# read a map, receive a solution, determine if the solution reaches the goal import gym from gym.envs.toy_text.frozen_lake import generate_random_map import random import os import numpy as np # from PIL import Image count = 0 full_correct = 0 part_correct = 0 invalid = 0 level = 8 check_map_dir = "../../maps/level%d_text/"%(level) check_answer_dir = "output/output_img/" def find_symbol(map, symbol): # return a list indicating the coordinates of the symbol # e.g., [1, 2] = (row1, col2), all 0-index results = [] for i in range(len(map)): for j in range(len(map)): if map[i][j] == symbol: results.append([i, j]) return results # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() for test_id in range(100): # print(test_id) # map with open(check_map_dir + '%d.txt'%(test_id), 'r') as f: contents = f.read() rows = contents.split('\n') # answer player_pos = find_symbol(rows, 'S')[0] goal_pos = find_symbol(rows, 'G')[0] answer_set = set() if player_pos[0] > goal_pos[0]: answer_set.add('Below') elif player_pos[0] < goal_pos[0]: answer_set.add('Above') if player_pos[1] > goal_pos[1]: answer_set.add('Right') elif player_pos[1] < goal_pos[1]: answer_set.add('Left') count += len(answer_set) try: # action with open(check_answer_dir + 'level%d/%d.txt'%(level, test_id), 'r') as f: contents = f.read() answer_index = contents.find(' ') if answer_index == -1: answer_index = contents.find('\n') # if answer_index == -1: # answer_index = contents.find(' ') # if answer_index == -1: # answer_index = contents.find('\n') # if answer_index == -1: # answer_index = contents.find('## Output ') # if answer_index == -1: # answer_index = contents.find('## Output\n') if answer_index == -1: assert 0 answer = contents[answer_index+9:] answer = answer.split(',') for answer_index in range(len(answer)): answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].replace('"', '') answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].replace("'", '') answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].replace("\n", '') answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].replace(".", '') answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].replace("*", '') answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].lstrip() answer[answer_index] = answer[answer_index].rstrip() # temp = env.render() # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() ALL_CORR = True for answer_char in answer_set: if answer_char in answer: part_correct += 1 else: ALL_CORR = False # print(test_id) if ALL_CORR: full_correct += 1 except: # If not # count += 1 invalid += 1 print(test_id) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() pass print("Total tested: %d"%(count)) print("Part correct: %d"%(part_correct)) print("Each correct rate: %f"%(part_correct / count)) print("Full correct: %d"%(full_correct)) print("Invalid: %d"%(invalid))