zat used to happen b/t us is just lost z rush and excitement has died. Ryt now we're too comfortable and anything he does doesn't surprise me anymore. We're just dead fishes going wiz z flow and I was thinking of ending things when i found out I was pregnant. I mean we're both way too young for this responsibility and my parents.... I don't even want to think wat they'll say when they find out I mean my sisters and everyone in my family r well educated ppl zey expect me to continue zat and here I am pregnant from a guy I no more luv I hate myself ryt now I wanna kill myself and just end things and this shame... way should I do should I remove z baby?? OK(comment)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988157749176025 2017-11-11 11:19:35,"I need to vent. So I did something bad and I mean the person I did it to said it was ok and that I shouldn't worry about but it's eating me up inside!!! I can't sleep I can't function it's all I think about and I have to pay for it but well me and my measly allowance would have to rob a bank to get that kinda dough, n well I am not really stealthy so that plan is out of question. But here I am still with this feeling of paranoia and angst unable to let go of the guilt n definitely never putting myself in a situation like that again like never! How do I let it go how can I be able to look at the person again, cuz everytime I do all I can't think of is 'STUPID STUPID STUPID ME' ayeeee me is losing it!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9941851496696472 2017-11-11 11:20:37,"I need to vent. So you say there's no God cause its easier that way... You can live so freely if your not strapped to a ball in chains Cause its far easier to believe in an accident An accident... That is a great precedent?? We miraculously happened out of thin air No seriously.. Thin air cause thats what the big bang is An idea that a set of explosions are what humanity is Why is it easier to believe something created itself Than it is to believe that there is a creator If you find a shoe on your appartment floor Do you assume it sprung into existence Assume its all but mere coincidence That's believable to you?? You say it's logic that's on your side But I've never seen logic being ignored and set aside As much as when people try their best to deny Saying that what's created has no creator That life happened without a care. All cause consequence for your actions are too much to bear.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9951076507568359 2017-11-11 13:12:09,"I need to vent. Hey ya all.....OK here is at got me a lil scared I'm 19 n I don't believe in true love, its not bcz of some history n definetly not too much movies. I just see a couple(including my parents) and somehow know its all fake. I have never been in love tho I hv sooooo many guy friends. And some Ppl think I'm crazy for saying zt, is it just me I'm I weird or something?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9947920441627502 2017-11-11 15:20:58,"I need to vent. Tbh who is one to judge another, we were born to do what we are doing. The bad and the good. Without it we are nth. I made a mistake once. I have been haunted by it since. I wake up every morning hoping today is the end, i would breathe. One day it happened, it all suddenly changed. I met a boy. Not the type of teenage fantasy. I am 16 tho. The boy i wanna live the rest of my life w. The boy that was just built for me. Ik because i was a player before i met him. But no-one can seem to accept it. Not my parents, not my friends, not my enemies. Ik nobody's opinion matters. So i made a choice. I chose love over them. Everyone. Am only left w him. My parents and my friends left me. I give up. I don't regret my choice. But who am i to say. After all nth lasts forever. They fade away. Am scared. I don't think i can bear it when the time comes, the time he has to walk away. I don't even think he loves me like before. I feel like his side chick even though am not. He seems to get along w every other girl but me. Am about to celebrate my first year anniversary. He never did anything for me. He is shy. Am his first girlfriend. He doesn't know what to do in a relationship. Ik he loves me. Am terrified. May b one day, just one day, he may b gone like he never existed. K",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9949458241462708 2017-11-11 22:20:27,"I need to vent. I have become a self-obsessed idiot.. The only topic I am expert on is, Myself. I constantly catch myself while talking to ppl that I am not really listening, but actually constructing some vague response so they can stop talking and I can get started on my thing.. which is ME. My ego is inflated, but my self esteem is almost nonexistent.. I'm enjoying venting right now because I get to talk about myself. How can I stop this self obsession? how? It has started to affect my social life now. ideas?",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9934496283531189 2017-11-11 22:20:49,"I need to vent. Here i came to my current problem I become very different girl . a girl which is so hard for boys who came near to her , a girl who refuse all requests which came from any boy & a girl who don't believe in the existence love? I think i lost my ability to trust any one because of the reality which is visible for all of us, that all relationships are about counting number of dates.. My question is whether ma altitude is correct or not???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987168312072754 2017-11-11 22:20:55,"I need to vent. Hey Guys, you can call me #12 since I'm probably going to post a lot here. So I'm a 16yr old girl and I have never been in a relationship. Now there's a guy I really like who has a girlfriend and he kinda likes me back because he talks to me whenever she ditches school and gives me stuff for free like a can of juice or a sandwich. And lately he hasn't been doing that ( finding ways to talk) the past two weeks. What should I do? Keep trying to talk to him or just let him go. Before you say let him go just know I wanna be his friend if not his girlfriend. Please tell me what you think. Anything is much appreciated. Thanks in advance",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9819408655166626 2017-11-11 22:21:47,"I need to vent. Where do I begin? I don't know what to say but she is the most beautiful person I have ever known. I love her very much with all my heart, and it breaks me to know that after such a short time together we must be parted. It was truly the happiest time in my life and I hope it holds the same significance for her, as it did me. It will be tough for both of us but she is strong, stronger than she know, and I hop she will be okay with time. There are too many memories to simply write down, from the smallest thing we do to the most childish moments, to the most intimidate like reaching for her in the dark and the simple act of holding her hand while walking across the street. They are the moments I will treasure. She has helped me in so many ways, from the smallest thing to the largest. From the simple act of helping me conquer my self and my share of weaknesses. I can never thank her enough and my appreciation goes beyond what I can express. She one of the kindest most loving people, I have ever met and it is a rare quality. I am so glad to have experienced it for even the shortest period of time. I would have been glad to experience any length of time, whether that be short or long. Her generosity seems to know no bounds and I truly hope she will be ok ... and also I wish she get back and try to be with me... I hope with all my heart she will be happy. Where ever she end up she is gorgeous in looks; personality, mind and I know she is the most worthy to me.. It feels strange writing this. It is surreal; the idea she must leave seems distant, unreal almost. But as I write this it is sinking in, my hand is going numb. I feel small and scared. I don’t want her to leave. Every fiber of my being says this can’t be real and this isn’t happening. I want to stop it, but what can I do. Uffffa how I wish she could stay. I would give up everything I have for it. How can I say me and her are not together? I can’t. I won’t. I can’t say it here; it is beyond me. I am tearing up here and my friends are staring and laughing at me... but i dont care... I feel no shame in my love for her. I love her with all my heart",love,POSITIVE,0.9956497550010681 2017-11-11 22:29:23,"I need to vent. Is it okay to do something u don't want for someone worth it? I mean, I'm a very weird person and I don't usually find people that I adore. There's this one guy that's sooooo nice to me and is equally intelligent. We could talk all night and never run outta things to say. But I've taken him for granted in the past and that had hurt him. Tho I'm very unattractive, he finds himself attracted to me and had tried asking me out, I had refused constantly and we've been apart. Now that he is back in my life I don't think I'm willing to let him go again and there are some preconditions for him to stay, and if I don't fulfil that, I know he'll be getting bored and leaving pretty soon. I can't seem to make up my mind, just keep fucking with him and enjoy it or tell him to fuck off? Ps. I do not want him as a bf. He knows that too. Just FwB",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7592442035675049 2017-11-12 10:45:20,"I need to vent. You might call it crazy, my love right now, those who are reading this will curse at me saying that ""love is only with one other person"". But I can't easily love one person. I don't understand such love. I love two people like crazy, with all my heart. Now I don't even know my own heart. My two loves are deeper than one. I can't let go off one of the two loves. I shouldn't do this. I know I shouldn't be like this but I have no one to talk about this. I love two people with all of my life. Even though I know I can't love two people, I know this so well but i can't let go off one of the two. When I first saw him, he was just someone who passed by. The second time, my feelings kept growing like a Balloon. Then all of a sudden, without knowing the two very different loves started to live in my heart. I am in between the familiar and the new. It is so hard since I don't want to hurt two of them. Someone once told me, ""it's alright, do as your heart tells you. If those feelings are true, you can be a little more selfish."" I hate myself and can't understand but I comfort myself by saying this can happen sometimes right? I don't want to be bad, but then again I say there is no way to not hurt them. I feel ambiguous, bad, confused, and awkward. But some one once said to me "" just give it a rest. It's alright, do as your heart tells you"". These two people love me so much. So I can't hurt both of them. I should not do this. I am in love that's not like love. What do I do about this? My love is deeper than any other. Who can understand me?",love,POSITIVE,0.9905403852462769 2017-11-12 12:58:31,"I need to vent. I met this guy some months ago, and he was everything I ever wanted. He is nice, smart, and most caring person I ever know. I had every reason to fall for him and I did in a way I would never imagined to fall for anyone else. The connections we had was amazing it even made me think that I found the one coz... Everything feels like we were meant to be, it seems as if we were destined to be together but recently he keep saying that we cant be together because of some complicated stuff then we figured some things out to make it work, at least I thought we did figured it out. But since the last 2 weeks, he become distant all of a sudden, he didn't tell me his reason but he said that we had to stop this my heart literally shattered in to piece..... I felt so fool for trusting him, and I lost my self in a confusion of begging him to get back to me and to give it a try or on the other hand I have the idea of saving my dignity and move on. For the time being am doing the 2nd one since I can't afford anymore heartbreaks but some part of me is blaming me for not trying so hard to make him stay. I really need ur comments",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.97210294008255 2017-11-12 18:20:24,"I need to vent. So i met someone and started to really like him, we went out a few times... i did everything he wanted me to but he was never satisfied And then i met someone amazing, i started to like this new guy so i had no choice but to break up with the old guy. He was finally opening up to me but i broke him, i feel so bad about it... i just wanna say sorry I'm a terrible person!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9958341121673584 2017-11-12 18:24:38,"I need to vent. What do you say to a father who says he wants to leave and live his life cuz apparently I am a burden to him.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974707365036011 2017-11-13 07:57:46,"I need to vent. So thr is this girl and we started talking and things were going rly fast and rly good and in 2,3 weeks we started dating and it was amazing thn one day she started kinda ignoring me like she says im with fam i can't talk now n stuff i was rly confused and after 2 days she tells me tht we can't stay together and i asked why and she says thrs another guy tht guy is her ex and she told me abt him whn we  first started talkin but he was in jail for some time and now he's out so she wona be with him i couldn't believe this was happening and didn't now wht to say and i just said oky if u rly want to be with him thn good luck and good buy so we breakup and she also said we can't talk anymore. After some time she texted me and i was rly confused but we talked and i asked her why she texted me n tht she told me we can't talk anymore she said just wanted to say hi and after tht she keeps txting and we talk thn she keeps mentioning her bf name and i was angry but also confused thn we stopped talking ...after some time she texted again and we talked and after some days she told me tht she has broken up with her bf and to be honest i was happy coz i still had feelings for her and now we talk every night and i asked about getting back together she told me she needs to think abt it. I now she did me rly bad but i rly like her and if i had a chance i don't wona losse her n last night she said i can't be in a relationship at this time n tht she need time n she wants me to wait if i want n now i don't even now if she still wants me and if i should still be with her now im kinda ignoring her any good advises wht should i do.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9954231381416321 2017-11-13 07:58:30,"I need to vent. I'm 23 years old and I've never had a relationship is it weird?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975466132164001 2017-11-13 07:59:17,"I need to vent. Im a highscool student and i had a boyfriend when i was 13(7th grade) years old we dated for 2 years without my family knowing because if they do they will kill me im not allowed to date. Then one day he called and my mom answered my phone then she figered out so she told me to quit it and i did without wanting because he was my first bf. Then he started to date another girl so i had to see everything because we were in the same school then his girlfriend left and went aboard. So we started to talk like friends but he started to ask weird questions like he wanted to go back together and not directly i told him i would accept. What should i do and what is he thinking?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982370138168335 2017-11-13 07:59:59,"I need to vent. Hi there, well I dont rly hv much on my plate of problems to share but here it problem is not rly related to love, or relationship stuff.....its realted to family. My life was destroyed completely a few days ago. I had evrything planned out (am that type of girl that likes to think abt things ahead) (its exhausting, but I just cant stop)...well back to the subject....I nvr rly loved my family, I didnt hate them either, we were nvr truly a my whole plan was to finish school n apply sum where farrrrr farrrrr away from them until suddenly my dad caught up on this idea n included my mom in it, now they both have planned MY life out for me they hv decided to send me to the university which was found near by (which I didnt evn rly think was possible)(I guess money rly can do everything huh?) Anyway what am tryna say is I cant handle it anymore, I hv tried standing up to them but I cant handle 2 beasts at once. Its like playing with fire n all u cud do is stop moving around to stop it from spreading n causing more damage(do u know what I mean?) They hv me under their claws n I need your help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980067610740662 2017-11-13 08:58:01,"I need to vent. Okay so my ex,...I really really really reeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyy loved him. Like to the highest point of love I've known so far. Ena he broke me so hard, I went out late, drank shit, tried killing myself, every bad thing U can think of. Ena when U finally thought I was finally mentally and emotionally stable, this guy came across. I reeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyy like him too. Gin one minute I'm scared if I might go through what I went through last time. And the next minute I thinking I'm too quick to be liking or loving anyone. And another minute I feel like I shouldn't push this, like maybe I should stop. And when I talk to the guy I forget abt all these things. It's like he's above all those thoughts. M scared as hell. He is worth the pain but I almost died the last time. So question number 1) do u think that M moving too quick? 2) Should I risk the pain? 3) should I let myself let my feelings be morethan just ""like""?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9096203446388245 2017-11-13 11:53:54,"I need to vent. It's hard to talk about ur feelings but here it goes Am 23 & i never had a series r/ship i know for a guy in my age it's weird but it's not like i didn't try, i really did but after one date I freeze, don't know wt to do, it happened twice i know I'm a little shy but it's not like I don't try, and recently i started to chat with this girl in my campus she's really a great gal, we met once she's funny, pretty, smart and weird in a gud way i like her and i don't want to screw up this to wt should i do, i don't know wt to do I'm afraid I'm gone be the same as before​ i wanna change but hw. plz help i don't know wt to do. Wt's wrong with me?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9808881878852844 2017-11-13 15:33:42,"I need to vent. Hey everyone‍ Emm there i am..kinda calm guy! Am 21 nd never been in a relation...of course i got chances to be in it but i just don't know how somewhere in between i end up pushing it! What's wrong with me?? Need ur help fam!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9968386888504028 2017-11-13 16:46:08,"I need to vent. Will I ever be her to u And will u ever be him for me are We just looking for parts of them in each other Looking for Pieces that look familiar As much as I would like to say I love ur scars and they r like beautiful tattoo's on ur skin The are not. they scare me they are a constant reminder of her. Of a territory that has been marked .every time I touch ur skin and I come across them I feel like im trespassing .entering a territory that not mine. This is not my kingdom I'm not a queen here I'm an outsider as much as u try to hide it I know u feel just the same way.I'm his prisoner. As u are hers ..",love,NEGATIVE,0.9870054721832275 2017-11-13 16:46:14,"I need to vent. I dont hv anything to confess but I do hv a q#. I rly wanna knw the whole point of being in a r/ship",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9910401701927185 2017-11-13 17:34:23,"I need to vent. OK I was chatting wd zs guy for a yr nw,he kept telling me he loves me n we should take it to the next level, I tried bringing z feelings literally tried to sleep thinking ab him.....but nothing I just see him as a friend. N I don't want to lose him but nw I'm willing to do that Caz I don't want to hurt him, his friend calls me n tells me that I'll hurt him if I leave him . Should I just get in a r/ship wd out having no feelings for him n see where it goes or just leave him n break him? I know the right answer I just needed encouragement",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955416321754456 2017-11-13 18:00:47,"I need to vent. hello there mine is not a vent actually am just asking for an advice I have this huge insecurity problem cuz I have this amazing and cute best friend of mine and am jealous of her but not an evil jealousy but am like always ""tadila"" she's smart,Beautiful, chewa and guys like her. I am having a hard time with my feeling I don't wanne feel this way I just wanne be happy for her",admiration,POSITIVE,0.8574258089065552 2017-11-13 19:10:50,"I need to vent. So I have a boyfriend that I love too much and he's so amazing and he treats me so well and he makes me really happy. About a year ago I was really depressed and wasn't in the right mind so I would lash out at people. This year, I was really depressed and I cut for the first time and my boyfriend(at the time was not my boyfriend) said that if I did it again I would lose him. These days I'm constantly depressed and the idea is coming back and I wanna do it. Should I risk losing him?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9911898374557495 2017-11-13 23:06:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need a piece of advice........ 2 yrs passed since i met the girl.... She was a Friend of my X - GF. I don't know how but i found my self totally in love with her so shall I ask her for a date since I stopped with her friend........?????????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9491559267044067 2017-11-13 23:06:58,"I need to vent. Okay so This is the deal! I'm a slightly unattractive teenage girl due to my weight! I'm not obese but I'm just over weight. I'm pretty popular but not really what boys desire! And what I really want to know is, is a sexy body really that important for guys? Like I constantly hear that I should loose the weight. I mean at one point they are right when it comes to my confidence level being better than it is right now but still... So, men! Please comment! Tell me what's really up!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.5173583626747131 2017-11-14 12:41:32,"I need to vent. Alright for all those people on this channel that have stepmothers please tell me how you deal with her! I'm 18 living with my father My mother is not in this country. My new stepmother came to our lives 9month ago She was really nice and friendly at first but then changed all of the sudden. She broke me and my fathers love telling him lies and setting me up. When I found out what she did I immediately stopped talking to her. And then she started opening her mouth about my mother and I snapped! I got into a fist fight with her. When father came to home that night she started yelling and crying telling him that I was going to kill her . He listened to her and kicked me out of the house. He chose her over his daughter. I'm currently living with my grandparents on my moms side. I have this huge urge to get revenge an make her pay. Tell me what I should do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9699953198432922 2017-11-14 12:41:38,"I need to vent. So I'm depressed actually I have always been but It never really got this bad....these days I feel like killing myself.... but I wanna hold on for my mom bc i know it would break her if something ever happened to me.... so I tried seeing seeing a psychiatrist ...I tried praying n every thing but nothing's is changing n now I'm scared that am gonna live this way forever.... bc nothing is changing.... idk I just wanted to let that out.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9957488775253296 2017-11-14 14:00:56,"I need to vent. hey guys so I've nvr been on a date or liked anyone but there's this guy I talk to....we're rly close we always talk about our days and what not. Though I'm not sure what flirting exactly is,I think we do flirt and he recently asked me what he means to me. That means he's interested right? Should I expect something or is it not a big deal? Does it mean something?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9750308990478516 2017-11-14 17:05:58,"I need to vent. I thought I'd be over you by this time. I thought I'd be done with your lying ass and I'd be actually happy by now not pretend to be happy and tbh i miss you. And i shouldn't be but i can't help it. It drives me nuts just reminiscing and getting pissed cause it wasn't the truth it was pretened. I just thought in a very long time i found the happiness i was craving. Those little smiles i get when you send a good morning text. But now im stuck in a dilemma.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.6513388752937317 2017-11-14 19:35:25,"I need to vent. This is not a vent, just need a different perspective... FACTS #1-I met this chick on at a party. #2- she was very cute and very witty. #3- got her number and always wanted to call but too lazy to do so. #4- made out with her friend after being very drunk after 2 weeks. ASSUMPTIONS #1- she probably knows about my make out session with her friend. PROBLEM #1- I wanted to call but don't know what to say? #2- the outcome of my call is highly unpredictable. #3- also I am not sure if I want to be in a relationship. #4- should I drop it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9931761622428894 2017-11-14 19:36:58,"I need to vent. Okay, so there is this guy i love so much. The guy i gave eveysingle part of me. We dated for 2 years. Its has been like a year since we offically broke up. The reason we broke up was because he never treated me well he insults me in front of his friends minamin bicha after sometime of the break up we started talking again as friends then yehone ken i stayed late after school he was there too we were talking alone ena we kissed. The next day he said that what we did was wrong minamin ena i stopped talking to him after that. A few days later he came up to me and told me he needs to talk to me and i was like what is it he said that he regrets how he used to treat me before ena he apologized and i told him it was alright. After that we became fwbs( i wanted to date but he didnt so i didnt have another choice if i said no to the benefits thing i know i would lose him again so zim biye gebahubet). This went on for like 4 months and stopped when summer started. Now we don't talk. We bump into each other a million times a day but don't say hi minamin ena it hurts betam ena please tell how i can get him to talk to me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9908562898635864 2017-11-14 19:51:02,"I need to vent. This isn't a vent... Only a fable recounted by Abraham Lincoln and other writers and poets. "" It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ""And this, too, shall pass away."" How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!"" I hope this helps... Remember to be humble when you are gifted. Remember to cheer up when you feel cursed. Remember humanity is ever changing... We all grow. Sooner or later. Only one of us is ever perfect.",optimism,POSITIVE,0.9443711638450623 2017-11-14 19:58:38,"I need to vent. So this is not exactly a vent, its more of a question. Do you ever get over your first love? And how do u let urself connect with someone else that much again? Because its been a long time but i cant seem to get rid of the memories so please help.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988502264022827 2017-11-14 21:26:32,"I need to vent. Hey guys...this is not a vent but more of a question. Okay here it goes...i had a girlfriend and we broke up about 2 years ago then I was single for the whole time (didn't want any rlship) then I met this new girl from a social gathering at a friends house and we rly clicked (we had so much in common). So i asked her out and she was like okay but she is totally out of my league (smart, sexy and intelligent) and whenever we go out I'm the one who's paying and stuff plus I give her gifts and stuff (it has been almost 6 months since we started dating and we never sleept together or anything like that, except making out). So my question is how would i know if she's being with me for the money or if she really does like me for who I am ? I need your advise ppl...i don't want to go through another break up like last time.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8935791254043579 2017-11-14 21:27:04,"I need to vent. I was wrong. I miss my old life. So bad that i would give up my whole life to live another day to get everything back as it was. A year ago i met a boy. Idk what i felt but i felt it all together. Hatred, love, affection, passion, desire and i craved for everything. Am sure i love him. Today i saw him with some girl in school. The same girl i told him to choose from. We have been over this about 20-30 times. I loved him. And when i saw him today. I basically gave up. I did not even try. I counted myself single. I don't feel bad rn. I loved him. But i guess when your done ... you kinda basically done. And now i wanna break up and go back. I lost my friends because of him. I thought it was worth it but its not. I miss them. I love them more. It took me sometime, but i realized i love them more. I made the wrong decision. I shouldn't have chose him. But i can't let him go. Am attached. I can't imagine myself doing everything w anybody else for the rest of my life. Giving everything up for another boy. Too much. Ik he is not the one. Am stuck. I can only keep one. Them or him. I love him, well i think i do. What can i possibly do. Comments",love,NEGATIVE,0.9686726331710815 2017-11-14 22:47:53,"I need to vent. All I want is to make it in life. In all the ways possible. But then again who doesn't want that. Parallelly I know that I want to date, feel something for someone, but this year is make it or break it for my courier life. I can't afford to have a boyfriend... I've been thinking of getting myself in a friends with benefits type of relationship with a high school friend of mine... But I don't want to be the girl he tells his friends about is DTF. But then again with this guy I get wild thoughts... Shouldn't I do what I want? Keep up with the program, 21st century no-shaming-girls-for-being-sexual-beings. it's overwhelming.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9481572508811951 2017-11-14 23:27:56,"I need to vent. Not a vent, a question. Anyone in here that can tell me about long distance relationship? General views perhaps? Or someone has gone through it? Or you know someone who is going through it or went through it? I know it's hard but I need to know why it's hard and all. I need detailed explanation if I'm not asking for much. Thanks",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988787770271301 2017-11-14 23:54:47,"I need to vent. So I liked to believe my whole world revolved around my family, especially my mom. And my family is the farthest thing from perfect, we are dysfunctional in our own way. For the sake of keeping this short, I won't get in to detail as to why. So here I am, at the age where most guys are enjoying their lives and first paychecks unable to sleep worrying about the problems that might fracture the structure of my family and more worried on how my mom would handle it all. I feel responsible for not taking care of her more, like protecting her from all this. FML",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9820746779441833 2017-11-15 09:10:47,"I need to vent. Quick question to u all is sex really necessary for relationships? Is it a basic thing?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987307190895081 2017-11-15 10:08:30,"I need to vent. The level of hypocrisy in our society is mind boggling. It seems everyone has based their morality, not based on their supposed religion but on them selves. Now i applaud those who have no internal conflict between thier desires and their religious belief, but what can't stand are those who pick and choose which commandment to keep. Please don't go around telling people that they have not been a good follower, while all the while you do whatever the hell you want in the middle of the night.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9948981404304504 2017-11-15 16:45:55,"I need to vent. I want her but i should not want her. I'm such a cliche, it makes laugh. Eventhough i know, her and i have 0 things in common, i want her. Eventhough she never says anything that would ever interest me, i want her. It's even funnier that the very things i judge her on, are the very things i want her for. eg- i hate the way she dresses but i also find it very sexy. I hate how she's so experienced when it comes to matters under the sheets buuut i also find it mind blowing. It's as if one part of my mind is her enemy and the other is her soul mate.",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9947589039802551 2017-11-15 17:26:44,"I need to vent. We are the poorest generation. We're poor, Not in money but in life. As i look around, none of us are able to live in this very moment; and those who claim they do are only fooling themselves by binge drinking, sex and ""over"". All we do is dream of a rich future but neglect the present. We spend our times on our phones and in our beds, but still wonder why we feel that sense of impending doom in our stomach. We've never done anything that's worthy but instead blame our parents for all the bullshit that has happening in our lives. Its also sad that our friendships are at their most intense only when we take selfies for instagram and when we wish them happy birthday on facebook. It's rare to see friendships that are more than just cheap words of affection. It's even sadder that we talk a lot of shit about the shitty state of things but don't do nothing to solve things. We applaud people who are experts at sarcasm but pay no attention to the doers, the ones that get thier hands dirty. We talk about cars, cribs, mawreding bottles... but we cant lift a finger to do the boring job of earning a living. This days a guys sense of worth comes only from the number of women he slept with. We celebrate the player but never the loyal one. Haven't you noticed that everyone this days wants to be rich very very quick. And when they find it impossible, they go straight to beings cheats always talking about mela.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9938563704490662 2017-11-15 17:28:54,"I need to vent. I have this girlfriend which is very beautiful talented ( she designs), smart & funny. But she hangs out with so many boys literally she barely have girls on her side. The problem is she had this best friend who will do anything to make her happy I guess he loves her she didn't know though & of course he hates me I can see it in his eyes; these days am stressed what if she is attracted to him? When I call her she is always with him. I have asked her what his deal is several times but she get angry saying you don't even trust me. I really love her like I wanna be with her till my last breath but am scared am so scared. I spoil her every way possible with affection & romantic dinners with gifts sometimes on cute dates. But I don't know I feel like am losing her. hell yeah!!! I am so jealous very jealous of every guy she knows. I just want to keep her for my self. I don't want anybody near her. is my thought weird? Say something peoples",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9820777773857117 2017-11-15 17:31:21,"I need to vent. Vent here Bot: Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Couple of decadent MFs who consider themselves of pure blood n tell kid who grew up in violence he's ""demonic"" for being the only way he knows to be, and casting him away from the society psychologicaly if not physically, rendering the creative an iconoclast ..sick n tired of your narrow mindedness n hipocracy. It's these type people who have been crucifying every great person every century bears. Refusing to evolve. Anyone who read this and is offended.. Fuck you !! You n your type pull humanity back",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977697134017944 2017-11-15 21:36:10,"I need to vent. I think its safe to assume that most of us are afraid of faliure. And whats is very peculiar to our times is that we take this fear and project it on our parents. Ain't it ironic that, the more our parents try to give us the kinda life they never had, the more we hate them for it. They've inadvertently made us weak young people, who have never tried to prove ourselves in this thing called life. While they think they are giving us better oppurtunities for the future, we on the other hand think they are planning our whole lives with out our participation. While they spend money on us, we get angry and anxious, cuz deep down we are afraid. Afraid that we might disappoint them, that we might turn out to be losers even after all they've done for us.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9943274855613708 2017-11-15 21:36:18,"I need to vent. So many people am sure r atheists or atleast r major doubters. So am I.but a lot of people arent ok with it even though they r not strictly observant and aren't different from me in character or so. Thing is I fear it will be an issue in ma life. What do u guys think",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9903807044029236 2017-11-15 21:40:24,"I need to vent. Hey. Aren't you guys tired of this life. I mean here in Addis Ababa. I can't even live properly without being judged, confronted, ignored, surprised. For instance everywhere I go there's something to bother me, today I took my taxi like usual from school and like you know In between taxis or in a taxi there's one dude to say smth or stare or make an annoying perverty joke. Or somehow your teacher doesn't believe you because you were framed by a girl who is shapey and cute so she's somehow more important. Or at home how your annoying as father talks about how good a dad he is when he makes your mother cry all the time and doesn't even provide enough for his family. I'm sick and tied. But then again I think of the people who have it worse than me. Then I feel bad for feeling bad so I wake up in the morning and there it goes the ongoing cycle of life giving you a boob punch. This is coming from a former optimist.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998480498790741 2017-11-16 11:30:26,"I need to vent. Here goes,i think i have reverse white knight complex.let me explain. Even tho im in my early 20's i dont have this urge almost everyone seems to have for relationships. I think they are too much work and frankely just suffocating. I may be a be a self involved narsisit but thts not the worst part. The few guyz i have liked in the past are complete fucked up dicks edging on crazy. It seems im only  attracted to guys who are broken ,messed up ,misunderstood and mental they trigger a mothering instinct in me like i should fix them and as soon as i find out they are almost normal they no longer intruge me..boy what does tht say abt me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982964396476746 2017-11-16 18:20:39,"I need to vent. I did all the right things with the wrong person. I'm hesitant to say it was all bad cuz there were times i thought she could be my wife. I shared my most intimate self with- the good the bad and the ugly. But she wasn't the one i should have shared it with. Now, there is this uncomfortable feeling in my gut, that never lets me forget the fact that there is this person me of a person that knows me like i know myself, who i dont love anymore.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9896406531333923 2017-11-16 18:43:11,"I need to vent. I'm confused about who i am at the moment.. who i want to be and who i want to be with and all that shit... I've been hurt, lied to and left alone for as long as i can remember. I guess letting people in is not an option or is it? I'm lost in the sense of being left. I always wanted to leave everything behind , sounds good ‍doesn't work, cause now there's a guy that makes me want to stay , every morning waking up to a fear hoping it's not the day he decides to walk. Should i stay? Is it worth staying? And most of all is this temporary? I honestly don't have a clue about where i stand. I don't know who im bound to become. Should i let him build the real me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990360736846924 2017-11-17 09:36:34,"I need to vent. Iv been reading the vents here for a while now..its high time i had my say.                                              1. life is a bitch it will fuck u one way or another so suck it one gets out of it scratch free so its up to u..can either wallow in  self pitty or grow z hell up.                                                                        2. Rember everything is temporal..happy, sad, depressed anxious, jelous, in pain whtever it is u feel trust me it will pass.  be willing to take the sweet with the sour. Whoever told you it was gonna be all roses and rainbows lied to you.                                                                         3. All you people whining about realtionships stop relaying  on other people to make you happy ..if ur not happy alone no amount of loving can make u happy or secure learn to be a whole indvidual by yourself first. If u dont enjoy your own company no one else would.                                                4 .stop being so scared of being hurt ,relationships are messy. People are just faulty beings who will let u down eventually. if u cant accept that then you arent ready for a grown up relationship so take a break for a while.                                                             5.ladies, men will only treat u the way u let yourslef get treated so say no to people who degrade you treat to like you are meat..ur too good for that are drawn to confidence so own your shit  nothing sexy abt baggage or insecurity so sort your shit out first.                                          6. Lets face it no one will care about you like u care about your self so learn to be your own bestfriend.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9986716508865356 2017-11-17 10:48:37,"I need to vent. The following few books changed my life completely.. they made me a positive thinker and a happy person today, even though i am still a working progress and i have my own demons to fight every day but I understand now the power within me is greater than the power of the world !!!! And i hope this books will help everyone who is in need of change, you can find them in street of Addis and bookstores. 1. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 2. The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle 3. The Monk who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sherema 4. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho 5. Chicken Soup for the Soul - Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen 6. As a Man Thinketh - James Allen 7. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill 8. Awaken The Giant within - Anthony Robbins 9. Who Moved My Cheese - Dr. Spencer Johnson 10. The Master Key System - Charles Haanel This amazing books taught me.. * The power of positive thinking * The power of gratitude * Law of attraction * Its all in my head * We all are one energy * Nothing is impossible * I am unlimited and so so much more... and i want to share my experience with you all lovely people I wish I could share every book i have read that gave me an insight to myself and this world Have a blessed day!!!!!",desire,POSITIVE,0.999473512172699 2017-11-17 17:13:28,"I need to vent. Today, i grew some balls. I told my parents I'm dropping out of med school. This has to the only major life decision i made independently, and i have to say it feels good. I dont know what the future holds but i now have my life in my hands. If i win it will be because of me and if i lose it will be because of me. I couldn't just delegate my life to my parents anymore.",approval,POSITIVE,0.9759204387664795 2017-11-17 17:27:03,"I need to vent. I want to be okay but I'm having a hard time guys I really need ur advice on this goes my story ,so have been kissing my friend couple of times now we txt everyday I kind of fooling for him so I told him that I love him but he didn't say anything ena am betam confused r/n megeb yefelg yehun ayfelg alakem so help me wat should i do pls guys",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9975773692131042 2017-11-17 22:52:03,"I need to vent. I'm sorry if the religious content offended anyone... I would how ever like to point out that restricting such content is actually keeping a specific group of people from sharing any and every thought. I find it personally painful when I hear that people are hurting, why is it a problem for me to let then know how I got better. There is no personal gain for me from them finding peace and joy. But after seeing so many people's snide remarks , insults and just plain out right rudeness in the comment section... I'm sorry again that this is a problem. I'm just in a bit of disbelief though.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993070363998413 2017-11-18 00:24:54,"The option with two-third of the votes will be the new rule. Voting staying up for 20 hours. If by that time no decision is made, I will make my own.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9905333518981934 2017-11-18 10:04:05,"I need to vent. If u start rejecting ppl just because of there religious views and comments I am going 2 leave this channel and start campaigning to other to do the same to join a more modern channel in which u can say anything u want with out any fear! Freedom of speech is a basic right and should not even be put to vote!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990851879119873 2017-11-18 10:04:23,"I need to vent. I don't really understand y religion is not allowed I mean don't look at it like people preaching u they are just sharing what they know. Me personally every single good thing I have is because of God. All the reason I passed all the hardships of life is because of him so the only way I can advice you is by telling you how I got through the situation the only way I know is through God. And nobody is mentioning one religion and denying another. The people are just saying putting your trust on a higher power than your self. Y do you all assume that one religion is trying to convert you into something else. Whether on not you take those people's advice is up to you but denying people the right to say what they feel is wrong. And you know how wrong the world is when there was no vote to band the talk about offensive people to one culture or sexuality but there is a vote to band talk about God (not even religion, cuz I didn't read anyone talking about this religion). How much people are willing to put God out of there life.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997271716594696 2017-11-18 11:01:27,"I need to vent. I can't believe it. Just saw a voting pole for any religious content to be banned. I want to think every1 here can keep an open mind towards what other people say! But if not... HERE is an idea! if you don't like what you see stop reading that vent... pretty easy right! And to the admins* use your vato power and stop this! Here are some things you should consider banning before religion! *Racism *Harassment * Sexism *“Politics“ ..... Please fell free to add more!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981129169464111 2017-11-18 11:45:50,"I need to vent. I am pregnant and I just found out now but I have broke up with him so idk if am going to have the baby I can't raise a baby right now idk what to do help?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951460957527161 2017-11-18 11:49:03,"I need to vent. I like it when men stutter. Is it weird??",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.7908064126968384 2017-11-18 12:01:38,"I need to vent. It's been two years since i started a relationship with this guy n everything was so perfect but idk what's happening to me this days but i don't feel the way i used to n i don't wanna hurt him. Should i just end it or just wait for z worst day to come???",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.891898512840271 2017-11-18 12:23:28,"I need to vent. I open up to people fast. But all I get from being a gud person is nothing but regret after some time. I have tried to be all I will take things slow but when I do that they will say oh wow u have changed wats going on so wtf should I do?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9944610595703125 2017-11-18 12:49:12,"I need to vent. Idk how or where to start really it all began a year ago ever since I have never felt alive I have tried every thing to make things be back normal to hurt or to cry one more time but instead I feel so numb I don't know why am still alive maybe its for my family am trying to hold up for them I don't want to leave them behind I have had suicidal thoughts tbh I have tried it couple of times pills cutting but life has given me another chance so I gave life another shot too wtf right so ur probably curious why am like this what is making me feel so rotten,some of u might find it dramatic r unrealistic but here goes nothing, I have been raped by my dad,you are probably thinking am a girl but am not am turning 18 this month but idk if I should really celebrate for there is nothing to be happy about I am really depressed am dying inside out...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990752935409546 2017-11-18 13:19:14,"I need to vent. I love him. I will die for him. But he love someone else. He wasn't even my boy at first place but I have fallen for him bedenb. His girl is so cute & hot that I can't compete with her. Compete lareg bel rasu he love her to death he once told me that every girls are hoes except his girl. He worship her totally. & am dying here. Please help me out",love,POSITIVE,0.9848249554634094 2017-11-18 14:00:33,"I need to vent. I have this relationship with a guy that was supposed to be with no feelings included, but I think I am in love with him, but I just don't know what to tell him or how to do it. I would like some advice",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975402355194092 2017-11-18 17:07:11,"I need to vent. When will she decide to up abd go. When will she see the real me and freak out. Cuz what is happening right now is beyond my wildest dreams. She seems to be happy with most of the things i do. She is so open it makes me feel like a fraud. I sometimes act like a total dick, and just when i feel a little relieved that she was done with me, she comes back demanding an apology. Unsurprisingly, i give her one. Everytime we go out, i would pray that one of the rich, handsome tall guys to just take her away. But she is annoyingly loyal. It's so hard to keep up that ""i don't mind if you go face"" for such a long time. I don't know if its because of my previous relationships but I'm always anxiously waiting for the end, for the curtain close. And all of a sudden she would drop a bomb on me, tell me about our kids and shit. She's got me in so deep. I'm always afraid that I'm too far from the exit.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9352170825004578 2017-11-18 17:07:11,"I need to vent. How do people still have time to love and actually let it have such effect in their life as to make them miserable .I mean aren't there a lot of problems worse in the world already to solve than worrying about if you should tell someone you like them. don't get me wrong I am just bewildered people actually have the luxury to deal with someone else and let it consume all of their thoughts and feelings..I just can never do that because I have myself to attend to and that's tiring by itself let alone dealing with a second person.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987687468528748 2017-11-18 20:15:14,"I need to vent. This is not a vent but a question for all. What are your thoughts and plans on staying a virgin till marriage, is it old school or honourable and respectful. If someone really loves you(not lust) wouldn't they wait. Is sex the center of your relationships?? And if it is do you think it will last??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9901772141456604 2017-11-18 20:32:40,"I need to vent. I just don't know what to do right now there was this guy that i really really loved and still love and its been almost a week since we broke up i want to moved on i know its too soon for that but how can i move on i just can't get him out of my mind i need help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9986701011657715 2017-11-18 20:53:14,"I need to vent. Hi Im in high school and there is a boy that I like and he likes me too he walks me home even though his home is far that mine buys me gifts hugs me and he especially doesn't like it when other boys hug or kiss me and he always spends his time with me and doesn't like to spend time apart even for an hour ..I really like him what do you think I should do",love,POSITIVE,0.9986400008201599 2017-11-18 21:14:26,You can drop down any comments you have down below,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9790400266647339 2017-11-19 10:41:27,"I need to vent. While most people are very pessimistic about the future, i find my self being very optimistic. Friends keep telling me that this won't get me any where but I'm sooo motivated to show them how its done. All through out highschool I've been passive, letting life just happen to me, going where ever the wind took me. But now i guess I've grown up cuz every waking minute of my life is dedicated to doing things that make me want to live more. What i hope is to find like minded people who would work with me to make things happen. We might fail, but we'll make damn sure that we fail like spartans. Instead of saying it's never been done before, we'll say let's do it first. Instead of saying they'll never let us, we'll say better to ask for forgiveness than permission When we fail. We'll cry. We'll get fat stress eating but we'll get the fuck up and start doing shit again.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9857500791549683 2017-11-19 15:47:11,"I need to vent. What's wrong with me? I can't open up to ppl. I don't want to be vulnerable. I just feel like everyone becomes close with me to hurt me. Like they're plotting against me. I'm sick of this life. I'm living in this bubble... wish i can just take risk n live life. Instead of just watching everyone else live.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980033040046692 2017-11-19 15:56:07,"I need to vent. I hate him he was the person I considered as my best friend I felt bad when he was sad I never understood why people where mean to him or said he was not who I thought he was I stood up for him then he acted like a lil bitch out of the blue and now he just tries to get on my nerves with every chance he gets. And I see his true colors he is fake",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9994102716445923 2017-11-19 16:53:01,"I need to vent. I met with this awesome guy at point x. We talk at that venue n on phone ... he gives me a lift... i went to his house. We had half sex(... i think it means no penetration, extreme touchy, feely, kissy, makeout) he kept asking for relationship ... i kept ignoring cuz i went to his house to chill not to ... he violated my trust. Then i bounced back to liking him n wanting. He kept asking but i was insecure .. cuz he was this awesome person n how could someone that cool want me .... n i was so confused. I wanna say yes. But 1. Couldn't swallow my pride n say yes. 2. What if I'm a side bitch. 3. What if he bet with his friends... to make me fall for him... 4. Couldn't swallow my pride. 5. mother confusing me. (I now know that it's not) So Then he got tired of asking. N Mother trying to BreaK my ego like she always does... told me she saw him with a girl. (I believed her) so I wrote hurtful messages to him through text. He got mad. Said ""aynshn mayet alfelgm. Even if u come to X I'll stop whatever I'm doing n storm out. You know wt I'll tell the owner, wey esua, wey ene miret, i can't come here with her around. I just don't wanna see her face."" Minamin then i calmed him n convinced him that i did not write the text. Lol n he believed me. Said it's okay . We'll meet up. He got busy, i was sick for a bit. We Couldn't meet up. N then when I finally decided to be with him... i thought it was too late. Plus too insecure to call. So... here i am 3 months later. Still dreaming, thinking about him.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9928789734840393 2017-11-19 18:00:51,"I need to vent. I jst find it hard to believe how that has come to this. We used to be so comfortable wiz each ozer. We could talk for hours and when words are not needed we cud sit in comfortable silence next to each other. I used to run to u to rant about my day and u used to be there to listen wiz a smile. We used to have ol those ridiculous inside jokes and share a wicked sense of humor. We used to steal glances in the middle of a crowded room trying to fight our laughters. So why do I feel like a stranger when I start a conversation now. Why do I find my self choosing words carefully. Why do I look for double meanings in ur plain words. Why do ur embrace feel so cold. How did we lose it ol without a trace.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9838815927505493 2017-11-19 18:11:32,"I need to vent. You see guys, I have a problem expressing my anger. When someone does, something that I really shitty, I rarely get angry. And even if I did, I will get angry much later and by the time I meet the person all traces of my anger is gone. I really need help, to express my anger guys",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972911477088928 2017-11-20 19:38:21,"I need to vent. What started as a simple experiment two years ago, has now become a way of life. This experiment reached its peak when i finally told my parents that I'm dropping out of medschool. I think, by now you know what I'm talking about: facing my deepest fears. Like most people, i lived most of my life in fear and the fact that i grew up in a family who confused respect with fear didn't help at all. I grew up to be a guy who always tried to be a "" tiru lij"" I grew up to be a good liar because i knew that the truth might bring punishment with it. There was also this passivity that came with this type of upbringing. I started to forget all of my dreams and started going the safe road( the road every so called gobez temari is forced to choose), and told myself that if i fail at least it's not because of me, it's because of my parents( i know it's a sick idea now). Fortunately, as i grew older i started to examine my life, educate myself, and build my confidence through action. Week by week the fears that plagued my past got weaker and weaker - the fear of what people thought of me - the fear of losing the approval of my parents - the fear of being poor cuz i chose to follow my dreams - the fear of confrontation All this fears eroded the more i gave my self into action and educating myself. Cheers y'all",fear,NEGATIVE,0.8108890056610107 2017-11-20 21:33:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for three years now and I gave up on everything. I gave up on love. My escape was writing about my demons.But two months ago, I met this guy(who is my bf now) that I am madly in love with. He has made me the best person I can be. The problem is I love writing so much but my writing was so dark and ""depressing"" and now I feel as tho when I try to write, I blank out as if I feel like I have nothing to write about because it isn't sad. I don't know what this is but any advice would be great.",love,NEGATIVE,0.992310643196106 2017-11-20 22:59:30,"I need to vent. I joined college. I loved everything here. The students, school and the environment. But life is a mess sometimes. There is this guy that I'm deeply in love with. I don't think he even knows me. But I loved going to school, just to see him. He doesn't even say hi to me. Two things made me hopeless about him. 1. My friend likes him and she's more beautiful than me. 2. There is this girl that he always spend his time with. I think she is his girlfriend. And he looks so happy with her. Pleaseeee tell me what to do to make him mine. I don't think I can live my life like this.",love,NEGATIVE,0.839137613773346 2017-11-21 06:48:53,"I need to vent. Hey there was this guy and we were close and he is kind of a player...he had multiple g.f...and one time he said he liked me and he would drop all the other girls and i said am not interested tbh i didnt believe him cause i know that side of him and i wasnt willing to risk our friendship for something that would end so badly...then he got mad and we didnt talk for a while then we started talking again...then he told me he met someone and that she was super nice and cool and i was happy for him and then he said call her and talk to her u guys r so alike he said pls pls and like the idiot i am i called her and then she got furious she called me names and she thought i was cheating with him minamin and i explained as much as i can but she just wouldnt understand me...then i told him to pls explain to her and then they broke up and i feel so bad...i shouldnt have been an idiot and called her and hes more of an ass for making me call her and calling me names...and i wish i could fix them...bicha i stopped talking to him...but i shouldnt have stopped ryt",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988343119621277 2017-11-21 08:20:22,"I need to vent. Why are Habesha Women so sexually dull ¿",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993927478790283 2017-11-21 20:59:26,"I need to vent. Alright vent here audience y'all gotta tell me, where are all the good men out there ? Am I the only girl that's really sick and tired of immature selfish ass boys, late night anonymous calls talkin about not telling who they are and how they got your number from a 'friend' boring ass conversations that are all flirtatious text like ""Betam Konjo nesh... metewawek enchilalen?... Mech new feta minilew... Skemagegnish dres I can't wait..?"" calling non stop day and night talking bout missing you when they don't even know you until they get tired taking you to couple houses or a movie theater trying to make a fucking move????? Like I'm so fucking tired of these boys that have no respect for women! Even if you try to get a ""man"" all they want is sex! Controlling you like youre their property! WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD GUYS?!?!?!? I'm trying to find a genuine guy that I can have conversations about politics to what happened to Michael Jackson's nose. A guy that knows my values not just how big my ass is! A guy that takes me to dates trying to know me and not thinking about all the sexual things he wants to do to me That calls me when ever not just when he's bored and wants to talk dirty! Where is the guy I can trust? Where is the guy that remembers my birthday? That legitimately cares about me and my dreams?! Maaaaaan! Y'all gotta tell me before I lose faith in men ARE THERE STILL DECENT GUYS OUT THERE?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987474679946899 2017-11-21 22:12:47,"I need to vent. We were a rerun of most love stories, but we felt special. Blinded to the tsunami up head. I was raised to be emotionally closed off and she was raised to be passive aggressive. When we first met, it wasn't love at first sight cuz all i saw was how other boys were looking at her and i thought to myself she'd be a good chase. And she was acting all cool cuz it's what the other cool girls were acting like. Got her number. Texted her. Texts got intimate. We met up. Got tipsy. Got frisky. Repeat a couple of times. Then with out us even deciding we were a thing our friends started treating us like we were. So we went with the flow. And for a time it went great. Soon i started to notice that she had such a potty mouth. I tried not to hear most of her disgusting sidebs. She inturn found out that i wasn't as emotionaly invested as she was in this shit. I started to get frustrated because any little disagreement meant i wouldn't get any that night. That was her greatest instrument of manipulation. And me being the way i am angered her even more by not showing my frustration and my need for her company. Soon everything turned into kurfia, dry spells, and thoughts of what it would be like if i was with that hot girl in my class. Finally, typical of many relationships in our age. We broke up with no overt emotions being flung all over the room.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.7304282784461975 2017-11-21 22:13:44,"I need to vent. why can't I grow out of this shell? Why? O why? I'm so sick of being a wallflower.... i know y'all are gonna say accept yourself. Know that I don't wanna lose my introversion completely. I love it. But i wish it could go down a notch. I wanna break out of this shell. I have experienced a bit of it before... n i really like it. I wanna be that badass bitch nobody messes with. I wanna get out of my comfort zone. N live that risky adventurous life. I've had spent years sippin coffe reading books alone. But not anymore. now I just wanna break free. It has robbed me of so many experiences... I'm sick of looking through the window... i wanna get out of my bubble. Anyone has tips on how to achieve that ? Just plain badass, confident bitch.. no basic shit.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9760686159133911 2017-11-22 04:12:21,"I need to vent. K ... I'm a girl and I been reading most of vents & most of zem r abt love, which is so fucking stupid. It's been while since i stop giving shit for boys. My question is for boys now, most boys in our school thk girls lik they r some kind of object but I won't blame them because the girls ..bitch action force them to be like that . z thg is I'm not lik zem at all & z boys start showing zat face which says 'who the hell u thk u r?'. Wt can I do now I feel like everyone is hating me I'm I suppose to act like z bitches to be likeable??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990929365158081 2017-11-22 09:36:10,"I need to vent. I'm very sad right now I'm as sad as it gets .I have been stolen from .i have been ripped off something so close and so dear to my heart. With out it all the passion I once had for working hard is just gone .when u have been stolen from such a thing all ur wild ,deluded ,complex and out this world thought are set free like beasts from a cage . I have been betrayed and stolen form what had once been my possession. And With out it am lost I have a diseases don't worry its not contagious but I'm very sick and I suffer form my thoughts .And brain is a monster like most of yours are. And the only medication I had has been Taken away form me by some one i loved so deeply and had trusted. It was stolen By close friend .Remember this words ""trust no one"". My friend My friend stole my earphones from me and its 3 hours past midnight and I'm here unable to do any of my assignments. I'm drowning in the pool of my thoughts lend me ur hand save me . Ps. Lost i",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985539317131042 2017-11-22 09:37:19,"I need to vent. Okay so my problem is i am too bad at goodbyes i mean i would do anything to be like bitch bye and NEVER LOOK BACK i made that part bold cause my good bye is like talk to you in two weeks tops ..... Please help i need to break this cycle",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9757217764854431 2017-11-23 01:31:04,"I need to vent. Yo! AM highas m motherfucker as we home n i think i fucking lost a medical book...and its not even mine man! ITS FROM A DOCTOR THAT I TOOK THE BOOK for my upcoming exam which is in about 8 hours man .i think the book worth in thousands....fuck !",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995866417884827 2017-11-23 09:11:21,"I need to vent. Vent#2 This is not a vent just need another perspective. RECAP of my previous vent: · I met this chick at a party we hit it off got her number, even though i wanted to, didn't call. · Made out with her friend after two weeks after being very intoxicated, I posted a vent here asking if whether I should call her or not, many said to leave her be, a few advised I call and I decided to call. FACTS 1- I called and she agreed to meet up. 2- our meeting went very well, we probably will meet again. 3- There are other girls in my life at the moment. 4- I will never tell her Fact #3 5- I don't like being emotional or what so ever. *Emotional=Weak* 6- Still can't believe Fact #1 happened. PROBABILITIES 1- There is a probability that I might like her in the future( which never happens). 2- There is a probability I might get bored and start looking somewhere else which always happens. ASSUMPTIONS 1- she probably knows bout my make out session with her friend, even though our previous date went very smooth and nothing was mentioned about the mishap. UNKNOWN VARIABLES 1- She. PROBLEMS 1- am not sure I want to be in a relationship or not. 2- should I stop talking and being with other girls? Just in one date? ""Yekotun awerd bela endayehonebegn""(quoting a commenter from the previous vent) 3- I don't know why I feel bad bout cheating on her, is it even cheating? Since nothing is official. 4- I don't know why am putting in so much thought in to it.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.993873119354248 2017-11-23 09:11:50,"I need to vent. Is thinking yourself as 'different person' a bad thing??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994571805000305 2017-11-23 16:45:05,"I need to vent. In all my interactions with the opposite sex , im subconsciously daring them to reject me, as I'm expressing my true self. The ones who don't take the dare are my kind of girls. What are your thoughts on this?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9365101456642151 2017-11-23 18:16:52,"I need to vent. I'm a girl that isn't really comfortable with who she is because I'm slightly thicker than my friends. My friends would always say ""your boobs are too big"" and it would make me feel insecure about my body. For a long time, I thought no one would ever love me, or fall for me. Two months ago I met my now boyfriend. I love him too much and I am attracted to him, but it feels like a chunk of me is missing. My sexuality is always a mystery because I am attracted to males and females , but I don't want to label myself as bisexual. Ik there will be so many people against this but, 1.Should I tell my boyfriend? 2. Should whatever my sexuality is HAVE a label?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9992364645004272 2017-11-23 19:19:28,"I need to vent. I really wanna know, who the fuck dates these swaghollic dope boys blah blah... What's there to like. They got nth to offer, just their high as hell EGOs and empty ass pockets. I am actually amazed. Not only by the way of thinking of these boys *not men*, but also the girls who date em. No self-respect there whatsoever. Disappointing I swear.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9944360256195068 2017-11-23 19:31:23,"I need to vent. I enjoy being biten. I wouldn't mind that at all if my man just ups and bites me. Is it weird?",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9840583205223083 2017-11-24 11:03:51,"I need to vent. Everything has been going like this. It is like you have someone by your side at this moment and just in the blink of an eye u have no one leka. It is like today u tell your everything to someone and tomorrow everything is back to normal.It is like u mistake yourself for having a friend but at the end of the day u are nobody's friend. It is how it is going on for me. I don't know what is real and what is not. I don't know who hold onto and who to not. It is as if i am thinking of having an impossible dream. And i know it hasn't been this hard till now. Finding someone to talk to,someone who can understand you,someone who absolutely wont judge you,someone you can think of yours... Was it always hard to get?or was i late to realize it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.995507001876831 2017-11-24 13:45:18,"I need to vent. So I need an opinion on something. Here's me 1. I am a huge fan of Game of thrones 2. I love playing video's like GTA, call of duty. ( Finished 'em) 3. I love Machine gun Kelly, DMX, Eminem and also 1d's 4. I don't like cuddling, I don't kiss and tell , I mostly don't like I love you's, I Don't do mar , fiker n stuff 5. I don't care if ma man sleeps with other girls as long as it doesn't involve feelings 6. I am a very sarcastic person and have a dirty dirty sense of humor. 7. I love memes. 8. And no matter what I always keep ma smile on ma face. And no I am not a Lesbian nor am I wenadawend. I am as girly as I could possibly be. So just need opinions about it is it wrong or right I'm just confused. Do u guys like this kinda girls ???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9133782386779785 2017-11-24 14:16:20,"I need to vent. I need to gain weight. I'm a pretty girl with sexy genes. Right now, unless u examine me closely u won't know that um pretty. ... um not drop dead gorgeous. Forget the prettiness. I need a damn body. Forget sexy. Anything will do. My body is very petite n a lot of ppl make fun of it. By ppl i mean family, brothers, father, mother, friends. Tewlgesh keresh. Atwefrim ende minamin. N I'm sick n tired of that. I need to shame them beka... i need them to be like damn you got hot.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9873782992362976 2017-11-24 14:29:56,"I need to vent. how do you ask for a friend-with-benefits relationship? From a girl to a guy you barely know",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982091188430786 2017-11-24 15:20:16,"I need to vent. someone asked you for fwb relationship months ago. After breaking up n shit, insulting each other n stuff. If u say yes to the fwb relationship now after months? Will he b like it's okay.. or like hell nah, I don't want to see u. (It wasn't a minor argument, there was a lot of insulting, blocking n shit goin on.)",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9887241721153259 2017-11-24 21:45:35,"I need to vent. Vent #3 This is not a vent just need your perspective... Are we supposed to forget? Are we allowed to forget? Are we allowed to remember? Can we just move on? About the ones who have walked in and out, about the ones who didn't want walk out but who did any ways, the ones we push out, the ones who have fallen, the ones we walk out on. Forgetting is like Letting that person who really mattered cease in your mind, there is no more of them... It's like they are just gone. ""Out of sight out of mind."" What makes us cry is when they die the odds of seeing them again drops to zero, that's what sad about the whole thing we don't cry cause we loved them, we cry cause we are bound to forget them, it just varies from person to person how long it takes. It doesn't really matter how much we love them or how much we really care, we have to forget. For our sakes and for the sake of others around us. For the weaklings that don't want to remember who don't want that burden of remembering, we don't want that tiny but heavy pain of remembering, like others don't have it bad enough. We are weak selfish creatures who want happiness at the expense of others but don't want to feel the pain, the pain of remembering. If we don't forget, society brands us ""mentally sick"" or worse. Cause people always want the easy way out, they don't want to remember and they will hate you for it if you make them remember,so moving on is how we comply with their rules. We are supposed to forget after we cry.The whole point of crying is to get it over with crying is a shortcut it's supposed to make us feel better,crying is cheating. I feel like crying deprives us from our true grief,remembering. I believe true grief is remembering, true grief is savoring ever little moment, cherishing every memory. Remembering is the best thing we can do for them, keeping them with us, keeping them alive when they are dead, keeping them close when they are far.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996460497379303 2017-11-25 19:05:51,"We apologize for the downtime of the bot, it is now up and running.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9965117573738098 2017-11-25 20:28:50,"I need to vent. Is it too bad to laugh all the time? After all I've heard in this channel, I think it's not fair/healthy to be as happy as I am. Idk why I'm never sad, not that I want to but I feel like I'm not playing a part in something much more bigger than me. And I feel like I will be too surprised when the sadness hits and fail miserably",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987354874610901 2017-11-25 20:30:23,"I need to vent. I have only a few close friends due to the fact that i have major trust issues. Problem is i have this one friend. She is extremely judgmental and has told many people rumors about me that were not true but when i asked her she claimed it wasnt true. I know she thinks of me as a slut for no reason at all. And has told a lot of ppl that i slept with many guys. I dont know what i should do.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989834427833557 2017-11-25 20:49:08,"I need to vent. I just realized i love my boyfriend way more than i thought n i feel like if anything happens am gona be so heartbroken",love,NEGATIVE,0.9275415539741516 2017-11-25 20:49:30,"I need to vent. I had a dream I saw my name on a gravel stone, it read HERE LAY'S A MAN... followed by a poem I could see the rest but I saw a just few people stand by my headstone... It's funny cuz it use to be my circle of friends never ends I use to have like 47 friends in my circumference, all that's left now was their radiance, they still live but I am trying to make it in this stratosphere ...Fuck",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9800801873207092 2017-11-25 21:02:13,"I need to vent. I think I'm incapable of love. I don't know how everyone here has the luxury of falling in love. How do you do it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988897442817688 2017-11-26 07:57:53,"I need to vent. Don't judge the days to come by the days you have lived. Be healthy everyone!!!. That's what matters the most",caring,POSITIVE,0.994685173034668 2017-11-26 09:09:44,"I need to vent. More of a general question than a statement. Why is it so hard for people to be positive and non-judgemental?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992846846580505 2017-11-26 09:17:00,"I need to vent. Hey guys what's up? Once I liked this girl, she was so awesome and I thought of asking her out. So when I finally asked her she was like NO I have a bf...i said okay beka cheger yelewm menamen. Then one day she saw me geting inside my car and driving off (I know she saw me bc I saw her looking at me and telling her friend menamen). Then the next day she was like ""hey u endet neh, yachi yeteyekegn teyake kaldebereh mewtat enchelalen ""....That's what she said literally...I said no thank you plus this isn't the first time it has happened to me sooooo my question is Why are girls such gold to explain that ????",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9799461960792542 2017-11-26 09:17:45,"I need to vent. This morning i woke up feeling like a dirtbag like I just wanna die. So here is the situation.. I kinda liked a guy in my collage, and I have the feeling he likes me back. He is genuine, decent and really mskin So yesterday my disgusting self kissed one of his friends. It was a terrible mistake, I regret everything about it. I literally woke up crying. I don't know how to am going to see his face kezi buhala. I know for sure I have to talk to him about it. he deserves to know, but I really don't know how to say it. Help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9899559020996094 2017-11-26 09:32:01,"I need to vent. I hate people. I don't seem to like any of the human species at all.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9992513060569763 2017-11-26 09:59:40,"I need to vent. What should I do? I have a gigantic crush on this guy and he has a girlfriend so you know I'm trying to back off. And so his sisters hangs out with me a lot and tells me all about herself and so on. She says she likes this guy from my class and thinks I like him too. I wanna tell her I like her brother but I can't because she is a friend of his girlfriend. She keeps asking me who I like. I hate lying. Should I tell her?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9762855768203735 2017-11-26 13:00:53,"I need to vent. I'm in love with a woman I've been repeating this words again and again this past few weeks, cuz all this is too good to be true. This days it's frowned upon to say that someone changed you( cuz the only real change comes from the inside) but by God did she change me. I'll never admit this to her cuz my ego cant handel her gura. It's amazing how she saw something in me when i was still an entitled badass wannabe. For once in my life i started thinking about the future. I started taking my life seriously cuz i wanted her to be in it. She is the only person i can have world war 2 kinda fights with and still be assured she'll stay. She's the only person i can set aside my ego and be cheesy with. I sometimes feel like I'm losing my non-existent street cred cuz i don't have any secrets to keep from her. And the way she reads my face scares the shit outta me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.7170761823654175 2017-11-26 14:55:02,"I need to vent. Idk what to do or how i gone make things right. dis days am in bad situation of not believing girls. the first time i fall in luv I ended up having the worst feelings of my life. she broke ma hrt into pieces and am still hurt deep inside. its becoming very hard for me to forget that feeling. everytime i close my eyes n thnk of luv, i c what happened to me and i will promise myself not to trust again. i know dat every girls are not the same and i wanna trust but i coudnt. And now i gat dis cute grl. we hv been together for some months but i dont trust her at all. i feel like some bad things gone happen some days. N bc of dis am nat doing what i should do for our r/ship. I don wanna lose her just need some advise.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992129802703857 2017-11-26 18:16:47,"I need to vent. Okay so here's the thing me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday. It was my first time and we didn't use protection. He didn't cum inside me minamin gin beka I'm scared betam. Do you guys think i should take post pill or not? Please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9941237568855286 2017-11-26 20:28:57,"I need to vent. if anyone gets close to me emotionally i get scared. N i just push them away. I do it subconsciously. I'm just realizing this now Being open n trusting is a building block of any relationship. Um scared of hugs even. i just shout if anyone try to hug me or lean on me. I personally think the problem came from my upbringing. My parents were not close to me. Physically n emotionally. Plus they didn't allow anyone else to b close to me. So i grew up isolated. N i began isolating myself even more. So i think that's the root cause of my problem. I don't trust ppl cuz ppl n family fucked me over n over again. My family raised me to think that i am lesser than everyone. They stripped me of the basic necessities of a human. So sometimes i think like breathing is a luxury for me. It's not like um ugly n he's prettier or anything. Like on a scale of one to ten for just the two of us. he's a 2 n I'm a 9. So the physical appearance is not a problem. If anyone does a bit of loving thing i close my wall. He says I'll call u up three times per day? I don't feel like i deserve all that attention. Everytime he calls i offend him till he hates me n stops calling. buys me gifts i don't accePt. cuddles me .. i just find a reason to escape his embrace. Bla bla. it's all mental. anyways so i gotta be more open n trusting. N i should be thinking big. Fake it before u make it?",realization,NEGATIVE,0.997795820236206 2017-11-26 20:47:00,"I need to vent. Okay... So here's the deal.... I posted some time ago about a mean sister... The advice was to talk to her... That's when the problem started... I'm still in high school and she's is so mean to me.... I'm not dumb but im not brilliant either... She now also makes fun of my marks. And treats my mother like dirt... She is so mean... And talks ugly about us to my nephews... I hear all she tells them.... It's not like she makes a point to whisper... She is constantly putting me down.... She doesn't like me to shower first or dish up first before the children and that's fine... She calls me a failure and treats me like dirt.... I try to be nice and she mocks me.... She judges me about everything... All the time She says I should kill myself.... And she hates me.... I don't think I love her anymore.. What should I do..??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9965354204177856 2017-11-26 21:58:43,"I need to vent. What do girls actually think of guys? I wanna know. Do they see us like this block of wall who has no feelings whatsoever? We feel too you know. We might not show it upfront, but if you look deep enough you'll see that at least some part of all us is capable of loving and being hurt. I don't want to generalize but bitchyness is increasing at an alarming rate. It's hard to find the girl that you actually see a future with, have kids with, grow old together with, not the girl who you see breaking up with you as easy as it comes. Is it supposed to be this hard? Urghh",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9919121265411377 2017-11-27 03:23:24,This vent isn't functional for the time being.,disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9996612071990967 2017-11-27 09:42:11,"I need to vent. So does it make me a bad person to want an emotionless relationship, I jut want it to be like Stone Age, me woman u man relationship. I would like to find a guy I find attractive and vice versa and just meet up for sexy rendezvous. I told one of my friends this and she totally freaked on me, went on and on about how love conquers all and well I zoned out after that...heehee So I brought my question here, is something wrong with me for wanting this? Is it cuz I'm a girl that she made such a big deal out of this?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9873390197753906 2017-11-27 11:40:07,"I need to vent. I hope this is my last vent. Idk how to let go. I know i have no other choice but to let go. I want to do it. This person was supposed to b my family my closest friend but they betray me n do shit to me. I'm sick of crying everyday because some incompetent, self loathing losers failed to do their job properly. Um sick of it. Behulum elik yiyzalu. Elik miyasyz neger kelele erasachew yifetralu. Sew sira yifetral but this stupid shits think elk meyaz is a sport lol. Anyone else dealing with jealous, stupid, elkegna parents that treat u like step children please reach out.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981693029403687 2017-11-27 12:06:25,"Stats of Vent Here as of this second *Technical stuff* 2587 Members 844 Vents 5438 Comments read 2137 Comments added 1950 Likes 874 Dislikes 474 Subscribes",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9915342926979065 2017-11-27 14:01:59,"I need to vent. I found out i wz one month pregnant friday morning and i took the abortion pill that didn't even bother me to wait until i think about it...i always thought if i ever got pregnant i wouldn't abort it instead am gonna raise it what ever it took....and i hate kids...gin i always thought i wouldn't be a killer but that all i keep thinking was hw my life would turn out if i keep 4th year in univ so i said i need to abort it plus if i keep it i would be ruining my b.fs life i did it......i abort it....buh i feel so ashamed for doing it...i know i reserved a special place in hell......i killed my baby....i should get burn for it.....i wish it was a very hurtful process so that i could at least pay for my sins on earth",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992181062698364 2017-11-27 18:00:54,"I need to vent. I am a guy, a fresh uni student who never had any sort of experince regarding relationships, not even first kiss and i feel like i am never gonna have any sort of a relationship that its too late because peoples here have experince and girls have expectations am giving up as days goes by, i fear that i ll endup alone, what you say on this people?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.991680920124054 2017-11-27 19:32:57,"I need to vent. Hey, guys I need your advice. I feel like a bad person. There's a girl at my school that likes hanging out with me but my Friends are kinda uncomfortable around her because she's a foreigner. I like hanging out with her and all but she likes dragging attention a lot. I mean who cares but this is a new school for me so I don't wanna get into people's eyes. Whenever she comes and talks to me my friends act all weird and stare and then I feel weird and freeze. Then she feels neglected. IDK what to do! And no I can't and won't ditch my friends because they are very good people. Please tell me what you think. I hate making people feel bad.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9865550994873047 2017-11-27 19:55:39,"I need to vent. Confused!!!... I like these guy I'm seeing, i mean I really like him but he wants something that im not ready for (s*x)... he is 8 years older than me and I'm 22 and I don't blame him for wanting to do it.... now the thing is he wants to sleep with me in the same room saying that there won't be any ""bang bang"" but i can't bring myself to trust him enough to know that he won't pressure me about it and I don't want to be disappointed.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9453918933868408 2017-11-27 19:56:24,"I need to vent. Okay so i am a high school student and have been with my boyfriend for two months and he does all these sweet ass stuff for me he treats me like i am a precious diamond. Corny i know but its true. And everytime he does these things i blush. I have never blushed in my whole life. I see the things he does for me and i almost say i love you everytime, but i keep to myself and keep telling my self that its too soon and i am too young to know what love really is. No one has ever made me feel like this. Is it too soon? Am I too young to know what love is?",love,POSITIVE,0.9778401255607605 2017-11-27 20:00:39,"I need to vent. Hi guys need a very good advice from all of u. I have been talking to this guy for like 4 years and things got completly weird due to unkown reasons and we dont normallly talk in public......he keeps saying that we r only friends but asks me to do not good things in text so u think that i shoud continue talking to him or ignore the hell out of him",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992139339447021 2017-11-27 20:01:15,"I need to vent. This is more of asking for opinion than vent. I just need honest opinion on Internet relationships. I never met him in person but been friends for months. We chat and talk on every day basis. And he confessed how he is starting to have feelings minamn. I really like him but I am not sure if this works. I can't meet him in person either cus of geographic difference. what do u think you guys?? I am confused ‍‍‍",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9948650002479553 2017-11-27 20:24:32,"I need to vent. You are a bad idea. And I know it. And you know it too. Wanting you is walking into the devil’s lair; it is playing with fire. This is wrong, This is immoral, This is everything I despise. And yet here I am, still wanting, waiting, and watchful. You’re all I see, you’re all I imagine; a second moment doesn’t pass without you. You are always one thought away. I want you to kiss me, to feel me, to caress me, to hold me, to touch me in all the ways you aren’t supposed to admit. You are such a bad idea. I think of you and my breath escapes me a second at a time. I feel suffocated and violated and beautiful and stupid and impassioned and hating myself because you are everything that is wrong. You are the cautionary tale. And the universe looks at us and judges. We are a bad idea. And yet I hang on every thought and every word. I want to be with them and with you all the time, and in this moment, I think, for all of time. Maybe it’s the thrill, maybe it’s the never done-before, the ridiculous, the fantasy, the spectacular, the extraordinary. Maybe it’s you existing and me existing and us existing in this one moment in time. But you are a bad idea. And I don’t need you. But my God, I want you.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9449861645698547 2017-11-27 20:25:38,"I need to vent. Hey, I'm in highschool and I like this guy, like I have a crush on him. The problem is he has a girlfriend, honestly I'm happy as long as he is but everytime he talks to me or smile at my direction I can't help but fall for him even more. I can't tell anyone about this because I' afraid they will judge me for liking a guy that is taken but I need advice people. Please give me some advice, thanks!",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9949517250061035 2017-11-27 20:41:20,"I need to vent. Hey, I like this guy. He is kinda sweet, good heart he become more like everything to me nowadays. I need something serious but he is 5 years older than me. We talk a lot on the phone, chatting mnamn gin that's not enough for me right now. I'm not good explaining things but I know that there are so many girls in this channel feeling the same as mine And what should I do so that he can notice I'm willing to risk anything for him?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9747200012207031 2017-11-27 20:55:58,"I need to vent. It's nat a vent just i want your perspective you guys. So here it goes . I recently joined college and there's this girl I really like she's hardworking ,cute, lovely I mean she got the whole package....(I feel like bragging over someone whose nat mine )....and I feel like she likes me back we never talked yet but she always sits around me laughs when she pass by me blah blah...some day last week she saw me with a girl in public mind that..the girl um with was my sis and i was hugging her I see her coming towards me but as soon as she saw me with my sis her face turned red and turned around and left stupid me I thought the other way....after that she been avoiding me even she changes her way if we came across......I never liked someone this much I feel like if I tell her the whole thing and if the feeling ain't mutual it will be awkward but at the same time I want to have slack of confidence and talk to her. Helppp",love,NEGATIVE,0.8717809915542603 2017-11-27 20:58:58,"I need to vent. Well I'm dating this guy and I don't really like him. He is very nice and sweet basically everything a girl needs. But I just can't see him that way. Plus he told his family about me and how I'm the best thing that has ever happened to him. What should i do?",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9589136242866516 2017-11-27 21:06:25,"I need to vent. I'm sick of girls who says all boys are the same minamn....everyguy is not a fuck boy it jst means u havent met someone decent and everyone is not looking for sex some of us jst look for normal r/ships....and those boys who are Fuck ups are borkooooo or dopenesh or swagneshh shitttt so pls consider this girls",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987188577651978 2017-11-27 21:25:26,"I need to vent. Hey, this is more like confessing She was my best friend for like 8 years mnamn and I used to believe every word that comes from her mouth. Everyone has a mission so that they can separate us but we have something connected that nothing can break And suddenly from now where she started changing and ignoring me b/c she got her cousin ""bitch please"" and she always used to tell me that she hated her and she is doing everything we used to do and telling every secret that I tell her and please guys no friendship is worthy family comes it's nice to have friends mnamn gin trust nobody but ur self and in every situation minm bihon min ur family will never give there back to u. I know most of mindnew mitkebatrew mnamn tilalachu gin ""Manim friend is not gonna stay forever but family will"" She is a bitch or it's just me?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9507953524589539 2017-11-27 21:33:49,"I need to vent. I have been dating this guys who I am madly in love with for three weeks now( before all y'all judge we know eachother for a long time before that). The thing is, this past summer, he dated my best friend and she cheated on him, and broke his heart. This year, I was trying to get them back together when I fell for him as he fell for me. My best friend is now dating someone else and she had told my boyfriend to move on before we started dating, but I feel as if I did something really bad. But it's not like I can control my feelings, I don't pick who I fall in love with. My question is: should I just move on or should I talk to her about it and how she feels about it?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991117119789124 2017-11-27 22:34:59,"I need to vent. I am so closed of emotionally it literally hurts I have had many boyfriends but even though we were together for a time I feel no emotional connection with them and when we break up I am like thank God and I started pilling up Bf's looking for the one but it still didn't stimulate and emotions or feelings, and the worst part is my bff is in a relationship and she tells me how amazing it is be be in love but I have never been in one cause I see boys as challenges, the minute the start to like me I lose all and any interest but now I think I really like this guy he is sweet funny and romantic and he has liked me for a year and he is growing on me now but I don't know how to approach this new emotion so now I am having mood swings and I don't know what to say to him to make things better and plus I always think it is gonna end in heartbreak so why start it in the first place and I will be worried I I am too cling or not clingy enough know that kinda stuff but I want to get rid of all this anxiety and stress in relationships and just love another human being with every fiber in my body, how can I do that",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8697953224182129 2017-11-27 22:46:34,"I need to vent. So the title of this vent is I SAW MY NEIGHBOUR MASTURBATING.. not kidding ppl and now I'm in deep shit. Sooo the story goes... I'm a guy (24 yrs) and I have this amazing girl living next to my house. We r best friends that grew up together but I have a huge crush on her and I've been meaning to tell her but didn't until now. Then one day I came from work, got in my room and i was watching a movie and when it got darker I saw a light coming from her room (her room is side by side to mine and I can see inside her room but she can't see mine bc mine is elevated) when I got outside to see, I saw her doing the nasty nasty on her bed and guess what? SHE SAW ME LOOKING AT HER. I got off my balcony as fast as I could and never looked back again for the rest of the night. Now it's been 2 weeks and it's a complete and utter awkwardness btw us...we don't call, text, talk, even look at each other anymore. How can I say.....""it's okay I don't mind it plus I have a huge crush on u"" after seeing all of the things I saw ???? I'm in deep shit and I need yall help plsss.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9943882822990417 2017-11-27 23:03:49,"I need to vent. Hey It's more of an advice askin thing rather than vent. Well um with ma hubby cause i promised his best frnd and my mentor that I won't leave buh he is changing over tym started ignoring me not pickin up ma calls at first j thought it was cause he was drivin or cause he was workin buh I don't think dats de reason i said sry a thousand tyms eventhou I didn't know wt i did i swallowed ma pride and begged him to stay buh um fallin apart um still univ student nd um passin throu hard tyms should i give him tym should i just muv on ??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992051720619202 2017-11-28 00:21:53,"I need to vent. I am a weird person and i like food...i am hyper and ppl think thats funny...and i say stuff that r so unrealistic to the point ppl burst into laughter...i want to talk normally and also not make weird jokes...all i want is to be normal for once in my life...pls help",joy,NEGATIVE,0.8777029514312744 2017-11-28 00:30:26,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. I have got something to say. If there are any nerds out there you can relate. I am your typical nerdy school girl who accidentally happened to crush on a really cool junior. Well that was how it was about three years ago. That same year I became friends with him. He was a really good one. But when he said he had feelings for me I totally lied about mine and kept him as a friend. I still don't understand why i did that i guess I wasn't confident enough that i could keep him as a boyfriend. Even though i refused to go out with him he didn't give up on me. On the eve of my birthday he gave me my first kiss. A kiss i was too startled to give back. Even though i felt my heart beating thousand times per second i still refused to go out with him. It wasn't until the nxt year i finally agreed. We had an awesome time as a couple. For about 5 months then i broke it off because i felt like i wasn't going to be the girlfriend he has always wished for. I wasn't skinny or tall or with a pretty face i was the class nerd with glasses. I was the girl who can't talk to him over the phone because she's too scared of her parents. I was the girl who wouldn't let him hug her or hold her hands in public cause she didn't want people whispering how she isn't good enough for him. I was that girl he would definitely get bored of. And i let him go. I thought i knew what's better for him. Apparently i didn't a year have passed yet he still talks about us. And now i am pretty lost i don't know how i let my crush get this far. I don't know whether i truly like him or i am just in it cause i knw he likes me back. I don't knw why i keep thinking of him. I obviously don't know why i am typing this story at mid night. I guess i really am confused.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9933172464370728 2017-11-28 01:00:08,"I need to vent. Hey guy's there's this girl I really like we have been going out having fun for all most a year we talk everyday she's practically my best friend. But we have never spoken about us she doesn't want to bring it up But I want a serious relationship with her. How do I ask her without losing her as a friend",desire,POSITIVE,0.9970243573188782 2017-11-28 07:38:44,"I need to vent. This is more of a dark confession titled UR ENTIRE EXISTANCE DISTURBES ME!..i hate your stupid skinny smug face i hate how u think ur funny yet everything u say is insenstive trash every time i have to be in a room with you all i think about is spitting in your face and tell u ,ur a miserable excuse for a person. Ohhh and if we were allowed to purge ezi hager i wish i could skin you alive and burn your bones..and since i cant say all this to your face i hope next time you look at my eyes u feel the sheer strengh of my dislike for you.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.998670220375061 2017-11-28 07:51:39,"I need to vent. I wanna let it out just when I am about to end it with him every thing planned out he comes back and melts ma heart with his words and does something romantic what in a mess have I put my self into.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9795118570327759 2017-11-28 08:48:59,"I need to vent. Ok I end up liking my own friend I mean we were friends for along long time since childhood....just few months ago I felt like he likes me then I kinda forced myself to like him then I did....I waited for him to confess but he didn't then one day I just asked him if he likes me? Then he was like ""yeah betam as a sister"" I'm not the type of girl that confess But I just did it...then I told him we can't be friends but even after that one day he kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly then again he called another time and said ""I just wanna check if you are fine"" but I'm confused is he just leading me our friendship time I used to be like I'm not serious in r/ship I'm just having fun.....Maybe that's what keeping him away?!...I miss him so much these days what do you think should I start our friendship? even though it hurts or should I wait?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9883196353912354 2017-11-28 09:34:33,"I need to vent. Hi guys so the reason why I came here is bc mainly bc i don't want to be judged for wat am about to's the thing these days im feeling down n the main reason is bc ppl r disapointing me.... I always expect ppl to make me happy.... n whenever they do it feels gud....but whenever they dont my mood really drops....n in tired of living this way....bc it sucks to depend on ppl bc they will disappoint u most of the way I wanna know is how u can find happiness by myself....n avoid being dropped to the ground every time someone fails to meet my expectations....I hate living this pls.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975157976150513 2017-11-28 15:49:28,"I need to vent. I don't wanna forgive my self cuz i wanna feel every pain......i hate my self cuz i did it.....",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9988468885421753 2017-11-28 19:12:32,"I need to vent. Am the type of person that gets bothered with the slightest things.... example if I should pronounce it tongue tang or thung ..... this slightest things seem like world war three in my head...... Am not sure if it's a good or a bad habit.... In conditions like where I have conversations with people  and they give me the look... I think about the worst case scenario of what they are thinking..... it doesnt come in  handy  at this situation..... see am the type of person that takes on what people think about me to hand ...... I would change for the good I would also change For the bad (does that make sense) idk but it does to me..... I dont addmit it but am not rock hard when it comes to feelings.... I dont believe in things like  love .......its stupid am also the type of person that doesn't like attachment.... meaning if I were to get married I would want to have aan open relationship.... Is that weird.... Paranoid is An understatement.... I am paranoid at all times u would think am crazy if u hear some of my paranoia it's weird I dont know if this iis a problem or worth to vent about but....",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9946444034576416 2017-11-28 21:04:24,"I need to vent. Well one friend of mine have this weird relation with our elementary chemistry teacher. They chat on telegram & talk on the phone after midnight. They talk about sex & he even sends her naked pictures of him. Even though she told him she have a boyfriend. My friend is senior high school student & he is almost forty years old. She tried to stop this relation but some part of her want it. She feels something when she talks to him. She is confused. & I want to help because I don't like where this relation is going neither does she. But I don't know how.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9919061660766602 2017-11-28 21:09:58,"I need to vent. I am in high school and I am really depressed to the point which it started affecting my studies what should I do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999620795249939 2017-11-28 21:41:17,"I need to vent. So my problem is that I had a boyfriend in which we stayed together for almost 2 years and we had future plans and all, were both university student n he was my senior. We broke up and it’s been 6 month since and the moment we broke up he started with another instantly. He told me he couldn’t replace me but didn’t even wait enough to show that. He also offended me in all sort of way when we broke up. Now he says he couldn’t move on and have tried so many things to do so but wasn’t successful. Now he wants me back. I truly fell for him then and I think a part of me still do. Should I give him another chance???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963318705558777 2017-11-29 10:43:28,"I need to vent. Here is my problem, I want to date but it's been two years since I went out on my last date. My friends tnk it's cuz I don't want to. My sister is constantly telling me to, but what they don't understand is that I haven't been asked on a date. N what worse is I don't kno why, I dnt kno if I'm too closed off or a no bullshit kinda person. The more try talk about it the more it makes me anxious, I didn't really give it much thought until recently almost everyone I kno commented on it, is there any explanation? N to anyone who might comment that it's cuz I'm not attractive, save ur breath...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994668364524841 2017-11-29 10:45:23,"I need to vent. So Ive got this thing where I change my attitude everytime I see something that mist people dont like for example if talking alot is annoying then I become all cool and quiet but when the people that talk a lot get attention I start being like them again and Idk what to do I think its cause I dont know my true inner self that I find it so hard to just be normal and me even though I dont know eho ""me"" is. Its hard to understand Ethiopian society ethics like whats acceptable and whats not cause I didnt grow up in it what should Ido should I just try to find myself n care less about pleasing people if so how????",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992806315422058 2017-11-29 13:55:36,"I need to vent. I am so sick of class like super sick all I wanna say is class is sick and making me sick aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996700286865234 2017-11-29 13:57:42,"I need to vent. I am a med student,, I try to study but every time fail miserably The tension, the students, teachers, long hours of staying up all night, lab, sleep deprivation its eating me alive day by day. I wish there is a time machine so that I can rewind the time and choose another field. Medicine take my third phalange pls I need your help",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9922047257423401 2017-11-29 14:30:02,"I need to vent. So this is the story, I am a 24 year old guy and I feel like I am too consumed by the thought of having sex but don't put in the effort because a lot of girls I see want a serious kinda thing and I just can't keep up appearances that long just for sex,it's just not me.i lose interest way too quickly. So it's getting harder and harder to find a girl that is casual and is sexually active like me. And the frustrating part is that I am gifted in that department size wise but not nearly enough girls get to see that without wanting other emotional things which just doesn't appeal to me. And a lot of girls around the office or in my neighbourhood think I am very light skinned and decently handsome but I am baby faced so is that the reason girls dont want a quick sexual encounter? Girls I need your input about this topic of having a sexual relationship without any emotional baggage. And also is this a normal behaviour or am I too consumed by the thought of sexuality?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9802773594856262 2017-11-29 16:02:46,"I need to vent. Is it normal to b 23 female n want sex a lot. Really horny? I get that guys r really active round this age but r girls the same?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9973666071891785 2017-11-29 21:31:51,"I need to vent. I saw earlier vents and I was convinced to talk about my problem. My problem is I don't get satisfied with just normal sex. I'm almost 22 years old and I've had sex many times with like 5 different girls (fwb) but still it doesn't pleasure me as it does the girls I sleep with. I am into freaky stuff like spanking, biting, role playing etc (too much porn is the cause)....but the girls I've been with don't want to do that. Are there girls that love this kinda stuff ? Bc i haven't found any one who does and it's kinda boring tbh.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963240623474121 2017-11-29 21:34:14,"I need to vent. This question is for guys... Why do guys stop liking a girl after she has sex with them? Or not even sex, but once things have advanced physically their interest seems to fade. What is up with that? I'm not talking abt the kind of guys who are clearly using u but I mean the guys who were soooo into u and suddenly it's just gone.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999679684638977 2017-11-29 21:35:01,"I need to vent. Yes am a bitch I dont like the guy am dating And I admit that But why is it my fault? I clearly told him before, when he asked me out I told him I won't have feelings for him BC am not the type to fall in love. I just Dont believe in that nonsense So why is it my fault now? If I said I wont, I just won't. spending time together isn't going to change shit So why is everyone seeing me like am the one who sucked the life out of him?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990041851997375 2017-11-29 22:06:51,"I need to vent. Is it worth learning something that you don't hate but at the same time sth you don't like for the sake of better future or learning what you enjoy that won't make your future bright like probably you might end up being jobless ... am so confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987136125564575 2017-11-29 23:23:05,"I need to vent. so many people have talk about ""friends with benefits"" here, Like how y'll doing that shit? specially girls i never seen a girl whose comfortable with that, how to even start?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975111484527588 2017-11-30 06:41:16,"I need to vent. Good evening people this shit happend today ...there is this girl that i dated for like a month...and we obviously had sex couple of times.....we always use postpills...and yesterday she all of a sudden refuse to take the pill......she is not answering my phone calls....i know her neighbourhood but not the exact home. I desperately was there for 2 hours today...and i am confused .very...she dont even know my last name late alone keep a baby....what the fuck shall i do?!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999233603477478 2017-11-30 06:41:37,"I need to vent. I need an advice or an opinion bicha I like this guy very much and I am trying to figure out if he likes me back some days he's all like frk, hun n stuff and some days we don't even talk. Sometimes he kisses the crap outta me n sometimes not even a good night some days I'm like that to but is he like not interested or is he an on and off guy or is it what u guys do???? I am so confused and I need help.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989474415779114 2017-11-30 06:41:46,"I need to vent. First of all why the hell r we eager to start a relationship wt is it so special bout it. I don't get it really wt is it that is worth hurting for. And for those who took advantage of my innocence and gud heart fuck ya all go to hell mother fuckers, u will get wt is coming for u, i may be broken but noting is completely broken i will get back up and when i do u will regret wt u did. U will see.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.7243248224258423 2017-11-30 06:51:25,"I need to vent. So, i'm 23 and i don go out as such. I'm wayy to reserved. Felgew adelem eshi? Its just i get very shy & nervous when it comes to meeting up, esp. When it's in a public place like cafes. I literally get stuck. before, i used to care less, say it's alright, i don have to push myself this much, it'll change when i grow up. but now, all grown up and still the same .... Its affecting my confidence. I don' date, AT ALL. shocking i know. Last time i was on a date was ummm, probably never! i reallllllyyy wanna change ya'll.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.7298133373260498 2017-11-30 06:55:54,"I need to vent. Why am I in to boys who are 60 year old at heart..I don't mean actually old men just that guys who are warm and act old and wise like fathers unlike guys these days",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9877942800521851 2017-11-30 11:14:35,"I need to vent. Well here goes my thing.....its not life altering family related or relationship thing its just i can't dance like no bone in my body is eligible to dance I've practiced but nothing seems to work its like i swallowed a didn't bother me much in the early days but now when ever there is an occasion where dancing is required either I sit at the corner or if forced i move weirdly which is so any suggestion what i should do its really killing my self confidence and raising my insecurities",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9996329545974731 2017-11-30 11:25:15,Happy Maulid for all Muslim members. Spend the day well.,joy,POSITIVE,0.9998581409454346 2017-11-30 11:31:36,"I need to vent. I am extraordinary. I have girlfriend & I guess she is not happy with me I feel very insecure. Of course I dress well & am well educated with well off family but I feel insecure around her I feel like I am nothing compared to those boys whom she hang out with. I told her that am not happy with that.( with'em guy friends of her) she said they are just friend & told me that I can join them whenever she meets them. I did once it ended up awkwardly me following her with my eyes, lookin for a reason to show them she is mine minamn.....I feel bad then. I am jealous DEAD jealous I be like 'why is that waiter lookin at you so deep?' Like I wanna follow her everywhere literally EVERYWHERE I wanna show the world she is mine & ONLY MINE. I be like 'Baby wear those long shirts of mine & show'em how beautiful you are even with out dressing up' & at the same time I feel like hiding her so no one will see her cause that makes me jealous. I need real help I don't wanna be that dictator husband since I am sure that I will marry her.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9233099818229675 2017-11-30 12:04:14,"I need to vent. Aahhh i am exhausted from studying(in med. School) can anyone tell me 'out of the box' way of relaxing before i snap",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996646642684937 2017-11-30 14:16:17,"I need to vent. Ok so my life now is going great but what my problem is that it's been 7/8 months since I have broken up with (let's name her) x now we r still friends but everything have ended .... And there is my first Gf been 3 years since we have been together now 3 months ago she texted me and we meet talked and wanted to continue on it but I was still hung on x so I told her I can't do it with out explaining...... Nd now I am thinking of her and am over x so am I right if I contact her ask for forgiveness and tell her y I said no? Or am I selfish for wanting her now?? Ladies need her form ur perspective pls ...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9883041381835938 2017-11-30 14:20:45,"I need to vent. Well I had sex with this guy whos 10 years older than me. It was great and all but he's a friend of my much older brothers and we would get in huge trouble if anyone found out. Despite all the risks he still calls me and sends me pictures of his dick but I'm now afraid of all the risks and want to stop. I do not know how tf he will take this though. So should I just keep the relationship with this amazing guy or brake it? No judging please I judged myself worse than anyone ever could",fear,NEGATIVE,0.993285596370697 2017-11-30 14:22:38,"I need to vent. I want to have sex so bad but I'm in long distance relation with my boyfriend and there is this guy who I'm sexually attracted to should i go for it ??",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9942903518676758 2017-11-30 15:22:54,"I need to vent. A fiend of mine came up to me and straight up told me that me and her should embrace our ugliness. first of all no I don't think I'm ugly but I'm sure as hell insecure about my self and her saying that made me feel ugly. I know looks don't matter and all but I won't lie and say I don't care. It's just so confusing sometimes people say I am beautiful and I've never been told I was ugly I guess that's what made me think about this. Weird part is I kinda like how I look. I think I'm beautiful for me. The insecurity is coming from the fact that I'm overweight. So why did I get bothered by it so much. Why do I care??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9788585305213928 2017-11-30 15:51:39,"I need to vent. hey jst fought wid my roomate over sm silly tng bt it turned into a bigdeal nd we rnt speakin ryt nw...its nt like i feel bad or wd ever wanne talk to her bt der is dis urge forcin me to say sry even if i knw it ain my fault",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993489384651184 2017-11-30 16:12:49,"I need to vent. Hey technically not a vent. Just wanna take a chance to say THANK YOU for all of you that comment just to make people feel better or help. You know who you are and you matter! You make me wanna help people because you helped.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.992347002029419 2017-11-30 16:24:30,"I need to vent. My best friend wants a friends with benefits relationship and she knows that i already have a gorlfriend ...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984084963798523 2017-11-30 16:31:55,"I need to vent. I'm in a situation. So there is this guys I have been talking for over 7 months every single day for at least 3 hours at night..... At first I didn't even thing it would go this far but now I kinda like him ena he says he like me too but now he doesn't give the attention that I want... What I mean is he only calls me at night time and I asked him y and he said because he is too busy.... But even when he doesn't have work he never calls.... Malet is that a normal thing?? And we are kinda in a relationship.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9935729503631592 2017-11-30 16:45:07,"I need to vent. 3 weeks ago my crush asked me out and i was so happy that i said okay right away. But then he told me it was a prank and embarrased me in front of everyone. The next day there was a party at my friends house and i made out with his best friend intentionally and made sure he was watching...after about 2 days while i was having lunch my ex-crush told me he actually likes me and i smiled and stabed his face with a fork...well i wont deny things got a little bloody (litterally) but that doesn't make me crazy does it? I mean he asked for it ine min larg.",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9651750922203064 2017-11-30 17:09:18,"I need to vent. Does chest hair fetish make me weird not like those curly stringy hairs but those soft lightly sprinkled across the chest chest hair Am i weird?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9431543350219727 2017-11-30 17:54:41,"I need to vent. Here is the problem.I am a med student n am pretty lazy ....I mean I survived till now wiz 'B & C's but now I have a very big exam coming soon.And I would probably die if I failed....what should I do to study harder and get over my laziness?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992840886116028 2017-11-30 17:55:09,"I need to vent. How do you ask your friend for friends with benefit Would it be weird",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985077977180481 2017-11-30 18:24:02,"I need to vent. You know what I'd kill for rn? Having a constant day to day life with no change in it , where it might be boring but I feel secure and nothing is out of order ever and for someone to come and fuck it all up , in the best way .",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.650882363319397 2017-11-30 18:24:15,"I need to vent. So here is the thing, i am slightly over weight not that huge but i have a bigger dale slightly biggee than normal soo why do people het that after all its nature and i did not ask to be born this way so why wont people let me be are we thar disgusting i mean people say mean stuff to people like me after all its heridity so why are you so mean?especially guys i would really be happy if comment what you feel i mean even if you dont like it why do u have to offend people like us",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9769570827484131 2017-11-30 18:34:54,"I need to vent. I think that this guy likes me. he likes touching me, hugging me, he always looks at me when he thinks I am not looking … especially my lips and around my neck and collarbone. He checks up on me all the time. sometimes when we greet each other in the morning his emotions get the best of him and he holds me for a little too long and I can feel his excitement through his jeans. I like it. It turns me on. If I weren't too shy, I would bone his brains out right on the spot. The thing is, I have a girlfriend whose heart I have promised not to break. I still love her with all my heart, but this guy is a god. He is Adonis. He makes me question my sexuality with his alluring and Infectious self confidence. I am still attracted to my girlfriend, but this guy has made me wonder if there is a side of me worth exploring before deciding with certainty whether I am straight or gay.",love,POSITIVE,0.998690664768219 2017-11-30 18:41:48,"I need to vent. How is it that one hopes For what they know don't exist How can one miss sth They never got Why do I always wave my hands To signal you I'm struggling for a breath as I drown When i know you won't be reaching out When I know u don't like getting wet on a cold day When I know am not worth shivers and sneezes The common colds and fevers When will I ever learn to drown quietly With out a sound Without struggle Just peacefully........ When ????????!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985080361366272 2017-11-30 18:45:24,"I need to vent. in risk of sounding like a white bitch, I have fallen for a player. The thing is he's a new guy at school. I am very intrigued by him. He gives me signs sometimes and them completely shuts me out at other times. He flirts with when we text and sometimes he shuts me out. He sometimes says how curious he is how guys got me before. Leaving me confused out of my mind. I need all the help with this people.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9678187966346741 2017-11-30 19:28:55,"I need to vent. ok so there is this girl that I rly like and I think she likes me too maybe but the problem is she is so shy she said no when I asked her out. I know she likes me cuz she does all these things like going on a date n stuff and she has never been on a date with another person and after I asked her out she has been acting super weird what can I do to get her attention",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9901865720748901 2017-11-30 19:28:56,"I need to vent. So I have been dating this guy for over 3 months now and we talk all day everyday literally but we don't meet a lot. And what do you think the reason is? Is it because he's always the only one who brings the idea of meeting or is he not that interested?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982835054397583 2017-11-30 19:28:58,"I need to vent. I am a girl in highschool and I think I might be bisexual I haven't had sex before with a guy or a girl but I like masturbating to lesbian porn and one day I wanna have a three way but still I love my bf and I have wet dreams about him so what should I do",love,NEGATIVE,0.8886787295341492 2017-11-30 19:39:01,"I need to vent. Ok so im a med student in PC1 and I'm beginning to have doubts about wheather i should continue or not. I try but i just can't focus lile tge other students and when it comes to the tests all i do is score a simple pass mark. I have no regrets on chossing med cause i aint good with math nd physicd and for natural science students what other choice is there? So should i quit while im ahead or should i try my best even if it may lead to me failing and being an embarrassment?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9980700612068176 2017-11-30 19:49:11,"I need to vent. Pls tell me how to ask a girl to be friends with benefits with me in detail.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966011047363281 2017-11-30 19:49:43,"I need to vent. Well I started to like this guy. He always compliments me and always wants action from me and also wants to so many more things. He is so amazing and he thinks the same about me. We have known each other for a couple of months and we met up once and barely even hung out then. I dont know what to do. My friend thinks I should be upfront with my feelings but I am too scared, I feel like he will just crush me. What should I do?",fear,POSITIVE,0.99349445104599 2017-11-30 19:49:47,"I need to vent. Here's the thing. I'm an introvert, and I wish I wasn't. It's not that I don't have friends or anything, but I don't have a best friend. I always feel like I don't belong when I'm hanging out in a group. Like I could not be there and no one would notice the difference. I have a really crazy personality and I think I'm fun to hang out with, but everytime I'm with friends, I barely talk. I don't want to have lots of friends or be popular or anything, but I just wish I had a BFF. Anyone who can relate?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979737401008606 2017-11-30 19:55:05,"I need to vent. what are the biggest signs that you're a girl who is into girls?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.995396077632904 2017-11-30 20:06:00,"I need to vent. I got this friend who thinks we are best friends but the truth is no she is not she is telling me each and every single detail of what's happening in her life and I hate it it makes me sick sometimes I even wish she doesn't come around its a one sided friendship where all I do is listen about her life and anytime I talk about something the conversation is quickly related to her life and she has to say something this is when I decided to tell her to end our friendship what do u think?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9954535961151123 2017-11-30 20:09:14,"I need to vent. Here is my QST How do u know that a guy is really in to you? How would he act around me? Especially if he was my friend first",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990102052688599 2017-11-30 21:23:30,"I need to vent. Okay I was talking to one girl for a year then we started dating and it seems serious, But am having an problem is I couldn't meet her as I want when I asked her to meet she kept saying that she's busy and we only meet once in a month now I got tied of this and am confused if I have to tell her to stop or not what should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999032735824585 2017-11-30 21:25:30,"I need to vent. Hi, I hv a question, From some time onwards,talking abt homosexuality is getting too frequent... plus I see non homosexual ppl getting used to it and feta bilew comment yaregalu..This is wrong! Human being are considered as leaders of nature and look how we act..theres no single creature that acts like homosexual..are animals better zan homosexuals ?? Yes! The nature rasu made all life forms as male and female zats how it works...homosexuality is really really embarasing thing...yikbed'bachu! Feta bilach'hu comment mareg is not fun..cuz there is judgement day coming",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9993382096290588 2017-11-30 21:48:21,"I need to vent. A year ago i was in love with a girl. She apparently also used to have temporary feelings for me. But then due to misleading stuff she had heard, she kept her distance and so did i. So then after a whole year she comes to me and asks for forgiveness and asks me to consider what we had a year ago in between us. I personally am suspicious.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9818637371063232 2017-11-30 22:13:46,"I need to vent. Hey, I'm a kid who has addiction probs, drug addiction to be precise . And I've reached that point where i want everyone to know that I'm in love with drugs. But the other prob is, i don't know what to say to them. How tf do i open up to 'em.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9795597791671753 2017-11-30 22:28:17,"I need to vent. He loved me before but i didn't but now i do wat should i do? should i tell him how i feel? or should i move on?? but it looks like he moved on wat should i do???? help plz",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983727931976318 2017-11-30 22:29:49,"I need to vent. Please people stop talking about homosexuality like it's a nice thing it's a problem eko for crying out loud.... Especially the people who are commenting.... Let's please not disgrace God with all our being this is just so embarrassing to even hear let alone comment... And yell at those people who actually give the right comments like...""u need Jesus"" ....I mean when did u all people became like this.... Was every one Dropped by the head as a baby? Feels like u r all taken up by Westerns and u are sooooooo in deep shit.... Please repent return.... Let's give real help to the people who needs it rather than having stuppied battles over comments let's pleasee Praise God pleaseeeeeee for crying out loud we r not animals.... Animals are better even!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998565137386322 2017-11-30 22:31:04,"I need to vent. here is the thing....there is this guy we have been friends for years ena we hooked up bizu gize..there was something between us .keza he got him self a gf ena we kind of drifted apart....keza one night we got drink ena we hookeup ...I know his gf ena I feel bad asf",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969552755355835 2017-11-30 23:18:37,"I need to vent. Here is my problem am masturbation addicted dude, and I don't remember when did I start masturbating but nowadays I become embarrassed by myself and I wanna stop. Am old and virgin too so if is there someone who got out of such problem please share your story with me.",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9930336475372314 2017-11-30 23:18:47,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt useless, like nothing you do is in no way making you a better person, and you get stuck on the little things and blame yourself for everything that’s going on around you, even when you’re in no way a part of it, but still feel guilty. And the worst part being that no one really knows what you’re going through, you hide your pain behind a crooked smile, when you’re whole internal body is screaming for help... your mere existence in this world seems pointless, when everybody seems to be moving forward with a plan and a future but you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished anything in your life, but you have accomplished a bunch, so why is there a voice inside telling you that you don’t belong, that you don’t hold a place in the future that’s pertinent!! No matter what you do you’ll always feel like you’re a step behind!!! KMN",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.990111768245697 2017-11-30 23:18:59,"I need to vent. I hate my self for these so don't judge....I like my friend's boyfriend .....what should I do",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9954341053962708 2017-11-30 23:21:26,"I need to vent. there is this guy I know and we are friends with benefits but I am head over heals for this guy he is all I think about . I can't focus on anything else. But we live in different cities . And he has no clue about all this . Even though all my friends keep on insisting I should tell him I feel like I am going to regret it cuz at first I don't think he feels the same way and he has being hoeing around for a while now which means he isn't into relationships and the other thing is I myself doesn't want to be in a relationship cuz I have commitment and trust issues but we click so perfectly I have been battling with myself should I tell him or not",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9743325710296631 2017-12-01 05:49:15,"I need to vent. I think I am truly in love with someone.... We are in along distance relationship.... We talk sext and do all sort of stuff but it's not as seeing her in real time. We haven't had sex but if it was another girl I would try my best to have sex with her and ditch her. But when it comes to her I just can't I love her too much. And if we have sex I think we might get bored of eachother because sex the peak of any relationship for me. So should we have sex? And I am lonely too I fear I might cheat on her someday. What should I do???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9973614811897278 2017-12-01 07:34:18,"I need to vent. M3l0dy: I miss a friend but telling him is pointless. He is having some issues and I think me missing him is the least of the things he gives a fuck about. All I can do is call and cheer him up by talking about my relatively eventful day. I want to call him multiple times a day but I dont know what to talk to him about...more like i dont know which topic is sensitive. Anyone been in a similar situation?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993152618408203 2017-12-01 09:56:42,"I need to vent. Dear venters, I see some of you don't think homosexuality is not a problem and just wrong(as it is) but this generation is blinded by western culture and doesn't justify what he does or thinks. This generation accept everything as it is and doesn't try to understand or think about the consequences. I believe homosexuality, masturbation, drugs, etc are prison of the soul. I know for sure that no one feels good after acting in such way. He or she feels guilty and bad about it after. But once there in there is no way out(except by THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS)Because that is not our nature. So to everyone out there who is not set free from the world, I pray that you see the world for its true colors, empty, dark and joyless. I hope what the world offers you will not satisfy you and have that thirst of more only given by the true Yahweh.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9937611222267151 2017-12-01 09:56:43,"I need to vent. It's funny and heart breaking as the same time to find out how ur whole life is jst a dream ur forced to wake up from. I used to think I had the perfect family, parents. Ya we had our ups and downs but I nvr thought my mom is having such a hard time living with my dad. I love my dad so much but wt he did us sth unforgivable. I wouldn't hv stayed a single day with him and she wouldn't either but she did it for us her children. But now we've all grown up she is done and wants to get a divorce. Plus she is nt that normal healthy person she is always sick lyk 24/7,u knw lyk goes through the day with help of painkillers which r rly being adapted by her body. She always has this permanent pains and can't be dealt with doctors. They r both too old for a divorce, but it's also harder to tell mom to stay her last year's with a person she despise. She has been unhappy her whole marriage.. 26 yrs of unhappiness. I hv been living this life for her,so that I can't nvr see her sad. I dnt knw hw I can help the closer I am to her the more disturbed I get where I can't focus on my studies I could nvr ask for a better dad I love him so much jst had a better husband for her. Thank u for patiently reading and am sry if I bored u but had to get it out there.",love,NEGATIVE,0.6308919191360474 2017-12-01 10:08:58,"I need to vent. People really should stop judging.......everyone has their own way of life,it might be different but they have their reasons for being like that.....homosexual or not....atheist or not.......we shouldn't judge......even Jesus said ""he who did not sin cast the first stone"" who r we to judge",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970805048942566 2017-12-01 10:36:53,"I need to vent. I'm here cause my last vent was not discussed on. I need to make it a general question. I know that religion plays a small yet big part in dating and relationships. Is it okay to date someone outside of your religion spectrum? And if so, is it okay for them to place the boundaries somewhere mid-relationship that if you don't convert to their religion, they will not continue to see you? I see that everyone who has/doesn't have a religion wants to be with someone who shares the same point of view but I also see that love doesn't choose race or religion or other things as well. I need your thoughts on this. Thank you.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.7665886878967285 2017-12-01 16:24:05,"I need to vent. Does a guy lose interest after sex? if you do it before getting to know each other well. N if you're in a relationship n know each other well n you have sex, does he lose interest ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991191029548645 2017-12-01 16:24:16,"I need to vent. Love is always painful. But its the most beautifully carved pain that you'll never explain or put to words or show. I never got it when they say love and get hurt i thought they were fucking with me gin they're sooo right. I loved and loved and gave it my all and i will never regret shit. Idk why he did what he did but thank God he did cause my love for him would've been the end for me.",love,POSITIVE,0.9938861727714539 2017-12-01 17:46:40,"I need to vent. For all those people who are against homosexuality and think its unnatural, let me hit you with some knowledge. Dolphins have sex with the same gender for reproduction and African male lions also have sex with the same gender. So animals do it, and it isn't unnatural. For all you people that are against homosexual people, why do you care who they want to have sex with? Or who they love? Why are you sticking your nose in their business? Its their right to love whoever and to have sex with anyone they want. They shouldnt be out here being discriminated for loving a person. You all are being judgemental as fuck. And on top of that, you be preaching to the words ""stop hating"", ""be who you are"", ""stop judging people"", etc and look what you are doing here. Your actions speak louder than your words, and for a matter of fact your words ain't even compatible to what you are doing right now. We have a brain for a reason, fucking use it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981278777122498 2017-12-01 17:46:56,"I need to vent. Hey guys, let me tell you my weird crush. There was this girl that moved in in front of our home. i dont know this girl but she was foreign,we started saying hi and then after days passed we began to flirt just through eye contact,i rly liked her and i can tell she liked me but i couldnt talk to her cause she didnt know my language,i always thought about at least trying her language to talk to her but i never had z guts to do so,after about 3 weeks she left, i dont know where.and now i cant stop thinking about her,i am really obssesd wiz zis girl and i dont even know her name,now i cant even date girls cause all i think of is how she just dissapeared like that,and that was 2 years ago.what can i do,am in love wiz a girl i dont even know",love,NEGATIVE,0.9968850016593933 2017-12-01 17:47:04,"I need to vent. Okay honestly guys y'all gotta stop about this homosexuality stuff if it bothers you then keep it to your damn selves i joined this channel because i wanted to vent about shit happening in my life and to see how people dealt with shit in their life it doesnt matter if you care or not about people being homosexual because in the end no body is gonna give a fuck about your thoughts seriously whatever you believe in or dont believe in just please keep to yourself alebelezia mesedadeb new tirfu",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985194802284241 2017-12-01 20:02:32,"I need to vent. Here is a huge vent students from jimma and haramaya university are migrating",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9521190524101257 2017-12-01 20:54:35,Please send what you think about it down here,neutral,POSITIVE,0.8291014432907104 2017-12-01 20:57:11,"I need to vent. Alrite so weird thing happened to me ..I use to be this person who was in tune with his emotions, But recently something weird happend, broke up with this girl that I was dating for 2+ years without her giving a single explanation really liked her....I've broken up before but now I didn't feel bad or sad or whatever... Didn't really care ...started with that .. Nd now honesty I don't really react to stuff as I use to ... Its like I'm the meh emoji .. that's new to me and it's really freaking me out ... Really wanna feel again .. Help me out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996322512626648 2017-12-02 07:47:12,"I need to vent. Hey guys here the thing there is this guy who asked me out a year ago and I said I will think about it and after I didn't give him answer but we kinda made relationship after that but after I heard that he is a player and I pushed him away and everything he did I hated it but every time I try to cut him of completely I go back to him myself and I always miss him and stuff but when I see him I regret it . Do u think this is obsession or love??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997858464717865 2017-12-02 08:38:48,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse Hide My Identity I need to vent. From most of those comments I got from me supporting homosexuality think that humans have brains and animals dont. First of all, dolphins are smarter than humans so technically speaking a sea water animal is smarter than a human. And you all keep on saying ""Its against God"" ""Its against the Bible"" well let me tell you something, you are only selfish enough to think about your own religion rather than others, just because its against your religion doesnt mean its against others. And on top of that for the person that commented about your babies and the people who you love, they cant be gay if they arent influenced by it and you can only be influenced if you let it influence you. So if you are gay because some else is gay, you let someone influence you rather you being who you are. For all yall religious people out there, you be preaching to God and Jesus and all but the Bible also said ""Do not Judge"" and here you are judging. If you cant stay with one part what your religion says then you shouldnt be supporting the other. And yes there are people like me in Ethiopia, supportive people, people who keep the rights for love and equality unlike you pieces of shit who are only selfish to think about yourselves rather than how it would affect those people. All gay people did is love, and now since you are lonely and miserable and not lobed by anyone doesnt mean they have to aswell",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9926188588142395 2017-12-02 08:38:51,"I need to vent. Hello there, I know am going to sound condescending but here it goes for all the Christian's here I would like to say as a person who believes in Christ why would you hate on homosexuals, Christ has never hated the sinner he hated the sin, you should pray for them not scream at them that it's wrong because let's be real everybody sins in some form or other and God sees all, he sees how judgmental and intolerant you were to others. As Christian's you should be more tolerant. So that when your turn comes you will be tolerated the way you tolerated and judged the way you judged. So please be careful in expressing your views on this matters.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9835115671157837 2017-12-02 11:24:01,"I need to vent. I'm stronger now. Um not gonna let stupid mother fuckers get in the way of me n my dreams. I am able to stand on my own for my own cause. I'm gonna make it. Um gonna make my dreams a reality n you stupid motherfuckers that were in my way is gonna b sorry.(they're family) Yes! Um invincible. I've gone from um not fit enough for this world, i wanna die"" to ""motherfucker move! Get out the way. Fuck you! Die! Um not gonna try to change myself to make you like me. Like me or not, get off my face i need to do me bitch."" N thank God for that realization. better late than never ey? um so much more confident now. Now that I've found out my strength n secret powers. I'm so thankful for all the negative and positive comments on my vents here. I can say venting does help a bit. For me it's the best way of forgetting n handling shit. Once i vent I'm over it. It's my mode of coping.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8893133401870728 2017-12-02 11:24:04,"I need to vent. What's up Guys, what's really going on in this Chanel when I first joined in this Chanel everything was cool and beautiful after that highschool and that office man told us they are confused about their sex life everything got changed and we lose all of the beautifulness of the Chanel within less than a week. You religious people why are you judgmental why don't give a chance to people to do whatever they want they don't have a friend or family to talk about this coz all of Ethiopians are hypocrite like you if you don't like the way this Channel is you can touch the leave the channel button, because of you guys now everything is about homosexual, so once again please stop arguing!! Thank you",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9896783828735352 2017-12-02 17:46:46,"I need to vent. Hey guys am a new university student in mekelle 2010 enginerring.and i have a problem wiz my dorm mates......ena there are my dorm room mates in section 19....and each one makes me mad like this guy lets call him(d) cause he is a d,never cleans our dorm,and the other one(t) cause he is tall is stilling all my girls,plus there is (s) cause he likes sex....a lot...he makes sex moves infront of me,and last but not least there is (a),the a hole.....talks like he knows everything but dont know squat.....wat shud i do wiz zis guys, pls help me i cant live like zis.....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974168539047241 2017-12-02 17:48:11,"I need to vent. This is not a vent but more of an opinion, to all the girls out there who think looks are what matters i mean yeah your hot but you just appeal to my eyes it's not that deep i like ur boobs and ur big ass but doesn't mean i love you thats not love i mean love is more than ur looks, you have to offer more than your looks to be loved but if your body is the only thing you can offer then sorry sis ppl just want to sleep with you they don't want you to be their wife, they don't want you to be their kids moms so looks don't matter..",love,NEGATIVE,0.874447226524353 2017-12-02 19:17:56,"I need to vent. Hey i am 2nd year student at adiss ababa university........ I jst got into realation........but i doesnt feel ryt.i was in love once with this girl in my skul.we were togezer.but she broke my heart.she cheated on me wid my frnd. After then i hated girls a lot....but i found this girl. I didnt think that i will fall again.....i love her so much......but when am trying to do special things wid her.........i think abt z other girl....and i get depressed.....i cant forget what shall i do?help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9830260872840881 2017-12-02 19:23:30,"I need to vent. Hey guys, well i have been in love for a year now and tomorrow is my anniversary and i could not b more happier since am not the type of person who falls in love but this dude wanna marry him one day anyways any ideas on what to give him. Ik what to give but anything extra would help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9924939870834351 2017-12-02 19:47:01,"I need to vent. Well there is this guy i texted for months and he always wanted to meet up and we met up in an anonymous place then he kinda raped me not literally rape but he held my hand high and said he will never let go of me and i gave up so i let him do what he wanted to do and i still like this guy im really confused guys what should i do hes been asking for another date after that day,and he was also z same person after that just too much if sex talk and wat u guys think should i go to z second date?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9160684943199158 2017-12-02 20:21:58,"I need to vent. Hey guys there is this guy i met for the first time, after we texted for 2 years and suddenly he thought he could do anything and i usually gets his hopes up by textin him nasty stuffs, then he thought i was z same person in real life ,he was touching me around z private parts even tho i never said yes ,he also showed me his dick on z first date and this guy is askin for another date in some where private to finish wat he started or may b he likes me .. Idk guys im confused bc he was patient for 2 years and i like him a lot tho he just too horny to be my type should i leave him cause he likes touching me or fucking me or should i stay",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9950056672096252 2017-12-02 20:38:32,"I need to vent. This not an actual vent, its a message from a girl to a girls out there. I have been with my guy for over 7 years like since we were in prep. He was broke then & had nothing just a dream i wasn't rich either. Then we joined campus & graduated. That's was a start up of our future. He got a good job & so do I. Look what I wanna say is our relation wasn't built on a 'thing' but on a trust & love. I helped that guy to become himself. He played a vital role building me too.he becomes my major part!!! So all girls out there build your man with all u got. Money will follow where love is. There are good men even though bad men exceeds. Thanks for reading this. Oh & by the way he had put a ring on it last month.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9945567846298218 2017-12-02 21:02:18,"I need to vent. Hey my best freind has gave up in life and i don't know how to help. She has already lost hope in everything.She is convinced that nothing will change and that she will always be empty. I don't know what is the main cause for her being like this but I know that she is hurting so bad but she always try to hide it. She is an amzing beautiful loving and understanding person but she dont see that she sees herslef like a monster and shes alerady convinced that she will go to hell if it exists. Im always trying to convince her that everything will pass and that we gotta go through the rain to get to the rainbow but she say that its bullshit and that she will always be like this and Im really scared I want to see her genunely happy I don't know what to do she even stoped believing in God and belive me when I tell you that there is no religious person like her. Im not a happy person myself I don't know how to make her happy ! What can I do ? How can I show her there is more in life than just painfull days ?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9856846332550049 2017-12-02 21:02:27,"I need to vent. So there is this guy who I think is cute but he is a fuckboy but still I can't get him out of my mind what should I do",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9982671737670898 2017-12-02 21:09:18,"I need to vent. I aint here to vent but i got a question. Is it a good idea to start dating in medicine pc1?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9945141077041626 2017-12-02 21:16:11,"I need to vent. So tomorrow is the big day. I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time as her boyfriend but I've known her dad before, since he was my teacher back in campus (he fucking used to hate my guts since I was the class clown who would make everyone laugh during his period and he would kick me out almost every time). He doesn't know I'm dating his daughter and when he sees me tomorrow, Idk what's gonna happen....I'm not ready to die for this girl case he kills me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9954360127449036 2017-12-02 21:28:59,"I need to vent. I am a university student, last year I got out of the friend zone . She was the coolest person I knew and I was really happy that she wanted us to date. But, after we started dating nothing was the same, she wouldn't pick up her phone or reply to my text. Still, I was supportive, I would send her jokes everyday just for she could have a happy day. And around Easter I wanted to surprise her, so I travelled 700 kms just to be with her and still she didn't reply my texts. So, I told her I came( I came to propose to her) and she replied and we made plans twice and she rescheduled, and the day before I was supposed to leave back to campus, she said she would come, so I cooked lunch and planned everything. But, she didn't come, she made other plans and she broke up with me( I cried myself to sleep) . To make things worse my brother came with his girlfriend and ate the food I made for my special day.",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9051671028137207 2017-12-02 21:33:09,"I need to vent. I rly feel weird for sayin this and even for feeling this way... But i need help so umana say it any way ... Mmmmm i am a jealous girlfriend. This might make sense if its over some girl but it isnt. (I feel jealous whn ma bf spends time with his boy friends... When they hangout, mnmn ..) I tried to stop this thing bu i couldnt .... What should i do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982807636260986 2017-12-02 21:35:49,"I need to vent. This is kinda stupid but is it weird my boyfriend dances like an old man?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983398914337158 2017-12-02 22:20:44,"I need to vent. I know its silly to say this gn esti guys who r in this channel please tell me how serious you r in a relationtship or how serious you are with ur gf and also if u r a type of guy who uses his gf to fulfill his wildoughts i just wanna know",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.996590256690979 2017-12-02 22:25:56,"I need to vent. Literally going through the same shit with the previous guy who's getting hurt for loving! Hmmmm i actually have bunch of things to talk about, but guys have u ever get tired AF??! Just tired of every single thing! The reason why am venting here now is that im rly hating my home! I feel like getting to hell when i make my first step to the gate! Thats why i always get home too late tho parents get maddd nd keep nagging why am doing it...i aint gonna talk why i hate it this much. I used to do things alone..walk, watching movies, sitting in cafés... but i think that is not helping me out... Guys i want u to help me out! What should i do?  Get a friend?? Where????  Try to cheer up ur self? How????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995463490486145 2017-12-02 22:45:49,"I need to vent. Hey im a really insecure and self continuous girl and anything you say to me get to me so easily...I act all tugh infront of others but ik really sensitive and most of my time os wasted my over thinking. If ppl say bad stuff to me even if it's not true I blame it on myself. Im always careful not to hurt others feeling but no body is for mine",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9816754460334778 2017-12-03 07:14:15,"I need to vent. I just got in a relationship for the first time. We're still in the honeymoon stage and it's all sunshines and rainbows. But only when we're not fighting. We're always arguing about the stupidest stuff. He's the most stubborn person I know and he thinks I don't love him enough and that he's not my priority. He thinks I avoid him on purpose. We fight about the same exact thing every time. I love him so much, I do. But having to do this over and over again is just too much for me. Help me get past this or I might end up doing something I'll regret ‍",love,NEGATIVE,0.9981716871261597 2017-12-03 09:36:41,"I need to vent. These days, life is like spring and fall. The good thing about that is, Everything passes by quickly. Some people turn me into someone who isn’t me. They put me up and down, then they leave me. Maybe I got stronger. Maybe I got indifferent I used to cry only once or twice a year But now tears are coming On this hidden path. Sometimes, the misfortune called depression blocks me with a net called laziness. Everyone is going on their own path But only I’m stopped in place. Will I be okay like this? These days, life is like spring and fall. The good thing about that is, Everything passes by quickly. Some people turn me into someone who isn’t me. They put me up and down, then they leave me. Maybe I got stronger. Maybe I got indifferent I used to cry only once or twice a year But now tears are coming On this hidden path. Sometimes, the misfortune called depression blocks me with a net called laziness. Everyone is going on their own path But only I’m stopped in place. Will I be okay like this? End No Done Done These days, life is like spring and fall. The good thing about that is, Everything passes by quickly. Some people turn me into someone who isn’t me. They put me up and down, then they leave me. Maybe I got stronger. Maybe I got indifferent I used to cry only once or twice a year But now tears are coming On this hidden path. Sometimes, the misfortune called depression blocks me with a net called laziness. Everyone is going on their own path But only I’m stopped in place. Will I be okay like this?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958884119987488 2017-12-03 09:36:50,"I need to vent. I fucked up. I like a player. Anyone think there's a way I can change him? He talks to me and shit but I obviously assume he just wants to get with me. Help.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.994694173336029 2017-12-03 09:38:07,"I need to vent. I am a girl and I used to have this friend of mine who is so self centered that she demands me to do or go somewhere if she wants to but when it comes to what I want she always end up avoiding me and I always been too patient with this girl because I was too scared of lonely but I decided not to talk to her because there is no need to since she thinks I am the worst person in the world ‼and she always tells me that. So I ended my friendship because it's not worth fighting for and I rather be alone than spending a time with a person who hurts my feelings. So what do u guys think did I do the right thing?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977237582206726 2017-12-03 09:40:10,"I need to vent. I don't know if you have read my past vent, but to recap I have a girlfriend, but I am severely attracted to another person. And now here goes my vent: I did it. I cheated on my girlfriend. I had the most incredible experience kissing, nibbling, sucking, biting this guy (and vice versa). It was hot AF. What started out as a conversation about my sexual preferences ended with an unexpected climax. I feel ashamed. I am about to break things off with my girl. Venting while waiting for her to show. So, I can stomp all over her heart.. I wish she had never met me. I feel terrible about doing this to her. I know most of you thought I was a guy on my last vent, but I am a girl. Trust me, I am a girl. I have a vagina and everything.",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9748099446296692 2017-12-03 10:54:46,"I need to vent. I have a broken heart I fell in love with a guy and he broke my heart He gave me fake hope Now i dont believe in love the way i used to Now i can't love anyone the way i loved him I dont know what i should do Any advice? I need help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9941794872283936 2017-12-03 10:55:02,"I need to vent. Is it OK to date yaltemare wend ....well he finished 10th grade and he is a taxi driver now ...and I am a well educated person, just doing my masters do you guys really think ewket matters in a relationship",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9930132031440735 2017-12-03 11:12:34,"I need to vent. Is is true that people who's high school sucked for them are gonna have a much better and happier life? I need to believe that right now. Can you tell me what type of high school life you had and if it does get better? I have to know more than you think.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9842055439949036 2017-12-03 11:27:26,"I need to vent. This aint a real vent tho compared to y'll talking abt homos and Jesus , and not for chickd but here it goes....there is this chick aight....and she cute but i stuck her in a friend zone long ago and she truly is a rly good friend....and hey, in case ure wondering u religious dushes, am a guy..... so we were out this night right, doin our thing, z whole squad were there, we were having fun and dancing in a club and the club has this patio wiz sofa and such so u cn go out chill or make out.....then me and my guy friends we were there, chillin and since we were in a dark corner my friend didnt see us, she sat on a corner directly in front of us with this rly hot chick and us guys, u knw wat were thing right she is our friend, more like a little sister to all of us and obviously she is gonna introduce us to this other hottie....we cld not hv been more wrong....after a min. Or 2, these 2 start to make not ordinary kissing but a full on, grabbing on top of the other minamin, DAMN!! So i kidd u not , z other hottie didn't matter anymore, we were seeing our friend in a whole new different light from then it got me thinking, no matter hw religious a guy can b, or so against homos and shit....if he sees 2 girls making out.....HE STOPS AND WATCHES even for a sec. Am i right guys?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8871975541114807 2017-12-03 11:59:03,"I need to vent. So here I go am a senior high school student n there is this guy am dating he truly is an awesome guy I respect n love him tho there is this one question that clicks my mind he had a gf she kinnda ditched him for a guy with a lot ov money ena I met him after his shattered into pieces n got the chance to fix it. He has told me he loves me lyk billions ov times we have a strong bond(had sex several times) but nowadays he's changed idk what his problem is every time I bring out this question he completely shuts me down pls help me",love,POSITIVE,0.6411955952644348 2017-12-03 11:59:14,"I need to vent. I feel like this is pretty damn dramatic and cliche but i dont want to live anymore before it was just a coping mechanism but i am rly thinking of ending it, its not that my life sucks not completely.. its not perfect but still... Its just me I feel like no matter how small or big the challenge im facing is im never gonna beat it, I feel like every time something good happens to me its a sign that something dreadfully miserable and depressing is gonna happen shortly after. I have tried though, I've tried to be happy and fulfilled for almost four years now. But even when i try there is still something wrong. I feel pretty selfish since there are many who care about me or atleast i think they do, but im still me, im not normal i wish i could be but then again... It's just hopeless",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9949424862861633 2017-12-03 12:18:31,"I need to vent. Heyy so zis is wats going on, am a campus student and one minute we r learnig and z next tng u know BOOM 'tebetbetual' its really tiring wat to decide, either to go home or stay with out doing nth, and exam is coming up also, and if I go back home am 100% sure am not gone study, wat do I do??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986913800239563 2017-12-03 12:39:08,"I need to vent. Ppl got confused with my previous vent about me not wanting to live nomore But its not from boredome although i do get bored and i did get good advice on that thanku all but its more of a frustration thing than being bored,its this weird cycle that keeps me thinking things wont get better no matter what i do that things wont change And yes i would like some advice",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9940075874328613 2017-12-03 13:09:08,"I need to vent. am a second year university student and I dnt have a person whom I call a best friend in that campus but there are a group of girls in my class whom I eat lunch with and hangout..the thing is there is this one girl in the group who always seeks to take me down at any opportunity, always sad too see me happy and takes the worst pictures of mine and show it to friends and stuff! I've tried to talk to her about it but it's clear the lady is doing wat she does intentionally and I can't take it anymore. How can u avoid such ppl? Pls help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987917542457581 2017-12-03 13:42:50,"I need to vent. I had a vent someone hear pls.... Last year I have good friendship time with this girl like talking almost 4 days per a week and we had a nice time talking every thing about feature, parents... bech bezu bezu... Ena on this year we talk just like only 4 or 5 times but their is no reason for this. So I know her more N I don't want to lose her in my life hule gize selesuwa sasebe yematat eyemeselegn just I'm confused with it. Demo betam ferahu this year lay adis neger jemera lihone yechelale line boyfriend menamen may be ena meteyek demo deberegn.... What shall I do.....??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9838692545890808 2017-12-03 14:32:42,"I need to vent. There is this girl I like and she loves me to but we had a fight b/c I have a female friend and whom we talk...she doesn't want me to talk to any other girl than her self...and my friend is going to be disappointed if I tell her I don't want to talk to her and no longer want her to be my friend...what shall I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9880678653717041 2017-12-03 14:34:20,"I need to vent. Hello guys Im in high school 10 grade and I like this boy and we talk and stare at each other and he likes me too I guess so and he asked my friends abt me what should I do ? Especially boys how would u want to be atracted???",love,POSITIVE,0.9908581376075745 2017-12-03 15:09:54,"I need to vent. This isnt much of a vent. This is more of needing your suggestion on something. I have gotten 250,000 as a prize money. And I need an advise what to do with it. Eventhough I know I want to get more money doing something with the 250,000. I need ideas of that is currently a best way you think to get more money.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983306527137756 2017-12-03 15:18:14,"I need to vent. Im an 11 grader student and everybody around me is dating and stuff. Lotta ppl say its fun and Idk Im kinda bored of my life and i wanna try new should I start dating ?????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997884213924408 2017-12-03 16:11:32,"I need to vent. Is getting in a relationship in campus something necessary? I mean i don't want to date n stuff i want to marry the girl when it happens ena gen i don't wana missout like i did in high school, What do you say people?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9935950636863708 2017-12-03 16:12:38,"I need to vent. Earth....yes..That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there..on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast, cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great, enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9939369559288025 2017-12-03 17:07:07,"I need to vent. I have a question for all high school and under highschool are u gonna join university, kemerr last yr was a disaster like ke gemash belay nw yewedek and mimetut ametat demo eyebase nw mimetaw and incase you don't know a.a.u demo akumawal undergraduate mekebel soo most of you won't be here for sure sooo what are you gonna do everyoneee you all are fucked",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994514584541321 2017-12-03 17:08:17,"I need to vent. I missed u more....come and let's  have a lunch...nd i will tell u...u know  wat....let's  try zis....let's  get married  by February...let's  have bezu babies  nd live happily  ever after......BUT me is waiting  for unrealistic person or sth.....let me wait......don't  be foolish giving  me chances after chance....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978004097938538 2017-12-03 17:19:52,"I need to vent. I'm a 14 year old and i look older. Most high school girls think i repeated the same grade again, which lead me to fake my age. I feel like they're judgy when it comes to ages and stuff. Should I let them know or what !?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995524287223816 2017-12-03 17:54:28,"I need to vent. Hey, can u fall in love with just texting i mean i cant forget this guy i texted for many months almost a yr we just had one date recently and here i am cant forget any thing abt him and im glad he feels the same way but he wants a relationship but i dont want that because i dont like giving all of me to a guy , people need a clear boundary yall and im caught in this feeling with this amazing guy , wat should be my next move?",love,POSITIVE,0.98155677318573 2017-12-03 18:03:20,"I need to vent. I read some vents and I see a couple of girls struggling with fuck boys. I second that. How do you know if they're into you or not? We need a male perspective on this.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9963552951812744 2017-12-03 18:07:49,"I need to vent. Hello. I've never been in a relationship before. I always thought that I would never be defeated by a girl. I would just go out with girls but never have I lost to a girl. It's not that I don't want to, I try but it just seems impossible. This one time, A supposed friend, a text buddy which blossomed to become a real friend started to get to me with her sweet words, with her seeking my attention 24/7 and telling me all and every aspect of her life.. I lost. Yes, I lost. We have been in a relationship for a year and a half. But It has now come to an end. She has hurt me badly, with unrecoverable wounds. I have paid for all and every thing that I have done. As I have hurt people, so have I been. This is what I want to say, be mindful of all the things you do. Because everything that you do will come back to you. Have you hurt people? Go and apologize today. Ask for forgiveness. Thank you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9251883625984192 2017-12-03 18:08:27,"I need to vent. If I said to you, This life is a dream, how would you prove me wrong? How would you prove, without a doubt, that we’re not all dreaming and that the true ‘life’ is happening around our sleeping body in another universe? It could all be one giant dream that we’re living out.. I'm thinking, and speaking to you, whilst being aware that I’m doing so’. Ooh. You can do that in a dream. You can think critically, and you can certainly make decisions and consciously choose where to go and what to do in a dream. I’ve had various dreams where I’ve been in another world, and there have been ‘different’ laws of physics to say the least! Worlds where society works differently, and in those dreams, the society and the people within it all thought they were living in reality. As you can see, proving that we’re not all in a dream can be tricky. It’s unlikely that we’re all in a dream, but you can’t prove we’re not. Because almost all of our ‘laws’ and such things are man made. Even the laws of physics’ are only observed regularities in the way things behave. Infact you may ask how can we dream in a dream? The reason we dream in this reality is that our minds are so powerful that we’re able to dream within a dream, i guess so! So how would u prove it?? Think it thorugh yor mind. Its possible that it is a dream!!!",neutral,POSITIVE,0.5368757247924805 2017-12-03 18:27:34,"I need to vent. Why y'all talking about fuckboys nd stuff.....what about fuckgirlsor may I say hoes or they don't exist?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994208812713623 2017-12-03 18:27:39,"I need to vent. I like this person very much and although we have never met i still loved the person at forst it was just so amazing but then beacause of my parents took my phone several times and stuff so our love kindof reduced neger and then one time whn i became online after about a week i saw his pp ena it was a bit wierd and he told me it was for a girl he used to love he told he loved her while he was with me too i got kinda hurt and now i feel like we are not the same i feel like he doesnt love me as much anymore what should i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9969294667243958 2017-12-03 18:54:41,"I need to vent. Good Evening I see most of the ""vents"" here are about love, boyfriend, girlfriend, high school shit So, let me ask you … How do you define love? When do you say you love someone? I'm curious. Please comment. I want to know what the jig is all about.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9952515363693237 2017-12-03 19:32:22,"I need to vent. Ummm guys need your help right hubby's birthday is in days and clearly I had no idea what to give him I wanna make it special and unique so guys plz plz drop any ideas here",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9992819428443909 2017-12-03 19:35:44,"I need to vent. Im a 3rd year CS student and i rly use to like it but i also love art i wona be a filmmaker n wanted to study tht but thr is no good film school in eth also my dad promised me he would get me everything i need too make my first movie but not until i have my degree soo i started studying CS n now u have no idea how much i hate it my greads are all fucked up n i don't know wht too do the hardest part is tht i have spent my 3 years n lots of my dads money now i get home n all i study and practice is film im rly good too my dad n others have told me tht im n i don't wona waste my time doin this n also if i even wanted to finish im not goin to graduate in time coz my greads are all fucked. Need Help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9592421650886536 2017-12-03 19:41:29,"I need to vent. Okay so im someone who has a really hard time letting people in. So what i do is i pick them apart until i find a flaw so i can reject them. Ive been doing this for a while now and im sick of it. Any advice??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995729327201843 2017-12-03 19:41:46,"I need to vent. I always seem to speak my mind and I feel like an inconsiderate bitch but I just can't stop myself from telling anyone how I feel. I simply can't bear knowing that the truth isn't in the open. And coming to think of it many people are starting to hate me not that I care but I feel like am hurting them. What do you guys think I should do?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.8352210521697998 2017-12-03 20:52:20,"I need to vent. Is it weird to not be attracted by handsome guys? Idk i prefer the dork and nerd squads rather than the handsome and kingka types. When they talk I want to say ""esti zeme bele"". To conclude it, I HATE THEIR GUT SO FUCKIN MUCH.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9989124536514282 2017-12-03 21:07:00,"I need to vent. There is this guy n he is so cool n perfect tbh n we started hanging out n we become best friend betam tolo then we started sexting menamen then one day he kissed me he was my first kiss n it was amazing n we make out menamen gn idk wat we are we r not just friends or friends wit benefits we r more than that but idk wat to say when ppl ask me if I am single",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9930243492126465 2017-12-03 21:22:28,"I need to vent. Hi guys it's me...the guy from yesterday who met with his gf's parents. I'm writing this vent to prove I'm not dead .... Soooo let me tell u how it went. So i took them to dinner at a restaurant since I was the one who was buying. Her parents got there first and we were like 15 mins behind so when we got there, u wouldn't believe the surprising look on his face. He was so surprised that he didn't know what to say and when I saw his medenager I was like . It gave me confidence bc at least he didn't mesdeb me at first. Well that changed quickly, it was an awkward silence at first then I started to talk about his work (how the campus is going and stuff) wish I haven't bc tenesa the old days and he kept on talking the horrible things I did to disturb him menamen (that nigga doesn't forget) Becha any who we talked and had a nice dinner but it was full of gilmicha ...the most uncomfortable time of my life... Finally after we finished, he still didn't cheer up.. but who cares, I'm sleeping with his daughter and he can't do shit about it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9785657525062561 2017-12-03 21:43:54,"I need to vent. Love is just another temporary feeling. But the way it affects you, you would never see it coming. It will comsume all your thoughts. That person is all you think about, in the morning, when you eat, when you hear anything that could be linked to that person, when you do the simplest things, when you're about to sleep. Love is that feeling you'll have when you think your heart is about to burst out, it will literally feel that way. It's a feeling that could destroy you. It will change you, you won't know it though. And when it ends (because it will) you will feel that there is nothing left for you in this world anymore, because that love is all you think that exists. That heartbreak will be the worst feeling you'd ever experienced. You're gonna think that there is something stuck in your heart, that you'll want to literally stab your chest and pull it out. Endless pain, tears and sobs.... that's the tragedy of love. That's love.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9607269167900085 2017-12-03 21:57:37,"I need to vent. Hay guys umm .. there was this girl that I talk to online she is older than me and we become best frinds we always talk online 24/7 for about a year. But I lost my phone and we stopped talking for a while for about 3 months then we started talking again but it wasn't the same we drifted apart a lil so I stoped talking to her. Now after all that she texted me yesterday saying that she missed me and she was sorry and it was her fault and all ... back to the point I want advice in how to make our friendship like it was I want her back and I don't want to loser her again if anyone has experience on this I really need your advice !",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977086782455444 2017-12-03 22:13:14,"I need to vent. I want to make as much freinds as I can cuz I feel so lonly all the time. But I don't know how , I mean they never last Any advise ? Be specific plz",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991325736045837 2017-12-03 22:19:33,"I need to vent. im a Newbe so bare with me here.. Theres this guy we have classes together and i like him like crazy which is weird cuz i dont even know him that well ,sure we talk on telegram but nothing serious just goofy stuffs and turns out there are girls who like him like i do if not me make him mine,i have never felt like this in my life and i hate this Feeling i neeeddd ur help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9915545582771301 2017-12-03 22:22:47,"I need to vent. I'm a teenager who's feel constantly engaged in a war with herself. This war has never left me even for a second, it always eats at me and i feel the my original self image fading away by each day. On one side of me all i want to do is be true to myself and always do things right by me and don't care abt anyone else. On the other side of me i want to protect, love and do right by the people closest to me, even at my own expense. And i also soon realized that there are many allies and constituents evolved in my war and its not even as simple as the wars we heard as we were kids between good and bad. On another front there is a part of that always wants to speak from the heart and not have to lie or add extra things to myself cuz its eating away at my morals. On the opposing front, there's the realistic side of which knows that i have to lie, i have to pretend smthings in order to influence ppl to my advantage or to get what i need most . and im not even done mentioning the sides yet all my friends and all of my relatives they think they know me but I'm always humoured by those comments because they don't even fully know the facade I've allowed them to see...... Im the puppet and the puppet master whose both the imprisoned and the jailer whose lost control of her own creation.....",realization,NEGATIVE,0.8011284470558167 2017-12-04 00:50:08,"I need to vent. What's people i hope the guys won't revoke my male membership for this vent "" I'm tired of having sexxxxxx"" I can't anymore, I just can't , I'm losing weight I'm starting to look like a zombie, while she getting more hotter than I met her, I can't focus on my shit am always tired , and am not half stupid I believe I can make something out of my self if I just focused ...but every I see her‍ my brain stops working and I change in to a complete primate...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969812035560608 2017-12-04 00:55:32,"I need to vent. So I'm a Christian, a questioning Christian. I'm much in to philosophy so the books I've read have done some damage to my religious (*not spiritual*) Life. I do believe in God though. I believe in his omniscience. I even used to be hope for the family. But recently, I've even stopped my daily prayers and its scaring the heck out of me. Please help me be a good Orthodox. One who prays regularly. It's not about Sunday morning church or bible study groups. This is something that had existed inside me, a spirit, but is no more. Help. My life is falling apart",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9869526624679565 2017-12-04 05:32:03,"I need to vent. Hey guys... I was wondering what most people's thoughts are about a woman seeing a guy who is younger than her? Like within the age gap of 5 years I mean I've encountered people who think it is a sign of desperation. Is it? Are these people right? Please tell my your thoughts. Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.94161456823349 2017-12-04 05:32:33,"I need to vent. Im struggling with mental illness. I am a 17 year old teen and I have triuble knowing whats real and whats not sometimes these days all the time and I cry internally everyday cause of this war inside my head everyonw though thinks im the happiest person alive since im always outgoing around people not faking it but cause i really do enjoy making people happy. Now I don't even believe in happiness though philosophy has also shadowed my vision with the high fear of death and depression attached to this illness Im writing this vent with poor grammar and punctuation not cause I want to but cause my mental illness makes me too scared to do anything else that doesnt feel right if its even existent I dont know if I can live my life like this Im always so down when Im alone",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9973083734512329 2017-12-04 05:33:00,"I need to vent. Not here to vent. Im just confused y'all here are saying stuff abt love minamin ...I mean you're joking right you mean crush not love right ? im sorry it's just that I don't think love exists",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9973888993263245 2017-12-04 05:33:12,"I need to vent. This is not a vent its more of an acknowledgement to all ya. Thank you sooooo much for the advices kemir you guys are spiffing! !!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9724980592727661 2017-12-04 05:34:36,"I need to vent. Previously I had a boyfriend and I liked certain things about him like the fact that he makes me embrace my insecurities and all that and we were together for almost a year before I broke up with him just because I didn't like the way he texted or because making out didn't look good on him. But ofcourse i didn't tell him that...what do you call this?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9537124037742615 2017-12-04 05:35:46,"I need to vent. I feel really frustrated and I wanna talk to someone but I'm alone and shit and I guess I gotta deal but this feeling is just annoying. Why do people gotta leave tho",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993447661399841 2017-12-04 07:02:43,"I need to vent. Hey guys.... I was wondering does everone out here enjoy kisses n makeouts, i meant like have feelings for it.pls Send ur comments",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9179637432098389 2017-12-04 07:55:32,"I need to vent. So there's this guy i met before a year and we started hanging out and stuff and he seemed like he was very interested in me since he asked me to meet him several times and he always seemed really sweet and loving but i didnt give my all to the friendship that we had even though for me it was more than that. And now he left and we are not friends anymore and i texted him several times and he said that he didnt feel the way i felt. Do u guys think he's lying? Or he really didnt feel anything for me?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7619462013244629 2017-12-04 09:36:23,"I need to vent. Okay so I have been reading a lot of vents of medical student and I hope y'all don't get fed up when it's my turn cause I really need to pick your brain on this (especially you medicos) So I am a pc2 student and I have had real doubts whether medicine is for me or not. I almost dropped out when i was in pc1 but I just couldn't bring myself to give up just yet so I didn't and I dealt with unimaginable stress to the point I was concerned for my mental health. And this year I decided I wouldn't go through what I went through last year and I have been working extra hard and I was getting good marks provided that the exam is a straight forward exam. But last time I had patho exam and I was fully prepared and what not. But the exam the professor brought  wasn't something you could just answer by reading a book it was more of a tease your brain kinda exam and I almost had a panic attack in the examination room. Not because the exam was hard but because I realised I really didn't have much settled and stored knowledge from what I have learnt so far. Been two weeks and i am so discouraged still i legit havent opend my laptop to study until now.The thing is I don't have a problem of working hard or staying up all night I have been doing it my whole life. Nor I don't mind spending my whole life sacrificing my life to others in need. If I am good at what I do. My problem is I don't think I understand the subject matter. It doesn't matter how hard I work everyone in the classroom is better at it than I am and I am not imagining this it's true. And I swear to God the feeling of being not good enough and the inadequacy is eating me inside out. I usually am the smart-ass and have a quick wit when it comes to other things but this. And I don't really wanna give up.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9835754632949829 2017-12-04 09:40:02,"I need to vent. Hide my identity I need to vent, I’m a 19 year old girl who’s been having a nightmares about my traumatizing childhood. I grew up as a only child, a bit spoiled I admit. When I was 12, my father got a job opportunity abroad and my mother tagged along the journey leaving me with my uncle and his family. There I lived with relatives. One time, my uncle went to work and I had to stay at home to study for my final exams. This distant relative came by for lunch and told the maid to buy groceries so I was left alone with him. Little did I know that this tragic incident would happen, I served lunch and sat Down to eat with him. But he forced himself onto me and I couldn’t fight back. He finished and told me he’d kill me if i told a single living would. I couldn’t open up to anyone. I hated my parents for leaving me there. I hated my uncle for having such a relative. I hated the maid for she covered up as she saw me in pain and blood. I hated everyone but even worse I hated myself for trusting him and for not saying a word. Ever since, I have trust issues with everyone. I didn’t have friends growing up. Even as a 19 year old I’m still scared of men. So i think we should all burst out of our little bubbles surrounding us and see that some of us have actually gone through actual problems worse than a guy not responding, sleeping around and getting pregnant, meeting parents and all high schools dramas.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9915293455123901 2017-12-04 11:30:08,"I need to vent. Hi, just to say something important! Many think God doesn't exist, some think someone who believes in God is a fool..well I have something for you ... give me your ears.. WE FEEL HUNGER cuz there is something called food zat our body needs...we feel thirst cuz there's water.... same is true we always feel that there's someone almighty,creator, some call it power...most deny it's existence.... endezi yelem eyale ye wust tiyake because something inside is missing ... Bible says in the beginning God created heaven and earth...mejemeriya yelewm God ...his alfa and omega...!!! Emanuel",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988049268722534 2017-12-04 13:01:42,"I need to vent. Alright so this needs to be said on behalf of all the women if not, decent women out there. Y'all boys (not generalizing) trynna get with a home girl and can't succeed, can't a women be nice to you and not want you? Your egos be way up in the clouds. Don't go around perading about how you're almost in there, when infact you're not even in the radar. Sure she's nice to you and replies to your text messages and even answers your phone calls. But it's not her fault she's treating you the way a human being should be treated. If you're not used to kindness, then that's just sad. Not everything is about sex. That doesn't mean she wants you! You need to get over yourselves.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9960598349571228 2017-12-04 13:33:12,"I need to vent. Hey there i hv a big problem approching girls.. i don't know i get 0 ideas to talk to them .zts a problem coz am 26 and still didn't had sex .help me out pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997700035572052 2017-12-04 15:45:07,"I need to vent. It's like I want to date and be in a relationship, but if a guy asked me, I couldn't do it. I have cravings for doing romantic stuff (kissing, holding hands, and hugging), but if it were to happen, I would back out. It seems to be okay in fantasy, as long as it doesn't happen in real life. I can't figure out what's holding me back. pls help me",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9212771654129028 2017-12-04 16:54:34,"I need to vent. Not much of a vent but here it goes at a point where life is great ,fun and all but I just can't help but go to my past( missing someone who did me wrong ) I know I know its fucked up",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9917342662811279 2017-12-04 16:58:48,"I need to vent. I really really like this dude. He is my every day thought and it just kills me to know that am too much of a pussy to just tell him the way I feel. My friends think he is into me but idk guys. I have only met him once and barely even hung out with him then. I want him so bad but am too scared, what if I tell him and we stop talking? I dont want that, I love my conversations with him. I am a complete mess. I am at war with myself right now. Can you guys please help me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9890656471252441 2017-12-04 17:55:15,"I need to vent. Stop preaching your problems, try to love you and your life and make peace your mantra.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9926236867904663 2017-12-04 19:26:16,"I need to vent. Hey everyone i just need your advice. I'm 2nd yr uni and fall in love with my teacher. Currently he's not givinin' me a course but he gave me last year n I also got A in his course. But Everytime I seat with my friends he stares at me and even my friends knew that so they want me to talk to him but I can't. But the thing that I really can't understand is why he looks at me like everytime betdegagamiii that makes me to think of him more and I can't let him outta ma mind pls help me",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9677941203117371 2017-12-04 19:26:43,"I need to vent. Is it normal that I hate my parents? I mean i thought it was puberty at some point but this is some real shit. Like my ultimate goal in life is to be free from them and be my own person. And it's not even an "" oh, Im so sick of my parents they're so annoying"" kinda hate its an ""I want them to die and I want it nowww!"" kind. I know they did a lot for me but all the things they didn't do made me hate family. I hate who they are as a person.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991886019706726 2017-12-04 19:27:28,"I need to vent. im a campus student here goes i just can't get over her she left me because she started to have feelings for someone else who treats her like shit its been months since our broke up. and i found out she just broke up with him and my feelings came back endegena we r now closests of friends. gn i fonka her. ive tried hook ups, sleeping with other chicks..... mn largat",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978159666061401 2017-12-04 19:27:38,"I need to vent. It just to get it out there. I used to be z fun girl that ppl come to n hv this +ve outlook in life. N now idk wt happened in groups I feel left out, like I'm not there n my friends keep telling me I hv changed n I don't know how to go back to z old me. And also there is this guy in my class we chat n I did something n disappoint him, u said sorry gn he didn't say anything back. I left it like that but wt bothers me is that he is in my class n I always feel weird when he is around wt should I do? Pls help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999058187007904 2017-12-04 19:28:22,"I need to vent. So this question is for all the males out there. I'm honestly not being judgemental. Like at all. I am just completely baffled by this shit. So here goes. like you been begging and crying over someone and telling them that your heart is for real. For like 5 years and when you finally have her heart after all that trying , you're already over it!? I mean for real . is it supposed to be some kind of revenge for her making you wait for so long or did you just get fed up? Are there really no feelings left after that. I mean come on you have history, doesn't that count for anything ? And from my general observation girls don't fall that fast. But when they do . it just....sticks!. Believe me. How is it fair that the two sexes are such polar opposites. Yeah, and while you're at it ,why not share some of your secrets to forgetting so fast . I need feedback on this. 'cause i am finding it hard to comprehend this shit. Ughhh maybe I'm just going dumb. Damn bruh.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9948962330818176 2017-12-04 19:28:48,"I need to vent. Daamn guys fml! Am in a a situation where the Nigga am dating is constantly to have sex with me.... I am a virgin Ena am scared cuz lash endalbal after that... I would love to lose it to him his perfect eko... But what is he thinks am a hoe.... Guys what should I do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982333183288574 2017-12-04 19:42:10,"I need to vent. So I have this problem where after the first date I totally lose interest in the guy and it has happened several times..whats wrong with me?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996765851974487 2017-12-04 20:00:22,"I need to vent. Ummmm hey This is the thing...I have been chatting with this dude, we have never met in person, and this is quite surprising since I don't normally chat with any guy, like ever. But it happened anyway and we used to chat very often. Demo am the type of girl who never falls for guys' charm but I think I did for this dude... bacheru he started ignoring me and I feel hurt? I don't even know what am feeling uughhhh! What should I do? Should I text him? Should I call him? Should I forget about him? Please guys I need your opinions",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9700788855552673 2017-12-04 20:21:21,"I need to vent. So I want to vent to you guys about how when ever I meet new people or people I have not seen in a long while I'm so interesting to them and even strangers they are always telling me what an amazing I am but when ever it's about dating no one wants to date me is it the vibe I'm giving out or what...",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.685516893863678 2017-12-04 20:21:36,"I need to vent. So here I am 'venting' ...the thing is I don't really think the world matters! Is that normal? Well I do blv it is! So I just wanted to know if its just me? Is life worth living?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994320273399353 2017-12-04 20:27:06,"I need to vent. Girls who never fall for a sexy ass but player kinda guy I need u. Help out a yo sista here. This guy is breaking down ma walls and plz help me out love is ryt gin falling for a dude is so wrong. Plz plz plz I need ur support motivate me plz",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9976885318756104 2017-12-04 20:27:15,"I need to vent. I'm in pain wanna put ten shots in my brain",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988547563552856 2017-12-04 20:53:17,"I need to vent. That feeling, that uncontrollable excitement, you get when you are with someone who makes you love being weird together, who you tell your wildest ideas, your fantasies and you get all excited when you think about seeing them and never fail to love spending time with them, I like that feeling . Is it wrong of me to just want that in a relationship?",love,POSITIVE,0.9961967468261719 2017-12-04 20:53:40,"I need to vent. So I've been in a long distance relationship for like 7 months now. We get to see each other once in two or three months. Even though I love her, lately I've been feeling like the relationship is not going (won't go) anywhere, because the nature of our jobs won't allow that. It's starting to feel like we are putting a lot of work and commitment in to it. Any suggestions?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9944372177124023 2017-12-04 21:30:08,"I need to vent. i loved her since i saw her. we were together for 1 year. but now we are not! and her reasons are not satisfying me. when we were together she used to tell me that she will never leave me and start any relation with other man.but now she ditched me.any comment",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995506405830383 2017-12-04 21:30:27,"I need to vent. People of Ethiopia. I want y'all to understand something that's been a very serious problem of alot(and I mean alot) of people. I'm not writing this to insult people in any way, shape or form. But this is for all of our comfort, health and peace. Please be hygienic. Like seriously, God only knows the amount of people that I have met that I could swear haven't taken a proper shower in all their life's. Like how are y'all comfortable with yourselves. I know we live in a pretty poor country and some of us are not that fortunate, but I don't think a bar of soap cost more than 20 birr. Your personal hygiene has so much power, like you don't understand. For your health, social life (no one wants to be friends with a skunk), the environment(I bet stink contributes to pollution) and so much more. Plus if you know a certian someone who has an unpleasant smell to them, please tell them. You'll be saving yourself and that person so much trouble. And you'll actually be a friend.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9900818467140198 2017-12-05 07:08:29,"I need to vent. a boy that you repeatedly ignore his question to be your bf..if he cries in front of you and tell you that he is deeply in love with you, what would u do? Me, I just do Wt I always used to do..refuse his question But my friends still told me hw much I'm heartless. Is that what you guys think also?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9954623579978943 2017-12-05 07:08:40,"I need to vent. I really like this girl I used to chat with before I cowered away and tried to forget about her existance as a whole because I started to develop feelings for her, its been more than a month since we stopped talking btw. I know I know such a silly thing to do...but now all I can think of is HER! Whenever she texts me I shut her off quickly with short replies and she doesn't even text anymore. I can't get her out of my mind!! I think she likes me too...idk. What do I do? Is it too late to have her back? Would she even reply if I texted her a simple hello?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9972934126853943 2017-12-05 07:09:07,"I need to vent. ‍ helloooo fam, not actually a vent its just am 21 n never had a memorable time or day with frnds(have no such frnd) like y'all, as a young man... N that's really bothering me these days! Am in needing of some crazy, dorky n always ready to hang out with friend what do u suggest?? Where can i find such a frnd? N anybody out here who's such a nerd on his 20's??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988260865211487 2017-12-05 07:09:21,"I need to vent. So I've been dealing with depression for a really long time now and these days I seem to be reaching my limit. I can no longer feel more than superficial enjoyment while doing even my favourite activities. I can't see the point of doing anything anymore nor caring about the outcome about anything I do. People keep telling me that things will be getting better and yet I've been fed the same lies for years now. I always joke about death but I don't think people realize how serious I am most of the time. And right now , I've never been as contemplative of ending everything as I have now. Easy , painless ways to just let go of everything. It would be way less exhausting than trying to survive in this world. And for all those religious enthusiasts out there about to tell me that Jesus will save my soul and I should just be more religious, please don't. I've heard it all before and you'll just be wasting your time.and honestly you'd do more harm than help. Well thank you all for listening. Here's to seeing if anything changes.. and if it does, it better do it soon. Before I'm incapable of changing my mind.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9977596998214722 2017-12-05 07:09:29,"I need to vent. Have u ever been so misunderstood. So broken. So let down by the person u call yours.this person is MY DAD. We were so close. But recently he did this one thing that broke and changed me . he refused to buy me iPhone x. I've literally hit rock bottom. And the worst part is I'm currently using iPhone 6 . please guys what should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994493126869202 2017-12-05 07:10:08,"I need to vent. SOCIAL ANXIETY IS SO FUCKIN ANNOYING LIKE U START TO PANIC OR THINK UR EMBARRASSING YOURSELF WHILE DOING NORMAL THINGS LIKE WAITING WALKING PAST TRAFFIC OR TYPING IN PUBLIC OR ANSWERING PHONE CALLS OR FUCKIN ORDERING A COFFEE IN CAFÉ, LIKE DAMN BITCH CAN I JUST LIVE MY LIFE",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9994394183158875 2017-12-05 07:10:18,"I need to vent. I have had depression ever since i was a kid. It has affected me n my life in many ways. I cant even function when i get depressed and i bring everyone around me down with me. Ive tried antidepressants but they are highly addictive so i stopped. Idk what can help me right now.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.989376425743103 2017-12-05 07:10:26,"I need to vent. Hey I have a friend and I am crazy abt her but she doesn't see me like that, she id in a very bad mood n when we talk she told me she need some tym to think about these kindes of things specifically 2years she said but also she said she doesn't want to loose me. I don't know wat to do pls help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9858258366584778 2017-12-05 07:10:40,"I need to vent. So I have been best friends with this one guy for so long. And he wanted to be more than that but I didn't so I said no and we continued our friendship, but through time I started to feel something for him but refused to say anything. One day he told me he was giving up on me and it wasn't a good place to tell him what I felt so I decided to tell me the next day. He called me the next day and he told me he just started seeing this other girl and I was heartbroken, I didn't say anything about my feelings because I didn't want to give him a choice I wanted to be his only choice so I stopped hanging out with himvsnd through time we grew apart. But he is still with the girl and I am still in love with him. Its been 3 years now",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9870517253875732 2017-12-05 07:10:51,"I need to vent. Hi so I just got rejected by z first guy I confessed to fucking sucks so now am thinking accepting this dude who has been asking me out for some time so what do y'all think??what are z perks of dating a guy to forget another and what can go wrong endvent",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980201721191406 2017-12-05 07:11:04,"I need to vent. Why am i so scared of being loved? And loving back? Friends tell me how an awesome girl i'm and how any guy would be lucky to have me but i don see myself that way. To begin with, i suck at hanging out. I'm just too closed off, and it kills me inside. Ena, dates make me nervous like reallllyyy insecured, i think of dating and when the moment comes, i freeze , make up a lame excuse and just shut that person. It's rude i know, and am not proud of my deeds. If i cud just let myself hang out more, i know i would get my confidence back and see the real ME that friends speak of. And thanks to Med school which screwed me all the way. It made a nerd for whom only professional talks matter.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9956306219100952 2017-12-05 07:19:52,"I need to vent. I dont get why girls wont make the first move.....i just dont get it,and not just in relationship,even in casual conversation in a bus stop booth or swiming pool or even in a taxi......when its so obvious u want the guy in front of u to talk to u when ur doing all u can to get his attention,i mean every girl i start a conversation wiz seems to like me at z spot......and tells me she was waiting for me to talk to her.....why dont u start",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9967369437217712 2017-12-05 07:25:42,"I need to vent. Have u ever miss such a peaceful life....?? I am 27 now and i saw many problems bcs of luck of peace,but i always thank God for letting me to breath again every morning, we never had a freedom even to talk loudly even to saw TV on optimum is all bcs of my dad drinking,smoking problem.i believe he faced many problem in his childhood bcs of his parent(my grands) and he always mention what they did to him and he drink and drink ...he always fight with my mom,he always blame her for his mistakes... i am loosing my patience,i tried betam to saw things on his side,i never lose a hope dat some good lighted day will come. But all in all i want to c my mom's happy face,i want her to live freely but i can't make them to divorce.i am loosin my patience when he keep talking those bad things(consider we can't talk, just listen) imagine how painful is that. Me and my big bro are responsible financially and other things in this that hard to give a peace? We never asked them anything else,just peaceeee....i dnt knw wt to do...i tried to make this family to stay stable.. When the day gets dark my heart start beating so fast bcs i start worry how it going to pass and wake-up again...i can't take it tired. I just want to go so far far away ....any advice???",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9947722554206848 2017-12-05 09:09:31,"I need to vent. So in light of giving some incouragnemet for my girls out there... listen, please do not listen to the barriers that are put upon you. Especially those cultural barriors, oh hell no!!!!! Speak up whenever you can and you want BECAUSE YOU HAVE A VOICE AND IT NEEDS TO BE HEARD!!! Go to places alone..., cafes, restaurants, cinema, swimming idk anything that makes you happy and can be done ALONE!!! Because you are complete as you are!!!! And girl you are BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE AND BETTER BELIEVE THAT!!!!!! I do not care the flaws you are going to tell me, because perfection is left to God and Him alone!!!!! If you don't believe you're beautiful say that and everything you think you cannot do every morning looking at yourself in the mirror and tell me if it doesn't change. And...and.... you need to discover and REdiscover yourself before allowing a man to be your other ""half"". Mind you you are not a half neither is he!!!(I'm saying this because some girls think that they cannot exist without a man in their lives and the whole other half thing has psychological effect). You are a complete person looking for a complete other person to live with, to love and SUPPORT you. YES, SUPPORT!! Not be supported but support each other. You are both going to be pillars of the relationship and later on marriage (if you WANT [Not forced by parents and relatives or the norms that a girl should not live alone crap...] and if he's RIGHT for you). RIGHT means... understanding, respectful, committed, honest, loving, caring and a person of communication. RIGHT is not money (don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong in having money, but girl YOU NEED TO EARN SOME TO SPEND SOME!!!!) RIGHT also does not mean looks (nothing is wrong with wanting a certain physical shape in a man but girl YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!!!!) Also educate yourself on every aspect of life that will come in handy someday in life.. (be a whole rounded person, not just a Dr or a lawyer or just a business woman.... EXPAND YOUR HORIZON) like money management, communication skills, decision making technics, READ BOOKS (I actually would begggggg you to do this. Every book you read is going to be worth every word, note here to be selective), stay healthy exercises (the least you can do is walk, you know those power walks???? Yea those. You need to keep yourself healthy not shapy, HEALTHY) and read the Bible or Qur'an BE A WOMAN/GIRL OF FAITH (idk what to say to girls that are atheists---my apologies). I've a lot more to say but I'm sure some will be bored by now....yea... lastly, for now ,,, DO NOT LET A GUY OR WHAT A GUY DID OR DOES DEFINE YOU!!!!!!! YOU DEFINE YOURSELF!!!!! And also one more thing don't limit your dream to becoming someone's wife rather some body of your own, because you can do anything and the sky truly is the limit!!!! I'm done!!! If you have read this far and: 1. You are a female thank you and try them please and see if you don't see change in your life... 2. You are a male,thank you too and I've some long message coming to you too soon",approval,POSITIVE,0.978183925151825 2017-12-05 09:48:49,"I need to vent. So I have been going out wid dis guy that I got to meet through a friend, we started dating like month and a half a go and our conversations have been quiet nice and flirty until lately.we haven't met for like more Dan 2 weeks & he doesnt replies like he does before, kinda late n sometimes doesn't reply at all, he makes it seen n den replies after a long while n stuff. Amm betam confused sometimes I think he doesn't care at all while other times demo he's all like baby n I have already been introduced to his family including his mom n met up wid his uncle too, I keep acting like I actually don't give a fly n does de same thing dat he does just to give him de bitter taste of him self n I think dat is actually drawing as apart.... Any advices peps, Wat should I actually do?????",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9955546259880066 2017-12-05 12:42:53,"I need to vent. I dnt kno if it's a phase or if I'm actually going crazy but these days I just get so damn angry, it's like all my patience has gone out the window! I can't seem to let go of mistakes or forgive wrong doings! Wow like right now I'm pissed because a friend o mine is late like girlfriend come on it's not rocket science to be on fucking time been sitting here fending of ppl from our table for 30 min!!!! N I'm also mad at my best friend for sayin he will do something n doing the exact opposite not giving a damn how I feel but I don't say anything because I hate confrontation and I don't feel like it's worth my time to be arguing about something that is so obviously wrong!! So I wanna break something preferably someone and just let it all out, but instead I'm gonna try this out and see if it works!!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9979870319366455 2017-12-05 13:40:53,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I was wondering if it is rly normal to hate ppl??? I dnt rly knw wt hv got in to me now a dayz i rly rly hate de ppl who were part ov ma lyf fo a while. Um even clearing out ma contacts dis is de silly tng i hv done. But now um rly worried this shitt is getting worse. Is it being abnormality?????",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9994311928749084 2017-12-05 16:23:40,"I need to vent. Am lost in this cruel world....I just wanna leave.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981371164321899 2017-12-05 16:50:48,"I need to vent. What do you do when you miss someone you're not in touch with anymore?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983713030815125 2017-12-05 16:50:57,"I need to vent. I'm kinda confused can't feel anything....the thing is I hate my dad ik ik its fucking sad thing to go through.....he has never done a thing for me but here he is trying to decide for me....what shall I do ? helppppppp.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986728429794312 2017-12-05 18:26:24,"I need to vent. Q. For the girls up in here....does dick size matter and how long is good??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982597231864929 2017-12-05 18:27:48,"I need to vent. For all who are in this group this shit is real although might be kept secret its true. We ( university students) are going to die. We are screaming for help but no one can hear. We are caught in a race war that we didn't start. We only wanted education and we got anarchy instead? Thats fucked up. There should be no race to begin with....... we all are one. Race is not something that you are born with....... how are we being persecuted for the thing that God gave us? I really wish this ends. I am really scared people. I want to get out of this shit. And most of all fuck all those who think their race is the greatest of all... Fuck you its people like you that are bring this country down......... think as a unit not as a separated creatures. You all are the same",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9969736337661743 2017-12-05 19:45:20,"I need to vent. I can't decide if I should be in a relationship or not with this guy I know we used to be rly good frnds n idk when it started but I felt attraction to him n so did he n now we r flerting n stuff n he popped the question to be together n I dnt know what to answer helppp n he might be a player I mean I dnt know he's rly cute so I guess girls are chasing after him I need advice ppl",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9900658130645752 2017-12-05 20:25:27,"I need to vent. I need to vent..... I been in love with ma ex since the day we broke up keep in mind I have hooked up with other girls like a lot in the summer but now that we are close again I get all this feeling I forgot abt n I fucking hate it I try to forget but I can't I try to think that the sex with other girl is better but all I think abt is her I can't get her if my mind n I see her ever time I get all this mixed signal n wen Ever I try to pursue them I get bloked or worse we dance grand we even touch but wen ever I try to kiss her she blocked me n ask me what Im doing n I just can answer that I want her bad but u feel like I'm a joke to her I tried today to buy it ended the same way as always what should I do.... Should I move on or what FYI I'm a university student",love,NEGATIVE,0.9969357252120972 2017-12-05 20:39:30,"I need to vent. So... Some problem i have to go trough everyday is trying to avoid my dad. He is pretentious as hell even when there is noone around. He says shit that mess me up so i try my best to sleep before he gets home. I know this is a problem but he bothers me betam. I know he is taking care of me nd that gotta count for more than sth but he is so intrusive nd dramatic basically he messed my head up to z point im socially awkward nd being nice to ppl is more of an obligation than sth i want to do, i need advice but cross talking to him off z list cuz that's not gonna work i tried nd my moms not here so cross that off too",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996209144592285 2017-12-05 22:10:32,"I need to vent. I really like this guy, he is one of my really good friends for a long time. I wouldn't call our closeness as friendship because it seems so much more than that.he is a total player, he knows and have dated alot of woman in a very short time though He is so sweet and nice but when it comes to commitment he is a cowerd. He have hinted alot of times he wants to be with me but I don't trust him because he treats me like am the only person he could see one time and he forgets my existence the other. And he confuses the shit out of me and I don't know what to do.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9861185550689697 2017-12-06 06:42:34,"I need to vent. Started it as doing a favour..N has been going for the past 4 months n I can't seem to be attracted to him ,but I tried my best ..the problem is he think I have feelings n he is into me..N I told him a lie just to make him back off..even after the lie ( which didn't even happen) he is willing to forgive me .N he can't stop to talking to me..Ik he is perfect in everything thing but love is not sth that comes wd hard work ..I dnt like being the bad person by hurting him n I totally dnt like the feeling ..any comments?????",disapproval,POSITIVE,0.8280389904975891 2017-12-06 06:43:55,"I need to vent. So I have this ex gf who is mad in love with me but I don't love her at all. She is sooo obsessive and a control freak (main reasons why i broke up with her). I told her i don't have feelings for her.... it didn't work. I tried shuting her off but she found a way to get through. I tried blocking her from every social media accounts I have but she still doesn't get it. Since I blocked her number from my phone..She calls with another number I don't know and every time it happens I block that number and now my phone's reject list is almost full. How can I tell her it's over for her to understand ? I mean, I told her like 15 times already in different ways but she doesn't seem to get it. Pls help ppl",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995736479759216 2017-12-06 06:44:10,"I need to vent. I'm a cancer zodiac man. I'm always conflicted abt what i should do, what i should say and what kind of face i should show ppl even u first meet them because if my experiences have taught me anything it that if i do and say exactly the opposite of what i want to do i will eventually get the girl as atleast a hook up but whenever i want things to stick or get a lil more intimate. They always and i mean always back out! I envy ppl who can just settle for strictly sexual things cuz all i can do( even though I'll never admit it) is wish for smone who can ground my internal battled and make me at one with myself cuz I'm dealing with too many open tabs and I'm almost reaching full capacity",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981327652931213 2017-12-06 06:45:05,"I need to vent. Guys i need ur help on sth . U know girls these days ryt.have u ever wondered how 'easy ' they have become?? I mean bruh ,meet a girl,All u need to make is a lil bit of small talk and she is putty on ur hands. Anyways whenever i meet up with a nice girl, most of the time it ends up in the same place (yeah, u guessed ryt i sleep with her.) Am not bragging or sayin am a player nor sayin i bang everygirl i meet. Of course AM NOT! So whenever i meet a very sexy girl, all i think about is how i can get in her pants. I hv a fucked up mindset that i think every cute girl i meet up with, i should sleep with. I cant take a girl as a normal friend unless ofcourse i find her unattractive or weird .whatever man. Whatcha say bout this? I need ur opinions. P.s if u consider urself a very fine young lady, and if u leave me a comment, dont forget to add ur username so that i can contact u be friends ofcourse",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980417490005493 2017-12-06 06:45:32,"I need to vent. Guys, there is this thing that has been bugging me lately. And the more i think about it, the more i get curious to what it is. And it fascinates me why u guys never brought it up. WHAT THE F is a unihorse?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.7609999179840088 2017-12-06 06:45:53,"I need to vent. So there is a girl that I really like, we go to the same school. I am a gc and She is 3rd year. We don't know each other in person but I always see her at school and I really want to ask her out menamen but how?! I mean I have her telegram username and phone number but can't talk to her, because I don't want to be like those random guys who try to girls through telegram and calling her is also weird.. So what should I do? How can I talk to her?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9976950287818909 2017-12-06 07:18:45,"I need to vent. GROW UP MY SISTER... He won’t use condoms, You use pills… Why? Because he wants it natural? (think of ovarian cancer and infertility ) He gets you pregnant, You have aborted like 5 times….why? Because he is not ready! GROW UP He is tired of natural place for copulation. So he moves to your a## Saying it's tighter. Why? Because you want to please him and do not wanna lose him...GROW UP You have been wearing his engagement ring for close to 4 years, He is not wearing any. Why? Because he has promised you marriage. GROW UP MY SISTER. *He wants a Bl## j#b Yet he won’t give you head Why? Coz he feels you are not so clean “there”. GROW UP MY SISTER. You dress half naked thinking you look sexy and Hot, He isn’t complaining But he has more cloths on. Don’t be surprised when he takes a more decent girl home... GROW UP LADY.. A guy dumps you, You wanna pay him back and all you could do is to sleep with his friend? And you think this is pay back? Like seriously??? MY SISTER GROW UP.. You think getting pregnant for him will make him marry you? GROW UP GIRL.. You'll become a single mama with No Job No means for feeding for your Baby and yourself. So... You leave junior with Grandma and you go back to the Hustling field. ""Then you begin to say...........M­­­EN Are Wicked!!! Whose fault? Please ladies, be wise! You know you deserve better than this... Don't always be at the losing end!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958447813987732 2017-12-06 09:11:49,"I need to vent. So i am a musician, i blv i am very talented and i have already done many albums n stuffs. The problem is i live in the religious world where secular music including zefen n stuffs are forbidden. I feel like i am hindering my potential by just playing inside a church. I have a home studio and i study instruments non stop so that i can see the kind of professional musician i want in myself! I am very conflicted with myself fearing the church society and my parents who are very religious. Need help! Thank you for ur time!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9971343278884888 2017-12-06 10:30:14,"I need to vent. Okay,here is my vent!Took a lot of thinking to post this 'cuz i know some of u out there are going to make of this thing. Well,i don't care 'cuz i sometimes laugh at it too!...I have an OCD(Obsessive compulsive disorder).I have been having it since i was a grade 6 student. So more or less,it has 8 years i guess! is how my OCD goes. I love the number 3 and everything i do should be counted 3 or multiple of 3.Especially at nights,after everyone is asleep and i am the last one standing,i get really scared about not getting myself or any member alive the next day. So i do this,i switch on/off the light 3 times,i lock the door 3 times,i swing the door back and forth 3 times,i get up and down my bed three times,i put on and off my pyjamas 3 times and if it accidentally becomes 4 times then i will make it 6 or 9 times...because i believe if i don't do this and something goes wrong the next day,it looks to me as if it is my fault!i cant help it!My gut does all this....And this one i know it is going to be the most disgusting thing u have heard,but listen...once i have put my index finger in the toilet sink and then put it in my mouth 3 times yeah....My gut ordered me to do this...I really dont know what to do about this.I am really worried and I dont think it is going to stop!..What should i do about it? And can anyone relate to this?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977496266365051 2017-12-06 10:47:37,"I need to vent. So my boyfriend and I has been together for over 3 years now. I am in university in some other city he is in AA and I come almost every weekend to spend time with him and it was all smooth but he always wants a break up or a break out of the blue and that hurts alot. I love him so much I don't want to lose him so when ever he wants a break I give it to him and when ever he decides to come back I take him back with open arms. I know I shouldn't do that but I really love him. Help please",love,POSITIVE,0.9962383508682251 2017-12-06 14:20:02,"I need to vent. Okay so guys we have read so many vents about sleeping around and stuff. Which is okay because it is natural and honestly we live in the 21st century...everyone is entitled to their free will of aspiring their sexual desire(of course when it is consensual with the other party involved). But are we all going to the clinic and getting updated on our health status? I wish I could say we all are but please, this is so important. There are consequences to having more than one sexual partner so go get checked, DO NOT put your health on HOLD b/c you are busy or b/c you are ashamed to go to the doctor's office and say you have been sexually active. Doctor's don't care nor judge. But you should b/c your health should matter to you. Your future should matter to you. This one is to all the sexually active male and female citizens.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9856444597244263 2017-12-06 19:02:16,"I need to vent. I have a serious lying problem. I mean I can't not lie. I lie about almost everything and I am so damn good at it. My whole life has been a big fat lie. I really want to stop but it doesn't work. I lie about small insignificant things, I lie about my relationships, I even create bogus stories to get validation. And it's seriously scaring me. Help me please",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.7872313857078552 2017-12-06 19:54:45,"I need to vent. This thought has been bugging me these days. may be it's because of the ppl who I hangout with or my guy friends I don't know but is it weird to be 22 yr old woman and a virgin ? Like not even a kiss?. Don't get me wrong am waiting because I don't want to do something I will regret later but these days I feel like I am missing out on something big.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992642998695374 2017-12-06 20:34:27,"I need to vent. The tears are fighting to come out. But I can't let them win. Not anymore. I've cried myself to sleep too many times, they need to stop. I have to be stronger than this right? Why am I so weak?? Why do things always get to me? People say I'm the happiest person they know. Even he said it. Little do they know. I know this probably makes no sense but writing what ever comes to my mind seems to be helping so I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll stop now",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9907675385475159 2017-12-06 21:22:18,"I need to vent. Don't know what the fuck to do !!!!!! I Wish if could scream it all out ..... My ex just confessed to me that is is going to die and that is y she broke up with me and even if I asked she wouldn't bug ...... Am going mental I love her so much don't know what to do ???????!!!!!!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9914735555648804 2017-12-06 21:29:46,"I need to vent. Hi guys so here I'm an ordinary 20 year old girl, now i know most of you will judge mnamn but I like this girl who has been my best friend since middle school and still is, at least that's what she thinks...and I'm developing feelings for her nowadays and every time i see her yebesebegnal, but she has a boyfriend which I don't like not just because he's a competition but he's a total ass hole, I'm afraid if i tell her maybe it will ruin our friendship maybe not I just don't know.. it's killing me inside what should I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9932676553726196 2017-12-06 23:27:43,"I need to vent. I expect a lot from people and i don't know how to stop. I get disappointed everytime and that leads me to feeling worthless to the point where I wish I was Somebody else and which that makes me feel depressed and insecure! What should I do ?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984480142593384 2017-12-07 06:12:19,"I need to vent. My life is a mess I'm so depressed because of what i have gone through....I've never told anyone why im this depressed but imma say it for one. My boyfriend was the one to dump me and i didnt get to do it",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996250867843628 2017-12-07 07:16:54,"I need to vent. Hey I need to vent. I knew this guy for a whole of 4 days and the first day we met we ended up making out and I did that because I though he was the type of guy I'm not going to date so might as well have fun and I'm a fun loving girl easily gets along with every one and sometimes for some one else looking in it might look like I am flirting with every guy and now I think I kind of like him and now he doesn't want to date me do you think I made a mistake",love,POSITIVE,0.9873573780059814 2017-12-07 07:22:10,"I need to vent. So here is for my guys.. its going to be long so pay attention.... where to start.... yes, listen, Mind you,, you are not a half neither is she!!!(I'm saying this to u too because some guys think that they need a woman in their life to do the chores, mother sister then a girlfriend and a wife.. you can do all the cooking and cleaning by yourself okay). You are a complete person looking for a complete other person to live with, to love and SUPPORT you. YES, SUPPORT!! Don't feel obligated to do all the support in the relationship or marriage it's a 50-50 situation. Don't make her sucrifie a lot, don't make her sacrifice her family or friends. And most of all don't take her forgiveness for stupidity rather for her strength of looking past things. You depend on one another so cherish her. Also marry her for all the BIG reasons. Not just BIG boobs but big heart and personality. Not just BIG ass but big courage and honesty. Dont get me worng there's nothing wrong with big boobs and ass, but her inner bigness(if there's such a word) will go a long way. You also need to be less aggressive and more compassionate.. I mean embrace her, hold her hands,kiss her, call or text her at the most random times,be there with her thought all the small steps and hell yea better be with be with her during the tough ones. Aggressiveness was, is or never will be the answer!!!!!!!! And yes you also need to be a whole rounded person educate yourself on every aspect of life that will come in handy someday in life,more muscles on the brain rather than the body.. expand your horizon more than sports. Learn how to manage your money and time, how to communicate and how to make a decision. READ BOOKS (I actually would begggggg you to do this. Every book you read is going to be worth every word, note here to be selective), stay healthy exercises (the least you can do is walk, you know those power walks???? Yea those. You need to keep yourself healthy, not buff but HEALTHY) and read the Bible or Qur'an BE A MAN OF FAITH (idk what to say to guys that are atheists---my apologies again). On top of this when you get the chance to be a father, better accept it and be there in your kids lives. Give them a 110% of all what you've got. And when you get the chance to be a husband, be the best that you can and don't leave the house chores to her. Be understanding. It's a privilege to have her say yes, so don't you dare abuse her!!! I don't get how you cannot change the path that your fathers and grandfathers took. Be better!!!! It's the 21st century for the love of God!! Owww and stop it with the ""lekefa"", the "" if I have money I can get her"" and the ""I'm a player"" thing I bet you all I have no girl, with a proper functional brain, likes it,NONE!!!! As you can wear whatever you want and be whoever you want let her be herself!!! Lastly, there is nothing wrong with showing your emotions!!!! Be honest about them, we know you cry so why not do it in front of us?? So that's what I have.. thanks for listening. And I hope one of the points make sense, if not all.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9683427214622498 2017-12-07 09:22:44,"I need to vent. What does loving one's country mean? what does it entail?-- love what? the culture? The history? The land? What? Why is it frowned upon if one doesn't?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9917003512382507 2017-12-07 14:02:52,"I need to vent. Hey so I have a huge crush on a guy who lives in our compound ..bicha zare when I was heading to work tegenagnen n when we were saying hi he hugged me so tight ena I farted ....he laughed ena left without saying any word really embarrassed....does it happen to anyone weyis Addis neger new ? Ena will he ever talk to me",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9949893355369568 2017-12-07 19:39:07,"I need to vent. We were watching gone girl, when the thought of me telling her i love her came to mind. Fucking gone girl. What does that say about me? I've always been one of those odd types, the guy that tried to be sophisticated but wasn't seen as one. When the guys talked about girls or some other shit i talked about anything that ended with '-ism', like Buddhism, nihilism, existentialism... Even the way i expressed my sexuality was weird. If i wanted to kiss her I'd first explain the evolutionary origins of kissing. If i wanted to take her out, I'd start with telling her how 19th century gentleman wooed thier prospective love interests. To make a long story short I'm having doubts why this kind, quirky, hella smart girl is in to me. Before i didnt give it much thought but now that I've it in my mind that i love her, it's got me wondering.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.7997679710388184 2017-12-07 19:47:56,"I need to vent. So here is my story am 23 year old girl I was in a deep rlship with this guy for 2 n half year we broke up about 5 month ago now but still we talk on the phone we meet up n we would make out when we meet up so the prob is he is a musulim we got no future now he told me he is going to get engaged He is going to get engaged to this Muslim girl bc he has too now it's been two days since he called me haha it's complicated so help me guys how should I get over him I don't want the rlahip too bc it just can't be but I loved him n love him so much some times am scared I won't find loving rlship like we had so I just wanna move on n stop having this thoughts",love,NEGATIVE,0.9923123717308044 2017-12-07 21:33:20,"I need to vent. I like this guy. No. Like it's never happened to me before. He is in my campus. We aren't in the same department but I see him around. We talk sometimes. I initiated. We do have a mutual friend and we have hanged a couple of times in group outing. It's killing me I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think he likes me in the things he does. But am I just thinking that cause I want to think that?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9719609618186951 2017-12-07 21:33:30,"I need to vent. this is a rather stupid and childish vent but here goes. i fucking hate my mother ena gidelat gidelat eyalegn new she is super azg ena extremely dumb. btw this vent tenadije ohh mnamn bye yetsafkut adlm. i just saw her smug face and wanted to stab her this is super weird and scaring me but fuck that bitch",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9992945194244385 2017-12-07 22:20:44,"I need to vent. Let me make it short...21 n a guy... yemwedachew aywedugnm yemalodachew they won't even ever get tired of me what ever i did WTF?????????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9946858882904053 2017-12-07 22:23:02,"I need to vent. So here goes my very first vent so there is this girl I told I like but the truth is I don’t I just think she nice and attractive but am starting to see that I am liking her for real and I am seeing her in a new way so how could I show more of my feelings I am kids feeling like I act as a zombie around her any advice",love,POSITIVE,0.9269207715988159 2017-12-07 22:29:49,"I need to vent. What do u call a person who has final exam in the morning and chatting...couldn't help it. Anyone who can relate?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9978296160697937 2017-12-07 22:45:46,"I need to vent. Am rly envious of my bff idk y but I am I got jealous when she had an iPhone tab laptop(tho I have all ov this)n now i even enviously started sitting next to her I can't talk to her I don't lyk it when she talks to me what is wrong with me pls I use to love her lyk ma sister eko hoooo",love,NEGATIVE,0.9940219521522522 2017-12-08 07:05:35,"I need to vent. I’m sorry if I am distant sometimes, being around people drains me. I’m sorry if I constantly ask if we are “alright”, its hard for me to tell. I’m sorry if I worry too much, I can’t help it. I’m sorry if I say the wrong thing, but I only have good intentions. I’m sorry if I get jealous easily, I just know you can find better. I’m sorry if I say sorry too much.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9986140727996826 2017-12-08 07:43:14,"I need to vent. If we’re born again, if we love again, Let’s not do this again. Let’s meet a little less. Let’s hope a little less. Let’s not make many promises. So even if we say goodbye, We can turn away without much pain. Let’s only make light memories that we can throw away In each other’s hearts. Now I know that a love too deep brings a sad ending My love, I’ll pray for your next love. That it won’t be like us, that it’ll be without pain",love,NEGATIVE,0.9753402471542358 2017-12-08 07:52:13,"I need to vent. Hi, Please hide my identity, I want to vent here about my current situation. There's a guy i like so much bt he doesn't care a s much as i do. He never expresses his feelings to me n he seem very distant. I am the one who mostly try to stick our selves together. That creates a sense of being unloved in me. I don't know what i should do. Please drop ur comments.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9955050945281982 2017-12-08 08:11:37,"I need to vent. so my boy friend and I started this relationship like a month a go n now I feel this thing in me that I can't trust him n I feel that I'm being used so pls tell me what can I do to know that he cares",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9923303723335266 2017-12-08 08:55:28,"I need to vent. What do u guys feel when you look up and see the stars? Me I see all the impossible beauty that exist and wonder how can it be? How and why do we exist and get lost in head wondering about all of the other impossible things out there. What about you guys, what do you feel when you look up and see the stars?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.910369873046875 2017-12-08 10:37:21,"I need to vent. ' Every woman needs a man with a little Christian grey in him '... who agrees with this quote right here...??.. I'm kinda curious",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9943683743476868 2017-12-08 11:37:08,"I need to vent. Why is self confidence so hard to establish nowadays, you feel like your constantly being judged by everyone everywhere you go in these generation. Even when you keep your head up high shoulders wide and walk like a boss that thought of bieng judged still hunts you so you show that look on your face, that looks like the people around are your enemies all because your lack of confidence and fear of being judged. Why cant we just concentrate on ourselves and let who ever talk just talk and not affect as, plus its way more cooler when you walk high headed and don't give a damn. So why ?, why cant we just not give a damn and be confident in ourselves and get over these fear of facing judgment. Any thoughts you have or if you share these common problems give your feedback so we can get a solution",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9959547519683838 2017-12-08 11:37:23,"I need to vent. Hey i am 20 abt to be 21 in 9 days and have this Big problem.. I have this crush on a guy Two yrs younger than me.. He is beautiful as fuck and hot as hell... I can't even read infront of him... He gets the signals that I dig him but chose to be a cool guy... What should i do... Pls help...",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9914531707763672 2017-12-08 14:38:52,"I need to vent. my friend screwed up a relationship. She was too scared to admit the love she felt so she pushed the guy away so much that now its too late for him to come back. She can't seem to forgive herself.... I wanted to talk to the guy Gin embi alech .....she was a really fun girl but now all she do is cry n get mad over the little things ...I really really love her n I don't wanna lose her over this ...idk how to help so please help me to help her move on ....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9815245270729065 2017-12-08 14:51:09,"I need to vent. so my boy friend asked me out on this party and I was all ready and stuff but then when the day comes i couldn't make it n this is not my first time doing this to him and now I thinck he thincks that I don't love him or some thing so guys pls help what can I do to show him that I love him plsss hellp I don't wanna lose him",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998999297618866 2017-12-08 14:51:39,"I need to vent. Okay..i have come to a point in life where nothing and No one excites me. I thought it would just be a phase for a while but its been two whole years. I Feel hopeless and not worthy of anyone's love or confidence has hit rockbottom to the point where i don't even hang out with my old friends let alone meet new pepole...Not a day goes by where i dont think about ending it all..but then i think about my family and how heart broken they would be and leave it..does anyone else have these problems?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981380701065063 2017-12-08 15:01:42,"I need to vent. I do vomit when I smell bad things ena while I was kissing my bf I vomited n I couldn't say sorry I just run way and never contacted him since then How should I apologise",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9988102912902832 2017-12-08 16:13:19,"I need to vent. hmmm, I don't know how to express my feeling and what's up with me. I fear not to be understood. The thing is...ahhh...I'm just sad very sad ina wanted to say it to someone so that I may feel better..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994426369667053 2017-12-08 16:45:51,"I need to vent. Well I don't really know how to start I never ever thought I would get to the point where I would vent but guess there is a first time for everything. Basically these days I'm just dead inside, like i laugh i smile i have good times with my friends and i seem completely normal on the outside, but low key i feel like I'm just dying inside. Like i don't know if dying is the right word but things i used to excite me don't anymore. Work has been so busy and stressful that i feel like im not living my 20s. All my friends abroad seem to be living the time of their lives which is why I drifted apart from them I guess. My social life, I mean I am a sociable person so I do get along with everyone, relationships tho super dead, which doesn't even seem to bother me anymore any guy hits on me I immediately deem that its gonna end terrible so I don't even bother. All my friends think I'm going mental and that's bad but with the luck I've had it would be normal for me to not. Like it confuses me how everyone else seems to find a normal person yet in as lot as ever, I don't even think I'm asking for too much just don't be a fuckboy Idk I don't even know what to do anymore I feel like I'm drifting though life at the moment waiting for the end.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9971928000450134 2017-12-08 17:45:20,"I need to vent. so z ting is ah dnt wanna b in a relationship, committements terrfy me...nd z gal ah hv bn datin is...ah dnt kna hw to describe her..z ting is we havnt hd sex yet...ah lyk her bt ah tink dis is enough fo me she says we will bt ah dnt kna fo sure am startin to lose z flame ah hd fo her...nd ah dnt want to hurt her bt ah dnt wanna stay in a relatonship where its one is nt z point bt if its nt in her plan ah gus its tym to call it...ds dis make me a jerk...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988071918487549 2017-12-08 18:31:13,"I need to vent. Hey here it goes..i used to be into art so much i used to draw, write poems,reading and others but now all is gone suddenly...i can't draw and cant write lyrics...i don't really know can u please help me out???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987888932228088 2017-12-08 18:37:43,"I need to vent. For those of you who thought my typing is a lack of grammer...i can c z mistake is would have been a time well spent had u guys given advice instead of dead humors....but z thing is i have alerady told her",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991177916526794 2017-12-08 18:51:09,"I need to vent. For those of you who thought my typing is a lack of grammer...i can c z mistake is mine...but would have been a time well spent had you guys given advice instead of dead humors....but z thing is i have alerady told her and she said not now so is it fair fo me to stay in a relationship where both persons involved don't get what they want...and why do you see it wrong to want a casual relationship,with no strings attached...anyways thanks fo z enlightening replays and angry humors some of you made my night...i will b care full not to text slang next time...",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9245650172233582 2017-12-08 19:33:30,"I need to vent. Hey. Um....this is my first vent so please bear with me. When I was little I had a food eating disorder and since then I've always felt different. No one really knows i do. Not even my friends. Now I'm older and it's starting to really affect me, it really hurts. I'm now in highschool with amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend. But am I really happy? I don't know....I'm depressed, I cut myself and i get anxiety alot. My friends are slowly drifting away from me and so is my boyfriend.. .I'm losing hope in living and I dont know what to do. I just need someone to hear me out. Please.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9927351474761963 2017-12-08 20:35:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys. Here is my vent So i used to be this very confident guy but when i grew up , it became the opposite. Now i am kinda socially awkward,and all things i do feels like i am acting.. so that ppl would like me and i am scared of what people think of me..i cant even make new friends .i cant act right. Every conversation every thing seems like a performance and i am always acting.. I cant even listen have a good time with my friends. I feel like i should make them laugh i try hard to be liked and it comes out weird and am depressed afterwards. Is there anyone who can relate? I would die for a change cause i dont know who i am anymore.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9976832866668701 2017-12-08 20:57:41,"I need to vent. Anyone know place or clinic to talk to psychiatrist???.please if any one know, tell me the direction!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992484450340271 2017-12-08 21:39:07,"I need to vent. Why???why do girls do it...why give a guy ur phone number if ur not interested...why text him through out the day n set up a date if u dont intend on keeping it...because we put all this effort into it get our hopes up....and then we wait 2/3 days before calling but then we call...nothing... crushes our heart....why dont u just give fake phone number then that way he calls he doesn't get u end of road.....but also wat if he call infront of u n then ur busted...but at least the guy u dont like n u dont want to spend anytime with knows u dont like him and u dont want to spend anytime with him...or u could say ur just not feeling it. ""Am just not feeling it"".....n then he get up n walk away thats the end",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990444779396057 2017-12-08 21:39:41,"I need to vent. I met this girl at an event I went too and thought about her after. She was beautiful and outgoing,and last week I got the chance to start a converstation with her in a group that we both were in. Anyways its been a week since we started talking and we have chemistry and all that but I don't know if that chemisrty is the friendship type or the relationship type. Plus I don't wanna rush anything and freak her out. But what do you guys think I should do? Should I wait and see what time will unfold or should I just rip the bandaid and go for it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9882445335388184 2017-12-08 21:46:35,"I need to vent. Whats with sex and people of this generation why is it being a fundamental thing in a simple relationship I mean i know its an essential thing but why cant it wait till marriage? Why do dudes keep insisting it? Its like No man of this century would date u if u're like 'till marriage' or sth ....are there any guys left with an old soul in that matter?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9968675971031189 2017-12-08 22:19:07,"I need to vent. Well am feeling like shit today I think being alone has finally gotten to me I always thought by now I would be in a relationship and I would plan my future but that ain’t happening I know nothing is as you planned it but it sucks people I finally have the job I want which I want to pursue and be the best if I can but no one to ask me how my day was or how am feeling right now which is okay if I had some crush to think about which I don’t ena life sucks right now",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9167572855949402 2017-12-08 22:29:57,"I need to vent. So I have been dating this girl for the past 4 years...I'm 24 btw....We had an amazing time, I took her to amazing places, introduced her to my family and we never slept together. I never forced her nor asked her too. But recently like a month ago, I brought up the question during a convo and she was like ""hell no I won't...its too early"" and I asked her if 4 years is too early then what is late? (She's not a virgin btw, in case u thought she doesn't do sex before marriage) Becha she started acting all weird and now idk what to do.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9621018171310425 2017-12-09 00:09:39,"I need to vent. Am a dude and here is my story. Back in high school and preparatory school, I was a totally different person than what I am right now. Back then, I was active in every school activity; every single student, teacher, and administrative staff knew me; I was damn good with the ladies; and had lots of friends. But after I joined university, everything got changed. I started to lose it. I started becoming lonely; cut off my relations with the girls I knew; relations with old friends faded up; and I even got in addictive activities. I started chewing chat, heavily smoking cigarette, and drinking. My world turned up side down. Afterwards, I couldn't get things where they used to be. Now, I only have very few friends. My addictions have become much more worse; I've lost touch with my old friends; I spend much of my days in my one room castle just chewing, smoking, and reading. Its been even a while since I talked to a girl. I've never had a girl friend in last 4 years. Currently, the only good thing in my life is my education. Am dying here worrying about this. You guys have no idea to be in a place like this for a guy like me who people used to anticipate for the great. Am going mental here. I really could use your words please!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984176158905029 2017-12-09 00:09:46,"I need to vent. Hi friends, aren't there times where u feel so frightened without actually knowing what's happening....?? I'm just having that feeling now&I'm scared",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9965097308158875 2017-12-09 00:11:24,"I need to vent. Hi, There's this woman who lives in the same place i do. When i fist met her she seemed too innocent. But as the time goes on her true self began to reveal. I know it's non of my business bt, the one who seem shy m descent started an affair with a married guy whose wife and kid lives far away. N she doesn't have a sense of shame or guilt. Even friends of them act like ntn happened. That disturbs me a lot n i hated her so much. Is it only me who feels like that about such kind of issue? Is it stn acceptable? I just can't get it out of my mind. It keeps coming back tho i tried to ignore it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967806339263916 2017-12-09 00:11:41,"I need to vent. Do you ever feel numb because of different feelings smacking your face from different sides... a restless beating filled with anger, feelings, disappointment, voices, a glimpse of happiness or a sign of hope but disabled with procrastination, laziness and overthinking...wrapped with more anger towards a person, family, lover, friends, past and lust disguised as love?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9917221665382385 2017-12-09 00:23:30,"I need to vent. I have this empty feeling in life and no matter how many times I try to question myself, the answers don't seem to emerge. I feel like I don't have a purpose to live and consider myself as just one of many in this world running a rat race.If you have any clue to this answer, Can you explain?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993451237678528 2017-12-09 08:50:23,"I need to vent. I don't get how a person can fall in love with just texting.please guys make me understand",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9723963737487793 2017-12-09 08:50:36,"I need to vent. Well dis is ma first time venting nyways here it goes am sooo bored of Ethiopian gals der all da same.. same kina talk same kina style same kina pussy especially dey der pussy ena pls change urself gals kechalachu pls pls endew pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993174076080322 2017-12-09 08:50:48,"I need to vent. I need vent Okay i have a best friend n she is goin to married in a month.i was so happy fo her mnamin .....and before two days ago i heared her hubby is not faithful as she think he is n i kinda saw him with other girls so should i tell her or not ..... i mean already invitation card mnamin tesetual plus am her bridemaid ......guys i rly need ur advice",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9968622922897339 2017-12-09 10:41:23,"I need to vent. Have u ever been called names just for ignoring stupid people there are this guys at my work place who wanna talk and hang out mnamn gn tekerarben negeroch started getting weird ena when I ignore them they call me thing am not spread rumors of me which aren't true at all and even lesew menager mikebdu kalatochn mesadeb mineku nggrochn menager mnamn n it is driving me insane what shall I do is it just me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993821382522583 2017-12-09 11:28:07,"I need to vent. Well my vent couldn't be more different from the guy that vented Ethiopian girls sucked. I couldn't disagree more brother...I find them very sex and attractive, which brings me to my problem..I find them too mesmerizing that I can't keep a relationship intact bc I'm afraid of commitment. I have been ""involved"" with so many girls that I can't even remember the number. Pls help me come over my commitment issues bc I don't wanna be called the ""player"" bc I am not (I think)",fear,NEGATIVE,0.6743649840354919 2017-12-09 12:04:03,"I need to vent. Soooo here is the tng...i have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 and a half year(will get married after 2 years) and we hv been through alot of tng and i love him more than any tng and so does he. He never asked me to have sex with him because i wanted to stay till i get married but after a while i consider to give him my virginity because he waited me so long and that he deserve it(waited and respect my decision for 4 and half year) ....the thing is i am having a trouble with my self like i always ask my self is it too early..i should have wait till we get married menamn ena plzzzz help me did i make a mistake????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9917060136795044 2017-12-09 12:28:24,"I need to vent. This is a vent for all ppl saying u shouldn't have sex before marriage. Let's say u waited until u got married and had sex, what if the guy or girl is terrible at it or there is something u don't like about the sex....will u end the marriage ? From my point of view...u should experiment before marriage so that u know EVERYTHING (includes sex) about the person u are marrying. Think about that ppl.... bc ik some ppl that did that and they broke up as fast as they could bc they couldn't workout their physical relationship.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978898167610168 2017-12-09 12:40:55,"I need to vent. So I have a boyfriend n we just made it to our 10th month together. It has been good and bad n we've been through a lot so far. But this last month was pure hell. We kept bickering and it was so hard on both of us. I kept finding new sides to his personality and I was honestly done with his crap all together. But I still stayed cuz I thought of all the good times we've had so far. He made me cry so much. He ruined my confidence, my self esteem and my good traits. He made me petty,stubborn and jelous. Things were finally getting better but he comes over yesterday and breaks up with my out of the blue! U have no idea how angry I am right now. Had I known it was going to end like this,I wouldn't have tried to hang on for so long. I would have saved myself a lot of pain and misery. I'm so angry that he dumped me after all he put me through. How can I move on when I'm this angry. Help me forget he ever existed. Ps. We're in campus and in the same class so I have to see him everyday. I'm scared that I might loss it and bite him or something.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980199337005615 2017-12-09 12:55:00,"I need to vent. So bekerbu i got the girl of my dreams(out of the friend zone) and it is going awesome but the thing is she had a bf that she loved so much and she actually broke it off with him when i told her how i felt.... But my question is do u think u can love someone more than ure first love",love,POSITIVE,0.9464914798736572 2017-12-09 13:06:44,"I need to vent. Why is people so one sided or side with their similar gender....if a dude wants to breakup or end a relationship either he is immature, asshole or stupid....he made a decision not to pursue his life with her b/c he has his reason....he shouldn't be in a life of torment b/c initially taught it would work....everybody is nice and perfect on first but true on the middle of the road",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9198927879333496 2017-12-09 13:14:16,"I need to vent. Not a vent more of a wondering.. is wanting to be friends with benefits rly that horrible? I mean if u’ve been hurt too many times and cant handle it anymore, what is so horrible about being with someone no strings attached?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991874098777771 2017-12-09 17:23:09,"I need to vent. Don't call me stupid but how exactly do u know wen u like someone more than a friend? This bestie of mine told me he had feelings for me and I don't even know what I feel about him I mean I have always loved him he's my best friend but I don't know what else I feel. Any suggestions",love,NEGATIVE,0.9971711039543152 2017-12-09 17:23:38,"I need to vent. Well here is ma vent I've a bf nd I rly luv him uk buh he started backin of from de r/ship nd de one who was wiz me the whole tym was ma ex well yea i still talk to him so kn one of dos days i made out with him nd it was literally de best now um back wiz ma bf nd evrytym i make out wiz ma bf cudnt forget dat moment uk wt shud i do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.995684027671814 2017-12-09 17:47:00,"I need to vent. Am asking a little bit of ur time to give me an advice which basically seems like z end of the world to me right now... So here is z problem.. Im kn high scl.. So is he.. A friend introduced us and we talked since.. U have no idea i can never ask for a better friend.(hopefully boyfriend) shortly we got into a r ship and it was going great... It actually amazed me bc i sucked at commitment and so did he... Then i made a huge mistake.. My best friend(boy) asked me out.. I didnt want to be a bitch so i said okay.. But i told him about it and he was okay wz it.. Plus we werent officaly together and then after a few days he became all bitchy for unknown reasons.. Then his best friend asked me out and he said that he was cool wz it... I asked him if he was and he said he doesnt care anymore.. We havent talked sincewhat should i do.. I cant get him out of my head",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8425474762916565 2017-12-09 18:12:09,"I need to vent. So one thing I realized after joining this group is that most of the vents are about relationships(different kinds) and I'm sitting here wondering whether I am living in a cave or sth. I mean, where are all the girls?",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9984607696533203 2017-12-09 18:49:13,"I need to vent. Okay this is my first time venting, but here goes..... you guys i dont knw whts happening to me, I'm rly rly in luv wiz my beastie. When i say in love its like totally in love, all i think abt is love then cry for no reason, getting sad at night, mnamen beka. anyone going through this prblm pls i need ur advice./ endvent",love,NEGATIVE,0.9960392713546753 2017-12-09 18:49:39,"I need to vent. Well the thing is I usually don't take guys seriously I mean I can't take them more than a best friend even on a date I wouldn't let them do anything I truly don't know why what should I do am so confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988935589790344 2017-12-09 19:01:52,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I can't believe am talking about Zis but I need to set it out there my boyfriend & I have sex frequently but that isn't z problem he gets really rough till the point it pains me to even hv z thought ov sex he hit me in some uncomfortable places but I just pretend as if am into zat cuz I dnt wanna lose him he is just truly genuine person just yehe new yekebedgne to handle am scared to tell him to tone it down cuz wat if he just goes somewhere lookin fo someone zat is dwn with all zat stuff plz guys wat should I do ??!? command:///endvent",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9976977705955505 2017-12-09 19:42:15,"I need to vent. There is this guy who I used to like which so cuteand we used to text a lot but then we stopped suddenly and after some times I texted him but he ignored it I did it twice but he ignored it again should I insult and block or what am so furious right now",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981639981269836 2017-12-09 20:07:12,"I need to vent. So there was this guy we used to be friends like not best friends gen beka ale adel just friends ena we used to talk day a night on whatsapp and at 12th grade he told me he was in love with me and stuff and I said no but we haven't stopped talking(been 3 years) and now he started being so distant and when I ask him why he said he don't want to risk falling for me again, but we still spoke every once in a while but someday he just stopped responding I called, texted nothing and I was so worried sth might have happened but the other night he called and said he wants to meet up and I said okay but am not sure if I should see him or not cause if he says he is still in love with me I just can't say no again because he has been through hell already. What should I do?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9973214268684387 2017-12-09 20:07:21,"I need to vent. What I wanna know is, what's up with this habesha society? why do they feel like they have to be so proper and innocent in front others and then be a completely different person when no one is looking?!? And then they have to judge other people who are themselves talking about how they are ""balege"" to cover up their crazy! Like bitch you're doing so much worse when no one is looking at you so why open your mouth? All I'm sayin is why habesha people have the need to be ""proper"" and judgmental when they have an audience and be worse than the people they judge when they alone? The saying Anget defi ager atfi is very true!",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.5256912112236023 2017-12-09 20:14:19,"I need to vent. Last week i suddenly realized how much i hate life and people around me and i made a decision that i should avoid friends who keeps bringing me down and now i have done that I feel much better about my life and i am happier than before gn i feel so lonely help me",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9948496222496033 2017-12-09 20:14:25,"I need to vent. What is love. What does it actually mean ?????",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9627618789672852 2017-12-09 20:36:21,"I need to vent. A question does a girl have to be so innocent? ?? Would you respect your girl less if she's not as innocent as she seems",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984277486801147 2017-12-09 20:40:32,"I need to vent. OMG...this channel is sometimes funny...ppl vent such silly things while they knw the answer already...come on ppl give the network for those ppl who rly hav a real vent......kehulu yemiyasazinew demo teenager's come high school girl/boy vent abt deep r/ship stuff,choosing abt btn two boyfriend/girlfriend???...what kinda generation are we seeing??lijochu aymarum ende...ewnet i am sad. It is good to have this channel gin sometimes it looks like drama... I know i am taking the network too but i dnt know when i think of my lil sister/brother i feel like they will be brainwashed by reading such a vent beye selemaseb new....i am just saying( pls dnt throw any bad words)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9940438866615295 2017-12-09 20:53:43,"I need to vent. Dont u hate it when people criticise this generation",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983762502670288 2017-12-09 21:16:44,"I need to vent. Need some help. So I've been with this guy for almost 3 yrs. We were high school sweet hearts I mean inseparable . After dating for 2yrs we both had to go away to college so the relationship became long distance. It was going smoothly for the first semester but after a while he changed completely long story short we broke up. But it didn't end at that there were many slide backs. I mean he the love of my life it's hard ending it the first time n the second.... I eventually understood that it won't go no where so i ended it for real. It's be 2 years since we broke up n i'm still not completely over him n i'm pretty sure he's not either. My question is what if i never fall in love again? That gut ranching heart stopping kinda love only comes by once in a life time or do I get another one?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9891831874847412 2017-12-09 21:44:28,"I need to vent. Hi. I'm the friend that is on good terms with everyone, and if u need a shoulder to cry on, or words of comfort, I am there. If u are feeling any sort of down in this mad crazy world, I am there. But who is there for me but God? Who do I allow to be there for me? Who wants to be there for me when I am down? Tell me, who????? Though bubbly and happy I may usually be, once in a while, every now and then, the truth of my loneliness hits me hard! And when that realisation kicks in, down that sad depression pit I go... Hello darkness, my old friend.... What a bitter-sweet world",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9687986969947815 2017-12-09 22:16:00,"I need to vent. Why is it so hard to get over ur ex.......i mean its been a year since we stoped dating gene we use to talk alfo alfo after we ended things I thought it was okay but I realized i was just hurting myself more so i ended it but now i am regretting it......I usually don’t think about him but when i drink all i think is about him I don’t know what to do HELP u guys.....anything that might help me to get over him",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9992493987083435 2017-12-09 22:45:33,"I need to vent. OMG what is happening to our country you guys... it is devastating we are losing so many lives by the day just because of some silly race shit... but here are y'all complaining about a stupid crush u will probably forget in a week.... it is really sad that death has become such a normal thing that it doesn't even shock us anymore... may God help us to restore peace and stability",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983332753181458 2017-12-09 22:58:29,"I need to vent. Sup ya' i aint trying to excessively criticize . But why do most of you girls generalize and make a statement from just some the ""All man are the same""....or the ""they are all dogs "" n shit. I mean...just because one pathetic nigga made you go through an inept  relationship that dont mean every Guy is the same. Just because  you are clumsy doesnt mean whoever the guy you touch is poisonous...whenever a bad shit happens why do most of you act as if you are innocent? Why do your offencive act always come up with a ""not intended""? What happen to the ""AM SORRY I FUCKED UP"".? After all that you let the guy take the blame...lets assume a breakup happened ...then you curse on the entire male human n express annoyance. After any sexual encounter with your boyfriend for the 1st time (especially if you a virgin) you go ""weyne"" as if you were raped or some like both wanted agree to it....thats why sex happened. But if by any reason you fucked up n he leaves then he took advantage of you n left you? Come on now .  Like i said before am not trying to judge anyone but please please please dont generalize every guy....stop portraying them to a lame ass nigga u dated mistakenly....dont make stuff deuced to in what happened before .....there is a reason that there are happily married couples",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991769194602966 2017-12-09 23:34:05,"I need to vent. I just kissed a guy that i just went out with. It was the second time that we went out. We danced talked about normal stuff. But one thing let to another and we stared to kiss. Even tho it was so good i had to make the boundary that we should stop. He was so nice that i think its so unrealistic. I am scared, i want to know if he likes me or if its just a hookup thing. Ps. we are both in the campus, and the same class/endvent",fear,POSITIVE,0.9813829064369202 2017-12-09 23:50:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need help. I am in love with the girl that was in realation with my friend. He did lot of things to her. Like betam techawtobatal. They are not talking anymore but we still are friends with her. We talk a lot. Gn i still think about her all the time. What should i do? I need help.",love,POSITIVE,0.9974820017814636 2017-12-10 01:07:37,"I need to vent. I am a campus student n i've no problem wiz guys but when it comes to r/ship it's wierd tng for me to hear luv stuff tok from serious and kinda planned men i mn it's rly disgusting eventho real.And even now i'm in luv wiz sm chebere boy....while zer were still who proposed me continuously.So pls i need ur help wat is the problem wiz me",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9984263181686401 2017-12-10 01:17:03,"I need to vent. ..... My GOD, life is hunting me like zer r no other ppls in zis world,...i am really stressed ryt now.... i mean i hv been through a lot, starting from loosing my parents to a lot of things but i hv been strong all these times, every body is amazed, even my friends get amazed by my patience ... But this week, i cant,... i just cant tolerate ol z things happening, so wat i need from u Guys is just to tell me wat to do wen um stressed",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9843834638595581 2017-12-10 01:23:09,"I need to vent. So here it goes am a 24 year old guy who has never sleep with a girl and my current girlfriend is pushing to have sex the thing is I want to wait for marriage so help me what should I do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9881582856178284 2017-12-10 07:05:09,"I need to vent. This is to all of you out there repeatedly saying “ why do girls generalize? “. How do you think it feels to be let down repeatedly? You start a relationship heck even friendship and somehow it always turns out to be the worst thing you’ve ever done. It leaves a huge scar on you. When all the guys you meet just want to get in your pants, how do you think that feels? You could be wearing a potato sack but guys on the road never fail to look at you like some property to play with or they look at you like a piece of meat. How do you think we feel when our dads are not the best dads? All they do is get in late and go out early? How do you think we feel when we see our moms being mistreated by our uncles or our fathers themselves? Everywhere we go we come across selfish, manipulative and violent boys/men. We think we love our boyfriends and give into whatever they want or they make us give into it then they move on to the next girl. how do you think that makes us feel? I am not saying all girls are saints but instead of just complaining about us generalizing why don’t you work on being a good brother, a good son, an awesome and patient boyfriend and a loyal friend. If you are so different from all these crappy boys, then never fail to show the difference. we need to know there are good ones out there; to trust again, love again and just be ourselves again.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9871770143508911 2017-12-10 07:05:53,"I need to vent. People don't judge! So am a girl who is in love with her best friend (girl ).... Yes take it all in.... I mean she is so beautiful and so fucking sexy I just want to be with her body and soul... We've Been friends for 5 years loved her for 3.... Once I made a move and kissed her then she laughed then we made out(hard core) ever since then when she gets in a fight with her boyfriend she comes to my dorm and we do Shit.... Been almost 2years now Ena I can't anymore.... Should I confront her or just go with the flow",love,POSITIVE,0.9817849397659302 2017-12-10 07:14:49,"I need to vent. is there anyone here who knows how a broken heart hurts if so pls just comment some jokes I can't hold on to my self",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991974234580994 2017-12-10 07:39:47,"I need to vent. Okay so I have been reading the vents here for sometime now and its so upsetting to see homosexuals writing here as if its nothing I mean this is Ethiopia and these craps are unacceptable Yes we love the people but not ur acts My main point is plss don't brainwash the ppl here by continually posting abt being gay or lesbians There are many innocent souls here And our younger siblings are now having the mind set of being homosexual is right! Stop! Pls stop! Don't kill generations u guys know that its not right deepinside but are doing it ekooo so pls stop braonwashing our youth ende!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9933375120162964 2017-12-10 07:41:57,"I need to vent. Y'all need to cut your little problems and face the reality...people are dying everyday poverty is everywhere instead of changing what's up u out here stressing over some pussy/ many of u know wtf u doing with your life tho except crushing on someone its just so sad how y'all be acting like their ain't no bigger problems in this country....being a rich kid made y'all dumb or u are naturally dumb",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986644983291626 2017-12-10 07:55:15,"I need to vent. The problem with this homo ppl coming out is the admin of the bot... came out writing...we accept u all mnmn... to make it sound okay... it's not okay... so I would like to say to the admin of this bot... sincerely fuck u...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988844990730286 2017-12-10 07:58:46,"I need to vent. So I'm so depressed. Depressed to the point of not wanting to wake up . I don't know what to do. I can't read. I've concentration problems. N... wt should I do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999661922454834 2017-12-10 08:01:17,"I need to vent. Yall need to stop complaining about peoples vents this is a channel where people should feel free to vent no matter how dumb their issue sounds(not saying its dumb)yes there's poverty nd people are dying everyday but are u seriously comparing that to having a crush or some type of relationship problem. Some problems are bigger than others even incomparable sometimes but that still doesn't stop the small problems from being problems. I dont think people vent here to be judged they just want to let it out, who to better talk to than a stranger. Pls stop making people feel bad for wanting advice or a few kind words, just to get others prespective on finding solutions no matter how trivial their problems sound.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9769474267959595 2017-12-10 08:27:24,"I need to vent. Everytime I walk around city, I see beggers and I feel really guilty for living a very good life. So, I want to volunteer and stuff but at the same time I'm really lazy. How does one deal with this?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9984341263771057 2017-12-10 08:31:25,"I need to vent. I can't seem to study! I have to. This is really important if I don't study my transcripts will be ruined. I have to. But I can't manage. How do you guys study?!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997520387172699 2017-12-10 08:37:14,"I need to vent. I have been in this channel for a while now. I have noticed that sex has become the god of this generation. Sex is beautiful and it was designed by God. But it was not meant to control every single aspect of our lives. We are supposed to enjoy it with our partners in marriage. I know yall are gonna think i am trying to act righteous saying this. But i am saying this with a humble heart. Anything you prioritoze, you give most of your time to, and something you think about everytime is your god. And if you call yourself religious or someone who worships a higber being, i want to tell you that you can not serve two gods. Whether you like it or not, sex out of marriage is a sin. Lust and sexual thought is a sin. We might forget this cause it has become very normal and accepted by the majority. But that is not the case. We are all going to be asked for our evil thoughts, sinful doings, and tresspassings on judgment day. We are going to be asked. Please let us turn our faces to God. God watches you everywhere. Be reads your desires and he reads your heart. And god is my witness, he will not be happy with these lustful thoughts. You can be a person who pleases God while you are young. God bless you",approval,POSITIVE,0.9869842529296875 2017-12-10 08:44:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need your opinions I’m a college student out of country and I’m having the worst time of my life here and since it kinda late to transfer I’m gonna take a semester off. What do y’all think!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990994930267334 2017-12-10 08:52:35,"I need to vent. Okay so i have read a lot of vents about people condemning homosexuality and the funny thing is yall are spending so much time on that but where are the vents condemning the murderers, and the rapers and the thieves... Those people whose actions are actually hurting countless ppl everyday and yet u guys somehow hate homosexuality more than all of it i just think its sad that u consider urselves christians but all u actually do is sit behind ur screen hating on gays when they arent whats destroying our generation. Btw if ur gonna shame them according to the bible then u must be obeying everysingle rule in the bible which im pretty sure u dont! What makes u think u can pick which rules to obey but then hate on others when they do the same? Please start acting like ACTUAL christians and stop giving religion a bad name. And no im not gay!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980255365371704 2017-12-10 09:19:18,"I need to vent. Hey i know this might not be that important but many people want to ask but are ashamed to do it bc u know talking about sex is taboo and all.. So my question is....Is masterbation a sin?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9964166879653931 2017-12-10 10:16:18,"I need to vent. Hi am a 23 years old girl whose head over heels in love wiz zis guy for almost 2 years and we don't live in the same place but we always hook up when He's in town he knows am in love with him but doesn't wana tlk about our situation and am scared if i say something he'll drift away and he goes and hooksup with many girls and i can't seem to get over him wat should i do",fear,POSITIVE,0.7251336574554443 2017-12-10 10:17:15,"I need to vent. This is it or don't... When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! BUT HE LOVES YOU. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit! But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is fucked up. Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say ""this guy"", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man. No woman could or would ever fuck things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person, and which would explain a lot of these bad results. So rather than be just another mindless religious robot, mindlessly and aimlessly and blindly believing that all of this is in the hands of some spooky incompetent father figure who doesn't give a shit, I decided to look around for something else to worship. Something I could really count on.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9663822650909424 2017-12-10 10:17:44,"I need to vent. Ok here it goes...long story short, i met dis guy i actually was'nt ready for love and am not a type of person whos in to romantic stuffs i actually like to make fun of guys who actually tells me they into me hate to much attention feel like its all fake what did u eat? Do? Bla bla... but dis guy i told u about he seems like his da right one we were planning for our fututre and everytn tho we just met we just clicked i was like he mine he minebeen hurt before dats why i dont like gettin attached my friends think its because am heartless but uk its just am insecured when it comes to fallin in love because if i do i go crazy and i take things seriously so wid dis guy was goin good so gr8 he promised me not to ever hurt me and his like ""bae am d/f"" tbh yes i did love him and he lives aboard so we planned for a distance relation till i go there or till he comes and trust me everytn was goin to well i swear he made me da happiest person alivethere was dis time he came wid his friends and one of his friend was my closest friend so i brought some friends wid me to then we all had fun and went back to home ok boom she was my closest friend n use to tell her how much he mean to me i trust her more than myself she seems she were so happy for me and everytn ugh its very long story tho its like she talks to him and ik she told me but she be like i tell him how much u love him and shes like he do love u girl n watever well atlast me and him started fightin and am like wats got into him like talk to him shes like i did but he said u did sth wrong i was so sad da whole week she was there crying wid me and atlast da truth is she slept wid him she told him she wanna talk to him about me n blabla and he said am a guy she seduce me mnamn i swear am tryin to write dis in short tho still seems it doesnt have an end tbh i was so heart broken like da ppl u trust hurted u so much my friends had my back dats why i felt better enji besmam ik his a fuck boy but i cant forget him i felt like there were sth real b/n as ugh",love,NEGATIVE,0.9800651669502258 2017-12-10 10:25:32,"I need to vent. Hi guys I have a situation. I am almost 19 n a dude..... There is this girl whom I chat with. We started chatting like 2months ago n I don't even know if I like her or not but I am addicted to her and we go to the same campus but d/t class..... I think she is attracted to me. We spoke on the phone like several times but we don't talk in person that much..... Wtf should I do???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.994189977645874 2017-12-10 10:38:57,"I need to vent. Hi guys I have a situation. I am almost 19 n a dude..... There is this girl whom I chat with. We started chatting like 2months ago n I don't even know if I like her or not but I am addicted to her and we go to the same campus but d/t class..... I think she is attracted to me. We spoke on the phone like several times but we don't talk in person that much..... Wtf should I do???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.994189977645874 2017-12-10 10:39:02,"I need to vent. Hi everyone how ya all doin i just wanted to tell u guys this isn't a place to judge people there is enough of that in real life this is a platform in which people can talk about things that they can't tell to other people stuff they can't say out loud so when someone says i did this ,this happened to me or i am like this just learn to say okay don't go running to comment insults try to look at things from their perspective you might think someone's vent might be minor and u may think there are bigger problems in the world but their problem no matter how small is affecting their life, personality and happiness more than u can imagine so try to be open-minded when u read the vent and if u think it contradicts with your culture or belief just scroll down to the next one. Everyone's vent matters.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9903918504714966 2017-12-10 13:00:54,"I need to vent. So I'm kinda sick of all the hypocrisy on this channel. I in no way advocate homosexuality. But I also do not advocate adultery. You all are ""homo bahlachin aydelem""....But sex before marriage is? All are sins in the eye of God. Let the purest among you cast the first stone aydel ende yetebalew? So hedeh kemanm ga tinzelazelina or hedesh kemanm gar tinzelazelina how dare you do that minamen tialaleh. Shame on all of you. Advising is one thing. You can advise even if you're not perfect. But applauding one sin and condemning another one is not our job, leave that for the purest One above. I'm sorry if I'm doing the same thing. I just hate hypocrisy to the core.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9966796636581421 2017-12-10 13:22:13,"I need to vent. hi there I m a student and I have a big thing that I am missing in ma personality the thing is I can't exactly express ma feeling and how I feel towards other ppl soo I m really good at holding ma feeling but its really hard some tyms and a lots of ppl use that against me so what should I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977777600288391 2017-12-10 13:23:53,"I need to vent. Just wanted to say something to the people commenting in a way that supports the wrong doing of the venter. People tend to be so okay with sex before marriage even though God clearly condemns it. We humans always seem to customize God's words into our personal lives, accepting the things that are easy for us, and choosing to ignore the things that aren't by trying to justify saying that ""it's a better sin than other sins"". NO sin is okay. Not lying, killing, adultery, homosexuality...We might find it hard to restrain from commiting some of those, but the least we can do is not support any of it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9861456155776978 2017-12-10 13:46:02,"I need to vent. So guys heres the problem, i am logical most of the time. But semonun something's agatemogn i have some his become a soul believer of bad luck more specifically that im bad luck. And they're not coincidences and they dont happen all the time this year kenesual nd im gratefull for that but still yagatemegnal like im cursed nd i cant get out of it. Yesterday my teacher spoke to me in a very rude tone nd mumbled sth mean about me . ya this would be normal but that teacher has never spoke that way to other students, they would listen to music tlk in the class they wld even disturb on porpuse endewm ene bezu alrebishim. Then why me when i did nothing wrong. Has anybody ever been in that type of situation where it felt like bad luck but it's just coinsidence nd everything ends up fine in the end?",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5298561453819275 2017-12-10 13:59:45,"I need to vent. Let me lay it on the line I got a little freakiness inside and you know that the man Has got to deal with it I don't care what they say I'm not about to pay nobody's way 'Cause it's all about the dog in me I want to freak in the morning A freak in the evening just like me I need a roughneck brother That can satisfy me just for me If you are that kind of man 'cuz i'm that kind of girl I got a freaky secret. Just wanted to put that out there",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99614018201828 2017-12-10 15:56:03,"I need to vent. This is not actually a vent but more like a confession weird habit thing . so here is the thing , its rly strange ...when i seen ppl on tv i count how many they r lets say the judges of x factor are on tv i know they r 4 but whenever they r showing i srysly count them like 1..2..3...4 like this Not only this i even count words ...whenever i see words or people i just count them would be not weird if i did that one time but i constantly count them knowing how many they are or how many the words r. weird right ??? I think its weird what do u guys say ......i have been living with this weird habit for God knows how many yrs i dont even know how it started",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9980734586715698 2017-12-10 15:58:08,"I need to vent. Ah, so I tried to vent before. My content turned out to be ""inappropriate "", an honest living and calling out to my kind. But no worries, I've cut out some parts and trying out again, I would still feel better if the admins post my original vent instead of this one. Anyways: here I am, an anonymous, in some platform, venting, trying to blend in with people I probably would never in real life. So i was basically holding it here because i knew a lot of people will judge me. But am one of those girls you know, who have been fucking both man and woman, who don't consider beaututy, gender, race or anything. Obsessed with the old souls of yesterday, breathing fire, Like those strange distance girls u sometimes meet in ur class.. Not that its a big deal but I lost my virginity for a guy and on the second day i had sex with my best friends sister. Why you ask? Why not. I am protected, she is thankful but still depressed with life, she needed me to boost some perspective. I am not a lesbian, I am not stright. I am my kind who loves people because people are awesome, at least used to be. At least my writing didn't use to be too PC or incorrect back in my days when we can speak out what we feel, I was a happy soul. Attractive or not. I love you all. I enjoy life as much as i can because why not. Advise me if u think this isn't the way to be. earth is a warzone but also heaven if u can alter ur perspective now and then. We are a couple of gods and monsters who are trying to coup up living together, with tons of insecurities under our ""Nike shoes, rayband glasses"" and our pretentious western perspectives. We are what they made and not our would-be true selves. But I tried to stay loyal to my kind, kept on loving and appreciating life no matter the odds against me. Please let's cut out of this dumb dissing, ununited, empty life and unite to love one another, support each other not becuase we are hot or shit but because we are humans. Our ancestors worked for a dime and penny to build us as an empire who thinks and loves, not an age where u have inter course wo feelings, where you hurt people wo no good reason. Let's live life like we should, other wise we are not even living. Holla to yall poor souls who didn't get accepted bc they didn't fit the dumb scalesets.",love,POSITIVE,0.8610857725143433 2017-12-10 16:24:34,"I need to vent. Hey guys This is more of a question than a vent.. What do u guys think about the legalization of weed? And what if its practiced in our country?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984650611877441 2017-12-10 16:45:03,"I need to vent. I am the kind of person who people say has the patience of a saint and sometimes they are right but their are times wen i feel frustrated and sad and angry but i smile and act like all is well... I seem to be a loyal frnd who wld rather die than see my frnds hurt but sometimes i jxt wish someone would care enough to say girl u okay everything will be alright..",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.995245635509491 2017-12-10 17:01:11,"I need to vent. How do I know if I am his sidechick or not coz he always treats me more than his gf and he really wants to spend time with me but still couldn't broke up with his gf it hurts",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9922480583190918 2017-12-10 18:57:23,"I need to vent. Everyone needs to chill and stop trying to convince eachother that homosexuality is wrong or not cause at the end of the day none of us will reach an understanding since all of you are arguing from a different frame of reference: some from a biblical point of view, others from a moral point of view and the rest from a liberal point of view. This difference in perspective won't allow any of you to come to an understanding so y'all should just agree to disagree.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995437264442444 2017-12-10 18:57:27,"I need to vent. You go girl I completely second that. I am not gay nor does it please me to view sexual activities of the same sex but I feel like the world has bigger problems than the next guy wanting to fuck the other one.‍like why is this such a huge topic. Ethiopian people as a culture are extremely homophobic. I can understand that but for God's sake don't think that you're entitled to fucking end homosexuality or to tell people what to feel and who they are. Y'all niggas have too much time on your hands worrying about shit that doesn't affect you in any way shape or form. If we're gonna invest time in talking about an actual problem, lets consider topics like racism or sexism. Outta here witchu cheap and ignorant thoughts.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982831478118896 2017-12-10 19:11:45,"I need to vent. Yes I missed you, yes I do. I missed everything about you. And well yea I did mess up, but its because am a girl,I want you to dig a little more honey, well you kind of make sense to my life even if it was for short period of time, it's like you are the reason I live, I have accomplished everything..even tho I ddn know why, then you come along and answered my question, I have been wondering why I have to always be the good girl? I realized its to meet you..I have always wondered why I ddn go to clubs, smok drink,have HIV ..bicha uk how kids this days do, I have always wondered what the point of being successful in life is , graduating from highest university, having a respected family bicha..I have done all the""good girl"" suppose TO do..but I ddn know the point of all this till you come along and make it worth it, all of it..all of the waiting for the good to happen is worth it ,and now, now I mess it up, you left and..and I lost everything.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5901958346366882 2017-12-10 19:13:34,"I need to vent. Is being in a relationship supposed to hurt? Are you supposed to feel a bit insecure all the time? How is it supposed to be coz all of my other relationships have been shit but this one means a lot to me. And i dont wanna get hurt but i also domt want to loose it coz of my walls and stuff. But i feel insecure and i feel like things are changing and not in a good way. I feel like he is realizing that im not what he wants i guess. And a part of me is saying its my anxiety doing this to me. Help a G out guys tell me if yall relationships are smooth saling or being insecure is a normal thing. I issa lost.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994648098945618 2017-12-10 19:25:17,"I need to vent. i am really depressed when this year started i had soo many plans and i was fantasizing about how am goin to achieve all my goals and prove to my self that i can do it but know realization hit me i can see that my big breakdown is coming and its not that far am not sure if its the pressure am adding on my self or the pressure from others i don't think i can carry it for that long",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99293452501297 2017-12-10 19:37:42,"I need to vent. I am kind of have a feeling for some one i have met along time ago n now we chat n talk by phone hours. Even thou we both agree not to fall in love n have fun... its becoming hard for me ... we both agreed to see other guys ena he dates girls even he fucked one yesterday n i also used to date here... since its kinda of distance relationship i was fine with it... ahun gn i am not being comfortable with it... what do u suggest for me eski ... i got know clue of what i am doing",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9901337027549744 2017-12-10 19:55:28,"I need to vent. I recently realized i have a problem that i cant look ppl in the eye for more than a couple of seconds.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9991532564163208 2017-12-10 20:37:32,"This will be the end of homosexuality related vents. We have given this much space to it. This will be the limit. Any vent related to this topic will be declined after now onwards.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966913461685181 2017-12-10 20:58:21,"I need to vent. I just watched a video where a guy and lady walk through the streets of Liverpool: him giving haircuts to the homeless and her treating stray dogs. The smiles on people's faces when they see their reflections in the mirror were priceless and it got me thinking...if two people can bring joy in these many people in single day why can't we all do that...but then I looked around to see the situation. We all are too busy working harder each day to find smaller groups to identify into to try and spread love. Ignoring what it would do to us in the long run. First, we divide ourselves based on religion: shunning those who refuse to believe in our truth...telling ourselves we are one strong unit...true, our big architectures and strict dogmas humble us and break our egos enough to stand together for prayer. But the moment we leave our churches and mosques we get back to finding those differences again. So comes race: tearing us apart into dozens of smaller groups. Then comes our political views, our sexuality, our social status (the 'cool' Vs the 'lame' ), out economic status (the 'rich' Vs the 'poor' ). There will always be one more thing popping up if we keep looking. We are arrogant enough to claim our way is right and ridicule others for their beliefs ignoring the fact if we only had walked in their shoes for as long as they did we too would have been standing in the same place right about now: following the same rules; defending the same values; wearing the same clothes; covering the same scars; faking the same smiles. Our beauty only exist in our differences and if their hadn't being no mind daring enough to challenge the conventional while everybody else was too busy following the rules we wouldn't have achieved any of the greatest things we did as human beings. So I say let's be a little open-minded. Even if our pride wouldn't allow us to admit that they too might be right let's at least have the maturity to let them make their own mistakes. And if we can't do any of that: let's call truce for some time. Let's call truce on our fights. Let's call truce on our judgments. Let's call truce on our smug remarks. Let's call truce on it all just to see what it's like and let's put all that energy to put a smile on a single face, to lend a hand for a friend, to sit down and enjoy little conversations, to build relationships and to build ourselves. Then if we don't like it, we can always go back to our wicked ways being divided with every issue that arises until we one day realize we're standing alone fighting battles from every directions without a single soul to have our backs.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9897448420524597 2017-12-10 21:23:24,"I need to vent. I really appreciate the admins for stoping to this inappropriate topics I just wanna suggest if there is any way to have age limit too I raised Zis cuz there r kids 14 menamn coming here talking about love nt only zat there r some adult discussion nt meant for under ages here hv we gave it hw much this guys will b influenced Zis is just my opinion & I hope u guys give it some thought",optimism,POSITIVE,0.5298786759376526 2017-12-10 21:31:07,"I need to vent. How would you regard the notion of getting into a relationship with someone who's not off of your culture, who doesn't speak you're mother tongue and who doesn't have the same feature as you do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9970898628234863 2017-12-10 21:31:10,"I need to vent. Hello i am have migraine and i am having problems when i sleep at night like some times i don't really sleep the whole night... What can i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983115196228027 2017-12-10 21:43:06,"I need to vent. Peeps, listen, all this controversy on every topic with sides of emotionality vs logic.. Please, hulum sew sidersibet new miyawkew (God knows I have been and go there from time to time) so we can't really judge.. THOUGH, the reason people tell u (highschool love ventors) to take it slow is cause they have experienced more than you and they are right in telling u how silly it will all seem in a few years. Kehulum belay gin, ebakachihun enagenazib. Let's have perspective. Sure each one's pain is huge but in those moments let's step out of our bubble and look around us.. It is for our own benefit. It helps make better decisions. Let's ask our selves 'Will this make or break me?' and choose our paths for the better. What ever thought u give priority to, rules you. That is a fact. Please peeps let's learn to look further than our problems. Ere laasshh. Anyway peace, I'm out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9932631850242615 2017-12-10 21:52:13,"I need to vent. I have a boyfreind and i dont trust him i mean i do always get confused whether he turly love me or not i dont know what to dooo help me",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9981454610824585 2017-12-10 22:13:13,"I need to vent. There's this guy , I'm not seeing but I'm also not NOT seeing. We meet up , talk and it's nice but I don't want to go any further like I don't know what's wrong with me , I just can't move forward and he tries soo hard and it's so mean dragging him along not knowing if I want him or not . what should I do ?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988951086997986 2017-12-10 22:13:15,"I need to vent. Guys I am a freak. I smell everything. I mean every single movie has its own smell. I know the scent of people that passed by the street. I know the scent of Aste minilik and tewodros. Every memories of mine have their own scent. I really don't know if I have to go to hospital or tsebel.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9667215347290039 2017-12-10 22:13:19,"I need to vent. What if we could live each day from the place of knowing that we are whole, complete, individual sparks of the divine? What if we no longer saw ourselves as broken, damaged, traumatized? Who would we be without the stories of these wounds? Could we accept ourselves as beautiful - even if we are scarred? Could we know our worth even if we've been rejected? Could we love ourselves even if we understood that we've made mistakes, hurt loved ones, fallen short of our potential and missed opportunties? Could we accept that these things just make us human - and in the end, only add to our beauty? This is how I want to live!",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.5638504028320312 2017-12-10 22:13:21,"I need to vent. So I've been seeing this guy for a while. But I couldn't develop feelings as he did. Am trying to give it a chance hoping the feelings will come in time. He's a good guy and tries alot for us. But sometimes I get tierd dating a guy that I don't like much. Sometimes i belive the feelings will come and i dont wana quit now and regret later. I was wondering how long do u give the date a chance if u are in this kind of situation?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9859753251075745 2017-12-10 23:09:18,"I need to vent. Hey guys what’s up, so me and my girlfriend have been dating for a while now about 2 years I think anyways she was a Virgin when I met her and now she lost her virginity to me and now she’s pregnant and I really don’t know what to do she’s saying she is going to have the baby but I don’t know am scared we are just 20 and 21 year old college students. Please guys help me out I don’t know what to do.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9960678815841675 2017-12-10 23:11:31,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I hv this prob where I stress abt everything I even stress abt saying the wrong thing in a convo ....anything nd every move I make is through stress's getting to a point where I can't handle my migraines that accompany the stress and I get depressed ....nd ya I hv tried relaxing nd all ..but even then I involuntarily stress abt god knows wat .....I need ur help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993804693222046 2017-12-10 23:13:19,"I need to vent. I love this guy and i know he loves me too. The problem is he is muslim and am Orthodox. I don't want to loose him but I can't be with him. I suggested we stay together without changing our religion. But he doesn't want that. He wants me to convert to muslim and i don't agree with that. What should i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9920319318771362 2017-12-11 00:14:07,"I need to vent. Hii it so hard to share things for me but i can try to tell u my problems i used to be popular plus smart girl in highschool i always stood up 1st not always in my class but also from my section studying has always been interesting i was confident fun girl i had no friends because the whole students in z class were my besties but then i got in to prep(11&12) in a different school coz my school was -10). Then it was very hard for me even to talk to anyone in my class i was bored depressed ....i hated my life i cant seem to create any friends z whole year... i stood up 5 th my parents were disappointed on me what can i say it was horrible but i survived and i got in to university with pretty good grade since all i had to do was all study like bored study ‍‍‍not the old interesting oh i have to solve this i love math study‍‍ and here i am in med school now i have friends only few but i couldn't bring back me before those 2 years am scared i got zis whole new personality like my weirdness with new people i cant talk to strangers i get scared when boys get close to me i get nervous i cant stand in front of ppls specially am not sociable like before this wasn't how i imagined my campus life would be please help me what can i do to be back as old me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9494722485542297 2017-12-11 01:30:34,"I need to vent. Is it just me or are the vents flowing like a never drying river these past few days. I mean I go away for 2 hours and there's like 20 vents! Jeez, people are getting comfy talking it out up in here. Just wish y'all use more audios since those are real fun, to me at least lol.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.7327582836151123 2017-12-11 07:29:12,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I hv this prob where I stress abt everything I even stress abt saying the wrong thing in a convo ....anything nd every move I make is through stress's getting to a point where I can't handle my migraines that accompany the stress and I get depressed ....nd ya I hv tried relaxing nd all ..but even then I involuntarily stress abt gid know wat .....I need her help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992803931236267 2017-12-11 08:28:01,"I need to vent. Okey so most of you guys are talking abt ur r/ships just as an opinion .... Am a girl also looking for love as a normal human being but we reached the stage where love is a joke and a sign of defeat what happend to pure love a love that requires nothing only a simple love what happend to making love out of love and not just satisfaction so this is what scares me to love what i first think when i first meet a guy is he rly zr for love or is he just here to fuck .... I mean ppl wake up loven and being wiz one single individual is a blessing rather than fucken every where",love,POSITIVE,0.9553737044334412 2017-12-11 08:28:12,"I need to vent. I just want to say don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9980915188789368 2017-12-11 18:59:31,"I need to vent. I have been an extrovert for a long time. I used to go out to parties, hang out with friends and families and genuinely enjoy their company. After a series of unfortunate events, I decided that people are overrated. Everyone is disappointing in their own unique way and some even more than others. I evidently became quiet at social settings because I started to think that none of it a way you could say that I became a Nihilist introvert. Now the only set of communication that I prefer is the digital one; texts and that sort of thing. Maybe its healthy, maybe it isn't I dunno. I know for now that I have given up on everyone and I just let things run their course in life. I'm venting here cause this influence has killed my motivation to grow and to change, become better and develop. I need to get my motivation back. Got any tricks that can help?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999309778213501 2017-12-11 19:00:08,"I need to vent. In the eye of the vergin girl I got to the point where i lose hope in love .... I just wish sm where sm place around the world there wud b zs sweet kind guy who can deserve me ... Who can treat me ryt no bullshit no drama and most of all just sm fuckin Trust worthy human being is it to much to ask.. why mess around? Whats z point i just wanna knw ‍",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9779314398765564 2017-12-11 19:09:45,"I need to vent. I really like this girl. I usually cant get interested in someone after im sure they are in to me, this one is offlimits tho. Im sure she likes me back but she be leaving abroad in months before it gets seruous enough. FML",love,NEGATIVE,0.9620335102081299 2017-12-11 19:09:52,"I need to vent. I have issues letting people in and Ive been right so far. This time i met the most incredible girl. She told me about her fuck ups and i fell right in, we agreed on temporary thing cus she will be leaving abroad next month. Cant bare it now time is almost up. Depression mode ........loading.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956462979316711 2017-12-11 19:10:00,"I need to vent. So im a 3rd year in college n thr is this girl i like but i haven't got any chance to talk too her n im not that good talking to people that i don't know tried to add her on FB but i think she doesn't have one. Any idea's on how can i get to talk to her or anything it would be really helpful",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995672106742859 2017-12-11 19:21:09,"I need to vent. So.... I'm basically one of those people who care so much about others and expect lots in return, only to be disappointed everytime. I don't know what the hell is my problem. I'm disappointed time and time again by the people whom I thought were my friends. Just the other day, I found out my one of my closest friends, whom I care so deeply about doesn't even consider me a FRIEND. And what I want to know is, how do I give up on people and not care about others? Because this depresses me so much and I don't know how to stop it. Thanks in advance.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9973813891410828 2017-12-11 19:21:22,"I need to vent. Ummmm well all u people seem to have someone who ur like on a constant battle with romantically how do yall just get bfs so fast and how do u find people and actually get them to ask u out help a girl here",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9933874607086182 2017-12-11 19:30:45,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is my second time venting..... I think I love this girl but am not sure for my feelings but I call her n she answers fast we talk she really laugh at my jokes...... But I am afraid that she may not have the same feeling for me n our friendship could end..... I wish I could ask her out but my parents are strict I can't go out from home unless to school demo they don't give me money they are ambagenen.... Specially my mom..... They don't allow me to go out or give me money cuz I used to smoke weed n I was caught red handed by my mom..... I don't know wt to say to this girl pls help me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.993486225605011 2017-12-11 19:30:52,"I need to vent. This is not a vent, I've got a question for the men. What are the qualities you value the most in a woman?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976372718811035 2017-12-11 19:31:02,"I need to vent. I'm having a problem with my GF...I've been going out with her for about 3 yrs now and now we wanted to take it to the nxt lvl so I decided if we could smash and then she agreed but when she saw my dick she laughed then I felt bad and we broke up...what's goin on?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980131387710571 2017-12-11 19:50:53,"I need to vent. I need really good advice from u all out there.... I cant concentrate on my studies. My goals and aims are way up there and m doing nothin. What do u think i should do???help pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997227132320404 2017-12-11 20:15:32,"I need to vent. Guys whats the real meaning of frnd ship i just can't figure it out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995786547660828 2017-12-11 20:18:58,"I need to vent. Guys i am living with a disease called trimethylaminuria it's a fish odor syndrome, and unfortunately there is no way to treat it, it has no medicine. I am a university students so social life plays the big part here... I am at the end of my teaser,,, PLEASE HELP ME ... What can i do??? .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984760880470276 2017-12-11 20:30:39,"I need to vent. I want to vent there is this guy I used to like and he uses me like he cheats off me in t est and I buy him stuff like that's the olny reason he talks to me and I want to be friends with him but I want him to stop using me any ideas on how to",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9991101622581482 2017-12-11 20:48:12,"I need to vent. Hi guys I really need an advice on stage Well I have a friends well not only frnds well we are sooooooo close we even are like sisters but all of the sudden things are falling apart like everyone of us are kinda going In our different paths like one of them left the country well 3 of us left now n the 3 of us don't even spend time like we used to before and I personally m feeling really sad about this well I don't know wat the others think sooooooo please is there any way to fix this pls any suggestions can help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996911346912384 2017-12-11 21:11:40,"I need to vent. So my friend has a compulsive need to cheat on her boyfriend. She says she loves him but has cheated on him with 4 other guys so far. I feel strongly about cheating and i want to help her. What can i do?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9904696345329285 2017-12-11 21:25:04,"I need to vent. hey guys i need an advice there is this guy who is my class mate n also my crush n he is always like stareing deep into my eyes n smiles n sometimes stares deathly at me wht is this suppose to mean",neutral,POSITIVE,0.7420624494552612 2017-12-11 21:25:32,"I need to vent. So my friend has a compulsive need to cheat on her boyfriend. She says she loves him but has cheated on him with 4 other guys so far. I feel strongly about cheating and i want to help her. What can i do?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9904696345329285 2017-12-11 21:46:07,"I need to vent. A simple question to long should u wait to tell someone ure in a r/ship with that u love them(specially if u had feelings before u started to date)??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999078631401062 2017-12-11 21:54:05,"I have to vent. I have a friend and we've been best friends for over five years. She's like a sister. But she is truly too religious that our every thought has started to clash. Am not saying that her loving God is not good but when it's to the point when she gives me A bad stare when I talking about imagining kissing my crush and stuff it gets hard. She also keeps fighting with all of my other best friends cuz they don't tolerate her like I do. All I want is for her to accept who I really am and stop trying to change me into her. But now that she's fighting with everyone I truly want to tell her to stop and fix this. What should I do? Please help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9934561848640442 2017-12-11 23:39:48,"I need to vent. Hii guys i hate to say this but I think I love this girl and she got boyfriend in recently i won't to keep my mouth shut but i can not stop thinking about her every day every second and i don't won't to be that guy who destroye what she have what shall i do",love,POSITIVE,0.9899661540985107 2017-12-11 23:40:08,"I need to vent. Why do people not care about Dogs????? it kills me yemer. I seriously am scared of people than Dogs these days. Dogs never scared me gen yaw. .. yaw.. just saying.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980190992355347 2017-12-12 00:57:33,"Hey Unihorse Hide My Identity I need to vent. I swear i feel it. I feel myself changing in to this person i used to hate. In to something dark, none caring i used to be the girl that lets people walk all over me if it meant them being happy or smiling. And at times i feel my old me coming up and i switching up on me then i realize thats me being weak then i turn back in to this cold hearted bitch that's stays out and drinks and will probably start smoking any time soon. Its like another human coming out of me. I want to stop. I really. Everyone noticed friends, family, acquaintance. HELP ME PLEASE",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9862694144248962 2017-12-12 06:24:39,"I need to vent. Guysoch everyone needs to knw what infatuation is betam new yedegagemcut sry for that but seriously Infatuation:a very strong feeling of love or attraction towards sb/sth, especially when these are unreasonable and do not last long. Think about it im not saying all u guys are infatuated but u cant be in love with someone u barely knw. Maybe ur in love with the image u have created of them in ur head. Infatuation is very idealistic. When ur infatuated u only see the good sides nd ignore the bad ones. Just think about it",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9939071536064148 2017-12-12 06:24:45,"I need to vent. Is it really wrong to wait till marriage to have sex....?...staying clean for your one n only hubby isn't that right n at the same time sweet?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982934594154358 2017-12-12 06:24:51,"I need to vent. not to be that girl but there is this guy that asked me out for a whole year. is it about time i say yes tho i have no feelings or whatsoever for humans and their kinds at all. gotta help a poor boy out or should i just tell him i am in a serious relationship with myself.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983017444610596 2017-12-12 15:39:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I'm a 21 year old girl and I've never kissed a guy is that weird?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9907031059265137 2017-12-12 18:10:25,"I need to vent. Okay so how do you know the guy you just started seeing is really just protective in a cute way or is turning into a borderline possessive boyfriend?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9919863939285278 2017-12-12 18:10:41,"I need to vent. Hi I am a guy who is in love with my bestfriend. I know her for more than 5 years but idk if i am right to love her or not, we ve been close since the day we met, i wish she know it by herself but, should i keep quite or tell her how i feel?",love,NEGATIVE,0.5375880002975464 2017-12-12 18:16:16,"I need to vent. So here it goes I started going out with this guy almost two month ago And we still not officially in relationship I feel like he's avoiding the whole relationship thing I'm scared that he's just after my virginity not after my heart I feel like this road is only gonna ruin me Because I'm falling for him What should I do? Should I stop seeing him and move on ? Fyi Whenever we meet he usually kiss me and touches me I'm totally okay with it but his touches feels like their not outta love, Just lust",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9966757297515869 2017-12-12 18:20:32,"I need to vent. Hello guys I am a 21 year old boy and i am at a position where i dont give a crap about dating and ""chasing girls"" stuff. Almost all of my friends have g.fs and they ask me why i dont even try. I mean i dont mind having a gf but i dont think i can give her the love or even the time she deserves. And i think its because of this reason why my ex broke up with me. Am at a point where all i think about is my future work and such(currently am a student but i do some part time jobs -am very busy). My future worries me so much that i dont even have time for fun. and am afraid of missing out on the dating stuff. What do u guys say? P.s sry for makin it long and boring",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9953827261924744 2017-12-12 18:54:33,"I need to vent. I had this girl friend for about 2 months now and after seeing that things weren't working out I decided to break it off but now she's threatening to kill her self I thought it was a bluff but now the texts she sends me are very harsh I would get back with her but now I have a new GF please help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998392641544342 2017-12-12 20:28:59,"I need to vent. Hey there .. pls pls tell me wt to do.. i rly rly rly like this girl... i kinda know her for a year.. we were just texting buddies.. recently she got into our school... i tried to talk to her twice... gin she is acting hard to get nd extremely confident.. nd... she's nat giving me time to meet her in person... so pls pls tell me wt to do.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9952439665794373 2017-12-12 20:31:22,"I need to vent. Okay here is my deal, i am oversharing i think, i like talking to ppl, joking around, tell my secrets to ppl i think are my besties. I get too close to ppl too fast... i am the only one oversharing whinning over little shit, while others are all mature and shit. I feel really depressed sometimes.... i get panic attacks! i just feel stupid and immature. i am! but then again only God could help",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9990154504776001 2017-12-12 20:52:25,"I need to vent. I had a crush on a girl so I told my friend about this and he told me that I should talk to her more often so I did that and then in the process I started liking her even more then one day I asked her out then she told me that she wasn't ready for another relationship ship then I told this to my friend then he was talking to at the same time as I was so he asked me if it was okay for him ask her out I said k u can then when he did she told him that she liked him too.then he told me about everything then I'm ignoring her to forget her not to like her but to hate her but I can't id even know why tho. my friend always tells me when they make out minamn so yane when he tell me those things I get depressed like for real.what can I do about this?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9943637847900391 2017-12-12 20:56:08,"I need to vent. To those who vent and ask a question if you don’t have a comment button how r we supposed to fucking answer the dame things",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992294311523438 2017-12-12 21:10:58,"I need to vent. Okay so this might not seem like a problem for some of you gin im really having a problem with school all my marks are decreasing and i have zero intrest when it comes to studying dero zer used to be some kind of a force that makes me study and try to do good even when i don't want too but now I don't know what's wrong but I have lost all the motivations in me and im always in a mood swing ,I get depressed easly and im so lazy ! I don't know what's wrong wid me , im an 11 greader and i have to take SAT after like 4 month and matrick is next year. I have a single mom who works her ass off for me but im joking around. I want to get a scholarship but ik already ruining my transcript! I don't know what to ,do im lost ! And I just feel so lonely If I don't talk to ppl online or smtn and i can't even study with my freinds ! WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO ? ps. I have abt 3 test tmw but here I am...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995771050453186 2017-12-12 21:11:14,"I need to vent. Hello people I am boy who has a big problem talking to women. Ohh that was big I will be terrified even when a women sat with me in a taxi. I don't know what to do. I plan to meet some new girls it was fool but I also read dozens of books but I can't even look a girl in the eye .so guys am I goin to die alone ...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9967418313026428 2017-12-12 21:16:49,"I need to vent. Here's the thing. I'm crushing over two best friends. What should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978792667388916 2017-12-12 21:44:19,"I need to vent. I had the greatest epiphany of the year when i was going by the taxi with a dear friend. See i was bitching about the current problem i was in... a problem i couldn't see through, not because i couldn't walk pass by it, but only because i made my self stay there. I was blabbering how unlucky i was and that the same problem kept happning to me and that i have no hope in the future... why am i so unlucky, why cant i get a break...then she stopped me and said ""You have nothing to bitch about, your life is perfect the way it is"". Then i stopped obsessing over the shit bugging me and I started thinking. This made me realize i wasn't thanking God for his gratuitous gift he kept throwing at my way, making every step i took forward with my life easier while i was too blinded by the smalest and insignificant problems which i overthought into some other level. Why do we do that? Let this vent go out for that amazing friend! Love you so freeking much!",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9822807908058167 2017-12-12 21:44:29,"I need to vent. I'm in love with a girl who's my best friend but id think I can tell her bc she might say no bc I thought she only see me as a friend but I don't bc her personality is so cool I like her soo much but I'm afraid she might say no if I ask her what should I do shouldn't I tell her or should I just continue with the act?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9963982105255127 2017-12-12 21:55:41,"I need to vent. Hi today in the taxi there was this handicapped lady and then she wanted to sit in front but the redat lied to her he said the ppl in front are the same as you but no they were not,, then we said let she sit at the back he said terf eyezalew so she cant then he said will you pay then we said yes we will pay then we pay for her we were heading to bole we gave him 4 Birr then the lady said weraj flamingo ga the price was 3 birr,, we asked him to give us the money back he said no it was only one birr it was ok but his selfishness made us mad,,, thank you for reading",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9969018697738647 2017-12-12 21:57:20,"I need to vent. I'm in a long distance relationship, at 1st every thing was amazing n wonderful but now after 7 months things are getting boring n we both know it inside but can't let it out wtf?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.6451801657676697 2017-12-12 22:12:27,I am in love with a girl who have a baby is it okay to go out with her?,love,POSITIVE,0.9367109537124634 2017-12-12 22:17:40,"I need to vent. Here is the thing I I want to know what's wrong with me before people used to beg me to date me and now no one seems to date me all they want to do is fuck and keep it moving and I'm not in to all of that and so I haven't dated anyone in 6 years and every one arounf me has a boy friend or a girlfriend and so I kid of find my self trying to go out with people these days that I would have never considered before and I tell my self its because I need to stop being picky and give people a chance but deep down inside I feel like its because I am starting to be desperate. So what do u think I'm doing wrong did I change and start attracting fuck boys or what is it...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998324453830719 2017-12-12 22:23:11,"I need to vent. A confused soul after a rather awkward experience. To all the guys out there have you ever fingered a girls bum bum? If so why? What's the reason behind it please explain",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981204867362976 2017-12-12 22:26:02,"I need to vent. What is love how does it feel is it normal that I don't feel mad or sad when my bf meets with his exgf ?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9941515326499939 2017-12-12 22:54:52,"I need to vent. So im a 3rd year in college n thr is this guy i like but i haven't got any chance to talk too him n im not that good talking to people that i don't know and am bad at smiling ppl think am rly mean but am not. tried to find him on social media but i think he doesn't have one. Any idea's on how can i get him to talk to me or anything it would be really helpful.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991673231124878 2017-12-13 00:04:29,"I need to vent. Seems like any interest I have for school is gone. I don't see the point of wasting time doing thesis which has so little use besides its not like we are getting the knowledged we should get. I'm confused and don't know what to do.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9997599720954895 2017-12-13 09:06:21,The problems regarding negative and zero comments will be fixed. Sorry for the inconveniences,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993492960929871 2017-12-13 14:57:24,"I need to vent. This is my deepest darkest secret I am 24 yrs old. I had this boyfriend I truly loved for about one yrs and a half but it all ended when he liked my room mate over me I was disappointed am an aggressive person and I went straight to the girl house nd we had a big argument which led us to a fight I was trying to defend my self as I pushed her down the stairs. The floor hit her so hard she didn't make it. I got so shocked I run away from her house. But her parents thought she died of an accident. But she didn't",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981881976127625 2017-12-13 14:57:38,"I need to vent. hello everyone .. i am student at mekele university, i am so worried here but i am not seeing anything ... like there are defences all around the compound and there are alot of rumours and heard one student died yesterday ... my family is telling me to come home, i also wanna go home ... but when i think about class i got confused... plz help me ... i am lost",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9991047978401184 2017-12-13 15:29:00,"I need to vent. I really really like my best friend and I wanna ask him out..but I'm afraid of rejection...he always says he loves me..idk if that's like true love or friendly love...should I give it a try or??",love,POSITIVE,0.6735276579856873 2017-12-13 16:16:53,"I need to vent. Just a random thought. Is it possible to love two people at the same time?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986786246299744 2017-12-13 17:37:54,"I need to vent. I just wanna know whether its only me that hate ppl n things I fantasized abt the very moment I get them like if I liked this guy n if he like flirts wiz me n stuff my interest goes to 0... Wat should I do i rly want to stop help me guys n peace out",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9978651404380798 2017-12-13 19:02:40,"I need to vent. I hate my dad 2 death he doesn't hear me some times i wonder if he's not my father idk wht 2 do I'm a high school student n most of u know how u r in high school he won't allow me 2 do anything on my own I'm literally in house arrest all most all z time if i go out it's either wiz my mam dad or bro he always kicks me i rly don't know wht 2 do If u hve been through wht I'm going through plzzzzzz Helpp me wht to do plzzzz",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9985535740852356 2017-12-13 19:03:21,"I need to vent. This is not a vent actually well there is that feeling that I have if u always care for everyone u will be the only one who will be left off of ever thing but why do ppl don't like the person that cares for them why does this always happens to that person that cares about everyone",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997334897518158 2017-12-13 19:10:30,"I need to vent. So I'm a senior this year and I thought it was gonna be the best year of my school-life... but so far everything has gone bad and it's startin to make me sad cuz I feel like I'm gonna regret wastin this year... does anyone know how to turn this for the better?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999108612537384 2017-12-13 20:22:31,"I need to vent. Is it better to be in a r/s or just have fun with anyother girl? Or a guy, if your a girl?... I prefer the former",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9970884919166565 2017-12-13 22:31:28,"I need to vent. So it's it just me or are all ya oblivious to what's happening???? Don't u hear the news?? Don't u check your fb accounts??(Idk if it works ahun) ...don't u have brothers n sisters in campus???aren't some of u in campus??? How can u talk about stupid crush's n what not right now??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999559223651886 2017-12-13 22:44:59,"I need to vent. To the person that just commented saying ""will we solve anything by talking about it here""...idk how to reply to u on the here I am. Did we solve anything for all the ppl here that vent about their dramas?? (No offence)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986390471458435 2017-12-14 05:35:08,"I need to vent. Does looks really matter for guys, like more than the personality?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986466765403748 2017-12-14 05:35:16,"I need to vent. I have this wierd feeling around people's specially with the ones I just get to meet I can't even get the mood to say a word to them till they are the silence breakers or get me in the vibe to talk with....because of this people think am more of the girl who is serious and strict about everything .......i don't really know why they judge me just by this. What do u say about it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9923198819160461 2017-12-14 05:35:44,"I need to vent. So i was walking around with a heel and I fell flat on my face. It's ok I wasn't hurt or anything except my front tooth felt a little numb. Anyways it was so embarrassing and the worst part is nobody helped me up. And I was feeling so happy too.",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9771237969398499 2017-12-14 05:36:11,"I need to vent. Every time I tend to be nice to guys, it comes up a bit flirtatious and I always seem to mislead them. And I can't seem to difference the two. Help a girl out.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9940231442451477 2017-12-14 07:30:46,"I need to vent. I'm in precollege this yr and in trouble with studying. I used to love school, hw, assignments, tests, and all of that. But this year I'm not that's morning person excited for school I wish if I didn't have to go to school. And my friends even complaining abt me being quiet. Am in a low mood. Anybody who has got idea how to make me love studying again so I could wake up in a good mood and have fun (be my old self) all day.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9918696880340576 2017-12-14 07:31:00,"I need to vent. Every time I tend to be nice to guys, it comes up a bit flirtatious and I always seem to mislead them. And I can't seem to difference the two. Help a girl out.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9940231442451477 2017-12-14 09:47:03,"I need to vent. There is some guy i like I mean not just like but loveeee him.but whats concerning me is every girl likes himshould i tell him orr...",love,POSITIVE,0.9483863115310669 2017-12-14 09:53:40,"I need to vent. My girl cheated on me with another dude she claims to have only seen or met one day, she came to me with all the hickies on her neck, I don't know if I should forgive her or not, although she promises that it was a mistake and that it will never happen again. I'm confused.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992501139640808 2017-12-14 10:22:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys can u help me out with something..i have an addiction of weed i can't concentrate with out smoking i can't even read what can i do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9959688186645508 2017-12-14 11:47:32,"I need to vent. This guy called biruk is commenting ""Issa comment"" on every vent posted and it's really affecting my visit to the vent here channel what should I do?",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9852862358093262 2017-12-14 14:00:34,"I need to vent. Okay, I need your honest opinion pls... am a grown up woman...never had sex first time sex painful ? Idk...i fear zat it'll be very painful",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9919952154159546 2017-12-14 14:19:36,"I need to vent. So I'm in bit of dilemma so i have two tickets for a concert ena should i give it to my sister or to another woman frnd mine...(currently im not dating)....esti min telalchu",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988595247268677 2017-12-14 16:58:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need help..... There is this girl I like her but its for sex I really wanna fuck her so bad n ditch her I am trying to make her fall in love with me just to get her virginity .... He question is that should I do it or not??? Am struggling not to but I couldn't drop it",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9974071383476257 2017-12-14 17:01:46,"I need to vent. Why do we always compare a guy's behavior to what could've been worse.... Like ""I said no to sex and he's being a jerk but hey at least he didn't force himself on me"" or ""we had a disagreement and he just insulted me you know he wasn't physically viloent"" why do men always get away with being disrespectful....why do we let them make us feel so small??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9954493641853333 2017-12-14 17:03:57,"I need to vent. So I have a question. Why does it only takes a car to impress girls? I don't get it?. If someone has a car suddenly they are something big!!! Why?. And nowadays it's not only girls but also guys Too!!!. Why is that?. I mean give chances to hard working people like me Too!!!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975605010986328 2017-12-14 17:04:57,"I need to vent. I don't know wht is wrong wit me. I prefer masturbation over physical sex. When i masturbation i don't mean using porn. I don't watch porn just raw masturbation. Some of you may say because i don't have gf, just thos moth weak i slept with 5 different girls. Why i enjoy masturbation over sex and how can i start liking physical sex",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9952253103256226 2017-12-14 18:01:13,"I need to vent. This actually is not a vent but a question......what do u do when u miss a person so much but ur in bad terms with them and they r not good for u??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995489716529846 2017-12-14 18:02:07,"I need to vent. Am a senior high school student nd am having a trouble on studying math I truly hate the subject I stopped learning or payin attention while I was in 7th grade I can't seem to solve any problems literally am dumb in math n tomorrow I have a big exam comin up I don't know what to do help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994668364524841 2017-12-14 18:04:23,"I need to vent. Its not a vent but am I the only one who hate white ppls song I mean I am addicted to old school hiphop n I am a big fan of tupac",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9503572583198547 2017-12-14 18:06:36,"I need to vent. I need advice on how to stop caring abt a person as a freind and hate him cause I can't be friends with him anymore",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993230104446411 2017-12-14 18:49:13,"I need to vent. Ok so someone commented to tell them more about about what this guy did to me he hurt me so bad he plays with my heart sometimes he ignores me and other times he talked to me he tells people bad stuff about me he just insults me he not my friends but classmate and I need to get him out of my life",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969555139541626 2017-12-14 18:51:33,"I need to vent. I miss him so much...I miss my baby. But he just moved on like what we had meant nothing. He said we would b together forever...but he left me...he left me so broken.......I would give anything to have him back.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9950535893440247 2017-12-14 19:44:45,"I need to vent. Ok Here is the deal guys....I think that I can't only be wiz one girl,like I Wana fuck every single cute girls out there till I am out zat white this a problem?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989635944366455 2017-12-14 19:51:32,"I need to vent. Am I the only one who is so busy working and keeping my head straight that I forgot to get a boyfriend and to get a life ‍‍‍?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982604384422302 2017-12-14 19:51:40,"I need to vent. Let me just let it out. The thing is now a days I realize that my happiness depends on Wt others think about me. Like if anybody says or do good thing to me u can't even imagine how much I'm happy at that moment. But when the opposite happens I will become totally depressed Idk hw 2 express it.. But it is really bad feeling. & I hate to be like this. I'm asking u guys if any of u can give me any advice, book, link Whatever it is that can help?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988723397254944 2017-12-14 20:18:10,"I need to vent. Have you ever experienced that you try to be a good person and everyone around you tries to take advantage and when you try to ask a someone favour or expect the same they turn their back on you it like they don’t think you can be like them and that pisses me off and you wouldn’t find them in the same place as you are right now and how smug they are to you",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990265369415283 2017-12-14 20:18:22,"I need to vent. Hey people! So I need your help on this one. I sweat alot, I don't have bad odor or anything but it's embarrassing it got better when I started using antiperspirants but I still sweat so easily. What do I do?",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9849931001663208 2017-12-14 20:46:29,"I need to vent. So here is the thing I have a boyfriend and I've been mad at him for some silly things(but he does them repeatedly)...and I kinda lost my appetite to talk to him, I don't call text or anything. And now I promised him we'll talk abt it today but I still don't know what to say or how to express what my reasons were. It's killing me cuz I I know am hurting him and I love him and I want us to be better. Any advise?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992471933364868 2017-12-14 21:29:08,"Hey... I'm having this feelings that me and my gf totally acting like we don't know each other, we sometimes act like strangers and I don't know what to do... Everytime we talk she don't act like the same when she talks to her friends and I really want to talk to her about everything face to face but she is shy and I'm also shy and I don't know what to do. I'm totally out of my mind so please help!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9885724782943726 2017-12-14 22:32:08,"I need to vent. Wht wud u do if ur a student living wiz ur parents n uk that they r capable of buying u things wht u want gen they wont even if u asked them a thousand times In simple words wht if ur parents starts or r selfish wht wud u do? A little bit of help plzzz",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988158941268921 2017-12-14 22:39:34,"I need to vent. Who else here is scared for the future of Ethiopia? As in seeing where the path of the generation lies...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998595654964447 2017-12-14 22:48:32,"I need to vent. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to live anymore. I wonder if anyone would really care if I was gone. I don't want to kill myself or anything. I would never do that. But I just feel like I'm not really doing anything with my life. And I'm just tired of not being able to make a change and just being the same. I'm not living at all, just going through the motions of life and only existing.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995444416999817 2017-12-15 08:26:50,"I need to vent. I really need to let this out. So what I hang out with him it's not that we sleep together we're just friends I don't care if things are gonna change later life is too short to worry about this little things. I know I'm not gonna fall for him n in a crazy miraculous kinda way if I do then that's feeling alive for me it will take time then I'll get over him big deal I'm just sick of this mother Fucking judgemental people. Who said he is taking advantage of me if I enjoy our talks atleast he is being honest with me. Shit may happen let it its ma life not urs. This was killing me n I'm glad I let it out. Stop judging. Plz I wanna live ma life free n happy.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9780418276786804 2017-12-15 08:29:13,"I need to vent. I am a campus student who is still afraid of commiting in a relationship not because i don't want to but because i am really nerdy and laconic person and i dont think i have anything to talk about on dates....what do u think i shud do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980533123016357 2017-12-15 08:37:06,"I need to vent. Hey ppl , my problem is that I'm sick of life , for all kids here in Ethiopia i won't blame u if ur sick of life to cause we don't do anything we just repeat the same cycle everyday and we can't make it interesting . So that's one of my probs im bored all day . The other one is that I have a lot of probs in life well first my parents r divorces they have been divorced since I was 9 now I'm 16 so it's kinda hard, my grades r not that bad abut I'm leaving to college in 3 years and they have to excellent I try my best but don't succeed and this is my other problem. So tell me what I should do pls.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991586208343506 2017-12-15 08:40:09,"I need to vent. In my life, I see a LOT of good guys being played by girls. It's the usual crap, they get freindzoned, work up the courage to ask them out then get rejected with the typical 'I'm not ready for a relationship' or some bullshit. Then the guys get depressed and have to depress me too.. So I've decided to share dating rules that completely changed my life. 1. Flirt LIGHTLY with a minimum of 5 girls(you know will never meet eachother ) at a time. It will boost your confidence and if you get rejected by one,trust me you won't give a shit. you still have 4 more :) 2. Finding something you love to do which will occupy your time. If you are busy, you won't have time to waste on useless pursuits. It will also make you love your life which gives you a positive aura. 3. I don't think I have to say this, but keep your hygiene in order. Be on point.Smell like a fucking rose garden. 4. If a girl expresses, she wants to go out with you , then go for it. Don't get a big head just because you have 4+ other options. 5. Divide the girls in your life into 4 stages. -> stage one: Shes just there to boost your confidence. You flirt with her but you don't have any real plans for her. If a girl rejects with 'I'm not ready for a relation...' or 'it's not a good time for me.' then this is also where you put her. There's no such thing as too much flirt practice, so put her time wasting ass to good use. Talk to her whenever you FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT. I recommend 5-10 girls. -> stage two: She likes you and you are going on dates. Respect her, but don't give up your flirt game. Text/talk to her on the regular, she's earned that. I recommend 1-2 girls. -> stage three: You and the girl are having fun and she's proving she's one of the good ones. Be good to her, surprise her with nice things. Stop your other flirt game but still have it ready just in case. Talk daily. I recommend only 1 girl. -> stage four: do I need to say it? She is your queen. Don't ever disrespect her. Talk to her on the daily or whenever she needs you.Burn your flirt contacts. They have served their purpose. 6. Don't bother your friends with girl issues because MAYBE they have problems of their own and SICK of your Shit. I hope this helps at least one guy. I was trying to vent something positive out of my frustrations. Sorry its long .",approval,NEGATIVE,0.5829185247421265 2017-12-15 08:57:38,"I need to vent. I use to date these guy and we dated like for 2 month mnamn and he just broked up with me I mean I was hoping we get long and he was so in to me and I don't know what just happened I don't want to get back with him but am just in bad mud I mean I don't talk to any guy I ignore them like I am in r/n what should I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986095428466797 2017-12-15 09:15:03,"I need to vent. So what is it all with the sex thing I don't really get it I mean it's being like water to a r/n I mean love is just a word now a days I mean is there any guy who want serious r/n do they even exist",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997238039970398 2017-12-15 09:34:01,"I need to vent. No matter what I do. It looks like it's never going to be good enough. May be it's time I quit. I give up",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996898174285889 2017-12-15 11:11:01,"I need to vent. Im a romantic guy who wants to treat a girl like a queen and to be honest i don have any problems getting the girl .the thing is ,i have a problem passing that 3 month limit. And i want to pass that limit but there is always sth happening . I have my own issues like i run the other way went things get a lil hard and I sometimes get bored with the relationship minamin gin i wanna change that and get myself into that long term relationship i crave. I need help??",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9936611652374268 2017-12-15 13:16:41,"I need to vent. It has always been hard for me to see myself apart from the people around me I always find myself stressing over petty things and I overly care about what others think of me. lately I have lost the confidence I once had I have let the impressions others have for me to define me I no longer have good grades or kills me every time I think about how my personality has been shaped to someone I don't even know before....every single day I wake up being on the verge of dropping everything ..I no longer know myself,or my goals,or what am capable of though something inside me does tell me I am capable of bringing my self back...I just don't have enough of it....I really need help Sorry its too long",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996675252914429 2017-12-15 14:36:12,"I need to vent. I have ""Injera"" addiction I must eat at least once a day! Unless I'll freak out! Like literally! What the fuck should i do people?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9991809725761414 2017-12-15 15:29:44,"I need to vent. So hi beautiful ppl, i cant get along with my big brother , we always fight, ena gin dena nachiw aydel",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9194116592407227 2017-12-15 16:34:45,"I need to vent. How do u decide whether to stay and fight for a person or to walk away with the little pride u hv left?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992696642875671 2017-12-15 16:40:15,"I need to vent. The thing that i really don't get is why girls make sleeping with a dude a big deal? ...It's fun plus it shows how intimate you're with your partner. You are becoming so boring these days ugh",joy,NEGATIVE,0.6494184136390686 2017-12-15 18:09:56,"I need to vent. I'm in love with you, I've been in love with you since you asked me to be in a relationship with you and I'll remain in Love with you forever. You'd never even dream I'd fall in love with you, ever . It hurts me when I remember the day I told you not to even think about a rln/shp between us. I told you I only want friendship. you were heartbroken. you couldn't stop thinking about me untill now cuz you call all the time. I never answered. The thing is, I'm scared. I'm afraid I would hurt you in the future if we were together because there are things you don't know about me. Good bye my sunshine",love,POSITIVE,0.5027188062667847 2017-12-15 18:23:36,"I need to vent. Im 20 and a girl, im virgin n i hvnt been in a rlnship, eskawn, d u think my life is fucked up?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982130527496338 2017-12-15 18:23:41,"I need to vent. why doesn't he say fuck you for some shit that is super silly my goodness. and I thought he was humble, kind and nice. what did I ever see in this immature freak?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.99363774061203 2017-12-15 18:50:14,"I need to vent. Why does he say he doesn’t want me, again and again, but can’t let go and acts in a way that he wants me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.511540412902832 2017-12-15 18:52:43,"I need to vent. So here's the problem …… I'm the worst procrastinator to ever walk this earth. For instance I wanted to write this vent a FUCKING WEEK AGO. Needless to say it has a devastating impact on my education. How do I stop this? It was a little better when I had a girlfriend cuz I didn't want to disappoint her but after I found out that she cheated on me I sunk deeper into the procrastination quagmire. Somebody help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993845224380493 2017-12-15 18:55:28,"I need to vent. Hey I am 20 year old guy that is in love with my friends girl friend we have hooked up like 4 times or something and she seemed like she likes me too and she is just afraid of telling him so should I tell him or should she or should we just quit it help pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9963065385818481 2017-12-15 18:57:01,"I need to vent. This is more like a suggestion than a vent. We would really appreciate it if ppl on this channel stop giving offencive comments. This is the place where most ppl cone to confess and get advise not ur offencive comments. Some of them are already carrying a huge amount of guilt, shame, or the feeling of not being wanted. Am not saying I support everything which is written here but at least I refrain from giving comments that would make the person feel more worse than they were feeling. So pls.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997488260269165 2017-12-15 19:27:25,"I need to vent. Hve u ever felt ur alone well that's how i feel right now due 2 a lot of reasons... My crush is my best friend my teacher my soul partner my everything we even call eachother like that ""my everything"" but not anymore cuz i told him how i feel abt him he said he feels z same too but that he's afraid ya ik wht ur question might be ... wht is he afraid of idk too whether it's abt losing me or ashamed of me as in like being in a relationship wiz me btw his 11 yrs older than me i wish i cud do sth abt it but now i think it's better to move on If u hve any different suggestions i wud lve 2 hear them",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976702332496643 2017-12-15 19:34:40,"I need to vent. My ex-girlfriend always used to complain about how I didn't love her and how I never think about her. But only if she had the chance to be in my head for a day, she would have understood what she meant to me. How I planned to tell her everything I had in mind, every plan I had for my future and every joke I heard. I want you to know you have grown deep involuntary roots in my head and that it's going to take a very long time for me to pluck those roots of memories out of my head. I'm sorry for everything I did to you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9952585101127625 2017-12-15 19:37:05,"I need to vent. I have been friends with this guy for a year now and we became really close , As best friends but he keeps giving me signs he likes me even tho he is currently in a relationship I don't know what to do help!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.6387957334518433 2017-12-15 19:38:33,"I need to vent. This one goes to all the thirsty niggas who comment on vent posts about how a girl is scared to lose her virginity or she's scared of being in relationships... with their identities revealed. She's not gonna PM you bruh, you need some juice",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9953109622001648 2017-12-15 19:41:05,"I need to vent. This is a weird one. I used to like this girl for a long time. So i approached her and we talked. But her breath was really bad.and after that i donno but i dont think i like her anymore. Now i am tryin my best to hide from her. What should i do guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963690042495728 2017-12-15 19:47:43,"I need to vent. I hate the fact that I'm still in love with my ex. She cheated on me and it hit me with the force of a million punches. I was in denial for like 7 months until I found out that it was really true …… that she cheated on me and is currently with the person she told me not to worry about. But I can't still get her out of my mind. She was my first actual girlfriend and I gave her everything. I was head over heels for her. And now the logical side of me hates her, but there's still a tiny bit of me that still loves her. Even though this part is tiny the voice it has is crystal clear. If, say, I had amnesia, and I was to meet her again I'm 100% sure I would fall head over heels for her AGAIN. And that scares the crap out of me.",love,POSITIVE,0.9888556599617004 2017-12-15 19:48:00,"I need to vent. My best friend for 11years and my ex for about a year are dating, I'm in the same class as both of them and its really weird, everyone thinks its very sad how she did that to me buy I don't say anything, do you think I should accept it or is it really disgusting how she did that to me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990478157997131 2017-12-15 19:54:53,"I need to vent. I have a situation where I can’t make myself happy. I’m always stressed out by school and everything else going on in my life. I wish I could just run away and start a fresh life. But I have responsibilities and people I care about so I don’t. I don’t want to be this way. I want my happiness more than money or anything. What do I do?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9967083930969238 2017-12-15 19:56:13,"I need to vent. I don't think that everyone knows what they are talking about when they say that they are depressed. Have you lost the courage to get out of bed for days on end and just stayed on it? Have you always felt tired and torn down to do anything? Have you avoided the company of anyone just so they don't see you in your tarnished form? Have you ever been incapable of doing anything small because you had that dark thought that deep down you know there is no point to it? Have you ever felt suicidal and actually tried to commit suicide by doing the most daring things out there? Most importantly, have you ever felt all of the above for a reasonably long amount of time? If your answer to all of the above is ""yes"" then congratulations you are depressed. Read more about it and Seek medical help immediately. You are not alone. There are people who can help with that sort of thing. As for the rest of you fake depressed people, chill. y'all just in a bad day. That's all. Stop using that word like a mainstream justin bieber song title. Cheers!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980721473693848 2017-12-15 20:09:07,"I need to vent. Ladies, If you had a choice between sensitive or mind blowingly hot. What would you choose?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9954884648323059 2017-12-15 20:09:26,"I need to vent. Here's to all my fellow virgin guys and girls who think that there is something wrong with them or doubt themselves.... here is the thing THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! I REPEAT NO FREAKING THING IS WRONG WITH YOU. Let's all take a moment and realize that every decision we make today will be affecting us no sooner than we expect. Excuse me if I do not want to have sex when I know that I cannot bear the emotional and physical baggage it comes with. And excuse me if I don't want to take no freaking birth control pills and what not and worry till my head explodes weather I'm pregnant or not. Also excuse me if I valuing my body and wanting it to be this way. Being a virgin is actually a blessing. Believe it or not. I just do not get it why people are rushing it. I'm a virgin and I'm 23 and I'm so proud of me. And I do not care if I am going to be 30 or 40 to have sex. Because I know it's going to worth everything. And it was not because I didn't have the chance to do it, but because I want to wait for the right time. End of discussion. Do not feel any less cool or not modern and whatever the freaking adjective is used these days for being a virgin. Thank you.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9527992010116577 2017-12-15 20:27:55,"I need to vent. I like him i rlyyyy do i wud lve 2 tell him every time i talk to him gen ik he wud start saying I'm not gd enough 4 u eko which will make me mad but i dont know wht 2 do HELP?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961637258529663 2017-12-15 20:44:07,"I need to vent. Here is the thing I found someone 2 years ago.he was so good at a time n I was new for relationship. ..n I fall in love n give him everything..n he became careless for me .he will left me at any time n will get me after weeks .it was hard for me to leave him cos m in love at a time also because of him comming at last time of ma decision. ..I've been so hurted by that relationship. N gradually I tried to convince my self n leave him even if I loved it's been more than 6 months since I clearly leave him but I faced a problem of hating other guys...seeing as they all r carelesses...n I become senseless I even hate a guy dat I met after some days...n m fearing dat if I never fall in love n I never have a relationship again.I need ur help..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977204203605652 2017-12-15 21:17:44,"I need to vent. Am crazy about my player best friend like seriously head over heels in love with him and I think he likes me too but we know way too much about each other to do anything about it . Help help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9947212934494019 2017-12-15 21:26:48,"I need to vent. How do uk when a guy srsly doesn't deserve u?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988736510276794 2017-12-15 21:34:14,"I need to vent. I have been wondering about this for a while now. It has disturbed my life betam also.... do human beings as creations deserve happiness? Were we made to live happily or stay in depression? Because thats what it feels like right now",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9969204664230347 2017-12-15 21:38:03,"I need to vent. REAL HELP PLEASE I'm a university student. there is this teacher. He is giving me F because he wants sth from me..he heard from my friends tat I was single...and now he's in my way of learning..he even give F to my friend bc he is a man...I want to sue him in court but I couldn't get proof...and the dean and others believe him more than me...still yaschegregnal memar alchalkum PLEASE PLEASE HELP",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9833217859268188 2017-12-15 22:24:18,"I need to vent. Is it wrong to be attracted to good looks? I mean it doesnt matter how good of a personality a girl has.. I just cant be attracted to a girl unless she is good looking (for me)... Not boobs n ass or anything but looks....Is it only me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9969369173049927 2017-12-15 22:32:33,"I need to vent. I keep on feeling like a horrible person. Like today I made a few friends wait for me so that we could leave together but then we got to the taxi stop and i left them, I did this once before but one time I figured it was okay cause the person I left behind was with another person, I found out later that that person left her too. The other time there were four of us, and I got in the taxi cause I thought he would take all of us, but it turned out that he said he'd only take two people and that's why they didn't get in, but I was already in and I figured they already think I'm a douche anyway so the two of us left, now I know that I acted very shitty in both situations but I don't get why I keep on feeling guilty, I've never had a problem getting over guilt before but these days I can't seem to get over it, and I hate it. I hate this feeling! Ugh!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999004065990448 2017-12-15 23:35:02,"I need to vent. What will u guys do when ur gf suddenly becomes kinda alcoholic and ignore and mistreats u?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993535876274109 2017-12-16 05:33:59,"I need to vent. Im sick of this judgmental fucking idiots on this channel. I mean when someone comes for help the right thing to do is help. Noone wud ask for help if they know the answer for it so even if u think the question is stupid u gotta understand its a real issue for them ...why not keep quiet rather than insult someone for having a question . You guys are whats wrong in this world everyone has a right to have an opinion and everyone has a right to ask questions...but you (not everyone there are some decent human beings ) have no right to judge anyone. Help that person if u can or Mind your own God damn business.they can want looks over personality they can choose hot over sensitive they can get addicted to injera ,they can have a crush on thier best friend ,good for them but FUCK YOU for judging them! BUNCH OF SICK BASTARDS",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995648264884949 2017-12-16 05:34:29,"I need to vent. You had me before you even looked at me twice. You had me before I even knew it. I thought you were beautiful back then, I still think you’re the most handsome man inside and out. I don’t know why I can’t tell this to you but I hope you read this and think this maybe be to you. I loved you before you loved me. I don’t know what you see in me but I hope you keep seeing the mirage. I made peace with being unlovable, I made peace with no one looking at me like that, I made peace with me taking care of me, I made peace with being the only one to care till you came along. I know I act tough but you can break me so easily. You tore down the walls I built up all these years and made it to my fragile heart. I hope you take care of it because I know I won’t make it if you break it. I hope you know I love you more every single day. I hope you know I’m never going to break you like she did. I hope you know I don’t care about what other people say. I hope you know that I’m truly and madly in love with you. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you but I thank God every single day. Baby, thank you for tolerating my bullshit and being patient with me. I love you several trips to the mood and back",love,POSITIVE,0.9988865256309509 2017-12-16 07:17:28,"I need to vent. Hey so look I have a bf and before that we were best friends and he use to smoke drink and stuff like that but then I made him stop and he started again and idk what to do cause every time I tell him to stop he says I will and he doesn't and every time I get mad at him so that he would know that I don't want him to do it and I care about him his only answer is I'm sorry he doesn't give me any reason y he did it . I just care about him so much and I love him and I know he loves me back i just don't wanna see him ruining his life . What should I do????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9882084727287292 2017-12-16 07:47:37,"I need to vent. Hi there I just don't seem to care about any one or any thing and its really starting to bother me and hurting the ones around me i just seem to not to give a damn . I really need help guys.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996102452278137 2017-12-16 07:59:17,"I need to vent. Hey guys am not going to really vent here. I have a question pls is having sex the most privileged thing to do to have s successful life? Am just saying why do it always have to be about sex or romance? I believe that their is a whole wide world to explore",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9738161563873291 2017-12-16 08:22:19,"I need to vent. Is Any one here a crack addict",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978541731834412 2017-12-16 09:29:13,"I need to vent. So I'm dating this guy, We haven't reached the ""love stage"" yet, but he's casually said it to me. We both in highschool, nd I'm usually the one saying hi so one day, i wanted to see if hed come nd say hi, so i prolly ignored him that day, and so did he. Days went past without us talking, greeting, or even texting eachother. Its pretty strange.. Like we both online but nobody texts, an pretend he's not there kinda thing... I don't want to be the one to initiate a convo this time, and its like his ego is too big as well. Ik our relationship wont end but i still miss him, should i go ahead and talk to him this time as well or should i just keep this silly thing going on until he lowers his pride and talks?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993407130241394 2017-12-16 11:43:47,"I need to vent. So am 22 & a boy. I hv started working earlier (before 2 years). am employed on a gov't company (i earn good enough at this age i thnk) . So i didn't get z chance to spend campus life (i left @ Grade 11) and this girl friend stuff. And now there are no girls around work. And i hv no connection at all with my high school friends. What should you suggest to meet a new person (please don't say club) i don't think it's a gud idea.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994757771492004 2017-12-16 12:37:33,"I need to vent. Hi there I just don't seem to care about any one or any thing and its really starting to bother me and hurting the ones around me i just seem to not to give a damn . I really need help guys.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996102452278137 2017-12-16 15:00:14,"I need to vent. When I catch him staring at me and I ask, “What’s up?” He just smiles, shakes his head then gives me one of his heart warming hugs. He starts smiling in the middle of my endless rants and when I raise an eyebrow he says, “You have no idea how much I love you right now.”. He laughs and hugs me when I’m trying to be mad and says, “You’re too funny when you’re pissed”. He kisses my forehead when I lean on him. He finds my hand when we’re walking. He makes sure I don’t forget that I’m loved every chance he gets. I hope every girl finds her “king in grey hoodie” while she’s out there searching for her “prince in shining armor.”",love,POSITIVE,0.9989182949066162 2017-12-16 15:00:37,"I need to vent. This is not a vent just need a different perspective.... FACTS #1- so I suck. I keep wasting these chances I get of happiness. #2- I am scared of extra responsibilities that any relationship entails. #3- I have found myself in these patterns where I just leave without explaining why, when everything is going great, cause its so easy for me to do so. MISCONCEPTION #1- I am a rational being. PROBLEM #1- I keep leaving cause I am scared they would leave me before I did. It's not that it's makes me feel better about my self but I don't know.... ? #2- Am I being selfish?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983855485916138 2017-12-16 15:01:00,"I need to vent. so ashamed to say this... but this has been going on for 6 months or more. I'm so extravagant. every time i see new things or some tips on the internet i go for it n i immediately buy that thing. now i finished my money n start stealing from my mother. i tried to stop it but i couldn't. every time i stole i swear to my self not to do it again. but here i am. i didnt tell this thing to any soul. whenever i didstole from my mom i feel so regretful n pitful. this is so unfair she has been through a lot to get me here. please help",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9971665740013123 2017-12-16 15:01:17,"I need to vent. Hey guys I am addicted to this girl in my campus we chat a lot but not talk in person that much any way I don't know how to ask her out ..... I wanna treat her like a queen but we are not even in relationship",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9949694275856018 2017-12-16 19:12:03,"I need to vent. so ashamed to say this... but this has been going on for 6 months or more. I'm so extravagant. every time i see new things or some tips on the internet i go for it n i immediately buy that thing. now i finished my money n start stealing from my mother. i tried to stop it but i couldn't. every time i stole i swear to my self not to do it again. but here i am. i didnt tell this thing to any soul. whenever i didstole from my mom i feel so regretful n pitful. this is so unfair she has been through a lot to get me here. please help",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9971665740013123 2017-12-16 19:14:31,"I need to vent. I am addicted to watching porn.i wanna stop but I can't seem to manage.if you guys have any good advice please tell me and no jokes I am very serious.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9900206327438354 2017-12-16 19:55:54,"I need to vent. Heyyyy.... I NEED HELP (*disclaimer*this is long) am a girl in ma early 20s. I hate being vulnerable and cheesy. I have this no bullshit attitude n am super independent.In the past I had a horrible experience which made me hate people. Especially men . (This includes my guy relatives too. ) i tried to date guys b4 but I always flee when it starts a serious thing... often i lose all the attraction i felt for a guy as soon as he confesses (or when he kisses me, if I pass that stage) .... I have super cool platonic friendships..... so i started dating an acquaintance (i had a crush on him ...been 2 years since I got over him... but I started to feel attracted again so... + he was interested for like a year) we've been going on dates but I am not sure if I like him that much anymore....btw he's perfect ... #1 what do you call this?? What should I do? It's not just dating....if I think my friends are too serious about our friendship and think of a future together....I procrastinate then.....yup!FLEE...(I'm too private about my personal life) I want to trust people but I just can't... help please WHAT SHOULD I DO? ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9977713823318481 2017-12-16 20:28:27,"I need to vent. I've been talkin to this guy here on telegram and we've only seen eachother once. We talk almost everyday. He keeps on givin me signs that he's interested in me. But I can't seem to figure out what I should do? Help me ya'll?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9964470267295837 2017-12-16 20:28:46,"I need to vent. So here is z thing i get a along wiz ppl but dont show the real side of me i mean z depressed side of me cause am afraid zey will get bored of me eventually i couldn't get anyone zat close to me even my best friends n my fam. When i get along wiz ppl i make zem feel like zey r r close to me but not for me. I just cant open up its suffocating sometimes what should i do???",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984700083732605 2017-12-16 20:34:44,"I need to vent. I look at her eyes and .... I just think ""what else can I ask for""...I'm at that point in my life where everything is perfect, and I am so grateful for it. My current situation is so perfect that I wanna freeze time. But realistically speaking, time won't be frozen and some things will change. I just want her to know that my love won't.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9980189800262451 2017-12-16 20:39:45,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt so unwanted? Not by friends, not colleagues..but by the very people you call family. Everything you do is a disappointment. Every good thing you do comes back and bites you on the ass. What do you do when your own mother says she wishes you were dead? I wish I was a bad kid. I wish I stole. I wish I was a drunken asshole. I wish I didn't try so hard. Then she'd have a reason to despise me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974603652954102 2017-12-16 20:51:00,"I need to vent. This is not a vent...just a thought to encourage you. When you get too caught up in what people think of you,, or how bad you will look if you fail, you are at high risk of violating your own morals. Your intense desire to make yourself look good compromises your ability to stay true to yourself and, ultimately, to feel good. The best way to avoid falling prey to the opinions of others is to realize that other people’s opinions are just that—opinions. Regardless of how great or terrible they think you are, that’s only their opinion. Your true self-worth comes from within.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9283421039581299 2017-12-16 21:41:33,"I need to vent. ATTENTION VENTERS.. a long one but please consider... Hope y'all are doing well...from my fair amount of time on this channel I have observed how little of you comment back. 4+K subscribers yet 3-20 comments on posts. What's up with that? The only reason people vent is because they feel the need to talk to someone and the anonymity encourages honesty. If you really feel the pain and indecisiveness of someone why not comment? Even if you don't have much to say a simple 'you aren't alone' goes a long please guys, give it a shot. Reach out to one another. In a world where humility seems obsolete, we need every spark of hope we can find. Thank you for reading.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9566428661346436 2017-12-16 23:13:44,"I need to vent. I get jealous of everyone around me. My sister because she's beautiful, my best friends because i feel like they are better than me in looks or in school. I just have a very low self esteem and i don't know what to do about it. It gets in my way of experiencing life, and i think it also affects my relationships(although there have been none that i could really say that i have seen what it is like to be in a relationship..but zats another story nd complicated) anyways i feel like i won't meet anyone that will like me face to face...i always meet new guys online, and if im with my friends i never even think that anyone is looking at me, if they comment i just assume that its not for me..just its really hard feeling like im never gud enough with how i look..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969860911369324 2017-12-16 23:35:03,"I need to vent. Here is the thing i know for sure that i am over my ex but somehow i keep comparing all the guys that come to my life to him n i never seem to find them attractive i know the fact that I don't wanna get back with him but also I don't seem to move on too",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984506368637085 2017-12-16 23:39:37,"I need to vent. It’d be a waste to give me away to someone esle, that’s how you feel. but you don’t want me either so why do you keep torturing me? Now I know your horrible heart.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9975845813751221 2017-12-17 00:21:03,"I need to vent. Hello there, I really need ur advice There was a girl I was seeing and I met her through a friend of mine and we used to hang around a lot and I was falling for her and by the time I realized I tried to tell her and she never took it for granted over time I became obsessed with her and I would feel depressed If I don't see her or hear her voice and then I thought to distance myself from her and it was working till one day I run over her and she said she missed me and she missed hanging out with me and we started again and sometimes I don't get her Her action and her words doesn't meet nowadays she says she miss me but she never make time for me I don't what to do guys pls tell me something",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984161853790283 2017-12-17 08:15:48,"I need to vent. who ever wrote about the depression stuff thank you so much !! I used to get mad when people use that word suddenly like y'all don't even barely know about depression you might have a mental breakdown you might be stressed out for a while you might be obsessed with something you might have an anxiety And a lot more but it doesn't mean that you're depressed Depression is way more complicated its some serious mental illness that affects the way you think the way you feel and the way you act it can cause physical symptoms of pain appetites changes and sleep problems Severe feelings of sadness hopelessness and a lost of interest in activities it may even lead you to SUICIDE it can last long ( 6month - 2years) So to pin my point y'all should stop using that word ""depression"" for no reason",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9988191723823547 2017-12-17 08:21:32,"I need to vent. Well theres this guy i love we only went on one date and after a month im going out on a second date hes not my boyfriend hes more like a guy i rejected but i love any how before 2 days ago he asked me if i knew a hoe in our neighborhood and i was so mad cause she is LITREALLY a hoe and i snapped and i kinda lost all ma feelings for him cause he knows a lot of hoes ... what should i do ? Second date? Follow my hate feelings?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9990450739860535 2017-12-17 08:27:21,"I need to vent. soo here it goes....I have a frnd since last Feb we met in school cos I like his frnd n he likes mine we talk evry day but after a while our feelings washed away for them n we became gud frnds but now I like him so so much we talk evry day wiz out getn bored n I think he likes me back but am nat sure....pls help me out hw can Ik he likes me wiz out telling him ma feeling",love,POSITIVE,0.9860308170318604 2017-12-17 09:47:35,"I need to vent. Sup peeps so how do u know if a guy likes u or not I get all this signs but its hard to tell help especially the dudes how do u act around a girl u like or attracted is too",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992536902427673 2017-12-17 10:13:01,"I need to vent. This is not a vent This days girls don't have no respect for them self's and dudes take advantage of that. Its like being a hoe is a trend I mean like wtf srsly girls respect ur self if u don't respect ur self how do u expect some asshole to respect u. Am not saying the girls are always at fault there r some dickhead dudes out there more like most of them r but ladies don't fall for them I know its hard with there sexy body, fun attitude, all there player moves like saying all the good things but know there intentions first before falling for them and plsssss don't sleep with them most of us have got our hearts broken by them so for those who r not broken hope this helps",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.5391796827316284 2017-12-17 10:13:44,"I need to vent. I feel stuck......i've been in a serious r/ship with this guy whom i like very much for 2 years......hes a great guy and everything a girl could want.....but i don't think we're right for each other. .......i kinda hurt b/c of him with out him knowing it.....ena the only reason am not ending it is because i just simply can't.....i think i don't wanna be alone and i don't think i'll find a great guy like him.....i wish i could end it but i like him too much or am used to him so much........wht should i do??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991698265075684 2017-12-17 10:14:29,"I need to vent. How do you tell when a guy is cheating? What are the signs we girls are mostly too dumb or too in love to notice?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991890788078308 2017-12-17 10:35:53,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse hide my identity I have been single for a while but suddenly now i kinda met two guys one is kind of serious and busy he doesnt have time for the whole fun thing but is still caring and wants to a lot with me like the real relationship while the other is some one fun amazing and a person who is open and just wants to have fun. how do i choose am just 20 and i wanna have fun but still i want the real thing sometimes.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9968069791793823 2017-12-17 11:48:22,"I need to vent. So here's is z thing we like eachother gen we r not in a relationship n I'm a virgin but his not n i told him that I'm going 2 give 2 someone else then i asked him when was z last time he had s but he didn't want 2 tell me which was awkward because we tell everything to eachother so what do u think?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9978873133659363 2017-12-17 12:37:27,"I need to vent. What are the signs shown by men when they fell for a girl?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991931319236755 2017-12-17 12:46:30,"I need to vent. Actually its a questions for z girls out here. Why do get jealous of ur best friend getting to a relationship nd other stuffs??!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979152083396912 2017-12-17 13:51:04,"I need to vent. Hey this is something that has been bothering me for some time. I have a friend that i like my feelings are blurry when it comes to her and we are close and i also have a girlfriend that i love very much. I didn't cheat on my girlfriend but i want to spent more time with my friend and i do we are in the same campus. Knowing she is a little more than a friend it bothers me. I like them both i love my girlfriend but do i need to stop being with my friend just because it might lead to some slip up?",love,NEGATIVE,0.5274202823638916 2017-12-17 14:20:33,"I need to vent. Hay there .. here comes my drama I know this girl she is a Freshman this year and I know her online since she was in 11th grade and we kinda dated she always said she likes me but she don't love me she said I'm more than like but not love she never replayed I love you back ... and we dated for 3 weeks we meet up chill talk ... nothing ealse then I felt it was one sided love then I broke it off after some time we started talking a lot then I fall for her again but she said she was busy all the time that she got class and stuff ... then we stoped it again ... then before 2 weeks she called me then we started talking again she said sorry and we started thngs again .... but this time she came changed she use to be yebet lij but now she's always in hookah places with her frinds and all I mean I don't mind that coz I do that too once in a while but how can you trust a girl like that ..... and she told me she loved me for the first time today(she was tipsy )... and I really do love her too but how can I trust a girl like that should I ? .... she's just amazingly sweet but what should I do what if I get hurt again ??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9868561625480652 2017-12-17 14:29:43,"I need to vent. Hey guys would you please recommend some books that have impacted your life somehow? Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.7289875745773315 2017-12-17 14:39:18,"I need to vent. So this question is for guys. How do u feel about the good girls? Is it so wrong to not be going to clubs or not drinking getting high and shit...and to want a deeper connection with someone before u get to the physical stuff? Is a lack of experience that bad? Im not saying the girls who do those things are wrong, we are all different (live and let live ) but whats wrong with being the good girl?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984917640686035 2017-12-17 14:53:24,"I need to vent. Afternoon peeps, This days peeps are debating and I've got question for y'all what's love and the definition in a relationship and y'all who says your in love I hoping to hear your answers.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9019553065299988 2017-12-17 15:14:12,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm in high school and some guy asked me out and I said sorry I'm not in the mood for a relationship and I heard that before he asked me his best friend kind of told my best that his friend likes me and that he was gonna ask me and that before that that he wanted to know if I had a bf and my friend likes the guy that likes me and his friend likes her so she lied and said yes and after some time the guy that likes her left school and she asked the guy that likes me on a date literally the guy that likes her left school on Friday and she asked the guy that loves me on Monday behind my back and her crush said that he was still in love with me and u know whats worse I heard from another person and guys what should I do she and I have been best friends for almost like 4-5 years ...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989387392997742 2017-12-17 15:17:51,"I need to vent. I'm so fucking lifeless like... Damn any recommendations?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997850060462952 2017-12-17 15:46:32, I been with my bf for over a year now and I was wondering if I should dump him and be good friends or continue with the flow and see what happens even if that means I might get hurt...cause he doesn't seem to want a very serious relationship anymore...what should I do?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980523586273193 2017-12-17 15:47:14,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is my forth time venting..... There is this girl I like and she asked me out that time I wasn't feeling good so I rejected it but now its killing me I wanna ask her out but she ignored me after that day idk at to do help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9973547458648682 2017-12-17 16:36:29,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is not a vent but I got a question.... Can the developer of this bot see our identity??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988077878952026 2017-12-17 17:44:28,"I need to vent. wts up me out before it gets worse so I like a guy we know each other for abt a yr we know much abt each other except ma feeling for him....I think he likes me back cos he cares n get jealous but smtimes I think he don't cos he calls me sis....I need help I can't rly know his real feeling n I can't tell him mine cos it might ruin our r/ship but I rly rly wanna go out from z frnd zone so hw do I know if he likes me specially boys how do u act wn u like a gal",love,NEGATIVE,0.9979440569877625 2017-12-17 17:55:06,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt unloved or unwanted . I have i wish i could just be loved like find a man who can love me trough all my flaws love me trough all my bulls and just make me feel like a lady like a woman worthy of love . I want it but i haven had the chance to see it i just hope i find my love my boo my man my everything before its too late and i give up . B/c God knows i feel lonely and dark",desire,POSITIVE,0.6307584643363953 2017-12-17 20:11:14,"I need to vent. I hate men. They make me sick. I just wanna lead them on and then hurt them. All of them. Over and over and over again. Until they realize they ain't shit. Us women, are much smarter than they will ever be. But the problem is we are too nice. Boys will use all their dumb science on how to you with us while we willingly let them. I HATE them so much. They alllllll deserve to be hurt by the women they claim to love.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9966926574707031 2017-12-17 20:32:25,"I need to vent. Well hello, I figured this would be the place for me to find the solution to my problem since there are people with problems the same as mine, so here we go... I am still in love with my ex, he scrud up he did...but he appologized, a lot happened, people I considered friends got involved( worst mistake), we got back together around 4 months a go and didn't even last for a week, because my foolish ass gave lot of fuck to other people's feelings(ppl I thought would be hurt by us getting back together, ppl I considered bestfreinds who seem to be found nowhere now), I never admitted I loved him but I do! Man everytime memories hit me back, it hurts as fuck!! I sure can't get back with him, or even talk to him but I have to stop thinlong about him eventually, please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985742568969727 2017-12-17 20:45:04,"I need to vent. I'm a freshman in university, and from the background I came from, College life is ridiculously crazy, the people, the teachers, the environment, even the jokes are lame. But I'm trying to adjust and set my standards a little lower and I have met some cool ppl. What's bothering me a lot tho is that people come up to me and try to tell me what kind of person I am. I don't feel like they're judging I actually get surprised cause I really hadn't thought ppl could know this much about me in my highschool years. But this new found weekly experience of mine, (though it's sweet of them to care enough and observe) is making me feel so predictable. I don't think I want to be an out-there person. I don't want everyone to know my traits or else I'd have too little to give when they become closer to me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9945123195648193 2017-12-17 20:47:39,"I need to vent. am venting for z 3rd a high school student it's like am lonely girl it feels horrible if l like a guy he treats me like his sis or he is taken n if a guy likes me I kinda hate him so I ignore him but I can't live wiz out LOVE am lonely wiz out sis or bra I need smo to talk wiz I need smo to love I need smo to encourage me it might be u I mean it if u feel z same plz comment n let's get to know each other show me who u r",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9964983463287354 2017-12-17 20:52:30,"I need to vent. This is so embarrassing but I'll write it anyway. here is the thing...I Hv a bf that I love so much and last yr I met this person he was so amazing I never wanted anything more than friendship but he kinda felt something more and he said we shouldn't call each other and stuff so I agreed. I wished I could change things I wished we could stay friends. And today I couldn't stop thinking abt him, I really want to talk to him but am scared..what if I wake his old feelings what if he gets mad at me for calling..I don't know...Should I call him?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9750561714172363 2017-12-17 21:11:05,"I need to vent. I'm a boy and I've known this girl in campus for more than a year. We talk a lot and she basically knows everything about me. I really love her but I don't want to ask her to date because a) she might say no and b) if she does we won't be friends anymore so I need advice. Should I just take a risk and ask her out or keep my feelings a secret and hope they go away?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9683989882469177 2017-12-17 21:30:25,"I need to vent. I seriously want to be in a relationship but every time i met a new guy they just flirt or don't want to be in serious r/n or just want to have sex. I mean is there any guy who wants a women for her attitude ,the way she thinks but not by her body or anything i mean love is a big thing and every time i met a guy they just want to have sex and leave pls pls you will marry one day and have kids when they ask you what kind of man you were i don't know what most people will answer.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9967303276062012 2017-12-17 21:31:33,"I need to vent. I'm in highschool and I'm on an age where I know whats good and whats bad but once in a while I sit down and think abt the things I do and why I do it I know they are wrong but I only do it because of the pear pressure and thinking fun or tryna let lose partying hard and going out club shouldnt be my agenda at this point of my life ik I'm acting over my age but I can't help it I'm a slave to this lifestyle because of the friends I have.. I don't know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9902039766311646 2017-12-17 21:32:10,"I need to vent. So I’ve been best friends with this guy for like 3 years and all of the sudden i find my self falling for him. And it scared me because i have never felt like that before so i start ignoring him and we dont even talk anymore, i dont know what to do please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9981669187545776 2017-12-17 21:32:29,"I need to vent. I am having trouble knowing if my friend likes me more than that, he keeps giving me signs that he more than likes me as a friend but the last time I thought that it didn't work out so well, what should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987683892250061 2017-12-17 22:12:10,"I need to vent. Look guys here is the thing am 22 and I never dated a guy my entire life here is the reason when I was in highschool I used to be afraid of hiding things from my family and all but now when I think about dating I get nauseous I mean literally, when a guy try to flirt with me all I want to do is punch him in the face I don't know what's wrong with me please guys help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9974005222320557 2017-12-17 22:55:57,"I need to vent. So I've been seeing this guy for 2 months now I like him and all but i also feel confused sometimes like would I risk everything for him,do I love him, does he like me or is it just to make out I ask all this questions to myself but I never mentioned this to him...and we actually knew each other for about a year but we started dating 2 months ago",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9942202568054199 2017-12-17 23:04:31,"I need to vent. Hello everyone!!! I am 21 years old.... Um deeply in love with someone( we know eachozer 4 about 3 yrs)... But he is a really shit... N very crazy... Like extremely... You have no idea... He is addicted to many things... But um not... N in ma opinion he is playing with me... He's better than me in psycho ...w@ should I do ??? If I ask him... I will automatically be ma worst one of me( he will use me ***)... Era guys say something???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9974516034126282 2017-12-18 00:21:24,"I need to vent. So I started dating this guy out of school and he is my first bf. But then his parents took his phone for some reason and now we don't even talk like at all .since we're not in the same school our phone was our only connection. So its been like 3 weeks and I feel like I'm waiting for him but I really don't wanna do that cause I don't know for how long his parents will have his phone. Plus who knows maybe he already has another gf or something I mean he is a guy after all. I don't even know what to answer anymore when I'm asked if I'm single or not. I wanted to dump him but I couldn't since we don't talk. I don't know what to do...please comment. Thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987107515335083 2017-12-18 00:25:20,"I need to vent. OK this is not a vent,it's a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT Below on the comment section comment ur REGRETS in life Like. ""I regret........""",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9989895224571228 2017-12-18 05:12:24,"I need to vent. Uhhh... Should I start with a ""unihorse"" hide my identity? No? Ok I am a graduate. I have two jobs and I am making a living. I don't have much time though. I plan on becoming a taxi driver. It pays really really well. I am talking about contract taxi. Those yellow and green ones. But I am afraid of being judged. What do you think? Maybe getting a few pointers will help me decide.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9897046685218811 2017-12-18 06:26:56,"I need to vent. I hate how much of a coward I am. I hate that I let people walk all over me. I hate that I didn't say any thing when people I called friends stabbed me in the back. I hate that even when some people talked shit to or about me I was silent. I have so much anger in me. I have such low self-esteem. I feel like I am too weak to survive this world. In short, I hate me.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9988952875137329 2017-12-18 06:27:13,"I need to vent. So here is the thing, I've a boyfriend and it's been almost 2 years since we have been together. There are times where he gives me the most lame excuses for stuffs he does, like he always has new photos of 2 or 3 of his ex's on his phone and when I ask him if he still contacts them he tells me it's his friend doing that with his phone there are a lot lot of stuffs he tells me which I simply just pass but this one is unbelievable! Few weeks ago I gave him a gold necklace which my dad gave me ena I told him to keep it. Keza a week after, we called each other mata lay as usual and out of nowhere he said I should sell the necklace and that it costs more than 6000birr mnamn I told him it's my dad's gift and I dnt wanna sell it! I asked him to return it and then the conversation was over. The nxt day he's phone was off and I couldn't reach about 9:00 local time he called by his friend's phone and told me his phone was stolen along with the necklace in merkato and when I asked him why he took it to merkato he said he couldn't keep it in his house because they were moving out to a new house!! I know I know how childish it is and am Srry for boring u up gen I just feel like he doesn't deserve my trust anymore. what do u think of this guy?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994895458221436 2017-12-18 08:11:00,"I need to vent. So I don't know what it is called but I think I'm the weakest person ever. I get sad for the less fortunate people. I know I have to let go some things and accept it minamin but little things makes me super sad. I get sad when I see teshekamiwoch kebad eka sishekemu. I get sad when weyaloch yell beterera tsehay. I get sad when I hear ambulances. I know it's silly but I can't help it.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980136156082153 2017-12-18 08:14:53,"I need to vent. Good morning friends!!!! I really like to thank you 4 being generous n helpful you all really changed ma life... Um a grl...Have an other thing... Um addicted to talk to people esp. Boys via telegram ( any kinds ov social networks) but when I get zem physically... Or face to face very slient n sty I start to flirt & shy... W@ should I do ??? Should I stop texting????",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9503122568130493 2017-12-18 11:46:30,"I need to vent. There is this guy we've been like seeing eachother for almost 2 month and one day we just stopped talking its been like 5days. For us it's forever cuz we used to talk all day and night. Idk why he hasn't texted or called but I'm having ma doubt should I text him or just wait till he says something or else I'm gonna move like he ain't coming back.... I need something plz help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9985814094543457 2017-12-18 12:59:25,"I need to vent. I have been dealing with something for a while now. I write a lot of poems, prose and other things and I was really good. But what I realized was I was writing about my depression and my anxiety and other dark things and writing was my only escape. Now I'm happy. I have a boyfriend who I love very much and I'm confused because I can't write anymore. I feel as if my darkness is the only thing I can write about and I can't write anymore. I cannot go back to that darkness again so I want to stop writing forever. Any advice?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8501157164573669 2017-12-18 13:51:12,"I need to vent. I have seen some of u wrote that u are depressed and some even went as far as considering about ending it all(suicide). For those of you who have been having bad days and mood swings don't make permanent decision on temporary feelings, and don't use depressed as an adjective, because u are not. For those of you who are really depressed, remember that depression is just a state of mind, the brain is comfortable feeling bad so it just secretes the hormones which trigger depression. U can control this feeling by changing the state of ur mind.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996012806892395 2017-12-18 14:00:34,"I need to vent. Quick poll. For some weird reason, you can only have sex one last time. Who would you choose given a free pass from the choices below? - Ur crush - Ur 4yrs+ love/ partner or - Ur worst enemy's partner Reasoning is appreciated. Thanks.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9885239005088806 2017-12-18 19:07:10,"I need to vent. Hello everyone! Dis ain't vent actually but need ur word. I used to have one hell of confidence in doing anything. But today My whole body is shaking to go into a my dream job interview. I feel like I don have a word to say. Ppplllsss help",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975801706314087 2017-12-18 19:07:19,"I need to vent. A month ago I kissed my friends best friend ....and btw she was my first kiss and I don't if she feels the same way I feel about her. Should I confess or not tho we were drunk at that time.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9872722029685974 2017-12-18 19:10:03,"I need to vent. mine is more like a confession life has been complicated since I knw this guy. the thig is I fall in love wz him back in 3 years ago we were best friends and spend alot of time together so I was crazy abt him and atfer sometime we just start fucking...and when I told him I hav developed a feeling for him he said"" he doesn't feel same way as me"" so the thig is I just keep having sex wz him till today its like fwb thig, I took so many risks in my life why i dd zt, i was jst hoping if he changes his mind i guess. GOD knws wat got in to me..i hate my self for doin that, I hate zt i lied to all my friends to think that he is my bf for all this years...i even wish I have the courage to kill my self because  there is part of of me zt is still in love wz him",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9949131011962891 2017-12-18 19:41:30,"I need to vent. Hello. Its Not a vent. Maybe... I dunno. Its been a long time since.I aimed for something and got it. And yesterday for the first time in a long time i felt truly happy. I got 1450 on my SAT's woooohoooo. Its soo good to feel this happy after ages of anxiety. Jus wanted to let this out.",joy,POSITIVE,0.8008589744567871 2017-12-18 19:41:44,"I need to vent. He's not good for me. He acts like he doesn't even like me. But, I'm too naive and crazy about him that i keep on trying and pretend like his flaws aren't hurting me...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990952014923096 2017-12-18 20:26:25,"I need to vent. I just fucked up I really love her but by the time I told her no not now and I hurt her too much with out knowing I thought I protected her from my bad things but I didn't I destroyed her I fucked up and I might never reconcile it ....... God help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9910665154457092 2017-12-18 20:28:09,"I need to vent. I'm so infatuated with this guy I barely know. He makes me laugh menamen I so want to call him just to talk for a minute but I know that is just wrong. What should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9984764456748962 2017-12-18 20:28:20,"I need to vent. Hey guys . I just wanted to know this because I'm getting confused. Should not having sex at the age of 21/22 really be an issue ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.996859073638916 2017-12-18 20:44:26,"I need to vent. This isn't really a vent just a piece of mind.ive been reading a lot of vents up in here and it got me thinking ""damn,looks like many people got a lot of issues"" and I have found the perfect solution for all the problems and it is not to give a fuck,I'm serious.i mean why do y'all just care a lot why can't u just live a simple life with no rules at all and live tomorrow for the future and just live for the moment fuck tomorrow fuck consequences fuck everything that isn't in ur present we are all just pieces of rotting flesh just waiting for our times to come remember ""we here for a good time not a long time""...and I really hope that gets posted cuz this is probably gonna be my last vent",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9971765279769897 2017-12-18 21:09:50,"I need to vent. I have been with a man for 3 years he was loyal amd stuff but he used to hav low confidence he smokes he chew chat and he was behaving bad after mirkana he used to insult me and all that now I broke up with him but now I regret the time and the energy I spent on him because now I dont think ill love again and I regret that having sex with him all z time because its forbidden in our religion and now he is asking me to meet him and talk to him stuf but really confused about this what should I do?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9972583055496216 2017-12-18 21:11:48,"I need to vent. Well......i feel like my life is fucked up for many reasons #1. My dreams and hopes are really big here m not struggling to get them. #2. I dont know why but i kind of feel low of my self when everyone is doing good but m not. #3. I try to be someonel else m not just because people could like me and i hate that part of me so much just dont know how to get rid of it #4 i dont feel like i have that friend who understands my situation with one glance of my face(trust me i have amazing friends but u know.....). #5 and i have problems with dudes beka pretty faces but shitty personlaity...... I always fall for their faces...and GOd help me.......if any of u out there reading this vent understand my problem pls leave ur username i need someone to talk to pls....and if ur too embarased to do that give me the best advices u can thanks :)",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.995712399482727 2017-12-18 21:13:03,"I need to vent. There's a million things I wanna say do to u. I don't fall in love I nvr did not even with you but I kinda felt it coming I thought we were gonna be something I thot u loved me I wanted the whole world to see how lucky I am cuz ur amazing even when u lie n I know it that drove me wild gin I liked it... Ur voice ur eyes and the way u make ma mind wonder in so many directions... The make outs what was there I didn't like but it had to be short and u had to be so fulla shit ... I'll admit I came with ma flaws wide open but I nvr judged u for urs why did u judge me for mine ... Now that u don't seem to get out of my mind when I need u too the most I want u to be here with me if I have a feeling for u that deep and u like me back universe tell him that I need him here now with me cuz I can't concentrate and I need ma drug but if he ain't gonna come it'll be the death of us... Do or die And it's a vent I just wanted to let it out and don't go on for the drama n shit it's as Fucking real as it could me nvr thot this existed u'll see ma point when u meet him/her",love,POSITIVE,0.9303027987480164 2017-12-18 21:24:15,"I need to vent. Well......i feel like my life is fucked up for many reasons #1. My dreams and hopes are really big here m not struggling to get them. #2. I dont know why but i kind of feel low of my self when everyone is doing good but m not. #3. I try to be someonel else m not just because people could like me and i hate that part of me so much just dont know how to get rid of it #4 i dont feel like i have that friend who understands my situation with one glance of my face(trust me i have amazing friends but u know.....). #5 and i have problems with dudes beka pretty faces but shitty personlaity...... I always fall for their faces...and GOd help me.......if any of u out there reading this vent understand my problem pls leave ur username i need someone to talk to pls....and if ur too embarased to do that give me the best advices u can thanks :)",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.995712399482727 2017-12-18 21:45:58,"I need to vent. Yo this is my 4th time venting , whatever the word means.. Anyways my questions r for very confident ppl... What kind of a mental image do u have about ur self? How are ur interactions in social life? I can say am a pretty confident guy myself but i wanna know about ur perspectives on confidence.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9731151461601257 2017-12-18 22:03:12,"I need to vent. Heres to the girls who’s hearts were broken by a man long before any boy got ahold of it. Heres to the girls who believe that they can’t be loved because the one man who was supposed to always love them didn’t. Heres to the girls who can’t stay in a relationship because all they were ever taught was how to leave one. Heres to the girls who can’t trust men because the man they were supposed to always be able to count on left. Heres to the girls who are scared to have kids because they never want their kids to face the same pain they had to endure. Heres to the girls who refuse to say they have a dad because all their father ever was is a man who helped create them.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9950348138809204 2017-12-18 22:12:40,"I need to vent. I really dont get it, i see many girls complaining about falling for obnoxious dudes, dudes that hurt them, dudes that stole from them, lie to them etc.. But more than a handful times i also see girls turning down good guys, because of silly reasons. What did u expect, u chose the asshole and the buttcrack rather than the good dude. Live with that shit",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9978312849998474 2017-12-18 22:25:28,"I need to vent. Hello guys i need ur help, im in love she loves me too but z big problem we r facing nw is we r hving long distance relationship, i hv nvr thought dat i would be in z long distance relationship but it happened accidentally nw she is abt to leave me aftet few days i will be lonely like before and dat will hurt me and her too wat should i do anyone who cant tell me or advice to dont feel lonely coz i cant get her whenever i want her to meet",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979179501533508 2017-12-18 22:59:19,"I need to vent. Oh gosh my 3years girlfriend break up with me about 6 month ago with out no reason n she say she moved on n last week Saturday she call me fuckin other guy. Imean who does that? And what exactly is the point of doing that ughh she so trouble is this normal please need sum opinions if anyone care 4 a brother:-\",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999354898929596 2017-12-18 23:16:12,"I need to vent. So this one is classic. How do I break up with someone with out being insensitive? Like a clean surgical cut as opposed to a jagged cut with a dull rusty knife (blood and gore everywhere is implied here)...?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.995083749294281 2017-12-19 01:13:24,"I need to vent. hey evryone....I have zis problem talking wiz guy I don rly know what to talk wiz him we talk evry day n I need a rly gud topics pls give me some awesome ideas",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.6915613412857056 2017-12-19 07:38:20,"I need to vent. Hey everyone Okay so here it goes am college student and so as a girl I get all the attention I need from a man I mean all the good ones ,the crazy ones, the cute ones, the rich ones, the sefer guys, the duriyes I mean literally every type but the problem is that I feel like it’s too cheep to give your number or anything for everyone how asks I mean every girl should have her standards right ...but right now am starting to feel lonely what should I do please help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987879395484924 2017-12-19 07:38:49,"I need to vent. Hello everyone Gus I have been on so many dates and on those dates I wait girls to go forward or to start everything. For example there is a girl that am seeing now and we went on 4 or 5 dates but still didn't even tired to kiss her and I don't know how to start it. I looks like am waiting for her to start. Pls give me some direction how to go for the first kiss....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9876532554626465 2017-12-19 10:26:35,"I need to vent. Heyy guys....I just felt z need to say sth it normal to not feel a tng at pain happiness nth at all jst tired of everytng.....I jst wanna knw im not alone there anyone who feels like me??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991540908813477 2017-12-19 11:28:22,"I need to vent. Hey here is my situation I love a girl and she's out of my place. I think we were talking for 4 months but we know each other when we're little and now she blocked me with out any reason. So what can I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9963243007659912 2017-12-19 15:27:45,"I need to vent. I have complicated relationship with my GF we been on and off for the last 3 years. When everything was going good she decides to say “she is not sure that she loves me or not”. I love her more than anything and she knows that, each time we fight I am the one to be hurtled. What shall I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9882375597953796 2017-12-19 17:22:37,"I need to vent. I'm here to ask for advice cause I don't know what to do. Okay, so there's this guy and we have been friends for a couple of years. He thinks we are really close, but he doesn't know me that well. I know he likes me a lot and it might not be as friendly as i thought. But I don't and I feel bad. And he is too possessive and I hate that. I tried avoiding last week and he got upset. So what I need help with is, what should I do with him?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985039234161377 2017-12-19 18:09:34,"I need to vent. Here goes nothing.....hey yall well if any of you are advice giving experts out there need some.well I always have been a person who never made any decisions by my self because my seniors makes them for me but i feel like a walking dead sometimes like my brain is numb of the things i do or the things i am told to do. through out i lost my enthusiasm for live and stopped being motivated my stuffs's frightening because i feel like i am losing myself in a way.I do want to be rebellious and explore but that would seem like a disappointment to my family.sooo where do i go please everyone and slowly die inside or find my self and become a disgrace(according to the fam)",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996283054351807 2017-12-19 18:48:52,"I need to vent. I rly like zis girl.. its even more than like.. i luv her .. i call her everyday.. i text her everyday.. nd if if i meet her in campus i just say hi.. wt do u think I should do pls help me.. tell me wt to do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9347758293151855 2017-12-19 21:13:46,"I need to vent. Soooo um hi this is my first time venting and honestly ion usually do stuff like this unless I'm pretty desperate(which I sooo am rn) so here's my case breathes deeply yeah so theres this girl(ik you're prolly bored AF and scrolling down rn but just bear with me please) we've known eachother since forever but we weren't that close at first then right about 3 or 4 years ago we started talking bout real stuff and that was about time when I realized hey this girl.. How she thinks and perceives things and stuff.. way she talks minamin bicha she in general is amazing and she's the definition of my ideal girl and I started having these weird feelings whenever we text or meet up (you may call it butterflies but that's too ew-ish for my taste so no) I thought about telling her bout my weird feelings but I thought it would ruin our friendship and left it now 3 or 4 years passed and those feelings got even more real and idk what tf I should do.. even worse we act all lovey dovey arnd eachother now we even have these weird ass corny ass names for eachother now and knowing how amazing she is it bothers me how she's not mine I wanna tell her how I feel but the same reason I didn't tell her 4 years ago is keeping me from telling her now I'm so confused on one hand I want her as a friend but on the other hand I want her to be something more so girls(or boys) if you got this far.. It means my little situation caught your attention so please take a moment of your time and comment what you would want to happen to you if you were in the same situation would you want the guy to break the ice and tell u wussup or just remain friends pweaseeee comment thank you",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9863254427909851 2017-12-19 21:14:10,"I need to vent. Hey all,i was just wondering what do u guys think a good person is? When i say good i mean with good morals and a kind soul, even if they're not exactly pure",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9913944602012634 2017-12-19 21:14:17,"I need to vent. Is ""mestefakir"" real? If so, does it work ONLY on non religious people? Please tell me what u know about it. And also how to break this shit",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990131855010986 2017-12-19 21:14:27,"I need to vent. I rly like zis girl.. its even more than like.. i luv her .. i call her everyday.. i text her everyday.. nd if if i meet her in campus i just say hi.. wt do u think I should do pls help me.. tell me wt to do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9347758293151855 2017-12-20 00:18:01,"I need to vent. I don't need your opinions, I need reasonable advice. I have this friend and I'm really close with him/her. And I know he has developed feelings for me(I overheard him/her talking with his/her friend). It wasn't intentional but it happened. Now knowing how he/she feels, it became harder for me to talk freely as I did before. Since I hate pretending and lying, I started avoiding him/her a bit... And more every time. Now he/she is worried . I do like him/her but I have no feelings whatsoever. Care to give me a reasonable advice on what I could do to benefit both of us? Any advice is appreciated. Thank u.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.787797212600708 2017-12-20 07:41:49,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is the first time venting Here is the thing. ...zer is a guy we learn together in campus and one day he asked me out and I said yes cuz he's kinda my type and he said OK then I will tell you the day and he didn't till now it's been like 1 week am thinking that he kinda changed his mind...what do you think?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9888289570808411 2017-12-20 07:41:55,"I need to vent. Hey I've been in this relation for about a year and my girlfriend is very selfish she wants the relationship all about her and causes problems for no reason... anyone has a reasonable advice?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992639422416687 2017-12-20 08:11:49,"I need to vent. I got trouble time which I need to confess and hr ur idea am sure that I'll find stg relevant. I hv little sister from same mom and d/t dad she is living other place and before we separated from one other after mom passed away I was rising her with all I got and all I can but know she fight with her family (asadagiwochua) and run away and no one knows where she is and I am z only one who knows where she hiding and she bagged m not to tell anyone and I promised her but I just can't concentrate on my class thinking of her so should I tell for s1 and let her down or should I keep my word?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988486766815186 2017-12-20 08:50:23,"I need to vent. I want to smoke weed should i start or not?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992756247520447 2017-12-20 10:52:11,"I need to vent. Hello there, am at the stage of my life where I should be settling down. All my friends my age are getting married and having children. And I would like to have that settled life. But something, I don't know what, is holding me back. What should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8694547414779663 2017-12-20 13:01:36,"I need to vent. Heyy guys .....I really need ur advice on this one.....I have a boyfriend of 3 years .....z good one actually....n he proposed n I really really want to marry him but I jst cant accept because of my families situation I really have a messed up family ""its fucking complicated "" n im afraid he will judge me if I tell him abt them I mean after all they r ma family, n he is gonna be involved also if we got married i mean ma families are hard to really hard even for me .I am not sure if he will be willing to accept all there nonsenses and im afraid to lose him I love him so jst said no to his proposal like im not ready yet kinda stuff but he is really mad....should I tell him ma reasons or what should I do....specially guys out there would it be owk for u to marry a girl whose families are a pain in z jst lost ...what should I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991558790206909 2017-12-20 13:54:10,"I need to vent. Anyone who has dealt with pschyco ex gfs pls help a brother out. Currently I'm playing hide and seek from my ex. She is one crazyyyyy bitch....I told her i don't want any r/s with her (in different ways) but she can't seem to get that. She told me she loves me within 24hrs of knowing eachother (I mean can u believe that???) I was shocked when I heard that but continued seeing her and after a month I just has to break it up (never did anything more than making out)...and now it has been almost 6 months and she is still stalking me like hell...treatning girls I go out with and stuff So pls pls pls help me out....SOS",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974392652511597 2017-12-20 13:54:21,"I need to vent. How do we differentiate infatuation and love? Comment please",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962205290794373 2017-12-20 14:24:44,Sending a Vent...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9228280186653137 2017-12-20 14:26:07,"° Browsing comments of a Vent ° Liking and disliking a comment",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9912575483322144 2017-12-20 14:28:56,"° Adding a comment to a Vent ° Editing your comment ° Deleting your comment",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99860018491745 2017-12-20 14:30:21,Subscribe and Unsubscribe to a Vent...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9738661050796509 2017-12-20 14:32:01,How to use your diary...,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9612641334533691 2017-12-20 14:32:34,That's all. Hope they help and clear any confusions you have.,optimism,POSITIVE,0.8683282136917114 2017-12-20 17:52:40,"I need to vent. HY PPL...i need ur help ...theres this girl i rly love gine yawe we broke up keza beka i tired sayin sry but embi aleche..ahune i wanna move on ...tell me whys to movs on....tnxs fo commenting. ..leave ur user name ,if its useful wanna tnx u",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975192546844482 2017-12-20 17:55:43,"I need to vent. Hey...these is my second vent ....last time I farted on my crush siyakgegn biyachihu neber ... Bicha he asked me out after a week .... Ena we are having a great time together .. So far siyakfegnim sisimegnim alfesahum so good ....Ena just wanna say thanks for your comments ...some were very mean gin betam sikyalehu .. Thank you all ..",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9693524241447449 2017-12-20 18:38:05,"I need to vent. Hello, this is ""know it all"" as someone said on the comments, I just wanted to offer my apologies for the opinions which apparently came out as a ""lecture"" n ""piece of garbage"" I didn't mean for it b that way..I thought I was helping/encouraging someone out there n most of all I'm sorry for swearing (F- word). Ps. I'm sincerely sorry for makin y'all uncomfortable, dark and spiteful",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.999146580696106 2017-12-20 18:38:28,"I need to vent. Okhaaaay. So this guy in campus is kinda trying to ask me out and although I tryyyyy to remain this chewa religious girl, I seriously get turned on thinking about him He luvs my and is dropping hints and taking his time not rushing me so yeah I'm wayyy past the phase where I'd fantasize about him kissing me; I just want him to get rough with me I'm afraid that if I meet him in person, I can't say I'll resist. (I try to keep our conversations really short, but man, the way he looks me up and down with those eyes when we talk and then how I know his eyes r following me as I leave) So I'll welcome any suggestions cuz I've never even kissed a guy let alone gone to second or third base. Im not looking for a relationship, but that nigga has me hooked. Help. What do I do with the fuckboy on my hands?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9027009010314941 2017-12-20 18:39:30,"I need to vent. I need to vent Hey u all, its my 1st vent... I am inlove with this dude ,he knows I love him but he says he likes me and wanna be there for eachother but I need him so bad and he isn't seeing that part plus he is confused that's what he says ... I don't know what to do ,I have no clue what to,say to him anymore... idk if he is having a hard time or idk... NEED HELP U GUYS pls comment",love,NEGATIVE,0.9973416924476624 2017-12-20 18:39:34,"I need to vent. Hey, I need to vent. So I had this girlfriend and then we broke up cause she thought I didn't love her while infact I did, we kept talking and she kept on blabbing on about how she hasn't moved on and would like to be back and she kept my hopes up and a week later she got another bf, and since then I haven't given any shit bout anyone else and I don't care about who I get close to and I'm having lots of temporary r/ps (max. 1 week)and I've had 6 of em', and I don't show any love or anything I just play with girls(something I hate) and I don't know what to do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9976807832717896 2017-12-20 18:39:37,"I need to vent. I reallyyyy need help pls... I like this guy i rly do he's like ""z guy"" 4 me if uk wht i mean even if i like any other guy in z future but no one can be like him i literally stop breathing when i c him just kidding not that much but he's special n i got a chance 1 meet him in z same room n we seat together n we had a chance 2 get 2 know eachother 's name after that we say hi now i found his number n i said hi but he didn't saw it i dont know if he would respond or not if he sees it but 2 tell u z truth i dont want him 2 be my bf or wht so ever but i want him 2 be my closest friend i would like 2 know him better Any suggestions plssss",love,NEGATIVE,0.9772600531578064 2017-12-20 19:17:47,"I need to vent. Where can I find the purpose of life guys this world is full of problems",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989011287689209 2017-12-20 19:39:09,"I need to vent. So hey guys I have a quick question. Need ya'll opinion or suggestion please. So I don't like makeup (maybe for some pictures) but is it important to guys that I wore makeup and present myself?does it make me more or less attractive??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980229139328003 2017-12-20 19:42:46,"I need to vent. hey everyone soo i have been holding out on this vent for too long but here it is sooo i had a boyfriend who i have been with for more than a year and last year i met this guy he was soo different from all the guys i have gone out with and it kind of triggered sth in me so we started having fun at that time me and my bf were at a bad place sooo after a while the new guy said he liked me nd i have this crazy thing if someone says they like me or they love me i say me too cause i really feel bad if i don't say it back anyways after a while my ex and i made up by that time i had already started to like the new guy but after he found out abt my ex he detached himself from me and now i have broken up with my ex butt i really like the new guy and he is kind of ignoring me wat do i do??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9982510209083557 2017-12-20 20:41:40,"I need to vent. I have a question for guys What is the point of ur existence in life?? i mean u r like destruction of everything no offence.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979016780853271 2017-12-20 20:52:16,"I need to vent. Soo i have this girl who ive been datin for a while now nd i rlly love her so much but there r times we b talkin and she asks questions like. What wuld u do if a girl cheats on u nd some shit and when i tell her i would leave her her mood completely changes and im havin second thoughts about her cheatin on me. What do u think?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9927507638931274 2017-12-20 20:52:45,"I need to vent. Owkey guys i don't know if it seems worse venting for you but i am really worried. The thing is my boyfriend want to come to my home, well i have no problem with him visiting but last time ma ex. Came, we end up apart (we broke up) i don't know what to say to him, hule aychalem sew yayenal new ymelew... Men lareg? PS: i am a 21yrs old college student, i live with ma parents, and we'r deha (our house yedebral), i am not saying i am ashamed of it gen i dont want him to have a bad impression like the last one, and owww one last thing he loves me alot.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9918426275253296 2017-12-20 21:17:21,"I need to vent. Okay guys I think I am in a point in my life where I want to settle down with someone but the biggest issue ia with all this options who can you find the one ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9957873225212097 2017-12-20 21:25:35,"I need to vent. I need to vent. So I'm a teen who is possibly depressed and tired of everyone's bullshit. Actually I'm tired of my own bullshit too. I feel tired if life and everything in it. I don't know me anymore. When I was a bit younger I used to be so afraid to die and I used to even pray to get another day but now, my true prayers are just let me die, let me go. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I'm planning on doing but I'm getting sure that it's not going to end up pretty. Any suggestions?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9996308088302612 2017-12-20 21:29:36,"I need to vent. Hey guys am a dude also am in high school ena I've been talking to this girl online so we don't know each other face to face my friend gave me her username so we chatted ena she gave me her number gn I texted her stn and she just turned off girls help me what makes u off and what do u want guys to talk to u abt in a phone call Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9967711567878723 2017-12-20 21:33:37,"I need to vent. Y'all just keep ur head high .and keeping on doin what u truly feel no matter what the odds are .Dont worry just be happy .y'all probably reading this sayin another goofy advise mnamn .becha u never know what u mean to others so dont be sad .mad .depressed life u shud live it to the fullest",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9889668822288513 2017-12-20 21:38:01,"I need to vent. Why do women love bad boys? And when was it acceptable to be a little sluty ? What's happening to the world and when are you going to come back to normal?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988933205604553 2017-12-20 21:47:48,"I need to vent. Hi guys, I'm 25 old guy who think of himself as a very goos guy but, im also a virgin not because I couldn't get girls , because im very good looking guy ( or so I think) but more because of my religion. Is it wrong? Because by everyday passing I feel like I'm old school and a freak. Comment's are appreciated.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.675999104976654 2017-12-20 22:47:18,"I need to vent. Is it normal carry blades...just curious???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9970721006393433 2017-12-20 22:47:27,"I need to vent. Hi guys I want to ask about if a girl or go block your number and if you know her from childhood so what shall I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989305138587952 2017-12-20 23:04:27,"I need to vent. So there’s this guy I know from somewhere and well he is so cute and well I use to stack him on Facebook and Instagram I was even looking for his username on telegram this morning until he just txted me right know and I am trying to act cool and all but I don’t know if I should be like I don’t talk to someone I don’t know or keep talking to him I don’t know what to do please help rn (Nd we don’t know each other am just a secret admire and it was weird how he got my number )",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9873769879341125 2017-12-21 07:27:55,"I need to vent. There is a guy he is my classmate. Our relationship started just by joke but got real and he tells me he love me and I do too but I am not sure if he is really loving me or not couse we only say I love you in telegram not when we meet how could I be sure abt it guys help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9887563586235046 2017-12-21 07:40:51,"I need to vent. I have complicated relationship with my GF we been on and off for the last 3 years. When everything was going good she decides to say “she is not sure that she loves me or not”. I love her more than anything and she knows that, each time we fight I am the one to be hurtled. What shall I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9882375597953796 2017-12-21 07:52:38,"I need to vent. Hi guys, so there is this girl, we've been dating for almost six months now, we love eachother, we spend good times together mnamn ... the thing is she told me she is a virgin and doesnt wanna have sex before marriage, and i respected and accepted that, i even loved her more ... but yesterday she asked me wt i wld do if i found out my wife wasnt a virgin after me got married, and i told her that i would listen for her reasons bt if that doesnt convince her then i'll leave her ... then betam maseb n metekez jemerech, wn i aske her wt she's thinkin she wont say ... it's really bothering me... what should i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9962027668952942 2017-12-21 08:46:19,"I need to vent. My gf isn't speaking to me bc she doesn't believe I'm a virgin. I'm a 24 yr old guy and who has never had sex (I had plenty of chances but I refused to do it before marriage and I'm HELLA proud of it). But my gf didn't believe me when i told her...and when she asked me if we could sleep together, I refused and she was like ""u don't find me attractive enough, thats why u don't want me"" Girls, is it rly that hard to believe a guy is a virgin these days? I mean I told her like 100 times but she just couldn't believe it (bc of my past, I've had like 7 gf before her) I just can't take it any longer... I believe westernization is fucking us (ethiopia) ryt in the asshole...we didn't know shit about drugs, homos, sex bf marriage etc ""before"" but nowwwww it's like all HELL has broke loose. So I pray for this GOD loving country and its ppl",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9982779026031494 2017-12-21 08:46:41,"I need to vent. Question do guys like Agustus waters exist in real life, like sweet, straight forward guys... who actually mean what they say, funny and thoughtful at the same time?! why are boys in fiction soooo much better?!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9876435995101929 2017-12-21 11:44:31,"I need to vent. Here it goes i have z best girl friend, i mean normal friend nd we have been together for z last 10 yr even z same school same class. So z problem is we both went out to chill with our friends to debre zeit we had a lot of drinks nd ended up having sex the whole night. I didn't even remember doing that bicha wanaw nager she asked me out on Tuesday nd told me she had feelings for me nd i do to bt i really need her as my best friend not some other things . Help a brother!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9910824298858643 2017-12-21 14:07:28,"I need to vent. Well my question is a lil simple, i am very good on chattin wiz a girl online or on text...but i kinda messed up when it comes to face to face, what do u suggest i should do...?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997562050819397 2017-12-21 14:07:32,"I need to vent. So here is the thing, i am a senior campus student and a girl . Since the academic year started there are a bunch of guys who stares at me and they point each other. My presence makes them to stare at each other and they will let know each other that i am there. They also have girls in their groups and they also give me that weird watch .Endewm i have seen a guy who was showing his friend and telling him i am the girl.Which girl??idk.And i feel that they know something about me that i dont even know. It is making me uncomfortable to hang out with my friends in the campus. I am not someone who is noticable and i dont do anything odd.What do you think why they are doing this? why i am there subject till now?I tried to ignore them but i failed.What i want to know is what they are saying about me?? Please help me",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9816407561302185 2017-12-21 16:53:27,"I need to vent. Why is it that even after you've got everything you wanted in this still aren't happy? Best friends, loving parents and an amazing boyfriend all i wanted but I'm still not happy with myslef. I had a phase where I was just depressed and cut myself and I'm getting over that now but I still feel as if something's missing. And I don't wanna tell my loved ones that I'm not happy otherwise they'll think it's their fault. Please tell me what do.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989064931869507 2017-12-21 16:53:49,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse. Hide my identity. I need to vent. the hell do u do when ur bestfriend tells u he loves u. oh God.. i mean we're so great eco gn just as friends new. I told him i didn't feel the same way.(it was HARD let me tell u tho it was on phone)so when i told him i don't want it to be awkward b/n us he said we'll talk abt it when we meet. How can i keep us just like we were?How??? I need advice",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9953476786613464 2017-12-21 16:54:07,"I need to vent. For z guys out zer...wt does it mean wn a guy says he likes u bt is nt in contact often",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976707100868225 2017-12-21 18:33:52,"I need to vent. I am soooooo bored like my life right now is meh extreme! I wake up go to work, sit all day then go home. It's so depressing sitting for hours on end wid nothing to keep u busy. I leave sometimes but there is just so much u can do before u go broke! Is there any free way of entertainment, I'm in dire need of it!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994623064994812 2017-12-21 18:34:29,"I need to vent. So I have been dating this girl for over a year Ena we have an amazing relationship ...we never fight , I mean we agree on everything Ena I get jealous when I see couple fighting it normal to agree on everything Ena be OK alllllll the timeee....? Isn't fighting once in a while asfelagi?",admiration,POSITIVE,0.8188862800598145 2017-12-21 18:34:35,"I need to vent. Hey there ppl Well i have this weird issue. So my problem is that i cant talk to attractive girls the way i want to. it comes out either weird or sth perverted. No matter how i try, whenever i wanna flirt with a girl, icant seem to change should i do guys.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985834360122681 2017-12-21 18:44:52,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. How do u know if a guy likes u or not? Theres this guy that's in my class and he's kinda nervous when i talk to him but he doesnt like come up to me and say hi or stuffs like. Do u think he doesn't like me?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9948469400405884 2017-12-21 18:47:06,"I need to vent. Well whatever comes out of my mouth is a vent. Since everything I say goes through a series of thought phases.. Well what I want to say is, this channel has turned the perspective I have towards girls 180 degrees. I now know that every look you give a girl has a meaning. Every word you say has a totally different interpretation. Most girls have a deep sexual fantasy they'll never admit. Every girl you think is innocent is NOT. Every girl has a sexual harassment stage in her life. Every girl has a wound from her past. Most or All girls have a crush or someone they admire even while with a boyfriend. Most love their boyfriends but don't know how to show it. And some are cheaters. I've always thought of girls as eggs. It's been a month since I joined this channel and the number one lesson I've got from the channel is that girls are not EGGS. I'm not judging but this is just new information. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9749101996421814 2017-12-21 19:24:33,"I need to vent. Is it me or life is becoming waaaay to hard these days? Now I'm in a place where i have a good job good income but im stressed at work streeted with life ( And I think im starting to lose some of my hair ) yet there's no one I can contact with to help me through all this shit. How are we supposed to find the right girl while there's a lot of stuff going on?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991921782493591 2017-12-21 19:28:02,"I need to vent. This is a rant. an unorgonized train of thought i wish to share with you. ... I used to say what's the point in trying. what's the point of life. but I realize now this way of thinking has gotten me nowhere. after telling myself all this, and avoiding responsibility for my life, I was still a bedfellow to angst. I still craved for things that did not profit my soul. ... I'm not better or special but I strive to be so. I'm neither smart nor successful, but I work towards it. I'll always be on the move I'll always take the hard road I'll always be a flowing river and never a puddle. ... I should always train my mind to descern poison from medicine . sometimes its hard to tell the two apart. Something that seems to benefit you is only leading you down the road of destruction ... All my life I've been addicted to the pursuite of pleasure. but pleasure, it turns out is short lived. And like any drug I'm always looking forward to the next fix. I should not be weak anymore. ... If I ever chase for glory, I would seek to gain it in doing things that last, in things that have a concrete benefit to my fellow man. ... We should be a generation that is willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.We should aim to be called the greatest generation. A genereation of responsibility, integrity and sacrifice.I dont care for your choice of life style but I wish that you have the universal qualities of a great human being. I wish that history remembers us as the generation that rectified our parents mistakes.we should have a warrior ethos. a change in our collective psyche . We should all be remembered as the fearless ones the go getters We should reach a point in time were all of us clearly see we should bleed out of ourselves the need for the easy way out. ... You are informed by your feelings, not ruled by them. you were given another counselor which you seem to despise: reason. This two weapons, if used wisely can be of immense benefit to you and other around you. There are those who see there feelings as the only compass of there lives, especially in matters such as love. But don't be fooled, feelings by themselves will lead you to fruitless obsessions, heart aches and bitterness.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.8746151328086853 2017-12-21 19:56:26,"I need to vent. Question venters-how the hell does morining sex work exactly??.i mean no one wakes up with flowery breath so do u just sucked it up and do it?? do u get up garggel with listerine and do it??...movies are no help so how do real people have real morning sex or even kiss??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990094900131226 2017-12-21 20:08:05,"I need to vent. Hi everybody. I'm a young teenage girl with a normal life but my problem is my period. Every month I get soooo sick to the point that I can't do anything at all. If there's a plan made and aunt Flo decides to visit, then it's cancelled. My cramps are so severe that I can't walk straight, my abdomen beka yikoslal...the day after I was sick, hode sineka rasu yamegnal... I throw up every single time and get diarrhoea too. This one time I was on the verge of passing out but I slept it off. This is really depressing for me and I can't seem to find the cure or something to atleast ease the pain. Every month is a struggle.. Girls, help please!!! This is really affecting my life.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980529546737671 2017-12-21 20:08:11,"I need to vent. I work with a monster who likes bullying people and criticizing people for the things they are doing wrong while he's sitting on his ass pretending to work the whole day. He's making me hate my job and will soon make me go to jail cause I am a comment away from shooting him in the neck!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989467263221741 2017-12-21 20:25:13,"I need to vent. So here is my vent I been in love with this guy before 5 years ago I mean I were over him I have dated a lot of guys in the last 5 years but I mean it was one side love but now we met in a taxi and we talked a lot and I felt something I mean it has been a long time but don't know any help what do you think.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9911777377128601 2017-12-21 20:25:22,"I need to vent. This is not a vent, So I'm taking this girl out and I don't know any arif place to dinne around summit safari. Any suggestion?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.99925297498703 2017-12-21 20:44:04,"I need to vent. Hi y' u been??...thanks for taking the time to read this. I am girl...he's a boy...I like him a lot....he's so full of life n happy all the time....he just lights up my day....but we're just friends n he also got a girl...which just sucks coz I like him so just so confused should I tell him I like him or nahh???...pls don't b harsh.",love,POSITIVE,0.8957996368408203 2017-12-21 20:44:10,"I need to vent. I am here to vent to rant To talk about my pain and the things I lost To share the story of my crush, my love To tell you about my day, that was tough Hide in fire wall to come out of the closet To share my truth with strangers I haven’t met Share my insecurities put it in the open Confess what I have been hiding Stop for a second from running Look around for the music to face Get an advice from “anonymous “ ya that’s why I am here to vent to rant To share my pain so YOU could rip it apart",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967051148414612 2017-12-21 21:24:21,"I need to vent. Why does a date has to be all about a kiss n other stuffs?? I mean can't we just have r/ship without this unnecessary things rather than getting obsessed with it (for boys) ....can't u just go with z flow especially for guys who thinks it's z base for r/ship. Just needed to vent it Hope u guys make z right decision.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9986929297447205 2017-12-21 21:41:01,"I need to vent. This is what happen I been single for the past year and I get used to it but for the past few months I been wanting to have relationship but I don't know how it's like I forgot how every boy I talk to If I found him attractive yesterday next day I don't even if I do I don't talk to him about going out am so afraid of been rejected so am having a difficult any suggestions pls help",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9963787198066711 2017-12-21 21:52:24,"I need to vent. I’m a guy in late 20’s and l have been looking for a girl of life and when ever I date a girl I couldn’t get enough of what I need from her and I keep looking another girl and as the same time I keep hurting this girls I broke up with and I don’t know what to do stay with the same girl I like?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968106150627136 2017-12-21 22:16:23,"I need to vent. Warup people okay this is not vent my girl and I are shay couples we don't meet every week or two weeks as normal relationship we have never kissed also, now we're gonna have a date in this weekend and I want to take her a cool place that has privacy any cool place suggestion.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9472700953483582 2017-12-21 22:16:26,"I need to vent. Hi everyone, I’m someone who scared of women to ask her go out with her. I’m a good looking guy and when it comes to asking I always scared of them. Any suggestions?",fear,POSITIVE,0.792466402053833 2017-12-21 22:25:46,"I need to vent. Me and my girlfirend r together and we r together for 9 month and she didn't kiss me and I heard her saying that she won't kiss a man until she Marry, and in this nine months it was like 9 years but the thing that is making me amazed is.... Who the hell won't kiss his bf when they r in relationship??",surprise,POSITIVE,0.9960021376609802 2017-12-21 23:45:26,"I need to vent. How do u know if a guy is not cheating on u?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990915060043335 2017-12-22 06:24:50,"I need to vent. Hey guys so here the thing There is this girl I talk to her almost everyday. ena we talk about everything gin now a days I am starting to miss her when ever she’s not there. So really what I want to know what you guys think I should do? Demo it’s not like I like her or anything I just know she’s a good friend the other thing might come soon after.gin i want to know what’s your take on this ??? Thank you for your time",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.984586238861084 2017-12-22 06:25:24,"I need to vent. I couldn't live up to my expectation of life. And it is biting me inside. I promise the day will be the first day of my entire life and I will fail to accomplish what I set to achieve. Guys pls help if anyone is experiencing this.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9187663793563843 2017-12-22 07:03:59,"I need to vent. Hey guys...I'm grade 12 student nd obv we'll take matrik after copla months..nd all the family expect the highest result from me cuz I do great on my studies until mom is in tension more than me cuz I'm not studying at all...idk why gen menem I've not being in a mood for it since this yr started...need ur advice..plz",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9884125590324402 2017-12-22 10:16:48,"I need to vent. Have you ever had to deal with a close person suffering from a chronic illness Have you ever felt how unfair it was that good people had to go through this Have you ever felt a chill down your spine when you find 5 missed calls from home, expecting the worst Have you ever felt exhausted when you're not even the one in pain Have you ever wished it all just stopped Have you ever pretended none of it was happening, went along with your life detached from the reality of it Have you ever been disappointed in yourself for being neglecting, for choosing to live your life merrily, as if none of it is happening Have you ever wished you could somehow share half their pain over and over again Have you ever felt betrayed by the gods, blamed & screamed at them for being so cruel, begged for mercy, thanked for a day well spent Have you ever felt a spike of anger when others give them a look of pity, as if they're dead already Have you ever jolted in the middle of the night to check if they're still breathing soundly Have you ever selfishly wished you would be set free from this Have you ever felt suffocated, felt the need to scream in the middle of a conversation Have you ever been hit by a big wave of sadness just as randomly Have you ever automatically lied to strangers asking you how they were doing, because you're tired of having dead-end conversations Have you ever had the urge to tell off strangers who come visit once in a while and give tips how to give optimum care, like the experts they are not Have you ever felt so thankful for another good day devoid of sufferings Have ever wished you could freeze that time, because it's too good to be true, too good to last any longer. Have you ever felt so helpless. Have you?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9955757856369019 2017-12-22 14:23:51,"I need to vent. I'm scared to go downstairs in the presence of my relatives. I'd rather die of hunger and thrist from not going out of my room than appearing in front them. I'm confiednt in front of other people but my relatives.I'm a grown ass woman 22 but couldn't make this feeling go away.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9852584600448608 2017-12-22 16:37:56,"I need to vent. When I’m having with different girl I sometimes have a hard time to come so I close my eyes and think of another that I had sex with a long time and she was so good when she give me and I always come when I think about her. Is this normal?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9964752793312073 2017-12-22 16:38:42,"I need to vent. ast kc ;-): So am a college student, am 22. I had a very difficult childhood (parents divorced early , family who hates eachother's guts, a stepmom who abused me) bicha I am angry all the time by that I mean I cant tolerate ppl's mistakes, I gotta tell them or else it bothers me n ppl tend to find that offensive, blunt or rude n I am very very sensitive. my highscul friends used to understand me but now no body gives a shit n ppl I thought were my close friends takes every opportunity to walk away n I kinde feel lonely sometimes. Currently I dont have friends here n am in medscul so I kinde need ppl to talk to. Should I appologize to the ""friends"" I have here for speaking my mind or am I better off alone?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9894707202911377 2017-12-22 20:18:10,"I need to vent. So guys so am jerk i know that because all of you will comment that when you read my vent so pay attention. There was a girl which was my first love it was only one side love i used to love her so much like btmmm i have been on love with her for 2 years and she was in love with my best friend and her best frind was in love with the same guy i know it's complected but that was how things been but last summer i got a chance to talk to her we used to chat aznalin new msln but i was wondering to make her feel the same way i felt but she's btm blet!! When i asked her to give me chance she said if i were looking for revenge after all this time and i told her if i am in a r/n i want to have sex and she blocked me i see her every day in school and it looks like she doesn't even know what should i do! Help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9983323216438293 2017-12-22 20:35:25,"I need to vent. I'm in love with my best friend and I told him that I loved him for morethan a year, told him i'm still obsessed with him but his answer was that he don't wanna lose me and he don't wanna be committed and he hates relationship too but he likes being around me and he sometimes shows that he got something for me and his friends even says that and this puts me in between situation so guys what should I do!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9213553667068481 2017-12-22 22:27:44,"We have found a vulnerability in our bot and till we fix that we will be stopping the bot. We are very sorry for this, but it had to be done. See you back with the bot in a few days",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9978346228599548 2018-01-01 15:36:49,"I need to vent. Ohhhh, can't even begin to describe how much I have missed annoying people with my problems on this channel . Now the bot is back we in business baby. On a real note tho am glad the bot is back and the channel is up and running i have missed the vent here, I truly have .",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9947958588600159 2018-01-01 15:52:42,"I need to vent. I know this girl from long ago we were like chatting all day like for very long time and i think i like her,i can't stop thinking about her,she says she don't want to lose me she has a bf she told me she just like him as a friend and texted me her new phone no before him but every time i try to heat things up i get up friendzoned so what would u advice me?",love,POSITIVE,0.7978596091270447 2018-01-01 16:31:48,"I need to vent. Does anyone believe in long distance relationships.... It's so fucking hard he's their am here All we do is fight fight fight! I used to love him Gen now I feel like his cheating.. And he thinks am cheating (which am not) ... And he has to dump me cuz I don't want to do it and we both knoe that it's not gonna work but it's all about pride here... The love has gone long gone So what should I do ignore him or just keep up with him till he does it",love,NEGATIVE,0.9968350529670715 2018-01-01 19:45:38,"I need to vent. What is it when a guy says he loves you but he wont show as much affection as he used to even when he knows how sensitive you are and is online all the time and wont text back",neutral,POSITIVE,0.924967885017395 2018-01-01 19:45:40,"I need to vent. I need to vent .I just don’t know what to expect anymore when it comes to gender equality. it’s a subject I thought we were all in agreement on specially those on in in our 20s and below but young ppl are telling me they genuinely don’t believe both sexes are not equal and somehow a woman is below a man and they r actually using the Bible to defend their position and am just shocked that in 2018 ppl still think like that",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9743741154670715 2018-01-01 20:06:04,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I think boys are dicks they think n act like one Is there anyone who agrees??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982395172119141 2018-01-01 20:08:31,"I need to vent. I have a boyfriend and its been a year so far and we love eachother so much but the problem here is (my ex) it was hard breaking up with him and he hasnt moved on yet and since when i broke up with him on text i did not give him a real good reason and his still asking why and making it hard for me to even go online so please help me what should I do should I ignore him cause i love my boyfriend so much?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987286925315857 2018-01-01 20:40:58,"I need to vent. This was supposed to be just another crash. You like someone then you so seeing them for sometime and all feelings go away. But unfortunately that's not happening and I just can't seem to get over him. I wanna tell him everything and get it off my chest but then again I feel like that 'Habesha' pride will come into play and he will 'mentebarer'. Men please answer this question for me what is it in a woman that draws you? Is it the challenge to get her that drives you or her personality or just her looks?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9892104864120483 2018-01-01 21:48:23,"I need to vent. Ummm it all started last year there was this dude and my friends was like u guys so hangout (metabes) keza he was kind of shy i guess keza we started txting and shit keza we flirt then his best friend which use to be a very close friend of mine and classmate was his best friend and unfortunately she likes him too then she use to talk bad things about me and i really didnt give a fuck so i started pushing him away now that i saw him last month i kind regretted it i miss him i tried to txting but it wasn't like before then she came last time and said we r together and we need talk mnmn i kinda ignored her then i herd she was lying i was a little happy i wont lie so i kinda want him back help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9930363297462463 2018-01-01 21:52:01,"I need to vent. I secretly hate my friend , its hard for me to fake n act as if i dont, i try to stay away from her as much as i can do but i really hate her, what should i do?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9988916516304016 2018-01-01 21:52:14,"I need to vent. Can u imagine not having the Internet for like a month...I came back to addis and the first thing I did was check this channel...I didn't think I was going to miss it these much. Feels good to be back to addis.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9911811351776123 2018-01-01 21:56:21,"I need to vent. Kemer.... This ain't been my month guys. I don't know what the fuck I did to piss the universe off. Nothing aint working in my life. And I mean that literally like my phone ain't working, telegram, etc. N I know all u smart ass Jerks out there be like how come u venting rn. Well I had to still someones phone cuz I couldn't handle it anymore. Ps. If ur android phone just Blacks out like shuts down for no reason what so ever what is suppose to be done yall ?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996986389160156 2018-01-01 22:23:06,"I need to vent. I'm in love with Anime...I'm afraid it's taking over my day to day plus night to night activities...anyone in the same situation...should I be a loner with anime by my side or will I regret it in a few years or decades when I'm all by my lonesome",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9931021928787231 2018-01-01 22:31:42,"I need to vent. Hello. I'm a Hacker I Access Documents Conversations Social Networks Valuable Informations of Others. and I See The Ugly Truth In Everybody, People Living In Just One Person Sharing The Same Flesh The Same Heart We Don't Seem To Know Who To Be. Everybody Nice To Their Loved Ones Killing Them With Words When We Are With Others, We Are Good Angles To The Ones We Love Bad and Devils To The Ones We Hate Careless To The Ones We Haven't Been Close. He's Good, She Is Great, They Are Nice.. Charming Beautiful It's Just Fed To Your Eyes Good Caring Gentle To Your Brain.. Nothing Is The Same When Your Away You Don't See It, I See It. I'm Addicted To The Truth In Everybody. You Say You Fell In Love. You Loved One Person In The People That Live In One Person. Hulachnm Sgachnn Be Markat Be Masdeset Teknenal Tebiboch Honenal Enbelalen Entetalen Enlebsalen Set Gar Wend Gar Enhedalen Sgachn Erkt Tgb Blo Enadralen Le Sgachn Enhonalen Nebsachn Mn Endemtfelg Enquan Be Kitu Mnawk Sntochachn Nen? Mn Tefelg Yhon Terba Tarza Yhon Be Bchegninet Brd Tkomatra Yhon? Sgachn Eko Nege Sar Yadgbetal Tlant Yeregetnew Melso Yregtenal. Tadya 100 Amet Le Maychl Sgachn Lemn Ehen Yahl? Nebs Yefetari Estinfas Nat Be Set Ena Wend Fkr Eyalen Mn Yahl Btreks Nw Yemnasekayat? Ewnet Ye Fetari Estinfas Be Genzeb Be Fok Be Cherk Be Hamet Be Sdb. Be Set Sga Wubet Ena Be Wend Tuncha Tereta? Mn Yahl Rekesn Mn Yahl Anesn Hiwotachnn Be Tera Be Tera Aschenken Wetrenat Eyekazen Snadr.. Hiwot Kezim Belay Tlk Enam Kibur Nat.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9222767949104309 2018-01-01 22:38:25,"I need to vent. People say that you can't fall inlove throguh a phone. But sometimes words speak louder than actions. I never thought I'd like someone again after I was hurt...but he changed me. The only problem is that he only sees me as a sis/bro kinda relationship. And i respect that but it hurts me. I really like him...but i don't wanna ruin our friendship. Maybe i should just stop trying and let him be...or should i continue sending him signs?",love,NEGATIVE,0.975411057472229 2018-01-01 22:42:23,"I need to vent. So I did something what I personally consider is a big no no. My best friend fell for this girl and she fine as fuck but obviously didn't comment further about it. She lives abroad and they met online,fell for one another,she came here and they were together for like a week or so. It's cool with me.She seemed cool. But I told him to be careful. Funny part is she stopped talking to him after a little while and he was devastated and just heart broken and shit. He took it really hard,but he eventually 'moved on'. The Internet shut down and i happen to be one of the few people online up here. So she texted me asking how I have Internet access and everything and we started talking. Our talking turned into flirting,and then sexting which was hot as fuck because that bitch was into some nasty stuff which I liked but still my best friend hadn't completely moved on so it's kinda hard continuing like this. So I tried to stop this shit but that girl is so hot I can't help bug keep going at it with her. And then she said she coming back to visit her fam for Christmas and she said she wanted to meet up. Things are gonna get nasty and hot but then there's my best friend who doesn't even know she is coming back. I feel bad though;it shouldn't be going the way it is. I should stop right?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957361221313477 2018-01-01 23:20:12,"I need to vent. I was at Romina the other day with friends dear to by one some of my dearest friends started heading home leaving money behind for what they had consumed...about four of us had remained...we asked for the bill...the bill being the kind hearted gentleman since I didn't want the waiter to wait around on our calculations decided to pay the bill...we then started calculating our due shares...but in the middle of our calculations a rebellious friend of mine decided his due had already been payed by the dearest friends that had left already...I then said to him ""friend of mine the money they gave me isn't enough to cover ur due so pay up""...he basically told me to go screw quote his evilness ""I didn't tell u to pay for me, I ain't gonna pay shit"" would this make one feel?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984310269355774 2018-01-02 10:35:20,"I need to vent. I am really trying to stay friend with my ex’s but I am having a hard time pretending like nothing happened and in some cases some unwanted feelings come back. Do you think its worth keeping the friendship or should I cut contacts although we have mutual friends.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982801675796509 2018-01-02 10:39:53,"I need to vent. gay marriage in ethiopia should be legal or not?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987682700157166 2018-01-02 10:41:12,"I need to vent. So i have been making new friends n when we hangout i always pay bcoz i would think it would nt b a big deal for first time but i always turns out they end up making me pay always even z boys where z fuck did let me help u with z bill or lets shear go????? my friends please advice me stg i should do next time i meet some people",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9851431250572205 2018-01-02 10:42:37,"I need to vent. So I was best friends with this girl for about 5 yrs until things got complicated because of the gossip in the school. As a result, we began to grow feelings for eachother although I think she had feelings for me earlier. One day while we were chatting it got so intense and sexy that we started sending eachother nudes and promised that we won't show it to anyone. However, like the dumb idiot I am, I sent it to a few friends to showoff. Then after a yr when I was least expecting it, I get a phone call from her. She was real mad and asked me ""How could you do such a thing? I trusted you."" In that moment I was lost for words. I could only deny that it wasn't me who leaked the nudes. I decided to tell her in person so I went to talk to her the next day. I've never seen her like this and it really broke my heart and I almost cried. She was looking stunning which made the situation a lot more difficult. Talking to her solved nothing and that day marked the end of our friendship. I tried to recover our relationship for a year and a half and I made her crack a little smile in the end but it wasn't like before. So should I give up or continue and try to make this realtionship work so that I can finally tell her that I have feelings for her? Only problem is that we're in college now and don't see eachother as often as we did in highschool. Please help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.985552966594696 2018-01-02 13:57:27,"I need to vent. Hey. I want to ask the person who vented about girls being eggs!!!! I totally understood your whole vent except for the part about eggs. Do u mean to say ""easily breakable"" or ""hard shelled"" or do you think of girls as food ? Man iv been wondering a lot but I just can't figure it out!!!! Pls explain??? Not judging just curious!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976487755775452 2018-01-02 16:19:30,"I need to vent. So i have dis guy friend whos sorta more than a friend. We've had a thing since the first time we met but for years there was nothing happening and at some point we both got into serious relationships. Our relationships ended at around the same time which was weird. When we got to college after highschool(we go to the same college now) things changed. We're still friends in a way but we make out n stuff when we're alone n we flirt n kinda sext. But infront of other ppl we dnt do anyth just act as normal friends. N my bestfriend is also friends with him n when we hang out as a group hes always complimenting her n making jokes with really annoys me. She knows about us n technically theyre just friends too but still. N i cant figure out if the guy just sees us as friends with benefits or more. N i dnt wanna make it weird by bringing it up. Any advice???",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.6553756594657898 2018-01-02 16:21:22,"I need to vent. I'm pretty much a fat girl with crazy insecurities.I was an Overweight,lazy,potato couch in my high school years.I joined college and I started losing a bit of weight.It felt good to see a difference but no matter where I go,I have to hear it at least once that I am far from someone.Whether it be a family member or a friend or even a complete I absolutely hate it when ppl take pictures because everything is out there.U can see everything.And that makes me feel like hmmmm so that's how a person would look at me and I hate it.I fucking hate it so much.Insecurity takes a toll on me.I've always been insecure about the way I look.And I'm just so done feeling the way I do.And I want to find a guy that could make me feel lie a queen and respect me and care and love me. A guy that I would feel the same way back but it seems to be impossible as the days pass by. Maybe I'm just exaggerating.... idk. I'm being stupid....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981635212898254 2018-01-02 16:21:34,"I need to vent. So guys, i’ve been wondering...what is it about our culture that makes pick up lines and approaching people so odd?? What is it that makes asking someone for a date, seem like a marriage proposal?? Am i right???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998788058757782 2018-01-02 16:21:52,"I need to vent. Hi. So what's the perfect response to a person who is never available to pick up their phone when you call, but always complains using a text like ""tal tal aregshign"" ""betam tefteshal"" and the like?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998187243938446 2018-01-02 17:03:23,"I need to vent. Hey guys ... do u know any habesha dating (mostly teen) channels on telegram? If u do pls share...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999169111251831 2018-01-02 17:15:56,"I need to vent. So, the dictionary defines feminist as a woman who thinks that they are equal to men, a woman who believes that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to bring about equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life. . Why do men hate feminists? Is it because they think they are not equal, or they think they are above equal? And yes, for a woman feminism is more than what the dictionary states, its about taking care of herself by herself, its about independence, so men hate woman who are independent? Why do they hate a woman who can pay her own bill? Because they can't take care of her, make her feel like she owes them something.. What's up with that?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9942580461502075 2018-01-02 18:05:16,"I need to vent. I did something. Knowing fully well that i would get fired. Anyone can relate?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9945242404937744 2018-01-02 18:12:41,"I need to vent. wts up.....soo I just wanna ask u guys specially boys how can grls give u a sign of love eski tell me I like zis guy we r besties now but I kinda like him for so long n am dying inside btam so pls help me out tell me signs",love,NEGATIVE,0.9920320510864258 2018-01-02 19:54:59,"I need to vent. This is vent I think i am in love with my best friend wanted to let him know but am scared to lose him.. what shall i do pls help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985301494598389 2018-01-02 19:58:08,"I need to vent. What makes a guy to say a girl is good enough for me to have a relationship with or marry her as wife??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950345754623413 2018-01-02 20:25:20,"I need to vent. This really not a vent just a thought. I love the moon. I call her a she. Cause she is calm and beautiful and just simply perfect. If God made everything, he took time on her. He carved her well. He shaped her well enough to see right through us. I hope its normal to be this deeply connected to something that i might never be able to feel with my own hands but her presence calms me down. She knows when I'm sad, mad, or just hurt. She knows my every little secret. I love her.",love,POSITIVE,0.9986901879310608 2018-01-02 20:26:57,"I need to vent. I am addicted to weed How can I stop this addiction",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989809393882751 2018-01-02 20:30:53,"I need to vent. Has anyone experienced reincarnation ? Feeling like u know someone for long time(years), when ur actually meeting that person for the first time",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990442395210266 2018-01-02 21:00:27,"I need to vent. Anyone here knows how to stay cool, i mean anger management, like every little thing drives me insane, like if some nigga has a shit breath and he sitting next to me I just can't handle it I just turn into the meanest MF ever",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992666840553284 2018-01-02 21:13:55,"I need to vent. Hello guys to everyone who is reading this i need advise on somthing and its abt my ex we broke up after i did her wrong and she got mad and we broke up ....but after we broke up she went to another country to learn i rly liked this girl because she was caring and cared abt me now i heard that she has another boyfriend .what should i do im blocked out of all her social media ...i think she moved on what should i do get her back or not comment below",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983545541763306 2018-01-02 21:16:31,"I need to vent. Hello everyone , well i start having sleeping paralysis since i was a kid, and i have had the most terrifying and scary moments, what should i do to stop it? And who else has sp before?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.997583270072937 2018-01-02 21:57:04,"I need to vent. Have u any of u guys feel like u can't breath sometimes? Like u wanna scream and go crazy? Like u want to do dangerous things and ruin your life? It's like there's something missing inside me and what I have is not enough... If you guys feel like this how do u go back to normal?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994018077850342 2018-01-02 22:45:05,"I need to vent. Is it just me or do people also find dating inside school to be weird. No matter how much I like someone I can't bring myself to ask them out just because we're in the a same school.. What do you think?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981492757797241 2018-01-03 10:34:36,"I need to vent. So hey everyone. I wanted to ask. Well there is this guy I really like but I'm super shy. When I'm around him I'm extra extra shy. So I'm wondering do u think he would notice that? Like do guys notice this kinda stuff? We are not close but sometimes we hang out in group and I totally can't keep eye contact and I get so nervous and avoid him specifically. I don't want him to know that I like him cause it will be super embarrassing. And now I feel extra extra shy cause I think he knows and everyone else too. What do you think?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950738549232483 2018-01-03 10:47:06,"I need to vent. There is this girl I met in college and at first it was like ""hey how u doin?"" from a distance but in a short period of time, we got closer and began to just hug eachother without a reason. She started to text me and we talked everyday both in person and text. Is this the start of a relationship or what?",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8393689393997192 2018-01-03 12:24:08,"I need to vent. I honestly really hate everyone now. Like seriously. Minshe new koy. Everyone wants sonething from you. Letikim new sew sewn mitegaw. Why oh why ... is the world coming to this. Why? Mtsm. Demo I'm the most NAIVE person alive. B3ka i trust everyone Does anyone else have a cure for this. Like I'm not talking about this guy hurt me. This bitch did this crap. I'm talking about PURE friendships. Work relationships. Omg pls God help me. I can't do this. I'm really betammmm jil. Yewah. Hulun amnalew. I'm really sick of it beka. Human is trash. Enough. I DON'T WANT to BELIEVE THEM BEKA. UFFFFFF! HOW DO U DO IT?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9991408586502075 2018-01-03 14:26:02,"I need to vent. I think that my dick is shrinking anyone facing the same problems?any suggestions? Please anything u know might be helpful",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989914298057556 2018-01-03 14:50:49,"I need to vent. I have a friend, let's call her Hiwot, she is scary obsessed with this Ethiopian artist(Teddy)...I care for her deeply n am worried this is affecting her love life...she has decided to not engage in any kid of relationship lest it be with Teddy...I want her to experience true love but she is in a fantasy world of her making...soon as the words ""worst comes n I end up with another man, i shall adopt a child...can't bare the thought of carrying a child that is not Teddy's"" came running out her lips was when I fully realized I needed to aid this friend I care for...but I'm at an impasse on how to accomplish my mission...any idea would be appreciated",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9598856568336487 2018-01-03 15:28:07,"I need to vent. At the lowest point of my life(i was expelled) guess wt this stupid guy says.... room yizen I'll advice you. I swear to maryam minim ayfeterm. Ene maryamn biye washche alakm!!!!!!!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992160797119141 2018-01-03 16:14:10,"I need to vent. You know yourself. And I know you're reading this. Thanks a lot for revealing my secret even if you know you weren't supposed to. This is all your fault. I've spent countless nights because you gave my secret over to a family member. How could you do this to me. You think I don't know it's u but I do. With great power comes great responsibility but u gave it all up for her. What a disgrace. For all of y'all reading this, have you ever been betrayed bcs a person told ur secret to someone? Please share.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9953422546386719 2018-01-03 16:31:18,"I need to vent. My life is a hell on earth. I don't trust people at all. I always wanna be alone. Think of suicide more time than I can count. Can't concentrate on my studies but I really want to go to the US for scholarship. I don't want to tell people my problem because I feel like no body cares. I feel disgusted by who I am even though I don't do anything close to fooling around. My parents don't even give a shit when I tell them I am sick. I am now experiencing a lot of pains related to heart disease caused by stress but they had to wait a week to take me to a hospital. I don't want to die because I want to see my future. I want to enjoy it. Tell me how I am supposed to handle it for 2 years!!!",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5309028029441833 2018-01-03 19:52:13,"I need to vent. So this might be the most dangerous thing I have ever done in my entire life. After way to Many hours spent on the internet bored out of my skull googling and watching ""How to survive a zombie apocalypse"" tutorials on YouTube I came across this interesting piece of art. Its a Hungarian suicide song named gloomy Sunday made a couple of decades back . Supposedly it is the most dangerous song in the world Most of the people who have listened have some how ended up killing them selfs . It puts you in depression state like no other. It literally make you pull the trigger or slit open you vein, which ever mechanism you choose to end it by. Becha this might be the last thing I ever write.( This is really stupid I shouldn't be Doing this). Hope am still breath by the end of the song .",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9955406785011292 2018-01-04 06:05:58,"I need to vent. So there is this girl i been dating for abt 7 months. She is an amazing girl. I mean most of our things get along and have so many common things,she is so beautiful and has a kind heart plus we hangout like all z time, we even drink beer together(she was both my best friend and lover).then huge problem came up. A couple of months back her mom found out abt us and the worst part is she(her mom) saw our pic on her() phone. Not jst anypic our naked pic together(i know its pretty careless of her) and she (idk z right word to express it) becha yemeche kewetechew. She even made her swear to nvr talk to and see me agian.(she got into many trouble b/c of it. even grounded for a month) then zat day i received a text from her saying all z things. I did not even know wat to say. tried to call her that week she didnt replay. Then after a couple of weeks she called saying 'i miss yu'. And we started to talk again. Then after two days she stormed out again. Shutting me up ! And she finally talked me and said 'its ma family. I cant do this anymore. If things got better at home i could get back to you then'. It was really awful. Now we havent talked for 2 months until this afternoon we bumped to each other and it was pretty weird. The thing is i was nvr over her still not b/c i didn't got a reason enough to not love her and gave up. Yea i havent tried to contact her for the last 2 months but i still have a strong feeln 4 her. Think abt her all z time. so im lost here guys need a help. Wat should i do ... try to contact her again and agian.? Or wat? (she is the dream girl) i cant jst let her go. Not jst like that. So should i try harder? Fight for her? Or is the reason big enough to break two loving hearts? Need a help guys! Need a help.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9939602613449097 2018-01-04 12:14:14,"I need to vent. Hey guys, this vent thing is really helping me make good decisions. There r some people out there who understand my problem and give amazing advice and there are others who just write shit but it has helped me on the most part. Thanks guys",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.997386634349823 2018-01-04 15:48:53,"I need to vent. Hi guys wat is the reason of learning, it is good in one way but it doesn't matter in ethiopia u just learn learn for no reason",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9885483980178833 2018-01-04 15:59:09,"I need to vent. I don't know why but I have a problem with dating guys for a long time. I can't stay with one guy for more than a month plus I can't make out with them. I am not that player type gin I get tired of them very easily. So please help me. With this condition I am gonna have a committed relationship. So help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.993822455406189 2018-01-04 20:00:15,"I need to vent. So here is a question when is the appropriate age for a guy to start dating? Am not too bad with girls (i have lots of Good friends) am not too shy either at flirting if I want to...when ever there is a girl I like ...i think of how likely is it she will the one the plan is to have no Ex-s when I date a girl she has to be it so I usually avoid dating so far no Exs just ex crushs...since the plans is to get married some time after thinking like around 4th year menamen am being childish cause these days even elementary students are dating p.s am 19",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9921431541442871 2018-01-04 20:00:42,"I need to vent. Ahhh I hate campus teachers!!! Y do the teachers feel they should be just be respected because they r older than us or they r paid... I hate them all... today My teacher just beka wesha new yaregegne because I didn't take an exam...he don't even care when i said let me take another or etefelegne... Beka he just want to masekayet me...I hate it!!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995130300521851 2018-01-04 20:58:55,"I need to vent. hey guys there is this girl I rly like in fact I think I love her I asked her out and she said no but she was shy and she has been showing me signs so what do I do should I ask her again in a more secluded area",love,NEGATIVE,0.9693735837936401 2018-01-04 21:29:14,"I need to vent. Soooo here it goes. I very recently met a decent guy. We are classmates but only recently did we get close. So as we started talking I liked him a lot. And in my world I also thought he did ... poor me Apparently he has a girlfriend ... he never told me himself but my friend just casually mentioned it. Long story short what can I do to get over him? Any suggestions? And please dont be mean with your comments?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9840288758277893 2018-01-04 21:35:00,"I need to vent. So she thinks am a bad friend I have this frd she was like my sister and then I was going through a lot she did not even call I think she is thinking that I ignored her or sth but I did not I called her she avoided me I couldn't call anymore but I lost my uncle I was going through a lot of pain Idk if it's my fault but I just lost a sister and Idk what to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989404082298279 2018-01-04 21:43:14,"I need to vent. Hi, so my prob is that I'm 15 and still haven't been with a girl, kissed one or even got close to going out with one. I know for sure that I'm not homo. I have no prob with all of that and I'm already happy with what life already gives me but all my friends keep pressuring me to get a girlfriend. But just recently I found out that I had a pretty big record of girls liking me. What should I do, and pls give me something smart",joy,POSITIVE,0.9931144118309021 2018-01-04 21:47:11,"I need to vent. So i hav a date wiz a girl whom i hav met online. We are planning to watch a movie, and u guys know wt happens in z back seat(kiss kiss). Can anyone tell me z procedure to make out wiz her in a stylish, slick way? Ps. I rly like this girl, so help a brother",love,NEGATIVE,0.7069768905639648 2018-01-04 22:02:29,"I need to vent. I'm 18 and I think I'm really missing out on a lot since I don't have a girlfriend. I think its bcoz I lost the opportunity to have a gf in highschool and I messed up big. What do I do? Look for a her or stop?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995597004890442 2018-01-04 22:06:44,"I need to vent. Well it goes like dis theres dis guy i actually loved as crazy we once had sth kinda relation thing but after a while he said we should stop and after a while i noticed his seein someone,else i actually loved him so much i didnt even care he had another girl kept on lovin him but i keep gettin hurt so at some point moved on and forgot him Now after a while he texted me and told me lets start all new as a friend right now dont have no feelings towards help me on dis do u think its ok if we become friends??",love,NEGATIVE,0.998699426651001 2018-01-04 22:23:36,"I need to vent. So yesterday I had an agreement with my friend (not Ethiopian) about Ethiopians girls and how the act . My friend thinks now a day they are easy to get and have no standards! . I obviously disagree but, it was hard to prove him wrong unfortunately.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9981587529182434 2018-01-04 22:24:12,"I need to vent. off the love and relationship topic, does anyone here know how to get rid of acne and pimples??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988688826560974 2018-01-04 22:43:16,"I need to vent. Hey zis to z girls out there.. wt do u feel whn smne tells u zat zey like u.. wt if z person told u.. is just smne zat is nat zat close to u...just smne in ur campus that u say hi to nd talks to u with every face to face chance he gets..but calls everyday just to hear ur voice... cares abt u a lot.. but u take him for granted.... but his lost .. he don't know wt to do anymore.. pls girls out there pls tell me wt to do..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968542456626892 2018-01-04 22:55:44,"I need to vent. So my ex of over a year n I have become sooo close that he is actually my best friend (sad I know )...but I can't help it he's everything I need he's always there for me I know he cares n loves me n he trusts me with everything n I feel the same way for him we talk for hrs almost every day I tell him everything....he does too's like we're still together exept for the promise of a future n no sex that is....Sometimes we don't even use words we know what the other is thinking I'm serious (point is we're very very close )....problem is.... I feel like this will explode in our faces I mean one of us is going to get hurt at some point right? ( I have a feeling it's me ) but I can't stop n I don't think I want to stop I know he dosn't....I mean I don't wanna loose someone who's that close to me....what do u think I should do? N am I the only one with this type of issue? P.S so far we've each had brief relationships with other ppl after the break up ...but can't say they went well....Help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9913416504859924 2018-01-04 23:27:30,"I need to vent. I always fall in love with girls I hang out with..what shall I do...When I ask them for love ,they don't love me. They always ignore me.I can't find my me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9938451647758484 2018-01-04 23:38:34,"I need to vent. Hi there so i hv a confession to make... Here is wat other told me about my personality I'm kind of handsome, loyal, trusted, loving, and caring but i don't think I'm one of those things bc i've been told or seen that that kind of personality is wanted by girls but not 1 girl has ever been interested in me and others like who goes from girl to girl who like cheating on there gfs are in a r/ship and not me nd I'm confused here am i suppose to change my personality bc and or what pls comment bc im dying of loneliness..nd also i have this kind of prinsiple that ke 1 set fker yezogn kesua gar eske mechereshaw menor new mefelegew malet if she didn't like me nd broke up wiz me i don't think i am going to love agian is it normal help pls...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9949053525924683 2018-01-05 00:01:04,"I need to vent. So i'm waiting for April the 1st ""April the fool"" to tell my best friend i have a feeling for him and ask him out. If it fails i can backup our friendship.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989129304885864 2018-01-05 00:27:11,"I need to vent. Okay so i am going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow. I was okay with it but now am getting nervous. It it really a big deal if i have to take meds when i'm 22??",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9898281097412109 2018-01-05 00:31:03,"I need to vent. I'm a Software Engineer i've written an algorithm it took me about a month to come up with it it's main purpose is to hack into phones hijack telegram sms facebook accounts. I've hacked around 30 accounts and one of my friend told to start working with payment for others with 200birr each and i said no but i calculated the money i could have gotten 30*200 6000birr in just a week. But i thought lots of people will go under a lot of complications. I need to decide.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993745684623718 2018-01-05 02:15:12,"I need to vent. I have been dating my bf for 3 years. We went to the states together and are staying with his dad until we find a place of our own. My bf works long hours and doesn't come home until late at night which means I spend most of my time with his dad. At first I used to stay in my room till my bf came back and didn't really spend that much time socializing with the dad. That all changed on a certain Tuesday. The dad was in the kitchen cooking and we started talking and talking and as the days went by talking changed to flirting which changed to touching until one day he was backing me up against the wall kissing me like I have never been kissed before. It wasn't until his hands were half way up my shirt that reality came back knocking. But even then I wasn't ready to stop. So what started in the kitchen went to the couch and ended in the bed. After that day it has become such an addiction that I couldn't stop doing it even if I knew how wrong it was. The real problem came about a month ago. My period was late so I took a home pregnancy test which came back positive. So now I'm 3 months pregnant and I don't know who the father is...tho there's a high possibility of it being the dad's. So tell me people how am I supposed to tell my bf I'm pregnant with his brother/sister.. I need advises",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9842336773872375 2018-01-05 06:27:09,"I need to vent. Something I want to talk about is the peeps on this channel with lying problems. Dear peeps, That shit gets chronic if you continue like this. What do you get from anonymously lying for no gain AT ALL..... AT ALL.... Feakin wierdos. No one's ego is fed from this, so just lie to ur pillow or something because we both know you alone and lifeless AF.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977924823760986 2018-01-05 07:24:59,"I need to vent. I had my first, and most severe, migraine attack today. It was without a doubt the most terrifying experience of my life and shook me up. i spent the whole day in a dark room and i dont know how i am supposed to put up with this kind of pain my whole life. am so scared help!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.7735074162483215 2018-01-05 19:08:20,"I need to vent. Ok , I am an 18 year old girl and I've never dated before . when I was little I was so full of life and excitement that I tried everything and talked to new people and became friends wiz them without even knowing it and then in my teenage years I became scared of my family and think of what they would say and I took every action carefully focused on studying and few people I chose as friends .but now I feel lonley eventhough I have friends I don't know wat to do .my best friends all have friends(or smth a little more than classmates) and I feel like the shy one from the group eventhough am not shy at all.and I feel like I'm missing out on a highschool love story .and I really wanne have one. I wanne experience something more than just having a crushh I don't wanne miss out on the basics.I mean I'm like one of the preety girls in the batch at least I See myself that way but when I see that I don't have lots of ppl by my side I feel insecure and I feel like if I could date someone something would change. This sounds weak and I thought I was strong but I don't knoww.....I know u guys don't like dealing with my kind of vent.but please I wanne know how I could be able to enjoy my highschool years and get a date,please",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7336957454681396 2018-01-05 20:11:03,"I need to vent. Hey ppl hw u? & I have a huge assignment given by our programming teacher. & the assignment is to write a c++ program that outputs an ethiopian european calendar in a table form. & the input that a user should give is any given year & the calendar should include every ethiopian if anyone who passed through zis & got the source code can help me....i'll give my number.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984840750694275 2018-01-05 21:32:41,"I need to vent. Idk wt to say.. i rly like dis girl like a lot.. i just can't get her.. she sometimes picks up whn i call her... i text her everyday.. but am nat getting her we talk normally. I mean i ask her hw was her day like .. but she acts like she has no interest on me... i never told her wt I feel.. but whn i asked her y she was acting zis way.. she denied that the way she acted.. nd laughed.. nd hanged up the phone.. i rly don't know wt to do.. am so messed up.. tell me wt to do pls",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999138593673706 2018-01-05 21:40:25,"I need to vent. There was this guy & we had been dating we were not that close but he used to tell me that his ex has hurt him so much and that he still loves her and we were kinda on the way of being together but then she kissed him and they got back together so he left me he said sorry so many times like i understood him he loves her and now after 2 years we started talking again like we used to talk everyday and i started to like him endewm a lot more and btw he is in campus now we started relationship and it's now been 4 month and the problem is that we have the same friend and he doesn't want her to know about us and b/c of this i sometimes think that maybe he isn't happy with me or am not good enough for him the other problem is that after 4 mouth we met again i mean like in person ena des yel nbr betam we had a great time and he even said a lot of things about us i mean like that he loves me mnamn but then when we are about to go birr teyekegn ke gudgnoche ga lengenagn nw mnamn belo i gave him malet abrn silly ngr argn or beltenbet benatefaw sure enem des yelegnal ahun gn i felt kinda weird malet is this normal maybe since selkoyen bezu ngr yargelgnal beye asbe yehonal eski tell me ur opinions nd most importantly why do you think he doesn't want our friend to know about us",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975152015686035 2018-01-05 22:05:56,"I need to vent. I shouldn't have done it! I kno I shouldn't have done it. N now everyone is pisssed n I'm pissed at myself for being such a pushover! Bicha this is gonna be the worst Christmas ever!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997389912605286 2018-01-05 23:14:41,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, I'm a sophomore high school student and I've been friends with this sweet girl for the past few years... We've had really good times all those years but these days outta the blue she's treating me like crap like wtf? I'm so confused... I've loved her more the more we became friends but I feel like she hates me.... I've tried to talk to her coupla times... Then she'll be nice to me for a day or two then revert back into an asshole... Please tell me wth is happening?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9982859492301941 2018-01-05 23:30:16,"I need to vent. You don't know what attracts him towards you, you don't think you've ever flirted or whatever but he keeps calling and even when you don't pick up today he's gonna hit you up tomorrow. You can't be like bro why you callin me cause you sometimes hang with the same crowd and that'd make things weird. What would you do if you were in this situation? ~ Please don't be mean only real comments needed",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9730507135391235 2018-01-06 08:00:47,"I need to vent. Am I the only one who thinks your high school friends are your lifetime friends. Not fake and amazing the rest you meet at university are just fully of shit and just so amazingly amazing",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9952937960624695 2018-01-06 08:01:06,"I need to vent. I met a girl last year about this time we hit it off while chatting and we started hanging out and it's been like 6 month and although I didn't want to start dating I've fallen for her and she sees me as a friend I don't know how to convey my feelings and if she even will accept them I can't even sleep these day's am afraid of losing her but I want to be more than a friend. So what shall I do specially ladies advice would be nice",desire,NEGATIVE,0.7743657231330872 2018-01-06 08:08:51,"I need to vent. Hey y'all esti help me out so me and my boyfriend we huv been together for more than a year now n i really cared about him like no jock gin i found out he had a thing with this other girl although he said it was just a stupid thing him n his friends did n that it meant nothing to him n they never really met in person it was just textin n shit and that time i forgived him n we moved on but then i heard about this other girl same case n it was at the same time too i just heard this one koyche n now i just don't trust him anymore n its not easy letting him go either i planned a whole future with him demo both the girls texted me n they both sent me a screenshot of there conversation n it's just not the same for me anymore but he is really trying to make things right he changed a lot for me he stopped smoking n shit becha wat do y'all think ahun",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9803040623664856 2018-01-06 08:12:12,"I need to vent. Do y’all ever get like random urges to do some crazy shit... like I was cutting onion today and my brain was randomly like “STAB YOURSELF IN THE EYE” like sis no tea no shade what the fuck..... and sometimes when I’m crossing the street my brain is like WALK IN TO A TRUCK like ... huh or like when i am drinking something hot i get the urge to SPILL IT ON MY BARE SKIN TF IS THIS SHIT",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989573955535889 2018-01-06 09:13:32,"I need to vent. I liked this girl at my school. She's beautiful in every way but i'm shy, i couldn't do ntn to talk to her..after 3 moths seeing her at far..i have told my self to talk to her.. and i heard that she's dating this guy i know ( kinda a friend of mine ) i wasnt mad tho he was a great guy.. so i thought he wouldn't hurt her, he would be good to her.. ik guys when i said this you think i don't like her as much as i say but I do.. i don't know what to do help ?",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.8218733072280884 2018-01-06 09:16:00,"I need to vent. Sup guys,need your help I'm a highschool girl and there is this guy not only a guy he's my ex which I still love em after we broke up we decided to stay friends actually he decided...and wen we talk or txt he shows me signs and tell meh that he loves me and I'm like dude can't get you...when he show me signs I stopped lookin for other guy and waited fo em but he Ain't doin shit and when I start showin em sth or get closer to em he turned out to be my friend...he'll be like we're friends eko that's ol don't take it other way and after this I decided to stop waiting but wen he sees me wid other guys he gets mad and asks me who the hell is he yuh Berta stop mnamn guys should I move on or keep waiting...I just can't get em?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9967743754386902 2018-01-06 09:30:50,"I need to vent. Hey dudes n dudets... I am a senior in high school, dating no one. Becoz am discovering meself, Building my future, owning this world, getting my life set up, gettin high, doin backflips, insulting my closest frnds, keeping up with all the series, reading all the amazing classic that ought to be read, scrolling thru wierd stuff on reddit, being awesome, being lame, taking bus routes i have no clue about, watchin f'd up anime's, listning to obscure 60's psychedelic music, freaking out about my uncertain future, freak out a lil more, write stuff out of the blue, speakin of blue....listning to awesome Jazz music, arguing for no reason at all( and winning), watchin some more movies, *insert another cool stuff here*. Point is i barely get time for myself enkuan le lela sew. How the hell do ya all pull of the dating thingy.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9959610104560852 2018-01-06 10:18:52,"I need to vent. I believe one of the main ingredient for a healthy relationship is having fun with ur other partner so keeping that in mind I try to have as much fun as possible with my girl (dating 2 years and counting). One way we have fun is pranking each other, we r hella pranksters and we did a lot to eachother from shaving facial hair to cutting hair to burning belongings etc.. becha yesterday she got me good. We were in a taxi sitting together and I started talking to her and putting my arms around her. At first it was all okay but then she screamed like a MFKR saying ""ante ebd atenkagn..beka alfeleghm begid? lekeskes new benatachu....shufer akumlgn benateh yehe yekomebet lij fata lisetegn alchalem"" bela I got kicked off the taxi . My heart was racing kahun and sew yemetagnal eyalku setebabek So my point is have fun in your relationship and the rest will follow due time. Ps..if u have a payback prank I should do on here, halla at me",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9880760908126831 2018-01-06 14:04:03,"I need to vent. Anyone know a great place to have dinner? Reasonable price range of course.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9963728189468384 2018-01-06 17:13:52,"I need to vent. So I really wish the guys in the channel would help me out. I'm fresh to the dating/flirting world so... tell me what it really means. Crack the code for me. Like i found out ""lets watch a movie in cinema"" means ""let's make out."" K.. so Let's get out of town? let's watch a movie at my place. tea or let's talk at my place. Dinner n wine... Bla bla....",desire,NEGATIVE,0.7467027306556702 2018-01-06 17:14:45,"I need to vent. Hy guys i need to vent really bad there is this guy at school and he is my best friend but things are a little bit complicated between us he have a girlfriend and everybody knows that he is so madly in love with her but he always tell me otherwise he tells me that he dont love her like others say so one time i asked him what he wants and he told me that he loves her but not satisfied by their relationship so i asked how i can help and he asked me to be his makeout partner for sometime and i said yes but at that time i didnt have any feelings for him and we start sneaking around and kissing and doing stuff for 2 month or sth but i start liking him and things start to go bad i tried alot to hide my feelings but i can't and now he wants to stop this thing that we had for 2 month so what should i do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979802966117859 2018-01-06 17:14:45,"I need to vent. Hy guys i need to vent really bad there is this guy at school and he is my best friend but things are a little bit complicated between us he have a girlfriend and everybody knows that he is so madly in love with her but he always tell me otherwise he tells me that he dont love her like others say so one time i asked him what he wants and he told me that he loves her but not satisfied by their relationship so i asked how i can help and he asked me to be his makeout partner for sometime and i said yes but at that time i didnt have any feelings for him and we start sneaking around and kissing and doing stuff for 2 month or sth but i start liking him and things start to go bad i tried alot to hide my feelings but i can't and now he wants to stop this thing that we had for 2 month so what should i do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979802966117859 2018-01-06 17:22:07,"I need to vent. Hello So there is this girl who is my uncle's wife's uncle and his wife r both in their 30's but his wife's sister is in campus just year older than me. She usually compliments me saying I'm cute and funny and all..we're pretty close and I've never thought of it as more than just close family affection but then now she graduated and is away from campus so we usually only talk online n since we dont get to see eachother as much...she started sending me pics n z pics were a bit more exposing like she in a brah or in bed or with her in a see thru tshirt n stuff...n this has been confusing me in that her talk has also become more of a seductive type she wants to meet when I'm on break n i was wondering what to do...should i let it go or just finish z deal cuz that seems like what she is upto??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.97805255651474 2018-01-06 18:50:24,"I need to vent. Soo you guys, like I have been thinking ena this is me genuinely curious I swear. Don't take it the wrong way...or do, whatever. Anyway, I hear an awful lot of you here being all ""I asked her/him out"". Not that am trying to ask anybody out (God, no!) What am wondering is, how do you guys do it? I mean, the perfect wording. ""Abreshgn/abrehegn wta""? like what is the amharic equivalent of ""will you go out with me"".  It's just that guys, I have noticed, always just be like ""behuala enegenagn?"" Mnamn enji there's no formality I have seen so far.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9938556551933289 2018-01-06 18:50:35,"I need to vent. Hi everyone These days I'm starting 2 feel like I'm very beautiful like betam malet nw n I was wondering is it normal I mean anyone out zer who feels z same way????",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.994207501411438 2018-01-06 18:50:56,"I need to vent. i had depression, n i know how bad it is , those of u who r dealing with it, dont give up be strong",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996015429496765 2018-01-06 18:51:28,"I need to vent. Here it goes.... To whom it may concern I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!! መልካም የልደት በዓል!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9896288514137268 2018-01-06 18:51:45,"I need to vent. Is putting yourself in constant distraction(watching movies, listening to music, always with friends, always working and occupied) a sign of escapism? If so what am I trying to escape/avoid? Seeking psychological advice. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9232451319694519 2018-01-06 18:58:52,"I need to vent. There is this girl. She's my bestfriend and we are very close... unlike anyother friendship I have with other girls. The other day I heard a rumor about her liking me n stuff so I wanted to know if it was true. To be honest I kinda like her and wanted us to be more than friends. So then I asked her if she cud picture me a girl that fits me or show me if she saw one and she agreed to look for her and let me know when she does. I gave her a few days and finally, she told me that she found her and then I said ""who is she?"" and she took a while to answer bcoz she was taking long breaths to calm herself down and she replied ""my heart's beating fast."" So I gave her a brief moment and asked her again cuz I didn't know why she was acting like that. I understood when she said ""its me, I'm the one for you. I was amazed by her answer and gave her an are u serious kinda look. She was not joking and this meant that I had a gf whom I liked. Atleast that was what I was thinking. We met again a few days later and nothing seemed different. It was like the topic of ""a relationship"" didn't come up before. Both of us didn't talk about any of that and just continued with our ""friendship."" I'm really bummed out about the whole incident and please help guys. What do I do next? Do I talk about it or just move on with our friendship? P.s it has been a few weeks",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9757718443870544 2018-01-06 19:01:18,"I need to vent. So what's wrong with being a fuck boy? What is wrong with not being committed? What's wrong with protecting oneself? I don't get it's so frowned upon? Gedeta eko ayedelem getting in to a relationship...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.99886155128479 2018-01-06 19:42:16,"I need to vent. i used to be married for a yr now and hv been with my wife for the last 4yrs total. Couple of months ago communication gap happened and it went to my wife leaving our house and moving in with her reasons at all except i was told that we were really different ppl who got married on the paper only. I asked why got married in the firat place...reply was ""hope that things will change""...(ofcourse before we got married there were all the things that can happen in a relationship (love, fight, etc))...and it has been few weeks since i started living alone and now i am feeling that right or wrong...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971978664398193 2018-01-07 08:12:45,"Tomas: 13 reasons not to kill yourself: 1. You are loved Ann : 2. Nobody cares. Make them regret it Tomas: 3. You'll go to hell if you commit suicide : 4. Change is constant, so its probably temporary Sosina: 5. It really does get better °•L£€x|D•°: 6. There is always darkness before the light Ayaan: 7. God created u coz he knew ur worth it Dan: 8.There are people who need u the most.. Mercy Mihert: 9. The people who loves u will get hurt and heart broken Tomas: 10. There are other ways of getting the attention you crave Ann : 11. Fuck them. 12. Do you 13. The end! Life is boring n meaningless sometimes. Everyone feels wt ur feeling. So yea.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986076951026917 2018-01-07 09:14:55,"I need to vent. Its my first time here.. Can u feel affinity to someone but ur not sure its love? I have a boyfriend and he is more than perfect for me. He understands my weaknesses buthe doesnt judges me for them. He is truly my prince charming. The problem is am not sure i love him since i started havin a lil problem of my own, i cant feel what love .. i sometimes.cut my self. So please am in need of an advice. Thanks",love,POSITIVE,0.985990047454834 2018-01-07 09:20:09,"I need to vent. So I started dating this guy who was younger than me I was in uni he was in high school he turned out to be my first love but since the begging I used to find some fishy things but as he was really loving towards me it blinded me like some girl called me once and asked a lot about him and how they are still dating but he's cheating with me but when I asked him he said it was a test and she was his cousin we've been thru a lot together I don't think it's possible to love anyone like that honestly then he lost am I valuable in his life then started to get distant he starred saying he will never be the same again and he can make me happy but I couldn't stay away I literally begged everyday I was in love still am but not sure if he's saying that because Of tgat specific reason or cuz he is dating someone or cuz he doesn't want me anymore Now we barely talk but I miss him it's killing me the betrayal. after all the love and the uncertainty ,2 years wasted everything what should I do please help.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997523844242096 2018-01-07 09:35:27,"I need to vent. Never shared this to anyone but if it's anonymous, let me let it out. She told me she was a virgin and that she had never had sex with a guy and tricked me into having sex with her.. I regret it. I regret every moment of it.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9975094795227051 2018-01-07 13:17:56,"I need to vent. I'm sick eyadame doro sibela ene parastamol ena amoxa eyebelahu new pray fo meh and y was I hereoww Yea me wsh u a merry Chrstmas me wsh u a merry Chrstmas me wsh u a merry Chstmas and the happiest year lalalaaaa.......... may God make all the years u live full of love success ,and happiness with all your family and friends. May more blessing come to u . Merry Christmas",caring,POSITIVE,0.7990161776542664 2018-01-07 15:30:27,"I need to vent. So everybody is like trying to impress others, who they love, hate and don't know ! It's annoying isn't it ? I ain't gonna lie im like that too but it's not like we do it on purpose most of the time it comes automatic. We stress ourslves to create a good or ""perfect "" image for ppl that won't be zer for us. It's kinda funny how we use our head like a tv. We come home from whatever and reply everything we did and say ""oh damn i should have said this "" or "" oh damn i should have done this"". Lemme ask you a question? what occupies your mind mostly when you're not doing anything ? Whatever your answer is... its something that matters for you for the moment ! Now another question. Is it smtn you can control or influence ? If the answer is yes well good for you if no then you're wasting your time ... keep your rude comments to yourself.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9950767159461975 2018-01-07 15:31:15,"I need to vent. This goes out to all the high schooler's our there. I was once like you guys I wanted to flirt, date and act as a grown up and I started doing that in my freshman year of high school. I dated 1 dude in my freshman year and 2 in my sophomore year. It was fun at the time. In my junior year of high (last year) I met this guy on telegram and we started talking a lot (and I fall for him‍obviously)... but then as every dramatic, romantic story we broke up. The shit is that we didn't just break up , I was thorn apart , I had a very rough couple of months starting from last year's summer, but after I got over it I started thinking about my self , I was only 16 when I first met him and now that I'm almost 18 I thought to myself what I'm really doing , he didn't deserve my tears. I've read so many vent comments and I saw most of high school students saying that they are in 'love' and the campus students saying that 'you're too young for that just focus on your studies'. We might see it as an offensive sentence, but it's not. I might realized it a bit faster than you guys but I know I'm right and I also know that you're going to regret it after 1 or 2 years. So then my fellow friends if you really made it to hear then please trust me we are still kids and we have alotttttttt of things to do , we have to fulfill our dreams , study hard and make ourselves and also our parents proud. P.S sorry if I seemed like an old lady",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9671250581741333 2018-01-07 15:50:46,"I need to vent. I am in my twenty somethings and I have been struggling with depression since a teen. I always feel alone that I am against the world all by myself. I feel alone in a crowd full of people. For those who don't know me I come out as someone who don't wanna be bothered but I am always reaching out in a way. Then it happened recently that I lost a guy that meant the world to me. He made efforts to get to me repeatedly but i was to introverted to do anything about it. Now he is gone and I am sulking in my sadness and trying to put the pieces back together. I feel lost because I squandered my biggest chance at getting happiness. Why am I born this way?? Don't I deserve to be happy??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9850072264671326 2018-01-07 15:54:49,"I need to vent. Girls be like ""i want a good guy"". When a good guy comes along girls be like ""I'm bored i want an adventure, i want a bad boy who makes me feel alive"" Fucken make up your mind, i cant be both!!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9963120818138123 2018-01-07 16:13:47,"I need to vent. This is not a vent. I am asking for advice. Can u tell me any way to gain weight. I know u will be like ""yechi chemlaka sew hula weferku bemilbet gize"" Menamne gene believe me I am sooooo thin. I am underweight. I am 17 years old but my BMI is 14. And i am alittle bit disappointed that the one getting attention is only gain weight. Some people told me to eat a lot but gaining weight is harder than losing. So please help a girl which is as thin as tooth pick.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993261098861694 2018-01-07 16:15:46,"I need to vent. Can girls and guys be friends? Best friends even? When a guy or a girl is close to the opposite sex, is it to be a potential lover or partner? Are we all supposed to be cautious about who we get close to because feelings (emotional/physical) are definitely going to happen?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966673254966736 2018-01-07 16:19:13,"I need to vent. I loved Christmas betammm but someone that made home a home is not here with us n it sux plus ma love life is 10 kinds of twisted I've got exam after 2days I can't stop crying just anything plz cheer me up",love,NEGATIVE,0.8477545976638794 2018-01-07 17:06:22,"I need to vent. I dont know if this is a common thing but every time i drink a little bit of any kind of drink(like wine, beer mnamn) my entire body starts aching. Like my joints are in so much pain i have to lay down for a while and its really embarrassing when i go out with my friends they all drink and i cant because its just too painful and i cant lay down in public(for obvious reasons). I feel like a wuss. If this has ever happened to anyone please tell me how to stop it",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9995239973068237 2018-01-07 17:35:04,"I need to vent. I really need your idea on this vent. I'm the kind of person who is very active and not a good speaker rather a good listener. I always want to say the last word in a conversation and people sometimes ignore me when I talk to them. When this happens I talk louder so I can be heard and replied to then after they say why are you loud and ""agressive."" Is it only me who is like this? Please help. Thanks",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984161853790283 2018-01-07 17:59:26,"I need to vent. Heyy guys first lemme say happy holiday to y'all n what I wanna say is I am took anxious n too stressful like a silly n easy thing makes me worry a lot like a loooootttt n I even make stupid things I cry I sob a loooot when I become anxious like its too much anxiety fr n idk how to get it of me how to get this anxiety off my soul any advice please",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9956735968589783 2018-01-07 18:53:15,"I need to vent. Hello all im new here and wanted to write something 22 and been through alot, i mean alooot, from parents never seeing them talk in my entire life to being left by my ex who i risked my life for, i mean literally risked my life for(she had an incurable disease)... Anyways everyone has an untold story right?... One thing ive come to discover lately is the only relationship that matters is the relationship within you, with your self, aint nobody can really make you great,make you happy, its your life, your responsibility. When the relation you have with your self improves every relationship you have takes off trust me on this. Hear those weird signs the universe sends you and never reason and get logical do what she shows you and watch your life change.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9894183278083801 2018-01-07 20:00:49,"I need to vent. You might look at a mirror and identify all your flaws right away cuz nobody knows you like you know yourself. But those flaws are not what define you they are the things that makes you want to work hard for and what makes you human. Don't ever wish to be someone other than yourself for others satisfaction. you might think you are not good enough, worthless, ugly, rude, dumb, selfish,evil,broken , boring, and etc And maybe you are all of those things even if most of those stuff are bad you gotta try to correct them for you not for others cuz those ppl you want to change for no matter how hurtful it might seem, will not be wid you forever but you and you will always be wid you ! So change for you and always be the best you. Don't wait for someone to tell you something good to lighten up your day. Do that yourself ! It's pretty easy if you're a kinda of person who gives credit to themselves cuz that way you will believe everything you tell yourself and won't wait till others do !",caring,POSITIVE,0.9902341365814209 2018-01-07 20:39:15,"I need to vent. This is not a vent actually this is a question. I'm I the only one here to read and think 'why do people are getting in such a relationship crap ... don't we have other things to think about? I mean majority of the people here are dependent on their parents and I think there is a thing that has to come before relationship...supporting one self ' I am really confused. Is my attitude wrong ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999510645866394 2018-01-07 20:51:20,"I need to vent. You know that a person is fake as fuck n is using you n want to avoid them but you cant bc they r alayas there..... How can you remove 'em from ur life",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998671293258667 2018-01-07 20:55:10,"I need to vent. This is more of a question...So I've been wondering a lot.. can u get pregnant with out hvin sex? I mean u just make out and...can something happen u know what I mean right?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983603358268738 2018-01-07 21:01:26,"I need to vent. Merry Christmas every one! So lately I've been worryin. 10mil of our people are in drought, What do you think about this? I mean we can't do anything about it right, can we? We just gotta sit back and hope... right?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9954820871353149 2018-01-07 21:25:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys One thing that that annoys me is holyday season... tank god it is over now.... i hate all the vibe and the holl idea of gathering with family and the holl ceremony .... actually it annoy me very much ... i just dont do holyday ... is that bad thing ... is something wrong with me ????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998299777507782 2018-01-07 21:58:21,"I need to vent. cant believe im venting merry christmas demo anyhoo im dating this guy heart of gold....and long story short i feel neglected like he used to treat me a certain way, like somethings he would never do like leave me on read ignore me for days mnamn but when i talk to him about it he just says its our schedules blah blah blah he didnt mean to (we r in a long distance rlnship) anyways i feel like im becoming those women i hate those who settle w men that dont treat them know the type who are just tolerated but i just cant get myself to dump him cz like i said heart of gold",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973102807998657 2018-01-07 22:00:24,"I need to vent. he's such a nice guy. he flirts with me and as I saw with other girls too maybe for him it's not really flirting. I don't want to be in a relationship but there's something about him that's keeping me wondering. he thinks of me as the party girl which I am not bzw. I guess I'm confused",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9672766327857971 2018-01-07 22:01:00,"I need to vent. Do you know what never seizes to amaze me? How selfish everyone has gotten. We’re always thinking of ourselves. We’re always putting ourselves first. It has become part of who we are. Our instincts selfish. I’m not saying we shouldn’t take care of ourselves. Hell no. No one takes care of you unless you do you. The kind of selfishness I’m talking about is expecting things to be done for you when you won’t do the same for others. The kind of selfishness where you’re only thinking of how hurt you are and not how badly you’re hurting others. The kind of selfishness where you’re keeping stuff just Incase but the same stuff can do wonders for someone else. The kind of selfishness where we think we’re better than others and can trick them into doing things for us. What have we come to? What’s wrong with this world? Why can’t we put ourselves in other people’s shoes and think about how, what we’re doing is affecting them? Why are we all so effing arrogant??? ‍",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9935152530670166 2018-01-07 22:14:33,"I need to vent. I have lost a piece of me its gone ,okay maybe not just a piece but pieces of who I am as being . i swear tho I'm certain about the loss. I am sure it had occurred. When?? I don't know when , I don't know if it was in a split of a second or if a Part of me was lost gradually with the changing seasons . but the bottom line is. its lost ,where did I lose it ?? I don't know that either . but remember the feeling of packing ur bag and leaving for school. And half why there u realize sth is missing but u don't quite know what it is , now imagine not just an object but a part of u being lost and u not knowing what it is . and to add upon that living upon this earth isnt easy. there r a trillion if not infinite places to look and searching for what has been lost not knowing what it is. Its a fucking a nightmare. It eats u up inside and out . leaving u hollow and empty .a clothed Skelton walking . a big girl covering up every inch of here body with Bright coloured clothes afraid people would see her for what she truly is a void .but yet a universe of unanswered questions. A wild forest of insanity. PS , brief seconds of sadness",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9980169534683228 2018-01-07 23:01:44,"I need to vent. Okay i dont think im the only one here , gin why is dating so complicated for us habeshans ??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986874461174011 2018-01-07 23:01:51,"I need to vent. Hello..i just wanna ask u guys have u ever been mad on everything but u dont know why?or is it just me?..i guess its b/c i over think of every little thing..but i need ur way of tought too",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981793165206909 2018-01-07 23:12:39,"I need to vent. I was this skinny girl who has gained like 10pound since last year how can I lose weight I love foood soo much?????????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9962868690490723 2018-01-07 23:12:57,"I need to vent. So I'm bored n the lights are out so I thought I should try this vent stuff out. So I'm a highschool student(11) and I've had one boyfriend its not that I can't get or want another its just that I keep comparing everyone to him. Our relationship went on and off 3 times and the reason we brake up is always the same..he has trust issues so do I and we just can't function right but he makes me feel happy. like I know this is stupid but when he touches me I feel the chills and butterflies in my stomach just like in the books I read and his dimples are just . But there is also something in my heart which pulls me back from him but I know that I fucking love him so much ugghhhhh God he's just perfect to me What should I do get over him (if yes how?) Or just give him all my heaet? I need help asf",love,POSITIVE,0.9875665903091431 2018-01-07 23:34:03,"I need to vent. I think arranged marriage is better. What do you guys think ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987366795539856 2018-01-07 23:34:06,"I need to vent. Is depression something everyone goes through? I dont mean being depressed for a week or a month mnamn, i mean like a year or more. Please respond.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966512322425842 2018-01-07 23:47:37,"I need to vent. So I think the perfect women for most men these days especially is a woman who watches football games . To me I find these quality is very sexy ! Unfortunately not many girls do :(",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9965937733650208 2018-01-08 07:28:46,"I need to vent. What do you do when you realize your friends your best friends from high school hold you in the lowest regarded.... Even tease u on daily basis and have little or no respect for you .. and you thought you were cool with that and so now in college you make friends and we're really careful on your approach and how you dealt with them , and now the old friends bitch about how your new Freinds are fake .. what do you do ...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977953433990479 2018-01-08 07:37:53,"I need to vent. I really like this girl .. I mean really in fact I asked her out and she rejected with stupid reason ... I know she has every right to reject me and I respect that .. but she made promise to stay Freinds .. we did stay friends and I promised to my self I was never gonna ask her out again .. and I was over her or tired to be but lately .. things haven't been right with us we have been fighting alot .. I know I hold in the highest regards but we still keep on flighting things that don't usually piss me off start to piss me off it wouldn't piss me off if other people do it.. and she seems really distant some how .. and it really hurts me what should I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9973322153091431 2018-01-08 07:51:37,"I need to vent. Bellooo everyone I'm not feeling good abt my relationship I'm so confused nowadays He just doesn't respect my feelings,doesn't hear what I want berasu alem new mizorewI tried I asked him tho it's just that we're betam different Ena I'm not lyk his exes...esu enesu lay belemedew.... He just only wanna kiss and I'm not that kinda girl more I wanna talk about us....what do yuh guyz suggest meh now I'm not sure even I love him lyk the first day...because of this shit",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994383454322815 2018-01-08 07:51:50,"I need to vent. Peoples are getting dumb..... I just read a lot of vents n I see ppls asking silly question where their answer is in the question like:- l iam gaining weight n I love food what should I do????? Then stop eating like a fucking animal too much...... Some vents are so stupid that it makes u wanna leave earth",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999322772026062 2018-01-08 08:25:58,"I need to vent. Christmas, I gave you one last chance on Christmas, I was ready to gave it one shot, I was actually certain things will be fine on Christmas, gin I was hoping bekentu, u dd makeyem me be serious this time malet new, well engidi...good bye babe, I liked you, I dd..but uhmm we are not meant to be meselegn...engidi..God have a better plan fo both of us malet new... Good buy. P.s I love you.",love,POSITIVE,0.899695634841919 2018-01-08 08:27:34,"I need to vent. I'm tired of guys this days , they just have no respect.I'm not generalizing but most of you are just an ass.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985033273696899 2018-01-08 08:34:41,"I need to vent. I need to share guys I have this girl friend .. we have be buddy's for long time .. but i notice that she is interested on girls ... one time i ask her while she is little tipsy and she admitted .. after that she started to talk to me about... she like only girls...not happy with guys.. so should i push her to date girls ... or should i just to stop to have think like that because we r in ethiopia ... what should i do ? I know she is not happy with guys",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8669419288635254 2018-01-08 08:45:10,"I need to vent. I aint gonna vent actually ,just wanna ask ya'll smtn, what would you do if you find out after a month that, it was ur bestfriend the one who made u breakup with your gf because her friend likes you,what would you do to her(ur best friend) or what would u say to her",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976551532745361 2018-01-08 09:00:09,"I need to vent. Hi everyone beal endet nbr..?ande ke mgbachu lakuartachu cuz I got a it possible to be friends more like best friends wid ur ex...?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996010422706604 2018-01-08 09:18:04,"I need to vent. I've been dealing with major depression my entire adult life. In high school I fought my parents to let me see a therapist, and when I finally saw one before my senior year of high school, I was diagnosed with major depression, OCD, and social anxiety disorder. Senior year was tough — I made excuses to friends as to why I was busy every Tuesday afternoon because I was embarrassed to say I was in therapy. I confided in a few close friends who were supportive, but frankly I was relieved to leave my hometown for a college in a different part of the country. I thought things would change, and that my depression would disappear because I was finally away from my hometown baggage. I was wrong. I saw a school counselor my freshman year at college, but I was too distracted by the newness of it all to really focus on my mental health. The summer after freshman year, my depression returned in full force. Upon returning to school for the first semester of my sophomore year, I was unable to recognize that my depression had completely incapacitated me. I attempted suicide soon after the semester began — the only reason I survived is because my friends realized there was something wrong with me that night. Afterwards, I dropped out of school and returned home to get the help I so desperately needed. I went through four different therapists and five different medications before I found the combination that worked for me, and when that happened it was not like magic, it wasn't like a beam of sunlight breaking through the clouds. It was like trudging up a mountain pass, swamped in mud and ice with an 80-pound weight around my neck. But finally I reached the peak, and started down an easier path. There are still many days that I force myself uphill again, but now my pack is a little lighter, I have the tools to make the going a little easier, and I know that I have loved ones who have and will continue to carry me on days when I just can't walk anymore. I always start hiking again the next morning. And I'm proud of myself",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.918236255645752 2018-01-08 12:07:36,"I need to vent. Men has been labeled dickheads, dicking every hole they find and sleeping everywhere. Yet wondering why nature put virginity check on women through that membrane. Just a taught, do go all offensive.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984956979751587 2018-01-08 12:13:25,"I need to vent. I have been in a relationship for about 2 years naw...she have been my best friend before too... I really love her.. She is my kind of girl but she is very religious and am not When we start been together we have done everything a couples would do even had sex.. a year back from naw she becomes serious on church staff ena ""korebech""..kekorebech its has been a year naw ena guys am confused i really love her at the same time ma feelings are hurted u know its hard..being with the one u love but not doing what u feel..we are in different city currently couse of schooling we only meet on brake and summer.. Distance is there in addition to these.. some part of me says leave her and same part of me says don't give up on her u should get through these i am confused. .what should i do ??help!!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.98712557554245 2018-01-08 12:58:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys...I feel like ur advices wud help me this is ma tng....I donno why gn I always feel lonely..feel like no one loves me or care abt me..but then one of ma cousin appear at a point and makes me fèel like I got some one to lean on and made me happy ,promised that he'll always be by ma side when ever I needed him...and now again I started feelin the old loneliness because he started to shut me out...he didn't call if I don't...I tnk he stopped carin bout me but I do need him and I don't want him to be far from me he is more like a brother one cud always wish to u guys have any advice which wud help to get him back..I miss the old me and him",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8907199501991272 2018-01-08 13:08:54,"I need to vent. Here goes my vent ......its been a yr since me n my ex decided to be frnds but we ddnt always get along well n i loved him betam gn he hurt me so bad dat i hd to break it off n he hd asked me for us to get back tgthr but i refused cus i ddnt want to get hurt again so after a while i told him abt d feelings i hd for him n he said for us to meet up n tlk abt it but after a week he still ddnt call so i txtd him n after a few replies he started to ignore me n i jst let him be n we kinda saw each other at a distance after dis n we both went our shud i try reach out again or shud i jst forget abt him??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951409101486206 2018-01-08 13:11:33,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I need advice Music has always been a part of my life ...ik it is to most people too and honestly I can't live with out it, and since I was a baby I've always wanted to sing become an artist and watch people listen to my work and smile But lately I can't see that happening because I'm still in highschool and my parents are religious... I also Dont have connections but I Dont want to give up..I've got tons of song lyrics (I mean like tons) and also have the voice but I have 2 major issues ( ones stated above) all I want to do is give a different sound to the Ethiopian music industry but I don't know how..can y'all give me ideas? Oh and merry Gena",desire,POSITIVE,0.7229213714599609 2018-01-08 13:14:52,"I need to vent. Soooo this is my first vent. I don't know what to do when your educational like university grades are flanking but you always study hard idk what's happening to me I feel like dropping out what is the use of me learning?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997919499874115 2018-01-08 13:37:15,"I need to vent. What is friendship? Isnt it being there when they need u? This frnd of mine i ask her a favor, fyi a simple one, she doesnt want to invovle herself, since then i freaken hate her, its not only about that, i always find her in competing with me, in looks, grades, n accessories , she literally always give me bad compliment , when i actually thought i looked good,",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9812554717063904 2018-01-08 13:41:57,"I need to vent. I have a very very very low self esteem, n its affecting my life entirely , and its getting out of control",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981643557548523 2018-01-08 15:01:28,"I need to vent. Hey guys am university student and am really afraid of talking girls face to face the same person I talk via social media beaqale sagegnachew addis sew yaweku yemesel i act weird lela neger sayhone yemaweraw neger hula yetefal and I always try to go away from them. Enegenagnm silugn am afraid to meet them in person. help me on how to get ride of my fear mates",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9974673986434937 2018-01-08 17:23:11,"I need to vent. To y'all mofos out there that sit behind a nameless faceless bot and shame ppl with your comments, first thing first this is a channel where in we have depressed people and I don't mean the kinda depressed u say you are when your steak is over cooked or that hot girl at the counter said she don't want ur D no more. I'm talking about real depressed ppl that are on the verge of suicide. You think its cool to shame people like this? Well I'll tell you, IT'S NOT! People choose this channel for the sake on anonymity. These are mostly people that don't have anyone to talk to and hence are ranting about their secrets to strangers. These people want love and support. There are literally millions of places they could have gone to just blabber and be judged and ridiculed. I think all of you ""cool"" mofos should either gain courage and say what u have to say without having to hide behind a bot or u can try and be a little more understanding. My hommie, a friend I met here on vent here, a very young going through hell to make a better living for his siblings and unprivileged neighborhood kids(he is barely an adult and yet finds a way to make sure they eat at least a meal a day) was ridiculed by yo mofos. (Btw I don't think cussing is cool I've just been watching too much of Bernie Mac lately) and all this guy tried was to share his views on life with you. But no, his views didn't matter to u because u were struck by the idea that he was gay, which by the way he isn't. Anyways, I'm pretty sure life hasn't given u that much of a hard time because if life knocked u down a couple of times like it did my friend, you'd want to protect other people, you'd want to support and be the light in people's day. So why don't you please leave us, the people with real problems rant about it without having to worry about your shitty ass comments. Thank you.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9985112547874451 2018-01-08 18:06:06,"I need to vent. Hello everyone! its been such a great experience for me to read about all your troubles. It mildly gets me jelous that I'm 22 but never had a love life of meeting someone and having the lexury of breaking up. With all your vents out here it feels as tho i'm sitting at the cornor completely indifferent to what goes on around me. Having said that, I like to point out sth abt people from Addis which has been bothering me from the day i joined AAU. I find your manners extreamly irritating. I cant bare to listen to you while you babble about how materialistic your life is. I dont get it how every single one of you r the same, shining from the outside but empty from within.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9972410202026367 2018-01-08 18:42:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys so uh...I had to share this with someone but I couldn't do it when they knew me so I decided to vent my story is that I got a girl pregnant but my family is super religious and strict so I couldn't tell them but then we decided to abort the baby and we both agreed to do it and now after we did it I can't stop feeling guilty...was I wrong to do it...pls share some light guys",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9791390299797058 2018-01-08 19:10:19,"I need to vent. can anybody tell me where I can find a therapist ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9995706677436829 2018-01-08 20:11:15,"I need to vent. how can I live my life to the fullest ? how can I fill the holes in my chest ? I feel so empty and alone , I don't even know why. "" be close to God "" , ""surround yourself with ppl"" , "" get yourself occupied"" ...I don't know how to do any of those things . it's really hard ! I don't know what to do. I have no motivation in me. I want to talk to someone , I wanna know my problem but how ? and Im slacking of in my studies ( demo eko space science new matenat yemifelegew )...I wish I can just end it all. I feel so worthless !",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9997639060020447 2018-01-08 20:18:35,"I need to vent. Keep my identity a secret Hi everyone , I have a major problem. N I hope u guys can help me out on this. My dick is small!!! N idk what to do. It’s like 15 cm n it’s been this way for about 3 or 4 years now. Idk y but it just stopped growing!!! I need an advice. Please tell me how I can change it!",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9989473223686218 2018-01-08 22:26:35,"I need to vent. Hey guys I start hating my school friends. they loss my respect I try to be kind, try to love them but I can't things they do always make me mad please help me what should i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996703565120697 2018-01-08 22:26:49,"I need to vent. Tnx unihorse for saying u will block z people who r mean !! This is not fair & very scary when did we become so judgmental, I never vent on this channel & now I'm even more scared to do malet newe !!! I always love to read & leave my comment for them but I never write anything mean. People come here to share there pain & to get advice if u don't like it u don't have to say anything just read & leave. peoples pls let's try to be kind too each other there r more problems than this in this world",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982202649116516 2018-01-08 23:25:46,"I need to vent. Hey people please share your thoughts on this vent. Here is the thing I have the following people in my life: both parents who are still alive, a sister, a brother, a twin, a long time best friend, other friends who are loyal to me, cousins whom I can say they are like my brother and sister. Are these people enough in my life or is there something missing? I'm not at all ungrateful for this but just want your idea. Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9937811493873596 2018-01-08 23:42:00,"I need to vent. Sometimes i do get lonely... I wander what happened to me in the past that lead me to be so lonely. I read about loneliness on the internet and all blogs have something in common, they all say 'Loneliness never felt right'. And i wander, am i going to live my life like this...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9936932325363159 2018-01-09 06:55:18,"I need to vent. Hi , I'm just confused. .. I mean is it normal to hate relationships so much coz every time something like that tries to happen I shut it off immediately. Am I just scared or what? Does relationship suck that much?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992107152938843 2018-01-09 07:58:57,"I need to vent. Have u ever wondered that maybe your not supposed to have friends .. cause even though your very careful to not any one close to you.. some still get by and no matter how much you try you still end up close to u and then as certain as death they hurt u even the ones that are super sweet and caring . sometimes .. I wonder if am meant to be alone ...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9973517656326294 2018-01-09 11:00:58,"I need to vent. Yestarday i posted about my frind who is into girls.. most of u say take her to church ... some say dont support her..some of ur dirty heads said 3 s... lolol.. some of where i am glad i wasnt only one ...yea i get all that... what i was asking for was... what should i do... not for her... should i stop being frinds or support her and accept her .. meet her girls ... what shpuld i do?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9989315867424011 2018-01-09 12:00:20,"I need to vent. Hey so i'm in medschool and got an exam in a couple of days but my mind would rather do anything else but read at the moment! Like...i study for a few minutes and my mind goes..Hey look, that wall looks super interesting. Granted I'm closer to the finish line, but still..some days got me wondering why am I doing all this. I'm sure there's other people in my shoes right hang in there guys..We can survive!!",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9262488484382629 2018-01-09 12:20:04,"I need to vent. I know he is bad for me. He treats me wrong, he hurts me a lot. He can seriously be the most shitty thing I've ever come to know but I can't stop. I can't stop my hands from dialing his number. And whenever I call or he calls and I answer we end up back together. ""Love prevails"". I know I have to move on now. It's a year of nostalgia with a lovable narcissist. We've broken up more than 4 times in just a year but found way back to each other. I don't wanna go back this time around.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9900621175765991 2018-01-09 12:42:01,"I need to vent. So my mother is mentally disordered, bipolar, narcissistic n every bad think you can think of, add it up. I don't know how to come to terms with it. than u know the stupid cruel mothers we see on tv? she treats me worse so wtf ... however can i be okay with it n move on. When she does something hurtful i wanna be like yea she's fuckin stupid n mentally disordered... why would i let this get to me??? U know",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995080232620239 2018-01-09 14:04:15,"I need to vent. Hey y'all I have been here before and for all the things am bout to say ye satan joro yidefen okay so I am not here to vent bout any of my problems probably cause I got none. I wanna thank God almighty for everything he has done for me I mean I feel like am so complete.Every single thing happens the way I want it to literally.From the silliest thing to the decisions of my life. I am happy bout my families ,friends  and my life... all of it. Maybe it's because of my grannies' prayer or I take things easy or both.. idk bcha whenever something happens n everyone stressing bout it me feels ntn I know from the inside that God won't let it happen even if he does he got that plan B for us sooo bottom line AM SO GRATEFUL THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING and I want you all to know that God has plans just believe you won't fall off hang in there never give up wait for the right time He knows what he's doin Enaaa that wasnt bragging tho i just wanted to let it out y'all out there reading this May God be with you... just take everything easy.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8872256875038147 2018-01-09 14:04:33,"I need to vent. Why is everyone so self obsessed these days? Why can't people just move on with what the worlds gives them. Everyone is bitching about their problems instead of lifting a finger to fix them. Cunts everywhere these days.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999058187007904 2018-01-09 15:34:51,"I need to vent. Not a vent! I want to adress all the people on VentHere who seem intolerant of other people's vents: please stop. It's embarrassing that you don't have the self control to not read the things you find so infuriating. If it makes you mad, skip it! More likely is that you yourself have some problem in your life and this is how you deal with it. If venting doesn't work, bullying won't either! This site is not about entertainment, it's about giving and seeking support. There are many other places you can happily complain and trade insults. This isn't one of them. All of you who felt you were the center of those complaints, please don't let these people make you feel bad. People do and say inappropriate things when given anonimity. You do you, ma people there's still some of us here who genuinely want to help!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972987771034241 2018-01-09 18:46:38,"I need to vent. Hey guys this problem has been getting to me it's about my guy friends who gets all handsy around me even though he has a girlfriend what should I do, I mean how should I react",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9956912398338318 2018-01-09 20:51:27,"I need to vent. Hello I just wanted a little advice from you people.I am 20 year old employed man. I haven't spoke with my father for about 7 months but we still are living together. Here is the reason. He says bad things about me always and never respected me in front of people. But I respected his rules I am even good academically. But he never appericiated me and never gets satisified with my work.He even said Anten mayet asetelagn minamin .I belive I tried hard we dont even have common things to do as a family.He drinks a lot always ... my mom gets annoyed every day ... one day he tried to say those crazy words about me ... I became logical and defended my self ... I told him what's in my mind ... he got angry and tried to slap me ...I said ' yemanegebaba kehone anawera' and since then we never spoke ... What should I do ?some day I think I'm right some day ... I think I made a mistake ... what do u Guys think I should do ?.. it's keeping me stressed",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.992499053478241 2018-01-09 20:56:42,"I need to vent. It just rains. I love rain . It bring me back memories. Memories which i never had. I feel like I'm missing someone. I don't know that someone but whenever it's raining i think about you.",love,POSITIVE,0.9929792284965515 2018-01-09 20:56:59,"I need to vent. I feel very anxious about my body. I hate every inch of it. I'm actually pretty much overweight. I know some of y'all are going to say ""lose weight then"" or idk. I want an explanation thou why do people care about other people's body? Are you the one carrying the fat? No bitch. It's like every time I step out of the house there needs to be at least one guy who has to ruin my day. And on top of that my own family gangs up me.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991744160652161 2018-01-09 21:35:02,"I need to vent. I am venting this drunk enough to be emotionally open but sober enough to have no typos. I miss her. My house is only a house without her. I want to call and text her but I set up this stupid rule to be away from her until she decides what she wants. From her head to toe, she is a marvel, a wonder. Every, single thing she does is as mature and adorable as Teddy bear hugging another teddy bear. She amazing guys! But the thing is something came between us and she can't seem to trust me like she used to. And I have been trying to get her back but in vain. Now as I am walking home, I see all the lights shining but mine are dark. It could be my fault, but I did as best as I could given what I knew at the time. I really miss her. I jave never thought a guy can feel this way but he does. Get him drunk enough to open up, sober enough to write without tyoos and you'll know.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.7945567965507507 2018-01-09 21:48:34,"I need to vent. Okay so here's the thing. There's this guy and we r so alike. Like we both used to be players and we both like crashing those romantic moments. Sometimes he crashes it right before I'm abt to and he surprises me. And he looks at me and he knows exactly what I mean with every word I say. It's like he can read me. And we kinda spend time and talk. And I can tell he likes me. But the problem is...we can't trust eachother. I can't trust him cuz I don't wanna give out all my emotions and be hurt. Not to mention, he's a player. I am too and I sure know how this works. I'd rather be just chillin, no attachments. And he can't trust me cuz once we tried to talk abt us like what's going on and stuff. He knows I like him as I said he can see right through me, but it's kinda hard for me to state in words abt how I feel. Do I like him?.....yes. Can I tell him that I do? And he wants me to say how I feel. And for this reason we...can't trust eachother. And I'm still kinda scared to get into a relationship. Not exactly scared but, it's not what I'd prefer. But I want something real with him too. So should I start friends with benefits thing or a real relationship? Or do u have any ideas abt what I should do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.983034610748291 2018-01-09 22:14:55,"I need to vent. I give more emphasis for friendship more than everyone, but that’s make me susceptible for hurts! People that I consider friends stab me in the back for I care about them, it really hurts my feeling I thought ignoring them but I can’t do that because I work with some of them. I feel worse about it because I do not have anything to shift my attention from them because am a lonely guy. I tried to share my feelings but I get laughed most of the time so I chose to shut the hell up but it eats me inside, what shall I do? Pls don’t be condescending or jerk abt it. I see most comments on a boy girl problem or sexual issue. Consider this as an emergency pls!",sadness,POSITIVE,0.7978171706199646 2018-01-09 23:10:23,"I need to vent. Yesterday i kissed a girl without her permission. And i think she's angry ( can't tell really). Did i made a mistake? What should i do? Girls what do you feel if someone (your friend) kiss you without your permission",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.99908447265625 2018-01-09 23:32:01,"I need to vent. A while back sthn happened n i decided to stop smoking weed n i like weed but its not a big deal for me so now it had been more than two months sincr i stopped but today has been really hard n the only thing that could help releave me id weed and i feel so tempted , idk what to do Help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9991905093193054 2018-01-10 09:23:36,"I need to vent. Hey so I think my boyfriend suffers from a thing called premature ejaculation . It's where he finishes before anything even started.I don't want to loose him because he is an amazing person but I know it will make our sex life very tough and u know how men are when It comes to conversations about sex and things that are going wrong... so what do think I should do? Do I talk to him or do I just say goodbye to the world's greatest guy?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981414079666138 2018-01-10 11:25:51,"I need to vent. I have a very low self esteem,i feel like i'm below everyone.i always think that hulum sew endemitelagn and i feel like i'm everyone's last option please i need a help zis thought i have is disturbing my life",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992586970329285 2018-01-10 11:26:23,"I need to vent. Sometimes I wish Ethiopia had a prince so I can be a princess!. It would be so cool. I don't know y but every fairy tail movie leaves me with a wish. I don't even want to be a queen just a princess. I wish it so much.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.6508501172065735 2018-01-10 11:26:32,"I need to vent. Hy guys am depressed like real depressed. I don know what to do am sleeping all day while the final exam is one week away... everybody expects a lot from me my family friend lecturers ... everybody... but am having a lot of troubles latley... everythimg is wrong... i ve always been the best in my studies but now everything is a mess at school... am losimg everything i have all my qualities. .... nd i know its all because of the depression. I don kmow what to do comment please",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995437264442444 2018-01-10 11:28:02,"I need to vent. most of the time my friend sleeps with a guy in the first or the second date then the guys dump her the next day..she says its not her problem that they broke up she is so how should i make her realize its her problem",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995143413543701 2018-01-10 11:32:13,"I need to vent. Hey peeps I'm really worried about my beauty this days I mean I tried going out with a mask on and that really didn't work I can feel my beauty shine even with the mask on I mean I think I need to get a surgery to be less attractive but still I don't think that would do because my beauty at this point is rather increasing and unstoppable and the goshhhhhhhh not enough the guys the girls are not letting me even to eat everyone asks me what is my secret to my beauty but I say bitchhhhhhh it's NATURES own craft!!",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9874843955039978 2018-01-10 11:33:30,"I need to vent. What do i do to stay interested in life? Ive lost the taste of life, i get through depression, loneliness , bullied, emotionallyAbused,",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989995360374451 2018-01-10 11:34:20,"I need to vent. Hey people, how do you understand hope? What's hope to you? How do you define it? Eski tell me what you really think",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9931734204292297 2018-01-10 11:36:07,"I need to vent. can someone recommend me books that can help me get out of my depression ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987032413482666 2018-01-10 11:37:55,"I need to vent. Why do we get sad when someone dies. I meant wanting them to stay in this shit hole.... ain't that selfish of us. Why? Are we mad that they left us here alone, Cuz that's a real stupid reason for crying our eyeballs out. Isn't it just better that they suffer no more.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975587129592896 2018-01-10 13:01:42,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent here goes ma stroy i actually i am rly scared to share zis cuz ya all can b so judgemental but i can't hold it on ma own anymore at first is it normal to love ur cousin actually nat ma real cousin but still we were family am rly deeply in love wiz him me and ma cousin grew up together we were very close zen we used to spent tym together a lot specially after we grow up like we used to watch movie anyhw we used to hangout together zen me and him became apart because of class and other staffs our closeness was weaker zen until zis he were ma brother zen zere was a tym a felt lonely cuz i broke up wiz ma boy friend zen i didn't huv so much to b so again we started hanging out together zen i starting feeling smtn new fol him but didn't make any moves but i satarted seeing him making moves like staring at me wiz out any reasons hugging me zen one night he came by our house for a sleep over zen we slept together In z middle of z night we started talking zen without knowing it we started kissing zen he moved to other step zen he removed ol ma close zen we he fingered me which was amazing zen i it was akward zen he told me he loved me i told him my feelings too zen we were couple's wiz out our family knowing it we started sleeping hangout doing ol z things couples do we fall in love for eachother so so deep zat we cannot even think to b spearated but zer is problem our family how z hell r we going to manage being together so we were thinking leaving z country zen leaving abrod i knw it is crazy but we gat know choice we both r in love pluse he is nat real cousin he is ma long distance relative so wht shuld i do people??help us out i don't wanna losse him he don't wanna losse me too we both r rly confused",love,NEGATIVE,0.9501436948776245 2018-01-10 13:06:41,"I need to vent. Hay y'all, i feel like everything is work out for the bad girls so wht do u think shall i be one of them?also if i did that i know i won't forgive ma self if i loose ma digginty so, guys pls share me wht should i do? am in middle of battle with ma self.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988365769386292 2018-01-10 19:12:34,"I need to vent. Hey, my brother's friend thinks of him as her boyfriend while he wants nothing more than being a brother. He is boyfriendzoned and he's quarreled on what to do. Any ideas? PS: I'm his sister.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984380602836609 2018-01-10 22:30:35,"I need to vent. Am confused...Hv u ever felt like u don't want to lose someone cuz u love them & you'll feel incomplete without them and at the same time want to break things off and be free, live ur own life with out stress and guilt.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9814693927764893 2018-01-10 22:30:45,"I need to vent. This is not a vent actually. I have a question. Is it easier to share your secrets or your stories with a stranger or with a friend? Which one do you think would probably judge you?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993247985839844 2018-01-10 22:35:48,"I need to vent. I don't know if y'all can remember me but I'm the guy who vented about how having fun in a rlshp is a good thing (plays prank with his girl)... Any who, since she pranked me and embarrassed me in front of ppl I don't know I was not that much hurt but the revenge I came up with had made her cry. So what happened was, during the Christmas holiday, we went to her house to visit her parents and we ate food and talked about a lot of stuff then after a while, I called her outside and asked her ""did we use any protection last night?"" And she was like ""yeah!"" then I told her ""i was kinda sober so I would remember if i put on a condom"" and then she really started doubting her thoughts bc she was drunk afff the night before and I'm sure she couldn't remember... becha she was like mumbling and stuff Then we got back and joined her family salon west. Then after like 10 minutes I was like ""ene helinayen kebedegn, menager alebegn benatesh forgive me, we slept together last night and I didn't use a protection"" beye kewetkut.... her face was priceless ...she was about to throw up bedenegate (how come he told my parents bela) Btw her parents we in on the joke...I don't want to be murdered by her dad. Becha she wanted to kill me, I could see it on her face Then her parents were going along for the joke...they acted all shocked and shit. When she started crying I told her everything...she literally punched me in the stomach very hard and didn't speak to me for the rest of the day...But now we r cool Payback is a bitch! That's all I can say",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9979852437973022 2018-01-10 23:06:33,"I need to vent. not actually a vent i just wanted to say everything is going my way as i dreamed it to be specially these past two years and i wanted to thank God infront of y'all btw. im a 12th grade student im doing great academically i have started a small business which is going great btw i have my own income(tho small but is a start) i am happy all day like all the time the sad thing that happend to me is breaking up with my girlfirend las year but i figured i was too good to her... ke ries wetahu just thank God for all you have even when not satisfied ""no such thing as a life thats better than yours"" sorry lezihulu ymechachu",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9710723161697388 2018-01-10 23:32:26,"I need to vent. Idk...idk anything anymore i wanna be smt i wanna do everything i set my mind to ...but i dont ..i wanna loose weight but i dont i wanna read i dont ...i wanna...learn more i wanna be involved more but i dont ..i have so many insecurities im drowning in them....i can't breath properly...i feel like a failure to myself i feel like im not going anywhere.....i feel like im a whole lott of nothing.....omg i wanna change i cant fuckckckkckckckckkck",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9997069239616394 2018-01-11 15:28:49,"I need to vent. I love him i really really do and its not like i wanna be his girlfriend or anything. I do not care about that. I love him but i don't want him. I care about him, he is just perfect. Does this happen to any one or is it just me?",love,POSITIVE,0.9761874079704285 2018-01-11 15:29:17,"I need to vent. Behiwote destegna adelewim.. alime misakalign neger tikit neaw..chirash negeroch ayhonulignim milew neger aymiroyen eyekeyerew neaw... Self esteeme kegize wedegize eyekenese neaw.. Ye univ temari negn ena asakalew biye masbewin iyasakew adelem.. Destegna adelewim bewtetoche..kegize wedegize Yetesfa mekuret smet yisemagnal..le family biye neaw mimarew enji beminum destegna adelewim..even balewbet relationship rasu.. I don't know bicha i feel like a total loser.. I have tried to shape my self.. I watched different motivational videos and books but that doesn't help me.. I am a let down endeza neaw masbew!!.. Any advice??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986893534660339 2018-01-11 15:41:32,"I need to vent. Am going through changes rn...and shit is very scary to me like all kinds of changes I mean ....y'all give me some advice on how I can change that",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9906696081161499 2018-01-11 15:47:02,"I need to vent. Is it OK to date your ex boyfriends best friend .......???",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.5151240825653076 2018-01-11 15:47:29,"I need to vent. Hi, is it just me or are girls getting less hotter and more shallower with time? There are exceptions but sadly only a few. Girls will naturally react defensive but deep down u all know it's true.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9837356209754944 2018-01-11 16:13:25,"I need to vent. Hi everyone...1st time venting hope u guys can help Am so selfabsorbed, egoist person living within my own loop nd I didn't let anyone to pass that boundary until this guy come into my life nd shown me what friendship is like but minwagalew I shut him down after sometime..(after a yr)we become friends again but still my egoistic behaviour starts to control me..l'm sayin things I shouldn't have yelling at him getting into d/t fights with no reason...plz guys tell me how to break this boundary cuz I don't want to lose his friendship",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9904143214225769 2018-01-11 16:34:14,"I need to vent. I'm addicted to masturbation...I don't wanna do it anymore but I can't seem to able to stop...I don't think I've ever struggled With any type of addiction like I have with this...I always regret doing it right after I do it...n I don't know how to stop...any one that has broken free from this curse please let me know how",remorse,POSITIVE,0.9830455780029297 2018-01-11 17:25:31,"I need to vent. Hey i need help My best friend is about to go out on a date with this terrible guy, i mean he sleeps with girls and leave them for stupid reasons . I don't know how to stop her she is blinded by his cute ass and you know how guys treat you until they get u in their bed. What should i do? How do i stop this from happening?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9954355359077454 2018-01-11 17:25:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys .......actually its not a vent its a question for the girls out there ......why the fuck r u talking shit abt ur friends ???i mean i'm freaking confused i don't get it .......why don't u tell them the truth rather than stabbing ur friends from the back ??? N i'm not saying out of the nowhere nowadays i've noticed so much in my class more than u could imagine my question is WHY R U GIRLS DOING THIS ???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990869760513306 2018-01-11 17:34:32,"I need to vent. Am in luv with my best friend nd idk she loves me or not but i think that she think me like am not deserve for her. we are too close. We are highschool students . sometimes i think to tell her but am afraid b/c i think i'll lost our friendship.. Uuuffffeeee... Idk what i have to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984099864959717 2018-01-11 17:39:05,"I need to vent. Lately I hav been trying to study but I keep forgetting what I rode after some time. Can u tell me what to do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998184859752655 2018-01-11 17:51:04,"I need to vent. Hey. I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for about 3 moths now and one day, while we were dining together, i went to the bathroom and this fine random girl pulled me into one of the stalls and started kissing me and shit. Then when i went back to my girlfriend she asked why I was taking so long and I told her that the soap was difficult to wash off and now I get calls and sexts from the other girl. I dont even know how she got my number. So please tell me what should I do.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997129499912262 2018-01-11 18:04:01,"I need to vent. Here it goes.... I'm not depressed I'm just mad. Shit happened to me that I could explain but its a long story . becha I got caught up in sth I had ntn to do with only to pay the price while the person who is suppose to(use to b my best freind I trusted her so much nd I didnt feel insecure about not one thing when I was or tlked to her) is somewhere far away not even ugh.... Becha she fled to another country( tf?!!!!!! ) leaving me here wiht shit I can't handle right now. And here I am been to a psychologist , stopped all the self harm , learned a lot some good but some are full on crap. I gave up a long time ago. I dont mean I'm going to commit suicide but dont expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows cuz I dont have it in me anymore. I'm not depressed just empty and over the top madhouse angry at everything. I just wanna curse them all out, I honestly dont care if its not fair cuz they dont play fair, infact they did the exact opposite.I should be recovering by now. Wow this is longsorry for that And some advice wld be nice..",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9971851706504822 2018-01-11 18:16:41,"I need to vent. Look there is this girl I've been crushing on and I like her but when I think about her I think that my friend should be with her but recently she said no to him when he asked her out so would I be a bad friend if I start dating her because she said maybe but I like her and should I get her or leave her because of my friend",love,NEGATIVE,0.9847394227981567 2018-01-11 18:19:42,"I need to vent. Hey 20 yrs old grl and learnin in med am with family and My dad is so agressive on each and every stuff..selamachenn liseten alchalem..he wont trust any thing what we(me and mom) tell him and this is making our life so terrible especially mine..i couldnt focus on my my final is approaching and am so worried, wat shall i do? I need help",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9974910020828247 2018-01-11 18:22:35,"I need to vent. Hide my identity Not actually a vent just a simple question Y r secrets so secretive ? Secrets make u who u r so y hide u? N so what if ppl learn about u cuz ppl thus days that's all they do. Many of y'all say its easier for ur enemy to harm u But how? if u care less abt what ppl think then y be so secretive n be kept from saying and doing from what u want? Y nit live for ur self? Is it only me? Who feels this way",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998964786529541 2018-01-11 18:25:45,"I need to vent. Hey guys my friend who I used to hangout with all the time is now hanging out with another ppl but everything seems fine like she talks to me sometimes what do u think is the reason",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9955295920372009 2018-01-11 19:17:43,"I need to vent. I'm 16 years old and my parents don't let me out the house they didn give me a phone they don't allow me to watch tv except for a short period of time and I rly want the to give me freedom do u think what they are doing is right plz give me some advice",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9102145433425903 2018-01-11 19:33:32,"I need to vent. Miwedat lij doesn't want me... We have been friends for over 3 years...I want more than being her friend... I show her many times and told her once but then she said she wants to be friends with me...yihem nger separated us... I respect her thought if she doesnt like me..thats why I'm keeping my distance from her...she no longer wants to be my friend ... I can't get over her I'm so obsessed with her...I hang out and flirt with other girls...but it doesn't help...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.991163969039917 2018-01-11 19:40:03,"I need to vent. I've tried to get out the hole for a while now. I even stopped cutting. Its been almost a year since I stopped cutting. I mean I should be proud, ecstatic. But I'm miserable. There's just something about that blood man. That crimson liquid running down your arms that just seems to lift the heavy load suffocating you. Every swipe of the blade washes away a little bit of the grief you carry with you . Friends and family see your arms covered with crooked scars that run deep and ask you where you got those. You answer , almost automatically , the story you've rehearsed inside your crowded head so many times that you almost start to believe it yourself. I am in no way advocating this. I'm sharing. Numbness has overtaken my brain. Nothing is enough. Everything is too much. Yet ...I'm warm and comfortable. Oh the paradoxical ways of the mind. ~xx",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.6597756743431091 2018-01-11 21:15:47,"I need to vent. Idk why but I'm starting to love my girlfriend less than I used to well actually we had a bit of a fight cause she told me she had a secret that if she told me we won't be together again then I said we can make anything work cause the main point is love and she said no you can't do anything to make it right and at last she said she's not gonna tell me ever and I agreed cause I don't wanna lose her I guess I've made a good decision am I right ? Anyways after that I become this annoying person who watches every steps of her and I got a lot of mistakes and after that I'm starting to love her less",love,NEGATIVE,0.9865336418151855 2018-01-11 22:34:15,"I need to vent. '' If I knew the point of pain is what i realized today, I would wish for much more pain for every birthday candle I blow"" Hello beautiful souls This is a massage from person who has been lost in pain and sorrow for a while, a person who lost everything and stood alone in this awful world. a person who has a heart full of scars and aches, a person who was abandoned and betrayed with everyone she has trusted. My life was horrible all along but the past 4 months I went through much more pain. A lot of things happened and people that I count on start to abandoned me one by one. at some point I left all alone, let alone my problems i didn't even had anyone to share my sadness to. My loneliness got to the level where I talked to total strangers in taxi about my sadness, they probably thought am depressed or something. considering how i used to be that wasn't my proudest moment at all. over all I had to deal with my problems, sorrow and everything on my own. Then all of a sudden I started to notice something different on me, the pains started to create a girl who is much more strong, who isn't scared to do anything, a girl who craves for her alone time, a girl who is in love with herself and a girl who I tried to build but failed for the past 25 years that very moment it hit me pain is what nurtured us to grow, Unless we got lost in the forest which was designed to make us strong looking for directions from confused people who are looking for their ways too, we will find ourselves in the same forest we lost in eventually. Stay strong",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.891077995300293 2018-01-12 12:36:43,"I need to vent. What up people? I need ur feedback and please help. I don't know if this is a problem or not but here's the thing. I feel like I do too much of anything. For ex. When I talk I talk too much, when I'm happy I'm very happy, when I help I help a lot, when I work I work too much etc. Is this a problem I have to try and fix or let me just embrace it as my personality? How do I fix it if its a problem?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990074038505554 2018-01-12 12:38:29,"I need to vent. Am really bored i don't know how to get out of this circle help pls..",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997370839118958 2018-01-12 12:38:36,"I need to vent. Who in this group is genuinely happy with their life n... why exactly?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9766232967376709 2018-01-12 12:39:04,"I need to vent. Ok hi this is not a vent I just want ask so guys is this only me who so addicted reading other people's vent like I'm so obsessed I have so many problems to vent too but I rather read & leave is this ok ?or is it a problem",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989635944366455 2018-01-12 12:39:15,"I need to vent. I once had sex with a lady who has kids in kindergarten in my school. And now she comes every lunchtime to pick her kidz and we get at it every lunchtime Please let me know how to handle this",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9702811241149902 2018-01-12 12:41:43,"I need to vent. So... I'm trying to get licensed in the US. For dull reasons, better pay, family's there and my love life socks here (too many people too concerned about how I speak too much english ) I went to nursing school in AAU Black Lion. And I'm supposed to fill out a form on which there's my academic info. But the department head, (burocrat fuck) is taking his precious time with the documents!!! I payed over $350 to start up this process! He doesn't answer my calls or texts, and doesn't seam to get to his office EVER. Is there anyone who knows how to handle these types of people? I'm planing to camp out his office. persistence will pay!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992997646331787 2018-01-12 13:42:12,"I need to vent. I don't know where to start, I used to think that i had a pretty decent life and personally believed that i was energetic. But lately i couldn't even getup from my bed, when I wake up I will be full of ideas and things to do then in just about a few minutes I will lose interest. I sometimes even stay at home the entire day doing nothing. This Can go on for days. Can anyone relate to this and do you have ways or tricks to handle this. Thank you!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9966004490852356 2018-01-12 13:56:56,"I need to vent. Do you honestly believe that people can change? If someone you trust and adore betrayed you in the most disgraceful way imaginable and for some reason you find it in your heart to forgive them, do you think they won't do it again if the opportunity arises? How can you go back to trusting them again? (In case you are wondering here is the case, first she kissed someone else, then she went and had sex with a different guy finally she said she was In love with another guy while still being with me). So do you think she will change? Or am I the ""jil"" in the r/p to believe that?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9860710501670837 2018-01-12 17:26:39,"I need to vent. I don't know if this is a problem or not but here's the thing. I feel like I do too much of anything. For ex. When I talk I talk too much, when I'm happy I'm very happy, when I help I help a lot, when I work I work too much etc. Is this a problem I have to try and fix or let me just embrace it as my personality? How do I fix it if its a problem?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989827275276184 2018-01-12 17:27:06,"I need to vent. I start chatting with a men whose around my work place des yilegn neber siniqerareb demo betam wededkut.. adis neger tesemagn after a long time Should i ask him for a date or wait till he ask me.. maseb aqtognal help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980879426002502 2018-01-12 17:55:20,"I need to vent. So the problem is I like 3 guys. I know u well say that am a player but am not. Ok first boy was my best friends best friend and we fought at that time I didn't even get to know him better so I don't have any fellings for him but then after 3 years we met again and now we are studying together. The second boy is very cute I mean I fall something for him inside my heart. He told me that he well go to my school but things didn't go as I expected he started going to my school but he becomes my enemies b.f And the third boy I met him because of his friend. I fell for his friend don't say any thing because his friend is super cute and I like him very much but is older than me. Am telling u this because I am falling something heavy is putted in my heart when I see them, I can't talk, am well get very hot If u were me who well u choice i need help",love,POSITIVE,0.9699714779853821 2018-01-12 17:56:28,"I need to vent. Yes I need to vent. It's a long one bear with me. Okay so here it goes. Our parents knew each other long before we were born. And it's hard for me to say that we grew up together because we didn't meet that frequently but I have known him all my life. I don't know him as much as I want to though. Not yet at least. We're in college now. He's at AAU I'm abroad. We used to hang out occasionally till 7th grade keza bemehal idk what happened gin he disappeared. Whenever his family was invited to our house he wouldn't show up.. not even to gatherings outside. So I confronted him in 10th grade after not seeing him for a while. Having known each other since childhood, I told him that we should have been more close. And he never missed an invitation after that. I spent the night before I left for college at his house but we didn't do anything. Only I wish we had . We met up a couple of times when I came back for the summer. We walked holding hands and touching ( my heart was smiling the whole time) Over the summer I have noticed things.. like we met up on our own, Lela gize our parents bet simetu menamen neber menegenagnew, and he was more chatting than ever before. He's usually quite neger.. And this one night we were eating dinner out and he said he liked me and he trusted me and wants to keep me close. And I am holding on to that. I didn't say anything about me liking him ( so damn much )... Only mentioned it vaguely over a text once classes started. I regret not looking into his eyes or other signs when we were together. Whenever I was with him I was just so happy I didn't think of anythinglike my mind was Blank except for that specific moment with our hands wrapped against each others isn't that crazy. Telling him I've loved him ever since is not going to happen because I can't lose him. What if he gets scared off? ‍So I'm just going to wait and see... give it all the time it needs and see if we will be together But I also fear that I might be waiting for too long and things could fall apart. I don't know really what do you guys think? Open to any commen",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.987789511680603 2018-01-12 18:14:10,"I need to vent. Okay guys am kind of in a conflict here i am second year student in electrical engineering and am thinking about droping out first of all i practically learned ZERO ZERO am i wrong to think our education system is a joke I think all this steve jobs billgate 90% of billionaires are drop outs thing got really in to my head all this follow your passion heart thing messed me up got in to ma head well good news is that i found my passion and it is MEDICINE so should i quit that misreable field and join medicine (in private ) ofcourse Help help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9891058802604675 2018-01-12 19:29:11,"I need to vent. For starters im a strong girl, not one guy in my life broke my heart because as i said before im a strong girl and i don't open up for guys but the thing is i had so many friends which are girls and it's easy to open up and talk to them but they all turned out to be fake, and i feel kinda lonley bec. i really trust girls more than boys.So i really need new friends who i can talk to and so on",desire,NEGATIVE,0.947921097278595 2018-01-12 19:29:19,"I need to vent. is it me or in med school to you feel as though you have become useless when you can't remember something?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9997705817222595 2018-01-12 19:30:32,"I need to vent. Hey Y'All, since i was a kid i tried to find my place but i couldnt fit in anywhere, i wanted to have friends so bad that i lost myself trying to please everyone, and these days I stay by myself, i have had it with feeling anxious when people are around me, some type of people actually, and i seem to enjoy being by myself, Honestly i am tired of hearing people talk but i try and manage. As i mentioned earlier its scaring me that i enjoy time on my own more than anything, does this happen to anyone out there??",joy,POSITIVE,0.5100005865097046 2018-01-12 19:30:37,"I need to vent. Why are guys so obsessed with looks nowadays? Everybody is becoming so shallow. Life is so hard already,I don't have to worry about my looks too ..ughh",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9951854348182678 2018-01-12 19:49:24,"I need to vent. I'm afraid of the darkness. I wasn't tho when i was a child. I used to enjoy the darkness endewm. It felt like there was nothing to kick me. But now its just like its haunting me. I cant sleep at night so i just seat and cry because what i fear the most is what the darkness brings. It brings stuff that hurts me the most. It reminds me of what i lost, of what i should've done. It reminds me of my mistakes. It reminds me of every little heartbreak I've suffered and now im growing weak. I'm too weak to get out of bed. I'm too weak to even speak at times but i have to pretend like its safe. Like its all just a dream.",fear,POSITIVE,0.9551511406898499 2018-01-12 20:10:20,"I need to vent. Wouldn't it be awesome if z vent here channel chose vent of z month, most liked comment & funniest vent......every month & let z members know?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9953626394271851 2018-01-12 22:06:59,"I need to vent. I am feeling lonely this days .. i am living alone ... no family here in ethiopia ... i cant seems to shake the feeling feeling lonly... all my friends come and go as the same time i don't know why... this days my friends desserted me.. i dont know why.. Anyway i blabering ... good nit ou ..lonly dude",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9933432340621948 2018-01-12 22:13:39,"I need to vent. I'm at a point in life where nothing makes sense.I know I should pray more and complain less and I'm trying to do that ,but I can't help feeling lost.I'm not suicidal or anything yet I am coming to the conclusion that dying is a blessing.If I tell this to anyone I know they will probably think I'm crazy or they would be worried or they just wouldn't give a damn so here I am",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9256193041801453 2018-01-12 22:55:59,"I need to vent. Am really depressed am thinking of killing my self every thing I see is dark please help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992552399635315 2018-01-12 22:56:29,"I need to vent. I slept with a married man! I know some of you might judge and hate me for this but you should know I had no idea that he was married. He is the only man I have ever been involved with and the only man I ever took seriously.I only recently found out that he had a wife and i am not sad,not angry,not surprised,I'm just numb. the only thing that i feel is confusion.i have met his family ,his friends,I have been so invested in him that I dont know how to let him go after all that.I hate what he had done but I can't seem to hate him.I cut him off several times now but he keeps fighting to come back into my life.I know its a crappy businesses I got myself into ,man I should have known when things seem too good to be true they usually are",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9825045466423035 2018-01-12 23:37:40,"I need to vent. My life is messed up right now. I dont know what to do. I feel broken. I'm hurting. The only person who i trusted broke my trust. After everything i've been through, i got betrayed. Wat do i do now? I was the girl ppl knew for being so happy n joyful. Ppl never knew how i really felt. I've been hurt for as long as i can remember. Ppl leaving me, blaming me, betraying me, breaking me. Am just so tired of caring. Am so tired.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996048808097839 2018-01-12 23:46:38,"I need to vent. Here it goes I am going to have sex with a girl so devastated with recent incidents in her life. She offered it herself but the idea that she might not be thinking clearly is troubling me to the core. Honesty, I would love to have sex with her. But I don't want anything of disastrous psychological outcome on somebody else's life either. P.S I have absolutely no interest in a relationship with her.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9929102063179016 2018-01-12 23:54:22,"I need to vent. Life is full of pain, suffering and struggle but remember you are always choosing. Choose your struggle, choose what's worth suffering for.",caring,POSITIVE,0.5760896801948547 2018-01-12 23:54:35,"I need to vent. My life is all and all I got everything I want. But I'm scared I might lose it all one day I mess up a lot. I'm sad and emotionally empty. I'm taking my Own happiness for no reason help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996154308319092 2018-01-13 00:01:44,"I need to vent. Why do some girls always think they got the rules on how to keep a man? ""Suck his dick"", ""cook for him"", ""don't nag him"", ""never withhold sex."" These girls still get cheated on everyday. The only way to keep a man, is to get a man that wants to be kept.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9937617182731628 2018-01-13 08:51:48,"I need to vent. I need to vent Here is the thing. ...well I've tired to become more of my self thesedays try to stay back from the drama queens minimize my melodrama and become the better me but every time I try to ignore them it's like they keep chasing...I'm trying to concentrate and study more on my studies but I end up with no interest I'm obsessed with the topic of changing my self so what should I do with my studies plus how should I ignore the fakes that keeps looking after me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995487332344055 2018-01-13 09:26:31,"I need to vent. Hey guys I have a situation.... I was a player dude I slept with many girls I am only 19 n am not that attractive but there is some thing in me that girls love..... One day wede 4 kilo eyehedku taxi wist much be yalew and taxiw molto terf eyechane neber this girl came rushing ena gebta terf tekemetech altemechatem so wenber keyerkuat tnx bla tekemetech taxiw tenkesakese heden keza ekul weraj ale blen werden we started talking silkuan setechign mnamen all this happened 3 months ago after that now we talk on the phone for more than 4hrs I told her every thing about me esuam negerechign we got so many thing in common except she is not a player n I am now we r both stuck in the friendzone I know she likes me n I do too n I swear to God I stopped playing girls after I meet her she changed me....... We also went on a date twice she is my type but I don't know wt to do. Set manager laferam neber now am scared to talk to her.... Wt should I do????",fear,NEGATIVE,0.993746280670166 2018-01-13 11:26:27,"I need to vent. Is being a virgin wrong? The way people react when I tell them I am is unbelievable. They make it seem like a bad thing. Well in my opinion it's not. I proud of it. And I planning to stay that was untill what I consider the right time comes. People might have different opinion on this and I respect that. But I tnk I'm not ready for it. Do you tnk I'm wrong?",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9804109930992126 2018-01-13 13:17:11,"I need to vent. So hey...I need help Warning long ass vent ..might get boring but bear with me here So I have tons of problems in my life right now parents divorced at a young age, not saying that that is what hurt me but it triggered something in me. ..made me fake in a way and honestly I've list my true self,I'm in high school now and its been over 6 years but I still feel fake...can anyone relate? And that's not even the problem...I have trust u have to be with me for at least a year until I trust u and even then I still have my doubt's. And in school in the awkward kid who is always laughing and happy but its only pretend and because the other people who know me can't tell so they think its okay to walk around me ,make me their salve and shit, like adding to my pain even the people who I thought are my real friends push me over sometimes and I can't say shit because I fear that they would think Im a rude bitch.. And also my love life is a complete bleh .like I have non and I know there are some people who say ""you're in highschool eko what love life?"" And to those people I would like to say that this vent doesn't concern you. For everyone else who gets me I Dont,can't get or have a boyfriend. And all the guys that I like or vibe with spend more time with my best friend (she's hot) and sometimes I wander if they just use me as a bridge to get to her....and I feel ugly too like who wouldn't? Becha this is how I feel ....people with negative comments stay clear I'm already self-conscious as it is. Tnx-",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968515038490295 2018-01-13 13:55:37,"I need to vent. Okay here goes I don't really have human qualities like I don't feel anything i don't love anyone i don't care about everything like we could be watching a really heartbreaking movie and my family would all be crying but I would just sit there staring blankly at the TV. And in school people often ask me why im such a bitch but I'm not I just say what I feel which is nothing endewem I keep most of the things I think about inside just to avoid drama and attention. I've had 2 boyfriends and they're friends. I  cheated on my 1st bf with the second one and then later cheated on my second bf with the first one. And I don't feel anything at all about that. I know some of y'all might think I'm a hoe but c'mon they weren't exactly angels either. Did they ask me a lot of times if I liked them back? yes. Did I mean it? Hell no. I don't even know what I wanted from them I didn't feel shit and this is what scares me and I need help. And to people just getting ready to write negative comments...yo mom's a hoe.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9989815354347229 2018-01-13 17:47:47,"I need to vent. These days...I genuinely feel....alone. It's the only way of explaining it...I lost interest in everything. I'm just hating on everything. My friends left and took their own path to go on the next chapter of their lives. And the new friends I've met in my campus are just....they'reokay I guess but they can never be like my friends. My brother for some reason tries everything he can to make me feel miserable and I'm here like 'are you even my brother? Like why the fuck are u being like this?'. I don't talk with my dad much anymore because it's like he doesn't care anymore and he doesn't listen to whatever I say anymore. I love my mom and I'm grateful to have someone like her as my mother. But then there are times where I feel like she doesn't like me as much. Maybe it's cuz I'm not the daughter she wanted me to be....yeah...that'sprobably why... Iguess insecurities takes over for me...andthen when ppl start criticising me I shut down.Maybe this is the reason why I can't seem to open up even with my friends.Becha idk.... I have changed and not in a good way. I'm hoping things will light up for me because I just feel like..... Likeshit...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989184141159058 2018-01-13 18:58:10,"I need to vent. Okey, let's start by saying I'm depressed. I have depression. My depression isn't new. I thought it was dibirt or because things were not good for me. But after i get what i want(not all) I'm still depressed. My depression isn't a problem to me when I'm alone. Rather it disturbs me a lot when I'm with peers. After associating for 5 minutes max i finish my 'battery'. I just want to walk away. And people notice that. And i don't know how to tell them I'm depressed. Because telling to ethiopians that you are depressed means you are telling them that, THEY are depressing people. They will say 'Debari neh eyalkegn new' minamn... How do you tell to people that you are depressed and need some time alone..... I know it was along one but can't make it any shorter.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992221593856812 2018-01-13 19:59:10,"I need to vent. I was with some of my friends, and a conversation sparked up of the sexual nature. They asked me what my first time was like , I told them i have never been in that scenario before. They acted surprised (and somewhat offended, for some reason) and asked . Whats your pussy made of? Gold? YES BITCH ITS MADE OF FUCKING GOLD. IF THAT'S HOW I WANT IT!!! I honestly don't get why people feel the need to label every thing. Like if i don't like people getting private with me I'm prude ?and if i like going out and hooking up with randos I'm a slut? No. That's not how it goes people. I DON'T WANT NO IMMATURE LIL BOYS TOUCHING ON ME IN A PARTY I WENT TO TO ENJOY MYSELF. GET THE FUCK OVER IT THAT'S HOW I AM. AND THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A SLUT. YES PEOPLE LIKE TO FUCK . GET OVER IT! And why do people feel the need to give their opinions to every damn thing. Like i see your point of view but i politely decline and choose to do my own shit thank you very much . And they get mad when YOU don't do what THEY want ? Like think about it for a second . You two are different humans with completely different lives. How does this shit make sense bro. ~xx",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.8480298519134521 2018-01-13 20:20:09,"I need to vent. Okay so I'm a guy in my second year of uni but everyone I meet thinks I'm a child, like to the point that I lie about my age 'cause I know noone would believe me if I told them the truth. Especially hate when relatives are like ""ohhhh wow betam adeghal sintegna kifl gebah 9th?"" and I'm like yeah sure I'm in 9th grade. Same fucking grade I was in the LAST FUCKING TIME YOU ASKED. And every time I try to go to clubs or anything the bouncers would let all my friends in then when they get to me they're like ""nahhhh famm.... he can't go in"" and I'm just like whyyyy I'm fucking 20 just let me party pls. I just hate being treated like a baby all the time... I just hope the Lord will let me hit finally puberty in my 20s",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973607659339905 2018-01-13 23:05:39,"I need to vent. I feel like my life is moving in slow mode its mostly the same thing over and over again...I've tried to be optimistic but my faith is running out...i would really like if u guys tell me wat keeps u moving forward in life..thank u!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9980292916297913 2018-01-13 23:11:57,"I need to vent. Ok so my life has been alright ..but i started realising i literally have no one to call a real friend..sure i got ""friends "" but its just a show I've been putting up for the society..we go out and shit but its just..i dont know how to explain it.. to start with none of know what's going on with me and thats a whole other story..but NO ONE CARES like at all..i tried to let em in but watevr .. no one in this whole world knows the real me..and is it ok to have no one to share ur feelings with",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9991656541824341 2018-01-14 00:17:58,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt alone? truly alone? ?...malet no mater how many people seem to b around me I always seem to endup feeling very lonely....and I can tell my closest friends how and what I feel and they would try to get how I truly feel but in the end I always feel like I'm the only one I got the only one I can trust and rely on.....becha I don't it just me?...and any ideas on how I can stop this miserable feeling",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987965822219849 2018-01-14 08:08:10,"I need to vent. Heyy this is my story.. So I met this guy about a month n a half ago. I went to a shop he worked at and he was so helpful, like really went overboard to help me. We exchanged numbers. The same day I was leaving to another city. Starting that day he called daily, we were texting,chatting,talking all day n night. I found out alot about him, n him about me. Then I came back a week ago n we met up, it was nice and everything,he is cute. But I didnt feel the same way I felt talking to him on the phone. Then the next day we were chatting n it turned into sexting. I have told him I am a virgin but I have had enough and would like to enjoy sex life too. We were talking about doing it the next day. But on the next day I started to think what if this guy just wants sex from me?I wouldn't like to lose my virginity for some guy I met a month ago. So I turned it down. He got angry and said that I am mocking/making fun of him. And we haven't talked since. I'm thinking that I probably made the right decision since there is no reason for him to react this way. Am I right?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9824784398078918 2018-01-14 08:44:35,"I need to vent. Hey I really need ur best friend likes this guy ena in a few weeks he took her out on some sort of a date and it was a secluded area, that was when he kissed her( it was her first kiss FYI). Since he was a univ student he had to leave the city...after the kiss all she talks is about him, all she thinks is about him... sometimes she tells me she is conflicted about her feelings menamen and asks me for advice. And me being single, basically my whole life, and inexperienced Idk what to say to her. She tells me she doesn't trust him though... what do I do? I really want to help her out! Thoughts? Comment please.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977951049804688 2018-01-14 08:46:06,"I need to vent. I'm a college freshman now and I have lost my bestfriend in highschool. She and I had something special that no other boy and girl had in our school had but two years ago I did something stupid and messed up BIG TIMEwhich ruined our friendship. Now she won't talk to me. Plus we are in different universities.I wish I had a girl like her or atleast a girl close to her so that I can be happy again",desire,NEGATIVE,0.999115526676178 2018-01-14 08:47:44,"I need to vent. Holla friends hmm I'm kinda worried about my guy he's so protective and I'm Lyk don't keep tight holdin tight may kill the butterfly aynet person ena nowadays I stopped going to his class I do but not that much mnamn gn felge adelem I'm kinda busy...and he's in debreatalew meselegn aynet feeling and he wants me to show him that I love him neither than telling him....and I'm bad at expressing my feelings so how am I supposed to show him huh?",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9994169473648071 2018-01-14 13:08:35,"I need to vent. So the ones i called my friends betrayed me and they talk shit behind my back but they don't know that i know. If i told them that i know they might leave me and i might end up being alone,So please anyone who wanna hang out with me and be friends with me text me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988502264022827 2018-01-14 18:09:04,"I need to vent. is it okay to continue living on even if I feel like a complete failure and dead inside...why do I pray for the bus I am on to jump off cliff or crash in to a pole...why do I feel at peace whenever I realize that I won't have to he on earth anymore someday? why do I practice holding my breath for longer so it doesn't hurt as much if I decide on closing my eyes someday? why can't I just keep on living? why does it hurt? I wish I could go back to the days I prayed to live as long as I pray to rest as soon as possible.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9942319989204407 2018-01-14 18:11:09,"I need to vent. Ok so the last year one of my best friends was like super down all the time. At night she would call or text and we would talk about her problems. She would tell me she wanted to die and i would tell her she was too important to just leave. It worked for a while, but then she started coming up eith reasons why she should just kill herself. I didnt know what to, i would try talking her out of it but no luck. I couldnt sleep cause i was always so freakin worried all the damn time. Time passed and she would text me the word goodbye and i would freak out and call her a bunch of times and start thiniking of ways to get to her house (i suck at directions, dont know how to use taxis, and i cant afford a car anyways). But then soon i would find out she was ok. This kept happening for a while. She would be ok, then out of nowhere hint at her plans suicide. I would freak out. Make some sort if decision like talking to her parents or something. Then she would be ok. I should have done better. I should have done more... but i had no idea how to deal with this. This was the first time i have ever encountered someone with thoughts like this. I was scared shitless. I thought i was gonna lose her. At some point i started considering ending it myself. I couldnt take anymore. But then she started to get better... all by herself. She was still insecure, but she started to look for a purpose. I reason to live. I could breathe a little easier Then suddenly my other friend got depressed as well. She would self harm and stuff. What. The. Hell. She would hint at suicide. Then be ok again. No matter what i say or do, it wouldnt affect her at all. At this point i felt like the universe was just toying with me. I would cry myself to sleep. I was useless. I had no idea how to help the ones i care about. Suddenly I stopped. At night they would be like 'im a mess my life's a mess im done'. Before i would try and convince them they're not. They matter. And i wasnt just saying it. They do. But now i would be like 'ayzosh' the fall asleep. I would have a headache, but then fall asleep the moment my head touches the pillow. I would forget about them and their stuff. They eould text me and tell me they made it they feel better now and i would be like ""wha...?"" Then remember. So for those of you who actually read the whole thing... idk if i stopped caring. Like, i love them and all, but i dont think of they're problems much anymore. I dont cry because im afraid i would lose them anymore. Im just...there. i feel nothing. What the hell is wrong with me?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9995064735412598 2018-01-14 18:27:47,"I need to vent. I hate you. I hate you for lying to me. I hate you for giving me false hope even when I wanted to give up. I hate you for not keeping your promises. I hate you for making me fall in love alone when you don't even have the concept of what love is. I hate you for making me feel used. I hate you for making me think I am foolish. I hate you for ruining my perception of love, relationships and people. I hate you for breaking my trust so bad that it will be hard for me to trust again. I hate you for dragging me in your game even when I begged you to stop. I just wanted to write this to remind you that what you did was uncalled for, but I will grow from it. I may be hurting now but I will not suffer from it forever. I am resilient, and something good will come out of this. As for you: you will just be an ex boyfriend that I dated once upon a time ago. I won't deny it, but I'm not necessarily proud of it. But we all learn from our mistakes and bad judgement. Now I know that nothing is always as perfect as it seems on the outside. Actually nothing was perfect with us. It was me who was blind since the beginning. And as much as I regret giving you all these chances you never deserved, I'm glad it didn't take me longer to wake up. I wish I knew why you did all that you did. But I guess you don't even have a reason, and it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm not cruel like you so I won't wish you anything bad. I just hope you will be able to deal with all the mess you're in and figure out yourself so that you won't drag some other girl into your game like you did with me.",anger,POSITIVE,0.9834660887718201 2018-01-14 19:59:23,"I need to vent. I can't understand what I'm doing with my life..why do we girls like the jerks instead of the nice guy we always talk about..this is what's happening right now I'm getting my self into a relationship I don't want I just can't control my self from going with the flow while I friendzoned the perfect guy for me just because he is too do i stop this? What should I say to the guy i don't want to be in a relationship with saying 'I don't want to' is so ridiculous after leading him on and flirting",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998661994934082 2018-01-14 20:24:27,"I need to vent. Hello all I just wanna let this out This is not about how depressed i am, i dont think i am, i was... Kinda. This is for deppressed people.. Let me try to make this as short as possible. When I was younger my very close relative tried to end his/her life. I was beyond shocked,I did a lot to try to make them happy. It broke my heart hearing them say that they were alone, that no one loved or cared  for them. I was here, i did... Soon i started to feel the same way. I couldn't stand seeing them like that but trust me its a lot better than seeing them lifeless, I dont think I can ever live with that. I just want to say someone out there really cares for you, they really love you maybe not the way you want it, but with all they've got. So stop telling yourself you are lonely and not loved because you all are loved , im sure of it. Just be grateful for the things you have, you may not know it but its a lot... Sorry if this is too long i just felt like it needed to be said. PS: Now we are both recovering",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9151644706726074 2018-01-14 22:29:15,"I need to vent. Guys we are in a wrong world not phisycally but in our minds trivial things tend to take up our minuets and no one seems to pay attention to what really matters and those who do get to be labelled nerds and other stuff. We are in a time where getting 100 likes on IG matters more than getting a 98 on ur finals what is really happening to us?? Don't we know the world's future relys on us??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985396862030029 2018-01-14 22:29:17,"I need to vent. Not a vent... Do u guys think that the generations before us like our parents delt with shit like depression, loneliness, insecurity mnamn or did they have other thns to worry abt so dose that mean that the reason that ppl these days have these prblms is bc they have the luxury of not having to worry abt other stuff(food, water mnamn) or they had the same prblms gn they jus nvr talkd abt them ??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990538954734802 2018-01-14 22:52:47,"I need to vent. How could I have been so completely wrong abt the ppl around me? The ppl I trusted most turned around to stab me in the back. And now too much time has passed, everyone expects me to move on. Why the fuck can’t I? It’s like I’m stuck in this same hurt place because there’s so much I didn’t get to say and will never get to say to the sick bastards that played me for a fool. Oh but if I cud... I’d say that just because I loved u with everything I had doesn’t mean I’m weak and naive. I chose to love and trust u because it made me happy and all I wanted was that same love in return. I would have forgiven ANYTHING u could possibly do to me because u were a part of my life I never saw myself letting go. But u won’t let me forgive u because u choose to lie to me and whisper things behind my back. But I can hear all ur whispered words and sometimes I wish I was deaf to them. I want to move on but how can I when every time u come around I want to slam my fist against ur face for hurting me but I can’t. I’m tired of venting to my friends cause they’ll get tired of hearing it. I got hurt. Big deal. It’s time to move on. I used to be a big tough girl who cud swallow whatever twisted shit came her way but now I feel like u rly knocked me out with this one. I had my guard down and u knew it. U took advantage. Fuck u and all the words you’ll never hear me say. Now that I see clear as day the fucking lying cheating piece of shit I called my own, I’d love to say I’ll never be blinded by ppl like u again. But I can’t help falling into the same fucking cycle over n over, constantly trusting the wrong ppl, constantly putting others above me only to have them use me and disappear when I need them most. And I honestly don’t understand why u think ur all that. Ur dick is the size of my pinky finger u fucking prick. And so help me God if u threaten me one more time I will rain hell on ur tiny manhood with a hammer.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9964007139205933 2018-01-14 23:07:32,"I need to vent. Lately I think I have lost hope in z relationship am in. Me and my guy we have been together for 3 and a half years and its a long distance r/n ship. And when we get time to meet up we usually do. Due to work and stuff I use to be so busy and he put up with all that but now when am free he seems to be busy and I am not feeling wanted and loved any more. When he calls he asks how am doing, how my day is and zen he says he gotta go! Sometimes I wont have even z chance 2 ask how his day was. When we meet up he just make up jocks and I feel like it was okay but when am back home and when I analyzed it back I feel like we were just there cause we must meet not cause we want to and z whole jock thing feels like it fills z gap that is there and that is over growing! Z jock annoys me now! I can't stand 2 hear it and I don't feel like hearing his voice or reading his texts. Sometimes I just let my phone ring so that I don't have 2 talk 2 him and listen 2 z stupid jocks. But zen I regret it instantly and feel like a dirty bad person. I call him right away saying I was doing some work or didn't c it. I wanna talk stuff that r real, sth that isn't a jock or sth that isn't funny. Don't get me wrong I love this man, I adore him but these past few weeks have been hard on me! I don't wanna tell him how am feeling cause I feel like I will scare him away and seem like an attention seeker and a clingy person. Am I selfish for feeling this way? Or r u truly running out of hope? Did anyone here ever felt this way and if so how did u guys get over z ugly feeling?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9965226650238037 2018-01-15 11:39:34,"I need to vent. Hello Everyone Girls would you help out a brother here pls. I need a genuine answere for what I'm about to ask you. So i met this girl two days ago, as per a request from her brother that i hand her something that he needed. FYI, i and her brother used to be roommates and are best friends. He is currently somewhere else. So i was really freaked out about our meeting thinking how i would screw my first impression. But contrary to my fear , our meeting went very well and we talked a lot. I found everything about her so freaking lovely‍. It felt like we had a connection and that I finally met my type. We parted soon after the business and now am crazyly obsessed with her. Oh boy.... i have that funny feeling around my chest now for the first time in a long while. Having said that now, the question goes like, what are the chances that she feels the same way or that she thinks about the possibility of us being more than friends? Fingers crossed she and her brother are not memebers of this channel for the details are so specific",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9955001473426819 2018-01-15 11:44:39,"I need to vent. So here it goes,I decided to give this man a shot and we had a very good time together,its an understatement to say 'he blew me away',never been the one to be impressed easily but he had me then,some day we started kissing and things got heated up and he wanted more than just kissing but I kept saying no again and again until he finally agreed to stop,well at least that's what I thought until he pushed himself in,he didn't continue because i was freaking out but he did take my virginity .I still don't know what to make of it because I told him I was a virgin and that I didn't want to have sex from the very start and i said no as clearly as possible at the time but I also went to his house alone and made out with him.At the time I was just shocked thinking it was an accident but looking back I'm coming to the realization that he might have done it on purpose .So i don't know what to call it was it rape or am I just being immature?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9591652750968933 2018-01-15 11:45:11,"I need to vent. I don't even know what I am feeling anymore. Have you ever felt like you have lost sth you never even had in the first place? Have you ever wanted someone sooooo bad that you think of them everytime? Every memory, every cute text that used to make ur heart skip a beat is now a bullet piercing through the same heart? Our relationship never had a label but he used to tell me he liked me a lot and he used to say these adorable lines...He prolly didn't care about me when all those times he said he did. He prolly felt nothing when he shut me out and forget my existance as a whole. I told myself to get over him since I was nothing to him, he shouldn't have a place in my heart right? No. Like the fool I am I have already firgiven him before he even asked for forgiveness...its like I would reply in a second if he texts a simple hello...I liked him, I still do... God! It feels good now that I have let it out! But is this normal? Losing something you never had? Can anyone relate?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9837325215339661 2018-01-15 11:45:47,"I need to vent. I have a minor issue but, it still bags me almost always, I have a really nice group of friends and I enjoy spending time with them however we curse a lot Like the F word is almost in every word we say ! I hate that fact and I want to stop it but I don't know how it became a habitat.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.8917641043663025 2018-01-15 11:45:47,"I need to vent. I have a minor issue but, it still bags me almost always, I have a really nice group of friends and I enjoy spending time with them however we curse a lot Like the F word is almost in every word we say ! I hate that fact and I want to stop it but I don't know how it became a habitat.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.8917641043663025 2018-01-15 14:00:12,"I need to vent. Guys I feel like I know too much of things that my current friends aren't able to just keep up with me... Anyone of you who've dived into books, music, history just drop your usernames...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995951056480408 2018-01-15 19:13:13,"I need to vent. Well, I've been single for a long time and comfortable like that too, but these days I've been questioning myself about that, and to top it all, most of my friends broke up up with their boyfriends. I feel like I could get a shot with them but I feel bad cause I've helped them get with most of their boyfriends. So should I just go ahead or just restrain myself?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9937230944633484 2018-01-15 19:13:34,"I need to vent. This is more of a question than a vent so ladies and gents... what would u do if a guy/girl u are going out with doesnt want to kiss, makeout.... have sex, before marriage? what would be your reaction? i mean if the person like is repelled by the idea. (And is an orthodox christian) and you really like this person, and the person likes you too.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8590735793113708 2018-01-15 19:13:49,"I need to vent. Guys i have this complication in which i cant stand girls being bothered and when i do notice that all hell will break loose and the guy doing that will probably sleep in a hospital bed that day... am i right for doing that??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980958104133606 2018-01-15 19:14:46,"I need to vent. Okay....ill just start being as honest as i can .....some people like to think they're the only ones with real problems as if that makes them unique....more sorry if this comes of rude.....but u all are really not that special......whatever problem u think u might be having just know that someone else is goin through the same get ur self together and get movin .....rather than sitting there talking of ur problems like they're adventures",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9925287961959839 2018-01-15 19:17:12,"I need to vent. I'm so close to smoke weed and i have it on my hands,so should i smoke it or not. And can a person get addicted by just smoking one time. I just wanna try it enji i don't wanna be addicted. Need comments please.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997857391834259 2018-01-15 19:39:52,"I need to vent. Hi Hello my 1st vent amm I know this girl from way back I know her brother actually today we caught up and we started talking and I asked for her phone number I wrote the number on my phone but I forgot her name she panicked she was mad and I feel bad what should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994456171989441 2018-01-15 19:40:02,"I need to vent. Isn't is weird that people want you for their own good like you do everything they want but when you need them they are too busy for you I really need that kind of best friend who is clingy asf And who is always there for me",desire,NEGATIVE,0.5739778876304626 2018-01-15 19:48:49,"I need to vent. Not trying to be heard i just gotta say this .....friendship this days are so fake...i mean i know there are real ones but instead of wasting my time trying to find them i would rather rely on my fucking self. No one else just me and my damn self against the whole fucking universe and I am loving it so far.",love,POSITIVE,0.996724545955658 2018-01-15 19:49:56,"I need to vent. Idk why guys keep lying ughlike if u dont want her just say it! Here it goes she my bestfriend she really loves dis guy and we(me and my friends) have actually tried everytn to hook them up we even tried to make him jealous uk becha he doesnt show any interest towards her tho dis one day they kissed mnamn keza they start meetin up mnamnkeza he started sayin girl am,startin to like u mnamn like what do i have to do for u to trust me,mnamn she actually said his eyes said it allmnamn gen wefff he was playin around keza he took advantage of her loving him keza said i dont have any feelings towards her like cmonkoy do u just play wid ppl feelings...?malet its not only her but like,most of da guys do dis like why do u have to lie???if u just wanna have fun just say it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9945705533027649 2018-01-15 20:03:39,"I need to vent. I have a problem of feeling guilty after avoiding guy's whom i am not in to after i make them understand am nt interested i really feel bad how can i stop this thing. I need help kmir am i the only one",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995115995407104 2018-01-15 20:03:57,"I need to vent. The issue is not what u may b facing,rather ur interpretation of it.Always think in a +ve light 2 create a better world 4u and others!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986171722412109 2018-01-15 23:08:57,"I need to vent. Aight so ..NOT A VENT !..a question.......I thought this channel was supposed to be about people sharing their real problems ...y'all be making some jokes like ""I lost my virginity and so.."" or like ""asking if it's okay to date you ex boyfriend's bestfriend "" and some shit like that ....people actually got real problems on here and y'all be making jokes and just posting nonsense there are like 7k people on here so like stop being stupid and save these people and yourself the time and actually write of you only got some real problem not about how your motorcycle run outta gas !!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995513558387756 2018-01-15 23:26:18,"I need to vent. Ok so..hey strangers...i have a problem of always reading thing online and believing them..I know I shouldnt but I just do and that puts me in depression mood..what should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980338215827942 2018-01-15 23:56:09,"I need to vent. Is it normal to not like your family (relatives I mean)? Like honestly it’s not just mine that don’t even like each other right? I just always feel as if they smile in front of us and talk behind our backs and as if they only want us when they want money minamin. Not just them gn I hate how my own parents act differently around them, it makes me wonder who’s fault it is that they don’t trust each other. There is alwaaayas drama ufff. Inja gn like guys could u tell me how u are with ur family or atleast let me know if this is normal or if it’s just in my family?? I’m really dying here",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.995924711227417 2018-01-16 00:27:15,"I need to vent. i am an introvert, severe introvert...i just cant seem to handle my extovert friends and cousins. my home was my hideout, my safest place but now after my uncle moved around our neighbourhood i cant seem to get a rest. my cousins are always over. and they are just restless extroverts always up for anything...i am getting drained as the days just out of my control i am getting depressed and all. i atleast need a 2 day break in week what should I do? help! and I cant tell them to just go away from the house. me is too nice besides we r close. is this even relatable? or am a weirdo who thinks i have to refill my energy once in a while or needs a break from people and shit.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990679621696472 2018-01-16 08:26:36,"I need to vent. So, I think I like him but I don't know what's happening with him. We are not dating or anything. Anyways in the middle of a conversation I said you miss me aa as a joke and he said atentebareri what is that suppose to mean?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998609185218811 2018-01-16 08:27:07,"I need to vent. I have been so tired this past few weeks, couldn't sleep, cause of the baby crying. Help guys what can I do to keep it from crying ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982243180274963 2018-01-16 11:45:22,"I need to vent. I need to vent We have grown seprately from my sister cause my mother and her dad divorced and her father raised her and i dont know much abt her and she thinks i dont love her i love her so much but i dont know how i can show her i love and care about her and she doesnt come much often because she has got a job now and i feel like i am missing out on so much she is my only sister",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978073239326477 2018-01-16 11:45:36,"I need to vent. Why is freedom of expression limited? Why do people continually repress the rights of their fellow citizens and yet bitch about the government for doing the same thing. Let everyone say what they want, please. Any limit on freedom to express oneself is unjustified, ever!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982837438583374 2018-01-16 13:41:59,"I need to vent. Anyone experience this? Like a week before my period I become really emotional n do crazy things. I hate everyone n i sit at night crying. I fought with my bf n broke up cuz of this. It hurt me so much. I fight with my family. I mean i really hate them so bigelachewm altsetsetm. Gin they do shit to me like fook mekelkel birr mekelkel minamin. Um forced to fuck ppl for money sometimes. Demo. So lol i was writing this as i was waiting to get my license. N the guy said u need original document lol. N i just made drama in the office lol. I told the guy abo min tintebareraleh atmelslgnm? Then i went to the office to make drama. N make a complaint about it . I called the guy names. N told him fuck you. Ye mengst sra eyeserah takabdaleh ende ? Echim sira hona new mitntebarerew? I've been with ppl that make millions n they're more humble than u r. Lolz so yea. Any tips. I'm seriously considering going on the pill. Cuz my hormones making me look like a crazy bitch erytime. N it even made me quit my job one time. It's so hilarious",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9912657141685486 2018-01-16 13:46:25,"I need to vent. I am an addict.not to smoking,drinking or anything else that people go to rehab for.As weird as it sounds ,I'm addicted to pain.I discovered this a couple of years ago and at first the idea that I chase after things that could hurt me was just not acceptable ,But as time went by I noticed that I really do purposely seek pain,so I decided that enough was enough and tried to change,tried to seek for the happier things in life yet nothing gets me higher than feeling pain.Dont get me wrong it hurts like hell but at least i feel something.Every pain that I feel is changing me for the worst .so tell me what should I do? How do I change this and be happy?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9936378598213196 2018-01-16 18:12:16,"I need to vent. Male 22 years old.. I am about to graduate from universiry.. I have faced major hurdles in my short time of existence.. One moment i would never forget was when I was about to have a surgical treatment on a major illness I faced while in highschool honestly speaking that would have been my last day on earth.. yet here I am working really hard.. currently I have my own car, I also have a minority stake in a private bank, I work with well known intellectuals, I even have a large equity in a large firm, I also work in the import/export sector.. Honestly speaking I am not bragging it was just a simple emphasis of how some turning points in our lives could really affect on who we are! And that we should strive to make an impact that is for the greater good",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9794608354568481 2018-01-16 19:55:14,"I need to vent. I forgave you for myself. Not for you. You were too selfish for me. So when you broke my heart, I decided to be selfish too. Selfish in the way I stopped Making everything about you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9947503209114075 2018-01-16 19:56:27,"I need to vent. I know you are trying to make fun out of my emotions, the very feelings I have for you. I know you enjoy the noise I make when you touch my nerves. Here is what you don't know, you'll soon find out things which will completely rip you apart. You'll never be able to trust anyone in your entire future life. How did we come to this? Why?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.860913872718811 2018-01-16 19:58:46,"I need to vent. Is it normal to miss ur crush when he is not even around anymore....i seriously miss this guy...i know there is no chance for me i want to move on please help what should i do???",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991838335990906 2018-01-16 20:08:34,"I need to vent. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I'm always angry, irritated, name it. And I don't want to be like this, I was always so happy before but now everything has a way of getting to me. I'm tired of being angry, it's so tiresome, it really is. I am mentally exhausted all the time. I miss my old self, the carefree one, the one who could show any emotion freely. And the worst part is nobody notices the difference, not my family, not my closest friends no one. Sometimes when I'm alone I just snap, I have these draining melt downs that leave me empty. I kinda like that, feeling empty.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983208775520325 2018-01-16 20:10:06,"I need to vent. I feel like no one ever knows what happens in my head, I do look like a happy and comic person, but inside I keep bottled up so much negative emotions that I keep to myself. It gets worse when people keep insulting me for an error, making fun of me or judge me like when they start treating me like a criminal for a stupid error ,usually my friends, sometimes I do release my emotions to some people, but never seem to understand even thought they know most of what I've been threw. This makes it worse. I feel horrible and keep bottling up hate that can be directed to anyone. And precision, my friends know me a lot, its that they just can't seem to understand that I'm living hell in my head and they make it worse and make me feel like I'm worth nothing. Someone pls give me something advice to release that anger and feel better",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9980403780937195 2018-01-16 20:13:59,"I need to vent. Is it normal to go to school just to see your crush ? Like my parents aren’t home usually so I can ditch as much as I want but sometimes I wake up betewat and smile just thinking of seeing my crush at school even on days we don’t talk keza I get up and walk with a smile on my face minamin. I swear I feel stupid and ridiculous like half the time but I can’t help it",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9938976168632507 2018-01-16 20:18:45,"I need to vent. So here is the thing m a highschool student good ay my studies and socially tegbabi...betcha the problem is i have never been in to a relationship and it creeps the shit out of me......i wanna experiance the boyfriend girlfriend companssion and do u think its normal to be single till now????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9960805773735046 2018-01-16 20:26:21,"I need to vent. How do you crack the shell of a very tibaram guy that you know has feelings and shit but just acts too good for anyone. Like this is literally the second goal i wanna achieve in life. Is it just me or doesn't anyone want to know?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9844792485237122 2018-01-16 21:18:09,"I need to vent. Zis days I am noticing, many of us r running for this vanity world,like our life is full of pretending, full of depression, loneliness, insecurity...bla bla. But we r faking on social medias like we live in heaven, perfect life, full of happiness, this generation need to wake up!!! LET's back to our merciful God,who can understand n help, blv me, he can be our friend,comforter.....& of course he will answer our questions. He will Give us peace that this world didn't have.true peace!!!! We just hv to believe n ask him to be our God, father, friend........",joy,POSITIVE,0.9488927721977234 2018-01-16 22:04:20,"I need to vent. Well I'll need all the attention of the girls in this channel.. I have a friend that has been sexually traumatized since the tender age of 15, by an abuse made by a very close relative. Which has later led to major complications in her life.. I know most girls here in Ethiopia have went through this pain. I think sharing your stories through the comment section or a vent could be helpful to most girls, and it would also be a motivation to not keep it bottled up inside and talk about it with someone close or a professional because these are long lasting scars. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.990815281867981 2018-01-16 23:10:47,"I need to vent. I'm only a 17 years old girl. I something wonder if there's someone out there worrying too much about everything like me. every time I'm worrying that I sometimes forget what I had plan to do. I didn't study for the exam_I worry. I did study for the exam_I worry. People laughed at me_I worry. Ppl I talk to doesn't anymore on social media or real life_I worry........ The point is I worry and nothing ever stops me from it except talking to any of my friends and hang out with them. I'm a huge worrier. And I just want your help... How the hell could I stop my brain from worrying so that my body relaxes and you know... I'm confident and more.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.8292330503463745 2018-01-16 23:31:41,"I need to vent. OK people I Dont know if this can help but depression ,emptyness ,weight gain or loss ,behavioral changes .....can sometimes be explained by other medical conditions like hypothyroidism, can put any of the things that have become different on your body including your mood changes into symptoms and search for them on the internet or any other place. Medical explanation for mood changes are extremely common and treatable .when you find out something else might have caused you to suffer mentally you can stop blaming yourself.and even if depression and other mood changes occur without underlying medical conditions its still very important to get yourself some sort of help .because these things have a way of manifesting into bigger problems if left untreated.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9297175407409668 2018-01-17 01:09:09,"I need to vent. How do u deal with someone being so very important to you, that u think about them every single second of every single day? How do u deal with the fact that they might never see you the same? They care about you, they love you and u make them happy, and yet they're living in memories of the past that they cant see that they have someone who would give up anything, do anything just to see a smile on that beautiful face you adore so much. How do u deal with the horrid truth that maybe just maybe u should forget about the person but every fiber of you wants them so much that they show up in your day dreams as well as night ones. Tell how i feel? Then what? Get rejected and lose the most amazing person you know, who i happen to see constantly. Ahh how i love you.",love,POSITIVE,0.99289470911026 2018-01-17 07:46:01,"I need to vent. Well owk i know u guys. Here say it helps minamn anyways i was sexually harrased at a young age but well he was my cousin so i couldnt do anything cuz i was afraid anyways i tried to forget eventually i did gin it rlly bothers me sometimes i never told anyone bicha i carried on with my life gin do u think what i did was wrong malet that i didnt let him be punished anywas hope u guys tell and i know this was a big step to come out of my shell",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9851218461990356 2018-01-17 07:47:01,"I need to vent. Heyy guys so this is the most hortiable thing to vent but sb brought it up soo I'm just venting to get it out of my nerves do here goes I have 2 brothers one just by dad(step brother) another one normal n i used to live the most horrible life anyone could imagine all of us me n my 2 brothers used to sleep in the same room and my step brother thought of me like other thing not only thought he used to touch me in my private areas while I was asleep for 3 consecutive years! But thanks to God he didn't rape me N there was a specific time it was 9(local) in the midnight n i didnt know what to do all those years i would get up when i feel hands...n he acts like he was sleeping n u would go to the toilet cry n act like I didn't know n watch a movie till he falls asleep I know what u are thinking she should have said something adel well I couldn't cuz after all he IS my brother n bo one would believe me if I had told them. Not even my mom and I was afraid if I told them n if they didn't believe me he might use force to rape me that scared me the most n once i told my friends about him n they (2) were shocked a lot for some time I used to give him sleeping pill in his drinks n I would sleep safely tho I wake up at 9 n after some time they forgot that it didn't even happen n I have been though my self a lot and once when he was about to touch me i woke n asked him what he was doing n he was so shocked when I asked him n said a lot of things n i went to the salon n slept there n i used to sob n tell God about it even if he knowa i wanted tp add up n beg him to make that miserable life stop n with Gods help it did even after he stopped I used to get up at that time 9 for quiet a long time n now thanks to God he's outta addis outta our home n all I wanna say is when u are having a hard time talk to God about it n have faith in him that's what got me outta this hell ,Faith",fear,NEGATIVE,0.996601939201355 2018-01-17 07:47:59,"I need to vent. At the moment, there is nothing I crave more than to travel. And the desire to see the different parts of our planet actually causes me a physical pain in my chest It doesn’t even has to be the world, just crossing a few borders around and seek for adventures would be enough. But most of all, more than anything, I want be by the sea, breathing in the heavy scent of salty water and wet sand, reading crime novels and writing poetry, the infinity of the ocean reminding me that I am, in fact, free. That somehow, my wish to travel and escape everything else will always work out in the end. so help me please, anyone here knows a travel group where people gather up to traverse around or anything...anything and everything like hiking and historical vacations menamn? please!‍",desire,POSITIVE,0.9935052394866943 2018-01-17 07:48:29,"I need to vent. Am sorry for the complaint and ain't a vent......I just got in this depression phase but it's not going away. My mom is dead and it just hit me that she really ain't never gone be in my life. Like ofcourse but I mean that like at first it was like ahw she's dead damn that's sad and shit cuz am not an affectionate person. Don't get me wrong I loved her so much. But u know how when u live with someone u don't acknowledge what they do and u kinda take them for granted. So am just now realizing that she was our support system like she was everything to everyone. She was our protecter like who's gone protect us from needy relatives and shit ....u know. So anyways I just want to get it out and complain anonymously.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9954816102981567 2018-01-17 10:19:32,"I need to vent. Lol this vent thing is funny I have to admit if one person says I got rped or got harssed phiscally then other continues as one says broke up with my bf or any guy issue other continues as on talks about depression others also go on about depressions really what the hell we all can't have same problems!!!!!",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.7489573955535889 2018-01-17 11:58:14,"I need to vent. Bear with me if u might, just venting. This past year has changed a lot in me. From meeting a twin flame to losing a person I called a best friend. I am such a weakling. I can't say no. Even to things I clearly should have said no to. I've changed. I'm not sure I like this new me. I'm being a people's person(and enjoying it) until I come home alone and in the death of the night I realize I like none of the ppl I spend my days with. I'm sooo full of hate yet soo full of love. I don't even know if that makes sense. I love helping out ppl, doing this doing that for them but when I'm alone I realize that they're just, nothing. He was everything. He was my twin flame. He raised my standards and for eyes that has seen him everything else is just non sense. I just want to be back to where I was. Or better, I wanna die. Not like suicide, but I want to get sick. Really sick (I know, I know that's not as easy as it sounds) but then, I don't want my family to waste money on me. In fact I am sick. It's just not fatal. And I haven't told anyone. I'm soo scared of everything. I'm scared of ppl, I'm scared of being alone, I'm scared of telling ppl how I feel. But even if I face that fear no one would understand, trust me I've tried. I just want to leave. I hate how I'm so weak, so unfit for ""humanhood"". I think I'm really going nuts. You know right now I just want to be an assassin or smtn. Ear phones plugged, no feelings whatsoever just go and slay.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9932770133018494 2018-01-17 13:08:01,"I need to vent. I am very worried about my coming oral exam.It is just out of ten,but it is freaking me out....there are parts i havent covered plus am wooried about the reactions the teachers might give....i dont want to be given that look which could make me underconfident.....i am very very worried....making me unable to study",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9967054724693298 2018-01-17 13:42:33,"I need to vent. I'm not tegbabi person but ppl feel easy around me n they like me. N they go to great lengths to make me comfortable. So idk. N i feel weird n more shy n afraid like... I'm not that special wt the hell . So they shower me with affection n i put up a wall. Omg!",fear,POSITIVE,0.622927725315094 2018-01-17 17:04:44,"I need to vent. okay here is the deal... why do ppl add fuck to every word?! eshi i dont mind that bur wats the deal with OMFG why would u say fucking... then God, why?! why please ppl think before u say, or type. Why would you say that? why shouldnt we all resepect The Almighty God. Becha it bothers me a lot.(not saying i am sinnless... mind that) but i think we should give a lot of thought to what we are going to say.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998768150806427 2018-01-17 19:10:09,"I need to vent. I'm in dire need of a job. I have a debt I need to pay and there is no way my parents can know about it. I'm still at campus so I don't have a degree but I really need the money. Can anyone help in pointing me in the right direction. Pls I didn't know where else to go...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987389445304871 2018-01-17 19:10:42,"I need to vent. Is it okay to believe in signs compatibility and stuff??? Am curious coz I kept seeing most people's r/sh have not worked out including mine may be coz of the compatibility of zodiac what's ur say in this? I would appreciate any sort of comments",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9965858459472656 2018-01-17 19:10:55,"I need to vent. Has anybody who vented found themselves a trustworthy friend who showed their identity when writing a comment? I mean is that possible?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993866682052612 2018-01-17 19:32:15,"I need to vent. I hate my life. I have great parents and a couple of nice friends and an amazing boyfriend. School is a bitch. I fucking hate my life. I'm always trying to find something wrong with someone so I can create a distance with them. I hate people sometimes, shit people suck!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9953586459159851 2018-01-17 19:32:27,"I need to vent. Have you ever been in a friendship where every thing the person does annoys you...I literally shake with every word the person says like all of a sudden I got sick and tired of my friend",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9955998659133911 2018-01-17 20:19:51,"I need to vent. Have ever feel like u r two ppl living in one human body.... one try to do good other very very bad.... i dont know which one i am... i try to be good to my relations and then other me comes and ruin everything.... i have hurt ppl ... with no feeling ... with no shame ... but there is this side of me who help ppl who go to milles to help... i helped lot of ppl to change life to be rich ... but other side of is very very dark who is always do bad always keep me at nit awake.... which one am .i dont know... there are two of me i can't just be one ... help pls",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9881260395050049 2018-01-17 20:50:06,"I need to vent. I am in love with a guy.he used to love me 3 years n still I think he loves me now 2.ive already told him that.wat scares me is that,wat if we break up?and my parents don't know that I have a relationship,but if they know they will kill me,and am scared about having a relationship,wat shall i do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9844269156455994 2018-01-17 21:02:34,"I need to vent. not a vent but a question and an advice are all guys really assholes??honestly why do almost all men i have met specially the youth why do u all take relations, school, love, work, life...everything as a game i mean what is the point of u existing in this world ya all would have been created as some sort of game character if playing games was the meaning of ur life but u actually have a meaning so please please please make ur lifes count have a positive impact on the world rather than being destroying everything u touch ....much love for people who are sincere",love,POSITIVE,0.9705814123153687 2018-01-17 22:01:32,"I need to vent. I feel so ashamed what i did few years back... i know u going to hate me.. all of u after u read this... few years back i use to date this girl... and then she went outside of ethiopia and then when it become long distance relationship we started online sex thing... she started to send pic lots of it..and videos to make me happy ...and then she dump me in very bad way .. like she rip my heart out of my chests ... she married my best friend... it hurted ... and it hurted morethan i can take ... and lost my head .. i did something i wouldnt do if i was in cool mind... i posted online all of her naked pic and videos...most of u mite saw some of pic online ... which is very bad thing to do ..i did it when i was in very bad state of mind... after that she lost everything .. lost her husband's (my friend) lost her kid i heard she is drug addicted and living in uk ... but i feel all that is my fult ... it is my fult... i live with guilt and i my self become addicted to drinking ..have no life ... i smoke i use drugs... i try to become okay with it.. but i can't... now i hear she died... and i afraid i will do something to myself ... just want to talk about it with u guys",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992210865020752 2018-01-17 23:22:24,"I need to vent. Like y'all worried about someone not loving u back speacially girls ""like what do i have to do"" mnamn always know ur worth...move on do good focus on ur dream...take of urself be busy workin on urself man!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9971099495887756 2018-01-18 08:50:48,"I need to vent. My parents are what u call very conservative n religious ppl n I am my parents daughter I have never been reckless or did something that upset my parents till 3 months ago. Three months ago I met this guy n i knew nothing will happen between us coz he has quit a reputation in the neighborhood n I have seen first hand the gals going in leaving his house but we got in to talking when we bump into each other every time we leave the house n I found out how interesting he was n start hanging out as friends but my parents found out n they freaked! Before the this whole thing I can call my mom n tell her I'm sleeping over at a friend house for this reason no follow up questions she would say okey but now every time i leave the house I get integrated where I'm going w whom when I'm coming back n they would call me 3 or more times a day n if I don't answer they would call my friends. It was getting crazy so I sat down w my mom n told her we were just friends but she didn't buy it n she said "" even for some miracle we are friends ppl won't see it that way they will think I'm just another gal he is using n that will destroy my image n the family"". I could see how worried n disappointed she was plus she got some good points so I figured he ain worth of putting my parents trough hell so I drafted away from him. Now I didn't expect to gain my parent trust right away but I tot it will happen eventually but it's been couple of month but it didn't. Constantly doubting me n making my sister the good daughter has been a thing and my sister who is suppose to have my back choose to get high on my parents attention so I haven't talked to her for almost a month which is a pretty big deal since she was my best friend I would imagine her face when I tell he while something is happening to me my day won't be complete if I didn't told her n hear about her day but now I'm afraid we won't get that relation back coz every time my parents praise her or affectionate towards her I hate her a Lil more every time. Does that make me a horrible person? To heat my own sister to a silly thing as this? N what do u guys think I should do to get my parents trust me again?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.995989978313446 2018-01-18 14:18:06,"I need to vent. Hi... This isn’t something I usually do but when u keep things in ur head for so long, it’s toxic... so there’s this guy that I’ve been crazy about since the day i met him n it has been almost 4 years now... he actually told me he feels the same way but he can’t be with me now cuz he’s afraid of ruining the relationship but somehow he says he wants to end up with me... my first question, is there such a thing as “ i do love u but i can’t be with u cuz am afraid am gonna ruin it” n some how I agreed to the waiting thing n he’s actually dating other people now n he tells me about it as if there’s nothing going on between me n him... when i asked him how can he be dating around if he really has feelings for me n he says he can’t explain it... so i told him to tell me if he really doesn’t feel the same way, so i can move on... but he said I would’ve done that already if I didn’t feel the same way... what is this guys? Do I really just wait for him or should I just move on?? Am confused... sometimes i feel like it’s hard to be without him even as a friend but I really don’t know what to do... what do u guys think????",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998757004737854 2018-01-18 15:36:24,"I need to vent. Do u guys think there is such a thing as a soulmate? is it possible to meet the person u imagen in eveery aspect or do we just settle for what people think is good enough?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984473586082458 2018-01-18 16:56:02,"I need to vent. I feel broken beyond repair and I don't see anyway out of it. I'm trying so hard to keep it together and put on a brave face but I dying peice by peice. I'm tired of losing and I got nothing more to give.. to anyone. Family, friends, work, relationship.. none of it gives me hope.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9961572289466858 2018-01-18 17:34:04,"I need to vent. So Iv been wondering about sth someone asked me. Pls bear with me? So fishes live in water. Do u think they see the water or it's just invisible to them like air is invisible to us!!!! I can't decide which ‍",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9974135756492615 2018-01-18 17:53:40,"I need to vent. Hey there everyuno its the girl with the music problems (if u remember me) before I start this I just wanna thank all the people that commented y'all are So apparently my week was amazsballz. I staryed writing music again oh and Remember all that problem about how I couldn't find connections well I got em 3 of em.... there is this other one but I'm not 100% about it yet so rn over excited could be an understatement But but 1 problem again is the family would kill them if they knew not only religion but they both have a bad concept of zefen oh and also to those people who said focus on your school work ..I am and will focus on it Cuz I always wanted to study business and who knows maybe I could combine business and music in the future... Gin about the family thing should I just do the songs (use another name/nickname)? Or just forget about all of it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962630867958069 2018-01-18 18:02:15,"I need to vent. I have been in very stress about school.the tests and like I said am in a lot of stress and final is here am.only high school not unviresty but I get stressed what can I do not to be stressed",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9921934604644775 2018-01-18 18:53:41,"I need to vent. Owwwwkaaayyyy. There's this girl I know who has a really nice booty. So nice that if she ever walk in front of me there will be this huge boner in my pants. The thing about this girl is that she is soooooooo religious and unlucky for me I am a serious atheist. I don't have interest in what she loves to do: going to church, praying singing blah blah. I don't wanna do any of those. All I wanna do is fuck with her forever and see where that goes. All I am doing right now is fly high in my fantasy world everytime I see her and have this embarassing dickprint on my pants‍ HELP ME GOD!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9603331685066223 2018-01-18 20:52:58,"I need to vent. Every night I cry my self to sleep but people know me for that happy person there is too many things I hate about my life but I never thought of ending it....I hate everyone around me except for few people I hate my childhood friends...I hate my ""family"" i feel cursed everything I like keeps going away from me I don't live my life the way I want to live...last time I liked someone it fucked me up....i can't focus on my studies I feel cursed i am tired of pretending I hate who I have become I wish I could stay as a kid forever I wish I could find some drug to numb me",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9953036308288574 2018-01-18 21:07:03,"I need to vent. Well my story is a bit complicated.I don't how it started but my bestfriend and him used to sit behind me.We talk the whole day,laugh nd have fun.I started falling for him,when he changed his seat,I kinda feel bad.Time passes by,my love for him started to increase and increase.I couldn't control my feelings,so I told to my bestfriend.She was somehow surprised,nd helped me indeed.What Ik about him was he used to have a gf a year before nd he used to love her asf.But she dumped him without telling him the reason. He felt so bad nd he believes that no girl could ever fall for him.He's probably the stupidest nd kindest guy I've ever known.He's that type of guy who talks a lot but u'll never get tired of having conversation with him.Summer came nd my other friend knew.We almost talk everyday,nd yeah I most of the time start the conversation.We sometimes talk until the middle of the night.Idk what happened to me that time.My feelings were on fire..I asked my friend who knew to help me.I just wanted to confess.I wanted to tell him how much I love him nd how much he means to me.I was scared tho.She told him that I love him.He said he loves me too,but not more than a friend.It hurted me at that moment but yeah,I still didn't gave up.I don't want us to date each other or something else but at that moment I wished he felt the same way for me too...I never stopped loving him even for a day.Ik he had a gf,after sometime but still.I kept loving him..nd yeah this story was before 3 years.I kept loving him for the past 3 years up to now.We r in the same class rn.We barely talk,but still I've smthn for him.But I ain't sure of that.Like before 3 years,when a girl kisses him,hugs or something I used to feel jealous.But know..Idgaf even if he does any of u think I still love him?",love,NEGATIVE,0.6298410296440125 2018-01-18 21:46:57,"I need to vent. So here it goes,I decided to give this man a shot and we had a very good time together,its an understatement to say 'he blew me away',never been the one to be impressed easily but he had me then,some day we started kissing and things got heated up and he wanted more than just kissing but I kept saying no again and again until he finally agreed to stop,well at least that's what I thought until he pushed himself in,he didn't continue because i was freaking out but he did take my virginity .I still don't know what to make of it because I told him I was a virgin and that I didn't want to have sex from the very start and i said no as clearly as possible at the time but I also went to his house alone and made out with him.At the time I was just shocked thinking it was an accident but looking back I'm coming to the realization that he might have done it on purpose .So i don't know what to call it was it rape or am I just being immature?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9591652750968933 2018-01-18 21:59:21,"I need to vent. I know most of y'all are venting abt real life shit but mine is what u would call the 'teenage typical problem'. so i really like this guy and am known to be that girl who is fun but strict, go out but smart too... And lets just say me and him are ppl from two different worlds... I don't know what to do cuz i usually hv crushes but thats it. They are just crushes but this feeling is different. we say hi and talk on a daily basis. I wouldn't call us friends but i try to be one but i don't know how... I hv too much pride in me to text first or to talk to him. I need help. I srsly do!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.8832891583442688 2018-01-18 22:14:59,"I need to vent. I gave this advise to a fellow venter, it might be wrong but it is the reality ""Trust me man half of the church going good Christians in this country are major hypocrites. She'll do all she wants and go to church and repent or tell herself she's doing all this because she loves you. Most people are great at lying to themselves they do whatever they want but assure themselves that they are righteous because they fast on Wednesdays and they haven't killed anyone. So go for it, just don't remind her of the sins she's committing cuz it will mess up her mind""",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.991187572479248 2018-01-18 22:15:42,"I need to vent. I don't even know what I am feeling anymore. Have you ever felt like you have lost sth you never even had in the first place? Have you ever wanted someone sooooo bad that you think of them everytime? Every memory, every cute text that used to make ur heart skip a beat is now a bullet piercing through the same heart? Our relationship never had a label but he used to tell me he liked me a lot and he used to say these adorable lines...He prolly didn't care about me when all those times he said he did. He prolly felt nothing when he shut me out and forgot my existance as a whole. I told myself to get over him since I was nothing to him, he shouldn't have a place in my heart right? No. Like the fool I am I have already forgiven him before he even asked for forgiveness...its like I would reply in a second if he texts a simple hello...I liked him, I still do... God! It feels good now that I have let it out! But is this normal? Losing something you never had? Can anyone relate?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9892410635948181 2018-01-18 22:16:05,"I need to vent. I don't even know what I am feeling anymore. Have you ever felt like you have lost sth you never even had in the first place? Have you ever wanted someone sooooo bad that you think of them everytime? Every memory, every cute text that used to make ur heart skip a beat is now a bullet piercing through the same heart? Our relationship never had a label but he used to tell me he liked me a lot and he used to say these adorable lines...He prolly didn't care about me when all those times he said he did. He prolly felt nothing when he shut me out and forget my existance as a whole. I told myself to get over him since I was nothing to him, he shouldn't have a place in my heart right? No. Like the fool I am I have already firgiven him before he even asked for forgiveness...its like I would reply in a second if he texts a simple hello...I liked him, I still do... God! It feels good now that I have let it out! But is this normal? Losing something you never had? Can anyone relate?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9837325215339661 2018-01-18 22:31:38,"I need to vent. Girls, why do y'all just like being so damn replaceable?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990566372871399 2018-01-18 22:59:07,"I need to vent. Not a vent so angry right now because of the city of addis gets frustrating the thig is I was just walking, minding my own business and random guy touched my booty said "" yameral"".. I was so mad I just wish i am able to punch him in a face with stone or something...every time am tried of ppl melakfing, touching, insulting even mematat..i dnt get it, wat is the point koy... am asking for those gud guys out there when ever u see somekind of metenagole please be helpfull!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998813271522522 2018-01-18 22:59:33,"I need to vent. Last month, my girlfriend told me she was raped after strictly warning me to not ask any question. Today, I found out that she went to the supposed raper's HOTEL ROOM herself. She went there expecting to make out with him but he further engaged himself in forceful penetrative sex. Now, I'm not even sure what to feel. Should I be sad about what she did to me (this is the third time)? Or agitated about what he did to her?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9936760067939758 2018-01-18 23:43:27,"I need to vent. There's this girl i used to text with for the last 2 months. She is so funny interesting eazy going what could go wrong right? The problem is I always text first. She will never text me first. But if i do she will replay shortly. Now it's making me feel like a needy person... How could i get her to text me first? It's troubling me lately",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9884196519851685 2018-01-18 23:43:47,"I need to vent. Soooo i have a friend she have a lot of problems but then(i hate using this word)but she's a bitch malet she likes every guy she sees n fucks almost half of them she got pregnant once n i helped her get rid of it n now she's saying she'll commit suside mnamn she gets betam depressed i rlllly want to help her but then again she's still a hoe and sm times i feel lik this suside shit is jst a drama to keep me close to her what do u advice me",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9919490814208984 2018-01-19 08:05:53,"I need to vent. So this is gonna be pretty messed up Im a highschool girl n an introvert. I get really awkward with ppl that i always have the worst first impression n i get misunderstood a lot. I basically dont know how to communicate. But once u get to know me im like the crazies n most obsessive n fun girl. But still i have this problem idk how to talk i get so insecure abt how i should be acting around ppl like sometimes i practice what to say n doin certain situations. I think that's bc i had a fucked up childhood, didn't have a lot of friends n ppl pushed me away n stuff, some point i tried to commit suicide but that's not the point. Well i reallyyyyy wanna learn how to be not scared of ppl, that's part one The other thing is i have insecurities. A lot of them. As i said i tried to commit suicide once before and i was heavily depressed n now i think im relatively better but the depression is still there. I write abt my dark thoughts n feelings all the time idk y everytime i grab a pen and start to write nothing positive comes out it's all negative n dark. Nobody reads them n i dont think anyone knows how fucked up i feel. Ik all the ""u should just be urself n not care what ppl say"" shit n i tried it but it's easier said than done for someone who wants the love and attention she missed when she was a child. Sometimes I hate my face, my body, my persinalitu, the way i think, n evrything else at times i feel so pathetic that i just wanna curl to a ball and stay in a corner forever. Lastly i learn in an all girls school I've been learning there for yrs i have NO guy friends irl like none. Idk how to get along with them or start a convo but i would rly love to have guy friends n i have parents who don evn want me to breathe the same air as boys bc they blv it's a bad influence n stuff n idk how imma be when i go to university its a new place wid new ppl, strangers everywhere...... so the idea alone pretty much makes me panic Well if u read til now, thanks n i need advices so please just tell me anything except the mean n rude comments, save them to urselves baibai",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991647005081177 2018-01-19 08:29:02,"I need to vent. So I've been in and out of depression for the last year and a half....and by in I mean its like a bottomless pit I can't leave I really struggle with it and when I'm out I'm okay for a.brief time before falling back into the whole cycle all addition to depression I am also suicidal and have seriously considered it on numerous occasions but hold back and stick to self harm....I really don't know what to do anymore and I'm really getting tired of the whole thing...I'm sick of all the nights I stay up...I'm sick of being judged by people when I choose to open up to them, I'm sick of all the pity I get...I need out but I'm not sure where to get it...I'm sitting here writing this vent and I'm not even sure why...I guess i just want to be heard",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986491799354553 2018-01-19 09:34:15,"I need to vent. So ladys i needz y'alls advice or what ever. My driving instructer who is obviously a guy is hitting on me which is normal right. But then when u think about it he aint suppose to be doing that in the first place and it just makes me hella uncomfrotabel. And the dude is creepy like i dont really know what his angle is cuz of the things says and does like one time he put is hands on my leg pretending to like i dont know how to explain what he was doing becha my leg felt numb and i was like hold on one sec and he came in like ayzon which i didnt think of much at the moment but then afterwards i was stressed and he's a really bad instructor btw so i wasnt getting shit he was saying and straight up said ""yo u scared of me"" nigga what?I bet u he wouldnt say this to any of his male students now.would he?he a sexist as person and even if he was not harrassing me the nigga treats me like am an idiot like I've never driven a car befor. And the other day he saw me talking to other student who were probably the same age as he was and he came up to me and was like""mendein new yemilush, dont talk to them dureiya nachew"" and i was like OK maybe he aint hitting on me and he just cares. And then he says""lomi bewerewerbesh tekebeyalesh"" u know for temket and shit and i was like nahhhh nigga and i just got out and walked away. And am a passive agressive person so am not going to confront nobody. But am scaried if this keeps on going he might do somthing else not to mention we in a car alone.So plz help what should i do to get out of this and dont say change instructor cuz he still gone be there on the side lines saying some sexist,pervert ass mf'n shit. And i also feel like we should not put up with this kind of shit from men or who ever. Being treated like second class citizens and i know its a broken country and we cant make much diffrence but we can try and be there for each other",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990293979644775 2018-01-19 10:40:08,"I need to vent. Dudes and Dudets. How Art Thou. Third time venting here...I guess the first had some nice comments. Dudes and dudets is that my signature now? I guess so. I come before ya all seeking all that you can give. Problem is there is always a limit to how happy I can be. Why? I pick things apart before I experience them, i think of every pro and con before I do anything and it just kills of the surprise. How am i to enjoy anything with a silent mind? I guess i now understamd the appeal of drugs",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979168772697449 2018-01-19 12:22:16,"I need to vent. What do u do if u miss someone so bad?? It's so true when they say u'll miss the sun when it starts to snow .... Cuz I didn't treat him as ma king when he made me his queen I thought what we had was just for fun until I realized his feelings were true n I loved him back ... There is still hope for us I know I just won't push ma pride for him again ...... I know ur no gonna read this baby gin just know I love you, I would have done anything, given you anything, I would risk it all for you .... I want u to be the father of ma daughter .......bicha what happened to us ... We had a love story to be written some day remember ..... I never believed in love now u gave me reason I didn't give u all cuz I was scared I'll be hurt now I realize I rather suffer agony just for a day to madly fall for you..... U're ma first know that n u'll be last eshi",love,NEGATIVE,0.8063371181488037 2018-01-19 12:24:25,"I need to vent. What are the traits of a psychopath? Because I'm beginning to think that I am one. I've been reading a lot about the psychopathology of this disease and I have almost all of the traits. It started when I was 12 when I got the sudden urge to make my puppy bleed. I don't know how to explain it but I just wanted to see its first. I took a knife to its stomach and made one smooth slit. The sight of the blood and the sound of agony the dog made gave me a rush that I am now addicted to. I ended up cutting that dog up into pieces that day. That was the day I was reborn. My urges escalated from then on. By the age 16 I had killed 8 dogs, 4 cats and burned down my brother's room. I am 24 years old now and I am now certain I'm diseased. The sight of someone bleeding gets me so excited...the satisfaction is unbelievable. I am beginning to need it more and more. I'm addicted. I want to cause pain in people. I want to make someone bleed and watch the life leave their eyes. One of these days I will make it happen...again and again and again.",excitement,NEGATIVE,0.91383296251297 2018-01-19 13:48:26,"I need to vent. I was brought to this earth without my consent. I was raised to believe in a certain God i wouldn't have worshipped had I been born in another family. From my early childhood i was thought that i had an all powerful, all loving, all knowing God but i was expected not to ask to hear his voice or expect to see the mind boggling miracles that I've read in the holy book. Because those who hear and believe are righteous. And worshipping God was not enough the way i worshipped him was also important so i was confused as to whether i should worship him in a orthodox church or in a pentecostal church . The believers around me were so sure of their God that it made me jealous. An orthodox would come and tell me the many miracles he saw( or heard of) in his church, a protestant friend of mine would come and tell me about the prophecies that his pastor has imparted on his congregation and a muslim friend of mine would tell me the profound effect the holy Qur'an has had on his life. I wander what I'll hear about Buddhism( or any other belief system) if i had a Buddhist for a friend. And the troubling thing is that all of them say I'll go to hell unless I submit to thier respective religion. The amazing thing is that all of them have complex explanations as to why their religion is right. For every question i bring their priests, pastors and teachers of the Qur'an would surely find an answer. And even they didn't find an answer there was one statement they all shared: just have faith. I guess I'm a cursed person destined to be confused for ever.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9541298151016235 2018-01-19 15:22:33,"I need to vent. What do u do when someone u really like doesn't feel the same way?.. what do u do when their nat even giving u chances to spend time with them?.. but u just don't want anything from other than just to have time with them.. but u can't stop thinking abt them.. it kills u when u see her smile. But u just can't have her!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973251819610596 2018-01-19 15:36:47,"I need to vent. For all my fellow introverts + Got out more, meet new people even if you would say as much as you'd like to. + Join organisations like toast masters, rotract and many other clubs + Go to events and share any kind of work you've got. It a great ice breaker + When ever you have a fear of interacting with people do it any way. At first you might mumble and fumble but you'll adjust and people are way more forgiving than you'd think + When ever you want to interact with a person instead of trying to make yourself interesting, try to find something interesting in them + Know that being an introvert is not a bad thing. Many great minds were introverts. And unlike extroverts who have many ""friends""(more like acquaintances) but very few close friends, introverts form very strong bonds of friendship",approval,POSITIVE,0.984669029712677 2018-01-19 17:42:27,"I need to vent. Here goes my confession! I have been in a serious relationship for 3 years and I love the girl very much but the problem is I have slept with my 6 years best friend so many times and things got out of control because she is pregnant now from me she was ok till now about me and my girl she is saying she is going to keep the baby and I should break up with my girl and be with her I have no idea what to do now because I'm not even into my best friend it just the sex was good I'm confused right now! What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9925145506858826 2018-01-19 19:02:36,"I need to vent. So im a freshman in college & yall know whats in college beautiful girls parties lots & lots of parties...... Anyway my point is its the best place to meet new people & experience new things but me i haven't talked or meet any girl at all i dont know why im really realllllllllly bad at flirting since highschool i have no confidence at all and i always end up being friendzoned plus i dont know what to say all my friends are what you would call the ""cool"" kids but me im like tje guy that hangs out with the cool ones but one of them so i really need help guys please jow can i be good at flirting how can build my confidence....mi heard this is the best place for advice. Thanks!",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.7668763399124146 2018-01-19 20:33:20,"I need to vent. So i had this friend and well at first we weren't that close like when we talk it's like max 5 sentences we share and then is bye right but then weeks back we hit it of at least that's what I think.... Then once out of the blue we had this argument it got heated and well we haven't spoken since then. Ik this is not even close to a problem but it is eating my mind and am not the type of person that gets fixated on something",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9885590672492981 2018-01-19 20:33:29,"I need to vent. If your brain can't stop thinking about the ladies but cant seem to act try this $ Phase1: try without trying For next few weeks your aim should not be to get girls but to build yourself confidence. And to do that you can do anything that tells you that you are a man of action or anything other than the thought of girls that gives you a sense of purpose. Eg. # Play sports and socialise with other guys: you'll learn a lot about social interaction from other guys. Plus exercise is a great way to boost your confidence # do things that put you in a socialising environment. The parties you talked about are a good start. While there don't just try to talk to girls talk to everyone. It doesn't matter what you talk about just talk. Its a great way to relieve the anxiety that comes with talking to girls later on $ Phase2: desensitize yourself from rejection. I think most of our fear of talking to girls comes from the fear of rejection so for a week or so your goal should be only to get rejected. Make it a game, if you go out and a girl accepts your advances it means you lost. The more ok with rejection you are the more you'll be able to take risks with the ladies. $ Phase3: there is no one way to flirting with girls. Dont try to stick to the lines your cool friend uses. So just freestyle with it. And since you have come to accept rejection as an expected part of the game you'll be more open with your intentions $ Phase4: practice Every girl is diffrent. One might be smart, one's got a great booty, the other has a great sense of humour... etc so go out there and try to find out about each one of their qualities $ Phase5: after your first few rejections you might take the lame route of generalizing girls. DON'T. even brad pitt is hated by some you're no exception. Lick your wounds and get back up in the game.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.5012690424919128 2018-01-19 21:02:41,"I need to vent. Not a vent bt sex before marriage... Old fashioned? Or acceptable? Especially if u r someone who don't want commitment at her twenties bt who is afraid that things will be late to go back and change later if wait til marriage or after years of serious relationship.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986740350723267 2018-01-19 21:28:57,"I need to vent. Can we please take it easy on the judgement sewoch. People enjoy sex, people love to fuck, just get over it. Yes, better to jerk yourself off than fuck with a rubber on, but protection is a must when you have an open sex life. Nobody gets STDs on purpose, we all think the girl we fucking is the most loyal and has only done it with only 2 guys, just like she said, but we all know that's shit. Prolly done it with at least 10, little hoe. Don't even know what I'm talking about, just remember sex is not a bad thing, don't be scared about talking about it, and if you ask me, people who wait till marriage for sex are getting married for all the wrong reasons. They're getting married cuz they have blue balls and dripping pussies they can't manage on their own any longer. Mtsm, I feel for you ewnet",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9798280596733093 2018-01-19 21:35:24,"I need to vent. Might be a long post so bear with me. Imma keep this anonymous, despite being certain pretty much anyone who knows me would pin the post to myself. Imma conceal my identity either way to distant myself from you creeps and stalkers tho. I have noticed a certain trend as of late. A rise in the number of non believers and agnostics seems to have peaked in the past few years in mama Ethiopia. If you asked fellow religious teachers of any faith, they almost certainly accredit it to the ""devilish"" nature of the West, and how it bestowed on us a form of thinking that is not our own. In this day and age, coming out as a non believer or even a skeptic to your close ones might seem like the most difficult task imaginable, especially if your upbringing involves your being FORCED to be taken to your place of worship every fucking Sunday morning despite your best attempts otherwise. Which is sth everyone, including myself can relate to. But as you grow older and older, ridding yourself of all the stuff that's been fed to your once naive mind, you start to realize that maybe, just maybe, that life of faith and religion isn't for you. Maybe, just maybe, there is no heaven or hell. And even if u happen to be mistaken you don't care enough to lead your life in such a way that would end you in your desired destination, but rather lead it with regards to your own principles and morals, but not in hopes that doing things X Y Z would help you inherit the kingdom of heaven or what not. You just try to live your life to the fullest, knowing there is no higher being judging your every step as if he has nothing better to do. Like forgive me here, but if you had all the powers that God is presumed to have, would you really bore yourself with all the petty shit humans do everyday? Or would you perhaps create more universes and have by colliding the stars and all that shit. I digress. Coming back to topic, the problem with our society is that we like to shame anyone who does not blend in with the crowd. We have this sheep mentality where you're either with us or against us. We are not open to having controversial conversations regarding anything, and if we have that one outside the box thinker friend who brings up these topics, we are so scared of bursting our bubbling and expanding our comfort zones that we immediately shame him/her for thinking differently and almost immediately force him/her to STFU by saying ""jemerew demo , ante eko sijemer begziar atamnem, beka tewen temechetonal egna"". Becha I'm sorry if this offends some people as I'm sure it might. All comments are welcome and will love to laugh my ass off with your mean ass comments that will surely tell me I'm destined for eternal fire and stoning or what not. TL;DR society is changing, accept it and let's all move forward by easing down on the judgment bemariam",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965646862983704 2018-01-19 22:03:36,"I need to vent. 18+ Here is z thing, I was hanging out with my friends last night nd they started talking bout pu**ies, b**bs, d***s, s*x and stuff, then they started looking at some lame sex channels on telegram nd started criticizing girls, they were like ""besmam lemendenew gen enedezi black ymihonew , lemendnew their b**b saggy ymihonew"" nd blah blah... I was really ashamed b/c mine are saggy too, nd my tights are kinda dark as well. you might be wondering why i brought this up to this channel... I want u guys to point some treatment mechanisms if u know some... P.S: my bf was sitting there pretty ashamed. Nd i was embarrassed",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9992008805274963 2018-01-19 22:40:27,"I need to vent. The wind is unseen. Does anyone really doubt that wind exists? We are sure it exists because we see the results of it's blowing. Though GOD is invisible, we know HE is there because of the results of his powerful work. The world around us called Nature is one of those results. With other results of GOD's work, nature speaks clearly of it's Creator. This oneness is above our full understanding. Such mysteries shouldn't surprise us, for GOD is so much greater, and we are so much smaller.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9350084662437439 2018-01-19 22:51:27,"I need to vent. This is for everybody People who don't believe in God usually have the perfect life as in nice parents nice house nice grades etc or they just had what they needed when they needed it or demo they were strong believers at some point they wanted sth so bad at prayed really hard but it never happened well to the ones with the nice lives u can't just sit there watch news on tv and deny God exists because God never said that there will always be harmony and peace he said that he will protect you from it and if ur lives are messy just know that he never promised us perfection God is not a dictator beged hedo follow me aylem he gives u the chance to choose nd if u deny him what else can he do nd to the one who were believers once well u didn't have faith as much as you had to or sometimes the answer is just no nd u got to believe that God has a reason for what he does nd everything's got a purpose he knows what he is doing....I mean srsly we all humans are selfish we act like God is not here but when we need sth we go straight to him and beg him to do sth when we've never even prayed before so the point is God does exist or maybe he doesn't its ur choice choose whatever u like but don't go around judging the one who don't believe the way you do!!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985536932945251 2018-01-19 23:20:27,"I need to vent. Fucking hate to pretend to all the people that are around me. I can't live without them the so called social life is good for you. But more like it's killing you slowly making you wish all the negative things and even if you change the people around you. You can't escape all the bullshit that they spread around. Have tried changing my self for the better still nthg tried to do other stuff be my self bla bla bla still shit. So what is ur idea",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981004595756531 2018-01-19 23:21:33,"I need to vent. So i was basically a nerd throughout my school days so were my frends ,we were treated badly by everyone everyone considered as a loser and childish kids ..and we got fed up with this so when we were in the 11 grade and we wanted to change our appearance we wanted to be ""cool"" so we started to do some shit that we don't do like drinking, smoking, chewing chat..this continued throughout our university life i dropped like 10 kg ..thankfully i don't do that shit anymore but some of my friends are in this addiction life its seems fun at first but its not cool in the end.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988848567008972 2018-01-19 23:26:55,"I need to vent. SOCIAL MEDIA For all the good social media offers its dark side is far more frightening . You notice it when a person is very chill and relaxed online but goes all numb in real life. It tends to take away from real life what it has given in cyberspace. Most social media addicts this days are plain awkward when it comes to social interactions. You can see it in their body language. Most are scared shitless when you approach them to strike up a conversation . Plus the sense of community it gives you while you are online is rarely transferable to the realm of things you can touch, smell and see. It has taken away the painful but much needed practice of expressing ones own feelings- face to face - at the risk of looking like a totall fool. Online, you could edit, delete or act all cocky 'cuz you dont run the risk of showing your face as it awkwardly cringes or for that matter the look of disapproval on the face of the person on the other side of the screen.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9958755373954773 2018-01-19 23:39:44,"I need to vent. We are friends and wing persons to each other but we start making out and sexting all of a sudden. and now we r friends with make out. We both haven't figured out our relationship or dtr it. is that wrong or right? What should we do about it?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8646700978279114 2018-01-20 00:42:04,"I need to vent. Well i am gonna vent today here goes nothin i have 2 addiction in life one is smoking weed every day and the other is my biggest sin i masterbate every day i want to stop this two things and start my life again so do u guys know any methods to solve my problem please help?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9974430799484253 2018-01-20 01:04:30,"I need to vent. Um 23 years old and i don't hav a boy frd still.... Z thing is i hv many boy best frd i kw evything thy do... This mks me to kw well abt boyss....and i can't date more tzn a week yeselchgal.....z only thing i can is 2 be frdss ... Ena i need 2 solve ma problem but i don't no how????",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970819354057312 2018-01-20 09:34:54,"I need to vent. The only time that i can honestly say i was devastated was when my bestfriend left me She just got up an decided she didnt wanna be friends anymore. She told me over the fon n i cried literally balled but she didnt even sound indifferent all she said in a dul voice was 'dont cry' But how can i not when 8 years of friendship has been thrown away . N i honestly thought she was the 1 that'd stand by me forever and beka i realized i can never be enough after that cuz i rly tired Like i tired to blend in with her n her crowd accepted it everything her religious decisions that were out of the blue, tired to be supportive and it was never n i meann ever enough.....n i was heartbroken no boy can ever do that like ever but she did .... and i hate that she had such a big impact on me.....but we we're bestfriends what do u expect we we're to girls against the world, now its just me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9754624366760254 2018-01-20 09:37:06,"I need to vent. Am z only kid in z family don't have much contact with cousins & niece. Have friends that I can hang out with but after some min. With them it gets like cemetery. Try to have a gf but I get so much clouded by all the things zat I saw in movies ( the only thing i did when i was a kid )and I don't know what to do, how to talk to idk what it feels like to have someone. And Ik no one is born knowing all zis when he is born but depression is a bitch. I see how my friends try to have a gf and others too it's based on a lie most of them and most of the girls are doing it the same way. Plus I am a bit nerd. Help me out esti.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987426400184631 2018-01-20 16:16:15,"I need to vent. am just gonna let it out but id appreciate an opinion frm a guy to get it over therz ths guy whoz been my friend fr lik 4 yrs now n ppl always say these two tho, z chemistry thy got, so cute together bla bla bla but we wernt even flirtin atleast i thought we weren't. Anyhow whenever we talked he either held my hand or stops talkin randomly to kiss my hand or kiss me on z cheek...when am jst standin talking with a friend he hugs me from behind and we walk away mnam bcha u get it thos lil things ena its been like this for years, ppl assuming we r or were together, us denying it but now its come to the point were we feel awkward talking let alone hugging and stuff in front of ppl...then all of a sudden his best friend who also happens to be a very close friend of mine needed help with sth n we hanged out til he was ok and he didnt want anyone to knw so i kept my mouth shut. Bout 3 days after his issue was gone i heard my guy was into some chic so i got a bit upset idk y then when he tried to hold my hand or kiss me mnamn i was lik zorbel ur wiz smone adel n he didnt deny it but then he started doin stuff to make me talk to him but i wldnt budge then if i walk in class ena therz a girl with him he changes a seat or strikes a conv with another person...the thing is i wanna be z old us when we used to not give a shit bout wt everyone thinks and we were just us cuz he was a very great friend and I don want to lose him.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9958425164222717 2018-01-20 16:16:40,"I need to vent. 18year old dude, freshman, not a big fan of people, loner, never been kissed or had a girl friend, a lot of series and movies, my life is just that... is that bad?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999308705329895 2018-01-20 16:21:07,"I need to vent. Not my vent but I enjoyed their view and I thought I should share said ""You'll love this... its an excerpt from paulo coelho's book ""the zahir"" Some will get offended ofcourse so if u don't have a thick skin DON'T read it... Years ago, I read a book that told an interesting story. Just suppose that Hitler had won the war, wiped out all the Jews and convinced his people that there really was such a thing as a master race. The history books start to be changed, and, a hundred years later, his successors manage to wipe out all the Indians. Three hundred years later and the Blacks have been eliminated too. It takes five hundred years, but, finally, the all-powerful war machine succeeds in erasing all Asians from the face of the earth as well. The history books speak of remote battles waged against barbarians, but no one reads too closely, because it’s of no importance. “Two thousand years after the birth of Nazism, in a bar in Tokyo, a city that has been inhabited for five centuries now by tall, blue-eyed people, Hans and Fritz are enjoying a beer. At one point, Hans looks at Fritz and asks: ‘Fritz, do you think it was always like this?’ “‘What?’ asks Fritz. “‘The world.’ “‘Of course the world was always like this, isn’t that what we were taught?’ “‘Of course, I don’t know what made me ask such a stupid question,’ says Hans. They finish their beer, talk about other things and forget the question entirely.” “You don’t even need to go that far into the future, you just have to go back two thousand years. Can you see yourself worshipping a guillotine, a scaffold, or an electric chair?” “I know where you’re heading—to that worst of all human tortures, the cross. I remember that Cicero referred to it as ‘an abominable punishment’ that inflicted terrible suffering on the crucified person before he or she died. And yet, nowadays people wear it around their neck, hang it on their bedroom wall, and have come to identify it as a religious symbol, forgetting that they are looking at an instrument of torture.” “Two hundred and fifty years passed before someone decided that it was time to abolish the pagan festivals surrounding the winter solstice, the time when the sun is farthest from the earth. The apostles, and those who came after them, were too busy spreading Jesus’ message to worry about the natalis invict Solis, the Mithraic festival of the birth of the sun, which occurred on December 25. Then a bishop decided that these solstice festivals were a threat to the faith and that was that! Now we have masses, Nativity scenes, presents, sermons, plastic babies in wooden mangers, and the cast-iron conviction that Christ was born on that very day!” “And then there’s the Christmas tree. Do you know where that comes from?” “No idea"" Saint Boniface decided to ‘christianize’ a ritual intended to honor the god Odin when he was a child. Once a year, the Germanic tribes would place presents around an oak tree for the children to find. They thought this would bring joy to the pagan deity.” “Going back to the story of Hans and Fritz: do you think that civilization, human relations, our hopes, our conquests, are all just the product of some other garbled story?” Ena min lemalet felge new... instead of acting all holier than thou and instead of being proud of a race, a religion , parents, ethnicity we didn't choose..we had no say in..its better to think and come to ur own conclusions...""",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9906596541404724 2018-01-20 16:21:35,"I need to vent. Hi guys does ever thing really happen 4 a reason b.c i always do something and regret it. I hate ever choice i made in my life. I am always stressed about everything my life, friends..... . I don't trust ppl even my self i hate being me. Wtf should i do about it plss help i am about to go crazy",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9934908151626587 2018-01-20 16:24:38,"I need to vent. First vent. Heard it helps. So 2 years back I got into the wrong crowd at the wrong age cuz of the unhappiness I felt at home. Started drugs at the age of 14 a lil bit of drinking too don't get me wrong I loved my friends but they never gave a shit except themselves so a guy that I called my bestfriend tried to fuck me in a bar cause he was 'bored' I was drunk but thank god ppl got him off of me before he had a chance worst part is I remember everything, every word, every touch, every look yet I never saw there faces after that day I can't seem to forget them and I slowly started dying can't seem to trust anyone and don't want to be trusted either but after some time I knew what I had to do and got my self up. I moved on. And now I don't know y but the nightmares r back. I just want to disappear but yet am too weak to take my own life and that just makes things a whole lot worse.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979643821716309 2018-01-20 19:06:42,"I need to vent. I think it's over with him we haven't fully talked it out we just stopped talking one day ..... It's been almost 15 days since we last talked ...... Truth be told I miss him bad and I know I'll nvr find a guy like him he wasn't like the Romeo every girl dreams of but he gets me ...... And I still check if he changed his profile picture I see his last seen's he is like nvr online but once in a while when he is I kinda feel relived....... May be he'll text one day that's the hope I'm giving ma self... I'm venting this cuz I don't tell people abt ma feelings I feel like they'll judge me ..... Ppl still will judge here atleast I won't face it neger .....bicha if this is love sucks",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9933998584747314 2018-01-20 19:59:44,"I need to vent. Hello guys... I just heard about this channel and i couldnt help but sending a vent. U see am a student. My biggest concern nowadays is that i dont wanna be lonely. I want a girlfriend.... There is this other girl at school, she is my best friend, True, she may be 2 yrs younger than me but i cant help to like her. She was dating this douchebag till now, but he broke her heart. I feel bad hut at z same time i was happy. I know its a bit too soon but i do wanna be her man, but she just doesnt see me that way.... How do i ask her out without jeopardizing my friendship?",desire,POSITIVE,0.9818227291107178 2018-01-20 21:31:11,"I need to vent. So I had this boy friend we were together for a while i had a crush on him keza we started dating and stuff. I have to say we have been through a lottt like we broke up twice with a very serious problems but I did everything to get him back I loved him I felt it becha endeza honen one day he told me he didn't love me anymore so we broke up. Right now I'm ok I think I have gotten over him but now there is no way I can trust anyone when ever I like a guy I immediately find something on them and unlike them if u have any advice how to start trusting people... PS I know it's rly not a big deal just wanted advice",love,NEGATIVE,0.9581679701805115 2018-01-20 21:48:34,"I need to vent. Hey guys i could really use some advice...there's this guy who seems like a chill and wonderful person and I'd like to get to know him,but i dont know what to say to him or how to say it. I keep a tight circle of friends so I'm scared that he might misunderstand my intentions if i just go ahead and converse with him... The thing is he reminds me of my brother whom I dont live with anymore as he is studying please tell me some ways how a girl can try to be friends with a guy without the guy taking it the other way??",fear,POSITIVE,0.7126179337501526 2018-01-20 21:56:30,"I need to vent. I've recently been tempted with someone so much God help me im about to let him F*** the shit outa me iv only had sex with one guy before he was my ex ahun demo this guy hes just a friend but i think he wants more n im resisting bc right now i only need to focus on graduating university plus im the type of girl that doesnt want to have sex unless thers a real tangible future between us, kesu gar endeza lihon aychilm we have different religions but i just want him to do a lot to me cant believe im sayn this out loud  kezi befit i nvr felt much when having sex with my ex it hurt endewm n it was uncomfortable so i nvr evn wanted to do it until recently when he kissed me and touched me i felt like alakmmm bicha i dont wana regret it afterwards i hate having the feeling i did something wrong i dont wana feel that way but honestly he is so fine what should i do",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9618344306945801 2018-01-20 22:24:38,"I need to vent. I hate my father, like betam..I feel like he does not respect me..I hate him so bad,..sometimes..I just wanne cut him off, but could I live, if i had job ..or if I can work the same time studing electrical engineering, I definitely wound not even ask for money, just because he gave me some shit of birr per month, does it make him my for real..I want to tell him every thing he has done ..and just let him off of my life and never see him again..he is such a drama queen..uhhh",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9992867112159729 2018-01-20 23:52:11,"I need to vent. ""For the girl who said am planning to not to kiss him before marriage"" i couldn't leave you a comment coz you didn't let me. lemme tell you something if you keep doing that even if he likes/ loves you trust me he will give up on you soon, you can't do both you have to decide whether you have to trust him or not .... but if you keep doing this I can guarantee you he will felt betrayed and you will lose him ...please don't do that just give him time treat him as a ""man""/ boyfriend coz he deserves to be, I don't know maybe I overreacted I think am in his shoes too that's why and don't forget that ""karma has no deadline "" Have a good love life",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9613903760910034 2018-01-21 01:03:13,"I need to vent. Okay so I think this is weird but I really need y’all to help me.... so I’m interested in some guy but that doesn’t last long... I only like them till I get em and as soon as I get into a relationship I just don’t like them anymore.... I really don’t know what to do",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9971195459365845 2018-01-21 01:03:52,"I need to vent. He is my bf ryt now.. ena i love him and he does yaw he says he does and he shows me that , but I dont trust him, that much i feel like he will use my weakness ( my love for him) to get me into things i dont can i be sure of that??? And I plan to not even kiss him until we r married which will be may be after 5 or6 yrs... what do boys tnk about this kind of r.ship???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9919195175170898 2018-01-21 04:35:50,"I need to vent. So this is my 3rd time venting here and ive had some negative comments so please comment only if u can help. I have been depressed for a long time (almost a year now) and that is affecting my life in many ways. For example i was a good student a few years back and now im one of the students with the worst results in the class. My interest in school and people is dead. I have already gave up on my future and all my dreams. But what scares me the most is suicide. It pops onto my mind a lot more often than like 2 years ago. Ik not all these thoughts turn out to be true but its still scary. I managed to meet friends who i can trust enough to tell this over the summer but i still feel helpless. I know some of u would think im an attention seeker and shit. Sorry if i sounded like that but i just needed to vent.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9936320185661316 2018-01-21 09:37:49,"I need to vent. So i have a kind of personality that cant keep a person. I dont mean im a fake friend and shit but when i have a good friend or someone that likes me, i just make them flee without trying. I suddenly start bitching and shit, i start complaining about life and about myself. I try to stop but i cant.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972151517868042 2018-01-21 09:37:56,"I need to vent. I wish you know how much I love you. I wish you understand what you went through pains me. I didn't mean for harm when I pushed you to tell me what happened, I just wanted to be there with you through the toughest time of your life. ማሪኝ የኔ እመቤት",desire,POSITIVE,0.9872151613235474 2018-01-21 09:38:56,"I need to vent. Well here it goes...I am a freshman dating a senior n not at the same city we r way far apart n we have been together for almost 3 years now and so far we have had our ups and downs but he has never done anything that would put me in a position where I can't trust him but I don't not always but still and it doesn't stop here I still feel like hes not over his ex I keep obsessing over it and find my self stalking her online and comparing myself with her and I end up hating please help me get over this stupid nonsense",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9924516081809998 2018-01-21 11:56:50,"I need to vent. Hello all I just wanted your opinions on this So my really good guy freind asked my sister out. As a freind i should be happy for him and, I would if this wasn't my sister who is 12, he is 17... My freinds told me that I should be happy for him. Believe me, if they were age-compatible I would be. The age thing bothers me a lot Demo i knew this guys for 4 years you'd think he'd tell me and I don't really trust or see him as I use to before all this, he changed My sister told me she doesn't wanna go out with him but she doesnt know how to tell him",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9960634112358093 2018-01-21 11:57:02,"I need to vent. I have been depressed lately. Avoiding everyone disappointing a few saying shit i wouldn't usually admit. But not anymore i have spent days in bed just mekozeming. I'm not hungry nor sleepy im just weak. I was just scared that i assumed i was going to spend the rest of my days endezi. But then i had an epiphany literally. Darkness really does follow me and i have accepted it but what if i fight back bring the old me back. In my bed days i believed i was not loved nor cared for and i finally found out who truly wants me to be happy and others who wish to see me lost. My point is ik being depressed ik having suicidal thoughts. I know that it all seems like a tunnel and no light at the end but what if just WHAT IF you were the light and you never got to see it cause its with in you and you yourself is the one creating the tunnel. Find the root of your depression then cut it out. I hope this helps.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9915127158164978 2018-01-21 11:57:17,"I need to vent. Am a girl in college. Am not depressed but I don't seem to be happy lately. I was dating it didn't go well so I stopped. Nth seems to interest me. Can y'all help?",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9481424689292908 2018-01-21 11:57:41,"I need to vent. Hey ppl...hw r u...this is not actually a vent..but i just need some info if there is anyone who got any abt this... Now I'm grade 12 and I'm planning to go to china nxt year...they told me it cost abt 3500$ but Idk if the agents are trustworthy..becha they say a lot more abt there anyone who knows abt this or even went there...please let all information u knw..thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9985862970352173 2018-01-21 18:13:38,"I need to vent. Hello, so I have a question. Lately these days, I have been feeling empty inside.. Like I lost something I love or someone I love just died, and there is a piece of me missing..gen that's not the case for me. You see, I have everything I need.. Good friends, a great family, mom and dad who really loves me.. Beka the ideal perfect life for a middle-aged person. beka life is going great except that empty feeling I can't shake.. uffffa, with this feeling demo beka i get so bored, where I lose interest in everything.. Beka boredom that is not normal(I think).. I feel so so empty that sometimes i get emotional, mentally unstable. So my question is, this is not just me right? These feeling passes with time right??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9959747195243835 2018-01-21 18:44:53,"I need to vent. Hey Guys, first time venting. I was in love with this girl and long story short she broke up with me after we went out for a couple of months. I still love her! We started talking (chatting) recently but she only wants to remain friends. How can I rekindle the romance? Or should I not?",love,POSITIVE,0.7387897372245789 2018-01-22 01:40:54,"I need to vent. So heres what's up. I was sexually assaulted when i was 9. And cuz of that as Yall can imagine i couldn't Trust anyone let alone guys. Then i met this guy and we were together for almost 6 years. Then we broke up. Now i really cant anyone near me. Ive understood that people just want you for their own selfish needs. Now even if i like someone i becoume guarded and i remember everything. Its really not fair but i guess its life.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9954299926757812 2018-01-22 12:18:01,"I need to vent. This is not a vent, don't need your perspectives as much either. FACTS 1- I have these problem where I can't be faithful (as I used to call it ""owner of a heart big enough for all of them"") 2- I am trying to stop. 3- so as to stop I wanted to dedicate my self to a chick who wasn't like the others who was a good girl and a girl I genuinely liked. 3- I stopped texting and calling all the girls in my life. 4- but after I did that, the girl decided I wasn't enough for her high moral standards and left. PROBLEM 1- I know am going back to my old ways cause no matter what strangers comment about how disgusting it's is to play with others feelings and how low I am to be like this. It honestly doesn't faze me one bit cause, what about me? What about my feelings? I can't gamble with my feelings so as to conform to the societies values. I should look out for #1 and look out for my own feelings. Bitch! I am putting my eggs in so many different baskets! STATEMENT 1- I see qualities in a bad girl. (Realistic, down to earth, open, fun) 2- Good girls are bad news. (Dull, guarded, condescending, dreamy) -Prince not so charming",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9932517409324646 2018-01-22 12:18:16,"I need to vent. How do u get out of a friends with benefits relationship... No emotional strings do I let it down easy just tell me whatever I can do I'm a girl btw",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9947921633720398 2018-01-22 12:21:03,"I need to vent. Emnet ye gil new....Did y'all forget this...we choose to have faith and at the same time some dont.....why is this such a big deal? i know there are some things that are quite confusing in my religion but i choose to have faith regardless.... My advice to u atheists is stop hating on religious ppl ur preaching that God doesnt exist(yes its preaching)....Stop telling us its intangible and we must be blind minamin sayay yamene tsedeke aydel ende milew.....stop creating differences with this...i will choose to believe u will simply not....we can still live in harmony!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999072790145874 2018-01-22 12:23:07,"I need to vent. Ha.. why do you keep doing this to your self man . Why do you keep making a fool out of your self .. why do you still hang to her every words .. you know she doesn't feel anything towards u ,you know she will never see you that way .man you tried.. why do you keep trying to make some thing that could never work or even start ..begin .. man I have seen so many fools but you take the cake .. dude.. just move on cause only thing your doing is hurting . For some one that doesn't even care any more.. someone who couldn't give a damn about u . Dude.. move on seriously.. you have been told to do so many time and you didn't listen have been told to Ignore her stop every attempt ..but you don't listen cause you think you know better dude for once..listen just move on . If it could have happened it would have happened but now dude come on you are smarter than this your just making a fool of your self now.. stop thinking you love her stop making excuses for her . She has already moved on why can't you .bro why. Seriously why.. dude it is not funny any more .. stop ..every one who saw your hurt told you nothing could come out of it .. your just obsessing now .. come in dude your better than this .. you deserve better come on dude.. hehe anyways dude what do I know am just you.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9976391792297363 2018-01-22 12:27:11,"I need to vent. every weird story have its own unique part .....mine starts @ my aunt house when i was going to visit them ....and that fucking day their were 2 new kids i don't even know them .....I'm 3 year older than the new girl whose sitting infront of me .....they were playing and giggling each other with her 7 year older bro ....i always feel surprised when i think our story turn to this chapter .....after 4 years of no seeing moment we met again at my aunt house ....she was surprisingly grow and her girl body turn from girl to lady ...i can't believe what i see ...and on that day i pretend like I'm not seeing her .... cuz u know .....after she kissed every one in the room she immediately came & sit besides me i don't even know what i feel @ that time ...cuz I'm type of boy *who never date single girl *who never kissed girl *who never participate in party minamin staff *even who never experienced sex staff I'm a little bit shy when i'm with girls ....but she OMG i didn't tell u our relationship right ? okay ....she is my relative who didn't live in our city(not same city as mine ) ....then she starts asking about my current status but me rather than answering correctly i was worrying so much about not to notice by my aunt and her husband ......but she she don't care about anyone ..she received my phone no. ....after a bit of days she called me and talking ...u know weird stuff ....i think thats normal after receiveing serious text messages from her day to day ....i told u me and she has kinship ...but she seem like "" lets break a rules "".... in her text message she starts asking about my romance status ....and after that she told me what if we can chillout together she starts calling instead of texting ....but i told u I'm shy to talk a girl ..i don't want to pick it...but one day she directly and clearly states her love to me and her future with me i was shocked to hear that ....why the fuck she propose me like that ...i mean first of all I'm 3 year older second we r relatives 3 my aunt told me not to contact her at all .....but last week she was crying when she was told me about her family crises at her home& the weird love stuff with me an d she was again and again said that she wasn't fortunate to live in this world at all i was deeply sorry for her but she was keep saying that I'm her hope to live ...i don't know how to bear with this",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9914320707321167 2018-01-22 15:41:53,"I need to vent. I don't miss you you. I miss the guy you made me believe you were. I miss the man who texted me in the morning or the guy who said he missed my voice. Its such a shame for me to believe that i could've been enough. Its such a shame that i let myself so down so low to ask you to take me back. I am such a dumbass for thinking you actually really did love me. I should've left the first time you showed me how dark you could be that time you were mean to me. But i thought I'd rather stick with your darkness than have nothing of you. How dare you make me fall for you like that and just throw it all away. How was it that easy for you teach me to be you teach me to be unloving teach me. Show me how one could be this dark this naive. Tell me who would tell me fake stories and id be the jel one to believe each one of them. Teach me how to unlove you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987249970436096 2018-01-22 19:58:44,"I need to vent. Hey soo i typed this vent over 100x idk im nervous somehow soo we've been together for almost 3 years now. Me and him. he is an orthodox christian and im atheist i try to blend in with him almost all the time i love him a lot .but today he mentioned about us ,our future and that i should believe in somthing ,in God. i know i don't push him to anything he doesn't want to and he used to not push me either but today was serious he said his friends asks him about us too about our religion .i didn't know what to say after that so i just kept quite and he didn't seem concerned. Soo my mind decided that i should break up with him, for there will probably be no future for me in his life but the heart couldn't decide . im in a conflicting state i couldn't even concentrate on my life right now.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9798633456230164 2018-01-23 09:11:53,"I need to vent. I have a foot fetish ... female feet ... Who else ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991987347602844 2018-01-23 09:13:06,"I need to vent. Is it luck? I'm starting to wonder ,all i want is a relationship where i feel like that person I'm with is worth taking all the risk for.. i want to love him not just settle, my friends tell me i have to change...but i know that not possible too, i envy them for being so happy in their r/ship i want that feeling betam..gin i know demo when ur desperate things don't go as expected",desire,POSITIVE,0.621148943901062 2018-01-23 09:14:26,"I need to vent. This is not a vent more of a all the atheists ,what gives you a purpose in life what restricts you, what gives you hope when you are down I mean seriously make me understand who or wat do u think put us here n wats our purpose?????",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9961833357810974 2018-01-23 09:15:07,"I need to vent. I hate my family...I love them but I hate them...they just annoy me, they make me hate coming back home every time. Don't get me wrong they care and they do everything I ask but sometimes they go insane and start to act like every single thing is my problem. Am tired.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9989929795265198 2018-01-23 09:15:55,"I need to vent. Am here sitting around and for some weird reason in the future. When i get old . I am scared that ill be a very bitter person . And in a way it make sence to me . I dunno what it is and all .. Any thoughts .. Am 23 btw male.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.7565088272094727 2018-01-23 10:38:16,"I need to vent. I'm 19 years old and I think I'm in love with someone the guy is a Fuckboy, we have been bestfriend for 4 years now but I've never think of him on a different way but one Saturday we all were playing truth or dare and I was asked to kiss him and we did after That we kinde kissed couple of times and decide to be friends with benefit and after that we started hanging out more but after sleeping with him (sex) he been so distant I wasn't a Virgin at the first but when I was doing it with him I felt amazing and I fall for him he have been avoiding me a lot what should I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9853478074073792 2018-01-23 10:38:32,"I need to vent. OK here is the thing...i have been with this guy for a few months and we had a great time. But things changed and we broke up. The thing is i know i dont love him or anything, i actually know for sure i dont want to be with him...but sometimes i feel something i couldn't put my figure on,i dont like what i feel. if somehow i think of him,or i see him online i get this weird feeling i just become a bit unhappy...any of u guys went through something like this? Do you happen to know what am feeling, and how to stop it? Pleas help a sister out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991167187690735 2018-01-23 10:38:39,"I need to vent. So guys I just need a advice how to move on pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992178678512573 2018-01-23 10:44:27,"I need to vent. Hey there This isn't actually a vent but can anyone who has experience tell me if sex for the first time really hurt? And how much u bleed",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992528557777405 2018-01-23 12:06:59,"I need to vent. Selam selam endat nachu I amn’t writing about my problem rather i am here to complain about some stupid ,arrogant peoples in this channel. I'm wondering if there's a word or term for a person who looks for an opportunity to insult and berate other people. I'm sure you've all been there; There's always that one person who gets completely offended, or they take things completely out of context. They then proceed to publicly scold and shame you - excessively, it seems. It makes you wonder if maybe they're just looking for something to complain about, or if they enjoy being abusive? Maybe they just get a kick out of making you look bad, and want everyone else to take there side!! ""Troll"" and ""butthurt"" seem to fit fairly well ‍ So in this channel i heard that we can vent about anything without not being judged lately i was reading the comments nd people be like your grammer is worse than your current situation,mind your grammer bla bla Ok fine well your grammer is good so what go and write a book ‍stop judging people if u dnt have anything good to say it’s not must to write a comment you can shutup nd keep your comment for yourself stop hurting people with your stupid comments!!!! Thank you",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.947519838809967 2018-01-23 13:21:47,"I need to vent. Sup ya' this vent is about a condition i have. A personality disorder...someone posted something about it today but deleted it for some reason....but anyways...this disorder is really having a mostly negative impact on me...i am ruining relationships and friendships . The only people understanding it are just very few. Those are just intimate friends. I become some kind hearted, loving and caring person one second n a Rude cursing and loud man the other ....i dont know the time switch from one to other...but am guessing its when am alone for some minute. Its really bothering man....and am a pessimist asshole but after some time a good soul(that rhyme ik)....all bullshit aside... who can relate to this?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991936087608337 2018-01-23 15:40:54,"I need to vent. So I have a gf...she is a beautiful,kind,thoughtful, crazy girl, she meant the world to me and am going to loose her am sure ur wondering how...this is what happened we are r/ship for for a year and I got an opportunity to learn in a foreign country and I didn't know how to tell her and I have only two weeks before my flight and I don't know how to tell her and I don't wanna loose her... I love her so much what should I do about it",love,POSITIVE,0.8338212966918945 2018-01-23 19:07:16,"I need to vent. Its been too long since we separated and for sometime I completely forgot bout him and now....he is all over my thoughts like every shit reminds me of him even these vents how he would've laughed his ass off on some of them....I'm scared cause there is nothing I can do about it last night I couldn't sleep because I went through memories of him its just so sad how he left everything behind with a blink of an eye and he he moved on with his life while I'm stuck in here with the world he showed me and the memories he left me... All my ego,my pride,attitude he broke them n I lost my self I hate that I think of him when he is out there living a normal life... While I'm losing mine through him... He crashed my little world",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9962967038154602 2018-01-23 19:07:18,"I need to vent. Y'all I need your help. So there this tall guy. And I am tall too. But he is very tall that I will be kinda short when I am with him. U get my point? So from other girls I will be the one near his face bekumet mnamn coz the others will be very short. Bicha my point is do u like girls when they are tall?? Specially guys I need to hear your perspectives on this.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.980383574962616 2018-01-23 19:07:22,"I need to vent. This is not avent , but I want to thank vent, n venters alot, yall keep venting",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9879952073097229 2018-01-23 20:00:04,"I need to vent. In my opinion the greatest achievement one can reach when it comes to love, is to be balanced. To use both our heads and our hearts. For some reason, most of us have a stupid tendency to take our positions to the extremes. Some go all in throwing caution to the wind and proudly claim that they did something 'just cuz they felt like it.' Others, thinking themselves the spocks( that weird expressionless dude from star trek) othe world, walk around boasting that they have no place for emotions. They claim that love is either usless or non-existent. There are many theories for why we are like this( eg. Romanticism via hollywood, our young undeveloped brains...) but thats for another time",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.993812084197998 2018-01-23 20:00:45,"I need to vent. Its actually a question Is there any one against relationships?... I wanna knw the negative and the postitive parts... Try to put it in every perispective, religon, culture ....... Ps: I'm a girl!...I need help..plz",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990313053131104 2018-01-23 20:01:01,"I need to vent. Guys these days are bored with a normal relationship. All they wanne do is do it. And when ur willing to do it, they consider u as a slut. Us girls are confused which way to go... a little advice here might be helpful",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994251728057861 2018-01-23 20:01:14,"I need to vent. SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!! It's fine! Everything is fine! There's an infinite number of realities, Morty! And a few dozen of those, I got lucky and turned everything back to normal! I just had to find one of those realities in which we also happen to both die around this time. Now we can just slip into the place of our dead selves in this reality, and everything'll be fine. We're not skipping a beat, Morty. Now help me with these bodies.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9977909326553345 2018-01-23 21:50:51,"I need to vent. Okay so its been long since we broke up gn we kinda tried to be frnds but dat ddnt work out n i taught i was fyn wid it but not a day passes by wid out him crossing my mind when i try n study n all i start thinkin abt him n forget abt my studies i know its pretty fucked up but i always rmbr d good tyms we hd n feel happy til i feel bad when i realize it's not der n dat he has moved on or d thngs he has done bcha dis is rly ruining my days my grades n also d rest of my love life",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9966357350349426 2018-01-24 07:47:53,"I need to vent. OK I don't get it,I keep on hearing and reading comments ""this is Ethiopia you live in!"" for things like ,""I'm an atheist "",""masturbation"",""personality disorder"",""depression"",""sex"".................basically anything that has to do with being open and honest about things that are not accepted.I don't understand how living in Ethiopia makes you exceptionally different from the rest of humanity!,or maybe its that weird belief that Ethiopia is a chosen, blessed country! i mean seriously are we supposed to stand still while the rest of the world moves on to better civilizations because this blessed country(which is still a 3 world country)can not keep up with change!!I have met up with people from other African countries and they always complain that Ethiopians have this superiority complex when it comes to being African,like you know how we say when we refer to other African nationalities ""ya africawiw sewye/setiyo"",like we are not African ourselves.kurat and tibar gets us nowhere so instead of bragging again and again and again and again......about the accomplishments that our ancestors were responsible for and we certainly had nothing to do with, we should focus on now and do something ourselves . We are not better or less than anyone.Dont get me wrong be proud of who you are but when you warm your ass sitting around for your whole life instead of making some change in society, remember that you are just a bum .And even if you are doing something complaining how ""not Ethiopian like"" people around you are definitely makes you a an ignorant asshole because people are different and these people make up Ethiopia.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9969292283058167 2018-01-24 08:04:30,"I need to vent. So it's my 3rd time venting n here I go, am a19 years old short af girl surrounded by bunches of tall human beings n i seem to hate that tho can't do much about it gin this days am starting to feel pressured bzw I have a bf n he ain't got no problem with me being short in fact he finds it adorable but me don't cuz when ever i hang out with my friends they call me shorty specially my bff calls me ""korerima"" my height is seriously annoying me what can I do?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9936668276786804 2018-01-24 08:41:19,"I need to vent. I feel like am the oldest one out here, and let me give yall an advice.....what the fuck are you all complaining about??? Hypocrats....count your blessings?? Have u ever thought u might not wake up tommorow?? Think bout that?? Do you have any guarentee that u will?? But u have faith, right?? You can call it whatever you want, that basic instnict, that impulsive feeling?? That one thing you cant quite explain?? This feeling of being responsible?? Like u have to carry the world around you and it is weighing on you?? This feeling of pain??A pain that u enjoy and want, u crave for it?? We are weak beings, accept that. Fuck all the opinions you hear or see or whatever?? Just go with the flow, if it was meant to be it would be. You can say but i did this, didnt this enough....nothing will change, u will never know, untill u been there?? Haha, ena bicha.....go with the flow, you are here cuz u were meant to be, its cuz u matter, u are a part of an infinite puzzle, the prohecy.......i may not even be out here venting if it wasnt for someone out there or for all of us??? Beka beka.....yimechachu",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9963333606719971 2018-01-24 13:04:57,"I need to vent. Heey, for the do you make an excuse to talk to your ex?( with telegram), it has been like two months since we break up... Gin like with out making me look like that desperate single girl",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984411597251892 2018-01-24 13:59:04,"I need to vent. We all would like to think moral values are what keep our societal order intact. .......NOT. Everytime you cross the road its not the strangers morality you put your trust in, its his self interest. Believing he wont run into you because he has something to lose. No matter how civilized mankind might seem, the fuel of our progress is still something very premitive - a never ending search for easier lives. Everyone, no matter how selfless they might seem, are always nurturing their self interest. Humanity, beyond its great illusory veils of greatness is a mere quivering child. This simple truth is what keeps me alive, devoid of hope, alove nontheless. Hope, love, morality are all illusions, imaginary concepts we decided to agree on jus like money. At the wake of such truth one can only find comfort in just existing. So dont hold opinions and prepare yourself for dissapointment. Just Be.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.966254472732544 2018-01-24 13:59:11,"I need to vent. I'm a 14 year old pregnant teenager and I dunno what to do abt it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989151954650879 2018-01-24 15:01:33,"I need to vent. I'm in high school and I might'veeeeee sent a picture that could ruin my life for ever I didn't mean to send the pic I was tricked into sending it and now I don't know what to do I just wanna die ppl could actually see the pic plsss help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998816967010498 2018-01-24 15:07:38,"I need to vent. Owkay am new to this channel and i find it so here is my vent .. last week my best friend his elder sister and me were chatting in their house then my bestfriend says lets go for swimming mnamm keza eshi tebablen hedn tnsh koyto sidewelilet beka lhid ene kes blachu nu blon hede. Then after swimming msa belten eyaweran i saw her wanted to be kissed keza samkuat....after some jnjena room geban i f*** the shit outta her . Keza her brother medewel jemere i mean my bestfriend keza betam chenekegne bet gebche enkuan enklf embi alegne endet endezi adergalew mnamn bye beza lay b.f alat g.f alegne . I promised to my self i would never do this shit again then after two days boooom we make an appointment to have s** again. Brahh i can't do nothin her pu** is a firebomb . What y'all think about this how can i stop it ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976321458816528 2018-01-24 15:08:45,"I need to vent. wait let me vent He is my crush for years now he knows and he likes me too. But we cant be together because of a lot of thing for instance he smokes..bla bla(we are completely different kinda people nthing in common). But yet he treats me good we are friends but some how when a girl flirts with him i literally heat up . And the idea of him having a gf . I dont know what to do. If i become his gf and break up i will loose him as a friend. HELP",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.6136592030525208 2018-01-24 15:13:59,"I need to vent. It's my third time venting about this dude ... I have no idea why I can't stop thinking about him .... This is mostly a drama for most of yo'll but fairy tales do exist just not the happily ever afters .... We met online then we fell in love my parents are so strict about this stuff but I risked it cuz I never believed in love marriage and stuff but he gave me hope .... I was so insecure all I felt was that he was after my virginity now that he is gone I know he wasn't he loved me he made his own sacrifices just to be with me ... I miss him bad so much ......damn when I'm with him I never touched my food he always fed me now I cant eat properly I can't sleep with out looking at his pictures and only recently I knew that it was my fault and I can't bear to look at him again no I'll take my sins to my grave I rather hurt bad than face him again but at this moment all I can think abt is if I'm not gonna marry him I rather stay single and die Alone if he is not going to be the father of my daughter ..... I know it's stupid and shit but I beg the winds to whisper through his ears to drunk call me or text me accidentally I need him ..... I can't talk to any one about this no one will I understand I just can't burry it in my heart any more.... N plz plz plz don't tell me this is highschool drama n stuff its not don't tell me it's all some twisted shit my heart knows it's true so just I beg of u keep ur rude comments to ur self if u don't care just live it.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9884987473487854 2018-01-24 15:53:43,"I need to vent. love love love blah blah ........i hate it so much it make ppl week ......atlist that what i used to think im in love with my bff.....fucked up right? ......this days i dont even talk to her im trying my best to avoid her ......but we were very very .....very... close and she wont stop calling and if i didnt answer she came home .......idk what to do ....she is the reason for this bullshit ...... we do every thing and recently we start donig stuff that friend dont do ..... i really like it....a the only thing we didnt do is have sex ......the rest is like game ppl i cant stop what we donig when ever we meet ..and i cant tell her that i love her is stupid ....just tell me what to do to make this feeling stop",love,NEGATIVE,0.998666524887085 2018-01-24 16:20:35,"I need to vent. I always wonder about this pain, the pain the girls always complain about, but the boys have never experienced it. They made it sound as if we boys have no feelings and we r just robots made to hurt them. The words I'm too reluctant to hear these days from girls r those like ""it hurts, felt it like actual physical pain, i don't want to be hurt again, u don't care about me, can't do this anymore"".... By hook or by crook, everything has to end up in a way that sounds to benefit them, otherwise we boys are considered as official heart breakers. I wish ‍ then",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9933348894119263 2018-01-24 16:49:52,"I need to vent. Dear boys and girls, please don't conclude and say shit about the opposite sex, about anyone for that matter. Not all guys are after sex and not all girls are after money. If zats z case, zen whts z point of searching for that one compatible person? Everyone of us are different. There are decent girls and boys out there with so much to offer, hungry for love and affection and just looking to love and to be loved and waiting for that one long convo to let everything off their chest and listen in return.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.6640530824661255 2018-01-24 17:30:48,"I need to vent. When is inappropriate to show 'affection in public' for a couples like kissing anywhere or making or more than that? I mean I used to hate it when others do it. And i still do when my bf kisses me in public. it makes me uncomfortable.or am I jst making big deal out of it?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990184307098389 2018-01-24 17:44:03,"I need to vent. I'm trying to study but my phone keeps winning and every time I try to change the vibe of being online I end up with no interest I need like the big help of u guys ....signal me plzzz",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9978492259979248 2018-01-24 17:52:56,"I need to vent. Sooooo boys tell me....whats z most impt thing in a girl?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967709183692932 2018-01-24 18:48:28,"I need to vent. So it's my first time venting in here or in any bot for that matter. Here goes my story I am a girl studying in an university outside Addis and I have a drinking and smoking problem and my parents don't know that. they have this image of me being an innocent girl and I don't know how am going face my dad if I got caught and all the disappointment look in his face after that and I need a serious help coz they are the main reason that am standing up right now and I can't lose that right now I just can't .",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963659048080444 2018-01-24 21:19:11,"I need to vent. Hey guys so wanted to get your advise on long distance relationships....i have been doing it for almost 2 years now but i get the feeling that things might change after a couple and during that time we had our ups and downs...i made a really big mistake of making out with another guy while i was drunk and i honestly dont remember anything heard it from my friends and this other time i kinda danced with another guy as well...all in all idk what to do ik what i did is wrong but his the type that wont forgive me if i tell him...esti guys please advise me on both subjects...thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9699035882949829 2018-01-24 21:19:33,"I need to vent. Does anyone here belive in the theorie of the multi verse if so have you thought about it we all know humans are insignificant in the giant universe but if the multiverse theorie is proven true we will be less than nothing we will be mere reflections man makes u think huh",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980055689811707 2018-01-24 22:36:45,"I need to vent. I broke up with my boyfriend semonun, it was over some silly stuff... I want him back sooo bad but know ... pride baby, beza lay yaw wendoch setebalu yetelemenachehu mesloachehu anatachen lay tewetalachehu lol (sorry) , it was his fault beza lay, but he doesnt have the audacity to say sorry ... I even fell like he has some one else in his life ... He's online 24/7 nowadays.... Becha esti men telugnalachehu yekerta malet alebegn koy?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984001517295837 2018-01-25 06:19:48,"I need to vent. So here is my probelm.. i usually dont have a problem approaching any one... few years back i saw this guy so let just say he is Disney price characters in real life plus he was Waring a suit he made life lasting impression on me... so last week i attended this program and there he was my prince... this program lasts for another 3month... how can i approach him with out seeming like a hoe.... like i need suggestions? ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978852868080139 2018-01-25 11:04:11,"I need to vent. My dorm mate is acting up she is all bitchy and this has been going on for a while and all 4 of us r sick of her shit she is rude and insulting but no one wants to say anything back to her bec it will lead to more fights what should we do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990702271461487 2018-01-25 13:01:25,"I need to vent. Hello! i need to vent I Hate Medicine...I hate the subject, the long nights, always feeling tired, looking like shit. I just found out that mugabe has been over thrown its been freaking 3 monts or so...i have no idea whats going on in the world...And now i am starting to hate Med students...uhhh selfish bastards! they wuld die for marks....litreally kill and die for it!....I just hate it so much...the whole environment is toxic u loose urself here.... P.s I cant quit because my parents told every one i will be a doctor...which is ridiculous really uhhh FML",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995514750480652 2018-01-25 14:34:45,"I need to vent. I'm 18 and i am experiencing sth new til i moved to this new village 6 months ago. Ppl around me tnk and talk about me as i'm a ""hoe"" w/c am not.I dont used to give a fuck for what rumormongers say but now, i can say i'm hearing ""hitsan adelesh teregagi"" mnamn everywhere i go n it's getting on my nerve so i need ur favor that if u could give me elaborated definition for ""hoe"" or acts that make u seem u are that..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.993776798248291 2018-01-25 16:57:02,"I need to vent. Well tym to vent here it umm had a gf loved her to death of me, we broke up, she got another man, n we hate each other lyk fuck at the moment cause of the things we said to eachother after the break up was hurt at first n shit uk the dramatic shit but after some point i just got to urge to get girls not in a love romance intimaye way but just to have em kiss em do shit wid em n jst leave gots no feelings at all..what yall suggest i do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987165927886963 2018-01-25 16:57:27,"I need to vent. this one is more like a has been buggin me it 22 nd am virgin.....waiting for da right guy nd for the right frndz say that's the reason why ma relationships won't last longer....u know cuz i decided to keep da cookie in da jar so what's wrong with that? why is it hard to find a guy who will agree to wait? nd is there anything like ""u r too old to be virgin"" ? i really wonder... :-/ :-/",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991737008094788 2018-01-25 16:58:20,"I need to vent. So here it goes ... So I've been going out with this guy for four months now ena he talks awfully a lot about his girl best friend and he told me that she likes him and want something to happen between them but he says that he doesn't want anything to do with her he just sees her as a sister....but the problem is every time we talk her name pop's should I end it or continue with it ...getting mad by the day P.s I have met her once ena she's so pretty ugh I hate that demo",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984991550445557 2018-01-25 18:51:20,"I need to vent. I've been so fucking grateful, yet it's all taken away. What's the point? Happiness is off-limits. I have nothing to fight for, nothing to lose. I'm no different than a blade of grass; pointless",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973545074462891 2018-01-25 20:53:40,"I need to vent. Hey y'all, what's up ? I was just wondering what you guys think the solution is towards racism and gaining world peace, am considering ""refraining from having kids' as one. What's your say on this ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975346326828003 2018-01-25 20:54:09,"I need to vent. OK I love playing brain games on my friends, family and other people I don't feel comfortable being around.I'm really good at it and when ever I do that they don't even know I'm doing it and that feels amazing and so I keep doing it I don't regret doing it but I feel like I have to stop .so do you guys think that I should keep doing it or stop and is it a bad thing,but I am not doing any thing to hurt them I just do it to get what I want.",love,POSITIVE,0.9788848161697388 2018-01-25 22:19:03,"I need to vent. I am just so confused about what i want like how i want my love life to be am a single girl who rly hates relationships n i sometimes feel like am gonna be single forever cause i be rejecting all the guys that asked me out even the one that was perfect for me and then i ask my self maybe am into girls but nah idk am just so confused any ways how i could help myself out of this confusing situation",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998296320438385 2018-01-25 22:49:35,"I need to vent. This fucking year!! This fucking 2010. It's been a fucked up relationship year so far, messy business , lagging in opportunities and fuck I am the same place as I was. What's the point of life really? I am losing my cool. On top of it ... When ever I meet her degmo I feel deep pain, sadness and failure. why does life have to be sooooo fucking hard and why does people that I expect the most and invest my time and mental energy most for fail to see my needs and only focus on theirs. Fuck this... I just hope this year ends soon and I get outta this.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999470055103302 2018-01-25 22:51:31,"I need to vent. So this is my vent am a med student n currently am one week vacation here the I really hate it when I have erft all because of my family so here the thing my family thinks that we don't need to have friends go out with friends or anything related ti having fub even family going out to dinner whatsoever doesn't work in our family long as yourdine with class they want you to stay home not to go out anywhere n help out on house chores now we don't have servant n today I had to choresclean house injera megager things like this for my dad ye tsgur tsetinge beyiew he goes like stay home don't go anywhere I was like whatd I CNT bring the hair salon here at home becha they r the most negative unfun ppls I winder if we didnt have to go to school where our life would end so peeps help me how should I make it my right to go out whenever I want to that I need to have friends n gi iutwith friends even with my sis ena yehone ngr mareg snfeleg betmehert asaben new mnwetaw for anything becha its a torture help me guys",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998156726360321 2018-01-26 14:42:51,"I need to vent. So am just this high schl girl trying to live my life the way I want it but ppl keep coming my way they try living my life for me and in the end judge me tbh I hate being judged everyone does ryt?? Anyways my whole life I did what ppl want me to do I did everything they told me to do I trust everyone and in the end they turn their backs on me and act they never saw me and it's been happening ever since grd 1 and idk till when I shd keep on going and the problem is that if I don't do what they tell me to do they get pissed, mad and unhappy and I don't like that so am here venting because idk what to do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9957614541053772 2018-01-26 18:30:50,"I need to vent. Sooo here goes my story I used to be this girl who trust literally everyone so stupid that I even trusted strangers and there is this guy that I was dating and out of all those person I wouldn't expect him to broke my trust but he did and he loved another girl and it was okay but after that I couldn't trust anyone and when ever a guy am dating tells me he likes me I assumes that's a lie and I take it as mocking sometimes silly me. And its affecting my relationship with others and am confused how to avoid all that is it only me ??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.994053304195404 2018-01-26 18:31:11,"I need to vent. Hey there in rly confused I don't know what I want I keep on pushing every guy that loves me away .Idk I guess I'm too scared if losing em. I have kinda convinced ma self that I'm better of single and when I see ppl in luv demo I get so jealous n lonely n regret what I have done guys help me what should I do",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9984482526779175 2018-01-26 19:02:28,"I need to vent. Just looking for an anonymous audience. So a friend told me sexuality is not a characteristic of growing up. To which i replied that sertain sexual acts are nessassary to be called a 'Grown Up'. Now this stikes me as odd, because i never realized i thought like this, i never noticed that i measured maturity through sexuality. And i was shocked! But after a while i realized, its not actually sexuality i measure it by but our neglection of things that were frowned upon when we were kids -one of which is sex- but now are a daily part of life. For example 5 years ago i thought of cursing as something i would never do, but now i think of it as theraputic, i regarded sex a sacred and holly thing but now i see it as a sort of distraction from boredom(not that there's anything is worng with that). In conclusion, i have come to the realization that Maturity is the slow degredation of innocence. How sad.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.982876718044281 2018-01-26 21:09:12,"I need to vent. I don't know why people tend to take out their bad moods on me.I tend to be very open minded about everything. I try as much as I can to not judge anyone and respect them because I don't hate anyone. And then after some time they just snap at me. Like what have I ever done to them. I ask them if they're alright and they just tend to ignore me because I even asked that question. I try to be polite and respectful and say okay and fine because I don't want to show them how they hurt me in the process. I always try to be genuinely nice even if I don't particularly like that person because well it's just part of my personality. But they just snap at me and I'm here like confused deliberating whether I did something wrong or not. I don't get why I'm so sensitive towards this kind of stuff but I am.And I just..... I'm venting about something so stupid. But it's just happening pretty often. I don't get why people push each other around so just doesn't make sense to me...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9920567870140076 2018-01-26 21:17:03,"I need to vent. Sometimes there are those times were am like ‘how the hell am I supposed to get through this?’ I cage myself in and don’t let anyone in because I don’t know how they will see me after they learn my past. The last couple of years I’ve caged myself into a small group of friends and don’t really talk to anyone but I swear mess with me and you won’t hear the end of it. I have a dark side only a couple have seen, I don’t mean for it to be shown how it does but sometimes it happens. We all have that one side that we don’t want to be seen. It could be by our friend’s family or loved ones. For me, my dark side is my weakness. Its rom my past everything known to tell will make people look at me in a new perspective. I don’t want to be seen as a monster or as a person that is trying to hide herself from the world. See the thing is, that’s who I am. That’s what I do, I cage myself only to me and don’t let the key be found. Anyone who find that opening will see something that will brand their mind forever, from a different perspective including me, my life and history with everything between. I have a past life I would not curse upon anyone except for the ones who lived through it, everything I have been through has made me stronger and have more power to work through things that I would have never been able to go through before. Through, there are still those moments I sit by myself because I don’t understand myself are things I did. Most of the time its to protect myself. I don’t want to be known as the one that did it because she could or wanted to. I want to be known as I did it because I had to. People say things and that’s why I am who I am today. They think the carefree attitude I possess as ignorance. As stupidity. People mistake the dumb moments I have as “uncharacteristic.” But then never let me live down those times where I made an error due to something not being thought through enough. People push around, thinking that they’re the boss because they have something I don’t. Or the opposite; they trick me into thinking that they’re honest companions, willing to offer me their potential so that we may improve together. People mistake my threats, hollow or not, to be jokes. ‘Yeah, as if.’ ‘No way would’ you ‘You’re just trying to be intimidating.’ If they thought that things I do, If they’ve imagined the carnage that I have, They would know that I wasn’t and am not kidding. Even if I couldn’t complete the task with my current abilities, I would try. They have the nerve to criticize me and emotionally tear me down. It takes so much time for me to regain my confidence. And those same people dare wonder why am afraid of society in all its forms.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.903792142868042 2018-01-27 07:12:02,"I need to vent. So this is a question for u all how do u hide Ur sadness from ppl who caused u that sadness cause most ppl say be happy infront of ppl that hurt u how do u do that am confused??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990262985229492 2018-01-27 07:13:07,"I need to vent. I feel so bad. Well I have a boyfriend and he's okay and all that but I don't like it when he shows me off idk if I'm ashamed of him or something because I love to be with him but not in public. This hasn't happened in my previous relationships soo??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9912397265434265 2018-01-27 07:49:05,"I need to vent. So I have these thing where I don't trust women as far as I can throw them, and I know that all girls are not all the same 6ut I think that all they do is 6ring pro6lems 6ut a friend of mine had a theory about my prblm, she suggested that I am like this is cause my mom left me as a kid and I unconsciously by default stoped trusting women, I at first thought this theory was atrocious and wasn't the case with me but i don't know since she said that it's been fucking with my head. Should I let this be an issue weyes chela lebelew? -Prince not so charming",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992269277572632 2018-01-27 08:43:56,"I need to vent. Here's what happen there was this guy he likes me and I like him to so we got in to relationship gen it didn't last long because he rushe things ene demo I don't want that cuz its my first relationship I just want things to go slowly, he experience many things ik gen he should understand that ena one day he say's it didn't workout ena ena we brokeup I got this idea did he really like me at first ?ena its been a year know I still like him that's because I didn't get in a relationship after that I get scared mnamn ena what du guy's advice me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9935552477836609 2018-01-27 08:46:53,"I need to vent. I mean like what the fujjj! That Zack Snyder dude and the other dude no one knows ruined a perfect movie. Like what is wrong with people. My first question... Why the fuck is Batman useless and all he ever does is get tossed away like a freaking... Gah!!! And why is superman almost as fast as the flash? Why does Barry have blue lightning? Why is he so skinny? Why does cyborg whisper every time he talks? Why isn't Aqua man as strong as he is in the comics. Why does Alfred wear Soldier suits....isn't he a Butler after all? Why does the CGI look like they made it in my bedroom. It had good budgeting aydel? ‍‍‍‍‍‍disappointment!!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996579885482788 2018-01-27 08:55:38,"I need to vent. Hey guys ena this days am really getting mad in everything like everything little things annoys me ena last night I was even gonna cry just because I couldn't control my anger guys please any help comments",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9900496006011963 2018-01-27 10:43:21,"I need to vent. I am a bit shy girl but confident on things i am doing but i have a problem i cant communicate with others and hide to others who i am what do u guys think i should do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9877597689628601 2018-01-27 10:54:50,"I need to vent. I've been freind zoned by this girl we've been friends like fir three years or so, she is cool, smart and beautiful like really she gets me and lot of people don't. Wana tell her my feelings but i really can't loose her but smthing came up and we might not see each other for a long long time so i am asking is it the rite time i mean if i said nth now that means i ll never have the chance to tell her how i feel?",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9536648988723755 2018-01-27 13:29:06,"I need to vent. Hey everyone my problem is this days I can't seem to find happiness I am happy for a while when I'm with my friends keza gen all of the sudden when am alone I get bored and depressed and I hate everything so guys what do you think I should do to get over my problem",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986364245414734 2018-01-27 18:11:50,"I need to vent. I've been 'dating' with this girl for 3 months( Even though she doesn't think we were 'dating') she thinks as if we were hanging out as friends,Just friends. One day i tell her how i feel and kissed her (that day though) after that day we haven't met. She says she wants to stay as friends. And we haven't texted ever since. So what should i do? It has been 3 weeks since we have met. Shall i text? Call? Apologize?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9949086308479309 2018-01-27 18:30:37,"I need to vent. 18+ Hey guys just wanted to know, is oral sex really necessary?...I've been with this guy for almost 8 month and one day he invited me to his house and asked for a bj and i find that really disrespectful I said no and we haven't been the same ever since ,how can I even kiss him after that? I would never let anyone near there, I pee and have my periods on that thing...tell me what you think",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974532723426819 2018-01-28 07:12:30,"I need to vent. Hey guys its my second time venting here ena its about my school friends like theres this girl at the squad ena she act like a boss or smth ena like behonewm balhonewm new metetalagn idk why ena like we fight yesterday by some dumb shit ena like all of them ignore the shit out me lmaoo ena like idk what to do like few months left to finished class i mean we're seniors gen bihonem class bechayen mehon yedeberegnal and i dont have another friends and am sure they will act and shit sooo what should i do??",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9987838864326477 2018-01-28 07:14:29,"I need to vent. Okay so this is my first time venting here and I'm really nervous and I don't know what to do, so here goes my vent, my aunt is just 21 years old and she is saying she is pregnant and I'm not beside her because I'm in campus and I'm far away bicha her boyfriend is such a stupid selfish little shit malet how can you treat your girlfriend like that uffff I hate him so very much. They always fight and he is always almost cheating on her then when she says why are you doing this to me he'll be like because i dont give a fuck about you, go fuck yourself and things like that but at the end of the day she ends up going to him just because he says sorry but he isn't i mean when someone is sorry then that means they'll never do it again aydel gn him he is just ugghhh i don't even have words for him demo eco if it was because he was sorry that would have made sense gn he says he misses her when he wants to sleep with her and they had a fight two weeks ago and now she found out she was pregnant and told him that and now he is saying he doesn't care even if she dies. What kind of person does that koy gn uffff I'm so confused on what to do or tell her to do I mean if I talk to anyone beside myself then she is screwed and if my dad or her other brother finds out about this then she is totally dead and the guy too bicha I'm just freaking out. Please anyone who is online right now reading this tell me what to do I don't think I'll be able to handle this on my own please help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990494847297668 2018-01-28 08:09:27,"I need to vent. So I have never dated before in my life and I'm almost 22 now. Girls never found me attractive enough when I was in high school (since i was little, chubby, goofy nerd) but after graduation I started working out and i became fit menamen and now girls liyaskemetugn alchalum. I don't like to be called a player but I'm dating 3 girls ryt now and all of them know about eachother and they are okay with it...endyawm they are making it like a competition for me to choose them aynet neger which is totally stupid. Becha I like 2 of the girls betam and I can't decide on which one. So my question is..What do u do when u like 2 ppl at the same time equally and don't know how to tell them?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9933043122291565 2018-01-28 08:09:56,"I need to vent. Hey guys. I have this open wound on my face n u know the black thing that forms over a wound till it heals? The ""stupid"" doctor stripped it. Ena I'm scared it would just remain a scar with a big ass ridge in the middle. Wtf um i supposed to do. Should I cut it open it again.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.999103844165802 2018-01-28 12:04:10,"I need to vent. Okay I keep hearing n reading girls saying would boys like fat lady all girl I don't care abt others but I fucking love fat lady I mean think abt it eski what's attractive abt skiny cheeks fake as double sponge bra seriously!!??? or fake ass sponge pants ....listen to me ur fucking adorable with the fat u have... To all fat acually plus size girls I even think the word fat is sexy I just love it...",love,POSITIVE,0.9920658469200134 2018-01-28 12:04:30,"I need to vent. In one sentence.... molkaka ppl annoy tf out of me. Am not talking about ppl with that sound in thier voice am talking abt those pea size brain owners who thinks the sun should orbit them . Idk if guys find that sexy but I can tell you this that dumb attitude is cute for the first 3 seconds only . Am not talking about ppl who vent here with real problems. There are these ppl who complain about things that are pure blessings and things that doesn't even matter pls pls try to see the world around you and stop this ridiculousness. I know you 26 why you want to act like you 7??.....I never understand.....anyone who can relate or is it just me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9963350296020508 2018-01-28 12:04:50,"I need to vent. You know you have shitty life when most of your vents get rejected. Including this one. But you know memoker aygodam",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985509514808655 2018-01-28 12:06:10,"I need to vent. Just sick and tired of everyone around me telling about what someone else has done, it's like I am in between the two and can't get out all they talk about is he does this from her side and she does this from his side. I can can't say anything cause then it seems I choose one side and not the other. It doesn't matter that much if it was a friend but when it is in ur family shit drives u crazy.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983522891998291 2018-01-28 13:26:46,"I need to vent. I now realize how the girls on the side feel. I absolutely understand them. We judge them sayin why do it knowing he has a girl gin they shoulf understand that you cant help who you fal for and they would rather have half of him than none. People need to see the bigger picture. Gin demo this is not to all the sides some hoes out there just want something thats not their own.",realization,POSITIVE,0.7237612009048462 2018-01-28 18:07:48,"I need to vent. I am the kind of person that prefer silence than talking and others think that I got no care when they say idiot things about me.but the opposite is true.i am very affected even by the smallest shit and this hurts so much. What shall I do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983789920806885 2018-01-28 18:07:52,"I need to vent. How do you keep someone off ur mind? I cant stop thinking about her like literally.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9936251640319824 2018-01-28 18:49:53,"I need to vent. so here is a thing we have been going out with my boyfriend for almost a year now. and we met through a mutual friend of ours. the thing is i think he is gay(my boyfriend) so what do i do? i have seen him checking out guys(way too many times), his screenshot folder is filled with guys pictures(they all look gay), he is so pretty i am not even exaggerating dimple, light skin, full lip... I am not saying the look is his fault gen he takes care of his skin, his hair,his nails way too much. becha i am not sure gen you know i am worried and i love him so much... so neep help!SOS",love,NEGATIVE,0.9873419404029846 2018-01-28 18:50:08,"I need to vent. 18+ No small talks, I’m just going to get right into it. I’m pretty confident about my body except I have eitty bitty tiny boobs. How can I make it bigger? Tried massaging it but no change plus it’s weird. Any other suggestions??? PS I’m 19",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9714260697364807 2018-01-28 19:05:23,"I need to vent. 18+ Hey everyone, my boyfriend and I have been together for like 6 years and we've decided it time. I'm very nervous cause I've heard it hurts a lot and I wanted to know how I can minimize the pain. ladies please help. FYI we're both virgins",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9921919703483582 2018-01-28 20:10:39,"I need to vent. I need to vent I hate my dad so so so so much n he knows it so help me what should I do I feel his gonna hurt my mom n I really don't want that to happen bc like she is hypertensive and has DM all because of him.i feel like he will shorten her life this way u guys got any advice???",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995607733726501 2018-01-28 20:22:05,"I need to vent. Hey everyone... so I'm a girl and have stretch marks on my butt (I don't have any stretch marks on the rest of my body) and I was wondering if it's a big deal for guys... I want ur opinions",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9959182143211365 2018-01-28 21:02:47,"I need to vent. Ok so I was just sitting down thinking about hell and heaven and I thought why da fuck would God take all his time and resources to create a human being just so he would die and suffer in hell? I mean, isn't it kinda stupid?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981206059455872 2018-01-29 06:24:37,"I need to vent. I'm completely in love with this guy. I guess we are dating but he cheated and says he loves me. I can't get him of my mind. He is too perfect. But I'm not sure he is cheating. I cheated on him yesterday at a party and told him and seemed so cool about it. I don't know what we are anymore. Should I leave him or Stay?",love,POSITIVE,0.6734678149223328 2018-01-29 06:27:16,"I need to vent. So the thing is I have become unable to diffeenciate between reality and fantasy. I read A LOT of fanfictions and I expect every guy I see to be so dreamy and perfectly craved like the characters. It gives me so much happiness to read the books because it lets my imagination run wild but now I think it's affecting the way I view people. I keep on wondering why everything can't be as beautiful and magical as in the books. I don't even see my self being with a guy anytime soon. I really really really love reading these books but I don wan it to get to my head and create a perfect guy that doesn't exists in real life. So what do y'all say? Help a troubled girl out.",love,POSITIVE,0.9933431148529053 2018-01-29 08:35:38,"I need to vent. This is more of a question than a vent. I have different group of friends and for most of the time, the topic is about other people. I don't usually get involved in those conversations but I always wonder what kind of topic other group of friends talk about or at least what kind of topics dominate most if the time?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9842165112495422 2018-01-29 08:36:30,"I need to vent. Hola guys this is my third vent, here is the fourth one last year I got in this terrible school I got some friends which sucks here's my problem So much gossip they think I'm hoe and I got a friend called **** she told every student I've said sth bad about them and they were against me I got no idea y they treated me like that till this year yaw highschool stuff And two of my friends they think I got sth wid there bfs mnamn they get jealous And I got this cat walk plus when I talk I look brat sooo they think I'm trynna get the boys attraction mnamn like I wanna be populargn I swear it's my nature the way I walk and talk I didn't add anything to get boys attention... I tried to be open to them and talked them face to face it didn't work out So Wat yuh guys suggest.....should I care about it or leave it and act lyk idgf",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987949132919312 2018-01-29 08:37:57,"I need to vent. 18+ Sup guys! So my fiancé and I had sex for the first time a couple months ago and it was a struggle (I was a virgin b4 this happened btw). we don’t live in the same state so I don’t see him all the time but the last time he was here we did it like 10 times a day no joke but every time we did it I felt pain. We were trying to break it lol ... he did it slowly cause he didn’t want it to hurt me but it still hurt me when he tried to go even a litttttle deeper smh like idk what to do! He was saying “anchi lej gin u sure jail breakesh ale? Ay memermer alebet next time Semeta hakim bet enhedalen” so I Need a solution before he comes back and takes me to the doc I felt bad cause he was so stressed he would hurt me every time we did it fr man like I wanted to enjoy it but it hurrrrrts. I want it to stop hurting!!! What’s going on with me Bruh what should I do ??? And please don’t suggest foreplay or lube .... He’s the best at foreplay and I was wet asf so that’s def not the case.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9925464987754822 2018-01-29 08:39:33,"I need to vent. Short or Tall girls???? Like seriously is it that bad to be short , it's cute eko",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.821607232093811 2018-01-29 08:40:09,"I need to vent. Yes true im busy Now cus i have a final tomorrow and i had a lot to cover minamin...and the thing is i was in a library earlier and this guy came n sat beside me and i dont know y but he smells like shit and thanks to that im sick now....and my exam results are as good as zero",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9648088812828064 2018-01-29 10:17:35,"I need to vent. Okay so here it goes... This vent's dedicated to all the Pentes out there.... Please for our Sanity's sake please stop taking every chance you get to mention about your god. Pleeeease stop inviting us to your church every god damn Sunday some of us have our religious organisations for God's sake!!!! I'm not criticizing your actions but just please turn it down a hundred notches!! And for fuck's sake please only preach to your own kind",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983906745910645 2018-01-29 10:28:25,"I need to vent. So my boyfriend n i were talking about breaking up but that conversation didnt end. I sent some emotional stuff that i saw no respons to. But i cant seem to get him out of my mind esp these past two days i keep thinking of all the good stuff. And im confused if its over or not but im scared to talk to him. So tell me, should i talk to him n try to solve things or just forget him completely?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9962431192398071 2018-01-29 10:31:04,"I need to vent. Ok I end up liking my own friend I mean we were friends for along long time since childhood....just few months ago I felt like he likes me then I kinda forced myself to like him then I did....I waited for him to confess but he didn't then one day I just asked him if he likes me? Then he was like ""yeah betam as a sister"" I'm not the type of girl that confess But I just did it...then I told him we can't be friends but even after that one day he kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly then again he called another time and said ""I just wanna check if you are fine"" but I'm confused is he just leading me our friendship time I used to be like I'm not serious in r/ship I'm just having fun.....Maybe that's what keeping him away?!...I miss him so much these days what do you think should I start our friendship? even though it hurts or should I wait?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9883196353912354 2018-01-29 13:44:54,"I need to vent. Hey guys hw u all doing....& i've zis close friend who is really sick & gotta spend much time in z house...& she asked me 4 a book...i've looked every where even on z internet..& i couldn' anyone who got it....z title is ""he came to set the captives free"" so if u got it leave ur user name & i'll contact u & if u can u'll send it 2 me(telegram) it's for a friend so please....thank u all.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9799964427947998 2018-01-29 13:46:30,"I need to vent. In one sentence.... molkaka ppl annoy tf out of me. Am not talking about ppl with that sound in thier voice am talking abt those pea size brain owners who thinks the sun should orbit them . Idk if guys find that sexy but I can tell you this that dumb attitude is cute for the first 3 seconds only . Am not talking about ppl who vent here with real problems. There are these ppl who complain about things that are pure blessings and things that doesn't even matter pls pls try to see the world around you and stop this ridiculousness. I know you 26 why you want to act like you 7??.....I never understand.....anyone who can relate or is it just me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9963350296020508 2018-01-29 14:16:39,"I need to vent. So this is not a vent but just sth i feel we can all benefit from. A good friend of mine once told me one of the best ways to get over someone is to work on urself. See mostly we say we miss someone when its not really them we miss, we miss how they made us feel about ourselves. Thats because most of us dont really love ourselves, and thats why we feel like we need the validation to be okay. So work on being the best version of urself so u can see just how great u are and how u deserve sth amazing and not just a half assed effort from someone. The person u love shouldnt complete ur life, they should only be enhancing it. Soooo look in the mirror and that person u see staring back at u is really all thats standing in the way of u having a happy life. Hope this helps someone!",optimism,POSITIVE,0.9870742559432983 2018-01-29 14:22:12,"I need to vent. First time here venting and I tried to browse here and there to see how everything goes and I just wondered is it just me or r ppl such a living dick heads. Some of the people just come here to insult and spit on someone else's thought. Why even be here? Isn't it supposed to be like a helpful thing? I mean y say bad stuff and make fun of some one else's problem? If u don't find it relatable to urs then shut up and move on with ur life. Don't go hating on others. Jesus people grow the fuck up!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999099850654602 2018-01-29 15:05:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys how y'all doin So I know this might not be as important as all of the vents above so I do apologize if by any means I offend someone(people do get aggressive for no reason in this channel). So I have had it pretty rough this couple of years and am at a point where I either need to end my life or go some where and have a fresh start. In which I realized I need to go abroad if need the fresh start b/c my family is one part of the problem. So I guess what am trying to say is I been looking for scholarships online have got a couple but I have no one I can talk it over with, thus if y'all have some ideas you can point out on where I should go or who I should talk to I would appreciate it . Thanks your a life saver .",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9992504715919495 2018-01-29 15:23:55,"I need to vent. Question to the girls, how do girls feel about starting a conversation and giving a number to a guy? What qualities are generally required? And guys who have taken a no from a random girl, how do u do it? Steps",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985132813453674 2018-01-29 16:42:02,"I need to vent. So Unicorn there's this guy I like and he asked me out, I said yes butttt the thing is he's a player and I don't trust him at all but I do like him but I like other guys too not like him doe there's something special about him even though he's a player so I felt like he was gonna cheat on me anyways so hooked up with this guy and my bf found out and now Ik how I've taken him for granted, his absence has made a big impact on me so what do I do know should I fight for him",love,POSITIVE,0.7037070989608765 2018-01-30 07:07:53,"I need to vent. Hey there guys Am 24 an I have neen in r/n ship once long time ago n now whem Im tryin to b in r/nship or somthin ppl always force me to think zat zey don just want serious things n not open to love the first time......coz the way they talk at z first date......z way zat need girls is just havin fun or somthin I fell so angry abt zat n always I don hv a patience to talk to zerm for long time.......n am choosing to quite to tryin is it my problem??? Wat can I do about that??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9934501647949219 2018-01-30 07:38:52,"I need to vent. Am tired of waiting until he gets online and last seen mayet new yasetalagn esune lemawurate beya ko sera fet in a place where I like this guy so much but I can't be with him...gen am 24/7 stalking him",love,NEGATIVE,0.9983640313148499 2018-01-30 07:40:34,"I need to vent. I used to have this bestfriend and she her parents are also rly close to mine (not related) and once she told me a secret and i told my parents and idk how but they told ppl about it and she and her family somehow found out and she got mad and didnt tlk to me for a while then our bestie realationship ended i miss her but i dont feel that bad and i did say sorry but not the proper amount and i have other problems to deal with. Am i being selfish? Cause she already told me to move on? Is she faking it to make me feel better? Do i deserve to feel better?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998214840888977 2018-01-30 07:41:29,"I need to vent. So I'm 22, Male, in campus...This is both a vent and a question- Has anyone ever felt lonely even when surrounded with people? I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I always (almost) am led to think that my opinions never matter. Even my best friends (or so I think) since I was 18 sometimes treat me like I don't exist but come when in need of something...this happens everytime. I don't matter to them or anyone for that matter (until they need something)... What's my problem? Its leading me to be anti-social.... (Keep your mean comments to yourselves)",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9925768971443176 2018-01-30 08:49:43,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I need to vent about my love life.I had this boyfriend who is so attractive and is a player too so instead of having a real thing with him I started playing when hes kissed and madeout with my best friend I felt nothing instead I even asked her to play with him later I heard he slept with evry grl i knew so I stopped seeing him.But last week we met accidentally in a bar and he asked me to fogive him because I liked him a bit I said I would think about it so wt am I supposed to say to him.please help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9962702989578247 2018-01-30 08:51:45,"I need to vent. I am a guy, i am about to have sex for the first time. How can i make a good impression on the girl? Cause i like her. Girls what would impress u? And exprienced guys, what works for u?",love,POSITIVE,0.9709265232086182 2018-01-30 08:53:01,"I need to vent. So I have a crush on my best friend and I really think he likes me too except for that I had an affair with his brother......but he never been like its weird cause of my brother and staff.... so guys do u think I shouldn't do it I mean is it really weird..... its all in the past with his brother.... so my question for guys is if you were him what would you do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961246848106384 2018-01-30 08:54:01,"I need to vent. I have been engaged in homosexual acts since grade one and in grade 10 I was caught kissing a guy my family found out and I was shamed recently I have been feeling so horny haven't had any sex in 4 years but I don't want mainly because I am Christian I don't know what to do",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9961326122283936 2018-01-30 08:55:27,"I need to vent. So I have a girlfriend and everything seems fine, but she'll be joining med school very soon. I'm just concerned about how much time I'll have with her, how busy will she actually be? How much breaks will she have per year? If anyone's out there who's currently in med school, help me. Either through comments or just leave ur user name, cuz I've got other questions too.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9868434071540833 2018-01-30 09:23:54,"I need to vent. Zis past few years has turned to hell.. I get beaten up so hard almost evry month.. By parents fight a lot it making me sick my happiness is fading away.. N am i only z one living this life or is zeir anyone out zeir too.. Pls i need some help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995679259300232 2018-01-30 09:27:46,"I need to vent. So here's my story. I'm 14 and for most of last year I was depressed because one my friends committed suicide and then some others things happened too. This year I met this boy and I had a crush on him and apparently he did too and we started dating and he became my boyfriend. A dream come true right? Wrong. He's the sweetest most amazing person and he has a heart of gold. And I think that I might be falling in love with him. But the thing is that our relationship isn't evolving. It's been 4 months and we've only kissed once ! we just say hi to each other and we don't talk for the rest of the day but then he walks me to the school gate. And I told him that if he doesn't make an effort I was done. And he still hasn't done anything and to be honest he has hurt me a couple of times in the past like at some point he spent more time with this other girl and whenever we were together she would always be there with us and we would never get any time alone and he would give her more attention and it really fucked me up. but it's over now. But he really likes me in fact he told me that he loved me and today I was contemplating breaking up with him but then in class I didn't study the poem that we were given so when the teacher called me, he volunteered to take my place and he didn't know it well either and it was the sweetest thing ever. And then I accidentally told him that I loved him. i just feel like I'm not good enough and that I'm like the worst human being, he's way too good for me and last week was my friend's death anniversary and I'm so fucking depressed and I'm just trying to put on a fake smile. But honestly It's been so hard to do anything lately and I just feel like he deserves so much better than a depressed girl who is afraid to love him because she's already lost too much. But I feel like if I break up with him I'll regret it. And he's going to be betam hurt and it just breaks my heart even thinking about hurting him. I'm confused. What do I do?!?!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9867441654205322 2018-01-30 11:16:16,"I need to vent. Hyy guys.... So am a guy and am single ...and am tired of dating coz most of the girl are the same. ..and sometimes i think i wasnot suppose to be born at this generation coz all peoples r being unloyal&liers...the new real is fake...becha if u reading this try to be the kinda girl u want ur son to date&if u a dude demo try to be kinda guy u want ur daughter to date...tnxz stay humble",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972789883613586 2018-01-30 11:16:27,"I need to vent. Hello friends, I like this girl very much since the first time I saw her. After sometime we became friends, now we are kind of close I got scared to tell how I feel.Please give me advice how to deal this. Thank you",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9989616870880127 2018-01-30 12:57:16,"I need to vent. Semonun am not tekekel... i don't know wat i feel n i don't know wat 2 feel am just confused... ehhh recently r/n west gebahu my very 1st r/n malet new gn am not feeling z connection.. is everyone like zis or is zis me only? When i ask my bestie she said yale new mejeria lay endi new ena mn endisemash felegesh menamn gn endi kehone why bother having a bf.. i don't know if its z effect of 2 much movie n fic gn am not feeling anything at all beza lay exam mibalew gud ale endegena demo ye collage lefe erasu its freakin so hard ufff mn mareg endalebegn erasu alakem...any meker esti kalachu",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987081289291382 2018-01-30 13:36:30,"I need to vent. What's confusion by its own?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992928504943848 2018-01-30 13:36:45,"I need to vent. i feel like this bot is abnormal. it feels like u all are making up stories. Are all of ur life's this fake? or are u just dramaqueens?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994738698005676 2018-01-30 16:10:39,"I need to vent. This is a question 4 all girls Really? Do you care about your boy friend dick size ? Does it matters? ( especially when it is small)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.996229350566864 2018-01-30 16:26:57,"I need to vent. I want to try my best. I want to fight for you i wanna fight you for you but i cant. I wish i could. I have gone that road before and i came out broken. I cant afford to lose me looking for you. I know you hate how much i apologize gin i have to say sorry cause i might have bothered you. Im sorry sugar plum. But pleaseee say something. I am literally giving up on you and yea lol i have zero patience",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9983166456222534 2018-01-30 19:03:29,"I need to vent. So there was this guy I talked to for about almost a year in the past we never really labeled our relationship and to this day I don't really know what it was but I liked it that way. He used to text me all the time all day all night. The thing that bugged me was he was posting random girl photos while he was talking to me at first I thought it was a sister but then I thought how many sisters a guy can have and I chose to let that slide. Things went on and he told me he liked me. But it was too soon for me. And he went with it and we talked for a lot after that. And some time later he started being all cold and stuff so I asked why he talks when he feels like it and shuts me out when he feels like it. Then we got into an argument and we stopped talking. That's when I realized I had actual feelings for him. 3 months later I decided to reconnect and talk again but it was the same with him he never even made an effort so I gave up. Now I'm at a phase where I'm cyber stalking him checking his profile pictures all the time. I try deleting his number and move on. Too bad I already memorized it. I can't seem to move on. I still think about telling him how I feel (he doesn't know) but it's been long since we talked and I think it'll be awkward to try to start up a conversation of the blue (since I tried once again and it never really worked). What should I do??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983494281768799 2018-01-30 19:35:54,"I need to vent. I've been a part of this vent group for a while now and not only speaking from experience but also hearing some of the stories shared I've seen a common underlying factor which I had to share. Niggas ain't shit, let me repeat that for you people out there, those hopeless romantics thinking they can change a guy or that guy they are always thinking about, thinking he will change or that he forgot to call you cause he was busy or whatever excuse your romantic comedy fried brains have thought of. He didn't, until you accept that baby girl the cycle will continue. I am not some pessimist, im a realist. Some of you might think this is an unfair generalisation and you might be right so let me amend my previous statement and say most niggas aint shit. So once you accept that your lives will be a hella lot easier and less worrisome. I know u didn't ask for this advice too bad its out there just think about it Sincerly OG Oprah",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9909951090812683 2018-01-30 19:41:54,"I need to vent. ""What is it about society that disappoints you so much?"" , ""Oh I don't know, is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children? Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit; the world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our burning commentary of bullshit masquerading as insight, our social media faking as intimacy. Or is it that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new. We all know why we do this, not because Hunger Games books makes us happy but because we wanna be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards. Fuck Society.""",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979329109191895 2018-01-30 20:41:19,"I need to vent. OG Oprah again There seriously needs to be an option on here for an interactive comment section. I couldn't let some of the comments some of u guys left behind go unanswered to. First off for the dude trying to throw shade and saying u ain't no angle the fact that u would get defensive shows that you are the niggas I was referring to. I was not saying I was an angel but i have made mistakes like anyone but at least I'm honest about them. These niggas i refer to would rather die than admit when they have fucked up, to much pride and ego, and I don't think girls are expecting too much when all they ask at least the average girl,is someone who is faithful n treats her nice nigga u need to check urself. And to the dude talking about community pussy bruh who u been hanging around,probably u be doing the same shit but just cause she beat you at your own game your out here throwing shade, grow up. And to the third dude who thinks we always play the victim that does tend to be the case but you know deep down in ure heart that we are right. The amount of times you think or do shady shit in a day is simply incredible, I have like 99% guy friends so I'm pretty insinc with y'all behaviour. Girls can be shady too no doubt but trust that shadiness started when some homeboy with sweet personality and slick words did her dirty. At least generally that's what happens. Bisual cause y'all be watching these insanely fake girls that are the furthest thing from real n try n get that n when the girl doesn't give u that u move on some like a true dude telling her straight up but most of y'all do those dumb immature games. But its a cycle Ure right the only right thing u said. And finally u with the really dummmmb OG translation I literally pity u cause clearly u are a little lonely child who has only a sock to keep him company at night.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9724081158638 2018-01-30 21:14:50,"I need to vent. I fake myself and i fake a smile and i fake me and im sick of allll that crap cause i honestly want to die or to be left alone in silence, thats much peaceful....yes u guys may say ""die"" no blabla but im not one of the ppl which have to live, honest. Im drawning in my anxiety, nausea and depresssion. I am close to comitting suicide. Yes i have scars but my scars are not suicidal. I cut myself not enough for sucicide but enough to feel the pain. I seriously wanna die, but im in love with someone which doesnt love me in ""that way"" and i hate that im not ebough for him, infact im not enough for anyone. If u have anything to say or advice or plsssss i need it",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9922755360603333 2018-01-30 22:26:14,"I need to vent. I hate how i feel like the lonliest person on earth even when im at a party or with friends. Its scares me how much my solitude matters to me. I have pushed everyone away that i am at a point that I'd rather cut myself than talk. I hate how i cry and cry. I hate how i have felt this way since i was sixteen. I hate how none of my family members assume im the happiest person on earth when everyday is an actual struggle. Panic attacks are getting stronger. My heartbeat feels odd. I feel odd. I feel like im doing this to myself on purpose because its the only true feeling i know. O don't know love. I don't know what it feels to be loved. My insecurities are getting bigger and bigger. I need this to stop. Even if means to stop breathing. I need something. I need God to let me know it'll get better. I pray hard cause thats my only option. Help me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9965824484825134 2018-01-30 22:47:55,"I need to vent. Am gone ask one question to the members of this group if you don't mind since you all r anonymous? I always wonder how much age differences we have...cuz some of u sound so mature and older and others freshmen in high school(i dont mean ur not mature tho). Am 22...consider it as a survey and drop ur age in z comments pls? Kindly asking",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981192946434021 2018-01-30 23:18:29,"I need to vent. I wake up every morning feeling like absolute shit! I used to be so bright, beautiful, bold and smart. Now im a nobody. A nobody which doesnt do anything at the day time. A nobody which doesnt sleep at night feeling guilty that i didnt do shit today, again, as always. I dont like the things i used to be interested in. I feel so sorry for my family, mostly parents. Im sry that they gave birth to an actually shit....i seem so tough, strong and brave at the outside but inside my thoughts are detroying me. My dreams all seem so stupid and when i see myself in the next 10 years, a nobody doing nothing at all. Yes depression, anxiety, nausea...the things our selfish society doesnt like to tlk about and almost 75% of the ppl dont even know its a problem. Its a disease. You may ""pfffff"" to what i say but trust me it hurts. Ass hell. Hw tf r other ppl so happy? Ere seems luke it comes to them so naturally...why cant that be me?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9853814840316772 2018-01-30 23:21:31,"I need to vent. This days I'm not feeling well am really confused. people will stab you at the back and they ask why r u bleeding am so sick and tired of this shit especially ur friends. I'm really having bad time trusting people. I don't have real Friends I wish I could have one who knows what I need and be there when I need them the most.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992347955703735 2018-01-30 23:38:42,"I need to vent. I just wanna ask everyone....if life was given a grade(A upto F scale) wat would ur life get?....i would get a D+. So many assignments i didn't submit...think abt it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990003705024719 2018-01-31 08:10:43,"I need to vent. Guys I seriously needed to talk to someone about this only reason I'm here is cuz I'm out of options. Here's the thing I had a cousin right but she was more of a sister as we grew up in the same house for over 18 yrs but around 3 weeks ago we were both a bit tipsy and u know one thing led to another and I prefer not to go into details and now we don't know what to do and we are afraid she might be prevent them and the baby might end up disabled as it's not a proper contact guys pls I really need help I'm out of ideas and I can't keep my shit together for much longer",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999471127986908 2018-01-31 08:11:26,"I need to vent. So don't u think everyone this days is the same. Like we are all completely identical(Not physiologically speaking but behavioural ?). We all be like money, money, money...... We r all the same nothing different‍. Strip the exterior and we r this emojis . Deep deep deep down is there anyone different I wounder!!!! Raise your hand and give me a lesson pls, if u claim differently. Because I really want to change my way of thinking pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996461808681488 2018-01-31 08:57:52,"I need to vent. I don't hv a boyfriend but I hv been seeing someone and he asked me out then we made out and the next day he was acting like he doesn't even know me and we kinda blocked each other after some months I went out with my best friend's boyfriend and I thought he just wanted to meet me but something happened we kinda made out and one z second day he acted like he doesn't know me too its like every boy just wants me for one night stand I feel terrible and then I finally met this guy and idk if he likes me or not but I rly feel happy when I talk to him I rly love him but he seems like he doesn't want me after a while I found out he doesn't like me and everyone I love is turning bad to me so now I hv decided to be a player but am not sure yet so wt do u think ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971505999565125 2018-01-31 09:47:35,"I need to vent. Hey everyone.. so here's ma first vent... so am a 20 year old guy... student at a college... and ma story is I've got a girlfriend whom I love so much.. ane she loves me too... we've both met each other's families... her parents specially her mom loves me so much. She's a loveable woman... yhen kalku ybekal... d problem is... agatamiwoch getemuna... I got ma girl pregnant.. now it's 3 months..and we can't try abortion coz we both want d baby ... I've already told it to ma family... aferetkut negrun.. and surprisingly they became okay with that... gn yesua familiwoch yhen ngr kesemu... like they're absolutely gonna kill her...and also me.. specially me... but eyasasebegn yalew yene aydelem... u know in our society set lj satageba staregz betesebochua ga mn endemifeter... beteley dis days seeing her over worried is killin me... chrash ke anegagerua mnamn hula wede sucide hasab eyehedech nw... like dad yhen awko ygelegnal.. gedelegn malet demo wenjelegna teblo ytaseral yhe endihon slemalfelg gdyaw ly ene etebaberewalew... mnamn thing... beka labd nw.... koy mndnew mareg mchlew... le 1 ken tfat yhe hulu meswatnet??... sekeken beyekenu hodua yasbanenal ayasbanenm... koy mn lhun?? Mndnew mareg mchlew... I could really go out of country and never be seen again... bt I fuckin love her... I could never do that to her... gra ygebal... mn larg koy",love,NEGATIVE,0.9857973456382751 2018-01-31 12:00:14,"I need to vent. So i just got out of the worst r/ship which really hurt me n now after I kinda got over dat i came to learn dat a friend of mine has feelings for me n he started acting all lovey dovey n shit confessing his feelings n all but he does this over text when we meet in person we're d normal friends we were n this is really confusing me cause i kinda might be liking him too n lately he has been doing things he usually doesn't he's kinda shy n doesn't like saying hi to people especially girls but he started hugging them now n i know this is not smth i just noticed cause i like him now cause I've known d dude for years n i just don't know wat to think n he's not online much so we don't text that well he's sending mixed sign so help me out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980722665786743 2018-01-31 12:00:18,"I need to vent. Mmmm uk what I'm still love ma ex n I'm pretty sure he loves me too but the problem is that the reason why we break is still the problem...he was too careless n that hurts alot ...I was trying to talk to him last week n his answer was ""I'm afraid to hurt u again by don't give u what u deserve to get ""im confused here what do u think guys if he really loves me can't he change his behavior???",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9989965558052063 2018-01-31 12:00:20,"I need to vent. How do girls feel about a casual reletionship? Its not that i have a wired thing about love or reletionships. Its just i am trying to achive my dream and i rarely have the time to do normal reletionship stuff",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.993874728679657 2018-01-31 12:00:29,"I need to vent. Hi every one how u all doin? Here is what am about to vent I am about to runway from my family and to go somewhere nobody knows me cause I fail where ever am going and with everything am doin so I loos all my hopes on myself and am dead in side am just a guy with flesh only",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986363053321838 2018-01-31 12:00:37,"I need to vent. Okay so I am 18 and I am having financial problems....i cant really ask my parents for money but i need some money for some issues and i was wondering if a 12 grader who doesnt hv her matric results yet can get a part time job somewhere? If anyone has information about this please comment",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989963173866272 2018-01-31 12:00:44,"I need to vent. Hey u guys, how do u define a bad kisser?? (If she is a girl specially)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987925291061401 2018-01-31 12:01:39,"I need to vent. I am a mess, I thought I was the lost loyal person that anyone can find ....I had life principles*(honesty,loyalty)those were my qualities...So I lost what I thought I was...I become a cheater ...I did not cheat on my boyfriend ...I cheated with my best friend and I know he has gf. ...I swear to God I never thought I would do something like that ....I was drunk ...I was drunk asf. ...I don't even remember the whole thing.right now I am hating my self its been days since I have seen mirror I swear...I am not going out of home...i just sleep using pills .... am just hating my self really really really ....there are days where i want to kill my self ...So please endatsadbu tell me genuinely what I can do to make-up my wrong doing ena how I can be become the same person before",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9935603141784668 2018-01-31 12:01:54,"I need to vent. The thing is one of my friend whom i have crush on starts ignoring me .. we used to chat almost everyday ena txt sadergilet aytot zim malet jemere. what is his problem?? He told me nothing.. what do you guys think need your help",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994949102401733 2018-01-31 12:21:51,"I need to vent. So i am in my early twenties and married and also have a child. this is not a vent but more like an advice+vent . I see alot of people getting depressed and hurt especially in a relation or after a relationship. I want to say live life cuz youth does not come again. That person that hurt you will move on and you should. in college i was in love with my first bf and he was my everything, we broke up and i was okay at first but later i regretted it but he moved on and was dating other girls in campus and i was very very depressed, i was alone and thought i wont make it so when i started to cool off he came around and we hooked u and got a baby so we settled down, we are okay and we have our days but i regert so much settling down cuz being a parent and spouse is not easy , its alot of responisbility so what i want to say to my fellow young people dont stick to one break up, live life. i love my son but i feel imprisoned so dont be fast in your choices and use protection... dude i hear STDs on the rise :)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.982244074344635 2018-01-31 13:10:49,"I need to vent. I am the most careless person. I forget people's birthdays and special events. Even my own birthday I remembered when my mom texted me happy birthday. And I am always losing my keys and other important things like I have lost my University ID and my ATM at least 3 times each so I just want to know how can I be more organised because it is really making my life hard.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996108412742615 2018-01-31 13:11:06,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Y does it have to be this way ???if this is love i want none of it ....but i cant do any thing about it. I have loved u ever since and u have loved her .Her,My sis",love,NEGATIVE,0.9951217770576477 2018-01-31 13:30:13,"I need to vent. I feel like am losing my mind everything happening in my life is messed up and I don't know how to stop it..... The only way I think abt is suicide and I have this feeling that if I die no one will notice anything I feel like no one what should I do??? Am lost",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996411800384521 2018-01-31 18:52:40,"I need to vent. Hy guys u know am a kind of shy person when it comes to girls and it really getting in the way of me growing as a person and enjoying life any ideas in how to be more confident in charming girls and what not",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9766512513160706 2018-01-31 19:08:53,"I need to vent. Men!why is it that you feel like your sexual needs always come first???!!!!I know women out there can be really selfish at times too but their numbers are a jock next to the countless men who feel like their penis deserves the world! I sound angry I know ,that's because I am.I am tired of married guys,engaged guys ,guys with girlfriends, .......always caring more about what it feels like to be inside another woman while their loyal halves wait for them to come.I don't know what to make of this ,I have come to know so many men like this that I really don't see the point in having any emotional connection with any man.Men who don't tell you they are married until you find out somehow,guys who you know make such public and big gestures of love to their women and the next day they are next to you trying to tell you for how long they had a crush on you, guys who think having a lot of girls falling for them is cool.......this list could go on forever ,so I'll just stop.Why can't you just be courageous and tell your woman that you are not happy and work on your relationship or just move on to another one that works.Its always the same excuse ""she doesn't understand me"",""she doesn't please me in bed "",""I love her but I need to make myself happy"",seriously what the hell does that even mean !The whole point of love is that you care about the happiness of another person.Its not the fact that you want to have something more that bothers me ,its that you deceive ,lie,cheat, hurt and manipulate the person who has chosen to trust you with their hearts.How is that ok?how is it that you don't mind destroying trust and love?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9956710338592529 2018-01-31 20:18:26,"I need to vent. These days I couldn't understand people. I would understand if someone said they hated their mom or their brother, friend, wife as they may have good reasons for it but I really can't understand when someone hates an anonymous person who said or did something on the internet. I mean how can you hate someone you don't know? How can someone waste seconds or minutes writing some insulting comments? I am more confused when someone claiming to love God insults someone who vented about their supposed sins. Isn't everyone a sinner? Doesn't God love sinners? Wouldn't not loving one another be the bigger sin? Love is not an emotion. Infatuation is the emotion. Love is intentional. The love one has for their spouse and for their friend is by no means different if it indeed is love. We can love everyone in the world if we wanted to. So why don't we? Put whatever comments you have in mind here.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998405396938324 2018-01-31 21:56:52,"I need to vent. It is the feeling of tiredness that creeps on you even if you haven't done anything all day long. It is the crying spells that overtakes you when you are finally left all alone after a long day of pretending to be okay.It is the waking up every 2am with your thoughts all jumbled up and morose. It is the desire to sleep all the time, to stubbornly stay in bed and continually lost in dreams that never makes sense.It is wanting to be somewhere that isn't really there.It is the staring contest with the ceiling, when you found a temporary peace in finding no thoughts, no chaor, no feelings, just a deep hollowed numbness at the center of your being.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9935692548751831 2018-01-31 21:57:38,"I need to vent. These days I couldn't understand people. I would understand if someone said they hated their mom or their brother, friend, wife as they may have good reasons for it but I really can't understand when someone hates an anonymous person who said or did something on the internet. I mean how can you hate someone you don't know? How can someone waste seconds or minutes writing some insulting comments? I am more confused when someone claiming to love God insults someone who vented about their supposed sins. Isn't everyone a sinner? Doesn't God love sinners? Wouldn't not loving one another be the bigger sin? Love is not an emotion. Infatuation is the emotion. Love is intentional. The love one has for their spouse and for their friend is by no means different if it indeed is love. We can love everyone in the world if we wanted to. So why don't we? Put whatever comments you have in mind here.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998405396938324 2018-01-31 21:59:04,"I need to vent. How do u not care what ppl think?....I really want to stop....n ignore but I don't seem to be able to......I really do need help.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994984865188599 2018-01-31 22:49:27,"I need to vent. Does having sex for the first time hurt? One of my friend recently had sex and she loved it but I don't think that's how it goes with everyone so I need your help y'all and also is there gonna be blood everywhere?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9938666224479675 2018-01-31 23:31:52,"I need to vent. Hyy I dnt knw if am the bad person in this story but am in love with my friends boyfriend. Well its her fault she doesn't love him at least thats what it seems like I dnt knw wat to do. The most fucked up think is that I think he likes me back . What should I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986534118652344 2018-02-01 07:52:17,"I need to vent. I'm a senior in high school and it's been my life long dream to join tikur anbessa (medicine) ... I had it all figured out, and I was working my ass of for it. But lately I've been hearing rumors that Addis Ababa university, or any colleges affiliated to the university won't be accepting any students next year, no more intakes whatsoever.. I really want to know if it's true or if it's just bullshit, please tell me if anyone knows for sure , or if it's just a random rumor....",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983865022659302 2018-02-01 08:10:49,"I need to vent. Aloha y'all... Here's a question. Is it weird that my boyfriend went down on me so good but didn't really get me there? I'm a virgin and I didn't want sex but... Is it weird that I wasn't really satisfied?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998826801776886 2018-02-01 08:11:24,"I need to vent. Call me dicusting, nasty, hormonam..idc.... im saying this bc. I have no other option...i am smelly, not the arm pit. But my down stairs. Yes i shave everyweek. Yes i wash my down stairs but it still smells. I am losing confidence. I havent told anyone. But im sure some ppl noticed. And this white fluid also appears idk wyf it is. It makes it even smellier. I cant beleive im 16 and i cant deal with this shit anymore. I need help pls",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985117316246033 2018-02-01 08:12:35,"I need to vent. do we have to risk everything we have to follow our passion and do the thing we love ? or do we do the things we are expected to do (from our family and society). i already have a stand on this but i always felt am weird so can i have some ideas and opinions of u guys ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9965746402740479 2018-02-01 08:13:08,"I need to vent. I have fallen into darkness and I can feel it grow darker every time I can feel how the Lord has given up on me as I out grown him to the demons I felt it as the darkness became the only thing I enjoyed I felt as my heart got so used to the pain it feels like it frozes I felt as everyone fall asleep leaving me with my dark thoughts I feel like I am not in peace it's been months since I lost my self I will be in tears when I don't even know why I feel so weak hurt and pain I wish the lord would forgive me I have lost contact with him and I turned to him on my worst days I hope he forgives me and lead me to the light I had when I prayed every night to thank for making it through another day I was un grateful busy complaining how everything was wrong for me as I lost the lord I hope he takes me back",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972792267799377 2018-02-01 08:48:52,"I need to vent. This might sound weird for some. Whenever some girl teen girl is loosing/talking about having her first time sex, I get kinda deeply sad and feel guilty for the person doing them. And then I feel dumb and blame my self for being judgemental.Honestly, I shagged a lot of girls in the past (in highschool and college) but I whenever I came across a virgin I use to genuinely ask my self if I would be a long term partner; the answer was mostly no for most of them. So I stop whatever we're doing in bed and only start make out. I did that for years on many young girls. I had a belief "" if she's a virgin let a man who genuinely loves her enjoy her"" But just recently, I fall in love and we dated for almost two years. She wasn't a virgin cuz she did it with her highschool bf and then fuck a lot afterwards. And I felt truly bothered sometimes (for 2 years) because I do love her and I don't want to take her past against her. But, there is this emasculating feeling whenever I think about her first time and wonder how good it would have been if I was her first. All my life, I use to pass on virgin girls because I don't want their boyfriend to feel the way I am feeling now. And now what? This is what I get in return? Fuck this derom akiton adelem eko... Going to destroy all those hymens from now on.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972437620162964 2018-02-01 08:50:11,"I need to vent. How do you break up with someone that you no longer like?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.99808669090271 2018-02-01 10:01:24,"I need to vent. Why do you think we as a society associate getting darker with being sick or we automatically assume someone's cute because they are 'key' (light skinned) and use terms like 'baria' to call friends who are darker which as I see it used among friends but still means slave... why do we associate being 'key' to being beautiful. I think there's colorism in Ethiopia that we don't talk about. I feel like it's an interesting topic to look into... I was sitting enjoying the morning sun last time when someone said to me 'don't do that you'll get darker' like that's a negative thing and I just thought that's fucked up ... Vitamin D is essential y'all don't spend your life trying to avoid the sun ( I do understand if it's the afternoon one that feels like it can pierce through your skull though)",joy,POSITIVE,0.8889545202255249 2018-02-01 10:36:10,"I need to vent. Well im into this girl she has a boyfriend theyve been together for what like 6 years or so but the thing is we left the country nd am with her we started out as friends one thing led to another nd now i have feelings for her am not so sure abt her all i can say is shes confused which makes me confused ( is she with me coz am ther is she with me coz she likes me is she with me coz why?) nd she also says we shld stop but wer not stopping and i dnt knw what to do i really like her nd feel like i have a shot but is it fair for her is it fair for him i have no clue whats next...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997713565826416 2018-02-01 14:04:49,"I need to vent. Its not rly a vent but my crush just told me that he would kiss the fuck out of me if he has the chance and idk how to kiss. Im a female btw. Hw the do we do it?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9964770674705505 2018-02-01 14:05:21,"I need to vent. This is not rly a vent, but its a message to all shy boys. My bestfriend has feelings for this shy dude ena hule literally hule shes the one which goes and tlks, shes the one making the move. Ere lash betam eko new midebrew. The worst part is they chat alot on insta and in person there like ghosts i mean like wtf. And the dudr knows she has frelings for him. Bicha for all ya shy dudes which girls are making the move. Female evolution is losing there pride for u niggas. Pls start thinking about there feelings to. One day the femaled will stop coming and u dickhead shy niggas will regret it!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987571239471436 2018-02-01 14:06:27,"I need to vent. Lol hello. This is just too funny. I mean it's sad but i choose to be happy. Lol. But my papa just said the reason for hitting me when i was a kid, Was because my mother makes him hit me. She tells him this fake n bizzare story about how i did something wrong. Which I don't. Im a pretty polished kid. Decent af. Brilliant n pretty. But my stupid younger brother used to annoy me n fight me. So she just creates drama... n tells him i caused shit. N if he didn't obey her n hit me n insult me, my mother wouldn't sleep with him. Or talk friendly n in peace with him.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9457762837409973 2018-02-01 14:52:21,"I need to vent. Okay, idk why im making this vent but im really surrounded with suicidal amd depressed people and i kinda am moody too, i don't know how to help my friends and myself too, all i wanna do is harm myself and all....i kinda blame myself for everything bad that happenes around me..and i just need some advice, so y'all leave your thoughts for me, thanks.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9974589943885803 2018-02-01 14:52:45,"I need to vent. Does being a human being with literally no clue of what the heck is going on around u freak you out? Is there anyone who knws their purpose in life?or r we all living a great fat lie?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994088411331177 2018-02-01 18:00:45,"I need to vent. Does anyone believe love at the first sight shit? Men I am always the one who don't believe falling for a guy. I mean I know all this shit is temporary so why give your heart when u know they might break it. But now I fall for this guy I just met once. The way he talk, the way he smiles.. Christ just everything about him. Besmab I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get him off my mind. He just talk to me like his sister n now am here thinking all day all night about him. Just please tell me what to do. And keep it positive",confusion,POSITIVE,0.947448194026947 2018-02-01 19:44:55,"I need to vent. Remember Me? I asked ur age last time. And someone asked if i can vent the result so here it is. Of all the commenters 46 are between the age 20-25. 25 of them are teenagers. I've also seen one 11 year old and 85 yr old azawent( I don't think it's real tho). Thank u all.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9967917799949646 2018-02-01 19:45:43,"I need to vent. This vent is dedicated to all the suicidal people out there. I can go on saying ""life is precious......."" but I guess you all have already heard of all the possible combination of words with that headline. So this is what I say: before you decide to do the irreversible and end your lives, think of all the good movies that would be released, all the good songs that would come out, all the funny memes you would see if you lived just a little more. Keep it one day at a time. Keep surviving.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9642756581306458 2018-02-01 19:46:30,"I need to vent. I am getting sick of my friends reading vents here and coming up to me to ask me if I was the one. This is my first time but according to them, im on my 10th round.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998424768447876 2018-02-01 19:47:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is my first vent mmm do u ever feel down? And can't do anything about it koy what is called when everything in ur life is falling apart coming together at the same time? Seriously am dieing here hw come everything??? Low grades loosing r/ships friendships falling exams ughhhh am hating ma life Idk wat to do really need ur help guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990574717521667 2018-02-01 21:52:28,"I need to vent. Sooooo.... My life is pretty complicated, i dumped my boyfriend after a year because of my insecurities. I felt like he deserves better,i know he was the best thing that ever happened to me but i was too dumb i broke his heart. Ever since i became single my life got shit faced fucked. I started drinking, smoking and stuff. And every time am drunk i keep calling him and confessing my feelings. Then I decided to clean up my act and focus on something else,so i told my best friend about it and he agreed to keep me day as i was walking with my best friend i saw my ex, so i freaked out got in to tears n told my best friend that i needed a drink...... He said just one but one led to another and we got drunk then hooked up...... Now things are kinda weird but i have started to develop feelings for him.... Like seeing him with someone else bothers me and at the same time am not over my ex...... Am not sure what to feel or which feeling is right loosing them both is the last thing that i want and i don't know what to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9966515898704529 2018-02-01 21:52:43,"I need to vent. When i do smtn good for some one. I dont expect them to do neither good nor bad things to me. But they keep on breaking me. Im that person which loves too much, trusts too much, gets hurts too much, missess too much. Im not saying im an innocent person amd all. Gn...idk y where called humans when we aint got humanity in our blood. (Not everyone though)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9956896901130676 2018-02-01 23:39:49,"I need to vent. I need to vent today I was the worst day of my life i found out my father has have 2 children from another women.he have been married with mom for 45 years.and my mom is my life I am not sure what to do .what disappointed me more is they are younger than me.and do u wanna know how I found out we go to the same university and I am so mad right now if I tell mom it will destroy her and if I don't I can't see her face she will I know I am hiding something I don't want to lie to her.and what scares me the most is if she know. I knew and I didn't told her she will be disappointed and she will not be the same.I am scared that I will lose her forever I don't know what to do what would you do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977265000343323 2018-02-02 08:25:43,"I need to vent. Uff ok i need to vent i dont know how to say this but i recently found out a huge dark secret that my family has been hiding i can't bliv it still am in complete shock nd i dont know how to act like its not bothering me so here goes what will u do if u found out that the person u love the most from ur relatives is hiding stg nd has actually hurt someone in the proces i love her so much i just got numb when i found out so tell me guys how do i keep my calm nd face her when i meet her nd act the way i used to with this heavy burden dont be rude pls",love,NEGATIVE,0.9916717410087585 2018-02-02 08:29:07,"I need to vent. Well it's me .I'm a guy and not to brag but most ppl find me attractive but I'm single.I ask my self ,what did i do wrong.I have a weird relationship path.I then tell myself looks doesn't just do it.U must be blessed .I have been in couple of one night stands lately but I want smone I could love and she lovin me back.where are u dream girl,?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8084357976913452 2018-02-02 09:44:51,"I need to vent. So ive been really depressed this past week ive tried to be really really clean to make it better but it doesnt seem to be working,finals are coming up so i dont have much time to go out,any suggestions?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992325305938721 2018-02-02 09:46:12,"I need to vent. So the thing is i have bladder infection since i was 4. And I'm really ashamed of my body beka i don't feel comfortable changing clothes when people are around because Im afraid there might be stains on my panties and the people will notice it. I have been going to the doctor for years gin minim change yelem they say its gonna go away as i get older gin ahunim ale and its been 12 years endezi malet kejemeru. And ande a lot of discharge yiwetal my period eskimeslegn dires and ande demo minim neger ayinorim ena min edemishalegn alakim helppppp and please ensatisadebu",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9963110089302063 2018-02-02 18:10:24,"I need to vent. So, I am a 21 year old girl who is going on my first date. I'd really like some advice. I've NEVER been on one, or been kissed, or even held a guy's hand before.....worried about how to act on the date, what the heck do I wear? What do I say? What do I do when the date ends? Helppppppl!!!!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.980659544467926 2018-02-02 18:10:59,"I need to vent. I really like! this girl and we talked, chill n stuff she also go out with my friend who is in my basket ball team but one day i saw them kissing and it really broke me since that day me n her were never good as our previous relation but she told me she liked me more than him and she is being with him only because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. she also told me that she likes hanging out with me n am her type of guy while on the other hand my friend AKA. her current bf is so strict doeant even listen to music but she does love music Me and him has gotten in a fight because of her and hardly spoken to each other since then so what shall i do should i go for her or should i just let them be and let of her, because he is my friend My girl or my friend?",love,POSITIVE,0.7368035316467285 2018-02-02 18:21:59,"I need to vent. Hey everyone its ma first time venting here n here is the case hv been couples with zis guy for like 5 months n we used to be best friends before zat keza we were like the perfect couples mnamn he was the most romantic person in the world(for me tho)gn after some times we started arguing mnamn i know he loves me but he is jealous af n i really love him n i just tried to tell him um only his girl but he couldn't stop n one day he told me zat i should give up on him n stop trying n leave ma life in stead of trying to work it on after zat i couldn't find fine n he blocks me in every shit n um really missing him i know i hv done ntn n only his jealousy is the cause,b.c of zat he feels like i hv changed mnman ena leza meselegn why he breaks up wiz me stm i feel like um over him n zen on the next day um back to his shits i really love him but i feel like i hv to move on pls help me guys hw can i forget him pls keep ur shitty comments to u n try to help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961934089660645 2018-02-02 18:27:24,"I need to vent. See what I don't get is why you set yourself up for disappointments when it's obvious am lying! Of course I won't tell you am with her. Why didn't you walk away the first time I did it, why did you stay? Why don't you just walk away? Why do you keep coming back after all that I have done to you, you know it's not like amma stop. You know am bad for you. Yet still you want to save me when I don't need saving. The only person who needs saving is you! from me, you weren't like this when we met, I see your soul slowly fading day by day demo I told you from the first time we met. It's like your addicted to these violent delights. Violent delights have violent ends. It's not like amma get tired of hurting you if you enjoy getting hurt setting yourself up for more misery and pain, your light is running out,boo. It truly saddens me that you don't see it when it's right under your nose, expectations are killing you love. And I thought you were smart when your clearly not. The first step of solving a problem is knowing that there is one, am that cancer you know exist and let thrive in your life boo, cut me out. Maybe I will feel something then, relief. -Prince Not So Charming",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9685910940170288 2018-02-02 18:27:56,"I need to vent. Yall respect ur mothers n parents in general, be grateful that u have em n don't take em for granted bc there r ppl who grow up looking for that love the parents give. For all u know, they could go out of the house rn n never come back so swallow ur pride n tell em u love em every fucking day. They have all the right to scold u n get mad at u n everything bc dey been putting up wid yo ass since u were born so suck it up. The least u could do is save them the trouble. Thyr the only ppl who give two flying fucks abt u since the day u were born til the day they die",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9917437434196472 2018-02-02 18:30:00,"I need to vent. hi guys i just saw this vent now im liking the idea of speaking my mind with out fearing judjment so here it goes i meet this guy in uni 3 yrs ago i liked him instantly but i kind of brushed off the filling coz i thought he was too good for me and later on a year later when i forgot abt him i heard he told people he realy liked me i also haerd him say it, and my old feelings came back to life and i did what every one would normaly do i approached him but he completly ignored me i dont know wht to do i really love him now i think abt him day and night please hellppp , any advice",love,NEGATIVE,0.99677973985672 2018-02-02 18:31:55,"I need to vent. Hey... I mean I never talk this stuff to anyone before is that jst me or every one is a person who have bn before 4 years ago menamen malet i never changed i saw a lot of ppl friends changing Being a good person or bad one or they get smart or .... Actually I dnt wan that negative stuffs bt ..Uk they got motivated w different stuff bt am jst sitting here in da position that I used to b ena i get confused smtyms I mena I saw a lot of motivation speech n got amazed how that works I'm I the only one that can't change or motivated ?? Hope u guys get wat I mean",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9928661584854126 2018-02-02 19:37:59,"I need to vent. I am 21 years old and half way through my college education. I hear people talk about there passion in life and those people have this innate quality so they mostly succeed. I desperately want that. Is it too late? Can it be found through time? Should i keep looking? Any advise?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9952479004859924 2018-02-02 19:39:35,"I need to vent. Hey guys ........its not actually a vent more of a question ......i'm about to try weed for the first time so i just wanna know what will happen in the first time ???? I rly wanna know so if u guys ever tried smoking weed .....what did u guys feel or do ????",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992958307266235 2018-02-02 20:13:05,"I need to vent. hello. I really want to get a nose piercing. I am getting a lot of dont do it from people. do U guys think nose peircings are nice? and any suggestions where I could get them?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9969946146011353 2018-02-02 20:15:53,"I need to vent. So here it goes I'm in high school and I never been in a real relationship malt I had bf but that wasn't serious. So i was chatting with this guy then he asked me out .i want to but I'm afraid that he will not get me as he expected malt I'm this fat girl and not pretty as I look In my pictures Ena what If he hates me after u kno our date or whatever it will be I'm not that ugly Eko gin. I just don't know what to do,guys pls help me out should I go out wz him or tell him no again?? Pls guys help me out",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9994414448738098 2018-02-02 20:19:46,"I need to vent. Hello guys , I rly need a vent . lyk seriously . help me . am v and I was wondering to have a sex but then I am afraid that I will get pregnant . am asking especially girls ..pls tell me what to do after having sex what will I do nat to get pregnant . n am surprised zat most of girls aren't pregnant after they had sex n I was wondering how ..girls tell me ur secret eski . and did u girls get z medicine be 24 seat weste yemiwatewen ? Is zat z solution or any other",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9849135279655457 2018-02-02 21:18:29,"I need to vent. Okay idk where to start. I just feel like i'm bipolar sometimes. Sometimes i'm so happy and then instantly i feel so sad n empty like without any reason. And i have had so many nights where i've cried myself to sleep. The simplest dumbest things make me feel so sad but then again i laugh a lot n i look so happy to someone who doesnt know me. Idk how to fix myself. It just sucks cause when i have these depressing moments i cut myself because i like the feeling i get when my arm bleeds, it distracts me from my emptiness. But i've stopped that now. I just hope i can get over this.",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9861316680908203 2018-02-03 07:40:26,"I need to vent. Hello everyone...I'm in the hospital right now to be with my frnd whose dad is very sick and i have seen some stuff that made me question lots and lots of things in my life. There are ppl literally fighting death and here I'm complain on every little thing life throws at me ..I've seen people witnessing their loved once die it's very sad n hunting! And i knew being alive and healthy is such a blessing! Please guys embrace the life u have and make it count and thank your God for the life you have!!!",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9929608702659607 2018-02-03 07:41:45,"I need to vent. It's been a little over than a week now. I have never felt this lonely in my life. It's like you are living as if I don't exist. It's as if your life would be much better without me in it. And I, being the fool that I am, keep hoping you'd come back. It hurts. The waiting, the disappointment and the rejection I feel is incomparable to nothing I have felt before. But what hurts the most is knowing that to lose you is so easy. I stuck with through it all but you couldn't wait to run away the moment things went bad. I knew this was too good to be true even when we didn't have good days. I am sorry I hurt you but I am more sorry I hurt myself for thinking you could love me in my bad days. In my dark times ""only my mother can love me for me"". I'll always love you but I don't expect you to love me when I don't even love myself.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9874687194824219 2018-02-03 07:43:09,"I need to vent. I'm a consumer. Nothing more. The greatest gift that my greater has given me has been taken from me. Infact I gave it away of my own free will. I have lost the power to create. Looking back i can't seem to remember a day I used my hands to create something. I've outscourced almost all forms of entertainment. I find it hard to stay away from my phone. I can't seem to take my eyes off the tv screen. The greatest thing I would call fun comes bottled in absolute vodka. I'm a consumer and this fact alone is eating me up inside.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9476650953292847 2018-02-03 07:44:19,"I need to vent. hey guys so I've been chatting with this girl for a while now it started as a normal talk then she started getting naughty(btw I'm a girl) then she asked me if we could meet then I said OK but she didn't talk to me after that idk what to do I really wanted her to kiss me....... What should I do to get her attention? Please help",desire,NEGATIVE,0.981075644493103 2018-02-03 07:46:22,"I need to vent. Honestly im embarassed to post this,i feel like im too old for this,but here it goes,i liked sm guy for the past 3 years and we're like the same person,and we feel so comfortable with eachother,i always assumed he would ask me out sm day,but that never happened,but i swear a lot of people thought we were going to date sm time. I try not to show my feelings all the time,i feel like im good looking gn he's way to beautiful,lol. I always assumed he didnt ask me out b c he was to shy but i recently heard he asked smother girl out sm one i knw,does he not like me?is he just leading me on?she's what u would call a ''bad girl'' the total opposite of me,im the akabde girl who doesnt drink and dresses formal,and he's like me too, shud i let those feelings go after i wasted all my time on him?im not getting any youngeri dont have time to wait",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9500950574874878 2018-02-03 07:48:00,"I need to vent. Hey everyone, this us my first vent and my situation is i am a push over, i trust people to easily and i get hurt a lot of times the worst part is i can't speak it up i have a bad habit of bottling my feelings, i cry to my self all the time and i think to my self am i a bad person, am i not worthy of any good in my life it drives me crazy. I have these moments when am so happy and hyper and laughing with my family and friends but in a snap of a finger i think about everything and it changes my mood in some way i feel left out different from the the others even from my own family, this affects every thing in my life and it needs to stop it made me moody( i have mood swings like a pregnant lady) and please some one help me!!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9345595836639404 2018-02-03 07:48:13,"I need to vent. I am really tired, tired of everything I just want to stop living I just want it all to stop .... But am a coward who can't do it .... Fuck life, and everything in it",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983559250831604 2018-02-03 07:50:03,"I need to vent. Why do people borrow your stuff if they are not going to take good care of it? Why? Why? Why? Why not buy your own stuff? Why are people like this? This is so selfish and unacceptable!!!!! I always have one rule before getting angry! 1st i observe the person and if they are careless with their own stuff then it's ok‍, you know what to expect! No need for the anger. What annoys‍ me is people who treat my stuff differently as if it's free!"" If they are careful with their own, then they should be careful with mine too"" that's just respect yo!, is that so hard to ask? Why are most people like this? Doesn't anyone have a sense of responsibility‍? Why are people so ill mannered? I'm not talking about those people who are careless because like I said we know what to expect from you!!! I am talking about those stupid stupid stupid people who think other people's property rained from the sky!!! It's not about the stuff but it's about the respect you show to the person who trusted you with it!!!! Why do u have to treat my stuff differently? Why? Why? Why?. It was free for you and it was not free for me too!! So Try to have a good sense, that's all I'm asking!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992425441741943 2018-02-03 08:51:24,"I need to vent. So...I have a girlfriend who I love. The thing is that she has fungus around and in her vagina. There are no visible symptoms that the fungus exists but there is some kind of bad smeel that she releases whenever she cums when we have sex, which I read is one of the symptoms that fungus exists around there. The day I became very sure that she has fungus was I got really sick after a couple of days I went down there orally and the doc found that I had fungal infection in my mouth. I connected the dots and I became % sure that she has fungus. My dillema is how do I tell her that she has fungus under there and that she should get it checked and medicated. Help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984295964241028 2018-02-03 08:54:07,"I need to vent. Here it is.... I have never been in relation but kissed a girl couple of times... with zat girl i learned an awkward thing abt myself which i didnt know till that time and that is...... PE. We didnt do anything just kissing n foreplay. even almokernim.. But at some point of n touching i always ejaculates. U know betam ydebral. I tried a lot but i cant. Now i want to start serious relation wid someone but afraid of this thing. My life is goin unplanned and betaaam worry eyareku new pls help. Beteley those who hv experience on it.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9886071085929871 2018-02-03 09:17:28,"I need to vent. Not really a vent but more of a question. I wanna get my nipples pierced what do you guys think? ""If anyone has ever done it can u tell me if it hurts or not""",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972113966941833 2018-02-03 10:51:54,"I need to vent. OK the thing that is eating me up lately is that when am I gonna be able to start living on my own cause it's taking too fucking long for me!!!! With all the school, not being able to have a decent job that would help me to Stan on my feet........betcha after some time it could drive u into depression. I have always thought I am person who always think I live my life without a regret and thought I wouldn't care about what I would have done .....but now I think..... this shit is getting to heavy...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976121187210083 2018-02-03 13:07:37,"I need to vent. Why you all losers juding? i mean if you can't help why even comment? just go get a life stop judging you lifless empty peoples.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995796084403992 2018-02-03 13:07:51,"I need to vent. Hey Guys. I’m 28 and I’m a male. I seriously have a struggle when I’m meeting a new person. I feel like all the ppl out there are trying to hurt me. My friends are the one I knew since childhood and it’s seriously affecting my life. I have seen a lot of psychiatrist and took a lot of psych drugs but nothing is working. Is there anything you gotta say?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7631694674491882 2018-02-03 13:08:04,"I need to vent. I was browsing around the comments of most vents and ppl yamachiwal most of the vents are serious and u guys joke around. Pls stop acting like dickheads",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983854293823242 2018-02-03 13:14:09,"I need to vent. Yoo ppl ppl, why you cutting your self to avoid the emptiness and the sadness that fills you, i feel you it distracts you from the pain and gives you sense of control but seriously watch some porn go find some fine ass porn and just enjoy the fuck out of it i mean seriously all of you out there, it works all the time.",caring,POSITIVE,0.98026043176651 2018-02-03 15:37:31,"I need to vent. Okay so im the kinda girl that hides her feelings n writes them out, ive been doing this since i had depression which was four years ago n im 16 y/o now. I keep having dark thoughts and i always write them out n sometimes it worries me bc im kinda happy with my life but those dark feelings never go away n i feel like i may lose my mind if i dont write them. so anyways i have this book which i write on, yesterday i had a major argument with my mom and i felt so messed up then at night me mom n dad were in the same room n i was writing all those fucked up shits bc ik they wont wanna read them. Ik that bc I've always asked them if they wanna read what i write bc my dream is to be an author but they made it clear to me that they give 0 fucks abt what i like to do. And while i was writing, mom demanded to know what it says n i couldnt say no. She told me to give it to dad so he could read it, i had no choice so i did. And then they automatically assumed that i have some mental problem. I mean idk maybe i do but they were like bezi edmesh endezi miyachenaneksh mn ale, mn godelebsh, le stress menged mtkefchilet anchi nesh mnamn.... N i got so mad n said some stuff like ""ive been writing for four yrs n u cant assume uk what i feel n think just by reading half a page"".. It rly pissed me off bc they never offered to be there for me bc they were too busy when i was suicidal. I went thru it all by myself n they here like ""when weren't we ever there for u? We talk everyday, how can u say u have no one to talk to?"" They dont know how hard it is to open up to ur parents abt sth messed up, it's not easy to explain with words how messed up i feel n they think im just mekenatating. What worries me now is that they think imma mabed mnamn from all the stress (always concentrating on school, movies, music, phone, and now they know abt what i write) n i never let my brain rest. Ik this is a messed up n meaningless vent,but phew feels good to get it off my chest. Tell me something, anything just not the rude comments bc i dont need them rn but i need help ik i do so offer sth that u think might help, a few words will do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9953325390815735 2018-02-03 16:30:07,"I need to vent. uk the movie redik(vin diesel) n how he got used to the poison those things n at sm point its stopd point is the same happed to me except mine is with love is it ok i think im in love right now with a grl at school the prob is i cant tell if im acting or if im in love for is happenin",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9923782348632812 2018-02-03 16:30:26,"I need to vent. Am not happy…… I wanna be happy …… i want to laugh as I use too……i want to be able to trust again…… I want to love again !!!!!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.5282101035118103 2018-02-03 16:34:12,"I need to vent. Hey so im a female. 19,a senior in high school. I usually dont leave my house as my parents are strict, home to school and school to home is my longest trip. So a year ago my parents hired a new zebegna, as i am the only child at home i have no one to spend my time with and anyone to go out with as my parents wont let me he was the one i spent most of my time with. So i would spend most of my time in our big house alone usually outside playing and talking with the new zebegna. No one but the servants stay home so we'd talk with freedom. He is the most kind hearted person i have ever met. He is in this situation because of the waves of life and luck. So we started by flirting then followed kissing. Months later i found myself in love with him. He opened up about his feeling. One night snuck out to his room and and we slept together. I love him and want to be with him. But i know my parents wont accept this because of our different level of life standard. Im stuck,confused and dont knw what to do. Never shared this to my friends or anyone. Help!!!!!!!!",love,POSITIVE,0.9667509198188782 2018-02-03 16:35:02,"I need to vent. So this is my first time doing this so bare wid me i am 21 and i have been depressed since i was 6 i was sexual molested by a family memeber repetedlya nd i have tried to kill my self more than ones i have the worst luck ever and i have low self esteem i hate my self n z way i look i feel like i am not gud enough not worth anyones love i cut myself just to make my self feel smt other than disgust i am terrfied of men and i have trust issues i dont mayb sometimes giving up isnt such a bad thing ryt??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992634654045105 2018-02-03 18:53:38,"I need to vent. Someone who drowns in 7meter of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 20meter of water. Stop comparing traumas! Stop Belittling yours or any one else's trauma because it wasn't ""As bad"" as Someone else's. This isnot a Competition, We all deserve Support and Recovery!! Thanks Guys!!! May the Force be with You!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.99897301197052 2018-02-03 18:53:55,"I need to vent. I think everyone on this channel seems to forget that, one rotten apple ruins the whole basket. Everyone is not turning on u or is out to get u, there is just the one who is making u feel that way. Instead of listening to those rotten ppl, face ur fear of confronting ppl and tell them to fuck off. As simple as that.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999656081199646 2018-02-03 19:33:02,"I need to vent. Hey guys. How are you? I hope you're great. So I'm in 11th grade and I am not sure what I want to be in the future. I have very good grades(over 96) and I'm quite sociable. I say I want to go into Medicine but now I'm not so sure. I feel like society puts this pressure on us to choose a field or else we're wasting our time. So to all you people who have some how figured out what you want to be or have been in the same position I am in please help me.",optimism,POSITIVE,0.8657136559486389 2018-02-03 20:06:03,"I need to vent. I'm not one of those boys who look fancy with their beard , tallness and everything.... If good 'lookingness' is rated I'm sure i i will get below 7 out of ten. And every time i start a friendship with a new girl i get a feeling that someone more handsom will win her for obvious reasons. Idk why i wrote this... Just to get things off my chest....",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9940190315246582 2018-02-03 20:17:44,"I need to vent. I guess hulachnm ye sew jib sibal semten yhonal.. So i asked my mother about it and told me a story about how this werehyenas where transformed, how they make people their slave and how werehyenas change their slave to pot when at night and guests are arround and change them back to human to work as a slave.. Then i asked some relative of mine that night then he told me he was up late walking to his home and one old lady came up he was looking at her from far and she stand on dusty part of the ground and she started pulling her hair she fell down teferagetech botaw aboara bcha hone and she got up as a hyena and left running.. I was thinking so does this guy lie? At that night i sat with my laptop all night googling and found a lot of documentary lots of books written on this topic. Surprisingly i found everything in my mother and my relative told me in the books and documentary specially the northern part of ethiopia mentioning ""buda"" the mesmerizing eye.. In the book this guys called buda they eat your flesh and blood with their eyes and their many ways to attack their victims one is making you fall in love so you would meet much often while meeting their will be an eye contact sucking the blood with their eyes you won't live long.. Another is being a hyena and sucking a blood after the victims death the grave will be dug and they pray to their god the killer will turn into hyena then the victim will come back to life and be their slave for 7 years the slave will cry everyday with out tears being seen after 7 days the slave will be killed.. Many slaves means rich pride in the buda community says the books i read and many more about shekone egr yalachew sewoch.. on Wikipedia it says that - in Ethiopia it is traditionally believed that a wizard or witch with the power to change into hyena and most of them are blacksmith and rob graves at midnight are referred as buda buda as a men or a women who turns nightly into hyena and resumes human shape at dawn and in western sudanic peoples there is a hybrid creature, a human who nightly transform into cannabalistic monster that terrorizes peiple these werehyenas are also found in sudan Tanzania morocco.. Share with me if you know and feel anything.. And please ask your families.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9882418513298035 2018-02-03 20:46:51,"I need to vent. Hey i wanna vent smtn I have this problem which is like a manner beka betam.metfo lemadoch alubegh like shaking my neck, touching smtn over n over again, turning around for no reason and other lemads the worst part is and lemad setew lela lemad yemtabeghal! I swear i tried everything to stop ena letwesene minute etewna degame demo yejemreghal, i cant help it, pls guys am begging u men lareg? If any one of u were in this kinda situation and endet endtwachut negrigh help please!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989126920700073 2018-02-04 10:49:50,"I need to vent. Haloo, so to this day the most daunting thing about being an atheist is all the stupid questions I hear. You get asked questions like 'well if there's no god what's to stop me from raping?' And then there are the slightly harder questions like 'if there's no god then what do you live for?' I can never understand if these people actually don't understand the idiocy of their questions or if they're just purposefully trying to irritate me. I am an atheist, as far as I'm concerned there is no god, there are no ghosts, and there are no spirits. And as a response to the what do you live for question. I do not exist to be the plaything of a giant that lives in the sky. I live for myself, for the things I can do, for the people I can help. If for nothing else, then I live for the family that worked themselves halfway into their graves just so they could raise me. That's the beauty of atheism you get to choose what you want to dedicate yourself to. The irony of the question you ask me is that I actually have more reasons to live than a person that lives 'for god'. Oh and to the people that ask why don't I rape, steal, murder and do all that 'sinful' stuff. I mean dude if you need a book to tell you that forcing yourself on a person is wrong then you're simply fucked up. There's a very common atheist quote for this question (side note: that's how common these questions are) 'I do rape all I want, the amount I want is zero...' Oh and don't take this post personally and get pissed off.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998975396156311 2018-02-04 11:21:14,"I need to vent. Hey y'all ikr it's kinda weird imma 22 n I never had bf idk why maybe I'm fat asf lmao btw I'm proud of it n i love the way who I'm look I got 2friends with benefits Ena I'm tired of that shit so I decided to cut it off but damn I love kiss like betam so siyamregn what tf I'll do lol for real I'm such careless but semonun start thinking about this shit Ena imma confused n stressed even manm nw mayamnegn bf yelegnm n norogn ayakm sil so I start lying n reason fetre we break up menamn stuff fuck fake things help me out guys",love,NEGATIVE,0.9867744445800781 2018-02-04 11:37:02,"I need to vent. Hey there... MaSterbation wiz PoRn Ima addicted to death. I don wanchu to say GET OVER IT. i Need real help. Please. Thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8713855147361755 2018-02-04 12:01:46,"I need to vent. Hey y'all hws it going... So I have this issue n Im in need of venting so I have a boyfriend n we are really inlove the problem is he wants to think abt the future Which is sweet but me I'm don't want to because we don't have the same religion and I know I can't marry him at the end of the day and by not having a future plan I think I'm hurting him n I don't want to break up and I don't know what to do... Help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971886277198792 2018-02-04 12:07:46,"I need to vent. Sup vent ppl. I have a problem well not me to be exact. I kind of sleep walk and talk in my sleep not a few words like entire conversations. Some times I go to the living room and turn on the TV and just sit thereI... That kind of stuff.. it was funny for a long time my parents got use to it cuz I never do anything harmful. My siblings recorded me show in the morning I remembered nothing at all for a long time it was like this. So when I get to the point I have gf now and she knows about this never bothered us... But lately she heard me ""dirty talking"" to someone in my sleep not a real person just some one from a movie ... Dreams work in weird ways.... She got pissed at me and now she is not talking to me saying it's like I cheated on her. So ppl what do u think does it make me a horrible person. And guys I know u can relate... I know most of u think about other chicks the difference is I got cough.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9964942336082458 2018-02-04 14:25:35,"I need to vent. I am in dilemma i have an older sister who is not married. .. i am younger n i want to get married to my bf soon but i don't want to do it before her . I want her to get married before i do but she is currently not dating anyone. ..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967634677886963 2018-02-04 19:40:42,"I need to vent. There is nothing as pathetic as knowing a woman will occupy your thoughts for the rest of your life. Every thing you have done in life was in some way a call for her attention. And the more indifferent she seemed the more you become driven to achive anything worthy of her attention. Every night, you purposefully exhaust yourself that by the time your head hits your pillow you just shut down other wise you can't handle the pictures you see as your mind tries to put its self to sleep. You often ask girls out so that everyone around you knows you are a functioning part of society. As you are getting ready to go to the dates, you look yourself in the mirror and smile at the absurdity of it all. You sit across the table looking at girls who try hard not to look desperate but be interesting at the same time. Sometimes you kick yourself around for the way you treat this girls but most of the time you convince yourself to give them a good time as a way of atonement. You drink. You talk. You throw a couple of compliments at them. But by the end of the night a peck on the cheek is all you can offer. On your way back home your mind confidently weighs the girl you went out with against Her knowing that it was pointless in the first place. On conversations with mutual friends you eagerly wait for her name to pop up, although you look dignified on the out side you are a kid on sugar, inside. You artfully push them on to talk more about her. And when by chance you two meet the amount of energy you use to keep it all together would power a whole city. You sit and just watch her as she talks about everything thats going on in her life. You take it all in. her lips , her lively eyes... She would ask what you've been up to and you start talking, walking a thin line between being humble and bragging. But you can't help it you want her to know you're moving up in this world and that you are worthy. After you said your goodbye you pick a random road and start running. You run till your feet hurt and your heart feels like coming out your chest. All the while a million thoughts about her race through your mind. When you get to your house, you refuse dinner that was offered and go straight to your bed shutting down immediately.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9927767515182495 2018-02-04 19:40:55,"I need to vent. Hello I am a girl 18, who is not very attractive but with normal looks and I have realized guys r not interested the moment they see u what wrong with all z guys out there do I have to be sexy to deserve love omG I am so sick of it Always being a friend of z asked girls why is that???",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9940605759620667 2018-02-04 20:00:24,"I need to vent. I am university student i have started smoking since highschool i want to quit smoking i tried so many times can u tell me how",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9973612427711487 2018-02-04 20:01:06,"I need to vent. What the hell is all about this virginity kibad? Seriously men, y'all are gonna be like ""am not gonna marry her if she ain't a virgin"" while y'all out here fucking half of the city? Yawm the 14 year olds mnamn? Then you have the audacity to go around searching for one that hasn't fallen into your traps? And women, you seriously think that's how you will earn respect from men? By being virgins??? Yeah, he's alcholic and abusive but that will just evaporate once he knows you're a virgin. B, no! He's still going to beat the crap out of you and disrespect you and belittle you. The only way you get respect is by demanding it. Not when you open your legs and let him feel a hymn. That's just dumb. It's the 21st century. Things have changed. Be who the fuck you want to be. Get that dick, or don't. Ion give two fucks. Beza lay it's just so fucking annoying how a lot of females around here are all like ""he wont marry you if..."" as if our end goal is to marry a man and bear his fruits. (A feminist speech on the horizon) sorry to burst your little bubble but no, we are so much more than bearing children and kissing men's feet. We are the fucking future. Some women have ambitions and career goals. We think there are higher places than a man's feet or the kitchen. Some of us don't even want to have husbands. Or children. Not everybody wants to be somebody's wife. Some of us want to be our own people and conquer the world. All this shaming your sisters for having sex is just ridiculous. Y'all ""religious people"" demo, good for you for wanting to be pure until marriage. Just do not go around forcing that on the rest of us. I hope God sees that you've waited and blesses you beyond us. Truly. Just stop with this self-righteous blabbing. Ain't nobody got time for that. Jeez. Point is am sorry I can't see how you think it's your buisness to be criticising me cause am a sexually liberated woman of the 21st century, and honestly, if you got a couple of big Os yourself, you wouldn't be this bitter. Jk. I don't project my beliefs onto others. I will leave that for all the self-proclaimed ""ye egziabher sewoch"" and ""hulun awakiwoch"".",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977866411209106 2018-02-04 20:02:17,"I need to vent. Heyy guys i need to vent my problem is there is this guy i love like not the kinda love most ppl expreince dis days I LOVE HIM so dz he but i broke up with him cause my mom always want me to marry a guy the status as me....we r kinda rich.....but my ex has literally nth he is the kinda Person u will call really poor nd my mom rly dnt want that nd i cant make her feel sad bc of me but at same time rn am so depressed nd sad bc i miss him.....idk wat to do if i have to be with him nd decive my family or live like this hurt....pls i need real advice bcuzi tried wiz other guys but it couldnt work out for me cuz my heart is still with him.....HELP",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9952741861343384 2018-02-04 20:02:58,"I need to vent. Why do guys first flirt with u , be nice to u, take care of u , before rnship n change after couple of time after u get in rnship, or after u fall 4 them? N why do they ALWAYS show up, after u breakup n move on,",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979854822158813 2018-02-04 20:03:12,"I need to vent. Hey y'all..I was wondering if anyone in this group has ever taken a TOEFL exam.. If so.. How was it N how much did u score? Are the results as bad as you think you did after finishing the exam?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9996019005775452 2018-02-04 20:27:14,"I need to vent. It's funny how someone can change from being your life line in this Godforsaken place, from being the person you want to see when you open your eyes in the morning, from being the last thing you think about when you close your eye lids at night, From being a torch in this darkness in to Nothing, literally nothing. May be not ""nothing"" you are much more than that, maybe a Ghost, a Ghost of dead memories, A ghost of memories of the days were I needed you, memories of the days were I would take a bullet for you and die with a smile cause you would be safe, how could I have been so blinded, unable to see the person I would take a bullet for would pull the trigger. Oh, well. Gin love don't beat your self up as I accuse you of murder, love you killed the part of me that kept you alive and I love you for that, I finally said ""i love you"", eh? Demo saying it wasn't as bad as you said it would be, so I love you for killing me, now please watch as I enjoy slowly killing the memories of you. The ghost of your dead memories stay as they are a reminder, reminding me to never be weak again. Thank you for being a lesson. I will also not flinch when taking a life. -Prince Not So Charming",love,POSITIVE,0.9938633441925049 2018-02-04 20:40:01,"I need to vent. Ok, so this is not a vent. My friend's birthday is just around the corner, and I need help figuring out what to get her. So I was wondering if you could give me suggestions. What would you like someone to get you for a present?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987001419067383 2018-02-04 20:55:37,"I need to vent. So I was talking to this guy who I met on social media...anyways we got really close and talked about the craziest shit you can imagine. Another thing you should know is he lives in Canada and I stopped talking to him because we got so deep and I didn't wanna have a long distance relationship. And we stopped talking for a while but he calls me often and I ignore his calls. Now he just told me he bought a ticket and he will be here in three weeks. Am scared cause what we used to talk about were so crazy that he will be expecting that girl and am not sure I can do that.and I don't know what to do please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9987908005714417 2018-02-04 21:31:34,"I need to vent. This is not a vent, but an idea a Unicorn!! put in my head :-)...... First thing first Big XOXO to the creators of this channel, we need this, a huge and diverse group as such, it makes a big difference in all our lives.....All for one and One for all, LOL!!! So about that idea..... Picture this... a series like Simpsons and the story line is about the vents and comments on this channel, so every week an episode comes out of the vents and comments the writer of the series selects....and integrates into the storyline... I Believe this way--->, looking at your problem, vent..... and the comments Playing out as characters. ..would be hilarious.....and helpful.... I do believe anything is possible so I say let's make it happen.....  So what y'All say????",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9630510210990906 2018-02-04 21:46:44,"I need to vent. What do you do when you feel suicidal but not wanting to commit suicide. I would rather hang myself than cut or shoot or jump. I like the prefect knot of the rope like the ones in the movies. I imagine what I'd wear that day how I'd have my hair, the shoes ,if I'd leave notes. Every little detail. Is it just me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9137954115867615 2018-02-04 21:47:03,"I need to vent. Well read this... I've been with a LOT of girls in life... I've done everything... but now I'm dating with a virgin girl and I'm not even thinking to kiss her. I just want to spend a time with her. Beka! Do you think I love her or thinking her as a friend. (She is smoking hot btw).",desire,POSITIVE,0.8203312158584595 2018-02-04 22:28:49,"I need to vent. I wanna commit suicide just like Hannah baker but sometimes I think abt my future but still i don't even know what or how to feel rn",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989352822303772 2018-02-04 22:28:59,"I need to vent. Is it me or most of the vents are depressing? I thought most of the people are happy or at least doing okay not suicidal and depressed! May God help us all . Dark times ahead, dark times indeed.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9993857145309448 2018-02-04 22:36:14,"I need to vent. This is a vent group aydel. If im venting am letting something off my chest. I dont have to have a complicated problem if i have a problem with tje fact that they made the archie comics into a shitty series i.shud be able to say all the others. Dont ban my vents",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988665580749512 2018-02-04 22:39:01,"I need to vent. Hey guys, i have a question for yall.....okay so here's the deal my boyfriend has this upcoming Exam and he wants to get serious and he asked me if we could not talk for about 4 to 5 month's and i said yes (because i didnt want to seem bossy and it has been like 9 months and i dont think i have the right to say no, besides he should have known my ans because who says yes to not talking to there lover for 5 month's its even hard for a week) my point is ik he should focus on his Exam but shouldn't he atleast txt me for a while and say ""hey how are u"" and i dont know what to think..... Do u guys think he made an excuse not to talk or something else? tell me what u think!!! Please",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998130738735199 2018-02-04 22:50:53,"I need to vent. @bel@ Dø$: Hey guys I was wondering if I can get some advice ummmm....there is this girl that I love and I don't know that she loves me back and if I tell that I love her I might lose her forever so what should I do??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9983540773391724 2018-02-05 00:09:43,"I need to vent. Okay so I am just speechless here there's this guy I talk to he's my best friend I mean we have history but u know.....he's my everything n I know I mean a lot to him too he shows it but....The is thing we broke up a while back n im ok with that i think... but we still always tell each other we love one another n stuff n mean it..but he says we arnt happening so I don't even wanna know why anymore....anywho to the point... last time we talked he said he was thinking of seeing someone and he would only do that if I tell him he can or if I tell him I will b fine with him dating her I mean wtf is this?! Malet why?! Whyyyyy does he care what I think or feel when we're not even together? This is just messing with my feelings! Idk what to think... is it fair?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9913153648376465 2018-02-05 00:10:25,"I need to vent. Words cant even begin describing how much i love him.... but i cant be so sure whether he loves me or not...his every moves and his every actions tells me zat he loves me....but when we talk about this stuff he says noooo zis is not the ryt time u hv to move on bla bla it goes.... i tried very hard to move on but it didnt work.... he is very special person i cant even think of forgetting him ...... Pls guys say sth....i need to get out of zis mess...",love,NEGATIVE,0.99408358335495 2018-02-05 00:39:48,"I need to vent. Here is a thing despite knowing I could never ever have him(not married or anything but just impossible) I am in love with my best friend (my person).",love,NEGATIVE,0.8643754124641418 2018-02-05 01:21:41,"I need to vent. I have been in love with a girl for some time and finally i told her how i felt and she told me she is the problem and not me also that she doesnt want to be in this type of relations right now.should i move on or wait for her??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9945333003997803 2018-02-05 11:25:31,"I need to vent. Hello goes my first and probably last I joined this 'vent here' group probably about a month back and I can't believe the thing people go through.....this world is really is tough. So for all of you boys and girls going through depression and what not, answer is won't find happiness in this world. Turn to your God and ask him to fix you and he surly will. ""Do not live far away from God and ask to be happy"" + Pope Shenouda + thanks have a great day!!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.991136908531189 2018-02-05 13:53:59,"I need to vent. Ok guys this is not a vent more like i want ur suggestion so i am in the 12 grade nd a social student nd i dont know what i want to study next year nd my parents keep making my decisons for me nd its irritating me i need ur help guys what do u think i shud study am rly totally lost here tnx for the platform",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994708895683289 2018-02-05 13:54:22,"I need to vent. guys i need real help i hv gf i kinda lv her nt zat much but i hv feelings 4 her but the problem is i dont wanna touch her i mean i hv no drive to kiss her or smthing dirty now i am confused. is it me or her. i ain't new 4 zis stuff i fuck with ma ex bla bla. wts wrong wiz her. is there anyone else like me",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9975971579551697 2018-02-05 18:55:01,"I need to vent. Hi guys, do you think being friends with benefits with someone is healthy? Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.6135680675506592 2018-02-05 18:55:57,"I need to vent. I want you.I want your attention ,I want your love, I want your touch , I want you all to myself. Its funny how everything else stops when you come,how anyone else in my life doesn't matter when you call. I don't blame you for having something more.I can't hate you now when I don't have much to live for. You have lied to me, used me . You have abused my trust, taken all i have in your selfish conquest. You have broken me to pieces, I can't even collect. But still when you call , I lose myself all over again . I give you all I have like you held my heart with care. So I ask myself what I'm in love with ,is it you?or the feeling? Or is it that I am drowning in utter destruction, submitting to the pain?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.8480151891708374 2018-02-05 19:54:33,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I don't really knw where to start so look my life is messesed up right knw...everything about it literally I can't even finish if I start talking abt it so let's skip tht okay but lately i've been doing horrible, disgusting i gotta say things idk to hide from my pain from all the bullshit going on in my life anyways i've been sexting guys like a bunch of em' & at zat instant moment i don't feel anything but after that i've just hated myself wht i do it's despicable even for me n i lost myself through the whole shit n i believe ppl here knw how painful tht is ena i stopped obviously koyehu but i've just never valued myself z same i just feel like a cheap trash and God I can't escape zis thought and it's slowly killing me idk wht to do I feel empty af and it hurts...i need something, anything.",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.999483585357666 2018-02-05 20:10:21,"I need to vent. Hey uni horse I need to vent,so here is what happened I am a grade 11 student so I go to scul by service so one day my regular driver didn't come so he asked a guy to cover for him z guy was so silent,hot becha no words to describe him zen nthg happened so he took my cell phone and we started talking. After a while he confessed his love then we were so deeply in love no words to describe (I am pretty sure you are going to say just a high school luv hthg serious but no doubt he truly luvs me and I love him back gin the Problem is am from a family that thinks I shud get married to an engineermy mom will litteral y kill herself if she knows but I cant loose him I'll hurt so much!! Demo u might think he is lookin for my virginity gin he ain't he even Beggs me to do it after we get married ena am a believer ena everything we do is protected by God malet u can't understand if u r in z same situation I think everything was perfect if money nd family wasn't a pro and he took me to a church and promised every single thing zat I doubted demo keleme negn ppl expect me to learn tikur anbessa medicine minamin becha I can't write it all esti some advice bezi becha!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9972147345542908 2018-02-05 20:52:21,"I need to vent. Hey, whoever is reading this. There's been this weight on my shoulders weighing me down for a while now, help me out? I used to like this person having a beautiful soul but he covered it with a cold exterior. I fell hard, yes. But we sort of left eachother. Now, now he has a new person in his arms. I don't love him anymore. Hell I even want him to be happy. But I still want him to hurt just like I did. I still want him to suffer. Brutal I know. I can't help it. I need your advice to help me get him out of my head. Completely. Or if possible, help get my mean thoughts out of my system. Thanks for your time.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9960330128669739 2018-02-05 20:52:53,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, i need to vent today!!! I have this friend of mine which almost sacrifice his life for me, i love him (as a friend), but today i found out that he's gay WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should i need to get rid of him or what ?? PLEASE HELP",love,NEGATIVE,0.9937838315963745 2018-02-05 23:26:49,"I need to vent. Hey I don't know how to start this vent, i mean what i am about to say is gonna freak the hell out of you. Ok here it is i am a girl but i have a small penis and i feel cursed i sometimes just have the urge to cut it off but then again it's still a part of me. And recently i started dating this amazing guy, he is just so sweet and kind, but when the time comes to get naked in front of him, oh i couldn't and he wouldn't i hate this, i hate myself Why did this happened to me Why?, and what can i do ppl Pls help me",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.8741968870162964 2018-02-06 07:01:08,"I need to vent. Has anyone obesrved the ""Diaspora effect"" like I am not saying they are bad or something but a good portion of them seem to think of themselves as superior to locals.. lmao I am not making these up but I have met many diasporas there was these dude who beka erasun ye belay adrgo yemikoll.. simechew becha new selam yemil.. hulem ke bole medanialem aytefam.. jeles be betua arada hono motualech.. The funny part is I heard from his friends that back in the US he works as a DJ (a.k.a Dish Washer) but the guy is in addis acting like trump( bragging ). This applies only to a small portion of the diaspora yet I don't know why some of them who don't deserve recognition are given attention in society & yeferedebet media. I just find it funny when parents compete with others by sending their children abroad for education and brag about it... ""ere wendem ethiopiawi mehon erasu kurat new""",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9649622440338135 2018-02-06 07:03:17,"I need to vent. Here it goes i wanna lose weight so badly right now am thick tho pretty tall and i do workout but still no d/f n ya i tried dieting too ugh tierd any advice...??",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9981400966644287 2018-02-06 07:03:42,"I need to vent. I reaally need to let this off my chest. Its just been bothering me for such a long time and i havent found the to let it out so far. She is this quern of darkness in my life, she torments and keeps me under her dark embrace of nothing. She is a bitch guving me light for a short time and making me waddle in darkness for much longer periods. I cant even work if she doesnt allow it. Her name is ELPA fuck that bitch.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9643549919128418 2018-02-06 07:10:22,"I need to vent. FRIEND ZONE.!!! I mean how can a person get his freedom? If there is some formula or some way you guys managed to find out, please tell me before I lose my mind.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991849064826965 2018-02-06 08:36:13,"I need to vent. ... we both had dreams when we started out... big grandeur ideas of what we wanted in life ... but we were different people... I a quiet loner... her an insatiable party goer... we connected on our ideals but differed in everything else... we sacrificed for our dreams and in that I chose to spend my time in solace and she in lights and drinks and music... she spent most nights out till 1:00 am and 2:00am with guys and kept telling me they were her freinds... they had means and history beyond my capacity... and yet I chose to believe her... but our differences grew stronger... in my silence I held contempt for all she stood for without even realising it myself. .. and so I snapped at one faithful day and walked away to never look back and she kept walking her own way... we haven't talked since then but I still can't help remembering. .. I remember and always wonder what has become of her dreams... the ideals that had always made her unique. .. what has become of them...",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9626234769821167 2018-02-06 08:52:31,"I need to vent. Why do guys always get the feeling to fuck you if you're nice to them. It's very disturbing. I never knew I had ""hoe"" written all over me ende. One guy even asked if rape was my fetish when I said I didn't want to sleep with him. What does that even mean!?!? Rape, a fetish!? Demo the worst part is that I can tell them no a hundred times, tell them to fuck off mnamn gn when they like get engaged in the act(makeouts), I just can't stop them. I've kissed multiple guys and only twice have I actually enjoyed it. It's fucking disgusting. I swear my bile would be building up during the kiss. That's how disgusting it is for me but I just can't stop them, I'd resist, try to push them gn they get all powerful and then I just let them keza block their numbers and avoid them.I can't name 10 guy friends I had without it turning to this at some point. What the heck is this ende. I'm tired of it ahuns",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9992662072181702 2018-02-06 11:32:32,"I need to vent. Most of u might think this is weird. But I need a guy friend that reads. When I say reads I mean reads books. I feel like that's how we will connect. Most of my friends will die if I talked abt Harry Potter or any book for that matter. And I don't wanna give up. So if u r a guy that reads and if u r a teenager pls drop ur username down there",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9962332844734192 2018-02-06 11:33:00,"I need to vent. Hey guys....i am a female and i have two brothers, i am the last child and i am the only girl i am having trouble with my mom, she never appreciates me malet every time i try to impress her she finds a flaw to what ever am doing and it hurts so much because she is my mom and i want her to be happy with what i do and i want her to notice me, and say"" gohsh yene lij"", and that's not the worst part, as i told u i have two elder brothers and just because they are intelligent and more intellectual and am not like them but I am, but even when i try my hardest she finds a way to push me further down and i give up.... Just because of that i am not able to reach my goals and am not able to be what she thinks i can't be, am just so tired of fighting and i give up am sooo exhausted of trying to prove my slef and i Don't know what to do!! i just need a way that i can prove to her that i am more than what she thinks and that i can do better in every aspect of my life!!! Can anyone tell me how i can do that?! Because in her eyes i NEED to be perfect! Please help me!!!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9978262782096863 2018-02-06 14:11:12,"I need to vent. Hey everybody. So I was thinking, whenever I watch porn I see some stupid teenage girl making a stupid decision and the producers and studs taking advantage of a little girl. Or just some woman who has been molested when she was a baby girl or turned her life upside down by the savagery of life or a woman trying hard to support her family or her baby and still a fucking selfish producer trying to make profit out of their misery. So please dont involve in the culture and limad that beats such women down. Don be a part of it dont watch porn. Cuz any woman in a right mind and position would think its fine to be disgraced buy bunch of guys on a video that is to be streamed allover the world. At least not all of the stars. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9988273978233337 2018-02-06 14:11:35,"I need to vent. Going straight for it... Marijuana addiction is real! Don’t you think? But I love it. For me it’s an escape from reality, which can be pretty ugly at times. I could write books and books filled with my incredible affairs with Mary Jane. Despite my opinions, it has also become a vast empty space between my parents. Everyday we drift apart. Simply asking how to fix this. You’re all entitled to your own opinions.",love,POSITIVE,0.9102576971054077 2018-02-06 16:57:47,"I need to vent. Have you ever considered that we lead ourselves on? We overthink everything; every touch,every look,every text..We create scenarios in our minds and imagine ourselves with that person,building it into something it isn't,something it never was. Maybe we need to stop passing the blame,maybe we break our own hearts,just maybe.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9666208028793335 2018-02-06 16:58:42,"I need to vent. Guys please don't put mean comments cuz I'm really opening up here and I need real answers only reason I'm here is cuz I couldn't face people with my story so here it is. A couple of days ago me my BF and two of his friends got really drunk ena it was late at night and my parents weren't home so I decided to spend the night at his house (keep in mind we have never had sex) then after we got to his house I was a bit tired so I went to sleep but then next thing I remember is he was on top of me I didn't want him on me so I told him to get off but idk weather it was cuz he was drunk or whatever he pulled up my skirt and raped me as I was crying and begging him to stop I couldn't see his face for the next few days and I didn't tell anyone about it till today, pls guys help idk what to do and in also scared I might be pregnant but I don't want him to be arrested cuz I him or should I act like nothing happened idk please tell me what to do i am really scared",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9972842931747437 2018-02-06 17:00:33,"I need to vent. It's amazing how people are pretenders and fake now days they attached to you and also date other person and act like nothing happened why people take advantage of your kindness? Guys is that's possible to attached more than 1 person or see you as optional especially when that person is a lady? But honestly I hate that staff",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9643397331237793 2018-02-06 19:13:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys. . Zis is ma first vent I got zis friend who's been hurt nd she need to see wat u guys think ab her situation. Shes a Muslim nd she had a Christian bf bt cuz of zer religion zey decided to call it quits. Bt zer still very close nd the guy is very protective ena she cant date or even chat wid other men to not hurt his feeling bt recently she found out he was cheating on her wid lots of girls including her big sister. . She found a recorded call of him nd her sister getting it on( phone sex) so wat do u guys think she should do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981538653373718 2018-02-06 19:24:13,"I need to vent. So I'm meeting this guy tomorrow and we've met a couple of times before and i like him but i don't know how to let him know that i want more. I'm a socially awkward loner i have no idea how to flirt. So what should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9978664517402649 2018-02-06 19:26:06,"I need to vent. Wazuuupppppp peeps,okay so I'm a dude and I have never fallen in love,even the thought of it makes me angry since I use to think of it as a boring drama or smt but after a while these girl came in to my life and it hasn't been the same for me lately, Everytime I get to be with her all I can think of are ways to make her happy,to make her smile, It's funny but when she is happy it's like I've won a lottery......I know it's cliche but her smile alone litrally makes my day  when she's around I completely forget about everything and everyone! And I have came to the conclusion that I might be in love but the problem is that she sometimes seem interested towards me and sometimes she is not and I don't know what to do,I tried to stop what I'm doing with her but Everytime I think of her or when I see her, everything changes.i rly don't know what to do..... comment what u think Peace out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9340010285377502 2018-02-06 20:19:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys So i was on a date with this cute girl my friend introduced me to. We were havin fun until she asked for my phone. Since it was our first date, I didn't want to show her my phone because I had some stuff I didn't want her to see and know about like chats and pics stuff. So I told her no. Then her mood changed completely. She got silent and asked to go home. Said ""it was late"". I was pretty confused so I said ok then she went. We never talked after. Whose fault is this do u guys think? Cause I think askin to see what's in someone' sphinxes on the first date is weird",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9978012442588806 2018-02-06 21:19:53,"I need to vent. Hello everyone....quick questionhow the hell can I stop myself from eating too much?? I mean its not that I eat too muchbut I just cant seem to resist food.....I dont remember when exactly I started being a food addict n I never rly cared abt it but its starting to worry me now...#1 i feel like im gaining weight (but everyone tells me im not fat at allfrom the way i eat I think I should've been 100kilos or sth by now) #2 money seriously getting broke asf bcuz I cant stop going around n eating like im rich(im 19 n in campus)‍...ya'll might be like its not serious n stuff but no, its getting out of control. PLEASE HELP!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996743381023407 2018-02-06 21:20:32,"I need to vent. So its hard to open up gn here it goes. i was friends with this dude on kiremt (where in the same school) and one thing led to another we became besties keza i started having feeling. Tryed to crush them. Mnamn gn he was rly humble and sweet so i couldnt ena ande i got my guts up high like betam mnamn ena i told him blabla he didnt feel the same way so basically i am ""BESTFRIEND ZONED""...ena we only tlked on insta ena hes kinda shy and things are awkward bn. Us in person. Face to face awriten anakim just hi bye mnamn ena recently he asked me twice or 3 times lemn face to face ende lelochu normal ppl anaweram then i saye idk lol mnamn but i knew y , it was bc. He knows that i have feelings for him ena he doesnt feel the same way and if i tlk to him mnamn betam i feel like i would look like im trying to do smtn enja bicha my mom took my phone bc. School started ena eskialk alsetishim alech and i cant chat with anyone mnamn bicha if i dont tlk to him were not goonna be besties anymore, if i tlk to him demo im the one which makes the move leza beka i feel like im losing my pride bicha i lost many things for him esu gn hes too blind so any advice how to tlk, or how to get over him bicha anything...tnx for ur time",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9985888600349426 2018-02-07 10:45:16,"I need to vent. Thank u for creating this bot. I hope u post this. ONLY FOR TRUE ETHIOPIANS Is it me or is it we Ethiopian citizens don't deserve this great country? I mean u c how things r going. Race against race come on hw r we going to survive this generation if we keep doing that. How will the great Ethiopia be great again again? We all know hw pur country is fucked up now. But hey hw we going to solve em with problem we should be united and if there is anyone reading this who is racist and Ethiopian please let's stop its time for unity. And to become great don't be mind washed open your eyes.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.993603527545929 2018-02-07 10:51:03,"I need to vent. Hi, started following this channels a few months ago OMG, it's like a real soap opera or maybe even more. I knew things change but this generation is.... Hmm the one that will change this country like never before . I've lost my trust in people and dating. I don't think I can see them the same again. Wish u peeps the best and hope u don't regret in the future take care.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9964635968208313 2018-02-07 10:52:56,"I need to vent. So i have been thinking, are we not allowed to have our own opinions anymore, do you have any idea how many times i nod my head for bullshit i do not agree on, i do it just to get along. Not to be called ignorant, people say shit like you are not open minded fuck that you're the one who is not because you wouldn't even let me have my own opinion, i don't criticise other's way of thinking but i hate those who forces you to see things they way they do. For example my atheist friends i don't go tell them how stupid they are that is their choice i don't care, i care about religion and i have my own way of life that is what i choose, but all they do is try to convince me i am wrong And also my homo friends if i ever said i am cool with it, i am only trying to feed in cause can't no body can speak their mind no more , if i speak my mind and say i think that is wrong i will just be called ignorant and get criticized for having my own point of view. Who is the open minded here? , you expecting me to think just like you other wise i am stupid?!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9975810050964355 2018-02-07 10:53:32,"I need to vent. Some friends of mine recommend I should try this venting thing out. Um hi. My problem is kind of related to addiction. It's not drugs or alcohol. My addiction is different. It's pain. I'm addicted to hurting myself. Idk just cutting or burning myself just kind of feels rlyy good. My friend caught me doing it ones and she freaked out on me and said I got problems. So do I rly hv a problem or is it something anyone of u could relate to.....and if it is a problem, hw do I stop",confusion,POSITIVE,0.6417647004127502 2018-02-07 11:13:29,"I need to vent. I am in dis relationship where a dude kissed my girl and she apologized and i understand da situation soo i chose to forgive her. But it seems that am not over it even though it was long time ago. And i bring it up sometimes and she regrets it a lot cry about it and all she says she wish she ddnt do it and i couldnt stop picking it up alfo alfo even though i believe am over it and its in our past. Anyone pass through this shit? Or should i just let her go and we both forget about it? Most of u wanting to have fun can accept da insults too just remember it could backfire",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980509281158447 2018-02-07 11:28:47,"I need to vent. Here's my case I recently broke up with my boyfriend whom I loved so much just didnt realize it.....then I had this friend who was asking me to be with him I did t say yes but one things led to another but before it got deep I ended it cuz I nvr had that intimate feelings for him ...... Now I'm confused my ex was the one one who I ever really cared abt he was the one I would marry in my eyes n I tried to get him back he just doesn't want to silly me is so bored and confused I'm venting abt it ....I really should get a life for real",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9983830451965332 2018-02-07 12:37:45,"I need to vent. Can u guys pls tell me z diff between pride n ego with selfrespect cuz there is a guy who does me wrong but am the one dealing with the pain n i feel its all my fault. if i talked to him or ask him to forgive me am understimating my self ?my friends say that if u do that u have no respect for u self but thats really pride right? ughh i dont know becha esti tell me what it is ?if u have experienced this",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9965016841888428 2018-02-07 12:54:54,"I need to vent. My first time venting here and i just want to ur help guys. So it started at my fresh year when i was virgin and fat. Now adays i'm ethiopias most successful sex addict and the skinny guy who weres the same shirt his entire like but back then i fell in love with this chick named maria and she was so hot back then and i tried everything to get her into bed but it didn't happen. One day i got my chance but she told me to practice first. From that day on i've been practising and practising 24/7 and got my masters degree.(better than jonny sin) after then i was searching for her and didn't found her to show her my accomplishement. Still am working hard as i could tnxs to God.Hope i found her one day. Thanks guys",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.5122326016426086 2018-02-07 14:17:36,"I need to vent. I was going to ask my childhood friend on Valentine’s Day but couples of days ago she asked me for some advice about her relation with her new bf. What shall I do I was preparing for months for that day but this happen should I tell her or not.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973466396331787 2018-02-07 15:07:18,"I need to vent. Hi guys I'm really confused I'm 19 and a freshman @ a medical school and after learning only one semester I feel like I dont belong there but my family keeps pressure on me I don't think they'll understand me if I told them and I dont know what to do. Start a new field? Leave it? Just keep doing what I dont like? I am really confused I really need your help guys especially from medical students please help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989952445030212 2018-02-07 16:04:16,"I need to vent. Hi everybody, I will make it short and clear, I am 22 girl, n ppls see me as friendly person, which I am not,..I am friendly for only those who I just meet. I have certain lines that I say or ask...gin when that line of words siyalk.. Have nothing to say ena yaw my real bored self relieved malet new...ena now I really like this dude, ena I want it to work...and he thinks am that fun girl..which is the opposite in reality, so ppls help a friend out..what the fuck do you talk about with your boyfriend?",love,POSITIVE,0.744223415851593 2018-02-07 16:15:37,"I need to vent. Ohhhh...I really need to vent ,I usually dont hate people even if they treat me bad, I nvr fighted with any 1 in high skul or hated one .but this girl , I hate her, I do hate hermay be because she has been with my bf bla bla.. bcha now a days Im not controlling control my self , my face changes when ever he mentions her name,selamta silwawetu mnamn my stomach burnnns uhhhhhhhhh , but I dont wanna hate her anymore, I want to be normal with her and I dont wanna get mad when ever he calles her name helppp me how can I get over this?!HELP",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9937600493431091 2018-02-07 16:45:47,"I need to vent. Why are guys dickheads? I mean seriously...the thing is that my friend was talking with this guy and he seemed really nice so when he asked her for a nude..well with a bra she did but then he started asking for more n she said no so now he leaked her photos with her name n now she's kinda what am saying is why do guys need to act like assholes all of the time..why can't u even try to be nice...n I know ur gonna say that there are some nice guys out there but WHERE? Cuz it just feels like ur all douchbags",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988079071044922 2018-02-07 17:01:08,"I need to vent. Hey, got any unique ideas for Valentine's day for mature, non teenage couples? Because I know bunch of y'all are going to say ""have sex"" minamen but seriously, I'm in a relationship with this guy and its our first Vday together so help me out. Gift suggestions for a guy are also well appreciated",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9966944456100464 2018-02-07 17:09:49,"I need to vent. So what r the guideline diffrence between guy friends and potential bfs? Hw do u know if some one is intrested being more than friends?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993952512741089 2018-02-07 17:37:14,"I need to vent. Hi guys I've read almost all the vents here its like im addicted to ppls problems and ppl have some serious issues and most of the girls here we have guy issues I've been thinking abt it wat if the universe is punishing us for wat we did to other people like come one we've ignored or purposely led on some poor guy when we dont have any fillings for him , flirted with guys which we dont have any interest in coz it feels good to be liked , declined some ones sincear filling coz its a joke to us I'm not saying we shld accept every dude gin at least dont play with ppls fillings coz carma b***h ppl don't treat ppl the way u dont want to be treated . and for those of u who like to hurt ur self, addicted to ... U all need jesus mean it I've been through a lot of shit in my life trust me u can't find relife or happiness alin any guy , doctor, or any thing else only God will if ur really tired of all this shit life throws at u just try to turn to God it doesn't hurt to try , there a reason millions believe in him right luv u all I hope u all get ur issues sorted out.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9985565543174744 2018-02-07 18:16:57,"I need to vent. I have been with my man for the past 3 years, we had a lot of fun towards the beginning and I really loved him but recently I am not sure if u love him anymore. He has moved away recently and the long distance thing is really driving a wedge between us. We fight all the time and I am really not happy. I have wanted to end things for sometime now but I couldn’t do it, I think I am only with him cause I am afraid of hurting him and I am afraid of being alone. What if he is the one should I just stick it out u think this feeling will go away? Need your advice and please don’t be mean .",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9920394420623779 2018-02-07 19:26:27,"I need to vent. Hey guys, Can u guys tell me ways of making protective parents stay off of your business",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968270659446716 2018-02-07 19:27:42,"I need to vent. Am so not in the mood to be a friendly person any more because people are being so not loyal and distant with me I hate that I have to try in order to gain people's number one choice what is the problem with being so dedicated in friendship",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999366819858551 2018-02-07 19:28:51,"I need to vent. So, i can't believe i am doing this venting... I am lost in my life i really don't what i want to be whom to trust...all day long what i do with my life right now is to think of ways to die i have been through a lot of problems and i got out of them one way or another but now i am facing to make the decision to be alive or not. I couldn't get one reason to get up and continue living all i had i lost it within quarter of a year... oh and me and God are not in good terms currently i let him down countless times",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990843534469604 2018-02-07 19:55:04,"I need to vent. So here's the thing..these days I'm being obssessed with the thought of falling crazy in love with someone. I have felt like that before about a guy but shit happens, it didn't work out, we broke up and I moved on. Though I felt heartbroken then, I loved how being in love felt. But it seems like forever since I have had deep feelings for anyone and it's making me feel like a zombie. Any suggestions on how to find love?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9760218262672424 2018-02-07 20:22:33,"I need to vent. I am thankful for everything i have in my life! Not saying i have it all but I have enough and I'm thankful! For my friends my family my neighbors my dog hehe I see ppl have it rough and hope you get through it all and when you do be sure to be grateful.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9982158541679382 2018-02-07 21:25:41,"I need to vent. Hey everyone..So here is what happened. Im basically not into dating mnamn, im 19 and never have been engaged in this part of life, studies were my priority. But then i met this guy through a friend of mine. he is one of her many guy friends. And i know that they had history together, more like he was crashing hard on her but shr friendzoned him. That is actually part of their past so when he asked me out, i said yes even though i felt betaaaam guilty. I told him that we should keep it to ourself, gin i cldnt handle the guilt so i told her, thinking that if she has feelings for him, i wont go through with it. She said she was totally rooting for us mnamn. Gin we met up one day, all three of us plus some other friends and the way she looks at him....its like...i dont know, sth from the movies. Love struck mnamn... and i kinda like the guy, he is really sweet gin i know he would be happier with her. So i should end this....Right? How do I do so without breaking his heart? I dont want to make either of them feel guilty or sth..",love,NEGATIVE,0.8066661357879639 2018-02-07 22:18:48,"I need to vent. I need help. I know this will sound stupid the next day, I failed on a class, and I dont know if I'll survive that. I had problems at home but the fact that I failed is gonna eat me up alive...How can I not think about it? Please suggestions...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9944486618041992 2018-02-08 04:09:26,"I need to vent. HI everyone... u dont wanna stop ur fingers from replaying back to ma vent coz I rly im in need of ur help.... im a Virgo n az u know we Virgo's live in our mind, I ve a lot goin on in ma life ena chenket is ma middle name , I just cant ve fun even when im with ma friends all I can think abt is abt ma shitty life... a tiny thing will get in ma mind n roll over it , I cant keep living like dis, I didn't choose this... I thought I can stop this mind journey but im a Virgo n their is no way u can scape from dat... I wanna ve fun like a normal person, I wanna feel freedom, u know sometimes i wanna drink to stop thinking .... anyone who can help me pls",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9833710193634033 2018-02-08 09:56:25,"I need to vent. have 5 friends. One of them is a girl n the rest 4 are guys. She is playing all of them and they don't know it. It is basically a love Pentagon. I don't know what to do. HELP! Btw I hav a feeling for one of the guys. But he is head over heels with her",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9819596409797668 2018-02-08 10:42:12,"I need to vent. I'm jst here to let u kno we all ve a fuckin problem big or small so instead of complaining abt the shit bothering us and gathering all the negativity lets take a moment and appreciate the good in our life soooooo drop in the comment box what makes u happy...mine goes like family is everything dowg i love my family to death ‍‍‍‍‍‍",love,POSITIVE,0.9986271858215332 2018-02-08 10:43:14,"I need to vent. So i have been feeling bad about things lately. The thing is i just tired of lying to myself and hoping things will eventually get better. I had a family that would do anything for their children's but after sometimes things started to turn up side down. Our family got separated and ever since i hate the word love its just full of lies. I really tried to find love but in my search all i found was lies and bullshit things. Every time someone try to break the walls I've built, i keep myself hidden in my thoughts and i would always run away from them. I swear i tried to love ,but i just end up disappointing myself. I don't know if its just me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998507559299469 2018-02-08 10:45:49,"I need to vent. Hi there I need some advice there is guy he is my first boyfriend and first lobe we dated for about a year and a half everything was going great until we broke up and I dated two other boys after him and last christmas he came back and we went out we had the best time and then he left to study abroad but we still text and when I ask him what our relationship is he told we are daiting but I don't think long distance relationships work so men yeshalel should I wait for him or move on.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9929502010345459 2018-02-08 15:02:04,"I need to vent. Trapped in a situation here n I need ur kind helps. So I been in a relationship with a decent guy for more than half a decade. It had its ups n downs but I can say it was great, other than the facts that 1: He is kinda lazy with life. (I mean Idk if he is ever gonna propose menamin he works on n off but he doesn't save n all). I know am not gonna depend on him but it still bothers me. 2: He kinda keeps forgetting ma value. He takes me for granted until I makuref him then he goes back to being nice again for like a month or so till he forgets n take me for granted again. (Not making time to c me, not being romantic at all menamin)....he was like z most romantic guy the 1st 2 yrs n he wld go miles to c me even when I didn't deserve it back then but not anymore. Now me on the other hand wants to c him every chance I get n wld go miles to c him. But he cancels if it's not convenient for him. ( I am not being clingy or anything tho) Now my dilemma here is, is this normal or am being naive? Am blindly in love n I have the energy to keep going like this but I don't want to b stupid. Am I being stupid?? Shld I gather ma strength n break it off or live like this? PS: I talked to him gzillion times abt it but after a month menamin he goes back to it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9964067339897156 2018-02-08 15:18:11,"I need to vent. Hey this is my first time venting but I was hopping to get suggestions, I have been a dedicated smoker for the last three years and I occasionally smoked two years before that I was wondering since I know for sure now that am addicted can I be healthy while smoking or anything I could do that would discard the negative consequences?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9947291016578674 2018-02-08 15:57:27,"I need to vent. So I have been venting about some stuff that doesn’t involve me but I was just curious what people say about some of my friends life. Thank God I don’t have a problem that is really bothering me tho......Why aren’t you venting about some serious concerns tho? Why is it all about a boy friend or a girlfriend? Is that all we want right now? A random teenage stuff? Is it all our problem? Last time I checked, we were living in a third world country. We shall vent about something more important than relationship issue. And this time I’m venting something real (for the admin who declined some of my venting)That’s all I wanna say...thanks.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9036235213279724 2018-02-08 15:57:52,"I need to vent. Is it OK to love a girl who follows different religion which doesn't resemble mine? Advice enji betley girls will u accept to get in to relation ship with a guy who follows different religion?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9589525461196899 2018-02-08 18:10:53,"I need to vent. Why do girls don't like meeting new people. When you text a girl for the first time the probability of she even reading it is very low. Why do u guys make it so hard to let us get to know u ???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994823932647705 2018-02-08 18:36:34,"I need to vent. guys. Its me z bitch of all times. So I have a boyfriend that i dated for 5 years and I am having an affair with this guy n its been 1 year he has a girlfriend to. When I started the affair I felt nothing . But now I don't know iv come to my senses and start realizing what I have been doing is wrong. I love my boyfriend but I also love the the guy I'm having affair with. I had to chose n I chose not my boyfriend HERE IS THE my parents what to get me married ASAP my boyfriend had already proposed its a life time opportunity bc he is everyone's dream guy but u c I love danger n the guy I'm having an affair is all that. Help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.602969229221344 2018-02-08 19:04:06,"I need to vent. I still feel bad about it. Me and you had lots of memories made and more to come ahead. We were so close but yet so far . We almost had something special. Although you rejected me on New years eve, I still think it's my fault to ask you out. We could have had one hell of a 2016 but it couldn't be. Then you found out what I did and porbably thanked yourself for rejecting me. I didn't meant to do it. I was an idiot for doing so anyhow. My close friend broke us apart and I wish he hadn't done that but it happened. Girl I regretted it for a while but decided it was enough an I learnt from it instead. I moved on from it and came close one more time. But it seemed like you couldn't leave it behind and I don't blame you. If you was by my side, I would have done everything to make you happy. Unfortunately, time ran out and we went our separate ways. I truly am sorry but my apology didn't seem to shed a small light on the darkness created by me. Anyways, I hope you are having an amazing time living your life and I wish you all the best.",remorse,POSITIVE,0.7695078253746033 2018-02-08 19:04:25,"I need to vent. I'm the type of guy who do one night stand. after that I get bored and move on , but here is the funny part I seriously want to be in a relationship tho . U might say u haven't looked, for the right girl ,but I have been with a lot of girls with different age group and still no hope .so lady's if u got some advice ?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.5900269746780396 2018-02-08 19:40:08,"I need to vent. Well it's me. I'm the kind of person u call out going.My vent here is about a girl I used to know.she is a virgin and i don't want to be the one that disvirgins her. I would like to but u know. Btw wats up with the ppl out there who says. Imma marry virgins. niggs pls. U need to wake up. am I wrong. ladies pls tell me. cuz ik wat them guys would say. And plz sweet comments only",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9931749701499939 2018-02-08 19:41:33,"I need to vent. Idk y i keep smiling n laughing, I'm clearly not okay. And when i get this sudden urge to get away from people n be distant, idk how to do it. Idw keep on hating human interaction and joking around and stuff. I wanna be this calm girl which im not. I wanna be this cool, calm and collected girl that knows how to focus on her education instead of joking around with her peers.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9760652184486389 2018-02-08 22:34:23,"I need to vent. Hey nice people, i have a question for yall. I am a female and i have a boyfriend and we recently had a fight and i wanted time but he wouldn't let me have it soo i just dropped everything and continued the relationship, am happy in a complicated way because i love him but i DO NOT TRUST HIM! Because i have had the worst relationships before and i do not want to get hurt again, am very fragile at this moment, what i want to do is be single and fix my self! My question is how do i do that? Because i ran out of ideas and i dont want to hurt any ideas or advice are deeply appreciated( no harsh comments please)",love,POSITIVE,0.5463431477546692 2018-02-09 00:29:37,"I need to vent. ""you can miss some thing/sm one and not want them back"" do u actualy agree with this quote i mean i realy am missin my ex so bad but @ z same tym ik i dnt wanna go back but i still love him nd he loves me too i sudnt consider being with him just bcuz i miss him rgt ppl???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9915758967399597 2018-02-09 07:13:00,"I need to vent. anxiety culture is interacting with people, feeling proud of yourself at the time, then shortly afterwards finding one (1) Little Thing you said that might've been embarrassing or wrong in any way and mulling over it FOREVER until it eats you alive and your soul disintegrates or finding that little thing you said wrong like 5 years later at 3 am while you're trying to sleep",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.989434540271759 2018-02-09 07:51:25,"I need to vent. So I need to vent and the question is how old were y'all when u had sex I feel like all the movies I've been watching are making me do things that I shouldn't be doing, it's all up to me of course but they do a lotta shit in movies so everything seems normal to me and I just wanna know if it's the right time to have sex or nah so plzzzz plzzzzz tell me (specially girls, how old were u guys when u lost ur virginity?)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9959275126457214 2018-02-09 07:52:30,"I need to vent. Hey..... Um a guy n I hv zis gf whom I rly luv. N um planning to get married wiz her. Z problem is she doesn't wanna get married. She says she wanna enjoy life. Sle getting married mnmn sawera she always tell me to give her time. But I've waited for her lyk lerejem gize. N now my patience is gone n I don't think I can wait for her any longer. Sooo wat du guys advice me. Should I break it off or should I wait for her????",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975014328956604 2018-02-09 10:26:35,"I need to vent. Heyy there so heres the thing I have a b.f 2 month hunonal n we kiss....... Gn not sex like I'm not ready for that n I don't want to have sex too but he wants to malet he isss a man so like he needs sex n i wanna have sex when I'm sure that I wanna give him my V im not ready to give that up right now I wanted to wait for 3 years or so to have sex with him n i don't think he can stay that long without having sex im 100% sure that he loves me but I really don't wanna have sex rn soooo is there anyway or any idea that I would fulfill his needs with out having sex with him just any i idea concerning this please n i dont ever everrrr wanna lose him like neverrrr pls any idea is acceptable tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9950241446495056 2018-02-09 10:57:19,"I need to vent. Here it goes, I watched lots of movies like 24 7, it messed me up pretty baddly, l got no social skill and being around people scares the shit out of me stresses me out a lot, bottom line I am a lonely and sad person yes depressed too maybe a little suicidal, anyways being alone I am used to it , but the thing that is messing me up is sex, no I am not a virgin, the sex I have had is not the way I wanted it, always made me feel bad, it's b/c it didn't feel like he wanted to be with me, ok 3 but they're all the same, they go through the motion , I want them to hold and look at me make me feel like the want me but they just want to just get rid of me, did not care about it when I was wz them but now I started to relect and I don't want to feel like that , I don't want to have s.. , is it me ? It's b/c they knew I lved them I can't help but to show it, is it that bad to be loved by a girl , I know guys lv girls that plays games messes with them, but a girl that lvs them is a reserve they don't even try( to be romantic or anything), so my question is how can a guy want me crave to be with me, not just to want me when he's horny but wants to be with me you know? Does anyone feel like this?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972648620605469 2018-02-09 14:39:52,"I need to vent. This question is for guys....will go for a girl you seriously love who is economically very higher than you...what do you prefer losing her or try?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9952387809753418 2018-02-09 15:11:26,"I need to vent. Hey guys, It happened bout 4 years ago, i was badly in love with an angel, i guess u know what mean,oh it was so painful u know...damn. i was so ridiculous and so dump that i lost the chance to be with her. Awful right....hehe...after a while she went to U.S. well it sucks. Since then i never loved any girl literally anyone. She left me be 'philophobic', which means afraid of love. Every time i get close to girls, it reminds me of the painful love,so i hide my self from them. well for them i look like a jerk and they treat me bad. but but they dont know shit bout what i have gone through. I need ur help plzzz to let me not be philophobic. Am so that desperate...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987096786499023 2018-02-09 19:07:25,"I need to vent. Hay everyone Im grade 12 and for the next year I need scholarship and I found this agent he told me that if I paid 2500$ he could get me full medicine scholarship in china.and plus I hv trust issues what should I do, should I trust him ? And also he said ""I will pay the money after I saw the application latter"".or who tried this kinda stuffs",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99814772605896 2018-02-09 19:15:20,"I need to vent. I wanna fall in love so much with someone n still now there is no guy in my life that I love soo am scared if the problem is with me or there is loveable person out there .... I smtimes guess that am very picky person n I see every single thing the guys n Hehe idk why none of them r cute as I expect my bf will be in future .... I even smtimes think that am ugliest one to be with somebody whose amazing but many peoples tell me that am the pretty n cute n have a grt personality tooo .... Idk becha I need u guys comment",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9968847632408142 2018-02-09 19:15:51,"I need to vent. Is masturbation healthy?? A lot of ppls say dat any healthy person do it, but I dont know wat to belive... im talkin abt dis coz ma little sis is addicted to it, we share a room ena ma bed is 3 meters away from her's, ena when she think dat im sleep she begun to masturbate, im so worried!!! Can u guys help me with some advice",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9968158602714539 2018-02-09 20:11:03,"I need to vent. So... I used to be this person who loved everything about life and was so happy to experience it. But nowadays. I'm all negative and sorrow full I don't know how to get back into being my old happy self... Like now. Literally anything can piss me off and send me into a moody cow... SOS.. someone. Anyone. Just a lil advice.. Please and thank you",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.991751492023468 2018-02-09 21:25:23,"I need to vent. It's my first time here and am about to break up with my Gf in a couple of hrs, it's not working out ena there is going to be a big reaction from her side and I don't know how to handle it, and where should i do it?. Please help quick how to breakup swiftly?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991959929466248 2018-02-09 21:27:03,"I need to vent. here’s the dilemma: am I being paranoid or is there genuinely something up??? here’s the second dilemma: do I bring up the issue or is that gonna create an issue that was never there THUS causing another reason to feel paranoid",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9993981122970581 2018-02-09 21:27:26,"I need to vent. Hey there my Habesha people. So I have a relationship'ish problem. I have been in a relationship for more than 2 year. My bae is everything that I imagine it to be. I have known him since I was a kid. We grew up in the same neighbourhood. There is not that much of age difference between us.(3 years) I love him. I really do. Imagine yourself being with a relationship with a person u have been crazy for before u guys became a thing. So his father lives in U.S.A. And his father got his family a green card. I knew eventually that he was gonna move there. But when the time came, I was broken. So he moved out of . We tried the long distance relationship thingy. But I feel like it is not going to work, like we are going to grow apart. I still love him, I really do. But I could not get these fear out of my head. Since I am pretty attached to him, I feel like we are not going to last 4ever. So few months ago I suggested that him and I should take a break. Like live our own lives until we see each other again. He was mad, super mad. But he accepted. But he still finds a way to talk to me. And since our conversation were very ""couple-like"" I tried my best to ignore him. I knew what I did was pretty selfish. He is hurt and so am I. I want to be with him but not like these. We may never see each other again. He is not going to move back here. And I am probably sure I have no chance to go to him. I am doing this Cuz it is the best thing to do. For him and me. He still is trying to talk to me and I am giving him and sign that I am not interested anymore(even though it is killing me up inside). So what should I do? I can't get him of my mind. I don't wanna date other dudes. I just want him back but life ain't always fair. So help to overcome my problem. Please! I am in need of help. And P.S I told him the reason why I am doing what I am doing.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8660485148429871 2018-02-09 23:28:51,"I need to vent. When people say try your best what they don't understand is my best is imprisoned in my mind with all my hopes and dreams and my depression holds the key. It dangles it in front of me but never within reach. I peak through the key hole and see my potential for greatness shriveled up and hiding in the corner, my dreams just shadows on the wall. I scream and kick at the door but it only opens for my depression. It goes in and lines up all its blades and cuts into my happy endings one by one untill they are just stains on the floor of my mind. My potential twists and shouts as my depression exercises every method of torture upon it. It tries to drown my hopes in a river of sad thoughts it pushes them in again and again til they are barely breathing and too weak to rise up. Then it washes its hands and and changes its bloody clothes and lockes up all the mess it made behind a steel door. It takes a stroll down my memories leaving bloody foot prints on each one, walks up and down til all are stained red. It slithers down my throat painting my airway with sooth, it wraps around my lungs giving them no space to move. It caresses my heart with it cold bony fingers sending it running into panic. It goes down to squeeze my stomach and ties my intestines together,  goes to my legs and makes my muscles shake till they are to week to carry me. It seeps into my bones like the piercing winter cold making me shiver and shake. When people say you're not trying your best or you have so much potential or you can do so much do i tell them my better, my best is a cage made of the bones of my broken dreams tied together with all that potential. Somebody said that its often the tortured that become torturers and i have learned the art of torture from the master. But i have yet to burn my flesh to drown out the screams in my head. I have yet to cut open my vessels and let my blood quitely drain. I have yet to peal my skin and  rip open my chest and let my soul free. So why can't that be my best? Maybe  smiling through each day and surviving through the night is all the potential i have. Why isn't that enough? I am still here while it makes a home for itself inside me. I am still here while it imprisons my soul in this sack of meat. And while it beats my subconscious to a bloody pulp i do not let it bruise my face. I do not let the world know. I sit in the sunlight hoping to burn out the cold. I smile as it opens the door to start another day of barely held back tears. I laugh as it bathes in the blood of all my could bes, i even make a joke or two. I do my best. I stay alive.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9847995042800903 2018-02-09 23:29:20,"I need to vent. Don't any one think that kana channel should be banded or age restricted it only teaches adultery,curlily,revenge,and insult.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982500672340393 2018-02-09 23:52:54,"I need to vent. So here is my story and please don't judge. There is this guy that is meant to be with me but he is engaged to my best friend. I always get the impression that he like me, so one night i seduced him and we slept together. It was the best night ever. Weeks later I found out that i was pregnant. I was really happy. I wanted to end their relationship so I decided to tell my best friend (his fiancé). But right when i was about to tell her she told me that SHE was pregnant. I was really pissed off. She doesn't deserve him at all. He was supposed to marry me and raise my child not hers. I hate her for sabotaging my plans. Their wedding is in a year and if I don't do anything now I know I will regret it for the rest of my life. I want her out of the picture. Please help, what should i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9753888845443726 2018-02-10 00:03:11,"I need to vent. Why is my friend ignoring me without telling me any reason? There is nothing happend between us as far as i know.. am confused so am asking you guys to help me outta ds thing",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994489550590515 2018-02-10 00:03:39,"I need to vent. Heyy y'all I'm 25, I have a lil boy he is only two. So this is not a vent but a question.... for all of u who is going through depression or had gone through ... - what is the cause , what do u think is the reason behind it? - how do u want ur parents, family, friends or anyone to treat u ,what do u want them to understand? I don't really stress about anything it has always been my personality...I have gone though some pretty rough time my self but like I said I never stressed about it so I can't say I have gone trough depression but I think my lil sister has... so my point is, this has never crossed my mind until I started reading this vents a couple of days ago and it's so sad that almost 75% of the venters are going through it and I got really scared, I just wanted to know the precautions, I don't want to wrong with my kid not only him but also my sister ... so please help me out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9937293529510498 2018-02-10 06:46:29,"I need to vent. So here is goes... i got pregnant at a young age... 16 to be precise ik what your probably think... but it wasn't like that i belive i was in love and be did it many times thats when i forgot to take my post pills becha alfwal ahun my baby boy is 2 and a half year old ena i love him so fucking much.... my parents are raising him like there own child and telling that to people about to graduate high school this year... Ena my question is that i didn't tell the father of my child that i was pregnant cuz his family is very wealthy and they might take him from me... and my question is that should i just tell people his mine weyes just say his my lil bro....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9885791540145874 2018-02-10 06:47:31,"I need to vent. I'm 19 and I'm a 1st year student in a collage, and I got this boyfriend, lovely, romatic, nice, Hot , and we r learing in the same class . But I have these fears: 1.How can I be sure that he loves me for real? 2. What r the consequences of being in love with himm Please guys , think me as ur sister and I need real advice .... coz im worried And ladies too ... give me advice",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9870054721832275 2018-02-10 06:48:26,"I need to vent. Hey fellow venters and silent readers i ain't sleeping because of this thought am a second year student i had this major highschool crush back then i didn't know how to deal with girls i was terrible i even called her a slut who says that to a girl they like its like in kindergarten if a kid likes a girl he hits her shit was like that only we were in highschool and i hated her took time to understand my feelings i guess... so rounding up to this moment once in a while i check her profile out just to see her smile and eyes she got beautiful ones she is probably in a great relationship idk am here sitting down with this boiled up feelings that burst once in a while and i dont know what the fuck to do we dont even talk i mean we use to a lot and i always make her laugh its all texting tho nothing upfront and now i figure probably best this way uk she has her life i have my misery and stuff still in late nights like this i check her profile to see her eyes and smiles",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.9098230004310608 2018-02-10 06:48:48,"I need to vent. So hey guys I have a problem it is bugur the thing is my face is so messed up and sometimes I lose my confidence because of that for all of u who have been through this shit can u suggest how I can treat it please",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995843768119812 2018-02-10 09:39:40,"I need to vent. I know imma sound like a spoiled teenager saying this but trust me I’m not. Atleast not anymore. I’ve gone through all those I hate my parents, no one understands me crap and I’ve gotten over it. More like made my peace with it. Don’t get me wrong I love my parents now lol. Aaanyways, I found the secret to happiness a while ago and that was *not giving a fuck*. I made sure I wasn’t hurting anyone with what I’m doing but I never gave anyone the chance to make me feel bad. Someone didn’t think I wasn’t beautiful or wasn’t dressed in something trending? Fuck him/her I don’t wake up to impress them‍. Even when what someone said or did makes me feel bad I never showed it and gave them the satisfaction. I really didn’t care because I thought when I found mister right, he would understand me and that I wouldn’t have to be explaining why I did what I did all the time. I atleast thought when I did explain, he’d see things from my perspective. Yaw mayders neger yelem yehem derso i fell in love I know he loves me too. Gin now I know love bicha minim ayseram. I swear to God I’ve never seen anyone who’s more Derek and someone who always thinks he’s right than he does. Even when it looks like I did something wrong and I try to explain why I did what I did (I swear on even the most legit reasons) it’s always me who’s wrong and ends up apologizing. I know I lost my train of though and writing somewhere up there but writing about what ever comes to mind seems to help me so I’m sorry for wasting your time. One last thing though, Love does change us. If you asked me a few months ago what I would have done if I was in this situation I would have answered “Boy, bye”.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9894352555274963 2018-02-10 10:40:42,"I need to vent. my lifeee just go ruined I dont know how to even see his face now... I might be a little over reacting but that's how I am this is wat happened its Saturday no class so I took a shower and putted on tiptaps for those of u who dont know that its a stretchy top that sticks to ur body like skin so there I am with no bra and my tini tiny boobs and the universe is always against me the worst thing happened my crush who is also my neighbour just happened to be at my house I wished the ground would break in to two and swallow me but that didn't happen he took a good look at me and I tried to hide my boobs which made it worse and more awkward my boobs are so small I wear double bra and I dont know how to face him now wat should I do I'm sooooo embarrassed . And guys do what's ur take on girls with small boobs like really small",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9996101260185242 2018-02-10 12:10:56,"I need to vent. People have such a childish view of monogamy and fidelity. 'He's cheated so he's bad, she's cheated so she's bad', as opposed to a recognition that our species is not monogamous...Sexual fidelity can't be the whole thing you hang your relationship on. If you really love somebody you want them to grow, but you don't get to define how that happens. They do.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996263325214386 2018-02-10 13:39:22,"I need to vent. here goes my vent...I'm that kind of person who loves and trusts almost everyone. ..and I've been in relationships and ahunem bf alegne...the thing is I'm confused cause I'm not sure if I'm in love with my boyfriend this days...ena I think I'm with him because of the love that I've for everyone..say Sth kegebahuachuh lol Thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8978427648544312 2018-02-10 19:46:17,"I need to vent. Ok I have a question especially to the guys. How do u feel if your girl friend proposed to you? I know it sounds desperate but let it be desperate, I'm willing to get embarrassed! So how would u feel though? Is it a big deal? I mean we r in a new age and era!!! Is it so wrong?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982753992080688 2018-02-10 19:46:46,"I need to vent. Hello fellow members. So let me cut straight to the chase. My problem is that this dude I know from school back in the days which I had a huge crush on suddenly came back to my life. And lately we have been spending time together. And now am seriously in love with him. But the problem is that he kinda is a player. And he talks to one of my friends to. And now she really likes him or may be in love... am scared that she might take him away from me because am a virgin and she’s not and he might get the things he want from her ... Soo help me brothers and sisters am lost. So should I stop the thing I have with him or what",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9932982325553894 2018-02-10 20:01:32,"I need to vent. So here is my question guys. How can a guy break up with a girl without hurting her feelings ? Because I've been in a rlshp for almost 6 months and she is madly in love with me but I don't have feelings for her. I already told her but she keeps insisting I wait for my love to develop . Like wtf is that supposed to mean. Any who pls tell me some ideas bc I don't wanna hurt her...she's a gr8 gal",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.985691487789154 2018-02-11 12:24:54,"I need to vent. Hey guys.. mine isn't a vent actually but a question.. for gals n if zer r any for docs irregular period a serious pro cause am having it n am afraid if its serious and if i am not able 2 have a child in z future.. pls answer if u know",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970101118087769 2018-02-11 12:25:46,"I need to vent. I'm glad that someone finally created a platform like this so that our generation can VENT! we are told here and there not to speak what we want. But at least Thinking is not yet illegal So I'm glad to express myself speak what cause is bothering me and what I think about it. I'm a medical student...and also a girl. And there is one thing I face almost everyday of my life...not only me but almost every girl in my class... Case #1 You examine your patient and they ask you some questions concerning their health. And if you know anything, you'll tell me. But then another male med student examine them, he is by default better than you. They trust him, not you...Male+doctor>female+doctor? Case#2 When people ask you about your studies and if you tell them that you learn at a hospital...""oh, you're a nursing student!""...will be their answer. So...I don't get it... Girl+working in/learning a health field= nurse Vs Boy+learning in a hospital= a medical doctor??? And nurses are NOT by any means underprivileged than a doctor. Doctors can't do their job without nurses... Anyways...there are lots of cenarios I can tell you. But I think you understand what I mean. If you think that there is gender equality, think again. Everything should be considered only under one parameter...Being a human!!! Our generation still needs a healing...not a physical mental healing. It all starts from thoughts. I hope we all as millennial, we'll fight against this . Thank you!",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9523910284042358 2018-02-11 12:26:14,"I need to vent. My boyfriend tries to make me jealous by mentioning his relationship with other girls and comparing me with them. There also was a time where he kinda flirted with a girl in front of me so I had to tell him how hurt and disappointed I feel when he does that n hoped he would put end to it. But he still doesn't seem to stop. I've been patient with him as its his first time dating n he might have done that unknowingly cuz he's inexperienced but now I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing in keeping quiet about it.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.7920603156089783 2018-02-11 14:54:21,"I need to vent. Okay here is the thing.....i can't break up with my b.f....we've been together for 2 years and we've been through a lot.....I can't really explain it...I like the guy but am not always happy..... yikebdal kesu gar mehon like betam.......he's not good at being a b.f ....he's sometimes an asshole....... the reason I can't break up with him is one am scared of being with out him since it's been 2 years and second I took an abortion pill Cuz I got pregnant and I hate my self this days for obvious reasons so I kinda feel like he's the only guy out there for Mr since he knows all about it and I know most of u might think am just being dramatic but trust me it's the worst thing ever...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999614953994751 2018-02-11 14:55:20,"I need to vent. I have dated this guy for 2 years this is the longest we’ve both been in a relationship, he’s parents wanted him to go abroad for college but he stayed so we can be together he says I’m the one and he wants to get married when I’m done with school I love him too but there’s a huge problem he has a very bad past all his former rnships ppl know about describes him as an equivocated person and I too think he’s lying sometimes but I don’t doubt the love he has for me but I’m very sensitive, I really!care about what ppl think of me but these past years I played deaf to all the rumors and now my best friend and my parents are against us they’re telling me I shouldn’t go through this and that we shouldn’t be together because I’m having a lot of breakdowns and it never seem to end I know it a very selfish thing to do but but I broke up with him and I don’t know if I did the right thing",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9178937673568726 2018-02-12 19:17:21,"I need to vent. Girls these days.. if a guy is being friendly or nice to them , they think he is flirting... Seriously ,no matter how hot u look or how big ur ass is, not every man out there wants to flirt or make a move on u. Am a friendly guy so basically I treat most ppl as my friends..including girls . But most times lela neger yimeslachewal meselegn mentebarer kurat mnamn .. I fkn hate this shit so I cut it there. I even ignore that girl after that. So as an advice to girls who think Everyman is flirting,"" b**** u guessed it and u was fkn wrong""",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981550574302673 2018-02-12 19:17:46,"I need to vent. I'm a female and sixteen.. And I love school let me tell you why.. My friends make me happy and I'm doing okay in my studies.. But here's the problem.. When I get home.. I hate everything and everyone and have thoughts of killing myself I have written and rewritten my suicide note at least seven times... When I'm not at home I feel happy and normal but I have to come home at some point and then my thoughts kicks in and I cry a lot at home I'm constantly sad and angry I hate my life and my self I try to be happy. But.. It never works. And I'm really considering ending it because after five years and my life is still not getting better.. It's not like anyone will miss me anyway",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9896743893623352 2018-02-12 20:44:59,"I need to vent. It's not really a vent but just wanted to impart some wisdom... So the Golden Gate Bridge is famous for people jumping off it. There was a man who wanted to kill himself and went on the bridge to do it. He stood on the rails looking down on the water and thinking about his troubles in life. He decided to end it all and jumped but as soon as his body started falling down and the inevitable end was closing in he realized the only thing in his life he couldn't change was the decision he just made. But luckily he survived the fall and got a second chance in life. I read many vents about people wanting to kill themselves but you should know there is nothing in this world that can't be changed. You can change your life and live how you wanna live. Stay positive",approval,POSITIVE,0.9356099963188171 2018-02-12 20:45:13,"I need to vent. I just spent the past half hour or so casually thinking about methods of suicide and comparing their pros and cons before i even realized what i was doing. And although i suffer from depression today wasn't a majorly depressive day it wasn't even half bad really compared to other days so nothing triggered these thoughts my brain just went there so i guess my question is, is it more or less concerning when suicidal ideation becomes a common thought?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9992433786392212 2018-02-12 21:15:40,"I need to vent. So um quick question that's been bugging me this days , how dark are lightskin girls' private areas 'posed to be ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992152452468872 2018-02-12 21:47:43,"I need to vent. Hey everyone someone just sent me a pic of my boy and my bestfriend making out I'm so mad broken idk what I'm even feeling ryt know ena I don't know what to do pls help me",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988943934440613 2018-02-12 21:56:21,"I need to vent. I can't be just friends with men at all..I am friendly and they just keep interpret that as liking them in more than an ""I just like humans (or most humans) sort of way"" . I am not willing to stop being nice or stop smiling just so they don't get the wrong idea. I recently lost contact with one of my guy friends cuz he started flirting with me and I was like yo what r u doin? and he was like ""what r u sayin? I thought you liked me"" and when I told him he was wrong, he completely started avoiding me. I mean com'on it's just so annoying. i sometimes blame myself. but i dont really mean to lead them just nice to my friends..I guess if the world had more open and friendly people, they would be less likely to mistake friendliness for more than that.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.7045132517814636 2018-02-12 22:51:56,"I need to vent. so this is hard but bare with me here it goes. thers this guy, so fucken hot perfect tsebay we have an amazing connection. we were just friends but we sorta madeout one time keza lelam kenoch over n over n im so obsessed with him min larg if he doesnt talk to me im in a bad mood alll day n depressed beka betam akorfalew wiste demo kitil new milew but evn if he txts me beka im smiling minamn im so happy ende i cant live my daily life normally ughh i used to b so chill....i just cant let myself fall in love with do i stop feeling so obsessed over him helppp please how do i get over this addiction ps telling him or being with him is not an option",joy,NEGATIVE,0.8196552991867065 2018-02-12 22:55:32,"I need to vent. As a functioning-scratch that -well functioning human being anyone is exposed to there own innate ability of self awareness and observation. These observations may lead to the stage of self hatred and depression. A strong person will co front these feelings and go with what their logic tells them to do after well consideration of their situation and also other inputs that matter. It takes a level of contemplation and intuition to tackle one's problems not looking for a channel with 6 thousand sorry people that lack these characteristics and feed off the fact that there are people as weak or even weaker than they are and make themselves feel better. No one wants to hear about your vagina or your second dick between your ass crack. But they might want to hear how you dealt with it and how that introduced a different level of observing and acting upon the world for you. So please stop this sick spiral you all are feeding and try and focus on how to solve the problems and-with respect to all of u-stop bitching like the emotionally insecure slimy fucks you all are and get up and do something about it. And finally i would like to leave you all with this. It's not the river that matters it's how you crossed it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.648749053478241 2018-02-12 23:49:36,"I need to vent. Okay... I've so muchhh to say and I just need to get it off my chest .... am a 12th grader n I had a bf of 2 yrs .. we recently broke up cuz he dumped me of jealousy ... hw childish is zat ... u see ther's zis guy who liked me since way back n my bf knew abt it ... he WARNED me not to be wiz him n I never did ... but zis yr I got into z same section as z boy who liked me n it drove my bf crazy .. n z worst part is I only knew abt my bf's real feelings after our break up .. I asked him so many times before n he said he was fine with it .. that I shouldn't worry n zat I should believe wat he says... but I never should hv.... we break up n make up wiz my bf so many times ... but if he's stupid enough to leave me just cuz a guy likes me .. I guess he is not worth my effort, time , or love .. n I hope zis is 4 z best.... tnx 4 listening",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9928308129310608 2018-02-12 23:51:37,"I need to vent. Hey guys....I’m just wondering if there’s a date set for ‘Suicide ‘.....I just said that because I have seen many vents about it. I just wanna say, why give up? Just be strong and be there for your self, if your parents don’t like you so what, it might seem as a temporary solution but it’s a permanent problem. Just try to be better than yesterday. This planet is gonna give you a lil so earn that. Do what ever you want. Just don’t kill yourself.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9972196817398071 2018-02-12 23:52:31,"I need to vent. Soo guys this is the thing We were on a date with this amazing guy (I don't wanna sound like a teen i am 21 years old ) i liked everything about the date Except the part that he kissed me and kinda forced me to make out It feels like he rushed if you know what i mean Soo its normal or its just me ? And what should i do to make things good with him i don't wanna have this fun thing with him just wanna be serious with him i mean i want him to be my bf",love,NEGATIVE,0.9957002401351929 2018-02-12 23:53:28,"I need to vent. I thought it was just a random text from those guys.....I left you on seen and i was just fine but you texted again saying you needed advice at first I thought you were trying to be different and looking for a way for me to reply but I was wrong you were different ,you weren't trying ...that's how it all started I replied and that got me to where I am right Now...thinking about you everyday ,asking myself where it all went wrong ,telling myself just maybe it's all for the best you left me like you did ....I don't know what got to me but you had me on my knees ,smiling from your texts ,heading your voice that I loved so much that even gave me inner peace was all for nothing I don't even think I'll ever be able to be down for anyone like I was down for you ...i was willing to hold you down no matter what but it was all a game to you ..You said you loved me but it was that easy for you to fuck me over and leave me thinking what I did wrong for us to be like this ......but you ain't worth it i swear I hope karma fucks you up like you did me you had me comparing what you'd say it you were there your words are stuck in my head that I believed was true ......",love,NEGATIVE,0.9807815551757812 2018-02-13 07:02:26,"I need to vent. Here's my question,im a girl im 20 smthing years old,physically im skinnier at the top and heavier at the bottom,the last guy i liked and dated only liked my booty,,or so i think. And my guy friends even the shy ones have said something about it atleast once,when guys like me i feel like thats the major reason they like me. So am i right? Does it cover other likeable things about me,do i always attract perverts,or is it just me? Please b nice",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9945730566978455 2018-02-13 07:54:27,"I need to vent. HOW DO PEOPLE FALL ASLEEP SO FAST I DON’T UNDERSTAND I HAVE TO CREATE AND ACT OUT A WHOLE FUCKING MOVIE LENGTH STORY IN MY HEAD AND THEN CONTEMPLATE THE MEANING OF LIFE BEFORE I EVEN FEEL TIRED AND THIS BITCH STARTS SNORING IN TWO MINUTES",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9993151426315308 2018-02-13 07:55:42,"I need to vent. Change It bothered me to be the blind among z audiences The one person deaf in the hall of loud voices The city calls out to at day, at night...always A cripple answers still in distress from antagonizing pain Loud enough to be heard through sounds spoken in vain I the one who couldn't walk raised my voice after years I no longer feel shame in my incapabilities Painting my life black and dark is no more my intention Dark as my sight may seem hollow as my voices may sound Roads may not invite me But I'll still make z journey Who is with me ?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996100664138794 2018-02-13 08:55:13,"I need to vent. guys I don't know how to write but let me try im 20 I haven know z guy like 5-6 month like we text we havent meet onece we meet malet hulum neger be 1 ken tefeter z kiss z make out z sex malet its not normal to me I was v so do u tink we will met agine or am I z b****? pls in need ur advise tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967173933982849 2018-02-13 08:55:24,"I need to vent. Hello ... My friend is in love with unihorse. .. She talks about him 24/7 ...she thinks she is gonna marry him minamin he even a he ?? Ena am really really tired of hearing her non sense .... Demoko she calls him unicorn .... Ugh Demo we are not teenagers we are grown ups",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986390471458435 2018-02-13 13:46:46,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse This is not a vent but i really need your advice guys, I'm grade twelve student and I'm supposed to choose my career but i have no idea what my interest is and if any of you know how i could decide please help me, thank you!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9467459917068481 2018-02-13 13:46:58,"I need to vent. am just gonna thank God for everything he has done for me .... he did a great job with my life ...there were some ups n downs and I almost gave up on life gin he fixed everything ....he made it beautiful ena it's more than I asked for I just want him to know am really really grateful ...sometimes it might seem like I take his kindness for granted but trust me I know what I received ena it was all beautiful blessed ....thank you lord",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9989485144615173 2018-02-13 13:53:46,"I need to vent. You know Reading all the relationship problems and shits that people do makes me proud of being sinlge. It shows how people can't really be trusted. Who else feels like this?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9830948710441589 2018-02-13 14:29:29,"I need to vent. The 6 year old is disrespecting parents 9 year old is dating 11 year old is smoking Yes it's okay to smoke but nothing to brag about 12 year old is sending nudes 14 year old is sexually committed What is happening to this world what is going on The 16 year old is commiting suicide 18 year old is screaming for help 70 year old is providing shelter for a 30 year old man Life is turning out to be complicated It's funny watching this and acting like nothing is happening Some people are being stabbed Some are heart broken Some have totally given up Some think cheating is bravery You don't know how your huting the insint ones This ain't the purpose of life So try to change for the better and think positive Giving up is not an option Work hard life is hard but we are all stronger than our problems stay strong and help those people who are in need of us, be nice to each other and we only live one so lets make the best of it.",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9343326091766357 2018-02-13 14:55:25,"I need to vent. since childhood I have been sexually asaulted by familly members, I've been betrayed by my own mom, became homeless when my familly were rich, starved a lot, despised by whom I loved dearly........ufff Generally, I was pushed away to the edge by everyone I know for a reason I don't even know. I thought the whole world was against me. But now, I'm stronger than tita ium and I love people which is complete opposite to what I've been taught living in the world. Thankyou Lord. I now love living. Those tortures I've been through were just small parts of a life. I just needed to see the bigger picture, the rest part of life. I can do anything, I can go anywhere in this beautiful, colorfull world and I'll work hard for it.",love,POSITIVE,0.9828274250030518 2018-02-13 17:10:26,"I need to vent. So there is this guy I've been seeing for like 2 months now... At first it was all lovey-dovey nd we hit it off it was perfect he is such a great guy.. Still... but this days am seeing his real manenet nd am not liking it we got a lot in common but our differences so damn unbearable so I kinda knew this won't go anywhere and am sending this vent to ask u guys if u dumb a guy before he did would it make u feel better nd make the pain less or wud I regret not being patient with him later?? Cos sooner or later we sure gonna break up.. am sure of that...",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9935150146484375 2018-02-13 17:10:45,"I need to vent. Hey there Okay I am going through rough path idk y I feel depressed n lonley tho am surrounded by ppls n now days am loosing those ppls too ,my bf left me before 6 month but I can't move on idk may be there's something wrong with me n I literally block everyone now days including my freinds Please keep ur mean comments to ur self Thank u",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990391731262207 2018-02-13 17:12:11,"I need to vent. Ahhh soo many suicidal vents lol. This world we live in is a horrible hell of endless suffering, where we desperately fight for a false sense of happiness which subtly covers our fear of lonliness and imminent death and perpetually prolongs the illusion that life is a gift. Exisistence is futile, everything is vain. so no one can save you! My suggestion is start looking at the world objectively not subjectively, or u know just kill yourself cause it really woudnt make a difference.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9970292448997498 2018-02-13 17:12:21,"I need to vent. The other day I saw this guy who lives on the street around megenagna. Its obvious life wasn't fair to him coz the minute u saw him u would see all his troubles, sadness and pain all over his face. U would know he is a kind of person who had everything once but who lost it all. but the weird thing happened as he cross the rode may be I was the only one noticing anyways people was crossing the street with out any fear for their life even if the cars were running fast they were crossing the rode ke mekina gar eyetegafu (u know How it is around megenagna) and surprising he was the only one who was waiting for the ''demb asikebari '' to stop the cars and let the people cross. That mint it hit me why this guy cares about a life full of hell this much? No offense to the guy but let alone if I were living his life but living the life I already have I would consider dying of car accidents is a nice way to leave this fucked up world at least it wouldn't seem suicide even if i have done it intentionally (don't judge I had a horrible life at least I thought) then seeing that guy caring for his horrible life that much was an alarm call for me. Now every time those suicidal thoughts start to come up I think of him, I say to my self he has worse life than I have but still he chose to live. Well... I think it seems to work am doing okay but not sure for How long some part of me still says ""so... For How long r u going to hang in there"" I wish I knew a mute button to those inside voices",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9953296184539795 2018-02-13 17:12:47,"I need to vent. Hello guys im dude...i hv gf and l love her so much she loves me too but let me tell u sonething she used talk some dude before she knws me and one day she sent him a nude pic wiz out her face n z dude has changed to metfo sew n keep her masferarate her by saying i will post it on social media mn amn belo but i talked to him peacefully and he regretted abt his past, after ol zat drama my gf still hv fear to sexting wiz me whenever i ask her she will be mad wat should i do?? She told me dat she trust me plus she letted me to saw her naked physically and other stuffs too",love,NEGATIVE,0.9879690408706665 2018-02-13 17:29:33,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I really need ur help. I am 4th year university student and my grades can't get me through to the next semester. And my friends and family are Excpectiting me to graduate next year. It's fricking me out. I have tried my best. I have given it all and I failed. If I tell my parents about it they will make me move to my home town. I wouldn't survive a single day there. I that place I don't know what to do. I don't have money to start something and I just don't know what to do. People Please tell me what to do What would you do if u were in my position?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976605176925659 2018-02-13 18:55:42,"I need to vent. Guys, why do we fight? Will there really an end to this? Noone can come out as a winner from this. We were Ethiopians loooong before we were divided as oromos or Tigris or amharas or whatever. This is more of a question of pride than anything else. And it has got to stop guys. We cant afford to lose anybody else!!! We can make a change. The change starts from us. Guys, please, the killing must stop.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9951022863388062 2018-02-13 21:13:41,"I need to vent. Evenings r my weekness! Evenings and you! I try holding on, crying myself to sleep would ease it somehow! I tot if I did it everyday I'd get used to it, cry less each day, then getting used to not talking to u, time passes.... I meet someone new who doesn't know anything bout me.. My background,. My fucked up life, N doesn't love me enough to give a fuck even if he does .... Or maybe I'll get sooo rich n I live single for the rest ov my life making my Mom proud wd the wealth I have.... That's Wat I think wen it's a day.... But I crave for you wen it's at night.... I miss ur smile n the hand to wrap me up.... Those fingers.... I miss evtg n start crying again.... Because I don't think I'll ever love again, I believe nothing will excite me n I'll become emotionless....I don't know if that's a good thing or bad.... You're my only weekness.... I've had more shits in life, I've seen worse but ur grief is d only thing that breaks my heart in to pieces..nothing does! The only one thing I've wanted this much I guess..... It's morning n you're alredy in my mind.... 12 hours till the day starts for me n I start thinking the other way around! How it'll be better for us both wd out eachother.... ""At some point, you just have to let go. Move on. Because no matter how painful it is, it's the only way we grow."" Meredith Grey",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9940935969352722 2018-02-13 22:20:11,"I need to vent. It's very sad how we define LOVE  ""He killed her because of jealousy but the love lead him to kill her that's how much he loves her....she dumped him because she thinks he deserve better but still love him.....he didn't give her time he says he's always busy but still loves her...they divorced because they couldn't match but still love eachother ......THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EXCUSE IN LOVE....LOVE DOESN'T KILL, TAKES RISK,and GIVES TIME.....LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL....why give an excuse for something you love it really doesn't make sense......JESUS is a good example of love he loves us  eventhough we dont (he sacrificed with LOVE.....LOVE is not something you decide it's just a feeling you can't rule but, rules you. Then, if you start giving excuses you are ruling it.  IT'S NOT LOVE",love,POSITIVE,0.9059578776359558 2018-02-13 23:01:02,"I need to vent. It's only a matter of time before chivalry and politeness dies nowadays... Most girls think a polite act towards them is sexist, and well... Most guys don't wanna be polite, and hence all this trouble...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992496371269226 2018-02-13 23:03:32,"I need to vent. Evenings r my weekness! Evenings and you! I try holding on, crying myself to sleep would ease it somehow! I tot if I did it everyday I'd get used to it, cry less each day, then getting used to not talking to him, time passes.... I meet someone new who doesn't know anything bout me.. N doesn't love me enough to give a fuck even if he knows.... Or maybe I'll get sooo rich n I live single for the rest ov my life making my Mom proud wd the wealth I have.... That's Wat I think wen it's a day.... But I crave for you wen it's at night.... I miss ur smile n the hand to wrap me up.... Those fingers.... I miss evtg n start crying again.... Because I don't think I'll ever love again, I believe nothing will excite me n I'll become emotionless....I don't know if that's a good thing or bad.... You're my only weekness.... I've had more shits in life, I've seen worse but ur grief is d only thing that breaks my heart in to pieces..nothing does! The only one thing I've wanted this much I guess..... It's morning n you're alredy in my mind.... An hour till the day starts for me n I start thinking the other way around! How it'll be better for us both wd out eachother....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908809661865234 2018-02-13 23:17:23,"I need to vent. ""Irreplaceable"" i feel like itz a big word to use for him since he waz such an ass to me gin still he is cuz no matter how many guys i talk to or who i talk to zr is no one i connect with like him i wud be talkin to him ol day nd ol ngt long nd still love every moment of it zat sucks for me dosent it or is it zat i still havent descovered every guy out there?? i mean shit idk fo real do u belive in z phrase irreplaceable or not?? do u tnk zat we cant actualy replace some people in our lives need some answers realy",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9969695210456848 2018-02-13 23:18:18,"I need to vent. I give up. I’m tiered of being disappointed . I can’t anymore. I’m tiered of disappointing people. I’m tiered of hurting myself just because I’d hurt others for protecting myself. I can’t keep doing this form someone who doesn’t care about my feelings. I’m not even crying no more. I’m just numb and tiered ‍",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974699020385742 2018-02-14 08:58:39,"I need to vent. Neither of us is happy but neither of us wants to leave so we keep breaking one another and calling it love. But now it's time. I'm done. Please leave, just leave.... I can take the pain, just don't come back. Do us a favor, don't come back.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9915180802345276 2018-02-14 09:01:04,"I need to vent. wadaap everyone. ill try to make this easy to understand. alot has been goimg on in my head and in my life. i lost this best friend i love the most well i told her a fmily secret and she blew it (shes my cousin btw) ena i didnt have the nerves to tlk to her keza buhala and i miss her so much like betam ena i act like i hate hrr i love her yet i dont want to cause i dont trust her anymore infact after what happened bn. us i started having trust issues with ppl and my close friends and the second thing is that i used to have feelings for my best friend and now im over him thank god but i cant love anymore everytime a male friend starts to get close to me i push him away...yes he may think am a dick gn he probably doesnt know what ive beem through and the other thing is that im depressed and i cant open up. i have tryed gn nobody understands. i feel alienated. i wanna be alone. i love the silence but i cant be alone while i have friends ena while their there i cant simply stfu and be alone they ask y and i cant explain and when i say ""u dont understand"" or ""nvm"" i feel like im being rude ena i so badly wanna feel the holes in my heart and my scars with happiness that i can't. well sry if i wasted ur time. if u have anything to say pls",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968668818473816 2018-02-14 13:06:35,"I need to vent. I've Begun to Realize that you Can Listen to Silence and Learn From it. It Has a Quality and a Dimension all its Own. I'm Deeply Sorry for Your tragedy...Everyone Has a Limited Time Range to Live...let's make it count...Everything Passes. Doesn't The Sun Ever Get Tired..Putting Light Into This Dark World...",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.89960777759552 2018-02-14 13:07:25,"I need to vent. I need to vent... hey y'all I am almost 20.. studying medicine and been in a relationship for the last few months. It's been such a destruction for my lesson.. for that and for so many reasons I'm not gonna explain, i have decided to end the relationship. But I find it hard.. I think I'm a kind of person who needs someone by my side all the time. So whenever I need someone to fill that gap for me I find no one but him.. That's why i keep falling back to him when he is not even a little but of help at all. And when I know I have to end it. Soo please guys help me.. show me how to manage myself to avoide contacting him.. show me how to move on with my life please!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967800974845886 2018-02-14 17:17:24,"I need to vent. Have you guys ever felt anything worse than being disappointed at yourself? It’s like you lead a certain life and you hurt through that proses. You pray for a way out and imagine how different your life would be. Then you get out of that situation only to put yourself up for disappointment. Again . Only this time it’s not the same person & it’s not the same scenario but somehow you have managed to put yourself back to that dark place. It hurts and it will keep hurting but will you ever find a way out?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9955326318740845 2018-02-14 17:22:43,"I need to vent. Me and my sis know's our dad is cheating on mom and i knew tht for a while just didn't wona believe it. Then last week he did something and me and mom stopped talkin to him and today mom said we should talk to him, when we tried to talk he didn't say anything then all the sudden he told mom if you want a divorce we can do tht. I was furious i wanted to kill him but i calm my self n go to my room, my sis came we talked thts when she tells me she knew everything she even talked to one of the girls n tells me not to tell mom. Now i don't know what to do should i tell her or if i don't how am i supposed to live with him knowing what he did. Help please im goin crazy",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988676309585571 2018-02-14 18:05:44,"I need to vent. It’s really surprising for me to see all these vents about suicide and self harm. I didn’t think people were this depressed. Guys it’ll be okay, I’ve been there, heck I’m basically always there but never have I ever thought about this kinda stuff. If there was a way for me to help I would love to. Hang in there",love,POSITIVE,0.9867361187934875 2018-02-14 19:59:18,"I need to vent. I am 17-years-old young lady and i have a crush on my father. It started happening about a year ago when i began developing this desire to be around him all the time whenever he talks to me or hugs me (as fathers usually do) I think he has not noticed yet. I just hope in my heart that he think is just a daughter expressing her normal love for her father.I really want to get rid of that feeling & i don’t have a boyfriend because I have this strange feeling my father will get jealous...",desire,POSITIVE,0.9879289865493774 2018-02-14 20:00:44,"I need to vent. Hello strangers, can't believe I'd ever vent here but here we go. This happened when I was 11, it was my dentist appointment day and while the doctor was examining my teeth, the tip of the mouth mirror cracked and I accidentally swallowed it. I've went to number of hospitals to get rid of it but it's untraceable. Now that I've learned to know that it's impossible for doctors to remove it, I've developed this traumatic phobia of magnets for it makes me think I'll stick to it. I've never touched one either, but some students bully mefpr this. Is there anything I can do for those who've encountered the same incident, if yes, please share your advices. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9981256127357483 2018-02-14 20:23:18,"I need to vent. I'm a terribly lost kid in life and I'm fucking bloody mad at everything but I'm just too lazy to take action. My life's mess starts with my birth certificate, I got two, one says I'm 17 and another says I'm 16 but all in all its just a ludicrous, which one should I take?, parents told me I'm 16 but I'm a senior student, like how, I mean there is a rational explanation, and there must be one. The mess goes on with my character, to be honest I'm just either stupid or trust too much in having any doubt on friends or families, and when someone shows me a smile, I just get obsessed with them and I don't know why, I mean it's just a fuckin smile, but I still get on. I have friends who calls me crazy while in fact I lost myself half a decade ago, and I feel pretty stupid abt everything, then went on to numbness which I have no idea where it came from, and everything I say either makes me a racist or an idiot, but I don't think I'm that insane to do those things, but in actuality boom.......I'm just throwing offensive shots everywhere. Not only that but most of the people I help just keep on getting better than I am and I feel angry about it, like they begged for my help so I help em, but when I ask for theirs they're like 'got not shit' then they get better outcomes. So with all of these problems added to this petty life, now I don't give a fuck abt anything......",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994469285011292 2018-02-14 20:28:34,"I need to vent. Well so I have issues ... but who doesn't right The thing is I'm a book nerd like fiction and stuff not school Anyways u might not think it's a bad thing being addicted to books ur probably thinking this isn't something worth venting about But just listen or read So I used to read 20 -30 books per week at first it was all good and it made me happy the stories and the part that it drives me to another world was just amazing forgetting everything and being in a world I wanted to be in but after a while (1 year in exact) I started to get depressed with out a book 2 days with out a book and I turn to a depressed zombie walking.. This addiction has ruined a lot of stuff in my life like relationships I read so many cliche and lovey dovey books I forgot what reality was like I used to be a bitch to my bf just because he didn't do anything like those guys in the books And I used to be mad at my friends for not understanding me like those friends did in the books I used to be so disrespectful to my parents just because they weren't cool as those in the books And I used to bully my sister just because most of the big sisters did that to their lil sisters in the books After a while my parents started to realize So they took away my books phone tab ... everything I had books on .... for 5 months ... imagine how I acted all those 5 months but in the end it helped me ... don't get me wrong I love books I still read 1 in 2 weeks but I'm just saying just because hearing what u wanted to hear and watching what u wanted to see and reading what u wanted to be true is never gonna take u out of reality ..... The shity world still awaits us in the end .... I had to learn the hard way to accept that",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9587162733078003 2018-02-14 21:48:17,"I need to vent. Hello guys I am kinda new for venting my story but here's how it goes i finished prep n I got a scholarship to study in another country with another people to begin life wiz n it ws hard to leave my friends family but zats life so I ve done it n came to study so new life begins with new chapter n ppl . At first it didn't seem real but after a while I met new friends n I didn't mind n I ws single too .n my new friends were gud to live with so I ws happy it seemed easy . But after a while my friends best BFF zat was a male came from another city n we all were being together but then he suddenly was showing the affection he have for me n I ve heard he was a player n I ve like broke up wid my ex long ago n zat I wsnt over him n I ws hurt n kinda stayed being single more zan 1 n a half yr .to tell u the truth is wsnt into another r/ship plus him cos he was a player so I tried to ignore zat n stay friends but like one day we were ol watching a movie n z girls went out I don't know y but they both had an excuse n I knew zat I should've been alone wid him but I acted like I didn't cared n he suddenly kissed me I didn't knw y but I think cos it been a long time zat I ve been kissed I didn't even tried to move n I ws shocked n after zat he told me he rly liked me n my friends was nagging me to be with him n I thought to my self just to try it n I told him that I just wanna to try it n it ws gud cos he kinda changed a lot for me n I kinda liked zat abt him but I'm not an easy lover . Zen we started to get more close n close n He was like a big brother to my friends but he has a temper zat everybody hates also me he will get mad at everything everything n after a while the friends I have his bffs after finishing ol my money flashed back on me n he ws n only person who stayed n I started liking him more n he was my only friend n lover here so I didn't have much choice but now a days he acts on me alot.he leaves me if we argue even in de middle of the night n he only wants his to be done what he wants to be done n he usually don't care abt my feelings or so n I've tried to break up with him even knowing he was my only friend or so. lik 3 times for the past 6 month he tries to convince me n tries to be good zat days n after zat he changes again zis days he is even ignoring me if I refuse to do what he says I don't knw what to do I m kinda afraid to be alone but do u thing I should keep up with this please help n sry if it ws long",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9916282892227173 2018-02-14 22:22:49,"I need to vent. I'm scared of what's happening in our country their fucking our life up we are only trying to have a better life yet they keep making hard for us to make it out everything keeps getting harder and harder",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9971967935562134 2018-02-15 14:22:39,"I need to vent. I don't get why people say ""other people have it worse, why are you being so ungrateful don't commit suicide."" Like seriously? It's like saying "" a lot of people have it better so how can you be happy? just be depressed."" To be honest pain is pain, it's just our preferences of it that differs. So please don't judge cause they've had enough and by saying this you're just making it worse. P.s. I don't think suicide could ever be the answer too. It's most people's options of it that I don't like.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9978038668632507 2018-02-15 14:22:51,"I need to vent. Does saying your problems out loud really help?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992855191230774 2018-02-15 18:24:51,"I need to vent. So honestly guys I need to vent am scared of the things happening in Ethiopia it is really freaking me out to the point am scared of going out of home soo peeps u think things will get worse n all innocent ppl will get hurted family's will get separted n ethio will be ruined am really scared what do u think guys the soln is to prove that before any thing we are humans n we need justice and peace????????????????!!!!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9989339709281921 2018-02-15 18:46:19,"I need to vent. I don't get why people say ""other people have it worse, why are you being so ungrateful don't commit suicide."" Like seriously? It's like saying "" a lot of people have it better so how can you be happy? just be depressed."" To be honest pain is pain, it's just our preferences of it that differs. So please don't judge cause they've had enough and by saying this you're just making it worse. P.s. I don't think suicide could ever be the answer too. It's most people's options of it that I don't like.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9978038668632507 2018-02-15 18:50:06,"I need to vent. Wazzzzuppppppp so ppl am thinking abt killing myself....llz no no okay for real tho am a teenage girl who has such a fucked up life but we all gotta cope ryt so am still here the thing is I am distracted a lot by shits, my whole life sometimes even z simple things and ik tht happens eko but even tho shit happens I deal wiz it n move on(not easy at all but I still do it) because ik where I wanna be , I have such a big practically living for z women tht i knw am gonna become but am messing up guys I rly am I mean am not studying I try but uk ena am for real it's killing me cause guys I try so bad and am not going anywhere so my question is if u fucking know who u r, who u wanna be...if u hv a dream n u wanna succeed why is it so damn hard to get ur mind straight seriously guys? I need real help....zis isn't fair i don't wanna mess up my whole life due to some stupid shits...plz help...anything",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981651902198792 2018-02-15 19:43:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys So ive been reading vents for a while and i seemed to notice that most of the vents are about relationships. I hope things work out in ur favor everyone but my vent is do u really need a soulmate to complete ur life? I am 19 and i had been in a relationship for a while, 3 month to be exact, but i hadnt been fully into the relationship. I mean i like the guy, i really did, i still think about him somedays, but ive been told that i wasnt good enough for so long that no matter what he said, no matter how much he complimented me, i cldnt take it to heart. Infact, whenever he calls me beautiful or how lucky he is mnamn, i feel like he was mood eyeyazebgn neger. Siqetl demo my mom and dad were not in love when they agreed to get married. They fight a lot and say very hurtful things to each other that breaks them for the long run. And whenever i tell my mam that i wont be getting married, she has never tried to change my mind. Besides, ive been through a lot before and ive got scars all over my body to prove it, which makes me wonder if anyone will ever love me enough to accept me the way I am. And even if i cld find the one, wld i be able to think he is genuine? I just needed to get that off my mind i guess. Thank you for ur time",love,POSITIVE,0.6481042504310608 2018-02-16 08:32:59,"I need to vent. I wannaa tell you sooo bad i wanna tell you everything i feel bout you but ughhhh way too many history in the friend zone and since i cant say it outloud to you and ruin our good thing i just wanted to vent it and atleast tell someone ‍",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9994577765464783 2018-02-16 08:37:31,"I need to vent. Earlier i saw something ugly written about k-fans and i wanted to say to whoever wrote that ""u make no sense bloody bastard"".And to all the boys out there or any person with ill feelings for k-stuffs change ur distorted way u view things and be open minded about it.Actually this thing was bugging me for a long time so i am glad that i let it out now.. the thing is that im a k-fan(korean drama,music n watever related to them) but that is not the issue.The issue is that im a boy and the boys think its girly thing to do and they always give me that bad ugly look hehe...ena im tired of explaining to them how exceptional the souths please boys dont judge before u know anything.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989519119262695 2018-02-16 12:31:57,"I need to vent. So here goes my fucked up love life. I'm 25 and I've been with my gf for over 5 years now and we never had sex or anything and we love eachother very much. I wanted but she kept giving me the cold shoulder every time saying she wanted to be a virgin till marriage. After sometime I stopped asking and was at peace with her wish. So last month one day she told me she was going out with a couple of her friends at a club (girls night bela) I said okay have fun then I didn't hear from her for the rest of the night. The next day I called her in the after noon and she wouldn't pick up so I called her friend and asked her about the night and stuff. I could hear the shame and fear of her friend in her voice so I asked what was wrong...she hanged up on me. Then later that day I heard from her other friends that she slept with a guy she met at the club (one night stand). I was completely heart broken. The girl that was supposed to be a virgin till marriage, the girl I was gonna marry one day, the girl that told me she loved me till death....cheated on me with a complete stranger...she wasn't influenced by any drinks or drugs btw...bc she doesn't drink nor do drugs. I've never felt so low in my life. It took her 2 weeks to finally call me which I didn't pick up...and now she is crying and begging for my forgiveness and I don't know what the fuck I should do. It's like soooooo painful u have no idea. So if anyone can shed a light for a solution, I'd be very happy and thankful. Thanks for reading this...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9949234127998352 2018-02-16 13:39:53,"I need to vent. So hey guys lots and lots of stuff I saw here but I think as young most of us are. we want to face every problems by our own. Me personally I've been through a lot depression addictions and lots of things I prefer not to say the point is any kind of hurt or felling is not going to go b/c u told it to a complete stranger let me ask u this one question and end my vent. will anyone be with u if they knew everything? what u think ,ur plans, every thing. I know no one will come close to me .But there is this person who knows it all and still loves you .John 8 people brought a women , they said to him, Master, this woman has been taken in the very act of sinning against the married relation they all wanted her to die but jesus said let him among u who has no sin throw the first stone and he told her to go but not to sin again. So I ask u to putb ur eyes off people and put them on Christ for he will gladly help u. Thanks for reading may God's grace be with u",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9745160937309265 2018-02-16 13:40:04,"I need to vent. Here is the thing am 25 yrs old but i have a baby face ppl say i look lyk an elementary student and 14 yrs..this is really annoying",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985408782958984 2018-02-16 13:40:45,"I need to vent. Well I don't know if u can call this a vent .. But I'm gonna throw this one out their I'm a guy in collage and I know a lot of women but never in my life have I found a girl that I can actually call worthy they were all kinda fucked up and non of them seem to have the intellect I possessed and we had nothing in common and now I think I can never find someone on my level. So now I pretty much gave up. Its just all the girls I meet they are just so basic and nobody is like me what's up with that?? And a lot of u girls out their rly need to get a life I mean God damn!! Most of u are literally ""Empty"" I mean I like an easy going girl ...but fuck .. I want her to be Abel to read at least ... And why do most of expect the guy to pay... Bitch pick up a cheque once on a while I may be single for a while but for those of u who are in the dating game ... Plz keep this in mind.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988695979118347 2018-02-16 19:46:13,"I need to vent. Hey.....just hear me out and say wat u want to a 17 years old who expectes too much from people.... I honestly want everyone to love me and care about me....but that's just impossible cuz most ppls don't... I have a lot of friends but they don't care about me as I want them to be... May me um so selfish for wanting attention but I always feel lonely although I am surrounded by a crowed.... So I changed ma school thinking that it was there problem for not loving me enough.... Now in my new schul the same shit is happening again.... Now I really hate my self cause I know that I was the problem.... And this is the worst feeling on earth,Not feeling loved.... I broke up with my bf cuz I thought he didn't loved me enough that he don't care about me.... But when my friends told me he rly do love me.... And this feeling is still on and its messing my life.... I even don't think my parents don't love but they gave me all what they have.... So what do you think? Am I just imaging things or people don't actually care about me?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973825812339783 2018-02-16 20:22:58,"I need to vent. Keep your negative comments to yourselves, only helpful comments needed. I sweat excessively,like alot. I tried many antiperspirants but they're not helpful at all. SOS!!!",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9995587468147278 2018-02-16 20:23:11,"I need to vent. I am a 23 year old porn and massage house addict! Help me please.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976794123649597 2018-02-16 20:52:18,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I need to vent Hey.....I need advice from each and every one of u I am 18 I always depresses because of my life I try my best to make my life better but thing goes worst and worst .... I study hard but I fail exam I try to be good but my friends began shun. And I ask my self why? Then I began to act like others I got boyfriend and ape everything from others like cheating on exam but nothing is change I always cry and pray but even my family began to abnegate me I start abominate other and i moan with nothing so help me plz",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987334609031677 2018-02-16 20:52:50,"I need to vent. To make things easier and short... I'm a guy with feeling issues. Like I don't feel shit (anger, happiness, sadness,...) I mean I sometimes recognise what I'm feeling threw books I've read in the past but I feel like this is what I'm telling my self. And then they are days where I don't feel any emotions... And now I have been in a relationship with this awesome sweet girl. Whom I think I'm crazy for but thinking and feeling isn't the same. I sometimes doubt that I actually have feelings for her. Can somebody help me out.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9392533898353577 2018-02-16 20:53:19,"I need to vent. Anyone ever had this weird looking black dot-ish looking pimples (idk wtf they really are) all over their legs and arms ? If so , How did u get rid of it ??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999212384223938 2018-02-16 21:35:28,"I need to vent. Ola , I've been reading some of the vents and people are really suffering and a lot too, i just want to say i wish all of ur problems go away and u find peace ! Coming to the real point, my problem is i that i dont have self esteem and i dont know how to develop it, i dont trust my self and this tends to be the most important part of success, i try my best and fail and its verrrrrry hard in my family because all of my family members are either smart, good at something or wise and am non of those things( well i think so my mom think so) isn't it hard when ur mom discourages u! Its soo hard, what keeps me going is my friends because at homs its like am an outsider i admit that am different and weird, childish, and sometimes immature but thats just my fun side, when i get serious i get serious, but then my mom pulls me down again! And it takes me a long time to recover from her painful words! And i dont know what to do?! So help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9804542660713196 2018-02-16 21:39:45,"I need to vent. Hello guys........ Idk how to start becha there is this girl in my school actually the same class n I trusted her for many things and that's a big deal for me cuz I don't trust any one idk how but I trusted her n loved her too she always tells me that she love me n am special but guess wt she was faking it all the time n am pissed as hell and also angry I didn't want to say any thing bad to her so kept quite now I got a full bottle of double black label whisky am gonna drink it guys I mean the whole Gin my question is why would she tell me she loves me when she dont ?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9767855405807495 2018-02-17 07:27:21,"I need to vent. i have known this guy for two month now, within this time he managed to disvirgin me(forcefully), ruined my trust for him etc. above all that I'm still kinda into him. but yesterday he said if there will not be sex in our relationship he would leave. i never said no to that but i asked him to wait for a while longer since i have to finish my exam... but when i think of it now.. i really feel like that he only wants the sex n I'm not more important than that. I'm feeling worthless... i believed all the lies he has been feeding me since day one. what should i do guys?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999067485332489 2018-02-17 07:37:46,"I need to vent. How can i feel like this just at the beginning of my life. Im Just 18 yet sometimes I feel like I have felt everything there is to feel and all thats left is a hollow emptied version of those. Excitement, sorrow, happiness are all just a memory for me. Should I be thankful about the stagnant life I live despite how barren it is or should I risk the heights in search of the adrenaline rush. After all, all emotions are jus mere chemicals in my body and nothing has an intrinsic value in life...including life but should I let this ultimate truth hold me back from living like other han beings that attribute emotions to something more than the physical body. Ignorance is indeed Bliss. This Dilemma haunts me, my nihilist-stoic veiw of this world has taken its toll. How can I live that life with the rollercoaster rush without shading my beliefs.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9818702936172485 2018-02-17 07:39:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys, am a girl n 24. What i want to share might b a bit strange to all of u. Here is the thing. Idk y bt i dnt have a gd feelin bout my mother. Am now independent n like that bt she never seem to leave me alone. She kinna always calls n ask me where i am n doin what? That's nt only it, she was so abusive when i was a child, both verbally n physically. Plus she always acts like she's the innocent one while am the bad guy. All those things make me the way i am now. Sm one shy, unable to relax, fearful, nt sociable n soooo reserved w/c impacts my life negatively. She never appreciated things i did, she always underestimated everythin n clearly discriminated me from my lil brother. On the other hand, i can't deny that she is very strong, for raising three kids on her own. Gin demo, she kinna go out with different guys since i cn remember well. That really made me hate her to date. Ywmigermew, she tries to still act like an innocent n expect me to b like one. I hate my mother that's it! N sm times i feel like i want to get her put from my life telling her all i know. I have these thoughts i mind (thinking what she put me through in the past) to ruin everything with her. Bt again i fear. Ahhhhhhhhh so confusing",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9935460686683655 2018-02-17 08:11:36,"I need to vent. I feel Sad, Happy, Normal, Unconscious, Mad...all at the same time... I stopped watching series movies cuz you are there in my dreams making endless Films in my brain...BTW when is the end? ""Yene wud engdih Hilmen egrochish sir kezeregahu wedih. Zig bilesh ergechi zig bilesh hiji Hilme lay newna mitirameji."" Ale bewketu... You are my weakness...don't feel bad cause I said this!...I'm weak!... I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. Your presence makes me silent. may be it's b/c I love you or I'm silent from nature. They say you get drunk by drinking alcohol only. Idk but I become one just by seeing you!...does your eyes radiate ""OH"" into mine? cause that's weird. I know that you don't know my feelings. You won't I hope. it's for the better! Trust me! I wish there was a Room where I can watch you all day without you knowing it! P.S ..I'm going for the ""heart beat record"" if there is such thing.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9679765701293945 2018-02-17 11:55:34,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt that u are so an loveable???why is it so hard to have someone by your side...I don't even remember the last time I have been asked out on date. Am not that ugly besides I have a great personality at least I believe I do",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8154688477516174 2018-02-17 11:56:10,"I need to vent. Hey everyone...My vent is a mess... I am in love with my cousin like am crazy about him.... We are not blood related its like my aunt adopted him...we had a sleep over at my aunt and we kissed.. I think he feel the same too....Our family will kill me if they know...Pls say sth....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9995267391204834 2018-02-17 12:12:57,"I need to vent. I want him gn he doesnt wat shld I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989609718322754 2018-02-17 12:59:34,"I need to vent. This is weird. I have no interest for dating this time. I lost it totally. My families are telling me that i should have a boyfriend. But, The only thing that makes me comfortable is reading and sleeping. I hate to talk to people. I prefer to stay all the day alone. What is this?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991733431816101 2018-02-17 19:54:38,"I need to vent. Hey there, I usually experience a night dreams about what I will face tomorrow. Especially, some specific event. Eventually, the day feels like déjà vu. No matter how much I wanna change it, I couldn't. Nobody is understanding me. Because they think I'm lying... I'm spending many sleepless nights because of it... idk what to do.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979998469352722 2018-02-17 19:55:45,"I need to vent. Hi everyone ...There is this girls ... so we knew each other since elementary school & we were good friends, but some of her friends started a rumor that am in love with her & she stopped talking to me ever since.  After 7 years later she Facebooked me told me how sorry she was for the way she acted. I didn't mind so we started talking nager. .. long story short she was in a rough patch so I tried to help her ... I tried to be there for her but in the process I fallen in love with her ... we acted like couple talking every day flirting  ... giving each other nick names. But most of the time it seems she was playing games with me ... she bails out at the last min when ever we were going to meet... she doesn't pick up the phone when I call ... so I got fed up with it & decided to tell her how I feel ...she was not willing to met so I wrote her a long text explaining everything & she told me she likes me but she is in a complicated relationship. This broke me ! Previously  I had asked her if she was in one, but she dined. So I told her I will be there 4 her when ever she needs help, but I can't keep on playing pretend couple. What she said was she likes me ... her feeling 4 me is more than as friend, but she can't be with me b/c of the BF gin ""atleast let's  be friend"". How can I be friends with the girl I love... so I told her I can't continue doing this... she said she don't want to loss me that she needed me in her life & asked not to leave her ... but we stopped talking since that day ... I miss her so much! sometimes it physically hurts thinking about her ! I don't know what to do ! Any advice ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9942355751991272 2018-02-17 22:03:25,"I need to vent. Hello dear lovely... advisors 21yrs old girl... I haven't been drunk ,,,,get over....n also used drug(weed....)++having bf before... But nowadays... My interest is into 75%... Z only thing zat stop me not to do is ma frnds n I have some thought like if I get drunk, i may lost my V n then I will get addicted to it... Gn w@ do you think should I try it or not??? thanks anyways!!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9704745411872864 2018-02-17 22:05:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need some advise...... Here is the thing I've been with my bf for like 4years and now we're hardly together sometimes we go days without even talking.... Now he's kinda spending his day chewing chat mnamn and if we're meeting I should go there (I don't chew). I just go there to meet him..... He's started laying to me and give me a lot of excuses when I ask him why he doesn't call me mnamn..... He sometimes avoid me and also he has asked for a break up before but I insisted no cause I felt like I would be leaving him in his hardest days.... Now the reason am with him is cause he has lost his job before like 5/6 months ago ena till he finds a job, cause as I said I didn't wanna leave him like this..... But now there's this guy from my neighborhood who's nice mnam we hangout mnamn and last time he told me he wants more than friendship..... What should I do???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983987212181091 2018-02-17 22:06:24,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse My first vent here Am 18 & a senior student So as it is obivious its a relationship problem, me & my bf hv dated like for 10 month or so, we dont go to the same school...., We love each other we almost chat 5 days a week mnamin but in this time of our relation we only ne up in person like 4 times becha other than that its text only, Am i being dramatic? or does anyone else have this kind of relation? Is it a problem?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985968470573425 2018-02-17 22:07:34,"I need to vent. Hi everyone, I’ll cut straight to the chase I have two job opportunities... one I’m passionate about but has shitty pay, and one that fucking bores me to death but has far better wedges. Which one do you recon I should go for? And I know this isn’t exactly a vent but I feel like this platform could be useful for so much more than discussing crushes or whatever.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998479425907135 2018-02-17 22:09:29,"I need to vent. Hey so my girlfriend and I have been together for quite a while but I think she still don't trusts me to have sex , she says she loves me betam blah blah but I don't want to wait till we married that's betam over thinking wat should I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996084451675415 2018-02-17 23:33:42,"I need to vent. Hey y'all,ive posted a couple of vents before and i was surprised by the comments/advices sent to me,some of you guys were so helpful,some of you sent really long ''essays'' and you dont even know me. Even if i didnt practically follow your advices(sorry) it made me feel very happy to know there are a lot of good people out there,it made me feel like i was part of something,i really would like to be friends with for real,but then again... Anonymous,so i would like to thank you for the concern and for making me feel better. I wish you all the best in life",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9942521452903748 2018-02-17 23:34:15,"I need to vent. Hi , I have a helth issue and I'm really really scared of dying, for example if heard someone is died even if I don't know that person I will shiver in fear all i think about is what if my time is now ... people say you are ok and you gone be fine but deep down I know I'm not , I belive in God n I know whatever he do is for the best but steel it makes me peceless. I have plans, im a very imaginary person , I never done anything that makes me proud of myself .. I want my life to be better but every second I live in fear, i dont sleep well , or Eat..... I'm not socially active and I don't have friends whom I can talk freely. I don't know what to do.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9916611909866333 2018-02-17 23:34:53,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse . Hide my identity. I'm grd 12 here it goes one day I was in a restaurant hanging out with my friends and I go to wash my hands and there was a mirror, I started taking selfie suddenly this dude came by ik him from insta and telegram he is pretty famous started to take a selfie with me kezam I told my friends and the nag me to send our pics and start a convo and I did. The guy is a really nice person not tibaram tho his a player. I think I'm falling for him and it hurts betam. I changed myself for him idk who I am ryt now I used to be a simple fun girl but now I wants his attention but he is not seeing me like that,my friends told me that our meeting is like perfection and it's gonna workout but the chicks he hangout with and me are not the same, I'm depressed ryt now and I need ur help and pls don't judge me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9908657670021057 2018-02-17 23:46:35,"I need to vent. I never thought I'd have a problem that needs venting... but here I am. So My dorm mate has a bf of 3 years. They're super in love, at least I thougt that. So the dude graduated n left campus. But she's from there. And he's from Addis. Hence the long distance. So A while later she started hanging out with this other dude. when I came to Addis for a break the BF called me, said she's acting wired. Ena he begged me to tell him if I knew anything. But I straight up lied cause I thought it wasn't my place to tell. he was so desperate that he told me he's going to go there to talk to her (800 kilo meters btw) eventho she told him not to come. Again I said noting. Finally she told him that she's got a new bf. But he thinks that she's just saying it just to make him mad. I wanna tell him it's true But I already told him like a 100 times that I don't know shit n I can't just say I was lying. So Now even she told him the truth n I'm stuck lying for her. N he's still gonna go.I feel so bad for him... I don't want him to go all the way out there just to get hurt... I dunno what to do. Any ideas? Please... help a guy out!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979225993156433 2018-02-18 08:21:33,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm 24 I graduated from university like almost 2 years ago I did find a job that's not related to my field I get in there for the time being till I find a job but nothing happened then after 1 year I resigned from that job because it was boring now I'm ""serafet"" everywhere they ask experience now some companies ask for 2017 graduate I want to be independent from my parents now I'm depressed what can I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990106821060181 2018-02-18 08:23:14,"I need to vent. Guys i have not slept in 3 days!!! Not a wink! Ive got zombie eyes and all. Im a 1st yr medicine student and im on a break after having finished our premed courses. And im usually a very deep sleeper. But it has been 3 whole days since ive evem had a nap!! I can feel my mind exploding!! SOS guys...i need help...i just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeep",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9941985607147217 2018-02-18 08:24:04,"I need to vent. At some point, I used to wish I would disappear from this world The whole world seemed so dark and I cried every night. Will I feel better if I just disappeared? I was so afraid of everyone’s eyes on me During those beautifully beautiful days, I was in pain. I hated myself for not being able to receive love. My mom and my dad, they’re only looking at me. It’s not how I really feel but I keep getting farther away. What do I do?The saying time is medicine was really true for me. As the days went by, I really got better But sometimes, when I’m too happy, I’m afraid I’ll be in pain again I’m afraid that someone will take away this happiness.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.984851062297821 2018-02-18 08:25:34,"I need to vent. Hey guys I really need help there are two important men in my life the first one is I met him on Facebook and we started talking and bla bla then we spent like 1 year talking and now we are in relationship he is 27 and he is living in Atlanta and I hadn't met him in person the other one is we started talking before Ard 3 years ago and he was my closest friend we shared everything together I was thinking that he was only my bestfriend but unknowingly my love for him was not Jst friend's love and also he felt that too now we started a relationship I really love him like crazy idk Wat to do the first one has got my dreams my goals and completely my life on his hands this one is Jst 21 and also a student like me they both love me whom do I have to choose this dilemma is killing me ....... My future whom I don't even know in person or my love whom I love like my own life???????????????? Pls think it betam",love,NEGATIVE,0.9867667555809021 2018-02-18 08:26:22,"I need to vent. I think I got a problem which I didn't think it was a problem till now. Me and girl have been together for a while now like 4 months I think... We have done everything by now but not the sex part. So here is the problem a few days back we where making out at my house we went 2nd base and stuff then she slowly take here hands down my pants then she touched my D. Then she immediately freaked out and started saying a bunch of shit saying she got to go I was confused as hell but let her go. Then the next day she told me she really wanted to have sex wiz me but she freaked out cuz when she touched my 8=====D it was very big... I know what u thinking I am not exaggerating I swear that's what she said... she is kind of short I think she thought it would hurt her... I totally backed out when she told me that... Don't know if i should be proud of my shit or feel sad for her.... Any dudes have had this kind of issues it would be a real help...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9912926554679871 2018-02-18 08:26:56,"I need to vent. Hy unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent So here goes my shit, am this girl who is addicted to see a cute face not only me but also my friends I hate when it comes to dating but I just wanne see cute face, Am this kinda girl who will get what she dreams no matter how and whom anyways when I got the best time I will crush it if am gone go to a date tommorow I'll crush the event again I just like to chat not more than that. If u can don't judge otherwise I'll take the good comments. What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9910939335823059 2018-02-18 11:15:05,"I need to vent. Well i need to vent which is rly stupid anyways every tym i had sex or makout i mention ma ex name rather calling ma current bf name and zis things r making me nat to have any sexual intercourse wiz ma current bf which is hard to him i don't hw to control zis shit help me out",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994528889656067 2018-02-18 11:15:54,"I need to vent. So you guys think God is real? Ok here are my problems 1) my little brother is gay... 2) I am sick (symptoms of kidney failure) 3) I've crush on my dude friend for more than 2 years and now he is going out with my friend 4) I have no talent or what's so ever 5) I want to make my mom proud but all I have done is being a problem So tell me where the hell is God??????????? I don't care if I die ..but whytis this all happning to our family... While all other people are living peaceful life??? I bet no one is up there who can here prayers",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992750287055969 2018-02-18 11:43:57,"I need to vent. Here is my vent For the past 3 or 4 months I been convinced with something and that's changing my personality. .....I don't really think plp can change at the end of the day you are who are and it's probably who you always been I'm facing the reality here and I don't really see it working My question is can people change? I feel like the bad attitude will keep chasing till death",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9991053938865662 2018-02-18 15:44:29,"I need to vent. My second vent in this channel it is. Am really confused it just couldn't work out with my bf and it has ended. He's basically my ex just recently. And there's this guy I know through him. In fact his friend. My bf is a jealousy type of person n it gets worst when it's about his friend. Like akolamtesh atitriw minamn yilegnal.. bicha betam yikenabetal. N his friend is just a good person. That's how I saw him..... but now.. after I end it with my bf. His friend called me n I thought he was gonna try to mastarek us. But it wasn't. It was more like advising me and he was even saying things bout my ex.. bicha now I get that he's interested in me and also he is not that sincere for his friend. Should i kèep talkin to him and take a chance or should I stop contacting him just because he is a friend of my ex",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990085959434509 2018-02-18 15:44:50,"I need to vent. Well it's me .I'm a guy and not to brag but most ppl find me attractive but I'm single.I ask my self ,what did i do wrong.I have a weird relationship path.I then tell myself looks doesn't just do it.U must be blessed .I have been in couple of one night stands lately but I want someone I could love and she lovin me back.where are u dream girl,?",desire,POSITIVE,0.9346457123756409 2018-02-18 15:45:46,"I need to vent. the girl with the ""dilemma"" again..... The guy in Atlanta is not fake eko we even talked on video and also he is coming this July for me I told him not to come and I told him also I was disvirg Jst to distance myself from him but he said like it's okay it's u whom I want not ur virginity and am really confused sometimes they both text the same time and idk whom to answer first God I Jst wanna die they both told their mother's about me... The big guy is seriously talking abt marriage and also he gave me a chance to go with him but this one oh my God udk how much I love him I was ready to sacrifice everything for him but Wat abt that guy Wat abt his feelings I am afraid that I will hurt him cuz Ik the pain..... Sry if it is a long shit I Jst need help that's why",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9911193251609802 2018-02-19 00:00:34,"I need to vent. Hey people. I am currently struggling with time management and I believe it is necessary to manage time when your especially a college student. Help a nigga out guys, I will accept any advice. Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.916566789150238 2018-02-19 00:00:34,"I need to vent. Have you ever had like really high expectations? like our how-we-met story has to be book perfect , our first date has to something they make movies off of , like he has to have all those dreamy qualities those guy in reality shows have and still not be shallow enough to discuss politics and the meaning of life w me ...ugh it's just too much, I want too much . Is that okay or should I just settle? because it feels like time is passing me by while I over contemplate",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966161847114563 2018-02-19 07:40:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys...Have you ever considered how religion poisoned the world? I have done a little research and it’s really disturbing that how much people suffer, how people are mistreated for not following a particular religion, all those killings in the name of God. I believe in God...I truly do but a Bible teaching about the Israelis committed a genocide against the Palestinians and make their wives a slave and things like that really makes me Wonder what I believe in I’m not saying we don’t need a religion but we should really get back to our sense and question what we follow. Because one thing for sure, this planet would be a better place if there was no religion.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9838463068008423 2018-02-19 07:41:04,"I need to vent. The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death! What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little boy(girl), you go back, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!! Uff... Now that's what life should be!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985389709472656 2018-02-19 07:41:43,"I need to vent. So lately i’ve been having troubles with a lot of thing, i don’t even know when it all went wrong my life literally flipped. I always end up getting hurt when i open up to people but i can’t just bottle my feelings and act like i’m okay at some point i have to say something about it. Growing up i always had to witness my parents fighting and it always ends up physical, my dad is not a bad person tho and i love him but because of him i have issues with trusting men, and the one time i actually decided to let my guards down and tell him about everything but it back fired and i got hurt in the worst ways even the people i considered best friends had done nothing but use me or hurt me solemnly. And for that reasons i keep quite about every thing including how i feel or even if anything goes wrong i keep quite or cry myself to sleep and i’m not really a cryer. And thats begging to be a problem lately i can’t sleep or eat and i’ve been losing weigght like a joke, i can’t seem to figure out what the problem is but its getting out of hand. I feel scared and tired at the same time, i don’t want to socialize ,i feel the need to be alone but then again i want to be with some company and feel like i’m about to have a mental break down i don’t know if its depression or anxiety but i know for sure that i have to tell some one and get help but no one ever understands even the close ones every time i say something about how i feel i get called names i get told that i’m being a drama queen i need to stop at some point i turned to cutting i’m not sducidal but i just wanted the physical pain to forget about my emotions and my emptiness, now i have three people that i can say are trusted friends but they don’t know anything about this things and i can’t bring myself to tell them out of fear that they’ll judge or won’t understand i know this is very long and i know i sound dramatic but please i don’t know what to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9875800013542175 2018-02-19 07:57:21,"I need to vent. I am now left grimacing, regretfully looking back at the times I let myself down; all because I wasn't able to fight the good fight. A fight in the battlefields of my heart, against a bodiless, mindless entity: Procrastination. My heart is now a wasteland, aching daily all because I failed in realizing my dreams and boy did I have big dreams. Only until I start working on achieving my dreams will I defeat my nemesis; and only when I make pilgrimage will I purify my heart to fight the good fight. So Santiago, here I come!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970797896385193 2018-02-19 08:01:16,"I need to vent. I’m embarrassed of myself. My boyfriend set up a date to introduce me to his friends. I’m usually an outgoing person and I never get nervous in front of new people but I pretty well messed the date up. His friends are… so “exotic” that it was too difficult for me to befriend them. In fact I got sensitive about their personality hence tried so hard to impress them talking in a way that isn’t me, making stupid jokes that any person with a horrible sense of humor wouldn’t make and masgemeted myself. They even gave me a nickname that never suits with my character and go like “ehhh esua lij” whenever someone mentions my name. My personality changed after that as I started avoiding people (even my friends) and guys as I think of myself as bothersome and dim-witted. My conversations are short with unwitty and sensitive jokes accompanied with annoyed facial expression making people think that I’m mad at them when I’m clearly not and shun me. So generally I’m unhappy about my social life. It’s already been three months since i met his friends but I couldn’t get over it and sometimes they even appear in my dreams. I really hoped to meet them again or text them as to reconciliate since that’s the only way I can forget the whole lot and be in a peace of mind, but since my boyfriend won’t be okay with it, I already gave up on that. I also tried to tell him the entire thing but couldn’t since he might misunderstand and take my 3 months old unrealistic and unnecessary worries for something else and suspect my innocent thoughts. I’m really clueless about what I should do right now. Please help me! Okay let’s say I can’t prove them that i’m fun and it’s alright if they give me names or say whatever they want but at least i’d love to return to being my old me where people love me and don’t take the jokes I make seriously.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968534111976624 2018-02-19 09:27:46,"I need to vent. I am currently dating someone (Female). And when she said yes when i asked her out, i felt like i had everything. But now i have a problem with her. She's too horny. We've been dating for like a week and she wants to have sex ASAP. Im only a high school student (11th grade) and it is starting to scare the shit out of me. Help me guys. Like for real. Dont comment some dumb shit",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9973092079162598 2018-02-19 09:28:38,"I need to vent. I really regret that I wasted my time doing absolutely useless stuff when i could have made my future better. I should have focused more on my studies and on volunteering and on school clubs instead of watching movies, being online for no reason, sleeping all the time, watching my friends get scholarships and leaving when I am still here even though i used to be as smart as them before that I am a grade 12 student...maybe...just MAYBE if I am might be late but maybe its not over yet...just maybe....",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9995861649513245 2018-02-19 17:05:51,"I need to vent. Hey..I dont vent a lot because i never rly get in touch with my feelings. So imma keep it short. I'm a coldass person. I have never caught real feelings for anybody. My frnds even call me the terminator. Any tips on how I could be less cold?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988282322883606 2018-02-19 17:06:12,"I need to vent. Have you ever had like really high expectations? like our how-we-met story has to be book perfect , our first date has to something they make movies off of , like he has to have all those dreamy qualities those guy in reality shows have and still not be shallow enough to discuss politics and the meaning of life w me ...ugh it's just too much, I want too much . Is that okay or should I just settle? because it feels like time is passing me by while I over contemplate",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966161847114563 2018-02-19 18:53:47,"I need to vent. Do you my fellow Ethiopians know what happened at this day before 81 years?? In 1929 Ethiopian Calendar Well...following an attempted assassination of Marshal Rodolfo Graziani and Marchese di Neghelli who were in control of Italian East Africa including Ethiopia; In which the attempted assassination was led by Abraham Deboch and Moges Asgedom. The Itallians responded with one of worst massacre in Ethiopian history. On the next three days the Itallians had killed 30,000 Ethiopians in only Addis Ababa, they were ordered to kill any Ethiopian they found. The quote reads ""...for three days I give you carte blanche to destroy and kill and do what you want to the Ethiopians."" They doused native houses with petrol and set them on fire. Well a lot happened on this day to our Great Great Grand Fathers and Mothers. Its our duty to at least know our History and memorize them. ጀግኖች አትዪጲያዉያን አትረሱም!!! የካቲት 12!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984171390533447 2018-02-19 19:34:32,"I need to vent. Hy so this is me um 19 y ......i dont now what to do wiz this thing i thought u guys will help.......i hv got a bf she is not beautiful but he is kind of good person and when we came to his religion its so d/t from main and according to our economy we are not on z same level i mean am not that much rich but gn bakea we r fine wiz that and the probelm is i am not sure abt loving him like we r dating for 4 years but andande i love him and andande u dont have a feeling so is it normal or all of u hv this kind of feeling when i chat wiz him its so boring like mnm dese aylgme malet evy day same thing nw ymnweraw so it bothered me so do u think so mn laderge i know we love me like a hell should i stop our r/n or let me keep wiz him and thank you for reading ma vent",love,NEGATIVE,0.9906417727470398 2018-02-19 19:43:47,"I need to vent. This is just a piece if my mind rather than a vent cuz i have seen alot of people under the pressure of a certain expectance people have frok them and are in stress because they are not meeting it. You need to destroy the idea that there's an expectation to do things by a certain age. You don't have to be married with kids at 25. It's okay to not have your dream job at 30 or to not have graduated by 22. There are no rules to life. Life is neither a race, nor a competition.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987913966178894 2018-02-19 20:28:15,"I need to vent. Soo my problem is Religion I lost faith in God i cant do it anymore there are so much questions in my head i asked so many religiously intellectual people but hulum melsachew ande nw- ""Endezi aynet teyaqe ayteyeqem"" pls help guys I want to believe in God!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985514283180237 2018-02-19 20:28:24,"I need to vent. Hello beautiful people! I've got a request. Would you be so kind as to share a life lesson you've gotten recently or through the years? Thank You.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9985668063163757 2018-02-19 20:33:08,"I need to vent. Ummm plz don't get mad at me I just wnated to know....uhhh well I'm soooooooooooo sick of school like so so so much and I just wanna drop out but I can't cuz I gotta a momma who expects a lot from me and I don't wanna end up being a prostitute ! Help me out wegenoche. I want to love it eko and I used to but I don't know what happend to me. Life just seems so tasteless and everybody just loves to deprecate you on the smallest your grades ! They measure your worth by your rank or by the letter on your fucked up report card. I used to be a nerd but now I lost all the interest I had I wanna get it back !!!!! Help me out ppl",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979037046432495 2018-02-20 00:35:45,"I need to vent. Okay so here's the deal. I am in a relationship with this sweet and nice guy for like 4 months. He claims he is in love with me with all his future, might I say cozy , laid out. But am not the touchy-feely or the cheesy type of person plus i am not in love with him (I never told him that I did). I think relationships should be super casual this early. Beza lay liju akabde new ene kelel yalu ena techawach wendoch nachew mimechugn . He was a friend before everything so should I break up with him? Or is this just a phase? Pls help out a sister",love,NEGATIVE,0.9967758059501648 2018-02-20 07:17:42,"I need to vent. I can't move on.. So there is some girl, we go way back like highschool back n we were best friends like crazy best friends. At some point she asked me to be her bf n told her that we would break up n lose each other mnmn.. Bcha we started dating n had a good time. Then we went to diffrent collage in different towns n we broke up n get back together like 5 months later n broke up again.. In a nut shell I can't stop thinking abt her I don't know why. I was so dependent on her n I hate it.. Why is she so diffrent. Why can't I move on",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977658987045288 2018-02-20 07:38:51,"I need to vent. I just lie alot I can't help it.i just don't want to share when i fail in things not to my friends not to my family i just lie. What shall I do...,??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990116357803345 2018-03-01 23:47:20,"I need to vent. Omg so I need help y'all, so I recently got out of a relationship and I am having mixed emotions. So on Valentine's day a kid in my school asked me out and I said yes. But I broke up w him the next day. Anyway I usually dated older guys and he was a few months younger. And now I understand y I don't date guys my age. They are so immature, he is acting like a baby but at the same time he is so clingy. I hate that so how do I talk to him and tell him to leave me alone and that we are nothing but friends nicely, please drop some suggestion. I'm desprateee.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9638205170631409 2018-03-02 03:02:06,"I need to vent. Yehonech lij alech timrt bet hule sayat nw mifezew betam nw mitamrew ena Idk what to do. Esua gin zor blam atayegnm ena what should i do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979573488235474 2018-03-02 03:03:05,"I need to vent. hi there im 19 so this time of my life is soooo hard i dnt evn knw where to start im in love like so in love that i wud do anything for my bf to make him happy bt wat he doesnt get is that all im doing he thinks im faking it hw can someone be mad of someone actually his gf caring abt him bt after our arguments evrything i say i cant evn feel comfortable or safe enough to say i love u without him startimg an argument which makes me mad n turns into a mess we were bestfriends diro n he knws all my past n now he judges me for my past n starts an argument with im scared of losing my bestfriend the man i saw to be my husband for z future i cant evn be myself around him anymore endezam hono all i want is his happiness im hurting so much ive been through a lot all my life n he doesnt evn get that he was the one i wud run to when i feel scared n hurt bt who do i have now i just dmt knw wat to do i promised myself last night that if this r/p doesnt work that i wnt evr trust any man i just love him so much evn if his z cause of my pain all i want is to be nxt to him at this moment so help me wat am i doing?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985554814338684 2018-03-02 07:51:46,"I need to vent. Do u know what its like to not be enough for someone who is more than enough for u? Its like constant hurt just streams from ur chest. U wish u could stop it and maybe u can but its like a little part of u enjoys the pain because while it hurts to think of them it hurts more to not. And if it hurts so much then it must have been real right?? No dont answer that. I already know the answer, but it was real for me.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9284148812294006 2018-03-02 08:19:08,"I need to vent. Guys, r there things that u do that society deems ""girly"", if so wht r they",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987539052963257 2018-03-02 08:19:52,"I need to vent. Hey everyone...My vent is a mess... I am in love with my cousin like am cray about him.... We are not blood related its like my aunt adopted him...we had a sleep over at my aunt and we kissed.. I think he feel the same too....Our family will kill me if they know...Pls say sth....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9995301961898804 2018-03-02 08:21:44,"I need to vent. I've been reading going through the vents here and a majority of them are about relationships. so here is a little something I've taken from all those vents 1. girls like guys other gitls like she will tell you she doesn't like players. she'll even tell herself she hates players but don't you for a minute believe it's true. like any hot product girls want what is tried and tested. so go out and socialise and get yourself a couple of girls that will spread the tales of your awesomeness( ok that was too much) 2. when it comes to relationships girls are confused af sometimes they don't even know why they like you. some of them might even be with you cuz they'll get good press 3. girls love sex. a lot stop guilt tripping yourself by thinking that you are a sex addict in the relationship. they want it too, just don't make them feel like ""sluts"" when doing it. 4. NO such thing as an ""innocent girl"" stop treating her like an angel and start treating her like the human being she is 5. as long as they think they love you, most girls are down to get frisky 6. don't give up like i said most of them are confused and spend most of their time venting whether they should give you another chance or not. so don't throw in the towel just yet 7. they are very self conscious about thier body. make sure you don't fuck up by running your mouth 8. virginity has a lot of value attached to it so be careful not to trigger any "" omg I'm a slut"" feelings when you decide to venture into new lands( or caves idk) 9. stop hating on the players. learn from them. for all their short comings they seem to be getting laid very often 10. be fucking bold for all the talk about gender equality and girl power, girls still expect you to do the balzy shit like asking them out, going in for the kiss and initiating sex. they go for the guy with balls(ik too much) not the guy who talks to her about how school was or ""ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ"" on every freaking text.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9964011907577515 2018-03-02 08:22:11,"I need to vent. I'm 22 yr old girl...please Tell me how do u keep ur cool ?when ur parents keeps nagging u with every silly thing...if this countinued i think literally will die of anger beza lay to make things worse I'm diabetic it's hard to keep it under control in this kinda environment...betinish betelku it really draining me...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993952512741089 2018-03-02 08:24:34,"I need to vent. Hello fellow venters. Here is a chance for you to make the best use of the purpose of this bot and channel. As you all know our country has faced a problem. So it is time to set aside all our small problems and unite as proud citizens of out mother land and show unity in all our colours and differences. We are Ethiopians and we are known for our United love and dedication to our country. We can have time to work on our problems if our country is safe from dissaray. The peace you take for granted should not be a luxury you can't afford. So show your unity. Our prime minister has put it so that it is up to us we stand United and in peace. So that children may continue to learn...businesses flourish and our poor country grow. Show your unity and harmony. Don't let small differences get to u. As educated and well informed mannered citizens we shall not repeat the mistake of our fathers. We are better than violence. Peace, Love and respect to all of you my fellow brothers and sisters.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9987183809280396 2018-03-02 08:25:30,"I need to vent. I hate people who always say Pray whenever you tell them about any problem ! Yes I believe in God and , everything but still how about instead of saying "" just pray "" we try to do something meaningful and suggest actual answers?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979608058929443 2018-03-02 08:51:14,"I need to vent. Ok, I saw most of your comments on my previous vent Most of u pll think I'm in ""asshole"" and probably very stupid..... if only that was true what I saw in u whimpering little vermin's is that u have a really low sense of confidence in your self and to be honest I find being single quite conferring now cause I love myself I love me I'm just so fucking awesome I mean I'm just a great guy I'm not the one missing out its all the women in the world that are. And my little tip here is gain confidence and find your self's. And I am quits astonished most of u guys know how to write properly maybe their is hope for u yet. #777",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961793422698975 2018-03-02 08:57:01,"I need to vent. It's not really a vent but just wanted to impart some wisdom... So the Golden Gate Bridge is famous for people jumping off it. There was a man who wanted to kill himself and went on the bridge to do it. He stood on the rails looking down on the water and thinking about his troubles in life. He decided to end it all and jumped but as soon as his body started falling down and the inevitable end was closing in he realized the only thing in his life he couldn't change was the decision he just made. But luckily he survived the fall and got a second chance in life. I read many vents about people wanting to kill themselves but you should know there is nothing in this world that can't be changed. You can change your life and live how you wanna live. Stay positive",approval,POSITIVE,0.9356099963188171 2018-03-02 11:40:02,"I need to vent. Have u ever met someone who always find fault in everything...never fully satisfied,happy,doesn't know how to show love...i just can't stand it dad is draining every bit of my patience from my soul i'm tired of waiting for him to say that he is proud of dream has always been, him tell me i did a good job...but now i know i will never get those words out of his mouth....i just want to leave for good and never wanting his approval for anything I want to show him just providing don't make him a good father...i want him to see I'm good and worthy and i Don't need him....and he is not always right!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974338412284851 2018-03-02 13:52:33,"I need to vent. I need to vent I am the worst friend in the will I forgive myself. I let her down I should have been there when she needed me most and we have been though hell together and when I left her I didn't know this would happen I wouldn't have left her. I was happy I know she started using drugs before we met but after I left she did more and more and she lost her mind last I saw her she was at ammanual getting treatment b/c she lost her mind and I couldn't see her in the eye will I forgive myself I don't know",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9977219700813293 2018-03-02 13:53:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys, It happened bout 4 years ago, i was badly in love with an angle, i guess u know what mean,oh it was so painful u know...damn. i was so ridiculous and so dump that i lost the chance to be with her. Awful right....hehe...after a while she went to U.S. well it sucks. Since then i never loved any girl literally anyone. She left me be 'philophobic', which means afraid of love. Every time i get close to girls, it reminds me of the painful love,so i hide my self from them. well for them i look like a jerk and they treat me bad. but but they dont know shit bout what i have gone through. I need ur help plzzz to let me not be philophobic. Am so that desperate...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987664222717285 2018-03-02 17:09:24,"I need to vent. Hey there my Habesha people. So I have a relationship'ish problem. I have been in a relationship for more than 2 year. My bae is everything that I imagine it to be. I have known him since I was a kid. We grew up in the same neighbourhood. There is not that much of age difference between us.(3 years) I love him. I really do. Imagine yourself being with a relationship with a person u have been crazy for before u guys became a thing. So his father lives in U.S.A. And his father got his family a green card. I knew eventually that he was gonna move there. But when the time came, I was broken. So he moved out of . We tried the long distance relationship thingy. But I feel like it is not going to work, like we are going to grow apart. I still love him, I really do. But I could not get these fear out of my head. Since I am pretty attached to him, I feel like we are not going to last 4ever. So few months ago I suggested that him and I should take a break. Like live our own lives until we see each other again. He was mad, super mad. But he accepted. But he still finds a way to talk to me. And since our conversation were very ""couple-like"" I tried my best to ignore him. I knew what I did was pretty selfish. He is hurt and so am I. I want to be with him but not like these. We may never see each other again. He is not going to move back here. And I am probably sure I have no chance to go to him. I am doing this Cuz it is the best thing to do. For him and me. He still is trying to talk to me and I am giving him and sign that I am not interested anymore(even though it is killing me up inside). So what should I do? I can't get him of my mind. I don't wanna date other dudes. I just want him back but life ain't always fair. So help to overcome my problem. Please! I am in need of help. And P.S I told him the reason why I am doing what I am doing.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8660485148429871 2018-03-02 18:52:33,"I need to vent. This is to the people who beleive in marrying a Virgin... Who beleive that fucking before marriage is an abomination that has been imprinted on us by a hynotic western movies that have ulterior motives spreading western culture and the ideals of satan. I would just like to interject and say every damn culture that encourages the idea of 'no sex before marriage' has either a large number of early ...very early areanged marriages or lots of kidnapping and raping. I dont know which lart of that fill you with pride. But the science behind that is Human beings arent designed to stay virgins util their late 20's, you are already filled with outrageous amount of hormones by just the time ur 18. Indulge those hormones. Fuck with the girls actual consent. Protect urself from all the ugly STD's ( condoms)and try to see this world outside the frames of ur beleifs. Enjoy. Eat. Fuck.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9934044480323792 2018-03-02 18:53:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I have these bad habit of eating my nails.. My friends told me to not but I can't keep it am very addicted to it.. I eat my nails when am thinking talking even in the class while listening I can't help it demo am very ashamed of my self when I see other people's doing that.. Plz help",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9971141815185547 2018-03-02 18:53:48,"I need to vent. I girls play hard to get. I mean really why. Is like she giving u all the sign and u approach her (bitch mode on). Seriously is it difficult to act like normal normal human being.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974699020385742 2018-03-03 21:17:58,"I need to vent. Sooo i hv been in a relationship with wiz guy for over 4 years...and i love him so much ena ene ye gebi temari ng (about to graduate)esu demo sera alew..but his not rich and my family wants me to get married to yetmare rich guy ena ur gonna regret it menamn yelugal ena am i wrong wiz the fact that am going to be married to him????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9950488209724426 2018-03-04 09:08:10,"I need to vent. Hyyy guys zis is my 1st tym so z tng is i hav been working wiz zis guy whom i called a friend for sm tyms now but ahun he,his bro mnamn honew wede meto shi birr mnamn beluge guadegaye nw beye betam letagesew bemokerem ahun cerash i hear ke hager liweta endehone so guys plz tell me a way 2 get my money back fyi z work we used 2 do menget kaweke enem tata west yasgebagal so mn yeshalegal",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989892840385437 2018-03-05 09:41:35,"I need to vent. Words cant even begin describing how much i love him.... but i cant be so sure whether he loves me or not...his every moves and his every actions tells me zat he loves me....but when we talk about this stuff he says noooo zis is not the ryt time u hv to move on bla bla it goes.... i tried very hard to move on but it didnt work.... he is very special person i cant even think of forgetting him ...... Pls guys say sth....i need to get out of zis mess...",love,NEGATIVE,0.99408358335495 2018-03-05 09:59:48,"I need to vent. Its funny how this channel has progressed from the time it was created ....problems used to be much more easier....ftiendzoned people and some crushed here n there. Now its downright scary but still....applause to the creators. All Hail.",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9756612777709961 2018-03-05 10:49:47,"I need to vent. So i was wondering,it would b nice if people comment their gender along with their opinions,so we know the perspective,what do you think",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9977557063102722 2018-03-05 10:53:31,"I need to vent. Am an atheist and I was wondering why everyone always jumps to the conclusion that there has to be a creater for everything but not realize that their arguments are cyclic as they have to explain then ""who the hell created the creator!"". If you are smart enough to ask (courageous enough would be the right word cause I know everyone does ask this but is afraid to answer it logically) yourselfs this then you'll end up with the answer that at one point something has to come out of nothing. The difference between us the atheists and the religious ones is that we chose to believe it was the universe that poped up while the later chose to blindly accept that it was God! (Funny if you ask me)",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9786367416381836 2018-03-05 13:44:11,"I need to vent. Owkeyyyyy sooo here it goes uni... Um madly madlyyy madlyyyyyyy in love wiz ma ""ex-"" lol i cant believe he evn became my ex... I mean our love was like the one in the movies... It was a fancy but at last i failed and he left ... The problem is i cant forget his ass ... He's treating me really bad now but i cant help ma self ... I am deeply in love more than ever... I even start drinkin alcohol (which is so not me) ... I am tryin to cry it out n forget things but its consuming me instead .. I even got a rebound as fast as i cn but lol ..... I just want to forget him or get him back (i cnt imagine my future with out him) but i dont know how n i am going to die ...",love,NEGATIVE,0.9981657862663269 2018-03-05 13:46:07,"I need to vent. I need to vent cause Ive bottled this shit in for too long...Im in a relationship and its has been almost 3 years...and I love him but...he has all this girls around him and no matter how bad he treats them they always come back...Ive read his texts with them and it looks like he has somin real with every one of em but when I ask him he says its just in text and he has nothing real with them in real life and I feel like Im wasting my time on him...cause its like he's obsessed with having them around...should I end this or should I give it more time is this something that eventually stops...pls guys I need ur help Ive been in this for too long",love,NEGATIVE,0.9996654987335205 2018-03-05 16:48:49,"I need to vent. Fine dont be categorised as a feminist. Gen ebakachu lerasachu setelu kene yetebekal yemeteluten hulu argu ebakachu. You may choose to ignore it but chegeroche alu yemiyasferuna yemiyasakeku chegeroche. Whether you like it or not if you are not with us, you are against us. Set enat nat set mist nat set ehet nat yemilewen entewewena set ye sew lij nat. Feminism kentot aydelem kebtetem aydelem le melaw ye set zer helewena yemiyasfeleg kulf mesarya enji. Feminism ye set yebelayenetem aysebkem wey demo wend aytelam ekulenetn enji. Yehen tenesh gen tekami hasab binekebel sent beye guadaw yalu chegeroche betefetu. My brothers you may say ene endezi aynet neger alaregem gen and set mebtua sigefef setay zem beleh talfaleh? Or those girls who belive i can stand for my self i dont need support, degaf lemiyasfelegachew tekomiyaleshe? Dont forget in every minute somewhere there is harassment, unfair/unequal treatment, abuse, molester, rape.... happening to female's.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968907237052917 2018-03-05 17:18:04,"I need to vent. Why is everyone here only talking abt super easily solvable love nd shit it sounds like ppl are kinda running out of real problems and trying to make up unreal probs just to read comments ir to keep there minds buzzy P.s there r real vents not trying to offend them or enything",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986280202865601 2018-03-05 17:52:12,"I need to vent. I fell for an enchanting girl, but she had already fallen head over heels for my best friend. He and she are now in an intimate relationship and they are adorable. They are a symbol of true love in the making. Most of all, i believe in an unrequited love but i just can't seem to get her off my head. Every time she smiles and speaks, she rekindles the flame which i have been trying so hard to suppress. I will always care for her one or the other way and Everyone knows of my unfettered affection for her, she even views me as brother. I have made a great deal of progress at moving on. But how can i actually move on for the better? How can i say no when she asks smthg off me? How can i turn my back when she calls me? I know she needs me as a brother to help her through her daily life but my friends, around me, mock my dedication to her as an attempt made to subvert. But the truth is: when she calls, i answer; when she requests, i fullfill. Worst part, i just love to be at her presence and stand spectator.",love,POSITIVE,0.9871030449867249 2018-03-05 19:13:10,"I need to vent. i dont know whether i am z only one or not .....i hv a bf and we hv been together for 4 year i am not sure about my feelings like some times i feel like i really love him and some times i dont and most of z time he is one who calls me ene gn i dont remmber yedwelkubetn ken but i am 100% sure he love me......abt ma self sure mehon alshalkum about my feelings so girls endze aynt feeling do u have or i am z only one....and boys wat do u feel whn ur gf does call u malet hola enante setdwelu plus dagmo make out mnmn staf yefelgal and i dont want that batam nw ymtelaw so wat do u think it normal???,",love,NEGATIVE,0.9928541779518127 2018-03-06 15:54:14,"I need to vent. This is to the people who are with someone who they met online. HOow the shit did you guys do it. I mean i get bored the moment they send 'Hi' and when u push a little intellect into the conversation they give u nthn. When u put a slide a lil pun ....they give u nthn. What the shit. Im rly good at keepin the flow of the conversation but it has to be a combined effort. Its like I only attract bimbos or smtn. And I cant date bimbos. All of my friends have no problem datin dumb girls but i need a certain degree of personality goin on to get myself turned on. Bicha how do ya all do it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987026453018188 2018-03-06 20:48:56,"I need to vent. QUESTION Is there anyone in a relationship for like more than a year or 2 and haven't have had sex?? Is so how can u stay that long with out sex cuz for sure there are some makeouts",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986793398857117 2018-03-06 21:14:48,"I need to vent. Hey there, what is the meaning of life think about it ? What r u doing now ? For what? Then? Why r u living for whom? To make u loved by others? To do stg unforgettable? What? Make ur life useful. Each and every thing has got a meaning figure it out!!",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9252933859825134 2018-03-06 22:16:01,"I need to vent. Hey, i have some words to say, i am a girl and i feel very different from others i feel like i dont fit in with anyone, and sometimes i want to be invincible and see who misses me and who notices that am gone, there is so many horrible things in this world that i choose to only see the good ones some people say i act like a child, but what good comes from knowing the reality and letting it affect our thoughts, so i choose to open my mind and imagine only the good things are possible, and that there is always another side of a story! People think am weird and i like being weird, i fit in but nobody knows the real me, i only share what they want me to share, i only say what they want to hear, helped me but sometimes hurts me because i can only be my true self when am alone, and when i act how they want me to act they believe they can use me as they want and i let them because i don't have the courage to say no! The worst part is that its to late for me to show my true self (atleast thats what i think) I've been ignored, betrayed, hurt,mad fun of, and i dont expect anyone to understand, because i know am different and i like that but i also want to fit in and be like everybody else, i sometimes imagine that i am in another world and i am a different person sometimes the person who everyone liked, or who every one hated, drop ur opinions and tell me what type of person u think i am!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9978877902030945 2018-03-06 22:24:50,"I need to vent. My fellow Christians, I got a series of questions for you. How does our Lord really feel about the Devil? Does God hate Satan? If God does not love Satan, how could God be maximally and perfectly good? (If God does not love one being, then HE cannot be maximally and perfectly good.) Plus, how can God teach us to love our enemies when He hates His own enemy? On the other hand, if God loves Satan, how could a good God love the evil Satan? Furthermore, if God loves Satan, should we also love Satan? The Bible does not fully address this question, so I'm asking it not to stir doubts but to increase our knowledge and faith in God.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9947128891944885 2018-03-06 22:53:34,"I need to vent. It’s really hard for me to see where our country is going. I mean sometimes I spend sleepless night thinking about what’s gonna happen next. I’m definitely not happy with this government. But I certainly am not comfortable about what’s happening. Coz the killings and the torture is on the ppl. And please let’s keep our lives if we can’t keep our economy. Peace is everything. I know this is just a random post but I have to let it out.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976179003715515 2018-03-07 06:22:24,"I need to vent. so here it goes....I am neither an atheist nor a faithful believer. I'm just in the middle confused. sometimes thoughts pop in my head like why the hell are we created with a lot of passion, feelings and other things if we are not going to enjoy them. I say this cuz I love music so so much and nothing gets me cry than it (eventho exciting)... I mean it a lot. It's art eko meselegn. It might be daring to say this but I sometimes think bible is written on the behalf of the people used to live at that moment (culture and life phylosophy). But it is really hard to follow the principles at this time (for me). Is there any body who feels the same or am I paving my road to hell???pls help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9973224997520447 2018-03-07 07:52:57,"I need to vent. Love is a very powerful word. Don't overuse it.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9967419505119324 2018-03-07 10:54:36,"I need to vent. So the thing is am havin identity crisis this shit is insane am not sad or depressed or anything its just i dont know which life is right know ... Or what is right for that matter .. Is it the way we were raised and culture our own thoughts nd conscious we shud listen to or is it books and movies what friends tell you what religion tells you ..errrrrgghhhh its a lot and so conflicted and sideways its kind of impossible to figure out ...nd i dont wanna be an old woman full of sad grey hair and regrets sayn i shud ve lived that way soo..shud i be strict ,stick to the rule nd live by the book person or be spontaneous imaginative , carefree person ??..and please don't say just follow your heart .. This boat can sail both ways...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9970518350601196 2018-03-07 15:14:28,"I need to vent. I got a question to u ppl. Why the hell is religion such a big issue in a relationship??? I mean, whats religion got to do with our love story?? Why the fuck would it ever bother u?? Its just an ideology eko. My last 3 relationships are broken down because of this and I know its gonna continue like this. Am not a religious person, but i've never forced any of the girls i dated to have my stance. However, they always pushed me to become a fucking Orthodox or or Protestant. Have you even checked ur bibles? Do u know what it says abt a relationship between two ppl whose religious views are d/t? Read Corinthians 7:1-16 before u conclude everything, u fucking idiots. This problem is specially epidemic in Ethiopia. This is one of the things which make me hate fucking religion. Please ppl come to ur senses. Please don't lose your precious ones for a trap made by White people to take over the world.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9976555109024048 2018-03-07 19:39:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need ur help, am a girl and well its about a guy,bear with though, Have u ever felt physical pain in ur heart when someone u love hurt u? I felt that like many times but when my boyfriend (whom i loved very much it wasn't like normally i would die for him) but he hurt me and it was kinda hard trusting because i have had a really terrible past so when he broke my heart it was so painful i dont even have words, and i have this heart case which is a bad for me to even be slightly sad, and it felt so horrible i had to cry my self to sleep every night and i know he loves me and he didn't do it on purpose but he broke my trust and i can never turn back just my nature and i dont know how to tell him that i dont trust him anymore, just because he hurt me doesn't mean i have to, i dont know how to tell him that i dont want to be in any type of relationship anymore? Because he went through a lot to! Am just so lost and when ever he wants to talk i avoid him because when ever he talks to me i feel like its all BS! I need serious advice because my pain and guilt is consuming me slowly i feel like am gonna die! Please help me yall! Thank you for ur time much love",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9905478358268738 2018-03-07 21:32:58,"I need to vent. Am a no body i am z most selfish jerk on earth i had the most amazing guy friend any one could ever ask for he was my boo he was my bro,my hero,my other half.dont assume that i have feelings coz i never did but i hurted him in a was not even am enemy would and he didnt even say a word he just shut me out of his life blocked me in every social Media....and now i am having nightmares i feel so empty so alone i wish i could get the chance to say sorry but even if i do i know it wont be lik it used to i am falling apart please help me i real need advice and i want to know if any one can relate thank you for reading my problem it means a lot",desire,NEGATIVE,0.963012158870697 2018-03-07 21:33:17,"I need to vent. Hi everyone so am a girl and I have a guy BFF everyone thinks am his gf but he said am he's like his sister. He was in r/ship with my friend but things didn't go well and she even knew i like him but still she played him. I told him I like him and he said "" I USED to like u "". Guys wat does that mean. I was he's friend for 3 years and he still think I see him as a Bro but I rly love him. What should I do. Am 23 year old BTW",love,POSITIVE,0.9673255085945129 2018-03-07 23:09:18,"I need to vent. I can't believe I'm bout to vent about a guy, I'm usually the girl who goes when I see a vent about guys or relations.Well it is what it is I guess. So my best friend of 7 years has a guy best friend she grow up with and since we have same religion n she wanted her 2 best friends I don't know... Be together I guess she offered to set us up which I said no too of course. The fact that she thought we will hit it off cause we follow same religion kinda pissed me off n she backed off. 7 or 8 month ago she told me they start dating n 5 week ago we( me,him,her n others) hangout for the first time, thanks to the brilliant idea of my besti attempting to set us up things were weird between us so we never really even talked before that, but that day we end up talking one on one and u would think it would be awkward given my awkward antisocial personality n... But it wasn't we actually clicked. So we start talking n before I knw it we're texting everyday even talk on the phone sometimes and whenever the guilt creeps in I tell my self "" we're just talking nothing else n she would totally be okey with it"" but that was BS I know I would never tell her we text practically till mid night almost everyday. After a week ""just talking""changed to ""just hanging out"" but by then the guilt was too much so I told my self I'm gonna stop n even talked to him about it but, he said ""nothing wrong with just talking that we're friends"" but we both knw it was a lie we used , so I just start avoiding him ignoring his text but the more I push the more he keeps coming back n the more I like it I tried so hard not, but it become a cycle I couldn't get out off so the only way was to text n tell him I might be developing feelings for him n that I don't want to be that gal who snick behind her friend & that it's best if we just stop & I told him to not bother to even reply. I blocked him on telegram n that was it so I thought... I couldn't stop obsessing about him i keep reading our texts back I was miserable n it only been 4 days I have never felt like this it was crazy!! I missed him so bad & I thought it was it for us but this morning I was on a taxi line n he texted me & the craziest most insane thing happened I saw his text n I swear I cried right there in the spot I couldn't help it & I am not an emotional person. small shit like this don't make me cry it was so weird so out of character so of course i was convinced I have feelings for him so I texted him back n now I'm back in the cycle n I don't know what to do... Judge away.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9990484118461609 2018-03-07 23:54:26,"I need to vent. Am so confused about my future... I graduated almost two years ago and I haven't found a job yet. And am so depressed and tired of expectations. I don't know what I should do and what I wanna do in life. Am so jealous of people who knows what they wanna do in life. My friends are getting married, working and getting engaged while I sit on my ass all day. Does anyone feel this way? Or am I the only one lost?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999240517616272 2018-03-07 23:55:08,"I need to vent. I wanna share my story and fellow venters i need ur advice..i've had my good time n bad times but right now im on my worse time because ive decided to myself that i need to be honest to peoples around me which are my family ofcourse but the other way around happened becuz i try to tell them everything so that we could br close like a family but they say bad things to me which really hurt me soooo bad i even got fed up of life and even thought of why live anymore becuz whats the point of life after all, even i think about the peoples i have as friend and they are not even beside me when im at my lowest point in life, my family are always saying they're here to support me bla bla but thats like an empty gesture cuz they are not at all even there are times i borrow money from friends so i could take a taxi home, i even overheard them saying they wanna kick me out cuz they're done with me n cant deal with me anymore n at that point i thought like im i even their kid or am i adopted...what should i do???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988182187080383 2018-03-08 07:14:18,"I need to vent. Our problem?? We’re so quick to blame each other. To make assumptions right at that moment. Our problem?? We’re always looking for each other’s failure. Waiting each other to prove to us that indeed what we thought was true. Our our problem?? We take blames just to avoid the painful conversations. To get the easy way out. Our problem?? We say one thing and do the opposite. We thought love was enough and that respect was a luxury. Our problem?? We lost ourselves in each other and thought we were not worth our value. Hell, we’re worth so much more. Our problem?? We thought we didn’t do it for love but because we can be mopped around. Our problem?? We kept making promises we cannot keep. We kept on breaking our words alongside our hearts. Our problem?! We keep trying to put pieces that fit together. Biggest mistake?? Thinking that you can fucking walk away from me and expect me to be the one to apologize. Fuck you, and what ever it is that you’re thinking of me right now. I’m done",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9962735176086426 2018-03-08 07:17:19,"I need to vent. this is a vent but not a vent . there is this person who vented about his/her religion stand. I just wanted to say that I am like you. someone I don't remember said this “i am a cultural believer not a religious believer”. I feel like I am worshiping this religion because I am forced to not because I want to. I have always been told that I am decorating my path to hell but I just couldn't put my all of it. of course I believe in God but there are many things I question about this whole religious thing. I force my self with so much effort to pray but realize that I don't really know how to start a pray so I will be discouraged. but i still believe in tsebel, tselot and stuff.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.8593142032623291 2018-03-08 07:17:45,"I need to vent. I can’t seem to escape that critical voice in my head that makes me second guess everything... what I’ve said, done or my capabilities. It maybe part of the reason I can’t seem to stay in a committed relationship even though, I’m a 25 year old man with a fairly stable income. I fear this may lead to depression or anxiety in the near future... which unfortunately I’m a little too familiar with.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993184804916382 2018-03-08 07:19:37,"I need to vent. So here's the thing me and my friends do something terrible to one of our friends we are groups and we kicked her out I know we are jerks especially me I was searching for mistake to kick her out now everyone of us miss her and she already moved on and after having UEE she's about to leave country so what should we do should we ask her for forgiveness please help us thank ya all",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971008896827698 2018-03-08 07:24:22,"I need to vent. Marriage is about picking pretty words. Saying pretty compilents. And making a pretty night. Marriage is about meeting a good person having having a good love and buying a good house. But that's hard for me. So I am just turning on tye TV by myself, going outside in comfortable casual clothes, buying strong alcohol by myself. If you only have used up words of comfort, you can just pass by. Don't criticize me for living without love. Don't feel bad for me right now, except when I eat dinner alone. About love and what's after that sometimes, people make bad faces and pointy words saying hurtful thing. Then they become strangers. So yeah this is how I feel. I am afraid and it's hard for me. So I am just watching movie.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9931524991989136 2018-03-08 07:33:00,"I need to vent. Halu everyone... 1st i wanna thank u all for ur advices n opinions, u ve no idea hw it helped me, 2nd i want u to help me with z problem i got with ma sis, im 2 yrs older dan her we insult like babys, betaaaaam tenekegnalech, i ve no word to describe dat,n im so mad abt dat, n i tryed to think what i did to make her hate me dis much n i got 0 answer, i even asked her n she says nothin, she says a lot of things dat makes me hate my self,i cryed a lot of time coz of her, when she insults me n i begin to cry she alz says ""letalekshi nw demo yerasesh guday nw "" i dunno what to do with her, i try everyday to be gud for her n when i make a little mistake she will drive me crazy like hale.. when she begin dis all she will make me say what i dont wanna say, i rly get mad n she'll pick dat n acuse me of it n make me look z bad one, and the other thing ""sometimes""i cant even be ma self around her, when she look me chill with ma friends she says dat im fakin it, she alz say dat ahe knows me better dan anyone n like im nothin... i dont wanna live with her anymore!! When their is somethin wronge b\n us i can't even chill the whole day... im so confused i dunno what to think or do, i sometimes hate ma life coz of her... what should i do??? ... n i rly appritiate anythin u say, love u all",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999175488948822 2018-03-08 07:48:04,"I need to vent. Its not a vent Its a confusing question that I have. Why do girls hate being respected , when you try to respect their opinion They think your soft or just too nice ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989787340164185 2018-03-08 08:31:16,"I need to vent. I have a simple but hard question. Why are girls attracted to the guy who doesn't care abt nothing, who treats them like shit, and picks z phone when he feels like it? Why do zey want to freindzone z guy who cares and indulges zem. Is this z typical way of things, cause am a bit perplexed, Help me out",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988202452659607 2018-03-08 08:55:09,"I need to vent. I am a short guy but i have the looks. I possess a unique intellect and am adept at manythings . But my short height has created an obscurity that i can't shake off. So, it would be helpful if anyone can tell me constructive ideas like drinking camel milk that can help with my height.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9272255897521973 2018-03-08 11:18:54,"I need to vent. Have u ever feel like u cant get along with ppl ... u know u just dont get along ... i meet ppl and they useally think i am crazy or very out spoken.... but to tell u the truth i am shy..... but i useally tell ppl how i feel and if i found it funny i will make fun at ppl ... but useally ppl get mad at that... i try to be quite guy but it useally endup being very quite... i am shy like i said i dont meet lots of ppl ... i have troble talking and meeting ppl... but i lossing frinds i have... girls ... useally think i am werid or crazy so what should i do.... how should i chang my shyness or being out spoken to my friends... i am cross road",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9959589838981628 2018-03-08 14:06:02,"I need to vent. Hallo everyone... So I got a bit of situation I need vent.. So me and my bf (dont roll ur eyes just yet hehe) have been together for more than four years n I am still not comfortable with having sex but we do everything else... N I'm kinda scared he might get irritated at some point n be bored at the stuff that we already used to I need u your opinion especially guys how long can u wait for a girl... ik its too cliche bt its still a problem uk.. thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.993351399898529 2018-03-08 18:18:23,"I need to vent. Its all too much for me to handle. I'm suicidal.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997302889823914 2018-03-08 18:18:48,"I need to vent. I have dated many guys. Some of them were famous in literature areas.( i love art & was a big fan of their works). After dating any guy for a month or so i will get bored. They will become less interesting to me. And i find my self geting intersted in another guy. Zs happens so many times and i saw ppls getting broken b/c of me. So i stopped dating for a little while. But i want to date and love without getting bored too easily and breaking ppls heart. Wt do u think should i do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9910305738449097 2018-03-08 22:29:18,"I need to vent. I'm a uni student I'm 20. and i feel like I'm missing out in life. I've done like most of the things that an outgoing person do, but i really want to enjoy life. I stay at home most of the times and i just watch movie , some music..... Anyone with the same problem?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9755358099937439 2018-03-08 22:36:17,"I need to vent. Hey so insecured with people and am so antisocial ...I feel uncomfortable whenever am around with new people insecurity is so intense that I can't even walk properly on the road when someone is watching my or if I have the feelings that am being watched ...why am I like this ?? Is there a way to fix this? I swear I hate myself for being like this",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996898889541626 2018-03-08 22:57:02,"I need to vent. I'm a guy and I have a a friend which I like betam but she doesn't feel the same way. I know that because I asked her a few months ago and she was like I like u but not like ""that"". I said okay and moved on and now she came back after her bf cheated on her and what not...she wants to give our rlshp a try. I'm like bitch get outta my face...she wants to settle for the ""nice guy"" when the ""bad boy"" ignored her. Why do most girls wanna settle for the nice guy but not like/love him? It's just a shitty move...don't do it",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998623251914978 2018-03-09 08:10:11,"I need to vent. Emmm... I never wanted to vent... Yehem vent adelem tho... Becha y'all fellas out there always commenting about peoples grammar in a very mean way, just wanna say we are in Ethiopia where Amharic is first language and English is taught as a conceptual subject not a usable skill... So in a nutshell, let's not judge so much because people aren't supposed to be perfect about it aside the fact that they are sharing problems.... Venters demo u don't necessarily have to vent in English so dont struggle too much! ""I dont want this vent to come out mean so if it is, sorry in advance""",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990861415863037 2018-03-09 10:05:29,"I need to vent. I just want everything to stop. Everything. Or ill stop.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99959796667099 2018-03-09 10:06:03,"I need to vent. So um here it goes. I'm agnostic but my mom is very religious(I use to be too but shut happened) and she told me she saw on a religious channel the world's gonna come to an end after 3yrs and a half like wtffffffffffffff I mean I have a lot of plans for my future alot to do and I hear this and it hit like WTF are we doing in life you might be working ur ass off today and die tomorrow what's the point?? It really pains me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987087249755859 2018-03-09 12:32:10,"I need to vent. What i don't get is why God gives us things that we never asked for, just so that we adapt to it, we make our lives around it, call it a blessing, call it a gift, we thank God for it, and just then he takes it away making us devastated, its too painful you know the pain, that sinking pain that eats you alive, he makes us go thorugh all that, and i ask whats the point? Is that suppose to be a test to see if we will still belive? if we will still have faith? All those prayers for nothing? i mean This is not fair, none of it is fair, this is cruel and if this is a test i fail, i fail.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971137046813965 2018-03-09 13:13:20,"I need to vent. I feel like a moron these days. I have a best friend who I have been in love with for the last 9 years I know it sounds corny but what can u do.I am not saying I haven't been in a relationship for the last decade but every time i have to choose between her and and he girl I am dating i always go for he former it is kind of hilarious i didn't even notice till my friends pointed it out.I have tried distancing myself from her but whenever I hear she needs help i am the first one there.even right now I am trying to decide whether or not i should tell her.funny thing is as soon as i discovered I love her i was hers for life hell if she asked me to jump of a bridge i will probably ask which bridge.I have never told anyone how much I care about her it's just moronic to be honest.I have never thought my life will revolve around some one but it does. she doesn't know btw I am not planning on telling her anytime soon I know she deserves someone better than me and i don't rezent it its just how life is. but can someone tell me how to stop the crushing feelings I feel toward her. I don't mind if it's with insults tnx.",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9468339681625366 2018-03-09 15:16:19,"I need to vent. Me and this guy were best friends like very close best friends, santeteyay kewalen rasu weird mihonben aynet clossness. Keza someday we made out and he told me he wants more than friendship with me and that he loves me menamen menamen then we started goint out, we are together now but there is still some doubt in my mind that he might not just love me as much as he says he does, I still think he wanted this because of what happened and the fact that what happened could ruin our friendship. Becha everything is moving so fast and am so freaking scared leju demo he used to be a player, how can I be free from this doubts please",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9641416668891907 2018-03-09 17:38:40,"I need to vent. Hey people I need advice there Is this girl we used to be like best friends we were close and after that we kinda fought and our friendship was over for a while but we became friends again but then after a lot of time we kinda fought and we haven't talked ever since and its not a long time but she was an amazing friend and to be honest I want to be her friend again and the other day I said hi to her and she was cool with it and stuff how do I be her friend again",desire,POSITIVE,0.9993707537651062 2018-03-09 19:24:53,"I need to vent. What's good what's good so I have a question for yall. Like I'm genuinely asking here eshi? So guys, y'all meet a fine ass girl with the whole package, not really the best of personalities but still tolerable, let's just ur pretty chill with what u achiever Yeah? But then you start searching for other girls...other options even when you got what you basically need. Why? Why search for something else when you got the full package I'm genuinely asking this. This goes for the ladies too. U find a fine ass guy. U date him. He got the full package. But u start searching for other options. Why? ‍ Tell",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9803260564804077 2018-03-09 22:20:51,"I need to vent., why these girls out here tryna give u shit when y'all nice to 'em. Bruh, i saw this girl whose battery died the other day n offered up my powerbank..girl was like "" hell out ma face"" mode..Bitch, am tryna help u! stop thinkin there some strings attached, u can always give it back n leave. Stop bein so moody. Some people",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992189407348633 2018-03-10 00:15:21,"I need to vent. Try thinking about this. What if really there is a multi-verse out there as we speak. What if it is true about a parallel universe as physicists hypothesized? As you know a parallel universe is a mirror of our universe. The one could be a famous doctor but the same person in that parallel universe could be a fugitive? And aside the perspective of religion or in the perspective of science do you think that a multi verse could actually exist???what do you think??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982302784919739 2018-03-10 12:52:52,"I need to vent. Hey fellow venters, i have a question for you all! Have you ever noticed that people in this channel respond a lot to the vents that involves sexual action? Funny right but its true, some of them aren't even support just insults! Some people are going through a lot and the fact that they got the courage to say what they feel to get support and advice instead of insults? Isn't it wrong judging a 15 year old girl and telling her that she is a mistake and immature and embarrassment to her family? Some people are commenting on things they don't agree with instade of what they think and advice! I mean if u don't have something nice or support to say then shut the fuck up, people don't need your judgement. People come here not for judgment but believing that there are good people out there?! I mean isn't that the point of this channel? Huh?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9903196096420288 2018-03-10 13:08:47,"I need to vent. recently, in my daily interactions I've noticed that many people are in some kind of compition to be called the weirdest. as if there was a trophy for weirdness. I've come to the conclusion odd is the new sexy. and i have this deep suspicion that some of them are doing this to be diffrent, to not be normal, like the rest. but since it is hard to be diffrent in hard things, they took the easy way of being diffrent in the easy(mundane) things.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9827681183815002 2018-03-10 15:58:53,"I need to vent. Hey, I'm a 17 year old venter, it's my first time venting, but here it goes, I have this crush on my friends ex girlfriend, and I really like her, gn I'm a player and I'm afraid I'll hurt her if I go after her, so what should I do, I mean I'm not the kinda guy who settles for 1 chick, but I like her and I wanna hookup with her, but I also don't wanna hurt her and also jeopardize my friendship/bro code/ and all so what should I do.",fear,POSITIVE,0.842795193195343 2018-03-10 16:42:52,"I need to vent. Hi Sewoch, don't judge me, it could happen to anyone.. For my final exam, a month ago, I was studying intensely. So intensely that something bad happened to the most important thing in my life. So one night, I set my alarm to 3:00 mata, to just sleep for an hour ena unknowingly lekas Seatu siders, and alarmu sichoh, atefechew selke lay tegnahu.. And saliva got into the top speaker of my phone ena it stopped working (top speaker).. When on calls menamn ayseram.. I was ashamed to tell anyone these selzi I said it's water.. Ena all people tell me to put it in the sun. I did bytheway ena it didn't work.. I've been hanging on for a month now ena it gives little sound but not enough to hear.. Becha I don't know what to do.. Any technician out there, reading these, please tell me how to fix the most important thing..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993351101875305 2018-03-10 17:32:21,"I need to vent. Hi, I'm not venting. I'm here to inform u something. I've seen so many hateful comments given to most of the venters. Yes, I know that happens because of your temper in what they tell u. But try to understand what the ventor wants to say. Place yourself in their shoes and try to feel them. Besides this, those of you who vent at a young age, don't tell your age at all please. And one more thing, lets all talk about real life. Zone out of the sex world. There are a lot of worse matters to think of than sex. For example, the death of the Syrian children. It hurts, right? This is what I call real problems. How many of you agree with me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950503706932068 2018-03-10 19:17:03,"I need to vent. Hello . . This might sound sort of petty but I always wait for my friends (guys) to start a conversation or anything for that matter. They always have to make the first move. So my question is for the guys. Do you find it weird if a girl says hi first menamn. Thanks in advance for your helpful answers",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9955269694328308 2018-03-10 19:48:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm not one to usually vent about relationships but I actually like this girl and I don't have trouble getting intimate with girls but when it comes to this one I can barely move an inch with a convo let along take it to the nxt lvl, so what should I do pls this is kind of a time sensitive vent so pls send ur vents good or bad asap pls",love,NEGATIVE,0.9121296405792236 2018-03-10 20:26:27,"I need to vent. Hay every one this is my first time I have a problem so bare it with me I had never met my father not like even know his name I was called by my grand father name and when I was 16 I met him suddenly awkwardly I was waiting for that time my whole life like a good explanation why he wasn't there in my life since girls are attached to there father I was so happy but he said words that just destroyed my life so much he said he was busy. I don't know after that my life went up said down I became a girl whose father and mother don't want her I been trying to forget about them so pleas help i need help as fast as you can b/c some times I just want to kill my self so peaseeeeee help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968470931053162 2018-03-10 20:27:03,"I need to vent. Hello everyone , I wanted to share my problems with you ...thanks for your time...I am in graduating class this year....ena I have this big fear that everyone will ""mekdat""me..and I even do not trust my I, scholarships minamen...bicha I don trust anything I have....I think it is becouse of my dad...he left me and my mom..ena beka...I am insecure....I even have a bf ..and I am waiting for the time untill he damp even plan my future as a single mom...because their dad will left us anyway...bicha I am betam messed up... So ppls..advices pls...thank you you all",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9978240728378296 2018-03-10 21:20:55,"I need to vent. Hay people I need ur help so badly I have been lying my hole life well it felt Eazy to tell ppl who I wasn't than who I am I didn't tell people that I was rich or stud like that I just hated my life my mom and dad disappeared on me when I was 9 she dropped me at my grand mom house and they left to never to come back and I want to stop lying and think that they left b/c of me so what can I do I need a help right now b/c I started over thinking about it and I lose my mind crying and blaming my self so help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992908239364624 2018-03-10 21:34:10,"I need to vent. I'm not gonna vent but I have a question I would like to ask all of u.How many of u believe and accept all the things about ur religion without doubt.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9382030963897705 2018-03-10 21:34:19,"I need to vent. OK!!! Ure going to make me say it and girls u might not like this but just think about it. If u girls say men and women are equal 'which is right' that means we men have the same rights and shit to if a man has the principles of 'i need sex before marriage' to see what my life would look like and if this is a big part of his life 'which it is for most' what makes his standards less than ures after all we are equals with equal right so why is his dream the evil one and her ""staying v"" the thing to be uphold.‍ Dont give me if he loves her he will wait bs. Cause i could say the same shit back at u. So ye Ethiopia konejaget pls ans. This!!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9949251413345337 2018-03-10 23:52:56,"I need to vent. This is to all those nice girls and guys out there who are constantly taken for granted, ""betrayed"", and ""disrespected."" . So your whole life you have been the one who cares most in any relationship. . you have never made a mistake. You have been the outstanding student. The good child. The good friend. . You want to be there for everyone. But you don't accept any kind of help. You don't want to be a ""burden."" . you spent many sleepless nights worrying about the one time you were ""mean"" to someone. . you don't acknowledge the things you achieved in case you offend someone. . you are the listener. You listen to everyone but when you speak no one is there to listen. You listen too much now you have lost your voice. . you don't tell people when they have hurt your feelings bcuz you don't ""like"" conflict. Okay, now nice girls and guys WAKE UP! Who are you kidding with your ""I am the one who cares a lot"" and "" I am the victim ""???? Most of you are all People pleasers searching for the approval and love you didn't get from your parents. It's now to grow up and heal past wounds!!! So if you suspect you are a people pleaser continue reading. . you are always pretending. Pretending to agree with someone. Pretending to fit in. Pretending to like someone. Pretending you are not upset. . you don't do anything out of the ordinary bcus Heaven forbid! What if you offend someone with your individuality?? . You are always "" happy"" to help someone. Even when you aren't. . you don't stand up for yourself or voice your opinion. . you can't say no. You don't want to ""hurt"" someone's feelings. . You save the day for everyone. But when you are in trouble where are your friends? They are living their lives. They are not people pleasers like you! So Dear people pleasers this is not kindness. This not being a ""good"" friend. This is manipulating people to get love and approval. Get up and be yourself unapologetically. People can hate you or love you. That's their problem. Speak up. Don't let people disrespect you! Be a rebel. Think of how much you have lost already. Before it's too late.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9925652742385864 2018-03-11 00:06:17,"I need to vent. I just wanna say more on what sb said abt odd is the new sexy its so right I mean ppl are going outta their way just to get that special sth that they believe makes them different from everyone maybe its that they don't like a certain food or have a certain phobia or have a random but weird habit and most of the time that's not them they fabricate these things and try to become these things and try to lable the weirdness as what defines them and I know this cas I have done it too before but at some point I realize they don't make me special they don't identify me or set me aside from z rest of the world that they are not me my odd dressing stile my sarcasm my depression I figured out they are not me and I realized I shouldn't go this far as to fabricate a character just so I can get a sense of Identity and sth to define me I figured if am not that person I can fake it for a million years but I won't ever become ""it"".... So instead of trying to be odd and feisty and weird and social awkward and an Aquarius I figured I should discover z person inside me who is just wait to be discovered hoping one day it won't matter what I reflect or bend my ways and natural instincts to become it only matters how soon I understand myself and reflect that so yeah that's it",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9970190525054932 2018-03-11 00:07:54,"I need to vent. Hey guys..This is a question I rly want answers to.. Is it really that hard for guys to stay in a r/nship where there's no kissing, and whatever if u truly love the girl wouldn't spending time with her be enough.. For most girls just spending time with the guy they live is enough.. Is physical contact really necessary.. and why is it that guys come back after u hv moved on then lose interest again.. Thanks for reading",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9862444996833801 2018-03-11 01:17:48,"I need to vent. Hey I just wanna ask u a question and I need suggestions from all of you who has a solution for question is in the beginning of many of my relationships girls didn't feel comfortably to be with me I can give them comfort?? that is my question...I need a solution for this...specially I need women's suggestion....Thank you for ur time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9636194705963135 2018-03-11 01:35:32,"I need to vent. He’s changing. Maybe this is who he truly is and I’m just starting to get a glimpse. It’s not all bad though. But one minute we’re all over each other the next we’re at each others necks. I used to take all the blame. Even when I don’t believe that what I’ve done was wrong, I considered the fact that I made him sad to be wrong. But then I realized that it has started to be a trend. That we’d fight and I’d end up apologizing. So I stopped. I stopped taking the blame and pleading my case. He’d do me wrong and be the one to act hurt. And he’s pretty damn good at it. Playing the victim I mean. I know what y’all thinking. Why don’t I leav e him? As cheesy and cliched this may sound, I love him. ‍ I used to judge girls for staying with men who disrespected them but hell, we can’t control our hearts. Damn thing does what ever the hell it wants. Don’t get me wrong, like I said it’s not all bad. I’m sure he loves me a lot and he’s protective and sweet. But all that goes down the drains when he shows me that he’s never trusted me and breaks his promises. Promises that I always so stupidly choose to hold on to. I’ll just go with the flow for now see how things will turn out. Pray for me? Hell, that probably don’t even make sense to y’all but that helped.",love,POSITIVE,0.9459818005561829 2018-03-11 08:24:14,"I need to vent. Guys I need your answers on this. Since all u r anonymous I hope u could give me ur truthful answers. How long can y'all go without sex/masturbation...being chaste. Since I started doing it years ago, 2 weeks is the max I've been chaste for...",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9977241158485413 2018-03-11 09:22:10,"I need to vent. Everyone around me is hurting me. Basically feels like I'm getting stabbed on one particular place over and over again. And the more i get stabbed, the less i want to be alive.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995299577713013 2018-03-11 09:22:53,"I need to vent. To that girl who came off the bus with me.. smiled back when I smiled at her... held out an umbrella she took from a bag for me as I embraced her awkwardly.. making me comfortable in unspoken words.. who snuggled close to me when I held her umbrella in the rain.. my regret is I walked away without asking ur name... I hope we meet again...",remorse,POSITIVE,0.9921064376831055 2018-03-11 09:39:49,"I need to vent. Don't you think religion is a made up operating system to keep ppl on smooth living ground? So they live with fear, so we live with peace? Just a thought.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9917049407958984 2018-03-11 09:56:20,"I need to vent. I was thinking why do people cheat? It's a key question for most of u ya? Yeah and I came up to a reason that(may be it's for me, you will put ur reason on the comments and we might come up with the right reason as a whole ), people might want to build their imaginary spouse from different person. Like if he is a man, he cheats on his woman because he might be looking for a girl who can satisfy his certain needs on which she couldn't. May be I'm mistaken.... but I thinks it's a good reason. Demo cheaters, add urs deeds(why do u cheat?)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9942700862884521 2018-03-11 10:08:59,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm in deep shit ryt now and I need your help. Last night I met this girl at a club and after chilling for a while we slept together. Both of us were drunk as helllllll and while we were having sex she had already passed out but I didn't know that so I didn't stop (by the time I knew she was out, it was already too late)...there is nothing that could calm me down after I'm in the mood for sex except for I went at it and I'm not sure but I think i came inside of her. Then after that I slept and when I woke up the next morning she was gone. I don't know her full name or her phone number. How the fuck am I supposed to tell her about the sex when I can't find her. Could she tell if I finished inside of her or not ? This is driving me insane I need your help ppl.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985430240631104 2018-03-11 11:58:35,"I need to vent. Well well am sick and tired of girls saying men and women are equal celebrating March 8 shit bitch please don't fool urself thinking that u even close don't look for a short cut in life baby girl like going to the club meeting up with high class rollers, but ur pro pics says money isn't everything . don't be a joteni only works when u put a coin on it build your empire by ur self work like a slave and be like a queen and am counting on the comments",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9970581531524658 2018-03-11 12:26:55,"I need to vent. Hey everyone, am a social 12 grader at a private school, Here is my problem if you could help. There is a girl in our school that i have been getting close to and i fell in love the moment i saw her, she's very religious and very hard to get close to but i managed to be a friend the problem is from the day we started talking am the one that always texts first, or calls first she only calls me if she didn't pick the phone while i call her, and on her defense people from her previous school have told me she never gat into any relation or let alone talk to boys much, but that doesn't smash the fact that if she was interested she would of made an effort to be a friend, so what shall i do?????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9965460896492004 2018-03-11 12:27:06,"I need to vent. is there anyone who is a med student and regrets joining the field because I hear it's so hard and stressful ena I don't want to be stressed but I want to be a doctor so should I go for it or go for sth simpler",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9963460564613342 2018-03-11 13:08:14,"I need to vent. So My friend broke up with her boyfriend of a year. Their relationship has always been on and off and it was always hard to keep track of what was going on in her life (relationship wise). We stop talking when they get back and restart talking when they fight. I was very confused;nevertheless, I loved her. It’s only been days since they broke up and I can’t be sure whether or not they’re gonna work on it cause she hasn’t said much. Should I just confess and tell her to give us a Chance?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9556979537010193 2018-03-11 13:30:28,"I need to vent. Okay here it goes....I want to be an engineer and I go to an international school and I plan to take SATs n all (11th grader) and I want to go to MIT with a scholarship...or any scholarship if its good enough but most of the times I lose my focus on school stuff and I won't be so sure of myself like what if after I join college I fail? And I'm not 100% confident but its still what I want. Engineering students or any college students please comment your experience and what I shd do",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9794484972953796 2018-03-11 15:09:57,"I need to vent. Why is that most of the suicidal people are girls?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991472959518433 2018-03-11 15:51:43,"I need to vent. Does anyone has more concerning, better subject than romance n sex??? Oh yes there's sth called LIFE!! Jesus people!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984380602836609 2018-03-11 16:40:21,"I need to vent. I just want vent about all u cry baby' kidding i love u all this days everyone has friend who she or he have crash on... or friend who she or he loves ...what hell ppl why u make deal with it ... just go with it ... ask the ask her out... dont just come here and cry about it... be a man or be woman about it ... seriously ... every one in here become cry baby lolol... i love all out",love,POSITIVE,0.6554469466209412 2018-03-11 17:07:03,"I need to vent. Why every one venting only abt their negative thing they got through we all knw there are a time we got through like bad thing in our life but let give a a chance to talk abt like why we are happy today or that u love her or him or like happy womens day, don't make this channel not only",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9892553091049194 2018-03-11 19:32:11,"I need to vent. I looked at a vent saying""Hey Why every one venting only abt their negative thing ... "" so here it goes i vented a while back n I read the comments most of it helped and I am no longer stressed it helped put things in perspective so 10xs people",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7559462189674377 2018-03-11 20:01:16,"I need to vent. Hey every one this ones for the guys why do men seem to come back after you move on this always happens to me when you want or need them they don't want you and when you move on they come back and beg you so why???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9971906542778015 2018-03-11 20:02:00,"I need to vent. The nightmare is pretending that I don't care bout being so EMPTY even though these drugs got me mixing love and hate, it's all numb when it fades. I am doing these to my self I whine about it till I get one hit then I remember why I do it. You can't complain bout the pain if it's self inflicted. You said you like me sober but I was never sober around you couldn't even see the difference. I bet she wants to tell me to stop but deep down she like it more when am on drugs. Pray she says how can I kneel and pray when I am never sober would God even listen to a drunk stoner like me. Never mind, I am all comfy here in the Hell I made just for me. I don't wanna go to heaven if all my friends aren't there. -Prince Not So Charming",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9894647598266602 2018-03-11 20:49:17,"I need to vent. Complaints.... Just as chuck Lorre ones said in his daily production rants, ""complaining is my birth right!"" And so it begins, 1. I keep secretly drinking alcohol for no reason what so ever. 2. My friend seems to be upset with me for a reason I have yet to figure out. 3. I've been getting more and more distant with my best friends. 4. Slacking off badly at school. 5. Becoming a constant headache to parents. 6. Have no care for other people's feeling what so ever. 7. Suicides happening around me. Don't twist my words, I don't want to do it. Honestly I think it's stupid and cowardice. Aaaand I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a mouthful about what I just said. 8. Doesn't seem to figure out if me is rly me or is it all faking 9. Am I person who talks behind people's back? If so fuck me 10. I got nothing else I just thought it would seem cool if there was 10 complaints. So feel free to stab away with your insults and heal away with your kind words. Either way there's a high chance I might not feel any difference. Good day! Ohh and umm if anyone feels like talking to me in person show yourself and we will rant together ya?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993298053741455 2018-03-11 21:22:24,"I need to vent. Houdini: It's not a vent but a question , this one is for the ladies What do you think about a guy who is sexually inexperienced ,was shy in the past . Does past sexual stuff matter for you ? Do you keep count of his past?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976121187210083 2018-03-11 21:23:35,"I need to vent. Is it just me or is everyone obsessed with TV and social media like 'they're' showing us how to think and how to act...right??? I don't know maybe im thinking too much",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999178946018219 2018-03-11 22:31:10,"I need to vent. My boyfriend is very cheap, he almost always send me a call me back and he doesn't even care. I don't know wat to say to him without hurting his feelings",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993870258331299 2018-03-11 23:23:00,"I need to vent. okay I'm z eldest in my family n iv always wanted a big brother...since I can't get 1 I try 2 find a brother figure...but everytym I find a nice guy everything gets ruined they tell me they love me and want me 2 b their's happened so many tyms I'm starting to think I myt b the problem....any advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980165958404541 2018-03-11 23:35:36,"I need to vent. Hey just alone in a dark night thinkin for hours,i dont have a fuckin soul to share this with so i thought maybe ,maybe sharing ma frelings with some strangers might help me with situation...ppl won't be so understanding why i am sad after i tell them my story so feel free to judge,i have vent here before nd u guys gave alog ov advices nd didnt follow them nd look it got here is my story i been fooling around with my bestfriend for five months now and he has a beutiful and amazing girl friend..i tried to stoo it a million times but i just couldnt he drows me in deep...he just keep pulling me to him so i continue,but as days goes by my love for him just exceed nd his love for me is just stuck at some level he has priorities to focus on so thats driving me insane i cant seem to have fun,or be happy am just goin insane ...and the worst part is i dont have my bestfriend to talk this with i just miss him....feel free to judge but plz tellme what to do i have no fuckin idea",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9945401549339294 2018-03-12 00:09:11,"I need to vent. Hey everyone ...its mafirst time venting here....i rly rly need ur advice pls keep ur rude comments for um a guy n hv a boyfriend we hv been together for 5yrs i love him so much i cnt even imagen my life with out him in it .....he is z one hu made me be gay....his first move is touchin me we shared shower together ena z first time he touched wz rly weird bt in time i liked it so much thn one day we makeout n i love every sec of it .....we did everythin(even the sex) here is z prob we want to get married bt u knw our country n society they wouldn allow it ....i couldn even imagin wt will they do if we ask thm their aproval ....i don inw hw to convise them so pls help me plzzz",love,NEGATIVE,0.9586392045021057 2018-03-12 00:26:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys I just wanted to know what people's opinion is about a certain problem I'm having. I don't know if people are having this kind of issue but I thinks it's worth mentioning, have you guys noticed how friendships are these days? I mean I have people we hang out with every Fuc***g day but we never actually bond. Nobody understands each other,We don't talk about serious issues like about life or your problem, you just pretend everything's going well. Have a pointless conversation, A pointless laugh and joke. And what's worse is that nobody wants to admit that they are utterly alone.I mean don't you guys think friendship is more than that?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995380640029907 2018-03-12 06:53:14,"I need to vent. There was a boy he was my bf before 7 month we broke up and still can't stop thinking about him and our memories although I have a bf now. He(my ex) texts me calls... And we even mate several times however I know he is player I can't stop loving him and I'm so confused I don't know what to do.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9569888114929199 2018-03-12 06:54:48,"I need to vent. I'm just asking: Why do girls think calling 1000x is the only thing that they can proof a guy is in love with her? I mean I understand it's effect but think about it for sec,... don't you think it's just the idea of idolized relationship? ""Min belash Min tetash?"" I'm sorry but I don't think this measures Love even. I'm also saying there was even a true love before even phones were invented. Just think it through girls n let me know what u think about it, And even go through ur ex's and understand how u he used to call you n why he is not here now if he truly loves u...",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9983678460121155 2018-03-12 09:00:52,"I need to vent. Really in to this girl I truly love her but I am affraid that I may not satisfy her in bed because I am inexperienced can't shake of this feeling",love,NEGATIVE,0.9891889095306396 2018-03-12 12:36:14,"I need to vent. Wats wrong with people, why do u have to be so judgemental... Why do u have to always say the bible says this is wrong or that God will put u in hell, ur religion is there only for u to follow it no one else has any obligation to believe or adhere to it. And unless other people r affecting u directly, the only thing u should do is give them the advice they want or fuck off. Also dont be trolls. P.S. there is probably no God and the world is neither as good or bad as most of u think it is... And for those of u who keep complaining abt how everything is going to shit in present times, just shut up.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995693564414978 2018-03-12 14:39:46,"I need to vent. Hi everyone. I just wanted to let u know that, every idea u ever had is stupid! Do u know y? Because we all see life from our own perspective so nothing about our views is true. It is all relative‍. So pls let's stop judging each other and live our own life freely. My idea is stupid, urs is stupid, everyone's is stupod‍. Get that into your heads and have a nice day pls.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991406202316284 2018-03-12 16:53:44,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse hide my identity I need to vent Keyet lejemer I hated too talk much gen beka. Here we go Yehwelachu I have a group of friends like yewendoch and yesetoch. The boys group 5 and yesetoch group 5. I am a boy ena some day ene ena my friend (best one from the boys) were sharing our thoughts malete manen like endemenaderg eyaweran neber endagatami he started talking first ena he told me he like the one whom I liked and whom I was gonna tell him!! I was shocked!!! Men yewategne she is so so smart and pretty!!! Men temkrugnalachu lebest friend letew weys just let me tey? It has been 6 years. I really loved her. Demo am afraid I may lose both my friends please please say something!!!",love,POSITIVE,0.907836377620697 2018-03-12 17:10:34,"I need to vent. Hide my identity, I am dating this amazing girl, i liked her betam, i can tell she liked me too gn not so sure about it, betam chewa ena restricted nech, enem esuan kaweku jemero am tryin to change myself to z best of me ( not to someone else). Kezih befit i neva expect a thing from anybody and when some fucked up things happen i don't really care and just keep on living my life, when it comes to her gn i see some changes in me, only met her once gn we chat alot, like agegnehalehu bela keketachegn betam deber yelegnal, i knw esuam hon bla endalhone gn beka my day will turn upside down, if your comment states that "" its cuz u fall for her"" for sure i cant deny that but am in z early stage of loving her, ene bezu dureyae life awkalehu, lejetwa demo she's innocent, ena tasazenegnalech, then i pretend am ok, then try spending z whole time thinkin bout her goodness. Deberogn endetayegn selemalfeleg becha i act like am ok, bezu lecahanat alfelegem, gn i hate z fact that am not letting her to understand my real feelings. Becha gera nw migebagn how i shall proceed, salasebew yalenen teru neger endalataw eferalehu, ""people zey come ,zey go "" is a worldwide fact gn when u sense something special in someone zis fact falls right away. Am not a type of person who shout every bit of my feelings out , and when i stay silent she thinks am ignoring her. And i hate to put myself and her in zat position. I think i might hv some quiet bright future with her so some advise might help. Thanks.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9937839508056641 2018-03-12 17:34:02,"I need to vent. I had to kill my baby. Am a murder now. I wish I could've kept it... wondering hurts it's killing me everyday",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989339709281921 2018-03-12 19:22:41,"I need to vent. Hey well am one of top scoring students ...there is just sth making ma lyf a mess its ma mom she hates me and always discourage me she always say don't waste your time for nthn hurts she's always opposite to me ..she hates to see ma face when i was younger i thougth maybe my actions made her mad ..buh now am 18 amn't understanding her reasons i tried too hard just to make her happy it ain't work now am having a conclusion may be she didn't give birth to me .. and i am deficient of love and affection every child wishes to had from his/her mother and its breaking me in pieces ...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997761607170105 2018-03-12 19:40:30,"I need to vent. Hey guys,its my first time and i hv dis shit going on in my life new to my office and there is dis 2 girls and friends ,andua single nat and d other one engaged, but both girls flirt wd me day me and d girl wd a boyfriend r alone at d office and i don't know y i did it but we made out...and naw the other one ask me out ..i don't know what to do..firs it's in my office and this shits will pls..",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9953404664993286 2018-03-12 20:13:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys its my first time venting and whatever comments would really help so here it goes I am a very sensitive person I will be too good and affectionate to anyone but the little things make me mad enechanechalew and I can't even forgive people and that's because if I do things should be exactly as we left them but if it ain't gonna be the same (if that person keep it that way) I will try for a few days and we will fight again I tried a lot of things even talked to people about it googled and read books about these stuff but not a significant change so what would you guys advice me? Any kind of thought and comment would really help thanks in advance :)",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9978391528129578 2018-03-13 08:50:06,"I need to vent. Im so abashed to call him ma dad... he's z reason why ma mam suffered from all this spoiled matter's n for my life to become like this !! He sacked all of our homemade's while we'r asleep,he says that it's hot in the bedroom n that he's goin to sleep on the couch but... she was only 24 when this all happened n she were so cute, smart,anything u can think of , i don't know what the fuck he were looking for! And she found out abt his shit... one day z homemade was yelling so bad n she says that she wanna go, n when ma mam stressed her to tell the reason she told her that ma dad has been fucking her for days by scaring her with knife... when she asked him he asked her hw she found out menamn keza he sayed that he's sry, she let it all go for me keza after weeks a girl with a baby came home and she confronts that the baby is ma dad's!! Mamy telagn hedech, she tried everythin to take me from him gen he got money and she dont and he take me as far as he can from her... she suffered a lot n i become this girl im today...i were only 12.. when i luk @ his face i go to ma room n cry, i do this every day he's home, des milew gen be wer 5 ken becha nw bet mihonew, hule filed nw, ahun nw yegebagn field endalneber mihedew... then he got this woman from nowhere ena she become my step mam...she dont like me for no reason, she hates what i do, n she alz find somethin to insult me. I hate him for messing my life like this... i can't even imagine hw many girls he ve been hooking up, ... my mind is going to blow up!! I ve this big fear to get near to elder guys, i try to tell my self a lie a lot of times gen i just can't stop thinking about it.. i dont wanna live anymore, i hate my life, i cant study or chill with anyone, im in hell! Why im i even living, i alz lock ma room n be alone!! Im know 19, nothin new, z same shit!! i ve no future, hw could i even ve one, I'm already fucked up! I nvr told this to anyone thats y i wanna breath it out for once n last!! Tnx for your time",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9987829327583313 2018-03-13 08:50:29,"I need to vent. Okay humm I had relationships before but they just seem to won't last bc of my sex preferences they really hard to speak like I just don't like normal girl on bottom boy on top humping couple of time n say sth n leave I like kinda the hard one n weird one like u know kiss all over and all....... plus I like a bit of skinny girls now a days ....n its really getting on my nerves like z boring routine. ..what should I do??like how can I get such girls or talk freely....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987300038337708 2018-03-13 09:29:32,"I need to vent. Hyy guys so this is about a girl I love my best friend I am thank full to have you boo u are a gift for me sometimes I wonder how nice of a person I must have been in my past life to have a sister like u we are always together and sharing our deepest Thoughts. I see people venting about their life's and loneliness god I am so thank full I got u I am scared of dying leaving or going any where cuz I dont wanna miss a single moment with u . when I was a kid I used to be bullied pushed depressed but since u came along bruh I am strong confident I dont need approval from others I just need u I got u boo I love u",love,POSITIVE,0.9993426203727722 2018-03-13 14:53:30,"I need to vent. Am kind living ma life as much as possible but am not happy or satisfied about ma life i try to do evry ting that can make me happy but after tym i will get bord nd ma usuall life came toooo frindly to ppl so they kinda get confuse ma kindness with else and treat me like shit its just am kinda confused the ""purpose of life""am just living ma life with out a change for like 24yrs no one understands or wan here me even ma familys too i try to wacth and learn from frinds life but evry one is just faking evry ting soo i culdnt even learn from others life just depressed ..this ol problem start blc ma family dont accept me or appreciate me as who i am. so dis problem grows through me and make me a depressed personand not confident person i culdnt even stand for ma fukin self(trust me i tried to fix ma problem but noting change)need heeelllppp",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998805046081543 2018-03-13 19:10:04,"I need to vent. Man its sorta gotten outta control now. Literally the smell of his sweater is enough to keep me calm nowadays. On a normal day I would have had to down like 3 joints after having such a fucked up day. But today my mind just seemed to comfort itself as I took a lung full of him. I might be losing my mind. Might actually consider picking him over my greens. I think I actually might love him. Shit this ain't good. ~xx",love,NEGATIVE,0.9226208329200745 2018-03-13 19:56:25,"I need to vent. Hi guys ...u can call me.."" A "" And it's my first ever vent and I hope I do good... Hi I am 16 and soon to be 17 yrs old I have this huge....huge dream of becoming one of the greatest producers of the world and I am working my ass off.....but I have this issues that are going on..Mentally, socially, biologically,and with my family... At first I thought the reason my father always hated me was because I am this.... weird kid who is always about music and not talking about other stuff.....he is always pretending that I don't exist....he even took my PC 4 me not 2 make music with it .....and that shit rly got me depressed 4 some time but I just found out y he acts that's bcuz I was a sudden child all my relatives hated me bcuz of that....I caused a lot of crisis when I was born mom was neglected from the dad left her and me 4 like 2 yrs and that rly fucked me up and also I have this thing that's going on with my kidneys that will probably become serious in time ....but every day I pray and hope that I will wake up 2morrow ....but I met this girl at school.....she made me forget about all of that crap and just....idk live with what I got cuz she is so pretty,smart,fun and socially active better than me in everything.....I didn't even deserve her ..I wasn't even worth it...but even after she found out abt my feelings 4 her....she became my friend....who tries 2 understand me,cares 4 me ....and I respect her even more 4 that....she is also going through some hard times and...... i want 2 be her friend who can help her get through those the person I didn't have 4 And a gd friend of mine tells me 2 stop but....but I can't and I don't want her 2 love me back.... my love 4 her is not hurting's making me more human ... something I wasn't 4 some years ...and I am just her freind it's better this way.... That's all 4 2day ....bye",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8553830981254578 2018-03-13 20:40:41,"I need to vent. Hi everyone,okay here i go. I have this problem called trusting people and a problem of noticing a lot of things. Before when i see things happening i used to be like whatever but now i hate almost everyone cause they showed me who they are, their true color. This days everyone is like whats wrong with you, your being hateful and shit. I have spent ma whole life trying to stay happy, ignoring things like i haven't seen it and loving the ones who hurt me emotionally. Now i see that i've been the one thats been hurting me. I knew everything but i just made myself believe that everything would just go right. I wish we all couldn't face things that would break us in pieces, i wish we all can erase memories that sadden us.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9954695701599121 2018-03-13 21:15:26,"I need to vent. Alrighty, time for some whining. Now it has been quite a while since I last met a person who answers happily and honestly when asked how he or she is doing. All everyone keeps answering is 'I'm fine' or 'not bad'. I miss the days when humans used to be exited for things. Don't go insulting me saying hypocrite or naïve. My fellow humans, I myself reply with a slight shoulder shrug and say ""mehh, I'm alright"" But I want to see other people being happy about their day, o want a hyper full on reply. Otherwise my shoulder shrugs r gonna turn into a frowning face and incessant whining. You hear me humans? Be happy, try at least Chin up dears and smile! Anyone open to insulting me about my whines here in person is welcome to leave their name revealed. *disappears into the smoke*",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.994874894618988 2018-03-13 22:28:42,"I need to vent. Guys help pls ... I know we have said no more rln ship stuff on this channel but pls hear me out I recently got back together with my ex...we were apart 4 like a month ena we're in z same school which made it rly hard to forget .. we broke up cuz my bf is a little obsessive .. he didn't like seeing me with zis one dude ena I stopped n everything got worked out .. he was happy again minamin. .nd zare min yilegnal u're too friendly with everyone anchi aygebashim.. bekan minamin .. but what rly got my attention nd wat I can't get out of my mind is he said said zat his love is fading away and he hates me wen I do this ... nd he can live without me unlike before ... Ena guys tell me if u're already on the way to ""unloving""(I know zis is so wrong but I couldn't find a better one) a girl ... can u never go back. .. does it just proceed n in z end u just don't love her nymore?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9948018789291382 2018-03-13 22:44:30,"I need to vent. Hi. im teen who is mentally ill . I've tried medicating and therapy. the more I try to change myself the more I get depressed because I always fail.the medication has more side effects when I say more I mean a lot. every time I contemplate the only thing that pops in my head is suicide. i just feel so empty and I'm an isolated person. so whenever I feel depressed I just start inflicting pain on myself by cutting or burning. i feels so detached from everything I have no purpose, destination,drive. so if you have any advice on this please comment",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994840621948242 2018-03-14 07:48:37,"Today is a black day for science, for one of the greatest scientists of all time — Stephen Hawking — has died at the age of 76. May his soul rest in peace and may he be celebrated for his contributions to society.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9994387030601501 2018-03-14 10:57:19,"I need to vent. Am living in a world that is black and white,I can feel my self slowly drifting into the darkness. I wanna forgive him for what he did to me,but I can't. He broke me to pieces what did I do to deserve this? I wanna forget everything I don't have Want to remember anything anymore I don't want him in my dreams. All those nightmares all those nights I cried my self to sleep controlling all of my screams scared of someone hearing me.I am a victim of abuse. And its killing me,he's killing me... I don't want to die anymore I want it all to stop.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9941389560699463 2018-03-14 12:02:57,"I need to vent. Its ma first time venting I have these problem not taking relationships to the next level I ve never had a real girlfriend. I m not shy or anything but after campus I really find it difficult to approach girls is that a problem?? How does it even work?? I can't talk about this wz ma friends Bc they think am a player Bc I've never lasted wz a girl more than two months. U are allowed to say whatever u please. Ready to listen",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9779918789863586 2018-03-14 14:23:17,"I need to vent. I want to do something i want start bussiness, but i am not ppl persone, i dont have work i used to but i got fried .. i have money ,i dont need work but i need somthing to do , so i want start bussines ... i am good with IT, phones, but i want work on something els... can u guys help brother out with idea ... other than selling computers and selling phone, pls help",desire,NEGATIVE,0.97845059633255 2018-03-14 21:00:51,"I need to vent. Hey there guys just wanted to share what was worrying me.. I'm a social student in gr12 and I'm not sure what to learn in univ..I was hoping to learn economics but I heard u can't get a job my family wants me to learn accounting cuz u get a job pretty fatst but I think I could do question is is it more important to learn something ur interested in or something that will get u steady job...i would also like a description of some of the fields if there are any social univ students ur opinions are rly important to me so pls answer..thanks a lot wish u all the best",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9915074110031128 2018-03-14 21:00:54,"I need to vent. I am having a hard time understanding how government forces killed a dozen civilians in cold blood and are telling us it was a case of mistaken information/identity. They shot unarmed people who were getting on with their lives. Are we supposed to normalize this like every other thing we do? I am finding this very troubling.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995853304862976 2018-03-14 21:44:05,"I need to vent. Please guys describe to me what sex feels like for the first time and how its done(steps) im a guy",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9869515895843506 2018-03-14 22:11:30,"I need to vent. Somedays we wake up and we just dont wanna get out of bed, Whats the point, Why do i get out of bed to a world that doesnt feel, But we can feel, we can all feel iy, or can we? maybe u can but not everyone is so lucky, Some of us only know what pain feels like, The feeling of pain you get when somebody sticks a knife through you, Or better yet 10. But u dont see it bc. Its on the inside, Its a constant darkness inside like your mom or dad or sister or brother or cat or dog died. But it doesnt go away, IT CANT GO AWAY when people see u and ask u if ur allright yeah sure im fine ofcourse i aint ok, how does it go ""conceal dont feel"", What if were always concealing, no i dont wanna do anything im sorry just leave me alone. hey why are u always so dowb youve got to be happy sometimes, Do i? Can i just decide to be happy, Is that haow it works? dont tell me to get over it dont u think if i could i would. Like its my choice, my choice to feel this constant pit inside of me then magically snap from sad to angry at a seconds notice i dont even know why im angry. I JUST AM its like a little switch im just some little kids entertainment On/off on/off ""you need to get help"" do i? Havent noticed all the broken pieces have u? have u ever looked at them besides out if contempt and disappointment. Really looked at them. They may all just look like random lines amd scars to u but to me, they say help do u remember that day when i told u i was sick, U didnt ask why, maybe it was better that way but when u got homevu didnt say a word ti me i think we both knew why. I was alone almost through it all, i tried to kill myself. I wanted to, But smtn or someone inside me said dont, I dont want u to feel sry for me, I dont want this, this thing to define me, Bc. I have to feel sry for myself for too long, Am i better? NO will i vmever be better? NO butvlet me tlk u through Let me show u wts in my head Life is too short of a time to keeo u locked out i cant go back to where i was before. its not east and its not preety but im doing better and im going to continue to be better that u was the day before but im going to need some help #Mentally#hilarious#numb#bitch",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969813227653503 2018-03-15 04:48:36,"I need to vent. once i fix my sleep schedule, start eating healthy, get physically fit, beat depression, stop procrastinating, learn how to do taxes, get mentally strong enough to make phone calls, then it’s over for you bitches",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987253546714783 2018-03-15 04:50:49,"I need to vent. I got this problem I've been in a one sided relationship for 7 months now and I thought I can learn to love her through time but it didn't happen yet . I've been faking it with her for her sake but I can't do it anymore. I'm not a player we never even had sex . The girl is so innocent and Sweet so please tell me the way to break up with her without her being hurt or at least with the least amount of damage Please please please help me",love,POSITIVE,0.9526584148406982 2018-03-15 06:04:05,"I need to vent. So I hv Zis problem .......dnt laugh plz am just tooo gasy ale aa way mo than z regular yehonech lil stuff ladereg in public bota hogne if I couldn't let one go feels like am gonna explode menamn demo eko quite one bihone tata balnberew yechohal plus it smelly neger so plz guys if u hv some medication or cleanse watever help out ....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989616870880127 2018-03-15 08:03:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys I have a huge problem hope many of u guys shared the same problem as me. The thing is as a guy I cant pee if some one is behind me even if shente weterogn ena i pretend that am done with my pee and went and come back when no one is there. Do u guys have the same problem let me know and lets pee whenever we like",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.998388409614563 2018-03-15 18:17:05,"I need to vent. I am with this guy for a month I really like him and I guess he likes me too but now he is about to go Canada for his masters degree I can't say don't go cuz if i do that am gonna messed up his life but I don't want to lose him either I try to not love him gin I already love him I can't stop doing that and I really need advice for u guys.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9528880715370178 2018-03-15 19:07:09,"I need to vent. Hey y'all its my first time venting here so ummmmm what's the point of live if ur not having fun I hated my life for about a 15 years I really need ur help tnx a lot",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9970648884773254 2018-03-15 20:55:34,"I need to vent. Who am I kidding, it ain’t real forgiving sitting her picturing someone else living. And I, yeah I still need you, but what good’s that gonna do? Needing is one thing, but getting’s another so in this final hour I will just say this I just want to know how ur feeling is and I will say this again I will repeat it ur my favorite crush but its time to leave it",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.987494170665741 2018-03-15 21:18:25,"I need to vent. So here is my though , why do we always have to judge anyone??why should there be a thing called ""right"" and ""wrong""??? Why should everything have to be black and white??? What if life have a lot of gray areas?? Don't u think reality is what we make of it?? And everyone is living in their own reality ?? Just a thought and the world isn't always in an orderly fashion sometimes it could just be like this vent here so much chaos and disorder ....",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987027645111084 2018-03-16 03:47:59,"I need to vent. Please anyone who knows a psychiatrist at an affordable price comment I really need it thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9923282265663147 2018-03-16 05:13:16,"I need to vent. I'm 14 years old and I've past through lots of shit been with lots of guys never been hurt by a guy but everything else hurts AF my parents compare me a lot and that shit ain't cool my bro and sis were high ranking students I'm not I'm actually very different idk what to do I've lost lots of things I've lost my uncle recently and he wasn't just an uncle he was like a dad I've lots lots of my friends my siblings both are off to collage I feel very lonely I have a boyfriend he's really nice caring mnmn but idk like I'm confused I know I haven't seen much but I've went to places but I've never done anything in school everyone thinks I'm not a good person (teachers )they gave me counseling they always give me advice but am not like they think i am they say I've got potential but I never use it they say lots of things actually lol they've accused me of drugs bc I fainted they've hurt me without knowing it but I've never done anything i used to lie a lot to my parents mnmn I've also been found like gama and I've promised to change but now i don't think anyone trusts me like me is complicated this is like the half of what just happened I'm trying to make it short rn I don't think that's happening but if anyone understand thanks that's all I need",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998089611530304 2018-03-16 06:56:05,"I need to vent. Fuck it. I am done being lazy, i am done being depressed, i am done being weak. Time to stop the excuses, time to stop with the suicidal thoughts, time to move on from the past, time be strong cause i know I am. I am sharing my defining moment with u people if u find it grab on to it as quick as possible cause it doesn't last long and when u do grab on to it act on that shit cause all we broken people deserve peace and strength but one thing I figured out is it the only person that is gonna help u is ur self",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9530819654464722 2018-03-16 08:30:16,"I need to vent. I miss my highschool friends(atleast the feiendship i had) no one like no one in college understands me. I mean i dont understand them too. When ever i make a friend it doesnt go deep it fades away quickly. It got me thinking is there something wrong with me? I mean i used to be very friendly and had friends but now i got no one.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990235567092896 2018-03-16 11:38:02,"I need to vent. Hey everyone it's my first time venting and really hope to find solution to my problem I'm a grade 12 student ...not kelem not duze but good performance.The thing is thing is that I don't know what I want to be.sometimes I think of being a psychiatrist but it has low in come in our country.And sometime I think of being software engineer but I am not that much into computers...I'm really really confused demo I hate health related stuffs.So someone who has walked on the same path...and do not tell me to follow my heart and find my dreams cause that ain't working.Just tell me some profession that have good in come.Thankyou",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9639113545417786 2018-03-16 20:30:58,"I need to vent. I have lots of friends and I talk to people too but when I'm alone with someone I don't know well I freakout and I don't know what to talk about and I feel like I'm boring them and I'm really quiet when there's people around and I hate that I'm like that soo is it normal and what should I do to stop this thing??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992382526397705 2018-03-16 20:31:23,"I need to vent. So hey guys it's really good that this channel is anonymous......anyhu so let me tell you my biggest fear and problem and you will give honest advice say what ever you want just be honest and I would appreciate if you would help so my own father is the biggest problem I can't say he did that he said that because that won't b enough by just writing it or by talking for a day because since I remember he was a baad father and husband so your wondering why am venting he thinks since we live by his money he can own us meaning if we don't obey anything he says he has the right to humiliate us in front of people by shouting n mistreating n he even thinks he can hit us meaning his children n his wife and we should understand so long he is angry he can do anything........its pretty much complicated I don't know what to do or how to solve the situation am so my fellow friends please HELP ME",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9800332188606262 2018-03-16 22:30:59,"I need to vent. Hm, How about this for a vent? I don’t think I’m going to make it till next year. I have a couple of things in progress that determines whether I will be or not. They were my last shots at life. If this doesn’t work, I honestly don’t know what else I can hold on to. Light at the end of the tunnel is already dim enough. But I guess we’ll find out soon enough. No need to stress about it till then eh? Just try and distract myself and try to check things off my multiple lists before I have to confront everything.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9978173971176147 2018-03-16 23:16:32,"I need to vent. Fuck all y'all fake ass motherfuckers. This is a channel for helping people, not mocking them. Anyone who vented here probably had no one to talk to or something. If u cant help, u can just read the vent and ignore. Im actually venting this cause i saw many negative comments on some vents. I once vented about depression too, ive been depressed for about a year now and i have suicidal thoughts very often and the first comment i get is ""if depression was a person it would be depressed of ur shit"" mnamn. Its not ur duty to comment or something, this is a place where u lend a hand to a person who needs it. Of course u can still give negative comments but its never cool.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991331696510315 2018-03-17 06:47:59,"I need to vent. Hay everyone !!I have to vent!!!!!! Ok here is wat happened to me am a person who likes to keep things to her self not talk about everything but now I can't I just can' wen ever I have stressful situations going on or I very thought things are happening to my life I get very emotional and start to look for a comforter and In so many cases not z right ppl some time I feel like am in need for someone to love me or be zer for me me but I don't get zat at all and am sooooooo...... hurtso....much ppl don't care about z next person to zem zy just do zer things and it much..ppl r pushy",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993171691894531 2018-03-17 08:48:51,"I need to vent. God is Enough: Hey everyone I am new to this vent thing am a dude by the way and I may not be smooth like most of u So this is how it goes My mom passed away before 4 years by a heart case. I say am over it but I really ain't how can u forget the woman who cared for u more than herself the one who picked u up when ur down, the one person that will literally give her life for u UK it's hard but, I know everything is for good but it's hard when u see other people with their mom. Am sick of that feeling please lord take away this pain. Please anyone who got an advice for me please comment below",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9431506395339966 2018-03-17 09:11:36,"I need to vent. i love being alone. i like to catch up with myself once in a while than with others. i †alk to myself and understand myself better than anyone could for me. I make myself mad, i scold myself, i forgive myself, i comfort myself. i cry formyself, i laugh at myself, i smile for myself. i play and have lots of fun with myself than i could with other people. overall am so good alone so great. but these days i am scared not because i am alone and will be for the rest of my life but because sometimes when i sit on my bed about to go to sleep, a thought crosses my mind. what if i am missing out on something by not getting close to people? what if i regret this later on? what if alone dont work for me anymore? what if i cant comfort myself, love myself anymore? what if i am not there for myself anymore? i know no one will be good for me as i am for myself but i feel like i am enjoying my own company too much and babying myself. i feel like i am spoiling myself too much..i feel like i will need people at some point. i feel like when that day comes i will forget about the me that is unconditionally loving me. i feel like i will lose mysef.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9576674699783325 2018-03-17 11:12:49,"I need to vent. I know it is kind of wired but let me tell friend nbreshge and we were like a sister but she is not normal person like others malet her beaviour is unique and wired.class wst she think evy one is talking about her ........and whn u talk to her batam arif lij tehon ena suddenly she will change with out any reason i dont know wat is z probelm there so tetalan also our family ba our probelm ayngagerum.....and this year she change skul but now a day i missed her badly help guys mn laderge like call her mnmnm it is impposible i cant do that help me guys",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9885507225990295 2018-03-17 14:33:49,"I need to vent. Hey guys, just wondering if there is someone similar....cause something is wrong with me and it is starting to freak me the past I was full of confidence and when I meet new people I always find something to say and get along with them nd I had no problem doing that but these days even if I am able to make friends I can't spend time alone with people I get worried that I will make them bored and I lose talks it's like I don't know what to say I totally forget my feelings and start thinking about them and the problem gets worse when it's a boy.....please guys what should I do help me out here",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9976038336753845 2018-03-17 20:33:34,"I need to vent. This is my vent. Love, Depression, Relationship, Sex are OVERUSED words in this channel. It’s really saddening to see what our generation has become.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9865360856056213 2018-03-17 20:34:04,"I need to vent. I was thinking ena hulem yemigermegn neger nw am not questioning my religion mnamn gn why people change in so much ways when they change their religion in to protestant like stop drinking,smoking mnamn also music.. ena mndnw yan yahel yemiyezachew ena why aren't we like that",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9960935711860657 2018-03-17 20:34:18,"I need to vent. Hello peoples ummm well I need to thank all of u for u advice it helped a lot I wish u guys got a solution for urs too thanks a lot helpers",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9637959599494934 2018-03-17 20:35:20,"I need to vent. Ok.. It's not a case as most vents here are.. Just wanna ask if there are any anesthetists here ... Am a freshman student and i joined the department without knowing what it really is.. So if there is any one who can tell me more about it.. I need it .. Thank you!!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9879559874534607 2018-03-17 21:17:39,"I need to vent. Hey I am a grade 12 social science student and I have decided to study law...but there aren't many people in that field so its hard to get any information about I was wondering how difficult is it? In which universities is it given in Addis(does commerce have a law department?) What are the chances of finding a job with good pay? Does it have any specialization like criminology or business law? Can you only work if you are willing to do illegal work? (Cruz that's what everyone is saying?) What are the chances of having your own law firm?.....anyone who knows anything please say smtn( and please say things based on facts not based on what you feel)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991831183433533 2018-03-17 21:20:50,"I need to vent. Before we begin I would like to say ""FUCK YOU"" for every human being this rant concerns to. Now we begin... Ethiopian teaching curiculum is as messed up as Donald Trump's hair. Every single one of them that are involved in actually ""building"" the school strategies suck donkey balls, the stupid rules, the nonsensical chapters, the awful teachers(not all tho). Everything about the education system sucks ass. Why are they torturing us, why? why? Just why? If there is anything that need a huge, big change in this country it's the freaking education quality. Starting from this God awful classified social and natural class to their sucky sucky sucky ways of diminishing people's ability and gifts by force feeding them school bullshit they don't want and expect them to be happy and rich....just fucking dandy",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996433258056641 2018-03-18 07:35:55,"I need to vent. I was wondering why some girls are too stingy. I mean, I get it a man has to be provider yibalal ya? But forget other stuffs, even on diners they kind of eat like but when the bill comes they tried not even take a sip of it, seriously this much ? I could understand if this happens seldom, but always? It sucks for you ladies. If anyone out there who acts like this cheep, please try not to get bought(it can't be more u know). Rather have a little pride and respect for yourself n ur lovers.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9767060875892639 2018-03-18 07:36:14,"I need to vent. Hello everyone... I'm a guy... 20 years old... thing is... I'm a guy who keeps everything to himself... hiyweten liastefagn michel ngr binor enkuan lesew makafel alwedm(alchlm)... so yehone gize ly behone agatami kehonech lj ga tewawekn... kehone gize buhala chat mareg jemern(like every single day).. then megenagnet jemern... des mtl lj nat... we got very close... gn d problem is debek sew mehone betam eyedeberat meta... so after a while I liked her... I felt like she could be d person whom I really NEED... so kes bekes glts eyehonkulat metaw... she liked me more glts eyehonku behedku kutr... yehone time ly beka snadedm sdesetm sikefagnm esuan bcha mefeleg jemerku... like beka hiyweten mtmolalegn meslo sletesemagn... then gize behede kutr midebr tsebay mamtat jemerech... like enen miasdebrugnen tnanesh negeroch mareg... bcha betam eyasdeberechign metach... then mn hona endehone lemawek bzu tarkugn... gn mnm mlash magegnet alchalkum... steykat chekechekegn mnamn hula malet jemerech... mntalabet gizem eyebeza meta... hule betetalan kuter tefategna esua bton rasu enen nw tfategna mtaregegn begd... so I always apologise... the thing is am very scared of losing people... even normal friend mlachewn rasu matat betam nw mferaw... betesebe wst slalew ngr rasu negreyatalew... but she changed... so this week eyaweran.. letrekegn endemtfelg negerechign... yene aynet behaviour yalew sew yredagnal (who don't reveal anything)... amneh hulu ngrhn yenegerkew sew sikedah betam tesfa yaskorthall... so I lost my temper and told her every fuckin thing... enenja gra ygebal betam... sew endet endezi lihon ychlal... drom trust issue slalebgn nw lesew malnagerew..... ahuns?... wsten gelts kemareg memoten memert sew lhon newko beka... yhe hulu be 1 sew.. endet sew yehone ngr siyagegn meswat sayker lihonlet yetezegajen sew ykedall????.... lezawmm..... idk bcha ybekagnal... now I got no one to tell my feelings to... fuck it... I don't need any one... girl u may be reading this... yea its me... tlk ngr nw yastemarshign... 1st debekenet hiywete endehone asayteshignal... 2nd u showed me dat playin wid people's feeling is fun... so ammana have fun... ADAMACH MOLTUAL... MIREDA NW YELELEW... fuck it anyway... atleast tnsh tenfshalew.. idk betkekel ltsaf altsaf...",love,NEGATIVE,0.9909239411354065 2018-03-18 07:36:26,"I need to vent. Ok so now listen i dnt like reading books. Specially mind tricking books. But lately i have seen that we people limit ourselves...have you ever notice that no one puts you down except yourself. If you fail don't blame on the teachers or so its all you. You lift your self up or down. Lets say your in a poor family that doesn't limit you....your idea limits you not your way of life. Lets say you get F in ever classes next time if your found on side way its not because of the F its because your idea your passion you limited those. Search all the successful people they are successful because there passion is brighter than there fear. And those fear limits you. And above all if your a girl there is more to you than you think. Stop dreaming of a perfect guy and dream of a prefect you. ""Lebamen set man yagegnatal"" says the bible R u that? Focus on you dnt limit yourself with the idea of only love. Dream of being that girl who changes the world because we can. Because if you set your mind to it you can achieve it. Dnt limit yourself STOP blocking yourself trying to fit in this world be diffrent be werid just love yourself and respect yourself be iron ladies.",caring,POSITIVE,0.7278775572776794 2018-03-18 11:10:25,"I need to vent. Just wanted to know, is there anyone here who's man enough to be involved in a serious fist fight. Let's assume some thugs wielding knives came at you. Would you just give up all you have or would you gritt your teeth and say ""bring it on""?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988574981689453 2018-03-18 11:11:33,"I need to vent. For the last time this right here is not a prayer emoji. It’s a high five emoji!!! Get ur facts straight people!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981605410575867 2018-03-18 11:12:13,"I need to vent. Hyy guys am having a trouble with a friend of mine she has a mental problem may be (schizophrenia) how could I help when she doesn't even believe she has problems how can I convince her to see a doc?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992709755897522 2018-03-18 11:13:49,"I need to vent. Hey guys, not here to vent , just here to tell you guys what I am witnessing theses days. So I am health professional, a doctor, and these past few years there has been a lot, I mean a lot of new cases of HIV infection. Like really young people , 18 and 19 year olds. Just the other day a 19 year old who came in for a skin infection was newly diagnosed with the infection. Tons of kids like that every day. Guys it’s really getting bad may be like it was during the first epidemic. So just wanted to say please please be careful, get tested , use condoms and stay faithful to your significant other. Please guys.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9967668056488037 2018-03-18 12:02:43,"I need to vent. I need to vent. Girl can't be herself. Okay this is not exactly a vent but it has to be addressed. Why are we, girls, losing touch with ourselves in order to impress the world?? Especially men! Now don't get me wrong I don't have anything against guys. I have seen girls killing them selves to get attention even if it's outside their comfort zone. Why can't a girl go out and drink beer with her friends with out being pointed out on or bring perceived as a hoe. Why do we expect men to take care of us, to pay our bills and such. I am so fucking sick of this way of living. Forget the relationships, why are women doing all the small jobs? Why does a woman have to be good looking or flirtatious to get hired? We need to support each other and not fight over some dude. All girls care about is dressing up and putting make up on, go out clubbing, fuck some rich dude get every guys attention and in some case get hitched. Even the society suck balls! Everytime they see a woman of certain age all they talk about is ""ohh she hasn't married yet"" why the fuck does it have to be like that. 99% of women waste their money buying make ups and wigs to make them look more appealing. Why can't we be good enough on our own? Why do we have to walk on heels until our ankles hurt? i can go over this the whole day. Anyways, please ladies lets get our shit together!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989550113677979 2018-03-18 15:02:48,"I need to vent. Anyone who knows where Adderall is sold in Ethiopia",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990032315254211 2018-03-18 15:36:28,"I need to vent. Hey guys i seriously need advice it might not as much serious as most problems mnamn gn i just couldnt handle it thats y i came to u boyfreind drinks to much i trust him that he wouldnt do anything gen beka plus eyesekere he talks shit mnamn dewelo.... i want him to stop but i dnt know how to make him please some advices....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9957858920097351 2018-03-18 16:29:10,"I need to vent. I have got to get this off my chest. I am a confident, goal oriented person. I said that cuz well, I'm confident. But lately there's this thing that keeps bothering me. The one obstacle I can't get through, waiting silently for game of thrones",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8804550766944885 2018-03-18 16:30:21,"I need to vent. I wanna change somebody's life idk about his life pretty much gn he is a drug addict and also young his life is a mess he got a step dad mnamn so how can I help him??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999349057674408 2018-03-18 16:58:06,"I need to vent. you turn me off when: you talk about reality shows you turn cold cuz you felt like you were losing your sexiness you suppress negative emotions by being super crazy you drop your ambitions you act different around some of your friends you try act like i don't matter to you whenever you're insecure you confuse being a bitch with being logical",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972243309020996 2018-03-18 17:21:56,"I need to vent. I know you are in here so listen up. Why are you doing this to me for real. Why do u always have to look good and make me uncomfortable with that cute smile of yours. Every time I'm listening to music am thinking about you. I imagine myself singing it to you, playing that piano on stage and the spot light will shine on you and I start singing. But who cares because it just another sad love song. Even when I'm writing this I feel like you might know who I am and I back out but if you are seeing this well I finally grew a pair. So if you are reading this well atleast let me know, give me a sign or something because it's killing me to know and for the people that are reading this I'm sorry I wasted your time because this is not a vent more if confession.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9531158208847046 2018-03-18 17:23:36,"I need to vent. I just have one question. What is the purpose of living. You learn, go to university, work, have a family then die. Some of us aren't even lucky with this things. I am not complaining but I am lost. I try to study but get distracted and bored every time. Why are we living?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987491369247437 2018-03-18 17:34:01,"I need to vent. Not long ago i had a friend who committed suicide a month back. She was so bright. I swear to you she had the most amazing smile. Her genuineness was just beautiful. She was smart not just book smart but smart smart. Anywho i wasn't told about her death because I'm a cry baby and i get mad depressed when i go to funerals. But i should've. I hate myself for not seeing her struggle or for not checking up on her sooner. She just did it. I don't even know why but since then i wasn't right. My thougts on suicide is different. I think about it continuously. I wanna ask for help but at the same time i feel pathetic. I feel weak. I feel so weak.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9041064381599426 2018-03-18 19:12:13,"I need to vent. Hey guys, You know those phases everyone goes through in life? Like when u r a teenager you feel depressed and upset and like no one understands you keza demo you feel like the whole universe is against you mnamn ena ahun I keep thinking back to the times that my parents gave me all those advices to study hard, go to church, don't sin, don't hang out with those kids... which seemed lame at that time gn ahun I understand what they mean and I wish I had listened to them...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985287189483643 2018-03-18 19:34:15,"I need to vent. A user manual to me if we ever meet I'm going to overwhelm you at first so don't be scared, i talk a lot when i find you attractive. I'll have so much energy for life it will either energise you or irritate the shit out of you. I'm the worst planner but I make it up by being spontaneous. I'm the king of romantic gestures but don't get mad when i forget your birthday( I'll do that a lot) our times together will be filled with great conversation about the big things in life and laughter but i need you to dig deep because i can sometimes use intellectual conversations as an exuse not to talk about my emotions. My happiness is contagious but my sadness is maddeningly confusing so you'll have to bare with me. i hope you're good with money cuz i spend it like a trust fund brat. I'm romantic but i get distant when you don't return my affections. I've a great thirst for adventure so make sure you say your proper goodbyes to your bed and couch. I'm preety chill with most things but i can't handle someone who needs others to be happy so go out find the happiness you seek before we meet.",optimism,POSITIVE,0.9873456358909607 2018-03-18 22:48:41,"Moshi Moshi members. This is Unihorse . In light of recent events, we had to put out a statement. Let us take this moment and reassure people that we have not compromised your identities in anyway and that, anonymity is our number one priority when it comes to the Vent Here Bot, the Vent Here channel and all its affiliates, as the creater of the channel, Unihorse would not have it otherwise. This are just outrageous allegations created by people looking and hoping for the demise of our beloved channel and what it stands for. Nonetheless we have launched an investigation, and will try to find the root of all this ludicrous and we urge our members to ignore anything of this nature as it is totally false. Please do tell us what you think about all this down in the comments. Join | Invite | Share | VENT The Vent Here Team",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9935856461524963 2018-03-19 07:08:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is my first vent so here goes, im a kind of person who is shy at public areas, the noise irritates me, and also the peoples around, well I am an attractive teenager so when I pass by people talk behind my back saying things about me, i cant even concentrate on my work, like wow his handsome mnamn sometimes I were a hoodie all day long trying to not attract attention, and I just cant sit down relax cuse people around me are looking at me starring, and doesn't have the guts to go there by my self, malete like public library, bus stations, school, mall, game zone, peoples cant stop starring,Thats like weird. I feel like an alien! Help me guys overcome my fobia for public places.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9768878221511841 2018-03-19 07:09:41,"I need to vent. I will bet most of you have asked this question at one time or another. I admit this isn’t the first time I’ve asked this question, but it’s the first time it couldn’t escape my mind. Hence I’ve decided to write about it and put these “impure” thoughts to rest. Some of you might argue “Oh she’s just craving meat and her mind is playing tricks on her” others might say ‘’It’s Satan!!” Trust me when I say, I’ve considered both. Anyway, why do people fast? What is the reason behind it? I’ve been raised by a truly religious mother and if I’m not incorrect, she told me we fast so we can deny the luxuries of life and get closer to God, remember all that he went through for our sins , pray, repent, and finally give back to the less privileged. This is of course the condensed version but I hope it sums it all up. Now I ask myself are these the reason I fast? Of course it is! At least that’s what I tell myself, but in reality it’s far from it. I fast because I’m selfish. I deny myself of some luxuries in life because I want to please God and do right by him and go to heaven. But if the true reason of fasting is to be completely selfless, what am I doing? I myself and most of my friends eat fish, carry impure thoughts, do the unspeakable, swear and gossip….and all the rest of it. Are we fasting? I doubt that.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8877608180046082 2018-03-19 07:14:20,"I need to vent. Hi everyone so my story is so long and its that I am a silent,shy n so kind person or so 'they' say n because of that i have so much things that i hide n bury inside me and doing that hurts and kills me from inside everytime. When ever I'm being fooled by 'them' I just smile n let it slide with just a fake warning or be silent about it like I dont know anythin about it I want to get revenge but i cant I just forgive 'them' without even tryin and ma frnds tell me I'm too soft n I need to be strict I just reply with ""i know n I will"" but I dont. And I am very shy that I dont talk to girls to the part that I didnt talk to the girls in ma class like the whole high school until after going to the university I wanted to start a new life because I was in a new country n new faces n started talking to girls in ma class to be exactly responding to them Recently I started to notice 1 of ma frnds (girl) who I thought of her as a normal frnd is talking with or about me with kindness n love or so I think n everytime she talks with me she talks nice about me and I automatically got to super shy mode and just responded with a big smile n 1 or 2 words like (thanks n u too) N I thought in ma self maybe she likes me because I didn't express somethin like this before in ma life n because of this idea I started to notice her much more n started to have some feeling for her like I already had it from the beginning n day by day that feeling developed to love but kept silent about it as usual and buried it inside me but 1 day someone from her classmate confessed his feeling to her by a message and she was shy about it because it was the first time for her and thought she will ignore him because she didn't talk with him before but I think she accepted it going with the flow to get a bf because all of her frnds got bf and after a few days her frnds was talking about her n him being together the night I knew and the night I felt that wierd feeling the feeling of being stabbed in the heart and what I buried inside me got out for the first time I couldn't bury it I kept smiling with a pain in ma heart I never felt before but she never stopped talking with me like before even she spends more time with me than him so I wanted to try harder but what the difference I can't confess I dont have the courage or know how to do it. But I cant even sleep of thinking of her plus she still has that so called ""bf"" and I don't want her to be disturbed by me I wish her to be happy even if it is without me thats y I'm afraid to confess n if she replied with that painful ""I see u as a brother"" thing. So it may be awkward for her at that time n I dont want her to be at that kind of place because of me. Sometimes I think y dont bury it inside me like I used to do n continue. So what to do about the kindness n silences problems should I do Somethin to change it and about ma crush what should I do again I'm sorry for the long story",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9810811877250671 2018-03-19 19:35:23,"I need to vent. Just a but recently one of our country's respected artists was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease...and I hope he gets well soon I really do. About 60 people signed up as donors and made me realize one thing. How many of us would do that for the people in the hospitals whore dying slow and painful deaths? How many of us would give a penny to someone on a street? How many of us donate just some money for people in need of it? How many of us lend our kidneys to some stranger? What about those without money, fame or even family? Shouldn't we think of them too? Before you comment, think about it well. I'm not complaining why 60 people signed up but would these 60 agree to the donation if it was for someone else? Someone they never met?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9810312390327454 2018-03-19 19:43:35,"I need to vent. Hello people So this is a first but wont be the last am sure. Am tearing up as i write this. Am 20 and i have the worst father in the world well some have it worse i know. He has never really been mean to me but he made and still makes my mom cry almost every day. He cheats on her he even looked at a waitress and signaled her while i was sitting ryt there with my little brother he even threatened to kill her with a knife. Growing up i have seen so much worse and i forgave him and forgave him as she said she wld get a divorce now then after a month then anothet month. So last break i came home i actually ended up defending her and he got mad said a lot of things even hit me. Soo i have had enough and this break i decided not to go home and now the whole other family is asking nooo demanding i do. I don't wanna disappoint my family but seeing him now will worsen the remorse i have been building up for 20 years(not intended) i feel like i was going to explode and no one iss understanding me so i decided to come to you guys. Thanks for listening to my nonsense",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9956408739089966 2018-03-19 20:03:10,"I need to vent. Has anybody felt a paralysying fear over the simplest of things? Maybe not simple but all the shit u avoided hit u hard all at once and ur like WTF is happening?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992864727973938 2018-03-19 20:12:27,"I need to vent. I hate her. I despise her. I look down on who she is and everything she stands for. In my eyes she is everything i dont ever want to become. If theres even the slightest chance that i'll become someone like her then i promise to live alone and isolated from people. Because i know i will make them as miserable and as sad and as bitter as she made me. Every second i spend with her makes me realise what an unhelpful, dumb, arrogant and hateful woman she truly is. She tries so hard to cover it up in front of other yet i still see through her fake smiles and bad jokes and make up. First chance i get, im going as far away as i can from her. To a place where i dont have to be reminded of that pathetic excuse of a woman. I'll forget her and live my life right. Be a better person than she was and will ever be. This, i promise to myself.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.978661298751831 2018-03-19 20:31:14,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity Hey there I'm kinda confused about my future I had my mind set on international buisness but i heard it has too much math and i hate math so if there anyone here who knows about international buisness I really need advice from someone who actually gets it.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994882345199585 2018-03-19 21:57:36,"I need to vent. This is scary. I have seen so many lesbians this year than any other. WTF is happening? Are the guys not giving them enough? nah for real thou this shit really freaks me out. Is it normal now or anything? I'm specifically talking about Ethiopians here, not the rest. I swear there are girls in our dormitory that were found with toys and shit. How does someone do that?? It is very disturbing to me y'all and CAN SOME ONE PLEASE explain it to me if I am missing anything",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991430044174194 2018-03-19 22:33:47,"I need to vent. Just wanted to express somthing ...hope thats okay...  trust me its not about u ...its about her and him ...he is not you, he resembles u, infact he is your exact replica both your soul and facade but he is still not you because i cant feel about you the way i do for him...and her is not me..she has my soul and mind but not body ...i am not perfect enough like you to have an exact clone...the story is simple between them she loves him and he loves her the rest is telenovela drama with a few passion reliving moments ebc wouldnt air on tv...some how in my head its okay like this,i hate the idea of wanting you this way and i am ashamed of it but at the same time i cant help it so i will just keep the stories flowing in the boundaries of my head to keep on appearing like a sane incontrol person...",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.8966739177703857 2018-03-20 04:43:58,"I need to vent. Hey y'all am 23 I rly don't know y but z last 10 months hv been z most weirdest days of ma life every time I meet a guy or like n want to get to know him ends up married its so freaking weird",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9948968291282654 2018-03-20 04:45:17,"I need to vent. hey guys its new joiner... and wanna start with asking for help... its been a month since I start dating this guy, he is really nice guy but I can't love him... but he thought this relationship have future when I am planning to end it up! I can't forget my ex, I can't moved on even tho its been 2year since we broke up... help me guys I don't know what to do! ‍",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9890525937080383 2018-03-20 04:46:05,"I need to vent. Hey guys... this is for my friend. So she’s been friends with this guy she is madly in love with. I’ve never seen her like that, ever. They know each other physically and when they go to ‘betekrestyan’ they see each other but never say hi. They only text and call. She told me it was because people will talk stuff (you know habesha old people) and so it’s very awkward especially considering the fact that he is not the type to talk to girls and he’s very different from the rest of his friends. Now she went to a different country and she still doesn’t know if he likes her or not... she confessed her feelings to him and he maskeyesed it but still kept on talking to her. He is quite a gentleman, he doesn’t flirt or ask her to do nasty stuff for him..... which makes it hard to think he’s a player... he is quite shy when he talks on the phone... she really needs my help but I’m as confused ‍ as her so I need yall’s help. Do you think he likes her and he’s too shy or scared or do you belive that guys will let you know your feelings no matter what and if he liked her he would’ve told her ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.994193971157074 2018-03-20 04:46:19,"I need to vent. Well we have it , i am an official side chick and i dont know what to door how to get out of it since i am a peoples pleaser",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9964876174926758 2018-03-20 07:59:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys, this isn't a vent but a question. My gf is kinda skinny and always talks about getting her belly button pierced, nd I think it'll look sexy on her. I wanna surprise her by taking her to a spot which do that but don't know any such place in addis. Any suggestions?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8659308552742004 2018-03-20 12:01:52,"I need to vent. Hello, I just want to you ladies faint during your period? I do...and when I woke up am in the emergency room minamen ena with oxygen in my mouth , ena if I were at home they say I coulhv died...ena I have fear during this time..ena is it do ppls faint during their periods?..",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.997648298740387 2018-03-20 20:34:56,"I need to vent. Why is it easier for me to wallow in sadness wen happiness is right infront of me...why do i keep on being bitter wen i have all the best in situations...why do i have this constant need to hate my self ,to scold my self ,be angry at my self...i use to be so postive and optimist cheering people around me but now i would rather hide and just sulk.. i am tired of pretending i am happy(i should be happy but i am just not).. but i still dont like pity and shoving my shitty mood in peoples face like i am doing now...i am afraid of pain yet i wanna hurt my self... i never had suicidal thoughts tho so i guess i am not depressed but just empty in need of a feeling ...but a negative feeling...i just took a pain killer coz its better to be numb than be some one who i am not ...and i also know it has long term effects if i keep on taking it which made it apear even more appealing coz that would hurt me ..lately i just hate me so much i feel i deserve bad things ....i know people have real problems and i am a bitch ...i just happen to feel this way do i stop it ????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9956011772155762 2018-03-20 20:48:23,"I need to vent. Hey everyone, something is seriously wrong with me! Before i was not outgoing and like i don't talk to people i dont know but after i went through this really harsh and painful breakup its like i have this craving for guys and i talk to anyone (literally), and i have said i love u to most of them and i don't even mean it and i didnt want to say it but how do u reply to ""i think am falling for u"" (am not bragging and it ain't a good thing) its like i just want them physically not mentally and thats not like me, i never even kissed anyone let alone have physical attraction, am ashamed to tell any of my friends so i hope u guys can help me thanks kind people P.s: i hope u all get through what ever is going on in your lives",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9939824938774109 2018-03-20 23:08:42,"I need to vent. Hello my fellow humans! Depression is consuming every last bit of me! What is happiness? I have lost the definition of happiness the feeling of happiness so FUCKING DEPRESSED , like i need a life? Something to live for? A guy or a friend or something worth living for? Do u ever get that feeling where a person looks at you and seems like they understand but there in their mind thinking about ""who is this stupid girl thinking she is the only one with the problem"" and am starting to think that ever one hates me and is out to get me!!! I need a friend or anything that i love? How can i get that help me!!!!!?? Beautiful people",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9944528937339783 2018-03-21 06:33:18,"I need to vent. I definitely love you...I don't want any one else..u r the first and last thing that comes into my mind Gn the problem is I'm a med student...and I don't have the economy to make her happy...and for that I restrain my self! Do you girls really fall in love with a stud?... P.s I never want to be that rich...but because of you all I can think abt is how to become one.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9485073089599609 2018-03-21 06:35:30,"I need to vent. I remember the first day we’ve met it was back in high school, we just happened to sit around each other, I don’t usually start conversation with females but I did that day, the teacher didn’t show up and we had a lot of time to talk, I recall our first conversation it was about a movie, this movie which we both had a fondness for so we talked for a while about the movie and then the bell chime out and you had to go, I sat there with my friends talking but the whole time I was just waiting till the bell rings but we didn’t talk again because you didn’t show up for the next class, regardless of that I really was happy that day I remember Imaging this crazy scenarios on my way home, I always do that but this time you was in it. You see after that day you become my muse sometimes we talked and when we didn’t I looked at you silently, I liked looking at you when you are not paying attention because that’s when you’re beautiful the most because you’re not trying you’re being you and to me that was best version of you, and it felt good talking to you too, even discussing the little-little things around us with you felt good. I hardly believe in prayers but I just kept praying for us to end up together, every night since i mate you I prayed. And I just kept imagining these scenarios in my mind of how we end up together and get married have kids and then grow old together, because they made me happy and they still do. Those were good times my best friend but I lost you on the way I still don’t understand how but you’re not mine, you were never mine. You are my best friend and the love of my life I know that but we were never meant to be together, so today I prayed, I prayed that the lucky guy who gets to be your husband knows your worth and make you happy always. and then I cried, I cried for not being good enough.",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9036755561828613 2018-04-01 15:35:46,"I need to vent. Is forgetting the past and starting over with eachother that hard. I mean I love him n he loves me y is it a problem to show it. Ene gin maygebagn sew abrewt eyalu tiru endemehon ketetalu behula melemamen... after our breakup he made me believe we'd be gr8 together .. but a week later it's z same shit again .. the funny part is am tired of saying let's break up cuz I knw we cannot stay broken up .. we love each other ... gin eyu min arigeh new... second chance enisetat tebabilen ende adis tihonaleh .. normal enihun? Rln ship wist nen gin act like strangers is that the normal u're looking for ... I don't get it I highly doubt u'd ever see this but if u ever do I rly rly love u n I wanna make it work wiz u. I don't think I'll ever be happy wiz out u. So darling pls come back",love,NEGATIVE,0.996672511100769 2018-04-01 19:17:05,"I need to vent. This is more of an advise than a confess. For everyone out there reading this, just dont make the same mistake as me. No matter who the person u like or have feelings for is don't be pussy and hesitate when the opportunity to start something or even go to the next level with that person comes. Take it from me. I got to learn this the hard way because the girl I ended up loving and thought was my soul mate, the girl I thought loved me too, is now dating another guy who she claimes to love and they're even considering marriage right when they're done with school. And the one thing I regret is not making a move.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9961646795272827 2018-04-01 19:33:00,"I need to vent. I took a picture of a friend...she smiles a lot ...n I always tell her that she is beautiful ...cuz she always smiled ... Then I missed my Smile....the one I had years ago...the real excitement's flame burning in my soul n shaking my nerves to lift my lips up n curl them up n glows my face n narrow my eyes cuz I've seen enough joy for the moment to cherish ...flame burning in my soul catalyzed by the beauty of creation shaked my nerves n move them in a way to hold my hand up on my face and cover it cuz things are awesomely overwhelming that made my hands cover my face in z wonder of where this all joy came from ...z same flame was destroyed by the fire it got attracted to...z fire that made it question its nature...the nature of burning,lighting z dark n shake n move nerves ...made it question the difference between warm and hot ...n made it realise it was just warm before the fire....then the same fire ignited the flame n consumed it with its power...the same fire that ate the small fire got bigger n hotter using z lil flame's power ...n left my soul so cold n so unexcited ever ... that fire u see took my soul n disappeared ...ever since then I am just a snowflake unseen n just so cold as if I've never been warm if I am dumb enough to understand what I were n was capable of knowing...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7883232831954956 2018-04-01 22:18:32,"I need to vent. First lets get the niceties out of the way, im 20 yrs old n a 3rd yr University student. And a GUY. Alright So ive noticed some things lately. My friends, in one way or another have all transformed/evolved, in some sense because, of there campus life. And all of them for the better, but me... I feel like ive gone backwards! I might have even been a better me 3yrs ago... Smarter, funnier, had better goals and ambitions, was more open to art. And even found better solutions to problems. Overall more lively than now. Im lazier now, my spirit is broken! Why is that? And am i the only one?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9896899461746216 2018-04-01 22:37:04,"I need to vent. People are shit! The sooner you learn that the better, I almost got conned by my so called fucking best friend. I wouldn’t have minded if he had asked me for a hand out or the rather too occasional “loan” but this is just borderline disgusting. Nope it’s actually disgusting Someone you grew up with suddenly coming for what you worked so hard for and maybe even hoped it’ll benefit the both of you one day. But fuck me for being naive and thinking that my success is our success and vice versa, Cheesy but true. keep your circle small, trust no-one, always look out for yourself, because PEOPLE ARE SHIT! And you (if you’re reading this) are the shittiest of them all... have a good fucking life",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9981535077095032 2018-04-01 22:49:48,"I need to vent. I'm always finding my self in confusion about everything and everyone. I'm confused about my religious life. I just can't find the right path for me. I'm concerned about my social life... Any friend I make ends up leaving me for another one. And my love life I don't even wanna start about that ... Things go too fast too soon and I end up alone all the time. Educational life well that sucks too no matter how hard I try am just not good enough. i know this doesnt even seem like a problem compared to other problems people face but I just don't know what to do.....",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9971792697906494 2018-04-02 00:37:42,"I need to vent. It all started one stupid Friday night when I saw my best friend laying down next to my BROTHER naked and they were both soooo fucking wasted of course they didn't see me and now I can read all the guilt and worry on both of their faces debating wether or not to tell me. I love'em both some part of me wants to say like its cool y'all BUT IT ISN'T I can't help it feel betrayed and I'm getting tired of pretending and watching them pretend .... guys please say something ‍",love,NEGATIVE,0.9984036087989807 2018-04-02 09:51:36,"I need to vent. Okay, i don't know how to be friends with girls!!! Every time I got a new friend(girl) they keep leaning to like me. And I thought it's my problem, but everyone is telling me that it is not. I just want true friendship like I have with my guy friends.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.948880672454834 2018-04-02 09:51:36,"I need to vent. IDK why I'm doing this cause it's so childish but I'm lost so here it goes. I'm not a relationship type but somehow I end up in one but this time I really like him like I really do butttt I few days ago I fucked up. He came with a friend of his and well the friend was cute and my type(my guy is not exactly my type) funny, cute, sexy and everything becha when my bf left we we're alone and we got to know each other well and after a while he asked to kiss me of course I said no but every part of my body wanted too like it took everything in me to say no I even wanted him do it without asking but he didnt I didn't care tho and actually did regret not kissing him then after a few days my bf is started acting all weird and stuff I fixed it keza everything was cool but we went out again and the friend was there too‍‍‍‍ and I was almost fine with it gnnn he started to flirt with other girls I got jealous and keep in mind I'm not the jealous type it rarely happens. His my guilty pleasure and IDK what to do when ever were alone for a sec we flirt I actually love bf and his the best thing that happened to me so far(2018) and I don't wanna fuck it up. Help Don't be rude. Thanks",love,POSITIVE,0.9831151366233826 2018-04-02 11:14:15,"I need to vent. heyy....hide my identity here is my vent...i was in campus n met this guy he is one year older than me n we start talking talking we met we met....n start a relationship but i wzs so insecure dat i wasnt sure to be with him quickly but how we started was he kissed me suddenly....n couldnt be friends anymore n everything was fine n he lives in shashemene bzw n i was a grt girlfriend for him....he most of the time get depressed n stressed n dont want to see him like dat he was not happy with his grades mnm ayatenam at all he got friends n they are all the same they dont care about there grade they just chill,drink,go to hotels n use wifi....i always asked him what he was doing with the wifi while am here...he always told me that he was talking to his sisters who r in america n his brother in china i believed him to get peace, to our relationship,in our dorm a hv bestii she told that she heard that his one of best friend(girl) behaviour sucks she is soo the fakest person ever n told me to take care that they r bestfriends n how do they get besti with her behavior....but didnt take her advise seriously n after some time he told me that he got a family problem...n i did what i can to see a smile on his face....i called many times n make him laugh he always told me that he loves me morethan anything in the world n Hawassa uni is near to shashemene we somtime go there n hang out n i have forgiven him in many case that no body will....n one day i found out he was cheating on meee(chat lay) with many girls one is found in our campus she knows me well n told him that she likes me alot wezete but kejerbaye lela neger sisera neber he is so kiddddd the fakest person on the earth n sooo evil yeguadegnayen mekr mesmat neberebgn he is soo different with me n infront of his friends betam fake nachew they are all in shashemene n sle pridachew new michenekut eres bers y r they tadia even friends endi kehonu beka yezi lej telacha mnm liwetalgn alchalem betammm wushetam new for his friends yemilew enderesagn endemaydewl mnamn endagatami hono were esemalew lene demo ken mata lelit aykerewm sidewl text siyaderg endemiwedegn desta enderakew yihen mn telutalachu westee yalew hulu telacha ena bekel new ebakachu tell me smthing mn ladrg betammmm new metelaw yihen telacha bemn lakumew selam magegnet efelgalew actually ahun bezu sew eyeteyekegn new to be theirs ena mehon alchilm yihen telacha salakom n girls please know ur friend well before u go in relationship he mayb acting like good but always watch his bestfriends u can guess who he really is.....wetalgn tinish tenefesku thank u for ur time comments r available",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9946686625480652 2018-04-02 17:36:58,"I need to vent. Hey guys... I really need ur help here Could u please tell me how i can change my gay friend's mind?? I mean he's so good and all he got no problem with his personality But his sexual desire..‍ i don't want u to tell me it's natural, its normal doing it mnamn just tell me how to advise him mnamn If anyone wants to talk abt in private, please leave ur username.. Thank you brothers and sisters",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9930570125579834 2018-04-02 20:44:19,"I need to vent. Hey this is my first time venting.i'm agirl 17 years old .my life was perfect not too perfect bt after i turned 16 my life got so rude....i study hard n am A student, i spend most of my time working on ma academic shit by z time i turned 16 i got depressed .i became tired of school,life ,blah......blah.i even wish im died .guys for all of ya in this channel who r under 18 im begging u don't ever think of vision academy school megbat,im learning there its like a prison n hell .may be i got depressed because of z school its really stressing me out z school really sukcs bt i became hopefull since z time i saw this angle he his so handsome and also hot .i don't even know his name .he lives nxt to ma house im soo crazy abt him .idk may be his aplayer,might not have feelings for me .im descent bzum kewend gar algbabam .i need to know him .I don't even know how...i really need ur help guys.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9909949898719788 2018-04-02 22:47:15,"I need to vent. Hey there it's kim I'll b venting every sm's the thingi hv problems with the guys in ma life but this one is fo ma x.. i had this guy i luved so much n hurted so much kachamna n after we broke up we became best frnds again n then his gf messed everthing up by trying to stop me from being close to him neger bcha ahun anaweram ena tfate altayegnm he's the most amzing frnd I've got. ...i cn c in his eyes that he don mean to ignore me so i tried to talk to him fo the last 7 months n he's ao stubborn that he's still pretending...T.A.E. i hope ur reading this ..its tru i got over u and ik u know i hv a bf now gn i want us to b the besties we used to b at least tfate ynegeregn...n guys if u hv any solution mela belu plls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996736466884613 2018-04-03 07:02:01,"I need to vent. For all of ya in this channel pls pls don't break Venter heart ,just try to be nice n give advice.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.994830310344696 2018-04-03 12:48:25,"I need to vent. Hey I'm falling for my best friend I don't know what to do I have tried my best to just see him as a friend gin it didn't work If I lose him I won't be able to be the same anymore I've liked him since the beginning What should I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9860551953315735 2018-04-03 12:48:30,"I need to vent. Hi guys but I really want to talk about a social problem ..the problem is why do teachers hit students especially without their fault but even if its their fault they don't have the wright to hit a them its so dumb they think if they hit them that they will be better!!! HELL NO!!‍‍ I'm really tired of watch that happen do they even know that the parents of the student can get them arrested if they take the case to the court of law its like what the FUCK I HATE THIS EDUCATIONAL SERVICE ITS JUST LIKE THEY EVEN DON'T HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO BE TEACHERS AND TEACH THE UPCOMING GENERATION AND FURTHER AND FUTURE LEADERS OF THIS M.F COUNTRY WHAT IS GOING ON .??? I CAN TELL U SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED AS AN EVIDENCE ONE CLASS MATE OF MINE DIDN'T DRAW THE SKETCH THAT OUR PHYSICS TEACHER GAVE US PROPERLY AND OUR TEACHER SLAPPED HIM IN THE FACE AND MY CLASSMATE NOW HAS A ""V"" SIGN ON HIS FACE ITS LIKE HE WAS TEACHING HIS THE SPEED OF HIS HAND AND EVEN THOE HE TOLD THE DIRECTORS HE WASN'T HEARD AND I THINK ITS REALLY AN ENSUE IS THERE ANY BODY THAT FEELS THE SAME ..PLS COMMENT AND LEAVE UR USERNAMES ....",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995176792144775 2018-04-03 12:48:50,"I need to vent. I feel like the responsibilities I have to carry The weight of my burdens The stress of my life The lack of enough money for everyone Idk everything is gonna smother me out They say venting helps I don't see the point of venting to people Idk and they don't know me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990928173065186 2018-04-03 16:09:28,"I need to vent. Hey everyone its not a vent but I wanted to ask a question. Does any body know how to stabilize a black hole? As you know if it is stabilized it creates a worm hole a we could travel through it safely to another world, another time or maybe another universe if that's the case. I know it is impossible but does anybody know a theory supporting this idea? Thank you very much.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9956384301185608 2018-04-03 16:13:10,"I need to vent. Not a vent but just a Random yehone teyake Let's hear about ur best and memorable 5 seconds of your life so far.I bet everone does n I wud like to say the f_word for those keeping it bottled inside them",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9127565622329712 2018-04-03 22:18:48,"I need to vent. Okay so i need help on decided whether i should go through law school or not. I really like it actually i love it but i hate my surrounding, the people in my class...... just campus life in general everything about it fills like groundhog day. So now im thinking of dropping out and staying in addis and learning something else. What do u guys think",love,NEGATIVE,0.9811415076255798 2018-04-04 03:39:48,"I need to vent. Am 21 ... first time venting It was last year that my life got into ups and downs . I met him when I was in grade 11 and I still remember how we met as if it was yesterday. He asked me out because of how beautiful I looked ( atleast that's what he said) but then I told him if he wants friendship that I'll be there with him then he accepted and we became friends (eventhough i knew he had feelings for me) and we even used to walk to school together(different school) then on his birthday I gave him this cute quote frame which says something about friendship then he got mad and sth... then we stopped meeting and staff . We moved on with our life but this day when I was in Campus after like 2 years : he called me out of no where (it was his birthday and we talked a lot and after a bunch of days and talking on the phone's , he asked me out again , to try things out and he promised that he wont hurt me in anyway and that he would always be their for me . So we started our journey ) and ya'ol people know how lonely you feel when you are out of your country and got no one to look after your crying ass. Becha we started talking and I started falling for him . This might sound cheesy but He got me so hard . I wanted to come to Addis and learn coz that campus sucked the life out of me . So i told him and He wanted me to spend a night at his home right when I get back ,I was afraid to say yes but then he laughed at me and promised that he wouldn't touch me so I did and it was the best night ever ,with all the candles and Red Wine : it was romantic like in the movies and amazing...I never knew that I could love some one like that easily , I mean it was our first time seeing each other in years. With him : I felt as if the whole world didn't matter as if he was the only living I care about .. I wasn't my self, i was gone faraway from me . I didn't know what got into me when I see it now . If he wanted anything, I would give him . Haven't i mentioned that i live alone from when i was 12 years of age with the temelalash maid ofcourse (long story short: My dad pays for everything and He ain't in the country) . We spent most of our nights together , he got keys and he spends 4 days out of the week with me .He was my first Every thing. We had good times and bad times foremost. So one day he asked me to go abroad to study with him then we thought of how many good times we will spend mnamn . Keza he started the process and I didn't because my dad already started a process for me. Nevertheless tesakalet . hede. I broke up with him because we both knew how long distances work and we finished it all on the phone . He came home the other day , kissed me and he was gone... that was it . I never talked to him or saw him either . My dad took me (i got no one to talk to now , u know the drill .. )and i think i'll never see him again, am afraid that I will never fall for any one . I still miss him . I always stalk him on social media's and am afraid if I text him , that he won't answer . I don't even c a future . End of story. Uff Thanks for your time though .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9641027450561523 2018-04-04 11:43:07,"I need to vent. Is it normal to stay 4yrs in highschool and 4yrs in college and be single as a woman?like no relationship nothing even resembling that,like NONE cuz its starting to take a toll on me.i mean its supposed to be easier for women right?i mean men are expected to go after who they want but we have less pressure i think.i never felt this way but am i gonna die alone",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9982579350471497 2018-04-04 14:32:50,"I need to vent. My dad has a son from another woman....before my mother and I want to meet my brother I want to spend time with him but he's abroad and my parents won't let me they say its not time yet...what do u do at times like these I'm lost",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974172115325928 2018-04-04 17:36:02,"I need to vent. It might not be even a problem but am really confused,r we girls r born to make a man happy?cuz it seems.why r we trying to impress guys that much,even when we go to college we were a lot of make ups, try to well dressed,its gud tho but if it is for ourselves.even a lot of girls r trying to change their body they have fake boobs mnamn whr r we doing that why don't we be ourselves if a man hates u for being ur self he is not even a man cuz we don't have to worry every single minute for what we look like.boys doesn't worry for what they were or their hair looks like but when it comes to us we worries a lot a! a lot of girls r having cancer by having surgeries and this makes other girls to ashamed by their body bcha I don't really get z point of changing what we look like. I need ur comment spacial guys cuz is this bcuz u guys making us to think this way weys r we already set up our minds.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9961424469947815 2018-04-04 17:40:20,"I need to vent. A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights or closed Spaces. or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when i was 17 I learned things about relationships, i learned that most people fell out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover's once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise, and their one track mind is now immaturity, and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain, their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy just another distraction in your busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9871180057525635 2018-04-04 17:45:51,"I need to vent. I'm not sure what this is exactly so bear with me. I'm in medical school. I hate it which doesn't surprise me much. When I was a kid my father used to make me read, he made me read magazines, short stories, novellas most in Amharic but he wanted me to be able to speak English too so whenever he travelled he brought me an 'improve your English' or 'learn American English' CDs and tapes. He made me listen to them memorize them even when I protested. God I must have had 20 of those tapes, he made me listen to every fucking one . He made me write poems and memorize them, recite them learn them by heart. And I grew to love them. I loved the poetry, the analysis, the essays. Writing became an out let. I have two other siblings, both older than me. Now them... my father them do 10 math questions each day. They couldn't skip a single day, not one. Now my brother is a mechanical engineer and my sister is a physicist working on her masters. And me I am a medical student, because how the fuck am I supposed to support myself on a writers pay. I told my brother I wanted to learn literature once, the disgust on he face was saddening if not amusing. He's an egocentric douchbag that thinks every other career other than engineering and medicine is beneath him, but I love him all the same. Anyway I guess it just hit me exactly how much our parents affect us. I want to be a writer because I've been reading since I was 5. My siblings are engineers and physicists because my dad would take them to construction sites, make them help until they grew to enjoy it. Hope I didn't bore you to death",love,NEGATIVE,0.9666962027549744 2018-04-04 17:47:53,"I need to vent. Hey people. How are y'all doing? Hope y'all day is going good. Eskahun deres of the channels I've seen, this one has to be the most important. Cuz it helps u vent and keep your anonymity. Awesome sauce right? Well I need y'all to tell me I'm not alone on this. I used to love this person so so so much and I guess he loved me too (that's what he told me) but things never worked out. He left me broken and sad. But time has passed and I don't know, is there a person in ur life that has done so many bad things to u but you've never gave up on them? Knowing they're bad bad for ur life? I don't know what I should do.",love,POSITIVE,0.9288765788078308 2018-04-04 17:49:23,"I need to vent. “To tell you the truth, I don’t have much to offer. But, I’d still give you everything I’ve got, even if it’s barely a thing at all. I’d give you late nights, long hugs, sweet messages, someone to talk to, someone to care for, someone who will always be there, a hand to hold, somebody to lean on. But, that never seems to be enough.”",caring,NEGATIVE,0.7025948762893677 2018-04-04 18:22:06,"I need to vent. Ok here goes my vent, so one day i was travelling with my family and we had to take brakes at places to enjoy them,and at one place we got to a place where we had long relatives so we decided to stay there for a while before we went home, the area was nice too so we would agreed it was better to rent a house per day, and the very next day we got in to that house i saw this cute boy(not good looking)but cuteee, and i just kept my cool and just sat in front of our door and his house was sort of infront of ours so, i wasnt trying to look at him(obviously not). but then he started making funny faces to make me lough,which made me blush, then i just sat there like a fool making faces to make him lough too, we just sat there for like an hour glancing back and forth at each other(couldnt keep my eyes away from him ) and since then for about, 2 weeks i just sit outside at the exact time and so will he and we just flirt through our eyes, and he always made me blush and one Day he just dissaoeared for like a month (ps we stayed in that house for 2 month cause i couldnt leave without seeing him again) and finally my family convinced me by saying there we could come to this place again(like i cared about the house), so i agreed to leave. And one day when it was 2 days before our leaving day, he came back..... he was here, he saw me and i swear i can tell he missed me too, i was about to talk to him but i was scared, and he was gonna say hi but i was with my family so he just stood there but still staring at me, so i thought ill talk to him tomorow but little did i know, my dad arranged for us to leave one Day earlier.......i felt a big pain in my chest, dont know why........ we left next thing in the morning and our home was extremly far, i cried for two days cause i was such a cowerd i didnt talk to him......... and it has been 8 month since i saw him, and every time i meet new Boys or go on A date or even sleep with them, i end up thinking of him and wonder if he even still remembers me, or if he reads this vent and get the thought maybe i wrote it........ i dont know what this is but if i feel this much for a guy i dont know, then i believe true love may exist",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9954903721809387 2018-04-04 20:23:17,"I need to vent. I've been on and off depression for the past more than 10 years and I've been very good for the most part past few years. But now, its like its hitting back again stronger, as if it has been strengthening itself every single day the past few years and now, I might not be able to take it. Not suicidal tho. Just changing myself, being a kind of person I really wouldn't want to be and being unable to have a say in it. Day to day survival is becoming a pain. I'm falling back, deeper than ever. And I don't think there'll be a way out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9954245686531067 2018-04-04 22:14:12,"I need to vent. Have u ever done something so horrible, u were so ashamed n disgusted with ur self u couldn't even stand ur own reflexion on a mirror?I have. The first time it happened I hated my self for it and i promised my self I wouldn't go that low ever again but guess what? It took awhile but it did happened again, but this time I was even more horrified and very pissed with my self. When it happened for the 3rd time I didn't just made a promise I also made plans with it so I can stick w my promise cause the guilt was eating me alive on 4th I felt so weak and the guilt was unbeatable the 5th time I just gave up. I hated how weak I was. By the 6th time i started making excuse for my self telling my self it's not a big deal that it is okey. 7th I started believing my self n the guilt start easing and by 8th it started to feel natural like I'm not doing something wrong. and now I can barely feel the guilt n that terrifies me causes back then I at least felt bad but now i don't feel guilty, and w out the guilt i feel like I have became a horrible horrible person and I don't know how to change that I need all the help I can get please.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9948262572288513 2018-04-05 00:45:48,"I need to vent. Hello. I guess I'll be partly venting, tell you my opinion and ask a question. So I'm a girl. And I don't have a boyfriend. But I don't want to end my teens with out having sex. Mind you, I don't think sex before marriage is for me because I don't want the whole spouse and family stuff. I'm not aimless in life. Of course I want to fall in love sometime but I don't want his love be declared to me as a marriage proposal. Anyway, my question is what should a first time be like? Should it be with someone you know(but isn't your bf)? Or should it be a total stranger you met at the club? Because I really don't want to regret something I don't even care about(my V card). But emotions are bound to get high after the 'first time' regardless. So girls, what would you do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8315803408622742 2018-04-05 02:04:28,"I need to vent. Do u ever feel hope less or like ur hand and ur leg is tied up and u can't do anything, even if u wanted to. I feel like all Z time and I am always good at losing and day go by day I am OK with it. I ask my self that is it OK to be a loser ??? But I don't get z answer for that so Can u guy say some thing I really needed help",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.7313444018363953 2018-04-05 02:05:49,"I need to vent. Hey it's kim again...tnx fo the comments n fyi i did get over him i hv a bf eko n also sure he was pretending we talked tnant na zare..lenegeru yehone neger sifelgma meto yanagregnal...anyways esun chapter enzgawna..let's come to the centre of ma life. ..he's a bestie of mine fo 5 yrs now n no1 knows me better than him ..we faked a r/ship to save another one.....zare samntachn officially couple kehonin keza befit gn bzu gizeyachn nw....ena mekuter yejemerkut kerob let jemro nw n u hv no idea betam nw msasalet yehone endewha temoato miyalk nw mimeslegn n i simply watch him do anything hehe befkr ayn atyign ylegnal...bcha ik we'll b together matrik esknfeten dres na I'm not sure endemnketlbet ena any1 with same situation, do u think we can go beyond that weys university sngeba we'll separate bye tesfa lkuret?kahunu sekekenu gedelegn...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975839853286743 2018-04-05 18:09:10,"I need to vent. So tommorow is segdet, time to repent, this channel is an interesting platform to share(vent our darkest sin) anonymously. So lets use it.... Mine goes like this.... ""Forgive me father for i have sined... i have been cheeting on my girl frind for allmost a year now""",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9519278407096863 2018-04-05 18:10:37,"I need to vent. I am not a decent person since I am venting I am as well be honest I have Allways been the one to manipulate men I really do it from heart like when I meet a person I take my time I observe n make my way through their life n well use them to my advantage it never fells n I never had problems with it until now,I met this guy he is just one of the kind I have never seen any one as kind n I really wanna keep him in my life not like the rest of i call friends n boyfriends which I play like puppet his innocence n kindness really gives me hope someday I could be like that so I Allways wanna be around him n last night he told me he liked me I do too that is not the problem if I let this go any further i will hurt him n he had to leave so how do I change my feelings for him in to a friendly one because that way atleast he is not hurt n he will still be around in a way you can say I am asking you how to friend zone my self Pls help",desire,POSITIVE,0.974780261516571 2018-04-05 19:19:46,"I need to vent. Sooo am on my period ena nege church gebche mesged echelalew??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989136457443237 2018-04-05 19:41:30,"I need to vent. Whats up yall. This is my first time venting. Not actually venting but complaining because of the type of vents that are being posted, whats wrong with people posting about silly things. It may have bothered u as a problem but dont post the type of shit that simply requires common sense which if that much troubled to solve can be posted but try to make it something that can be a lesson to u or others reading it. We're all we got is pretty much what am saying so lets try to better ourselves together to live a longer & a happier life since that's what we all seek as i see it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991936087608337 2018-04-05 20:10:35,"I need to vent. hey guys sooo tmo is segdet n am not sure if I wanna go to church thinking God will never forgive me for what I have sinned.. do u think God will forgive me for aborting?? it's killing me alive",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990793466567993 2018-04-05 23:34:45,"I need to vent. Yo people I just wanna say what's on my mind here. So I read some people cheat and some get cheated on for those who get cheated on I am sorry but I suggest u stop being naive and live ur life amazing and for those who cheat I mean come on how childish ru? why ru dating the person if u don't love them? and if u do why cheat on them? u people take relationships for granted. If u wanna be the free kind of people then dump them and actually own the shit u do. Fuck everyone u like I don't care but at least do it without having someone who care about u sitting around for ur uglyass when u don't give two fucks about them. Sleep on that. -realist",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9970672726631165 2018-04-06 14:29:28,"I need to vent. this is kinda long so bare with methere was this guy who was my friend. we don't learn in the same school but we are in the same neighborhood. he will wait me at his school, i will go to him and we will go home together. but one day he came to my school with megawatt smile. I don't know I was confused but happy. when we were on our way back he told me to hold his hands. I saw him with do friends do that look. he shrugged and held my Hand. since my hand sweats so easily I tried to break our contact but he didn't let me go. I was thinking many things that I didn't know where he was taking me. when I was out of my thought I saw he was taking me on a different path from our usual. I asked him where we were going and he said “ere feta bey, we are just going to chill” I was shocked cause the meaning of chill for him is going to club and drinking his stomach out. even if i like him more than a friend i don't want to let that happen. if two hormonal teenagers drink alone it is not a secret that they would do sth they will regret for life.I wanted to say no but I couldn't so I show him that specific face that I show when I don't want to agree. he looked at me longer that I start sweating. there was literally a rain from my hand. I can see he was sad but at the same he wanted to dare sth. I told him to take me back to school, he took me back, he left me there and went alone. I kind of knew his intention but I never thought he would do this to me, to his friend. what shall I do? I really don't know what to do? does avoiding will solve everything? or confront him? I am not with myself right now so help me.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9122717380523682 2018-04-06 18:33:17,"I need to vent. hey guys.this is me venting for z first here is z deal im a 3rd yr campus student & i hv'nt done anything fun or u can say ianything memorable at all & i feel like im missing out a lot as a campus student & i hv a feeling zat i wl regret it later on like 3 or 4 mnamn yrs behuwala...i would luv it if u guys suggest me smthing cuz i hv no clue at all...tnks for ur time",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994944334030151 2018-04-06 18:33:19,"I need to vent. Ohh i hate holydys ... everyone is busy my friends .. ppl i know everyone is busy.... stupid holyday lolol .... i going to have to spent it alone.... haaaaa... Freaking holyday.... anyone who want who is alone and want keep me company in telgram.. be lony with me ... comment with ur name showing ... i am dude just in case ur wandering ... out",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9997062087059021 2018-04-07 00:56:36,"I need to vent. I don't know how to write this U were in my heart for a Lotta years I swear every Lil moment was bliss I just wanna show u how it feels I recall the first day I saw you I wonder what they might call you Didn't know ur name, ur face was the beauty who puts others to shame Day,weeks,months pass Till I saw u in my class It was on a thermo test I sat behind u running late Didn't know what do, so I committed a theft I tried my best But there was no time left That's when I knew ur name That got stuck in my brain That day I learnt ur beauty was ur brain Ohhh shit I really don't know what to do I sit down and can't stop thinking of u With this all memories of you No matter how hard I try Couldn't forget the time when I saw u cry U were sick in the class I think it was on maths That u couldn't take it anymore U left the class that was on the 2nd floor I saw you through the door While u crying sitting on the floor Another year passed Tho I didn't stop living in the past But the day came that I wished it would last U get to know my name Since then , I have never felt the same Some times I wonder why I have these memories Just to be a lonely one side to the story I just feel like I had to write this as vent Although it ain't no best ,I just get it off of my chest My feelings were like a silent volcano Now it turned to swerving tornado The feeling I had for you? U will never know Its only me and my echo But u don't feels the same that's okay tho",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9929628968238831 2018-04-07 07:02:17,"I need to vent. Hide my identity Hey there well this is my first time venting I rly need ur advice pls don't be rude So here it goes am 17 years old and i rly am confused about my ex we had a lot of stories he rly hurt me he cheated with my best friend and told me he don't want me but after a while I found out i was pregnant then we get back together and decide to have the baby then when I found out that he dumped me cause he was with my best friend i decided to not keep the baby and i lost it but he begged me not too but i did then we broke up but I forgave both of them for what they did then we were like on and off for like 6 months he did a lot of things in the middle of this time but I kept on getting back with him when he ask me too then like for the last time we get back together and stayed for like 3 weeks then we broke up and i a thought it was for the last time and i felt empty then i decided to kill my self lol ik that's stupid but I survived he was like so worried and stuff and we get back together for like the 100 time and we were like the first times like we were before then we meet up what feels like after a year we had a good time actually but it was short then like after a week he told me he will meet me then at the day Idk what happened he ignored my calls my texts that was the last time I try to reach to him then after a while i got drunk and called him that's not rly my thing tho don't judge then i told him to say he don't wanna talk to me and to say he hates me and so on but he told me he won't he said he cares am rly confused here if he rly love and care for me why would he kiss a girl in front of me why would he ditch me.....I rly need ur advice am I rly in love with him or am I obsessed with him i don't rly know why I'm forgiving him and why dose he push me away and tell me he cares about me pls pls help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9962815642356873 2018-04-07 07:39:25,"I need to vent. Hey everyone one,first time venting, i think i like girls but the problem is i hv a bf who i rly like n care for. But some part of me still think abt a girl which i knew for more zan 5 years. I knw liking a girl is a huge sin,how can i turn it off?do u guys think the movies of these days are influencing me?pls guys i rly need ur help...what should i do??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980810880661011 2018-04-07 07:58:31,"I need to vent. Eeee uffff this days it is so hard being in love.... And then loosing someone u is ma story .....I need migerm advice ena migerm fkr yazege betam ewedew nbr esum endezaw almost 5 month abren nbren he was ma first nd he is still.... Then yalasebnbetn ngr maseb jemeren ....we both loved each other but there is a big difference b/n us....religion... Ena besu meknyat ketetalan 4 wer molan ...bezu gize enegenage ena hasabachenen enelewet nbr gn altesakam ahun cherash tetleyayen ymr betam nafkogeal ymrm betam wedewalew....bicha enja sewoche....I rly need ur help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9909958243370056 2018-04-07 08:51:35,"I need to vent. Nothing feels worse than the feeling of being not understood by the one person u wish would always understand you...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985933899879456 2018-04-07 09:38:18,"I need to vent. I have a huge problem. I'm a girl who likes Procastinating. Like on a whole new level. Like i have been procrastinating my whole life. I say I'll do it now, but end up never doing it. It has become a habit. Sometimes I'd even jist pretend I'm busy to avoid things. And now its even effecting my social and emotional life. Sometimes I'm even like....oh I will love him later.... or like oh I'll cry about this later. Its getting way too far. I'm losing way too many people that I care about in the process. Maybe this is my way of getting away that I do care. Maybe its away of escaping life....Help... What do I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998684823513031 2018-04-07 12:02:28,"I need to vent. Hey this is my first time venting so don't judge I got this boy i meat him on social media and we start talking and he ask me out and we date on our first date i found out that he is my frnds cousin best frnd they are more like brothers and we kept what we huv but after a while i found out that showed my nud pic wz him for his frnds and i was so pieced off by that and i insulted him and we fight like serious one he even said i will kill u and ik his evil part so i was so scared i was so broken when ik that he showed the pic for his frnds but after all like after 5 months he txted me and we started talking we asked sry for each other and kept talk but this time i dont feel like being mad on him first i was wz him coz i was obsessed but know am not i feel some thing different but this time he is not showing me any thing i am thinking may be he is looking for revenge but little part of me is saying no he is not well what i really want is do u guys think he love me do think he is back coz he love me or what idk what to say but this time i think am in luv wz him any ways what do u think guys i need ur advice plss dont be rude thank you",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977703094482422 2018-04-07 12:04:45,"I need to vent. Ok i just read a vent about a girl who might be in love with a guy she just had a few eye contacts with and if thats true,then let me tell u my story Am a girl in grade 11 now,and i have learned in my school for about 8 years. So i know most of the students at least their face, and one day i saw this boy, i dont how i havent seen this boy before or maybe i just didnt notice but all i knew was this was our first eye contact, and it was cool then but from our first eye contact we started seeing each other extremly more in school, i even started recognizing his voice, and this things became more rapid that i started looking for him,going to the cafe or i.T lab just to see if he was there and after that i started thinking about him when i go to home.....and if i see him going down the stairs i start to make execuses to go down too,even if i was going up......our eye contacts got more harder, i can tell he looks for me too cause i'll sometimes catch him staring at me during national anthem and we were in d/t grades he was one year above me.......and with out speeking one word to eachother a whole year passed and same thing started next year as well.....i started developing feelings for him,what was onec a simple crush started to take my brain the whole day, he was in my thoughts and i tried to get him of my mind by saying ""he is not cute,he is not that tall and he doesnt dress well"",but girls u know this doesnt work once u liked a boy......and this year i couldnt handle it so i thought i wont look at him at all but that went for about 2 weeks till i started thinking of him again, we stoped looking at eachother or atleast i stoped but i still thought of him and this year was over too and during the last test of the year i decided to meet him and i did, i walked up to him and i introduced my self and i knew his name for a year now but acted like i didnt know anything about him but he was cool,so i saide goodbye and went home but after that we all came many times to school likefor a week for things like recieving our test then for a correction then for transcript and for things like that and every time he was there and all the times he avoided me,am not lying i mean it he fucking avoided me, he wouldnt even smile when i smile at him he just looks away.......and after those days i got back to school agiain i became 11 but he didnt continue 12 grade here, he changed school......and i've never seen him i wanted to ask u guys if its possible to fall for someone u didnt know,and is it bad pretending someone u dont know their name,cause i think he was avoiding me for that.....any ways i just wrote this to tell that girl u are not alone,i fell for a guy that i didnt knew either",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976108074188232 2018-04-07 15:29:18,"I need to vent. And you meet peoples on your life, the most horrible people yiou have ever met, the most profoundly immoral and wicked. So you wonder, you just wonder if they are the devil himself then you hate them, you hate them with all you have got and you wish death upon and misery, you wish ill upon them and you just, you just Hate them. and then you hear their stories you hear what made them what they are some helpless child, used, rejected what unbearable things they have been through and then You feel some empathy for them, you see  something inside the monsters you thought they were, and you wonder how will God judge them Will he let them burn for the sins they have done or Will he forgive them as he made them the monsters theyr are now?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8437780141830444 2018-04-07 15:31:18,"I need to vent. Not venting here but just an observation .. To all high schoolers venting about love (love lol) and whine about how complicated your life is minamn.. Liiike aren't you supposed to do your homeworks and shit!? Seriously tho, you have UEE and campus ahead of you. I think you should give priorities to those things my younger brothers and sisters. Thanks.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9948118925094604 2018-04-07 15:33:45,"I need to vent. At the end of the day , I am all I got . All I can think of is how i could win my heart, mind and soul . I just want to love my self more than anything. I know everyone does but I want more of me to be addicted to my subconscious and the subconscious to listen my conscious inorder to get things my way . I am still breathing coz am thankful for everything I have. Not that I have everything but coz it's enough for me.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9976535439491272 2018-04-07 15:58:32,"I need to vent. Girls I need your advise. I'm a guy and came upon this girls telegram account and judging by what I've seen on her pp she is the most beautiful girl I've ever see. So how would u girls want a guy to first aproch u on text?? Like I can't miss out on this girl. I need to do it right. pls help!",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9861916303634644 2018-04-07 15:58:54,"I need to vent. Ppl i need your true advice here. I love my bf and uk he is my everything but it seems that he is moms boy and his mothers opinion matters to him and am afraid that she will be against us being together and be the reason for our separation what should i do? How can i make her like me and be a pro in our relationship please people i need your help. Tell me what to do especially people who have gone through the same thing. PLEASE",love,NEGATIVE,0.980815052986145 2018-04-07 22:35:13,"I need to vent. In the past when people used to say I dont fit in aygebagnem neber ahun gen my thinking evolved so much that i dont understand anyone and also nobody seems to understand what i am saying. I sometimes find it funny but other times i find it irritating!! Peace.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9545860290527344 2018-04-07 22:35:19,"I need to vent. I need to vent I need to get this off my shoulders... Look I have amnesia n I tried telling my friends I do but they don't believe me... What should I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991738200187683 2018-04-07 22:35:26,"I need to vent. Just because I look strong doesn’t mean I don’t break. Just because the only emotion I seem to act out is anger doesn’t mean I don’t hurt. Just because I hide my feelings doesn’t mean I don’t feel. And I regret what happened. I really do. You keep telling me it will be fine eventually, while how you act just tells me that I have lost you. I was once your “Hope” but now I am the official source of your pain, the reason behind your choice to go back to old ways. And I can’t say anything to change it, I can’t do anything to fix it because what I have to say doesn’t matter. What I think isn’t your concern because I don’t matter anymore. And you asked why my voice sounded different and if I was sick. Truth is all I am doing right now is crying rivers over what used to be. I know I said I would die before I cry over you but I can’t help it. And it doesn’t seem to stop. Even the shower isn’t strong enough to hide it. People will read this and “assume” something irrelevant but that doesn’t matter. If you read this you will know. And if you read this I am truly sorry for ruining us.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7356707453727722 2018-04-07 22:38:57,"I need to vent. Have you ever been torn apart? I wanna talk to someone but who do I talk to who will understand coz I'm so use to being misunderstood. I've been holding myself back so much I've lost alot of me I don't even know how to cry anymore(I do for movies and books sometimes) but like I feel this huge gap in my heart and I can't cry it out or talk it through I'm so lost so lost I fear that one day I'm gonna lose me and won't be able to get me back. What would you guys do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9960390329360962 2018-04-07 23:38:12,"I need to vent. I feel like am nothing but a failure at everything in my life. A failure and a disappointment at everything and to everyone.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996442794799805 2018-04-08 00:01:55,"I need to vent. So I guess this is wat being ""best friends"" means? U ignoring me for no reason...coz wen we last spoke couple of weeks back evrtyn was cool and all of a sudden the next day u ignore my first I was like nah its kul he prolly left his fone...I kept making excuses...but suddenly I realised tht I ddnt matter to u anymore...As much as tht destroys me...I aint gonna keep calling u or beg u to tlk to me..I'm a girl tht nvr begs u knw tht more than anybody...I'm also the girl tht gives too many second chances...but wen I'm done I'm done...You also knw tht...",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9996503591537476 2018-04-08 00:02:12,"I need to vent. So a friend just asked me how many years passed since we met? I said around 7. Then I was asked what have you accomplished since then? I was put in a trance right there. I mean I've lived 7 years and even finished high school. But it hit me, there's nothing that I've done that will be useful for this and the next generation! All I did was eat, sleep, play, enjoy, etc! So just as a reminder to all of you out there, what have you done that's worth mentioning? Mind you age is just a number so even if you're a little kid just try to be useful. Thanks beautiful people for your time just wanted to let this outta my chest",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9969859719276428 2018-04-08 08:43:44,Happy Easter to you and your beloved.,excitement,POSITIVE,0.9998725652694702 2018-04-08 10:28:31,"I need to vent. Hey people. This is not vent just letting my felling out This is my first holiday after my father passed away & even tho my mama die 2 years ago he was There form me all along.. After my mama die my dad & I became so close very close after he died I started drinking bc I can't sleep I got nightmare so every day I got drunk I don't hv a brother or a sister so being z only kill & taking care of my mam for over 2 year after that my dad he got sick too becha... am in it so deep and in a bad way am dealing my grief by alcohol and smoking menem.. That kills me inside and burns all my money.. Am starting in debt I got an amazing job which I love but this days I don't even like to go work.. I start pushing my friends so they don't advice me.... I can't stop it I just can't I avoid going home everyday so . To zat empty house I really hate it.. It just not feel same after all.. Tnk for this platform",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9945642948150635 2018-04-08 10:29:41,"I need to vent. I don't know what is up with him. We met in college. Mutual friends. We started talking 'bout a yr ago. He used to date one of my friends for a couple of months; he asked one of my other friends out- she said no of course, u don't date ur bff's ex ; point is he's sort of a player. Soon after we started talking he sort of asked me to make out and I said no. kezya gn beyemehalu after a month mnamn tries to ask me out again and I say no. I mean it's not even that he liked me, he just wanted a new girl to mess around with, but the thing is, by now, I thought he would've moved on to the next girl but he's still around This past week i tried being cold so he'd stop (just 1 text a day, or yes or no replies) but suddenly he got sensitive almost like he's feelings were hurt, so I acted like my normal self & at the end of the convo he was like please don't be like that again. Wth?!? I'm confused! I thought he was a player so I never took his ""u know I luv u"" texts after I do a favor (eg: forward him an assignment) seriously! I'm confused guys. help.....? Thanks! and melkam be'al",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9969140291213989 2018-04-09 11:50:37,"I need to vent. What if things were better without me? What if me being gone gave happiness to the people i admire? Then will suicide be sin??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987873435020447 2018-04-09 11:50:48,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I really need ur advice . Their is this guy I like and he has this really big problem on relationship at some point we agreed to see were it goes and start r/ship and it was amazing after not too long he told me he can't do this no more and u deserve better but he know I really like betam I want to make this work and make him believe that their is nothing to be scared of I don't know what to do so pls pls help me on this",love,POSITIVE,0.9952333569526672 2018-04-09 11:51:20,"I need to vent. Ufooy it is over the 3 days of toucher of holydy .... there is non until new year... no more nice to ur cousin's ants ... no more ... or u goten so be from ur grandmom (eventho u r like 27 and u stop growing like at 25) ... no more old ppl storys ... no more werid family wet kissing in ur forehead ... ufooy",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986239671707153 2018-04-09 20:03:21,"I need to vent. Dear god please help me i know this is childish but you know aktognal take me to u. I cant live in a world, in this world where i have no body. Belash, tetash,nafekshign endait nesh milegn hula yelegnm no family just an unwanted person living in a triangle which i cant seem to escape from. I am broke both financially and in heart i barely eat and my body is dying inside. God am sorry that am not a good person and am sorry that i want things but please dont go to a level where suicide is my only option people who are dead dont need money food or life they just forget everything and become nothing i want that now.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982479810714722 2018-04-09 20:04:01,"I need to vent. hey everyone first time venting and here it goes.... i gradutaed recently and it was really hard to find a job but after some months i started working but it was not related to the field i graduated from so i was looking for another job eventually i get one but i hate the work place the boss is really mean and he shout at everyone and am new to the work so am struggling to do the job imagine how disappointed he is on me... and am thinking of quitting since i cant handle the pressure anymore it is even making me sick but am going to be un employed what am i supposed to do... please help.. and sorry if its long",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989616870880127 2018-04-10 06:40:50,"I need to vent. I need to vent. Since i was a child i believed my mom more than my dad. Now am all grown up i don't know who i would trust my mom or dad. My mom has this big problem she doesn't believe my dad sometimes she will send me to spy on him or see his text n i don't feel safe being in the middle of this n my dad he has a big problem he sides with his sister's n his mom i feel like he would give us up for them the only person am relying on is my sister n there is more that i can't speak off.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9950723052024841 2018-04-10 06:42:00,"I need to vent. I've read what some people think about depression and i hate it honestly do you guys think we asked for it? Do you guys think we want to constantly pretend? Do you think we like having suicidal thoughts? We kept quiet and when we finally saw some one speak up we spoke up to and we get insulted for telling you we are sick... what did we do wrong?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986711740493774 2018-04-10 06:43:19,"I need to vent. Hi guys.. okk so heres wat happened. .. yeseterday as you guys knw was fasika...and I asked ma man to come and meet ma family. And keep in mind that we made this family meeting plan on z day b4 xmas.. and he had enough time to get ready.. so wat happened was I told him he would be coming for lunch. And well all ma family was their my mom big brother his wife his kids ma cuzns and her kid... he never showed up. . I called him and he didnt pick up his phone and I was their in front of ma family.. we waited for 4 hrs for him to come nd he never did... I ended up looking stupid....and also this is nt his first time doing this.. b4 it was small things like his busy with work and cant come on a date.. I look like a stupid girl waiting for a date that didnt show up.. all dressed up and he doesnt even call or text to tell me he isnt coming.... am good person.. I knw I dont deserve this... but it hurt to be treated like this from some one who u love and zat says he love u back... pls help guy wat should ma next step be",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990401864051819 2018-04-10 16:21:35,"I need to vent. Sup guys I'm a 2nd yr engineering student at AAU and honestly I'm stuck in a love triangle with 2 of my female friends I wouldn't call it a live triangle exactly it's quite complicated so let me explain the thing is I started something with one friend a while back and then we decided to actually remain friends and let this go and then all of a sudden another friend of mine who turns out to be the girls friend too got attracted to me and now I have 2 girls on my hands when I honestly want nothing to do with neither one of them cuz here's a third girl who I'm actually attracted to and she actually likes me back but isnt in any relation b/n the two girls so what I'm afraid of is to actually have to turn down any of my friends love request and create an awkward environment so pls help asap",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9917657971382141 2018-04-10 16:22:12,"I need to vent. Hey guys I am a boy. I have some problems on my entire r/n ships. I always interfere in my ex's life (I have 4 ex). Efatana kehone time behula I want to back again. Specially when I heared my ex's showed up with a guy or rumors about they are dating menamn.. Demo ko I did back with the 3 of my ex keza meleshe broke up adrgalew... Am I the only one with this problem? Ena demo what should I do? Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9934878349304199 2018-04-10 20:12:03,"I need to vent. Lost in my own damn mind Fuck I lost it all Don't even know what goes on up there It maybe building a wall A wall so high and thick ready to cover it all But soon to be broken It wasn't meant to stay long I wasn't meant to stay long I am staring a book infront of me Not knowing what to do even tho we all know what to do I can't focus can't concentrate Can't see the bigger picture Forgot how to live and I don't need no lecture Searching for ways to make it go away I found a few but risk people asking question And i can't lie its just not in my nature But it kills me even more talking like its common culture I wish it doesn't have to end But it's the one thing that will set me free to all that don't like it Don't worry I will suffer in hell Maybe then i will understand That i didn't ring the right bell hopelessly lost",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.6130610108375549 2018-04-10 20:12:16,"I need to vent. I believe cheating happens for a reason! One cheats because there is something unclear n unwanted thing within the rnsp. So rather that blaming others on how they cheated on us, Isn't better to ask ourselves and try to find the problem n solution for it? Atleast for next one?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995272159576416 2018-04-10 20:13:52,"I need to vent. Hy everyone am 18 and 12th grader have been thinking about which field i should choose and i have decided to be a software engineer so can you guyz tell me some information about it i mean ( i know its not about z since its your interest) but jus tell me how much you earn and the university exam result you are accepted to have. Thanks for your time.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.832301914691925 2018-04-11 06:11:04,"I need to vent. / i type everything in lower case and i tend not to use apostrophes because im always in a hurry but i swear i know grammar/ this is stupid and dramatic but a couple of classmates this morning kept telling me i was ugly and that the way i walk (i walk with my back hunched i guess) makes me look even worse. i mean they were being kinda rude about it. they used this expression there's in italian (my native language) which means ""you look like a toilet"" and it's pretty rude. also theyre both the ""brutally honest"" kind of people so no, they werent doing that just because bullying is fun or theyre envious. they meant it. and i just cant stop thinking about it cause ive always been very self conscious about how i look and i put on tons and tons and tons of foundation and concealers to make it better and i take care of my brows as best as i can, and i take care of my skin which luckily isnt that bad as i get like one pimple once every blue moon. but thats really the only thing that doesnt suck about me. im so pale you can see my veins, im not skinny, im not tall. people pick on me because i walk fast and with a hunch. its just exhausting. i just wish they hadnt told me. cause really. i know im ugly. but if others tell me i cant pretend im ""not that bad"". i know being ugly isnt the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. i know. i know this is fucking stupid. but i just care so so so so so much about what others have to say. and when its something bad like this its just the most awful thing ever. i havent been able to focus all day but i dont wanna talk or cry about it because im aware of how stupid and pathetic this is. i wish i were actually worth something, like, ""hey, that person's ugly, but holy shit they're so smart!"" or whatever, getting good grades would be enough. but no. im ugly. im stupid. i get awful grades. im absolutely fucking terrible at sports. i have no talents except drawing which is the thing im best at doing AND IM NOT EVEN THAT GOOD AT IT. im really really average-skilled. maybe even below average, really. to someone who doesnt have a clue about drawing, my stuff might look ""gorgeous"" and ""amazing"" but... i, as the one who drew it, can tell its not. its not, i can see the mistakes screaming at me. i can see the smudges. i can see the wonkier lines. i can see the exaggerated shading. i can see everything and i wish i didnt. i wish i didnt know. and the fact that the only people that got crushes on me were TWO (2) people that dont know me irl and that i met on the internet says something about me. im just that ugly. you cant fall for me if you can see my face first. also im pretty sure one of those two people was lying about thinking i was pretty when they saw my pics. ive only have had one relationship and it was a long distance one and i still cant believe to this day i had the FUCKING nerve to be the one who breaks up with the other. because, fuck, how the hell am i going to find someone else? okay, it would have been hella unfair to the girl i was with because she deserved better, but it was so nice to feel loved, even if it was a long distance thing. i cant believe i threw that away. ill probably get over this but i needed to get it out of my chest. thanks for reading.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991846680641174 2018-04-11 06:13:20,"I need to vent. Here's the thing i have a guy best friend he's was supposed to be the gay friend who isn't gay....... but everytime he mentions a girl or goes on a date i get jealous and all. Idk why this happens. i know i wouldn't dare ruin a friendship sooo great over these confusing feelings but i also don't know what to do abt them......",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9984832406044006 2018-04-11 12:24:26,"I need to vent. We got some English scholars in our vent home keep commenting on ppl English and grammar lolol... ppl u know some language be hooo.. pls dont be big .... u know the word .. since u r miss or mr genius. Lol",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9976145029067993 2018-04-11 16:08:49,"I need to vent. There is this guy we grew up together and he went to U.S but we kept in touch and he came here for the holiday. I was really looking forward to seeing him and we got together anyways one thing lead to another and we spent the night together and I mean it was so painful and I tried to enjoy it but everything hurts I used to enjoy sex like really enjoy it but these days the only thing i feel is pain.... Is it because it was with someone I haven't gotten used to or is my sex drive totally gone?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978317618370056 2018-04-11 17:23:42,"I need to vent. Hey am a girl in 11th grade and tho i dream a lot to be a success in z future, i ain't doin' ma best in studying or other staffs. I waste most of ma time watching movies... I'm rly into movies a lot. Also I'm very very careless when it comes to exams & mark...i want to care but it jst feels cold. I evn leave part of z questions unanswered evntho i know z answer.. I get bored so quickly.. it's killing me inside knowing zat I'm nat doing ma best. So wat should i do to motivate myself and bring z study mood?? And also hw can I stop being careless and bored of school? Sometimes all i wish is to drag time to 10 or 15 yrs from now... Idk but it feels like time isn't moving n am stuck..myb u guys can show me z way or share ur experience.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991599321365356 2018-04-11 18:14:14,"I need to vent. Its going to be very long but please i need help so read. Its not actually a confessio, i jst want an advice. Dont judge. Ok im a grade 12 student a girl and i have a boyfriend whom i know for a very long time, since we were little and it has been 2years since we have been together. I love him so much, he is everything to me and life without him would be impposible to imagine. You could probably say your a student just focus on your studies blah blah... but eventhough we aren't matured enough yet we cant control whom to love and when it just happens so try understanding. So the thing is i dont trust him like none none... i always make myself belive that he is just lying to me like even the little things i dnt belive him.. like if i ask him what he is doing and if he tells me he is just taking a nap i dont believe him. And it sucks u have no idea. He always tell me to trust him but smtg inside of me just keeps me from believing him.  We fight many times just because of the trust and i tell him that i will try but i cant and he knows i cant too. We learn in the same school and so most of the timr i see him and i get so angry when i see him talking to other girls like even if he is with his fellas there is this one girl that likes him and i know for sure so if she hangs out with them i get so upset if he is there. I told him that i didnt like her so i dont want to see him with her after i saw him holding her. What makes me more angry is he was holding her hand so close her chilling, his friends were with him and as soon as heard my voice betam denegete keza lekekat. Ena beka if im talking to him on social medias and if i see her be online i jst get upset cause i get the idea he is chatting wid her n me at the sametime so my mood changes suddenly. The other thing is after chatting with him i sleep then if im awake at the middle of de night like around 7 seat mmamn they are both online keza i ask him what he is doing and he says he cant sleep. And mostly he hangs out with his frnds but if i suddenly found out he is out alone. I get the thought that he is with her plus demo she likes to drink, smoke, makeout blah blah.... and im totally opposite of her. I dont drink like none at all and i dont smoke, i even hate when i see peoples smoke and im not a ""makeout"" kinda person i even kiss my bf like once or twice a month. I dont have a proof between two of them but i just fear he could love her and leave me because she could give him things that i cant and am scared of that. So anyway peoples help me out please. Why dont i trust my bf? Why do i always imagine him and her? How can i start trusting him?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.995760977268219 2018-04-11 18:14:33,"I need to vent. I'm a guy and I'm addicted, not just anything, but pain, yeah i hurt myself for pleasure, any advices?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9942830204963684 2018-04-11 22:56:26,"I need to vent. ....hello here is hw it goes my best friend and my cousin are girl cousin ...i set them up and now she is going crazy for him but he wants to end it his reason is acceptable ...but he asked me a favor ..he wanted me to explain it to her which is so hard cos she is my closest cuz and he is my closest friend and if i explained it to her i knw she wld think am in his side and if i ddnt explain it to her it wldnt be fair for him i just dont knw what to do feel sorry for her tho ....tnxs",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9958194494247437 2018-04-13 01:04:28,"I need to vent. Hey guys so my thing is am bipolar as fuck not the kinda bipolar everybody jokes seriously bipolar and its ruinin my life uk by best freinds can tolerate me but other ppl cant one moment am having fun in the cafe the next moment am out payin the bill i dont care if the person am with joins or not.....i plan to go somewhere excitdly nd the next thing ik am already bored abu it and cancel it... i am lossin it for my point is there is this guy been five month since we started datin.....i rly rly liked him and i have been controlling my bipolar reactions but before a week i just couldnt and told him that i cant stay with.him anymore mnamn ena ahun setanea lekekegnena i wanted himmm backkkk esu demo lemeno lemeno tewegn mn yeshalegnal....first about how i cant stop this disease......second mn largew esun....thanks.....yaw real meker pls mood endateyezu.....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995635151863098 2018-04-13 09:56:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys so here is what is happening I have this normal female friend and we met at campus we say we are best friends but we hardly call or text each other on a regular basis she has been through a lot and every guy she met is been after her for a sexual relation but in our relationship I just wanted to be friends but I am always the one with the first step the only time she talks sensitive is when I am sick. Sometimes I feel like she says she misses me because I said I miss her first and the other day she told me she was depressed and I wanted to help. I had a family problem and I came back home (2 month ago) and guess what I called her after a month and a half since we last spoke and she said she would talk to me later So is this for me to feel like this naturally? Is it wrong for me to be approached once in a while? And girls would you avoid or take a guy friend for granted like this if you really cared for him? I need your advises please Adios",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9972482323646545 2018-04-13 09:57:19,"I need to vent. So I am 2nd year univ. Student,girl...have you ever felt like you dont belong in the friendship you have??I feel like this for the past year and half..I never had a best friend who actually gets me I always feel lonely there anybody or its only me??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984577894210815 2018-04-13 09:59:07,"I need to vent. Hello people, am a girl Some friends told me that feker yezogn endemayak & meweded becha endehone gn I thought it was love am confused about what they said esekezare date yarekuachewen wendoch endemafekerachew nw yemakew beseatu malet nw ( I mean when I was in z r/ship ) guys don't think me as a player when I say i love them hulunem band lay ayedelem I hope lel yefelekuten endeteredachehugn ena what if my friends yenegerugn ewenet bihone so tell me guys what's z d/ce b/n feker ena meweded? Afekerekut yalekuten sew meweded alemehonun endet mawek echelalew??? Help me love life lay cheger eyameta nw and think positive",love,NEGATIVE,0.8782092332839966 2018-04-13 13:02:15,"I need to vent. Y'all have addictions? Ones you don't seem to escape from? Well I do. Mastrubation. Even though I have had fears and decided to not do it again after reading the side effects it brings, I don't really seem to stop it people. I enjoy so much. When bored, when alone and when I am watching porn. These days I watch till the releasing point. I open the porn I rub that dick, raindrops, done. No more more for 30 minutes. Anyways any advice?",joy,NEGATIVE,0.987999439239502 2018-04-13 14:23:12,"I need to vent. Am gonna sound like a loner or some kind of i don't even know what but bare with me( plus pardon any errors or grammar mistake) Am a girl and i want to know how it feels to love not just inlove but truly and deeply like crazy inlove with a guy u don't give a fuck what ge looks like or what type if behavior he has i just want to love him UNCONVENTIONALY, DEEPLY, TRULY, i want to see him as just my hope and my reasons to smile and my reason to live, and i want to have this deep conversations with him like no how was ur day type of shit but real stuff like feelings and future and emotional things i know u guys are gonna say am craY and no such thing exists but i want it to happen ones in my life as long as ut takes to happen i just want to feel it and i want to love the pain he causes me i want to cry over him i want to bleed tears and love him with expecting ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from him, just wanting his happiness with whom ever and what ever he chooses that is the type of deep shit i want in my life! Comment say what u think!",love,NEGATIVE,0.6336289048194885 2018-04-13 18:22:54,"I need to vent. In many muslim households osama bin laden is praised as this hero who stood up to the US, my father and my uncles talk about him like he some kind true jihadist or something but i do not agree with them you see i belive he is responsible for all the things that are happening in syria and iraq or Afghan rite now, he was the one who made islam all about terrorism i mean islam was all about peace before he killed all those people in 911 and now all muslims are paying for his mistakes, that incident did more harm than good for the muslim community and his country, now many arab states are in war, kids dying, people leaving their homes and he is the one to blame he is not a hero! He fucked us all up.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982914328575134 2018-04-13 18:23:39,"I need to vent. At this point I just feel like there's no real reason for me to live on. I mean, what's the point of going through all this pain, knowing it won't pay off? People keep telling me that it gets better. But y'know, they told me that two and three years ago too, and no, it didn't get better at all. In fact, it got worse. More responsibilities. More fake people to deal with. More emotions to bottle up. And I'm only in high school. I just don't want to go through any of this anymore. The main reason I don't off myself is that I don't know how. Every method has a terribly crucial flaw. And I keep thinking of my parents, and some of my friends too. About how bad they would feel. They'd probably be freed of many responsibilities, especially my parents, but I know they love me. They'd be completely destroyed. So what I must do is keep going through this excruciating shit that I'm surrounded by and try to make my pain go unnoticed. For other people I don't even care all that much about in the first place. I know it's lame to say I don't care about my parents. And I also know everyone suffers. I know it could be a lot worse. I know there are kids dying in Africa. But I'm weak. I don't want to do this anymore. There is no getting better. There's no happiness for me out there. There is nothing for me out there. Except disappointment and pain. It's just too much. I see how people hurt each other everyday and it kills me from the inside. I see how people hurt me, how they hurt themselves, it's too much. This rant is probably just a side effect of sleep deprivation but I needed to talk about this stuff. I've had this toxic, nihilist and ""everyone and everything sucks"" mindset for years now. I should be used to it. But every time I meet someone new I get my hopes up and think they're better than all the people I've had to deal with in the past. I'm never right on that. They're all a big disappointment. I'm a big disappointment myself.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992846846580505 2018-04-13 18:23:58,"I need to vent. Am tired am soo tired i cant take any more argument with any one im sick n tired of ppl i care about arguing with me im.just soooo tired i speak words but no one seems to get what i say to believe what i say to understand what i sayyyyyy i know i should be thanking God for everything n i am thankful gn this one is a little too much am tired of cryin to sleep",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982728958129883 2018-04-13 18:29:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys so this is my third time venting its pretty long just bear with i just want help if there is any and also if any one has my i may have a some kind of disorder...its started a few years ago...i would be awake from sleep but i couldnt move a muscle and no matter wat, am stuck and no one hears any of my cries for help and each of those times i felt a certain danger impending ...after a quick prayer in my head it lets go of me and am really awake and could finally get to move Sooo i googled it and asked people and its called sleep parlysis or happens wen u sleep on ur bak or in unsual time of ur sleep cycle soo i adjusted and it was fine for a few months but it was bak and this time my mind was playing tricks on me...i would wake up to find my self in a sleep parlysis after a few agonizing mins it finally lets me go and i would be able to move but thats just a fake reality ,a dream...and the dreams are so vivid and just like my daily life and i never find out its a dream until i see a glitch in that perfect replica of my life and wen i do find it i am back into the part where i am paralyzed again trying to move...This cycle goes on a lot of times some times and its really the worst thing ever i am kinda afraid of going to sleep....please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.988896906375885 2018-04-13 18:29:45,"I need to vent. Hey pueblos , I'm nf....I need your help. I don't know what to do , my so called gf is threatening to commit suicide if I brake up with her . I'm not sure if she's bring drama queen or it's the real deal.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994394183158875 2018-04-13 18:30:03,"I need to vent. Hello its my first time venting so dont crush me with rude comments. Here it goes, I am a highschool senior and I feel like my life is a big failure and disappointment. For starters all the people arround me dont understand me or love me the way I deserve to be loved.. not my family, not my friends. And I can live with that cos deep down I know better days will come and there will be someone. But thats not the problem, the problem is that Im a disappointment to myself. I always make plans and layout things to do but I mostly fail to do them. And those things I dont do have a huge effect in my future which is the only thing Im living for right now. I am such a lazy procrastinator who doesnt act on whats important and has lost focus on priorities. I just dont know what to do to be able to focus and do whats neccessary for my life. Can you guys tell me how I can commit and be determined? Thank you for your time",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993079900741577 2018-04-13 18:30:45,"I need to vent. Hello guy, Think of this channel as 7,400 peoples,community gathered for a talk, discussions, exchanging ideas in auditorium. A Recently made survey in this channel shows there are teenagers and age of below 16 . Let's keep this community healthy with our words,vents. Don't be instrumental to change them negatively.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.954602837562561 2018-04-13 18:31:14,"I need to vent. Im a 12th grader and i hv been wanting to study abroad (specifically America) since i was a child but most of the universities in the US r expensive .. I can only afford 2 pay like 5000 dollars per year .. It's kinda hard 4 me to have full/half scholarship since my grades r not that high. So do u guys know cheap universities that has high acceptance rate and give high financial support and also if u guys know agents that helps u out in college application COMMENT",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979479908943176 2018-04-13 18:37:37,"I need to vent. They’re all the same. You think yours is different eh? Well here’s a news flash. He’s not. He may be less similar to them but they’re all the same. I just cannot pretend anymore.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9957263469696045 2018-04-13 18:37:37,"I need to vent. What do u do when u close ur eyes and picture urself murdering someone? Agian and again and again.... and what do u when that someone usually doesnt have a face but other times r the ones that are close to u? What do u do when ur in a noisy crowd and every detail every clicking and stamping is shooting daggers through ur head and u just want to stab ur ears? What do u do when it gives u pure pleasure when u see someone in pain? What do u do when u find out ur true nature is pure madness?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984227418899536 2018-04-13 18:42:34,"I need to vent. Hey guys.. Has anyone in this group ever had F1 visa interview. If so please share your experience!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9892311692237854 2018-04-13 18:45:27,"I need to vent. I didn’t want to think or write or even vent about this because if I do then it would mean that it really is something that’s bothering me. Childish, I know. So here goes. I never thought of myself as the jealous type. I mean I do get jealous but I don’t go crazy over my pointless jealousies and act on them or anything. Anyways, am I jealous of his ex? Yes. Am I jealous of the girl he used to talk to before we got together? Yes. Am I jealous of the girl everyone thought he was dating(he still has several pictures of her in his wallet btw, I didn’t even ask about it)? YES! But I know that’s all in the past and that I got the boy and that he chose me . These “jealousies” just indicate that I actually love and care about him, so they’re pretty easy to shrug off. All of that is to show you that I’m rational and I trust him with all my heart. We have a friend. I was friends with her first , so over the years I’ve seen how selfish she can get sometimes(hence why we’re not close). I remember her trying to get his attention and everything back in the days but I just assumed she wanted him to be one of the guys she leads on but keep at arms length. Bicha after we started dating they became close friends. He even felt comfortable enough to tell me that he loves her so much. I just said “Yeah, she’s great.“ So one day we were in our dorms studying for an exam and I run out of credit so I asked if I could use her phone to send him a text. I did and just when I was about to give the phone back I saw my name. Call me weak or judge if you want I don’t care. I SCROLLED. We had a fight and he was talking to her about it. He even forwarded some of my messages to her . Guess what her solution to ALL our problems was? To see each other less. To create distance between us. Yes he listened to her and tried it. No I didn’t agree to it and we had another fight. I swear I try to turn a blind eye to the little things. She calls him for no reason and when he tells her he’s with me she asks stupid questions about class and hangs up. To answer your question, she has a weird on and off thing going on with another guy. What pisses off me the most is I don’t think she even loves him like that. She makes it look like I’m not good enough for him. I guess she’s used to being the pretty girl everyone has a crush on . What gets to me even more is I never thought I would ever be this kind of person. It’s very exhausting and sad. I want to roll my eyes and ignore everything that’s going on but she’s everywhere.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9697855114936829 2018-04-14 09:29:19,"I need to vent. I fucking get im only in highschool but honestly its kinda frustrating how everyone here just assumes that because its highschool then nothing really even matters. Like, shit leaves a mark. Sure some things just stop being relevant after while but not everything is a phase or something thats not gonna be important anymore. ""you're too young to know how it goes"", m'dude no one has a fucking clue about how the world works nowadays. Literally, being old doesnt make you any better or any wiser. I entirely and utterly despise adults who surround me, the condescending way they think and speak is ridiculous and frustrating. Yall think really out there thinking you know everything huh. Must be fun being dumb. I cant say i don't envy dumb ass people. It sure is easier a lifestyle.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984257221221924 2018-04-14 21:53:58,"I need to vent. Have you ever wanted something so much ? Like you can't even see yourself without it? I'm a senior in highschool. I'm not an 'A' student and stuff ,but I want to join Medical school so bad. I know you guys are going to say 'Matric bedenb seri' menamn gn you don't get it how can I get 590 and enter Tikur Anbessa ‍. Malet koy were all medical students an 'A' students back when they were in highschool ???? I know I'll do good , but what if I messed up a bit ? What will happen then. Ewnet I'm so scared. P.S Medical students : You guys are so Lucky.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9953357577323914 2018-04-15 13:48:44,"I need to vent. This is ma first time and here it goes..... I have this big problem i'm so open to peoples. i trust so easily but they just turn around and stab me in in the back. Funny thing is i didnt learn from my mistakes i give my self to others with out questioning their honesty or behaviour. But now a days i just couldn't be my self all i want to do is be alone no friends no family no drama no gossip no nothimg just... me.... alone. And am being depressed from time to time. Please help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9944182634353638 2018-04-15 13:49:08,"I need to vent. Is there anyone here who is studying psychiatry? And is it even given in Ethiopia? If so where ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999347984790802 2018-04-15 13:49:12,"I need to vent. Feelings are the most powerful things that can make u feel like u r z luckiest or the dumbest person in z world...well i think am a dumb too...i have been in love with thia guy for like 6yrs now...those yrs were painful but also kinda sweet i there were moments when he made me feel like he had a feeling for me too and there were also moments were he left me standing like am a nobody..anyhow after fighting with myself i told him everything and he said no....i mean he gabe me lot of reasons but it doesnt matter cause if he wanted it he would have done smt to make it real he just gave me reasons cause he cared nd he didnt wanna hurt me...even agter that we talk ena i am still in love with him. I mean i tried like everything like dating other person...deleting our conv's but nothing ever rly changed...i jst dnt knw wt to do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9748753309249878 2018-04-15 13:49:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys I don't know what is happening me I used to be fun and charm alot but now I don't even want to smile for strangers or ma frnds frnds I don't know they may not making me laugh but ke ma bf frnds gar sehone zim teyalesh yelugnal ende aynte sew alnberekum pls guys help is it me weys ensu nachew des yemayelut I wanna smile all z time",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9604414701461792 2018-04-15 14:01:35,"I need to vent. Hey ya'all I hope you won't just judge me. Im 21 there's this guy.. he is 10yrs older. He's married and a father We talked on social media for three years.. he was more like a loving talak wondm at times. He was also like an intimate friend who's so sweet. I liked what we had as a friend or so whatever.... we finally met In person today.. he's really really handsome.. he's cool and all. we kissed intensly. I tested him that it was wrong but fun and I hope I won't meet him again. He said I shouldn't punish myself for being myself. Some part of me wants to say him again and to go for him but I know it's wrong.. I don't really know what to think pls give me a piece of mind pls.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9794212579727173 2018-04-15 14:53:40,"I need to vent. My relationships are not who I am, they are a phase I went through ones up on a time.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990909099578857 2018-04-15 14:54:26,"I need to vent. I don't need you to tell me what books to read to get over my depression. It's not something I can just get over. I don't need you to tell me what lifestyle changes I could make to be more happy or which psychiatrist I could go talk to. I just need to you to sit there and be with me, damn it!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9791922569274902 2018-04-15 14:54:36,"I need to vent. Have you ever noticed that everything you've been avoiding all your life hits you all at once and you're like wtf is happening? And that's happening right now to me and I think I'm too weak for this shit. I can't handle it. :(",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996000349521637 2018-04-15 15:10:21,"I need to vent. So i'm a 22 yrs old girl in college anddd i'm not very good with the social stuff.its nature like since kindergarten.soo will drugs help??and you know how some friends are ""bad influence"",where do i find one of those???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994522929191589 2018-04-15 17:20:34,"I need to vent. Hey selam selam Actually it's not a vent it's kinda a question my question is i want to improve my English skills i want to speak and write fluently but i can't get a way or technique to stick with like i do some grammar,vocabulary but i can't move on to next level pls guys if u know best way(technique ) to improve English speaking and writing and also if u guys know any better material source drop here tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989520311355591 2018-04-15 19:58:07,"I need to vent. Ok i need to vent abt something that has been bothering me like forver it might be long so bear with me the problem is my parents i love them so much but dad always badmouths mom he doesnt apperciate what she does he is more like a pessimist when it comes to her thank god they dont do it now they used to come home drunk nd i cud hear them fighting nd when i woke up i saw mom all bruised up i wud cry alot it was hell cuz of that i dont want to get married and they are always blaming eachother i dont know who is at fault here and this one time she got hurt so bad she almost died i told them to divorce but dad told me it wont happen nd i hate seeing them like this what kind of a life is this and even now he is insulting her while she isnt here jeez i just want to die rn i just nod cuz i dont like it when my mom gets insulted guys pls help what shud i do they r not bound to be together if u ma",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967315196990967 2018-04-15 20:03:32,"I need to vent. Here i go again Im falling apart and i wanna tell my closest friends. I know theyll comfort me but i dont want to be a burden upon them, i dont want them to ignore me either. Heres the thing ... i either say ntn or too much and i have a feeling that if i tell them ill tell them all of it then ill have ntn like im totally depending on them to say sth perfect and make me feel better. I wanna be one of thise people who go trough it alone, getting stronger but the idea itself is too much",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9978004097938538 2018-04-15 20:08:31,"I need to vent. So this is the deal I didn't grew up in a religious family both my parents didn't pressure us to go to church or take us there. My parents always encouraged us to find our own way in life... my problem is when I hang out wiz my friends and when we eat meal together they always pry and stuff and I never do and when we go passed a church and they ""mesalem"" I never do and now I am worried they may think I am some kind of pagan who doesn't care about anything.. I am so horrible because my parents parents didn't force up on me their religion which they got from their parents... Am I the only one who feels like this please help!",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9943221807479858 2018-04-15 21:39:40,"I need to vent. I need help...I have to make a big choice of telling my father a huge thing.........I have to tell him so that he can help me but I'd I do his heart will be broken n he will never treat us the same ......I am worried as I have not slept in 3 days. ... even tho everyone thinks I don't care I am dying n I need help .....should I tell him n risk his heart being broken n him treating us differently or should I not tell him n risk a life? I mean it might not be I'm not sure hellpp",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.998528242111206 2018-04-15 23:16:50,"I need to vent. Hi this is stupid but here it goes. I had a fiance for 3years not z most wonderful romantic stores u r thinking about but full of chekechek teal and many problems. We passed through so many problem u name it family, finance, gossip, ex's, and many many more our love got us through but z problem is now a days we can't be happy any more its always fighting stress instability. At last we broke up, even if this isn't z first time but I really feel like I lost him this time. He is like my only friend literally, my older brother, my boyfriend, my father figure, he is everything to me. We love each other so much but y can't we be happy? Should I forget about him and move on? Hw do I move on, hw is it done? Not thinking, doesn't work. Rebound doesn't work either. Any other suggestions? Please help Thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967231154441833 2018-04-16 05:23:21,"I need to vent. I've been abused sexually as a child. Now I'm an adult and can't trust anyone around me because my abuser spent years abusing me verbally, and keeps telling me it's part of my imagination and that I'm gay if I tell people about it. Strange part is that I forgive the abuse but not the denial. Because his denial hurts more than the trauma I'm still going through. I honestly can't get close to girls I like because Everytime I do I feel like I'm getting abused all over again. I dunno why. I'm also angry at him because he still tries to tell people they should not believe what I say because it's mostly my imagination going wild. Even though I only confront him when he is alone. I can't fully hate him because he is still my big brother but why would a brother do this to his own blood? I don't like judging people but he is evil. How do I move on from this withoutgetting an explanation on why he did it? It's been over 18 years but still all I get is insults and shame over something I didn't have control over.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996940016746521 2018-04-16 10:24:39,"I need to vent. I want to commit suicide... Can anyone tell me how?? I am scared I am gna fail. If I do, shit is gna get worse. Please I need help... And don't bother commenting if u are gna tell me hw stupid and naive I am blc u don't knw shit abt me and hw I feel...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993829727172852 2018-04-16 10:25:44,"I need to vent. I'm having the most weirdest feelings for this guy. He has magnetic personality plus he's very handsome. He's very alluring and attractive. But he has a perfect fiancee and I also know her. I feel very guilty for thinking of him but I can't help it. It's as if I became addicted with just the first drag. I don't want to fancy other girl's person. I am hating myself for it. How can I get over him for good? I've tried.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8959034085273743 2018-04-16 10:37:29,"I need to vent. Need advice Am in this r/ship with a great guy and we've been dating for 2 years.....hes really amazing and all but like all of us he have problems....hes new at this r/ship thing and well since his still learning he makes mistakes...not major ones though....but i always feel like maybe us together might not be a great fit since we sometimes hurt each other unintentionally. ....any who what i wanted advice on wz we're in unvi and we're from different city's. we decided to spend together the summer while doing our internship but he changed his mind in the middle and decided to do our internship at our home towns. Now he can't get in to any places at his home town so he asked me if i was still okay on our first plan and i said lets do it cuz i didn't wanna leave him alone in another city in summer but i feel like he only asked me b/c we didn't get in even though he said thats not true i don't belive him.....and i don't know what to do about it.....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99715256690979 2018-04-16 10:38:03,"I need to vent. LÅLÅ: Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hey guys....its kinda weird but do u guys believe in dream if u do ....last night I HV seen strange dream about my best friend who i hv crush on her n i know she has crush on me to n some times she will get sick with no reason n she will pass out n it doesn't HV medicine my dream i saw mom saying if u married her u will live ur whole life in darkness n I got scared n the girl was behind me n she starts crying saying r u gonna live me ...n...I say never n kissed her in her lips ...after I kissed her I felt something in my dream n in real life too that something has gone from my body.....I feel empty ....I don't know wt it means if u do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9978976249694824 2018-04-16 10:40:03,"I need to vent. I'm sry All I ever wanted was your happiness to see the best version of you and to fill your void (cuz of the loss of your mom even if you hide it I always see the grief in your eyes) but now I know my ways wasn't right..I should be there instead of meddling in your life and ask you to get back with your ex..I thought she would be the silver lining but I was wrong she ended up causing you more suffering..even after this happened I should be by your side but with the all these fam probs I couldn't be I'm sry..just know that all I have done was what I thought was good for you plz forgive me I'm not someone who expresses feelings but know that I like you so much like as if same blood runs through us like my own brother and I never meant to hurt you. I'm sry for everything",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9186919331550598 2018-04-16 10:48:50,"I need to vent. Hi guys I'm 2nd Yr engineering student and the thing is I don't like engineering I am very good at it but I hate z field and I always feel like I'm ruining my life I always wanted to quite but I didn't have z courage. So I need ur advise should I stop and start again or finish what I hv started? Sry for my errors in grammar",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992234706878662 2018-04-16 20:31:36,"I need to vent. I've fallen deep I don't know if I can say it in words but I'm done I'm starting to forget now the pressure is so much I'm starting to loose myself I can't concentrate....the other day my friend n I was buying chips from the stand then when she turned around I was standing on the zebra line......she came n was like MN honesh new mnm ......I told her that I was kidding sasof new mnm ...Gen for real ..when we were standing waiting for our chips she was talking but all I could think of was the shirt that was going around me n I was lost in my thoughts n I just walked forgot about her .....n my problems the problems I can't fix are taking over me I need a break n I need a person to know ...I'm literally drownings in my thoughts .......just know",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990154504776001 2018-04-17 18:39:27,"I need to vent. So I have a boyfriend and I love him so much and he does too. And yehone ken we decided to spend z night together(just to drink and fool around nth else), zen we got a little to much to drink and we were both really horny so we decided to have sex, am a virgin, ena keza it was so freaking painful we had to stop, I didn't bleed or anything. I mean I don't know how zis things work but if it didn't bleed am still a virgin biye newe masebewe. Zat was a month ago and z same shit happened again, and this time it wasn't as painful nd he kinda got all z way but still no sign of blood or change in z way I walk or anything. Ena am betam confused here, am a med student ik not everyone bleeds but I should atleast feel sth different right. So please help a sister out here, am I a virgin? Experience yalachu please help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9954013824462891 2018-04-17 20:40:04,"I need to vent. Who z heck is God y z fuck is he selfish , he only want to b loved n all , he pits us through all this shit eventho he has a power to stop , hu z f is he , we need another god , this god is unfair n corrupted n stupid , um not afraid to go to hell ,",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9955673813819885 2018-04-17 22:50:53,"I need to vent. I know i going to get lots of crappy commentsssss but here it goes, i dont understand girls this days , they want be treated like queens but they treat gys like servant but is it fair to treat guys the way u want to be treated, puls koy is in it fair, u have to be funny , entertaining , u have to wow there friends, u have to do all that like in first couples of days of meeting them who can be all of that like in first week , how that work , everyone wants the prefect man ready and made , that is not achievable ppl. Now lets hear the worst comments ,,,",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9949808716773987 2018-04-18 19:47:37,"I need to vent. Every one plc help me together I'm going to die????? Hi guys my first time vent. There is 2 girls i love in my life my ex and my friend. My ex wes the most beautiful girl that every man want to spend his all life with her but that girl wes a west of time I find her cheating with my friend and we broke up. After that I started to sleep with many girls and drinking smoking cheating not going to class. After that I meet my cousin friend and she take my phone number from my cousin and we start taking and we go out for a date and I stop drinking smoking every bad things that I u use to do and she be the most important thing in my life. One day I called her and I told her I wanna find her bet she told me that she didn't go to school she is at her grandma's house i will find u after 1 hour. I say okay and my friend is dating her friend so we go to find her friends and we find them i heard her friend talking to her by phone she wes not at her grandma's house she wes going on a date with another man. after that I text her that I text her that I don't wanna find her and she tried to say sorry I will never do it again but I say no. then she say okay let's just be normal friends I say okay but I still have feelings for her when I call her if she didn't pick up the phone i go crazy when we go out with her friends and when she find a man that she know and when she go out and talk to him my mind will blow up .and after all that things when I ask her to get back with me she tell me that she just wanna be a friend with me. But her best friend told me that To cosher and treat her and she will try to get buck with me. Plc guys tell me what to do I'm about to die.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9903920888900757 2018-04-18 19:47:37,"I need to vent. Ever felt utterly and completely alone? I've reached out to friends to help me but they keep ignoring me.... like they don't see what I'm going through but I know they do. And so do my parents. My folks have a lot of experience with talking to teens with depression. How could they not know what I'm going through? How can they not know that I'm hurting? I can't eat or sleep or concentrate. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I feel stuck and I feel alone. I feel like I'm suffocating and everyone around me is looking at me but doing nothing to help.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991713762283325 2018-04-19 05:57:54,"I need to vent. I HATE IT ! I HATE HOW FRAGMENTED I AM .HOW EACH PART OF ME CONFLICTS WITH THE OTHER AS THOUGH THEY ARE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT. HOW THEY GO ON THEIR OWN DIVERGENT PATHS CONFLICTED AND UNCERTAIN OF HOW THEY WOULD MAKE IT OUT ALIVE .WALKING SOLELY IN PATHS THEY HAVE CHOSEN ALL BEING DRIVEN BY THE CONSTANT URGE OF FINDING THE RIGHT ANSWER . I HATE IT !!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9983615279197693 2018-04-19 22:49:15,"I need to vent. I need a shoulder to cry on enaten I need someone to tell me it will be fine n I wanna belive them ....I want to tell someone everything cry it out n they just understand what I'm feeling I want them to fell the pressure n pain I'm feeling dear God I'm drowning .......I just need to let it out its all dragging me down I need help! Save me",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9968121647834778 2018-04-19 22:49:41,"I need to vent. What is the point of it all, like really cause some people say it is to be as happy as possible but is the point of my life to release as much dopamine as i can into my brain... Others say its all abt god and/or watever spiritual story they believe in, but r u actually serious abt this, do u honestly think that wat u believe is true... Lets forget abt the fact that u r too dumb and emotional(we all are) to even comprehend wat is going on, even if u had had all the information u needed. But all u have to trust on is how it all makes u feel inside. Why do u even think u even have an inside, i mean arent we empty when u think abt it... U go from skin to flesh then to bone then a bit of flesh again and thats it, there is no such thing as a soul, interms of everything else we r no better than stone. In that case we have no free will or conscience, we just think we do... But do we even exist, i am not saying do we exist as matter but do we exist as entities and beings cause i see no reason for as to believe that unless we want to see ourselves as special and accumulate even more hormones to make as feel even better abt ourselves. I am not denying wat u believe in, who am i to know better... Who am i to deny the existence of god or even ur existence. But if any of u have anything noteworthy of mentioning, pls leave ur comments",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9925438165664673 2018-04-20 00:01:38,"I need to vent. What are the signs ur man is cheating?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999241828918457 2018-04-20 00:09:40,"I need to vent. I only need a few more day. Everything hurts. I’ll make sure they both get twice as hurt as they hurt me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping it won’t happen. I’m hoping they both come to their senses and call it off. Or atleast he does. Because I already don’t give a rats ass about that stupid hoe. If they actually go through it then they both got what they deserve. I’ll add some tho their misery as well. Thank you for breaking my fragile heart. Thank you for breaking the thin trust I had and only let you walk on. Thank you for stomping on the shattered pieces because I was the stupid one to let my guards down.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9906037449836731 2018-04-20 20:41:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys I dont knw if u wl understand me but anyone who can feel me...I am so sick of every every single thing in life what should I do? There is nth even to be thankful for....being home is the worst thats the main stuff makin me hate life I got besties bf n all by side but nothing is changed what can I do...its really being hard fo me to live",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994996786117554 2018-04-20 20:42:53,"I need to vent. Is it weird that my girl who i love dearly and i want so much ... think about marrying one day... i have werid dream and wish secretly to have3 some whith her best friend ... dont get me wrong i love my girl ... i dont want anyone els i never cheated on her or nothing but i cant stop thinking anout that .. am i stupid or dam ... pls tell me i am stuipd and be mean as possible i cant stop think about so be meannnnnn ... and say the worst thing so i can weak up and stop",love,NEGATIVE,0.9952698349952698 2018-04-20 20:43:10,"I need to vent. Hey how can I bring happiness , I'm jealous of godana tedadariwoch , happiness matters kemnm belay , so ivhate being lonely , hurt , annoyed , unsuccessful , fucked up , bored , n all",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.8332962393760681 2018-04-20 21:30:39,"This year has been a tough one. It is with great sorrow and hurt that I convey that Avicii has died today afternoon at the age of 28. He had touched many hearts. May he rest in peace.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.985634982585907 2018-04-20 22:27:37,"I need to vent. I am a freshman dude.. n its been about over a year since my bestfriend n I had a huge fight and stopped being us!... n she was like a pillar to my life now i miss her!!.. i don't knw if i shud start talkin to her again or not.. (cz things didn't go well z last) ... what do u guys think??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9878627061843872 2018-04-21 14:42:03,"I need to vent. Hey, just wanted to say that we're only humans and that our existence is merely a coincidence and we have no purpose. So your little bullshit problems doesn't matter to the universe YOU don't matter to the universe so stop whining and move on and try ro do something that is actually useful with your life then at least then, you will be remembered.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9950578212738037 2018-04-22 08:28:18,"I need to vent. Im really glad that I found this channel its really fun and educational the same time and wanna say 1 thing that's been bothering me because no one seems to get it, when people vent about suicide most of them might not actually go through it but some of them are actual cry for help and when you comment about how fake they are you need to realize the possibility that this person might be for real and that you where why they might actually do it so why not be sensitive all the time and supportive towards suicidal people just to be safe because if you tell them how fake they are and they turn out to be fake no harm done but if your wrong someone dies so better safe than sorry",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9927974343299866 2018-04-22 16:08:51,"I need to vent. Is reading my friend diary make a bad person?since there is some part of it that talks about me a bad thing and I wasn't that kind a person I know she is unthankful through our friendship path but even if after I read it I didn't hate her I was thinking that if I was that bad person for making her feel like that?am 100% sure I didn't but what if if she understand it that way like am feeling like I shouldn't have read it",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9972074627876282 2018-04-22 17:13:30,"I need to vent. Hello people, i have been real anxious the past year because i don't like my job but i don't have other qualifications so i can't do anything else. I don't like where i live either. I don't wanna be with people but i feel lonely when am alone, i feel stuck and suffocated i am loosing weight and i don't eat proper meals. I feel like am going crazy and am gonna lose it review real soon. Help me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995219707489014 2018-04-22 17:15:11,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. This is my first time venting here i found this channel use full even it is being essential now i hv some thing bothering me but cant tell to my friends coZ i am afraid they will look me down ... It is a family case i am the youngest of our family but i am the one who is responsible for every thing i once found out that my mom is cheating on my dad and it was painful to know that i choose to be silent after 2 years she went abroad fora work for 3 years again i saw a pic of her in her fb message that was a little girl she was rocking her i refuse to accept z truth but i hv got a sister .... Her daddy told me all about it after alots of discovery technique i knew that little girl is my lil sis but still ... Just for my daddy i choose to be silent ... I am fillimg guilty coz to keep my fathers feeling safe i am taking the right of my one and only lil sis to know her family her brothers .... And to grow up with is us .... please give me some mikr plssss",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996239185333252 2018-04-22 17:18:05,"I need to vent. Hi So I've been dating this amazing guy he's super goofy ,sweet and very loving but its only when it comes to me . He's normally the very shy type he doesn't talk much he's the guy who's distant but mysterious. It amazes me how we got together am the fun and outgoing type. So lets cut to the chase he is not the romantic type and he thinks he's not good enough for me but i know he loves me and i love him too he fears i will fall out but the more he gets distant the worse it gets. How can i make him understand that i only want him. Its really hurting our relationship",love,POSITIVE,0.7101002931594849 2018-04-22 17:19:07,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need to vent so here it goes there is a girl that I really love but I don't think she does but if tell her how I feel may be our friendship could be over but if I don't tell her I might lose her for someone else forever and regrate it for the rest of my life. Pls guys help me I am confused I feel my head is going to blow up so what should I do? What would you do if you were me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986767172813416 2018-04-22 17:21:22,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse. Hide my identity. I need to vent. I have trust issues,the ones that don't go away. I have a boyfriend that I love more than anything but I just don't have that full trust in him..I still have a hard time believing what he saysany advice?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9983555674552917 2018-04-22 17:35:57,"I need to vent. Hey here goes my vent I've been dating this guy for a while like a year or so and he is great for the most part but what bugs me is he never tells anyone we are dating....all his friends dont even know he had a gf.....and he doesnt like for me to post our pictures on social media or anything like that This annoys me like why??? Guys why do u think this is, ladies have u been in the same situation??? Im dying to find out",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976624250411987 2018-04-22 19:29:06,"I need to vent. It know this is a bit mundane gn sew mesmat yalebet neger new... I'm 24 and I work at a fast food restaurant in the middle of town because I never went to college when I should have. I can barely afford a place to live and my house literally looks like a fruit about to collapse. My only friend is a retarded 25 year old that really likes wearing shorts and eating burgers and we both have severe mental disabilities but we have fun anyway. I have an asshole as a co-worker that might be a musical genius and probably will do something with his life. My boss is greedy af and spares no opportunity to cut corners. I have never had a girlfriend even thought there is this cutie that me and my friend hang out with but I have no hope with her (it's like she's fr another species) And u know what the worst part is... I live in a pineapple under the sea.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975389242172241 2018-04-22 19:31:29,"I need to vent. Hey so I have been with some guy for a year or more and its obvious that we do have feelings for eachother but I dont think Im good enough to be in rlship while he wants it so bad,what do I do? I dont wanna lose him",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9969282746315002 2018-04-22 19:35:12,"I need to vent. So my girl freind broke up with me beacuse I quote ""you're new to all of this"" and i did not know that was a problem. Is it?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.6652305722236633 2018-04-22 19:37:09,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I'm 17 I don't know how to start but the most complicated thing in my life are my parents.They never agree in opinion or ANYTHING.You almost can say the word opposite definitely suits them.I have younger siblings enesum hule endetechenaneku new besides I don't hate my dad but I want him to get out of my life due to some reasons.Before 7 years,I had discovered that I have a stepbrother in America.Never seen him,talked to him or don't know his name too.I only know that he is 23 yr old.I started being curious?Does he know me?Does he resemble me?nd some shit like that.How can I find him?I'm really confused so ppls don't joke,I really need ur help.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9957899451255798 2018-04-22 19:44:34,"I need to vent. So there is a guy that I like .. okay I prefer using the word love.. and... He love me 2 buh.. our age.. is equal.. and... Am kind.. scared for..our.. further relationship would it be okay if there is no our age cos many.. people suggest its.. better if he is older than u .. so comment ...tnx",love,POSITIVE,0.9523300528526306 2018-04-22 21:35:49,"I need to vent. hi there.. i want to write something that has been true for most part of my life ... i am nat pretty i rather have baby face on a 24 years old body ..i don't like my skin and ppl dont find me relatable at all charming my way out of something is never the case..and i had no problem w that ..i have adapted it and thats what it is for as far as i rmbr... Now all that said i got my self in a quite a mess these couple of months...i met this guy online ...he is very sweet and i actually want to have a real friendship or relationship/ which ever it goes/ w him...but we haven't seen each other w exception to the pictures we sent each other... and a day goes by he is insisting that we meet ...i mean i would love that ofcourse but if he sees me i dont want him to think that he has been cat fished or something point is i dont want him to hate me or get disappointed coz as far as i know boys do prefer the cover ....what do u guys think i should do ...i mean i am nat messing around when i say i like him ...",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9893745183944702 2018-04-23 07:06:52,"I need to vent. hey i am a senior student my parents died when i was like 5 and..there is this guy who has so much like my dad... i have been dating online and idfk what he really thinks about i decided to stop but my feelings damn i cant just stop falling for him and it hurts that i can't be with him b/c of many reasons but he's sister told me not to stop cos je has more than just 'like' feelings for me its like i'm scared to lose him or to be dumped so pls guys help...should i give him up or just go with the flow",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9962079524993896 2018-04-23 07:25:20,"I need to vent. In today’s world, Love has become such an illusion. You find someone amazing and it goes well for about a month or so. Then things just fade. No more late night texts or even calls to see how your day is going. It’s just rinse and repeat, on to the next one. Why? How did we all get this broken inside. Myself included, I just think some things are worth fighting for. Through all the bullshit, there was once Love. Let’s just try not be be such pricks.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9939860105514526 2018-04-23 17:00:33,"I need to vent. Lately i have been obsessed with the question when it will all end? When will the sun explode and destroy our planet, our only earth i dont get why people fear the end and some deny it perhaps All stories about the end of the world are really about the end of our own worlds, the little, often unnoticed deaths that surround us daily but no i am not asking about that when is that MASS extinction which will wipe out humanity begin? Because the world is broken and humanity is disease.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976357221603394 2018-04-23 20:00:25,"I need to vent. Hey there.... I'm a person in need of clarity n I don't know where to find it exactly.... I wanna know myself... Bc I wanna base my decisions on who I am... I'm trying to find myself.... But that by its self confuses me more.... Bc myself hasn't been fully formed yet.... Maybe I'm me for now... But I change... Then who will I be? That was hard for me... So I started creating the person I wanna be.... N that person still had conflicting behaviors.... So what should I do.... What is best... Imma be joining university next year... Hopefully.... N it's going to be a big step for me.... N I don't want to screw my life up in face of diversity ....i don't want to be confused any more So .. What do u think.... Thank u for your time",confusion,POSITIVE,0.5782889127731323 2018-04-24 05:57:27,"I need to vent. How long is too long to get over the guy who dumped you cause he never had feelings for you?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987806677818298 2018-04-24 05:57:33,"I need to vent. My friend is constantly trying to kill himself and donot go through with it, am scared he might succeed soon! He always call me b4 ena i try to tok him out of it. . . Idk how to help him He wud not talk to a psychiatrist or any1",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9973394274711609 2018-04-24 12:14:07,"I need to vent. What's good vent fam hope ya'll are doing good. This is not really a vent but more of a question, is it so wrong to break up with somone over a text? Bare in mind the other person refuses to meet up in person cuz they know it's heading down that road. A freind told me its not a gentlemen thing to do. What do you guys think?",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9985400438308716 2018-04-24 20:41:31,"I need to vent. Ok hi, people really think am a player the reason is I look like one every time I approach a girl I like she immediately thinks am gone play her and that really pisses me off. when I was in high school I had a gf for a long time I loved her keza after we broke up I started dating a lot of girls not because I wanted to play them but cause they where not what I was looking for keza after a while I found this girl I really liked but she thought I was gone play her and ended it and I found another girl I like same thing happened and now am starting to wonder why this is happening to me what am I doing wrong",love,NEGATIVE,0.9970009922981262 2018-04-24 20:44:25,"I need to vent. PEOPLE I NEED HELP! I'm 22 and iM a guy and I just found an amazing job that I really like its been all gud till now, recently My boss appointed his daughter out of know where as the new head of the firm keza ta ale. Wat u need to know is me and My new boss are the only ppl in their early twenty's in that firm, naw at first she was being real bitch to everyone bossing around and ordering people... Im thinking okay thats wat bosses do shes trying to assert authority because she's young (25) and the only women there .naw she has got the fear and respect she wanted from everyone, wat I don't get is y did she personally chose me and focused her efforts and set out to get me I mean their are supervisors for that shit! she shouldn't even talk to me unless its about My salary or if theirs a huge problems with the work im doing so y is she breaking the chain of command come down to my floor and meneznez me?",admiration,POSITIVE,0.762195348739624 2018-04-24 21:00:13,"I need to vent. It's really not a vent more like a question me and my friends were in a pickle so one of our friends her shoes smell badddd of we don't know how to tell her she can get really defensive ena I'm so close to exploding and I can be mean so please tell me a not so mean was of telling her we can't find any way of saying it with out it sounding rude or mean. Help pleaseeeeee",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994416832923889 2018-05-01 12:43:40,"I need to vent. hii guys i rly need help b/c im in love with my class mate ena i dont know what to do let me tell u smthg about us we both laugh he likes to talk to me gn im afreid and his frnd know all thing when i ask him that he feels the same like me he told me no he still have feelings to his ex but his face looks like endalw ......... let me tell him or let me keep it secret need advice comment me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9970580339431763 2018-05-01 19:34:29,"I need to vent. Hi just wanted to say who ever you are the one reading this don't feel sick and tierd and shit and not being loved and stuff it will all happen to you out of the blue and u will laught at it and how silly it was ..don't think that u are a nobody to this world but trust there are at least 10 people who pray bout u before ur sleep till the time of ur happines comes keep ur head high stay positive .cause hard days like this make good days in the future worth it.stay strong eshi",caring,POSITIVE,0.9895778894424438 2018-05-01 19:35:47,"I need to vent. I've been in a relationship with a guy for about nine months now and everything has been going great. We meet up almost everyday and we are getting closer each day. What bothers me is that he lives in an apartment with his friends and I live with my parents so I don't spend nights at his place and I'm curious about what happens at night because he's a man and he can't always spend the nights alone so I'm worried that he might have a side chick. I'm asking for men to tell me what to expect. Thanks a lot.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9932194352149963 2018-05-01 19:49:03,"I need to vent. i hoped that i took care of her lyk for a day, just to make her see the world , just to be her strength, to be a shoulder to cry upon, anyways IDK",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9409404397010803 2018-05-02 08:13:15,"I need to vent. Okay so I have a boyfriend and our relationship is great. It's been almost a year now and we still haven't had sex. Everytime we try, I chicken out because I'm a virgin and it hurts. I really wanna have sex with him but I hate the way it hurts. I also hate the way he gets disappointed when I tell him to stop. He's really patient with me but he still has his semet and he wants to have sex so bad ( which I totally understand) so I'm asking for advice especially from men; how long do u think a man can wait? Because I believe sex is necessary for a complete relationship and I don't expect him to love me fully without his desire being satisfied ( there's nothing wrong with a man wanting to have sex with the girl he loves, it's natural)",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9665876030921936 2018-05-02 08:15:38,"I need to vent. Yea truly dont know what to do. I fucked up my relation with this girl I met over a DM. We hit it quite good but the thing is I am bad at letting go and started to text her not knowing what I was getting my self in to but the thing is she still has feelings for me and I think that in the long run I might fuck it up again ........................FUCK just want to take all the bad decisions I made and correct them if I could but this is life and am supposed to learn something from this",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989053010940552 2018-05-02 11:23:12,"I need to vent. hi everyone ..2nd timer here here is the thing i am a 5th year attending medical school and things are going great my grades are very good and everything...only left w a year and a half to too...then what seems to be the problem u might ask ...wellllll...i was supposed to be an intern by now(6th year) but i lagged a year while i was a 1st year and i haven't told my parents ...i meant it was all very shocking to me at the time and i didn't want blv it let alone tell another soul i kept it to myself time goes by i wanted to tell my father then he got sick so i refrain from doing so thinking it would add to his mom i never had a courage to...she is very ""hailegna"" and failure is not an option w her...after a while my dad passed was alot to take in ....i just didnt know what to do ...its been 3 years...and these days my mom dont ask when i graduate but she speculates that its just nxt year ..i always tell myself that i should tell her i should tell her everything and explain as much as i can but afraid that i might lose her too..she is all i have got for Gods sake ...i need help ...what should i do ...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983567595481873 2018-05-02 15:32:11,"I need to vent. Halu handsome pupil me have a preblem .me frind English sucks I try me best ol a tym to right her but think tat am jelos.wat may I do i relly relly wan to help her pupil.tank u for gaving me you're time.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958510398864746 2018-05-03 21:41:53,"I need to vent. I love my boyfriend like a lot. I would take a life for this kid. He's like a character out of a movie its soo unreal. The problem is I never had something this good,I never had it this easy and now that I do I try to find flaws or mistakes like I'm trying to ruin it. I don't know why I'm like this I love him soooooo much I can't imagine what it would be like if I loose him but i just have this feeling that its too good to be true. I always feel like he's lying or playing me. What should I do???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9950954914093018 2018-05-04 07:22:13,"I need to vent. I'm a boy and I am 19, My problem is, my penis is kinda small, it's like just 6-6.5 inches when hard Please help me guys is it too small Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9969769716262817 2018-05-04 07:22:27,"I need to vent. I started watching goar videos a while back and now i cant stop and its fucking my mind up, people getting their faces peeled of, getting beheaded and stoned! the inhumanity of those videos Jesus but i cant help but watch'em again and again help people.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9735172390937805 2018-05-04 07:22:57,"I need to vent. There is dumb there is dumber and after that just plain stupidity Also talking is something that came after humanity We couldn't talk or share our feelings till we collectively worked on our communicative skills To build to develop and to fucking spark civilisations. Not to yap and bitch and cry about how life kills. At the end of the day all u whiney ppl will die and it'll be sad Not because y'all dead. For that I'm glad It's the generation u leave behind that saddens me the most A generation brought up by whineys all confused and lost. Just coz all of u couldn't face a problem like what our ancestors did. Now it's all about the likes and who has the sickest stuff. Y'all care more about what ppl think of u that's why it's enough. Fuck all y'all feelings there r hungry kids out there starving. There are Syrians that don't mind any type of bombing. There is alot of hard ship in the world so what is yours is yours. Observe adapt overcome and tell us the story that's yours. Sick and tired of all of y'all.‍‍",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9943051934242249 2018-05-04 07:23:27,"I need to vent. Hey guys so i have something that's been bothering me very much. I met this girl online and it's been a year and we've been talking every day pretty much. Recently she borrowed some money from me and after a month or so I asked her out...she said yes (she was very excited) we went out and after the 2nd date she became distant and she doesn't reply to my text menamen...and it got me wondering if she actually liked me or did she feel obligated to say yes because I borrowed her money and she hasn't returned it?? The date was very classy and nothing happened to make her act like this...sooo what might be the reason??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982598423957825 2018-05-04 07:34:46,"I need to vent. i cried like a baby yesterday night called up mom and cried Got rejected by my crush, 3rd time I got rejected. I'm 23, never been in a relationship A lot has happened over the past two weeks, got my heart broken, health going worser day by day and probably am jobless right now I haven't actually quit my job to be honest but the mental and physical state i'm in is making it tough to go back, in fact I don't wanna go back to work I want to avoid people, for good, stay alone, in my shell, grow my hair and facial hair long, maybe read religious books as they just might give me peace The human brain is stupid, I just wish someone, at lease someone just came to me and said I was important to him/her and they loved me. Even if it was fake, I'd accept it and probably be over the moon Every time I hold the guitar I kinda want to cry, I am having this very strange breakdown every time I think about myself I'm not useless, I am educated, have or had a job, can play the guitar and can write decent, heck that puts me at least on the 95 percentile of all guys at least that's how I think Yet it feels so darn depressing to be ignored and treated like a doormat by everyone. Girls think I'm invisible only parents and family and close friends have cared and I'm thankful for that but if I look into the bigger picture, I'm just a grain of sand for the others and that has shattered me I'm not angry at her, neither did I confess, the very fact that she can be so happy with someone just by singing to his guitar strums seems like the pure love or at least the perceived pure love that I think I will never be able to give to anyone. That too being the guy was from a different faith tells you a lot that nothing matters in love maybe, but marriage i guess yes but that's a whole different ball game whatsoever. I'm hurt that she or any other person will probably never look at me with glimmering eyes, and be genuinely happy to be with me. Heck even a fake show of happiness would probably mend my broken soul but that isn't gonna happen either I so wanna lock up myself at home. Stay alone, read books, religious ones even, avoid contact to such an extent that I never develop feelings again. I really want to learn to live alone and be happy again",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9900880455970764 2018-05-04 10:26:25,"I need to vent. Olla amigos 1st timer So here it goes I just have a q.N for y'all Has anyone of u folks faced rasicm..? Not oromo.. Tgre..amhara Rasicm.. Like the real one.. Black rasicm Yea yea.. We are in Ethiopia and there's no such thing.. For those of u who think this way either u urself r a rasict.. Or u have no idea that bieng black is a relative sh*t So anyway i just wanna know if there's anyone dealing with such issues.. Thank u for reading",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979421496391296 2018-05-04 11:14:54,"I need to vent. I need to apologise for everyone who I haven't yet got the opportunity to piss off yet. I'm sorry, I'll get to you shortly I need to complain about the awfulness of period cramps. You suck donkey balls, mother nature. Also I would like to say NO! To the new star wars. It was pure ew they could do better. I also am very much not high at the moment, which is evidently causing my blabbing. You have a good one and um, die while you still can, aye?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9986425042152405 2018-05-04 11:15:41,"I need to vent. I used to think the world didn't give me anything, that I didn't owe anyone. I came naked from my mother womb and naked shall I return. in the little time of my stay all I was served was pain and ache, too sour for my little heart but was forced to gulp it down my throat. i struggled, I screamed, I cried and even pleaded. everyone is busy saving themselves that no one came for the rescue. i understand we all have our problems besides the dawn has passed and I have seen the light now (at least that's what I tell my self) I wouldnt change the things that has happened, they are both a blessing and a curse. but more than anything what's ironic is all our suffering is man made. I don't understand why its so easy to be bad than Good. it beyond my comprehension but for me I know this: anyone capable of inflicting pain is someone who licks his wounds in private. so I don't blame anyone. someone started this journey somewhere and we have been cascading down this road ever since. now its a be better or be bitter dogma but why do many people choose bitter? I am hopeful their will come a day where we wear our scars like an armor instead of trying to stain others with the same bruise cause our scars, they are not ugly. they tell our story, who we are and what we have been through. till then I keep hoping cause though I don't owe anyone anything, this world has given me one thing: my name. I don't know what my parents fore see, not knowing the rollercoaster i was gone ride when they gave it to me but for it I will keep persisting. PS. guess who my name is??",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.8359745144844055 2018-05-05 11:36:34,"I need to vent. I asked my self Is the truth really fussy Or are we just busy at keeping lazy I had this thoughts about the truth that makes my mind dizzy All this time I have lived thinking I know the Truth!!! At least that's what I believed to choose That my reality is the one that make others imaginary ""If it's not in my book Then you're a fool Come to my world I will help u look Just lose Everything u ever took Unless it goes with my views"" That's what I thought was right Finding the truth is a fight Who ever wins gonna write Right the history of once sight We fight the fight that no one wins We hide behind where no one sees To not lose of what U have ceased The truth is we live in the truth Don't seek the facts, wake up don't snooze Truth is in the moments It is what the painter paints with hand movements It's the melody of the instruments Truth is when u show love to each other It's what u see in the heart of a mother Seek the truth within ur soul Even when they told u don't make sense at all it may not be perfect U will surely see the effect I ain't trying to tell u accept my truth Am just here to tell you u should live by your rules",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9960291385650635 2018-05-05 23:37:19,"I need to vent. ** i have decided to challenge myself and my beliefs so I can discover the real truth about myself. Like me if u think u lead an unoriginal life, this is for u. If u are not comfortable with philosophical ideologies yeah please pass this post. Okay here goes... We perceive life as a bitter journey bc we have been trained all our lives to think that way, and to live that way. Ever since we were kids we were told to calm down or keep quiet when we'r too loud, to cheerful, or ""out of control"" We'r told we will break our necks if we don't climb down that tree! or frowned upon when we challenge our elders with our curious questions... As a result, we grow up thinking our happiness is not acceptable! Suffering suffering suffering. We build walls around us, walls in the name of culture and religion. Like invisible tissues that connect us so we can be afraid tgtr we tie each other like a shakesprian plot so we can all be silently afraid tgtr. Our physical being wants bliss but our poisoned minds tell us that's wrong! No u can't dance in the rain u will look foolish and embarrass ur family, or u should be ashamed of sex and never discuss it. The truth is we dont know why we are here or where we come from but the one thing we know beyond a doubt is sex is the holiest most sacred act. Its the life force that creates us! But see we have ruined it's image and purpose and made it filthy. And that is the work of the mind, culture, and religion. But we are afraid to think alternatively bc it's all we know, and all we' v been taught...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966552257537842 2018-05-05 23:37:48,"I need to vent. It's weird but I hate my nephew. He's just annoying. He's 1t and I'm much older but I hate him. Yes I know it's wrong to hate a young kid but I hate him very much. I don't want to see him, n now he's right next to me and he's laughing stupidly. Gosh! I hate how he laughs too.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.99274080991745 2018-05-05 23:39:45,"I need to vent. So, I'm a 24 years old nigga, Got good job, good friends and I work more than one job, so I got that going for me. I'm not the type to tell my private stories to a bunch of weirdos( and some nice ppl are around, but so few of you), but I need motivation. Anyways, I'm into writing stuff and I started some fiction'ish thing based on me. I am stuck trying to decide how to continue. I could write what I want to happen, I can write what I think is gonna happen. I'm confused because what I want is not the most likely to happen and if I write what I think is gonna happen, it feels like I'm giving up and fug I hate giving up.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9967001080513 2018-05-06 21:55:52,"I need to vent. Hey every one I need a vent So I have always felt like the outcast from my friends and family I have always hated my self for holding my mother back she has sacrificed a lot and she kind of takes everything on me she always reminds me of her sacrifice for me and I get mad and think she hates me and call her a crazy bitch but then she is just sad and I understand it and I just want to kill my self and she has been through a lot with a fucked up husband like my father he hits her a lot he likes to hurt her in different ways emotionally and physically and all I could do is watch and I hate my self for that I hate it I like hurting my self I hate it all I want to do is die and hurt my self I actually have Hurter my self and I like the pain. I am losing my mind I hate my life so much. I need help",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9875170588493347 2018-05-06 21:56:30,"I need to vent. I prefer to be anonymous but here is what I would like to confess. I have been looking for affection my whole life so I search for it everywhere I don't even set alotY of criteria to date a guy and the guy whom I have been with was in on and off relationship which I don't give that much attention since he clearly told me he is not relationship kind of guy so I accepted his idea....but recently things between us started to change and started to act as boyfriend but when I ask him what I mean to him he doesn't say anything then I tried to ignore him n dated another guy and suddenly there was strong sexual tension and end up having sex then the next day, the previous guy told me he is now ready to be my boyfriend and even introduced me to his friends as his girl,and that night I also have had sex with him which left me with guilty mind since I haven't been totally innocent as he was and feel like am cheap or something. What shall I do now I'm confused plz advise me",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9951744675636292 2018-05-07 20:03:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys, Do u guys believe someone should get into marriage he doesn't believe in, coz he is having a baby or already have Thanks!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9953727126121521 2018-05-07 20:04:34,"I need to vent. I'm 20. Second year in Uni. I'm into this girl who's in G12. We first met on some school event and we really had a good couple of days as friends. After that we bagan texting and it has now been a few weeks. The thing is we're having a normal kind of conversation and idk how I can change it to something more. I'm scared because she really sees me as someone with a very decent personality and if I brought up something like this des mayl neger yifeteral beye ferahu. Help me out guys...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9871119856834412 2018-05-07 20:05:09,"I need to vent. I sometimes think what my reply would have been if someone told me i would be in love with you today. Of course, i would laugh a lot. Because you and I darling, you and I are water and fire. We are a good example of how opposite two people can be. But love won, aydel? After all those ups and downs, all of the fights and arguments we finally realized we are not meant to be apart. I am a better me when im with you. I'm good on my own, but love, with you I'm something else. There is love, and there is YOU",love,POSITIVE,0.998439610004425 2018-05-07 20:05:58,"I need to vent. I feel like ppl rnt getting wat this channel is about, especially the ladies and their guy problem, venting abt guy problems is one thing but asking if u shud stay a virgin till marriage or have sex wid yo man! This ain't GUIDE VIRGINS marry through life channel! NO ONE CARES!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992985725402832 2018-05-07 20:06:10,"I need to vent. Hey it's kim...sry i didn't vent fo a long's because everything in ma life is more than perfect so happy...still going well wiz ma bf we went out on a date zare rasu ena we had fun. ..u hv no idea it was the best day ov ma life...n u were ryt time solves every problem and wer kemnamnachn nw gn yekeren kand wer yanese gizem endezihu perfectly yalkal keza behualam slalew i'm confident enough to say it will continue n i'm glad....ena demo me n ma x metarekd too.....we're besties again gn ntn that affects ma r/ship or always i metazez eth he orders me n missed that 'us' so no regrets...bcha eth is going as i wanted it to n that makes me feel betaaam happy Tnx fo ur time",joy,POSITIVE,0.9946847558021545 2018-05-07 20:06:22,"I need to vent. 2nd time venting.... Here goes my vent... Do you think having sex is the only/best way to keep a relationship (is that must?)... Look I have been in a lot of relations but I broke up blc I Um nat having a sex(i am Nat ready) ....i have a good and respected behavior.... But still sex is being a problem for me.... Help me if there is another way that I can keep my relationship...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99403977394104 2018-05-07 20:06:49,"I need to vent. My anxiety feels like I'm in a dark room, pitch black and the floor falls from underneath me. I keep falling and I claw on the walls wanting to grip something. Eventually I find my footing only to find that it was temporary. There are a thousand 'what ifs' in my mind. What if I never get a good job? What if I can't make it? What if I'll never be happy? What if all my hard work was for nothing? I lose my footing. I am falling again. I am screaming, yelling hoping someone listens but they don't. No one ever does. I am alone. No. Wait! I am not alone. What is anxiety if depression didn't accompany it? I have my loneliness to keep me company. What will quiet the noise? What will pull me out of this pit? God. Or death.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9991437196731567 2018-05-08 06:51:23,"I need to vent. I fucked up real time.....i cheated on my b.f....the thing is i was drinking a lot and i ended up spending the night with his best friend. ....who's also my friend. ...but no feelings were involved it wz just a drunken mistake....i really do love my boyfriend and he said he wants to work on us but he says we have to suffer for it...and am a drifter. ..i really regret wht happened but wht can i do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979360103607178 2018-05-08 08:32:08,"I need to vent. I wonder how people will act if they found out whatever they believe in is bullshit... Would they still do good things instead of bad, would they even be able to differentiate between the two, would gays still be oppressed, will they be content with a life that is meaningless... The thing is what you do because of your religion doesnt reflect who you are, what you would have done without it is what shows your true colours. My point is, be who you really are cause if God is there he will probably judge you according to that anyway, not by whatever façade you have been putting on.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990733861923218 2018-05-08 11:44:49,"I need to vent. Okay so I read a vent of few days back and commented there, but since my comment deserves it's own platform here i am... venting it. I am trying to make a point here. Why the hell is everyone missing the bigger picture... ?!!! Is that all you care about? Like the fact that he called her ""fat during sex""?!! (It was on one of the vents) True he shouldn't have said that but let me tell you something... nomatter how much most of you people hate to hear it... you shouldnt have had sex before marriage! But you did- okay- the damage is already done.. but just repent and just dont do it again til the time is right! Like i dont know why everyone is moving blindfolded in this matter!!! You guys should FREAKING WAKE UP!!! you think it makes you 'cooler' to do that? Its NOT! And you know what else is not cool? Hell! And if these people were married (in the eyes of God), he wouldn't have dared to disrespect her. If not for her sake he won't for his own belief's sake. Everytime unmarried people go around 'screwing eachother' guess what happens? The cycle of boredom b/n the 'mates' continues. So don't expect the outcome to change unless you change your cause for it. Thanks for those who read it and agree with me.. thanks for those who read it and don't give 2 shits &is probably thinking of what to insult me on this platform just so people could look and like your comments. I don't care! But I wrote all of this cause I do care enough about this sorta people, so I just hope some1 out there understand not everything that done on TV, or not everything people nowadays do to claim they are 'young' is right! chaw",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9986985921859741 2018-05-08 17:57:41,"I need to vent. So I’m from a Christian family (Protestants) to be specific. I grew up learning about the Bible and stuff. Well I’m having a problem with the Bible now. Specially the Old Testament. That describes God as a monster, brutal and stubborn. And in the mean time that contradicts with it self. Saying Don’t kill and praising those who committed genocide in the name of God...take David for eg he killed 22,000 Syrians and he is considered to be the bravest. However, I’m not saying bible doesn’t teach some good things but these things are not easy enough to let it pass. I still believe in God but I can’t really make the Bible as a manual for my life. Is there anyone else who is confused like me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9964084029197693 2018-05-08 17:57:56,"I need to vent. A person just vented that we should wait till marriage to have sex, i know u can have religious reasons but is there any other logical thought behind this, i mean it feels good to all parties involved and if ur partner disrespects u after they wont really be worth it anyway, besides it would be better to find out everything abt them before u get married... And dont give me that ""u will get STDs"" as a reason that qualifies",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9788180589675903 2018-05-08 17:58:30,"I need to vent. Hallo everyone . I kinda need an opinion on why to not have sex before marriage?... I would like to hv ur opionions from every perspective. Thanks.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.6959419250488281 2018-05-08 17:58:59,"I need to vent. Hey are u doing? I am about to ask u advice .......I am 19 years old and highschool senior students, when me and my friends get together we talk about d\t stuffs even dirty stuffs(I know that is inappropriate)......and sometimes they talk about mastrbation stuffs ...,and they talk always how it is good...but I heared that it might have negative impacts .....esti tell me some about it....Is it true that it is normal or....? I was just little bit confused thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9719825387001038 2018-05-08 17:59:23,"I need to vent. I just wanna tell u ppl not to trust ANYONE I mean everybody is just faking all around u....I thought he loved me and his words and action seems too but it was a lie he said I can't love u and I didn't feel anything but for u girls just don belive any boy they r z same shit piece of layers and if u don think so show me eski tell me so that I can began to trust ps.I hate u N",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9976208806037903 2018-05-08 19:40:13,"I need to vent. I had made freinds with the monsters. Learning there language so well that I could use it for myself. Funny thing is I was accepted by most because of this anomaly. I was given a throne. But once I renounce the demons that I had once befriended I find my self normal yet completely outcasted from the kingdom I once ruled. Why do we glorify the wrong but discard the right as though it means nothing? Have you ever asked you selves what we have normalized? I found out much later that it much too simple for man to raltinalize the abnormal than to accept the normal. It is much more easier for us to find beauty in chaos than serenity in the order. We are easily persuaded to run in the race of fruitless darkness than to walk in the blissful way of light. Are we not?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.6746266484260559 2018-05-08 19:40:45,"I need to vent. Not a vent, just wondering. Im i the only one here who thinks love and that soulmate mnamn stuff is bullshit. I mean i read all this vents about it and it makes me laugh. Is just me or what?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9815736413002014 2018-05-08 19:40:50,"I need to vent. Hey! So I was reading some vents and wandered since when was every ""underage kids"" so concerned abt sex nd since when was sex a right for men???????? It's just so stupid! I am a dude btw.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994576573371887 2018-05-08 23:34:44,"I need to vent. Do people often feel possessive of people they’ve loved previously and do feelings tend to come back? Also what is considered flirting? Why do I feel so needy for his attention? Is it because I’m lonely or because I actually feel for him?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9974703788757324 2018-05-09 01:14:18,"I need to vent. Hey this is my first time venting I rly need help....... He's in 12 grade while i'm 11,I can't lie he is so beautiful, handsome........ He is my first crush, I rly wants to talk to him but i'm so afraid cause he is so serious.... I mean sew kalanagrew ayanagrim., ena betam lekrbew mokre nbr gen mnm lisakalgn alchalem. Almost 6 month honognal crushing gen he doesn't know ena betam kakme belay sihonbegn selkun ke sew tekbye text adrkulet keza tenesh reply kadrglgin bohala ignore adrgen gen crushing becha aymslgm becha I hv no idea..... Bektayum ken alaschalgnm text adrkulet keza & ignore again ahunm be 3tgnaw ken degame I texted him but still ignore.... Keza bohala I stopped texting but feta bale melku nbr sanagrew ynbrew gen alhonem.ena betam ymiyanadedgn neger ande Sefer nene ena agatami sengnagn entlalfalem. Plzzzzz guys I need ur help betmmmmm nw mewdw like meglets kemchlew belay ena mnm madreg endalbegn mnm alawekim... Plz help me?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9962982535362244 2018-05-09 11:41:06,"I need to vent. This isn't really a vent but my view on some of the vents i seen. Girls who lost their virginities for a guy they have been seeing for a month or two are stupid, honestly do you think if he really loved you he would put you in that position? Do you think he will stay with you after you have given him the one thing that makes you innocent. No he ain't, you spread your legs by the name of love and be surprised and all when he leaves you for a girl who has her dignity intact. This post is gonna get me alot of bad comments but seriously girls use your head, its your dignity he fucks, you shouldn't do that before marriage, koy do you think your future husband will respect you after that? No he won't, am not religious or anything but i do know guys respect virgin girls. Its a big deal to be with a girl who won't just spread her legs with every guy she dates. Its just an opinion use it or not",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9937074780464172 2018-05-09 12:13:41,"I need to vent. I met this mentally disabled girl in the taxi when I was headed home late at nigh, wede 5-6 seat mata, I didn't realize her mental state at the time when I was having a conversion with her in the taxi, she kept repeating the same conversation over and over, when I asked her where gshe was coming from she kept talking abt the same tng, I tot she didnt wanna talk abt where she's been, she was wearing slippers so I made a lil joke about it, she kept repeating the same conversation, "" ezi sigeba kidem(taxi wust) 10 birr eyale sitera neber ahun demo sewu simola 15 birr yilal ende?! Aay ene eko 15 birr bezto new eyalku adelem gin and and sew ale ende dinget birr sayiz weto yemeshebet sew,(and I was like awo tastawukyalesh be slipper new ye wetashiw)"". And I tried to sway the conversion to another subject, keep in mind I didn't know about her mental state at the time, but she kept repeating it. At last she told me her destination and it turns out it was mine too so weredeku ke taxiw n I waited for her esketwered so we can walk home together, I instantly knew as we were walking that she was you know, and I asked ""where do u live?"" she replied I don't know ""where is ur home?"" She replied ""I don't have a home"" so where are u going she said""enenja wedezaga heje etegnalew"" so i just wished her gud luck gave her a long hug tears filled My eyes and I just walked away. I felt use less as a human being that I could help her, at least try too, but I didn't and it feels like shit because My fucking cat just had a nice warm dinner and sleeping in a comfy bed and that girl is out there! lemindinew ye sew lijoch in theory endeminefakere ena be chiger gize endeminederares eyawekin practically simeta gin we always cum up short",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992693066596985 2018-05-09 12:15:26,"I need to vent. Hey there...first time venting... got a lot of things to complain about just as much as we say we're okay; can't complain. So I'm a jobless graduate who's very passionate about music and for some reasons I think only I understand don't not want to pursue any other thing before I start my music path. But that arrogant mind set has not put me in a good situation and I know's going to be almost a year since graduation and I haven't done anything yet with my music. I currently leave outside of the city where I can not find anything musical to do or anyone in the industry that could be of help and not doing nothing in a town where you don't know anything as well is just a daily headache. On top of everything that's going on in my life which I'm not going to start about this one is the worst thing to add up to. I need help. I want to get my shot together in the city and pursue my dreams more than anything in the world right now. And I know I can make it big time. I just wish anyone....anyone else would believe in me and see what I really mean and help me get somewhere.I swear I'm really good. Lol",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9985356330871582 2018-05-09 12:16:10,"I need to vent. Seriously wtf is wrong with u venters venting about not being a virgin is having no pride...why do u all make sex just about the males desire..u'r just making it look like the girl loses and the boy wins...and make the girl feel inferior to those of u who think like that just know that is so fucked up. p.s-am a girl",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993690848350525 2018-05-09 12:31:58,"I need to vent. Okay so am a girl and i have been seeing some post about keeping our virginitys till marrige coz thats what guys respect ...but seriously a womans respect and dignity shouldnt be situated on some skin b/n her legs...keep in my mind what u r promoting really! like seriously there are other ways that dignify a woman ...our society has fucked up the image of sex in a every girls is not haram its beautifull and natural any girl out there who wants to do it, she should be free of all the negativity associated with it ...just dont do it for the wrong reasons ,do it coz u want to ,dont deprive urself of ur needs",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9742454290390015 2018-05-10 15:19:47,"I need to vent. Hello there. So I have been seeing a lot of vents about virginity and stuff and honestly I would really want to say something. Sex is a good thing , actually the BEST feeling ever. God created this so called SEX so that people can reproduce and replace themselves. Everything created by God is beautiful and well SEX is that too. Everything about it is so good. Now remember you do that precious thing that one amazing thing that God gave you with someone. That someone is going to see you naked , going to touch every part of you , every PRECIOUS part of you. Its not just about the pleasure , but all about love. Your bodies become ONE. See this is the main reason why I believe that sex should be after marriage because my body is not something I could play with , but something so beautiful and valuable. I AM WORTH IT. I have the dignity in myself that God brought me to this world to be with the one person I'm going to enjoy my whole life with , and that one person should be the only one I'm going to make LOVE to. P.S I really wish you could understand what I just wrote and make use of it. I'm an 18 year old girl and YES I might me younger than most of you , but I really hope this can help to brighten up your eyes. Thanks for reading.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9997090697288513 2018-05-10 15:20:00,"I need to vent. I just have one simple point to prove about this 'sex being a GUY thing and NOT a GIRL thing' debate. First of all..most guys are horny and crazy about sex and we know it buttt girls are just as nasty as us...U girls just don't show it like we guys do (u r better at hidding it). Guys portray their sexual desire freely but girls always act disgusted when they hear about those things (eventhough they might be thinking about it before the guy) So my final conclusion issss....we all are horny it's just that some of us show it and some don't.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9953586459159851 2018-05-10 15:22:03,"I need to vent. Okay. There’s this guy. Name is Momo. He has serious problems, probably worse than yours. He doesn’t not ridicule his telegram account by sending whiny paragraphs to a pointless channel beset with anonymity so everyone can either act like the real assholes they are deep down or pretend to care about other people so they feel they meet the minimum humanitarian requirement in their incredibly selfish lives. He knows no one actually cares. Momo also doesn’t care if you agree with him, fuck you in advance. Oh and for fucks sake, either learn English and start spelling properly or do humanity a favor and stay offline.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9974472522735596 2018-05-10 15:23:02,"I need to vent. What a guy,21....need to ask some stuff..... 1. Is Relationship all bout sex, physical parts n stuff.... 2. Why the fuck r gals soooo complicated, i mean they get mad but u dont knw what u did n when u ask they tell u its all good givin u the look minamin...and if u just say okay, theyll be mad 3. This one is fo the guys, would u prefer the kinda girl A. That makes u feel shy cause she nauty af... B. Who is always readin a book at home minamin, or atleast that what she says... C. The kind that is soooo naughty she invites other gals to whaterva u about to dooo.....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.994382381439209 2018-05-10 15:23:46,"I need to vent. I have a date with this dude I met on tg next week...we never had a phone call and we talk be text like betaaaam and we love eachother but I'm scared the date might go awkward at some point like I get a bit shy at first and I'm also scared what if he don't like my appearance I don't believe I'm as pretty as my pics I'm just so insecure, people help me!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985647797584534 2018-05-10 15:24:16,"I need to vent. Journey with me Remember to breathe 'cause it'll take your breath away, When the engines cough's, And you blast off. Ignite the night with a firecracker flash. Remember to live 'cause you're gonna be thrilled to death, When the stars collide, And your eyes grow wide. Take it in with your face against the glass. Remember to dream 'cause it's gonna be a starry night Over every town As you look down. So harmonize with the singing satellites. And remember to scream 'cause you're gonna be lost for words, When the sparks erupt And they light you up. Let's hear it for the Universe Where it never hurts Diving in head in first. Take a taste of the melting Milky Way. As you blast away to a never ending day And remember to laugh 'cause you're living in a crazy world Where you'll never guess What could happen next. Give the outer limits my best regards As I fly away from Mars...",caring,POSITIVE,0.9985724687576294 2018-05-10 15:24:38,"I need to vent. Idk why people think its necessary for them to give u looks because ur not wearing stupid designer clothes with the latest trends or whatnot. Im comfortable with simple clothes and guys. Why the hell are you attracted to females who spend 70% of their day looking at their mirror applying their 100th fresh lip gloss layer or whatever they call it. I mean y'all guys talk about how beauty isnt with make up and whatnot but when a girl doesn't wear make up you go all ""oh...she looked pretty before"" like duuudee.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9894116520881653 2018-05-10 15:24:57,"I need to vent. ok so this channel has lately been dominated with a bunch of insecure ppl telling us what to do with our virginity. the fact is we should feel free to do what ever we fucking wanna do with it and i get that there r ppl who r against losing it till ur married or whatever and zats cool but can we please just stop talking abt it! its like gotten so boring and this channel is not supposed to be a platform for ur stand on virginity. its suppose to be a place to talk abt actual problems so please ppl MOVE ON!.....tnx",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999271810054779 2018-05-10 16:38:33,"I need to vent. Hey I'm a 18 and I've been dating this guy for almost 2 month know, the funny part is we meet 2 times only and everytime I bring out the meeting and spending time together he will say it's owk and ditch me, his my friends brother and we decide to date by text he is not comfortable of me talking about him to my friends and all we talk a lot I really like him he say he do too but I can't be sure about him he told me about his ex and having Hurd time getting over her he said I shouldn't be too attached and last night wile we were talking I ask him about what he think about and the conversation kinde went to sex talk he said I'm too young for that I'm not a virgin but he said I'm 5 years older than you what if I get arrested I fell like he doesn't like me and he is just bing nice or don't want to hurt my feelings what Should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9957711100578308 2018-05-10 19:47:44,"I need to vent. If u people think love depends on whether or not u r a virgin, how u look, how smart u r, or how rich u r, what family u come from, ur religion, how u act or what u do and require the same things to love the other person... U dont know what love is and u r probably not capable of it anyway, all u can do is take a fancy",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998801589012146 2018-05-10 22:01:05,"I need to vent. I'm gonna write this to u how I can! Hope u understand this is how I feel. I go around looking for problems,When ever I find one I try to solve em,I die n die fixing it all,At the end of the day I'm all alone,I cry and I cry because It hate the pain,Of being alone,Forever in pain,But then I stop,And do it again, Looking for people,Who needed a hand, Give them a shoulder they can cry on , but at the end of the day it's just me in this dry home ,So I cry n cry to numb it all ,All I have suffered with them, Shared their pain, I've held their hands,And been their for them through their scary nights , I wondered would they even remember me if I died?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9955334663391113 2018-05-11 09:44:27,"I need to vent. Hello ppl this my first time venting gn i hope u guys help me out here is the thing my bestfriend ,brother he is getting into trouble because of his friends he is now an addict and he is not coming tp school and when i ask him he tells me everything and he promise me he wont do it again.after afew days he is back .so i don't know what to do plz guys tell me what i should do P.s i am agirl",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9951388835906982 2018-05-11 11:14:37,"I need to vent. Okay, so there is this guy.... His face is to die for. Im not even joking lmao he looks like a prince. I have a crush...... On his face.. Idek him but i looove his face and his height Okay anyway one day my teacher assigned us as partners. Me and him so after school when i went out he came up to me and said hi. He is tall and my voice somehow disappeared when he talked to me. I was outside waiting for the bus. Then when he asked me a question i answered in my supposedly squeaky voice, which mind you is not squeaky at all. I promise but somehow for him it is. So then he couldn't hear me at all. He bent down to hear me again and so i slapped him. I panicked and i hit him. When i realized what i did i ran away. What on earth should i tell him the next time we see each other, im dying here T.T",love,NEGATIVE,0.9988331198692322 2018-05-11 11:15:28,"I need to vent. So I just want to ask the guys and whoever it may concern why do you keep asking girls for pics I mean even to those whom you see everyday and that's not enough. You just started chatting and you ask for pics. Is there any pleasure in saving the Pics or what? It might not be a big deal but it's really annoying sometimes. We don't care to ask as much as you do so what's in it?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992526173591614 2018-05-11 15:20:14,"I need to vent. It always amazes me how women say they want ""the real u"" and ""the truth"" but as soon as they see the truth isn't actually their truth or that the real me is soo unconventional they have trouble wrapping their minds around. .. they scram like a bat out of hell! Exhausting is what it is!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993391633033752 2018-05-11 18:27:57,"I need to vent. I just want u to know, I don't blame you for blocking my number from you're phone and every social media. I know I have fucked up more times than I can count and u have forgiven me each time, u didn't just forgave me that's what so especial about you, u don't just forgive u forget, u don't hold my past fuck ups against me. But I also know you have you're limit of forgiveness and I, I have use my apology cared way too many times so yeah I don't blame you and I don't expect you to forgive me. I'm just using this channel to tell u how sorry I am and how much u mean to me cause I know u read every vent posted here and it's the only way I can get to u now. I am so fucking sorry M I should have listened to you, I should have taken you're side, I should have believed you and have you're back like u always had mine, I'm sorry I was a shitty friend. I know i been too stubborn to tell u, but I appreciate everything u done for me, u where not just a friend u where my therapist, my anchor, my reality check, you, YOU are MY PERSON! So thank you, thank you so so much. PS Cristina to your Meridian.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9964714050292969 2018-05-11 19:38:49,"I need to vent. Why do Ethiopian women hate making love(lol) on the first date, and the Ethiopian guy being afraid of being in a committed relationship?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9982557892799377 2018-05-11 20:14:00,"I need to vent. I have this brother. And every time I told him that I will stay by his side he will be like as a sis or just psychology organizations? What does it mean? I want him to trust me and rely on me but he keeps thinking that I am doing all this not because he is special but I just like giving helpful comments for people in need. I hate the fact that this is our source of argument all the time And u I know u re reading this. Guys please comment and tell ur opinion to him indirectly.please put some sense into him.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9841939806938171 2018-05-11 20:14:17,"I need to vent. Hello guys. Don't know how to start so let's me just jump right to it. Sometimes I hear people telling me things are a sin and I just want to call out bullshit. I mean, from the teachings I got from church, it doesn't seem like something God should care about. And then they say it's in the bible. Fine, sure it's in the bible, but do you understand that this isn't the original scripture from God? They're all interpretations within interpretations. People read something and decide what this really means instead of being accurate as possible. What I'm trying to say is that, what we're learning and quoting, might be vastly different from what was actually said. And I don't know if this is me believing that people are full of utter BS or if this is me being too unfaithful and blasphemous and being too lazy to follow the rules. For example, the whole ""Wife is to follow all her husband's orders."" I'm sorry, but if a husband tells his wife to kill someone, is she supposed to follow that too? And being judgmental. Yes, being gay is wrong, yes, sex before marriage is wrong, but didn't God say that it was not our place to judge people? So why the discrimination and the hateful words? They're still people. People who did nothing to you and people your abusing and that is still wrong. Your punishing a sinner (which again, not your place) by being a sinner yourself? Good luck with that. And also, women needing to cover up from head to toe. I'm pretty sure that was placed there to not ""tempt"" men, but if they're supposed to respect the bible, why should wearing anything a girl wants be a problem? Men are just saying they're to weak and zero will power. And there are many more of these kinds of stuff. But through all this, I still don't know if it's my interpretation of things or just how the world should run. I can't exactly say anything about this now can I? But I believe that if we're good people and respect each other, that's what God really wants, right? Being peaceful, being full of love instead of hate, don't be evil, and things like that? Thoughts anyone?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987363219261169 2018-05-12 08:04:02,"I need to vent. U know something people in this group are a bunch of shit headed pussies....... keeping your selves anonymous, whats z worst that could happen..... some random asshole might text you and u block him...... esti tell me other than that whats the worst that could happen..... absolutely nothing.. and one other thing stop talking about pathetic stuff like how your girl or boyfriend dumped you or how you love your classmate bla bla bla..... its sad like betam asking random people for advise which shows you're a sad pathetic slob with no friends to talk to thats all I have to say",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997828602790833 2018-05-12 08:04:31,"I need to vent. Am sick and tired of never knowing what am feeling. I never know what I want to do or what am feeling towards what am doing I just walk and I walk I never look to either of the side but I just walk. looking back and regretting is my speciality. I don't want to regret anything but I can't help it.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9929793477058411 2018-05-13 06:23:10,"I need to vent. Hello So... 1.What would u do if u knew heaven and hell don't exist? 2.What would u do if u knew God is bored of our prayers and went to another universe for a vacation? Or even worst What if he can see us crying and getting hurt but kept our voice on mute (can't blame him/her we are annoying) 3.What would u do if animals are actually his/her favorites and he/she is intentionally making us suffer (let's be honest we are aren't that adorable creatures as we think) Just random thoughts Didn't mean to offend anyone Have a nice day",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994651675224304 2018-05-13 06:23:58,"I need to vent. What the fuck is happening to you all young people endeeeee stop calling people dump for posting things like relationship or whatever the whole point of this bot is that you get to let off somethings that are eating you up inside n scared to admit it in real life Some of us r hopeless romantics some of us are suicidal some of us are dumb so stop the criticism don't you have anything better to do we get it you are ice cold to put yourselfs in other people's shoes and understand the least you can do is shut up! !!!!!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9990459084510803 2018-05-13 06:26:20,"I need to vent. It's been a very long time since I vented but I just feel it's necessary to do this to get through the day...I am 19 and a university student going to graduate next year, but recently I have been getting depressed and wanting to commit suicide, it's pretty stupid I know but that's what happens when you feel like you don't belong anywhere, am always doubting myself, my friends and how they actually perceive me and mostly my family. I love them but sometimes I just feel like an outsider, like am just an unnecessary burden to people around me and like they only keep me around because they have no choice. I hate feeling like this. Am not a loner am a very socially active person who is happy a lot but when I get sad it goes so far that I don't even realize how bad it is until am thinking of ways to die.. I hate that, I don't want to be that and I hate that most of my tears are caused by my family and that they make me wish I was dead. I just wish I could forgive and forget the things said to me but that is a bit difficult when you've been hearing it since 13. This isn't me not who I want to be...I needed to vent to be able to get through the day.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9956121444702148 2018-05-13 06:29:02,"I need to vent. hi everyone...i feel like i am losing my best friend of almost 9 years ... n i dont know what to do...we are not fighting or anything its just ...and i am freaking out.. we have been there for each other through alot ..she has been nothing but real with me and in this fake world that we live in having a friend like her was nothing but a bliss ..i know i should talk to her and try to sort things out but i am nat sure what we are into nor does she feel the same... to even begin the convo. ...its just ...i dont know may be the thought of losing her feels unbearable ...what do y'all think i should do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971522092819214 2018-05-13 06:29:22,"I need to vent. What is the purpose of going to a funeral? I get that if it's s family or close friend but yeabate yeguadegnaw ehit minamin, what am i even doing there. I obviously dont know the person. People say I should learn to live with society and do things as expected of me but I really don't get it.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9993964433670044 2018-05-13 22:32:34,"I need to vent. I really don't know what to do I got friends and well they saying its karma and ik my besties gonna see this so the thing is I don't data Muslim guys at all never ena I'm in a relationship with someone I love betam it's been like 6months and found out he is and IDK what to do ik it's a big problem gn IDK it's how I was raised‍ Helppp",love,NEGATIVE,0.9945517182350159 2018-05-13 22:37:57,"I need to vent. Baby I miss you so much I wish I could see you feel your touch hear your voice for one last time before i die Hold you close to me and say good bye but My love for you won't let Me say it because its selfish to tell you when My expire date is PS I am so sorry I couldn't hold on any more",desire,POSITIVE,0.897907555103302 2018-05-13 23:10:19,"I need to vent. My thoughts are so ridiculous that I can't even voice it to anyone I know. You see, everything's going great for me. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted. Everything that I've been working on for years is yielding results and yet... I can't shake off this hollow feeling deep in my gut. I keep thinking that everything is about to start crashing and it's about to happen real soon. I've been dealing with depression for years, and I've always been able to pin a reason for at least some of it: ""it's because this is happening, or that isn't."" It's always been something that I can grasp and work on changing. And now that I've done pretty much everything I can and have to an extent succeeded. I just have to wait a little till I can actually grasp it in my hands though. I have everything and yet the depression is still fucking here. This numb hollowed out feeling and the suicidal thoughts are still fucking here. None of this makes sense. What more am I supposed to do? Am I meant to be eternally fucked up? Do I not deserve some happiness after all of it? It's exhausting. And I'm getting tired of pretending I'm ok. I'm tired of my brain trying to come up with reasons to make me feel shitty despite there being nothing. What will it finally take to get this pressure of my chest? What more can I do to fix myself?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963163137435913 2018-05-13 23:14:53,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm in deep deep deep shit or totally fucked so pls hear me out....there is this girl that I love and I am in kind of friend zone right now how can I get out of this pls help I don't want to be late and wait for someone else to take her from me pls help guys and girls",love,NEGATIVE,0.9625597596168518 2018-05-14 07:26:27,"I need to vent. This isn’t a vent. This is a man telling the boys in this group what it means to be a man. Read this when you’re ready to grow up. Respect yourself for fucks sake. Don’t beg for anything. You’re a man. You want something, go and fucking get it for yourself. Don’t smoke. What the fuck is your problem? This is your temple. This is your one gift from God and you’re filling it with hookah smoke and weed? Respect every woman. Did you just call a woman a bitch, oh you called her a hoe? Shut the fuck up. She’s not your slave. She’s not yours to control in any way. She is as powerful as you are in every way. You can fuck every girl in town and be a legend, but she can’t? It’s her life. If you dare call the beauty that is the female anything other than fucking godly, kill yourself. Respect your goals. Have discipline for fucks sake. You said you’d do it? Fucking do it. What the fuck are you waiting for? The fact that you’re not where you want to be in life should be motivation enough. And discipline is so much more attractive than your bullshit tattoos and Snapchat selfies. But the thing is, it’s only attractive to a woman. A real, self respecting, grown ass woman. And that’s what you need anyways.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.6025449633598328 2018-05-14 07:27:59,"I need to vent. Why? I mean I never want you to feel pitty for me nd cry with me or sthg I just wanted a friend who I can share my pain a brother to protect me nd hold me up well u were for a while what is wrong now why are u keepin distance why r u ashamed of being with me I know am a nerd hard to handle nd bad at expressin ma feelings but u can see from ma actions how much I care abt u and love u as if we are from same fam silly me I was about to introduce u to mom but why even I bother when u r ashamed of me u won't pick ma calls or hangup on me when u r around ur dad or sis maybe out of respect but what abt with ur friends so many times I decided to end our friendship but u only opened up to me nd told me ur probs so what if I hurt u what if afterall I meant sthg fo u but till when should I hurt to protect u",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9951143264770508 2018-05-14 08:11:19,"I need to vent. I hate this sh** guys! What more does she want from me? I text her daily, i call her... when i can sometimes we talk for hours gn she wants 2 talk 4 hours every day God! These days i feel like she is becoming a burden 2me. A HUGE one! I don't think i can handle her anymore. Don't get me wrong tho I want her! I really do! It is just that i haven't been myself lately... I have zero focus... I can't read... I can't do shit! Help guys",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997643768787384 2018-05-14 08:12:53,"I need to vent. So this one is for the guys to answer. Let's say u have a thing going on with a girl. Have u ever gotten close.... maybe too close with her girlfriends? Don't u think it's kinda weird? I mean this isn't a one time thing. Let's say one of my girlfriends is involved with a guy. But then I see him drift to another one of the girls in the group and they get so close that it's hurting the first girl. Guys, why DO u do it?? Please be honest, especially those who've found themselves in the same dilemma. I was the one getting hurt. But then about a year later i found my self being the girl hurting my friend slezi I told her guy who also happens to be a great friend of the whole group and ALSO who's going to be in my class for the next year to basically go screw himself, & we've been ignoring each other for the past two weeks. No one has noticed yet but when they do its going to be really awkward. I can't tell her it's cuz I didn't want to be that girl who might be flirting with her boyfriend but there was no other way to get him off my back. It sucks he was a great friend, why'd he have to go ahead and try to sweet talk his girlfriend's best friend? So guys, really. Why do u do this?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983762502670288 2018-05-14 08:13:57,"I need to vent. Hi, I'm a normal teenage girl but I have this problem. I have trouble getting close to guys cuz I feel so anxious around them. I really want to get along with guys and even have a best friend but my anxiety towards them is holding me back. sometimes I think it's ok cuz I still have amazing girl friends but mostly I just want to get over it and have a change in my life.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.8072405457496643 2018-05-14 08:14:10,"I need to vent. It's so sad how the people you once trusted change, the people you thought that cared about you are is just full of fake people.....their are some real people but, it's so hard to find them. Like so damn hard! Just felt like letting that out!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991451501846313 2018-05-14 08:15:00,"I need to vent. Hey guys I've vented a lot before but I really need help on this one U see there's this girl right I liked her in the past I still kinda do but I know that I'll hurt her in the end and she won't be ready for that and I know it will tear her apart and I'm really tryna avoid that I tried just to stay silent and avoid her but she keeps messaging me and I feel bad so pls tell me a way to let her off gently with minimal damage",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979754090309143 2018-05-14 08:16:24,"I need to vent. So this is l. Last time I vented about all your ideas being stupid.I have some opinion to state. So what i want to say is every opinion we have is relative. As long as it comes from us and our experiance, it's relative. Their is nothing exact or truth to it( if its truth then it's our truth, it might not be somebody else's truth). As humans when we do some action, that action can get reinforced or be followed by a punishment so we don't repeat that behaviour. So it depends on our society,our environment And ourselves to determine the outcome‍‍( mind u! That is not an excuse to blame those things, since eventually we do have brain).So why are we judging and conceding ourselves? Why?. Tomorrow we might end up in the same situation as the people we laughed at.who knows rt? Nobody can tell the future‍! So why do we judge and laugh and joke as if it doesn't matter? What happened to mercy? What happened to good values? What happened to humanity?. We are all the same just with different experiance, environment and circumstances‍. Shouldn't we value each other and extend a helping hand instead of laughing and judging? STOP THE JUDGING AND DO THE HELPING. IF U CAN'T THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSSINESS",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991672039031982 2018-05-14 08:21:43,"I need to vent. hey there I just wanna ask some advice from you guys nothing special its just because am confused we used to chat a lot n phone call also and he ask me to meet and I say ok we meet and he used to say that he will kiss me when we first meet but he didn't.m not saying he was bad but so friendly and gentle.and what is that?is that mean maybe he didn't like my appearance or what can it be",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.5074478387832642 2018-05-14 08:23:41,"I need to vent. Not understanding who you are,who you want to be, not having a god damn clue is a bitch aint it. And then there's the people around, with their bullshit parameters to define you. Thinking some smart things to say for z first ventgod this feels girly sorry this isn't some sob story or suicidal note y'all crave to read. Shit like this makes you feel better huhits okay, makes me feel good about myself too. Man, people do have some deep shit problems. Does sharing help? I myself prefer internalizing my problems. But am here trying new things to better my consciousness. So yea!",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9741824269294739 2018-05-14 08:24:58,"I need to vent. I think this is my 4th time venting here. I have been depressed for almost 2 years now. It didnt start as something really bad. First i started hating myself, then i started complaining, then i started crying, then i started to hate life, then i started to have my education fucked up, then i stared to want to die. One part of my depression is insecurity. I remember being insecure since i was a little kid. I remember always wishing to look like or be someone else, someone who looked better than i was, had better hair and all. I know 2 years isnt much, but being stuck in this shithole, it feels like a lifetime. A lot of people may think depression and being suicidal are for drama queens and so did i before i was depressed but it seriously is an illness that is very hard to fight. The depression and all was okay with me (not so okay but at least it didnt mess with my plans to being a better person) before i got in deeper. Now it gives me thoughts i don't wanna have just staying in the class listening to what the teacher says. I never do my homeworks cause i get lost in my mind at some point. I really hate myself and i hate how everything works. I am too scared to actually do it but i have suicidal thoughts every day. Even thinking of it makes me near tears. I dont want to disappoint anyone by dying but what less am i doing staying alive? I dont think i won't have a future i can be proud of, especially when i get zero in every homework and tests. Writing this in a channel where strangers read ur problems isnt gonna help me but no one is there to listen to what i have to say so, yeah. Thanks for taking ur time to read this and if there is anyone who went through this and made it out, please tell me how.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974896907806396 2018-05-14 08:28:06,"I need to vent. Hey first time in here So its complicated I mean like life have been hard lately even for my parents and am so depressed am cutting class minamin . And I don't even know why i am depressed I thought it's because I like a girl which my best friend was dating And i know she likes me too but she is best friend too and I don't wanna date her i just wanna forget about it because I don't wanna blow it . And disappoint my friend And the stupidest thing is i get jealous when i see her with other guys even tho i know they are just her friends",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9978925585746765 2018-05-14 08:32:13,"I need to vent. Hey guys... here goes my vent. I have a very religious family. My mom and my dad are so religious so they pushed it on all of us(me and my siblings). So we were devoted for our parents sake but now we all love it now. And I love my religion as well but the problem is I cant seem to really stop sinnig. I restrained myself from doing stuff bc they were prohibited on the bible but i loved doing them and i couldnt seem to hate them. I started making up theories and questioning my religion. Thats when i wanted to change my self in to becoming religious person. So to make my self see my problem im doing all the stuff i loved doing but struggled to stop for the sake of my religion so i can discover myself. So what Im asking is that do u think its a good idea to go all self descovery and stuff? Thank u in advance.",love,POSITIVE,0.9136896729469299 2018-05-14 13:15:54,"I need to vent. Okay so this is not a vent, it's a question for the guys here....I am a girl and I would like to know what makes you really happy in a relationship or like what makes them feel loved if a girl does it for you? Especially I want to know those little things if u know what I mean....Just write on your perspectives.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9663121700286865 2018-05-14 13:18:46,"I need to vent. Im in love with a girl she loves me too but every time im with her it fells like im screwing everything is it normal to fell like this",love,NEGATIVE,0.9997615218162537 2018-05-14 13:20:21,"I need to vent. Fuck doctors...n...fuck med students...U think ur going to save life actually confused people who HV money get treated ....and ....who don't hv die...Y?look on the street child,mother,father,patient begging for money to save so sick of u duck's...u think ur life saver....u know wt ur not.....ur money saver ....beside u don't even think of them Y?why don't u help them if ur a real life saver do it for them not for the money",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994699358940125 2018-05-14 22:50:42,"I need to vent. Hi everyone. I am cold, i really show no emotion to anyone except me. I mean the whole nine yards, I've never confided in anyone except me for the last close to 27 yrs of my existence. I've thought about it and somewhat traced it to the way i was raised. All males except mom and no exchange of emotions including my mother (don't get me wrong i really love them).Now i am clearly seeing that it is late and out of hand, coupled with anxiety from it and really low self esteem i have accepted that i will die alone. If you met me in real life u would never guess i feel like this, i am a tiny bit sociable and somehow not bad looking. When i try to bond with people i always find myself doing the usual dance of getting very acquainted and then boom i get to the wall, which means the end. It really is frustrating, but i really tried and accepted my fate. It has led me to some irresponsible & bad decisions because it is difficult to see the point.(sometimes i think i had blocked the chance if someone amazing from being born, who actuality could contribute to the society & i am just a waste of resources) Sorry for the rant i just wanted to get it off my chest.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9941831231117249 2018-05-14 22:51:14,"I need to vent. hey it's ma first time venting nd here it is ma problem I'm grade 11 ena I hv bal mnamn bzw he is ma first malete kezi befit relation stuff wist alnbrkum ena iexpect things to be perfect like endidewlelegn/most of the time I call u told me he love me gin I dont trust him coz ikw there are some chicks betam yemikerbachew ena they love him betam and when he talk about his ex.he be like makolameting and she wsso amazing mnamn malet bicha he kws am jealousy type beza lay awko endemiyaregewm i kw bicha liftaw weys mn largew i dnt kw what to do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9952927827835083 2018-05-16 10:21:04,"I need to vent. Hello, I'm a 3rd year Medical student from St. Paul's millinium medical college, I also have some friends at Black-Lion Medical school; from this 3 years of experience I see that almost 50% of St Paul's are drug addicts and almost 80% of Black-Lions are addicts too. What confuses me the most is that the drug users are the best performers in medical school. I've never tried any Drug/Stimulant except coffee which I often use to stay awake. MED studs can you share the drug environment in your Colleges ? also your experiences with drugs if you've ever used one",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9478974342346191 2018-05-16 10:21:34,"I need to vent. Hi, So In this past two years i'v been rly feeling depressed when i start thinking about my future and what my life is headed. I joined the University but i dont have a plan for my life i dont have that drive which i see most of the people around me have,i fear that i will not succeced in life and make my family proud. I worry that i will stay at home and be unproductive and be a burden to my family. I want to find a passion and be successfully in something where i could earn enough to support myself and help out my family. 5 years from now i see myself still living with family and being just a burden to them.",nervousness,POSITIVE,0.6145435571670532 2018-05-16 10:22:35,"I need to vent. Hi everyone so I'm like always depressed n most of de time when I don't have school n when I'm home I feel so low and I get this weird feeling n I'm G 11 n I know I'm still young gn bezu gize I wanna die like really bad so do u know any medication or things to do while I'm alone and home and I don't want to not like myself pllsssss just help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984292387962341 2018-05-16 10:24:21,"I need to vent. Fucking waste of time .... what the fuck does he want from me ... I try to be the girl he wants ... I went out of my zone for him .. did things I never thought I would ever do ... tryin to look perfect .. tryin to act perfect ... trying to satisfy him ... but for some reason I don't knw... n won't understand even if I knew....his mood just swings in a snap. Dude wat is wrong wiz u ... we'll I've handled it well for 2 years ahun ezi derisive ayakitegnim .. gin my patience is ending .. ende aren't girls the ones who r giving boys a hard time .... this is total change of character. .. sorry bae but u're such a princess",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981036186218262 2018-05-16 10:24:56,"I need to vent. He gave me life ,he was there for me through every obstacle,he dried up my tears,he gave me something to live for,he believed in me,he gave me a tons of chances and here I am disappointing him letting him down once again maybe it's because I got used to the idea he will always have my back ....I'm sorry for all the things I did,I'm sorry that I've been distant, im sorry for being what I always am,a fucking disappointment I'm sorry for cussing I'm sorry God P.s your disappointing daughter",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993442893028259 2018-05-16 10:26:24,"I need to vent. We would be doing some good if we paired up all the guys and girls who vent here about how they gave up on love because some girl or guy broke their heart.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9912428855895996 2018-05-16 12:23:05,"I need to vent. Once and for all Most of us are tired about hearing you rant about your personal lives. You fuxed his best friend and now you regert it? Yet you're telling half the world about it with vivid details. Have you thought maybe you should try to take responsibility for your shitty values and make things right instead of raving about it on social media. We all love to take responsibility for success and happiness. Hell, we often fight over who gets to be responsible for success and happiness. But taking responsibility for our problems is far more important, because that’s where the real learning comes from. That’s where the real-life improvement comes from. Sitting down and crying won't do you much. Toughen up, it's not all butterflies and rainbows. Matter of fact it never was.",caring,POSITIVE,0.5510032773017883 2018-05-17 22:41:32,"I need to vent. Hello there, it is my first time to vent there. Well the thing is that I am not being myself these days... Whenever big things comes to me like something that can change someone's life completely in a good way I just throw it away and feel regretful afterwards. But the strangest thing about me is that I keep telling myself that it is all for good but it doesn't seems like. I am not like that before whenever a good things or chances came to me I run for it even if it is small it just me feel happy just because I challenge myself for that, but nowadays I don't even know what is doing on around me. I am a person who is clearly unable to express my feelings in words but if you understand me and these problem or may I say fear to challenge myself.... Please help me to get though this.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9873830676078796 2018-05-18 20:10:12,"I need to vent. I never expected to learn anything in this channel when I joined ...but I really got see different perspectives on different matters in this channel that were just amazing so thanks guys.... some of you are just whining about crushes and all that shit im not talking to you ....but still great minds out here",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9969158172607422 2018-05-18 20:10:36,"I need to vent. Hey everyone..i just want ur suggestions on what am abt to tell u now.. am a girl ndu see i hv this best friend we have been friends for almost 3 years now..nd since like a 2 month ago she started distancing herself from me nd other friends that i knew she had nd the last time i asked her..she said its cause she is tired nd she want to meet now people mnamn. Nd i think its not that easy to throw that years of do u think she not telling me exactly why she is like this? Nd what do u guys think i should do? ...cause i dont really want to lost a good friend",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985839128494263 2018-05-18 20:13:06,"I need to vent. Hey guys hope all of u are doing well So There is a guy whom I really love. I can't tell If he feels the same(He knew about my feelings after some incident) . The problem is, He is so mysterious.He always keep his feelings bottled up. Even though I'm his friend, I don't really know much private details about him. I know he has his problems and issues but he never opens up. I really want to help him but I just don't know how. Sometimes I feel like he purposely tries to distance me and when I turn cold he is like' u r changed '... I'm so confused... Anyways I really want to stay by his side and support him(Its OK even if he doesn't love me). So tell me what should I do to make him open to me? I would literally do anything for him guys. Help a sister out. Thanks for ur time.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9898534417152405 2018-05-18 20:14:14,"I need to vent. I need to vent soo I dont know why but I can't seem to fall in love this days it has been a while now, i have been in love befor Im not like a cold hearted girl or something I was so close to that amazing feeling all it took me was a simple kindness and a good smile from a person to be all head over emotionally attached and I haven't also went through a rough break up with a broken heart I have a 100% fresh heart....and I'm meeting this amazing and flawless guys but I just can't feel that wavy, tingly feeling that sweeps you off your feet and cloud your judgments and I see you all here compiling about loving some one and not being loved back please people enjoy this feeling while you can!!",love,POSITIVE,0.9995253086090088 2018-05-18 20:15:11,"I need to vent. Here is my vent... I am a 4th year medical student...i am not that much concerned on my studies I love medicen but not a person who studies day and night. I am a type of person that can live with all kind of ppl. I care too much for ppl I mean I read every feeling of them and related to me. Everytime my frnds feel sad I thought its beacause of me and start to worry. I cant eat alone...I can't sit alone in class totally when I perform things bichayen I feel like I have no one so I start to cry expectation from my frnds is so high. I expect all of them to be like me. I want them to see me when I am sad...I want them to say whats wrong? When my face changed...bicha am kind of depandent in medical school demo all of them wants to mashenef their life no one can care as much as I expect. So can u tell me how can I hook up with this shit? Thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974473714828491 2018-05-18 20:20:11,"I need to vent. i don't like my mother that normal?...she annoys the hell out if me ..and i am nat even in my teenage years anymore... ...i cant talk to her and level w her..she is not rational at all.. i dont know i don't feel that unconditional love rather i feel like we are strangers ...does anyone go thru something like this?!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9980216026306152 2018-05-18 20:20:43,"I need to vent. Okayy so I'm..well I'm me..and I have a great life malet im happy with this really gerami bf minamin..and I want to talk to him hulem alea beka limd new..but I'm so bad at telling him how I feel like kum neger sinawera he asks me if I'm okay and i just don't know what to say ena it's always like ""alakim"" or ""yea I'm fine neger"" ena he feels like I'm pushing him away..but I'm nottt...min abate largew?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.991975724697113 2018-05-18 20:21:42,"I need to vent. Enkilfam sew taqaleh, Uni-ye? Beyebotaw miyankelafa. Beteley latena sel. Beka wiz-wiz adirgo yitilegnal fetena kale. 1, hulet gize ezaw fetena wist wedikiyalew. Faint yareku mesluachew sichohu tefetagnoch'u new dengiche yebanenkut. Be tena new gen yihe? Hakim bet derishe men lilachew new? yemin hakim ga lihid? ~Yihe edil ena medrek siletesetegn hasaben ena chinketen siladametikilign betam AMESEGINIHALEHU, Unihorse_ye!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998036801815033 2018-05-18 21:07:36,"I need to vent. Hey guys. So I'm starting to really believe adults and adulthood is full of shit. No one knows what they're doing. I'm at the brink of joining them legally and it was all rainbows and roses until you really think of it. Follow your dreams, they said. Strive for what you want, theh said. But what is my interests and hobbies don't line up to my future? The future as in the one planned for me by them, by society, by money. I want to do too many things but the amount of choices cripples me. Because at the same time I have none. I want nothing more than to give up this worldly attachment and just discover the world but I can't do that. It terrifies me to think I'll occupy this small corner of my world, this small place I was born and raised in. Be it physically or mentally. It cripples me and I feel claustrophobic. And I think a lot of you feel at least in some part the way I do. But maybe it has been long unaddressed. A lot of you are bothered by relationships and your studies but sometimes don't u want your curiosity to take ahold of you? Your passions to get off the back burner? Because I do. And it sucks because that just makes me stuck in the loop forever. They say ignorance is bliss. They're right. P.S. Please don't say there are people with worse problems. I'm not comparing myself and neither should you. I just wanted to put in words how I feel.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9967955946922302 2018-05-18 21:17:26,"I need to vent. Always pretending to be content, trying not to loose the love and acceptance i've gotten, trying to cherish every little happy moment cause it feels like everything else i have right now is as temporary. Mad cause i cant complain, its just am not allowed to. Tired of the consuming thoughts in my head when ever i am alone. Feeling like i want new people new place for a change but really what i want to change is myself. Never attaching to anyone or even socializing just to make myself feel better about not being wanted. Always turning down the chances i get to show people the true me. Choosing to live in the dull comfort zone but in constant trial to come out of it and destroy it, cause if its still there i will choose to run all the distance back to it than to take a step forward.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9939026832580566 2018-05-19 00:29:16,"I need to vent. Have you ever thought about being empty in life? Not sad not happy just empty. Happiness is temporary that i learned myself. Sometimes i feel like my mind is just gone. Im a good liar. Not for the bad cause but to hide how i feel. When u look at me you will see a 17 year old girl who is happy with her life. But im not deep inside i wajt something but i dont know what it is. I feel dead inside. I domt have the freedom to do anything in my life, its all expectation this expectation that. I think of killing myself but i cant do it. I tried trust me, then i think of running away but then where would i go? I have no one. Every person i meet tells me and makes me believethat they will stay by my side but then again they end up leaving me. I domt know if its God's doing. Saying that i should be by myself and lonely or if he is trying to protect me. But honestly all its doing is killing me. Everyone is leaving my side and soon its like i never existed for them. I dont know what I should do.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9951736330986023 2018-05-19 18:13:57,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hey every one.I don know how to start i hv been in long term r/ship.i loved her asif....and then we broke up she hurts me a lot.after that it takes time to get over it n i did.but after that am nt the same person lik befor.i think am attractive many grls came to meh but i cant take dem in to ma life i cant even talk wz them more dan a week even if i had some best friends and 2 of them told me they hv another feelin fo meh but i cant uffff i don know wat to do please i need some advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946222305297852 2018-05-20 22:20:28,"I need to vent. I just wanted to say I feel lonely I have friends family but still I feel lonely I feel like my life is just a life a life that wouldn't matter if I lived or not I just don't know what to do anymore I feel like killing my friends and ignoring my family I need help man",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963085055351257 2018-05-20 22:20:52,"I need to vent. I know this vent will offend some of you guys but I really wanna know what makes you so proud as an Ethiopian. Because I’m really having a hard time on finding good things about our country. Yes I’m an Ethiopian and I’m living here since the day I was born. But I couldn’t find something to be proud of. Let’s cut the crap of us being brave. Because it doesn’t bring us food or shelter by bragging about it. We’re living in a society where most us are illiterate, stubborn, supremacist. Our society is so jealous, weregna, we have a system that’s crap, we’re full of lazy ppl, ignorant leaders. I don’t have a place for those of you who are going to post mean and silly things. But I’m open for those of you who have a valid reason to be proud. I’m here to learn.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9840335845947266 2018-05-20 22:23:04,"I need to vent. I never thought I would think about killing someone not even in my worst dreams but I think it has to happen and I think there's no turning back. I haven't been this serious in my life and that's what I wanted to vent about. I was such an awesome person but I won't blame it on anyone its all my fault. The f×××ed up part in all this is that I could've prevented this situation from the beginning. I was high last night and I swear I prayed to God from my heart I haven't prayed in ages I don't even believe in God. I don't want you guys to talk me out of it or anything I already got the knife and gloves. This is so f***ed and I didn't know who else to tell that's. why I'm venting. Thanks for reading.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9127264618873596 2018-05-20 22:24:31,"I need to vent. Few months ago i was on top of the world i had good job great friends happy life i don't know i can shortly say i had everything but now my work got fall down so i had to stop wiz lots of ""edas""i lost all my friends i am not the cheer full girl i was before i am not saying i am depressed or that i am going to kill my self and stuff but i don't know i feel like i did something wrong so wrong that even God dont want to look at me no more i want to fight i want to tell my self there are good days coming but i am just losing hope i am fading away small by small .i am writing this coz i believe there are people in this group with good advice no matter what age anyone who is kind enough to advice me you are welcome thank you has been set as the name used for your actions in Vent Here.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9961845278739929 2018-05-20 22:25:52,"I need to vent. Is there anything killing than attending weeding of ... a girl u love morethan life it of ur life .... i am there now.... i feel like i am in dream ... i feel drunk with out sip of drink.. why did i come becuse her family is family friend and she is girl next door .... if i miss it her father nd mom kill me.... i think waterboarding will be less painful and humane",love,NEGATIVE,0.9784507751464844 2018-05-23 16:20:52,"I need to vent. This is not some hormony teenage crush thing...... I really need help.....i hurt this amazing guy.....the love of my life actually. ...the kinda guy that shouldn't get away.... didn't mean to but it happened. ....i tried apologizing but its not something tht goes away with apology. ....i reallly luv this guy and he wants to work on us and so do i but he doesn't trust me anymore and he doesn't think am being sincere. ..... guys help me how to show him how sincere i am...literally anything could help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988974332809448 2018-05-23 16:20:54,"I need to vent. This is not a vent As an Ethiopian am really worried about the youngsters of our country using weed, now a days it’s common to get high 6 days in a week and i know that because i have friends who use. Am i the only one worried about this",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9979155659675598 2018-05-23 16:21:46,"I need to vent. For z person who is not proud of Ethiopia ........I am pissed b/c u r confuse by say u r not proud of Ethiopia. Sorry but where is ur place in this all thing.u and all of us living her right ...? Before u judge what do u do for this country u just sit there and look were it is going . U didn't like it from where u r seeing it so you judge with out asking why?. Why? Why they r doing such a thing .I don't nw abt u but everyone have a reason so don't judge. Who puts u in that position of judgment .and people plz don't judge people and don't think I am better then u guys I may be worst but before u judge put ur self in there shoe may be u will understand. Z point in this all thing so Ethiopian is z begging of everything .civilization cames from as but nw a day we r not but have hope it will be things will change. But before we change z people and others we have to change our self first okay out and hope u guys r not bored sorry tho",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9967430233955383 2018-05-23 16:22:22,"I need to vent. Hi i wanna share this with you guys becouse its really affecting my life.i got this bad behavior i dont kw how to get read of it every time i try i fail.since i was a kid i tend to be a Yes person.and now its realy affecting my life i cant say no for any thing. This is really happening i am not over exadurating it or any thing but i really cant say No to any thing that any one ask me. I dont kw how to fix me when i was a kid it wasnt that bad but now am 22 and the past 3 years have been very difficult to live with this behavior.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9806826114654541 2018-05-23 16:22:55,"I need to vent. I just wanna say am sorry .... I've said it too much that it has lost its worth but honey am sorry 4 making u feel like u were never no.1 in my life ... am sorry to have made u wait all the time ... am sorry I took ur smile that u had thinking about us.... am sorry I made u cold n blamed u 4 it ... am sorry I never gave u time as much as I could.. am sorry I fucked us up .. am sorry am always saying sorry",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9994663596153259 2018-05-23 16:23:09,"I need to vent. He doesn't fight crime or wear a cape He doesn't read minds or levitate But every time my world needs saving, he's my superman Some folks don't believe in heroes 'cause they haven't met my dad You could say he's a man of few words, but he talks a lot within And even though I'm a little taller, I still look up to him He taught me to drive, and to fight, and to dream When he looks in my eyes I hope he can see That my dad's a hero to me Rust-ridden fenders, and doors full of dings Somehow he can fix about anything I didn't think he knew how to cry till his mother died that year He doesn't always say I love you, but I can hear him loud and clear My dad's a hero to me!",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9958449006080627 2018-05-23 16:23:13,"I need to vent. Why does my Mama hates me so much n wishes the worst for me? Am i that bad??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993898868560791 2018-05-23 16:24:13,"I need to vent. Hey I believe love is the most important thing in the world finding same one in ur life that is the time begin to live a good life in my mind what I need to say is I love same one for 5 year she don't give a fuck about me she do need to but me all I she is her when I see same thing spacial thing I used to get her being such kind and some be good for the girl she do need you is this right I can't forget her please sisters and brothers do something please",love,POSITIVE,0.9979314804077148 2018-05-23 16:24:37,"I need to vent. WHAT IS THIS NEW SHIT IM HEARING ABOUT "" KIDMIYA LE SETOCH YE TAXI SELF LAY""!!! I get pregnant women I get women with kids I can also get women with sexy curves that get special treatment but fucking setoch in general kidmiya yisetachew alsemam they fought for equality so they'll fucking wait in line proud n equally with men",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9928379654884338 2018-05-23 16:24:58,"I need to vent. Are we all lost?we must be i mean trying to get comfort in eight thousand strangers. so here goes. I'm a girl in my 20's and i dont know what i'm looking for but i'm trying to feel this void in my heart with just about any distraction. This time it is meeting strangers i met online,infact i've went on 4 dates just in the past week(some i met on this channel) but it always ends the same way grab a coffee,chit chat a little,they try to take it to the next level on the second date(hook up),i decline....and i end up feeling even more emptier...i dont even know what am doing right now. Is it healthy?please share if you can relate",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.993573009967804 2018-05-23 16:26:15,"I need to vent. Well from what I've readed y'all are hype with so many kinds of shits but ma vent is Why am i numb I mean i aint feeling this days Does anyone share the same situation here",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994227886199951 2018-05-23 16:27:05,"I need to vent. As the war between light and darkness continues Heroes and villains become harder to identify Kindred spirits separated at birth Fighting for their place in time to be solidified The clock ticks faster and faster While time runs a marathon in this Babylon But see, the end is only the beginning The beginning of the calm before the storm Creation needs a devil, the devil needs an advocate As the mask of deception falls off the face of humanity Unveiling the grim reality of our duality In which everyone is a casualty, no one will be exempt Truth has many shades wonIt's not a matter of black and white, but gray Although many, we are one, so in the final analysis Could it be that we are fighting a war that can't be ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958042502403259 2018-05-23 16:27:53,"I need to vent. So i was wondering, what does it mean to be selfish? Is it our nature, or can we change? If so how many selfless deeds does it take to truly be selfless?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987450838088989 2018-05-23 20:10:01,"I need to vent. I've been thru a lot and by a lot i mean a lot kid could handle when im posting for y'all to stay bright no matter what happens i really mean it i mean like every feels numb and sensless and feel avoided just keep a smile on yo face .all this is coming from a guy who commented saying u dont know what life is like and stuff bruh don't be so quick to judge",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9955884218215942 2018-05-23 20:44:44,"I need to vent. Everybody goes through shit...divorce love brake up isolation depression...all of us at some point in our lives encounter it...its not Bc ur special its not about deserving it... ur struggle might seem harder than others...think for a sec u don't know shit about that person stop complainin.. .start changing...stop making excuses",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990135431289673 2018-05-23 20:45:06,"I need to vent. But I know better. I know about your rough edges and I have seen your perfect curves. That's why I been fighting for u till the moment. I thought u got me, Isnt that what u said to me 'I got U love' while I was crying for life. Those moments were ur perfect curves, I fought because ur big heart outshined the doom u casted over me, I fought coz 'I got U too'. All those 143's meant so much to me part of the reason why i run to the heels btw... I wanted to c if u wud fight for me, I wanted to know those couple of days u disappeared won't happen again... I tasted ur loss on those raw days, expiriancing it made me run through a glass door and I imagined what wud happen if I felt ur breath as u whispered ur 143's, if ur arms held me wen u made those silly faces, if I felt u wen u worshipped my name, then u leave me... That moment I wud have walked through a running motion. I screwed up some how, but I came back tho... Still here, am still ur epic love. We r still the exception in these world yet this is the closer we have been u r millions of years away.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9896847009658813 2018-05-23 21:43:57,"I need to vent. You came You lingered for a while Finally you saw something interesting and got in. Only for a while. But then all of a sudden, no excuses or reasons you just left, Just like that. No replies or explanation. You just left with nothing but a confusing ""sorry"" It's always like this they always leave, they always get bored But maybe I thought just for a tiny fraction of time, that maybe you'd be a bit different and stay longer than the rest of them. But actually left even quicker. And my trust ones again gets a piece shredded off of it. Dimming it onto non existence, Shame green, shame.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994868040084839 2018-05-23 21:47:49,"I need to vent. I'm mad yo. I'm really mad. Friends of mine are venting things to me that just lacks logical thinking. Why why oh why are people always looking for the worst case scenario? Malet saynor erasu felfilew yametalu. And they inevitably ruin the friendship. Beka siyastela. Balhone neger metalat min yilutal wiyyy‍‍‍",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997110962867737 2018-05-24 14:33:06,"I need to vent. Tl:dr I'm sick, depressed and want to die. I just needed a place to silently scream at the top of my lungs. I don't really know where to turn anymore, so I guess I'll vent here. I struggle asking for help from the people in my life, because I don't want them to know how much I hurt. I just got so much pent up tears and pain, that I don't know how to let out. It feels like a scream is always stuck in my chest, but I can never let it show. I've been sick for so long now, I don't even know how it feels to be ok anymore. Sick in the body, and sick in the mind. So I wore a mask, carrying on even tho it hurts. Now it's cracking up, and my broken mind is starting to show through. I tried to ask for help, but no one answers. No one answers the phone, my doctor is too busy, and the youth senter is always full. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs until I run out of air. I wish I didn't want to die. I don't even know why I wrote this, I guess I just needed to get it out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985472559928894 2018-05-24 17:57:15,"I need to vent. I thought I gave up my virginity to my first love (we only did it once n broke up) but then a year later I met this guy online and we connected (we had too much chemistry) and the third time we met we did it but then I bled like a virgin. I don't understand how. He treated me so well but I felt like a whore. And it doesn't look like he likes me like a girlfriend. Now he asked me to come over and finish what we started. I don't know what he really thinks and feels about me but that made me feel like a whore. I wanna hear girls perspectives and guys help me get in his head. Thanks in advance.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9962210655212402 2018-05-24 17:57:27,"I need to vent. Why I'm I so done with relationship stuff? It's been too long and still I'm not minding! I'm i turning old? Is somebody there who feels the same way?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984388947486877 2018-05-25 14:12:52,"I need to vent. Am i a psychopath?????? For the past 8 months, i had a sincere crush on a girl and my bestfriend was her intimate boyfriend. But know i am astray , estranged. Partly to what i said to her but more importantly the role which her arche nemesis played in using me as an escapegoat for his contrived and diabolical plot. I played the role which he set me up to since i thought that i can be the badguy and move on. But my actions had a ripple effect and i got estranged with almost everyone whom i was acquainted with. But conversely, i feel rejuvenated and ever alife. I am happy off the outcome. I can totaly exist without a parade. It feels so good to be me again, incontrol of myself. Am i a psychopath, Who simply forgets his bestfriends and emotions like a wet dream. I wanna have an indepth discussion via ur comments. I promise to answer all of them.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9812803864479065 2018-06-01 12:31:54,"I need to vent. Hey there guys I'm kind of confused and I need your advice I have this guy friend he is really nice, smart minamin Stuff we met a few months ago we became really good friends ena things were going smoothly but one time he tried to kiss me but I refused because I really value our friendship and I just haven't thought of him as something more than friends gin I like him and I just don't want to lose him every since then things are not like they used to he avoids me and stuff I don't want to lose him since he is a nice guy gin am not sure what to do about it what should I do???? please help me guys",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.7847797274589539 2018-06-01 12:31:55,"I need to vent. Hey everyone um really confused n i think i need some advice or stg zer is zis guy who used 2 be ma bff n suddenly everything changes n we became zis cute couples things were more zan great for the 1st 2 months n zen we start arguing alot on our 5th month anniversary he told me i should give up on him n zat seems like our last after zat we didnt talk for the next 6 months n zen he calls me out of the blue n says he missed me mnamn neger n zen we started again but things couldn't get better we argue like every time we talk.i can say i hv tried alot but ntn changes n zen he says we better just be bffs we r important for each other so we dont hv to loose each other blah blah blah i dont know wt um suppose to do i mean he istrying to be nice but i dont want him as my bff but as ma bf n i become annoyed easily by zis shit idk wt to do um really c ok nfused wt should i do?n pls bi shitty comments",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9980230331420898 2018-06-01 12:32:33,"I need to vent. Ok... this concerns for all of you who have vented in this channel before. Does the comment actually help? Most of the time, all i read is a joke (some are real funny btw) or insults. But if there is anyone out there whose life got changed for the better because he/she vented here. Speak up!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9950423240661621 2018-06-02 14:07:08,"I need to vent. Can anyone tell me how to forget someone please? I’m struggling to forget my ex and it’s really affecting my life negatively. I’m not doing my job well, I’m not socially active like I used to do. Please share your experience. On of those can help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9378467798233032 2018-06-02 14:08:01,"I need to vent. I am not here to vent but to ask a question. I have been closely following vents being posted here and most of them are about depression and suicidal tendencies. I want to take the initiative to try and tackle this issue. So I am asking those who are depressed and suicidal, how are you trying to self medicate? Is it drugs, alcohol, seeing a professional, only venting, keeping it a secret from everyone? and how is it working for you? Have you tried to look for a professional? Was it easily available to you or not? if not...why? Is it expensive? Unavailable? Are you ashamed? Etc.... Please comment your answers. and let me know if you want to talk ..I'll reveal my identity",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983704686164856 2018-06-02 14:09:03,"I need to vent. Like a week back I posted a silly meme on instagram about taking it to the next level with a friend( it was a random post, didn't really mean anything by it).But a few friends hit me back up saying how relieved they were that I finally had the balls to ask her out and the funny thing was they all referring to the same person. Obviously I denied it saying it's just a stupid post but now that I think about it there might have been some truth to what they said. Although the friend in question and I aren't actually that good of friends we still joke around and flirt in class like I do with most people. Plus we keep in touch but that's not hard to do when you're in the same class in college. I honestly have never thought about all this until just my question is, is the person we're supposed to be with already in our circle? Our friends, classmates, people we say hi to in the hall... Do we subconsciously surround ourselves with the people we need and they are just oblivious to us but so apparent to others? Just something to think about",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9947388768196106 2018-06-03 07:33:39,"I need to vent. hey, i want to steer the conversation in to something a bit serious, i travel around the country a lot because of my job and one out of two travels i see a horrific car crash that leaves me with the thought that this is an issue that isnt really discussed with the magnitude it so desreves if ur a driver please do evrything within the realm of ur human ability to avoid z loss of life in ur hands and if ur a pedestrian please remind ur selves that at anymoment anything is possible and stay alert if ur a traveller plz dnt b ashamed to say drop me off if u dnt find neither z speed nor z car condition compatible with what the road needs fetari yetebken",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9793181419372559 2018-06-03 19:51:58,"I need to vent. Right now I just finished writing a goodbye letter. I don't know if I'm gonna do it or even how to do it but I feel like i made a step closer to my final rode. But I hope I get the courage and finally escape. I know I'm stupid, I know I will pororbaly regret it when I'm letting out my last breath, I know I might end up in hell and I know I'm gonna hurt lotta ppl. But right now I can't see anything, I'm blinded by my own pain to feel someone's else feeling. And do you know what the funny part is, I don't even know the answer to thee ""Why ?"" I want to break stuff, I want to scream and shout but I can't. My hands are tied up by God knows what. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Maybe I want to hear all those ""don't give up"", ""you're strong, it will pass"", ""pray."" ,""have faith."" And the famous ""everything happens for a reason."" I'm sorry I'm rpoabably wasting your mind and I might sound like a bitch right now but I don't know what to Do. I hate that I'm this weak. But I tried I really did. Plz tell me that I'm stupid, tell me that I am being unfair, call me a jerk, tell me that this is a bad idea...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998058021068573 2018-06-03 21:07:21,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse . Hide my identity. I need to vent. So i have a little sister who's now 13.we don't have a mother and our dad is super busy so raising her is my duty but i don know how to do it.shes out of my control it possible for a 13 year old to be in love and smoke?? i rly tried my best to talk her out of it but she won't listen to me if i tell this for dad he will probably kill him self. What should i do any idea plzzz",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9941219687461853 2018-06-04 19:24:52,"I need to vent. Eskezare gobez neberku...ministry 99 matric straight.. ahun bemecheresha seat hiwoten abelashew...11 tegeba .. tezenagaw. Fikir yazegn yihew esun sasadid 12 aleke. Tesfa yalegn yimeslegn neber. Agul berase temamenku zare matric tefetigne siweta kezi behuala hiwote mn endemimesil tayegn .. chelema.... bemeshemakek mnorew...How am I gonna face all those people...all those who were rooting 4 me... all those who said am gonna be the doctor of z house .... weyne abates? Abaten ekisewalew biye .. awetawalew biye...lerasem miyawetagn asfelegegn Am sorry u had to see this ... I just have no one to talk to",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9991924166679382 2018-06-04 23:11:05,"I need to vent. Hey every 21 am a GC next year my problem is that I really really hate my field..I regret choosing engineering at the 1st place. And my family expects me to take this field seriously but really hate it more than I can express and I can't see my self working with this field..honestly even if i get a job after graduation and the payment is really good I don't even want to think about working with this..its the most idiot decision I have ever made and I know I will regret it for the rest of my life...and now I can't handle any more the pressure from my family and am soo depressed..I can't even communicate with brothers..and i don't want to b like this but I can't help it and I really need some one that can atlist try to understand what should I do I feel soo disconnected from every fuckin thing",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993066787719727 2018-06-05 15:23:23,"I need to vent. Hey guys mine is not much difficult but obviously i hav been thru some sheet stuffs on different instants, as some of u have vented here. but all have gone and now am happy besram socialym behulum gin i have lifetagn yalchale sus! girl friend yelegnm sorry but i don't have time lemejenjenem lemababelm sijemrm i dont think im the type they want to be with. enalachu am alcoholic tinsh wesed sareg shark yamregnal kintas bye beka yaww enjalgn HIV eskahun eyetemeremerku yelebgnm serche lenesu new tinsh tewku sil andandoch ydewlalu enem ayaschlegnm ena plss esti endet makom echlalew guys",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9952178001403809 2018-06-05 15:23:37,"I need to vent. Why do some ppl insult wemen for having needs to sleep with some one and call her a hoe or a slut but when a guy does it its fucking normal they fucking clap for him don't be mean I just don't get society ‍‍i mean if a girl sleeps around she a hard core hoe but a guys a fucking icon wtf?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9984171390533447 2018-06-05 15:24:03,"I need to vent. I dnt knw what i feel ... But startin from the day i started doubting religion im becomin desperate ...... Smtimes even doubting that God existis ... I know religion dnt work .... But the i started knowing that n feeling there is no God i started becomin hopeless .... Is there anyone the same as me ....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985711574554443 2018-06-05 15:26:17,"I need to vent.. sooo here goes... so recently my best friends mom died n it was a sudden death...she went out to buy groceries n she was found dead on the street...something to do wiz high Blood pressure n stuff..n as you can imagine he was heartbroken.. we all were... n i kept thinking to my self..what if it was my mom? this could happen to any of our parents... n death is inevitable whether we like it or nat... but how many of us will regret it for the rest of our lives if our mom died today? this instant? when was the last time we said thank you to our mom? when was the last time we bought her coffee or took her out for dinner? when was the last time we went to visit her relatives with her? when was the last time we really listened to her without being on our phone? when was the last time we gave her a gift other zan on her birthday.... we often take our parents for granted ...we don't know what we have till we lose it.. I hope you get sth outta zis cuz it gave me one hell of a life lesson...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989032745361328 2018-06-05 20:07:40,"I need to vent. Fuck u for not talking to me Fuck u for being scared of me Fuck u for not feeling the same way I feel about u Fuck u for not liking me And Fuck u for not liking me Fuck u for not knowing about how I feel about u Fuck u for making me be scared of u Fuck u for not giving me a sign Fuck u for being so fucking clueless and pure Fuck u making me feel the things I feel for u Fuck u for being perfectly unperfect Fuck u for being my type Fuck u for looking at me with ur lovely but shy eyes Fuck u for not staring back Fuck u for not make me get over u Fuck u for being u all the time Fuck u for not thinking about me Fuck u even more if u like me and never told me about it Just fuck u FUCK U CAUSE I RLY LIKE U!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9781850576400757 2018-06-05 20:14:57,"I need to vent. There is this popular saying that says stg like 'when people show u their true colours believe them the 1st time' I think it was meant to say in plain words don't make excuses for people's behavior, acknowledge its what they wanted to do instead of building scenarios why he or she did what they did, just believe they meant to do exactly that... Its in our nature to fight for what we want no matter the circumstances, u want what u want and u want to get it, even if there is always a gray area, it also as simple as that. The other meaning I get from the quote is we tend to paint people with the mistakes of others, we tend to scratch them with the scars other left, which leads me to a question: Do we really see a person for who they are with out our own mistakes and others reflecting through? Every fight or encounter can it b purely because of that particular scenario or is it 59% because of unsurfaced issues and unhealed scars that's r with in every 1 of us?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9960380792617798 2018-06-06 17:47:22,"I need to vent. I wish i could see some future with u but i don't i wish i didn't like u this much but i do I didn't wanna get out of my way to be with u but i just got 2 i like u this much",desire,POSITIVE,0.9975488781929016 2018-06-06 17:47:36,"I need to vent. I have this boyfriend i love so much and i know he loves me too but his ex keeps popping up and i know he has no feelings for her or anything but i don't feel good when she calls or texts or anything. And i also can't tell him to tell her to stop all that because he hurted her so much by being with me. So what do i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975529313087463 2018-06-06 19:13:25,"I need to vent. I love him, i know i am just 16 but i love him, i want to spend every waking moment with him, this boy sets my heart on fire he burns every thing inside till my whole body is just an inferno, his stupid jokes make me laugh while i am in my room all allone but thanks to him not lonely i get online just to talk to him, i shut everyone's voices out in class so i could hear his, he sits in front of me and when he turns around and we just catch eachother looking and we just stare nothing more and nothing less comes the worst part......i sit with my ""boyfriend"" and i am sorry but i feel revolted by him because the time i spent with the first guy lets call him"" L"" is just engraved in my heart..... He was there for me and i was there for him and we broke apart because of a stupid mistake we made and idk what to do , or think , or say because it is the first time i have been in love",love,NEGATIVE,0.9578995704650879 2018-06-07 15:51:04,"I need to vent. I see so there are peoples that joined this vent bot to judge the venters..u know people nobody force u to join this bot or to stay on it u can still's kinda annoying watching people whining about the kinda lost i thought this bot was all about venting not judging..‍‍ u guys shud leave maletm if u don't wanna hear teenage drama or whatever u the cool guys call it..",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996318817138672 2018-06-07 18:22:06,"I need to vent. I tried so hard to get over him I can't avoid him since his always in my class he knows me like a close friend and bicha there are lots of reasons why I can't be with him I admit that I can't have him as my bf but since he is my first crush its hard to get over him I have struggled for 5 years strait and I really wanna change am getting sick of this but every time I see him my heart skips I have butterflies in my stomach and my tongue gets twistiy and stuff pls guys help me i feel like am gonna be like this and ruin my whole life pls I need an advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991182684898376 2018-06-08 07:59:10,"I need to vent. Am 20 and me and my boyfriend had a fight which it wasn't my fault and the next day he didn't call I called him he was like acting like stranger after that he started to be normal like we use to be and I didn't forgive him yet last night he said sorry I ignored it and today when we were talking about the issue he said that I am always the problem bla bla bla I tried to make him happy but he is always lovey dovey when we are peace and when we are not he treats me like shit what can I do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.984614908695221 2018-06-08 08:00:00,"I need to vent. I feel like God , karma, or whoever is in charge of this kind of things, is getting back at me for not liking back all the guys that liked me, by making the guy I finally like, for the first time in my life, not like me back",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998397171497345 2018-06-08 08:03:28,"I need to vent. Hii when I was kid I hope to be a nice person ena malat naw father betam aza saw eyahone meta malet he push me to go out of my home ena beka sus wast gebahu mnamn ena mom damo betam tamalach ena Endet beye wede bet endemegeba alakem ena familywn Endet beye ande lay endemaragew alakem plss mn mareg endemechel negauh plss",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9765908718109131 2018-06-08 08:17:03,"I need to vent. Hi. This isn't a vent just asking or advice. I'm getting my first tattoo tomorrow. Do i need any preparations?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9959855675697327 2018-06-08 08:24:20,"I need to vent. So here it goes its my first time venting yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend and I was sad menem plus it was a long distance relationship ena I thought I wouldn't see him becha I did it he was very mad and after I have done it I felt terrible I wasn't fine losing keza I said sorry and he said beka you lost me and you are not the one for me and I love him and he says we can be friends and I don't want that do you think he will talk to me do you think we will be together agian I need advice I know I can't move on so plz help advice thank you",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967742562294006 2018-06-09 08:45:44,"I need to vent. I don't even think this time would come and vent here. The reason why is because I almost have no real buddies around me and here is the case My relationship with others always get into complicated after some time I don't know the reason and it is probably my fault.... I'm a 3rd year Civil engineering student at AAU and there is this girl who asked me to start some relation staff, we have a lot of difference tho and we r not each other's type. And to be honest with you guys she is my first one and I wasn't in relation before her even I kissed with girls a couple of times. The relationship with this girl was a kinda distance and we talked a lot we loved a lot each other one thing we r in different religion she is P and I'm O. After sometime I asked her to have sex and staff but she says immediately ""I don't wanna talk and don't even to think me"" . I was just saying I might be a nice lover bt all goes different and girls in this channel be honest and answer me if u can is that a fault I'm asking my girl and future wife to have sex?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997286319732666 2018-06-09 08:47:26,"I need to vent. Am a girl ,20 years And here it goes Have you ever felt like you got no friends that friend that you can lean on ,share your everything without feeling that you will be judged the minute you left the room,or feel abandoned from the group Well I been feeling this for a long long long time .I have friends but but they are not the friends that I want since being fake is the criteria of our friendship Is there anyone out there whose in this kind of situation",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9812239408493042 2018-06-09 08:48:00,"I need to vent. Hello Im a Dude , 24 and i want an advice from you guys. Im not one to seek advice that often because as Gina said im the paris of people (paris with lower p because it too wouldnt meet my standards) and yes my mom did cry very much at my birth because she knew she wouldn't be better than me, im exquisite. so it takes alot of courage to ask people for advice. My question is how does one Combat Burnout and exhaustion at the end of each working days inorder to become very efficient and productive in the evening and also the weekends. Thank You",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9942489862442017 2018-06-09 08:48:16,"I need to vent. High school is a punch in the tits. Its where my self esteem and optimism go to die. And I’m just in the 11th grade I don’t know what to do.. if only there was a skip button to forward to college but the thought that maybe college is just like-or more or less the same as high school is agonizing. I need some reassurance ASAP",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988879561424255 2018-06-09 16:45:27,"I need to vent. I love himlike crazy u hv no idea...but he always makes me doubt our's been a couple of years since we started this those yrs a lot has happened a lot has changed we've been through a lot we even broke up and got back together...I still love him. And know a big mess has happened(his fault) and I couldn't take it anymore. It's been a couple of weeks without him now...even if I told him not to call me or talk to me I miss him so bad. Am in a fight with myself..My heart wants him back but am angry as hell. My friends are saying he doesn't deserve a chance but I need him even if he made me cry for almost a week...I still need him in my life. Cuz Life is not the same without him. Am I stupid that I feel like this? Should I forgive him?",love,NEGATIVE,0.8603650331497192 2018-06-10 16:44:26,"I need to vent. Um this is not a vent... Can you people please tell me psychologist office addresses in adiss abeba... I really need em.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994937181472778 2018-06-10 16:44:39,"I need to vent. Hi there to all venters and their helpers keep the love going and flowing. It takes a little bit effort and some nice words to change someones day.......words are very powerful to change your day so everybody try saying this 5 things everyday and let you attract what you want............. 1. I am the best 2. I am a winner. 3. I can do it. 4. Today is my day and 5. God is always with me So have a blessed night and keep it sensational and keep venting and keep helping the venters",approval,POSITIVE,0.9997108578681946 2018-06-10 16:45:50,"I need to vent. Sup buddies‍hw u doin all of u out i was just wondering if u guys could give me some in z early 20s.... year ago i stopped class for one year....its just i was giving most ma time actually i can say z whole for ma education...i spent most of ma time reading...its like i sleep only for 4 hours beza ketebale le 5 hours....enam betam manbeb sabeza i started stressing out as fuck....kezam concentrate madreg akategn....eresen mesat jemerku(faint)....thank god that i never fainted in school...after dat hard time bzu skay kesalefku bewhala thanks to ma mom she like ma everything teshlogn tmhrten kakoretkubet ketleku endebefitu beyhonm yametahut wtet aref neber....ahun befit ende miyamegn ayamegnm gin class wist concentrate mareg eyakategn new.....ende dro attention setche going out of control.....pls guys need ur help ur sister to get out of dis....thanks for ur time .....stay blessed",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9940187931060791 2018-06-10 20:36:58,"I need to vent. I dont know what went through my head when I became closer then just friends with her because u can escape friends but you cannot escape best friends without loosing a part of me, I lost something that was apart of me a long time ago thats not the problem, the problem now is I need closure because u left us crying saying goodbye and u said u would travel and never come back again why would u do this I can't be open and caring like i used to be with my other friends because I messed up my head, my routine, my life... so my question is how do u get closure without seeing the person or being able to contact them",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990297555923462 2018-06-11 17:58:03,"I need to vent. Hi I feel like I am the luckiest and happiest person In The world. Being Ethiopian is blessing. If anyone who feel like me please Say Some.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9989696741104126 2018-06-11 17:58:14,"I need to vent. Will she ever know I sacrficed my happiness for her?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984475374221802 2018-06-11 17:58:19,"I need to vent. Vent Here Bot: Lately I've been stresses out about a lot of things like a loooot ppl say that the younger u are the less stress u have or have no stress sure no one is being killed or anything but it's a stressful life and rapid society we are living in, for me my stress is school my mum woke me up every night for 2 weeks to study for matrick and school has been stressful and i lost 7 kg and was also sick I just I dont know how I'll be able to pull it all off, and then there's nxt year coming and i have some friends in the higher grade and there not exactly having the time of their life u spit blood until u succeed or end up fruitless, im just so scared I just have to pray and relax and enjoy life with my friends but the moment there's nothing with me like my friends, my phone, my movies... I start thinking about my future analysing everything, if I'll really stay with my bf for that long, if I'm still gonna be religious layer in life, if I'm gonna stay virgin till marriage, all these things cloud my mind and idk what to do or who would listen to all these things cuz my bf would over analyse these small details and get to stressed out like me or comfort me in just not ready to make that move yet but I know taking all this and keeping it all in is not good and is not healthy maybe thats why I'm starting to act out and react violently to ppl close to me(family) idk what to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9986415505409241 2018-06-11 17:58:36,"I need to vent. Hi every on my name is nina i am not here to vent just to speak a piece of mind. I am not trying to be pessimistic but i feel like the reason why most of these venters(teens) face the problems they are is due to the need to be special. Most of us grew in a house hold where our parents give us 3 meals a day, comfortable beds to sleep in, enjoyment through tv, phones and other means. They tell us that we are the best, that we can have it all , that we r special. But what most parents fall to tell is that we r a nobody once we are out of our house hold. Nobody cares if we are ok or not. The point where the problem arise is when we have a huge group of kids together thinking they are special. They think they r so special they find the need to show they r better than there peer leading to a hell lot of drama. They think unwise things and do them. They find the need to have every once attention and approval. They tend to say they feel emotions that they donot even to understand. a silly example can be kids claming to fall deeply in love and kiss while they r in 4th grade. Call me crazy but kids these days need to know they r not the center of universe and that they can know it all. If we get this trough there head maybe things would be easy",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9856067895889282 2018-06-11 17:59:07,"I need to vent. Please hide my identity So lately i've been seeing a really decent guy and so far its not so bad but the problem is i have feelings for another guy(mr B enbelew). bigger problem is that b is married and has a child too he is those type of guys i know i can never have a future with aside his marriage and child.... i've been trying to do the right thing by ignoring his calls and texts but he keeps on pushing he finds me sooner or later and i cant seem to resist and however hard i resist i seem to give in. I dont really know what to do now",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9785207509994507 2018-06-11 18:46:18,"I need to vent. Why don’t people take care of themselves ‍? Why don’t they care about their hygiene? Like is it too much to take a bar of soap and water and just fucking wash up?? Like some people be smelling like death ! Oh my god! Their breath stinks , their armpits stinks, their feet stinks, their clothes stinks, their shoes stinks, THEY FUCKINGG STINK! Do they honestly not care about about how disgusting they are? For real this damn society is so careless it’s amazing. Take a fucking shower at least once a fucking week instead of once a month. DAMN",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9991258978843689 2018-06-11 18:46:39,"I need to vent. I am 20 years old and I hate who I am the way I look and I always feel like am not good enough for anything I feel unhappy and I am tired of crying...!!! U have no idea I hate my body I feel as tho am too fat but am rly not but I still spend hours trying to find the perfect look and still hate everything I own .. I don’t know how to turn it around but it all started after I broke up with my very first boyfriend after a very short 4 month relationship.. I loved him so much maybe I still do and I don’t know that these two things are related but I know that I was content with my self before him I felt like I was worthy",sadness,POSITIVE,0.8293808102607727 2018-06-11 20:06:06,"I need to vent. Hello every one I need to vent I am so angry with many things with my job ,my education status (I have my BA) since I want to upgrade more and by the time I had a chance I screwed it up and now am trying to get the opportunity back but am still angry @ my self ,for the decisions I made I know I can’t change the past but I can’t stop being angry , am angry that my life is not going the way I wanted it to be back to 5 years and am very much angry @ myself so when ever I get in argument or simple discussion with someone or family I will just pour out my anger sometimes it become beyond my control and I am overreacting a lot ...and when I am angry I feel so heavy in my head and it’s giving me a hard time’s really affecting my day to day life and I don’t want to offend ppl ... so is there any one who is passing the same way as I am ??? I need to know that am not alone and I need some advices as well Thank you in advance !",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9940112233161926 2018-06-12 16:48:48,"I need to vent. I know this is not something to get emotional over but things are starting to mederareb on me. I hate college, I hate everyone there bunch of seget ass people. I just can't wait to be done with finals and go home. I wish I wouldn't be coming back next year but my options are pretty limited and it sucks. I mean for god sake college was supposed to be fun, and one of the best years of your life. And here I am at the end of my first year of college with out spending a single memorable moment",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9901049733161926 2018-06-12 16:49:03,"I need to vent. I would say I am a logical person. People tell me I am a logical person too. I tend to explain everything that happens in my life with logic and when something doesn't go my way I get over it with logic. But now logic is not working. That's how I know I am deep in this shit. That's how I now know I am blindly in love. Logic is not working at all. NOT AT ALL.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990311861038208 2018-06-12 18:30:14,"I need to vent. Hey there guys ..hope everythings good with every one..I just wanted to know how do ppl keep a long relationship going without getting tired of each other cuz once uk everything abt each other it gets a bit boring cuz there's nothing more to find I want to know how do u keep the fire going so that even after many years ur still in love..if that's even possible...n is it really posiible to stay in love for a rly long time I mean like married ppl? .thanks for time",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9549003839492798 2018-06-13 14:48:01,"I need to vent. Hii I am just tired ...tired of being broken my friends z ppl I date literally everyone they hurt me so bad ...I can be mean angry all z time I was trying to be friendly but from now on I don't wanna trust anyone I don't know this will be z solution",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994402527809143 2018-06-13 14:48:07,"I need to vent. Isnt it funny the ones u thought u knew r the ones that end up being the exact opposite... How do u react to ur bf telling u he has met someone else n wants what u have to stop just out of the blue.......",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988552331924438 2018-06-13 20:22:43,"I need to vent. I feel like im drowning....i don't even know hw to put ma shits together...... y did i ever get born...i wanna this fucking life to end..y am i still breathing am supposed to be died .....i dk ma self any more ...who de hell am i????......right now i wish am died....idk where ma destination would be....bah i want this fucked up life to end. Is der anyone out here who is in same situation",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994766116142273 2018-06-13 20:29:47,"I need to vent. Hello everyone! I've been chatting with some man on messenger for a month now, we talk about almost everything. Starting from how our days went to explicit secrets, i for one, have never been this relaxed while talking to a guy. He just gets me before i speak my mind. And that gives me butterflies. Some day when we were talking, he opened up to me about something that i did not expect he would; he said he has two kids and that he was married before. I was surprised at his openness, after all we only know each other on social media and he could just cat fish me about anything. I like him a lot, but i feel dumb as well that i'm giving in very easily. Plus to someone who had a past, a past i can't adjust. I don want to indulge myself into any serious thing, but with the magnitude of our connection that seems a near sight. help me out?!! What am i supposed to do?! I've been hurt before and i've been a locked up persona since. i know its not right, but its my defense mechanism. I just wanna enjoy having fun but am just to scared he would just use me for random sex and then forget it all. At this point, i just don know what to do.",fear,POSITIVE,0.854745626449585 2018-06-13 20:29:53,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Keed my identity a secret. Im a college freshman and i been in love with this girl for like 7 years and she has no feelings for me we become best friend's. I become the best friend and the nigga with the best advices and i hooked her up with like 2 guys she got addicted to. Tbh she only knows i had a fling for her and nothing more but im dying here need help...dont wanna ruin our friendship too",love,NEGATIVE,0.9958820343017578 2018-06-13 20:30:04,"I need to vent. Well I have a thing for a chubby girls like they always turn me on like I don't know what to do if I saw a girl with a meat on her.... What we usually sat fat girl like God ITS HARD FOR ME TO NOT BE TURNED ON I know it weird but God I love them and it kinda kills me when I hear ppl say lose weight and all.....",love,NEGATIVE,0.996708869934082 2018-06-13 22:17:44,"I need to vent. This one is not a vent but an advice for the young people . Just now, I heard that my childhood best friend, whom we grew apart, was molested (raped) by some people who no one knows of . Back then we use to hang out until he disappeared for almost a year . We all thought he did that on purpose because of his abusive father and we were all shocked and time went by. After a year, he was found by his father's friends at a very far place looking all sick and kind of hurt in a way that was noticable . After that he was never the same around us. Specially around me and my family. He almost always used to hung out with us at home but after that he started avoiding us and we thought well it's puberty or sth . Little did we know that he was abducted by some ppl and they molested him and kept him with them all that time . He told this only to his grandmother who is such a selfish old bitch who doesn't give a fuck about anything except her self even to report this to the police . Now It's been almost 5 years since ive seen him . Listening to this now , not earlier, makes me rly sad and angry at the same time. He was my best friend,I could call him my brother . But after what happened to him, he was just a different person . He became very shy and depressed, it's noticable. Anyways guys I just wanted to say please be careful around people you don't know. Don't just go to some places alone. Don't ever say yes when a stranger offers to give u a lift. This applies to boys and girls. These times are fucked up. And please if you ever had this happened to you, don't let it ruin your life. Make those ppl pay for their doing. P.s sry for my English but I hope y'all understood me. God Bless",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980827569961548 2018-06-14 19:35:07,"I need to vent. there is a rising epidemic of rick wannabes and it's getting on my nerves. Ever since that show came out there has been a rising number of nihilistic smartass teens going around trying to show everyone they use superior logic and don't generally give a rats ass about anybody. Antisocial is the new black i guess cuz all everyone of this sarcastic posers want to show is that how they're doing great solo plus being emotionless isn't as cool as you think it is",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974024891853333 2018-06-14 19:35:36,"I need to vent. I keep fucking up You deserve all the good in the world, you are a better lover than i could ever even ask for but for some reason i cant manage to be worth all that and no matter how hard i try, i can't seem to get things right! There are some things you can change n some things you would have to accept...and i just can't seem to change this part of me... I am so damn sorry babe",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9470546841621399 2018-06-15 11:01:34,"I need to vent. God!!! I Hate my Mom. Beka i dnt want her to be in my life no more. Beka enen ke hulum sew gaa indatalach hule!! She does sth wrong nd blames me fr it!! God!! Eree besmam i hve nevaa seen a mom lik her!!! She doesnt even lik to see me nd my dad get along! Endezich aynt enat alech? Anyone hve a mom lik her eski share ur opinion plz",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9983432292938232 2018-06-15 16:46:36,"I need to vent. someone should seriously start pushing the new crack called sense, into some teens and moronic adults. Unless u dont like the mockery, i dont understand y u need to ""vent""...the solution is always in ur hands, u already chose to ignore it...thats y its a paradox to u, u dont like the other choices. No matter how ryt they are. Take an adventure and see what they can do! YOU'LL BE SURPRISED!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9901750087738037 2018-06-15 16:46:56,"I need to vent. I rly am a good person deep inside bt zz sexual deaires of mine r jst gettin wey out if control",approval,POSITIVE,0.9928691983222961 2018-06-15 16:47:08,"I need to vent. Have u ever felt ur not powerful and everyday feels like the same shit all over again. Aint nobody up there and u on ur have u ever seen a small insect and be like im nothing more than it...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999411940574646 2018-06-15 16:47:20,"I need to vent. Out of all the emotions I experience on a daily basis, the one that fascinates me the most is... fear more specifically the fear of death. It's the engine that drives most of my actions. It is the only emotion that I've enjoyed wrestling with. Because,I know that once I've harnessed it along with reason I'll find life to be much more bearable. To put it simply the fear (or rather the meditation ) of death allows me to live life in the present. It has been said countless times that one should live everyday as if it was his last, But few seem to heed this advice. I for one have spent most of my short time here on earth thinking about the future while neglecting the present. But the present is a jealous lover, once she knows you've lifted your eyes off of her, she'll make sure your future is no more. Because the health of your future dependes on how you treat your present. If you realise that you might die at any moment and that tomorrow was never guaranteed, you'll use your days to do the things you've been putting off for so long. sayings like this have gotten to be cliches but their truth is eternal. That's why i always remind myself of my close proximity to the reaper. THE CLOSER YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DEATH: THE MORE YOU'LL START TO PRIORITISE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE. THE CLOSER YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DEATH: THE MORE YOU'LL REALISE PAIN AND SUFFERING ARE TEMPORARY THE CLOSER YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DEATH: THE LESSER YOU'LL THINK OF YOUR OTHER FEARS",joy,POSITIVE,0.7778945565223694 2018-06-15 16:47:31,"I need to vent. I wanna kill myself .... My mom hates me ... My family hates me .... The only person i hv was my dad and because of my mom he is also hating me .... Im fucked up on my college class cause people set me up n now i am on the verge of being expelled .... I am alone .... I left my girlfriend for something petty nw she wont talk to me n im alone .. Im all alone ... All i think abt is death ... I dream about death ... Even when i read or watch sth n smbody dies i wish i could be them .... Beka i eanna die .... Im on the verge of killing myself .... It jst at the moment i couldnt hv the courage n i fear that sth hard could tip me to kill myself ... I fear that .... I dnt knw what but i think im left with a little time .... A voice in my head is always tellin me to do it .... And every time its slowly winning me n i think someday its gonna win me and im gonna be done .... Im afraid ....",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9970587491989136 2018-06-15 17:44:40,"I need to vent. I feel like I'm a slut I mean I see porno at least twice a week and actually I can't make a girl out or fuck any but I masterbate like 'Master'bate and I don't want use rather I rubbed my Di** b/n pillows so my pillows are my friends with benefit. U know what this time I think watching a lot of porno makes me to sober my self from sex things and to have a fear on sexual relations with a lot of chicks here. what am gonna ask u is for boys is that normal that watching those videos and abstain urself? For girls what approach do u want us to use for asking a sex relation and what is your attitude toward guys who watch a lot of porns like me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9978442192077637 2018-06-15 19:58:37,"I need to vent. So a few days ago i met someone. I mean he's still a stranger. I know he just wants to hook up but i still went along with it. I dont know may be i wanted someone to look at me lovingly,kiss me a certain way even if its just for a night even if it wasnt real.Its not like he lied to me or like he tricked me in to it but why do i feel this way?why do i keep waiting for his calls or his texts? Why do i feel heartbroken?i'll probably see him again but i know what he wants and thats not gonna change",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9813336730003357 2018-06-15 19:59:02,"I need to vent. All ma life I been in and out of relationship.. the longest relationship I have been on was 4 month and the only reason it even stayed that long was it was a long distance relationship and thank God it was cause I got this thing more like a fucked up disease I might say.. I get bored of it. Like within a week if our in counter is a lot.. I wish I could get it to stop but I can't.. I'm in a relationship now with a girl we don't hang out much but I'm starting to feel bored again like I need fuckin help.. dafuq is wrong with me. If it stays like this how am I gonna marry someone",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999711811542511 2018-06-15 19:59:43,"I need to vent. The funny thing is I liked u U the messed up u The fucked up masterpeice u were Still are i just dnt think i like u anymore Fuck u ur a tease A cheater N a nobody to me Eewwww am really groased out talking bout u U worthless son of a witch Fuckkkkkk uuuuuuuuu dnt u dare say shit bout me Directly or indirectly I dnt hate u I just dont like u",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9985151886940002 2018-06-16 14:36:15,"I need to vent. Itslike dejavu....everyyear,everymonth,e veryweek,everyday,everyminitue.I feel like am just reapiting it again and again this started when my dad and my mom divorced its been like 6 yrs now. I remember it was my 10bd when they divorce. And every year when my birthday came I feel depressed, lonely. And the worst part is I can't let it go what the fuck should I do I can't study,I can't concentrate. I thought that drug would make me forget but it just made it worse.....guys pls help me what should I do????and every time I seek for advice all my friends thinks that am that happy guy with a gr8 life and am afraid to open up. P.s need your advice pls",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986612796783447 2018-06-16 18:07:15,"I need to vent. Why am I feeling like this? Am gone tell you what feelings suck. The thoughts that run through our head screw us over they give us up to all the other side effects like depression and mnamen bcha they suck. I want to just be strong when things come my way I want to doge them I want to kick their butts and stand above it all. This shit is not easy to do but its all about what you tell your self and am gone tell myself that its easy. I say I don't want to have anything to do with guys but I some how embarrass my self shit that happens to me make lose confidence and just makes me feel crappy I want this summer to heal my wounds I want it to fix me I want to gain self confidence and believe me am attractive I just have to find my voice and after finding mine I even want to help others find theirs I don't want to stay hidden I deserve to shine and once I do am not gone dim down. I just need to get over shit quick and not let shit get to me I recently got my heart broken don't want to talk abt it but I don't want this kind of shit to get a hold of me am stronger I can over come this I want to come over this I can't take it anymore I want to wake up I want to be pushed I want to work hard but everyday pass me by with out me doing shit. I know I reflected way to much on this its hard to get my conflicting ideas but I don't know bear with me",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9975651502609253 2018-06-17 11:25:59,"I need to vent. Here we go. So I’m a freshman university student who’s good looking with them curly hairs dimples and everything you ask for a man to be. The problem is am not happy! “With my love life” Girls just text me through my telegram and instagram idk if it’s my looks or behavior they heard about. And btw I pretty have too much Sex. I just meet someone new and we might just kick it right there or some where else the exact day we met or i just be talking to someone for three days online and just fuck on the weekends and that’s not fun! My soul too soft for “just sex.” Even last night we were sleeping over at my friend house kewchi selmta so i met this girl there she’s hot i admit and her toes werenails are my weakness Btw and i ended up hitting it after the first round bitch started confessing that she know my name and that she texted me on telegram and that I didn’t replied and shit. The next morning i had a date with another person at edna to watch a movie so we went in and ended up getting a BJ at the cinema And this is not what i want to be honest i just want someone who just be there for me someone who’ll make me feel that everything is going to be alright someone that’ll make me feel loved! So is this a serious problem? Should i get checked? Any psychology students here? What is wrong? Y’all give me advices. I know all this feels like a lie cause if you have a life like this you won’t even be in the channel but look at me right. but am sure there are so many peoples out there who get me. Thank you for reading send me your replies",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983154535293579 2018-06-17 12:34:50,"I need to vent. Hello there. I have vented plenty times here about depression and so. I feel sad pretty constantly, i can't look at myself as a person who can succed in any way, i dont appreciate anything about me both physically and personally. Sometimes i feel like id be better off dead. I am scared of death but i just wish i never existed or suddenly disappeared. These days i feel like all i am feeling is fake....not like im taking a step into being happy but i feel like im just convincing myself these so i people feel sorry for me. I feel like im hurt deep inside but then i feel like thats a lie i tell myself. I feel like another crap who cant be a better person. I am confused on who i am. Is this depression or just a lie in my head? I have been ""depressed"" for about a year and a half. I can't enjoy special moments like my friends. My grades are lower than ever. I feel hopeless. I feel like my life is a lie and nothing more. I want people to understand but then i doubt that theres something to understand.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9958286881446838 2018-06-17 14:27:49,"I need to vent. Hey my bf broke up w me a little about a week ago and we havent spoken since and all iv been thinking about is talking to him. I just want to check on him even if its just for a minute. I just dont feel its right to become strangers after all we have been through. And im not sure if he is in that place, ik he knows he messed up and he thinks im super mad at him but im not honestly i just dont want to loose touch. So my question is how do i start that convo? Better yet should I even, tho im afraid if i dont he never will and we will loose touch.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9582062363624573 2018-06-17 14:28:02,"I need to vent. I dont know what to do next everything isnt going as i always thought it would be and the problem isnt with someone but am the biggest problem here am not honest with myself and i dont give myself time now everything turned out to be.....and i dont even know how to fix it",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9993368983268738 2018-06-18 13:14:33,"I need to vent. Hello... I am a fresh graduate from a university, I was busy with school so I only started dating 1 year before graduation... I thought I was happy I thought I loved him and he loved me... but lately I feel so unappreciated like I don't matter, like my options are shitty, and I ain't fun. I feel like I'm being emotionally drained... I never thought inadequacy was what I would feel after graduation. Instead of feeling like a million dollars with the person I love I feel less and less important everyday and I'm starting to hate myself... The worst part is I still love him and don't have the guts to leave",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986701011657715 2018-06-18 14:38:19,"I need to vent. So here is the thing I know i should be talking to him instead of venting but I just can't help it; so I met this guy about a month ago online and we have been dating since. My problem is he makes me feel so insecure and I really can't figure out were his head is at? Does he want a relationship were does he sees this going! My question is how do i ask him what the hell are we doing without sounding needy or desperate?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971407651901245 2018-06-18 15:14:34,"I need to vent. Hey guys ..first time venter so bear with me here So I'm in highschool well 11th grade to be clear n life these days has be come a routine , I wake up and its the same routine over n over again and what ever I try i cant seen to break the routine.. N I was wondering if some one out there was in the same situation as me...and of u are how did u get out .thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9947689771652222 2018-06-18 15:48:43,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Here we go. So i have a boyfriend a bit older than me and he has this girl thats a friend and they are mostly together and i know for sure she has a thing for him. And oneday he told me shes going to college z same place hes going the worst part is she pick another one but when she knew he was going to this one she changed(and i dare one person to tell me she didnt do it for him). Anyways theres a problem in addition to this. So since summer came we called n texted but it wasnt like before we always argue n fight over stupid things and he has no idea hw many times he hurted me with out knowing. Anyways at some point i told him that she has a thing for him and it bothers me a lot ena he jokes abt it, it was kinda funny at first but now its kinda mean. Anyhow after our last hangout he called 2days later n told me his phone is stollen and he hasnt called for a week n few days. And all this and other staff are just draning my love for him(ik cheesy).My besti is tellin me to break up wat should i do n how.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9975637197494507 2018-06-18 16:04:41,"I need to vent. I want you to know, just because you hate somebody, it doesn’t I have to hate them too. You can’t control me. And if you don’t tell me why you are mad at me. How am I supposed to know? True friends hear each other out before judging. I don’t know who to trust and not too. I’m on that stage of Life where “ You Wanna stay? Fine You want leave? Fine.” Everyone that I think is a good friend turns against me. Am i a horrible person? All I try is to be good and all I wanted is real friend who never leaves me. I’m just tired of hoping. Tired of everything.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989328980445862 2018-06-18 16:14:51,"I need to vent. There is a lot to live for i have been thinking to sucide from early age bc of drug addict parents and the usual drug addict parents shits like money love menamn but I said to myself this shit is gone change one day honestly it didn't but now I have a lot of reasons to live for ""myself""if u look closer there are people who suffered more than u ever will.""time is the best healer""",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9808957576751709 2018-06-20 16:01:42,"I need to vent. It hurts to know you have been abandoned and forgotten, completely forgotten by your person. It's difficult to acknowledge. Difficult to accept. But I bet not impossible to move on too. Might be difficult and might take time but not impossible.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991725087165833 2018-06-20 16:03:58,"I need to vent. I know what u see when u look at me u tnk what a hotti, smart, successful, lucky, happy ....but every time I look at z mirror I see my true self a 'fighter' , only God and me knows what I've been through not everything was given to me easily I fought for what I deserve I fought for z things I want I fought for wisdom I fought for greatness I fought for my self And am ready to face tmw am like bring it on.... life",approval,POSITIVE,0.9962078332901001 2018-06-20 16:04:55,"I need to vent. So how are you, are you sleeping well at night after you broke my heart, are you enjoying your time with out my presence are you laughing or are you crying , are you happy or are you sad that you lost me ? I thought we were perfect Two broken souls , two masterpieces together it couldnt get better than that ,it couldnt get better than our late night talks but those were all lies werent they, when you whispered ""i love you"" on a school night and when i said it back......all lies right?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9760589599609375 2018-06-20 16:06:45,"I need to vent. its kinda awkward fo me to do this but i think i kinda love this girl who once dumped me n marry this dude then she texted me out of a blue tellin me she love me but she gotta marry that dude n shit i was like worrrd okay n i used to love her asf n when she dumped me it felt hell on earth i had a date too manu times like a lot idk if its the fact that i love her or the fact that she dumped me n i felt betrayed n angry bout it when she do it i cant see any other girls but now she texted me n tell me that she loved me n sware on her mom but i had moved on i wanted to do her bad take my revenge n be the love avenger lol but turn out to be she mean it that she love me n she still with the dude she is married nd i kinda felt bad to take a revenge on her but she once dumped me so give me ur word i will do wat u guys tell me to do do the revenge or be with her again",love,NEGATIVE,0.9944376945495605 2018-06-20 16:06:58,"I need to vent. Okay here it is abt to have my first kiss and I have no idea how to do it.Am a girl by the way ena guys pls help how do u want her to be and girls kelemdachu ...thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9866847395896912 2018-06-20 16:07:40,"I need to vent. Baby you know yesterday was the worse. When I am thinking it's working I am starting to let go and move on, yesterday's kind of days happen. And yesterday in particular was the worse so far. My God I was in pain. Literally in pain. I felt my heart contracting and not letting go. I really felt it. It felt like I was having a mini heart attack. I swear to God it was real physical pain. I really don't know what to do anymore. Bc I can't seem to move on or forget you. Bc if today is a better day then I know the next few days would revolve around you.....maybe I should just give up. Let it hurt, let me suffer. I shouldn't try to make me feel better. Maybe passing through all the pain is the only way through. I give up. Let it hurt. Let it hurt and let me just love you. Let it hurt.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9784126877784729 2018-06-20 16:11:15,"I need to vent. To all U venters c'mon........look at everything that is happening in the world...........quit dwelling on the negativity in your life and start thinking about the positive we have all gone through things that are depressing heart breaking and most of all things that make U wanna give up. So if you wanna continue this depressing life and always get angry thats ur choice but if U want anything in ur life to change stand up and go get the fuck out of ur comfort and depressed world and find your passion. Stop fucking complaining about how your life is boring depressing and shit .......go out and reach out to people who are in bigger problem than U and be thankful for the gift that god has gave U and that is............Ur life make it inspiring so that others can look up on U and say""damn he/she gave me that courage not to give up. They were the one that kept me going even when i felt like giving up"". Dont U wanna be that person............So Have a happy life and always think happily. Have faith in whatever thing U believe if it is God or any other thing.....pis and i am out",caring,POSITIVE,0.9850666522979736 2018-06-20 16:34:52,"I need to vent. So here goes. Me and my cousin are really close there's nothing I keep from her and vice versa, so she had this bf she loved and she introduced us and kes bekes family awekew. They were really close gin when my cousin bet sitikeyir they broke up, long distance wasn't working for them. And I tried my best endayleyau gin they did. He asks me about her mnmn on telegram keza at some point the way he texts started changing, he started asking me weird questions like silene min tasibiyalesh mnmn and I thought it was some kind of a joke at first but liju amerere he started saying I couldn't sleep thinking about you mnmn ena I ignored him gin it won't change anything even if I did cuz he comes home, family silemiyawkew they invite him for lunch and stuff. And I'm feeling really bad because every time I look at my cousin i feel like I'm deceiving her and I feel I've become betam metfo sew. I want to tell her about it but I don't know how and were to start. Help please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982261061668396 2018-06-20 16:35:05,"I need to vent. We Ethiopians are hypocrites .We are incapable of grasping the fact that different people can come up with the same idea. We're so intent on claiming to be the first of everything, the ones from which every piece of technology originated, every piece of culture has been stolen. We are, as a culture so unequivocally good at claiming what's not ours that we blame the victims as the perpetrators. We're just so pompous in this fact, and its annoying as to how much we do it. Just plain disgusting.",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.999117910861969 2018-06-20 16:35:17,"I need to vent. Its unsettling to know that whenever i open my mouth, someone is always trying to put their dick in it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998376727104187 2018-06-20 16:36:08,"I need to vent. Over the past two years I've learned that certain stereotypes hold true to most people. The first being girls fucking love a guy they can fix. it's ok for a guy to be relatively douchy as long as she can make him less so. The second thing is the more you want a girl the more power she has over you. Next is the very surprising fact that guys fall in love way too quickly than girls. lastly don't believe anything that comes out her mouth with regards to her ideal man. most girls would give you a generic answer when you ask them what kind of guy they like but their actions is way more informative.",surprise,POSITIVE,0.9752487540245056 2018-06-20 16:39:08,"I need to vent. Why is everyone saying shit abt sex like its a fact? You MUST NOT have sex before marriage, you WILL regret it!! What is wrong with you? Its ur opinion. Not a scientific fact. If ppl want to experiment, or enjoy the feelings minamin, that's their choice. Degmo when guys are hold out till marriage minamin its funny, when u have been masterbating since u were thirteen or something. Every one, every one is horny. Why the fuck would we fight it so much, just find relief enji",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9971290230751038 2018-06-20 16:47:49,"I need to vent. Hey guys,,,I'm unable to make friends. It's not my problem. Most girls are jealous about me cos I'm really cute to be honest and also i used to get the highest score in our class or of top 5. I don't know if it makes them go crazy about me anyways i find it difficult. I hate gossips mnamn but girls are so in to that. I hate those girls with low self esteem n lack respect. They are so fucked up n i hate it. The thing is my friends are guys ena u know guys are so easygoing, once they got to know me they fall in love with me but I don't give a shit‍. I have everything which makes a girl wanted. Guys fall fo my staring eyes n cute smile especially,,, This happened to me ever since I got to high school till now. I love guys as my friends but they just want to make love with me, want me go out with them n stuff. I don't wanna have a bf cos honesty my dad wants me to be a great person in the world. Then I believe that love is something distracting... So I spend my time studying n studying. ‍‍ I gotta know many people but ended up saying sorry n good bye. Isn't it boring? What should I do? Girls become enemies n boys lovers , and I need some one who truly understands me n share my opinions, spend times, talk secrets.....but i can't. Tell me ur opinions. Thank you.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9863868951797485 2018-06-20 16:51:09,"I need to vent. Hey everyone‍.......i was just wondering if i could share something which is driving it a teenage although i know there is a life waiting a head..I m feeling like im useless......every time i go bed i wish i wouldnt woke up in z morning bt after i realize am a live i blame ma thing im living for is ma mom...she like ma everything ...eskahun behwet yekoyehut erasu besawa meknyat day i became retarded....fucking tired of every peace of shit....n then i bought some toxic med n drunk it all...enam erasen hospital agegnehut kezam kena sl i saw ma mom crying enam erasen betam wekesku....n i told ma self atleast i have to live for ma mom n see that beautiful smile on her face....ahun gin i cant betam eyemeregn new ..... Tnx for ur time.......i rly need ur help guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979863166809082 2018-06-20 16:56:04,"I need to vent. Yo you have shelter food home you are learning living life there are people who don’t have your chance no food no shelter no home no one to love them but still they are living I’m sorry but you are a selfish bitchs think about your parents who hasve been working hard to raise you there timethere money and now you are complaining I’m depressed bitch please please I am very against sucide what if your mom did that to you if she killed her self what would you feel don’t be selfish it’s true depression in our life comes but there will be better days for those saying sucide and shit bitch please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946264624595642 2018-06-20 16:58:40,"I need to vent. Hi guys zis is my first time to 1st yr college student...bezu negroch endgodelugn yesmagnal....I feel like empty inside....kesewoch ga bemtenum bihon egbabalhu guadegnochem alugn gn i still feel lonely plus all my friends r busy chatting or hanging with zer frnds ( boys) ene gn even on telegram I have nobody to talk with....becha yene yemlew sew yelegnem....ol my life sucks a lot...I need to change but I don't know wat to me pls guys I wanna hav happy life like ol my frnds",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983296990394592 2018-06-20 17:01:33,"I need to vent. I walk the face of earth once more, a mindless puppet, my strings are torn. the creaky bones, the bad eyesight, yet the chance to turn wrong to right. wars-a-waging, old mans guilt, the worlds now on more then just a tilt. parents weeping, children slain, bloody thoughts, fear will reign. I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk, he whispered to me, hiding a smirk. ""Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find, the demon lurking in thou mind."" So off I ventured, to quench my thirst, of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst. And on that quest what did I see?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9857996702194214 2018-06-20 17:02:20,"I need to vent. Hey everyone! Here is my vent, I actually don't have a problem or depression or anything bad. I had an argument with my hubby not an argument but more like a disagreement, so here is the thing we have been living together for almost 4 months now, usually people think I am so weird and have a lot of weird things other people don't have or even say or do, I mean I know that and I am happy with what I am, and ever not even once want or try to change. Anyways let me tell you some of my things that he thinks are weird and I think is not because from all this people someone out there should have the same thing as me. First is: I can't sleep on a slippery or chiffon kind of bed sheet fabrics ""yemyakatlhu"" that's how I describe them, because when ever I sleep on them or wear a chiffon kind of fabrics, it makes me burn not like burning when it's hot but really burning. Second: I can only sleep with one side of my body which is my left, it should always be like that or it will bother me. Third: I need things to be as i put them, my house should always be clean and organized other wise I'll be uncomfortable specially the toilet, it must be clean as a kitchen. The last but not list I hate it when people I don't know touch me, like I hate hand contacts it makes me so uncomfortable, and I don't wanna see my hubby doing that to any human kind, I feel like he is over stepping when he gets around and touch people, don't take this in the wrong way because when I say touching like a normal touch but to much for someone you just met . because he touch people unintentionally most of the times, for him it doesn't matter if he knows them well or not, and for me it's not okay, I think no body should be touching anybody, I am the kind of person that don't even believe in hand shake. So it always makes me uncomfortable when he do that. Anyways here are some of my things I can write a lot but I think it's already a lot so maybe let me listen to your opinion of this and I can add.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.99677973985672 2018-06-20 17:02:39,"I need to vent. I need to vent. here we go engdih... I don't exactly know how I have to express my feelings for my stupid crush. it always happens really I loved him so much like I can't tell ya how much.... the thing is he was my chemistry teacher at 12gr. we had lot talk each others we met sometimes but we didn't do any sexual part. he always asked me at least to have some weird stuffs but I don't believe him that's y I'm not gonna say okay. Im 19 & his 24 so is that makes sense??? I love him so much but I'm not sure of any thing weather he loves me or not! so how I can fix this things? plz help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9877079129219055 2018-06-20 17:03:36,"I need to vent. I always wonder how little kids play with almost any thing u give them a key, rock, a phone, a real expensive toy, a bottle, almost anything and they will find joy in it... Now why can't we all be like that find happiness in the little things. I could say a bunch of shit things we do to each other but I wish we could just find happiness in our life's and spread it. A wonderful world.",desire,POSITIVE,0.997406542301178 2018-06-20 17:05:05,"I need to vent. He is making me all confused and furstrated and making me feel emotion towards him,with out even doing shit,other guys have made me laugh or beka a good conversation at least but with him its non of those things but i still am drawn to him even knowing he isnt my ideal dream guy ,why the fuck am i being like this .i dont want him but i also want him,i cant get him out of my head , its just weirddd and the worst part he didnt do anything likee nothing to lead this feelings in me,he was friendly was all and most importantly he was himself",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9187906384468079 2018-06-20 17:05:24,"I need to vent. I hate being alone.I cant bear being alone.I try getting along with peoples that aint fit just because i dont want to be left alone.I cant say 'No!' to anyone because that will make me alone....i want to say No. .but i cant...i hate being alone...jebal dont let me be left alone",anger,NEGATIVE,0.996062695980072 2018-06-20 17:05:41,"I need to vent. Hey! Am a bisexual I just wanted to say that",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9926156997680664 2018-06-20 18:49:35,"I need to vent. Hi it’s been a while since I vented so here goes ... I know that we all have problems and the one thing that doesn’t make it better is to talk about it or to think about it too much our lives are what we make it we feel a certain way because of we are taking actions that would surface those emotions boy problems aren’t rly problems am sry but they rly aren’t ladies if his inflicting pain if he makes u feel insecure unloved or afraid of losing him he isn’t worth it so on to the next one love should not be to hard it should not be painful I believe that it should be simple I should be happy I shouldn’t hurt at all if love is a package with pain then I don’t wanna fall in love being in love should be as easy as simple as breathing don’t stick around if he or she isn’t worth it their isn’t only one person for you but a couple hundred u could make a perfect match with life so short ladies stop worrying about your body stop hating it stop comparing it that girl who is skinnier than you or that girl with a bigger butt ...I mean I know how it feels I was that girl who would eat feel guilty and purge it (self induced vomit) and I know this is a long ass vent lol so bare with me the world is talking so negatively around u telling you how you should be what you should look like what to wear because it trendy..! Then to top it all of you hating on yourself than one person who can and should love u unconditionally is you so deny yourself that ..!!! Love your body not just your amazing ass but also your slightly big tummy that won’t go away with out losing your thunder tight u deserve it and for the love of God eat not because u have too but also because u enjoy food live to make others happy cuz what goes around comes back it called karma take a chill pill cuz even if u don’t have it figured out it always works out in the end !!!much love _#basic_truth",love,NEGATIVE,0.9917522072792053 2018-06-20 18:50:04,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need help on this one I'm having trouble shaking off girls gin listen first what I'm going through some girl I know asked me for my number I thought it was nothing but friendly but she stars hitting on me and the second one is kinda my fault but I still need help the thing is mejemeria I started talking to her but now I stoped the like I had for her so I decided to explain why we couldn't keep on doing this but eskahun she messages me minamn and finds reasons to talk u can call me an asshole or whatever if you'd like gin just the help would be preferred",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979398846626282 2018-06-20 18:50:11,"I need to vent. Okay guys and girls this is a question? What are some fun things to do on a date to get to know someone better? Than the usual grab a coffee,going out for a lunch or movies. this guy seems uncomfortable with one on one kind of situation. Any ideas???thanks",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962130784988403 2018-06-21 08:02:56,"I need to vent. Hey everyone am gonna tell u guys something, something that happened to me week ago & I do not need any judgments I have a boyfriend & we're in love but he moved cause he got a scholarship & am working my way too I applied to every college in L.A. ( not the point) um anyways he visited me a week ago but we had this big fight before he left & that night i was at this party wiz my friends & my ex was also there he's a rly gud guy becha I got so fucking drunk u guys have no idea we were both hammered and I remember telling him about me & my bf & staff but after that everything was a blackout I don't remember shit! Then the next day I found my self in bed wiz my ex & I went crazy cause I still do love my boyfriend & I told my best friend & she said it's basically an assault...I don't wanna say anything cause ik that my ex wouldn't try to hurt me soberly or whatever ik he's a gud guy but what I felt when I woke up that morning was wrong everything felt wrong..I felt empty & betrayed & cheap Idk what to do, whether or not I should tell my bf Idk anything so I NEED HELP! REAL HELP... anything I can use would be gr8 u guys.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989566802978516 2018-06-21 08:03:45,"I need to vent. Okay so here it goes its simple Please please please people its a been there done that situation but now that am in a shoe where am looking back and judging my self my God it ain't easy so okay to get to the point this isn't a vent but more like a message to all of you guys I suppose Ebakachehu dont go for a girl or a dude thats taken you have no idea how the person with them feels when they find out its really hard and heart breaking so move on trust me theres always a better fish in the sea out there stop being a jealous kid trying to snatch anothers candy if they are nit meant to be he/she will come around I mean after all if they leave their partner for you now how sure could you be about them not doing it again so I hope this helped and it made sense well Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.6722219586372375 2018-06-21 08:04:50,"I need to vent. Actually its my first vent i am in state of mind where i lose interest on any thing. I am not interested in watching football, playing games, movie, chating nothing at all. anybody out there who is feeling the same way",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991447925567627 2018-06-21 12:37:18,Tell us what you think about it down in the comments,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.980653703212738 2018-06-21 13:54:24,"I need to vent. Got to say this..never wanted someone first or liked anyone first this is the first it seems like he likes me but sometimes he doesn't even seems he cares..sometimes he seems like his flirting but the next day his not sometimes his just a friend but the next day his there for me when I need him the most I want him to ask me out on a date..I want him to tell me how he feels cuz I won't say shit i even want him to kiss me idk whats wrong with me Goooing nuts here‍‍ is he just leading me on or what?? kinda lost‍‍ there is nothing going on between us but kinda waiting for him to say something.. Dumb ryt?? I think I should just move on and start dating other guys that would help right.I hate being in this position..this is not who I am I was supposed to be the girl who plays hard to get Not the girl who waits for a guy to make a move.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991905093193054 2018-06-21 21:42:24,"I need to vent. Why do i feel angry and weird when I see my ex move-on....I thought zat I dont have feeling am confused anyone feel this way????",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9982342720031738 2018-06-22 00:46:40,"I need to vent. Hey guys I don't know if this is first time doing try to help out over here I never thought this would turn out to be a real problem for me...but it is right now Here's the thing...there's this guy I liked ever since I was a kid...we kind of grew together...I don't remember not knowing him And I've developed some feelings for him just when I was less than has been some time now..since I figured my feelings for him...and it was like a tree planted years ago.. very deep roots that are hard to just get rid of. Things happened...he figured out about me mnamn...that's another story but no matter what he did to make me forget abt him and no matter All the things I figured out(like him having a girlfriend that he has never told me abt all that time) , I just can't stop loving him. Love didn't treat me the way it did with my friends and all...all I've experienced is pain...and a little hopeless hope In it I wanna get over him....I'm not a relationship's not the term ""boyfriend "" I want I need someone better than him to make me forget abt him...but then I push away everyone Whenever I get a chance...he's the one pooping in my mind...I admit I'm not over him..but I want to There is 0% probability I might get to him...there's distance and feelings bcha...I'm scared of starting over Forget being scared. I can't start over It's like trying to plant a new tree on a ground where there used to be another tree...but cut off...but still the deep and huge roots exist I don't know what to do...I dont know which path to follow Damn this is so long Anyone...I need an friends are not advising kind so...pls",love,NEGATIVE,0.993686854839325 2018-06-22 11:00:40,"I need to vent. Hey everyone yesterday I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me I told her that We couldn't be together afterwards but I'm really missing her right now what she did was unforgivable and childish I know she loves me and I know I do too...i wish things could work out but it didn't what can I do to move on...please help me I'm really desperate",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9988831877708435 2018-06-22 11:53:12,"I need to vent. Hey....i am kinda lost,so here I am looking for answers and for different views from the vent family....I am overweight,a weight I've put on from eating my stress away...I was sexually abused since I was like 3 years old.the abuse went on for years till i was about 15 years old...this happened bc the people raping me were my own own two brothers....and I have survived every dark thought by eating my feelings the problem is my dark past has influenced me in ways I never tout were of them is putting my guards down...and my weight has also been my biggest insecurity...and now I am willing to let my self out for the guy I've been freinds with for 6 years here in med school...the problem is I am overweight and he is on the other spectrum..he also anxiety talking with girls..i was the first person who pushed him to overcome his fears...I wana take things to the next level... to be more than friends....but am just too scared what if size is really a problem..what if he is not ready to step up from speaking to girls to moret han friends?...should i just ask him...or is that too forward that I might scare him away..I like the guy and I think he feels the sameway...I just think he will never be the one to take the first should I?...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982713460922241 2018-06-22 11:53:53,"I have never vented before and I don't plan on doing so in the future. I just need to get this off my chest. So I'm bisexual. And I came out to my best friend a few weeks ago and she was like,""It's all good,I support u"" and stuff like that. And she hasn't answered any of my calls or texts since...God,what the fuck was I thinking?! Anyway,there was this party yesterday and we were both there and I talked to her and asked her why she wasn't answering my calls and she just said,""I've just been busy...with stuff..."" and she wandered off. I knew she was a homophobe but I never would have thought that it would get in between our friendship like that. So,I told her it was all just a joke and that she shouldn't worry about it. I decided that I would rather hide in my tiny dark closet forever than loose her. I don't really know what to do. If there's anyone who thinks they can help...pls I'm just really scared of loosing my beat friend and scared that I may not be speaking my truth. And if ur commenting to tell me how gross same sex love is or some ""Pray away the gay"" bull shit,please don't. I'm dealing with waaaaaaay too much as it is.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9969946146011353 2018-06-22 14:07:30,"I need to vent. Hello, every body! SO, i've been talking to my all-time crush in past few days, befit we used to be really good friends. He helps me out in a lotta ways. I do too. But then, stg happened and we drifted. Never called for more than a yr. And just last week he called me and i was having butterflies all over. I'm propably gonna meet him in a month, i'm just too nervous already. should i start a new chapter with him? Or should i protect my heart & just fake it? I know he loves me, he just is too busy with work and stuffs that sometimes he shuts me off to put down destructions, i do too when i get busy with exams. But he loves me!! that's not the issue. I've made guys go over hills for me biwedegn aydenkegnim. But, my heart just keeps skipping everytime i hear his voice. That is just so not me. Ere i need help people. Kemirrr gude felaa.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9945976734161377 2018-06-22 15:39:20,"I need to vent. K its longg bare with me so pleas i need an advice k so my dad is the worrest betam he did me wrong since day one he have broken my hurt to tinny tyni peaces so like 6 years ago thy got a divorce a nasty one if my mom didnt come from a wealthy family i sware to god we would have been on the streets by now emebeta temesgan that didnt happen we r really good now enam am 20 scl is good becha i told my self to never forgive him and told me to forget him so thts not the problem now he sent his fraind to us and told us hes so sorry and he wants his now"" really grown up successful two kids"" but if it was for him tht wouldn't be our story any ways the problem is the dude is gone die his hurt is in big trouble now wechi hedo takemo menamn meta but anyways he aint got no time left.... i said no to his fraind i said a dead man cant die twice and sent him back but now idk wht it is but my hurt is hurting i actually feel sorry for him and yekr lebelaw eyalku am in war with my self soo what do u guys think pleas gera gebagh",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9929735660552979 2018-06-22 20:39:59,"I need to vent. Heloo beautiful people please please what would u do if u were in an abusive house hold and u can't do nothing I am out of ideas I feel like one day they might kill me what would u do please give me ideas?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.992405354976654 2018-06-22 20:40:10,"I need to vent. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to live anymore. I wonder if anyone would really care if I was gone. I don't want to kill myself or anything. I would never do that. But I just feel like I'm not really doing anything with my life. And I'm just tired of not being able to make a change and just being the same. I'm not living at all, just going through the motions of life and only existing.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995444416999817 2018-06-23 08:30:27,"I need to vent. It's my first time venting..ok so here it goes...I'm rly stressing right now cuz my bf and I are not like we used to be I don't know wants wrong he changed all of a sudden...we don't talk like we used's rlyy wierd ...should I ask him what's going on or why he is acting this way or should I stay quiet? ?and see what happens ?and for a while I'm not going to be seeing him cuz I am going somewhere for a few weeks and I haven't told him yet but...yasferagn endezi wierd honen chirash sinirarak yibsal biye feraw...ena gn forget abt the trip mnamn thing gn...what do u guys think is wrong here? what made him change?help me out here pls...Thank you",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962760210037231 2018-06-23 08:30:46,"I need to vent. I tend to fall for girls who aren't available... all of them are either in a relationship, engaged or even married. And the once I end up dating are the once just getting off a long term relationship and in which I turn out to be just a rebound. How can I change this trend of mine. Because it's getting annoying to me and I think I will never get out of it. HELP!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9962073564529419 2018-06-23 08:34:53,"I need to vent. You yes you the one reading this! Are you here on earth by ur choice? i don't remember when i choose to be here on earth. but i don't know why i love my life this much. I don't know why i am afraid to die. Every time I find myself staying away from things that my take my life even I escape moments that hurt my feeling and personalities. I always keep myself away from fighting even it's the only way and choice at that time but u know why... Because I don't want to start what I can't finish. If I fight it must be up to death. So this days I am tired so I am thinking to get into a fight and am planning to kill him or he kill me. So why do i care this much for my hope,dreams and plans in this world where I am stranger where I never remembered to agree tobe created or born to live",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9460095167160034 2018-06-23 08:37:15,"I need to vent. Hey I was seeing these guy for a couple of months now and we met through some situationship and he started texting me and calling me we used to talk like for hrs literally and he was kinda confusing he was kinda different from all the guys that I've dated before. he took me on a road trip for our first date then we had lunch and after that he got really attached like he told me to call him every time I got out of class and he wanted me to call him everywhere I go and such and had couple of arguments and he always apologise .... I wanted to be frank with him so I told him that he has that player vibe and he told me he will prove me wrong then after that we had a couple of dates he made sure that I was happy to the fullest then he told me what happened with his ex and all then some part of me just forgot that player side I thought he had with in him then on our 4th date we made out like crazy then after that he didn't call me for a day or 2 and since he had a job I understood very well but while looking at the hicky he left I kinda felt bad I don't even know why then I got over it and then he called me on the 3rd day and acted like nothing happened and acted all like he was all about work and noting in between and I was kinda confused then I shrugged it off then the next day he told me he won't come around but I saw a girl in his car and he passed by and the next day he came and he always have this tendency to make me forget what just happened and make me belive that there's nothing maybe that's just the part of me that felled for him already then he took me out ""abren enafter belo before Ramadan ended"" so I agreed to his terms then he told me for the very first time he loved me and i asked him why he hadn't told me earlier and he told me that ""setoch chger alebachu I love u setebalu"" and I kinda felt bad becha he drove me home menamn ena after that we barely talked then I found out he was also texting this other girl(which is a friend of my friend ) I so mad and felt like a fool I immediately texted him that I thought he was better than that and I told him to have self respect and he was so mad he texted some shit and I liked the fact that I got him mad and I was so sad for all the girls he played he definitely used them and I the worst part is that I'll see him everyday and I'm so mad at the fact that he considered me a fool ...did I do the rite thing? Was confronting him the rite thing ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986221790313721 2018-06-23 15:12:57,"I need to vent. Sooo this is what happened.....I stayed late in my office last night and end up making out with my boss. He used to tell me that he likes me but now I doubt everything he says. I don't want to waste my time for such useless thing so what do you think I should do? I really need help.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9968653321266174 2018-06-23 15:13:57,"I need to vent. I only need advice How can I get over someone I really and truly love I never thought I'll feel this way and I'm having hard time to do other activities in my life even I started to get sick so please help a sister out",love,NEGATIVE,0.9940872192382812 2018-06-23 15:14:36,"I need to vent. Heyy... I was reading all the vents here n I lose a courage to write one And today I really wanted to hear stg from you guys I'm in a situation where I'm kinda busy wid exams but not working as hard as I have to....and there's this guy I know almost for a year n we were best friend till some weeks then we start making out neger I like him. He's on of ma kind but the thing is he's in f**king relationship n actually he was about to break up even before he knows me but every time I saw him talking wid her n when I notice he's a little proud to admit he wanna me I back off n start losing interest, thinking he might not love me Does these kinda sound like deal breaker? . Am confused af..that's what's happening in short I know it maybe silly but... can't help it so anyone here who willing to help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9917322397232056 2018-06-23 15:17:31,"I need to vent. Well here goes this is my first vent... most of my life I have spent it looking for the illusion known as ""love"" sure that's the one thing I pursued a lot and sure along the way I have loved many but the older I got my feelings started to be specific and clingy, but the whole time I loved only one has loved me back then at that point it made me look desperate then I decided to shut out my feelings and decided to pursue something easier money it gave me the peace I wanted but not needed then I became atheist because of it..then I couldn't handle the guilt of being a Christ hater through time I was convinced I had to come back to God through that I felt a better peace but still a different and new craving for love then I met this girl she was everything I needed but I don't know how to express those feelings I have for her or how to get her to like me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9938183426856995 2018-06-23 20:10:55,"I need to vent. Hey everyone Okay this is becoming a big problem for me the thing is I keep thinking that everyone is lying to me like they out to get me. I can't have a conversation with out thinking they gonna tell someone about it and make fun of me or being me down or something like that. Ahune ema even with my best friend whom I call my sister‍. And nowadays it's just getting worse by the day. I really don't know WTF to do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995146989822388 2018-06-23 20:12:03,"I need to vent. We live in a society where it is standard to have your first kiss in middle school (maybe earlier now), to have your first boyfriend in high school and to lose your virginity by, if not in, college. I am the exception to this norm. I am 21 years old, and I am still virgin. It is and it isn’t by choice. I am not throwing myself at people in order to “lose it,” but I am also not saving myself for marriage or for any other religious motives. It’s frustrating when you feel like you’re growing up slower than all of your friends and you can’t figure out why. You ask yourself over and over again why you can’t just make yourself grow up. I’ve played that game enough times to know that you can’t make yourself grow up.Things happen when they’re supposed to, when it’s right.That usually comforts you until your friends start talking about sex, which happens a lot, and you have nothing to contribute to the conversation. No funny stories, no advice. Just quietly listening, wondering if your friends think you’re weird, which obviously they don’t, but you feel like an outsider nonetheless. It shouldn’t be embarrassing, but it is.The purpose of this article is to let anybody else out there who is still a virgin, no matter what your age or gender or reasons for waiting, it’s alright. I mull this over a lot in my head, I’m content knowing that it will happen when it’s supposed to. Just do you and then things will fall into place.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9837146401405334 2018-06-24 08:25:35,"I need to vent. I am 22 and need giudance , i have deppresion and insomnia and i am questioning my sanity , i have tried to kill my slef waytoomanytimes cant stand to go on.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969756603240967 2018-06-24 08:28:49,"I need to vent. I just gave up on Ethiopia. What the hell happend to us, why are we filled with such hatered. No matter what good things we get we always find the bad in it. U tryied to kill the only person with the power to change it all.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985238909721375 2018-06-24 08:28:49,"I need to vent. Here lies reality.  The life of a good man costs!  I am a committed person I commit to almost everything I value in life but trust me when I say ""its a disease"". I mean it has given me everything in my work life,  But when it comes to a relationship I enjoyed life better when I didn't have to trust a woman to hold me down. I haven't came across any woman who would realise what I am as a man until its too late to resume. lemme leave you with this thought... What if your beauty, curves isn't the reason, what if the words you say, the person you are, and the genres of music you listen too matters Hypothetically speaking of course Not every man wants to digg a hole. I mean I might be that guy but am pretty sure there are some men tired of the usual. They are tired of not being trusted just because of an insecurity that came from feelings. So they are always hurt. One things a constant tho the assholes ALWAYS make it. (To the guys) Question is.... which one are you or better yet which one do you want to be. Cause I don't know what I want to be.",approval,POSITIVE,0.9075371026992798 2018-06-24 08:29:49,"I need to vent. Ofcourse everyone is afraid of rejection but mine, Man mine is out there. When I'm being totally honest with my self here is what I figured out or still figuring out? (i don knw ) ....I think I'm likeable by everyone, like i think everyone finds me attractive I know! what da hell ight? trust me I know that is massed up but I think it has something to do with comments/complements I have been getting since I was a little girl you know teachers putting u on front of the line when taking group pictures, everyone telling how cute u are ever single time. That's the kinda situation I grow up in. That's really wrong BTW raising a girl only telling her she is pretty cause she is gonna think that's the only thing going for her. U have to tell her she is strong,smart n that she can do anything she sets her mind on shit like that cause when she meets people who are more attractive than her or people who don't find her all that pretty she is gonna feel like crap! So wrong society!! Anyways I met this guy n I thought we clicked n he did ask for my number but it's been 2 weeks n he never called and I was like ""why didn't he call? guregna new malt new or maybe he thinks I wasn't in to it"" I never stopped and think like "" maybe it was me, he didn't find me all that funny n cute"" and that is soo wrong! Anyone can be attractive to a certain some one and not to other. That's the ugly truth I have to swallow, that we all have to swallow. you're friends might think you're smart but u ain't smart to everyone. as a person u can be mature, for others u might not be mature enough you know? That is a scary thing to admit. It is for me. It's a process, I guess the fact that I'm putting it out at there to a bunch of strangers shows I'm moving a step forward hopefully.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9867538809776306 2018-06-24 08:30:04,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I just want ask one question. What if you are in a relationship with a girl who is very AKURAFI. She ignores you whenever she wants and text you sorry whenever she wants. Ere akatela legelegn new. Need advice ASAP thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9963704347610474 2018-06-24 17:39:40,"I need to vent. What's the point of celebrating When the ones you loved have gone? It's only the beginning of another year, Another year of struggling alone. Nothing new will happen. Nothing old will ever change. The past has left its scars. Now only old memories remain.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.99672532081604 2018-06-24 17:40:07,"I need to vent. Here is ma prob ik its stupid compared to all the real problem but eski amakeruge.....after 2 n a half year i went on a date the guy was great i can say a really decent guy i had fun buttt i don't feel it if you know what i mean i felt his presence more like a friend than an affection but i really wish i can have feelings or affection or something so my question is is there a chance that i might feel after a while or not?",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9928593635559082 2018-06-24 17:40:28,"I need to vent. This is a question for all the venters.when u are venting abt some thing u add so much detail to it ,don't u stop and think what if the person that I'm venting abt reads this and knows that I'm venting abt them?!...just sth to think abt",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989012479782104 2018-06-24 17:40:55,"I need to vent. Time stops And stands still Each day Seems like a year I'm lost And can't be found In this darkness I lay dying Cold Empty And alone It holds me down And won't let go There is no escaping it consumes me until there's nothing left I may look fine But on the inside I'm full of death",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.991024374961853 2018-06-24 20:25:20,"I need to vent. So I've been together with this girl for like 2 years. We broke up alost a yr ago and I'm still in love with her. It's making me sick. I've struggled with anxiety my whole life. Been on meds for depression since our breakup. I get this urge to contact her all the time. What's the best way to just move on?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9911718964576721 2018-06-24 20:42:57,"I need to vent. Metenfes eyekebedegn struggling with depression ....its been 3 years since i got stacked....i have tried to commit suicide couple of time bt i ended up in a hospital.....I don't even got z meaning me living....i just want everything to settle....i have tried ma best to bring everything just like it used to be bt its nah working out‍ so young there is another life coming up ahead.....though am only 19 there is nothing in this world which makes me get up from my suffering....betnshum behone music yshal...leman metenfes endalebgn encon i have no fucking idea......wste badonet eyetesemaw new ....i have lost z real me....lesost ametat yahl tesakayew still same shit i realised nothing is gonna changed ....since i have no choice....i set up alarm so i can wake up n try z shit again lost already died...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983503818511963 2018-06-24 21:16:51,"I need to vent. Okay so people say its okay for a girl to make the first move but what i noticed is that it actually isnt. infact if a girl makes the first move a guy will lose interest even if he was interested. I dont know may be cuz its expected that if a girl is attractive she'll get many offers that she wont ever need to make a move and if she does it makes her look desperate or undesirable,same goes when you're the one who started the conversation with a stranger online,correct me if i'm wrong but thats what i noticed",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9915891289710999 2018-06-24 21:19:43,"I need to vent. I need help! I'm soon to be a college(university) student and me don't know shit of what field I have to choose! My parents are so into medicine and I'm so into being a physicist and something that has to do with physics. My dad tells me to make medicine my first choice, I get his point..job opportunity and no life of poverty...but physics Oh physics....I know I should choose what I want since it's my life...I've said the ""Do what you really want to do,it's your life ,not theirs"" line many times...but now, I have to submit it tomorrow, and I'm freaking out...did I just answer my question? OooooomG! Please bear with me,I'm just freaking out! I started thinking about this thing since 10th grade, and I literally have no answer! Aaaaaah! I'm sorry, I feel like a pregnant woman who's water just broke,weird right,since I've never been in labor and I don't know what it feels like,i'm sorry, out of, I've listened to many motivational speeches about following your dream and stuff, and one time I listened to this dude who said "" if that something that u want doesn't make u cry, then u don't want it ""....and I froze at that moment because whenever I watch physics lectures from colleges like MIT, I literally cry, I know I'm weird, I just realized how incoherent my paragraph is, so I'm going yo take a long walk while listening to the sound of the air or some music, I really don't know...I don't know bzu negerochn. By now u have realized what kind of psychoish state I'm in....Oh God, I can hear my dad talking to my mom about me being a doctor! Oh I said um gonna take a walk right, I'm sure by the time u read this, I'm not walking cuz I don't know why.....totally out of point sorry, so HELP MEEEE!PLEASE!!!",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9980770349502563 2018-06-24 21:20:13,"I need to vent. So this one is for the dudes why are y'all so damn quick to tell us we deserve better when ur never ready to pull yourselves together n act like the men u r so sure we deserve like really......",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992510676383972 2018-06-24 21:20:35,"I need to vent. Lately I've been reading a lot of facts about outer space and the universe. I realized something. We humans are tiny beings who live on a piece of rock. This rock oribits the sun and the sun will one day end up swallowing it whole. Now compare your worries to this. 98% of the things we worry about don't even end up happening. I do not mean to make your worries seem insignificant. Rather i am trying to lessen the weight they have on you. Don't worry and fret too much. Every time something brings you down, get out of your head and look around you. Look at all the people, trees, animals, down to the soil beneath your feet. Look up at the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars and all the things beyond that you can't see. Let the hugeness and complexity of it overwhelm and fascinate you. Let your smallness in this big scheme humble you.",realization,POSITIVE,0.9926612377166748 2018-06-24 21:21:16,"I need to vent. Is it really that hard to forget a person you loved and been in a relationship with for just almost 2 years??! so here is the thing guys I use to have a girlfriend who I started a company with, we use to meet everyday, laugh and spend time together, we traveled abroad together, graduated from college together, started journey in the realistic world together until we broke up earlier this year. And now ... 8 months away she's moved on with a new guy, while I'm here stuck in everything and confused of what is going on in my world and missing her. Wow! Who knew I had this side.. anyways, I don't know what to do next because somewhere (I have no idea why) I am stuck and I am doing nothing about it... Just plain frustration inside.... Is there anyone here that has been at my place before?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9983291029930115 2018-06-25 01:12:25,"I need to vent. OK I need to know about what you all think about a girl who has a big feet like 40+ shoe size",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9828579425811768 2018-06-25 10:09:19,"I need to vent. I've nevr talked openly to people or vented for that matter I wanted to get this of my chest it's like life's a routine and I'm like a zombie depressed and my family are making it worse my enviorment is making it worse and when I try to say some thing its like I don't have a voice and my family members say if we die you'll regret it so try to adapt its not like I chose to be depressed they did soo many bad things to me and out of the blue they taught it was my fault they still do things to me but there so blinded and sometimes I wish they died and get this tourchure over with",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99969482421875 2018-06-25 20:37:56,"I need to vent. Why am I feeling like this?why? after all the rejections I was showering u with , after being sure you are not ""the one"" after saying I deserved better...after all the prayers I made for u to meet a better person and have a happy life....and it happened and am happy but couldn't accept u are just gone....just like more midnight phone more putting u to more endless talk abt every single thing.....I know we have said many goodbyes but you forget to say it this time when it was your turn to say it....Good bye nd have a wonderful life",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980188608169556 2018-06-25 20:38:24,"I need to vent. Heloo awsome people lately I've been feeling sad and drinking a lot because my girlfriend slept with my brother and she thinks that I don't know we have been together for 3 yearswhat am I supposta say I just couldn't belive what happened thats why I was scared to say anything my brother was kinda drunk what should I say or do its so hard my brother is the one who told me crying his eyes out I forgave him but I still feel like shit and the most fucked up part she wasn't drunk",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984081387519836 2018-06-25 21:42:39,"I need to vent. I hate it , the life , the work, the stress, the pain, the social gathering, the lonliness, okay what shall it become they dont see my emptiness my emotionless heart my pit , my deep empty pit of just darkness i smile and i laugh but rrally im a phycopath, waiting to feel alive",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.989264726638794 2018-06-29 08:11:31,"Moshi Moshi members. This is Unihorse . So the bot is down. We will be taking a break for some days. When we come back we will be approving a lot of vents (A lot), and we hope to compensate for the time we become inactive. See you when we get back Join | Invite | Share | VENT The Vent Here Team",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9987342953681946 2018-07-01 10:28:53,"I need to vent. Hi guys I was scared to admit it but now it’s getting bad and worse so I need help My problem is I can’t stop fapping Every morning I wake up I do it Then in the afternoons fap fap fap And before bed one or twice I do it at first I had it limited to once or twice a day but now i don’t know but I have to have to do it a lot and now my triggers have gotten weaker if I see a girl on a film I have to wank one out so pls I need help stopping and I would really prefer it if u didn’t go in the comments to shit on messed up feelings",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982879757881165 2018-07-01 22:24:10,"I need to vent. I'm here crying over the fact that my happiness depends on sth or sone or a situation. I can't seem to figure what the point of life is, why do we go through all the sufferings, the up and downs the love and the hate wen we all know that some day we gonna die? But knw that I think of it the ppl we call crazy are better being wat they r at least they r free and happy with the little things that life is giving them. So I've decided to go crazy, fuck everyone imma do wat ever the fuck I want like the psychopaths!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970158338546753 2018-07-01 22:34:31,"I need to vent. I feel like I'm going down n down ntn seems to be going great i donn wanna die but i just wanna disappear just uk boom im gone to somewhere",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983183145523071 2018-07-01 23:14:13,"I need to vent. My ex bestfriend is fake I don't wanna say this but am actually starting to hate het.. Everytime I get in to a relationship she trys everything in her power to make them fall for her.. She even texts them without telling me then after I break up she flirts with them she will say kedeberesh litewew .. U might say agatami new but she did that with 4 of my ex's ... I never said anything but now I feel like I should talk to her.... Should I??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9662448167800903 2018-07-02 06:19:12,"I need to vent. Hy guys Right now I feel so empty or lonely n I ask my self why do I exist. I didn't get enough reason 4 being alive. So guys what is difference between life and death. Coz my inside is gone(dead) a years ago. But my lil bro tells me dat in everyone's life there is dark side don't let him to drag u down coz ur stroger than dat dark hole But I can't resist it right now! Is he right or...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9602811336517334 2018-07-02 06:19:42,"I need to vent. I would be sick if I hear one more person using the word psychopath. No, you're not a psychopath. Who are you to diagnose yourself? And No, you can't become a psychopath. Psychopathy is a serious mental illness affecting one percent of the population. It's becoming one of those words. Please stop. And another thing we should stop is romanticizing and glorifying depression, sadness and suicide. How are you gonna get out of it if you keep identifying yourself with it? And don't say you're depressed when you are merely sad. Stop the self-pitying and the everything-and-everybody-is-against-me attitude. I am also saying this to myself.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9958409667015076 2018-07-02 13:26:02,"I need to vent. Hello there mate how are you. let me say a few things about me I hate my self so you might not be seeing me after a while, I'm sorry to deliver such a devastating news but that is how it's going to be I'm truly sorry. after all the world will have a free spot to fill with a very clear mind and soul. it is easier to teach a fresh mind than the dirty one. second no one really cares about me. those who say they do really care about me is because I'm a burden on them. I'm sure they will get along with my absence really well in fact they will enjoy it I promise. If you, the reader, are one of them I'm really not sorry if my words or action are or will hurt you because in my point of view they are the right thing, as a human you and maybe I are selfish so get lost. I'm sorry for the tough words though. maybe you could have fixed this maybe, but it is too late. see you in hell, if you are a person like me, or I will send my greatest salutation and greetings, and also a high five maybe you could see me if you look down.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9892616271972656 2018-07-02 18:32:58,"I need to vent. When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell 'Cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell It don't make sense, going to heaven with the goodie-goodies dressed in white, I like black Timbs and black hoodies Whole life I been up to no good Change it all if I could Rearrange my heart, then be good but I can't I'm a sinner, not a Saint Legacy of my life, I'm a dirty mothafucka, a waste of life, a waste of skin Wanna repent, don't know where to begin Next of kin don't give a damn 'bout me I know God don't give a damn 'bout me People try but don't know 'bout me Then the Devil said that he want my soul A voice spoke to me and it slowly started saying ""Bring your lifestyle to me I'll make it better"" And how long will I live? ""Eternal life and forever"" And will I be, the person that I was? ""I'll make your life better than you can imagine or even dreamed of So relax your soul, let me take control, Close your eyes my son"" My eyes are closed",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9933832287788391 2018-07-02 18:33:21,"I need to vent. So am looking for someone to fuck, call me a hoe I don't care but I need some advice? Btw I don't wanna know crap about the guy just some one night stand, oh and also am a virgin...anything?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985544085502625 2018-07-02 18:35:05,"I need to vent. Why it is everybody in this channel venting abt how 2 commit a sucide or how there life is fucked up what's up with u people .....i kw sometimes life can be trash but we can all make it through that shit",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9974595904350281 2018-07-02 18:59:37,"I need to vent. Hey there what's up guys...let's call me Mr.D and I wanted to tell u a little story about the recent shit-storm that happened in my life. I have been in a rlshp with my girlfriend for about 7 years now (started in 11th grade and now we have graduated and are working). So one day I got off from work early and decided to go home...when I got there I found my gf in bed with my best friend...buttttt they didnt see me....I literally froze and couldn't do shit when I saw them...sooo I slowly backed up and got the fuck out of there (I would have hurt someone if I confronted them for sure...I was soooo angry u have no idea ). After that happened I didn't do anything, didn't say anything..I just ignored both of them completely and now it's been 2 months since then and she still is insisting I talk to her. My question is should I? If i let it out I don't know what I might do...I'm not an aggressive person but when shit happens around me I can't control my self..sooo pls help me out ppl Thanks",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9969965219497681 2018-07-02 19:44:01,"I need to vent. Alright wts up ppl... Okay 2 da point lyk dis yr nw graduate yarekut‍ n ma boyfriend is gena 4yr medical student ‍God I love him n den come my mam syin when am I planin 2 get married ...n am kinda confused I really want 2 wait him ..da thin is till when lyk 5yr .. specialize eskiyareg n ‍‍‍ I just hate dis.. n comment plz",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9980472326278687 2018-07-02 19:54:20,"I need to vent. Hey guys i am 22 and i am a law student... so my problem is i get anxious when i present something to large crowd of people or if have to deliver a speech i get so anxious that i sweat a lot, my hands get sweaty and people can also see my face sweating heavily i know you're going to say that i have crowd phobia but its not i still can do the presentation or the speech but not effectively i don't full of confidence in any ideas people? Just help me out i am desperate as fuck",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9993357062339783 2018-07-02 20:12:29,"I need to vent. Hey peeps what ever you're goin through what ever just know that there ain't sunshine with out darkness it will all pass a dont give into the darkness let it suck ass and stay strong",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.69256192445755 2018-07-03 06:23:07,"I need to vent. U know how this workd sucks and so does people they keep failing u and more and they expect u to be ok with it ..... Fuck this .... Y go in to some things just because it seems right or how the world works ....... Ludicrous ...... Fuck life",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993076324462891 2018-07-03 07:07:51,"I need to vent. Hey fellow vents or unicorns or whatever. I am what you would call an close minded individual or introvert . I have been like this since I could count digits. I like keeping to myself and being alone. This may sound strange but let it be. This has caused me to have low social interactions and hence few true 'friends'. After high school ended, this so-called group of friend I knew since preschool were left displaced into different universities where I ended up in Gondar and none of us ended up in the same university. Anyways Im getting off topic. But I tried to evolve and develop connections here at my university. After 2 years now, I seem to get the hang of it with certain classmates. One of which is a girl who I have been 'close' with for the past year. She is what you would call a deep extrovert. She thinks she is in a relationship with me even though I don't do that much to facilitate it by calling or texting or meeting her every day or week. But my question is now that I might have a chance of a scholarship and nobody knowing about it, how should I break the news to her?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980387091636658 2018-07-03 10:45:23,"I need to vent. For all of you battling with depression... For your own sake you have to grasp how little your problems are. I know this is harsh, and before you kill me in the comments hear me out... Try and see how others do have it worse, how they have dealt with much much worse than you and some how are still going. You can find strength in that, and kinda fight it. This way won't work for all it did for me, even though my life was a basic shitstack. I think this will help all those with the will to live, who wanna try. But for those who don't, I wish I could lessen your pain somehow, so sincerely ayzoh/ayzosh",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9657300114631653 2018-07-04 08:41:43,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hello, 1st time venting. Its about a guy whom i love dearly. So here's z problem when me and him started he wasn't single so we had it going on in secret since we're all in z same school and stuff. Z hardest thing in the world is lovin someone so bad and watching them love someone else the same way but i also took that inside and acted like everythin was fine just b/c i love him. So after this secrecy continued all of a sudden they broke up (not because of me). And this had no effect on us so after a few month he asked me to be his girlfriend and well he owns my heart from day 1 so yeah i said YES. But still we were'nt official like he wouldn't even say hi in school. It was all texting. So i asked him why one day and he told me he lovED his previous girlfriend and didnt wanna hurt her by moving on that fast. Okay that hurts, wanting someone so badly and getting nothing b/c if his past feels like shit. Things changed and he forgot all about her (atleast i think he did) and things between us was going perfect and still is. But when i call him and if his wiz his friends he talks as if im just a friend, he still doesnt want them to know! He loves me and is all about the longterm but he cant do this simple thing? If he loves me as much as he does why does he make me feel inferrior and less by not tellin anyone abt me? Y is it in a small argument he doesnt call if i dont and act like everythin is fine? Please i need some advice its killing me!",love,NEGATIVE,0.99454665184021 2018-07-04 08:42:59,"I need to vent. So here it 21 and well i never told this t anyone but im really sick like really sick and i dont think i have much time... So i broke up with my boyfriend month ago just because i see no future with someone honestly, and now im missing him and all... I dont know what to do. Who to talk to... Just need something to shut the pain out anything... I almost think about him and almost try to text him but i know that we have nothing to look forwrd to ik he still wanna be together and all but ik i will just make him miserable... I dont know what to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997115731239319 2018-07-04 09:21:34,"I need to vent. Hello people I got a question does passion really matter at university and what if you became a doctor wiz out the passion or is it kibtet?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.995652437210083 2018-07-04 10:26:38,"I need to vent. First time venting. I know that my problem isn’t even a real problem but I really need help. Am 25 but I have the patience of 100 year old person specially around relationships. The only girlfriend I ever had was in highschool after that I got tired before I make a move on a girl. So I only have one night stand sex or go see a hooker. I know its not good but I really am getting used to this life style. Am afraid for myself that there won’t be out even if I want to. Help before I loose those who still love me “my parents”.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9779611825942993 2018-07-04 17:20:28,"I need to vent. Im very sad right now.....i feel lonely i was very religious person then i dropped all that nd start drinking alchol partying......i kw 4 some of u thats fun but i'm not enjoying not at all but the main reason behind all this is ma family...friends nd people around me. I dnt nw what 2 do i kw this things will pass but i'm afraid i cant make it till then.......",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908322691917419 2018-07-04 22:24:04,"I need to vent. So here's the thing two years ago I was in an amazing relationship with this gorgeous girl but like most rps do it ended. And ever since then I've pretty much kept to myself and just tried to do my own thing. But now I want to start dating again and I honestly don't know where to start. It's not like I'm a social parriha if anything I did pretty well back when still used to date but lately I've been off my game. Every time I get close to someone I try to ""play it cool"" and come off like an asshole. HELP PLEASE before I ran out of girls on campus.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9973081350326538 2018-07-05 07:22:23,"I need to vent. Hello guys I want advice plz sedeb mnamn alfelgem Here we I'm 20 n his 16 he loves me so much I don't know abt ma feeling Caz 1 ken yetelagnal gena tensh selehone beye selemaseb Ena am confused betam so any advise mulu me mulu leben lestew(lewdedew ) weys.....",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9974918365478516 2018-07-05 07:22:45,"I need to vent. Hey guys sooo there's zis guy I'm kinda dating and of I'm being completely honest I don't rly like him and I mean there's ntn wrong wid him but I'm just not feeling it n I wanna end it but I still wanna b frnds n his a rly nice guy but his always pressuring me n I rly need some advice on how 2 brk up did him",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9896228313446045 2018-07-05 14:39:26,"I need to vent. Okay so hello i currently have a bf which i think i really like but i still keep on thinking of my ex n if we got back together n all I forgot about it for a while but when my friends started mentioning him i remembered again and i started checking his last seen n all even though i don't text him so ya i need help on what to do",love,NEGATIVE,0.957926332950592 2018-07-05 14:41:36,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hii i need ur advice ppl It has been almost half a year since i broke up with my bf (he broke up with me actually) he is my first true love (if u guys beleive in that lol) ... I kept hurting him so bad and made him feel like he is taken for granted salasebew ... So he left me The thing is that i tried to move on but i am still hurting asf (u might say u deserve it mnmn but .. Lol) I even tried to date but i ignore them after a while n end up where i start (obsessing bout him) We kinda became friends now (it has been 3weeks) but he has been cold (as expected) .. I almost do all of the talking (lol) He said talking to me hurts mnmn but i couldnt stop texting n he replays ... I know i am going to suffer more when he starts dating mnmn but some part of me thinks that i can win him back by starting as friends mnmn.... What do you think guys?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9980515241622925 2018-07-05 15:10:48,"I need to vent. Hi guys i think i need ur help here it goes.I always end up pushing the ppls who care abt me which i realize after i left them, i can't stop pushing them what should i do?please help me",realization,POSITIVE,0.9528586268424988 2018-07-05 15:36:04,"I need to vent. It's my first time venting here. I am girl and 21 years old. Here is my situation. I have a bf and we moved in together 3 years ago. Our sex life was great before we moved in but afterwards I saw another side of him I didn't see before, like he don't shower for a long time, he doesn't like the outdoor much and he is lazy as fuck. Because of that I lost my sexual interest in him and every time we have sex it is as painful as hell. That really traumatized my sex life with him and he doesn't understand that and asks for sex every chance he gets. And I cheated on him and told him about it and he forgave me and he told me he really loves me. So what shall I do? Shall I continue with him or not?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963725805282593 2018-07-05 16:12:33,"I need to vent. So there's this girl we used to date and broke up years ago nd we met up at a club recently nd we kissed nd that was all but she thinks we're back together she keeps caling and texting me eventhough i keep ignoring her i just want it to end but i dont know how to tell this to her in a nice way because this time it would be my 3rd time breaking this girl and i dont wanne do that to her anymore thats why i ignore her texts and calls but she doesnt seem to get i need help on putting this relationship to end without really hurting her!!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9881675839424133 2018-07-05 16:14:37,"I need to vent. hey everyone it's my first time venting n i don't know how to write my feelings so bestekekel layitsaf yechelal so i have a boyfriend whom i have been together for two years, and it was all good n still is with me n him, n i love him with all my heart,  the thing is there is this girl who is friends with my bf n i know her, she WAS my friend too n the reason we're not friends anymore is she did something bad to me n i thought i got her out of my life although he doesn't know about that. and we kind of fought with my bf because of something she said to him about what i did before but that was a little while ago what's bothering me is the fact that she acts as if she knows everything about me n she tells him what i should do n what i shouldn't like she wanna control everything n get the credit n she's the innocent girl who doesn't do bad things, she's like poisoning his mind with her bullshit and when we fought i told him why am not friends with her anymore so he would know that side of her, n he was like i didn't know that am sorry mnamn keza after weeks mmamn he acts all cool with her, esua demo all of the sudden she feels guilt of something she did idk what n that made me doubt our relationship him being all cool n her feeling ashamed to talk to me. why is he cool with this? I just want this bitch to get out of our lives. So just tell me what i should do . thank u",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9761459827423096 2018-07-05 16:33:53,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I need to get something off my chest... I'm 21 years old and this thing has been bothering me for over a year, this is my story I started dating a girl when I was in highschool (senior) at first she was the perfect she was wild and crazy I loved her so much I was blind to see what was going on but after 8 months of suffering and pain(really long story but to make it short for you guys she dumped me over a dozen of times for no reason and I begged to be back with her) I realized she was really crazy (narcissist) so I decided to move on but every time I start something she comes back to my life mess up everything and leave as always, and now I think I have moved on and I have a gf but am scared she gonna fuck up this too and she just texted while I was writing this. Guys I need your help to deal with this psychopath.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987296462059021 2018-07-05 16:56:35,"I need to vent. It's really annoying how y'all be acting all religious talking about God in your bios and all, making a picture of Jesus your dp and then speak shit to people about ppl. Like, where did all the holiness go? Demo y'all making your ringtones mezmur and when your phone rings and says ""amlake abet belagn..."" And u be picking your phone up and say ""abet?"" ‍‍‍ I'm no nun but I know God listens more to what we have inside than we try to display.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987469911575317 2018-07-05 19:50:17,"I need to vent. Hellow guys, I wanted to let my fear n stress out. I am a girl, 27yrs old. Academically successful, am an engineer n a masters degree holder. I am a virgin. I have a no sex before marriage rule. I had few relationships back in time but none worked out. I think ppl i meet r not really z commiters type. N that sucks. And nowadays i feel like time is running ahead of me, n i really really wanna get married, have kids, n build a family that i call my own. I lose my sleep over this issue. Just wanted to let that out. PS: People who r gonna comment some good insight, thanks in advance. And people who comment mean words, don't fatigue urself. If u don't got smtin positive to say, don say none alright.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9859691858291626 2018-07-05 20:29:25,"I need to vent. I'm 18 and currently stressing my self to death over something that may or may not wield a very positive effect. This is more of a ""what would you do if you were in my shoes?"" kind of question than a vent. If you had a chance to create a better life for yourself abroad and live your life in a certain manner where you simply cannot have ""fun"" and stay distant from someone you hold dear for a long time but can, at least, help out a single parent that raised you by herself from the very beginning, would you take it? Or would you follow your dream, if efficacious, can grant you a life where money, fame, looks, etc wouldn't matter a bit. You might say that this is an easy choice but dependant on so many obstructions. And you're right. I kept y'all in the dark. But in a sense, if you take the first option, you'll live a fair life, and create one for your guardian. If you take the second option, you'll be taking a risk of failure aligned by backstabbers, idiots, and wicked people plus you may empty your parents' bank account. But in the end, it'll be worth it all because things that usually stress average Joe's won't simply matter. Thank you.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9342652559280396 2018-07-05 20:54:07,"I need to vent. Uhm... I dont know how to say this right. I'm so confused u have no idea ... My moms living in the states she left 5 years ago and my dads living here in Addis with me and sis .. I just graduated from highschool and my plan was go to the states and learn there was mostly planned im not goanna go into the minutae of my educational plans but now my dad tells me i can't go cuz I goatta watch over my sis, he wants me to stay in Addis, he doesnt even want me leaving the city ... We didnt have a proper conversation bout me moving to the US but in a way he knew. I didnt talk to him cuz he gets abusive when things dont go the way he has planned. My mom got mad cuz she planned a lot of things for when i went to the US. We talked bout it ever since 5 years ago when she left. Now they both saying dff things. My dad tells me i sgould stay here and that my mom wants to have me with her so she can get a green card or sth, my mom tells me well sth weird i cant talk bout . Bicha even now they goatta put my life in the middle of their fight... they dont agree with eachother, one of them tells me the others statement is totally fake .. that theyre telling me this to use me And again i have to choose wc ones lying and wc ones telling the truth, they always get in the middle of my life, everything has to be a choice bn him nd her. Its very exasperating. When it comes to choosing he has a reputation of lies and threats and she left me here with him but she told me its cuz he threatened her or sth... Ayiiii... i know confusing, you should see how i am right now Very sorry for what ever errors there may be, i feel like a wrote a runoff paragraph, just ignore that Ps. if u guys now about community colleges in the US please write its advanteges and disadvantages in comments",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9985740184783936 2018-07-06 14:05:22,"I need to vent. Hello everyone. so here is what's bugging me. I see a lot of engineering students venting about how much they hate there field and regret choosing it so I wanna ask is everyone like that I mean is it that bad? I finished high school this year and I really don't know what I want to learn, and don't tell me to listen to my heart or some thing like that because I tried and it didn't work. I have good grades so I really don't wanna ruin my future. And is every field under engineering the same when it comes to getting a job or is it only civil engineering that is bad? Thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9963122010231018 2018-07-06 14:06:24,"I need to vent. There is a girl I always talk to on telegram, she was a student in our class. And after 5 months of continuous chats, I fall for her, but I couldn't tell her since she's not interested in relationships. I have never been in a relationship too but I feel different when I talk to her. I want to ask her out but I fear I'll lose my friendship if she doesn't feel the same. So what exactly should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9890900254249573 2018-07-06 14:06:47,"I need to vent. I feel this urge to scream... to scream out why?...why has my path led me this far if not to take me thru... why has it been filled with dreams to be halted by such a miniscule detour. .. why can't I see a way out and why can't I be better... why do I feel like I am receding further into oblivion...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998862624168396 2018-07-06 14:07:46,"I need to vent. Hello beautiful people ...This is my first time venting. I'm 22 years old. Studying at Unity. The thing is I happened to have rich parents and I'm privileged to drive 2017 Hyundai to school.. I'm kinda 'ye bet lij'(my parents are strict, they never allow me to go out and drink minamen) ...My friends doesn't even know that I'm virgin. All boys are all over me. I don't understand weather they love me or the money. I need your help I'm really confused. I think I have beautiful look but as soon as the boys make moves, deep contemplation settled up on me thinking that they come only for money. My question is, am I wrong? or should I make myself available? And real yehonu wendoch alu?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.7432606220245361 2018-07-06 14:09:54,"I need to vent. I’m not a bad person. I know I’m not. But I feel like sometimes that douche bags need to be told their worth. In the process of that I kinda pissed of my mom. How do you make a habesha mom forgive you? “Atseyafi sdb tesadebsh”. For gods sake I sent the dude a sticker that flips you off. Anyways got any remedies for a pissed off mother!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997047483921051 2018-07-06 14:21:53,"I need to vent. Just a question (no offense to girls out there) but why do girls like assholes instead of decent guys that will treat 'em right ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990167617797852 2018-07-06 14:24:24,"I need to vent. Is it weird to be best friends with ur ex I mean we were best friends before we dated then we stopped dating and went back to before but that's not the reason am venting. Sometimes some weird things happen like when I tell him about the guys am dating(he is my best friend I tell him everything ) and for a fraction of a second his face changes and am like whaaaat does this mean??? since am a psycho I analyze everything and but it could only be my imagination .did I just answer my own vent / thought ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981426000595093 2018-07-06 21:15:01,"I need to vent. Hey there ..... Here is the thing i used to be an addict .. Like everything smokin khat weed drinking like evt ... It even interfered with my grades .... I even stopped school ... Nw i took ayear break from campus for rehab ... N it went well i stopped evt n went clean for 3 months .... Bit today sth happened .... As the lights were off i went to see the football game n i smoked a cigarette ... It was a bad thing i could stop it n went on to smoke another 3 cigarettes ...... Then i went home .... Nw im here regreting i stopped school to stop this n nw im back at it .... Why did i do it .... What is happenin ... .",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999362051486969 2018-07-06 21:39:29,"I need to vent. Hello people, I have no(serious)problems like you people,i'm in high school and i'm a very good person,i think but the problem is i have very low self esteem on what i'm capable of and I've been raised to be a person who just lays low in every aspect, and it, turned ,without my knowledge,me to be soo self esteemed and so i'm just like a slave to others i get hurt a lot because i just don't respond to them hurting me because i let them,point is i now hide not to get hurt and what should i do to get my self-esteem up,and know my capabilities, i'm kinda pretty and i love and am good at my education so why am i so inferior(feel inferior)",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9537249803543091 2018-07-07 06:54:01,"I need to vent. Hide my identity I need to vent I don't know what my problem is but am so tierd ok feak people and this life...I even wished that I had enough and I could just die. I never been bad to people I always do the good thing I trust people and that's the worst part of mei can't help it...and they all let me down so I don't know who to trust any more..I even think that my boyfriend doesn't love me even tho he said it a million times. I dont know how to trust him i know its my fault but I just couldn'ti wish I had enough of this life that am tierd of and be done with it cus I have through soooo much since I was a kid and lost my father. ..had I have some problems with my boyfriend cus he doesn't do nothing for me and he have no idea how to handle a girl and he always annoy me I love him but I just can't go through with this I don't know what I should do he wants me to do all the work help me guys I need help before I lose my mind Thank u",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9948443174362183 2018-07-07 06:54:57,"I need to vent. I'm gonna say this cuz somebody has to say it. ERE BESHETA FIRU!!!!ENDEEE! Its amazing what people specially girls these days are afraid of the most is pregnancy. Like thats the worst you can think of???really?(most of them dont even know post pill isnt a constant contraceptive and its super dangerous) specially if you're living in addis or you're in campus it is pure madness,like most of us in here whether teenagers or in 20's have learned about hiv since we were in 1st grade back when it was this scary was better that way meselegn,atleast ot scared people. Bicha ease up on the ""fuck 10 other women to getover a heart break ""(oh you're gonna have a lot more you cant getover)or""we're just hooking up"" or ""we got drunk and slept together"" or the ""friend with benefits""....bicha stay safe out there people specially teens",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9951719641685486 2018-07-07 06:56:13,"I need to vent. hey guys I need your advice.. ... I am a 20 year old dude and i have been kind of wrestling with a decision.... I have been thinking I should just give up on girls completely.... I came to that point cuz my last two relationships .... I guess not relationships more like encounters with love left me more of a mess than I was... after each I swore never again ... I still don't know how i got through each but I just have this insecent need to find a deep connection with someone I guess and so... more cynical and more In pieces I still try... but it's not just my feelings that were hurt... I have a habit of being reckless when I feel intense when I am. angry or in pain I I just said. fuck it to my classes... and didn't give a shit... that scared me but I couldn't snap out of it ... I went in to tests unprepared and had on this Indifference if I failed or passed..... looking back it was very stupid and I know my grades kinda sucked and that will have its own mess.... with all the effect and I guess pain it caused me .... I want to stop.... but on the other hand idk it was good to have somebody who understood ..... but I do have a lot of stuff to fix about my self don't even get me started on that.... but if I stop I feel like I am gonna miss out and I don't doesn't seem like I have much choice cuz I am so messed up but still I am having trouble deciding what do you think i should do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982695579528809 2018-07-07 06:57:02,"I need to vent. They say time heals all wounds. Then why do i feel like i'm hurting more today than i did yesterday? For the past 2 years I've been in love with someone i knew i couldn't have. Every time i think i'm over him....i'm reminded of how he made me feel. He was and is my first love. But he doesn't even know it....And i can't tell him cause he sees me as his sister....he would think i was crazy. 2 years and i haven't said a word to him about how i felt. 2 years and he hadn't noticed the way i spoke to him, how he would always find me sneaking a peek at him, how i was so nervous around him. We've been best friends for 2 years and everyday he says ""i love you"" and i say it back...i meant it...every damn time..... I dont know what to do anymore. We're going to separate schools next year and he already started peeling himself away from me. I should be telling him i love him...i have loved him for so long. But here i am...venting. Knowing there's no way he would know.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9923627376556396 2018-07-07 06:57:25,"I need to vent. Why do Ethiopians or people in general have to be judgmental, you know just because a girl wears a short dress doesnt mean she is a slut just because she hangs out with a lot of boys doesnt mean she is a hoe. it pains me to see a lot of women not enjoying their own life because they are afraid of what people might think. Well to all girls out there drain your life and live it to the fullest wear what makes you feel sexy and comfortable , say and do what you want so that you wont have ""what if "" moments, hang out with whoever pleases you, stay out late , live in the moment ...... Just be interesting , be someone you would like if you got a chance to meet cause in the end you are responsible for your actions and you take the full effect of the consequences and if death comes for you, you are the one who dies not the people who tell you how to live your life and at last when all flashes through your eyes prepare a breath taking movie so u dont have to spend your last breath on something that isnt as interesting",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9509177207946777 2018-07-07 08:43:02,"I need to vent. Hey guys what's up? I'm a guy and I'm 27 and I wanted to share my problems with u and hope u can help me get rid of it. Lately i've been thinking that my life is filled with fake ppl in it (except close family tho)...fake distant relatives, fake friends, fake work friends becha all fake in general. My parents are wealthy but I don't give a fuck about that, never did my whole life because I wanna make my own money and not be a brat sitting all day being spoon fed. But now that I think of it...most of my close friends are here for the money and not me. The reason why I said this is...going back 7 or 8 years ago I had no friends...I was socially awkward and my parents bought friends for me malet yechalal ( they used to come by at School get the whole class lunch, they used to invited them to my home for my bday party and shit ) becha that's how I got friends which is totallyyyy ridiculous. And those friends are the ones still here and I keep thinking are they still here for the money? They always ask me for it tho‍ Work friends too( I'm the CTO, chief technical officer, at a big company) so those ""friends"" laugh at my stupid jokes, make fun of me when I'm not there and act all serious when I'm around and shit...bc they know I'm their boss and that I can fire them. My question is how can I get real friends? Where do i even look without them wanting my money?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991058707237244 2018-07-07 10:01:31,"I need to vent. Hide my identity I am really nervous.okay so I am a 4th yr medical student who is really unhappy...I feel like I don't belong there and I kwww am not going to do it justice .ur probably thinking why didn't you quiet kemegemeriaw. ..well it turns out quiting and starting over is not easy and to continue with the friends I made and stuff felt really comfortable and every year I decide but I back out b.c it seems easier to do so. sometimes I feel really guilty about considering it because it is ""the golden job"". And I am not considering it b.c I don't want to work hard, I actually enjoy that part but the thing is not only do I struggle to pass but also the science doesn't wow me like it does to others.and I can't picture my self being a doctor anymore.this was my dream u kw since I was a my question is can I start over?is it too late? it okay for ur dreams to Chang? Please help....thanks",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9964311122894287 2018-07-07 10:09:09,"I need to vent. To that hot guy out there who sat beside me in the taxi that i embarrassed myself in by almost pucking all over the place. Thank u for being so understanding...telling me that it's okay cuz shit happens...talking to me even if my mouth stank like i ate my brother's socks...caring enough to tell me that i might hurt my ears from blasting my earphones...and just for being sooo cute and regret is eating that questionable breakfast that ruined made our 1st meet...i hope me meet again",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9627237915992737 2018-07-07 10:12:08,"I need to vent. Why is everyone losing their virginities to their cousins or their family members??? Whyyyyyy???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9995269775390625 2018-07-07 11:33:38,"I need to vent. am 19 yr old boy living with over protective fam... but i wanna focus on my point,z thing is i smoke pot n nobody knows abt it(fam)but today my mom called me n said ""i found this in ur pocket"" n it was z ash of z weed covered by paper then i frozed to deathx, literally..cant even speak then i said idk wt it is n how it got there so she said i will keep it n will found out wt it is n i was like sure u can to seem chill so wt shall i do,can it be identified its just ash i hv decided not to talk i mean wtever they will ask me i am going to deny it but if i ""must""talk wt shall i say to her,a good rsn to make her believe thats its ntg n forget all abt it....pls i need ideas or advise",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967429041862488 2018-07-07 18:45:06,"I need to vent. Hello ppl Id even know if this is wat u call venting hula hmmmm Nywho i took a closer look to ppl (men) n i discovered sth * There is no such a thing as descent or asshole mnmn (we all act right for who we want to act right for) ... Plus we are all bad in someones story aydel ende? I tot my boyfriend (ma ex currently) wont hurt me or leave as he is descent bu he did sooo there is no such a thing (i guess) ... Assholes might worship the ground u walk on n descents might leave u raw",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989216327667236 2018-07-07 18:46:12,"I need to vent. Hy guys so thanks 4 reading So I hav a bf n his rly sweet n his great n he sends me packages and he sends me rly sweet texts n his rly great but his my 1st bf n n he has had many girlfriends before me n I should be rly into him but I'm not n I'm hoping that iĺl start having feelings 4 him but I'm starting 2 think zat I won't cuz there's did other guy n were just frnds but I had a crush on him since we met but ntn ever happened n I feel like he'll always see me as just a frnd n I rly need to get over him wc is y I started dating my BF but now I feel guilty cuz I have a gr8 guy hu rly likes me n wants to be wid me but I keep thinkn of some one else wat should I do?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9822907447814941 2018-07-08 07:44:09,"I need to vent. Hey there buddies! It not really a vent but instead a question. Here Goes I am a 22 years old girl and I never had a bf. I know many men and they say they are interested in me but I just don't believe them... And when ever they try to approach me in an intimate way, I drift away or I want them to try harder. I do this not cause I wanna play hard to get or to play with their emotions, but it's cause I have trust issues with men. I have seen a lot of my girlfriends being hurt by the men they love... when I come to the main Q ( I know ur saying, eskahun wedegedelew algebachim? Min yihen Hulu azebarekat? I said all this to tell u that I don't know how men react when they are truly interested in a girl or they are 'here' for just the cookie ) Bear with me a little bit I recently have met a handsome guy, like really really hansome, And he took my # just 5 days ago, but he called for like 4 times a day, text in between. And he's acting like my bf, and asks me to meet with him everyday. I dont like rushing things so I haven't met him again yet... Guys! Do u think he's rushing things cause he did really liked me, or is it cause he just wants the cookie and he's playing me, and I'm just another new target? Do guys rush things with a girl they truly like & not lust (Erejiiiiim ena aselchi vent silehone, am rly sorry , gin just drop ur thoughts, and if u don't have a good thing or important thing to say, please just don't waste ur time and scroll down)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997232973575592 2018-07-08 17:44:48,"I need to vent. AM REALLY SCARED GUYS.It all started at university this guy who starers at me and I was like this guy is so weird and he started to come close and I talked to him like a normal person and (actually I tryed avoiding him) then I don't know where he got my number from but he started to call like 30 times a day but I didn't answer then he started to get crazy and I ignored him more and the more he got attached to me then he started to harrasing my friends and it came to a level that everyone in the dorm started to be scared. Now he is like I will never leave alone. U will never date anyone but me. he always knows where i am the people i am with he send messages like am behind u and ur in this place (and he is right)its very hard guys I need help and if I go to the police it might worsen things soo what should I do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9902620911598206 2018-07-08 19:50:47,"I need to vent. Sup people so here it goes. I have a girlfriend and we’re happy together. But the rest of my life is not that great. I mean my work life is good but i have very few friends. I used to back in highschool and collage but somehow drifted.i mean i am a pretty funny decent kind of guy but somehow i have ended up somehow friendless. And it’s depressing me and it’s affecting my relationship with my girlfriend. The fact that I don’t have many friends kind of made me depend on her and needy.And I haven’t told her this because I don’t want to sound pathetic,Ego. But what can i do to make friends because i feel like i am going in the rabit hole of solitude.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9813490509986877 2018-07-09 00:10:20,"I need to vent. Hi this is kind of scary to be honest but here goes So lately I feel like I'm stuck ,like I can't move.... everything around me is changing gradually and I can't seem to catch on. its not that I don't want to it's just that I feel like I'm mentally stuck and I don't know Wat the fuck is holding me back. It's like I can see the door, it's open but I can't move my feet. This might sound stupid but if anyone has anything to say I'm more than willing to listen",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9995096921920776 2018-07-09 00:10:32,"I need to vent. I need a vent Guys I need a help Am sick and and am about to die.... Z thing is I have bf and he have no idea about it it 's so hard for me to tell what should I do guys .....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995146989822388 2018-07-09 00:11:46,"I need to vent. Hey guys, so I currently find myself in a difficult situation with a friend of mine. So we met in highschool when him and I happened to be the same class. The guy is pretty odd in character and makes really unfunny, weird jokes. It's really tough to be around him, unless you have a high level of tolerance, which I happen to have. On the bright side, I also like him because he's the most honest and pure of heart person you could know, also very rare. He is very ""sociable"", he talks to random people if he gets the chance. He knows a lot of people and hangs out with different groups. But I know for certain that each one of his acquaintances can't stand him, but won't tell him that to his face. They either call him up as a backup plan or to buy them stuff(he's loaded). But then he tells me that he feels somehow lonely and that I am his bestfriend and the only person he trusts. Now don't get me wrong, i don't hate the guy but I really pity him and I am concerned about him and the relationship he's building with other ppl. I always think about telling him to cut down on his really awkward & uncomfortable talks but I know he will be very emotional about it and broken. But at the same time, if I, the only person who genuinely cares about him, don't do it, who will?? This is a tough one for me because deep down he's a really good person. Some solid advice would be appreciated peeps. Thanks",admiration,POSITIVE,0.940169095993042 2018-07-09 00:12:20,"I need to vent. Hi so am a girl and I am going to share a bit of what I have learned with you girls. Dear women we are beautiful and amazing .we are not defined by our makeup our clothes and also money. We try so hard to hide the scared insecure and bad sides of us, we give our selves characters we hate but we hide our real beautiful selves just know that u are strong and you shouldn't change your self for a man a real man will see the right you.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.998974084854126 2018-07-09 20:24:36,"I need to vent. Hello peeps so i am a girl and am 18 And am kinda having. A hard time with my mam and dad i mean they dont even talk to me i am the one who dose all the talking and stuff and when my friends tell me abt there family and all i kinda feel very bad i cry all day all night b/c of them i think tht wht i am doing is wht affects them or tht they r doing this b/c of my actions but god i will very bad i sm times think abt suicide but Any way i want help anything u got to say i will listen pls",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983401298522949 2018-07-10 08:02:12,"I need to vent. Hide my identity. Hey there OK so here is the thing, my mom and dad divorced in really bad terms and it has been almost 5 years now and they're still on bad terms. So my mom bumped onto his mother(my grandma) today and my mom being the nice person she was she greeted her and my grandma insulted hee from top to bottom. Mom kept her strong facade all day but when she told me on the phone she broke down and cried, she said betam geremat after all these year my dad's mother's hatered for my mom was the same. So when I meet her tomorrow I want to say something that will make her happy and strong and smiling. I have ideas but can u guys give me more ideas?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9921574592590332 2018-07-10 08:05:52,"I need to vent. Hey people selam selam Well i met this girl in class on first semester this but we never talked that much til the beginning of second semester and to my surprise she’s a cool kid a lil crazy weird yep thats what i like and recently (moth ago) I started calling her and stuff and we became good friends and bout 2 weeks ago I asked her out and she said “yes” but as friends bec it would be her first date of her life i mean and she said she wasn’t ready for a relationship.then I convinced her lets just see how it goes first before we ran into conclusions and after few delays of the date we finally went out to the movies and dinner after. Surprisingly it was awesome as fuck i even kissed her later at night. But the problem is I think she is still scared and after that day we talk and all but i can still feel something is wrong. I really like her more now but I don’t see the affection from her side and i dont wannu lose her bec she is perfect to me i dont wannu do anything that might push her away Help please",love,POSITIVE,0.5923489928245544 2018-07-10 08:51:13,"I need to vent. I have a lot of issues that I can't understand: I really wanna date so bad but I don't get physically or mentally ready. It's like my mind wants something and my body rejects it and I don't know how to overcome this feeling. I really need an advice u guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985933899879456 2018-07-10 08:53:09,"I need to vent. I wanna start off by saying this is probably the most I’ll open up, enjoy it fuckers So I’m a bit grown up but a little while back I saw this girl and she was without a doubt the most prettiest girl I’d ever seen, not even exaggerating but as pretty as she was I was very fucking nervous to even go say hi(this was new to me as it had never happened with other girls,ever) Fast forward this year I’m still on about her but luckily some friend introduced me to her, she was even better than her looks, she had the personality of the century, and like the voice of a harp and her eyes, they were deep and beautiful and to this day I still haven’t gotten that close and I’m really putting in effort to do so, maybe one of these days I’ll let you know how it goes down, wish me luck though cuz this one is really special Tips to get me going would be appreciated",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9908930063247681 2018-07-10 08:57:31,"I need to vent. a days am so tired to find ma true love. and am going to over to ma 3rd relationship. An the biggest reason is the guys I have been dating are don't like strong women. A woman who has self esteem, who is compitant in any part of his life an sometimes who lead him for better things. Honestly I can leave such ma personality for his unwanted wishes.‍ so please guys tell me don't you like strong women? ? Or due like girl who is always cry in ur chest. help u r sister out there...Please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9936915636062622 2018-07-10 22:14:50,"I need to vent. Hello everyone out there reading my vent ....this is my first time venting so I hope u guys will be good to me ....I know that my vent is insignificant compared to what is happening all over the world these days but u know we ppl are betam greedy ena we still mamarer over the things we had ....kebaterku meselegn anyways let me get to the point hear me out I am a highschool student who is just 17yrs old and to be a12th grader and I am betam nechnacha who keeps nagging over every little thing I really try to be a good person to everyone but I cant I just see the negative part for every thing every one does ......I take compliments as insults ( i thing they're mocking me or sth) so instead of thanking them i just insult them....and I do push people too when they get to try knowing me i push them and i regret it back again and more over I am lazy enough to claim my mistakes and ask for forgiveness and rather make them the ones with the at last my question is hw can i get to get many friends and be a good person with everyone I know",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9975414276123047 2018-07-10 22:15:30,"I need to vent. I felt very proud when we walked with my ex-bf together. I didn't care if anyone saw me with him. (even my parents) I've never felt that way before him. Nor do I feel it now with anyone else. There are so many reasons that we shouldn't be together. But this one reason got me thinking maybe he is the right one for me. Maybe I'll never feel this way for anyone else. What do you think? I'm pretty confused",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9345718026161194 2018-07-10 22:16:21,"I need to vent. OK so here comes my issues am 18 and a girl & have been asked out with many but said no cause I think love doesn't exist, So there is this guy I know like 2 years now his aboard to study so the first year we texted he had a girlfriend and I tried to be a friend but I tried to stop then he told me he broke up and want another girl and he left me a choice there but I kept on saying why did u break up you just have to say sorry and stuff ik am idiot ok then....the year ended but before that I never say hi at school even if he wanted even though our class were close anyways by the end of the year he said he will leave the country and we should meet up but then when I called him like many times he wouldn't answer then I blocked him cause it wasn't my phone then after months I texted him and his like u blocked me when I called anyways by this year one of my friend told me he played her and never reached her after that and I asked if he plays... And his like ya before when I was here and stuff anyways now we're like too close that I know many of his family(fwi that he told me about)and mine to and ik his fucking rich but I don't seem to be impressed about that and again when he started getting out of friend zone am like changing the subject cause I like how we are friends with texting if it makes sense and he asked me if i can come there and study with him and will surely find a way and he told me he doesn't even talk to his brother than me anyways I want to know if u think i like him cause Idk but I think of him every time but I like the friend zone and if you think his playing me please help me.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986825585365295 2018-07-10 23:00:04,"I need to vent. Hi, this is my first time venting See there is this girl I have loved for long but she doesn't know that she think we're just friends but lately I've been die'ing to tell her that n guys I am not good at that jinjena stuff any help here?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975889921188354 2018-07-10 23:00:32,"I need to vent. Hey guys. How are y'all? Well I need help with my boring ass love life. I'm a 15 year old guy who has not dated since the 6th grade. I'm a nice guy, but it feels like I never get the chance to date. I have a lot of friends which are girls but never more intimate. Either they don't wanna link or I'm not trying at all. I'm a little of the flexing type but I'm not cocky at all like why are girls almost never close me? If you wanna talk personally Leave your usernames in the comments Love to all",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9628252387046814 2018-07-11 00:07:32,"I need to vent. Hello people ... I am a girl I am 20 .. I have a lot of issues family issues, friend ,relationship I always overcome my every struggle with myself but now I am hurting I am dying every single day ... I usually dn't trust guys but this time I thought this one was sent from God n i trusted him when ever he was around I used to feel like i was the only person in this world I love him I never asked God for anything but him ... he was my everything but for no reason we broke up I never thought i would be hurt this much ... now he is living a happy life with his gf and I get to see him everyday cause the place we have fun is the same we have a lot of mutual friends .... now he is having a happy life I don't want to bother around but what can I do to make my self forget about him I am sooo dying",love,POSITIVE,0.9123369455337524 2018-07-11 00:09:41,"I need to vent. Hello Everyone am 21 n zere wz zis guy, we were so close we hv known eachother for so many years after i went to university i havent been in touch wid him for 3 yrs one day it wz holiday n i txted him he replayed n we started txtin after zat we mate n we did hv a good time we kissed n evertyhing zen we started dating he is older zan me he is 30 n rich .. we become to attached he introduced me to his friends.. he showed me where he worked he wz so proud to show me to z world zat i wz his gf .. we party every saturday we talk on the phone every night we txt eachother every minute n hour n every date i went wid him wz special n cute even he wz z 1st one to tell me he wz in love wid me... Everything wz so perfect I wz in love wid him...zen one day when I wz checking his fb page I saw girl comment when I opened her page I saw her holding a baby wid ma bf n also I saw zere engagement picture ... Zen i reliase every saturday he always go home after 10 local time n he told me zats b/c his mom waz sick n i belived him I couldn't believe ma eyes when i saw z pic so I went to his house zen his wife she opened z door she wz holding another baby of theres I just couldn't say anything so I left and now I dnt knw wat to do.. I told him everything yelled n screamed at him he said he is sorry n he love me but now am going insane i cant eat sleep think study or do anything .. dnt knw how to forget him idk if I hv to tell his wife or shut ma mouse so pls help me just tell me if u hv any suggestion of wat I should do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9859116077423096 2018-07-11 00:18:22,"I need to vent. Hello there, I was wondering if any of y'all know a good counseling place (for mental health like depression, anxiety and the like) here in Addis with a cheap price. Kthnxbye.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985623955726624 2018-07-11 00:19:32,"I need to vent. My friends say I'm too picky. I am not picky; I just know what I want , like I don't want those good looking guys which any girl could be attracted to or the guys that talk a lot just to impress every girl around them ,I don't like the guys that hit on every girl they see too. Honestly I like smart guys like the silent ones' you know the ones that people call nerds , geeks or whatever you call them. So when ever my friends talk about typical guys I'm not interested. So that's why they say I'm too picky. Just wanted to let it out. Seems like no one understand this days.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9967150688171387 2018-07-11 00:29:07,"I need to vent. My gf of 2 years left me for my best friend and the fucked up thing about that best friend is a girl Where is our beautiful, humble, God loving country heading??? I mean beka homosexuality endezi common hone malet new ? I ain't saying this bc she left me, fuck her I'm dating a way hotter chick ryt now, but still everyone was acting all okay about it and I was so amazed about how they handled it and everything",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.986728847026825 2018-07-11 00:36:36,"I need to vent. Is it just me or are a lot of girls out there using shit like "" Im not the relationship type "" to be basic assholes to their men. Keza u use that as an excuse to find the next poor guy to torture. It in no way gives u the right to play with both ur emotions. If u like the guy make an effort to change, don't be an ass please. Its like saying I'm the smoking type is a valid reason to smoke. Its not!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9922486543655396 2018-07-11 00:47:31,"I need to vent. okay here it goes... does Love really exist? i mean one between a man and woman? the ""movie love"" the one we read about? Or do we just settle for something less than that? So far i have been in two relationships... I havent found love... cuz if i did i think i wouldnt had let it go... so wat is love? has any of u felt it? and if it does exist it doesnt end right?!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9963791966438293 2018-07-11 01:34:47,"I need to vent. Hey everyone , so I don't like having a bf but I love it when guys fall for me and not just one guy but lots of em....n I don't date them, I make them fall for me n say no when they ask me out.... any comments?",love,NEGATIVE,0.605466902256012 2018-07-11 01:55:22,"I need to vent. This is going to be long... I want you to clear your mind. Take all the bullshit we've been taught, expectations we've been given and the limit we've been having and cram it all in a closet. So if you are reading this you are a human. Probably. And you are an organism. Maybe. You have multiple organ systems. And those organ systems have organs in them. And those organs have tissues. And those tissues are made from a bunch of cells. Those cells have organelles. And those organelles are made from amino acids, sugars and all that crap. And those in turn are made from molecules bonded to each other. Those molecules are made from atoms. And those atoms from proton, neutron and electon. And those from quarks and lepton and so on and so on. Now this brief ride in biology is to show you that there are more atoms in your body than there are stars in a observable universe! And that is a lot. Doesn't this make you feel humongous? Make you feel big? And now let's see the world around us. We are on earth, living as a slightly evolved form of primates living on a dirt planet revolving around an avarge star. A star among the billions found on this avarage spiral galaxy. This galaxy is among a billion others found in this universe. Or maybe it is multiverse. We don't know. Doesn't that make you feel tiny? So insignificant? Anyways, nothing means anything and we're all gonna die",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9920582175254822 2018-07-11 06:00:08,"I need to vent. I can't put my thoughts in to words nor can I express this solitude I have am useless am good for nothing, I just don't feel like it I live it day in day out...worthless piece of nothing just nothing... why bother everyone,let alone the people am close to family nd friends, y bother you anonymous guys at this hour? No definite reason, nothing. Why not kill myself and let the misery be over because am weak just because am afraid to do it no more reason, no more good explanation am weak even to end my life.....instead of being open minded end and being eager for the next life I choose to be weak nd complain..instead I bitch abt shit that non wld understand.... I write nd I erase knowing it wld make no sense to you, knowing it won't help nd change shit....all is fucked up all question mark.... what does this say...if some one put just '??' What wld it say what wld it mean to you what wld your answer be",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996497631072998 2018-07-11 06:01:32,"I need to vent. Hi am a girl in my early twenties. I've never had a boyfriend before and I've never really liked a guy either. The only idea of love i have is from books and movies. I am perfectly fine living this way. I love it even. But sometimes, i want that other life you know? So what do u guys think? Am i doing okay? And what do guys think of a girl like me? Be nice with your comments please",love,POSITIVE,0.9939190149307251 2018-07-11 06:02:31,"I need to vent. I have a gf but i dont really love but her life is fucked up ad i felt pity so im just being with her just to make her happy the weird part it im in love with her best friend who is the gf of ma best friend ad i dont know wt to do........pls help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9836913347244263 2018-07-11 17:45:36,"I need to vent. Hi everyone. First of all this is a long vent with a lot of gibberish. I am seeing a lot of people in this channel venting about gfs, bfs, dating and whatsoever. But the issue is that I have been an introvert guy all my life. I kept to myself, said as few words as I could muster . I was a smart student up until I was around 14 years old. When I heard about things that a normal kid should know about like sex and related stuff. My grades immediately slipped and went from 1st to 10th. My grades didn't recover from since. I don't really care about that cause I managed to keep my cool. I was also a home kid. I didn't go out unless it was for class. I didn't even go out to family social events unless I was forced. I think the situation somehow made me feel nothing for sex and dates and whatsoever. I am now 20 years old with an experience of no gfs and no dates till now. My question is Is there something wrong with me? Are there individuals like this here? Should I give an effort to change my whole personality even if my current path might lead to a good job and lonely future which I'm fine with but the other might lead to an unstable future from previous experience(I'm not hoping)?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976511597633362 2018-07-11 17:48:39,"I need to vent. Wht do u girl's want just curious. When ever I'm a nice guy and go for a relationship u try and use us guy's for our cash.But if we give u the bad boy vibe you drink and fuck I mean wht the fuck is wrong with u. Decent guy's are cool to have fun with not just for marriage",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9203696846961975 2018-07-11 17:52:21,"I need to vent. Caught in Emotion I never thought that I was capable of love. At the beginning, it was all fun. But as days pass by, you start to become real. You start having more meaning than you ever did. The matter of fact, more than any one. I never felt this way, so I was afraid of falling so fast. Because I wasn’t sure you were ready to catch me when I land. So even unintentionally, I started looking for ways to end this feelings. Cause deep down I knew it was all just a game for you. I was hoping you would be the only person to ever be in that position. But life doesn’t go as planned right? At the time, I was afraid of my feelings. I wanted you to be the one that show me I was wrong to push you away. But your words started to say different while your actions said sth else. I was just the girl you had on your fingertips who was just waiting for you to act right and treat her right, huh? Whenever you wrote paragraphs about how sorry you are and how you wanted to try harder while I started to drift, then BOOM I’m back. Is that how low you think of me??? You really hurt my feelings when you agreed to my suggestion of timeout. You didn’t even try. I had so much going on in my life that I wanted you to be my escape from those horrible things. But who am I kidding?? You never cared, you were just really good at pretending. You made me feel stupid for all those times I spent being on your side. I fucking sacrificed my sleeping hours I had just for you. You knew what were doing to me but you had the audacity to come into my life when I was adjusting to new me. Weeks passed without even saying hi. You started to disappear whenever you saw me. For starters, I didn’t start this but for some reason you made it like I was the one who was chasing you. Bruhhhhhh Then again you act like it’s all cool and start to be the angel. You are true evil. You never deserve this kinda part in my life. I’m glad it ended. Don’t ever comeback. You should have known I don’t play your stupid games. You will be a lesson that if I can be like this for a mf, I can imagine what I can do for the right one. So happy to start new beginnings in a place where you will never ever find me or see me. Save your plagiarized paragraphs of forgiveness and shit, and stay the fuck out of my life. You should have believed me when I said I don’t chase, I replace them. I guess I’m too much of a woman while you are just a boy‍. Chunk my two fingers",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9612693190574646 2018-07-12 19:03:31,"I need to vent. So this is my first time venting. I have an amazing boyfriend, he is nice caring, funny and smart. And I'm happy about him. The problem is I know his ex she is smart and has an amazing body(like with big booty and boobs menamen) and I am a skinny with a long hair and kinda tall. So every time we go out and do stuffs I feel like he is comparing me to her. I feel like I will never be good enough. And that hurts a lot. In a relationship both partners have to be satisfied by each other. And I feel like am not satisfying him. I don't know what to do. I have tried to gain weight but didn't work at all. So guys pls help me, With how to gain weight and also how to feel less insecure?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9872300028800964 2018-07-12 19:03:58,"I need to vent. So I'm desperate for some advice here. So I used to be the kind of person that doesn't hang out much with people. I go to class alone then leave alone, without waiting for anyone, I was a loner and those times were peaceful and happy. So recently I feel really suffocated, i feel trapped, always with the same people, same place. I can't do anything alone, people r always with me. I feel so bad 4 feeling this way cause they are my friends and I love them. But when I'm around them, I'm always comparing. They have so much, they have lived, they have dated, they have been loved. But none of those have happened for me. And I feel so jelous but I don't want to feel that way, cause it feels really horrible to feel that. But I can't help it, it's just too much and i just want to be alone but I cant even have that cause they are always with me. I just feel really horrible so is it really bad that I'm feeling this way? Am I a bad person?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.991729199886322 2018-07-12 19:07:58,"I need to vent. Hi guys I'm a 20 yr old girl in love with a 27 yr old. I know he likes me as well but it isn't enough.(not nearly as much as I like him) There are so many reasons that I should dump him, so many. On the other hand this is a friend of mine altough he insists on being more. He knows how in love I am and how hopeless my love is. Lately I have been considering his continous proposal. You know how we should choose the ones that love us more than the ones that we love. Although I have no idea how to move on and learn to love a great friend. And the other problem is that, this great friend is a yr younger than me so... I'm stuck. Please help. And please don't be harsh in the comments. I swear I'll do the same Thank you so much",love,NEGATIVE,0.9966477751731873 2018-07-12 19:09:03,"I need to vent. well hi guys....this is a small issue and just bare with me...take it from a religious perspective....I am a Protestant and I have fooled around and done many bad things not really understanding my religion and I have repented now and become closer go god but a guy u have been texting for a long time and trifled to have plans just found the perfect time and everything and I Dont want to turn him down after all this time cuz I Dont really wanna tell anyone my reason but...I Dont know how to let him down easy and the worse part is I still wanna be with him and stuff...urghhh.any advice...and if u r here to insult me pls dont",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984059929847717 2018-07-12 19:11:33,"I need to vent. I will say this with all the guilt and the shame I am feeling. But I am not doing this 'coz am a heartless woman rather it's coz am a hopeless lover. In the last six month I started talking to my very first love;(I was the reason why we never were together) but then all this feeling that I succeeded in to suppressing. For the last 8 eight years rushed back in to me. And for the reason that isn't still clear for things suddenly became physical just physical. The problem is he has a girlfriend; a serious one. And now am the side chick. I can't BELIVE I agreed to that. I couldn't find the gut nor the self respect that I needed to end it. And it seems I keep falling for him harder every time as time goes by. I know it sounds damn and selfish but I seriously couldn't do anything about it. And that poor girl thinks she found the one;and it's me to blame; if things fall apart between them.....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9930073022842407 2018-07-12 19:13:25,"I need to vent. Hello out there, am here to ask ur advise so i think u have to be polite wz ur suggestions cz i nvr vent here before! Am 18 fun loving gal, smart in class... So 1st let me begin wz ma previous story when i was a little gal max 12yrs ma dad ""tried* to rape me nd after zat i started experiencing zis kinda guys in ma life. I used to had an Uncle (he's dead) hu tried to do z same thing twice! And after zat before 2 yrs means 2016 i was kidnapped in a taxi zen i had to be smart wz z guys nd thanks to God z driver was smarter zan his keeper nd i was smarter zan z driver not actually gn God helped me nd i get out of zat actually am still v ntn happened at all. sry fo writing zis whole shit. Wat i wanna say is i had experienced zis kinda things fo almost uncountable times teachers in school, dad in home, ... but ma subject is am into z difficulty of visiting ma dad. I live wz ma mom nd i have a sister and so whenever she bring his name i be like and day by day i got older i think of zat day it was dad hu had z chance to take ma virginity. Imagine , and everytime i try not to think of zat day but whenever he wanned to act like a dad i feel like killing him instead of being in his arms. Gals u have no clue how much it hurts when z 1st thing zat comes in ur mind when u think abt dad be sex, and 1st person zat comes in ur mind when u think abt sex be ur dad. And whenever someone calls on ur phone and when zat guy be ur dad, z person hu is trying to act like a father be him, hu wants to hesitate u, punish u like a father be him And ryt after all behind z story zat he never been a father to me i mean he even told me zat he wasn't ma father when i was little kid and now he is z guy pretending out there wis his fans talking abt me and acting like such a really gud father. And as a result of ma previous experiences i love to be alone, i mean i never sat wz ma family even though they told me to, i hate family's as hell and no feeling fo sex cz he's z person i think of, i had a Psychiatry (i kinda have stress) and he told me not to be alone at any time. Thank God i got zis bot so u r t going to be the only person i share zis part of ma life, i don't no wat advise u r gonna put gn be careful wz zat pls i hate being alone gn zat's how i feel specially i don't feel like being wz ma family cz i always have zat pain, zat pain zat i will never tell zem, z pain i think of when i see zem, z pain am not gonna share zem till i die... so i want u to say sth abt ma loneliness gn don't tell me to tell zem cz zat's impossible mom is going to kill him maybe, their heart will be brokenmaybe got it no one is going to believe me fo sure. oops did i just wrote zis whole shit!!! just kick ur comments here sry fo z full book story of ma life",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997353196144104 2018-07-12 19:13:52,"I need to vent. I like him...I really do.but I dont think he likes me as much as I do.he's smart.i like smart guys.that really turns me on.n he knows what to say to make me flatter.i thought he liked me.i thought he was real.i don't think he played me but I don't think he really liked me either.i don't know what to think....but what ever we had,we ended it long ago(a couple of months) but why do I still want him?why do I still wanna call him?why do I miss his voice?why am I not still over him after he told me that he would never be what I want him to be?",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9854618310928345 2018-07-12 19:14:40,"I need to vent. The feelings I feel are too much to be explained, I see you changing your mind but you're still seeing me from a safe range and I'm not really used to this so I don't know what to say except I'm all in my feelings so don't nobody get in my way",neutral,POSITIVE,0.964364767074585 2018-07-12 19:16:56,"I need to vent. Umm I rly dunno where to start but according to my point of view u were a jerk who didn't deserve to be in my life in the first place I mean who do u think u are to look down on me,talk to me with disrespect I ignored it all cause I was just trying to compromise and work it out but at the end of the day I was wrong ur just another bad guy on the streets and yet u think u can play on me give me hope then let me down well guess what am sick of it,am tired of leading my life with Compromises that did me no good till the very end but am just wondering what kind of guts u had to say ""I still care 4 u lets try to work it out"" u nvr even cared in the first place do u rly think am dumb enough to believe all ur sweet talks well that's just insane and it ain't a horror movie movie u know y the fuck would I get back with you ur just another bad chapter of my life since I passed that part y would I turn back I got no reasons to cause I don't give a damn abt u I just simply moved on with my life just try moving on with urs",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993031024932861 2018-07-12 19:17:25,"I need to vent. This is going to be gibberish be hold on....i fucking hate my girlfriend. I lover her and shit. She says she does too and but her actions speak otherwise. She insults the fuck out of me. She calls me so many names. She is very manipulative she always ends up being the one that got hurt in an argument. I’m a bit emotional and wether it was her fault or not i say something stupid emotionally and shit just turns around all on me. My question is how do you argue with a woman? Ever-time we fight she just wants to leave she knows how deeply i am in love so she plays with me man.... i feel like I’ve no control over her. I never thought relationships would be this difficult and i have been on many of them but here i am.woman are so manipulating... i swear all off ya’ll .... fuck you assholes. You’re all selfish. You just want to be right for the day and win an argument.....i am so tired man, i need someone who can realise and see how i care.....So i need an advice from experienced men on how to handle a woman?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9989297986030579 2018-07-12 19:19:04,"I need to vent. Hi girls this one is a question for u. Is it usual for girls to tell guys their period is late and they might be pregnant. cuz they wanna break up with em.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955841898918152 2018-07-12 19:19:46,"I need to vent. I don't know where to begin with but right now my life is messed. I 19 & a girl . so it all begin with as always doing what my parents tell me to do but then they all started controlling me like they start choosing my career, since all my family members are doctors they want to be like them , I didn't oppose since I want to be doc 4m z beginning but then again they started to choose which field I Should join I told zm that I really wanna study psychology but they started giving excuse that like it doesn't fit me ... but then z dropped this cause & zn started other , zy all started caming to me telling me that they found me good husbands they told me to pick one from the list & they told me that z guy will wait for me until I finish my studies...... I really tried hard not to break zere heart but if I keep doing what they want me told I will destroy myself. & I can't argue with my father cause he has heart disease . So what should I do. Please help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968644976615906 2018-07-12 20:04:16,"I need to vent. Owkay first time venting....its like I have been single since grade 8 and now am 2nd year univ student its not like guys don't ask me out and staff its just I don't say yes when they ask its hard for me to even say yes so they will ask me like few times and fed and go along with there life and when I see them in a r/ship with another gal I feel happy at first and get jelous ...I just don't get it.....and I always complien why am single so any advise how to say yes..plz its just driving me crazy like fuck so help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9952759742736816 2018-07-12 20:04:40,"I need to vent. I never trusted you, even though i nodded and smiled , my gut was telling me how i should be cautious and i know that you didnt believe me either when i laughed aloud at your jokes and touched your arm you could see right through me as i did you and now when i heard how you used me i laughed aloud as i would at your jokes because i knew what was coming i knew what kind of person you were and i feel nothing",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9816277623176575 2018-07-12 21:01:14,"I need to vent. this is my first time venting. So I'm a freshman student in college and the thing is I'm in love with a girl who also happen to be my best friend(and also we're on the same class). but I'm kind of shy idk hw to tell her and i fear that if i got rejected our friendship will be ruined (i think she only see me as her bestie) so wat shud i do, any advice?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9971490502357483 2018-07-12 21:02:17,"I need to vent. Hellooooo, So here's a thing: i need an honest opinion about what i'm gonna tell you. My friend fell in love with a person who has physical impairment, she really loves him and sees her future with him. He is a very good and quite accomplished gentleman too. The thing, she is scared as f**k to start anything serious. Not b'c of the physique, but since he wants to settle for marriage & she doesn wanna break his heart while she is not sure of many things. 1. Family acceptance ( a major deal for habeshan parents) 2. societal norms, stupid judgemental freaks out there. Ebakachu, ‍ this is real, a responsible and insightful comment is needed. Thanks good people!",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9498735666275024 2018-07-14 16:35:34,"I need to vent. Hey this is not really venting,just smtn I was dying to know. Are you guys really having this dating-bf-gf thing..I mean..aren't Ethiopian parents are really restrict.Don't they follow ""Only school....""...kinda strategy. I really thought you guys were jk but it turned out to be real. I just wanna know how? I am confused",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9867362380027771 2018-07-14 16:35:38,"I need to vent. I am not happy",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996541738510132 2018-07-14 16:36:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys im just wondering is it okay for a guy to keep his ex girlfriends pic n wouldn't agree to delete the pics,what do u think?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986067414283752 2018-07-14 16:36:28,"I need to vent. I live with the memories and die with the dreams, don't fall for love that shit ain't what it seems Just when I think we're getting somewhere I realize our hearts are in different dimensions not to mention I'm reckless and you like keeping your distance",realization,POSITIVE,0.9847415089607239 2018-07-14 16:38:10,"I need to vent. Among my siblings i feel like I'm the one who gets blamed the most. All the time i end up crying and wishing i was dead. Or so i can run away. But where would i go? My small brother and sister were being rude to our neighbor, i got blamed for it. My mom qnd dads divorce, again im blamed by it because i couldnt choose. I get a single B in my grades, im counted as a failure but none of my siblings even have more than two A's. Im hated by my family and by myself. I am the one who takes care of my small siblings all the time. They hate that mom doesnt do it often so they think im trying to take her spot. My father used to think i insult him behind his back to my mom or my friends. My big brother hates it when i even speak. Idl what i did. My only escape place is school. When u see me in school i am the happiest and nost carefree person in the world. But thats only what people see me as and what i want to be. I cant tell this to anyone because they wont understand. They all have perfect lives and not so much happens to them. Because of envy i started pushing my friends away. I can't pretend all the time. I have bruises on my leg, all from my dad. I believe im a worthless person. Telling people all my secrets makes me feel vulnerable like they know all about me. And i Dont want that. I cant have a say in my life at all. At the same time i want someone to know. To understand me. But ik if i tell someone i will regret it deeply the next day, like i had betrayed my family. I once told my teacher and i still regret it deeply. For some reason i feel like talking wont help me at all. Looking back at the horrible things that happens to me. I try to make myself believe its almost the same in every family. They just hide it. But i look at the way the fathers look at their children with care and i ask God all the time why cant my dad look at like that instead of hate and disappointment. He doesnt do that to my brother. He cares for him. My brother got two B's and even got a C but my dad didnt say anything. He just told him he will do better. But when i got a B. I was kicked and beaten. I still have the bruises on my leg and face. I dont know what to do..same with my mom. She doesnt say that to any of my siblings. Everyone in my family hates me. I asked my mom if i can meet my friend outside once. She screamed at me saying that i cant go and that i have to try not to be selfish. Last i checked she was out with her friends the day before this argument and all of my brother's friends were at my house playing games together till they all left to eat outside. I asked if she can come to my house, again a flat out no. Im asking for one friend thats all. But my brother is allowed to bring 14 guys over. Is it because im a female? Is it because of my gender that only i have to take care of my sisters, wake up at 5 on the morning to wake them up, feed them or clean the house or cook or wash the dishes? Its times like these that make me wish i had money so i can leave. I never tell my parents about my friends because in the end they will make sure that i never talk to them. My mom tore all of my books once when she saw me reading one at 9pm. And it was a saturday. She knows how much books mean to me. They are the only things that make me forget the world i live in. everything i like is hated and banned in the house. I stopped eating five days ago. Only having breakfast to keep me during the day. And of course no one noticed. Did i mention my mom broke my phone because i replied with a Hi to a guy on telegram? Idk why am letting this out. Maybe its because my mom just had another argument with me because i didn't get her coffee or because i want to tell you all that, if you see a friend in depression like me, or in a problem. Dont hesitate to go talk to them before they start to burden themselves with their secrets. Even when they say im fine, be there for them. Dont be quiet. Bye",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9962181448936462 2018-07-15 18:16:41,"I need to vent. This is gonna be long... A Guide to worrying. So, you are worried about something, are you? Might be your crush not liking you back or lusting after an ex while you are with your new boyfriend or maybe worried if boys are after your 'Cookie' *chuckles*. Whatever, the best thing that you can do about it is to think as much as possible about it. Just do absolutely nothing about it and keep on worrying. Cuz that always makes problems go away. Look at the rest of your country. I'm sure they have never faced a personal crisis or lost family members or been fired or panicked on their life choice or anything most people go through in their lifetime. Because the thing you are worried about is the biggest thing that has happened to anyone on this planet. No one  has ever gone to war so they wouldn't understand what you are going through. No one has fought to free us from oppression. No one has fought with spears and shields against modern weapons for us not to be colonized. No one has walked kilometers just to get clean water. No one has starved in our third world country. Somehow whatever it is you are worried about justifies you loosing sleep and being a total dick to yourself and everyone around you. Well, you know best. Luckily we humans live forever therefore you have infinite time to hold yourself back with doubt and fear. And some how your crush might not like you back or you embarrass yourself in that presentation. We are all going to be laughing at you because we don't have a life or anything to do except to wait and laugh at your demise. All 7 billion of us. Even after you're dead, we'll come to your grave every day and form a circle laughing and chanting 'this person made a mistake'. Because we don't have anything else to do. Also with that thing you are about to do. No one has ever taken a risk before. You're the first one. And I'm God is watching you in a 70 inch screen holding a gaint popcorn waiting for you to fail because he isn't doing anything like miracles or play chess with Jesus or regulate the speed if light or keep the fucking world moving! But none of that matters, does it? Because you are worried about your crush not liking you back or lusting after an ex while you are with your new boyfriend or maybe worried if boys are after your 'Cookie' *chuckles*. Whatever, the best thing that you can do about it is to think as much as possible. Just don't do anything about it because no one has ever been in a bad situation before.                                                 Exurb1a X Ms. M",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9933434724807739 2018-07-15 18:17:11,"I need to vent. Hi guys So this might seem Wierd and it's not like ur typical problem but here me out OK so ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a side chick I don't know why but I just never want to be someone's girl and be in a relationship with anyone Now there's this guy I like and he's told me he likes me too but he has this girl that he has been dating for like 2 years. The problem is we talked and he told me he will break up with her to be with me but I don't want him to.i want to be his side piece not his main one How can I tell him this with out sounding sluty",neutral,POSITIVE,0.5723039507865906 2018-07-15 18:19:37,"I need to vent. Hello everybody Am soon to be 3rd yr student and I've never been in a relationship my friends make fun of me for it Its not like I've never been asked for a date but I have trust issues I don't even want to sit on a table wiz a guy. am ok wiz not dating and just be married when the time arises am even ok with my parents choosing my partner for me but my friends say am missing out on something special so any thoughts would be welcome and Hw can I trust a guy and start something wiz him Tnx in advance",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9949287176132202 2018-07-15 22:21:12,"I need to vent. Who let the dogs out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990467429161072 2018-07-16 11:39:53,"I need to vent. Guys, by that I mean the literal dudes in here. Most of you here start venting about your problems with girls and all and generalize your whole vent with a “why are women like this?” Or a “How do I argue with a girl?” Have you ever thought maybe we all have different thoughts and personalities... just cause we have the same gender. Don’t get me wrong females do that too, generalize. But you do it in such a snarky way. Do you realize how superficial you are?! I don’t think so.. you have so many requirements in your head for you to simply consider a girl. I may sound a bit bitter but I’m actually just fed up. I could go on but I doubt the real assholes are actually reading the whole thing. But just want to add to the girls in here that if he really doesn’t see you as you are, don’t ever change for him.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9951522350311279 2018-07-16 11:40:17,"I need to vent. I'm unlucky!!! Dero betaaaaaam lucky nberku but now my gud luck is gone..... Beka Hulu neger.. I was top ranking student in highschool but after I joined uni I've even failed in a course nd I didn't tell my parents coz they will die. My frnds are just using me Nd z guy I luv is still in luv wiz his ex... Well he's not my bf gn we go out mnmn... Becha I just wanna die",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986799359321594 2018-07-16 11:42:21,"I need to vent. Before you read this pls keep in mind that I didn't do this to hurt anyone but shit happens. So the situation is a bit complicated so bare with me, I have a gf of almost 6 months and I was absolutely crazy about her at first but as time went on things started to fade. As the months went on my feelings for her stated to die out so i tired to end things but I couldn't coincidentally she was going through a rough time with her fam so i decided not to do it just yet. Backtrack a few weeks, she went back home to her parents but I had to stay back for summer school ( yay med students). Still me and her kept in touch on the phone during that time I met someone else. I used to see this girl around campus but i never persued it for obvious reasons untill she walked up to me one day and we started talking. She's pretty cool so we clicked quickly to the point that we were getting too close. The thing is i never told her i was with someone. I don't want to go into the details but I might have cheated on my gf and I've been racking my head over this I can't sleep i can't eat but even worse I can't read. Might have deserved this But like I said shit happens.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.990372896194458 2018-07-16 11:42:59,"I need to vent. Hey guys so let me clarify more so my bf keeps all of d girls he dated pics n wuld not agree to delete it so its not just one specific girl he thinks its memory but it doesn't make sense to me at all in fact it makes me furious every time i find pic, especially his previous relationship which wz serious .bicha the point is it makes me feel like im not as important to him i mean when u find dat person"" d one ""y wuld u luk back y shuld it matter who u hv dated ryt or im just being totally non understanding ?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995970129966736 2018-07-16 11:43:51,"I need to vent. Hello everyone ... please don't be harsh on ur comments eshi ye ewnet yekefagnal ... There was this guy that I really love .. he was such a nice guy he has helped me through everything we are always there for each other ahun we are not together anymore but we still call and text each other we share advices minamen .. I am living my everyday hoping that someday God will make us together I believe he is my heaven Sent husband ... I couldn't tell him him how I felt about him I couldn't tell him that I couldn't picture my life with out him I couldn't tell him that I always pray to God to give him back to me ... ene minem alfelegim gin esu biyawek that I truly want him des yelegn neber ... he is my angel he is mine .. ene I dnt even want to forget about him .. I recently found out that he has got a new bae I even saw them together gin ahunem abren yalen newu mimeselegn I can picture my life with out him .... I am confused I am rly confused I need a help ..",love,NEGATIVE,0.5251954197883606 2018-07-16 11:44:47,"I need to vent. I'm fucking tried of the bull crap I deal with everyday..... I'm so sick of it.... If I do it I will be the start of my fuck ups.... I'll be the disappointment everyone remembers me for..... The reason.... The real reason to the why I'm always on line Is that I couldn't.... I couldn't find Sb to listen... Like I listen... Ppl to understand me or at least try.... Giving attention to what u say.... N making me hope for the better when I say I can't..... Like I always do... In my upbeat phase. .....i am sorry but if I just do it I know my friends would be so confused bc they won't know why.... That even makes me wanna do it even more.... Now ppl would tell me that suicide is nt a choice.... It is.... But it's a lesson.... But I ain't white.... U don't value my life... I won't change shit.... I'll just exhaust the resources... .if my future is nonexistent why trive for it..... I don't have anyone beside me to hug me and say everythings gonna be okay I don't have a fucking shoulder to cry on.... So I'll tell you guys.... Hopefully you would care... Funny... How I look for acceptance from ppl IDK n ppl that don't know me...... I'm confused n I fucking don't like it.... Honestly I'm a caring person... I try to be positive n help u be as well I will make you feel special n make u feel not neglected..... Maybe I'm that bc I need some one like that.... I'm sorry for ur time I don't even know the point of this",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986853003501892 2018-07-16 11:45:13,"I need to vent. Helooo pepps if there are doctors or girls wid the same problem thers a liquid that comes out of the vagina aydel and yehone seat lay yene betam beza like ende period bicha its too much and plz if this is normal let me know please",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993667006492615 2018-07-16 11:46:17,"I need to vent. Hello ppl am i want to star up by thanking the ppl tht comment on think of helping the ppl be sure the same will happen to u And for the ppl tht joke on our problems wht is wrong with u this vent is were we get help not were u selfish ppl or lonely ppl joke on our problems Sry to say this but i curse u tht u face the same problems on which u joked on For the ppl facing problems hope u will pass through this fast luv ya all the gud commenter",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9953573346138 2018-07-16 11:47:14,"I need to vent. ISo I have smt 2 say I have a big problem most of z timeI can't say long in relationships more than meybe 2 weeks malet tolo yeselechugal when 4 z first days it's seems magical am z kind of easy 2 talk and ena but z problem cames out after 5 or 6 days later beka betam nw medeberugn mn alebat sex arege selemayemechugn adelem I have date more than 5 boy z maximum thing we do is kissing nat even touch gn I don't now wht just happen wht do u think help me wht should i do 2 stay?so help me pls help me out has been set as the name used for your actions in Vent Here.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965487122535706 2018-07-16 11:48:43,"I need to vent. I trust people with all of my heart why do they end up disappointing me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7344121336936951 2018-07-16 11:49:02,"I need to vent. Hi so um am a 21 year old girl who's never had a boyfriend and was quite alright with it up until recently. These days i have this urge to meet a guy and fall in love and all that shit tho i know its not that easy. What should i do? Am feeling desperate tho i shouldn't be. I mean, all good things in time right?",desire,POSITIVE,0.7898536324501038 2018-07-16 11:50:37,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. .am 21 years girl who is a virgin and who have no plan of doing it untill marriages. Am mostly a silent one who have no confidence in myself. People call me am cute even tho am tall and huge for my age( which that's why am not confident) am not a girly girl. .I never put on eny makeup cus am not interested in them..or act like a girly girl which is out of the line.... gat a LOT of friends and bestes and no enemy's but feels so alone inside And my headphone is my best best friend. Am a person who likes to make people happy even if am not...I just can't help it. And I have never been in a real relationship cus am a friend type not a girlfriend type and am ok with that if they r happy. .I have liked alot but non even have an interest in getting to know me or even have an eye for me they rather go for my friends but am still happy which that makes me weird maybe am scary to talk to I don't know what to do in my situation. I never did bad stuff to any one in my life but had received bad dids by some. I know this can't be called a vent but I need ur opinion on this what should I do with my attitude that I need to change? I can't find somone who would tell me what my problem is",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9764689207077026 2018-07-16 11:52:16,"I need to vent. Silent faith I used to have reasons for everything Used to give reasons for every failure And You know that You're always watching One failure comes And the reason may be-it's because you want to teach me something;to make me think of what I did wrong. That's how I thought of it always. I used to be up high in the sky;confidence was my inborn quality,but lately, you shrank me..and as always, I tried to reason was ,I started listening to Korean zefen ..zefen is it's a reason to why you would punish me... Or may be, I didn't do my best. And that would mean you didn't punish me. You shrank me, I wouldn't say you made me lose confidence,cuz that is not what You do, you're a good good father...a really good one!... Last year I asked you to not let my end be a failure....I've been asking you the same question since then, I've done the right things since then.And now this last try, it was the last one, and you knew or know that, I gave it to you, and I made sure that there was absolutely nothing that I would point out as a reason for failure. Did it and night, I did my best...those Korean more listening,but I'm asking You what I did wrong this time.. .was I contemptuous of other people years ago that I had to be punished for 2 years?seriously... Mnm ewnet mnm reason my mind is empty....I can't even think about it.... What wrong did I do this time? You're a good good father, that's who you are, and I have no choice but to silently trust You, to have faith in You, a silent faith.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957602620124817 2018-07-16 13:14:58,"I need to vent. Hey guys i have 2 bestfriends and they both told me they like me but one is going to another city and i really like her but since she is gonna go am thinking of choosing the one not going .what should i do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9835618138313293 2018-07-16 14:17:10,"I need to vent. Hey everyone ma gf saw ma chat wz ma bff we had conversation about some personal things.and shez so upset on me.she even through promise ring i gave her..i don know what to do pls help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9934640526771545 2018-07-16 15:51:15,"I need to vent. Its about a girl nd its probably too long but here it goes.. We started out as friends at campus four years ago but bedenb ketewaweken mawerat kejemeren buhala i fell for her the way we fall asleep slowly n slowly nd then all at once, after that i could never go back..i cant.. alefelegem She is everything i could ask for..i have never known what real love feels until i fell in love with her. I love her very existence.. everything she does everything she says its just the most adorable thing..nd we dont even agree on many things..we both are very different ppl, nd its very hard at times but at the end of the day for me all that matters was that i still love her no matter wat. Ever since i told her i was in love with her we'v gotten ourselves in a complicated situation with me being her friend nd her dealing with other ppl falling for her as well, it isn't an easy situation especially for her nd i do understand that. The problem is(more like the sad reality) ever since we started trying it out...i was never rly good enough. I was more like ""maybe good enough if only..."" Hula if only alew with a list of reasons that i might not be the one for her..nd i still do my best to understand those reasons i rly do...but therez always someone who is better out there for u.. someone older, smarter..someone u could talk to all day..more attractive but the thing is i dont need someone better all i want is u with all your imperfections.. you are my definition of perfect i jst wish that i was yours too. I also wish u felt comfortable around me...wish i was the person u go to when ever smt bothers you..wether its a headace or a major family issue..i wanna be there for u. I just wish u were sure abt me as i am abt keep saying ""esti enayalen"" woye maybe, i always keep hoping for that time to come when u do choose me..the pain tho is that day might never come nd how can i make peace with that when you're everything i ever wanted. When 5 minutes with you smiling nd looking at u nd not being able to hear a thing is worth the confusion nd sadness that comes all of a sudden. Its like we go to a place that feels as if its perefct nd that its going to work out but then all of a sudden it falls apart again. It feels lyk no amount if trying, hoping, wishing nd praying might make u fall for me the same way i did for you..nd i do knw u cant force someone to feel a certain way but i jst wish at least u cared enough abt me that u were afraid of losing me as i am afraid of losing you. Nd the worst feeling is knwing that i did my very best nd it still wasnt good enough.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9807243347167969 2018-07-16 15:58:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys so I got a bit of a situation so there is a guy I'm seeing ena yehone ken we were hanging out ena I think I had a bit much to drink then we slept over and I ddnt want to have sex but we dd it anyways I told him to stop n he ddnt n after that I ddnt say anything abt it ik it my fault to put him in that situation in the first place (he was rly drunk too I think) but help me out guys should I talk to him abt wat happened? He might think I'm blaming him n I don't wanna jeopardize the relationship we have right now but it wasn't the first time this happened n it is bothering me a bit so what should I do? PS pls no rude comments",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980917572975159 2018-07-16 15:59:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys here it kinda an attractiveguy lol... Actually I was ...until those fucking things came on my face ....GOD am so embarrassed of those things....I can't even look to people while am talking specially girls ....know am in UV (fresh) ..... I can't even date ,I can't even talk ....wt am I suppose to do ....they r like pimples n scars ....which I can't remove them me guys if u knew how to remove mean things pless...n...tnx",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9918821454048157 2018-07-16 16:43:09,"I need to vent. I can't sleep guys. I'm filled with anxiety of having an imperfect life in the future",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9923883080482483 2018-07-16 19:50:32,"I need to vent. I was really close with my dad, but then i lost him in a car accident. Every since then i feel like a huge part of me is gone with him..this was years ago but i kept it soo deep in me not to think or talk about him. Lately tho i cant fill his void with nothing !! All i feel now is his disappointment, he left me here for no one, just by my self!!.i spent all my life giving love to so many people in my life and got nothing , no one by my side, so many that i was by their side difficult times, n not one bother to ask 'what is wrong?'...he would have been the only one to help me now!!..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9947775602340698 2018-07-16 21:16:49,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I feel like no one can ever truly understand me,so what's the point in trying? Not even my mom knows about me. How do u explain to your close-minded,worriesome,over-reactive,over-protective mother that you're borderline bipolar?""Oh,hey mom I have a fucking mental illness!""Which is an actual thing. Right now,I feel hopeless. Like,I just want the earth to crack open and eat me alive. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve this,but I have this. I hate having to live knowing that,if I watch a certain movie,or hear a certain song,I'll break apart. If I think of a certain memory,I'll fall to my knees. And,the worst part is not knowing why. You know,sometimes I wish something bad will happen to me, that I'll walk into the house one day and my mom's lying there unresponsive. Or I get into a car accident and loose my legs. Or I hear my friends talk shit about. Anything. I wish I'll finally have a reason to cry. Because,this is not a life. One time,I was so depressed,I decided to kill myself and end my misery. Then,I sat down with a pen and a piece of paper,to write a letter as to why I killed myself. And I came up blank. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I have no reason to be the way I am. It's a fuckin nightmare. And I feel like I'm never going to wake up.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9997066855430603 2018-07-17 06:09:49,"I need to vent. Hello So this is my first time venting here and idk how to star or where to start what I want to say... so I don’t want to start with am hurt, my parents did this, my family did that and am depressed as shit and I don’t know how to get out of it. I cut myself so I don’t feel like am a numb, I try my best to interact with people and pretend like am fine and I smile always am a crazy person that my friends love and adore me, my teachers think am crazy because of my craziness in the class room and I pretend like am the happiest person in the world and I get all the love I need and nothing in this world means more than my family and shit but that’s all a shit and not true. Yea my family is super rich and gets me all I want but I pretend like am not rich cause all my life the truth didn’t get me no where. If you didn’t grow up getting something you don’t know how to give it back and that’s what happens with me. I didn’t grow up getting love so Idk how to give it to others. I just got out of a relationship because of the love I can’t give him. He thinks I don’t love him and I don’t care about him but the truth is I do too many things for him I buy him things and stuff cause that’s the way I was raised I think when I do those things I might show him how much he means to me but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I have a bunch of friends which I love so much but they think I can’t do anything better than then malet just because I don’t show off and I don’t dress up they think am less than them. But the truth is I don’t dress up because I have what I have in my heart and mind I just don’t have the time to protocol myself and most of all I got no one to impress I mean if they want me by the way I dress then why bother to be with me? I don’t go out, I keep my head low. Not because my family doesn’t have the name or that they don’t know wealthy people it’s just I just don’t want to get myself attached to this whole situation and be as heartless as they are right now. They think their money can get them anywhere they want yes it does but can’t never get them the love they deserve. I grew up seeking love and all I want right now is that not anything else but I can’t get that because of my depression and the decision I decide every time. Idk what to say or how to let it all out but it’s killing me inside, I was abused, tortured, beaten, insulted and most of all because of the decisions I made in my life and because of all the decisions my mom made for me I was abused and tortured growing up and now I hate my life. I know what I said is all completely and not understandable but if any one understood what I said give me some advice if not all I wanted was just to let something out my chest so thank you for reading this.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9924525618553162 2018-07-18 10:10:18,"I need to vent. Is it really that bad to want to die? How could god want you to live when he knows your living in misery? And that is if he exists which I don’t think he does. I see two kinds of people who don’t believe in god. Those are the ones who ignore religion and go for the science and there are the ones who can’t believe in him cause they don’t want to think that there is this great thing that can prevent all those torturous events from happening to them but just lets it happen. And I am sorry if you don’t get why I can’t believe in the all mighty. But the thing is (and this might be the worst thing i could ever say) I don’t want to believe in god cause whenever I have these mental breakdowns just crying in solitude or getting beaten up by my dad or hurting myself which I don’t really know why, I blame him (god) for putting me in this position when the Bible tells you that he can get you out of anything. I sit there alone, sacred and bruised physically, mentally and emotionally then I say ‘I hate you for doing this to me’ but then I immediately feel guilty and then start to loath myself even more. And then I ask, why didn’t he get me out of this one? Did I really deserve it? Or am I just talking to thin air? If there is really someone out there why does he let us go through all this scaring events just to let him decide wether we are good enough to go to heaven or break at some point and go to hell? And maybe things just happen for no reason and will keep happening that way and people would make a big deal out of everything. But for me the truth has always been dark. And it takes a dark one to understand that and live by it. Even if it means I will never experience real affection with anyone maybe I will get a chance to change that in my next life or maybe I will vanish into nothing and I would be ok with both cause nothing happens for a reason, no one is special, we are all going to die. PS i don’t really need your comments I just wanna be anonymous and speak my side of this story you call life Call me Bob if u please. Good night.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993225336074829 2018-07-18 10:10:40,"I need to vent. So here goes ma vent ....I am almost 18 Ena recently I been fantasizing bout one night stands , I'm like horny af all the time n it's out of control literally every thing turns me on .....even things that aren't supposed to turn me on I'm just so unfocused n I don't know what to do bout it a phase ? Will it go away? .......any one out there who have experienced this plz help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989196062088013 2018-07-18 18:29:11,"I need to vent. I feel like so bad this is my first vent am univ student I have bf before I mean we almost break before 1 month but I still wana him he didn't still call or text n today I text for him in that text I say I can't give up on u pls help me"" but he didn't reply guys I swear to god am gonna die pls help me guys.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971103668212891 2018-07-18 21:52:25,"I need to vent. First time  venting here..ive graduated recently. Tried to be and do good wherever I go. During late part of my university school year, I met a girl and was with her as a friend. Yes this is another girl vent story. But I got no one to talk to.   Then I told her everything abt myself and she did too. And before I knew it we started kissing and doing stuff. No sex tho. And I didn't want to do those things. I wasn't sure I had feelings for her. But she put me first and treated me very nicely. And me not being able to do that, it killed me.  And it was not fair. I told her I didn't want to be like this. And then, when she cried I felt bad and I told her that I'll try to love her and be like how she wanted me to be. Then i tried but I keep letting her down. After going through this road repeatedly, we both tried to maintain our friendship status. Then after graduating and starting work far from home, I met another girl. She was nice to me like so nice. She takes me to her home and I was so amazed how some ppl could be so good. I shouldve been suspicious back then. All of a sudden she tried kissing me one time and I dogded her. But then she was so mad. Then on another day, I kissed her. Then she was so happy. After someday, we started making out and having sex menamen. I lost my virginity then. I was so sad. Because I let my God and myself down. For one, I didn't know this new girl well. I'm not married. My dream was to keep my virginity till marriage. My dream was to marry in church with crown on my head. It was a big deal to me. Becha, I went down this road for 3 months and this new girl told me it is wrong doing these things. That we should be friends. I mean she was right. She realized this after she had a car accident. And she feared that she was going to die doing bad things. I mean, she was right. Then I agreed. But then after some time, she started sneaking out and going somewhere else. I asked her where have u been menamen? But she doesn't tell me. The girl who used to tell me everything, who was open to me when she talks started going dark on me. And I was so bored at night. Because she used to talk to me. I mean I admit I miss the kissing part but the hurtful part is, her going dark on me. I tried to tell her but she had ways with words and me I'm awful with that. And before I know it our conversation ends up at a dead end. After another 3 months, she tells me that she met a married guy. She met him on work. And he wanted to thank her for the service she has given him. Why go at night and why on everyday basis, ill never know. Becha, she told me. By then she also met another person who was recently assigned to where we work. She received him well just like she did with me. When we eat together, they started 'megoraresing' eachother in front of me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9585580825805664 2018-07-18 21:52:59,"I need to vent. Hey so this is my first time venting like some of you guys. So uhmmmm well idk how to say it becha I have been in love with this guy since 2008 E.C and i still am in love with him we talk bedenb mnamn i can tell him everything and as I see i'm the only girl he talks to. So the thing is i cant keep this anymore i am hurting betam ena he is not here. He'll be back in 2 months mnamn what should i do‍ should I like tell him?.....he never speaks to girls I feel kinda special and he makes me special too he tells me everything....what if he loves me too? But what if he doesn't?‍‍ guys pleaaaassseeee help me i need advice",love,NEGATIVE,0.9787437319755554 2018-07-18 21:53:42,"I need to vent. Hi First time venting. Me and my brothers used to live with my mom since my parents are separated. Then my dad took us saying "" i love u and i want u to know me more"" we started living with him when i was grade 10 its been 4 yrs since then. When we went to dad's house my life changed he was not the person he said he is. My grades fall hard and couldn't recover, i lose confidence, started loosing my temper after i came back from University my parents had a huge fight again so we ( me and my brother's) have to choose where there is one or two people as a witness from the begining we never wanted to live with him so its easy to choose but the problem is if we choose mom there will be no financial aid from him which makes it hard but we will get our  happiness back and if we choose dad there will be no problem with money but our life esp my bro's will be full of darkness. Just wanted to let that out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971548318862915 2018-07-19 10:01:56,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I'm a university student..,to start off i'm not a very emotional or dependent kind of person but I met my boyfriend on my first days of freshman year.. so it's always been him&I ever since. We were so close that we used to do everything together like literally. But the problem is that he graduated this year and i still have 2more years to go. We were really looking forward for him to stay at campus and be a lecturer but the test didn't go as planned. So now the thought of me being there with out him scares me to death. I don't have friends(not so good at getting along with girls. Not even my dorm mate's),most of my friends i used to hangout with besides him were his friends (all graduated with him). So i'm pretty much a mess right now. I can't tell him because he'll just worry too much. I'm dying inside and don't know what to do. If there's anybody who has gone through this..your advice please.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993746876716614 2018-07-19 10:39:41,"I need to vent. Okay, I'm just going to put this here. IT'S NOT COOL MAKING A MOVE ON YOUR FRIENDS! Seriously do you have any idea how many excuses we keep trying to make up for your deeds!?!? It might happen so that you're into your friend but can't you just tell them first than cornering them and going for a kiss ?‍ it's really not fair for the other person and says more about you not valuing the friendship than it does about you liking the person.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991148114204407 2018-07-19 10:40:02,"I need to vent. I am new so i dont know where or how to start am just confused n stressed. There is a girl I have a crush on since high school am a second yr univ student n still I have... We were chating since I got her phone untill it was stolen. I keep tryin to get her or her phone untill then she doesn't have a boy friend.. Finally I got her phone n try again but she told me she have someone n she known him only for months. So guys help me what can/should I do???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990302324295044 2018-07-19 13:41:16,"I need to vent. How do you break up with a guy? What do you actually say? He is this guy I initially was so into physically then the vanity wore off then I feel like we are in this limbo of trying to make each other feel bad. So again how do you breakup with someone without ghosting or being mean?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980613589286804 2018-07-19 13:41:16,"I need to vent. Well it all started last year. There was this guy and we kinda flirt and everything keza enzegagalen then when start texting,going out on date mnmn and again enzegagalen but this time when we started texting it was real we connected we talked about deep stuffs and i found that his going aboard like very soon and i just started to love him it was always complicated with him and now when I started to have feelings for him his leaving and it sucks and he still didn't tell me about it im scared and its my first time feeling this way should i tell him i love him or let him go without saying anything I'm me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.969145655632019 2018-07-19 16:35:56,"I need to vent. Ever had a month, a week, or even just a day of a series of bad things happening? Well I'm having a year of that! My year of unfortunate events. I always look for a way to look at the bright side of things, the good in people n the good stuff in life but after about a year of this endless cycle of bad things happening one after the other I've had it! Ive always been grateful for all the good things and avoided complaining about shit I can't fix and always found something to look forward to, but now.. I'm fucking sick of it! Thinking ""shit could get worse,"" and just sucking it up n moving on? I've done that enough times to know that sometimes it's just not enough. Don't always hold it in.. let it go sometimes.. bitch about the shit that's bothering you when u feel the need to cause seriously those who mind, don't matter n those who matter, don't mind.. My series of unfortunate events has got me to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore(not complaining about that tho).. 'cause darlings, life sucks anyway. I feel much better now that I've vented about it all. Thank you.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9909728765487671 2018-07-19 17:21:56,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent. So this is how it goes.. I have a boyfriend who is just amazing. . he is basically the male version of me and that i love about him the most. He is just soo good to me.. He has been so good to me unlike my previous relationship. So you see i am trying out for scholarship programs abroad and he lives here. I am just so scared because i know long distance relationship won't work for the obvious reasons he is handsome af and his personality is one in a zillion and i am just in such a tough spot rn. I told him about the fears i have but he said your future comes first.. You see i have been in that position before..and i had to say your future comes first and i know how hard it was for me i am just so brokenhearted because I really care about him and I really want to be with him but then i have to go abroad for my studies. I don't know what to do or how to feel idk bruh this just too much you know? Please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9645484089851379 2018-07-19 18:59:11,"I need to vent. I have been on and off with relationships. My previous boyfriend went to another state for good after 8 months of relationship. I was so broken cause we were doing so well!I know 8 months isn't long but I swear it felt like 8 years to me. So perfect like in the movies. After that happened I was back to being single until my best friend introduced me to her friend. She said I need to get my head back in the game. so anyway, we started talking and hanging out. Then one day he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. So we were labeled as a couple. I don't know y'all. I am so confused.. I am in a situation where I want and don't want him. I'm a bit of an anti social so I don't really have much friends.. he was one. He comforted me whenever I felt alone. I was so broken and he told me he would be there for me and help me in the healing process but then after I read this guy talking about how he felt pity for his girlfriend because her life was fucked up so thats why he was dating her out of pity, I wondered is my boyfriend doing that? does he feel pity for me? I am so paranoid right now. Help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951123595237732 2018-07-19 20:12:34,"I need to vent. Hi everyone.......two days ago one of my bestfriends told me that he really loves me n i'm really confussed what to say because i don't have that kind of feeling for him. I am a kind of girl who doesn't like love stories. This is because of my parents background is not first it was really good but after a time it became worse. After seeing this i was always ignoring anything related to love. N now if anyone have any advice please tell me.... i just wanted not to lose my friendship n i don want to hurt his feeling....Please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971616268157959 2018-07-19 20:13:42,"I need to vent. What is sad is the fact that young guys and some older ones actually believe that a womans going to get loose down there if she has alot of sex. Its not true. Hell you can even exercise it after you have a kid to get it tight again. A woman's vagina can withstand having multiple babies, being stretched out and returning to its natural shape and men honestly think their bald 4 inches is doing ANYTHING not forgetting the fact vaginas are essentially made of muscle, the more you USE a muscle the stronger it will get. And THIS is why we need science based sex-ed classes in school. Will clear out the confusions for most of you young fellas",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976898431777954 2018-07-19 20:21:03,"I need to vent. I get really confused when people say I fell in love unknowingly, without my realization and stuff. I mean then if that's the case I was supposed to Fall in love. I should be able to love someone. I feel like my heart liked with a key and thrown away to somewhere no body can reach. I couldn't open my heart and nobody is doing it either. I feel like there is a little tiny void to accept love but it is too small to get that feeling out of me. Do I have to break the locket to receive love? Won't that be painful? Is that long..... anyways thank u for ur time",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9937605261802673 2018-07-20 20:13:08,"I need to vent. What do you do when ‘inflicting pain on yourself cause you’re a worthless piece of shit’ makes more sense than just counting days?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993830919265747 2018-07-21 21:48:22,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I have this boyfriend whom i love and he also loves me but the problem is he is careless about we both r med students at d/t campuses but most of the time am z one who calls and contact him he says he's busy and most of the time his phone is off..ena like nowadays merr eyalegn new cuz he isnt showing any motivation towards me..seteyekew demo plz endezi atbeyi i do love u gn due ti bla bla reasons selalchalku new yelegnal actually endemaywash akalew gn r/nship demo close mehonen yfelegal..wat shall i do plz help me out",love,NEGATIVE,0.9985769987106323 2018-07-21 21:49:01,"I need to vent. Heloo beautiful people okay if u are here to joke or insult me don't read I met a guy 1 yr ago and he's perfect were both head over heels for each other and so there was this parent teacher conference and our parents met and little did I know there hittin it off and she told me she's gonna get married wtfffff why me why why why why I couldn't stop crying and what could I say to her were about to break up ofcourse but is there another way please people if you know hollar at me I'm from india so you know people take teen dating and sex seriously what would I say",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9905994534492493 2018-07-21 21:50:48,"I need to vent. Just yesterday I had this dream where my hair was thinning on one side and whenever I flipped it to the other side to uncover the thinning side... I kept seeing various sizes of shards of glass stuck to it or growing out of it neger and I kept touching it but it didn't hurt me... It wasn't painful or anything but it was certainly disturbing. And I kept trying to explore why or how this was happening to me. And I kept waking up and going back to sleep but I kept dreaming the same thing and I'm still creeped about it right now... And I feel like shaking the feeling of it off of me every time I think of it and I'm desperately trying to convince myself that it's okay to have shards of glass coming out of my head cuz it can be like a super power... Uk I could be like a person who could kill using the glass... Like the x-men... I mean, when each of them first realized that they possessed super powers, they were all scared right... Like jean grey or something. But of all the powers I could be blessed with... I hope this dream wasn't some kind of prophecy... I think I feel a little better now that I let it out. Though it would be cool to shave my head and watch the glass slowly grow... Oooh I can even paint it... Yeah definitely feeling better now. I can sleep now. Good night all",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9811276197433472 2018-07-21 22:18:34,"I need to vent. Girl be talking but how all niggas are cheaters and how they can't find a decent man, tf yall need to calm down and realize that shit ain't true, yes some of us cheat but so do u.. that's like saying black people are lazy cuz they're black, no they're lazy cuz they're fucking lazy, now I'm not saying all girls are like this but you know who you are, for those girls yall need to get off your high horse and realize no matter how hot you are or how good you can fuck there's always someone hotter and better",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979696869850159 2018-07-21 22:19:43,"I need to vent. I am a 2nd year uni student and I have a boyfriend we have known each other for 2 years. So we had sex and it was amazing cause we both love each other and all. The problem starts when my little brother went through my phone without my permission. I don't lock my phone in case of emergency. And he read all our texts, so now he knows that we did it. And now he is threatening me saying that he will tell our parents if I go out with him anymore. I don't know what to do pls help me. He is not understanding when I say that this is my life and that I don't believe that ppl should do this after marriage shit and that he doesn't have any right to control me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961984753608704 2018-07-22 19:52:35,"I need to vent. Its fucked up that all the people I meet in some form or another ... no matter how good u r to them will always try to take advantage of u in some form... emotionally is the one most overlooked... u bare out urself to them... show them a vulnerable side and what do they do ... they fucking use it to feel good about themselves. .. in a way they love to to keep u down and want to pull u down to the dirt so that their own failures and fuck ups dont seem.that bad... fucking retards...",anger,NEGATIVE,0.994667649269104 2018-07-22 19:53:29,"I need to vent. Its my first time venting.k, I am more of yebet lege I don't go out at all but last year I met this dude at tutorial class he was my 1st guy friend he was like a male version on (well thays what I thought) he then started to make a move on me I didn't like it but I didn't want to lose my best friend then when he asked me to be his gf I accepted I tried my best but it was useless then we fought and I got mad & told him we should be just friend then he agreed to it immediately. Although I said it broke that he agreed he was a jerk to me but I didn't mind.z point here is I think I felt sth for him so I didn't want to give up on him so I apologize to him but the funny thing is he said he loved me as a friend & that all he will ever be to me I waited 4 him till this day but he even changed his phone. I did give up one him but I can't figure out If I had feelings 4 him?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9870133996009827 2018-07-22 19:53:37,"I need to vent. I'm still in love with my ex that has hurt me twice!!! I know that he loves me back cause he's always texting me and telling me how beautiful I am but my friends and my brother thought me dating him for the 2nd time was the stupidest shit ever and now round 3, help me Lordddd... he hasn't even asked me out YET but I know that stuff if gonna happen once I'm alone with him or whatever so what do y'all think? go for it or stay away sis ?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9893097877502441 2018-07-22 19:57:42,"I need to vent. Poor guy living in addis tryna make my life better surround by rich kids like very rich kinds and the problem is i can't face my goals distracted by addiction smoking cigarettes in love with niyala at this point of my life I don't even know where i am heading ..feel like am dying what y'all think need some tips?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9953010082244873 2018-07-22 19:58:16,"I need to vent. Okey My mom and dad broke up 3 month ago they didn't divorce yet so its killing me. Mom moved out and am living with my dad which it is so annoying cause he is so protective even he won't let me see my mom I don't know what his problem is but its killing me. My mom still love him a lot so she doing what he said but he isn't treating her the way she deserves god I don't know what to do am only 16 I can't face my dad and tell him that I want to move in with my mom he will say ur just a girl and ur life will get ruined if u go with ur mom...pls pls help am out of solution!?!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976068735122681 2018-07-22 19:58:30,"I need to vent. Hey there I know I caused you a lot of pain and humiliation, you’re the most amazing woman in the world and you’re the one for me, I can’t imagine this world with out you, I can’t. But if I’m gonna be selfless about this, I don’t want to see you saddle with me, cuz I don’t wanna see the person I love with the person I hate, and I know the best thing that I can be for you and the only way I can truly love you is to help you get rid of me, so leave me here... at least I know you’ll be alright that way!",love,POSITIVE,0.9952298402786255 2018-07-22 21:17:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys thanks 4 reading Soo I wanted 2 talk about my brother..... ever since we were little we had z typical bro...sis relationship he used 2 be rly mean 2 me and he used 2 bully me a lot and literally make me cry everyday and he used 2 call me fat cuz he knew that it really hurt me and I thought zat now we were past all zat and we were starting to be kinder 2 each other but it feels like I'm z only one trying 2 be a better sister and z only times his nice to me is when he wants something and he just makes things so much worse when I'm upset he just doesn't help at all. And a part of me still wants to get along with him cuz I always see bros and sis who get along and I rly want zat but I'm starting to think zat isn't possible cuz in my life he is z person by has hurt me z most and I just don't know wat to do any more",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9959779381752014 2018-07-22 21:22:16,"I need to vent. Hey guys soo I'm feeling rly sad right now and i just feel alone and like all z ppl I thought I could count o just let me down and I kinda feel like it never gets better and I feel like I just keep letting these things keep happening because I keep expecting ppl 2 be better than they are and I just don't know wat to do anymore it's like no one cares enough to listen 2 me and any one who listens just doesn't care at all and I am starting to give up on happiness So now wat do i do? Helpful comments are appreciated",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9914626479148865 2018-07-22 23:18:05,"I need to vent. Did any of u been in a situation like mine.literally my mind is abt to blow up. my dad is z only person zat i love bt zis days he keeps blaming me for every thg. Bt i always say notthin. Bt zis is not z only thg i'm venting. i so fucked up wiz evythg! many thgs i can't finish listing. With no frd to share actually i hav alot of frds bt zey r not..... i kw im confusing u ol. Bt it is jst i don kw wc of ma problem to share.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9990880489349365 2018-07-22 23:18:19,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, this is more of a dumb question than a vent. So here goes.. is it really a guys fault If he had sex with another girl because his girlfriend said no to it? Im a girl that has just been cheated on recently nd couldn't just totally blame him for cheating alea.. I feel somehow responsible tenesh nd I need to know if I should or not. Thanks in advance. This vent has errors displaying comments",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9989712238311768 2018-07-23 01:53:46,"I need to vent. Why do I feel people are ostracising me? Whenever they find someone better they totally forget my existence. Ene demo elehegna negn even tho I want their attention, melemen slemalfeleg erekachewalehu neger... Can someone help me out? Even my family started doing the same thing",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999142050743103 2018-07-23 01:54:42,"I need to vent. This for all people who have sucidal thoughts or just want to make it all stop.. Am a girl in my early 20's who not only had suicidal thoughts but tried to actually do it and failed in atleast 2 different occasions when i was a senior in elementary school and in my junior yrs in high school and i have also met alot of people in campus with the same experience and all i can tell you is that watever the reason is that is making u have this thoughts ignore it for one day and then one more day and another day just sleep it off or do anything to let that moment pass cause trust me when u hit ur 20's all those moments will make u laugh at ur self cause even if time doesn't heal u will realize those things weren't actually that big of a deal or that there was a misunderstanding or that u staying alife will have such a huge effect on the life of the people around u. So stay strong and keep being you.. and if u want any advice or just someone talk to drop ur usernames and i will make sure to reach out",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9897263646125793 2018-07-23 07:55:28,"I need to vent. pictures of me in only a bra and a panty are soon gonna be leaked... what do I do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994046688079834 2018-07-23 14:04:05,"I need to vent. Hey... so here it goes. I have been slacking on my religion lately and I did it on purpose. See I was trying to be a devoted Christian going to church and all but I just couldn't stop sinning at all. I tried my fear of Hell to motivate me to stop but that didn't work out so again I used my love for God but that didn't work out either. I guess I didn't love God enough to stop sinning. Also I tried to ask myself would God like this? before I do something but I that felt oddly wrong to me cos I like doing those things. And I thought that shouldn't be the way to worship. I should stop sinning not bc I don't wanna go to Hell but bc I value God's word over my meaningless actions. So I stopped caring for my actions and do them without any second thoughts. And believe me that didnt felt good at all. I sinned like crazy but I didn't feel any remorse what so ever. There was just this voice in the back of my head telling me how far I've gotten from where I have been. However I chose to ignore it. But today I woke up and realized that I'm nowhere near the place I wanted myself to be. I'm nowhere close to the person I wanted to be and I feel worse than before. Now this is frustrating me a lot and I don't know what to do. I'm concerned about myself and how I'm gonna end up. Its just stressful to know that you chose the road you thought was the right but end up in a completely different place that is worse than before. I dont know what I'm doing or what I wrote gn people please tell me something that will be helpful for my concern. Thank you and sorry for the long vent.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969125986099243 2018-07-23 14:04:33,"I need to vent. Hi everybody I’m a girl , and I have a bf that I really love and he loves me too we’ve been together for 11 months and they were really great but my he is leaving to another school on September and I’m not willing to have that kinda relationship with him so I’m trying to find reasons to get over him and I found one I tried to use that reason to get over him fast before school starts cause I don’t wanna go trough the phase of getting over him then I wanna deal with it now and he doesn’t want that either way I wanted to ask if I’m a bad person for doing that ? Should I continue? Should I stop ? And y ?",love,NEGATIVE,0.99808669090271 2018-07-24 07:30:36,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I'm an 18 years old girl, and there is a guy that I have started liking for a while now. He is a very wise , generous, humble, sweet and understanding. He also has sth that I really like...challenging people_ he proves his point and challenge me to do my Best and he doesn't give it up just to make me happy. Well sometimes he does, but not like the too caring guys. He changed the way I think about a lot of things. He healed my painful scars without knowing that he did. He made me happy without trying to impress me. And i so am thankful for that. And now I guess I'm growing to like him. So here's the problem, last time I made the ""first move"", it didnt turn out so well. And i have suffered a lot and gave up untill this guy came. He doesn't seem to like me the way I do tho, and as days go by...I'm getting scared even more. I have lost a lot of friends in my life....the people I love don't seem to love me back the way I do. So what am I supposed to do now? I don't want to loose him...but I want our relationship to evolve too. So should I drop this whole thing and just be a friend...or do u say I should keep trying and see what happens?",love,NEGATIVE,0.954474687576294 2018-07-24 08:23:24,"I need to vent. Hey , I’m not writing this cause I want u guys to make me feel better about myself or tell me that im being ridiculous and stupid I’m writing this cause I wanna let it out . I wanna die I don’t live anymore and I’m not gonna kill myself cause I wanna go be with god and feel safe rather then being here. I’m not willing to kill myself but if somebody pointed a gun at me I wouldn’t stop them from killing me . What do u think about me ?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9987996816635132 2018-07-26 11:21:50,"We give our sincerest condolences to the family of Engineer Semegnew Bekele (Main engineer of The Great Dam of Abay), who was found dead, today morning at Meskel Adebaby in his car. It was a great loss to everyone. He was one of a kind. May he rest in peace.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9807755947113037 2018-08-02 17:17:07,"I need to vent. Actually this isn't vent,it's a little tips!!! I don't care what philosophy u believe in ---we've got only one shot at this game called life.Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. Everyone of us should have a positive attitude towards anything because if ur attitude is --ve ,ur life is restricted & u'll always criticize. So friends let's have +ve attitude n be like a fruit of all seasons. Our attitude determines how we look at a setback. Believe me if u start to be a +ve person; their will be a chance of being happy & rich. LOVE YOU ALL!!!B.Ztnxs 4 reading.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9764143228530884 2018-08-04 09:37:57,"I need to vent. I don't even kw what I'm feeling and how to put this lately i don't feel like myself I'm just so look this is what happened growing was so tough for me ppl treated me bad, i got bullied for certain look that was not in my control I'm the last kid in the house my brother was 7 year older than me and I've always felt a lil lost was so lonely wishing i had sm one to talk to wishing i was prettier more accepted look thankfully i got my shit together nd become a grown up cause i had i got to college and everything was different i had no one to prove that I'm me cause they didn't kw me before everyone sees me as this perfect girl.. it got me a lil overwhelmed nd i rly messed up got shitty grades, cant rly stay in a r/s for so long cause i still see myself as the girl everyone made fun of no matter how much i try growing up i don't feel loved any more even by my parents ..lost my goals nd i don't kw what to do with my life my plan is all messed up i just wanna give up this life like literally considering suicide idk becha ..i kw worrying isn't gonna get me any where I'm probably wasting my energy instead of working my butt off gen guys i rly need sm advice how to get through old self hating, sabotaging habits i wanna see the bigger picture again pls help thanks ik its long if u read it so far",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.996712327003479 2018-08-04 09:42:46,"I need to vent. .wishetam..."" I love u u know that .....silke eko wendime gar new....bimechegh ageghish neber."" ..koy lemin metahibigh mejemeriya minale hiwoten besalem binoribet min kifu aregeh ..lemin temeliseh metah..kelela sew gar silayehegh? Lemin nafekshigh bileh metah..ene lay experiment sitareg tinish aydebrihim sint gize tebikeh,sititefa sinte neber midewililih ante meche new endet nesh bileh dewileh mitawkew ena new ahun ferahu mitilew....u make me feel sadness?hw can I make u feel sadness...I called u every time..I worried till I couldn't sleep when u got sick and I always made u sure u smiled.....sadness lisemah migebaw ante ene endemowedih tinish enkuan bitiwedegh endih ataregim... ...demo ahunim attentionuan ageghalew bileh mut. How is it easy for u ,to leave just like that.I gave u everything ahunim and u walked away like I was nothing ahunim and u block me?why do u push away the person who would do everything for u. Digami temeliseh endatimeta.. ..kahun behuala endelemedkew enen sitay mengedihin keyir . its funny how its u who wanted the r/ship and its who said that I am here for u .but where r u now u just figured out u couldn't get me in too bed and decided to damage me again.. U were my forever..but now u r and in pleasant reminder that warns me abt ppl I invert my time in ,to be more cautious,too see ppl as they are and who I want them to be,ur a reminder to fall in love on how ppl treat me,not what they tell me..and even if I end up falling in love with the wrong person agian. U r proof that I can survive the most intense emotional abuse. I guess in my mind I always knew that u could never love me the same but In a way I settled even for the smallest smile I got from u.i never happed to worry abt u buying me stuff or spoiling Me all I wanted was that we watch like the cheesiest movies and just laugh..plan things together..I know we never do them but it just feels good.and just goof around all day. But u in a way u r right I'm so stupid",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9924356341362 2018-08-04 09:42:51,"I need to vent. Hi first time venting , well iam a girl and iam gonna be 26 after a month .. so the thing Is there is a guy in my life actually his the kinda guy that I imagine as a husband .. every thing about is cool but the problem is my family his kinda a little bit immature for them so they don't want our relationship to continue as a matter of fact I was almost engaged to him but we'll my family said no. And the other problem is I Love him and I always compare any man that came after him and that's a big problem b/c not every one is the same... so what do u think I should do ??",love,NEGATIVE,0.997857391834259 2018-08-04 09:43:51,"I need to vent. Before y'all kill me with the insults and stuff, this is just a suggestion. People out here vent about their suicidal thoughts, fears, anxiety, depression and all (which I'd like to thank the creators of the channel for) but only a few share their experiences about how they overcame such problems if uk what I mean. Anyone out there who has been through stuff like that, please take a few minutes and share ur story cause not only does it give a little hope but it shows that its not impossible to be relieved from the above situations. It won't solve everything, but it would help even the tiniest bit. Its not an obligation,,, but it wouldn't hurt to help someone out.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9489316344261169 2018-08-04 09:45:23,"I need to vent. Never thought I would miss a person like this yeah we were so close but I really fall for you. I wish if I could go back in time and change everything and every word I said. Never seen someone like you. It took me long time to see how much you loved me. It’s been more than 10 months since we talked. Remembering everything makes me miss you more and more . I left you waiting for me and now I’m waiting for you. I’m scared you won’t remember me or you wouldn’t talk to me. I just wanna to tell you that I really loved you though I did hurt you but I think it’s to late for now. I choose a person who didn’t deserve me and just hurt me so easily but after everything you were there for me.",love,POSITIVE,0.940693736076355 2018-08-04 09:46:10,"I need to vent. So hey guys. Well my parents had problems in their relationship and because of that I grew up believing love didn't exist. Its not just them its everyone around me. All the people I've seen in a relationship have all been hurt so they have disproved the theory of love for me. It just doesn't exist for me. So I vowed to my self to love as little as possible so as not to get hurt. Then one day I started to text this guy and, well, I don't know how to explain it but well, we just clicked. And he brought my walls down all around me. I fell in love with him. And when I say love I don't mean the romantic way. I just mean love like the unexplainable kind. Like he just makes me happy in a way like I haven't felt in a long time. It just hurts. The realization that I have fallen hurts. How can I make it stop. How can I stop the pain? Please I know this is weird but I really need some help.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9831908345222473 2018-08-04 18:55:43,"I need to vent. So i've been wondering what is the point of it all. Have you ever fallen into this place of total and utter depression, unwillingness to even live anymore. Not caring about anything in thie world? I cant belive i am going to admit it but i think i am depressed. Life doesnt seem to hold anymore purpose for me anymore. Does my life not hold any more meaning? pls help, i need advice and guidance",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993104934692383 2018-08-04 20:56:54,"I need to vent. Hey everybody, so i need to really vent. How do you over come domination? the thing is my sister is very dominating in every way you could think. For a long time i gave her the excuse that she didnt know but now i know that she doest it knowingly. you might say why would a sister do that, but if you guys are really people who have experinced all manner of wrong in this world then you will get where im coming from. I dont have any problem with other people, i can stand my ground and be my self but not with her she either mentally or physically tries to dominate me. She critizizes me and its the kind that lowers your self esteem you know? she has made me this very self consious person. I am no more confident, she has succeded she has completly broken me down. And i dont now what to do about it, after all she is my peer, am i supposed to be disrespectful and tell her to her face or keep on? what should i do ppl?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9947205781936646 2018-08-04 20:57:58,"I need to vent. Hey vent here humans. I am not really a venting sort of person or anything, but I had some huge problems and I have absolutely no person to talk to. I am a lonely person by nature. The few people that come into my life use that as leverage to get whatever they want from me. They treat me like a second class citizen. I am not assertive. I bend to their every whim. I need pointers on how to get people to value you and respect you as a person. Thanks in advance.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.7605411410331726 2018-08-05 10:24:03,"I need to vent. So here’s the thing, I’ve never been in an actual relationship my entire life. When ever a guy shows interest in me i find it unattractive. And when im interested in a guy and try everything i can for him to like me and after he does he just doesn’t interest me anymore. I know what you’re all gonna say that im shallow or have no feelings but im not doing this intentionally and i do want that kinda love that i read in novels and see on movies but nothing even comes close. Should i just settle with what i have or what?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9966989159584045 2018-08-05 10:24:28,"I need to vent. Hy ppls frist time venting Z thing is i was in a relationship with this grl lets call her kiki when i was in grd 10 and i love/loved her so much And in some bullshit,unknown reason and we split up and seen then it been 2years i been in a lot of relationship and um still in one right now but the problem is am not in love with any of the grl i was or in a relationship with and constantly when i get drunk i call kikis like every time Ok ok i know i must be still in love with her z thing is kiki is a complicated grl even when i was in a relationship with her am not sure zat she really love me her action is really confusing , don't know what to do need advice!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9958440661430359 2018-08-05 10:24:40,"I need to vent. Hey everybody Well i feel left out every time I care about people to much I listen to what they say but for one time I needed someone to listen to me nobody did and it did hurt me I used to cut and take pills a lot but I got a feelings to do it all again",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9854570031166077 2018-08-05 10:25:08,"I need to vent. Hey there So many of you won't understand for sure... But I'm from ""stay there"" I have been in that group like since it was created, and now everyone is like being besties and all, but yet no one notice me and I am so jealous becuz I feel like I'm left out And I am also rly mad about my self cuz I can't talk or have fun with someone I don't know and I hate that about my self and its something I can't change anyhow chaw",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988299012184143 2018-08-05 10:25:48,"I need to vent. so here is the thing. i have been friends with this guy for almost 6 years now. he is my best guy friends and we recently had an argument about me going abroad. i had been trying for a scholarship for some time now and i seem to have fulfilled thier requirements and they have admitted me. there's on more step after than i have to take like an interview and if i ace that then its daisies all the way. so he wants me to stay and i had actually expcted him to tell me to go, considering that's the best thing for me at this point but no we had this big argument and now we're not talking rather we are telling eachother how we feel through cryptic profile pictures. he posts something and i post something in return, it's really childish, what should i do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9882696866989136 2018-08-05 10:26:34,"I need to vent. I cant stop thinking about a stranger! I messed up i really did..i mean what if we met that perfect guy but we fucked up what if he was the one.... i know what meant to be would happen but i really wish i could of given him my number when he followed me home asking me if he could talk to me but i messed up now i cant stop thinking about those smiles hes eyes and that shy face he made when he was scared fuck i dont even know hes name.....this time i really did messed up!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9956070780754089 2018-08-05 10:26:58,"I need to vent. Am confused about what the hell I want. I mean I do know what I want, I want to be happy without hurting others but I can't. I like people especially my friends mainly my female friends but when it comes to my male friends well its a different story. one second am happy there in my life and then I don't want anything to do with them but once I push them away I regret what I did and hate my self for it am not just talking about the guys I get romantically involved with(which doesn't last a month) but just any guy that has been a good friend to me I fucking push them away I need help.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9794386625289917 2018-08-05 15:48:16,"I need to vent. First time so I'm kind of skared. So I have one big sicret that I just shared on telegram with this guy and he gave me the link of this group he thought sharing it with u guys might help so that's what I'm going to do . So I was 13 and I was alone at hone with my uncle and he came and seat near me and we started playing and he asked me If there was people in the house so I told him no and the he started touching me and then I fraked out and got up so he grapped my arm and throw me on the sofa and he told me to be quiet and he raped me. I was so sacred I didn't talk to nobody for few weeks and whenever I see him I just can't breathe so I'll always go to my room to not face him! So this is biggest sicret of my life! I'm trying to forget about it but I can't it's too hard but I'm getting better. 3 years passed and he steel have the courage to face me! it really helps talking to someone so comment I wanna know ur opinions .",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9874513745307922 2018-08-05 22:40:20,"I need to vent. Am losing my confidence day by day. Hv never been like this before. I used to be the kind of person who speaks whats on my mind. But now I feel like am wrong most of the times and my ideas are not that worth and its taking all my energy this days. I really get mad when another person with the same idea get to be heared or considered right when I was there saying those things before. Becha I hv learned its all abt the confidence and I tend to lack that now a days. Any one feeling this way and hv overcomed it?...or anyone still struggling ???.... leave me ur comments. Thanks in advance",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989871382713318 2018-08-06 02:58:51,"I need to vent. I wanna cry my eyes of but I don't have the time nor the place to do it since I have to fake every single step of my life and I hate it I rly rly hate it and i can't sleep I just wanna cry out loud",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9972180128097534 2018-08-06 02:59:21,"I need to vent. Well here is z thing, am too depressed currently , i couldnt get over wz z guy i broke up almost 2 yrs ago, i think of him every single day, n i want 2 call him 2 tell him how i really feel now, but zen i feel low, i just couldnt concentrate on my studies, n i just couldnt get close 2 other guys, i feel bad, n depressed, its been 2 fkn yrs eko, n z feeling for him is just growing, i hate zis though anyone wz any suggestion please, what can i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981799125671387 2018-08-06 02:59:49,"I need to vent. This summer I got nothing to do like am not going out or vacation or summer school zemblo Kuch my parents and my brothers aren't home no seratgna in the home no movie on the TV malt so depressing the movies ena I dont have anything to do this days I get mad, sad hurt easily and am getting depressed I don't know what to do I am to wish to die cause I feel empty like I have no one or it's so boring zemblo Kuch",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996634721755981 2018-08-06 12:25:37,"I need to vent. Hide my identity.... I need fast answers and details please I m in between civil engineering and electrical engineering and I am having difficulties to choose.... any thoughts guys?!?!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979979395866394 2018-08-06 18:43:10,"I need to vent. Hey, is my frist vent is my story college student here in addis...okay the thing i used to hangout wiz guy let me call him A...he was nice to spend time then he aaked me out i said no since i was in rship then day goes by i was on the period after break up ...he kissed me and i didnt stop ....then nxt day i felt guilty told him it was mistake and we shud be frds and he said we cant be frds and also told he has moved on .....then three or four months passed then i was chatting wiz this guy it was great and i thought we clicked after week of chat...little did i k he was the cousin of A and i had talked inappropriate thing wiz this dude so A is now blackmailing bc he thaught i played and he is on his revenge mode....So what do u think i shud do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9970470070838928 2018-08-06 18:44:10,"I need to vent. I’ve been in love with a friend of mine whom I knew for the past 4 years. She is incredibly smart and never cease to amaze me. I love how passionate she is to her dream and vision and that’s what makes me fall in love with her more and more. We first met when we were in Addis. I wanted to tell her what I was feeling but we finished our project there and we couldnt stay in touch. 1 year later we met in Finland while she was studying her Masters and I was visiting some friends/business meeting. She was dating her classmate at that time so I couldnt say a word. Gradually I started to grow some fear that she has higher standards and I’d break her heart. Funnily enough, We met again a year later in some conference in Hong Kong while she was fundrasing for her startup and I was there to visit the conference. Again, she was very stressed and busy at the moment so I just tried to help with her presentations and stuff,, so yeah… Two years later (Now) we’re in Addis, working on some project in the same company — and she’s dating some guy. My friends tell me I should just go for it since we’ve seen the guy playing around abroad and they know him well, also suspect she also knows that but she chose to ignore it. What should I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.7004916071891785 2018-08-06 19:13:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys i rly need ur advice on this one. I started dating girls since i was 15 ad iv been in a lot of r/ships ad i dont know why but i always end up with the bad ones so i breakup with them ASAP, ad this became a habit ad even if they were gud i just couldn't stay longer mnamn ad i breakup with them but now im 18 ad i want to stop this short term shit ad be in a real r/ship ad feel true love, so any advice on ma situation pls i need it",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9986133575439453 2018-08-06 19:41:32,"I need to vent. Here is a little something I wrote for all y'all beautiful people in this venting bot going through a rough time. You're an individual with a background of challenges and constant debacles nonetheless you are an individual who has never ceased to fight and aspire for a greater tomorrow; you're a dreamer of the day. The choices you have made and the hard work you have put in all this while have led you to this point in time and place; you are now ready to embrace even the more tough and strenuous life that awaits you ahead. In the art of metallurgy to get the gold, one must dig into the overlying dirt and in your journey of finding yourself, you have fought, fallen, risen and now you see an opportunity to take a leap and make a significant score.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.999372661113739 2018-08-06 20:50:28,"I need to vent. Hey there! I cant really specify what is wrong with me because i dont fully understand it. But for most part i know i will try to explain.... im havin trouble remembering who i am. I mean our personality is based on our memories and my memory is perfectly fine except i keep losin my personality. Everyone keeps tellin me i need to stop changing. The best part of who i am and the part that matters the most is fading away...... what should i do about that??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.5982929468154907 2018-08-06 20:50:33,"I need to vent. I gotta get this off my chest He cheated so I heard so I told him, I ended it, maybe it is my pride but he never appologized not a single word as if I meant nothing,he just let it be ,now I am left here feeling cheap, hurt and ashamed. Hating on every new possible relationship life throws at me and ever time I see him it makes me feel bad,I feel like I am worthless like I am nothing, it is like my confidence breaks like peace of glass , I don't want him back minamin gin it hurts I don't know why but it really hurts. Even made me cry writing this stupid confessions",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967849254608154 2018-08-06 22:00:06,"I need to vent. I am tierd of pretending. I am sick of putting on a show. I have worn this fake smile for so long i have forgoten what my own looked like. Is it because they won't understand that i hide it so well or is it because they'd think me a monster if they saw my real face..the irony of feeling guilty for what i feel is no longer a suprise but a fact i have accepted.. if I grin from ear to ear then maybe just maybe they wouldn't notice. Is it my fault? long gone are the days where i torment my self asking why i am like this. It is my new reality. I don't know how long this charade will last but lately I lack the strength to quiet the voices. I am starting to give in and what scares me is I might actually go through with least in the end I can wear my frown proudly and stare out with blank eyes.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9982226490974426 2018-08-07 08:52:19,"I need to vent. everyone who is in a bad place ,mood or any thing leading u to be unhappy .......what the hell do u expect? this is real life . grow the fuck up! no matter how hard u try to explain wats wrong with u why u r like this no one will get ur problems like u do.u r just wasting ur time here on earth if u focus on the things u cant change . just get money get friends nd enjoy yorself .....get depressed fo what exactly?? no matter how much u talk bout how shitty ur life is it wont change uness u change it .if u reading this well u have ur own reaction right but guess what there are a lot more people reading this reacting in lots of diffrent ways than u, comparing to their own reality in life ...well shortly am jst trina say ma we livin in the 21st century there aint no slavery no more so chill ur life keep ur circle small and hustle .....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985429048538208 2018-08-07 10:21:56,"I need to vent. Not a vent but much of an advice to sisters out there struggling with knowing wt u deserve,, hope it's helpful.. If a man doesn't call u it's bc he doesn't want to call u. If he doesn't invite u to go out it's bc he doesn't want to see you. If he treats u like shit it's bc he doesn't care. If he let's u go, it's bc he doesn't want to be with u. When a man says ""I'm not ready, but ur the love of my life and the only one I want, but now is not the right time. "" it's simply bc he doesn't want u, don't play his confusing games. Don't justify him. When a man wants to be with a woman, he stays with her without lies, excuses and complications. Stop being genuine and naive, and stop justifying his every excuse and complications and put urself first. You DO NOT need someone who doesn't know wt they want, you DO NOT need someone doesn't know ur worth. You deserve a man that knows ur worth and fight for u everyday. Stop breaking ur heart from someone who probably won't even be as good as u expect and give urself the opportunity to be happy and be with someone who actually deserves YOU. STAY STRONG!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9920171499252319 2018-08-07 10:57:18,"I need to vent. I was in relationship since last year. I always get start rn as I love the men.but after 2 month mnamn it will start to boring and know that I am not in love with him but now it's different the guy who I am with ryt now is so lover men he's so real.u will never imagine him the real lover at this's rare.but he is not my type and I don't wanna be in realation ship since I want to break up with him I get bossy overhim buh he keeps doing what I say.and finally I said let's broke up buh.he cried over me and try to kill himslef. Now I am with him only for his happiness. I know am not totally in love with.but keep him as my bf makes him happy so am doing it.and the other complicated thing is I have to many boys to talk and hang out with. I don't really cares about him what should I do",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5117930173873901 2018-08-07 11:52:21,"I need to vent. Is this rock bottom. I laugh at the dreams I used to have ..I had these big dreams and i never became one of them..that line from the pursiut of happiness haunts me. Tho when I saw it I didnt think much of it. now at this moment it is feeling more like a prophecy. Have you ever woken up with your chest so tight your breathing shallow becuse you can no longer see your future. A future you were once excited about..a future that kept you warm during cold nights. when eveything starts spinning and I can't hold on. I think maybe there is a reason to all this maybe there is some bigger plan at work. I smile remembering the days I used to pray everyday for my family. I have fallen so much I don't think my past self would even recognize me.A family I once loved now I can't face because i am ashamed at who I have become. Am I sparing them by hiding the person I am or am I sparing my self. I think maybe if don't tell them at least in thier eyes thier perfect little child lives on that gives me a little comfort.i can't look past tommorw becuse all i see is what is no more and never will be. so what is the point of it all if everytime I keep sinking to newer depths. so far from light that my eyes have come to see in the dark. Even if my life has lost its meaning to me i can't end it because I can try to bear it for them. to spare them of a slight inconvineance.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9723638296127319 2018-08-07 11:52:34,"I need to vent. This is not jst vent but a question. Why I can't say I don't love you. Why I can't say I don't want to do this for ppl. I will do what they said to me even if I don't want it. If I don't want it I will say nothing I will make my silence over them then be stranger with good ones. I need advice",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967449903488159 2018-08-07 11:52:45,"I need to vent. At first we were just frnds and she was sooo happy with our frndship but zen yehone fikr mnamn negr jemern keza gen beyegizew metalatu ena mechekacheku beza esua demo feta malet becha slemtefelg endebefitu normal frnds enehun mnamn alechegn ena embi kalkugn esuan matat slemalfelg eshi alkuat ene gen ahunm deres betam slemwedat miste endetehon nw yemfelgew ena guys pls help me out wht shall i do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9939663410186768 2018-08-07 16:33:33,"I need to vent. It's Just a question. I wonder if u throw some answers. Lately,i was seeing vents ""decent guys and the opposite of them.(somebody called them assholes)."" So, 1፦who are or what kind are ""decent boys "" and ""assholes, whom girls are very easy to lay to"". 2፦ which ones are you ladies more interested in. Pls be honest:) tnx",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985243678092957 2018-08-07 16:41:03,"I need to vent. I can't even look at his eyes because his my boy and he don't even know my biggest sicret and I'm afraid if I tell him he will leave me and never talk to me again. Whenever he kissed me and hug me I feel safe I do but when he touches me in some private parts (ass) I always freak out and he get skared and he starts asking me what's wrong but can't tell him because I'm afraid to tell him the truth ,that I was raped. I trust him with my hole hurt but I can't even think about how is going to feel about it I can't immagen the way he could react I just cant. First I liked him but now I love him and I don't wanna lose someone I love and he's my girst too my first boy my first love and my first kiss so I don't want him to leave me . Help pls",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9839748740196228 2018-08-07 22:20:43,"I need to vent. I just need some comment I am now 4th yr civil engineering stud and i have a good score too but i am not interested..i maybe successful but i don't find myself in thr field...i like psychology stuff but the work is not profitable as i hear but i know i can br a good psychologiest and that what do u",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9693371653556824 2018-08-07 22:22:15,"I need to vent. okay here's the thing ... theres this girl.. we been talking like idk for little while ...we started out as friends ..when we first started i just broke up with my ex ..but after a while i thought she was prety cool..and i told i liked her... and she is very shy and dosent open up easily.. i knew that..but we have been talking everyday and i am always the one who has to start ... she said she wants to take it slow and stuff ...i am okay with that...but lately i just feel like i am making her talk with me and i thinking about stoping what do you guys think",approval,POSITIVE,0.9464643001556396 2018-08-07 22:58:10,"I need to vent. Umm I started dating him tenant and I know am of u think this is irrelevant but it's important to me..... Well I love sm1 else and I said yes because I was angry about sm1 I love and I rly thought I could start fresh with this one but I was wrong and could u guys tell me how to dumb a guy don't say I wanna break up it's childish",love,NEGATIVE,0.8951863646507263 2018-08-07 23:48:34,"I need to vent. I have been dating a guy for almost a year and a half now. We had that cute honeymoon phase around the first few months. It was genuine love. The feeling u have when u just completely adore each others company. But that didn't last. Once we got into different schools, things changed. We started to fight and argue a lot. It's been like that for a while but now he has completely shut me out. He says he's tired of fighting. He's not willing to let me go and end it but he's not willing to try. I don't even know if he cares. He goes offline when I'm online. Idk if he likes someone else. Anyways, I need help. I wanna know if I should let this relationship go. I truly do love him",love,NEGATIVE,0.9882071614265442 2018-08-07 23:49:06,"I need to vent. I haven't vented in a while. But oh well, I'm at an all time low again. So here's the thing: everything's kind of worked out for me. I had a huge goal that I worked on for years and it has come to fruition. And in just a little while, it'll be in my hands. But what now? I don't have any other plans. And I'm feeling very aimless and it is getting to me. I feel like I'm about to let down a lot of people and that the success that I've been lucky enough to see so far comes to a halt right now. I mean, I am young. I know I'm not the only one dealing with this and I don't have to have everything figured out at fucking 19. But setting a goal and focussing on that is what distracts me from my thoughts. I'm also feeling very conflicted because the one thing I was sure of was the fact that I needed to get out of here. And now I'm not even sure of that. Well, I guess I'll figure it out soon enough.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9874085187911987 2018-08-08 07:06:15,"I need to vent. i hv been dating zis girl for 3 yrs and more but suddunly she wanted 2 be just frnds and u can't imagine z pain and i don't wanna lose her so i said yes to frndship and so on so kinda tought u guys could help me do i hv 2 fight 4 her 2 be mine or i dont knw i am realy confused so pls help me out",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9841368198394775 2018-08-08 14:49:45,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse hope this one doesn't show my ID. I just wanted to vent Here goes ever lost yourself and felt like its not you anymore felt like you are pretending on everything . pretending that everything is fine ,like its all okay well that's bullshit you know that's just bull's crap I'm through with everything that is happening and I'm through with pretending like I'm okay . Wow this has been helpful thanks PS I'm open for any suggestions except suicide ‼ feel free to say anything And again thanks unihorse and vent here team",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.6300097703933716 2018-08-08 16:10:51,Comment here for the above vent,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9038274884223938 2018-08-08 17:00:41,"I need to vent. Hey guys hear me out plz plz I had a girl freind w/c i loved so much like i have no words t tell u.1 day my freind told hr that i loved hr and if she wanted to be with me and she said i will think about it.we rly never knew each other but after a long time she said i want t be with you.for some time we were together.she started saying i love you but never mean't it.after some time she broke up with me but the reason she couldn't love me she was messing with me but she said yes just t make me happy and all this time she was with me it was t make me happy.u see hr kindness and wht would u do help me should i leave hr or never give up on hr wht should i do",love,NEGATIVE,0.8240660429000854 2018-08-08 17:04:20,"I need to vent. people can be real jurks huh. some of u guys wrote me some fucked up comments I'm sure u didn't do that only with me u don't even care the way we support to feel we vent because we need ur help not to be judged , we aint need no judgment , insulted or so u guys can make fun of the way we are and the way we feel. it's not our fault that life it's so messed up and we can't handle it. U know some people are really sensitive they can do really bad thing's to themselves they reach out for help and they find themselves beeing making fun of. If u don't belive what we vent about and u have some shitty comments at least keep them for yourself don't make the person who wrote it regreat it pls. And for some of u I really wanna thank u guy's because you've been really helpful and understanding so just keep doing what you're doing and again thank you so much.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.858940839767456 2018-08-08 19:57:30,"I need to vent. Hey, I've been in a dilemma for a while now and it's a situation I find myself more often than I would like. The thing is there's this girl who's been coming on to me quite strongly but I don't feel the same way not even in the slightest. I've tried to give her hints that I'm not intrested but she doesn't seem to be catching on and it has come to the point where she calls me multiple times a day, invites herself wherever I am and even befriended a few of my close frnds. I'm not the type of guy to tell her to piss of cuz I understand how it feels to have a person not like you back but i just don't know what to do. I just want her to know she's perfect and all just not for me. And the last thing I want is to hurt her feelings.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980941414833069 2018-08-08 21:03:31,"I need to vent. Hey guys its my first time venting umm okay.... I was wondering how you guys give up on love so easily? In my case no matter how hurt I have been always loving like I never been hurt n stuff but that sucks. I want to think that love doesn't exist n not get involved with anyone for too long wht shld I do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9748662710189819 2018-08-08 21:49:22,"I need to vent. At it again. Scratching at the worn out walls of my heart. This addictive, unbearable pain. It’s at it again. No mercy, no remorse. It preys at the ‘weak’, the ‘weak’ who convince themselves they chose IT over hate. When in fact IT chose them. Yet, unexplainable paradise to the lucky few. The chosen few. Its a journey worth taking. Love! ‍",love,POSITIVE,0.5776405930519104 2018-08-09 08:16:34,"I need to vent. Hey. It is my first time in a relationship. So I dont have any experiance. I tell him things no one knows abt me because I want him to open up to me but I am getting nothing from him. Sometimes I think maybe he doesnt have much to tell(no secerets) but. other times I think I am trusting him more than I should so I should withdraw. He is always scared to make a move. He does not try to contact me, like call or txt me and staff. What do you think? Do you think it will change in time? And do you think someone can have nothing intimate to share with loved one?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950449466705322 2018-08-09 08:17:27,"I need to vent. My discombobulated thoughts and you The silver whispers to me. my veins pop out as if ready to burst at the slightest prick. The voices tell me I am the perfect combination of mistakes and faulty traits ..and today I belive them. The music is not going to be loud enough today..I still hear them over the crackling bass and the screaming guitars.I don't feel human because nobody is like this I know they aren't. I want to slit it open and see if my blood is as black as my thoughts . Not the black that I saw in her eyes that made me love her more but the black that swallows everything whole and leaves no room to breath... the black of my soul.. the black of my mind ..I see no other color .... I hate you.I hate you for telling me you were so tierd from working late.. I hate that you interrupted me when i was letting out my screams the only way i know how. through my misspelled words. I hate your capital letters.I hate that you are making me care . i hate that you told me you were sad for no reason.I hate that i had to cheer you up. Most of all I hate that I am not sad anymore.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9963410496711731 2018-08-09 08:18:24,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent. The thing is I can't sleep... and i try everything books,movies, music to get me sleep but there is no change...and am starting to be sick.. its start like this, my heart is gonna biting so fast n I feel like something bad is gonna happen and I will stay up all night with out any sleep like nothing and its not the first time this happens..all I want is to sleep with out thinking about anything",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984343647956848 2018-08-09 10:55:06,"I need to vent. Hey ma vent is for unihorse ..why is unihorse named ""unihorse"" why its not called pipi kiki or pomi......any suggestion names can be commented",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999397873878479 2018-08-09 12:48:12,"I need to vent. It is my first time venting. whenever things get serious and I really need to say what I feel or if I get mad even if its something silly, my eyes fill with tears. Usually someone asks why my eyes shed tears. Someone asking whats wrong makes it worse, it makes me start weeping. I dont have any control over it. So when I cry people think I am weak, or that I am really hurt. Always trying to cover up my tears I dont say what is in my mind. This is being a big problem in my life for a long time. I have had a lot of embarrassing moments because I couldnt control my tears. Recently, I have cried trying to convince my boss in a topic related to work. She was completly shocked because it was not a situation anyone could be senstive on. I wish to talk with confidence, but I cant stop my tears.I need help desperately. Does anyone have similar problems like mine?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963098168373108 2018-08-09 20:02:12,"I need to vent. Hey people So I’m one of those people who always say “love is a strong word” menamn. I don’t tell just anyone I love them. But I think different people may sometimes have different definitions of it. So beautiful people, in your own words what is love? What do you think it feels like? What did it look like for you?(I’m asking about the boy girl kind of love) Thanks",love,POSITIVE,0.9975581169128418 2018-08-09 23:21:05,"I need to vent. I need to vent, have you ever met a guy who one day shows up and just turn your world around? I mean that one guy whom you love too much a txt from him makes you super high and when he doesn't answer your call you get super low! I just loved him so much, i loved every thing about him, his look,the way he talked, his laugh, his unpredictability, i just couldn't figure him out. I just loved him too much I get sick, my stomach hurts and i felt nauseous. As time goes by i felt him slipping away, i tried to hold on but i didn't want to seem too desperate. We broke up. I got really sick. I couldn't talk to anyone,I couldn't work, I was broken. And now since then i could never love any one, I try to get close to guys but i feel empty inside. Like he cut my heart out and took it with him. I don't know how to forget and move on. Help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9442151784896851 2018-08-10 07:03:17,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hey guys..,so quick question I am 3rd year to be student at Mekelle University. There hasn't been so much disturbance for the last 2 years but now i'm a bit scared to go cuz as u all know the political situation is not going great specially there. So do u guys think it's safe?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.998767614364624 2018-08-10 07:56:50,"I need to vent. I've been in love with this girl since seventh grade but she use to be in love with my brother. When I found out I was happy for them but they broke up 2 years later. We're 12th graders now and I still love her. I've already asked her out but she said she wouldn't date me becuase she dated my brother. I don't know what she feels. What should I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9968259334564209 2018-08-10 09:59:13,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I'm the girl with the issue of going to mekelle univerisity. This is to make it crystal clear:- Something u guys don't understand is that last year they(some youth group from mekelle) tried to attack and u'd peobably remember if u were there last year 1st semester. It was horrible. I don't blame them, they're people they get mad whenever they hear something bad happening to the tigrains living in other region. So the only way to get revenge is to get back to us living there. I know they're good people and everything but they also have their other side. Hope this made clear why i'm concerned. And ur opinion would help knowing the situation.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9832555055618286 2018-08-10 11:07:23,"I need to vent. Um it’s my first time venting... I met this guy so handsome so sweet with the most cutest smile and so on at first he tried to approach me a lot of times but I didn’t like him rumors had it that he was a player n all so I didn’t want to settle with a player even tho he was so damn handsome but either way he made his way to me when he would come I would just talk to him but I would make up some shitty excuse to go after sometime I felt comfortable being oth him and taking to him I knew what kind of person he was and underneath that smile was the sweetest guy ever then we both had that spark between us we did like each other so much that in a way or another we would make our way to each other but one day I heard that he had a girlfriend he told me he doesn’t like lies but all of a sudden he had a girlfriend and I was so devastated I cried my ass of for him I heard abt him girlfriend of Monday but the Friday before it one of his friends r my bestie’s boyfriend so he told her that he would ask me out then she told me so just think about how hurt I was when we went and asked a girl out when I was expecting him to ask me....I didn’t even bother to ask why and after a month they broke up then we became friends (not because they broke up but we r close friends from the beginning so he told me everything he explained everything) and the reason he was with that girl was because she was moving to US n she was his ex she begged him ifk if I mentioned earlier but he is the kindest guy ever so he couldn’t say no but he asked her not to tell anyone until he told me but she didn’t do as he asked her to she called her besties right away and told them and then one by one I he’s asking me to give him a second chance I’m afraid that he would leave me for someone else who needs him all the time should I give him that second chance or not????",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9592198729515076 2018-08-10 11:28:15,"I need to vent. I just want to say reading about people's problem helped me to deal with my problems on so many levels, knowing that u r not the only one going through things, being miserable, and hating life then again loving it. Life has been a rollercoaster. And u guys helped me deal with my problems. And I thank u for that.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9930184483528137 2018-08-10 18:43:48,"I need to vent. It's my first time venting. Hey everyone I was thinking of give my girlfriend a gift. What do you suggest I should give her?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9805667400360107 2018-08-10 21:07:25,"I need to vent. You know what the most anoyying thing bout having divorced parents is? Well...this is only a fraction of what the problem is... shit is that they both get mad at you for thinking you sided with the other. You have no idea! Ahunema yerasachew guday iyalku new. I'm suppose to be mature...well at this age but I still feel like i'm not mature enough, my parents are too busy blaming me for their problems, too busy looking for reasons to tell me i'm chossing sides that I don't think they even care anymore. They'ye falling expecting me to pick them up everytime, they forget that i'm human too. What happened to ""things won't change, we will still love you the same"". I maybe sound like a spoiled child neger but i've been trough a lot cuz of them..missed out on a lot of things normal people shouldn't. I have tried to jelp them, I really did. After all they are my parents and i still do love them but i'm not goanna chase after them anymore i've wasted almost half my life doing that. I'm sick, sick and tired of convincing them that I didn't say or do the bullshit they claim I did. Well... a fraction of my problems is this.. the rest i'd rather not think bout. That's what I want to stop thinking, I hate this. They bring me down and if I try to redeem myself i'm selfish but if I don't it's still somehow my fault Sorry for whatever grammatic and spelling errors there maybe, I just wanted to let this out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998840868473053 2018-08-10 21:40:37,"I need to vent. right now I'm crying I feel a lot of pain in me and I don't know I have a lot of feelings and I thought I could talk to someone but then I realise that I have no one to talk 2 I'm lonley and I can't stop crying I don't know why but it won't stop . I'm fucking lonly I have nobody maby that's what I deserve .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.988477885723114 2018-08-10 22:52:50,"I need to vent. I hope u will keep me anonymous hi this is my first time I need real help so if you are going to give negative comments pls keep it to yourself so here it goes when I was about 7 I was reaped by my moms friends son at the time I didn’t even know what happened n I was scared so I didn’t say anything n years passed n after a lot of struggle I became owk n figured a new way to deal with it which was to completely forget about it or try I guess which helped a little I always used to say that it didn’t happen to me so when ever someone asks if am a virgin i always say yes so now am 20 n I’ve a very loving boyfriend we have been together for about 2 years n he is the whole package n we where talking n I also told him that I was a v not because he wouldn’t understand me or anything but if I tell him there wud be all this question I don’t want to answer n when he sees me i don’t want him to pity me or just make me feel like that is all my life wud be about n now am stuck cus sooner or later he might find out so what should I do wud this thing hunt me all my life wud something that I never wanted to happen something that destroyed my childhood also destroy my life pls help am lost every time I think I’ve found a new path am always there",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982873797416687 2018-08-10 22:55:49,"I need to vent. I just gotta say this out loud. I miss you. I am the kind of person that says what he feels but this time I can’t. But I do. I really do. I miss our talks, your jokes, and the nicknames u got me that no one else in the world uses. I am not saying I want us to be more. Or that I want to kiss u again and wait for it to rain but I wish this had never happened and we were friends once again. I wish I met u for the first time today and I do everything right so things wouldn’t be as complicated. I wish I could just txt u now n ask how u r doing or just talk about anything really. But it’s just like last time, things I do to fix things right, gets us to end up with moments we can’t get over. I hope you are ok. I hope our brief friendship meant a great deal to u like it did to me. I am sorry we couldn’t be more, I am sorry I ruined what we had. I didn’t mean for all of this to happen. It’s time that got us here and it’s time that will heal. I know what u r thinking. That am always keeping it together but I am not. I am not ok. I lost my close friend. Although I knew you for a few years, I got close to u like no other, and losing u hurts. I wish I could say all of this to u, but I simply can’t. I am just u already know.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9542628526687622 2018-08-10 22:56:49,"I need to vent. Okay here I go I have this friend like rly close friend even tho it only has been a yr since we became this close but that don't matter I guess I mean its all abt being able to understand each others feeling n stuff enji ain't abt the yrs anyway the point is she betrayed me i don't know if I can call it that gn what I feel is like that. The reason is that there is this dude ena I like him we used to flirt a lot like flirt as in flirt the shit outta each other bechaaa she came in b/n us I never tot she would do this kinda thing to me gen she did it anyway. UK we most girls talk abt guys that we r dating mnamn ena enem I did that for sm reason n the next thing ik is that she started texting him maybe he came out pretty well when I told them abt him. Ena she didn't want me to know abt it so she kept on hiding it from me malet I knew she was texting him mnamn gen at that moment I didn't think she'd go farther more ‍I mean how can ik ? It would hv been easier for me if she had told me the truth gen what makes it more azg is that she kept it as a secret . n the worst part is that she knows how I feel for him malet ene mostly i don't date ppl zembyae unless m interested betam ena I dated the dude esuam she know that I don't do dates bezu gizae gen when the dude asked me out I agreed esun eyawekech she flirts with him ‍ wtf I mean who does this what kinda friend does this eshi maybe u guys can't see how painful it is to see sm1 u like with sm1 u call ur best friend she made a whole month miserable for me eshi maybe m way overreacting gen m jealous m fucking jealous I don't mind if that girl was sm other hoe gen when uk ur best friend is doing this yasaznal ena I ignored her thats what I can do ‍ gen as much as I hate to admit it telchatalew like betam we fought ke liju gar we both have this ego not to text first mnamn we both r stubborn af silezi now he is more close to her than me bewegat sematae new ughhhhh ena what shall I do? I tot abt leaving them alone mnamn gn the tot of seeing them andlay makes me go nuts plus demo she has a bf eko I mean lemn tesebsba atkemetm koy men largat ? N also y m I the betam jealous type ? what shall I do to forget abt them ?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984450936317444 2018-08-10 23:05:50,"I need to vent. Hey guys it's my first time to vent i hope u will give me a good advice okay here goes there was a guy i have been seeing actually i was not see him in person we talk through voice text or telegram ena he was my 12 grade batch which i didn't know him but he know me he know all about me b/c tebaro nebere ena we start talking on facebook he ask me my # he start calling me we talked so much we talked like 4 or 3 hours wiz him he ask me to be wiz him then i said okay he was so sweet funny honest ena i start liking him but one day i was gonna tell him that i luved him but he said to me we should stop b/c of distance then his friend start talking me making me feel comfortable just to forget him and guess what i seriously start to loving him so much but he didn't know even though he is far im loving him more and more he make me happy he make me smile all day he dont wanna hear my sad voice sekefagne seyamegne demesane yakewle his body wowww talks his smile his voice his joke everything about him wedesu more addicted endehone aregegne ena he was my addiction the more i get close to him the more i feel for him suse neberebete malete yetetale yachesale betame yetetale ena enen mwurate kejemer behuala yanen negere eyekenese meta eyetewe meta so i decide to get more close to him we talked so much we talked alot in night for 4 or 5 hours when we say gud night we both get sad ena mene yelegne nebere meselachu ene ewedeshalewu seleshe anchi eshi becha newu meteyewu alegne ena esu beyegne selehne becha nebere melewu beka esu ewedeshalewu selegne ene melese eshi becha newu ena one day he start pushing me he start ignoring i ask him why he is doing that the guess what he wanna to broke up wiz b/c of again distance ena i know i shouldn't start wiz him gene salasebewu i fall for him ena he said sanetale befite i won't leave u no matter what happen belo promise gebeto nebere ena i said to him u broke ur promise selewu no i didn't i know u dont wanna be friends wiz me i know he wants me to be his friends keza for about 3 weeks or belaye i shut him ena I'm starting to feel down feel broken feel alone leka esu nebere desetayen kemanem agegnechewu malakewun deseta setogne yeneberewu beka kemanem ga alwerame sewu alanager even mata mata aletegname nebere b/c kesu ga mawurate selelemedeku beka eyasebekute aderalewu then i decided to be his friend b/c i don't wanna loose him by my side that's why i know its sound stupid but i don't have a choice so we still talk on telegram or by text sometimes by voice but i still have feelings for him like i used to have before but he didn't know that we still didn't meet yet he is in addis i still luved him so much and i missed him so fucking much so should i tell him how i feel about how i still loved him like before if i do that i am afraid that i loose his friendship but I'm hurting deep inside of me I'm broken so guys what should i do help me?????????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9854069948196411 2018-08-11 07:33:14,"I need to vent. Thank God. I finally got over you. I know you love me and you did nothing wrong. It was me. I took a peek in to the future, beyond the blinding cloud of love, in to the reality and saw tears and broken hearts. I know you can't see it from here where everything seems so easy and you think what really matters is the fact that we love eachother to death. That's not true. I've seen people change. They change so much that they would even forget why they thought everything would workout in the first place. So I decided for both of us. It wasn't as easy as I pretended it was. I cried myself to sleep all those years and the pain I went through, only God knows. Ignoring your calls, moving away to a different city, the tought of not having you in my life and forgeting about you was like ultimate death to me. there were times I thought of ending my life. I did it for us. My friend called today. she told me she fell in love. I was not jealous and I was not longing for you. My day was not ruined thinking about you in sadness. I hope you feel the same. Good bye my first love",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9904574155807495 2018-08-11 07:33:55,"I need to vent. Sup guys‍....this might sound silly but it getting worse......actually this ant a vent just looking for advice to get rid of it.lately i started eating asf ....which is not as current BMI is normal 20......i tried to have diet blah blah ,search on internet.... n then i quit ....enam i do eat sweet staffs like chocolate when i get depressed menamn...i need ur help guys hw can iget rid of dis fucked up thing... Tnx for ur time stay blessed",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9968517422676086 2018-08-11 07:38:17,"I need to vent. I need to say this out loud, how is that you don't miss me? How is that after all this time we spent ur not in love with me? How is that ur not scared to flirt Infront of me?How that u say I am different and a good person and u can't ask more but not in love with me ? How is that u hug me like I can give life to you then after a min talk abt wat ur doing with the girl last time? How is that u ask me to be ur girl but next day cry when u talk abt ur ex?? How is that ur face expression and ur true feelings r not the same? How is zat my brutal honesty doesn't compile u to do ze same? How is tat u grew up in church but have the heart to use my openess to ur advantage? I miss ze feeling tat a guy n a girl can be honest friends!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9816766977310181 2018-08-11 13:44:24,"I need to vent. Hey there am stressed over what's happening .... A week or so ago I had an intimate night with someone not sex just over the board intimate my period came a week early and I tried googling for answers and says I might be ... But one thing is for sure I don't want to take the risk ... So if u have any clinic suggestions for terminating it if I really am ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988897442817688 2018-08-11 15:04:44,"I need to vent. I just wanted to share a piece of mind that I’ve learned and I’m still comprehending. After a breakup with an ex or an almost lover, we all go into a pit. We feel emotions that we have never felt before and we start missing them. What I’m here to say is that missing ur ex or ur crush or that person after a breakup doesn’t mean you’re in love with them. It doesn’t mean that u want them. U were attached to them, attached to talking to them everyday or seeing them so often, attached to the names they were calling u and when u end that attachment, of course it’s gonna feel like the end of the world. And u want nothing but to crawl back to them. It’s always hard letting go of what you’re used to and u thought was ur future. But it’s only days or maybe months until u get over them. Life goes on and time heals everything. Keep ya head up high.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9778302311897278 2018-08-11 20:04:36,"I need to vent. I have a drinking problem!!! cant call it addiction but when i drink i want to drink all night... Whats is funny is that i only drink beer..i dont do hard alchols... Chegura yamegnal...anyways drinking is costing me my health, social life, family, financial break down..i just thaught its worth guys if u r in z drinking league u better pull your ass out of it..thanks",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9947916269302368 2018-08-11 22:10:03,"I need to vent. Hey zer 2nd time ventin...the tng is I feel so lonely zis bexam lonely..I had zis best best frnd w.h also happens to be my lover but now a days we don't talk or anytng mnamn..n I have no one else to share my problems..secrets..n its hard bexam n am so gettin used to it zis days bihonem its suks being alone demo from experience I don't do very well when am alone or lonely mnamn...anyways I just needed to write u can comments or don't wtever u byee",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999152421951294 2018-08-11 22:10:39,"I need to vent. I fucking hate you for leaving me like this.I'm so angry at you and you can go fuck you're little dick,long head,skinny ass,noodle arms,ogre feet,donkey teeth,paris hilton eyes,homeless clothes little self behind a dumpster. You deeply and truly hurt me and you're deeply and truly officially dead to me. The only thing I'm probably gonna miss about you is your cute little nose,but there's plenty of noses in the world lol. Thank you and bye.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9932836294174194 2018-08-12 06:22:41,"I need to vent. So I just want to thank you for breaking my heart. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t know what it’s like to hit rock bottom and then pick myself up from there. If I didn’t know how it feels to reach my lowest point, I wouldn’t fully understand how strong I am and how much resilience I possess. Thank you for breaking off our relationship because now I know that I am worth so much more than what you were willing to give me. Know I can see what I want in a man and what I don’t want. I will look for someone who truly comprehends how special I am and someone who values me way more than you ever did. Thank you for crushing me. Now I realize that I had lost myself in you. Now I can focus on getting myself back to the incredible and single person I was before I was even been in a relationship. Thank you for making me see the beauty in this breakdown. There was magnificence and poetry in the pain I experienced. Thank you for helping me explore my artistic outlets. It has given me so much inspiration to pursue my love of the arts.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9974797368049622 2018-08-12 06:23:16,"I need to vent. Guys jus a quick question. So a guy asked a girl on a date saying he likes her blabla n she says no n just in that moment if he says i never want to see u again dont txt or don't call me ever. doesn't it shows he never liked her like never?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986407160758972 2018-08-12 09:37:46,"I need to vent. My gf n I are tying to spend more time together but her family is really strict n she doesnt wanna disappoint them so as far as they know, me n her don't even talk. Now she can't get out of the house without supervision so it's really hard. Any advice or suggestion would be great.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9893718361854553 2018-08-12 09:37:56,"I need to vent. Hey...recently my ex who I cheated on keeps coming back ..and I keep leaving b/c I hurted him so bad and he is a good person .and I still love him..and when ever I talk to him.I feel horrible I've been punishing my self for over a year of wat I did to him..I don't know wat to do..he still has feelings .I do too but he is in a r/ship and he wants us to be Friends in secret ..what should I do?",love,POSITIVE,0.9582546353340149 2018-08-12 09:40:08,"I need to vent. sup guys, need help asap umm how do you know a girl really likes you? malete what signs does she show. Thanks ppl",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.6983437538146973 2018-08-12 09:41:15,"I need to vent. Hey there every one, this is my first time to vent. And here i go..... there is this friend he is protestant and im orthodox and we're very close like very close like he've been there for me when ever i need him ena i love you enibabalalen and kemanim belay ynafkegnal esum endezaw ena i just got confuse, malet we've been friends for like 4 years and we met on Fb and for the first time yetegenagnenew this summer new ena we've never been endezi like saying i love you minamin ena do you think he have feelings for me or not? I think i kind of have ena btw the"" i love you"" thing a day like more thank 10 new minabalew ena is it normal? Malet we're still friends malet new? Weys esum feeling alew?",love,NEGATIVE,0.8995562195777893 2018-08-12 11:07:20,"I need to vent. What are the signs that someone doesn't love you anymore?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989907145500183 2018-08-12 11:07:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys I have two best friends and there is a girl who is on the way to join us, she actually did and she is so selfish want to take what she wants and abandon the other. She want to tear us apart and take the best for her. Look guys I'm really tired of this I always have problems with friends and I cry every time,I want forget all the bad people in my life I don't wanna care about them but I can't, I just can't they have controlled my mind. I really want some help and advice so help me please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9966025352478027 2018-08-12 12:48:00,"I need to vent. I rly want this girl to be my Girl but She used to get into relationships in the scul. My friend told me to stay away from her but i dont wanna lose her. Demo i knw betamm weregna endehonch. Andsew keswa ketetala her whole frndz will shut u up fr no reason gn hulunum eyaweku i just can't help it. Help me Guys!! Its Okay negative comment bitsetum",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9981085062026978 2018-08-12 15:32:52,"I need to vent. Hi... so zer is a guy he said he loves me but doesn't want to start a r/n ship now w/c I was happy to hear (not wanting to start z r/n ship) dnt get me wrong I like z guy too I just dnt want relation we've been seeing each other minamin nd we only kissed I was okay wiz zat too but now as tym passes nothing is making sense to me I tot or I told myself we were dating but now when I think of it... it feels lyk we are not it feels more lik friends with benefit thing w/c i dnt lyk... so i wanted to end wat ever zer was but scared to do it n plus dnt knw hw to say it... btw he is a kind of guy who doesnt or cant (i dnt knw for sure) tell his feelings.... so pls tell me wat shud I do... ASAP",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9965392351150513 2018-08-12 15:58:07,"I need to vent. Well hi everyone it's my first time venting I've seen a lot of your posts and how people are responding to them it gave me courage to share my's not really that complicated or serious but here it goes...well the story is I've known this guy since a while back I mean like 2years ago and we went out and just bonded so quickly I mean like those once in a life time kind of relationships but the problem or I don't know if it's even a problem but it's that am very front about things and my feelings I was always so honest about my feelings and love towards him but he's not the talking type I mean he doesn't really express himself that much in words and on top of all of this am currently living outside Addis which means there's clearly some distance beteween us so we tried to make things work but you know how distance relationships work first you stop texting then calling and before you know it your complete STRANGERS so things just started being on and off between us when am in Addis we hang out and by hang out I mean more than friends and when am back to school it's strangers all over after we broke things up we recently started talking again and looks like things are looking up we talk more we laugh more I mean even better than before and am about to go to addis for a break and I don't know where my mind is at I don't Wanna to lose him but it feels like he's not mine to what do you guys say should I work things out with him or just be friends ...or just have no contact at all....any help is usefull thanks guys",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8992481231689453 2018-08-12 18:00:32,"I need to vent. hey guys i'm 18 and a 12 grader there's this guy we talked on tg and i like him what should i do",love,POSITIVE,0.9889339804649353 2018-08-12 18:02:15,"I need to vent. Hey guys here me out pls pls I had a gf w/c i loved so much like i have no words for.1 day my freind told hr tht i had a crush on hr and if she wanted t be with me she said i will think abt it.like6 month passed she called me told me she will be my gf then we were in a r/s for some time we were cool i did ever thing i could in a way i could and she used t tell me tht she loves me.After 2 month of r/s she said i want t break up i had enough and she said i wasn't happy with the r/s and i don't know the reson but hr freind told me she had another bf and when i ask hr why did she agreed t be my gf she said i dont want t break ur heart and now she did is she supposed t be kind t me and the boy w/c she have a cruse on is a player wht should i do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9942806959152222 2018-08-12 18:03:44,"I need to vent. Hey the guys i really need help me and my girlfriend rly love each other as of last week she told me she doesnt feel the same way and things are'nt going the way she wanted i did something to piss her of mostly i think its my fault that i made her feel that way .....i wanna make her feel the way she used too and get back with her any advice what i should do ?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.997300922870636 2018-08-12 18:16:08,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse. Hide my identity. I need to vent. Well you see I'm in a bad depression and I'm taking medicine for that. My friend now I'm sick but I still don't want to admit. I feel like if I tell her she might pity me and I don't like when people pity me. I'm not open to anyone I don't trust them. Except one of my friends I trust her but not that much to be literally open. I just wanted to let this out that's why I vented!!!!!!!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987195730209351 2018-08-12 18:21:57,"I need to vent. I don't know why am always happy. even when things are shit.. am still very happy. Lol that's normal right",joy,POSITIVE,0.9935569167137146 2018-08-12 19:27:22,"I need to vent. Okay this is my first time venting too so bare with me a i met this girl like 2 years ago around holidays and we got introduced by mutual friends and we got close so fast...we text everytime,see eachother every time and do things together everytime and all but lately we've stopped talking out of the blue for no reason and idk what to do about it. We became strangers all over again...our egos win as always and think that one of us should text first soo im a bit stuck with this.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9912340044975281 2018-08-12 19:27:55,"I need to vent. This is my first time venting so here is z thing emm I rly rly love my bestfriend I mean she is my everything we HV been friends since fifth grade but I did smthng zat will jeopardize our friendship....God I hate myself..OK she have a bf like almost 3 yrs abrew honewal she lovvveeee him betam and so do I and one day debirognal minamin silew tegenagniten feta enilalen alegn and meskel square tegenagnen we were talking minamin keza I don't know how but we started kissing and stuff and truth be told I was soooo happy God he is so tall and muscular funny and caring... gn at the same time I've been feeling guilty whenever I see her or talk to her esu mnm endaltefetere act eyarege new ene gn labd new what should I do? Demo yibas bilo even wiz my boyfriend sex sinareg I imagine as am doing it wiz him tell her the truth? or act like nothing happened and try to forget him?",love,NEGATIVE,0.8581172227859497 2018-08-12 20:10:43,"I need to vent. I have a problem, like all I can is flirt with a boy, even with betam grown-ups.. (like my sisters husband or my dad's friends ) idk...becha anyone that is a ""man""...ena I want to be normal, how do you become normal with a I tried not to be like that. .gin I end up being weird, please help, and am having trouble with the wives ( they think am flirting with thier husbands ) and I am avoiding any family gatherings because of this, please help. ..please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975360631942749 2018-08-12 20:12:18,"I need to vent. Hey guys... it's my first time here. Lol its sooo cool to be anonymous anyways so the thing is i used to date this guy a year ago and heck i loved him! After we broke up, i kept missing him like crazy. But when am with other guys, he's the last person i think about. I don't know what this is.. i even keep distracting myself not to miss him! Why is this happening? Could i still be inlove with him? If so, why do i only think about him when i feel lonely?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9937408566474915 2018-08-12 20:17:48,"I need to vent. this is my first time venting am in debari luv. malete she is my freind a best freind endemibalew gene i luv her so i tell her and the answer was boring then as a freind lets continue tebablen debari negerochen tareg jemer like selke mezagat,anstaw aymechegnm malet even letagegnegn alfelgechem.ena yaw tenadeje yemayhone neger tenagrku ena zegachign. guys i cant be normal ledwlelat or......?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9962093830108643 2018-08-12 21:42:34,"I need to vent. I have been looking for love for a long time, I tried it really tried I guess I am unlovable it is sad I am not ugly or stg but no guy seems to stick my lonileness is killing me some times I wonder wt I did wrong what help me I am heart broken beyond repair.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951356053352356 2018-08-13 03:56:41,"I need to vent. I still love you. I still love you like the times i loved you we're not lovable, i still love you like the times you got sick and i sat down with you when you couldn't pee and made you comfortable. I still love you like that one time i was hungry and got you something to eat. I still love you but you're out there acting like none of it happened at all. Fetari ke kefuw hulu yitebksh, with or without you i'm still gonna be the great man i set out to be. Thank you for the experience.",love,POSITIVE,0.9964382648468018 2018-08-13 03:58:00,"I need to vent. Some...some of us here talking about our feeling, thought or ""venting"" Won't help, can't help! Some of us here are just too fucked up and broken to let alone be okay but even have the chance to be better Some extremely sad the they are at the next level of null literally not giving a damn if everything burns right now or Earth cracks open hurt they gave up on GOD, Parents , Friends everything... nothing makes sense anymore Some of us here are damaged beyond repair Peffing and going ""you haven't seen shit"" when someone says stuff But no soul goes without the sun shining on it You will smile again and it will be beautiful to see Don't believe me? Just wait Can't wait to prove you wrong",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9647643566131592 2018-08-13 04:01:08,"I need to vent. Hello everybody Well I have no feelings right now I can’t feel anything no pain no happiness it’s weird i feel empty inside I used to cut myself and cry all night long or take pills but I don’t do that all anymore but there is this guy I that I really loved and he started talking to me after almost a year and I’m kinda feeling something like I’m scared of something what is it? I don’t know",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9250293374061584 2018-08-13 04:09:39,"I need to vent. Hi I am a female, I'm 24 and The thing is I can't seem to get sexual with my boyfriend we make out and when he starts touching me down there I slowly remove his hand, and I don't know why this is happening I love him and I want to sleep with him cause I've already mentally fucked him, I don't know why I can't do it in person. Guys why do you think it's not happening?",love,NEGATIVE,0.996321439743042 2018-08-13 07:17:27,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent . Here it goes.. Have u ever talked to someone who said all the right things and seems perfect?and started talk to him pretty much everyday uk the"" talking"" phase? Granted i've talked to guys before but that normally ended after a couple of weeks, because shortly they would find out that i wasn't giving them what they wanted.and i was perfectly fine with them walking away but HE was different which was what pulled me in even more . i developed some hard feelings for this guy,and i had no control of it like everday we texted non stop and it felt awsome to feel special like that turns out we had a lot in common as well . in the beginning , i had really hard time believing that he was actually intersted in me he was sweet, smart, and honest blah blah blah..all all disrable qualities i wanted in a boyfriend hmmm things change like i was pretty stupid.but i just couldn't face the fact that he was like all other lovely guys i have been fortunate to cross paths with. Even though i was stupid i still broke down crying and sobbed for a while but eventually i wiped my tears and realized how ridiculous i was being.bkaaaa he lying basically bout everything. I've always wanted someone who is honest with me but he showed me anyone can lie over everything he made me to realize that I shouldn't spend so much time getting to know through social media or textinghe showed me what I don't deserve in s guy .i've always known what I deserved ,but I was too scared to go out and find a guy who would treat me the way I should be treated cause I still have feelings for him",sadness,POSITIVE,0.8354042172431946 2018-08-13 08:32:14,"I need to vent. I am very jealousy boyfriend. I love her that words fail to express it. I respect her that I want to be the mat she steps on. I tried to be the perfect guy she was longing for and I succeed. She love me too. She is caring, smart, beautiful and honest girl anyone could ask for. The only problem is yene gedeb yata qenat nw I get jealous of everything and everyone that have relation with her. Yes i said EVERYTHING. I get jealous of her girl friends, brothers, cousins, the waiter who take her order and so on. The weirdest part is I get jealous of her things too. Like her bra, lipstick, hairband like everything. You guys may ask does she know? Yes she does. Mekera mekera biselechat tetagnalech do you think it is normal? Help me before I ruin everything.",love,NEGATIVE,0.5876253247261047 2018-08-13 13:39:48,"I need to vent. Am a boy in love with a beautiful girl. I asked her out and she says yes we started dating and everything was well until her ex comes and tell her zat he is still in love with her. She told me she is never getting back with him and she only want me but i got confused in a way. I know she loves him and i dont want to be in a middle of something that is complicated and got hurt. So wat do u think should i continue with her or stop my relation with her?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9771189093589783 2018-08-13 13:39:49,"I need to vent. First time venting. I dated this guy once and I like him a lot. Is it alright to send him dirty pictures now?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9865919947624207 2018-08-13 16:48:32,"I need to vent. Hello vent fam i got a question i am a medical student near the finishing line and i was planning to take USMLE and go to US to continue my temeheret and i have done my research and ik there are a lot of medical ppl here so help a brother out and tell me any info. And if u have done it what r the challenges. Thanks.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9875906705856323 2018-08-13 16:49:34,"I need to vent. Hello Is it okay to send boyfriend almost nude pics? Because he keeps asking and I always put up reasons it's not that I'm insecure but I don't know is it okay?girls?? Dudes??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9969549179077148 2018-08-13 16:49:51,"I need to vent. What more can a girl want more than a guy who loves her? Why is it not enough? I want to love you. I’m trying to love you but no matter how bad I want to fall for you, it just never works. I know you would do anything for me. You would give me the world if I asked for it. I have never met anyone who cared this much about me and I didn’t know it was possible to be loved like this until I met you. But I can never return the feeling no matter how desperately I want to. I care about you but I’m not in love with you. And everyday I feel like I’m betraying you by being with you when I don’t feel the same. I know you deserve so much more. And so I think about letting you go but I’m addicted to the love you give me. I love how you love me. Damn, am I selfish for keeping you. I have told you many times before that anyone who lets you go is a fool. Yet, I’m thinking about letting you go.",love,POSITIVE,0.8334926962852478 2018-08-13 21:14:23,"I need to vent. Y'all I need your help. So since y'all brought up the whole nude sending issue. I have a question. There is this friend of mine and she asked me about it as well.. Okay so she dated her best friend for about a year right? And then because of something personal they couldn't continue but they remained best friends. So now he asks her constantly to send him nudes. She tried to ignore it as much as she can and she didn't tell him to fuck off cause they are pretty tight and have a lotta history together. She thought it would ruin their friendship and ish. Now she is asking me what she should say to him. I have no advice for her. Rather speechless. Y'alls need to help a sister out tho",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9943543672561646 2018-08-13 22:46:33,"I need to vent. I'm 23 and I'm still a virgin. Why am I still a virgin? I mean I may not be Hollywood handsome but I'm not ugly either..yeah I'm a bit skinny but other than that I'm cool.. I can be the perfect lover every girl looks..but I'm still single...guys please help me out...I'm desperate... The more I'm single the more i get needy n repel girls... What should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8827176690101624 2018-08-13 22:48:05,"I need to vent. Why do people make fun of other people? We didn't chose to be like this but we can't change it & when people make fun of us it just makes us to hate our self more. This is how I'm feeling right now I'm not happy about myself I have my own insecurities but I won't let it show no matter what but when people make fun about me it really hurts but they don't know coz I just laugh it off & they think I'm cool with it but I really am not, the reason why I laugh it off is because I don't want them to know my insecurities. This is hurting me a lot. Please just don't make fun of people you don't know how much it hurts them.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971062541007996 2018-08-13 22:51:02,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, I need to get an advice from you. My ex has come back to my life and he is asking me to meet up. Previously it took me sooo long to get him out of my mind and know he is already in. I really don't want to feel the same way again , and the thought of not talking to him is hard asf. What should I really do guys? I really need help.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9907162189483643 2018-08-13 22:51:27,"I need to vent. Hello my name is samrawit Am a girl 23yrs old and I just needed to get this out of my system.. So 4 months ago I broke up with my bf I had my own reasons back then but now I really regret it & I want him back I really thought of talking to him but what if he turns me down? Am scared should I talk to him or not... Please am in desperate need of your help guys Thanks for your time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9983400106430054 2018-08-13 22:52:29,"I need to vent. To the cute girl whom i hv seen today @ my burger after 2 years at campus.i haven't seen u ever since u decided to stop learning after 1st year and left.i dont know why i froze up while u came by to order at the counter not once but twice today.i always wanted to talk to u and take ur number but u always are with ur jema so i couldn't but u were alone today at the counter atleast.i am regretting why i didn't talked to u the second u go out of the cafe and i know i will never get this chance",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9973230957984924 2018-08-13 22:59:52,"I need to vent. Question for the ladies, do you really have an orgasm,? like the real thing? or is everyone is pretending Like me? cuz I don't get it, I lost my virginity when I was 18, had sex with different guy's for the past 6 years ( one long term relationship 3 years) and NEVER felt a thing! Am great at pretending like am enjoying it though. And no one knows, I've never told anyone not even my ex or my friends. So I need your opinions. Go easy on me gin",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9605350494384766 2018-08-14 09:13:05,"I need to vent. First of all I have to say this I'm a fan of this page for real and so I'm leaving next week and yeah it's really hurting me to leave everything behind anyways there is this guy who I love so much and I have never told him that I do although I think he knows anyways I need your comments should I tell him everything I feel for him or go without telling him I'm really confused irdk what to do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9970715045928955 2018-08-14 09:23:36,"I need to vent. So here goes, Is it normal to be 19 years old, a college undergrad student, a bit socially awkward, an introvert, that has a sad life with a bunch of friends,but not really a close friend.... And Not Have A Single Fucking Crush her entire life???? Fantasies many, but not really a crush.. I mean is it normal to be like that.. Being asked on dates a bunch of times but turned them down because I believe 19 is a young age for dating.. Not really felt like an attraction to a normal human-male... And always seen myself living alone.. With my family whom I love so much.. For the rest of my life.. I mean I have passed this fire age phase like a dull creature that hasn't got the ability to be attracted to a guy.. I mean is it normal.. I need help.. Feel free to mock me, I know I do.. And please don't say 19 is not a young age.. Because it is.. Its the time of a young humans life where they learn and make their life's in order so that they can be ready for a partner.. But still if u want to object.. Feel free.. Just give me an answer.. Is it okay?? Because most of my friends didn't agree..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991934895515442 2018-08-14 15:17:47,"I need to vent. So my gf and I decided to celebrate our 1 year anniversary (since we started dating) in a fancy way sooo I planned out the perfect night...nice dinner, go out and party, the back to a fancy hotel room for some ""work"". So Every thing went according to plan until we go into the room....the vibe was emotional, intimate, very very when I got ""downstairs"" I've never seen anything like it before....her clit is soooo big that it looks like a fucking like I'm the only one that has to have a dick in this rlshp eko. So after that encounter I stopped immediately and went to the bathroom to gather my I came up with a lame ass excuse and told her I was sick from the dinner we ate and that I have to sleep on it menamen... Ever since that day I'm trying to sabotage my rlshp with her bc I rly can't be with her's just impossible even though she's an amazing girl Let this be a lesson for u ppl who say sex before marriage is not cool...i would have divorced her within a heartbeat if it was our wedding night and we were doing it for the first time....THANK GOD it wasn't the case",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9948976635932922 2018-08-14 15:28:37,"I need to vent. So , I like collecting knifes , is it okey? FYI most of my knifes are stolen ,like from restaurants .",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972965121269226 2018-08-14 15:29:19,"I need to vent. I have a 12 inch penis. I'm just 20... So it's going to get bigger . I heard women can't handle such massive penises. I'm afraid i would hurt some one...!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9957976341247559 2018-08-14 15:29:33,"I need to vent. Im a boy n this is not a vent but a question... Does flirting come naturally or do u develop the skills for it?...if so how can I be perfect at it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9955716133117676 2018-08-14 15:30:15,"I need to vent. Why do u women complain about there not being a good guy, while chasing after the assholes and when they do u wrong like always.... u complain. So the real question is u know where the good guys are bt u wont approach them first. Is ur ego and pride that much important than to find a good person that can make u happy?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9971357583999634 2018-08-14 18:58:27,"I need to vent. So i kinda messed up, am dating the sweetest guy in the entire universe.... he is so sweet to me and thats mainly the reason why like him, we were friends for a long time and a lot changed when we started dating. Anyways i cheated, and idk if i should tell him or forget about it, the guy i cheated with is super hot and ik its more like a lust than it is true feelings but i just couldnt help it.... now i feel really bad and dont know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968550205230713 2018-08-14 19:04:10,"I need to vent. Hello there. I think I have a problem. Every time I fall for a girl I ended up hurt. The most hurt i got was about couple of months ago. Let me tell you that story. I saw a girl in class and I thought she was the one, from the moment I saw her I fall for her. I was best friends for her for about 1 & half years. Then I told her about my feelings and she declined me down because she had a complicated past. Then I asked her one last time and we decided to be with each other. We had some fun times. Suddenly we broke up. And that's when I realized that a person can get hurt that much. Then I hit my rock bottom, I stared doing some fucked up shit. So my point is I fall for the girls that ain't right for me and get hurt. And I think I will do it again so what the hell should I do. I just saw I may worst place I don't want to get back to it again it's fucked up. Any comment is acceptable and tnx in advance",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9975307583808899 2018-08-14 19:05:32,"I need to vent. Real shit right here. I don't even know how to tell y'all this. I'm 22 male I'm a decent looking guy (what else can i say about my looks I mean wtf niggas) This is happening for the 5th time now. Every time I have a girlfreind or start sth with a girl....her friends try to fuck me like wtf. They is all friendly at first then they wait for a moment and start flirting n stuff. Every girl I'm friends with wants to fuck even my old highschool freind who has a boyfriend for like 2 years the list goes on y'all even church girls n stuff. I am being forced to play...and every decent girl I meet doesn't want to get that close coz they assume girls r always constantly on me(which they r) and distance themselves. Real shit i'm sick n tired y'all. Even my cousin tried to fuck me in my gadamn room . If no one is gonna approach me unless they wanna fuck.....what am I supposed to do? Can't hold a decent convo with girls.....cant play coz it's just not my thing but it's getting real annoying now and I'm seeing how easy it is to play....i mean I did not do shit and they assume they bein played imagine if I actually did? But the thing is I don't wanna go thru all the bulshiting I prefer honesty but what's the point? No one gets how hard I'm tryin. I just wanted to put it out there before I make a decision y'all. HELP ME NIGGA bilual kevin hart F.r tho help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983944296836853 2018-08-14 21:19:00,"I need to vent. I'm the type of guy to always have a back up. A back up phone... a back up pen...a back up gf. I have a wondering eye and it's gotten me into trouble everytime I'm with someone . I just have this need to have one girl as a backup incase it doesnt work work out with the otherone. In other words I've not been single for a long time I just go from one girl to the next. So a week back I broke up with my long distance gf over the phone and it was bad there was a lot of crying and name calling but in the end I hung up the phone and i felt nothing. All i could think about was my dinner plans with someone else that night. Meanwhile i hear that she's not doing so well cuz this all took her by surprise and she wasn't expecting it --in the least . Then it dawned on me, am I a piece of shit nobody who cares about noone and nothing? And is this all I am?all i can ever be? Idk... all ik is this shit aint right",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992638230323792 2018-08-14 21:57:47,"I need to vent. I rly need to Vent I am 24 yrs old guy. We all know that the intentions for sex could be sometimes very high and sometimes low. Chubby girls butt used to turn me on. But lately it's realy getting tough nd wenever i see an extremely fat girl i start to get a bonner. I mean is this on the limits. Am just confused.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9949120879173279 2018-08-14 22:51:57,"I need to vent. friends have betrayed my trust sooo many times n gave me more than enough reasons to murder them that the word 'friend' has completely lost its meaning. I used to trust everyone(this played a part in wat am feeling ryt now). After a while I felt like the only two persons I could trust to stand up for me n stay by my side were my bf n ma brother...scratched out my bf when he cheated on me-The one guy I thought would never do that. Mtsm. N u can't really be fully open with ur big brother. Its weird. I just really need a person i could trust like wtf is that too much to ask ppl??!?srsly idk how 'talking bad about me' is easier than not talking about me at all. Ena bcha Idk if the problem is with me n idk wat to do..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994213581085205 2018-08-14 23:31:22,"I need to vent. I rly don't know wat am feeling n I guess I was hoping y'all can help me figure it out. Here it goes...I have an amazing boyfriend that i love n he's literally everything a girl can ask for. He's cute sexy kind..n unlike most guys this days he actually wants a 'forever' with me. But still I keep looking for faults on him...I keep wanting to argue with him...I keep missing those days when I was single. U could say I feel over crowded by him or smtn. He gives me all his attention n wants me to do the same. N it's hard..I keep wanting space(break) for no reason at all. N if I ask for one with no explanation I might lose him forever n I don't want that! Pls y'all gotta help me...Wats happening??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9981531500816345 2018-08-14 23:32:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys i'm 19.... its my first vent so i hope you guys won't judge. So the thing is i had sex with this girl i met on Facebook yesterday and i think i did pretty good but while we were having sex she yelled "" awo aba awo"" and i was shocked but continued fucking anyways but that's not the problem. The problem is that she won't get enough. We fucked 5 times in a row and she still wanted some more of my dick. ( not to brag but it is a certified ladies pleaser dick) so now i'm confused if i should continue seeing her cuz she keeps blowing up my phone and wants to meet again very soon but ene alchlkum dem litasrechegn new lijtua So men tmekrugnalachu? Yemr mkerugn",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9916051626205444 2018-08-14 23:33:19,"I need to vent. Listen I'm 17 and I'm a guy who has a lot of issues on deciding on things. I met a dude whom I had good conversation with and he told me he'll hook me up with his sister. She's insanely hot and he invited me to his house I talked to her for a while, I never had a long conversation like that in my life but then her brother the one I considered to be my friend asked her to talk to him in private and after a while he came in and told me that she really likes me and that she wants me upstairs. I got up excited and the moment I reached the door he grabbed my hand and he fucking kissed me. It was like 3 seconds of I don't know what to do. I ran out of the house. And after I got into the taxi his sister called me and wanted us to meet again. She really begged, she's like 11 and I'm an 8. Should I meet her? I told her I'd think about it. But in the other hand there's her brother who's gay and I'm not. Please my hands are tied and I can't decide what to do. HE FUCKING KISSED ME!!!",excitement,NEGATIVE,0.9878994822502136 2018-08-14 23:34:10,"I need to vent. I feel lost on the road to something I can't describe... right on the edge of my fingertips At a loss of words Friends I thought that would be with me forever proved to me that forever ain't that long Need to associate myself with real ones but the real ones are hard to find, the ones I used to call real ones now trap all night without a thought of anything else but when they're getting their next bread so they can go spend it on impressing a girl who then ends up giving them head... I realize this is cryptic but somethings are better left unsaid but this is my way of expressing my thoughts and my anger I'm not asking for anything just for a chance to let u hear my banger And then there's a matter of someone I love dearly and she's so great but right now we're so far apart it feels like she's dead to me but I know she's living and that's what's keeping me going, for anyone that tries to hurt her will be left to rot in the open, no mercy when it comes to her so don't mention this again that's the end of discussion Fairytales of what woulda been haunt me, my dreams are nightmares cuz you're in them, let me explain it has more to do with the fact that you're not here with me, fuck I just realized you're the only one who kept it real with me some of you may not understand this but maybe one day you can hear me clearly",realization,NEGATIVE,0.5045871734619141 2018-08-14 23:34:58,"I need to vent. well hey. , like most of you, i feel as if i’m worthless. i really just want to know one thing, what did i do to everyone? is it like something i was born with, was i born to be hated and neglected and taken for granted, why the fuck does everybody step all over me and don’t even care after, why is it that i’m a guy and i cry like a fifteen year old girl because no one loves me, why is it that my parents don’t have a single bone in their body to show me love or affection, why do i always creep everyone i wanna be close to. i really don’t know what i did to y’all to deserve such hate and ridicule, such pity and degradation, why is it that every girl i know and i mean every girl tries to stay away from me. why the fuck? i know i may never amount to anyone’s expectations but i hope you’d show me some love, i don’t want anything more, i actually need it at this point. thank you and goodbye",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990002512931824 2018-08-15 00:33:55,"I need to vent. Hey venters, I was wondering. Is it wrong that I want to break things up with my girlfriend cause she won't open up to me or act like herself around me? I think i am opening up for her but she isn't. We fool around and all, all the naughtiness that comes with dating but is it wrong to want her and not just the...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981243014335632 2018-08-15 00:55:39,"I need to vent. here goes am just depressed no matter what i do it dont go as i planned .so i started thinking about life .we r almost 8 billion now right? so well not everyone is correct on their views life.then it means not all religions are correct right? i was a christian but not anymore ......i am lost the only thing i think is wat is god why am i here why am i me .am just lost .always thinking nd cant really stop it . the only reason am alive is for my parents . not really intrested in life anymore i dont want u to feel pity for me nor comment bad shit....infact i feel pity for u for believing u r here for a reason we r just civilized animals thats all and the fact that u think ur part of something bigger makes u happy . i jst need a new path.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991130232810974 2018-08-15 01:12:59,"I need to vent. Why is everyone so hung up on mainstream music! You should all go indie for once and try listening to stuff that most people aren't. Listen to some Panic at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Tame Impala, Superorganism, Hamilton+Rostam, Plan B, Black Keys...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966843724250793 2018-08-15 09:58:29,"I need to vent. does the end justify the means?i am faced with a situation where i either have to lie or tell the truth but the lie will get me somthing that would really help me in the future and in turn make the people i lied to proud.. even though that depends on my efforts which i am prepared to give... but if like i said i don't get the end i wanted then the burden of lying might be too much.. knowing what it cost...literally.. but i want to give my self another chance another chance at change and this one lie could be it eventhough some part of me knows i don't deserve it but i want to be better.... i am really having trouble deciding whether i should go through with it or not",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9963662624359131 2018-08-15 10:00:35,"I need to vent. Mine is a little bit different issue. I have a girlfriend. More like fiancé. cause I am sure am gonna marry her No matter what. So she is perfect. Very curvy, very pretty, very modest becha she betam konjo and tsebayegna. The problem is I love her too much that I couldn't longer hold it in. I express it every second. First we have rule( actually only my rule which I set up while she didn't agree) we have to see each other daily beyatalw. And even after work I will go to her hood just to see her. I will be around their gate and call her then she will come out with them pyjamas and I will just stare at her and will say good bye. Loving someone is blessing I know. But mine is too much. And the problem is I show it all am very clingy of her. And all this is affecting my social life. Like ke sera sweta my friends na shay buna enbel mnamn silugn No I got a lotta stuff to do minamn elchewalew while everyone at work knows where I ride my car. Its always the place where she is. I didn't know anyone could love this much. God! I couldn't sleep at night just thinking about in what position she is sleeping iko!! I swear to God for happiness I would kill all my family. Esuan des kalat rasenm new matfalat. I usually purposely leave my car to be with her a little more. Like taxi sasafrat and walk sendareg I will have plenty time to spend with her bemilew. I don't really care if she loves me as much as I do which is obvious she don't. Enem I don't wanna decrease the love I have for her but at least I should stop showing it. I know I will marry her malet ahun work out sayadreg lela sew betageba for sure I will kill him and marry her again. Like am dead sure. Gin ahun esu adlem issue gin tell me how could I stop showing this too much love for her. Thanks.",love,NEGATIVE,0.5597237348556519 2018-08-15 10:03:42,"I need to vent. Idk what am feeling right now i feel angry sad broken like part of who i am just disappeared i havent sleept all night. .... pleas be good to people 1 bad word can change everything yesterday i lost someone that i really cared about and i didnt even get to tell him i loved him all this time i never said the wored because i thought he would always be around but he left us all we didn't noticed his pain his struggle we took him for granted and now he killed him self and yet ageghcha lena mean endenebera lengeraw what ever thoughts u might have about suicide please dont give in he might found his safe haven gean eghan bekumachen gelon telon heda pleas just say the words now when ur loved once are around callem tell em u miss them hulum neger kabekalet bewhala endena kesmachu tesebro endataznu tnk u",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996663510799408 2018-08-15 10:05:02,"I need to vent. Why is that u r ignoring mine. I thought the platform is for any one who have something to say to the crowd. It shouldn't supposed to sound like as shitty to get your attention . anywho if this time I've gat to get the chance to be heard out I'm trying my luck. I've a question for all who are living in there shells who don't dare to show their true selves, who just live for the day tryna look alike with the once who are much confused with their own Live a false one, smile with nothing funny but just because others do ,complaining because others are even though you know u've gat it all making the world a dirty place with your sins acting over peoples that u r the best when u are pain in the ass You all know your selves don't try to think of some one who u thought is such kind.I'm talking bout u . u the one who is reading. Don't run away to blame on others.. Just tell me does it comfort u? Are u living in peace? Are u happy?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9949771761894226 2018-08-15 10:14:22,"I need to vent. Hello yall im a 20 years old dude and i have sth to get off my chest. My mother gave birth to me at a young age of 16 so now shes 36. Tho she looks like shes in her mid or late 20s. My father had died a year ago in a terrible accident and since then she has been throwing herself at me, no i am not exaggerating. Like she wears very revealing clothes on purpose for me to see. More than once she wore a tight lingerie and came to my room, she touches me in inappropriate places mnamn bcha im scared. Idw say anything bad to her bc shes my mama and. idw hurt her feelings maybe shes just lonely. Anyway tell me wt to do i may take up. on her offer one day bc i recently broke up with my gf and my mama has everything a guy could look for. The body the brains and everything. I feel like its wrong but i still think abt it, tell me wt to do Pls dont be harsh",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9907529354095459 2018-08-15 10:20:11,"I need to vent. So let me get to my problem real quick, I been staying humble honest and the other nice thangs but couldn't seem to get me a nice thang. All I run into is dumb hoes that think this shit is a play date so am finna join them since if u can't beat em join em is the smart way",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9953039884567261 2018-08-15 10:31:06,"I need to vent. What's up FAM this actually my first even vent so amma keep it short anyways ik this grl and she rly want to sleep whit me but am not that much interested in her or in her body plus I feel like ppls r gonna judge me if I do it I mean I never had sex bfo so Idk any tots ‍",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990262985229492 2018-08-15 10:49:02,"I need to vent. So the thing is I've got a rly bad body odour and I cant smell a thing (I mean I literally don't smell a damn thing)....but ppl arnd me be scratching their noses as soon as I just sit/stand with them and its rly stressing me out..I can't even sit in a taxi for more than 2 mins without them giving me stares and weird's been a lil over a year now ......and I've tried everything to make it stop.....I googled abt BO and ways to reduce/stop it but it just doesn't stop or even work a lil bit.... and some tyms it gets even worse...I shower every day for Gods sake n even twice a day at sometyms, I shave my armpits and down there regularly, I've tried anti bacterial soaps, deodorants, anti-perispirants, lemon, salt, vinegar.....bcha there isn't a thing I haven't tried yet....and merir eyalegn nw this days.... So any of y'all who knows a doctor who kinda specializes in this sorta areas....I wd rly appreciate it if u gimme his/her contact info!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9961001873016357 2018-08-15 12:08:25,"I need to vent. Just a random thought Is it just me?? Malet everyone is dealing with so much drama.. and am just here.. lmao... in my sweat pants watching movies and reading vents all dayy. Wtf... why is my life so normal?? And the best part is am okay with it. Keremtun mulu sejajal sew hulu gen wow selesew 2 beyewalehu. Anyone who can relate?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9861645102500916 2018-08-15 13:09:52,"I need to vent. Okay look i am 22 yrs old and i am not that bad looking, bt i never had a relationship or had sex. It never bothered me before, bt now a days listening to my friends doing this and getting that, i am getting a little insecure. And the face that i dont have any experience still holds me back. So my question is do girls expect a lot from men? And get bored and talk shit if he was not experienced at all?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9311768412590027 2018-08-15 14:33:12,"I need to vent. So hey vent there fam.... First time venting. Saw a couple of posts about sending nudes and I myself had a question from the guys point of view. So, my girl and I started dating like 8 months ago. Things are going pretty good and all. The sad part is there are other people that I am not sure I wanna stop talking to. There are a lot of girls that occasionally hit me up and I ask them for pictures of them (the ones I like with bewbs, ass and lots of dat vagene, lol) they always oblige. I even had some sex with a couple of them. And I don't wanna stop receiving this pictures from the ladies.I like them types of pictures. They excite and give me adrenaline. So tell me, is what I am doing a bad thing? And how can I decide to stop. If my gf finds out she would absolutely see me as an asshole. I don't wanna hurt her because of this little vice of mine. Help.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9918456673622131 2018-08-15 14:44:19,"I need to vent. Hi its my frist time in venting nd i need ur guys best advice im 18th years old nd my problem is tht im the only child for my family nd my mom nd dad got divorced when i was 7 years old nd mom got me receded with the money she got when divorce nd now the she is rlly broke nd got no money so tht means she got no money for my school payment nd so the only chance i hve is asking my dad so i did but he rlly doesn't carry nd give a shit he even told me tht he doesn't hve money either so i didn't stop i just go on my dad's family luk my grandmother's nd father's, uncles nd but still no chance the still blocked me nd im now 12senior nd im not learning summer clss nd pluse i hve left 11th nd nextyear 12 payment left nd im departed what to do in my life nd qho to ask for my payment i hve asked all the ppl i imagine tht the will carry for me but noboday is so guys luk wht is ur advice for me...... pls help me out if u understand wt i wrote. ........",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990355968475342 2018-08-15 17:09:16,"I need to vent. Hi guys and ladies its my first vent and i just wanna get this off my chest u can comment or ignore i dont really care so here it goes, how can u tell the ppl u love that u are betam sick and maybe has some time before pass i kept giving signs of sickness but they just dont get it so how do u tell em or shall i keep it until last moment it really confuses me i dont know what do u think??? tnx for hearing me out.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988532066345215 2018-08-15 17:11:57,"I need to vent. has anybody ever felt like they shouldnt be having the problems they are... i mean i am blessed with a lot ...more than i deserve... but i deal with lots of problems within my self.. as if mysekf hate wasnt enough.. i hate myself even more for being like this becuse it is completely irrational for anybody else...i feel like an imposter in my own life like somehow all the blessings in my life i don't deserve becuse i am not a good human being .....and i don't how to get over that",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989262223243713 2018-08-15 22:04:36,"I need to vent. Hey Hey there its my first time venting and here it goes I'm 18 and dad lives in the us I have been lying for my dad my whole life regarding my school results am not tha kind of clever student but I have been saying that I am for so long and now it was time to send him my result for him to apply and esu miyasebaw teru wetet alegn so km gonna get a full scholarship but no my results are bad ena esu ayawekem kaweke he will do a Lotta bad things like maweku betam risky new ena help your girl out pleaseeee Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9916155934333801 2018-08-16 00:37:34,"I need to vent. Hyyy i'm 20 nd he is my first but we broke up but am still love him. Keni bewuhal 2 girl friend nberewu. Am try my best to move but I can't..... When he need me am there for him and we had sex after broke up( malet eni I want him in my life, esu gn just fun nw yemifelgewu) ena to 2 or 3 time I did keza enzegagalen just mnm endaltefetere i know he doesn't love me not that only he said to me and now he ask me to sex with him.(ke 4 month Bewuhala & he break up with his gf) I asked him why than he said I missed u ( not in love just have his feeling) soooo what am shall to do? How to forget him? I'm try to block but didn't work plsss help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9871315956115723 2018-08-16 00:37:56,"I need to vent. Hey everyone my girlfriend thinks that I'm in love with my best friend and my best friend thinks that I'm in love with her but I love my girlfriend I've told her and showed her but she doesn't believe me so how can you be with someone who doesn't believe you?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9830533862113953 2018-08-16 22:34:11,"Adult Content Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hello people out there.. Question to GIRLS n GUYS.. I'm a 25yr+ man. I have a bent penis, almost 20-30° bent from straight line. And, in medical reports, they said penis, its erection etc.. are all normal. There is no need for surgery to correct it,(doctor said). One side of penis' muscle is grown more, leading to curve bent.. I come frm conservative culture from india,. And, I hv never had sex in my life. If I marry, I don't know what my wife is going to say, after looking at.. GIRLS n GUYS pls tell ur opinion and experiences.. Thankyou..",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9804727435112 2018-08-17 09:09:43,"I need to vent. Hi guys its my first time venting am a girl and I had this huge crush on a guy for like 3 years without him knowing he friendzoned me and he would tell me about his Girl , how much he loves her ... Etc and it hurted like hell. Fast forward he knew what I felt and we got together and he made me the happiest I've ever been and hurted me like hell too. He was a very nice guy not a player shit but he hurt me so bad . When we first broke up it was unbearable I was so hurt I never taught I will make it through. He would humiliate me, step on my pride, ignore me, call me names and still act like he the victim. A month after we broke up I heard he is with someone else already .It's been 2yrs now and I still can't get over him I tried dating other people but its either because they look like him or cause my friends are pushing me I still care about him I can't go a day without looking at him. I would switch acc to see his post and it really sucks please can u tell me how to forget someone who hurts u so much Thanks in advance",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9932482242584229 2018-08-17 09:10:37,"I need to vent. Hey guys, i just need a real advice nd i don even know how to start it... okey, i had a boyfriend for like 3 yrs, i am 20 now and he is 30, i don know the reason but all this three years its been on and off... and it was always me to break up because hes not simply what i exactly want but the problem is i had sex with him and i don want to sleep with anybody else other than one person because of religious thought and stuff. So everytime i break up with him i remember that and i just end up getting back with him all over again.... i don trust him that much, i don love him that much, his not a person i say wow for, he is so child like and everything he does makes me go like... ""c'mon girl you can do better than this"" but the major thing is he is committed af... he said we will get married next year, and ofcourse i want to get married as any girl, but for all the reasons above i broke up with him currently, but as usual he is saying we should be back together menamen... ena am considering to get back malet new... i know i dont love him nd also terrified of the idea of having him as my other half, the only reason why am considering to get back is the fear that i might not find a guy commited as he is... i need help guys...",love,NEGATIVE,0.991302490234375 2018-08-17 09:11:57,"I need to vent. Hi guys... I am so confused... my fiance has got a scholarship and he is going to stay a minimum of 5years. Is it ok if he go there sanferarem? do u think that's ok? I love him gen 5 years is too much. I am 27 years old and waiting till I get 32/33 without getting married is so frustrating. helpppppp",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9887322187423706 2018-08-17 09:55:58,"I need to vent. Hi unihorse Hide my identity. Hello everyone, It's my first time to vent and it's really good thing to be anonymous and vent freely. So I am in a very confusing position now I rly want help. Here is the story.. Me and my wife is been 1 1/2 yr since we got married we've been dating for two years we were in distance r/n ship in all this years we had so much fun bad and good things spend together but we don't have a sex even after we got married then also we had so much to argue every little time before we got married her reason was she need to be married to have sex with me and I agreed cos I love her she's what all I need after we got married she told me that she scared of doing that cos she's vergin We stayed for 4 month waiting her comfortable time but she mention so many reasons after that I will do what ever she say but no change all the arguments are with as also and time flys we spent years without having sex cos only she don't want to after 6 month of marriage I hate the concept ""sex"" I have no feeling for her I don't expect her to do that am ok this days with it and she left to her country so we are in distance again someday she told me that she had crash when she was young and I figured out they have an affair not frequently but once in a while when she had the chance she will meet so I have no Idea what to do I almost in a dead feeling for her she's treating me bad she never care about my feelings there's no difference if I am available or not around am still loyal for her I never had any affair but I lost my heart! Pleas with open heart and mind let me hear your opinion specially girls Tnx.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9338012933731079 2018-08-17 17:47:07,"I need to vent. Hey the first child in our family...lenegeru we r only mom n father gat divorced wh'n I wz 15(now am 20)...n we hv a house n now its divided amn....z house...itz just divided enji esu aynoribetem...ena esu ahun rich honual..but no matter what he gat he won't live us alone..ena ahun he is thinking to sell z house n divide z money wz ma mom...but she doesn't want divide hono bemetaw birr she can't do any thing with can't buy a we r gonna be on streets or rent till birru am so worried bwt 3rd yr univ student gn now am thinkin Arab Hager lemehed or do I really wana be there for my mom n little wat do u tnk??....tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981791973114014 2018-08-17 17:47:58,"I need to vent. I'm 18 yrs old girl and my bf is 19 we met over Facebook and we've been together for 3 months. He used to be the perfect guy he'd always hold my hand in front of his friends and kiss me till I melt in his arms. But the problem was that one day he asked me to fuck him if I really loved him and he needed proof at first i said no then he said he didn't mean it but later he took me to his house and we fucked like animals the next day he blocked me changed his number and address and just disappeared. I really need help on how to get over him comment pleaseew",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9983226656913757 2018-08-18 15:40:11,"I need to vent. Okay, here is my problem. I am 21 years old female. I am senior in college and will graduate in 6month. I’ve never been outside of what my parents commands and do all they asked but I don’t feel like they give me freedom. Whenever I go out they wanna know where I am going, who I am meeting, what we will do etc... for instance if I go out partying, which they won’t allow me to btw, they think the next step I will take is drop out of college and then live a wasted life. But They haven’t helped me with my school. I got scholarships for myself. Everything paid for and I made descions for my self. I am mature enough to know that I have a goal and nothing will come in my way of me achieving my goal. But if I go out and am a little late they they think I’m out wilding and doing crazy things, which I absolutely don’t do. what made me realize that it was too much is when some of my friends and even some family members told me that it’s not appropriate question to ask for my age. What do you guys think. Are they correct? I just need them to have faith in me and trust me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9780660271644592 2018-08-18 15:40:54,"I need to vent. hey guys is it okay to completely stop talking to a person after you told them you had feelings for them but they said they only wanted to be friends ... i don't want to keep talking becuse if i do my feelings are only gonna get stronger and i don't want to get hung up on a person who doesnt want the same..but i don't want to be rude ..",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9355250597000122 2018-08-18 15:41:53,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need to vent so i was in a relationship with a guy whom i tot was the one i loved him nd i tot he did but some where along our relationship he started acting all weird nd i wud smell another womens feminine perfume i didnt give much tot to it cuz i trusted him blindly nd one time when we were making love he climaxed nd called out another womans name nd we both froze after that he acted as though nothin happened nd one day i followed him nd saw him sticking his damn toungue in that hoes mouth nd she aint even tat good looking bliv me i dont wanna judge but look at it from my perspective nd after that i let it slide too thats how much i love him nd after four days he said we need ti talk nd broke up with me wtf nd i vowed revenge on the both of them after a while i saw him at one place nd i threw my self at him nd have one of my friends take pics nd send it to that bitch but she didnt care cuz they r still together nd its driving me insane i want him to feel the hurt i felt nd i wont stop.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9853797554969788 2018-09-02 07:51:20,"I need to vent. Hello, this is my second vent. A while ago, I used to chat with this girl and I tried to date her but it just didn't work out. So we became friends. That didn't work either. So we called it quits and it me hard.But that isn't the issue, in my pursuit of her I invested a lot of emotional energy and I forgot what I was passionate about in life before her. Now I have this empty hole in my soul and I can't seem to care about anything in my life. I want my passion, my crave and my joy for life back. How do I get it back?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988740086555481 2018-09-02 12:02:45,"I need to vent. Besides my family. My bestfriends are all I have. And I love them. But this summer has basically made all of us busy. Most of them got gfs and bfs. And that makes me...*drum roll* the third wheel. But ofcourse I really didn't mind that (actually I did). I liked this boy anyway, just didn't know how to tell him. Fast forwarding, I told the boy. It was probably the first and last time I'm ever gonna do that cause it didn't end well. I tired to talk to my friends about it, but they always talking about how they are so madly in love it seems like I was kinda out of the picture. So I just kept it to myself hoping something would change things for me. I tried to move on and like other people. But my thoughts always end up revolving around him. I'm never ussualy like this you know. Me and him still talk, but its as if I never told him. As if my feelings never meant anything. I feel like he feels something too, but he has stuff thats pulling him back. And it hurts. But what hurts more is I can't tell my friends.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9936136603355408 2018-09-02 13:19:45,"I need to vent. Hi am girl and am 20. I think am really really pessimistic person (well that is all many ppl say) i am also impulsive I guess I have made bad decision or commited a sin which is cost me a lot today. After finishing 12 with defeat I desired to be the strong person I always wanted my self to be, I was locked up in house all my life then I decided to break free and be independent which my parents supported at first then things turned raw I keep getting nagging from my mom how I have become a borya going around, how I have been using to much phone,how my respect and love I have for my family is gone under this condition I don't want to stay home and I can't tolerant her she annoyed me she tries to beat me up with her words when ever she gets the chance she is breaking me. I know it is not right to say about my mom but she control freak. I even plan to kill my self even in this moment but didn't have the boldness to disappoint God.during my high times I met a dude(my first and only guy friend) I considered as friend but he asked me out I resisted a lot but finally gave in even if I didn't feel the same way.right now the only way I feel powerful is the fact I had sb who likes(even know it is secretly).recently he started to give up on me which means I lost my powers so I gave up on my pride begging him.he even told me to friends which I can't agree because I want sb to love me truly.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9961877465248108 2018-09-02 20:18:02,"I need to vent. Hey guys, am in desperate need of help, am having suicidal thoughts a lot lately. I've always had a depressed thought when I had really shitty days but it goes away after a while. But lately I'm feeling hopeless and feeling like I don't deserve to live, that every one who knows me and gives shit about me is better off without me, like am these drag that's pulling them back! And it's been almost 2 month since I'm feeling this way and it's not going away. Am going crazy and am torturing everyone around me, I can't take it anymore. This is seriously my last option, if any of you guys been through the same hell or if you know anyone who has been, please share!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970995187759399 2018-09-03 07:05:54,"I need to vent. Hey guys it's my second time venting.. so I hv a boyfriend whom I really love n we hv been together fr about 2 years now.. we finger a lot... n one day I saw a blood on his finger but it didnt hurt much.... after some time we had a lot to drink n decided to hv sex.. it didnt hurt at all n I was confused n my bf was also confused n mad at me cos he thought I wasn't a virgin n I was laying to him all this time... he is having trust issues with me even though I told him that I've never had sex b4.. he says ""if u were a virgin, it would hv been hard for me to put my dick inside"" pls chenkognal do I hv a problem? Is it normal? Pls share ur thoughts. Thank u in advance",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9775616526603699 2018-09-03 07:08:19,"I need to vent. Listen, there's is this girl I know in church. She's perfect. She's the type of girl that every guy would kill for. She fascinates me out of all girls I knew I don't fantasize having sex with her. I fantasize holding her in my arm, gaze in her eyes, cuddle in bed while it's raining, linger into her eyes until our heart beat sync. God I'm in love. But now she left this country and now she's in DC. I'm going there maybe next year or after next year. But I'm scared might lose her. I mean there was a time she holded my hand while we were watching Christopher Robins in the cinema. We looked at each other for like 15 seconds and we were abt to kiss until her sister took her in a rush. I tried to call her but she wouldn't answer. So she called me in the after 2 days with a US number and she told me she left. I swear to God I cried. I never cried like that in my life. Its like my heart got decapitated and even though she hurt me I'm still hoping I'd see her again but I get worried if she already started a relationship. We text like everyday. After I told her I might be there she was hooked and happy but I don't know for how long. Should I move on? I mean, I'm truly in love with her.",fear,POSITIVE,0.9954692125320435 2018-09-03 07:21:07,"I need to vent. It's been a while since I vent I hope I'll get helps from u and I'm sure I will my heart has been broken since I know the meaning of life from where should I start grade 6??? it's been tough I've always tried to help ppls I don't know y they hurt that much my friends used to judge me all the time one night me and my mom used to have this great time laughing and baking cake keza lebsen nekabgn alayehutm nbr keza le PE aregew sehed they said u can't be with us because it dirty and stuff and insulted me but I didn't say anything and the next time the guy was crying cause he lost his flash keza I found it underneath his desk sesetew he told everyone that I was a theif keza high school segeba I got this best friend we've been for 2 years keza she got a new friend and told everyone a lie and that I'm a hoe I was alone for 1 year every time I get close to ppls she goes and tell em bad stuffs about my love life I used to have this lovable boyfriend we were betam close we used to sneak out mata mata lay mnamn keza my friend told him that I'm cheating mnamn we broke up keza lie endehone siyawk he asked me to forgive him keza I did setak demo she told him ena we broke up demo eko she have a boy friend what a bitch sneaky lil bitch fuck her I'm still mad becha it's a long story which I'll tell u Lela ken I want u all to have nice life not like mine all messed up i hope y'all will help me and motivate me thanks betam",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9829948544502258 2018-09-04 10:43:44,"I need to vent. Hello guys! I'm new to this so... I'll make it short and simple. I'm a guy who's 17 and a tool for a lot of girls. I just entered this school and a lot of girls use me as a dildo, reliever.... All kinds of shit. And I have a big problem abt it, I fucking hate myself for enjoying it. Is there any way I could change myself? Just to make things clear I don't have sex with them. I don't know if this info is relevant....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983265995979309 2018-09-04 10:44:28,"I need to vent. So heer it go I met mine boyfriend on intrnat before year 4 or3, and we jest metting this summer! He's like everything to my right now! And believe or no we both are virgins and now hes asking if we could do sex now cuz u knw we are far apart, I studying law in some other place and he's also Lela bota styding So now gayz plz plz I begging you, should I do it or not...demo he's not push me or nothing he says if u think I will play u we will not do it don't worry maybe next summer or next time... So please help me please I beg u",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8607882857322693 2018-09-04 10:44:59,"I need to vent. Hey eveyone this is my second time venting, i really need your help there is this guy my bestfriend n also my frnd's ex he is her first love yawekut rasu besua nw n bagatami enesu sefer gebahuna we become betam close walk hule enaregalen simeshbgn weto ytebkegnal mnamn n he is also frnds wiz all my besties...ena bekrbu i knew he is in love with me negeroch bemulu tebeleshashu at first i was betaaam mad sedebkut zegahut bakal balaye nw malfew mnamn ahun gn betam eyekebedegn meta negerochn lastekakl bmokrm akategn ene endeguadegnnet balataw des ylegn nbr but my frnds smu sinesa rasu sdb yjemralu atftual akalew gn esum awko adelem endwm linegregn hula alasebem nbr endi endemifeter slaweke bagatami nw yesemawt ,my frndm ayferedbatm its her ex in love with her frnd gn beka msklkle wetual beza lay kebet bewetaw kutr ayewalew what should i do negeroch ende befitu endimelesu efelgalew gn endet",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9939601421356201 2018-09-04 21:23:14,"I need to vent. Hey vent here team I don't think the purpose of this group is teaching English Please allow n encourage venters to use local language freely. The amount of grammar breaks , spelling errors, incoherence n lack flow is killing us!!!! Come one it is just to help each other,so no worries, no hurt of feelings use ur mother tongue",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991744160652161 2018-09-04 21:23:43,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I'm a 20 year old girl and I think I'm actually going crazy. I NEED help! I had a tough childhood so my way of coping was to fantasize about perfect life. Now I'm trapped in my imagination. I broke up with my bf because he said I pay no attention to him and he's right. This affected my relationship with everyone. I don't go out much and even if I do I'm absent. My dormmates have to wake me up from my delusions while we're eating. Truth is I want to care about my reality but I can't! Its driving me insane! I don't know who to talk to about this at this point. Pleaseeee help me!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9959267973899841 2018-09-04 21:25:57,"I need to vent. hello everyone i just needed to vent and get things off my a confused girl choosing between two guys, one of him lives in US and he is one of the most caring guys I hv ever met,the kinda guy i wanna be with when it comes to his personality gin his look is wrong...i swear to the lord am not one of those kinda picky kebet girls gin he have the kinda look which I cant even compromise and say it is he is even the most insecure person when it comes to his look which makes me more insecure and notice every thing! The second guy,there is this guy I loved and we were together but for some reason recently we r just cool friends.. gin I still like him! last night the US guy asked me if I am fine with his look and be with him for the rest of my life and I didn’t wanted to say anything mean to him...gin still my heart thinks there might be hope with the guy I like....we were really awesome when we were stuck I don know what to...esti drop some of your comments",love,NEGATIVE,0.9807743430137634 2018-09-04 21:26:55,"I need to vent. Men. They spend a good part of their life trying to woo the girl they like, but end up being friendzoned. Sometimes, they don't even tell about their feelings because it would hurt us. They take us out on dates and movies, even when they don't have enough money to buy themselves a shirt. They change themselves to be the best guy they can be, just to make us happy. Once they are in love, there is no turning back, they will always love you no matter what. At times, they give up on their (lesser paying) dreams because they have the responsibility of a family. They make sure you're on the safer side of the road. They leave the last piece for you. As women are under scrutiny all the time, Men are laden with expectations. They are expected to get better marks to get a job, then expected to get a better job for high pay because they are expected to be the bread-earners, they are expected to be physically stronger than the women around, not to mention they can’t cry their hearts out. They are expected to be better drivers and to know directions. Once married, they are expected to make enough money to take care of their family, and what not. They also get hurt. They also breakdown. They have their mood swings too. They feel insecure about their bodies too. They listen to your problems, but keep their problems within themselves most of the times. How often have you heard your dad complaining or crying about things? Women are awesome, I never fail to talk about it. But men are awesome too, I don't remember the last time I said this.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9766955971717834 2018-09-04 22:46:43,"I need to vent. Women I see men calling women sluts bitches and hoes and it hurts for one thing they dnt deserve it at all and for a second they make us guys look bad Its though on women they have to struggle through a primitive backward society who thinks they are not equal to men they are forced to act a certain way, be passive or they will intimidate men I mean we men never have to deal with some of the shit they. Have to..including something as hard and as painfull as giving birth They over think whether a guy likes them or not whether we guys are really saying what we mean and I dnt blame them bcoz they are frequently let down disappointed and heart broken by the ppl they hold dear so nxt times u men call a girl by a name remember that your mom or sister or aunt ur insulting.... So I ask guys to be easy on girls they have to go thru a lot also shout out to the selfless girl who posts bout men ur an inspiration to all rules..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989801049232483 2018-09-05 08:20:55,"I need to vent. ugh....i mean honesly i really don't think i have it in me to go through another year... i am not complaining... i just truly don't... i can't put on a fake smile and pretend...the thing is it's just too much somtimes like too many thoughts at once... too fucking many...and i am not just saying that ... that's why it frustrates me when nobody sees what goes on inside you know... like if i don't see another person for the rest of my life it would be too soon ...i have all the voices to keep me in plenty is the only thing that dulls it and even that doesn't help somtimes.... i don't want to do it but i feel like it will be more than i can handle someday soon and i would just want out.. i don't want to just bear it for them you know... it would be easier if you could see inside so you would belive what i am saying is true ...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9965760111808777 2018-09-05 08:21:53,"I need to vent. Honestly I think some of u forget the use of this channel I believe it was created for ppl to experience themselves with out feeling or being judged but y'all haters taking this chance to show the real ugly you and feel proud. I bet y'll just miserable and wish u had the courage to speak or accept urself. Hating on the LGBT, girls who explore their sexuality(I'm not gonna add boys because u dumb fucks are allowed to fuck whom ever you want right?)when ur telling the girl who got raped it's her fault but tell the guy who RAPED her it was nature and she provoked him , depression or any kind of mental illness. I mean with all of u haters out there Ethiopia won't change and will never change how can make big decision if u can't even start with you're community?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977388381958008 2018-09-05 10:14:38,"I need to vent. Instead of being a channel i can use as a shoulder to cry on to it has become something, something so different and so judgmental. I cant tell people my problems and expect advice because most of you just want to insult others as if you are a saint, i think judging people makes you feel better about yourselves. if it does, dont forget we are all going to hell, it is just how it is, in this generation i dont think there is anyone who hasn't sinned, and ya'll are in your high horses looking down and judging people like u aint done shit (at least they admitted it and are asking for help) and news flash judging is another sin And about the LGBTQ community:- commenters, you are not being asked to comment on your status or if you want to be gay or a lesbian the venters are just ""VENTING"" that is literally the point of the channel. But if you have the absolute urge to comment why dont you comment smthing like ""that is a sin"" or "" Ethiopia doesnt accept stuff like this"" or "" the bible said ....."" You dont have to call them mean words and to go die they are human too, they feel like us And to the girl who cheated:- first of all commenters..WTF i haven't seen so much hate in a while what is wrong with you koy it isn't mandatory to comment eko you can just say nothing Demo remember this ""Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I gotta get this off my chest He cheated so I heard so I told him, I ended it, maybe it is my pride but he never appologized not a single word as if I meant nothing,he just let it be ,now I am left here feeling cheap, hurt and ashamed. Hating on every new possible relationship life throws at me and ever time I see him it makes me feel bad,I feel like I am worthless like I am nothing, it is like my confidence breaks like peace of glass , I don't want him back minamin gin it hurts I don't know why but it really hurts. Even made me cry writing this stupid confessions"" Guys cheat guys do it worst so she doesn't have to go die or it doesnt mean she is a hoe cause she enjoyed it (sex is about pleasure) So people just try to be nice i seriously dont get why you get riled up when someone opens the gates to vulgar language Mama always said ""if you have nothing nice to say Dont say it at all"" P.s i k am gonna get a lot of shit from hater but what ever",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981957077980042 2018-09-05 11:46:39,"I need to vent. To all the people against the LGBTQ+ , I Just want to say something. LGBTQ+ is not for you to accept or reject. It's not for you to judge. If you don't like them it's cool. I mean i have kinds of people i don't like too, you know like people who do plastic surgery solely for cosmetic purposes. I don't like it but u know what? That stuff is not about me. Regardless of people going plastic, my life has not been altered in anyway. Its the same situation here, those ppl loving each other has not hurt me or you in anyway. So really whatever you do to try to stop them is basically a witch hunt. You can infect them with HIV all u want. But they'll always be here just like how us straights will always be here. And as long as they're here, they'll fight to be able to exercise one of their basic human rights. Yes, you read it right it's one of their basic human rights. And if history has taught us anything, these people are going to openly express themselves one day. just like how black people were not considered human and got enslaved, just like how women weren't allowed to work outside the house, and just like every other right that had been suppressed in the history humanity. These people will also overcome. You best believe that. For those saying it's a sin, God will judge them not you.",approval,POSITIVE,0.9415867924690247 2018-09-05 16:22:40,"I need to vent. what is all this talk about LGBTQ thing cause it is not happening in Ethiopia soon or later Saying that they can love whomever they want didn't you think they might have feeling for straight people Which don't want anything to do with them We dont want them to get in prison or killed since they are human just like us I believe this psychology problem and they should get help People who are commenting here are so called the educated part of the country Meaning there is high illiteracy problem also people who are really religious who find this as something that couldn't change Don't hate this commenters they are giving you a good advice If this issue comes out Ethiopian will unify and com against you forgetting all the race conflict You should Google the LGBTQ right in Ethiopia 97% didn't accept it up to 15 year imprisonment (much more years than killing someone here ) We dont want our kids to be like that We dont hate them we hate what they are doing the sin not the sinner Psychology problem it is",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9950931072235107 2018-09-05 16:27:14,"I need to vent. I miss my bestfriends. I miss them so much. But we fell into an argument cause I said something I shouldn't have. Even though I meant it. I felt left out. Idk. And now we don't talk. At least I dont let them talk to me. I just beleived that maybe we would be better off apart. But I can't do anything with out them. And it's killing me. But my pride won't talk to them. What do I do...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997921884059906 2018-09-05 16:37:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys This is more of a question rather than a vent.i have a friend and she was in a bad place for couple of years .on top of that she failed Med school.and her family got no money to send her to normal private college (let alone to medical college) .so her only option is to take the grade 12 entrance exam again but that shit doesn't have a grant that she will get in.when we asked the educational office they said people who take the entrance exam by private cannot apply for university .but i heard a rumor campus kids actually take the exam(to change there fields) and apply for university.anyone please if you know any thing about taking the entrance exam in private please tell me. Thanks a lot.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9987039566040039 2018-09-05 16:38:01,"I need to vent. It's not an easy thing falling for someone , it takes time and courage to that take that leap , and am not saying it's some kind of crush , where you say damn she's hot or he is hot and obssess about how they are in bed , falling for someone is the pain you feel when you are not around them , it's the constant joy they bring you for just being alive and breathing , it's the enjoying and accepting of every flaw they have , but falling for someone can be a a huge , changing mistake to , you would think ""hey "" their out searching for love right , but I love them so they'll be mine , it makes perfect sense to basics of it all , but when you love a person who doesn't understand it , which is almost everyone lately it starts to change you for the worst , make you loose sight of what you were , makes you even forget happiness , since all everybody wants what they can't have , reaching towards a fantasy , hurting and playing with the people that actually do love them , it's a never ending cycle of misery and stupidity , what happend to the good old romance them if you like them and they'll love you on how you end up treating , why the lies , the envy the need to make everyone else feel shitty about their lives for them to see you shine , where being a golddigger is considered the why to be , where having multiple guy friends in the freindzone is considered a skill where trying to fuck a girl just cause she has numerous Instagram followers so can brag to your friends , it's disheartening to see what it all has come to , don't get me wrong I understand it's something that came with the generation and you'd be a fool if you didn't adapt , well fuck adapting if it means you don't even know the person your being pathetic for cause they are just showing you what they think you'll like so it can put them on top their non exsisting social hierarchy its tragic really",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9546979069709778 2018-09-05 18:07:45,"I need to vent. So if she is in a relationship and i had sex with her knowing she is in a relationship whose fault is it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999334990978241 2018-09-05 18:08:04,"I need to vent. Omg!! Do u guys hear urselfs sometimes? Just take 2 fucking seconds to think before u open ur mouth. This is why our country will never have freedom, because of people like u. I mean u go around and hating people just because their gay?? EVERYONE should be allowed to do what makes them happy EVERYONE should be with the people they love ,who the fuck are u to say no to that? U don't even have a real reason to hate them and u definitely don't know what they feel and u keep saying they need God and that they should be embarrassed of themselves. Being gay is not a fucking choice u don't wake up one day and decide to be gay, just as ur attracted to the opposite sex their attracted to the same. I just don't understand why u guys get so mean sometimes",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989596605300903 2018-09-05 22:29:02,"I need to vent. Not make things worse or anything but this argument about gay ppl it makes me laugh coz I was reading the comments and most of u are just playing god . Yes being gay is a sin but I bet u guys don't think murder, rape, lying etc not a big deal right like u won't go to hell for that. Just chill and like whatever their lives it don't make u a better person hating on them!!",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9677569270133972 2018-09-06 08:01:41,"I need to vent. Its been a while I started to search for someone special.tho I always think I found her but it ends up most of us. I'm different most guys fall on love with the church girl... Or with some one well mannerd... But me I don't like that kind of girls... Mostly l develope a feeling for a girls who ppls call ""bitch"", ""lust"" or "" gold digger "" Is this normal guys?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990910291671753 2018-09-06 08:01:54,"I need to vent. Ohhh God what is wrong with u guys when did we become like this idk call me old fashion but this LGBTQ bullshit has got u gazed up.. Like when did we stop fearing God like one of u said that they can do what they want cause of their feeling and stuff ur the kinda person who would allow gun in schools.. Their was a guy who vented hear that he almost raped his friend - i quote "" I have kissed and even tasted his dick"" okay that is so fucked up and ppl fuckoff with that don't judge bullshit. God is a forgiving father but we all know how he destroyed those 2 city PS. Just ppl pray to God and hope he forgives u and try to cleanse u souls",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9729262590408325 2018-09-06 08:49:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys Its not a vent but more off a ""u should know"" First of all u all need to stop arguing about the homo shit, seriously It aint about freedom bla bla So keep on ur vents n stop this homo shit to get attemtion And for those of you guys who think homosexuality is OK, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976876974105835 2018-09-06 08:50:05,"I need to vent. Hey there so here is my story I have been in relationship with my BF for about 1 year and then he started acting weird and needy telling me what to do and stuffs he told me that I can't have friends and make me loose OK of them and then he told me he wants to he more than my family... One day my mom was really sick and I told him that I should stay with her and then he told me that I should leave he there alone and go to him.... In short we Broken up but I still love him and it's been only 1 monz since we Broken up but he started seeing some one else and I am dying inside I rely am I don't nw what I should do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9969276785850525 2018-09-06 17:54:04,"I need to vent. its fake it till you make it, its my life. I am so fake that i dont remember my real me. I lie and i pretend and i fake haha. And when the time goes by trust me you forget what the truth and what the lie was. Here is the deal, i just want to be rich and happy. B/c now am poor and sad. And there are my friends rich, fancy,happy and everything that i am not and everything i want. But they still fucking complain. So i never told them how broke i am. They dont know i live the complete opposite life. But still i fake it. I steal stuffs and when i cant steal i ask for my parents crying and ... i disappoint my parents. They spend their earnings on me, every penny and dime, for my expensive school fee, my hand money and shoes and cloth ... they just want to see me happy but i live to disappoint them. I was never happy when i am with them. But with my friends, the happiest girl in the world. Its just am so tired i want to run away from all of this. I just want things to change. Because i know the reason i am sad is not b/c i am broke its b/c am denying what i am. Its b/c am living a life which is fake and am terrified that one day my friends will know about it and hate me. Not b/c am poor but b/c everything i did was fake and everything they know about me was a lie. What can i possibly do to change this?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998681366443634 2018-09-06 17:54:59,"I need to vent. Hello evry1...frst I wanna say happy New year for all Ethiopians...this is more of a question..hmm the thing is I don't know the meaning of ""zemut mefesem"" and I am afraid to ask my mom cos she'll be like why are u asking this type of question...the problem is I don't understand whether it means cheating or having s** before marriage or if it has other meaning pls help me out",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9979907274246216 2018-09-06 17:55:32,"I need to vent. I need to vent, the thing is it bothers me a lot hearing people say this is the year of success and freedom in Ethiopia... Well I'm sorry to break it to you, but this year is the lowest stage Our country in this century can get, i mean I'm not denying there are some changes and I'm really happy about that i really am,. But why deny the fact that there are millions of people who had no where to be, there are people being killed because of their race, its a total chaos, its a shame that people are living with fear, university students are scared to go to the university i even remember a person venting if it was safe to go to his university, its really a shame i swear!! I just wish we would all just stop blaming each other n ""medemer"" for real,. It means being one eko, not hating the other and loving just your own.. There is only One Ethiopia! And we're all Ethiopians, who's culture is to love one another..",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9559899568557739 2018-09-06 20:14:35,"I need to vent. Okay so am just one more person. Listen if u want to or whatever.. So it's a question; if u saw people in a building and it was on fire would u tell them to get Out? If u knew a food was poisonous and u told someone not to eat it are u judging them? If u knew there was a bomb set on a gate and the house owner didn't know, would u tell them? Then why is it wrong to tell people who are gay or lesbian they r in the wrong. Am not supporting insults cuz that won't help anything. But telling them it ain't okay shouldn't be frowned up on. We say it cuz we care. If ur moma was in a house that would explode, won't u drag her out of it? Then why not here? It's the same. Just cuz they ain't relatives should we not care? Should we not warn? Should we not speak the truth? So all y'all saying it's okay this is for u. Ur telling them drinking poison is okay cuz u will die by ur self. And for those who say; there are other sins so this shouldn't be frowned on, well guess what buddy UR WRONG. Instead of telling the others, ur saying it ain't only him whose gonna die so let them all die together. Let them explode, evaporate and go to hell together. Which IS NOT RIGHT. It doesn't make it right. That's a stupid theory. There is something called SIN and there is a HELL which is eternal. U can't kill urself out of there u can't ever leave. No time limit set like the current world. So if ur telling me that warning a person they r on a path to hell is wrong then so be it. Cuz I ain't gonna watch when people dance their way to eternal fire. Cuz I care. I don't judge, hell I ain't even perfect enuf. But am trying. They should too. Look to the one that can help them cuz no it is NOT natural. So sorry for CARING but I won't change cuz of democracy I won't stop caring because of equality rights. They r humans, they deserve to be loved and cared for and they have rights too. But it is WRONG so they should change their paths. Even thought if feels natural it's not. ‍",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9971408843994141 2018-09-07 08:48:30,"I need to vent. To the venter above claiming to 'care' since they're saving the 'sinners' from hell by telling them they shouldn't do what they WANT to do. What they FEEL is right. What they NEED TO ACCEPT ABOUT THEMSELVES. Do not even dare bring religion into this. You are a hypocrite of the highest magnitude. You don't like sin? Well, Guess What If you wear ripped jeans, you're going to burn. Leviticus 10:6 “Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people.” Oh, yeah. You also can't wear mixed cloth, bitch. Leviticus 19:19 “Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.” No short haircuts Leviticus 19:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads.” Beard required Leviticus 19:27 “Neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.” That tat of a cross isn't getting you extra credit, Johnny. Leviticus 19:28 “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.” Don't put two seeds in the same crop, 'cause it's an abomination...for some reason. Leviticus 19:19 “Thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed.” That mixed-breed dog you have? Yeah...that'll grant you a one way ticket to hell, too. Leviticus 19:19 “Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind.” No grudge-holding! Leviticus 19:18 “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people.” Touch a dirty puppy? BURN! Leviticus 5:2 “If a soul touch any unclean thing, whether it be a carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase of unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty.” less church is good? Leviticus 12:4–5 “And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled. But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.” No manual labor on Saturdays. Leviticus 23:3 “Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.” No going to church after birth. Leviticus 12:2 ""Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean."" Pull out=die Genesis 38:9-10 ""Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also."" No divorce Mark 10:9 ""What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."" No jewelry Timothy 2:9 ""Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments."" If someone's attacking you, you can't grab your attacker's privates. Deuteronomy 25:11-25:12 ""If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity."" And there's more of this dumb shit so don't go quoting the Bible while wearing your bracelet, or jeans with a cotton shirt. Educate Yourself. Die.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978880286216736 2018-09-07 18:12:49,"I need to vent. Hello unihorse Hide my identity I rather say i wanted to say something than vent. so here its Why do you think most of us peoples are unhappy why are we so intimidated that bad things will happen to us? you know why, its because we tend to think the negative things than the positives we tend to think the odds we fear i read something earlier about how our mind get used to the thing you think and when ever you start doing something new it always send you the fearfull thoughts and push you to step back this is totally not our fault its either how we grow up or disastrous things that happened to us before and how we deal with it...but now my point is how can we face our fears ? How can we go for it ? There are lots of books that might influence you and stuff but I suggest you the best ever method you could use.... its God follow his word do his will you have no idea how peacefull and happy you will be what ever religion you're in ,look deeper in your religion and connect with god your soul will be renewed u'll feel some power inside of you that makes you wash away your fears and work hard, trust me this is the best ever medicen you'll get it worked for me may it work for you Peace",caring,POSITIVE,0.9963639378547668 2018-09-07 18:13:08,"I need to vent. Many of us in this world don’t want to be responsible of our own failures. We always want to blame others for our messed up lives. But that’s not how life works. It really doesn’t matter whose fault it is but it’s our own responsibility to fix it. For example, it is not somebody’s fault if their parents don’t have enough money to get what they need, but it’s their responsibility to overcome that scarcity and build a happy, well organized, and well equipped life for their future. When something is somebody’s fault we want them to suffer, be punished or take responsibility. Again, that’s not how it works especially when it’s your life, your happiness, and your heart which is your responsibility to keep it safe. Unless we are responsible for our life we can’t move forward. When we blame others we stop living in the present and be a prisoner in our past life, we become powerless and hopeless. So to take back your power, to become fearless and start living up to your dreams stop blaming and be responsible of your own life.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.995879054069519 2018-09-07 18:13:18,"I need to vent. I am not much of a religious man myself but I know a thing or two about the importance of religion. I'm not saying people as individuals need to have a religion of some sort but societies need cultures. From what I know, religion constitutes for the largest part of cultures in most societies. Yes, religion has a downside and yes, millions have died in the name of religion BUT tens or hundreds of millions are alive today because of religion. Strip religion away and we would still have morality and a sense of good and bad, right and wrong but we wouldn't be the same. Nothing else has been more successful at causing people and organizations to help the needy, to build orphanages, schools, hospitals,.......... Education wouldn't have reached a tenth of it's current progress if it weren't for religion. There wouldn't have been half as many doctors in countries like Ethiopia now if it weren't for religion. Many have recovered from addiction and depression because of religion. Race would have been the single most important identity of people and there would have been more wars in the world if it weren't for religion. Superstitions have stopped wars. Some of the earliest ideals of equality among men were derived from religion. Religion made people more diverse and more interlinked at the same time. It is a source of comfort, compassion, security, hope and guidance for billions. So the next time you try to disprove people's faiths, remember, you wouldn't want to take that much away from humanity. In the highly unlikely event of you swaying just the right people to your side, you'll be taking sandals off of the feet of millions of Indian children working in coal mines, you'll be leaving millions of disabled people to fend for themselves.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9135670065879822 2018-09-07 18:53:55,"I need to vent. Hello everyone need some help I have a visa appointment (f1/a student visa appointment in America embassy next month and I really don’t know what to do like what to talk and also I don’t have that much confidence i get nervous if you know someone that will help me , something that will help me , even if theres a school or teacher for this kinda thing could you please tell me I really need your help Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.998516857624054 2018-09-09 08:43:26,"I need to vent. So hello its been a while since I vent. its kinda cool being anonymous so here me out. Well I broke up with my bf 3 months ago but in that gap he used to talk to me and stuff but mostly I don't reply to him so either he calls me or he will text me thousand times and then I will talk. I swear I didn't wanna be mean but he was asking for it its like he only talks when he wanna talk and I was so sick of it but know we stopped talking and heard that he got a new gf he's a fucking player. at first when we broke up it didn't bother me or anything but know its killing me all my friends tells me that oh look he got a new gf I ignore them but inside am screaming as hell i don't know what to say to themem how can i get him out of my fucking if guys went through the same shit or know a solution help ur girl out. Thanks",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977754950523376 2018-09-09 08:43:36,"I need to vent. Hello unihorse I wanna vent ......I had broken up with my boyfriend because we accidentally had sex and I wasint ready and now after couple of days I found out that I am pregnant I'm scared now how can I handle this situation do I have to Tell him or I have to handle it by my self.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.99812251329422 2018-09-09 08:51:43,"I need to vent. I have been in a relationship with my best friend for almost two years now.we are really close .he is the best ,he gets me like nobody else does and i really love him but this summer he became so distant ,he doesn't call much or talk much .it seems like he doesn't care and when i asked him about it he said he doesn't see any difference. i am losing him but he doesn't seem to mind that he is losing me .what do you think i should do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9958295226097107 2018-09-09 08:54:42,"I need to vent. So hello its been a while since I vent. its kinda cool being anonymous so here me out. Well I broke up with my bf 3 months ago but in that gap he used to talk to me and stuff but mostly I don't reply to him so either he calls me or he will text me thousand times and then I will talk. I swear I didn't wanna be mean but he was asking for it its like he only talks when he wanna talk and I was so sick of it but know we stopped talking and heard that he got a new gf he's a fucking player. at first when we broke up it didn't bother me or anything but know its killing me all my friends tells me that oh look he got a new gf I ignore them but inside am screaming as hell i don't know what to say to themem how can i get him out of my fucking if guys went through the same shit or know a solution help ur girl out. Thanks",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977754950523376 2018-09-09 08:55:30,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I like this guy like I wanna know him but you know am sure a lot of girls text him which is also the thing I did I knew him before so used that opportunity and he wasn't in it he was like 40℅and that's not good so I stopped texting him and I know guys are gone be like what the hell but I wanna merry him but first I want us to be friends I know that's how I operate anyway his not gone text me am not going to do it either and we live far from each other so no chance of seeing him except on fb which be doesn't even use he uses telegram and might even be on this channel but I wouldn't know cuz we are not friends wait what if he know am talking abt him let's hope am not that unlucky So point is I don't want to be bf n gf just want a friend you know until we get married what should I do I know I don't look sad but I am",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9979336261749268 2018-09-09 08:57:14,"I need to vent. There are going to be problems in your lives that are gonna hit you real hard, that you're gonna forget about all this homosexuality. At some point you're gonna realize that there is not much that can be done by you. If you are religious, leave it to God, deep down you know that's what you should do at this point. Otherwise its going to poison your mind to negativity till you start obsessing. I'm not sure if most understand this for them but its not a choice. They struggle to not be what they are. They're still human beings though. Its not right or natural. But we can't change them by saying horrible things to them or telling them to die. That's just putting ourselves in another sin. For now, our country is struggling with a lot of other unspeakable things. Close minded societies are killing innocents and destroying lives because they're blindly following what the people before them blindly believed. The time we're living in is fearful. We're observing that hatred is not getting us anywhere, we're only going backwards. I hope we can all be open-minded and peaceful. Something to think about...",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9981510043144226 2018-09-09 17:37:38,"I need to vent. This question is mainly aimed at rich guys. So am in love with a boujee guy. I am what you would call a really poor person I support and teach myself working shifts. But I wouldn't call myself poor, egziabher yimesgen tenegna negn. I have almost no time to fantasize about any dating scene. But him, he is not just insanely attractive he's also very thoughtful and polite and modern but very humble n authentic. Unlike many Rich kids, He works really hard too. He wrecked my walls. I can't stop thinking abt him. Its like I breath him with each oxygen molecule I inhale Whenever I see him I feel as if am high, I be very cheerful n extra polite z whole day. We got to chit chat barely but I doubt he'd remember me at all. He has got many many admirers n lovers (he's a lil famous) I don't think I even hold his gaze for a second. Many hot girls are throwing themselves at him, Girls who can afford to hangout places he often goes to. I have been suffering for a long time.... Going to places I can't afford just to see him for a little while. I know its foolishness... And I swear its not the money i would love him all the same if (God forbid) he went broke or ill or anything. How can I get his heart? Do you rich guys ever notice your (socially put) poor admirers? Do i have a chance? What do I do? help me plsssss P.s. he's single.",love,POSITIVE,0.7984148859977722 2018-09-09 17:40:13,"I need to vent. “I’ve been with my current boyfriend for almost 8 years, but I cheated on him when we’d been together for about four years. I didn't feel like I was getting enough attention from him, and I'd met this other guy through work. He was willing to give me attention, and we had this deeply emotional attraction that went far beyond a physical connection. I stayed at his place one night, and we made out a lot but didn’t sleep together. He told me he loved me, and while being doted on is great, it was also a little too much too soon. I realized I would have been throwing away years in a solid relationship for this fast-moving thing that was a total crapshoot. And you know what? That guy got married about two years after professing his love for me. That fast-paced type of relationship is not me. Love is built over time, not in a one-night stand, no matter how deep the emotional connection. I realized that by jumping into something else, I wouldn't be giving my long- term relationship a fair chance. After I told him, we decided we needed to try and figure out our problems. In the end, I don't regret it because it was a wake-up call for my boyfriend and me to really figure out what we both needed from each other and how we could be better. Now, we're both more secure with ourselves individually, which makes us more secure in our relationship. I've also realized that our relationship will never be perfect, and most aren't, so instead of trying to be perfect, we just have to try to be the best we can for each other.”",realization,NEGATIVE,0.7651215195655823 2018-09-12 20:02:13,"I need to vent. Hi it's my first time venting there was a guy and I loved him so much I think he did too we were couples but not the kind of couples that hang out together so much kiss and many things that many couples do. He always told me that he loves me and I did too and one day we we stopped talking for the reason I don't even know I don't really know who's problem that was and I still couldn't figure out I think he still loves me he always stares at me and when I look back at him he turns his face fast I still want to talk to him and get back like how we was I couldn't go to him and say sorry and talk to him because I'm kind of shy and I'm scared to do that and I really miss him so so much Play guys help me what should I do to make things better between us please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.980527400970459 2018-09-12 20:03:02,"I need to vent. Hello guys I've recently discovered something that Brock me down to pieces I was just playing with my mom's phone and I saw she was sex chatting with this guy she knew long long time ago when she was highschool mnamn and it really hurt me emotionally I can't talk to her about it coz our relationship might get awkward and I can't talk about it with my friends coz I don't want to embaress her and there is my dad clueless I really need ur help I might just blow up by depression Tnx",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973019361495972 2018-09-12 20:03:45,"I need to vent. Hey guys I want to vent coz everytime I start my life sth I've done pops in my mind and I'm feeling guilty. ..well,I'm a 21 yrs old guy and of course I've got a princess , but I cheated on her not purposely but some other bunch of stupid girls were drunk and so without noticing they just kissed me and some friends of her's saw and They are forcing me to tell to my gf before they do the job for me ....what can I do ? Need ur help guys !!!!!",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9962728023529053 2018-09-12 20:04:13,"I need to vent. Okay so here is what is bothering me. I can’t stop thinking about this guy, like I never thought I’d be this type of person but he is literally driving me crazy. But that’s not the problem, the problem is that I don’t feel that way when he is around. Not even a bit. My heart literally pounds when I think about him and I imagine all the things I’ll say and do to make it obvious I’m into him keza gn when I’m with him I literally don’t care. Andande selam biyew bicha rasu alfalew when I was dying to see him a few hours ago. What does this mean?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.992131769657135 2018-09-12 20:05:12,"I need to vent. Here is the thing i have a boyfriend we have been together for almost 5 years i love him so much and i cheated with 3 guys on d/t times before 3 years but its just only kiss This days am feeling that i am obligated to tell him even when we have disagreements even if its his fault i feel like i own him and am the one who starts to sorry ( back then playin guilty is not my behavior even if its my fault) help me guys please????",love,NEGATIVE,0.9959783554077148 2018-09-12 20:54:46,"I need to vent. Hello ppl owkay here is ma story there is this guy mr Y. And we knew each other years few years back in highschool were in same city mnamn and also tot his gay ..anyhow we know each other and also were in same campus at first we just talk normal I mean just friend talk and then our convo turned in to day to day activity we chat mnamn and becomes bestfrnds and as times pass I kinda liked him I mean his sweet buh also keep in mind I think of him as a gay person so one day I was looking at his fb and he was in r/ship with a gal I mean I know they break up years ago gen why would he still have it and the guy his confusing me his text are sweet and its leading the signs r killing me we talk about kissing and dating mnamn gen ryt know I want just to stop evtn and just be his frnd cause am afraid I will like him more or worse I will fall for him that would be eww and I just need for u guys to tell me one thing the sign his showing me should I follw it or its just a guy thing and how can I just get him out of ma mind and just be a fucking normal frnd like old times P.s I still thing his gay",love,NEGATIVE,0.9975152015686035 2018-09-13 08:00:04,"I need to vent. I typed every thing I was feeling on the text prompt that was under your name. how I thought you was different from the other, and yet u aren't. how I thought u couldn't possibly hurt me, and yet u did. how I thought u felt the same,but yet u didn't. how I thought u would be my stone in this uncertain world, but yet u was just like the others a fluid that changed its form. oh what a fool I am for trusting you, for letting my guard down, for loving u unconditionally. what do I know I'm just the fool right?! I'm going down and u have watched me drown.never again will I let anyone in. I have learned my lesson. all thats left to say is the hard goodbye. the funny thing is I'm still waiting for u to say that u love me too, u miss me too and the fact that we r not together is killing you inside , that u wouldn't want anyone else but me. me the weird girl who dont know how to flirt , the girl that loves wearing your oversized hoodie, the girl that likes playing video games, the girl with the odd oversized eyeglasses.I'm just a girl who likes to be needed is that so bad. but I'm just a fool right and this ain't a movie and that would happen Lol. so I will go ahead and wish u well in life. Fuck that I even wish u find a better women than me. this is our goodbye. To my panda",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9739152789115906 2018-09-13 20:30:35,"I need to vent. Hey so I'm just confused on whether I should text my ex or nah I mean we didn't even breakup for real something not that of a big deal happened n we never talked after that I know he is not someone who wud beg minamin gin even if we're not together I at least want a closure plus I Rly miss him he was just funny n perfect should I text him .. n if I text him know do u think I should start z conversation n tnx a lot n ppl no hate for God's sake only comment if ur tryna help if not",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9982932209968567 2018-09-14 15:27:13,"I need to vent. I have a boyfriend whom I love the most and loves me back the same way. But the thing is I have insecurities about his past girlfriend. He has told me his over her and all and I believe him. She knows about us, and she is not the type that will try to come in between us. But since they both have the same group of friends and all whenever he's hanging out with his friends I cant help it think what there near each other and feeling their love they once felt for each other. It's been so long with this insecurity. He loved her a lot and she did as well he knows that but sometimes I think the love he has for her was more. I trust him with everything but I cant when it comes to her. Maybe am just trippin but its been messing with my head for so long. And I seriously need some advice",love,NEGATIVE,0.8670480251312256 2018-09-14 15:29:21,"I need to vent. To begin with, I am 21 years old and I'm in a relationship. This is the problem, I am not happy with my relationship. My girlfriend loves me very much and she had forgiven me for a mistake that I wouldn't even forgive myself. She is ready to sacrifice herself for me and she puts her effort to show me how much she loves me. She wouldn't miss any chances to be with me and to make me happy. But me, am not even close to happiness. Everyday I pretend like am happy to and like I love her so much but deep down my heart is feeling empty. I want to tell her everything but am feeling that it is not right to abandon someone who made her own life up to me. And am fearing that if I really abandon her I might regret it one day. Help me out guys.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9794537425041199 2018-09-14 17:26:31,"I need to vent. So...I am a girl who has lived her entire life worrying abt my mom since my dad died when I was four ....I have one brother ....I always worry abt my mom that I haven't had the life I wanted even in highschool...n my brother is a pain in the ass always making mom angry or sad n never happy....n now am in college n still worrying that half of college life passed me and am left with only two years and I don't know what to do....I haven't even had a date once.... N people are telling me that am weird....I kinda am scared of talking to boys ....but....I do it anyway.....the problem is...after some boys tell me they like me and we talk for a while they shut me out ...they don't even tell me why....N now am scared am gonna end up alone!!! Help me !!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985271692276001 2018-09-15 07:51:11,"I need to vent. hide my identity OK here goes in 2010 I was in gonder university but then this yr I wanted to stay back in shrger so I applied to this school private school and they said that unless i pay the cost sharing loan money I used up of one yr back in gondar i can't register here. whats the deal with that??‍‍ ik lots of ppl who dropped out and applied again nvr heard no one complaining that. so tell me wht to do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985131621360779 2018-09-15 08:42:35,"I need to vent. Happy wife Happy life...i like to go out drink dance smoke even....not often but occasionally...u know from like 1 pm to about 5 pm LT..... just wanna let loose cause we are under a whole lot of pressure in campus(med student problems)...and my bf isnt this type of guy u know he is the party pooper he is just very serious and doesnt go to clubs or bars doesnt drink or smoke kinda guy....i hate that so much....i have compromised so many of my principles for him and he wont do this one tiny thing for me.....i never wanted to get a room with him...but we do get rooms like all the fuking time bc i love him...we dd physical things that i wasnt open to before but i dd do them bc i fucking love him....he talks about making me happy but i have resented this things bc i feel like he is using me which i know he isnt but still i want things to change And so i am going to propose to negotiate...we need to comprise so I know it hurts his head staying long in bars bc of the loud music and he said once if we went out that he wont get back to dorm so i suggest We stay an hour at a bar drink have fun and then get a room....if we get a room we go to a bar and vice versa Every body wins right?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9883216023445129 2018-09-15 19:52:06,"I need to vent. Hey guys whats up? First of all happy new year. Hope your year is starting out better than the year beforehand . This is my first time venting so i hope i don't get off topic or misspell words and confuse u . I actually have a hypothetical question for u guys but pleas bear in mind it is a very important hypothetical question . So let us assume there is this girl of age 8 or maybe a year or two younger. And a guy of age 16 or a year or two younger (with 8 years of age difference with the girl) who is friends with the girls brother and their neighbor. So one day, when this guy comes to her house looking for his friend and ends up finding her alone he SEDUCES her and they end up having sex that day. but it doesn't stop at that one day, they do it a couple times again on other days he finds her alone. So the question is, does the girl, once she grew up and realise what she has done, plead rape or just consider it as a consented sex? coz even if it was consented, she was wayyy to young for him to knowingly do it with her don't u think? And pls be sure to explain your answers pls. Thanks in advance. (even if u don't leave me a reply though that would be appreciated)",optimism,POSITIVE,0.6679285168647766 2018-09-15 19:53:01,"I need to vent. Hey everyone..please help me out Well the thing is I have a boyfriend and we have been together almost a year now.. Like 11 month,  in the first couple of month we were head over hills for each other,  we would find any possible option to meet up or talk..nd since a month or two ago my feeling for him to decline,  at start when ever he is around I feeling like I really want to be with him but when he is not there I don't feel anything towards him nd now I don't even feeling anything when he is around and I don't feel the same way as I used to nd what makes it worse is that he is falling for me more and I act like am too when he is around cause I don't want him to get hurt,  he is really sensitive and thought of breaking up with me doesn't seem to ever cross his mind,  so what do u guys think I should so,?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9564406275749207 2018-09-16 07:56:59,"I need to vent. So I few years back I was in a relationship and I really liked him. My friends never liked him they used to tell me early in the relationship but I ignored it. After a year n half of dating we broke up. We still stayed in touch and all. Its been 2 years since we broke up and after that relationship tho I couldn't really date another dude. Like I've had 3 other guys after him that wanted to date me but I never felt ready to date n I just push them away. I really need ur help guys why can't I date?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9910008311271667 2018-09-16 07:57:19,"I need to vent. Help can I not fall for him his ma bestfrind and we talk chat and meet so evry sec am with him am falling in too deep shit I don't wanna do that plZ help And plz don't say stop seeing him or mnamn tnxs",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970613121986389 2018-09-16 07:57:38,"I need to vent. My mood is always based on a silly thing someone says or does,like it only takes me 1/10of a sec to change to sad and depressed and its almost always based on ppl so pls pls pls ppl tell me how the hell i can change that side of me cuz 1 moment I'm happy and cheerfull the other I'm having suicidal thoughts",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978044629096985 2018-09-16 07:58:19,"I need to vent. i am so angry at you right now... so fucking at you. i loved you. i hate you becuse you convinced me to care. after i was over her. after i told my self this will never happen again. still i found a place for you in whats left of my heart. the thought that its not gonna be me who is going to be with when you are ready feels like a thousand knives in my back. i fucking fought my self ignoring every sense i had telling me this a bad idea. do you have any fucking idead it fu king took out of me to convince my self to let you in. why does this keep happning to me. doesn't caring about you means i get to be with you. i cared so much i feel like shit whenever you are down. i fucking gave my seld up so i could love you. i was fucking cared of this part so fucking scared of trysting and caring . The moment i decide you are worth the risk. The fucking moment i decide to let my self picture us togther you tell me you arent ready.i hate you.i fucking hate you. i am fucking done becuse of you. it took all that is left for me to convince my self falling for you wouls work out. you fucking proved me wrong. i fucking didnt deserve this. all i wanted was to make you happy.i hate your past so much becuse it scared you so much you couldbt find a place for me in yoyr life. i fucking hate you so much right now it might even be equal to how much i love you. i was a fucking fool to think this time would be diffrent. i hate you. well you took whats left of my care. i don't think i have it in me to grust anyone like i trusted you. or love anyone like i loved you. thats not in the cards anymore.i loved you and you knew that. still i was not enough to make you decide.i hate you. i am so mad at him for making you like this. he made you you blind to see being with didn't mean losing yourself. ugh well fuck him cuz he turned you into this cokd hearted person you are. i hate you. i will never let it hurt this much again. i said it last time but you you found a way to break my heart. well now it is too broken to fix. i hope you know i will never love anotyer like you. i will never ket my self. the ones that come after you are gonna have to aettke for less settle for nothing becuse j have nothing left to give. thats what you did you took whats left of my care. have a good life. i know i won't. but I'll get over you. i know i will but i will never be the same.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9963915944099426 2018-09-16 08:11:24,"I need to vent. So...hey all... I have been trough a lot over the past five years been to a shrink, lost someone and most people ditched me ... so I was depressed at first but I got my shit together I studied and I had a chance to learn in the US- life makes fun of me ye iwnet sometimes I think the gods laugh at me at how foolish I am, how fast I am to hope. Then for reasons I can't talk about my one chance for a better life and a fresh start was taken away from me. The reason I held on for five years, the reason I studied despite all the shit going on in my life I grew stronger. This wasn't suppose to surprise me that ones again I am the joke. I hated life I felt anxious to the point I couldn't function and I even thought about suicide two days passed then I met someone as much as the old me would be disappointed at the now miserable me I fell for him or as my experienced friends told me the idea of being loved by him...oh fml! Demo I didn't even give time to these foolish things... I was focused on the better future I was going to make happen. I was promised they'd let us go. I didn't even need anyones help I was going to work my way trough college... I have had people ask me out before I have been on dates in relationships and never fell for someone the way I did for him I never even knew what falling for someone meant I thought my friends were exagurating it. You guessed it he broke up with me And now I have coping methods that wont keep me occupied and distracted for long. If you've read this far then you must now I need need need advice To get over someone and to I guess How do you do this?! Who ever went trough a break up",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9929472208023071 2018-09-16 16:01:01,"I need to vent. So I guess some ppl myt find this vent offensive... why is it weird nd discgusting when girls talk about how many guys she has dated or kissed or hooked up with nd its nt as weird when a guy does that? I'm sure some women also agree",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9993058443069458 2018-09-16 16:02:47,"I need to vent. Hey y'all... So these past four months or so were the worst I had in my entire life.. I have a girlfriend, and I love her. Its has been 6 months since we started dating. Throughout these months, we enjoyed each other, had fun and everything. We usually go to clubs, drink, smoke, dance the shit out of us, do everything what a normal teenager does. We also enjoy(very much) our sex life. We normally count dates and use post pills for protection. And this worked all the time... Until about four months back when my gf missed her period. We didn't freak out at first because we both thought its just an irregularity caused by the Hormone pills. But days went on.. And it was about 3 weeks since she missed the period. So finally we decided to go to a local health center and she went a screening test, and was found to be positive. We DIDNOT believe our eyes. We did everything right, at least to our minds... To confirm the lab results we then went to a hospital and she was pregnant, as seen by Ultrasound. I couldn't believe what happened. We're both students, I couldn't imagine what will happen if someone knew about this. I tried to calm myself but I simply couldn't sleep. The next morning I didn't want to wake up to face the reality. We had to terminate the pregnancy, because there is NOway I'm gone be a father at this age. So we've talked about it and went to a hospital, and there we were given options to abort it. We went ahead with the pill and my gf took them. It was one of her worst experiences , as it was soo painful and a lot of blood was lost. After about 5 days she started back her normal life but the bleeding didn't stop. And it kept bleeding for about a month. That was another worry.. At some point I thought I was gone lose her. So we went back to the hospital and they had to manually remove the remnants . After all this she finally stopped bleeding. Now we , both, feel guilty about what we have done. Its very difficult to even see a child after that. And now, I'm confused if I should discontinue my relationship with her.. On one half she gave up a lot for me and that's difficult to let go, On the other hand I don't want to remember the whole experience and I simply want to quit. What's your idea??",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9947400689125061 2018-09-16 16:03:53,"I need to vent. Hey everyone i am a 23 year old women i am a loner most of the time ... I have friends i love them ... I love every human beings but everybody take my kindness for granted every man i met wants me for one thing and that's sex ... I lost everyone now ... I am good listener and a good friend but when it comes to me i solve all my problems alone ... I always feel weak betrayed alone unhappy i need a friend whom i can share my pain my issues and everything but i couldn't find one ... I want to change my life ... I want to have new friends ... I need a man who i can hug kiss and a man whom i can grow old with",love,NEGATIVE,0.9783048629760742 2018-09-16 18:10:07,"I need to vent. I really hate my mum she is the most irritating and selfish mum in the history of time. But I still care about her and that hurts me even more. I want to her to be a stranger to me.. but for some reason I can't make that happen. Any advice?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.988092839717865 2018-09-16 18:10:33,"I need to vent. Hey vent hide my identity is it bad to fell sad about your friend playing around with your cousin which you get once a year and neither she or he ain't telling me anything about whats going on between them",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995613694190979 2018-09-16 20:44:23,"I need to vent. Haven't you ever felt like your head is going to explode? So many ideas just rattling around, banging against your skull agian and again, and again. Well that doesn't even cover the half of it. I haven't been through much considering what most of you have gone through but everyones battle's is diffrent. Right now I'm having trouble being faithfull. Ik it may sound harsh but hear me out. I've always had a colorful dating life I've never been tied down for long but I've never had issues with staying faithful either but now something is diffrent. I'm completely infatuated with two girls at the same time, one my gf of a few weeks who's lovable, adorable and everything that I need in my life rn and the other a girl I've known for a while longer but we've been hanging out more and more since my gf is out of town. She's not what you would call ""classically beautiful"" but she's drop dead gorgeous in my eyes and there's just something about the way we connect, I've never had that before with anyone so ik it's more than just lust. The Bottom line is idk what to do, we've been spending a lot of time together alone and it's getting harder to hold my inhibitions. I'm a nice guy, I just want to do the right thing.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.852910041809082 2018-09-16 20:45:52,"I need to vent. Hi, I have always been against interfaith relationships, you know like it is not allowed and it doesn't last. But now I am in that type of relationship it is my first and it just feels so right. What should I do? Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9993292093276978 2018-09-16 20:45:52,"I need to vent. Hello I keep missing my periods I mean I keep having irregular periods is it much of a problem it keeps happening e.time ...girls help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999299168586731 2018-09-16 20:46:14,"I need to vent. Ola everyone... I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my problem. Ummm I'll be sharing you guys what's bothering me a lot these days..currently am computer science student. And I met this guy which is so adorable and caring almost 2 years now . He is 5 years older than me..starting from the day we met we never fought or argued,not even for a sec. We used to text daily..we were like each others journal...we talk about everything...there's nothing we hide from each other..and the saddest and heart breaking part he died due to car accident on new year's eve.. like it killed me a lot literary I wasn't functioning. He was my supporter guidance..I have faced lot of troubles and hardship in campus and he was the one who stood by me and helped me overcome those challenges.. I never spent a day without texting him or calling him. And now I got no one..knowing the fact that I won't be able to get replies for him breaks my heart. I felt empty..I don't know how I'll lead life without him...I lost my precious friend just like that...and now I can't see my future me alone without his presence., my friends and my families tells me to forget about him.. he is not that type of person to be forgotten easily. IK we all are going to die and leave this world for good and it was his last day to live but I can't believe he left me so soon. He was only 25. He had lot of plans to achieve.. He's the only thing I see in my dreams and I could think of..couldn't concentrate on anything. I really need help.. I need to hear you guys opinion; what should I do? I just miss him so so much..I can't put it into words",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.783061146736145 2018-09-17 07:11:52,"I need to vent. Sometimes I wonder if it would've made a difference to tell you how I feel,that's when I realize that would've been the worst decision ever.I mean look at how you act now whenever I try to warm up to you you make me feel so cheap.I don't even know how people tell me you like me If this is how people like you treat you I wonder how people who hate you would treat you .I've waited for so long for you to man up and tell me how you feel.Even if you feel nothing I've waited for so long for you to just tell me .But no you'd rather drag me along and act like I'm nothing to you.See all this time I never saw what we had as meaningless.I always thought we had hope.But now,now you've shown me for the millionth time that I mean nothing to you.The difference is this time am done,this time I've realized I was busy watering dead grass,this time I realized you and I are never going to become anything .Not friends.Not more.This time am done.I'm done with your drama,your acts,am done being treated like this.I hope you find someone who'll meet your needs clearly I wasn't worthy of your attention.Thanks for killing what's left of my self esteem.I hope you have fun.Good bye am done .",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9962445497512817 2018-09-17 07:12:55,"I need to vent. How could you know love if you didn't feel hate. How do you feel hate if you've never felt love. They are not two terms that are supposed to be rivals for each other. They need each other to exist. Like what is good if there is no bad And what is bad if there is no good? Two terms that are quite opposite of each other but somehow someway they end up being together. I guess the point of this all is since they are one you might find one where you might expect the other. Life is full of surprises and we all need to know what it teaches us. So for all that are feeling bad right now be grateful cause once good comes along you know you won't let go. Unlike most of us who never knew bad and just roll our eyes at good.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9871267676353455 2018-09-17 07:14:12,"I need to vent. I don't want to live like this anymore. becuse I have been down this road before and I don't like how it ends. so i will write you out. write you out of me. every word I type thinking about you now is so far from what I felt when I replied to your texts. At first I was angry. I was angry at you. I didn't think you deserved to be articulated through my words for what you did to me but I realized writing about you is the only way I can feel. The only way I can feel it all. becuse my days now are moments of balled up anger and hurt seeping through my walls followed by gaps of numbness where everything is shades of grey. I am not doing this for you becuse I gave myself up for you and that is price enough. No this is for my sanity becuse you don't deserve my time or my energy anymore. so I pour out what is left to these words. then it truly is over for me. our story atleast my side of it is not tragic or happy. The only word that comes close is ironic. It was ironic. Ironic becuse when I got over her and fell back to my dance of destruction. you came. you came like a soft breath unnoticed. slowly you multiplied and multiplied untill you were all I could think about. and before I knew it I found myself caring. And that scared me so much I tried to push you away but when I heard your cracking voice telling me how much I hurt you. the guilt and pain I felt could have meant only one thing. you were here to stay. I spent many nights agonizing whether I could handle being with you. my head listing mile long reason why I shouldn't do it yet my heart won every time with just you. I was tierd of fighting. tierd of trying to convince myself you weren't worth it. So I gave up and I gave in. I decided as messed up as I am I can take being more messy for you. I can handle all you would go through. but here is that word again IRONY. I chose us over my self but you chose yourself over me. The moment I let my guard down and thought here comes the good part. Baim out of nowhere a suckerpunch. you weren't ready. I could hate you. I could hate him for making you too blind to see I was good for you. but all of that won't fix it. you left and you took all my senses with you. Now everything is the same even the pain has a rhythm to it now. but I can't afford to have you in my head anymore so I trap you in my words and lock you up. with you a part of me goes. a part that believed people could be trusted.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982376098632812 2018-09-17 07:15:01,"I need to vent. Ok good morning y'll this is for the girls out there with a broken heart. Baby girl be strong I know it feels like the pain isn't gonna end and that you're going to feel like this for a while but trust me you will get over him things will be much better than you ever believed. Trust in God and in your self. Men will always think things that they do in a relationship have nothing to do with God and that no matter how fucked they treat girls that God will turn a blind eye, well karma is a bitch and they will get what's coming to them(probably in some form of a painful ulcer ) so baby girl don't stress don't let a break up put you down.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9860873818397522 2018-09-17 07:44:18,"I need to vent. It's just started easily I mean I had photo competition channel and that time girls send me here photo but one girls was special and I asked her, her name and she told me I was so happy then we started chatting and she told me her hole story I was really happy i mean I have never felt so happy like that and she told me she broke up with her bf and I was so sorry for her and told her not to worry she said okay and we continued chatting till she told me she likes me and I said I like u to but I didn't know that it's like love I though it was like friends, after a while we meet face to face then she just hugged me and I feel great but I still can't feel love she feels really good when she is with me and I don't want t to break her heart again I don't know what to do I mean I feel relieved when I am with her but I still can't feel the love Guys pls hook me up I don't know what to do and even say thank you",joy,POSITIVE,0.9957225322723389 2018-09-17 08:21:18,"I need to vent. What did I ever do to deserve this treatment from you? I have only ever cared about and loved you but all you have ever thought about is yourself. Our 'relationship' in whatever form that has taken has been dictated on your terms this whole time and you have in holding power over me. I have been a toy to you. I'm fun to play with until you get bored and then you discard me and dispose of me like I'm worthless. But it never ends there. A few weeks or months later you remember how fun that game was and you come back to repeat your vicious cycle all over again. And each time I'm broken and discarded the damage on my mind and spirit becomes more irreparable. But you make me feel as though it's my fault. You twist everything that happens to make it seem like I have let you down and you're the injured martyr. You claim that I have problems and emotional insecurities and this is projected onto me so much I start believing that maybe I do have a problem. And then without a conscious thought I find myself grovelling with apologies, wanting you to forgive me and you throw them back in my face or ignore them coldly with silence. Migermesh still yehone feeling selalgn new enji lanchi I would have posted your picture along this vent so everyone could know what kind of girl you are. What kind of cold and very inhuman girl you are! Takiyalesh zim beye kuch beye sasbesh qoshte kemqatalu yetnsa yaskgnal Enate timut gobez nesh!! You turned my life upside down! Weyne Abel!!! Gin Anchim lay yidersal e/r le hulum melse alew Esu ayzegyem! Ebakehn belesh memelsesh aykerem esu gin aygermesh migermew min endhone takiyalsh?! Yezanem Yene Nigst beye ekbelshaw!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.984093427658081 2018-09-17 14:20:28,"I need to vent. She’s slipping away from me... I didn’t realize it until it was too late, but she’s slipping away from me, piece by piece! And I’m not the one to be shocked by this, cuz what she’s doing is right! But I’ve got this feeling in my gut that I’m now losing her forever, she was the most precious thing to me in this world, and I took her for granted... and I’ve lost her. How’ll I ever get her back!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9063076972961426 2018-09-17 14:21:53,"I need to vent. People please help me out I am 20 years old chick who is deeply in love with her neighbour My lord he is so classy yeteregaga plus tall the way he drive his car geta hoy I am dying so guys please help me out ke egzer selamta wichi Mnm yelenm how can I show him that I truly love him ersen salasnk?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9867988228797913 2018-09-17 14:22:29,"I need to vent. Hello everyone Here goes my vent I am girl a senior in highschool I have been with this guy almost for 4 month I guess gn 5 or 6 ken behon nw eskahun yetegenagnenew ik we love each other gn but he keep insisting to have sex he says he wants to show me that he wont leave after the sex n nth will change after that and I dont know to say n what to do I need ur help guys",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9921236634254456 2018-09-17 14:36:37,"I need to vent. HEY. first time venting.. I'm 20 im a dude.. I'm known for my low self-esteem.. I mean.. i have a lot of friends.. but it is hard to be friends with ..... I'm wayyyy too nice degmo.. it is scary how nice I am..(there is nice ppl and then there is me ).. I know one day ppl might take advantage of me.. It really sucks being the nice guy, every one tells me to not be nice.. being like that is a bad thing this days.. I didn't choose to be nice.. I tried listening to thug music or whatever just to let my demons or whatever out of me.. but it is just the same old guy.. I hate this.. help me out peeps",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9939231276512146 2018-09-17 15:57:29,"I need to vent. I've finally accepted the fact that we as a continent are doomed to fail. Whatever we try to do petty things always seem to get in the way. The uneducated mass can't think about the big picture while the ones who claim to be educated do try to understand the uneducated ones. Everybody expects abiy to do this and that and sometimes forget he's just an individual trying his best with what he's got. For such a complex issue everyone has their own simplistic solutions. I've long given up Ethiopia but for those who are patriotic I wish you good luck cuz everywhere I look its all 'us against them' kinda thing.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9989499449729919 2018-09-17 16:49:16,"I need to vent. You ever had some one u truly love and did everything for? But when it comes down to helping you they barely support? ...i used to do whatever i could for her but favor memelesu yekrna she flips within a minute and acts like she did it all by her self. She got nothing to provide..its all on me in this relation and she narcissist betam...event though she keeps hurting me i can't get over her..any advice?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962044358253479 2018-09-17 16:53:00,"I need to vent. Hey... I know that u'll never read this and maybe I don't want u to. But I just wanna tell u that u broke my heart. It was so easy being with u, so easy falling for u. I knew it wasn't going to last but still I fell for u. U told me u loved me too, I knew it wasn't true but I made myself believe that it was cos I wanted you. But I guess my love just wasn't good enough for u coz u left and I begged u to stay, u ignored me and that destroyed me... and now? Now I moved on. I feel better but that doesn't mean that I forgive u ... U can't come up to me and talk to me like nothin happened... U can't do that. I'm done with u have a good life",sadness,POSITIVE,0.5998031497001648 2018-09-17 17:15:45,"I need to vent. Theres a genocide in the country ena you guys are venting about a guy and a breakup mnamn wtf people esti for a sec think big demo the team erasu mn asebachu new endi mayreba neger post yemtaregut",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997505247592926 2018-09-17 17:15:49,"I need to vent. Is everyone safe",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9970178604125977 2018-09-17 17:16:19,"I need to vent. Hey u guys....frst I wanna apologise to vent abt my problem when my bloods habesha ppl are starving and delocalaized bcos of some bulls...and my vent is zat y z hell r ppl talking abt others when I finally made a move evry1 was gossiping I did it bcos of my breakup with him...and he Gushh he was like why don't u admit u still love me...endwm lngrh awo I still want u(with my half part) gn it was u who ended it then u asked me to be ur's again and I thought it was a joke and am sry if it wasn't love you yene tota ena dmo hulum sew endmanleyay eyngrgne nw just know it if u r reading this",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981410503387451 2018-09-19 09:42:56,"I need to vent. Hey guys first time venting and I know that it isn't a gud time to vent since well my country is havin a hard time n I'm here venting n for zat am sry .... anyways here goes I feel rlly insecure bout my self don't know why when guys tell me they luv me I don't trust them like why wuld they luv me I don't think im somtin special n so I dont wanna be with anyone just like watching the romance on Korean movies ...soo guys any advice n if there are ppl that r out zer who feel z same way hala at me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989132881164551 2018-09-19 09:43:46,"I need to vent. hey guys am a kinda person that doesnt talk abt personal stuff but i really need ur help. soooo i masturbate alot .i tried to stop but when ever am sitting to read or do stuff that is the first thing that pops in my mind and i masterbate watching porn, imaging my friends, imagining people seeing me naked and all that crazy shit and am in a time which i think this might be a problem what should i do help me pls",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9927825927734375 2018-09-19 09:44:41,"I need to vent. Hello every one...its nat a vent more like aquestion...what z fuck happend to z people?...amn whats wrong with all of z people..esp those so called kero??....r u seriously using ur mind gn?...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988633394241333 2018-09-19 09:44:49,"I need to vent. I need to vent. Once addict always addict. Is this true??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9700798392295837 2018-09-19 09:47:16,"I need to vent. Hey guys not a vent!!! More of a common conscious state...... is it just me or do yall feel like this 'love' bullshit is too much???........ i mean is there even anyone worth fighting for??......... open comments... ( if u guys ddnt realise im a dude...... im a dude)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9995195865631104 2018-09-19 12:59:16,"I need to vent. Fucking shitheads. I'm so sick and tired of you all blaming orormo's for this. You probably got your info from ETV which I'm sure is corrupted so I can't blame you and therefore I apologise for calling you a shithead, but man you've got to understand how pissed off I can be when oromo's are killed everytime and not many news channels cover it or people care about it for that matter but when this one thing (Which is awful and I'm in no way trying to diminish it so DON'T TWIST MY WORD) happens all hell is loose, blame kero. KERO BROUGHT THIS FREEDOM FUCKHEADS. . . . . . . (Breath me) . . What I'm trying to say to you all is that: I'm sure you're all educated till some level and also are human beings therefore you're all rational beings which distinguishes you from donkeys and pigs so please, yes pleaseeeee don't blame a group of people when you're not well informed about them and also just a tip watch other news channels such as ESAT and just please, I can't say this enough (sigh) DON'T EVER POINT FINGERS AT ANY ONE WHEN YOU'RE NOT 100% SURE. I'm going to explain: When you see a glass filled with sparkling water and someone asks what's in it.. Do you shout ""Ambo""? NO. Do you shout ""Sprite""? No. Do you shout ""7up""? No. You want to know what you do? Well you taste it and maybe taste it somemore or drink the whole glass if that's what it takes, then only then is when you shout out the correct answer. Simple isn't it. I hope you understand the metaphor if not I apologise again because I failed you and your still a fuckhead. . . . . . . . . Shitheads or fuckheads, I still love you all my fellow Ethiopian's. Let's's respect one another and do all the things our poor Prime Minister is always preaching to us to do. Is it only me that feels like crying when I think about him tho? He's trying so hard man... mtssm... Come on brother and sisters let's make him proud standing strong together. . . . One last oromiffa education: Kero - young adults. Walla~ mystery solved. Call them ""wetatoch"" if you would like... . . . I hope I educated at least one lost soul. Dear lost soul, I'm glad I was your guid into the right path and stopped you from pointing fingures... I know you were about to lift that finger just then I stopped you didn't I. . . Chaw",caring,NEGATIVE,0.99530029296875 2018-09-19 13:42:06,"I need to vent. I had a huge problem with this girl......... she likes me a lot and i dont she doesnt have a bf but i have a gf ena if it helps she has kidney failure, i feel sad for her and when she told me she loved me i just went with it and said me to . I know i was not thinking straight she is pretty and she has been rejected by lots of guys. She told me i was different and if i rejected her i would break her for real. So guys please help me out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9850371479988098 2018-09-19 14:54:53,"I need to vent. This ain't a vent more of a pissed of comment.... To the guy that said all this rebsha shit didn't happen. Ante dingay, etv alew mallet ain't make it false. Fuck you. people died, got raped and u say its all noise. If u could think one bit you'd stay fucking quiet. What is wrong with u ende. Kibir yinurih lemotut. Eshi fine not all keros gin some did. Beka ante federal, mekalekya, police yalew endale wishet new?? Ante bicha lik aa?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9987142086029053 2018-09-19 15:56:43,"I need to vent. Let me make it fair and will be more preferable if it is in amharic i guess.. so ..hmm...andim, huletim, sostim sew mechem bihone memot yelebetim...balefew burayu wist 25 sew motual...yasazinal...awo lemin eskehonin dires azinenal...balefew werat moyale wist 69 sew motual ...balefew Amet oromia wist ke 1000 sew belay motual.. ye enezis nefs aydel...eeeee...yane egna yet oromo Ethiopia wetat ..manim sew endimot ayfeligim..lemin yifeligal...yetagelut eko mechem sew endaymot new...yihen yemiyadergut lewtin yemaydegifu nachew...silezi mizgana bis anihun...hulachinim ahun yetim be netsanet yeminaweraw wetatochu bekefelut dem new esti defro Addis ababa wist kezi befit selamawi self adirgo yemiyake... .negeroche eskemiteru gize yasfeligal...gena ahun eko new sewu metenfes yegemerew.....mewenejajel maninim altekemem...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972233772277832 2018-09-19 18:50:17,"I need to vent. Okay you ppl calm down ...its easy to bang on shit when u only know your side of the story.... And this is not some fairytale where the bad person is one. ..if they are gone everything is fine...NO this is real life stop bickering about over this damn it are supposed to be adults about it damn .... You can't blame one person or group for a problem that had its roots growing for 27years .......stop hating in each other damn ....its not that hard grown ups really messed shit for us didn't fix it ....and all of you take some responsibility if not who can fix it ha Bottom line the world ain't black and white ....facts aren't always the truth ....but the solution is always love",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.8499917984008789 2018-09-20 06:50:16,"I need to vent. Tell me how to dissipate into the air without your notice. For every reply I receive, I reply with extra enthusiasm and a heavy heart. Is it possible to push people away subconsciously? Your intriguing nature does no good to my fear of growing interest. It takes most of me to stop babbling just to continue the conversation. But talking to you is like dancing on the edge of a cliff. A mixture of heart sinking fear and adrenalin high. I am not ready to fall again and shatter. Forgive me for I am too weak to be of use. Help me while I dissolve into the oblivion I came from.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.564792275428772 2018-09-20 06:52:50,"I need to vent. I am 17 years old now and I'm in collage I just wanted to say that it's sad to see my ppl fighting y do we need to fight can we talk with eachother? I'm seriously scared to reveal my ethnic group where ever I go cuz I just know ppl will hate me when I say I'm from x group so I don't even try to get close with ppl in my class. let's not blame x group for the mistakes done by x leader, a leader doesn't represent every single persons values it represents it's own selfish gains! ....Pls remember a Nile tilapia fish going bad doesn't mean the whole tana lake is bad... let's love eachother we have diffrenet poltical idologies and diffrenet flags but we are one n nothing will change that, they might try but they won't break us! And please remember to taker of eachother there are bad news I hear everyday...protect the children and the elderly people and most importantly drink water n eat a balanced meal! I hope God will bless us all with his grace more thing too my Muslims n Christians Ethiopians, pray for us... pray for ethiopia and embrace eachother",fear,NEGATIVE,0.6333397030830383 2018-09-20 06:56:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys its my third time venting but its not about life issue back then and now i want to tell ya my story with some guy we started chatting it has been some months like 8 months maximum as a freind and after we just get close i was feeling sth u know like i cant imagine losing him and staff though i wasnt in love but at the same time i cant build a relationship with other guys u know i should marry mnamn staff ahun lay family mnamn staff...... and i just told him that i am feeling this feeling cuz i am that type of person that couldnt hide their feeling ena lets break it here alekut he was like i need u okay beye alefeku then when this thing got strong i asked him again we should get apart cuz i cant even get into a relationship with him cuz i dont want his type of person seriously he is so cool mnamn gn enenja he got bezu letedar yemayhonu ngroch anyways let me go to the point and he still said no then i wanted to meet him to talk about this issue then after some days i have met him lastnight and we were so close and unfortunately we kissed eachother i was trying to controll myself and stop it but it continued alot though atlast we stopped then he said we messed up right then he ride me home then i was like after this all time i cant have normal feeling for u so we should stop talking then he was like dont say like that then i get home and when i talk to him he was like i dont want u get messed by getting in my life but i need u and please pay sacrifice for ur freind ena be with me aynt ngr though if i continue our freindship i am going to get hurt for unlimited days and years even i wont have that strength of closing this issue and try to build a relation with other guy so what am i supposed to do please help me out esti should i continue or shut this thing now",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9897806644439697 2018-09-20 06:57:12,"I need to vent. Hi guys i just wanna ask what respecting a girl means. Is it supporting her emm waiting for her till she is ready for sex and if so treating her right after that? What exactly is it am confused? Whats the problem if we had sex and I still treat her as I do before we had it. Becha eski explain for me pls",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9947032332420349 2018-09-20 06:58:14,"I need to vent. Hello everyone. Ima need everyones opinion on this. I have had my fair share of relationships where i made the first move and confessed that i liked a girl. Eventually when it doesnt work out, which is mainly because we are young dumb and broke, it always looks like im the one who made the bad decision in the first place and all mistake are pinpointed on me by friends and everyone concerned. Theres this girl now. Shes real nice, to die for and everyone says shes hella cute. But for once i wanna sense the feeling of a girl expressing her emotions first than me breaking the ice this time around as usual. I'm even planning on waiting out this phase we are going through until she tells me she likes me first. This time i wanna be on the opposite side of the table and know what goes on 'the other side'; when a person actually tells you they like like you for realz and that they'd wanna be with you ketechale forever. Your opinions on my possible action please.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9810614585876465 2018-09-20 06:59:13,"I need to vent. I couldn't figure out what people want from me...... Everything goes as primitive as it can get in this world.... You give then u take.... I want smiles from strangers.... I want lightened up days for everyone around me.. I want people's success..... But most people I do good for think um a liability a fool a hopeless philanthropist..... I really wish to know what everyone wants.... I mean is there a common thing??... P.s. this ain't got nun to do with relationships",desire,NEGATIVE,0.993907630443573 2018-09-20 06:59:52,"I need to vent. We work our ass off yet no change, its like we're running on a treadmill We parade saying we love each other yet on the other side we fight and kill Pulverising property owned by minority race Chasing them off and erupting their pace This is not how it's supposed to be. We're Ethiopians, we should be filled with love and prosperity We're Ethiopians we should be proud of our diversity! This whole thing is a nonsense I mean, we have a leader with incredible speeches Mending the torn apart and giving the wounded stitches So let's just sit back and look in the mirror As it will probably help us see things more clearer.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9968337416648865 2018-09-20 07:54:30,"I need to vent. I'm in aau working for my engineering degree, my last name is sem... Anywho I wanted to say I love my best friend be.... but she has a boyfriend aka jin. I really want her too ditch him but I feel bad should I just move on?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9993646740913391 2018-09-20 10:20:18,"I need to vent. There’s a man in the sky who won’t help a staving child, But is very concerned if you mastrubate. Let that sink in",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9836417436599731 2018-09-20 10:20:36,"I need to vent. Well, I have lost hope in love but then of course how can u have hope for stg that you didn't believe ryt? I mean I was so close to actually think that this shit was real until I found out all he wanted was to have sex. And it's funny I almost believed him when he said he loves me.what? I'm not hurt or sad I'm just GLAD I know there are guys like this and now I have more trust issues than ever. He said all the right things any girl would wanna hear and truly I was surprised. But he wasn't that good to make me believe in doing things I didn't want to do. Guys, you are really good at manipulating us you can make a girl fall in ""love"" with you just like that...but the more you show us what you are really in for then the more we bcm conscious about your every moves and you can't fool us anymore.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9963298439979553 2018-09-20 10:22:50,"I need to vent. Hey ladies and gentleman. Im having this problem .... I started watchin shemale porn like 4 yrs ago .... Nw like i dnt like regular porn ... I only like shemale porn ... N now im fantasizing abt fucking a shemale to .... Like i dnt knw why but im startin to imagine fuckin them in my dreams .... I even knw cant fap for others porn ..... I only fap for shemale porns",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9969310760498047 2018-09-20 14:36:46,"I need to vent. its my first time venting so i might not b accurate of what this channel is about gin i just need to vent so here goes nth... so my family is not the kinda family which is considered as normal to what of given the defination by the rest of habeshan fam that's the mum is there emotinally while dad's there economically rite or thats how i think well n our fam my mom is the provider bcuz my dad is sick n for that she cant b both the provider n emotionally available at the same time so i cant talk to her or go to her for emotonal support n advice .. i hav two sibligs 1 little brother and 1 elder sister i used to hav a real good connection with my sister but since i was away for about a year from home we kunda grew apart n now i cant talk to her either plus bcuz she nevwr went away from home she doesn get what my problems are at my side of campus life n other shits n when there is sm kinda conflict with my mum ,my brother or my sister they dont get why i stand by my reason they just gang up n make me feel like i dont belong in the family any more ughh n i cant talk to my friends (dont get me wrong i hav really gerami friendz n i really love tgem glad i hav them too)cuz there too far to tell this kinda stuff n i cant tell my problem or even my thoughts about any issue for these reasons .....i feel like am living alone surrounded by a crowd of ppl",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981143474578857 2018-09-20 16:38:38,"I need to vent. Hey there here is ma story i have a g.f i love her soooo much like betam and she love me too .she is 21 and we have been together for 2 years we are having fun betam we are spending a romantic time we are in deep love. the thing is we didn't have sex till now but i really want to have it but she is saying after marriage. we didn't even makeout malet she didn't let me go down so how can i survive lol ? How can i wait without ntn ? i love her so much thats why i wait for 2years fuck this culture. um sure you boys will understand! need help guys !",love,POSITIVE,0.9846097230911255 2018-09-20 19:11:38,"I need to vent. Don't u think boy are selfish I mean they always think about their selves specially in there love life. We girls get hurt by our bf mostly cause they cheat on us I'm not saying girls don't cheat but mostly boys do and also once they fuck with us they run way or disapear or they leave us how many lucky girls find a loyal honest and loving bf? And boys watch ur selves and hope u don't get mad because that's the fucking truth no man is atractted to only one girl but once girls are atractted to a guy the can't see another guy.what boys care about is their sexual satisfaction. Am I wrong? Isn't it all true?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.6858495473861694 2018-09-21 09:07:39,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is not a vent but ...Well i have really bad skin and i have acne that turned into a weird dark color and i wanted to ask yall if u knew any good skin doctors. So if u do drop the name and address.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994462132453918 2018-09-21 09:08:15,"I need to vent. Hey guys... I am 25yrs old girl. Most of my highschool friends are either married or pregnant. Z problem is I don't want that I just want success in my field.I've had relations in past but I hated z concept.Is it wrong for me to focus on my success rather Zan making family as ppl say am I going to regret my choice and be miserable for the rest of my life????",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9978402853012085 2018-09-21 09:08:48,"I need to vent. I am so angry at you, you made me second guess every word, every promises you made I blamed me for everything and cried myself to bed every night until I couldn't even breath, then silly me I go to church and pray for your well-being and happiness, but the past two days I am laughing at your hypocrisy. Fuck you. Fuck you for leaving me at my lowest point in life. Fuck you for all your fake I love you's, cant live my life without you, Don't ever leave me Bullshit. Fuck you.You thought me a hard lesson. You are a cold hearted person. Damn I loved you though. Would have chosen you over my life any day. I hope this was worth it.",love,POSITIVE,0.7470752596855164 2018-09-21 14:04:22,"I need to vent. Mafi: Well well well. Long story short a girl ...i had ma first bf for like 3 month the second for like a year the third for like 11 month ...but the thing is currently am in love with the guy from way before all this guys . ..he's like more of a friend gn my god ....beqa siyawera am deaf and blind for him ....weyne gude beqa....demo if we r together yemegodaw ngr yimeselegnal beqa ...mndnew mishalew ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9904961585998535 2018-09-21 14:05:22,"I need to vent. Okay ...breath ....this shall be slightly long so brace urselfs I want to know 1. How can we learn about inner beauty when we were brainwashed by our own parentes.... Our own adult ppl ...that the exterior is everything 2. How can we be our self and express ourselves ...when every time we do we are labeled rebels or the bad apple 3. How can we solve our emotional problems when grown ups never talked about them .... 4. How can we win this war of a life when we got no map or clue Lots of confusion but it will be for now",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9880077838897705 2018-09-21 14:06:23,"I need to vent. Whats wrong with believing eeee??. Whats wrong with being a V?? We know doing it feels good but we want to put that aside cuz we aint animals we can control our emotions. Am not a V for ma future husband okay cuz am sure unless his a V he don't deserve it. when did fucking around drinking became cool we all know it's enjoyable but you see that the trick, and if u did it and u don't feel like you did something wrong and that it's fun so who cares you are ticked Am pretty a lot of guys ask me out I have a perfect chance of doing what ever but I won't do it cuz it's not the right thing to do and just cuz u did it don't mean we have too. We are cool for controlling our emotions for overcoming all the bullshit around us",approval,POSITIVE,0.9784913063049316 2018-09-21 19:43:54,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hello.. This is actually more of like a question than a vent.. My period was late for 22 days and came and lasted for 7 days ... Is there a chance that even if my period came..that I might be pregnant? because I get nauseous a lot.. Thank u ..",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9983702301979065 2018-09-21 19:44:22,"I need to vent. When I started dating my boyfriend on our second date I told him ""don't ask me to sleep (have sex) with you ""cuz I am the type of girl who believes a girl should have respect for herself and be with a man that wants her for more than just sex...anyways one day he said let's watch a movie and he took me to a motel,it was after we dated for two months he did that,and he started kissing me,I tried to be ok with that but for some stupid reason I knew he was not gonna settle for that so I said ""not today maybe some other time "",cuz if I refused and he did something to me and I tell people,I am the one who willingly went to a motel with him,I knew the odds were against me,but he bought it and he said ""I will call you tomorrow ""and we went home,the next day I didn't answer his calls,on the third day I broke up with his stupid ass,now he is calling begging me to be with him,apologizing constantly ,I know better than to get back with him,don't you think????",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979311227798462 2018-09-21 19:45:16,"I need to vent. Hey...bizu tata mnamn mabzat alfelgm so i’ll just yehone lij ale ena betam temechachtenal mnamn ena bekirbu sike sex mnamn meteyek jemere gn eskahun bedenb mels alsetehutm malet yehone kelije mnamn asalifewalew mknyatum v negn ena liju bimechegnim gena bizu alkoyenm maybe 3 wey 4 months bihon new ena i don’t want to give it up easily so eski what do u guys think malet should i give it up cuz i love him weys tinish likoy...bikoys zimbiye mikelidibet mnamn neger aymeslewm?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9971948862075806 2018-09-21 19:45:23,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I need to vent I had a boy friend I love him very much till know but we broke up 9 months ago I couldn't with draw him from my heart and all my thoughts but he continue his way he has another girl now but I can't move on what shall I do guys please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9478232264518738 2018-09-21 19:45:51,"I need to vent. I'm trying to buy a Neutrogena branded sunscreen but idk where to get it in AA and also where can I get teeth flosses? (The flavoured gemeds to clean teeth). Thank you!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9962361454963684 2018-09-21 20:00:31,"I need to vent. Hey guys,just wanted to ask a question for med students or doctors here.I have a brother with PDA(patent ductus arteriosus) he is waiting for a turn to be operated but has been years.befit he used to take spironolactone and sildenafil but the doctors has made him stop that.What i am worried is 1gna-why did they made him stop the medication..2gna-we learned that left to right shunts cud eventually turn into right to left shunts and cud cause cyanosis,so why are the doctors taking it slow?...thanks for reading and i am a med student too so u may not worry about the words u use.will appreciate ur help.(it is just that i am very worried)",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9947646856307983 2018-09-22 10:17:10,"I need to vent. I gave you a million different reasons why we shouldn't be. From the moment that we met I wanted to lebel you as nothing more than a friend. I never imagined I would fall for you charms, I never imagined that you would the power to break down walls I spent years to build around my heart and mind. Piece by piece you took everything away and I didn't wanna see it since I didn't want to let go of all my insecurities and emotional baggage, that held me back from wanting any sort of intimacy with anyone. I have never given someone enough power over me to have the ability to actually hurt me but you do. Baby, you hold my heart in your palm, you healed wounds I never knew cut me that deep, you thought me how to finally start living, how to trust and how to love. Now when I think back to the day we first met and I would have never given you a chance if you weren't so persistent. Thank you, for never giving up even in times I know it would have been easier to just let go. Thank you for showing me your true colors, for loving me so fully, for trusting me with your heart as I have trusted you with mine. And now it's time we say goodbye...we might walk different paths but maybe one day we will find each other again,love each other again...that's a huge ass maybe I am willing to bet on...",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9969773292541504 2018-09-22 10:17:26,"I need to vent. Hey guys I was hoping you could give me an advice I wanted to take the test at minilik hospital so can you give me any useful info on what I should do would the test be hard what are my chances of getting in",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993181228637695 2018-09-22 10:18:30,"I need to vent. Hi r u guys?...need help so please hear me out. I have a bf and last year we were on such a long break I tot we had broken up. Then one day out of the blues( keep in mind it had been almost 6 months since we've talked) he texted and we worked things out and got back together...I love him betam betam. But during our ""break"" I met this guy henok and he was such an amazing person..and we instantly became friends..and I kinda developed feelings for him but dropped it when I found out he had a we just remained besties..although we have never met in's like we always plan to meet up but something always comes up..he's either So busy or demo I am..bitcha it never works out. So when I got back together with my bf I told him everything that had happened while we were separated and he knows about Henok..and he gets so jealous over him..he doesn't want me speaking to him or anything. And am torn Henok got me tru a lot while my boo left me hanging...and demo i love my baby so much I don't want him getting mad or jealous over anything. How am I suppose to choose from my best friend and my boyfriend? Please no mean just asking for help.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9888039231300354 2018-09-22 10:19:09,"I need to vent. I wanted you back. So bad and I would even think of ways you would come back to me Even if you left without a good bye and that hurt me I still wanted you back. And guess what you did like you actually had the balls to to come back to me then why I am venting you may ask? You always do this. You leave with out a good bye with out a reason ......and come back like nothing happend you don't apologize you won't give me any reason what you did. Then what do I need from you ""lovely"" people...please please tell me how to be strong and stop caring and stop replying. P.s I tired blocking him but I can't do it",love,NEGATIVE,0.983060896396637 2018-10-01 16:17:22,"I need to vent. ....i dnt knw hw to say dis ....... Dis is for d girl dat might read dis or not bcha ....uye am sorry .....for bein an ass ......for being ungrateful ....for a whole d/t reason we broke up a reason u knw and i knw are very much d/t anyways i jst wanna say am sorry ..... i luved u like yemjmryaye new sew swed amrre ......bcha i wish i cld get ur respect back .........",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9994221925735474 2018-10-01 16:18:10,"I need to vent. Hey Guys, please help me i kinda is depressed and having suicidal thoughts lately and i don't know why i am depressed this much may be it is the loneliness i don't just becha help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988589286804199 2018-10-01 16:18:31,"I need to vent. So I just wanna do you know if a guy truly loves you? Especially if your relationship is mostly online I mean, if it’s long distance menamn...and obviously he’ll say he loves you but how can you know the real truth?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979653358459473 2018-10-01 16:19:48,"I need to vent. I swear I am crying while writing this ,here it goes,I met a guy and he is a bit older than me,he is a gentleman and he is very sweet to me and things were going good,we almost dated for a month when he invited me to dinner at his house,I told my parents it was a friends birthday cuz they don't approve (topical Ethiopian parents)and I went to his house,we had dinner and we talked and after a while I told him ""it's getting late so I have to go"" and he said stay for a little while and started kissing me and after we made out for a little while I said ""I really have to go my parents are gonna get worried ""but he won't stop he started taking my clothes off,I struggled for a while but he wouldn't stop,he kept pushing himself on me and i got tired of pushing him away and he did what he wanted ,after what he had done he said I should take you home and he did take me home we didn't talk the whole way there...I didn't tell anyone,and I am afraid to say anything ...what I am most afraid of is him,he called me but I just couldn't talk to him and i have no clue how to forget this traumatic experience someone pls tell me how I can get passed this",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9932031631469727 2018-10-01 17:02:15,"I need to vent. I've been having these suicidal tendencies lately I almost did it yesterday it took all in me to really frustrates me... I don't wanna live but at the same time I'm scared to die.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9978506565093994 2018-10-01 17:19:44,"I need to vent. Am about to explode right now so I gotta come clean once and for all.Tatbo chika mehonu selchitognal betam akleshlishognal:: I don't want to walk along this road anymore cuz I've been down with it since we first texted each other and pretty much observed where it came to put me on.It's not my fault ‍and has never been yours either but one thing is for sure u could have avoided it,u should've known better n stopped me from the start cuz let's be fair ur way older than me. U came into my life unnoticed n manipulated every single part of me i don't even know how u managed to do that it's like u made some curse on me u manipulative creep. I can't imagine how I wanted to stay messed up in ur messy and fake world You have no slightest clue about how much I've been stressing over you(how do I please him min bareg yidesetal eyalku)but ain't worth it and will never be. Yeah sure u can call me selfish cowered a hypocrite and all but I could care less what u think this time it's for real man am mad wow madness ain't even the right word to what am feeling right now i wish I could choke you to death.I can't believe I slept on a muddy road and hoped to stay as clean as possible.And Dude for the record u were never close to my heart u just been playin in my head u were so good at making me believe in every poisonous words that came out of ur mouthseriously I was close to...........good thing i never had sex with u (yechinkilat chewata neber gin eseyew equwanim hone)adrgew bihon noro emenegne I could have attempted to kill my self. I regret the fact that I waisted my time and energy on a useless idiot lyk u. U really don't deserve it I hate the fact that I thought bout us being together n all those stupid thoughts we shared it's just disgusting me. I won't lie u did help me get through my problems but that's cuz u screwed my head up n made me think that ur a good listener for real tho your so amazing at it but this time i outsmarted your ass how does this feel huh ??? I wish you end up dead game over u human looking Satan !!!!!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977840781211853 2018-10-01 17:43:43,"I need to vent. Guys please help me. Am addicted to pornography.. I just cant stop. Tell me its every negative sides Pleaseeee help me to stop fr real!!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9978867173194885 2018-10-01 20:19:45,"Dear Members, for those of you concerned for the well being of the previous venter, we'd like you to know that they are safe and unharmed. You should have nothing to worry about. We humbly thank those who's thoughts and prayers were with us.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9997225403785706 2018-10-01 20:20:21,And the message will be deleted to not make further confusions and worry.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997814416885376 2018-10-02 05:29:13,"I need to vent. OK no more secrete…. I AM DONE AND DONE. I am done for real. I am sick and tired of hiding those feelings inside. Never knew love could go this far. Never knew one could last this long without saying a tiny Minnie thing about it for more than a year. FIVE YEARS!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I kept those intriguing thoughts about you for five years. This is insanity. Yea I know maybe I’m too snob to spill the feeling but I’m pretty sure you feel the same too. But why? Why are you trying me out and forcing me to like you more for being hard. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?????? I bet you’re not. You’re prolly making love with someone you like. Revealing you’re true identity for someone who doesn’t even give a god damn shit like I. You made me wait and believe someday you will come to me begging. Hoo begging ale yagere lj!! chrash As the years pass by your sweetness, easiness, lightness and tenderness strayed like dew gently. And me…I keep following you like a panting dog. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!! Ah that day…the day you were truly open and overt about everything. Why can’t you be like that all day? Why can’t you be like the day we meet, soo pellucid that I was able to know that you’re alive inside. IS IT HARD??? Or I’m not even good enough to be your fan. I just like you a lot that it’s too much disguising inside. But you don’t like me that much even tho I’m pretty and shy. Honestly speaking idkr whether you like me or not. but I have this feeling that you’re taking time to decide and be mine. It’s better you choose the right one and be glad BECAUSE your best friend MR. MATH is thinking off taking me out. MR. BIOLOGY has also invited me to his dinner party while MR. CHEMISTRY confesses his feelings last night. So you better run fast and come to your true love before it’s too late my dear love. Sincerely, your true love To my only love in life; Mr. Physics",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9927917718887329 2018-10-05 18:43:09,"I need to vent. So they are at home probably, happy and smiling. Im here angry. I wish i could be angry at them but im angry at myself. I let them walk all over me and then come here to complain about it? What kind of a coward am i?. I take my anger home, class every where. It fallows me around like a shadow. Its always there,like a tatoo. I dont know what to do. Im angry, im so angry. So i live with my anger when they are here. i need a little space to breath, just a little but they wont understand. Thats all i want. Just to wake up in the morning and come when i want to, and leave when i want. Is that too much to ask for?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9946650266647339 2018-10-05 18:43:09,"I need to vent. So today i heard that our servant sister got raped by 5 guys i know it started to become usual thing especially this days and nobody is doing anything about it.nobody will know the pain unless you are a women but we are not even standing together to help our sister.we have to do something unless we might be the next one who knows",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988508224487305 2018-10-05 18:43:10,"I need to vent. Its my bag. My bag. Myyyyy bag. It has earned its place, it has a seat. She put it on the floor, on the flooor, on the floor, my bag, my bag, my bag. Her bag on the seat, on the seat, on the seat, my sit, my car, my seat. Her bag on my seat. Her bag, her bag on my seat. My bag on the floor, how? How? How?. Whyyyyy?.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9427234530448914 2018-10-05 18:43:10,"I need to vent. Idk why but it makes me lough when i read u guys vent sometimes I think u guys are crazy , stupid or sth else pls when u vent try to make it real",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9957334399223328 2018-10-05 18:43:10,"I need to vent. Ok. Ok. So im calm and smiley. So i have to go by a road that damages my car, because thats the way we can all meet up to go to class. But its ok. Its smiley me. So i cant choose any road by myself because it wont be convinient for everyone, but its ok, its still smiley me. So im tired as hell and still driving through traffic because its crowded cause shes late, its ok. Its smiley me. So she puts her foot on the cup holder, i have to clean it up later‍. Its ok. Its smiley me. Soooo i want to stop by to buy something, "" nooo we will be late, pls lets go"" she says, oh its ok. I ask her for a favor, ohhh nooooo. Its ok. So my bag is still on the floor and she is carrying her own bag on her lap. Ohhhhhh its not ok. Im angry and beyound that im mad and beyound that im mad as crazy. Im mad at myself for being such a coward. But for some reason im smiling. I dont know. Am i crazy or mad.‍‍‍‍‍‍",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967309236526489 2018-10-05 23:07:15,"I need to vent. To the girl that has loved someone who didn't deserve her. First of all, I need you to know that you’re not weak. You’re not stupid. You’re not weird. You’re the complete opposite to all that. You’re strong and brave. You’re strong for loving someone who didn’t love you the way you deserve to be loved. You’re brave for going through hell and back because of him. You’re strong for staying with him although he gave you a thousand reasons to leave. You’re strong, but not in the way most people think. You’re strong because you undressed and threw your innocent soul under the feet of a guy who often forget your sacrifices. You’re strong because you loved him more than you loved yourself. But, he couldn’t, or didn’t want to see that He questions your love and loyalty when you have proved it a thousand times. You are the heartbroken. The disappointed. The hurt. The manipulated. The deceived. You’re everything, but weak. You’re the girl who loves hard and unconditionally. Your soul is pure and untarnished by  the evil in the world. That’s why you always see the good in people, even in the meanest ones. And for that, I salute you. I salute you for believing him.   I salute you for not being afraid of letting your love for him break your heart and shatter your hopes. For having the strength to put up with his indifference, blame games, false promises, piles of excuses, and lies. I salute you for forgiving him for all the bad things he did to you. For giving him thousands of chances although he deserved not even one. I salute you for having the strength to heal your wounds when you were deeply hurt. I salute you for not losing hope that things would get better. That one day, he’d realize the beauty of your soul. That he’d see your kindness, your love. I salute you because no matter how many times people told you that you should leave him and that you deserved better, you still decided to stay. You didn’t walk away because you thought and hoped he’d change because of you, and that he would choose and fight for you too. You loved and accepted the real him but he only accepted the fantasy of you. And yes, probably many will judge you for staying with such a guy and allowing him to treat you that way.  They’ll say you were naive and that you should have stood up for yourself. But, don’t let that upset you because they don’t love the way you do.They don’t understand that you aren’t afraid to get hurt. You wore your heart on your sleeve and allowed your love for him to break your heart into countless pieces. And yet, you were brave enough to pick them up all by yourself. You were neglected, insulted, emotionally abused and humiliated, but you still chose to love and never stopped looking for the good in him. You loved the wrong guy, but you didn’t allow this to break your hope that true love exists. That’s why I salute and admire you.And yes, love can be scary, hard, and painful. But, keep loving, Girl, because the most amazing things in life happen when you are about to give up hope. Remember that there’s always someone better out there, always a chance for something new. Never give up or settle for anything less than you deserve. Keep loving, Girl, because one day you’ll find Someone who will choose to love and be with you every single day. Someone who will be grateful for having such an amazing person in his life. Someone who would fight for you. Keep loving, Girl, because there’s nothing in the world that the intensity of your love cannot conquer.  PS. Found this and felt like sharing. It helped me and I hope it touches someone too.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9985291957855225 2018-10-06 06:20:07,"I need to vent. So, I've somehow.. Different ""problems"" than most people here. And pretty unusual. The thing is that I have incredibly tantamount murderous intent. Something that'd give anyone a good nightmare if they'd seen inside my head. I'm always planning, observing, calculating and contemplating for ways and versatility of eliminating those who are around me using tools I can locate and use motion accordingly. I'm not scared I'd end up killing someone (yea, right) and I don't see it as something serious either. Just.. Some sort of coping mechanism my anxiety and frustration that crowds and people create. I have full control and I'm calm person (but better safe than sorry) but it's good to take 'What If's into account. The slightest issue I found, if you call it that, is that my intent and lust grows bigger by the day. And I don't know what to think of it",approval,POSITIVE,0.9098339676856995 2018-10-06 06:21:47,"I need to vent. To whom ever is reading this just know that I am a person just like you but s**** happens differently in every ones life so it go’s like this I’m a 21 year old dude and girls always come easy to me but when it time to having sex I am really Picky with whom i do it with I mean to the point which I loose all interest in the middle of it but recently I meet a cousin of mine and just to clarify (“cousin by adoption” )but Found that out after what happened and anyway she is out of her mind she wears this outrageous clothes in the house and most of the time it’s only me her and the servant in the house she always in my room and watches porn on my laptop the porn is mine but still she told me she found it and liked what she saw. That Wes before my parents want on a short vacation and she slept over on my and in the middle of the night While I was supporting a huge boner she felt it and grabbed it from what it seemed like hours to me and now she knows i get a boner for her and I don’t know what she will do next. And I’m afraid I will let her if she tried and to clarify cousin by adoption ...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.989965558052063 2018-10-06 06:23:29,"I need to vent. Never been kissed. The kind of statement that builds a certain type of image huh? In all seriousness though, meet me. A 23 year old who's never really opened up to anyone. I am not shy or weird or awkward (although I do have my moments) or someone who lived under a rock or something It's just that.... how to put this.... I know I want to be close with my friends or my special someone but something holds me back. My life story is.... okay actually. I have got good friends, good family, I mean of course there are problems and heart breaks but nothing strong enough to really break me. The friends are awesome, parents love each other but why am I scared to get attached? Now I know. I know, to you dear venters, to which my heart breaks every time I read your vents, to you this might seem like a joke of a problem but it's just something that started to bug me lately and I just wanted to write it out. Although it's the sugar coated version, bare with me. Since my young days I hated conflict and complications and misunderstandings and just everything that's not straight forward and I really avoided them and the source (the people) like the plague and somehow ended up subconsciously developing a defence mechanism to not get attached to people around me. I will get close to people, can surprisingly understand their problems and help them with whatever I can, and care for them and have a good time but at the end of the day it's all just....... just.... Am I too scared to get hurt? Is that it? Am I scared of rejection?? Specially towards someone to love.... Maybe I'm putting too high of a standard maybe I'm just unintentionally being blind to it I always end up simplifying or overlooking those who actually wanted to be more than friends. And it has happened. A few times actually, that I got too nervous and ended up nipping it in the bud before things get complicated. You know what's funny though? I'm good at problems and always give advises to people so it's not me shying away from problems and expecting life to be all fine and dandy... I never had a best friend or a serious relationship. They want it. I want it. But.... I never cried in front of anyone or had a breakdown. I always fix myself alone. And because of that I think they find it hard for them to relate to me. Am I too good at being alone? Is that it? It's too much blabbing about a silly vent isn't it? Well, thanks anyways... I guess I'll have to take it one emotional step at a time....",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9804316163063049 2018-10-06 08:25:33,"I need to vent. To the man who thinks I didn't deserve him. I believe in true love so even if u give me a billion reason to give up I won't loose hope. I know u hate writing but u did that for me even when u are not sure that I will read it rly thank u like thank u for a lot of things. I know u will be mean and ignore me so I can easily give up but I won't because I trust u when u say or post that u will love me forever I heard that from your mouth by those eyes covered wiz tears to be honest I don't care even if u have a girl I know you won't love her like u loved me nd you said, ""fikir ande nw"" ya u are right u may go and years may pass but my soul will always be with u. I know u are mad but I can't loose hope. I know u will return to me nd fight to be with me it might not be now but one day nd when that one day comes I hate to say I told u so. For the love of GOD stop saying I don't deserve you we both know I both know that i don't deserve u nd stop saying that I deserve better cuz u are my better. But I promise you to move on when your heart stop holding me. just admit it deep there u still want what I want being together. There is a reason for everything u step in to my life for some reason not to just visit nd walk out nd z reason is u are my soul mate. Yes! I'm not afraid to get hurt I know whenever I'm down u will be there to fix my wounds to pick me up. Trust me I'm not amazing but u are. sometimes I'm afraid to say I love u cuz u are to much for me but my heart still wants u. I'm sorry for insulting you it's just I can't help it even I can't imagine u for a min wiz someone else but I will still be strong to wait u. And I'm sorry that I couldn't make you happy I'm sorry for not loosing hope I'm sorry for everything that I have done even to worry you on little things. And I know God loves me when he put you in to my life nd said love will always have patient. I will wait u till z end. Your mom should always be proud to give birth to you her wombs where blessed to have you. I hope you will talk to me as you promised me zat we can be best friends.",remorse,POSITIVE,0.9611928462982178 2018-10-06 08:26:06,"I need to vent. When I say I love you, I love the person that you are, the good and bad.When I say I am going to stay with you till the end, it is until you push me away cuz I meant it when I say I can't imagine my life without you. It is not that I am dependent on you, we both know that it is not the case but because you are the only one who ignites my soul on fire.Being with you has been the best thing I ever did.I loved exploring everything that is in your heart and in that beautiful mind of yours. I feel like our souls have connected in a way we can't deny. I understand that you have some untold stories, emotions that you can't control and things you can't compromise on. when I say I love you more, it means I love you more than the bad days we had or we will have in the future. You make me a better human being, a better version of me tho I may have some pretty bad days too. I wanted to be perfect for you, someone you deserve but I fell short on that one and this time again may not be ours, God wanted us apart for a reason I can't understand but I am hoping it won't be the last time we will cross path. 3rd time is a charm they say. And then may be it will be forever and ever.",love,POSITIVE,0.9982759952545166 2018-10-06 08:26:18,"I need to vent. Half of me is pissed asf and half of it still have feelin fo ya i mean what's going on I'm going crazy ,,,,,,i mean its your choice if you didn't wanted me as your girl friend but you know what fucks me the most is ...if you don't want me why in the earth you flirt with me? What? I'm some kinda bicth or toy you play with...well i can do this no more ....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.998162567615509 2018-10-06 08:26:40,"I need to vent. Toxic What the hell! Did you just pushed me from the cliff? i mean i know i know that i shouldn't trust no one but it just felt different with you And i just taught even if i fall you would catch me but no just stand there and watch me while i was falling But really what's that made me Addicted to you!?‍ Is that serious face of yours?which actually secare the shit out of me ,,,,or that beautiful eyes which have the power of freezing me just by one look ,,,,or that pink lips ,,,,,or or that smile which i see once in while,,,,or that voice which makes my heart beat miles I don't get why I'm in to you,, your such a jerk Maybe you feel the same way or maybe not,,, Maybe you like playin on my heart or maybe you do care or maybe not Ahhhhh fuck the maybe's I just don't get it‍ like there's this time when i leave all social media just to get away from your dump ass and i open it back to see if you texted wtf i use to say this love thing doesnt exist but holly shit‍ i bealive it does exist so who ever is in charge? Can you please please take it back ..i have learned my lesson I wanna leave you beacuse your killing me day by day and if i leave you ,,,,there will be no more of me i can't be me again i will be just like zombies‍ You know those who can't talk..can't smile...yea can't feel shit My girls tells me like fuck him leave his stupid ass and I'm like hell yea i am gonna do that but deep down I'm like bitchs how am i gonna do that?His like cancer through my entire body,,,and its not getting better its getting worse Babe do me favor and block me from your everything because i can't do that in fact i can't do any shit I'm so fucken blind You gotta let go of me and help me to let go of you I mean I'm gettin jealous of Sandi just b/c u like her for God sake i could just say i like sponjbob too Wtf is wrong with me? Your driving me insane and i hope you got caught and thrown to jail for driving in sanely without no license Maybe I'm in love with you b/c your such an asshole but the reason why am gonna leave is b/c your an asshole",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9948074221611023 2018-10-06 21:05:03,"I need to vent. One day my online boyfriend who I haven't met in person asked me to sex chats with him. I never did that and even though it felt weird I did it in a heartbeat since I was curious about it. And then... he sent me a pic of his dick without me even asking him and he asked me to send him nudes and I said no but he kept begging me telling me that it is not fair since I saw his... So I took the picture and the stupid me didn't crop my face before sending it.. it was just a pic of my boobs with my face clearly shown. I remember him being so happy to see that pic and after some time... the two of us stilk haven't met but we were still talking everyday and I loved him. I mean I think so it was all kind of a joke and the guy was very cute anf handsome. One day we got into a fight because I didn't answer my phone and he once told me something personal about him and his single mother and I brought that up and insulted him. I swear to God that I was angry and I didn't mean it. He hang up and deleted his telegram account and the next morning I woke up to see 20 something messages from diffrent people. Like friends and close people. I called my best friend who called me the most and she repeatedly asked me if I am okay and I was smiling because she isn't always this caring and she told me that my online boyfriend has posted my nudes on a group on facebook and everyone saw it. I flipped out I wanted to die I wanted to kill myself everyone in school was staring at me as I walked the hall with my friends. This time showed me that most people in my life really truly care for me and they love me and the fake ones talk behind my back of how much of an idiot I am to make this happen. The boys I know were supportive and beka... everything was eye opening. Felt like my life curtains opened just like that. I saw the guy around Piasa once but I didn't say anything or do anything to him because I knew that it was useless. I fekt ashamed of my self even in public I felt like the people knew me (and my boobs) So dear other venters... my question is... do you think that I have reached the bottom line? Do you think I should not be happy? What should I feel about the boy? What wod y'all do if you were in my place?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9937830567359924 2018-10-07 08:11:19,"I need to vent. Its awesome having such thing where you can talk with people freely and without being ashamed of thinking what u guys will say about what am going to write.It feels so home reading what u guys are going through this shows me that there is a problem in everyones life..Men problem becha, probleeeemmmssss. Anyhow betam des yelal for the creator of this vent thing.Let me begin ma story i met him in campus ena i heard a lot of bad stuff about him he was friend for a friend of mine so metwawk aykerm ena i heard about his bad side before even meeting him ena i was interested lemetwawk and see if what they said bad things about him is true or not..tawkalachu ye set negr curiosity in our blood. tewawken mawrat jemer tegbaban eyalen keteln from his behavior ayakerbm,ye westun aynagerm menamen nbr gen it was opposite with me he told me his secrets,stuffs that bother him bedfena he trusted me,i never showed him or said that people told me wrong things about him anyhow we continued talking daily like daily selachu ale aa toilet yegbanbeten seate eskenawk malt nw,beka sele hulu ngr ena betam telameden malt yechalal ena ahun girls and boys cant be friends yemilew betam eyasaebgn meknyatum am feeling bezu negr started caring betam kalaweran yechenkengal menamen ezum saysemaw aykerm gen we didnt talk about it bene bekul i dont want to lose our friendship betam des selemil ena sew hulu think we are in relationship gen aydelenm ena wend ye vent guadoch be fekr semetku weys mendenew negeru lene gera gebt belongal i dont know yesun hasab,gelts honge lawaraw?? kawarahut our friendship wedeyit yameral belachu tsebalachu? malte what if he didn't feel the same wont it be weird? sijemr semeten eko alawekem betam confused negn? estii erdugn what i know is i dont want to lose our friendship!!! HELP HELP HELP HELP",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9858918786048889 2018-10-07 11:36:37,"I need to vent. Hey guys ... not a vent this time I wanted to get some information abt the field public health officer How many academic years are there What is the obligatory working time after graduation(agelgilot zemen) Can you change the obligation with money How many years does it take to learn medicine after graduating HO And finally what kind of places can u be employed in ... what is the main job Sorry for the load of questions I just don't knw who to ask and u guys hv been a lot of help to me eskahun so I'm yet again asking this favour (please tell me if you are sure enough ) Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9968701004981995 2018-10-07 17:04:23,"I need to vent. Isn’t it pathetic that i check every vent waiting for you to say something? And how sad is it that I pretend we were something that we never were? I don’t know how to get you out of my mind and it’s not because i love you more than a freind or anything its because i am too scared of being lonely, too sacred that I will just get old with no one to love me, too sacred that of being just this grumpy mean old guy. I miss you so bad my freind but i cant help it, am just too sacred of being lonely and i will always say the wrong words every time.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9988724589347839 2018-10-07 17:04:35,"I need to vent. venters, specially for all of you who once thought succide is the best option to end your misery first of all you are here with purpose you'r alife cause u 're suppose to do something to this world it might not be big to transform the world but every person you meet every thing you say is making a change and all I want to say is you've no right to end your life it has to go as per as its planned had you shielded your mind from this evil thought u would as well have come up with an idea how to appreciate your life like going to religious places listening to the word of God ,think about it it might be parents related problem or r/ship problem right after that, go and pray, pray for him to help you solve your problem and pray for him to give you the patience It helps!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9955176711082458 2018-10-07 17:04:57,"I need to vent. So im a dude and imma ask you all ladies out there....... why u gotta be all that?....... since when did pu*** become higher sensetive than dick??......... my girl wont let me have sex with her!!! I should dump her right??????",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985754489898682 2018-10-07 17:05:13,"I need to vent. I'm losing words but I love you too nd for the time we spent u were more than perfect nd u know I'm not gonna push you away even if you want you are always welcome in my heart always just be safe until I married u nd hv our 4 children nd I love that you start confessing ur feelings.I love you more than you can imagine stay safe.",love,POSITIVE,0.9994043111801147 2018-10-07 17:38:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys am here to get some help.... am really troubled to understang my gf I do realy love her n its killin me , but she is not z kind of girl that really cares abt relationship staff she is more concerned with spendin time with friends and such things ... and z worst thing is am gettin done with her I know she will get hurt but she is pretending as not n i don want her get hurted but i don have a choice am gonna loose other chances while tryin understand her I mean there are other girls whose in to me n am not intersted with them WTH shall I do ????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986419081687927 2018-10-07 17:44:32,"I need to vent. So fucking tired of being told to study when thats what I do the moment I get home. What is wrong with them? Why can't they listen to me once? Just once. They throw money and object at my face as a sign of showing their love for me. My mom cries about not showing my brother enough love before going abroad but no one sees me. I am in the background, the whore, the one who doesn't get good grades, who isn't pretty enough. That's how they see me. I try so hard to prove to them that I am so much more than that. To be honest I don't even know who I am. I am just trying so hard to make them proud but maybe I am who they think I am. It's just hard to except it for myself. Knowing you're nothing but a waste of time, money and effort when there are so many kids out there with the ability to become sth amazing but aren't given the opportunity cause it's being wasted on you isn't a good way to live. Its better if i give up my place in this world. -BOB",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9947097301483154 2018-10-07 17:44:57,"I need to vent. Hey guys am here to get some help.... am really troubled to understand my gf I do realy love her n its killin me , but she is not z kind of girl that really cares abt relationship staff she is more concerned with spendin time with friends and such things ... and z worst thing is am gettin done with her I know she will get hurt but she is pretending as not n i don want her get hurted but i don have a choice am gonna loose other chances while tryin understand her I mean there are other girls who’re in to me n am not intersted with them WTH shall I do ????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984349608421326 2018-10-08 18:08:24,"I need to vent. Okey here is the thing,,,,,,there was this guy i met and we started talking like everyday ...every minutes,......we just got closer and closer and i started fallin for him ....days goes by i just couldn't handle it so i just told him and he said that he have same feelin too but we can't be together cuz of distance shit and that he only wanted to be friends then i told my self okey i can do this i can be only his friend piece of cake but then again he started flirtin stuff and again I got back to that road last i decided to stop takin to him so when he send me text i ignored him then he texted that he wouldn't bother again ,,,,,,it has been weeks he didn't texted or call,,, ........ And half of me wanted to text him but half of me is like nooo.. So confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9966854453086853 2018-10-08 18:08:40,"I need to vent. I'm losing words but I love you too nd for the time we spent u were more than perfect nd u know I'm not gonna push you away even if you want you are always welcome in my heart always just be safe until I married u nd hv our 4 children nd I love that you start confessing ur feelings.I love you more than you can imagine stay safe.",love,POSITIVE,0.9994043111801147 2018-10-08 19:15:59,"I need to vent. If there is a Doctor out here reading, I really need help.. Other folks, if u know some bahelawi medicine, please comment also, So I have a really bad tonsil, I have never taken the shot because I am afraid of needles.. gen now my troat is hurting, and also I suspect that my entel werdual as in it is on my tounge.. Please don't comment saying go and get checked..because I just need some help that you guys can provide..",caring,NEGATIVE,0.999066174030304 2018-10-08 19:16:07,"I need to vent. So here is the thing, I feel lonely. I am lonely. I am alone mostly. Sometimes I feel sad too and think bad thoughts, but let's just face it, I am not woman enough to pull the trigger.. Or my religion forbids it.. Gen seriously starting to double the bible too.. Not God or Virgin marry, I do believe in them.. Just the rules.. I looked online for help, talked with therapists.. But the thing is when I mean talk, they ask I reply with a short sentence.. When I find someone to talk to, I dont know what to say.. I am lonely and also alone(I know they are different) and when I find someone to talk to (like my best friends or even my closest friend which I have known for like 6 years) I don't know what to say.. I am just quite.. I need help First time opening up.. Like please go easy on me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983476400375366 2018-10-08 19:17:03,"I need to vent. Hi I'm 18 years old and I had a girlfriend last year, she was my best friend before we get to the r/ship I get in that r/ship b/c she was pushing me to hard I didn't want it to go that way I try to stop but 1 day she surprised me (she kissed me )she was my first so I was confused I wasn't expecting that from her but it worked I fall in love then after 10 month I fucked up and I told her that I will no longer love her in that way She asked me my reason but I didn't tell her b/c I don't have 1 then in this year most ppl asked me why I did that and I answered I didn't like her but they told me I shouldn't do that b/c she was rich but they don't understand I wasn't up to that Ena bezi semon she started to be with boys she thinks that they like her but she doesn't now they need her money I wanted to tell her they will hurt her but we don't talk that much and I think that if i told her this she will think I'm jules so i keep silent and there is another boy that loves her so bad he ask her 3 times but she refused him I want to make things good what should I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9861306548118591 2018-10-08 19:45:59,"I need to vent. You wake up to the sound of people speaking, to the sound of their shuffling feet. Waking up is the last thing you want, all you want to do is drown yourself back into the black unknown, to the world of oblivion. You try to get out of bed cause you know you need to go to school or work, but you can’t seem to muster the strength to pull yourself out of bed. It’s like every fiber of your body trying to compel you into slipping back to the great unknown. There is nothing more you would love to do, you would rather stay there then face the truth. But you can’t hide and run from it forever, though that’s exactly what you wish to do. But staying there…slipping back, means raising questions. They would want to know why, they would start wondering what’s going on with you. You can’t have that. You can’t have them see you anything less than strong, happy and smart while in all honesty all you are is dead, depressed and lost. So against your wishes you drag yourself out of bed. You can barely stand let alone walk around. But still you go on with your daily routines hating every moment of it. Those feelings you wished to avoid, those you desperately loath come back flooding. The precious hours of safety gone and now you are faced with reality. You can’t bring yourself to open your mouth let alone eat. So you go on with your day with your body tired, your spirit shattered and your mouth glued. You see your classmates or coworkers and try to act as normal as possible. Yet you can’t. You do everything you can to avoid speaking to them. You minimize your conversation as much as possible. Even if you don’t want them to know, there is still a part of you wishing that they would see the death beholding you. It feels as if your drowning with no one to the rescue. You wish and hope to reach out, to find an anchor but you just can’t. You can’t stop feeling as if you’re burdening them, as if you’re forcing them into acting like they care out. So all you do is wallow in the emptiness you feel, alone. You feed off of self pity. You just wish it would all end. You’ve thought of stopping the pain. You’ve thought of killing yourself but for some reason you just couldn’t. Despite how compelling the idea appears to be it just never felt like the best option. So instead you just try to fine something. Some sort of hope to keep you going. But you can’t do that while the feeling of emptiness and numbness are always there. They are like the elephant in the room, no matter how much you try, you just can’t ignore them. So you try to find solutions. Ways to shake off these feelings. You try to inflict pain onto yourself. Hoping that the physical pain you experience fills the void. But that never lasts for long. You’re back to square one only this time it’s even worse than before. You can’t. You just can’t live life like this anymore. It’s killing you and you hate yourself for everything you have become. But guess what, it’s killing me too.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9880062937736511 2018-10-08 20:04:51,"I need to vent. hey my ppl so here is a thung i have i think some kinda disorder here is the thing ...i had a big crush on this dude from my old scul ena beka i've been crushin over him for like 2 month plus wen we were in scul rasu i used to stalk him ngr n then last week we had a get together (reunion)ke befit scul mates ga ena eza tegenagneten bizu aweran minmn keza telegram lay minmn mawrat jemerin keza we met up again this week n be told me he likes me minmn n now i hav lost all my feelings messelegn i feel nthn at all . this time was not the only time i lose my feeling for my crushes wen they ask me out minmn ...if they like me back beka am don i don wanna b with them i don even wanna try things out......pliz pliz help me anyone who know wat am goin through i know its not a real prob like most of ya'lls gin i wud really like an advice PS i really like wat u r naoh tnx betam for this channel",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984982013702393 2018-10-08 20:07:25,"I need to vent. Is life unfair or is it just created to make some happy and the rest sad, idk i will leave it for you to decide.......So, it has been a long time since i became the member of vent here and i have seen different sides of stories like way different, Some complain of having a broke up while some had never got the chance to even fall in love, some complain of fighting with their best friend while others are alone, from my point of view i think it is just about the timing when things are going to happen, starting from one day at a specific time, minute and second your life will be completely different those who were once alone and was thinking about suicide will be sorrounded with ppls and regret for trying to end their life those who were once were heart broken will be compensated and be happy, LIFE don't just show you the good sides of it first coz if it did, u will get used it and become easly bored, So first you are gonna have to see the worst and darkest parts of it , SO when you see the amazing parts of it you won't be bored and feel that you worked hard to see this part starts to enjoy it to the fullest extent. the reason am writing this is just my friend thinks Life is Unfair and always sees the negative parts in everything What about you? What do you think? Is life unfair? Hope to see life changing comments LUV you",love,NEGATIVE,0.9909993410110474 2018-10-09 16:38:37,"I need to vent. Anyone who wants to help me, i have z most amazing bestfrind ever he is like everything to me he was there for me when i needed him ""sending me a card too"" anyways we talk everyday more than my bf chegru gen bestfriende dero betam nebr mewdew gene esu aywdignm nbr so i moved on keza bestfriend honen keza enem koyche boyfrind yazku betam neber mewdew gen ke bestfrinde asblche alwedewm nebere ahun ketetalan bewhala all i think about is about him soo should i tell him that i love him.i am afriad that i will lose him or that he will hate me...and he also have a gf that he love but he doesn't think he will be with her forever so what should i do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.5358504056930542 2018-10-09 16:39:05,"I need to vent. Hey everyone I think am in love with a friend of mine enaa mn madreg endalbegn alakm...esua satredagn kerta yihun alakm becha balaweke eytechawetech nw..enaaa binegrat ena it it doesn't work keza behuala guadegna honen meketl alchilem yidebregnal... Ena dresulegn eyalkuachehu nw i really need ur mekir",love,NEGATIVE,0.9989683628082275 2018-10-09 16:41:27,"I need to vent. I'm a 15 year old guy with OCD and social anxiety disorders. My normal and school life has been pretty much normal ever. Until recently when I am struggling to cope up with my fears and disabilities. I was fairly a known student in my previous school but I had to change my school because it provided with education till 8th grade. In this new school I'm struggling to find new friends as I can't move with the flow of the masses. I am currently in 10th grade and I am known as the awkward guy of the class with zero friends. It isn't fair to say I have no friends, I do have two close friends but that doesn't prevent me from being bullied by the edgy teens of the class. I am awkward as I don't have girlfriends like they all have. I can't talk with girls as not because I'm shy but I struggle in social interactions. I am regarded as an alien and ""abnormal"" which was even encouraged by few of my class teachers. I know they can't break my self esteem until I give up but I'm exhausted of being regarded in this way. I wish I could express my inner true self to them to show them that I'm not an abnormal guy who can't feel insults, that I have my self respect which when gets crushed makes me feel pain the same way it would be to them. I wish there was someone I could consult my parents but they are conservatives and will tell me it's my fault that I am treated in this way. I don't know how it will turn in the end, I am just hopeful that my life will be back to normal and I am able to stay in a world where I may be respected as a human being. It is obvious that this also affects my academics and general life as I spend 8 hours a day 6 days a week in school with no excuse to be absent. I hope that I can be myself again after this schooling journey ends which will take two more years. I hope I can be truly be myself without feeling disgusted and insulted. English isn't my native language so pls forgive me if I made any mistake. I just needed to write this to expel some of my fraustrations from my basket which is about to be filled again.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9849717020988464 2018-10-09 16:41:52,"I need to vent. Idk what to say i see ppl talkin abt their life and im here wonderin if i have a life geez.... mn ende ml alawkem u know highschool love is crazy stupid and im addicted to this girl who is like the next level of fine...ppl tell me to holla at her but she just shuts me down whenever i speak to her like she is so cute and im so addicted idk how much addicted to say to tell u how addicted i am and one day ma niggaz also started holla at her and its acually 10mims before i was gonna get ma guts to tell me to go and be ready coz i only loved once before in ma life and dat bitch ruined me but after time i got better i was ready to out....but as i was sayin one of ma niggaz holla at her and he took the last plane ticket to ever happy ending....even if i thought she and i was meant to be i let her slip through my hand and wish ma nigga a grt life but then one day they got into a big fihht and they broke up and at that moment i had a chance but i acually put ma guard down and was their for her as a friend coz she needed someone...and now she feelin much better 5dudes is after her and those are ma niggaz i knew wayy back and they just dear venters why im here is do i choose to be alone coz i was kind for the others feelin or should i ho and tell her how i feel even tho ill definetly get rejected and ger shot down in mid air....or should i just continue a friendship wiz her coz no matter what i do im still gonna have feelings for her and also ill still give ma first place to another person coz im a fuckin chicken and im afraid its gonna turn out like my first love help me guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981789588928223 2018-10-09 16:43:13,"I need to vent. So here it goes... I have a lying problem. I lie a lot. I even vented a lie in this channel. But this one is not a lie... I can't lie saying that I am a liar. I lie a lot. I lie to people right to their faces everyday. Families friends or even the people I know. I am at a point where even there isn't a way out of my likes and I can't like forget them and start again. And how to make a reason for a lie? Make another lie. I lie too much that I even do not have any idea how to control it anymore. My life is full fake shit. Betam betam new sewochen matalelew. I stab them at the back. From my parents to my friends and the guys that I have been dating everything is awful for me. I really get surprised of the things I lie about sometimes... Like... I ask my self How did I even think about this lie? Like... I am so smart when I lie and I am so stupid at other things. I cheat on my lover. I mean I love him but he isn't enough for me. Just not enough for me. He isn't that attractive and he has a jealousy problem but he loves me from his heart and I do not want to hurt him. I cheat with a lot of guys on him and he never knows because I never leave traces. NEVER. I am so good at this. Like so good. But I feel bad because I am not happy. Liars are not happy. Pretty much since I know it is a sin. So dear readers if you are going to comment something that makes you judge me... Please don't. I have seen the channel centers and even if what they did was bad... How the hell do you think they will feel when they find out that they can be called those names on an anonymous vent? So please I just want you to tell me how I can stop this lying problem of mine. And please don't say ""Tsebel tetemeki"" menamn that shit is fucked",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9950268864631653 2018-10-09 16:44:57,"I need to vent. guys how r u...this vent is from 4ppl...ezi medicine eyetemaren kes be kes eyarejen new,wey boyfriend alyazn,wey ende sew our point is do u guys think we shld be living life or gegem blen enmar? What should we be doing as a normal 19/20 year olds enamesegnalen",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986646175384521 2018-10-09 16:45:12,"I need to vent. Hello dear venters I am 15 and I know that I am too young for this but I am a very depressed girl. I really don't love anyone. I hate everyone and most of them for a completely no reason. And most of the time I just happen to be trying to dig myself a reason to hate someone. I hate everyone but I am actually not mean to them. Most of the time they are mean to ME. Because I am actually kind of fat and I am ugly. My Best friend is not fat and she is beautiful and she is like an angel and she loves me. And I love her too honestly I am not jealous of her. I constantly get bullied in school and I can't even focus in classes because I always get distracted easily. And the other thing is that I can't study at my house because I always have social media (telegram) on my blood. I'm really addicted to it and no matter how much I try I can not stop it. I even hide my phone behind a book in front of my parents to text looking like I am studying so my social life and school life are messed up. I have bad grades and every year beginning I tell my self I will change but I can't. School life and social life down to religion. I was the good girl in the house. Everyone knew me as the girl who always prays and stuff then I became a completely different person. Like I changed my everything. I never pray. I swear by God's name and lie like it is nothing and i never go to church. I even make fun of God sometimes (please commenters don't judge me for that) and I am a huge sinner in the inside and the out side. On family life... I don't show love to my parents no more. I just ignore them completely like they are not there and I talk back to them often. And as for the love life... I never had a boyfriend because of my looks and stuff and I mostly catfish guys on telegram (Don't judge me for this one too) and beka... My life is a hell hole and it feels numb and meaningless and let me say something. I HAVE NOTHING AND NO ONE TO LIVE FOR. I cut myself now and then but then my best friend noticed and made me stop it. I just listen to music and use telegram after I come back to school. Can anyone tell me how I can be happy and change?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9944122433662415 2018-10-09 17:21:02,"I need to vent. Hey there u guys!! This is not really a vent just a Q I've been asking my self and want to know ur opinion about it too. So...the Q is what kind of relation status u want to have. I mean.... 1. would u like it if u date ur-1st and last-one and marry him/her at last. OR...... 2. Date whoever you like and continue in that road til ur beloved one comes and marry him/her. So.....which do u prefer or is there another status I haven't put up there? If there is please feel free to use I and the others can know what it is. I think I'm sounding weird No...okayy",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9972826242446899 2018-10-09 17:22:01,"I need to vent. You came into my life. You made me the happiest. Yet, 4 years later here you are completely destroying me. All those promises you never kept. What pleasure do you get from hurting me? I tell myself I'm okay when in reality I'm only fooling myself. This is my lowest point of life and nothing seems to go right. Depression has become my bestfriend and i even feel suicidal. Now that you see me like this, are you finally happy? When did you become such a monster? ""The devil was once my angel."" You were my angel. #9",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9848959445953369 2018-10-09 22:20:45,"I need to vent. So me and my girl got back together after some time apart. We didn't break up or anything there was just a bit of distance between us for a little while.p But we talked on the phone a lot during that time and I kinda developed real feelings for her. She was so layed back she let me do my thing she didn't really care that I partied too much or went clubbing or even hung out with other girls. And that kind of trust I've never gotten from nobody. But big shocker I fucked up and I took all that trust and threw it all away. I didn't actually cheat or anything but what I did wasn't much better. I lied to her and said nothing funny happened when I saw my ex. I didn't tell my ex I was seeing someone new it wasn't her fault it was all mine. The first time we hung out it was all innocent and shit we just had ice cream and we talked A LOT plus we made plans to meet up the next day at my house like we used too. So the next day she came by and she was in a mood talking all kinds of stuff and I had a moment of weakness. I can't get into the details but ik I fucked up. I can't do shit to change that now, all I can do now is at least try and make it up to her.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9972410202026367 2018-10-09 22:20:59,"I need to vent. Hello there. So this is for the ladies. Have you ever been in a long term relationship, stayed with the guy because he's a wonderful person and charming asf but you couldn't be attracted to him sexually whatsoever, even if you gave it your all but nothing is happening for you. So that's what happened to me, still happening to me. I mean I love him and I want to be with him, we have plan to get married soon but I said earlier am having trouble being intimate with him. Trust me I'm not type of girl who is out there when it comes to sex, like it's not my priority but I worry it will bring problem in the future, idk am confused. Help Ps he loves 'our sex life'",love,NEGATIVE,0.9909293055534363 2018-10-09 22:23:46,"I need to vent. I am going to graduate this year, then ama have my dream job (with almost the best salary), i am also going to start something of my own with a friend this year n i am sure of the outcome .. I am kinda fat but um hitting my ass so bad at the gym n pool n i going to loose that nasty fat too ... My family, frds and every thing is really perfect... But i feel nothing, it feels like um working n leaving for nothing .. Like there is a big hole in my heart ... I had been having this feeling right after my boyfriend left me (which has been 7months) and i have no clue how to change that n be happy again... I tot dating might help but i end up hurting others and my self .. Then i cry my eyes out every night Life is too short to suffer this much How can i move on? help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9958553910255432 2018-10-10 15:00:31,"I need to vent. What is my dream? Where is it... I used to have a big dream... Where is it now.. Where did lost it... Who am I now... Have I lost my self? I don't want to. Maybe be it's am over obsessed over my self n the future n suddenly lost out of truck... Is God the only option I have left with as they said... But I don't want to... I wanna survive life by my own way with out the influence of any organization that people created... But who created me in first place.. I know I didn't happen to be in this world just like that... There must be reason n means for that right? What is the meaning of happiness.. When do people say they are happy... Is it illusion or it really exists.. I sometimes think that it's something people imagine to make their life better n set a goal but how do people imagine in mob... Maybe the problem is with me... Maybe I am the one who doesn't know what it means... Maybe pain is what they call happiness... Even they say love is pain Right? ... Maybe I am not feeling the pain right...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986248016357422 2018-10-10 15:01:38,"I need to vent. so here goes I have been in a relationship with the most amazing guy for the past 5 yrs. things were great and all until last yr I had to go to campus to a very far place and I couldn't say no and stay back even though I wanted to do that. I felt like I had some responsibility or some sort of debt to my fox so I went for a yr.... it was hard having a long distance relationship so then we started drifting apart then I came and we were.. ok ngr, but not like before so I thought about it and decided to withdraw from there and told my parents and all then I stayed back home for good the thing is that he will be going to campus this yr and I don't expect him to stay back for me just cuz I did but then again if he goes I wont be able to see him, in that case we're back to zero where we started ‍ what do I do..... he's everything to me my first in everything and hoping to be my last and I know that we can survive it and all but cmon how sure can I be ??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9866742491722107 2018-10-10 15:02:14,"I need to vent. Hey guys I really need ur comments so plz help me out n plz be +ve Well am kinda in love with ma best friend at first it was kinda a simple crush but now it's getting complicated... Now he's going to campus n he is going to a far city n he has z grades for medicine so as u know med students Don hav summer breaks n am worried zat I might not see him fo a couple of years n am also worried about him forgetting me... I know u all think am crazy but I know I can't get over him so what do u think I should do???",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9974338412284851 2018-10-10 15:02:20,"I need to vent. I've come to the relization that the way I go about searching for love and acceptance is harmful. I believe that in order to be loved I've to first accomplish some amazing feat . I've long persuaded myself that I'm not enough; no one in their right mind would love me just the way I'm. Mostly I find myself going for activities that are deemed ""badass"" by others, which makes it hard to pursue the things I truly love. This constant chase for glory, which I'll later cash in for the great love I think I deserve, has been draining my mind and soul. There is this constant urge to perform, always on edge and always trying to prove my worth. Even when I'm chill it is a highly orchestrated act, which in fact takes more energy from me to pull off. All this comes to a stop when I'm with a few number of people otherwise its game time all day everyday. My fear is that the possibility of a mental breakdown occurring in the near future is very high unless I work on myself. I'm glad that I've come to know these things about myself but knowing is half the battle.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9952638149261475 2018-10-11 07:19:20,"I need to vent. Hey ppl.. So the thing is I stopped talking to a bestfriend(who I was falling in love with and i was so attached like u have no idea) I just ignored him well yeah I regrated it btam gen the best thing I done..nyways this is for those gals out there who like there bestfriend ...I know u will feel empty and all buh time will heal u trust me its worth it so gals out there let's hang in there owkay P.s don't get attached and don't filert much u will get hurt",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9852761030197144 2018-10-11 07:19:54,"I need to vent. I don't know why people are losing hope,faith and ambition these days.please don't lose hope this easily,don't think about hurting your self.its nat easy to say this btw I was the most depressed person trust me and i deal with shits a lot like a human being but even tho bestfriends are fake or guys are not loyal all the things that are bothering you .it will pass but u don't want to spend the day the planet gave u frustrating yourself for sth that is not worth it so please do everything u can not to harm yourself just shake it off listen to music,listen to motivational speeches on YouTube read books because people who went through rough times speak a lot of beautiful things and that helps trust me so don't say u are lonely everyone is.u r in charge of taking care of ur self so please live the life God gave u doing wat u love.find your passion might be photography,drawing,music do it in your spare time and spend the day with happiness.u don't need people's approval to be happy at the end of the day.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.647899866104126 2018-10-11 07:20:50,"I need to vent. I'm tried of this feeling of inadequacy, i'm tired of explaining myself too many times, i'm tired of people exaggerating, i'm tired of ppl hatin', i'm just tired of people really.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995081424713135 2018-10-11 07:21:41,"I need to vent. Why do I feel so alone sometimes?? I mean I have friends to talk to but it feels like all they talk abt is random superficial stuff. And I guess I want someone to REALLY talk to someone to vent and just talk abt things that matter. Like last time my dog died and I told my friends and they were like sad for literally 3 seconds and they just continued to talk abt one of my friends broke her nail and they were like OMG!! how did it happen?? ( they literally talked abt that for 10 mins straight) and I know what ur gonna say.. Why am I friends with them.. Honestly it's because am so scared of being alone so I just hang out with them so pls is there anyone cuz am abt to lose my shit!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.999268114566803 2018-10-11 09:46:20,"I need to vent. I just wish there's someone out there who understands and cares for me. I need somebody now. I'm a stage person and people know me but i don't have anyone..I need somebody!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.999167799949646 2018-10-11 09:48:34,"I need to vent. I am small and insignificant. So are you. So is everyone else. But because i know that, i no longer am. So when i walk on the street, i walk with ease. I do not get surprised much. I try to go where there is love and happiness. Sometimes i don't, i just sit back and witness. Because i am small, i am not sad. Because i am insignificant, i am free. The space within me is only for love and things that lift me up. I look to the clouds and my heart soars. My body cannot fly but my mind and heart always have. I have flown to the stars and beyond the galaxies. I will not live forever. But everyday i taste infinity. I am glad to be. I am also glad to not be. I don't fret or worry, for the clouds float above me. They remind me, ""it'll pass"". My smallness, my insignificance humbles me. The fact that i am you and you are me and we are everyone, i revel in that glory. I may have felt alone in the past, but i never was alone. I have never been alone. I am all that is around me and everything that is around me, i am. I am both the air and the trees, and the dog and the lions are me. I am the ocean and the sea, i am also the stars and the space beyond that i don't see. I am infinity. Infinity is me.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9976474642753601 2018-10-11 09:49:25,"I need to vent. Is it just me or does planning ur life never works out. I feel safe when i plan my life, n i also feel terrible when it doesnt go my way n it never goes my way so u can imagine how that is going for me. Can someone tell me what care free life is cuz i am such a control freak.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986951947212219 2018-10-11 09:49:33,"I need to vent. The venter before me got me thinking ...... Life. Fair...... Life is and has always been fair. The sun shines on the good and the evil. Rain drops on the wicked and the meek. The earth holds the heavy and the light hearted. Everything was made perfectly and in an incomprehensible detail that is all on the even scale of its creator. What made it unfair is us. Our choices shape us and our fair or unfair life. And if it's not ours it's the choices our father or forefathers made. We are responsible for the injustice in this perfect world. We are always responsible. If it's not to the humans next to us it's always to any life around us. And what goes around comes around one way or another. We're too busy saying 'there's a benevolent man in the sky that sees a sick baby and does nothing!' while in all honesty it's our mistakes that put that child out there. If that man in the sky did take all evil out wouldn't we be in the blacklist too? I always ask myselft that too. 'why does He see these things and just stay quiet?' But if that infinite creator came to me and decided to elaborate all the reasons to the why would my finite brain begin to understand it? So then how can I judge the why I can't even begin to comprehend let alone critique? But I forgot someone else too. The source of the evil. So then humans were not the source. We were just misguided and decided to rebel against the purpose we were created for and decided to be our own gods, which opened a way for evil and injustice to reek havoc in this perfect world. Then what's all this waiting for? The trial? The ultimate justice? The Supreme Court law execution? The parting of the good and the evil? The only power I have is over my choices. Then shouldn't I really start to be responsible and grow up for God sakes? Shouldn't I start by being fair? ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8305947184562683 2018-10-11 09:50:04,"I need to vent. Hey guyZ wanna say stg u knw i was dreaming lots of tngs for the future but suddenly loose ma lovely mom n now every tng is loosing sense for me n i start living the rule of Gods plan no one knows tmr no need of planin about tmr just live very carefully the day u in",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9923171997070312 2018-10-11 09:51:03,"I need to vent. My soul is just beyond redemption! I carry scars that wont heal Wounds that seem to run deep, Deeper than the ocean They say time heals , But with time passing i grow weary, With each period knelling to an end , My soul shatters . My mind travels to darker , deeper depths of my soul , Where my being is drowned in tears and sorrow , In reality that's what my existence has been . They threw words like blades that slowly cut through me , Words that later became my new definition , Words tht slowly tormented the little and happy girl in me. The blurry refelction of me in the mirror , Makes me wonder if was i a rough sketch in the formation of man kind ? The trapped soul in this body , Never seems to stop wondering whether it will ever find peace I long to be good enough , To have laughter that wont quickly turned into tears , Happiness that is not leased , But all that seems like pipe dreams sold by politics , Maybe not all of us are made for a happy life..... Maybe pain is my thrill, My anxiety feels like I'm in a dark room, pitch black and the floor falls from underneath me. I keep falling and I claw on the walls wanting to grip something. Eventually I find my footing only to find that it was temporary. There are a thousand 'what ifs' in my mind. I lose my footing. I am falling again. I am screaming, yelling hoping someone listens but they don't. No one ever does. I am alone. No. Wait! I am not alone. What is anxiety if depression didn't accompany it? I have my loneliness to keep me and my company. What will quiet the noise? What will pull me out of this pit? God. Or death. But guys.... *Wasn't time suppose to heal my pain?* Isn't time the antidote for a broken heart? Isn't time suppose to heal my wounds? Nature seems not to be taking its course in my case. With weeks piling up into months My wounds seem to be tortured with salt. Actions forgiven aren't they suppose to be forgiven? I guess my mind is malfunctioning. I blame this dis-functional world I was placed in. Aren't I suppose to be afraid of the dark? Isn't darkness suppose to toy with my imagination? Yet i seem to find comfort in its shadows. With the passage of time my being has came into acceptance that some souls are beyond redemption. maybe some souls aren't worth saving? Wounded beyond healing Broken beyond repair What if hearts are meant to be broken? What if tears are meant to fall? What if promises are never meant to be kept? And the irony of everything What if I am not really looking for these answers? Dont ask me reasons why and when i become like this! Cause when i know my self i found it like this!       -DL-",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9911981225013733 2018-10-11 14:14:59,"I need to vent. Is it the same if u go to college with out going though 11&12. What's the difference?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987899661064148 2018-10-11 14:15:27,"I need to vent. Hey guys, Am in a kind of depression , a lot happened in my life, anyways what i need now is recommend me some bots to talk to strangers. I need to talk someone",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951934218406677 2018-10-11 14:15:50,"I need to vent. I bn in love with one of my best friends fo almost a year now n every time am about to get over her, i just keep thinking about her more and more and because we spend a lot of time together i can't get her outta my mind gn in all this time nothing has happened so i am trying to talk ro her less because its not fair that i can't move on because she keeps me there whe there is no hope for us. Wat should i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9918797612190247 2018-10-11 14:15:57,"I need to vent. Gonna need an adivice now.. well there is this boy i knew for almost 2 yrs now and we were just normal frnds and after a while my feeling starts to change then i was planning to tell him...and outta no where boom my frnd told me he started a relation with my other bestie well after that i started to hate him and leave evrythn but it aint that easy tho... and this year he brock up with her and all he did was run after me and i didn't shut him off i go on date with him and it was the worst date eva i was like hell drunk jst evrythn turned up side down. But it didn't jump more than kiss tho then i felt like i made the worst mistake of my life cus his ex was my frnd even if she stole him frm me at first.... then now he took things like relation i dont know if i should go on with it or not.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957270622253418 2018-10-11 14:16:53,"I need to vent. Hey there, my mom n dad are from the 2 biggest ethnic group of Ethiopia. N both are highly educated actually, but the problem is they had quit talking each other n its all abt politics. N this shit is disturbing me a lot. Whenever we are having a meal, the thing i always hear is politics and argument n finally fight! (Demmoko ye huletum point asamagn nw, gn idk whats wrong with them beka yelele tel) ena im not exaggerating, psychologically eyegodagn nw seeing them fight n its limiting me from learning n studying with my full attention. Will u help me plz???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9942259192466736 2018-10-11 17:47:50,"I need to vent. I'm a fixer. I wish someone fixed me. Makes no sense ,I know. Let me break it down. Im a doctor who helps the sick, the ones who assume are sick, ones who wants to be sick (i know funny people), ones with terminal illness and yet i need a doctor to check me if im good. Better? I'm tierd. I am officially drained. It kinda sucks cause but this time last year people who said will stick around forever barely lasted few months. And what's it with girls and being replaced that gets to us so much. I'm just venting, it is vent here. I wonder if people reading this will be like ow shut up or like genuinely like damn this girl is hurting. Idk man life be cracking jokes errywhere. Y'all have a blessed day.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9927961230278015 2018-10-11 17:48:46,"I need to vent. Hy guys...its ma 1st vent n sure u guys ll b helpful ....i'm a girl n i have been waiting 4 mideba keza unfortunatly i got computer science at AA ma whole life i've been dreaming of medicine.... n u cant imagine how broken i wz when i first herd it but zen rasen bederesegn field tenkre seralew nbr gn i couldnt wiste alkebel begil limar kalku they ll gn ma mom can't afford it....eda gebta new mitastemregn .....bihonm gn wedefit ketemarsh behala tikshatalesh yilalu some frds....n esun ketesmamaw rasu ...i got 1 more prob...""dorm""....dorm kelelew it really hard 4 me 2 learn bet bizu ngr hasaben yiserkal....n dorm yalew med miyastemr college except betel ataw plz plz guys help me out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989470839500427 2018-10-11 20:12:19,"I need to vent. Okay so here's the thing I love you more than anything, I have done so for over a year now, and I do believe you when you tell me you love me too. I have opened up to you in ways I have never done so to anybody else, and talking to you helps me a lot. I am glad because that's how it should be. Problem is you dont open up as much as I would like you to. You only mention real stuff when you are mad at me or something. Even when you're depressed you stay away from me and that just makes me feel like an outsider. I know that is how men are but it feels as if you don't trust me enough and that's odd considering all the shit we have come across. So what the hell do I do now? I know you'll read this but not sure if you will know it's for you... Either me out",love,POSITIVE,0.9514755606651306 2018-10-11 20:13:15,"I need to vent. I'm an avoider. I avoid any feeling I can't deal with and I can't deal with a lot of them so whenever I feel sad, angry, or even excided about something I avoid talking,thinking about it and if that doesn't work I escape my reality through books n sometimes movies, but 3 or 4 months ago it stopped working and things I have been trying to avoid my whole life started surfacing up one by one and I was going crazy literally! So whenever it was getting too hared to Handel I would cover my mouth and noes n hold my breath( a trick I picked up from one of the book been reading) and it was working my brain was too busy trying to get oxygen It wasn't thinking about anything else. but it doesn't last that long so I do this 3 or more times a day. depending on the day. so anyways lately I think I'm taking it too far n I don't wanna die. not yet at least so if any of u can suggest less...I don't know extreme way? to take things of my mind that will be really helpful. Thanks.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9889441728591919 2018-10-12 15:31:18,"I need to vent. Sup guys, so I've been going through the popular vents and all today. But I found the results to be pretty disappointing. The whole point of this channel seems to be biased. People come here to vent with a hope that they'll get a help from you guys, not to be judged and get insulted for the mistake they've committed. The same mistake they're trying to fix mind you. So instead of insulting anonymously and feeling good about yourselves, give a helpful comment. And if you have nothing good on mind, have the decency to ignore the vent rather than calling names.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994478821754456 2018-10-12 15:31:28,"I need to vent. Hey y'all...I just wanted to ask if u've ever wondered what ur life would be if you were born into a different family. I know I have & maybe my life would've been better. I know at this point u probably think that I hate my family but I don't, sure they make me angry & don't really give me my own space but at the end there always there for me & I love them but I still can't stop wondering abt all the possibilities, the opportunity & the choices I could've had if I was born into a different family.",love,POSITIVE,0.5215310454368591 2018-10-12 15:34:22,"I need to vent. I am always worried bout my girl friend cheating on me. I am very cautious abt my penis size and I am really sure that I am not making my girl cum. I try to make her cum in other ways but I always can see that she's not fully there. I always take my time with her and try to do it according to every tutorial that I have seen on how to make a girl cum. I always watch porn or some home made sex tapes and see how the girls react to their men. I am not doing a quarter as good as the things I see. Should I buy some kinda pill or get surgery? I cant live like this. How can I live with a dick as little as 9 inches? Ha ha I was just trying to be an asshole and make some of you laugh. Things I see here are pretty serious. U deserve to laugh a lil",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.983628511428833 2018-10-12 16:40:57,"I need to vent. Here is a little point of view , for all girls out there particularly domestic, well you guys have a lot to offer and you guys are book if read can be a best seller but nobody wants to read the same type of books all the time , don't try and make yourselves what you aren't this generation has undoubtly set hypothetical standards for you guys to be considered desirable like have followers or likes or posting vacay pictures all the fucking time , like your job is vacation inspector or someshit where going to a particular event and taking a good picture is more important that having a good time, don't be grounded , it's not happiness if everyone thinks you're happy ,cause happiness comes from within, stop chasing after the same men , like the hole logic of it all has shifted , where the fact that one particularl person is more desirable just cause he has been with a number of other girls give the people that actually give a genuine shit about you a chance, I know this may feel like you settling for less , but it really aint. No one is keeping score , those friends you try to impress right now , might not be around in the next couple of months , surround yourself with people who have grace and patience, unless you are flat out a golddigger stop going after the rich guys , life is not about the expensive shit cause most valuable things in life are free , connect more with guy who doesn't party all the damn time cause he doesn't have daddy's money to cover his ass, and in time you'll see he is the one who has a lot more to offer you than the guy who is just waiting for a chance to get in your pants, have class have pride and most of all integrity , Am not judging nor trying to in force this but rather an opinion for all them shallow people who somehow missed the point along the way .",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9918210506439209 2018-10-12 16:41:28,"I need to vent. So I dont what am doing here I guess I got nobody to talk too,i have friends but we are not the same we are together because we had too because we are dormmate. I have no one to talk too am in the stage of losing my mind I have alot of shits in my life the fact that am dealing with that shit alone make me feel worse Am a friendly person but whenever I hangout people's I feel like they dont like me I pick words so that peoples dont hate me I got a lot but some words should be kept untold coz it doesn't give sense to other like it does for you The bottom line is i am in deep depression please helpppppp",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9944443106651306 2018-10-12 16:43:13,"I need to vent. Death just seems like the next logical step I can't seem to find any reason to continue living. I know you guys might say ""what about friends and family and stuff?"" I have a great family my friends are awesome, it's just, so what? What's the point in the grand scheme of things? They'll probably greave for a while but then as people say life goes on and they'll forget me and then they will all perish in due time. And truthfully speaking the void of death gives me a peace of mind. Anyways, sorry for blabbing I just wanted to know if there is anyone else that thinks like that.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9894232153892517 2018-10-12 16:44:13,"I need to vent. Hey fellas...well Am here today to share wz u guys what's been bugging me the past few months so here it goes...Am a guy n 2nd yr stu in campus n am very sociable n rumours had it that am a good looking fine ass mann I believe that's what made me a sole victim of sexual assault by my very own smokin hot teacher, yeeep u heard me this teacher of mine has been harassing me for a while now and am trying very hard not to fall for her charms...she always makes sure that I get a perfect view of her breathtaking cleavage every time she's around me n she touches me in a very very inappropriate places when ever she finds me alone and I told her so many times to stop n to leave me the fuck alone(note the sarcasm ) but seriously for some reason I just let her do whatever she wants...honestly I always forward an unceremoniously curt refusal towards her repetitive request becuz I kinda find it inappropriate but she doesn't seem the one to hear what am saying at all, not at all!!! She even gave me her fucking address for Christ's sake...this woman is messing wz every fiber of my being and I literally don't know what I should do wz her so guys help me out what should I do??? P.s. she's in her late 20s and am currently single",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9913131594657898 2018-10-13 19:02:44,"I need to vent. guys just want to ask u smthng ...... What do you do when u get tired of ur self??? I mean sew kedeberachu tirikutalachu but ... U know..... Need help here?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987925291061401 2018-10-13 19:03:13,"I need to vent. Is it normal to be scared of being too happy?.. Cuz that's what am feeling lately. Whenever am having a good time and am really happy there's always this voice in my head that keeps telling me it's not going to last or that something shitty will happen and ruin everything. And am trying so hard not to listen to that voice but it's always there. I told my friends but they make me feel like am loosing my shit and sometimes i even feel like its better this way cuz when ur too happy and something bad happens you'll be reminded of the times u were happy and that's just the worst feeling..being constantly reminded of the better days because I've learned that happiness will never last..ookay wow I don't wanna depress u guys but is there anyone out there that feels the same way or have I completely lost my mind this time???",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9973583817481995 2018-10-13 19:03:59,"I need to vent. Hey guys ever get to that point in life where u have no desire for love no matter how good looking anyone can be.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.951170027256012 2018-10-13 19:05:17,"I need to vent. So guys my first vent. I've got family issues me and my dad fought for about 3 and a half years now. We never talked, he didn't call me neither did I. I hated him for being so selfish that after he got divorced with my mom married to another and totally forget about us. Even me and my sisters. I'm the only guy in the house now. All the burdens are on my shoulder. I spend a lot of money for them coz I really do love them and don't wanna see em feel down. But now my dad (I don't really like to call him that way tho ) he wanted to meet up. After all that shit I've been through now he wanted to say how sorry he felt. I'm tired of his trash talks. But heard he got quite big business and now he's rich and everything. If I started to meet him that I know my mom and my sisters wouldn't accept me. I'm young I suppose to live my own life by now. What should I do guys. I really appreciate your efforts and thoughts. Pls this is some serious challenge I'm facing. If I keep living like this that I'm sure I'm going to crash hard as fuck. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8859179019927979 2018-10-14 07:59:41,"I need to vent. Hey you! I miss you… yup! I do. I miss you’re the light in your eyes, your voice, the sound of your laughter, I miss our chats about anything and everything, I miss laughing with you till we couldn’t breathe on such stupid jokes that weren’t even funny, I just miss you. Even today I went out to take a walk and this beautiful girl approached me, so we chatted, and you know how nervous I get around girls right? I blabbed and well it was terrible, so she left. but I wasn’t sad because I was thinking what a good story to tell you and as I realized I can’t call you, utter sadness took over me. And I got drunk for the first time! Yup! Felt shitty the next day but it was one hell of a night and it was fun although, I think you got too many annoying hiccups and that’s because your name was the only one that came up I mean, I wasn’t saying nice things about you but shit you hurt me so, like I don’t know if I am a big part of your life but for me you were this huge thing, you were that girl in high school who's actually cool and all but hangouts with the nerds, yeah you were that for me so when you pushed me away that broke my heart and it was worse than anything I experienced before, it absolutely broke me. Me, I thought we would be a forever thing I thought we would still talk everyday on phone about my endless crushes and your relationships, or talk about our futures, we even had business plans like that’s how you know we were for real! I thought we would be there for each other in everything, starting from wild college adventure stories, class graduations and even mocking job interviews when we big, and even choosing apartments then renovating them! I even planned out what I was going to do for your wedding, I was that sure like I would give you some expensive gift for your wedding which you obviously won’t appreciate but then I would surprise you with this amazing toast that would make you cry and all.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9893593788146973 2018-10-14 08:01:23,"I need to vent. It is my first time venting. whenever things get serious and I really need to say what I feel or if I get mad even if its something silly, my eyes fill with tears. Usually someone asks why my eyes shed tears. Someone asking whats wrong makes it worse, it makes me start weeping. I dont have any control over it. So when I cry people think I am weak, or that I am really hurt. Always trying to cover up my tears I dont say what is in my mind. This is being a big problem in my life for a long time. I have had a lot of embarrassing moments because I couldnt control my tears. Recently, I have cried trying to convince my boss in a topic related to work. She was completly shocked because it was not a situation anyone could be senstive on. I wish to talk with confidence, but I cant stop my tears.I need help desperately. Does anyone have similar problems like mine?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963098168373108 2018-10-14 08:01:54,"I need to vent. So i meet this girl online & after we talk a while we start sexting & i asked her to have sex with me but she just said . She said we should just meet. Then we meet & amazingly yaregechw qemis betam acher neber so i was not able to conrol my self watching a big ass like that then when i ask her to get aroom she told me she has boy friend but i ignored her then we had sex. Whose fault is that? if she told me that she had bf when we chat i wouldn't meet. Additionally betam acher qemis arega neber so that kept me turned on. Whose fault is that?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974793791770935 2018-10-14 08:03:18,"I need to vent. What is death? What would happen to our body is obvious... It would just continue the cycle n live in the form of other life... But what about our personality n soul.. We have soul right? What is soul by it self... Damn it's so complicated. I guess soul is that piece of thing in our self full of emotions n demands of deep... So deep that we can't understand the extend and so strong the way that makes u feel so beaten down and weak... Why are we created with soul? Does animals have that thing or is it only for us... And does everyone one hear the screaming of soul that is so loud and craving. Personally I believe I have love and hate relationship with my soul... It makes me feel human and some one who needs reason and purpose (even thou I got no clue of what it is ) and it's thrist to be satisfied is killing me inside out.. The sounds are screaming not just in my mind, I can feel the vibration in my veins...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9805868864059448 2018-10-14 08:05:36,"I need to vent. ""When you smoke herb, it revels you to yourself"" Been smoking for a while now, and it's amazing how it feels like I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I see my past mistakes clearly, and I know exactly how to move forward with my life. It's like I've matured and aged 20 years or sth when I'm high. Also normally I'm not a religious person, but weed makes me feel wiser. Only time I think about God is when I'm high. I feel like doing something good for someone. Saw some new-born puppies in the ditch the other day. I bought fresh milk and bread to feed them. Normally I would've felt sad for them and just leave. I think, maybe the world would be a peaceful place if everybody smoked herb. Does anyone else feel like this? And please don't lecture me about its dangerous side effects. Also if you've never experienced its effects, this vent doesn't concern you.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9643399715423584 2018-10-14 13:49:53,"I need to vent. I wonder,are there actually ppl who like being sad and depressed idk why gin I'm starting to feel like i do cuz every time i decided to let go of the things that make me sad some part of me is like nahh u better hold on to that...i thought abt it and asked my self if that part of me is just seeking attention but it's not i barely talk about it and no one actually thinks I'm feeling like this they don't even have a single clue....eski u guys help me out if any of u feel like this or just know wat its abt tnx And i rly love this channel u guys helped me our with other things too so i know u will ahunm so tnx in advance",love,NEGATIVE,0.9982806444168091 2018-10-14 13:50:41,"I need to vent. Just an old vent... I need to vent. The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death! What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little boy(girl), you go back, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!! Uff... Now that's what life should be!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991355538368225 2018-10-14 13:50:59,"I need to vent. I'm a univ. No one likes me. Everyone ignores me when I try to talk to them. I have no friends. I'm always alone. I hate life",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995458722114563 2018-10-14 13:51:15,"I need to vent. Wey gud yemir what the fuck haymanotena hager enbal yenebernew ahunima iswear like evry girl I know is bi or gay or god knows what gender fluid what is happening???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986259937286377 2018-10-14 13:51:44,"I need to vent. Hey guys! I know most of you have thought or fantasized abt death, but how many of u have actually thought abt what happens next; specially abt how the 'REAPER' collects your soul. What am asking you is have u thought abt the type of REAPER that'll come for you, I mean is it the faceless skeleton wiz a huge sharp axe or is it a sweet old lady form the seventeen century...or who knows maybe each of us get a chance to have our own unique REAPER. So if that happens what will ur REAPER look like? Guys I know this sounds a bit stupid & illogical but just let go and use ur imagination for once.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9930533766746521 2018-10-14 18:14:03,"I need to vent. Is this really what life is meant to be when am just living it to the lowest, when there is nobody to share my feeling with (actually I have but she doesn't want to admit it) , when am too different to fit in, when everything I do and say turns back at me, when every one that gets close to me only wants benefits, when my mind is full of thoughts but nobody there to listen to me, when I think good and do good to people and they just hurt me,when people have feelings for me and they never tell me, when there is a life for me to live but still stuck at the beginning, when time it self hurts me how can I say this is life for me to live how can I say this is what I was born for how...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9935606718063354 2018-10-14 18:15:44,"I need to vent. well, hey guys...ena the reason why I am writing this is because that am confused...everyone around me endemitelugn ena endemayfelegugn argew nw act miyadergut and am confused because menem alarekuachehum gn every one of them is pushing me and that happens everywhere I go but why??? Is it because of my ugliness or what? I just don't get it. Even my siblings do this, yagelugnal....and sometimes I just want to kill myself and enesu endigelagelugn madreg nw mefelegew gn I can't find the courage to kill myself.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994351267814636 2018-10-14 18:19:32,"I need to vent. FRINDSHIP. Idk how to define that. I mean what is it if it's not trust,loyalty,love and caring? I'm almost 22 n I doubt I could call anyone was ever my 'friend'. So I'm in need of a friend n would like to ask how u'd pick someone that won't hurt u and how to be friends with a stranger.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.994428277015686 2018-10-14 18:19:56,"I need to vent. I don't want this life..... I want to change or die. My life is complicated.... I saw a lot of shit when I was a kid. N now I suppose to live a happy life but it's boring anid aynet yehone life takalachihu I have no one to talk to I don't even have good friends either n there was a girl that I'm in love with but she left me cause I have nothing to give her what she want n to make her happy. I'm just sitting here n waiting for miracle to change my life cause I don't have anything to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988798499107361 2018-10-14 18:20:45,"I need to vent. So here we go here i am sharing my story ...........i don't know if you all feel this way‍‍‍ i don't when my life turned out be shuch big mess i am girl.. a 5th year medical student in her early tweenties but my life lawdi hv the problem of 50years old person.......from easy childhod to a mess ........i know ever one of us hv a problem but hulum chegru my messy life include being bullied in highschool,having abusive boyfriend(i even lost my virginty for this bum in the worst hotel in the city he could hv taken me any where i think he was testing my limites) ,cheating boyfriend, some other issues,psychatric illnesses agar nachawu enesuema .......i never dreamt my life to turn out like this but well that didn't go as planned‍‍‍‍so here i am telling you my story bezu chegeragna balabat hager yehen cheger teyalash mnamn letelu techelalachu ..........hulum yarasu nawu mekanedebat",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9964630007743835 2018-10-15 10:31:42,"I need to vent. I need help.... I have an erectile dysfunction and it is affecting my relationship. I am scared to talk to a doctor. So, please don't say talk to a doctor. If you have any suggestion please comment. I am desperate.",fear,POSITIVE,0.7951536178588867 2018-10-15 10:31:59,"I need to vent. Am allergic to change,always have been,i want things to stay the matter how much i have to agian i don't like changing(setting out of my comfort zone)... the thing is being a young adult now the reality is u need to be a good communiator and patient and shit that really is not my thing...i am more of do shit on my own schedule kida guy ...The question is simple how do u start to embrace change and step out of your comfort zone??",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9987422823905945 2018-10-15 10:32:42,"I need to vent. Here's what happened...I have two best friends and I love them both so very much. We do plenty of things together. We go everywhere together. We talk about the serious things the stupid things...everything. But something happened last week. Last Monday one of them told me that he likes me more than a friend and that he wants to see where things go. But I don't really feel the same so I told him that we shouldn't ruin our great friendship. Keza gen my other best friend told me the same thing two days later and I gave him the same answer. Now it's been about a week and they've both been kinda distant. I feel really bad and I want things to go back to how they were. I'm really confused I don't know what I should do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9980413913726807 2018-10-16 05:33:38,"I need to vent. It was a while back on this channel I droped a silly comment and we met, we texted one thing led to another n we met in person He was so easy to talk to her was cool he is the kind of person u wanna keep in your life even as a friend we found out things about our family's even then he told me about his past n what kind of person he is now but when he asked me i didn't want to tell him how fun, wierd, crazy Awsome I can be so I sold my self short and he kinda drifted away, I was so mad that he didn't even took the time to explore who I am Little did he know everyone is meet is crazy about me .I just wanted to play mysterious n it back fierd I just wanted to say that",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966513514518738 2018-10-16 05:35:13,"I need to vent. Will you forgive your man if he choose his parents over you?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980289340019226 2018-10-16 05:41:43,"I need to vent. Hey lately I have seen a lot of vent by med students so ik we have many of u in this channel. So first of all I want shout out to you all b/c let's face it u guys are studying and working day and night like there is no tomorrow u guys deserve a real applause. But the reason I want to vent right now is to know how many of law students here handling law school. Because as a law student my self ik law school is hard and required a lot of reading and critical thinking on every single case (specially if u want a good grade). But what amaze me the most is even though we studied hard, understand the teachers every word, predict all the possible cases and have open book exam it is still hard asf. Sometimes I can't even believe its possible for the exams to be that hard but u can't judge till u take the exam. However, there are some ppl who join law school without even realizing how it require a lot of reading just b/c they think it will make them smart or family tradition. But one thing for sure is this two reasons are the worst for law school b/c lets face it u can't survive there by that. There are also ppl who join and want to cheat, its still impossible b/c how can u cheat and pass the course and see ur self as judge after some years. How can u even decide when u have no clue about how the law work? So pls don't be a disgrace to this very respectful legal profession and join another field if u don't have the guts to sit for long hour and study. But shout out to all law students who are killing it and have a great grade on every semester in all law schools regardless of how hard it is u guys deserve to be respected. U guys are gladiator in suit P.s am not comparing the load of med students with law students b/c obviously its not even comparable but I just want to show we have a lot in our shoulder too.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970481991767883 2018-10-16 05:46:07,"I need to vent. I never ever thought even for a sec that life could be paused! Its a no-brainer that life ain't fair for everyone but this is odd! Am i getting it the wrong way?? or is their anyone else who is experiencing the same thing???? Am freaking out here‍... I have been in a real funk since am in this pausing situation! Am being a space cadet, i sometimes don't even know if its a sunny or cloudy day 'couse i don't even get out from my bed room! Am nocturnal so most of my friends are asleep @ the time am online. Am surrounded by ppls where i feel like a fish out of water, its so disturbing! Its up to my eyeballs, i can't take it anymore! Please God make a safe way out from this hell! I am trying to see the brighter side of it but its sometimes so difficult you know, i don't wanna complain but i really wanna shout out loud and let it out if it at least makes me feel better. Thanks for your time!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9944974780082703 2018-10-17 23:21:23,"I need to vent. Hi...I will just go straight to my point. I really really really need help on something and that is....I can't communicate well with people!!! sabraraw...bednb mawrat alchelem with people. Beka maweraw yitefabegnal when I'm with people. So, most of the times bechayen nw masalefew...even in church beka bechayen nw mehonew b/c its difficult for me to talk with people and I need help from you guys....And some people think that I'm some kind of kurategna...please help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988322854042053 2018-10-18 06:55:14,"I need to vent. Hey, I don't know what to say but lately I feel like I am losing myself. It started like a simple crush, just a tiny little crush. But every time I see u or someone mentions u it developes in to smt much more than that. I fell for u without out knowing if u r going to catch me which btw u didn't. And it hurts, I thought u liked me too, foolish of me to think that. I mean how could u like someone like me, I am not good enough for u. U deserve much better than me. I am not worthy of ur love. U'll never glance at me twice let alone like me. U are way out of my league. Men kebet siyaregen yezan ken endemetahu alawkem. Menew egren beseberew. Every time I convince my self that I don't give a shit abt whatever happens to u, but when I heard some scary things that might affect u in a way, I get headaches worrying abt your safety. Its getting worse and worse, u said u r in the middle of some relation which isn't official yet & it gives me hope maybe u'll notice me or smt. I am tired of waiting for some miracle that won't happen in a million years. I guess am giving up on you. God, I fell pathetic & clingy. I don't want to stress you but if u ever read this vent can u at least pls say smt to me that will help me to forget u or help me move on.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987169504165649 2018-10-18 06:56:08,"I need to vent. We all have our problems in life, the one we say anyone can't understand. But have u ever think that it is a good thing. I mean I'm not saying being ignored or bullied or friend zoned or abused or any others is good but thing about why God would bring this kinda things to our lives? why would he want us to struggle like this? I'm not good in this kinda things(religious stuff) but I know one thing for sure,it's all for a reason. Ya I know, you've probably heard this phrase a million times but it's true. If the thing happened to u haven't happened, u won't be the person u r today and the person who u r right now is created by the magnificent hands of GOD and u r created for a reason. So...don't, please don't try to harm ur self under any kinds of situation. Use what u have even it's so little. Use the chance u got in any means. Use everything in ur power to create what u like. Create ur own future. Don't sit back thinking someone will come and rescue u,that is in fantasy world, where we all get what we want without any effort. But this, this is the real world, the world of competition, the world of the TRUTH. So, stop crying for the time that have already passed, u are wasting ur time now by crying over the things that happened to u and never be able to replace by the happy thoughts we want to have had. But it's not the truth so don't expect it to be. What's done is done. If u can do smtn to the future, do it! Just don't sit back. You've already fired the whole place in ur stomach. It's enough. Enough is Enough! The point of this message is that u have to move on and build ur future life. I'm saying this from experience, you would probably be like"" 'snort' r u kidding me? U r too yang to know about life...""and stuff. But I know there is a great place out there and there is more left to be seen but I've been into some stuffs that brakes me everytime I thought about it. Everytime I hear similar actions. But now is another new day GOD has given me and I don't want to waste it by thinking about why it happened to me and disappointed him. The greater ur tasted by him the more he loves u cuz he want u to be stronger than ever, not do some bad things to ur self. I did tried to kill my self in the past, when I was really young, it was because of some lame family shit. But U know I thank God that I haven't done that thing that day. Because if I did I wouldn't be able to write this and share it to u fellas and meet amazing peoples out there and experience great days. My life is not full yet like I want it to be but I'm not backing down this time and I'm gonna work hard to work on it. I wish u all to be happy and strong more than ever. Life has a lot more than one person or situation that u r dealing with rightnow. ""When life give u a hard time don't say 'why me' say 'try me'."" I'm sorry it's really long and there are probably lots of mistakes there. So....sorry and also thanks for reading my thought and I hope it will help u and bright some light and hopes to ur situations and problems. We don't want to be perfect, we just want to be better. Good luck...!",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9404718279838562 2018-10-18 16:04:32,"I need to vent. Warning a confused person writing a confusing question. What do you think about love do you think it just brain chemicals playing on us or do u legitly belive there is love out there cause I'm starting to believe it one in billion...N I will probrably won't get one cuz idk I'm not a girl that they would want but I'm happy cuz I'm doing great n I'm living the best life by sleeping and watching bts do staff. Should I be happy with that ? Or should I look for love?",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9965470433235168 2018-10-18 16:05:01,"I need to vent. You know how after acid was spilled on ካሚላት we started seeing more of it,sometimes i think of doing that on MEN who've raped women and gotten away with it,if i do it once others will follow suit. How bad is it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9996205568313599 2018-10-18 16:06:49,"I need to vent. am a guy, i am almost 20 now but back when i was 14 or something this thing happened, i was in a taxi and you know how they get crammed up right? I sat beside this old dude who was wearing ye muslim kofiya and he started talking to me while he touched my knees and it didn’t feel weird or anything at first because old people do that when they talk to you adel? but then he slowly went up and then he started touching my penis, I didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t feel anything or what so ever so the guy asks me hey why are you not getting a boner are you uncut? And I said ere am cut but my little self had no idea what was happening like none! so we reached our destination and then we departed to our ways, and it didn’t bother me that much because like I literally didn’t know what was going on and now like shit is happening to my brain and i keep thinking did it fuck me up was that the reason?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9989427924156189 2018-10-18 17:04:01,"I need to vent. Ok, here it goes My bf (i mean ex) broke up with me almost 7months ago cuz he felt like i took him for granted, i didnt feel everything i used to including his kiss, shut him out for weeks for no reason n make him beg me n stuff (i have done that several times actually) (Not proud of that btw) But i had no clue i love him this much eskenetala deres N now he is saying he doesnt wanna get hurt nymore n also he has no feelings for me nymore But his bff (ma frd too) suggested belela sew sem endawaraw n to make him fall in love all over again .. It seem fun n a brillent idea (considering that ill nver get over him) but my other half is afraid that ill get really hurt n that he might hate me even more Wat do u think?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9959911704063416 2018-10-18 17:04:49,"I need to vent. So here is a girl that everyone thinks is so perfect. She is strong, beautiful, peaceful, composed, a girl who's got it all. That girl is supposed to b me. Me the one with all my insecurities, heartache, family hardships.... Me the one who has been harassed and abused since 4years old. Me who cries in bathrooms just so ppl won't take my ""strong"" title away. Me with a future so blurry that I run out of motivational speech to give my self. Me the one who wishes to die in some way just now just today. Me who is always there for others but never expect others to be here. Yes that's the girl everyone thinks got it all together. But hey am good. I know I cry now and then, which btw is a good thing since it wipes the storm inside and take a little load of my chest. I don't cut myself nor do i ever think abt that. I have my tears which is also scientifically the best medicine. I don't think abt killing myself either. But yeah I do think it wld b okay if I die today. I don't think abt killing myself bc it isn't mine to start wiz. Am not the creator so it's not mine to take either. So since am alive today and I might b living for a while I try to make the best out of it. No matter how much the suffering and the pain. I will make my existence worth it. Eventhogh when it's dark and tmrw isn't exiting anymore, I think of tmrw just so that I can b zer for some one or some purpose. I believe life is worthy of living when it got some purpose for it. So my loves don't be a quieter or a soft soul hang in there and let ur life matter if not for others for u and u. And don't let others be the judges of ur life line. U r THE One who can make it all work. Rise above the ashes and light up ur world u all may peace b within ur souls",approval,POSITIVE,0.9555560946464539 2018-10-19 10:44:52,"I need to vent. Does a nice & sweet guy deserve to be alone just because he's not a bad boy... Do I have to treat girls like shit just to get them to like me... I've been sweet & caring to all the girls in my life & all they do is break my heart Please tell me why I'm so fuckin' alone... I mean isn't there one girl out there who would want a sweet caring guy who would treat her like a queen I guess I deserve to be alone just because the world never likes a sweet guy... bad boys rule & get all the girls",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9797333478927612 2018-10-19 10:45:44,"I need to vent. What do u do when you feel like a failure?what do u do when u feel like you are not on the right track?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9996042847633362 2018-10-19 10:46:04,"I need to vent. This goes out, for all my beautiful Habesha girls who've been hurt, this the type of guy y'll deserve, the type of guy , you will be the light at the end of the tunnel, the halo of glowing yellow that he has been waiting for. Never forget that you are someone worth steering for, someone worth the swift kick in the opposite direction worth all of the trials and checklists and almost right because you are a mountaintop, the crush of violet on skin from a rainbow that seems so close to the earth that it must be real.”",approval,POSITIVE,0.9150508642196655 2018-10-19 20:23:19,"I need to vent. Prove to me that hell is not real so I can leave this damned life and not fear going into an even worse reality, you'd be doing me a favor thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9790047407150269 2018-10-19 20:26:19,"I need to vent. Ok so i had to do it I took the pills, 7 to be exact. I doubt it will kill me but i am just gonna have to wait and see where i wake up. If everything goes down as it's supposed to though i want to say thank you for all the friends that stood my me and the ones who looked after me from afar. I wanted to make you proud but my head it just too sick to handle. Good bye. (: -BOB",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9991503953933716 2018-10-19 20:37:45,"I need to vent. Hey a question to the ladies... is 5 inches enough? Cause it’s eating me inside and I want you to be honest please.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9782092571258545 2018-10-19 21:51:58,"I need to vent. Hey so i have got a period related problem...well it started since the first time i saw ma period(when i was 12 years old i guess) i bleeded fo straight 21 days then i saw a doctor n he said take a contraceptive pill n ol will be fine but sadly it didn't...after that ma body got so dependent on the pill, malet when ever i take it ma period will b normal but then when i stop taking it ma period wont come for 8 month or more, but if it comes i will bleed continously i remember the longest i bleeded was for 32+ days untill i got tired of it n started taking the pill to make it stop n i have seen a lot of specialists but they couldn't find any thing wrong with me they all said take the pill n said thats the only option am 21 now i used to take it on and off till now but i know that it has got a side effect (the pill) so i don't take it anymore so help out a sister plssss how can i get a regular period and is there a chance that i might b unfertile for d future thats another concern too",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984295964241028 2018-10-19 22:27:39,"I need to vent. My dad is very sensitive. He has serious anger management issues and because of that he has a weak heart and everytime he gets angry and sulks not only he's hurting himself but the whole family. He wants me to do as he says but if I don't find what he says convincing I can't. Ene becha negn lek bay neger new. Ik ur gonna say his life matters the most eraseshen lewchi mnamn I've changed for the worst lesu beye but he can't see that. He gets mad on every single things he doesn't see the good things I do for him. Plus he's clingy, feker sechign mnamn yilal gen he never gave me one endeferaw hogne new yasadegegn. It's not because I don't want to but I've never learned to love my dad like any other daughters do. Can u help me fix my rship with my dad?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9778110980987549 2018-11-01 12:37:10,Our bot is back online.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970285296440125 2018-11-03 18:04:26,"I need to vent. Heyoooo ppl I’m glad this shit is back online coz I got some shit on my mind so look despite my best efforts I’m a nice guy and I always end up getting hurt and what not so I always try to be a dick which I can’t be so I guess I need a way to change who I am",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9908263087272644 2018-11-03 18:05:01,"I need to vent. I am so fucking confused about my future it is so close and i dont know what to do ,what to study n what my passion is ...they say ke 18 eske 20 mnamn yalew age its where smn gets in confilct with one self thats exactly happening with me....anyone who passed through this or is passing ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9911937117576599 2018-11-03 18:05:16,"I need to vent. I'm going to keep this short so y'all can get back to what you were doing. The bottom line is I don't trust my gf. She hasn't done much to deserve this but I don't and it's driving me crazy.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982008934020996 2018-11-03 18:05:58,"I need to vent. hey currently in a new fucked up city n it sucks things are not as how I pictured them ..dreams r not coming true if growing up means this please take me back to childhood sucks ymr ..I wanned to accomplish alot by now but its not happening!!!! whyyy I want a better life ..a better everything .. I have alot'f needs but ..God! I want success ..l want some FUN! .. n I feel empty fuck! what can I possibly do about it?? feels great to let it out thanks :)",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9890761375427246 2018-11-03 18:06:23,"I need to vent. Hey dear fellow venters I am here you are there I don't know most of you but I want to vent something here. Everyone in this channel must know how depression feels like, I mean I'm sure most of you do.. Let me get straight through my vent. You all must have heard a comment called ""Tsebel hiji/hid"" in vents. I want to say that it really helps. Yewnet Tsebel setetemeku netsa tewetalachu. God will heal you and get whatever is killing you inside hell out of there. Don't give up. Don't kill yourself. Go to the holy water and let God take care of your soul. Because I know you might not believe me or say how can she know and stuff and ignore it but hell is a very ugly and painful lesson to learn that you won't stop learning forever. Don't feel like God doesn't love you. God loves you whatever you did. If you don't believe in God and now you do but you're going the other way because you think he hates you for not believing in him before... You are wrong. Go to the Tsebel and see for yourself. Tsebel healed me. I hope it heals you too. Yewnet I even sleep better now. I feel like I am set free. I am no longer imprisoned in the hell hole I was in. I am okay. You'll be okay too. Go to God.",caring,POSITIVE,0.978651225566864 2018-11-03 21:08:43,"I need to vent. Lemme just say this in the few words that are able to share my ideas...well not few but too little for what I have to say Ok so religion and beliefs have a great place in our hearts well for most Ethiopians at-least Here’s my take on that So yea a god exists no doubt true he is beyond our imaginations and true he knows what’s what But I feel like he knows what will be what before it happens, so would it be fair to punish us for what he put inside us when he made us and reward us for praising his name and give us ultra privileges just cuz we admitted he’s the one Yea true you got your will and all but what good is that when your fate is destined What happens to those that did the greatest in life but just skipped the beliefs and lived in the real world for the sake of others And what happens to those that died before hearing the word of God, is it fair to punish them as well How about those that chose a life of doing wrong because it was the only way to survive What about those that took their own lives because they couldn’t escape the torture of reality and couldn’t bear the pain Don’t get me wrong I know there’s much at work that I’m not able to grasp but if we are truly made by his image how come it doesn’t seem just This has been bothering me for a while now and it really gets me thinking does anyone even have a shred of answers?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.8991702198982239 2018-11-03 21:21:24,"I need to vent. Hey u guys...its not my first time venting..and ..this one is a quick question actually not a vent ..I think me out by commenting.. can I get over my ex...besmam..I've been trying like hell but ...ntn works...I really want to get over that dude please..most of u guys probably passed through this shit...I have too but...the way I got over my last ex was by not doing anything...and it took me more than a fucking year..and I don't want to wait that long plss. .suggest some methods or sth...idk...bcha help me out here... Thanks for reading..and don't forget to comment.. Love u guys...",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9954740405082703 2018-11-04 21:11:27,"I need to vent. Okay so the deal is I have had a lot of experience in very awful relationships and I also had good ones but they all end and now after so much stuff I HV met this wonderful person that I am madly in love with and some part of me tells me that she prolly is the one gen a huge part of me sayes we won't make it or something gone happen that'll fuck us up I truly don't know what to do she truly loves me and so do I but things I see and have experienced had made me feel that way ena its really a huge problem doubting some thing that is so real soo no jokes or funny comments just help a brother out be useful",love,NEGATIVE,0.9879462122917175 2018-11-05 00:20:23,"I need to vent. Hi,I NEED help guys how do you tell someone you don't want to be friends with them anymore without hurting their feelings? I am a female and I have this classmate that I don't wanna have as a friend! And she thinks that we are friends,I guess I gave her the wrong signs cuz I was kind !...and she doesn't understand the hints that I was trying to give her like ignoring her,avoiding her. what should I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999091386795044 2018-11-05 00:21:08,"I need to vent. Well i have problem i have been in relationship many times starting from high School but the one relationship in particular changed everything he means the world to me he is the only constan an changed thing in my life in the past 3years the problem in he is not ordinary he wouldn't do thing  that you normally expect from boyfriend I doesn't call he doesn't text he lives life on his term that what I love about him but still I get mad sometimes ya am human. we broke up after a year I still love him . After the brake up I wasn't my self for year but after while I started learning to be friends with my pain I started giving people  the fack smile I convinced my brain to let someone else in I did but this time I let the new guy in with my barin not my heart the new guy was tried of competing with my none existence ex so he left now am lone wishing the love of my life would be my feature and hoping my friends will not kill me for going back to the old days  that nearly destroyed me so please help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9816576242446899 2018-11-05 16:06:57,"I need to vent. Hey misterious one this is to you Since the day u left some part of me was taken or i dont knw lost or may be i forgot my self i just wanted to write this becouse i want to tell my self how much i miss every part of you. I knw i always talk to my self that may be “andken bayat” what would happen would I say hii to her or could she say hii to me back I dont knw may be i froze minamin ena i dont knw if miracles happen or not i jst wana tell you that I can’t fucking like any girl no interest its jst you were perfect in everything for me and i dont knw i think abt a lot things in my life right now i have to have a r/ship with someone am jst lost i need some one but am jst betam erase asazenegn like watever beautiful girl comes wat ever she would be she jst cant be u and you might have a r/ship or so may be your married or may be forgot abt me even its funny i worry and think too much its jst am very worried for my self that i wont get girl for me or a wife for me wat is the purpose of life if dont love my wife couz you already took all of it and i dont wana blame you for anything jst am worried for my self anyways i hope in any miracles way i wrote this sick ass letter may be enkuan somethin happens you knw jst knw that I lOVE YOU . Its wierd i wrote that thing a while ago. Love u minamin",love,NEGATIVE,0.995387852191925 2018-11-05 16:10:52,"I need to vent. how do you break up with someone when there’s nothing wrong in the relationship malet beka ale a andande yemitaweken neger beka ena it doesnt feel right yefelege tiru bihon ya sew still gn yitawekihal gn yan sew endet biye linegrew echilalew? unexpected yehone neger new mihonew miknyatum mnm altetalanm beka mnm neger yelem tilant afekrehalew biye endet new zare demo lela neger milew? ena i have to do it by text esu i dont have an option silezi how exactly do i tell them",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997739315032959 2018-11-05 16:12:27,"I need to vent. I've tried to get better from depression, but my anxiety keeps pulling me back. Fuck ive tried & I've tried getting help but its not working I didn't want to complain but its all I can do So here I am Complaining I guess I just want a reason to live again, to love, to feel, to be, a reason for everything But my questions remain unanswered I guess I'll lay in my grave still wondering But meh.... Atleast I vented",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957306981086731 2018-11-05 16:14:43,"I need to vent. I'm feeling alone this days. For the first time in years I felt as if my solitude is not enough. I finished highschool last year and I got in AAU, but sadly all my friends are going to different cities in Ethiopia. I've always been surrounded with friends at school that now that nobody is with me here, I'm feeling as if I'm all alone in my own city. I don't know what to do. Is there anyone who have felt this way while starting campus life? I'm just not feeling anything, I'm not even excited that I'm staying home.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9962523579597473 2018-11-05 17:54:26,"I need to vent. Hey I'm 22 yrs lately I hv been told zat Im not open minded about relationship and guys stuff. I have a strict policy of who I should date.... I knw so weird right? My friends always tease me abt it zat I am making it a job application. Lol. I need a smart- like a straight A student- guy with glasses n wiz a very fine body with no addictions who has a very successful future. And at z same time feta yale. Am I being too much?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.8560183048248291 2018-11-05 17:57:15,"I need to vent. They say suicide is not an option. It was/is an option for me. You lead me towards that road so I went through with it and unfortualtey, I survived. But damn, you gave zero fucks regardless. Not even a tad bit of compassion?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9974948167800903 2018-11-05 17:57:41,"I need to vent. Yesterday I tried to commit suicide ended up in emergency ..........I was not conscious for abt 6-7hrs then I woke up and I am not dead am feeling nothing.......",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980400204658508 2018-11-06 07:25:05,"I need to vent. Hyy guys ...i need 2 vent i meat ma gf at campus she was fresh nd i was her seniour i luved her when i first saw her i asked her out many times but she said no. After a semsitr have passed she luved me back nd we were a couple we were together 4 six month. One day she called me nd said we have 2 break up her reason was she is musilm nd im christin nd she say we dont have any future. Tbh i dont belive dat i think she just wane break up wiz me cuz if was rly in luv wiz me she will accept me wt ever im.but me i cant get her out of my mind i still rlyyy luv her soooo much nd idk wt 2 do...i need ur help guys plss tell me wt 2 do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9967002272605896 2018-11-06 07:25:31,"I need to vent. Am in a funk af!! I am quaking in my boots, what i think about is how to end this fuckin breath i have but what if i end up in hell? My thoughts are hairy, they are the one which makes me think suicidal cuz am in deep water and i don't know a way out, you feel me?? i don't think its goin to get better any sooner so i don't wanna live! I feel like am worthless! Am at my wits' end, i tried everything you can think of, am stacked! i guess life ain't for everyone ha? What i feel is pain, am wounded, a wound which seems like it'll never get healed. Am nat sayin i deserve to be happy bla bla cuz i've been a disappointment to God since i can rmbr but i asked for forgiveness cuz i ain't proud of any of it, i feel shame when i think about it, isn't that enough? i mean their is nothin i could do about it, its already in the past, maybe it ain't about my sins, maybe i should go through all this but again i can't hold it anymore am so exhausted! When i say all this its nat like i've been a bad bad girl all those times, i tried to make him happy with everythin i have but you know their are times you might do wrong things. As you can see i came up with every possible reasons why the fuck this misreable life am in is keep pushin me harder and harder but none of it matters now, this whole journey messed me up already. But you know what? I still didn't lose hope, its the only way to survive, am a Survivor!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999492883682251 2018-11-06 07:25:37,"I need to vent. About half an hour ago, I farted. Sitting at my computer as I do most of the time, this is something I've grown used to, but this fart really fucking stank. Seriously, it was like eleven dead animals with shit mixed in. I was sick and tired of having farts smell so terrible. But did I do what the sensible person would do, and get up and wait for it to disperse, perhaps taking with me the resolution to change my diet to better my smells? No, I did not. I took what I considered to be the alternate route. I stuck a mint up my ass I figured that since it dissolves in saliva, my ass would server a fair job of dissolving it, thus lining the end of my colon with a nice minty extract and making my farts the kind that girls would like to make out with. Somewhere along the line, however, I apparently didn't work out the way the dissolved mint would be absorbed into the walls. Anyway, around 20 minutes passed, and I had to fart again. Being of a scientific mind, this would be where I'd prove or disprove my hypothesis, so I let her rip. Oh god. It wasn't a fart. It was a fucking butt sneeze. The mint had been dissolved, that much was clear. But what was left was spearmint jelly mixed with shit, and it was all over my boxers and running down my legs as I ran to the bathroom. I cleaned up my boxers as best as I could, scrubbed my leg, and tossed the underwear in the wash. So overall an embarrassing experience, and one I wouldn't want to relive. However it was worth noting: that shit jelly smelled fucking awesome.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967430233955383 2018-11-06 08:20:02,"I need to vent. My girlfriend have bad breath when we kiss. Like her teeth is super white(she brush it always nager) but idk where those bad odors come. I'm afraid of discussing about this issue with her....beza lay demo we always kiss. What can I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9934812784194946 2018-11-06 12:32:24,"I need to vent. Can you imagine of a moment so huge and inconsequential at the same time the moment you know your going to die... The moment you make peace with the fact that your about to die... The moment you go through 5 stages of grief in a second... The moment your life flashes before your eyes... The moment you regret all the bad decisions you have made.... The moment you accept that, that moment is the end.... The moment you only think about your self.... That moment before your demise...... Can you picture it.... Can you picture your facial expression... Can you imagine if your heart is beating so hard its trying to get out of your chest or are you calm accepting everything..... How would you describe that moment???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9887180328369141 2018-11-06 12:32:41,"I need to vent. Can you imagine of a moment so huge and inconsequential at the same time the moment you know your going to die... The moment you make peace with the fact that your about to die... The moment you go through 5 stages of grief in a second... The moment your life flashes before your eyes... The moment you regret all the bad decisions you have made.... The moment you accept that, that moment is the end.... The moment you only think about your self.... That moment before your demise...... Can you picture it.... Can you picture your facial expression... Can you imagine if your heart is beating so hard its trying to get out of your chest or are you calm accepting everything..... How would you describe that moment???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9887180328369141 2018-11-06 12:33:42,"I need to vent. Owkay so what's up y'all how u doin, see am trying be ol cute now cause u guys will hate me in a second trust me, so I got a problem, actually they're multiple see am addicted to sexting don't get me wrong ik everyone does it but mine is different like it's intense am fucked up by it... And the worst part of it is that I lie cause of it meaning I tell guys lies about myself like my age ( am 18 btw and a virgin) but my sextin game is fucking crazy like I majored in that shit am serious. Becha am serious I need help I didn't used to be this kinda girl AT ALL, and ever since this I even stopped going to church and everything and I wanna stop soooo much I swear but idk maybe am in too deep u guys am so fucked scared of what this is doing to me I feel like if I go on being like this am gonna end up pregnant before I even go to college. Honestly I even hate when guys talk nicely to me this days cause I feel like a piece of shit and I somehow feel good when they treat me like that and oh God u have no clue how fucking respectful I was of myself it was intense and now...well. So please I need real help I've never been this vulnerable & open to anyone so help me...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9915018081665039 2018-11-06 12:33:56,"I need to vent. I jst want smne idk 2 talk to, smne anonymous i jst tell them my problems n vent to them b/c idk them n they won't judge or even if they do i won't care jst a friend",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987873435020447 2018-11-07 21:30:30,"I need to vent. Hello everyone! I will try to keep this short. I need help on some matter from doctors here or others that have the same experience as mine. A few weeks back i was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder (BPD) and light depression. My psychiatrist told me they will put me on medication and will prescribe me sertraline (Zoloft) and I have to make up my mind by our next appointment. I am really freaking out about being on a medication even though I know I really need it, cause you know side effects and I am scared the drug will make me lose control of myself- more than I already have. And to make matter worse I moved alone recently; a thousand miles away from home, I have zero support system, I am going to uni full time and working part-time. All these things are adding up and are breaking me down for real. There is really no one I can turn to for advice hence why I am here. So has anyone here ever taken sertraline, or for the doctors here, what should I expect once I started my medication? Is it even the right thing to do? Thank you in advance!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983305335044861 2018-11-07 21:33:39,"I need to vent. My father is an ass ...he is a good for nothing of a man a drunken mean abusive cheating man whore i can not believe everyday that i will ever become a person of worth when i think i carry around his genes He put us through a lot of things not worth mentioning i hate him there is so much hate and anger in me and i can not do anything about literally anything .. my hands are tied...cause on top of what horrible things i mentioned above hes an obsessive needy controlling pshycho it will take me time to distance myself from him which i desperately want to do but in the meantime all i can think of is either killing him or killing myself cause one of us just got to go ..he is such an exhausting piece of shit u know ..what a waste ..ok im done trash talkin the old man",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995701909065247 2018-11-07 21:33:55,"I need to vent. Hi guys,AM TIRED OF CRAMMING! I swear to God!... Thats always has been the way I memorize stuff for exam! And it works actually! but am tired of it,sometimes I get out of breath!...can y'all please give me any tips or methods u use to memorize stuff for exam! that would be so helpful!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9881095290184021 2018-11-07 21:34:18,"I need to vent. I need to vent. Okay fellow readers how is ur evening? I just joined these channel because a friend recommended it to me. He told me it helps get rid of loneliness. So i need some advice for real. There's this girl in my neighbourhood. She is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen inside and out. We're in the same college and i was inlove with here for the past 4 years. But i recently found out that she's been diagnosed with kidney failure and she is dying due to some complications with here immune system. I dont know what to do. Should i be there for her or should i just try to move on? I need genuine answers.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9949628114700317 2018-11-08 08:58:25,"I need to vent. Hey guys...ok well engdi my life is complicated af becha when I get to the point I'm so tired of crying day to day bka ma life zembelo drama becha hone Inem I'm to sensitive for everything Ena Tinish neger hula seyagatemegn I prefer to cry silly right? Lalagnaw demo daydreaming new yemibalew Ufff this shit bka kuch beye silly yehonu ngr eyasebiku kenu yalekal I can't study Mnm I expect to much from ppl if they ddnt do yehone ngr bka kefet new yemil bka I hope u guys can help me with my problems will wait for z replays",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9981708526611328 2018-11-08 09:00:31,"I need to vent. Ohhh my fucking god Don't you sometimes want to tell every stupid person around you a piece of your mind like i just want to go around telling people how full of shit they are like ur stupid ur annoying ur a bitch u don't even matter ur too fucking careless ur self centred u always like to blame someone u i don't have the words like u fake u don't even get me started am scared abt the shit that i think abt people and their stupidity and selfishness and there obsessive need to blame someone for real i have tried to be nice but people are just shittttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy nd am like wat",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987841248512268 2018-11-08 09:02:15,"I need to vent. So I have a bf for over 3 years and through that we have been through a lot and we have managed to pass all that but Idk what changed but he seemed to be very different guy with in a snap. We were board and we were at some place and I told him to go to his friends because he was doing nothing and he said he needed something from them and I gently asked him to be with them because he is doing nothing here and he got mad which I begged and apologized for. He accepted my apology but he doesn't talk to me in school he acts like I don't even exist he acts like um trash to him. And I see girls sitting on his lap n stuff I just don't know what to do he is absolutely different this past weeks? Wtf should I do???? And please don't tell me breaking up is a solution please thank you.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9852212071418762 2018-11-08 09:03:14,"I need to vent. Ufff I just wanna die I ask nothing but to die. They don't listen to me. My voice has no meaning to them. It's them and only them. I wish i could stay for the ones that love me and whom I love but it's torture being at home. I can't take it anymore. They hate me and i don't blame them but the least they could do is hear me out some times. I am an absolute stupid person to my mom and dad well he ain't even home for most of it. She chooses everyone else over me. When am I ever gonna feel the love from my family? I am trash and nothing more. There is no one here to have my back and I have to cry myself to sleep hearing the insults coming from the other room. I don't have enough pills to overdose or enough power to cut my wrist deep enough so I only have a rope. If i hang myself then it will all be over. I want them to know how miserable they made me feel. They will know that it was them who caused this and no one else. I want them to suffer. I want them to be hated by their loved ones. I want them to die in agony just like me. -BOB",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987444877624512 2018-11-08 09:03:29,"I need to vent. Okay depressiom is a common thing i read on these channel. I used to go through it too. And i sometimes feel sad reading a vent related to depression. You will be set free trust me i know it. All you have to do is have faith in God. If things are not going your way it only means that it's going His(God's) way. So just pray to be patient because Esu yazegajelen or yasebeln kegna yebeltalna",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9891645312309265 2018-11-08 09:04:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys I don't know how to start. This is a first time to vent hear. I'm 18 and am grade 12. I am not happy wz a life am living now. I don't know how to direct my life. I don't even know what filed to select. I always fill lonely. I lost my mom when I was 4. And when I see mothers care I always cry,cavil and I think what will happen if my mom is wz me. I don't have boyfriend am afraid of it. I don't know why I am. But I think am shy. Because I take relationship seriously. I don't went to be in relation if I'm not sure that his will be my husband. That's why I don't have a boyfriend. And peoples always try to hurt me,ignore me and they don't went to give me attention. Many times i tried to kill my self. But I believe that all things be for a reason. please help me need ur advice's don't ignore my like the rest",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9863503575325012 2018-11-08 10:08:38,"I need to vent. Hey what's up? Not a vent more of a confusion...... Yo what's up with this attention thirst...... Don't get me wrong everyone likes to be liked..... But people don't give a fuck about u why r u so obsessed and bend over backwards to make em care......... If they don't care they don't care beka .... MOVE THE FUCK ON",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967291355133057 2018-11-08 14:45:01,"I need to vent. It is my 1st time Call it vent or what ever u want Here it goes ... Why is every body says I'm gone kill my self, I tried to kill my self bla bla bla 1 no body have the right to commit susied , ur life belongs to God I don't even say the dumb word correctly lol 2 think there is another person in the worst place than u there r ppl's who don't have home who don't get to eat anything thank God for the things that u have And ppl's who complain about the dumb guys or girls u came to this world alone and u can live with out anybody Ppl's who got hurt by their relationships give it a time u will be good as new Don't complain a lot",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9991821646690369 2018-11-08 18:10:02,"I need to vent. This is my problem when ever i start to really like a girl am dating n i want things to be serious, i fuck it up myself i expect so much from them and i dont trust them at all..which in turn leads me to question every little detail..if she doesn't respond to my text or if she says she'll do smt but fails to do it...i instantly resort to questioning our whole takes so little for me to start woundering that the whole thing will just crumble...i argue or get pissed at them for every miss step. So this has made me incapable of having a relationship that lasts more then two months or so..nd i dont knw how to fix it..i would really like your help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992190599441528 2018-11-08 18:10:48,"I need to vent. Eshi this vent Is for this specific Ethiopian culture abt how is zemetenga person praised or ""ዝምታ ወርቅ ነው "" the ultimate shit to attain Bt how this could be a thing, i mean i cannot find anywhere this could work examples Me and my homie were hanging like for 4 years when we start disagreeing he would paint me how am like this kind of a guy and bring proof from 2 or 3 years ago like moments i acted like that person and he told me then he didnt say anything (tageskuk) because i dont know that is fucken virtuous? Really ...or me and my ex when we fight she would say how couldn't u know u r a man like mans are telepathic, FUCK! , we need to talk on what and what not Yeah i know u might say this could work like when u are disagreeing with a stupid ppl or ur fucken superiors bt No this is where u are u r WRONG, saying nothing become the smartest thing to do is just because u do not have any thing to do other than that i mean u r not samr enough to make the stupid person to understand nor powerful enough for u superiors to listen to you So ዝምታ is void and zemetenga is retard",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995662569999695 2018-11-08 20:31:37,"I need to vent. Hey all, so a quick question. Does anyone here really actually believe in God? I mean i am not naive enough to believe this amazingly structured world and our perfectly engineered body was created by a big bang. I believe there is a creator. But then again, doesn't it bother you the silence of God during the Holocaust, the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now in Syria and Yemen. Isn't it a bit unsettling that all this is happening under the watch of God? And if He isn't moved enough to spare innocent lives do you think He will be bothered even a little bit to be there for you in your individual life?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9952849745750427 2018-11-09 11:28:43,"I need to vent. I wish I didn't lack confidence so much. I hope I don't go envying every person I met. I wish I don't think of escaping myself a thousand times a day. I wish I could tell the guy I like how much he means to me. I wish I didn't have to make him feel like he messed up because of my insecurities. I wish I didn't hurt him the same was he has been hurt before. I wish I deserve to be liked by someone somewhere. I wish I wasn't me and I wish i could change everything about myself head to toe. And I wish this wishes come true one day.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9707062840461731 2018-11-09 11:30:04,"I need to vent. Hi there, Oh I can't believe am venting but am in a sticky situation and I want advice on it.... so here is the deal I have been with this guy for 6 years he is amazing and we really were in love. But there were always things to make us fight and taking a break from the relationship was a usual, and I knew that it was Un healthy but I told my self what relationship doesn't have problems so ours have few and it doesn't matter. But it mattered, because I got hurt by his actions every now and then. Don't get me wrong am not saying everything was bad, we really had great moments and were so in love. anyways finally I decided it was enough and pulled the break on the relationship, usually when I say I wanna break up he gets some kind of way to convince me back but this time I was stubborn and he didn't fight hard enough so we broke up. I was fine at first even ignored his "" I miss u"" txts but now week goes by and I am in a situation I can't handle. I don't sleep, I don't have appetite at all, I don't get out of the house, I am just sad like to the point if some one says anything to me I want to cry and most of all I just miss him, I look at his online status I look at his pictures and listen to his recordings again and again it's just insane. I wanna call or text him but I can't I mean I am the one who broke it off I am the one who said I don't want you I am the one who ignored his calls so how is it fair that I call now and ruin his mood. Am just soooo fucking confused....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9917764663696289 2018-11-09 11:31:19,"I need to vent. Hi okay something has been bothering me. yehewlachu i've been in college for 4 years and there was this guy i knew back in highschool. We werent even friends just knew him enough to know he kinda liked me neger. And then we became friends on fb but i never even looked at his messages but i replied today somehow. And he remembers a LOT of things about me. He said we should have machiato some day and i said why not but then.....i looked up to past messages and its like Jun 6 2014...hi Jul 18 2014...hey Mar 8 2015...peace new Aug 5 2015...r u alive Jan 29 2016...ere hi Sep 22 2017....selam lezi bet Oct 28 2018...dehna nesh point is should i be worried,what if this guy is some sort of psycho",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9864047765731812 2018-11-09 11:32:11,"I need to vent. Have u ever been replaced by that one and only person u used to be with? Have u ever loved someone so much you would leave everything for that smone? Have you ever seen your special ones change when they got to meet new ones? Have you ever been taken advantage of by that one friend who was like family? Have you ever been disappointed too many times for expecting too much? Have you ever had to deal with heart break again because after really long time you felt something for someone and you thought it would be your happy ending? Have you ever felt tired sometimes u even lose the energy to walk? Have you ever felt like you were worthless? Have you ever thought the only way to end all the pain these ppl been putting you thru was for you to die? Have you ever had suicidal thoughts and had no one there for you to save you? Have you ever stopped feeling anything n feel stuck like u can't move? Like nothing makes sense anymore? Like u can't even cry no more? Like you are dead inside? Have you ever had to care about others while you were living in situation like that? Have you felt like u can't give anyone anymore? Like u can't trust coz u been betrayed as hell? You can't love coz u been played to death? Like even with the good ones coming u just can't be that person again. Have you?coz I have.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9954007267951965 2018-11-09 11:32:44,"I need to vent. I dont wana credit my success my struggles my victories to god when I graduate adrklgna think u wen I marry ede Abraham n Sara argilin wen I deliver kiddos ...its god ... No no no wait a minute where was he wen I failed exams .. When I break up wiz my bf n when I got sick pregnant .. I did it I made it n I'm thankful for my journey ... When good shits happen its god when bad things happen its devil .. Isn't god who invented z devil ?? I'm sure he cud rescue z ones he loved ... Over z bullshit",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.5975919365882874 2018-11-09 11:33:04,"I need to vent. Hello. I'm not here to vent but to ask a question. For the dudes especially. Which one do you prefer? A pretty bitch with no brain and spoiled personality or a very ugly, shy girl who doesn't even know how to kiss But has a very deep personality? I want the truth.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9862303137779236 2018-11-09 12:25:09,"I need to vent. Hey all, havent been here in such a long time but im here to vent have you ever felt like all the decision youve made till now was wrong, should i have not choosen medicine? should i have not became a doctor? should i have said yes to the guy that proposed? all of this things i took the route now im here wondering if i had known what i know now would i choose the same thing or steer in a different direction? How do all of yall know if your in the right path?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.997890293598175 2018-11-09 14:31:08,"I need to vent. I hear dudes use so offensive words for girls like hoe, whore, slut, bitch, ... I think we girls need to create a very new and more offensive words for dudes! For Hoe=-------, Whore=--------, Slut=---------, Bitch=---------. Fill in the blank ladies. And Admins please don't reject this vent because we girls are gettin so much hate from dudes when ever we vent about something common but just we are girls we get so much insults from them so please approve it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9921148419380188 2018-11-09 14:31:47,"I need to vent. I am dating some guy who is 3 years younger than me. We have been together for 1 and half year. He is an amazing person. And i seldom think about our age differences. I am an old fashioned girl and think way beyond my age. And this few weeks while we talk about different things his answers seems to me as childish and immature. And it is disturbing me a lot. Do i have to stop dating him? Wt do u think about dating a younger guy?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9913190007209778 2018-11-09 15:35:24,"I need to vent. Honestly speaking my life is way more complicated than everybody else....I am in love with my 3rd grade crush and we were together for a year.w with long distance relationship. But we broke up and we both started dating tho we didn't stop talking. I realised that he is the one I wanna be with I wanted to get back with him but it was too late for me cause he had a gf...and well I started playing and shit. Then a year later someone came in to my life. A guy that used to be my worst enemy. And things turn out the way we both didn't expect. We started dating. And two man in my life huh...I really really want for this r/s to work cause he put so much so that we can be together. But the problems r this relationship is also based on long distance...And I can't stop talking to the other guy cause I made a promise not to stop talking to him and plus I don't want to. But somehow it might effect my r/s with this guy....and I guess long distance loves me more than this guys... please im caught up b/n this men....give me advice cause ur advice means a lot",love,POSITIVE,0.5820344090461731 2018-11-09 20:56:53,"I need to vent. Hey guys I can't stop thinking n dreaming about my ex I wish I could get him back n say sorry for all I ever done(idk ma faults)I wish could kiss him n hug him at list for a Lil second...I miss him asf...yeah I do a lot!!since I do ma best to save our relation buh alchalkum ayneshn endalayew alegn hule sedewl he ignore ma calls or some girls answer it,at that time it damn fucking hurtafter all beka ersahut MNM mareg alchalkum I start ma new life with out him gen temlso yekrta alegn ena yekrtawn altkeblkutm neber enditewgn neber meflgew coz I don't know weste likblew alchalem ena..there is something problem with his papa malet kenega eyalenm tetaltew neber finally cousinu besu mknyat erasun atfto endmote negrchgnis it all ma fault?yetsaflgnen text banebebku kuter am hurting...coz at list ene katgbu benor did u think yehe Hulu yefteral?i don't know what to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988301396369934 2018-11-09 21:52:41,"I need to vent. Hello ppl! I'm new um... I'm a nerd for starters and I'm having trouble blending in in my new school. I have a problem of pushing ppl away. They try to be friendly with me but I give them boring response so that they could leave me alone but it was nothing at first. Now it's the girls. I sit with a girl and she tells me everything what ppl think abt me... They say I have a lot of pride, they think I'm a player or smt like that just because I make a sharp gaze when I see smt that grabs my attention... But all I am is a nerd, socially retarded, and a fucking pusher please tell me what to do so I can fix myself",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9949737787246704 2018-11-10 08:15:42,"I need to vent. I gave up my ENTIRE planned life for this girl that I'm in love with. I don't think she even knows what I do for her,I mean she's my girlfriend and also my bestfriend but she acts like she has no clue. I'm not asking for her to praise me like I'm fucking shiva but I wish she could just be a little less selfish and self centered sometimes. Every time we fight I end up looking like the idiot and she's even made people change their views about me. I let go of everything I had and settled for a life of depression just so she would be happy and her acting like this is just making me regret everything. The messed up thing is that I still love her tho,I don't know what to do this isn't who I am anymore. I don't know how she did it but she has made me hate this person I've become. I'd really like to ask,do girls really see the stuff that guys do for them,like good guys that aren't assholes to them and treat them with such value and appreciation?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9985847473144531 2018-11-10 08:32:28,"I need to vent. Keep my identity a secret So I have this problem I worry a lot ....wen I say a lot I mean to the point of driving my self almost insane it's not healthy I know gene I can't help it .....demo the worst thing is my family is really worried about me they think I'm going crazy",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9996107220649719 2018-11-10 21:16:10,"I need to vent. Hello guys... my English is not perfect so u may find some mistakes so lemme get to my story I am a 15 yrs old girl i grade 9 and I don't look my age I look 18 mnamn ena it's making me lose my confidence and also I have a lisp and I really hate it beqa in general I keep hating myself I feel like people don't want me mnamn and also my biggest problem is i get tired of people easily so I got this boyfriend and he loves me but I don't he asked me for the third time that's why I had to say yes but now I don't even wanna talk to him and now I don't how to tell him(please don't say just tell him) and also I have a depression I keep getting depressed everything that is used to make me happy in the past doesn't make me happy anymore and also I'm kinda shy but people think I'm guregna just because I don't talk with them so what do u think I should do srsly I'm getting depressed more and moreeee so please tell me what to do and be generous with ur comments because it could really hurt me if u say something bad",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992146492004395 2018-11-10 21:39:12,"I need to vent. its funny how everybody here is so fake and stupid and think they know better than the other please get out and get a life geeeez depression is not something you guys can just say when you feel sad or lonely or think its 'cool' or smtg.....why in gods name am i even here wasting my breath Good bye nimrods",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9991449117660522 2018-11-11 08:00:52,"I need to vent. Hey guys now I know how depression feels like I thought ya all were kidding when you say I am so depressed but now I understand. Me I am in a state were I wanna kill my self beka everything is getting worse in my life everything so why would I live and make them worse. I used to have an easy life but now everything is difficult I was suppose to be the smart one becha I am so done. I cant just sit and watch everything fall apart I dont know what I need hmmm life sucks",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985087513923645 2018-11-11 19:36:21,"I need to vent. I saw my mom cry before because my father cheated on her, now before you cheat on your partner let me remind you that those scars are incurable. The pain pops at every moment at every joyful moments at every beautiful times. Be mindful about this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7426542043685913 2018-11-11 21:04:05,"I need to vent. So I'm the type of person who is the odd one out in a group of friends. Ever since i was a child, for some reasons i don't know friends do stuff behind my back or just have me follow along without really including me. When we were assigned seats in class, some said infront of me that they don't wanna sit with me. I should mention that i am also hard of hearing. So really i didn't really care at the time because i don't value those ppl and so their words and actions didn't have any effect. Or so i thought. Until today. I was excited about something and went to tell it to my fam and i pretty much got no reaction except one person. This wouldn't faze a normal person but for me it was a big deal. I couldn't stop replaying the scene in my head. It brought back all the times i felt left out. I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I realized how those situations have shaped me to the present day. For example when i text and someone doesn't reply i really hate it. I prefer if they would just say bye or sth. All these have taught me to enjoy myself in solitude. Atleast them am not worrying if I'm inconveniencing others, or if they don't wanna be with me. When i recount, my happiest times were when am home alone watching tv. Idk this feels so horrible.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9879626631736755 2018-11-12 16:12:32,"I need to vent. So I was watching a YouTube video the other day and it completely changed the way I saw myself in relationships. The video was about how our childhoods shape the type of lovestyles we use as adults and it goes into detail about it. Basically there are 5 types of lovestyles(the pleaser,the victim,the controller the valiant and the avoider) but I'm only going to talk about mine the Valiant. As a child I had both working parents they both worked 24/7 for a better life for me and my sister but in the process the didn't give us a lot of love and attention growing up. And when they did I was just too tired and angry to receive it. So now when I'm in a new relationship I tend to idealise the rp and expect too much from my partner to fill the void I had as a child. In turn all the rps I've had(and I've had quite a lot) fizzle out after 2 months cuz i feel I'm not getting what I want from them so i just end it. I saw the video after my most recent break up(about a day ago) and i realised i wasn't being disappointed by my gf but the expectations in my head,that was what was letting me down. Maybe it's a little too late to go back to that rp( cuz I've done things i can't take back in that one day we were apart) but maybe I can change myself for the next girl and keep my expectations at bay. Watch the video if you can and comment down below what kind of lovestyle you have I'm really curious to know. Thanks for reading.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9965930581092834 2018-11-12 16:16:24,"I need to vent. First time venting so here's what happened......i met this guy 2 years ago n we got to knw eachother n got along really well,and as we got close he said he has feelings for me n stuff i never thought of him like that i opened up to him like i did to no one else. I wanna keep being his friend i really respect him and he has helped me a lot, but these days its really getting hard for me like he keeps telling me about his feelings for which is really stressing me out af i told him i dont have that kinda feelings for him plus he knws I dont wanna be in a rln but he still brings up the topic. This has been going on for like a year or smtn so my question for u guys is if u were me would u ignore his feelings n keep being friends? or stay away and disappear from his life so he can forget u?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.8928179740905762 2018-11-13 12:07:46,"I need to vent. not really a vent not even a question it's just I need someone to talk to cause I got a lot of shit on my mind and I feel like my head is about to explode.So if there are some of u that want to talk or anything am desperate here",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993934631347656 2018-11-13 12:08:37,"I need to vent. So here is something like really messed up, I'm 18 and a senior in highschool. I'm really good at my academics, I do a lot of extracurriculars and I even got elected as a member of the school board committee, and I'm very social people know me and word got out that I'm still a virgin. I mean I don't think its wrong that I am but people at my school seem to think that there is something wrong with me given the fact that im very interactive and approachable but I just think I have greater priorities. And given my very firm stand on this the only reason that I'm asking for opinions here is that this is messing up things for me at school, some ppl point at me and laugh, I'm not respected like I used to be and I just found out that I'm literally 1 of the 4 virgins at my school and the 3 are kinda not known I think I mean no one made them a big deal but I'm practically being bullied for it, so what do u guys think I should do? Is it wrong that I'm an 18 year old virgin Ethiopian girl?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9940758943557739 2018-11-13 12:08:47,"I need to vent. I wish I had someone to sock me in the mouth when they see me making the same mistake over and over, year after year.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9996261596679688 2018-11-13 12:09:44,"I need to vent. Hello people do u feel this way like you could actually feel sanity slipping away migraines for no reason and just mental pain???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985350370407104 2018-11-13 17:17:48,"I need to vent. So how many of u guys deal wiz low self-esteem and depression,cause I am dealing wiz it day today and it sucks just wanna know if there is anyone I can talk to",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989508390426636 2018-11-13 17:18:52,"I need to vent. Hey guys, I'm just happy to be alive! Life is awesome! Enjoy it. Just like Yin and Yang, for all Yangs there's a yin to balance it, don't get mad because you only saw the Yin or the bad parts, nothing is prefect, everything is balanced, even in the Good things there is a small black dot, the trick is to enjoy life as is... All will pass. Peace be up you and your future",joy,POSITIVE,0.9997355341911316 2018-11-13 17:19:34,"I need to vent. Hello, It's really not a's more like sharing a life experience of mine......I have been through a lot.... I used to be a victim of sexual Impurity I even got depression from it and every time I see the vents in this group I wonder to my self how much pain and greif are people living with.......but A lover crossed my paths .....I know it might look dumb to the world but jesus is the one who saved me from my pain, He is really not a religion... he is looking up to souls but he can't force anyone it is up on our free will..... He was there when I cried ,he comforted ,he was an amazing dad, alover,a carrier.....if it wasn't for him I don't know what I would be know may be I would have committed suicide or got crazy ....but he said you're mine Nothing will posses your heart except me...and you won't believe if I tell you my change was a one night thing.... Now my heart is beating for him and I am flourishing in his house.......learning and I am a happy person now all thanks to him..... So brother and sisteres I want to tell you no matter in what situation you are in,Jesus is waiting with Open arms....if He can changed me there's no reason he won't be a help to you bcoz only God knows how much my life was a mess..... Sorry for the long vent I love you all....and Remember Jesus lovess you like no one else could do!",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9270661473274231 2018-11-13 17:19:40,"I need to vent. I tried to believe in God, gave it all I had but nothing has changed. People say I don't believe cause I asked and was not giving. That may be a contributing factor but really I just see God as a sign of hope, as a meaning for life, someone we admire, wanna live up to. I guess it's the moment I started to lose faith that I started to want to leave this place. I want to believe but I just can't. You're probably gonna say ""read the bible and let him guide you"" or ""just open your heart to him"". I did. I went all in but at the end of the day I am all alone. It gets harder and harder everyday not having a worthy reason to live.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9930440783500671 2018-11-13 17:19:58,"I need to vent. Does being a virgin when you're a guy respectable by ladies too? Just referring from the vents above. What is girls view for a virgin guy?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.997309684753418 2018-11-13 20:14:04,"I need to vent. this one is for u yene dngay ras ure a person who ignore me when i give u attention, im a person who always give u attention even if u dont care, ure a person who dont want to admit that u had values fo me, im a person who try to make u see wat my values r, ure a person who always find me wn u need me, im a person who is always by ur side to hold ur pains, ure a person who diss me in any way u want, im a person who is always smilin wn u insult me, ure a person who always act lyk u hate me, im a person who always luv u unconditionally, im a person whose vibe is lighten anytime i see.u know wt the funniest part of u....... u always want me wn im far away from u..... i always keep myself away from u inorder to move on but u always come n ruin everything. but now i realize that i deserve better. if u cant see may trials im nt gonna showoff. ure givin me a memory lyk a sieve, u always transfer my smiley face into a stern... bt for the reason wc i didnt know i nvr dared to hate u... i only count one good from a million bads. i wonder hw i even fall in luv wz u,i wonder how i always go back to u even if u dont give a damn abt me. I nvr asked u for anything even after our fuckin ""makeout "" shit but i rly wanna know y ure still pretending lyk ntg happened u always ignore me. i handled ever single insulty things but now i had enough of it. js think over it ""do i rly deserve this? ""IDTS but can we atleast b frnds,no more or less lyk we used to be. i love the way we used to be...... the way that we melafat hulunm se resten, the way that u come to annoy me, the way that u memtat n masekayet me out of nowhere, the way that u block my way n force me to do stg fo u,the way that u talk to me lyk ur boy-frnd(dont get me wrong im a lady).im rly missing those things bt my head is fuckin me up kednzua wedajh",love,NEGATIVE,0.99762362241745 2018-11-13 20:14:28,"I need to vent. Yesew lij birab bitema endeflagotu baynor malet new at least endet common sense bemibalew neger sew endet sew ayredam? Sew endet bezach 1 dot decide yaregal? Balubet chigir lay abro yekomen sew belaela bayreda ayzo Belo komo teru fit yetebeken sew..... ende felegu ende kebt siyaregut ke eshi lela mnm Belo mayakewn sew like endi siyadergut baykefaw fitu lay mnm emotion bayasay be wustu gin bezu asboal tegbar adergotm bihon yet ena yet yidersal gin negen belo beder kefelku belo teru menager baychilu enkuan zemtachew yishalal yalen sew gin eyehaedu menkatu it's like raising a fire just not on the outside but in z inside ....the worst part is that one day when it bursts it's gonna come us volcano not a fire u put out with simple water (words)!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986843466758728 2018-11-13 20:17:30,"I need to vent. Who am i? Rlly tho who am i? Wat makes me happy? What makes me sad? Wat do i lik 2 do? Z answer 2 these questions depends on when i get asked these im cool w smtin z nxt second i am confused...I dont really know myself!?!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.6573655009269714 2018-11-13 21:14:33,"I need to vent. Hey guys how ya all. Well am not fyn this how heartbreak feel like damn am having that ryt know..he was a bestfrind of mine actually it was more than that I guess so I developed this stupid feeling and I tot he had them too. And didn't know he had a gal trust me guys we were like a couple so I never tot there was a she.anyhow after I found out that his in love with her I stopped chatting with him and the most wtf moment is were strangers nw and I think am in love with him..guys ma heart is hurting like real bad so ppl plz I need some kind of a magic to not feel that plz plz and were in the same campus so its hard just to see him BOYS WHY WOULD YUH DO THIS TO US.. GIVING A GAL A FAKEASS SIGN AND LEAVE HER TO HER BROKEN HEART GOD!! Boys WHY DO U EVEN EXIST",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981951117515564 2018-11-13 21:35:01,"I need to vent. Okay here goes well I haven't said anything abt this yet but he's my best friend like we're sooo close but then I guess I hv feelings for him or maybe not am confused and I don't know what to do I mean I think he doesn't even feel that way abt me and am scared that am gonna lose our friendship if I do one wrong move...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9970659613609314 2018-11-14 10:03:04,"I need to vent. Am so touched with what is goin on in this channel! Look at the vents who have got the most comment and the comments it self, only vents which are about sexual staff gets more comment and the comments are full of insults and hate! But the vents with some thing else problems don't get to get more comments, why??? Why???????????? Why don't you try to help the one's in need instead of to go and insult the ones with the most comments. When i see about 100 comments am like wow, why is this all people active and nat commenting on the other vents! Please guys try to be helpful okay, if you all wanna help trust me their is so much to say in you! This ppls who vents are in need so lets give away some help! Or am i the only one to notice this??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9963346719741821 2018-11-14 16:39:51,"I need to vent. Hey there today was z worst day of my life exam lay nbrn Ena yametahut wetet begeta sim new yemiyasebelew getan kefet new yalegn bka even guadegnoche erasu judge yaderegugn meselegn yaw its high school sew yaweral menamen Ik Ik z solution to this is to study gen I can't idk what's holding me down I tried eko gen hulem mekefat new seraye plus yehone Ke guadeyoche semekerugn menamen I feel like there yehone eyenakugn dedeb nesh eyalugn yehone yemigemetugn menamen Keza Rasen latefa menamen sel demo btm eferalew bka btm help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990577101707458 2018-11-14 16:42:08,"I need to vent. Recurring thoughts of death. Not death of my self but death of people close to me. I sense an impending doom, and it's killing me. I'm afraid, I'm sad even when there's nothing to be sad about. I'm not a good person overall, on the outer surface I'm just this introverted dude who doesn't do much. But the negativity inside me is killing me. I think I have anxiety too. I'm not suicidal but I'm thinking allota negative shit. Help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991551637649536 2018-11-14 16:42:41,"I need to vent. I don't kw what love feels like... I got no clue how to, n it scares me if I am like that for the rest of my life I liked my ex broke it off cuz I couldn't love him and now I like another guy but scared if its gona happen all over again. .. I'm I hopeless in love help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9931259155273438 2018-11-14 16:43:52,"I need to vent. Life is full of pain bt it is ur choice to suffer or STAND UP straight with your shoulders back and accept the terrible responsibility of life with eyes wide open,decide to voluntarliy transform the chaos of potential into the realities of habitable order, adopt the burden of self-conscious vulnerability , willingly undertake the sacrifice necessary to generate a productive and meaningful REALITY..... Do it despite what u feel i mean follow what is meaningful for your life not what is expedint, which is found b/n this narrow walls of chaos of insanity and tyrannical dull order!!!...... I know it is hard which why we have given 80 years to perfect it .....Good luck",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9615800380706787 2018-11-14 16:46:31,"I need to vent. Hello there! I don’t want to come off critical or something but I want to say this. I barely see people be concerned with Ethiopia’s Future; we are the next generation soon to replace our parents’ generation. Our country is in a absolute mess: students don’t care about class anymore and now find cheating their best way out of failure. Employees in every sector tend to involve in some treachery that would get them a fortune in a short time. What is really happening? These days also girls be called names and guys be cool for rapping well. Like really? We are one of the poorest countries in the world; that should strike our head sometimes. We should work diligently and try to be better citizens. You may not realize our backwardness but perhaps you will if you set your foot on other countries where hard work pays off. Our GDP per capita is as low as $760. Like we are scarcely living. Please put off all the fun and prioritize important things in life. I am not asking too much. If you are a student, please avoid cheating and focus on your studies, and if you are an employee, avoid corruption! May God bless Ethiopia!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9970213770866394 2018-11-15 00:01:01,"I need to vent. I am 19 soon to be 20.and i love my dad i really do. I don't care about my mom like she is the main reason of why i am like this she is like the starter of all the darkest side of me(which is spreading fast and becoming my new personality) i don't even know what the hell is wrong with me or what am i doing or ....... Its just that life hits me up hard and i can't get up now like i have tried before and i used to have a courage to try to get the fuck up and shake the shut off and just carry on but now i don't have a tiny fraction of that courage. All i wanna do is just die and be buried and just rest u know,from all this pain. I might grow as a plant then may be hehe who knows i just want to die......uffff i have trued suicide before it didn't work obviously hehe ena demo i hate people like sooooo bad i hate all the people in the world they are like hurt machines fuck u all. Sorry but whatever okay that is crap but who cares anyway i just wanted to tell someone this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.990522027015686 2018-11-15 05:52:29,"I need to vent. Here is my vent This aint my story...its the story of my friend who isnt able to tell it her self beacuse life is just cruel to take it from her She was in love with a very odd guy who is addictive with so many drugs and clamed that he loves her but never did...alot of things happened in the summer and although they used protection she got pregnant and it messed up eth...So then she told him..even tho it was a big shock for him he told her its gonna be alright and they will figure things out together...but that was the last time she saw him he changed his number and moved out of Addis and she couldnt get his address.beacuse she taught she got noones support she tried getting rid of the baby and thats when her life got its end....This is to the girl who was in love,betrayed and dead at the end just beacuse she trusted the wrong guy This is me sayin that this happened to my friend and it might be you tmrw (i hope not)so dont just get laid for the sweet words the outcomes are fucked up..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975975155830383 2018-11-16 10:11:18,"I need to vent. ‌‌ Hello guys, I need help. I haven'T been eating these past few days and I havent been out of bed. You see it all started when my friend told me about this movie. I need to see it!I havent been to class and all i can think about is it! Life is so fuckin unfair...I was supposed to be in addis watching that movie right now but no i have to be stuck in this hell hole cause I am broke ad. FML!!! What's the point of living? I just can't do this. It's too much. I had compromised a lot.. like too many things. But this..this is just something I can't take. This injustice is unbearble. No one deserves this. Curse those who denied me the priviledge of watching that movie! People are so inhuman these days. No one is willing to buy me plane ticket...i mean the cruelty! I don't know what's gonna happen if I don't see that movie...I don't...i dont trust myself",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99873286485672 2018-11-16 22:49:54,"I need to vent. Hey ppl well I’m not venting or anything i just need some advice on smtn well it’s a problem actually it’s all in the brain. I can’t focus like i rly can’t at first I thought it was something that usually happens i mean we think too much sometimes ryt. But i think this thing i hv is serious i can’t focus on one thing it gets harder nd harder to study bc My mind is drifting to some other thought every 5 minutes i rly tried to control it but I couldn’t. So if u guys hv these kinda problems or any solutions pls help a grl out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984911680221558 2018-11-16 22:49:56,"I need to vent. Hi everybody .... im so desperate i fear getting closer to people & making friends mnamn ... but sometimes i feel so lonely & wish i could talk to someone .... bcha most of z times i wanna be alone & sometimes i don't. I love this introversion level but sometimes i feel like its too much & i cant even tell it to anyone coz no one will get & z reason why i started writing this was bcoz i felt lonely & i wish i could meet someone who knows what i mean",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9986057877540588 2018-11-16 22:51:11,"I need to vent. Hey,I'm a teenage girl in highschool and I need help. Me and my best friends have a group of eight people and I would never trade that for the world. But,it's falling apart and I feel like it's all my fault. I have a secret that I would rather not tell anyone about,but these eight people have trusted me with every secret they have,and I felt guilty about it so I told them. Some were supportive of it and it was going great so far keza all of a sudden,one of them ignored us the whole day zare. And then,three of them started pressuring me about the secret,they expected me to change my ways bc they thought what I was doing was wrong minamin.... Then,a lot of shit happened. I don't remember the details bc they all happened at once and the events just blurred together. Idk beka I'm so confused and I feel so guilty bc I feel like if I never said anything this group will stay the same and we would all still be friends. Now everyone blames everyone else. And I'm stick here blaming myself. What to do?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9992220401763916 2018-11-16 22:51:31,"I need to vent. Okay whoever you are. I need advice on something. Judge all you want because i deserve it. I have a friend who thinks I'm world's bestest friend. She loves me truly. She thinks I'm trust worthy. All of my friends do actually. The only thing is that two of my bffs dnt like each other. They gossip about each other to me. I dnt respond anything. But if I'm angry at one of them i gossip about them. I've done it again and i feel really bad cuz the one that i was talking about earlier she Always apologizes to me. I feel bad. I need to tell the other one that i don't want to be her friend anymore. Cuz she only wants to hangout with me to gossip or to boast about her bf. Or the new stuff he bought her. Tell me what to do about my best friend? Should i tell her i gossip about her when I'm angry with her.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982000589370728 2018-11-16 23:26:03,"I need to vent. Hello, so i want to get this off my chest. I am almost 25 now and i have this ex that I love truly. We went out 3 years ago for about 2 years and he loved me...can you imaginee he loved me...i was always moody and emotional but he loved me...but i always pushed him because he came on too strong.his actions towards me never changed, he was always true, he never got tired of me and he is so genuine i asked him one day on our 1 year anniversary if he wanted to have s** i would be down with it because i trust him but he said no, because he knew i would be doing it for him...imaginee a guy that turned down that just for my respect. And we broke up because i felt pressured and i was about to graduate so i wanted to be selfish and prioritize only me but i miss him now i saw him with another girl and i started to miss him...tell me is it because i saw him with another person or are my feelings really coming back?and he is husband material i made all the wrong moves",love,POSITIVE,0.9760522842407227 2018-11-16 23:48:59,"I need to vent. Hi I am 19 yrs old girl and I hv this secret inside me which is slowly killing me.... For the last 4 yrs I hv known that my dad has been cheating on my mom but I didn't hv the courage to say anything coz I might break our family but this is becoming too much for me and it's so unfair for my mom coz she deserves the best of everything!.... What should I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991544485092163 2018-11-17 22:02:20,"I need to vent. The thing is that i don't think I'm a good person. I lie to everyone about who I am and where i come from, i am manipulative cunning and hurtful to almost everyone ik but they don't see all that in the beginning, at first I might be the most amazing guy you've ever met cuz I act a certain way and look a certain way plus like I said I lie about myself to make it seem like I'm more than I am but after people realize that's not me they cast me aside. Ik for a fact people around me talk shit about me and don't like me or think I'm immature and the people that do actually care about me don't know that side of me. But the reason i make all this things up about myself is cuz i want people to like me and i want to connect with them the way I see them connect with others and i feel like I'm not enough for that. At the end of the day i know I'm going to end up alone because i feel so desperate to make connections and the way i am i never will. But not a word of that is a lie and feel like that's a good way to start to change.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9796985387802124 2018-11-17 22:02:32,"I need to vent. This thing is long over due ... Who the fuck do u think u r to treat me like this Huh??! So disrespectful! Why?? Because I fucking cared and was there? Cause I put up with your mood swings and silence? Why tho?? because I believed everything u said to me!? Cause I'm so naive adel? Mnm badergat temelesa memtatwa aykerm newa? No love or affection you could ever give me is worth the shit you put me through. U be with somebody else else when I'm about to leave..can't be alone adel? You even got me trippin..thinking I'm replaceable. U don't fucking deserve me. U got so many sides to u I don't even know which one is real. The Fakest nigga alive. You know what the saddest part is? I can't even say I didn't see it coming. I'm ain't gonna let this shit keep me down it's gonna make me stronger, ur just another lesson learned. ain't gonna cry over you again..been there done that. I know u fucking care And when u finally get your head ur head out of ur ass and realize my worth don't come looking for me. I'm done with ur fake ass. U are DEAD to me!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9993834495544434 2018-11-17 22:25:38,"I need to vent. Hey guys So been planning to leave for a while now, can't take how depressing this place is ... How many awful memories I want to shed and I think a fresh start in a new place is the thing for me. I have everything planned out ...I just have to tell my dad who won't probably agree with me deciding to leave ... I have so much anger so much rage that boils inside me when I talk to him cause he is after all the one who planted those memories in my head .. And I don't wanna let the anger loose He gonna tell me some rude things he doesnt mean I'm sire, he gonna tell me that my life will be over once I start ""disobeying"" him... I tried to live by his rules but I couldn't take dissapointed those who knew the real me anymore So how am I suppose to talk to him with out lashing out if he says some bad things? Got any ideas?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983647465705872 2018-11-18 08:42:27,"I need to vent. It may not be the thing you wanted to hear but whatever sadness you're feeling will pass. The path to mental health isn't a one-day happening but more like a process. Get up every morning and be ready to work on yourself. Be conscious of your thoughts. And above all, be mindful of the people around you. Knowingly or unknowingly, they might be contributing to your unhappiness. You got this!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.991309642791748 2018-11-18 09:21:49,"I need to vent. Everything is just disgusting i have depression for years now i cant even handle it i hate myself i have been hurt soo bad i cant even feel myself i wanna live soooooo bad gn i cant pass these days it is soo tempting i am asking helps from ppls freinds family bf all are ignoring me i want help i wanna live soo much not for z ppl who will regret it i wannaa stay i dont want to die but no one is even willing to help me it has been days am at the final point gn no one understanding me",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9988573789596558 2018-11-18 09:21:55,"I need to vent. Hey guys I want to vent here I am boy.I have got some difficulties in my love relationship.I have a gf and we are together for above two day three months ago I wasn't in gd mood and I was kind ov tired and weak....keza ken jemro she highschool I was a highgrader but after I started being with her my grades low on matrik....despite that we spent one year in different university but in love....but last winter after that day she totaly changed...she said love weakns people and this isnt u who I knew,and u have to know how to live even without me......I tried to understand her and trying to every single thing she told me to....I even tried to give her space....but beqa fkrachn kezekeze,no love talks,massage...enem beqa betam sikefa lebchaye lemetenker giadegnochen sinegrachew lela mknyat ynoratal enji endih bekelalu atihonm ylugnal...andande profilochua demo endeza endl yaregugnal....bcha esti mkerugn mn I think her loveb disappeared?..shall I move on?...more experienced yehonachu pls help..abso setoch cuase esuan meredat yemitchlut enante nachihu..tnx",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9955877065658569 2018-11-18 12:26:51,"I need to vent. Hi guys there just sm issue i need to get off my not gonna kill ur tym n tell u abt ma childhood or wat kina person i am or wat eva but i want to tell u my problem n hope u will learn from it ....a couple years back i learnt i had metal issue or problem like i cant control myself when am mad or when am happy am so high ntn can take me down n when am feeling low i might do sth stupid like try to kill myself but i got treated n am taking medicine but my problem is sometime it acts up on my meaning i might go crazy i really hate this word or do sth wired shout or talk alone but heres the thing i know am not normal i dont need ppl fkin reminding me of it ..theres this kid at scl who always makes fun of me so i told him my problem n asked to stop he was so shoked n said he was sry so i thot problem done but the next day everybody at scl was calling me crazy n pointing at me 2 of my best frends fight w almost everyone who called ne tat n bc of tat there suspended from scl so guys what am trying to say is while u say sth to other ppl coz u think its funny or cool just know ur really hurting tat person a lot....tnx for reading guys n if u guys hv any comments for me i would appreciate it",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9973450303077698 2018-11-18 15:04:24,"I need to vent. So I hate everything I hate school I don't have nice things or better things to do everyone is FAKE!! I just don't know i keep getting tired of everything I keep getting depressed I feel like everyone is talking behind my back I don't have a purpose in this life I don't why I am here I'm not good at anything I feel like I am just being a bother for everyone I feel like I am bothering everyone I am not good at anything I swear to god I don't know anything I'm not good at my studies I don't have talents so what am I doing in this world?? I keep imagining things that is never going to happen and that makes me lose interest in everything so pls I need help I need serious help u guys know depression?? U know what that feels like right?? U know having Ethiopian parents they don't understand this kinda things they will just say ""erasesh yefetershew ngr new mnamn"" I just want someone to listen to me even words can't explain what I am feeling so pls just help meeee",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993914365768433 2018-11-19 10:23:32,"I need to vent. Hi its my first time venting nd i need ur guys best advice im 18th year old my problem is im in love with my best friend his luk a brother to me we used to knw each other for luk 5 or 6 years nd we used to talk alot but i knw tht he used to love me long time ago but he didn't tell me abt it gin yene erasu selasu yawekut ka koye behala nw ena aun demo betera im rlly getting in love with him his luk a rlly tebaram wend but sometimes too much sweet ena its driving me crazy werid nd his making me mad to when he try to joke i get mad alot luk mood seiezebeie minm im rlly get mad by tht i dont knw why. Becha gin my point is he's kinda tebaram ena beza mikenat betam bezu gize yentalalen nw gin most my friends told me many times ""couple bethonu betam nw eko yemitamirut minm"" pluse im now in another school nd when i go back too tht school i always get nervous nd didn't knw wht to do when i see him but i dont want to be the first to convince tht im in love with him so u guys wht shall i do u plss help me out if understand wht i wrote",love,NEGATIVE,0.9953873753547668 2018-11-19 12:13:38,"I need to vent. With every car that crosses I keep hoping they'd hit the passenger side, my side, sparing everyone else in the car. Put me out of my misery already. At least then I'd have an excuse to quit school, to quit life. At least then it wouldn't be my fault. At least then it wouldn't be suicide.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9984948635101318 2018-11-19 12:14:25,"I need to vent. So here is the thing im a senior student nd im in love with my best friend his luk a brother to me we used to knw each other for luk 5 or 6 years nd we used to talk alot but i knw tht he used to love me long time ago but he didn't tell me abt it gin yene erasu selasu yawekut ka koye behala nw ena aun demo betera im rlly getting in love with him his luk a rlly tebaram wend but sometimes too much sweet ena its driving me crazy werid nd his making me mad to when he try to joke i get mad alot luk mood seiezebeie minm im rlly get mad by tht i dont knw why. Becha gin my point is he's kinda tebaram ena beza mikenat betam bezu gize yentalalen nw gin most my friends told me many times ""couple bethonu betam nw eko yemitamirut minm"" pluse im now in another school nd when i go back too tht school i always get nervous nd didn't knw wht to do when i see him but i dont want to be the first to convince tht im in love with him so u guys wht shall i do u plss help me out if understand wht i wrote",love,NEGATIVE,0.995235025882721 2018-11-19 20:17:59,"I need to vent. Not vent. More like question. I want to know how you deal with postpills. Should I take it after or before sex? About the timing and all. Is it 100% sure guaranteed like I won't end up being pregnant. Help me out girls!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9490523338317871 2018-11-19 20:18:24,"I need to vent. I need to vent so am a girl with the dig family issues my mom left me and my dad 7 years ago i never see her my dad i drunk ass men he do what ever his want he never see me as his daughter you can say i live alone .... the one who give me hope and love was my boyfriend he was there for me all the time spend all the bad things and good things together and he left me he turn his back on me like my family at the end of the day everybody left me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9940460920333862 2018-11-19 20:18:27,"I need to vent. Heloo people do u knowany group or public lectures or sessions cheap yehone depression minamn yemiagiz",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989067316055298 2018-11-19 20:18:39,"I need to vent. I broke up with my bf around meskerem because of a stupid misunderstanding which he still believes it's true. But I still miss him and want to start a conversation with him. What should I do? I'm worried when I text him I might come off as the annoying ex. Ena like should text him zimebeye? Or just not text him at all?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908044338226318 2018-11-19 20:18:45,"I need to vent. I am in need of a anyone who can get me the number and schedule of a good psychaiatrist whose affordable...that wuld be great! Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9971928000450134 2018-11-19 20:20:21,"I need to vent. So we all have our problems and insecurities right. Last week was like the best week ever. I realized that God is really here...or actually really help me. And venting here really helped me. You have no idea how amazing it felt after venting here and to God. Knowing you are not the onky one going through thiss...this stupid difficulties in life and ...anyways am not here to talk much...i just wanna say ...Thank you i guess",realization,NEGATIVE,0.7350195646286011 2018-11-19 20:23:10,"I need to vent. Ummm hey..I'm 17 years old n......I don't even know what to write...I'm tired of every,school, that feeling when nobody is by ur side?,when u think just for a minute or two then u realize that u have nothing...ofc I've one thing n it's God....he's all we need ik but I wanna talk every shit out but I just can't.....I hate the fact that my moods change every week,every three or four days....I've lost so many things cuzofmy swinging moods...guys I just don't know what to do I don't want my moods or feelings take over me cuz if they do..... I wanna feel nothing I wanna be numb I just don't know how....I wanna love...I wanna care...I want a huge happy family who will always support me n beli4 in me (but I'll never have one)...I want the most amazing dad who cares a lot about me but he'll never be like that...I wanna be a good sister,friend.....I don't get it sometimes no one wants to talk to me......huuuuhhh rchhh I'm just nothing....if I can't be all those good things then I don't wanna feel the pain they cause....I'm just nothig huuuhh",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9980524778366089 2018-11-19 21:57:05,"I need to vent. Hii soo am sorry am wasting ur time but i need to just get this out there ...i know depression is being a cliché thing this days and almost every teenager claims to be depressed but i just wana explain my side of it... depression i think most ppl get once in a while mnmn while in other ppls cases it happens fr and they always on it ....i am almost 80 % of the time under that cloud and at first i was kinda like meeeh am in a bad mood today mnmn and i though that was the case for a while but then it kinda started lasting for days or even a week and at sm point it got to point that i was crying most days and i don’t know what for ...and so I stopped sleeping alone for a tried to sit at crowded places hopping ppl will distract me from my thoughts but at the end of the day its just me left alone and i nvr told my friends or anyone cause most ppl in Ethiopia don’t consider this as a real problem i just need some that understand what it feels like",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989445805549622 2018-11-24 02:47:30,"Dear members, our bot is down for a nap. It will be back up again soon, see you all then.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8803079128265381 2018-11-28 07:33:49,"Hey members, I presume some of you know a good therapist here in Ethiopia. So mention some of them here and people who need it can refer the comments and get help professionally. Please provide the name, phone number and address of the therapists you know of.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9430127739906311 2018-12-01 19:51:43,"I need to vent. I wanna tell u abt da dude i ws fallin in luv wid nd nw happens to be ma ex...i can't stop thinking abt him ...i ws player b4 him ena he is da only guy i eva fall in luv wid ena he is betam afkari type malet he used to love his exs equally i mean tf aydel hw can sum one fall for bizu girls it's impossible i guess ena demo betam miyanadedew neger he used to tell me i'm special mnamn ena i even gave him ma virginity ena after dat betam tekeyayere bemecheresham we broke up ena i mcd him a lot...i called him once gn i ws drunk endayehut kehone he moved on ...i don't wnt to be lyk his other exs ...tell me sum thing esti guys should i change da game malete should i show him dat i'm not lyk da others or zm beye lekemet",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976056814193726 2018-12-01 19:51:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys. So glad the bot is back So here's the thing I can't concentrate on my studies these days and my grades are getting low. Everytime I sit to study or read sth I just get distracted (even an empty wall takes my attention) and this is the year I need to get my shit together for the national exam ( I'm grade 12) So I'm thinking of using some pills that can help me focus on one thing (if there are any) and stop using em after the examination. My question to u guys is that do u know any of this kinda pill and if u do where can I get em? Thank u for ur time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9993495345115662 2018-12-01 22:57:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys... Do u have that one friend who is very good at giving advice to others, the person who everyone goes to when they r in a crisis, that one guy who always has a solution for you, but when he is the one who is in a problem, there is no one who can help him. Well,..... that's me. I have been here for a long time now, Trying to give advice to ppl, help them n stuff. But today the table has turned and am asking for ur advice. I have always been an asexual (in case u r not familiar with the term, it is a person who has no attraction to either gender). I'm 20 now and I've never felt an attraction towards anyone, neither a guy nor a girl. But I really want to have a child of my own (which is another problem that i have to set aside for now)... Most people think that I am gay cause I only hang out with girls, like girly stuff and never actually dated anyone even though there were times i could have been in a relationship if i seized the moment. But i have never been interested. I have this ideal mate in mind. A person I think I ""might"" be attracted to. But I always assumed, the probability of that person existing and me meeting that person is verrrrrrry low. But guess what, I met that person. And he is a guy. He is like the most caring person ever, we have tons of things in common, I have never met someone soooo much like me. Not even my bffs. Plus he is very handsome. It hasn't been long since we met but I feel like I have known him for years. Everything he does or says amaze me. I feel so excited when I c him, hear his voice or see his texts. I can't stop talking about him. I stay awake at night thinking abt him. Even if I get home after spending the whole day with him, ynafkegnal. I have feelings that I just can't explain. I tried looking it up on the internet, but uk... it isn't as helpful as a real person. And above all, he is gay and he is out. Honestly if the feeling I am having towards him is real, I don't c the point of hiding it. I will definitely come out, and live my life with a fresh start. If ppl in my circle accept me, great. If not, fuck them. I will meet other people who will accept me for who I am. I am not looking for acceptance here I just want to know what I am feeling. P.S: if u don't have positive things to say, don't bother commenting cuz it won't really get to me. I am dead inside when it comes to manchild assholes who have nothing better to do than teasing ppl who ask for help.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9905487895011902 2018-12-02 21:11:03,"I need to vent. I just wane ask if god is always watching us why wouldnt he help us with our problems wy wont he answer 2 my prayers Im not trying 2 question ur faith i just want answers",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986851811408997 2018-12-03 19:47:55,"I need to vent. Hello , I’m the most confused person you could ever meet . I’m a freshman in college in North America. Well things are not going good for me that’s why I’m here. I failed or about to fail my first semester which is really scary but I’m numb about it I have literally gave up on my self cause ik I’m not capable of the school life for reasons like I don’t know what or who I want to be . I’m just here for my parents . I’m scared of my future which makes me have no hope on my todays . I pray but I feel like my prayers repel the doors of God cause the things that happen to me are the exact opposite of what I ask or thank for . Can I be judged for questioning God ? Cause everyday ends up being sense less and useless cause everyday I fail everyday pains in a way can’t feel . Each day keeps on proving me I’m never good enough for the outside world and now there’s a 100% chance of me ending up in probation what am I going to tell my dad ? That he paid this much to watch me fail myself? What do I need ? I can’t say friends cause the people here can’t me more shity than this . I want to improve but how ? How? Please I really do need advice so anything will help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9994202852249146 2018-12-04 21:54:16,"I need to vent. A month ago my boyfriend asked me to have sex with him and I said no I wasn't ready.and then he got mad and told me that I didn't trusted him and insulted me alot.he said that I don't want to give my v to him b/c I wanna give to someone else like his ex..and then he said he wanted to take sometime to think and that he doesn't wanna talk to me for a few days but I couldn't and I texted him and we're talking still but he doesn't wanna meet me he doesn't miss me like before it's like he hates me..he stopped saying good morning every morning and now he doesn't even wanna chat at night.he is treating me so bad....wat do I do I'm rly scared I might loose him and I love him so so so much..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972411394119263 2018-12-04 21:55:14,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, this is my first time venting i just need an advice from y'all so here is the thing am a girl from highschool and from last year my grades start getting low and each quarter i promsied my parents that i will improve in the next quarter and i didn't i didn't the whole year but in summer my parents seriously talk to me and lecture me and all stuff so in this year i have to be perfect but now my grades are low again and i dont know how the fuck am going to explain to my parents ik am dead sure i will do well in the next time but i need them to belive in me so what should i say guys please please help me am dying here with depression, please help. Thank you for your time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9898181557655334 2018-12-04 22:38:46,"I need to vent. Hey wats up guys I am a prep student and I was really in love wiz someone for two years he is actually my aunt's husband brother son I don't know whether we r zemed or not ....the past years we always talk about being together getting married and having children we were sooo in love keza gn his family knows about our relationship and told him to stop and also zemed nachu eko mnamn and he was in real trouble with them after that I was stressed i mean am not really sure if we r zemed or not ena do we have to continue our relationship or not???plzzz guys help me plzzz am so stressed",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9983912110328674 2018-12-05 19:42:11,"I need to vent. Hi guys,I keep feeling this while am in college What am I interested in? -practical things -things that will wear u out of ur physical energy and get u a good sleep -things that take creative ideas. - things that after u r done doing them,u can do other things and enjoy ur time,explore and learn by urself . What I hate -things that require constant focus. -things that keep me from exploring,learning,and finding out new things -things that are must and not flexible and most definitely working for someone u hate or slaved by someone holding against ur inner talent. -I hate studying about a ton of informations that I hate or will forget them in a second after I am done with exam. - i don't know how to do this again and again for a lot of years I don't know man!...and literally the only person am doing this for is my mom!...if I was alone,I wouldn't give two fucks!... Should I drop out? If I do I will break my family's heart,not definitely mine",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967781901359558 2018-12-05 21:01:59,"I need to vent. Guysss I need ur help.. Nowadays I feel lyk nobody loves me (except my parents) and I'm feeling betaaaam lonely.. Goshhhhh I'm sooo sick of this feeling.. Nd whenever I try to make new frnds its hard 4 me.. I'm shy ena I literally can't talk to new ppl.. Pls help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992450475692749 2018-12-06 07:17:04,"I need to vent. Hey wats up guys here iz ma story ... zer is some one i met recently ma friend introduce us ... n i think he likes me fo sure but here is the problem.. he introduce me to his friend ....n booom i liked him at afirst sight ...n the other tng is zey r nt friend anymore fo sm reasons they became enemys ...should i hv to get close wiz his firend n knw him better or wt um i gone do guys i dont wnt to loose ma friend n want to get close wid his feriend ?? plzzz guys help me plzzz am so stressed",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9969642758369446 2018-12-06 20:25:30,"I need to vent. Hey it 20 yrs dude...and am really worried about girls, like most of girls tell me am cute but am afraid to ask them out. Am worried if they suddenly find me ugly or love another guy...i act all cool and guregna infront of them but no am not am actually scared and just trying to keep my defence .. what do girls really like on guys anyways..And there is this cute girl in our class i knw she stare at me all the time but am afraid she might not like me..and am also an expert at saying wrong words....please i need help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9939425587654114 2018-12-07 06:58:40,"I need to vent. Here's something I've been wanting to get of my chest for a while now. Basically I'm was good guy a little too forward and flirty sometimes but always loyal. I've always had a certain kind of respect for women because I was raised that way and I've always treated all my previous girlfriends with nothing but that. Then I met this girl, I'd never seen her around campus before but right after the moment we met something felt different I wouldn't call it love at first sight cuz it wasn't her looks that got me it was something much more than that. So uk how it goes we were ""friends"" for a little bit then we started going out and slowly but surely i fell for her cuz i felt like i could trust her so i did... i let go just and went for it. Worst mistake I've ever made cuz she started to let go the same exact moment. She completely shut her self of from me and she wanted nothing to do with me untill she did but even when she did it was just fun for her. I was her play thing she would pick up when she wanted and set aside when she didn't. In such a short amount of time she broke me and made me feel so insignificant like a nobody. So I did what anybody with some selfrespect would do and ended it but it wasn't the end i still felt shitty so i distracted myself with other girls just trying to drown the memories of her in my head. It's only been a week but I've been with 3 other girls. So just know for everyguy that's like me there's a girl like her who made him this way.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9652889370918274 2018-12-07 20:14:01,"I need to vent. Hey there, I just wanted ur opinion on something I have this childhood friend that has been through a lot with. For a while I started developing feelings for her and I was sure she had the same feelings too. I really love her and I asked her out, and she said no. After that I wanted to respect her wishes n continued being her friend, rather than totally loose her. But a few weeks later she told me, in the middle of a conversation, that she doesn't say yes right away when someone asks her out. That she feels he won't see her worth if she agrees at once to be his gf. Is this a subtle hint saying she wants me to ask her out again?? I just wanna hear ur opinions on this",love,NEGATIVE,0.9812636375427246 2018-12-07 20:14:54,"I need to vent. I met this guy he is nice n good to me n rich too I love his everything but his nose we been together for 5 month now but the nose is really bothering me it is driving me crazy I don't wanna breakup Cuz i could love him wt can I do to make myself to stop thinking about that abomination of a nose on his face pls help me I am hating myself",love,NEGATIVE,0.9865527749061584 2018-12-07 22:08:40,"I need to vent. Heyy guys I have been worried lately so I guess u might help .. So here is the thing I have a serious problem bout relations once I get one girl I be like "" i can do better"" mnamn..... now I meet this girl she so vibrant she's smart and lovely and cute and she's very thrilled bout feker mnamn case. Ena I don't want to lose her and the relation thingy I knw tht dosent work so well to me I'm perplexed so suggest something",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9930168390274048 2018-12-07 22:11:44,"I need to vent. I would never forget The day I laughed hard The day I felt understood The day I relaxed I would never forget because I don't even remember",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9933413863182068 2018-12-08 07:27:18,"I need to vent. Not ur usual vent but bare with me Have u ever had that strong independent sexual tension that drives u insane?..... I have this female friend and all I want to do is tear her to pieces while fuckin her...... I fantasies a lot about her. The problem is I got a girl. I love her and Im committed to her. I can't break that commitment...... What would u suggest???",love,NEGATIVE,0.8657029867172241 2018-12-08 07:28:00,"I need to vent. So I wanna talk about the girl who got rapped in the club after getting drunk ....first I am deeply nd truly sry that u had to go through that and I hope u have a good support system nd u are really brave for telling ur truth ....I saw the comments and it breaks my heart that ppl focus on how boys are not the same as if we r talking about a girl who has giving up on love....nigga this girl was raped(some one unbuckled their belt unzipped their zipper and did this to her by force) and for those of you guy who don't understand the severity of the situation and focusing on silly things about how she shouldn't complain... visualize that some dude was doing it to you (he unbuckled his belt unzipped his zipper bent u over and did that to you) how would you feel? Would you think you deserved it because you were drunk? For those of you who say she shouldn't generalize, she's been fucking what state would you even expect her to be. Instead of support u r victim blaming, so pleassssseeee stop...if u cant empathize and understand its a simple violation of human right shut the fuck up!!!!!! And honey u take as long as u want to heal but trust me this is not gonna be ur story ....stay strong.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9926528930664062 2018-12-08 13:20:38,"I need to vent. What would you guys do if you are closed in a specific place? no going out, no meeting friends, no walk, no freedom at all! Well life grounded me for about a year now and am literally in a situation like this, i have no idea what its gonna feel like to go out myself after all this time! i ain't talking about something else just read it as it is. just wanna say this out. thanks for your time.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9953868985176086 2018-12-08 13:20:51,"I need to vent. Let me just start by sayin i love this channel and the ppl who comment i wish u would help me by commenting what ur about to wittness......well this is how it starts im a dude who is friendzoned by a girl and nowhere out.....and the more i know her ....i really enjoyed being bestfriends with her.....but some part of me still loves her but im afraid if i tell her it could ruin the awesome friendship we built.....and idk why but she is a unique one who lives in her own mind...and she dont let a lot of ppl inside her heart but somehow she tossed me the key....and idk what to do with it....hope u understand me and give me great advise....thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9815767407417297 2018-12-08 13:21:00,"I need to vent. Is their anyone in here who could understand me if i say silence have a noisy voice that shouts out loud??? would you say that am right or say am crazy? am nat talkin about the voices in my head that shouts on me when am alone but the silence it self! But one little actual voice could break that all noisy voice, i need someone who could break that for me, someone who would understand and care about me? Thanks in advance.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9971278309822083 2018-12-08 13:21:29,"I need to vent. To my person (my best friend) You are that special someone who makes me feel free, i can tell you everything and i know you will always be there for me no matter what. Even now after i gave you up for a guy, i know you would be there if i needed you. The things i did i know you wont hold any of it against me. It kills me everyday not knowing how you are doing, not being able to ask you about updates in your life and tell you things that are happening in mine. I know this is wrong and its not fair to you i should just let you move on with your life after what i did. I don't know what i plan to accomplish with this, i guess i just wanna let it out. I always thought we would be in each others lives i don't know how to get used to this or if i ever will. I know we are not talking but you wil always remain my person. Be well. be happy.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9720012545585632 2018-12-09 12:15:39,"I need to vent. Hello. I'm a guy and this will probably sound weird cuz of that. Have u ever wanted to fall in love. Cuz I mean I want that. So bad. But everyone is shit. No one is good enough for some reason. And I'm not saying pretty enough, That ain't a priority although it's nice to have. But everyone's personality is shit! What is happening to the world when u can't have a decent fun honest conversation with a girl and come out of it happy. I always find a flaw... and not even something u can overlook (god forbid love. Cuz U can love a girls flaws). But I'm just so mind boggled after the millionth try.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9968814849853516 2018-12-09 12:15:55,"I need to vent. Hey oolafu new to this group..i rly need some advices..i hv a a boy tho' ..we luv eachother somuch..the tng is am a weirdo n she's a way cooler than me..she felt in luv wiz me coz of ma nurdness..but i tnk she gettin' bored of me lately..i dont wanna loss always outta of conversation when am wiz her..if u feel me n wanna help pls..i dont know what to do‍",love,NEGATIVE,0.9988718628883362 2018-12-09 17:40:30,"I need to vent. I once fell in love we dated nd all he was my everything we broke up 5 months ago very unexpectedly he says he loves me but is afraid to hurt me plus he said that he have feelings for another girl so we parted... It was the hardest part of my life...... I never thought we would break up because we were planning forever. Every time I think am over him I listen to some music or something simple reminds me of him everything I do reminds me of him because he was part of my life.... Now I just can't help my tears.. I think am overhim but when I look deeper he's still my everything.... And idk what to do..... Please help people I need something to stop my pain PLEASE! PLEASE???!!! THANKS",sadness,POSITIVE,0.838785707950592 2018-12-09 23:56:35,"I need to vent. Hey guys I am a male age almost 23 I am in a serious committed relationship with the girl i love. We planned our whole life together and planned to get married once she graduates. The thing is that i have only been with her and she has been only with me. But when we have sex its mostly to her satisfaction... I tought maybe its because we are both fresh and waited for it to get better... Even tried to spice things up but months went on and still nada! And i know i wanted my first to be my last and all but now am questioning everything i mean? Thats all? Thats what sex is? I tought about doing it with someone else like some meaningless hook up but it wont be fair for ma girl... And me sitting quiet is not fair to me... And if things go as planned and we live our life together will this be my life? I atleast want to see what it feels like to be satisfied with a girl who knows what she is doing... What do u think i should do? Am confused... Be open and say whatever comes to your mind",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9799110889434814 2018-12-09 23:57:24,"I need to vent. Hi again. It is the animé venter. I wanted to reply to each of your comments... Glad I've got so many supporters btw. And if I sound like an ass along the way, know that you drove me to it. Comment #1... Go jump in a lake. #2. I've been here dude... #3. Google what anime is people. The shit is everywhere. Come on, you at least have to have heard of naruto. #4. #5. Ew. #6. Ikr #7. Nerds rule douche bag. #8. Meh #9. Don't worry, I'll be fine #10. I'm not lifeless... I'm actually passionate about something #11. Death note was fucking crazy dude... Like omg... The ending was fucked up. Tbh... I love it gin I lost interest after L died. Btw, you should watch anime honest trailers... You will die laughing... I guarantee it. # 12. You can go to supernova... In summit. It's the only place ik that's got anime. #13. Yep. #14. (to the one who said ma maaaannnn) #15. #16. Ik what works for me. #17. I shall check out the otaku town thing. #18. #19. Besmam...nigga... Whatever the f u said kene vent gar aygenagnim... Seriously... I had to read like til the bottom to get the gist. And sadly... It took me that long to realize that I actually didn't give a shit. Lol... I talked about anime and made you feel like crap.. . No dude... U already felt like crap before you read my vent. And my advice to you is... There's always suicide buddy. And no.. I personally think 13 reasons why is lame. I'm a straight girl and I love anime.. So your wrong. And age doesn't restrict love... Especially love for anime",love,NEGATIVE,0.9919623732566833 2018-12-12 08:58:51,"I need to vent. I've always wondered ... its well known that boys start to get sexual once they hit puberty or even earlier ... how abt girls ... do you guys ever get aroused when you see kink stuff in movies or think abt a hot boy you just met or ... nothing happens",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9969933032989502 2018-12-12 08:59:00,"I need to vent. Hey ... So my story is that am older than my bf it hv been quite long time since we knw eachother but this days am feeling bad cuz am older i don't rly knw wat to do i do hv a strong feeling for him but the fact his yonger make it hard for me to bulid a future wiz him.... so guys help out",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9959422945976257 2018-12-12 08:59:24,"I need to vent. Have u ever felt like this u want to talk to someone but u feel like u'r bothering them and also u don't have anything to talk about I'm like this everyday I keep wondering about what to talk so I don't really get along with people but when I do I'm the craziest person they have ever met so anyone got any idea how to stop my shyness and get along with new people I really don't know how to do that so I need ur advices pls",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988104104995728 2018-12-12 09:01:00,"I need to vent. Hey ya all um new here and i have been reading all the vents i can say, and all ya are so great on giving comments..and advice.. wiz some exceptions so um here to tell u ma problem so now um 18 years old girl and um like so stressed i mean its not just stress its too much of it i be like so much stressed and depressed too which i don't know y and i also use to go out wiz ma friends..but i don't see the point this days so um so bord of like what do u advice me specially if there is any one who is like me and lastly get over it how did u do it...?tnx ya all",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9934141039848328 2018-12-12 09:01:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys Am not actually here to vent but am gonna say somethings all this ppl been like being homosexual is fine...sorry to say this but ur all just dumb people. Ur reasons are prolly I was born this way or am allowed to love whomever I like but that just like the lowest intellectual level thinking. Everyone was born tol love someone of their opposite sex or others just can't find the one all you niggas saying it fine for me to be gay or a lesbian aint no creation of God so atleast just dont go public cause loving someone of the same sex is like the biggest sin anyone could ever make.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986463189125061 2018-12-12 09:02:31,"I need to vent. Hey every one I just want to say .....THIS WORLD IS NOT MEANT for some of us, while for others it is the opposite. We don't choose to born, to live,to die,we don't choose how we look,how smart we are.....They choose US. So do not let these things to control you and your destiny,rather FEAR YOUR SELF, Believe me the only enemy that follows you even after death is YOU,YOUR SELF. Be wise every action sums up to give what you are and will be. So watch your every step ,don't give up. Live the life you are intended for. Remember every race has an end and there is a light at the end of every tunnel.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.8082824349403381 2018-12-12 09:04:08,"I need to vent. So this is not much of a vent really, there is this chick who is always trying to converse with me and you know I don't like saying it but I think she likes me or something, I mean she is fine and everything but Oh My God her breath gets me breathless if you know what I mean, her mouth is so stinky it's like a potty hole. She thinks I am playing hard to get but am not. I am just disgusted I want to buy her pack full of mint and a whole brushing kit (toothpaste, brush and a flosser) I am afraid it might get of a bit offensive if I do that. I know I find hot when chicks smoke but it is not worth it. I.E Girls please keep your personal hygiene, shave your arm pits, chama tolo tolo keyeru, brush your teeth, shower daily, use lotions.... You know makeups can't hide everything. Also feminists who want to come at me for saying this, by saying "" what about guys they are disgusting pigs too"" well I don't give a rats ass about guys cause I date girls. Enantem yasechegerachu goremesa kale selesu vent aregu. So solutions please....??",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9989035129547119 2018-12-12 09:06:37,"I need to vent. Sup guys hya been anyways get ready for life cruelest joke one thing tho its very long so to get things clear im firstyear dude in uni but ma story starts a long time ago 8th grade to be exact back then I was the geekest dude u'll meet so there was this girl smart, chill, pretty and understanding so basically a good girl a great girl so naturally I had a big crush on her one day I built enough courage to start talking to her and we started hanging out and all this was on first term second term I was so in love I couldn't bare it and icould also fell her being interested so I was gonna tell her I was so excited and scared anyways I was in mid sentence when fear decided to take over I forgot what to say or how to say it I wanted to say anything and the first thing I tought of was what ma friends said bout her being a gold digger and all so it was what I told her what followed followed she shut me out completely for the rest of the year like the d*** I've been next year she changed school and all I tried apologizing but im sure she never for gave me anyways I tried moving on when finally last year I changed a lot I started talking to girls with out filling awkward and like a s*** but it gets crazier this year I joined astu guess what 8th grade girl is here to when I saw her she was as cold to me as ever at first I was ok with it but now I cant even try to get a gf dont know whats stopping me. So here u have it life's biggest and cruelest joke in action what the f*** am I supposed to do tnx for your time Peace",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9961715340614319 2018-12-12 09:08:44,"I need to vent. Hey so I met this guy in a group hangouts and I really liked him he was so different than what I was used to beka everything like me however when I asked him what his intention was with me he wouldn't say much so being the chill girl that I am I figured I'd just ask him to be friends with benefits because the sex is amazing and let's face it there is no harm in being frank about your wants from a relationship in fact the world would be so much better if people were upfront about their intentions right? Anyways I was just wondering from a guys perspective do you think he will be offended or bothered Thanks for your time",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9678640961647034 2018-12-12 15:28:04,"I need to vent. So this is gonna be a long one bear with me. This is for all of you that say they're gay, suppourt ppl that are gay or choose to ignore it. I know insults will just solidify your position so let me reason with you in real life terms please don't try to drill holes in this or look for spelling mistakes these are the facts. 1) Socially speaking being gay is possibly the stupidest thing you could ever do in Ethiopia, everyone will hate you and will eventually eat you alive trust me i have seen it happen to girls who were caught I can't even imagine them coming out. Ethiopians are killing eachother for speaking a different language and you are thinking of doing this, get real! 2) And also I used to think leaving people like you alone was the best thing, live and let live you know, but BEING GAY IS EVIL not from the religious point of view but from statistics (u can check this) In the USA openly gay people constitute 3.8% of the total population but they are 40% of pedophiles 55% HIV cases 82% Syphilis cases 37% of anal cancer less than 50% of gay men are STD free most children with same sex guardians report abuse It gets worse in Europe To get a clearer understanding of this google the movie 'The normal heart' its not anti gay propaganda by the church or anything like that its the ugly side of homosexuality 3) And if you think you have a specially wired head and would never be in these situations lets get on the medical side of this One of the requirements to donate blood in the USA is that you (a man) haven't had sex with another man in the past 2 years (notice that it specifically says sex with a man and not anal sex in general) this is one of the requirements listed alongside not having hepatitis, HIV etc... And there have been a lot of 'movements' to change this but its science and you can't wish it away. Another thing is anal sex exposes you to anal cancer- because of the human papilloma virus(men who use their anus to have sex are 2X as likely to develop malignant tumors in there- for contrast exposure to radiation only makes you 20% more likely to develop malignant tumors there) (I'm a bit shady on those numbers but you get the picture) There is also a cluster of HIV and Hepatitis A/B cases around homosexuals. You are 60X (yes sixty times) more likely to contract HIV, 62% of ppl with HIV in the US got it from sex with other men, HIV used to be called GRID (GAY related immune deficiency disease) and its name was only changed for political pupouses You are also 50% more likely to go into substance abuse And when we come to psychological issues theres a treasure trove of diseases and syndromes you are more likely to develop including depression and anxiety (maybe because of society) 3% of men in Scotland (a homo-accepting country as you know) have attempted suicide-an 8X higher rate than the general population (Sorry for all the stats being from the USA but you can be sure it'll be the same here if not worse) Never mind what the Ferenj people are preaching, these are the facts hidden behind it and if you're so arrogant as to just ignore this and not reconsider your life choices you'll find out the hard way. And I know most of you who write 'Be who you wanna be' on this channel are just saying it to sound different and be against society feeling rebellious like most young ppl wanna be but this is too far pls stop sending out the messed up message that being gay is in any way an ok and sustainable way of life. I didn't write this looking for counter arguments ppl just shouldn't be gay. And if you say all this doesn't change your mind stop pulling people to this self destructive way of life. And on a religious note ""A rational man believes in god because he has nothing to lose if he's wrong but everything to gain if he's right"" -Blaise Pascal",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997104823589325 2018-12-12 15:57:19,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. Heres my deal. Im 22 yr old dude and I’ve been depressed for a long time now. Ive always been sad. Ive had my happy moments. Lately tho, its getting worse. Last week I was barely able to get up. Now ppl are gonna tell u u a man get the fuck and all that shit. But thats never helped. I have anxiety and a deep underlying feeling of loneliness. So help a brotha out. And don’t comment unless u got solutions",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971885085105896 2018-12-12 17:36:30,"I need to vent. So I have a gf and I love her so much she's the one I wanna marry and one day she said let's have sex I said no when she said why I told her what If I die before we get marry that's won't be good for u and she get mad but I feel am doing the right thing like waiting much way better am I doing the ryt thing plzz help me",love,POSITIVE,0.5155487060546875 2018-12-12 18:00:58,"I need to vent. If u want ur mind blown away ask any woman how old they were when they first got Objectified or sexualized by a man or something inappropriate has been said to them.or had something 'not quite right' happend to them.. Most of us we children...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995495676994324 2018-12-12 19:21:51,"I need to vent. I dont think my family loves me like I feel so lonely lately around them and feel like an odd one out all the time. Even today we were decorating the house for my nephews circumcision party and I did most of the work but got called out by my fam and they all told me how lazy I was and not do anything like Im invisible and everything I did was not there Im so tired of fighting back now that I dont even say anything back at anything they say. If they buy food even they would never call for me to eat but eat together and seeing them together later hurts me because they know I was in the house but yet never bothered to call out to me to come eat even. Is it just that hard? But people always say that the youngest in a family is always loved the most but Im the youngest and Im never loved :"") atleast I dont feel that. Im not saying my family is bad because there are things that they did for me that Im grateful for but after I turned 18 just everything changed I feel like Im on my own all the time with everything and seeing others being happy and taken care of by their parents really hurt but Im really happy for them :"")",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.5917210578918457 2018-12-12 20:03:42,"I need to vent. So ... Started going out with a girl, casually. Has an funny, cute, n amazing body ‍‍ and seems inexperienced sexually b/c she's religious, so I just kept it slow. After some dates, I couldn't take it anymore. I'm a reserved guy, rarely make the first move on girls but then again I don't hold things in. I leaned in to kiss her... she didn't lean back that 20% percent I was expecting. Then I just thought today wasn't it, tried to control myself n just whispered in hear ear lemaskeyes... after a few minutes I said fuck it n went in... Started full on making out then she grabs my dick.. didn't sleep with her that night Then after a couple of dates (without anything physical), y'day when I leaned in for that kiss she was like sinesreat ... wtf is this? I don't know what to make of this",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9906105399131775 2018-12-12 22:02:51,"I need to vent. Ere ppl ik u gonna laugh but pls keep it low key, so i am good with relationship and im really friendly but after being in a relationship i never "" do it"" cuz i had this gf an in grade 11 and she laughed at my dick when we were abt to have sex, she said it was really small, and then i watched some porno ena.....i mean it cant be that big, no way that anybody has more than 4 inches here in Ethiopia, mine is 3 inches, is it small???",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9956309795379639 2018-12-14 21:16:48,"I need to vent. Hi guys, I've been struggling with depression for over a year now. And that's not the big issue here. Nowadays I feel really bad if I have a good time with my family or if I spend my day with friends. I can't explain the guilt I feel if I had a great day, I feel like i don't deserve it. So what do you guys think? Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9987633228302002 2018-12-15 22:43:58,"I need to vent. I have this depression and I just feel like killing myself for no reason I suddenly stop talking to people I hate people for no reason and I just found out my dad cheats on my mom idk if she knows but I just don't know what to do. I tried to kill myself twice once I took a rat poison and the second time I took a 'berekina' both didn't work. Please guys help me out.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993361830711365 2018-12-15 22:44:26,"I need to vent. Hey people, this is my first vent so.... this is it. Im a boy, 19 yrs, got the looks mnamn , ive been talking with lots of girls , but never been in relationship, idk whats wrong i dont want to hurt their feelings. I dont know myself exactly like how im gonna treat her. but at the same i want to be in a relationship soo bad. So this girl,we've been textin, flirting nd further . i ve got enough hints that she likes me but, i feel like im gonna do something wrong nd gonna break her someday. I want to give my best, at the same time, i say 'what if i do something wrong', and i dont want to do that. So please help me, shall i proceed with our talk and turn it to relationship or just continue like life goes on?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9951464533805847 2018-12-15 22:45:35,"I need to vent. Hey ppl what I want to vent is I can't forget my ex.Its been a yr we had been broke up.But we still talk but I don't need that I just wannt to stop everything with her ik she is the one who left me n am the one who need to get back..But what she want is to be best friend.She is ma first n am hers too.That's why she don't want get away from me. Ican't get the courage to stop talking n forget ...Plz ppl tell me what i have to do...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9721819162368774 2018-12-15 22:47:50,"I need to vent. I am a guy in my early 20's and i have a gf which is in campus and i love her so much now it is starting to hurt deeply at first i didn't wanna talk to her coz my ex fucked me up for good and i couldn't recover from it and now my current gf knows that coz i told her everything ive been through and she knows she is the only girl i am dating (awkalehu endemiyakorat the thing is that all i fear is that she might like someone (cheat and break my heart before it even heals from my last r/sh..... Am saying this b/c i want her to be my last girl (nat coz i cant get another girl to replace her But am tired going through heartbreak ‍, how can i make her stay with me?? Pls any advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985623955726624 2018-12-16 13:36:32,"I need to vent. So here's me, I had a bf he was so special to me, 2 months ago he dumped me cuz he recognized dat he has feelings fo his ex n they now together, nd I been so confused everytime I ask him abt his feelings to me he don't tell me like the exact feelings he doesn't say dat he don't love or love me too and when I ask him if I ever should get over him he says dat he hopes I wait for him nd when I get distant he says dat he missed me n blah but when I ask him like ""rly, did u miss me?"" He ignores me and when I talk abt other guys he gets mad and just I'm not understanding him, what's his feelings towards me? And I couldn't take any decisions yet cuz i still hv feelings fo him So please tell me what should I do...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999064028263092 2018-12-17 19:47:42,"I need to vent. I'm 17 and I am a girl. I am that girl that sits at the back of the class the nerd but no one calls her a nerd and she doesn't claim that name but she is. Well let me explain... I kinda know how to hack phones and do so many other cool stuff too. I hacked peoples telegram accounts. So many people as many as I can find from groups, channels and other sources. I hacked my friends and also relatives and well this is what I realized... You know those girls who get tattoos and show them off on their profile picture and just girls who take hot sexy pics? They ARE insecure. Everyone wants them to have a chat sex and things as disgusting as that. And they know it but they don't believe it. They save things from channels that make them feel good and they join channels that talk about depression like corrupted souls and Beautiful mess. And as for the girls and boys who don't post their own pictures... most of them not all catfish people. With different identities and names and pics and even sometimes personalities. They just can't accept themselves and that is the reason they do that. I don't judge them. But how they seem to have a huge capability to lie like that is amusing. And please for God sake I DON'T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE'S PRIVACY what so ever. Why do people like being nice and stuff... no one knows... Point of this vent is... Most people judge books by their covers like you all judge people by their social media accounts. Just live your life people have their own problems so don't think worry too much about others comparing yourself with them. And the people who catfish... I don't know how to say this... do many people want to talk to you. So many people stalk you. Be who you are. Be confident. It's all nuts and games until you find someone that accepts you as you Don't perish in the waste of lies for a life that is short and IS WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE YOURS",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9968219995498657 2018-12-17 19:48:09,"I need to vent. Hey y'all sup... got a quick question.. why the fuck girls be like opening their legs thirsty af to be fucked.. no offense..I'm pissed cuz I even lost one of female friends bcuz she wanted sex...told her i cudnt see her that way she flipped in fact she is not the only one......i smile nd they can't keep their legs closed......i dnt know what kind of vibe am giving off ..why r girls acting like this...its fucked up.... i donnno what to do cuz its becoming a huge problem any advise would be appreciated!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979698061943054 2018-12-17 19:54:55,"I need to vent. Hey so, I’m in high school and I suffer from severe anxiety, and I have panic attacks on the daily. And it’s been worse since my friend committed suicide. It’s like I’m a prisoner in my own mind I can no longer control what I think or do. I am numb. The ppl around me all see what’s happening but don’t know how to help me. I want this to stop. I want to be normal. I’m scared I’m going crazy. Help me.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993894100189209 2018-12-18 21:21:05,"I need to vent. Hashtag_villain here Ok guys since my last vent I’ve seen what an assholes sm of u are...shitttt some of the comments tho‍‍fuck u people(like ur no help for someone in need of serious help...just simple assholes)...but today i wanna ask u a serious problem guys don’t u fuckin insult me in the comment...reply a real answer‍‍ So i was in a great relationship, and it was Cinderella movie perfect guys n all of a sudden i lost touch with her,like i have this boring vibe when am with her and bad part is when i see hot chicks i want that player life i had before meeting her...i know thats fucked up i mean ok thats hormone n shit but I didn’t told her any thing or say any thing and as stubborn she is we broke up without even talking whats wrong wid us(da bish is cold smtimes)...ever since then i have this guilt of being a dick...usually i am a dick to many people i know that much... but am not this mean person inside(u know am a loyal and honest friend u ever wish to had once we get to know each other and i never want to hurt any body a good guy in general so...fuck u,u fuckin hippocrats )... What the fuck should i do people I can’t move on ....these idea messed me up so bad . We shall meet again until then any advice is welcome",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9910950660705566 2019-01-01 16:51:45,"I need to vent. Supp im in need of serious advice I have been searching for a career that I would love doing but I can't find one and it's pushing me to believe that I have no tekem and im useless you know I'm a first year med student and i don't even wanna be a doctor cuz it's stressful and risky and you have to give all of yourself to your job... do i want to be an engineer? noooooo my stupid Brain don't think so.... do I start my own bussiness? you guess it nop cuz I have no motivation no strength no money and no ideas and i think I'm screwed I have no fucking I idea wat I'm doing with my life and im just so scared to choose because we all know it's all balanced be a doctor bye bye age, social life and sanity enenja be a an air hostess bye bye friends and family and good education hello world I am the weakest person in the world even after all the shit I went through there is no ouce of independence and strength in me and i don't love living and i don't have a future wat do i fucking do??? I don't know",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9979640245437622 2019-01-03 08:59:31,"I need to vent. Hide my identity I have an abusive older brother who used to make our(me nd little sister's) life a living hell when we were younger. He did so many terrible things to make us suffer and he enjoyed it.He never showed us any affection like an older brother we were always scared and frightened cuz we don't know when he will start abusing us. I remember this day when I was in the shower and I heard my sister crying and begging him to stop but he didn't and I couldn't help her I just stayed quite. I know I should have been there for her but I was afraid cuz I thought he will find me too. I'll never forgive my self for turning my back on my sister when she needed me the most. The saddest thing is no one cared enough to make him stop except our dad but he rarely come home due to his job. Im 21 now and I haven't talked to him for the last 10yrs. After we grew up we just shut him out of our lives its like a defence mechanism for protecting ourselves. This all happened yrs ago but I cant forget about it!!! I can't even get closer to guys I always freak out when they touch me what's wrong with me?? And now he wants to reconcile and make peace with us. I want to forgive him and move on with my life I really do cuz im tired of hating him and the anger im holding inside of me is eating me alive and l don't want to upset God but I just cant stop thinking about those days and the look on his face when he abused us pls help me how can I forgive him?? And forget about all the things he done?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9446069002151489 2019-01-03 09:10:07,"I need to vent. Aight whats good peeps. I wanna ask y'all something. So im in grade 11 and theres this girl im friends with. Shes in grade 7 or 8. Nd day by day I think she started liking me. Im 17 idk what her age is, I dont wanna hurt her but I also do wanna date her. One main reason is the age. So what do I do guys?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9825182557106018 2019-01-03 13:38:33,"I need to vent. Hey everyone! So this is really hard for me because I'm usually the quiet guy/gal in the corner but this has been eating away at me for a while now. I've been reading stuff here for a while now and seeing the community that's been built around just letting go of all your negative emotions has inspired me. I have a lot of trouble making friends. I think I'm nice enough, I shower regularly and it usually goes well for the first few weeks, but then, without fail I start getting attracted to them and completely shut down. Guys, girls, doesn't matter. Everyone seems fair game and I just can't help it. When they start to avoid me, I threaten to kill myself even though I'm a pussy who'd never do it...and that has mostly worked so far. But I can still tell. It's not the same anymore. They're not the same anymore. It's funny, actually, I drive the people I love away and get mad at them for leaving. Hopefully I'll finally muster up the bravery to make friends or end it all.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9364292621612549 2019-01-03 21:26:56,"I need to vent. I feel so not right to admit this cause I am very independent. But Lately am noticing more of it. I am surrounded with friends I consider counts me back as a friend. But lately I am sure am the second hand friend. Like the only reason why we are friends is because we are stuck together for this time being. They show me less love. They wouldn't do shit they would do for their/our other friends for me. There is a double standard thingy. Normally, I always expect disappointment from people, so am not usually surprised. But after some years of meeting and living with someone...... You can't help but expect. And am a good friend. I hear them vent it out, I try to help better themselves, I will be there for them when am feeling like dying inside......... Oh how much I wish for a Real friend! One who loves me bare. One who sees both good and bad in me and accept me for who I am. Solitude is awesome! I just wish I had a partner in crime too",desire,POSITIVE,0.9850066304206848 2019-01-04 10:33:17,"I need to vent. Helo like holly god the pressure is real folks where i ever i go people judging me because i havent kissed fucked all that crap and so i avoid them but they talk i dont know anymore do i have to live to their standards I'm so exasperated...any one feel this way im 22 so ???",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991024732589722 2019-01-04 18:49:03,"I need to vent. I m 19 n joined campus this year fyi I m the church girl who never want to go out with anyone But I ve a guy freind we've known each other for a while n we always text minamin and this days we started sending eachother dirty stickers n he said it's been a while since he started falling in love with tho I don't trust any guy I like thissss guy so much as a freind like betammmmm gin ene bahun seat relation wusit megbat alfelgim because of the church rules minamin sooo what should I do???",love,NEGATIVE,0.9985309839248657 2019-01-04 18:49:22,"I need to vent. It all starts so simply; you hold it in ur hands and think how can something this small affect someone as big as me. I should tell you what I'm talking about it goes by many name ....... Marijuana, cannabis, ganja..... My problem is that I can't stop being stoned..... Can u blame me? It starts so simply first time u inhale it shes a bit fighsty.... Gets all itchy and makes a nigga cough gn after that you feel the smoke running through your veins....... Vision become wee bit blurry..... Light headedness on ur head. The more u smoke the higher u get........ And starting from last week I am so high if I jump I'll leave earth. P.s this may not seem a problem to most of you but nigga needs help when he needs help!!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9971290230751038 2019-01-04 18:49:56,"I need to vent. Ello guys,so my vent goes like this i kinda messed my relationship with my ex this is what happened he is in my school and he started talking to me and I went with it then we started saying I love u and shit out of sudden we became couples he didn't even asked me to be his gf we just became couples keza.......the whole day abren mehon jemeren in the morning he waits me at the gate both break comes to my class did get the chance of eating keza at home time he comes to my class to get me I started feeling bordem (is it normal?)the guy it what a girl craves for the abs the look his everything and shit then betam kemeten belay sihonebgn I gave myself a space and told him that we need a space after that he started seeing a girl keza I got mad and moved on after a week a met this new guy asked me on a date mnamn I got obsessed with him and shit he is hot af I love him and so does be but the problem here is at school they start teasing me about my ex and I started to have feelings for him wtf right? But I love my man more than my ex is it because I'm mad???or is it..... Iono help guys",love,NEGATIVE,0.9939643740653992 2019-01-04 22:17:01,"I need to vent. Ooookay so this isn't really a vent but something that happened and I kinda feel bad abt it (even tho it's not ENTIRELY my fault)sooo I've never went on a date before Sure am 17 and it's not a big deal and am not trying to force it or anything but I just wanted to know how it was. The guys that ask me out are like hey why don't u come and I'll show u a good time and it's just gross. But this one time I was like u know what fuck it am gonna do it and I did and let me tell u it did not end well. It could probably be on the worlds shittiest dates list,so my friend felt bad and kinda set me up with her brother and he was being a dick,he was way to self absorbed he literally talked abt himself for like an hour straight and i really really tried to be nice abt it but when he couldn't stop talking I just snapped and I told him to shut his mouth for a sec cuz the world doesn't evolve around him and other mean stuff.. Soooooo now that am venting it kinda sounds pointless but I kinda feel bad abt what I said I mean don't get me wrong he deserved that like I can't even describe how arrogant he is but now he told his sister(my friend) and she's like blaming it on me and she's ignoring me and everything. Sooooo guys I know I made this really long but I just wanted to know what u guys think. I mean is this my fault was I being a total bitch???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995280504226685 2019-01-05 20:30:52,"I need to vent. I just wanna start by sayin im not a whore. So here is the problem. I can't seem to choose between this 2 guys. So help me. #1 This guy is great makes me laugh a lot. I just feel genuinely happy when im with him n is really hot n has great teeth n lips (yup thats my weakness). But the problem is he is so damn prideful. We talk on the phone but its rare like once or twice a day. N he expects me to call him everytime. Besides if we end up together he doesn't hv a job n we prolly be geetin high n doing dumb n silly stuffs. But there is no future. #2 guy. he is fun. He makes jokes but i just fake laugh n shit. He cares about me ik by the look in his eyes. He is such a good guy n he has a carrier he is a dj. We also be hvin fun but we don't get high or ntn. Just normal stuff. Ik that if we continue there is a well built future. So guys what should i do. Im tired of being with dudes that don't know how to treat me like guy #1. N i think im not into boring dudes either. Welp",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9380847215652466 2019-01-05 20:46:21,"I need to vent. Hey everyone so this is my first vent. So lately I've been all over the place and I have a lot on my mind I can't obviously escape my problems but I just wish i had a min or even a sec worth peace I just feel like am on the edge and am about to fall I've always been known for my strength but I don't think I have it in me anymore I feel so trapped in my own problems!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9921298623085022 2019-01-06 09:20:35,"I need to vent. Okay Here it is I've unintentionally led a girl to think that I loved her and now she is really deep but not . Don't get me wrong I really like her but now she getting all serious and shit.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9742560982704163 2019-01-06 09:46:35,"I need to vent. I'm 21 in college living with parents, my mom sometimes accuses me of things I didn't do. Example last time she said she knew I wasn't coming from class, when I was actually coming from class tired. She said I was with some guy or smoking and drinking with friends, And when I ask what makes her think like that, she said she felt it inside. I have never been drunk or smoked anything also she never saw me even with a guy friend. She's fucking my emotions",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9938634634017944 2019-01-07 03:12:25,Merry Christmas to all of you,excitement,POSITIVE,0.9998669624328613 2019-01-07 12:57:07,"I need to vent. It amazes me why people always whine about screwed up love stories I don't get it? U cheat, u get cheated on u vent here and ask the people here what to do. U say u have a crush on somebody and u're scared to tell them, u say u cheat on ur bf/gf and say u love them and can't let them go. What is wrong with u ppl? The only answer u need is get ur mind straight and choose the right ppl wisely. U need ur brain not ppl. I only been in love once and it's nice to know I know my options and my mind straight, 17, I read books, I love classics man those were the times, I'm really making progress dedicated working out but that's not the point im just writing this as a description of my self. I'm not saying be like me I'm just saying build urself, evolve, know what's best for u from past mistakes that's all. And for those who are emotionally hurt and anxious u need this channel, more importantly u need us, we'll advice u, we can relate to u if we are. It's just what pisses me off are those ppl who infatuate and think it's love. Use ur brain not us. And Marry Christmas y'all.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9961602687835693 2019-01-07 13:02:27,"I need to vent. Hey so im a girl,20 I have a bf who has been through a lot i mean his mom jst died and the worst part is he is graduating this year, he used to smoke cigarette like a lot(not now tho, but he still smokes kush(i don't know if that is weed or not) so he once told me he smokes kush cuz he will be like rly horny if he doesn't (don't know if thats true or not) so he tried to stop cuz i beg him too(so qenswal) but the thing is he keeps asking me to have sex with him abern sinader(office) but when i say no he is like cool with it,he keeps saying i won't push u,we can do it when ur ready menamn And last time abren yadern gize i heard something lelit and when i turned around i saw something weird i think he was mastrubating and he wasn't watching any porn menamn it was dark and that freaked me out, is it normal guys!? and do you guys think i should have sex with him?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9956685304641724 2019-01-08 08:19:37,I will be posting a gif on how to use this new update on Wednesday or Thursday. Good day,joy,NEGATIVE,0.7277767658233643 2019-01-08 11:01:15,"I need to vent. Hey everyone, how u guys hv been? Uk wat even knowing there is no chance for u all to know who i am, i am embarrassed to spit it out. Well here is z issue...i am girl, 2nd year campus student almost 21. I got a lot of fluid coming out from my nose. Literally speaking mucous. Wc is very less viscous.(am sorry i know how disgusting it is!) I just hv started discriminating my self from people so that they couldn't know this wired part of me. Coz every time i should remove the shit out of my nose & z noise it makes while doing this is... GOD!. this all depressed me. Forced me to have a negative emphasize about me. Friends stared laughing at me & Pocking me because of this. I dnt know if you can feel me. It is super embarrassing counseling a doctor too. Please if u know any kind of medication, help me. I badly need ur suggestions.",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9993785619735718 2019-01-08 11:44:51,"I need to vent. So I’m a 17 year old girl and I have a huge problem. I am very jealous. I don’t usually show it, but it kills me inside. For example when I look at people’s Instagram stories or pictures, I always wish to be them. Everybody seems to have so much fun, has such nice friends, goes party every weekend ... I am so mad because those people don’t even know they do and have all the things I always wanted!! It’s not that I am poor or something, but I just never wanted what I have. I am jealous of a girl aswell she has guy friends and I know them from Instagram, they love her. Why aren’t they friends with me? I spend so much of my time stalking these people, I really know so much about them. I’d recognise their face and all that’s how lifeless I am I know all their friends, even the friends of their friends. But nobody knows me, every Saturday night I sit home crying because people have the life I wish for! And I can’t just f*cking deal with it anymore....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9939618706703186 2019-01-08 17:04:29,"I need to vent. Heyloo ppl... I really need help.. I was zis very happy girl and suddenly boom I lost interest in everything. I don't want to go to class. It stress me out. Nd zats affecting my grade betaaam. I don't wanna hang out wiz my frnds.. Nowadays it feels lyk zeyr all fake. Dating... All r jerks. Talent.. I got none Bcha ahun all I do is sitting and staring at z wall nd thinking how much my life is ruined... I reallllyyyyy need help",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989295601844788 2019-01-09 07:30:48,"I need to vent. I used to think zat I'm selective girl not related with ego or sth bt to get z best in evythg but the ppls I met in my life till now are total opp of me(I argue most of z time to make them understand ).bt zat ain't work. It might not seems a problem to u guys bt it is for my mind. I can't stop thinking why at least I don hav one common thg with others N I start forcing myself to deal with z community( I will be lik 'u are right' all z time). after zat i don kw y bt i lost ma sense of evrythg the way I dress, exams,i stop sharing my opinion cause It feel useless. I can say I'm gradually dying inside since it is not my only problem z over load is killing me.. I need help! -don say go to psychologist cause no one kws @ home n zey thk of me as a strong girl. Even if I go I don hav z courage to talk abt it in person.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989553689956665 2019-01-09 07:30:48,"I need to vent. I used to think zat I'm selective girl not related with ego or sth bt to get z best in evythg but the ppls I met in my life till now are total opp of me(I argue most of z time to make them understand ).bt zat ain't work. It might not seems a problem to u guys bt it is for my mind. I can't stop thinking why at least I don hav one common thg with others N I start forcing myself to deal with z community( I will be lik 'u are right' all z time). after zat i don kw y bt i lost ma sense of evrythg the way I dress, exams,i stop sharing my opinion cause It feel useless. I can say I'm gradually dying inside since it is not my only problem z over load is killing me.. I need help! -don say go to psychologist cause no one kws @ home n zey thk of me as a strong girl. Even if I go I don hav z courage to talk abt it in person.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989553689956665 2019-01-09 07:34:23,"I need to vent. Emm im 18 and a boy... I used to have a crush like she was my classmate for one year. Then because of ma family we relocated to another other place but my love for that girl still inside me. It been two years without seeing her but we chat often i always wanted to tell her my feelings but im so fuckin' afraid of losing her completely. so what u got to say about my suffering???",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9070877432823181 2019-01-09 07:34:24,"I need to vent. Hey everyone im here to vent about my crush shit tho ....emm i used to chat a girl like everyyydayyy so idont know what happened and i start crushing her and she is so cute she is so open she tells me every thing then i start falling in love with her gene its hard to tell her what i feel bcuz if i got negative answer i may lose her so guys need some advice",love,POSITIVE,0.9897095561027527 2019-01-09 07:36:38,"I need to vent. Hey there, I don't know what to say. I know u don't want to do any thing with me. I know am not pretty or smart or anything u'll look for in a girl, am just that boring chick who truly loves u. When I saw u today after all these months I get all the butterflies in my stomach and I was happy. Maybe my feelings are dead but not buried. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry but I wish I didn't meet u.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908218383789062 2019-01-09 07:37:15,"I need to vent. Hey... There was this guy in my neighborhood he was a bit older than me. We were very best friends and we talked about everything (literally everything), then one time I got in relationship with one of his classmates and I didn't told him. One day while we were chatting about this and that.. I told he I got a boyfriend. His reaction is still in my face he got numb and just stayed silent for about 10 mins( with out maganen) then I didn't know what to do and went straight to home. From that moment on we didn't talked about that moment nor about anything at all. And it's been like almost 4 months now. I really need ur help guys...does it mean he had a feeling for me? Or did he get hurted cous I didn't told him about my relationship first? And what would ur advise would be for me to do... should I talk to him? Or just ignore him? I'm confused!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987389445304871 2019-01-09 07:58:57,"I need to vent. Am so feeling sad right now! i just realized that i have no one by me to talk to! i wanna die like now! why is it so hard to leave this bloody planet??? i can't handle it no more! please help me???? i want a friend who i can talk to, a friend who could understand my words cuz i fell like their is no one who can understand me!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994533658027649 2019-01-10 00:14:16,"I need to vent. Hello Everyone... I'm 18 and a girl and I'm new here and I just wanna express how much reading Ur vents here has helped me with my own related problems Today I just want to get something off my chest and hear what U all think abt it. So I've been together with bf for 2 years now and he wants to get intimate as in have sex.. And I feel like once I do that I'll just be seen as a Bitch and that I refused to wait for my perfect time to be ready to do it... I can't choose cuz on one hand there's all the judgment and letting down people and on the other hand he means the world to me. I really value what You guys have to say so Please tell me what to do, I have no one else. Peace Out Chisss",desire,POSITIVE,0.9467896223068237 2019-01-12 20:35:17,"I need to vent. No one in the world can feel the pain i am going through. No body knows what i am feeling right now... you need to listen to me no matter how long it is. Iam 23 now(a woman). Was campus student. It was last year, life put me in a path of tornado. Or a fate i dnt knw. I was outside z campus to copy the handout we were given.(but was not so far). I was alone. Zer was no one around. it was around 12:30 pm in local. I saw a man coming towards me. I didn't recognize who he was untill he gets close.(well he was a schoolmate, a year senior. I knew he had a big big crush on me, i was in no position to start a relationship & i guess me rejecting him made him feel like he is underestimated). He gets very close and was nervous too. He asked where i was going and other silly stuffs. Soon later he handshakes me as good bye. I felt his hand grabbing my arm, like all over my hand. i remember z moment like a dream. everything blurred. My legs couldn't carry my body. Yeah he applied some kinda drug or i dnt knw what, on my skin. The next morning i woke up in a hotel i never went. I felt a severrrrrrrrrrrrr pain in between my legs. I was bleeding. No body was in z room & i remember nothing. I felt empty, destroyed, hopeless. Yigebachihual gin??? DO YOU? Meramed mekom alechlem. I tried to pee(never experienced zis kind of physical pain in my whole life). I was raped &i was virgin. I didn't tell anyone! Men teblo ynegeral? Men??? He didnt show up at school since after. Things got worse. 32 day later i find out i am pregnant. I aborted it(i was almost abt to die wen doing this). I carried all the emotional and physical burdens alone wiz my sister. Only she and I. I failed in exam. Got Expelled from z university. Family screamed on me knowing nothing. I died! Not once or twice, just a million times. I break in to pieces. I hated everything. Nothing worked out for me. Am obsessed am nothing. It killed me inside. Hv ntn to live for. Idk hw many of u can understand the condition i am in(even a little!). Am i gonna hv a life? How on earth i can make my own family? Hell no. Help me as ur sister. Pls! I want a reason to live.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975771307945251 2019-01-12 20:37:05,"I need to vent. Hi guys... This is not a vent... This is a something I need advice over..... There is this girl I am dating. And she is unbelievable. She is sweet, she is kind, she is funny, she is cute, she is georgeous. In short, she is perfect for me. And I love her, in a way I didn't know I could love another human being apart from my family. My problem is that, I constantly feel like she is too good for me. I feel like I don't deserve her, but I want her so bad. We are in love. She loves me back too. But I am constantly worried. I keep asking my self, ""What would I do if she breaks up with me?"" It's not that I don't trust her, no. I can trust her with my life. But she is that good to be true for me. I seriously don't know what to do. Is there any solution you may have for me? Any solution, advice, criticism....anything helpful....",love,POSITIVE,0.9929700493812561 2019-01-12 21:54:33,"I need to vent. Hey you know any self improvement video book audio...that actually helped or/and changed you in any kinda way..even a tiny bit...i rly need it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9969412684440613 2019-01-12 21:55:46,"I need to vent. I was wondering if I was the only one who had abusive elders. I mean the torture they put me through must not be heard. They felt proud after every beating. My dad wasn't around much so he gave them authority to which they used it beyond their given limits. So if there is anyone out there who has the same experience, please comment so that I don't feel alone. Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8778422474861145 2019-01-14 09:45:05,"I need to vent. Does anybody know what they are doing? Why you do what you do? Are you satisfied? Do you think you have control over tour life? These are the questions mu sister asks me.. My sister is sick.. OCD and depression she doesn't let herself to be happy. Whenever i try to comfort her she always hit back with negative comments. Any advice. What kinds of things should i tell her. She has taken therapy classes ... Didn't help....she just applies the advice for short period of time instead of accepting it in her heart. Help me please, i don't wanna lose her.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987745881080627 2019-01-14 09:45:31,"I need to vent. I was a kind of person who enjoys being single and belive I was Happy that way cuz of no Drama but Lately I started Dating and I felt I missed so much and I needed it. So I found this girl and she was like perfect and she liked me back too but she keeps seeing other guys so I ended things then after a while found other girl too she was Alright but She is like zat too. So Are all Girls like this or the ones that am dating???",joy,POSITIVE,0.9830796718597412 2019-01-14 09:46:30,"I need to vent. Hey guys I need ur advise on stuff I am rly confused these days like I can't decide on stuff moment I feel okay and the other I feel sad sometimes bored and sometimes all of them at the same time. I also discovered that I have this hugeee crush on this amazing girl 4 the first time ever and it feels gd but idk.... it's not helping that much cuz I'm still 110% sure that she doesn't even know I exist and it's not her fault I just don't feel gd enough for her but somehow I managed to tell her how I felt tho but still...Nthn changed , we still don't talk at school... we just text eachother. And she's rly rly rly amazing but idk why I can't approach her in person...and I don't think she does either but idk like I said I'm in this emotional swing that is just taking my mind in different places and making me not focused In anything I do .... Idk what I shld do 2 feel Me again..oh and also she's also in this Channel so if u see this...."" Even if I can't approach u ..I mean Every thing I say ur beautiful and the most amazing person I've ever known and I'll try harder 2 be btr """,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9829134345054626 2019-01-14 09:47:26,"I need to vent. I'm going to talk about something that's been bothering me about this channel and that is ""slut shaming"". I wish i could use another word other than slut but that's what its come to. Women just like men have the desire to have casual sex. Forget all that shit about double standards this is out right moronic. Sex isn't something to be ashamed of or be disgusted by it's most natural thing there is. Everyone and i mean both women and men want to, think about and fantasize about sex. Thats why there are 8 billion of us out here. Basically all I'm saying is although society shames women for there desires we as individuals should be better than that. Respect in the belife that women can have sex lives just like men without being called all those awful hurtful names...the same way you respect someone who believes in something you don't believe in whatever your reason. This vent is probably young to get a lot of hate cuz most people are small minded and mean but what ever I'm just giving my 2 cents. Btw I'm not girl or a feminist just some guy with an opinion. Women get horny too",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9941962957382202 2019-01-14 09:49:28,"I need to vent. Hey guys am highschool student this is my second time to vent and I was in a good relation with my boyfriend but I got trust issues cause he is really communicative guy and everybody likes him mnamn then at first he wants me to trust him so he was being so gelts like he give me his telegram account to use it mnamn then after time I am seeing him changing I mean not that much clear to me then I talked to him with another account and he said that he had no girlfriend I was like WHAT ....and asked him to give me his telegram account and wanna use it but he says no ......I feel like he dumped me gn maregaget efelgalew kemeleyayetachen befit so mn larg????and there was someone venting here it was saying that she is a hacker please I want your help girl. ....if u do I will have an evidence",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998845100402832 2019-01-14 09:51:35,"I need to vent. Where do I start, I'm a loser. I've never succeeded in anything, I'm a walking freak show, and at times I just want to end it all by a quick freak accident. No one would know. Even as a kid I was raised in an environment that promotes the winners and rubs salt on the wounds of others that are having difficulty. I just don't know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992867112159729 2019-01-14 13:46:18,"I need to vent. Im in a serious relationship with this guy who is 10 years older than me. And he is neither rich or educated and has average look. (incase the age difference made u guys think that way) He has a very kind heart and is very caring. But he is not romantic at all. Verbally.... And grow close after he took a good care of me when I was sick last year. But problem is these days, I find it very uncomfortable when he refuses to do simple things ( like having lunch together) Sometimes he makes me think he's so in love with me n other times he is just an ass hole to me. We've a lot of differences (religion) n I sometimes think maybe that's why he is changing a lot (because he ain't sure if he's doing the right thing) I find it very annoying n keep comparing him to my ex who was just 2 years older, very brilliant, has good profession n very romantic....(I don't have any intention of going back as I live my current bf v. Much) n It's Hard for me to let him go because he is the only friend I've got. But he really annoys me at times. What do you think I should do?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9019103050231934 2019-01-14 13:47:05,"I need to vent. What is the purpose? of life , love, work, caring . see we all gonna perish our existance is temporary why be in this shitt life to begin with, if there is a god he/she is a cruel one to give us such realization of self exiatance, i want to end it today here and now what is there to live for but the end?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9943927526473999 2019-01-14 13:50:46,"I need to vent. So here is the thing my gf is a self harmer I told her to stop and I don't think she did and I wanna break up with her I don't have a fucking clue how to tell her I fear that she will harm her self and I don't want that to happen I couldn't even tell her what I feel help me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993209838867188 2019-01-20 10:48:38,"I need to vent. ‍ Sup guys...hehe its funny that ive finally made up my mind to imma hit u with it...k shortly i have this tendency of combining reality with imagination ...and a lot of philosphy...i have a behaviour that combines the hot and cold the sad and happy the love and hate i try to bring the balance in me but somewhere on the path i lost my self due to this and frequent depression probs. U could say im a paradox what i lack now is the motive to live to love and to get things that i want i know that its not impossible but theres that inch of uncertainity that i cant put into words and feelings that makes me stagnant and idol its some sort of pride like feeling and Its like comfort also at the verge of loosing all that i worked for ik i sound crazy and i might be but if uve got any ways or any professional support ill be happy to do whats neccessary ...ill also take any measures to get rid of that pride in me",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.8878674507141113 2019-01-20 10:49:07,"I need to vent. Okay ppl i knw there are lots of drama out there but i need ur help ....i think i am in depression ... i used to eat normsl now i dont ,i used to do fun things now i dont, i used to hangout with my friends now i just come througj when i need helo, i dont knw y um feeling so broken and heartaches everytime i hear from someone i care abt i used to hit the gym and i was fit now i am weak both emotionally and physicaly i dont know where i lost my self ...the only thing changed between me now and then is i lost my dad and i feel um over it but could it be y um feeling so much emotional carrages and me out",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975294470787048 2019-01-20 10:49:40,"I need to vent. Well I don't know where to begin, but simply I'll start with the fact that I'm a terrible person at talking to girls and they they don't seem to be interested in what I've to say. When ever I talk they literally stand and walk away, what's up with that? And another fun fact a girl told me that I was too short and ugly. I thought wow is that the reason? But I can say I'm a 19 year old 173 cm and I wear glasses and I'm relatively a lighter skinned dude. So the point I'm trying to make is what should I do to not completely suck at this? And please people I need answers.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9879989624023438 2019-01-20 10:51:17,"I need to vent. Hmmmmm....where do I here is z thing...I don't open up to people malet like literally I don't even 1 sew enkwan yelem my feelings share yemadergew whyy...because I hv a fucking trust issues.... Hv I been hurt before? Nope....I think its just my nature...gin zis days after a friend u don't open up bilo kechohebign behwala I got stressed...I wanna metew zis thing gin every time something holds me back.... Yehone guroroyen yetaneku new yemimeslegn....I don't know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990359544754028 2019-01-20 10:51:49,"I need to vent. It hurts everything everyone I can't keep pretending am fine I can't fake a smile anymore I can't I'm doing so bad I don't want to do this anymore why wasn't I born rich why wasn't born pretty why? Why does all the problems came to me why am I special why does everyone hurts me why am so unhappy. Why don't I have a family that loves me why does nobody understand me why I'm I a failure why am I so unlucky why why tf did I do to deserve this just words can't explain how I feel right now I can't I just can't be strong enough to stand it they all say its gone pass but all it gets is worse I'm broken I'm dead inside I can't do anything am a failure everything I do is a waste I'm stupid I'm ugly am fucked up I fight With everyone fuckkkkkkk it I'm worthless I'm a piece of shit everybody doesn't care they all told me no one wants me here and I don't wanna be here so take me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993715882301331 2019-02-01 19:05:17,"I need to vent. Here's my story so m friend of a dude we're to close we spent our time together on social media any where I feel like his with me I guess we both are addicted to each other and he told them I told him its official now we're both addicted my point is I have this the dum thought that if he didn't treat me well or talk to me like before or I don't know ill get so depressed I totally be bored basically my mood depends on him like what??? We some time get cheesy in some of our texts but we know our limits so we end up it But I don't know how to survive without him I'm a fresh student I gotta concentrate on my grades and stuff but all the sudden his always in my mind can you please help me?? I will wait for your responds Thanks!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9942002296447754 2019-02-03 10:23:28,"I need to vent. Hey there... I need to vent big time...and I need serious serious advices. I want to know what yall would do if yall been an unemployed graduate taking care of your sick mother for almost 2 years in a situation where you cant do anything about it being an aspiring artist on the struggle with really big dreams and God made promises that you'll make it in your heart and all you want to do is chase your dreams....just when you're soooooo fade up with it find enough money to get you started on chasing your dream with a chance of actually making it happen your only sister comes in your life with a broken marriage and kids needing your help and literally asking of you to pause your life and take care of her situation so she can restart....basically take care of someone else AGAIN .... I am not a bad person. I love my family... but I gave a gut feeling that my God given talent could put an end to a lot of these bullshit that's happening around us... I want to help my sister. But I feel like nobody is thinking about me. I need help. Would yall choose your family over your dreams that you know you can make come true and be really worthy? Would yall pause your life for someone that will not pause their lives for you if given the chance? Would yall let fear take away and lose all the chances you've got and live for someone else without having to live for your own for once?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9908273816108704 2019-02-07 21:09:26,"I need to vent. U ever felt like I'm not enough for u? Coz I did. I think you deserve mach more than a collage girl. U deserve a women. A smart beautiful. A woman who can help u with every thing who can share ur load in life . A woman who u don't have to hide from everyone to be with her. A woman who can give u children family. A woman who will give u coffee massage when u had those long days. A woman who can comfort you and takecare of her family. A woman who u can share everything with. But believe me I am trying. I'm trying as he'll to be that women but I just couldn't. I just a collage girl. I couldn't do all that now. And I think it would be very selfish of me to tell you to wait for me to become that independent and successful women for you. Coz U deserve all that now and for the rest of your life. You are a kind of man all women dreamed of having. Your smart, funny, caring. You are good looking and very kind. You know how to treat a girl. You are independent, successful and polite and lovable. U deserve all the love and affection in the world. And I can't lie I love you to the edge of the world but u deserve mach more than me. U deserve that women not a collage girl who don't have any thing and dependent on her parents. U deserve much more.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9344279170036316 2019-02-07 21:10:09,"I need to vent. Heyy Ion even know what to write rn......ion know what I'm feeling rn....I've been through a lot sooo much to say,got soooo much to talk out but there's no1 to talk life is pretty boring n full of bullshits,ion go out,never been in a serious r/p cuz dating, r/p,n all those stuffs that couples do scare noooo friends im I got one but....I changed school n moved to another place with my fam so we don't talk that much....soooo no friends,no bf,in a bad situation with my mom n dad n specially with my dad,don't know what ""FUN"" is,I can't even go out for a walk,bipolar(this shit is eating me alive being B.P sucks fr) I feel like I'm stressing myself out by overthinking n shit but I still can't stop thinking bout my past, thinkin bout my childhood n find nothing but stupid things,seeing bruises on my numb thighs n remember all those shits,n now doing all those dicey shits....I got sooo much to say but... No matter what...I'm thankful for the life I've,the life I'm living rn....n Imma keep living till the pain that I'm feeling rn kills me....thank y'all",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9960112571716309 2019-02-07 21:10:29,"I need to vent. Hey yall... so here is the thing. I blush with the tiniest bit of attention. Like i cant take compliments, at all!!! Im like heating up even if i think let alone know someone is watching me or sth. Especially dudes. And they keep getting the wrong idea. Like they think eyeteshkorememkugn new and they think im interested and as i said im a bit shy so i cant really tell them im not. Gin its getting sooo uncomfortable...what do u think i should do? Its rather embarassing to be blushing at every comment at the age of 22‍‍",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9872913956642151 2019-02-07 21:10:41,"I need to vent. Hi there! I'm just gonna go straight to the point. Everyone I seem to talk to, even my closest friends are suicidal, they say they have had enough of this world or don't see what's the point of living and I get it, I mean I've had the same thoughts a few times n if u knew everything abt me u'd understand I've nothing worth to live for but still I don't wanna lose my tmr because of today and I don't know how to convince them or make 'em change their mind coz I don't wanna lose 'em, they mean way too much to if there's any suggestions pls help a girl out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9960305094718933 2019-02-09 05:44:12,"I need to vent. I think tonight is my last night on this earth and I'm fine with it. I have made my peace i just couldn't go without saying something to someone.Goodbye.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9942809343338013 2019-02-09 06:27:46,"I need to vent. Who ever posted on the previous vent about committing Suicide please stop. What ever is happening right now will pass. There are people who love you and there’s a whole lot of life waiting for you. The future might bring good things to you. Don’t worry about anything and just live your life. Stay strong We love you",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9067987203598022 2019-02-09 06:27:52,"I need to vent. Someone vented they are going to kill themselves and i think we shouldn't sit and watch. Someone has to do something",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989315867424011 2019-02-09 07:29:14,"I need to vent. Wassup. I been seeing some straight up dangerous shit this past week and I wanted to tell em what I felt. I don't know you. I don't know the miles you traveled. But I know that you're human. This means things cannot be good all the time. They say a man's success is based on what he has achieved, I say it is based on what he is able to accept. And if you think shit ain't going right, don't think it's because you're an unlucky piece of crap that's got no place here, you're just human; think it's because you're human and it happens to everyone out here. No matter what happens tho, NEVER DENY you have problems. Accept it. Accept the fact that you're going thru a rough patch, and that you need to find a solution. And I don't really know about your religion, but let me tell you my idea. If this world was to be of no struggle, why would heaven exist? Exactly no reason. So I want you to get your asses up, look straight up to your problems, and say "" Not today"". The world is made for those who can fight ;it's also made for those who can't. That's why we're different. But to those who can't fight, remember that you're still alive, and you got every inch of reason to live. PS: Don't read all these ""positivity"" quotes, cause the only thing they do is making you lie to yourself. Wake up!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9950643181800842 2019-02-09 08:12:14,"I need to vent. For z guy who posted zat suicide shit .. just know zat ur goin to be responsible for z ppl who r goin to commit a suicide from. Now on cause u just inspired zem to commit suicide .. to give up in life .. u made zem weak .. .. it’s on you ... u should hav fight until z end .. and fix ur lyf and inspire others to do so .. u should help. Others who r in need of ur advice .. who r in need of watchin ur not givin up strong spirit .. u should live ur lyf not only for ur self cause zats selfish u should live it for others too .. and be z reason zat zey still want to see. Wat tomorrow will bring .. so think abt ur post",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9905181527137756 2019-02-09 23:34:34,"The bot will be down for maintenance for at most a day. Please bear with the glitches and maybe enjoy them too.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9944100975990295 2019-02-10 08:55:43,"Press ""Show More"" to display the next five comments",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.985183596611023 2019-02-10 09:24:25,"I need to vent. Long story, it might be boring. Sorry for the typo's. I just lost all of my university friends. One of my friends always ignores us without letting us know what exactly the problem is, every time she did that I understood and apologized eventhou it wasn't my mistake...... Anywho what happened was she texted saying ""you are a very funny person"" ""smh"" I texted back saying what did I do, She ignored me. I even asked her in person but she ignored me and got annoyed, naturally I did the same. long story short i told a friend we should go out with everyone, including the girl i had a fight with since it's her birthday . she told me that I need too work it out with my other friend first, then she told me that our friend told her that I blocked her and im sure she told her other shady stuff that I didn't do. They told me too unblock her... I told them I won't ask them too believe me but I didn't block her they said our friend is saying the opposite. I then told them that all I want is for them is too stay friends with both of us and we should just leave this.  they finally said ""won't being seeing you guys us much anywho"" i apologized but they just ignored me. i then told them i just wanted to stay friends with them nothing else but they left me on read so i got emotional and sent them they happy birthday video I worked on all day to post on what's app and told them sorry that i made drama then deleted my what's up. I feel so fake, I don't know why I over reacted like a drama first I found a excuse but now I feel bad for not understanding what my friend was going through by getting stuck in the middle of her two friends. I know i am at fault yet I honestly can't help but question why she lied and blamed everything on me ? I'm not innocent but I'm actually really disappointed at me and everyone for not being here for me even thou I always have been for all of them. I'm disappointed at me for actually realizing I never saw them as an actual friend / i saw them as a friend but I never trusted them maybe I didn't trust them enough for them to trust me/.  I'm a bad person and I over react... I feel like shit since I keep blaming it on other ppl and I keep seeking pity and I act innocent. Please someone help me out. What should I do. I can't face anyone in my group.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990707635879517 2019-02-11 07:31:41,"I need to vent. I was just wondering and want to ask or share Why is relationship hard this days? Is it because, 1- the real guy/girl is at work or doing something valuable than lurking around on social medias? 2- we r playing the movies relationship dilemma? 3- we just expect a lot from our partner? 4- we have a trust issue? 5- relationships are overrated n we don't need them anymore? 6- we love ourselves a lot? 7- we tend to go to something special by loosing what we have? 8- we need more easy timing n fun than the real deal? 9- we think love doesn't exist by thinking that we r so lovable? 10- i don't know which? Just wondering...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998009979724884 2019-02-11 10:07:11,"I need to vent. I am finally going to address the fact that my beloved dad is no longer with us. It's been years since he passed but I haven't talked about it once, not even with my mom. We were all too scared of how all that's left of this amazing man is in our memories. He was never a fan of pictures and I regret to say that I have no single picture of him. The only physical memory i have is his passports filled with stamps of weird places he visited. It gives me a strange comfort to just look at them. I really hope he's in a better place. If only he was here right now and could see the type of bad asses me and my bro have become. My brother only 17, me 19 and I already feel like we're going to conquer the world together. On God daddy would've been so proud of us. I was just listening to the TØP song Legend and boy did it hit home. That's what made me vent here and yah it does feel good to kinda talk about it. Lastly, don't think that I forgot my mom amidst all this, she just wouldn't have fit in a single vent. Don't none of y'all ever take your parents for granted please!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.5224530696868896 2019-02-11 21:17:00,"I need to vent. Hi....i need help with some serious shit! I know most of will insult me or anything, but here is the deal!?...... sometimes i hate my mom so badly i just wanna ......anyways me and mom never, ever, ever, ever get along, we sometimes spends months without talking and i mean a complete ignorance (and we are the only ones in the house, so imagine) i literally tried everything, and i mean everything i keep changing my approach to her every time but she never changes, she never listens, she is toooooooo bossy...... i really care for her after all she is a mom but i also wanna learn to love her.....what should i do!?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.637119472026825 2019-02-16 22:34:21,"I need to vent. She thinks she is a random girl i can get over, her own words i never thought i would end up venting here but nobody really gets it so here i am...she was the one i usually talk to when i was down I don't even have to talk about my problems they sort of disappear when she smiles or hugs me i really believed i needed no one else if i had her I thought if i had her i had everything, she promised she will always be there she promised she will be the family I never i had I never knew a guy cloud love a girl this much even i get pissed at myself i guess i was too needy attached clingy overprotective over loving irdk fights leading to other fights causing a gap bigger and bigger...she got used to not being with me i become boring my insecurities were the only thing showing so she left i thought i would be okay but boy was i wrong the pain is just unbearable i got sick quickly I don't breathe right I don't care about anything nor ever focused on things from the day she left till now she is the only thing in my mind and we can never be together again and am too emotionally fucked to be friends with her, she means too much to me my life is empty literally it's not worth living it's just miserable and pain everyday it's not hard it's impossible to forget i tried everything nothing helps it's been almost 2 month and the changes i have went through scare me I don't trust myself with my life when am on a top building or something high I don't think about the view i just wanna jump i zone out when people are talking to me myself explaining to myself if i die all this pain ends I won't feel again it's just really hard without her she was always there and i suddenly lost everything everything i was addicted to her it physically hurts drinking doesn't help smoking doesn't help cutting doesn't help nothing does i hate it but i love her far to much to live without her and i thought it was just a saying when they said it. I hope none of you felt this way before or ever do i hope your life doesn't depend on others because people leave and take your happiness and reason to live well that's it i guess",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9954518675804138 2019-02-16 22:34:40,"I need to vent. Hey I think I wanna kill my self It's like I always think abt hanging my self or taking tablets ... my life has been messed up since the day I was born my families always nag each other they haven't have a peaceful life and broke up after some time I have been always sad with my life and know I got drop out of school and don't know what to do with my life am very unhappy sad always in depression I even start smoking ... I just wanna end everything",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973196387290955 2019-02-16 22:34:43,"I need to vent. For those of you who kept on pressuring yourself and one another to commit suicide ... love me or hate me but let me give you two fundamental advices for the experince I know for now. 1. Be self sufficient, I mean care for yourself don't ever never be dependent on people circumstances, most importantly PEOPLE. I am not saying people are not important. I am just saying have the ability and the emotional strength to be able to cope with life's problems and lonliness. Its like the police men carry guns most times but they are also educated in some self defense methods for when the times comes that they don't have those equipments, not the best example but you know what I mean. it's no joke when people say you always have a choice. 2. The list of things you care about should be very small and I mean very very small, you shouldn't waste this very short life we have caring about how people react to what ever the fuck you feel like doing or what ever you falsly asumed has value in your life. Stop being sad or angry at petty things. Ask yourself if that is something you would regret at your death bed for not doing or having or saying..... Thank you for reading !! I'll try to keep writing if you guys think the above makes sense lol",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8728988766670227 2019-02-20 16:50:45,"I need to vent.  wrote this nearly a year ago and i was in a depressive state which i had some usual breakdowns often during this time, i wrote my problems away. now,i officially am great.i am thriving in every part of my life. either way i accidentally found my self in one of my writing  and had a flashback of that time which wasnt pretty and full of chaos. if u ask me now i wouldnt change a thing. all those things that  happned made me buff up on my emotional intelligence.u might think most of ur problemsdont go away but it actually gets better so read it am ready to take ur insults and ur views.   ""Six month ago I was different person I had my own opinions and a bit introvert.I moved at my own pace, I cared about my future my way of life,I use to save I had enough money to start a business and think about finding that one amazing girl . I forgot to tell you i am 25 years old male and I have a promising and respected  career ahead of me and I always believed I had a reason to do all of the things I do until the past six month. Now I am not motivated,not productive and i am a party animal and I get by In my education but I see a blankness that is waiting at the end and I depleted some of my money which I could have progressed on after graduation and also my definition of a girl has completely changed, am into no emotion based relations with ppl I had no intention of being serious with. I enjoyed them very much but I was always honest with them I luv that u can do this in our generation but it is also sad and childish. I became the guy who I use to despise and am in this unsettling state of mind. if u ask me all this would happen in a year. I would laugh at u so hard. it all started going wrong after we had to go to an educational attachment in a rural area at which time I hanged wiz freinds and ""met a person"" got close wiz a colleague we had  unforgetable memories she was amazing, charming wiz unbelievable personality and a great smile did i mention my favorite person. whom I liked and cared about. which in 2 weeks changed my un seemingly introvert way of life to an extrovert If that cannot be the reason it means I have a  new alter ego which took over after this new exposure. long story short this amazing life  ended devastatingly and the wrong way from the expected. we went on distancing  ourselves now we're like anderomeda and milkway. I hope one day just like this to galaxy's we will be closer and be one even tho it's unlikely.i still wish that. That is not the point of this unbelievably long long writing i wrote in order to get over this one person.i wish this bring me solace from this emptiness i felt and still feel somtimes. I think i caused my own desolution  by being hard to be next to with no mind games and continious unconditional self giving ritual. which I thought it was about when u care about someone.i guess all I knew about this stuff was wrong or it just ddnt work out. but that wasn't the end of the story. after that I turned my self into a villain which caused her and some ppl pain and now I distanced everyone around me. before all this changes and dramas came I use to enjoy my loneliness now it is like am looking for ppl connection and approval everywhere and failing terribly.just not to be alone,i had simply different phases on my journey to know my self again. that happened so peeps don't be like me be smart keep ur emotional portion of urself hidden. i swear to you i have seen this coming four month ago. me writing this sitting at home.""                                       From introvert me                  To Whoever is reading",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.6917737126350403 2019-02-20 18:10:06,"I need to vent. i feel weird. i feel like i am being hated for not talking to anyone at school. Since when is it rude to dont talk to people u dont know? Why the fuck should talk to random dudes just for the sake of being friendly? this is y i hate goin to that in a campus btw... so is it wong to hangout only with ur friends?? and ""Kostara Neh"" malet mn malet new? LMAO why the fuck do people care so much? Am i carrying a wrong mindset ? Anyone who feels the same??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992838501930237 2019-02-20 18:10:36,"I need to vent. Well hello , i really need to say this because it's really killing me inside. I fell in love with someone who i can't tell am in love with and its been about 3 year's or so since i started falling for this person . We are really close so he tells me everything and so do i (well not exactly everything) he tells me about how he likes this girl and how he's falling for her ... i have to fake it and smile saying am happy for you even tho am crying inside . It hurts so much. Am not really good at talking about how or what i feel. Am hoping you guy's can help by giving me advice on how to let him go . Because it's not healthy for me to be in this kind of position all the time . The sadness , crying, feeling hurt it's not easy. I just want to let go and forget him for the rest of my life. Thank you so much if you're reading this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9890363812446594 2019-02-20 18:54:09,"I need to vent. Hear me out. I am really into someone who, most probably, only talks to me or gets in touch when he has nothing to do or he’s bored. I’m not in love or anything, just addicted. To his mindset, his attitude, everything. That’s rare for me, I don’t go out much and don’t know that many people. From the ones I know, most seem not to “fit” to my lifestyle. So here I am, giving my everything to this dude which I don’t even know if he is in it with me for the long term. I don’t want to picture myself with another person. I’ve gone too far with him & i feel like he owns some part of me. Uff! The worst part is he literally shuts me out for daysss and that gets to me the most. Becha I feel like I’m wasting my time, what should I do??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992030262947083 2019-02-20 19:32:48,"I need to vent. Hi people wassup I’m not here to actually vent I just wanted to ask u a question. So I here everybody around me telling me that they love someone not family love but love their bf/gf and I’m just 17 and I still don’t understand what love I believe that I’ve been in love before but I still don’t know the meaning of love . So I just wanted to ask u what is the meaning of love to u ?? Or what is Love ?? Tnx",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9752545356750488 2019-02-20 19:33:36,"I need to vent. Løvêll: A while back I told you I was in love with my best Friend. Now she's moving on and when I say that I don't mean she's dating some one, she was but not anymore the problem now is she's pulling away and like a mess held together by her alone I'm crashing down on my self. I can't do anything like I used to. I'm an utter mess. I love her so much it hurts every time I see her. It's a cliché I know. I need to move on but I don't know how.she's been a constant in my life since we we're grade four she's my rock.but she's brushing me off like I'm nothing and it hurts so much. How can I make the pain stop?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9960475564002991 2019-02-21 15:36:00,"I need to vent. I hate u for making me fall for u and I hate u.u don't have any idea that am in love with u.I Am a fucking amazing pretender playing frnd frnds with u but dude come on the way I am with u can't u see that I am crazy about u Anyways fuck u and fuck her Am out",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9933801889419556 2019-02-21 15:37:37,"I need to vent. For the people who still are nice I'm here yall I have a question now my boyfriend has been ignoring my calls don't text back and everytime I'm bout to bring the discussion about if he isn't in it or if he found someone else he gets all emotional and protective making me think he still loves me we been together for a year n 3 month now n I've fucked up many time I know but he wouldn't do this I am in denial I think I can't see what is happening he disappears for a whole day doesn't even talk to me n his I love u I miss u don't feel the same ...I don't know what to feel I sware idk what the truth is I'm so confused I ussually have an eye for these things but he changed up not replying to my calls even tho he saw it ..we had a fight one day I fucked up actually we both did he hasn't been the same since ...he tells me its over he forgot about it mnm gen it don't feel like that he being distant so familia what shall I do help me ..cuz it kinda hurts Thank you for all the nice people",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9914745092391968 2019-02-21 15:38:42,"I need to vent. So I have had this frnd we've been good frnds for a little while now and we've always been a little flirty with eachother but she had a boyfriend so i never rly did anything. So like a few weeks ago she came over to study or whatever and things escalated. We were just fooling around in front of a mirror and she kissed me no warning totally took me off guard but i kissed her back we made out for a little while but it didn't go any further than that, that day. The next day she came over again with out telling me i tried to bring up the boyfriend thing but she brushed it off like like she's not with him rn after that things got physical and we hooked up this became a regular thing where we would just see each other at the library or wherever and we would hook up. I really like this girl she's just so effortlessly gorgeous ,kind and funny. But there's just a few things off one I still see her with her ex and noone knows about me and her exp my roommate (i can't rly ask her about it cuz we never talk like that) plus she's 22 and I'm 19 so there's a bit of an age gap. Rn I'm not at a point where I can't afford to be distracted with finals and all but this thing is weighing on me so much. Help Please!!!",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9765878915786743 2019-02-21 19:35:59,"I need to vent. Hey people. There is this girl whom I have been avoiding although she has been trying multiple times to take our relationship to the next level very early. It has been 3 months since we started talking but she has tried asking me to be her bf 1 month since we met and I have told her I don't want to be with her but she says she won't let go and will stay patient till I change my mind which I won't. So if anyone has advice on how can I get rid of her trying to be my gf and instead just be friends I will highly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9946863651275635 2019-02-21 20:18:28,"I need to vent. Hey everyone need help specially from seniors in uni.. Am 1st yr uni student and final exam is after 3 days and betam betam tension yezognal like i cant even sit calm.. Ena i hv to study like betam but alchalkum.. Matnat sejemr yemasbew sele grades menamn sibelash menamn.. Betekekel maseb hula eyakategne nw.. And also am having nose bleeding every time I woke up in the morning.. Am worried n stressed so much.. help me ppl .. And Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9952061772346497 2019-02-22 14:48:36,"I need to vent. One quick question, would you leave someone you care about because that person is not giving you a 100 percent in terms of relationship, because of personal problems? Mind you, you care deeply for this person but the affection is not reciprocated rn, and it just feels off and draining to be there for someone constantly and not get anything back. I feel helpless. What do I do? Would it be selfish of me if I left? He says he needs me, I feel like that is all I am to him, a shoulder to cry on.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9955400824546814 2019-02-22 14:50:49,"I need to vent. Hey guys , well this is my first time to vent . here it goes!! I'm a freshmen student (18 years old female).... I met this guy why 4 months a go.. he's my senior ena ye arch temari nw. So like when ever our teachers gave us assignment we are suppose to go see our seniors so I will and go see him, everybody suggests that I ask him coz he is good at helping out. So every time I have an assignment I talk to him and he was happy to help. But after a while things started to change... he started to change. He started fluttering with me. And me.... well I ignored him thinking he is just another boy who happens to think he's interested in me. He continued flurting and I continued ignoring( not that am not interested in him tho) The guy is pretty much shy I guess. and I'm certain that he won't tell the feelings he has towards me ...well I won't do that too ( cuz 1. I'm a girl I won't do it first 2. Pride 3. Shy ) .....ena pls guys help me out ... if I don't tell him anything well semester break is up and I'm gonna miss him mnamen ena beka help help help...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955865144729614 2019-02-22 14:51:13,"I need to vent. Hey guys.. I need some help.. I'm 19 n i met her in the college cpd. N we started getting closer n started doin what lovers do... kissin.. makinout(but nah sex yet) what bother me right now is she is kinda moody girl she often flirts with other guys n she open to meh n always tell me whats these guys said to her which is nonsense for me.. And now I just wanted to go to z next step but her bitchy behvr. holds me back n um nah sure whether she wanna play me like the other dudes or go to the real shit... What shall?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9897816181182861 2019-02-22 17:10:25,"I need to vent. Hi everyone..I really need ur help on this..k I got zis amazing guy friend at uni he is so funny, simple, ambitious a bit childish nd ol abt breaking rules but still I like him a lot..I'm so strict n always obeying rules, overthink nd care tooo much I think zat is why we became friends in short time cuz he has z qualities I don't have..we talk , laugh, eat, walk, prettymuch do everything together nd am always comfortable & happy but (here it comes) few weeks back I found out he has got feelings for me so now I cudn't be z same I mean my every moves r calculated ""shud I say zis or shud I say zat, will zat make him unhappy"" leads to making weird nd boring guys what shud I do..I don't want to lose his friendship but I'm nat ready for such commitment too",love,POSITIVE,0.7690133452415466 2019-02-22 17:10:35,"I need to vent. First time on here, so I am a Diaspora, male, 24. My mum sent me to Addis to look for a ‘wife’ or atleast find some sort of relationship and start a family, but no I’ve just been sitting in my hotel room since the day I came. I checked out Bole, you know Edna mall and all that good stuff. I talked to a couple of girls and soon as I said I was a diaspora they walked out. Everyone has been saying it’s easy if you’re diaspora, even my relatives in Ethiopia. I just wanted to know if there is something wrong with us or why girls are like this towards us?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976429343223572 2019-02-22 17:10:43,"I need to vent. Hey y'all... Here is ma que( its more fo gals actually) Do u gals have some fucking insecurities bein with a handsome boy or minamin....??? I'm having troubles here, so help me out guys... I'm confused here they tell u that ur handsome n stuff but they don't wanna go further wtf‍‍",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9976280331611633 2019-02-22 17:10:52,"I need to vent. I never thought i would actually be venting but here i am . I am so angry and confused right now so i want ur honest opinion . So a week ago our house made told me that my dad called her around 5 LT To ask her to sleep with him . She showed me her phone and he called her twice to begging her to sleep with him. I really like her she is like a sister to me and we are very close. I was so angry like i wanted to rip his head off. How dare he, we were in the house ,well except my mom, she was not in town cause her mom died. So we were planning on telling my mom when she is done grieving but our maid told her everything . Surprisingly my mom was so calm, she told me that she will confront him tonight . All i care about now is my siblings not to find out. And im so depressed right now and confused. How can i make this sithuation better?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9851047396659851 2019-02-22 17:11:02,"I need to vent. Okay I’m kind of shocked. I’ve been reading some vents and honestly this generation has to be the DUMBEST and most USELESS of the generations we’ve had before. I mean literally 99% of y’all are venting about a boy/girl friend and how y’all want them to be all yours and how you can’t concentrate on any shit cause the love is way up your ass. I mean DAMN I wish all my problems were regarding some other human beings attention LMAO. The rest of y’all being depressed and shit. That’s some deep shit. Get help. Mental illness is not given much attention in our society and y’all shouldn’t let that fuck you up. The depression we see in the movies, the one we think is some kinda dark phase of life ain’t close to that. Please make sure of your mental state before making decisions. If we tell our brain that we’re unhappy and fucked all day everyday, then that’s what we gone be. This is called Garbage In, garbage out (google it). And what happened to sex after marriage? Lol!? I mean WTF keep y’all privates in your pants. That’s not where love is. Ima stop for now but i have shit load of things to say. I’ll be back.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9988695979118347 2019-02-22 18:39:29,"I need to vent. Hello pplz,,,,i have been through a lot it all begins with a girl rania.I loved her,trusted her and everything.She was myto me.All of a sudden all these changed because of her family stuffs.Shes like 15 and her parents are bit hardh in this kinda stuffs and the last thing she could do is leaving methat made me feel sad do somethings which are bad to my lifeand now i wanna move on and the most thing i cant is deleting our convo i always reread them and makes me feel guilty of it missed her so much i still love her and i still want her back.She is something i cant live without.Ehat can i do my friends",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9864575266838074 2019-02-23 18:20:06,"I need to vent. I have been sooooo stressed because I am not doing so good on my grades I am going to graduate this year and my family expects me to graduate with medal and all but I don't knowI even got f and retake it so I have lost it what should I do do I still have a chance of graduating with a medal",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994157552719116 2019-02-23 18:20:46,"I need to vent. So hey I need to vent I'm always furious. I always feel left out on things. I don't understand my self most of the time. Things are hard for me. Family expectations, friends pressure everything is too much. I need a breather. A while back I started being distant with everyone. I became a loner at school. But that's starter rumors and so I tried to change I started hanging out with crowds even if I hated the loud noises. But still I feel like something is wrong with me. I can't keep my attention on one thing alone. I try but I just can't. My grades are slipping and that's causing troubles at home which distracts me more at school. Sometime I stare into nothingness for hours only to realise I don't even remember what I was thinking about. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm going crazy. Please help me....?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993129968643188 2019-02-23 18:21:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys...this is actually very serious.... I'am a type of Guy who would rather hang with his girl than with his friends much(not that i don't have a friends, i do).But here is the problem ever since i can remember i been having trust issues with girls. No matter how much i like them i won't be the first to ask them out no matter how much obvious that they like me... And one day i met a girl, she used to came and talk to me nger tfelgegnalch mnamn ena one thing led to the other...we became couples.I loved her she did too but..we eventually grew apart. But I didn't i just went with the flow. It has been a year she moved on i did to. But here is the problem, i notice few girls showing interest in me, i really want to start r/nship with them(i meant her).but what if we also grew apart again .maybe you girls don't want a guy who often Want to hang out with them. Am the kinda guy who wants a girl like that G-eazy song him and I...if i don't get a girl am gonna be alone 4eva...what a messed up world.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9949424862861633 2019-02-23 18:22:15,"I need to vent. Its like zer is a girl and i love her so much but she is not on the ryt time to get in relationship we r in the same class at sculshe sits ryt next to me and everyday i see her she gets more cute and cuter and am afraid that someone better than me could take her and im just gonna be standing ryt zer seeing themi love her so much like sosososososo much words cant describe my feelings for her she is the most important person in my life how could i get her.If u might see it bek its me and i love you so much u have occupied my 95% of myneed help",love,POSITIVE,0.9957488775253296 2019-02-23 18:23:18,"I need to vent. Wow where do i start? Last Wednesday I met this girl at the bank of all places and i don't know how to explain it but ever since the first moment i looked at her idk i felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest she just took my breath away. I've never been much of a go getter but at that moment something just possessed me and i started walking towards her i introduced myself helped her fill out a form we had a few laughs talked for like 10 minutes and then she left. I didn't ask for her number i only got her name and i beat myself up over that for days wishing i had. Then the most amazing thing happened she got my number from a mutual frnd on campus and she texted me, i swear i couldn't stop smiling the entire day i still can't stop smiling. We met up everyday after that, we have so much in common everything is just so easy with her. I haven't done anything physical with her yet i feel more for her than anyone i have ever been with just every part of her speaks to every part of me. I feel like I'm floating over clouds and all this in less than a week. So is this it?is this love?",excitement,POSITIVE,0.9964112639427185 2019-02-23 18:24:30,"I need to vent. So me n my gf made out and I kinda cummed on her thing. Idk we're panicking. Would she get pregnant? What should we do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9968865513801575 2019-02-23 18:24:59,"I need to vent. Hellow everyone I feel so empty I have friends family and i know i have potential to create an amazing future but yet i cant find happiness in any of them am feeling more alone than ever before even among caring people What can i do??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9123036861419678 2019-02-23 18:26:11,"I need to vent. This is a sequel of the vent about our generation being dumb and stuff. Okay so I’ve seen the comments and I really need to apologize because apparently the things that I’ve said are sensitive to others and I shouldn’t have addressed it that way. But there’s also a huge misunderstanding between what I was trying to say and what y’all thought I was saying. Hear me out. First of all, I’m not trying to be a smart ass. I was sharing what I felt, and it was judgmental and I’ve apologized for that. I mean I’m here to vent, and to read others and try to help out as much as I can Second, I NEVER said that mental illness (depression and so) is stupid. In fact, I was saying it’s far from stupid. It’s REAL. I’ve seen people being affected by it. Most of our society doesn’t understand mental illness, and that’s one of the main reasons why it’s getting worse. We should know how to get professional help. But sometimes, we all go through a dark phase in life. We would think that we’re “depressed” when we really are just riding on the roller coaster of life. So we continuously feed our mind negative thoughts, and it feeds us back the same thing ( as i said before, garbage in, garbage out). I’m just tryna say that we should know the difference between being in an actual depression or if we’re just temporarily sad. That’s all. Third, about the bf/gf thing, it’s true, who am I to judge. a problem is a problem no matter how small or big. Love is brutal, and I understand that. But it’s just unusual for 99 out of 100 people to share the same issue on relationships. I mean come on! I can’t say anything apparently my opinions are too insulting for you guys cause I’ve seen the comments and phew that was a lot to take in. And for the sex after marriage thing, lol i mean i dunno man, it’s a very delicate issue so I’ll just leave it where it’s at.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9985047578811646 2019-02-24 14:37:41,"I need to vent. Here is my confession I think the only reason only reason I’m alive is because I care too much about how the people would react upon my death. I’ve been really depressed for the past 5 years or so and I don’t know really know why. I have a lot of friends and I’m pretty social. I don’t care if I die. If it were up to me I would choose not to live. I’m not going to kill myself though. I’ve got too much to live for. I want to make my mark on this world and not in a negative way. I’ve contemplated ended my life in the past but I thought about the emotional pain it would bring to my family and friends. They’ve all helped my through some tough times but it seems to be getting worse and I don’t know what to do. Recently, I’ve been distancing myself from them in the event that I do decide I don’t want to live anymore and it’s starting to make me more depressed. I know the sensible thing to do would be to continue to talk to them but as my life is progressing more of my friends are moving away and I don’t want to make new friends. I appreciate the read",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9787083268165588 2019-02-24 14:38:17,"I need to vent. Hey there, its my first time venting so go easy on me. Well its more of something i need to say instead a vent. First of all I'd like to say, i believe in Jesus, am against gay people and am so not into sex before marriage. But probably half of you here read that and skipped to the comment section to insult me for believing in those things and the other half of you thought another teenager with an opinion, but then again i dont care thats probably why i kept writing cuz I've got some thing i need to say. A few days back i saw a vent that started with ""this generation is so dumb"" it got me so pissed of i want to say 4 things. Its long so bare with me. 1, all of us have something we believe in wether it's something about religion,homosexuality or sex. we believe that we are right and we stick by it. Sometimes we believe in something we have never seen, like God. But being human gave as a quality of believing, we are not sure, we could be soooo wrong, but we believe it any way. So tell me what gives as the right to go up to people and insult them for believing in Jesus? What gives us the right to insult people about being gay or having sex before marriage? When we are not even 100 % sure about it. 2, lets say we found this amazing coffee house and we probably cant wait to tell our friends about it, but even if after we tell them they keep going to the same crappy house they were going before. Do u insult them for going to the crappy place or try to tell them the one you found is better? Ik the ideology dont make much sense but what am trying to say is you tell people that believe in homosexuality or sex before marriage that there wrong and tell the the better way but that does not give you the right to insult and undermine what they think is right. even after you tell them they stick to what they belive in then i just try to be there for them.if u are a geniune person u try to help not take away what they believe is true. Cuz are you 100% sure? 3, believe that your a sinner. Trust me the most judjmental person has the ugliest baggage. And finaly stop undermining this generation and calling us dumb ever generation has a Hitler, an Abraham Lincon, a Jacob Zuma or Abye Ahmed. But then again what do ik right? Am just an 18 year old teenager.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984481334686279 2019-02-24 15:48:19,"I need to vent. Well I never ever thought I would vent but I’m here I’m 19 years old im a guy well it all stared out since I broke up with my ex I lost everything friends everything I started smoking weed ended up being an addict now I been dating for a while we’ve been together for like 3 months but I don’t feel it like ale aaa I think she’s just like everyone else I can’t trust her I don’t talk to her that much I always smoke idk my life is messed up idk what to do all I want to do is break up but at the same time I don’t want to I just don’t know what to do help me out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9874676465988159 2019-02-24 15:59:31,"I need to vent. Even if I put this as nicely as I can it still sounds terrible. I hate my family. My mom’s side of the family is so mean! My auntie likes to call me a screw up all the time, she says my taste in music sucks and I am useless. My little cousin follows her mom, she likes to call me names and says pretty much all the time that I am worthless and better off dead. My other cousin is no better either; he says I’m irresponsible and that I don’t diserve anything that I have. My uncle likes to call me fat and ugly. My brother joins in and my mom doesn’t defend me. I’ve told them many times to stop it, but “Please stop it.” Turns to, “Stop it!” Then that turns into, “Shut the f***** up you **!” And then I get in ****for swearing. I tell my mom how much I don’t get along with them and I don’t want to see them anymore because I’m sick of feeling like dirt, but she doesn’t listen! She thinks being stuck in a room with them for a few hours will magically fix everything, but it just makes it worse! I try and try and try to be better, and to stop being a screw up but it’s never enough. I get enough bullying at school from the boys in my classes I don’t need my family making fun of me on the weekends now. I feel like I’m a voice unheard in a sea of people who only love each other that I’m left out of. I don’t know what I should do anymore, I feel like an outsider in my own family. I don’t belong anywhere. People say they cry themselves to sleep once in a while, I do it every night. Even when I had a good day I still cry myself to sleep, I know no matter how happy I can be one day it’ll all be taken away from me sooner then I want. I don’t like waking up in the morning saying, “F*****” every day because I know something is going to happen that will never make my day better again. Every since my father died a few years ago I’ve become more and more withdrawn from everything. My classmates made fun of me for not having a father (like I can control that!) and I stopped going outside on weekends and weekdays. I started to hate my classmates and took shelter from everything in my life on the internet. The internet is my home, my family, my love. My mom has taken the internet away from me before and I cried to four days in a row, I became very ill. I saw no point in living anymore, nothing could regain my happiness without the one thing that actually made me feel worth anything. I’ve done that more then once; I often get very, very, very ill when I get too depressed. Now my body is just weak all the time, any sort of sickness; a cold, flu, or just a runny nose that goes around school or whatever I am the first to get it. My family has also helped me to become suicidal, with all this insulting from my peers and family I’m either going to grow up remembering a terrible childhood or I’ll probably just end up killing myself. I just don’t know how to make my life stop sucking so badly.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990725517272949 2019-02-24 15:59:51,"I need to vent. Hey guys so am a bit scared of getting an ""F"" I mean i truly suck at math ena demo Add n Drop yemibalew neger minim algebagnim freshman negne well u can tell right ena beka yemtaku asredugne",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9986513257026672 2019-02-24 16:00:30,"I need to vent. Lost 42 kilos. I thought losing weight would make me happy. But what do I have? No friends Jealous people Toxic r/ships Haters Loose skin Excess skin Capability of Feeling cold all the time Getting tired easily Stretch Marks Dark eye circles Rib cages you can see from 5 miles Well I didn't see all this coming. But I can not stop exercising or I can't eat. My body is somehow addicted to not eating and exercising. I didn't see my period for two months now and trust me I never had irregular periods. I can't concentrate in school and I can't study. Much less w awww ok properly. Foods disgust me now. I'm scared and I'm stressed. I can't and I am not even hungry. Someone a doctor or something pls help me",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9913588762283325 2019-02-24 16:03:06,"Comment section for the above vent, seems like the venter forgot to send the vent with a comment section",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9997082352638245 2019-02-24 18:06:04,"I need to vent. so there is this girl in class. i kinda like her and its been hard to approach her, because shes been giving me mixed signals, or signals that i misjudged? maybe? when i was new to the school, and at times when we meet or selam slat, she looks kinda mad and angry ..i didnt know why but all i knew was she didnt like me so i kinda moved on and"" forgot"" about her but i still notice the way she looks at me is kind of"" leyet yale"" but still TKOSATERALECH and TGELAMTEGNALECH (though i find it cute ) and one timme she even ignored me when i was talking to her . but one day i was sitting with her friends (not that close with her friends..i just found myself hanging with em) and then she came after a while, she gave me a weird compliment out of nowhere..and eveer since that day i catch her staring and i donnt know if its a coincidence but SEREK ARGA TAYEGNALECH ..tthere is this awkward vibe between us ..she even turns around to see me if i sit behind her and kinda act all enthusiastic...playful tehonalech ....but still she either looks down or give me angry looks... i dont get this signs??? ftut eski yihen mistery...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9945494532585144 2019-02-24 18:11:17,"I need to vent. Ok I got so much on my mind rn. First off, how do you deal with your family (parents and siblings and cousins mnamn) thinking you’re a player malet I didn’t do anything eko I just talk to guys but I never lead them on or anything its just brotherly sisterly keza it may get serious with one of them so I would just distance myself from the other guys. Does that really make me a player? Second, I don’t get telegram I mean I used to talk to this guy and we got serious malet we talked everyday mnamn and miste bale mnamn eyetebabaln we were actually a thing (at least in my head) keza out of nowhere he distanced himself and he doesn’t text me anymore and I tried so many times but he always cuts the convo short and doesn’t seem interested so my question is: is this just a telegram thing and was it never serious (cos I did catch feelings eko) weys does the guy just have his own issues ena beka do I have to do anything, what do I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978639483451843 2019-02-24 18:15:29,"I need to vent. Hi, there bear with me it's not long I was in a relationship for a year and suddenly my girl dumpt me for some reason and, i got over it after a while. Then she came back wanting to get back i hesitated a little but now we are back and the problem is i don't fill the same luv i had, i try a lot but i couldn't bring the same energy, she thinks am all in but my bar is only half. Trust me am sure of her side she loves me but me I'm trying to love her What wld you guys do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9947875738143921 2019-02-24 18:17:29,"I need to vent. I am at an impasse in my life where it could go in two drastically different routes. I have been struggling with depression for about 2 years now. I have contemplated suicide and I self harm. I have dealt with it alone because i had to put up this front of a normal person. I faked smiles and conversation while inside all i wanted to do was end it. I am not the person my family or friends think I am. I am not the quiet person they know. I want anything but to be a burden on anyone so I keep it all to myself. And it is really stressful to always feel like a fraud when you are pretending to be okay. It has affected my social life and my classes too. I started distancing myself from friends because i was tired of explaining the scars and faking conversaions. And talking to my family is now a source of guilt when i compare who they think I am to who I have become. And it is very exhausting. But this story is not about giving up or losing hope. This one is of faith. I have strayed from my religion but it seems I can't do this all on my own so I am searching for something I lost. my faith in God. I have accepted that my depression and my problems won't just vanish. I don't want to give up on myself just yet but I am on very thin ice. I want to get better, work and be someone who can help others but right now I need it. My life is in ruins and i have just begun to pick up the pieces. I want to give it my all and fix it but the thought that it is too late and too broken to put back together holds me back. I am not even close to being a good person. I have been selfish and sometimes a jerk. I have lied and been unloyal but i know that is not all there is to me. I care and I want to do something good with my life.But if this one thing doesnt go right I think it is what will break me. I know it. So I guess more than a vent this is a shout into the void for whoever is listening for a little help. Everybody deserves a chance right? Even me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9948359727859497 2019-02-25 17:44:26,"I need to vent. Well here it goes iam 20 and I have really amazing friend who really wants to be my bf.. but it's been two years since we have been friends and I now he is telling me that he has feelings for me.. which I can't decide b/n our friendship and bf.. gf staff i don't wanna risk him... but still he never gave up on me and I just feel like that I should end our relation.. b/c I don't wanna loose my friendship with him. And since he doesn't see me as his friend it's just so hard on what to decide... Pls help me on this .... Should I end our friendship?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9867926836013794 2019-02-25 17:50:44,"I need to vent. Actually I'm not here to vent I'm here to ask ena pls ppl honest honachu reply argu. I have been reading bzu suicidal posts lately ena I'm a betam shocked. It's not like I judge those ppl mnamn neger. I mean alea yehone ke life style achn gar it doesn't fit. Malete social life besefenebet hager suicidal thoughts ykebdal bye new. Gn I won't judge. I'm still confused. why do you think suicidal thoughts are increasing in alarming rate in our country? Why? We should be worrying about bzu lela neger idk bcha I'm a bit baffled ena lteykachw bye new.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988512992858887 2019-02-25 18:46:47,"I need to vent. It will probably never be posted. It will probably take a very long time till its posted mnamn but I don't care. I just need to get this off my chest (I don't know if I can). Dude, all I did was love you. I never did anything to offend you. I gave you my pure heart. Who do you think you are to get me in pain even after these many years? I know I didn't mean much to you. I know you don't love me. But why does some part of me believes that you love me? Why do I keep waiting for you when there is no hope? Why can't I move on and just love better guys? Why does it have to be you? You told me it's going well with your new lover but why don't I believe that? Man, it's so unclear. Our future is so unfair. It's hard, it's fucking hard. I don't know when I will move on. I just want to hold onto you and wait till you come back. But you're gone for good. I fucking loved the pain at first but now I think it will kill me. Lord, please help me. I'm falling. I can't handle this one.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976227879524231 2019-02-25 18:48:13,"I need to vent. I don't know where to start it was the first day of school am a senior btw and ther were new students and teachers and that is when i saw him he was just perfect in every way u could think of the only prob was that he was a new teacher in our school but either way we started getting close menamn i gave him my number we started talking on telegram and i told him every thing he dose to and well i fell for him and one day i asked him out and he said that he wanted to be friends and noting more but he then said that trough time we will see wher we will end up so now im confused he told me he dosent want to be with me but also he dose after some time? What dose that even mean i dont get it so now i have decided that i should get him off my mind but i cant coz i see him every day at school thats making it harder for me to let him go so tell me should i continue my forbidden love or stop i need your help",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.993766188621521 2019-02-28 12:38:57,"I need to vent. So hyyy am not here to talk about some sad shit but i want u guys to tell me some good method to concentrate while i study it might not look like a big concern but it is dudes am failing F.Y.I am a second year university student",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995970129966736 2019-02-28 12:39:47,"I need to vent. So I end up liking my ex's friend.... and I rly don't know what to do because they are good friends and uk they have a bro code and stuff anyways I need bold advices...",love,NEGATIVE,0.9878572225570679 2019-02-28 12:40:13,"I need to vent. I am so depressed",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996371269226074 2019-02-28 12:40:36,"I need to vent. Hey there, second time here am the girl with the 4 points and opinions. I just like to say some things (again). Last time i vented i showed peoples comments to my brother and he was like "" i like the opinion but this generations is so china generation"". And then i reread through the comments and I'd just like to say. To all of y'all that said ""we are dumb"" for God sake stop undermining your self. I just hate being stereotyped. Am not dumb or stupid. As long as i have a head that could work i believe even tho i cant change the world i can change myself for the better and for the people around me. And ya just cuz am 18 doesn't mean am ""inexperienced"". Cuz actually am so young that i have so much time to get out and see for my self and expireance things to read and learn. Generaly am not a judgmental person. If i think what ure doing is wrong ( just in my opinion generally) i tell it to ure face and if u dont agree i will just agree to disagree. And the last but not least am not a dude.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9163010716438293 2019-02-28 14:29:59,"I need to vent. Okay hi everyone i rly need ur help i so depressed and i need help i have a gf and we have been together for 11 months but as times pass by our relationship hot rough i made the biggest mistake in my whole life i didn’t keep her privacy she is deeply in love with me and i am too i didn’t make my mistakes intentionally i was an accident feb 24 2019 she told me u ruined my privacy and told me she didn’t want to be with me but i saw her eyes her eyes told me everything “ eyes speak more than mouth “ she is still in love with me but scared if she might get hurt again what shall i do ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9824272394180298 2019-02-28 18:15:38,"I need to vent. Am i the only one who fights with my mom??i always wonder about this frrrr. I always try to let it slide whenever she start arguing but i just can't rn I tried to kill myself just because of her. I always took domadol everytime she start shouting on me. She is so mean idk why. Im only left 3 months for matric but i just can't concentrate on my study. She is really affecting my life. I tried to ignore her but there is always something i need to ask her(girls stuff,for taxi.....)What should i do???",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5002132654190063 2019-02-28 18:16:25,"I need to vent. Okaaaaay I hv a problem so like all ppl up in here I came to vent soo my problem is a sexual related so bare with me here Ene “metebteb yemechegnal” is an understatement I masturbate day and night every day every night I hit my like 17 times a day and I knw endet menamen eyalachu new gen I counted and yes 17 sometimes I take a viagra pill to make my dick sessions longer and at this point even viagra ain’t working no more(by the way Lela medication kalachum plz comment) and u might think it’s coz I am a virgin but I ain’t and I hv fucked some bitchs here and there and I never found one like my left hand yes yes I’m weird I knw and if u also masturbate pls share ur record and mine is 19 not 17 I was just dialing it down",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9980294108390808 2019-02-28 18:16:38,"I need to vent. Ookay I know y'all probably think am stupid but I only like guys that are taken , if a guy likes me and is single am not interested like at all. What is wrong with me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989855885505676 2019-02-28 18:17:03,"I need to vent. Ok so here it goes my problem isn’t that serious to be honest it ain’t about a girl or depression it’s about school......... so I am a high school student which have amazing friends and amazing family but there’s just one thing I can’t study.......I don’t know why I get stressed or something while studying then after a while I stop I know it may not seem a big problem to you guys but it is for me I just don’t want to disappoint my family it’s the last thing I want so please if you guys have any advice for me I am glad to accept",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.6643396019935608 2019-02-28 18:48:34,"I need to vent. Betrayal. You didn't even feel the slightest remorse. You came into my life as fast as you left it running. I can not forgive you. You defiled our sacred relationship; you did this. I hate you for it. I don't understand your reasons nor do I accept any apology. I curse that day you left me for that thing. That piece of shit you called your lover. I saw you with it. I won't even humanize that thing. You did it; you let our year of love shatter in a minute. I loved you. I cared for you. I even fed you. Why did you have to go to it? You disgusting feline. I should have listened to my mother's rebuke. I should have stayed away. I shouldn't have left you alone in there. My friends say it's my fault. I shouldn't have trusted you. I thought you had some humanity left in you. What has our relationship come to? I can't trust you anymore. But what can I do. I love you too much to leave you. I fight for you when you're not around. I defend you to my family. I love you. Maybe I'm the fool. Maybe you were right to detach yourself from me. My life is too dull without you. I just want to vent this out. What else am I supposed to do when my cat shits on the carpet?! That fucker has already done it four times now. Here I am lamenting instead of cleaning this shit up. I absolutely hate this cat's guts (pun intended).",anger,NEGATIVE,0.998637855052948 2019-03-01 11:19:39,"I need to vent. This ant a vent actually just wanna say one thing. Today I'm gonna end my self at 6am (local time).I don't now where my destiny will be gut it better than my pain..just wanna say CHAW",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998618483543396 2019-03-01 16:16:21,"Dear venters, Concerning the above venter, a lot of members were asking if the venter was okay, and demanded we check up on the venter from our end, we had to break our rule, and re engineer our core code just so we could contact the venter and see if they were okay and still breathing. Unfortunately this vent was sent on February 27th, and according to the venter, they were to kill them self that day at noon, the venter hasn't been online since. Will keep on trying, and we hope we were not too late. And for those of you who were concerned enough to ask about the venter, you are humanity at its finest. You are the reason we still keep on going despite the negativity of some, We thank you. Will let you know as soon as we make contact.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9980915188789368 2019-03-01 17:07:03,"I need to vent. I have never been kissed, not even once. And it's not even because i didn't have the opportunity (because i have) but the problem is i have commitment and intimacy isuses and i am specially phobic to kissing. And i have been fine with it for a while now but lately there is this dude and we have been talking and it is obvious we like each other and he asked me out and i don't mind going on dates but now i am scared cuz if this date thing goes well we will have to kiss and i don't want to do that. I literally i am phobic to kissing but i also don't want to lose him b/c of my fears. But i can't get over them if i have to chose b/n kissing him and stop talking to him i would chose the latter and he is one of the few guys i actually liked so what shall i do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.6682395935058594 2019-03-01 17:09:15,"I need to vent. ok so here is what happend i began a relationship with this girl we started online she texted hi first and i continued and after like half month we were in online relationship doing long distance ...she said i love you first and i did too ...then time goes by and we fall in love more and more i mean i treated her literally like a queen the only thing she was missing was the crown and she promised me alot like ""i will never stop loving you no matter what"" bla bla even she used to cry alot when she told me how much she loves me how much an amazing person i am how much love i gave her and we video chat like everyday we text every minute like that we did a 4month online relationship and then the time came to meet in person we were sooooo excited like two weeks before we met eacother we were very excited we were talking about how we met and stuff she was sooooooo fucking excited ...but then one week before our meeting her excitment started to go down like when we talk i dont see her excited you know and half week left her excitment just went very down even one day left for our meeting she didnt even give a fuck ...and then we met for the first time she was sooooooo shy and scared like she didnt say anyword she was very shy we were together for like an hour then i went home to my family ....when i went home she texted me saying she is very very sorry for how she acted she was very shy and she will make it up to me and we met again the next again but that day she was amazing we were making out the whole day i even gave her a promise ring to never leave her we got so happy we had sex multiple times ...she had an ex boyfriend who was awful to her he used to beat her up he used to treat her like shit he used to say very bad stuff about her family that guy called her now and said i am very very sorry for what i did to you and i want you back please he cried alot (fake cry to get her back) so after that her feelings for me her promises for me the stuff she said about us we even made vows for eacother just went down because of that ex she had ...and she asked me to be her friend she dont want more ....JUST LIKE THAT out of knowhere ...the guy was so fuckin ugly he is not attractive she changed my love my everything for that guy ....i havent done anything to her i always treated her like a queen i gave her everything but she gave up on me just like that ...and i am broken",love,NEGATIVE,0.9945666790008545 2019-03-01 17:09:58,"I need to vent. Wow ,i was asking this to my self, how could some one lost his hope on humanity? I mean the way i see it, we are living here and now ena when ever some one is talking to u, it is not either ሳክስ or seek ur validation. It could also be an interest on what u think abt the situation. Which also is, his urge to live and including u at the same time. u dont need to be nice and say what u think that makes him happy and have this moral high ground because this such state will blind u & push u to arogantly conclud, z world is full of either ሳክሰኛ or unconscious insecure people. what u missed here is u dont know what makes people really happy. u just know ur truth abt that situation. which might work & this could make the person momentarily unhappy because he need to change his way of thinking or this will lead to further discussions Bt if u just tell them what u think that makes them happy and let it slide. They will definatly return becauses that didnt work.Which will lead to this vesious cycle of easy bandges and annoyance which will let u blow up one day & u will tell them how they are (how u think they are) Yeah yeah u might say what if i am not in the mood of discussion or exploration. yeah this happen to some bt there are some argoant motherfuck hu have always reason to lie ....there is no reason to lie there is just explaining of why u cant join in, period!! I blame u for taking the easy way out(ስቆ ማለፍ), i blame u for creating this viosious cycle by fooling others by being ሳክሰኛ because u took the easy way out to soon and blindly choose ስቆ ማለፍ (a complete lie) than faceing ur self through the conversion ahead that cconvinced others there liers in the world When u have somthing to say silnce is a lie, because the moment u sheilded ur self by being arrogant that u can whisper those around away and that moment creats a hole which will suck every potential of u changing to answer person Please human u dont know anything u accept that be u here and know let fate decide U r the insecure shielded behind facade of coolness . Ps- it is to u, hu had once slided opprtunity with laughter, u ego maniac lier, fuck you!, fuck you for ruining real connection and society. -I know u r dull and empty inside right now i hope u once get the courage and see how humans heal other humans. -dont full ur self brother face the world head on, vulnerability is strength , knowing nothing is the beginning of all wisdom",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986885190010071 2019-03-02 08:26:01,"I need to vent. When should the first kiss happen? On the first date or when? What is your reason?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992741942405701 2019-03-02 08:26:08,"I need to vent. Am starting to regret being alive",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9990440011024475 2019-03-02 08:30:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys, i wanted to vent so so much, but i thought i could handle it for so not long anymore. Here's the thing im a university student somewhat i do good on grades. But ever since i got into a r/ship with this girl im going down like a fuckin missile. The thing is that's not even the matter that makes me anxious.. she's like 10 years older than me. Goshhhhh i cant describe how much she loves me. She divorced her husband for me... that's how much. And she has a little boy. Guyz these two things are fuckin up ma head. Including the pressure of thinking of the consequences if my parents find out, trust me that is absolute chaos... upto forcebily end the r/ship... im fuckin stuck. What should i fuckin do?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991531372070312 2019-03-02 12:37:04,"I need to vent. I'm not criticizing ya but it is ur dignity just keep it. Who may be in bad situation but things will pass and always think that your more than the situation .",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9830774664878845 2019-03-02 12:38:00,"I need to vent. Hey guys am new to vent i just have a gf and we have been together for about 4 years ... But now tetaltenal mnamn... An' that was my mistake ..i insulted her ...but i said sorry ,like begged her mnamn ..the thing is she keeps saying am not ready for relationship ... Then i just stopped being needy mnamn guy ...guess what she started dating some dude mnamn .. I have my one life am happy.. I can date whoever i want mnamn gn i still love her ...what shall i do guys shall i move on??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9941825270652771 2019-03-02 12:38:24,"I need to vent. Im so depressed and im losing hope i need ur help pls",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995993971824646 2019-03-02 13:05:26,"I need to vent. So I've vented before once, but that was awhike ago, things have changed since then, gotten better in some ways and worse in some. Right now, I'm just feeling a bit lonely I guess, I don't have people to talk to anymore, and I miss that feeling of being wanted even though I took ot for granted before, it's kind of sad really. And people just keep walking out, or pushing me away, and I don't even think they realize it, it's just happening, and they're obvious to the fact that it's hurting me, so I just keep quite. Things are starting to get to me now, even the slightest comments make me question my worth, my abilitu to conversate, Today a teacher told another student how amazing they were at a subject I used to be the best at, and that made me question the value of my work, and what made me even more sad is that I cared so much, that I didn't have enough confidence in myself to defend my own creativity, I'm basically loosing faith in who I am and everyone around me just keeps proving me right. I really don't need any advice, but feel free to give, I just needed to vent since part of me is missing at the moment",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9462466239929199 2019-03-02 14:46:51,"I need to vent. OK here's a thought that has been bothering me: Like, What is the perfect guy for a gal? Does he have to be tall? Muscular? Big Eyes? And I'm now convinced that dudes that don't fit to this category have to compensate for something else. Any who, my question still stands, what is the perfect guy for a gal? I'm soooo confused...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9985430240631104 2019-03-02 14:47:38,"I need to vent. Well I don't how to say this I am just gonna get to my point you may think my problem isn't that much stressing but you will understand when it happens to you. Since the time I can remember all my crushes all the guys I have ever liked endup liking my best friends all the time. It's like everything happens just the same and I am so tired so if you guys have any advice for me I would be happy to accept",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9946095943450928 2019-03-02 14:48:16,"I need to vent. You tell me not to rush it while choosing a guy? You tell me it's going really well with your gf? How do you think I would feel to hear that? How do you think I feel when I can't love other people because I still love you? Do you think I am okay with you having a gf? Do you really think there was never a relationship between us? You told me you loved me eko. I believed that. My heart never beat like that. I fell for you because you let me. You gave me hope. But now look at you forgetting all about me. I thought I was gonna be okay. But when? It has been 2 years and half. And I still believe I will move on. I don't think I ever will. I don't want the pain so please take it from me. Ende I'm not okay eko. What should I do when I can't stop thinking about you? What am I supposed to do when I can no longer tell you that I love you? You are not even that great. What have I seen in you that I can't get over it? I don't see where it went wrong. I thought we were gonna stay longer. How is it possible to forget all about you and love another person? I get so mad when I meet very cool guys and I can't date them because there is you inside. Make me hate you. Make me believe you never loved me. Make me lose hope on you. Give the pure heart I gave you back. Return it and let me love another person. I'm too weak to handle this. I'm shading tears while writing this. The hope that it will all pass is killing me so either get out of my mind or come back to me because I am still that stupid girl who loves you even after all this time.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9704253673553467 2019-03-02 14:48:34,"I need to vent. I'm a 19 year old guy and I am in love with a girl. I like smoking weed and partying and sex but the girl I am in love with is a 15 year old beauty with her math books and her pressuring parents. And she is still a virgin and I feel like if we work out she might as well say No to things and I don't wanna force no one into doing things. So help pls",love,POSITIVE,0.6106085181236267 2019-03-02 18:46:27,"I need to vent. I wondered why I keep forcing myself to forget you and move on. why it is so easy for me to give up on us. It was because I was scared of being in pain, of putting myself out there and getting hurt. And so I construct this reality to support my arguments. I listen to those that tell me waiting is foolish, that fairy tales happen only in movies. But if I am honest with myself I know every drop of pain is worth it if it means I have a shot at being with you. As ludicrous as it seems that i would ever see you again I can't stop loving you. I have just as much a shot of putting the pieces of my life back together as this has of panning out. So I have nothing to lose either way.It is not a pleasant wait. It hurts to miss you and a bit more when you are the first thing I think of when i wake up But still I am a perfectionist and I can't give up the perfect I found in you. After you everything would seem crooked like there is something missing. And there are no guarantees that the second time we would be forever. Still i'd rather try than you be the one that got away. And if writing in the middle of the night to convince myself to get over my fears is what is gonna take then that's what I will do. And when i see your smile again all those thoughts and fears will vanish. it will be as if they never happened because you would have been worth it. I'd risk you being a scar than a regret.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9545580148696899 2019-03-02 18:47:05,"I need to vent. It's not so much a vent as it is just a thought. OK so the word ""depression"" floats around this channel like it's ntn I mean it's absolutely OK for ppl with an actual depression to use but the rest of u just gotta stop abusing the damn word! And the second thing demo stop venting if u don't even think it's worth a vent u're just wasting ppl's time!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984945058822632 2019-03-02 18:50:43,"I need to vent. A suicide survivor, talked about what happened the moment he jumped of a building saying: “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped.”",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9990777969360352 2019-03-02 18:50:55,"I need to vent. Is life fair though I wonder sometimes? I guss it's not. Well I am pregnant can believe this malt how can I be this irresponsible we used to date with the guy and we a thing then we broke up then we had a rebound one night and then boom I am becha its been almost 2month and I haven't told him and do I need to tell him I am so hurt it wasn't suppose to happen and it just did and I am so sad and mad at the same time and I am a medicinal student which makes it even worse I should have known better and I have like 2 years to go to graduate and its just this wouldn't have happened if I was more careful I hate it I am so fucking stressed I dont wanna tell him I haven't told nobody and its killing me inside out what should I do I am definitely not gonna have the baby but I just need someone to be there for me you know it sucks I swear ..and I wanna be strong and move on but I dont think I can I couldn't be that evil and abort it just like that and I dont wanna screw my school too I have paid alot to get there and it's not fair for my family and I dont want him to know too I just need to be strong and go and do it before it's too late but I dont have the courage to do so I dont really I am supposed to be strong because I am on my way to be a doctor but the fact is am not I am sorry for the long text I just wanted to let it out and if anyone have this experience it would really help me if you share thanks for your time",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979774355888367 2019-03-02 20:35:17,Please add your comments here,neutral,POSITIVE,0.9831271171569824 2019-03-03 19:49:08,"I need to vent. So here's my vent i trust peoples so easily and they're taking advantage of that. I tried a lot not to be attached and trust people's easily but i couldn't so pleasee I'm tired of gettin hurt so say some",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9847207069396973 2019-03-03 19:50:27,"I need to vent. Well sick n tired of every thing life .a friends ..I dont know its now hard for me trust anyone right now. I cant concentrate on ma studies ..I really don know y ...I just want to cryyy but I cant ewnet I tried .. I cant keep up it hurts inside yelele...y is it so hard to cry??????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993762373924255 2019-03-03 19:51:11,"I need to vent. I need to vent. Guys guess what happened. My ex just told me she started dating my bestfriend. And he was like i'm sorry u should have told you blah blah. I was still in love with her and he knew. But then i didnt feel anything as i expected. I felt numb. My love for her is still there but i dont feel hurt. Should i keep being friends with them??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983497858047485 2019-03-03 19:52:34,"I need to vent. Living your life in a straight jacket inside a white padded room with no external sensations or no capability to feel them surrounded by deafening silence;screaming at the top of your lungs without producing a sound (we all had that dream, I think). For the more active, sort of manic phase when the suicidal thoughts come rushing in being caught inside a tornado facing off against a tsunami;staring inside the abyss and having it stare back at you with hunger in its eyes I'm sick and tired of;being possessed by the most monstrous, psychopathic,dark, evil part of your own self that feels like a complete stranger  that knows every nook and cranny of your soul, so you can’t hide nor win;fighting for your life in a burning building that is your own mind and body. I can't!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9971959590911865 2019-03-03 19:53:56,"I need to vent. Is it only me or does everyone else feel this way? Is it only me whose energy is dying? I feel tired 24/7. I can’t concentrate for long, as I am my own worst distraction. I need help! I want to be vibrant & feel influenced. I’ve had various conversations with different people on how to be a better person and how to craft a positive mind set. But that doesn’t last long. I go back to square 1, unmotivated, lazy, useless, unhealthy, human being. Please, I am sick of this cycle, I don’t know what to do. I’m about to graduate from campus and I can feel the tornado of darkness life is about to hit me with. Is it too late to start over? Is it too late to learn again? Is it to late to dicover myself again? If anyone of you have gone through the same phase in life & would like to share your story with me please let me know in the comments, I would like to learn from you. No negative comments, like literally don’t bother.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981478452682495 2019-03-04 06:43:07,"I need to vent. What is the other option if i fall matric???ere y'all I'm scared!I'm studying but still I'm scared. Can y'all please tell me what the worst that could happen and the other option after that and help me to know that there is a life without an EDUCATION(if there is).",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9994065761566162 2019-03-04 06:44:35,"I need to vent. I saw this vent about kissing and it got me thinking about my first was a bit of a surprise i was like 14, It was at the cinema i hadn't done anything like that ever and i was so nervous so i kept putting it off telling myself it wasnt the right time. One moment at like the very end of the movie i went to grab her drink cuz i was out as i reached around her she thought i was going to kiss her so she looked at me and pursed her lips and I just went for it. BAM virgin lips no more. So just wondering when and how were y'all first kisses at? Remember it's all anonymous",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9729102253913879 2019-03-04 06:44:56,"I need to vent. March 2... exactly six months tomorrow since we broke up...why the fuck do people say time heals when all it does is make me regret not trying harder to fight for you to keep trying as i did the first week...i knew from the start that i wasnt as stong or as persistant as the other guys that tried to be with you..i cant be your friend cause we never were in the first place..i knew i was weak and i still am...picking up the phone and jst texting you a stupid cat meme jst to make you smile thinking that you might jst say hi back isnt going to work now...but i knw wat i did i knw i took away your peace when all you wanted was for us was to take our time.. yes your not an angel i definitely won't forget what you did..still it has never changed the way i feel about you...why cant you forgive me for my mistakes for the way i am...why cant you accept that what we had was never normal and it would never be..but it was real it was the realest thing i've ever felt..and am always going to be thankful for that no matter a better person cause of you...i knw how it feels to love someone with everything in your care about no one else but the one you love.. but how can i forget Christmas night how can i forget staring non stop on exams..i dont even wanna forget our fights either.. cause thats all am left with now...all our memories...i knw you wanted to forget every second we had with each other n i knw u succeed but i just wish there was jst a flash left,a single shred.I cant go back n take back wat i said...not a second goes by that i wish i could tho.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9854578971862793 2019-03-04 06:45:16,"I need to vent. I have an issue. I just can't stop eating paper . It's like I'm addicted to it. I get hungry every time I see some of it. Like today I was in the middle of the test and unconsciously ate the exam sheet. Has this happened to any of of you?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9931383728981018 2019-03-04 06:45:32,"I need to vent. Okay fuck this is the first time i am doing this. But i don't what to think or do. I'm confused. I'm lost. im scared. I can't think straight . i saw someone get shot today.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9992726445198059 2019-03-04 10:59:32,"I need to vent. I am very hopefull who have a very big dream not only fo my self fo ma country and z world but everything iss sooo hopelesss u dont know wat it felt like to be depressed all the time and not telling family abt it and u just keep pretending the whole day and crying all over the night and thinking abt ending urself in sooo much pain and i am religious i am praying always 2 years my whole life is like this and now am tired i want to end my life buttt fuck noooo i want to survive plsssss i want u to recommend me good psychatrist who is volunter i am student and i have no good access of money bcoz of the fact that anyone knows abt my situation i cant tell them bcoz they will be the first to die if they hear this pls recommend someone am begging u am tired of the pain",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974790215492249 2019-03-04 11:00:04,"I need to vent. I am dating someone that my parents will never approve of and now he is saying let’s get married without no one knowing and it’s not like live with me now but let’s be stuck with each other. I love him but i love my parents too they still don’t know about him but i know how it will all go down. The last I want is to make them disappointed in me. It is not cause of race or money but because we have different religion. It is just killing me inside day by day. I dont know how to fix this by making everyone happy including me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9960092306137085 2019-03-04 11:00:34,"I need to vent. Hey folks I want to die I'm really tired of life kicking my ass. I am not saying I want to kill myself cause if I do that I'll hurt my love and my family. Have you ever felt that you are so ready to die literally ready. Last time I was in a car and we were about to crash and I closed my eyes and I said goodbye pain but we didn't crash I felt like it was taken from me. I still want to die. I just want to cease to exist.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9942581653594971 2019-03-04 11:01:34,"I need to vent. This is not your usual vent but I encourage everyone to read it. I have seen a lot of 'I''m depressed' vents and read the comments which are mostly not helpful. I don't think we Ethiopians get the seriousness and the prevalence of depression. First of all to say that a person is depressed, he must fulfill a number of criteria which I will not get into detail here but If anyone is interested, I will gladly explain via private texts or another vent. And if a person does have depression, he/she must go through different kinds of treatment not like the ones that have been commented in here like 'get a life' , 'read a book' least try googling about depression and knowing more about it. From a very concerned 5th year med student.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9871337413787842 2019-03-04 11:02:07,"I need to vent. The cure Most of you are trying to confirm answers and trying to make the group make the decision for u. But your life is ur responsibility. U have to own that n make a choice u think be fits u. Some of you r stuck in d past, seasoning urselves in d past pain. The past is as gone as d dead. Don't let ruin ur now. I know it feels good n easier to lay around n cry but life will get boring n lame. Ur at ur present. Live now for an awesome tmr. Y'all young. Really young. Stop acting like y'all 70 year old grandparents hu regret der lives. Ur growing up. N a part of growing up is learning from experience. The other part is finding ur purpose( be it passion.. Talent.. Anything) n sticking to it. In psychology, during building personality, there is teenage years. These years are where u will have two opposite ideas fighting for ur attention n it's okay. That is nature working out ur personality with time, don't be afraid. Nobody is worth anything but everybody is worth sty. That value comes emanates from n washes over every other person around u. Before anything be d person u wanna be. U say ur lost. But all I see is ppl scared to take d road they know is right. Life is a paradox. Try to forget sth n u will never forget. Try to move on untouched n u will be stuck obsessing. What u can do is change ur focus. N DAT is hard, a lot of effort will be needed. Be strong. Everything is tangled. We can't change DAT. BT we can choose hu to befriend.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.972745418548584 2019-03-04 17:00:00,"I need to vent. Hey am 4th yr univ student...the thing is I wz agud student in early classes but now am fucked...really...n I wont be graduate nxt so depressed of ma grades,, ma ma families divorced when I wz like 15 mnamn...n me n ma bro live wz ma mom...but we never gat achance to live peacefully...I dont know zer is always yehone fetena...we never gat agud sleep even...when one prob gat solved ..z nxt really tired of hoping zt everything will get better one day...itz gettin worse giving up on every thing...on life, hope, God.....every thing",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992550015449524 2019-03-04 17:00:26,"I need to vent. I mean what's wrong with ye Addis Ababa lijoch these days? I'm a 19yo girl born and raised in Addis. So my question is where the hell did this generation learn to disrespect people's identity, like where did that come from? Growing up I know we all made fun of people's names or their fathers. I mean I made some bad jokes and some were made on me too,because of my father's name, but I thought that was as far as we all would go. Where the hell did that disrespect come from? Our generation was supposed to be better eko. We're the ones who grew up exposed to diversity unlike our elders. Why the hell do y'all (The ones from Addis) find it so hard to accept diversity I mean what's wrong with loving what you are? Y'all just go like ""Ye sheger like fiker yelewem zer... Ethiopia tekdem ..."" I mean having no ethnicity is a choice and you have all the right in the world to live like that, but using this to insult others and call them Fara mnamn mn ametaw? You chose not to have ethnicity they chose to have one, I thought it was a choice. Some of us are raised speaking other languages, listening to the history of our ancestors and singing their traditional songs. It's a part of who we are. It defines us. If weren't imposing our culture on people and doing our own thing why should anyone give a damn about what we do? It's irritating betam people comment even on the smallest things. These days I find it so hard to share things with my friends. Like on facebook, once I posted a status update it was just an innocent ""listening to..."" Status update and it got my friends all up like ""yehen kanchi antebekem mnamn"" Mndn new matetebekut? Me listening to something That's not Amharic? Why is everyone so sensitive when it comes to ""Bher"". I think people reacting this way to pushes others more endawem eko. I know people who were so chill about ethnicity mnamn stuff and changed betam because of the disrespect they saw. . . Give some respect please and don't call people names or make them uncomfortable for expressing themselves.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986528158187866 2019-03-04 17:01:17,"I need to vent. Hey I know that 4 some of u it might not be seen as a problem but I am having a hard time so I rly need advice I have been in love with the same guy for 6 yrs and I never spent a single day without thinking about him and 2 yrs ago he started talking to me on tg and I was so happy that I told my friends and it turns out that he was aplayer and he even tries to hit on one of my best friend and the worest part was that I still loved him that I started talking to him and we decided to meet and we did I thought it was best day of my life but after that he stopped talking to me at all and I was so confused that I stat sending him a text on tg but he ignored me and I also stopped talking to him and thought I would get over him but I was soooo wrong couse I start to love him even more and I started stalking him on tg fb couse I was so desperate but it didn't help me at all and I started dating alot of guys but after one date I stopped talking to them couse I always compare them with him and thought that he left me couse I was ugly and lost all my self esteem and 4 month ago I heard that he is dating a girl and he is in love but that doesn't stop me at all and hope that he might came back to me and the saddest part is that I don't even know who I am help me pls",love,NEGATIVE,0.9701318740844727 2019-03-04 17:02:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need to tell u something, i have a girlfriend and we are together for 1 year and 4 months and she loves me and also i love her. But we are sleeping together but we didn't have a sex. I ask her to make a sex but she really doesn't need it. We are sleeping together at least 8 times. So what should i do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.7759464383125305 2019-03-04 21:47:13,"I need to vent. So dis my 1st time venting but I've seen lots of vents and all they seem like they help. So well, I've sorta been depressed dis days and most of it gotta do with the new things happening in my life and the environment am in. My mom just got married and my stepfather wasn't as we'd all expected .life is hard to adjust to and because am not a generally ""venting"" I don't talk to ppl and the shit I keep in side myself has made me angry and driven me to find other measures to relieve my stress, which are worsening my r/ship with my mom. Bicha am in a very bad place and every time I try to confide in sm1 they tell me that I shud be grateful bc there's all sm1 in a worse situation, which is fucking up my mood more. So guys, help. Please. Thanks",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985334873199463 2019-03-04 21:47:34,"I need to vent. So I hv this bf we were together fo like 2 yrs we love each other crazily the problem is we have different religions n I'm kinda strict when it comes to my religion n he's kinda like dat too n we argue abt it like many times too So how do u think we should get over it cuz it's rly important n it's one of the things dat makes me think we can't go on together n marry n have a life together in the future ow n I forgot our parents too they wud kill us fo sure so what do u think",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9862724542617798 2019-03-04 21:47:58,"I need to vent. So femminist pill here hawya And most people got offended by my pervious vent. Some people said I wasn't even a femminist. To those people I say I might not know much rn but at the moment I'm addressing the small issues. To those who got confused about the ""because I can line"". Ain't that enough does a girl need a reason to wear what she wants?? Grow tf up Last but not least the ones that said it's culture and I should get some education about it I like to say I do respect my culture but saying that girls should cover up because it's custom just don't cut it for me as much as I love my heritage and the customs some time we must all accept that sometimes their are flaws to it so yes I'm just stating them not Disrespecting my culture period. And to the person who said go back to the kitchen minamin please go back to school and educate yourself. I'll pray for u Still if I offended u, u can skip it next time femminist_pill",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9951272010803223 2019-03-04 21:48:51,"I need to vent. Not actually a vent but i wanted to tell y'all something. I saw some posts about suicidal thoughts and all. BUT PLEASEE DON'T GIVE PEOPLE IDEAS! Tbh depression in Ethiopia rate has been increasing but most of those whom say they're depressed are not. Its bc of those movies amd smtn else that people keep saying they are. They made it the trend so please don't spread suicidal thoughts or smtn you're giving other brainwashed kids some ideas. I'm not saying that ppl with depression in Ethiopia don't exist but what i mean is that its just the trend and so people are being fed lies, they're brainwashed. Ps. ZERO OFFENSE",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977988600730896 2019-03-05 05:53:48,"I need to vent. Guys, um here not to vent but, and yeresanew neger yale ymeslegnal. Every time we forgot what we have in hand ena we just talk about the negative thoughts of our mind. Where does our positivity goes to? Let us be thankful keza our worries will decrease betam. Um sharing you ma experience.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9902820587158203 2019-03-05 05:56:25,"I need to vent. Sup ppl.. this isn't a vent more like a question for girls(for dudes too if u can relate), question is why do u guys always like the asshole type guy and im not saying it cause i have been heartbroken and shit or im the nice guy i mean u just like the guy whose a bad boy, a prick, cheater and blah blah blah.. And this shit didn't come out of nowhere cause i heard most of u girls saying his too nice and obsessed and shit when his mister nice guy but when his a piece of shit even if he cheats most of say things like he will change or ik he loves me that kinna bullshit.. and this shit im saying came from life xp and shit not just out of the bloom. And ladies if im wrong just tell me but please be honest. Thank u for reading",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9843324422836304 2019-03-05 05:56:40,"I need to vent. Some word of advice When life drags you down beats you to the ground sticks your face in the mud pulls you cloth off and put lava on your feet never and i mean never think of the easy way out (sucide, giving up) ‼ Easy choice = very hard life awaits Make the hard choice now = easy life awaits you This is one basic life cycle i wish to share from my experience I don't know about your religion but i know a true quote that says God challenges those he loves sometimes i get jealous with some venters i wish God could test me too with humangous challenges. Those who crunch their teeth and use their hands to crawl their way out of that mud and lava are going to be stronger than titanium braver than belay Trust me their is allways and i mean allways a choice in opposite to giving up. For all venters with real problems may your faith help you through all your problems. Remember you are lovely and freaking amazing hehe you are the only one that's you eko. And lastly shout out to the people who are consuming their time to support others. - peace to you all",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9818612337112427 2019-03-05 05:57:07,"I need to vent. My behavior is something not many people can deal with. Most people have learnt it the hard way, but those who still exist in my life have learned to accept it. I'm a junior now and I've survived heartbreak depression, suicide attempts and a lot of other emotionally traumatic things. But I'm still here :) Leaving all that behind I got a boyfriend that not only loves me but can handle me to some certain extent. And I appreciate that he's trying but sometimes he himself can act like me, and it makes us argue alot. And lately our arguments are really intense, we don't speak anymore during school hours and our texts are constant fights. I hate fighting with him though, I love him so much and I didnt mean to push him away like I do to everyone. He tells me he loves me too Everytime he accidentally says something he doesn't mean And I'm trying to change myself but now things are very risky and I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose him but I know if I don't let him go, he'll suffer the consequences of being hurt but so will I.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9666321873664856 2019-03-05 10:47:46,"I need to vent. OK this is rlly messed up I have been in a relation ship with this amazing guy for 5 years now and I love him so much that I would do anything just to make him happy he means the world to me. but when we first started going out even though I lived him I never had time for him or school came first and all the point is I loves him but was never willing to show that to him but at some point I realized that he's my priority and all but I think I'm too late for that cuz now we're kinda drifting apart when we're together the rest never mattered but then still things are changing and I got a text from him that he needs time and space cuz I have hurted him ..... I mean what does that mean I actually told him that he could have all the time he needs to fix him self but what's gonna happen next? will hw ever wanna get back together?? its rlly killing me not knowing where I stand? someone please tell me do we have a shot? is space and time ever gonna fix this?",love,NEGATIVE,0.989657461643219 2019-03-05 10:48:40,"I need to vent. I know u all might think am just attention seek bith. But tbh I really need help. I'm this perfect girl. The happy one , the pretty one , the smart one, the pretty one, the most innocent one , the naive one..mnamn . Everybody expects me to smile all the time . To act normal and be normal. I have peoples around me , but no friend. I'm broken and sad inside me but I couldn't tell anyone. I can't even be sad in front of peoples I can't even stop smiling for even 1 min cause they will notice and I can't fuckin tell them i was pregnant and I aborted a child when . I can't fuckin tell them my boyfriend is abusing me , using me and threatening me... He said he will kill me and his self if I broke up with him. He always force me to have sex with him. He makes me do things I don't want to do. And when this all happens i can't freakin tell anybody b/c they all think he is the perfect boyfriend and nobody will believe me. I don't trust them. I feel like I let everybody down my mom , dad and sis. I'm really weak inside me... I can't do anything, I lost hope. I can't even study..and exams are coming... I just need help. I just need some advice b4 I go nuts. I'm scared for my life. I'm really scared.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968536496162415 2019-03-05 10:48:58,"I need to vent. Hi all I have a problem my problem is I lie a lot a mean a lot ..I lie to every body to family or friends I lie big or small lies the thing is when I lie it's b/c I make a big illusion of a perfect life I have - for my family I am a perfect child (cause of my lies) - for friends I am the coolest person (cause of my lies) And so on The thing is I remember every detail of the lie I have told so my lies doesn't clash .. and I lie carefully so my lies doesn't get discovered Maybe every one lies but I make lies of every thing even small lies which the truth and the lie does have a difference. .. so pls give me advices .... and what should I do to the lies I have told they are big lies to just tell the truth",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9562230110168457 2019-03-05 10:51:43,"I need to vent. Hellow, I wanted to share this couse i faced alot through my life and im getting tired of everything and wanted help, Im 20 years old, im a very gud looking and an ambitious lady..doing my BA now 2nd year.. I faced alot of ups and downs either family's side and love..for today i wanted to let it out on my relationship too open i go out for blind dates trying to see who fits me some how i dated a guy for 7 months and got too deep into shit.. gave him my pride and believed him that we would get married and have our own life...apparently he was jst having fun and his ex came to our life out of no where and he denyed me infront of her and left me...i tryed all my best giving her advices and told her the thing btw me n him and that if he did this to probably she is next couse i have found some other victims like me in his history...she ignored thinking i was jelouse and wanted to ruin thier relation i stepped back and gave everything to allah..feew months later he calls me in diffrent numbers since i blocked his num..saying his sorry n he misses me n shit..i didnt fall for it i gave dead answers believing he wanted me for bed not for future... and he called after a long tym to tell me he had nikkah with her (engaged).. idk why he told me but i ended up everything ..i stared a relation ship after my breakup in 4 months...this guy is loving but a bit crazy and i love it.. once we got in the relation i told him my past relations injury in my life and my familys mess he was ok with it its 3 months now and he started having these take back memories abt my sex life with my ex and saying that he doesnt have a chance to be replaced by him n stuff which really one way his ryt im not complete for him or maybe not wat he wished for...NOW, he is thinking i would hurt him so he is having boundaries for the relation and all i wanted is him accepting me and having a peaceful jst irritated and dont knw wat to Thnk yu",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9960342049598694 2019-03-05 15:53:00,"I need to vent. This is not that serious but i just wanted to say it and see if anyone else feels the same...ok so I feel lonely like yehone everytime i do have friends but i still feel like I'm all alone in things i really don't know why gn most of the time i find myself crying... i wanna know what's wrong with me......",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977825284004211 2019-03-05 15:53:13,"I need to vent. Need help when you like 2 people at once how can I pick the right one from the 2 ?...or shuld I just leave zem both nd go to someone else",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993334412574768 2019-03-05 15:54:45,"I need to vent. Hello everyone i really need your help... I an very desperate and anxious...I think the reason is that i am lonely, i don't have any friends sefer west yne ekuyoch yelum, campus dmo we gather for little moment and evryone is off to their home....can you help me to live solo, i really want to get use to this loneliness.i am always having a headache just thinking about it. Please don't just scroll reading this you are my last hope, if this doesn't help i swear i will just end it maybe then my pain will go away.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975885152816772 2019-03-05 19:05:21,"I need to vent. Guys i think i have mental problem beka i cant focus on the present all i think about is how am gonna lose everything in the future mnamn new mnm dena hasab ameroye wust alemeta eyalegn new i neeed heelp i have an amazing family, friends and boyfriend gn idk wat has got into me bekaa depressed ehonalew kemeret tenesechea mnamn mnm enjoy mareg eyakategn nw i tnk about death or being very sick mnamn becha i pray alooooot mnamn becha help me eski with your advices",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.993296205997467 2019-03-05 19:05:29,"I need to vent. I need advice,I can't trust my girl what can I do pls help",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9990682005882263 2019-03-05 19:05:57,"I need to vent. A message to a girl from S.W.A. Hey, It's been a while since I last talked to you. You've blocked me on TG and hung up my calls, and now You've changed your number too! When we broke up, you told me that you had only been dating me to forget about your former ex, and I replied that I was also using you for sexual gratification. But we both know that I was lying when I said that. I loved you more than I gave a rat's ass about my family, or even myself. And I still think of you daily and check out our shared media like the fucking obsessive ex that I am. I know we are miles apart and you have your future as a doctor or whatever to think about. But do you really feel complete without me? I know I don't. I admit I've been intimate with other girls since we left each other (it was a mutual agreement to break up), but now I feel so lost and lonely without you. I know I can't go back in time, but if anyone out there invents time travel, I'd be sure to use it and get you back. I don't want to sound pathetic or desperate, but the other girls I saw after you were boring and had a much less sense of adventure, and all I want is you. I just want this message yo reach you somehow and for you yo realize that people make dumb mistakes and that they are capable of maturing in time. The last song you referred to in our texts was ""Back to you"" by Selena Gomez. And so, I would love to come back to you, babe. Just call me and I will apologize profusely, if that's what you truly desire. I wish we could dance at your graduation like you said we would.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9598039984703064 2019-03-05 19:06:25,"I need to vent. Okay, this happened to me almost three years ago but it has always bothered me thinking about it. There was this strage feeling i was feeling the whole time. It's like I was not alive, and it's like i was not dead either. It felt like i was living in between. It was sort of feeling dizzy, but that was not exactly it. I don't even know what it was to be honest. I felt scared, non-existant, and dizzy all at the same time. This feeling of mine stayed for like 3 or more months. And eventually i felt better ena dena honku. Have you ever felt this way? Can u guys tell me what it was, if u have any idea about it?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9939847588539124 2019-03-05 19:08:45,"I need to vent. This myt seem lame 2 say but I have a gf that I luv z most but if my parents find out I have a girl...they will disown me, or I thnk they will, uk how some parents can be... Z other thing is broke and I felt on my parents for money to take m babe out. I just don't wanna be the guy who asks his girl to pay the bills all the time. Unless she finds it sweet can anyone tell me how I can let my parents know him really in love without them kicking me out? Or demo how can I make money with only a high school diploma as of now?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991500377655029 2019-03-05 21:28:25,"I need to vent. I'm 21 and I feel like I'm old enough to have my own money and stop depending on my family and the fact that I can't see any way to make that happen before graduating or even after that gives me a panic attack, specifically in the morning. Anyone who had or is going through this stuff, help me out. Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9987899661064148 2019-03-05 21:28:54,"I need to vent. so u don't have a motivation eh? I've been there still am but im getting better at life not to sound like doctor phill or anything but not only should u find something to live for but also u should find someone to live for who shares ur dreams who wants what u want",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9946278929710388 2019-03-05 21:29:31,"I need to vent. Honestly, why is all this frenzy behind Adwa victory? Yes, it was a good battle; but we always hide oursleves from the fact that Italians where only 20000, with 10000 askaris and many of them didn't use the advanced technology at the time as Antonelli told the ruler of Italy that its enough. Our 'independence' granted Sudan colonization after 17 years of struggle at Omdurman in 1898 against Britain. Britain learned from Italy that don't underestimate black people by not using proper tools. So is t down to heroic resistance as we are told or Italians ambiguity",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9698765873908997 2019-03-05 21:30:11,"I need to vent. It has been a while since I vented! But here goes So about 6 months ago me and my boy friend broke up and well the 6 months before that was just fights and all the crying and well u know the rest....see this was the first guy i ever loved, my first boyfriend! I went back and forth from blaming him to blaming myself for everything that went down! I still can't get him out of my head although it gets better when we come to my real problem after the breakup I culdnt study and i still culdnt study I mean I am venting wheb my final exam is just hours away ...I have this problem where if I can't give a 100 % I just dont do the thing beka we are tqking finals and i still can't study! I think I might flunk this year and usually that wuld scare me but I feel nothing right now.... I blamed all this on our breakup and i lost my confidence so now no matter how much I want to everytime I grasp my handout I get anxious and i just drop it and see movies...I have promised to myself alot of times and as much as I can I have tried but for some reason I just cant get out of this spat!....I am just rumbling Idk...any thoughts?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990788698196411 2019-03-05 21:30:46,"I need to vent. Hey guyz, so all thiz started 8-10 months ago. I am a 8th grade student and I am 15 yrs old. I dont know how to say it but I am falling in love with my aunt. She is 42 years old with husband and two kids. It all started as a joke and we used to play when I was little but now after hitting puberty she started touching me at inappropriate place at first it was uncomfortable but now its okay with me. We started dating and I usually lie to my mother about being outside house. I stay late with her. We kissed and had sex multiple times and all. But I dont know where this is going and I want you guys to help me. I know that you guys are not supportive enough but try to understand me and dont be harsh.",love,POSITIVE,0.9888867735862732 2019-03-05 21:31:09,"I need to vent. Do the things u know u are supposed to do am feeling hopeless and I would have been in a different place if I did that",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993507266044617 2019-03-06 06:21:28,"I need to vent. Hi uni horse Hide my identity Hii I just wanna say am glad that there is this group to vent n share feelings. But i wanna know are there constructive comments n advice dat are actually of any help ...that venters got???",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9983566403388977 2019-03-06 06:21:55,"I need to vent. Umm hey guys these days im seeing a vent like bf/gf problems or a girl will say i love him mnamn or the guy will say i love her mnamn guys come on look we all have loving problems eko gen eski kom belen enaseb there are a lot of problems to discuss eko on this channel loving , gf/bf/ and something like that betam kemebezatu yetenesa leloch deferew lela neger ayeteyekum and pls let's give them chance to talk about their feelings kenecherashu post ayedereg malete ayedelem gen gedeb yenurew elalew tnx",neutral,POSITIVE,0.770585298538208 2019-03-06 06:22:39,"I need to vent. Hi my problem is high for me b/c my family need me to study and I totally hate it what should I do i need to study b/c I want to be a doctor please help me out",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989854693412781 2019-03-06 06:23:06,"I need to vent. Hey there gd ppl, ur comments really makes lot of difference ryt here I'm 12, and EUEE is rly soon, like 3 months. Ik 3 months are plenty to get ready for entrance...n ik all my dreams like ALL depend on my score. Despite knowing all these, i got problems on my motivation. I s.times think that imma score gd enough to join the field that I've chosen. N the other time, i feel like I'm not goin to make it. I rly am a girl who works to z peak when given motivation. Just tell me that I'm going to make it! Coz that is TOO MUCH important for me ryt now",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991557598114014 2019-03-06 06:23:38,"I need to vent. Okay ppl i just want ur opinion ASAP with no bullsh*t... Here is ma vent I have a gf i love her she loves me the problem is that she ia a virgin and i have never.. Ever had sex with a virgin the first girl that i had sex with was a pro since then after high school even in campus all the girls that i smashed were not virgins ... (Slezi atefrdubgn) plss help a nigga here especially girls coz i respect her and i wanna ease her pain as much as possible (don't bother commenting if ur going to insult)",love,NEGATIVE,0.985991895198822 2019-03-06 07:57:17,"I need to vent. Let's get it straight. I'm 25 years old and I got married at the age of 16 and at 17, I got birth to a girl. Fyi this marriage was arranged and without my willing. Right now I'm a single mom and prostitute. My 8 years old daughter wants to be like me which means a prostitute. I bring guys to home sometimes. Lately, she has been touching herself secretly and I've caught her multiple times. She even asked one of my customers to sleep with her. Please, I need an advice. I don't want my daughter to end up being like me. I'm doing all this for her so that she ends up in a better place. I'm very desperate!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9979280233383179 2019-03-06 07:58:07,"I need to vent. I have always been a good guy and i do know i have my limitations and that i can hurt girls so i always pushed away those i could hurt at the expense of my own feelings and desires....and thinking back i was so very stupid i should have done things to satisfy myself because nobody is worth it especially not girls they are two faced snakes and its about time i took revenge because they must understand what they put us through",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9943617582321167 2019-03-06 08:51:08,"I need to vent. So I wanna keep my vent short...hmmm here is the thing I was talking to this guy through social media's for like 2 month's and we were planned to meet and spend my whole vacation when I come to Addis.but we just met one day and he totally disappeared and this isn't fair for me since I came for short and he's not existing at all so should I spend my time meeting new people or wait form him and his explanation's?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994004964828491 2019-03-06 09:43:28,"I need to vent. So I've been confused as of lately about some people and i look at texts and channels and see habesha teens around my age being so fucking stupid and dumb. There are racist kids and homophobic kids and kids who hate feminists and they only want people who think like them and dislike who have different ideas or opinions. Since when have teenagers become this narrow minded and naive? I'm not saying I'm smart but I try to see the good side in everybody, but most people don't and that breaks my heart. TRY TO BE OPEN MINDED!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9074488878250122 2019-03-06 09:44:14,"I need to vent. Short version Here it goes i have been in a serious relationship for 1.5 yrs then my girl started loosing interest in me then she broke up with me i got needy for a while she sayed it was over. tho it was hard, my feelings for her degraded with time 3 months latter we started talking and she begged me to get back i said ok thinking my fellings would be back it was nice for a while but we couldn't bring the zing like before and I'm getting bored it's hard for me too say i wanna break up i hate to kill people's fillings but i don't see any future with this trend i would like to slowly distance my self so she would loose interest in me ... Shld i ? Or keep pretending if we grow happy or end it now any suggestion is accepted",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980594515800476 2019-03-06 09:45:12,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. Guys I've been dating this girl for 3 months now. And when I tell u this I really mean it...I LOVE HER. There's this one problem. I'm really jealous of this one dude she spends so much time with. This guy was one of my closest friends, and also was friends with her too but not at the time when we started dating. After we did start dating they got wayyy to close. She'd quickly hang up the phone on me the second he called her, and so many other things she'd do that would hurt me. See what bothers me is that both of them used to have previous feelings for each other. Guys I can't tell u how much my hurt aches when these to spend so much time around each other. I talked to my girlfriend about it and when she saw how hurt I was she did say she's gonna stop being this close but it happened again and she said she doesn't care because she needs people to talk to in her life and that I should trust her. She also doesn't realize that she could talk to me about things too, she never does. Guys what do i do, pls I'm on desperate need.",love,NEGATIVE,0.994532585144043 2019-03-06 14:50:57,"I need to vent. Ok guys it's my first vent, I am talented in music I mean I really like music it's like my life but my family don't want i even tried my best to convince them but it didn't work you know my dream was to have big room and even we can me our own dance style is any one interested in this I will be happy to have even you guys will be my power if you want please talk me guys boy and girls please think what you want ok Thank you so much God bless Ethiopia and the hole universe",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9931398034095764 2019-03-06 14:51:39,"I need to vent. Guys i need help I had a boyfriend who was my best friend before and we used to love each other so much.....this year. Our relationship got to a distance relationship and he cheated and we broke up deciding to be friends. Ever since then i started seeing his friend and now we kinda are going good.....i kinda like him. He is caring, funny and smart in some ways. Bicha my ex came back and he has confessed that he has feelibgs for me and came for the explanation for what he did. I cant say i moved on cuz i loved him all my life and our breakup was not an easy decision. what should i do",love,POSITIVE,0.9959740042686462 2019-03-06 14:51:54,"I need to vent. I've never been insecure about my height until recently. Some girls aren't giving me a chance to date them just cuz I'm 5 foot 7 and apparently not tall enough. I'm sick and tired of their comments cuz it's not up to me to decide how tall I become. Guys, is there any way I can become taller through work outs? Or is there a medical procedure available? I really wanna be the hot man girls dream of having. I don't wanna be average anymore. Period.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985455274581909 2019-03-06 14:55:35,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need to ask sth.. why is a men keep in touch with you after breakup ..with my ex we breakup before 3 years menamen but he still texting calling with in a gap of 2 upto 4 months and i don't know why he is doing this and he talk like nothing happend all the time and disappear again and talk after a month he keep doing this do you think its b/c he have feeling or he don't want to be forgotten. Just confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9851888418197632 2019-03-06 14:56:18,"I need to vent. Sup fellow members recently i have been reading most of u guys saying that u r depressed n also I also read about what the 5th yr med student wrote. Depression is a serious disease, know the difference between boredom n depression. Those with depression r having a monoamine (NE) deficiency in their CNS not a relationship problem. So y'll know the difference n get a serious treatment if u have it!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970020651817322 2019-03-06 22:04:58,"I need to vent. I'm so fuckin' alone it's been a long time since I've ever been in any kind of relationship. I'm a guy who's never had the chance to date or kiss or feel like being loved. There's no one in my life right now and it's feeling dark and lonely right now. I mean please I'm desperate. Is there any girl out there who would definitely consider a nice and shy guy who would do anything to make her happy. I feel like I should end this life of mine I can't live one more day alone. Please help me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963831901550293 2019-03-06 22:06:34,"I need to vent. ""Sooo? "" they start to ask.... ""tell me about your crush?"" ""crush?"" I say, "".... I never really had a crush.... "" And it's at this point, ladies and gentlemen, they start looking at me funny. ""What?"" I go. They narrow their eyes, raise that one suspicious eyebrow and with a smirk go ""you liar. That's SOOO not true. NEVER? Yeah... Pffffft. No way!"" I mean, from way back when, I was not big on unrequited love. I just couldn't see myself wasting my heart over someone that might not even know I exist, pining over my lost Romeo, fantasizing about how him and I could be the next big thing or almost fainting when he smiled at my direction or dream of holding his hands or plotting away my scheme of making him love me or writing our names in bright little red hearts or .... (okay that might be too far fetched ) but seriously.... I mean, okay look, I might fancy a guy of two and find it a little harder to hold a straight face conversation with or look straight in the eyes or whatever, I mean, I'm not a robot. but that feeling goes away fast and I start treating 'em like all my other guy friends. And it goes even faster, more like dissipates, if I find that they have a woman. I just don't see whining over someone I can't have nor should have. But they (the 'they' that asked if I had a crush) think not having someone in my school, work, or anyplace that I like makes me a cold hearted, inexperienced person that doesn't know how to love. Really? Really?? And you do? You who goes out of their way to have their dream man doesn't give a rat's ass who you hurt? You who cried like a baby who's denied his chew toy when he doesn't want your catfishing ass, you who play games and lie and pretend for your crush to notice you? You KNOW love? Haa! Pffft! Hmph! Yeah, of course you do. The world needs more of us that are like you right? Suuuure.... Girls, please. Let's just be better than that, huh? That's not love. That's obsession. Love is way more beautiful than this, right? It has to be better than this......... This was a light hearted vent of a fleeting moment of sparked fury. Just thought it would entertain and give some ideas....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984667301177979 2019-03-07 00:14:36,"I need to vent. Hi, am a highschool student i need better suggestion on how to approach an addicted person. He's my classmate but we don't have intimate relationship. He may not even know me by name. But everybody can understand he lose hope by just looking at him. I just want to help him because lju for 1hr enkuan mekom aktotal. I have no other intention for him. I know the goal of addiction but i have no experience how to get close to the addicted one.. I know he is on darkness, i know he won't admit that and i know that an addicted person doesn't realise he's addicted until susu chnklatu lay eskiders dres. But the thing is we have never talked before with him.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9819750189781189 2019-03-07 00:14:54,"I need to vent. Hey guys,so basically my life is fucked up.I deal with alote of thing.School,family & friends.Suicide is usually on my mind but some people tell me that I should atleast think for the people who would actually be devastated when I die.I don't think anybody would be devastated but I'm holding the pain in.Can y'all give me advice not to commit suicide any time soon?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9927369952201843 2019-03-07 00:16:07,"I need to vent. So heres the thing I'm 20 years old and I've been seeing a girl thats a little bit older than me(23). At first the age thing never came up but at her birthday i found out she was it was surprising but i was completely fine with it and so is she. But months later i started noticing things about us that's a little different from other couples.I'm med skl but she already graduated and has a pretty good job so she NEVER let's me pay for anything anymore. I rly didn't mind that at first but now it feels weird and we end up fighting about it non stop. Another thing is that she worries too much about everything all she wants to talk about is how my classes are going or who I've been hanging out with menamen and that being coupled with the age thing rly makes her seem like more of a mom than a gf. That being said i still find her super attractive and all the the chemistry is there but this rp dynamic is not healthy. Or am i just over thinking this?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9951785802841187 2019-03-07 09:17:32,"I need to vent. Hey there everyone its my first time venting here. I don't know what I have actually if its depression or anger or maybe something else. I just feel angry most of the time without a reason even when someone says hi to me and I have no fuckin clue what to do. Don't tell me to go see a therapist or something cause I can't open up to anyone even my closest friends and family & I really can't focus on my classes either and I'm 12 grader this year so I'm afraid I will fail the exam and screw my fuckin life so if u have any advice please.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9996631145477295 2019-03-07 09:18:16,"I need to vent. Lately i’ve been thinking about him a lot and I know he’s hurt me but he loved me too and me ending things without even explaining well probably made him hate me. Im sorry biye rasu aywetalgnm I swear this has been on my mind 24/7 for like the last two weeks. I want to tell him how sorry I am because he deserves at least to know why I wanted to end things. It was something we could’ve easily fixed if we could talk about it but I rushed and gave up on us. Now he hasn’t been online for daysss and I’m so worried I want to text him but I dont have the balls to do it. I miss him so bad and texting him isn’t an option. Any advice?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986525177955627 2019-03-07 09:20:55,"I need to vent. Hey guys i need to ask sth.. why is a men keep in touch with you after breakup ..with my ex we breakup before 3 years menamen but he still texting calling with in a gap of 2 upto 4 months and i don't know why he is doing this and he talk like nothing happend all the time and disappear again and talk after a month he keep doing this do you think its b/c he have feeling or he don't want to be forgotten. Just confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9851888418197632 2019-03-07 09:21:30,"I need to vent. I thought it would hurt more when you said "" I hate you"". I was relieved that you saw me just as I see myself. I told you I would ruin it. I spoke from. experiance but you wouldn't listen and I couldn't stop. I kept coming because I knew you'd be there. I've never had that not for this long anyways. Someone I wouldn't have to pretend for. I could be me and still you cared. Naturally it couldn't last. Every good thing I destroy. you were just the next incarnate. I was numb to the pain. It got drowned out by the demons in me. It was too late to go back. I knew I had somone now. And so when it was all consuming you were my only light. But it was too deep to illuminate. And it devoured what we had until hate was left. I am not surprised but it's still disappointing. We'll probly never see each other again and I am happy for you. Maybe next time you will use me to know what to steer clear of. I wish you the world. I will never love anybody like I did you. I was just lost in my head. It's okay tho. Now you are free.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9731196761131287 2019-03-07 09:22:38,"I need to vent. Here Is My vent. I'm the 3rd Son on my Mother, And I Do go To University Second Year and a Bit of My Confession Is, i Can say I Grow Up with My mother Only. My Father Lives far Away home By Some Career Case. He totally don't Care of Me and My siblings. Since I have joined Campus He Never called me other Than Sending Money Per A Month. But I Have heartily R/ship With mom And She Used To call me Daily And The conversation Takes Long. But Lately I can Say She Totally Forgot Me or Like that, I got 1 Call In a Week and Had Not Enough convo.I Get confused That Mom Changed Like This And I wonder Know It. I Asked Her But Her Replies Gonna Odd. Did I Screwed Something Up Or What I Cant Go On Through This Way. And Here I Need Your Voice. I Appreciate The Read. Thank you.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9941873550415039 2019-03-07 11:03:24,"I need to vent. The world is so funny.everything is so funny we hate on each other when it’s so easy to love one another.dont understand each other when we all go through the same shit everyday.But have u noticed it?haven’t we all forgot that we are here for a reason that even tho how hard it’s to live this day,how hard it’s to see the clock ticking while our tears drop while we cry for help while we beg for death.yeah everything is hard!!we get betrayed by our people,the people we love leave us,we work hard and the one who was mingling gets the credit...yeah we look in the mirror and compare our selves to the dolls we see on tv and hate our own bodies.. oh yeah we feel not good enough, omg too much comments on us,too much disapprovals too much competitions too much stress... disappointments devastating people so with all this shit we all forgot to be happy we all forgot to see how beautiful the nature is we pay 100s to watch the movies with a line full of people but we forgot to see how beautiful the sky is when it’s free to watch when it’s so precious. we forgot to see how beautiful we are,we forgot to appreciate what we have ,we have hid our magic ,we don’t know what we want we don’t know what we stand for ,we just stand with the crowd and scream!!!you matter,you were created by God who knows it all who is full of love,you are here for a reason please don’t question why you are here!!!!!!You are here for a purpose find it and work hard for it!!dont let anyone make u feel less beautiful,don’t let anyone tell u u are less than urself.omg be happy life is too short... dance to the music ,watch the stars!!!we don’t need diamonds to be happy we don’t need money all we need is love and courage and all the things we want we will get them in time!!!!!!i swear God sees our hearts he gives us what we want what we crave..even tho it’s takes time everything we want will come and the universe sees what u need and what Uwant ,how U behave Love Carla Read my next vent",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9912063479423523 2019-03-07 11:04:31,"I need to vent. I kinda have two things to tell you guys, the first one is that i tnk maybe ene ga chger ale like kesew ga megbabat alchelm like i have to be betam comfortable to talk to someone ena lelochun setoch say they r nt like me they talk laugh mnamn nd i can't do that ykerb kemelachew sewoch wechi i can't i just sit in silence so do you guys tnk i should change?...nd the other thing is that am dating this guy who is like 8 yrs older than me we just started dating nd maybe it's the age difference idk but we don't talk a lot,... Do you tnk i should stop dating him or just see where it goes tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977467656135559 2019-03-07 15:06:10,"I need to vent. Hellooooo so this ain't a vent. It's a question. Why do all men want to be seen as players? Like, even those in relationships or those that are married love to be seen as some kinda set ateramash. No guy actually takes pride in being seen as a family man. Why do y'all think that is?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988196492195129 2019-03-07 15:09:24,"I need to vent. Here I go so .. it was like 2 year ago I was in grade 10 then n I was a new student this guy so cute ......n this Hw it happened we met n hi hi started n a little bet of talking ....then n out of z blue he told me he loved me keza was so weird things started to get wrong my bestie told me ...a lot thing abt him (he doesn't even know that )then I started get away from him ...then all of a sudden boom I had feelings for him he didn't even know i loved him so much u hv no idea but I don't know y never had guts to tell him tho when schl was abt to end I told him n was before him I have had crushes but never loved I swear my love for him idk u guys hv no idea...I was like this Grl who had feelings 4 like a week n Nuthin else but I was so afraid of him n it all I those days I can never ever forget ....year passed ahun n I swear z one that was my bestie turned out to be an asshole who I swear I don't even know what to say abt her idk know me n him in a d/t schl hvn't heard from him n I am broken I might say I like this guy but not rlly I even tried to fall in love no sheet works its weird keza I don't fall in love what's wrong wiz me(if u read this tho I am so sorry to) n my advice ...the one i though who was u frnd was z devil himself ruining my life cuz they just don't want u to be happy why would ur own frnd do that I swear I don't understand ...Mtsm what kind of frnd ship is it rlly Hw I regret those days that schl y I met her n him n all what I said to him I regret it all n there is Nuthin like regret y'all z way this scary dream made me write this n heart breaking dream...FYI it's wasn't out of ego what happened has happened.......was a lot of sheet u won't understand",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946828484535217 2019-03-07 20:07:03,"I need to vent. Heyy guys. ..this is my first vent am go straight to the point... there is girl that I like ...she is wild cool, fun ,caring and very understanding person...and we pretend that we couples but we "" Not"" i told her how I felt for her and she said that we better if we friends ...but the werid part I said we pretend that we together...but after I told her ..she took it to another level ..she made it as like we Really are couples if I dont call her the hole shr be like .. why didn't u call what did I do kinda stuff.. and when play the better boyfriend role ..she starts to pull back confused ..any suggestions would really help!",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9110355973243713 2019-03-07 20:07:47,"I need to vent. Is virginity a fukin problem these days cause I just broke up with my bal.... Cause I told him am not ready to have sex and he can't control his wtever I guess... Is it that hard for males to..... U knw?... And now I am messed up for real.. I dont know wt to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992870688438416 2019-03-07 20:08:32,"I need to vent. hey there I need vent I've lost my dad when I was 3 and my mom and sis when I was 6 ,now am living wiz my aunt (it's not fair to call her my aunt she is more than a mother to me) so here is the thing 5 years ago I heard someone talking that my mom's aunt is responsible for my parents death .no body knows what am feeling right now , it hurts seeing her every time and act like everything is fine ,every time I saw her I remember the thing that I've heard 5 yrs ago and am also scared what if she wants kill me ,coz as I understand her wish is to destroy me I've tried to tell someone about this but am afraid nobody will trust me since she act like good for us so plllzzzz help me what shall I do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980512857437134 2019-03-07 20:09:23,"I need to vent. Hello to ya'll attention seeking ppl, since we're all attention seekers I thought ""why not"" so here goes my vent. U need to get ur shit together ppl. No one cares but for himself, they act like they do but they r just enjoying ur bad shit. We r all broken, so what. We r all soar, so what. We r all humans of same centuries anyway. So get ur shit together and stop whining. Be cool ya'll.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9888741970062256 2019-03-08 08:31:14,"I need to vent. I read this in a book hit me true........... ""Scientific enquiry has brought immeasurable benefits. But at the same time, it has left many feeling a spiritual void. By eliminating gods and the afterlife, the scientific picture of the universe seems to have sapped individual human lives of any special meaning; we fit in only as mere organisms, living out our brief lives for no reason, and then perishing. This, he suggests, is the source of the ultimate insecurity, the one that underlies all the others. Yet retreating back under the comforting wing of the old, doctrinaire religions isn’t an option for most of us; you can’t re-convince yourself of claims that you know are untrue. Are we stuck, then, with the choice of living meaningless but scientifically truthful lives, or lives based on superstition and self-deception?""",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9982848763465881 2019-03-08 08:31:48,"I need to vent. sup yall heres the deal i have double personality. one is the friendly, hyper the type u wanna always hangout with. the other one has the lone wolf shit going on. well i just realized this 2 or 3 month ago. so whats bothering me is that i couldnt keep friends for long because of this. sure they say hi and talk casual but wont stay for long. and i never had a girlfriend either and i aint bad looking. everytime i talk to a girl i think i scare her away. i could be charming but only for a few days. then im just shut out so what im asking is can u guys help or find someone who can. tnx a lot peace",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9910317659378052 2019-03-08 08:32:23,"I need to vent. I have so many people counting on me. Waiting for me to make them proud. I got my mama’s life to change. But lately I’ve just been losing hope. I have no motivation to do work and even tho I have been an exceptional student, lately I’m doing poorly in my studies and I feel stuck in life. I don’t get any sleep because I try to work but I end up not doing it anyways. My procrastination level has exceeded and I feel like I’m losing every opportunity in life and there is nothing I can do about it. I don’t even know what kind of help to ask but any comments are welcome. Feel free to ask questions",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985748529434204 2019-03-08 08:32:58,"I need to vent. Hey guys, I'm not in a good state of mind nowadays. And I'm getting pretty sick. I overdose,cause I feel like that's all I have left to do. I spit out blood and foam out of my mouth. My boyfriend has always been there for me from the start and he's getting too stressed,so are other people. I'm so tired of life I can't even explain. When I go to school I only learn up to 3 periods and I can't learn anymore cause I get too sick. I'm not even in school today. I deal with depression,anxiety,stress and many other things. What do y'all advise me to do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996324777603149 2019-03-08 15:28:48,"I need to vent. Okay so I'm not really a guy who understands games.(relationship wise ) but ... Let me just tell u from the beginning y'all I had this girl we were perfect together ... When she asked me to be her man at first I was like no..and then I started havin feelings for her .. now it was her turn to shoot me down .. getting back to my point ... After a gurl tells someone to get out of her life.. and text him back after a few months. I just don get it.. it makes it completely hard to move on from that person. .. if u say something u gota meen it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9967003464698792 2019-03-08 15:29:06,"I need to vent. I kinda have two things to tell you guys, the first one is that i tnk maybe ene ga chger ale like kesew ga megbabat alchelm like i have to be betam comfortable to talk to someone ena lelochun setoch say they r nt like me they talk laugh mnamn nd i can't do that ykerb kemelachew sewoch wechi i can't i just sit in silence so do you guys tnk i should change?...nd the other thing is that am dating this guy who is like 8 yrs older than me we just started dating nd maybe it's the age difference idk but we don't talk a lot,... Do you tnk i should stop dating him or just see where it goes tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977467656135559 2019-03-08 15:29:45,"I need to vent. I am very sad and bored, last night was the most pain full nights of all nights, me and my mom was at tikur anbesa hospital bc of my aunt, she was there for day and half, she was attacked by breast cancer and her hair and everything was gone bcha hulum nger tekeyro nbr, ena tlant eza lnayta snhed aychalm megbat alu ena sanayt beru lay bcha kuch blen mata wede 12 akababi bet tmlsesn ena bet gebten rat eybelan wede 3 akababi dad phone started to rang and we heard that she passed away, and here i am sitting and waiting for my uncles to come to Ethiopia so that we can do the graving thing. I can't even call her by her name, her name is changed to body.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999259889125824 2019-03-08 15:30:12,"I need to vent. Okay well...GOD I JUST DONT EVEN WANNA LIVE ANYMORE U WILL SEE ME probably being happy and shit and giving advice's to people ...Gn u know am just as hopeless as one understands me I mean NO ONE ....uhmm I met this guy and I taught he was the one I mean ...I loved him and I gave him everything and he ended up leaving...that shit messed me up I have trust issues and insecurities and he made me feel hopeless and not wanted I don't even know if I could love anymore plus I have this problem were I let people walk all over my feelings and I just let them... I mean I don't even know why I do that What can u tell me eski",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993957281112671 2019-03-08 15:31:28,"I need to vent. Hello shitheads So this is some pretty stupid bullshit. So you remember that girl who vented about stealing her brother's girlfriend (bunch of lesbians) and then fucked the girl's brother?? Well I think I am that little brother whose girlfriend she stole. Now since we're doing this whole anonymous shit. I would like to say that I think my sister stole my goddamn girlfriend and she is ""venting"" about it here on this channel!!! Wow ain't that shallow sis!! Or maybe you're not my sister, my sister would never do such a thing! Hahaha maybe I'm just going crazy! Thank God this thing keeps our identities a secret right cuz then we wouldn't fucking know who's doing what and that if or not that shit has anything to do with you!! This is a work of a genius!!! So what do y'all shithears think I should do about my shit",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9987621307373047 2019-03-09 15:08:49,"I need to vent. Does anyone else wake up in the morning completely drained? I’m so tired of waking up tired. It’s so frustrating.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995558857917786 2019-03-09 15:09:24,"I need to vent. Hey, this is my first time venting here, I really need your help. This is the story. Before 3 years, when I was in grade 11 and I loved the guy betaaaaaaam and kemr I lost almost 8 kg ena we were together for a couple of years. Keza buhala gn beka I have no feelings towards him but he always tells me that he will always be loving me. Mn mareg nw yalebegn. Ahun, lela relationship west lemegbat aseb ena I think of the guy who has changed me a lot nd I have been sacrificing my weight love mnamn. What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.6815156936645508 2019-03-09 15:15:23,"I need to vent. isn't it amazing how can girl fall for a guy this hard ?a girl who used to think this kinda love exist only on fictions a girl whose friends used to call heartless a girl whose a guy literally cry and beg her and didn't even care a bit a girl who was so cold a girl who used to moke her friends when they even crush on someone uk it's not the worst part this girl can't even talk about it with anyone not her friends not her cousins not even him she act differen when his around he might even think she hates him ,he should try to open his eyes right he could have seen how she's crazy for him,she can not stop treating him like that when she look at him all she manage to do is being an ass I still can't get it is that her trying to hide her feelings or that's how every girl do when they fall for some one ,some times I hope if its that kinda of love I used to think that exist only on fictions I hope if I could be good in words like it ,good at showing love n giving it and really good at talking about feeling but Maybe something are better left untold ,,,like a movie line said we accept the love we think we deserve well i don't think I deserve urs Maybe my friends are right im gonna end up alone",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9904539585113525 2019-03-09 15:15:33,"I need to vent. Hello guys. Im just wondering if you could point me to a great therapist. Their email phone number or anything u could help me with... i would appreatiate it n fast if u can. Thank u",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9726389050483704 2019-03-09 16:26:26,"I need to vent. Hey hommies! Its been a while since i throw a vent hear but through all my vents i got awesome comments and thanks for that y'all! Today i wanna vent about my emotions so try to hear me out, aight? so i think i am bipolar, am not just saying it out of the blue but i was doing some research about this shit and i think i am and am kinda worried about it, my emotions change so rapidly and i get depressed so easily, i have uncharacteristic periods of anger and aggression, grandiosity and overconfidence sometimes, easy tearfulness, frequent sadness, needing little sleep to feel rested sometimes, uncharacteristic impulsive , behavior Moodiness,Confusion and inattention... i have all this symptoms and for like few months i can't even get tested cuz of some issue at home. My best friend is bipolar and he is on medication but not that better and me i don't even know if i have it but i got all the shitty symptoms, am worried asf! i don't know what to do at all!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9631479978561401 2019-03-09 16:26:36,"I need to vent. So this thing happend like 2 weeks ago i was supposed to come to sheger from campus wen smth finally happend with my crush who i like for almost 3 months now malet i really liked him still do n it turns out he does (or dd don know for sure )too so z kiss was god damnnnnnn amazing begeta..bicha i was supposed to come to sheger that night so i came keza esum he dd after a couple of days but i tot wat we had was jus a 1 time thing until we kissed again don get me wrong i wanted to kiss him but i jus ddn think it wud happen again cuz it was too much of a good thing to happen for me tbh(ik am a negative person so.i hav been told)keza beka ma time to go back has come n we met for the last time n he is not commin back zis sem ena he told me we havnt spent enough time to overcome z distance shit time is againist us minmn tebabaln n now we r nth .n God i hav always feared relationship cuz i don ever wanted to get hurt n of all z pains i known concerning guys his is much painful plus his ex is here n ik sm shit will happen b/n them till z nxt time we met up so theres that bicha life fucks i tried to be open for.once n still found out that he is never gonna b mine cuz i think he still hav feelings for his ex it hurts n this tought poped in my mind if gena minim saynoregn endi kehonku ene i don wanna imagine wat a real heartbreak is like so any of u here who has gone through a break up u guys r real strong..n help me if theres anything i can do to stop this ..wat am feelin ryt now am in no place to feel zis but still i am so..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977460503578186 2019-03-09 16:27:02,"I need to vent. So... here i am..venting. I just picked up my phone so I could just write and feel better. I don't know why depression is so common these days!!! I every one is depressed lel mnm alkeregnm. I usually tell my friends ways to not be depressed to be thankful for what they have mnamn...Gen when it comes to myself it doesn't work that way. And these days I feel like um losing it. Have you ever been positive for so long that one day everything you did and built just shatters infront of your face?? Well that's what's happening to me know..although I have signs of depression (thinking about stuffs for too long, sleeping the entire day, not willing to move from bed, loss of appetite hence I lost weight,can't perform in my day to day life,cry for no reason, get easily irritated by things...) it just sucks! But you might find me commenting telling others to be strong or cheering my friends up in person. Funny right?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990944862365723 2019-03-09 16:27:29,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I need to vent. So I'm a grade 12 student n exams are nearing. My father is a drunk and he doesn't give a shit about me or my mom. I'm an only child but he only sees me as a burden. I do good in school but he told me that I am a waste of time and money. I always feel like shit when he insults my mom cause she's the kindest and most caring woman I've ever seen. When ever he yells at her I just wanna die n never get her sorrow. Hule at school 3rd floor lay kehonku I just tnk of jumping n dying. Every time I see a medicine I think of overdose n stuff... I know its a sin n um afraid to actually do it. Cuz um all my mom got and she'll be broken if she lost me. My reasons to live are mom and in order not to go to hell. Even my friends don't know what I'm going through cuz I don't wanna drag ppl into my problems. I just needed to get this out of my chest.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974043965339661 2019-03-09 16:27:51,"I need to vent. i duno how to start this but im just a kid who is suicideal and cant take life no more i dont have a purpose or anything can any one help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999195396900177 2019-03-09 16:29:25,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I like my life, I know I am luckier from most. And I seem like I live a perfect life. But its far from it. I used to be fat as a kid, so naturally I was bullied. I saw a suicide when I was in the second grade, hanged. I saw a kid get stabbed and bled to death during a fight when I was in the 5th grade. My best friend died of cancer in the 7th grade. My grades dropped. Developed an eating disorder in the 9th grade. My parents r sick of each other so they make excuses of business trips so they won't be at the house at the same time. I started dating but I hated it, and I started drinking, smoking, popping pills and literally doing every drug available. Now I feel nothing most of the time. I think about nothing. I feel so numb I cut myself to feel something, anything. Pain is welcome. I overdose, drink, smoke till I can't stay conscious no more. And when I'm sober I can't sleep. I just stay wide awake all night. I have anxiety and panic attacks and I hate my self. I started dating this guy who knows a lot about me, not everything, but enough and he says he loves me. I want to believe him, love him back but I can't. Because I feel nth. At school, I'm friendly and I smile a lot sometimes and others, I go the whole day without saying a word, just staring into space. This may be my age. Or sth else, idk. I don't care anymore and that scares me. The nothingness inside scares me. The eating disorder too. I don't have my period anymore. I don't blame no one tho. And I am grateful for the opportunities I've had But I just don't care anymore, I haven't for a Kong time now",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9796591997146606 2019-03-09 16:31:02,"I need to vent. Hi there this probably will be sth u all are fade up with but anyway I need help well there's this guy we've been talkin for about 2 years now and at first we were just friends close friends who tell each other everything I mean like everything but then I liked him and he tells me all about his girls and stuff and I get jealous we can't be together for some reason and that's the only thing that's keepin us I guess and I want to not think about him and be friends like before.... so pls tell me how to erase this feelin",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9899609088897705 2019-03-09 16:31:54,"I need to vent. I miss you so much. I really do miss you a lot. I never felt bored when I had you. There was never a time I sighed out of emptiness. I have got a lot of things to do but I do none. I'm so sick of feeling sad. I want more than just living. I want to have fun and the things that normally made me happy no longer make me happy. Nothing happened but I wanna cry all the time. I am so used to having a long face and a sigh when there actually is no reason to. I want you back. I'm having it hard with this new me. The old me, I miss you so much. The old me, please come back and show me the positive side of things.",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9922983050346375 2019-03-09 22:15:55,"I need to vent. Whaaaatss up ppl, iam a highschool student from Addis and I just wanted to talk about something real quick. Have u ever guys felt the real pain of "" being used"". I know it sounds nothing but it really is the most fucking painful thing ever. Meaning u dedicate everything you have for someone but at the end u will know that ur being used and nothing more will ever happen ena I just wanted to tell u guys that no matter how things may seem real, there is a huge chance that all this is nothing but a fake fuck. Pis",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971089959144592 2019-03-09 22:16:24,"I need to vent. Hi my vent is that there is this girl we have known and been friends for like 4 years now we still are ... but 2 and half years ago I ruined her life her career specificaly and she doesn't know I did that and I feel guilty every time I see her ... I was like it will be alright things will turn up at that time being a 2 face snake ... we meet up once in 2 weeks and such but I can't sleep the days after I meet her feeling guilty ... and I hate the path she has as a career because of me .... telling her would only make her hate me not fix her career .... any advice?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9948900938034058 2019-03-09 22:17:20,"I need to vent. Hi there this probably will be sth u all are fade up with but anyway I need help well there's this guy we've been talkin for about 2 years now and at first we were just friends close friends who tell each other everything I mean like everything but then I liked him and he tells me all about his girls and stuff and I get jealous we can't be together for some reason and that's the only thing that's keepin us I guess and I want to not think about him and be friends like before.... so pls tell me how to erase this feelin",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9899609088897705 2019-03-09 22:17:29,"I need to vent. Let me tell u little story abt my depression I have been leaving with it for almost 10 years and I totally gave up on my self but I kept leaving,I work,I love etc ordinary Life in a sense but I promise my self that I will Kill my self slowly by drinking my ass off smoking wasting every money that I earn and now days am feeling the damage it has done and idk if am grateful or sad abt it,karma is Abitch yo.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9947157502174377 2019-03-09 22:18:30,"I need to vent. Hello people I really need some advice with something. Solutions...i need solutions. Im a 1st year uni girl and few months ago a lot has changed about me. Shit happened in the past so i rly wasnt into dating and stuff so i have been avoiding or ignoring whatever comes to my way...related to dating i mean. But lately, a guy came into my life and changed all that. He liked me and tried his fuckin best to make me feel the same way. I repelled, as usual but not for long. Baam he got me. Been 2 months now since we got together. But then i started feeling insecure, not that he will like other girls more than me or sth..but that im not good enough so his feelings will fade away. So i try to be the perfect girl that can do anything he might want me to..or kind of like that. On the way i lost myself and now i havent succeeded on being that girl and i cant be myself...the girl that he fall in love with. Now he is always bored...doesnt talk as he used to...all the stuffs we used to talk about arent that much of subjects anymore. So im waiting for the day he's gonna say its over or i dont like u anymore. Its eating me inside..thats all i can think of..i read old texts and miss the old us and get even more scared. I miss him...i miss the guy that tries his best to make me laugh...who talks about silly stuff...who is always there for me when i need him. I dont feel any of those right now. Im scared. I cant do anything properly cause thats all in my mind What should i do? Is this a phase that we might get over? Please tell me something",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9988419413566589 2019-03-10 00:09:00,"I need to vent. So here it goes i mate this guy like 5 years ago n we were not close u know. He is my classmate but u never talk but since last year i started to get really close to him i tell him something's and he gives me advice and so do i. I just love him so much but now i think he is feeling very bad and with the tings going on at home i don't think he is going to finish highschool alive he is already addicted to drugs n shit but he dose that just to escape reality and just be free in his own world i know that but the fact that he never thinks that no one wants him is stupid coz i do i really do. Am not in love with him or anything but he is my best friend and i don't want him to suffer he has got two friends but they only tell him there problems they don't hear him out but me i just want to help him and be closer to him than we already are but how do i do that i am so confused i don't want him to beat himself down or do things worse than that how do i help him plz tell me i don't wat to loose him",love,NEGATIVE,0.9253745079040527 2019-03-10 00:10:21,"I need to vent. Hey here is z thing...zr is aguy am chattin 24/7 with n he wz ma crush fo 2 yrs mnamn n behone agatami we started chattin ...n we actually met n went for awalk...mnamn...n one day he tried to kiss me....n I lean back...nat bcz I dont like him..itz juzt I didnt waned to rush things ...b/n I like him alot n I waned him nat only fo fun..bicha after zt we were awkward..n now we chattin like before but he is nat askin me to meet or like we chat like shud I move on..or juzt go wz z flow...I like him..but if he doesnt feel z same I dont wana waste my plz guys say smtn",love,NEGATIVE,0.996938943862915 2019-03-10 00:10:42,"I need to vent. I don’t even know how to say this properly, if it’s worth anyone’s time, or if anyone can relate. I’ve noticed I’ve got a compiled anger and rage caused by different factors and it keeps adding up and I don’t even know how to handle it properly. School gives me anxiety and I’m about to graduate soon. I know a lot of people, hangout with most of them... but still feel lonely even around them. I can’t talk to them about it because then they’ll just act better out of pity. People come to me when they need something, I’m always checking up on them. Makes me think if I’m not good enough for them or anyone, because apparently “I’m too nice” for them. I know I’m not making sense but just wanted to let it out.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9975602626800537 2019-03-10 17:40:58,"I need to vent. In life we all have our ups and downs but what truly matters is not that we feel lonley or relationship issues even depression what truly hurts us Is our mind if we say we are ok even tho we are facing darkness that's what makes us human no one is special we're just nothing but ashes in the end everyone has fears that's for sure...I'm scared of being rejected..and rejection let's just be positive and live for today and maybe the scars would help us get over it.",fear,POSITIVE,0.9621878862380981 2019-03-10 17:41:24,"I need to vent. Hello everyone ....its my first venting so here me out am 23 5th yr student i don't have gf but I want to have a gf everbody say am handsome plus kind hearted but ladies doesn't fall for that or am gonna blame myself coz of not making any moves so when every body talking about sex am gonna be horny as f** so then lately i start masturbation not randomly but occasionally so there is the thing 3 day's before i tried to masturbate but i lose feeling no happy ending no nothing is this normal??? help me out plz ....",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9914937019348145 2019-03-10 17:41:39,"I need to vent. Hey folks..I rly need help.. This is what has happened to me.. I have been through many difficult situations, but this one is different an much difficult. My mom gets sick pretty often. But no one in the family gives a serious attention.. It's me and my brother always gettin worried abt her. Last summer she was very* sick and I couldn't see that crossing my hands doing ntng. I didn't wan to say (it was b/c ov me if smtng was going to happen).. Um a compus student BTW.. I took some money from my friend and hospital wesedkuat.. Tnx God she is doing good now even If she don't get cured.. But the problem is the money was supposed to be payed back..and he keep on at saying he needs the money... U rlly can't understand how much I tried to get part time job.. Literally I even quite my cls .. I cried when I write this. When I try to ask my acquaintances for help,they need smtng in exchange.. (ts lyk a trade) Um a 21 yrs old's rlly hard to get help from dudes..I mean it.. I'm even trying to sell my PC but I can't find anyone. help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990376234054565 2019-03-10 17:42:11,"I need to vent. Let me keep this short..guys have u ever been so emotional mnamn that u insult ur gf?..Think we're broken up she aint pickin up I mean esuAm tenada tsadebalech eko gn idk man and class honeh demo ydebral uk..bcha how can I be in control of these emotions man am rly hot tempered",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9971576929092407 2019-03-10 17:42:25,"I need to vent. is anyone who's diagnose with pure ocd or anxiety disorder? if there is pls pls tell me what effective means of coping mechanism u're using, what medication is best or send me a good psychiatrist phone number, working place or sth. pls guys i rly need help!!!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993271827697754 2019-03-10 20:15:04,"I need to vent. Ok so isnt it funny how people are in ur life one min and they are not the next.... family fraind everybody leaves one way or another do u now whats even more funny its not them leaving but us leaving with out them. We once thought we cant even breath with out them we cant smile without them and just picture life without them but thats stupid even if it hurts and sometimes sad the amount of thr existence in us slowly vanishes and we forget so why bother go through all this when u can NOT LoVe in the begging",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9974242448806763 2019-03-10 20:15:13,"I need to vent. So this is it huh. Those life defining moments I saw in movies where it was never the same again. I thought it would be more exciting but then again it is different when you have an idea of what’s to come and it just becomes about whether or not you are ready for it. If you can live with it and build yourself a new. I guess this is what it feels to be schrodinger's cat. I am both alive and dead, I am both hopeful and hopeless, I am both lost and set with a new purpose. How i wish that daim cat lived right now. I mean they do have 9 lives so the odds are good. I have so much life and love in me. I know it ! I do. I let my fears bully me in to this tiny box i barely fit in. i was lulled to sleep by the safety of the now and cast my ambitions aside. I forgot who i was and became someone who is constantly trying to outrun both the past and the future. I became a zombie sleepwalking through life. I was in a haze when the wrecking ball destroyed all that i loved. I left myself with nothing but my anger and hate to keep me company. I tore through their kindness like it was nothing. I trampled on their faith and used them to my liking. I didn’t know how to speak only to scream. I didn’t know how to ask for help. I found my drugs in every corner. I shot them up and rode the high until my bones were shattered from the fall. I knew there was no way out but i kept on running. I ran until my feet gave out but i fell short. I found myself staring at who i have become. This mask of mine is tired coming apart at the seems. I had worn it for so long my true face felt foreign. As if i woke up one day to be this empty pretender. I don’t want to hate anymore. I don’t want to hurt anymore. And for that i would hurt a thousand times over. The two halves of me have found a way to coexist for the moment. I feel hope that this would be my turning point and i feel hopeless that this is my curtain call. So i sit and ponder what could have been but sooner or later i have to face the music. So open the box, am i dead or am i alive?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9956169128417969 2019-03-10 20:15:25,"I need to vent. Hey, so am here to vent. I doubt this will work but here it goes...I'm 20 and ever since I can remember all my thoughts and fantasies are doing bad things.( how I would torture my enemies, I love to see some one bleed, seeing some one sufferd gives me satisfaction) well i am not violent. I mean i dont do harm unless some one tempts me to. but from last year on I became soft. I have no desire to harm some one who has wronged me..I just let it slide every goddamn time. I doubt any of u would know what to do but yeah. That's it",approval,NEGATIVE,0.7927167415618896 2019-03-10 20:15:34,"I need to vent. Nobody really knows what you're going through and yet everybody judges. I've been smiling and trying to keep it together for months. I am just 21 but with lots of responsibilities that I can't handle, I've been telling myself it will all be OK but no life just keeps hitting me with all it's got and I am trembling to fall,to fall rly hard. I've not shown anyone my weaknesses til now but today I lost it so bad that I literally threw a glass to the wall. The worst part is I didn't even blink,I just cleaned it up tears falling down my face n I just sat there,numb. Bottom line if things don't fix themselves up amaa loose it very soon n it looks like a glass through the wall was just the beginning.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994357228279114 2019-03-10 20:15:54,"I need to vent. Here is the thing, I am 19 yr old girl, who has been so calm and successful in most of my paths I have passed. Now I have joined campus and all the situations that I see, seem as if I haven't been living before, I mean I am facing things that I do not used to and I am in a real emotional crisis. And from all, the most powerful thought that is striking my mind now is the need to be a women, have a man beside me and have all the funs that crazy youths have(like weeding, going out for a party and the like). When I compare this with how I was in the past, it's completely unlike me. I always needed to be secure be away from strangers mainly boys as far as I can. So I am here to ask u if the thing that I am going through is healthy or not.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8806931972503662 2019-03-11 08:54:35,"I need to vent. So this is not actually a vent but just a comment so I have been reading vents been posted and i have read some bullshits for example the guy fucking his aunt whom is just a grade 8 like man who tf does that unless ur making them up ur just seeking attention in just making them up bla bla go find sm thing to do n it's not only that there are some unrealistic stupid vents this should be venting to help people who has serious things to say anonymously Im not meaning that all vents r false but some of u just stop being attention seeking freaks",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994578957557678 2019-03-11 08:56:37,"I need to vent. Is there anyone here who I can talk to I really need to talk to someone anyone",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991764426231384 2019-03-11 08:57:09,"I need to vent. I love u but u Don love me back that's seems to be the trend these days.U kno what I Don give a fucking rats ass anymore .cuz all I kno is that I have u my best and for u to turn arround and piss on that ... Woo ull regret it. Ull be in a spot one day where you'd hope u just had a guy who really loves u. And I'll be at the back of your mind ... And I'm sure that day will come cuz I did everything right .. Haha I take refuge in the thought that ull be sorry one day..and when that day comes ill be there waiting.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8794080018997192 2019-03-11 08:59:27,"I need to vent. Holla is kind of a question fir guys....when u get mocked that u r in a relation with a gal and it is a lie what do u crush said yeah we r and he started to know each other better so does it mean he has a feeling for me Ps. He turned down a girl who still loves him and he gets angry when they mock him abt it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99853515625 2019-03-11 08:59:27,"I need to vent. Is life fair why do I have to study and make good ranks why do I have to become the 1st ranked student tell me please",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9852262139320374 2019-03-11 17:01:47,"I need to vent. Why does everyday must be a struggle...... I'm really sick of it..... I just wanna end it tbh... That feeling when ur parents don't even get wat u r trying to explain and zy be shouting at ur face ...... If zy don't understand u who will ..... That feeling wn your mom tells u she prefers death zan hearing out ur pain...... That just killed me!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994416832923889 2019-03-11 17:02:08,"I need to vent. Sup dear members. I had a question for y'all ladies, so be kind and helpfull. Ummm ik women are complicated but how do ik a girl is into me, relationship wise. i meat wht are the signs. I had no problem with gettin girls or whtever, but lately i've been struggling. So help a nigga out.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9757997393608093 2019-03-11 17:02:43,"I need to vent. I hate my life i don't know who i am any more i don't know what i like what makes me happy or sad i have a lot on my mind i just want to cry please help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970972537994385 2019-03-11 18:53:37,"I need to vent. Hello people, I have this weird thing that's been bugging me lately. Ok so I'm a guy in my early 20s who likes to look at other attractive men. But the thing is I'm perfectly straight, no doubt. I 've never had sexual fantasies involving men nor am I bi-curious. However, whenever a man with an attractive face passes by, I can't help but look or should I say, stare. Am I the only one experiencing this?? If you have any explanation for this please help me out cuz it's really bothering me. Thanks guys!",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.68817538022995 2019-03-11 18:54:22,"I need to vent. Hello guys, I am confused of what is happening all around meh kemr. Kezi befit I used to love a guy verrrrrry much ena after a year mnamn my love faded ena beka I have no feelings towards him mnm. It myt b sleterarakn. Gn ke ategebem endireq alfelgm. Is this called selfishness weys it's a morality issue?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9957200884819031 2019-03-11 18:54:41,"I need to vent. Hi so I feel lonely I mean I shouldn't even be doing this but I do feel lonely lot. Sometimes am scared if people will even miss me when I die so I wanna live long. I have a best friend that only cares about her feelings, wants me because i am the place where she can pour her feelings and i do shit for her. other than that I have no body. My class mates hate me, people dont even include me in stuff, I am annoying , try too much, talk active,try to fit in idk just too much. I wish I could be reborn again or restart although I am kostara and lonely I sometimes wanna be cared for too. Hug someone , and be asked how am doing. I am not depressed or anything nor do I wanna commit suicide gen I am lonely a lot.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9934062957763672 2019-03-12 15:39:39,"I need to vent. Hey. So I wanted to ask sth. I met this guy on Facebook like 3 years ago and we've been talking ever since. He's a good person and we talk about our family relationships school literally anything. The thing is he thinks we're best friends but I really don't feel like that. I talk about stuff like exams mnamn enji I've never really opened up to him. It's the same from his side to he has never really opened up and talked to me. We call each other sometimes and talk over the phone but it's just the same old ""how are you?, How is school?"" Mnamm. He says it's about time we meet but I don't really want to meet him. For starters I'm not that confident about my social skills. Online I'm this Weregna person but in person I'm kind of awkward around people I don't know and it takes me bezu gize to get comfortable with people. I don't even say hi to my classmates menged lay salf. Another reason is once we were talking about meeting and I explained how it would be awkward and we would end up not talking at all, and he mentioned that we're just meeting as friends. The thought of dating him has never crossed my mind I always assumed we were good friends and that he felt the same, but now that he has mentioned this I just couldn't help but think he somehow thinks of me that way. He's a very nice guy and I'm just not interested. Plus when you talk to someone online you have this picture of what the person would be like I'm pretty sure the picture he has is way different than my appearance, I look better in pictures and I happen to have Des yemil demts over the phone so I don't think I can live up to his expectations. Meeting a friend beha bihon his expectations matter ayaderg yehonal but now that the thought that he might be interested in me has crossed my mind I kept thinking about my appearance, I really don't know why I care because I'm really not interested in him. But anyways I keep avoiding every chance that comes up. I feel like a bad person for doing this. I really hate the idea of meeting him in person but he's been asking me to meet him for about a month now o don't know how to explain my situation without sounding like a complete jerk.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973316192626953 2019-03-12 15:39:56,"I need to vent. Hey, so first time here am a girl 21 and am numb like literally, i smoke drink cut and stuff gn still no happiness I smile alot I mean am the girl everyone enjoys to be with gn still nothing makes me happy I broke up with my bf recently and im not sure if that’s why am acting like this coz it wasn’t that serious I hate talking about my issues so I just kept pushing away my friends a lot like I cut them out completely and my family too my mom is worried coz of the behavior changes that she’s seeing in me and i don’t know how to even act normal around her , and after the brake up I completely stopped believing guys because my cousin and friends keep telling me what they do to get girls idk why am even venting this it’s not coz I need help or anything I just wanted to let it out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996241331100464 2019-03-12 16:35:38,"I need to vent. So i got a question to all girls. Ain't even one of u wanna have a one night stand without all the bullshit. I mean it always consists of empty 'i love you's and 'you are unlike any girl ive ever met before' Doesn't anyone wanna get rid of the bull, hook up, and leave on good terms?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9855431318283081 2019-03-12 16:36:02,"I need to vent. Ok what in the actual fucking is happening in this channel, it used to be a place to come and talk abt serious and pressing problems. But now all the vents are about this guy ,this girl and don’t get me wrong those can be issues but come on guys we can use this channel for so much more than relationships. So I think the admins of this channel should come up with a way to classify the vents and post them on different dates or come up with a way because it’s really annoying to read this crap and i can’t read the important vents because I give up half way reading this drama shit.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993200302124023 2019-03-12 16:36:13,"I need to vent. Hi guys am sorry to waste your time on this but i just wanted to ask if anyone knows a school where u dont need an SAT/TOFEL test and application fee to study abroad",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993969202041626 2019-03-12 16:36:22,"I need to vent. Hello, does anyone in here know any part time jobs? I'm wasting money like crazy and its about time i start saving seriously‍anywho if you guys know any part time jobs for a campus student pls help. Thanks!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9991145730018616 2019-03-12 16:36:48,"I need to vent. Sooo I don't know where to start but I think I have anxiety or maybe I don't but I know that I'm not like the old me,I feel empty,I don't know what to do with my life,I done fucked up at school,I can't study,I always try to but I just zone out after a few seconds,I don't even think I'm gonna pass this national exam and that just adds up more to stress about,I got some family issues and that's what I mostly think about and I might seem happy when I'm with my friends and shit but it's just temporary. And I have no clue what to do with my life right now. What do I do? Can anyone relate? Is it just me?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9981814622879028 2019-03-12 17:27:17,"I need to vent. Sup guys what really bothers me is that am 21 years old and have the image of a 16 year old i mean no facial hair, cute as fucking baby i mean its not all bad but the assumption kills me a little every time, i mean am better at handling it than before but it still bothers me a little now i know i cant ask for advice becouse there is nothing you can say that i havent said to myself i just wanted to ""vent""",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997177004814148 2019-03-12 17:28:37,"I need to vent. some one I Know asks what ethics is for me and to share,thats makes me relize who am I ? I asked my self this question I whom my parents raise me to be ?or am I who I chosed to be?.....that decent ,shy and shame full girl is replaced by noisy,irritating and loud girl, I don know which one was the right one the only thing I know is am keep going, I don know which one was etical the shy or the loud one, sometimes I wonder what if I stayed like the old days? answers come to my mind that I will not be where I am people always used and throw me ,in that old days they always telling am the gud one but I naver had the cradits that I was, Thats what the society wants me to be Etical,the girl who will not speak up for her self, the girl who will said okay for everything..........but now am not that girl who the society wants, who my friend used to know I know deep down she is zir but its not time to revale her she has to be hide behind the smiles and lookin for her dreams ,chase them and see where would they take her......... Happy women's month My gal's",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9957279562950134 2019-03-12 17:45:30,"I need to vent. How do you let go of someone who messes u up every time they're on your mind, with out necessarily forgetting them entirely ..cause thier memory is too important..?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994469285011292 2019-03-12 17:47:11,"I need to vent. I thought i culd get over it.i even saw zem in z morning.i still can hear his voice.n now zey r not here. Zis thoughts inside me.wat if i was zer wat if zat was me...i cant imagine hw zey felt wiz all zat noise all z ppl screaming n knowing zat zey r dieing.its killing me n cant even think ryt.cant stop thinking abt zem n zer feelings zat zey wer having.its just so painful.its not as easy as z news or z pics.its more zan zat.n its making me loose all my hopes n dreams. .wish yesterday was a lie wish it never all my friends who lost zer lyf.may u rest in peace...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988092184066772 2019-03-12 17:50:40,"I need to vent. Hello everyone. I have lots of things to say but I choose to keep them to myself. Because once I start talking, there is no stopping me. In short, I have a problem of not being capable of lying! Can you imagine? Like if I smash a fly and kill it, I would have to tell it to someone or the pain if holding it in will eat at my insides If I see a person cheating in a test room, I raise my hand and snitch to the proctor WTF is wrong with me. I've never tried dating because I fear that I'll reveal every little thing about myself and in that case no one would wanna end up with me... I just don't know what to do about my condition. Help me?!?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9979674220085144 2019-03-12 17:51:02,"I need to vent. hey, had q for y'all ladies up in here. can a dude with not so great looks get girls or be liked by one? if so how?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9971089959144592 2019-03-12 18:22:17,"I need to vent. Everything is going wrong. It sucks when you have no one to talk to. My parents are here telling me I don’t take school seriously and my teacher the same as if she doesn’t see anything wrong with herself when the whole class is failing...keza my love life is a mess I don’t even know if I have a bf malet tetalten neber keza sorry mnamn tebablen ahun selam nen gn anaweram its hella awkward cos yetetalanewm it’s bcos I felt like he didn’t wanna talk and now I’ll try to start a convo gn he stops replying and when he does that I’ll think maybe alfelegem and when I stop he’ll say that’s not what it means. My ex...I figured out I was wrong so I texted him sorry but he hasn’t come online so he hasn’t replied gn I’m scared malet ene sorry yalkut ye ewnet lik endalneberku slemawk new gn it doesn’t mean I want him back. My best friend...yetewesene neger enegratalehu gn I don’t feel comfortable telling her. My parents...I generally don’t have a good relationship especially with my mom. Idk why I’m writing this I just had to get it off my shoulder and writing helps sometimes. At this point beka lemjewalehu malet ychalal hule andu sistekakel lela neger ymetal and it’s messing me up so bad emotionally and mentally. Idk if I can pretend to be okay anymore.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993684887886047 2019-03-12 18:23:13,"I need to vent. I really don't care about you but maybe this is one of the selfless things I do is this vent. I have seen vents students posting ""Oh my God, my grade is bad"" ""I was distracted by this chick that my rank is ruined"" well boo fucking hoo, well I had good grades when I graduated from high school I got to the ""best""(AAU) University in Ethiopia learned probably the ""best"" field and my friends in other very competitive fields where smart people supposedly join. We got good grades from University. Only to realize non of it mattered, being hired will only cause you a slower death than being unemployed were your parents will be the ones killing you; by thier annoying remarks and daily naggings reminding you that your not good enough and will compare you to the hired neighbor living next door but only to find out that he is more depressed than you and knowing he is wasting his potential by making someone else richer. Well what I am trying to say is, you are Millinials! The new ""lazy"" generation where everything is handed to you that you don't want to work hard a day in your life. Our parents generation got rich in the analog world(the ones that got rich, or survived there of) but we can dominate in the new world,the tech world. Conclusion: none of it matters. Your grades, your rank. I don't even think you should go to college, only the skills you gather matter. Learn coding, learn something related to computers that's the only place you have a chance. That's the ugly truth. RISK IT ALL! Your welcome.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999427318572998 2019-03-12 19:52:39,"I need to vent. So vent.... For everyone who says... ""Stop posting this suicide stuff seeking attention!!!"" Freaking think before u blab! Cuz 1. How do u seek attention anonymously?! You dont. So anyone who posts about it on vent here is probably not seeking attention! 2. Even if there are people seeking attention. Is it worth it to dis everyone who isnt? And even tho u feel they are seeking attention. Dont read it! Ignore it! 3.your all idiots!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999663233757019 2019-03-12 19:54:37,"I need to vent. Ummm... Have you ever felt like the world is always against you. Moments you just want to disappear. And never look back. A Lot of emotions bottled up over the years, you just don't know how to get them out. Anger, frustration and stress. Distance yourself from people. Build a wall so high, no one would dare to break through. Hurt by expectations. But you put up a front. A front that gets people going like ""aye that guy is happy"". But deep down even you are scared of your own demons. Yap, that's me.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7823267579078674 2019-03-12 19:56:06,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I need to vent. So herr's the thing. I'm a guy who always(literally every second) fantasizes about having sex. When a fine woman passes by, I instantly play a fictitious scenario in the back of my head where we bang like animals. HOWEVER, when the opportunity presents itself(and it often does) my interest fades away. Then I start beating myself about it then it happens all over again. How the fuck do you explain this???",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979245662689209 2019-03-12 20:57:17,"I need to vent. This is very important. It's been a very long time since I've passed my depressed phase. And to be completely honest, I thought I had been over it. I was fine. I thought I was anyway. But now there's alot going in my life, but even then I had found other mechanisms to overcome them. But you know as the pressure builds my walls break and now I'm thinking wether to shove pills down my throat or just not go to school anymore. I just really hate everything and everyone now. I'm always at fault for some reason. I wish I just had a voice and people could hear me out, I don't mean to harm people, I don't want to stand between anything I'm just going through my own stuff and I'm not getting any justice. My mind's thoughts are going to kill me. Please help. Before I do something I might never be able to take back.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9949889779090881 2019-03-12 20:57:23,"I need to vent. What do you do when you miss someone in an uncontrollable manner?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979078769683838 2019-03-12 21:00:30,"I need to vent. Big life changes are scary U lived ur whole life nt worrying abt money nd just in a blink of an eye everything is gone... U start to see some of the ppl u called frnds were just with u for ur money... Ur girlfriend leaves u claiming she doesn't love u anymore... But life is funny...when things turn up nd u get what u lost nd more...those same frnds come back missing u nd ur ex gf texts saying she made a big mistake.... Its hard to tell a persons genuine care for u wzout having them go thru hard times wz u...:(",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9965035915374756 2019-03-12 21:01:38,"I need to vent. Hey y'all this is my first time here soo there is this guy that i like i mean its more than like ena we flirt mnamn be tf ena he tells me he loves me N when we meet we make out mnamn gn demo it kinda feels like a friends with benefits thing enenja gn demo why would he say he loves me??? And sometimes he shuts me out for days and im left wondering what went wrong or what did i do this time? But then he comes back and acts like nothing happened bcha i know its fucked up gn demo i really love him i don know what to do ..what do u think he is thinking i mean what are we???? This shit is really fuckin me up ena beka im always thinking about him 24/7 ...ena demo some times he acts like a sweet boyfriend i mean really he cares about me mnamn bye maseb sjemr demo he shuts me out ‍ what the fuck is wrong with him i mean why wouldnt he make up his mind already?? I wanna ask him gn demo i dont wanna sound too desperate or clingy",love,NEGATIVE,0.9972596168518066 2019-03-12 21:09:05,"I need to vent. I saw u and LITERALLY took me less than two minutes to fall for u....ur smile, ur nose ur overall demeanour was extraordinary but then I heard u got a girl I was envious I felt broken for some reason it felt as if I lost the love of my life. It's very strange to fell in love and to be heartbroken in just 30 minutes. Even worse we went out clubbing together and damn I haven't heard a single word that u hv said I was too busy trying not to stare at ur sexy lips. We danced and I grinded on u I felt u and then I stoped I don't wanna feel sad for her.....Months pass with me fighthing off ma feelings and staring at ur pic everyday. I wished for us to text, go out, meet up. And then I heard u broke up with her I was the happiest creature alive...but then again I cudnt make a move. I even lost weight. Ma friends where rlly worried abt me. One night I promised to ma self to never think of u and guess what an hour later u texted...strange very strange but I calmed ma self and texted u back. Days later u took me out and then suddenly u stoped not mad or surprised. It had been more than a year and am more in love today than i was tomorrow and it will increase as time goes by. But I rlly hope I'll move on like rlly soon before I fuck up ma health and grade.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9620344042778015 2019-03-12 21:21:24,"I need to vent. Guys I’m not here to Vent but to ask for Help. I am sure most of you heard the story a girl who went to China and was falsely accused and arrested for drug possession. She is a friend of mine who went to high school with me and is facing a death penalty in China unless we help share the story through social medias Facebook and signing the petition so that our Ethiopian government could take this matter seriously and send officials over there to help her get a fair trail to say the least. Please search for Nazrawit Abera and share whatever you get on social media and tell your friends as well! It would really help out spread the word. Thank you to the team and all!!!",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9807621836662292 2019-03-12 22:09:28,"I need to vent. Hey guys , I need help!! How can I know everything about myself, I mean I'm suffering from identity crisis. Endet beye endemegeltsew alakem gn erasen alakem be acheru. Can you guys please recommend me some books or anything I would accept.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9938908815383911 2019-03-12 22:09:40,"I need to vent. Can I just start ma vent by saying holy crap. Am 20 and I feel numb I mean ewnet guys am at this point where I don't care about a thing . when I say I don't care I really really mean it bzw. Its just I feel empty and lonely all the time. And I do study but ma grades ty r wtf.I hang out with ma frnds but puff ty r boring. What makes me happy is when I go to clubs and do hooka I love it and drink I started doing that this year and I don't even regrate anything I do.I don't know how but I kinda don't feel all the thing I feel when am Im in there . oh one last thing i dont feel shit balfew sament ma zmed just died ena i didnt even bother to cry and am being this cold emotionless person and honstly its scary.And ma point is am not seeking any advice okay chill huh I just want it all out lotts of love guys Hahah lol Am kidden I don't even know u guys",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9831913113594055 2019-03-12 22:21:10,"I need to vent. So people I'm just going to make this as short as possible and say it i never really told anyone this before but i think I'm a sex addict I'm a guy in my 20's and I don't even remember when i lost my virginity i was little and the maids that used to work at my house probably was the first girl I don't even remember her or anything about it but since my childhood as a play or not i been having sex since i barely know what was sex i used to just act on my feelings and somehow i always had sex with girls from my neighborhood or school whatever hiding place i just do it and i never choose a girl whatever girl she is i just do it as long as she was okay with it and now that I'm older and wiser i think it has been all wrong and nowadays i almost never have sex like maybe once in 2 years or smtn and I'm at the point where i do almost anything to have sex with girls without choosing or having emotional connection with them and i guess what i wanted to ask was how can i stop it or atleast control my urges and I'm afraid that i might not have a real emotional connection with a girl who will hopefully become my wife and everything",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980977177619934 2019-03-12 22:56:10,"I need to vent. Has anyone ever felt bad about feeling bad about their problems i mean personally im a guy who is depressed most of the time and rejected by girls he is crazy about a lot to the point that he thinks the healthy response to asking out a girl is ""no"" and fat shamed his entire life by his parents siblings teachers and random people on the street and stressing out and anxious about the national exams and stuff but when i look around me i see people who are really hurt people who lost their families ,people in syria people in greater pain and i feel like praying about my problems is insulting God and cursing him for every other good thing he ever gave me and i feel bad for being mad and depressed about my problems when i should be happy. I see a lot of vents where everyone sees all the bad things in their life but to some degree everyone has bad things happening to them and they are just good at hiding it and smile through it and all i wanna say is we should atleast try to appreciate what we have in life because the more we complain and hurt ourselves the more these problems comes i know that from experience. And i wanna know what you guys think.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9298779964447021 2019-03-12 22:57:30,"I need to vent. Hey guys need to vent well my life has been really fucked up and so stressful this school year but even tho I manage to stay patient it feels like god is testing how far I can go before I break and honestly school is not a happy place for me anymore and I’m thinking about dropping out what do y’all think?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997138500213623 2019-03-12 22:57:37,"I need to vent. Have you ever lost all respect for someone? Like you don't hate them but you dont feel the need to associate yourself or say anything to them anymore",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950876832008362 2019-03-13 06:15:56,"I need to vent. So i heard about tinder right here on the channel so i gave it a shot but i wasn't rly expecting much. Got the app and literally the very first person i swiped on was a match this girl was straight up gorgeous so i shot her a text and we met up the same day...we had coffee she told me she went to Italian school and that she was 18( her profile also said she was 18) the next day, last Sunday, we met up and long story short we had sex. Then i find out from someone else in that school this girl is actually 15 and I'm 20...never mind it being illegal it's down right unbelievable i rly believed she was 18 she looked like it she acted like it idk this all came as a shock to me. So I'm out here thinking in the middle of the night whats my next move???",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9771674275398254 2019-03-13 06:16:04,"I need to vent. Question: Does kissing another person while drunk be considered as cheating on ur partner?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991914629936218 2019-03-13 06:16:41,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse hide my identity I need to Vent. So he was my best friend and We were in a fight and it was his fault and beka always sentala ene negn sorry yemlew even when he was the one making mistakes but this time I feel different I don't know why I didn't want to say sorry I think it is cuz I am tired because it's his fault so he is the one who have to be sorry, And in the other side I really miss him I miss us together doing crazy shit so I really need ur advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987130165100098 2019-04-01 18:53:34,"I need to vent. Thinking back to the times that have been the most special, the most exhilarating and the most damn fun, they’re the times when I’ve been bouncing around a room full of good people, just doing what I do best. Laughter matters to me. Being silly matters to me. Being with good people matters to me. So how did it happen that I’m at a place in life where I spent my Birthday (and a lot of other days to boot) alone for the last few years? How did I get to a place where I can go days where the only conversation I have is with myself? How did I get to be more alone than ever? I’ve noticed the lack of human contact impacting my energy levels, my enthusiasm about things and even how I perceive my own feelings. The whole thing alarms me and disappoints me, and all of this is potentially more damaging than anything I could set out to do intentionally. I know that an isolated life is not the kind of life I crave or need, and I honestly don’t know what the road ahead looks like or if I can even stay on it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9829545617103577 2019-04-01 19:04:05,"I need to vent. Heyy guys umm there was a girl ke tewaweken 2 amet yehonenal we were best friends mnamn ena yehone gize i fall in love with a girl(her) for the first time ena mn ende mareg alakem neber then be debdabe negerkuwat how i feel for her mnamn ena the answer was negative but tesfa alkoretkum i still love her everytime im falling in love with the same girl ena i want to ask her again but i don't know how pls guys i need ur help tnx",love,NEGATIVE,0.9624161720275879 2019-04-01 19:49:13,"I need to vent. Im sad... Soo sad.... My life's empty n boring... Bicha evth is goin the way i never thought it would.... I want someone to talk to.... Like someone understanding.... I aint seekin for attention if it seems like that.. Im a girl n 16..... But been thru a lot.... Like a lottttttttttttt....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989197254180908 2019-04-01 19:49:33,"I need to vent. So here is the thing. I'm a girl 24 and i have severe anxiety.not professionally diagnosed but has been around enough to disrupt every part of my life. Which includes dating. I've never dated a single person all this years. I've been on numerous first dates. My anxiety is at its highest on those moments. So yeah it went no where and i met all of them online mostly tinder these days. And the fact that i'm inexperienced also makes me more anxious so its a cycle. I dont know what to do. Any help is welcome",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9943599104881287 2019-04-01 19:50:18,"I need to vent. Hey y'all Lately i feel like im not in to my bf i mean i do love hin but the things he does keep me from lovin him beyond like he replies late he keep on seen n stuff n when i try to open up his excuses are endless n i don wanna have that kinda relationship n we ddnt meet in a month n zat pusses me off n i think to end z relationship n back i hv feelins for him n i think he does too n he'll be hurt if i did it first i just need a way to fix all zis or it'll end. I really don know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9850482940673828 2019-04-02 06:36:04,"I need to vent. Hello ppl..was wondering if I could share this with u guys .so I been in worst depression for 4 fucking year which is so awful...I have to pretend everything is okay which is rly killing me inside.used to be smart ,calm,never been stressed or depressed turn out I become this stressed, depressed, retard teenage girl which is really ruing my God damn life.right now am year 12 I can't concentrate on my studies fuck am so scared everyone is expecting too much from be boom wtf am suppose to do .I know visiting Doctor is z only solution but if I told my mom what's going on she will suggest me to go to church which ant gonna help me at all.I even have quiz tomorrow but can't study when i study in a library or school am totally cool but home I literally get sick.ebet satana le gmash seat yahl atenalew keza bekeleu never mechenanek ejemralew n then I suddenly stop studying I have never told to anyone except my best friend scrow her she don't give a fuck.all I ever wanna is be z old me be z happy me.I don't even know what I did to deserve this.this is so fucked upppppppp!!!!!!!!!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9987884163856506 2019-04-02 06:38:11,"I need to vent. I don't know what to do with my life. Well this maybe cuz I live my parents life they tell me to jump I say how long? I hate my life I keep wanting to DIE but I know it's a sin so I don't do that don't tell me to tell them it's my life cuz that didn't work help me",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9969381093978882 2019-04-02 15:39:33,"I need to vent. I’ve been in a long distance relationship for a little over three months now. This is my first ever relationship so as you can imagine, having it be long distance on top of that has been a pretty confusing experience. My boyfriend is extremely sweet and he is quite literally the picture perfect boyfriend. I know he’ll always be there if I ever need him and he just treats me so well. But in the past three months my feelings have been stagnant and they have not developed to be any stronger towards him. He’s always treated me with care and love, he always tried to be there for me and I have never really gotten that from a man, I had a shitty father who was never there for me. And I feel like going into the relationship I might have compromised my feelings because I felt like I wouldn’t get that kind of treatment from another man. And now idk what to do because I definitely don’t feel for him what he feels for me. Any advice? (p.s. thank you to anyone who took the time to read this)",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9708302021026611 2019-04-02 15:39:48,"I need to vent. Hide my id. there was this girl i've been with but we broke up a couple months ago and now she starts giving me signs that she want to get back or something but i guess deep down i want her back too but am not feeling her rightnow like i don't know how can i be me like the old me with should i just go with the flow or what? Any idea would be helpful tnx",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986982345581055 2019-04-02 15:40:09,"I need to vent. We all have little momentos that we take away frm rps....mine is a scar. It's a little tiny scar on my left so small and fading you can barely see it but still i find a way to look at it everyday. It's not that i miss my ex, i dont its just that it's sad that someone i felt so strongly for back then means so little to me now....just a few months have gone by and I've already been in so many casual rps not only that but I've completely forgotten her, her birthday her smile her voice everything. I'm not trying to be heartless or cruel but i honestly dont care about her I'm starting to doubt i ever did. Now I've got something really good with someone new and I've told her all about this...about the kind of person i think i am and she said she was okay with it. But why tho? She's way too beautiful to deal with the mess that is me. The bottom line is I think history is going to repeat itself and ik i need to grow as a person but how do i go about doing that?/",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8558251261711121 2019-04-02 19:28:51,"I need to vent. Well my whole life i have lived in this bubble, trying not to stir the waters. i kept to myself and didnt want any form of confrontation be it with my family or my friends. because of this i prefer to be alone, situations and circumstances drive me into conversations and relationships but ultimately i never feel at ease. i dont understand what caused me to become this way, my parents arent perfect but no one is, i have siblings that love me and take care of me. i have friends i can count on not to judge my actions and accept me as i am but still i feel myself withdraw from society. its getting worse and worse now, i dont want to leave my room, i eat, sleep and work there. if i go out at all i would rather go somewhere alone rather than call someone to keep me company. i dont know if this is a problem but i just dont feel right about it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9973708391189575 2019-04-02 19:29:26,"I need to vent. I think I killed my mother, I don't know for sure but there are fragments of memory. I only remember giving her a sleeping pill bottle and telling her to sleep until the pain fades away and the next morning I heard ppl crying. My mom over dosed.she a cancer patient Am I a murderer? I can't sleep at night anymore causes the memories come as dreams or shall I say nightmares. What shall I do",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9943729639053345 2019-04-02 19:29:46,"I need to vent. hey, had q for y'all ladies up in here. can a dude with not so great looks get girls or be liked by one? if so how?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9971089959144592 2019-04-02 19:30:31,"I need to vent. I was labeled as “the loner, the angry kid” “different.” Not the same. Invisible. I am gay and in love with someone I shouldn't be. He is my cousin (not related but pretty close). He is the only one I came out to and he has been very accepting. We Have had our moments too. Couple of makeups and we've exchanged blow jobs. But thing is there's more of my baggage than this. I sometimes feel like a girl. I put on makeups and dress like a girl. And he's okay with that. But when I told him I might be a closeted trans he flipped and never answered my calls. How do I make this right? Or how do I figure my sexuality?",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9971041083335876 2019-04-03 06:42:41,"I need to vent. Hey everyone! My problem isn't as serious as u guys and I'm really sorry for wasting ur time but I need ur help. I committed grave mistake by forgetting to inform my bestfriend and some of her friends crucial information that was very important for her. I literally forgot my bestfriend She was pretty mad at me and i apologized but our friendship has been awkward since then. What should I do to make it up to her and her friends",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9962175488471985 2019-04-03 06:44:29,"I need to vent. I have got this naughty aunt and she always talks about bad thing and she living we us and as usual bad thing about me and my family so should we throw her out what help please",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965577721595764 2019-04-03 06:44:45,"I need to vent. have you ever felt like ur a problem your friends , to your family, to everyone around u? well that's what I've been feeling lately. I have a bad social life I mean I just cant get along with people most of the time , I cant interact with groups and stuff because im kinda shy I mean im nat actualy shy gn beka ale ah kesew ga lemegbabat ebtam it takes time for me ena I don't open up to anyone, I feel like if I tell them what im actually feeling they will judge me , im not the lowkey type mallet I can tell u what I did what happened mnamn gn I cant tell u what that incident made me feel ale ah beka I talk abt the actions or the suituations mnamn endi hogne endi arge mnamn lel echlalew gn demo I wont tell u what that thing made me feel ena that sucks. the other thing is its just most of the time my friends would be fighting ena mecheresha lay im the reason ena I hate my self for that betam and also my relationship with guys never works out mnamn maybe there is something to do with my behavior I get jealous betam ena demo im betammm insecure abt my self. ena demo even tho I don't get along with most ppl mnamn they still be talking abt me mnamn there are always rumours going around about me even in my old school and also here in my new scl ena bcha betam nw miastelaw. I just wanna change , there ie something wrong with me . what should I doooo?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987019300460815 2019-04-03 06:47:07,"I need to vent. I'm struggling to find the motivation to study And I dont see any discipline in my life Like everything is all over the place And it's very depressing for me Like when I was in Islamic school, discipline was kind of easy. I'd wake up at like 6, pray and get ready to go school. I'd be in school from 8:30 till like 4:15 and I'd arrive home again by like 5:15 -30 ish. Then I'd eat and sit down in the spare living room to learn Quran for the next day. My parents took out the sofas and stuff and had these custom mattress type things on the floor. And I'd recite till like 8ish and the rest of the day was mine. Maybe It doesn't go to plan every single day but that was like 90%. I'd sit like morning and evening on Saturday and Sunday too. Like I feel even though it was dry, there was some sort of structure. The main thing ig was pressure from strict parents But now I find myself doing the randinest shit all the Time and never studying. I'd planned for a complete revision of Quran and even extra things, but none of that seems to stick. The thing that gets to me also is that the year Is basically finished and so there's even less motivation to fix things What should I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998507559299469 2019-04-03 19:50:33,"I need to vent. Hello, I guess. 19. Freshman. It's a common thing to hear from a discussion about cannabis that it's used to treat ADHD. Although there's no scientifically proven fact for this, it's widely accepted opinion. Yes. In some cases, time slows down, everything has fluid sensation and the surrounding becomes calm, heightened observation skills and understanding makes it a lot easier for anyone with ADHD to be stable and focused. But in the long run, none of this is confirmed. So, if anyone has any experiences or ideas on usage of cannabis in terms of temporarily ceasing ADHD, please stand up?",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9887718558311462 2019-04-03 19:51:04,"I need to vent. Esti stop and listen, can't u hear the unstoppable marching of time which is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable DEATH. no no no i am thinking this to much i need to concentrate on what i have and work hard, meaning blind my self until i have more money, to buy more things, to see more places and that will create this joy which basically nothing but chemicals dancing inside this flesh , but i could love someone and that in return. Yeah that is better now i can fool my self from remembering this void of non existence by another urge from my body to continue it self. Or i should just shut z fuck up and stay alive because every body is doing it. Awo they are doing it because they might have reasons that i dont understand or maybe they are doing it cause others are doing it or they are doing it to numb themselves from the absurdity of non existence. Come on! I need to have faith in God. he knows better,so i need to wait. Bt better how? Happier? Healthier? ,What the fuck are those? Just an irony which i will get when this all end or maybe this will never end ...and not to mention some of the shits feels like freaking badly written sci-fi which are very paradoxical with themselves What the fuck are u really? ,what the fuck is birth ordeath?; Is it beginning and ending of this prison of flesh? it all this beqa? ,it is literally nothing Fuck IT!....i will drink the shit out of it",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987618923187256 2019-04-03 19:51:32,"I need to vent. Guys.... Am like..... Idk where i am...... Am like lost meselegn.... It's like this.... My dad is a fukin drunk ...... He drinks shit every fukin day and nags me with every little thing ena beka reason new mifelegew.... I am done I've done this for fukin 18 yrs.... My mom demo kene belay new misemat.. After he mechekachek with me... I go to my bedroom ena my mom follows me ena beka Mnm endaysemash eshi mnamn stuff.. Ena most of the time she cries .... More than me malet new... Ena she is getting hurt for me.... For her self too cause he nags her too.. Ena beka sometimes i even wish for his death ... Idk..... Some times demo i wish its me who should die i think of commiting a suicide but then i think of my mom ena leave it.. Ena ahun am about to start a job... Ena the firat thing i want to do is leave home with my mom... Leave him .... Ena idk bcha.. Esti say sth‍‍",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984652996063232 2019-04-03 19:51:48,"I need to vent. What if I can't have kids someday?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987719655036926 2019-04-03 19:52:16,"I need to vent. Okay I want you guys to insult me malet don't use like cuss words but like be mean beacuse I seriously deserve it and I need it. I'm destroying my future and if I keep on being like this I will be the death of my mom. Then I'll will be the death of myself. I'm serious... I will start for you if you want... I'm a lazy self absorved slug I have the the potential but I don't want to put the work and I deserve slap from to wake the hell up...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9976866245269775 2019-04-06 08:36:50,"I need to vent. Ok so I'm a guy in my early 20s and I found solid evidence that suggest that my little brother(13yo) is gay. He doesn't know that I found out, and I'm confused as to how I should approach this. He's my brother whom I still love very much and I won't let this change how I feel about him. My question is. Should I talk to him about this now or should I wait until he gets older?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.5857182741165161 2019-04-06 16:57:06,"I need to vent. hi everyone , its been one month since i got in to relationship... it was good tho when it was started but the thing is i moved on then it became long distance relationship.. we started arguing in simple things ..she's hot tempered (angry) .. when we fight i calm her down so many times .. but she hates that b/c i leave the situation to save our relationship.. she wants me to be angry when she is angry,and now she told me that she needs some space..what shall i do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974654912948608 2019-04-06 16:57:06,"I need to vent. Hi evryne How u been Ok hear we go I'm male 26 got a career, I met this beautiful girl because of my cousin, she is a friend of her. And we started talking then I like her she is awesome and smart and doesn't give a shit abt how she do things and the people's feedbacks, owww I liked that abt her, then I took her on a date and it went well, then again for a couple of time we went out have dinner and bla bla, u know, then one day she called and I met her and that day we started relationship, I guess I can call it that. And I was happy I knew she liked me, and we had an amazing weak and then she started pushing me away, I couldn't understand why? I asked, she said ""u r mean and I don't wanna be wrecked buy a man and I feel u would do the same to me"". . I didn't know what to say, I remember telling her abt my past relationships and she was judging me in every situation I took a guess that it couldn't matter for her but it did, and the second reason she said ""I can't stand u being my best friend's Cuz I feel so weird when ever I kiss you and everything"" ohhhh that I didn't expected and she also said ""I'm ur karma for what u have done in ur life "" and she left, that hurts so bad, I never had a trouble of getting a girl gen I still think abt her, I'm so mad that she left because of what I did in my past relationships and my Cuz, I wanna talk to her and kes be kes maneneten lasayat felegalew gen I don't really know endet bye bawerat melsa letaweragn endemetchel, I really like her and I miss her...... I need ur help on this, beteley girls, pls",love,NEGATIVE,0.9132035374641418 2019-04-06 16:57:38,"I need to vent. Emm.. so my problem is I worry about things a lot like what if my mom and dad dies? what if sth bad happens to them? And because I always think like this I find life very stressful I'm not really happy about things not because of anything but death. I'm seriously worried about it nowadays so whenever someone do sth and try to make me happy I don't feel it I don't feel like trying new things and just feels suffocated I went to church and stuff and now I'm trying to go to the psychologist cause maybe I need someone to tell my feelings hoping to find even a lil soln but I'm feeling that nth will ever change this feeling of mine.. I just don't know. So I want to ask y'all if it will get better if I will ever stop worrying and be happy. What should I do to stop all of this worrying things and be happy? I'm so stressedddd",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9992332458496094 2019-04-06 16:58:41,"I need to vent. I lost any kind of motivation to do anything. I was the smart kid but now I'm the dumbest of all. I went through so many shits. I feel low , sad and want to kill my self. Idk what to do... Please guys give me ur advise I need help before I do something that I regret.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995655417442322 2019-04-07 16:52:00,"I need to vent. Guys i have a question for almost 16 years destegna hogne alakem malet echelalew im serious kasalefkuachew negeroch antsar gen eski negerugn meche nw destegna mehonew meche nw ye netsanet hiweten matatemew? Kakeme belay nw kemer im sensitive ena mood mnamn sateyezu serious yehone comment setugn",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9900520443916321 2019-04-07 16:52:22,"I need to vent. betamm eyetechegerku nw. i am trying to move on from this girl.... Bt i just cant. Ik she aint the one for me gn our past ena our dreams yane yasebnewn sastaws mnmm liresat alchalkum and thanks to her ahun life is becoming azaaa ina aselchii",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9780554175376892 2019-04-07 16:53:12,"I need to vent. Hey guys am in a bit of a runt here I've been in a relationship for 6 months or so and the furthest I've gotten is a goodbye kiss i dont know why but i dont see us having sex i mean am attracted to her but i just cant seem to make the move and the worst part is all the other ladies look yummy as hell and this girl in particular she is fine and i mean fine and kinda loose all that is expected from me is just show interest and boom am laid so should i break up with my girl first or should i just do it and just resume with my girl like nothing ever happed and remeber i cant be with the girl am trying to sleep with",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.994027853012085 2019-04-07 16:53:20,"I need to vent. hi, its my first vent so here it goes im college boy ena I'm just so depressed for a lot of reasons first I'm not happy about the way I look physically am a bit insecure and second I am not that much of a guy girls consider for dating thirdly I'm broke as a joke and I'm always like that so what should I do the get out of this vibe?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99947589635849 2019-04-07 16:53:47,"I need to vent. Sup y'all i rly need ur advice there is this guy ena we kind of had a thing ena beka we hangout mnamn gn me being z side chick all the time ...malet he be dating girls ena kenesu ga mnamn sifatam he still goes out with me mnamn ena keza gn all of a sudden he starts acting weird mnamn , he gets mad if he hears abt me and another dude gn demo he dont want a serious thing with me gn demo he wants to controll me mnamn bcha endeza negr...keza one time i got drunk over weten ena we dodnt actually go out together gn he told me he would be coming mnamn ena he came gn he didnt approach me ena that got me mad malet beka its like he dont want to be seen with me mnamn demo i swear like mitaferbat aynt set adelewm yemr gn beka he doesnt want his friends to know abt me mnamn ena i know his friends dont like me maybe thats why kenesu ga sihon he acts weird like nothing happende mnamn just normal strangers endehonn nw act miaregew keza that day i got fed up at his bullshit ena ke lela wend ga nbrku gn we only kissed mnamn keza gn he got mad abt it mnamn ena he started ignoring me ena sawaraw rasu he acts weird ena he didnt say anything abt that day bcha beka keza behula we r not on good terma ena i ever said sorry ena he told me i didnt have to apologize mnamn ena that his cool with it gn demo the way he acts mnamn endeza adelem ena beka ahun tezegagtenal wht should i do ? Gn demo ko he doesnt have the right to be mad at me yemr lela gize ko esu kelela setoch ga siweta mnamn mnm alelewm bka i just dont wanna look clingy mnamn ena demo the way he acts mnamn he makes me insecure abt my self betamm malet beka i feel like i dont deserve him mnamn ena his cool , he got the looks mnamn, hulum negeru des ylal ena he is the kinda guy that is lowkey mnamn ena beka u cant know what he is actually thinking mnamn ...why do u think he is acting this way ahun",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991334080696106 2019-04-08 07:44:57,"I need to vent. Hey there.... This is my first time venting and let me say this this generation is so fucked up starting with me.... Am in even worried about our mental health.... Children this days are talking about drugs ,sex ,crime like its nothing... Our environment is getting harsh by the minute and it seems not to bother any one am 24yr old female and am saying thing like back in our time.... Imagine how fast is every thing changing... And also humanity don't start me on that I can't even imagine what some people do to each other with out any reason so many greedy people who can't get enough of any thing I can feel my self changing every day and not in a good way... Almost every young people are busy with addiction including me... It's our hide out...pure Happiness seems like a past story now where are we going... Can we change ,can we be like what our parents used to be, can we protect our environment and breath fresh air ,,,can we.... Can we ????????",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9967832565307617 2019-04-08 07:46:05,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Hey there everyone its my first time venting hope I would get some kind of relief after this. So let me start am a girl at my early 20's, got parents that would do anything just to make me happy, alot of friends that care about me and that don't too Ex that loves me more than I love my self, so couple weeks ago I tried to commit suicide but instead of dying guess what I ended up in emergency room can't tell ya what I felt, waking up to look at the faces of the nurses, friends and relatives was the last thing I hoped to see tho I was sure that I would go to hell if I did succeed with the suicide plan but still I did it.. u guys don't know how much I tried to change ma mind but it didn't work I was so desperate, lonely tho I was surrounded by dozen of peoples but still it was not enough plz don't call me a selfish.. It's just that am not HAPPY I mean it when I say am not HAPPY even tho u would swear that am the happiest person alive if u knew me but am not I feel that am useless, a waste of oxygen.. the doctors told me that I have to see a physiatrist and they are right cuz till now am not regretting the attempt so better if I went there so this is just the highlight of my story till then just know that it's true when they say that people that laugh the most got a lot of pain that only him/her and their creator knows",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9658281803131104 2019-04-08 07:46:49,"I need to vent. I feel like I am ruining my life. I am a smart capable individual with tons of potential but I dont do anything with it. All my life I have been told to apply myself and that i can succeed but I never do anything. I just waste my time doing useless shit and watch life passing by. I am my own worst enemy, it is not the things i do or try to do that ruin me, it is my inaction. I just dont do anything, even impotrant things that i should absolutely follow through with. I am tired if always dissapointing my self and everyone around me. Recently I have been filled with so much regret, I just want to curl up and die. I just dont want to deal with life any more.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990835189819336 2019-04-08 19:58:24,"I need to vent. I am so mad at myself. How can i be so misguided.?I have ruined everything. How can i be so shortsighted so arrogant so selfish? What cant I do anything right? I am such an Idiot!!! I dont deserve to live. I dont deserve anything. I dont deserve my awesome family. They have been so supportive all my life and all i have done is dissapoint them over and over again. I am such a loser i deserve death",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.999600350856781 2019-04-08 19:58:45,"I need to vent. Hey I'm a girl that goes to high school and I'm not that much of a tegbabi girl. But smh rly bugs me. I mean I'm chocolate color and everyone in class is always like anchi tikur mnamn....malete wtf?! What do they think they are? I'm so tired of this bullshit. Even my best friend teases me for it ena ande I brought out all my anger on her. I told her to be with a person who's not black if me being black bothers her. Ende guys it's so fuckin annoying like Betam and I'm sick of people I only know online cone and say you're so black. Fuck them anyways guys if you have any suggestions for what I can do with my friend....I would be so grateful",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994046688079834 2019-04-09 12:52:26,"I need to vent. Mmm ma name is b am from Addis am 20 yrs old am about to get married soon am gonna marry someone that I dont have a feelings for , now let me start all the story we used to date but I Luke nothing of him I want to date him cuz I want to spend time with someone but some day he came to me and tell me that he told his uncle and parents that am pregnant I was shocked and almost dead and I can't do any thing so I start to act like I am when I mate them and he ask me to meet ma families and I let him but after that things start to change ma families start to ask me when we r gonna get married and his parents keep talking about marriage that makes ma life difficult cuz in ma last fe I never ever want to disappoint ma parents so I agree to get married but after a couple of days I loose all the interest in him he is so not gentle , am not trying to admire ma self but am beautiful with an amazing manner and mmm a good ass but he ain't rich he ain't cute he don't have a gentle man's behaviour so what do advice me ma wedding is so soon do I need to leave him and got ma dad and all ma families angry at me I can't or do I need to get married to him and make ma whole life so hard",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9635236859321594 2019-04-09 12:53:25,"I need to vent. I am 25 yrs old guy and dont really get it why my previous relation ships with 3 girls dosnt work. Well I have a good job and i can say am cute and fatheful too but after spending with about 6 month they say I dont deserve u bla bla ... ‍ am really confused should I be a bad guy so that my next relationship could not be ruined",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9867253303527832 2019-04-09 12:53:41,"I need to vent. Is it okay to move forward from ur past relationship quick every body says it has been 1 month why did u rush it am i wrong for moving too soon... Any comment",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979718327522278 2019-04-09 12:54:08,"I need to vent. Hello guys. I think you guys will think its normal but my problem is. I sleep with every women I meet...I mean it will take me like a week to sleep with them but after that I don't feel good. I feel bad..and after two or more days I will find my self having sex...what shall I do???",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999142050743103 2019-04-09 12:54:24,"I need to vent. I know the truth, I'm seeing the truth but I'm still believing the lies,‍‍‍ That's not normal right",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.996142566204071 2019-04-09 12:54:37,"I need to vent. I need to vent. I'm crippled by my past. I keep thinking of how it could've been, and how I should've handled things and all the things that have gone wrong which should never have gone wrong. All the terrible things I've done that cannot be undone. I keep thinking of all the time I've wasted, and all the people I've hurt along the way. I keep thinking of all the things I could've been but now am too late. All the wasted opportunities. If only i wasnt so shortsighted. If only I took things seriously. All my friends are living their dreams and here i am stuck in a rut, not moving forward and watching life just pass me by. I am such a useless person, I am truly useless. All i have done is disappoint myself and my family. I just cant continue like this. How do I forgive myself?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992737174034119 2019-04-10 16:56:03,"I need to vent. Hey, folks...need to vent here real quick. So basically where it all started was me losing focus on class on highschool, n my parents retiring from work early, making our family finance unstable...and I had to go to campus to kefle-hager n learn shit I dont want to, with lots of C's and B's I have got this far...gonna graduate but with no goal. N generally feeling that I cant even say that I have a degree/ or know shit... Im at a point where Im confused about my career n goals...can I get a help?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9996200799942017 2019-04-10 16:56:49,"I need to vent. I have this scary feeling somebody's going to die, I'm not sure if it's someone close to or someone I barely know But it's there, and it's fucking scary having to see everyone around me and imagining them dying, and I can't sleep, study, or eat. I know it's wrong, and my mind knows it to, but it just won't stop. I don't know what to do, So tell me what to do.",fear,POSITIVE,0.7996671795845032 2019-04-11 10:24:47,"I need to vent. okayyy so im 16 and bipolar apparently and i feel like im misunderstood in so many levels u see my fam thinks i act this way cuz im addicted to phone. What does that even mean how does a phone completely change me. whatever keza now i never show how i feel i always have a painted smile on my face everytime that no one notices when im truly happy and thats rare. bicha i started talking with my frnds about this and someone else and i felt like my frnds felt uncomfortable with having that knowledge uk that i hide so much but this person helped me sooo much and i got attached so hard too fast ena that person is kinda ignoring me and i feel like im back to square 1 where i cant trust anyone what should i do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988283514976501 2019-04-11 10:29:09,"I need to vent. I think some relationships (or most I see around me) are overrated. ""What do you mean?"" Well, I'm a second year guy. But I didn't go through highschool chasing a girl after another girl... You know? And I still am not. ""Are you saying you're gay?"" Wtf no! What is wrong with you? ""Then explain yourself, boi!"" It's just that, when ever I think about it, it just becomes so damn pointless. I believe in love, I really do! I also believe that somehow, everyone has a perfect path to find their true love. ""What's your point? You're sounding like an ancient philosopher."" Alright, my point is that, why be with someone if you can imagine an ending to your relationship? If you like the sexual thrill of it, you shouldn't be like ""Oh he broke my heart "" BOO HOO! Girl you know dat boi ain't gonna stick around, finish school, get a job, take care of you, marry you, buy yourselves a house, make some kids, and live with you forever. Otherwise I don't think there's ever a point to it. WEY DEMO? ""Oh I like the fact that he performs well when we have our alone time (y'all know what I mean)"" and then when you find him cheating, you sob on your bed make that pillow all wet with your tears. And I look at you like, what the f are you doing? Get yo ass up and go to school. Go. I mean I feel like some of you are gonna be like ""Oh this is way more complicated than you think!"" But, is it? Then I need something. TELL ME ME SOMETHING! TELL ME WHAT YOU WOULD WANT FROM A RELATIONSHIP YOU STARTED AT THE AGE OF 18 OR SOMETHING! Aight I'll continue this vent in another one after listening to what you guys have to say down here",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9984814524650574 2019-04-11 10:29:26,"I need to vent. I don't know why am sad,I don't know why I can't be happy for too long, I don't know why I cry, I don't know why I hate myself so does anyone else feel the same shit if u do ur welcome to join my pity party so let me know",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982770681381226 2019-04-11 10:30:39,"I need to vent. Hey am 19 year old guy in college I have trouble talking to people mostly because they think am guregna idk but truly I just have the lowest self esteem a person could have and I just care too much what people think I don't even know what my opinion is ...I mean how stupid can this get ryt? And also I couldn't gather the courage to ask out girls so I have been single my hole life ...any advice on this would be appreciated tnx",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979508519172668 2019-04-12 12:02:25,"I need to vent. I really fucked up. I took a girl for granted cuz I knew she liked me first. For years she waited for me and nothing happened I didn't budge. But she was done eventually now that she's with another dude I fucking hate myself. I cringe every time I hear her name. Jealousy is eating me alive.",anger,POSITIVE,0.8094627261161804 2019-04-12 12:03:21,"I need to vent. To the new trend followers of athiesm and/or to the porn, sex, drug, unfaithful life ridden depression inflicted brothers and sisters Hello! Im M. Isnt that unbounded free life of doing what ever you want nice? Right?!! So when your told you need to abandon that life style because the bible demands it and you cant because the other side is boring and well... Its completely different. So if you deny that side your mere free living conscious will judge you soooo...what the heck... There is no God !! So you try to back your new notion by Googling this and that to consummate your new belief with your small and probably naive mind of yours. While some of you hide behind religion and stave off any such attack by your conscious and say ""im a follower of this and that religion so im granted the card to do what ever i want"". So the minute depression knocks the door all you think about is the rope. Afterlife eludes you. You use google as your instruction on how to cope with things. But not the bible because even though you know deep inside it has the answers you wont take it because your consciously dirty and your enjoying your drugs and sex and the free life. Stop lying to your self! Fear is nothing compared to hell. Drugs, sex, fornication are nothing. Dont go the longer route of faith into thinking there is no God and you happened by accident. Your parents may love you may be till death and so may your friends. But no one will die for you even when you hated him like Jesus Christ. He died and descended to hell in your place. He bailed you out! You dont need to live this life because you will be denying the free gift. Im not writing about no religion. From one former atheist, depressed person to another.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9900211691856384 2019-04-12 12:04:40,"I need to vent. I wish you know that it was me posting all this vents. I wish you know that I haven't moved on yet. It would have been very nice if you knew I am in pain. I would really like it if someone else could tell you about how I feel and so you can talk to me. I just can't tell you. I can't forget you. And it hurts when the pain has become part of you. It's there, it hurts but you are used to it. You probably don't know this feeling because you are seeing someone you love. I wish you were the administrator of the channel so that you can see my identity and talk to me about everything. I know I sound pretty dumb right now but what can I do, he makes me this way",desire,POSITIVE,0.8346586227416992 2019-04-12 12:06:07,"I need to vent. There was this guy i met at a work training. We have been talking since then. He says he loves me n wanna marry me n have kids. He is so sure abt me n ol. I started liking him.Things were goin well until he raised an issue of sex. He believes it is a must to know each other sexually before getting married. He said one of us might have a natural sexual problem(which i don know wat it means). And he said we have to have sex n check if we are a good match for each other. But i am a christian n i have a no sex b4 marriage rule. Told him so. Now he is pushing me to change where i stand. N my defense was since am a virgin girl there wud be no physical inconvenience that may make me unable to please my man. The only sexual problem i know is rectal dysfunction on guys. So i told him if he doesnt have that we r good to go. Even if zer r some issues, we can communicate n solve it. But he insists on havin sex b4 marriage. I told him to go away n cut him off. Did i do z right thing? N r there any such things like natural sexual incapabilities on a girl? Thanks in advance.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9952062964439392 2019-04-12 12:08:47,"I need to vent. Well i feel like am gonna let my family down. I was a very good student, I mean like i was teacher's favourite and like my dad has been pushing me to the limits i didnt have that much time for games, sports and shit.... When i entered high school i started to feel like every one started avoidin me i mean like i didnt know jokes, I wasn't strong or good at anything. I started feeling depressed and like just felt my self changing I became addicted to video games to separate my self from the world i stopped studying and ma results went low and now i feel like am gonna fail my fam be disappointment Idk. Any advice",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993335604667664 2019-04-13 07:06:01,"I need to vent. So this is the deal.......this girl ws my first crush ....And it wasnt an ordinary crush like i started to feel like she is the one......and i asked her out....she said yes......The thing was i love her bt i dont see her sexually i mean she so sexy and fine asf bt i jst dont see her dat it a problem guys??",love,NEGATIVE,0.796877384185791 2019-04-13 07:06:50,"I need to vent. I really need a friend",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9969024062156677 2019-04-13 07:07:07,"I need to vent. I don't know why am sad,I don't know why I can't be happy for too long, I don't know why I cry, I don't know why I hate myself so does anyone else feel the same shit if u do ur welcome to join my pity party so let me know",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982770681381226 2019-04-13 07:07:18,"I need to vent. Has any guy ever tried to give himself anal pleasure or is it just me? I even use candles as a dildo.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988429546356201 2019-04-13 07:09:09,"I need to vent. I have a lot of things to vent about but i'll tell you some. I'm the kinda guy that easily gets aroused (after long hug or a kiss I get a boner) and it's quite embarrassing. Especially if it's in a public place! How can I stop getting boners easily ..or after I to reduce them? The other thing is I fall in love easily. Like if I talk to a nice looking girl and if we click, I just imagine all these romantic stuff that I wanna do for her and thay makes me act strange and I usually lose the friendships I had because of this. What should I do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9914177656173706 2019-04-14 09:13:35,"I need to vent. Hi guys, i wanted to vent about this long time ago but didn' really shy and afraid of talkin to girls, i only had 1 girl friend which was almost 6 yrs ago, am 22 now and single as shit, i really want to be with someone but i can't sometimes i even think i will die single and i always want the ladies to talk to me first cuz am too shy that i can't even start a conversation. Any Advice?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9954009652137756 2019-04-14 09:23:29,"I need to vent. Not a huge a problem or anything...ahh idk Oh what the fuck My best friend found a new best friends. it seems stupid and i would have laughed at myself if even thought of worrying for stuff like this a year ago. but now it's happing and i feel like i am over reacting but idk we did a lots of stuff together shared lots of secrets. but now we barely talk and i know there is no one to blame here idk but it ah it hurts.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995088577270508 2019-04-14 09:24:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys so this is my story I have a friend and she purely considers me as her brother but I have fallen in love with her and I have been keeping it for almost 3 years. We grew closer as the years go by, but she even enganged in a relationship and now every time she talks about it, I feel so awful. So obviously I know this ain't gonna work and I am not gonna ruin her relationship but my question is, what shall I do with me and her? I mean should I stop the friendship? I tried everything in the book to stop my feeling so will distance help? (Specially ladies what would you think if you have a male friend in this situation)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975565671920776 2019-04-14 09:28:58,"I need to vent. Me and my ex were together for over 7 years ever since i was 13... she was the beginning of it all my first crush, my first gf, my best friend and was the only one i had been intimate with. We were together throughout higschool menamen ena i couldn't imagine my life without her. But after highschool things started to change with her she was always the jealous gf and honestly i loved that about her but then she took it too far she would get angry at me for no reason, she would get very possessive to the point i could have friends other than her beka she would even freak out if she saw someone elses stuff in my car. For 2 years i mustered all the patience i had hoping she would change once she saw how faithful i was to her but she didn't then things got to the point where i couldn't even stand too see her anymore so i broke up with her. It's been over a year now and she still hasn't given up begging me to get back together with her...she calls me at all hours of the night, she calls my frnds my mom just everyone ik to try and get me back. Ik noone will ever care for me like her but still i don't want her back she has sabotaged all the rps I've tried to have after we broke up she calls them and tells I'm some asshole player menamen and most of them believe her. I'm not the type of guy to scream and shout or even get angry for that matter but things add up over time and i have just had it with her. I just want her out of my life I've tried being friends with her menamen but nothing seems to work. I need help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9944873452186584 2019-04-15 12:52:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys does anyone know a medicine for gynecomastia or any other way to remove it, please",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991315007209778 2019-04-15 12:54:35,"I need to vent. Hy its me for z 2nd time, the situation am in is like i hv a friend he is gc and am fresh and we met last semester he added 1 course ena he sit in my place thats where we saw each other, he isnt good looking but he is like men like body and other staffs ena we became friends, we go out for dinner everyday & we chat and we talk abt alot of staffs and he has gf ena she is so far far away from him like he only meet her once in a year ena bka i liked him ena there were a gc color day party thing and we drunk and played a game t or d then he dare me to kiss him and i kissed him back, he replayed too then he want a girl in here & am type of girl who says never sex before marriage mnman keza he asked me to change this thought so that i could be with him and give him everything i hv. But when we were drunk we only kissed and if he wont he could do anything he wants to do but he didnt &i respect him 4that, yesterday he asked me what is ur feeling? &i replied we r friends ena zare we planed to be together &hv fun and drink alcohol but he didnt call or text, am worried about our friendship is it over or....? FYI he isnt good with his gf ena i hv a chance to be with him or.....?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9924777150154114 2019-04-15 12:54:40,"I need to vent. Hey, idk what to say, I fell numb and I really need a help.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995110034942627 2019-04-15 12:55:49,"I need to vent. Hello and here is my vent okay here is wat happened so I made out with my crush to make my friend who i know is in love with me but he is fuckin so stubborn to tell me jealous and the kiss with my crush was awesome like real good but idk wat we r now kahun behuala awkward new mihonibin like demo all 3 of us same class nen and I don't know wat the fuck to do yes I can talk to them both but doesn't that make me so desperate? Ik he is my friend but I don't want him as my boyfriend or sth so help I think wat should I do ?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9915727376937866 2019-04-16 09:48:55,"I need to vent. I want to know if there is a place with low cost or free maybe governmental hospitals where i can get medication for depression please please help me",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9991230368614197 2019-04-16 17:55:44,"I need to vent. Have you ever loved someone so much that it leaves you in pecies wondering how they managed to put you back together. And when it ends it leaves a crater in your chest that nothing can fill. When they are your first thought and your last and each time you have to convince yourself that it really is over. This ebb and flow of pain becomes the rhythm to your new reality. It hurts so much it makes you wish you never met them. The worst part is not that they left but that they showed you a version of you that could be so happy you thought you could do anything. Maybe you were too much for them. To many pieces to sort through to find somthing good. And maybe they deserved better and you this. This suffocating numbness to all but them. Reality feels like it's volume has been turned down. What once concerned you is now but a white noise. And no one dare come close to how you felt about them. So much that it makes you angry when they try. It seems never ending. Feeling like a part of you is missing. Walking incomplete knowing you'll never be whole again. Maybe it will take the world to fill what they left hollow. So you run and run. Always on the move always in between distractions to steal your self from remembering that she will never be yours again.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986423850059509 2019-04-16 17:56:26,"I need to vent. Hey guys its my first time vent hope i will get helpful Advice's...Am a university student ena like bzu gize am alone ena menged lay shed or smtn ke sew ga ayn le ayn keteyayew bhuala i dont feel confident...i think i hv fear of eye contacts ena guys mn tmekrugnalachu tadya...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9982367753982544 2019-04-16 17:56:50,"I need to vent. Hi it's my first time to vent my question is why is everyone afraid of me malet kamire I'm not like a horror person gn everybody is afraid of me both boys and girls and I'm 17 years old by the way ena I'm in high school any comment you are welcome",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9814708828926086 2019-04-16 17:57:01,"I need to vent. I remember celebrating your 8th birthday. We were so happy. Then you enrolled in my school the next year. Everyone loved you. I remember how we fought as kids but always made up. Our parents were involved sometimes. But we grew out of it and we started to joke and play I was uptight and you helped me loosen up. We shared everything. There was nothing I would have not done for you. I loved you so much. I still kinda do even after all the things you have put me through. I get angry and sad but I think I understand why you felt like you had to do it. From the surface it seemed like I had it all and you wanted whatever you thought I had. I didn't want to believe it but I got my proof and now Idk how to go back. But I know all good things come after forgiveness so I forgive you. I forgive everything you have done and you continue to do to me. I refuse to get angry about the past. I refuse to let my story be about how I was your victim. God has given me a chance and it's all in his hands now. I wish you the best my dear. And everybody that has turned your back on me, I forgive you. I forgive you for letting me down and making me feel alone. I am grateful for him cause he has been kind and patient to me and he is what I need, at least for now. Everyone else, I can't keep living like a victim anymore. I am going to take back my story and rewrite it, even if it means I would be doing it alone. God Bless y'all.",love,POSITIVE,0.996025562286377 2019-04-16 17:57:13,"I need to vent. I am in chaos. The world looses it spark When all u want to do is to see, touch and feel him ,just him. All those attractive ppl seem to cease from existence, Falling in love made me change in so many ways regardless of the sexual tension skyrocketing with every passing day, ma impaired judgment and trust issues constantly growing I fear of what I hv become. A mentally unstable virgin. Hormones and emotions are pushing ma limits. I never intended to save up until marriage neither hv I tot of losing it in college to a dude I just met. I who turned so many possible nice guys down is now willing to lose it all to an asshole, a man whore who is layin with prostitutes to avoid the time and emotional connection vested on a girl. Yet he who is open and easy to sleep with who shd hv been on an arms length seem to be out of reach for a girl who loves every bit of him all of his imperfections. It was never I want him, it's more of I need him And now I need him more than ever",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9867063164710999 2019-04-17 14:10:05,"I need to vent. Three years ago I met this girl, we connected immediately. She’s beautiful, smart, funny.I was so happy I found the girl of my dreams. We started dating, and in the middle of our relationship something that always happens to me. I get this feeling of being trapped when I get too close to someone. Ive had this problem even with most friendships bewnat.I can’t help it I just feel like I need space, and most people don’t understand that.The more they try to talk to me the more distant I become,and I’m talking about my closest friends here.So I stopped talking to her and she panicked,she thought I didn’t want to continue dating her.She tried so hard to make things work but I wouldn’t let her.And finally she stopped trying. I didn’t mind at first, I thought WHEN I’m ready, things will go back to normal. But she stopped trying after some months, so I tried texting her.She’d reply sometimes but you can tell it’s just to be nice and not cause she was interested like before.But even then I acted cool about it because I thought if I tried hard enough she’d come back.About a year passes by and I see her with another guy.That’s when I freaked out! So I tried calling, texting. Anything to get her to talk to me, she answered sometimes but I felt like I lost my chance. So I explained everything to her, I told her how hard it is for me to get close to people and that I’ve never loved anyone like her.She told me she genuinely loved me, but she’s really moved on.Ive bottled this inside all this year and I regret it from the bottom of my heart!I had an amazing girl and I let her walk out of my life. All for absolutely nothing.I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes thinking about her and all this.I mean she loved me!There was a point she’d do anything for me,and I gave that up.What did I get in return?Why didn’t I simply force myself to explain my situation when it mattered?Time heals pain but not regret.I have another girlfriend now but nothing seems to help.I know there is nothing I can do,I simply wanted to put my thought in words",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9247303605079651 2019-04-17 14:10:36,"I need to vent. Sup guys... Its ma first time to vent here it a vent or any thing u want ...and this might be a little bit strange but i need help.. Ezi channel lay yaluten vents almost all malet ychalal anbebewalehu enam btam migerm ngr ysemagn jemer am not depressed or stressed but i want to feel all this thing ...i wanna get broken....i want to feel that there is ntg left 2 live for...i want to get hurted bla bla i wanna feel real pain....ik yhe berasu telek prob endehone enam endezi feel lalemareg mn larg ...bka i even started trying ways to be like u guys who had a prob ... What is happening with me????? Enam mn telugnalachu...",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9988065958023071 2019-04-17 14:11:23,"I need to vent. You ever just get so annoyed at something and that bothers you even more cos its not something thats supposed to even cross your mind. I don’t even know why i’m venting here rn I mean idk what comments im expecting really I just have to let it out ya know. Its just this guy that im talking to like its nothing more than online friends, legit just that, but I find myself getting annoyed at the simplest things he does and idk bro its just fucking with me.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991993308067322 2019-04-17 14:12:09,"I need to vent. Ok so try and read dis for me my beloved sis. Have you ever wondered about eternity? There is no beginning or end to it. Nor is there a value of time. You see, the world we live in has very much made all attempts to materialize our lives and portray hell, demons, and utmost, God and heaven as imaginary non existant places. Now i dont know you but you have no idea how glad i am you didnt die. We humans tend to rebel and voice our concern against God when smtng goes wrong and go to our sex, drugs, alcohol, movies or such to celebrate our happiness. So i think you shud thank God you didnt die. Go to youtube, search for people who went to hell and back. You might think its a con but and some of them cud be but im telling you most of them aren't. Hell is where this agonizing place of rotting fire and torture? Why wud you choose it? Do you know Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven?? And he said whomever it is with sorrow and heavey burden i shall give rest too. Please thank God you didnt die. Ur lucky. Besides that you shouldnt feel guilty about the past just be thankful.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9965351819992065 2019-04-17 14:16:37,"I need to vent. Heyy i rly need ur help guys im trying to get out of depression yelele but hulem rasen depression west nw magegnew i need ur help ena i need someone to talk",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985077977180481 2019-04-18 15:37:38,"I need to vent. Me and my ex were together for over 7 years ever since i was 13... she was the beginning of it all my first crush, my first gf, my best friend and was the only one i had been intimate with. We were together throughout higschool menamen ena i couldn't imagine my life without her. But after highschool things started to change with her she was always the jealous gf and honestly i loved that about her but then she took it too far she would get angry at me for no reason, she would get very possessive to the point i could have friends other than her beka she would even freak out if she saw someone elses stuff in my car. For 2 years i mustered all the patience i had hoping she would change once she saw how faithful i was to her but she didn't then things got to the point where i couldn't even stand too see her anymore so i broke up with her. It's been over a year now and she still hasn't given up begging me to get back together with her...she calls me at all hours of the night, she calls my frnds my mom just everyone ik to try and get me back. Ik noone will ever care for me like her but still i don't want her back she has sabotaged all the rps I've tried to have after we broke up she calls them and tells I'm some asshole player menamen and most of them believe her. I'm not the type of guy to scream and shout or even get angry for that matter but things add up over time and i have just had it with her. I just want her out of my life I've tried being friends with her menamen but nothing seems to work. I need help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9944873452186584 2019-04-18 15:38:17,"I need to vent. hey people this isn't a vent actually but I really need ur help guys...... so do u guys know any hospital or a doctor who's is good at surgery here in Ethiopia I really can't find one. my sister isn't confident about her body so I really need to help her so do u guys know any doctor who is good at doing body surgery thank u",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9985540509223938 2019-04-18 15:39:05,"I need to vent. I had a crush on this guy the we started talking n we became friend after a while I started seeing side to him UK like he makes it seem perfect his life it's not...when ever I get too close he pushes me away like he starts ignoring me and all the time I'd like force him to talk to me I try not insist on making him tell why he does what he does but I'd like to know why asking him over n over again why his like this might be nagging nw beye zem elewalhu n even when his being distant n ignorant I talk to him ..ala no pride I care about u n i wanne know u so what ever I don't care how many times I reach out past ur ignorance I'll do it beye gn then at an point it felt a bit too much I started feeling like maybe he just doesn't like it our friendship or whatever it is maybe that's why he ignores me all the time so I ask him n he say no I ask him again n again untill he gives me the answer I wanned cuz I guess deep down it be better if he just told me it was because he didn't like me because that would be easier to let go right that to just go through this all the time cuz honestly I've never told him this I play it like his weird but I'm the nice girl that just won't give up on him but it's not true when an one u care abt just ups n ignores u for day not giving the slightest shit what's happening to u it kinda suck not kinda it sucks a lot n I started getting tired of it so yehone time I didn't contact at all he ignored me I accepted it but then he came back he darted talking to me again but then recently he decided to do it again this time it was because I finally told him that if he doesn't give a shit not to pretend n that it wouldn't hurt me if he left n he did exactly that n now I don't regret saying it but should I contact him again ask him to tell me why in words? Should I guys?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984190464019775 2019-04-18 15:39:48,"I need to vent. Does being alone with no friends make me look like a loner? I love my own company but I also can't help caring about what people think. What do u guys think",love,NEGATIVE,0.9783064723014832 2019-04-19 08:03:19,"I need to vent. This is not a vent. I just want to reel you all away from your problems for a second and talk about a big problem that has been overtaking our country for a while. Colourism and bullying. No. I am not talking about racism but colourism. For those of you who don't know what that means, it's discrimination in which people are treated differently based on the social meanings attached to skin color. And somehow, I don't know when it happened. But this problem has found it's way into our community. People of darker skin tone ""tseym"" are as the times go on constantly being told ways to get lighter, called ""barya"", and made fun of because of their dark skin. Don't get me wrong, all people are beautiful. But darker skinned people are constantly told that they are not pretty enough because of their colour and lighter skinned people are told that they are the epitome of beauty. This is a mind set not a reality. No, I'm not denying that ""tseym"" people don't have their share of admirers,I'm just looking at the average Ethiopian's thought on things. I see kids being told they're not as pretty or handsome as their siblings or their friends because they are too dark. But why is it this way? Why must we scar children's brains with this thought. Why must we push younger girls to search for lightening products instead of having her work on her personality. Why must we be so vain? We are Africans. Our hair is kinky, our lips are big, our noses are stubby, and our skin is burnt. Why should we search for a western image? Why is the western image the representation of beauty? We are all beautiful in our own way. The shade of our skins should not be used to define beauty. Please be considerate. Also like I said this is not me saying ""key"" people aren't pretty and tseym people are better. They're not. We're all equal. I just feel like darker skinned people aren't told they're beautiful enough. I know I'm gonna get alotta hate on this vent. But I just had to say that. Thank you. Proceed with your day.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9211910367012024 2019-04-19 08:04:22,"I need to vent. After i met someone on the internet and we have been talking for 3 month's and he asks me to marry him when do u think is the right time for me to say yes for the marriage?is it okay if i accept the question now?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.996551513671875 2019-04-19 08:04:37,"I need to vent. Hi unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Am 25 and I can say that I have nobody to talk to or some one who can really understand me . I have friends ,brothers and sister too but we are not that much close I always want to have a best friend or someone who I can open up and talk to with out thinking that they will judge me but after we are being close for some time I will find that they really don't care that much for me ..I always expect much from people specially from the people that I love but I always end up getting not saying that am that nice and perfect girl but I always wonder yelb wedajun yemiagegnew yemr perfect hono new I that bad to have real friend?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9977893829345703 2019-04-19 08:04:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys 12 grader 18 yrs old having sooooooooo messed up lifee.. and plsssss guys i need some one to talk tooo so badd...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987646341323853 2019-04-19 08:05:01,"I need to vent. I don't know why but I have real problems with love issues I am constantly falling in and out of love and it's getting worse everytime I feel like a I need a man to help me feel complete n the funny part is that I'm very amazing at everything I do I have a gd ego and I have been through a lot of things I'm a straight A student I have a fine family I have many friends and I sd be happy but if I don't have a boyfriend I don't feel perfect and I have been hurt way to many times I have cried for way to many boys n I'm gonna take matric very soon n I can't have my self depressed all day and crying all night my latest hit is this kid I crushed since summer he has been through a lot he knows every kind of pain in life he went through shit starting from a young age and I thought I'd help him he is a gd person and things didn't go well he rejected me last summer n we haven't talked since a few weeks ago we got close again told me he loved me n shit so we started a relationship I didn't want anyone to know so I kept it a secret from my friend n when we look at each other in school we'd ignore each other I don't know why but he is drifting away from me he isn't talking to me we'd both be online but we won't text eachother I really love this kid and I really don't wanna lose him he got me fucked in the head I need him n I can't have another heart break ryt now we both have high pride and ego how do I get out of this addiction on boyfriend I'm not a player I swear I tried to move on but I find myself in the same position again and again I have a family business to take over I'm a first daughter and my family expects great things from me I don't want to fail them just for a boy",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9879524111747742 2019-05-01 22:12:46,"I need to vent. Hey, I am in a big mess. My dorm mate is a all started when I wud catch her steal glances at me when I am getting dressed, then one day she did sth over the line, She touched me in intimate I am scared to even sleep in the same room as her. What shud I do???????",fear,NEGATIVE,0.998184859752655 2019-05-01 22:14:11,"I need to vent. Hey ya’ll don’t know if any of u have ever been thru this but imma go ahead and say it anyway. I’ve been with this girl for a couple of months now and I really fucking love her I mean like in a way that can’t be measured and Ik she loves me that way 2. The problem is i think we love each other so damn much we’re toxic to one another we can’t be near each other without hurting one another. When she wants me 2 do something and I don’t she swears she’ll harm herself and she actually does it sometimes even if I do what she asks of me. I feel like I’m the problem and she wouldn’t be doing any of this stuff if I weren’t with here. I’m kinda going cray cray just thinking about what she might to next to hurt herself. I rly don’t know what 2 do. This was my last resort and had 2 ask for ur help so what do u think. And pls excuse my spelling, grammar, punctuation or any other technical errors. Had to get this of my chest asap. Tnx",love,NEGATIVE,0.957964301109314 2019-05-03 06:24:17,"I need to vent. Well like all good vents this is about a girl..... Well the girl actually the perfect most amazing girl I have ever met..... But me being the stoner I am these days I feel like I'm always high and I feel like she's slipping away from me....there's a whole lotta problems between us but ....",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.8902390003204346 2019-05-03 06:27:17,"I need to vent. I really need to vent cause this has been bugging me for the past few months. You see I have this best friend who I've been friends with for a while now. This person is like a sister to me and we are almost alike mentally. We were roughly around the same neighbourhood and practically lived together. But recently, I moved out of my home and into a neighbourhood farther away from her and we haven't been seeing each other enough. The only time I get to see her is in school but even then it's not enough. Then she started not coming to school one or two times a week. Sometimes even three. She said she had problems of her own and I got that but it still hurt that I didn't get to see her as much. With all the shit going on now, I feel like I'm losing her. We aren't as close as we used to be and it hurts so goddamn much to know I can't do anything about it. The worst part is that I have these thoughts in my head that I can't stop. I always feel like she's better than me. And that she more loveable and social and even if she ends up being okay if we ended up not being friends anymore , I'd be the one who went to shit. I'd be the one who stays alone. I'd be the one looking stupid cause she's so good at dealing with people that she will have people who have her back and defend her if shit goes bad. I'd be the one hated if we ever broke apart. I feel like if this goes bad , I'd lose myself completely. I mean, for a whole year , the only reason I woke up and went to school was cause I didn't want her to be alone. That was my only reason. And if I lose her , I don't think I could ever come back from that. I guess that's it. Thank you. If anyone has any advice for me please share.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969925880432129 2019-05-04 13:33:57,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. I have a question .why do ppl try to judge me n give me this look when they found out that I never kissed anyone y do they hv problem wiz that .y try to tell me this n that cuz I havent dated anyone so far . ""mtsm"" thats wt they say .""inexperienced"" that's wt they call me. koy y tf do they care thats my fuckin life eko y do they give a fuck. Uffff am sick of it .",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993202686309814 2019-05-04 13:34:05,"I need to vent. I am a boy and 20 years old, and I really need a friend.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9946609139442444 2019-05-04 13:36:36,"I need to vent. Hey, its my 1st time to vent n idk wr i sld begin from. I hv a kind of change phobia n evry person i told to thought its nt dat big of deal n its Westerns thing ... But it is hard fr me even to change my pen, cloth... There was a guy n we used to be best friends but through time i stared hving feelings fr him but he had drt religilon n he hated rns .. so i hid evrything. But one day he moved away n was gone out of my life. This was 1st big change i had to face n we wr vry close i had no life with out him so i departed frm evrything my friends, family, happiness... I thought one day i wld find him n have all z things back... And it went like dat fr 6 years cldnt stop crying i become so lonely n even forgot wat happiness was like. Then problems began piling up on me my dad lose job, we started hving financial problems we cldnt afford things we used to do even for our house, school... I cldnt take it anymore i faded away, evry thing hurted.. One day i found my friend again n we began talking... he told me he loved me.. So we started a relation i got hope n i remembered hw happiness felt.. But things wrnt easy as i thought he wldnt trust me, always telling me he wanned to forget me... but i loved him so much i always tried to understand him.. We wanned to meet in person but i didn't hv z money.. But he wldnt understand,he said am hurting him... One day i got money so i went to him n saw him after 6 yrs we talked,walked... We wr happy ... After a week he told me dat he was tking about our relation n decided dat he sld forget me, he doesnt want me to spoil his life... i asked if sth happened but he said ntg did. I tried to tell him all i want is to make him happy n am alone i rlly needed him but idk why he just kept ignoring me,... i begged him to give me atleast chance to see him again once but he threatened to block me n said dat i am bad person i gave him a scar n dat i will always hurt him. I swear he was z one thing i hv i gave him space n evrything he asked me but he didnt care he kept hurting me pushing me away, n taking away my hope n evrything. Now i feel so much pain dat i feel like am dead n nobody knows abt any of these n i dnt hv anyone to talk to so ik its rlly toooo long but at least somebody wld read it n idk then. 10q vry much if u did!!!!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9941661357879639 2019-05-04 13:37:10,"I need to vent. Yeah! I need 2 vent I mean let's call it a vent &.... I've been reading vents & not 2 be judgemental n stuff.. But i mean almost all ovya R thinkin u're falling in love n stuff but thing is dat that ain't love u talkin it's just that u're in a state u really need(want) a partner & i bet u all are the same age ... & guess what i 2 am a teenage.... But different ... I think i see things from a different angel u can say what u want .. . i'm not saying u're wrong in fact u all deserve 2 knw what love is.... But true love is not dat difficult 2 find .......... Pliz U can say what u want .... Any thing........... It's .''B'' aight then ciao",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8444754481315613 2019-05-05 07:39:45,"I need to vent. For any person with suicidal thoughts I've got something to say. U may look at yourself and say ""I am unworthy"", ""no body likes me"", ""there is no point 4 me to live on earth"", ""if I die nobody will miss me"", ""there is no meaning in life"", ""no body loves me""........ and all downgrading things I didn't mention. But I tell u none of them define you, u r not an animal or insect, u were worthy to be created by z image of God. And there is Hope, there is a lot of hope. Those all things u said about yourself were ideas given by z Devil to u. He wants u to believe all these words n commit suicide. well if u take ur own life, then the Devil won't be going to z place he deserves alone. The only true hope and happiness I know, I have found is through Jesus alone. I am not imposing Jesus on u, but try him and look for yourself.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9929904937744141 2019-05-05 07:41:06,"I need to vent. Is it normal to bleed a little during sex even if it isnt your first time mnamn? Any girl here evr had that?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984965324401855 2019-05-05 07:42:53,"I need to vent. Okay here it goes, i am attracted to girls feet’s like foot fetish. I have foot fetish, but i am okay with that, its not a problem. The problem is that this one day i asked this girl to send me a foot pic right? and while she was uploading the pic she run out of data so i sent her a mobile card, i guess she went on to tell one of her friends about it. The freind texts me saying she could send me her feet’s pic if i send her mobile card, well i did. :| it started like that and now i spend lots of money sending strangers mobile cards in exchange for foot pics and i really want to stop, but i cannot help it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.995183527469635 2019-05-05 07:44:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm NX,I've joined this channel like a year ago because I've been deal'n with the same kinda shit my whole life and all this time I'm reading this texts that r different but at the same time we're all facing the same problems in our lives it got me think'n why is it that our generation is so fucked up it feels like our environment,families,friends and the whole fuck'n world just couldn't give us a break because they start with by making us believe we're worthless;not capable of becoming the best of ourselves without giving us a chance to prove what we're really capable off because everyone tries to feel good about themselves by keeping us down. I think in one side our country(3rd world country) ppl around us give us all this nonsense because everyone in this fuck'n country are insecure about themselves that they're telling us what to do,how to live without letting us to experience anything in person I mean this ppl r fuck'n losers and stupid that's why we're not developed as a country because no one wants to put in to work everybody tries to find shortcut this society doesn't believe in us because they don't believe on them selves all the system and our families they r not letting us to become ourselves what I mean by that we should really go out of our comfort zone and strive to our dreams and experience life if you wan do smt just do it without over thinking have a friend meet new ppl pain makes us evolve knowledge is the key to everything I don't mean like seating in the class room or anything just go out research on your own ask ppl try to understand without fear being judged do what really makes you happy we've only lived a decade or two we all have smt special that we deserve to show to ourselves that's when we're all got to show all those peoples that have been doubting us On the other hand we all have our own side of story why we're depressed and loosing hope but I think we should all start by stopping the stories that we tell ourselves we should really notice what we're really doing to our brain I guess others r trying to influence our way of thinking by programming our minds by different kinds of methods I don't mean all but some kinds of music just choose wisely what you're doing to your mind Say what you really feel on the comment",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9968552589416504 2019-05-06 06:42:03,"Please do notice that to see this message, you will have to update to the latest Telegram or Telegram X client",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9948834776878357 2019-05-07 06:21:36,"I need to vent. Hey humans plz do u know anything over the counter or something other than weed that relives stress i feel numb when i get closer to ppl emotionaly im really socially anxious i cant breathe or say werid shit salasbew plz if u got through it help",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993446469306946 2019-05-07 06:21:45,"I need to vent. I'm in love with someone who bullies me constantly. He hates me and looks down on me. What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9873192310333252 2019-05-07 06:22:31,"I need to vent. So here's the thing. My dad died when i was 4 and i dont remember him much or miss him a lot but recently i've started to noticed a pattern on how i see guys. I think i keep looking for a father figure in them. And no this isn't some weird sexual fantasy nor am i attracted to creepy old men. It's more on the way of how one makes me feel. I want him to be possesive and controlling, protective and firm but also gentle and kind at the same time kinda like a father in a way?? When i miss that quality in someone i keep getting dissapointed and distance myself. I'm also worried that this tendency of mine might make me fall prey to abusive relationships! I dont know if i'm just wired that way or is losing my dad the issue. I dont know what to think",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9920251369476318 2019-05-08 19:47:43,"I need to vent. when the night was full of terror and you needed someone to hold I was there up all night beside you.. when that night was finally over and when your not ready to see the morning shining sun I was there shading the light trying my best to make it beautiful so that you can see it through my eye's.. when the sun was getting warmer when it was hard to stand alone I was having your back so hard with out knowing you have mine.. when the day was finally over and the moon I love start to come out when I want you to be with me so that's I can enjoy looking at her somehow you were long gone my love before the full moon was fully out!",love,POSITIVE,0.9813941717147827 2019-05-08 19:48:49,"I need to vent. guys i need ur help & i know u will help cause most of us r in to it. i have been mustrbating(sega) like 4 years ..wen i started it temechtogn nbree but now its like am addicted to it na i've been dating girls like 3 ex's & i have a girlfriend right now. i had sex many times gn altewkum... i want to stop ,u need to stop. so help",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9943300485610962 2019-05-08 19:50:50,"I need to vent. Hi all. Am new to this.. i need to vent but this is not something i can do with my friends but the thoughts will kill me.. am a weak guy, am so ashamed of my character. people say am handsome i also think am handsome physically but am ugly on the inside reason being: am so weak. God has blessed me with two great girls i can call lovers over my lifetime... The first we broke up after she discovered i had sex with her friend. The second we are now in a huge fight i don't think we will ever get back together... She caught me red handed also with her friend doing sex: They fought so bad that day they had to be separated by hotel guards otherwise they would have killed each other but i wish they could have vented their anger on me instead because am the stupid one i caused that fight... Am very weak, every time a girl lays her hand on me or looks at me in a certain way i feel attracted to her. I don't know how to say no... The reason i slept with her friends is because they got close to me through her and when we are left alone it's a long story but i can't tell, something happens that i can't understand and then we have sex not that i love them. I feel so worthless there's nothing that can cheer me up right now because am a dumb guy who has no control... i can't write more that's it ... please advice me on what i should do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989078044891357 2019-05-08 19:51:02,"I need to vent. I hate that I act tough when I'm the most sensitive person on this earth. Every small stupid shit hurts.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9992929697036743 2019-05-08 19:51:29,"I need to vent. Most people hate it when Jesus is the topic of conversation or the minute the bible is mentioned. Life is hard. Even in the mist of happiness and joy there is an incoming grief and loss in our life. The richest person will lose some one, may get sick, lose some property, was/is depressed... Same goes for the poorest. If your reading this you ought to know that some day you will encounter happiness and on another day pain. You may think your so comfortable in what you have right now but it WILL perish and change. If you jump in the middle of an ocean and you drown the ocean will spit you out eventually. Your problems are not permanent unless you make them be. I have a massage for those who are in some very deep problems just like i am you can find rest in Jesus. If you were the only person in this world Jesus would still some how come to die for you so you dont need to suffer for long and you would probably be the one to kill him. He got wipped, scorched, beaten, laughed at, ridiculed for you... He cried for you... He was in torment for you... He was in fear for you... He became a curse for you. He is saying Are you in shame? Give me your shame! Have you been cheated on? Are heart broken? I will heal that! Do you feel this loop of drugs are killing you inside? I have the life you want! Are you in depression? Give me your depression! Are you tired of living? I will be your strength because i love you with an everlasting love. Do you feel unclean? Dont! My blood can wash away any dirt. Can you see your brain with your eyes? No. You just believe you have one. God is out there! looking at you with an enormous eagerness to choose him and all the bandage for your problems are in the hands of jesus. Jesus is enough! የልጁም የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ደም ከኃጢአት ሁሉ ያነጻናል። (1 ዮሐ 1: 7) I LOVE YOU ALL!!",caring,POSITIVE,0.923784613609314 2019-05-09 19:55:05,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I wanted to ask air Hossteses for some advice, does your period become irregular since you start Flying?....I really really need answers please",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9974204301834106 2019-05-09 19:56:35,"I need to vent. I'm going to do what i normally never do and be 100% honest. The thing is my life is a little sad... i don't have that many frnds around campus whatever group of frnds i had the fist year I've slowly grown apart all bc of me I'm thw type of guy who's so into himslef and i just have this annoying habit of putting other ppl down which stems from my own insecurities as a result not a lot of ppl like me and the frnds i have now are like me if not worse so i feel lonely sometimes especially if i have noone to keep me company at night and my roommate is out. I used to date a lot but i don't anymore med school has a way of sucking your life away, I'm a rp kind of guy but some how i just end up doing physical shit with anyone i can and end up regretting it the very next day. But what i rly want is a sepcial someone to keep me company and to talk to and i don't have that...I've never had that and even though i want all that i don't know how to make it happen all the girls I've had in the past just fall into my lap so idk how to even start doing that. I don't think I'm shy but I'm not too bold either. Even if all that goes terrible i still have school,the one thing that's actually great in my life...but i never feel like thats enough",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9473756551742554 2019-05-09 19:57:00,"I need to vent. Hey, I am in a big mess. My dorm mate is a all started when I wud catch her steal glances at me when I am getting dressed, then one day she did sth over the line, She touched me in intimate I am scared to even sleep in the same room as her. What shud I do???????",fear,NEGATIVE,0.998184859752655 2019-05-10 19:42:39,"I need to vent. Man wtf you can’t keep doing this to me, it feels like I’m the only serious one in the relationship and I hate that I’m being that rn Shit was supposed to change, the whole point I told u not to talk to me was bc I couldn’t spend enough time with you and we couldn’t be together and it feels ever since we got back together shit hasn’t changed like yes we’re dating but what have we actually done so far... I’ve spent more time with every one of my friends this past month than you I hate this, I REALLY fucking hate this and I hate it when we play games... there’s so many people who play games you weren’t supposed to be that and I keep thinking that this is my fault and I pushed her into something she didn’t want and that’s why she’s like this. Idk maybe were better of as friends as much as I hate it What’s weird is u not even gon see this and this was supposed to be for you God damn the shit I kept back for you still hurts Man I love you more than anything but I can’t do this What y’all think I should do?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9990625977516174 2019-05-10 19:44:13,"I need to vent. Hey everyone i need some advice. Well there is this girl egna sefer she is cute n hot(big ass) so u know wt dudes do when they see a hot girl they go after her so i did actually i know her since we were infants becha back to the story so i started flirting with her mnamn but she always give me a negative reaction as if she dont like me or not interested but i didn't give up..... becha yehone day she gave her phone to a mutual friend n we were hanging with that dude.. idk how he knew her pattern but he unlocked her phone n we went through her gallery. Guess what?? She got like 100 of my pics saved idk how she got it but i love taking pic but not sharing it becha i was shocked i was like WHAT THE FUCK she even edited them with some heart emoji on top of it mnamn uk wt girls do.... so i really wanted to know with who she chat so i logged in her telegram with my phone... telegram sent a confirmation code to her phone i used that code n deleted the txt from her phone n telegram account boom then i am in......keza she has a friend by a name stranger(telegram name) she talks about me kesua gar ....i lost it i was so fuckin happy mnamn but i didn't ask her about the pics mnamn cuz i stole her telegram confirmation code if she finds out cheger wist negn..... so what should i do?? How should i ask her??",love,NEGATIVE,0.9981011748313904 2019-05-10 19:44:24,"I need to vent. Hey guys am 20 and a university student I guess I need help.. okay it all started last year i was in a relationship with this girl n i don't know why but she felt insecurities when she's around me and we broke up and now am in a new relationship and she's showing me the signs that she is too.. it never happened on me but it has been happening since last time..i don't know if am scary or too nice or even creepy am z same old me but girls keep actin weird around me...soo please help if anyone know what's happening to me..please",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9862509965896606 2019-05-12 17:54:59,"I need to vent. Hey ....wt do u want me 2 do ..fuck i love him so much..more than words can explain..more than anything n everything...i even love z pain...he broke up with me n i cried so much but i even miss that..cant move on n cant think of any one. What should i do...all i wont is one mores so that i can live n be with him for fore ever one mores.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9690691828727722 2019-05-12 17:56:01,"I need to vent. Its my fist time vent so am 21 a guy and a bit crazy some times actually all the time i was having a hard time lately i met my relative's wife shes really hot and has three kids we talk all the time and i can feel something starting between us but she loves her husband and at the same time she wants to fuck me i also what that is it bad if i do?‍",love,NEGATIVE,0.9964356422424316 2019-05-12 17:56:20,"I need to vent. Hey everyone. How do you stop someone from talking in their dreams on a daily basis? My sister is going through this and I usually overhear her personal conversations-- real and imaginary-- with people at her school while she is in deep sleep. Please she really needs help cuz this could continue to trouble her when she grows up also (she is 12 now). Thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9974175691604614 2019-05-12 17:57:44,"I need to vent. I am very bipolar and it's like having two personalities. One moment u see me really hyper and socializing the next moment I'm drained off energy and I become quite n get irritated in small things. Because of this, I out casted myself Cuz I don't wanna affect anyone with my mood and now bechayen negn. Besu biyabeka and neger new, bezu sewn askeymyalew sefeleg fit eyesetehu selefelg fit eyenesaw. What should I do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977725148200989 2019-05-12 17:58:44,"I need to vent. I'm a messed up,weird,introvert girl with BPD(Bipolar disorder).this is my...idk 2nd or 3rd time venting in here .....Is trying to be normal when u aren't normal not normal?...I'm trying to be normal...trying to start a normal relationship I just wanna be fucking normal but I can't...everything n everyone I know is fucked up in a way....but that's good...but that's not what I want(ik we don't always get what we want) I'm trying to be fine...I don't even know how to explain shit Spending my time with people who are equally fucked up as me or worse won't help me..It will n it does but not in a good way most of us spend our time by getting high n wasted to chill n feel numb.. I don't wanna do all'a that shit anymore...I went out on a date few days ago (taking baby steps to be normal) but I can't help thinking about all the things I could be doing instead of watching a stupid movie n eating n going straight back home...being normal is hard when u're not I'm not normal not even close...but It's just I'm TRYING to TRY sth d/t but it's hard n pointless...idk if u guys even can understand what i just wrote but idc ic but id I just wanted to spit this nonsense out that's all",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995269775390625 2019-05-12 18:00:48,"I need to vent. Hello guys I'm in a really deep shit...A dilemma, you can call it...Please I need someone to talk to. I need your help",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9966302514076233 2019-05-15 06:16:35,"I need to vent. Don't diagnose yourself with depression. You are no psychiatrist or whatsoever. Every time you feel blue ""I'm suffering from depression"" eyalachu it's insulting to those who are actually affected by depression. Mental health is no joke lads",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988383650779724 2019-05-15 06:17:34,"I need to vent. I know most of us here have dealt with depression anxiety break up self harm mental distress but let this things not affect the people outside us even some of us problems came from our parents but let's be the first not to take the problem we went through our children let us be the ones to create new generation that can be menatly strong than ever befor and leave them with experience to handle things with there own be strong enough to handle failure rejection and so on....",caring,NEGATIVE,0.5952169895172119 2019-05-15 06:19:08,"I need to vent. hi, let me start by saying i love what you are doing. I dont know were to begin but i have so many undealt issue in my life that i no loger function normaly emotionalty or socially. I want to confide with my family but they would never understand me. I tried it onece but i was met with answer saying god has its ways i am not questioning the devin work of god but all i need was a hug and someone saying everyting is going to be alright even though its not. I tried sharing my feeling with freinds but i have been hurt so bad because i opend up. I now lead a very solitary life. I always wish to have someone to talk to but never been blessed with it. I often disguise my insecurity in humor but deep down i feel lonely and a hint of suicidal. i feel like Noting changes everthing is in its equilibrium. I for one think this life has more to offer but i never seem to grasp it. it is always sliping away from me. The doubt i have about my existanse may varie from day to day but it is always there. I dont think i will ever find happiness. That self loving impowerment shit. I hate my self and everthing not because i dont have what others have because i always feel like there is something missing. At first i thought it was just a phase but i have come to reliaze its life and i can not fight it. May be one day i may find my way, may be even be a better person but untle then i am destend to wallo in this pain of a life. I am not fishing for advise just dont know who talk to and want to relife some of my thought. Thank you",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9839354753494263 2019-05-15 06:19:53,"I need to vent. I'm a 20 year old college student who seems to have it all together on the outside but inside I'm really hurting, there is so much that I have bottled up inside me but I find it difficult to vent ,as there is no one who understands me or cares. I'm living in this limited and restricted life b/c of all my fears and inability to socialize with others. Waking up each morning is becoming more and more exhausting and I've been sleeping more than I should..... I'm tired, I don't feel like continuing this life....I feel stuck and I don't know what else to do or if I can ever find joy again. I need to get my life together again but I don't know how or where to start....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990538954734802 2019-05-15 06:21:26,"I need to vent. Am a girl 20 years old And i want a friend",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.5489902496337891 2019-05-15 06:24:15,"I need to vent. Hey so if we are talking about insecurities here girls with bigforhead how do u feel",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975244402885437 2019-05-15 06:27:08,"I need to vent. Hey, so i been dating this guy for almost a year now but it was mostly a distance relationship. We started having stupid arguments in due time and i was the one never satisfied. The kind of affection and attention i got from him never felt enough that i kept asking myself am i really looking for fake shit because i know that he loved me and i was just not okay with the fact that the more time that passed the more he was colder and i think that was his way of getting comfortable with me i really don't know. Becha we were having too much arguments and the first breaking up idea was initiated by me and that got him really mad bc he was right, we can't keep trying while one of us were fed up and wanted to be separated i got that but i never really meant it every time i asked for a break up so i end up texting him I'm sorry and we would get back together. But this time around when i apologized and asked for another chance he specifically told me he cant do this anymore and that he ""lost some feelings for me, nothing will change so it's not worth trying, would rather be happy alone and that he is in peace with him self and also would rather focus on whats good for him and his family with me out of the picture"" Im struggling a lot my self with my mother being really sick and i can't be there with her is totally worrying me and depressing me asf, and also losing my best friend who meant the world kinda fucked me up too so i tried my best to explain to him that i made a wrong decision when i asked for a break up and that i love him and am still in love with him, i really wished he believed me when i told him i never loved anyone the way i love him. Do you think he would contact me or miss me? it's been 5 days since we last talked so does he need more time to miss me? I think i can feel myself being obsessive if you are reading this love you"" A"" i really do and im so sorry i keep fucking up i can move on but i don't want to move on. I can make you happy and treat you better if you give me a shot. Sorry i cant contact you its just not right. Thank you to whoever gave it time and read it, it would mean a lot if i could read what your opinion is too",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983829259872437 2019-05-15 06:28:43,"I need to vent. Hi... Im a medical student, 4th year actually... i want you to know what it means to learn medicine...truthfully it's the go through a lot of challenges. You lose all your personalities, don't even talk the same as ur outside friends...ypu take your 2 weeks yearly vacation!(notuch you can do beside saying ""hi"" to ur old friends... and when you get don't even know 7 years passed withought you knowing. And after that the worst is yet to work triple any other regular wprker get paid 1/10th of what you should of been paid!.... P.S if u are smart enough don't get into medicine...learning medicine in ethiopia is not worth it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997448325157166 2019-05-15 06:30:04,"I need to vent. I'm a girl 16yr I don't think it's a vent well here it goes I was reading old vent keza I realized most of em was about depression and all I wanted to say was no I don't think it's a depression sijemer it's related to disease siketel u don't vent or tell anyone about ur depression it's a hard shit believe me u would kill ur self if ur depressed ur just feeling bad or samonthing went wrong orrrrrrr ur not living ur fucking dream life if u were depressed u wouldn't give a fuck about ur family school life eating see if u were depressed u would only think about dying it's just part of ur teenage life Ikr ryt!!!this word is coming out of a teenage mouth and believe me my life sucks more than urs I came from a rich known family and when I say rich believe me very wealthy and veryyyy educated but when u come to me and my bro uhhhhhhhh let me say we r retard so many of my family and fuck relative(who don't mind their own business )expect a lot from us My school life is fucked up really fucked upppppppp Fuck fake friends stupid society I lost the most handsome guy in the world and loves me the most because of my fault My dad is getting sick I don't know how to tell him that I'm here for him My mom is getting tired Everyone I know hates me!! And if yall think it's for attention seek fuck ur self cause it's a lowlife shit Thank u for ur time",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989268183708191 2019-05-18 07:23:42,"I need to vent. Okay lets just get this shit out there. Hay i just broke up with someone am still in love with, its more like she broke up with me. Am trying to get over her but matrik demo gimbot 26 nw i got about 2 years worth of studying to do but every time i sit down to study all i can think about is her.... Pls i need some advice on how to make through this shit fast",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975804090499878 2019-05-18 07:24:59,"I need to vent. Hi y'all. I feel like I have to get this off my chest. It's been a while over now. It's been 6 years struggling with depression and anxiety, and I made nothing out of my 20 years. It's been a while since I felt alive. It took me of everything I ever had. Crippled with self doubt and self loathing. I can't remember a time where it wasn't so difficult to have a good day without my mind telling me of everything I've failed to do, everything I could have been and everything that I'm not. I hate myself for being so low. As if I asked for it. As if it was my own creation and I have to atone for it. I can't remember the last time I did something and felt good about it. I distanced myself from everyone, shut out the rest of the world and now I'm drowning in addiction I was so afraid of. All that and I still haven't paid enough for it. It still devours me of my everything, as if I had more things to lose. Church didn't help. Friends didn't help. Pills didn't help. Bad omens and nothing more. I long for the things I willingly lost. I wish I could have friends and a better peace of mind. But that always ends up somewhere around south. Somewhere around Rock bottom and even lower self esteem. And I contemplate ever so eagerly, really, is there a way out of this? And am I gonna get any better? Isn't 20 years plenty if not enough?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9876584410667419 2019-05-18 07:26:23,"I need to vent. This is very embarrassing!! This is ridiculous!! I cried all night like a little girl but i am a 24 year old man. But i cried my eyes out last night. It's very inappropriate to tell this to any one in this whole world. It's not like i learned it yesterday but it hurts like hell! Like physical pain. My 10+ year bestfriend is is love with the girl i dated for over 6 years. He confessed yesterday. He confessed with his eyes full of tears. He confessed it!!! I couldn't say any word. I left with silence. I felt dizziness i felt like the world had stopped. I felt like i was dead. I felt numb. I couldn't even drive back. Malet he is in love with my future wife eko and that guy was supposed to be my son's God's father eko!!!! Gin alchalkum alegn!! Eswan mafker makom alchalkum alegn fit le fite komo negeregn!!! Alakem endet protect endmaregat she don't know anything yet and i don't want her to know too. I don't know i am feeling like i havr to kill him i feel like i am obligated to take my own's best friend life. I mean i think i have to. Wey esu wey ene....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975416660308838 2019-05-18 07:26:36,"I need to vent. Well here is another depressed MF. I hate it. I hate being depressed, drowning in my own pool of misery and pain not knowing how I got here and how tf I'm gonna get out. I got so much to fight for I got a sunshine I wanna live for gn its like this dumb fuck mask which I apparently can't seem to live without and know I can never live within.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9988864064216614 2019-05-18 07:26:50,"I need to vent. I grew up in a abusive household, and a few months ago on what was supposed to be the day I'd be free I was told I'd be stuck here for atleast another five years. Familly members keep telling me they'll come for me but I don't want to have hope for sth unlikely. I just want to make my peace with God and the whole idea of dying cause every now and then, when I am told I did sth wrong, i think: this is it. This is the end. This is how I'm going to go.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.993452787399292 2019-05-18 07:27:42,"I need to vent. Hi hide my identity I am a 15 years old hirl that has been through hard shit Sexual harrasments and abusem, growing up with abusive parents as they beat each other, heart broken by pepole I trust , being a rol model for my siblings and taking care of everyone to keep in tact and now I am lonely( like big time) I need someone to talk to What do u advise me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980277419090271 2019-05-18 07:31:23,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse Need a Vent I am@Luna Odin Here's a thing I've been noticing since I joined this channel...I have read a lot of vents n comments...this vent is supposed to be helpful as i assume...n most ppl don't see it that way...when girls vent abt them cheating on z Boyz n shits like that everybody runs to insult and say she's a bitch or a whore....when z man is in same shit then u all say that's a case...then with out insulting some of u appreciate it...some of u give a nice advice n shit...WTF is that!..?... really?...this is bullshit u guys...first of all u don't have to insult anybody because of their doings...I mean this is supposed to be helping others with out judging right? please be nice for both genders... please I beg of u all...just be fair...n be kind....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982632994651794 2019-05-18 07:32:48,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I need your help. Is their anyone who is managed to get out of a friend zone.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.950292706489563 2019-05-18 07:33:04,"I need to vent. Hi my girlfriend is 17 and she is bi sexual or maybe straight up lesbian and i am okay with it. She is betam attracted to girls nd she really want to do ""things"" with a girl any girl done for that?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.713590681552887 2019-05-18 07:33:46,"I need to vent. Hello everybody... Can somebody tell me! Does we really need love?? I mean like do we realllllly need it can we consider it as one of the basic thing for human beings... Or we can just live and leave in this world without ever feeling it . I don't know if am feeling this way from past experience or relationship but I keep on searching for it and I find my self not wanting it at all.... All I want my life to be is work, I am still a college student but I always feel my self wanting to loose myself on my job or class and if the word ""love"" came up I always end up not wanting it at all... I had past relationships that hadn't worked out but i never once remember love being the reason I've been or stayed in it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9954195022583008 2019-05-18 07:34:39,"I need to vent. Hey so this is how it goes well I have a boyfriend and we dated for like 7 month's now and I did something bad like really bad I kinda cheated on him with his own cousin I know when u r reading this y'all gonna think I'm a hoe or something but I'm not its just that I just started hanging out with his cousin and I felt for him like I don't know how but I did and now I don't know what to do can you guys at least help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990414977073669 2019-05-18 07:34:57,"I need to vent. Hide my identity I have always had insecurity problems. I hide it well enough that people think I'm too confident and my chatty personality helps me on that. I have never been in real relationship before in a two way love kind of relationship. I never trusted anyone & I compair myself to everyone who walked in. I usually talk to my crushes and end up being their friends trying to avoid rejection. I really need help cause I've hide it so good and it's killing me. And I hate to admit it to people close to me",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9764207005500793 2019-05-18 07:35:05,"I need to vent. People lie. They bend the truth and hide things. And I'm completely okay with it BC I get them i understand .....but the one thing I can't deal with is that They use you for temporary happiness and drop you when something better comes along. They play you. Even those who you don’t expect! I used to think friendship was the most important thing on earth but I’m slowly learning. People are selfish. Now I am being selfish. I don’t want to have friends anymore. I don’t want to put all my love and time ,money ,energy, affection into a person who takes advantage of it. I don’t want to give my attention to all the people who leave me high and dry. I don’t want to support and advise those who can’t do it in return. I’m tired. I’m exhausted. I’m sick. People make me ill and I need to get better. I need this cycle to stop. I need to be alone for me. I have been selfless and caring for far too long. There are might be true friends out there but I'm too exhausted . I’m taking my heart back and there’s only enough room for it nd that's to love me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9941341280937195 2019-06-01 17:49:27,"I need to vent. Hi there 12,668 people with ur own problems and ur miserable or perfect lives, before u start - this may be a complete waste of your time- anyways here is my bitter confession...not really a confession but never told anyone so kinda a secret. I am an 18 years 1 month and 12 days old male person, i haven't done any of the things that an 18 year old should have done by now, like having a girlfriend, having sex, even kissing a girl or any other activities my fellow generation would call a ""score!"". I'm not shy, but i don't get why people talk just for the sake of talking...i won't describe myslef as an extrovert but i can be so milasam and outgoing when i want to, but i choose to plug in my earphones and ignore the world for most of the time. My friends would describe me as a funny guy but when i'm with a new person i may come out a bit retard-ish. This confession is not about me and girls it's just a part of it. Now i do know that i'm gonna be a complete success one day (atleast i hope, and i'm trying) but things aren't looking good for me at the moment. I'm just a skinny, broke, freshman at some college. But my real issue nowadays is My look. I couldn't care less about my looks a year back, but now everything seems to depend on it. Not just girls but dudes too. (Not gay)Let me explain. I have come to know lately, that looks are very important, first impressions go a long way and a pretty face can be just the bitch to do that. It's just I'm not sure about my look, my mom says i'm konjo all the time but i think that's her i'm not blind so i know I'm not George cloony, but i don't think i'm below average..or maybe i am, i don't know....but i hate myself for even comparing myself with others......this confession won't ever end if i start about my actual life which i will postpone for some other time , so i just wanna ask u guys one quick question (you gotta be honest) .... i know it matters for guys too but i don't know how to make a question out of it so I'm just gonna make the question for girls and see if i can make some conclusions based on ur answers... .would u rather date a A) handsome, funny, rich guy B) smart, funny, rich guy C) handsome, caring, funny guy D) smart, caring, funny guy Or choose ur own combination...if those don't cut it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988301396369934 2019-06-01 17:50:57,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I have been deperesed for a long time, I had this frnd who is crazy and had d/t thoughts abt everything and who always told me he will marry me and I always laugh at me and told him it NVR will happen and then things got changes when I met him on summer. We were talking and I start to have a feelings for him then I decided to meet him after a week then I knew he went to Canada and I was so sad he didn't say goodbye and I texted him and we started talking and he told me he was in love wiz me at first I was so confused what to say to him and then I said yes and we started r/nship and I started to fall in love wiz him like a lot. Then we started fighting a lot after 6 months we broke up and I rly can't get over him. I tried so many things to do but nothing has changed even I tried to kill ma self cuz I hate ma self I keep loving him more and more, now it has been like 6 months since we broke up but my feelings for him hasn't changed anything, I tried to txt him but he keeps ignoring it, and I don't know wat to do I smt think he will get back to me. But I don't think so",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9876105785369873 2019-06-02 22:56:01,"I need to vent. Hi there I was just trying the bot mnamn....n then gen I feel like I gotta talk about ma shit ena beka I am depressed too n I feeling so numb yelele coz this days ma FAM n friends don't get me right I mean if anyone talk to me badly or in a good way ma answer is ena specially friends ena FAM they think I have the behaviours that they pour out to be bad bcoz zm slemel ena ahun ahun betam negeroch eyekebedugn nw I cry ma self to sleep like every night ena wanna need some help?????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995322227478027 2019-06-03 07:38:35,"I need to vent. Those of you who are commenting bad shits mnamn ignore aregenachuhal eskahun. Sometimes cuz we deserve it other times cuz we don't simply give a fuck about what haters, dysfunctional or evil peoples thought. Gn I read this one particular vent that anyone shouldn't be commenting shits about it. But a lot did. Please stop. Think twice or trice before you say anything. And as for the rest of us, esti let's stand for each other.. Let's report on those stupid ass nigas who trying to make us feel worse. N one more thing you should know, if you keep saying this kind of nasty stuff, you will one day be part of the reason for her or him or more suicide . Maybe you are ahunm.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989917874336243 2019-06-04 08:16:42,"I need to vent. I mean what's the point? Wake up every damn morning with ur head numb af and getting ur ass fucked the whole day by this depression shit. Is it worth fighting? I wanna fall a sleep and when I wake up either this depression or me should be gone!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996485710144043 2019-06-04 08:17:19,"I need to vent. I know we're all hurting. I know we're all feeling bad about our sins. I know we're looking to blame somebody for how our lives turned out. But we don't have to take our sadness, anger and disappointment on other fellow human beings. This channel was made to help people. But we're making it a sacrificial place. We are wounding the venters with our painful words. These ppl came to this channel and vented their problems, hoping to get some advice. But instead of helping them, we're killing them. ለምሳሌ፦ ዥዋዥዌ መስራት ፈልጋችሁ ግን ገመዱ ትንሽ ተበጠሰባችሁ። በአካባቢያችሁ የለው ብቸኛ ሰው ደግሞ ከዚያ በፊት አይታችሁ የማታውቁት ባዳ ነው። ግን ዥዋዥዌውን በጣም ስለፈለጋችሁት እንዲረዳችሁ ልትጠይቁት ሄዳችሁ። ያ ሰው ግን እናንተን በመርዳት ፋንታ በሰጣችሁት ገመድ አንጠልጥሎ ቢገድላችሁ...ብላችሁ አስቡት። This is what we are doing. And it needs to stop. We're judging but who are we to do that? It's not our place to judge. If you've gone through the same things these ppl went through, you might have made the same decisions they made. Please stop this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990148544311523 2019-06-04 08:21:32,Eid Mubarak to all our members. Hope you have the greatest of happiness today and for the days to come.,optimism,POSITIVE,0.9998637437820435 2019-06-05 21:23:01,"I need to vent. Hey guys hw u al doing I rly need ur quick replay on this matter cuz its kinda distracting me 4m the rest of my life I mean al I tnk abt is how to solve it am not doing my duty well cuz of it n sometimes it makes me cry ....I really have a big big crush on someone who is way better than me in everything ,someone I can't fit in his world I started stalking him on telegram he was so nice BTW he respects ppl and and my crush only grew bigger and after sometime i Told him who I was and I really like him and he he told me he thinks am cute n we keep on talking he so nice I can't even tell if he is flirting or just being nice and even if he is flirting I dont think I deserve him we r 4m different world and I might not give him what he wants I dont wanna lose him too gn I dont kw want to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985973238945007 2019-06-07 07:41:50,"I need to vent. ..hey guys this is my first time here and seriously need your advice...i can't love i mean i can but i think i don't want to, because when the first time i do n we broke up it damages everithing i have and it changes me ..after 2 years i start talking with girs i mean flirt with them mnamn and it turns out i was goot at it ...but at some point i try to see deep and i didn't find a girl worth loving (fyi i believe in love) . i try to be a player at some point it's good but devastating i hated myself after i did comes the story there is a girl i have been chating for more than a year and she is introvert and extrover (she try to embrace her introvertism;),she is good at hiding things ,feelings but we clicked we talk about everything we even had a feeling i think,but we didn't talk about it that much ,but her friends tell me and she was everywher i go i mean she like bieng around me . and one day i was just flerting with her classmate and a distant friend of her and things got serious and we ended up in complicated relationship, i don't wanna hurt anybody because i know what is being hurted by someone you care ena ..i did tell her and show her how fucked up i'm also tell her we have to stop and we did, but when we were together the girl i love show me how i was idk how i betraying her or how coward and selfish i was ..idk somtn like that .now she won a modeling contest and everybody is on her ,i miss her a lot she is the one who always understands me in every possible way and i didn't want to ruin our friendship for feelings, that's why i was dating her classmate in the first place also i wasn't sure she was having a feeling for me .. and now we talk but not like good old times i think everybody is on her so she couldn't care i think ,even if she does i think she thinks i think her as a backup or i think her because everybody is on her (manm yetalewun sianesubet ayiwedm shit) but i love her i miss her a lot , i miss our conversation , but to take her out or date her or to ask forgiveness idk guys i don't think its perfect timing ....and also i'm running out of time i have left only one year with her, imagine you are a little late for everything u need in your life? i need your advice ?what would u do if you were me?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9645847678184509 2019-06-07 07:41:54,"I need to vent. SMH being depressed is ""trending "" is that what it is? some guy doesn't like you-depressed u had a bad day at school-depressed u cant make up ur mind between two guys-depressed the list goes on. Although this is my first time venting, lotta folks have said this before depression is not stg u just assign to ur self it's a mental health problem its not as easy as 1 and 2 so for G sake stop telling everyone u meet that ur depressed ‍",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994552731513977 2019-06-07 07:42:06,"I need to vent. I need to vent Hy y'all hear i am, i'm 24 years and am post graduate student and also i have complicated relationships with a guy since i was 10 grade we known each other since we ware a child also i'm close with his family too ....however it is we started relation when i was 10 grade and we have been together 3 or 4 year with out anything coz he says that if you are mine you are nat going to anywhere but after 3 or 4years We broke up without any reason even if I don't know the reason why we broke up too than we start to see each other in this year honestly he is the one who start the conversation and than i date him again. hear is the problem he always talk to me about the s** part and when I asked him that he loved me and believe me too his answer is we will see together when we are spending time together and he don't want to answer that he believes me mnamn he thinks that am player coz of everyone thinks that am butty and comes from reach family in reverse i told him that am ""V"" but he doesn't want to believe me and he asked me that he wants a chake up and I agree when the times come he doesn't won't and he say I believe ya neger and than we keep the relationship but if he don't wanna talk he don't answer the text and by another day he called mnamn bcha am confused ‍ I really love him I don't want to loss him again but I don't know how even if i try to sleep with him but i cant keep it coz of the pain but am trying my best but he sad that this'll be mknyat enji it doesn't have pain yhenn yakl mnamn neger please guys give me some advice please I don't know what am going to do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9926902651786804 2019-06-07 07:42:19,"I need to vent. Hay amigos Is all of ya doing fine... me um just great better than yesterday me... to start wiz ma thing... their is something going on with ma mind like um not doing things right, um being over stressed up, um not feeling good, um not feeling me,,,,..... i don't know The reason why Me is being this way..... right know um Starting to tell ma self that this all is happening because of the test that um taking the entrance exam maybe im being this way because of it......",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9839015603065491 2019-06-07 07:43:47,"I need to vent. ..........?: Hey every one its ma 1st time to vent but i hope ur advice will help me a lot,,,,,,so let me start im girl & im very scared to get close to peoples cuz i know they will leave me at z end like alll peoples malt eklalw bahriyakw ylwtal kza they ignore me btamm ena i think u know how it feels? also ma BF leave me with out any reason in fact tsmamtn enlyay tbabln nw gin mknyatu esu enen enddro liwdy alkalm gna 8 month nbr r.ship kjmren ,,, ene eskmawkw lesu btamm tru sew nbrku bmklw akm hulu esun lmasdst etr nbr btamm imagine endzi ymtwdut ena ltasdstut mimokr sew endlelokhu yale mknyat bahriw silwt... btammmm it hurts me btammm esu ene lay endih yhonal endzih yhonal mkrsakn bye altbkm nbr dmo he is ma 1st ena kmjmryaw endatgoday pls byew nw r.ship yjmrnw ena its hurts btamm mkbl aktoyal eskawn esum endlelokhu ene lay bahriw bmlwtu ena btamm efralw adiss sew lmtwawk ensum yhone ken ignore myarguy ymslyal Pls give me some advice what should i do sew mkreb eyfraw nw btly mwdakwn cuz endiluyuy slmalflg ,,,,pls give me some advice & tnx",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9989437460899353 2019-06-07 07:44:33,"I need to vent. here's the thing I've been in love with some dude for like 6 years ena i inboxed him and we started talking then after a month Or so he sent me an emoji after i sent an emoji then i ignored it .My friends try to set me up with a lot of boys but i decline them cute or not. But i really wanna be in a relationship whether its him or not. Soplease help Do u think i should get over",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9969749450683594 2019-06-07 07:44:55,"I need to vent. ..hey guys this is my first time here and seriously need your advice...i can't love i mean i can but i think i don't want to because when the first time i do n we broke up it damages everithing i have and it changes me ..after 2 years i start talking with girs i mean flirt with them mnamn and it turns out i was goot at it ...but at some point i try to see deep and i didn't find a girl worth loving (fyi i believe in love) i try to be a player at some point it's good but devastating i hated myself after i have comes the story there is a girl i have been chating for more than a year and she is introvert and extrover (she try to embrace her introvertism;)she good at hiding things feelings but we clicked we talk about everything we even had a feeling i think,but we didn't talk about it that much ,but her friends tell me and she was everywher i go i mean she like bieng around me . and one day i was just flerting with her classmate and things got serious and we ended up complicated relationship i don't wanna hurt anybody because i know what is being hurted by someone you care ena ..i did tell her and show her how fucked up i'm and and tell her we have to stop and we did but when we were together the girl i love show me how i was idk how i betraying her or how coward and selfish i was ..idk now she won a modeling contest and everybody is on her ,i miss her a lot she is the one who always understands me in every possible way and i didn't want to ruin our friendship for feelings that's why i was dating her classmate in the first place also i wasn't sure she was having a feeling for me .. and now we talk but not like good old times i think everybody is on her so she couldn't care less but i lover her i miss our conversation but to take her out or date her or to ask forgiveness idk guys i don't think its perfect timing ....and also time is running i have left only one year with her need our advice ?what would u do if you were me?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9379696846008301 2019-06-17 18:40:25,"I need to vent. , first time here, been thinking about venting about different things but kinda thought it may be weak to do so . N that I gots to keep my shit to my self! Well here I am! I got some complicated life, but am thankful. always trying to focus on what I have! Here is one issue am struggling with ! Am a guy who’s 21, am in uni! Have a gf who I have been wz for years! Very Happy wz it! Thing is I keep wanting to have a friend(if be a best friend. ) who is a girl, there is literally no girl around my turf! Always thought there was nothing wrong about that since I have a g.f! But why not? it’s just a friend(for reals I have no intention of cheating or anything) I don’t know what comments I am expecting from this but... am all ears",desire,POSITIVE,0.9100609421730042 2019-06-17 18:40:41,"I need to vent. Hey this is my first time venting Here 18year old girl I have a bf but I found out that he has a side chick I really wanna talk to him abt this gn am afraid we could break up... I tried to talk to her but she actually told me to leave tf out him I mean wtf I love him so much and he is suppose to be mine what shld I have to do I don't wanna fight wiz her and I don't wanna break up wiz him... Mn larg weys let me fight wiz her... Any suggestions pls",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9943187832832336 2019-06-17 18:42:30,"I need to vent. Hi there ..I like this guy ..he is been a caring friend since a fresh year and nothing has happened between us that change it in to romantic r/ship ..he seems interested zo ...n I like him a lot he is really been gud for me..but I couldn't figure out on how to treat him ..I mean am kinda scared really..Idk one thing I know is I don't wanna loose him as a friend....he is really confusing me because ..I couldn't understand what he expects from me..what do u think I should do to settle this ..should I just be his friend or should I come clean n tell him that I love him or what ever z feeling is",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9955028891563416 2019-06-17 19:30:20,"I need to vent. Hey guys this is probably my most important vent so far so here goes So I been trying to tell people about it but didn’t wanna imply it to close friends so thought I’d do it anonymously So I got this mood swing problem just that it’s really not a fun mood swing one second I’m very cheerful and the next I’m angry, and not just angry I genuinely think I wanna make people upset with my words not even so that I can win an argument or something I genuinely feel like I have to disappoint those I love and I lost someone really important to me over this but I figured that I’d have to live with this as it’s mine to bear I’m just hoping I don’t do it again because I really don’t know I see red out of the blue and all I see is upsetting people and winning an argument that isn’t even there and then when I’m back to my senses I feel bad. I really wanna know how to fix this because nowadays it’s either I’m laughing or silent because I fear what I’ll do if I speak so please if any of you have been through this or know what’s wrong lemme know Thank you in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9985817670822144 2019-06-20 22:54:24,"I need to vent. Hey hey first time venting, here it is I am not usually the emotional type,well never say never nw yemibalw there's this girl ena we are amazing friends she is really just the best of all and we have become more closer this year(betam betam ) ,ena I don't know where to go from here, we both see each other us friends nd am cool with that but I really really love her, Don't even have words to describe it..the thing is am afraid that am not good enough for her and at the same time demo I want to be with her,she really changed me in a way I didn't even think was so should I make a move or should I stay her really confused I don't wanna lose her",love,POSITIVE,0.9311608076095581 2019-07-02 08:55:58,"I need to vent. Everything just hurts. For years, I've struggled with Depression and for awhile I thought things were getting better. I got a job, I'm able to help with bills and help others. Slowly though, I feel it creeping up again and weighing me down. I know I am here, that things and people exist but everything seems far away? Like I'm just staring at everything through the glass of a fishbowl and I don't know where my feelings are. Not enough to be honest with anyone. People say I'm fake, ""Oh, I don't know how you can do it. Being fake all the time."" I'm not being fake, I just don't want to show you anything because I know you won't understand. You'll roll your eyes and turn away, that's fine. No one is obligated to feel otherwise, but it hurts like hell when you open yourself and only get mocked/ laughed for it. Lol, I don't even know where I was going with this. I just needed to get it out somewhere because lately I've been thinking about just going to sleep forever and I don't know. I'm just tired.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9992727637290955 2019-07-02 11:56:00,"I need to vent. How many of you feel lonely? I always feel it and it's so depressing. I try to hang out with dudes rarely, but it ain't helping cuz i don't feel connected to any of them. Try to keep myself busy, but that is just temporary. I wish there was a permanent solution to it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992597699165344 2019-07-04 10:55:33,"I need to vent. Hey guys,..... I am 21 years old boy and univ student, i got a problem(kinda debari or embarrassing) and I need help from you. I got into this problem 4 years ago. I don't know how many of you are in this kind of know, sometimes when you hung out with your friends, you talk lots of things and sometimes dirty stuffs(sexual things) and I heared one of my friend talking about masturbation, it was my first time hearing it and I wonder what it would be like and I started doing it when I am alone in my room.. First time it makes u feel relaxed then after u did it it will make u depressed and u will regret why u did . Bihonim normal nw biye I continued it.. Day by day I become addicted to it, watching pornography .. I tried to stop it, I couldn't!... I started hating my self, the world.. Beka everything betam astelagn! I am religious person(I know masturbation is sin) Ena I tried to find solutions but I got none. I used to be very socially communicative person gin ahun I don't talk with lots of people, I am the loneliest person malet echilalew, I feel sad for each and every second(my friends think it is my behavior) I feel insecure when I see people who knows me especially girls, I become afraid of girls betam.. Idk why.. While talking to girls, when they look at my face endezi aynet huneta wist endalew miyaweku yimeslegn Ena betam embarrassed honalew, then I start again hating my self.... Eywedekwachew salwed begid I stay away from them. I used to be one of the top scorer student but now I am one of the laziest student .. My brain can't focuse on things and I can't memorize what I read ! Yihe Hulu neger eyale, I couldn't stop the addiction I lost my self... I don't know how to get out of this situation, I do not what kind of comments I am expecting from you..gin I am here to hear what ever you are saying! Thanks for being my solution!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997921884059906 2019-07-04 10:56:21,"I need to vent. I seriously need to vent If my pillow had mouth, it could have expressed how I feel more than my own self. Am dying inside specially when u always keep it to your self it kills the most who cares tho even I tried to suicide so no one is expected to care. Mom said "" gurmesena nw"" dad don't even know what happened. They divorced when I was 5. My dad is a real jerk. He slept with my moms sister(aunt) even with lots of servants in the house. And my mom always blame me for that because the reason she married that man is me, she was pregnant. Eski tell me anything I should have done to stop her eski tell me one good reason to be blamed. She always say"" esua yabatua lij nat chekagn aremene"" but am nothing like that I swear she don't care about how I feel when she tells everyone that she he's a rapist and real bitch. She told every of my friends that he always do sex chats, even worse. Unless you've been through it, you won't know how that hurts. ""Dros yabatesh lij bitch"" is how our conversation ends. Now everyone mood yiyizalu be abate and now I hate everyone who knows about him. Demo he smokes and chat mnamn all these things moralen gedelut. School sle abat siwera enbaye yimetal ena I always act like I have the perfect type family eventually I lie. Because of the stress, I still pee one bed and I've become a stone hearted. Still no one cares its all the beginning no one deserves to hear how I am right nowits hell the beginning was way perfect...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983322024345398 2019-07-04 22:26:01,"I need to vent. Got a bit of a complicated problem here I've been smoking weed on and off for a couple of years now personally I've never had that big of a problem with. I didn't used to smoke that often maybe a couple of times a month and some times there would be months in bn when i wouldn't. But now things have changed i smoke almost every other day. I just have so much free time and it's a good way to chill and hangout with girls. Till now it hasn't affected my life in a negative way i still think weed is awesome and everyone should let loose once in a while espacialy if you're college and you just want to get away from the stresses of school and life in general, not in a bad way but just as a release and just have a few laughs but i don't want to be a pot head either. So the qn is do i cut down on the smoking or just let things be honestly im fine with either but i just wanted to get a second opinion. Thanks.",approval,POSITIVE,0.98432457447052 2019-07-05 23:12:36,"I need to vent. Hey guys... Am a girl 18 yrs old .. and am felling so stressed lately i wanna talk to some one just talkkk me out",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9986094236373901 2019-07-05 23:12:50,"I need to vent. This is for that person who feels stuck in life and feels hopeless. That person who doesn’t know if life will get better. That person who’s been trying to make a change for so long, but hasn’t been able to. I know things have been tough lately. Every day feels the same and you want to scream from the top of your lungs because it sucks. Every day you feel like you’re on a downward spiral. You just hope that your life starts to change real soon. Thoughts of suicide have crossed your mind because then you wouldn’t feel like this anymore, but just know there is much more to life than you have now. It does get better if you want it to.I was once you. I searched for what was the one thing I was supposed to do with my life. I felt like if I knew what I wanted to do with my life everything would be better. Everything else would fall into place. I’d get married, have a nice house, have kids, and live happily ever after.To me life is about exploring everything out there. It’s trying different things and putting more attention on certain ones. There’s so much out there that it’d be a shame to not have more than one interest. Is what I’m doing now what I’ll be doing forever? No, but I’ve found something that I enjoy at this moment. I know new opportunities will present itself and my need for a new challenge will come along. Who knows what I’ll be doing five years from now, but for now, I like what I do and have stopped searching for the meaning of life.If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, it’s okay! The answer doesn’t come to you at a specific time. Some find it when they’re a child. Others discover it after they’ve had three children. It doesn’t matter if you’re 21, 41 or anywhere in between. It’s never too late to start doing what you wnat. Just a tip better life isn’t going to be found watching television, keeping up with Honey Boo-Boo or the Kardashians, mindlessly surfing the internet, or checking Facebook every five minutes. It’s not found sitting on the couch after work every night or drinking your sorrows away every weekend with your buddies. Your life won’t improve if you constantly feel sorry for yourself or rely on others to make it better for you.So what will it take? I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s going to take one day at a time. You need to start making deliberate choices and stop sleepwalking through life. What’s even worse is you will be doing things you should be doing on a consistent basis and you’re not going to see any results or feel any different. I know that’s frustrating. This is where most people quit.",optimism,POSITIVE,0.9848767518997192 2019-07-06 09:45:25,"I need to vent. Does anyone ever feel like they don't belong anywhere? Like you're too changed for home and you're too foreign for wherever you are? I'm worried that this will be my life now and that I exist on a lone island on my own.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9979944229125977 2019-07-06 09:45:30,"I need to vent. Does anyone know a good self help book(or video) to fight insecurity?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9995532631874084 2019-07-08 21:14:49,"I need to vent. Ok hmmmmmmmm i am a sixteen year old boy who hates himself most of the time and blame himself for things he didn't do.........recently i feel alone most of the time and feel like nobody really cares about me because the people that are around me don't really open up to me which hurts because i am free and open infront of people i trust.........I just wanna like myself and not worry what to say......Any advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9929506778717041 2019-07-08 21:15:36,"I need to vent. Hey y'all, wats up I've had something on ma mind since keremt started and tho its nat a big deal I just wanted to listen wat u guys have to say(specially girls) Well I just finish 12th grade and I'm getting ready for campus and then I realized that I haven't done anything that a teenager would do in there high school life. Like I never kissed a girl or never even had a girl friend and stuff like that. And I never gave a shit about that until last week me and my friends were talking about the life we had in high school(u know the old times) and all mentioned there first r/ship but me. and that's when it hit me. Well its not that I'm not good lookin, I mean I'm average. I'm also not the kind of guy that's afraid to talk to girls(tinish tinish binorebegnem) gn its not that bad. but the worst thing is that everytime I get closer to a girl, well next thing I know I'm not in the friend zone.........kezam alfo I'm in the brother zone. U know like someone to talk to while having trouble with her boy friend and stuff. But now I'm sick of being amakari. I mean its not bad people trusting u and being a solution for there prob. gn I want a girl of my own to. U know ur soulmate. the person you'll be with for better or for worse, gf and my best friend at the sametime. Any ways that's just my wish ena now that u've read all this tnx a lot for giving ur time. Sooo pls tell me how not to end up in the friend zone or even any other advice u have I mind would work",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9982313513755798 2019-07-08 21:16:16,"I need to vent. I was reading my vent form like one year and a half (last time I vented) and I saw all of the negative comments which idk y made me cry so much because of how much I was hurt and nobody understood I wrote so many things like how I was 14 was with some guys and talked about my current boyfriend at that time being and how I lost my uncle and how my parents compare me how I wasn't enough how I was accused of drugs in school and when I read all of those negative things I remembered so many things and the things I'm currently going through I mean all those added up and I just broke down and yeah I'm almost 16 now idk and yeah I have another guy now yes I can't be committed but I promised myself and my friends I will make it last this times which most probably will happen if he starts caring lol and yeah I'm a lonely girl who has messed up parents really appreciated siblings which are not here anymore and yeah I feel so use less and lost and alone rn and that no one really cares bout me and the only thing I can do is pray and thank God for all the good and bad",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981957077980042 2019-07-08 21:17:06,"I need to vent. Guys, i need your valuable ideas here. What does it mean if the guy i was seeing for quite some time turns his back on me all of a sudden, and wouldn't want to give me his reasons even if i asked him thousands of times? I kept wondering, wondering but only left hanging. It sucks too much cuz i fell for him. And i thought he did, too, for that matter and that we were inseparable ..u know. I know time will take care of my feelings and all, but at this point, i'm stuck in wondering why he did that to me.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991567134857178 2019-07-09 13:00:04,"I need to vent. Hey there i need a little bit help of u is the thing that's bothering me ...i met her in our school compound(campus) n we started chatting mnamn n dated few times malet gn without anything physical n i liked her she cute with funny personality i think she liked me too.. but the problem here is probably she got a low self esteem like i can see there is something in her mind but she won't say it out..when ever there is sth wrong rather than telling she stay quite even for z positive things like telling me she missed me... n again she afraid of other ppls opinion ... n as general bka she is nah telling her feelings out ...n guys help meeski how can we work this out how can i ease up this things n go forward with her",love,NEGATIVE,0.9983978867530823 2019-07-11 11:13:02,"I need to vent. I dont actually have a problem. I just have a question. Why do most people feel like they haven't had the right highschool experience, if they dont get into a relationship, kiss someone, makeout and do things related to that. Seriously, doing your best at school, having fun with yourself amd your friends, trying town get to know yourself and learning new things is ""THE RIGHT HGHSCHOOL EXPERIENCE""....",approval,POSITIVE,0.9931187629699707 2019-07-11 11:13:13,"I need to vent. My boyfriend just graduated from school next year university nw. I still have a year left in high school and I have like a strict parents who can't let me go out or anything even in the summer which sucks so muchhhhh cause I feel like I'm going to lose my bf of 2 YEARS... God we r so perfect together but I feel like next year is going to be hard for us, beza lay I have major trust issues.. don't get me wrong cause my babe wouldn't touch a girl except me and I've seen it.. it's my past that's hunting me especially knowing my own dad and how he was.. God becha what am I supposed to do just because of this I'm feeling insecure and creating distance between him and me. He used to understand dro and convince me that he is going to be there whatever happens but I think I'm losing that now Help me gn pls don't tell me to break up or anything cause I know he's perfect and I know if a relationship needs a break",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956529140472412 2019-07-12 21:30:51,"I need to vent. Disclaimer: im not gay in the least but I just had this question in mind Why are gay people oppressed i mean its their dicks and assholes why do others have to interfere with what they do. As long as they fuck each other, why do others have to interfere with this. In my opinion gay people syamrachew lemen feres aybedum who am I to care. This shouldn't be illegal like the govt doesnt have to interfere with what you do with ur own dick. But i support the idea of telling them that their assholes are being destroyed and advise them to stop, if they say no then let them go at it and get every std. Do u think they were like ""hey lets become gay""? No. They just became gay they didnt ask for it. I dont know anyone who wants to be beaten oppressed and jailed and thats how I know that they didnt ask for it. Note : Im still not gay i just felt sorry for them.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9910615086555481 2019-07-12 21:42:40,"I need to vent. Hy unihorse give me advice i have bf that i love him betamm ena i started to talk some body ka bf lala and other person in which am talking is not know that i have bf i did not tell to him at all lmn mslchu mlngerw andenda bf betamm syskfge endydberg bcha bya kswega slmwera so andenda play yarkug ymslgele andeda dmo ymwerwe lij like blala nger asbote endygoda ferlwe what shall i do pls tell me do i stop talking to this guy?wyes let me go on?tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984380602836609 2019-07-12 21:44:11,"I need to vent. Well its been like a month now since ive seen him.. i completley shut him out this time cuz i was almost sure he would be gone forever. Hes a high school graduate now and i still am in high school 2 years until i graduate its not the typical high school relationship u think its like we both know we like eachother but we act like we hate eachother ...wierd right? Ego is what i thought it was.. but i dont know i think its fear Fear of me missing him when he goes to collage and lives his life without me.. there is no way this can work out right? I still have a little ray of hope I have never stopped missing him. Everyday every night. He is always in my thoughts. always. He loves me..ik he does and yes ik what im talking about..but i cant tell if he still thinks were together We actually started texting today again after ive been offline for a month so what do u think i should do keep talking..or shut him out?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.97950279712677 2019-07-12 21:45:13,"I need to vent. Hlo ppl.. I really need ur advice... So am 2nd ur uni studnent.. My parents think I'm z perfect daughter wiz perfect GPA.. But the truth is balefew semister be warning neber yetemezegebkut nd now I don't think I'll make it 4 3rd yr. Malet re admission lehon echlalew (1 yr mechemer) U might think lyk I was having fun or I didn't study.. Nop... I tried my best.. I even stayed up all night to study.. I got kidney issue but despite that I studied hard eyamemegn.. Gn my results turned out verrrryy bad.. The problem is I can't tell my parents.. They will disown me. They will never understand.. Sooo how can I get out of this with out my parents knowing???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999451220035553 2019-07-12 21:48:40,"I need to vent. Hello. Me and my friend got into serious debate because of this. Here is what is going on. I believe that if someone is meant to be with you. They will no matter what. And my boyfriend was transferred to somewhere far from me i allowed him(tbh nooo! I want/need him) to have sex partner over there. On a condition that he would be open about that with me and Tell me everything. As long as he doesnt choose her over me i want him to enjoy everything he can while he can.i don't want to stress him over everything and control him. And if he loses me for a sex gal.thats his lose. What do you all think? Ps. I LOVE him. And he LOVES me too",love,POSITIVE,0.5707306861877441 2019-07-12 21:49:52,"I need to vent. I don't know if anyone can relate but I feel like nothing works out for me. My life is a constant mess, I face new obstacles on top of old once, my family ain't much help either. My parents are divorced, my mother is mentally unstable and doesn't get along with anyone, my dad started a new life and has two kids. I'm a university student at the worst campus. And on top of that I have financial issues, my mom is jobless and my dad sends me lil cash, my uncle's and aunt's give me cash once in awhile but I feel so dependent. Lately I don't feel like my self, my thoughts drift, my moods swings. My dreams changed, and worse of all I'm hating myself...I wanna die but I ain't religious so I fear if I'm wrong and there is hell, coz that's where I'm probably going. I just wish I never existed in the first place.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986691474914551 2019-07-12 21:52:54,"I need to vent. I dont wanna call him my dad but lets do cause nature does. I really think My childhood moments are scarier than any one cause when hes there i cant even breathwell. He just finds a reason to hit us i remeber he had the pipe plastic under his bed like literally under his bed just to hit us. We all have scars. I had the most traumatizing chilhood. People think he is the most humble caring giving man. He actually sacrificed a lot and any of our relatives or his friends are a witness. But thats all for his pride. He hits and insults my mom infront of us. I dont know who this person is but his friends are also scared of him. noone dare tell him his problem his temper is something he only have the eyes to see the fault in everyone i tried to be honest with him and i told him to take things easily but he still brings that day. Its been a while since i really want to leave this world but i cant just for my mom shes my angel shes pure. I dont know how to handle this please help!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.8995440602302551 2019-07-12 21:55:27,"I need to vent. Im desperate for a human being in my life ... who want to b my friend im 22",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9980940222740173 2019-07-12 22:09:24,"I need to vent. Am depressed , want someone to talk to",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996026158332825 2019-07-18 12:06:52,"I need to vent. Hi. This is my 1st time venting. Am 21 yrs old boy . Uv student .. And i rly need ur advice.. My problem is i hv this mood swings.. And i get bored so easily.. Sometimes i feel very lonely menamn.. I hv friends gn they are not like caring type of friends.. Beka fake friends ngr nachew. Ena i just need some advice how to handle my problem... Or someone to talk to..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995607733726501 2019-07-18 12:07:17,"I need to vent. I really need help. I didn't think I do till now since I wasn't sure on any of wat I'm bout to vent. Here's the thing I have a friend, a girl best friend who I think I'm the luckiest guy to have her in my life. I think I may have more feelings for her than I think I do or more than she thinks I do. It's been a while since i started feeling like this but i couldnt admit it cuz I want things to go the same way as they were before that is she is my best friend n nothing more. I still dont want to admit that my feelings have grown towards her. But I dont know for how long this can continues. I sometimes want just to blurt it out n actually say 'I love you'. And again I'll be afraid that is not how i actually feel about her. That's why i never talked abt this to any of my or our friends. Plus I don't think I'm good enough for her. I dont think she would consider me like that. painful btw. No idea wat to do it's terrible beeetam Wat should I do?? Thanks",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9971967935562134 2019-07-25 19:32:17,"I need to vent. I had a cousin whom I used to see like a sister, I told her every of my secrets, I trusted her... but u know what she did...she told every single thing I told her to her mother n her mother told to my mother... It's really not fair... she still acts as nothing happened... what can I do? How can I forget this... say something guys... ur words will mean a lot...don't just read and",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997877836227417 2019-08-03 19:48:32,"I need to vent. You know what? It is so amusing when I see a lot of guy homophobes. Most of them do not hate homosexuality because its against religion or disgusting or it might affect their relatives or whatever. The real reason is because they don't want to be treated the way they treat women. They don't want a guy checking out their ass, or objectifying them like they do to girls. They don't want the increasing possibility that they can get raped just like girls. I've heard this line from 'prison break'. The guy said, ""They raped me like a little bitch."" I say, he got what he deserved. I want an era where men understand how a woman feels when she's walking across a bunch of guys. I know all the guys here are going to lose their minds and call me bitch or whatever insult they can come up with but I'm just fine because I just got this off my chest. All of you suck!!!!",amusement,POSITIVE,0.9122925996780396 2019-08-03 19:49:46,"I need to vent. Why do people come in to your life when u least expect them too and sweep u off ur feet and just leave like that's what they came here to do?I met him a yr ago it didn't take me long before I loved him more than anything in my life and when I least expect him he is gone gar away from me no good byes no srys he just disappeared and left me hanging,I have always thought I can hand heart breaks but they r worse than any pain u can ever experience,I called him texted he isn't there it feels as if he served his purpose of breaking me and is gone for real.I am dying everyday so pls if there is anyone who went though stuff I did just tell me what to do cause I really need help,pls",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992051720619202 2019-08-03 19:50:15,"I need to vent. I am a hard forgiver... I forgive people very hardly. It’s to the point where I still hold on into past things and ruin my own peace in the presence! I really want to forgive but I can’t forget ... I just want to know how you people forgive... I am struggling with it but I want to work on it so my thoughts were more positive and not always dedicated to the past since I can not change it!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.976405918598175 2019-08-03 19:51:54,"I need to vent. 21 year old campus man ! another day full of rumbling thoughts, feeling something I would say it’s loneliness I think. I am really not good at expressing how I feel. But When I Reach my limits and try to vent to someone either there is no one to talk to, or even though closest people say that they are there to listen n understand what ur feeling n be there for u, they never actually seem to care to listen, or maybe try to slide away to avoid such a conversation! Maybe it’s all in my mind, but all I am just looking for someone to not just hear but listen to what I say when I need to vent, this feels a bit better knowing that some one out there may actually read this, n maybe understand me , even if not the thought of you reading this makes me feel like I spoke to u! Thank u! “ EMOTIONS ARE THE DEATH OF US”",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9976703524589539 2019-08-03 19:58:48,"I need to vent. I am 25 yrs old and married. So i found some disturbing texts more like sexts in my husband's fon n when i asked him about it he said it was a joke n the girl mistook him for someone else. I don't have anyone to talk to about this. Can you give me some insights from your perspective?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9966785907745361 2019-08-05 19:37:08,"I need to vent. My father is a bad person in all.. He shouts kicks the hell out of us and then he would say that's how life is well if its like that its hell, N money he would die for it, He doesn't give as money he would say he is saving but I don't know where it goes, to others he is do damn good that I almost think.. Is he my father? Some know him as the book reader..not even close know that mom is divorced to him... I started to see his behavior in me, I shout for the reason I don't know, I can't even control myself .. N sometimes my shouting feels like a talking to me... N my money I save it till the last extent that I would rather starve than use it I just cant.. I don't want to be like him to my kids when I grow up I don't want them to hate me like I do him... So should I forgive him or not? On the otherside mom n me r not that close like my sis n her... They both have the same behavior they're both calm, Waste money... I feel like I'm an outsider these days.. What should I do?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983674883842468 2019-08-05 19:38:54,"I need to vent. I'll be needing ur advice happened couple of weeks ago.So this is what happened.I spooned with someone who's like a family.our family has known each other 4 Long time now.he's litlle sister is My friend and we meaning him ,his sister and me r in senior highschool.except that hes like 9 months older than me.ofcourse I didn't feel anything and neither did he.but this thing happened hes family did see us and so did mine.But they said we r family so it means nothing as mostly ethiopian siblings grew up doing that till one friend of he's when he saw us doing that pointed out that its kinda sexual and if we didn't have like boy girl rn ship it wrong.some part of me tells me that I did make a mistake while the other tells me I didn't so.I'll need ur honest comments and what I should do.thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9934340715408325 2019-08-05 19:41:03,"I need to vent. Lets get straght in to it i'm a dude & I'm going to comment on feminism. Reason for why bother ! I think it is on the air and most girls in Ethiopia are now identifying with it. i know it is their choice bt i think i saw a major flaw in it which actually i could help ppl. after watching the movies , listening to the music and politics which all started teaching it in mass scale now a days. i felt maybe i'm like those guys ena i should be obligated to understand it so i started reading books and listening to lectures on this topics of female gaze & female study, i also studied abt patriarchy. Here are what i got, the world is shity and depressing through that lense it was not convincing because the way i see it men could not have those free time to inslave womens for thousands of years or create this massive system(patriarchy) just to inslave ""the other sex"" In general I feel like this 3rd wave feminism give girl excuse for not participating on society like to lazy around and blame the standard of society Demo i hate it when they belittle there nature i.e being the nurturer. it is not by any means the inferior thing in this dain age. think abt it, every bodys hero is his mom. it needs dedication and sacrifice to be good at it and no body can do it like that! ....and yes no man or no culture thinks being just a mother as shity job for a person because every body understands its vitality Yehen sel demo i am not saying u cannot work or follow ur other dream, u can do both which mens actually doesn't have a privilege ( a mom and success on society meaning a plus to u) Endewem andande sasebew maybe it steams from ur frustrations when u think now a days u r expected to be both successful on work and being mom within a short period of time answer to this is fuck expectations, do u and do whatever u think it is right for u Ena embrace this nature demo; because softness and fragility is not weakness, it is just beauty i am not saying there is no discrimination because there is BUT not on the cities of Ethiopia and specially in west. Any sane human is up for equal opportunity So stop blaming history , religion, society for personal inadequacies If u have any additional perspective i missed, i am up for re-education",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997800886631012 2019-08-05 19:45:58,"I need to vent. I'm 22Y0, It seems I'm stuck in my childhood. I've had bad memories as a child so I usually practiced forgetting things that caused me pain. I literally mastered it to such an extent whenever I'm in pain, I use the same mechanism of forgetting, the problem is forgetting the source of pain does relieve me for sometime but the pain never goes away it stays there without a name. It's hard for me to bear a pain I don't the know the cause of. That being said, this forgetfulness has somewhat affected my normal life as well. I seem to remain unattentive, unfocus as if always in search of something. The question why I feel like I'm stick in my childhood! Well, I feel like I'm very bad at decision making, it's very hard for me to comprehend emotions. I feel like I'll never be understood, my self esteem has hit the rock bottom, I never ever had self confidence, I never ever have felt like fighting for myself. I'm very forgiving, I forgive people easily though I remain cautious. But my act of kindness is always perceived as being a weakling. I'm told that I'm an idiot, maybe I'm, the kind who doesn't know where she was wrong. I'm always scolded or corrected for being me. I've literally forgotten who I am and how I was! I'm not that much religious but I've faith in God. I don't know why but due to my exhausted mental state, my connection with God is also suffering. I'm sorry this is too much to read. Thank you for letting me vent.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9981415271759033 2019-08-05 20:09:51,"I need to vent. Okay guys, I dont think any of you understanding the severity of AIDS in Ethiopia. Recent surveys showed that 80% out of the students at Bole highschool who donated blood had HIV in their blood, like What The Actual Fuck???? You know how embarrasing it was to hear that in the car with my mother???? Our generation is a disgrace!! And to top on that people out here be posting ""i might be pregnant"", ""i think he came in me"", ""i aborted"" minamin. Get a grip of yourself, wrap it up!! It is not a joke, Ethiopia is in the top countries affected by AIDS, that is disturbing! Minshe people atizrekreku. Beteley freedom agegehu bilachu yemitzelu. You can't even tell who has HIV anymore, it could be anyone around you. Almost everyone eko beka tetektual. Please use protection if you have to hoe around. Condom wid adelem. Temermeru ena awkachu tetenkeku ‍‍‍ Dont fuck up your life for an hour long feeling.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990136623382568 2019-08-06 07:57:19,"I need to vent. Hey everyone am 19 and i just need to vent this in some kinda way ... this will be ma first time doing this so here it goes without complicating things am simply addicted to porn and masturbating i really don't feel good after.. like emotionally. I heard it take 10yrs to get porn owt of an obsessed mind ‍... so it's getting worse every day it's making me distant from everybody ik and i need help please",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9957782030105591 2019-08-07 08:46:56,"I need to vent. So here it goes well.......i moved into new school 4 years ago now I'm 12 I didn't want to I had to struggle those 4 years it was so hard for me there was this time I cried myself to bed which was odd I'm not that pretty girl or that everybody likes that girl type I'm friends with everyone tho so last time there was carnival at my old school which I was happy and stuff everyone that I know became hot cool and stuff and then there is me I was embarrassed i didn't even say hi they came and said oh wow how r u uve been missed and shit like that and then I saw my 2 years crush or should I say ex crush he became tall and handsome so I don't know why I went to him and we hugged before that he gave me a long deep stare my eyes couldn't move mnamn becha.. .......know all I think is him when I Close my eyes it's him wtfff is wrong with me ufff I feel a big relief thanks for giving time much love",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.6645793318748474 2019-08-07 08:51:57,"I need to vent. Hi there everyone its been a while since i last vented and i just wanna ask u guys if u have insecurities about people abandoning u anytime soon. Because i have that exact problem everytime someone cancels on me or says i cant i just feel like that person doesn't wanna be with me and i'm scared the fuck out like thinking if everyone abandoned me & I'm left all alone. A while ago i even cried like a 12 year old child even though I'm an 18 year old guy. I don't know what's happening to me right now but I'm scared as fuck and i just can't talk it out & just be done with it. If u have any advice or sth similar thanks in advance.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9988068342208862 2019-08-07 18:08:18,"I need to vent. Hi I don't know if I have to say this or not but am 25 years old never been in a relationship or anything... I don't know may be its because I wasn't exposed or never get anyone that I really liked or not in to those who showed me their interest bcha am confused I may not be that hot, breath stopping kinda person but am clean I suppose...and in this days I started to worry cause of my age some part of me tells me its okay but ..any ideas",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9863592982292175 2019-08-08 21:35:51,"I need to vent. I never thought I'd say this but I wish I've never known u. I wish I'd never played that stupid game. I wish I'd never chat with u. I knew this was going to happen but now when it does I feel broken, used, worthless. Why? Why lead me on and say those words? Why act like u care cuz u clearly don't? Why make me open up to u when u know u will never will? Why making me wait when u know I'll never get it? Does this makes u feel loved? In control? Hah? U r a fucker. And I'm just a dumb girl. I really from the bottom of my heart wish I'd never ever met u. My life would have been a little less complicated and my daydreams would have been at rest. Please if u know who I am and if u figure out this shit, don't text me,don't call me but u rarely do that. I was foolish but this should be it. Please just go away. I feel like I'm holding u back from whatever u want to do. I feel like I'm that boring, attention seeker girl when I'm with u. And I shouldn't feel that cuz I'm not. So please fuck off from my entire life for the better. Thanks!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9975415468215942 2019-08-09 12:08:44,"I need to vent. Hello, I was very stressed at work before a month ago or so becuse there was work load. I made a mistake not that big of deal then.Since then I have become insecure and lost my confidence. The degree of insecurity is very big that I can't trust my colleagues , I feel like people are talking about me and many more which Is making me consider quitting. I obsses about everything that happens making my own asumptions.The other main problem is , I am suffering from insomnia it is getting worse day by day. I am starting to hate my self for the feelings I am feeling and cry non-stop. so I am considering to visit psychiatrist what are your thoughts on this I feel like I am loosing my mind. And plz recommend a psychiatrist with their location. p.s all this things I mentioned weren't their before a month ago. I was performing very well at work.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986745119094849 2019-08-09 18:21:03,"I need to vent. Not to vent but to ask, what is the difference between a relationship (minus the sexual stuff) and a friendship between a boy and a girl...i mean, if being in a relationship involves having the friendship part and the sexual part does it mean that I can go around having sex with girls but have other girls purely for friendship and not miss out on both?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9907121062278748 2019-08-10 20:32:52,"I need to vent. Hey I just need some one to talk to like right now pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997803270816803 2019-08-16 16:44:18,"I need to vent. Hey there I'm a 20 yrs old dude who has never been in a relationship with anyone but I've kissed a girl , the girl I kissed I asked her to be in a relationship with me but she said no sorry u are too good for me ! And I said to my self wtf and just said to her OK it's fine then myastlaow ngr eko we are in the same class eko she started staring and shit and I just ignored her ass then one day she told her friend that she wants me and he told me that! I said let me think about it and one day I saw her with onther dude at the school stairs kissing with him and I just baleya alefkuat and I blocked her ass in every social media apps!!!! Then she came to me and said he kissed me it his fault mnamn and I said idgaf ! Just go fuck ur self bitch !! Well she said sorry mnamn and started crying and shit . So what u guys advice me to do ????? Plz help !",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984812140464783 2019-08-16 16:45:23,"I need to vent. i am in a new relationship... two months or so... and i like the guy am seeing alooot. .he is smart n calm.. i luv his hair i luv being around him like he makes me comfortable... but ...i dont think he is over his ex... she kinda broke his heart and it was a huge news in the campus .. he says he is and that he doesn't need a rebound and this bn us is ntg like he ever felt b4 ...which i wanted to blv but ..u know... so and so we are still together its fresh and u know how things are .. tho am constantly waiting for the other shoe to fall.. am on edge to the day he is gonna just leave amd break my heart ... what should i do...i guys think this is a ligit relationship that his heart is into it confused so help a girl out",love,NEGATIVE,0.8037753701210022 2019-08-16 16:46:14,"I need to vent. I've never had trouble forgiving ppl, if you apologize and truly mean it I'll give you another chance cuz that's just the way i am but somethings you just can't forgive. My ex gf cheated on almost a year back with one of my frnds, the next day she told me what happened and that she felt horrible menamen. Idk if any of you have been cheated on but it's a shitty feeling i just felt so angry at her and did a lot of things i shouldn't have but even after all that she wanted to work things out and i told her I didn't want anything to do with her. She still kept on calling texting trying to keep in touch but i didnt want any of it. A year later and she still tells me she loves me and doesn't blame me for what i did to her after we broke up and honestly speaking, I love her too .All the other girls after her were just a distraction i was rly trying to invest myself in them but i rly couldn't ,one text from her and all those feelings would come back including all the anger i still have against her. It has just made me a diffrent person i just don't rly care about anyone, i try not to invest any emotions in girls and just have fun and move on. And ik all that won't go away unless i forgive her and idk how i can do that...the thought of that is just makes so furious. So how? How do I do that?",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9885742664337158 2019-08-25 15:06:33,"I need to vent. It's hard to explain but Let me make this clear. I am White Hat Hacker (the good guys) I haven't hacked anyone without the proper permission. I hacked my girlfriend. I have her full permission(even video prove) She knows everything about me and how geeky I am. but as you might know, you can't fully erase a data. It all began 2 years ago. We met, we fall in love ... the usual stuff. But in the summertime we can't see each other. Before she left for the last summer she Herself gave me access to her social media accounts to prove herself. I trusted her 100% and I didn't need her accounts but ok. Everything was fine. At the end of last summer she started acting weird I noticed and asked her if everything was cool. She said yeah ... you can check my account if you want ... so I loged into her accounts and as I suspected there was flirting and late night calls. she deleted them but data is recoverable. I asked her again if she wants to tell me something. She refused and acted normal. I told her everything I saw. She kept lying. I gave up and told her I wanted to break up she immediately cried and told me everything, even things I didn't know. I love her and I couldn't leave her. But in one condition she would never lie to me. We agreed. Then the summer passed. She started living with me. Everything was cool. When you know someone for a long time you can understand their thoughts. She left for this summer. After a month later I noticed suspicious behaviors. I asked and checked her accounts everything was normal. I still had the same feeling. I did some research took me a while but I found out she had new everything (phone number, social media accounts,...) that's not normal. I asked her about the number she told me it was her aunt's but I knew. I was mad so we broke up for 6 days. I love her, I thought it was my mistake and tried to get back together. She refused and treated me like a dog. I accepted it thinking I was wrong. Then she told me not to hack her anymore. I respected her request and got back together. Within those 6 days her father asked her if she wanted to marry foreign person she agreed this happened on the 2nd day. I was mad as ahhhhhh but I let it slip. Today I called her 09:02 PM (21:02) and she was talking on the phone. She immediately called and told me it was her cousin I didn't even ask. I said ok just send me a screenshot of you phone log. She showed some aggressive behavior and agreed and sent it. She had deleted the number and called her cousin to replace it. Anyone can tell that it was modified even the time tells the truth. I asked her if she wanted to tell me something. She said there was nothing and acted aggressive. I hanged up the phone. She called twice and I answered on the 3rd call. She confessed she was talking to someone who found her number somewhere and called to chat with her and that's the only thing she lied about. Usually when I get mad I say some bad stuff. But this time I kept quiet. She started crying and begging. I can't bare to see someone like that. I calmed her down accepted her apologies. 5 min later I said I only need the truth. She started cried again I calmed her again and told her we'll talk about it tomorrow. I think My suspicions were true. She very much lied. And there is more going on with that person she talked to. Any suggestions would be helpful.",love,NEGATIVE,0.5515698790550232 2019-08-25 15:06:53,"I need to vent. I am a 17 year old girl and I think I'm depressed. I feel like this on the summer when i dont have much to do or i spend a day at home by myself and then I start thinking and I just start crying nonstop. I start feeling like im not doing anything with my life and i feel like im missing out on something. I dont know what's wrong with me. I'm just tired of feeling like this. The pain I feel day in day out, the tears i shed everyday and the nights I lay crying in bed. I just want it to stop and i don't know who to talk to I know not even my parents would understand.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994624257087708 2019-08-25 15:07:01,"I need to vent. every one likes me, every body nows me I fit almost every where I shape shift my self and become what people like,most people say hi to me when we look at each other and none of them want to do anything with me I am truly lonely and I feel fake and the truth is no one cares about the kid who is trying to please every one, I think there are two types of outcast's the ones who fit every where and the once who fit every where and I am kind of both I have been trying to find a girl friend ever since my mother died I didn't want another mother I just wanted a girl who loves me and understands me and I to her but it turns out no girl is fit for me and I don't now what the fuck is the deal with my father he sees me as a bad kid I mean like he acts like I hurted him specially when people are around that is so disturbing and it makes me angry. I don't have addictions I mean o am really addicted to masturbation but I don't use weed and stuff but most part of me is wanting that now a days I tell people its bad and not to do it but I wanna do it my self that kind of makes me feel like a hippiecrit I think i should get it out of my system...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9967268705368042 2019-09-01 21:01:21,"I need to vent. Hey. Today, I have sth to tell. I mean yeah i obviously have sth but let me make it clear. I have never told any soul before about this. For the world, I am a normal teenager girl who has her own insecurities and normal issues. Like she feels not enough, ugly...stuff. But no one will ever think that I am lonely. I guess thats because I am never alone. But not a single person seems to identify z difference between alone and lonely. I feel empty. I feel fake. I mean I don't even know the real me. Every person that knows me, knows different mes. I don even want to be like that but I just can't. I have trust issues. Like very giant ones. I don even trust myself, not my shadow. I have a phobia of trusting people. I never had a bf before and I think I will never have. I mean how can u not trust ur partner, ur soulmate? My family has this image about me. They think its a clear one but no. Its not even close. Its just an impersonation. As I said, no one knows me. Not even myself. I never felt z real self of me. People say I am intelligent and bright girl but no one knows I am living a false fiction in which I am having z longest journey. Guys I need help. I am at a point where I am desperate for any helper. I appericiate any kind of help. What shall I do to find z real me?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9959034323692322 2019-09-05 21:45:48,"I need to vent. Hey I don't want to say this shit but I have to my father is a dick ,from when I was little he used to bit the shit out of me, we used to live abroad , he always came from work and started yelling at me and my mom , he never took me with him for a walk or to have fun like any normal parents do , i remember when I was a 5th grader there was a school trip to a zoo and the trip fee was only 50 riyal , and he said and I quote ""hed wedza mn abah ysralhal hedk alhedk"" and I was just heart broken . Mn alabt enda lelochu lijoch eza hdja bechawet , I just was really too young and devastated and when I grew older he started to bit me more infront of my friends , in the street , he even aruaretongal kabatu yezow , he's so fucked up .... We used to live in an apartment and we had an extra room and my father had rent it to an an known person (illegal immigrant) and he lived with us for 7 years then the unexpected happend it was 3:00 AM in the morning ba wechoch akutatr the police knocked our door and my mom that day didn't sleep she was watching Television , when the police knocked the door my mom answered it and they asked her for ID'S and who is in the house with you she said me and my family .. then she gave the officer our ID'S and the illegal immigrant that son of a bitch opened his room door and the officer saw him and they got to the house and arrested him and they entered our rooms and wake us up then they asked us some questions about the guy and we said he showed us an ID before he rented the room and the ID he had was fake I just was terrified and I was shaking from fear ,then the officer said to my dad I will take u and leave ur family did u know what my father said ??? Nope take my family too wtf ryt ? Then they took us with him and went to a place called shemasee (شماسي in Arabic) it's a place for illegal immigrant and ppl who hide them , we went there and they put us in waiting hall for taking our finger prints the hall was fucking cold and large I saw all kind of nationalities Somalis, afghanistan , Ethiopians, Indiana etc crying , terrified . It's just was a terrifying place then after they took out finger prints they separated me and my father from my mom and lil brother they took us to a cell like a huge cell where it had about 30 double floor beds and there were so many ppl there . Then the next day they took us to integration separately 1st my father went then I they asked us some questions and went back to the cell . Did u know what did they judged as (25000 riyal, 6 months in jail and deportation ) I just cryed I never been out of the country and don't know my mother language. After 6 months in jail we got deported separately 1st my mom and bro then father then after week sth me . When they took us to the airport they handcuffed us from both the hands and feet like I a was a dangerous criminal . Then after I landed in my country Ethiopia I just saw things like I never did before in my life I saw an airport worker with out hedjab and abaya (Muslim women cloth) I was surprised coz I never seen a women in her cloth before then got out of the airport and asked the taxi drivers outside for a phone to call my father they politely gave it to me and I called him and he was sleeping after several trys he picked up and I said it's me I'm in Addis , then he came with my sister's husband and took me home . I just didn't want to see his face again I was so mad at him I just wanted to kill him fuck !! And I sleept for 20 hours mnamn., Then the next morning after I woke up I went outside and saw my new sefer . It was a new environment for me uk . Gin btam ykbd nbr when I saw my old pictures I just started crying and crying I was so depressed and devastated .. then after years of living in Addis I learned how to socialize ,speak Amharic and I got confidence . And I thank God I came to Ethiopia but I wished it was in a better circumstances ..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976924657821655 2019-09-05 21:46:48,"I need to vent. Getting straight into it, I've never rly had any problem getting girls in the past. I believe that i have a certain confidence that most ppl don't have and it comes of in the way i carry myself. But lately I've been striking out a lot...not just striking out but other guys have been swooping in and for a lack of a better word ,taking the girls, right up from under me. I've ruled out all the obvious causes like they're better looking than me or they have better game but that's not the case. It's just the shear amount of lies they tell this girls, it's just lie up on lie upon lie and the girls eat it up. I've always thought eye contact and good conversation made for a great connection but lately it seems like abseen lies and empty promises is the way to go instead.Not only that but this guys are so clingy and possessive to the point the girl has so choice but to go home with them at the end of the night . Ik i can never do any of that cuz that's just not how my mind works but is this the new meta now? Is this what we have to do to woo you? I thought girls had more emotional intelligence than this.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.5164499878883362 2019-09-05 21:46:57,"I need to vent. I don't know why I'm like this I think I should say it out loud and I don't want anyone to know it was me so here it is. I'm broken I always had high expectations which turn to Ashes and I'm afraid to look back to where I was cause it was so much better than where I am now I'm trying I really am trying to fight trying to pass through trying to make it I'm trying to find my art back I mean we all are broken but as far as I know broken crayons color the same right",fear,NEGATIVE,0.998180627822876 2019-09-05 21:47:40,"I need to vent. Watup y'all This is my first time venting and I really hope its worth it. I won't bore you all with shits I'm just goin to ask a question about dating and since I'm a man I hope I'll get my answers from girls but others are also welcome. Here I go.........I just finished 1st year and I about to start 2nd year but believe it or not I never dated in my life. And its because every girl I'm surrounded with.........well there not interesting(don't get me wrong I meant like they're friend zoned noting new) and I don't know why but every time I go out with friends and see girls like on the street passing by or in a cinema or...........becha gebtuachual I wanna ask them out gn demo the though of sayin maybe it's weird holds me back coz who am I kidding they don't even know my name eko mnamn so anyways my question is how would you girls replay to a person who just introduced him self to you ask you out Is it weird or its normal Ena one last thing, how do I ask a girl out that I just mate(how do you find adorable when he ask you out)",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.8512718081474304 2019-09-05 21:48:46,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity or whatever the crap these cry babies say Well I don’t have solid subject to vent about it But I’ll just rumble and mumble till I make some sense ——————————————— Wouldn’t things been much easier If we were straight forward Like if you wanna fuck someone you just tell them and if they felt the same about you You guys take into the bed and finish the rest of the convo there? Wouldn’t relationship be much easier and less painful if guys and girls stop lying in order to get specific thing outta of a person Dick,pussy,money,status,or whatever he/she possesses? Wouldn’t job interview be easier Telling them ur lazy and sleep on desk to avoid getting fired later and feel depressed and they avoid hiring the wrong dumbfuck? Seriously if we were honest the world would’ve been better. Standards,protocols,society, ruin our objectives and intentions our purpose we had in the beginning of things cause no one will accept it cause it differs from theirs which push people to lie just to get what they want it’s a torture that we can’t be honest and we have to lie to get things on the move I guess that’s all for now I’ll comeback here when am bored again And share y’all opinions on the comment section of y’all have any Till then screw y’all am being honest about how I feel about y’all lol",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.999116837978363 2019-09-05 21:53:32,"I need to vent. I don't know if I should vent this or not but I just wanna try because I have no choice, I'm a highschool student and I have this really disturbing behavior that I couldn't overcome, I feel like everything or everyone wants to hurt me, I'm always ready to accept the bad side rather that the bright one and I sometimes feel like crying without any reason and I'm bord all the time, and I keep everything to myself, I can't defend myself and express what I want freely even when I'm hurt and sad I just keep it to my self and cry when I'm alone. I don't have a place to go so I'm just locked up in my room or just doing some work. I hate every single day of this summer because I just don't know how to spend it. I just wake up in the morning and sleep at night, can u imagine how boring it is to spend ure entire summer this way? And I'm not a friendly person so I don't have a lot of friends and my school life is even boring, I just want to be happy and spend every moment with joy but I guess that's never gonna happen. So I just need any advice, can any one help me with that?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979748129844666 2019-09-05 21:54:07,"I need to vent. Guys, I feel like a retard at this moment.I am not finding any purpose for life, all I am doing is keep my mind on something that seems close to blader dash, almost to 100%...and hope and daydream about it day and night....I am really missing from what people's routine should be looking like and i've started to assume as I am not a normal being. I appreciate any ideas you'd be giving.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990764856338501 2019-09-11 16:09:57,"I need to vent. Hey! This is my first vent ena i am really confused how to begin! I am 21 and university student. I have a crush on my best friend whom i talk a bad shits for... she has been my friend since 9th grade.... she is so witty, konjo, confident , have a great mind that score A in almost all courses. You see, there is no a thing that resist me to have a crush on her. And i know she have also a crush on me.... so i have a big chance to change our friendship to relationship... but there is one problem .... she is so short , even a word short can't express how short she is.... short is taller than her unfortunately i have a lanky body... when we go out together, everyone see us and laughed .... there is a much differnce... and that makes me uncomfortable. So i am here to ask you... how can she be my gf ? How can i not to care for peoples?, Thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9696650505065918 2019-09-11 16:10:52,"I need to vent. I read ur vents ya and I was touched and also.been like tf anyways to my point Idk how to start this I dont have a father and a mother never had one and never told anyone my sis and bro are my parents and I just couldn't hold this anymore I feel like shit saying I have parents to ppl it feels so wierd I feel like I will get hurt if ppl knew idk becha I want to see what ppl think abt a person who lies to himself and ppl saying he have parents he never had",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.991327702999115 2019-09-11 17:17:04,"I need to vent. what is the age for girls to have to start dating?not when she is ready just an average specific age?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982702732086182 2019-09-11 17:17:10,"I need to vent. Im sad and lonely i want just anyone pls inbox me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999053418636322 2019-09-11 17:42:46,"I need to vent. Hello everyone...... I was dating this guy I met in a taxi for a month then I had to visit some place for the summer so I left him the day I was going to leave we met ena he said ohh am gonna miss u mnamn we kissed stuff..... keza after a week my insecure ass texted him saying let's breakup and he was all tf u saying mnamn bicha he tried so hard not to but I insisted anyways know I regret the fact I broke his heart for no fuckin good reason I did say sorry thousand times bicha ahun I want him back he wants to get back too but there's this pride thing that I can read from his text wtf am I suppose to do y'all‍‍",remorse,POSITIVE,0.9652372002601624 2019-09-11 17:43:03,"I need to vent. So real talk y'all...What would you do if a guy/girl is acting so depressed through social media malet their captions when they post pictures, their bio, their pp mnamn? And what if you're a girl and he asks you to hook up would you decline thinking he's just using me forget his problems and fearing he'll get even depressed or would you accept just so he feels good and idk maybe not kill himself?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986328482627869 2019-09-11 17:43:31,"I need to vent. Hey guys please this is serious give me your advice . I am confused I have never been in this situation . I got nice girl whom I used to know but the problem is she is as tall as me & that turns me off . I am tall & i thought no girl could be that tall as me but she is . so like every men I hate dating a girl who is as tall as me or may be taller I really want to stop our relationship even though she is sexy... What should I do I am confused",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9845555424690247 2019-09-11 17:43:46,"I need to vent. Hey Any Body willing to make a friend? My depression is getting out of hand, it doesn't feel like new year, it doesn't seem to get better and may be if i could make friends..,",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984879493713379 2019-09-11 18:10:06,"I need to vent. Look i Never wanted to do this, but fuck it and hear my story Its was a while back family was going through divorce every thing was falling apart , i fell into depression for a long time. I had no friends, everything was going downward spiral. Then afrer like 2 years of missery i met this girl, we became friends, my first friend in a veryyy while, since i was isolated And then she kinda liked me i guess, things changed and she became my girlfriend. After being together for 3 months she told me she has HIV in her,... long story short i decided to be with her no matter what, i decided to Marry her and be with her, but after a year went by she started acting weird and one day she told me she doesn't want me anymore because some guy from her past was back in life and she left me for him, A bit letter she came back crying and everything and begged me to take her back, i said no but after some time i was missing her too much plus i thought to my self everybody learns from their mistake hoping this will be ""it"" After like 8 months she told me she told me she doesn't want me anymore and left me again Its been 3 years since then, she tried to get in touch here and there but now she is trying her hardest and im not even saying anything to her but there is this fake account of hers which she doesn't know i know, she talks to me there and she been telling me how she regrets her past minamn. She might even be in this group reading this, but.. I want to know what you think, and im being depressed and feeling lonely for a crime i haven't committed and i hate life",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971645474433899 2019-09-11 20:21:00,"I need to vent. Hi, so with the new year coming up I just feel more and more depressed. Anyone else think holidays are depressing? If so pls dm me. Like they say depression likes company",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994789958000183 2019-09-11 20:22:17,"I need to vent. Let me put the issue as simply as i can. The girls am attracted to are always intelligent enough to know that anything more than a freindship with me will hold 'em back",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9924221634864807 2019-09-11 20:23:35,"I need to vent. Hey, 24 years old male here. I'm really bored of people in my circle. Trying to meet new people. If you have anything interesting to talk about or just wanna chat with a cool dude (... I'm sure this will drive some people crazy) leave your usernames down below.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9996752738952637 2019-09-11 20:24:08,"I need to vent. Hey guys.. I'm 20 years old guy.. I have quit messed up memories which are stuck on my mind.. Memories from my ex, my family and stuff... Now I'm in a relationship with this girl I really love.. We have been together for quite sometime and we do what most couples do.. We kiss, make out and other stuff and I think we both like it.. She really turns me on but there's this huge problem I don't even know how to explain.. Always when we makeout she wants to touch me and do some stuff and I really want that too but the problem is the moment she starts touching me some memories come to my mind and disturbs me then that turns me off, I mean I just couldn't stay hard and that's really uncomfortable for both of us.. Sometimes she thinks she's doing it wrong or smth but the truth is, its my problem. And I think sooner or later this will start affecting our relationship, so I need help.. Should I tell her the truth and be open bout it or just keep quite.. And if I should tell her how can I do that its really hard for me to do so.. Thanks for reading",love,NEGATIVE,0.991762638092041 2019-09-11 20:25:21,"I need to vent. I've seen a lot of vents regarding sex in this channel, I'm almost 19 and I've never had sex. I've made out with a few girls 3 to be exact, with some I went a little further like touching nipples and thighs under the skirt but I don't know how to ask a girl to have sex with me. Do I just flat out ask her to have sex with me. I know she wants to have sex with me too I just don't know what to do next. Pls help me out. Tnx",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9924936294555664 2019-09-12 07:43:25,"I need to vent. Hey, am just going to cut to the chase. Am a second year university student and I have been in a relationship for the past three months. I really love this girl, like a lot gn I don't think she cares about me the same way I do. I kinda fucked up a while ago by saying let's take a break, but we got back together. She hasn't been the same, especially the distance isn't helping. We haven't seen each other for a month and when I tried to meet her she said ""Are you crazy?"" and stuff like that. I try to not care but I can't, I think this is happening because she's my first girlfriend. What should I do?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9674575924873352 2019-09-12 07:44:51,"I need to vent. Soo there is this guy that i love so fucking much and he is so stubborn, gets mad easily, childish, jealous , overprotective, too controling N all gn i still love him. But then i dont know what he really thinks about us i mean he tells me he loves me N All but then doesnt do anything to show it‍. And im starting to thnik that maybe he is just saying that for fun...malet maybe telling some one u love them when u really dont is normal to him . i feel like he's playin me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9851818680763245 2019-09-12 09:40:27,"I need to vent. Hello everyone, I've things that's has making me worried I thoght u guys could give me some advice. Here it goes I'm 18 and I'll be senior next year, but things haven't been as I planned. I've to get 500 + on matric next year to get my dream job, medical doctor but recently I'ven't been studying. I spend my time mostly with my boyfriend, his so sweet and caring... His a good guy but most of the the time when we meet... We just talk, kiss but we never do serious stuffs. I've been lying to my family, they don't know about him and it's making it worse for me. I don't know what to do? How can I concentrate on school, still be able to manage to spend some time with my boyfriend and my family",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956497550010681 2019-09-12 09:40:52,"I need to vent. I really didnt want to vent cause i dont like sharing and talking about stuff but i am anonymous so why not so what i wanted to vent mostly ask is that i am in highschool next year and idk there might be drama and stuff and i might be distracted and i rly wanna focus on school right now so how do i not get distracted with silly stuff like crushes, friends, and drama",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.996193528175354 2019-09-12 10:33:54,"I need to vent. So I dont know why they keep declining my vent but wishing this could reach yall.. Here is my life , atleast a glimpse of it. Am a 24 years old man I dont know if I am depressed or I am crazy anxious. Everyday waking up I've this nonsense conversations with myself about being unsuccessful in every aspect of my life. I just graduated from a field I have no interest in. All my life I've lived to be a door mat,pleasing people and trying to make people like me by exactly not being myself I am unable to socialize with people because I've lost almost all my social skills all of a sudden. Seeing people being themselves and enjoying life makes me realize that am not even close to living life. just thinking about my future and mistakes I did in my past make me very anxious. I catch people staring at me, turns out it's a sign of social anxiety (atleast that's what the internet says) I dont pray like I used to . I cant even Express what I want verbally because there is this mind fog that distracts me every darn time. All this feelings and thoughts and things happen to me everyday. Am irritated easily ..I try making myself better but there always this resistance in me.. What ever I do, there is something in me that critics me , I am always good at giving advice to people but when it comes to myself I cant do anything . I've come to realize that I have nothing in me that I like. Am I going to be like this forever? All i really want is to be at peace with myself . What is wrong with me???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9960495829582214 2019-09-12 10:34:41,"I need to vent. OK I'm about to tell you my deepest darkest secrets rn. One day my cousin who I didn't even know I had came to visit and she had to sleep with me coz her whole family had come get it. We were sleeping in my room and suddenly I started to get hard and I put my hands on her thighs and shit and she woke up. I thought she would slap me across the face but she didn't. We started kissing and we went as me fingering her, but not any further. I goggled it and it says that it wrong to wanna fuck you're cousin but....they're ferenjoch eko. So what do you guys think? Keep in mind that I'd never met her before and she's hot. and this channel is anonymous and you don't have to worry about what people will think of you, just say what you really think.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8328832983970642 2019-09-12 13:23:30,"I need to vent. I'm 22 fresh graduate nd I have never been in a relationship I don't even wanna think abt it before but now due to the pressure from family nd friends I tried to figure out my future when nd how I will marry, hv kids stuff ‍‍‍..well I got a very clear vision of it but with my best friend being the guy I mean hw cud zat happen we r like siblings my whole family accepted him as such me as well till now nd the main problem is whenever I try to think those things without him everything fades away nd I go back to the person who hates r/nship stuff nd I'm scared how can I tell him he knows me my whole life hating r/nship nd marriage nd what if I tell him nd things go wrong I don't wanna lose our friendship cuz he is the only real thing I have other than my parents being around him is one of the reason that kept me going he is the person that I can surely say will hold my back and accepts me the way I'm but now I don't know what to felt like my head is gonna explode it is not the easy I have feeling for you kind of thing nd I'm not open person I can't even say I miss you to anyone tho I truly miss them",fear,NEGATIVE,0.996196985244751 2019-09-12 13:24:22,"I need to vent. Hey, do any of you know groups to talk to. You know, with less than 50 members. Not depression support group and all that crap. Just a group with lots of fun here on telegram.",joy,NEGATIVE,0.6460576057434082 2019-09-12 13:24:54,"I need to vent. I'm a 22 year old guy that enjoys watching anime but am having a hard time finding good friends or even someone to simply talk to, someone to vent to. Someone please help.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998908281326294 2019-09-12 17:56:49,"I need to vent. He knows u have feelings for him but acts oblivious. He knows u want more than just being his friend or the girl he messes with when he is bored. He knows u get hurt every time he says shit. He knows u well enough to know u are hurting inside. But he doesn't care, does he? He knows u deserve better than that but wouldn't let u move on and he is never gonna give u what u really deserve . even if he knows it deep down that u love him he wont even go as far as taking u out on a proper date. For him relationships are overrated ..he doesn't want more and he doesn't want less either. What'd u do with that kinda person?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9943116903305054 2019-09-12 17:57:17,"I need to vent. Hey sewoch Here it is my vent! I am going to hate this girl...even if she is hot, I don’t think I am her bf anymore... endeee? She is so horny ena every time we met she wanted to do sex with me... although She is good at sex, I tired If i meet her, I definitely do with her. Meet and sex.. this vicious circle goes on. How can I stop her from this habit? She give me love, she is so generous also... I don’t want to lose her but this sex thing sasbew demo guys help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.8933124542236328 2019-09-12 17:57:24,"I need to vent. Anyone wants to lose weight?let's support each other and share tips",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9987027645111084 2019-09-12 17:58:01,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I am in relationship and my BF is overprotective he also act childish sometimes and my classmates always bully him but he doesn't even know they hate him this is all because he is so innocent guy I think I will never get someone like him I mean he loves me so much anyone can tell but this makes him too annoying boyfriend ever and what am trying to say is I feel love but the other day I am like someone else I don't feel any love sometimes I ignore him too and I am feeling guilty so what do u guys advice me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9937071204185486 2019-09-12 18:43:54,"I need to vent. Im the girl who is 17 and want someone to talk to and i wanna ask u of it is really fine if i dm u and talk 2 u. If yes send me ur username and expect a message.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974393844604492 2019-09-12 20:17:43,"I need to vent. Hello, not a vent jst a question if a girl is in the same age range as you but looks hella young would that be a turn off. Your input would be much appreciated",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968679547309875 2019-09-13 06:47:12,"I need to vent. So I've never went on dates never had bf. I was fine with it all until recently. I keep wanting to date and have all the firsts. I want to be loved and complimented. But I don't wanna feel this way. I wanna be my own person first. I wanna focus on myself. But I keep feeling desperate. Is there a way to deal with this?",desire,POSITIVE,0.7944610118865967 2019-09-13 06:49:47,"I need to vent. How can i put this in words loneliness hurts for real",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985827207565308 2019-09-13 07:27:19,"I need to vent. Have you ever felt like ur obsessed with someone. Like u cant stop thinking about them they're always on ur mind. So here is the thing, nowadays its like that for me. I cant get him out of my mind yemr and its kinda weird and scary because i dont wanna give him the power of meaning so much to me. I don't wanna give him the power of hurting me. But i cant stop it his constantly on my mind, i sit in my room alone and day dream about him. Fuck‍‍ i dont wanna be like that. I just realized he means so much to me, i really care about him. Be is the only guy i ever trusted this much. When im with him its like i can be my true self and im always comfortable arouund him for anything. I'd do anything for him and i cant say no i dont know whats happening to me and i dont like it. I think im falling for him‍. Im the kinda person who runs from their fears im the kinda girl that gets distant no to catch feelings because im afraid I'll end up getting hurt. And wanna know the worst part? I dont think he feels that way about me‍ i don't knowww im really confused and pleasee don't tell me to be real with him and tell him how i really feel about him mnamn i cant do that because i dont think i could handle what he has to say about it. And im also not good at expressing my feelings in person im really over sensitive so when ever i start talking about things that i really care about i cant stop my tears and i dont want him to see me like that. I dont want him to see how weak i am. What am i supposed to do?????",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9805457592010498 2019-09-13 08:17:35,"I need to vent. Hey I've got a question for the guys. Does back acne make a girl less attractive .....what do u think abt back acne?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986931681632996 2019-09-13 09:41:22,"I need to vent. Why everyone asks if something makes them less attractive (like being short or sth). What you gonna do about it? ‍‍",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9991893172264099 2019-09-13 10:49:45,"I need to vent. So the full story will take years to type but in short am in love with someone crazy honestly I think his crazy some things happened between us n we got in a fight and he told me he never want to talk to me or no longer be in my life every time I text him he clears the history and he keeps saying I don't accept ur apology but I know the reason his doing this is coz of work stress he acts up when work stresses him I told him I'll call him when am back in the country which am back now and it's been a week should I call him but am way 2 scared or just stop even if I call him what would I say",love,NEGATIVE,0.99720299243927 2019-09-13 10:50:14,"I need to vent. hi ya all I am girl and am so skinny and I try everything to be fat like medium but it doesn't work and am so tired eating too much and trying everything and if u know something that change me pls let me know Tnx so much",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991266131401062 2019-09-13 10:50:21,"I need to vent. I just don't want to live anymore. Nope it's not depression I'm sick and tired of that term. I just want to die. Enough.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972133040428162 2019-09-13 15:30:28,"I need to vent. Im windering if there are people who really found solace and comfort by posting their issues onto this channel. I mean the comment sections are always a combination of people who mean well and sexist retards who werent properly brestfed by their mom's (if you want examples jus open the comments of this very sure ine or two will find some dumbfuck shit to say to this verrry innocent vent) but point is i really want to know of people wh were better off after posting their shit onto this channel. Comment your stories if your okay with it ...jus wanted to make sure there was a prospect of smtn better before i lay down my fuck ups onto this channel and seek advice. Peace out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999032735824585 2019-09-13 18:25:45,"I need to vent. One time i got into a fight with this guy ena he really hurt me the things he said besmam idk I've never felt so bad about my self. And i had feelings for him so it was sooo fuckin hard. I swear i have never felt like that in my whole life , i was out of words i didnt even say anything to him ...i was like wow. That day at night a million thoughts started going on my mind. i couldnt control my self. Its like im a whole other person. And i started cutting my self before i could stop my self and it kinda helped i sarted focusing on the physical pain so i started to calm down. But after that i started regretting it i felt pathetic and weak . I wasnt supposed to be that weak just for a guy. I wasnt supposed to be like that .so now i have deep scars on my thigh and they are going to be a permanent reminder of how broken and weak i am. Every fuckin time i see it, , it makes me hate my self it makes me insecure about my body and i hate that. ive already had enough problems, i was already insecure about a lot of things about my self why did i have to add one ‍‍",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9882662892341614 2019-09-13 18:29:28,"I need to vent. So, not my fist vent, or my second. Here I go. I'm 18 and a guy. I've had a girlfriend since 11th grade on and off. Mostly off, and it's my fault. I just have this problem, I get sick of anyone I meet in a very short time. Like, I love this girl, but suddenly out of nowhere, when she calls me at night I just ignore it, I let it ring and ring and ring, she calls about a hundred times thinking that she might guilt trip me into picking up but I just don't care at that moment. And the next day she calls again and I pick up and give her a lousy excuse and she just accepts and voila, we're back together. This happens every couple of weeks for no reason whatsoever and I'm scared that one day she just might not call me back and I'll loose her forever. And don't you dare tell me to ""just pick it up, dude"", coz I've heard that a million times and it didn't help. Please people Help!!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984902143478394 2019-09-13 18:29:58,"I need to vent. Hi guys I just want to know if it is the same when the opposite sex fall in love....for example me I start to get opssesed with him, miss him, wann talk all day n quick to tell other guys I have a boy friend is it the same for guys",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9956325888633728 2019-09-13 19:12:03,"I need to vent. y'all... a middle child here. Getting blamed for other siblings fault, being told I'm the evil n worst one(tho I swear I'm the nicest of pun intended), getting told I'm not good enough n that I should be more like my siblings, everyone looking down on me (tho I'm the brain of the family. I got great academic scores that no one in our family got but they still consider me the one with no future), never been listened to n being taken seriously( not even as much as my lil brother who not to mention is five yrs younger than me.),not being given the chance to express myself. making it their mission to degrade my confidence everyday...not acknowledging my existence like when other ppl come over I'm the last one to be introduced(or they ignore me). This has been my life for the past 19 yrs I've lived n I'm tired of it y'all. They don't even realise how much their words n actions affected me through the yrs...I mean I got 0 social life n self confidence n a big insecurity issue...n it's all their fault. I mean how do u expect anyone else to appreciate u if ur own fam had never. The worst thing is I had never even talked to anyone abt it. Everyone thinks I got the perfect one will believe me. Recently I've seen this article on internet 'middle child syndrome' ...but that is not enough to make me feel like I'm not the only one. Pleeeeassss tell me I'm not the only one feelin this way. I wanna know any opinion u have on this. I mean it's okay if friends do this to u...I mean u can just not give a fuck but when it's ur's hard ppl. It rly is",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994187355041504 2019-09-13 19:12:23,"I need to vent. Is there anybody who's interested in Buddhism religion?or who follows Buddha or who reads western Buddhism books and would like to talk about it?..I am in to it but it freaks many people out mnamn so I don't really talk about it with anyone... Do you wanna talk about it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992591738700867 2019-09-13 22:22:30,"I need to vent. So i'm a boy 20 almost ,the thing is...i just wanna ask ,is there any one with dark black lips in nature? If there...hw u doing with it specially in life and social interaction?and girls from ur perspective..hw did u see that? I ask that because it is really really affecting my relationship with girls,dooming my confidence around them. I'm obsessed with that which is affecting my grades in campus. So i really need to know..what u people think as an advice? I know i shouldn't probably give a fuck about what people think i tried to do that i failed. Help me out guys!! And for ur knowledge i don't smoke...have never touched it.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9961289167404175 2019-09-14 00:03:39,"I need to vent. I just dont understand what I did wrong.. we were filming for a class project and then the next week...she just completely ignores me. Im not even sure what I did? She doesnt even look at me, and she purposely walks away from me too, I tested that. Im not wanted...but her my group of friends.. and I dont want to make it awkward for them... so I guess.. I'll just leave the group...but the problem made me realise how .. alone I was. I was in class.. in the middle.. and Everyone was discussing in their group of friends or going around class asking another person question...and then..there was me...sitting alone in the middle...and I couldn't go to anyone..because the girl whowas suppose to be my friend is ignoring me and I just, couldnt take it. I couldn't take that it was such a hard blow to take that I am alone. And I always will be. Even if I try to shine, even when I back the fuck off... im just... alone",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994966983795166 2019-09-14 00:04:48,"I need to vent. Is it just me or do any of you see or sorry because it's a subjective matter, percieve the purposlessness of life, I mean why did God create us? So we got born, ate drank, and got clothed we got sick we get treated, we got married, we have a division of labor in our community some of us teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, engineers, merchants, accountants... the list goes on what is the overall purpose of living ??? Really think about what is the end- game, what is accomplished at last? ??",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975727200508118 2019-09-14 06:44:04,"I need to vent. Ok so i like this guy and he likes me but we can't do anything sexual because he has been with alot of girls and he prolly caught sth from one of them. I want us to go get tested but i don't know how to ask him. How would you like to be asked such kind of question?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9933947920799255 2019-09-14 06:47:05,"I need to vent. Hey y'all quick question, with all the shit that's going on in this country, with the anxiety and depression i have been through for the last 2 years, do you really think suicide can be an answer?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984925985336304 2019-09-14 08:01:59,"I need to vent. I don't know if it's worth venting...but it's just i can't hold it to my self no more...i really missed how we used to be i missed how he was so perfect gn all those things which made me fall for him are fading away n he has already stopped caring for me...I've never been so good to anyone like i am for him n he's all i need but it turns out that am ruining his life tho he always told me he loves me so much he is completely changed...wzr it's my fault or not even if he's the one to be blamed i always ask for apologies not to lose him.we talked few days before n he said everything will change n he'll be like he used to be but it's getting worse the only reason i am with him is that i love him and i couldn't forget how good he was to me in my hardest time those good personalities aren't wat i can't keep thinking of but he's pushing me too far without saying wat he wants n it's killing me n makes me feel am just trying to get attached to the person who's avoiding me so i need some help. n incase if u see this n know this is me just know that am getting tired of it yes i want u so bad n u know it well but u're hurting me more n more so tell me wat u really want even if u want to stop this relationship.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978437423706055 2019-09-14 09:33:14,"I need to vent. Not venting more like letting you know even tho you won't know it's me I guess anyways I really really really miss you it's almost a year since you left and I have been waiting for you ever since, almost like waiting for the impossible to happen but still‍ My life hasn't been the same and we can't go back but damn I really miss you and I will always love you that's it I guess Hope this one makes it out",love,POSITIVE,0.9918423891067505 2019-09-14 09:33:39,"I need to vent. At some points in my life I overwhelm myself in to deep depression and anxiety. This thought that I have to be perfect. Have to be successful. It doesn't revolve around me being happy. At some point I just stopped trying so hard to keep it all balanced. Being happy and putting myself down till having panic attacks . I feel my panic attacks when I feel like this is the only choice and I'm fucking it up ... So exams ...they stress me out so much that at some point I go in blanckk. The anxiety exams put me through leads me to a darker part of my depression. The part that constantly tells me that I should be productive and not sit at home all day. That constantly tells me I ain't never gonna be good enough. That I have no control. That my future is unseen. That tells me that I have no safety net to catch me if I fall out of control. It goes to physically hurting me my heartbreaks. I'm a sensitive person do that happens on a daily basis. I do think of suicide sometimes ...not seriously..but I put this unrealistic idea n let in float only plan for suicide is to jump off the tallest building on Earth. Knowing this would never happen...on account to my general fear of height ...n not being able to be at the tallest building... it's fun and games.. that's how I deal with my unresolved feelings I can't sleep",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975747466087341 2019-09-14 09:34:31,"I need to vent. Hi everyone I don't know what is wrong with me but I feel like people are watching and judging me all the time... I don't even have a pic on my accounts Facebook Instagram n so on...I delete them from time to time when my old classmates approach me...i wasnt popular or anytin but it has all passed I don't know why m nervous especially of my old there anyone here who was like me or would like to give me advice? Tnc",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999376118183136 2019-09-14 10:08:11,"I need to vent. I rly rly rly need help So im almost 21 now in campus where i met my bf he was an ass at first he used to do all the kinda shit(kush,chat,cigarette) + cheat + lie his ass off! But still we were like talking menamn keza 1 to led to another we started being a thing but i knew he cheated but i wasn't srys abt him too so in the summer i ended things up with him and started dating the love of my life(who i thought he was‍)but things didn't work out and when we went back to gbi me and the dude started being rly close friends cuz his mom died and u knw...and boom we're lovers again betam betam aderkognal gn he changed this time he stopped every shit i mean the chat stuff, he started to care...he started taking me to places like other country i was like wow(i mean the dude doesn't even buy u a sandwich eko) we had sex... i was a virgin btw... and after graduation when i was going through all kind of srys shit he was there from me he would show up saying ayzosh menamn demo eko hes far he lives like in other kilil! So my huge problem is i still don't trust him, im becoming like a control freak and i hate that... i get mad at every little thing he does, i always think he is gonna cheat or stg... Plz tell me how to trust or start not to care about every thing...i love that shitty dude and i wanna be able to trust him PLEASE tell me how",love,NEGATIVE,0.996542751789093 2019-09-14 10:08:38,"I need to vent. I used to be a very out going person and had alot of friends and i find it easier to have guy friends gn the thing is I'm a girl and i want girl friends alot but i feel like i have absolutely nothing in common with all the girls around me. But whenever i see a group of girls having fun it makes me wish i had that kind friendship and iys beem making me really depressed cuz all the girls who used to be in my life are gone and im stuck here alone feeling like an outcast around my school. So basically if you are still reading this and you arent bored could you guys tell me ways to make female friends",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988622665405273 2019-09-14 13:28:14,"I need to vent. Darksoul 17 venting here Greetings fellow venters Im here to discuss on sm stuffs that had been vented on this channel and what else than depression and anxiety like for fucks sake depression is not a mood its a motherfucking mental illnesses like people know the difference between getting bored n getting depressed like depression is even visible through mri scans n people out of no where when they need peoples attention bla bla get up n say im depressed if u think ur depressed go to a psychiatrist n get medical attention if ur depressed they will help u more n how to deal with it but please stop im referring for the ones just doing this for seeking attention and last some people watch the movie 13 reason why and say they r depressed fuck u guys and fuck the movie thanks y all and hit me up with yo comments",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9991355538368225 2019-09-14 13:31:43,"I need to vent. this is my first vent,,,i never thought i would talk about my shits in public but here i am,,,the thing started when i was in high school...i am a second yr uni student now...there was this guy i liked after a while he started to ingnore me for no reason(maybe he had a reason but he didnt tell me)....keza...i started talking to his friends...they were cool...especially the player one...i never really loved him but i slept with him one time...but he failed to break my i thought i could have sex one more time and get rid of my hymen...keza i started talking to lela guy i used to hate (i still do )that's why i chose him...i know this sounds weird...but i'll tell u why i did that...i was scared of ""the virgins syndrom"" we did it...i was drunk and i didnt know exactly what i was doing so he took a picture of us doing it and videos too...(i had no clue till it went viral and some friends told me)...but karma is a bitch aydel mibalew...the guy is considered as a rapist through out the town eskahun...and town wist metayet ersu lesu sekeken nw...that thing really changed my reputation and i used to be the innocent girl around the school but keza behuala i became the hoe...guys only want me for my body not for who i am(i dont blame them tho)...that changed me alot...(even tho i never had sex after that eskahun)...i started getting bored of every guy a month or a week after i start to date you think this has anything to do with the past experiance??",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9992095232009888 2019-09-14 13:32:45,"I need to vent. Dude ur the one who left, ur the one asked for break , ur the one who asked me to move on… is wrong with u…..saying this ol things…..u really really making me feel bad… I am the bad person…..u don’t love me or wt ever ur feelings are…..i feel like ur just mad at me(don’t know why zo)…..i just did wt u asked…….i respected you and u should too….if it helps I am not a person worth fight 4….u can do much better than me!......sorrry if u feel like I hurted u in any way…….",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994103908538818 2019-09-14 13:34:14,"I need to vent. Hey hope this vent will reach cuz non of ma vent did anyway here goes I have fear been in r/ship is not like I never been but won't stay too long (1month) I am pretty cul to hang out with and have lot of guy frnds who want to be with me they r so cul and everything but I fear r/ship betam dont know why wanna be in r/ship like others FWY never been broken or anything",fear,NEGATIVE,0.968940258026123 2019-09-14 16:13:54,"I need to vent. I'm not fond of people in general. I go to extreme length to avoid any interaction with anyone. I'm always trying to find ways to end or get out of even a conversation. I can barely talk to my best friends. And I'm kind of okay with it. But other people aren't. They single me out and try to include me in conversations. I know they mean well, but i hate it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9944175481796265 2019-09-14 16:14:35,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I just have to explain to people what depression actually is because the level of ignorance is stunning. So first of all we as human beings have a feedback control system in our brains. When good shit happens to us we feel good. When bad shit happens we feel bad. Like when a person breaks up or rejects you. You are supposed to feel negative emotions. Or when we are constantly alone we feel negative emotions because by default we are social animals and you are feeling this emotions so that you have the motivation to do something about your loneliness. But clinically depressed people what ever the situation maybe only feel negative emotions. Their feedback control system in their brain is not working correctly. Whatever situation they are in they feel negative emotions. Hence the brain scans and medications are given to such people. But for most people in this group (even though sharing is good) aren't really depressed. Because they drone about why they are depressed. BUT THE WHOLE POINT IS A DEPRESSED PERSON DOESNT KNOW WHY HE/SHE IS DEPRESSED. They just feel negative emotions continuously. I am sure your problems and emotions are real but that doesn't mean you are depressed. And I know depression is a popular word nowadays to mean sad and I am not trying to be the depression police saying ""don't use it"". But just be aware it is a SERIOUS FUCKING DISEASE.AND NOT YOUR EMOTION OF THE DAY",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981800317764282 2019-09-14 16:14:59,"I need to vent. How would you guys define beauty?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9975503087043762 2019-09-14 18:59:02,"I need to vent. Soo here is the thing i get sick of ppl in short time like more than words can tell...ena there is this guy that i love betam enam ik he loves me back but coz of this prob i have abren mehon alchalnem i always push him away ...we got that on and off kinda relationship enam now he is tierd of ma shit betam anaweram mnamn ena i wanna tell him how much i luv him n apologize for all of ma fucked up shits gen ahunm bihon yaw new after 2 days i will do the same thing again n again i dont wanna hurt him n at the same time i dont wanna lose him too so what do u guys advice me to do... N yeah i need somebody to talk with abt this going deep mnamn so leave ur user name here and i will huu",love,NEGATIVE,0.9963177442550659 2019-09-14 18:59:41,"I need to vent. I have been reading some of the stories you guys shared and i saw similarities in most of your problems. Not judging you, i have problems too gen just wanted to help. I mean most of you are keeping up with someone who cheated, lied, abused and used you. Im not saying seek revenge, but is this what you want to live with the rest of your life. I mean don't you want to be loved, cared for, protected(mentally, emotionally, and physically). Specially the girls you are keeping up with cheaters, those who will throw you after getting what they want, those who will and are abusing you. I mean is he the one you want to have kids and raise with. I mean is he the one: who will protect(emotionally, mentally, physically) your kids or is he the one, who will insult you, cheat and beat you infront of them. Does he have the personality and quality that your future daughter will wish to marry or avoid. ask your self before entangling your self with this person. Im not saying think about marriage, but you say you are in love and you ""want to be with him forever"" as most of you feel. So why not choose wisely and cautiously. I mean you feel like you want to give him your entire life so why not be selective of your choice. Lastly if you talk to marriage counsellors they will agree with me on this point. Most of the divorced couple were in love at some point, but being in love didn't save their marriage. What im trying to say is dont try to give your entire life to someone just because you feel so. Because your life has much more value than you think. If your relationship fails the lifes of people that surround you will also be affected: like your parents, siblings, kids if you have any and your future kids too. So be careful with whom you entangle yourself with. Your best examples will be those who are victims of domestic violence and acid attacks,.... I have last bit of an advice if you agree with it take it if not reconsider it. I dont agree with sex before marriage. Before starting to insult and curse me hear me out. When you are with someone who you like or not to spend time with, you are making a memory it can be a happy one or not. Most cases of sexual dissatisfaction is because of past experiences. Most of the couples who have been with numerous sexual partners have reported not being pleased(having an orgasm) by their current sexual partner. I mean why will you risk your future and lasting relationship to sexual dissatisfaction. I leave the judgement to you. Here are some of the books i will recommend you to read. - The sacred search by Gary L Thomas - the purpose and power of women - the purpose and power of men - waiting and dating All three are written by Dr myles munroe I hope it was helpful.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9469060897827148 2019-09-14 20:51:47,"I need to vent. Hey guys am 21 campus student so here is the thing there is a guy that i love like so much words can't explain the feeling that i have for him but he don't give me any attention i tired to attract him by so many methods but he still don't give a shit i mean he treat me like his friend and he is in love with my best friend and he asked me to give him advice hw to be with her soooo please guys i need ur advice i don't wanna lose him plssss",love,NEGATIVE,0.9332892298698425 2019-09-15 08:30:02,"I need to vent. So I wanted to say this with as few words as humanly possible but I know it won’t be short so here goes it’s for all the believers out here for a second don’t dense up your ears and allow me to ask you things that matter do you genuinely believe that there is a God...we’ll ofc you do but you suppose an all knowing God would put us up on the earth knowing our endings fire or glory, do you think an all knowing god would choose only a group of people to save for thousands of years only to save leave the rest to you think not believing in him to praise his glory for millennias to come yet still doing good things in life regardless ends as a bad story book...well if all his will giving abilities count to him knowing our outcomes does it matter how things go...really think about this for a second like I have and tell me I’m wrong so perhaps is it wrong to just love one another without fear of punishment from we really have to forge an idea of an afterlife so we can be better people can’t we just be...good...if there’s more divide amongst us because of what we believe is religion or belief really even correct can’t we just live as the primitive species and see the bigger picture and love one another...tell me now",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9894205331802368 2019-09-15 08:30:09,"I need to vent. How can I get rid of ex annoying ex?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988619089126587 2019-09-15 08:30:42,"I need to vent. What is in me now won't take me to where i want. I know it deep down it's just the same old story with minor adjustments. I can pretend all is merry just so i can face tommrow and yet at the end of each day i lay before my truth. This thing this feeling i wouldn't call it sadness or pity just a cocktail of frustration and acceptance. A being running on the most basic of human instincts. Maybe the only purpose of this slimy bag of flesh between my ears is to crap out theamless words and bare witnesses to all its unguided rampage on all that is good. And to never be satisfied with any state always yearning for somthing different. The iterations of my thoughts cover me in layers of illusions. Lies so deeply woven they even fool me into thinking i might be someone else but its when the day claws and shreds this facade i just sit. The sound of fate ringing in my ears and i can see it clearly. I could lay in the mess I've made but I'd still be the dirtiest thing there. It is peaceful when i just am. I am what should never have been. Sense is for the redeemable but whatever this is it's my thing.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7414352893829346 2019-09-15 08:31:20,"I need to vent. Hello guys Thanx for this opportunity I have a boyfriend and we love each other mnamn gin you know we r just starting to talk openly about things FYI we used to misunderstad each other gin we are better now. But there are times I get awkward cuz he don't tell wht he is thinking while we r talking abt smt or doin smt then later when he tells me it was nothing to be worried abt. I don too smt U feel me? Anyways I just want to know if this is normal not communicating well?would we b better?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9903326630592346 2019-09-15 17:06:22,"I need to vent. Hey am venting for the 1st time hoping for some helpful comments of u short I am 18 n 2nd yr in campus, I never dated anyone n no relationship history, but now I got a crush n I started chatting him...he seems nice...we almost chat for a month problem is I don't know what is gonna be nxt I mean how do I get he has the same feeling wz me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9675918221473694 2019-09-15 20:26:06,"I need to vent. So guys I have a problem,it's that I had a bf last yr when I was in freshman we r in the sewye class ena this summer he dumped me ena it took me a while to recover but am ok now,but what is making me insecure is that I will see him everyday this yr cause he is in my class like I said so what do u suggest I do ,I thought maybe having another guy in my life would change me or maybe ignoring him but I couldn't make up my mind so just any advice would help,tnx",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9955843091011047 2019-09-15 20:26:59,"I need to vent. I don't even know where to start am not seeking for advice or sth just wanna get it off my shoulder is z thing am a girl 18 years old joining compass this year ...all I ever wanna do was work on my grades,get rid of depression(depression slachu endekalal neger atyut lbe Betam tegodtol... I tried to be normal but things r getting worse I'm having mental seeing z signs ...beka I just wanna turn into ashe disappear and never get back to this fucking words ....uffffffffffffff......Betam yeselechegn neger binor Berezina metetat I ended up with a liver disease ...right now am looking for sth better hulum neger kakme belay honal ....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995036125183105 2019-09-15 20:29:18,"I need to vent. P.S: A very long post !!! Hey there Unihorse people. This is my first vent, and my confession ever. I've never talked about it to anyone. So 6 years ago, when I was in High school, I met this girl. We live under one roof since she has no one but my step mom. We got to chit chat through Facebook, and things started to get serious. We used to just kiss on check and small talks, no horny sexy stuff. I left the country and then came back two years aftet that. So exactly 4 years ago, we still had that feeling, of just talking and a kiss on checks. So she once asked me to come down the stairs, and boom, I had my first kiss EVER. We kissed on lips, and it was a good experience. Then, things got out of hand. Once she asked to a living room, and we started kissing on lips, and she got horny a bit and grabbed my hand onto her tities. I was very afraid, because I'm a very strict person, and I stopped it. That's when she stopped kissing me and said, don't you want us to do it.. I was afraid, and asked her for her forgiveness and continued, and yes, I touched her tits and even ate them. Things escalated and we had the chance when the house was empty. She called me to her room, and bam, this virgin guy is about to fuck a lady. I was nervous. I started fucking her, and then after she cums, she stops me and started crying. (I was still hard). Then she explained to me that she isn't virgin and she had sex with her teacher at high school. I was her man so I tried to calm her down, and I said to her that I'll accept you with your goods and bads. Days went by, and we used to have sex on a daily basis. Like daily basis. She even used to wake me up in the morning before she goes to school and I fuck her then she goes. Like literally daily basis. Morning, when she comes back to school, whenever we find that the house is empty. We even used to make out anywhere, even in public, even in small rooms, even in a restroom. We kept on for like two months, on this way. Then came the day that I had to go back home abroad to finish my high school. It was hard for both of us, because it wasn't guranteed that I'll be back. And we genuinely love each other, not only the sex part. We lovvvved each other. So I went home, and two months later, she sent me a message telling me that she'll break with me caue we are apart and that's hard to handle. And then she deleted the only way I could talk to her, her facebook account, she also changed her phone number. Two years later, I came to Ethiopia, and obviously resided in the house, where obviously she is living too. It was awkwars at the beginning, due to the history between us. But then things got smoother, and now we are friends, as if nothing happened. We talk, we discuss things, we eat together, we live together as we used to. But nothing of that! Sometimes when I get horny, I just reminisce how cloooose we were and how great sex we had. Now we are like friends, like real close good friends, is that normal!!!?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9945324659347534 2019-09-15 20:29:33,"I need to vent. P.S: A very long post !!! Hey there Unihorse people. This is my first vent, and my confession ever. I've never talked about it to anyone. So 6 years ago, when I was in High school, I met this girl. We live under one roof since she has no one but my step mom. We got to chit chat through Facebook, and things started to get serious. We used to just kiss on check and small talks, no horny sexy stuff. I left the country and then came back two years aftet that. So exactly 4 years ago, we still had that feeling, of just talking and a kiss on checks. So she once asked me to come down the stairs, and boom, I had my first kiss EVER. We kissed on lips, and it was a good experience. Then, things got out of hand. Once she asked to a living room, and we started kissing on lips, and she got horny a bit and grabbed my hand onto her tities. I was very afraid, because I'm a very strict person, and I stopped it. That's when she stopped kissing me and said, don't you want us to do it.. I was afraid, and asked her for her forgiveness and continued, and yes, I touched her tits and even ate them. Things escalated and we had the chance when the house was empty. She called me to her room, and bam, this virgin guy is about to fuck a lady. I was nervous. I started fucking her, and then after she cums, she stops me and started crying. (I was still hard). Then she explained to me that she isn't virgin and she had sex with her teacher at high school. I was her man so I tried to calm her down, and I said to her that I'll accept you with your goods and bads. Days went by, and we used to have sex on a daily basis. Like daily basis. She even used to wake me up in the morning before she goes to school and I fuck her then she goes. Like literally daily basis. Morning, when she comes back to school, whenever we find that the house is empty. We even used to make out anywhere, even in public, even in small rooms, even in a restroom. We kept on for like two months, on this way. Then came the day that I had to go back home abroad to finish my high school. It was hard for both of us, because it wasn't guranteed that I'll be back. And we genuinely love each other, not only the sex part. We lovvvved each other. So I went home, and two months later, she sent me a message telling me that she'll break with me caue we are apart and that's hard to handle. And then she deleted the only way I could talk to her, her facebook account, she also changed her phone number. Two years later, I came to Ethiopia, and obviously resided in the house, where obviously she is living too. It was awkwars at the beginning, due to the history between us. But then things got smoother, and now we are friends, as if nothing happened. We talk, we discuss things, we eat together, we live together as we used to. But nothing of that! Sometimes when I get horny, I just reminisce how cloooose we were and how great sex we had. Now we are like friends, like real close good friends, is that normal!!!?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9945324659347534 2019-09-16 11:20:47,"I need to vent. Here u go. I just cant stop fapping. In Every chance i get, every sex scene i saw i start masturbating...i tried to stop, i joined some nofap campaigns but i have never gone morethan a week without masterbating‍. Lately I'm doing it 2 or 3 times a day and it is fkn with ma head. I just can't concentrate on things and I'm loosing my hair too. Is it bcoz of it? How can i stop this? If anyone with this experience please helppp",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971791505813599 2019-09-16 11:21:15,"I need to vent. Hello Well i couldn't understand why ppl gotta be rude when you are being nice and harmless to them..... But all they gotta do is just keep hurting u.... I thought they were family but they didn't care.... When they were in bad situations i was there for them but in return they don't give a..... I just wanna say I'm sorry if i did something wrong to make u feel this way cuz i don't know what i did wrong....",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9983281493186951 2019-09-16 11:22:56,"I need to vent. Here it is there's this guy i am dating well idk what to call it exactly gen we hang out often and he is really amazing treats me well always there for me and do anything to make me happy but the problem is am 5'9 thick and he is 5'6 betam kechacha ena it actually bothers me if i had to be in a relationship i always fantasized about someone atleast a lil taller than me and buff yehone ale aa cuz i am gednged and i have actually tried to tell him that me and him aren't compatible but he doesn't listen he is in love nger and my friends his friends u will regret it losing him just because of physical appearance bcha am lost min yeshalal wegen?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9777692556381226 2019-09-16 15:56:07,"I need to vent. Hello everyone I have a boyfriend I love so much. And he smtimes he tell me abt girls asking him out n stuff he recently told me about this girl ena now when he is online n not talking to me I imajine him talking with her n stuff n that is cuz he told me they played games once online ena I can't get this thought out ta my head...I know he chose and love that a problem if he talk to other girls who likes him or something online?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9943802952766418 2019-09-16 15:57:30,"I need to vent. I know this sound horrible but I hate my sister!!! She is the most selfish person on the face of the earth,I know family comes first but I can’t stand her she is the reason I can I tolerate some one who makes me this sad...older sisters get a great job,get married,have their own place but mine is still in our parents house going out having fun with her friends and comes home and disrupt my whole world ...And there is no one to tell her to stop...",anger,POSITIVE,0.7473174333572388 2019-09-16 15:58:05,"I need to vent. I can't help feeling alone all the time. I started telling this girl everything I'm going through and she consoled me and I started liking her for that but I'm 100% sure she doesn't like me and I feel betrayed coz she's the first person I opened up to what do I do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7193046808242798 2019-09-16 15:58:08,"I need to vent. My problem is i fall easily for guys and all they do is hurt me and leave. How can i stop this shit?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985376596450806 2019-09-16 18:03:35,"I need to vent. Hey tnx 4 reading soo here goes. So I'm a girl and a Virgin and I've been thinking about this for a while and I've decided that I wanna hav sex. But here's the thing I'm single right now and i don't really wanna wait til I fall u love. I know a lot of people wanna hav their first times with people they love but I just really wanna get my first time out of the way. I don't expect it to be magical and amazing. I know it will probably be awkward and uncomfortable and even painful but I just really wanna get it over with and move on with my life. I'm a high school senior and I'd really like to lose my virginity before University. So anyway there is this guy that I know. He doesn't go to my school and I've only met him a couple times but I know his a player and he'd be down to do it.I don't know him that well but we have a lot of chemistry and I'd rather it be him than any of my exes. So I guess my question is do u think I should just do it with him????",desire,POSITIVE,0.7610578536987305 2019-09-16 18:05:33,"I need to vent. Ok! This is my story...i am a girl with a massive problem and the thing is one half of my ass is bigger than that of the other one. YES i have an uneven ass and it is not an attractive style to sport not only on tight dresses but especially on tights. I am very beautiful n ppl always notice me on the streets but as soon as they see my backside they laugh an joke. I have thought about surgery but my uncle joked that no fool doctor would ever lay they're hands on my ass. Demo it is uncomfortable to sit on. Yekorekural. So anyways now i wear long dresses nd hve found a boyfriend bt since i started covering it he dosent know abt my ass. Wat do u think he wud do. Anyways i jst wanted to vent abt this. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.984799861907959 2019-09-16 19:03:54,"I need to vent. Just a question, can chatting with the opposite sex practically become an addiction?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989874958992004 2019-09-16 19:06:21,"I need to vent. hi unihorse hide my identity my mom died 3 yrs ago n my father doesn't care abt me n life is always tough to me n there is dis guy i Iove so much n he makes forget everything but he has got smoking addiction n he is sort of weird n always abandon me ...I can't think of any guy what shd I do please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987465143203735 2019-09-16 19:06:38,"I need to vent. Do u remember the last time we had a fight? Do u remember the things u said to me ? Well i do, haven't been abel to forget them. And dou remember what u said when u made up , i remember every single word u said ,how could i forget. U knew how the shit u did made me feel, for once on my life i opened up about myself with u, u were the first person i actually opened up to. But u did it anyways, u did it again. U hurt me in the worst way possible.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9965919256210327 2019-09-17 08:38:45,"I need to vent. We met 8 years ago while we were in high school. We are still good friends. He is a very kind, smart and drop dead gorgeous person. I know i liked him from the moment i saw him but i was denying it for years. When people talk about how we look perfect together, i always try to change the topic. I also have been in relationship with different people over the years. And he knows about it. I don't think he even know about my feelings. I m moving to another country in October but thinking of never telling him how i feel is killing me inside.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9271515011787415 2019-09-17 08:39:56,"I need to vent. Hey guys I am in my senior year girl dont know wat to say but I really need ur advice there is this guy I used to love starting from grade 8 he was so kind n really great guy.He used to say to other girls he have feelings for me then in grade 9 I confessed to him n got regected.From tat day I tried to stop my feeling for hm but couldnt whenever he ask me something I said ok without even thinking I dont know wats wrong with me. I thought I over come my feeling for him but I think I still love him. I dont know how to forget hm pls guys help.",love,POSITIVE,0.6448830366134644 2019-09-17 08:40:21,"I need to vent. Hello people I know a lot of you heard about betting and most of us boys are involved in it. I'm University student and this summer I got nothing to do since class was over so I started betting at football matches and I have lost lots of money and I have lost more trying to return what I have lost and now I am betam addicted to it. It's all I think when I wake up in the morning, all day through, it's all I talk with my friends and literally everyone I meet online or face to face (except family) and what is your opinion on this? Do you think I will win and should I keep betting? Or the lost money is already lost and I should stop? And please guys don't start with ""Kumar hatyat new "" mnamn I know.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992384910583496 2019-09-17 08:40:51,"I need to vent. Okay, so ive seen the depression posts. So the thing is, I know Im not depressed but how do you truly know? Without accidentally causing urself to stay away from hospitals cos the main reason is that I keep yelling at myself im not depressed over and over and I cry over and over cos I know everyones got worse times than I do then why do I feel like shit? Why cant I enjoy life like everyone does? It sucks?? Cos im nOT depressed and I swear I am nOT. But how would you know the truth ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7487765550613403 2019-09-17 08:41:09,"I need to vent. I need someone to talk to. Some one I will tell my thing. Some one who is all ears till I let it out all. Please!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9977521300315857 2019-09-17 20:22:36,"I need to vent. So guys im 18 a girl... i have a boyfriend its been a year since we're together and we love each other we do things together we talk a lot and bka hulunm.... So the thing is we make out do freaky stuffs he goes down on me sometimes mnamn and he wants to go to the next level i mean have sex with me but i don't want to do it before marriage cuz i think its a sin so i explained that to him but he refused to accept that..he don't think like that he says he'll marry me and i know he'll do i trust him....but he say's our rlnship is gonna be boring mnamn so guys what should i do help me out please..beteley my sisters say something",love,NEGATIVE,0.9966799020767212 2019-09-17 20:22:45,"I need to vent. What do ladies feel when they get horny is it similar to men?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979590177536011 2019-09-17 20:23:53,"I need to vent. hello unihorse hide my identity how do you deal whith a heavy heart break how do you move on when a girl you love just don't love you as she use to anymore",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9748298525810242 2019-09-17 20:24:13,"I need to vent. A serious question for the ladies. How much does it matter to you that a guy is muscular. Or is true that some girls say that it's not a big deal, and an average guy is ""ok"" ?",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.7273187041282654 2019-09-17 20:24:52,"I need to vent. Hey does anybody know over the counter supplements for depression or a mood booster or sumn",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9994763731956482 2019-09-18 12:17:30,"I need to vent. Hi I'm 15 boy and I had a girlfriend but our relationship was on/off type I used to love her but she keeps messing it all with reasons like family, doesn't want to be with me, I don't deserve u blablabla shit but I was with her until One day she told me that we can't be together no more with a smiling face. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm the one who mess with her and her life but it's the opposite. She told me that I am a player but in Amharic which make it rlly rude and hurts I tired to back myself up but all I thought abt was the pain. I was with her through her worst and helped her as I can. I was depressed cause I got family issues and stuff I even cut my hand and watch it bleed. And now I still have the same feeling as that day. Anybody can help me how to be normal",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9859441518783569 2019-09-18 12:17:36,"I need to vent. I love everybody in here and know u all will be ok",love,POSITIVE,0.9958200454711914 2019-09-18 12:17:50,"I need to vent. This probably wont make it ! But how do u stop from thinking of a suicide it's like a disease it won't leave my mind",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9879482984542847 2019-09-18 12:18:09,"I need to vent. So when is the right time to share your passwords to each other while in a relationship (relationship as if something serious not just a fling)? it's not like there is a trust issue but i believe that couples should have each other passwords.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980074763298035 2019-09-18 12:20:03,"I need to vent. It was grade 7 and all of us were hoping to meet new people from other schools. And then a girl came to our class. At first I didn't really give her much attention, but as time went by I started to fall in love with her. We used to sit together and talk the whole dayyyyyy mnamin. Then grade 7 ended before I said anything. Keza in grade 8 I was losing my mind over her. I thought about her soooooo much that my grades went down from 10th to 23. But still I didn't say anything to her coz I was afraid. In grade 9 we got into separate classes and I was very mad. But a day never goes by without me thinking about her. But I still didn't say shit, I couldn't even tell someone. The in grade 10 my BEST FRIEND told me that he loves her. Think about it. Then I had to hide my feelings and I just gave him advice. He told her that he liked her then she rejected him. And finally in grade 12 we got in the same class. But then I found out that she hooked up with my grade 5 BEST FRIEND, I was heartbroken but I just accepted it. They didn't last much though, they broke up at some time. But I didn't say anything to her. Then when we came to campus idk what but something just motivated me to tell her and I did. But she rejected me, TWICE. And now I just can't get over her. I think about her all the time and can't even sleep at all sometimes..... Can you guys have help me out with some advice??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9876770377159119 2019-09-18 20:23:20,"I need to vent. Hey guys it's my first time venting, and I'm so stressed. I was not the kinda guy that use to say this kinda things but here I am... matrik ahun nw yetfetnkut ena I have a 4.0 gpa. I taught that was the only thing I want but I guess it's not. I'm freaking out like... so much. Well guys I need ur advice, what should I do so that I can return to the happy dude I was. Tnx betam guys",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9915719032287598 2019-09-18 20:25:54,"I need to vent. I need vent. Last month I meet this girl, and we build good thing I felt complete when I am with her,I really like her so much last week we had good sex , but her pussy smell like skunk, 2 years old bad poop with dead fish on it. please help what to do,",love,NEGATIVE,0.8940974473953247 2019-09-18 20:26:32,"I need to vent. hey guys this is my first and my thing goes like this there is this guy whom i rly rly like and we even went out for a month or so but then we broke up cuz i found out that he has feelings for this other girl. he doesn't even know her that much only sees her and at the same time we have so much in common and hang out and text all the time. we became frnds after we broke up but i am still hurting from the break up and to top it all my best frnd didn't even call me about the incident..i rly don't want to lose him but it's getting hard to move on too what do u think i should do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9939234852790833 2019-09-18 20:26:59,"I need to vent. Ow right yll here it is... So i mate this hoe months before and fall in love and now she broke up with me by her own reasons that i don't know but the problem is i cant stop tinking abt her... this love shit is turning me nuts so wt do u tink i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.995320737361908 2019-09-18 20:27:20,"I need to vent. What do you think it means by depression? Like everyone talking am depressed by this dude and depressed by my family. Depression is at another level for eg you are depressed because he cheated on you this is some dumb shit. Depression is when a mother is shot to death in front of their son's and they can't forget that image throughout their life they always remember it when they try to sleep. Please use different words .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987592697143555 2019-09-18 20:27:43,"I need to vent. I need to vent...I'm sending this for the second time ( the 1st didn't make the cut ) so here it is...I'm a 26 and don't know if I can call myself a victim but I've undergone FGM and that's has been my insecurity.I know my parents love me and would do anything for me but can't help resenting them sometimes. I'm in a relationship( a good one) that is the only secret I've kept from him..considering most women my age haven't been through this I'm scared of telling ppl. My question is mostly for guys...Does it matter to you? How much?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9923557043075562 2019-09-18 20:29:34,"I need to vent. here is a thing . I’m a girl and I have this problem with the boyfriends lately. It’s Nat like I want to but every time I’m in relationship I got bored so easily feels like I don’t wanna see his face and after a 2 weeks or month .....broke up . Same shits always happens to me so I stop dating . Idk But do anyone have this kind sickness or problem?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983905553817749 2019-09-19 21:01:01,"Dear members. Unfortunately, we have reached our monthly limit of bandwidth use; hence, our bot will be inactive until October the 1st. We are working on upgrading the terms with our service provider. we apologize for any inconvenience this may have on your vent here experience. Lastly, we invite you to comment your thoughts below, How was the vent here this month, did you find our platform productive, any suggestions on what we may add to further enhance your engagement with our channel? Your feedback matters to us. Sincerely The vent here team.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9699689745903015 2019-09-25 21:06:30,"Dear members. The vent here team has been at work since the channel's inception, for further implementing services to enhance our Platform, doing as much as we can to help those who come knocking to our doors seeking it. We are using every resource at our disposal to improve and maintain this ecosystem we have built, thus satisfying our every member's needs. And on that note, today we will be announcing our newest feature yet, a support group for mental health. which will launch the coming month. This support group will be at the service for those who are diagnosed with a mental illness and/or anyone having a friend, a loved one, a family member suffering from one. Details will be available at launch. Do share with us your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below. sincerely the vent here team.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9985835552215576 2019-10-01 17:19:33,"I need to vent. I need to confess. i used to be an addict now i'm not And the things I have done I still remember them like it was yesterday and they make me feel really low even tho am clean. I need someone to talk to. Some one who won’t judge and won’t ask to meet and not a dude of course",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984425902366638 2019-10-01 17:19:46,"I need to vent. Hey guys so this is my first time venting its about my boobs not to be nasty or something but they get bigger and bigger day by day and all my clothes won't fit now so please guys some advice to make it a bit smaller please I googled it but I couldn't find solutions plus peoples this days make fun of me which hurts tho some of my friends think its sexy but I don't think so. So please any advice",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985705614089966 2019-10-01 17:20:02,"I need to vent. Okay here it goes I'm male, n its about my hair. It has started getting thinner n i will probably get bold i guess(n it is good looking hair ). Its been a year since it started n i kinda made my peace with it. Until this girl i was seeing pointed it out. And it got me to think does it have a large impact on how a woman see a man. People close to u wont be totally open cause they don't wanna hurt your feelings. So ladies your honesty and opinion is appreciated.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9987019300460815 2019-10-01 17:20:34,"I need to vent. Im a lady of many colours. I see it all the hunger ,the lust, the want the addiction, the helplesness ,the racism , the love , the hate, the hypocracy of all of us. And it scares me thats why i change my colours so i could fit in im a racist with the racism. Im a talker with the gossip. I will pass injustice just because i dont want to waste my time. And now i look back and i admire my acting abilities and i dont know what makes me lough anymore. And i have many grudges i hold on to. And its eating me up inside. I want to forgive and forget. I want to be me again i want to find real friends that admire my high and lows . i dont want rules and boundaries to socialize and have fun and learn from everyone. I want to be international and spiral and epic and spontaneous . But i dont know how anymore . my only answer is for another chance in life. So what i want to know is how to start fresh? How to be me again?",desire,POSITIVE,0.9873731732368469 2019-10-02 06:58:06,"I need to vent. Its more of an advice ......dont be honest bout ur self to a girl the moment u do that dame bro!!.... u have lost all respect of being a lover and u become her little bro.....lie!!!!......lie like having having a space ship or bill gate is ur dad",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993947744369507 2019-10-02 06:58:43,"I need to vent. . Let's put it like I didn't treat him right n I was sorry n he forgave me but he kepps on going back I'm lost in how I need to fix things the way they where I luv him n don't wana looose him over A silly concept where I can fix them",love,NEGATIVE,0.9982293248176575 2019-10-02 06:59:27,"I need to vent. I don't know where to start but it really hurts to be alone... I'm a guy & I'm 19... I've never gone out on a date like ever... all I've got is either she's taken or I get flat-out rejected... I mean all the bad boys who treat everyone like shit are the ones who look cool and get all the girls... I mean what kind of society do we live in where sweet caring guys like us are alone asf... It hurts a lot to be alone in a world full of people where you're invisible to everyone and there's no one to love care and be there for you... Sometimes it makes me think that I don't deserve to be loved and I deserve to be alone... Is this what life is like... then I don't deserve to live 'cause I can't bare the pain L",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9965505599975586 2019-10-02 18:25:35,"I need to vent. So I have this issue.. I'm 23...I'm an introvert but at the same time addicted to girls,.. so what do I do? Use social media to create something..i chat with girls on it n get a date or two that doesn't last...I would do anything to be in a relationship...just to settle things but with my personality I dont see it happening... so I decide to forget about this and focus on my studies n not waste time on pointless online conversations that dont go anywhere. I keep promising myself to stop n focus on my class(which is stressful by it's own..being med student and all) but I just cant stop with this shit... everytime I see a good looking girl or happy couples I get impulsive n get on Facebook or Instagram to chat n try something online that never goes anywhere, waste time n get angry with myself... it's a fucked up loop n I cant get out of it...HELP ME",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984377026557922 2019-10-02 18:26:56,"I need to vent. Okay so hi ...umm I was in a on and off relationship this guy I kinda like for a year now but the reason it’s not consistent is...his sweet mnamn gen his very very chekchaka like words cant even express it engenaign new every min call new bersh gar neign come out new... Ena his actually pushing me away because of it demo eko I told him “esti kurabign”mnamn bya gen I don’t know if it’s outta love or idk but he keeps blowing up my phone ..I wonder if maybe what’s making him want me this bad might be me not wanting him as bad or Because i didn’t spread them legs ain’t no lie he wants to have sex with me am just wandering what do u guys think ..I do like him I do but ... I like my freedom too",love,NEGATIVE,0.9932530522346497 2019-10-02 18:27:38,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I need to vent I dont wanna sound like a 16 year old white teenager but and this probably wont make it ! But how do u stop from thinking of a suicide it's like a disease it won't leave my mind Any one who went through the same situation and wanna talk about it ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9907311797142029 2019-10-02 19:30:22,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse Hide ma identity. Am asking u all to think of me when u say ur prayers some of u may think that this is silly but i am pretty desperate. And thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9801148772239685 2019-10-02 19:30:57,"I need to vent. Just random insights , what's ur opinions on these 1 why aren't there more rich and successful people in this country? Is it because we are so accustomed to the traditional way of thinking and living life? Why are people not open to new ideas or lifestyles? 2 why do people starve on the streets when they could commit a simple crime ,go to prison where they could get served food? We all know what people would do to save their lives when they are at the peak of survival. 3 why is feminism such a thing when it's all about empowering women while making men inferior? What's up with all the latest movies where the women are the heroes and the men look wimpy and girlish? Its obvious both genders are different ,one being good at sth than the other on some specific areas but the reason behind feminism is just a total bullshit . Or let's just put a man and a woman in the same fighting ring and see what happens 4 ever wonder why we wear branded clothing like Adidas, we are gonna get paid promoting their stuff ? 5 imagine being the most richest man on the planet, u have all the money, the cars , the companion of ur friends relatives. And u r so rich that you dont even have to work at all. imagine what your purpose in life would be then. Because still having all things in life including family and money, still doesn't give comfort to the human mind 6 why do people blame some girls to be gold diggers ? everyone wants a that comfortable and lavish way of living life, so what's wrong with wanting that? Would you rather be poor and miserable and have sick kids ? I know we (habeshans) are very judgmental and a new way of thinking is underappreciated. We often go for approval than speaking our minds so feel free to say anything in the comments",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979857206344604 2019-10-03 06:51:26,"I need to vent. I'm a 16 year old boy and I have been thinking of things lately. So here is the thing , my parents got divorced when I was abt 6 or 7 but they live together saying that me and my brother need both parents and I appreciated it. Idk y but they argue every night in a disturbing and a stressing way. I love them both but they got problems like every time I'm talkin with my father he turns the conversation into a scary talk like I did sth wrong also he doesn't rlly care abt things he even say unspeakable shit to me, my mom got the same issue with the conversation thing and because of this thing I stop talking to them and other ppl thinking they might do the same. Sometimes I feel like my little bro is the only child in the house plus he is getting meaner but sometimes he is nice. If he get the chance he will try to insult me and make ppl laugh which rlly hurts. Idk y but my mom is on me like all the time (I'm not saying she and my dad are bad ppl) with no reason and every time I'm done with my chores she pick out a mistake and use it against me and it rlly piss me off. I know it may sound like nth but this shit has started since I was 7 and I'm sick of it . I'm kinda happy in school but every time I get into the house I just wish God could take my soul and keep it. Lately I was thinking to get away from home and never return but on second thought I'm like where would I go"" but the pain and all this shit is driving me crazy and I'm getting rlly angry just thinking of. I had a dog that I rlly loved with all of my heart but somebody gave him poison and I didn't know what to do. All I asked was for a happy family. Any suggestions cause I can't handle it no more.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9972990155220032 2019-10-03 06:53:10,"I need to vent. Hey its my first time im girl high school student i have been in relationship enam betam kebad nbr ya lene kemanm belay nbr manmnew enam ke family ga hula tetalche nbr it was very bad story of my life enam btam tgodchem bihone abeka cuz he cheated endza honeletm enam sw lmamen ahun btam tcgryalew everybody endza nw mimslene ketleyayen alomst year limolan nw ahun lela rnship gmryalew idk im scared of trusting him esum ymikdane ymeslenal dmo player nbr kenega kmhonu befit he told me selrasu mnm saydbk gn endet lmenew enam gra gbtonal i need advice hw can i trust him weyes lakum kesu ga yalenen need ur help guys tnx",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9988774657249451 2019-10-03 18:47:47,"I need to vent. Grief is in the air tonight. It is suffocating me. But it doesn't make sense, I haven't lost anybody, except maybe myself. I feel like I've been here before but i don't remember how I got through it then. I feel so invisible and trivial. I see my peers going on about their lives as if they'd live forever. They look like they don't carry all the venom they've ever encountered since they knew what it was. They are well adjusted human beings, and I am mentally ill. But I hide, I don't know how well tho. I just hide and feel sorry for myself. I hide and feel angry with myself because I'm here feeling sorry for myself and not trying to fix myself. I hate myself. I wish I could die. Some days I think I'll grow out of this angst, but I've been thinking that for years now and it just keeps getting worse. I don't know if I even have a self that can be saved anymore. I barely remember how to be happy anymore, I don't know how to smile without that ache in my heart. I've forgotten how it feels like to be young (but I'm still young...this is how it is for me, ig). do you know what I want to do now, I want to go out and buy a blade. I haven't cut in months, but since the past two weeks, I cannot stop thinking about how it would feel like to drag the edge right down the inside my left arm, going deeper than I've ever went. But the forearm is such an obvious place, there will come a time I will be past this depression and I will regret the questions I can't answer. So, I'll settle for a shallow criss cross covering my thighs for now.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969111084938049 2019-10-03 18:48:29,"I need to vent. Hi unihorse I need to vent So i met this guy a year ago when i was just about to leave campus. we'v never meet in person like.. i know him but we never met we started talking online and Good lord he is extraordinary i fall for him and i told him that i need to take it to the next step he didn't even trusted me back then cause he was hurt so many times. he is a bit weird and psyco.... not that i don't like his weirdness but idk sometimes i feel like he is way intelligent than who i am and most of the time i feel insecure. And just when i'v had enough of feeling like i piece of trash i told him that we need to stop (duh he ignored me for like 5 damn days straight) all ma friends said "" u doing good u better off with out him anyways""...and i'm like nah so he apologized and asked for a second chance and i said ok lets give it a shot from that day forward he made me the happiest of all, he began to understand me and ma flaws. We were doing way better untill this week.. he said he won't be online for couple of days which is the only way i could talk to him (we don't do phone calls that much) i texted him like thousand times called him he said he is ok and he is changing for the better and he will be back soon (sounded like ""i said i'm ok women"" kinda voice) he is the kinda guy who dose what he belives in like he goy his own ways of doing stuff i know he cares about me and i'm a so worried about our future (u know he is far from where i live not even planning on comeing here and stuff ) i'm so afraid that i'm gonna lose him. Man i love that boy can't afford to lose him...TF should i do help me out people (wheew such a relief )",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9883207082748413 2019-10-03 18:50:02,"I need to vent. long story short, here it goes... i'm a guy 23, i had a girlfriend, we've known each other for 6 years. people's were jealous of our relationship. last December we decided to spend a night together for the first time,... things went as planned... we had a romantic dinner nd we went to our room, we cuddled for a while and that's where the whole story changed, she got hyper-exited and she seized and went to complete unconsciousness. by that moment i was really nervous and worried so i shouted for help! everyone tried to help a few minutes later the paramedics and her parents showed up, i was shocked, i just left the scene as soon as i realized she was fine. and the next day guess what... the police showed up at my door, she have confessed everything on me because she was afraid of her parents, the attorney opened a case against me and the judge sentenced me 8 months in prison for sexual assault. the case was serious so i served and finished my sentence on September and i got out of jail. she used to visit me while i was in prison, she always cries and tells me she regrets everything. this Saturday she sent a friend to tell me that she deeply regrets what she have done, she said she want to fix everything... my morale is broken beyond repair,... i still have feelings for her, i still love her, i don't want to get into a mess but my heart tells me to forgive her and start everything fresh. what do you guys advice me? ps. sorry for the messy writing, i'm busy and multitasking",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9434326887130737 2019-10-04 05:56:42,"I need to vent. I waste a whole book writing about u. I thought notebook (kinda diary) should be consisting of things about me. Not u. I thought it was me n my future, my past added to it. I thought it was a safe place to my thoughts about everything but u r there instead. But I don't get it since u r not my everything, are u? No, u r not. So why? Why am I filled n traumatized with the thoughts of u? Why can't u just leave? Why can't u just go? Why can't u just let me move on? Why does this keep hurting? Why do u make me think everything twice when I'm with u? Why can't I just be with u like I am with others? Why do I think everything has to be perfect when I'm with u? Why do u make me think I should do whatever u asked, please u? Why does my heart throb when I see ur texts? Why does my head keep spinning, pushing everything else when I am with u? Why can't I just treat u like a random person? Why do I have to be like this if I'm not gonna get u in the end? Why am I like this if everything is gonna end after a while? Why do I sacrifice everything when it comes to u? Why do I have to blush when u compliment me? Why do I have to be nervous of the thought of meeting u? Why do I have to be scared of the thought of losing u? Why do I have to feel like this if I'm gonna end up laughing at my younger self after a few years? Why do I have to go through this if u r not the right one? Why do I have to be punished like this? Why? Why can't u just be rude? Why can't u be a jerk n it would make it easy to move on from u? Why can't I just do things right when I'm with u? Why do I always end up crying most nights? Why do I have to spend countless times restless n sleepless? What is the use of all this? Why is the key to this, the reason? Why can't it just be eazy? Why do I always fool myself when it comes to u? Why do I always want something more from u? Why do I always end up tearing up when I'm thinking about? Why do I always do wrong? Why do I have to give up so much for u? Why do I do that? Why does the strings in my head tangle when I'm thinking of u? Why do I have to be hurt when it comes to u? Why can't u just be an asshole n make me angry? Why do u care this much? Why do u have to be this good? Why can't u be bad? Why does the thought of u always end up in my head whenever I hear a song, every song? Why can't u just hurt me, intentionally? Why can't u just make fun of me? Why can't u just point at me n laugh clutching ur stomach? Why can't u just let me go? Why can't u just be bad? Why am I always guard up when it comes to u? Why can't I tell to others about u? Why can't u just leave my head? Why can't u just let me leave? Why does the though of moving away hurt me morethan it should? Why did I cried that night? Why do I have to feel like this? Why am I so sensitive when it comes to u? Why can't I just know why? Why do I overthink everything when it comes to u? Why can't I know the reason to all this? Why is this happening? Why do I always convince my self I'm over u when u r not around but crush deep when u come around? Why can't I have a stable thought when it comes to u? Why does my head have to be like this when u the thought of u consumes it? Why can't I stop this, whatever this is? Why can't I focus on myself? Why do I have to constantly think about what u think of me? Why can't I stop crying? Why do I miss u this much? Why do I always thought of seeing u? Why do I always thought of running into u? Why does the thought of seeing u terrifies n excited me at the same time? Why can't I just go a day with out u messing with my head? What's wrong with me? U r the one on my mind so tell me. Why can't u leave? What r u doing to me? What would u get from this? Why can't u let me leave? Why can't u give me peace? Oh my God WHY?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994739890098572 2019-10-04 05:57:04,"I need to vent. I knew that I was dying ,something in me said , go ahead, die ,sleep ,become as them, accept . Then something else in me said , no , save the tiniest bit. it needn't be much , just a spark . A spark can set a whole forest on fire, just a spark .save it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9964860677719116 2019-10-04 05:57:30,"I need to vent. Im a 18 yr old girl and I'm going to another country for vacation and I am highly not sociable. I can't even talk to my colse friend properly like when we talk on the phone we spend more time saying nothing than talking so I want some tips from you guys like how to start a topic to talk about and how to be fast, how to make new friends. Any helpful comments will be appreciated and I think this is a problem for most of us. Thank u!!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9887595176696777 2019-10-04 20:23:46,"I need to vent. Hey, I can't sleep, don't want to get out of bed in the morning that's what happens when u witness a murder and no its not a person dying but my cat, it must be a joke but no my dad snap, broke he's neck just because I apparently ""embarrassed"" him in front of he's friends and what assurance is there that he wouldn't do that to me huh? I'm done with he's bullshit",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986838698387146 2019-10-04 20:25:06,"I need to vent. Never thought I would do this, but never say never. Let’s get to it! A guy meets a girl, isn’t that how it starts , he is one of the good guys and she is one of the shy girls. She fall in love with him for the first time. He promises love and protection. He becomes her safe home. She becomes his favorite person to hangout all the time and respect her a lot. Then, he break up with her with the popular break line. They still become close friends. After a year she found out he is celebrating two years anniversary with his girl and they are getting really serious. A girl thinks she is over him so she continues to be friend with both of them. One day the girl and the guy start hanging out as friends and started passing the line, they decided they never had a “good bye” so they do it for the last time. The guy tells her he needs to change for his gf and she promises to help him. He also tells her she is the only person that can break him. Do you think the girl can help the guy to be a better person for his gf? Do u think the girls is a bad person? What abt the guy? Reminder: He is her first true love She is his weakness She doesn’t want unfaithful men He wants to be faithful to his girlfriend. Pls feel free to leave all u think.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9572942852973938 2019-10-04 20:26:35,"I need to vent. I was in my room chilling with my cousin and we were alone. We were just talking about things mnamn keza he kinda started getting touchy mnamn i told him to stop but he wouldnt listen he got on top of me and he started touching me i tried to stop him i fuckin tried but he was strong and he started to unhook my bra mnamn he started touching me keza i dont know how bcha i guess the adrenalin kicked in i got to get him off me and i just went running out the house and it was at night i didnt know what to do i was freaking out, i didnt have anywhere to go and i was scared. I tried to call my friend but she wouldnt pick up and i started panicing more and more and i didn't know what to do or where to go. So I told the only one i could talk to, the only guy that i trusted and loved the most . I just needed someone to talk to mnamn to get me to calm down but do u know how he responded, he fuckin said""eree were keyri bekaa "" yaaa thatss wht he fucking said to me while i was on the streets alone at night freaking out . And i lost it, i couldnt take it anymore i had a breakdown a sat there alonee so fuckin hurt at what both of them did , the guy that i cared about the most and my cousin....after that day i couldnt sleep i stay up all night replaying the scenes and beating my self up for being so weak and trusting the wrong people. For expecting too much from others. And i hate my self for that. I couldn't get it out of my head. What did i do be deserve this ? I had a lot of fucked up stuff goin on in my life and it had to get worse? Really?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9985302686691284 2019-10-05 08:38:28,"I need to vent. Never ignore somebody if they start to talk about ending their life. Most of the time it is NOT for attention. Most of the time it is a cry for help. They are asking for somebody to show that they care. They aren't doing it to be called a poser or stupid or an attention-seeker or any other shit like that. They're saying it because they actually DO want to end it...they do actually feel the need to die. And if you just ignore them, how are you going to feel when you find out that they're dead? Think about it...just try to help the individual as much as you can. Suicide is NOT a selfish act. You all say that they're leaving their loved ones behind and hurting them, but that really only makes you selfish. How can you expect this person to continue living through all the pain that their life is giving them? To go through the feeling of being invisible, like they have no one to confide in? To go through feeling like everybody that once loved them has now abandoned them? And to go through feeling that everyday the walls are closing in on them and that everyday they are sinking further and further into despair? Into loneliness and heartache? How on earth can you expect someone to live with that all the time, just to keep everybody else happy? It's not like it's their duty to make everyone happy. So stop being selfish yourself and think of the individual for once. Don't think that suicidal people don't care about you. One of the common reasons for suicide is that the individual doesn't want to hurt their loved ones anymore. And though they know that suicide may hurt their loved ones, it stops the individual from ever hurting them again. Better once than a million more times. And deep down inside, the individual probably does know that people do care, but they just can't believe that when they're feeling so down and out. It's just hard to think that people care about you when you feel that they never seem to show it and they never seem to be there when you need them most. If you are someone who believes in fate and God and you believe that everybody has a particular time to die made for them, then you should also believe, as sad and horrible as it may be, that suicide is meant to happen. Perhaps the individual is actually MEANT to die at this time and it just so happens that suicide is the way they die? I really don't know...I'm just putting down my opinion. I hope it helps at least one person out there.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9915671944618225 2019-10-05 08:39:28,"I need to vent. So hey everyone. I really need your help. I want an honest opinion. The thing is im 27 yrs old and I recently got married. And my hubby farts every time during ejaculation, alot. I mean is that normal? Does it happen with every guy? Do all guys when doing it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9901378154754639 2019-10-05 08:40:54,"I need to vent. Am 20 n a girl. I really need help. Here is z thing, we were bestfrnds on fb for 2yrs. I wsnt madly in lv wz him but I knew he wouldn't hurt me so, I didn't even had thought abt it properly. We started relation. He ws my 1st, I ws very happy. N after few months I just started to doubt my feelings for him. I started to stop him when he trys to kiss me or even touches me in a romantic way. I told him wat I felt n I saw him getting hurt. I didn't last a day I begged for an apology n we were back. N zs thing kept repeating over n over lyk 4 times till now...It has been 2yrs since we were in zs R/nship already. He kept forgiving me coz he really lvs me. N me am very sure when I tell him am not in lv n should breakup n when we get back again I'll also be very certain zat I lv him. Wats happenning? Nomatter hw hard I try I just never find answers in me. I don wanna lose him wz out being sure n I don wanna hurt him everytime either. Am losing my mind here. What should I do? Am I suffering wz a disorder or sth? Plz Help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974459409713745 2019-10-05 08:41:42,"I need to vent. so am 25 ...almost ...and i have a boyfriend am graduating in a months time..i mean i don't know what life holds after i graduated but i kinda have planned everything out ..and among those plans of mine one is to get married at the age of 30-32 and have kids up until 36...yes amo get busy ...anyways jokes aside i need help..more of idea input from ya'll the guy am seeing is like this amazing smart handsome as shit man ..and i love him dont get me wrong...i enjoy every moment with him..he is the only guy i truly enjoy having sex with add all that and i got me a perfect match ..buttttt... here are the problem lists i have 1.he is damn young (okey i might be exaggerating a bit..he is one year younger than me 2. he is not u know financially established (meaning if am marring him thats like ...the point is i want to be taken care of 3. he gets jealous so easily and he has this immaturity features i am an out going person i drink i smoke i have ppl i hang out w ... anyways....fuck the list i cant list em all ...its just what do i do ...its like i love him but i have needs and i wana be treated in a certain way ...fancy way if u will..i know my worth and why should i settle for ntg less...or should i settle ....its so confusing",love,NEGATIVE,0.9906057715415955 2019-10-05 08:55:07,"I need to vent. I've been friends with this guy for almost 3 years now. We're betam great friends he's my best friend. I'm closer with him than my girlfriends. I can tell him anything. Family problems guy problems like everything. He also trusts me with everything. Our relationship is purely platonic. I have had a boyfriend for 5 months now, but he's been single. Over the summer he was telling me about this girl he likes ena I've been giving him advice on how to approach her and how to ask her out. I even planned their date. Ena when he told me the date was a success and they're now officially dating. I don't know why gn I felt a little pang of jealousy. I don't think I like him like that. I think it felt like now he'd trust someone else more than me and he'd care less about me. Enenja.. it's confusing",confusion,POSITIVE,0.8708712458610535 2019-10-05 20:09:06,"I need to vent. Am so ready to die i don knw why god won't just take me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978309273719788 2019-10-05 20:10:02,"I need to vent. Do you ever have a good day go bad? Or a bad day turn good? I try to live in the moment but this rollercoaster of emotions that fill life is making me tired. And all I wanna do is sleep. This is life and I should get used to it right? But I can't seem to. I just wanna curl into a ball and cry the tiredness out or maybe a tight hug..idk. I'm so tired to the point I'm not scared to die. Because that's rest. And I want to rest.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976418018341064 2019-10-05 20:11:22,"I need to vent. I've only been going out for my boyfriend for about 5 weeks and we started making out like 2 weeks ago... this will be a bit explicit...sorry but I kind of feel like a slut when we make out, it's a bit intense but we have not like had actual sex : but he doesn't just kiss my mouth but my neck and the area around my boobs or my actual boobs (not the nipple...). And we ""grind"" when kissing or whatever. Sometimes he rests his hands on my inner thighs etc. Is this normal to do after 5 weeks? or is it a bit too early? would you describe a girl like this as ""easy"" or slut-like? I have no problem with it but after it happens e.g. the morning after, I feel so guilty and I feel a bit sluttish. I'm 19 and this is my first boyfriend/kiss/everything and I used to be so prudish before...I said I wouldn't kiss a boyfriend until 1 month, make out after 6 months, sex after marriage but all my views are changing and i don't like it. I remember always having the opinion that any girl who makes out with her boyfriend before at least 6 months is a major slut and has no self respect. I feel like I've lost my innocence a bit...I hate feeling really sluttish after a make out session because I actually really enjoy it while it happens and I really like my boyfriend... If my parents knew what I was doing, they'd murder me - actually murder me, and that's a part of the guilt, that and the fact that I longer innocent. How do I stop feeling this way?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987860321998596 2019-10-06 07:15:30,"I need to vent. This couple of days i have been in a bad place ena i noticed i have been stressing alittle abt class but i didnt know it was this serious i have no apetite for food i dont eat that well ena i dont even get hungry and i just have this feeling that i am abt to brust out of tension plus my hands and legs get stingy and i cant move them and i cant stop shaking as if i got a bad fever ena if anyof u guys know anything abt it just tell me what to do.tnx",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9941843152046204 2019-10-06 07:16:35,"I need to vent. Hello guys. I love to hear your comments about me. I am very addicted of chatte , beer , alcohol, weed. And people many of my friends around me pushed me to be here . They think me as a bad guy . That I am very cruel . But I do good as much as I can To make them happy help them when they need anything . But my return is these . Then now I think the world has no place for good deeds . I have become like opposite to everybody . I donot give help when needed .ignore when every one needs me . I donot know when my negativity will last . I donot give a respect either they are above my age or not. And guys give me some suggestion I don't think these world have no place for good peoples.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8973852396011353 2019-10-06 07:19:42,"I need to vent. Greetings fellow men, it was only a matter of time until someone took the initiative to post about how dating works in our current climate. Some of us are nice, and we think it's working against us. You then try to be asshole but that never really plays put well, does it? This post isn't for Greek god looking guys blessed with the best genes. This post isn't for the guys complaining about how their girl is too conventional in the bedroom. This post isn't for the guys who are looking to have threesomes. This post is for the guys who just want a nice girl in their life, if they could just last until the third date, it's a success. It is awesome that we have this platform to share our thoughts we probably wouldn't share in person. For such guys, all I have to say is, hang in there. Work on yourself. Polish your skills. Don't make your life revolve around women. Getting laid might seem the epitome of pleasure when you haven't done it, but the second you have a taste of that p***y, you soon realize it's not what it's cracked up to be. Hollywood has sold up sex and love a lot because they realized it was a good way to make money. But it's still great, don't get me wrong. My advice would be don't take social media platforms as a way to score chicks. What most guys fail to realize is that these girls are chatting up 10-20 dudes at the same time and you're just another one on the pile. You might be the cool guy she's been looking for but you honestly can't get her to commit enough to have the connection required. You do land dates using social media, but it's really not your best bet. For my fellow introverts, I understand how socializing could be a daunting task on it's own right, and add flirting with an attractive woman to the mix and it's surely doomed to fail, unless you polish your communication skills, your flirting skills. In my experience, the best way for introverts to do this is to hang in groups. Start hanging out in groups of guys and girls and the pressure is significantly less. Show your true colors, don't act like someone you're not to impress a girl, or don't say you like this or that just because she said she did. In fact, oppose her when you don't agree. Show her you are ok with, or without her. Don't reek of desperation. SHOW THAT YOU ARE A CONFIDENT MAN WHO CAN STAND ON HIS OWN TWO FEET. By this, I do not mean be an asshole. Girls who go for the asshole are usually ones who have an insecurity of their own, beggar you would never want to see come out. Quality women can see through your bullshit, be a jerk to them and they'll shrug it off like it was nothing. These are the women you want. They don't want the asshole, they want the guy who could be an asshole if he had to. The guy who controls his asshole nature, the guys who's grown out of his assholness. These women want the guy who could protect them, but wouldn't because he knows they can take care of themselves. Aim to be this guy. You have a set of values that you live by, and you won't excuse shitty behavior from anyone. Being with you is an honor, you are a one of a kind, kinda guy. If she says something you don't like, call her out on her bullshit. The fact that you risk losing her, and could walk out at anytime says a lot about your character. It shows you want options. And EVERYONE wants the one with options, not the one kicked to the curb alone crying about being lonely. I'm sorry to break it down to you.",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9420590400695801 2019-10-06 19:40:30,"I need to vent. It's Bpd awarness week. Just wanted to share my side of story a bit. I have been diagnosed with bpd almost a year ago it has been a long road since then and the most hard part was people. Some think your attention seeker some will think your crazy and will avoid you and being alone is a big challenge. And I believe this because they don't have that much knowledge regarding mental illness as a whole. But if anyone of you reading this if you know a person that's going through a rough time just give time to listen to what they have to say them and trying to understand someone would make a lot of impact.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9923853874206543 2019-10-06 19:42:16,"I need to vent. Never vented before first time venting here i fucking go So to get to the point im very angry at everyone like makew sew lay becha sayhone every motherfucker i see on the street and i wanna just slith their throats specially if they are lookin at me just for 1 second i just wanna stone them to death i got in some argument with some oldman on a taxi i dont even remember what he even did to get me angry i just went all phyco on him and he just took it and didnt say anything i wanted to stab him in the fucking neck or fucking through him over the fuckin window if i keep doin shit i might do something i might regret If any one has thought like this or had them it would be helpfull i think",anger,NEGATIVE,0.999248206615448 2019-10-06 22:31:14,"I need to vent. I'm really sad i feel like i have lost a big part of myself. when u can't have someone u love more zan anything in z world, just because u r nothing but a joke to zem, it does zat to u. I swear I'm never going to love again, ever!! Love, all it does is just ruin u in z worst possible way, shatter u into pieces. I wish i was never born.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984209537506104 2019-10-06 22:33:02,"I need to vent. Here is the thing.. i hate my family.. i know it sounds like im a troubled and horrible person (maybe i am) but i have my reasons.this is gonna be long but please hear me out. Ever since i was young my mother was super hard on my and always destroyed my self confidence saying i was fat and evil and i had a bad heart if i did stuff like forgetting to wash the dishes and stuff like that. She would even go out of her way to get my friends to hate me just cuz. She once got all my friedns to ignore at my own damn birthday. Im 20 now(im female btw) and im in uni but since im learning in z same place i grew up i see her all z time and to this day she still treats me like crap. But other ppl would nvr know cuz she's super nice to others. My dad is a passive dude who wont say shit if my lil bro makes a mistake but wudd flip if i did. He still hits me to this day for shit like eg. if i open z door a lil later than he expected . I cud except z fact zat my parents r bad if they were like this to my younger sibling but no...they love him and raise way better zan they ever did with me and idk why but it makes me feel worse cuz i think ""am i really a horrible person?"" Plus z little monster is super disrespectful to me even tho im like 12 years older zan him and my mom just loves seeing us fight (not physically)but she loves seeing him disrespecting me and treating me like shit. So that's what i have to deal wz.. im glad i let this out",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9976100921630859 2019-10-07 06:29:59,"I need to vent. Hi I know that a lot of u guys might think I am a dramatic person but hear me out before u say anything well I feel like god rly hates me I know it sounded over dramatic but I have been wanting something for like my whole life I think the only reason for my existence was because of that job and for the last 3 weeks I have done nothing but pray I even eat once a day u know I was so sure that I would get that job I had my full faith in him but he didn't even gave me a chance I know it sounded pathetic but I was hoping for miracle and hoped that for once in my life I wouldn't feel bad abt my self I thought maybe this job might be my chance to make my family proud but I lost it not only did I lose the job I lost my faith in god too I feel like I have no reason to live pls help me I feel like I am gonna lose my mind how am I gonna face my family now I rly have no clue what to do pls help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994730353355408 2019-10-07 06:31:42,"I need to vent. I know i made a mistake being in a relationship knowing we don’t have future. At first we both agreed we don’t want to be in one but we couldn’t just stop not falling for each other. The person had no problem of having future with me but for me it means i have to lose everything i know. I asked this person to give me time to come in terms with how i am going to go with it but this person wanted it their way which is as soon as possible. That brought the toxic side of both of us and it was just pain. I decided to end things, which hurted a lot like someone was squeezing my heart and just nothing like i have experienced before.To be honest I don’t regret it at all . But that person just completely stopped talking to me and denied my friendship offer. It’s been 6 months already but I still care how that person is doing why is hard to be friends with ex?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9797779321670532 2019-10-07 06:32:32,"I need to vent. So this is my story... I am an girl of the age of 19 and I feel like the life that I am living is not mine, it’s not the life I am meant for. I am born , raised and I live in a place I am not supposed to be (not Ethiopia ) Since the age of 13 I wanted to move back,it was my childhood dreams and it never came true. Most of my teenager years I spent imaging the life I could have. If I wasn’t here but there. I close my eyes and see a different life and it‘s making me crazy. The dream that never came true haunts me until this day. I wonder what I would’ve been doing right now instead of what I’m doing and how much of a happier person I would’ve been. I create exact scenarios in my head. It might sound crazy to some, but I know for sure that the life in my head is really mine. But it always only existed in my head. When I was 16 everything finally lead to depression, I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I already came to a point where I even imagined the friends I would have had or the school I would’ve had visited. It‘s unfair to me that I must live this life ... I am dead inside, the dream that never came true killed me since I was only a kid . And I am mad yet sad because I will never get those years of being a teenager back. And all I did was waste them with the idea of how my life could’ve been and not my real life. I sometimes start crying because I don’t know why my dream never came true, why I never was even given a chance ...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9964011907577515 2019-10-07 14:14:23,"I need to vent. Hey guys Im 19 nd I'm a girl it4my first time venting here ...... ok here it goes i hv a boyfriend and we've benn together for 2yrs(happy one) but i want to take our relationship to the next level like having sex mnamn but i'm really afraid i've never exprienced it before nd he's muslim nd i'm Orthodox bezi bezi mknyat yasferagnal i just don't know what to do? He really respects my decision and all i desperately need advice guys??",fear,NEGATIVE,0.944631814956665 2019-10-07 14:15:31,"I need to vent. Hey it's my second time venting and here it goes am not happy like literally am in happy person am sociable mnamn I have got a lot of friends plus I have a good ears to listen to others problem mnamn gin no body got one for me like my issues aren't about relation ships or some thing it's about family and also friends I love my dad but at the same time I hate hime I have got money reasons to hate him he always bring up a fight with mom betam yinkatal betam he talks to another girls like u kw what I mean..(he cheated on her) he sees porn by these age (fyi he is 60) malet I kw these starting from grade 6 or some thing but I don't have the courage to tell him that I kw or even to mesdeb I blame my self for that like betam why did I don't hate him like why he have done a lot and I have got a lot if reasons gin I still don't hate him like I was supposed to Sorry for the incorrect words ..... And tnx for even reading",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9923601746559143 2019-10-07 20:22:28,"I need to vent. U started ignoring someone ur kinda close with out of the blue, with no reason and that person mekeyems. U weren't mentally stable when u did that at the time and u guys decide to ignore each other. After few months ur okay, back on ur track and feel bad about what u did. What would u do A. Go to them and apologise (biyalfebetem) B. Continue ignoring and avoiding them",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995354413986206 2019-10-07 20:24:20,"I need to vent. Hey guy,eaa am 21 n am kinda badass I don't let people specially boyz approach me am always tryin 2 do thingz ba ma own n I get toooo strict bout things so I hv this family problem ma bro he's an addict (weed) n evertime I get home ma mom is like beaten by him also tortured n mesedeb so I hv decided 2 get him arrested thinkin maybe he could learn sth but it's kind getting worst he's like always promising me that he would kill me every time I went 2 visit him(prison) n I am feelin so guilty like most of z time like everyone thinks am cruel n actually I wasn't like this I was so innocent n sweet but now am like soooo hard 2 get it even confuse me sometimes so should I be feelin bad r is it sth that will came along crisis fyi am a girl",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9984227418899536 2019-10-08 06:15:31,"I need to vent. It's a question actually my mind is fucked up like i overthink in small things and it's tiring and I can't stop thinking how can I not think like this ?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977285265922546 2019-10-08 06:16:29,"I need to vent. Hi and i need to vent about a fucking bitch whom i fucking love and she says she still love me but i know she is a slut she is lying i swear i taught i was too bad for her until my brother imagine my fucking brother started talking 2 her and she fucking says the same god dame thing she says to me she makes all the boys who talk to her feel special I cannot forgive her never but she is too good with words oh God i very much sooo love her and I can’t keep her outta my mind I can’t even stay blocking her i was a bad boy now she make me the weakest man ever i wanna forget her and i need help pls pls pls tell me how 2",love,NEGATIVE,0.9382672905921936 2019-10-08 06:17:02,"I need to vent. Am sorry to say this and am sorry if I am disappointing you God but I hate my life I hate my whole existence The fact that no one has taken a step to love me has broken me ever since my childhood I was broken to the point that you could see it in my pictures I had when I was little I realize now the power of love of a family ,my brother is the only person that had ever taken out those words and said it I can see that he actually cares He would care if I died That is actually the point I have reached I think sometimes how many people would actually care you know if one day I decide to end my whole existence What if I can't take any more pressure what if am just not as strong as I thought I was",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9915340542793274 2019-10-08 18:21:54,"I need to vent. Mad, Angry , Frustrated .... thats what I'm feeling right now, I'm just angry at everything, some things for no reason... i don't know what to do , i dont think it's healthy , I'm going to explodeee .... tell me what to do!!!",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995928406715393 2019-10-08 18:22:21,"I need to vent. i am having hard time believing in my self.i don't think i can do anything on my own. and i have become so dependent on other with out knowing it.and it is affecting me on my work as well as my education.any advice on how to get out of this mess.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9741686582565308 2019-10-08 18:22:55,"I need to vent. So this isnt my first time venting here but its probably gonna be z last‍ who knows. Im the girl with the self harm vent ,im the girl whose cousin tried to rape her im the girl who's been through a lotta shit u couldn't even imagine. Ive literally tried to kill my self before, i was in a hospital for weeks. And for any of u who saytime heals mnamn no it fuckin doesnt i still have flashbacks of every fuckin bad thing thats happened to me. My parents were never reay there for me they're both workaholics who doesnt care abt anything other than their jobs mnamn they are always somewhere else around the world. They were barely home and when they are home they always fight‍and its rly annoying yemr and it kind of has an effect on the child endi aynet ngr. i have a pretty messed up family. And a moree messed up life. Anyways im over it all yemr ive finally realised nothing ever gets better u just get used to it. To all the pain the hurt the betrayal the loneliness... I've become numb, i feel nothing. U could do the worst thing u could think of to meand I'll feel nothing and u can do the best thing anyone could ever wish for and I'll still feel nothing‍ im not suicidal but if im not scared to die either. Nothing matters anymore.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986656904220581 2019-10-09 07:05:15,"I need to vent. I don’t know what to say. The only thing that’s keeping me from suicide right now is that life insurance won’t pay, and I can’t come up with an appropriate method that would pass scrutiny. I can’t help but laugh at the thought that I’m too broke to even die.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.999173104763031 2019-10-09 07:07:11,"I need to vent. Well hello fellow members Well i got a bit of problem and i need ur help on this. It was about 4months ago ena i was walking behind this girl right ena i spotted she got her period and her pants was all fucked up from the back (she didn't notice) so i walked upto her and told her. Well she panicked and didn't know wt to do so i took my shirt off and gave it to her to cover it so lela sew endayayew. She hugged me mnamn beka i walked away. lets fast forward 2weeks ago mnamn.....she was with her friends mnamn ena they were walking i didn't spot her mejemeria until my friend saw her and said oooh konjiye nat keza sezor its her... i didn't say anything. she saw me ena meta selam alechign mnamn she even made a joke about the shirt thing mnamn ena teleyayen.... lets fast forward endegena 3days ago....i saw her egna sefer endegena.... This time i was confused and didn't know wt to do so i walked close to her and selam alkaut mnamn ena i asked her ezi mn letsera endemetach she told me egna sefer uncle endalat mnamn ena suk yetuga nw yalew mnamn alech i showed her keza she asked me if we can walk mata and we will get to know each other bedenb mnamn alech eshi we went for a walk ena suddenly it started raining ena yalaleke ebet wist gebetn mawrat jemeren ena one thing lead to other and we kissed... well i didn't call that a man move cuz i could've done better maybe ask her out on a nice date mnamn.... so i asked for her number she gave it to me. So guys i want u to tell me how to plan this date and how to make her happ PS. She is really good looking, intelligent, she have a smile that can light up the world and i definitely dont wanna fuck this up",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9810950756072998 2019-10-09 09:11:06,"I need to vent. So i have been getting my heart broke so many times and now i dont think i can endure it anymore.. and nope its not a guy problem.. i have always kept my expectations low with the guys and when they finally break up with me i just get a little sad for like a while and then totally forget that they even existed.. my problem is when it comes to friendship.. i am all in! like i trust people 100% i become overly attached.. demo when i say this am not one of those clingy type of people or anything i mean i dont even hug or kiss people right i am that unsociable awkward girl... its just that i always try to be nice to people i never say no menamn and people take advantage of that... esuama menem atelem menamn eyalu wede menak new yemihedut no respect at all gen yerasachew guday right? Idc biye new yemalfew but what i cant ignore are my friends, whom i thought really cared about me and whom i thought loved me just as much as i love them being total strangers....dont get me wrong.. they are not bad people eko but i just have my expectations way up high and always end up getting hurt... so am i wrong for liking and trusting everyone i get close to? Should i change the way i look at people and be cautious everytime? Or did i just meet the wrong people should i continue being myslef hoping that i might find real friendship?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9960731267929077 2019-10-09 18:42:49,"I need to vent. I need to vent . ""People who commit suicide doesn't need to end up their lives, they need to end up their pains. """,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974713325500488 2019-10-09 18:43:32,"I need to vent. I just wanna meet nw friends im my life pls admins approve argut",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9817067980766296 2019-10-10 07:57:49,"I need to vent. Hello, I'm 19(M) and I live with my uncle (42). Its been 8 years since I've started living with him, he was the only one who'd take me after my parents split because neither of them were willing to take me. I dont have any siblings and my uncle has never been married so its just us two in the house. I really liked him because he was really nice to me when i was distant and quiet because of all the shit I went through with my parents . And recently I've been thinking about him a lot... I know I'm not proud of it but I dont know what to do anymore. I dont have close friends that I can talk to about these kinds of feelings. And I dont think I'm gay because I've liked girls before. But sometimes I have dreams about him and they're not totally innocent. I dont wanna be like this, but I just have these thought about him when we're alone. I haven't acted on my feelings nor do I intend to but I just can't take it anymore. I wanna be fixed. I'm disgusted by myself for thinking about these types of stuff about the man who raised me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.98973149061203 2019-10-10 07:58:35,"I need to vent. Hey am a guy 21 and idk why but i am so fuckin obsessed with sex like literally i am always horny and when i have sex i can't finsh without concentrating i could for hours if am not, sometimes i get turn off while having it... i know i sound like a dickhead but please if u guys ever experienced this stuff i could really use advice",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9856953024864197 2019-10-10 08:00:13,"I need to vent. Hi unihorse pls keep me anonymous I wanted to vent about my mom Since I was a child she had always yelled at me for the smallest reasons and imagine as being a child's mind it stuck to my head I used to hear her screams at me and see horryfyimg images of thornes and me falling in them I used to cry out a sudden and when she would ask me about it I wud just continue crying and rocking myself As I grew up she startes criticizing my every move The way I talked,dressed,acted and even the way I laughed I soon lost all my confidence and constantly worried of what people would say if I acted or talked in a certain way cuz that was wat I had with her She constantly put pressure on me and insulted me on even the smallest mistakes I used to go to school with red and puffy eyes from all the crying I spent a lot of nights bawling my eyes out and asking god why i had this life and sometimes i even wanted to end it I know she loves me and cares for me but she rarely shows it And I really wanna tell her how she has affected me but I just can't cuz I know shed just dismiss me and see me as an ungrateful brat or sth Anyways thank for reading this far",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988607168197632 2019-10-10 08:03:34,"I need to vent. Hey everyone idk how to start but I literally have the shittiest life ever. And it got worse when my granny passed away a couple of months ago she was my everything and she was the one who raised me and now I just feel empty and everything is pointless. Idk how I can move past this so if there is anyone who experienced stuff like this help me out and any advice is appreciated. Thank u",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9997034668922424 2019-10-10 21:42:28,"I need to vent. am a fake ass man who lies to almost all z gilrs ik and this thing is making me broke alot of girls heart mostly my lie is about that i am n love wz em. I don’t even know how love feels and when they told me they fall for me don’t even know what 2 do wz them and i will go 2 another one and the cycle continues now a days I wonder what love is and am sacred shitless I don’t wanna die lonely like how does love fell i rlly wanna know for a few girls I in my life i had a care for em or like am addicted 2 them is that what love feels ???? I rlly wanna know",love,NEGATIVE,0.8839811682701111 2019-10-10 21:44:12,"I need to vent. Hy there, I am 19 years old girl and here is z thing I am v ena currently I don't have bf gin I have been in wiz many guys with that stuff gin player negn mnamn emm ena I just met my ex ena I luv him betam even we broke up only my family slabedubgn new ena to ur info he has gf ena I think 3 year manamn yihonachewal ena when we met we kissen mnamn even we had room together even zo I know he is in relationship I can't stop thinking about him ena he just ask me to have sex mnamn ena we will be together again alegn plz help me out what should I do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9881489872932434 2019-10-11 07:17:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys,this is my first time venting so bear with me. Idk how to discuss my situation without mentioning my belief,im a Christian,born a Christian then ""lost my way"" during my adolescence n now found my way back n practicing it as much as i can. My problem is i suffer from ""O.C.P.D"" n that somehow clashes with my belief,the bible consistently tells me to not worry,to let go of my burdens n staff. yet my mind wonders around like a lost sheep,i got mood swings like u never seen before,im not happy like 90% of the time. That mental state is messing with my day to day life. I can't spend time with anyone(sleeps in all day n staff u know the drill). Now im not saying i got no one to talk to,im in a committed relation,i got a family i talk to openly n staff but the moment i mention my mental status n the sh#t im going through,all hell breaks loose. Family will tell me how i should pray n let God take care of it,girl would start to worry n even cry so i cant discuss this particular issue as much as i want,n believe me i really need to discuss my situation to get a certain level of relief u know .. Glad i shared this with you all,its not easy to discuss mental issues with strangers but seeing how so many of you are dealing with what im dealing,i figured it wont hurt .. what a relief to say that out loud,n any suggestion on how i should discuss my issues with those around me are welcomed and if any one of you would like to listen to what i have to say i would really like to chat with someone .. appreciate it big time,God bless you all",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9769246578216553 2019-10-11 07:17:34,"I need to vent. Hey people, Just wanted to thank everyone who stuck with me through my rough times. Thank you for making me happy again. Sunshine is the best part of the day!!",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9998243451118469 2019-10-11 07:21:02,"I need to vent. Hey guys okay here we go this is my first time coming out like this about my footfetish but it’s had been a really big thing in my life since I was a little kid I had this attraction for feet now footfetish is not new to many people but mine has turned into something I can’t control I prefer feet more than anything I know that’s. Not normal any having a normal relationship has become a bit harder and not many accept so guys what’s ur opinion on footfetish specifically girls and boys what do u think about it what do think about other fetish’s too is it normal ?? Thank u for ur time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9877148866653442 2019-10-11 21:50:03,"I need to vent. Can u recommend me some good psychologists and their price? I need help",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982319474220276 2019-10-11 21:50:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys more of a question than a vent.. My boobs are not that big but when I take off my bra saggy and I feel insecure because of them . are saggy boobs turn off?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99908447265625 2019-10-11 21:50:42,"I need to vent. Hey everyone ...I am expecting real advises guys...I am now letting someone enter my life I hv no problem with it but I am in a great fear that he may not give me the long lasting relation I want, he always say experimenting is the way but I know that I am not able to accept any kind of separating issues after I am in to..I am afraid I love him so much n um in a great fear of what if we don't last long",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9971646666526794 2019-10-12 07:26:40,"I need to vent. Idk why it doesnt even matter how hard i try i just feel like in the end it doesnt even matter coz i have a secret side in me that i never let people see i keep it caged but i cant control it keeps telling me that its in our nature to kill you know every word people say pushes me one step closer to the edge and im about to break",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9846370220184326 2019-10-12 07:27:05,"I need to vent. I pretty much had everything I wanted. I studied what I wanted, I had amazing friends, loving family, I graguated with awesome GPA, got a job i love. I never thought it was down hills from there. I keep lossing and lossing everything I have.while everyone's life is getting better mine keeps getting worse and worse. I don't know what I have done to deserve this I mean I think I'm a good person I might have done things which I'm not proud of but I'm human, human mass up sometimes but it's about making things right aydel?I just can't loss anything anymore. I don't think it's in me to handle any loss anymore I can't even hope for better twmorrow I'm so fucking broken I just need that light in the end of the tunnel so fucking bad.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9952203631401062 2019-10-12 07:27:46,"I need to vent. I feel like my mind is scattering in to frantic feeling. I'm not sure how venting here helps me or not, but I'm desperate, ldk what to do. So I'm 18 yrs, girl. Senior this year but things have been upside down. It started as my parents start fighting and my own dad starts to spend the night with out letting us know, he never did that before in his life. If his home they would always spend the night fighting and insulting one another. Things would have been a bit smoother if it was only me but I've got a younger sister. She starts crying whenever they fight and they have been fighting for 6 months max. They have been together for like 20 years but they are not the same person as they used to be. Every thing has changed and I'm scared for me and my sis. What our life gonna be if they keep fighting or got a divorce. And to sum up I don't have any one to talk to, l've got friends and a boyfriend. But Every time I tell them they were fighting they would say ""every thing is gonna be alright "" but it's not. I'll be taking the matric this yr but I'ven't been concentrating on school and it's really affect my result and I'ven't been my real self lately. I started faking like l'm fine so that my mom, friends and other ppl could be a bit happier when I'm around. But I'm so broke inside... and no body seems to notice. Is what I'm doing right, maybe I need help but how could u guys be kind enough to share ur thoghts?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.996196985244751 2019-10-12 07:28:09,"I need to vent. I am a failure in everything my point was to make my parents proud but i cant cuz am a failure i already made them ashamed and it cant be fixed there was a time i was asking about the most payed job and my mom was like why do u have this kinda altitude about money wat she didnt get is am in this world because of them i just want to make money for them i dont care about money i dont care about my life i am here cuz i owe them they been through a lot and i am not making it easier by failing in school and other shit i cant be wat they want me to be i dont know wat to do my friend told me she hate me but wat she didn't know is i hate myself more than anything",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.99783855676651 2019-10-12 10:56:25,"I need to vent. I joined some company 6 month ago. The manager at my office stares at me all time. He tries to find every means to talk to me. He texted me sometimes about just silly staffs. My other colleagues in z office commented about how much he stares at me.. I don't know why but I am starting to enjoy it. My clothes, the makeup i put on everything is changing and i know that it is because of him. I will get bored when he is not in z office..... But it is wrong because he is married and i am hating myself for i",joy,POSITIVE,0.9060231447219849 2019-10-12 10:57:35,"I need to vent. i am going through an existential crisis. someone please recommend a protestant church i could go to for help.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9968053102493286 2019-10-12 19:10:22,"I need to vent. Am 21 and a girl so here is the thing I feel like actually its not feeling my best friend (so called friends) did me wrong at the past like very badly and in my nature I am very forgiving like I have this personality where my tiny mistakes are huge enough to cover their big ass mistakes which hurt me so bad long story short from the past 2 month I started removing my self from them for my own sake I started feeling alone I got no where to go no one to talk to it getting on my head like loneliness.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983103275299072 2019-10-12 19:11:02,"I need to vent. hey there, Wiz out any further ado I just wanna ask.. is it okay for a girl to date someone who is younger than me in grade even if we r z same age? I always get hit on by tanashoche n ekuyoche also talakochem but once I found zey r not older than me I just lost interest.. I've always given chance to my olders like one or two yrs bcoz I'm mature wise n haven't found zat quality in guys younger than me ..but recently I met a guy we become frnds n through time he asked me out on a date n zat he likes me but I wasn't down n say nah we're better off frnds... But now I kinda give it a second thought and I'm thinking may b it's okay n he loves I'm one grade ahead of him... So guys dontu think it gets weird at some point??? FYI I'm 3rd yr n He is 2nd year... I want both men and women perspective... Thanks y'all",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9788609147071838 2019-10-12 19:11:17,"I need to vent. Insecure Got judgmental friends and family Nobody to vent to Nobody to understand Lonely with dark thoughts Naive & caring Trust people easily Constantly being hurt Afraid of expressing ideas But always has a smile on the face How would u explain all of these?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9661434292793274 2019-10-12 23:38:49,"I need to vent. Would you care about me even if you don't know me?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984323382377625 2019-10-12 23:45:21,"I need to vent. I've been dating this guy for about 4 months now. We've known each other for about 5 years. We dated briefly like 3 years ago but decided to stay friends. The thing is I don't feel like there's really anything between us. No chemistry at all. I think we're staying together because we both don't want to lose each other as a friend. By dating we destroyed our friendship. I mean what's the point of dating, if I'm not sharing my thoughts with him, turning to him for help or calling him at the mildest inconvenience I face. I think the dating made us lose our friendship. I honestly thought we would remain friends even if we were dating now. When I decided to confess this wasn't what I had in mind. He was my friend of 5 years I never thought it'd be this awkward between us. The worst thing about is sometimes we'd go on for weeks without meeting or calling eachother and it wouldn't even bother me until we meet online and talk about how long it has been. I really want to end it gn I don't know how to. Plus I feel bad because I was the one who broke it off last time too. I also feel like I'm not trying hard enough and I should give it time.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977430105209351 2019-10-12 23:46:03,"I need to vent. Hello there people am just wondering is it good that a couple (a boy and a girl)who is both virgin and teenagers can be together and have sex because it can be weird because both partners haven't have any sex before and what do u say about this and what is your advice? Thanks for reading",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9912243485450745 2019-10-12 23:46:14,"I need to vent. Hey vent Here family how u doing, am a guy 20.. And like okay bare with me i have a problem am like very lonely like i have friends but not close ones like they dont know me i mean they dont know how I feel my problems extra... I am always busy fixing other people's problems but no one cares about me i have had no girlfriend like am scared to get in relationship idk why it just scares me... And i just want to ask u any one want to be my friend??..tmx for reading this far",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9975825548171997 2019-10-12 23:46:27,"I need to vent. It's safe to say that I have no friends. And for the first time in my life, I don't care. I love being alone. I'm certainly not lonely. To hell with the formalities. I love the freedom now. No obligations. No unnecessary drama. No favors. No nothing. I don't need a friend to feel validated. This is the life.",love,POSITIVE,0.9882352352142334 2019-10-13 06:53:37,"I need to vent. How can i get anxiety meds without prescription",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99918133020401 2019-10-13 06:55:14,"I need to vent. This my first time venting so please bear with me... The thing is...first of all i want u to know that this has been bothering me for a while now... I wanna vent about people who comment in each vents...they r so mean... What's that about?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9977734684944153 2019-10-13 06:56:07,"I need to vent. Ever felt confused about yourself? Am almost 24 but since i always had a baby face i was always the ""little girl"". I grew up hearing that almost everyday from everyone that am accustomed with it. Now i only say am 24 but i dont feel that way... i think i have been influenced with the name thats been given on to me idk... to this day people mistake me for a highschool student... but the problem is not that. Because of it i also think of myself as a little girl... things that should concern me at my age are not concerning to me at all... marriage, relationships.... i think of them as a very future phenomenas... Is there a solution to this?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9901977777481079 2019-10-13 06:56:34,"I need to vent. Hey so this isn't my first vent technically but u didn't see it because the Admins didn't approve it so here's the story. I've talking to this girl for about a year now and we've met about 3 times (not dates jst met sometimes walking around mnamn) and I really have feelings for her but I don't think she has the same thing for me. I literally cant stop thinking abt her so I came here so u guys can figure smtn out for me? What should I do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974517226219177 2019-10-13 08:30:58,"I need to vent. Hello Ever since we were kids(me and my brother) our mother were sick sometime she gets better but not that much.This goes on til i get to university. When i was 2nd year i came home for x-mass my dad open the door, we hug and say hi whereas my mom was sitting on the porch she was excited while looking else where i approched to say hi and she was looking at me like she can't see me and she missed to hold my hand. my hole world colapsed that day i was complaning why did god make my mama sick and now this. She have gone to a hospital and the doctor says its all fine nd nothing is wrong with her eyes just like they always say even i know its n't true. Back then they gave her medicine to ease the pain they say but it did nothing. I hated my life more than ever it crushed my soul. My mom's suffering goes back before i was born she had a miscarriage which cause her both physical and emotional pain and that wasn't enough tho one day we was just kids ~3&~5 my mom gat sick and rushed to the hospital and the doctors said they need to repair unwanted ruptured area so she needs surgery my dad was on duty some were in barren area(he was a solider) they did the surgery while she was pregnant and they cause a second miscarrage which she uner goes the experience of physical and emotional pain for the second time. Long story short she been blind ever since(~4). This all suffering made me an interovert & strong (i even can make injera,wet, mename ) but this all stole my childhood i don't even have a bestfreind. I am always scared to connect this question pop up every time i try 'what sth happen to them'. Most of all i choose to die alone no kids no wife that way i can protect them from having to experience everthing that happen to me. Tnx in advance",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946212768554688 2019-10-13 19:00:45,"I need to vent. So idk why my previous vent hasn't been sent but I hope this one reaches u guys so here's the deal I hv a lot of guy friends n one of em is my best friend like we r really close like feels like we hv chemistry there is smtn between us i feel like i like him but I avoid the thought of that n he doesn't so I got close with one of my guy friends n we got into a relationship n we r in love minamin but things got awkward with my best friend he says some nice things that affect me n does things which make me like him more n doubt our just friendship ngr. But I hv a boyfriend now which I love n we hv been together for like a year now n I dont want to hurt him is it possible to love 2 ppl what do I do",love,POSITIVE,0.9015805125236511 2019-10-13 19:02:19,"I need to vent. I don't have a lot of time to write it all down so bare with me if it doesnt make complete sense. The thing is a girl I've known for a while now a little while ago told me that she had a crush on a good frnd of mine and like any good wingman would do i tried to set them up. A few nights together as a threesome we went out clubbing and had a pretty good time. One of those nights smth just happened bn me and her n we ended up sleeping together and ever since then me and her have been hanging out casually. Now the problem is the frnd i set her up with is still in the picture, ik for a fact that they still talk and hangout. I've asked him if he's serious about her and he told me they haven't done anything physical but that he likes her. He doesnt know that we hooked up or that we've been hanging out, i for one don't have deep feelings for her but i do enjoy her company.}I can't rly blame her for talking to both of us cuz, she doesnt owe us anything plus we've all been in that situation of being caught bn 2 or more ppl so it's not her fault. Ik i can't just go on like this cuz at some point something is bound to go wrong and i honestly care for the both of them. The option of ending things with her has crossed my mind but i can't help but think that she'd feel used so what other options do i have...I'm genuinely asking for advice whatever it may be",joy,POSITIVE,0.9712107181549072 2019-10-13 19:03:45,"I need to vent. I feel like lonely every fucking day n i want a best friend to talk",desire,NEGATIVE,0.996695876121521 2019-10-13 19:04:53,"I need to vent. I need help guys every girl I meant always friend zone me and I want a r/n and my friends tell me that it is because ur funny and smiley all the time and ur easy to talk to but that is what girls want right so why do u guy think I always end up in the friend zone",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9857692122459412 2019-10-13 21:36:59,"I need to vent. My problem is time. It's everywhere. It's driving me mad like a mouse in an hourglass. Everytime i write the date on my exercise book or journal, everytime someone asks me about the time I don't even have a watch makes me go insane. I don't think it's some psychological problem but it's really not normal. It feels like someone I really loved for so long got struck by a lightning everytime I notice the time status. It's as if Time was so fast this morning that it made me anxious and now at night it's so slow it depresses me. Or vice versa. I tried to get help by telling my friend but she reacted the same way any of your friends would react to "" I'm not sure which dress to choose"" In other words, she taught I was just overstressed about academic things and started telling me to start studying without programs but I never did study with programs. She just scrubbed away the conversation. I want to be frank... no one I know can help me overcome this. Almost all the people in my life have a mindset that if you see things in a different way they can get easier. But I tried and failed miserably so many times. I need help from you. I can't sleep, do things properly or even hang out with my friends. I watch the minutes left evertime I watch movies and listen to even like 3 minute songs. I feel old and other days I feel like I'm way too young to do some things [in a negative way btw I get the idea that I'm too young to apply for scholarships, date, save money and etc] No one seems worried about me except for me. Please help me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99919193983078 2019-10-13 21:37:06,"I need to vent. Here it goes. I am a girl and age of 21, I hv been dating my bestfrnd for 1 n half yrs now. N am not sure if I really lv him or happy abt my r/nship, but I keep holding on. The thing is, he is the only one I gat n am so much dependent on him lyk on everything. Zer is so much I'll lose if he is not around. I'll also start feeling lonley mnamn. My frnds has never been zer for me when I needed them. In z contrary demo, He is my 1st bf n I hv never even been close to a man ozer zan him. Now, I would stimes wonder wats lyk to date ozr mans up zer. I really wanna be madly in lv wz s.o n experience z feeling. What do u guys think abt my situation? I need each one of u comments plz. Thanks!",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9827771186828613 2019-11-01 14:35:04,"THE VENT HERE BOT IS BACK, ENJOY.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9991925358772278 2019-11-01 19:41:39,"I need to vent. I hate everyone and everything. I even hate life. I specially hate females for I have been hurt by some one. I am feeling hopeless.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9976678490638733 2019-11-02 04:43:22,"I need to vent. Hey Unicorn Pleasee hide my identity When I was a kid this guy used to live with us and he worked for my parents I was like 6/7 maybe and he was 22/23 years old He used to manipulate me into taking off my clothes and going on his bed in his room I was just a child and I didn't know what was happening This went on and he started to finger me It was painful but I was too afraid to say anything After a few years I started realizing what had been done to me and I felt violated and dirty But I was still afraid to say anything The guy still works with NY parents and he even got married and has two children now About two months ago I saw him and all those things just came back to me And I just wish that he would suffer and feel the utmost pain ever imaginable I know this might make me sound like a bad person but i just wish he dies",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9974198341369629 2019-11-02 04:44:31,"I need to vent. Hey there hide my id please sooo its my first time venting here...I'm a girl and a senior so here's the thing I have. A best friend (also a girl)we've known each other since we barely could speak and we're really close blah blah I always knew I was the jealous type but this got real far I mean I started getting jealous when she's even dating and all and trust me its not BC of the boys I even get jealous when she's hanging out with girls (I'm 100%straight FYI )soooo idk if u have any ideas of wtf is happening here help‍",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9942159056663513 2019-11-02 04:45:11,"I need to vent. A cousin of mine just offered me sex. I don't want to be an incest or some sort but I can't sit and watch sb take her virginity! What should I do? Put urself in my shoe and leave ur attitude",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9972447156906128 2019-11-02 04:45:26,"I need to vent. Hey guys. So I don't know what field imma study in. Like I literally have no desire in learning. So share ur wisdoms. Tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9953392744064331 2019-11-02 17:14:50,"I need to vent. Ok my vent is a bit personal so I have this friend who I’ve known for a couple of years now and we are really close we talk to each other about everything and things like that but my concern is that I feel like she’s very selfish I mean I feel like she doesn’t care about how it makes me feel and just thinks for herself I don’t kno of this is paranoia but all her advices seem like all she wants is for us to be together even when she gives me advices for boyfriends and friends it’s hule bekaa teyachew new ena Ive been hurt bizu besua advice and she never feels like she’s at fault I can’t tell her because because she’s emotionally fragile and she cries tolo ena I even feel like that’s just a cry for attention and I’m tired of that so what should I do guys?!!!!im tired plss you have no idea",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9964674711227417 2019-11-02 17:16:11,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. So everyone.., i'm a girl & a campus student. There's a guy.., acctually my best friend for the last 3years until one day we suddenly went out together and made outI know. He's not a let's talk this out kind of person and neither am I. So we just ignored what happened that night but we jst couldn't stop it. Keza ken behuala we flirt, we make out and stuff but we never talked what our r/n is about and by the looks of it I don think we'll ever do which is killing me inside. I can pretend like everything is fine and he's not the guy I think about like 24/7(literally). Gin if I raise a topic like what we are minamin it would be super weird ena endanizegaga feralehu. Also I can't tell if he have feelings or not. What shoud I do please help me i'm desperately in need.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9948392510414124 2019-11-02 17:17:19,"I need to vent. Hey guys... Listen if u had to choose, would you choose z one ur supposed to be with or the one u want to be with?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982110261917114 2019-11-02 19:30:44,"I need to vent. I met a guy on line a couple of weeks back. I wasn't looking for anything but slowly he became a part of my every day ritual. I don't know why but on the first day we started talking I lied to him. Slowly the lie grew and when I finally told him about it he cut me of entirely. I really miss him and I slipping back into depression. I dont know what to do please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986938834190369 2019-11-02 19:34:28,"I need to vent. Well guys, start off I'm not a venting type but I thought I needed it now so just hear me out, I learnt in girls school (no boys) hell! I used to feel confident about myself, I could easily notice people getting inlove.. But when it comes to lying I lie so much it feels like a habit(l lie abt my name, my home abt my frds like almost every thing) so no one knows me(the true me) but it feels so fuckin good..specially to the rumors and they believe me even though it doesn't feel real(I had a terrible time remembering my lies)I am super careless I don't give a shit about anything.. I hock up with different guys but I don't give a shit.. But this was before I met this guy he is so controlled and satisfied with everything, he is super careless like me.. We were so close i have never been that close to anyone he used to ask so many question.. So then as always I lied.. Then when he found out I lied again it eerie right... I know most of u r saying its ur fault bla bla.. But I realized that I was lying when he told me that I was lying, its sick right its how far my lying habit has gone its inside me I can't function with out it(I bet no one doesn't hv this problem).. So we broke up saying he is over with my sick lying habit and that ive hurt him so bad that he will nvr forgive me, I know its all my fault I do feel guilty, I feel bad about it all, I am fucked up.. Like so bad.. It hurts, So what shall I do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9904088973999023 2019-11-02 19:34:54,"I need to vent. I send a vent twice last time n i dnt even know why its not published.. I was in a lot of pain i remember.. All i wanna say is even tho we think every body gave up on us.. Amlakachin telo iytelenm.. N everything happens for a reason.. Whether our parents die.. Or our loved once go some other place.. Or we been cheated on.. Neger hulu lebego nw.. Coz after we face those kinda traumas we will be stronger than we ever been..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980377554893494 2019-11-03 06:00:38,"I need to vent. Hey . . . . I am a guy from Addis I am 24. I have a gf she is in USA which means I am in a long distance r/n we talk a lot on the phone , video call, etc . . But sometimes I feel guilty because when she need me there when she needs someone to love hug kiss am not there with her I always feel it. When the night comes when she talk to me on the phone all alone in her bed when I hear her voice needing me telling me that I should kiss her make love to her because on the phone I can feel her hunger. She always tell me that she miss me all the time. And I love her so guys how can I make best of it . . How can I make it to the future with her please guys give me an advice someone with experience I prefer an advice from a mature Guys and Of course Girls with a long distance relationships Thank you for your time . . Guys bye",remorse,POSITIVE,0.7576165199279785 2019-11-03 06:02:38,"I need to vent. Hey unicorn please hide my identity. I need to vent I have a gf more like a wife right now...its just she cant keep to understand me like i do...she always does what she want to do she dont even care if i ever exist if she wants to do sth she just do it....she doesn't care if i get angry or sad...she even goes out with some guys for lunch...and she tells me about it like she dont even care....i dont know what to do right now....and every time i get angry on her....she knows how to manipulate me and get me in to her...she knows i love her very much....but i just dont want to take it anymore im hurting my self right now....i dont want to be with a person who dont even care about my feelings...plese help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963984489440918 2019-11-03 13:30:26,"I need to vent. Hi guys, so I joined aau this year and since i was a kid i was the top scorer in my class and i knew i could get any result i wanted but after joining university I'm competing with students that are at my level and i keep losing my confidence and feel like i won't be able to get into the field that i want and that's stressing me out So any advice on how i can be confident like i used to",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993008375167847 2019-11-03 13:31:30,"I need to vent. Girls think I want something more like sex from them when I talk to them but in reality, I just want a girl to cuddle with.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9791409373283386 2019-11-03 13:31:41,"I need to vent. Hey guys. I have a question, how important is being in a relationship when you're a 20 year old dude?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9916324019432068 2019-11-03 18:43:51,"I need to vent. So here is the thing to tell u a girl and my mother hates me so much or is most of the time jelous of what I get or what I do like she is jelous if any relative literally any relative is happy with me like even if I have a good talk . And idk it's really hard to experience this here because u know she is a mother and idk the most person u expect love from in ur life . Idk guys it's too much to take idk if u ever guys been in this situation it WD be better to take any advice from u on how to handle this feeling cuz I am really sick of tolerating it like no one understands how it hurts . It just messes with my head . I am the type of person who advices ppl in their problem to b exact . I hide my feelings to my self n try to control it when the problem is mine but I am so breaking to pieces . Guys help me out .",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993147850036621 2019-11-03 18:44:30,"I need to vent. Hello so here is the thing Am an old fashion guy i believe if you are gonna date,date with purpose ‍ but that mind set seems to have disappiated with our current generation...i have had lots of chances to go on dates which i didn't take, thinking it wouldnt be nice to date some one i don't see a future with that childish thinking? Should i just confirm to our generation..and just go on date regardless of,if i see a future with a girl or not?...Girls opinions will be appreciated...Thank you!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9908509850502014 2019-11-04 07:08:14,"I need to vent. This isn't rly a vent. Its more like a question to ya'll. I'm sure many of hv seen those youtube videos where a guy pull a prank on a girl asking her to go on a date with him and the girl would refuse but then the guy would get into a super car and then the girl would come back n agree to go out. Then he calls her a 'gold digger' and takes off mnamn... Ik guys hate this kinda shit n we r right to hate it. But how is that different from chasing after a girl just for her looks and her hot body instead of for who she rly is?? I'm not taking sides or looking for an arguement here, i just wanted to know what u guys think.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987906813621521 2019-11-04 07:14:12,"I need to vent. Well i want to vent. am having problem with dealing with my emotions i get mad for no reason i get sad for no reason and most of all i believe i deserve all of those feelings its like i should be punished. I have freinds but even if i talk about this things they wont understand like i do its getting bigger i am becoming more insecure.All i want is to become like a normal person for once my inside and outside dont match not even close to that!just for a day i want to show my real face and see who leaves or stays!what can i do about this?HELP ME!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968711733818054 2019-11-04 07:57:46,"I need to vent. Hey have you ever wanted to spent all ur time with someone? I'm not that kind of girl but these days I feel like that. It started in the winter we used to talk online but not much and not in that way. Then we started meeting and we go for a walk or something almost like everyday. We don't really talk about it but he knows it and I know it's more than just a friendship but I'm scared that I'm not ready and what if I mess it up? And we have only started meeting and talking about a month ago will it be too fast. I really don't want to screw this up and any advice would help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9907549023628235 2019-11-04 07:59:44,"I need to vent. Hello beautiful people I am 24 and employed. Everything in my life is going the way I wanted it to be but when it comes to relationships ‍. Every guy I met wants something and that's sex. I always fall for the wrong ones. I want a relationship that I can rely and depend on. I want someone to hug and cry when things went wrong. I need a guy who can wait for me until I am comfortable to have sex or make love. I don't think that kind of guy ever exists. I miss to have a stable relationship. I am scared I will mess my life up because of what I told you.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9976243376731873 2019-11-04 08:05:47,"I need to vent I don’t know why my last vent wasn’t approved but here it goes So I’m a campus girl and I met this guy when I was a freshman n he was senior and we started talking online and also started hanging out outside campus and all. And when we got through half of the year he started acting weird like he would ignore me online for weeks unless I text first and just act all normal when we meet at campus..... he would ask me to go out on a date with him and treat me like I’m his gf and boom he goes back to ignoring me online.. nth happened b/n us ( sexually) I’m not even sure he’s my bf.. and this cycle has been going on till now ...and I’m just so confused his friends would ask me what I had done to him for him to spend most of his time with me n not with them and that he’s got feelings for me ....but I’m just not so sure abt that. What do u think abt my situation? Do u think he likes me or is he just playing with me?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9993507266044617 2019-11-04 09:27:14,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse I'm 17(almost 18) years old girl. I think I have high functioning depression. Not that I have been diagnosed or anything but I always have this sad feeling, unbelongingness, feeling not good enough, feeling I should make everyone happy(even if I'm not happy),... these are constant feeling I have been through especially in my teenage years. No one knows about this because as I have said it is high functioning depression so I'm good at my day to day life. I'm even an overachiever person. The thing is I want my parents to take me to medical center and I want to get out of this hell. But if I tell them they would be hurt wondering what they have done to make me feel like this. So what do u think I should do? Or how should I tell them?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9938535690307617 2019-11-04 18:37:22,"I need to vent. Hey guys I've been very stressed about something and I hope you can give me some helpful advice. It all started I'm second semester of our first year at campus and I met a very nice, very cute very caring and lovely girl which I really loved and my love for her kept growing and growing until the point that I couldn't keep it inside any more. And when I decided to tell her that I have feelings for her she found out that we were FAMILY think about it. Fucked up right?!?!? But then I did some digging and we are not really related, she is my uncle's wife's sister's shit like that which means we aren't related by blood. But still I love her sooooooooooooo much so I just told her my feelings for her and she told me that she doesn't have that kind of feelings for me, then I told her that I would wait for her until she's ready and she said okay, and it's been about 2 months since she said this and we've been talking every day so I wanted to make a move bot I'm not sure about what she feels. I don't know what she feels about the fact that we being sorta family. And I wanted to know if she feels disturbed because of it. Can you guys pleaseeeee give me advice on how to know what she feels. Is it wrong that I feel this way sijemer? I'm really confused and I always think about herplease help me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9912658333778381 2019-11-04 18:38:29,"I need to vent. I am really thinking about suicide, I am just wondering what the meaning of life is and how it all maybe pointless; leave thoughts",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988382458686829 2019-11-04 21:09:09,"I need to vent. I hurt a boy. I really fucked up his life just because i ignored him when he needed me the most. But he did the exact same thing after i fell for him. U think it is karma, right? Nop. I am not ashamed to say that i didnt deserve it. I ignored him because i was emotionally assaulted by a boy i trusted the most. So yeah, i was scared and terrified of boys till recently. But he is not giving me a fuckin chance to explain myself. But i just cant get him outta my head even though ik i don get a chance. What in the world shall i do? Please suggest something",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9967710375785828 2019-11-05 02:02:11,"I need to vent. Im 22 years old dude n I fuckn have HIV in my blood. I got it from my parents yeah my father fucked up my life I ain't lived half my life I spent my childhood in church n hospitals n now I can't even talk people with confidence I got all kind of insecurities can't communicate with people I feel alone n left out it feels like my world is crashing down n I start smoking weed till I pass out uk to get out of z pain all I see is these darkness n death. N now they know I smoke n guess what my father said he said get z fuck out of my house. I don't know where to go I don't even know what to do. Again he's gonna mess my life.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994800686836243 2019-11-05 08:13:15,"I need to vent. Hi am 20yrs old and I wanna start a business but my families aren't supportive I have 0 friends I am socially awkward and boring and I feel too much negative energy on my life more than I can take and am about to get banned from uni and I hadn't been this lost since...its not even a vent but anything I can let steam out is wiz writing and if it get approved any mentor will be great",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9915421009063721 2019-11-05 08:14:01,"I need to vent. Hey, I‘m 18 and I’ve been dealing with depression since a few years. Sometimes I feel like i missed out the best time of my life (the teenager years even though I’m still one) and I ask myself is someone out there who feels like me... i mean people really seem to have their fun and living their best life’s while sometimes I’m at home and cry because of stupid shit... did you guys enjoyed or are enjoying your teenager years?I don’t know why everybody claims that the teenager years are the best in life but if they really are I wonder why. I am afraid I missed out everything. What do you think is so special about our teenager years? I don’t want to waste my last years as being a teenager so I’d be thankful about advice and tips",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9847028851509094 2019-11-05 15:58:31,"I need to vent. I'm 24 (M) College dropout. Bored. No Job. Homeless. No family. Tired of living. The only friend I hv is my phone. Do you guys think is there any hope for me? Any help? Ideas? Thanks for reading.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9995962977409363 2019-11-05 15:59:01,"I need to vent. Its my second time but for some reason u guys aint postin it but Well heres the thing i broke up with a girl 4 months ago we where together for 5 months we were so happy and suddenly her religious side kicks in and tells me she cant be with me (an orthodox) and dumped my ass and i was cool with it for the fist few weeks but know every song i ever sent her is hard to listen to everything is just difficult and im in love with my ex and there aint shit i can do about it like its to the point where i cant sleep im constantly thinking about her like i cant even start shit with other girls im stuck seriously don't know what to do tnx for reading my bullshit problems.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9940325617790222 2019-11-05 15:59:17,"I need to vent. Guys am i the only one who is being frustrated ....our country peace is keeping me scared ol day..worrying abt the worse is yet to come...all i think abt is i the only one? Am dying inside here",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9971442818641663 2019-11-05 18:59:04,"I need to vent. I've been dating this girl for quite a while now and we're deeply into each other. But before you roll your eyes, hear me out. I am an absolute sucker for her. I give her too many compliments and all to the point where I feel like I'm boring her. And I say to myself that the next time we talk I'm going to keep my cool but I end up going soft and pouring my heart out. I'm such a mess. Do you think I should, at least for some time, not be so soft and all and maybe she'll want it back neger? Idk. Have a great day",caring,NEGATIVE,0.994162380695343 2019-11-05 18:59:41,"I need to vent. Helluuu readers hope everyone had a lovely day. My question is directed to Christians, since I think you guys will understand my situation better, but non-believers feel free to share your oppinion too. So, lately the sermons I've attended at church keep talking about how my life has to revolve around Jesus and basically christianity and not the other way around. The thing is, I have things in my life that I'm so compasionate about I could eventually develope them into a career, but I'm worried it might take my intention away from my religion. At the time I really wanted to pursue these dreams I really didn't take anything else, including my religion, seriously. I sorta lost hope after.. due to well... certain personal issues(yes, I did have a montage flash back of all the bad things in my life that hindered me from living the way I wanted to..), but now that I've gained it again it's not easy keeping track of what I should do, and what I feel, I'm lost hehe. My question is how do you balance pursuing your dreams and staying focused on God? Thanks in advance ( :",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9889066219329834 2019-11-05 22:37:41,"I need to vent. I don't want to sound cliche but I'm in a point where I am constantly questioning my sanity and value. A couple weeks ago I watched a video about a guy named Frank Abignale and I was moved by the confidence he had in himself. What really caught my attention about his story was when he said ""the very moment you start doubting yourself people will notice"", now after listening to this I started implimenting this in my life and so I did. The only problem of implimenting other people's philosophy is that it might not work for you. And that's what happened in my case. It was all fake. Fake confidence sold by a con man. Now, I am starting to lose my self. With no guide in this vast world, I realized that there isn't really anywhere to go. Society, Class, Religion, Art, Culture, Politics .... what does they all mean? Do they have any purpose? Are we living just for the sake of it?",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9188464879989624 2019-11-06 06:19:25,"I need to vent. Its my 3rd vent but none has been approved please help me out Well heres the thing i broke up with a girl 4 months ago we where together for 5 months we were so happy and suddenly she and dumped my ass and i was cool with it for the fist few weeks but know every song i ever sent her is hard to listen to everything is just difficult and im in love with my ex and there aint shit i can do about it like its to the point where i cant sleep im constantly thinking about her like i cant even start shit with other girls im stuck seriously don't know what to do tnx for reading my bullshit problems.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976835250854492 2019-11-06 06:19:56,"I need to vent. Here's my question. Is it a good idea to date a bestie ?? Some ppl say its better to keep ur friends as friends cuz if the rship doesn't work out u're gonna lose the friendship too...but isn't it also better to date someone who u know well, someone u can rly trust and hv a connection with ?! Or is there like a way u can tell if it's gonna work out or end in a disaster ?!!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998461127281189 2019-11-06 06:21:24,"I need to vent. First time venting here. I want to really change. But change needs a great deal of time and energy. But my energy is being wasted on compulsive masturbation(like 5 years), porn and video games. I want to seek help but the topic in its self is considered taboo in our culture. I have tried a lot of times to stop but I always get back at it. Specially the sex oriented movies in hollywood are like my triggers. I instantly think abt it and do it when sex is mentioned in any media. For those of u who are going to argue masturbation is okay and healthy I promise u its not, u constantly think abt woman only in sexual perspective not as a human being and u distance Ur self from social interactions(at least that's what I did). So what should I do?(my issue is relatively light compared to the once I saw in this channel. But doesnt mean I dont need help)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9768772125244141 2019-11-06 14:25:45,"I need to vent. it is the 3rd time Hey guys I don't know from what I should start buh I started ....I am a 20 yrs old guy.... mostly I get depressed without any reason....I am single, I didn't get in r/ns till now. it's not that I didn't get the chance ,,,,it's b/c of ma attitude. I have no confidence by my self I am short( 5.4ft)... which is the thing that i hate to be in zis world...but i know that i have to accept it. you know being short is not ma fault buh mostly I feel boared and making quarrel with God. i am silent boy( hardly),,, i don't talk with anybody in the class...I don't want anybody say "" u r wrong, u couldn't do zis...bla bla.."" I always relate negative things with ma height. idk why I think zis b/c I'm successful boy....I scored best till last yr, now I'm thinking abt opposite sex buh ma brain tells me zat no girls wanna be ma gf. I know zat u will say zat i am wrong and if I ask I can have 1 but she may lose confident to introduce me to her friends as her bf coz I don't look like 20yrs old guy( u never understand making my self responsible for this thing hurts)... and I think zat she could let me down when she get better zan me. now a days I don't believe in true love coz ...get to know each other then date...then bf/gf...break up zen zis cycle never stops. so how can I say there is true love?? this things are kill'n me. I'm not like what previously people know me at class. I can't stop thinking such awful things and I can't read too. I don't know how can I fix ma self plz guys help me. don't say anything negative ma brain is always telling me z negative ones abt ma self. and 1 more thing am ""Gemini"" difficult to hide from ma self thanks betam",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976108074188232 2019-11-06 14:26:18,"I need to vent. So he is one of my closest friends,,, he has no intentions of starting a rship wid me.. he even tells me abt the hot chicks he talks to,, i hav confessed abt my feelings abt a hundred times nw bt no reply he jst shows me that he cares and he is always there for me,, we occasionally make out a pity make out jst fo me to feel better he is not taking advantage of the fact that i like him he is being nice... i thnk... gn its confusing.. he also flirts a lot tells me how hot i am minamin even when i look my worst... its been yrs i hav been with other guys bemehal bt i jst cnt move on",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9962360262870789 2019-11-06 16:27:06,"I need to vent. is the thing am a prep. student and there is a guy in ma school we usef to talk online since last year and I haven't met him in person i know it sounds crazy but am the kinda the 'tibaram' person many ppl don't know this and this year we got the same class. The problem is he have many things I don't like but at the same time I want to get to know him more but again I think abt his behavior I wish i didn't met him at the first place. I can't tell this to ma friends I don't think they understand me well. And these days am kinda bored one day am happy mnamn then I will get bored easily and soon idk if this happens because I have to do many things like ma schl and deal with ma parents abt ma schl situation (fyi i don't like ppl to tell me what to do or not what to do) or if it's because of him(i talk to him like ge is very aggressive person he can get mad easily and I can't tolerate him so maybe we won't talk for one month or more than that and after a while I started to ignore him like he never existed at school but then he starts talking to me again all this things will happen ‍) Please tell me if u have anything to say....tnx alot",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992484450340271 2019-11-06 16:27:49,"I need to vent. I hope u will read this yoni... I am sorry I am really sorry I know u wanted nothing but for me to be fine but I... Well uk what I did! Im embarrassed to even talk to you but you know what I have been through try to understand. You are the best person I have known my whole life, and I know we can't be together or anything but I just wanna say I LOVE YOU TOO I love u so so much! I'm sorry for being mean and an ass I really am",love,POSITIVE,0.9971195459365845 2019-11-06 18:47:57,"I need to vent. LHey zis is my first vent but its my secind time eriting zis cos it wasnt posted i dont know y. Anyways so let me tell u my story. am in love with zis girl ena I just cudnt stop thinking abut here its been 2 year since we been friends ena I told her some how bkerbu hw I feel abut her enam she said ""no but let's be friends and continue"" ena I just cudnt stop thinking abut her I'm rly in love with her....of all I met girls and been with, I've never felt for any girl zis much.pls tell me wat should I do.kmr I'm thinking all abut her 24/7. I rly don't eat much food too. I know u guys and Laddies might say move on dude but for now she is z one I rly can't.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9960975050926208 2019-11-06 18:48:53,"I need to vent. Hey guys. Here's the rub... I've struggled with depression like symptoms(i say like because I've not been diagnosed and i know the term is not one to be used lightly)for a while to the point where i was self harming and had constant suicidal thoughts. And that ultimately cost me a future with a girl i loved a lot. Since then I've been trying to put myself back togther and be better. And since met an awesome girl whom i care about but the problem is its back again and i feel crappy and drained. And it makes me push people away or do reckless things to sabotage it. It takes my hope away and all the effort i put was for nothing. But i really don't want to lose her or worse hurt her..but i don't know how to stop being this way..what should i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996503472328186 2019-11-06 18:49:33,"I need to vent. How can i can hurt my self easily ? I dont want to kill my self but i wane hurt my self how can easily do that like that makes me out for weeks i wanted to stop thinking how can i do that",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9940645098686218 2019-11-07 06:08:11,"I need to vent. So am a very sensitive person ..n i kinda get hurt by people's words so easily..even if its nothing they said i would get hurt by the shit they didnt say or by the stuffs they did or didnt do . I litrally cry alottt but sometimes i dont even have reasons i just feel sad . I dont know if am ever getting better cause tbh i dont always wanna be this way . I wanna learn how to deal with ma emotions ..i just wanna have control over them . I wanna not care alot . So know i want u guys to bless me with a bit of ur advice on how to do zat . Thanks for readin tho",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9896470904350281 2019-11-07 06:09:48,"I need to vent. I don't know if this will get accepted but here goes...these days things are a bit harder than usual and I find myself in a lot of situations where I feel isolated. And I want to be comforted...stuff makes me feel lonelier and I want to someone to just hug it out of me or kiss it out of me or believe in me hard. It makes me want to be in a relationship so I could lean on someone and I usually don't even care about this relationship stuff.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9797321557998657 2019-11-07 06:13:55,"I need to vent. Hey guys Mmm I am 18 and I have a really complicated dating life yeah I know too fast but u kinda have to hear me out so I have a very hard and strict family mnamn yaw u know Ethiopian parents and I have learnt only in girls school till I finish grade 10 I am a rank student and I always stood 1-3 and I have an amazing figure or atleast boys thought so when I turned 16 I met a guy on fb and we started online dating I don't know how but I really love him like I really do I can even see my self in the future with him we have different religion I'm ortodox and he is protestant but he says there is no problem with it but every time I mention to meet up he will accept then come up with rejection ideas when the day is there then we broke up in the middle don't get me wrong but there are a lot of guys asking me out every now and then in reality and I accidentally met other guy on fb then we start talking then dating we met up and he kissed me on the first date and boom I lost my first kiss to him but then I found out he is an ex of my very close best friend and I wanted to back out but idk why we kept going and he had my uncessary photos wid him so he wanted me to be his call girl to be there when he wants mnamn and when I say I wanna stop dis he threatens me with my photos saying he would post them online and I got back with my first love and we are dating its gonna be our third year anniversary soon and i havent met him in reality still I really don't know what to do I want to get away from my second bf or u can call abuser without getting my images all over place please guys help me out or I am gonna die soon plsss",love,NEGATIVE,0.9474246501922607 2019-11-07 15:34:04,"I need to vent. Hello every one, I hope all of you are having a fantastic this is my first vent to let u all know and I been meaning to get some thing out of my it goes....I know some ppl have worse problems and stuff but every body has there own problems inspite of how difficult or intense it is, and one of the things ppl see as a problem is a relationship stuff and I've never been in one of them...I have never had an intimate relationship with a girl and it is getting difficult for me because am starting to worry about it and need of not a relationship to say but some one to talk to in This case a, what do u advice me to do so as to have a friend not necessarily a relationship but a girl whose willing to be a very good friend for long term with out judging me of who I am and could learn a lot with because as you get close to them you know more about how they behave and that could have a point in a relationship and I feel like life could also get a bit more fulfilling...tnx",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9713747501373291 2019-11-07 15:35:01,"I need to vent. Here, as usual it about my bf, we used to be friends then it finally turned to a r/ship as usual, so he used to help me in lots of things, he was sweet, he found me a job (I'm 19, finished school learning in Uni) but I did something that he hates the most, and finally his friend told him, in front of me, but he was quite, in a weird wayever(he stood there frozen as if he saw a ghost) he didn't shout at me, even though I wanted him too(he knows it), so then I would have asked forgiveness but he left the room with out a word, as if he didn't care. Then he started being odd not the real him. So as neighbor's we see eachother(we don't talkany more) everytime I think of forgiving him, I see his eyes they are deep red, like he has been biting himself up or fighting with someone, i see him smoking when he see sees me he hides, he comes late at night and sometimes he knocks our door, and when my parents open it, I act like I don't know him and his somedrank that accidentally knocked our door, its like nvr before and I'm getting scared for him and me too. And I know that he stopped talking to his friends and family, he is out of everything, he deleted his telegram account and facebook, I don't know what's happening. Last time I was with my friend (boy) I felt his eyes on my back, zore ayehut, he was looking at me keza he turned around. Then next day my friend was avoiding me minamn in a weird way, he didn't talk, he was so silent, he avoided me after that. So that was when I get really frightened. I don't know what to do with him.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9964434504508972 2019-11-07 15:35:22,"I need to vent. Hi i really hope this gets published. I'm 16 years old I met this guy when I was 14 and he was 2 years older than me I had a massive crush on him and I was young and dumb so he did some stuff to me like sexually I was only 14 and we have been dating since then. I honestly don't love him anymore and everybody thinks he is a saint so if we break up a lot of people are gonna come at me. And I feel like I can't date anyone else cuz I am not clean and innocent. He is the only one who knows everything! I feel sick whenever I think about the stuff he did. He is in campus now( in a different city) and I thought i was free but then he told me that he is coming after like 2 weeks and that is freaking me out guys what should I do? If I break up with him he will expose all of my secrets!! Help!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983820915222168 2019-11-08 07:15:32,"I need to vent. Hey guys I don't know from what I should start buh I started ....I am a 20 yrs old guy.... mostly I get depressed without any reason....I am single, I didn't get in r/ns till now. but I had many chances but I'm still single ,,,,it's b/c of my attitude. I have no confidence by my self I am short( 5.4ft)... which is the thing that i hate to be in zis world...but i know that i have to accept it. you know being short is not ma fault buh mostly I feel boared and making quarrel with God. i am silent boy( hardly),,, i don't talk with anybody in the class...I don't want anybody say "" u r wrong, u couldn't do zis...bla bla.."" I always relate negative things with ma height. idk why I think zis b/c I'm successful boy....I scored best till last yr, now I'm thinking abt opposite sex buh ma brain tells me zat no girls wanna be ma gf. I know zat u will say zat i am wrong and if I ask I can have 1 but she may lose confidence to introduce me to her friends as her bf coz I don't look like 20yrs old guy( u never understand making my self responsible for this thing hurts)... and I think zat she could let me down when she get better zan me. now a days I don't believe in true love coz ...get to know each other then date...then bf/gf...break up zen zis cycle never stops. so how can I say there is true love?? this things are kill'n me. I'm not like what previously people know me at class. I can't stop thinking such awful things and I can't read too. I don't know how can I fix ma self plz guys help me. don't say anything negative ma brain is always telling me z negative ones abt ma self. and 1 more thing am ""Gemini"" difficult to hide from ma self thanks betam",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9967719912528992 2019-11-08 13:46:17,"I need to vent. Hello everyone i would like to greet you all first, how are you all doing? I am a 21 years old girl and i feel like i am wasting this precious time of my life i just stay home most of the time i have nothing important to do and it bugs me sooo bad, besides from staying home i hangout with dudes zey tell me zey loved me during our stay together and not to dissappoint any of them i will justroll with it ,(i do zat not to lose them too, b/c wiz out zem i am the lonliest person and it kills me wen i am with my self.. I also dont have girl frirnds, does that make me a bad person? Please if there are any opportunites please inform me i would like to try things i want to invest this youth time of my life doing something big cause i'll never get the same strength and the qualities i have later. Please help!tell me how i can release my potential and invlove in bigger things other zan staying home and talking the same kinfof con'v with guys over and over again Tnx in advance.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981346130371094 2019-11-08 19:21:32,"I need to vent. I know some of you may agree with this, some of you may not. As a libertarian, I personally think people have the right to have their preferred sexual orientation . For those of you who oppose this, based on which moral standards is homosexuality wrong?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9962040781974792 2019-11-08 22:15:44,"I need to vent. Afternoon everyone Sorry for the silly questions How can i know if a guy like me without asking directly? And Will history matter for boys? I'm seeing this guy and like a week before I met him I kissed an old friend of his they are not that much in contact but I'm really scared it would matter to him. We were still talking but never met in person once we did I forgot all about the other one but I'm scared if or when he find out he would leave it was a mistake and I'm certainly not a hoe but I'm scared And also the first question Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.991698145866394 2019-11-08 22:16:01,"I need to vent. hello all hope ur good this is my 2nd vent so here is the thing...Am a 3rd year student ( Male). in campus and i got tired of things easily, not only things even in friends arround me i love meeting new peoples then at some point i got my self keeping distances from them and this fuckin thing is making me lost a lots of wat do u guys think about it?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9993701577186584 2019-11-09 17:02:02,"I need to vent. Hey there This is actually my 1st time venting here ,I wanted to ask for advice about a dude whom I started chatting with 4 months ago (well,not exactly ). He actually texted me from the group of this channel and I dont usually reply to dudes I dont know but I replied anyways the 1st time we chatted it was for 7 or 8 hrs but the next few days we didnt talk properly. From the moment we talked he was prevert like and an asshole who was full of himself but I tried to ignore that and wanted to get to know him (I dont really know why ) but it didnt work out on the 1st try ,I blocked him but then I unblocked 1 month later ,we talked again everday but again it didnt work out and the 2nd time ,there was no blocking but he totally ignored me and I realized I started missing him so I sent a dumbass meltdown text to him ,he replied 2 days later with a peom and I talked to him but he was really distant ,I could feel that .But what makes me angry the most is that he doesnt block me (and I dont exactly wanna block him) he doesn't talk to me and I am done intiating everytime coz I dont wanna come off as needy and if he is angry why would he pretend to wanna talk to me .And now should I just block him or ignore him the way he does?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9983513355255127 2019-11-09 17:02:56,"I need to vent. Hello my second vent here I got this mail from ventbot Read this shit [We have received a report about the above comment. Please try to be more sensitive to the comments you give out since they can hurt people's feelings. Another report regarding your comments will lead to your immediate ban.] Wtf if up with reporting a comment and getting banned if its not sensitive enough its freaking idiotic in my opinion. Whats the point of it all if u can't give a comment from ur point of view it maybe harsh to some people gin its still a comment. On what basis are the comments deimed insensitive. in my comments i said im not a fanatic of any religious ideology and i hate people that force other into their ideology like their view is the righteous one and other peoples view aren't worth shit and some other blah blah and the i get a notice of the above text What made vent interesting was its freedom of speech and anonymity but now giving a comment is harsh and u will get banned for ur belief and ideology. So u gotta keep it nice and smiley face and shit. Whats next? Are gonna censor everyones vents and if they are not sensitive enough and or are abit different that popular opinion are u gonna ban us. Whats the point of it all then I wanna know what u guys and girls thing leave a comment if it posted and if im not banned.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995172023773193 2019-11-10 20:17:41,"I need to vent. Hey's ma first time to vent....and am a girl 20...and seconf year college medical student. ...u kw i was very interested in the filed of medicine but after a while(pre clinical 1) is so enervating yadekmal the portions are rly bulky mnamn ena deberegn actually am good till now am doing well i love the profession very seniors kalachu tell me how to keep on doing with maximum efficiency and productivity beka i wanna but a good doctor gena around 5 year ykeral ena kahunu medkem yelebgnm i need to work harder so tell me how to study mnamn pls? And the second thing is am getting fat n fatter each and everyday satena belalew ena its am so scared abt it, i don't wanna be what can i do?...megb endalakom satena yrebgnal..sebela demo am gonna look like tlkeye setyo......exercise mnamn endatelu after reading overnight i get to bed on lelit 10 sat ena i sleep from 10:00-1:00 ena i can't!!....i kw it's confusing gen pls say sth‍",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9845733046531677 2019-11-10 20:18:04,"I need to vent. Why can't I ever get along with anyone or have friends I am always alone its not that am ugly or anything I get asked out a lot but I just can't seem to connect with anyone ,think of the girl in the corners doing her on staff while every body gets. Along well",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993634819984436 2019-11-10 20:18:56,"I need to vent. I'm tired. So tired. Help. Save me.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996360540390015 2019-11-11 09:18:52,"I need to vent. I'm a guy n I've been hurt a lot everytime I try to be with a girl 'cause of my religion nobody out there is interested in any kind of relationship with a muslim guy who only wants someone to love & take care of & do anything I can to make her happy... I mean I'm so fucking alone in this world full of people & there's not one girl out there who's interested to see what a great guy I would be... I guess I deserve to be alone & so be it... I'm done with this life",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983834028244019 2019-11-11 09:19:11,"I need to vent. Hey guys. This might not seem like a real problem but im kinda feeling down these days cuz im starting to grow hair on my chest and belly. And its bothering me cuz im only 19 and all my friends dont hv this kinda problem, its just me. Its rly starting to affect my confidence. So my first q.s to the ladies, is chest hair a turn off? And also, does anyone know a natural way to get rid of body hair?!! (Ik this one sounds desperate). Ur opinions are much appreciated, tnx.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9869393110275269 2019-11-11 09:19:40,"I need to vent. So im a girl in my 20s and does anyone has a neck twitching problem when they're anxious,i'm not sure if i have anxiety but its not really twitching more like the need to kind of stretch one side of my neck every 2 secs almost involuntarily. It used to happen when i was really stressed but now its been that way for months since last yr. I've been feeling anxious all the time. What to do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9958462119102478 2019-11-11 22:03:56,"I need to vent. Hey there everybody... I'm a girl. I have a boyfriend. I love him so much. I would die for him. I would kill for him. He is my everything. I would do anything. The problem started on the lelit between Sunday and Monday. I had a dream. A dream where he was dead. I was in his funeral. Crying like all the air getting out was staying in and I had to force it out (awful metaphor huh) and I felt awful about it when I woke up. Since that dream I swear I'm so worried about him. He's safe and okay I guess but I still medeneget Everytime I feel like he's in danger. I told him and he obviously laughed at me. But I'm serious. I can't sleep without sending him 50 texts about how much I love him and I call every other hour which is obsessive and making him get scared a little. I even hug him tighter now. It's only been 3 days but I can't learn or focus on other important things because all I think about is him and the next time I see him. It doesn't seem like a problem from your perspective but I'm really struggling here",love,NEGATIVE,0.9868075251579285 2019-12-01 16:21:51,"I need to vent. i actually don't know what to say there is a lot i want to say but i don't know how never been one to share with people am always solving friends problems being there for them which i actually don't mind and love doing but i just cant find a friend i can trust to share my problem with tried it once and it didn't turn out great so i stoped trying but i need help real help i feel lonely when am surrounded by people i sometimes cry my self to bed and i always act as this strong girl who has it all figured out and is happy but in reality its the opposite am broken inside and no clue how to fix it. am always smiling and laughing i started doing that so that i can avoid questions like are you okay .. and i have perfected this fack smile and can tell the difference if its real or not sometimes so yeah i can keep going but its just to fucking much i cant handle this anymore so what should i do any suggestions",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8702222108840942 2019-12-01 16:30:58,"I need to vent. Part it goes Some days feel sunny and some feels so dark. I can barely smile from i side. Nothing is getting better i am and always be the girl who's raped, living in a divorced family, paying for her dad's sin, being responsible and working my ass as hard as I can to satisfy my mom and make her proud at my coast. I never succeeded tho. Am never enough for her. That's what she always say am godolo. I don't really know which part of me is like that. Am the one who washes clothe, cook all the food for 5 people, sometimes injera megager and as usual cleaning all the house. Only servants can understand how long this could take and how much tiring it is. And still i don't complain but she does. What matters the most is not me cleaning the whole fucking house, it's changing the place of the remote. I don't expect her to thank me but she can atleast not annoy me. I hate saturday afternoon and Sunday so bad. It's like nobody gives a fuck about how am doing. Nobody ever asked I wanna cry i really wanna cry i need someone to ask me how am really doing. And no one is out there. My dad bearly sees me. I litrally begged him to come and see me but the last time i saw him was for 5 mins he was in the car I just said hi from outside he didn't even hug me 2 month ago. What should I call him? A dad¿ for real? But I fucking love him. And the funny part is he doesn't i guess. And I still couldn't find the reason why am leaving. Is life really worth living??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.956009566783905 2019-12-01 18:23:40,"I need to vent. Hii everyone.... I rly need your advice. So am in love with my friend he knows that which is making it even worse.sometimes it feels like he loves me too from the way he looks at me or even when we kiss but then he says he doesn't.honestly speaking i cant loose him like i rly feel like i need him in my life...even worse we make out and do do i get out of he keeping me for the benefits or what... um really confused.....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9987239241600037 2019-12-01 20:08:14,"I need to vent. Please don't judge just give me a reason to live or believe in myself! I'm from a divorced family believe me till now it hasn't bothered me but now It's messy my family is a mess and I can't do anything to help or save them... I'm a 3rd year student & 21 and I fell in love with the worst guy ever... u can't imagine what I'm going through I can't leave him I really can't for God sake I really want too I swear and I tried! I can't think about anything without getting disturbed,I'm sick like rly sick and I can't even force myself to get checked, I'm depressed like 24hrs a day... and this may seem like makabed but I can't feel my heart I really can't I need help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990412592887878 2019-12-02 15:10:16,"I need to vent. Hola people, I am 24 and I'm GC this year. I couldn't forget my ex which I dumbed him 2mon before. after being together for 3mon but I meet him on FB and we used to chat for 3mon before he came to Ethiopia. After he came here we used to hang out and even make love. But then I started to notice he doesn't talk about us like what he's looking from this r/n or about our future. I asked him one day about it and he told me that he's busy with many staffs and want to settle first and he said I'm still asking myself that am I ready to be your man and am I ready to give you what you deserve. So I gave him 1 more mon and see him but really does this thing needs time to be with some one? B/c we meet only for sex once per week (Which doesn't gave me comfort) and he calls me 2x per day and talk about how we spend the day. So i asked him if he's looking for physical thing only or a r/n. He was very angry and told me its for r/n And asked me what to do and that he's confused. It was a damn answer So I told him that if this is for nothing I don't want to waste my time since I'm a medical student am busy too and then we break up. But he asked me not to block him and to be friends with him. I told him not to contact me anymore but he still calls me every week since we break up. I talk to him only once. My question is what do you think i should do? I mean I felt like I have been fooled or used. I care a lot for my feelings I don't want those uncomfortable times to be repeated. I need advice from matured one's and especially from those who have experience in r/n ship.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9902532696723938 2019-12-02 15:10:27,"I need to vent. Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Okay so i'm 18 and i just got into a univerisity and there's this girl in my class that i like....but i'm afraid to approach's not because i'm afraid of girls or sth it's because of my behavior.... I like girls at the beginning and after a while I start hating them but I want things to be different with this girl.... I want to know how it feels to be in love... What should I do?",fear,POSITIVE,0.8861443996429443 2019-12-02 15:10:38,"I need to vent. This isn't a confession or a secret. I just need advice or opinion on something. There is this guy am friend's with. We have only known each other for about a year but we have so many, so many mutual friends. And ever since we met both our friends started to make fun of us saying we like each other and stuff. I have a crush on him. I know that. But I don't know if he likes me back. He is about 15 years older than me and most of my friends. I am in my early 20's and he is 36. He is very shy and he an introvert. Am an introvert too but not as much as him. He just goes to work and comes home. He doesn't gout with his friend's or anything. I usually see him at his workplace or at home. He calls me all th time, and we talk for the whole night. He texts me everyday, he buys me stuff, he is so nice to me. He helps me with things a lot. And I can't tell if he likes me or he is just being nice to me as a friend. I thought about talking to him about what's going between us. But that can't be an option because I might lose him as friend. And he isn't the type of person to take things well if it turns out am wrong. So I need advice. What should I do? Do you think he likes me or nah?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9938494563102722 2019-12-02 18:12:47,"I need to vent. Am a girl ,18 . Getting straight to my shit ..i have big ass problems with anxiety ,paranoia and overthinking. I've been trying to cope with them and have a normal life ..but i dont seem to be doing a great job. And a while ago i started self harming ..i knew it wouldn't help but idk why ..i liked the feeling of it . And these days i just feel like am dying inside ,like no one is there for me ,like i have no purpose in life . I would kill my self ,but am a pussy . Am too scared of ending my life. Anways i was thinking about starting to take drugs as a coping method till am on my feet ...So i wanted to ask if u think i can find peace through drugs . Or atleast a break . Will drugs help me get through this ?, or will i just add addiction to my list of problems? Thanks for reading .",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9959613680839539 2019-12-03 02:49:46,"I need to vent. Some one help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983938336372375 2019-12-03 07:17:36,"I need to vent. I know I said this before but I think this will be my last time: Thanks for everything you have done for me I will always remember you. It is not ur fault just my expectation I truly love u and am gonna miss u 993",love,POSITIVE,0.9915052056312561 2019-12-03 07:19:12,"I need to vent. Hello guys i am a college student and am a girl. I am really confused cause every single boy i met always loves me like i couldn't find a guy best friend i don't know if am the one who is making them think about love but as much as i know i act normal and most people say that u are beautiful and u have a nice personality but what shall i do every boys wants me to get in relationship do you think am acting in another way or it is because of my face and my attitude please help.",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9186703562736511 2019-12-03 19:45:16,"I need to vent. Here's the deal. I have liked someone before. But we couldn't be together because of some shit and so we nothing happened. A year after this thing, someone asked me out and I said yes so we started dating. I didn't say yes because I liked him but because I felt bad for him (I could tell he really liked me). After dating for 6 months (I was so happy with him and I liked him in the 6 months), I asked for a break up. I don't know why I did but I really hated him. He did nothing but I hated him anyway. A month after we broke up, someone kissed me, it never turned into something, I pushed away the person and it ended. And another year later, I started making out with another person but still he was not my boyfriend . (He kissed me first but I was going through a lot of shit that I needed the kissing to numb all the pain). But I told him to stop and we don't make out anymore. Now it's been a year and half since it was over with my ex. But he's still in love and I kinda want him but I'm scared that I will hurt him again and I'm not confident that I won't leave him again. And some additional info, I'm gobez temari who's got the looks, who scored the best matric result in highschool mnamn and the boy is not that good looking and is not that good with school. So let me ask you few questions that I can't answer. 1. I don't really know why I wanted to break up, why do you think it is? It is because I'm a lot more beautiful and smart, or is it because I still like the guy I couldn't date, or what is it? 2. Does making out with 3 guys make me a slut? Every time I think about it, I hate myself. Please don't rush to judge me. I have myself to do that. I have been judging myself for the past 1 year and now I just want your opinion. Please help me, put yourself in my shoes and tell me what you would do.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9938395619392395 2019-12-03 20:24:47,"I need to vent. Hey unihorse pls hide my identity So here it is I'm 18 in highschool and well this may be common but I have serious doubting issue I am veryyy self conscious and even the slightest comment could ruin my day I hate that I'm so sensitive to words even tho they might sometimes be just teasing but my feelings get hurt easily I'm kinda overweight and well that has put my confidence downnn like I feel like no guy is ever going to like a fat girl like me and it makes me so sad Please any advice for me Or words of wisdom Thank u for reading Admins please accept this post",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998528003692627 2019-12-04 07:44:33,"I need to vent. So today seem to be the day I vent about my situation. Okay, here is the thing . Am a virgin girl at the age of 30 ( about to hit 31 next month ) and the weird thing is that I have never been with a guy before. I didn't even have boyfriend or a filing growing up and it didn't bother me back then because I was working hard toward my future but now that I have a well paying job and soon to be heading to the couger town . I keep wondering what it is like to be with a man you love and I know what you're thinking and No , I'm not ugly infact I'm a very much sophisticated with elegance to add to my list of qualities so with that being said do you think it's weird for a girl to be virgin at this age ? Because i have told this to one guy and he decide to cut all ties with me thinking I'm lying to him or whatever . Oh , bummer anyways what's your thought on this ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9784799218177795 2019-12-04 11:59:09,"I need to vent. Helloooo guys... i'm a boy... almost 17 years old ....i have too much depression,,,feeling mind andade badooo booom lifenedam yidersal producer lemhon nw mifelgew cause music is the only reason why am living for. ...ena focus mareg yakomku nw sometimes i think to commit suicide but feralew endeza lemareg ....ena give me advice guys .... Thank u",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9944745898246765 2019-12-04 18:34:18,"I need to vent. I just lost interest on my boyfriend, I feel like am drained like am literally feeling nothing about him ena do any one of you girls been through this or its just me? Becha am about to stop the realtionship gen am really scared to hurt him,mn eyehonk new gen? Mn larg eshi?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9997538924217224 2019-12-04 19:25:42,"I need to vent. Hi everyoneso tmy problem is i have been having a bad feeling abt everything lately i used to be so positive even leading ppl to God and positivity but now i feel like i myself am drifting away from him,school couldnt go any worse i have no one to talk to that can listen without telling me i complain alot,my family is ok but not as good as it used to be and freinds well they rnot actually my friends i just play along enji i dont trust them idk what to do and i feel like God is giving up on my soul too,so pls ppl guide to to him or say somethingbthat can help me guide myself back to him cause my life now is a living hell",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9951097369194031 2019-12-04 19:25:54,"I need to vent. Hi there actually it's not a vent it's kinda a question Would you please tell me where i find the best psychiatrist in town. pls i need your help guys money doesn't matter here i just need a good doctor. I'm dieing here",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9992755055427551 2019-12-05 06:28:48,"I need to vent. Hey guys I'm a 19 year old dude and I have been doing pretty well in life but that didn't last this year. A lot of shits are bothering me at this moment, like for the first time am In a real relationship but that doesn't seem to work either. Am starting to get so lonely and stuff..... I feel used all the time. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends but they don't seem to be around when I need them. Even my so called gf is not there when I need her. I'm starting to wonder there's no one for me in this world. I'm thinking about ending my relation with her coz I don't think she loves me anymore. To be real I don't think anyone loves me anymore. My question is can u force someone to love u? Or continue to be with u? What would u do if suddenly the person u love starts acting weird? Please guys I need ur help. Do u think I should break up with her? Coz I feel like I've been like this since I started dating her.... So I need ur help. Tnx for reading....",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978785514831543 2019-12-05 06:29:42,"I need to vent. Okay here goes. There was a point in my life where i pretty much didn't believe in anyone or anything. Where i believed that u stand up for yourself and noone else can do it for you. A while back someone disproved me. This person came into my life, and something about said person made me break down walls i put up thinking id never put them down again. Felt really strange at first. Feeling vulnerable, but better to have loved and lived than never loved at all. I guess i completley fell for said person and I'll do right by them no matter what. So don't half ass your relationships. Either commit to the other person or don't. Stop hurting the ones who care about you, friends and don't be toxic towards your happiness and others. World would be much more beautiful if we all just took care of eachother. May seem naive to you or whatnot but sooner or later you'll meet the sort of people who would die for you. Be it boy or girlfriends, friends or family. Just look for the good in everything you do. And my person, well thank you. You've made me happier than i thought possible and I'll always do right by you, and love you. Because of you i see the world in colour and you deserve the world for that. Thank you.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9854357838630676 2019-12-05 09:49:45,"I need to vent. Hey, I am 22 and I'm collage student. I have a problem of having low self-esteem. Most of my friends tell me that I have a good potential, they encourage me to do many things but I don't believe them. I feel like they are lying to me because I don't think I'm the person they are talking about. I usually talk about my bad feelings and how I'm suffering through my situations to them and no good words about myself. I lost my grades, my confidence, even some of my friends. Please help me!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992280006408691 2019-12-05 16:06:34,"I need to vent. Hi,am 22 years old and just graduated from college and I am looking for a job but I can’t find one I apply to every kinds of job but no results and am actually being depressed and more depressed every single day am so broke right now am so lost.Sometimes I just wish I could leave this country which I can so should I do that?This country is being shitty after all due to the politics and all.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993414282798767 2019-12-05 16:07:16,"I need to vent. I'm 19 I'm a guy who really needs someone to talk to",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998305082321167 2019-12-05 19:15:05,"I need to vent. Hey everyone, Help me out here. The thing is I’ve been struggling with self confidence for as long as I remember. The funny thing is I’ve been hiding it well so far but some people are catching on and that hurts really bad. Plus I get jealous of girls that are confident and I hate that about me too. Any advice? It would be great if it’s from someone that’s has been on the same boat Thanks in advance Ps I’m a girl and age 21",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999001681804657 2019-12-06 08:02:57,"I need to vent. Okay here it goes, I'm 18 and a high school senior, I thought this would be my year and everything was gonna be as I planned but in reality it's the opposite. First my parents are getting divorced, my dad is not a good guy. He always insults me and my mom whenever we meet, I tried to ignore him but he won't stop. He really gets on my nerves, and my mom I know she cares about me (physically ) but she doesn't care about how I feel, l know she's having hard time and I try as much as I can to be on her side but she's never ask and understand about my feelings. And school sucks too, every one makes fun of me by the things I say or do, l'm not getting good grades but I've to in order to get my dream job however I'm lacking motivation this days . I wish someone asked me ""are you really okay ?"" I just want someone to listen and I really need advice from psychiatrist or person who have been through this.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983935952186584 2019-12-06 08:03:27,"I need to vent. Hello everyone well am not that much of venter type but here i go now, I am a guy who never loved any girl before, ofcourse i had girlfriends, but never felt the love, But now i really felt what love is like, with out her i get bored, telegram feels like first day of a new class, its like there are dozens of people i can talk to but only enjoyed her company. Although i used to be a guy who let his emotions burry rather than letting it out, but now, Yes, i loved her, i was willing to give away anything and throw away any relations just so i can have her. But guess what she has a bf, and her bf loves her too, i guess Then i made a move so i can pull my self out of the friend zone and i got her answer which was not good, and ever since then our relation kinda collapsed on me, i regret every single step which led me to loving her. I think of being the old me who always run away from love but always find my self on a treadmill of still wanting her. For the first time in my life, i loved this girl, but she was wrong, Idk what to do, whether to move on or live in a false little world of ""Me n her"" Thanks for your time!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9812018871307373 2019-12-06 15:46:14,"I need to vent. I just wanna say that I hate my parents extremely like I would fly without them... I even wrote a rap lyrics but not in an exposed way for my feelings so that no one can guess for whomever I wrote... n also the week ihv wrote more than 5 rap lyrics n these lyric words comes everytime I saw them... but I really love my sis n bruh cuz they both give the love I deserve a long time ago from my parents... I cant learn in skl get high all the time get drunk... I also tried to commit a suicide 2 times n tnx for my sis I'm alive...",love,POSITIVE,0.84073805809021 2019-12-06 19:00:03,"I need to vent. Okay fuck venting , I just wanna ask a question ... Why does every vent ever posted by any girl involve a boyfriend or some over dramatic betrayal from a friend ( usually involving a bf again). Ya'll couldn't have a problem with something other than a guy? What am I missing here !!??‍‍",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982675313949585 2019-12-06 19:00:12,"I need to vent. I don't know why i feel this way This day i wanna be this girl and the next day i don't.I don't even know what i want, what i wanna become I don't know why i feel so unloved when i have few real friends n families who does. I am this positive cheerful girl who inspire cheer up everybody by just existing but this is not me after mid night when i cry myself to sleep N i don't want anybody to see this cry Baby I don't know wtf is wrong with me",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9577133059501648 2019-12-06 21:23:10,"I need to vent. Hey guys Am a girl am 20 years old I have that boyfriend whom is perfect , lovely, cute he has all the things that I had ever ask except his religion we r nt the same and our family are strict about religions so I can't marry him neither he and to be honest I don't wanna marry him bc of his religion I knw u may be thinking in a bad way abt me but this is wt I had been growing abt Anyhow ....I knw wt is the end of the story wc is gonna be the hardest thing for me And I got a chance now to leave him there's another person whom would die for me ""the same religion"" So wt do u think guys is it a good idea or ""chance"" to move on or .....",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9887214303016663 2019-12-06 21:23:23,"I need to vent. I'm 18 M I remember I was the happiest person in life without a reason but now a days I started to hate myself and life b/c of some reasons.... I'm so lazy even to make my own bed and my my FAM always tell me that I'm soo lazy ...and when I see what is happening around me the housed the cars...... even my bed also was made with hard work but I'm soo lazy to go and buy from suk... And whenever I think about future I don't know how to survive... My another problem I'm so underweight w/c lately affects my confidence and I care a lot about what ppl think and the other one I don't trust anyone I have no real friends but many fake one and if I get the chance to have one I'm not ready ..... This are some of manyyyyyy all I want is some one who I can share my problems and they will share too (boring if it is one sided) Anyway if any one here who has problems and who has big ears put your username there",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976972937583923 2019-12-07 08:02:39,"I need to vent. Hi everyone , am a fresh graduate from Ambo university... Currently suffering at looking for a job.. I had so much to worry about and hulunm neger aseteletognal right now..But yezim neger lij cheneket chemerebgn there is guy which is my first...amn't good at dating never been there..wend bezum alekerebem nbr ena gin I started dating him when I was at campus we used to kiss and make out don't forget he's my first...though not for that long just for three months when we are about to graduate...kezam graduate aregen esum hageru enem hagere metaw.. He always tells me he loves me so so much..I like him too since he is my first and had some good qualities... We kept talking through the phone each and every day..yehone ken silk alanesam nbr deberogn when he calla back...koseter beye awarawet then tenechancho zega...and tefa bezaw he never called back...ena got really confused do he really loves me?if he do endi bekelalu this two weeks how dare he didn't call? I wanted to make sure if his feeling are true or not...what do you guys think",love,NEGATIVE,0.9319438934326172 2019-12-07 08:03:03,"I need to vent. So I have a friend and we've been friends for almost 5 years now,but I feel like she always has the upper hand like I don't get a say in a lot of things and stuff. I have a lot of secrets I share with her but not once has she ever told me her secret idk if it's because she doesn't trust me with her secrets or she doesn't feel comfortable confiding in me. I feel like I'm in a toxic relationship with her I dont feel confident when I'm around her she always finds a way to make me insecure even though I know outshine her. So I started getting worried about our friendship and I Googled our situation and it said to end my friendship with her. What do u guys think I should do?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9892370104789734 2019-12-07 19:11:46,"I need to vent. Hey, keep my identity hidden. So am one of those people who can't stand lieing or cheating as in i don't do them. Those were kind of like a primary principle for me. Anyways my moral compass has kind of been tainted as of late and i did something extremely unlike me cause i was too lazy to do the right thing... so i forged a signiture cause i was too lazy to go and get the actual one... and my dean found out obviously cause i was shaking and trembling when i gave her the paper.... i coukd lose my acadamic scholarship if the board finds out but she agreed not to take it to the bored if i apologize to the person whose signiture i forged which is my professor whom i respect and love deeply. So now am loosing sleep over how to do it. Am sure he'll never trust me again like ever and i'll forever be known as a lier and a cheat.... am extreeeeeeeemly disappointed in myself and i haven't been able to sleep or eat ever since. Any suggestion to feel less guilty or on how to tell my professor?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981533885002136 2019-12-08 03:22:15,"I need to vent. Hey, I am 22 and I'm collage student. I have a problem of having low self-esteem. Most of my friends tell me that I have a good potential, they encourage me to do many things but I don't believe them. I feel like they are lying to me because I don't think I'm the person they are talking about. I usually talk about my bad feelings and how I'm suffering through my situations to them and no good words about myself. I lost my grades, my confidence, even some of my friends. Please help me!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992280006408691 2019-12-08 14:10:33,"I need to vent. I'm looking for Arsema. She's goes to Mekelle University. she is great at art- drawing! I've been looking for her for Years. Help me",admiration,POSITIVE,0.7953986525535583 2019-12-08 14:10:44,"I need to vent. I cant fall inlove .I cant. I just cant. Am 24 . Now its rly becoming a problem... I mean am freaking 24 am getting old as fuckk eko. Is it just me ‍",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988815188407898 2019-12-09 06:44:59,"I need to vent. Hey I'm a 20 yr old guy 3rd year campus student and i have a qn for y'all. I've been in the dating scene for quite a while now ever since 10th grade and I've just realized I've never rly approached a girl before, let me explain all the girls I've been with in the past have either approched me or I've just met them through a frnd even in a club setting I've never been the first one to introduce myself or start a conversation and I've always been envious of ppl who can do that. It's not like I'm socially awkward/shy or anything I've just never had too. I guess I'm ok looking tall lightskinned and that generally does it for most girls I've come across plus I'm just a fun positive person once the ball gets rolling. But now I just want smth different i want to be able to peruse the type of girls I want. Just be able to strike up a conversation with someone idk and make a genuine connection. I guess the thing that's holding me back is rejection I don't think my ego can handle flat out rejection. So how can build that thick skin and also what's the first step i can take to just start a conversation with someone? Any and all comments are appreciated Thanks",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9708060622215271 2019-12-09 09:30:24,"I need to vent. Hi I'm a 16 year old boy in highschool g10 and needed some help though ik it ain't that much so the thing is I got the girl of my dream which been waiting for my whole life for which is actually had a crush on her like for more than 1 years, so hurrah got her but I'm type of a suuuuuupeeer shy dude which I mostly can talk on tg enji not in real life so though I feel bothered about it....back to my question my gf is the hottest girl in school and many dude's wanna hang out with her and she doesn't take that seriously and she talks with them stuff and I mostly can't always keep up with her and I feel sad mad about it always so what shall I dooooo need help Admins please accept my post",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.994654655456543 2019-12-09 09:31:13,"I need to vent. .Dear deep venters I don't know why you come to this site and share your darkest problems(sucidal , depression etc.. bicha serious problems). Btw lots of people have them. Is it just a vent or seeking advice from strangers? If the latter . Some may tell you a good solution here but you wouldn't understand it because it doesn't fit your exact situation . A good solution always comes from within . It can originate from people who truly understand you , It may be your close friends or family or yourself. But you shouldn't really expect much from strangers we feel Empathy but we can't help you truly. Learn to Use all your tools wisely like the internet ,friends , whatever etc.. . To help you. And Never ever compare yourself to others because we humans are not intrested in others frowns only their smiles(we are envious in nature) Even the psychiatry is an option sometime the brain gets physically injured and can't be fixed by advice don't shy away from it. Remember we got one life and you could be smiling through it instead of crying. When you grow up the value of a smile is much higher so you have to up your game. No matter how crazy you feel your situation is. You more or less can get through almost anything it is a fact( not just to motivate you and shit). U are a human and your a surviver it is in our genes.(fight smart and it will look effortless). I just feels wrong reading yall suffer like that doesn't mean anything and i use it as entertainment",caring,NEGATIVE,0.979300320148468 2019-12-09 09:31:23,"I need to vent. I just wanna know if there are any followers of the Baha’i Religion in here would really like to meet some of you Like fr approve dis one please admin ‍",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9923611283302307 2019-12-09 19:45:22,"I need to vent. Hello members ,so these some kinda confession am 19 years old girl joined compass these year.the thing is for the last 4 years I went through lots of lots of shits been depressed ..depressed Sim demo kela neger adelem I was unable to leave a normal life tired to commit suicide failed and end up with a liver disease fuck this bullshit .....right now am far away from home desperate,fucked up,tired ,feeling worthless ...I told my situation to some professional I know and he said it might be bipolar 2 and he suggest me to go to hospital..and tell my parents abt z situation .and z thing that come up to ma head was whos gonna give me an ear anyways they're just gonna say ehe berassh yemtamechiw neger new me fetari atraki de fuckkkkkkkkkkk....right now am in depression episode can't Even study,concentrate I fuckkkkkking hate my life joy why me why me all I ever wanted was to die gin can't just wanna disappear boom no more me ....uffffffff akkkkkkkk fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk this bullllllllllshittttttt Enam if there is one thing I wanna say mental disorder erasashin felgenaw mimetaneger adelem it just happens bc of z thing around as for example I got into this mess bc I have stress history . ....fuckkk this shit fucking hate eth....this is soooo bullshit ... And pls admins approve my vent ...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990008473396301 2019-12-09 19:46:32,"I need to vent. Hi I need to vent its my second time probably not approved at first ..I think mine isnt bout relationship stuffs like Other vents ..Im univ student who used to be nerd n have got flat feet due genetics(its not being shefafa in movement but not normal) I'm unable of wearing flat shoe bcz of it and also mark shoes that I like the most ..its not seen in most peoples I want to correct it for real when I tell to mom she says its fine but I'm not confortable hold me back from anything I like going to beach areas but due the feet I can't run there freely ..I mean I feel no pain but its ugly asf.when I like some one I feel like I'm not enough for them even tho my ex boy friend's told me I'm so cute ...I lack a confidence ...its like boom sm times I would be more confident and other day I feel so low as fuck if there r one of u having flat feet thing and corrected it please tell me what to do with it ..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998200535774231 2019-12-10 07:50:27,"I need to vent. When depressed, be depressed. Simply be depressed. Don’t get depressed about your depression. When depressed, simply be depressed. Don’t fight it, don’t create any diversion; don’t force it to go. Just allow it to happen, it will go by itself. Life is a flux, nothing remains. You are not needed: the river moves by itself, you are not to push it. If you are trying to push it, you are simply foolish. The river flows by itself – allow it to flow.",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9961919784545898 2019-12-10 07:50:51,"I need to vent. So, i have this boyfriend we love eachother very much, and he is a little too friendly with every girl he meets, And that makes me very uncomfortable. so, I kinda broke up with him but we still love each other very much. He is begging me to get back together, but the thing is i dont trust him enough and i dont think our relationship will be the same. Any advice ?",love,NEGATIVE,0.8403929471969604 2019-12-10 07:51:19,"I need to vent. Eshi am a guy 21, and what I wanna tell u guys is that it's very hard to be single this days I mean every girl I know are in r/n and recently my best friend told me a gat a girlfriend and now I feel alone and depressed I mean what should I do to get a girlfriend friend??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974988102912903 2019-12-10 07:51:38,"I need to vent. Hey I am 20 years old girl ena it is not vent it is like question ena Is there any problem not being virgin for girls ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955101013183594 2019-12-11 15:57:01,"I need to vent. Meaning of vent a strong expression of some sort of emotion u feel, this channel is named after this noun and for sure I am reading all of this anxious, depressed, socially awkward people, introverts actually speaking their mind in this open media, sexually driven people always talking about how their relationship has failed or how they are so scared of talking to this girl/boy he/she likes or how they are so self-conscious about their imperfections they feel threatened or insecure about the opposite all these people I just wrote about are just me more or less. Am 19, 2 year student and to be honest I have no different story to tell from the thousands of people that have been on this channel, I just wanted to say stuff of my mind to just feel the relief it brings me. I have always been stuck in between doing the right thing and doing the thing I wanna do so as u can guess my life is quite dreary what can I say my conscious have out grown my childhood hopes and dreams. But to all the people feeling what can't actually be expressed by words I say to u maybe it's okay to feel this way and we might actually make it. Open to any critique.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9851083159446716 2019-12-11 15:57:28,"I need to vent. Alright, now im reaally having a headache thinking about it. Im a boy, 20 years old 3rd year student. And i want to share my story. I think sharing would ease my thinkings in someway so here i go. First of all, i didnt grew up here in this country(gn with all its flaws i still love My homeland). Ena In my highschool days, i was a nerd, a weirdo in someways and had some hard times, from heartbreaking to family issues. Just after that, i turned my focus completly to learning. With that purpose, i was good at what i was doing ena i got to campus. Here it begins, i feel like ive hitted rock bottom and i cant get out of it. Mn libelachu, everything makes me upset and start questioning myself, ""Why i cant be like anyone? Have a relationship, live my fuckin life"". So yup, my friends had 2 relationships but me still there. I get really jealous of couples walking. Sometimes it doesnt bother me *reached to that point *. And the other purpose what im not living my life is family issues. My dad is an addict. And im living by the hands of my mom ""Momma, may Allah strengthen you and i will never ever forget what you did"". Ena my relatives know that im nerd so they just tell me to focus on my studies. I want to burst out, im fuckin serious. Im an introvert so i dont talk things like that. People think that im good. I really help people alot, from dormmates, to my neighbours, Sometimes i do peoples assignments for free and my groupmates are lucky enough. Ena yemilachehu nger yemiredagn sw atahu. Can you people tell what im leading myself into??",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.5574139952659607 2019-12-11 15:57:39,"I need to vent. So, I got in relationship my first relationship ena I have trust issue like I don't even trust my self Idk why I got in this r/nship rasu becha we didn't go far its been 2 weeks endewm I wanna end it BTW am a girl my friends always tells me to get in r/ship and shit from wt I see now its not wt I need I just wanna focus on my study so how can I breakup with him wz out hurting his feelings much can u help wz this any advice will be great plz help this relationship shit ain't for me I missed my simple single life. Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9925553202629089 2019-12-11 15:57:44,"I need to vent. Hello everyone i have been suffering from anxiety and depression since a young age ... i recently found out its treatable...if any of you know a psychiatrist that could help me out ...any contacts you have other than amanuel hospital please share",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9880005717277527 2019-12-11 15:58:07,"I need to vent. Hey guys,this is my first time venting i hope the admins will approve it, i'm 19 campus student. the thing is there is a girl in campus that i like and we started meeting for the sake of avoiding my loneliness(i'm kinda lonely boy)...Time goes by our attraction getting deeper finally ..booom i fall in love with her, i told her i'm in love with her and she told me she need time to know me deeply then we agreed on this... the problem is she started ignoring me for no reason and this hurting me alot...i asked her wtf happened...she told me to get over her and forget her and this is hard for me...i hate my life...i wanna get numb and to forget abt it but i can't...guys wt should i do, i need help",love,NEGATIVE,0.9963808655738831 2019-12-11 16:10:05,"I need to vent. Hello there fellas I’m gonna vent so my bf and I met 7months ago we had a great time together mnamn we even had sex for like 5-6 times I love him betam words can’t explain em u feel me he does too but the problem is he is a Muslim and am a Christian we never discussed bout our religion not even once ena I wanna ask him about our future mnamn gn this religion thing keeps holding me back for the record akrari aydelem so what should I do my parents won’t allow me to be engaged in this type of relationship bicha am lost y’all help me out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971780776977539 2019-12-15 21:21:31,"Okay here it goes my vent is not like much of the vents you see around a dude who just turned 24 and life is good i got no complains. But lately my mom has been getting sick in the past few months with diabieties,cholestrol and others and she has lost a lot of weight even changed her whole image...ik we all dont live forever but the thought of my mom dying is the worst feeling ever and i dont know what to do,i feel so helpless...she tries to hide the fact that shes sick and getting old but now everytime i see her i get all sad cause ik one day she not gonna be with me and honestly i cant imagine life without her... the illness is killing her but she wakes up everyday and lives to fight another day...i wish i was the one in her place and so i wanned to ask advice on how to cope with this stuff....thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971363544464111 2019-12-15 21:27:59,"Hello, am a boy and 28 Years old. I never had a girlfriend in my life. I am a bit shy and an introvert. I recently met a girl from one telegram group as she was so beautiful(from my perspective) i started talking to her and it went all good. We came to know each other very well(just on telegram, sometimes phone call). Later She asked for financial aid 4 times and i sent her 4 times. I didn't want to consider her as a gold digger, but whenever i asked her to meet in person she always have a reason after all. I wanted to cut it all gn asazenechign, and i think i have a crush. Any help..??",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9970722198486328 2019-12-15 21:28:19,"Hey there i wanna ask u guys something im boy 18 (almost) im senior high school student ena ahun memarebet school almost 5 amet honognal ena totally yan yahel tegbabi alneberkum even with my families keza i started to work volunteering mnamn then more ke sew ga megebabat jemerku and i make friends school west mnamn gen here is the point specially with my batch megebabat felegalew ena kezi befit yasekeyemkuachew yahel eyetesemagn nw ena yeketegnen 1 amet kenesu ga feta malet felegalew ena weste yekerta teyek eyalegn nw to the whole batch i don't know why ena demo there are peoples i don't wanna lose so mn temekrugnalachuh?? Loneliness betam eyatekagn nw Tnx for reading",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9939516186714172 2019-12-15 22:51:06,Admin approve u knocked me back a lotta times. So Helloo I hv a sad or whatever story...I didn't date a girl for two years mnamn ena it is eating ma confidence up...may be because am bald or something and when they see me(past dates) they create some shits out and they say let's be only friends or mnamn fk. The like ma personality and we meet and boom they not interested anymore. Ik am not ugly... I just wanna ask if there is any girl who dont mind dating a bald guy or who likes a bald guy...,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9937871694564819 2019-12-15 23:04:27,"Hello dear people, I am here to vent about my many crushes. I just got into university (18 yrs old) but I have had about 20 crushes in my life time but you know sometimes it is tiring and I just want a to settle on one guy, but I see the next great guy and I am a goner. So anyone who knows to start a relationship or how to settle down please give me some advice",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.98600834608078 2019-12-15 23:07:07,"hey y'all i'm a freshmen at Gonder university i got this issues i fall in love so easily with any girl i talk to like if i have been talking to a girl for like 1 month i start loving her and i want to ask her out on a date but i just dont im just afraid of bring rejected. FYI i have never been in a realtionship but i want to be in one so badly , how can i know if that girl is ryt for me and if she is what would i must say i dont know shit about this stuff and i need your advice please",love,NEGATIVE,0.9963958859443665 2019-12-15 23:35:45,"Why do we fool our self? Why do we always say we need other human beings? The only reason you people want to be in a relationship is for sex that's it. And here you are out here talking about a failed relationship or some crush you have on some other idiot like you like it is a big deal news flash IT IS NOT. I remember when I joined this channel I was hopping to read real problems, real misery. But now I'm hear browsing through this list of pathetic attempts for some sort of attention it doesn't even make sense. Have we really stooped this low to think this is a real issue. FOR REAL?. and I hope this can make the cut cause i want you to know almost all of the vents here are stupid all the people posting this are idiots and those who comment on these are even worse.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9997405409812927 2019-12-15 23:45:30,Hy... I am 21 and 2 yr student I just want to know symptoms of love in general. If my boy friend repeatedly ask me to give him my verginity did he really loves me? Know we are going to celebrate our 2 yr anniversary always I always try to understand him but I can't,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.7971372008323669 2019-12-16 00:20:57,"I need to vent Hey i am 22 and GC studnet i think i wanna knw my probelms i communicate good with whom i talk to for while then i will disappear i will get bored with them and is it cuz am addicted wiz my lonely life or what?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9979210495948792 2019-12-16 09:31:11,What if ur tired of ur friendship with someone good person questioning everything and who is tring to figure out what life is and he is not trying to change u but ur changing in a way u don't want to . What would u do? It's very tiring... mentally and I can't get away and I don't want to talk about this with my other friends and in away this person needs my help...u know am his only friend neger uff just tell me what to do ?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998703122138977 2019-12-16 09:55:58,I been in a relationship for a few months now and i really love my gf i mean i cant live without her but from time to time i feel like im pushing it too much always smothering her and not giving her space i mean ig i cant help myself and i got that feeling more or less under control now but im afraid that i will keep over doing it being too needy and clingy that i push her away any thoughts?,fear,NEGATIVE,0.99864262342453 2019-12-16 17:44:18,Nah a vent but to put it of my shoulder lost can't even sense things around gone but physically alive .there is a voice inside me saying don't u wanna go somewhere silent.where u can get rid of every bullshit then I agreed up on it...I don't even know why am not scared .....can't wait tho,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8058481216430664 2019-12-16 19:20:05,"hy guys tnx 4 reading so here's the shit like a few months ago I was hanging with my bestie after class and my ex came up and started hanging with us. When we got a moment alone my ex(let's just call him ex) asked me to leave so he could hang wiz my friend(let's just call her bestie). When I asked him abt it later ex told me that he had a thing for bestie and that he wanted to date her. A fee days later I told bestie about it and she laughed saying it would never happen and she would never do that to me. Then over the last month or so I noticed they got closer and closer but I ignored it since she swore there was ntn goin on and i knew he was perusing her. Then today while I was talking with bestie I asked her wat was new and she was like oh well I'm kinda dating ex. My immediate rxn was excitement since she hadn't dated in a long time and I was totally over him. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that she had been lying to me for weeks saying it was never gonna happen. And Its not that I'm not okay with them dating but I feel like she should have talked to me before starting it. Cuz like she just acted like it didn't really matter to her how I would feel about her dating my ex she didn't even ask if I was cool with it or if I was totally over him. And here's the thing about ex when we dated it was totally casual. we just hung out and smoked weed we never really got emotional n shit. But after we ended things me and him became friends and we got really close. Like I ended up telling him shit I'd never told anyone. But like after I opened up to him he freaked out cuz we'd tlked and personal shit. So basically he was a shitty boyfriend and an equally shittg(though in other ways) friend. So it didn't really come as a surprise to me that he wouldn't care how I felt cuz I had long accepted that he didn't care about me but it hurts to realize that she doesn't really care about me either. So I guess now I'm wondering should I just tlk to her about how I'm feeling cuz I don't think it will make much of a difference. or should I just ignore it until it goes away and pretend like ntn is wrong?",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9987698197364807 2019-12-16 19:20:20,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Hello, 20 years old a guy. Its not my first time venting but the admins didn't approve it I think. I hope they will now... Maybe its weird to say like this but whenever I am using WiFi I always go to porn websites and download some videos and all my days are spent mastrubating mnamn.. Beken 6 gize mastrubate adergalew ena le tena kifu mehonum akalew gn degmo simet wust shon nw... Ena pls say something to help me out ... Please don't insult me...",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9963430762290955 2019-12-16 19:20:35,"Plzzzz approve this vent plzz Hi I am 16 yrs old boy and I am always lonely and my life is literally mess I have a low grades in every subject and I have friends but always feel lonely and used I nvr had a r/n which I rly want right now Dont ask me how but my dad watch porn and kinda cheats too And what do u think I should do to my life?? Plzz approve thxx",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988106489181519 2019-12-16 19:20:58,"First venter hereHey everyone, here is a vent from another introvert. Am a guy 25 old and still virgin. I have been in couple of relationships but all of them were virgin and when it comes to sex they say ""they want to have sex after marriage"" mnamn. So I want you to give me your opinion is that me or do girls say that most of the time? By z way am not a broke dude have good job(with a decent salary). Am adding the broke thing i want you be real not sarcastic.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9912446141242981 2019-12-16 20:54:05,"Approve this one thing already. I am here to apologize. In the name of all men out there I would like to say sorry to every girl/woman that has been hurt by a man or two. Sorry for all that stupid shit we did. I kept reading vents about a cousin trying to rape them...a guy threatening them..a family member abusing them..a boss taking advantage of them. And it is too fucking painful. I am sorry that happened to you. Am sorry you had to go through that. Am sorry the world is cruel to you. Am sorry to that fear we caused by standing beside the road and hitting on u. Am sorry for the sexual abuse. You deserve more. And better. You are not an object. Sorry for treating u like one. Sorry about every single stupid thing a guy did on u. The world is not fair. It has never been fair to anyone. But it is hard on you all. Am so sorry. I know my apology won't change shit. But I could not just read all those abuses. I had to say something. I am....we are truly sorry. We love you. You deserve more. You deserve better. And I bet there are men like me who feel the same. May God bless you all.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.998379111289978 2019-12-16 21:24:24,Hi every one am 19 years old girl am kinda shy i those 3 things at this time i really like to sing i really want to be successfull in this singing stuff and am fresh university student i really wanne have boy best friends but when i get close they turned their point n i get them when they trying to flirt... n i don't have boy friend at this time but i wanne have the real once i know some of us want to have this real thing just to say am one of those some,desire,NEGATIVE,0.7487771511077881 2019-12-16 23:43:45,"Alright so look... I am evil. I am so evil. I have this problem. I don't worry about people's feelings when I talk. I say whatever comes to my mind. I am the total opposite of compassionate. I hate my parents, my friends and everyone around me. I want to be kind and nice but to be honest I am so proud and selfish. I care about what happens to me. I'm always just... defensive. I don't trust anyone because I'm not a trustworthy person. If I give money to a yenebite I be thinking about it for weeks on if they deserved it or not. And my parents are the opposite of me. So are my siblings. I don't wish the best for people. I don't like it when others succeed. I want to change. I'm a girl by the way. I had a boyfriend. And he left me because he hated the kind of person I was. And the first thing I did was plot a revenge on him. I have a problem. I shout at people and disrespect teachers and regret it but I never ever have the courage to say sorry. But I swear to God I am not lying when I say the guilt everytime I do the things I stated above can't let me sleep. The guilt consumes me. And I am always sad and moody. I don't know why I'm like this. I want to change. I want to be good like those princesses Cinderella and stuff and although this is a metaphor I really want to be prettier in the inside.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9658637642860413 2019-12-17 08:31:48,"This is only fo girls:- how do u know that ur boy friends is in love with u...did he gave u support, priority,attention,gift or sth like zis please tell do I know whether my boy friends really loves me or not",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984715580940247 2019-12-17 08:31:51,"I'm in love with this smart,anbabi,konjo,decent in my sefer lij she kinda impresses me not in love but shes what i need kinda way, and i let her prank my friends with her sexy voice and tell them about how many books she has read not about how i kinda have a crush on her. oh I'm in need of a date? I rather take out someone else than her coz she for the serious stuff not fun enough, oh a girlfriend? I don't think i should be with someone i actually like but someone who can make me get some more scores on the guys chart, i mean as long as i got to tell people oh I'm dating that girl nothing else really matters right? In the mean while I'm gonna kiss some more girls just for the sake of it and I'm gonna live the ""life""... But right after everything doesn't work out and realize the "" life"" is gonna ruin me, now i should make her mine. you know without the burden of seeing her everyday and giving myself relationship headaches like this is gonna be kinda fun, letting her know as little as possible since she's not gonna find out anything anyways anddd live some more of the life, you know because why not? As my energy drains and i got fed up with life, now its better to be focused on the one. To be one.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9788230061531067 2019-12-17 08:33:13,"Good morning members Currently known issues regarding deleting comment have been fixed. If it's not working for you, please try browsing comments again and deleting your comment then.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99860018491745 2019-12-17 19:55:30,"Hello not a vent but a question Does a rat poison kill human? Its urgent pls admins approve this vent so I will able to help a friend who took it few minutes ago",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9882595539093018 2019-12-17 19:55:41,"this ain't a vent I just got some shits to say abt all of u out there judging judging I meant that ridiculous and bullshit comments u give... So here is this generation judging u coz of ur taste on cloth,music,movie,TV show,things u mostly do and the list is far from over ...(okay things I do can tell abt me if I was good,bad or yekeruten ethics terms...not if I am seget and shit the like)..gen seriously ppl...get a life benatachun‍‍‍‍‍ So now I am seget or Fara mnamn for ya coz I don't like things u like and vise versa....why fuckies WHY???? And plss any of u girls and boys don't let those words make or brake u coz u r what u r and u like what u like .. Any comments r appreciated. Txs",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979914426803589 2019-12-17 19:55:58,"Umm this isn't a vent I was just wondering about babies of 16 years of an age or less in this channel what the actual fuck of shit r u spitting in here huh??? Depressed and all mnamn.... N enante demo me 18-25 mnamn yalacehuy don't u got smtg else to vent about beside a boy ..relationship.. Depression (tho u don't even know what actually it is ..n yeah stop saying u r depressed anxious or mnamn when u get bored)..ere be fetari tewu tewu",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993258714675903 2019-12-17 20:08:00,"Ever since my childhood I had a speech impediment. I stutter when I talk. People told me that my stutter will vanish when I grow up but I’m 22 now and my stuttering grew up with me. I always get nervous when it’s my turn to talk. These days it’s bothering me more and more, any advice on stuttering? Thank u all!",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9945864677429199 2019-12-17 20:32:53,"I'm a 27+ lady with a respectable job and a good life but I can't figure out why I'm not dating. I'm still a virgin and I have no prospects whatsoever at this moment in my life. Other than my relatives, My social circle literally consists of my best friend and even he doesn't find me attractive in that way. I love his sense of humor and his nose but he's too immature. And I don't meet a lot of people outside work because I'm kinda introvert. Please help me. Don't make fun, I don't want to die alone and a virgin. What shall do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969909191131592 2019-12-17 20:45:17,Heyy... admins please approve this vent!!!!!! so im a girl 21nd me and my friend were smoking cigarettes in her shop and this dude caught us. And he told everyone we are addict. ena menged lay addict mnmn eyalu sisedbuat neber. we are not addict tho. we just smoke sometimes... We don't care what people think but those people happen to know my friends mom.. if her mom finds out she will tell my parents and God knows what they are gonna do.. They might even kick me out or disown me or sth... I am a student and my friend is dependent on her parents tho she works and we have nowhere to go. we really need your advice and we appriciate any comments. thanks in advance!,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9957323670387268 2019-12-17 20:51:16,Hello so I've had enough of everything and I hate everyone I just wanna die. I've been having suicidal thoughts lately and I don't know what to do. I keep hurting people and they end up hurting me. Please help!,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975267052650452 2019-12-17 21:21:59,"Hi i need to vent I am 21 i have a boyfriend we have been together for 1 year and 8 month know we have been fighting every time we talk we have a lot to disagree about every time i think thats becouse we dont want to be like his parents they fight a lot and we were trying to avoid fighting i think thts why we fight a lot once we break up for 2 months and he always want to break up every time we fight and change his mind. But this time he kind of take it seriously ,i tried to make him happy and i know he was trying but it doesn't work this time was my fault and i said sry many time but he didn't want to talk what should i do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9963471293449402 2019-12-18 19:27:33,"Hello ppl.I am 20 yrs old girl and have never dated even though there r boys who asks me out ,I always reject them no matter how perfect they's just I am repulsed when I picture myself in a relationship but when I see couples I think they r cute minamin gin it makes me cringe just thinking about me doing all the stuffs...I can't figure out what my problem is ..what should I do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9976711869239807 2019-12-18 19:32:43,"Hey im a student there is a girl that is not like others..she is horny and have dated every guy and im a 10th grade and she is too i dont know how but she was sitting next to me in the corner of the library and started rubbing on my dick and i told her not to cause it was almost classtime and i wont be able to stand. Anyways i didnt know what to tell her so she can rub it again So any advise..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9922606348991394 2019-12-18 21:05:06,"Hey there ... Just wanted to speak it out.... I'm really really into sex and love talking about it FYI I'm male 24 but If I'm really into it you might say then y don't u just go to a bar or have a girl and then do what u got to do but I want is a girl who is really workaholic and open minded who can understand me and also who love sex sometime I even ask my self y don't u just stop thinking about sex ...and again I can't talk freely unless I'm having sex I'm.just confused...",love,POSITIVE,0.8965223431587219 2019-12-18 21:41:53,"Hey guys, I'm a second year campus student. So there's this guy I've known him for about a year and we are in the same class and last year in the summer we used to talk a lot and at some point he told me that he is in love with me, I didn't feel the same way but I wanted us to be friends so I told him that we should be friends. But as time went by he couldn't forget or move on and he kept on telling me that he loves me for a couple of times and I replied the same way. Then came this year and now it's even worse I can see he loves me with alllllll his heart , he's really getting hurt but I just can't feel the same way and I don't know what to do. It 'd be great if you guys could give me some advice.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9834888577461243 2019-12-18 21:57:08,I'm depressed,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994632601737976 2019-12-19 08:39:35,"Hello so am a girl 9teen if you remember I was the one was wrote a vent about rat poison. wasn't my friend who took it I was its just I thought u guys would say she is attention seeking or sth or don't believe me .was two days ago,I vented after I drunk z rat poison tho I was not feeling any pain for a while but then saliva started to came out of my mouth and I vomited ,vomit sil demo it was tooooo much I didnt took any water or some other thing so that the rat poison destroys my internal organs and kill me ....I waited set an alarm bullshit it didn't kill me why is this not fair the only thing I wanted was to die....ahunm bihone I do wanna die kezare malef yelebetm enam I been thinking what to take since last night but I don't the point is am nah seeking for advice or sth don't ever tell me tomorrow will be a brighter day or some bullshit cause no fucking one knows what am through....just looking for sth that can end my breath enam its kinda urgent as I told u so mention some.....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993512034416199 2019-12-19 10:13:36,"Hello guys, so am a guy, 25, and there is some bad habit I want to get ride of, that is, all I could think about is girls, to talk to them, to be in relationship with them or sleep with them and when ever I get a chance to talk to one, when a girl is near me I can't seem to have the courage to do it...tell me life is more than just a relationship or sex, am having this thoughts bc I haven't been in relationship but it doesn't seem to go away no matter how hard I try, I found out it's better/easier for me to stop this thoughts or control my self and emotions than to have the courage and talk to them‍...what do u think?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958415627479553 2019-12-19 11:09:05,"ppls who been asking for my reason in the group here is my reason ....I have disorder which have been diagnosed by 3 three having a therapy which helps me stay well for a day or an hour ...I been skipping classes for two weeks ,have exam next week tho am haven't studied am fucked up I wanna quit college Start a pyscotherapy,medication ,reprogram my brain and start next year but this can't happen cause if I tell my mom I want to quit she will kill me ...she will literally say go to ur dad and if I go there things are gonna be fucked hate to be with my step mother plus my illness will get worst.....right now am lost,can't even think concentrate properly don't wanna get back to gibi I wanna die ....ketinsh gize bewhala I will end up with schizophrenia cause am signing z symptoms ahun lay enam ene kabedukugn bewhala what do I gotta live for beaenselet tasre tsebal mewerwer alfelgm or hospital besenselet tasro yemerfe aynet mastebaged bullshit ...I was nah born to live enam pls help me by telling me sth that can kill me in a painless way cause I f I stay alive I will lose my memory end up psycho am signing z symptoms starting thats y I said this.....enam thats y its urgent",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991016387939453 2019-12-19 14:29:48,I have a messed up family. My younger brother is suicidal and he always threatens to kill himself ena hule aberew mehon alebgn class binoregnm mnamn I can't say no to him. And my parents are always fighting. Hule sitalu they tell me how much they hate each other and its hurting me.. I just wanna run away gn I can't. Ena I don't know what to do.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988498687744141 2019-12-19 16:49:35,Owkay I just wanna ask everyone a question.... Is it wrong to love someone whom you are no longer together with? Just because your heart feels like you will be together in the end? And all this lonliness is just a pathway to your future together? Eventhough you live in different continent from each other? Am I going crazy?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9961375594139099 2019-12-19 22:30:07,Hello I am 26 year old girl who have may be an issue of letting go. I was dumped months ago by someone and I couldn't seem to let it go or forget the memories .They kept on haunting me like I dont have enough problems in my life . It fucking hurts I am even typing these while crying. I have never been in to these deep may be that's why. I am not asking for help or anything I just wanted to let it out I know these things take time to heal and since I cant say it to the person...I am here talking about my business.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9333381652832031 2019-12-19 22:30:25,"Really bored like really bored to the point where i feel like im leading a meaningless life. Nothing changes. Everything is always the same no excitement. I want to try all the stupid shit ppl do but my willpower won't let me. I feel like im stuck in a rat race. I just want to feel connected to someone or somthing.. I need something to look forward to But i don't how i can get something like that Any ideas ....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991022348403931 2019-12-20 11:14:52,To the girl who vented about rat poison please alew beyig spent all knight in discomfort please say sth,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979919195175171 2019-12-20 22:40:58,Don't you think the FACT that all the Gods that we know are limited and dark from inside ..or is it just me...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986363053321838 2019-12-20 22:41:10,"Yegzaber menfes balebet bezya arnet ale yelal yegzaber kal...and everybody here is in lot's of problem,depression,anxiety,...Ena here me my friends unless you are saved and believe in Jesus Christ u won't get relief of this enervating world..he is our place of begeta beyesus kristos kalarefe besteker befitsum selam ayagegnim...ene yehew misikr negn trust me....yemedan ken ahun nw wedegzaber wengist tekelakelu... it's nat about religion it's about life(eternal life)'s nat following Christians it's following christ who is the Prince of Peace the everlasting father... egzaber endesew aydelem aymrenm atbelu ymeral kahun behuala ayfelgenm atbelu l yefelgenal cause mejemeryam alamaw yetefawn yesewn lij felega nw alamaw feker becha nw ntn else!!! beberachu lay ale atasgebutem?? mekera west miyasdeset merehab west miyategbew yegzaber hiliwna ena menfes bekrstos eyesus miyasfelgachun yaregal yatsnanal yastenal...slenante yewagal egzaber tewagi new semum egzaber new..Ena it's for all vents till today and forever if u want eternal Peace eternal life then welcome to God's kingdom......stay blessed!!",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9930806756019592 2019-12-21 12:05:29,"Hey, i know we haven't seen each other and even talked to each other in a while but i want u to know that i have been doing a lot of thinking lately and i want u to know that i miss u not i regret what happen or i wanna see again just i miss u just i miss u. It's so strange to think that some one i knew so well is now a total stranger to me that some times i go entirely days without thinking about you. Most of the time, i let my self forget because it is easier but then i find something a photo, a gift or some stupid song that reminds me of u and the full weight of what's been lost crashes down on me. Part of me wants to see u again, to hold u again to kiss u again but all of those feelings become empty thoughts when i look back now remembering that love isn't always what it seems. it's just so easy to forget but this isn't regret we have our reasons for ending it and they are as valid as ever but back at the start we didn't need any reasons to fall in love we just did. The reasons came at the end and everything since then has been about reasons and that is good it means that one day I'll find someone who i won't have to say goodbye to but a part of me just misses loving someone and having them love you back that's all. I guess what am saying is i hope things are good with u. I hope everything is great. I hope you found a love that's all the things ours couldn't be but just a small part of me hopes that you still remember what it was like before all the reasons and that you miss me too.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9943287968635559 2019-12-21 20:53:07,"This isn't really a vent but more like me tryna figure shit out type of thing...So I'm open 2 any suggestions. Okay.... I recently went through a breakup(last sat 2 be accurate) and it wasn't rly and her actually were doing good or so I've thought. We were few months in and It was actually starting 2 feel real and stuff. And we got drifted a bit due 2 class...I'm fresh in college and she's in prep so yea we both were busy and all But all of a sudden she ended it through text saying this was too much, that she didn't wanna commit and stuff. but she told me I didn't do anything wrong and all but I was rly broken like I immediately felt down but I did respect her decision cuz simply I don't wanna force her into changing her mind(feelings).and I did care 4 the girl more than anyone In my I let her go. And uk the drill after that...I still wanna be friends stuff came up and I agreed...thinking I'll get over it but it's been only a week(a very longggg one) and I feel like some one drilled a hole in my chest and just didn't know what 2 do next so the hole is just....there. It's like she tore me but 2 one piece. Like ik I would never get her back...ik she'll never be mine again but fuck it I miss her a lot... I miss the days we used 2 talk till midnight, I miss her laugh...I miss her annoying jokes, her calls, her voice, her warm touch,...those slight wrinkles on her nose when she laughs,...ik...ik it's really pathetic and sad trust me I see it too but idk....I just miss her. I tell her I'm good but I'm not doing well. But I she is over me tho her friends made it clear...and I'm happy abt that. But I can't shake the feeling that we might fix things up and shit...but ik it'll never go back 2 the way it was but idk......I don't think I'll ever feel 4 any girl in my life like I felt 4 her...I lose interest like immediately when they approach me. And uk how homies are... Saying I shld get out more, hook up zem beleh, just have fun, movie suggestions and I'm trying the go out more and movies cuz being alone is getting harder by the day....and tho It's rly bad thr is still some part of me left that would still take her back and I just hate myself 4 that..... so let me stop right here and just ask any of u guys for advice. Shld I fight 4 her?, or maybe give it time?...anything u would like 2 suggest I'm all ears. And sry abt the weird way of venting it's my first time so.....yea...that's me currently. Thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979116320610046 2019-12-22 10:03:06,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent. Um so yea as u might have expected I do have the usual problems......depression....hurting myself....trying to kill myself....blah blah getting used to it...sometimes not....but whatever and yea 19....girl....I'm here to vent abt something else but I got into this shit kinda early.....but till some time I didnt have anyoneeee to talk to or to share my worries with....I kept everything for myself...smiling from the outside...and crying myself to was awful but I miss that now...cause at some point someone got involved ....I opened up for the first time and gave myself away betam...but got the opposite in hurt and was left desperate for the love and care I got used after that I cant be by myself....I need to know I have someone by my side or I'll lose heart keeps asking me for love and attention(I dont mean attention from lots of ppl) but I just wanna be ok with out ppl like I used to be........but I cant....I got too many ppl in my life after that....and yea they make me happy for a while...but leave....they always do....when that happens....I'm more desperate to have someone again....I just want to keep everything within my myself....just tell me how to do that....thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9960198998451233 2019-12-22 10:03:46,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Please hide my identity. And please approve my vent Thank you in advance. Hello... I'm a girl. I'm 25. I'm currently single. I wanted to vent about my relationship problems. I've been in a couple of relationships where I gave my all to every single one of them (3 to be precise). There were guys here in there in my life and it never worked. Trust me when i say this, i never caused any pain to any of them. I always try to my best you know.... they all hurted me so bad tho. They all did. Now it got me wondering if I will ever get married. U see, they all came back beggin for forgiveness, but that would be too late. I was hurt already. I'm starting to think if there is a problem with me. I mean come on, I am 25. I should have known better. I should have been good at dating. I'm seriously stressed about this. I don't how to work this out. What do you guys think i should do? Please don't take this lightly. I know there are bigger problems but please solve this little problem too. Thank you for reading this.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9901366233825684 2019-12-22 10:04:10,"i've been thinking about this for a while, and it seems like i just cant put my finger on it, guys whats ur take on soulmates, cuz i feel like i had found my ""one"" but she slipped right thru my fingers, and if she weren't the one.... aint nobody coming close... but then again it's love, perfect by its very essence... so should i just go out... pick up a girl, live with what i get... cuz like the good old folks liked to put it, plenty of fish in the sea.... but whats ur take on soulmates",love,POSITIVE,0.9965895414352417 2019-12-22 11:23:56,"Hey y'all This is me with trust issue I literally don't trust anyone I mean I feel like everyone is faking it or pretending around I do date but it works out for 1 or 2 times and then boom it turns out to friends with benefit/ even though I've never called it out loud/ that was just playing mind game with ma own mind I feel like they're just thirsty nothing else but I still sleep with them Hmmm here's my big problem I can't say no and shit is out of control like it's getting hurt me out but I can't say no Man I hate this me Any advice please",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9910451173782349 2019-12-22 11:24:47,i am 21 years old...and to tell you the truth i am almost done with life..these days all i think is to end it all...somedays i think all the ways to kill my self but then i think about the persons around me i don't want to hurt them....i have like these for almost a year now i am tired and it's seems like i am about to do it what shall i do,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9258468747138977 2019-12-22 13:16:42,"I mean is there anyone, any fucking where with a pure heart that loves a person for who they really are? Shit is getting messy these days man. This is coming from a 22 year old hopeless romantic by the way. Im in desperate need of a GIRL who can understand me better than my own fucking self.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9990816116333008 2019-12-22 13:17:23,"I am in a trap which I need to get out , i know a boy since were five and our friendship turn into love and I really wish I said no when he asked me out now I realize that I only like him as a friend and I wanna tell him but I'm afraid he will never talk to me again what the hell should I do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9946374297142029 2019-12-22 13:44:17,Hey not a vent but seeking for advice is the thing I'm having exam this week enam am panicking as fuck haven't studied well I don't want my grades to be fucked up z exam time is in after noon so I have whole day plus keexam sweta gin its been hard for me to bring my self calm and concentrate enam pls need ur advice wt do I do?,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9973867535591125 2019-12-22 19:27:32,"admins please accept Hey guys im a guy 19 this is for all of u dealing with depression like almost everyone of u i too was dealing with depression always sad never felt like living i thought everyone was out to get me and shit But heres the thing im a freshman student at AAU and i didn't get cause of my grades i changed and i have a hard time fitting in with all the smart kids in addition to my depression i allways tryed to be smthn im not and then thats when it hit me i should be me in my own way and thats how i dealt with it for example if ur a music lover like me enjoy life through music i dance when ever i hear music it might not be music for u but what ever it is just fuck everything else do u and just do u Feel special in ur own little world trust me it works",sadness,POSITIVE,0.939116895198822 2019-12-22 19:27:51,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hey it's my first time to vent here I'm uni 2nd year student and I'm 19 ....ena sewoch I'm confused about my life it's literally fucking me up evertime I try to do sthg good it turns to be rong and idk wht to do I'm so depressed n I even start to thing why I'm I living????....I don't even got answer for this question last was amazing but this year yelele azza honebegn ena sewoch ebakachu give me some advise!!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9975462555885315 2019-12-22 22:02:03,"Hi guys I need to ask y'all a question I have a tone amount of motivation and drive but I start many tasks but never finish them cuz I suddenly change my attention to another task and I have so many shit that I have started in my life but didn't finish none of them. I can't focus for long or am not that dedicated,i go about how my impulse takes me. Is there any ways that u guys know that could help me focus? Or any drugs? Pills ,anything that could help me focus. Am mad at myself at this point.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982940554618835 2019-12-23 08:24:34,"Does anyone else feel so lonely that it physically hurts,like you forget to breath for a moment. I do and it hits me out of no where like now when i should be concentrating for my finals but for the life of me i cant!!!! Never thought i'd feel this way after 5yrs in college",sadness,POSITIVE,0.7323640584945679 2019-12-23 08:26:17,"Hello there anonymous people just wanted to vent what's inside me I think I have read sth like mine here Anyhow I'm a 22yrs old dude from mekele I came here to Addis couple of years ago to the exact before 6 year's...I had friends there who use to smoke weed hookahs cigarette and all but I never did any of those things even if I had a chance to do them i just dont like them and im pretty much proud of that not only that i am also proud of my achievements but Its becoming hard for me to stop wanting sex a really dirty sex to the exact...having a relationship can be possible but I go early in the morning and Go home late at night so I wished I had a girlfriend who can understand me help me with my work when I say help I mean even just a talk and all becha someone to be beside me a whos the same as me...I swear I haven't even written whats inside my head in detail I just can't talk unless I'm having sex ena wish I just had a girl . am I the only one or are there others like me ?",desire,NEGATIVE,0.5592411160469055 2019-12-23 08:38:59,Hola. Just need advice (can be as brutal as u want) I feel like I'm too good for literally every guy that comes after me.. I see one flaw and I'm out.. I feel like I could do better than them so I just let them down no matter how much we vibe n shit. How can I settle for less or does it mean I'm meant to hoe around with everyguy for a little bit and leave them?,approval,NEGATIVE,0.9979535341262817 2019-12-23 10:33:03,Hello. I need help. I'm literally waiting for the day I completely lose my mind every day I'm like ok this is the problem that's gonna do it right about now but no but I can still feel my self slipping I'm screaming for help not only do I show everyone around me that I need help I literally told them but I guess depression and mental illnesses are so common this days I just get an ayzosh it'll be fine minamin I'm dying I can feel myself dying I'm not exaggerating it will happen. Soon. Even though I'm very suicidal I don't wanna die I really don't just most of the time when I hit rock bottom I feel like death is the only solution but I snap out of it when I'm calm but I don't know how much longer I can be able to resist it I have sooooooooooooo many problems if I start talking about it many of you would cry cause no body should go through what I went through but I'm not here to talk about none of that I'm really concerned about my mental health please I need help please this is the last time I'll ask help from anyone why are you all waiting until I die keza litaznu new? Why won't you help me now? When I'm alive ??! Unlike most people I'm asking for help I don't feel like this is the end for me but if literally nobody steps up I don't know what I'll do.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9971145391464233 2019-12-23 10:33:28,"Shout out to all my queens I have seen lots of girls gettin hurt over and over again thinking they have found the right guy so am gonna give u some advices on how to figure out ur dating a FUCK BOY before things got serious 1. Cheap dates more that 2,3 times am telling u ladies if a man truly likes u he would wanna take u some where valuable and wanna spend money on u. Have ur standards ladies lets not settle for less 2. Doesnt care if you know his messing with other girls and he be calling her a friend n shit trust me she might be his girl and your gonna be the side dish 3. He be making u feel so good by calling you wifey n shit but isnt actually there for you when u need him and he keeps on sayin he was busy and makes u feel guily for his own mistake am tellin you sis if your dealing with such kinda of guy know his all about the vagina thats why he always wanna comfort you with his words thats a red sign baby What you got down there is a gift dont just give the cookie to every one let them pray fast and wait for it you gotta take care of what gets into your body not just foods honey 3. Doesn't have anything special for you and always insists you to come to his crib,he be like we can watch movie and cuddle you know whats comes after that sex and u might not be ready for that am tellin u if u wanna go to a man house for Netflix or whatever it should be for someone who actually is ur guy and u actually trust him bcuz ladies he be callin ur ass to his house so he wont take u on a real date and he just wanna smash that ass 4. His only interested when u talk about sexual things 5. His not constant one day he texts and then disappears for days and come back and tell you he was busy and he might not even give a reason So sis i been here This are the major red flags throw the whole man away if he has this signs Keep safe much love to all my queens dont settle for less love u all",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978949427604675 2019-12-23 19:31:57,"Hello beautiful people,i need to let shit of my chest. I recently went through a break up and it feels like the search for that special one is over for good. Ever felt like your not meant to be with anyone?that you are supposed to end up alone?not necessarily miserable though,yaw just alone hope you guys are not feeling as messed up as I'm. Have a good day ya'll",caring,NEGATIVE,0.996358335018158 2019-12-23 19:32:46,"Whatsup everyone am back with another vent last time i posted about how to know ur dealing with a fuck boy And this one is about How to keep a guy on his toes Shout out to all my queens 1. Lead him on a lil bit Girls this days are easy to throw it back but trust me it makes ur dating life exiting build ur bond first then ur gonna be the person he wanna settle with he might get another girl with good kitty kat but what u gonna have with him is gonna be different sis 2. Be spontaneous do little cute things for him... dont just be all about urself... its okay to cater for your man and dont be hard and aggressive guys dont like that and let him be the man dont be controlling. you might meet up with him after school or work or you go to his house and he told you he just come from work or he just wanna play video games or wanna lay down and listen music dont get on his nerves give him space dont keep nagging him he might have a bad day and build that bond know what he likes do all the little things to make him happy and i promise his gonna do the samebut keep in mind don't do it to the point that he will use you and be sure his the right guy 3. Dont be clingy give him time to miss you dont be texting and calling him every sec give the guy a break uk how we are when we like someone but lets control that and give him time to miss you honey This things helped me and some females i know so dont be hating giving a comment like who do u think you are minamn sedebem yechmral andandu it kinda helped us so it might be useful for someone keep glowing to my queens love ya all",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9804508686065674 2019-12-23 19:33:08,I'm a girl. A fat one. And that's been so hard for me for years. You know fat girl problems. And I can't even try to get into details about it because it's just too much. Now I'm starting to lose weight. And my motivation is the guy who used to bully me for my weight although I had a crush on him and I still do. And I know this is stupid. And I pep talk myself to go on and forget him because he Ain't worth it. But I swear when I think of something else to lose weight for I find myself eating a bag of chips. It's as if dating him is only accomplished by losing weight. I have to stop thinking that losing weight will be an abracadabra for all my problems. I need you all to make me forget him. Please.,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993866682052612 2019-12-24 08:32:35,"Hey guys wanted your advice, there are three people I really hate. One cause he is racist towards my beliefs and the others cause they stole from me. Honestly if I ever catch one of this guy's walking alone I will not hesitate to stab them with a knife or squeeze the souls out of their body. I'd like to know if y'all would feel the same and how I can stop it.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.7658841013908386 2019-12-24 08:32:46,"Hey, its been a while since we have talked now and I miss u. I can't help but wonder how u have been doing lately. Are classes less busier? Have u been sick and not been eating? Have I ever crossed ur mind for once after that certain time? I remember it being easy to just pick the phone up and ask u these. Have I not said those words that night would I be calling and asking u this? Remembering what it was to be excited to meet every week before things got hard, I've never thought goodbyes were for people like us but fast forward to where we are now, I hope u've forgived me for that incident that ended what we had, I guess my weakness kicked in that time. I apologize for whatever wrong I have done by you. I hope we'll keep correcting our wrongs and grow out of it one day. I hope there comes a day we'll be calm enough to realize what we both felt that night. I hope we both become better versions of ourselves b/c we are good people and deserve at least that much. Thank u for every unforgetable time we've shared together i'll cherish every bit of it eshi. And u're probably studying for ur finals and not see this but I hope the universe gives u every good thing it has to offer and then some more. Idk why im suddenly feeling this way to write all this.I guess I missed u a little more than the other days today. I wish i could just call u but ik u don't want this anymore.Dena hunlegn",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9950380921363831 2019-12-24 08:33:22,"Hi,guys this is not a vent but it's just to let y'all know something. All the people you see on the internet especially Ethiopian artists living lavish and shit. And making you feel like you have done nothing in your life. Don't buy that shit. Most of them rent the car they drive ,wear borrowed clothes and live under suger daddy money. And my sister is a big example. She is famous ,most of u know her but am not saying her name but her whole life is a lie,she lie about her age,her educational status,her family's work,her life style and she literally is denying where she came from and who she actually is and I think she is in denial! She doesn't listen to nobody reminding her of the reality even her own mom. She is forever 21 but she actually is way way older than that. its a sick game and I fucking hate to lie and she make me lie about everything too to her friends and most people that knows her. And am tired of forever lying to people. I have to lie about my age too so that it would make sense when I say am her younger sister. and am not that kinda person. I hate to lie about something that i don't even consider as a big deal. So I purposely distance myself from genuinely good people that knows both of us cuz am tired of the lie cuz she lies about everything. And its hard to keep track of that. I sometimes forget y'all",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.996775209903717 2019-12-24 08:33:39,Hello peeps. What do you think the prospects are for starting a local porn company?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985785484313965 2019-12-24 20:07:33,"Now you are just somebody that i used to know. You killed me and you didn't even know it,you meant the world to me. I thought you felt the same way,you say you do but how can i be sure while your leaving me. You did something selfish,you chose you above the relation,above me,above what could have been US,WE. Fuck you should be in order,name calling should have flown out my mouth but u meant the world to me,u still do. I was not an emotional person but look at me now,like a bird that lost its wing,like a glass that just fell on the ground,shattered n scattered all over the place,you killed me and you didn't even know it. Would have sang that 'የዘላለሜ ነሽ' song from a mountain top,now out here vibing with Gotye you did that,you scratched off years of built up emotion with a five letter word ""i guess this is goodbye"". Well i hope you find peace n happiness,you snatched mine away. ‍‍ on my to the 'dead inside' city. Ciao bella,now you are just somebody that i used to know.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9970980882644653 2019-12-24 20:07:52,"hey I need to vent I am 21 years old dude and I don't even know the meaning of love I have trying like forever to make a love but I don't know why ....... I like philosophy so can some body tell me the philosophical definition of love may be I may believe that way....",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9876120686531067 2019-12-24 20:08:06,"Hy y'all, so am a dude on my early 20's and I wanna know your ideas on how to overcome shyness, am tired of pretending to be the tough guy, the real me is am shy, introvert and ppl have been taking advantage of that and I forget it and move on I don't even know how to defend my self from this ppl...what should I do to free my self from this born with thing and start living not caring about any one and do my own company, if I start getting rid of this ppl I'll end up alone..",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988798499107361 2019-12-24 20:08:35,"So mom and dad are about to get divorced. Can anyone here that knows give me a headstart, please",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985567927360535 2019-12-24 21:06:39,Please please post this one ... I am a fresh accounting graduate and everyone in my family thinks I got a great grade when the truth Is I was a walking graduate meaning I graduated while having courses I didn't finish ... Ena I have maintained to keep it a secret since the beginning of July ... Ahun gin it is getting out of control and my parents will literally die if they find out and they will never ever trust me ...bicha now I decided to work as a temelalash serategna till I finish class gin I don't know how to wash a cloth and how to bake injera letemelalash serategna demo wanaw siraw esu new ....Ena I want you guys to encourage me to become a serategna till this bad day passes Ena demo injera lemegager Endet absit endemital minamin yemiyawk kale please let me know ...thanks in advance,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9969231486320496 2019-12-25 09:40:16,Should I let my parents know I smoke weed....?? Under any circumstances... I mean if u were to choose to let them know ...instead of going to jail ...would u risk it...I'm in some real deep shit and don't know if my mom cud take it ...its a lot ...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991796612739563 2019-12-25 09:41:00,"Hey 2 years honew hulum ngr deblkeleku ke'chn siol kehone I started typing the whole story gn its too long plus it kill me eyandandun detail mastaws Bicha i wish i could change the situation for my family le enate le tinanshochu ehet wedndemoche....le hulachnim Ahun lay misemagnn sikay mnm kal endemaygelsew awukalew...betam yamal.. Kezi chigr ga medical student mehon demo real hell nw...... yemitegnatn 1 or 2 seat mulu kishet nw hulem.... Idk why life gotta be this way.... Idk how its gonna end up... Life sucks....this world sucks....everyone sucks Life is free prison....and I hate this life..",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994869232177734 2019-12-25 17:38:07,Pls tell me u guys would hv hated someone if they catfish you...specially boys would u hate her if she catsfishes u and u findout ....but u need to the girl rly loves u,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9976891279220581 2019-12-25 17:38:46,"Hey my is frist time to vent and just thought i could share some stuffs thats been on my mind lately.... there is this guy i liked for three yrs now and its just been so tiring when all i think is him.... Do i rly need a rebound to get over him or just time do its thing",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994563460350037 2019-12-25 17:38:55,"I hv a wierd thing for bad things, i like bad ppl and always stick up for them in the movies. I watch tons lf physicologocal horror movies.. and even drawings, i love darker drawings than the rose colored ones, i oboviously need help. Is there anyone who cn relate or anyone who knows how to help me get rid of my habbit",love,NEGATIVE,0.9979351758956909 2019-12-25 17:39:54,"Hello Brothers and Sisters, this is not actually a vent but I really want to say this. First of all, I really would like to thank whoever created this group, in the second place thank you all of you. For giving time to read vents and for showing a true support for those who need. Evers since I became the member of this group I made a habit of reading all new vents and respective comments, sometimes I do drop my comments to. And this became my daily habit. I made a vent once and you guys gave me a kindest advice too and thank you for that. The positivity, the empathy I see here is really a prove for restoration of humanity. saying someone AYZOH/AYZOSH on the time of sorrow, saying it’s okay, let’s talk about it, let me hear you, HULUM YALFAL is really a good thing to say. I almost gave up in this world where money has more value than humanity but here I can see a true spirit of brotherhood. Warmest respect for all of you here.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9989268183708191 2019-12-25 19:57:57,I'm a people pleaser I don't know how to stop it. Any advice?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987515211105347 2019-12-25 20:58:11,I'm kinda insomaniac so i can't sleep at night also i miss my mom and dad who are not with me rn so nights getting difficult for me i legit can't breathe and sometimes i feel as if i would choke on my own tears i wish i had someone with whom i could share all this but it feels good to vent it all out like this,desire,POSITIVE,0.9935289025306702 2019-12-25 21:16:48,"Hey i wanna keep this short and simple. I have no freedom like literally i don't.... i am almost 21 ena my parents wont let me leave the house mnamn they treat me like a child ena ebet wist demo yaserugnal.... All i can do is go to school or go to my gym thats all... If i ain't at home by 12:00 LT i am a dead man... i am feeling left out and depressed.... i tried talking to them but they don't care at all... ena i don't know wt to do i can't run away i have nowhere else to go... demo i am in college Ps I'm a dude",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989256262779236 2019-12-26 08:31:25,Umm its not really vent its just a questions for the ladies ...does your boobs hurt during your menstruation.. not before or after just in the meanwhile? it healthy?...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981222748756409 2019-12-26 08:31:47,"Hey u all Im a campus student somewhere in Ethiopia ,and we are not having a class till now ,im tired of runing out of Class inna hullum neger eyyastelagn new ,im givin up ,inna yehone tesfa situgn plz.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988628625869751 2019-12-26 08:33:43,"Hey. Well, getting straight to the point... I think love is some bs that humans created to feel less lonely. Soulmates are simply an excuse that single people made up to feel less pathetic about themselves. Personally, in life all I wanna do is achieve my dreams and get crazy rich. Now, don’t call me superficial... but I don’t wanna be wifed up cooking for some man. Imagine if everyone put effort into bettering themselves rather than looking for “true” love, we’d all make a better community. Please don’t be hateful I’d love to hear ur opinions tho lmao.",love,NEGATIVE,0.8089903593063354 2019-12-26 08:33:50,"This is not a vent more like a question,how do you deal with selfish people without making them feel bad?how do u keep a friendship or a relationship alive while all they think about is themselves?when they always come first?when they want to have it all even at the cost of your sanity,when they give no regard to your emotional wellness,confrontation is out of the question since i can't do that due to my personal problem so how do u deal with them?n thank you in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9005975723266602 2019-12-26 19:39:31,"So I don't even know how to address this, but what y'all think of this..... so I was a kinda guy who get tired of relationships so easily.... I got the look and just the right words to say to a women.... but I got tired of that too so I decided to settle for smt great....and that's when I met her.... she was beautiful, a kinda girl that take your breath away, she's fascinating..... so we fall in love and I changed a lot for her I mean I don't usually do that for anybody but she thought she can't keep up with the love I'm giving her even tho she did a lot for me I mean I was becoming a real responsible man ...... I didn't know it was love until she told me she can't lose me, It felt like all the meaningless flings I had before was nth compared to this.... so I promised her she won't lose me never.... and I kept my promise and thats when I got a chance to leave this country and follow my dreams in life .... but I said I won't do it cause you know I love her so much I want to keep my promise.... she still dont know that I did that and there are still things I kept for myself that I did for her.... I mean if y'all heard it y'all gonna say you're stupid.... but anyways finally now she decided she don't have feeling for me anymore and I felt broken for a long time now cause I actually thought I can love for real and that will keep her but no it wasn't enough.... crazy part is I still want her back, but I can't do nth bout it anyways I'm thinking of moving on nowadays but I don't have any idea how to do that.... so help a brother out here..",love,NEGATIVE,0.991442859172821 2019-12-26 20:55:36,"Hey so it’s me again. The girl that said that love is bs and all that I’m sorry if I offended anyone but I did not mean to ridicule anyone’s beliefs about love. And also some people said, that I’m saying all this cause apparently my dating life is not working out... well not rly, I choose to stay single. Anyhoo, let me further elaborate on what I meant by my previous vent. 40% to 50% of married couples in the USA divorce. Why is that? Maybe it’s because one cheated, one could’ve lied about something big, or they simply fell out of love for example ‍ Now, I absolutely love my family and I love my friends, but will I ever love someone as more than that? Idk. How will I ever be sure that that one person I share my heart to, won’t leave for someone else? How will I be sure they won’t do anything behind my back? Because yes, humans are social animals but we’re also natural liars. And besides that, us humans we do get lonely even when we have someone that loves us, we crave for something that we might never find! We’re always looking for the most compatible person to us,but why don’t we work on ourselves first? Be the best version that we can be for US? All I’m saying is why would we need someone to complete us when we should be complete by ourselves already? Why should your whole happiness depend on someone else? And I promise, I’m not some cold hearted bitch I actually have emotions as well. that’s just my opinion :)",love,NEGATIVE,0.9936409592628479 2019-12-26 20:56:13,Can anyone here tell me how to get a bf without losing weight?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982008934020996 2019-12-26 22:34:55,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent My first time venting in the group so bear with me. I went to a doctor recently and after an hour or two long conversation he diagnosed me as clinically depressed. Honestly didn't even know how that would be possible when I go out with people sleep well and other activities but the doctor claimed I have one type of depression. Not every depression deals with not wanting to leave the bed and eat right. So anyone got helpful advice or even believe me for that matter I await your comments",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985657334327698 2019-12-27 09:02:43,"it's not about being in a relationship. I have friends. So many friends although they're not more than people who hate me. And they're all fake, my friends. They're just here for something I don't know but obviously not because they want me as their friend. And this sucks because I want to be accepted by those who are considered my best friends. But if they're the same with everyone else and judge me and talk about me and hide things from me, what the hell is the point? Aren't friends supposed to cheer you up? Because in my case my friends actually make me unhappy. Even in a really good mood they know how to make everything horrible. And I can't break up with them because stupid me has told them everything about me and most things will ruin me if they get out. And I know those things I told them will get out if I break up with them. They're so toxic. I feel chained and drained every single day with the hope that this will end when I finish highschool but although I have less than 2 years left it really feels like forever. I don't even know how to explain this they fr make me sad and it looks like it's not intentional but they do it on purpose. They would walk away from me any moment and I know that. I just hate that I became friends with such company. My my...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977643489837646 2019-12-27 09:03:57,"Hello every one let me make this short, I met this guy online and we started chatting continuously then I kinda started to like him. One day he told me out of sudden that he doesn't have much time on earth because of his health issue. I was startled at first but I assured him I want to be with him till the end. I also told him it ain't the end of his journey and that he shouldn't lose hope. Finally we met with the guy and I liked him more n more but after some time he vanished he doesn't text,pick my phone call he lasted for a month and I called with my freinds phone and he answered becha told him he shouldn't do this and he gave a reason that its not good time for him but why didnt he told me before months he loves me....but he still kept ignoring how can I make him understand that I want to be there for him when his avoiding me or how can I forget him. I appreciate the help thanks y'all.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8314288258552551 2019-12-27 09:04:36,"Hey! Not a vent. More like advice to all you people. U might be thinking who the fuck is he to give me advice! Well I’m no one. But a smart person is one that learns and takes the knowledge from the no one and turns it to wine. Anyway, I feel like most of the people here are mirroring eachother. Thats why it’s depression this and depression that. I think the major reason is caused by the brainwashing of the media. You know what I mean. That song that makes pain and depression sound cool. The sad songs that are trendy nowadays. They are artists they paint. So all of you read into that and boom you’re depressed. All I can say to that is read a book. Not fiction stuff but actual books about the human brain. Read about philosophy and evolution. Pain is not your reality. You are in control. If you are depressed just acknowledge it. Don’t fight. Then let it go. Then there’s the people who are in love and shit like that. And they complain or ask for advice. To you I say, love isn’t what you think it is. Again movies fuck us up. Rachel and Ross bullshit. Love is defined by the partners. So define it. If it doesn’t work out then move on The best thing I can tell you tho is none of it matters. Just be aware of your life. Live and be happy just being alive. Really take a break. Breathe. Let it all go. Find a silence in your brain. Take control",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9691537022590637 2019-12-27 09:05:18,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hello,i was going through comments on one of the vents on this channel and i saw something like ADHD and i googled it and it says it is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or something ena its bka being carless,impulsive,low self esteem,depression,forgetfulness,silly mistakes etc... unfortunatly i happen to have almost all the symptoms given on the internet and when i picture my self or my entire previous life with the fact that i have had adhd for the last 20 years of my life kinda gave sense malet i never understood life and all gn when i went through the behaviours of a person with adhd the dots of my life kinda connected and im going crazy about it ena do you think malet im not thinking straight do i go to a mental doctor or do i keep quiet(to avoid ppl from thinking im crazy) becha what do i do?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982967972755432 2020-01-01 08:35:57,"Sup, I just wanted to ask you guys a question, but First of all let me give you guys some context. I'm a pig, I steal, I'm a chronic liar, I'm NOT loyal, I'm a pervert, I'm EXTREMELY selfish, I'm average looking, NOT rich, basically a fucking lowlife. blah blah blah... And yet, I think I'm too good for any girl I meet. One conversation with them and I'm like, ""bitch forget you ""! And it's not just girls, even guys or literally any human being I meet, I honestly believe I'm too good them. So, my question is, how can a fucked up creature like myself believe any one isn't good enough for him? If this is some sort of psychological problem, does anyone know how to help me? PS. Judge me all you want, goodness knows I deserve it.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989413619041443 2020-01-01 10:07:36,"Hola y'all Hide my identity...... at least that's what everyone says‍ its like the new hi. So let me restart..... Hide my identity Sry for the west of time just love to have fun that's all. So anyways I got a little prob(at least that's what everyone tells me) so I wanted to hear what I guys have to say so please bare with me till the end ena don't judge I'm a lonely person guys. Ena the worst part is that doesn't even bother me. I mean its not that I'm awkward mnamn endewm I can make friends instantly gn beka I rly don't like hanging out with ppl. Its all started when I was 11 yrs old ena keza befit I was a normal kid that loved playing an outdoor game ena ledete lay my dad gave me a desktop computer ena ever since I stopped playing with friends endewm I kinda pushed them away by stopping hanging out with them. Ena I thought maybe its my......u know gurmesena mnamn ena lakom echelalew sewn megfat beye asebe keza endewm yerase level tesetegne ena laptopm techemerelegne then I even started taking with my fam. Ena FYI demo its not a bad thing that I do with my PC. I'm a big programming fan. That's my life beka. Ena turned out I was wrong coz I still push ppl away ena zendero I'm a fresh student in university ena I thought I would change arif dorm mate norogne beye asebe then I found out that I just can't blend in the society kezi bewhala beka I put on my headphone (the big one so I won't hear any voice) ena I don't wanna be judgey mnamn gn there from betam rular area ena not fun to talk to so now I'm thinking maybe I might end up alone. Alone sel demo I'm not talking about wife and shit..........endewm I have almost 15 yrs plan from now gn I didn't even thought of marriage at all. Honestly. I mean its not like I'm seeking attention or anything since I'm anonymous so trust me when I say this is my life exactly. So I have no interest in ppl tho like me ena they say I'm adorable ena fun to hangout with gn I can't say the same bout them ena when I say I'm ending up alone I'm even talking about family mnamn. Bezum alegbabam kenesu gar nowadays aydelem friends yeker ena. So what I'm worried about is not now. Endewm I'm enjoying my life betam gn yezare 10 ena 15 year bewhala I'm gonna be alone ena its not nice knowing that. Ena halafinetun miwesdew obviously computer nw since he's my only friend right now. So what I'm asking is -is it OK if I end up alone as a grownup weyes should I stop living this way -if I have to change my way demo probably have to stop touching computer ena what I'm I gonna do with my life then guys any comment would be appreciated ena tnx for reading till z end guys Till my next vent pis out",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9961937665939331 2020-01-01 19:57:45,"Hello, how do you deal with a situation like being ignored or totally unwanted by the one you valued most?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982395172119141 2020-01-01 19:58:17,"somethings are just not enough no matter how hard u try it's not enough .... I guess I was that for him I did everything to make him mine but he still wasn't did everything to make him happy but he still wasn't it was like the more I try the more I failed and now I got it I got what he was trying to tell me all those times he ignored me or walked passed beside me with out a glimpse ...... I was , I am , and will never be enough and that's the saddest truth I have to love upto",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9965389966964722 2020-01-01 19:58:32,"So I hope this gets approved. I really do. Right now I'm at a point where I feel like nothing matters. I'm not saying I'm suicidal, I just need something that will give me hope to continue in the things I'm doing. I keep suffering blow after blow and I feel like the next one might push me over the edge. My biggest challenge right now is academically I'm a uni student here in Ethiopia. I'm working really hard to bring my grades up but I'm getting discouraged because all my hard work seems to be for nothing. Maybe I'm not meant for this... Maybe i just can't keep up with my class mates. And also the honest way never seems to work i try to do all my work to the best of my abilities but all it seems like is people who cheat get the better deal. Anyway thanks for reading and if you can help me out. Admins please approve.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9948516488075256 2020-01-02 08:09:57,"Hey I just needed to vent Last week I was in the taxi going from piyassa to jemo and the girl next to me was a lil bit of thick (fat) girl but I swear she's the most beautiful girl and sexy omg dayummm wow...anyhow after I get in the taxi u know the drill right tega bel menamen but ayemecheme neber wenberu and the other young girl was murmuring like botawen endale yizaw menamen I told her that its not her but the chair ain't comfortable.... But again she keeps talking ena other highschool students were laughing u won't blame them tho their just immature and kids ...anyhow to all the skinny girls stop hating ur self and put all ur body Insecurity out in an amazing thick girls okay...I mean we all know that having a excess of weight is bad but as long as she is health men agebachu especially skinny girls r u jealous of them? ....I was just mad yesterday and for all highschool students who think making fun of someone else's lifestyle or anything trust me it won't do u good trust me when I say it ull regret it latter on and also ull have other concerning issues but karma will get u unless u came clean ...anyhow to the girl who was in the taxi with wish I talked to u...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9735672473907471 2020-01-02 08:12:04,"Hello, There is some bullshit stuff which is driving me crazy am bipolar and its been hard for me to live a normal life when am in depression episode all I do is eating too much sweets,being isolated,stop studying,skipping class,plug an earphone till my eardrums blowup,don't wanna get off my bed,don't want to say any word,can't even move sometimes, ........ I have exam on Friday and I have to study yesterday I was in good mood and planned to study today but my low mood is back and I can't even get off my bed why is this happening koy whyyy me???? Am tired of this fuckkkked up shit all I ever wanted was to live a normal life like I used to .....this is so bulllllshittt....",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990791082382202 2020-01-02 08:13:16,"Hello ppl,so this not a vent just wanna write down the pain inside me.Im last ereeee yetabate lhid uffffffffffff.....there is a pain inside me eating me like shit am sick am soooooooooo sick told my parents about my situation so now every member of my family knows I'm nah doing well and nobody gives a flipping flying fuck an able to live a normal life all I ever wanted to be was be the old me gin negeroch hulu kakme belay nachew I tried to end my breath more than 10 fucking times booooooom am still a live I even tried it week ago and am still alive ..alive physically but mentally lost ...I wish I could have a mom who shares the pain inside me ,who feels me well she don't give a fuck all she lives for is le sew she is even rising me so that ppl says she is rising her daughter,fulfilling all the thing every mom does well she is totally different from that...after I told her abt my situation all she carried abt was fucking ppl wtf.......fuckkk this shit ....uffffffffffffffffffffffffffff..............why am I still alive every I go to bed I wish am dead betagnahubet gin I never did ....I was born for nth .....just wanna disappear...stegna selam ysemagnal gin sneka am still here ffffffuck iiiiiiiiiiiiiit",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.997372031211853 2020-01-02 19:59:00,Hello people i am so confused...what do u call it when a girl continously flirts with you but then continously keeps rejecting physical affaris like sex and makeout and then keeps on telling you she loves you but she couldnt do those stuff what do u call this? Is she playing me or whats her case? Most girls i know are not like this but this girl keeps on giving me hard time,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9945623278617859 2020-01-02 20:00:37,"I can't believe I'm about to vent about this right now. It feels ridiculous. But if you can please just tell me what you think. Don't try to be polite be rude. Just give me a genuine opinion or advice. So in 7th grade, I started liking this guy. I was overweight and he was likes by most girls. And back then it was all fun. He didn't like me. He proved in many ways that hurt my feelings. Although I never even expressed them. He stopped talking to me all of a sudden (in 7th grade) and also in 8th grade. He used to hurt me (mentally and physically) so it was okay for me but I liked him. Even then. Then when I got into the 9th grade... My location and his location got drifted apart and now, after like 5 years, I see him everyday (at a taxi Tera) but I still haven't talked to him since 7th grade (aka for 5 years). I still love him. All songs are about him. I sometimes don't know how to reach him. I'm still obese by the way. So I know I'll just get rejected if I did express my interest in him. so I'm here... Hurt... Waiting for a guy from 7th grade who I know really few things about.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9551967978477478 2020-01-02 20:01:12,"Hello everyone, first time venting and I need help, a person who Is very dear to me lies alot and idk confronting her with every lie she tells me is good and idk what to do with her and it's making me not trust her anymore like everything she says is a lie even if it's the truth and idk what to do please help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9820583462715149 2020-01-03 07:51:57,"I really really need to vent. Rumors.......they're as hard as cancer .....means have no zero cure. At least cancer have chemotherapy and there's chance to be free by it....rumor doesn't....If the rumor is about u, u can't stop it. All u have to do is sit and watch people spread that shitty thing. U can't do anything. All u have to do is ignore it because u know urself that u didn't do what they say u did and laugh about it than processing it through ur mind and let it eat u alive. Why rumors started 1. They hate u, with no fucking apparent reason 2. U have sth what they don't have 3. They can't get through ur level So, the weapon they have is to badmouth u....but it'll only be a weapon if u let it be a weapon. I mean, if u don't process it through u mind, it definitely won't be a weapon.... So I'm campus student at somewhere, and I'm in the crisis of rumors. I'm so famous by that u have no idea the rumor is that I'm a whore, they're telling that I slept with all of the guys from my campus and boys think that's true and they come with what they have to make me fall in love with them.....It's not bragging about myself but I'm cold hearted. I don't take their shits so I'm stubborn as hell...and most of my friends are boys so I know each and every move, if it's real or when what they heard and what they found becomes different they'll say 'but I heard different thing about u thought u were really a whore' WELL THEN BITCH U SHOULD STOP LISTENING TO THEM This was my most time routine......and I never gave a damn about that....until I met a guy, we fell for each other. I like him he likes me.....but he kept listening to these rumors and he be mad about into couple of fights because of that. He knows that I'm not like that....but deep down he don't trust me....especially when we don't meet, he thinks I'm out there kissing some random guys while I'm sitting in my bed with bag of chips watching my favorite movie.....he hurt my feelings several times like he called and say where are u and when I told him I'm at my bedroom he says u lying, u are out screwing someone, the rumor is true mnamn....and I hang up the day he said I'm sorry.....I forgive him and the viscous cycle goes on I'M TIRED OF THIS......I really am....I'm at urge to end this relationship. Should I? Or should I not?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986369013786316 2020-01-03 07:53:43,Okay so here is the deal there is this guy who I have a major crush on I don't know if u can call it a crush or love couse I have been thinking about this guy for almost 9 yrs I always think of him every single day which is now becoming a pain but I couldn't help my self every time I think of him I fell happy sad nervous any felling u could know of and every time I talk to my friends they will lough at me and say it wil pass so I kept waiting but it never did and now something happened my best friend well she was more like a sister to me is dating him and I just found out yesterday she said she wanna talk to me and asked me to meet her and when I did he was there and she told me that they were in love for a year and they just couldn't hide it anymore and science I was her best friend I should be happy for them and pretend that I never had a felling for him u know I the saddest part was whenever I c him or whenever he changed pp on tg I always showed it to her and imaging what my life would be if I get a chance to be his girlfriend and she always loughs and tell me that to stop dreaming but I never thought that she would tell him that he said that he thinks I am some kind of stalker u know the werdest part is that I didn't feel anything when I saw them together I couldn't cry or shout I just feel numb and now I am scared is there something wrong with me why couldn't I feel anything I wanna shout or cry but I couldn't do anything am I going crazy or something pls tell me I don't have any one I can talk to,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978082776069641 2020-01-03 08:03:14,"I'm not suicidal (am never going to off my self), But I'm tired of living I really don't mind if I go in a natural way.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9939272403717041 2020-01-03 08:15:53,"We have noticed a decrease in user traffic, mostly engagements’ made by users in vents posted, this caught us by surprise and it dwelled in our minds for some time, so we now ask you, how is your experience with our new bot, is there something you want to tell us. Please do so.",surprise,POSITIVE,0.9888868927955627 2020-01-03 20:06:05,"Admins please approve I met this girl by work and the first day we met i kissed her few days later she was gone to university and we started to talk mnamn and i loved her,i told her how i feel about her and after some time she told me that she loved me too,i was happy,i was loyal and honest to her.The only problem was our distance she's in another part of Ethiopia and I'm here in A.A, she had problems since we met i tried my best to help i always worry about her and i just couldn't be there to make her normal,to make her happy still we were together and now she told me to find someone who's better than her and i asked her the reason why she said that and she said that she don't wanna live anymore she wanted to die i tried to make her change her mind but i couldn't so i told her to be with other guy,a guy near her (i know there are some guys who love her) a guy who can make her happy and now idk what to do i just feel empty,i really dont want to loose her gn demo i'd rather loose her and see all her problems go away.. now i don't even know what to do,i want you guys to tell me what to do before its too late",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9610962867736816 2020-01-03 20:08:41,"Does he like me? Sure he does Do I like him? Sure too Is he gonna ask me to be his gf?....soon enough Do I know he only wants kiss and sex? That I know too. Should I be with him? Lose my virginity and all for someone who just ""likes me"" not even love me. But he is the only guy i like among those who likes me.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9966195821762085 2020-01-03 20:10:03,Thr thing is I'm in a pretty tough sistuation with my gf. Let me start of by saying she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen inside and out but she's extremely shy. She doesn't socialise at all with anyone exp a couple of close frnds and i was fine with that. I'm the complete opposite I'm a very friendly out going person but me and her get along perfectly. But Nowadays she's starting to talk about some other guy and how they're becoming such good frnds menamen. I've met the guy he seem harmless but the fact that they're getting along when she's a very guarded closed of peron is scaring me. I can't tell her to stop seeing him cuz i have dozens of girl frnds that she had to deal with when we started dating but she found away to jisy trust me. I just dont want to played for a fool if this all comes to bite me in the ass. I have no idea what to do...i can't let it go neither can i do smth about it,fear,POSITIVE,0.8182727098464966 2020-01-03 21:35:26,"Is it just me or does time go by faster as you get older? I mean as a kid the weekends just seemed centuries away, but nowadays time seems to pass me by way, way faster than it should. If I see a trailer for a movie coming out a year later, I'm like, ""oh, this movie is coming out may 2020, that's like a couple of months from now"". I didn't notice it until like a couple days ago, since then I've been spiraling out of control. I need help guys. I'm dying here, no literally, I feel like I'm going to die tomorrow, I'm so scared...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991421699523926 2020-01-03 21:36:01,Okay. I've been trying so hard to be sane lately but since there is no school due to rebsha minamn I have a lotta free time and I often find myself alone and bored out of my mind which is a trigger for me. Cause I am so empty and I feel numb so unorder to feel smth I cut myself and I honestly enjoy the pain. It makes me feel alive then ofcourse I'll do smth to feel better like watching friends till I fall asleep or listen to music minamn.. this has been going on for about a month now and I'm worried I can't stop myself from doing it cause it's getting worse..,joy,NEGATIVE,0.8913354873657227 2020-01-04 09:16:39,"So here's a thing......I have a problem,behavioral problem.f u guys would call it that.I'm straight the next level, I really wouldn't care if u wanna hear what I have to say or not I would just tell u, if u make me feel bad or make a mistake I would tell u, if u ask my opinion about ur own self and if I didn't like it I would just tell habesha terminology it's called 'negeregna' my friends got used to it but other didn't.....and they hate me for that. Telling me to change or sth because our community hates straight forward people. And I couldn't change because I don't want to I don't know how is this a disease?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993952512741089 2020-01-04 09:17:00,I love my girlfriend . But she is ignorant and a little bit of an asshole too but I couldn't tell her because I fear losing her more than I fear death or what ever is the scariest thing on earth . I just want to ask you guys how you would handle this if you were in my shoe,love,NEGATIVE,0.9950714111328125 2020-01-04 11:03:41,"I was cool we all know I had a heart of gold But that was before he turned me cold Ya that was before shit started to be told Dumb me I knew it would happen this way I knew I would go to the wrong side of the lane. Shit ... Now am at this sideroad Don't know where to go truth be told Walking down straight when Ik I will fall side ways I still go for it like I am getting craves From too much drinking and too much smoking It's like it's in my system but nothing is working Couldn't figure it out couldn't forget it Like wtf is u doin if u don't get it It's inside but not killing me or saving me What's that gonna do for me? Kill or burn i don't rly care My lungs are still breathing the air Couldn't cut the oxygen nope couldn't do that Cause of the ppl that loved me that would tear them apart Couldn't do that to them they deserve more More than a simple crack head that wanted to wore Ikr so absurd so stupid But why do I feel like need it? No wonder why the confusion all the depression Filled with ppl but still feel lonely At least tell me how to say good bye To the ones that tried for me To the ones that fought for me more than I did Shit got so blessed for what I had Don't know who I would be without them Would become more miserable than I already am But I guess u can't make them love u Unless God blesses u .....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986492991447449 2020-01-04 11:04:22,"Hey unicorn Hide my identity I need to vent Hey every one so this is my second vent I’m a girl and I have this horrible family issues here’s the thing I was born in 9 month and 27 days almost 10 month and my dad thinks zat I’m some others daughter and he really treats me as a shit he Bullies me a lot and I honestly don’t know wat my fault is he punishes me so hard even for silly faults and he insults me some bad things he really makes me wish his death I always say bad things to him when ever I see him I wish he dies seriously I’m so sick so am I feeling the right way or wat plz help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985093474388123 2020-01-04 15:52:21,Hey guys ....am21and I just want to say am really scared I have hiv,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9987500905990601 2020-01-04 19:30:57,"This is my first vent peeps, im kinda new to this stuff (cool stuff to whom ever started this ""stuff"") ... So any ways im a freshman at some college in some city and as some can relate we have been through a shitty kiremt last year, not knowin why i said that... i just wanted to wish every body a happy Ethiopian Gena ... Have a comfy holiday",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9634970426559448 2020-01-04 19:31:03,"Hide my identity. Can any one answer why we care so much abt what ppl think abt us? And hw to get rid of it? I would love to be free from caring for ppls that might even don't know me. Thanks in advance.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9379122853279114 2020-01-05 08:07:18,I just have a question how can u love someone as much as u did before or maybe even more when that person just constantly fucks u over and over again the person who makes u cry and make u feel worthless or not enough ? How can u love that person? How can u unlove I mean am getting more upset by the fact that I am still loving him more than the things he did am getting confused what is this why can't I just hate him for what he did?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998619556427002 2020-01-05 08:08:56,"I am not sure why I am even writing you this because I know you wont see it but here goes. Why cant it be easy for us? Why cant we just be together, you know? Why is it so complicated and so so draining, it should have been easy. We like each other hell, I know you’re my soul mate but you’re saying good bye while I am still with you. Don’t, please don’t.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9960659146308899 2020-01-05 16:44:11,"In my last vent I wrote sth about being straight forward and when I was scrolling through some comments someone posted that I'm an asshole just because I tell the truth ena that's the only comment who helped me alot btw & I came to conclusion, not to change a single bit about my behavior......the one who said u hate me, I have sth to say and I hope u read it.......u hate me because you're among the community that u don't want to be told the truth but only a lie and a lie about ur self and that's a disease ......and please don't confuse being straight forward and being not nice.....but really, thank u for ur comment",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9895825386047363 2020-01-05 16:44:42,College is about to make me go crazy in high school I wasn't a straight A student I honestly studied a week before exams and still managed to get pretty desent grades in college it's the opposite I study and study and study but nothing's ever good enough and it's frustrating it's one thing to not do good because u didn't study but it's another thing to not do good even though u studied the hell out of the text book I dnt sleep sometimes I watch the sun come up while I'm studying I just feel broken like why am I not getting it why don't I get good grades why is it so hard even tho I give it my all.. I feel stupid like maybe highschool was the highlight of my life and it's annoying when u ask teachers to explain but they r so hell bent on finishing the chapter quickly they dnt give u the answers u want.. I'm on break now and I'm verry depressed every one went to their families but I'm scared of going back I feel like a disappointment I'm even scared of talking to my dad he is very supportive and he's not that strict but after all the sacrifices he made for me I just feel like a kisara..,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991631507873535 2020-01-05 16:49:41,"Its really nice finding a place to let it all out .....i got nothing much to say, bicha life aint perfect. I am 3rd yr campass student currently at home tho on a tenporary bases( class anegebam belen w got kicked out), ena my parents arent hapoy about it. Its really hard asking money from the at this age too nicha enja over all leave ur comments",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958066940307617 2020-01-05 19:45:42,So hi y'all ... I have been reading and thinking a lot about everything and how it just doesn't make sense. Existence doesn't make sense ( another guy with an existential crisis) I know but why do we really exist ... I don't want to be the result of an accident like the big bang even though that is more plausible than a creator who lets a lot of people live in hunger and die in misery. So I am in this constant argument between myself where I go like I don't wanna be an accident but I also don't wanna be subservient to a creator who doesn't care about all of his creation while he posses the power to do so. I wanna hear your opinions ... and lets keep it to a positive comments shall we,disapproval,POSITIVE,0.7619878053665161 2020-01-05 19:46:03,"It was last year and I was watching 'to all the boys I've loved before '.....for those who don't know what's the movie about, there's this girl and she wrote a letter to all the boys she's loved before but never send them but one day it got out mnamn bcha it's after i watched it, I was bored and I sent a text to all the boys I've loved and shit turned out so amazing u have no idea ........eski guys try it when you're bored....boys also, send a text to all the girls u have loved before",love,NEGATIVE,0.9353615045547485 2020-01-05 19:46:12,"How does a guy really feel and treat a girl , who he already likes, after she confesses to him first? Honest ideas are really appreciated.",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9981222748756409 2020-01-05 19:46:20,Can any one please tell me how too move on ...its literally playin with my mind basically everytg,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9928191304206848 2020-01-06 20:14:09,"I'm a girl. 16. I've been seeing so many sad vents that I want to talk about a situation in my life that makes me feel happy. When I was 14 my grandma was sick in a deadly manner and everyone was comforting her and showing her love and praying for her. They were visiting her in the hospital and so on and I didn't even think she knew I existed. I didn't know her that much either. She was sick and confused about some things mentally. They told me, my parents, that she asked for me. She asked my dad to bring his ""little girl that was full of joy"" to her. I didn't really care much by then. But now, looking back, after she passed away, it makes me want to be happy again. I never thought as a kid that my happiness was radiating into others. I was just living, smiling and playing. And although things are messy now more than back in the days, I always remind myself of what happened and smile Everytime.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9976992011070251 2020-01-06 20:14:26,"sometimes I wonder how people love two people and still they manage to continue the relationship with both of them, and it happened to me recently... the thing is I love both of them, but now I felt like I shouldn't be with both of them, am afraid its going to hurt a person if you broke up without any reason ... I need solution",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9892515540122986 2020-01-06 20:14:53,"Not a vent gn... Istg i need a guy bestie setoch ga alismamam n guys in my school are all over for the popular girls n all and ion like attention. Im a sophomore btw....a low key survivor who doesnt like chachata but is still ebd as hell....kemr i really need a guy around my age whom i can be best friends with and like call eachother for no reason and all and all ale aa... Admins please approve it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7273756265640259 2020-01-06 20:15:03,hi again am in love with a monster totally like that what did I do he totally changed me in bad I don't wanna talk anybody and and I won't to see anyone the only thing i want is him and he didn't care,love,NEGATIVE,0.9989411234855652 2020-01-07 07:37:54,"Hey every one this is my third vent I’m rly thank ful y’all gave me a very supportive comments tnx u rly so today I’m gonna vent bt wat happened yesterday so I met a guy on tg on a group he inboxed me and we started to talk I really liked him I mean he is my type he is so sexy Nd stuff so he asked me to meet in person then we did I was so scared zat he wouldn’t like me like I’m a bit shorter and thicker zan him and boom we met he was like “ is that u ” I couldn’t even understand his feelings like did he likes me or nah bicha we talked mnamn I felt so uncomfortable cuz I have the least self esteem u k bicha I told him I need to go home but it turns out zat he is a very sweet guy bet dires shegnegn all hisab on him like duh and he texted and he felt the opposite thing bt me he liked me so much and he started to call me and send me cards I liked him too soooooo wat I won’t u guys to help me is 1 he is like the hottest boy alive so can I trust him I mean he is so attractive and it is a bit scary 2 we have different religions So should I cut off our relationship or continue plz help thank u so much for reading",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9572809338569641 2020-01-07 07:39:02,"um so let’s get straight to it I’m in love with my best friend . He doesn’t like me so i kinda wanna get over him sooo what should I do???!!!! and if it’s matters i’m 17",love,NEGATIVE,0.9946044087409973 2020-01-07 07:40:00,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent I am in love with some one that thrives off of my failures and it's annoying I think he wants to be the breadwinner if we ever get married. And I think he feels like I'm imasculating him he never makes me pay on a date and it's annoying if he doesn't have money he doesn't like going out and it sucks because it's 2020 man. I want to leave him but I'm so in love we never agree on any thing even which road we shud use he never listens to me he is a really sweet guy but he always thinks he's smarter and stronger and it's sad cuz it honestly doesn't matter to me just let me do me. I've told him but he doesn't listen what should I do..",love,NEGATIVE,0.9748831391334534 2020-01-07 07:40:01,"Hey guys, i wanna say sth ena mne meselachu i always think, i do what I'm able to do for my friends, classmates...., gne they didn't do that for me ena i sometimes think ene mareg kemechelew betach eyareku slehone yihon beye ....ena bc of this sometimes i feel like leaving this country ena start a new life with new people",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9832823872566223 2020-01-07 13:50:12,"I am 16 yrs Here it goes all friends around me have r/n and I sometimes think I dont need any girl involved but at the end of the day, they talk what they did to there girls where they took them and shit like that and I always feel left out and third wheel shit And when I try to have one I always end up in the friend zone I am kinda cute and funny and charming I dont need focus on ur school shit help me to now to get in friendzone",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9962655901908875 2020-01-07 20:57:03,"Jst wanna ask sm question to make a thing clearly. There's dis guy who is rly my best frnd bt he's showing sm signs of luv I guess so tell me if he luvs me or not 1. He's always there whn am feeling bad. 2. He buys me stuff & gifts. 3. He hav other girl besties bt he will ditch all of them just to be with me. 4. He tells me all his secrets. Based on those things tell me if he loves me or nt cuz I hav big trust issues even tho he do all things to make me happy I always think he do that to all girls he know.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9905282258987427 2020-01-07 20:57:11,"Suicide is not the answer. I know life is hard and as a guy who has lost too many people to suicide, I'm here to say we need to come up with a better way of reviving the spirits of our youth. Because unless you live inside a cave, your life isn't just yours. It's tied together with so many people's;your friends, your family or even with a complete stranger. Your death will affect them in ways you can't possible imagine and not just any death, it's suicide. Do you know what kind of burden that would be ? To leave your parents wondering what thing could they have done differently to make you wanna stay alive and this burden and guilt never gets any easier. People who keep having suicidal thoughts should seek help immediately because I genuinely believe nobody can be broken beyond repair. Just trust that someone cares because someone actually does. Do not choose an easy way out which will most definitely result in you going to hell for all eternity. There are people who dedicate their lives to help people in such unfortunate circumstances. They should be able to help. We all have purposes in our lives and imagine a teenager killing herself, that means her purpose remains unfulfilled. Many people's lives may have been tied to her purpose. Maybe she was meant to open a huge rehab center or a charity organization. Or maybe she was even meant to a prime minister. I'm just saying we all need each other. So instead of encouraging suicide,let's help each other get better and strong. Our parents need us. Our friends need us. Our community needs us. Ethiopia needs us. SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9989162683486938 2020-01-07 20:57:48,"I'm 20 yrs old....and I used to smoke hookah as part of fun starting 2 years ago.....I used to meet friends or a date just in hookah place or club that's what I used to enjoy....but lately, endet endastelagn u have no idea and I just don't know why. My friends call me and say let's meet at our spot (which is hookah place) and I just say no I'll pass and all i ever want to hang out is in cinema, cafe or parks. What do u think is wrong that make me hate clubs?",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9990480542182922 2020-01-08 08:46:09,Am 25 yrs old introvert guy i graduated last year and am so short with receding hair line.. am good at nothing mom died 3 years ago i have no dad lela ageba and i hate him so much he hates me too..i have no friends to talk to menamen..i tried cant find a reason to live..and,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989985823631287 2020-01-08 08:47:12,"Hey okay so here’s what going down in my head. It’s been 2 years since I broke off my long term r/ship u can just say he was not the right guy at all...n after that I’ve been seeing alotta dudes but nth serious. When ever I wanna start serious r/ships I rmbr my last one n change my mind. It’s not that I’m not over him or anything I just get scared I guess scared that it’ll mess me up again...N I really wanna change that, I wanna start dating n be in love but I can’t. Everytime sth serious comes I dodge it off So please tell me how to change that",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977496266365051 2020-01-08 19:51:34,"Hey everybody I just wann ask you guys if this is normal. I love my boyfriend and seems like my mood depends on him. If we on a good terms m flying, if we fought, lose all my motivation to do anything jst wann sleep drink n so on. Do this happen to u guys too. Thankyou",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9985733032226562 2020-01-08 19:53:11,I'm a guy & I've been in a lot of relationships than I can remember but it never seems to work 'cause I have commitment issues & I'm only interested in no-strings attached fwb relationships... I only want that & it seems impossible to get it these past few months & it's depressing me a lot ... I've got everything I could ever wish for but I'm so fucked up 'cause I can't let off some steam that's bottled up inside... I just wished I could have a no strings attached relationship... Just sex & nothing else... I really am desperate I need help please admins approve,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989966750144958 2020-01-09 09:11:47,"Hey im someone, i mean im girl freshman student a lil far from adis i have a very good new friends i love them but i really feel lonley for real i don't really know the reason mnamn my mood swings like everyday so please give me advice i need it Thankyou for reading",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9896206855773926 2020-01-09 09:12:14,Hey everyone i am a girl and 19 years old i had a problem and want your advice i had a bf for like 1year and a half there was a family problem so we talked and broke up and we are now friends but i miss him ena when i chat with him the things i had with him astawsewna my tears keeps falling ena i tried to forget him but i cant what should i do i want to be happy when i talk to him not cry,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.5272567868232727 2020-01-09 19:51:18,I overthink about everything share you’re experiences please .. it’s leading me to depression,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968140721321106 2020-01-09 19:52:09,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hey guys i need to vent something. its just whenever i am interested in a girl i been tryin to be closed as much as possible to make her in love with me and when she does i mean when she tells me how she feels(if she is in love with me) i will just ignore the text or if she given me a sign in person i act like i didn't see it even if i love her. and i ask my self ""why am acting like this"" and it turns out that im scard of r/ship i just don't know why im scard. like i wanna be in r/ship last longer not just gizyawi but when girls is in love with me i automatically scard of r/ships sooo if u guys had the same problem and already get rid of it tell me how to stop acting like this. Tnxs for ur time plss admin prove this",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989826083183289 2020-01-09 19:52:55,"So there's my bestfriend for 7 years and we drifted apart because of school stuff. I'm at addis she in mekelle but we kept in touch and when I went for break last year we hang out all the time and one day I just found a scar in her arm. She said sth burned her (I'm 3rd year nursing student and lithe difference between burn and cut) and when I nagged her she told me that she has been cutting herself for the past 3 or 4 years and I didn't know shit about it I felt bad malet it's been 7years and idk shit about this scar bcha I made her tell me everything she said it was family issue and she been addicted to drugs and she was about to commit suicide.....I started crying in front of her. Ik it's a dick move but I can't help it....and I spent my whole break wich is 2 months and half being with her advising her taking her to church and she became good like healed. And it was time to start school so I went back to addis, I keep calling her 3 times per week just to cheer her up because bestie is antisocial kesew ga atkerbm....but I'm so scared that one day she'll die....yelele chenkognal",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9927073121070862 2020-01-10 10:15:18,"The one How many ones r there in ur life. How many times have u said he/she is the one. Don't make it's meaning cheep. How many times have u felt like u would die with out him/her. Haven't u ever loved someone so much that life seems empty with out him/her and u say he/She is the one. Then u broke up u cried for a week or a month even a year then u found another person u started hanging out and u fell in love then life seems nth with out him/her then what do u say "" he/she is the one"" How many ones have u had in ur life",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9963060617446899 2020-01-10 10:16:28,"Somone said somthing about vent here and I have been trying to with hold myself from venting for a while. They said most ppl here are just trying to waste other people's time with their trivial problems. I felt one of those people but I just idk. I want to say somthing...You can ignore it but I just need to share because I don't really sharing my feeling to people. I feel dependent. My life feels empty without my phone and without my friends. It's a normal thing some might say but its not. when I sit alone in my room I feel like a waste of breath, I feel like I'm just floating, just existing. Nothing excits me. Nothing make my heart pump. I stay clear of relationships. I don't know why. I wish I could make you understand what I'm feeling but I just feel numb for no fucking reason. I'm not depressed. Enaaaaa... Ahh How is your day ?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986306428909302 2020-01-10 10:16:55,I feel fake. Any tips on how to be real. Uk.. since there are so many of you out there who claim yourselves real. Share your idea of being real.,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985828399658203 2020-01-10 10:17:03,"Hey guys, this is my second vent, I have something to say, so I'm 23, a dude, and I've been feeling sad lately bc I wasn't able to meet new people and join new crowds when ever there is an opportunity I don't do it and I found out that I have an anxiety related to socializing or whenever I try to meet new ppl I get very anxious, I can't seem to figure out how to face my fears and get out of my comfort zone..if any of u have been through this I want to know how u over come it and I want to be brave enough to face all my fears the thing is I want to be able to do what I want to do not be controlled by this fear",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.993073046207428 2020-01-10 10:17:27,"Hey second time venting I'm a 20 year old dude and I have been crying over small issues which doesn't even matter. I talk to myself everyday. And i zone out when people talk to me or when im in class. I'm always angry over shit that happend ages ago I get irritated while I'm around people. Even if im not irritated while I'm out to have fun with my friends I feel lonely even tho im not. I've never had a relationship cuz I don't feel like nobody understands I tried few times but I the one who breaks it apart. Sooo yeah that's that ..........",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9918035268783569 2020-01-10 19:58:24,"The thing is I usually think I can do better. And so I can't commit. Anyone with similar thoughts/issues? Any advice? Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9988080263137817 2020-01-10 19:59:05,"Hi unihorse HIDE MY IDENTITY I need to fucken vent Am a 21 years old man campus student who used to learn in regional university & recently transferred to Addis. I luv ma girlfriend 2 death, atleast I thought I did. We met in highskl & at 1st she didn't show no interest in me but through time I worked my magic & we became amazing couples.We share many personalities & behaviors which partly its helping us to be together to this day & partly making it hard for us. We both r hot tempered & a bit aggressive leading us to our on & offs in our relationship but we both r extremely loyal to each other. We have been in on & off relationship together for 6 years and half now. I was even completely loyal in our distance relationship times but know am going through a fucking hard time because of this new girl. I only know her for 4 months & we met in my new school & she is just one of a kind. She is extremely cute, funny, very polite & friendly(unlike my girl),caring & also humble.We 1st started to talk because we were sitting near to each other in our classroom, then I learned that her house is on z way to my house(but in a different location) so I started giving her rides. First it was on our way back from class but now we go to class & back from it together . We started having lunches together,inviting each other movies on exam post days then having drinks & going to clubs together & alone from z rest of our classmates.Nothing has happened between us & she knows I have a gf but she is giving me clear sign & vibes she is interested. I started canceling appointments with my gf to meet with my new indulgence & I hv done this repeatedly to a point where my gf asks why r u being extra busy lately. What am about to say will make me sound like an asshole but I even think of her when we have our intimate physical moments with my gf including sex. I tried 2 get rid off my viceful thoughts but I can't.I tried my best to avoid her out of school but the maximum I could do was 4 long & booring days. Anybody who knows me close knows that I'm a loyal to death(I'm a guy who used to consider talking online to other girls is cheating)when it comes to relationship so it's really hard for me to ask anyone I know for advice and the new girl is increasing her attachment with me as our days progress. If my gf knows whats been happening I know she will go insane.Bottom line need help guys dont know what to do.",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9759218096733093 2020-01-11 09:06:37,"Family do hurt you the most.....I don't know why though, I don't even have a proper friend, my families are my friends...its too much to take in at a time",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993137121200562 2020-01-11 09:07:51,"Hey Unihorse Its venting time Here it goes this is to men. If u love us why drag us down. Like society is a man's mirror. The development of a country is proportional to how well u treat women... And no treating women with respect doesn't have to come after development.. let us in include us ur desision affect us as well and women shud be the ones deciding for women making abortion illegal it's not up to u to decide it's an unborn child it's 3 month old it knows nothing it just means he is fertile ere let her get an abortion if she wants to if she can't suport him zoro zoro mechereshaw it's a life of misery lesikay yetewelede lij and he's not even gonna not bother any one man he'll end up ruining her life too.. why is it illegal.. what if she was raped",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979152083396912 2020-01-11 19:50:51,"Ummm....okay I don't know how to start....cause it's my first time to vent....umm okay it's about me n my bf. I'm 18 years old girl n my bf is 2810 years older than me. I really love him n I always try to please him. I always try my best to make him happy but the problem is Idk why he never understand I mean I'm the one who calls usually...I call him every week but he never pics it up or if he is not in the mood he blocks me n unblock at the morning he never reply my texts he only wants to talk to me by telegram...ufff Idk this shit is weird.....sometimes I really get mad n I never call him....I have did that for a month but he was calling n texting n stuff n at last I accepted his apology n he is repeating that shit again n it's been a month since we talk by phone he usually text me by telegram n never picked up....ufff Ik I'm sooo stupid but Idk what to do.....Ummm I swear I hate myself for that... I sometimes think that I'm a bitch like I'm serious I'm really ashamed of myself I need a help",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973762035369873 2020-01-11 19:52:16,"Well what up people. hope its all good. Lately ive been readin bout people gettin depressed and thinkin bout suicide. And they say they don't even know why it happened mnamn. So guys im a music producer and everybody knows music is frequency programming blah blah blah and the frequency of sounds of this earth are 432 so the western music industry or illuminati releases their music through 440 with doesn't seem much of a bid deal but it really is. So they releases their music with that freq and it messes our mind. I heard some ethiopian dude on melkam wetat speakin bout this app that makes you see another eviler version of yourself and stuff and that person you see sins mnamn does bad things but your real self feels bad about it. So i believe the 440 freq connects you with that personality. Trust me ive spent months researching this. Even found xxx tentacion revealing their secret and stuff. So yeah you feel a little depressed and hear sad trap songs to ease the pain but it makes it worse and the worst part is that you wont even know its doing it. So there is an app called 432 player app so i recommend you download that and play your music through that player. You will start to see the d/ce in like a week or two. Don't give up people, I hope you find your way through life and be happy and all. Hope you publish this cause they need to hear it",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9984782338142395 2020-01-12 08:58:50,"I failed on every relationship I ever had, including family, friendship and love. Guess what¿ then I Got my ass up to work hard for where my feet would land tomorrow. My career, my future. That's what exactly y'all better be doing. Life will fuck you twice harder than you did if you dont know how to break it down well. Trust me time is way expansive than diamond these days. Better stop waiting for change to come, instead be the change. It's never late to be someone you could have been.",annoyance,POSITIVE,0.96660977602005 2020-01-12 09:01:10,"It was 2019 when i heard a boy wants to be with me as bf he sends message indirectly so u kinda get mad anf then i thought of creating imaginary bf whose name is Malik and tge boy started to back off. In 2020 i changed scul so i saw like everyone of them were couples and i felt like i was the only single one and in that moment i remembered Malik and started to talk abt him and feel like he is there but his not i miss him even tho he isn real i feel him all i wanna do was to be commited wiz Malik i am being psycho nerd What shall i do i feel lonely wiz out him",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9930353164672852 2020-01-12 09:01:37,"Hi guys, I'm a professional currently working on gov't, have fair salary, but I have a problem may long time a go, that l have plan to save money, to have a house, but never did. So dear participants of this channel, what can you advice me to overcome life. Thanks for your constructive advices.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9961498975753784 2020-01-12 12:10:16,Hey I just have been following this channel for long and it really is sad to see all this confused and sad're young why all this worry and sadness...checkout this guy Alan Watts he is one of the best talkers on YouTube just search for his videos...if he doesn't help you out call me a liar...he lived long before us like around the 1920's his talks are brilliant his advices are on another level just check him out...,sadness,POSITIVE,0.9884294271469116 2020-01-12 12:11:41,"Hey unicorn Hide my identity Hey I'm a, girl, freshman in university I had vented 2times in here but neither of them made it out and I'm giving it a last chance cause I have no one else to talk to about this stuff so let me tell you whats wrong be with me. Ever Since I remember I was scared of men do not tell me that I have those issues because of my father or any fatherly figure in my life because my father is the best thing that ever happen to me and he has nothing to do with this behavior of mine. For example I may be talking with a guy in telegram or sth and I really liked him and he liked me to but as soon as the chat turns from friendly to flirting I panic I literally shake and I can't breath my heart beats like crazy and my mouth quivers i and create a stupid reason to flake. You can see how awkward it is when he is your class mate like you were doing just fine and you made a friend minamin and the next day you ignore him even avoid eye contact even if you know his eyes were on you the whole time its not that I Dont want its that I'm scared and anxious about what the next thing will be and to tell you what that has gotten me I have never had a guy friend and I really want to have one day and obviously i have never had a boyfriend(my soulmate I know I'm crazy ) which I want to have and also have chances with great guys which I obviously blow. All I'm saying is its not normal &IS far from normal and do you guys have any idea what should I do Admin please approve this post",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9967273473739624 2020-01-12 12:12:04,hey there I need to vent im 22 yrs student the problem is I isolate my self ilove being alone most of the time and am very interovert person I hate to talk to people unless they are very close to me and then I become very upset depressed couse am lonely I don't know how to get rid of such thing ineed ur advise guys please,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9979735016822815 2020-01-12 15:48:58,"Hey i need to vent I am fresh in college and my dad died 8 yrs ago my mom has been sick since he died and after that my brother starts doing stuffs that makes mom angry for 8 yrs she has been crying he stops learning he comes home late and drunk everynight she cries all the time she takes medicine if she skips one pill she is in bed my brother is literally mentally ill and its been so hard for me for 7 yrs i had to endure this but now its getting worse cause my sister is making her angry all the time and i know she is tired of coming home everynight she is tired of life itself and her mother is also another stress for her she is sick so much she is getting thin and i don't know what to do i can't do anything to stop this my brother is really next level like she can't even walk properly because she is stressing too much and he smoke and its been a while since he starts coughing and its hard i don't know what to do anymore and she prays all the time but God is saying nothing for 8 yrs she has been like this and she is tired so tired i can see it in her eyes",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992570281028748 2020-01-12 15:49:08,Hey guys am a guy so I have had this problem for some time I feel guilty for some thing I didn't do even if am innocent and nothing to do with the situation ppl suspect me if I have some thing to do with it and it makes me feel guilty and makes me feel I have done something wrong and I get rly awkward I can't even control my face expression and emotions..what's the problem why am I being like this,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.999213457107544 2020-01-12 15:50:04,"Guys I just have a simple question here, anyone of you who used to compulsively masturbate a lot and managed to withdraw from it, can you share me how you managed to break the habit? I'm having a tough time doing this Please help me",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9949017763137817 2020-01-12 16:44:16,"Hey, hope this gets approved so am a guy ,20, second year in college only 1 year left. I have rly good grades, great friends , overall good family basically pretty cool life but it's always missing one thing...the thing I want the most.. a gf, I love romantic shit my friends always make fun of me saying am too 'lovey dovey' and stuff but idc I wanna feel loved , I wanna love , I want that connection, I want 'her' but i can't find her... , every time I feel that connection , I fuck up or something bitcha I end up in the friend zone(my friends say it's becuz am too nice I do their assignments and shit..)anyways...wt should I do or what can I do..wt am I doing wrong. . Thanks for reading, sry if I wasted ur time..",love,NEGATIVE,0.9973950386047363 2020-01-12 19:40:36,"Hey ppl, so my problem is not huge of a deal but... I cant talk to new ppl, I mean literally i stutter (mentebateb) i tried to be normal for many yrs but saw no change, when im with my close friends i talk a lot like betam a lot.... This has a lot of problems, like i never had a girlfriend. I dont know why im venting, i know there is no solution to it, im already a grown up (20) btw, its not just a kid thing lemalet new. Ena abt social media chatting demo, i dont know how to chat... I over think what im gonna text(like 10 texts ahead thinking mnamn) so id rather not talk to anyone on tg mnamn.... So tnx for listening guys.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986680746078491 2020-01-12 21:24:53,Admins please approve it . I am recently dealing with mood swings . my mood changes every 5 min. Like seriously . n it is affecting my social life . what should I do ? Any one who knows how to deal with that please share me your thoughts .,sadness,POSITIVE,0.9964199066162109 2020-01-12 21:25:20,Hey guys am at my honeymoon but i think its about to get ruined please help got no body to talk is the thing am 27 and am christian who strongly believes sex before marriage is forbidden..and my wife thinks like me too( she is 23) we just got married and we are on our honey moon now..but you know what i cant find the hole...yup its not a joke lol i truly cant find the hole turns out we are not having sex.. i have 6-7 inch sized penis and hv no trouble in erection completely healthy but i just cant find it man for real..please i need tips,amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9954341053962708 2020-01-12 21:27:30,"Hey everyone... so my vent may seem like not big of a deal but here i go... so I'm a 20 year old girl living in addis and i have a huge pain in the ass father which expects me to be this perfect daughter with perfect grade marks and when i say perfect grades i mean like not a single 'x' in my exams and he wants me to have no friends and wants me to be home always and not use my phone except only to call and he wants me to watch only the news and nothing else he wants me to go to church if possible everyday and if not every sunday for like 4 hours and he wants me to obey him without a question but here's the thing i can't accept anything without asking why its not in my nature so this time we had this huge fight just because i told him i wanna go out with my sis on Christmas eve obv he told me no and i lashed out then he told me he's gonna cut me off ,he said he ain't gonna pay for my tuition and he told me to move out , he said a daughter who keeps disrespecting him shouldn't live with him anymore........ I'm not being unreasonable for wanting to go out and have some fun,Am I?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9968287348747253 2020-01-12 22:28:12,Any one here that have found out what their purpose in life is? and what genuinely makes them happy? if their is any can you tell me how the finding out journey went?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9264044165611267 2020-01-12 22:28:54,"Hey guys I have a bit of a problem that I want you to help me with and I hope I can get a helpful advice. Anywayyyyy, I'm a guy that is very open and fun and a great guy (not bragging but I'm just saying what people told me) with the girls and the guys and I have lots of friends but I have a very big problem, I think about hooking up with a girl but literally Everythingggggg I talk with a girl takes me to the friend zone coz I talk about things that are friendly and that is reallyyyyy fucking me up coz at this rate imma end up alone. Every girl I talk to consider me as a greattttt friend and they even tell me that I'm an amazing friend but I'm not a boyfriend material and it's really shittyyyyyy. I'm a second year campus student by the way. Sooooo this is it, hope you guys can help me out",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9556279182434082 2020-01-13 11:07:45,"Like i have no idea where to start.... A while a go what seemed really necessary and had a realy big effect in my life(eg. Graduating, sex, and other stuffs) have now come to be really pointless. I think this happened after ke gebi wetu senebal (was 3rd yr demo) i started spending time with family (mam n dad) things really changed. For them their life is filled with making their family happy not friends like my father spends all night working and he spends the money on the things i ask him for.... N i used to ask money form them just to go and hange wid friends(we get high, enekemalen minamin) gin now like i feel like i wasted all those time because i know the only ppl i should be ride or die is my family n i just wanna change now i wanna be there for them but idk how... Eskezare rasu minim gift setechachew alakim gin bizu birr new eko yewesedeku enja becha eski help out",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9996999502182007 2020-01-13 11:08:36,"Hy guys, so I currently don't have a job and u know that this days it is really hard to find one and that bothers me cuz I don't want to waste my time until I find a job so I was thinking of starting a business that I can manage even after I start a job so do you guys know how to start a business a good business, things that I need things that I have to do where to start from and may be some of u guys have ur own businesses so if u could give me any tips it would be helpful...",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9276940226554871 2020-01-13 11:09:23,"So guys please tell me your story if you have ever dated an extremely shy girl,how did you get the awkward dating steps?did you lose your patience ?do you get mad when they dont wanna go out to have fun? Or when they're too shy when you introduce them to your friends? .... cuz i'm 24,a girl and my shyness is not getting better and what i know so far is guys hate it cuz i've never went past the 1st date. I hear guys sometimes say በጣም ጨዋ ሆነችብኝ or ደባሪ ነች abt the girls they date ena i wonder if my dates say that abt me..becha i'm losing hope that any guy would genuinely want to spend time with me so tell me your stories",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985622763633728 2020-01-13 11:09:38,"Have you ever felt that nothing can truly make you happy anymore, maybe some good stuff might happen that makes you smile but it feels more like a distraction so you don't overthink about things you can't change. The feeling that burns your chest when you figure that most of the people you know are lying to you in every word and every feeling they give you was all a big lie and because of them it's hard to know who to trust or believe even the closest ones. That's just a one part of how it feels and it happens every day it wouldn't go away . The only two things that makes me feel a bit free is listening to music while looking at the sky at anytime it just feels like it's possible to throw all of this away the feelings, fears, people and thoughts and fly it feels like it's possible to go to a world up there where there is no wrong or right to a place where your dreams can be when you tell em to be. But when I done I'm back to all of the shit again I don't wanna escape anymore I wanna it to stop... for good .",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9720640778541565 2020-01-13 19:50:06,"Let me get this straight for you here cause my life is all sorts of fucked the same ways all yours is, but am here listening to you all and guessing what kinds people most of yo are n i think as u all know teens..young adults..grad students.. people with jobs.. becha people. And i just wondered if maybe my parents are up here woundering if there're son is this much deep into shit. Are their any parents here woundering about their kids ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9912466406822205 2020-01-13 19:50:42,"Hey guys, I am a guy that can be a veryyyyyy great friend, maybe it's coz of my behavior and I have lots of friends but I don't really consider them as real good friends coz they really don't understand what my life is like and I wouuld really be happy if I could get a friend (Preferably a girl, coz they understand people with feeling more) that I can talk and be myaelf towards coz I really need someone beside me.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9931318163871765 2020-01-13 19:51:05,"Hi I'm 22 & a 4th yr undergrad student ever since z first time I started my studies I've been complacent, careless. I dnt study, nvr read God knows how got zis far. But know it may be over I might get expelled. And am scared it feels like z end of the world. I just want to say sry to my family for being such a big disappointment u dnt deserve such worthless son!!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.999508261680603 2020-01-13 19:52:04,"So yesterday was awkward for me.....and dull....and shitty....and dull I was out with my friends to have fun and all of them are boys (I'm the kind of girl who have bunch of guy friends than girls) so among them there is a guy that I like (let's call him max) but he never showed me any move that he does too in fact he tries to hook me up with his other friend (let's call him paul) which is my friend we were having fun and all and suddenly Paul just asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said I have a boyfriend because I do so he backed up....then an hour later, max came up and he asked me the same question....I said the same thing that I told paul. But he wouldn't listen. So he kissed me, and I let him kissed me deeper because the feelings are there and I'm so confused whether to leave my boyfriend and be with max or not",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981787204742432 2020-01-14 06:39:18,"Hi i am 18 yr old girl I need to ask why do u think God doesn't answer some questions? There is a woman who loves God and Prays or cries all the time but for a long years God doesn't answer her why do u think it is? Is he unfair? Why some families a group of people who has some issues? Why can't we be normal?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984509944915771 2020-01-14 06:39:44,"Hi u all am 21 guy and i think am on the stage of life where all my old friends are not my friends now . i litraly have no one to share my life with its feeling more and more empty all of a sudden ... i think am a good decent caring guy i didn't expect this in me uk lik i used to believe everything was permanent or not like this lik pple and stuff ... i just want a connection if there is such a thing that gets me fo real and now am just so lonely and am so desperate for someone anyone . . .",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9924938678741455 2020-01-14 06:40:30,"Hi am 26 years old and currently unemployed,so here’s the thing I smoke so much weed like a lot weed everyday and I feel like am isolating myself from the public and I just wanne be alone and smoke weed I don’t even meet up with my friends anymore I don’t know if am being weird I don’t even talk to girls like am rly shy when they are in the presence I smoke a fat blunt in the morning in the afternoon and evening so basically I smoke everyday and am being careless I had a girlfriend but she dumped me cause I get high everyday.I really don’t know what to doDo I need REHAB?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.999235987663269 2020-01-14 11:26:16,"I'm 20 years ops 3rd year campus student and currently my mood is on and off. There are time that I wanna go put and socialize and stuff and have fun because that's my behavior. And there are times I wanna lay in my bed all day and cut off the communication with everyone. I don't talk, I don't pick my phone up when it's calling ena at late night I found myself wondering around in the streets. I buzz out bcha I don't know. I think I have bipolar disorder anyone who are psychiatrist or know one please help",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9961975812911987 2020-01-14 20:11:05,"I need to vent Hi i m 23 n im graduated.i m in relationship wiz distance. Suddenly i fall in luv wiz other guy who is bf of my best friend. They aren't together currently .but she feels sth when she knows zat i m wiz him .she wants me to far from him even if i can ,not to meet him.she dissappointed with me right nw.did i do sth wrong? I m in confusion .what i m going to do ?leave him or her???",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9954208731651306 2020-01-14 20:11:37,"Akumanta: Death Death is the end of life it's when the spirit of man goes back to God. You can go from is to was in less than a second. Death is inevitable. Death the word alone is scary thinking about is another issue on its own. Losing a loved one is hard and painful ao yehowah. But see when you die where are you going to? Its only scary if you know you're not living a life that pleases God and you're trying to get all the riches of the world. When you seek the kingdom of God and you live a life which pleases God death isn't scary . At the end of the day when you die what will you be remembered for?winning souls,casting demons out? ,stealing? Insulting? Most followers? Tell me . This ks not to scare you but it's to make you check your life you can die at any time. Your life isn't yours",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9974320530891418 2020-01-14 20:11:59,Hey am 23 5th yr civil engineering student frm a poor not good in academics hv the worst GPA am not good in any thing i have no talents..but u know there is this girl my gf who i would do die for..(she graduated last year have no job) i really love her more than words she is every thing for me we ve been together for 3yrs...but dont think i will be financially capable to marry her..she deserves really good life but am broke..she always tell me that no matter what she wont leave.. but i dont know what to do how can i get money how can i give her the life she deserves..all i want is her and to have family with her...this thing is killing me,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9968343377113342 2020-01-14 20:12:31,"Hello. Im 22 years old. In med school at St Paul's. I'm an aspiring doctor. But, I can't get the thought of immigrating to North America out of my head. Part of me thinks I'll lead a good life with a stable career in Addis but part of me also thinks that switching careers and working minimum wage jobs (like, salesperson, driver, waiting tables, sth along those lines...)in North America will be the better option. I just want to hear from you guys if immigrating and switching careers to a first world country is a good idea.",desire,POSITIVE,0.9430088400840759 2020-01-15 08:42:29,"Hey, I have to something to vent, I am mean I have this problem which I really don't like, it is just I get obessesed with a taken guy. once I know he has a girlfriend I just get this huge urge growing inside of me, the urge of hanging out with him, knowing him. I just keep thinking about him. this didn't just happen only with one guy or two.... I see a guy then if he has a girlfriend, all of a sudden I wanna be with him. I just get jealous when I see a guy loving a woman, I would just imagine my self in her place and think of him loving me like her. I don't know how but that makes me feel good, I feel like it is a disorder",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9809736609458923 2020-01-15 08:44:27,"And then the day came and she was getting married, I wore the suit I wore the day we both graduated and went to the hotel and I just sat in the back with some people I didn’t even know, and she was sitting in the front looking back at the crowd. And I guess she saw me and smiled, and that, that was what I had missed in all the times I shut her off. I thought to myself I could handle it, and while the random people around my table were having a chitchat one of them asked me the basic question which everyone get asked, he said “menua neh?” As soon as he said that, it all came back, the feeling, the time we spent, The tie on my neck became tight, so tight that I had hard time even breathing, I tried to take it out but it didn’t help and thats when I realized I was having a full blown panic attack, the love of my life is getting married and I was there eating like one of these random people who had no meaning to her. And so I went out and ran, ran as fast as I can, to god knows where I just ran. And I did not stop, how could I? The thoughts would come back, and I guess after some time I collapsed because the next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital with my mom beside me. As soon as I woke up mom called the doctor and yeah my lungs could not handle it, and after all the check ups I was okay to go home. Mom offered to come but I said no, and then there I was back to my miserable life, with out her. With out my souls mate and so I lied In my bed, stared at the wall took a deep breath in and I just cried, cried until I couldn’t.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975571632385254 2020-01-15 19:53:18,"Hi..... i need to vent i have bf i love him so much he loves me too but i am a girl who doesn't go out in public cause my mom will be hurt if she knows about it this is because i have a single mom she wants me to be successful in my studys so i want our relationship to be private but then he doesn't feel comfortable about it and i tried to tell him and he seems like to understand me but alawys complain about it btw we back up before 6 months but after back up its not like the privous relationship but i love him so at that time i just continued but today i just can't, yesterday night was the worst we argued he just said i just think about break up since last 2 weeks then i just hate it but after a while he suffered about what he said and said sorry all night but i can't replay cayse it is hard for me so please everyone give me an advice i need it i really do cause im confused right know dont know what to do",love,NEGATIVE,0.991104245185852 2020-01-15 20:02:23,Hey i need help fellas currently i got 200k i want to start a business...i hope some of you hv your own business...please if you could tell me good business idea..from your experience i know the money may nt be that much big but i want to put it on work...thank you,gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9810108542442322 2020-01-15 20:06:53,"PERFECT. a perfect day. It was supposed to be flawless. I Know because I planned it to be perfect. I organized every single details of the day. I wanted the normal boring day to be happy and productive. I don't have anything to live for anymore. But I still had hope. This day had hope. But unlike the normal random boring days, this day turned out to be one of the most horrible days I've experienced this year. I really couldn't have at all imagined I would've come home with a blade in my pocket. Why? Everything was going okay. Nothing happened until people did. People killed me slowly. Passing me around like a volleyball and strangling out every part of me that started this day as a good day. I feel hopeless now. Hopeless and empty.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9924387335777283 2020-01-15 22:09:54,This shit is killing me....there is this endless pain inside me I wish I disappear.why am I still alive all I ever asked for was to be dead ....I don't wanna breath any fucking more.tired more than 10 times end up with a liver disease why is that??fuccck this bullshit ...all I wanted to disappear booom ...this is so some fucked up shit....all I ever want is to be dead and rest in peace,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989288449287415 2020-01-16 08:46:55,"My whole life I thought I couldn't have babies. I'm 25. I thought I was mehan. And out of nowhere, today, I just had my first ever period. Probably the literal best day of my life.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9974600672721863 2020-01-16 20:10:38,Hey guys I need to ask you something...I am guy recently graduated...i am trying to have a girlfriend and i don't have confidence on my height..and i want to ask girls that does height matter to date a girl than height is 1meter 65...pls tell me,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988040924072266 2020-01-16 20:11:02,"Hide my identity I need to vent It's my first time venting here. I am a 22 yrs old boy currently in college. I was doing well having good grades and also good spritual life. I don't know what is happening to me. For the past  1 year my life is becoming miserable. It changed suddenly. I am depressed, obssesed, overthinking about everything, can't communicate with people, i always look down or appear to have weird gesture while talking with people, lost my confidence mnamn. What makes it worse is that i dont have a real friend. even my family, they love me, they care for me gn they don't know what i really feel. I always keep silent in home. I am going to take my exams this week. I feel like i am going to fail and get kicked out because i didn't read. My family invested everything they have on me. They have no other children. I am the only one.  I remember that my father cant keep his tears when he heard my result when i passed my enterance exam with a good grade.  i am now starting to pray for death. I am not suicidal but i feel like i have no purpose to live. I am in desperate need of someone who can help. I want to meet with someone new(preferably girls) who can build trust with me and becomes a real friend.Bicha i dont know what to do. i dont know who can help me Admins please approve",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998713493347168 2020-01-16 20:11:31,"Hi unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I am 22 years old. I have a boyfriend Which I love so much. We have dated for 2 years 1 year together and 1 year in distance.. on our 3rd year I found out that he cheated on me so I broke up with him but still kept on loving him after a year he begged me to get back together I accepted and we started over. I asked him if I could meet with his family but he said he can’t. When I asked him why he said that his goals comes first. I love him very deeply and that is killing me. What should I do? Please help!!!",love,NEGATIVE,0.9906327724456787 2020-01-16 20:11:59,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent.. so for a long time I have felt like I was a very negetive person I would push any one that provoked real emotions in me.. I always wanted to feel numb.. I had a phylosophy that was it's better to feel nothing at all than feel pain and heartache.. I wasn't a mean person I honestly did my best to help people I dnt complain about my self I hear there problems and just suport them in any way I can. But it was hard not to love some one cuz it's a fucked up situation and I found my self falling in love multiple times but I was too afraid to show it.. And i let every one I loved slip away without actually telling them how much they ment to me right now I feel empty because back then i was enveloped with people I've loved and I wud wake up every morning just to see there faces today I'm surrounded with people that can't offer any thing but meaningless conversations...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9884993433952332 2020-01-17 20:21:20,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hey guys, this is first ever vent, and I need to let some out. I met this girl recently and after getting to know her I realized that she has the same personality as I do. She's funny, cool, and so much more. At first I was happy I had her as a friend but later on I started to develop these feelings for her. I mean she's really cool and it drives me mad. But I had to let the feeling go as my best friend also likes her and I didn't want any tension to form between us. Even though I act normal, my heart hurts, metaphorically, whenever I'm close to her. Thank you for reading",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9818325042724609 2020-01-17 20:22:53,"Okay so here goes. I have this friend, we've been besties since grade school through campus years and still so close, I would never say this to her face, but I can't imagine life with out her. And there's my big brother... we're so close, he tells me every thing and not just because he's my bro but he's like... the best person I know(I'll never say this to his face either). So the thing is he likes her. We've hung out together before, him and my friends... and it was a little weird for me, but I got over the feeling and told him to go for it. Because I think they're a perfect match. And now they went on a date twice and the thought of them hanging out without me is driving me crazy. CRAZY!! Am I a bad person?",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9940098524093628 2020-01-17 20:24:42,"Hi I'm a 12 grade student. I wanna vent about something. It is not considered as a problem. And is a silly thing. I just....I can't help the ones I love. I couldn't many times and u still can't. Their lives is so messed up.VERY. they some real shit going on with their lives. I know everyone has that but it's to many for them to handle. And they are so lonely desperately. All they have is me. I am the only one they have. They tell me everything. When something bad happens or about their feelings.... And what do I do? Just sit and listen. That's all. No action. I just have ears. I give them advice or talk to them about it but I don't even think that it's the the advice they should listen to. I am no use to them. Like at all. Its been so long and when they get hurt again and again I just keep watching. I try to prevent it , I tried to protect them but I always fell. I'm Always feeling awful. My life is so amazing .I have everything I need including them the most. I lack nothing. Its just too perfect. Theirs? not even related. At first I just kept worrying for days or weeks of Big serious problems. If I see one of them cry. Even if its out of nothing. I Feel soooo broke I cry too but not in front of them. I Feel disappointed. I hate mysthis. I get angry. I fell weak. I feel low. I feel nobody. Now I think its worse. I feel these thing if they are just sad or bored or when they are silent.( normal sadness u get sometimes which everyone gets and which is not a big deal to worry about for weeks.) My mindset is that being a friend is not just listning to what they have to say again and again. U got to do something to get them out of their darkness from the dark shit their in. U've got to do something to protect them from bad things. U have to be able to protect them. But I didn't. Couldn't. I still can't. All I have is ears. Just ears. Which is not enough. In My life all I ever want to hear is that I was helpful to someone. That I did something. That's all. It would mean everything. Thanks for wasting your time on this",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9903675317764282 2020-01-17 20:29:30,"21 M I had been ignored so much now I think my existence is just being barely tolerated. man where did I go wrong when I started uni I thought I had it figured out. I've even went on several dates but I'm starting to think this world is just one big acting Carrier and Im not even a supporting actor. At first I started thinking that I should just leave all social groups bc everything isnt good but then everything isnt bad either. so I decided the best thing to do was just drift from one social circle to another and it's been working so far until lately. I kept feeling that I'm missing something important I guess that feeling was there all along but now it's getting to me. Tnx in advance",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956645369529724 2020-01-17 20:30:30,"Hey guys I'm just waNted to say please instead of venting about staff malet it matters gn betam mater ayregem bizu gize vent emidergut ....Plz guys Plz guys try to help the people who really need try to think of people with disabilities people who don't have anywhere else to go people who are in need of our help ,people who are being abused ...please people this are the real problems,people with diseases ...egziabher enkuan mn yelnal caring about this staff while there r people who have no legs and arms whose every minute of existence is pain please help them out!?",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9952285289764404 2020-01-18 08:46:51,"I have had enough of this it's the point of my life were am feeling hopeless useless and broke with no direction and purpose,,when ever I try some thing I fail things get messy at home and out side,,I don't know what to do i don't know what to try,, am not even sure why am here...nothing is working any more nothing is making sense...ppl have u ever felt like this?...did it solve it self or what did u do?am left with no choice it's very frustrating",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993589520454407 2020-01-18 08:47:48,"Hi , I'm a grade 12 student. My problem? Is not something to vent in hear but I still want to vent even if it might not be considered as a real problem. Well I............ahh....okay I just, I feel like I'm useless. Like useless for real. I can't help anyone in this life. I can't help my family, and by family I also mean 'my friends' just so u could understand. But really they ARE my family. I can't protect them. from shit. in their lives. My life is soo Great and perfect like I have everything including them. I lack nothing seriously. Not just that but I'm also very happy. Its not a life everyone is dreaming of but I can say that I'm living than say that i exist. Their life is so messed up. VERY. and I can't do anything about it. My Mindsate is that if I am a friend , I should help them out through their darkness. I should help them. I should save them. I have to do something. A real deep friend is not someone who only listens to your problems. A friend has to do something not just listening. that's how I think and I can't do that. I couldn't. I Feel Awful every time they tell me their sad. I know its normal to feel this for the people u love but it's getting kinda worse .And if they cry, I crumble. At first it was like.. When a big Problem happenes and I listen when they tell me like I always do but couldn't do anything, I just don't forget their faces and always cry to let out my worry. It was hard back then cus the problem was huge and at the same time each one of them was having a very rough time. I was so angry at myself, very disappointed, I felt low. I don't even think that I give good advice. Right now of them whom I am very soft with gets sad 'just the sad feeling u get sometimes,the simple one' I fell very Awful over normal..and I jeep think about it and wondering how to make it go away. I keep thinking about it even the net day. And when I hear their laugher or see their happy smile? I Melt . I swear to GOD. I just cry again. And again. My Problem is That I know things happen but I don't know what to do or what I can do To protect them from everything bad. they are so vulnerable and all they have is me. Thanks for reading this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7851874828338623 2020-01-18 08:48:58,"Hey guys ,lately my life is becoming so fucked up I have final exam near but I haven't started studying properly yet...I tell my self hey u have to do this unless ur gonna have fucked up grades and then I do schedule to study but it only lasts for 1 day max 3 after that I totally stop studying it happens out of the blue I think its because I had some stress issues thats what is making me unable to concentrate.I truly wanna study properly like I used to but its killing me ....I have disorder I went to more than two hospital and the diagnose was all same .and it is the disorder thats making me unable to study .even today I was studying properly ken lay out of the bull I stopped .......right now am so anxious,scared feeling fucked uppppppppp......helppp me give me some advice",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9985132813453674 2020-01-18 08:51:29,"Hellow everyone out there. I have been reading most of yall vents for the past few years and boy I can relate big time as a teen who's Confused and going through things what helped me the most was not friends family or finance(a hard word to use here but okey). Amin it's not that they didn't want to help at all but they just weren't the missing part. They have there own life and struggle to begin with and even though you talk vent cry hug kiss love understand and show love whatever you do with anyone you value at the end of the day they can't understand and know how deep your scars are, because there not you. So they can't give you what you really need yet how much they may try and be a friend for you that just can't solve your problem and worries in the present or future. We humans beings often forget we have a spirt with in us because it hasn't come to life yet. Our flesh our body and everything we use daily have consumed our mind and soul which is making us forget we are much higher beings than the things that surround us. Now am not being some wired guy which is blabbing about his day dreams in a class which he fell asleep.(because that's not the case). But what I really want you to foucs and understand is this is not it. Angels have spirits but they don't have bodies like us. When the universe was created its just a physical thing with out a spirt(trust me in this one, don't try to find your self in zodiac and astrology , ik your looking for answer but boy your looking in the wrong place ). What makes us very different is we are the combination of spirt and flesh. As we use our bodies to exist touch feel and know in the physical world, we also have a spirit within us which makes us available in the spirit dimensions if used properly. Now if u don't belive me that you have a spirit I won't blame you because one can not know which one can not see. And which one can not see one can not imagine and think bout it. But if you want evidence you may try to see what is happening since the birth man. To be continued if demand... If not cool‍",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7778031826019287 2020-01-18 08:52:18,"Hi I am a 16 yr old girl and I have issues I sometimes have these of days , u see I was the girl that doesn't give a shit bout nothing ,school, fam, nothing but had talents and got good grade without cheating or studying just from thin air but that isn't who I am . I am just rly tired of every single thing that has happened to me and these blip days happen BC somedays I feel all zos emotions that I have bursting and I look like a drug addict pls help me at how not to live by my past and how not to care bout peoples thinking of me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9935691356658936 2020-01-18 08:55:30,"Hey unihorse hide my identity Hello everyone I’m a girl who is 24 and it’s been 2 years since I started running business of my family. I have been in a relationship with this guy for more than 4 years. I swear God knows how much I love this man. We have been friends since 7th grade and his literally my family. When we first met he wasn’t the type of guy for a relationship and yes there were times I cried all night but now I can say that I’m happy, his changed and is still in progress. Btw I’m the wifey material the way I care for him like it won’t even be an exaggeration to say I value him more than I value my self. Suddenly I met this guy at first I wasn’t even interested to just talk to him but as times passed by we starting talking, his a very good guy and the way he treats me I can’t even explain. He showed me what I have been missing. Amazingly my boyfriend knows about him he even knows when I go see him and he also knows that his interested in me yet what he says is you deserve better so it’s your choice to make. So what do y’all think do you think I should end things with the love of my life for the thing I actually deserve or still wait for him to change. Thank you",love,POSITIVE,0.9557417035102844 2020-01-18 20:00:36,"I want to stop talking like literally ... I am cant get attached to anyone.. Well not really. I am going to have to keep my distance for real with my class mates, my roomies friends, like everybody so that I won't get hurt.... Words hurt me more that a slap on the face so I can't give anyone the opportunity to do that to me... The only one I can blame if anything happens would be me Even when someone I care abt gets more close to me I feel week inside... I feel like everybody is gonna leave me at some point then I'll be alone... But when they go they will take a part of me with them and it's gonna hurt like hell. Right now am confused because the person I cared abt is getting more close to me. And am scared to open up to him and let him know me better cause what if he goes? What if he use my weakness against me mnamn..? Am getting paranoid like for real. Please help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983848333358765 2020-01-18 20:02:11,"Hi.... im someone, am mean a girl freshman student.....ya um going to talk about my bf not really my bf but my ex from now on he was like my everything everything u know ive never loved and will never love someone again and our reason to be apart was,,,,, he have some family issues and that disturbed him mnamn but i tried to make him forget that but he was very stressed and wanted to be successful in his study but that is not working too so.... that make him think that he must be strong and stand by himself so he wanted to stay away from relationships so he said i love u so much but we have to be apart and successful after that we will be together again in the future but u know its very hard for me like i loved him like soooo much more than me more than my besties.......anyways my answer was we can't be together not now nor in the future and i said no and finally we are apart now we dont even talk anymore so please everyone i need an advice im so confussed of am i right or wrong so.......",love,NEGATIVE,0.9900245666503906 2020-01-18 20:02:24,I am broken help me,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977669715881348 2020-01-18 20:03:03,"Being perfect for ur parents is hard ....malet they expect u to be this superhero who can't do wrong in their eye....I can't blame them for that because that's what makes them parents and they need best things for u. So I'm 20 yrs old and girl, 3rd year student...nursing. and I was currently at the urge of this parents expecting me to be perfect. All my life it was just only me and mom (dad and mom separated when I was 2 yrs old) and she expect me to be this perfect person who figured out everything especially in schools. It was no joke to her when it comes to school. And if I got lower grades she won't hit me or insult me. But she used to say hurtful things that makes me wish that she could've hit me instead...she'll say I wish I never gave birth to u, it's better if u die, go to ur dad he'll raise u I don't wanna see u anymore and other cramps with tear in her eyes...this was my daily routine but trust me I never get used to it, it was new thing each time she started until 11th grade i was doing soo good at my school getting good grades and all...mostly to Make my mom happy and mostly not to hear those harsh words coming out from her but at 12th, I just gave up. Lose all my interests in school like yuk! And all the year until entrance exam those bad words were my meal beka she keep on feeding and feeding me and I just sat and listened ‍ lela mn mareg echlalew....then after we take the exam the results came and tenteltye new yalefkut but yederesegn hager alfelekutm so my dad found me this college which has dormitory and I decided to give it a shot because I wanna stay away from her for a while....but trust me we call each other 3 times per day because she's my beautiful mom. So I started my own lone life managing school and financial stuffs. And she thinks after I finished nursing I'll continue medicine....hell to the no ende I am stressing out from nursing adelem med ljemr bcha she insisted to listen to my thoughts ‍",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9930603504180908 2020-01-19 08:39:49,"Hi unihorse Hide my identity This is my second vent im the girl who talked about being confused between two men. One thing i didnt mention is that i gave my boyfriend many chances he has cheated on me like bezu gize like i said there were times i cried over and overrrr again. There are days he ignores me all day without a reason. On the reverse the new guy i met has everything i have been looking for in my boyfriend. Now im on a break with my bf and trying to figure out whats best for me. Thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9971863627433777 2020-01-19 08:40:34,Hy y'all am girl that has a messed family story n I never had Rly date or had bf everybody think I do n don't believe me when I say I don't also my parents wanne have Rly great grade on my collage but I can't help my self to study n since I start this collage thing I have been far away from my bestie so that am here with all my thought my my own head even tho am matured enough I still never kissed n I hate porn things n am trouble at texting so any advice,disappointment,POSITIVE,0.7844464182853699 2020-01-19 08:40:38,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Hey unihorse hide my identity Hello everyone I’m a girl in a relationship with some guy ena I want everything to end ena I don't wanna hurt him what can I do what should I do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9855746030807495 2020-01-19 08:41:08,"Hello am a girl 23 My younger brother started using drugs n staff when he was in high-school!And he couldn't stop til now its been 3 yrs now. I haven't asked him about it yet because i wanted to stay as his sister i didn't want him to feel uneasy kenegam!plus I don't know how to help him so why bother to ask minim malfeyid kehone i thought ,but i couldn't sit idle so if anyone knows how to help a drug addict please tell me am really worried about him!we thought he will stop with time so we stayed quite about it but Its getting worse with time so we have to help him ! Please be kind and considerate in your answers! Thanks in advance",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8437600135803223 2020-01-19 08:42:04,"Unihorse please hide my identity Ight ima vent the shit out of me. Tbh my problem isnt really like an issue. Its basically the type of problem most teens have. I’m in grade 12 and just transferred into a new school. Why? For college and i had a bad reputation back in my previous school. Its been like 4 months since i got into my new school and I feel sooo left out. I’m socially awkward, moody and sad most of the time. I wasn’t like that in my previous school tho. I was the type of girl who was bold, fun to be around with and doesn’t really care abt what ppl think about her. I thought I’d make friends so quick and i thought i wouldn’t have problems fitting in but here i am stuck with mean ppl who talk behind my back and doesn’t even want me to hang with them. I don’t think this usually happens when you transfer schools idk idk. I still have to focus on my grades cus its tough out here. Guys tell me is this normal?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984740614891052 2020-01-19 08:44:07,"I'll try to make this short. Let me tell you how me and my ex broke up yesterday after 10 months of being together. Let me begin from the start. Me and him love each other. At least I do. I want to be with him forever. Which is why I insisted to meet with his mom. Because I saw in some article that me and him would last longer if I get to meet his mom and make apparently make her like me. And wow I am not the type of person parents are into. But for her I was Chewa, tazazh, kind and Beka batekalay well preserved. I even dressed very properly for her. And when I went to their house as he told me she menegeds wetet and ergo and stuff. And suddenly i was talking too much about the dairy business idk i swear becha ig she began to think I was better than her and was showing off and she started being silent and my ex %it's really weird to call him that% started looking me in a hateful manner like I punched her and he was holding his fists aynet way. But anyways the ride back he was furious about it. He started telling me how his mom was sensitive and how it was mean to matatal her job. I defended my corner telling him I didn't mean it that way and even apologized but he just got more angry. I never saw him like that. I saw a side of him I never saw before. He even mentioned how she taught him by selling milk and cows and I don't have any right to be this way. I felt bad. So bad. I even cried. He always listened and forgave when I cry. Yesterday though nah. Point is never mess with a guy's mom. P.s: sorry for making this long",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967859983444214 2020-01-19 08:44:44,"First time i had sex i got pregnant, not from lack of precaution it was just in the cards i guess but i didn't keep it, Save your judgments i still live with the guilt. Sooo fast forward to the present I'm scared to have sex because of pregnancy scares. I don't trust contraceptives of any kind or protection since i have first hand experience of them failing me and the fear is affecting my relationship. Its been years but I dont know how to put it behind me i want to be free of the fear. I should probably mention that i don't want to have kids ever!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9972713589668274 2020-01-19 21:36:51,"Pls admin, approve my am 24 and i had b.f for 2 years...we r gonna get married be teklil minamen after 3 years, he is really nice,talks to me every second minamen, cares about me, he don't even look to other girls when we together, n he is kinda clingy, ....but before 2 months, we were on break ( some shit happened, not that serious tho)...and I meat this amazing guy, he is a pilot, he is super super nice and handsome, he wants us to be more than friends, well we r...gin kinda want to be intimate and sex minamen in the relationship, Ena I really like him, FYI ..he don't treat me as my ex do, like he even forget me when he flys minamen, bunch of girls call him Minamen, but idk, he is different than what am used to, he is a bad guy, gin I want challenge, I want to make him all mine, and can't take him outta my Head... btw, I don't like his tsebay, he is a virgo and am a probably we won't last, gin Beka..I just like him so bad Keza after some time my ex apologized...Ena I took him back, I am confused neger ex want to get married in teklil and my other b.f want to hv sex... confused as",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9699179530143738 2020-01-20 00:13:01,"Hello How can I be happy without rship without my gf beka I'm tired of her she's on and of now we broke up and wanna forget everything help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9961934089660645 2020-01-20 00:13:08,I love him and he told me he stopped loving me 2 months ago. I’m just getting worse.....I still like really love him like crazy.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9962863922119141 2020-01-20 00:13:42,"I need to vent I have a boyfriend which I love so much, very deeply and I care so much about him. He says that he love me so much and his actions show that he loves me too, but I don’t feel like he cares and loves me as much as I do. I’m a loving person once I’m in love I’m in love. I feel like I’m nothing without him. The thing is that the way I’m feeling about him is very deep and it’s killing me day by day and it’s getting hard for me. I love that I love him but I need advice on how I can reduce my love ( feelings ) for him. Plz help me",love,POSITIVE,0.8590433597564697 2020-01-20 09:17:22,"Hey please be helpful so there is this girl We are at the same school I really wanted to talk to her so I texted her on telegram and introduced my self in person as well But I'm really a shy and awkward person I'm always seriously and I don't say hi most of the time i just ignore her like balaye mnamn when she comes or even if I go talk to her I'm always costara and serious so how am I supposed to talk to her we are supposed to talk and what do I say what do I do I really need help P.s she's cute asf and a lot of guys want her",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7923917770385742 2020-01-20 09:17:54,Am I the only one who wants to go out on Saturdays but don't because of friends who don't want to any where beside sitting home and talking . if anyone happens to have same problem like me leave your user name,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977362155914307 2020-01-20 09:18:14,"Hello there. I recently graduated in engineering from university with distinction. But I don't have a job. My parent expectation are very high. They are retired and im under stress. I don't even have money to see my gf. Who wants broke and jobless guy anyway.. . I want you guys share your experience with me. Thank you for your time.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8524999618530273 2020-01-20 09:18:58,"Hi unihorse Hide my identity, admins pleaaaase approve! Hello everyone, okay well here it goes. Okay am a 21 years old girl who is in a very much need of a best friend. I know I know I sound like a loser. Its not like I don't have friends. Because I do have like tons of friends and besties. But am protestant (panta) and well they're not. So all we do is hangout in a bar and everything. I wanna have a protestant friend whom I can talk everything with. Especially about GOD. A friend whom I can go to church with, talk abt what I've learned in church and hangout and have fun without drinking. Even to just have a coffee with. I don't care if it's a man or a woman. Am just in need of a best friend!! So anyone whose interested just send me ur user name so I can contact u. My fellow Christians help yr sis out. Thanks in advance.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9952163696289062 2020-01-20 20:11:00,Hey I am 20 years old girl ena I am very depressed person only God knows how much I hate my life buh then I met this guy tbh he is different from others boys and I wanna be with him forever and he told me he was with many girls ena me by my side demo i wanna see everything in life specifically sex and what can I do I am v ena i wanna lose it with no pain so if someone knows about it help me out plz,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.976398229598999 2020-01-20 20:11:59,"I need to vent Everyone is coming out so I thought I'd give it a try. My friends were starting to suspect smthf becoz I always reject guys and so I got myself a bf. But I'm cheating on him with a friend of mine. And I'm scared that if i dump him ppl will know. I'm confused and idk what I'm supposed to do. Advice?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998678982257843 2020-01-20 20:12:16,"Hey hide my identity Hey I'm a girl I have huge difficulty of opening up I don't know how to open up to people like I'm a good listener and I also give great advises but I can't bring myself to ask for advise or tell my them about wat is going on in my life( it's not dat I've trust issues ) I Idk of it's the thought of being perceived as weak or the fear of being judged or to show my vulnerability to b let down.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9920195937156677 2020-01-20 20:16:23,Hello everyone so it’s my 2nd time venting bzw I’m the girl in love with a Muslim bf. It was yesterday ena I tried to discuss the religion issue we have with my bf well he made it clear that he won’t choose me over his belief and so did i ena I over reacted a lil but he tried his best to not have a fight with me but I guess I pushed it please guys don’t judge since that’s what y’all love to do. It’s just that am confused I love him so much he does too like he really do he made it crystal clear menager aytebekibetim nbr b/c his actions says it all gn demo when I think of our future it scares the hell out of me so I told him that I’m confused mnamn keza he said I can’t say we in happy relationship anchi endezi eyehosh huletachinm destegna sinhon enji bicha bizu ale keza hulet wedo slelele let’s break up kalesh eshi gn it’s rly hard kahunu I can feel my heart aching alegne ena I did too it hurts so much altetalanm gn yihen tenegagren teleyayen.,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.987138569355011 2020-01-21 09:21:52,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I'm girl and I am in love with one guy he is really great guy but he don't know that I am in love with him idk if he have feelings for me but he treats me in different way and sometimes I feel like he is in love with me too and sometimes I feel like that I am only his best friend idk what to do about it ryt now I wanna tell him but I feel like he don't have same feeling so that we won't talk again guys plsss help me out. Thanks",love,NEGATIVE,0.8518598675727844 2020-01-21 09:24:00,"I don't know what made today different but I just stayed up thinking of him. Yes I tend to do that almost everyday but today's was weird to some extent. I really reallyyy fkn love him leka. The thing is we met ,and everything about him I seemed to love ,and he did too. We would...we still stay up at night talking, waste daylight teasing and flirting with each other. He tells me everything I'm that 'exceptional' person he talks too. I try to talk but I'm not that much of an 'open to emotional or smtn... talk about it' person and that about me he really likes cause he always tells me 'someday...someday I'll get u to open up'. Other people when they see this side of me call me 'hollow' or 'emotion-less' and keep their distance. They peg me as a person who is incapable of both loving and showing. Incapable of showing yes,but incapable of loving? Cmon I'm here because of that I know I seem like I have these big ass walls built up around me but no I'm actually week. Becha going off track here I'm so deep in love and I'm scared of admitting that. I don't want to lose him as a friend if shit doesn't work out. So wait or go for it?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9678625464439392 2020-01-21 09:24:23,"Hey y'all My best friend (guy)died recently two months ago and idk what to do or how to act any more when ever i see my friends all i think about is him what if he was here and can't stop crying i don't know how i can stop that and move on with my life but there's something holding me So is it normal to be like this?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9801889657974243 2020-01-21 09:25:01,I am a girl I am 18 I have many boyfriends what I am mean by many they are like 6 or 7 and 3 of them know each other and I should probably break up with them but I just can't. I feel sooo bad for them and I might break their hearts and plus some of them are taking this relationship I have with them seriously what should I do,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9862568974494934 2020-01-21 09:51:07,"Approve this for me please. I knew her since middle school but we weren't that close because I'm awkward and she's very quiet. I always felt that she might be interesting to know but I never approached her. When we joined campus I got her number from a friend of mine and found the courage to talk to her. And god she was perfect, smart, cute, cool, funny, insane, dark, humorous, intriguing. It was just too much to the point that I was scared to talk to her (I'm still very much scared of her, it's like I'm a teenage again). Which is funny cause for a guy obsessed on people's flaws I couldn't find any on her. So I started distancing myself. But after some time she caught on and asked why I'm doing that. I said nothing and kept on talking to her like old times. And then the enivitable happened, I fell. But I didn't tell her because I'm 22 and I never dated. I only know friendship so I was clueless on how to make her mine. Then one day we were joking about something and my stupid ass decided to tell her that I want her to be my gf. And as soon as I saw her reaction I regreted it so bad. She didn't say anything about it that day or any day after it. So we just acted like nothing happened but after that day my love for her just got.... She's all I think about. When she saw that, she said we have to stop talking since she doesn't feel the same. That hurt... bad. But I obliged. We both knew that's the only choice. But days pass and we are back to talking again. Sometimes she tells me to go since it's not right and she's not that selfish and other days she's torturing me because she enjoys it (her words). She's a walking paradox that girl. Anyway the other day she said something to intentionaly stab me with it and we haven't talked ever since. So just help me out guys How can I get her out of my system?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.980568528175354 2020-01-21 09:53:58,"I'm getting so confused and feeling like am bout to mabed ngr idk bcha can't realize what's real any more .. seems like I'm dreaming all the time and my thinking pattern changes everytime I start wondering about life,god and my self .. its frustrating me any advices",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9971243739128113 2020-01-21 09:56:09,"Hide my identity I need to vent Its ma first time venting here so here it goes am a girl and am bout to graduate and since i was a little girl i had a thing for music and i kinda pursued that a lil at church i used to sing and play guitar a lil but now since i got in campus which have been 5 yrs now i feel like i am losing ma passion uk? I still havent decided if i wanna be a spiritual singer or a normal musian but still idk how to pursue it anymore idk how to start but its annoying cause this passion of mine its burning like a flame inside me but idk how to let it out.....other thing ma parents knows i love music but not really uk and i wanna focus on that only and i know for a fact they wont understand that they want me to be anything but this and i havent told anyone not even ma friends.each day that i wake up am scared to lose what i have in me so what do u think i should do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997776448726654 2020-01-21 09:57:05,"hello dear subscribers here i go first time venting okay ... sooo well i'm a freshman college student and im having a hard time transitioning from highschool . initially it was great gen now there is absense in everything ... and im not a confident guy i have this out there personà but inside i aint shit ... i have a girlfriend gen we just lubbie dubbie no emotional connection u know. there is one person who is there gen i dont see her as much anymore bechaaa u see im feeling really alone these days like i aint got no body to talk to and stuff ... people at my dorm annoy me, tests are stressing me out , i always feel like people are cooler and more aware than me , i have no real sense of being ... well atleast in highschool the drama kept my imagination alive but this is just emptiness and void and i hate it please anyone give me some advice or sense of direction and i would really like someone to talk to",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983660578727722 2020-01-21 12:31:26,"Hugging is the most beautiful form of communication that allows the other person to know beyond a doubt that they matter, happy world hugging day. Here is our virtual hug",admiration,POSITIVE,0.9998377561569214 2020-01-21 18:56:43,"Do you like our new updates? What do you feel about the whole Vent Here experience? Any new feature you have in mind? Tell us in the comments down below...",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9415170550346375 2020-01-21 22:47:17,"This vent is from my deepest place. It's about religion. Okay here it goes. So I been raised as am orthodox but lately I've been noticing how in my religion, scents and angels are given more priority than God himself and Jesus. I mean like... I thought about letting go of having a religion and just believing and praying and obeying God's words until I die. But idek what God's words are anymore. There are some things in Ortodox Bible that aren't in the actual Bible that people all over the world use. And I really like REALLY hate that people in my religion believe in and mesged for paintings made by a human which are supposed to be what Jesus Christ or Mary or St. Michael and others look like. I can't stress this much. I want to be religion-less and live with faith. But I need to be baptized. And idk which baptism is right. I've been baptized so many times (since like my kerestena) in Orthodox Church. Which church should I get baptized in order to go to heaven?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9935975074768066 2020-01-22 10:38:50,"A first timer nd hope zis gets approved So there it goes, im 18 a freshwomen I'm a big time feminist just wanted to say zat. Its zat i used to be a drug addict btm kebad drug addict but now im sober its been hard to keep zat way for a long time but dont did cuz i might get sick again nd i dont want zat fo real z first time i got sick my mom nd z doctors didn't know it happened but me nd my frnds knew so they helped me stop eventho they were addicts themselves. Now zat i think abt it i was rly fucked up. Z University zat im in ryt now is far from home like rly rly far but i still hv family here i go there on weekends mnamn but i still feel lonely ive lots of frnds too but i still feel lonely nd i can feel myself go into z place zat i was in before i started drugs nd if i had z chance do drugs now i wld gn ive stopped myself from doing it lots of times nd I don't think i can do it anymore. Nd ik there is almost no point in me telling my frnds my story nd wht im going through cuz ik zey wld judge nd i just need some advice zats all Thks for reading zis",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977892637252808 2020-01-22 10:39:47,"Young people please pay attention, for please and sorry are the pillars of values and morality. I want to say that I am so concerned about us, saying seeing and watching all these ""I am Gay"" vents and ""I think I am one"" ones, U should be concerned too I mean people please seek redemption in God ye alem metfia reason will be this believe me when I say this, Im not here to talk about religion but even scientifically how are we supposed to reproduce if we are gay It is against nature esti ask yourselves if everyone is gay how is humanity Gonna travel onwards endet new tewled mnfetrew u have eyes yet U do not see the clear truth in front of your eyes, don't be slaves of evil and those who think sex's purpose is pleasure, no its not Its reproduction that is in the laws of nature, ""bezu tebazu medrnem muluat"" please this is going to be the damnation and end of us everything is prophesied....demo the human brain is capapble of anything I tell You people listen to me, I think Im gay mnamn yemtlu no ur not ur just believing that u are faith kebad neger new, aydelachehum no one is created that way, we Just choose to be, I tell u egziabhern meretu liferd dagm yimetal the end is near!, at the very least be logical beings!....admins please approve this just as u approve the gay vents I know u guys must be fair, but this is really important but its the individuals choice to believe or otherwise!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9956698417663574 2020-01-22 20:32:20,Ohhh k hi every one I’m bt to let u know wat is rly happening in our school some fucked up shits really so I’m 16 and came from hawasa to aa this summer so I joined zis school around megenagna I guess y’all know it is famous bicha I feel like I just came to another whole world again I’m 16 and my friends too may be 17 and zey have boyfriends zey make out in the class like while learning zey kiss May be make out wiz zer class mate for a dare like it ain’t ntn I swear I was so shocked mafer yemibal neger alfeterebachewm I also saw girls kissing and I taught i tolerate zis shit until I heard zat the girl sitting next to me she told me zat her bf tebiyew fingered her and she was rly proud to tell me and I taught it was a crime doing zat and I told her I can help her report it to the principal and she laughed at me saying getere nesh Inde and honestly not wanting to be fingered by some dude who won’t even remember me tmrw is being getere then I’m rly proud of being getere bicha she told me more she and her crews actually goes to parties like at mid night and get drunk alemedeferachewm beigiziabher chernet new then they post their hickeys in tans if it is really a very proudfull thing lene sucks yemr yemilutn bitisemu u won’t believe ur ears so wat do u guys say bt it idk why I vented zis here Gn if there r some parents here or sisters or brothers just watch ur kids u r wayyyyy to much zan u think zey r so let me know wat yaal think bt it I mean is zis a regular high school thing ?? Ine bicha negn iyagenenkut yalehut or wat tnx rly and btw tmrw is my birthday,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9109732508659363 2020-01-22 20:33:02,"Hi unihorse Hide my identity I want to vent. I met this my friend after so many years and I went to stay with his family, i fell in love with his sister, asked her out and we started dating. Although i didn't tell my friend about the relationship at first but i told his mum. to cut the long story short everyone got to find out about it and i was asked to leave the house. My friend has told me he doesn't want to ever have anything to do with me and i should stop dating his sister. Her father has threatened to disown her if he finds out we're still dating. But we love each other and we can't break up at the moment. Although we're keeping everything as a secret for now. I don't want to lose her and this is really difficult.",love,POSITIVE,0.8278576731681824 2020-01-22 20:33:57,"Dear you know who you are, I thought I fell in love. I thought I found my soulmate. I thought everything was perfect. Why do you have to be like this? Why aren't you perfect? Why did this feeling that I know will last long had to be for you? Sometimes I look at my parents and think... You treat me the same way dad treats mom. And that's the way I never wished to be treated. And what's worse is i can't let you go. I sometimes wonder if leaving you gets me more punches than staying and doing nothing. I wonder if you would throw acid on me or send someone else to hurt me or rape me. That's the truth. I wonder that. I thought that dating a bad boy would be awesome. But nothing is like in the movies. I gave you my respect. You manipulated me into going into bed with you. We didn't make love. We had sex. I can't go on with this anymore. I know breaking up with an abusing, narcisstic, selfish bastsrd as you is just going to result in more misery for me. I'm sorry, dear self, that I can't tell him this to his face. I'm about to kill myself. Because he can't stop.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9932082295417786 2020-01-22 20:34:18,"Hey ladies, i have really bad Cramps, Ena am a virgin, will having sex helps?...many ppls say it's because am v...gin does having sex really helps?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986305236816406 2020-01-22 20:36:36,I need a friend am 21 male and am like dont have people that are close to me always busy solving other people's problems no one cares to even ask what troubles me its my last year in univer but I don't even have a girl friend becha I need a friend I truly to or to fall in love God that's good to write it out loud lol tnx for listening any thing u want to say comment,amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9842910766601562 2020-01-23 08:20:40,"I have to vent. I have once raped my cousin (6 year old) bc I couldn't control my feelings. My cousin was going to tell on me so I beat her head with high heels. I thought she'd keep quiet but she was seriously injured and unconscious. I told her family she fell off the stairs and they took her to the hospital and she was cured but then she would remember anything and also she was bleeding a lot from her lady part. It was obvious to my family what happened but they thought the zebegna did it. he was fired and sued, the zebegna left to Sudan and never came back. After 3 week's what I did started haunting me and I stressed about it a lot. One morning I wake up and my brother looked at me and said I know what you did I was surprised and I asked him what, and he told me the whole thing and also told me he heard it bc I was sleep talking. He tried to black mail me but it wouldn't work, finally he threatened to tell Mom and Dad. That is when I punched him unconscious. I was grounded and he was taken to the hospital. It has been three days and I know once he wakes up he will tell my parents what I did and I will be in big trouble. If you have suggestions please help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9966384172439575 2020-01-23 08:59:21,"Hey guys a Guy 20yr old, 3rd UV student....the thing is my friend (girl) we have know each other for about 5yrs now ,we talk mnamen but the thing is she is the only one who shares her feelings (all) but I can't when I start to tell her about mine she will say u will be fine or it will be okay ...then she will go back to her business ....I lost my father 6month ago she only come home but never asks me how am feeling or how my family r going through ....then I started distancing her, ignoring her call , endedro angenagem ...then lately she asks me Why am ignoring her , If I told her she is so sensitive she will explode ,so I told her that am not in ignoring U I have been busy ....n I don't know wt to say guys ,I really don't wanna talk to her or be with her I don't know wt to say to her with out hurting her feelings ...... SHIT.....I have friends but I don't HV best friend who I can share my feelings or hang out ...its hard u know ......Tnx for reading",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9956421852111816 2020-01-23 09:04:13,It some times amaze me who I was and who I am right now I don't really know if that is a good change or not but isn't it amazing how we people change how we get to meet a loooooot of people in the way how they treat us how we treat them how they leave or stay its really amazing the things we do the things we think of the things we change about us the way we observe other the way others observe us isn't it just amazing how we get to be here the challenges we face the mestrys we made,admiration,POSITIVE,0.9993579983711243 2020-01-23 09:11:26,"Hi people, I need an answer that’s not biased by culture or religion, how does one know of their sexuality without getting intimate? If you are going to judge anything better not comment at all, this is a question only for those who are interested in answering based on the conditions I mentioned. Thanks for your honest answers.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.845330536365509 2020-01-23 09:12:43,"Dear ppl I'm not Good I've always wanted to be but I never AM I'm a monster I dnt do it on purpose but any and every one that's close to me ends up hating me.. I've always do things in hopes that I wud either find the One or at least find some one that's doesn't see me as a disappointment... I'm a disappointment",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984210729598999 2020-01-23 20:49:47,"I fucking hate feminists. Men in todays society have no advantages over women. Women are treated equally if not better than men today. Like if women truly got paid less, companies would only hire women and not men. And also I dont believe that shit women say ""i can do whatever a man can"" like thats the stupidest shit ever. God created adam and eve differently for example in terms of strength, there is no doubt that men are stronger than women. Like if women were truly equal to men in terms of strength and athletic skills, there would be no WNBA or Womens Soccer there would just be one soccer and one basket ball league. To wrap this up, both men and women have their own roles in society. Both are equally important. For example making a baby requires for a man and a woman to mate not just a man or just a woman. This message goes out to all women: play your roles please and dont try to apply that ""i dont need no man"" shit because you fucking do and every man also needs a woman we cant live without each other so just shut the fuck up and play your roles and let me play mine, that way we can grow together.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.868242084980011 2020-01-23 20:50:17,"Ok for everyone here I want to make something clear, from the way I see things. 1) Everyone has the right to choose the way live, be gay if you want, have sex with everyone you see, you can do whatever you want. God gave you the freedom to choose. 2) But after doing those things you must man up and accept the consequences. after sleeping with hundreds of girls, if catch AIDS bro its on you not on God. if after doing drugs you get your life messed up girl its on you not on God, not on your family stop that blaming shit. 3) choose life that you may live or choose death and then you die. God is not a dictator, everyone reading this has free will. but God is just Judge and the wages of sin is death. don't try to justify your sin saying its ok or I didn't mean it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9781258702278137 2020-01-23 20:51:30,"So there two things that are stressing me out there is a final exam coming up a head enam I couldn't cover chapters fast this thing is rly making me anxious ...way of my study is so slow how could I cover chapters fast?drop ur advices specially ppl who are recently learning in compass ...and the other thing is yemilaklgnn birr endet abkakche metekem echlalew am cafe I don't use lounge most of the time ..befit bewer 1000 neber yetemedebelgn new reduced to 500 and I was like what a fuck ...enam endet abkakche metekem echilalew this is my second question.and if there is one thing I wanna ask how do I reduce my tension its rly killing me PS am a girl joined compass this year Pllllls admis aprove my vent this thing really matters to sooo scared about my grades",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.998427152633667 2020-01-23 20:52:20,How many of you here feel like you are alone when you are surrounded by people. Trying so hard not to let other see your struggles. People ask how you are and you say I'm fine. Trying to smile when all you want is to scream. Surrounded by people who believe alcohol is the solution for everything. Any solutions???,neutral,POSITIVE,0.841255784034729 2020-01-23 20:53:27,"this is my bizu time vent the previous ones 'didn't make it""..I hope this one does So I have this issue like most of the people around me have sm1 that they think of to b their person like sm1 who understands them minm. N I here is struggling to have sm1 who can even get where am coming from...this all started wen I decided to withdraw from the uni I was in n start a new study in AA (cause I ddn like my field) ever since then I feel like I am learning with kids cuz most of them here Haven't even lived out side of their fam n don get wat life is really abt n they jus to childish (I know cuz I was like them before) not all of them but still they don get wat I say ,my friends from uni are great friends n try to b there n all but they r busy with their own life n I can b needy n the friends I have here are in different uni Soo we can't seem to hang out as often plus we can only talk abt the basic stuff(like wats new wat happened ) wen we met up cuz it wud b to long since we hanged so I am really struggling here like I feel like am the crazy 1 here like nth I say or think seems to make sense to any of the ppl around me am I really crazy ende like is speaking ur mind n not wanting to fake ur emotions n telling it as it is wrong ?like do I hav to play the fake it till u make it game to b considered normal .. tell me if I am wrong cuz I sure as hell don't even get anyone who wud listen to me talk all this bullshit ....sorry abt this tho thank u",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9987508058547974 2020-01-23 20:54:09,Hi everyone this is my first vent so please go easy I JUST NEED AN ADVICE I've been single my whole life all my friends got girls but I'm single and that's not a problem the problem is I'm good looking guy with sense of humor and most of the time people tell me the reason why I am single is that I respect women so much that I'm nice to them and I dont think that is the reason cause we all have mothers someone special.are they right tho?so any advice,admiration,NEGATIVE,0.6901620030403137 2020-01-23 20:54:32,Hy there it's my second time and it's about my father ... My father literally hates me I don't know why but he just hate me and he said many bad things infront of me and I don't know what to do I think I am hating him but I don't wanna hate him ....pls advise,anger,NEGATIVE,0.9966970682144165 2020-01-23 20:54:55,Hi there I'm 21 female and never fucked kissed or anything for that matter and have no intentions to do so and people tease me a lot for it they make it their lifes purpose to get me laid and I think about my future I'm not going to get married I dont want kids at all do any of you feel this way,disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.6653277277946472 2020-01-23 20:55:53,"I'm not hear to judge u nor them (some advice for the Hawassa girl )look Baby girl don't judge them k anchim after 2 years minamn u will be worse than them kmr nw enesum kezi befit edanchi neberu when they knew it for the frist time they panicked too bb girl but before that they all had reasons for acting like this they might have family issues instead of hearing ur parents insulting each other hearing a loud song in some stupid club and hiding ur thoughts in alchohol is better ya! U might say this will never be a good reason to open ur legs but it's not only fam issues it might be love issues he will tell u he loves you or you will tell him that u love him bla bla you fell in love you start walking, eating,watching movie in cinema boom you lost ur kiss virginity in the cinema then the makeout he will kiss u then he will touch ur boobs u might panick and say not before marriage and you will go home u will have fight with ur self what I'm I doing ,how can I do this and all this message will pop in ur mind the innocent girl minenm then u fill guilty but no matter what u won't stop thinking about that touch and u might promise ur self not to do it again but bb girl it's love so u will do it again he will touch u when u panick he will put his soft hands nd wispher in ur ear don't panic just do it for me and u refuse nd push him pack he will go nuts cause u push him for the second time nd u feel unhappy u love him u don't want to loose him u just want him to be happy so u will kiss him back saying sorry this time not only he will touch ur boobs he will go dive in to ur pants u will fill the pleasure even if it's with guilty now u go home u will see ur mom's eye she is normal but u feel like she knows what u were doing u might feel that even when u see ur innocent friends if ur friends are like u u might end up being judged but the person who is sitting with u will feel u and in this moment u will be in her shoe and how would u feel those ur innocent friends will write their judgment in some channel I will leave this feeling for you let me continue how u will loose ur virginity ur hormone will play u when the make out is repeated fingering will be normal for u now u will not think about he touching ur boobs like before now u will think about ""SEX"" u start searching how not to get pregnant or if u go to far u will watch porn and study sex stuff how to please him and bb girl he will kiss u,then makeout boom then sex u loose ur virginity no more bb girl now u are my lady u will fill guilty as usual so instead of that guilt u will see ur surroundings everybody had sex so u will say to ur self sex is normal.But my lady when u read is u might say hell no I ain't gonna do this but trust be from all this people who wrote u messages the nigga who wrote ""As if Hawassa brings the best out of youngsters ""btw love ur message and me are the honest once and imagine if he left u after he fed u the lies(but not all boys are the same okay ),after he took ur v imagine ur self u will go crazy and do worse than them and the niggas who fingered the girl sitting next to u one day after he matured he might be ur husband saying I was rly small and done some mistakes ya that's definitely what he will say to u so ur'e future husband who ever is he he won't be vrigin and I know I might mess up ur head I lil bit but that's the pure fact and stop judging them okay bb girl and don't forget me when u became my ladyhbd bb girl.There was 1 comment which said this is the way to success come on in what way is being a vrigin is a way to success bb girl staying a vrigin is not a way of success nor failure.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9846473932266235 2020-01-24 07:18:20,"Hei everyone I'm a 22 year old girl. I'm going to write something I never thought I would do. I have a lot of problems going on and I feel stressed I think I'm depressed I'm going out of my mind... I don't like my life I have been struggling but my straggle don't end. My family don't care about me. I can't pretend that I'm happy when I'm anymore I don't even remember the last time I was happy. Even if I express my feelings I don't feel good even if I cry all night I don't feel relieved. I'm used to be a hopeful, faithful, courageous girl but I'm losing them. Sometimes I want to kill my self. I'm very sad plz help me What should I do?? How do I get out of depression?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972813129425049 2020-01-24 07:20:43,"Hey guys am a girl and 30 years old i have a life that is designed amazingly ...i have a lover and he proposed me last summer and we are engaged now ....i have a profession and am doing a great thing ....and this days am having a big problem i fall in love with a 19 years old boy who used to come to my work place and helped me organizing things ....since the day i saw him and shared conversation i really liked this boy ....i always dream about spending time with him Literally am in to this boy ....the way he talks ,smiles and all the things he do make me fall for him .....and my fiance is nagging me to get married to him but in my condition i don't think i will manage to do this and also i wont to enjoy life.and bezi edmeye tdar mnamin bye metaser alfeligim hiwoten matatam efeligalw with the boy...gin demo my fiance is a good guy and 3 years older than ........please any one share me ideas min bareg yshalegnal",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9952027797698975 2020-01-24 07:22:11,"Hey guys, I need you to hear me out. I feel like I have no friends. I mean I do and they are cool but I sometimes feel like I don't fit in. Like I'm the odd one out, like I'm the outlier. Even when talking to them of tg I feel like they give me less priority. I don't know who I can talk to. My old friends are gone. I'm just a lost lamb in this huge world. I don't know what it means to express emotions or how to be open. I don't want to isolate myself, but I feel like I'm slowly being dragged into it. Thanks for reading guys. I just needed to let this out of my system",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9986547231674194 2020-01-24 09:38:57,"Soo This is probably said a million times but here it goes.. why do girl's always fall for the bad boys or ass holes i get it They are attractive They are confident They are portrayed my movies as the one that's always wanted by all. but the funny thing is after y'all end up getting heartbroken you still reject the good guy & go after the badboy which uk in your heart it will end up as before but u still do it. So my question is do guys really need to be ass holes this days to get you or is this generation doomed for eternity",amusement,POSITIVE,0.8061785101890564 2020-01-24 20:25:04,"Hey so for ppl who are planning to have sex....the two important things u must do 1) get checked for HIV (cause it's reaching the highest level in our country) 2) use protection condoms are effective but if u got checked for HIV u can be more comfortable by using injections (which last for 3months) or pills or implant altho I recommend the injection......u can get these treatment in any ""tenatabia"" on working days.....they won't ask any question just give u advise so don't be afraid to go there",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9873576164245605 2020-01-24 20:25:58,"Ere admins for fuck sake approve my vent.... So am a girl 20 campass stu.the thing is I don't have feelings what I meant is am not interested in men or any sexual activities ..neither am interested in girl (fuck no I would rather die)am just saying this cause u guys might say u homo when I say am not interested in men fuccck no am not.lately I started to think am never gonna date ..omg is this normal I feel like am non sexual or sth",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999144434928894 2020-01-25 11:25:07,"Okay so this might be wired but, my b.f want to meet my friend (I told him that is sexy)... I kinda like him betam, Ena he meets her am sure he will be with her...malet like he wants someone to settle with, he want someone to memker him, change him minamen....ene demo am not that kind( fam rase me betam tesedbe minamen when I talk Ena...when I tried to give advice... anchi min takiyalesh yelugnal) Ena now, I want him...but I am not what he needs....and my friend is wife type and when I tell her about him...she will be happy if she wants him....Ena beka before they meet, they want each other....Ena am afriend to introduce them.... gin they both are mechekcheging me ...I don't know what to do",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9037936925888062 2020-01-25 11:25:34,"Hey guys I'm guy(18)and I wanna tell u guys that I was in rship ena my gf salasbw like breakup teyekecige and not only breakup she said that lene black endehone but I heard that she's chatting with my friend what shall I do I'm really stressed",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981423616409302 2020-01-25 11:26:01,"Hi, this is my first time doing this, but I want an advice on building up my self esteem, cuz lately I feel like I'm losing everyone I love, I feel that I'm not enough, and some times I feel so hurt telling my self, I wish I die. Help!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981725215911865 2020-01-25 20:22:13,"hey unihorse I need to vent hey this is my first vent. I am turning into a really weak person I cry oll the time. Smt I don't know why I cry. Smt I think i'm crazy. U won't believe me but smt I laugh a lot when i'm rlly sad. Watching the movie joker only made it worse. I need advice.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988757967948914 2020-01-25 20:23:03,"But my sin was this ; that I looked for pleasure, beauty and truth not in God but in myself, and his creatures. And the search led me instead to pain, confusion and error. I realized that all after irreparable damage is done, too much is lost. I need redemption. I need change of my life that I can get better results this time. Help me how?",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9983280301094055 2020-01-25 20:23:30,"Hello everyone How y'all doing I jst have a question especially for guys.I have a boyfriend n I know he loves me n all but he doesn't call Me like I expect him to I mean me, I don't know what is wrong with me I wann talk all day and he say he is busy n he is gin I think if I was so busy n tired I would still talk to him even late at night. He still call but not as much as I expect him to ...what do u think? Does love get defined by calling? Or m I over acting tell me honestly.n how much does a normal couple talk on the phone? FYI we live in different cities. Thanks in advance.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.993123471736908 2020-01-25 20:24:37,"Hey there How y'all doin I am a male living in Addis and am 24 if it's necessary. here is the thing I am in a relationship (LDR) and we kinda talk on the phone, voice chat and shit but the thing is she kinda get mad in everything I mean literally in everything for example yesterday she was mad just because when she calls I was on my phone with my boss. And she was crying and shit. She didnt even goes to work. cause she told me that she though she heard a girl moaning and screaming on the phone. Guys I didn't even pick up the phone eko soo .. She's kinda let's stop seeing each other mnamn I know she didn't mean it because I know she loves me and I love her to I swear I will never do or act like she can't live without me so let me chill mnamn I respect her from my heart but she doesn't see it like that I will do anything for the relationship that we have but I don't see she will do the same. So Guys whats happening ? Because we can't continue like that like when somethings happen let's break up let's stop seeing eacother mnamn . . I wanna fight for it enji I don't wanna throw it away .. So if anyone of you with the same shit give me advice even if if there is a problem with me tell me Thanks.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9977013468742371 2020-01-25 20:27:10,"Its First time venting ..okay let's start am 20 girl here is the problem its sometimes but I feel like am unlucky girl l feel there is no better days am lie to my self by tho hope and success ...I don't know why I can't get all I desire from people I swear I try my best be good person ,I try to solve problem of anyone I get in my road but when its my turn I can't get anyone even family except mom ..why I don't know Thank you for ur time",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9947127103805542 2020-01-25 20:29:21,I think i have erectile dysfunction i cant even mastubate sex is unthinkable...what should i do..any one who knows good doc or any advice,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9981244206428528 2020-01-26 08:11:53,I always see vents about how a guy’s or girl’s bf/gf cheated on them and they took them back. For me it doesn’t matter if we’ve been dating for 10 years or are married and have 3 kids if you cheat we are over.Cheating = end of relationship. What do y’all think?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955860376358032 2020-01-26 08:15:19,"I hate my self Every body around me tells me that I'm a good person. I'm good on my grades I don't have any problem but I just hate my self. I feel like am pretending every day of my life. I feel like every body would hate me if they truly knew me I don't really know how to stop this",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9928563833236694 2020-01-26 08:15:52,"Uhh hey so idk how to start okay buy i really need to get this out Am really sorry i broke ur heart and i couldn't love u the way u loved. And i can't this to u directly because i feel like u would think am lying but trust me when i say this i wish go back on time and change everything at least i won't break us apart and keep trying but i couldn't am sorry i hope u wilk see this and try to forgive me E",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9452310800552368 2020-01-26 08:17:39,"Holy shit guys I feel like I’m in a hole. Things started when I graduated outta high school and the issue is that I just can’t stop having sex. I’ve tried to stop but every time a girl hits me up on telegram or instagram I just can’t stop but submit to having sex. Now a days It’s like I’ve become numb to not wanting undesirable prospects. There’s this chick that I really really like but the idea of being in a relationship literally makes me wanna vomit and I don’t wanna ruin our friendship by having sex and forgetting about her, but she just won’t stop teasing me about wanting sex and it’s killing me trying to stop the temptation, what the fuck should I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9847584962844849 2020-01-26 08:18:15,"So the other day, it was tmket and u know how it goes..the prayer and the celebrations was so good until it was time for the holy water to be sprayed .. That's when people's true dark color came to light..nobody cared for nobody ..they would push little kids..even old people like crazy just to get closer to the person doing the baptizing( idk if this is the right word for it, Maybe?). It was weird and confusing seeing how people turned from being some spiritual heart broken person to some devilish selfish ogre. And they call themselves religious ..I was so pissed that day.. why are people so pretentious?? They fuckin do bad things to each other, talk shit behind people's back, fuck like crazy and go to church the next day , and act like an innocent saint , all humble and so polite that they look like angels with their white clothes but completely drop this act when they are out of the church?? Why? But that day, they couldn't even keep their act , they lost it. They showed their real selfish intentions . It's a miracle nobody died that day. For whom is this acting for?? Is this religion a big drama ? Because u r not even good actors",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985001087188721 2020-01-26 08:19:41,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent... what do u do when a guy doesn't introduce u to his friends as his girl friend wouldn't hold ur hand in public and wouldn't confess he likes you.. but he would text u non stop he would meet up with u every night.. he would say the sweetest things.. he is not shy but he never looks into my eyes... and we r in the same class when the semester started him and his friends sat next to me it was really fun but right after he told me he liked me he stoped siting next to me he stoped talking to me in class. Some times he would pass by me and not even say hi.. it's amusing it was funny in the beginning but now it's just plane rude I ignored his texts for a while..he acted so offended he was so hurt.. his excuse for ignoring me is.. it's no one's business what goes on between us is between me and u.. shud I just dump him straight up or see where this goes",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9985926747322083 2020-01-26 20:08:34,"All the legends seem to die young, wat the fuck is this about? Answer me Im not a legened so does zat mean i am going to mazag in this world till my 90s?? Pls admins approve zis one",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9978406429290771 2020-01-26 20:09:46,"Hey unihorse I need to vent So it's my first time venting hear I hope admins will approve it .so am a girl abt 21 a student of 3 year unv and honestly sucks I meant this guy and I rly liked him his to complicated thi and I have big trust issues caz of my family so idk how to trust any one or I could just say I'm scared to trust any one so that I wont brake agine any one have same issues or have any idea how to work it out ?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9978898167610168 2020-01-26 20:10:05,"Hey guys Just want an advice I am a girl a second year student in jimma and I want a job that won't affect my studies but still gets me sth to support myself coz I don't want to keep asking my parents for money for every single thing coz they have a lot a lot a lot to spend on. So I kinda need an opinion for some part time job that can be any type of job. Just tinshye sra. Thanks",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.896352231502533 2020-01-27 09:03:17,Okay! This is my first time doing this. Ena my problem is that I have this girlfriend ena she wants to have an intercourse with me. And I said let's wait mnamn ena eyetetalan nw bezi mekniat. Mn lareg I don't want to lose her!,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9882466197013855 2020-01-27 09:06:17,"I don't really know what to say about it , really because I don't see it as being a problem but many people point it out to me that it is so here is the thing I absolutely hate phone calls and talking long hours through the phone . I don't even like hearing my phone ring it's usually silent unless I'm waiting for important career related calls and my boyfriend used to complain about it a lot at first because we are in different states and we don't get to see each other that often but I some how convinced him that this how I like things to run so basically he compiled and every since then we talk all day and night via text but this days I keep wondering what I did for my own selfishness could potentially affect our relationship in a long run . I mean distance is a big thing to deal with as it is when you're in a relationship and I wish I could change how I am for him , I really do. He such an amazing and understand guy that won't even pressure me to Skype with him when I don't want too which usually end up being I don't want . Also I can't seem to show a lot of emotion when we do have a chance to be together because I am an extremely shy person it's a struggle to be all open with my feelings and he always says why he have to be the chaser and that makes me feel like I'm going to loss the person I love the most and I know how ridicules this sound but I want to fix me so is there any way to fix me ?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.6526849865913391 2020-01-27 09:07:38,"Ill be venting so hear me out. I'm the type of guy who is caring and understanding and nice overall. I try to put my all into helping others even if it takes my time. Lately, I've been seeing that a friend of mine wasn't talking to me and I gave her space. But no, I was in the wrong and suddenly I'm accused of being the person who left her alone and that I'm being a stranger towards her. I mean she rarely talks to me in person and telegram, but I guess I'm to blame for just giving her space. I'm getting really tiered of people. I don't really show my emotion cause I really can't (due to past events) and it really breaks me when people see me as someone completely different even when they know the kind helpful person I am. Maybe I was wrong to trust people, maybe I'm just hurting myself by being around people who don't care, maybe I'm just not destined for friendships. I just wanted to let this out of my system.... I don't really care what people reply be it hate or not just go crazy... Thanks for listening",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9839690923690796 2020-01-27 09:08:29,Ok am a girl and 18 and am in relation and i really love him and i think he luvs me too but he dosnt show me malet aydewlm sedwl he is not available gn awko endalhone awkalehu gin demo sometimes esum betam yabezawal plus i didnt want to be in relation cause i know zat ma parents wont be proud of me and i feel guilty abt zat so in short i luv and dont want to loose him but i love ma parents too beza lay esum gize eyestegn adelem ena betesboche dmo betam nw mitemamenubgn enesun maskefat alfelgm,love,NEGATIVE,0.9857003688812256 2020-01-27 09:08:41,I have a gf she's way outta my league n I'm not good lookin I have confidence problems when I'm next to her what should I do,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995167255401611 2020-01-27 09:09:11,I need a special someone in my life.... How do I do that so confused ?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986364245414734 2020-01-27 09:09:36,"Why do ppls get friend zoned Like I am handsome Funny I dont judge anyone like anyone But still why am I always get friendzoned Any ideas plzz",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9863032698631287 2020-01-27 12:19:31,"Pls admins approve my vent its kinda urgent the thing is yesterday I was gonna commit suicide by drinking berekina but when I open it ...worst memories came back right after I smile of it got into my nose the memories came back(those times that I had drunk that shit it was so painful so I through it away anyways that shit never killed me except ended me up with a liver disease)I can't help my self zarem I brought a poison if I stay alive thing will get worse and worse (can't express them in words). So if there anyone out here who can tell me a good reason not to do it...ur welcome ...if anyone ever changed my mind I guess I won't do it",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980870485305786 2020-01-27 20:52:10,"Just say something to me ppl! I just turned 21 3rd year student so timhrt lay I'm not that bad I got fine grades and all but other than that my life is a total mess, I can't even describe it... My parents are divorced,its been a while but it's hitting me now my mom is all alone now so is my dad we're all separated my siblings too ena financially hula Beka all of them are in a very very bad place... Let's go to love life, I'm in love with the worst dude ever he is Dingay ras I can't even describe how much I hate him gn I'm still with him I don't know why but I can't leave him I just can't he is my first and only one to everything... Friends... Jeez I got none I have no one to talk to tell my problems too I hate that I'm not a bad person I swear to God but I don't have any close friend who I cld talk 2! The only friend I got is Ene joey and Rachel !! I cry my eyes out every single time, Bicha I'm in hell...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991418123245239 2020-01-27 20:53:24,"So I'm a campus student, girl. Have great family who support me morally and financially especially the second one. My parents are divorced so they deposit me money in two different accounts each year. I didn't have any money problems thanks to them. But this year, it's sth else mom is building a house so she's little short to send me money so whenever she asks me if I have some I just say yeah I have don't worry about it when I don't even have a dime and my dad, his sister (my aunt) is so sick and he is spending many percent of his money on her medical expenses so he cut off 50% of my deposit which I understand btw and I can't ask him to add I'm stuck. U have no idea. Ofc I lend money from friends but tbh it's better balbeder coz after week they nag me to give them back their money calling me stupid shit like deha mnamn and yet I call them my friends. So I lend from other to give them their money and the others yell at me after several weeks bcha life is hard with me kemr....I blocked all of the ones who have really shitty attitude about money (those friends)...the funny thing eko in the old times birr sifelgu I give them without second thought and they give it back after 2 months mnamn but when it's time for me to ask some they turn to this blood sucking freaks sheeeshh!....I'm breaking down, I'm so in stress",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986323714256287 2020-01-27 20:54:18,I am so in love...I am so afraid of losing him... I am so clingy and jealous minamin but I don't want him to see that and try to be normal and act like I don't care... And now he thinks I am cold..... I don't know how to act or what to talk about... But he is my boyfriend it wasn't suppose to be like this.... I can't figure out how he feels about me.... I mean he treats me nice he respects me he doesn't say I love u but he is always there for me he is overprotective spoils me and buys me things like I am hitsan lej gen we have nothing in common we always run out of things to talk about... I see him trying so hard to make this work but we just don't fit together I guess... But I love him so much I don't want to lose him... I don't think this will last ena feriche limot new,love,POSITIVE,0.5756850838661194 2020-01-27 20:54:52,I have a question for girls I mean how much do u love sex I mean I wanna know do u even think about sex. I mean do u feel like fucking a guy if he is attractive. That's how men feel,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9972290396690369 2020-01-27 20:55:56,"Hey guys this is my 2nd time. I'm a bit shy. I think i'm in love. There's this guy who had crush on me 2 years ago, but at that time I had a bf so I told him no. Turns out the bf I was with was an asshole. He was no gud. I was just blind. So now we're like best friends with the guy who had crush on me. He tells me everything. I tell him everything. He is like the funniest guy he makes me laugh with every minute I'm with him. We've kissed lyk twice. The first one was nat on purpose. But the second one I think he planed it. I like him so much. He does too. But I think there's another girl in his life. I heard rumors that he is having hard time decideding b/n me&her. But if that's true I won't be with him just b/c he make me a choice. I don't wanna be a choice I wanna be a priority. But who am I to say this I break his heart once. Mine&his friends always ask us why we're nat a couple...we both remain silent or joke about it. So to wrap this I don't know if I shld move on&find new guy... Or wait 4 him to tell me what is he feeling. I pretty much always jealous when he mentions her name.he knows that too. So am I in love or i'm just trppin? Also should I move on? Tell me smt?",love,POSITIVE,0.9417967200279236 2020-01-27 20:56:16,"Hello Like I was in rship ena like for 4 to 5 month ena we broke up like 3 or 4 weeks ago ena my ex like she text me mnamn ena I ask her memeles kefelegech gn no alech then she's trying to chat me with fake account I really don't understand what she is trying to do help me kmr pls admins approve my vent",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9982534050941467 2020-01-27 20:56:58,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I have been in a relationship for the past 5 boyfriend is a good guy i love him bt there was a problem between us... we dont go out often we just stay at his home n i started to bored n even if i tell him abt it he doesnt consider it... we dont even watch movies together n i want it really bad n after sometimes we started to argue abt everything n he used to say bad words to zat i dont want to mention here so i just felt bad n i prayed i cried hard plus when we hav sex he doesn't care abt my feelings... then i met zis guy we take z same courses n we started talking n wat i knw is zat i am in a relationship w 2 guys... i really wanna broke up w my bf bt i am afraid he might get hurt n i dont want zat....wat can i do??? Am i really a bad person???",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985426664352417 2020-01-28 08:25:25,"Hello am nate So I have a question Why is it so hard for our generation to have emotional intelligence? Why is it so hard for us to meet new people? Why is it so hard for us to be ourselves in a whole of our uniqueness? Why is it the existance of someone with different views or background offend us rather than acceptance? Why is it we try so hard in covering up  our emotions other than say what we feel? Why is it we always look for our happiness on others otherthan in our own selves? Why is the past rejection of others affect us enough to lose our impending happiness? Why are we scared of dying while we are  scared of living?   The best critic of the mind is the mind so be positively inspired. U don't have to answer but self actualize ur own answers i believe  one way or another this questions have came to our mind on some moments. Let's aspire to be MORE emotionally intelligent a deeper world in a wider freedom we alll have a place to love and accept one another.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9379196763038635 2020-01-28 08:26:17,"hey y'all so here it family argues like day and night even if there is no solid reason to cause the argument they just manage find little things to disagree about ena i grown up hearing this shit like all my entire life even when they are not around each other they still beef abt each other to me and how life is unfair....Dont get me wrong i love my parents to the moon specially my mom i dont really communicate with my dad much. I have alot things going on in my life this is stressing to me like when i had bad day i come to my house and have to face this it makes me angry. I keep having problems controlling my anger but i want this to stop i want them to be happy family not for me at least for my little sister. A lot of other married people i see also fight like our neighbors and my aunt....ena i swore to my self that i will not get married and start family in the future. It even shivers me when ever they joke about it. I feel like am gonna get prisoned and lose my self completely in the process of raising kids.what do yall suggest? I know u might say yours gonna be different, if you love each other your gonna enjoy being married bla bla but the people who fight know also loved each other when they got married gn it fade away and it will always. Should getting married be a life goal? I do know the bible encourages people to love each other, get married also the wife has to respect and support the husband and also the husband should be able to protect the wife and love her. So dont tell me that. Thanks",love,NEGATIVE,0.9927504062652588 2020-01-28 08:26:54,"Hey its my first time venting um a guy 22 in addis my problem is I can't enjoy sex with a condom on with out it its amazingggg but I started using condoms b/c of pregnancy scares n I can't seem to get the hang of it anyone got advices Admins pls approve this vent",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9901010990142822 2020-01-28 08:28:23,"Oh shit. Most of you will laugh but I need to say this. It was my birthday a few days ago. I have over 500 friends on Facebook and guess what only 4 people posted a HBD message. I mean most of those people call to ask for my help on assignments, thesis writing and shit but not this. I didn't use Facebook that much before this year. I only went online to accept friend requests. I used messenger so I never noticed it. I mean not sound like a bitch or anything but it felt so horrible. I felt used. It's a very disturbing feeling when you find out how alone you are. To actually believe you had friends. Surrounded by people but isolated. It ruined my whole weekend. I hate this feeling So please any helpful advices I'm all ears.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9990423321723938 2020-01-28 08:29:26,Hey guys am a girl yehone year campus temari not fresh tho and dero dero back to highschool I had nice grade ena betam anbe neber....but campus kemetaw bewala Idk what happened slowly my grade is falling a part (it not about love mnamn trust me)...I read a lot like a lot gin my grade pfff I tried to stop studying and started cheating mnamn test lay if that help bemilew gin it made it worse now ke gebi lechar yemchlebel way keftegna nw... my parents think I have a good grade gin that is not the truth so mn larg pls pls help I don't know what to do many bad ideas are running in my head,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988988637924194 2020-01-28 08:30:50,"I'm a girl raised by a single mother. and u know how that goes. She expect too much from me and I can't talk her about my problems with her. I mean I tried several times when I was in elementary I used to be bullied ena I begged her to change me to other school because I was literally fed up by it. This bully made me different person. My self esteem was no longer there my confidence too I wished I was dead so I told her my current problem and she just said atakabji. Okay guys tell me if this is makabed. This bully used to - pour water on my hair in front of everyone and make my hair go disaster so for the whole day I was laughed on - pour a fucking spaghetti on my uniform and hair - rip my assignments off and make me go to the director office - she will literally hang my pad into the blackboard and write someone is bleeding and sgeba everyone will laugh And other wired stuff So tell me this wasn't makabed....she made my 3 years of elementary life miserable. I once decided to just ran off to somewhere but where? I didn't know anyone...I also was about to end my life but who will take care of my mom? So she said atakabji and I let the bully end me. One day I had it and I beat the shit out of the bully with a lunch box. She almost died trust me her everything was covered by blood so they called my mom i was banned for one week and well, my mom, she was yelling the whole week and I told her why I did it and she just said if u would told me eko I would've change school for u right to my face and I just said I know my fault sorry because apologizing is way much better than proving myself that I did. And later on high school, UK how they are it's always drama and boy problem and drama and that was biggest problem with me with the puberty and all and those 4 years was meh for I'm in cooler now far from home, 4th year about to graduate next year and still if I'm stressed about sth I wanna talk it out with mom and she just throw the 'yhe chgr adelem baksh atakabji' phrase on my face and she start talking about her problems...I mean yeah her problems are way much worse than mine and I consult her and give her some advice and ideas but I need that too from her. And I never told her those things and what's wrong with her coz it'll definitely break her. So shortly it's a parallel universe. I'm a mom and my mom Is my daughter",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990196228027344 2020-01-28 08:32:34,"Yea hi, my boyfriend believes theres no God and I'm supposed to marry him but I cant, and I sometimes feel like am wasting my time coz if I cant marry him what's the point right? Gn I really love him and this is the only thing that's bothering me these days, and we discussed this many many times gn he tells me he'll try but he doesn't help !",love,NEGATIVE,0.9985820055007935 2020-01-28 08:33:31,"You're the rust beneath my fingernails. The Iron bars that keep me sunk in place. You are the maestro orcastsring my demise. I let you teach me hate and anger. I heard you when you told me I'm worthless. I stayed still while you borrowed deep in my heart untill all the meaning of being weathered away. You keep nudging me to the edge with your sweet lulibuys that whisper it will all be over soon. I gave you my hours untill I had none left for anyone else. For the longest it was just us meandering through this decline. But I'm sick of you now. Tierd of carrying the weight of your guilt and the pain of your judgment. Tierd of hating my reflection because I see you in it . I want to start over. Without you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9904008507728577 2020-01-30 06:49:21,"Why am i dull and not reacting to things that people consider ""B.I.G"", malet its jst an opinion dat i am seeking.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985711574554443 2020-01-30 06:49:51,"So am here to vent about what has been happening lately in my life. I Kinda have a boyfriend his so much older than me but uk I his kinda the player type atleast thats what I feel .I feel like he flirts with others girl or maybe cheats on me because we don't meet alot.I mean his a good guy but I sure don't know how to trust him or be sure about what his status is besides me. What do u think I should do tho",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9957008957862854 2020-01-30 06:53:46,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity Hope this thing hides my identity ,okay I'm a guy (17) and I don't know where to start but here it goes ,I've always been that weird kid sitting at the back ,I just observe and don't get into drama and shit ,always quiet but in so much emotional pain (not depressed) ,so last year this girl approached me while I was at my worst moment and she was there for me when I need it so we started developing feelings for each other and we started dating but she changed ,she cheated on me but I over looked her disrespect ,but she felt like I had no one to go to and kept on her actions so I ended it. now I'm feeling like she was right I am alone no one come near me plus I have a crush on this girl who is acting the same way as my ex but this girl is in a 4 r/ship already but she acts as she has no bf I'm confused now do I tell her my feelings knowing that she has a bf and that her behavior is the same as my ex or should I keep my shit to my self and keep on absorbing my pain ? If anyone feels like they could help just comment",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9957370758056641 2020-01-30 06:54:20,"Hi, I was talking with one psychiatrist and told me about a personality disorder that is affecting many young people these days. I notice many venters here show symptoms consistent with this problem. It is called BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by 5 (or more) of the following: 1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behaviour covered in criterion 5. 2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. 3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. 4. Impulsivity in at least 2 areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behaviour covered in criterion 5. 5. Recurrent suicidal behaviour, gestures or threats, or self-mutilating behaviour. 6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days). 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness. 8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights). 9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms. If you have five of the above symptoms, better to see a professional help before you continue to get used, abused, and overused in abusive relationships. Don't give it time. Act and help yourself.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9959690570831299 2020-01-30 06:54:47,Oh my lord why are people this much devilish gn...every thing you do they criticize..when you want to stay single and try to get away from love all of them mood yeyezalu when you got into relation ship and commit your self for your loved one...mayhon were yaweralu like chirash yaltefetere were then liyafatu mayaregut neger yelem..what ever i do they pretend like they are true friend to me in face at my back they gossip damn wtffuckkk lemin sew yerasun life aynorim gin...fuck people,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975621700286865 2020-01-30 06:57:26,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent So this is how it goes, I'm a 2nd year medical student (PC-1 to make it clear) .. soo everything they say about stress and depression in medical school is happening to me they even call it ""PC-1 syndrom"".. i don't know where to start but my problem is i study, study n study but don't get good grades its like when I'm in z exam room i become null all of a sudden, and when the results come i get half most of the time( almost like 55/100).. I'm really worried bcoz of these I'm now losing hope n don't study much..will I ever make it? . We're almost finishing up n getting ready for finals but i really need some urgent advice on how to survive this hell ... especially those of u who have been through this, please help will i pass or not? Is getting those results bad? Am I losing it?? I need something ASAP",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9995946288108826 2020-01-30 07:00:39,"Hey guys here me out am a guy and I have a problem on my pubic area I remember once I had sex with my ex I felt some nasty smell from her thing ...after that I started developing this smell if I didn't shower I tried applying lemon, apple vinger mnamn gn it goes for some day and gets back..if any one encounter this issue and nailed it out plz let me know how",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9925421476364136 2020-01-30 07:04:47,"It’s too painful you know, losing you. Shit, I can’t even think about it because the Pain inside of me becomes too much. It physically hurts to know that I will never get to see you again. I often catch myself thinking about the day we met, 4th grade first day of school, so I did not know anyone but well you just happened to be the second one to come to school that day so we become friends. You asked me to join you to play football and yeah, we became bros. I remember coming every morning eager to play football and It wasn’t so much about football because I was terrible to be honest, it was more about belonging and you made me one of the ‘guys’. I laugh when I go back to old the memories we had, I vividly remember the day you were trying to build up my confidence so that I could go talk with my high school crush. It was so poorly planned that I ended up in the principles office, God we were so dumb you know? Or that time You made a fake account to support my Facebook page which was about gaming, something you didn’t know shit about. Like fuck, who does that? How am I supposed to forget you when all I can think of now is the fact I can never repay you for all the shit you did Abel, we need you, bro. We all do. like We were supposed to be buddies for life, grow old and do stupid questionable things why you had to go so soon?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992067217826843 2020-01-30 20:20:32,"hey you know who u are heyy girl dont wanna reveal my identity neither yours mainly because you dont know that ive secretly grown inlove with you . yep there it is the actual L word . i always thought ayezegnem even with her gen i think this is it . i dont see you gen you are the only thing that is there . and i dont know how youd feel . totally out of my leauge but a nigga can have faith . youre perfection and more i thought we would always remain like this gen salakew tekeyere and its not the physical kind its the i strictly care kind . what am i saying there are too many obstacles bihonem id like to say that you have dropped me dead . idk what to do now the excitment is real like its up my spine but knowing that youll never see me in that way gives me a feeling that is just dull and hazy . how can i get you to look at me different . as a shinning armour . ik i dont fulfil the physical part gen i wont be like those assholes in the past . tell me how i can change this",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9879103899002075 2020-01-30 20:20:59,God where do I even start a year ago I met this girl who I loved like hell for a whole year I thought she loved me too I guess at some point she did but all of a sudden everything went upside down and She left me and now she is out there living and I am just dying every minute idk but it’s killing me inside and she has moved on way faster and now I am just here and I can’t focus on a single thing.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9862208366394043 2020-01-30 20:21:14,Am a dude..broke am with my ex bout a year a go..we still keep in touch..i still love the fck out of her..she has a boyfriend but still talks to me even when i ignore her i really don't get her..what do you think i should do,love,POSITIVE,0.998193085193634 2020-01-30 20:21:58,"Hey guys, ever been in a relationship that you definitely think it'll work out then something happened and screwed it up? Well... I messed up once but she can't seem to get over it, I've apologized like a lot and done a lot of things to get back together with her again and it kinda worked but after a while she feared that I'd screw up again... Which I told her and promised her I won't! Like... Why would I even do something that'll hurt her again?... Like that's fucked up! I explained that to her but she still doesn't buy it. And it's really hard moving on from someone that means a lot to you...I mean the thing we have is REAL!...I really care about her and she cares about me too. But I feel like things are going to the edge. I just want a lil advice from you guys",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8785324096679688 2020-01-30 20:22:27,"Hey guys am new to this channel i have been reading many vents here and am here to share my problem with you guys. Before 4 years i was grade 11 student at that time one thing happened to me it was like i can't control my fart at any time .At the beginning i didn't give attention to that thing but it didn't stop .I tried alot of things to stop it but i can't. I went to hospital 3..4 times but they didn't give me anything. I am suffering with this disease still now .It affects my life alot i can't attend class i can't chat with my friends coz it happens at any time .so guys what should i do ? If you have anything that can help me please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9956009387969971 2020-02-01 08:58:08,"I don't know y but I got a thing which is cutting my hand and watch it bleed. It makes me calm, some of u might say this is not normal but I want to know if someone else does it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9945015907287598 2020-02-01 09:00:20,So I vented few days ago... About me having smt with th e guy who had crush on me 2 years ago and u guys we're soo unsupportive.... But I didn't take ur advices then I asked the guy what's happening b/n us. What are we doing? And he told me he was pretend to have a gf this whole time that girl wasn't he's gf she was he's best friend's gf. He told me he did this to make me jealous and to make me notice him. I didn't believed him so I asked the girl what's the truth she told me he asked her to be her pretend bf to make me notice him and also her bf knows about this. And he apologized for lieing to me he taught I was gonna say no for the second time. And finally he told me he always waits for me he always has and if I want to be with him... I froze 4 a minute then I hugged him.... I'm rlly happy.... I think he is the one... this made me love him even more. I don't deserve him but here he is with an open arms and heart. If this isn't happily ever after I don't know what is.... Nd for those of u who said I'm just a tripping bitch.... Nah bitches i'm just a weird Cinderella.... And we made it,love,POSITIVE,0.993057131767273 2020-02-01 09:02:03,God where do I even start a year ago I met this girl who I loved like hell for a whole year I thought she loved me too I guess at some point she did but all of a sudden everything went upside down and She left me and now she is out there living and I am just dying every minute idk but it’s killing me inside and she has moved on way faster and now I am just here and I can’t focus on a single thing.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9862208366394043 2020-02-01 20:47:00,"Hello there, This is actually my first vent. Not really a vent but here goes. I'm 19, educated and broke. I can say that the life I had before a year ago, could be dubbed as my best life. But it wasnt. Living in a middle class family with people that care was like the best blessing, but I had taken it for granted. I never really enjoyed that life, ofcourse it wasnt just out of being ungrateful but because I was facing different issues (from physical health to mental well being). I really would have traded the world to have become different. I was going down that bad slope. Then last year, life changes in an instant. Went even worse. Lost people, literally. Quit my meds. Lost a lot of money. I broke down. Went through some hardships which I really can't say. But it's just funny that now I actually feel better than ever both mentally and physically. I'm actually healthier. I have much much less right now, but I feel like every day is getting much much better and things are really exciting. It's funny how, the guy that thought had enough wasnt happy and the guy now that has less feels full.....I just want this vent to be a symbol, that there are better days to come - ALWAYS.",joy,POSITIVE,0.9918994903564453 2020-02-01 20:47:20,hello so I'm a really anxious person I actually avoided people and it's really affecting my grades like I failed 2 courses I couldn't do presentations so I have e presentation coming up and if u know anything any pills to calm me down plz tell me and dont tell me to a psychiatrist cant afford it I need something asap,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9891768097877502 2020-02-01 20:48:03,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent So i been in relationship and we been together for 3 years we had sex for 2 years and i cum too fast during sex the most annoying part is seen her mood like pretending like the D is good , the sex satisfied her make me cramp and i just start some exercise to control my erection and emotions and i just start controlling my D and waiting little bit during sex and that make my self confident rise and maki me happy seen her satisfied and i just start working my exercise harder and shit just happening know i just hit it for 1 hours and i didn't cum she just worried think that pussy ain't satisfying me and that's why i didn't cum So guys what am suppose to do know some advice pls",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9965302348136902 2020-02-01 20:48:21,Rasen latefa eyasebku nw began kebad gize nw eyasalefkut yalehut......any thoughts??,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999030351638794 2020-02-01 20:48:42,"Hey guys this is the second time I'm venting , I have this girlfriend gn most of the time we run out of things to talk or say cuz we don't have almost anything in common, deep inside I feel that she is the one gn we literally don't have anything in common. Do you think it'll workout or should I stop?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988526105880737 2020-02-01 20:49:47,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent 3 years ago 6 years ago all those past events today I realized that those events and the choices I made does not define me. I started thinking that maybe those where means of transportation I took to get to where I am today. I have made a lot of mistakes and let down so many people but my regrets can't change the past nor shud it keep me a prisoner to the past... I was so consumed about what I had done that I ddnt care about today.. but slowly but surely those delusions passed just like time. People can say a lot about u and make u feel worth less but the most unforgivable act of hatrate is the one you do to your self... And we have no one really the one controlling our day to day activity is the person that u look at in the mirror.. why hurt him/her when all you truly have is that person.. I am me now at this moment. Would I make the same mistakes I have done.. No and did I learn Yes so why torture myself why hate my self because of some thing that passed... I won't be a prisoner to my thoughts. Only thing I can do is follow my heart into the future",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9891533255577087 2020-02-01 20:50:15,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity I'm guy having trouble with sex and the reason is masturbation it's not like i didn't get a chance to do it with the girls. I had loads of chances with the girls but i just can't proceed after the kissing and fingering stuff mnamn I'm fed up with this. I need help please",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9990703463554382 2020-02-02 08:23:59,"Hey guys I'm kinda in a weird spot right now. I'm feeling down lately and I have a ton of doubts about my friendships. Honestly it sounds dumb but I honestly feel like I'm the weird and annoying one and that I'm the reason that they don't want to talk to me(even though that is not the truth) I'm trying really hard to think in a positive light but its been tough on me, maybe cause of how my past treated me, all though I don't like dwelling on it. I just feel like I'm the reason behind everything bad. When I try to show my friendship, I'm afraid that they will find it to much and just ignore me. I feel like I am my own downfall. I don't have anyone to share these stuff and it just builds up and it tears me apart. It sounds childish but I think I'm not destined to have friends or something..... I act like I don't care but I care a lot, I act indifferent but I'm emotional. Maybe there is something wrong with me, idk. I think friendship isn't something for me cause of these thoughts I have...... If I told my friends, I feel like they'll just end up leaving.... Thanks for listening to my bs",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9951883554458618 2020-02-02 08:25:01,"Fuck why so much hate in this world,so much drama so much suffering just living for 1 century at most...why can't we love each other, accept each other differences,help each other in living the best life we could...why hate someone for being different...why hurt someone even though we know how it feels...why can't we be clear on the things we don't like,why not tell the problem & discuss on that before complicating things..why can't we be each other's psychiatrist...why do we make ppl feel like they are being judged...why can't we work on us...why not work on trying to improve each other's life starting from the people we are close...why not show them love and compassion even though you couldn't find any in them...why not teach them love why hate and pain...we are all born innocent, we aren't born that way our life & our experiences in life makes us the person we are why don't we start from giving a small piece of our heart to anyone in a anyway we can...tell each other's ups and downs...give love without fear of rejection or hurt & try to heal each other of our broken pieces...I believe we can do this, anyone is capable of giving love and getting why not start this journey & give love to those who didn't get any growing up or have forgotten what it feels like through so much suffering and pain...let's share love and live a happy life...while we r alive",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9943081736564636 2020-02-02 08:25:50,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent This is my first vent so bare with me am a guy 24 am gc at campus so i have a girlfriend who i love i think she does too we been going out for 3 years now we broke up the last summer when she told me she want to start a family and having a wedding Asp. So i told her i can't do that cause i have to take care of a lot of things specially my family and we broke up then i hated my self for losing her and when we saw each other this year a told her i will tray anything possible for us being together and she agreed and we were back together but now she thinks we cant pull that of so when we finish school we should just go our separate ways. I used to think that exact te same thing. But know i don't and am mad at her for saying that i just want to stop everything wiz right know am i wrong ??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9975388050079346 2020-02-02 08:26:06,"Hello everyone, so my question, can relationship last without sex? I mean I love my bf but he always ask me why we r not having sex, Ena demo, he is right, I mean, he got job, and everything so he want to..., .. n I am afraid, If he leaves me and then am not a vergin malet new noone will marry me, even if I get married, I don't think my husband will respect me...pls really confused",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983363747596741 2020-02-02 08:26:22,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Am I the only person who is so antisocial like I have no interest in social activities like i definitely hate going to public places and wear these eyeglasses and earphone just to not to talk to this a normal thing?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989019632339478 2020-02-02 08:28:44,"honestly I don’t know if I’m a loser or a lover, there is this girl I know and I’ve fallen for her like for the past 6 years. Yeah it’s crazy ik, but I’ve never reviled my feelings for her. We’re very very close and we’re like friends in a complicated way. We both can tell that we’ve feelings for each other n she actually has made moves many times. But me nah! Idk tf I even want from her at this point. I’ve shut her off and acted like as if I don’t give a fuck. Like this summer she made her moves and I did the same thing, after that I leaved her at a position of her literally begging her ex to get back together. And now she’s all fucked up because of him. god she was my motivation and my moonlight If she knew. Loving her is my specialty. My honest reason for not being with her is only that I’m afraid that I’m never gonna be enough for her in reality. And now I’m at a point to either roll a dice and go for her or to cut her off permanently cause I can’t be just friends with her, it’s unhealthy and unfair for both of us. Idk what to dooo pls help???",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.990672767162323 2020-02-02 08:28:45,Is it possible to get pregnant after taking morning pill (plan B) and after that seeing my period which is at an unusual time,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974355101585388 2020-02-02 16:40:09,hi am a girl and here is my story 6 month ago I have a handsome boyfriend and I loved him like alot and his too and we broke up bc he lied to me and I found that the lie is he asked the girl who I hated the most and I know it's befor me but I was so upset and she is feel so proud and I know we are beautiful and everybody loves us me and her that's why we jealous each other and she is so in love with one guy she loves him so much I find out and I got to club and everyone is there my boyfriend and the girl and the boy she loved and they sat in different table and the music is so loud and I went to the boy she loves and asked him to dance and he say yes and in front of everyone we dance and I kissed him booomm and everyone like everyone get numb and I get my revenge except my ex and her everyone like my kiss and I get my revenge,love,NEGATIVE,0.8530362248420715 2020-02-02 16:54:03,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Probably 4 years ago I was taking the train and u know how cramed it is right so there are people in front of me litraly leaning on me and some wierd ass dude was behind me I felt something poking me like ‍ what was that all about I figured u know what maybe it's stuff that people bought and it kept poking my butt.. I had no idea what was happening then the train stoped and I felt a hand on my booty I was like ok this might be an accident and it kept poking and poking I turned around and it was some creepy ass dude smiling at me then I knew what that dude was doing. I talked to my aunt about it she said ya I've been through it and aperently it's not an uncommon thing guys jerk off in the train bus really any where that is cramed up.. so here is the shit women deal with on a daily base it wasn't the first time I've been sexually asulted one old ass dude as I was walking called me I thought he was gonna ask for directions chir bilo neber and this nigga put his hands on my chest what the fuck was he looking for I was flat I was only 13.. I've been forcefully grabbed in teddys consert what is that all about and I wasn't even dressed inapropratly I was just an innocent person and I cud mention a lot of things but see that's the shit women are most likely to go through in there life time and it's sad cuz yes I personally see guys as possible threats and y'all shudn't really be surprised when women don't trust u",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9978669881820679 2020-02-02 16:55:36,"Hey it's my second time venting Is it possible to move on from those u loved and act like nothing happened ? Here's the thing my best friend used to have a girlfriend and he loved her so much he would die for her. But this girl doesn't love him the way he does she broke his heart many times and cheated to. He was sick at that time and she made it worse for him and all of a sudden he died its been like two months now But most of all she acted like she was heart broken on his funeral and after week she started dating another person and i hate her for that. She moved on so fast, she forgot him but all he has done was loving her. So now she has joined the aviation academy Am a trainee there too and she's been flirting with every guy and i can't control my anger when ever i see her with them i wanna kill her the way she killed my bestie help me guys",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9920483231544495 2020-02-02 18:12:34,"Uffd i don't know where to start there was this girl we dated like two years i loved her sooo much actually i still do. All this years i thought we were happy together but lately discovered all this time she was cheating on me. Now we broke up but i don't know what to do without her it's been 2 months i really miss her so much. I tried to move on but i just can't. I tried dating, alcohol and even drugs but nothing worked. My life is so fucked I just want it to be over‍ What do you think i should do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982750415802002 2020-02-03 08:41:45,"Hi I am a 17 year old girl and I have a brother, I don't live with him, he lives with my father somewhere else and he didn't know that I even existed before 6 months but I somehow found his number and texted him. He was really surprised and mad at his father. He was rly nice, maybe a bit too much. Becha gn after I told him the next day my dad calls my mom and asks her if I texted him and his son(my ""half brother(he is on my dad's side)) was gonna commit suicide but thankfuly he stoped him. Ena it has been 6 months or so since I talked with my dad or my half-brother and I recently found out that my half brother blocked me on telegram. And they might have went to another country and I just really don't know what to do and my parents seperated because of me and I really need ur advise. What should I do next?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997759222984314 2020-02-03 08:46:22,"Hello everyone, so I have been feeling angry lately, it just amazes me how ppls situations r different so fucking much like ppl vent abt having a gf and a bf this that and here I am can't even ask out a girl, I mean wtf...ppl vent about getting depressed trying to take their lifes and others vent abt how they kissed and shit...I mean ppls problems are different and am not judging but why this literally pissed cuz ppl I know and friends who r around me they find something in their life something to be grateful for some thing that can change their lives am here trying to figure out fucking what to do, does any body ever felt like something is purposely making our lives miserable, is it just me?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9827121496200562 2020-02-03 20:40:23,I am a girl i love this dude very much we ve been together for two yrs he is my every thing like my first kiss my first love he took my V too but i have this problem if a girl talks to him my day will be ruined like even his class mate kedewelech or telegram lay kaweru des aylegnime she cut off his female friends for me n all i have is him i dont even have real i forcing him ?wts wrong with me,love,NEGATIVE,0.9992901086807251 2020-02-03 20:41:30,"""Parents, peers, siblings, and colleagues of men throughout this great nation. Please have your men recite the above paragraph. It sure is time for men to get human again. Enough running around like apes with no ethical or moral compass."" Quoted from the vent here channel.. I can't believe I'm actually trying to explain this. Come onnnn let's all admit it. This doesn't define most men. Most men are chewa and minding their own business. How did I know? Because abzagnaw wend endih bihon noro the world would have been a chaos. Imagine every guy you came across trying to sexualize you. But that's really not the case. We have great fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. Please let's not generalize men. Its another form of sexism. And as a daughter of a great father I'm really offended. Healthy men don't sexualize women and yet we blaming them while the ones who should take the blame might not even see this post.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981350898742676 2020-02-03 20:43:06,Can anybody give me a reason to stay alive,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992774128913879 2020-02-03 20:43:08,"Its the maybe that kill us Its the what ifs the destroy us Maybe they care Maybe they miss us Maybe they love us Maybe we meant something Just maybe Maybe the one we love loves us back Maybe we aren't seeing that What if the really cared What if we are the ones that didn't realize it Just Maybe.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987769722938538 2020-02-03 20:44:14,"This isn’t about me for I’m not even in the channel. I’ve just been reading some stuff and well yeah. It is, in fact, okay to be gay. It’s not safe in Ethiopia but it’s okay. Ignore everyone saying it’s against their religion and it’s the end of the world and everything. It doesn’t matter. They don’t matter. Their religions shouldn’t matter to you. You do you and stay safe. To everyone who’s in love, I hope you get that person(if they’re good for you). To everyone just hurting, I hope you find the time to heal and work on yourself. And to everyone out there just hating, I hope you find comfort in other things cause it just shows how lonely and messed up you are inside.",caring,POSITIVE,0.976159393787384 2020-02-03 20:45:09,"I don't even know when i did start this HABIT(i can say) that controls my mind i can't get rid off. I've been reading that you guys vented before ""how to stop"" writings enthusiastically taking them as they written to me especially the comment section. I tried all my best to cease it but it didn't worked out. It's been killing me inside out mentally as well as physically. I cut off the connection i had with my family and friends because of the depression that came out doing it. Even my thing starts peeling off doing it twice or three times a day. This is my point why i am writing this down, i want to stop and start a new life without doing it. I pledged to myself today(Feb 3) not do it again. This vent will hold me back even if the emotions come along to do it. I get over Masturbation. What About you. Thanks.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9925054907798767 2020-02-03 20:46:09,Hello there ppl I don’t know so I have a question to the man out here would u guys get into r/s if the girl isn’t vergin or would you marry her knowing she ain’t vergin,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9987240433692932 2020-02-04 07:31:30,hi everybody this my second vent and here it goes i always think about my Dick's size it's not bigger like i expect it to be like i have sex before it was fine but it wasn't enough for me and i always use peanut butter for it but it doesn't change that much and i stoped it now cause i was afraid of bugur ena if there is medicine or something which can show greater change in shorter time am happy to give it a try.,joy,NEGATIVE,0.9868898391723633 2020-02-04 07:32:09,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Hello I’m going through a lotta things these days n umm I really need your help by telling me what to do...So here’s the thing I’ve a boyfriend n I really love him n so does he but there’s this girl that keeps nagging him all the time n the ugliest part is that she’s my friend n I really don’t know what to do,she always be a 3rd wheel,always interrupt in a middle of a conversation,follow him,(us)around ,always trying to make me jealous by hugging him n kissing him in a different way n I’m sick n tired of these,I wanna punch her right on the face but she’s my friend so Idk what to do If I tell her to stop we might lose our friendship so guys you might take this as simple thing but for those of you who’ve been through this bullshit will understand so what would you recommend me to do...?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9957734942436218 2020-02-04 07:33:13,"So I'm in college lately, 3rd year.....and I'm the type of girl who talks about everything. Sports (especially basketball), music, movies, fictional books, dances, science.....beka literally everything and I have these friends who just talk about boys from beginning until the end of the day. Ofc I have a boyfriend and all but I don't like talking about him all day c'mon it's not right. And they're like andu meto samegn andu meto wedshalew alegn andu meto this andu meto that for a whole fucking day and I am about to lose my mind and I asked them to talk about other things also but they don't know anything because they're dumb as fuck trust me on this. They don't know anything, NONE. And when I say please change the subject or when I try to change it, they'll just say so you're better than us esun lemasayet new bla bla ........the reason why I became friends with them at the first place is because they're not bad people like the rest of people on my campus.....I'm just sitting there acting all dumb and saying my bad",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9976024031639099 2020-02-04 07:34:58,"Okay i'm about to tell you something that sounds ridiculous but i can't ignore it. i'm a girl in my 20's which is why this feels even more ridiculous i grew up in the same house and now its....rearranged. it used to be the same since i started remembering and it was ugly to be honest but it was HOME and now its rearranged and it doesn't even look the same and it just....doesn't feel like home. I guess i changed,i grew up,things changed in my life but home remained the same i had home to go back to when things were hard and now it changed and it doesn't feel,or smell the same. Its just not the same!!!!or peaceful im a very anxious person and i didn't realize just how much grounded i felt at home",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984745383262634 2020-02-04 20:41:52,I miss him I still miss him after all the things and all the games he played on me ..... I still love him with all my heart and am confused as to how I couldn't move on how could I not just leave him behind me as he did multiple types why am I wanting something I can't have ? They tell me I deserve better maybe I do but why can't I just let go why can't I have my closure ? Why is it that the countless times he left me hanging in the 2 yrs of a relationship and how he treated me after that can't be enough for a closure? Tell me why?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9863018989562988 2020-02-04 20:51:28,"Love love love its just a fucking overrated dream, so fake , so selfish , so much pain, I hate love with everything I have, i wish i had a time machine.....",love,NEGATIVE,0.9966024160385132 2020-02-04 20:51:28,"Anyone else worried about our Government's response to the threat of the new Corona Virus? Ethiopian airlines has refused to suspend any flights to mainland China. I mean WTF, I feel like we are being ruled by China. We live in a country where basic antibiotics are hard to come by let alone a world wide disease. We have no means to combat it and Our life style here in A.A makes it easy for a disease like that to spread like wildfire. Now there is a possible case reported in Axum and here in A.A, the whole responsibility will fall on our government and Ethiopian Airlines. Genocide will be on their hands if it spreads.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993364214897156 2020-02-04 20:51:28,"Hey everyone, I just have a simple question and would like your opinions... Should exes stay close friends?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9327845573425293 2020-02-04 20:53:28,Heyy guys i need to vent i allways worry about this i allways wanna tolk with God and i get close to peep who know more about God and the peep them selves try to do bad thing with me and i feel bad but i dont say no too cuz they will think i an taking it in a bad way,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9909095168113708 2020-02-05 06:47:59,"Ofc hide my identity Okey! My thing is i have a bad self estem i mean i know i am preaty i can get guys if i want to but i dont because i think i suck at being in a relationship. I feel so low , sad , i feel stupid i dont know y. Am always depressed always try to kill my self i end up living in this fucking world i dont know where i feet for real , i mean i dont even know what i love , ymr .i try to love somthing i feel even more stupid help .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998380184173584 2020-02-05 06:49:39,"So I know most woman have this question in their head specially the Virgin ones so this for all the men out here ....1)why do u always ask if i'm a virgin or not malete mindin nw the point ?cuz I have said yes for some n no to some n their answer is very similar like to the 1 I said yes am virgin n I am not planning to have sex they were like ""well u will be the one who is gonna beg me to do so"" .. n to those I said I am not they were like"" then I guess sex is not off the table the huh minamn""malet I feel like there is more to relationship than sex it might happen Eko gin it just gets very senseless wen u say these things .2)is it a big issue if I don wanna have sex but still want to be with u malet yegid sex mareg alebin to b in a relationship 3)I know most of y'all wanna marry a virgin (""pure"") but fuck around n mess the other one's life like wat why do u guys do that?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993258714675903 2020-02-05 06:51:12,"Hey guys so I have a bit of a problem....this is how it goes.... I'm recent engineering graduate and recently got a job at an office through family, but the thing is it's been a few days and I can't seem to fit in or be happy with it, I am in a dilemma Whether to continue or quit cuz if I quit I don't wanna disappoint my family and I can't seem to like it to continue working, what the hell should I do, if I quit am just gonna be jobless and look for other opportunities more to not making my family happy which I don't want and working there is like having a bad day every day and I don't want that either, it's difficult for me cuz am introvert and anxious person most of the time, I want a reasonable advice from u guys, wtf should do??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995574355125427 2020-02-05 06:51:42,This is not my first vent. For some people around me I am a happy and a crazy guy but that's not fully true cause I have bad thoughts going in my head. Sometimes i think about falling from buildings or maybe I cut my hand with blade ( not to die) which left scars on my hand and no one noticed me in t-shirts (even family). I tried to explain it to one of my closest friends and all I got was . I'm not saying I want to get attention from others but just someone to care for me and stuff. I feel like I am easily replaceable and unwanted. If this happened to anyone I want to know how u guys got over it.,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999482274055481 2020-02-05 06:55:04,"Heyy guys soo i have been out with a lot of guys even tho I've only been in one serious relationship i haven't been in a serious relationship after just uk dates ,short random relationships , flings mnamn ena my friends recently came to a conclusion that am afraid of commitment which i kinda am even if i really like a guy and he likes me back I'm scared to be in a relationship and recently i went out on a date and it was nice the guy me and him have known eachother for a while we talked almost every time he didn't make a move on the date ena i was like okay?? keza after the date we talked bednb for a few weeks and then we didn't text so i thought maybe its cause i don't text first most of the time keza i texted then we talked manmn he introduced me to he's bestfriend she's a girl keza we stopped talking we're both online but we don't talk even he's friend is ignoring me wtff bichaaa its not that i miss him mnamn gn why I just wanted to know why he's doing all this malet guys when u ignore someone or dont feel like talking to them and tell them they just keep making scenarios in there head like maybe am not pretty or maybe i was really lame or he or she is ashamed of me its just not fair to the person just at least tell them why please don't be rude",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9957777261734009 2020-02-05 20:23:37,Do you all take the whole online friendship seriously? I mean does that mean something to y'all?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9962348341941833 2020-02-05 20:25:39,hi guys so i am near to graduate and i dont like my field my grades are not best and sera'at mehon new mimeslegn rasen mashashal efelgalehu ena if guys have any suggestions on how to improve myself lemalet yakel new thanks,disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9973504543304443 2020-02-05 20:26:10,"21, male, virgin, never even been kissed. Mind you I have had opportunities come my way but for some reason I don't want to. The older I got the more I appreciated myself by not devaluing myself by throwing myself on a girl I won't spend the rest of my life with. I don't believe that its not the right time for me to be in a relationship because relationships are huge distractions and they take up way too much of a man's cash, energy and more importantly, time. But I and my few close friends seem like the only people who believe in this, so if anyone else is out there, whether man or woman, leave a comment.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9956627488136292 2020-02-05 20:27:10,"Hello everyone I'm a 24 years old,almost 25 in a couple of months (Female).... I have some issue that's bothering me these days. I know it may not seem a huge deal to you guys but please, I beg you. I need your opinion on this. So you see there is this guy that i know for years. He is a kind, smart and good looking guy. He was my senior back in highschool but we started chatting on facebook after we left school. This is before 6 years. We have been talking since then but nothing ever happened. Maybe it's because he is a religious and a very very very shy type of guy, he never once took the signs that i have been giving him. The thing is i don't think he even talks to other girls as he does with me n that's what's giving me a hope. I really wanna be bold n go all over him but I'm scared he might be scared mnamn.... I have to know for sure if he likes me or not. Please tell me what to do. It's stressing me out. Thank you.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9772132039070129 2020-02-05 20:28:06,"So i have been losing myself lately. It started of small i didn't even notice it. It was one piece of me at a time. I stoped praying or reading the bible. I stoped talking to GOD... completely. I have started to grow more self conscious than before. It all started when i joined college. I was mostly surrounded with shallow people that it rubbed off on me. I saw people choosing my friends over me. It turns out they are prettier and I'm just plane...boring... i just realized. I have never thought of it before but im pretty observant and i saw the different ways people treat us if it wasn't for my jumpy behaviour and my potty mouth i would have been the invisible girl. Now i always feel like the second choice on everything. idk why class and outside class everywhere i go. And the comparison is killing me idk how to stop and just not give a fuck. I want to love myself and not wait for others approval. But its hard and i hate being an emotional teenager. Slap me or something",realization,NEGATIVE,0.962422788143158 2020-02-05 20:29:19,"So okay um. I cant beleive I'm gonna talk about this. Here is goes ... I have a certain probable when it comes to ... holding some particular gas inside ... When i say gas i mean fart. You can laugh all you want gin its a serious problem. My highschool life was shitty beacuse of it. Now college i avoid everyone because i can't control my fart. Jesus i know its weird. But im super insecure beacuse of this fucked shit. I take body soare everywhere i go and i was lebeled because of that too. Bicha when ever im having a conversation with somone i fart once or twice some are nice enough to ignore it some just give me a face leave right a way some just laugh right there and make fun of me. I have missed out on lotta stuf because of this shit. I don't even know what my problem is",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991685152053833 2020-02-05 20:29:44,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I have been in a relationship for about a year in a half now... and about 5 months doing it Long distance cuz he had to move abroad to study... we have been thru alot and we r trying to make z distance thing lately i feel zat something os different he disappears for 3 or 4 hrs and he dont even tell me prior i get worried n when i say like where i hv i been i was waiting to talk to u online mnamn he thinks zat i am chekchaka... esty give me advice how is it gonna work if we dont thk abt everything we feel???",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9990083575248718 2020-02-06 08:35:35,I wish I never knew what to be loved and to love is. Wish I never knew being with someone is amazing with all it’s chaos. It’s been almost a year since we broke up. First it was about forgetting him which I did(wasn’t easy) But I can’t seem to forget how it feels to be in his arms. I don’t want him back but I just long to feel like that again. After him I became so picky. I can’t be treated less than what he treated me. But now i am just lonely and my nights are long. I just feel so empty. When will I have somebody. I am scared the nights will be like this forever.,desire,NEGATIVE,0.9857383966445923 2020-02-06 08:36:36,"Mer W: Hey all! I'm a girl. So, there is this guy I knew for almost a year now. Idk how or when but I fell in love hard and fast. He cares about me and all but can't reciprocate the way I want him to. Been trying to let him go for months cuz i started to get hurt from one sided love but he makes it hard to. Whenever i try to disappear, he reaches out for me in every way possible. Then, i find myself sucking back. He made it clear he doesn't love me back but he doesn't want me leaving him. How am supposed to freed myself from this trap guys?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9112929105758667 2020-02-06 08:39:33,"So you know when you don't particularly like something but you just go with it because well you don't hate it either? Well that's what happened when I joined med. At first it wasn't bad bc you know premed and stuff but pc1 started and well you start to question if it's all worth it. But you are already in it so you go with it and pc2 starts and I just couldn't go on anymore. My grade sucked for one and I just...hated it to the point I started having panic attacks. So I decided to drop out and move back to my home town to my parents. Offcourse they didn't like it, but they were understanding enough to know I'd not have done anything to dissapoint them if I could. So I started to go to college and it was good but I'm having doubts. I'm 22 and by the time I graduate I'll be 27. Think about it, a 27 year old living with parents and on a job hunt. And the money that will be wasted. This is really worrying me and I NEED a job and be off of my parents and afford my own living you know. So what I want is some ideas on how to do that. I live in hawassa now and anyone with idea or hints or opportunities .... I'd really love to hear from them. Thank you.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9874392151832581 2020-02-06 20:22:37,"Hey there ,How are you all? I hope u are all doing well and if u are not hang in there ,It will all change Okay,here goes my vent.So, I am a 3rd year medical student ,I had gained weight since 12th grade (before the entrance exams ), See ,I am stress eater or so I thought but I think I have binge eating disorder. It had been 3 years since I have gained 20 kilos and I am 70 kg now ,belive me or not I was fucking skinny before 12th grade.I always go on a diet program ,I follow some exercise plan and I lose upto 10 kg and everytime that happens ,I binge eat (like inhuman way of eating like maybe 6 burgers at the same time ) and in a matter of months ,I gain it all back .Now i knew ofc ,I have some pschylogoical isssues I needed to solve to help me lose the weight ,so I started therapy and i was diagnosed with depression or anxiety .So what I want now more then anything is losing the weight ,I hate looking at myself ,I hate my wardrobe ,I am hating everything in me . I dont know how to lose it anymore ,like really ,I dont know even where to start .so anyone here please help me .I really need ur advices .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987095594406128 2020-02-06 20:23:09,Hey for majority of guys out there would you go for a crush that's out of your league or would you be scared to approach her i.e like text her through telegram or just try to contact her ......plz state ur honest answer,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975021481513977 2020-02-06 20:24:19,So here's the thing my mom is the fucking devil she is the worst human being in this planet she is making me and my dads life a living hell she hasn't spoken to me in 2 years she hides food from me she treats my little sister like a princess and me like some unwanted guest i asked her why and she said b/c i disrespected her 2 years ago by defending my dad when she mistreated him i apologized but she wouldn't accept it what kind of mom can spend all this time not speaking to her child so i spend all my time in my room locked up i don't even eat if she's around but that's not even the worst part i can handle her hate towards me b/c she means nothing to me after the way she treated me but the way she treats my dad God i could just kill her she doesn't come home for 3 days and when my dad asks why she says mebte new and my dad is sick and he cant eat normal food but she says mnm athonim zim bleg bla she doesn't take care of him at all and i swear to u my dad is such an angle he always treats her right he gives her like 80% of his salary and spends the rest on us and he makes good money he's an engineer but she says hule techegire mnamn but he says nothing and her mom always told her to stop treating us like that but she never listened and when she passed away she didn't even cry can u imagine that and all this is affecting my studies and my social life i cry myself to sleep every night i even tried to kill my self and now im full of scares but my dad says don't worry about me ill be ok ill be patient with her but i can't take it any more i can't watch her treat him like that so I'm thinking about moving out i told him to divorce her but he's worried that it will be bad for me and my sister but I'm scared of leaving him alone with her b/c she will drive him crazy and he will get sicker so please tell me what to do,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9970954656600952 2020-02-07 09:12:31,"When is it gonna end?! When are you going to leave me alone? Can't you just mind your own fucking business and just let me be? This is my life! mine! I will get married when and if i wanna get married, I will have kids when i feel like i am ready! I mean getting married and having kids isn't the only big achievement for a woman is it?I busted my ass to get where i am can't you just be proud of that? I am continent happy for the first time in my life can't I just stay that way just for a little while? Can't you just let me expriance life? Can't you at least let me decide who I love? Can I at least have that please?",joy,NEGATIVE,0.8320630192756653 2020-02-07 09:14:42,"So yah I'm z dude who started his vent by asking if he's a loser mnamn.. so after listening to your advices I've finally reveald my feelings to her after 6 fucking years. n now gn she telling me zat she doesn't share z same feelings n zat she's sorry n all. Gn she still wants to be friends and forget everything mnamn gn i know her eko betam, i know she still loves me gn she be acting nonsense. N telling me she's with her ex..Is zis common for all u girls out here or is she for real n should i not listen n forget wat my heart is telling me. Do i have to try more. Gn i don't want to force anything. Specially when it comes to her, still don't know wat to do pls helpp??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986034035682678 2020-02-07 09:15:36,"To all my fellow brothers out there who are dealing with depression, low self esteem and might or might not know this, but porn and masturbation have a lot to do in triggering these emotions. I ( 23yo M) used to binge on porn and masturbation as a way of escaping my real responsibilities and deal with the eventual boredom. My actions resulted in self-disgust and I had to relive that cycle to rid myself of the guilt and shame. However these past few months, I made a commitment to put a halt to my addiction. I had my skepticism and doubts are first but the results were undeniably miraculous!! I started to become more confident, positive and motivated to do things that I previously avoided. I still have other wounds to heal but my life has significantly improved since I quit porn and masturbation. Of course some of you are going through other forms of challenges, but for those of you who aren't quite sure as to why you're feeling shitty, this might be it. Sacrifice your immediate temptations for a better and more meaningful future. Sexual tension and build up is inevitable as you withdraw from these activites, but you can transform this same sexual energy (which is the most powerful of all energies) into becoming more creative and driven for success.",approval,POSITIVE,0.9950639605522156 2020-02-07 09:17:17,"Hey, am a girl. Fresh. And I wanna learn med so bad. I have always dreamed of being a doctor and I have also good grades. But lately I am hearing everyone saying med is so hard to deal with, so tiring, so stressful, so depressing and I am getting really scared of that. I am doubting my self like can I do it? Can I survive all the years? If not what should I learn?..... ena as you know ahun nw field mnmertew ena I am so confused of what to choose. I love medicine betaaamm ever since I was child and I read a lot about it as I grew up ena ahunm exam tefetnen (For choosing our field) I had a good grades. I know it can get me into med department if i choose it. So I want an advice please. Please all of you out there who are a med students or anyone who knows about it please leave your suggestions.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9897915124893188 2020-02-07 20:33:12,Is it only me or do any of you people don't know what to say or how to explain of what's wrong with u? Of what's not cool and bothering you?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9995539784431458 2020-02-07 20:33:15,"I'm about to let my heart out so please be gentle. So I was never the type of guy to settle down i never wanted to commit to anyone. I'm very active, I love to meet ppl and have new experiences but I was always up front to girls about what I wanted from the rp. I just never found anyone that can make me commit until I met her. We met at a club i frequent, at first glance there was nothing diffrent about her but she was very cool and non judgemental...she saw me leave with another girl but still picked up the phone when i called her the next day. After that we met almost everyday, we talked about our lives and connected at a deeper level than I've ever connected with anyone. 2 weeks in and i was head over heels inlove with her, i never thought i could feel that way about a person. I can honestly say that she changed me for the better. But there was a catch, she was graduating in a few weeks. We talked about the situation and we decided that we were going to spend the remaining together but we would split up after she graduated cuz she's going back home and I couldn't do long distance for many reasons. After graduation she left and we stayed in touch but i continued on with my life. I met someone new and i moved on with her. A week ago the girl that left came back for a wedding of a frnd and we got together to catch up. As soon as i laid eyes on her all the feelings came rushing back suddenly it was 6 month ago and i was still inlove with her. The whole time ik i was doing smth wrong but I did it any way cuz it just felt right.So that night we had dinner and went dancing to that club we first met.At the club we started getting physical and ended up spending the night together. The next day i told her about my current situation and again she understood. She told me she'd always love me and she left the next day. After that I've just been stuck in my head about what to do. I feel like I'm at the lowest point in my life cuz i have ppl who care about me and i don't deserve any of them. Thats it.",love,POSITIVE,0.5861955881118774 2020-02-07 20:33:57,"i am a freshman in uni. in A.A. i need a part-time job which i can work on weekends. I'm learning at private university so i want to be less of a burden to my parents. if anybody here knows such opportunities, please let me know. thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.8978551626205444 2020-02-07 20:33:58,Hey guy's it can be awkward for you gen am struggling with girlfriend stuff how can I find a girl which I can trust and love struggling here so I need advice from girls... and fk it since it's confession I need a cute Muslim girl to be my girl if ur struggling like me who knows tho I need the advice,love,NEGATIVE,0.9893213510513306 2020-02-07 20:34:14,Hello lately its been confusing which path to choose is it better to be sad not work hard and be poor so u dont have to worry about what u left behind when u die because life was hard or have such a rich and a happy life that will make it so hard to leave it all behind when u die.,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9672691822052002 2020-02-07 20:34:23,"I feel like an ugly being and i am getting uglier through time, i blame my parents for zat, i didnt even develop like a lady, and now i am really sad n thinking abt ending the life. Please approve i want to hear people say something abt this situation of mine.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9925453066825867 2020-02-07 20:35:31,Sup guys how u doin here is the deal we on a semester break lately I been feelin so lonely I wasn't like this I loved staying at home but now the thought of it makes me depressed I thought movies would help but they got boring I would go out but my friend's most of em r in campus not here n the ppl who r here kept on disappointing me my bf my best friend n am just sitting at home depressed and restless so could u recommend some things I could do at home to get me motivated n happy again,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9977846741676331 2020-02-07 20:35:32,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Do we have to take online relationship with out knowing each other in real life seriously..i mean can we fall in love with the person we haven’t met before",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9944015145301819 2020-02-08 07:56:34,"I am tired of chasing of you girl. Tired of ur utter disrespect. How much more tears should be shaded? There is a saying that,”the more you follow her the more she get away”.. I really get that maxim—though very late. Sweetie I will stop reaching you again, I don’t care abt your response.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982749223709106 2020-02-08 07:58:33,"Hey guys...I want to do better in my study but most of the time idk why i think a lot of things till my mind burnout,I don't even know abt what I'm thinking...I just got myself immersed in it and then I'll not get enough days to study for exams...let alone the exam,my endless wandering hurts a lot like headaches mnamn",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995304346084595 2020-02-08 07:58:44,"Hey there just a quick question. Should I tell my boyfriend that me and his friend kissed at a drunk night FYI this was before I new they were friends & before my boyfriend was actually my boyfriend",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9991795420646667 2020-02-08 07:59:31,"Yo pls help, I can't not be serious, my bf want to talk things seriously minamen, gin me, I just can' all my life I have been this""childish"" girl...Ena beka I want to change, wants to be serious on things, pls if you hv tips",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986251592636108 2020-02-08 07:59:56,First time u ever feel hopeless for things u actually think u got it and fade away leaving pain.... telling a girl that u love her is not the hardest part....but the answer that she gave u will depend on how many of u are hopeless but you choose to fool ur self one day she came to me and start the so called relationship...i need to get rid of my mind this kind of shits ones and for all...any advices pls...tnxs,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966885447502136 2020-02-08 21:33:57,"Hey Unihorse Got a question is masturbating really bad like I feel great after wards and it just releases the tension I do it in the shower so every time I want to do it I just shower which ends up making me feel fresh.... I stoped doing it in the bed cuz it my hands started smelling awfull but in the shower like it's fun I smell great by the time I'm done and evey thing just feels really clean like my down stairs area smells like shaving cream all the time like I used to be insecure some times and I hated it when I passed by certain people but now I feel like I'm the cleanest person ever I masturbate while I shower",joy,NEGATIVE,0.8428545594215393 2020-02-08 21:34:23,First time u ever feel hopeless for things u actually think u got it and fade away leaving pain.... telling a girl that u love her is not the hardest part....but the answer that she gave u will depend on how many of u are hopeless but you choose to fool ur self one day she came to me and start the so called relationship...i need to get rid of my mind this kind of shits ones and for all...any advices pls...tnxs,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9966885447502136 2020-02-08 21:35:17,Should I leave vent page?? Am almost 25 and life is not full of adventure mnamn more like routine....I go to work then school and home the only fun tng I have is with my bf but ppl always say u need to get more life experience which I agree too so one of my friend suggest this GOD I feel so depressed reading ppl problem and knowing and not doing anything about it makes me more sad....I guess I genuinely care about ppl...we all are alone bettam that sucks....Anyhow my question is if this page affects my day to day life like if I feel down about reading ppl vent is not healthy ryt? Or it's nice knowing what's going on out there should this be more like life experience??,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979836940765381 2020-02-08 21:38:00,Hello what's up? I'm a collage students and I'm about to graduate so the thing is my mom wants me to get married and she always nags me evertime we have a talk about boys but I'm so in love with my bf who I have been dating for about a year and half almost . The problem is that I really really do like my bf he really used to like he used to love me more than I do love him but now i don't know he is changing on me like he calls me rarely he doesn't text me even when I call him to meet he has reasons not to meet and I don't want to let him and I don't know why he has been so fucking cold on me guys do u have any idea how to regain his attention plus if it doesn't work with him do u think it's good idea to get married to someone who u doesn't know properly to make ur parents happy? Thank you so much,love,NEGATIVE,0.9012448787689209 2020-02-08 21:38:59,"I don't know how to say this. So I'm a guy 21, campus student.. So one day my friends offered me to go to the bar with them but I declined because I am a protestant.. But they told me they won't manipulate me to drink and they need me to drive them home so I agreed.. So we went to a bar and I was drinking malt and this older lady in her early 30's came and offered to buy me a drink. I declined and we started talking... I gave her my number and she told me she would call sometimes.. But after a while I felt so dizzy and next thing I know I woke up next to her in the morning naked. I got so confused coz I didn't take any alcohol and I'm so sure about that.. Then I asked her what happened and she told me we had sex.. I asked my friends what happened and they told me they called a ride and went early because they thought I was hooking up. I resumed with my normal life.. But then I got a call from her yesterday.. First I didn't pick up but then she called so many times and texted me saying she needs to tell me something important so I called her.. She told me she is pregnant and I need to take responsibility for my ""baby""!!!!! Now I don't know what to do. I am not even sure if the baby is mine.. I am really confused. I am not ready to be a father.. So what do y'all think??? Please don't be hard on me. I'm just really confused.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.997643768787384 2020-02-08 21:39:10,My dorm mate talks on the phone like 24/7 for hours and it's so annoying..I can't study or don anything .. do u think if i told her to go out and talk i would hurt her feelings? Or should i just tell her?.. i know it's a silly concern but whatever,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9996213912963867 2020-02-08 21:40:04,"Hi umm I'm 19 guy So my thing is that I'm a basic loner(introvert) not that i have a problem with it but I have a distant memory of me having friends and socializing but that changed over time I became more quite and more restrained & lately its getting deeper I don't even go out of home unless its night time just so because I could avoid people I mostly enjoy my self which is a good thing but I know socializing to some extent is good but I'm not even near there I'm half way through this year and I don't even no my class mates name and having some history of depression and taking pills to help me overcome that I just don't want to go there again so I was hoping if any one could help me with that",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9706535339355469 2020-02-09 08:49:53,I push people away before they get close or when they are too close to me. At this rate I'm going to die alone .,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986492991447449 2020-02-09 08:50:49,"Hey, I'm so tired of ppl judging with physical appearance so I wanted to know if this is relatable to you guys, So do u guys think borch, strech mark, dark inner thighs makes a woman ugly? Opinions?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9990733861923218 2020-02-09 08:51:20,"Hi, so this is my first time venting. So i met this boy from school and we went on a few dates and one thing led to another so we ended up having sex and it was my first time and all. After that we started to do it over and over again and we both grew feelings for each other ,well and now we 're together. He is an amazing guy and he treats me like I'm his queen mnamn but sometimes it's like he forgets about my existence and i don't text or call when he does that because i think i will be too desprate so what i do is cry and tell myself that he will get a hang of the whole being a boyfriend thing but lately it getting very very tiring. So if u guys have any advices please let me know.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9919102787971497 2020-02-09 11:45:38,"Hay ppl, I need to vent Well, I've been in a relationship with my bf for 2 years now and I love him, ik he does too. But the thing is, we have had many bumps and fights until now and we still made it through, in this 2 years time we only met 4 times in person, we either text or call each other, we also met on social media.... But these days, idk what's happening, it's always me who calls or texts...and I just feel like he doesn't care at all.... He's most times busy, don't reply my texts on time either... But when u ask what's wrong he says nothing. I never want to disappoint him that Everytime something happens I'm the one saying "" no probs"" "" ende...chigir yelem"".. and so on, and we go back to how we were, but this week....I just couldn't... I spoke out what I really felt saying why he's ignoring me these days and so on... But he didn't say anything... So I also stayed silent , hoping he'll call or text me, but I the problem? Or is this normal for all boys? Our last conversation ended by him tell me to know the difference between a fight and a I really not know? He is my first of everything, and he knows that.....was 2 years of relationship a waste of time? I am confused ppl.... please help me out... I'm losing hope... what should I do??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9976332187652588 2020-02-09 11:45:39,hey guys how you been.....i have a problem a big one i am suicidal every time sth goes wrong i think about it what shall i do i think i am almost done,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991845488548279 2020-02-09 11:47:17,"whats up people.... so i have sent a lot of vents BTW but never had a chance to get to u guys but i hope this one will (ይሄኛዉ ግን venting ሳይሆን more of replying back for some vents በሚለዉ እንያዘዉ) So z first thing i wanna talk about is z MED. Students..... we all know that ur field is so hard and everything and no field is more stressing than urs but there is a very stressing, ከ አቅም በላይ የሆነ field called ARCHITECTURE.... just because we dont brag about it, it doesnt mean its not as hard as u guys say med is..... u just read and read and read..... but u dont know wat we have to go through, every one thinks its all about መሳል... ya well its not, it could be 5 days with out sleep, with some paper and blade cut on our hands from doing model and shit, spending more than 2000 per presentation just for the teachers to some times make fun of it or not even see it thinking u just did that with in one day with out any effort and anything when the truth is it took you a whole month or more... then there is the social life... አይደለም meeting ur friends.... u might not even get to see ur family for a whole week እዛዉ አንድ አቤት ውስጥ እየኖራቹ Bcha what i am trying to say is every field is hard depending on ur strength and ፍላጎት so please med. Students stop bragging bout it eshi. And the other vents that have been making me wonder a lot was the virginity shit..... koy why are ya'll ladies worried about it? I mean if a guy really loves you then he doesnt care weather ur V or not unless u lied about it first new weys ወንዶቹ አዲስ rule amtachu new setun hula endi yemtaschenkut I really wanna hear wat everyone thinks on what i wrote above, tnx ya'll",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9941226840019226 2020-02-09 11:50:07,Hey guys... I'm a guy & here's my story... All my teenage life I've been focused on my goals education and everything... it was great being the smart kid in school with all the good grades & bright future but it was also lonely since I was not letting anyone in my life till I finished my education & settled down in life I didn't want any relationships or even friendships... It was hard & it hurt but I had to do it for my future... Now I'm 24 years old & I've got a job & a great life but I still don't have anybody to share my life with... I would really love to meet someone to talk to & have my good times with... but most of all someone to love... Please anyone out there Thanks,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9170555472373962 2020-02-09 18:41:42,"Hello...I have to tell u this I need help...hmmm I'm 20 study at A.A.U...I'm scared of public speeches let alone public speech I can't even say my name if there are more than few ppls staring at me I panic a lot even I fainted once... I don't mind abt the faint what scares me most is acting like that(all the panics,crazy heart pounding,swating,trembling,blushing, my voice)in front of my classmates b/c I'm not like this on a normal day MNM nw malferachew but when the time comes like group discussion mnamn megebabet nw mataw n I'm worried abt it,it will affect all my social life,study my lareg?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9909150004386902 2020-02-09 18:44:21,"Hey guys So here's the thing,I just got in a relationship with this amazing girl but I dont think we're gonna last,I mean not because of me doing something bad or anything but because of her,I'm the depressed type you know(I've been diagnosed and shit so I'm not faking it lol),so I don't even have the energy to go out and do something that could possibly make her mad so shes in good hands. But me on the other way,I don't think I'm in safe hands you know,shes good looking and smart minamn and she could do anything she wants you know so....I dont really know where this vent is going but my point is(this ones to the girls),am I gonna be just another bird? What would a girl with good looks do if she had a guy like me?",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9948232173919678 2020-02-09 18:44:41,"Sup So I'm a guy I had a friend I really cared about and suddenly she shut me out and it feels as though I'm going through a breakup It really hurts Help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9997044205665588 2020-02-09 18:46:52,"First time venting here. So there is a guy whose house is infront of our home. We are kinda new but been a year since we started living here. I just know that this guy respects others, and he is at home most of z time. But mom is telling me he smokes and I wanna help him if it comes from depression or stress. But no way to get his no or talk in person since I dont also go out from my home unless its school or work. I started being upset to see him like zat ‍",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9939693212509155 2020-02-09 18:54:47,"I’m a girl who everyone thinks I’m living life to the fullest,just because of the fancy things I have that money bought.but I always cry,feel bad about my self,my mom kindda hates me for not working at home and helping her mnamn,most of my nights- i find something to cry for and I’m becoming very thin WHICH I don’t want it to happen to me and for those reasons now that I am in college,I always wish I study in university so that I could live in freedom and sleep all the time.advice please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990257024765015 2020-02-09 18:59:50,"I know I haven’t spoken to you in a while but just know that I still love you. Despite the misery I went through, no other guy can come close to you. I shut off any other man that even tries to get to know me because for some reason I still believe that I’m going to end up with you. I probably will never say any of this to your face. Just know that I will wait for you, even if I have to for the next 10 years. I will wait however long. I love you D",love,POSITIVE,0.7148489356040955 2020-02-10 08:40:19,"Hi unihorse I am campus student sophomore year and i met this guy who is very caring,loving,and a very hansome i mean like the top level of handsome then we started to hangout spent our day together we also go to church most of the time i had the best 4 months of my life we almost do all the boyfriend and girlfriend things but he always tells me no to think that he is my boyfriend or i will get hurt and i agreed to that... but from time to time i am getting attached to him like i always miss him and lelit lay mnamn kegone yale ymeslegnal then i always get shocked .... i am falling for him and that is stressing me not because he dont treat me well ...he treats me verry well but hes not mine u know please i need advice i have no one to share because all my friends left me because of him i mean they all like him everyone likes him and everyone hates me now because he gives me his time ..... Advice please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9754999279975891 2020-02-10 08:41:44,Hi. I'm a girl. My problem is that I don't have any dramatic problems. I mean my life has so many flaws and imperfections. But I somehow had this genetic trait to not make drama about things. It's like i don't care about what people do to me. I am emotionally unavailable when they try to hurt my feelings. I always hold it in. I can't control it. I don't even feel it when I'm alone. I don't cry. At all. I seriously don't remember the last time I cried. So the problem is it makes me feel shallow and empty. Like numb. I know disappointment but not heartbreak. I know rejection but not failure. It's like everyone has this window of seeing things through feelings but my window is broken. I don't care for others. Not like idgaf kinda idc. But like i don't love others. It's not in my blood. Do u ppl know whats up with me,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9948593378067017 2020-02-10 08:42:56,"ben: Hey guys help me out..mmmm i cant stop having sex with our servant. It was 2years ago i was Virgin she cought me masturbating and she laughed and left my room after a week a made amove then she was into it..since then we had sex many times like so many times..but she is likefamily to us..she is like a mom to my lil brother...but when me n her left alone at home i swear she seduces me and i couldnt stop she is clean and hot for real..every time after we finish the sex the guilt eats my head i hate my self...demo i have a girlfriend...please help me to get out of this mess",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9656735062599182 2020-02-10 08:45:50,I fucked up ‍ and they where really nice I just felt like a petty friend and I really ddnt get them so I just drifted away but when she saw me and when she ignored me I was pretty sad fuck and there the only habesha people in the whole dame university I dnt know what to do usually generally I'm very cold I just enter when I feel comfortable but I dnt know I kind of really wanted it to work out and if it was just her then I wudn't mind I fucked up every friendship I had and now I'm just sitting here wondering what is wrong with me... msm sew miskin sihon aren't u suposed to reseprocate I'm an asshole to the people that are nice and I always play the victim when things go wrong... I'm verry awkward like when I'm being authentic and saying it as it is then I'm pretty fucking awkward any ways I'm a little fucked up right bow,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989631175994873 2020-02-10 08:46:32,"What was it friendship, love or some wired thing I don't even know what it is. i is it that I miss him?or is it the ""Elih"" thing ?what the hell is this? what is it that I can't stop thinking about him? what is this I'm I sad b/c I lost our friendship or what I'm just fucked up I don't know what to do I don't know if I have to talk to him or just ignore him I just don't know did I ever meant some thing??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995046854019165 2020-02-10 08:47:20,"I have been with this girl for about 1.5 years and we love each other. We both are 1st year medical students. She was smart and a student with good grades while we were in high school, but now she is getting grades which are very low that i even fear she is going to fail the year. It hurts so much because i think it is because of me. Whenever we fight or disagree she tends to get depressed and sit without doing anything. She does not read even if there is an exam the next day. ....she was not like this in the days she was not with me. She has been growing backwards after i came to her life...It kills me to be the one person who does not want her to get hurt, but also the person who hurts her more than anybody else. Should i breakup with her? Will that do any good? I fear that i will end up hurting her more",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981833100318909 2020-02-10 08:47:45,What are the ways to make a broken heart feel better? In a hard break up after being in it for a very long time and hard to see past it.,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9982143640518188 2020-02-11 07:52:29,"Hello First time venting so here’s the thing... I’ve a girlfriend we totally love each other,we literally spend each n every sec together,beka people really get jealous of our relationship n wish they could be like us. And yeah our parents even know that we’re together n they totally agreed with it n she comes to my place whenever she wants to we literally go crazy,do silly things mnamn but there’s this problem or Idk becha since I’m a guy I can’t control my feelings whenever we make outn I asked her If we could make love but she refuses n so I asked her why n she replied back saying “IDK” n yeah I respect her,I really don’t care If we make love or not but when I think about it,it keeps bothering me. So what would you guys think that makes her say that?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9934113621711731 2020-02-11 07:53:19,Well it's my first time venting ...i used to be in relationship with this guy and he goshted me without reason and i can't seem to shake it off ever since am getting scared each days and i can't seem to bring my self in too the dating zones it's been year.... for real i only see the bad in people i just feel like hulum endesu endehonu metfo ngrachewn nw tolo yemflegew any advice on how i could get back to the old me,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9975984692573547 2020-02-11 07:54:27,"Hey unihorse, Hide my identity. My name is Betty and I'm a second year student. The problem is my friends, they joke about everything. They even joked about my kidney stones they call me names like teteram n shit. I'm sick of this but they don't understand that. I live around goro and because of that they call me betty goro. They even joke about my height cause I'm short. They laugh at me when I tell them I went to the hospital because my nails got black and I was worried. I hate it when they do that and they don't listen to me when I tell them to stop. So I started pretending it had no effect on me. But it makes me really mad and I can't metalat them cause they my friends. Please what shall I do guys??",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979094862937927 2020-02-11 07:55:24,"I am 19 year old and I always think about my future, my success life that I always dream about and am sure that I will get there. But sometimes I also think about failure because am an average person with skills and also money. So if I fail no one cares, life will just go on and I dont want that to happen. Have you ever feel the same thing? What should I do? Some tips under 19 just say yes if you feel the same thing.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9217954874038696 2020-02-11 07:55:47,"To all u teenagers out there. I am 1000% sure that u’ll laugh about all the “im so depressed, i have suicidal thoughts” vents when life really hits you later on. If there is a problem in ur life 1. Start with urself....look in the mirror and figure out ur role(both good and bad) in ur problem. 2. Be childish gambino said in his lyrics “Stay woke, niggaz creepin’ They gon’ find u, gon’ catch u sleepin’” 3. Plan ahead of ur days.....think about ur future. 4. Find ur passion(find what u love doing) and work on that....develop ur brain towards that Lastly please do follow these rules for all of u complaining about how to choose ur field of work and stuff. 1. Choose what u love doing 2. Take risks on choosing what u love doing. Drop all things and only focus on ur interest. You can do it TRUST ME 3. Believe in urself and in ur passion",caring,POSITIVE,0.8143999576568604 2020-02-11 07:56:02,Guys i am 24 and getting bald so bad i really look terrible i have lost confidence to go out..could you please tell me any clinic that undergo hair transplant no matter the amount of the money. thanks,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9997028708457947 2020-02-11 07:56:49,"Hope everyone is doing well. Nothing much to say, it's just that i have this emptiness within me, I don't demand a shoulder or so, I'm OK with it I've accepted it basically, I seem to go through emotional shut down at the moment of crisis well the real thing is, I want to know myself, I know how I am but I believe there's more to it. I basically want to understand everything as it should be understood, I'm a muslim so I want to seek God in the same manner. I'm a believer of Sufism, I want to seek God but I don't know what to begin with. What I've understood so far is I'm nothing but an empty vessel in search of the Knowledge of God, myself, the reality. If anyone is interested in this stuff please do let me know what are your thoughts or suggestions. Thank you. I'll be grateful.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9911236763000488 2020-02-11 21:02:13,"This is kind of a message for those of you in this channel that are experiencing grief. Grief is awful. I never really thought of it as it is until I felt it in a way. I even used to make fun of people who were grieving. I never realized how awful and traumatizing it is to lose someone that means a lot to you. Even someone you just know. and what's horrible about grief is you have no guarantee that they're going to come back. In fact you know that they won't come back. But let me tell you what Maya Angelou said once. She talked about how love is liberating. Love is selfless. Love says ""I love you. Whether ur in Canada, China, Tibet or any other country. I'd like to have your arms around me. I'd like to hear your voice in my ear. But that's not possible now. So I love you"" what Maya is trying to say is you don't know where they are anymore but that doesn't mean that you should stop loving them. Love doesn't depend on situations. So love them by letting them go. As for the ones that haven't experienced grief yet. We all die at some point. And I can't make this a warning saying you're next. I want this to teach you to not take people close to you for granted. Trust me, you don't know when it's gonna come. Or how. But it will. So love with all your soul. you always think that you have time with them until you don't.",love,POSITIVE,0.9955651164054871 2020-02-11 21:05:40,"Hello i will write everything in short. I am a medical student and i am about to graduate soon. And i frequently think of sucide, i have history of 3 or 4 attempts, i cant find happiness anywhere, i lost one of my family member its been almost one year and its eatting me alive plus my love life sucks every women i met hurts me or end up getting hurt i feel dead inside, i dont have a spirtual life atleast i had a good relationship with God, thats gone now......i really dont know what to do..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.997634768486023 2020-02-11 21:06:25,I have been in love and some part of me still is and I can't quite say that I moved in fully or recovered from the headache I have been through but it's almost a year now since we broke up now that is not the thing that is bothering me I mean why can't I get into a serious relationship is what am confused of I see a guy if he my type and I say ow damn I like him and then I get to know him and then at some point idk something goes off with me like when they go to the next step like relationship I can't go there with them idk y I swear am not lying like after my ex there is at least 5 guys that were sincere about starting something with me and I just can't go with it idk y can u tell me y that is ? Or how I can approve this abnormal behavior?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9956672191619873 2020-02-11 21:06:51,Hey guys i dont know how to put but am a 22 year old univ student and am a dud and i am really depressed and i always put things out of proportion thinking that they are big problems than they really are and it is so painful and people around me don't seem to understand pls i need your advice guys,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996190071105957 2020-02-11 21:07:25,"Hello, i wanna share something, I feel like my whole life is passing right beside me and i wanna keep up and fix it but again i can't, i feel like iam turning to this thing i always. New i wouldn't, have had some good days and now they are only memories and i couldn't face the reality rather deny it with so many abusive behavioras i hate what i have become. Funny part is i really really wanna fix everything,stop my drug uses and stuff be happy and grow up get my shit together start over till i get it right and that's when it hits me it is too late i am a ghost now so will i be for real coz i am killing myself today. I know most ppl will disagree with me but this really is the answer God forgive me if ur there",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9004178643226624 2020-02-12 08:06:31,"Okay here it goes. So I got a simple crush I mean he's cute mnamn he had my attention but not that much of intense feelings so in one amaizing night me and my friend met him and some of his friends and started playing truth or dare then I was asked who my crush was then I told them it was him (he was there too) then on my another dare they dared me to kiss him on his chick and so I did. all this time it was no big deal coz from all of the guys in our class he was the cutest and everybody knows. Then in his turn he was asked whom he likes then he said he likes me then he was dared to kiss me then I was shy I said no but he insisted and did it, it was.... Then afterwards he hugs me so tightly and he smiles at me mnamn. I like him and I don't wanna get hurt, I'm the kind of person that gets broken easily and when that happens I hate every person I see, I cry in a middle of conversation beka I become wieard so do u think he likes me or did he do that to make me feel better? I want your opinion guys!!!! Thank you",love,POSITIVE,0.5965466499328613 2020-02-12 08:07:32,"hey.hope y'all been here goes my vent... I recently went through a break up with my bf of almost two years.... He wanted the break up, I didnt but he had his points, like we have so many differences and so this thing wouldn't go anywhere really. but i have a totally different theory in mind... i think he is interested in another girl... well, not just another girl, but my best friend...i felt like this has been going on for a while now but well, no proof so i couldn't do anything. And it hasn't been even long since we broke up but they have already started seeing each other... and she keeps avoiding me because, well i guess she feels guilty and to be fair, i did my research and they had nothing going on till after we broke up and, i guess i shouldn't get mad? I am so super furious to be honest, betrayed too but the logical part of me thinks i shouldn't and just let them be and still save my friendship with them... it is so soooo damn painful and i cant help hating them but i guess the heart wants what it wants.. am i being too selfish? are they really doing something so horrible? help me figure this out guys, im about to go nuts",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.996206521987915 2020-02-12 08:10:41,"Hey y’all, I’m on this because I could use some advice and perspective from the male audience. This is gonna be long so get comfortable. So .... I’ve had my eyes on this guy a while ago but he never knew me and I was never intending on approaching him because I was scared but out of nowhere one day he approached me and confessed about how he thought I was cute and how he wanted to know me and all that cute stuff so here y’all can imagine how happy and overwhelmed I felt. We started talking he was nice and sweet so I actually thought things were gonna go somewhere but at some point my gut just felt something off about him and trust me it’s not a comfortable feeling so I decided to check his account if I could find anything suspicious and guess what ? HE HAD A WHOLE GIRLFRIEND !! I was so pissed like I was soooooo hurt cause I always have my walls up and I was ready to put them down just for him and it just felt like an asayto mansat situation so I asked him ASAP if it was true and then he said yes that means this whole time he either had a girl he wanted to cuff or he was already cuffed so I just cut him off right there and then. But here is where the problem starts...for a month he begged me for forgiveness and that he genuinely wants me in him life and stuff like that and after time I figured that I’m over him so I forgave him and we became friends. So his girl posts him EVERYTIME they meet or take pictures but he keeps on removing his tag, doesn’t repost it and never comments on it which I find is a bit sketchy but whenever I post him he reposts it with hearts and stuff and he also posts me. These days we have been talking everyday and he says things that a man with a girl shouldn’t say and I asked my friends and they said he still likes you but he is confused but I wanted to ask you guys so I could get different opinions cause I don’t think he does cause if he did why is he still with her? I sometimes also feel like he is doing this because of sympathy like since he hurt me last time he just wants to be the good guy now but I feel like it’s a bit over bars and I am starting to feel more comfortable around his presence because it feels warm and sweet and I just don’t want to go through that pain again but I also don’t want to just kick him out of my life . What should I do?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9960724115371704 2020-02-12 08:12:21,"Ok here goes nothing I have a boyfriend i really like him .we were friends at first then friends started teasing us like u guys should be together n stuff I dont know about him but I never took it seriously but some how we started teasing each other n one day we went out with friends he was drunk n told me that he liked me so I was like I shouldn't trust him he is drunk. Ow n we went out on Friday so like we met on Saturday n talked but not about last night so I waited for him to say something ,but nothing. Sunday passed then monday finally I couldn't wait no more n decided to call n talk to him ,well we talked n he told me that he liked me but not directly but like with some clues n stuff then I was like would u have talked to me if I hadn't reached out n he was like no not today but maybe some other time n I was like wtf ok . Since then we have been together I guess ....I said I guess cos I'm the one that's trying for this to work like I'm the one that calls like literally he never calls unless there is something , he dosent reply to my texts I'm the one that's trying n I'm tired of it. So what do u guys think about us ..owww it has been like 2 weeks or so since we decided to be together",love,NEGATIVE,0.997480571269989 2020-02-12 08:13:51,"Hey I am 19 years old and I have a boyfriend we love each other so much and I'm sure about him,our parents know plus we're even going to move to USA and the thing is that we're both virgins ena my boyfriend asked me to have sex but I said no I'm just afraid and my parents have been telling me not to have sex before marriage mnamn and I'm a girl who believe sex after marriage gn I'm not saying until I'm married but it keeps holding me back ena we make out and also other stuffs mnamn I really want it so bad but it keeps holding me not because of my parents gn can I change this feeling?now he told me that he don't care if we have sex now or later he was so eager ena ande eager hono selenber benargem banargem mnm aymeslgnm algn leza moment I'll be happy keza gn...ale ena me saying no at the first was it wrong ena demo wat should I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9935979843139648 2020-02-12 20:36:54,"Hi guys am new here So am not going to tell u about my problems it's my frinds chigr is the thing I have a girl best friend actually am also a girl we are teenagers like 18 so its about her love story..... she have had a bf since 2006 they both were young like child they were together until last year then one day he makes a foul then they broke up and she was in love with other boy ...the boy can't accept her then she just get in to depression and her ex was in love with her still but she didn't give him a chance to start over then one day she realize that she was still in love with her ex ....but he was never there he were out for months like desipr she was counting days and texting him the whole yasalfciwn welowan she have a hope that may be they will be together one day......after months he came back she was very happy like u hv no idea how she was....bka btm fereca nbr i told he came back but not with his old version he was a new person .......i know that hurts her and now she still pretend like she is okay but i know she is not.....don't know what to say so i choose silence...u guys have a better idea than me ??? Pls help me selecenkge nw what shall i do?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9965884685516357 2020-02-12 20:37:06,"I am doing my senior year final project and i had an idea about ""The ugly teachers the.bad influences and the effect they have on us students "" and i was wondering if any of you could share about what your teacher did to you that you couldn't forget now and if it had changed you to the worst or the best by looking and evaluating your self from where you're standing now i had this idea because one bad teacher ruined my life and if i create awareness on how teachers must act to the students the future generation won't end up like me so share you're experiences",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9831382036209106 2020-02-12 20:37:44,"So here it goes, I've been struggling with depression for the past 6 years and I was strong & brave about it because of my family. But lately I seems to have been to difficulties to breathe so i went to see a doctor and find out I've a slight heart problem. What concerns me the most is how to tell it to my mom since she is should I tell her or not? How?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.7482843995094299 2020-02-12 20:38:03,"Okay Hey there I’m a high school senior student and I have a boyfriend we learn in the same school we’re in the same age So the point is I’m getting jealous I don’t want to be that type of girlfriend fr but idk lately I’m hurting a lot I just want to broke up with him but I love him I do love him a lot and I just can’t do it so the thing I really want you guys to advise me is that how can I survive my relationship with him and his friendship with girls how can I manage my emotions? I’m not being the same me I’m so depressed and bored so please guys I really need an advise and some tips to make me feel better",love,NEGATIVE,0.9946485161781311 2020-02-12 20:38:28,"Hey,guys ...I m a girl and 22 years old ...the thing when i have sex wiz my bf he has like sweaty armpits that smell ena we been frds for abut a yr but we stared 4 month is it okay to tell him about it or shud i say ntg like the haabesha thing is that we dont tell this type that might offended only close family will tell u the truth i wanna k ur opinion?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996203601360321 2020-02-12 20:39:33,"This is insane.. I mean I dont know when I become so numb.. like lemn ngr gid yemaysetew sew.... I know I have been through a lot. Im medical student with family problems. Betam kebad gize eyasalfku nw gn bihonm I dont want to be this kinda girl. What Im doing is that.. I call a random guy zem bye makewn n then we do stuff's I mean like kissing mnamn bicha n then I leave as if nothing happened ena Im not regrating or Im not ashamed off when i see him...I act normal.. Is it normallll?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9986808896064758 2020-02-13 07:49:32,"Hello everyone! Here I'm to vent something in my nerve. I'll try to make it short so that you won't get board. I'm in a serious problem. Like very serious! It's some kind of family issue. My dad is so cruel. I know I don't have to say this but he sure is cruel. He did so many bad things to mom. I'm nat goin talk the details. But my mom is in a serious health problem now. It's akinda critical. she's my everything. She has passed through many bcuz of us. Now she needed a divorce. But the thing is dad won't be okay with that ,so it will nat be that easy.. she planned to stay with her family for some time and after she recovers she will come back and Take care of everything. I'm so sad and broken to say this ,but guys you know what...? She don't have penny in her account. She caint even afford to pay for the transportation. He don't give her any money. I'm a student at AAU..I used to work part time jobs there and send her and lil bro some money. But now I'm sitting here looking her pain, doing nothing and it's killing meh. I really need to make her see a doctor. And I should take her to her familys.. otherwise she'll be dying.. But i couldn't afford to do's really painful to see your mom in such a situation and you see ur self doing nothing. It really hurts to be a no help...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979943037033081 2020-02-13 07:50:03,Hey yall iam a girl im falling for a guy who works as an employee in my fam company he told me he loves me very much but its like impossible to be with him cause i might lose my parents and disappoint them so give me honest advice.,love,NEGATIVE,0.976219892501831 2020-02-13 07:50:17,I just wanna say fuck Valentine's day.,desire,NEGATIVE,0.9983094930648804 2020-02-13 07:51:13,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Hey guys so this is my fist time venting I am a 17 year old boy who lives in Addis. I live with my father and step mother. So what happens is my dad usually works a lot and travels a lot since he works in an international company and my step mom does too but not as much as him. One day i accidentally saw my step mom naked in her room. I wanted to ask her something but sh didn’t close the door and then I immediately ran down stairs and ever since then I have been getting an erection every time I see her (she is around 32 years old) one day she saw my erection and was pissed and said why would you have that and I panicked and said you were hot and the response I got was not what I expected. She said your hot too for your age. Then all of a sudden she is touching my you know and then giving me hand jobs and stuff. This has been happening for over a month. I like that she is done that but she is my step mom. What would you guys advice me I should do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9922001957893372 2020-02-13 10:09:54,"Hey, well this is not a vent. I was reading your guys vents and can't help but say sth about them specifically for the ones WHO FELT EMPTY First when you have this kind of problems dont spend too much time wallowing in self pity. Try to solve it in the proper way. I have been there I know what it feels like just so you know that im not simply judging you guys. And the first step to solve it is identifying the problem. Ask yourself why is this happening to me?‍ And the most common reasons why you feel empty is 1) you don't know who you are: When you lose touch of who you are, what you want, who you want to be and when you feel like you have no purpose if this is the reason take time off, give yourself alone time and think about what goals you want to set, what you want, who you want to be 2) you don't have any meaningful relationships ‍‍‍ So you felt isolated and detached from those around you, maybe not the quantity but the quality of friendships you have or the lack of intimacy between you and your people so find your small group of people be it friends, bf, gf or family who you can be open up to and be comfortable with, the key to joy is not being popular or known but a close emotional band you feel towards each other 3) you haven't made peace with your past, maybe there are some unresolved feelings lingering from your past, or loss of someone important, or breakup or failure and now you dont know what you are without it now that its gone if so, dont stay hung up on your past make peace with it, forgive yourself and aloe yourself to heal and move on 4) you dont have any dreams in your life Dreams make you feel like you matter and you are meant to do sth wonderful in your life and trust me its normal to feel that way. Not every one was born knowing their purpose every one takes the time they take. So look inside you and search sth you feel attracted to Any way you and only you know the reason behind your feeling of emptiness. After that take action it won't be easy but it will be worse every try and the sooner the better. I hope the admins post it cause I wrote i t with so much heart and effort Stay well",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9584685564041138 2020-02-13 10:11:23,"So here is the thing it might be boring but plz read........I'm 26 and I'll be 27 in a couple of months I've a decent job and a very loving family. My bro lives in the states and he told me to talk to a guy who lives there. He told he has plans to take me there by taking some one and instead a relative of there's will take me ( switch) then i started to talk to the guy just texting, he is very very cute, charming mnamn. He started calling me hode yene fker mnamn but he texts and responds when ever he likes. I'm okay with that cuz I'm seeing this in a business perspective cuz I know we just don't fit. He can do so much better than me I'm short, skinny plus my big boobs makes me really uncomfortable i always wear clothes that are too big for me mnamn so i just don't feel ok when he calls me that way and i just couldn't stop flirting with him fearing that I'll ruin things if i act up all serious malet don't get me wrong I don't hate if he is mine for real but he just can't be cuz of all the reasons i told you and i know for sure that he won't be all loving and nice if he sees me in person and I don't want things to get messed up so what should i do with him? And My friends are getting married and some of them are having kids and you know our society so... i just want to go far away where no one knows me and expects nothing so for this to happen things have to go smoothly with him ena help...pls don't be rude",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.8602219820022583 2020-02-13 10:12:59,"Hi there unihorse I need to vent Iam a girl am in universty in addis ...and i have been trying To do well in everthing since i was young ...u know family expected to much from me since i was their only child ..they do like hmm compare me to other kids ..from that moment my self steem became so low be honest am cute and smart ..and also have a good voice ...but am shy , tall and u know yedebub sew am average wefram minamn .. And have the worst behavior means i listen my surrounding too much for ex i wear some cloth and if someone says something i immediately change it ...this thing eyadege Ahun am not confident in about myself in my relationship , with my friends , with my classmates , witheveryone i know not confident i feel like worthless i feel like i have to be perfect although there is nothing like that in this world ...bicha kene wichi hulum sew perfect hono yitayegnal ..and lemwedachew sewoch beki endalhonku new misemagn me guys",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9966673254966736 2020-02-13 10:14:18,Okay soo this is my first time and i wanted to say things that are makin me feel insecure.. im campus student fresh.. and this life is new for me meeting new ppl having mates and shit.. but i got a gf here too and im happy mnamn but shes got this thing .. shes free talks to guys on chat and shit and she doesnt know the consequences of talkin to these dudes talkin to here (they're in the same class and all of them have crush on her and shit )i told her to stop she said okay but when they call she picks up and talk to them normally i like her freedom and i trust her but these dude might fall and might be. Aproblem for us in the future,joy,NEGATIVE,0.899328887462616 2020-02-13 10:14:39,"Am a guy..Isn't it sad when ur partner don't even try to make efforts to see u..make some time for eachother.. I mean is it zat bad to make sth up(lie)to fam... to see ur loved one..I mean isn't zat wat ppl in r.n ship do??(supposed to do) weys I got it all wrong? Any Couples out there can u share how far ur willing to go to make time for ur g.f/b.f ..please any opinions?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.99932861328125 2020-02-13 20:38:00,Hey guys am 19 and I h've bf we h've been 4 years I love him so much more than u think and he love's me too but the thing is that am born with HIV I told him that and we just can't together more than that I don't want to hurt him but he said no mnm bihon altewshm and I feel not good so we were broken up for 1 month then we back but now I feel not good he is normal he thinks to our future he realese that ena betam chenkognal one day he will avoid me that's ma thought and I don't want to hurt him but I want to get married & to h've a family gn am normal endemangnawm sew I can live yah people don't think that yehen neger felge or balege adelem yametawt its nature bka ena guys pls help me what shall I do ????,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981791973114014 2020-02-13 20:40:09,Hey guys what do you do when everyone around you disappears through time.and when your feeling lonely even if somone came the feeling of them leaving again wont go away..i don't even have someone to talk to at this point because ik they wont be here tomorrow am not letting my self feel anything bc of the fear of them leaving what do i do guys,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9957952499389648 2020-02-13 20:40:38,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity Hello I'm 22, married and mom . I've some issues in my marriage . The thing is he is my first in everything . I got married at the age of 18. And we argue like everyday but we love each other . and now I've been thinking of divorce due to some issues behind . we've been in marriage for 4years and got one baby boy he's 2 and half . and he gets jealous over a silly thing , he doesn't want me to go out ... I used to love him but now its really hard for me to love him like I used to . and we haven't had sex for almost 2 years and half which is hard to believe . and he is ignorant , he doesn't care about my feeling , he doesn't like to discuss about what's going on in our marriage . and please I really need an advice which is better than a divorce . Thank you .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9896643757820129 2020-02-14 08:45:58,"Hey guys,right now am in deep fucking depression and I can't control it,am 16 guy and some of my friends are like I have a new girlfriend and am like am gonna end up alone btw I like girls I know how to flirt and stuff but am afraid to ask,am afraid that am gonna get rejected so what do I do guys And admins pls approve this",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9952176809310913 2020-02-14 08:47:06,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Its my first time tho I want comments pls i'm very confused about guys on telegram am not the kind of girl that believe the words of these guys that says ilu, I only want to live with u n other shits n i'm very emotional like I know many guys like they good looking n funny n I literally love them but at a time I stop loving him n just start to be a nerdy girl so what should I do bout this thing please try to help every body it really means alot for me Cuz its my first time tho to vent. Lots of",love,NEGATIVE,0.9919947385787964 2020-02-14 08:48:09,"Uhhh, okay so here here goes. My problem is with making relationships last, and I've been tryna put my finger on what the problem is but i can't. From what i can figure out i only seem end up with emotionally unavailable women who refuse to open up and trust someone. I'm extremely old fashioned. I believe in love and i think I'm really good at being with someone. I know I'm a little cliche with gifts, remembering certain days and just making random speechs about how important the person I'm with is to me. A friend of mine recently mentioned that i expect too much from women, and that in our current generation, love shouldn't be the goal and that made no sense to me. I know games work and all but if you care about someone, isn't it better if you're just genuine? I mean we aren't teenagers for the love of God. Whats wrong with wanting to be in a fully commited relationship where, i get to treat my girl like the fucking queen she is and wanting that to last forever? I'm sorta starting to believe noone out there shares my ideals and its scaring me. I don't want to settle for some mediocre form of romance, because i couldn't find my better half. Am i being naive in believing all this? Is love dead?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9858572483062744 2020-02-14 08:49:34,Ola ppl so here is the thing im senior high school student ena gf nebrechign then we broke up coz andem ken tegenagnten anakem our love be text ena be call becha nebrr ena beka ene meketel alchalkum then tefatan kesa leresat alchalkum mnm neger bareg even in our school addis temari alech ena im interested in her gen i couldn't for get my ex i don't know what to do the new girl rasu she is single gen wend ende matamen negerechign ena becha gra gebtognal i need ur help,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9902791380882263 2020-02-14 20:42:09,I don't know what to do ..he loves me and ik he is genuinely hurting but I just couldn't love him back eshi what sho I do ..we r friends Ena I don't wanna hurt him,love,POSITIVE,0.7505309581756592 2020-02-14 20:42:54,"Honestly I hate to be this person but like I can’t do it up front cuz I don’t want drama and ik for sure she finna see this so hear we go. I hate her like I have never hated my ex’s as much as I hate her. In fact I don’t hate my ex’s but herrrr I don’t know how it got like this but I do. Maybe it’s because she’s too desperate for love that she pushed her idea of love on me force feed me then said I was the bad guy. And uk what I hope this new love of urs rips your heart right out makes you feel pain to the point of no return shattering you that u want nothing but to die, let ur heart burn when u breath because the pain is like an inferno because my dear you don’t know love. You don’t know what it is to love someone for their bad side not just flowers and roses but the part that cuts deep. Maybe that’s makes me hate you so much because you don’t know how to love or be loved. And I do see I’ve loved someone so much I don’t even know who I am after loved so much every time I was with someone I keeping seeing that person. I loved with everything I was. You’re a lair and I saw you for the pathetic desperate little girl you were and chose to stay but you said u want to be feed honey all day and baby I’m not sweet I’m spicy too damn good for your little fragile heart.",love,POSITIVE,0.8947431445121765 2020-02-14 20:43:15,Hey third year campus student and got a problem of having frnds....i mean i do have some friends gn they are not on my they came from rural areas ena modachen mnm ligaetatem a result of this im btm lonely....z worst case senario is dmo when i came home(which i do so often) highschool frnds start avoiding me....ik they are busy.....but still have no one to count ....what should i do guys???,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.999461829662323 2020-02-14 20:45:04,"Hi everyone, I've been a member of this vent for as long as I can remember but never vented..this is actually my first let me just get to it and the thing is I'm a senior student and I've been friends with this senior dude for a year different school tho we met cause of his friend is both our friend..and around Ethiopian New year's he asked me out but I liked him as my bestfriend so much tht I didn't want to just jump into relationship and ruin what we have just like tht I rejected him...he didn't give up, he asked me again sayin he'll wait till I say yes and tht for me to just give it a thought...every since then I couldn't see him with the same look I did back so I found myself liking him back step by step cause thts all he's been tryin on his birthday December 23 I suprised him mnm and also said yes and we started's been fun every since and all then this past few weeks he started acting weird like no text, no phonecalls for days disappeared just like tht and acts normal like he didn't do shit when he comes back....he has 3 weeks break of winter break and dude been getting really high and apparently that makes him not wanting to talk and he promised it's only till school started but then again he still gets high once in a while even after school started...I get worried Ena when I call him he give me all the silly reasons like everything is cool I'm just not feeling like I wanne talk, uk this behavior of me mnm....I feel so shitty and I love him but I don't like the space between us...we haven't even seen eachother since winter break....he went ghost on me for the whole week and I was so angry and frustrated so I couldn't just wait and called today yet he says we're cool I'm just not feeling like chatting and all keza he apologized and we started talking normal even tho I didn't buy it then I'll call u back blo he didn't call, he gets online but he doesn't text back....Ena it really is messing my head up so what do u think I should do? I could really use a friendly talk",love,NEGATIVE,0.9917783141136169 2020-02-14 20:46:10,"I need help I'm a player and there is this kind,caring guy and he's falling for me I'm falling for him I don't wanna be in love I've things to do before that and I know I'll break his hurt and I've lied so many things to him if he found out about it he'll be really broke I need help",desire,POSITIVE,0.9767505526542664 2020-02-14 20:46:55,"Hey ""vent here"" Team .. Today is Our One year anniversary day with my girl friend Amy ... So would you please approve my vent guys We have been in a L.D.Relationship since Feb 13 2019 . . I wanna surprise her .. She can see this vent I just want your wishes for us and for her for my Loving, caring, alkasha, tewedaj, pure heart, bube girlfriend .. Guys I Love you so much baby am glad I have you in my life Babe egna eneleyalen eshi Thanks guys",love,POSITIVE,0.9987773299217224 2020-02-15 08:34:27,Something makes me uncomfortable about my height so all the guyss here please tell me do u guyss hate short girls i mean for relationship which one do u prefer short or tall girls ....i really wanna know,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9956402778625488 2020-02-15 08:34:52,"Pls pls admins approve this vent I'm a girl and I am in highschool. If any of you guys know how to get a scholarship pls tell me. I want to learn medicine outside of this country because I've been seeing all of you saying that medicine in Ethiopia isn't a better choice. And even if it's not medicine, if you know any way at all that's free and could get me a scholarship abroad please share it with me because I really need to make my mom proud and I want her to boast about me to her friends like they do on her. She tries so hard not to pressure me too hard but I know she wants me to have a future better than her present. And her being proud aside, I never had the chance to enjoy life as those kids in other homes did. I think learning would be my way of making myself get that life. I'll stop now because I feel like I'm writing an essay about dreams. If any of you know a certain, free (cheap) and easy way of studying abroad that has worked for u or someone else u know... Pls help me. Thank u.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9906675219535828 2020-02-15 08:37:55,"I met with one of my friends from old times, we sat in a cafe and had a chat about life it was like 5 years since we saw each other so there were a lot to discuss .Sipping his coffee he tells me all about his life and what he has been doing his kids, his job and his overall life and I could see how excited he was about the mundane day to day life and seeing him grown up and happy made me realize I haven’t been happy for a while. I could not remember the last time I was that excited about life and the thing is I had the life I thought I always wanted minimal, with a decent job and just simple but thinking about it now I don’t even remember the last time I said nothing other than ‘አለሁ ምን እሆናለው’ when I get asked how I am. After we said our goodbyes I drove home and came back to my dark, live-less home in the evening, turned on the lights and sat on my sofa. I just kept looking around to see the house, how empty it was, the injera I bought yesterday lying on the table, the tea I made in the morning just the way I left it, and I just thought to myself how empty I was. God, where did I go wrong.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9912831783294678 2020-02-15 08:39:38,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Hello , so i want to vent ...hide my identity We have have been friends since we were grade 7 but we know each other when we were grade 1. But we become best friends after grade 7 . Back in highschool everyone used to hate me coz if i think sth is not good (like mamr anfeligim silu or any thing related to this) kehone i dont cooperate . Ena every one talk behind ma back . Gin at this time she wasnt a friend in need . Always taking thw class side not mine . Always telling ppl the number of ppl who hated me minamin .Honestly i love her coz she is my bestfriend but now a days i feel like am holding a gurage againest her .i even think of telling her what she did to me back then keza demo i step back . What do i do guys . How do u hate your bestfriend # i dont have so many friends so am scared bichayen mehon .please help.",love,NEGATIVE,0.9956142902374268 2020-02-15 08:40:55,Being nice has became such a disadvantage in the Dating world ....the girls are jumping from one boyfriend to the next like it is an Olympic race but The nice guys are to blame when they fall flat on the face ...and it really is tiring to watch a girl you're interested in Playing in the race and you by virtue of being nice have to wait on the beanch till she is done with olympics race and sees how good you are for her ....Fuck that ....we can compete too ...we may be nice but we have our limits in this world you have to limit your niceness if not ppl will abuse it like it is cocain The end,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9955163598060608 2020-02-15 12:22:49,"More like a cry for help... Am 23 women n i think i'm a pushover... not that i dont like doing things for ppl but sometimes i can't say no even if it will hurt me... or if i dont want it .. i dont know how to just say NO. I just give a few reasons to insist n then if people insist that i do it... even if i dont want to i will say yes... even when i know i might regret it... embi malet shame yiyzegnal idk why how do i stop this? Pleaaseee help me ... i really hate this side of me...",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9986526966094971 2020-02-15 12:29:24,"Hello , I’m female 21 years old I used to be very confident but after some people make me conscience about my nose am struggling with self acceptance I feel very insecure about my nose i have flat nose I even really want to have rhinoplasty but i can’t I keep thinking no one will want to marry me unless they are worse than me all my friends are married or dating there are guys that chase after me but I feel they want me temporarily and also I think am hard to get like every guy say that to me I don’t know why and for guys that excite them. cause of my low self esteem I feel empty always trying to fill myself with over eating or shopping even when I don’t have enough money I think that would compensate for my missing part .i know understand nothing will change unless i accept myself but HOW ? Please let me know your wise advice",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9971477389335632 2020-02-15 12:34:15,"Aight I need to vent y'all, first of all it's my first time n am kinda asking for genuine advice, so here's the deal I met this girl like 2 weeks ago n we vibed bande ena I went out wid her a week after n I got head over heals fo her n i tot she did too so I kinda told her like as in I like u beye ena she said she was too ena we were good till recently I just started making her my priority as in I always make time to talk her ena I think she's getting fed up by it .. shud I keep talking to her or lay low ???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9960728883743286 2020-02-15 12:36:13,I ain't rly venting.. Just wanted to b the one that's blocking the happy couples anniversary thingy.... And for that I think we've gots to make this long... Owk here goes me ventin on the uniponi...hmm.. I feel like dying every time I play some tunes with my guitar... I guess that was all... And to clarify its not coz I suck at it.. Its coz I'm a depressed ass niger who wants to die knowing this was it.. Life.. All the lies.. deception. Bein hurt n all that shit yo momma wanted u to dough,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9993577599525452 2020-02-16 08:35:24,"I'm a girl. Am 17. A year ago my mom died and three months after that, more like immediately after that, my dad got married to this stupid stupid bitch who's like a decade younger than him. She probably wants him for his money I swear. And what I hate about her is that my dad spends so much money on her by buying her clothes and jewelry and he literally forgot me. But uk what it is okay that she's making my dad a mognamogn but she tries to get along with me. She tries to cook nice things, tries to help me with school stuff, talks about movies and music and even tries to get me to tell her about BOYS wtff. Betam nw metelat I don't want this hate to consume me tbh but I just can't stand being near her. Her mere existence makes mine ache. I hate her so much. And my dad is getting mad at me for that. Things have changed after she came along. She's number one priority now. I can even hear them have sex ffs. I hate them both. I just want to run away. I don't know what to do. I feel so lonely in the home my REAL mom once raised me in.",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9971605539321899 2020-02-16 08:36:36,Hey um a girl and 18 ...the thing is I have a boyfriend we have been dating for 2 years ena we broke up I used to love him very much like btammm .....ena after he broke up with me I become numb I started to date d/nt boys.....mnamn .......then I meet this guy who is really funny ena I started to feel something like I always smile when I see his texts and blush when he gives me nicknames then instead of loving him I started to miss my ex I started to cry for him I started to feel ena I am scared btammm yedrow fkre endaymeles ena I can't even think straight,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9275627136230469 2020-02-16 08:37:29,"So it was valentines day yesterday, kinda seems like the perfect time to bitch about my rp problems. It's not a complicated story, i got together with a girl I've had my eye on for a year now. She's absolutely the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. She's very shy but she's also so kind and funny. But I get the feeling that she doesn't trust me. She doesn't tell me stuff you should tell to your partner, stuff that i alreday know. So i just decided since she wasn't rly comfortable being open with me I'd just be more of a frnd to her and confide in her so in time she'd trust me. It's been a couple of months now and still nothing. Classes and tests have kept us so busy that i don't even see her that much anymore. Idk whether we're frnds or a couple, i can feel myself caring less and less about her. In the beginning i felt like this was diffenent from all my other rps and i rly tried to make it work but rn i just want to let it go cuz thinking about it is driving me crazy. Plus it's not like i can't move on I can move on today if i wanted too...should i?",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9874655604362488 2020-02-16 08:38:12,"Hy guys... I am in love with a boy who hates relationship. he just wanted one night affair.he knows that i love him and he is good to me.i always call nd set appointements to meet.actually he is a kinda of busy but if i called he will come.the other thing he told me that he doesnt wanna relationship but he doesnt mind if we have an affair.i am confused what to do. should i leave and move on or try harder?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9574313759803772 2020-02-16 08:39:18,"Umm hello its my nth time venting am a girl and am 20 And here goes my vent my cousin broke up with her boyfriend and she wanted uk to get revenge on him and i agreed to do it the plan was to make him fall in love with me and play with his heart i didn't want to do it at first but she told me stories how she loved him and played with her and also sho told me he cheated on her and i believed her and started doing it and the guy was really different i mean he so caring and nice plus really handsome to and i ended up falling in love with him he told me he loved me and we dated for like 6 months and the revenge thing long forgotten and my cousin kept pestering me about the revenge i couldn't do any thing and ignored her But i don't who some one told him about the thing most probably my cousin or her bitchy besties and am here crying and trying to talk to him day and night i know I've hurt him and that hurts me too .i don't know what to do any more i can't just give up on him So tell me what u think",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9881272912025452 2020-02-16 08:40:57,"First time venting It's just a question actually, what would u do if you go too your girl friends prom with her and find her kissing another man . But you are still lov her ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9955203533172607 2020-02-16 12:07:53,"This my observation of the young minds who is normal and young,I mean there are few people living care free but as I see it ,the young (teens )are going through some fucked up shit like being a witness to murder and walking up to school like u just watched a movie but late at night that shit haunts u ,getting depressed when life turns their back on you and their is no one there to tell u "" it would get better and everything would be fine "" since u can't talk to ur parents cause they won't understand it and ppl say this being depressed shit is just a phase until u see a 15 yr old girl leaving a note saying she can't cope with this life and she wants to be set free and decides to hang herself ......but even seeing this won't change the opinion of the earlier generation about us , they don't understand that we are just trying to cope with the shit that they have allowed us to go through ,SO STOP BLAMING US FOR OUR OWN PAIN . And realizing this vent came from a simple teen means we need help going through this stuff",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988988637924194 2020-02-16 12:08:36,"Hey guys, So I had a nightmare. A year ago I ran away from my fathers house because he was being abusive to the point of me being afraid he would walk in my room and kill me one day without even telling me why. Now he knows where I am, he wants to visit. I've tried not thinking about it too much but... nightmares. So in my nightmare my aunt and uncle (my dads siblings) told me to meet them somewhere, when I did my dad was standing behind them. He said he needed to talk to me alone and dragged me away as I called for help..then I woke up. I would talk to my friends but they don't really know this about me, and talking only to a therapist makes me feel like im crazy.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977957010269165 2020-02-16 13:19:32,"Happy Sunday. Do you have any new features you want, or wished you had? Comment them up here and we'll see to it that it exists in the future. Let's make Vent Here what you want it to be.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9949363470077515 2020-02-17 08:07:30,I'm scared to love i guess. I know if i let my heart the fall would be too great but on the same time i wanna let go and Let it happen to but its like im not incontrol of my own emotions. A girl ...,fear,NEGATIVE,0.8541204333305359 2020-02-17 08:08:14,"Hey this is not a vent it's more like an advice for girls out there. Girls don't ever ever tell your life problems to your boyfriend! I'm telling you he will leave you because guys get scared. Before you cry alone about this ale sure you say nothing about your problems. Just be strong and handle it alone!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9939111471176147 2020-02-17 08:08:41,"so here goes.. I'm dating this guy, we've been talking for months and lately spending more time. I like him but the more I spend time with him, the less I like him. He has a personality of a 16 year old. (We are 23, 24)We have fun but he's just... so immature and obsessive about childish stuff. I thought we were casual but it's getting serious.Which I don't like. And I don't know how to break up with a person who didn't do nothing wrong. And I'm giving him all the wrong signs and he thinks that I like him so much. I don't know what to tell him cause don't want to be that bitch guys complain about. So I'm just sitting here acting like his girlfriend. Help a girl out please....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9941179752349854 2020-02-17 08:09:32,"I want to fall in love. Yeah think whatever you want. Everyone has felt it except me. I domt wanna force. I could never force. It will happen when it should happen. But cant help myself you know? I just wanna be cheesy and corny i want to be like those couples i see and cring i want to spoil a guy....i know its mostly the other way but i got a momma to spoil me. I want someone to spoil. Bicha anyone who feels like this ? Those of you who don't just kindly scroll away.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9820583462715149 2020-02-17 08:10:43,"Well...Im 3rd yr uni student....Im so confused. ..I have a friend, we started talking (chatting) on fb 5 years ago...we met in person few times now we chat on tg too....but every time we met he tries to kiss me and i refused cause I don't want to complicate things Ive begged him to stop doing that...I even asked him why does he want to kiss me...and he says what is the problem...the problem is I don't have any feelings for him...Im not sure if he has any...and ahun ahun he started sexting me and Ive asked hom to stop...he still says what's the problem. Its getting really please give me some advice here...what does he want...and should I stop talking to him?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9988106489181519 2020-02-17 08:12:16,"Hi everyone! I think it's gonna be along vent and I hope u guys don't get bored ... so lately almost everything in my life is becoming messed up , ldk where to start. This year has been so fucked up... my parents got divorce and I've little sis who I've to take care of... my mom is trying to pull her self up but I know she's still hurt my my father, she has become addicted to her phone... she doesn't have a time for us anymore and my father he's such a jerk he was cheating on her while they were married and after the divorce he got a new home and is about to get married to some girl... He doesn't give a shit about us.... He hates all of us and right now we're struggling financially... I never used to think about money but now it all l can think about and I'm senior... I'm about to take matric this year and I used to be 3.7 -4 GPA student but now ugh I don't even know what to say and I'm in a relationship which is L.D.R and we love each other so much but me meet once in 5 months and I missed him so much and we can do nothing about it... and he always tells me to be strong, to study and that he loves me but l'm the one who always calls... gn I know he cares. And I've got no friend to talk to at school I've one friend... not real friend we're friends coz we don't wanna be alone and she never cares never ask me how I'm doing even though she knows everything thing god I'm super nice to her but I don't get the same back. And I'm not studying well for matric... I need help pls help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9960195422172546 2020-02-17 11:45:48,"I'm a guy. The level of loneliness i'm at is bothering me so much,i can't take it any longer. I just noticed it n i really hate the fact that im this way,a friend of mine suggested i start talking to new people when i mentioned she is the only one i talk to. Her being busy in her own affairs somehow is making me feel a whole new level of lonely,i will lose my sleep n stay up all night when she gets her call or is busy to talk to. Its pathetic ik. I just wanted to say it hurts to be all alone n having no one to talk when you want someone to confide in. It really hurts. Im sorry i bothered y'all,n thank you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993138313293457 2020-02-17 20:48:24,I had sex wd my ex’s best friend and when i say ex i mean a guy ik for over 2 yrs and even after we broke it off we still text n stuff and he still likes me he always tells me that and he actually introduced to his friend and we ended up doing it n idk but i havent slept in days the guilt is killing me his friend promised he wont day a thingg to anyone but idk who am i to trust .. no one deserves this idk y i dd dat to him if he knows wat happened it will break him like literally i cant do dat to him i made a mistake ik and i will get punished for it but if i cld go back intime i wld take it alll back and i seriously dont know wat to do or say,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9947729706764221 2020-02-17 20:50:15,"Idk how I ended up on this bot but people seem to really help out, so I want to share and get some good advice here because I’m not big at sharing things in real life I’m a happy person like I’m a realist and I try really hard to make the best out of life. i’ve had a difficult past but I’m over it all and I’m finally finding my ground. Which means I’m finally organized and have my shit together. So I’m ready for commitments either romantic or other goals. So I was offered three jobs at ones and I love three of them because three of them make me happy and help me grow more, which makes it hard to decide. If you have any idea to help me with that I’d love to hear it.And I went out on dates and found two amazing men but the two are exactly how I’d want my man to be and funny thing is Idk if they’re both ready to settle plus I don’t want keep on going and have more dates with both because it feels a little rude but I’m thinking I’d need some time to know their grounds and where they want to stand with me ... and they are kind of the same in some ways. I’m not saying I should choose or anything but how does one know which to choose not only by how much they make me feel but how much I make them feel? thanks ppl And to all of u out there struggling with anything and everything in life, it will all work out in the end. Just work on yourselves and life will reward you with happiness.",love,POSITIVE,0.9959567189216614 2020-02-17 20:51:43,"Hi . my vent might be a little silly compared to everyone else's .but it kind of is bothering me soo the thing is my boyfriend le valentine's day mnm alalegnm. I didn't want anything tbh but a simple ""Happy valentine's day"" wouldn't hurt anyone least be txt or call gift mnmn kerto ..demo we were talking kenun mulu ena matam gin NOTHING like what the fuck ? we have been together for like 8 months or so ..and restot mnmn aydelem because it was all people talked about yezan ken . bicha elachuhalew endezi nw ayy mtsm .",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9954711198806763 2020-02-17 20:51:52,"Dear unihorse hide my identity I am a second year college student and i am a sex addict i can barely go a week without having sex, fasika tsom is coming up and i was trying to mend my relationship with god but my inner hoe wont cooperate please help me fix this.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9924874305725098 2020-02-17 20:52:55,"Hi I have been with my gf for some months but we have big problem which is she thinks I am not giving her enough time she may be right but the problem is like most men I am the one who always pay money when we spend time together so if I don't have enough money I can not meet her because she will not pay either . I am a student like her and I would love to spend all my time with her if I can afford to pay . She still didn't understand my problem how can I explain this to her . What's that I am supposed to do if we continue like this I am sure she will break up with me",love,NEGATIVE,0.9959673881530762 2020-02-18 08:20:29,"I have finally decided to commit suicide and I have never felt this relived ever in my life, now that I know that all this is going to end puts me at ease but the only thing that bothers me is that my mom will never understand this, and so how can I let her know I was happy in the end and help her move on?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977962970733643 2020-02-18 11:53:28,"Well hello people this is my first time using this bot.. I'm a boy 17YO 12th grader soon to take the UEE here is the story..I'm the only child in our house and my parents got divorced when I was like 6YO mnamn but they lived together for the ""sake of me"" but they've been always fighting and my mom thinks my dad is bitching around with another girl but he keeps denying that and they decided to stop living together so I moved with my dad which he is a complete jerk he doesn't give a shit bout me he is rich but he didn't even create a bank account for me and earlier I found out he was flirting with a girl and I don't talk to him like we used to gn yaw tenekaktenal and I think he gon kick me out of his house when I enter the university and shit I was a class topper but God knows what I've been upto I can't focus on my class rn",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982389211654663 2020-02-18 20:59:32,"Idk how I ended up on this bot but people seem to really help out, so I want to share and get some good advice here because I’m not big at sharing things in real life I’m a happy person like I’m a realist and I try really hard to make the best out of life. i’ve had a difficult past but I’m over it all and I’m finally finding my ground. Which means I’m finally organized and have my shit together. So I’m ready for commitments either romantic or other goals. So I was offered three jobs at ones and I love three of them because three of them make me happy and help me grow more, which makes it hard to decide. If you have any idea to help me with that I’d love to hear it.And I went out on dates and found two amazing men but the two are exactly how I’d want my man to be and funny thing is Idk if they’re both ready to settle plus I don’t want keep on going and have more dates with both because it feels a little rude but I’m thinking I’d need some time to know their grounds and where they want to stand with me ... and they are kind of the same in some ways. I’m not saying I should choose or anything but how does one know which to choose not only by how much they make me feel but how much I make them feel? thanks ppl And to all of u out there struggling with anything and everything in life, it will all work out in the end. Just work on yourselves and life will reward you with happiness.",love,POSITIVE,0.9959567189216614 2020-02-18 21:02:52,"Hey guys, I've got this feeling that I irritating the living hell out of me and I thought I would share... I feel lonely... I have friends but I haven't found a friend that's right for me, someone who shares the same personality as myself... Every time I'm on tg I'm ignored. I have a ton of contacts yes but it just seems like it quantity based not quality... As cliche as it may sound, the only people in my life I trust and feel alive with are my family.... I don't want to find a person to talk to but rather someone that understands me, someone who will be there for me when I need them most, someone who will be willing to take their time to talk to me when I call, I just want someone that's like me. It sounds selfish I know... Its just that I don't think I've been getting that happiness from the people I hang out with.... I act mighty and help those I'm not even close with, I take my time to help those that are broken.... But I'm the broken one and I've got no one (excluding my family ofc) that I can share it with... I'm in pain, cause every time I go online on this platform there is no one to talk to... I feel its best I get rid of tg but I don't know, I'm hurting inside but there isn't a person I can tell that to. I help people cause I genuenly love helping people but part of me wants them to know that I'm here, please notice me... Maybe friendship wasn't destined for me, maybe I'm just not needed.... It sounds stupid to complain but I wanted to get this off my system... Thank you for reading",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9982233643531799 2020-02-18 21:03:33,"Hi guys, boy 22 yrs old ena betam depression wist gebichalew Malet beka my family specially my mom mifeligew bet wist kuch endil new guadegnoche endagegn minamin afeligim tmrt lay bicha keleme new endhon mifeligew. Ene demo esua endemitasibiw aynet chewa lij adelewim ena kegibi simeta yelele eyedeberegn new esuan maskeyem demo alifeligim?ena mn larg mnm feta miyaregegn neger atichalew yemer bizu neger eyasebiku new...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981839060783386 2020-02-19 10:38:36,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent So I am really stressed and all I think about is just giving up on life every moment I neeed help can you guys suggest any psychologist that can help.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992045760154724 2020-02-19 10:41:26,"I need to vent It's kinda long but pls bear with me A couple of months ago while we were senior high school, I fall in love with my classmate the think is he had a girlfriend( which he was forced to stay with her for some reasons) he didn't loved her bcha we started talking, studying together and stuff. With time he began to feel the same way then eventually we kissed mnmn, gn he felt guilty (he is rly a good guy )then I afford to go out of his life but he refused, at the end of yr he came and broke up with me and her. I know he still loves me but he thinks he's not worth of me gn he wants to keep being friends, he thinks I'm his strength gn I couldn't kill my feelings towards him and its hurts me alot at the same time I wanna stay his friend. God I'm so confused pls help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9907153844833374 2020-02-19 10:44:20,"Please be kind and Tell me all the problems women and girls face based on gender bias. I am a reporter based here somewhere in Ethiopia and I want to work on Gender issues. Ps: only true stories and true events please have a great time y’all!",desire,POSITIVE,0.9952290058135986 2020-02-19 10:45:16,Hey guys am 18 years old am really confused of bf we have been 1 years ke 5 month together we are planning for future but he don't want me to go out to meet my friends wlc r boys he don't allow me anything that he don't like like esu yalew ngr mehone alebet like he don't want me to go out he believe I could meet one guy nd broke up with him bt really I'm not open for that bt he couldn't understand me gn really am scared of my future if he keeps like this what would I do I have plans to do in future am frustrated of this if we are married in future if he keeps like this what would I be pls help me,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9987095594406128 2020-02-19 19:13:12,"Hey everyone, This question is specifically for women. There is a girl that I loved for lots of years back in highschool we were very close like we sat together minamin. Her friend had a crush on me, every one knew it, but she used to give me advice about how I should get the girl I liked, one day when me the girl I liked was texting there was this dialogue and it has been frustrating me for years and I need to know what it means. The dialogue goes as Me: gin ""name"" why you do you act differently when your with me Her:how Me:lelochu(my friends) saykfush lelam neger bayregush minim atyim ene gin kenekahush you make it a big deal Her: so min malet nw esu? Dedeb arjun Me:Eshi teyiw beka Her:aygebakim beka tewew beka Me:esto explain it Her: tewew .. Like I really need to understand what she meant. You girls have ways of expressing yourself and we men cant understand but I need yall to tell me what this meant.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.8749706745147705 2020-02-19 19:16:18,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need a Vent Hey girl 16 highschool student....its kinnda along story but here we go there was one guy when I was in grade 10 and we were talkin in tg for long time and he's humanity makes me fall for him..he said he love me many times and as time goes was insanely and madly in love wiz him ena I told him he became to change mnamn and then he told me that he was only playin with me ...beqa ma life just messed up took long time ......we were in the same school beqa totally it was very hard for me.....changed school mnamn forgot him start new life gn....alea beqa love seems me like an nightmare that have characters called men.....becha lwendoch yalegn astesasbe yewerde hone .....they seems me like beast's wiz no horn......I wanna have +ve thoughts about them but I can't I just one trust someone again but my heart can't open ....I just wanna believe they ain't the same ........what can I dooo ???????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9897053837776184 2020-02-19 19:21:58,I'll try my best to make this as short as possible. I'm 20. I'm not in University. Or college. My parents got divorced a while back and I've been staying with my mom ever since but I used to visit my dad on the weekends. I have a toothbrush and many clothes at his house or my former house. They both hate me because I remind them of each other and how I'm a failure in life and dependent on them for everything. It really feels lonely when ur family is against u. I wanna stay with my grandparents (Mom's) because they're the best humans that ever existed in this world. I need a job. And friends.,desire,NEGATIVE,0.9960172772407532 2020-02-19 19:23:07,I'm 16. I'm a girl. So my friends suck. They're fake and make fun of me with others. I really don't worry much about this but what's awful is it is affecting my school performance (like literally) and their academic results are just great. They make me feel guilty about being myself.i have to change my interests to fit into their conversations. They judge me for everything. And I hate that . Everyone is taken (no one lets you hang out with them because everyone has a life long bff at my age but it never worked for me somehow). I want a really great bff that shares my interests and loves me for who I am (I have that btw but not in my school so I'm kinda a lone wolf there). I'm gonna stop being friends with them btw. But I'm scared of being a friendless lonely loser. I know they won't care if I ditch them. At all. and I want to tell myself college will be better but people tell me that college isn't where real friends exist. I really don't know what to do. I want to be comfortable with being alone but it's just hard.,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9602705836296082 2020-02-19 19:25:02,I just need someone to talk to I don’t hv any major problems but I want a new friend whom I just can chat with everyday about stupid little things send meme and stuff like that I don’t mind if it’s a girl or a guy,desire,POSITIVE,0.6513300538063049 2020-02-20 09:47:59,"Hey guys I just wanna ask smt. I'm hearing peoples saying I work on myself mnamn staff n what is that really mean n how can I work on myself? Tnx",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99864262342453 2020-02-20 09:47:59,Why do women put money on number one priority when it comes to relationships....just to flex on friends and shit ....I'm not saying money ain't an issue but cmon,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977549910545349 2020-02-20 09:48:25,So this thing here is bothering me alittle the thing is i cant manage my money .im a campus student im clean from addiction or drug or smtn but i got a girl and i cant manage money around her. I came from a middle class family. Can u help me out with this may be what to do. When to get out wid ma girl and stuff(coz i do it often very often and the boy kinda have to pay ena im having issues personally),sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9974333643913269 2020-02-20 09:50:05,"So it's been like 2 months since I've broken up with my ex and he's still In my life. Because I did the breaking up he made me feel bad about it and told me the least I could do was keeping him in my life and I thought I was cool with that and I said okay... but now we're talking all day like before and that was not my plan but I can't help it, he has been part of my life for so long that it has been a routine plus he keeps talking about other girls non stop and it's bothering me a lot and I want to stop all this bullshit and not seem like a bad person again because it feels like I'm breaking up with him all over again so if you have any advice please",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9956263303756714 2020-02-20 10:40:09,"I hope this gets approved. Its been almost a month now since we broke contact with eachother. Not the first time I tried walking away, but this time I was determined never to return. There was only so much of the neglect and ego that I could take, So I respected her choice to remain quiet and fought all the temptations and impulses to contact her again. That was the easiest, a piece of cake in fact, compared to what followed next. Little did i know i was prone to depression lekka. Endezih metfo new ende?????? I truely know what people suffering from it talk about now. I felt ashamed I ever thought that it was some kind of attention seeking strategy people employed. Few days after the breakup, I was head to toes deep in a dark void, absolute emptiness. It did not improve the next day, the day after that or the next week. It hasnt improved a bit eskahun. It turns out i was clinically depressed. Everyday since the breakup, I've been in hell, constantly fighting against a mind that's trying to pull me down into an abyss. It seems like Im loosing the fight and I don't think I've the stamina to keep fighting anymore. Hope and vitality are slipping away from me. I sometimes wonder whats giving this empty vessel of a body an energy to walk around with a happy facade. I'm convinced it is not about the breakup, that she left me with a broken heart. Nor is it the fact that I'll never see her again despite the love I've for her. I realize now that I've been broken all along. The incident just triggered it. Im reaching out to the depression survivers in this group. I am desperately asking for your help. Help me please!!!!!!!?????",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973838925361633 2020-02-20 20:24:41,Hy ppl my boyfreind said he is addicted to masturbation and I really dont know what to do.... we have been together for almost 2 years now.. and never had sex I mean I dont plan on doing it till marriage... becha he said he is addicted betam that he can focus on his studies... demo we are in med school imagine how stressful it is... he is very sensitive ena demo I love him I wish I could change him gen I dont know why please help me ppl am so stressed.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9781461954116821 2020-02-20 20:26:53,"I want people with exeprince to give me real advice. This is really important to me. Please if you dont understand or cant relate do not comment. Im in college second year student. I havent been using my fullest potential since high school and i thought at least in college that would change. When i get really bad grade i get scared and i promise myself i will do well next time but i always get that fear of faliour till final. My friends akeays comfort me and make me forget about my problems idk if thats a good thing. My mark demo when i say bad D minamin aydelem b+ minamin new gin you dont get how bad that is in our house. Im a disappointment to my family. Its like keza betach bameta enkuan eshi im always getting that mediocre grade, im always on my comfort zone and I'm not snaping out of it. If im alone where there no people i know to distract me or in a new environment I'm not comfortable with i know i can work hard . And my environment is no better nobody tries to work hard. Right now i am considering transferring to another school. Do you think thats a good choice ? If im gonna do it i wanna do it for the right reason. Do you think its reasonable ?",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.6340158581733704 2020-02-20 20:27:25,"I need to vent Its been a long time since I have been a player ena like i rly rly wanna stop it but I don't know how pls help me I want a guy who's faithful and who change me like for the best btw um 21 and um student pls help me changing my self",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9837768077850342 2020-02-20 20:27:26,How can I save my parents marriage there going through some stuff. where can I get them a marriage Merry counseling,caring,NEGATIVE,0.9990703463554382 2020-02-21 08:53:01,"Here's the thing i've always had trust issues idk why and i've had a thing for a guy b4 but he kinda ripped my heart out that i thought i never had sooo i kinda learned my lesson After that i always bumped into guys who are fuckboys and not trustworthy sooo i got kinda immuned to it and i always expect the guys i was with to fuck up at some point and be like ""thank u,next pls""(which i know is messed up) Then i met this special one guy he actually came off like the others at first but then later i kinda saw his deeper side i never even believed in luv b4(i'm still not sure it exists) but i think i'm getting way too attached to him Like i feel bad whenever he doesn't text right back minamin i get insecure like maybe he found somebody better than me or he lost interest etc... bicha i've never felt this way about a guy b4 and i'm getting this gut feeling that i'm gonna get my heart broken.... tell me straight up guys am i losing it",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983904361724854 2020-02-21 08:59:01,"For the first time in a veryyy long timee i dont know what to do Im the type of person who is typically emotionless. I wasn't like this but sth really bad happened to me n situations change people. Everyone has a dark side even tho some of us might deny it and say its fake n stuff,but we do. And it comes out when your really hurt. So after going from a normal person to a complete emotionless psycho, i met these two girls. I tend to be weaker around both of them than anyone else. Im always happy when im talkin to both of them. And i dont know which to choose. I might never see the 1st one after this year ends. But the 2nd one is still here(in the same county). So im askin yall for help I need to make a choice because its not fair for both of them. Help a brother out guys Thanks;)",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.7969334125518799 2020-02-21 08:59:54,"This is so embarrassing. I'm a guy almost 21 and I've been having some trouble in the bedroom recently. Idk why but I can't get hard when I'm with a girl not fully hard anyways and even if i do, i don't stay hard for long. I've been having sex since i was 17 and I've never had trouble with my dick. I'm getting scared cuz the more i think about it the worse it gets and I'm afriad everyone will find out about my issue. If any of you have experienced this please help me out. Idk who else to ask.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9413790702819824 2020-02-21 09:00:56,"Hello people I am literally in the toilet crying confused I am a university student but my studies aren't going as expected i am a major loser, after i graduate there's like very much intersting jobs waiting for me cause my dad kinda have a share in many companies but i dont seem to finish my studies i keep on lagging and lagging, I was supposed to finish this year but now when i calculate i cant even finish next year...this is abt my studies My normal life is quite boring, i am a person that doesn't loveu self at all and as i am growing by life is getting harder all the easy lives are ending and i am on the stage of standing on my own but that's nvr happening due to my laziness, i cant even perform the basic life skills, i cant communicate with people and stufff This all comes to this, i am on the verge of ending my life(no one would get hurt anyway, belive me guys when i say zis) DOES HELL REALLY EXIST??",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9991771578788757 2020-02-21 09:02:00,"Hey,anyone out there feeling like me its like im being literally numb real numb and i want my feelings back need some help",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9996229410171509 2020-02-21 09:02:04,"I wish my vent could get approved admmin please i need it the most Here it goes Am girl 20 on the way 21 uni student the thing i hv a htn ......what i want to say i cant sleep u can say it every day but right now i need ur advice isomania pt please help me ...specially to day i cant sleep ma mind is going to blow thinking that i cant sleep ...dont say me dont stress cuz i hv nth to worry abt in ma life ma only stress is i cant sleep .... n if there is any one who i can share all got n chat n night weeks also month pass i acnt sleep am a health stu....tnks please shout out sth",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986149072647095 2020-02-21 10:58:12,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity Hey Am 18 girl and i talked to many boys daily midewlulgnm mnamn alu becha mifelgegn wend alatam gn bka yhon dez belogn mawrat mejmrachewo boys they were sweet kza ketegegnagn bhlwa or beselk betam mawerat senjemer yekeyralu na behaivour nw mnem care maleset ebd bka maryamn endza aynt sat negn miyastela behaviour norogn aymeselgn wys all enen yagatemugn boys player nachewo i need your advice ppl pls pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965638518333435 2020-02-21 10:59:09,"Hey unihorse I just want to vent Zes is it me and my bf we have been together for now a year we were so happy and I think his best friend get in between us I don't why and he changed he doesn't love me like before and we had a lot fight now we haven't talked for a month now I never loved anyone like him his my first u have no idea I cry like a baby everyday I can't get over it I believed him I know he was in love with me but now he didn't give a shit he really broke my heart I swear zat I don't hate him but I just lost respect for him mn endatefaw hula alawekm what should I do plssssss help me plzzzzzzz",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976521134376526 2020-02-21 20:34:00,"I'll get to my point. I am 2 and I am what you would call ""mikebed"" sew. I am not funny, I am not one to just crack jokes and make people laugh. I am the type of person you come to when you want serious advice enji not fun, I am a bit uptight, I don't drink at all whatsoever or smoke, i am an overthinker and i am not what you'd call a melow, go with flow, easy going person. I don't wanna do anything that puts me out of my comfort zone, I am a private person I don't just blab about my insecurities to just anyone. It takes me a very long time be comfortable with people and feel like I don't have to entertain or they'd get bored (which I don't do anyway), I am very comfortable with myself and I don't mind spending time alone. I try my best avoid social interactions with old friends and people i havent seen in a while because I feel like it will get awkward and we'll run out of things to talk about and be stuck in this really uncomfortable silence which is goes like sooooo men adis neger ale ... Menem. Antes ga? ... Menem... keza they won't wanna hang out with me again because it was just so weird and uncomfortable. Anyway my problem now is my boyfriend wants me to be friends with his friends. Mind you these people aren't just strangers these are people I have known since like the 3rd grade and even considered them as my own friends at one time but idk why it scares to just hang out with them I feel like I'll just make things awkward and they won't wanna hang out with me anymore which will also masdeber him. Eshi so what can I do to get out of my head about this hanging out with people thing? P.s its not just them Its with everyone. I overanalyze how a single social interaction can go.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9974793791770935 2020-02-21 20:34:15,How dose my existence matter if I'm no good for any one ? Why dose it matter if everything I do is wrong ? I just don't get it .dose it really matter? do I maybe mean something to some one ? Is there really some one who will be hurt if I die? I don't think so but what's the point of me living if am empty?what's the point if am dieing every day ? What's the point if no one cares?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994551539421082 2020-02-21 20:35:10,"My dick gets hard in every 2 hours I guess. Whenever I see something even someone kissing in the movie boom it gets up n hard. And it stays hard if I dont masterbate or something and I am tired of masterbating everytime it gets hard. I am having a miserable life. Is it a disease or lack of sex? I mean it is been a long time since I had a proper sex and now nobody to fuck with or to love or to hangout with, so lonely‍. Please help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.998444139957428 2020-02-21 20:35:48,"Hey ppl Am a high school senior I've a bf whom i really luv & it's going well between us but z thing is he is much older than me like 9yrs mnamn ena every person who knows us both are happy abt our relation b/c we're kinda compatible be bahri mnamn but ma classmates who don't know him think that our age difference isn't appropriate ena they think maybe he wants me for sex mnamn...I don't think he's that kinda guy(he used to be ma frnd) ena he always talk abt our future mnamn gn am really stressed abt my classmates ena what shall i do guys",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9947015047073364 2020-02-22 08:11:03,"Hey ppl. So this problem of mine.. y do people stare at me so much?? I get stared at wherever I go. And I actually catch strangers staring at me in taxis, on the road, everywhere..and some dont break eye contact..some do . Some even make a weird face like as if am doing the staring.. What's funny is that my friends tell me about it sometimes , ""y this girl staring at u, do u know this dude?he was starin"" and it rly makes me so uncomfortable . At first I dint even Care or gave it a thought , then after times it really began to bother me like am I weird looking, or is it good news or what? And now am in a state that I cant function at my best in crowds because I feel like my every move is being watched and under that uncomfortable feeling I think they r judging and maybe ridiculing me. I feel like people just dislike or have a problem with how I look or they r judging . Does this ever happen to any of u? Is it some form of a social anxiety disorder ? Thanks p.s am a man",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9977244734764099 2020-02-22 08:11:19,Guys betammm kemelachu belay matrik chgnkognal and bet west selam nw always chgr alatam i always cried bka ena motivate miyadergegn sew i need ymer adivce yasefelgegnal,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968495965003967 2020-02-22 08:11:26,"Hy again am the insomnia girl . ...the thing u dont read is am hypertensive pt it has been 2month n a half ...n am taking hypertension medicine like 70yrs old me out am losing weigth each day am dying inside when u hv nth to worry with out your health tnks",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9990756511688232 2020-02-22 08:13:34,"It's amazing how one particular thing can make u the happiest and the saddest person alive....... That was my baby for me, Who stayed just 56 days in my womb..... after 56 day I aborted it, because I was coward and selfish. It's been a year since that happened gn I can't seem to forget about it or forgive myself for that matter. I think about my baby, how old he could've been this very day and what he could've look like (ohh he would definitely have his father's eyes). It was unplanned but it wasn't unwanted, at least not for me but I was too coward to take responsibility. I regret it every single day gn mn yadergal ljén melso aysetegnm mekochetu a?? I don't wanna be forgiven by God for what I did to that innocent child, I know I deserve every pain and suffering for what I did. I just wanted to let it out. Nothing more Thanks in advance £∆",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.983333170413971 2020-02-22 08:30:52,"Hey guys, this is my second vent, so am a guy and I been having trouble getting along with people, just no matter what I do I just can't socialize, am not good at talking and am not good at making friends and it's affecting my life for the worse and I have tried it before to talk to ppl be friends with but I just prefer to stay quiet, it's just easier for me that way, it's just nature I can't explain it am an introvert and it's affecting my work, my life and my relationship with families and friends just bc I don't talk much I don't even know what to talk about when I blend in to a new environment, I thought may be it's a confidence issue??...I don't know, what do you guys think?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9982479810714722 2020-02-23 20:08:18,"Hellooo! Am a guy and this is my first vent and lately I've been in some kinda feeling that i can't explain even to my self, there is a girl in school and she is the one who gave me this feeling i think gn eventhough we call it love i just can't stop staring at her i always miss mondays or work days just to see her smiling or happy and the best part is we are at same class n she sits infront of me and these days i can't control my feelings they always tell me to call her and kiss her but idk that she wants that or not i can tell that she loves me but since she figured that i have feelings for her more than hers she is acting wierd and she keep telling me she is in a double feelings like getting back to her ex or be couples wiz me i tried hard like treating her like angel also one day we madeout by accident and she told to my freind that she chose me and after that one day she saw her ex and everything changed from me to him'when i tried to talk to her abt us like getting in to a relationship she keep crying and idk the reason n when i try to forget her and move on she remembers me those moments and make me fall back for her any advice plshow should i know that she still have the same feeling for me??? And what should i be to her like what??? How can i know abt her feelings ???......u know that it's hard to be freinds wiz the person u want to spend ur whole life or planned ur whole life‍any advice pls bfr i give up the whole thing????especially girls plssss",love,NEGATIVE,0.9935086965560913 2020-02-23 20:10:09,"Um started to hate every good things in my life I started hating my room,my friends,my lesson,my face,my home,my phone every thing I know this is not normal but I don't know what to do to stop it either I don't want to hate things which are everything to me and the reason why um still alive the reason um happy but it's beyond my control I can't even lead my own mind i felt like shit and something inside me is changing um losing reasons to live for I don't know where it leads me or where it ends but it's making me desperate ......I even hate nutella do you believe me who in the earth hate nutella I think you understand the seriousness of the case ......pls tell me what to do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9966097474098206 2020-02-23 20:11:33,"Hey lovely just little sad today and I know I should be praying not venting but am not even praying lately....btw GOD emebrhan had done soooooo much for me I just cant complain about life anyhow my deal is....I don't get my bf he just not there for me like I want to malet for my bday he just sent a fucking txt not expecting anything expensive but come on even card would b the girl who genuinely enjoys sex and he said all u cared about is that mnamn...see he fucking judge me,we been together for 3yrs and we talking about marriage and am I wasting my time with z guy who doesn't care help me pls....he is my first love and everything so am scared of being alone too....growing up I have never thought I was beautiful or deserve any kind of love so when he said he love me mnamn idk I felt something....I just want to show ppl am worthy of love getting married mnamn but I forgot about what I really want I was focusing on being loved but forget what I deserve....idk ppl what do u think",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973681569099426 2020-02-23 20:12:34,In a relationship with a person that doesn't love me back... He is not the advantage taking type but he for some reason wants us to be together... I can't figure out why that is... And lately it has gotten worse... He doesn't even spend time with me always making up excuses... He never was in love with me to begin with... It was just me who loved him and he was like ow what the heck let's see where this goes bilo new yejemernew.. He was super nice in the begging now I feel like my presence erasu irritates him... Only talks to me if we run into each other doesn't text or call gen every time I suggest that maybe it was wrong to start this relationship and we can go back to being friends he always refuses,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9981504082679749 2020-02-23 20:14:25,"Hi every one .... Hide identity I am 16 years old girl..highschool grade 11 from addis abebA...and i have a crush .on some one he is not my classmate...amna lju yastelagn neber this year in our school short testm bihon class enkeyeraln be average nw mnfetenew ena ..kesu ga andlay deresen ...ena bedenb tewawekn...andlay enseralen mnamn ..and he is so kind &cute..... gn amna gf neberechw gn endemasbew ljita still twedewalech....ene ena esu enaweralen mnamn school wst sinteyay .. smile yaregal my friends sikeldbugn..esu ene kesu gar kuch bye mawrat efelgalew ..i also have his phone no be tg bihonm awrten anawkm ....esum yiwdedegn aiwdedegn alawkm....endets arge emdiwaragn largew i mean in tg mnamn???",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9297244548797607 2020-02-24 08:21:10,I just wanna ask u guys smt do u think age difference affects relation ena what must be z min & max age difference that is best 4 u guys ....just tell me z range,neutral,POSITIVE,0.9138160943984985 2020-02-24 08:21:16,"I am really pissed right now, how could the women u trust the most fucks your best friend",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9995168447494507 2020-02-24 08:21:49,I cheated on my boyfriend!!! With his friend. Why.. Because I'm sooo stupid. Endet sew le gizyawi desta blo miwedewn sew betray yaregal? He deserve better.. I know. I'm a bitch.. I know. Gn demo I loooove him.. Like beetam ena I find out siareg forgive endemayaregegn awkalew. I don't know how to fix this.. Please help. How can I make it up?,love,NEGATIVE,0.9994295239448547 2020-02-24 08:23:34,"Hello people of Vent here! I have a question, not a vent. This question aims at the people who study law or work in the field. Assume that i was about to be mugged aand the person that's trying to mugg me threatens to kill me and pull out a knife on me and asks me for my belongings. With him assuming/thinking that I'm cooperating, I immediately pull out a knife myself and stab him first, and he subsequently dies because of the stab wound. Would I be incarcerated for this happening? Thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9992765784263611 2020-02-24 20:51:45,"I'm a sophomore in high school. What I'm about to confess, dare i say, is something I havent talked about to anyone. You might think it's a little childish but whatever. It's been bugging me these days. A whole damn lot. I need to get if off my chest. So. It's about schoolwork. My classmates, friends, and even people that don't talk to me, ask to copy my classwork and homework answers. It didn't use to bother me much back then but nowadays it's getting on my nerves. They're freaking leeches. I feel like they take advantage of me. They blame their LAZINESS for not doing their work and joke about it. Meanwhile, I'm here reading and staying up late to get to where I am academically. It's frustrating. If I DON'T agree to help them, I'll be labeled as a ""selfish nerd"". I believe that people should get the grades they deserve and work hard for. But voicing my opinion isn't even an option here because I'll become an outcast. I don't know what to do.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9964218139648438 2020-02-24 20:52:27,Honestly I’m becoming a very introverted person. I’m 16 and i have issues. Uk those ppl who are super quiet and shit at school? I’m becoming like that. The thing is I wasn’t like that in my previous school. I was the girl who didn’t give a fuck about anything.No one’s Opinions bothered me. But when I came to my new school everything changed. I started caring about everything. I became extremely self conscious and now like these days I barely recognize myself. I don’t talk to people even though i have some “so called friends “ i feel isolated. I’m usually awkward and u have lots of cringe worthy moments. My weeks feel like a dream and I’m really depressed. At some point i think it is the friend that i hang with that make me feel like this because on weekends I’m a totally different girl. But on schooldays I’m a depressed wreck. I even yell at my mom sometimes. I hate my friends bcus they talk behind my back. I guess those aren’t b really called friends. Bicha its sooo messed up. I need someone to help me. I NEED HELP. Please dm,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9961373209953308 2020-02-24 20:52:54,"I'll get right to it maybe this will help. The only reason we are depressed is because of hope. We think things will get better we hope so badly that they will and that we'll make something big of ourselves, and then our minds plays this scenario what if i dont get my dream job what if i dont marry my soulmate what if i cant stand on my own and provide for my family. We hope for so many things in our 20's and 30's cause thats when we are in our primes. We expect ourselves to do so much to achieve so much in this stage of our lives that we get so worked up about it to the point where we can't even get out of bed to enjoy the sun on our skin the wind in our faces. Let me ask you you know who doesn't do that ? Get depressed about their lives...people in thier 90's...there are no depressed people in their 90's because they are just happy that they are alive. They are proud to live another day. Regardless of their problems. So if am going to say anything let it be this..le chegerachin le depressionachin mefteha isnt trying to forget our problems cause there will always be problems in our always. Even if we are lucky enough to have none we are so fucked up that we create one...there is this saying that goes the solution to a problem is merely the creation of another. It is said that we need to work hard inorder to achieve our dreams but do u know whats wrong with dreams...they just dont fucking end...ehan lemar ehan legza..ezi lesras ezi lenur eswan bageba ezi beznana ene entenan bereda eyale it just never ends. So i personally believe the solution to depression is to just adore the little things and while we're at it just make little achievable dreams. Like if you enjoy doing smt then just fucking do it..and learn to be greatful for everything else you have and accept yourself for who you me everyone is fucking weird and imperfect but if you accept your imperfections youre probably going to be happier than alot of those happy looking fake fucks.",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9960397481918335 2020-02-24 20:54:07,"Am in love with him, Beka uffey, idk what to do, but he is a player, n send me mixed signals, I fucking can't even sleep, ere uuuuu, uuuu...Beka liyasabdegn new",love,NEGATIVE,0.9821233153343201 2020-02-24 20:54:25,"Hey unihorse I need to vent First of i wanna start by saying alhamdulilah...... Esti how many of say yes to all the things that ur parent told u to do sentochachu nachu setetazezu ufff ech satelu beteseb siyazachu by Allah’s miracle enate kemot afaf terfalegnalech alhamdulilah ena at this moment endene happy sew yelem becha wht i wanted to say is ahun mnm laymeslachu yechelal hulum neger setatut new migebachu ena beka gizew sayrefed make ur parents happy as they could be believe me kenesu wuchi manm aytekmem guadegna mnamn enesu kelelu hulum neger yekeral am telling u wht i felt today ena for the love of GOD please make ur parents happy forever",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8372840285301208 2020-02-25 08:13:13,"So this is kinda the first time I’ve vented to someone about this kinda stuff but I guess here it goes. I used to be a fun and care free kid with a bunch of friends more than I could count with my fingers. But now I’m an anxiety filled depressed introvert with only a hand full of friends. How did that happen? Well you see I’m really into art and drawing things and I was actually looking into careers in the entertainment industry for animating back in freshman year of hs. But my dad didn’t like that and wanted me to pursue something else. So what he did was proceeded to down talk me and make me feel like I’m not even a person every time he saw me. My sister would also join in from time to time. This carried out for about two years with that I got depressed and started stuff. But with the of my friends I did get better and when I entered senior year my dad and my sister stopped bothering me. However I noticed I’d occasionally down talk myself wherever I do something. But overtime I found myself hear this small voice in my head just down talk me every chance it gets and it’s come to the point that it would prevent me from doing what I want to do and it’d lead me into depression episodes and gives me a butt ton of anxiety. I looked it up one time and turns out what was happening was self inflicted mental abuse. I did talk to my best friend about it and she helped me through it at the time. But it comes back then it leave and cycle repeats it’s self. Then I was going through a bad break up at the time and it didn’t really help things. What it did was just make me not trust friends with it and build up walls around me so no one could hurt me and my heart. Then I developed a crush on this guy at work. Then we started hanging out then one thing lead to another then next thing I know he says that he likes me. Everything just felt so surreal but it didn’t really last long (we didn’t get together on the spot since I told him that I wasn’t ready for another relationship and he said that he was willing to wait.). A few months passes by he was telling me about this one person at his work that he found cute and telling me about how much they had in common. Then out loud to me he ask if he should go for it. Like ask them out. That’s when I stepped back and told myself “they have so much in common you don’t stand a chance so might as well back down now”. So I did. I backed down...even though I still had feelings for him I just bit my lip and backed down. I did hurt. I still kinda do but he’s still my friend and he deserves to be happy more than I do. It also didn’t help when he’d lead me on and making it seem like I had a chance with him but the next day he’d go for the other person.... It’s gotten to the point where I just act like I’m fine so he, my best friend, other friends and family don’t worry about me. I can never catch a break...I just can’t win and it irritates me. I don’t wanna tell my family about it cause I really don’t wanna bother them about. Jeez this has gotten to long I rambled too much I’m sorry >~<",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9979031085968018 2020-02-25 09:08:26,"A writer who doesn't write. A lover who doesn't love. Walks and sits alone. Have a lot to say but says nothing. Wants attention but disappears. I feel alien. People notice me but don't approach. I'm Okay. I just feel very lonely and confused. Odd and unfitting. Where do I get me a person to talk to, to walk or drink with. My insides are itching... Thanks for listening?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998332679271698 2020-02-25 09:10:12,Uffff I hate how I act towards everyone. I'm the shyest person you can ever meet. I'm okay talking on social media but i just can't even look you in the eyes in person. I've lost lots of people that I love and respect because of that. Trust me I'm not a bad person at all but it just seems like that it seems that I'm sew mtnek kurategna mnamn gn no im not even close to that but I just can't get rid of it beka. I talk to people on telegram and I totally shut them out in person it's so annoying I can't get myself to say hi or talk first please help get rid of this I'm tired asf freal‍,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991623163223267 2020-02-25 09:11:26,"So i have been seeing a lot of vents abt ppl saying that they fear that they r turning in to an introvert or are getting intimidated by the ppl around them having there life sorted out (in social media,most of my friends seems like they do there)in sm stuff like that ....n this thing jus popped in to my head jus ryt now ik sm of u might think it's silly but I feel like there is sm1 or sm ppl who wud like to see it from this perspective.... imagine if we appeared in the tought of every person who has ever tought abt us like as in actin in it like a movie imagine how ur life wud suck to b famous known n smth like that bcuz the more ppl know abt u the more ppl mind u wud b in how tiresome it wud b n the introverts wud have an amazing n calm life n stuff ...jus think abt that next time u all wanna b a insta model or a dancer or anything that this world has given us the most greatest things to b or what is the trend but u wud jus end up in sm1 mind as a source of masturbating figure or jus a dream companion n nth more like u life behind that u will always b the same so try to b the best version of urself for u n the ppl who actually matter like who u actually share a life with n plus noone will stick their nose in to your business wen u fuck up at am point to cuz ...guess wat too little ppl know abt ur day ur life too little ppl know abt ur fuck ups too‍....the lucky ones who've read this far I hope this was smth useful n GN",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9958658218383789 2020-02-25 09:11:36,Ebakachu help me .... ene bichegenet ligeleg nw . I honestly have no idea how to solve this issue. Please help me.,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9985575079917908 2020-02-25 14:36:55,"Hey guys I'm 18 dudesenior at highschool Guys I'm scared of matric ....btm eyechenekegn nw ...we just have 100 days but there are many chapters that I didn't even touch....the real problem is here I hate studying. Every year I survived b/c I'm a good listener at class but now I know I have to study but I can't do it More than an hour ...even if I want to do it I can't concentrate... Can u guys give me some hints about how to love studying, and also how to be ready for matric in this short time",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9963139891624451 2020-02-25 19:49:51,"I'm fucking worried nothing seems right in my life I just wanna say this suckkks first you are in high school then that Shithole ends now you are in university same old things oh my god I hate this fuck this Yes fucccck it fuck school,fuck univeristy fuck everything fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck itthanks",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9990082383155823 2020-02-25 19:55:42,Okay I loved this guy for more than 2 yrs...he's kinda my first like bcha what I wanted to ask is I've gone back n forth multiple times n I just can't let go like I can say he cares for me but nooo we r not on z same page n ik I should be thinking I deserve better mnamn gn whenever I decide to not talk to him n move on...I can't get close to other guys like I would talk flirt mnamn gn bka I won't go to z other step n it sucks...for Ur info I met him only twice in person but ik him btam n what can I do eski i don't think u guys have solution but I'm still trying to c...,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9929404258728027 2020-02-25 19:56:19,"I need your opinion guys. When I was in grade 11 I fall in love with the girl in my neighborhood, we had a great time together until she broke my heart.but after that I've dated tons of girls and I still didn't get that beautiful feeling I had with my first gf. Now am 3rd year campus student and its been a year now since I dated because am not getting any type of love feeling for anyone. I really want to feel it but and I don't know what to do.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.955710768699646 2020-02-25 19:56:24,"Hey y'all, am confused here betam, life is letting me down, where ever I go, what ever I do I don't succeed, when ever I getup in the morning with a smile I come back sad, actually it doesn't matter if I get up sad or happy, kenoche abzagnochu sad nachew at the end of the day...ena as a guy demo am supposed to be strong,,,slezi what's the best way to change my life esti some of u happy and successful ppl here akaflugn, what should I do to make my self better inside out...and currently am broke, my gf left me, I don't have a job, and I have no clue what to do I need help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.99703049659729 2020-02-26 09:25:25,"I was wondering the vent about a girl who was asking if she was raped, I mean isn’t it possible to sleep with ur boyfriend without having sex? Should I be careful about it n not even try to be in the same room? And guys, how much longer can u wait ur virgin girl if she ain’t ready at the moment? Thanks.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9957273006439209 2020-02-26 09:27:33,What're the things you wish you knew when you were a teen,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981350898742676 2020-02-26 09:27:45,"Hey guys soo any Christan(protestant)ppl here am not that religious but I really need Christan ppl in my life so can u guys hit me up with ur user I would appricate it Tnxs And am a girl 21..",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9965586066246033 2020-02-26 09:28:41,"I recently reconnected with an ex of mine and it went well especially at first when he told me he missed me and I texted him cause I missed him too. We were going smoothly( not usual for us) and we talked about the past a bit and he told how much I changed him for the better but now we are not on speaking terms. Matter of fact we got into our biggest fight yet, why? Because I left him on seen cause he was sending me dry ass texts but now that I don’t have him I’m truly hurt and even got drunk and almost killed myself. I sound pathetic but fuck it it’s the truth. Anyway any advice about how to get him back?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.7064329981803894 2020-02-26 09:29:14,This is more of a question than a vent. When did you start feeling like an adult? Do you feel any different to when you were a teen? Cuz I'm 21 now and I feel the same way I did when I was 15. Are we supposed to snap just like that and start behaving some typa way?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9942315816879272 2020-02-26 20:33:36,"Hy unihorse give me advice pls,,,,i jst have broked with my bf in last few monthes and i have new bf he loves me more than i love him but i have some feeling for the first one we meet as frnds with my X but i have some feeling for him what shall i do plss,,,,",love,NEGATIVE,0.9800819754600525 2020-02-26 20:33:36,"I'm not sure if my vent was accepted or not I'll post it again plus the addition to it is I'm not a suicidal person I'm highly against it but i think if trying to kill myself can help everyone than I'll. I don't understand what else to do! Here's the old vent, I hope it is posted. I would appreciate it if I could get real suggestions! They've actually entered into our lives now officially and everyone knows what is their plan. Well here it is.. Why does it happen that people who are related through blood turn out to be the blood suckers? It's so painful to act like they act, I don't want to be like them but if we have to live, we'll have to confront them otherwise they'll eat us up. I mean what should a person do if the relatives don't have good intentions for your family? Doesn't it feel like sabotaging the very basic idea of kinship? I don't want to doubt their doings but everytime, everytime they show their true colours! I'm so hurt I swear it's more like I want me and my family to just move to some far off place but again we are bounded! It seems to be like a little problem but i swear when you see your loved ones struggling, it just becomes irresistible! I'm in pain not for me I've already let it go, doesn't matter anymore but those whom I love, I can't see them struggle again the way they had been all those long years! Why the hell does it happen! I don't want to be such an adult who would literally want to kill their family the difference is no weapons are being used If that's how life is gonna make me, I would better be dead rather than making others life hell They actually want us to die in silence and suffer the most, and that too because who knows why!! We've been always at the giving end still we are the most targeted.. Please tell me what to do!?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9619539976119995 2020-02-26 20:34:00,I finally got in a relationship but I'm starting to think that the relationship won't last because im so fuckin shy around her...i really don't know the reason why I'm shy around her but I'm so afraid that this behavior will make our relationship go to an ending so pls guys i really need your help,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9990308284759521 2020-02-26 20:35:10,"Hey guys... I'm female. the thing is there was a guy i went out with for sometimes and stopped talking to him coz of some things,but one of the things which showed me we have no future was we are from different ethnic group ""biher"".u know the current situation.and ma family really hate people of his biher,i don't mind about our difference though. They made it very clear that they don't like me getting married to such person. He is a good person and i like him,he started saying he still loves me mnamn but when i think we don't have future,i don't wanna go out with him,but i do.I'm confused.i don't have even a guarantee that in the future that he may not change his idea and fight abt the biher thing and that's the worst thing.what should i do????thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9966576099395752 2020-02-26 20:37:34,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hello there everyone this is my first time venting here and so here it goes...I lost my mother recently due to some unforseen accident and I can't seem to get over her death no matter what I do. I try so hard to be normal and all in front of family friends menamn gn at some point I just can't handle it and I breakdown bad. I want to believe that things happen for a reason and I want go to church and keep on believing but that has been hard lately. I just have this mind blowing question of ""why?"" in my head I mean why did it have to be my mom? Why didn't God save her from this? And these questions some how restrict me from going to church and praising God because deep deep down I know that he took her away from me despite all my cries and all my prayers I'm in a very bad place right now. I'm confused, angry, sad, lost, depressed, hurt...I just miss her so much things are not the same without her by my side I need help please Especially people who have gone through this kind of thing tell me how you became ur selves again, tell me how to move on from this gut wrenching feeling because every time I breath it's like someone is stabbing me directly in my heart and it's the worst feeling ever So please people who have an advice or a word of help please don't hesitate to help me and for those of you who still have ur parents with you I sincerely pray that God grants them a long and happy life Don't take their existence for granted because unfortunately there comes a time where you won't be able to look them in the eyes, hold them by their hand, thank them for all they've done for you and kiss and hug them So for those of you lucky people don't hesitate to do it will certainly feel good to do it and it will make them feel very very happy",sadness,POSITIVE,0.798516035079956 2020-03-01 11:45:40,"Help! im being ashamed here for God sake! The thing is i don't know tf happened to me but im starting to smell like Lab Lab... i mean i take a shower everyday and use those deodorants and all but still after like 30 minutes boom that smells come back! I was not like that before nooo! And now it's rly making me uncomfortable to even sit in the dorm...shit help me guys! Im 21 and a girl by the way...",embarrassment,NEGATIVE,0.9960575103759766 2020-03-01 11:50:39,"Hello everyone this is my second vent .. i need a real help pls .. in z frst vent i talked abt my bf nd me .. hving different religions but we love eachother nd am having strong desire for sex .. most of u told me to stop zis bcs it wont last .. z longer z tym z hard to leave .. nd i need to keep my v! .. nyways at zis tym my families wanted to engage me for another man nd i dont even know him zey said hes young nd he wanted a family girl bla bla .. zey set a date so zat we boz meet nd see him mnamn but am realy confused .. i want to know if zer is anybody here who passed wiz same situation pls .. my mind is nat working .. wat u say abt marriage wiz a man zat ur family choose nd wat will happn to me hw i can accept zat i cant b wiz ma bf nd move on .. hw i can start a new lyf nd am having feelings fr another man .. wat will happn if zis tng works need advice pls Thank you!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9683239459991455 2020-03-01 11:52:32,"Well I want to know how many times a day do you text with ur ex used to text me literally every hour or so n now my new bf..text or even talk to me Max 2 times a day What if I text him constantly is that wird? N what do bf n gf do(exept sex)... literally idk( we don't text much, so what can we do other than that)",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.999016284942627 2020-03-01 20:29:35,"I need help please accept my vent Am 21 girl,the thing is i have been through alot since the day i was born like its beyond you can imagine that shit really fucked my everything like am always the giver still feel like i do nothing and for that reason my so called best friends took advantage of me i started to become distant from them and am happy but i feel lonley like i literally hate my life so bad,",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985622763633728 2020-03-01 20:30:15,"I'm so fucking codependent. I can't even go to the cafeteria by myself, I'd rather not eat all day. And I've actually done that before, I went a whole FUCKING day without any food coz my friends weren't around. And I'm a very hard person to please, and I'm always being a dick to them and they never leave me. Maybe that's why I can't survive in campus without them. I'll just cut this short before I get all soft and feely, they might read this and... Whatever, I just wanted to ask, well, I don't actually have a question",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9985702037811279 2020-03-01 20:30:47,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity Guys for ur adivce betammmm amesgnalewo betammmmmm Ena ahun demo yhon ngr depressed adergognal malt i want to learn malt degree medicin mnamn gn bezi time family merdat albgn so hostess lmhon i want ena mn temokrugnalachu is there any person that have knowledge in there pls leave comments plsss guys Thank you",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981778860092163 2020-03-01 20:31:44,"Hy venters...want to ask u a can I protect myself from bad influential frnds...cos they r trying to make me use drugs not just trying..forcing me ende bka insecure hognalw erasen endt nw yemetebkew begeta balasbkut menged eyemetubgne nw meblat metetat hula eferalew cos they hv tried it that way there ""boss"" told me yemigrmw he says he cares abt me n won't do anything to hurt me gn kzih belay mn ale tell me eski how can I cope up with all these??",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984391331672668 2020-03-01 20:32:43,"Football isn't the same anymore. We used to watch Barcelona 2009-2012 with their tiki taka and their beautiful football players like Rolandinho, Spain national team 2008-2012 with the likes of Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Alonso, Fabregas, Silva......where watching midfielders like Pirlo, Zidane was awesome......there were Henry, Ronaldo ballond'or winners and greatest strikers of all we are in a time where Liverpool, considered to be the best football club, are soon to be is impossible to enjoy a Liverpool game as a neutral and it is impossible to like a Liverpool fan as a person as they font know their place, are delusional and egotistical as hell....this year Liverpool won about 10 games by scoring last minute goals and 4 of those last minute penalty goals where Liverpool players fall down cause the wind was passing by.....out of the remaining games there are some where they didn't deserve the win against Norwish where they had 1 shot on target but 2 goals and against Sheffield where a deflection got their win......we, including me, who had nothing but soccer in their life have a hard time processing all this, why do we have to suffer, we didn't come to see Salah and Mane we have the Olympics for that, we didn't come to see midfielders hold the ball and try to kick it as hard as possible, we love the creativity, the intelligence, 1-2's that are unique to soccer...not the strength, brains and stamina .....ANYWAYS FOR ALL LIVERPOOL FANS, YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE. WATFORD 3-0 LIVERPOOL",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.986343502998352 2020-03-01 20:32:55,"Hello everyone one, how are you all, ena lately some thing has been bothering me, am all good and not complaining but I have this question, is it bad to be a virgin at 26 for a guy?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9944360256195068 2020-03-01 20:33:29,Do girls like drama?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983658194541931 2020-03-01 20:33:29,The thing is I have a lot of dot dot things in my dick its not STD cause I haven't had sex & I can't cause of them n it has been 12 years since I got them ...and I don't now what to do I can't go to the hospital cause it's embracing and it doesn't have any pain its just their at the head of my dick help me out plessss,neutral,POSITIVE,0.8960140347480774 2020-03-02 09:15:59,"I have been watching a some updates on YouTube n ig minamn about the Corona virus and I have been watching really sad stories there n I had a lotta friends in highschool who went to China for work study and smthing like that even though we Don talk that much no more I just want to let u know to be safe and you will be in my prayers and jus share your conditions in the comments ,hope God protect us all from all the bad ....mircha too lol ..anyways much love n be safe",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9898959398269653 2020-03-02 09:17:21,"Hello random people. Well, I wanted to share with you something simple that helped me in a way. For anyone who is not satisfied with their lives, be it anxiety, depression, procrastination or what not. Stop trusting that you know how to make the right choices. Something that has been helping me recently was stopping trusting myself. Because if I'm not satisfied with my life then I clearly don't know what I am doing. So why would I listen to myself? What I did was look for someone who made it past the problems I am facing, and just start trust their choices more than mine, if it works I follow their advice, if it doesn't I look for someone else. There are millions of these people and its easy to find them on the Internet. When my mind trys to talk my myself out of what I need to do, I remind myself that it is my choices that are giving me the life I have, an dif i don't like that, I have to try choosing something else. Motivation is garbage.It is never there when you need it, you only feel motivated if something feels easy. You will never feel like it's the right time unless you start now, stop trusting your current choices until you are proud of who you are. Until then learn from others, do what they do and build yourself to be someone worthy of trust to get your goals done. If what you are doing is not working, then try something else. Stay curious, and keep learning. Just wanted to share my thoughts.°",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9868489503860474 2020-03-02 09:18:07,Hey there. Can anyone give any advice to how or where to find a job or even what job I should do? I'm 18. A female. First year college student. I'm free on weekends and most afternoons and evenings too. Any recommendations?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998988926410675 2020-03-02 09:18:08,"I gave up on life, eversince I found out my wife cheated on me with her best friend(female), she's bisexual and ran away with half my life savings. I really love her, I dont know what to do",sadness,POSITIVE,0.6997177600860596 2020-03-02 09:19:40,Hi guys. My sex drive is killing me. I'm a 20 year old dude who literally goes insane if I don't have sex for more than 3 days. I turn into a fiend who hasn't had his fix. And I only come back to my senses after I come. Every girl I see I go through the absolute most and try to get her to sleep with me and that has caused a lot of tensions with my closest friends. How do I fight it? Does anyone relate?,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992628693580627 2020-03-02 16:31:11,"So guys this is for you ,so... No makeup? Little makeup ? Or total makeover? Which one do u prefer and why?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9992209672927856 2020-03-02 16:32:03,I am so afraid that i might have hiv i'm getting this symptoms and afraid to go to the hospital any help would be appreciated.,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9987449645996094 2020-03-02 16:32:04,"My girlfriend of 3 months just told me she's in love with me. I may be a terrible person but I don't feel the same and i don't think i ever will. Idk what to do, she's an amazing person I don't want to hurt her. She deserves better",love,POSITIVE,0.9651221036911011 2020-03-03 08:43:52,"heyy y'all, wats up? I'm doin fine tnx for asking so anyways mine isn't a problem or anything like that but i was just wondering umm here is the thing......imma fresh student zendro and i do have alot of friends mnamn gn i love meeting new ppl i mean beeetam ena i just want to add more ppl into my circle (just friends so i don't mind any gender gn should be around my age and i'm 19 in addis abeba) so i was just wondering if u guys know any event or anything that can help me meet new ppl and make new friends (who knows demo maybe friends for life‍) ena idk gn maybe if it helps demo i'm rly into tech see u guys on the other side (comment sec) i guess",love,NEGATIVE,0.9784965515136719 2020-03-03 08:43:54,"Hey there anyone who is reading this,this is my first ventI am a 1st year university student boy with a weird and ridiculous problem that's depressing me these days. The thing is,I laugh damn too much that sometimes my cheeks even hurt,some of you maybe thinking how this is a problem but it is because I burst out laughing for the little things that could just be passed on with a smile on the face,and I have all these piles of problem in my life and I just keep on laughing with my friends like nothing bad is happening in my life idk I am just so confused! You know,sometimes even my friends look at me with a poker face and ask me "" why are you laughing"" and I just laugh after that. Sometimes I wanna be a serious boy and I can't even last for a day",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9624457955360413 2020-03-03 08:45:49,Hey i just wanted to let it 20 & last year i had a bf (he's my first) ena we broke up due to distance. Now he has a gf ena it has been almost 5 months since we broke up. Move on madreg endalebgn bedemb adrgo nw yenegeregn ena gn ene alchalkum. Kelbe nw mewedew esum bihon yawqal andm ken lesu yalegnn fkr kenshebetm alawqm hulem demo lesu tamagn ena teru set mehon endemfelg yawqal. Mn albat awqem bayhon abren salen askefchew lihon yechelal gn mnm kefat esu lay asbe alawqm. Ketetalan behuala text melak endelelebgn awqalehu gn betam sinafkegn etsflet neber gn simeslegn ya lesu chkchk nw yehonebet. yhen yahl lesu fkr endi mehone berasu betam yaskefagnal. Ahun esun metew endalebgn awqalehu gena bzu journey yetebqegnal gn kezim behuala esun eyasebku eyetekefahu menor alfelgm gn demo yesu fkr yemileqegn almeslesh eyalegn yechenkegnal. Am i feeling this way b/c he's my first & wt do u think i should do to get over him?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965909719467163 2020-03-03 08:46:22,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hi everyone I'm 25 and female,I just want you to comment on my love life is it normal or not..the thing is have never been in love never had a boyfriend, thought I have dated but never passed more than a week or two weeks in general I got bored by the idea of relationship",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9935656189918518 2020-03-03 08:47:59,"Admins please approve this vent because a lot of people need to hear this. So recently I've been seeing a lot about feminists and stuff like that and I think a lot of people don't actually understand the meaning of the word. Feminism is defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary as ""the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes"". It isn't about hating men, or thinking women are better than men. And I get that it might make guys feel attacked because it's all about women rights but that's because most men KNOW they have rights, they know they're empowered, and men dont worry about whether they will have to forget about their careers they worked hard for when they get married and have children. But women still have all these worries and more. Look around you, for example If you look at the governmental campuses there is like 300 guys and 100 girls in one department. When guys walk down the street at night they're worried about being robbed but girls worry about being raped or killed. You’re more likely to becongratulated for having lots of sex, rather than shamed for it or called a “slut.” You can enjoy partying without people blaming your “lifestyle” if you’re sexually assaulted. You can stand in a crowded area like on public transportation without worrying about being groped. Men don't have to worry about not getting a job because of their gender or worry that people will assume they only got their job because they slept with their boss. The list goes on. I'm not trying to attack men, I'm just saying that we don't have equality like you think we do. And for the girls out there that say they aren't a feminist, the reason you have the right to go to school, vote and etc are all because of the feminists before you who fought for you to have these rights. So please please stop disregarding a movement thats literally fighting for your rights. In conclusion, if you believe that men and women should have equal rights then you should call yourself a feminist. Research and know what the word means before you hate it. Thank you for reading",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9338908195495605 2020-03-03 13:16:58,Hey guys..just wanted to know what happened to falling in love and what happened to sticking by each other no matter what happens ee migermew part malet new many girls think mitamen wend yelem trust me there is this guy waiting for the perfect relationship this days demo wendum mitamen set yelem eyale new ena it gets really confusing ..anyone felling what am saying ?? btm kemitasbut belay wendim setim ale looking for real love like for real akalew zemenu eyekefa new gin still they exist both of them..Ena guys what are your comments on this anyone sharing my tought out there??,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9981669187545776 2020-03-03 13:17:09,"Hey, ummm this is probably a really dum thing to vent about but...I'm having relationship problems. I forced myself to like the guy that asked me out merely because I didnt want to ruin our friendship plus I'm lonley... but now hes catching feelings and getting serious about us but I still dont like him. I'm thinking of telling him the truth and ending it but I can't bring myslef to do so, he's a really good guy. Help me out what should I do?",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9459556341171265 2020-03-03 13:17:18,"Not a vent rather a question for those who have graduated, what regrets do u have abt ur campus years.Thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9894186854362488 2020-03-03 13:17:58,I wanna date someone stable which is 20 plus and also got work and independent and rich people try to be nice here am just looking for someone ‍,desire,NEGATIVE,0.991295337677002 2020-03-03 13:17:59,"Hey guys I wanted to say that in movies....booksgirls always have that one as in a boy bestfriend why cant i have that i mean i have amazing girl friends but everybody in highschool has one but me... I'm sorry for venting this...",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9976916313171387 2020-03-03 13:18:02,"Hy unihorse Hide my identity I need help It's my confession, emm am girl senior at prep and zr is a guy in our class who is so cute funny and more over confident. So i feel for him one year ago. we're like close menamn and i haven't told him coz if he doesn't fell the some may be he going to ignore me so am hunting pass like really hurt so i desperately need ur help.",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.7526246905326843 2020-03-03 13:18:19,"Hi everyone am 21 n am a boy.... so here is ma thing.....I want to be in a relationship and ik this could probably look desperate and all but i don't care I just want to speak what I feel andddddd anyone who wants to get to know each other and also wants to be in a serious , real and fun relationship especially long lasting",desire,POSITIVE,0.8434078097343445 2020-03-03 19:11:47,"So I have a problem Which is am addicted to porn I think . within 2 days interval I watch porn and not normal porn but aggressive porns .I want to stop really this ain't me what should I do I want to get close to God but then here I am watching porn kesa beka I feel guilty after I finish. Help me out ple",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9949514865875244 2020-03-03 19:19:02,"Hey everyone mmmm first i know I shouldn’t take online rn seriously manamin but i did and i for real get fucked up in the head. First me and my twin brother start to fuck with every girls heart we can find in tg . and one day (Karma) i talk with this girl and she was special and I enjoyed every Text i received from her and like she keep saying that she love me and stuff like that and i was just playing..... but I really start to enjoy our talk one day she started texting to my twin brother and he told me that he is talking to some girl manamn and he showed me his texts and i was so angry and blocked her and I waited for almost One month(sad) and decided to start talking and i was happy again so I don’t know why but when i find silly mistakes she made i just go nuts and be dramatic about it but I always find a way to keep chasing her ass she even show me her friends photo and make me believe that its her (catfish) but I always keep coming back for her I don’t say she is a bad person am the bad guy and one day i was so dramatic as always and she say she had enough and she just disappeared like boom vanished blocked me in tg delete her tg acc and like she vanished like a ghost and the only thing that keeps me to move on was that I didn’t know it is still over and i just need her to be 100% wz me that is all i ask ( she and i meet in this venting group hopefully you see this and just leme know if its over thanks)",joy,NEGATIVE,0.9854127764701843 2020-03-03 19:19:29,"Okay hey yall..imma keep it the thing is, i feel so purposeless, lonely , and just worried all the time, all the fucking time and I'm starting to get tired of life..if yall got anything to say, that would be really helpful...thanks",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9984543323516846 2020-03-04 09:04:48,"My stomach churned the whole time. I am not into hurting people, even knowing they wanted to be hurt. But Sarah... She seemed to have the time of her life. She had multiple orgasms, which made me feel a little insecure about my past performances. I told Sarah, after two encounters, that I wasn't quite feeling the magic. She encouraged me to continue. She also texted me naughty things throughout the day, including how sexy it would be if I violated our safe word. THAT was extremely unnerving. We went the rest of the weekend without sex. I told Sarah I needed to think. It was during this time that Sarah admitted to me (while drunk) that she had, in the past, purposefully put herself in ""sketchy"" situations with strangers at bars in an effort to satisfy her kink. She said that she was ""glad she found someone who could satisfy her"" because she had feared that one day she would push things too far and get hurt. I'm not sure if I even understand everything she said, all I know is it was upsetting to hear. Long story short, I informed Sarah that I was uncomfortable with her kink, I was unable to continue, and per our pre-experiment agreement, I'd like to return to our previous sex habits. Sarah got really upset. It was our first real fight. A lot of hurtful things were said but essentially, she couldn't imagine going back and couldn't understand why I didn't enjoy CNC. Her logic was if I enjoyed play fighting in bed, I should enjoy CNC, because it's the same thing. That was over a month ago. We've had a dead bedroom since then. It's like she and I are living two separate lives... By day we are the cute couple that never argues, by night we are strangers who dislike each other... My head is still spinning. I feel like I'm living in a dream. Only a couple months ago I was in a loving relationship with respectful sex. I'm lost. Where do we go from here? Is it common for partners to explore one's fetish then refuse to go back? Any input would be appreciated. I don't want this to be the end. Not over something so ridiculous.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9945119619369507 2020-03-04 09:05:42,Hellow awsome people I had a question I'm such a push over and I have really bad slef esteem horrible and what do suggest what do guys think of such girls I am about to be 22 cant even say no bedenb,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9994888305664062 2020-03-04 09:05:45,"This is for Orthodox people, not just orthodox people but those who know the religion well. Is masturbating a sin according to the religion ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9952318072319031 2020-03-04 09:06:41,Hey there .... I’m a guy so here goes my vent ..... me and my best friend started dating these girls which are also best friends it was going all good at least on my end and at some time they decided to breakup .... me and my girl kept on dating on and off until she went abroad ..... we basically ended it there so after a year my best friends ex started talking to me and we started chatting ... I didn’t tell him till this day of course he willl know but it never went further .... anyways we were talking and now out of the bloom my ex texted me and told me she is coming back after a month and she still thinks I’m waiting for her I know what your thinking can it get any more complicated cuz it got that’s a long story I’m really confused on what to do right now ...... should I tell my ex about her friend and ruins their and mine friendship or should I try to reconnect with my ex and break her heart .... I have a feeling for both of them ..... and ladies go easy on the comments,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9965998530387878 2020-03-04 09:08:39,"This is not a vent! I am really angry with everyone complaining about relationships. Why is it that you guys are extremely obsessed with wanting to be in a relationship? Why don’t you set a goal for your future and achieve it while you have time? I have a feeling that the strongly needed mindset for developing countries like ours has gone far from us way too long ago. With such a weak and lazy generation, I doubt if Ethiopia will ever grow and become powerful as a country. Put aside all the stupid high-school and college drama and try to act a bit mature cuz Ethiopia is in need of her people more than ever. I know love exists for real but we shouldn’t be chasing after it as if no other thing exists. I believe love comes to your life when u least expect it. Thanks!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8861496448516846 2020-03-04 09:10:39,"Hello everyone, My current situation is that I can't get over a so called ex. I don't consider our time together as a relationship because we both didn't have time for each other at the moment we started dating and the break up was mutual. The problem now is that we are sort of friends and every time I talk to him he reminds me of what I originally liked about him and at the same I am thinking maybe all of this is because we are friends if we were in a relationship he would shut off this side of him like he once did. But still I am thinking about him every single day and I don't know why. I mean do I like him? Should I pursue this again? Should I move on? Should I stop being his friend? I am confused so every comment is appreciated L.A.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8266147375106812 2020-03-04 09:10:57,"Hello friend It has got to the point where we can't differenciate what's real or not we are literally living lies and we seem to be fine with it. Sometimes I think it is painful not to pretend these days... all of us hide from our responsibilities and try to take the easy way out, some of us gave up on ourselves and the world and we just don't care no more, and the others are on the way there but a few of them are lucky enough to die young and innocent... we live in a kingdom of bullshit and we are caught up in things that don't actually matter. I'm looking at myself and i'm telling you i'm far from perfect we all are but some of us just refuse to give up. Even if it drives us crazy we just can't stop ourselves from trying to find something real in this shit hole. We refuse to see the worst in people even if it kills us. We want to be sedated all the time but that won't help because everyone else is busy recreating this bullshit so it is furnished so well that it feels real. I know we have to dig pretty deep to find something real and if we have made it this far i'm sure we'll get there someday Goodbye friend",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.9220559000968933 2020-03-04 13:38:21,The bot has encountered an error. Please be patient while we fix the issue. Thank you.,gratitude,POSITIVE,0.6889646053314209 2020-03-04 14:13:55,"We believe the error has been fixed. We will keep a close eye to monitor similar errors. Thanks for all your reports.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9895757436752319 2020-03-04 20:00:11,I am in my early 20’s and have traveled here and there. Seen other people’s culture and rituals/religions. Well that made me question a lot about my religion and just religion in general. I just don’t understand it anymore. The basis of it is we are right and everyone else is wrong. God is only by my side and not everyone else’s( but they think God is on their side) You go to hell if you do this and that. You go to heaven cause you did what you are supposed to do. What we told to do benefits us I know but why can’t I have the choice not to do it well more than half of the world don’t even stress about it for a second. The world is so big and just too diverse to fit into one religion. Everyone is right in their own ways. If I wasn’t born Muslim I wouldn’t have been one cause whatever religion I was born into would tell me I would go to hell if I question and went outside. Anyways I am just struggling soul and hopefully I find an answer and I am not dissing my religion or others. Please don’t be mean in the comment I am just venting my thoughts and I don’t mean to offend anyone. Thanks.,gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9842830896377563 2020-03-04 20:00:52,Am I the only one who doesnt belive in love???? Cause I see the vents in this channel all talking about love this.. & love that .... I'm really confused,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9799005389213562 2020-03-04 20:01:39,"Hey guys, what’s up? I’m sorry if I’m going to bore you with the usual love story and bla bla bla but ‍ So, I met this guy about 3 years ago. It was instant connection, we vibed a lot, we had great conversations... I mean we used to talk on the phone for like hours (now that I think about it, that was a waste of credit)... We fell for each other, but I couldn’t take it and I cut him off. Now 3 years later, I’m still in love with him and I wonder what we would’ve been like together. I deep down hope that he sees this because I miss him like fuck.",love,POSITIVE,0.7673752903938293 2020-03-04 20:01:40,"Hello everyone well my question is how do you meet people, like real friends i need a social life just dont know where to start ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9928233623504639 2020-03-04 20:02:04,Hey guys i think i am not okay. Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost all of our entiee lives and i love him from the bottom of our heart.{atleast i know that i do}. The thing is during sex recently i just dont get turned on malet i get excited but i dont get wet mnamin at this a problem cuz its kinda getting weird to be comfortable around him sexually,love,NEGATIVE,0.6777349710464478 2020-03-04 20:03:26,"Hey guys so this isn't actually for me. This is for my sister that's in University and like she's about to graduate and shit but like the lecturer who's like older than our dad is trying to have a sexual relationship with her and now that she resisted, he's about to fuck her results up. She only told me and idek what to say to her I be saying ""yagatemal"" but she crying all day and all night and gosh idek how my parents will do to her when they find out. Any solutions? (P.s the drama in my life does NOT end)",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.998162567615509 2020-03-04 20:04:08,"Hi unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Its not actually a vent but I want to ask your opinion on there's this guy whom I met on fb 3 years ago we've never seen each other face to face we live in different cities but he comes to visit his sister to where I live but everytime we make plans to meet something happens(always) but if u would read out texts what we talk about I swear you'd think we're married couple we're similar in different ways and different at the same time but we love our differences but the problem is I really love him and I think he does too but we've never had the conversation we both believe in taking things slow and I wanna tell him how I feel but then on second thoughts I don't even know him what if he's not what I expect him to be or what if he doesn't feel the same way about me So what do u guys think I should do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9861753582954407 2020-03-04 20:05:24,"The thing is I have never felt like I was accepted like hulum sew I meet is like u r fat u look 28 or 27 wen I am 20 in reality n most of them say known how old I am ....I have been dealing with this my whole life I try to laugh n joke it out but it affected me so bad like now I never knew it but I guess it has been building up .lately I feel like any guy who has any interest in me or trying to take me out is tryin to play me or idk mayb out to hurt me more I am paranoid abt relationships betam now and I don let anyone in ,even if I have feeling for that person I feel like he wud think like everyone n tell me that am too fat for him or look too old at some point and it wud hurt me more so I wud just shut them all out even the ones I like wen they ask me out. I tried losing weight but it never worked. I used to b so happy with myself n fully confident ,n I know I am beautiful inside n out for me inspite my weight but wen sm things r said frequently it makes u question wat u know n who u really jus try to b gentel with everyone not everybody is the way they r bcuz they want to b I am not fat bcuz I want to b or I eat alot like most of u think....mind wat comes out of ur mouth okay why make anyone feel insecure wen u can spread love",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975669384002686 2020-03-05 09:33:57,"I just gotta say stg y'all! Aren't y'all tired of seeing this fake ass habesha people on Instagram? Like its cool if people who live in overseas and shit to post stuff like that. But here . we all know most of them live in a shitty neighbor and are broke af!..but what they put on the Internet is! you know who took over habesha Instagram,those who failed martik,with no intellectual background or those who is tired of suger daddy money. I just wanna say a big shout out to the real hustlers out there. Doctors,engineers,business owners who is waking up every morning to make that life happen and actually have some money on their bank account. Y'all kind of people are what they kids needs to see on the Internet. Those empty head habesha celebrities who has nothing to show but their beauty,human hair,makeup,fake life style and always end up pregnant cuz that's the best they can do. That is make babies. Am just sad how Ethiopians are acting like a walking dead!... A lot of real rich people and boss and company owners don't even have Instagram or any social media account and we need those people to be a role model to this kids.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9891095161437988 2020-03-05 09:33:59,"Has anyone ever missed their periods after taking a postpill? If so, for how long?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989375472068787 2020-03-05 09:35:04,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Hey guys ene am 19 ena theirs a guy that I luv so much ena 7teigna kelf eyalen mnamn new menetewawekew ena like abrenem nbr keza yehone tym lay ene broke up wiz him nat b/c I hated him mnamn it's just that ene r/ship kmr tolo new yemiselechign ena even tho i loved him I didn't want to be in r/ship...keza demo ke 1 amet mnamn behuwala abren temelesen keza degmo iswear melso selechign beza lay idnt want the makeout mnamn part ena just b/c idnt want it malt esum yekrbet malt selalhone lesum bemaseb degami tetalan akalew yenea tefat new ena betam manad sew ngn...ena ahun demo betam eyenafkign new I want to talk to him mnamn gn kezas??..becha idk wht to do Please tell me smthing?..",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9984371066093445 2020-03-05 09:37:21,"Needed to let this out. Correct me if im wrong but, why is our society is getting lazier? Why we rely (depend) on others to succeed? The case here is, Our parents worked their asses hard to get money, and then the unemployed or the barbies eat from their work and sleep all day, wait for dinner, momma's bunna and act its all good??? Beteley when they are picky on jobs This is reallly ridiculous Our work ethics is verrry poor people WAKE UP I know maybe parents told us these before but they are daaamn right, ""The farmer might be uneducated, had less opportunities, works all day and night, doesnt need help from anyone. At the end, he is the one to feed almost all of us out there. And who are we to take them for granted? We have our 3 meal per day, having the better opportunities to build our imagined future, yet be addicted to drugs, rob others, and be parasites on others blaming on nonsense things Moral of the vent:- Wake up, work hard. ""Dont wait miracles, make them"".",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988937973976135 2020-03-05 09:40:26,Is it ok to fall in love wid a Fwb... coz i am kinda falling fo her .... she is older than me fo z record‍,love,NEGATIVE,0.9900977611541748 2020-03-05 09:40:43,"I hear the 'pain changes people' phrase alot and I thought that meant it makes u stronger. But when there's repeatedly damage to ur soul, it won't make u stronger anymore, u just become's like a mountain. To reach the summit u have to go through alot of obstacles right? But then as soon as u reach the top you'll say to urself 'man this feels right, this is where I have to be' because u can see everything but there will be time u want to go down and u just can't control ur movement and let gravity handle it. If u know what I'm saying I feel this way these times. Nothing matters at all. Friendship, relationship, the part where I used to make an effort to make myself and my life better, it's all fading away. I'm fading away. All I do now is try to distract myself from my own thoughts by going to friends, watching movies and some other stuff but at the night, there's nothing to do except listening to ur own damn mind going back and forth with this endless memories. So no sleep then it's already morning, I'm exhausted, and trying to put myself in the distraction all over again.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997043788433075 2020-03-05 09:41:19,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity This is a question to all Muslim people 1. is it halal to date a women/man before marrying them 2. What happens to a women if her husband decides to leave her 3. Is it halal to have guy friends that are not a part of ur family cuz in the Quran it clearly states that hanging out with people of different gender is not right for both men and women.. 4. Where do u meet a guy? And is ur parents blessing a must if u decide on geting married. Thank u so much",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.998296320438385 2020-03-05 09:41:35,"How do you guys control ur selves from doing something, it doesn't matter what it is but what is the secret to self-control over something, it could be texting ur crush, not texting back, or urge for sex, masturbation, not touching your phone for a day and the do we get mentally strong and what's the best way to train your self.",curiosity,POSITIVE,0.9337014555931091 2020-03-05 09:43:05,Hy this is ma first time a girl 22 am campas 4th yr student...and i need a relationship malet beka efelegalew gn wendoce hulu ene endemefelegew aydelum malet yewashugnal its beka des aylum berget a i hv a lots of lover but ene endemefelegew aydelum ena ebet demo betam kne yetebekalu next yr semerek abre bf endastewawekachew ene gn yelegnem so mn ladreg?plz,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9968383312225342 2020-03-05 09:43:06,"All I wanna ask to u girls is....... what does a relationship mean to ??? U leave ur relationship partner as soon he gets to the big struggle of his life ? Most of u r leaving at that moment ... why would he want u in his life while he can handle his hardest time alone. Cause most of u girls r another problem yourselves. So stop whining about """""" most guy's want us for sex"" cause on wat kind of problem can u b helpful at if u refuse to b by his side when he needed someone desperately.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999427080154419 2020-03-05 20:14:37,Hi guys I need your opinion on this. I am having trouble on my sex life the minimum amount of time I last on the 1st round is 25 minutes and it takes me longer time to cum sometimes. Is this normal?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9973719120025635 2020-03-05 20:17:31,"Hey everyone...hmm...female,23...I need a serious is letting me down...whatever i did I end up being a failure...i used to be that smart,strong and confident girl...but now...I can't even imagine how my life is know I have been through a lot..Ena this time am tired of trying and living...I lost my hope and I become this senseless...kezi hulu neger behuala my parents they still expect a lot from me..ena am dying can I start over and start living?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988405108451843 2020-03-05 20:19:54,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Here is the thing I am second year university student.I was in a serious relationship for about 3 years with this dude I met on Facebook. First he was ma friend but then after being friends for a year we started dating. He was a great guy tho I didn't have gud thinking about relationship ( coz of things I saw in ma family) I trusted him and luved him n gave him tilik bota. He lives in adama n am in Addis . we mate at least be 15 ken anide. Weyy yimetal weyy ene hedalew. I was 100% sure that I will marry him. But then after I join university he started changing. He doesn't want talk as he used to, he doesn't give me much time ,he started having conv. With other guys when I ask him his answer is like "" lideberibachew nw"" as time goes he started saying I don't luv u let's stop. Eshi biye sitewew dmo I luv u enimeles ena one day I warned him not to say like this if he really doesn't mean it. But he keep saying it anyway. Then I gave him time to think about n hetook his time but he still said I don't want the relation so we broke up.after some days he started begging buh I said no!!! Coz I just can't trust him keza gn I have best male friend he is ma university teacher . he is ma best best friend . he is someone I can relay on more than ma family ena after breaking up with ma bf behind agatami we kissed with this best friend n I told him that I want to start relation with him I don't know at the time I like him betamm ena kemnm belay dmo I afraid to be alone so I raise the question he was afraid coz he thinks that I wanted to start relation wiz him to forget ma bf buh I told him wat I really feel n he agree n we start dating. he is great guy,caring,matured,n he wants me for marriage am 100% sure about him I was so happy with him buh still I didn't forget about ma ex coz he waa nagging to back.ena after dating with ma best friend for a month we got fight n I wanted a break up ena he begged me mnamn buh I refuse ena besamintu I got back with ma ex. n ma ex he changed a lot he got the personality I want buh am not happy with it. I luv him n I luv my best friend tooo jeez I don't want to lose them both. Am thinking about both of them wat should I do? I know I can be happy if I date ma best friend coz I was super happy when I was wiz him fo month I know I can marry him he is a solution for ma problems he is always there for me n I luv him for that he is like ma dream guy. n ma first bf I really luv him tho he is not matured ,n am not sure of marrying him mnamn coz he doesn't even want to talk about marriage stuff . plz advice betam eyasichenekegn nw am top student buh now I just can't study mnamn Help!",love,NEGATIVE,0.983302652835846 2020-03-05 20:21:51,"I have this best friend and I love her like all my other besties but lately I feel like she really doesn't want me or my presence. I haven't done anything to her atleast not that I am aware of. And our best friend group is almost with out any drama..we don't have boy issues, we don't have 'girl fights'....etc... she hasn't said I don't want you to be with me go...but I can feel it in a very obvious way and she is the type of person if u confront her she either acts like a victim and make the other person feel or look bad or just not talk to you..and I don't want either of the above to happen. So I can't confront her...she might also just deny it and I'd end up looking like a bad perosn....ooof... anyways I don't know what to do I can't leave her because she's my best friend and we have the same best friends ‍ What should I do",love,NEGATIVE,0.9885735511779785 2020-03-05 20:22:32,Hello ppl..i am not here to vent ..its just a comment on wat i see this days..malete egna ethiopian nen ryt lemndnw be English eyawerachu metadenekurun..beteley campas wst ..beye mendgedu beye megeb betu ..u should use ur language..andand kalat metekm eko its okay gn..uff u guys disgust me for u think it adds some quality on ur personality or sth..beteley wendochu sry to say zis gn gay nw metmeslut..ende we are proud nation ena act like your self beka ..its eko one form of slavery..anyways sry for the rude things i said..betam selmiyanadegn nw beka pls diaspora diaspora ayachotachu...berasachu manent nuru,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989581108093262 2020-03-05 20:22:44,"I hear the 'pain changes people' phrase alot and I thought that meant it makes u stronger. But when there's repeatedly damage to ur soul, it won't make u stronger anymore, u just become's like a mountain. To reach the summit u have to go through alot of obstacles right? But then as soon as u reach the top you'll say to urself 'man this feels right, this is where I have to be' because u can see everything but there will be time u want to go down and u just can't control ur movement and let gravity handle it. If u know what I'm saying I feel this way these times. Nothing matters at all. Friendship, relationship, the part where I used to make an effort to make myself and my life better, it's all fading away. I'm fading away. All I do now is try to distract myself from my own thoughts by going to friends, watching movies and some other stuff but at the night, there's nothing to do except listening to ur own damn mind going back and forth with this endless memories. So no sleep then it's already morning, I'm exhausted, and trying to put myself in the distraction all over again.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997043788433075 2020-03-05 20:22:49,"Hey guys, this is not a vent! I just wanted to ask if any of you know where I can find a therapist in Addis that is good and not expensive?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987144470214844 2020-03-05 20:23:21,Hey the thing is i am 18 and i have a bunch of friends and all...and sure we hang out sometimes but for the rest...i am pretty lonely and i just wanna know if its normal...thanks,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9548569321632385 2020-03-05 20:23:41,"Hello everyone this is my second time here, Am here to ask u something ena if u guys could help,Please So Am a guy in early 20's ena am a student in one of the Ethiopian universities out side addis...ena i will be graduated this year but i wana help my family by just covering some expenses like u know mechem Gc sthonu bzu nger ale ena wat should i do to make this happen...some ppls here told me to try Betting mnamn gn esu mayhon neger new i guess. Maybe online jobs mnamn enenja becha eski share me ur ideas So guys i need ur help thank you.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.99285888671875 2020-03-06 08:09:23,"Hello, so I want everyone’s opinion on something. A year ago I came to Addis for the summer and ended up meeting a guy after the summer ended I went back to the states then I found out I was two months pregnant. I really didn’t know what to do at the time so I decided to call him and let him know but his reaction was very harsh  I couldn’t believe it was the same guy I spent the summer with but I know it wasn’t easy given the timing and all ...the reason I called him was to let him know since he's the father, he has the right to know not for financial support or anything. I went on with my life and now I have a newborn baby girl....she’s the light of my life but recently I was having a convo with my mom and she told me to send him pictures which I did. I don’t want my baby to grow up not knowing who her father is. My question is should I let him into my baby girl’s life or not? Thanks in advance!!",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9893057346343994 2020-03-06 08:09:28,I feel like am a fake person. I fake everything about me. I'm ashamed of things but I can perfectly hide them. How can I get my real self back? Cuz I can't take this anymore,embarrassment,POSITIVE,0.9712613821029663 2020-03-06 08:11:30,Hey guys I need to ask can you be pregnant if your boyfriend didn't enter you but finished ?? Please be polite,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9965267777442932 2020-03-06 08:12:03,"So. A question for girls. How do you get your body not to sweat? lol. In addition to showering. And using deodorants.",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9939498901367188 2020-03-06 08:13:35,"Slightly painful frown being attached to my forehead. A very big headache being rushed to the surface. Feeling cold hearted and selfish as fuck. No knowing what the fuck to do, though I got a bunch of things to do. Not knowing what to feel, though plenty of emotions are popping. Not on a drug or any of those. Just in daze. Maybe denial. Maybe loneliness. Maybe selfishness. Maybe numb. Yeah that; NUMB. Or maybe scared. Or afraid. Or mad. Or ashamed. Or troubled. Or disappointed. At myself. Or regretting. Yeah that; REGRET. Don't mind me. Just continue scrolling through. Don't know tf I am doing. Keep going. Alas.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9994261264801025 2020-03-06 08:14:50,"What if mister perfect exists? And his perfection isn't his personality. his perfection is in the way he is with you. We smile, we laugh but then we get mad, shout things we don't mean but then again we make up the best way we know how. I swear we were so real, so perfectly toxic. I leave everytime you fucked up, we would scream for hours and hours to the point we both start to lose who we used to be, we were so fucked up to the point where you would say i love you but i wouldn't say it back. Why? Because i didn't love you not the way you wanted me to But you stayed hoping that some day i would come to my senses and realise you were the one i was meant to be with. Huh funny because even when u told me you were moving, even when you told me you were dying i still couldnt tell you i loved you. It wasn't because i didn't love you cause God knows i did it was because i felt numb. you weren't there, you never saw me fall apart, you never saw me go through life like a fucking zombie, you never saw the fire i had burn out. You weren't there when i cried my self to bed every night, you weren't even there when i tried to stop everything cause i couldnt wake up and deal with tomorrow. So how could i have told you that i loved you so much, more than i can say but if i had a chance to die i wouldn't look back, i fell in love with death way before you came into my life. But i cant tell you all this because now you are buried 50 feet under. Where i want to be the most right now. I miss you",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9787083268165588 2020-03-06 08:15:22,"Please Approve! Bicha this question goes for those who ""Actively Engage in their respective Religion/Faith""... you may say I am more of materialistic than spiritual but this popps into my head whenever I encounter a pious person,so my question is this, What drives you to be devoted to your respective faith, have you ever considered the faith you practice today is just at random, inborn from your parents or society and not A Fiercly Sought Truth like the significant person who started the faith and have you ever wondered the chance that you maybe practicing another faith (significantly different) with the same intense devotion as you do now had you been born to such family?, and sorry final question, What (Honestly) aside from the pure kindly sides of your faith, what things from your childhood innocence have you lost and what challenges do you face each day with practiotioners of other faith?... Thanks So Much for Your time ...",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9499582052230835 2020-03-06 08:15:41,"Heyyy, im 21 and muslim girl, wearing perfume with the intention to attract boys is prohibited in our religion and i do agree with it. But ya allah, smelling perfumes of boys especially those with full beared attracts me betam... i know there are plenty of girls like me who fall for perfumes and beared... but is it fair???",approval,POSITIVE,0.943294107913971 2020-03-06 20:33:02,"Hello am 2nd year HEALTH INFORMATICS student at Gondar university and this is not a vent rather a question for those who can help me out with things. here are my questions 1.what is my future with a degree in HEALTH INFORMATICS in Ethiopia? 2.what kind of jobs will I be able to do? 3.what is the job vacancy rate related to it? 4.Is it a well paying job ? If any one here have an interest in answering my questions don't forget to comment. Thanks",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9757619500160217 2020-03-06 20:38:02,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity So I'm guy 2nd year campus student who is depressed af. My grades are sooo low actually i never cared about my grades but never expected to be like this either but it's because of the hectic exam schedule our campus scheduled. so I grew up with my mom after my dad passed away when i was 14 and my mom expectations are the reason why i'm like this all i think about is suicide. I really need advice for real HELP ME",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989725351333618 2020-03-06 20:39:12,"I need to vent Please help this my second time venting cause the first was rejected Sup guys I'm 19 year old dude second year university student. I'm looking for a relationship, sure that sounds desperate but it is what Is. I have lots of friends but none really understand how I feel or they're in different cities or countries. Been always little depressed since i have lost my dad 7 years ago and i guess i havent moved on I've built a wall of humour that's the only way of coping and I've seen lots of shit happening to me been backstabbed more times than I can remember and i guess im just looking for a gal who can understand that and me. interested in a fun crazy relationship hit me up.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9941481351852417 2020-03-06 20:39:46,"Hy guys, so here's what happened, I saw some girl and I winked my eye at her and gave her like a kiss kerket...I never done it before and it didn't feel right to do u think it is offensive to women or there's no big deal...I did it because I liked her and I was scared to talk to her so that was what I did, and I've never had that kind of courage before but I don't feel like doing it again, was I wrong to do that?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9955072402954102 2020-03-06 20:40:14,Silke hack endetederege awkalew gin man lemin ena endet endehone alawkim I can not share info with people confidentially betam chenkognal even voice call mawrat eferalew endet naw mawek na maskom yemichilew I know bezi sat enkuan yihen neger eyanebebu naw gin please what do you want from me?? Miknyatun mawek felgalew betam chenkognal asamagn miknyat kalem ekebelalew my telegram ma fb hulum hack tedergeeal min mareg endalebign rasu alawkim please please help me out thank you,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.99874347448349 2020-03-06 20:46:36,I just want to remind myself... PLEASE BE HUMBLE NO MATTER WHAT AND NEVER FORGOT WHERE U START OFF WITH!,neutral,POSITIVE,0.9977483153343201 2020-03-06 22:42:34,Is it ok that I'm ready to die im so ready I'm cool with life but I'm also completely fine with not existing like I'm fine with both in fact I'm cool with every thing I resently stoped argueing with every thing.. what ever God my life is in ur hands soon as u feel ready take me but I also feel like I dnt want to live for me I'm just good like what ever I feel like my Existance is litrally zero value to any one,approval,POSITIVE,0.9655581712722778 2020-03-06 23:01:48,i just have a quick question ena min meselachu guys what do you do when you have no idea to do with your life? Kemir chenkognal! I think this happened to me mostly due to a lack of intellect and ability to speak in public,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9996453523635864 2020-03-06 23:09:17,WHY THE FUCK DO YOU FUCKING PEOPLE STILL HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GAY PEOPLE...I AM STRAIGHT AND IT LITERALLY DISGUSTS ME HOW YOU TREAT GAY PEOPLE .. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING THEY AREN'T GOING TO HELL.. YOU ARE! its fucking 2020 you sons of bitches I would rather burn than discriminate them,anger,NEGATIVE,0.998141884803772 2020-03-07 08:27:41,Guys is it crying addiction? If I don't cry I can't sleep what is ? Tenegna negn gra eyegebagn nw bka yehone gize fkr yazegn yezane yejemerku nw bka normal honual,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977699518203735 2020-03-07 08:27:41,"Hello, am a Christian guy to be more specific orthodox tewahedo and I'm attracted to a Muslim girl with the hijab on She is a friend and I was wondering if it's forbidden for Muslim girls to be with a Christian guy plus I really respect all the religion but I'm a bit scared to ask her on a date....what do you think my Muslim brothers and sisters?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9830129742622375 2020-03-07 08:28:27,"Hey ik this is a shitty thing to say but it's how i feel. My girl has been gaining a lot of weight the past few months and it's been bothering me. When we first got together i liked the way she looked a lot but now idk. She just doesn't care anymore about how she looks. I always make an effort to look good for her i exercise a lot I'm always well dressed but she doesn't make the same effort. I tired talking to her about it and trying to take her to the GYM with me but she just brushed it off like it's nothing. Ik it's very shallow and superficial to break up with someone for such a reason but appearances do matter to me and it's not like I'm not putting in effort, i only want to do her part in return. Anyways i just don't know what to do, i do care about her and i don't want this to bother me but it does.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.994775652885437 2020-03-07 11:14:21,"Hey Unihorse U left me while I needed u the most I did everything for u I was always there to make u happy and also to make things that make u happy I was there at ur hard times u used to say I was the queen of ur heart, u don't know what would u do if I wasn't there for u, but one day u just left as if we were nothing, I was worried if something bad happened to u but it wasn't that it's just u wanna broke up without giving me any reason but telling me u still love me but couldn't go with this really fair to leave me alone without giving me reason... I know everything happens for a reason...I am already over u but couldn't trust here to ask why r u leaving without giving reason... thanks for reading...anything could help... give me reasons for leaving without giving reason..thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9938608407974243 2020-03-07 20:54:12,"Hey, Unihorse I need to vent So everyone, this is more-like a question than a vent. I'm about to graduate and i don't know how my life is going to turn out like i have no fucking clue. I feel like i'm going to lose all my friends and my relationship i haven't even defined yet. So I wanted to get a hint on how life is going to be after graduation from those of you who already graduated. Like is it fun to meet new people? Is dating possible and fun with new people? And please share other struggles i might face. Thanks in advance.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976876974105835 2020-03-07 20:54:46,Hello the vent here jema ketesaka le sostegna gize nw yihe eskahun lash blewgnena wede gudaye segeba eyeseraw memar felgalew yemimarew eziw AA wust nw ena bzu free time alegn so pls guys help me am 20 male fresh student.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970017075538635 2020-03-07 20:55:18,"Hey people, I'm a 21 yr old guy and never went out on a date, I want to practice so that I can get the hang of it later in life, so is any girl willing to help me out by going out on a date with me just for practicing? Thanks",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9670558571815491 2020-03-07 21:54:23,Hey guys I have been in rlship for 2 years and we had sex I was virgin nd now we broke up it just a mess esu enen liyamn alchalm slzi linketil alchalnm can you guys help me how could I forget him really I can't but its a must pls help me how could I forget him,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9988368153572083 2020-03-07 22:56:57,Bare with me. So I'm a guy 23 i go to school here in Mekelle. I just got bood up for the first time in a long time about a month ago and things couldn't be going any better. But I have just been single for such a long time that I'm just way too used to that lifestyle. I'm normally very social i go out every weekend and i hook up just as much. And now that i have to stay faithful to one girl my body is not letting me. It's just following me wherever i go everynight it's a new person that trying to test me but I haven't slipped up so far. I've kept it together cuz i don't want to hurt my girl but there have been too many close calls. I'm just the biggest flirt and i get myself into some very sketchy situations where it's very easy for me to slip up. So i need y'all to tell me how handle my situation. Ik i can't just stop being myslelf and change my whole personality just for her. My frnds all tell me that I'm not a rp kind of guy and that I'm not ready for a rp. What do you guys think? Be kind,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9897646903991699 2020-03-07 22:57:15,Hey every body here its I hope I never see this days really ...when I read most of vents right here I just hope this are my problems ....not a judgment but u must know what u have to understand life exactly . words are dead to express my life and what will be in the future i don't want to die but there are days u can't figure out any option rather than that,optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9986079335212708 2020-03-07 22:58:07,Its not really a vent i just need to say this with out getting judged .so here is the thing was a very carefree and dun girl and i interact with new people without any problem but recently idk wht happened to me i become shy and very awkward with people but in the bright side i become more observant and understand way better than befor i even start reading people emotion and understand their actions without them explaining. Not to brag but am realy good at that shit but again i can't explain what i understand so this whole understanding people is pointless if they didn't know that i do. I just want to get back to who i was before living a simple and fun life .,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9728447794914246 2020-03-07 22:58:39,"Think about a car going full speed in a high way, how fast that it must be, i walk slowly in the middle of the road and the wind is all there is, blowing my hair and dress, i will hv my earphones plugged in my ears playing the sweet classicals of mozart, notcaring about anything, fellling way too numb and then boom! That car hits me and thats it,no more bryce,no more feelings and its all over,take the last breath and my soul is outta me, got ntn to lose anymore,no more torn reputation to give a damn about.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9837740659713745 2020-03-08 07:33:59,hello every one this is me my name is ....and am 23 i am an ethiopian its been a week since i broke up whith my girl friendshe was so cute but we couldnt continue doing it u know the story is the night before we broke up i was out with my friends for a drink and came late home then she was tryne get me to bed but i was drunk and i slaped her hard and i didnt mean it u know it wasnt me at that time but every thing was resolved by morning till i saw her kissing her boss at the after noon i was shoked and lost i didnt know what to do i told her i dont wana see her face any more and i gaave her a week to leave my house now idk what to do if u can help me plzzz,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986622333526611 2020-03-08 07:34:04,Is crying when your bored normal cause that what i do every single time i get bored.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9993770718574524 2020-03-08 07:34:30,i have a bf n we have been 2gether 4 ....1 year n month......he cares for me mnamm but i dont feel like dis is love i dont know why ....some times i want to be alone just live him n be single...and when i am about to deside i cant ....i will afraid ...i dont now the feeling that i have for him n it makes me feel like am selfish .what would you do if you were in my postion,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980344176292419 2020-03-08 07:35:17,"So I am fresh man student and recently placed in a field that I don't want to join in any circumstances. Just think about a girl who have good grades but end up somewhere she don't want and she couldn't back up because apparently she don't have Any other choice. I was really intersted in health stuffs and this field is totally unrelated. I would be so thrilled if I quit this and start learning something related to health. But my family wouldn't be supporting me cuz according to them, the uni(AAU) is much better and acceptable than other private colleges. So what I want to ask you guys is, is there any way I could learn some health related things in addition to this field? Which college should I choose for those fields? And if there is any one with this type of experiences, can you please share you thoughts?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9976383447647095 2020-03-08 11:55:23,Happy international women's Day to all the queens here! Keep shining! We appreciate you all!,admiration,POSITIVE,0.9995505213737488 2020-03-08 20:00:54,"Family... Let me tell you something. So family is supposed to be your medicine. You can be gay and you'll be okay as long as your family accept you as you. You can fail from college or Scholl and you'll be okay as long as your family support you to do something else and Believe in your ability to kill it. You can be raped and you'll be okay if your family care about you and get you the appropriate help you need without treating you differently from the time in which you were raped. You can be messed up with so many disorders and flaws and problems and your family can make you happy if they know how to. And I don't really have that family. I have a really awful, unsupportive, unloving family that probably had to work on themselves before they chose to have me as their child. I believe it will be alright when I leave home and be independent one day. What's awful is that i am turning out to be JUST like them. I hate what they are and the fact that I'm showing signs of living the lives they are living makes me sick and hopeless. If there's anyone here, since I noticed a lot of adults in this channel, can you tell me if there's any of you that broke the cycle and became a better person than your parents?",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9889208078384399 2020-03-08 20:01:08,"Hey guys, so am a university student dude who is going to graduate this year and am having a big issue in my life and it's been a while since I have had the's dealing with social anxiety, I shake, my heart beat increases, I freeze, it's bad bcha. sometimes I have this bad panic attack and I don't know what to do, I tried to deal with the situation with drugs but it didn't turn out well, I tried to change, I tried to get out of my comfort zone but it doesn't seem to go away and I truly want to get rid of it and I want ur help",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9956238865852356 2020-03-08 20:02:17,"My boyfriend and I have been for almost a year now and we’re thinking of getting married and stuff soon,BUT,he’s very decent and silent,he doesn’t talk alot and when he speaks,he thinks twice before he do,like he’s very wise and all...and I’m not,I smile and talk alot and kes blo rega yalsh hugnilign mnamn eyale ymekregnal but I couldn’t change,I speak sth and regret it immediately,I feel like ‘I should’ve just shut my mouth’ and I’m really really hating it!you guys,I REALLY WANNA CHANGE THIS AND BE A VERY DECENT QUIET GIRL,what shall I do?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9833866953849792 2020-03-08 20:03:22,hey anybody knows sle eyob tarik did really god bett with setan with eyob childrens just egnan tagashnet lemastemar or metsaf kdus lay ye sew hasab alebet?,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9989319443702698 2020-03-08 20:03:22,"hey unihorse hide my identity i have a question why is having sex easy now a days in my age to have sex you need to be In 5 years and more relationships and a marriage to have sex",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9969618916511536 2020-03-08 20:36:10,"hey, i am a girl and i am 17, its my first time to vent i need ur help guys!! Before few days my friend had passed away and i cant stop thinking about him I really miss him too much I am not believing that he passed away even, he was clever , funny , famous , fit , handsome I don't know even why I didn't fall in love with him, I wrote this cuz I am really getting depressed really I am not caring to myself I stopped laughing and loving myself what shall I do please ur comments",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.99445641040802 2020-03-09 08:02:42,"I'm a girl. I'm 21 and I have a serious question for girls. Does a guy become more attractive to you when you find out he has a girl? I mean just can't comprehend going after someone who is in a relationship but apparently its an okay thing to do now. I have a gf sibalu they just go ""men chgr alew"" koy men malet nw? What are you trying to accomplish here? Being a side chick? Does it feed your ego? Does it feel good when you know its forbidden fruit? What is it? Seriously Somebody explain this to me cuz I just don't understand.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9366593956947327 2020-03-09 08:03:34,Okay I have this boyfriend and he drinks and stuff gen I love him he always let's me down ena ahun I'm just gonna call it quits.... What do u think??,love,NEGATIVE,0.9993547797203064 2020-03-09 08:03:35,"People! People! People! What the damn hell? This is getting out of hand. Y'all need to start making yourselves sound a little bit poetic. The way you guys write your vents is getting repetitive and also quite boring. I mean, "" hey, I'm this. I am this years old. My boyfriend is this."" Jesus, doesn't it get old. Must the readers suffer because of your inadequacy? Huh? Write in an interesting way for crying out loud!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989252686500549 2020-03-09 20:28:48,Hey's nat a vent actually it's like an advice and confession from my experience so far..and the solution for the challenges or the obstacles we face is our God Jesus for he is almighty God.. remember he is a God who can hell anyone he is a God who can give a live for a dead person...for he is our Creator for he is the alpha and omega so why we don't rest on this beautiful mighty God why?...bechgr west honen enkuan ereft miset melkam geta eyesus...ewnet eyalekesen enkuan yewest selamachinen bekidusu menfesu bemenfeskidus mitebekelin deg geta eyesus..ewnet ewnet getan nw milachu sew bekrstos kalarefe bemanm ayarfem bemanm ena bemnem ayarfem ..wedezi asarafi geta memtat yehunelachu...geta bemnm aynet huneta binihon yekertaw ejiggg yebezal melkam geta nw..yeker aylegnm endateleu chekagn negus aydelem demu becha yemiyanetsa newina..beykrta fitun lemifelgu hulu hulem yeabatibet beru yetekefete yefkr ejochu yetezerega melkam geta nw... bekrstos maref yehunelachu ene arfyalew...tebarekulgn....pls approve it blc enen yasarefegnin ewnet endiyaweku efelgalew it works... eyesus kristos zarem negem eske lezelalem yaw new!!,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9840759634971619 2020-03-09 20:28:50,"Dear MAMA The day u left me on the sidewalk Was the day u punished me for the rest of ma life Since then i had to survive long to see the spark Cause of u Them days i spend are rough A single action determined ma whole path I know u dont want me i know i was a mistake U neva pictured me n didnt want to raise But what did i do to deserve this break Whats my fault that made me live in the dark I only needed a shoulder to cry An arm to hold me  when i slide All i needed was someone to tell me those 2 three words ""I LOVE YOU"" n ""I GOT YOU "" But um here aint i Hv done good till now Been waitin fo ma moment to fly But the bad part is u won't see me shine U won't get to know ur grand children But u will hear about them from far U will see thier shadows never there face Cause for me ur long dead n i hv wiped ma tears",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.992667019367218 2020-03-09 20:28:59,"Hey, I have a question. In Christian religion specifically orthodox. What type of sex is allowed? Is everything allowed since you are in holy matrimony?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9950664043426514 2020-03-09 20:29:28,"Hey this is me ...the thing is am really worried abt ahun university wst slalew ye department adeladel huneta so if anyone who is medical student pls tell me, how can i join medicine and am 12 now... Am all ears kmr",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9981405735015869 2020-03-09 21:10:27,"Need to get some shits off my cheast, So here is the thing about my friend its like she isn't good enough for me as in like i always will be there for her even if i have my own problems but when it comes to my problems tho she just wonders then she slides off without doing anything to help, i mean endet honek malet rasu is a huge thing eko , then i had enough so i started to leave her and she asks me what did i do wrong, she be like i cant lose u menamen, i said ntg, what was i supposed to do? How can you tell her to be a better person? Once you become friends especially close as us aren't we supposed have eachothers back?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987494945526123 2020-03-10 08:11:22,"Hey guys I have been in relationship with this girl and she is Protestant but am orthodox .. we've been dating for 5 months ena she said i can't be with you b/c abren mhon anchelm Bible ayifekdm mnamn she sayid ""either u change ur religion or we r done "".. i told her am not gonna do that!!! ... d u guys have something to tell me?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983599781990051 2020-03-10 08:11:22,Here is what's up I have a lying problems and this lies if anyone knows that they are lies that is when it's the end of me its not like I can help it it's kinda a disorder that comes as a side effect and now I don't know what to do pls help,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995635151863098 2020-03-10 08:13:03,K so this is not a vent I just wanna to say smthing...kmr gn why u all so judgey malt it may nat includ all of u but lyk sew eko ezi GA vent siyareg they wanted advice enji eko manem mesedb or menkuwashesh ayfelgem iswear dnt be rude if ur nat helping them then step the fuck off just b/c u insulted them ntn will change except demoralizing them‍...ena yaw identityachu selemayetawek zm belachu afachehun atekfetut yedbral...marriyamn ymren new....tnx for reading this much,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9981213212013245 2020-03-10 13:18:51,"Hy there I've this problem here it goes.... yadekut afar akababi new ena addis yemetahut 8 amete lay new ena the thing is eza eyalew I've gone through FGM (female genital mutilation) ena ahun am having problems like insecure negn betam, guys mekreb alchalkum, seshena mnamn yakatlegnal ena lemanm altenagerkum cuz bezi tym kertual esu neger ena beka bchayen new mechenanekew ya memory ale eskahun altefam ena besu mknyat metegnat alchalkum ena almost all f u have never been through this ena mnm expect alaregm gn beka it feels good to finally let it out thanks.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9919117093086243 2020-03-10 13:20:31,"Hey there anyone who is reading this,I really need to vent and get this off my chest. I don't even know with what to start,I don't remember the last time I sensed happiness in my family,the last time my parents slept together, the last time they chatted(they don't even fight) and my father has HIV which I don't know how he got it but we his children don't,and I think my mom has a lover,they didnt get divorced just for us and I have known this since I was 8 grader now I am freshman and I haven't told anyone about this(I am what they call dbk),and my father has drinking full of misery,huh? Well I am sick too,I need to get surgeryam just tired,plus the fact that no one knows makes it so hard,I am very sensitive and when my friends laugh at me or say sth rude I get hurt so easy..BTW this isn't what is troubling me right now, my mom wants a divorce,yeah okay am okay with it but what about my lil brother and my dad(he is on his final stage and she wants him to be on his own and he is a really small wager plus who is gonna take care of him?) I have tried to talk her out of it so many times but she just says I am tired this isn't the time that she thinks about people but herself,okay I get her,I do but can't she just be a little stronger at least till my dad reststhis really hurts to say it but she is just so stubborn,and my dad keeps begging her directly or through me but we are just sweating it and now I kinda gave up..I haven't talked to her for like a month now and I have no clue of what to do or generally why I am living? For the uncertain future? I wish I could just be numb and reckless but what about my lil brother,am just in campus cozy and surrounded with friends but he is in hell I know that because I have been in there!",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972577691078186 2020-03-11 08:23:00,Hello guys there's sm thing that i need advice from u guys I'm 18yrs old girl and I've never smoked in my life but the smell just lures me in there are sm days when i deliberately go to places or stand next to ppl that smoke ik pathetic also nowadays I've started drinking buying it with my own money my parents or friends don't know bout this wtf is my problem nd i crave cigarettes so much should i just try one?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9480260014533997 2020-03-11 08:23:31,"Hey there I rly need to vent OK this is how it goes there is no peace in our family not ever since the day I remember it father hates me betam ena he hits me & insults me for no reason at all I'm fine with that I mean its not fine but at least I'm used to it but he also hits mom she did ntn wrong with my faults he hits her too & I get mad & stuff a lot & I have a heart problem I get sick a lot but my grandpa was my everything he was my father lene ena he died ahun ena I am betam sad then my best friend died but at least I had a boyfriend that used to cheer me up bye asb nber then he dumped me & go to another girl in our school & I have to see them together everyday & I think the problem is me idk becha I'm in a really deep depression I lost everything in less than 2 weeks ena plsss help me all I think abt is suicide ik it's forbidden on ze bible gn that is the only thing on my mind do u guys think I'm ze problem malet coz I have a heart problem that is what pushes ppl away from me huh pls be honest & help I have reached my last level I'm very sick & depressed pls help... If u guys have sth rude to say pls I'm bagging u keep it to ur self I already have enough",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986900687217712 2020-03-11 10:30:52,"I'm a victim of childhood sexual abuse, negligence (maybe I think of it that way), bullying (by my relatives) and I don't remember anything else. I'm 24yr old female, It didn't impact me that much visibily it was all ruining me without i having slightest idea of it. But now, I'm aware of everything, every way it's impacting me, only two people know about it and they too have their issues as a result of which I can't burden them anymore. I'm dying please help me, I won't be able to pm any of you please a word or two, for I've no idea what to do.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9777166247367859 2020-03-11 10:32:12,"So ik this is going to be a very controversial subject but i feel like it has to be said. A few months ago one of my frnds that i have known for only a couple of months confessed her lover for me, I was completly taken by surprise but i didn't for a single second believe she was telling me the truth cuz how could she. She only knew me for just a month or so and even in those months I didn't feel any real connection other than a very strong frndship bn us. But still she insisted that she was inlove with me and vowed she would be with me and do anything till i believe her. Fastforward a few weeks and we're still talking n I'm doing everything i can to try and understand her but surpise surprise she wasn't inlove with me. She didn't do a single thing she said she would. So i talked to her about it and she said she was inlove with me but she gave up after she saw my reaction after a mere 2 weeks most of which i spent with her. And it's the same story with all the girls I've been with in the past. They just come on to you so hard in the beginning but then the fire just burns out and the words they said to you just become empty. Maybe it's the same with guys idk but it's still not right. You should consider what Love means to the other person. Don't say that you love someone just cuz you're attracted to them. You could be attracted to so many ppl but you can only love one. One person one time for the rest of your least thats how i feel",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982702732086182 2020-03-11 21:39:33,so this is not a vent its just something that is bugging me ...i have little white ish discharge on the upper part of my belly like above my belly button ..i'm so curious guys i dont know wats happening to me,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9968550205230713 2020-03-11 22:05:43,"Hi, I’m 23 years old girl. I live in Europe. In the past 3 months I don’t know why but I started to push away the people I love and care about, the people that care about me and loves me too. Suddenly I don’t want to hangout with them, I don’t call them and I don’t use social media like i used too and I started shutting people out even my family. I get home go in my room and lock my self in, I just want to be alone. Before I feel happy when I meet them on the streets but now I hide from them when I see them. I don’t know what is happening to me or what’s going on plz guys give some advice and help me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9734402894973755 2020-03-11 22:06:20,Hey guys lately i am having this problem i get mad and angry easily i cannot control it anymore the more they talk the more i got angry ena ahun i just dont like it i need help,anger,NEGATIVE,0.9985758066177368 2020-03-12 10:39:31,"relationship wst mekoyet alchlm ....Rejem yemibalew gizea 2wer nw beza lay am a virgin bezu wendoch ga date ewetalhu 2,3tegnaw date lay room enyaz yelalu .....Ena lelaw demo gudegnochea relationship west lemkoyt sex yasfelgal belew nw yemyamnut yeminegrugn ena what should i do? ‍",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973155856132507 2020-03-13 15:52:45,"This real, I am having symptoms of common cold. I've been in contact with Korean professors. They came to Ethiopia about a month ago and they went through self isolation for two weeks and everything. And they're all fine up until today. Right now, am having all symptoms of common cold from yesterday night and I am isolating myself right now. Do you guys think I should worry and go to hospital or report my case?. FYI, I always catch common cold, I think I am his type Thanks.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.91445392370224 2020-03-13 21:12:54,"Guys am worried .... i have cough,runny nose , fever and headache. Am Confused whether this is comon cold or corona virus. Am Worried to much. should i report my self?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9991055130958557 2020-03-13 21:46:32,"Hey third time venting the other 2 didn't make it . and am guy who hates his life sooo much I mean am messed up wanna be guy...I act like I have been through a lot done a lots of amazing shit (someone who have touched the sky n deafted everything) bu the truth is am fuckin 21 year old virgin ,a guy who do bad at his grades, a guy who fucks up with every gal,a guy who his parent is not proud of , am also a trama addict n also smoke everyday ,I am loser I think no one could ever be so asmesay and weshetam like me ...I haven't accomplished shit in my life but. i put my hands every where just to know where it takes me n at z end it takes me no always deppresed fuckin messed up all the type n despite the amazing look n style I got everybody thinks am player rich tebaram funny guy ....god can I sound more stupid ....I don't know how to be brave n take over my mind I don't deserve this life am better of dead ...I also never learned consistency, love ,I never had a passion am venting this coz I know none of u can help me n I don't want u too.. just feel like to know wt it looks like to talk to noone n hv no one to reply to me ....I always have my mind telling me this dreams of mine but it's to late coz now to be wt I dreamt of I have to destroy this wall I built in my mind but fuck it coz behind the wall in my mind their is this cage my soul is trapped in and u can never destroy a wall locked in a cage so pis out to dis world am just gonna sit n see everyone ride over me being so cool n have reputations n fuckin everyday .....god I think u did dis coz I deserve it n no other choice except to see n sufferam so dead inside",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9974867105484009 2020-03-14 08:54:26,"Not to sound like an asshole but ppl are blowing this corona thing way outta proportion,instead of taking proper precautions measures ppl are out here shitting thier pants thinking we all gon die chill the fuck out ppl The flu has killed many ppl b4 than corona, as corona has only 3% fatality rate and those are ppl 60+ and with low immunity so instead of freaking out lets try to curb the spread by washing our hand with bacterial soap regularly and avoiding unecessary touching minamin and we gon be fine ppl",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9984265565872192 2020-03-14 20:36:39,"Hey,,,am campus senior student ena I had a feeling for yehonech fresh girl ena lemanm set endi aynet semet tesemtogn ayakm neber,, ena be tat mikoteru ken neber yagegnehuatna in the end negerkuat ena bf endalat ena friends yehone feeling endalat negerechign........but endetemechehuat sign tasayegn neber like sngenagn snawera mnamn or meslogn neber,,,,& be Aynua endemitfelgegn gebi wist mnamn,,,bzu negerua demo single nw mimeslew.......but ene endasebkutm layhon ychlal bye expect arge neber ena altegodahum Bzum except the heart break,,,,,,,,,,,, After that day 1 or 2 day ke ruk aychat neber ena the 1st day zegahuat the other day demo hi hi tebabln.......But guys hulem nw silesua masbew lidewlilt asbalew mnamn and so so....... Comment me and give ur suggestions pls",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9957783222198486 2020-03-14 20:36:41,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I am student at one of Ethiopian university. I broke with ma girl couse of religion she is orthodox and am protestant but I don't care abt religion but she cares much.... U don't have any idea how much she love me even when I compare with mine I rly don't love her but I don't want loose her... She wants me to be orthodox but my answer is no... She is a religious girl not only her including her family... She is now tired of waiting for me.... And she decided not even talk to me... What shall I do pls",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9679083228111267 2020-03-14 20:36:42,"Hey I need to vent I'm a girl I have a bf and he's not the same I mean he's not giving me attention and not treating me like he did when we first met I think we're so close like we don't have anything to talk about and I don't wanna lose him I love him I'm not saying he hate me mnmn but sometimes it feels like its fading away maybe someday he'll want something new and leave me and I don't want that to happen what should I do ?",love,NEGATIVE,0.996679425239563 2020-03-14 22:17:47,my life is soo complicated idk why but i always feel lonlyness even when there is sm one beside me i care for all but i always feel like no body rly cares for me need an advice hw to deal with all ma dipression issues,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951791763305664 2020-03-15 08:43:18,"Yeah hi, I'm not the kind of guy that get appreciated that gets a smile when Iooked at I'm the kinda guy that looks like he's a Nigerian with teeth so fucked up i never smiled to any one before and what's worse is I can't even fall in love, the insecurity of me being this guy I don't get close to any girl cause of my sexual feeling and I believe that God is punishing me for what I did, anyway I'm a dance addict I can't live without it I just go out alone dance till my heart stops, I use that to express my feelings the hate the anger I just wanted to say that out loud, thank you!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9982288479804993 2020-03-15 08:43:30,My life is soo complicated and right now am in love with the wrong person who have a girlfriend i think he loves her and am not sure he believe that we meet each other at the wrong time so we have to separate and know am trying to kill all my feeling but am not sure if i have to forget him or keep hoping....,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9982264637947083 2020-03-15 08:43:56,"hi unihorse...i need event ...i always regret fr being a Docter bc i had spent 7 yr at medical school sacrifing my golden age... u ab medical school ..,life is hard there...but glory to God finaly i didt ..i graduated last yr i was asking my self ...hw can i compensate my past..,,my Golden age(18-25)...bc i dont even know filertinn...plse guys can u help me with this..?",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9962514042854309 2020-03-15 08:44:46,Hey guys i am kinda idk what to say not feeling good at the time being thats why i am here to vent and i need answers please what am i supposed to do if ma best friend doesn't listen to what i am saying i mean its all for her safety but she never accept it am worried about her but she never about her self and i prefer to let go of my self before her so what should i do i don't really get the meaning of life now nat at all whats the point‍ actually i really thank u guys all helping ppl is the best to do tnx every 1,confusion,POSITIVE,0.9752641916275024 2020-03-15 08:45:55,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I live with a diversified people here around and couldn't tolerate everyone's behaviour. I'm strange in nature. I get so bored immediately even in relationships I can't tolerate my guy, eventhough I tried alot to do so. And another problem is in fact I see things differently from others but my view or sight seems for others as I am a pessimist or a negative thinker, and I'm tired of being said ""don't consider it negatively, think positive!"" I'm really tired of being seen as a negative thinker and that hurts alot please tell me what should I do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9992784857749939 2020-03-15 08:46:55,"Hey there guys... i am in a deep trouble like a very hard one... i made a buisness deal with a friend from china by borrowing some money from ma poor family members... n i gave him the money... it was a lot of money n he used it all for his personal expenses when the virus outbreaks... i cant blame him for that he was trying to save his life minamin... anyways the drill with me is that i am left wid ntn... n ma family is going to have nothing as well... i dont slp, eat idk i am going crazy... is there anyway that i am going to get such a big money fast? Or anyone i can contact for a loan idk sichenkegn new vent yarekut",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999578058719635 2020-03-15 08:46:57,"Hey guys I have a problem in my sex life with my girlfriend need some advice ,here is the thing my girlfriend and I have been together for like 3 years now she was a virgin singenagn, having sex since then gin she is telling me that all she fills is pain and rather die, she likes only to make out. I fill like hiwotuan aza eyarekut, what should I do ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9973359704017639 2020-03-16 20:52:03,People please lets not ignore the fatality of this virus. Why are we all nonchalant about how deadly corona virus is. Specially for asthma patients and other chronic diseased people. We need to be careful for the others. Put your masks on if u have any. Wash ur hands constantly. I'm saying this because my dorm mates r ignoring it. They sneeze n then touch the door handle without washing mnamn.,caring,NEGATIVE,0.9968543648719788 2020-03-16 20:53:13,"Hello everybody My last vent didn't get approved pls pls pls approve this onen guys pls help me... We have been together with my boyfriend for a year ena we love each other mnamin n after some time he got rly busy n m not doubting that I know his situation I understand that he works all night n sleeps during the day mnamin ena gin it rly bothers me cuz he doesn't call like at all I mean mechiem kebela ketegna Kenun mulu one call weyim text lemelak is it that hard ke 24 seat? degimo Huliem mallet new ena degimo like yehone seat ke enkilifu tinish keniso can't we just meet le 30 minute bihonim ena yehone Ken degimo babe yet neh selam libelik eyalikut zimblo wed sira hide keza lemin hiedk silew 2 taxi eko new Eruk new alegn but I was willing to go just to say hi....he isn't the type which expresses his love n everything but I wan ask the guys in here cuz I have never been that busy in my life, what if you got damn busy would u act like him?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9914448857307434 2020-03-16 20:55:10,"I know I know my problems are very silly and all my worries are stupid but you know what its better to be a good person and the whole world be against you . I have every thing in my life I have been given a lot of things but the truth is I've got nothing to give I have every thing a mom that love, a sister that sacrifices, friends who care ,but I only lost one thing which is myself. I am a selfish ,lazy,dumb ass person that doesn't know how to love,how to respect, how to live and I just give up I give up trying like I always do. But this time it's the last time I will fail.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9931898713111877 2020-03-17 20:28:14,"People listen to me Dont whine about the fact that she or he just happened to dislike me for God knows why. instead of crying bout the fact that ur not loved by whoever that is, u should look at ur self, observe ur self very well, the way u talk, the way u react to things, the way u give compliments and on and on . Just really pay attention to what u do. Then ull find out what the problem is. Its important to know that ur arent always gonna change to every one liking u but u cn certainly change the things that evryone hate about u, like the kinda thing u would hv hated if u see it on some other person. U should start by trying to be less hatefull to ppl and say kind words then i think ull sart being kind and everyone loves the kind person. See then everything will fall in to their pecies. Be kind!! Stay kind!!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9652904868125916 2020-03-17 20:28:15,can I get a post pill from a pharmacy without any questions about the situation and how much is it,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9988743662834167 2020-03-17 20:28:23,"Hey guys. I've been feeling lost lately. I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm not happy nor am o sad nor am I angry. I'm just somewhere but I can't grasp it. Even on texts I'm starting to act dull. I'm not as enthusiastic as before. Even to the one person I enjoy talking to, I'm texting as if I'm down. I'm afraid that I'm relapsing to the point when I used to be an unemotional person who didn't care about peoples emotions. Its been on my mind for a while but I couldn't tell my friends.... Friends that still talk/text me I think I'm like this cause people who i thought where my friends discarded me like trash. I get left on seen and ignored. I think this is one issue but I'm not sure anymore.... I don't think my friends will understand me. I'm not sure anymore. I feel like I can't trust myself anymore. I feel like confessing to the girl I liked ruined our connection as friends, I feel that I open up easily. All my actions are confusing me.. Making me feel confused inside.... I'm not really sure but thank you for reading I'm open to any comments be it mean or kind. Thank you",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9964098334312439 2020-03-18 09:15:57,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity Sucide in universities are common any idea why that is? I've had scary thoughts of killing my self too some times I soon as I close the door behind me my eyes start tearing up any time I'm alone I feel the weight slowly crushing me and it's sad cuz its hard to say Hey Guys just leting u know the voices in my head are telling me to take a handful of pain killers with Vodka.. how do u run from that how do u over come the fact that u dnt want to wake up tommorow u have had enough all u want to do is sleep forever..",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9990677237510681 2020-03-18 09:16:54,"Okay so straight to my point is it just me or are the comments given to a vent stupid and stereotypic like bro people vent to get real advice not your negative bullshit. Am not saying all comments are shit but tbh most are dumb as hell oh and also most of those people are sexist and homophobic. I deadass feel bad for you dumbfucks out there hating on other like yo look at yourself esti i bet your life is fucked up and got nothing to do but hate on others. Becha got too much on my mind but nothing to say ohh humanity humanity humanity Feel free to say shit i won't give a single flying fuck. Thank you ow and stay strong okay haters gonna hate.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.994802713394165 2020-03-18 09:19:59,"Question! If ur BOYFRIEND texts a girl he used to have feelings for that considered cheating or am I just overreacting? P.s: nothing physical happens he just uk be texting her all the damn time.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992128610610962 2020-03-18 14:30:35,"Hey I’m 24 female I think I have depression And I don’t know where to seek help If y’all know any good psychiatrist pls drop their location or phone number Thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9989742040634155 2020-03-18 14:30:37,"Hey everyone I want to ask a question for recently graduated medical doctors and anyone who can give me real information! Here is the thing...I am a a 3rd year medical student and ever since joining med school I always felt I had a secure future,but lately I have been getting the vibe that it is not true since Dr Amir donated some money for unemployed doctors!i never new doctors in Ethiopia could be unemployed!so all of you recently graduated doctors,I would really appreciate it if you could give me some information and help me understand how life after graduation is for medical doctors and also is there anything I need to do here in med school that could help me in the future?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9951750040054321 2020-03-19 09:56:12,Why can't i be like a normal teenager girl why can't i have fun when i'm with my friends why do i feel lonely and isolated around them why can't i stop crying over little things and become emotionally strong why can't i have a true friend to lay it to much to ask‍,sadness,POSITIVE,0.9334893822669983 2020-03-19 20:18:54,what do u think ur purpose in this life is i just wanted to know so as to find my own,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9980676770210266 2020-03-19 20:18:56,"I'm starting to worry about my friendships with people. Honestly, from all there is the one girl I feel like I'm losing my touch to. We used to talk so much and it uses to be fun but now its really dulled and feels like she doesn't want to talk to me as much, let alone doesn't care as much. I guess I was so dependent on her cause out of all she understood me, and now its hurting me to know that things won't be the same. I just have a hard time accepting it but I have too. Thank you for reading",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986636638641357 2020-03-19 20:21:14,"He's changing and Idk what to do, I'm so confused... He's pushing me away, he's being rude and I really just don't know anymore. I don't wanna give up especially now cuz I feel like he needs me more than ever. We've together for a bit over 5 years ever since highschool n he was amazing he was so sweet n caring... But maybe we're so used to each other now that he's tired of me n wants something new n is doing all this on purpose just to break up with me or get me to break up with him. He graduated about 8 months ago n he's still looking for a job. He recently lost someone that was like mother to him. Maybe that's why he's being this way. He's asking for help. We talked about it n He says he wants someone to comfort him and guide him cuz he feels lost but refuses to talk to me about it. He just says I wouldn't understand... Without even trying. He says he doesn't feel anything anymore so I asked how he knows he loves me if he doesn't feel anything? He said because the thought of losing me scares him. My mind is all over the place. He doesn't talk to me endebefitu he's so rude. Ik he wants someone to fight but I don't think that person is me n its killing me inside n its exhausting cuz I love him n I want him to be happy. Should I fight or let go? Even if I do fight what can I do to help him?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9949087500572205 2020-03-19 20:21:55,"No need of comments just wanted to say this. I have a question for all the guys in here Do u get a satisfaction when you hit women haa tell me??? Its really hard not to be Abel to do something about it or say anything I just got slapped by a random guy in our neighborhood I swear to god I've never seen him before but calling names and slapping girls is no big deal for you right?but weren't you all in this world through a women isn't the person that hold you in her bely for nine fucking month a women?? I know there are a lots of gud guys in the world but please stop this fucking insane bullshit by doing your part don't just pass on by when u see this kind of shit going on in your house,on the street's,anywhere just be a real man And Stop harassing you're own sisters We're dying here let us live as equals as you are pleace give as a space to breath",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9972075819969177 2020-03-19 20:22:50,I don't know why but am not good at relationship. I tried many times to have good gf but after 1 or 2 month we broke up.. Actually am not good at stuff like jinjina am kind of person like zemtegna and shy also. Most of the time girls come to me by themselves and go away by themselve. at first i was happy by this thing coz erasachiwu slemetu it's not ma business whether they are with me or not eyalku asb nbr but as time pass nd after doing this with many girls now am tired of this stuff nd start asking ma self what's wrong with me nd why they came and leave me with out a reason? I want to figer out the reason that makes them to leave me and also to start strong relations.. What i am supposed to do?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983453750610352 2020-03-19 20:23:28,"Hey this is for one particular person actually and it's just to say that I miss you even tho you are a self proclaimed asshole who actually told me you don't care about me now or anytime in the future since day one. Though we never had any future as mentioned by you in so many ways I learned what I felt was for the most part the infatuation that resulted from having to have had the unattainable. Truth is I'm sorry for whatever hurt blocks you from love and I pray for you every time I pray of my own heart. I am sorry it seemed that I was leaving although now I have left for real and I can't help but wonder if you are missing me too.. I am not good at these things but I just wanted to somewhat properly say a final good bye though I do hope I see you happy some day. Please forgive me for my less than acceptable actions during our time together and I have no right to minimise the relevance of my share of act and don't feel bad for your share now or future because I have forgiven you a thousand times I wish you all the happiness. Yours sincerely, Dolly",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.8100752830505371 2020-03-20 09:06:11,"This something really personal but what if someone here need to hear this.....u guys I did something which I never thought I would ""neseha gebaw"" am not even religious Pearson but my GOD it feels so good....demo my sins was tooo much,I did everything any teenagers do specially z sex tng,masterbation,porn beka everything I shouldn't do......u guys as u can see the world is gonna end soon specially with Corona tng,having the inner peace is just anyone who thought his/her sin is too much don't worry,GOD actually forgive specially young ppl I know what it feels to wanting to b cool mnamn but the guilt after is not worthed....I was reading abuna estenfase kirstos gedel(stories) that is life....he was so pure making GOD happy and I thought what would God feel about me....I disappoint him every day...anyhow emebrhan hagerchinin tetebek I hope someone got something from this and am a girl...idk y I mention that it just feel like guy when I read it back",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.8161039352416992 2020-03-20 20:44:18,"Hey i am so stupid that am writting this but it kinda helps i am crying right now its because that my life is going upside down. am a cumpus student in addis i have a boyfriend he is older than me like he is 27 i am 21 he is smart i like him. but the thing is that he gets weird when i be with boys he doesnt like it . We always fight about it. But me i never botherd about him having a girls around him. Last week it was my friends bdparty in a cafe every of my friends where invited like guys ofc then he was calling i answered and told him .he told where i was i told him. he came and saw me have fun he was mad like he was off he pretendes like nth happend and then he gave me ride and he starts to speak you were hugging that man and that i shouted fuck you he fucking slapped me .i told him i am done fuck his ass ymr i hate every thing now i mean i hate going to class and shit am like a vampire now a days i sleep all day, cry all night ,i hate it and now i think am getting fat. its just i fucking hate everything give me some advise to move on please . And pls be postive am already broken.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951942563056946 2020-03-20 20:45:25,"Hey I’m a girl and I had my first boyfriend years ago and I loved Him from the bottom of my heart , sure enough he was faking it. He was a bad person made me feel as worthless as he can and left. It was bigger than heartbreak i was broken for more than a year depressed and suicidal. I couldn’t even look at other people cause I felt so horrible About myself. Then after sometime I met this wonderful person who is everything I want. We started a relationship and I’m happy . But all of a sudden I miss my first boyfriend he’s all I think about all day I almost called him and it’s affecting me mentally and my relationship too. I feel like a bitch for thinking of that and I should have forgotten him long ago but I’m hurting bad because of this. How can I be like I used to be on my relationship and be happy again",sadness,POSITIVE,0.9010759592056274 2020-03-22 09:27:58,"hello, this is like my fifth vent if it doesnt get approved so admins here it goes i am a campus student resently i was going through some financial difficulty so i started stealing stuffs from people And weirdly i started to like the rush i go through while doin it, but on the other side i hated my self for doing, i feel my self esteem degrading idk what to say but i think i like hating my self or somthing, i think i feel whole when i hate my self. ik zis is weird but any comments?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997514009475708 2020-03-22 19:58:44,"If someone you trust with evth you have, keeps on breaking your trust and heart repeatedly and you love that person to death, to the point where the thought of losing him practically drives u up a wall, what do you do? Thanks,",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9497870802879333 2020-03-22 20:20:39,"I never thought i would be venting but i couldn't find someone to talk to here it goes. So at the beginning of the year i lost my sister, we were close and it really hurt when she left me. Before that i was full of hope and i was energetic. I was out going and so. Everyday i used to think of ways i could make my Girlfriend happy and feel loved but after my sister passed away all of that energy left me. I live in a fear that the rest of my family will die too and on top of that i started drifting away from my girlfriend. It's not that i stopped loving her it's just i couldn't find the energy and enthusiasm to do what i used to do. I sometimes told her that i missed my sister and stuff but i couldn't tell her i was sad and all because every time i raise that topic she gets uncomfortable and so i just stop talking about that. Days went by and we drifted apart. I couldn't find the energy to be the person she fell in love with so just one day she told me she wanted to end things. I am glad she did tho. It's not like i stopped loving her but i knew i couldn't handle her at that time. So now i am just sad and i couldn't get my self together. So it will be helpful if any of you know a physicist that i can talk to. Thanks for reading it to the end",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9899874329566956 2020-03-22 20:20:42,Hi everyone I am 20 years old girl and here is the thing my boyfriend smokes ena please tell me some advice how can i help him to stop smoking please help me out please,caring,NEGATIVE,0.9970210194587708 2020-03-22 21:06:35,"Hello, how is everybody doing out here? I am really freaking out about the new virus. I am so worried what if it gets out of control like Italy? We can't even afford such hospitals eko. Jesus what is going to happen to us? Will it pass without harming us or we are gonna loose our loved ones?.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9983435869216919 2020-03-22 21:06:36,"What's the point of life if we are living to achieve something and become someone and die? Why do we all have the same routine? Born, eat ,learn, hard work and settle down and then transfering all your property to a child who's believed to be your son or daughter. What's the point of being a great guy known by the whole world? What has this benefited us? I mean C'mon why do we all have to go through the same routine? Why? Shouldn't there be a change of something? Doesn't it sometimes look like kinda boring that we all follow that same routine and the fact that there ain't a thing that's changing. What exactly happens after we die? As most religions say It's probably gonna be hell or heaven. Why does this life suck? Why are we created in the beginning? If the origin of life was something like we all know, why don't we see clues of that? Even if it's why is the former generation not letting us know how to survive and the purpose of life? I guess maybe they were also thought to live like that. What's the point of history if it doesn't change anything at all? Why doesn't anybody ask of this things? Why are we living like this? Is it because we hate a change?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992668032646179 2020-03-22 21:07:21,"I need some serious advice please... Why do you want to get married? I don't know why i should get married, it's not like I don't want to but I've never fallen in love with anyone. So I'm OK with arranged marriage. The thing is I believe in being self sufficient, I don't want my would be for emotional support or anything, I believe in self healing. So what's it that I should look for? I don't know if I'm ready for marriage i mean, I can't even take care of myself properly. Idk, can you please share your thoughts about getting married, as to why basically do you want to get married? I'll be grateful. Thank you (stay safe , I'm praying for you all)",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9817131161689758 2020-03-23 08:38:04,Oky hi every one pls am here to tell u to take care....take care of ur self ur family and ur community ....atizenagu pls....keep ur distance and neva go out home may be it is boring but rest at home is better than rest in peace...ena demo le shame bilachu....face mask ena glove madreg atifru ..oky ....any one can say what ever they want....but they are going to say it when they die pls strong keep ur social distance and be at home....God will protect u when do ur best not when ye mekinawn meri lekachu he will save me ...aydelm eshy,caring,NEGATIVE,0.9670084714889526 2020-03-23 08:42:03,Hey guys so here is the thing I got a huge problem for change am afraid to go out and work my kind keeps telling me am not good enough and when am motivated to start a job my mind keeps telling me I was made for something better than this and I want to have a big impact in my life I dont want to work and eat I wanna work and get rich any advice would help thanks,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9976009726524353 2020-03-23 09:03:09,"I am at the point of my life where I see my self as two! What other people call ""alone"",I say things are as what we define them! I believe that I am not alone! How could I be? When I have me? I love talking to myself. Everytime I come across making decisions, I talk it out with my self over and over before I make a choice. ""I"" and ""me"" are words I use often and I expect others to do the same as well. To me, other people are like my blackboard, where I write my ideas and ask questions then they give me their perspective and I decide what to do with it. What others call ""friendship"",for me, I see it as just an exchange of ideas from one fellow human to another! Human beings other than myself, fascinate me! And so I try to learn from them. But they mistake my eagerness to learn as, ""she likes me"", ""she is interested in me"" and so on... Well yes! I am interested! But only on your perspective of how you see the world around you and how you respond to the simplest things that happen to you. Thanks for reading",approval,POSITIVE,0.6890042424201965 2020-03-24 20:41:19,Hey I am having this problem with my bf he is way more romantic than I am and he reached a point where he is really hurted I wanna be the gf he wants I really do the problem is it is a long distance thing and we don't meet that often so how can I give him the romance he wants even with this distance because I love him more than anything in this world he does too,love,NEGATIVE,0.9849309921264648 2020-03-24 20:41:32,"I think I'm in love. How do you know when you're in love? Maybe it's the sex or the jokes. I'm attracted to funny guys. I just find my self suddenly happy and smiling and enjoying every moment when he's around. He makes me feel things I never felt before. Feels scary to lose him. He makes this world a better place for me. But I'm not sure if it's love because I don't to end up hurt when he, like everyone before, leaves. I'm just confused. Help?",confusion,POSITIVE,0.9989013671875 2020-03-24 20:42:48,Hey is there somebody out there I could talk to please I think I'm going crazy,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9982981085777283 2020-03-24 20:43:16,"I need to vent I am 21 yr old studying medicine and am always distracted, disturbed,depressed and feeling down 1.By the people am living with unable to cope up with there behaviour no one to talk to all are self loving don't care about other 2.By my family ,they bring a small issue and make me worry too much they can solve it by their own every small talks every little fight they bring it on me to solve it ,am not z only child even am z young one in z family 3. Medicine by itself is eating me alive uffff am bored ,But thank God even if am passing this kind of situation am havin a good grade but worried to much it won't last no longer by my issues am having but I think this is my climax point I can't handle and bare anything what I am supposed to do ??????",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9967425465583801 2020-03-24 20:43:36,"hey am 25 marrired happily and expecting my first baby girl but am so scared b/c am 8 mount pregnant everything am hearing reading about corona is so scary. i live and work AA most company are telling there pregnant employees to stay home . but my company is not willing to let me go. am just venting here worried and i don't know what to do i dont want to take person leave b/c i will use it when i have my baby . am stuck here waiting until the government put some kind of law about us . thanks",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9856733083724976 2020-03-25 08:32:40,"...I have a friend and he's really fucked up...he used to care about himself even tho he didn't have anything else until this year...I mean he smoked every day, every hour, every minute, goin out, chillin' with his friends in bole, he's an addict,idk how but he always kept it low key until this year no one knew about him except us, his friends I'm not saying he was right n all good when he was keeping it low key but him not caring about anything just worries me af...he has been through a lot, a lot more than ik.....I only know that his parents are divorced n they're bith living there life, he can't get along with both of his step parents so he always fight with his dad when he's with him n same goes for his mom too, his dad threw him out last summer n he was on the streets for almost 2 months, he got sick n now he has problems with his lungs,brain, nerves he spits blood when ever he coughs, he's having difficulties whith his leg when he walks, n he's literally losing his mind, like litetally I tried to help him even tho I can't, I spent most of my time with him...but that's not enough...I wanna help him I just don't know how anymore....I thought about talking to his dad n convince him to go to rehab n shit.... I really wish I never knew him but I do I care about him af ....thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9931226372718811 2020-03-25 08:35:26,"Hello everyone Okay m just gonne say this...I get scared I might get judged so much that I never never post or put a picture of me on my Facebook telegram viber accounts n they all are not in my name...people say m cute n I think too but everytime I start choosing pic I just cant decide the pic that is 100%cool n I dont comment much, cuz i fear people might notice me. what is with me? All people on telegram ain't cute m just so frustrated with my self",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9977595806121826 2020-03-25 08:35:59,"Hyy evryone I need to ask u a question So I hav noticed zat I am having problem talking with my gf, It is over the phone, I mean over txt and I just don't hav convo zat seems interesting...we just ask each other bout our day and stuff that's pretty much it...but wiz my other friends, I have this spontaneous convo that just flow on their own and I don't hav to even think bout it, so why can't I txt my girl like that? How do I talk to her openly, and make her talk to me openly, I feel like I don't even know much bout her coz of this so plsss help how do I make our convo interesting? How do I really communicate wiz her??? Thanks in advance Oooh and stay safe my people and may God be with us",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9842255115509033 2020-03-25 08:36:36,I fucked my teacher and now he's acting all distant I know he likes me ..I just wish he would talk to me like he did before ...I think he's really the one the sex was really good,desire,POSITIVE,0.989749014377594 2020-03-25 18:21:11,I need your help so here I go..... i have a boy friend and we have a strong love like betam strong bond between us but these 3 days am seeing changes maybe because we are not getting to see each other because of the quatrain but anyone here to help me build our bond stronger than before....please help,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8975238800048828 2020-03-25 18:21:59,"Hello unicorn Hide my identity So my older brother's best friend kissed me nd im acting like nth happened but i rly like him if my brother finds out he will kill as both cuz im only 16 nd he is 23 nd already has a gf. Nd my brother is strict afff he doesn't even let me hv guy frnds . But he says he like me btm idk wht to do??",neutral,POSITIVE,0.8750734329223633 2020-03-26 09:08:56,I'm 4th year student at one of Ethiopian universities am very worried that the gov't said. .all uni students should go home. I know i don't do nothing going home am gonna be depressed i really want to do volunteer works but idk where to start...please help me,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9976365566253662 2020-03-26 09:12:12,"Today, takes me back to your birthday. That single birthday we got to spend together. I was young and clueless on how to make it special for you. We always notice from the movies and what not that one point of dating is having great birthdays. Someone must remember and make you the king/queen of the day. Shower you with good wishes and gifts possibly. It was YOUR day. But it wasn’t about the day, it was the goodbye. It was the greatest goodbye of all times ironically. I can still relive the moment even if it was 1 or 2 years back. It was dark. We were standing on the sidewalk at (somewhere). That was the same spot I had my first kiss with you, my very awkward and funny first kiss. But I have gotten better somehow after that, I hope. So you told me I had to kiss you before I go since it is your birthday. I was very shy and you enjoyed teasing that part of me. Ofcourse I said no but you insisted. I finally gave in, you were surprised by that actually. Annoyed me, scared me as hell. One would think I was doing something more than a few seconds of kissing if they saw the amount of time I spent thinking, convincing myself & deciding my moves. Leaned, came in all the way basically, closed my eyes and went for it. Heart pounding, I don’t know how long it lasted but it felt like the world stopped turning and time froze. It was beyond words could describe it here, perfect. We are in the middle of the road, strangers passing by. I stopped idk when and looked around, not believing that I actually did that. Infront of everyone. We both smiled. Gave you both your gifts and run away. You were watching me cross the road the whole time. I never look back but that day, I looked back. We both smiled with our eyes and teeth. A smile that said I love you. It was the most in love I ever felt if it was at all love. Got into my taxi and headed home. You texted a few minutes later, you rushed into reading the letter. Even at that dark hour where there are barely any streetlights. God knows how you read it but you did. You said something like how you almost cried and that you loved me, most probably. That birthday. That very memorable birthday. Maybe other couples live through this everyday. But it was that one day for me where things really settled in. Although I wrote too many things on that letter that I didn’t mean, I sure meant them after that moment. And I was glad I wrote it the way I did. You wouldn’t remember any of my birthdays afterwards. We didn’t even get to celebrate one. So I had to remember about yours even on mine. And get sad, get really sad to how it got to that point. How that day was so perfect and today we are such strangers. I wish I get to feel that day again, that feeling. I think that is what love was, feeling and living everyday like that. Ofcourse it didn’t happen so frequently with you either after that one day. And it feels wrong to be living in a place where that doesn’t exist.",love,POSITIVE,0.9733048677444458 2020-03-26 09:12:49,"Its a quick question. Do you think school is going to open this year? I'm a university student and i really wanna know this because i have to plan what i have to do these days (since we are all staying at home). If it is going to open i must start reading if not, well there are so many korean movies waiting for me. Ps. Stay at home. Wash your hands . And PRAY",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9942417144775391 2020-03-26 09:17:11,I am going through this horrible horrible break up.. I know with our country's current situation and all that this shouldn't have been what's going through my mind and I even feel selfish and guilty venting about it gen its all I think of.. I have never felt this sad.. I just texted him a break up text like an hour ago.. He doesn't love me back..m. I am not even crying I don't know I just feel so empty.. They say a broken heart hurts.. I thought people say that from the psychological aspect... But I swear its like there is a 100 ton weighing stone on my chest.. It gets better every time I sigh.. But comes back every time I think about him.. I love him so much its the hardest thing that I ever had to do.. I just want him to hug me or kiss me and tell me that he loves me.. But that won't ever happen.. I am just a loser with an ugly ass face.. No wonder he doesn't feel the same.. I just can't stop feeling bad,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9925754070281982 2020-03-26 20:53:42,"I'm girl and a second year university student at one of the most boring universities, i know it might sound silly compared to what yall been thru but bare with me Ever since i got to campus i became this lonley soul since all my friends back in prep school weren't placed with me and at campus i couldn't find one friend that could relate to me(not even a little bit) so i became a loner i eat alone and i spend most of my time alone at my dorm on my pc watching movies or something and on the weekends i go home since the campus is a bit close to my city. the thing is even when i go home on the weekends my prep school friends and i couldn't be as same as b4 they got their own group of friends and stuff so even when i ask them to meet up they are always busy. I hate that i'm lonely,i used to be this cheerful bubbly girl and now i'm becoming more and more depressed considering some stuffs i been thru the past two years(long story) and now i've turned to social media and telegram to fill the gap and the lonleiness and i turned out to be addicted like i litreally bursted into tears one day when my phone stopped working,like i seriously dunno what to do if i don't have the internet i feel like thats my only escape. I wanna go out and have fun minamin like girls my age but i happen to be home stuck and loney U really need help u guys and keep yall self safe!!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969947338104248 2020-03-27 09:40:42,"Have u ever felt like killing some one it's not just anyone it's my dad that I want to kill I mean he has some major issues with my mom they constantly fight over money I mean it's not like they have much n thank God for that or else he would have killed her by now. He hits her mnamn n when I try to help he gets more furious n hits her turns around to me n says what can u do abt it mnamn beka once he even tried to kill her with a knife she ran out in the middle of the night n I didn't even know that coz i was fucking sleeping n I hated my self for that n the next day he said sorry n shit n she accepted his apology I mean I don't blame her coz we cant survive without him n that's fucked up, btw he is a major alcoholic when he drinks he completely changes into a monster all he wants to do is hit my mom or try to kill her n today they fought as usual n when I tried to help her he fucken tried to suffocate me with a pillow I cant do this anymore God needs to do something abt this or else i will",anger,NEGATIVE,0.9990407824516296 2020-03-27 09:41:57,"Hey there y'all wats up? I hope ur fine. I'm here to not to vent actually. I just wanna get things off my chest. But it wouldn't hurt hearing ur comment I guess. Anyways here it goes.... Is it just me or is anybody else feeling hopeless koy. I mean with all these things going on around ena I just entered campus mnamn ena I thought my life was finally having a path and a clear destination keza all of the sudden everything went dark. Ena worst part is my parents.....I luv them soooo bad ena I didn't made them proud gn I always hoped they'd be happy watching the man I become someday. Keza it was yesterday at night we were setting and chatting ena denget my dad started talking like u know humans die and its a natural thing so incase something happen never give up blablabla....I wasn't hearing coz I was panicking at the moment. I mean the man I know, the man who would never give up(at least not me knowing) and the man I'm proud to call my dad is giving up. And there is nothing more scarier than that if u ask me. Long story short will suicide be a gud way to end these? I'm just wondering enji I won't do it, don't worry. I can't stand the pain tiny pain enkuan something big. Gn wats the difference if ur living hopelessly from death aa‍ Anyways I have alpt going in my head gn I don't have words to let it out so chaw Ow and one more coughing a sign of covid 19 bechawen? If u have to know its been almost 2 weeks now kebet kewetaw so I haven't talked to my friends face to face eskahun so there is a chance its not I hope gn my whole family goes out so there is a chance it is. Demo I was sick gunfan yalefew 2 week keza last week it kinda left me gn I started coughing ever since ena demo I have running nose so wat do u guys think See u on the comment section",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977860450744629 2020-03-27 09:42:42,"I know i sound judgmental when i say this but what is it with the guys this days ? It's like everyone i see is a carbon copy. They listen to the same kinds of music which always seems to be about some bad bitch with a big ass or about some gangsta nigga and it's gold chain. They have the same boring shallow ass opnion which mostly comes from a quote on telegram (the ones with a rapper on them ) they have the same dressing style and they all wanna be rich but not sure how. And somehow they all wanna be rappers. Not that rapping is a bad thing but c'mon. What's wrong with liking music that has a meaning and exploring the endless varieties of it ? Is being intelligent lame now? What happned to originality?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989389777183533 2020-03-27 09:44:30,"Please please accept my vent So am a girl 22,i got the best family,the best job thank god but their is sm thing missing am not happy i been through every bad obstacles that you could imagine, When i was like in grad 11 me and my best friend got into misunderstanding which it led us to be not friends again through that process i was in a big family problem i didnt even try to fix us so does she,since she was the only real best friend i had i was hurt and my senior year suck,moving on to gebi coz of my past i didnt really wanna get attached i use to have friends by the way but after i graduated i make my self distant now that i know the things that happened back in highschool is making me not to make friends,i dont even have anywhere to go am depressed about how those bad peoples in high school fucked up my life idk am not okay",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9987530708312988 2020-03-27 20:45:09,"Things I can never say volume 1: You shackled my soul with the weight of your careless words and now I'm stuck. You walked into my life when I never needed you. You demanded that I let you in. You demolished my walls with sweet words and crumbs of encouragement. And I fell for it. I fell hard. I leaped out of my tower to land in the safety of your arms but you turned away. You let me fall and you spat onto my ruins. Now I can't talk to you because you've silenced me. You accused me of trying to tether you forever and slashed my wrists with the tendrils of our bonds. It IS one sided. It IS just me. You DON'T reciprocate. You will leave me. You don't want me anymore. So now we're acting like strangers again as if our paths were never so entangled. We talk about the weather and COVID-19 as you take back your anchor and drift away from me.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9637548327445984 2020-03-28 10:48:32,"I'm an 18 year old girl. When I was in 8th grade, my mom told me that she and my dad have HIV and that my little brother was negative and that I should get tested too, you know incase I have it. But the thought of finding out I had HIV made me pretty scared so I said no. After that we never had that conversation with my mom again and I don't know why but it never crossed my mind that I should get tested, until these past 2 weeks when I was googling the symptoms of HIV. I've never been more terrified in my life. I've symptoms like rashes, getting tired most of the time, joint and muscle aches and weight loss. I cried myself to sleep that night ena I can't accept the fact that I might have it and I don't have the mental strength to go and find out. I know I have to and will do it as some point but how do I get ready to find out that I'm HIV positive? Encouraging words are appreciated.",fear,POSITIVE,0.6728843450546265 2020-03-28 10:49:48,"Thank you vent here team. People why are we so fragile? I don't understand why in the world do we breakdown when I simple act of kindness comes from anyone be it anyone. I just want you people to let me know, if we want to heal, how is it that we forget or at least try to forget everything and move on? Won't the pain still be there? To whom shall I go, I don't want anyone to be burdened by my grief, I'm fed up of breaking and being vulnerable in front of people because they have their own problems. What shall I do?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.527376115322113 2020-03-28 10:52:06,"It feels like the world is ending, so all the dreams, goals seem to be futile. It seems as is there's no fun In doing all this stuff, if we are ultimately going to die. Isn't it beautiful to the that in reality who we are can only be understood when people are around, no matter how much we deny the fact that why should we care about anyone at all, but the ultimate truth is we are because they are. And let's not forget we comprises of everyone, even your own self. So as long as you are, they are, we are. You have no idea who might be living because of you, so don't loose hope yet. Life seems to be lifeless in these harsh times. But it's not the end, all we need to do is focus on our growth, be full of gratitude no matter how bad many times we have seen, but this is not the end. Remember it's not the end, it's definitely heartbreaking to see so many people dying, but let's nut their deaths go to waste, let's take care of ourselves. Because we are the future. Stay home, stay safe. (doesn't seem to be a vent, but that's how I vent)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9963788390159607 2020-03-28 13:52:22,Okay so I really don’t know where to start or where this is going. Anywho gen ok so like ene betam eyafekerkut endemwedewm eyaweke let’s be friends bilogn enem eshi alku bcoz I don’t wanna lose the friendship too. Now he’s mejenajening with other girls kissing mnamn but I’m still in love with him to the point where I can’t get myself to like someone else even if I wanted to like sasbew rasu yelele yastelagnal like it’s not even an option at this point and I’m telling myself he’ll come back to me bcoz we’re still friends we talk everyday he’s like my best friend but idk man I don’t know if I should just give up or if I should just wait bcoz I’ve promised myself to love him to the very end and if he doesn’t love me back it’s okay because love is not something you give expecting to get it back but at the end of the day I’m human there’s days where I’m like I need to respect myself and completely cut him off and other days where it’s like he’s so worth it that I don’t mind waiting for him and if it doesn’t happen it’s fine I’m just happy to have experienced this very little time that I had with him anyway and basically tell myself I will never get into a relationship because nothing will be as good. Btw he’s really not a bad person it’s just he doesn’t want to lose the friendship because there’s many things that complicate our possible “relationship.”,love,POSITIVE,0.9835742712020874 2020-03-28 15:03:31,I am 20 YO..guy i live with both my parents my little brother and sister. We live tekerayten 4 kfl bet..we have been here for 11 years akerayochu they are angels from above i have no words lenesu ena last week i asked my mom for the first time kiray snt endemnkefil..she said 1500 i was like mnnnnn rasen amemegn she pays it by her self still ende 4 kfl bet addis ababa wst its not fair akerayochun mayet dad shufer nw wchi nw miwlew mata new migebaw they fight a lot..birr aysetatm..ena chinklate bebzu neger lifeneda new over act eyareku limeslachu ychlal no..enaten beredat des yelegnal sra eyeseraw mn endemisera gn idea yelegnim Go,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9975601434707642 2020-03-28 19:34:30,"Hey everyone..its my first time venting and need your help. I am almost 20 year guy and a bit perplexed about someone 'she'..i know my feelings for her and i just didn't figure out what she feels about me. we chat..she sends some awesome pictures of best couples..people who stayed long at their relationship and such stuffs and i thought we have been 'zuriatmtming'..and sometimes i feel she doesn't feel a shit about me..and what should i do? I will wait for ur reply..",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9773811101913452 2020-03-28 20:46:35,I’m in really confused bc I’m in a long distance relationship and I really love my boyfriend and all but it’s really hard and I met this guy he had a thing and he knows everything about me and my boyfriend but yet he kissed me and I’m confused should I tell my boyfriend the truth but I’m scared that he will leave me for this,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9895044565200806 2020-03-28 22:36:33,"Thank you so much 'vent here admins' I've bpd, though self diagnosed. But each and every word is true, feels like I've been heard and noticed. Thank you so much, thank you so much once again. May God bless you all and ease you affairs. I love you people.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9996932744979858 2020-03-29 09:05:09,"Heey, am 24 and I am confused neger pls help, so me and this man, has something idk what it is not a relationship because he didn't ask me out and he made it clear he don't want to have it will me, but we still kiss and I am a v and he ask me to have sex Ena I said okay ...when I am ready ( because I am in love with him and keep chatting him, I wanna see his number when he calls me) But I don't think I will hv sex with him because we have no Future Gin i want us to have a future gin I don't know how I can do that, he said am a kid and not wife type, but I wanna be. Even when I text him, am confused to filert or be romantic or talk like friends...Ena I mess up or end up saying nothing Help pls",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.989372193813324 2020-03-29 09:05:39,"Not a vent but more of a topic that needs opinions.This isnt much of a spoken isssue but i feel like most people atleast see it happen. When people are in a relationship they meet someone else whom they like alot and it just clicks better but they refrain from acting on it since its wrong doing that while in a relationship but then again truth is maybe they would have been a better couple with this new person whom if they went for people would label them ""hoe "" and their reputation would be ruined and if u stay u miss the happines and kinda cheat ur heart but are loyal to the customary law of the relationship and keep the spouse happy. What do u all think?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9930034279823303 2020-03-29 09:06:17,Hey I'm 19 yo boy and am In love with a girl and we broke up 2 months ago and I can't move on I Tattooed her name and picture on my body and for the last 2 months silk edewlalew minamin she blocked me on telegram and also she blocked my family's and friends numbers I can't control my mind so help me please,love,NEGATIVE,0.9977133274078369 2020-03-29 20:33:22,"For whom it may concern: From your talent: I was in this LD relationship and its almost a year now since I've met him we never video chat or Skype even worst all this time we only talked over the phone once for real we only text a lot We Brock up recently and when I was looking down at our latest messages I saw this other girl in his texts and I don't know wt too do right now and I think I've been catfished Maybe that's why he \she didn't come last summer to meet me in person and the reason for why we Brock up is BC I insisted on going to his\rs home Im completely head over heels for him or her I Don't know whom ever that is But I've always said to my sis that ""this guy can not be lying to me BC this kind of lie can only be formed with 3 boys and 1girl "" BC he was everything a girl dreams of loyal kind smart truthful fucking pure toooo good to be true kind of guy Am only writing this BC if you see this vent and know that its from me and if you truly love me just tell me who you are I don't care if your a boy or a girl all I know is that am madly in love with you And u know that I do not lie when I swear with my dads name so please tell me who you are I'm here still waiting",love,NEGATIVE,0.9906212091445923 2020-03-29 20:34:51,"hy ppl um a girl my first time here I'm going straight about my thing so I have this guy friend we've been friends for years and back in school everybody thought we had thing uk and we let them think that the problem started few weeks ago we chat whole night long and the next days he's not there not even a bit sign of him and wn he's back he acts like ntn happened like wtf and when he's a little flirting and even talk about sex like deeply does normal ppl(frnds) do that?? Plus the way he literally remembers everything.... Gives me mixed up feelings like he's just talking to his friend that's why he's like this nd so free and on times I feel like he likes me likes me uk and not that long ago there's this new guy who started talking to me out of no where and the way he talks and acts makes me feel like it's him but then why the fucking hell would he do that?? Any how wt do u guys think um I going nuts or ...... thanks and stay home stay safe",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9952111840248108 2020-03-29 20:35:25,Okay hi there it started when I was almost 7 idk what it is or how I felt it was a sense of mental I cant describe it and years later I got depressed and its just a phase your a teenager sibal I have done almost every thing good and bad it didnt change now I'm 21 most of the days couldn't get out of bed time to time I feel normal and happy but the misery afterwards is unbearable and what's more depressing is that I feel like I am going to be like this forever nothings going to change I am addicted to money sometimes i steal it and buy stuff to make me feel good i know it's bad but I dont know anymore I stopped beleving in god that much I dont know,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9974537491798401 2020-03-29 22:16:58,"hey unihorse hide my identity i need to vent okay so its my first time to vent here... am 22, female incase u wanna know. i was born from eritrean parents, which wasn't a problen till now but currently i figured out that my parents want me to date or start relationship with some eritrean dude. they are specific about “him” being eritrean! amd my dad has even told me to not introduce him unless he is eritrean. thats how racist they are. and currently there is this guy(ethiopian) i liked so much and we've been dating a couple of times and he wants me to be his girlfriend. am so confused...its like choosing from my family and from someone i curently like, which i dont have guarantee. so guys i need ur help...thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9958211183547974 2020-03-30 08:29:52,"Hey Everyone, So lately am having a sleeping problem. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something or when I wake up in the morning I feel tired,depressed and disturbed I also feel like I was working the whole night my body get tired AF. I couldn't find the answer on Google but I think some of you have experienced this or have the answer.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989499449729919 2020-03-30 08:31:17,"So i don't know how to talk about this, i am loosing my mind. So the thing is i went to my friends house as usual, we always do sleepover at her place. but last night was different we got bored and we started googling dumb stuff for fun one thing let to another we started watching porn then things heated up and we started making out and did stuff. The shocking part is in the morning i liked it but she didn't, she said she don't want this homo stuff and made me promise bot to tell anyone. Now she don't want to talk to me and stuff i am really hurt i just need to get this off my chest.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975192546844482 2020-03-30 08:34:13,"Please admins approve argulegn First im so i make it religious thing I need help from my Muslim brothers and sisters Im 18 ena due to some problems Quran alaketemkum The main reason is that lej eyalew yaw summer masjid Quran sengera ene zem beye neber mehedew just lemazag ena familym ayekotateregnm neber ena yane ke guadegnoche ga senker eyezelelen neber mn keraw tolo belen teleku Quran lay lemegebat then yehew salaketem kerww i don't know anything about Quran lemekrat mokerku gen yane barekut neger eyetesakeku zem beye tekemetku so Ramadan sayeweta le maktem fekegalew ena help me",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997363269329071 2020-03-30 20:57:14,So here is the thing am a guy in the early 20s who had it easy with girls when it comes to only physical stuff but never knew why i never wanted to commit to a relationship and to your surprise that shit actually gets boring after time then I started to actually look more than physical within girls and i met some whom they had their own fair share of issues but then again i started to realize that i had some problems of my own which is my dad actually fucked me up since he never had a good relationship with my mom and seeing that i guess it subconsciously told me i couldn't do any better so why not stay on the surface of every girl after all thats all the love i had to see growing up.Am still trying to settle but that itch and fear kinda never goes. Am just really tired of fooling around.,realization,NEGATIVE,0.9989872574806213 2020-03-30 20:57:29,i need a serious advice for ma case soo im a prep student & im a girl i hv a bff i love her too much were nat the same class but we spend most of our time together n she had a crush on ye class boy hes in ma class n we start talkin we are too close but im attracted to him in a way n i think he likes me too coz he always tries too be romanticc with me but i dont want to be selfish n hv a rp with him but i really like him wht shall i do now,love,POSITIVE,0.9876793026924133 2020-03-31 09:40:48,"Admins, approve this pls, c'mon OK, first of all I'm not going to state how I feel about the matter I'm going to vent about, coz I want you guys to take this simply as an analysis and not an opinion. Okay, now that we're done with the disclaimer, I'll just jump into it.... Do you guys notice that the comments on the ""homosexual vents"" are getting a little less violent these days? Because, I remember the first one, all the comments said, ""go kill yourself"", ""you're going to hell"" and some thing like that, but lately, people are writing more supportive and, best of all, rational comments... I hope this gets approved... Just a trend I noticed, and it's something to talk about... I think",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9892688393592834 2020-03-31 09:40:50,"So nothing special... Just one of the good old love stories. But this one started in middle school. I never thought I would be so deep into someone I used to ""hate"" (just middle school hate)... But i did fall. And I don't know how, perhaps puberty hit hardest and I started being too expressive. At times even pushing her away. In high school I tried to kiss here, well on the cheeks that is. But still couldn't. When we got to campus, still couldn't kiss her cheeks. But I did get my wish granted and we started calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend, I mean at extended intervals. I had gotten what I wanted. Indeed, she was the thing i wanted most in life. So slowly, I finally got to kiss her on the cheeks. And as strange as it might seem, only that made me the happiest I've ever been. I had the greatest Adrenaline rush for getting to kiss her cheeks. Well, sadly it stopped there. I couldn't accept that and keep it there, i wanted more. Kisses, making out and even sex... So we went apart all because of me. And now I've kissed made out and even slept with girls. But the nervousness before and the delightfulness after I kissed her cheeks is what remains as my recent memory. I can't have her back now, that ship has sailed far. But how does someone forget something like this and truly move on?",sadness,POSITIVE,0.8705204129219055 2020-03-31 09:42:15,"Hy please admins approve my vent .. Am 19 girl and I live with my parents and I have one brother and he is 10 years old . Me and my bro we share a one bed room room and I used to think u knw he a kid so I change my closes even if he in our room like even my bra .. and now a days am feeling like what if this isn't good for him ? I mean can this be a bad exposure for him in such a young age? I need ur advice guys and tnx",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989702701568604 2020-03-31 09:44:14,"Beka I’m just tired mariamen ene betam dekemegn mechem bihon endemaltelah slemtawk lemen tikeldebegnaleh ewedihalew seleh eko ye ewneten neber why do you think I’ll do fine staying as “just friends” I know kemejemeryam negrehegnal gen that wasn’t what you showed me eko I believed what you were showing me and what you did more than your words but I guess I thought wrong because apparently sex doesn’t mean we’re anything more than friends and I guess when you told me you loved me you meant that as a friend right? I’m mad but I don’t wanna be mad at you because I still love you even though you’ve went and kissed a girl less than a month after you had sex with me and spent valentine’s day giving a hickey to some other girl. But no I’ll laugh it off when you tell me because we’re only friends right? Not really friends with benefits cuz no that makes you sound bad, we’re just friends that had sex but decided it’s no longer good for our “friendship.” Look I don’t wanna make you look bad because I know I haven’t even showed you how I really felt, I have never even told you ewedihalew until you say it first but it’s not because I didn’t love you I just didn’t want to scare you away. Alawkim beka fikirm kalsetehuh eko eninegageralen enji enen ezi ategebeh askemiteh ke lela set ga atijenajenem. Let’s not lie to ourselves, at some point we acted like we were in a relationship please don’t make me feel like I’m going crazy for thinking we could be something. But it’s fine, you know I still love you and that I won’t go anywhere no matter what you do so let me know when you’re done fooling with other girls, I’ll just be waiting here as your friend.",love,NEGATIVE,0.964181661605835 2020-03-31 09:47:27,Well last summer I have had a great moments with a friend of mine. Like kebet mewtat ayfekedlgnm neber gn kesu ga kehone mannm alferam sefer dres abren meten kesefer demo eshegnew neber. Then I started liking him on the other way around. I don't have the slightest idea about his feelings anyways I kept on liking him. When class started the feelings I have for him doesn't bother me that much It kinda cool down. But we kept in touch we talk on telegram on phone but it wasn't as it was on that summer you won't believe I even started to right our moments as a fiction with a title of Our Summer. I know it's silly ‍. My point is there is no class as we know and he called and asked if I can go out the truth is my families won't let me go not even to the suk but I agree to meet him and tedebke wetche agegnehut as I told you esu ga sihon keyet meta ymallew dfert nw magegnew And after we met the first thing I did was calling my bestie and telling her how cute he become but he kinda mekurat on me after that day and it's killng mebcha Am gonna suffer with those feelings I just experienced in last summer.,love,NEGATIVE,0.9876624345779419 2020-03-31 09:47:27,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent oof like some pressure reliever. Ok am 19 yrs old boy and my whole view about the opposite sex is wrong the way i see it i have a disorder like some sort of personality disorder that when am around girls it just sickens me. It makes me annoyed for no reason at all. I was raised in a family where they told us having gf or bf is like a sin mnamn since childhood and growing up my mind took everything i do with girls as a sin. And i started exploring my pros and cons since atleast on this aspect i never have to listen to what my parents say. So when i was fighting with myself like this aint easy yemr whenever i see girls the other person kicks in me and i become complete ignorant i never even to understand the situation like to go with the flow but all i do is i change to a whole new me. So recently i felt that i should rly work on that betam since i believed that someday i will marry a girl well yare yare yara.... so i felt i should correct myself but then am now a porn addict ffs like when am free like this time especially when my mind isnt occupied when no school work i become addict like every night even when am not aroused like when someone watches movies i watch porn ik most of u have same problem but i ask u to help me. So pls how can i safely approach girls and how can i get rid of my addiction that has been affecting my view toward girls. Thank you",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9948219060897827 2020-03-31 20:55:59,"Hey plsssssss admin approve I have this problem my period comes once a year simeta demo le 4 or 3 wer nw yemikoyw demo the pain is unbearable ena the flow demo betam bezuuu nw like 1 pad be ke eskechers dres kebet rasu mwtat alchelm ..endezi yemihonw since i was grade 9 nw now am 4 year campus student ena hospital sehed pills yesetugal ..or sex nw fix yemiyargw yelalu ... Enzi aynt problem yalachu girls estill tell me hw r u cooping wz it or any medical students",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983541965484619 2020-03-31 20:57:49,"Hii I am a guy. am from Addis and I go to MK University , So am just going to go to the point here . I think I maybe mentally ill or crazy idk . So am like 20 and I am the best lier ever , it's like I have a few different lives (personalities) with some friends am the one who studies and get good grades , with others I am a stoner , am religious with some friends(at least they think so) , life of the party with others I have been drinking since I started high school, literally I do a lot of things that the other friends do not know, I don't have a best friend. and I am always telling lies it's like I believe my own lies . like I live in an imaginary world , idk what's real or what's not real , I don't give a shit bout hurting ppl physically or mentally , my parents are Orthodox I am too but there are to much questions in my mind which I don't ask because my parents are so strick , I haven't cried in 7 years , I feel nothing mentally except fear , anger and saddness , I do lots of drugs just to feel numb ,I just want to stop thinking . and I manipulate pll every day for stuid reasons am always making ppl Believe my made up stories for no good reason . Last year I talked to a counselor and she told me I had depression . I was sucidal till I had my first crush. so what should I do plz don't say therapy because I can't afford it.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.8882788419723511 2020-04-01 07:09:54,"Hello people so I really gotta vent this and get it out of my back so heres the thing I am a girl univeristy student now I was gonna ask can someone change completly cause thats what completly happened to me.... so my personality is I used to be pushed around even got bullied you know nothing else because people thought I was ""too nice""not because of anything that was just my personality I would go beyond for anyone who needed my help so people kind of used that as my weekness and fucked around with me how can I say it really made me question why I was this much used and when I saw myself in the mirror all I saw was a girl who was empty and used many times even by her best friend and pushed around dont mistake me I had no other option other than changing myself completly to the point where I couldnt reconize myself all the people that used me I made them beg for mercy had the courage to only be nice when needed and changed dont you judge me alright that was my only option also had the courage to leave my bestfriend because she used my kindness way too much and now im just to the point where I couldnt recognize myself all the girls that bullied I made them each and one of them hate who they are and it hit me I changed I really did dont mistake me I know im still caring and I know ive got a good heart help too but I now know my selfworth I know who I am and I actually feel you know okay without being surrounded by people and I enjoy too much of my own time like I go to the cinema alone not bothered walk alone and enjoy it and all of a sudden I love my own company too much so my question is was I wrong for not wanting to have my old best friend?am I wrong that I am all of a sudden enjoying being alone you know?was I wrong to make some peoples life hell and not caring no more?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9819517731666565 2020-04-01 09:09:14,"Im 18 year university student and im a girl The thing is i think im naturally cold hearted person i usually feel nothing if i see a person bleeding i will just walk pass him i hate everything i don't know why or when it started but i kinda wana live in a world where no one existed i even wished my dorm mates to be dissmised in the first semester even though there a good people i have a lot of friends im good at communicating and its easy for me to make friends but i neber felt anything for them even though this corona shit is happening i feel nothing im not afraid its more like i don't care if i catch it ive done a lot of bad things i used to steel money from my grand parents now i finally stopped steeling because i was far away from them ive triyed to change my self but it seems so hard and impossible i think i have 2 behaviours or identity one one hand i always offer to help out everyone knows me by this side the honest pure clueless me but the other side is the one i mentioned before I don't believe in zodiac mnamn but when i read mine(gemini) its says they have 2 different personalities and i was shocked I want you to help me if there is any way to fix my self or how to be kind",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9961066842079163 2020-04-01 09:12:09,Hi guys....this is my first time so I don't rly know how this goes but let me just get straight to a 19 year old girl and life this past few months have become full of fear to me...I don't even know how to explain this am just simply not living the life someone my age should am becoming stressed and anxiety is hitting me hard....I can't stop thinking about how harsh reality is and the fact that I don't have that much friends adds to me feeling lonely so lonely that it feels like am the only person in this world sometimes I just want to cry and let it all out but I can't even seem to be able to do that.....someone pls help me!! Am feeling like am about to go insane. Just tell me what I should do.,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9967130422592163 2020-04-01 09:14:17,"Here it is i'm a psychopath. All i could think of is kill'n people. I have a big hatred towards the human race. I even think its better to be an animal than a human being. Watching violent movies makes me comfortable And I'm the only one who considers Corona virus as a positive thing. people always tell me that i'm a monster who doesnt have a feeling,a terrorist and the truth is i LIKE BEING THAT!!!!!",approval,POSITIVE,0.913268506526947 2020-04-01 18:07:07,"Good morning. Am a 24 year male university student and am a morning guy like 12lt morning, the thing is I used to study or start getting ready for school when there ware class but lately am starting to get bored. I woke early and got nothing to do am no reader tried to watch movies but it would make my day worse. Also the corona thing is making me worried. Thats all I think about, whom am I gonna loose imagine thinking dark at the beginning of your day. now days 'm completely lost and I'm losing interest in whatever I do which is nothing. I have no idea how to overcome this situation. What should I do? Morning ppl hala at me would live to chat.... I'll request your identities",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9996228218078613 2020-04-01 18:12:49,"Hello everyone I haven't been feeling well these days. The doctors said i had typhus,then they gave me some medicine. But Its been 10 days and i think its getting worse. Some of the symptoms are diarrhea, dizziness, headaches and stomach aches. And i don't really know if its the typhus or if these are the symptoms of COVID-19. Even though i dont have either fever or cough I heard that in corona these symptoms might not always be present. Plus i had sore throat before the dizziness started. P.S - If there is any health professional i would like to get some advices.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993335604667664 2020-04-01 19:33:45,"Things that should be normalized in Ethiopia by now - gay parents - female masturbation - guys showing emotion -periods -women in positions of power -gender neutrality - adoption - Breastfeeding - men supporting each other emotionally - fucking reading fan fiction - Seeing a psychologist - taking care of mental health - self care - solo cinema - casual consent (because she said yes one time doesn't mean she will forever) - punching Nazi supporters - tomboys and female gamers - stretch marks and belly fat - adopting teenagers - disabled actors and actresses and movies for disabled people",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9963632225990295 2020-04-01 20:34:06,i am a girl ena everytime i have a fight with my momshe insult me mayasfelgu kalatoch endedinget my boobs ke libse weto ketaye manin lemasayet nw bila tesedbegnalech ena today she called me a pervert need some advice im loosing my mind,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986466765403748 2020-04-01 20:34:49,"I'm in a bit of a complicated situation. I was a very sexually active guy until very recently. My gf now is a virgin and i didn't mind waiting while i was with her cuz i rly cared about her and we were still doing other stuff. But now that we haven't seen eachother for about a week I can't get the thought of sex out of my mind. Plus a couple of girls I've been with in the past have been testing me, sending me dirty texts and nudes. That coupled with my jacked up sex drive has been driving me crazy. I rly don't want to cheat on my gf but a small part of me wants to be selfish and just give in. Idk what to do if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.989941418170929 2020-04-02 10:14:40,"Hey unihourse Hide my identity I need to vent I'm a girl 21 year old So here's the thing I kinda have insecurities about myself because of my skin I have this huge part that covered my right side of my hip , it's darker than my normal skin I think it's birthmark I still don't know what it really is, I'm a light skin person and when you see my left side seems normal I was like this since my childhood , the weird thing about it is that my left side was the same as my right side through time it got back normal like my normal skin and my right side stayed the same ,idk what it is tbh I'm looking forward for medication but I'm choosing to do it after my graduation from college because they may ask me to do an operation I mean who knows? Or a laser treatment now my biggest concern is that I'm facing this problem when Im always about to hang out with my boyfriend I always fear that he might see this part of me while we're making out I start to push him away and stuff he still didn't see that part of me yet I always keep on distracting him with something else because we still didn't have sex or anything we're not even planning to go there yet because I believe it should be after our marriage but couple days ago I was like I should know how he would react idk why I kept thinking about it because I know no matter what happened to him I would always love him for who he was and this shouldn't be a big deal actually but I was eager to know if he's going To love me for who I am so I thought of taking a picture and send it to him I told him there's something you should see and he didn't overreact or anything he was so normal he reacted so nicely and sweet made me cry to be honest he said this shouldn't be an issue he said I'm talking about this because I don't know how much I meant to him and That he ever thought of leaving me because of this he doesn't deserve my love and stuff he said "" le min gedal algebam bezi yemikerebesh ke honku ene le rebeshileshe"" belo liyaragagne mokere he was so gentle I'm thankful that I have someone like him I just hope it won't change the way he was looking at me I mean because he always talks about how I'm perfect for him and stuff I just don't want to disappoint him and want him to know the truth mawekum salemayker I thought he deserves to know what do you guys think about this should I keep worrying?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9933599829673767 2020-04-02 10:15:30,"I realised my psychological defense mechanism is actually hurting me instead of helping me. When I can't make my loved ones happy I become terribly sad and feel I'm a bad person (though I know that's not how world works, I know it all) but I just tend to find all those memories within my subconscious that make me feel like a victim as if I'm the most suffered person, I turn into the most sad person and become lifeless. When I finally weep and gain their sympathy, I feel normal again. This shit hurts, I don't want to be like this, I don't know how to overcome it, what shall I do!!! If any of you knows what am I dealing with, please help me. Thank you. (I hope it is approved)",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9969677329063416 2020-04-02 10:15:57,Hey 18 guy .vent yehune min yehune alakeme bicha i dont feel any thing malet sew alewede/aletelame like min negere malet nw like min neger yeleme weste family behuneme like badonegen endeza yemesemawe ale weys ene bicha negen.ena betame yekefaganle sew wededeku/telahusele i want those exp in my life,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9882273077964783 2020-04-02 10:16:24,"This is not a vent more like an opinion. Had you known tomorrow is your last day? Or its the last day for ur loved ones what different thing you will do? I've seen people talking about relationship and friendship issues... will it matter then? Chances are we all die in a month or two or half of us will survive. But is this how you want to end things with everyone or is this how you wanna die? Afraid of saying what you feel, guilty for not saying thing for not apologising. Is it worth it? Say what u feel. You love this guy/girl, tell her/him. You feel bad about something, apologize. You think it's a mistake, quit doing it end ur relation. You don't like how they treat you, speak up tell them you want sth better. We have too many things to worry about these days with corona and everything . Dont let fear distract you. And pray we survive this. With love",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.8363352417945862 2020-04-02 10:17:38,"Hey guys, this my first time venting just wondering if any of you got back together with your ex and if things worked out the second time around. I recently broke up with my gf and i was starting to get over her being busy wirh school bur since this whole quarantine started shes the only person i can think about. Ik shes moved well i think she has but deep down theres a part of me that doesnt want to accept that and i try to cling on to anythings as if we still have a chance to relive those memobrable moments we had together. What do you think i should do imma about to go mad",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9766344428062439 2020-04-02 10:20:45,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to venvent. I am a guy, 24, who had quit my Engineering class ,while i was a seconed year student, just to join a high paying and succesful company. The thing is i hate my job like really awufully hate it. I was optimist to the world before me, i,had it all planed, but its all gone now. I am starting to see an angry hopless version of me coming. I want to quit and join a university to study some kind of social science department in order to start all over again . But its so fucking hard for me to quit a job in which every single person around me refers it as a DREAM JOB.So i want your advice please?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988314509391785 2020-04-02 20:32:55,"I fell in love with the person i saw future with. He made me believe that he wont leave me, he even swore in the name of his mom (the one thing he loves the most) that he will stay forever. The problem is he lives in the other region and I'm from addis. This whole time the plan was clear, i will learn campus there and getting married as i graduate. We even talked about moving in together before that. But out of the blue he told me that he can't take that risk and he was emotional all those times so that we should drift apart. I can't describe how i felt i swear it was like someone you trusted stabbing you for no reason. I begged him cause i was emotional and shocked. To the conclusion, now I'm feeling numb and at the same time missing him is killing me. I cry all night and watch tv all day and play games i can't sleep because i have some health issue which is hard to explain but the point is i cant sleep if I'm crying or nightmares and some other shits will happen. I know im gonna be okay and i got a life to live ahead but i wish it was someone else breaking my heart but he was the one i end up with. This is how much i loved his personality or i wish he was just my dad or part of the family cause he was hella amazing.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946321249008179 2020-04-02 20:32:56,"I need a help people a HELP in searching a friend who is always recurring in my dreams lately so the story is I had this one friend when I was a child of age 5 or 6 his name was Napoleon he went to Entoto evangelical school aka Mission which is located around Shero meda. I don't know the exact year but we met at that school could be b/n the year 1992-94 Ethiopia calendar...the last thing i remember of him is yelling his name ""napi napi"" inside a taxi then getting of that taxi then hugging him while telling him his my bestest of friend in the whole white world...bruh if you out here you can always holla at me or if anybody knows his where abt shout out to me JUST LOOKING FOR MY FRIEND. Ps. I can slightly recall a mutual friend Amado either of you out here can contact me thank you I will request ur identity.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9910938143730164 2020-04-03 09:31:55,So like i feel like am missing out pretty much every thing i mean i am lonely just a sad peace of shit is what i am like what is the Purpose of living am just tired of waiting that this would be over and i will have a better and fun life endaaaa ere beka i need love I need people’s around me am not saying that i am always at home and just sitting there doing nothing. No I tried I always bust my ass off to communicate but I always fall I might be some weird guy but its who i am and i only can live ones I don’t want it to be like this why God make this hard for me peoples may be toxic but am suffocating without them jezz am so sad i need to be hugged orcuddle or something I don’t know am dying in here,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9986591339111328 2020-04-03 20:50:31,"Hey guys 18 year old college applicant here. Okay so long story short...i fucked up. I fucked up big time. I hurt the one person who really cared abt me. Rn she doesnt trust me and i deserve it sure she probably has no love left for me i deserve that too i lost the one person i called my girlfriend and the one person i told everything to so now im just like there and all of it was my fault so im here and i want to kill myself but just to give yall an idea of what thats like i heard this quote once goes like ""you never truely understand how you miss sm1 until u rly wanna tell them smt and they not there"" ik i deserve the heart break but that doesnt change the fact that it is pain and the thought going thru my head that i hurt her is also adding to everything. No take that back. The fact that i hurt her is the base. How broken i am and how i feel abt where we r rn is all extra so in conclusion i wanna die",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9977692365646362 2020-04-03 20:53:59,"Am a girl,22 Today am not my self usually i dont know the reason but now i do am unworthy thats what am feeling,feeling not enough i am broken every fucking possible pieces to the point that cannot be repaired,i feel the pain aching my heart every morning i wake up,i breath i hate waking up all i asked him was not to let me wake up just to end the pain. I just cant even pretend like am okay anymore just for my mom she always say am strong but am weak behind my doors not i cant even pretend am giving up, Those peoples that where in my life besides my mom and family all teached me betrayal they said dont be nice you will get hurt i next thing i know they do the same to me ,this has been my life routine and am afraid that this is me for the rest of my life and i dont want that how am i supposed to be exicted for the life i hated the most",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9930431842803955 2020-04-03 20:54:14,"This is like my hundredths time venting about different issues. I'm feeling weird about the corona virus pandemic. Just waiting for the inevitable. My family is not taking it seriously! and i know they will not survive it because my mom has asthma and my dad has blood pressure. I'm so stressed and when i try talking to someone either they say they dont want to talk about it or I'm being dramatic. I just needed to know how does everyone cope with the paranoia?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9979931116104126 2020-04-03 20:54:14,"Hello everyone , I'm a girl 21 and well i meet this girl years ago she made me question my sexuality we connected on so many levels and ever since then i feel lost , i just wanna know if im actually attracted to girls or if it was just something with her , has any of you felt like that?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9771626591682434 2020-04-04 09:04:52,"So I ve vented 2 years ago about my love story and u guys gave me great advices just to remind you about my story I fell in love with my service driver(the one that takes me to school) then I was very stressed about it then I went with it now we ve been together for over 2 yes now and its been amazing I thank God for every single second I had with him, now I am a first yr college student studying dentistry now the thing is when this corona shit happened it hit me like am sacrificing my time with him just to please my mom and the society I am in, my life is literally determined by them I don't even want to study dentistry I want to be a pharmacist so I am planning to move in wiz him(like get married) next year and I kno my mom will go crazy ena demo she has high bp, diabetics but I am willing to take the risk what do u guys think?",love,NEGATIVE,0.9847462177276611 2020-04-04 09:06:57,"I deeply regret about it Year ago I have been in relationship and we broke up because of my chekchaka character.. he's a guy of my dreams,he is just perfect.he's matured guy, he helped me to be a better women.the problem is yhe Hulu yegebang ahun new.. Recently i told him everything n he told me that he stared a new life n U r gona be ok its all for the best blo... I know enem I have to move on, he deserves someone better than me. I want him to be happy. But I couldn't handle this regret thingWhat should I do?pls help me..",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.7228468060493469 2020-04-04 16:55:42,Hi all of you ene enja if you met me km the most bubbliest person but I kind of still am to the out side world I feel like I have gone crazy and too miserable I feel sick there are days my eyes cant open wide enough because I am too depressed I cry so much sometimes I pass out or vomit I take any drugs I could get my hands on know nothing will change and I am accepting I will be miserable forever I tried to kill my slef multiple times I was going to do it the day corna news popped up but meta sibal I saw it as a sign to take a break and I taught beka there's a lock down sletebale I have time to think about life but no year after year day after day nothing changes I dont know how to feel anymore what gives me comfort is gay porn lezbians to be exact I know it's a sin I know I feel really bad but .,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9916058778762817 2020-04-05 09:37:22,So this is not my first vent and unfortunately it’s the same shit all over again. I’ve been seeing some vents about homosexuality and the comment section is where the problem lies. It’s literally their choice other people being rude doesn’t change shit STOP playing God!! Because u said their going to hell doesn’t mean they are. Wtf do u know about hell. Just leave them be if u have no helpful to say just pass along. Stop judging what u do not understand,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9995006322860718 2020-04-05 09:39:35,"Hi pls pls approve this vent So I dont think ppl r taking this stay at home thing very serious I have got friends going out n meeting n stuff ppl r dying out there eko n UK what scares me the most now we r just reading these numbers of dead ppl like a normal thing like "" oh 1000 ppl died in America that's sad how is life gin""just wanna say those 1000, 987,500,100... ppl who died r parents, siblings, grand parents, uncles to someone, ppl who were once very important in one's life. But noooo we can't think of that because it didn't happen in Ethiopia, didn't happen to us. Think about it when COVID-19 spreads in Ethiopia ppl will die, ur loved one's will die. N when all this is over, the government will just declare national day in tribute to the dead n life goes on. But we , no we r gonna be sad n lonley souls without anyone we love or know around just an empty world just because we were too proud to just sit home n stay indoors. Just because of that we will have a miserable life. So please please its not a ""give money for this cause"" or "" do labour work its a must"", its a simple thing anyone is capable of. just do what the government said n stay home cause we both know at the end of the day its not gonna be smtn u would give an excuse to, smtn u could say like ""it was out of my control couldn't do anything about it"" but u could have done smtn .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985377788543701 2020-04-05 09:42:53,I'm a senior college student and there is something bothering me at this time than the corona virus. I missed my periods for the third time now and I am really worried. I can not be pregnant now because of family and some other issues can some one give me some advice pls.,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9932307004928589 2020-04-05 09:44:04,"This might sound crazy n a lil stupid for most of you I jus finished watching ""A fall from Grace ""and oh my sweet Jesus if I ddn have trust issues I sure have them now begeta ....I jus wanna know wat wud u do if the man you loved n weded to starts acting all devil out of the blue n was not willing to divorce you or give u ur peace beka u r stuck with hin....I think this made me look at things in whole lotta perspective than I did before Well untill now I am betam loving and caring but I'm the kind to give the tough love typa person ,so u wouldn't really know if I did loved you or not if you hadn't known me for a while (till u get my behari )i will say it but you will have to dig a lil deeper to know from my action .....N I HAD TRUST ISSUES BIG TIME n I have lost a few potential Men bcuz of that but now am on a whole new level please please enlighten me how can u know for sure that u made the right choice ,or how wud u know ...n if you haven't already u should watch the movie",caring,POSITIVE,0.8811267614364624 2020-04-05 21:06:58,"I have something to say for all religions people here in this channel.... dont fucking think God will save you just because you are religious the virus doesnt choose religion people from non religious people ... just because you read the bible or do to church or muskid doesnt mean you wont catch the virus .. yes I'm sorry that's the cold heart truth just keep your distance, wash your hands and take care of your self ... going out to church to pray wont help anything and it will make the chance of you getting the virus very high and dont just think about your selves think about your family when you catch the virus .. so I'm just saying just cause you think you have God wont make a difference just follow the safety protocols .. PLEASE",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9503700137138367 2020-04-05 23:02:02,"Planned maintenance is in progress... Estimated time of completion: 5-10 minutes",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.541759729385376 2020-04-05 23:10:32,Pushing deployment completion to up to 25 minutes...,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9150394797325134 2020-04-05 23:27:37,"Update successful. Bot up and running",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9988685846328735 2020-04-06 10:57:21,"Hey everyone. am a girl living with my strict parents and am 20 yrs old. It's my first time venting hr So the thing is I have been suffering from not having a long relationship, since my first relationship didn't work out as I planned it and I got hurt, I used to get my self thinking about him a lot and I was damaging myself mentally, and after a few months I started dating so I could get over him , it distracted me for some time but not for long I was afraid not to get dumbed first and get hurt so I broke up with him before he dose, but after that I have seen my self changing, I mean I can't stay with one person for a long time I just get bored so easily and break up with them somehow, may be that is because I haven't find my actual type and i just said yes to it because they were giving me attention and I didn't want that to go away. I know that might get the other person broken but I can't help it and get committed to the relationship....... And lately I have been talking to someone awesome which is giving me a lot of love and all the affection i needed.. but am not that much interested rather I am attached to a guy that I have seen a couple of days before the quarantine which means about before 3 or 4 weeks and like him , I never even talked to him properly am just attracted by his facial recognition and I can't get him out of my mind, and i thought this is what love means and if i could have him may be my problem with not having a long relationship , getting bored and heartbreaking ppl will be away from me . on the other hand I want to start a real relationship with someone who can give me his best. Well I already have him by my side talking to me but when ever I think I might get a chance with my crush, I feel like not talking to him! What am I supposed to do ? Am just daydreaming about someone who wouldn't even notice me and giving up on my other healthy relationships I will have , please people help me! I really want to be a good person that will never dump someone without a reason, what will you be doing if you were in my shoes??",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9815784692764282 2020-04-06 11:01:58,"Hide my identity Hey there, first time to I'm a college girl. I've been in a relationship with this men for 3 years before we broke up before 2 years. Long story short we were in love for 3 years n it was an amazing years. But we broke up for the reason that I don't wanna mention but mostly it was my fault. This happend before 2 years from now then we've started talking now this year but he's not the same because of me. I messed up his life betam ena he just lost him self...he's not the same like before. But the broke up years was not easy for me too. I've tried to reached him , I apologized many times and tried to fix everything. And now we start talking after 2 years this year and we agreed to start everything from the first ...because we love each other betam we just can't let it go everything. Then we started but he's not treating me like before ..ik I messed up before but at least I'm still here trying to fix everything and we agreed on to try our fate but he's not letting go the past times he's not opening up..idk he will need time maybe , but he's breaking my heart.. the little ignorance is breaking my heart , my trust in to pieces. What should I do? Idk how to treat him he's different person now but I love him so much and ik he love me too but he's expecting me to to everything now. I'm even questioning his trust..what do u guys think? I need very mature advices please. Thank u",love,NEGATIVE,0.8938594460487366 2020-04-06 11:05:23,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I talk to my dead grandma in my dreams who else talks to dead relatives in there dreams and is it wierd people say it's not right but I feel so peace full when I wake up in my dreams she is not dead I'm either unaware I am sleeping and it just happenes but u go with it cuz it's a dream and in ur dreams nothing suprizes u I dnt know what we talk about but I feel great when I wake up its just a normal reuniune every few months",joy,POSITIVE,0.9925669431686401 2020-04-06 11:06:52,I'm insecure about my self everything i do never seem make me feel better about myself i've lost myself i'm not confident anymore,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9978101849555969 2020-04-06 11:23:01,"I expect you not to approve this comment.Whatever it is, it is enough if it reach you. I have seen many vents around here for many months.What I have noticed from these vents is more of them are sexual stuffs.I am fine about that as long as the venters come for help and advice.However, I can guess that many vents are fabricated by the admins to normalize homosexuality in Ethiopia. What are you doing friends??Don't you know that God is watching you from above.Don't you know that he hates these sexual perversions soo much that he destroyed sodom by fire.These things are the results of human sin and Godlessness.Read Roman chapter one from the bible.God will have wrath on these peoples. If they are real vents ,allow our Christian biblical perspectives to reach these hopeless God's creatures.Otherwise God's judgment will be up on you.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.99491286277771 2020-04-06 11:28:09,"My gf is 20 and we been together for more than a year. We r college students and we learn Architecture which is really time demanding. Lately we have been doing many sexual things, but not sex til now..i am woried if we have sex we will get addicted to it and lose our grades in u think that having sex is good? Or it will definitely hurt us both?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9969052672386169 2020-04-07 09:07:45,"Question. How do u make relationships work? I mean like hanging on the edge almost dead relationship.....u have already lied to each other...cheated....fight every waking minute.....Dont know shit about eachother and can't fuck it out because of quarantine But love each other type of relationship. Any ideas?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9930015802383423 2020-04-07 09:09:21,Hi everyone Okay I dont know I guess I'm insecure when it comes to rship...the thing is i know I'm not beautiful n im not ugly I'm normal i know n accept that it doesn't affect me gn there's this guy i talk to online ena I like him n I'm afraid he won't like me he thinks I'm beautiful mslegn based on my pictures mnamn bcha how can I get the courage,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9345057606697083 2020-04-07 09:12:39,Hey unihorse hide ma identity first time i am a 3rd year campus student n ma life is falling apart like im so messed up ryt now...i've always had emotional problems since i was a child i felt weak in a way i cried a lot in simple things that was ma way of releasing my anger and ma friends n family used to make fun of me n that fucked me up growing up so i started to hide my emotions n bottle up ma anger it started to make me stressed n depressed as fuck n now its literally eating me inside like my stomach hurts my throat burns n it aint stopping im just 22 i wanna have a good life but i felt like ma hole life was a blaming God now cuz thinking his the one that made me this weak n just suffer all the way..if things get worse i fear that i might commit suicide someday...just wanted 2 knw if someone else out there relates in a way,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983154535293579 2020-04-07 09:15:10,"Hi. Please help me out. I recently broke up with the love of my life. I cant seem to imagine the so called life without him. The breakup was my initiation since we were not in healthy terms and i didnt want to suffer more than that gin bettam neber miwedew and now i just cant seem to forget him ena i just read our old texts whenever i miss him. The break up betam new liben yeseberew. Mata mata this whole week, i was struggling of sleeping without crying malet kalalekeskugn enkilf aywwsdegnim ena kalalekeskugn anegawalew. ahun option sata the idea of sleeping pills came into my mind. I dont to be dependant on that ebakachu help me what to do",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9885942935943604 2020-04-07 09:18:21,"Guys i really need to stop these emotions going in me right now and i really need help i have a little bro thats 6 month old and i have this feeling of satisfaction when i hold his breath n see him suffer to breath and how i do it is so አረመኔ i put my legs to his hands so he doesn't reach to my hands n i put my hands to his nose n mouth n because i love the look of his begging n crying eyes i don't cover the eyes i release my hands after he መፍጨርጨር a lot with his legs to breath n this is the part where my heart beats n get happy for a moment but then i hug him n cry with him asking him n god to forgive me but again when i see him smile n laugh or sleep አፍኚዉ አፍኚው ይለኛል guys be ewnet i am doing this a lot while mom isnt around and am sure am going to kill him one day i dont know mn aynet seytan endeyazegn i cant go to sleep every night if he weren't a baby n he knew he wouldnt have smiled becha help me i am struggling what kind of addiction is this i have i my mind Help me asap",desire,POSITIVE,0.6096604466438293 2020-04-07 11:41:30,"Since my teenage years attitude towards my birthdays because they signified another year of my life had passed. Now as a 23 year old guy this feeling of time fleeting has only grown stronger as every person I talk to in their 40’s, 50’s etc always has the same remark: “it feels like just yesterday I was your age”. I’ve been suffering from somewhat of a quarter life crisis outlined by nihilism, depression, and loneliness. I can’t seem to shake off that thought that all my progress and memories will eventually have a definitive end. These feeling are exasperated by my analytical, introspective, and logical nature. As a software engineer which require me to be critical at my thinking, it’s hard for me to draw then line between which thoughts of mine are helpful and which are detrimental to my wellbeing. I want to just be like some of my friends who just live life and “do what feels good”, but it seems like I’ve been cursed to overthink things. Has anyone else dealt with similar struggles and if so what helped you?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976279139518738 2020-04-08 09:19:39,"In Syria childrens were extinguished by acid. Our Muslim sister were raped and killed by american and Russian army because of their hijabs, children's lost their parents and died of hunger in the streets, in berma thousands of ppls were killed and there fleshes were eaten by ppl they even were wrapped up and presented like a fruit in a supermarket, in China their kidney and liver was selled when they were alive, many were tortured to death in Guantanamo bay prison ... When Libya was breaking apart when each and every one of them were killed , when Iraq was diminishing, when Palestines were killed in their own country, when humans were tortured suffocated til death .... The world said ntg ..even the so called human right campaigners gave a deaf ear they blindfold their eyes , the world didn't gave a shit uk what's common between all that ppl they were all MUSLIMS, yup indeed that's the bitter truth in a world in which democracy blah blah had the say no ofc their is no such a shit..remember that kid in the verge of dying in Syria who said ""I'll tell god everything"" he did... Let's just see how on earth r the so called powerful countries are going to deal with this., coz they are the superiors uk , Yeah god is avenging for those ppl who had the unheard cries, those who died of torture and hunger yes he is...the saddest thing here is that the innocent citizens of those cruel governers are taking the results bearing with what those evil humans did .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983783960342407 2020-04-08 09:20:39,"want to apologize cause Idk where this thing is going so let me start with ""A.s"" I forgive u man for everything u did to me and am sorry I neglected u..""S.S"" am sry for not being there when u needed me z most am sry for where u ended up now..""S.J"" am not the person u think I am and am sry for wt I did..""ST"" am sry for what I've done to u and u deserve better girl with so much love to give u..""B.E"" I wish u'll get wht u want but with not the shortcuts u r taking right now and am sry for not being by ur side..""E"" am sry for all the jealousy me..""N"" am sry for worrying u..""B&F"" am sry for z things I stole from u..""T"" am sry for not being honest and all my friends forgive me for my silly mistakes yekerta",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9981226325035095 2020-04-08 09:22:00,"Hi everyone this is ma first vent and the thing is There is this friend I met on Tg and he used to be religious and a person who is humble who trust ppl kinda person but then he start reading scientific books and the more he reads the more he became less religious and he changed he have doubt in his religion and he came from religious family so this situation lead him to have a distance with his family and like he had a big break up with his first r/ship so those 2 reasons changed him so bad and like rn he can't trust ppl he keeps everything inside and his pain ,questions ,anger and everything and like how could I change this guy ????? I mean I am way much trying ma best and he starts to open up things mnamn but the thing is I have also have ma own big hidden issues and am changed also so I kw how he feels and his struggle I really feel him and when I asked him to let me change him he told me he don wanna hurt me cause he have his own demons mnamn and I really wanna change this guy like fr so any physiology professionals can u give me some advises how to change this person with controlling ma own issues I really wanna change this dude and it means lot to me if I archive this cause it helps me to ma future I wanna be a psychologist so really need ur advice and ways to change him Thank u for ur comments",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9905604720115662 2020-04-08 09:23:13,"How do I get out from a relationship that is eating me alive now days I even sleep wz this anger raging through my veins but some how he keeps finding a way to put all the bullshit on me and I always find my self regretting everything I said to him so tell me a way to stop my heart believing a shit that he Say's I wanna lock him out from my life!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9664987325668335 2020-04-08 13:38:14,"Broken. It's a little word yet it destroys you completely. I'm broken yes, I've been as if forever. But this pain, it's like a blindfold, it's so unfortunate that we forget to see things as they must be seen rather we filter them through our experiences. This quarantine/lockdown, as much of a disaster as it seems it's an opportunity. Those among us (actually i believe it's all of us) have been suppressing their pains by distracting themselves have nothing else left but to face the pain. It's a challenge to our mental health, as much lifeless as I feel, it's obvious others feel the same. But pain makes you so self absorbed that we look for a hint of compassion in the eyes of people around us and end up disappointed. The reality is, we forget to look into their eyes for their sake. If we would, it would be clear that all of them are holding back their vulnerabilities. Let's not forget, human beings no matter how much full of hatred, seek love and compassion. We can only heal, when we allow others to heal, remember your pain is as of different color and their of different maybe that's why it's hidden, but we all are in pain. So please, don't feel forsaken, don't feel unloved because we all feel that way. Please take care of yourself, please love yourself, accept yourself, this is coming from a person who has been through every kind of childhood abuse, not only me but each of my family members has been through some shit. I swear i mean it, I love you all. Smile, smile with eyes and let your heart smile.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9947232007980347 2020-04-09 10:59:01,"Okay, here it is. I have a problem. Its just that no matter what I do people don't like me. Don't get me wrong, its not that I try harder to be liked than anyone, its just that when I be myself around people I feel like they don't like the real me so I try to correct what is wrong. I am writing this to say that if this continues, I am afraid I will not be able to find a man who loves me and a friend who will be there for me, what should I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991607666015625 2020-04-09 11:00:42,"25, male I think know what I want to do with my life. I've been pursuing a career in the field I'm interested in and all I've come across are dead ends. It sorta forces me to settle for the mediocre job I have now with mediocre pay and basically a miserable life. I know I'll be unhappy if I do settle. Guys my age have accomplished a lot already so maybe I should just suck it up. Do the work. I don't know. I just feel stuck. My family doesn't understand. They think I'm spoiled for wanting other options. But I have been working for a while and I've never been so depressed. Real depression where I couldn't sleep or eat or get out of bed and I was forced to see a therapist. I know my problem pales in comparison to what people face everyday but I just needed to vent. Hope y'all are having a better month than I am.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988235831260681 2020-04-09 11:02:17,"So hi , this is my first vent so just don't be hard on me okay. So i used to have a girlfriend and I met her on telegram and we did all sorts of talking including z very intense ones and man I couldn't wait to meet her n when I did I found out she wuz waaayy too young, definitely not like the ones I saw so I broke it off with her telling her other other made up stories ... So it went on like this for awhile and she kinda knows my birthday and she said she wanted to give me a present and that she wanted me to come to her house... I mean i knew what was going to happen so I refused (I swear I did) but then I just went there... Long story short we did it that day and fuck I hate my self! I hate every inch of my body now, idk I thought sex was supposed to be cool , I think it's because I feel guilty but fuck I also think I'm gay(I know it's out of the blue but I'm just venting here)",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9907551407814026 2020-04-09 11:04:44,"Please Admin Approve My Vent Hello Dear Sisters And Brothers Look I've been hurt couple times ... I have no word to explain how I feel that time ... I hated being in a relationship ... feel lonely everytime ... mekefat , mechenek , I feel like I have nothing to be in a relationship ... after all I got somebody at work ... we talk .. I don't know how it happened, I feel something for him .. keza beka mnm gize alfejebgnim wededkut .. yesum simet endene nbr .. mekerareb jemern .. keza and lay honin .. within a short time. everything is happen quickly .. mnm migodlegn ngr endelele ynegregnal, I go his home, spend great time, gn esunm atawalehu biye eferalehu , demo yechekolkum ymeslegnal gn demo birk honobgn new , esu lene birke new ,, morning lay ydewul nbr even 2 - 3 times/day , and text mnamn keza ketewesene ken behuala gn he stop malet ychalal , sdewul charge , network mnamn ylegnal .. and one night we were chatting and accidentally I ask him that ""What I am to him"" then he out from online, ena be normal text ltegna new mnamn alegn melslgn alkut and he say ""alnegrshm lemn enegrshalehu, mene new mtyiw anchi"" alegn , I'm just asking him why he need my answer for my question, bicha I don't know firhate yhun bicha chenekegn , I see Some ignore things .. lihonm layhonm ychlal .. gn he ignore me, he didn't call, no text , no miss u , no love you, I know he has a lot friends .. esun lataw alfelgm .. tolo lemafkerm chekuyalehu betam germognal .. why I fell in love quickly , is it because he says I like u, I love you or why I fell quickly why , so guys please tell me how do I know if he really loves me? Should I call and text him everyday (ene bicha)? How do I test him, enenja bicha beka say something to me dear sisters and brothers. Eyekefagn new I feel like everyone is using me Thank you for your time",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9946257472038269 2020-04-10 08:43:51,"Hey. 3rd year student. This might not be a life threatening problem i know but i just need some advice from mature people. So my bf is really caring, nice and smart. He is also very understanding and fun. But for some reason i have been feeling terrified. He is always doing this nice things for me and i never actually enjoy it because i feel pressured. I know relationship is a 2 way thing so whenver he tries to show that he cares i know that i have to do the same. But i don't want too. I'm not in to romantic gestures or even words. I have been feeling really suffocated . This isn't the only relationship that has got to this point where i feel like im under lots of pressure. I don't know whats worng me. Am i broken or what. If you have been through this please anything you think is helpful will be appreciated. Thank you.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.9682512283325195 2020-04-10 08:51:39,"This is for the people who have had schizophrenia or had dealt with the person who has it, how do u deal with it, and if possible tell me all of ur story.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9977900981903076 2020-04-10 11:29:24,"Hi everyone, I saw a Facebook post from someone yesterday and it says ""why is God a man? "" what can you guys say about it why is God a man? Any opinion is welcomed and the man from Facebook if your on vent here please I want to know if you get answers",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9951395988464355 2020-04-10 21:35:33,"Hey guys first time here So I don't even know when I started to feel like this I became to feel lonely I started to not trust anyone and If I tell what I'm feeling to anyone am afraid of what will be the outcome. It's hard to me to get someone to talk to. I think that If I tell to anyone they wouldn't care about it so I'll be unable to face the consequences knowing that I told them for no reason and when someone talks to me my mind keep saying ""they don't give a fuck bout u it's for their own purpose"" ... and now I'm suffering a lot and I don't know how to talk to someone things are not going as I planned my life has messed up I'm having anxiety there are lot of thing in ma mind and they r driving me crazy .... so if some of u have been through this shit please say something.",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9992961883544922 2020-04-11 11:04:43,Hey guys I know my stuff ain't a thing to talk about but I need help see my gf died last year and I didn't know what to do so like any one I tried to forget her and move on but when I did some part of her was steel with me and I couldn't help it her friends tell me that it's my fault that she's gone but I don't see how and I know I can't take it out on people so I take it out on any animal i see and I hate that once I killed a cat with my bare hands and it felt good so I wanted to do it again and I knew I shouldn't so I looked myself up for a full week and now her friends are still trying to make me feel guilty and I'm trying not to can u guys say something to me pls I need this bad,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9923886656761169 2020-04-11 11:05:20,Hellow okay have any of you gone through the loneliness they getting mocked because of not trying new stuff the inability of not saying words I cant most of the time social anxiety of Idk what to say it becomes awkward I cant hold a conversation and people ignore me and most days I dont have the energy to walk or open my eyes bedenb I am really depressed and my family and friends ain't shit I just want some one to help me not go crazy and talk to me so drop yr comment dont say take drugs I took drugs and almost anything but nothing,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988793730735779 2020-04-11 11:05:59,I its my birthday today and be geta sim my elder sister was like you have grown eko besmab in a shameful way hinted I didnt do anything with my life regarding guys is it a shame tho I know we are supposed to start sometime but I never thaught about it I still play games and watch tv shows all day never in my life tried to look good for a man nor do I try I mean am I the only one out there? and why does it matter ?because the bitch gave me a panic attack,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9948957562446594 2020-04-11 11:07:34,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent. I dont know where to start, i had a girl friend more like wife.we used to love each other so much more than u can imagine..i also made a lot of things for us...and she also did for us....but more likeley i was the one who does things so our relation ship can keep going...but she always does things that could make me feel sad...she just do bad thjngs like chatting with other guys whi tells her how much sexy her body is how much he loves her boobs i dont know why but she just keeps chatting with them..i told her many times that those things make me feel sad...but she just says ok for instance but just keeps doing it after....we been together for over 2 years and some monthes...but before 7 or 6 mothes ago...she just told me she want to break up with me and i just begged her so much i just cried so much so that she can be with me...and after that we been together Till yesterday....and yesterday she just says she want to break up with me b/c of i made alittle mistake...its just that kind of mistake that u can run over easly....but she says she want to break uo with me...and when i call she just insults me like denez aygebahim ende donkoro minamn...lemin lash atilm...kind of words....i was just calling many times and begging her.... I dont even know what to do right confuced just insulting my self for the things i could have done...please help me i want to move on",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9972882270812988 2020-04-12 08:40:16,"People don't understand us. They don't understand me. They think it's black and white, he makes me miserable and I should be with someone else and deserve something else. But it's not black and white at all. It's gray. It's a never ending world of gray. It happened in pieces, tiny turning points. I'll never figure out when it all turned, because it wasn't a single moment. It doesn't matter how many times I look back, how many times I try to figure it out. There is no before and after. Just a year of choices. And even when I stop crying, even when I fall asleep in his arms, this will leave another scar. No one will see it. No one will know. But it will be there. And eventually all of the scars will have scars, and that's all I'll be--one big scar of a love gone wrong.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970929622650146 2020-04-12 08:40:59,"I have a question for the guys... When you tell a girl you're in love with her and do everything in your power to make her fall for you, just for sex n you know u won't even look at her after that... Do you at all consider her feelings at all? How what you have done will break her? How you could have missed out on the one person who will love you more than anything in this world? Do you at all consider the other person you're doing it to? Weys u do know the repercussions n sex always comes first belachu tetachehut new? Malet what is the male side of the story?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.994968831539154 2020-04-12 09:43:15,So here it is am I have a bf and we have been together like 1 year mnamn and l love him so much but he is not like the other boys I know means he didn't call me when I call he didn't answer and the worst thing is I meet him once but I see him every day cause we live in the same neabourhood so he thinks ppl will see him and he doesn't want that I respect it but the one thing that bother me is in telegram he askes me to send him nude pictures but I don't want to do that I love him I want to spent time with him but he doesn't want that what should I do,love,NEGATIVE,0.9964814186096191 2020-04-12 13:43:33,"Hi there So ....I don't really know from where to start but might be a long one. I broke up with my first boyfriend a year ago. We have been together for about 4 years. But then I just suggested that we should breakup cause .... I just reached my limit. The causes were ...he was always telling me I nothing better than him, I can't be accepted by anyone and its a big deal that he let me in his life, he wants to marriage but then left me for 4 years because he wants to go to the US, he chats with bunch of girls and delete messages, I sometimes find the ""I love you"" and ""I miss you"" message that he exchanged with other girls that he chat on Facebook and SMS and when I ask him he just says its brotherly sisterly, he never appreciates me, he tells me I should gain weight so that I can get the shapy look, he takes the lead to kiss me and all then he ends up saying he wasn't ready and he regretted it and he didn't wanted it at all the first place, ....ufuuu then I just felt my soul trapped and I wasn't being myself. He never allowed me to be myself or do what I love to do. He always said, "" You are not your priority, I am your priority "". I took that sentence positively and out of love for the 4 years we were together but then I find myself in deep depression. I wasn't happy with my life and all. So I broke up with him, and he just couldn't accept the fact that I am gone. He even calls and tell me no man will love me or that they will play with me .... But then a year passed and then he called and said he needs his hard disk driver. So I went and gave him, and that day he begged me saying let's get back together. But it just feels late, I no longer have feeling. I don't know what to think of if we started again with all that painful and ugly memory. He told me he dated a girl and guess what I know the girl they were always flirting while we were in relationship. Anyway he said he dated her and she just treated him extremely in bad way, she even cheated on him. And he wants to be back and that am only his. And that he improved everything with his character and mindset. And that he learned that I am worthy and all. I dated a lot of peopl because Ielt lost at the moment. And just found it hard to be stable with any of the guys I dated cause tho they treated me right and they were all good but I wasn't healed. But then I learned how to be alone and enjoy myself. At the middle of that I started healing and just met someone nice. So anyway I told him that I am dating someone and I am comfortable with the person I am. Even if I wouldn't have been comfortable, I can't get back together as I just released that I was way blind in the past 4 years. Way blind that we are very different people, don't know how we even we made it through for 4 years. I was way blind that I wasn't happy with him, I was filled with abusive thoughts he feed me about myself image. Then he just changed immediately after I told him I am dating and he said he is the victim and his ego and his drama just started. He blocks unblock me every now and then. And texts me he is a Vitim of all the situation. Guys what do you think ? I really don't feel like this will work out in any way, and I can feel it in my heart that he is not changed. And on the other side, I am really comfortable with the one am dating now. You might say like there is no use of writing it here. But I just vented cause I felt like talking it out. Its just feels so much better when I let it out. Thank you",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993832111358643 2020-04-13 09:20:21,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent 21, girl Hey everyone first time to vent hr. I've never been in rship before but lately there is a guy that i met him yehone program lay i gave him my number n we did sort of talking on tg for abt 4 months we met once a wk ago i refused so many times to met him but we did anyway. Everything seems going well he likes me n i love him a lot. But the problem is i lied him i told him a lot of story that i made that is why i refused to met him . I did that cause i knw he cant stand some parts of me that i dnt wanna mention it hr. What i mean is he's not gonna talk to me if he knws my real personality. But suddenly i fall for him I've never felt this way before i love him i rlly do he's like the love of my life i guess. Can't even imagine what'll happen if he finds out abt the truth most probably he won't see my eyes again. Please help me out i don't want to loss him he means the most to me Idk wht to do. What do u think guys. I need very mature advices please. Thank you.",love,POSITIVE,0.9855178594589233 2020-04-13 09:22:21,Hi everyone I really really want to know if you know a very much skilled therapist I have been in need of one for me and my mother my mother is always escaping from her problems she even abandoned us I am just worried their is so much mental health problem in my family that no one is noticing except me so I want to reach for help before I become my worst nightmare please help me from being lost,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9970297813415527 2020-04-13 09:24:44,I don't know what to do with my life my gf left me for another guy after we had a relationship for 4 years and I went in to drugs and stuff like that and every time I think about her I start doing things even I don't wanna do and it looks like I have changed but only for the worst and I don't even wanna do drugs but I can't help it and there are days I see her in my dreams and once I get up I can't sleep back and this has been happening since the day she left me and it's almost 2 year's now so pls help me I don't know how to be all good again,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9919869899749756 2020-04-13 09:25:54,"Wat is wrong with being 6 or 7 or some say u are a little above average and this kindof comments have been giving me a headache, wats the real cause wats my real problem",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991732239723206 2020-04-14 08:56:28,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent This is my first time venting and I seriously do hope that my vent would be approved because I'm about to write the things that disturb me the most, even if it might seem minor. I'm a high-school student and I have a lot of insecurities. I seriously think of myself the way people say I am. And I'm very tall and slim. I don't have a lot of friends and people always make fun of me like whenever I say something they'll be like go find friends. I don't like to hang out with people and just when I think I found some one that's good for me they'll make comments like that person doesn't want u, ur just clingy and believe it or not they say that in front of the person I thought was my friend and that person laughs along. I satarrted crying by myself and I never showed a hint of pain for them. It's all bottled up inside me and I think it's eating me alive. Some people tell me I should be a model and that I'm very beautiful but I don't feel that way because of the people that criticize me. One person even said that I was the prettiest girl in the school but I just thought he was trying to make fun of me and I stopped going wherever he is. And I also have a serious problem, that is I tend to distance myself from people and just I don't listen when they're talking. And I feel bad when they leave me. I have problems with my family. I love them but I can't express it. Sometimes I just storm ot of the room saying bad things and I'll feel bad but I'll be reluctant to apologize. Bcha I seriously want this vent approved and I hope u guys help me to be a better person.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8366304039955139 2020-04-14 09:03:50,"Hey! I think this venting might help and thats why im here So its about my mom. My mom do not encourage me or appreciate me for the things ive done or im doing. She's not bad but when i do something silly or unusual she just start to insult me dedeb, matreba, dngay and more worse. So im always upset by this she just want to raise me by the ways she didnt get raised and want to raise me as ""sreat yalew"" child actually esua mtasbew and i am sreat yalat girl and when i score good or average on exams she would rather search for smth bad than appreciating me. But does y'all's moms do like this? Im one of good childs but i dont know guys i dont know what she want me to be. When i do smth bad she starts to megelamet me n saying bad words and more Im sick of this sometimes she likes to be treated as a friend and when i treat her like that she again start to protect her pride and as a mom she's good i mean she does almost everything i want but morethan that my psychology is useful and she dont see it that way. Say some peeps im sad.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9844020009040833 2020-04-14 11:53:55,Hey everyone does anyone have experience with therapist please tell me I want to go but I am scared cause they deal with real crazy people so what if they misdiagnosed me I want someone to help me see my own mind help me deal with my trauma and negativity in head I want to take my sister there too I think she need help but I don’t know how to tell her what if she misunderstand it guys tell me your opinion ?,fear,NEGATIVE,0.997982382774353 2020-04-15 09:18:18,"I really hope this gets throughSo I used to date this guy it's been like 2 years since we broke up.... When we were dating, I don't think that I have ever met a guy like him! I have always thought that he was toooo perfect for me! I mean, he was! He really was! He never treats me wrong! He always supports me on everything! He was everything that I ever wanted in a guy! But around the time that we were seriously dating, a lot of things started to happen to me! specifically, my family! Well, in Ethiopia, something's are just bound to happen to you just because you're ""a girl"".... And so, with all those things in my mind, I started to divide my life into, my life with him and my life at home.... So when we talked or met, I don't tell him about what was going on with me and my family. And tbh, he always made me forget about them and I thought that he wouldn't see me the same way if I told him about the darkness of my family... But that wasn't reality! And after sometime, I started to break little by little and I stared to change! I became a pessimist and hated my life plus anxiety and depression were my best friends... But he still had no idea what was happening to me.... I got to the point where I almost tried to kill myself.... He still had no idea.... I wanted to keep what was between us neat and clean!.... Long story short, I realized that I was selfish and that I had to choose between, letting him in or letting him go... And my selfish ass chose to let him go.... That was the worst mistake I have evermade in my life and I still regret it to this day...he is still ""the one that got away""....and tbh I don't think that I will be with another person and am okay with it.... I am sure that he is happy rn! And just thinking that he's happy, makes me happy.....",disappointment,POSITIVE,0.8092846870422363 2020-04-15 09:24:11,"Meaning is a mode of safety and survival. Culture and religion is what you learned from the cummulative knowledge of your ancestors on how they figured is best for harmony and order.You have an ideology of what is right?? Guess what??? ?Thats a mode of survival that serves you best just as i a have an ideology that is also a mode of survival ......Its alllll a mode of survival for the Ego.....There is No such thing as objectice Truth as perceived by science.Its alllllllll an abstraction of the mind to avoid suffering and disorder!!!!! But the big question is Why is there an existence of tendency to select the best version of something in evolution? Or is the question of ""why ???"""" by itself is an Error in our species?..... Quarentine though ts",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9928431510925293 2020-04-15 09:28:50,"24 was confusing to say the least. I never knew who I was, what my dreams were and what I was doing. I spent so much time pleasing people. I didn't make time for myself. I didn't listen to me and my dreams. I was depressed, still am. Nothing changes in one day, but it showed me what a horrible year would look like. I was also a suspect in the COVID case so had to spend two days in a freaking Ebola Center with just my parents knowing. This thought me the only two people that would understand is them. Next, I think I gained 12kgs this year. Bad eating habits plus no exercise did that to me. Past traumas also showed up everyday of my life. I was sexually abused as a kid so I never performed well in my relationship. I am never satisfied and I don't believe she is too even though she says she is. I also flirted with addiction so much.Sexual,material,substance.....they all crossed paths with me this year. Albezam lol There were positives in the past year too. Finished major coursework at AAiT but withdrew to start again abroad. I am also on the verge of moving out. My family members are healthy. I still don't know who my true friends are but I have some people that I care about and all are doing ok. I experienced a bit of life through this adventure. I really hope it continues . My aspirations for 25 are simple. Don't repeat 24. I was lousy, emotional and never made myself a priority. This year I will work harder and smarter. I will protect my emotions from toxic people. And I will make sure I work on myself and only on myself. I want to drastically change my relationship with God. I want to thank him for all he has done for me and ask him guidance in moving forward. I want to lose weight. I want to save money. I want to see new places. I want to make new friends. I want the childhood me back. I want my confidence back. I want my smile back. I want to be that go to friend for everyone. I want to help friends and family. Not be the one that begs for help. Today, on quarantined and solitude birthday, I promise to stop letting myself down. I will grow up to be a good engineer, businessman, teacher, spouse,father, brother and son. I want to repay my parents for all the faith they have put in me. I am alone but it's fine. Happy Birthday to me. 2⃣5⃣",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9299346804618835 2020-04-15 22:20:36,"Hi everyone. This is my first day venting. After thinking a lot I decided to vent. I hope you guy be positive and help out. I’m a girl 22 years old I have a BF. We have been dating for about 4 years and half now. I’m like an open book to him I express all my feelings and I’m honest with him. He know that I love him so much. Knowing this he don’t treat me like before sometimes he makes me feel sad . I think he is thinking that I would never leave him. He is thinking like (she loves me she’ll never leave). I love him and i don’t want to leave him but i want him to fear that he could lose me, but I don’t know how to do that. Guys give me some ideas how to do that.",love,POSITIVE,0.9950733780860901 2020-04-15 22:20:51,"Hello my pips, hope ur safe out there. Well lately i been feeling a little bored i mean it might be the quarantine with half the blame but I started thinking but me bout what i ve achieved through out my 21 years on this planet like nothing that much fun mean my high school life was full of regrets and missed opportunities i was average student and very shy around girls i mean never asked them out been asked 3 or 4 times by them but i bitched out but think im tibaram and college years are worse than highschool im became anti social i dont now what the fuck happened and i sweat during awkward situations and the insecurities don’t go away sooner or later i dont think bout my future no ambitions just PURPOSELESS!!please say something.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9970139265060425 2020-04-16 08:01:04,"Hey guys Hope y’all are doing good and staying safe:) Here is the thing, I can’t seem to stay in a relationship. I go on dates lead them on, make them feel like I’m interested and then ghost them. I can’t seem to figure out why I do that?! I keep thinking maybe it’s because I travel a lot and deep down I know relationships are just ideal, or maybe I’m just an attention whore who is afraid of being alone. Help me help my self figure this out guys,please! Stay safe:)",optimism,NEGATIVE,0.9870995879173279 2020-04-16 08:02:23,"I'm 23 .I grew up with my stepmother. I grew up being criticized for the little things. cause of this I am very depressed and irritable.. men would like me first and they will avoid me when they see this behavior. . As a result, I have experienced 3relationship fail. .boys you don't like a depressed woman, right?i hate my upbringing. this has made me lose a lot..i want to change but I know I won't change if I don't get out of that house because I've tried so many times..i don't know what to do",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995046854019165 2020-04-16 08:07:21,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity Okey here is the thing...i don't know where i start. It bother me since the day i know about my mom. She is taking some medicine pills for over 10 years. We start living together 10 years i know that pills since the day we live together . And i asked her what was those drug and she says it was ( yesamba beshita medhanit) befit yamat endeneber awkalehu....then one day i googled the name of that pills and i found it was for HIV. I get tested many times coz of some serious health case so i am negative. The thing is am really scared. Balawek yeshalegn neber....always she try protect me but i asked her why u do this you are my mother eko mnamn. Ahun hulum gebtognal. Too much eyechenekegn nw when ever i see her face and she had diabetes so mnm endawekugn endetawk alfelekum so i shut my mouth. But am really hurt seeing her this much suffering. I don know how to treat her, i don know beka....chenkognal ematat eyemeselegn nw. Help me to managed my mind. I don have anybody to tell i don even have family only me and mom. Thank u for ur help tho",fear,NEGATIVE,0.998664140701294 2020-04-17 09:46:03,I am in a relation ship i mean we r almost 1 year soon but i am not sure about us .i do like him gn i never trusted him his words and actions never met we even forget each other some times we spend a day mnamn with out communicating and this days i feel literally nothing about us i mean i tell other guys am single i forget him talking to other guys and i am being swayed comparing the efforts other guys make and his but he is way to un attantive he even leaves me on seen i just wanna know how i can know if he is serious about this thing between us or wanna know if i should end it cause i am not attached that much tnx,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9964876174926758 2020-04-17 09:46:04,"i am in very hurtful pain but i am thinking i am pretending i am weak useless Worthless Its hard to live here I need ppl n love the but no one gives fuck Idk how to continue living",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9980165958404541 2020-04-17 09:49:52,"Hey guys so I'm a med student and recently be TV mnamn they keep telling us that if the disease becomes more than the docs can handle, they will call us in to help and this will be a mandatory service. Semonun most of us have actually listened to the stay at home order from the gov gn there are still people who don't give a shit ena endewm stesheshachew memiteguh neger alachew Memarbet yeneberw hospital wst demo corona geba sibal I swear they gave masks to the whole staff except the med students and this happened before there was such a shortage of equipments. So my question is like why the hell should we risk our life for people who don't give a fuck about their own health??? Egnam endeh bekentu benmot meyaleksuln and mekebrun enat ena abat yalen sewoch nen .we don't owe u or anyone our lives eko So pls before u go out mnamn lerasachu hiwot kalchenekachu think about us, the people u are going to affect by ur actions. please make smarter decisions",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974727034568787 2020-04-17 09:52:29,Hello unihorse. I am 21 I don’t even know where to start but I got biggest problem of ma life after ma mom passed away she was like ma evt. Things changed a lot after that I my self too ..I just started being so sensitive then I even started messing up ma life. I was in relationship for the past 2 years with guy who is smart and kind bla bla we were sweet couples seriously..but after ma mom I totally changed just through time chkechek betam meta then we insulted each other then I told him that I need some space but he didn’t accept it so we broke up...I regret it tho then I apologized then he say ok but now he is acting differently and he blame me for all but I don’t know what to do I am really confused ‍ he told me he don’t want this relationship for now but he said he will come back after smt ena abren enonalen what should I do I really need ur help,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9925024509429932 2020-04-17 09:53:12,"I've been a womanizer all my life I've just enjoyed the company of women and they've just enjoyed mine. But I'm 21 yrs old now and I've never had an actuall gf until now. This girl has gone through a lot for me i wasn't always the nicest guy to her in the beginning but she didn't leave. She was always so kind so pure that in time i started to develop some very strong feelings for her. Now she's my everything and that scares me a lot, I've never felt this way about anyone. Ik she won't hurt on purpose but at the same time i can't let go and be with her something inside me just won't let me. Am i too young to settle down? Or is there smth else wrong with me? I'm not a bad guy I've always been respectful of women, this is just the life that I've had",joy,POSITIVE,0.9985209107398987 2020-04-17 15:10:09,Am in desperate need of your help here guys. I need any Psychiatrists you know. Like any. Please leave a comment if you can help me.,desire,NEGATIVE,0.9978321194648743 2020-04-18 08:37:41,"Hello everyone mine is more of a question ,im a girl 22 and i have gained some weight since i started university and its been messing up with myself confidence, i saw this comment on one of the vents saying try water fasting and stuff i was just wondering has any one here tried it?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9944911003112793 2020-04-18 08:39:40,"Hi, may your heart be filled with peace. I just want to let it out. I looked at the world in a pretty much different way. If people made fun of me or bullied me, it never bothered me, I don't know why. I always felt like this doesn't affect my reality, God knows that's enough. I never retaliated, I never avenged myself, I always treated people the way I would want to be treated, you know with kindness and all. I never was able to put people through what I've been suffering from. Yes, maybe I was a people pleaser I don't know. Everyone has a good image of me, apparently. What always shattered me was how all I did was interpreted as weakness. I was always seen as a weakling. It's not a big deal maybe, it's alright I guess. Even it didn't bother me because I was unknown to myself. I didn't know who I am. Now that I look at people in eyes, all I see is sympathy. I Don't need it. I don't want to prove I am strong but my reality, nobody knows it. And I'm so much preoccupied by these small things that I've become self absorbed. I can't help my people, I can't lend a shoulder because I'm not who they think I am, or perhaps I maybe a weakling after all. Why am I sharing this here? I don't know.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.6930750012397766 2020-04-18 08:42:12,"Hey unihorse hide my identity I need to vent I really hope they approve this one I am 23 n i have a boyfriend its been 3yrs n he is 25 n we had all the good times n the bad ones since our 2nd year university lives.but he is the type of guy who is way too much respectful to his fam he would die for them the point is he dont have the free time he want cus he is z 1st child n got all the burdens n i really need the lovey dovey stuff which he didnt do it most of the times he is not the type to cheer me up or to go on a trip w me becus of the not saying he shouldnt respect them but his is too much to say plus he stops caring abt me at all he starts disrespecting me all the time n i dont think he knws that i will leave him .. u knw he doesnt do wat i want him to do we dont have those romantic times we eat we talk we fucked that all his not my strongest point at all what should i do plsss help me i dont really knw whats going on",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987909197807312 2020-04-18 08:42:37,Hey go easy on me.. Even tho I don't deserve it. Am 22. And I am fucking addicted to sexting. I know how stupid that sounds. But that's the fucking truth. I don't masturbate to it or anything. But I fucking love doing it. Am told am really good at it. I don't even think I fuck as good as I sext. My dick pic is probably everywhere by now.. I know how disgusting I am. But please help. I want to be a better person. I really do. So please help me. Thank u. And sorry u had to go through my nonsense.,love,NEGATIVE,0.5855488777160645 2020-04-18 08:45:29,"My father passed away when i was 16. I didn't even  know how to process that. My young heart just ached. I didn't know how to accept it. I kept crying till i couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about how i was the only child out of all 5 to be beside him and tell him  ""take Heart"" look at his eyes and go out and pray and whip for God to not take him away and end his suffering although i was too late and his soul already left by then.  My mom and Dad got sick on the same day i remember feeding them and massaging them one by one. Then my dad kept thanking me saying ""God bless you my daughter"". He always said that whenever i do something for him but it was strangely a lot that Day. Little did i know it would be the last. After 6-8 hours he started losing ability to speak he kept saying random words i couldn't understand i was even laughing with mom csuse we thought he was joking.Then i freaked out and called my brother and we took him to the hospital (my brother carried him because he said no and couldn't walk). He was laying on my shoulder in the car. I don't remember how many hours but my brother left and i spent a lot of time alone with Him saw his pain as they put thr catetor held his hand and told him take heart. We then got sent to another hospital. My brothers and cousin left me alone with him there too. Thats where i cried and prayed. I saw his bodily fluid coming out and freaked. When i called my brothers they told me they were looking for a doctor to operate on him and said they're coming asap. They came later and all of us went home only 1 brother stayed with him. They assured me we will see him in the morning and i trusted them so i went back home to my mom. We found out he has passed away the next morning. Now that i think abou it my brothers knew the blood in his brain would kill him and didnt want to freak me out thats why they left claiming to look for a Doctor/hospital. But i think they are mean for letting me witness his last hours. Now i don't want to fall in love cause i fear lose and the heart ach.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9949133396148682 2020-04-18 08:49:10,I am in trouble my brain is trying to explode.....i can't commit suicide but i am desperately wanting it i am in a brocken heart moment of my life....,desire,POSITIVE,0.9945313334465027 2020-04-18 21:40:46,I dont want to type to write to much.... i just need help .. I'm a teenage dude.. so I have INSOMNIA which is basically some kind of disease which doesnt make me sleep at night for reasons I dont know for sure but its probably the depression and over thinking.. so if anyone can help me who has the same problem just ask me in the comments to request your identity and let's talk .. thanks,desire,NEGATIVE,0.994141161441803 2020-04-19 08:38:11,"please admins approve this well hello my people whatsup im a 21 old miserable guy and here is a story . well i have this problem you see but first let me paint a picture ... have u ever felt like ur someones toy like they can do whatever they want just because you love them like most of the time malet new men are the assholes in the story like the woman sacrifices so much and stuff gen girls are sneaky sibal i tried to be a feminist and say nooo theyre just as loyal and upholding as we are gen nope they have their way . especially this girl ; just because she knows i love her im her toy . she talks to whomever she wants does whatever she wants irregardless of me being her boyfriend. girls are sneaky , they get their way one way or the other . i just wanna be in a relationship where im the only guy that really exists in the world, where i'm respected enough to not say what i want . i want the girl to make sacrifices for me to just like i sacrifices it all . she cheated on me one too many times and i begged her to stop flirting and letting other guys in . i forgave her while she commited aldultry . she said that i'm the only guy but she still messes around and even though she says she doesn't i always catch her in the act . call me a fool inlove but i always get back to her . I can have any girl at my campus and she knows that and she says shes afraid of it and all but she knows i won't leave her and go to other girls . and thats true miserey in a relationship my people . being toxic and just riding the cycle over and over again . i know i'm cursed people but to all the guys and girls out there that are still not in a relationship, please ke endezi aynet passive agressive torture ameltu . from the people that are saying they love you and treat you like you're not their number one . just escape while you still can if you're not feeling like number one . Thanks for hearing me out and admins please help my tiny message get to thousands of subscribers",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9354780912399292 2020-04-19 08:40:52,"Hey so what up?, just wanted to share some thought I've been having. And a great way to getting head's off from corona related trends. I've lately been reading about the horrible life of animals induced by human mistreatment and I started thinking about this. We hardly tame animals, honestly real taming occurs in humans who have minds to think with. We tame each other like the animals in our barns ..we just have better treatment quality. We live with people who we know for at most 7 or 8 yrs to live the rest of our lives with hoping they could make us euphoric till we die. But honestly this is the most misleading propaganda ever orchestrated by the brain. We tame people like we tame animals. There are many saddened people by their relationship in the world as there are many mistreated animals by humans, and there are plenty of happy couples in the world as there are plenty of well treated animals by caring farmers",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9908382296562195 2020-04-19 08:44:20,"Hey everyone im a girl and 18 Im the kind of person who always looks cheerful who have no worries mnamn ena the thing is i think i cant fall in love i had crushes on guys and after some weeks it disappeares and there was one time i really thought I fallen for someone and we started dating mnamn gn we broke up and all the emotions and feelings disappeared he still keeps calling me and ask me to get back and tells me he's hurting mnamn but i don't feel a thing its been almost ayear since we broke up and now i got the same kinda of feeling for this other guy and he asked me out couple of times but im scared of it disappearing again i don't want to go through the same thing twice what should I do should I go for it or not im confused i don't know what to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9950547218322754 2020-04-19 08:44:54,Hey guys first time venting here so i might not be that good at it but here goes so I'm a boy 18 and I have this problem like I get depressed over nothing and everything sometimes just out of the blue and it always costs me friends and the people I love I just cant take ma self anymore I just hate myself for that becha I never admited I needed help till now so please help,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9921002984046936 2020-04-19 08:45:53,"Hey,so mine is more of a question, I'm a girl and i have this dark spots on ma body like my armpit mnamn and i hate my body because of that and makes me feel insecure so pls ladies help if u know any product or sth to get rid of it. Plshelp",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9987372756004333 2020-04-19 08:46:31,"Am in a real problem and I just want other people’s opinion on this. Here is my story. I am happily married about a year ago to the love of my life and am expecting a baby boy in less than 3 months now. My husband is not Ethiopian we r planning as much as we can to bring us together but something happened about 2 weeks ago. I came to realize he have a son from other woman and the boy is close to 2 now. It’s not that I don’t know the boy but I knew him as his sisters child all along. My confusion is not about the child only but he lied and lied and when u try to hide smthng with a lie u have to lie . And this is lie on lies. Right now am lost and came to a point I no longer recognize the person am married to . Ur opinion matters please. Thanks",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9963058233261108 2020-04-20 10:09:19,I have a rather sexual question... just for the ladies tho!! But guys you can answer from experience.. do girls like getting their hair pulled and chocked in bed???? If you tried it,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9822589159011841 2020-04-20 10:09:27,Is worshiping a human normal? Because lately i have started to worship gf.She is the most perfect being. Although God took my everything away from me she brought it all back.she make me feel alive again.she is the God i God,admiration,POSITIVE,0.999354898929596 2020-04-20 10:15:06,"I have had this insecurities but I never really knew where I got them from because wat my friends and ppl around me tell me is different from what I feel inside and today I just realised the source of all my insecurities was my own mother .parents will ruin their children awkewt or saywkut bicha they do .she always says betam things a mother should not say to their own child and she even says that only to me she never says things to my other siblings,she tells me I am ugly ,fat that I ruin shit and am a burden and I will never find sm1 that would love me minmn but I ddn even wanted to b born but here we r she is an angle to outsider like she does things for the sake of ppl opinion but still I love her how can I not she is my only mother figure ...some of you might think I have an kind of entitlement issue or smth but that is not the thing...bicha my mum bullied me my whole life and I ddn know it was because of her that I was this messed up but today wen me and my sister were trying to reason with her about an issue she started opening her mouth on me not on my sister and me but jus on me like other times it just clicked n I was betam broken like the person who was supposed to protect you from the cruel world and shiled is your source of pain and she would be very happy if start crying in front of or smth rasu bicha idk exactly what made her like this bicha I don want to end up like her ....n I needed a friend to talk to so I tried to talk to the one's I think we're my bestest n all of them all of the sudden they are busy and sm of them don want to listen except one of them she is for real a good friend but I ddn tell her much either bcuz I ddn want to lose her too..and my sister was there when she was saying those things and she was just standing there even when I was crying she jus looks at me like I was not there for her how can you overcome an insecurity u were told since as long as u can remember. Pliz help me out I don want to be the type of person that would let there mind fuck up there whole life because I ve ruined bizu relationships because of this I jus lebled them as lier bcuz I tot they were lying when they tell me I am beautiful and they want to b with me and shit ....I hope u read to the end sorry for the fucked up paragraph",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9963088631629944 2020-04-20 10:19:42,"hi, am ethiopian! i have always hated the habesha culture since i was a kid and always intended to be what i see on tv and on the internet and am so obsessed with that culture to the point that i started doing whatever i can to be that person. and now i have realized that i have no social or personal connection with any other habesha. i don't understand them,i think they are lame and i have no experiance of true connection with any habesha and all i see is bullshit everyday that make me keep hating habeshas and their every culture or social norm and now i feel so isolated,lonely,and it feels like the outside people are outthere to get me and am scared ,cuz they always cause me nothing but pain and i hate them. i always hide myself in movies or work hard to always get my achievement and i see habeshas as threat as i go through my journey, not as a community that makes me feel like am part of stg good. and thats sad!",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9988164901733398 2020-04-20 10:20:09,My family lied to me about me having schizophrenia. I went to see a professional therapist but my family wasn't telling the truth. I know that this sounds exactly what a schizophrenic would say but it is the truth and I have made sure it is. Where can I get legal help or any help?,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.854606032371521 2020-04-20 10:20:57,"why do i hate fame? fame is a job, a very exhausting and never stopping job. u have to always do stg to stay relevant and u become the means of people's entertainment ,not a human being. when u r always trying to get attention on the internet,u start to get their attention and approval and when u value their approval. their disapproval will cut u deep. so u r always the publics puppy who play the ""like me,approve me"" game and u will lose ur real self and start to get jealous over people who have a normal life and real connections.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.990211546421051 2020-04-21 10:33:47,"Heyy I love my mother to death. She is my everything. She been through alot since her childhood. As a family we passed a lot of things. She been broke many times. N I cant even talk her like you know friends. I feel how much she need someone by her side especially now. But because we are not open to each other i cant do that plus Im very mysterious in nature so she is. I want to talk to her like friend I want to share her pain n share her mine like mother n daughter..",love,POSITIVE,0.9309223294258118 2020-04-21 10:34:13,"Hey y’all need ur help. The thing is im fucked up and i know deep down that i need to change. I seriously don’t know what is going on with me. I’m ruining almost every relationship I have with people. I barely do my work. I’m being less of a human and more like a monster. I’m locked up and even worse , with my mom. She drives me crazy. This is not a mom problem trust me. But she can’t fucking stop yelling at me. Guess what? I yelled back. I had a fight with my dad yesterday because he can’t fucking give time for me. I just need someone to listen to me and help me. Please",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9973974227905273 2020-04-21 10:36:03,"Hide my identity I need to vent Hey there Am 20 yrs old(girl), it’s been almost 2 yrs since i hv being single. I never dated or flirted with a guy for almost 2 yrs. ena becha somehow i liked a boy. I saw him in a cafe while Eating breakfast with my friends. Hule hamus or arb arb menged lay or yehone bota ayewalw eneteyayalen gn beka metewawk felge i got soo afraid and shy. Becha gizew behede kutr memokr felku keza my friends ebd yehonch friend astewawkchign keza be social media mawerat jemrn u know what i mean . It’s funny to this but here i go he is z only guy am flirting with. And now i feel like he is flirting back. Gn demo yechenkal eyekeldem eyemeselgn nw becha confused hognalew. I wanna be in serious r/nship with full of love,time,attention,effort and of course honesty. And i want z r/nship to be official. Shall i give it a try or what. Need ur help Esti sew milewn lesma yeguadegnchem mkr tekebiyalw",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.9862334728240967 2020-04-22 09:47:10,"How am I supposed to move on? How am I supposed to move on when everything in town was ""our thing""? It was our thing to go to cinemas, eat everywhere and enjoy Addis. How am I supposed to move on when every Teddy Afro is ""our song""? It was our thing to sing to each other in every road trip and never miss his concerts. How am I supposed to move on, when school was memorable just because you were on it? 5 years of hell were made heaven because you graced it. How am I supposed to move on when we have been to every cafe,bar, restaurant, club and we made so many memories in them? So many crazy laughs and so many deep conversations. How can I move on the best part of me with you? How can I move on when I don't know life without you? After all, it should be done. You have chosen to move on and be brave. I have also come to understanding why people say ""it's better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all"". Though you have left, in the years we were together, I have built a conscientious personality. I understand I can't rip off all the memories but make peace with them. I am grateful for having met you. I am really grateful for the past 7 years as they have thought me alot. I might need to move to a new city or even country to escape your haunting memory but with time ,I will be ok. I will be that same vibrant, optimistic,cheerful boy only this time I will become a man. A man that has been through a lot and has come out unscathed. I wish you all the best. I wish you love and happiness. Most important of all, I hope he will see the fire in you and support you in chasing your dreams. Yours truly",caring,POSITIVE,0.9993051290512085 2020-04-22 09:48:31,"All those religious leaders during the time of Jesus on earth, the diakons and monks, they were going in the right path worshiping the true king who they called the God of Elias and Mosses. When Jesus came to this world some thought he was an imposter and others thought he was a man of evil power that can raise corpses from their grave, heal those in sickness and give light to the blind. If Jesus did not come to Earth all these people and religious leaders would have been in heaven, but now they are rather in hell. I would have said he was not a God and i would have asked God of Elias to punish him if i was born in the time of his presence. Most of us would have said like that. What i am trying to say is that God could have sayed the words to do what he wanted to be done without putting all those people in dilemma and doubt without having to come to earth in first place. What is the point of saving Adam and punishing innocent civilians and religious leaders who were praising him before he came to this world?? I am not trying to create a contoversi, I just want to understand why",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9858826398849487 2020-04-22 11:25:10,"I'm just some kid out there whith parental problems like anyone else, but recently me and my father have really been getting on each other's nerves and he shouts and insults me a lot while I give him the cold shoulder all the time. He says he wants the best for me and I know e does but that in no way compensates the emotional abuse he's dealt me my entire life. I have no idea whether the problem is with me or him but I am merely asking for advive on the matter. Stay Home, peeps",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9959056377410889 2020-04-22 11:26:11,"# It’s the worst feeling in the world to love and hate someone all at the same time. And it’s hard to watch things change when all you want is for them to stay the same. It’s funny but stupid how you want everything and nothing at the same time. It’s crazy when you want to let go, but you keep holding on. And when you want to move on, but you’re stuck right where you started. When feelings come and go and you can’t decide what you want. When you have so many things to say but you don’t know where to start. When you want them in your life so bad, but all you can do is push them farther and farther away. It’s so hard to think back to how things used to be and look at it now and realize that things are different and they may never be the same. You tell yourself it’s not worth it, do you ever feel this way ?",amusement,NEGATIVE,0.998145580291748 2020-04-22 11:52:18,"Hello every one, I hope y'all doing great, I just wanted to share sth with you all in hopes that i might find sth am a 24 year old guy and it's been sometime since I had a good night sleep, now adays I just couldn't get that sweet relaxing sleep, idk why am stressed about but it's just I get this anxieties building up about things that I even never stressed about before, am worrying abt the current situation, I was worrying about my self and my future and I can't seem to get out of this stresses and anxieties, the thing is some of the anxieties are irrational and some of them are rational...what do you guys think for me to do to cope with it",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.985945999622345 2020-04-22 11:53:02,"Am suffering from trauma...... like something happend in z past like 10yr before.... and beginning from last yr it happens to me whenever i see him or heard about him sooo am trying to ignore him but its too difficult to avoid him b/c he's my brother and we live together ..... sooo now a days i suffering alot i always cry it leads to headache z memory happens every night ...... Help me",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9967111349105835 2020-04-23 09:41:55,What z fuck is wrong with u??? Omg y r boys so idk egotistical I have prevented myself from having any feelings for u I did but nooo nooo u just had to drag me to u huh yes I liked u I fell in love with u.i didn't want to but Am still in love with u. The signs r clear but ur too proud to even talk to me. U just want this continuous nourishment like a baby. We hv been best friends for almost 4 yrs now n if I show u any signs u will roll with it cause u just love it don't u me being vulnerable for u. N then u ignore me cause uk I will always come back to talk to u. The fact that I can't tell u that I like u is killing me because ik u will use it against me n will make me beg for it. I can't be hurt again. But I just can't keep it from u kezi belay. Am so confused. Idk what to do,love,NEGATIVE,0.9647983312606812 2020-04-23 09:54:14,Do girls hate giving blow jobs are you going it for our sake? Also after you give us one do you want us to give you one also?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9984591007232666 2020-04-23 09:54:35,Hey its kind of a question for males hmmm is it me or missionary position is smh difficult than other positions? the size of my thingy is good fr but all the time missionary hasnt been easy for me..any advice or suggestions?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9949225783348083 2020-04-23 10:00:40,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Here is the thing, I lived wiz ma older cousin and wiz her husband. He is so lksks Beka no words esun lemeglets . I hate him so much. He cheats on her and I can't tell her z truth coz they have children . One day she was out of z city and he came at night drunk and I was terrified. He tried to do it wiz me but I shouted and saved ma self .I kept it a secret from all ma fam for 4 yrs bzw it wasn't z 1st time it was for the 4th time ( but God protected me from all). I do not show any changes coz I don't wanna disturb her life (specifically z kids' life). After that day, he became a monster to me. Beka beyesbebu enen medebdeb mnamn. He was afraid that i would tell on him. yesu sigermegn ma cousin stopped believing me. she heard only wat he said and she also hit me. So I couldn't stay there. I went to ma aunt. But everyone in the house loved and respected him and they didn't understand me. then tamemku I started using stress pills. Now everyone knows about him. she found him wiz another woman and I told them the truth about me too. Gn he still lives like a king ena half of ma fam want to punish him while half of them think about the kids and b/c of this eyetetalu plz help me get back the peace that once existed in ma fam and I rly forgave him hlinaw yktaw",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9791435599327087 2020-04-24 11:06:12,Ok so there’s this guy and we were getting into a relationship but it was long distance and he didn’t want to so we decided to stay friends. Begizew eshi alkugn alakabedkum gen thinking back at it it hurts because I was willing to risk it all for him I knew there were things in a relationship he didn’t want until later in life like fr ex lij alfeligim yilal at least not bekirbu and I love kids so much but I was willing to let that go as long as that meant that me and him will be together because that was enough to keep me happy bicha a lot of things in my future I was gonna hold back for him and it hurts to know that he didn’t think I was worth the effort of long distance. We were together for 6 months and although it’s been 5 months I’m still hung up on him. Idk why I’m here I just wanted to let it out,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9925013184547424 2020-04-24 11:17:51,The thing is i think im an attention seeking person i don't care about anything or anyone but i make such dramas out of things that happen to me i don't know when i started doing this or how to stop it i want to stop,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9980852603912354 2020-04-25 10:12:27,"I am irreligious and I love it that way. I dont think there is God and even if there is one I dont take it as one to worship. But everyone seems not to give me the freedom to hold that thought. I say God has nothing to do with this, and there is everyone to call me names. Is it wrong to be irreligious? Thank you l, in advance, for answering with out having to condemn or insult me.",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.8573316931724548 2020-04-26 10:03:29,Okay.. I know its kinda silly but here I go... My parents treat me and my sis like a 5 yo. And we are 20. Very sweet right? No! Mata mentegnabet sehat decide tedergual benesu bc they think we are too dumb to figure out when we get sleepy. And ahun cherash abren nw menwelew and everything is decided by them. Even mesa mnamn belten sencheres sahen asayu mnamn enebalalen. Anbelam kalen they think we will starve ourself to death. Beteley abate beka hule rasachenen hurt mnareg nw mimeslew. So how can we politely explain to them we are old? Kezih befit senmoker they're like we won't let you die mnamn,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9932534098625183 2020-04-26 10:04:37,This is so fucking embarrassing so I never cared about my apperance i was the bubbly type and I met my aunts husband and we got close over the years and he insulted me so so much I stopped going out and it got worse I hated every inch of my body I lost weight intentionally when he said I had a little bigger ass and he says I have no ass he degraded me so much and my family chimed in I just accepted it and I am living with it I get it appearance is important but they are my family wellahi mindnew ende I try my best not to slip up again trying to kill my slef beka that's what I think every single person is going to judge me by my appearance and hate me but it's not true yet I chased multiple guys and girls away because of my weak self esteem idk who would love us if our family insults us this much where do we go for comfort Is there someone out their who relates?beka I avoid people and my family is like sew gar atkelakey minabsh lhoni new you will never have someone beside u thank you for letting me vent it really hurts,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9959083795547485 2020-04-26 10:06:37,"I can wear what he want me to wear I can workout if he want me to hv a good posture I can do what he want me to do I can make him happy as he want to be He will nvr regret what he will hv with me but if our r/nship doesn’t hv an aim. An aim to get married at z end. What is z point being together for meaningless moments that ends in wrong way. Our r/nship has to be serious with full of honesty i want ur family and my family to know about it. I want to hv u in a real way with freedom. Ahun endzi aynet r/nship mayfelg sew ale Esti wendoch mndenw mifelgut kezi wech eeee",neutral,POSITIVE,0.9241157174110413 2020-04-26 10:07:56,"Hi ya all. I’m a girl 24 years old So today I’ve decided to share something with ya all and get some advice I hope ya all be nice and positive. I have a bf which I’ve been dating for 5 years. I love him he loves me I respect him he respect me, but there is one problem. He got a friend( girl) they have known each other for like 2 years she loves him she threat me that she would take him away from me and she is trying very hard to break us appart. She even talks to me bad things I just don’t respond to her. She is like evil to me but to him she acts like an angel. I don’t know what to do or how to stop her and leave us alone. Plz guys give me some advice how to do this and deal with her.",love,NEGATIVE,0.7346799373626709 2020-04-26 10:10:39,So I have this tendency to anxiously get attached to someone I love. But that being for another day I also have a tendency to get attached sexually here it goes hear me out. So in my last relationship I was overly attached to her emotionally and physically but it got to the point where I can't keep my hands off her and whenever we are alone I grope her at anytime and she was a person that is insecure about her body and I always tried to respect and love her that way but I just can't keep my hands to myself so I tried to ask some girls and most of them don't like it they think it's objectifying them but at any way it's not and at any means nessesary if I offended any of you sorry. But one thing i also want to share is I always feel safe around her and that's my comfort zone. So the question is. Is it normal if I grope my girlfriend at anytime or sleeping and I know some dude also feel this way and feels amazing... And is it considered as if I am a perverted or is it like a compliment and befor you judge me all this is done with open communication with her. And would you date this type of man or would prefer another man. Should I change my personality? Ladies your comments means a lot. Thank's,love,POSITIVE,0.946115255355835 2020-04-27 09:27:01,Hey so theres this guy betam betam aschegari sew new and im trying my hard to see things positively the thing is he is my friend but he got no intention to be that to me he wants a relation I get that I did understand him but im the kind of person who tells so I told him I cant cause I wasnt ready and my intention from the begining was friendship and respect the guy but then he went all crazy I mean he started using dtugs drinking he changed very much then started stalking me telling my friends endiyamagrugh I repeatdely told him I respect him and even if he wants friendship I still respect the friendship but im sorry nothing more then now he is threatening to kill himself and told me he calls and tells me he will die soon im feeling so confused eskahun rasu yetageskut cause you know guadeghaye seleneber new and the thing is so he called and my mom saw me sechekachek on my phone and took his phone from mine and told him to stop then he promised in the name of his mother he will then weeks passed then boom another call telling me he doesnt want his life and is using drugs threatning me to kill himself mn larg I want advise,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9967057108879089 2020-04-27 09:28:36,"This is to people who have lost their dads. First of all i am very sorry for your loss. And second I have a question. I have a friend who lost his father recently and was just wondering is it wrong to playfully say ""mn abah/ mn abash"" to someone who lost their dad i mean is it offensive or hurtful? Thank You for your time.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9963955283164978 2020-04-27 09:29:08,"I wanted to gent this here for a while... I'm new to dating and other stuff .. so lets say I went on a date can everyone who see's this vent tell me what to talk about to keep the conversation going on dates.. Thanks This will also help other people just browse the comments and check out peoples great replays and use that for your advantages! I know I'm not the only one who is afraid of that akward silence moments! So everyone contribute one topic and let's help eachother out!!!!",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.983500599861145 2020-04-27 09:29:50,hi mom let me tell u is not make u a mom eko seleweledesheg I have never seen a mom like u may be anchi enate batehoge noro I may be a better person u killed me in every sight of ur eyes insult me like I did wrong but I don't.. u hated me u ignored me u leave me alone when I needed u..and punish me like hell .. mom why why the only thing I do wrong is kanchi mewelede.. now I don't what love is ..and what life is mom I can't sleep I can't laugh..bc the only thing u teach me is to be numb and hate my siblings why mom why please aprove this or am gonna die I need advice,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.997672975063324 2020-04-29 09:59:13,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent I'm a boy, 25 Few months ago I was surfing the internet and I found out that there are massage parlors in addis, which provide erotic massage services and a happy ending. I saw that before in porns and I was so curious. I called one of the numbers I found and ordered the outdoor service. I never had a girlfriend and I only had sex once before that day. I think that's why I was so curious. I really felt very bad after that but I can't stop it still now. It has become an addiction. Its the first thing that I do after I get my monthly salary. I know it's a sin and it's no different from having sex with prostitutes. I really want to stop this and I think the first step is to confess to somebody. That's why I'm here. Please don't judge. Helpful comments are very welcome. Thanks for reading.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.8533421158790588 2020-04-29 10:08:42,"Am 26 years old Man. I dont know if this helps, but God am drifting, Nothing I try to do doesn't work out!!! It really sucks, i was energetic, get inspired, creative...none of the would matter. I try and am failing. And my colleagues are getting in line with their careers, r.ships and .... Mee, i don't even know where i am at any more. What I am trying to achieve? Am starting to lose it.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994181394577026 2020-04-30 09:45:46,"There's an untold story about beauty, one that is shared and experienced by many, but acknowledged by a few. So here it goes. Being attractive is lonely. I know most of you will roll your eyes while reading this but you'll only be proving my point. If you're attractive, you have no right to complain because your life is supposed to be perfect, so no one will show you empathy. When you claim that you're going through some shit, some will think that you're just seeking attention and others think you deserve it (yes, simply because you're attractive). If you speak with confidence, you'll be told you're arrogant so you always need to appear ""unreasonably"" humble. People also think that you're dumb, because hey you can't have both, and if you display your intelligence you become more of a threat, especially at the workplace. People expect you to succeed at everything but hope you fail so they can go on saying ""of course she or he is just a pretty face"". Members of the opposite sex are intimidated by you and when you do get approached, you know that they are not interested in what you have to say because to them you're just an object of admiration. I was not always attractive, I was a late bloomer and I know what it's like on the other side of the attractiveness scale. But before, I knew at least that people liked me for who I was, now I have trust issues. Of course there are advantages to being attractive, I won't list them because they're obvious. However, attractive people know that their looks won't last forever and fear that they'll just be an object that people idolize but one that they will throw away after it gets rusty. I'm trying to show some perspective to those who think that looks will solve their social life, because I was once of them , and look at me where I am today.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9757418632507324 2020-04-30 15:05:31,"We, at Vent Here, always try our hardest to ensure the safety of our members and with that mentality in the works, we are making contact with the venter to make sure that he is safe and sound. We won't stop until we have made progress. By approving the vent, we're not encouraging him to continue but giving you all a chance to show your support. Please participate in displaying your thoughts as we try our damnest to stop things from escalating.",caring,POSITIVE,0.9993957281112671 2020-05-02 07:52:56,"Hey there, i just wanna know sth,am a girl n i've no plan to have sex before marriage z way i grown up n my religious view won't make me to do zat but i heard ppls sayin it might gonna be all weird if i don't know how things goin on wiz him before.what do u guys say",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9979435801506042 2020-05-02 07:54:11,"hi guys,someone might get something from this. most of our problems are rooted from low self esteem. self esteem is not self confidence. imagin u have a kid,and ur kid failed a test,somebody hurted ur kid. what would u say to ur kid? u would want ur kid to feel like a queen/king and a beautiful creature no matter what right? yeah! how do u talk to yourself? do u talk to urself with care,love? how do u treat urself?... life is never an easy road and alot of people are gonna hurt u,u r gonna fail alot but how are u gonna talk to urself after that failure or that heartbreak? its one thing people hurted u ,betrayed u,broke u but do u hug urself and say its okay! do u give the treatment and those caring words that u would tell to a friend to urself? why do u want to kill urself,to abuse urself with drugs. would u want ur kid to be that? please treat urself as if u would treat someone u that love. fuck goal,fuck failure,fuck heartbreak. nothing of this nature don't have to determine ur self worth. u have to treat urself as if u are a new born baby,the world might be cruel to u but u are the one who is standing against urself with the world.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9941726326942444 2020-05-02 07:56:13,"Ok here goes my vent My problem is with people of religion turning this whole disease as a punishment from God? Ok so let me lay down my floor plan properly so you understand what exactly I’m on about An animal disease has emerged from China more than likely because someone ate something foreign this disease didn’t travel on its own it travelled with humans as carriers Humans have always had problems like war and famine and what not literally one person said that famine was the will of God but a contagious disease is??who told you that you could interpret the will of God? Maybe this is his doing maybe it’s not but it’s by far utterly stupid to create a whole bases for belief over something that isn’t certain? People do this when they are scared I get that but how about you guys be different and actually pray for a change pray that doctors and scientists actually find a cure for this thing instead of hinting at things you clearly don’t know of",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9988822340965271 2020-05-03 09:53:14,More like a question then a vent so I used to be a dancer but last year and this year I’ve just had way too much to deal with haven’t really payed much attention to my dance and shit but last night I found this amazing music and wanted to choreograph something but then I realized my body is stiff as a board so please doesn’t anyone how to to help?,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9984564781188965 2020-05-04 08:12:39,"Hello, Umm I just need to let this off my chest. Umm I have good days in life and some bad days. Seen Good sunshine and hard storms. These storms came to be tougher and really traumatic. Tbh my life is all good rn. And I'm grateful for it. But I keep having sudden flashbacks of these traumatic events. It feels like I've been living unconsciously and I just wake up and it's so shoking & frightening. I get startled every now and then, Its really painful. Makes this reality feel like this reality doesnt seem as real and im stuck in those moments. I really want to seek help but not in the place where I can actually set time and money to go see someone. It's been like this for like the half the past year. I'm just praying it doesnt stay like this",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951303005218506 2020-05-04 08:13:33,"The truth is I don't know anything about myself. I read this book last night, in the book the character is asked what makes her happy in life...I asked myself the same question and by God! I could not mention one single thing that made me happy. and then i started asking more questions like whats my favourite colour... i dont know was my answer.... i just kept asking and reached the conclusion that Me! yes a 21 year old does not know myself! How do u fix that? cause honestly I don't know where to even start. And No I dd not just wake up from a coma. I have been well and functioning all this time... after knowing this though everything I do is filled with anxiety...I question every move. Anyways if y'all have any constructive comment or books/videos...please let me know.",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9964724779129028 2020-05-04 08:20:21,Hey guys I’m 19 M and I don’t know if I’m schizophrenic or psychotic but I’m one of em I just have this weird feeling that I’m observing life through a glass or how can I say this I’m out of my body and there is this voice in my head that just keeps talking talking I don’t really know what to do help me out,confusion,NEGATIVE,0.995713472366333 2020-05-06 10:15:59,"Hi, please aprove this vent. Idk what to do. I know this sounds something but I really need ur help. So it was like 2weeks ago my mom's friend just got back from abroad and she really likes me like she would send me gifts mnamn ena ezi meta we would spend time together in her house and she's like 40 but looks like 28 and 1 time she wanted to talk and I went to her place and I had a glass of wine but I think she drugged me next thing I know my hands are tied in the bed and am naked and she starts using a dildo in me and it fucking hurts I cried and begged her to stop but she was enjoying her self and used different toys in me like I don't even know their names and when she was done I was there crying and no idea what to do. So am 19 girl and idk what to do. Can u guys tell me if mekses endemechal police ga?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9704185128211975 2020-05-08 08:45:38,"I'm a girl and I have these surgical scars on my leg mainly below my knee. And I've felt insecure about them from a while, I cant wear anything that doesn't cover me up to my ankle, so my question is if anyone have had this type of scars do they really fade away? Is there something i can do the make them? And for guys how do you feel about a girl with these kind of scars",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9947254061698914 2020-05-08 23:19:36,"The Advisor Bot will be taken offline for the night due to unforseen circumstances. We will be back online starting tomorrow morning. Thank You for Your Patience",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.5394784808158875 2020-05-09 09:08:02,"Heyyyyyy.....I'm writing this here 'cause this is sth I can't discuss with my friends......I really feel like I'm going to die...not because I'm depressed or hopeless or anything like that ofc I got problems in my life,I've gone through some shit, it's been almost a year since I got clear but that's life that's just this me feeling like I'm going to die has nothing to do with the problems I'm having in life.....ik we live then we die......but I seriously feel like I'll die soon not because of this pandemic,but just die at where I'm sleepin,I didn't want to talk about this with my friends 'cause they told me they had a dream about me n asked me if I was okay like thousand times...I also had a dream n I told my mom about it she thought it wasn't about me n she was like...ion think it's a good thing but tell her to pray or sth......... I'm scared because some people say sth like ""tawkuat neber"" or ""tawkot neber"" after someone dies. some of y'all might say "" so what? We're all gonna die anyway"" ik but we don't know when...and when you know when what u feel is different Some of u might wanna die but there's sth stopping u it could be ur fam or someone who cares about u and some of u just don't care......I was like this before I started feeling this thing out of the blue......ik we're all gonna die so I was never scared, I wanted to die but I also care for those around me, n sometimes I didn't even care.....and now I'm shit scared. ...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9983356595039368 2020-05-10 09:11:46,"Hide my identity Admin just aprove please Am a girl and the day after yesterday day( Thursday) I was not normal mentally I was real angry at sth and I took my medicine over dose ......its catenolol I take it for hypertension and to stop the irregular beat of my heart ...... The Dr subscribed for me 20mg because its have a high side effects which is obvious on me ..... And that day I took 17pill in 1time which is 340mg and I thought I was gonna die because I want too but shit happens am alive that day I was unable to sleep in the morning I was afraid what if my hypertension go down and wh if I become hypo so o went clinic and my blood pressure become normal I was happy but I don't know am I real fine or not ...... My parents don't know that story so I have no pill to take since I took the half so I don't know what to do I has been two days I did take no pill I don't know what to do my doctor told me to never stop the medicine before telling him and do some tests but am confused now please if you are a Dr or intern or resident please I really need your help... Asap pleaseeeee",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9968343377113342 2020-05-11 08:12:38,"Heyy its my first time venting i really hope this gets approved. I am going to jump straight to the point and i just wanted to ask a couple of questions can humans be trusted to do the right thing, can you truly know some one or the fact that living in this world makes utterly no sense you wake up pass the time struggling not knowing what you do and you get up in the morning like all is good but your slowly dying inside. And fyi its not a cry out for help i just need it to end. Anyways stay safe",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.968542218208313 2020-05-12 08:14:26,Guys I'm a guy and bear with me here is the thing. When I go to funeral I can't let go my tears I mean the person who died can be friend family member mnamn gn I feel my heart broken mnamn gn I can't let it out my tears and I fear people will judge me coz I didn't cry so I avoid going to funeral even if am so so so sorry for the person who died. Is it normal to do not cry and what will u think if someone who is very close for the person who died and didn't cry..,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9644408226013184 2020-05-12 08:15:24,"I always thought I was gonna be someone, someone who influence the world and I found myself as noone and lost. It's scary to find myself in the same place 8 years later still confused of what I should do with my life. When did it all go wrong? When did I become this hopeless creature? No matter what I do, much won't change and it scares me. It scares me too much that I sometimes shut down. I don't want to be and can't ever be insignificant, cause every moment of it is killing me. What do I do?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9932841062545776 2020-05-12 20:53:17,"So im a girl 21 and i just found out that i have genital warts and no not from sex im a virgin and i am freaking out right now i mean i googled it and all i saw was that it can not be cured and it hurts a lot i mean its itchy and all the stuff I don't even know how i got it im clean,protect ma self so like i really wanna kill my self like really i really don't know what to do and i can't tell my family about it I don't knw what to do tell me what to do",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992203712463379 2020-05-12 22:05:34,"Hello community As we all know, we use tags to pinpoint and represent the core idea of a vent. To further specify and scope our vents, we have made updates to our tags. Please notice the tag changes when venting in the future...",neutral,POSITIVE,0.7375221848487854 2020-05-14 07:46:39,I can't afford the messes i done and my entire life is dismissed.. And now i am incapable of doing anything if i commit suicide i know it will be the worest scenario.. If i try to live i can't...i am in capable of living... And if i wait normal death i didn't know when it comes... Wt a messy life i don't want to live.. But i had to live without any reason i am hopless i needed to die.. Wt shall i do..,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9996048808097839 2020-05-16 09:18:51,"If you do not lie to a girl and she agrees to do something that may not be in her best interest and might actually end up regrating it,is it still cool to go for it as along as she is willing to?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9985051155090332 2020-05-16 09:19:41,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity Am in early twenties ...which am going to be 22 after two weeks. It's my first time.i feel lonely, depressed , and I feel like I don't have any use ,like I don't have any purpose in this world . Like I don't have anyone who loves me. I became sick,depressed,the girl who cried every night sometimes I really want to die and want to kill my self. I don't know if anyone passed this kind of feeling please let me know. Please share me how you passed it. Thank you.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9891336560249329 2020-05-17 08:39:03,"Things that are wrong with me. I can't function like a normal human being. I'm like a failed experiment. And I'm getting worse. I've tried, but I can't find the point of it all. I want out. But suicide isn't an option. So when I think about the future I feel trapped/suffocated. Got no friends. I don't think I'm build to have one. What I wouldn't give to not be this pathetic.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995457530021667 2020-05-18 09:47:52,"Do you ever take time and see how your life has changed because of a single decision? Does it make you mad that you have gone through your principles for a thing that won't even last ? Do you hate how weak you have become because of a thing you no longer have? Do you ever miss everything, literally everything about the past? Do you see what you gave up and hurt a lot? Have you accepted a pain and it lives with you and it kills you inside? Do you ever hope for a hopeless thing? Do you ever want to believe in a thing because that is how you want it to be? Because I do and I don't know if what I feel while writing this is pain or something else I don't have a word for.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.995704710483551 2020-05-21 03:45:05,"Hi, i experiencing some metal problems.i started talking alone i fear a lot, i almost depressed by everything, i am fearing if i am getting mad or mentally ill.. By saying this don't take it easier. I am over depressed and anxious because of this many people say u r አይነ አፋር. Ene gn i say i am mentally stressed even i didn't have normal sleeping patterns i wake up an i got depressed again.. Wt shall i do",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9984506368637085 2020-05-24 15:34:47,Hey guys.... so i have a gf i met her online and shes the love of my life i love her so much and there is this guy she knows yehone ruk zemed and everytime he comes to her house he tries to touch her inappropriately and flirts with her mnamn. She has brothers but im the only one who knows about it because she is too afraid to tell them about it. Im really worried that that asshole might do something bad to her i told her to tell her brothers but she wouldnt and im really stressed out. What if something happens to her? What if he finds her alone? so i ask you guys what do u suggest she does malet if you have any ideas on how she can deal with that asshole so she is safe. Thank you for your time,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9931911826133728 2020-05-24 15:36:55,"Heyy everyone how r u doin.... what I wanted to vent rn is there's an idea that just popped out in my head every second it's just suicide.... it's not that I wanna suicide my self I'm perfectly happy sooo happy its got nothing to do with killing my self but the idea keeps pooping in my idea and gives me uncomfort, I think this thing happened when my neighbor suicide himself and I was just soo scared I didn't about suicide before so but I'm kinda good now... but what I wanna ask rn is, is there who has experienced this feeling Tksss I really feel soo good rn",joy,NEGATIVE,0.5336376428604126 2020-05-25 07:27:50,Hey guys i've always had this question in my head. Do we all have the same chance isn't it unfair to those who was born and living in some countries which doesn't know God exist. In Christian's way of view isn't it unfair for Arabs i mean it's hard to believe in Jesus they can't know much about him being raised in a Muslim family with that culture. And the same goes for Muslims isn't it unfair for Christians and jews that lives in a different countries that doesn't know anything about Allah? I feel it is so unfair and makes me kind of judge God(sorry God) to make it easier to understand just think that the religion you follow is not the right one and neither ur friends religion but there is A creater you never know about but is being worshiped in some countries and you never had the chance to know more about that God and you died is it fair?!,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9988779425621033 2020-05-25 07:38:20,"Hi I'm... I'm 19 year old male a campus student Well the thing with me is I'm sad I'm kinda a military teen all I do is read and workout and I feel sad cause all my life nobody loved me eventho I'm a decent guy like I know that I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life and I fear that ya thanks for hearing",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9914677143096924 2020-05-26 08:10:49,"Hey unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent I am a girl n am 20 years old. I was sexually harassed when I was a kid by 2 ppl. The 1st one was my cousin when I was 6 yrs old n he was around 15 yrs old I guess. At that time my mom used to ask him to help me on my studies and what he did was harassing me several times. The second one was our neighbour when I was grade 4. He harassed me once n he chnged his place after that so I had never seen him again. This killed me inside n made my childhood dark. My mom is very serious n aggressive person so we have never been that close. So telling her wasn't an option. Bcha I was very conserved person so couldn't tell anyone. Then after sometime I became busy at school mnamen ena I was unconscious abt it for years. I also kinda forgave my cousin...I mean we've never talked abt it plus he became religious person now. The problem is in this lockdown I started realising how it is affecting me psychologically in my present life...I literally started remembering everything n it's driving me how can I overcome my childhood trauma? Pls help",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9951487183570862 2020-05-27 07:38:16,"I am lonely i come from a broken family i dont know what it is like to love someone and be loved in return my parents never apologized or felt like they were in the wrong for what they have done i have had a traumatic childhood I have tried to seek help from People but what i got in return was betrayal and an obvious answer that they don’t care so I stopped opening up nd built a guard so high that nobody knows me anymore but i am all ears for those who want me i wont sit here and front like i dont have a plate at my table everytime i wanted food and am grateful for that but that soul food that you need to keep up in life I never had that i am surrounded by selfish people that only want my presence when it’s beneficial to them so I stopped having people around me too but still my problems never end what should i do? I know that I have reached at rock bottom !i am a firm believer that everything passes thru time but now am scared I’ll pass first I am everyone’s therapist but who is mine?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9453259706497192 2020-05-27 07:38:54,Hi people I didn't actually realize I was an alchol addict I used to drink with people or alome anything i didn't care I still do it and it took me 8 years to realize it please how do I stop please please tell me how please,realization,NEGATIVE,0.9937373399734497 2020-05-27 11:17:04,"So I heard there a psychologists here. This girl ik really thinking of committing suicide ,so if u can talk to her please...",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9969242215156555 2020-05-27 17:33:16,"hi there, this is my first time venting here. i am not that type of person that would socially vent problems but here i am. as a child there is a big space almost a year or 2 that i don't completely remember. and some parts that are cloudy. i had a therapist i do but im in quarantine now. trauma is unknown. but also i went through some hard stuff in the years im 15 now,small right? yes but i suffer with a LOT of mental illness and im not self diagnosing its medically or professionally proven. lets list some ; ADHD,DID,ASD,bipolar disorder,severe depression,gender dysphoria,sleep disorder,mania disorder and more. i used to handle is really good but this year i get multiple panic attacks low self esteem and confidence im easily breaking down and for other personal reasons im a lesbian and a non binary. but that's why im here. so i just wanted to know if anyone suffers from these and if you have any advice for me. DON'T TALK ABOUT THE LESBIAN AND NON BINARY PART ITS NOT ON THE TABLE please. thank you",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9939828515052795 2020-05-28 09:53:27,"Someone vented about sexual assault and some people were like ""you're not alone."" Like that should make her feel better. I was a victim too and trust this just made me sad because this happened to so many of us, it is now considered the new normal. . Everytime we go to school they make fun of us, when we try defending our selves society be like ""zem blesh athejim."" Not once did people get on my side. Everytime we were sexually assaulted, we are the ones getting ashamed, not the men. Everytime a doctor touches you inappropriately, no one takes an action to prevent that from happening. From tera ye mender lekafi to rapists, why aren't they being punished for what they are doing to us. I just hope men realize the damage they are causing and learn.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9945573806762695 2020-05-28 16:52:13,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity So i always thought of suicide and i tried but today felt like i really need to get away from all this things I've been holding everything inside for the past years i don't know myself i mean I don't know my purpose yes i believe in God but it's hard and hurts so much so i grab a knife to cut my wrist before that i tried to poison my self but i couldn't find anything at home so i go along with what i have but when i am about to do it i felt scared of surviving what if i didn't die and everyone think I'm crazy or pity me so i stopped myself just by slicing my finger slowly it didn't bleed and it doesn't mean i don't want to die i just want it to be simple no suicide note and everything i don't want help I'm tired of everything i just need letting it out",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9911172389984131 2020-05-28 19:37:52,Hey guys pls help me or give me idea ..i really need father die 3 month ago. my mom did not have a job ..she is suffering alot..she is 5 month pregnent and i have little bro ..u have no idea how hard it is this 3 months and i have to work to help my mother just 18 (collage student )soon i will be 19 .. pls tell me how can i get really money fast (if i can)i need to work hard for my mom but i don't know what to do . i heard some ppl make money using there phone how..?or other things ..pls help me i don't know what to do,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9993832111358643 2020-05-29 08:59:14,"hi guys. i really wanna know how life feels without any anxiety. being super calm is my forever wish and i kept using weed to be calm, alive and be present at the moment.but i can't use weed anymore cuz weed actually mess up ur face,ages u fast. fuck up ur face and skin. so for people who have no anxitey. can y'all tell me what life feels without anxitey so i can atleast imagine it.",desire,NEGATIVE,0.9866101145744324 2020-05-29 08:59:56,So the thing is I can't be alone ...I get scared when im alone in a room i feel like there is something around me....yehone minkesakes neger yale yimeslegnal or demo demts yisemagnal even at night bichyen metegnat alchelm yikebdegnal as if something is around me and b/c of some voices or movements i hear so i usually sleep with my sister she is younger than me i hug her when i get scared i feel like she will protect me ....sometimes i'm fine being alone gn yinesabignal ena roche wetalew ....and im almost 21 and im acting like im 5.....i dont think there is a help to this ... I just wanted to let it friends will obviously make fun of me if they knew,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9921205043792725 2020-05-30 07:58:20,"Hey im a girl My problem is sewochn alsemam whether is a good or bad i can only hear my voice i didn't mean that i can't communicate with people no im pretty good at it gn i never wondered what if their right? When im given an advice i might say okay but i never try it and i think its messing my life coz they sey ""ብልህ ከሰው ይማራል"" i only use this way to advise(which most of my friends agree im good at) other people Their still a high probability i might not get what u will advice me but if you know any books to recommend Thank you i appreciate that",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9945582151412964 2020-06-01 08:15:03,"Hello ppls out there, how are you? It might sound silly. I am a dude early 20s. I was in med school before quarantine. Now i am in my home town. I spent most of my time at home. Coz i kinda have no friends(close) out here. No GF. And spending most of my time at home is making me feel less of a grown up man. And is making me a bit depressed. I mean l have close friends in campus but I don't wanna call and make a lot of speech about how lonely i am. so what should i do, tried academic study, books, movies. But they didn't replace friends to hang out with. If anyone having the same problem?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9989287257194519 2020-06-02 17:34:52,"Hi there everyone I'm a girl and a uni student I have an issue that is I'm afraid of everything being perfect ..not that I have a perfect life but if I'm happy and excited I get too scared that something might go wrong and make me sad does this happen to any of u or is this just me ?? I imagine how things will go and get scared what if my imagination gets ruined by something bicha its really scary and how can I over come from this thing ?? Thanks y'all for ur time",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9974742531776428 2020-06-02 17:36:51,"i am one of those campus students who was about to graduate this year,so the thing is this lockdown is forcing us all to sit with ourselves and think but as a guy who is abt to go look for jobs i was wondering how many ppl believe in the ""serche erasen elewtalew"" mindset after being employed ( if a job is available) with a small payment in ethiopia considering the nuro wdnet like rent,food and stuff.",surprise,NEGATIVE,0.9952144622802734 2020-06-03 07:51:47,"Hi everyone...lately I haven’t been able to tell anyone how I feel because I don't even know how I'm feeling clearly...I don't even know if I'm sad or anything... I feel empty. I'm from a broken family and had no siblings to grow up with. I think that affected me in many ways. I didn't have an easy past but looking back, I don't hate it that much thinking things might have been worse. But whenever I think about what should have been, how my family had to be I fall into some depression. I sometimes wish I wasn't born at all but I've never had suicidal thoughts. I used to think too much when I was in high school. About everything. I used to feel everything deeply. I could remember what everyone has done or said to me.. I had ideas, I was into philosophy and I was always sad. Then I became attracted to nature... I was a lonely creature but I think I've found something that made me feel less lonely in it. But it can't take it all away. The problem is I feel more lonely when I'm with people. That feeling is deep and I think those who ever felt it are the only ones to understand. As I grow up more my sadness turned to some empty feeling. I don't know what I believe in and what I don't, I don't trust anything. I don't know what I support and what I don't. There's nothing I'm sure about. Those bigger questions and ideas I used to think about are lost and replaced by silly ones. Everything is blurred. I forget things so much. I was a good student I used to remember what I've studied but now everything goes away after an exam, the grades ain't bad but there's nothing in my mind. And I don't care about grades and stuff as much as I used to. I feel like everything is pointless... everything.. I always try to act normal I always try to learn something to keep me busy but I procrastinate a lot and everything goes unfinished.. I've lost my old friends and I'm not that close with my new friends. I always want to be alone. And now staying at home, everything makes me angry, I don't pay attention too. I don't know what I'm becoming.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998691976070404 2020-06-04 05:16:42,"Hey guys it's me... the girl that got raped by my mom's friend. I vented about that a while ago and u guys told me to report her to a police mnam so I took ur word for it and I did. I was to scared to tell my parents so I went alone to file a report. God!!! You have no idea how the police treated me I wanna put it in quote ""sera yalebin sewoch nen lendanchi aynet chemlaka lejoch ena ehe homo people ( he used another word which I prefer no to say) geze yelenim. Mejemeria techemalekuna mewcha tatalachu medre (another insult..... alot which some of it I don't even know)... I cried ezaw hogne and he said ahun anchi selasazenshign wedebetish heji enji lelasew behon mn endemaderg asayish neber mnam belo aswetagn. So now all I've left with is a embarrassment. Police endi mel kehone can u belibe what would people say if they find out. I can't even tell my boyfriend which he is planning on proposing after all this pandemic passed. Kena beye mehed alchalkum menged ly meyayegn sew Hulu ya police endalegn kefafi sedeb mesedbegn or ene endeza endehonku meyawku ena metelugn eyemeselegn nw... please tell me what to do",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9991651773452759 2020-06-04 05:21:42,My father has been diagnosed with schizophrenia which is a really rare case on old people he doesn't take any food and he is not willing to take the medications if anyone has had an experience with such scenario please help me out what shall I do he doesn't trust anyone in the house which is creating a really hard situation for us,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9989563226699829 2020-06-04 05:22:49,"Hey Unihorse Hide my Identity I need to vent Hi i am 22 and college student. I wanna ask you Guys sm thing... I m kind of guy who is easily inspired, bcoz of this i have developed some skills so far. For example i play music instrument, I write (short novels and ወግ), and im into photography and graphic designs... My problem is i couldn't find myself in specific way and i couldn't develop my skills for better. I don't know what to don't for the future I can't choose to which direction should i go... Nowadays I couldn't find something to be passionate. What should i do?",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9974499344825745 2020-06-08 06:56:38,Do you guys ever find it hard to decide which is real and which is not? Which sound is in your head and which isn't? Cause I do I don't like self diagnosis but I can't have access to medical therapy so I had to a lot of times. And the symptoms are the same with a lot like a lot of mental illness. Now deep down I know I have them but I don't want to decide it by my own. I can't afford therapy too. My parents don't know anything about this. And most of my life I have lived with depression. And I really need your help is guys if you have anything to help me with be welcome to comment.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9983069896697998 2020-06-08 15:38:26,"Hey admins please approve my vent the thing is I hate my self I really do because no body wants I am sure I know you going to say that's not true but I am sure my mom only feels sorry for me but she basically feels ashamed of me ,I can see that people don't consider me as a human being and I am repulsive for some reason I don't know what it is about me but it makes people feel that I am not a person and that the should ignore me and get away from give me looks of disgut ,and I have been feeling really depressed about it I feel incredibly sad ,please guys how can I change my personality or what ever that's wrong with me please is it ever going to go away?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985985159873962 2020-06-10 17:06:33,Yeah hi guys this is going to be short and if possible I want answers from people who have actually experienced this problem.... So I have anxiety and on top of that hyperhydrolysis it has been tough and well I was thinking maybe there was someone who had experienced the same thing and learned to deal with it or overcame it.,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9994404911994934 2020-06-11 11:49:09,Hope admins will approve my vent . pls do. Never thought that I will actually find my self venting it goes . had serious family issues . but let's just say that I am 75% settled now . lost a person who rly meant lot to me . u guys can imagine how losing ur mom totally ruined you. Sometimes i found my self thinking that i am actually alone and no one would care about my existence at all. So if u guys went through this shit ...i would love to talk to you and be friends eventually.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9995032548904419 2020-06-11 15:56:08,"Hey guys. I'm freaking the fuck out right now. Last month, a friend of mine told me that she had depression and i tried to help her by giving her numbers of psychiatrists online and sharing some methods to fight depression and telling her im here for her. We talked for a few days after that, and then we just kind of stopped talking... For weeks. This morning i got a call saying that she had committed suicide. My whole world is falling around me, because i know it is my fault and i know i could have stopped it by hitting her up, or calling her but we weren't talking for a whole month. I thought she had her family and best friends and her boyfriend and her psychiatrist to help her in this quarantine.. We weren't best friends or something, just friends who talk occasionally, but on the times that we talked, she opened up to me, and i tried to lighten up the mood, to share my experience at that time, but i could've done more, i should've tried to keep the conversation going, i can't stop thinking about how it's my fault. The guilt is killing me and i feel like the monster i am doesn't deserve to live while she's dead. As long as i have known about her condition, i shouldn't have relied on anyone else in her life to make her feel better. She needed all the help she could get and i let her and her family and friends down. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know who to call and talk to, because I'm afraid they'll see me as a monster who took a part in her suicide. Please approve this asap",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9981243014335632 2020-06-11 22:09:42,"So I found out I was bipolar 2 years ago when I was a high school senior I didn't tell my parents b/c they are rly religious and to them the answer to any mental disease is getting baptized or praying and stuff (I mean nooffence but I think u rly have to believe in those things in order for them to work) and am not that religious. They don't even think depression and anxiety are real things they think they are things that come and go, and ppl who kill thems selvs b/c of them are possessed or something. So here is my problem, mood stabilizer were prescribed to me and till this lockdown I bought em my self I got friend that know about my situation so they help out to but now we ain't doin' things to get money so I've stopped taking them for like a month so now am on a serious depression phase and am scared b/c last time I was like this was in 11 grade and I almost committed sucide. and with this lockdown I am loosing it. So what should I do.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9988906979560852 2020-06-12 03:10:17,Does anyone in here have insomnia cause I do and I usually drink lots of coffee to go through the day. But now I don't. I don't sleep at night like at all. And I sleep at day cause I have nothing to do. But my parents are getting mad at me for that. Like it's my fault or sth.... Anyway the question is what do you do to survive though the day?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985415935516357 2020-06-12 16:24:29,"I was molested at 5. I'm 21 now. I have a little sister who is 6 now. Most Ethiopian parents refuse to talk about this with their children cause it is seen as taboo. but I've always believed that with all this evil and perversion in the world that having this talk is necessary. I plan on doing it with my kids menem teyake yelewm. I believe they need to know and be aware where it is appropriate for someone to touch you and not to touch you (with the exception of a few people like your mom, dad when I say this I mean the good, decent fathers not the creeps we hear about on the news who rape their kids) and to tell their parents immediately if someone touches them on said area. My question is how to go about it without really going too far and using language a 5 or 6 year old can comprehend?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.7370865941047668 2020-06-14 07:45:00,"Hey unihorse I need to vent Hide my identity So I gotta get this off my chest,here’s the thing in our neighborhood there’s this forest which is pleasing to spent time and 3days back i have been there with my homie talking and passing time and thats when everything that make me doubt my eyes took place. I saw it first and I looked over my friends face to cope any kind of astonishment and when I know that he saw it too I was praising God for I aint insane or mentally ill or sth,I wonder you guys want to know what I did saw back then believe it or not We saw four ball of lights hovering over the sky, and this orbs(ball of lights)move like anything on earth couldn’t put close to their speed in comparison,I have never seen anything like that moving so fast .First all 4 of them aligned and scattered in different direction and gone thin air before our eyes FYI I am not UFO ENTHUSIAST but what I am seeing ever since changed. I even saw perfect circle made by the cloud surrounding the moon that night. DO THEY REALLY EXIST so called (UFOs)OR WE BOTH HALLUCINATING ?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.912326455116272 2020-06-14 11:22:33,"Hey ppl, there's sth i hv been thinking...when u decide to hv sex with somebody what is the first thing to do to keep urself from STD i mean would u ask ur partner to checkup for HIV or's kinda weird right? And if u just go for it what if u get pls tell me sth useful abt this",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9970505237579346 2020-06-15 08:29:43,"well here is the thing I have fluid it comes from my vagina it has kinda gas smell it doesn't but but sometimes it etches and it acidic I think cuz it changes ma pants colour to kinda white changing pants daily can't even help and my period is not regular it comes like after 2 and 3 months I saw doctors 2 times and they said nth just change ur pants daily pls if u can help and stay safe",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.996136486530304 2020-06-15 08:30:12,"Hiii, So I've been lost almost my whole life & it sucks. I have had depression since I was thirteen (wc from my diagnosis points to home/family related issues). Started medication treatment & realized it won't work from me...blah blah blah so had to quit. I'm 20 now, still depressed and still lostly going through life. What I recently discovered tho is that I have many similar traits to ADHD or ADD & I was wondering if there r people here that felt similarly to those traits?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.999376118183136 2020-06-15 19:32:31,"Hii....I'm really tired of everything. For the last around 6 or more months I'm having mood swings like Soo much it makes me physically ill. It's so hard to get up and not know how I feel every minute cause it's always changing. It's so fucking hard to not know or have any clue of who u are everyone around knows what they want who they are their goal but me I don't know it's always changing like I'm being a total different person everyday. It's making my friends confused but no one is as confused as I am. I gat angry fast and I shout at people I break things I literally start a fight with big dude while I'm just a girl I dont know what I'm doing or saying at that moment. And after a whole bunch of guilt fills me with fear of them hating and they are going to leave and then I apologise but I can't stop doing this. After that I still fear being alone and I feel completely empty and I try to fill it up with food,people and other stuff but I can't and that leaves suicidal thoughts in my brain and self harm it becomes so hard to not cut at that time. I wake up the next day and I feel happy like nth happened it's starting to scare me. Help",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9924403429031372 2020-06-16 02:39:44,"Hey guys, since this lockdown I am having the worst anxiety, panic attack my head hurts almost every day. Am always taking medhanit because of it I do belive my worries are something that doesnt even exist but what if it did beye I stress and worry so much. am giving my self a hard time. I know I should use this time to make the better version of myself, do thing that I wasn't able to do before gn I can't even if I want to my mind won't let me..... I need someone to talk to. Thanks",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9943233728408813 2020-06-17 21:46:27,"managed to make a mess of my life in the last couple of years. Ive had depression since I was teenager and it got worse when I got older & the therapy just didnt work. Teachers, parents... everyone told me i had potential but what ive achieved so far is unimpressive. I'm unhappy at work. I pushed family and friends away. Now that i'm starting to see things clearly... I know i screwed up. I wish i did better at school. I wish i surrounded myself with good friends. I wish i made choices that weren't destructive. I'm afraid i won't be able to start over",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987288117408752 2020-06-19 05:34:26,"So where should I start I am 20yr old guy that has hiv I had hiv when I was born and like I am in good condition tho sometimes I get sick and tired so the thing is I am a lonely guy that doesn't go out that has social anxiety, been depressed to many times I don't don't talk to people , I had gf the best that has ever happened to me tho after 3months being together I told her I had hiv and she left same with other girls I meet I know am probably gonna die soon or later who knows am sad I just wasted my life tried killing my self didn't work so yeah hivwu yigdeleng biye tchewalehu,kezi buhala I know I ain't gonna get a girl that would love me for who I am trust me I tried so eski what's my hope? Hiv yalebachew setoch are rare and won't even tell you so how can I get what I want? Should I give up and just stop dating?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9329651594161987 2020-06-19 21:35:51,"Hey,uk there are many things in my mind yemiyaschenkugn mnamn ena drom i wasn't open to my friends telling them wat i feel mnamn gn now it's worst i'm locked down in the house i don't meet with my friend and home there's no body that i can talk and killing meeee.I miss my bf so much and i can't tell that to my family and i hv many other problems but uk i can't express it to anyone ena iy starts stressing me out ena help me pls before i be stressed much",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991530179977417 2020-06-21 09:23:05,"Hey guys , am not here to vent a personal problem but discuss more of a social problem in our society, The other day i was walking from work to my home and i saw some policemans brutalizing three youths, i got closer and started observing the situation and the case was cannabis use. I left the place but it got me wondering why marijuana is illegal while toxic products like cigarette and alcohol are legal, i mean why are they putting people to jail because they used a plant that was created by God, obviously it's not because they care about the health of the people so i was wondering what everyone else think? I say legalizing it is the right way!!!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9745607972145081 2020-06-21 15:34:13,I am tried of people always judging me cause my beliefs are different than your brainwashed minds .. can you guys honestly tell me the bible is real.. for me the bible has the exact value of a superhero comic book .. there might be someone watching over us but it isnt so called God and the stories in the bible are all bogus I'm not an atheist I believe there is something out there yes but I gave 0% belief in the prophets the world believes in .. it's time to open your eyes .. people in the future will actually tell stories about us and how we used to belive in a book some dude thought of cause he was board so I wont judge you dont judge us cause out believes is different,disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.9812953472137451 2020-06-21 17:42:11,My boyfriends father just passed away and u cant meet him cux so we talk by texts and idk what i should do i told him i was there for him and stuff and should i just talk to him like the old days about random stuff or what should u do pls help me i feel awful that i cant help him share experiances too,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9994935989379883 2020-06-22 09:54:34,I guess everyone knows me by the name called M im guy and im senior high school student and being different from the society in a good way this much waga yasekefelal yegermal im discriminated in my school coz im different coz manem yalmokerewen sele mokerku my life is full of pain abuse betrayals heartbreak & most of my life I was truly alone...I'm tired of all the times I looked at my phone waiting for a call or text from someone who just wants to say hi or check on how my day was... I'm tired of all the forgotten birthdays I had when all you had to do was send a simple wish... I'm tired of all the times I could have went out with someone but stayed home 'cause I didn't have anyone...I'm tired of all the times I just needed to talk to someone but no one was there to even try to care...I'm done being underestimated & unappreciated by all of you who never gave me the chance to show you what I'm made of... You've used me... betrayed me & never gave me the chance to be somebody 'cause obviously nobody cares about a nobody like me...i don't belong to this fucked up generation im not saying that im perfect i know bezu chegeroch yenorubegnal gen being this much different yehen yahel waga yaselefelal? This quarantine is so amazing malet mnm waste salareg lemasalef im trying but since my life is based on social media everything aketognal coz yene melew sew yelem becha This gonna be my last time to vent and to talk about how i feel coz nobody really cares,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.992388904094696 2020-06-22 09:57:05,"So,here's the problem I'm seeking help for..I'm 16,girl,a huge overthinker I mean I really overthink over and over again about anything that anybody said to me or something that happened throughout the day excessively to the point that I can't focus in school or during studying.And I mostly think about what a person I met or talked to must be thinking be it my family or my friends and when it comes to the people close to me,I feel overwhelmed for what they're feeling for example if my dad gets a little angry about something,I get excessively emotional and twice as angry as him.Ilost my mother a while back and this behavior of mine has got alarmingly worse and I honestly don't know what to do or if there's a diagnosis for it I just know that it's not healthy and it's really affecting me so guys please help me what do I do to stop?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9991557598114014 2020-06-23 10:00:11,Hey guys i need advice i am so lost rn i don't know where to start but everything is really not going well with my family witch i'm not close and not talk to... and my friends and i have drifted apart and i don't have anyone to talk to at the moment my bf and i are not talking as well and thats my fault....of course...everything is my fault i am so selfish and i have this problem where i can't think properly when i do stuff and it always makes me pay. it always gets me into fights coz i always do stupid stuff but i just can't control it and also i don't know where i am going with my life i don't know what i want to study or be which i have to decide already coz the time has come but i'm sooo lost like i'm back to point 0...i used to be such a dreamer i always envisioned myself wearing suits and doing business and being a bussy girl and being a boss and everything. i wanted to be a lawyer but everyone told me that it wasn't a good job for me cuz i wasn't a girl that was really social and i didn't really talk a lot and i can't even argue coz when it comes to arguements my lips just freeze and i don't know what to say even if i was right i'd just keep it in say nothing and be yelled at so i guess they were right and now that i don't know what to do i feel so down i have no motivation to do anything i feel lazy to even get out bed to eat i'd rather just not eat at is there anything i could do that would change me? Pls help me?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995735287666321 2020-06-23 10:00:30,"Hey guys i need advice i am losing my mind. Is it normal to feel so alone and depressed while having everything i ever wanted? I mean sure i am not close with my parents but i've never been close to them since like forever we don't even talk and also my bf is like the best bf a girl could wish for. he is the sweetest, theres nothing he won't do for me. like its crazy coz he is literally my dream guy melk bibal bahari bibal beka everything yememegnewen new yagegnehut gin still esu endemihonelegn lehonelet alchalkum malet i keep disappointing him gin still aytelagnem endezi aynet sew eyalegn why am i still depressed and not happy at all? Is it even possible pls help me out say something to me....",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.5879020690917969 2020-06-25 07:33:24,"Why would God punish us ? why would he let us live this cruel? world isn't he the merciful,forgiving God? why would he create as this bad? why would he leave us here were every one is unhappy just pretending ?why are we living this way? why??? Is there really real happy people that aren't just pretending to be? Dose real happiness really exist?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9993316531181335 2020-06-25 18:45:14,"Hey guys I just wanna ask u a question. I'm 20 n I hv been single ol ma life n its not like i hv no one mnamn cause alot of guys asked me to be wiz them like fr.So the problem is me. Im not interested in any of them. Don't get me wrong demo Im straight. Its just zat I lose interest easily like Wheneva I see sth like a lil thing I lose interest & there is always one or more that makes me lose interest in them. I hv so many crushes but they neva last. It keeps changing from one to another then I totally forgot about them. Some times Its like i dont hv any heart cause I've met alot of good guys n all oww I met this guy who I was rly open too usually I'm not, so we talked mmamn i rly enjoyed the time I spent wiz him mnamn that I tot I liked him but I was wrong again. Idk maybe Im lukin for z perfect guy who I dont think exist. Ik Im being stupid but I can't help it. I tried to give them a chance incase my feelings would change but it just caused me too much stress n I hate that. N btw I still dont have my 1st kiss tho alot of attempt was done n all b/c i dont wanna waste it on sm one I dont rly like. So my question is do u think this is normal? hv u guys experienced this before. plss leave me sm comment txs",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988331198692322 2020-06-26 08:31:32,"Hey,am 20 girl, skinny n tall w/c makes me insecure abt my body, 47. i got no health problem n home's reach in food cuz our fam wants us to get fat.(including my sister) but we always been like this.i know am not good at eating but i guess it's normal so when i get back to my point,i started eating a lot for days since this quarantine started but i read i can only gain 1 or 2 kg per month w/c is discouraging n i lost my appetite at all,lately. anything u guys know helpin to gain waight fast? besides appetizer, it didn't really work for me",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9987278580665588 2020-06-26 16:05:18,"What would you do if you find out your bestfriend is in love with you. Note that they didn't tell you,found out and you start noticing all the shit they do for you. but the thought of you together is just too cringy and would most probably ruin your friendship would you Act like you know nothing or talk about it",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.999627947807312 2020-06-27 06:24:16,Hey everyone I am 21 girl here is the thing I lost my mom when I was like 10 yrs old and I struggled to get my life together and to let that staff go but I couldn't it changed my life irreversibly I tried to kill my self so many times before but I didn't go through it I always hope I would let it go but now I don't think I can I don't think I can ever smile again so I kind want to end this pain by ending me I just wanted to know what are the right questions I should ask before I go through with suicide,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.987498939037323 2020-06-27 06:24:39,I love this person soo much and we're kinda falling apart but my heart keeps telling me to wait even if it's meant to be 10 years or so.......He is my Bro my best friend my hubby I mean my everything....He is my gift from God.......does God take away his gift.....,love,NEGATIVE,0.9485995173454285 2020-06-27 20:35:32,"I was a good kid growing up. I was somehow the guy that balanced the righteousness with the rebelliousness. All I remember was I had somewhat a good childhood. But one dark thing always followed me into adulthood. I have a cousin thats just a year older than me. He used to sexually abuse me for years starting from grade 3. He used to bring porn and show it to me and do stuff to me until grade 7. That's when I realized it and started to avoid him. But even though he stopped that, I went on with the porn. I couldn't stop. Even when I was in relationships, I watch it. The saddest thing is for me it ruined the meaning of sex. It's somehow a tool for me to have fun. I had to get it whenever I want it. So finally it turned into sexual addiction. I was in love with the most beautiful girl on Earth but I kept on cheating. Whenever she's out of town, busy with work or on her period, I cheated. I used to think I have some kind of demon or something because I couldn't understand why I couldn't control myself. She was the best thing to ever happen to me but I lost her because of this. Now this issue has ruined my life. I don't know if it's related to the abuse or if something's fundamentally wrong with me but it's messing me up. It's damaging me financially, spiritually and most importantly mentally. I can't sit and read something for more than 15 mins. Lately, all I have been thinking about is killing myself. I don't think I am useful to this world.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9985628724098206 2020-06-28 06:23:30,"Hello I am 18 and a girl. Please accept this. Everyone, my friends and family think that I am sheltered, spoiled and too optimistic for my own good, and they believe that I haven't felt pain in my life, but there is an emptiness that confuses me. I am happy most days but on occasions I am extremely sad and start crying out of the blue and sometimes I get mad at myself that I end up punishing myself. I once cut (it wasn't suicidal) myself with a bobby pin because I felt like I did bad in an exam. I don't know what it is but I am scared it will swallow me one day and my happiness will complete disappear. I don't know what to do and where to start explaining how it actually feels like. Has anyone ever experienced something like this before?",nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9962515234947205 2020-06-28 18:44:52,"Admins I hope u will approve this Helloo everyone, actually this is weird but I hope u guys will help me. I am a guy Ma problem is I have one bigger and other smaller balls. Like a lot of differences u have no idea. Both were used to be equal and the right side ball gets bigger and bigger and now it already looks like I have one ball. U can barely see the smaller one. It is scaring me a lot. Guys should I be scared? Or any one who knows about this please help me.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9940940737724304 2020-06-29 11:34:58,hey unihorse hide my identity hey everyone am Girl who is 20. and i wanted to share this so that i know what am feeling is normal and if there are people going through what am gong through. and i want some advise from who ever is reading this vent. so here is the thing i have been looking down on myself an putting peoples feelings before mine regardless of that people dont care about my feelings i am too scared of peoples opnion about me i cant even be friens with someone unless am sure that they like me for who i am cant engage in normal conversation without overthinking what the other person thinks of me i know i am an outgoing person but i have problem of being my true self in the reality word i just be what people want me to be all the time and i dont even get credit for that people take my kindness for granted and i know this isnt right i mean am better than that so i have diagnosed myself with avpd which is a personality disorder i dont know if u guys know that but most symptoms match mine the thing is i am ready to change this personality. is what am feeling normal? and how can i change please its driving me insane.,fear,NEGATIVE,0.9984909296035767 2020-06-30 06:53:06,"Okay here it goes...the thing is I dont think I can be able to have a good sex. I mean I only tried it with one girl and I ejaculated so fast. My penis was just outside rubbing and I cum. And other day the same thing happened and I couldn't get it up for another try. I think it is all in my mind and I couldn't stop it. The other thing is I am so sensitive around girls. Like even when they touch me all I think is sex, what is wrong with me? So know I can say I never had sex before but I masterbate and am scared i wont be having sex again. Ik this feels silly but girls endezh aynet chgr yalebet guy agatmoachu yakal? Beyagatemachus endet new react metaregut?",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9666419625282288 2020-06-30 06:53:49,"Hey guys So here it goes ,how likely is to be a false negative hiv after testing negative in two month ...please guys only people who are familiar or are health professionals answer this I know its three month best",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9986201524734497 2020-07-23 09:50:12,Yo ....first vent ...19 year old male ...poor big dreams ...but lately a lot of ppl been pushing me to the edge they want beef ...and now all i can think is waiting for them in the dark and literally stabbing them to death ....u might think this a joke but i swear it aint if any one had ppl like this in their lives and had overcame it ....pls say smt,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9977275729179382 2020-07-23 09:53:01,"Here goes... So me and my brother are really close, we talk about everything. & I have an amazing best friend, can't imagine life without her. Turns out my big bro had a crush on her, long story short they started dating and they are super in love, and I can't be more happy for both of them. They are the best match. But I just feel something terrible I can't even explain. I mean, they were like my best friends (separately) but since they found each other it's just not the same. They don't talk to me like they used to. My bro became distant. When we hang out she never talks about him, same goes to him. It's driving me so crazy,I can't sleep. It's like they started this amazing life and they're leaving me behind. Maybe I'm over thinking things, but she knew me for like 10 years, and when he came into her life, I can't help but feel replaced by both of them. I tried telling her how I felt, she said they would do better and apologized. I know she means well and understands where I'm at. And I'm trying soo damn hard to feel okay about it, but I can't help myself. This may make me sound like I'm jealous, but I'm genuinely happy, they're like my two favourite people. And I'm losing them to each other. I just want to be part of their life and things to be normal. I was this happy confident woman and I'm turning into a whiny little girl. I feel so bad for feeling like this... I need feed back please...",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7310647964477539 2020-07-24 08:36:30,I'm fucked up fuck fuckkk I have the worst panic attacks since quarantine started I'm happy but once in a while i haven't hanged with a single soul who's not my family and we hate each other i dont know how to make money i dont think i have a future and I'm so socially awkward and this quaranite is killing me I'm numb i got out to buy stuff and i ran into some one i knew i forgot how to laugh hula i dont think I'll have future nor get married i dont know i forgot that type of life exists please help any advice please my family are making it worse by telling me i dont have a future i know it's not significant but plz advice,nervousness,NEGATIVE,0.9994008541107178 2020-07-24 08:38:02,"I'm doing my £19K masters degree in London. When I started doing the degree I was very inspired and took classes regularly as time has passed I've fucked up everything and after the lockdown I've become a chronic masturbator, I've failed all my subjects in my second semester and my internship opportunity might be hurdled because of that. I don't know how to handle this situation. £19K is big money for me. I'm in huge debt and with a chronic maaturbation habit. What should I do? I want to work in this field that I'm training in and I have skills . But if I dont get a degree how will I be able to convince any employer? I don't want to move back to my parents house and live that life that I could've done without taking this big risk. I need advice and consolation and friends who'll help me break my masturbation habit and motivate me to study and acheive.",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9976014494895935 2020-07-24 15:17:38,"This is for doctors or anyone experienced,is there estrogen pills or injections available here?do u guys prescribe?how abt its side effects?i think i've a lack of it,i am flat in front n back..i think ppl would believe am a man if i dress like that",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9996492862701416 2020-07-25 08:57:44,"Hey guys Am here to vent Idk what is happening I just can't help it b the pushing bag for others n if I decided to think about me n do things for myself everybody thinks am to self-centered n they gang up on me n this has made me be come suicidal the problem is how much I try I still come out off it alive",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9295420050621033 2020-07-25 09:03:24, 17 and a girl well ....I kinda vent here sometimes and um here again.....I wonder wat if people really knew my life um depressed and esun admit argiyalehu but wats the use nth changed people call me sakita fendk menamn well I smile like nth is wrong when nth is right I cut to feel I feel like someday I'll die from all the medicines I took thinking it would kill me people would call me dramatic right when they don't know a thing about me except for my name I honestly want relief not death but it's not here I guess it's somewhere else why is my life like this I seriously can't even look at me in the mirror like other girls I like people and try to treat them well but how come I hate me?,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9983903169631958 2020-07-26 16:25:53,"I need to vent Idk how to say this how could ur life go from bad to worst then hell i can't even tell when was the last time I smiled I lost a lot of things since I was a kid Was being called a murder n more names from my frnds n family I have seen some good people now Idk were they went I just don't think my life is getting better am just facing one hell like day after the another its just to fucked to stay strong Idk becha I wanna sleep forever just b done with it",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.998681366443634 2020-07-27 08:08:09,I really need help i am unhappy very stressed and lonely the only person I considered home(my sister) abandoned me she doesn’t talk to me I tried to fix our problems by taking responsibilities on most things but she just looks for reasons to shut me off i tried to apologize but she always plays the victim and makes me feel like am always at fault so i gave up on that even though i cry my self to bed wondering what I did to deserve this my heart is EMPTY I stay in bed all day because am so depressed nobody checks up on me I have no one that listens to me and ask me if am okay they are too busy telling me their problems and i try and help because i know how it feels to not have someone do that for you! I am drained bro inside out drained i am not a suicidal person but these past months I just don’t see any reason to stay alive I don’t want to die bro but I don’t think i can do this anymore.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9979528188705444 2020-07-27 11:42:55,"Hey y'allI hope you're fine. I have a question for you guys specially for christians (protestants) but I'd be happy to hear from anyone. its about song or also called zefen (I don't think it have a special name in english). anywho the thing is I grew up in a christian family and the bible clearly says thats its a sin but I have this issue....when ever I get sad, happy bored and stuff like that I express myself by writing a short song about it. its my culture every since I was like 9 or 10 although the song was funny and didn't rhyme at all. I really sucked back then but through time I got better. The point is I kinda made a background research and I think.....I think.....on the bible when it talks about zefen it was talking about song written for idols. you know to worship them and stuff. but my intentions are totally different. I only use it to express my feelings and I also sing and play instruments (piano and guitar). so what do you guys think? am I sinning? should I stop? some of my friends also sing and are famous on tiktok and they ask me to collab with them but just because I feared it might be a sin I said no but I really want to do it and I'm seriously confused. I would normally talk to my parents about this things but they're living in ethiopia and I'm in NYC living with friends (the guys who are asking me to be on their video) so I really don't have no one to talk to about this things coz ther're atheist so they can't see from my point of view. see you guys on the other side I guess",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9813547730445862 2020-07-28 07:03:53,"Hey there I need to vent The thing is that i am a boy...22 years old and never been in any relationship or never had any sex life it's because of that am afraid to try cause i think am not good enougn in every short,slim and not a good looking guy so my heart always fear that no girl wants to have a date with me. I feel like am left behind coz my friends and even my younger relatives have the life that i always wanted to see...the other thing is i was very obsessed with masturbation while watching porn and now am afraid to have sex with girls.. i have been in bed with two girls for hours and can't even make any move coz i didn't know how..can any one help me please?? girls what do you have to say for a guy like me??",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9993019104003906 2020-07-29 09:23:10,"I'm the type of girl who loves watching shows and browsing the internet. My friends and classmates on the other hand enjoy posting on social media and they're very active. When I see their posts I feel like I'm missing out on something. I also don't text ppl that often and I'm lazy about it even with my bestfriends. I'm also not interested in dating nor have I ever dated. I've had crushes but relationships are a whole different thing. Most times I'm okay with it. I tell myself that I have my own thing going on and don't necessarily have to be like ppl on social media. But once in a while, it hits me. What if I am missing out on something?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9839677214622498 2020-07-30 08:32:44,"Girl,20 Am tired of crying over something I couldn't change. Am insecure about my height, am short. Have you ever thought of your words, have you ever thought how hard your making my life, I know am short but hearing it from you really hurts,hearing it from someone really hurts, it's not me who did this, it's God's work, what can I do,how can I change it. The worst part of the pain is that I still couldn't accept myself. Am not that short, but can be called short. It's a real case, am really suffering from your words, it really hurts. They say that they wish they had my shape n beauty, they say that the world is lucky to have me but this all doesn't come into account when someone says your short. ""Out of 10 people if 9 of them told you that your beautiful and the remaining 1 told you that u r ugly, your gonna keep overthinking about this one person."" And this is what's happening to me. Planned of talking to a psychiatrist, then asked a friend who once visited a psychiatrist but she laughed and said ""it's not something that needs a psychiatrist they're gonna laugh at you, nothing happened to you eko yedelaw muq yagnekal alu"" Are you guys gonna say the same, did I really have to wait until something happens to me? Am grateful for everything, am not complaining, I know I can wear heels but it still hurts when someone says shorty. I just laugh and joke with you when you say this but cry to death when I am alone, crying over something you couldn't change it really hurts, it's another level pain. It's really painful. This all happens cause of your simple yet painful words. Please don't say it to your friends, family or anyone. We all laugh with you while dying inside. What can I really reply when you say ""your short "" other than laughing with you. I couldn't say I know since we're close, or friends or family...I don't wanna reply you with rude words or show you am mad cause that doesn't make any sense for you since you just said it for fun. Think before you speak, words might kill or heal. I know you guys say it for starting conversation or for fun I know you guys don't say it to hurt me but it really hurts, couldn't explain the pain in words. It's fun for you, it's pain for me. Btw am still grateful for everything, I still won't complain though am in pain, am still gonna laugh with you. At least try not to say's just seconds of fun for you while it's days, weeks, months and years of pain for me since I can't change it, I always be thinking about it rather than working for it.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9976322650909424 2020-08-01 08:47:53,"Sup guys is the thing I’m really insecure of my skin complexion I’m dark skin girl and I have always felt like this cuz of the society’s view , the names I get called , and the boys I go after . And what makes things more painful is my friend is light skin with long curly hair pretty face nice body ..she’s the typical pretty girl who all guys go for .. and I’m right here a dark skin with short kinky hair she’s my friend and I love her but I’m supper jealous of her skin hair everything.. even the guys I like go for her she doesn’t even want them but it’s heart breaking for me ..u won’t even believe how people treat her better when we go to shops and stuff ..I can’t help it notice that life is much more easier for her cuz of her skin. As much as I want a light skin ..I don’t think I can get it .but my question is to the guys uu really prefer light skins",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.8988380432128906 2020-08-02 07:19:00,"Hey unihorse. Hide my identity. I need to vent. Hey! I'm a girl and i have been going through some things lately.when ever i hear about rape my whole body shakes and i get so mad and i always think what if i was in the position of the one who get raped. I already have a big trust issues and i can't sit alone with my dad, i get scared even tho i know he won't do anything to me not only my father but my younger brother too.i just get terrified and i think i need some help.feel free to comment .",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9973588585853577 2020-08-04 07:03:13,"I want to know something why do girl lead us on with no intention to be with us ? You get out hopes up with all your flirting and makeups but you have 0 intentions to hangout or be in a relationship with us , do you just like playing with your feelings? Ik people say men don't have feelings but news flash we actually do. So if your one of those girls who just leads a guy on and have no interest in him please stop that a pretty shitty thing do do NGL. If you want attention or a higher league in the food chain amongst other girls this is not the way. STOP :/",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9992058873176575 2020-08-04 07:04:30,"This is for all the girls out there who r too insecure about their Bodies either too skinny or too fat or anything for that matter. We all need to stop desperately obsessing over these things. I say we because I am one of those girls who never had that perfectly round booty and those perfect boobs but then I just grew tired of it all. I said the hell with it all and started owning it started dressing the way I wanted to and guess what all I got back is positive feedback. Nobody is like nobody we're all one in a million, I know we heard this like a 1000 times but it doesn't make it any less true. Trust me u being too skinny or u being too fat is not what's keeping guys from dating u, guys don't date u because u're too insecure about your self people pick up on that. They way u treat urself is they way every one else will treat u. Idk maybe someone somewhere out there needs to hear this. Fuck what other people think about u. It rly doesn't matter. It all comes down to what u think about yourself and what u believe u deserve.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9978545308113098 2020-08-06 04:19:58,"i think i have the corona i really am not quite sure but yesterday i met a client i work for and earlier that day he met up with someone who got tested +ve for corona minutes after. He told me they didn't have a serious contact had breakfast on separate dishes and left. No touching no nothing, And that's when he came back and met up with me and we worked we were kinda close physically and i am freaking out please help !! am i in danger",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9980230331420898 2020-08-06 04:24:32,"hey guys my problem is i feel uncomfortable calling, texting or meeting my friends especially if i didn't talk them for awhile. if they text to say something, i don't know how to reply. it takes me too long. if they call, my heart starts to race i start sweating and i can't quit the conversation. so it may take too long to hang the phone. so what should i do?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.99885094165802 2020-08-07 06:59:02,"Keep me anonymous please... I don't know where my life went wrong?? I had a plan graduate, get a job and kickass at your job and change your life... Now I'm feeling hopeless I don't know where I'm going, which way I'm traveling I've lost all my aims and goals if you don't have a vision or a goal you don't have a life worth living you know I'm in a state of constant confusion I hope I get out of it soon. It just felt good to just air your issues sorry for wasting your time admins",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9995038509368896 2020-08-08 06:45:52,"Please approve my vent Long story short I was good inoccent girl , who is admired and loved by everyone and people hurted me not once or twice but many times at the end I become this me the one I don't know .... who doesn't care for every one , who uses people , who get bored of people , who is a player ..... the worst part is I like this me the arrogant and egostic me .... BUT I don't want to be bad person I don't want to create more of me in others people .",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.84504234790802 2020-08-10 02:43:30,"Hey guys Please approve this vent so the thing is I accidentally cut my self with a razor blade the someone in my family used (hiv positive but taking meds)how likely am I to contract the disease...there was no blood on on it but I cut my self not deep but it bled ...doctors what do you say",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983022212982178 2020-08-11 06:50:12,Hey so i need a help from guys who are committed for their gfs or an advice.. i have gf i love her so much but i cant stop cheating on her i dont know why..i used to have a night club months ago so i had an access to meet many girls still. The guilt is eating my head. I want to commit my self to her but seems like am having trouble i think there is a devil in me..what should i do she is everything that i could ask for,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9952776432037354 2020-08-12 16:15:03,I don't know if it's aproblem or not but I just needed to get it off my chest so here goes nothing there's my bestie's brother I had crush on him long ago but never acted cos I know he a player and now we got to know each other better and very soon he asked me out and tried to convince me he'll be faithful and all ....of course I said no cos of his reputation but I keep thinking of what if he's changed like he says I wanted to believe him and I talked to ma bestie she said don't even think about it ik she's looking out for me but I feel like she don't think um good for him so I stopped talking to her about it promised I won't do anything but everytime I try it's getting harder to not think about him and I even stopped meeting and all but it's getting impossible to do that sometimes I can't even sleep it feels weird to say this cos I was on of those ladies who does not believe in such lovey dovey things but here I am talking about it and I want to stop it can any one tell me how??,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9986536502838135 2020-08-13 03:32:11,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Am a girl, 19 I am actually a happy person, like real happy. But that doesn't mean i don't have any problems in my life. I have enough reasons to be sad and depressed all the time. But i didn't choose to be like that. I choose to be happy and am happy. It's not that i am feeling less or something but i don't get sad most of the time. But there are moments where i feel like am about to explode cuz i kept all my problems inside and covered them with my happiness, and i hate that feeling. Feeling every single shit of my life for a moment and then it goes away fast. Then am back to smiling and happy me. What i don't understand is my happiness is not fake at all neither is my sadness. Is it okay to feel two different things at once?",joy,POSITIVE,0.9915415644645691 2020-08-14 09:33:21,"Hide my identity Hi am a 16 year old girl. I used to be happy , optimistic the girl everyone loved , everyone at school or home saw a sweet happy girl who was perfect but I wasn’t I had demons and problems and facing them has changed me. I am more dark and plain evil. My father is literally afraid of me and my mother thinks am evil and almost every person I know says I am the coldest person they’ve met yet also they say am the best Person . I don’t like this me , the one that laughs in other ppls misery and I don’t know if I can change so please-help",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9278833270072937 2020-08-14 09:35:33,"Hey guys My identity isn't important. But my story needs an audience. Please approve this vent because I'm convinced I desperately need help. This all started when I was young . I wasn't even aware at the time that what I was doing was fucked up or considered insane. Almost on a daily basis, I would daydream about hurting my parents and sister It wasn't because I hated them. It was because I thought it was fascinating and I wanted to find out how it would feel. I remember this one time, I was in Sunday school and we were learning about how Samson killed a bunch of guys with just the jawbone of a donkey and I started imagining, in detail, how I would do that to the boy sitting next to me. I even told him about it years later and he laughed. I guess he thought I was joking. As I grew up, these feelings evolved as well. I began to obsessively dream about hurting every person I saw... On the street, in school, at church, relatives, everyone. Obviously, I didn't act on my feelings. But not out of compassion but the fear of getting caught. I confided in one of my friends once, and she told me that I was probably possessed. I think she was joking. In any case, I don't believe in that BS. Recently, a friend of mine sent me a video of a man getting hacked to pieces and you can imagine my reaction. For those who lack imagination, it was exhilarating. I started obsessively browsing the internet for similar videos and I now have a folder full of them. Whenever I'm not watching the videos or deep within one bloody fantasy or another, I'm depressed out of my mind. Surprisingly I have never wanted to kill myself. I even truly considered it once and the thought didn't appeal to me. I feel like all these emotions are building up to something big, something sinister. I think I require help before I lose my mind and do something I won't be able to regret. Please Help Me Or am I beyond help?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9720453023910522 2020-08-15 08:53:57,"Hide my identity Hope y'all in good health. I'm 17 and a girl. I'd appreciate it if Christians (protestants) comment. I used to hate to go to church as a child bc of the overreacting teenagers and a Sunday school teacher that wouldn't stop asking me questions. When I get older I completely stopped attending all services including Sunday's bc i believed everyone was a hypocrite. In the mean time, I'd spend hours reading the bible at night and pray whenever, until I met someone that made me question my belief. Told me that bible has a radicallly different meaning than what we(evangelicans) think. With a full proof that felt so true. So I stopped reading the bible bc, afterwards, it appeared super complicated. A year later i decided to drop the the new belief and join a fellowship. I Became the old me. Then i started realizing that mojority of People from church never walk the talk. Including church pastors. Congregations are gatherings of hypocrites. But before I even know it, I myself started drifting away. Found my thoughts far away from God's. I can't even remember the last time I actually read the bible for myself. I Become the hypocrite that I never thought I'd become. I had never doubted God -I still dont- but I'm out of touch with God. I really want to the restore my relationship with him. Any suggestion is welcomed. Thanks.",realization,NEGATIVE,0.9713030457496643 2020-08-17 08:32:58,"Hey so I am in this dilemma and I need your help. I was in serious relationship 3 years ago and after we broke up haven't been on a date. I turned every guy who asked me out. But now there is this guy I really like and he has no idea. We are friends, good ones. My feelings for him are getting intense and am planning on telling him( even though my friends say it's a bad idea ) because I might lose him as a friend if he doesn't like me back. But the thing is even if he does am not sure if I want a relationship with him because I think he is out my league and I feel really insecure around him. Am not talking about looks demo I am cute and everything. its just he has an interesting life and he is the kind of person who got life figured out. all i want to know is, is it okay to tell a person you like them and don't want to date them ? HELP ME OUT Y'ALL AM GOING INSANE HERE",approval,NEGATIVE,0.9233272075653076 2020-08-18 08:19:16,"How can someone hate himself this much gn? I hate my self. I am insecure about most of my things. My mind betrayed me‍, I feel like am regarding or something. The ine thing I can tell proudly about my body is that am tall. I am close to skinny, I am black(I dont hate it that much too), I am bald(trust me I am 24 and I am bald), even if I am bald my body has a lot of hair, my leg is hairy. I hate the hair on my chest‍. I probably have a testicular cancer, my dick size used to be big but for some reason it is shrinking or not idk but it is not the same, let say it is medium. I have a erection problem, which means I dont fuck well. I am not good at bed, may be sometimes I can be good. So everything is wrong with me...I am someone no one wants to be with. Who wants to be with this guy?No one aydel‍, honestly tell me este am screwed a?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9989407658576965 2020-08-19 07:08:33,"So I vented before and am gonna add one that is ruining my life. I am univ student and since I am bald, tall and with beird for that I look old. Nobody believed my age when I tell em. I believe my so called best friends even doubt that. I freaking look old for my age. So nobody seen me as there ekuya. Yemyayugn somekind of guy sera norot degree lemesrat endemeta new meyayugn. Fuck I hate this. I cant enjoy with my friends with all the people staring at me, I can't get drunk and lose it with them because they see me as an outsider. I justed wanted not to give a fuck about all this and I tried but I just couldn't pull it through. I know u guys will say u just ignore the peoples. I cant ignore there thoughts everyday UK, it is difficult. U will only understand this if u were in my position. There are some good comments from my previous vent, so thank you all guys, j really appreciate that. Am that black bald guy from univ. P.s",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9959701299667358 2020-08-21 09:24:53,"Hey everyone so here is my vent I've been through many sexual harassment as a kid and dont wanna talk abt it in details now and the thing is i never talked abt it with anyone and i'm really open person to my best friend but cant talk abt it with her cause it brings me a lot of trauma n its easy for me to forget and live my life in peace now and my question is, is it okay to talk abt my previous life with a boyfriend like to open up with him cause i have a friend who did that and her guy broke up with her and told her its her fault and ik this is fucked up but how do you guys feel if your girl open up abt her past sexual harassment experience?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.991326630115509 2020-08-23 03:23:08,"Hello u all, Well am having this problem with this guy....I literally have no feelings for him but he won' just get it. He is driving me insane and Idk what to do. I mean like he hacked my telegram account to see n all I mean he is taking this seriously n am freakin out. He literally follows me around n send me pictures of wt i did. I am freakin do I tell him that I don't have feelings for him, I mean like I did so many times but he is not buying it. Jesus....pls help!!!!!!!",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9981094598770142 2020-08-23 09:45:24,"i met a guy a year ago and considered him as a great friend. But the thing is, the guy always chases drama. He creates new trouble and later on blames me for it for absolutely no reason. I was quiet for a while but then he only gets worse. He manipulates people and acts like a victim. So I told him to grow up and stop acting immature and blocked him because it's the right thing to do. And it was peaceful for a while until a girl says she was bullied anonymously and he said that I may be the one who did that. Since the guy is popular in our friends circle everyone started attacking me for no reason. Then after all that. I told the guy to leave me alone but he said I'm a bad person for blaming him after doing all of this. did I do the right thing by ending our friendship?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9977783560752869 2020-08-27 20:15:07,Some guy has a nude picture of my friend and he's threatening her and telling her he'll post it with her face if she won't pay him but trust me she's doesn't have that kind of money and neither me. We tried to go to the police but I can't even explain the way she was treated by one of the female polices lemn laksh sijmr mnamn bla bey ahun semshn kematfat wuchi mnm ataregim erasesh yametashw negr nw alchat. Sijemer lesu alnbrm yelakchw keselkua yhone sew serkobat new mihonw manm gn ayakm. kesua blay ene neg yechecnekgn. koy mn enadrg mskin eko nat ljun enasdebdbew? ene gra gbagn eski mela kalachu ngerugn,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9990078806877136 2020-08-28 07:58:02,"Hey how are you guys doing I have to let this out of my system so first before corona happened im the type of girl who would go out by my own I rarely want company but this guy met me on social media so he told me he started falling for me and stuff so I wanted to know him too so we met and he saw and it was corona that time when we first met and it was all distance and stuff so we kept our distance and sat and drink juice and so he stared at me and told me you are the I asked the one for what he told the one who will change his life so I was surprised cause it was the first day we met so I asked how he looked through my eyes and said you are the one who will make me stop the drugs and I wish I met you earlier second time we met in person it was a bit awkward didnt feel like myself around him he wanted to sleep with me weird rightanyways he kept on sending me all this texts then I went stuck in my home cause of corona I was actually starting to like him his late night texts( not worth it by the way noone should be led by this)but then even at this time he told me he is going out to smoke even in the corona season then he asked me naked pics like 3 times so I rejected it 3 times im not dumb I know what boys do with naked pics so I said no like 1 month before he told me we are not meeting up so I let you gooh my god I felt silly so silly then I started to question myself I mean he even told me you are the women of my life and picture myself having kids with you so I felt a bit silly actually very, I felt like I wasnt worth a shot that a person gets bored of me easily god I felt sad deep down my soul I was even planning to make his drug addiction go away and was it worth it koy this generation love is this it all about naked pics?late night useless texts?and lies that gets out of mouth without meaning?what is this?",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9984549283981323 2020-08-29 04:25:54,"Hey u all... Okay so I don't know what to do...pls give me advice. There is this guy I like and dumbass me ignored him since the quarantine which is like 5 months now...we were like so close back then. I really missed him. Every time I tried to call him or text him...there is this feeling I have telling me am prolly z worst frnd ever. But, I cant help it, I rly want to make things right again...but am stuck on what to do. Do u think I should call him? Plsss tell me ur thoughts...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994121789932251 2020-08-30 09:28:30,"Hey guys, how yall doinnnnnnn....., I wanted you help with something, I have a bit of a crush on my neighbor and I wanted to approach and talk to her but somehow I can't do itttt, I've never approached a girl in my life ( mostly I just meet through friends and then I'll have no problem getting along) and also, we're new here and I haven't really talked to anyone since I came here. She and her other sister and a couple of other kids from the neighborhood go out and hang out out front and all I do is look at her from the first floor balcony and sooooo I'd really appreciate it if you could help me talk to her. Thanks in advance",gratitude,POSITIVE,0.7617846727371216 2020-08-30 09:34:01,"20 Y/O here And this is for my Protestant ppl I have decided to get a tattoo ena mn tlalachu I've checked the bible and it specifically says "" You shall not make any  cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the lord "" Leviticus 19:28 So it doesn't forbid unless it is for a dead person ena anything I should know before getting one ?",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973649382591248 2020-08-31 06:54:42,living and competing with people who don't have depression. it feels like I have an unfair disadvantage.,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9993519186973572 2020-09-01 06:31:27,Hey y'all sup?.... the thing is e my uncle dro fela eyeneberku he told me abt sex alot we watch Spartacus together mnamn and when i grow up i watch porn and i addicted i do masturbate....guy now i really susegna to sex but once ke set ga yaderkut sometimes i hate my self for being this but i can't do anything i try to stop but my dick betnsh neger new milew..pls help what can i do‍,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9957440495491028 2020-09-01 06:34:48,"Guys I have a lot in my mind am a rly rly rly overthinker dude And I want answers Why do I have to study work hard get up early and study and shit like that , I didn't ask to get born so why are my fam shouting at me day and night why Why am I the only who is getting stepped on why am I pushover why am I a good friend and everyone around me is trash Why am I not understood by ppl Why am I like this WHY DO I HAVE TO LIVE ?",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9979590177536011 2020-09-02 18:34:07,"Hey guys,,am a girl,recently i heard a girl was raped after she was poisoned by someone she knew for 5 yrs,on social media,so i met this guy online,ena we chat for about 4 or 5 month,,keza he told me he wants to meet me gen i told him i cant cuz of this corona thing,gen z real reason behind is zat am scared zat z same thing will happen to me as zat girl,so i dont dare meet zat guy even if corona ended,,,gen z problem is zat now am scared zat am not secure anymore malete bet hogne rasu,i will think zat someone will do something to me,i mean wat if am a victim of such things minamin,,ena so wat should i do bout such feeling,,,,need ur advice thanks in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9987218976020813 2020-09-04 07:12:23,"Have you ever prayed to God to kill you in a car accident or something? I mean I would commit suicide but I don't want my family, Girlfriend and Friends to be devastated thinking they could have done something. And this isn't a teenage vent. I am in my late Twenties and I am indifferent to Life. I have had good moments and bad moments but I feel like it would be better if I just stopped existing. Can I make my own suicide look like I died of natural causes? I feel like that would be the best way to move on. And Please no advices on how great life can be. I understand but even it's greatness isn't that much appealing to me.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9985816478729248 2020-09-04 07:13:08,"Its that..some part of me wants to be popular and some part of is afraid the idea of popularity and fame...i have a really good voice tbh am good at dancing too...but no body knows about it..i dont even post pics on social media am so afraid of criticism like what if people judge me and they will surely media lay yalu misedebut celebrities if i were them i 'd already made a suicide...betam chgr alebgn alchelm...keza etewewna when i see rasen record arge...""damn am good i should really get out there"" stuck between this there any book or sth that could teach me how to not give a shit about people's opinion..thanks for reading i'm a girl tho",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9974260926246643 2020-09-05 15:31:19,Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent I'm a girl and 20.. so the thing is I have insecurities on my knee which is full of scar so that i can't wear any short cloth like that of my friends I used to fall betam when i was a child and my mom used to tell me that i will regert it later...and here i am venting so guys out here if any one has the same problem or if u know any cream that can remove the scar it would be helpfull tnx for reading,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973903298377991 2020-09-05 15:31:30,A question..why are all (most) women illogical and irrational..starting from my mom my sisters my gf and my friends..most women i know are illogical is it by nature or something? Whats up with u women?,curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9986169338226318 2020-09-05 15:34:31,"feels weird venting this since I didn't even mentioned this to close friends. but what the heck I'll just give it a try..... am a man. I'll be 2nd year campus student the coming year. so as a kid girls really hated me. I mean they wouldn't play with the boys if I'm in there team. remember how we used to play abarosh mnamn as a kid. so anyways the boys would kick me out just so they would play with the girls. and then when anyone needs anything from me they'd be like ""heyya how u doing buddy"" and stuff like that. so techniquely I didn't have a friend growing up. but then I'm a grownup now and I never thought about it through high school. but unknowingly it affected my r/ship with girls. I get super silent and shy around them. I mean I try to talk but its like my body won't cooperate. I literally feel stress on my neck then start looking down while I'm talking to a girl. and I also feel like they're just trying to use me then leave me after they get what they want. I somehow don't even trust my friends either tbh. I'm waiting for the day they'll leave me hanging. but funny thing is literally no one knows about this. not my mom and dad, not my siblings, not even mybestfriend. I was really trying to leave my past behind then move on but sadly it doesn't work that way. I was reading a blog about bad childhood memories and it said that I have to face my fears. I was like haha nice onebut then fr apparently it wasn't jokingand now I have no idea what to do. I mean how do I face my fear? where do I start? how do I end it? I'm super confused. I see all this people talking to girls without fear. I'm like but how do you do that bruhI see them as the scariest creatures ever created. like at first he created adam then when adam was like yeaa eve is like ""peek a boo""my bad, not trying to offend the ladiesand the worst thing is the prettier they get the scarier they are. none of my friends would believe me if I told them about my issue. throughout high school I tried getting my shit together and live a normal teenage life but every time I faced them I was like is this moment ever gonna end while acting like I'm enjoying their company. I wanna be normal but how? facing them isn't an option tho. its just a terrifying experience. ena if u guys have any advice let me know. and I'd like to hear from anyone who can relate. thanks for bearing till the end # stayhome#staysafe",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.998630940914154 2020-09-09 06:44:21,"Any info is appreciated guys, Do you know where i can buy adderall? Where i can get prescriptions, and how much it costs? My major problems are terrible focus and memory, and indecisiveness , does it help with that?",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989497065544128 2020-09-10 17:25:37,Hi my question is for people having sex do you guys go check out if they have hiv hospital or you just do it by condom and be completely safe what should a girl do before having sex with someone hospital enhidna check enarg teblo new,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.995317816734314 2020-09-10 17:25:48,Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tighten the noose around my neck and let it suck the life out of my useless person.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9974491000175476 2020-09-10 19:07:36,"Hey unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent Hey Am a girl ..18 n the thing is about my height I'm very short like very very short and skinny and I look like small girl it's my biggest insecurity some ppl say atadgeim enda .. others mech new koy metadegiw like endekeld but it hurts me seriously when they say those things n I get depressed and disappointed I need to get rid of this pain by any means even if it can worth my life .i always think about suicide .. is it normal to think about suicide everyday ? so guys what should I do ?",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.99898761510849 2020-09-11 06:21:10,"Hello beautiful people I just happen to be in a good mood and wanted to wish us a happy new year. Also wish everyone pretends like last year never happen because it was a shit show honestly. I am in my late 20s and I wanna drop a little wisdom for those who are younger and struggling specially the early 20 and asra people. Your generation is making your life more hard. All these social media crap Netflix putting ideas in your head.They will be making up things so you will feel insecure, hate yourself and all that bad energy. Please lift your head up and try to open your eyes. Read more. Dont be always invested on your phones.Dont let them get to you. I really hate watching y'all struggle. I wanna say it gets better but life is full of surprises and its fifty fifty chance. Just believe in yourself. We are all here we made it !!! We survived whatever these year was throwing at us. Its beautiful thing to be alive please know you are here for a reason. You made it these far. Dont wanna bore you with my optimism just know it's out of love. Stay safe and happy new year. We gone be alright!!!",caring,POSITIVE,0.8523473143577576 2020-09-11 16:58:51,"Hey Unihorse I need to vent Why is it, that in society, older people are immediately considered wiser than younger ones? Sure, age might play a part. There may be a few things our elders have learn in life that they can tell us. But why do they discredit our experiences, struggles and ideas because I'm ""too young"" or because I ""still got an entire life ahead of me""? What's more is that people are more likely to respect someone because of the number of years they lived, rather than the number of things they've done.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9973547458648682 2020-09-13 06:13:55,Hi im 22 ... and i have closed my self .. from r/ship for about 6 months and for freindships for about 5 years ... i never let freinds get to know me emotionally they just see a controlled version of me i never let them see me weep ... i dont even talk to them that much im distant..i had a freind in highschool that commited sucide ..since then i never dared to be close..i never dared to be in relationships because i always end up getting played and im the time that will love u every day like it ls my last ..and its hard getting that back..... i recently opened up a bit just a bit to someone and at the end i dont know why but i broke down ..i feel like crying all the time...why is that...i feel like this hard women i used to be is drifting away and i was happy like that,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7923470735549927 2020-09-14 08:10:59,"Helloo everyone. I hope we will have a better year in 2013. So I am from somewhere else and I study in Addis. So yehen Beal beteseb gar neberkugn ena ke friendoch gar tekemten and hulet eyalen eyetechawetin a group of 5 girls egna yalebet bar metew tekemtew meteta jemeru. Then all of my friends where wtffff setochu abedu ende ferat mnamn kere ende bka mnamn eyalu mashmuatet jemeru. Idk suddenly I got mad and what is wrong with it mnamn alkuachew keza tilk disagreement wust geban‍. All of them Vs. only me malet new. What am saying is mnalebet bebeal ken sometimes ke friends gar honew bemefelegut mood feta belu? What is wrong with that. Egna kuch blen entetalen enechawetalen a, or weys enesu setoch selehonu new endzh seyadergu sew endemenak memokerew? Is there anyone who thinks like me koy? I was fucking alone yesterday. They mentioned setoch endezh aynet bota bekerebu kutr yemebelashet probablityachew yechemral so memtat yelebachewm, setoch ketetu le adega yemegalet metenachew yechemeral slezh aytetu ayzenanu ebet kuch yebelu mnamn...we r the danger here eko, we men are the danger who try to use advantages here aydel ende‍. Tf is wrong with this generation. Come on society society eyetebale eskemech anget tedefto yenoral? Am sick of this shit man.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9992074370384216 2020-09-14 08:19:49,"hide my i have a gf and we have been together for 5 the first 3 years what we had was more than love i swear u cant even imagine how much we loved each other i was so and only into her since she was my first and the last two years she became a stranger that i dont know all she giving me is pain unbearable pain...her mood swings i tried to talked to her even egrwa laye wedke..but i guess she dont love anymore...but she wont break up with me because she likes to see me suffer,i gave her all my time my money my everything i left my family for her but all she giving me is pain...i wont break up with her because her response would be""""okay bye"""" i wont let that happen i want a revenge giving her a pain that goes all long with her life. I might kill her then kill my self i dont know anyways..bye Bzw..we are texting even rn while am writing this vent",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9949888586997986 2020-09-14 17:36:12,"Hello, 'am in need of your Help, esp protestant ppl appreciated. I grown up in a strict christian family. Lately I began to loss faith. Like I started to think anything about Christianity isn't right, life after death, heaven hell, bible stories, prophecy, healing and lot other stuffs Prayer about resisting the devil tekatel (yet) tewega(endet) and every day we do that he ain't going away. Whenever I pray and read the bible i ended up saying this doesn't sound right. I mean the life style the Bible teaches us is good but that doesn't justify every other stories. Plus I've no spiritual mentor to cries this out. Beka, thanks in advance.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9801058173179626 2020-09-15 06:34:40,"Hello everyone ,i hope you're all doing fine.This two years have been really tough for me but,thanks to a friend of mine who has been there for me on my hard days,I actually started to feel like i belonged in this world.But lately I've been feeling weak and emotial,my mood siwng is in a whole new different level.I have no idea how to cope with this.I can't always go to my friend and ask for his help, i don't want to be a burden to him. Beside he has been real distant and I don't even know why.I have no idea why i'm venting this and yea that's all and thank you in advance.",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.7683603763580322 2020-09-15 06:51:13,"Hi everyone, so a question i wanna ask for religious people, because idk I'm Confused i think...why do you believe in God? Does it make sense to believe in a God that has seen so many horrific acts on humanity yet done nothing? Like growing up i was an orthodox Christian but lately i just don't see the point. Malet why would I believe in him if he never helps me or anyone for that matter? Just so that i could get into heaven? Doesn't that make it a transaction.. Do this for me and you'll get this.. If my simple Parents can love me unconditionally without asking for anything, Why can't he love us all without all the tests, all the rules or the preconditions? Why can't he make our life easier...",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9979002475738525 2020-09-17 08:10:18,"Hey Unihorse Hide my identity I need to vent So I have been seeing some sort of flash back from when I was a kid so I think it was when I was in kg 2 I am almost 20 now so that makes it 13years ago there was this kid who would ask me to go to the bathroom with him so one day he was playing in the zwazwe so he tells me that he will let me play if I go with him I remember playing in it and then he says we have to go now then I followed him we went in to the bathroom he closed the door and I remember him telling me to open my legs wider and my mind goes blank I don't know whether if it is real or something I created I don't know what really happened what could possibly happen we were kids and I have seen him around we live in same neighborhood and whenever i see him I just want to escape i feel suffocated I always felt that way about him when I see him around but I start remembering this last few years. I don't know what I am supposed to do. did something really happened that day or is my mind playing tricks on me??",confusion,NEGATIVE,0.9984166622161865 2020-09-21 09:57:44,"Hello everyone,so here goes what I inquire...Iwant to know is it just me or does every med student feel incompetent when called doctor while still struggling to become one?Not to complain but it really scares me.Specially this holiday season when relatives gathered,they kept on calling me doctor when infact I have a looong long way to go to be even called by that title.The ones who finished med school definitely deserve it and have every right.But me,being the student that I am,struggling to pass each and every exam thrown at me,I flinch whenever I'm called doctor before my name.My fear of disappointing myself and everyone else has taken a hold on me and it got worse when all that I've learned and read is on the verge of disappearing during this lockdown.‍So,if anyone can relate help me,I need your piece of advice . Thankyou in advance",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9905456304550171 2020-09-22 09:38:36,"Hey guys i need to vent The thing is I am very depressed by thinking about my country I hear that people's are killing each other by race thing and I see the pictures of dead people slaughter like a sheep I am afraid that some one will kick my door open and kill me I can't sleep I can't eat I even can't go out side because when someone sees me something will pop up in my mind that the person wants to kill you.... the only thing I think right know is to refuge to other countries because I hate my country don't care if it's legal or illegal what should I do please help.",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9986810088157654 2020-09-24 07:33:59,"I've been down lately,like dead down, you know how life around you moves pretty fast and you're just wondering what the fuck is gonna happen to you, that's been me for the last year, I chose social class and it was an honest decision but it seems wrong these days,like I'm so fucking stupid to choose that, and then my career is also another heart attack I have absolutely no idea what the fuck in gonna do, I'm the most confused person in the whole world, then comes the part about relationships, no one likes me, no fucking one, I've never been in a relationship and I might die alone I'm never gonna find that one girl, that one who will stick by me forever, I tend to be a toxic to anyone I talk to on line or even in person, my life is a joke and I'm gonna die alone, I'm a loser with no future",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9988037347793579 2020-09-24 07:34:05,"I need to vent. Hola peps! It is first time venting please admins approve my vent so here is the thing when ever I have sex with ma bf it is so painful not always actually buh most of the time n plus I use contraceptive pill ena gn after having sex with him all his sperm flow out from ma Vagina for like three days n above ena is in normal guls have u ever been in this situation? Am thinking that I can not get pregnant in the future am so worried plz be nice n give some advice thanks stay safe",caring,NEGATIVE,0.9973081350326538 2020-09-26 16:45:46,So am 18 gl if it helps the thing is i can't concentrate on things i wanna do am too lazy and that is making me feel sick and tired i can't use my time i just cancel everything i planned for just cuz am lazy to get up from my bed it's depressing me lately please help if i continue like this idk where i will end please guys i want your help how do u motivate ur self to work for wht u want,disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9994133710861206 2020-09-27 09:06:33,"So i think I'm cute, and everyone else in my life strongly disagrees. I'm not super confident or anything like that, i just like what i see when i look at the mirror. But friends, relatives, even my mom sometimes, are always so quick to give me bad comments about my looks. I've heard stories about the other way around, but has anybody else experienced wat I'm saying.",disapproval,NEGATIVE,0.988089382648468 2020-10-02 07:54:18,"Hey how's everybody doing So, I have an abnormal disgust. I don't know if it has a medical term. Every little thing disgusts me; pepople's voice of some sort and sometimes actual people disgust me, like literally I'd feel like i'm about to pique. I cant eat if i see old people's faces and other people that my brain tells me are disgusting.(No offense, I'm just being honest) The thing that disgusted me in one person could be the way they once said something, or the way they acted or sth, guys I don't really know, but the things that disgust me are things that a normal person would consider normal. I could be disgusted when people wash their hands in some way. I sometimes even remember one person that I know and think they're disgusting. Is there a cure to this?",disgust,NEGATIVE,0.9993594288825989 2020-10-02 10:45:51,"The sole purpose of this vent is because I dont want to see others in this position. I used to take meds when i was young and i quit it after it became expensive. Sounds naive, but i just wanted to get off of my parents' shoulder. I have been fine for the past few years. Now when all hell breaks loose and i have to deal with a handful, I dont feel fine. Ofcourse, its not really diagnosed and I'm not necessarily ill again. But at the end of the day there is always that feeling of 'What if?' And it takes a toll on my head. Point think twice before you do something you'll regret. Specially those teens who slaughter the word ""depression"".",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.981717050075531 2020-10-04 07:06:18,"hello,first time venting the thing is i am really scared i am 24 and i have no dreams, no life purpose and no vision and life with no purpose is meaning less really, it's so depressing...i have a degree in engineering and truth to be told i don't know a single thing abt engineering anyways i am scared of the person i am going to turn out to be...",fear,NEGATIVE,0.9996603727340698 2020-10-06 05:50:45,"I feel helpless i have sucide thoughts one minute i am happy and with in second i feel really sad that i wana die.i have had this feeling for more than months.i dont kw why but am about to brust bezu ngeroch tedrarbubg. i want to be alone 24 7 i cut of all my friends no call no talk i havent opened up to any one even what is killing me is my boy friend since he thinks its just a lil depression every time i try to talk to him. Its not that he is bad he so understanding and sweet but i feel like he and every one are thinking i am just a lil deppresed since am good pretender. its being hard to pretend now like am ok and fine although every time i lay in bed i try to suffocate my self with blanket .every morning i wake up i feel more sad that i failed to take my life.i dont kw how i got in to this. I just want to share my feelings with u guys. Thanks",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.7250559329986572 2020-10-07 07:52:32,"So here's the thing.. I've been hanging out with this girl Ena I liked her so I asked her out and she gave me the whole you're like my brother, let's be friends speech. Ene I didn't mind bzum so I told it's cool we can be friends mnamn. Anyhow, we've been friends Ena now I met this other girl, she's great and we started dating. She found out about it and All of the sudden the girl who wanted to be just friends is all over me. Yene konjo, wde, menekakat, Mata medewel mnamn. Ene demo wef, i ignored all the hints. Finally, she told me.. I like you now, let's date. I'm not even considering it gn like setoch mndn nw chgrachu? It's like you wanna have all the boys orbiting around you, treating you nice essentially leading them on without giving anything. And the moment he does better, now you want him.. A friend wouldn't do something like this Adel. I'm not saying all women gn this is not the first time I've seen something like this with me or my bros. Like make your mind and choose what you want and stick with it. No wonder you all complain about guys being hurtful mnamn, it's a self fulfilling prophecy really. I respect you women who are true to your words, you're a keeper gn the rest of you attention seekers, you're basic yemr... Now having said this, esti bemariyam recommend me a good series along with your inflammatory comments, I'm bored betam",admiration,NEGATIVE,0.9395259022712708 2020-10-09 06:37:23,የማታቁት ሰው ፊት አልቅሳችሁ ታቃላችሁ ዛሬ እኔ አለቀስኩ but at the end of the day am not feeling good.,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9996500015258789 2020-10-09 06:39:09,"Maybe this isnt that important but how do u guys start to vent like I want to say a lot of things but how do u start to organise ur thoughts,feelings and things u r going through so someone would understand u like how u want them to see it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9312598705291748 2020-10-10 06:44:26,"Do you ever feel like as if you are stuck in time? Like all the world is moving on and you're stuck on the side walk. Wanting so bad to mingle with the crowd moving forward but if you're compelled not to move. ugh. i need a refill to keep running my life, but I'm too caught up with not moving on. I feel myself slipping into this void. normally it was people who questioned my sanity but now I really think I'm going insane. I keep having mood swings like there are a bunch of people in my body. do sane people question themselves if they're crazy? I think I need help but I cant just go to my parents and tell them I'm becoming emotionally unstable? I'm sure they will just call me crazy. again proving my point.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9934182167053223 2020-10-10 06:51:32,"Okay I have a problem and I need help, particularly from the ladies out here. So I've been seeing all these tweets about breast cancer and stuff and how October is breast cancer awareness month. And I want to like, ask my mom, to like, get a check up or self diagnosis menamn, but how am I supposed to talk to my mom about her boobs? HELP.",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.996216356754303 2020-10-10 06:54:33,Maybe y'all can take it as a Disrespect But I dont really care about that......I'm So Fuckin Tired Of You Modern FeministsGod Dammit,annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9991644620895386 2020-10-11 06:53:02,hey... can anyone please tell me how i can control my anger better...i just used to be this calm reasonable person who always takes the high road n let things just go but nowadays i just get riled up so easily n shit always happen to everyone just hating the way am reacting even to people who deserve ur worst just want to feel at peace i wud really appreciate if you could let me know of any online therapy prefrably through telegram if possible...thankyou,gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.977830708026886 2020-10-12 06:05:04,I seriously need help..... i am not inlove with my boyfriend just sooo attached its been almost two years and there are a lot of toxic traits that I have mentioned a lot to him that aren’t healthy and all of them were left with am sorries but no change i know I have a lot of flaws too but never has he ever mentioned sth that i need to fix so idk its not like am asking too much he knows he has problems too but he is way too comfortable with them that he doesn’t think he shuld change even tho he says he does want too but i see actions not words am losing my sanity in the middle I really care about him I really do i hv tried to leave bzu gize but I couldn’t he is so precious to me even though i hate most things that he does...wat do u guys think i shuld do shuld i stay or shuld I leave and how?,sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9935085773468018 2020-10-13 06:46:57,"hey ..i am 22 years old about to turn 23 in a couple of months nd currently i'm learning in college ...lately i feel like i have accomplished nothing in my life like i don't know what to do and also don't have a plan for my future ale a bezu sew seteyek endeza sebal beka they know what they want but me mnn ylm .. i don't know if sth is wrong with me ena yehenen saseb beka my mind bezu bota nw mehedew i get really stressed life u can say i don't do shit i don't drink,smoke nor hook up with girls many people think even my friends that beka hulu ngr yetemualalet bebezu ngr that's how i act but deeply that's not the they think i'm a player mnamn i can talk to girls easily make conversation flirt mnamn gn for some reason i don't have the courage to ask them out u wouldn't belive me when i say i never had gf or had sex for that matter yehe topic becha yehen semon yelele eyekebedegn selehone nw that's why i feel like sharing this and i've never told anyone about this. it feels really good to let it out...",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9975087642669678 2020-10-19 08:45:51,So am a guy..25. The thing is i fell in love with every single beautiful girl i see...more like a crush. Damn this tiktok thing demo made it hard for me.i want to hit on every single female on my way. I cant have a gf because if i see a girl prettier i would go for her and dump the previous one.I'm tired of this behavior of me i tried so many times to stop but i cant. And also i'm a sex addict. So please hold your insults for your self and give me a positive advice. I really want to get out of this.,desire,NEGATIVE,0.987163782119751 2020-10-23 06:50:51,"i think i'm having a quarter-life crisis at 20. See, the thing is no matter what i do, i can't seem to satisfy myself or anyone else for that matter. Whenever I feel like i've finally accomplished something amazing, someone swoops in and shows me just how insignificant it really is. It's sooo frustrating feeling these dark clouds gathering out of nowhere and raining on a perfect sunny day. i guess I'm just wondering if i'm the only one feeling this way",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994332194328308 2020-10-23 06:53:17,We have been together with my bf for 2 years.i think i dont love him any more i used to love him but now i dont..he is a nice guy treats me well he didn't do any thing wrong but our relationship is not fun.. i dont know how to tell him that i dont care any more.All this time i was pretending..I tried to show him but he isnt giving up..if i tell him he might harm him self..i'm in love with someone else..please tell me what to do,love,NEGATIVE,0.9916688203811646 2020-10-24 07:38:10,Admins please approve my vent...even tho this is a vent i still have a hard time saying stuff so bear with me....why are some days just really really hard for no reason. Why do i doubt everything and just wish i never existed on these hard days. Why do i feel so goddamn empty and just wish i died. Should i just start taking drugs and make my life all about drugs until my body or my mind can't keep up with the drugs and i just overdose or go crazy or something. Is it all meaningless should i just take as much drugs as i can till i die?,desire,NEGATIVE,0.9995037317276001 2020-10-24 07:42:07,"Ik y'all are gonna come at me for this because you think I'm victim blaming but I'm not. This is coming from a place of genuine concern. This is mostly to young (actually any age) girls who go out clubbing. We've heard so many stories about girls getting drunk to the point where they black out and have woken up raped or sexually assaulted, ik I've personally heard these stories. I wish it wasn't the case but we all know these things happen. Now I'm not saying don't go out or anything but aydelem drunk or unconscious honen, as women we always have rape at the back of our minds. Like I said I'm not saying don't go out at all because whatever rocks your boat right? but why do y'all put yourselves in these situations? Like okay if you wanna get drunk (which I hope you don't because what even is the fucking point but I'm not here to judge) bring a sober friend who you trust to watch out for you or just don't drink till you black out and lose complete control of yourself and your body. its that simple. Yes, its true that doesn't give anybody the right to do anything to you without your consent, conscious or not, but it is what it is, specially now. So please act responsibly and do everything in moderation! It had to be said!",caring,NEGATIVE,0.962748110294342 2020-10-24 10:03:40,Hey there am girl in 20's ena I watch porn once in a while bt after I finish watching it I regret btm ena promise ma self I won't do it again bt still after a while I will do zat so I wana stop zis sheet rly ena I need ur help,remorse,NEGATIVE,0.997509241104126 2020-10-25 05:24:14,"Hi people... I wanna ask u guys something that am curious about... Why do we live...if we are gonna die? Why we eat if we are gonna get hungry after sometime? Why do we buy sell using money?? Why do we do all of that? Its all gonna go tomorrow... we keep livin this miserable life that our elders use to?? Just whyyyyyy if there is any point other than the end is dying!",curiosity,NEGATIVE,0.9989843964576721 2020-10-28 06:47:44,"Hey ...I think I’m have hit rock bottom emotionally. My parents have been in a rough patch in their marriage for the past 6 years or something and I knew divorce would come and I thought I was ready but now that it's here I can't take it. I am about to lose my mind and through it all the only thing that comes to mind is suicide. I can't really talk to anyone about it because it's really really hard for me to open up. I'm angry all the time, I don't want to talk to anyone about anything and honestly speaking I feel like I'm mad at God. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in him with all that I am but lately, it feels like he has turned his back on me and he was the only one I could talk to. So please help me, I don't know what to do anymore .",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9992167949676514 2020-10-29 10:42:59,"So, this is not a 'humble brag' situation...... I promise. The thing is wherever I go, everybody's staring at me. I don't know if i should be flattered or get a mirror. To give you guys some context: i'm a dude, 19, average looking (or at least i think so..‍) I just don't get it. If i talk to my friends about this they'll just think that i'm bragging or overreacting or sth. I'm really spiraling right now. If anyone knows what i'm talking about, the let me know people, this is frustrating.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9994357228279114 2020-10-30 08:32:46,"Why do people see cheating as a really big thing? I never understood that. Is cheating the worst thing a bf or gf can do to you? How about manipulation, toxicity, lying about your past, pretending to be something you're not... Aren't all these things more complicated and personal than cheating? We're sexual beings. We make mistakes. And even if it's intentional, wouldn't you men prefer breaking up with me because I cheated than breaking up with me because I didn't enjoy our sex and complained about it? I don't like commitment. I grew up in a strict household so my freedom means a lot to me. We're at a time when guys can fuck you and confidently tell you that they're not looking for a relationship. Cheating is not a big deal in my opinion. I've been cheated on and it actually is freeing because you can break up with a cheater easier than a passive aggressive akurafi. Just pointing something out here.",annoyance,NEGATIVE,0.9501714110374451 2020-10-31 07:09:14,"Hello am ........ am 23 male So my life is a bit wired and I am venting here for the 2nd time. This time I want to know if there are people like me like people who are in my typa position. So basically I have no Firends due to trust issues and ex Firends where fake like Chinese shoes like the ones which make your feet burn! .....I have a girl but I don’t want to put all of the burden on her plus I have this backward mentality where opening up makes me less of a man so I keep it inside. ..... I work soo hard all I think about is money money money day and night actually I am getting some but it’s never enough it will never be i don’t know what I want I don’t know what I want to do with it but I want more of it! If I can get cash I’ll do anything! ...... I am a student I do great but I only learn for my parents just to give them something they never had! That will be PhD degree and get that last title of Dr. X. ......... my family is demanding asff sometimes huge assholes. If I count how many time that my family cursed me I would have died million times over and maybe it might have change! Family time is non existent I barely had anything I mean don’t get me wrong I get what I need but that family bonding laughing minamin l have only seen it in my dreams or in a movie! If any one experienced this please tell me or if any one knows a shrink tell me I want to talk to them how to make my self better!",disappointment,NEGATIVE,0.9960722923278809 2021-04-12 18:32:18,"This is a special ramadan calendar prepared by our very own channel designer, for our muslims members to keep track of prayer and fasting times.",neutral,POSITIVE,0.7709398865699768 2021-07-11 11:36:06,The Bot is back online.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.997427761554718 2021-10-15 19:57:36,"Sad news :( Our hosting provider had a power outage on one of their EU servers and our API also went rogue. Watching their progress, we will let you know as soon as we get back up and running. Thanks for your patience",gratitude,NEGATIVE,0.9990745782852173 2022-05-04 20:26:10,"Our apologies, it seems our bot has not been functioning as it's supposed to all day. We had not been available until later evening today. We will work on it asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.",remorse,NEGATIVE,0.9993165731430054 2022-05-27 09:29:08,The Bot Is Back Online. Enjoy!,joy,POSITIVE,0.9993886947631836 2022-06-01 12:44:59,Our bot has been offline since the start of the week. Our service provider is facing some unforeseen difficulties. We are In talks with them. We hope the issue will be resolved soon. Stay tuned.,optimism,POSITIVE,0.9036216735839844 2022-06-05 15:20:15,The Bot Is Back Online. Enjoy!,joy,POSITIVE,0.9993886947631836 2022-07-15 19:48:41,"The bot seems to be inactive, we are working on it.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9996111989021301 2022-07-16 20:02:08,"It seems we were not able to correct the error to the hilt, we are on it as we speak. And hopefully the bot will be up and running within a few. Apologies to the inconvenience.",optimism,POSITIVE,0.6172857880592346 2022-08-25 19:53:47,Our bot is currently under maintenance. It will be up online shortly.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.97089684009552 2022-08-27 16:17:17,Our bot is back online.,neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9970285296440125 2022-09-25 14:14:48,"The bot is currently inactive, routine maintenance. It will be up and running soon.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9978888630867004 2022-09-27 15:57:17,"The bot is back online, enjoy",joy,POSITIVE,0.9983770847320557 2022-10-05 17:59:00,"Concerning the ""Request identity"" feature. If your privacy settings, 'forward messages' to be more precise, is set to ""nobody"", then who ever you choose to reveal your Identity to will not be able to access your account. Simple solution, temporally set the Forward messages option to 'everyone'. Before you opt to revel your identity, once you have established contact with the desired individual, you can revert the settings back.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9983609318733215 2022-10-25 17:12:47,"Our bot is currently inactive, routine maintenance. Our services will resume shortly.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9842276573181152 2022-11-03 19:19:31,"Concerning the ""Request identity"" feature on our bot. If your privacy settings, 'forward messages' to be more precise, is set to ""nobody"", then who ever you choose to reveal your Identity to will not be able to access your account. Simple solution, temporally set the Forward messages option to 'everyone'. Before you opt to revel your identity, once you have established contact with the desired individual, you can revert the settings back.",neutral,NEGATIVE,0.9987063407897949 2022-12-08 20:06:02,"Twenty six years ago, a women was rushed into the emergency room at tikur anbesa, after a long and agonizing labour she bare fruit to a little young boy as cute as his innocence. He was not much of cry baby, quite restraind and dull to the novel environment he was introduced to. She held him in her arms crying and kissing his half bloody, gorgeous chubby cheeks. He was special to her, in a way. She had lost a young beautiful baby daughter before him. And he came to be her solace, a replacement to the horrid loss. The Frist decade or so, she was caring, attentive and loving of the at most. She gave him her all, she was his first love. She was his first kiss, she was he's everything. But history tends to repeat it self. She became her mother, as they eloquently say ""the abused becomes the abuser"". Maybe she never really got over the loss of her beautiful baby daughter, maybe her mother did her wrong beyond repair. either way, he grew up resenting her for the most of his teen years as her love and care slowly faded away. He couldn't apprehend the neglect, he grew up depressed and distant from her and all she represented. He found him self empty and void. He hated his birth, that wreathed day! He tried to end it countless times, but in some fucking how, he FUCKING survived. But he keeps hating his existence without bounds. He grew up to be a shell with out meaning. He truly and utterly wishes he knew her, his dead sister, ሰሎሜ, maybe she would have made it better, maybe she would have loved him more with out condition. Maybe be. I miss you, the sister I never got to know. That boy was ME! HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY WOLFGANG.or as you deceased aunty named you, NOAH.",sadness,NEGATIVE,0.9858058094978333 2022-12-08 20:30:46,"And this happens to be his all time favourite song, credit to some one long gone. Enjoy",joy,POSITIVE,0.998863697052002 2022-12-20 05:46:25,The Bot is back. Enjoy,joy,POSITIVE,0.9996553659439087