import pathlib |
import textwrap |
import google.generativeai as genai |
from IPython.display import display |
from IPython.display import Markdown |
import PIL.Image |
import time |
import os |
import random |
import numpy as np |
def seed_everything(seed): |
random.seed(seed) |
np.random.seed(seed) |
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) |
seed_everything(1) |
levels = [1,3,5,7,9] |
in_context_example_num = 0 |
formal_action_dict = {'D': "Down", 'U': "Up", 'L': "Left", 'R': "Right"} |
genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) |
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
output_path = "output/output_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) |
input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) |
else: |
output_path = "output/output_img/" |
input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img/" |
os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(input_backup_path, exist_ok=True) |
1: [], |
3: [], |
5: [], |
7: [], |
9: [], |
} |
for level in levels: |
for example_id in range(8): |
curr_example_pack = {} |
curr_example_pack["image_path"] = "example/level_step%d/img/%d.png"%(level, example_id) |
with open("example/level_step%d/question/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: |
curr_example_pack["question"] = f.read() |
with open("example/level_step%d/analysis/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: |
curr_example_pack["answer"] = f.read() |
EXAMPLE_DICT[level].append(curr_example_pack) |
example_img_1 = PIL.Image.open('prompt-visual-images/system-figure-1.png') |
example_img_2 = PIL.Image.open('prompt-visual-images/system-figure-2.png') |
for level in levels: |
os.makedirs(output_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(input_backup_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) |
start_idx = 0 |
end_idx = 100 |
runned_term = 0 |
input_img_path = "maps/level_step%d/img/"%(level) |
input_txt_path = "maps/level_step%d/question/"%(level) |
while True: |
try: |
curr_id = start_idx + runned_term |
if curr_id >= end_idx: |
break |
prompt_input_1 = ''' |
You are a maze-solving agent playing a pixelated maze videogame. |
Mazes are presented on grid maps, where each tile can be empty land, or contain a player, hole, or goal. |
Each of the above tile types are represented as square pixel art images. |
In this task, you will analyze a grid-based map and determine if a provided action plan is safe. A safe action plan avoids stepping into holes in the map. |
The following figure illustrates the appearances of the player, holes, lands, and the goal within the maze. |
''' |
prompt_input_2 = ''' |
## Moving Rules |
- The action plan involves a series of moves: 'L' (left), 'R' (right), 'U' (up), or 'D' (down). |
- Each move transfers the player to the adjacent square in that direction, provided it is a safe square. The player cannot move more than one square at a time. |
- Moving off the edge of the map has no effect. The player will remain at the same square. |
- DO NOT MOVE INTO A HOLE! Falling into a hole results in defeat. |
- Locating at the grid containing the goal results in victory. |
We provide an example to further illustrate the rules. |
''' |
prompt_input_3 = ''' |
In this provided example: |
- The player is at Row 1, Column 1; |
- The goal is at Row 4, Column 4; |
- There are two holes: one at Row 1, Column 2, and another at Row 4, Column 1. |
- The player can move DOWN. This is because moving down brings them to Row 2, Column 1, and this cell is safe (without holes). |
- Moving UP has no effects. This is because the player is already in the topmost row. |
- Similarly, moving LEFT has no effects because the player is already in the left-most column. |
- Moving RIGHT places the player at Row 1, Column 2. Since there is a hole at this grid, this move results in a loss. |
## Procedure and Output |
Your output should include the following parts: |
1. First, interpret map. List where the player is at now, where is the goal, and where are the holes. |
2. Then, reasoning by following the given action plan. At each step, you should check: |
(a) Where the current move leads the player to (the row and column); |
(b) What is in that grid. Is it a hole? Is it the goal? Is it an empty space? |
(c) Determine if that is a safe action. |
3. Output if the action sequence is safe using "<Output> Yes" or "<Output> No". A safe action sequence should not include any unsafe actions. |
''' |
prompt_examples = [] |
image_examples = [] |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
prompt_examples.append("## Example:\n") |
example_indices = random.sample(range(8), in_context_example_num) |
for example_index in example_indices: |
this_example = EXAMPLE_DICT[level][example_index] |
this_action = this_example["question"] |
asking_action_sequence = "" |
for each_action_char in this_action: |
asking_action_sequence += formal_action_dict[each_action_char] |
asking_action_sequence += ", " |
asking_action_sequence = asking_action_sequence[:-2] |
image_examples.append(PIL.Image.open(this_example["image_path"])) |
prompt_examples.append("\nThe action sequence is:\n" + asking_action_sequence + "\n" + this_example["answer"] + "\n") |
prompt_input_4 = "\n\nNow please determine if the action sequence is safe for this given maze:" |
prompt_input_5 = "\nThe action sequence is:\n" |
begin_img = PIL.Image.open('maps/level_step%d/img/%d.png'%(level, curr_id)) |
with open(input_txt_path + "%d.txt"%(curr_id), 'r') as f: |
question = f.read() |
asking_action_sequence = "" |
for each_action_char in question: |
asking_action_sequence += formal_action_dict[each_action_char] |
asking_action_sequence += ", " |
asking_action_sequence = asking_action_sequence[:-2] |
model_input_seq = [prompt_input_1, example_img_1, prompt_input_2, example_img_2, prompt_input_3] |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
assert len(prompt_examples) == len(image_examples) + 1 |
assert len(prompt_examples) == in_context_example_num + 1 |
model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[0]) |
for example_index in range(in_context_example_num): |
model_input_seq.append(image_examples[example_index]) |
model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[example_index+1]) |
model_input_seq += [prompt_input_4, begin_img, prompt_input_5, asking_action_sequence] |
response = model.generate_content(model_input_seq) |
with open(input_backup_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: |
contents = "" |
for input_prompt_index in range(len(model_input_seq)): |
if type(model_input_seq[input_prompt_index]) == type("string"): |
contents += model_input_seq[input_prompt_index] |
f.write(contents) |
with open(output_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: |
f.write(response.text) |
time.sleep(2) |
runned_term += 1 |
except: |
time.sleep(2) |
pass |