import pathlib import textwrap import google.generativeai as genai from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import Markdown import PIL.Image import time import os import random import numpy as np def seed_everything(seed): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) # torch.manual_seed(seed) # torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # env.seed(seed) seed_everything(1) levels = [3,4,5] in_context_example_num = 0 # 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 GOOGLE_API_KEY='YOUR-API-KEY' genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') if in_context_example_num > 0: output_path = "output/output_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) else: output_path = "output/output_img/" input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img/" os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(input_backup_path, exist_ok=True) EXAMPLE_DICT = { 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], } for level in levels: for example_id in range(8): curr_example_pack = {} curr_example_pack["image_path"] = "example/level%d/image_input/%d.jpg"%(level, example_id) with open("example/level%d/text_input/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: curr_example_pack["question"] = with open("example/level%d/answer/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: curr_example_pack["answer"] = EXAMPLE_DICT[level].append(curr_example_pack) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() example_img ='prompt-visual-images/example0.jpg') for level in levels: os.makedirs(output_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(input_backup_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) start_idx = 0 end_idx = 100 runned_term = 0 input_img_path = "maps/level%d/image_input/"%(level) input_txt_path = "maps/level%d/text_input/"%(level) while True: try: curr_id = start_idx + runned_term if curr_id >= end_idx: break prompt_input_1 = '''In this task, you will see a photo of blocks. You will analyze the block configuration and then answer a question regarding the color of blocks in a specific place. Since coding is not within your skill set, your approach relies on logical reasoning. ## Game Setup - Each block has a unique color (blue, yellow, purple, orange, red, green). - Blocks are stacked vertically in a stack, forming multiple stacks. - In the questions, the position of the blocks is represented as "Stack s, Level l". The stack number is counted from left to right, and the level number is counted from bottom to top. We provide an example to further illustrate the setting: ''' prompt_input_2 = ''' In this example, there are four blocks in three stacks. From left to right: - Stack 1 has one level. Level 1 contains a purple block. - Stack 2 has one level. Level 1 contains a blue block. - Stack 3 has one level. From bottom to top: level 1 has an orange block, and level 2 has a red block. As such, for the question "What is the color of the block at stack 3, level 1?", the correct answer is " orange". ## Procedure and Output Your output should follow this format: 1. First, analyze the block configuration; 2. Then, answer the question with the format , where is one of (blue, yellow, purple, orange, red, green). For example, " red". ''' prompt_input_3 = "\n\nNow please answer the following question based on the given image below:\n" prompt_examples = [] image_examples = [] if in_context_example_num > 0: prompt_examples.append("## Example:\n") example_indices = random.sample(range(8), in_context_example_num) for example_index in example_indices: this_example = EXAMPLE_DICT[level][example_index] image_examples.append(["image_path"])) prompt_examples.append(this_example["question"] + "\n" + this_example["answer"] + "\n") with open(input_txt_path + "%d.txt"%(curr_id), 'r') as f: question = input_img = + "%d.jpg"%(curr_id)) model_input_seq = [prompt_input_1, example_img, prompt_input_2] if in_context_example_num > 0: assert len(prompt_examples) == len(image_examples) + 1 assert len(prompt_examples) == in_context_example_num + 1 model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[0]) for example_index in range(in_context_example_num): model_input_seq.append(image_examples[example_index]) model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[example_index+1]) model_input_seq += [prompt_input_3, question, input_img] response = model.generate_content(model_input_seq) with open(input_backup_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: contents = "" for input_prompt_index in range(len(model_input_seq)): if type(model_input_seq[input_prompt_index]) == type("string"): contents += model_input_seq[input_prompt_index] f.write(contents) with open(output_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: f.write(response.text) time.sleep(2) runned_term += 1 except: time.sleep(2) pass