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2017-09-14 23:48:50
I need to vent. I can't fucking take this anymore. I love my boyfriend dearly I really do but he says the meanest things just because he's not thinking before he's speaks. For example, tonight he told me I was a nihilist. I know damn well I'm not. I'm strong in my religion and I try my hardest to live in such a way that I'm proud of who I am and so is God. I am not perfect. I have made major mistakes in life and some have cost me a great deal. He has no right to make snap judgements about me or preach to me like he's better than me and on a high horse. He judges me and my family. I never claimed perfection and my family is far from it as well but they're perfect for me. He blames my mistakes on them when it's me who made the choices I did. I AM NOT PERFECT. I WILL NEVER BE PERFECT. IM NOT GOING TO BE THE PERFECT LITTLE WIFE YOU WANT. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE PRESSURE THAT PLACES ON ME WHEN YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT HOW IM GOING TO BE A WONDERFUL MOTHER WHEN I DONT EVEN FEEL LIKE IM DONE GROWING UP MYSELF. I AM 19. I HAVE SO MUCH GROWING AND LEARNING LEFT TO DO. ALSO HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND NOT TELL ME HOW I NEED TO START READING MORE OR IM GOING TO GET STUPID JUST BECAUSE I READ BOTANICAL WRONG. WHO THE FUCK MADE YOU THE FUCKING JUDGE YOU PRIDEFUL SON OF A BITCH. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH AND BEEN IN THE DARKEST PLACES WHERE I DONT EVEN WANT TO KEEP GOING BUT I PULLED THROUGH. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME WHEN I AM GIVING LIFE ALL I HAVE. WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ALL OF THE SHOTS. WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO BE A STAY AT HOME MOM LIKE YOU PLAN. WHAT IF I FIND A CAREER I TRULY LOVE AND I DONT WANT TO GIVE IT UP. I WANT KIDS BUT IM NOT READY RIGHT NOW. I NEED TO FIND ME AND YOU NEED TO BACK THE FUCK UP. Ugh that's what I want to say. I feel less mad now so I'm done.
2017-09-15 08:05:27
I need to vent. I thought that i could trust her after all those things she did for me. But maybe i was wrong. Maybe she'd do that to every nigga out there!!! Itz stupid if ur girl doesnt have self control...
2017-09-15 08:08:11
I need to vent. (Well technically I'm just here to say kind words to those who are suffering, I will vent when the time comes) one of my best friends just sent me this channel. :) Good morning! Today is a new day! :) Let's try and stop beating ourselves up and enjoy the day with a sense of self worth! Don't forget each and everyone of you are loved, unique and beautiful in every way! You're heading somewhere great! Doesn't feel like that but it's true. Don't give up ;) Never give up! So put on your favorite dance song and jam to it until you shake it off :) Have a great day y'all
2017-09-15 15:14:01
I need to vent. Hey Unihorse . Hide My Identity. I need to vent. Okay, So am gonna let it all 20 with good figure & cute face but still hadn't been in a serious relationship. To be honest I was just thinking if I am gonna be single all my life cause am rejecting all the boys around me. I am lookin for the perfect guy which we all know its existence only on tales or romance movie. Please U guys help me cause this thing is sinking me in a heavy depression thinking that nobody wants me. Help!
2017-09-15 19:24:37
I need to vent. i need an advice about love coz I think am feeling it
2017-09-16 06:41:21
I need to vent. This is for y'all good hearts out there. We all know it's not possible to please EVERYONE but you still try to please as much people as you can, you go out of your way and do it not realizing that it will soon kick back on you. You think the world lacks goodness and you try to balance the bad with you're good but deep down you know it's not possible and it will only hurt you at some point. So STOP. No one should be more valuable to you than yourself and especially not a whole bunch of the society some you don't even know. You're not any different from them all. You too have your shit. You too suffer. Why the fucking hell does it get so freaky when its someone else that gets problems and not you!?!? We all have our share of shit and you had your own. So let people deal with themselves. Stop fucking intruding.
2017-09-16 11:34:48
I need to vent. i used to always think everybody thinks about eachother but not me. but i have realised that its just that everyone is so selfish to care about anyone else.i never knew how to be selfish and care about my self. i gave my all to this somebody with out even thinking to look back at me. i gave it all. i have now realised that he needs to figure his shit out and come back if he ever gets ready. im keeping strong and keeping my distance. im giving me some me time..i think im doing the right thing.
2017-09-17 06:03:53
I need to vent. Don't listen what people think cause u will lose yourself for them and do what u want as long as u live.
2017-09-17 11:54:01
I need to vent. I need advice. Ppl keep telling me that I need to be a lil less shy and a lil more outgoing. Well it's not like I chose to be that way, I just can't help it. Any time I meet new ppl my mind goes into overload and I end up being mute. I can't speak I can't even look at them. I will probably find a hiding spot an fiddle with my phone, which is super rude I now know. But texting or writing stuff is simple, maybe it's because of the fact that I can't delete and rewrite it like I did to this vent or maybe it's because I am not exactly using my voice but it works. Problem is I can't exactly meet ppl at a cafe and text them while eating some chocolatey delight. So help me pwease, tell me if there is a button I can push, because I seem to have lost the manual to this body.
2017-09-17 17:18:14
I need to vent. i dont think anybody in this world understands me for real lyk i dont know why ...i say one thing nd they think the worst...but i really care about them... nd i hate myself everytime they think lyk that...
2017-09-17 20:00:59
I need to vent. Sometimes, I fucking hate how this world works and how most of the things that happen to me, are not my choice.
2017-09-17 20:01:50
I need to vent. You feel it's aight not to say anything You feel like it's not right to trouble others with ur worries You feel like every time you complain, it will get worse n worse You feel like the best way to get over all the things that get to happen to you are God's way of testing your faith and strength You feel like you need to be stronger by the day to overcome all the troubles You feel like you are responsible for what you get to feel about everything that happens to u But Just someday Someday n for some minute I really do want to scream and cry : cry and scream and put my heart at ease But still i feel Everything will be okay : ifnot soon, atleast someday
2017-09-18 07:46:51
I need to vent. I can't win in this whole relationship bidness! I can't seem to understand what guys want from me, we talk and hang out and it's all good but I never seem to feel like there is a connection. I don't kno if I'm scared but I always end up pushing for being friends. I don't understand men...
2017-09-18 08:54:02
I need to vent. Hey guys I really need advice, I met this guy in class and I fell for him instantly. I know it seems like I'm making it dramatic and stuff and I'm not he's the most nicest guy I've ever met. He handled it better than anyone i ever met when he found out (accidentally) about me having anxiety issues. But he left the country and we still chat I don't know if we're flirting even though it seems like that sometimes. And I don't want to tell him anything because a. I don't know if were that close yet and b. I don't want to lose our friendship if it turns out that he doesn't like me back. Plus we have mutual friends back here and what if he tells them I don't want things to get awkward.
2017-09-19 00:42:26
I need to vent. It's my eighteenth birthday and I can do is cry over a boy. I have gotten to know boy over the past six months and he has helped me through a lot, from potential parents divorcing to dying grandparents to family drug addictions. He is always there no matter what time of day, even when I text him at 4 am he was there to help me (I was also there for him (I hope)). I don't think I was too needy. Since he goes to a different school I saw him once a month. We would have our nightly chats to talk about our days and if we didn't feel up to talking we had a sign so I don't think I was too needy. And if he needed me he would text. Once he was under the weather on the day we were suppose to meet for the end of the month but he can anyway just cause we wanted to see me. We had our little jokes for each other and we got along with each others friends, but we didn't start to become friends we met and instantly liked each other, so naturally we flirted and eventually we went on a date. The date is a horrible amazing story for another day. After the date which didn't go great but not worth ending everything for, I texted him for nightly chat and he replied but the next few days his responses got shorter until I gave up. Then two weeks after we went to a party of a mutual friend. I kept my distance so he could be with his friends. It casually chatter but he kinda ignored me. He got pet and would send me pics cause we would talk about it prior but after a few days he stopped and we went say to no talking, now a month later it's my birthday and he was informed a few times but hasn't said anything and I just want it to stop, the hurt. Cause he's just a boy but he means so much and I hope I meant something to him.
2017-09-19 01:58:21
I need to vent. I screwed up big time. I met what I believed was the perfect guy. He was too perfect though. Kept making me feel so insecure about myself because I was scared he would eventually leave me. I barely met him a few days and I fell so hard in love with him. But I never admitted it because I feared that I would get my heart broken. I personally believe in second chances. I screwed up badly to the point that he could never trust me again. We haven't gone on a date yet and I was just absolutely falling so hard to the point that I knew that I was gonna crash and burn and right now that's how I'm feeling. I wish he could forgive me for my mistake. I wish I could redeem his trust. I wish I could change the past. But I can't. I just gottal accept it, learn from it and move on. I miss him so much tho. I miss everything about him. I miss our late night phone calls. I miss the way he would make me smile everytime he would say the sweetest thing. I love him....I know I do. I just needed to say that...... And I hope to God he could forgive me.
2017-09-19 09:17:42
I need to vent. Once I met a guy, we have been talking more than 2 month and one day he told me that he loves me but I just said nothing he keep in telling me this and I told my best friend about this she told me to accept and be with him cause I may fall in love and when the moment I was thinking abt this a girl texted me... That he stop talking to her. And if I could make them together. When I asked her who can I call she told me her name and she is his girlfriend. I said owk and tell him this he talked to her and apologize. Then he said thank u to me. I couldn't hold what I want to say so I asked him to tell me the truth... Actually he is the worst guy he told me he loves both of us. By that moment I have nothing to say so I switched my phone for 3 days and after I get back I saw he texted lots of things. Even tho I was so angry I try to forgive and forget. He keep talking to me. He always make mistakes and I was tired of forgiving. He always get so angry with tiny mistakes. I was tired of all this staff. After that I start living my life in different way. I stop caring abt any one except me. And once I told him to stop calling me with my nick name which he usually calls me and call me by my real name he said lots of staff but I said I don't care say what u wanna say and he said stop talking to me I did. His gf is still talking to me about their problems can u please advise me cause am tired of this whole staff
2017-09-19 11:41:57
I need to vent. I'm looking for some help. Psychiatric help, but my parents can't know since they will blow it out of proportion. They will be too worried. I just wanted to kno if there are any places in Addis that provide this service at a fair price? Can anyone help?
2017-09-20 18:20:39
I need to vent. There's this person I've had hella feelings for, for a while now. But whenever I tell them that I like them, they like another. And each time my heart breaks even more. I gotta stop making a fool of myself in front of this person. She's so beautiful and kind and funny and adorable and perfect. She's everything I've ever wanted, but in her eyes, I'm not what she wants. And I understand why. It's because I'm ugly, I'm a dork, I'm fat, I'm petty, I'm not even funny, I don't look as good as the people she likes. I try so hard to be there for her but when I talk to her she seems so happy with another and talks about them and it hurts a lot. I just wish she knew how much I love her. I really do love her, so much. I wish I didn't though, because I wouldn't be hurting as much. The worst part is, it seems like she enjoys my pain. Then it seems as though she gets mad at me for expressing my feelings, especially for her. I'm so sorry babe. "K." No longer will I ever enjoy seeing that word.
2017-09-20 19:45:41
I need to vent. Hi. I won't say how old I am, but I'm probably younger than you might think I am. I'm going to tell you the story of my obsession (even though you don't care, this is literally just so I can vent). So, first off, my obsession resolves around creating accounts (usually social media) pretending to be someone that I'm not. But no, I don't take a picture of a random girl and say that's me. I use my face, but I change my name and personality. Out of all the social media accounts I have made, they are all fandom accounts, so it's not really ID theft (that's a different vent). Anyway, I keep getting caught with these accounts. But I keep coming back because I have made some very special online friends. It's so hard to deal with… I wish I could just have an account in peace that my parents know about. Well, that about closes up this short vent.
2017-09-20 22:36:17
I need to vent. I wanna die ....a guy promised me love he told me he loved me n it took me time to believe him ..then when I finally fell hard I needed one insurance so I lied n told him that I don't think we will work n all..... Then ,.... he said hurtful things to me n even made it so that I won't see when he is online....does that mean he doesn't love me right he was liying right?
2017-09-20 22:41:36
I need to vent. Adding to what i just sent ....I need advice should I just ignore him or should I try to apologise is it my fault?
2017-09-20 23:32:56
I need to vent. I'm a girl....a girl who thought she would find a guy to love and have a fun and cute relationship she always dreamed of .....that guy found a way through my life when I was most hurt he begged me to let him in bt after sometime I did and it was such a dream come true for quite a while bt then that guy started showing his true colors he was a player afterall he cheated on me bt he somehow managed to tell me after I saw a hickey on his neck what he did crashed me like it shattered me into pieces while he was all fine after a while he tells me he decided to get back with his ex with is also his first love they broke up recently and we got in touch again we started texting and stuff bt I'm still dead in love with him bt I'm also scared that I might get shattered again what do you think I should do...?
2017-09-21 08:11:03
I need to vent. I don't like it when people tell me they like me... I just dont. I feel like they're tryna play me or they're just saying that so i wouldn't be scared. But he was different. I showed him my true colors and he stayed but i left i pushed him away in fact i pissed him off. He is different from the guys ik he is so hidden but at the same time knows what words to use if he opens up. But why do i keep doing this why do i always find a way to kill shit before it even grows.
2017-09-21 08:25:40
I need to vent. I started this relationship, and all we do is the benefit type, but things started to change a while back, our conversations are different, like we r in a real relationship. Do I confront the person and ask what we are or do I just keep going? Please comment
2017-09-21 11:42:52
I need to vent. Hate my life so fucking much ........for people I'm that girl who is rich has a Perfect family has everything she wants n is happy but I'm not my family is far from perfect mom lost her mom n now she is in silent mode she doesn't even look at me ....sometimes i think she blames me for he moms DEATH my dad is a cheating fuck......he cheats on my mom with this little younger bitch n she even knows he is married what kind of person does that god !...n my sister's r all in bitch mode ever since my grandma died everyone has changed I have no one to talk to even my own best friend makes up reasons to not talk to me ....i have nobody fuck it's not even worth living anymore
2017-09-21 12:17:08
I need to vent. Well my life is kinda mom left us when i was 4..she remarried had dad was an alcoholic... but he was my mentor my father and my world.then suddenly he got sick bc of all z drinking..i was 15 time passed he got worse.she never bestfriend who later became my boyfriend was z only person there for me...shortly after zat he passed away..i had to move in with my mom..i hate it here..she tries to b z mother she never was..after my dads death i cant think.. i cant eat i cant im 16..and my boyfriend said he wants more than just talking..then we broke up..a few weeks later he asked my bestfriend(a girl) out..and they r together now..z only person i could ever talk to was my dad...i dont know wat to heartaches so bad
2017-09-21 12:28:26
I need to vent. Hey Just wanted to get this out... My life is not awesome, it's like all of you. And yet I am thankful every day. And all you people who always talk about the horrible silly things in your life please get a grip.
2017-09-21 13:56:09
I need to vent. I don't kno why ppl find the need to lie. Why is it that they say one thing and do the complete opposite. If you tell me to trust u and that ur my friend I expect u to BE MY FUCKING FRIEND. Not stab me in the back, that's just being a fucking hypocrite and an asshole. So TRUST ME wen I tell u this. Don't ever trust blindly, I will now go with the motto guilty until proven otherwise!!!! To all u ppl out there that think ur the shit just cuz u lie and get away wid it. KARMA IS A BITCH Named ME!!!!!!
2017-09-21 16:05:10
I need to vent. I am the most stupid person ever ... I loved a girl and now can't let go off her been 4 or 5 month and I still feel the pain like new every morning. I wish she would hate me say she doesn't wana see my face ever again maybe that would have been better .. I know she loves me still and I do too but she cant bring her self to fight for the love we have and every time i meet her I don't know what to do say or be I am lost last time I was freaking out and she said I kinda pushed her away I didn't mean to .. when we talk I always try to bring us back together but last night I think it was the end... I really hate myself for loving her
2017-09-21 16:16:13
I need to vent. I keep pushing every body around me and it keeps getting worse i dont know how to express my feelings so people think i am cold how can i open my self up
2017-09-21 18:17:24
I need to vent. I hate myself, the way I look, the way I talk, the way I make people feel. I feel inadequate, how can I love others wen I can barely tolerate myself. Every morning wen I look in the mirror I just see flaws, weather it's my skin, my body, my hair, my smile. Everything seems fake like I don't kno the person staring back at me. I don't kno how to stop it, it just keeps getting worse every day.
2017-09-21 18:38:33
I need to vent. ... I'm a guy & a university student. I've never been stable in my religious life (guess it's got sth to do with the way I was raised) …I'm an Atheist now (i dont hv issues with anyone's belief) but I dont know hw that's going to affect my future life with girls..... Most of my friends know I'm an athiest n none seem to hv issues with it but i dont know what to expect from girls i meet... I dont know hw to bring it up...
2017-09-21 18:56:39
I need to vent. So my problem is I've got many insecurities. Mainly my looks. I hate everything about me. I feel ugly and am overweight which makes it worse. I just can't control my weight. I always try to make a difference but am sooo lazy so I keep failing. If I continue like this am gonna give up everything coz what can I do with 0% confidence? Can you guys recommend anything I can do to change that?? Plsss
2017-09-21 19:50:50
I need to vent. Just need to let this out, sorry if I'm troubling y'all... i may sound like a weak complaining bitch. All my life i never really wanted anything. Everybody's suppose to have a dream I don't, sure i love music but i don't want it to be my life I have accomplished nothing, i feel empty. I'm just going to the routes that are available and seem like the most easy...i never wanted any of it No matter how hard i try to look at it, at the end of the day...We're all alone! I don't know what to do! Any advice is welcome!
2017-09-21 22:09:25
I need to vent. I am so sorry for being like this. I just can't accept the fact that I have lost you. You were my life. You were the reason I get off bed. Seeing you this unhappy is my worst nightmare. I wish I did more to make you happy. Yanchi fikir neber le'ene hiwote. I just feel worthless. Suicidal. I love you so much enat. Egzabher Yawkal!!! Maybe someday somewhere somehow we will fall back in love again.
2017-09-21 22:13:51
I need to vent. How can I say this....I'm lost, crazy lost, I felt like I had this under control and my life would go according to plan but nothing is going the way I wanted it to. And as I try and adjust to the new roads I'm taking cuz of all the L's I take every night it switches up and drops me. I need some help but can't get it seems like no one understands.
2017-09-21 22:46:14
Hey guys, the advisor bot will be down for some hours. Sorry for the inconveniences.
2017-09-22 08:50:11
I need to vent. So there is no more u in my life again. You kinda played with my feelings too you know. Its like ur confused about us right? One minute u want me next minute u change your mind. But even though i know all that i still can not hate you at all i still like you. But since we can not be together i wanna stop wanting you. Just know that if you had told me all the reasons u told me other than changing what u want we would have been together. But u blew it. Thank you big time. You know who u are.
2017-09-22 09:49:15
I need to vent. I HATE SLEEPING .. i mean i love sleeping, who doesn't ? but i can't sleep early like normal people's do. Mostly I don't have any thing to do after midnight so i just seat in front of a mirror and look at myself for hours.. I know it's really weird especially the mirror part. I've told some of my friends about my problem and they suggested me to watch a movie instead of staring at myself. I was trying it for some time but it didn't help... I just leave the movie open and go back to staring at myself. My parents saw me do that a couple of times and they were worried so now whenever i hear footsteps i run back to my bed pretending that I'm not awake. Should i visit a doctor ?? Please help. Am i really the only one with this kind of problem ?
2017-09-22 13:37:41
I need to vent. I'm a woman who has seen some ups and lots of downs but I'm naive as well cause I haven't used the knowledge I acquired through life. There's a saying that I love which reads Knowledge is knowing how to use a gun; wisdom is knowing when to use it and when to keep it holstered. Does that make sense? Okay after saying that, as a woman who has dated my fair share of men. I ought to understand some of their behavior and what's the hidden meaning of their words but I don't. I mate this guy who's intelligent, funny and kind, I'm sapiosexual BTW. I liked him but he was the first to say so. I didn't have strong feelings at first but then he started acting all hot and cold, playing with my emotions; I don't think he intended to do that. We kissed which was magical and full of passion. I'm old school so that meant a lot to me. After that, he said he wanted more and I told him No. I didn't say no cause I was a virgin, I was a victim of sexual assault when I was a lil girl and I'm still in therapy for it. I said No cause I'm afraid of sex and it'll take a whole lot of trusting that person for me to do it. After I said NO, he said he can't be with me cause he can't love me as much as I deserve and that he's still in love with his ex. I stopped all contacts with him but I miss him, I miss him a lot. Should I call and tell him I want him in my life and he can hurt me cause pain is the only real feeling I know. I'm dying inside, not because of him but because of the sum of all the shits life has served me. I need to feel something.
2017-09-22 13:37:42
I need to vent. So here is the shit. I fucked up but i always fuck up so thats no news but i just cant help myself. He makes it look so easy so fun so not scary to like someone. But me on the ither hand I'm confused asf. Idk what to do or say. I have no shame when it comes to him. I need him to tell me to stop to tell me to leave but he wont even though i begged him to. I want him soooo bad but yet i feel like running away. What am i supposed to do. How do i tell hirqmz
2017-09-22 19:05:26
I need to vent. I love my mom so fucking much ....she is my life n my stupid dad is cheating on her ! N I wanna kill him,,....should I?....or should I make him leave?
2017-09-23 14:47:45
I need to vent. Hello all... Mine is not a vent but rather a message to the people in this channel that comment on people's vents. I just want y'all to keep in mind that your words could make or break the person, if that person has chosen this means to pour their heart out they deserve proper response or even words of comfort... nothing else .....Just a thought..... Thank you...
2017-09-23 15:16:17
I need to vent. Well I'm a girl and I can't go out of z house a lot and that is kinda affecting my relationship with this guy and I really love him he is my hart he feels z same way to but get really shy around me and I need an advice on how to make him make out with Me and get out of z house more often
2017-09-23 19:44:12
I need to vent. I am trying my best to keep my friends but i can't tell them my darkest secret I wanted to trust them but every time I tried to spill it out I will feel all my pain again and I can't help it but cry I know they all feel there is something but they don't push it at all but I want to tell them but I can't so I don't know what to do please help me !!
2017-09-23 19:51:13
I need to vent. Okay. So my best friend's ex is trying to ask me out. I mean it's been a yr now since they broke up but I'm not that girl. Loyalty comes first. Or so I thought.... My crush took said friend out for dinner on her birthday and she ddn even give a second thought to my feelings. Funny thing is before that, when it was my birthday and her ex asked me out, it wasn't even a question I'd consider saying yes to. I thought they had this rule somewhere in the Girl Code. I guess not every friend reads the book well.
2017-09-23 20:09:47
I need to vent. My ex is still trying to get to me but I already had been over him a long time ago and I have told my best friend it's okay to make a move on him because I don't care about him but now he is threatening me about hurting my best friend and i don't know what I should do so help me out !
2017-09-23 20:45:38
I need to vent. I used postpil like for 5 times in a year and today to I am going to take 1 more but I promised my self no to it again....but now I am afraid that I couldn't have a baby bcuz of this
2017-09-23 21:17:14
I need to vent. So this is the deal, one of the most awkward moments happened ... I run in to my ex gf last weekend we haven't seen each other [no text no call] in over a year now. And it was so hard for me 2 say hi but she saw me and came to me and said hi talked 2 me for a while... made me feel all those feelings back again the awkward hugs, me trying to act so cool, the way she smiled at me made me feel like I was meeting my crush for z first time. I don't know if I was just feeling nostalgic or something else. And now I can't stop thinking about her WHAT'S DID SHE DO TO Me... Does this feeling ever go away?
2017-09-23 22:34:04
I need to vent. This is not a vent but an advice for the girl that just vented but didn't have the comment option! POST PILLS ARE NEVER THE ANSWER!!!! THIS IS TO ALL THE GIRLS OUT THERE!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY PILL!!!!! EMERGENCY!! Read that again and again and again!!!!! EMERGENCY!!!! PLEASE!! Take care of yourselves and your bodies! At the end of the day you are the one who's gonna suffer the consequences!! Yes he might be there he might love you blah blah blah but you're the one with a uterus!!! You're the one that's going to be bearing the baby. Post pill has a lot of consequences if taken more than 2 times the maximum. And if we speak of the quality then even once is a risk. If you're sexually active go to the clinic (you can go to Marrystops or any other clinic that provides the services) and use one of the contraceptive methods! Also if u have a boyfriend TAKE HIM WITH YOU. If u cannot do this then honestly you clearly are not ready to have sex. Girls please it's not an advil or a paracetamol!! Whenever you think of taking a post pill better yet whenever you think of having an unprotected sex think of your future!! Think of all the possibilities. You are the one that's going to take the pill which is going to affect the blessing you have, bearing a baby. Post pill can affect you in a way that you can never imagen. Go research about it. Ask a health officers. Do not rely on the freaking pill. Respect your body and yourselves!!!!! Respect the future you are going to have and don't ruin it better yet embrace it!!!!! For the love of God just think for a minute. Again it's a freaking EMERGENCY pill and not a contraception method rather something to rely on.
2017-09-24 10:59:21
I need to vent. Okay so im one of those girls who was real late getting into the dating game. My parents were kinda strict about going out in highdchool so there wasnt a lot i could do. I got into my first relationship in college. I met the most amazing guy... He was handsome, funny and sweet and everything else. But due to my lack of experience, i fucked that shit up. I had problems opening up to him, and i wasnt as supportive as i could have been. He was patient for a while but then we started talking less and less, we stopped seeing eachother and one day he just breaks up with me saying he just isnt ready for a relationship at this time and asks me if we can just be friends. I say no because he means too much for me to have as just a friend so we stopped talking. We dont contact eachother at all now except for the occasional holiday or birthday text. Its been about 8 months since we broke up and i have tried to put myself ouf there again but i just cant seem to feel anything with anyone else. i keep meeting a lot of guys and they seem interested and all but im finding it so hard to give any of them a chance. So what i wanna know is, is this normal? Is it supposed to be this hard to get over your first relationship? Because i hate this feeling so much, i just want it to stop.
2017-09-24 13:39:45
I had given up I didn't know who to trust So I designed a shell Kept me from Heaven and Hell And I had hit a low Was all I let myself know Yeah I had locked my heart I was imprisoned by dark You found me dressed in black Hiding way up at the back Life had broken my heart into pieces You took my hand in yours You started breaking down my walls And you covered my heart in kisses I thought life passed me by Missed my tears, ignored my cries Life had broken my heart, my spirit And then you crossed my path You quelled my fears, you made me laugh Then you covered my heart in kisses Dressed In Black from 1000 Forms of Fear by Sia
2017-09-24 22:17:41
I need to vent. Heeeyyyyyy So what everybody got problems?! Everybody!!! But the solution is not to cry about it. Cry about it if it lets you get over it (specifically in a r/ship). But then, the best thing to do would be looking for a RATIONAL and LOGICAL solution and then...guess what??? There comes another problem So deal with that too!!! becha becha enie milew have fun!!! Make mistakes!!! Enjoy life!!! Look at the better side of life when you feel the absolute shitiest. that how "shitiest" is spelled? hmm...anyways love you all. Take care. Leave comments about the spelling of "shitiest"!!! Real issue here
2017-09-26 06:08:44
I need to vent. I am feeling really guilty. I broke up wiz my GF recently and she was really sad about it kept calling checking up one me but I always ignored her. And now I am in a real shity situation where I absolutely need her by my side cuz she knows me better than anyone else and could understand my problems and help me in anything I do. I feel like I am going 2 be using her for my own selfish reasons and I don't think I would be able to live with my self knowing I could cause her that much pain again. Should I swallow my pride and get back together with her or stand strong and whether this shit storm which is hitting my life by my self. To be honest I am feeling really shity on how I ended things and starting a new relationship with her now would mean I am a class A asshole. I can't bear my self to comfort her. I am in a real dilemma!
2017-09-26 14:08:41
I need to vent. Well am a girl in ma early 20th confused as here is the deal i was in relationship with this guy for almost 4yrs then he had to leave the country under the circumstances i agreed and accepted that we are going to be in a long distance relationship then after he left ma life turned up side down i had to start everything all over again was the hardest time of ma life i couldn't find a way to survive he was so brave and compassionate some how he managed to find a way for us to make things work after a while he started changing he wasn't the same guy i fall in love with i tried ma best but he kept pushing me to the corner finally I gave up and let everything go i cut-off the connection we have like ignored all of his family including his mom and move on to ma life... months passed by one day his mom called and told me to come home i didn't want to but at the same time i didn't want to be disrespectful so i went, his mom told me she didn't knew what was going on that we broke up she told me to not gave up on him that his depressed and he have no idea what his doing...a lots of excuse but finally she told me he wanted to talk to me but he scared after a while he txted me saying that his sorry and i told him it's all Good since that day he keeps txting me like good morning, good night, how is ur day kinda txt i reply sometimes we talk and some how am back to square one i keep thinking about him i miss him so much i don't want to i wanna be fine again i wanna focus on ma self and let everything go but they won't let me move on...the most confusing part is when we broke up and he disappeared for month s i met this guy he is funny, smart, easy-going i do like him but i already know ma heart belongs to the other guy so i could never love him as much as he deserves to be loved i told him how i feel and he thinks it's okay to feel that way after a long-term relationships breakup and now i don't know what to do should i wait for ma ex to figure it out or should I move on and start a new life
2017-09-27 09:49:34
I need to vent. i don't know anymore i just can't the world is just throwing itself at me and i'm just not stable enough to face my problems i feel so torn i feel so empty i just want to be happy but everything just never seems to work out for me it's just so hard, i just can't help but run away from my problems, my friends and family and mostly myself. my parents just don't understand even i myself don't understand i don't know why but im just so tired and sad i don't know one minute i feel happy the second later im balling my eyes out from the simplest things my mood is just going on and off and everything is just so hard for at this point i feel like a whole giant coward bc i don't have the guts to tell anyone how i feel im just to scared to let someone know my vulnerable side im just so afraid of consequences i'm just so afraid of myself i always put up a front and tell everyone that i'm happy and that im perfectly fine with just myself and that i don't need anyone's company i just feel so tired and exhausted i don't i really don't my thoughts are scattered all over the place and i just feel so alone and i just don't want to do anything nor face anyone it just scares me knowing myself i'll probably forget in just a moment and go back to being carefree and then my sorrows are just going to come back again and if things can't get worse, im so insecure about myself, i just somehow notice all the flaws i have and im trying my best but it just seems like my best isn't good enough my head hurts i just don't know anymore and it's hard for me to get whats bothering me out due to my age ik it might be weird that age has to do anything with this but i'm still so young meaning i'm literally still in high school i still haven't got to my tough 5 years i still haven't faced bigger problems later in life yet i'm already breaking down i don't know if i'll make it i just i just can't find myself right now i just need time but there's no time.
2017-09-27 10:09:27
I need to vent. OKAY. SIT YOUR BUBBLY CHEERY BUTT DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT. THIS IS A DISCLAIMER. Yes, me and this person dated several times. BUT IT STILL DOES NOT GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO CALL ME THESE THINGS. Okay here we go. So a few months ago, maybe over kiremt, this person started calling me "a deserate attention whore who just dates people for attention, then gets people involved in my problems so they will feel sorry for me". We will reffer to ths person as… AB. Now, AB here has set off many red flags before this situation, but I was just too blind and blonde to realize it. Fast forward to a few days ago; AB here thinks it's a good idea to ask me a question. And that question is: Why I hate him. Now I go off with a good explanation, and he tells me that he was like that because he couldn't trust me anymore. So I go with the most obvious answer to that, and that is asking why it is still acceptable that he should still call me these things. HE REPLIED SAYING THAT IT DID NOT MATTER AT THE TIME BECAUSE WE WERE NOT DATING. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME: IF YOU ARE NOT DATING SOMEONE ANYMORE, DO YOU THINK THAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO CALL YOU A DESPERATE ATTENTION WHORE WHO ONLY DOES SHIT FOR ATTENTION AND FOR PEOPLE TO FEEL BAD FOR THEM?????
2017-09-28 20:20:44
Sorry for the inconveniences, the bots will be up soon.
2017-10-01 12:21:33
I need to vent. I'm in an emotional dilemma. Everything seems surreal and I'm told not to trust people more times than I can remember. My life is full of narcissists I have no idea how to help nor I can throw out of my life. I'm being sucked in every moment if everyday but I can't break the chains. I get myself into things I dread to please people and end up regretting it. However, I still do the same damn thing next time around. I really don't know how a logical person can be this worthlessly stupid. I know exactly what I should do but it seems like I don't believe I have the power to say no and just yesterday I came to a realization that I've been raped by people I had never expected would do anything of the sort. I think that got me thinking that things are going to happen no matter how much I try to avoid them. I feel mute and powerless and it hurts and I'm supposed to be too young to feel this. I don't know how it got to this, this message has started as a way to check whether the bits were working in order to prepare my vent.
2017-10-01 21:25:59
I need to vent. I want to tell him i still love him but mostly I just want to knock him out and when he wakes up tell him how shitty of a person he is!!!! you can't tell me you love me and then say you could never love someone as fucked up as me!!!! i am not crazy!!! i was right and it pissed HIM OFF!!! i knew he was cheating and lying and stupid… and when i had proof and tried to walk away he couldn't let that happen. instead he tried to convenience me i'm crazy and its all in my head and i'm fucked up!! NOPE!!!! NOT ME!!! you sir are a piece of shit and by god i hope karma comes back on you so hard you'll be lost, lonely, scared, hurt, confused, thinking your going insane….then i hope you think of me. and when you look me up or ask around like you do… you'll find that i'm happy and have succeeded in life while your still a miserable excuse for a human and a giant ass waist. and i hope it kills you inside. and eats at you every night and day. knowing that you had someone who was on your side no matter what and would have done anything for you. you deserve to be alone and forgotten.
2017-10-01 23:18:14
I need to vent. ok so im 19, i just broke things off with my ex who is a year younger than me and finishing high school. we aren't seeing other people, we talk 24/7 still, and are still hooking up. we dated for two years. i broke things off because im a mess and unstable of my feelings. one minute i want him more than anything, the other minute im mad at him for lying over small stupid things and could kill him. but now that i technically don't have him, im even more a mess and constantly want him all the time. what should I do, please help me... And I wanna mention, perfect channel
2017-10-01 23:41:31
I need to vent. I am currently seeing this girl, seeing is an over-statement to be honest.. We have fun together, we can talk for hours, and seem to complement each other well, we never run out of conversations, i like her a lot.. The catch is we aren't technically dating, she hates the idea of it... she was in a serious relationship for 3 years and then it ended abruptly, she was broken. Then we met... As i said, i really like her, but she told me she isn't ready to date and don't like the idea of being in relationship... because she is worth it, i really want to give her what she needs right at this moment, which is what we are right now... But, i also want her to be more. But far down the road, and we continue with this arrangement, my ultimate fear is, if her bf comes back calling, she will choose him and leave me.. that will certainly break me... who can compete with that history, huh?... but, if i pressure her into what i want her to be, i think she might get fed up and hit the door... i don't know what to do.. Did i say the part about how she is an amazing girl! Yeah, so Advices please!!
2017-10-02 10:38:32
I need to vent. I don't know where to start ma judgment is fucked up I want to get u out of ma life and I don't even know y ur on ma mind dat much we r not even dating him so need help in forgetting him n just help
2017-10-03 07:36:44
I need to vent. I'll keep this as short as I can so I don't bore you, but ever since I saw her last, I feel like I've fallen in love with one of my best friends. I've always sort of had a crush on her since I first met her, but I don't know why the feeling is so strong again all of a sudden. I guess it's a combination of not seeing her for a whole year due to my new school, and just spending a lot of time with her during kiremt. Getting kind of intimate with her and my friends, the way she hugged me and told me she enjoyed seeing me again. I don't know what it is. But it's eating me alive from the inside, and I don't know what to do about. Last time I told a friend this kind of thing, she vanished from my life, and I just don't want that to happen again, especially with someone I consider an even better friend. But she's just… kind of perfect. I've always been a huge wuss, and I just can't bring myself to tell her.
2017-10-03 17:52:37
I need to vent. Hi guyzz..I need ur help.I am a student and my class can be refered as "an all boys class" nd only two girls including myself.the problem is I really can't communicate with boys..sorry but I really hate them.I have freinds that are like brothers to me and I spend fun times with them but I really have problems with new boys. I should get along with my classmates but I am afraid they will see it in another way.what should I do? Do really all boys see girls with another perspective always?
2017-10-03 18:23:57
I need to vent. OWk here it goes i have a loving boyfriend but its long distance relationship in the other hand there is these cute guy i met on school he seems very nice but and i kinda like him gin what bout my bf do i let him go cuz we barely meet and the "cute guy" well asked me out HELPPP Aggghh i just feel so bad like am a bad person What do i do
2017-10-04 06:10:02
I need to vent. I don't deserve to cry anymore. Especially not tonight. I did nothing bad. I did her wrong in the past. I made her cry but now we both deserve some peace. I waited for her for too long. She used me until I became unusable. She drained me physically, emotionally and mentally without being mine. Now that I have nothing she's gone. And am still crying and looking for what's left of me to give to her. Cause that's the only thing that will keep her .
2017-10-04 10:17:35
I need to vent. Hate that four letter word that most of us express, some of us suppress but inevitably all of us feel. That's what I'm feeling right now, hatred! I hate ultimatums, I hate rules, hate being told what I can and can't do. When I asked Google, it told me I was either depressed or that it was a reflection of my horoscope. Real helpful! I hate the labels people put on me, some call me lazy but I just don't want to do it. Some call me the happiest person alive, that's just fucked up genetics. Some say I'm a pushover, bitch please I just don't feel like arguing with you. Whatever or however u see this person I have become let me tell u this, u don't kno me, so u can't judge me n more importantly u have no right to try and fit me in the box u created!!!!
2017-10-06 05:59:24
I need to vent. Hey guys... so, to keep this short, I've got a big problem with my weight & look. Especially my weight is just driving me crazy... like out of my control. It's killing my confidence, my personality, over all who I am. I tried to change that but turns out it's harder than I thought. So it'd really help if you'd recommend what I should specifically do. If any of you guys got over this problem, please tell me how.
2017-10-06 18:49:46
I need to vent. How do u live? do u live when all seems lost ..... when u have lost faith in everything n everyone..... when u actually would choose not to wake up the nxt morning..... when no one gets u..... when ur all alone.... when God is taking too long..... when the only thing ur left with is hope....n hope only .....n u don't even know if that hope is actually worth anything..... how do u live when nothing u do changes ur situation..... when all u can see is ending all this n get it over with.
2017-10-07 05:06:20
I need to vent. I don't know much about relationships..I definitely don't know about love...I mean, I can't believe I talked like I did, I don't. All I want like in the world is to just keep talking to u..I wanna know how your day was, where u wanna eat and I wanna argue with u and I wanna hear all your theories even the ones that are just completely you know wrong...and I know it's not that simple.. I don't know I just think no I really believe that if u just ..if u just be willing to continue having this conversation with me, then we can figure the rest out.
2017-10-07 11:23:34
I need to vent. Am really depressed semonun betam....i feel like nth is going on my way.i feel like the world is out to get me.i feel like i need to do something horrible o kne it is horrible,gin i feel lyk i need to do sth,for everyone to give attention to me....why the heck am i thinking like that seriously...i never felt that way before eko.....bcha alakm i feel lyk this days are the worst....class is gettinh harder,and my mood is getting worse and worse bcha i am really worriedd....very stressed as fuck....guys please i need some motivation....i need it badly please say somethinh
2017-10-07 19:45:01
I need to vent. So am so into this guy I know n I think he knows that too n I rly think he's flerting with me on purpose to make me fall then just watch me die ughh the feeling sucks u can't give up on him cause he comes n melts ur heart but leaves u n ignores u for days and break ur heart am rlyyy torn apart the feelings I got I need help any suggestions
2017-10-07 21:13:39
I need to vent. I just got out of a relationship( I think so, atleast). U know it can be confusing sometimes when u think u have broken up several times only to find yourself back in the relationship. Yeah, for all those strong people out there who broke up with their bf/gf at one go... congrats! u never loved them in the first place. .. anyways don't distract me, let me try and make my point. This was my second serious relationship(counting my first relationship that lasted 2 seconds when I was 17 as the first), unlike the first one this one was good while it lasted. I gave her all I had even if I knew in the back of my head it was gonna end one day because of this basic difference we had (Don't try guessing, let's just leave it at "basic difference"). I loved her with all I had and cared for her, protected her. I did everything I thought would make her happy... morning texts, late night calls, kisses, cuddles,holding hands, everything and I didn't expect anything in return because I felt love was giving without expecting anything in return. And then the day came when we had to sit down and talk about our future and she tells me she had her guards up the whole time because she didn't wanna get hurt... the whole fucking year ke mnamn!! That shit broke me man!! She was protecting herself the whole time. Fuck!! How about me? That was when I was like this shit is over.... even if she started to be more vulnerable with her feelings afterwards, I replay what she said over and over again in my head and i said this ain't fair for me.... anyways I hope I didn't bore u... I guess what i wanted to say is that we (guys) also deserve to be appreciated in a relationships. Those asshole girls can't just take whatever we do forgranted & complain when we say FUCK IT, I AM OUT! They will realize what they missed out on once we are gone and hopefully will treat the next guy better. Let's do one another a favor. Daaaamn! I am so Menist (the guy version of feminist) I deserve a nobel peace prize for this.let me know what u guys think down below about the nobel prize or everything I just said . Adios!
2017-10-07 21:37:25
I need to vent. Its sad. To be here crying over a guy yet again. Why do you men not understand that if you actually have feels that you can come clean about it. Why do i always have to dig through hour huge brain and find out the truth. Why does it have to be so hard to love me for me. I know im not the hottest damn i dont care gin i swear I'm done trying. You left so its your ass that will regret this not me.
2017-10-08 10:44:07
I need to vent. I need you help guys . I just can't find any happiness right now in my university life. My grade are horrible I don't know how to fix it. And it's seems like I don't even how to study and Bering my grade up. And show by family that I can change and make them proud. Pls guy's if you have any idea share it with me
2017-10-08 10:55:42
I need to vent. Why do I get the girl I don't really like and never get the girl I actually like? It's really frustrating and heartbreaking. It hurts both ways. When I get the girls I don't like, I date them out of pity or just thinking that I will like them in time but it never happens and I end up breaking their hearts and feeling bad about myself. When I don't get the girls I actually like, well you know how that feels.I've run out of hope in this dating game.
2017-10-08 14:16:39
I need to vent. I want your adivce quickly am just bored I don't know what to do the time is getting faster and faster zat I can't repair myself for my future I am so worried zat sm thing will just happen nd destroy every thing zat I have nd loose everything when I wakeup everybody ,evrythingis changing e I feel like am abt to die because of my depression n also skul is making me anixous and also evrythin is getting worse nd my best friends left me to anozer country I don't have anyone I feel like am lonely coz am adapted nd z person hu adopt me Is so bad that she make me work all z time
2017-10-08 18:25:55
I need to vent. I'm fucking stupid. I knew myself to be a good strong person that has a more versatile definition to life but here I am rambling to some bot about some stupid guy for the god knows how many time. Been with this guy for some time. It was never candies and rainbows we actually fought very frequently about the pettiest things and we broke up around 4 times so far bit we always found a way back to each other. I think I've adapted to us getting back together after the most fatal fights that I'm unable to comprehend that this time its over for good. Jeles is a narcissist and I need him far far from me but I always find ways to connect him to my unhappiness. Don't get me wrong, I am a happy person and I love life. However, when it comes to him I'm just a sadistic bastard with no pride. And this may sound like a hyperbole but it really pains. Physically pains. I'm just the black sheep and for reasons that I don't understand it kinda annoys me he is doing perfectly fine without me. That was all I wanted at first. For him to be okay ahun gn that's being one of the problems. I wish I could just be depressed about it for a month or so, just cry my heart out and at the end, accept the facts and be okay. Too bad its not going my way. I'd think I'm okay and out of nowhere he would hit and get me depressed all over again. I don't even how long this will be lasting. Fuccckkkk!! I know it's long, sorry about that.
2017-10-08 20:34:30
I need to vent. I don't know what I should do!! Bad comment or just even in conversation if they say something I get hurt really fast and I think about the conversation all day and night. And I think something wrong with me . And I feel like am really losing my confidence . I can't even go out to present in front of crowd in a class room
2017-10-12 06:44:35
I need to vent. So I’m saying this here because I’m too much of a coward to say this to you in real life. You don’t know this and hell, you probably don’t even feel anywhere near the same as I do, but I rely on you. There’s so much shit going on in my life right now and you have no idea how much it helps just to talk to you every day. We don’t even talk about whatever’s going on right now, but we spend most of our time on random stuff. You have no idea how much that takes my mind off of things, so thank you. It kinda stings a bit, knowing that you have eyes for someone else. Regardless of that, i’m going to do my best to make sure you and that special someone end up together. As long as you’re happy, i’ll do anything. I guess it’s sort of a ‘thank you’ for being there for me. I’m perfectly fine just being your supportive best friend. Anyways, I’ll always be there for you. I promise. whoops that was a mess, I’m just typing as I think and my thoughts are always all over the place. I hope you never read this for my sake and for yours
2017-10-13 12:10:35
I need to vent. Don't know how to say this, hmm. I think I like someone, the problem is I gots pride, like heaps and heaps of it. So I am acting cold and distant instead of the usual hugs and smiles. The dude thinks he did something wrong, well he kinda did he made me like him!!! I kno I'm unreasonable. Bicha I just want to make I all go away, I don't want a relationship, jut want my feeling to go away!! hooooow tho?? That's what I wana kno!
2017-10-13 18:54:32
I need to vent. I love you more than any woman I’ve ever known. The reason I know and love you is the same reason we are not together. I wanted to make things different but you were too impatient for me to make the necessary changes in my life. How can I go on knowing the best thing I could have had didn’t happen. Just know this. I love you and think of you every day. The time we spent together was pure Nirvana for for me. I thought we were inseparable.
2017-10-13 20:04:34
I need to vent. I think all the people in my life truly dont care about me sure they’re there when im ok but they freak out on me and abandon me/guilt me when i go into a deep depressive state if there was an easier way to commit suicide, i would do it i have no future, and i really dont think my death would affect anyone too long my mother and father wouldnt have to deal with my breakdowns/spend money on my worthless ass my boyfriend would finally be able to date someone who makes him happy and doesn’t bum him out everyone else honestly would probably be glad that they didnt have to worry about me hanging around i have no one to talk to without worrying that i’m just gonna bring them down too and if i even dare to mention suicide to someone they always say ‘well how about how i’d feel??’ my entire goddamn life i have had to worry about other people before myself or else i could accidentally upset them and i was programmed to feel bad about every. little. thing i ever did to inconvenience someone for once i want to be selfish and just not exist lol this is dumb but i just wanna bitch like always but not to someone who’s going to make me feel worse because i’m ‘hurting their feelings’ by talking about my own
2017-10-13 20:46:29
I need to vent. So now that am changing school i feel so happy. Was it a prison Anyways its so sad that i wont see you but deep down we both know that we aint never gonna be together so i think its good. So that there aint no more me there u can hang out with girls i wont get jealous But u never knew i would Anyways part of me will miss u but part of me is glad too. PS i loved you but i regret it now
2017-10-13 21:54:59
I need to vent. What do u do when u keep everything to ur self, when u keep all the shitty things that people do around u n just stay quiet. I try to hold it in N once in a while comes a day like this and i get filled with rage n i couldn't keep it anymore. I gettt soooo upsate, i just couldn't keep me down.
2017-10-14 11:34:48
I need to vent. So my best friend met some one and I'm really happy for her. She seems happy and that's all I want for her. But I'm a little tired of her waking me up in the middle of the night to talk about the wonderful awesome things he did for her or said to her. I mean I'm all for listening to her, cuz that's what friends do but woooow can she talk. N to top it all of she knows that I'm not in a relationship n that my last one was less than ideal. Yet she keep rubbing salt in the wound by telling me all about her 'cuddle bear' yea that's wierd no? Anyways I need advice on how to approach the subject without making her feel like shit.
2017-10-14 19:32:55
I need to vent. Do you know what i hate ! Crying i hate crying but i love feeling the pain so much i know im a sico....or sound like one but i wanna feel pain cuz i dont im so used to blocking shit out.....i cant get emotional....i wanna feel pain i cry once in a lifetime! Esunem idk why gen i wanna feel pain so much like heart broken pain the one that makes u cryyy asfff till ur eye's pop out..n i know ima read this in a couple of days or after a good sleep ..but this is me now.
2017-10-15 20:00:51
I need to vent. It's rly good to have someone to share problems wid I am tied I have never experienced freedom i'ld like to be free once in a while but my parents won't let me experience fun stuffs and I know for sure I won't go to the wrong path n be an addict or sth but i'ld really like to be independent and do my own stuff with out being asked what I am doing, why I am doing it. I am above 18 but still bossed around well u know how that feels if I go a bit out of what I am told bammm I will be homeless and stm that feels a bit tempting may I could work my way and live the life I have dreamed of. Tnx for letting me share I feels good to let it out.
2017-10-16 13:32:26
I need to vent. I'm going insane! For some reason I feel like the world is out to get me. Like if I dot hear from my friends in a day or smthn I feel like I did something to make them angry. I always feel on edge n jittery. Like I'm in between ppl or they don't want me there. I over react about the smallest things, like did that smile look forced or are they just trying to be nice. Don't they actually like me?? Yea I kno I have finally lost all sense...why is this happening I used to be fine!!!!
2017-10-18 12:11:42
I need to vent. You know that feeling? The feeling you get when life finally hits you with an epiphany? When u finally realize that you deserve to be loved and that you are loved... Like the sun rises each day, like the wind sways the trees outside my window, as sure as the blue skies are dotted with light grey clouds, I know. I offer close to nothing, I can't shower you with expensive gifts, I can't offer u smart insight, I can't afford to spend all day and night with you. Be that a it may though, I still have people around me that care, I complained each day that people didn't understand or accept me. Through all those days I had people standing by my side, friends giving me a shoulder to cry on, two ears to listen. I had taken them for granted because I felt unworthy of their love, unworthy of their acceptance. The voices in my head had out spoken theirs. So I thank you, I love you, I appreciate you. Though I lack the words and confidence to say these to you out in the open, I want you to know whether I met you years ago or we have just spent one moment together, I appreciate the time you spent with me, the energy you spent for me, and the friendship u bestowed upon me. You will now and forever have a place in my heart. Thank u.
2017-10-18 20:27:15
I need to vent. Hey there, so this is my first time doing this but here goes.. Sometimes, I feel like I don't have a deeper connection with some people. I have a lot of acquintances but none that I can call my best freinds. I know I am not a loner, though I like my own space. And I think I am freindly or so I have heard.. but I don't really understand why I don't have these close bonds or if this is normal at all... I don't like the confusion but it is here.. Advices?
2017-10-18 21:48:25
I need to vent. Well ok here is my issue, whenever we have these talks about old ages n how if it were possible ppl would just freeze time and live in the now i rly rly tried to understand their point of view but i cant help but feel, yes of course i wanna live n enjoy my life as it now it's perfectly fine now but rly if it were up to me i don't wanna live young forever does anyone else feel like not existing after a while on this earth is rly the best option like if you could just press a stop button on the best days of your life??
2017-10-19 06:58:23
I need to vent. Don't u ever get so fade up with everything sometimes. That's how I feel right now sick of everything. I just need an escape but life has its way around my sadness. I wish I can just turn off ma feelings like there was a switch botton or sth.
2017-10-19 10:26:03
I need to vent. I am going to university and I am scared of the new environment and new ppl added by my low confidence plz tell me something to keep me straight i'ld like to hear it from someone else
2017-10-19 15:13:53
I need to vent. Okay here we go...I have this boyfriend who is very handsome, rich & lovely but the real problem is here My boy is very jealous!!! Like on everyone believe me or not he said am jealous of your brother who got to see you everyday. I tried to tell him but he couldn't stop! He introduced me to his father but get jealous on his father talking with me. He even cried once cause he saw me with my male best friend. You know am getting scared now what if this get worst. He precisely told me that when we get married that he will lock me in our room that no one could see me ( that was a joke for him but I know he mean it) pals help me out here please
2017-10-19 18:37:40
I need to vent. Hello to anyone who is reading this! My story is a little complicated , I think. I am in a relationship. Me and my boyfriend has been dating for 3 years now. I love him, well I think I love him. I didn't love him back when he first asked me. I said yes because he told me his saddest moment and I couldn't say no after I saw him crying. I just wanted to make him feel better. Well one thing led to another and here we are in our 3rd year. So you might say, so what is the case here? Hmmmm... so I had a friend before I met my BF. And he was like everything to me. I have known him for 6 years now and he shows up once in a while in my life. When I told him that I got myself a BF, he became cold all of a sudden and I did not know then. But if he had asked when we were friends, I guess I would have said YES! But he did not So every time he shows up again I question my feelings for my BF. And my friend, he is so cute you have no idea! And I am a woman who watches out for the simplest romances in a relationship. My BF doesn't necessarily give me any of that. But my Friend, he is so natural at it and I want to leave my BF and be with him! But then I second think it, baaaam I do not. My BF is a nice guy, he really is but he doesn't give me those goosebumps my friend gives me! My BF is a caring guy but all of the stuffs doesn't flutter me like those of my Friend! I do not know if I should say this but even if I break up with my BF I am afraid anyone will want me ever again because I gave my virginity to My BF. Please you have to be in my shoes before judging. It is not like I wanted to give him my V, he was so depressed one day( well he is always like that since I met him) but that day he told me he was going to kill himself and all I can think I can do is letting him kiss me. So he couldn't stop and I felt bad for wanting to stop him. So I stopped myself from stopping him! Not any of my friends know this! They just know the good side of my relationship and I only show them that so when I ask them if I should break up with him, they told me I went crazy! I am so tired! And this secrets I carry are slowly killing me inside! I am not asking for any advices but writing this in Vent-here might let me off the edge a little! Thank you for your patience! And this is not some kind of copied and pasted story from Facebook. I really do exist! If anyone is going through anything that anyone around him doesn't know if I feel YOU! You are not alone! May God help me and all of us!
2017-10-19 18:39:44
I need to vent. Ugh ik u guys will judge me gin I meet this fuckin fool boyfriend I used to like him(not love) because I get him with lot of trials he was full of pride & ego cause he was the popular guy in our campus now he is in my hand I got sick of him.I tried to make him hate me but he always find excuse for me. If we have to meet I will make him wait for me for hours while am sleeping in my dorm or something then when I get there instead of getting angry he will say babe u fine ah? minamn worst of all he proposed me in front of his friends I had to accept him cause of the peoples there now tell me a way to run from this guy!! Am already soooooooooooooo sick of him
2017-10-20 09:15:11
I need to vent. Ehhh, I am so tired of every things, and everyone. I have this feelings that everyone don't want me, or it feels like I am a burden to them and I don't want to be that, some of my friends act so cold and some of them acts like they don't want me(idk if I am right or wrong but that's how I feel). And I want to be everyone's friend and I want everybody feel so free around me and I want everyone to be happy with me (mood brighter). And I am too emotional, I can get herart broken by easy things like when people get angry at me, or if they change their face around me and stuff. I always get mad @ my self after doing or saying sth, I never am proud of my self. Can anyone advice me on how to own my shit?