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| Faroese translation
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dimma_article_127 | According to the national pharmacist, there is enough vaccine in the country to meet all vaccination needs. | Sambært landsapotekaranum er nóg mikið av koppingarevni í landinum at nøkta allan koppsetingartørvin. |
portal_article_54 | The new finance minister will be Mikael Damberg, announced Magdalena Andersson today. | Nýggjur fíggjarmálaráðharri verður Mikael Damberg, kunngjørdi Magdalena Andersson í dag. |
dimma01 | Only Helmuth Kohl has served longer, he sat for 16 years and 26 days. | Bara Helmuth Kohl hevur sitið longri, hann sat í 16 ár og 26 dagar. |
dimma_article_112 | The other semi-final was between Víkingur and B36. | Hin hálvfinalan var millum Víking og B36. |
dimma_article_89a | Europe had just come out of the devastating wars, and the logic was quite clear: What you could not defend, you lost. Political power was completely dependent on military force. War and politics were the same. | Europa kom jú beint úr teimum útlúgvandi kríggjunum, og logikkurin var púra greiður: Tað, tú ikki kundi verja, misti tú. Politiskt vald var fullkomiliga treytað av hermegi. Kríggj og politikkur var tað sama. |
portal_article_59 | It is necessary to know a bit about the background of the individuals, so that the activities suit the participants, and so that the participants can be divided into suitable groups, depending on their interests. | Neyðugt er at vita eitt sindur um bakgrundina hjá teimum einstøku, so at aktivitetirnir hóska til tey luttakandi, og fyri at luttakararnir kunnu býtast upp í hóskandi bólkar, alt eftir áhugamálum. |
portal_article_53 copy | Therefore, the municipality calls on people to follow on the Facebook page. | Tí heitir kommunan á fólk um at fylgja við á Facebooksíðuni. |
dimma_article_38 | Yes, why not? | Ja, hví ikki? |
blogg31 | then we were invited for a walk in the world of the artist | so vórðu vit bjóðað á gátt í heiminum hjá listamanninum |
bavs4 | We used to play cards often in Copenhagen | Vit plagdu ofta at spæla kort í Keypmannahavn |
dimma_article_123 | - From the autumn of 2016 to the spring of 2018, I played no national matches, and during this period I began to doubt whether I would ever get the opportunity again. | – Frá á heysti í 2016 til á vári í 2018 spældi eg ongan landsdyst, og hetta tíðarskeiðið fór eg at ivast í, um eg nakrantíð fór at fáa møguleikan aftur. |
dimma_article_48 | SEV says that the company's future results should be at this level, now that major expansions are ahead, which should benefit the supply security, the supply obligation and the green course of the company, while significant self-financing must be obtained. | SEV sigur, at komandi úrslitini hjá felagnum skulu liggja á hesum støði, nú stórar útbyggingar eru fyri framman, ið skulu vera til gagns fyri veitingartrygdina, veitingarskylduna og grønu kósina hjá felagnum, samstundis sum munandi eginfígging skal útvegast. |
mbirk2 | A hotdog together with a soft long roll | Ein pylsa saman við einum bleytum langbolla |
dimma_article_89a | 1814. The Napoleonic wars are over, and the maps must be redrawn. | 1814. Napoleonskríggini eru av, og kortini skulu teknast av nýggjum. |
dimma_article_17 | The World Health Organization WHO says that although we do not know much about the omicron variant, it could be a global threat that should be taken seriously. | Heimsheilsustovnurin WHO sigur, at hóast vit ikki vita nógv um omicron frábrigdið, kann talan vera um eina globala hóttan, ið skal takast í álvara. |
portal_article_25 | The Mediation Institute summoned | Semingsstovnurin tilkallaður |
dimma_article_14 | In Sweden, it's about not having a majority against oneself, says DR. | Í Svøríki ræður tað um ikki at hava eitt fleirtal ímóti sær, sigur DR. |
dimma_article_1 | Appnet was founded in October 2002 and is based in Porkeri. | Appnet bleiv stovnað í oktober 2002 og er heimahoyrandi í Porkeri. |
dimma_article_48 | This makes sea current energy a fairly interesting possible addition to the composition of green energy sources in the Faroe Islands. | Hetta ger sjóvarfalsorku til eitt rættuliga áhugavert møguligt ískoyti til samansetingina av grønum orkukeldum í Føroyum. |
dimma13 | TikTok is a Chinese company, and today has more than one billion users. | TikTok er eitt kinverskt felag, og hevur í dag fleiri enn eina milliard brúkarar. |
portal_article_6 copy 2 | The first municipal Christmas tree was lit under the parliament building in 1934, 87 years ago. | Fyrsta kommuna jólatræið var tendrað á undir tinghúsinum í 1934, fyri 87 árum síðani. |
portal_article_6 copy 3 | If the items are not removed by December 10, they will be removed without further warning and at the owner's expense and responsibility. | Er tilfarið ikki ruddað burtur 10. desember, verður tað burturbeint uttan aðra ávaring og fyri eigarans rokning og ábyrgd. |
blogg32 | and those that the priests brought forward in speech to get the people to take other parts for themselves | og tær sum prestarnir manaðu fram í talu fyri at fáa fólkið at taka aðrar partar fyri seg |
dimma_article_60 | It can be added that the vaccination group has so far followed the vaccination pattern in Denmark. | Leggjast kann aftrat, at koppsetingarbólkurin hevur higartil fylgt koppsetingarmynstrinum í Danmark. |
dimma_article_39 | And should Teitur and HB succeed in winning overall against NSÍ, this will be the fourth year in a row that HB is the second team in the final for the Løgmanssteypið. | Og skuldi tað eydnast Teiti og HB at vunni samanlagt á NSÍ, verður hetta fjórða árið á rað, at HB er annað liðið í finaluni um Løgmanssteypið. |
portal_article_55 | The same month last year, it was 1.2 percent for men and 1.6 percent for women. | Sama mánað í fjør var tað 1,2 hjá monnum og 1,6 prosent hjá kvinnum. |
portal_article_32 | 1st prize, winter-old rams: Sigtór Thorvaldson Lützen, Syðradalur S | 1. virðisløn, veturgamlir veðrar: Sigtór Thorvaldson Lützen, Syðradalur S |
portal_article_45 copy | Furthermore, drunk driving is the cause of every fourth fatal accident in traffic, according to figures from the Nordic countries. | Harafturat er rúskoyring orsøk til fjórðu hvørja deyðsvanlukku í ferðsluni, vísa tøl úr norðurlondum. |
dimma_article_24 | Historic recognition of the Faroe Islands: MFS has been granted membership in the European Students' Union | Søgulig viðurkenning av Føroyum: MFS fingið limaskap í European Students' Union |
dimma_article_10 | Anelia Blagoeva Philbrow had the best entry from the Faroe Islands in the Danish dissertation competition among students. | Anelia Blagoeva Philbrow hevði besta íkastið úr Føroyum í danskari ritgerðarkapping millum lesandi. |
blogg33 | Like the first film which was about a Thai cleaning lady, this film is a depiction of an employee in the Faroe Islands' largest trade | Eins og fyrsti filmurin sum var um eina tailendska vaskikonu so er hesin filmurin ein lýsing av einum starvsfólki í Føroya størsta handli |
blogg5 | And we know that it can be done. | Og at tað letur seg gera, vita vit. |
dimma_article_35 | B36 now writes that the second semi-final between B36 and Víking is also postponed until Monday. The reason is frost in the field | B36 skrivar nú, at seinna hálvfinalan millum B36 og Víking nú eisini er útsett til mánadagin. Orsøkin er frostur í vøllinum |
blogg1 | That is, they do not go like wild birds without goals and means. | Tað vil siga, at tey ikki ganga sum villini fuglar uttan mál og mið. |
blogg32 | Then we went down to the church basement | Síðan fóru vit niður í kirkjukjallaran |
dimma_article_25 | One agreement is that if Morten Messerschmidt becomes chairman, but at the same time is not acquitted, then Messerschmidt will step down as chairman and Kofod will take over. | Ein avtalað er, at um Morten Messerschmidt gert formaður, men samstundis ikki verður frífunnin, so fer Messerschmidt frá sum formaður og Kofod tekur yvir. |
blogg26 | but this one that Sprotin has published I have now read over Christmas | men hesa sum Sprotin hevur givið út havi eg nú lisið um jólini |
dimma_article_75 | He reports of a storm later in the afternoon, which particularly affects the northern part of the country, according to DMI. | Hann sigur frá stormi eina løtu seinnapartin, ið serliga rakar norðara part av landinum, sambært DMI. |
bavs3 | It literally and figuratively made us strangers to members in this country | Hann bókstaviliga og myndaliga gjørdi okkum fremmandu til limir í hesum landi |
dimma_article_83 | Before the broadcast about the Congo raid, informed Kringvarpinum in writing that if it is confirmed that the companies or individuals that Kringvarpinum deals with are abusing's services for legal violations, then will immediately stop the services. | Undan sendingini um Kongoránið boðaði Kringvarpinum skrivliga frá, at um tað verður staðfest, at tey feløg ella persónar, sum Kringvarpið viðger, misbrúka tænastuveitingar hjá til lógarbrot, so steðgar tænastuveitingunum beinanvegin. |
dimma_article_106 | The film is in Icelandic and English, and has English subtitles. | Filmurin er á íslendskum og enskum, og hevur enskar undirtekstir. |
blogg35 | Other prizes are to be included in a Faroese youth book. | Aðrir vinningar eru at sleppa við í eina føroyska ungdómsbók |
portal_article_52 copy | And not least, to be able to have the animals and everything else he had up under Ternuryggi, this was what Petur lived for. | Og so ikki minst, at kunna hava djórini og alt annað hann hevði uppi undir Ternuryggi, tað var hetta Petur livdi fyri. |
bavs13 | He has to go to the army and undergoes harsh training | Hann skal í herin og fer undir harða venjing |
blogg29 | Don't put anything in, my daughter said | Legg onki í segði dóttirin hjá mær |
blogg30 | where the poet talks about the son who fears it | har yrkarin sigur um sonin sum ræðist tað |
portal_article_5 copy 2 | The last semi-finals were scheduled to be decided on Sunday, November 28th at 15:00. | Seinnu hálvfinalurnar skuldu eftir ætlan verða avgreiddar sunnudagin 28. november klokkan 15:00. |
dimma_article_91 | Most of the years she has been a teacher in Faroese in the basic department. | Tey flestu árini hevur hon verið lærari í føroyskum í grunddeildini. |
blogg34 | And what does one do then | Og hvat ger man so |
dimma17 | Chris Cuomo has denied exactly this to his employer, and when there is a clear breach of CNN's internal rules, there was nothing else to do but fire him. | Akkurát hetta hevur Chris Cuomo avsannað fyri arbeiðsgevara sínum, og tá tað er greitt brot á innanhýsis reglurnar hjá CNN var ikki annað at gera enn at siga hann úr starvi |
portal_article_32 | It was possible to follow the event via live streaming. | Møguleiki var at fylgja tiltakinum í beinleiðis stroyming. |
dimma_article_40 | Get up on the floor, dance joyfully - on the radio tonight at 7 o'clock. | Gangið upp á gólv, dansið lystilig - í útvarpinum í kvøld klokkan 19. |
dimma_article_10 | The tourism industry in the Faroe Islands has, as known, nature at its center, and in recent years there has been public debate about free movement in the fields on the one hand and the rights of farmers on the other. | Ferðavinnan í Føroyum hevur sum kunnugt náttúruna í sínum miðdepli, og seinastu árini hevur alment kjak verið um fría gongd í haga øðrumegin og rættindini hjá bóndum hinumegin. |
portal_article_9 copy | Gøtunes finished landing this morning, and then Tummas T proceeded with the same amount - 1,200 tons of herring. | Liðugt varð at landa Gøtunes í morgun, og síðan slapp Tummas T framatt við somu nøgd - 1.200 tonsum av sild. |
dimma_article_34 | Since then, I have written several times in Trúboðan about the subject, and therefore there was a lot of material that I then felt like collecting into a book. | Síðan havi eg fleiri ferðir skrivað í Trúboðan um evnið, og tí lá nógv tilfar, sum eg so fekk hug at savna saman í bók. |
dimma_article_71 | This makes the country one of the first to give such young children the jab. | Harvið verður landið eitt av teimum fyrstu at geva so ungum børnum prikið. |
dimma_article_36 | The semi-final between NSÍ and HB was supposed to be played today, but it is cold outside, so the match was postponed until tomorrow. | Seinna hálvfinalan millum NSÍ og HB skuldi spælast í dag, men tað er kalt í veðrinum, og tí var dysturin útsettur til í morgin. |
dimma_article_123 | This was indeed the 50th time that the Skálvíkingur represented the Faroe Islands in an internationally registered A-national match. | Hetta var nevniliga 50. ferð at skálvíkingurin umboðaði Føroyar í altjóða skrásettum A-landsdysti. |
dimma_article_62 | Brynhild Nolsøe from Lágabø in Vágur won the competition and participates together with friends in the advertisement. | Brynhild Nolsøe í Lágabø úr Vági vann kappingina, og luttekur saman við vinfólki í lýsingini. |
portal_article_2 copy | The song is produced by Julian Andreasen/Dori, who also produced the songs “Bygdafrell” and “Lívsins Leið” for Ronnie. Árni Andreasen sings the choir and also has a curious role in the song itself. | Sangurin er framleiddur av Julian Andreasen/Dori, sum eisini stóð fyri framleiðsluni av sangunum “Bygdafrell” og “Lívsins Leið” hjá Ronnie. Árni Andreasen syngur kór og hevur eisini ein forvitnisligan leiklut í sjálvum sanginum. |
dimma_article_87 | When the hall in Strondum is finished, both halls will frame the activities and development of StíF. | Tá ið høllin á Strondum verður liðug, verða báðar hallirnar karmur um virksemið og menningina hjá StíF. |
portal_article_15 copy 3 | Everyone can submit proposals. The nominees can be individuals, associations, workplaces, municipalities, researchers, etc. A jury then decides who receives the honor. | Øll kunnu senda inn uppskot. Tey tilnevndu kunnu vera einstaklingar, feløg, arbeiðspláss, kommunur, granskarar Ein dómsnevnd tekur síðani støðu til, hvør fær heiðurin. |
portal_article_18 | The shooter nudged the ball past Teitur Gestsson, who had his hands on the ball; it could resemble a free kick, and the national team goalkeeper was also extremely dissatisfied with the judgment. | Skjóti áleyparin prikaði bólturin framvið Teiti Gestssyni, ið hevði hendurnar á bóltinum; tað kundi líkst einum frísparki, og landsliðsmálverjin var eisini ógvuliga ónøgdur við dømingina. |
blogg14 | And woe to the woman who has not been able to take a hint from Frederik and has been the cause of him going into far too late trousers - Jesus Christ, man just can't! | Og vei tí konu, sum ikki hevur dugað at tikið mál av Fríðriki og hevur verið atvold til, at hann hevur gingið í alt ov síðari troyggju - Jesus Kristus, tað KANN mann bara ikki! |
portal_article_8 copy 3 | The evenings are marked by coziness and togetherness, where the young enjoy the moments together in Vágur, say the organizers. | Kvøldini verða merkt av hugna og samveru, har tey ungu njóta løturnar saman í Vági, siga fyriskiparar. |
dimma_article_42 | The police say in a statement tonight. | Tað sigur løgreglan í fráboðan í kvøld. |
dimma_article_62 | If I have gone to town and some friends are at home, they also come up to drive me. | Um eg eri farin í býin og okkurt vinfólk liggur heima, so koma tey eisini upp at koyra meg. |
dimma_article_21 | Source: | Kelda: |
dimma_article_28 | That is definitely what we are going for. | Tað er heilt avgjørt tað, ið vit fara eftir. |
blogg20 | Pippi Longstocking convincingly won with 125 votes. | Pippi Langsokkur vann sannførandi við 125 atkvøðum. |
mbirk1 | The city center is wonderful | Miðbýurin er herligur |
dimma_article_116 | In a conversation with Sky Sport after the match, the coach pointed out that the effort was far too poor, especially in the first half. | Í samrøðu við Sky Sport eftir dystin, vísti venjarin á, at innsatsurin var alt ov vánaligur, serliga í fyrra hálvleiki. |
blogg10 | The tour guide was very good at explaining, and he knew well about experiences, place names and legends from Vágar. | Ferðaleiðarin dugdi frágerða væl at greiða frá, og væl visti hann bæði um upplivingar, staðarnøvn og sagnir úr Vágoynni. |
portal_article_33 | He therefore went to the negotiations with the wish for 1.5 million for this study, so that the conditions could be clarified, and the right solution could be found. | Hann for tí til samráðingarnar við ynskinum um 1,5 mió til hesa kanningina, soleiðis at umstøðurnar kundu greinast, og rætta loysnin kundi finnast. |
dimma06 | When Korchnoi and Karpov clashed in 1978, they played 32 games and the match lasted four months. It started on July 18, 1978 and ended on October 18. This game will not be as long, because according to the schedule, they will play the last game on December 14. | Tá Korchnoi og Karpov tørnaðu saman í 1978 telvaðu teir 32 talv og dysturin vardi í fýra mánaðir. Hann byrjaði 18. juli 1978 og endaði 18. oktober. So drúgt verður hetta talvið ikki, tí sambært skránni telvað teir seinasta talvið 14. Desember. |
dimma_article_107 | These are houses with a high debt ratio that have mortgage loans with a variable interest rate and/or have mortgage loans without deductions. | Tað eru húskir við høgum skuldarlutfalli, sum hava sethúsalán við broytiligari rentu og/ella hava sethúsalán uttan avdráttir. |
blogg14 | No one understands anything at all. | Ongin skilir nakað sum helst. |
dimma_article_61 | It was only a matter of time before the famous Korean TV series Squid Game became a reality, and yesterday the first 'real' Squid Game competition was announced on Youtube. | Tað var bara ein spurningur um tíð, áðrenn kenda koreanska sjónvarpsrøðin Squid Game fór at verða veruleiki, og í gjár varð fyrsta ”veruliga” Squid Game kappingin almannakunngjørd á Youtube. |
blogg34 | The one I think I am | Tann sum eg haldi meg vera |
portal_article_13 | stops services to All Oceans Logistics | steðgar veitingunum til All Oceans Logistics |
blogg33 | The text would have worked better as white | Teksturin hevði riggað betur sum hvítur |
dimma_article_14 | But it will be Magdalena Andersson who will be the prime minister of Sweden after all. | Men tað verður so Magdalena Andersson kortini, ið verður forsætisráðharri í Svøríki. |
mmarna1 | The coalition has done well to tackle this corona infection | Samgongan hevur klárað væl at takkla hesa koronusmittuna |
dimma_article_57 | The new requirement of the Handball Association is that all players must have a corona pass, either as a valid pass or with the yellow vaccination book. | Nýggja kravið hjá Hondbóltssambandinum er, at allir leikarar skulu hava koronupass, antin sum talgilt pass ella við gulu koppsetingarbókini. |
dimma_article_67 | The infection rate makes another leap upwards, and yesterday 53 cases of corona were confirmed. | Smittutalið ger aftur eitt kvink uppeftir, og í gjár vórðu 53 tilburðir av koronu staðfestir. |
mbavs6 | People were quite good at following the program | Fólk dugdu nokk so væl at fylgja skránni |
dimma_article_91 | The ambition is not that the student who is doing poorly should do as well as the student who is doing well. | Ambisjónin er ikki, at næmingurin, sum er illa fyri, skal duga líka væl, sum næmingurin, ið dugir væl. |
portal_article_3 copy 4 | From the police station it is said that they have the perpetrator at the station at the moment, and that both parties will be questioned later. | Av politistøðini verður sagt, at tey hava brotsmannin á støðini í løtuni, og at báðir partar skulu avhoyrast seinni. |
blogg23 | Talk to the children, let them speak for themselves, whether they intend to argue for a pack of candy, a movie ticket, or a beer, just something. | Tosið við børnini, fáið tey at tala fyri seg, um tey ætla at argumentera fyri einum pakka av bommum, einari biografbillett ella einari øl, bara okkurt. |
mbirk2 | Life has come to the city | Lív er komið í býin |
portal_article_50 copy | In assessing whether the marketing is illegal, emphasis is placed on it being completely clear to consumers whether a product is on sale or not. | Í metingini av um marknaðarføringin er ólóglig, verður dentur lagdur á, at tað skal vera brúkarunum heilt greitt, um vøra er á útsølu ella ei. |
dimma_article_96 | With this, Montaigne created a new genre of text. | Við hesum skapti Montaigne eitt nýtt tekstslag. |
portal_article_43 | In the A group, Magnus Dal-Christiansen and Mia Thorkildshøj won bronze, while Rúni Øster and Miriam Í Grótinum won gold in a close final in three sets against a Danish pair. | Í A-bólkinum vunnu Magnus Dal-Christiansen og Mia Thorkildshøj bronsu, meðan Rúni Øster og Miriam Í Grótinum vunnu gull í eini tættari finalu í trimum settum ímóti donskum pari. |
dimma_article_103 | The Faroese team is the favorite to win the competition this time, which Andorra won last time. | Føroyska landsliðið er hesaferð favorittur at vinna kappingina, sum Andorra vann seinast |
blogg12 | The Environment Agency has acted quickly. | Umhvørvisstovan hevur borið skjótt at. |
dimma_article_19 | After the election, it was uncertain who would become Chancellor, but much now points to Olaf Scholz, from the German Social Democratic Party, becoming the next Chancellor in Germany. | Aftaná valið var óvist, hvør fór at gerast kanslari, men nógv bendur nú á, at Olaf Scholz, úr týska Javnaðarflokkinum, verður næsti kanslarin í Týsklandi. |
portal_article_40 copy | The Faroese Complaints Office was established in 1998 and is currently the secretariat for twelve different committees, which in many ways are very different. | Føroya Kærustovnur varð settur á stovn í 1998 og er í løtuni skrivstova hjá tólv ymiskum nevndum, sum í nógvar mátar eru sera ymiskar. |
portal_article_37 copy | Tomorrow night there is another match in the Burn division, when Neistin takes on VIF in the Hall on the Neck. | Í annaðkvøld er aftur dystur í Burn deildini, tá Neistin tekur ímóti VÍF í Høllini á Hálsi. |
bavs14 | Among other things, I went to Iceland three times | Eg var millum annað tríggjar ferðir í Íslandi |
dimma_article_25 | Messerschmidt is running for the chairmanship of the Danish People's Party | Messerschmidt stillar upp til formansvalið hjá Dansk Folkeparti |