index original translation scores mean z_scores z_mean model_scores 0 Kogu päeva kestnud Auvere lahingu tulemusena löödi Punaarmee tagasi. The whole day-long Auvere battle resulted in the Red Army being defeated. [100, 82, 77] 86.33333333333333 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2705666302778131] 0.6222308860050446 -0.367572546005249 1 Mweri ahelik on veelahe Kongo ja Niiluse jõgikonna vahel. The flotilla is a watershed between the Congo and the Nile Basin. [68, 74, 80] 74.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.24665490637030518 -0.5699995160102844 2 "Love's Vision" on Troy Jollimore'i filosoofiline raamat, mis ilmus 2011. aastal Princeton University Pressi väljaandel. The "Love" Vision is a philosophical book by Troy Jollimore, which appeared in the Princeton University Square in 2011. [13, 21, 28] 20.666666666666668 [-1.635530085763711, -2.080576466172854, -1.2974639223337912] -1.6711901580901187 -0.23067863285541534 3 Aga on veel midagi eelnevat, nimelt kas säilitada need varasemad pühendumused ja kas järgnevad põhjendid tuleb määrata nende valguses. However, there is something else that has come about, namely whether to maintain these earlier commitments and whether the subsequent causes must be determined in light of them. [92, 78, 100] 90.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302] 0.7921969404260141 -0.5393880605697632 4 Kalmule andis rektori ametiraha üle Eesti president Kersti Kaljulaid. Kalmule was handed over by President Kersti Kaljukas of Estonia to resector money. [1, 8, 15] 8.0 [-2.016289862523797, -2.6477699612372096, -2.258848426590734] -2.30763608345058 -0.577187180519104 5 Asja mõte ei ole anda tunnetuse teooriat, ja vastandust väärtusega tuleb väljendada teaduse, mitte tunnetuse kaudu. It is not a matter of giving the theory of sensibilities, and the opposite has to be expressed through science, not by a sense of recognition. [78, 87, 96] 87.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7124885375901508, 1.156671913144946] 0.758503103025063 -0.6122293472290039 6 Siinne jutt, et poliitikakunsti eesmärk on parim, on vastuolus 10. raamatu jutuga "teooriast" kui parimast. The talk that political art has the best purpose of all goes against what the 10th book says about 'theory' as the best. [100, 93, 97] 96.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0539163438577714, 1.0297883515568889] 0.993757396992395 -0.5696142315864563 7 21. septembril 2007 tunnustas ta Giuseppe Li Shani ja Paolo Xiao Zejiangi ordineerimist piiskoppideks. On 21 September 2007, he recognised the coordination of Giuseppe Li Shani and Paolo Xiaobo in Zejiang as a bishops. [84, 55, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, -0.5389595118353006, -0.19997321272861532] -0.02360075103906607 -0.22286833822727203 8 Ukraina parlamendis kukkus läbi Volodõmõr Orgõzko kinnitamine välisministriks. In the Ukrainian Parliament, the confirmation of the board's siszko as Foreign Minister failed by Volodyr. [78, 82, 74] 78.0 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.16249660139694996] 0.3900950800538486 -0.4540137052536011 9 Hiljem, kui Nagy arreteeriti Jugoslaavia saatkonnas, tema arreteerimist ei kinnitatud. Later than Nagy was arrested in the Yugoslav Embassy, his arrest was not confirmed. [57, 63, 51] 57.0 [-0.5098867875330986, -0.2337601711662148, -0.4297907926901062] -0.39114591712980656 -0.24655745923519135 10 Hutust president Sylvestre Ntibantunganya kukutati ning ta otsis varjupaika USA suursaatkonnas Bujumburas. President Sylvestre Ntibantunganyahu was overthrown and sought refuge in the US Embassy in Bujumbura. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.2535873055458069 11 Võrreldes 2013. aastaga kasvas interneti kasutajate arv 2%. The number of internet users increased by 2% compared to 2013. [79, 86, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.7431032729058616, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7726868986146561 -0.29309940338134766 12 Kohe pärast seda ehitati Wakefieldi tornist lääne poole Verine torn samal ajal sisehoovi kardinmüüriga. Immediately afterwards, Verine torn west of the Wakefield pipeline was built at the same time as the wall of the internal season. [84, 83, 82] 83.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.5855686120034557, 0.21888885723578283] 0.4908626468953187 -0.3946135640144348 13 Belgias Brüsselis algas õhtul Euroopa Ülemkogu kahepäevane mitteametlik istung, kus Eestit esindas peaminister Taavi Rõivas. In Brussels, Belgium, the European Council began its two-day informal meeting at which Estonia was represented by Prime Minister Taavi Ralevas. [100, 82, 90] 90.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2018533424583735] 0.6359005239832644 -0.36178702116012573 14 Aga inimestel sellist piirangut ei ole, sest Gödel tõestas selle tulemuse. However, people do not have such a restriction, as Gode has proved that it had a result. [61, 82, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.5808699337445091, 0.23653881664004375] 0.17053396443258753 -0.6914169788360596 15 Rama oli esimene Albaania riigijuht, kes on Serbiat viimase 68 aasta vältel külastanud. Rama was the first Albanian Head of State to visit Serbia over the last 68 years. [83, 91, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, 0.8394084631768461, 1.32209936924058] 0.9286693450043465 -0.24072903394699097 16 Asi pole lihtsalt selles, et nii mõeldakse iseendast, mitte maailmast ja teistest inimestest; seda ongi näiteks enesekriitika puhul tarvis. It is not just that this is meant by itself, not by the world and other people; this is what is needed, for example, in self-criticism. [94, 81, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7214738814943112 -0.414010226726532 17 Esimest korda rääkis Jackson väärkohtlemisest, mis talle lapsepõlves osaks sai, Oprah Winfrey jutusaates veebruaris 1993. For the first time, Jackson talked about the mistreatment he received during his childhood, during the Oprah Winfrey talks in February 1993. [100, 81, 71] 84.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 0.05442657251608684] 0.5356407771341011 -0.2819930911064148 18 Pärast Vabadussõja lõppu ja Tartu rahu allkirjastamist otsustati siiski esitada ametlik liitumistaotlus. However, after the end of the war on freedom and the signing of the Tartu peace, it was decided to submit a formal application for accession. [87, 85, 58] 76.66666666666667 [0.9309538321738059, 0.5587533739601147, -0.09007785635906261] 0.4665431165916194 -0.28066861629486084 19 Tahte määrab objektiivselt seadus ja subjektiivselt puhas austus selle praktilise seaduse vastu. You objectively determine the law and subjectively pure respect for this practical law. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.21663758158683777 20 Kujult on territoorium pikaksvenitatud ja kitsas, tugevalt liigestatud rannajoonega, mida iseloomustavad kuulsad fjordid. One month the territory is long-stretched and narrow, heavily overstretched with a coastline marked by famous phjories. [36, 36, 35] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -1.2063904310939828, -1.3660967923134697] -1.3328698856045804 -0.4757050573825836 21 pisiVaraseim teadaolev erakorralist meditsiiniabi kirjeldav tekst Past-known emergency medical assistance in the past [29, 18, 40] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.4768801787803418, -1.1593124721939274] -1.4559089887794296 -0.6166637539863586 22 Aino ja Iris on Riiast tagasi ning otsustavad Harry Ahvenaga kohvile minna. The only one and Iris are back from Riga and decide to go to Harry Ahveni's coffee. [37, 50, 23] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.7457438319548428, -1.318230271796973] -1.1488220894356669 -0.286255419254303 23 Saareriigil on olemas ka rahvuslik kriketikoondis, mis osaleb Kariibi regiooni sisestel kriketivõistlustel. The island states also have a national cricket group, which takes part in intra-Caribbean crisis competitions. [24, 29, 40] 31.0 [-1.0793723985573591, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.122178418056072 -0.5236800312995911 24 Aga Williamsi järgi pole asi selles, kas konvergents tegelikult aset leiab. However, according to Willims, it is not about whether convergence actually takes place. [100, 100, 92] 97.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0176690182308925] 0.9803186969603587 -0.4609532058238983 25 Filipiinide lõunaosas asuva Jolo saare samanimelise linna toidupoes toimunud plahvatuses sai vigastada üle 20 inimese. Over 20 people were injured in an explosion in the food shop of the island of Jolo in the south of the Philippines. [83, 85, 70] 79.33333333333333 [0.7781911377051312, 0.5587533739601147, 0.3684768491764302] 0.5684737869472253 -0.2792225480079651 26 Kontserdil kanti esmakordselt Eestis ette Arvo Pärdi teos "Väike litaania". For the first time in the concert, the work of Arvo Perdi in Estonia was' Lesser Lithania '. [30, 16, 1] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1600388359418792, -2.298727810428375, -2.016289862523797] -1.8250188362980169 -0.6477023959159851 27 Võimu haaras sõjaväehunta eesotsas kindral Mamadu Ture Kurumaga. The military junta, led by General Mamadu Ture Kurut, seized power. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937, 0.7431032729058616] 0.9150250724134952 -0.26864737272262573 28 Venemaa Konstitutsioonikohtu esimehena alustas uut ametiaega Valeri Zorkin. As Chairman of the Constitutional Court in Russia, Valeri Zorkin began a new term of office. [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6359670940721344] 0.9387376899826188 -0.2587227523326874 29 Ma teen siin kergesti vahet tähendustel, mis võivad olla küsimusel, kas on arukas valelubadust anda, ja küsimusel, kas see on kohusekohane. I am making an easy distinction here between the meaning of the question of whether it is wise to give false freedom and the question of whether this is appropriate. [80, 90, 100] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7084904773694086 -0.48421502113342285 30 Seega, mõnda aega näis, justkui oleks võimalik jõuda rahumeelsele lahendusele. So for some time it seemed as if it was possible to reach a peaceful solution. [100, 79, 96] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.156671913144946] 0.9019181862335243 -0.3666897118091583 31 Margnast ja Ahvenast saavad lähedased äripartnerid ning Ahven pakub Margnale välja suusakuurordi idee. Margna and Ahvena will become close business partners, and Ahven offers Margale Margale the idea of a ski resort. [75, 84, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.014618096141847111, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4903786678134342] 0.3910424118006663 -0.42773061990737915 32 Kui palju see puudutab kogu ettevõtmise loogilist kuju? How much does this concern the logical form of the whole undertaking? [100, 100, 97] 99.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.198905646365287] 1.2795825183757865 -0.33347898721694946 33 See on igaveste olendite androgüüne viisik ehk igaveste olendite kümnendik, kes on Isa. It is an eternal, data-type visa of creatures, or a tenth of eternal creatures, that is Isa. [29, 37, 33] 33.0 [-1.0164676786809514, -1.1703670881336952, -0.7373109476819113] -0.9747152381655194 -0.5464446544647217 34 Hiinas Hongkongis tühjendas politsei demokraatlikke valimisi nõudvatest meeleavaldajatest Mong Koki piirkonna. In Hong Kong, China, the police empty the protesters calling for democratic elections in the Mong Koki region. [55, 79, 67] 67.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.0019737073331181445 -0.26337969303131104 35 Üleminek üldarusaadavalt kõlbeliselt mõtteteaduselt kommete metafüüsikale Moving from common sense to metaphysical compact science [68, 84, 76] 76.0 [0.2920510649205147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.30298769509747125] 0.42105641048823456 -0.5423892736434937 36 See on kooskõlas moraalse tavaarusaamaga, et petmine ei ole moraalselt vastuvõetav. This is in line with the moral common understanding that fraud is not morally acceptable. [84, 98, 100] 94.0 [0.6681304714467177, 1.027056832443855, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8727456450289163 -0.3450576364994049 37 Esimene stseen kohe, kus on kohtumine Daniliga ja teiste poistega, on viide eesti keeles aastal 2012 ilmunud. The first scene, where there will be a meeting with Danes and other boys, has appeared in the following language in 2012. [69, 76, 83] 76.0 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6245002025956135] 0.20589857977543977 -0.5053675770759583 38 Venemaal Barnaulis avas opositsiooniliider Aleksei Navalnõi oma valimiskampaania kohaliku peakorteri. In Barang, Russia, the leader of the opposition, Mr Navalny, opened his election campaign local headquarters. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7604669590293401 -0.5108531713485718 39 Kategooriatevaheline erinevus on metafüüsiline, mitte loogikaline teema. Differences between categories are a physical subject, not a logic. [66, 52, 80] 66.0 [0.07523855193204053, -0.31935520912680904, 0.4949620887624109] 0.0836151438558808 -0.4700241982936859 40 Hobuste võiduajamised toimusid lihavõttenädala esmaspäeval ja kitsede võistlus kohe järgmisel päeval. The racing of horses took place on Monday in the Easter Week and next day in the caprine world. [44, 58, 51] 51.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.20768092291338958, -0.7716684006397244] -0.6325176703215983 -0.4894409477710724 41 Aastal 1944 asutati Njassamaa Aafrika Kongress, mis seadis esialgu oma eesmärgiks aafriklaste esindatuse saavutamise seadusandlikus kogus. In 1944, the National Congress of Africa was established, which initially set the goal of achieving the representation of Africans in the legislative body. [100, 90, 84] 91.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.548708683221246, 0.6681304714467177] 0.771980891010798 -0.43328699469566345 42 Täielikult alistati Bulgaaria, osaliselt Gruusia ja Armeenia. Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia were completely defeated, in part. [30, 34, 32] 32.0 [-0.5596205535808795, -0.969200476433561, -1.1571705193818427] -0.8953305164654277 -0.3331476151943207 43 Pakistanis Peshawari linnas lasi ennast mošee lähistel asuva hotelli fuajees õhku enesetaputerrorist. In the town of Peshawar in Pakistan, a suicide bomber blown up in a hotel near mosque. [72, 62, 85] 73.0 [0.16410717657114324, -0.0793934275822637, 0.5580489988532433] 0.2142542492807076 -0.4110519587993622 44 Oranje vürst saatis murduvale kaitsele äralõikamise vältimiseks abiks Hannoveri Lünebergi pataljoni. The Orankon sent the Hannover Lüneberg parlion of aid to avoid cutting off on a breaking defence. [55, 39, 25] 39.666666666666664 [-0.8386013929537083, -1.0983204022131197, -1.3511032965816678] -1.0960083639161653 -0.6056686639785767 45 On andmeid, et just nimelt Minose kultuuris võeti navigeerimiseks kasutusele tähed. There is evidence that it was precisely in Minos' culture that stars were introduced for navigation. [100, 83, 91] 91.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7533661484518784] 0.8342815489314673 -0.5167891979217529 46 Algul pooldas ta kontsiiliparteid, mille kavatsust allutada paavst parlamentaarsele kontsiilile ta koos paljude õpetlastega jagas. At first, he was in favour of a civil party whose intention was to subjugate from the Pope to the parliamentary conspiracy he shared with many scholars. [28, 29, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.12785038341693, -1.7315343153640192] -1.451320624519078 -0.4421524405479431 47 Koos peaminister Taavi Rõivasega kohtus ta ka Ukraina presidendi Petro Porošenko ja peaministri Arseni Jatsenjukiga. Together with Prime Minister Taavi Ryang, he also met with the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, and Prime Minister Arsen Jatsenkiss. [61, 81, 58] 66.66666666666667 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.007917294964408331 -0.3103378117084503 48 Keha ja vaim on täiesti eraldi asjad, ja vaimu põhjuslik mõju kehale on väljaspool füüsika seadusi. The body and spirit are completely separate things, and the causal effect of spirit on the body is beyond the laws of physics. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.3383864164352417 49 Tõsi küll, Bratmani järgi võtab subjekt tähtsatena oma soove, Jollimore'i järgi armastatu väärtuslikke omadusi. It is true that Bratman puts the subject at the top of his wishes, the loved qualities of Jollimore. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.43379274010658264 50 Järelikult pani Friedrich oma armee laagrisse Schweidwitzi juures ja ootas vürst Charlesi saabumist. Consequently, Friedrich set up his army camp at Schweidwitz and waited for the arrival of the polar Charles. [68, 81, 58] 69.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.09197176187174631 -0.3753293454647064 51 Lisaks sellele, et ta oli Toweri esimene vang, oli ta ka esimene Towerist põgeneja. Not only was he the first prisoner to be a prisoner of mine, but he was also the first to escape. [75, 83, 79] 79.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245] 0.46994472938806037 -0.36682984232902527 52 Ja kui on mõttekas öelda, et miski on häviv, siis on ka mõttekas öelda, et miski on hävimatu. And when it makes sense to say that something is destroyed, it makes sense to say that something is impossible. [30, 58, 29] 39.0 [-1.2296651706356005, -0.41488891976357517, -1.12785038341693] -0.9241348246053686 -0.4830307960510254 53 Newtoni teooria on falsifikatsionisti meelest parem, sest ta pani ikka falsifitseerimisele vastu. Newton's theory is better, in the opinion of the classical master, because it has still resisted the introduction of classifications. [45, 45, 44] 44.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -1.0334500137463503, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9698384580986791 -0.9014511108398438 54 Traditsioon maalida raekodadesse moraliseerivaid kohtumõistmisteemalisi kompositsioone pärineb Madalmaadest, kus seda praktiseeriti juba 13. sajandil. The tradition of paint-moralising habits in garages originates from the Netherlands, where it has already been practised in the 13th century. [32, 25, 18] 25.0 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.3511032965816678, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3928224260990476 -0.46381551027297974 55 Suurbritannia riigipea Elizabeth II alustas kuuepäevast riigivisiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides. The British Head of State, Elizabeth II, started a six-day state visit in the United States. [84, 85, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.8163818113222999, 0.5587533739601147, 1.5148636130151623] 0.963332932765859 -0.277281254529953 56 Järelikult sõlmis Genova vabariik salalepingu Prantsusmaa, Hispaania ja Napoli Bourbonide liitlastega. Consequently, the Genova Republic signed a secret agreement with the allies of France, Spain and Naples Bourbond. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 0.4146600021189639, 1.1850259554682334] 0.8664492427465954 -0.2990022301673889 57 Kuna Portugal on Euroopa Liidu liikmesriik, kehtib seal ka Euroopa Liidu õigus. As Portugal is a Member State of the European Union, EU law also applies there. [76, 97, 96] 89.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 1.1980287771688547, 0.9161304397840745] 0.8110825125302709 -0.3019300401210785 58 Autorile kõige lähemad vaated on tõenäoliselt Morton Christiansenil, kes samuti räägib keele ja peremehe koevolutsioonist. The closest views of the author are probably Morton Christiansen, who also talks about the evolution of the family and language. [49, 38, 60] 49.0 [-0.8589289383419331, -1.1343437451734075, -0.574314160703546] -0.8558622814062954 -0.4165613055229187 59 Feyerabendi skepsist jagavad uuemad autorid, kellel on sotsioloogiline või postmodernistlik vaatekoht. According to the Feyerabit scheme, newer authors who have a sociological or post-modern view are shared. [23, 15, 18] 18.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.4140143306622128, -1.4768801787803418] -1.521862799673426 -0.4192340672016144 60 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves nimetas Tallinna ringkonnakohtu kohtunikuks Paavo Randma. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, has appointed Pope Randa, Judge at the Tallinn District Court. [55, 51, 47] 51.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -0.4297907926901062, -0.8698144240265682] -0.6071840438550636 -0.33610841631889343 61 Kogu hutude eliit oli 1973. aasta keskpaigaks surnud või eksiilis. By mid-1973, the entire Hutu elite were dead or in exile. [77, 94, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0739581850971294, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8538850234443425 -0.36786600947380066 62 Fundamentaalseid printsiipe nimetas Lakatos uurimisprogrammi kõvaks tuumaks. The fundamental principles were described in Lakato as the core of the research programme. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 0.9392460054699044 -0.3763073980808258 63 Aga see ei tähenda, et see oleks eetikamõtlemise enese õige vaatekoht. But that does not mean that it is the right perspective of ethics itself. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058, 0.8394084631768461] 0.9141259220539784 -0.4629059433937073 64 Üliõpilased ja ajakirjanikud algatasid sarja intellektuaalseid arutelusid, mis lahkasid Ungarit pitsitavaid probleeme. Students and journalists launched a series of intellectual debates that solved Hungary's dire problems. [57, 80, 51] 62.666666666666664 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.4936093960423005, -0.4297907926901062] -0.1286938751919156 -0.5340650677680969 65 Ähvardati pigem maalt lahkuda kui kuningat teenida. There was the threat of leaving the country rather than serving the roof. [53, 67, 60] 60.0 [-0.2811423169988513, 0.11148587755891945, -0.14422096012004196] -0.1046257998533246 -0.5250677466392517 66 Eestis Tallinnas Kadrioru lossis toimunud pidulikul tseremoonial anti üle Aadu Luukase Sihtasutuse missioonipreemia suuruses üks miljon Eesti krooni. A million Estonian kroon was awarded the mission prize of the Aadu Lutkas Foundation in Tallinn, Estonia, at the ceremony of the ceremony in Kadrioru Castle. [98, 89, 80] 89.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7655382429565513 -0.4111008048057556 67 Rasvumus on kasvav probleem, 2008. aastal oli rasvunud täiskasvanuid 24% rahvastikust ja sellega paigutus Portugal maailma riikide seas 69. kohale. Obesity is a growing problem, with 24% of adults being obese in 2008, and Portugal being 69th among the countries of the world. [99, 85, 92] 92.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.711760740297822, 0.87113844457352] 0.8819931200918282 -0.32094606757164 68 See, mis ühes kontekstis on õige, võib olla teises kontekstis väär. What is right in one context may be wrong in another. [97, 84, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1980287771688547, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9970458481208274 -0.2411418855190277 69 Krissu ja Laine on pagulaste pärast nii nördinud, et nad ei märka kuulata Evelini uudiseid. Christianity and Laine are so frustrated about the refugees that they do not notice hearing the news from Evelin. [59, 60, 84] 67.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.3321751917157582, 0.6681304714467177] -0.013966087758802037 -0.33642980456352234 70 Rootsi teatas, et lõpetab Saudi Araabias aset leidvate inimõiguste rikkumiste tõttu kaitsekoostöö Saudi Araabiaga. Sweden announced that it would end its defence cooperation with Saudi Arabia on account of human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. [62, 78, 81] 73.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.4063488583400919, 0.4146600021189639] 0.24674928771078716 -0.3068329095840454 71 Neli tundi kestnud kriisiolukord lõppes kell 15.15, kui mees tulistas iseennast ja toimetati seejärel haiglasse. The four-hour crisis situation ended at 15.15 when the man shot himself and then taken to hospital. [78, 84, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.5102064594545875, 0.6603895448580447, 1.1249782957469103] 0.765191433353181 -0.3347184360027313 72 Pseira, eraldi saarel asunud mitmete kultuspaikadega linn. Pseira, a city with several gold sites on a separate island. [45, 40, 49] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0334500137463503, -1.062297059252832, -0.7871006959787512] -0.9609492563259777 -0.356428325176239 73 Inimtegevuse tagajärjel kandusid uued viirused edasi kohalikele taimedele. As a result of human activity, new viruses spilled over to local plants. [82, 84, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.5776758168102278, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7902615280012851 -0.3313353955745697 74 Venemaa kütusefirma Lukoil teatas, et on otsustanud maha müüa oma varad Leedus ja Lätis. Russian fuel company Lukoil announced that it had decided to sell off its assets in Lithuania and Latvia. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9129194654930192 -0.2551344633102417 75 Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis toimus Eesti muuseumite aastakonverents. The annual conference of Estonian museums took place at Tallinn Technical University. [100, 98, 95] 97.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 1.4384378287592468, 1.1153150491210377] 1.2871335003754028 -0.35250306129455566 76 Itaalia kasutas Preisimaa võitu Prantsusmaa vastu ära, võttes Kirikuriigi prantslastelt üle. Italy abused the victory of Prussia against France by taking over Kiriku from the French people. [85, 85, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5294740182135377 -0.5733791589736938 77 Eesti diplomaatilist esindust ega aukonsulit riigis ei ole. There is no Estonian diplomatic representation or honorary consul in the country. [70, 98, 90] 86.0 [0.2817123806819383, 1.027056832443855, 1.132734691735585] 0.8138346349537927 -0.3144848048686981 78 14. detsember 2009 Montenegro peaminister Milo Đukanović. of 14 December 2009, Prime Minister Milo Đukanović of Montenegro. [100, 73, 100] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4831155255603034, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9023991132238813 -0.2592335343360901 79 Hämmastaval kombel tunduvad need aseained sageli inimeste elule tähendust andvat. Incredibly, these substitutes often seem to have a bearing on people's lives. [75, 79, 83] 79.0 [-0.01280273874114997, 0.4586486864167604, 0.6245002025956135] 0.356782050090408 -0.5085131525993347 80 Soomusrongi Rügemendi, kus teenis kuus aastat soomusrongil Kapten Irv. A Soomusrong Rübig served six years on a Finnish train, Kapten Irv. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.4105404317378998 81 Kes seevastu tahab kõike, see ei taha tegelikult midagi ega saavuta midagi. Whoever, on the other hand, wants everything, does not really want anything and does not achieve anything. [74, 100, 83] 85.66666666666667 [-0.02804287831293066, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5651869475490376 -0.40871649980545044 82 Justinianus II püüdis linnaaristokraate murda raskete maksude ja kõrvaliste isikute määramisega administratiivsüsteemi tähtsamatele kohtadele. Justinianus II tried to break the urban cartocracy by imposing heavy taxes and by-persons on key positions of the administrative system. [61, 67, 55] 61.0 [0.1474436805872471, 0.07788890965667469, -0.5389595118353006] -0.10454230719712625 -0.4462328553199768 83 Küprosel ei tunnustanud enam Bütsantsi ülemvõimu asehaldur Isaak Komnenos. In Cyprus, the deputy mayor of the Butsana, Isaak in the Comoros, was no longer recognised. [27, 13, 20] 20.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.635530085763711, -1.9864497526720966] -1.7175267853907934 -0.503433108329773 84 Iisrael kinnitas, et maa lõunaosas leiti tuhandetelt surnud kalkunitelt ja kanadelt linnugripi inimestele ohtlikku vormi H5N1. Israel confirmed that in the south of the earth, thousands of dead fish and chickens were found in H5N1, a dangerous form for people with avian influenza. [71, 80, 61] 70.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.4936093960423005, -0.2908183276918498] 0.08573921362217918 -0.383416086435318 85 Illüüria kaotamise järel 6. sajandil, tõstis Bütsantsi rahvastikus ja eriti sõjaväes armeenlaste osakaalu. After the loss of secularism in the 6th century, the Butsana population, and in particular the army, increased the share of Armenians. [20, 29, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.5578867884653047, -1.0164676786809514, -1.4109017987699952] -1.3284187553054172 -0.4559421241283417 86 Õnnetus tabas neid matkal Nevado del Ruizi vulkaani jalamil. The disaster hit them in the burst of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano. [80, 82, 81] 81.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4146600021189639] 0.4953028678923024 -0.42765557765960693 87 Mõnikord muudab just paradigma vastuvõtmine varem ainult looduse uurimisest huvitatud olnud rühma professiooniks või vähemalt distsipliiniks. Sometimes adopting a paradigm in particular will, in the past, only become a professor, or at least discipline, of a group interested in research into nature. [59, 59, 33] 50.333333333333336 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.17849272745611192, -1.4488105203612864] -0.668385596941588 -0.4646206200122833 88 Popperi falsifikatsionismil on see raskus, et pole selge, millist eeldust tuleb näiva falsifikatsiooni korral süüdistada. The cruelty of the Popperwork is that it is not clear what kind of premise is to be blamed when it appears to be adopted. [22, 29, 34] 28.333333333333332 [-1.1456867812138243, -1.12785038341693, -1.407453656337378] -1.2269969403227108 -0.7565451264381409 89 Ameerika Ühendriikides valiti New Orleansi linnapeaks tagasi Ray Nagin, kelle poolt andis hääle 52,4% valimas käinud kodanikest. In the United States, Ray Nagin, the city of New Orthodox, was re-elected and voted for by 52.4% of the citizens who went to vote. [68, 79, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.44997912719119615, 0.24682090461896014] 0.13759710225618635 -0.36380356550216675 90 Jõustumiseks vajab valitsuse otsus ka Serblaste Vabariigi parlamendi heakskiitu. The decision of the Government to enter into force will also require the approval of the Parliament of the Republic of Serb. [78, 62, 81] 73.66666666666667 [0.3065899732381008, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5372396648934048] 0.25435621360160376 -0.35178691148757935 91 See võib olla ohtlikult lähedane vihkamist konstitueerivatele uskumustele. It may be dangerously close to hatred of constitutional beliefs. [47, 57, 67] 57.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.621798222000287, 0.11148587755891945] -0.4401486676573952 -0.29136738181114197 92 Ameerika Ühendriikide majanduse tugevnemise tõttu on juba ammu oodatud, et Föderaalreserv tõstaks intressimäärasid. The strengthening of the US economy has long been expected to raise interest rates in the Federal Reserve. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8168910237568512 -0.3423497974872589 93 Tõepoolest, ükski varasem töö ei olnud võimaldanud nii suurt uurimise täpsuse ja ulatuse kasvu korraga. Indeed, none of the previous work had allowed such a large increase in the accuracy and scope of the investigation in the procedure. [56, 84, 85] 75.0 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.25284259832458705 -0.4235132038593292 94 Enamik meistreid kasutab kohalikku puitu ja teisi looduslikke materjale. Most registers use local timber and other natural materials. [81, 71, 60] 70.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.20480883524336993, -0.3321751917157582] 0.13662443614033884 -0.2187194526195526 95 Seetõttu kehtib reegel, et hõimu liikmed ei tohi omavahel abielluda. The rule, therefore, is that members of the tribal tribe must not marry one another. [80, 83, 90] 84.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.6190326808341362, 0.548708683221246] 0.5537835866992276 -0.4859049618244171 96 Sellepärast jäid need paljasteks faktideks, mis ei olnud seotud ja mida ei saanud siduda elektriuurimise käimasoleva progressiga. They therefore remained mere facts that were unrelated and could not be linked to the ongoing progress of the electricity research. [100, 87, 98] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8364323900964978, 1.239385641192763] 1.058307183217897 -0.4300187826156616 97 Karl XII põgenes Benderisse, Osmanite võimu alla, ja oli ikka vee rahutuste põhjuseks liitriigis. Karl XII fled to Bendtsen, Osman under power, and was still the cause of the water riots in the federal state. [82, 84, 79] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.45360522473850245] 0.558524775597334 -0.30927136540412903 98 Viimaks hävitati bulgaarlaste põhijõud 1014. aastal Struma piirkonnas toimunud lahingus. Finally, the main forces of Bulgarians were destroyed in the battle in the region of Struma in 1014. [89, 83, 95] 89.0 [0.867173864977587, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7358791572087113] 0.7425177415939705 -0.37656277418136597 99 Paljud filosoofid leiavad, et on irratsionaalne eelistada varasemat rõõmu ainult sellepärast, et see on varasem. Many philosophers think it irrational to favour the former only because it is in the past. [25, 29, 27] 27.0 [-1.8845074786158034, -1.12785038341693, -1.818794853066228] -1.6103842383663203 -0.48535022139549255 100 Üliselt on käsundusleping kestvusleping, kuid käsunduslepingu võib sõlmida ka ühekordseks teenuse osutamiseks. A contract of bail-in is a lasting agreement, but a one-off contract can also be signed for the provision of a one-off service. [69, 83, 55] 69.0 [0.1413488724500223, 0.6245002025956135, -0.5389595118353006] 0.07562985440344505 -0.5420407056808472 101 Türgis İstanbulis algasid rahvusvahelised läbirääkimised Süüria kriisi lahendamiseks, millel osalesid enam kui 70 riigi välisministrid. In Istanbul, Turkey, international negotiations on the resolution of the Syrian crisis were launched, with the participation of foreign ministers from more than 70 countries. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 1.0093158662439998 -0.4273146688938141 102 pisi[[Oslo Ülikool on Norra vanim ja suurim ülikool Big [Oslo University is Norway's oldest and largest university [90, 83, 73] 82.0 [0.6545327129635137, 0.6245002025956135, 0.26826879803671755] 0.5157672378652816 -0.47961002588272095 103 Kas ei võinud evolutsioon internaliseerida universaalse grammatika fundamentaalset loogikat? Could the evolution not be intertwined with the fundamental logic of universal grams? [49, 39, 29] 39.0 [-0.7380869726102427, -1.2952316268529762, -1.12785038341693] -1.053722994293383 -0.5139115452766418 104 Allan külastab Toivot, kellel on külas asotsiaalist vene sõber Ljova. I will be visiting Toivo, who has a Cypriot Cypriot Cypriot Cypriot Russian friend Ljova. [18, 11, 4] 11.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.5168791546838967, -2.1663480169566687] -2.053369116806969 -0.4389723539352417 105 See lõpetas neli kümnendit kestnud vaidlused Griffini kavandi keskse osa, tänapäeval arhitekti enda nime kandva paisjärve ümber. It ended four decades of disputes around the central part of the Griffin Plan, today around the inflated tide of architect's own name. [15, 19, 23] 19.0 [-0.9212362203321953, -1.6283857525312686, -1.318230271796973] -1.289284081553479 -0.4442064166069031 106 Praktikas on tõusetunud küsimus, kas mehe ja naise vaheline kooselu võiks olla seltsinguleping, kus mõlemad teevad panuseid ühise eesmärgi nimel. In practice, the question has arisen as to whether cooperation between men and women could be a company contract in which both contribute to the common objective. [56, 80, 51] 62.333333333333336 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.5827011107083454, -0.4297907926901062] -0.1110044179566632 -0.4486841559410095 107 Ukraina väeüksusi rünnatakse suurtükkidest ja raketiheitjatest ka Venemaa territooriumilt. Ukrainian troops are also attacked from Russian territory by large parts and rocket launchers. [56, 84, 77] 72.33333333333333 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.25596036081022194 -0.37489625811576843 108 42 kohast said bolševikud endale 15, seejuures Podolski linnale ette nähtud 4 kohast võtsid bolševikud 3 kohta. Out of 42, the Bolsheans themselves got 15, while 4 sites on the town of Podolski were filed by the Bolshevs 3. [52, 29, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-0.6300169437293796, -1.12785038341693, -1.2079710891507676] -0.9886128054323592 -0.6134232878684998 109 Haitil astus ametisse peaminister Jack Guy Lafontant'i valitsus. In Haiti, Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant's government took office. [100, 83, 88] 90.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5145780564976252] 0.7546855182800497 -0.1841432750225067 110 Suurema osa ruandade energiavajadusest katab puit ja puusüsi. Most of the routines' energy needs will cover timber and insect oil. [29, 17, 5] 17.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.2550975415772707, -2.6331893745656645] -2.0053790998532883 -0.5319534540176392 111 Hiljem leiutasid minoslased ovaalsed kinnitusavad ja võtsid kaustusele ovaalse kujundusega käepidemed, mis tegi pöörlemisele lõpu. Subsequently, some of them invented ovalous assertions and pulled hands with their own sham shape, which put an end to the turn-out. [35, 47, 23] 35.0 [-1.4697527022573933, -0.8698144240265682, -1.318230271796973] -1.2192657993603115 -0.681773841381073 112 Umbes viie minuti pärast andis Jakemenko korralduse lubada autol edasi sõita väga aeglaselt. In about five minutes' time, Jakemenko ordered a car to be allowed to drive very slowly. [61, 84, 56] 67.0 [-0.10599807620235407, 0.6603895448580447, -0.2711408857067372] 0.09441686098298445 -0.2186158001422882 113 Portugal ei tunnustanud kunagi Eesti annekteerimist NSV Liidu poolt. Portugal has never recognised the annexation of Estonia by the NSV Union. [76, 63, 51] 63.333333333333336 [0.3190883206378832, -0.2337601711662148, -0.4297907926901062] -0.11482088107281259 -0.2627755105495453 114 Parameditsiinilise kiirabi korral on laialt levinud korraldus, kus sündmuskohal olijad konsulteerivad haiglas olevate arstidega. In the case of a medical chip for improvement, there is a widespread organisation where those present are consulted with doctors in hospital. [61, 80, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993] 0.13087045806629338 -0.6133982539176941 115 Jaanuaris 1923 tungisid Leedu väed linna ja hõivasid sealse sadama. In January 1923 Lithuanian troops invaded the city and seized the port there. [88, 100, 100] 96.0 [0.8258170009536785, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.0775227141880108 -0.2430366575717926 116 Need käsitused ongi usk fakti ja väärtuse erinevusse. These concepts are faith in the difference in fact and in value. [37, 23, 51] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.318230271796973, -0.8235631210169437] -1.1747618524563672 -0.5448845624923706 117 Isegi keskmises vanuses lapsed kogevad seda muljet, ja nendele ei tuleks kohuseid ka iialgi teisiti esitleda. Even children of middle ages experience this impression, and the duties should never be presented to them otherwise. [71, 64, 57] 64.0 [0.10093697638236171, -0.017301034533346728, -0.4562457837874836] -0.1242032806461562 -0.5638824701309204 118 Scotus väidab nüüd, et kui mõistussuhete põhjus on aru haaramine, siis nad on kas liitmõisted või reaalsed asjad. Scoding now says that, if the reason for rational relations is to understand, they are either alliances or real things. [48, 35, 21] 34.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.4697527022573933, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2085177508060816 -0.51047682762146 119 Gaita meelest mitte tingimata, ja kui ta tõeliselt kahetseb ja võtab õppust, siis ta ei saa seda öelda. Gas does not necessarily think so, and if it genuinely regrets and draws lessons, it cannot say so. [5, 3, 1] 3.0 [-1.1789246735719703, -2.2083429625613316, -2.016289862523797] -1.8011858328856996 -0.393923819065094 120 Siseminister King O'Malley kehtestas samal aastal föderaalpealinna alal kuiva seaduse, sätestades, et uusi alkoholimüügi litsentse seal ei väljastata. In the same year, Minister of the Interior, King O'Malley, introduced a dry law in the Federal Capital, stipulating that new alcohol sales licences will not be issued there. [79, 92, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0176690182308925, 0.680758556193477] 0.7161355672051886 -0.4186195433139801 121 Samas kõrvutab näiteks muusikateadlane Donald Mitchell keskmise perioodi laule ja nende kaasaegseid sümfooniaid. At the same time, Donald Mitchell, a musical scientist, for example, is contrast to the medium-term table and their modern symphoons. [25, 41, 33] 33.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.1598379527113716, -1.1209231937549637] -1.294469450041161 -0.33832836151123047 122 23. aprillil 2007 rõhutas paavst kohtumisel Sri Lanka presidendiga inimõiguste tunnustamist ja kutsus valitsust üles pidama mässulistega dialoogi. On 23 April 2007 the Pope, meeting with the President of Sri Lanka, stressed the recognition of human rights and called on the Government to engage in dialogue with the rebels. [100, 100, 93] 97.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.0539163438577714] 1.1583730771542606 -0.22291648387908936 123 Jürka kohtub maal Peediantsu Maiega ja ehmatab Maret. The Jürka meets Penel Mare on the ground and frightens Maret. [38, 40, 35] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.1593124721939274, -1.5101665306408727] -1.3361136328462935 -0.6970453262329102 124 Uus kontaktivõtmine KGB poolt toimus 28. jaanuaril 1961. The new contact by the KGB took place on 28 January 1961. [83, 100, 77] 86.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755] 0.7022431886900113 -0.21249589323997498 125 Äärmiselt ebapopulaarsete antisemiitlike seaduste jõustamiseks nõudsid Mussolini ja fašistlik valitsus omakorda Hitlerilt ja natsidelt kontsessiooni. In turn, Mussolini and the fascist government demanded concession from Hitler and Nazis for the most unpopular anti-Semitic laws to enter into force. [74, 100, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7513269774987604 -0.2659803032875061 126 Oli selge, et sakslased ei suuda enam rinnet hoida ning nad alustasid oma vägede Eestist väljatõmbamist. It was clear that the Germans would no longer be able to keep up and that they would start withdrawing their troops from Estonia. [100, 100, 88] 96.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6557075736525608] 0.9924895711819101 -0.4216116666793823 127 Tallinnas Kadrioru lossis tehti teatavaks ja anti üle Eesti Popmuusika Aastaauhinnad. In the Tallinn City of Kadrioru Castle, the Estonian Popmusic Awards were announced and submitted. [45, 37, 29] 37.0 [-0.14817086061287058, -0.9759338912474481, -1.12785038341693] -0.7506517117590829 -0.39527079463005066 128 Kord aastas loeti rahvale kogu linnaõigus ette, et keegi ei saaks seaduserikkumist teadmatusega vabandada. Once a year, people were told the whole of urban law in advance, so that no one can apologise for breaking the law without knowing it. [91, 88, 84] 87.66666666666667 [0.6971936874182915, 0.6668234028409779, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6773825205686624 -0.5065306425094604 129 thumb[[Władysław IV WazaWładysław IV Smolenski päästmine sooritatud, 1634 [The saving of Władysław IV WazaWładysław IV Smolenski, 1634 [98, 81, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7906583263724775 -0.2715357840061188 130 Ent erinevalt hapniku avastamisest ei olnud röntgenikiirguse avastamine järgneva 10 kuu jooksul segatud ühessegi ilmsesse teoreetilisse mullistusse. However, unlike the discovery of oxygen, the detection of X-ray in the next 10 months was not accompanied by any apparent theoretical bubble. [100, 85, 93] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9045775615441486 -0.3867342174053192 131 Kohtumisel arutati peamiselt koostööd julgeoleku ja terrorismivastase võitluse valdkonnas. Cooperation in the field of security and counter-terrorism was discussed mainly at the meeting. [85, 100, 93] 92.66666666666667 [0.711760740297822, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9045775615441486 -0.36451953649520874 132 Tapal andis Pioneeripataljoni ülem major Vesse Põder pataljoni juhtimise üle kolonelleitnant Eero Teppile. Pioneeripatallion was handed over by Colonleitant Eero Teppile, the leading Vasse Pyder patallon. [81, 81, 81] 81.0 [0.6189484363352243, 0.5372396648934048, 0.21180183004380843] 0.4559966437574792 -0.5030599236488342 133 Sõber olemine tähendab ka sidumus leida sõbra midagi ligitõmbavat. Being a friend also means making a commitment to finding something attractive for a friend. [100, 88, 100] 96.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.8726797157233768, 1.1249782957469103] 0.965075169010937 -0.3450850248336792 134 Surnukeha pole siis keha, nagu frantsisklastele ilmne oli, vaid laiba vormiga mateeria. The body of death, then, is not a body, as was evident to the Francis, but a wide-ranging stranglehold. [13, 1, 19] 11.0 [-1.785756796330379, -2.016289862523797, -2.027806616696005] -1.9432844251833936 -0.5183625817298889 135 Ka neil, kes objektiivsusse ei usu, on alust aktsepteerida, et need on tähtsad hüved. Those who do not believe in objectivity, too, have reason to accept that these are important benefits. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9203719698734103 -0.25963330268859863 136 Mehe surm vallandas pealinnas uued laiaulatuslikud ja vägivaldsed meeleavaldused. The death of man triggered new large-scale and violent demonstrations in the capital city. [74, 97, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, 1.1980287771688547, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8516116186171466 -0.4103766083717346 137 18. sajandi keskpaiga liikumist puhastada poola keel ladina keele segust juhtisid Stanisław Konarski ja Franciszek Bohomolec. The movement of the 18th century to clean Polish from the Latin language mix was led by Stanisław Konarski and Franciszek Bohomolec. [100, 93, 100] 97.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0254873783890688 -0.2990228235721588 138 Esialgu kasutati 6,58 km pikkust raudteed ainult kaupade transpordiks, jaanuaris 1923 pandi käiku rongid tööliste veoks. Initially 6.58 km of railways were used only for the transport of goods, and in January 1923 trains were introduced for the transport of workers. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [0.6971936874182915, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7923890465090769 -0.351312518119812 139 Direktiivi kohaselt on esimesel aastal liikmesriikide vahelise kõneminuti piirhinnaks 49 eurosenti ja kõne vastuvõtmise piirhinnaks 24 eurosenti. The Directive sets the maximum price per minute for calls between Member States at 49 euro cents for the first year and 24 euro cents for receiving a call. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.40243443846702576 140 Lari mängis jäähokit ja ta oli kooli jäähoki meeskonna kapten. The bar was played by a residual hole and was a captain of the school ice hockey team. [6, 22, 1] 9.666666666666666 [-1.1531558282479928, -1.519643775650632, -2.016289862523797] -1.5630298221408072 -0.5016266703605652 141 Evelin uhkustab Georgi ees temast ajakirjas avaldatud artikliga. I am proud of Mr Georgi with his article published in the magazine. [8, 5, 1] 4.666666666666667 [-1.1016181376000378, -2.1358483113075737, -2.016289862523797] -1.7512521038104694 -0.3036072850227356 142 Kant rõhutab, et eetika määrab seadused inimtahtele, niivõrd kui loodus seda tahet afitseerib. Kant emphasises that ethics is determined by laws on human will, as far as nature espouses this will. [79, 80, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.45360522473850245, 0.4903786678134342, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4791977628647457 -0.498218297958374 143 Eestis Tallinnas Kadriorus avati pärast ulatuslikku renoveerimist kunagise linnapea Jaan Poska maja. In Tallinn, Estonia, Kadriorus, the house of Jaan Poska, the former Mayor, was opened after extensive renovation. [84, 64, 80] 76.0 [0.525496140586804, -0.017301034533346728, 0.4936093960423005] 0.33393483403191926 -0.29144909977912903 144 Kanada prantsuskeelses Québeci provintsis toimusid parlamendivalimised. The French province of Québec in Canada held parliamentary elections. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.2854423224925995 145 Kergelt vigastatute seas olid ka asepresident Adel Abdul Mahdi ja avalike tööde minister Riad Ghraib. Among those who were slightly injured were Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi and Minister for Public Works Riad Ghrab. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.26202014088630676 146 Loogilised positivistid püüdsid sõnastada ideaalsed seletusstandardid, mille poole teadlased peaksid püüdma. The creative positioners tried to formulate the ideal standards of explanation that the scientific community should strive for. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.5790881514549255 147 Kui sinul sündis laps, küll saan siis minagi, arvab Tiik. When you were born, I am a child, who thinks. [23, 12, 1] 12.0 [-1.318230271796973, -2.4732488858327923, -2.782925753755637] -2.191468303795134 -0.5933718681335449 148 Moderntantsu harrastab Norras näiteks Nye Carte Blanche Bergenis. In Norway, for example, Modernisation is practised by Nye Carte Blanche Bergen. [35, 29, 23] 29.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.0164676786809514, -1.318230271796973] -1.1923705748440652 -0.2654300928115845 149 2015. aastal oli Gaboni import hinnanguliselt 2,429 miljardit USD, 2014. aastal 3,089 miljardit USD. In 2015, Gabon imports were estimated at USD 2.429 billion, at USD 3.089 billion in 2014. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.2666313350200653 150 Paavst kutsus 5. detsembril 2010 kõiki palvetama nende eest, kes kannatavad vägivalla käes. On 5 December 2010, the Pope invited everyone to pray for those who are suffering violence. [79, 83, 84] 82.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6172985934001295] 0.5651346735780818 -0.2519986629486084 151 Vasallilinnustest on täies ilus taastatud Purtse, Vao, Kiiu, lisaks on potentsiaali Järve vasallilinnusel. Left-urban areas have been absolutely restored by Purvis, Vao, Kiev, and there is also potential for a follow-up on the Resis. [39, 41, 42] 40.666666666666664 [-1.049295486350713, -0.7470906066568443, -0.7946972631130536] -0.8636944520402036 -0.6186414957046509 152 Eesti keskkonnaminister Marko Pomerants oli visiidil Soomes, et osaleda Helsingis toimuval Soome lahe aasta lõpukonverentsil. Estonian Environment Minister Marko Pomderots visited Finland to attend the Final Conference of the Gulf of Finland in Helsinki. [64, 83, 56] 67.66666666666667 [-0.45465262286070834, 0.6245002025956135, -0.2711408857067372] -0.03376443532394404 -0.4030148684978485 153 Armastus peab olema tõeline reaktsioon armastatule, suuresti adekvaatne ja mõistlik reaktsioon. Innumeracy must be a real response to the loved, largely adequate and sensible response. [42, 36, 48] 42.0 [-1.1643408202996632, -1.2063904310939828, -0.8284575600026597] -1.0663962704654353 -0.44544878602027893 154 Nähtavasti on Aristotelese järgi ka aritmeetika puhul nii. Obviously, this is also the case with arithmetic in Aristotle. [67, 84, 70] 73.66666666666667 [-0.15565346186594825, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.10416793228405134 -0.3625015914440155 155 Paistab aga, et selle õpetuse järgi ei ole see kõrgem headuse aste kui teised astmed. It seems, however, that according to this teaching, it is not higher than other degrees of good. [95, 82, 67] 81.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.5808699337445091, 0.07788890965667469] 0.5259152156547252 -0.44348397850990295 156 Kivu järve all on maagaasi leiukohad, mida ei ole veel õieti kasutusele võetud. In the wake of Kivu, there are natural gas inventions that have not yet been put into practice. [78, 80, 82] 80.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5776758168102278] 0.491467780987918 -0.45354869961738586 157 Esmapilgul tundub, et on eeldatud sellist arusaama kaitsest, et adekvaatne kaitse nõuab teise poole hävitamist. At first glance, it seems to have been assumed that an adequate level of protection requires the destruction of the other party. [88, 83, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.7442185189868247, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 0.8969393636076727 -0.43860429525375366 158 See häving veenis Prantsuse valitsust oma abitusest merel ja rohkem jõupingutusi ei tehtud. This destruction convinced the French Government of its helplessness at sea, and no further efforts were made. [96, 83, 100] 93.0 [1.156671913144946, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.901407248978912 -0.28708913922309875 159 22. septembril vallutasid Nõukogude väed Tallinna, Otto Tiefi valitsuse liikmed põgenesid, kuid enamik neist tabati, mõned jõudsid ka Rootsi. On 22 September, Soviet troops invaded Tallinn, the government members of Otto Tiefi fled, but most of them were caught, some reached Sweden. [97, 95, 92] 94.66666666666667 [1.198905646365287, 1.3237991523753736, 0.9912444570493123] 1.1713164185966576 -0.3143358528614044 160 Tänapäeva Mahleri muusika uurijad nii mõistagi enam ei arva. Researchers in Mahler's music today obviously no longer think so. [80, 75, 100] 85.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.2881777686428686, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6355884868106931 -0.49442577362060547 161 Emade ja laste suremus on suur, kuid see on viimase 25 aasta jooksul üle kahe korra vähenenud. The mortality rate among mothers and children is high, but it has decreased more than twice over the last 25 years. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.41153228282928467 162 Mäng toimus Tallinnas A. Le Coq Arenal ja väravate autoriteks olid Joe Cole, Peter Crouch ja Michael Owen. The match was held in Tallinn, A. Le Coq Development, and the authors of the gates were Joe Cole, Peter Crouch and Michael Owen. [72, 84, 78] 78.0 [0.44490263343234565, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3623433950054163] 0.4917921666281599 -0.2841455638408661 163 Nad ei saanud asja mõttest kuigi palju aru, osalt sellepärast, et misjonärid ei osanud hästi nauru keelt. They did not understand the point very much, partly because missionaries did not know the language of the day. [78, 73, 83] 78.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.2054640405950517, 0.6245002025956135] 0.3788514054762553 -0.43470221757888794 164 Viimased arhiivid, kus kasutati lineaarkirja A, pärinevad perioodist LMIIIA. The latest archives using the linear note A date back to the period LMIIIA. [100, 83, 99] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714] 1.001448742058905 -0.4298129379749298 165 Inimesed on aga kõikjal sõbralikud ja külalislahked. People everywhere, however, are friendly and hospitalised. [53, 51, 49] 51.0 [-0.2811423169988513, -0.7716684006397244, -0.4983142536597866] -0.5170416570994542 -0.30697789788246155 166 2013. aasta lõpus esitas põhiseaduskomisjon valitsusele uue põhiseaduse eelnõu. At the end of 2013, the Committee on Constitutional Affairs submitted a new draft constitution to the government. [73, 67, 58] 66.0 [0.18819751408457033, 0.07788890965667469, -0.41488891976357517] -0.049600832007443384 -0.25505363941192627 167 Ukraina lennuamet sulges terrorismivastase operatsiooni läbiviimise piirkonna õhuruumi tsiviillendudele. The Ukrainian aviation authority closed the counter-terrorism operation on civilian flights in the area. [81, 53, 67] 67.0 [0.7888186625839653, -0.39597668121738544, 0.07788890965667469] 0.1569102970077515 -0.40152010321617126 168 Alternatiivsete geomeetriate avastamine muutis kahtlaseks eelduse, et Eukleidese geomeetria on universumi ruumi teooria. The discovery of alternative geometries made it dubious that Eukinal geometry was the theory of the universe space. [79, 64, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.3426133161983885, 0.1391994964086838, 0.23653881664004375] 0.239450543082372 -0.31952372193336487 169 Ta peab silmas, et teo väärtus ei ole mingis muus sihis kui kohuses, st mingis soovist või kalduvusest tulevas sihis; mitte et üldse sihti ei oleks. He means that the value of the act is not in any other place than the duty, that is to say in any place coming from a desire or a propensity; not at all the target. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.5152377486228943 170 Sellised propositsioone saab avastada pelga mõtlemisega, sõltumatult maailmas olemasolevast. Such positions can be detected with just one thought, independently of what exists in the world. [84, 70, 89] 81.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.018403229555799133, 0.867173864977587] 0.517902521993368 -0.5408250689506531 171 Juudi asukad linnades osalesid avaliku infrastruktuuri hooldamisel ja panustasid mujal, sealhulgas ühine sõjaline kaitse. The city of July's towns and cities participated in the maintenance of public infrastructure and contributed elsewhere, including joint military protection. [32, 42, 21] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.0765987441461105, -1.3816902345903206] -1.3529774958490457 -0.4413178861141205 172 Küllaldase aluse printsiibi järgi peaks maailma olemasolul olema alus, kui mõista maailma all kõike peale Jumala, kui Jumal on olemas. According to the principle of a frozen basis, there should be a basis for the existence of the world by understanding everything but God in the world. [31, 35, 29] 31.666666666666668 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.3616028517280283, -1.2659124962624795] -1.3380074979619765 -0.5386188626289368 173 Kui fjorde ja muid lahti mitte arvestada, on rannajoone pikkus 2650 km või 2532 km. If fjords and others are not taken into account, the coastline is 2650 km or 2532 km. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091] 0.806646722524648 -0.3249751329421997 174 Nad vallutasid Cartagena ja teisi asulaid Hispaania lõunarannikul. They invaded Cartagena and other settlements on the southern coast of Spain. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.0092473431158282 -0.15522710978984833 175 Näiteks tegid Ameerika Ühendriigid ja Nõukogude Liit Rahvasteliiduga üha enam koostööd. For example, the United States and the Soviet Union have increasingly cooperated with the People's Union. [98, 100, 99] 99.0 [0.9812361563169528, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.128985652426845 -0.35591620206832886 176 Päeva lõpuks oli Maitla pataljonist rivvi jäänud vaid 26 meest, kes kõik teenisid Sinimägede lahingu eest Raudristi. At the end of the day, only 26 men were stranded in Maitla's patalllion's clothing, all serving the Iron Curtain. [5, 25, 29] 19.666666666666668 [-1.1789246735719703, -1.4109017987699952, -1.12785038341693] -1.2392256185862986 -0.4803704619407654 177 Osa arstidest leiab, et parimaks abiks on viivitusteta transport haiglasse, teised pooldavad ravi alustamist sündmuskohal. Some doctors consider that transport to hospital without delay is the best help, while others are in favour of the start of treatment on the ground. [83, 100, 92] 91.66666666666667 [0.35590589178006926, 1.0991035183644302, 1.2091604759915002] 0.8880566287119999 -0.47226426005363464 178 Senise Gambia Vabariigi uueks ametlikuks nimeks sai Gambia Islamivabariik. The new official name of the Senate of Gambia was given to the Islamic Republic of Gambia. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.2854519486427307 179 4. märts 2011 Islandi president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, 4 March 2011. [100, 100, 94] 98.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0901636694846504] 1.0044835807116113 -0.16820228099822998 180 Teadlaste üleminekut ühelt paradigmalt ühitamatule alternatiivile võrdleb Kuhn geštaldivahetuse või usulise pöördumisega. The shift of researchers to one paradigm-incompatible alternative is compared with Kuhn's getachotaposition change or religious change. [29, 23, 35] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.318230271796973, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4719537931581541 -0.602040708065033 181 Mitmed muusikateadlased on jaganud Mahleri elu tema loomingu põhjal kolme perioodi. Several musical scientists have divided the life of Mahler for three periods on the basis of his creation. [100, 85, 85] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7017464088819532, 0.711760740297822] 0.8375368891814018 -0.41162943840026855 182 Juuli lõpul organiseeris Rebane Loobu metsavaheteel Punaarmee kolonnile eduka varitsuse. At the end of July, Rebaane's wooden forest facility organised a successful theft to the Red Army Colonel. [18, 27, 36] 27.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228, -1.1450428461169377] -1.4802392926545025 -0.5294498205184937 183 Tänapäeva füüsikud peavad ruumi kõveraks, nii et Eukleidese aksioomid ei kehti. Today's physicists consider space to be a curve, so Eukinal axiom does not apply. [98, 89, 80] 89.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4949620887624109] 0.7659891405299214 -0.6002690196037292 184 pisi350pxBütsantsi ja Sassaniidide alad 626. aastal P.350pxBütszts and Sassanite areas in 626 [53, 67, 81] 67.0 [-0.6216732398831174, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] -0.0021815551110126266 -0.4917716085910797 185 See, millest hoolitakse, on tähtis osa sellest, kes ollakse. What is taken care of is an important part of who is. [29, 15, 1] 15.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.3423580792794794, -2.782925753755637] -2.0843780721506824 -0.3621853291988373 186 Georgia lõunaosas Americuses sai kannatada kohalik haigla, kus hukkus kaks inimest. In southern Georgia, a local hospital has been damaged, with two deaths. [79, 51, 58] 62.666666666666664 [0.44997912719119615, -0.4297907926901062, -0.41488891976357517] -0.13156686175416174 -0.44620299339294434 187 Kui aga uurida asju siin esitatud armastuseteooria valguses, paistavad asjad teisiti. However, if you look at things in the light of the love theory presented here, things seem different. [96, 95, 100] 97.0 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1264109951115293, 1.32209936924058] 1.134506836958463 -0.36950865387916565 188 Eestit esindasid kohtumisel kaitseminister Margus Tsahkna ja välisminister Sven Mikser. Estonia was represented by Minister Margus Tsahkna and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sven Mikser at the meeting. [80, 66, 73] 73.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.07523855193204053, 0.26826879803671755] 0.2790389153370195 -0.2784701883792877 189 Tallinna vanalinna koosseisus kuulub Tallinna raekoda alates 1997. aastast UNESCO maailmapärandi nimekirja. As an old city of Tallinn, the City Hall has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997. [100, 100, 86] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.8001850644696189] 0.9078240457066008 -0.4616672694683075 190 Toimunud plahvatuses hukkus kaksteist ja sai vigastada umbes kolmkümmend inimest. Twelve people died and about thirty people were injured in the explosion that occurred. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8838664257502155 -0.3296816647052765 191 pisiTina Turner ja Eric Clapton Wembley Arenal 18. juunil 1987 MetaTina Turner and Eric Claston Wembley Development on 18 June 1987 [21, 12, 17] 16.666666666666668 [-1.178843972542057, -1.6672600671603848, -2.1105203447438217] -1.6522081281487544 -0.26479649543762207 192 Tarbijahinnaindeks oli samal perioodil 105,6% ja jäi alla inflatsioonile, mis oli 2011. aastal 6,1%. The consumer price index was 105.6% over the same period and remained below inflation, which was 6.1% in 2011. [100, 74, 78] 84.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.23182778293567463, 0.412248360714594] 0.5750728670538533 -0.229491725564003 193 Algatajaks oli arvatavasti ordu, kes soovis piiskop Alberti äraolekut kasutades Liivimaal juhtivasse rolli astuda. It was probably the bedrock who, using the presence of Bishop Alberti, wanted to play a leading role in Libya. [18, 25, 32] 25.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.9060553907684363, -1.490167384385195] -1.6243676513113243 -0.4941723942756653 194 Meie meel näeb lakkamatult, peaaegu alati vaeva, et luua liikuv, osalt moonutav kate, mis varjab meie eest osa maailmast. We are unceasingly, almost always struggling to create a mobile, partly distorting, which conceals a part of the world from us. [29, 23, 34] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.318230271796973, -1.407453656337378] -1.394745919983449 -0.4640423059463501 195 Serbia korraldas koostöös Venemaaga ühepäevase terrorismivastase võitluse õppuse. Serbia, in cooperation with Russia, organised a one-day counter-terrorism exercise. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.3452751636505127 196 Matemaatik ütleb, et see pole tema asi, milline geomeetria tegelikult tõene on. Mathek says that this is not his business, which geometry is actually true. [85, 79, 82] 82.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5208570439193642 -0.41994190216064453 197 Visiidi esimesel päeval kohtus ta president Thein Seiniga. On the first day of the visit, he met President Thein Sein. [89, 100, 98] 95.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.083548584213971 -0.20284537971019745 198 Nauru territoriaalmere laius on 12 meremiili ja pindala umbes 570 km². The size of the pound's territorial sea is approximately 570 km ² of 12 nautical miles and surface areas. [50, 37, 23] 36.666666666666664 [-1.0519062652275972, -1.3824921645551846, -1.318230271796973] -1.2508762338599182 -0.2881937026977539 199 20. sajandi esimesel poolel toimus Colombia ja Peruu vahel mitu piiritüli. In the first half of the 20th century there were several border disputes between Colombia and Peru. [85, 82, 100] 89.0 [0.6490285747968032, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.8506659592606308 -0.20543694496154785 200 Husravile tuli Bütsantsi pealetung täieliku üllatusena ning Bütsants võitis ühe lahingu teise järel. For treatment, the insistence of the Bureau came as a complete surprise, and Butsants won one battle after another. [22, 18, 20] 20.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.4768801787803418, -2.124206735023958] -1.7706013821141038 -0.5237310528755188 201 Venemaa territooriumilt tulistati Ukraina sõjaväelasi nii miinipildujaist kui Grad granaadiheitjatest. From Russian territory, Ukrainian military personnel were shot from both the mine pilots and the Grad grangrandeers. [49, 55, 61] 55.0 [-0.7380869726102427, -0.5971473252353072, -0.2908183276918498] -0.5420175418457999 -0.5682834386825562 202 Venemaa maksuteenistuse uueks juhatajaks nimetati senine juhataja asetäitja Mihhail Mokretsov. The new president of the Russian tax service, Mr Mikhail Mocharv, has been appointed Vice-President of the Senate. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2796829184695959 -0.4059545397758484 203 Edasi liikudes tõrjuti põliselanikud põlluharimiseks kõlbmatutele aladele, tapeti või sulatati pikkamööda enda hulka. As we go forward, the indigenous population was excluded from areas unfit for farming, killed or sealed along its own lines. [66, 68, 67] 67.0 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.14773320318579836, -0.04267714354839904] -0.006878027549317459 -0.591600239276886 204 Kohtumisel liidukantsler Angela Merkeliga arutati Tšehhi toetust Euroopa põhiseaduslikule lepingule. During the meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Czech support for the European Constitution was discussed. [65, 51, 58] 58.0 [-0.09300816647554071, -0.4297907926901062, -0.41488891976357517] -0.3125626263097407 -0.33071109652519226 205 Kuningriik kestis kuni aastani 1946, kui itaallased valisid vabariikliku põhiseaduse. The Kingdom lasted until 1946 when the Italians chose the Republican Constitution. [100, 94, 85] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0739581850971294, 0.711760740297822] 0.9616074812531273 -0.2966398000717163 206 George Bernard Shaw arvas, et 1930. aastate publik pidas Mahlerit ja Brucknerit "kallilt madalasordiliseks". George Bernard Shaw thought that the audience of the 1930s considered Mahler and Bruckner to be 'expensive low order'. [80, 52, 81] 71.0 [0.7506057704560075, -0.6630301039070259, 0.8523251551766589] 0.3133002739085468 -0.3211210072040558 207 Miks siis Aristoteles räägib põhiliselt asjadest, mitte predikaatidest ega mõistetest? Why, then, is Aristotle talking mainly about things, not priests and notions? [66, 84, 75] 75.0 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.6681304714467177, 0.33172876083006514] 0.3052750749014918 -0.4236849546432495 208 Teine seimike kutsuti kokku pärast seimi lõppotsust. The second set of mixtures was convened after the final decision of the Seimas. [25, 33, 40] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.557013239959602, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3236986737190515 -0.45438867807388306 209 Federal Highway, mis liitub Goulburni linna lähistel Hume Highwayga, ühendab Canberrat Sydneyga, linnadevaheline sõiduaeg on kolm tundi. The Federal way, which joins Hume Highway near Goulburg, connects Canberrat Sydney, while intercity travel time is three hours. [55, 79, 67] 67.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.0019737073331181445 -0.38726747035980225 210 Normaalteaduse kumulatiivsus sõltub teadlaste võimest valida probleeme, mida saab olemasolevate tehnikatega lahendada. The cumulative nature of standardised research depends on the ability of scientists to choose problems that can be solved with existing techniques. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.43511417508125305 211 13. sajandil teravnesid suhted katoliku kiriku ja Portugali monarhide vahel. In the 13th century, relations between the Catholic Church and the Portuguese monarchs were exacerbated. [98, 100, 78] 92.0 [1.239385641192763, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.9235709317599218 -0.19035214185714722 212 Eestit külastas Andorra välisminister Gilbert Saboya Sunyé, kes kohtus siin Eesti välisministri Marina Kaljuranna ja rahandusministri Sven Sesteriga. Estonia was visited by Gilbert Saboya Sunyé, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Andorra, who met with the Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marina Kaljuranna, and Minister of Finance, Sven Sester. [53, 56, 72] 60.333333333333336 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.2711408857067372, 0.20456846669006593] -0.22018867326192107 -0.19280192255973816 213 Kui teadlastel pole üksmeelt, kas valdkonna fundamentaalsed probleemid on lahendatud, omandab reeglite otsimine rolli, mida sel tavaliselt pole. If there is no agreement among scientists as to whether the fundamental problems in this area have been solved, the search for rules will play a role that it usually does not have. [99, 81, 90] 90.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8026661073592399 -0.41509121656417847 214 Politsei ajas meeleavalduse pisargaasi ja veekahureid kasutades laiali. The police spread the demonstration using tear gas and cannons. [90, 83, 96] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9161304397840745] 0.7827697080532867 -0.30837592482566833 215 Tal on ka vend Johan Ekholm, keda pole sarjas nähtud. He also has a brother Johan Exholm, who has not been seen in the horns. [75, 79, 83] 79.0 [0.014618096141847111, 0.3426133161983885, 0.6245002025956135] 0.327243871645283 -0.2732129693031311 216 Minu nägu hakkas särama, kui mõtlesin nende ajastu lõpule. My face began to be shining when I thought about the end of their era. [100, 82, 78] 86.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4269187050200866] 0.7022973857096754 -0.37989774346351624 217 Burundi on loodusvarade poolest vaene merepiirita riik, üks maailma kümnest vaesemast riigist. Burundi is a country without sea borders in terms of natural resources, one of the ten poorest countries in the world. [73, 51, 79] 67.66666666666667 [0.2054640405950517, -0.4297907926901062, 0.44997912719119615] 0.07521745836538053 -0.3106479346752167 218 Õnnetuse tulemusel süttisid sõidukid põlema, hukkus kakskümmend neli ja sai vigastada seitseteist inimest. As a result of the accident, vehicles burned, twenty-four died and seventeen people were injured. [100, 73, 83] 85.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.26826879803671755, 0.6190326808341362] 0.662134999078428 -0.3157118260860443 219 Popperi demarkatsioonikriteerium teaduse ja pseudoteaduse vahel nägi ette, et teooria peab olema falsifitseeritav. The Popperi démarches criterion between science and pseudo-science stipulated that theory must be homogenised. [56, 56, 56] 56.0 [-0.4976026478113921, -0.48592357188822877, -0.2872347043367487] -0.42358697467878986 -0.5313123464584351 220 Ulatuslik kaasatundev samastumine ei ole tema järgi omane mitte igasugusele moraalimõtlemisele, vaid ainult "kriitilisele" mõtlemisele. A wide-ranging admiration is intrinsic not to any moral imitation, but only to 'critical' thinking. [98, 89, 80] 89.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7655382429565513 -0.5538517832756042 221 Jacksoni isa Joseph avastas kolme vanima poja Jackie, Tito ja Jermaine'i muusikaande. The father of Jackson, Joseph, discovered the music talent of the three oldest boys, Jackie, Tito and Jericho. [92, 65, 77] 78.0 [1.0176690182308925, 0.1774123885366415, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5219909678194065 -0.2906489372253418 222 Oletame, et nad saavad lapse ning neil on piiramatult õnnelikke järglasi. We assume that they will have a child and that they will have unrestrained happy offspring. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8620769254277464 -0.33725225925445557 223 Konverentsil valiti föderatsiooni uueks presidendiks Eesti Kabeliidu president Janek Mäggi. At the conference, the new President of the Federation was elected President of the Estonian Celebration Union, Janek. [48, 39, 29] 38.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.2952316268529762, -1.12785038341693] -1.0657307752801455 -0.3703233003616333 224 Ühtlasi avas peaminister Eesti aukonsulaadi Tamperes. At the same time, the Prime Minister opened an honour consulate in Tampere. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8652444468398807, 0.87113844457352] 0.9451621365926103 -0.4812951683998108 225 See mõte on esimene jõud, mis sündis enne kõike muud. This idea is the first force to be born before anything else. [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6359670940721344] 0.9387376899826188 -0.3367191553115845 226 Läti pealinnas Riias Läti Rahvusooperi hoones toimus 2014. aasta Euroopa filmiauhindade gala. In the Latvian capital city of Riga, Latvia's National Copera building, the European Film Awards 2014 took place. [88, 86, 83] 85.66666666666667 [0.5692107640539581, 0.5947767169204025, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5961625611899913 -0.37571683526039124 227 Demokritos võttis grammatilise analoogia idee küllap siiski Herakleitoselt. However, in demographics, the idea of a grams of analogy was cold at Herakleitomist. [13, 4, 19] 12.0 [-2.0349273191806003, -2.404054829980755, -1.6283857525312686] -2.0224559672308744 -0.45177000761032104 228 Edaspidi on see tsiviilrikkumine, mille eest karistatakse vaid rahatrahviga. From now on, it will be a civil offence that will only be punished with a fine. [86, 90, 94] 90.0 [0.7553910091489263, 0.8076784817801723, 1.0739581850971294] 0.879009225342076 -0.4939115643501282 229 Iraagi Kurdistani võimud võtsid vastu otsuse korraldada 25. septembril referendum piirkonna iseseisvumise küsimuses. The Iraqi Kurdistan authorities took the decision to hold a referendum on the independence of the region on 25 September. [85, 95, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.9416702310957962, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0643531739847454 -0.19489184021949768 230 Need on üksikväited, näiteks "vaskkang pikenes kuumutamisel", "lakmuspaber värvus vesinikkkloriidhappega mõõtklaasi kastmisel punaseks". These are individual claims, such as' the copper increased in heating ',' a litmus paper colouring with a hydrogen chloridic measurement glass into a red one '. [63, 83, 73] 73.0 [-0.20810459964403286, 0.6245002025956135, -0.0876709283361361] 0.1095748915384815 -0.5216125249862671 231 Girkin kutsus üles relvarahu kehtestamisele humanitaarsetel kaalutlustel. Girkin called for a cease-fire on humanitarian grounds. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.23510372638702393 232 Kuigi enamjaolt rakenduvad praktikas laenulepingu normid võlasuhtele, kus üks pool on teisele laenanud raha, esineb ka asjade laenamist. Although, in most cases, the rules of the loan agreement apply to debtors, where one side has borrowed money on the other, there is also borrowing. [27, 14, 1] 14.0 [-1.2746775123257523, -2.3859883481305837, -2.016289862523797] -1.892318574326711 -0.5221534967422485 233 Luganskis sai kaks väikebussis olnud tsiviilisikut bussi lähedal lõhkenud mürsu kildudest surma. In Luganss, two civilians in small rubbish were killed by poisoning kilos burnt near buses. [35, 25, 23] 27.666666666666668 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.4109017987699952, -1.318230271796973] -1.3238486148737463 -0.6226024031639099 234 Võrreldes Platoniga tundub see nagu sõõm värsket õhku. It looks like a friend of fresh air compared to Platon. [87, 61, 70] 72.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, -0.2908183276918498, -0.19997321272861532] 0.10274324585985517 -0.46808671951293945 235 Kinnipeetavate ja korravalvurite õiguste rõhutamine Emphasising the rights of detainees and law enforcement [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.32308333696517566, 1.3076476232459238, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8233798077959819 -0.3494012653827667 236 Kommunistid püüdsid koguni 1924. aasta 1. detsembril riigipöörde korraldada, ent see kukkus läbi. The Communists even attempted to carry out a coup d'état on 1 December 1924, but it failed. [98, 100, 99] 99.0 [0.9812361563169528, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.128985652426845 -0.2071082890033722 237 pisi[[Maria Theresia, Ungari ja Böömimaa kuninganna ja Austria ertshertsoginna. Big [Maria Theresia, Hungarian and Bohemia Queen and Austrian ertsherDuchy] [82, 83, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.5776758168102278, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4588479182173855 -0.41562363505363464 238 Sierra Leones toimusid üldvalimised, mille käigus valisid Sierra Leone kodanikud omale uue presidendi, parlamendi ja kohalikud omavalitsused. In Sierra Leone, a general election took place, during which the citizens of Sierra Leone elected their new president, parliament and local authorities. [100, 100, 96] 98.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9161304397840745] 1.0792971932257478 -0.3610878884792328 239 Prantsusmaa president François Hollande lubas, et tema valitsus ei kehtesta 2015. aastal ühtegi uut maksu. French President François Hollande promised that his government would not introduce any new tax in 2015. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.2146226465702057 240 Kui väärtus ei ole subjekti jaoks relevantne, võib ta vabalt pidada seda relevantseks kellegi teise jaoks. If the value is not the hit by the individual, it can easily be considered a hit for anybody else. [71, 80, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.4936093960423005, 0.36345874222673896] 0.30383157026170876 -0.5053759813308716 241 1990. aastatel majandus hangus, välisvõlg muutus üha koormavamaks, lisaks saabus Mosambiigist palju põgenikke. In the 1990s, the economy came to fruition, foreign debt became increasingly onerous, and many refugees arrived from Mozambique. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8589270348934749 -0.455902636051178 242 Kohus leidis, et lood kirjanduslikku väärtust ei kanna, nimetatud materjal on tunnistatud nilbena. The Court found that the stories did not carry the literary value, the material has been recognised as being from nowhere. [80, 78, 75] 77.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.4269187050200866, -0.016503524950316713] 0.30134152537069014 -0.545092761516571 243 Konverentsi teisel päeval osaleb ka Afganistani president Ashraf Ghanī. The second day of the conference will also be attended by Afghan President Ashraf in Ghana. [80, 83, 77] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, 0.29762613272172966] 0.47083500104359244 -0.28717073798179626 244 See teeb reaktsiooni tõhusamaks ja riskivabamaks võrreldes välissignaalide poolt vallandatud reaktsioonidega. This will make the response more effective and risk-free than the reactions triggered by external signals. [98, 77, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8382512392265843 -0.3069303333759308 245 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis keskturu lähistel üritas enesetaputerrorist hommikuse tipptunni ajal tappa kõrget julgeolekuteenistuse ametnikku. In the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, near the central market, suicide bombers attempted to kill a high-level security service official during the morning peak. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.3436744809150696 246 Tobago kliima on veidi jahedam, kuid suures osas Trinidadi kliimaga sarnane. The climate in the Tobago is a little hunting, but to a large extent the climate in Trinidad is similar. [59, 78, 69] 68.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.4063488583400919, 0.1413488724500223] 0.05661472926091619 -0.4119724929332733 247 Tuneesias Siliana linnas puhkesid kokkupõrked töötuse vastu meelt avaldavate inimeste ja julgeolekujõudude vahel. In the city of Siliana in Tunisia, clashes broke out between people and security forces demonstrating against unemployment. [64, 62, 60] 62.0 [-0.1977368282059271, -0.08076099732669434, -0.3321751917157582] -0.20355767241612654 -0.274060994386673 248 Ma kardan, et solvaja toimis lubatavalt, kui ta kohtles mind väheväärtuslikuna. I fear that the insult to me was permissive when he found me undervalued. [48, 40, 55] 47.666666666666664 [-0.646406757005007, -0.7788205880535182, -0.5389595118353006] -0.6547289522979419 -0.6501231789588928 249 Et erinevaid inimesi teevad õnnelikuks erinevad asjad, siis mittemonogaamia võimalikuks tegemine suurendab tõenäoliselt üleüldist õnne. Since different people are making different things happy, making non-monopogamy possible is likely to increase the overall happiness. [21, 23, 22] 22.0 [-1.5253339301988655, -1.318230271796973, -1.9037360246242796] -1.5824334088733727 -0.49163931608200073 250 Politsei vahistas teletorni juures ligi 100 inimest, muuhulgas olid vahistatute seas ka poliitikud Boriss Nemtsov ja Sergei Udaltsov. The police arrested around 100 people on the television tower, including politicians Boriss NemDuv and Sergei Udalv. [67, 59, 51] 59.0 [-0.08966679932506398, -0.16458199586396258, -0.4297907926901062] -0.22801319595971092 -0.49746838212013245 251 Sama firma korraldab Qcity Transiti kaubamärgi all ka liiklust Canberra ja Queanbeyani linna vahel. The same company also organises traffic between Canberra and Queanbeyan under Qcity transit brands. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9289968956675704 -0.30978813767433167 252 Guinea president Lansana Conté vabastas ametist peaminister Eugène Camara ja lubas nimetada uue, ametiühingutele vastuvõetava peaministrikandidaadi. President of Guinea, Lansana Conté, released Prime Minister Eugène Camara and promised to appoint a new Prime Minister acceptable to trade unions. [90, 79, 71] 80.0 [1.132734691735585, 0.45360522473850245, 0.4152353320091415] 0.6671917494944096 -0.24727049469947815 253 Kokku hukkus seitsme nädala kestel kokkupõrgetes sada kümme inimest. In total, 100 people died during the clashes in seven weeks. [62, 84, 80] 75.33333333333333 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4949620887624109] 0.36077718762747807 -0.36244264245033264 254 Kella 13 ajal nägi Napoleon esimest Preisi kolonni liginemas Saint Lamberti küla suunast, umbes nelja tunni marsi kauguselt. During whose 13 times, Napoleon saw the first Preis colony near Saint Lambert's village, a march of around four hours away. [70, 76, 82] 76.0 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.23454328731752536, 0.5808699337445091] 0.20557548164333092 -0.4217512905597687 255 Nigeris Zinderi linnas ründasid meeleavaldajad Prantsuse kultuurikeskust ja kristlikke kirikuid. In Niger's city of Zinder, demonstrators attacked the French cultural centre and Christian churches. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.1749146431684494 256 Vahetusleping on õigusteoreetiliselt eritüübiline müügileping. An exchange contract is a legal, theoretically specific sales contract. [91, 82, 75] 82.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2881777686428686] 0.569485388521408 -0.4871607720851898 257 Uurimusi aegruumi topoloogia, lõpmatuse ja sümmeetria kohta. Research into space space pology, infinality and symmetry [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-0.9276200615776447, -2.016289862523797, -1.990859008800058] -1.644922977633833 -0.2701282203197479 258 Maal elatakse aga ikka veel traditsioonilisel isemajandaval viisil. However, the land is still living in a traditional self-sufficiency manner. [39, 52, 25] 38.666666666666664 [-1.2952316268529762, -0.6630301039070259, -1.2547703090036253] -1.0710106799212091 -0.4410272240638733 259 12. jaanuaril toimuma pidanud valimiste uueks kuupäevaks määrati 21. jaanuar. 21 January was set as the new date for the elections held on 12 January. [67, 85, 80] 77.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] 0.42820391290563586 -0.33290886878967285 260 Tulevahetuses ja pommiplahvatuses hukkus siiski vähemalt neli inimest. However, at least four people died in the outcome and in the bombing explosion. [56, 69, 63] 62.666666666666664 [0.13528643795088183, 0.1839805288126773, -0.04903101593002054] 0.09007865027784621 -0.30439022183418274 261 Ka suuremas osas Portugali pühades, rahvakommetes ja traditsioonides on märgata katoliikluse tugevat kultuurimõju. Also, most of Portugal's sacred, popular traditions and traditions have seen the strong cultural impact of Catholics. [71, 83, 77] 77.0 [-0.15602580167726396, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3951887236234128] 0.28788770818058745 -0.43752044439315796 262 Tavaliselt on see valimised võitnud erakonna esimees. Normally, this election has been won by the chairman of the party. [26, 29, 22] 25.666666666666668 [-1.3986772584734837, -1.4585538318159967, -1.465741972965541] -1.4409910210850072 -0.34362587332725525 263 Prantsusmaal toimus kohalike valimiste teine voor. France held a second round of local elections. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0463418728498313] 0.8473268400063215 -0.2524240016937256 264 Politseioperatsiooni käigus sai surma 7 kinnipeetavat. 7 detainees were killed during a police operation. [76, 83, 68] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.6245002025956135, -0.05364345636477628] 0.3114384961525254 -0.357128769159317 265 Kogu aadel võis liituda, ja ka mõned linnakodanikud ühinesid. Throughout the whole period, it was possible to join, and some urban citizens also joined. [16, 15, 13] 14.666666666666666 [-1.926857290299737, -2.3423580792794794, -1.635530085763711] -1.968248485114309 -0.5441538095474243 266 13. sajandil sai Alfonso X juba öelda, et ta oleks võinud Jumalale maailma loomisel head nõu anda. In the 13th century Alfonso X has already been able to say that she could have given God good advice in creating the world. [57, 58, 72] 62.333333333333336 [-0.12829074848702035, -0.20768092291338958, 0.29272250569331404] -0.014416388569031971 -0.2994660437107086 267 Mitte et hindav mõtlemine kunagi selle "kõikehõlmava võrdleva ülevaate teooria" järgi kunagi ei käiks. Never appreciating thinking about the theory of 'a comprehensive comparative overview'. [76, 68, 60] 68.0 [0.3190883206378832, -0.05364345636477628, -0.574314160703546] -0.1029564321434797 -0.6012781858444214 268 Kontsert oli triumf, Mahleri biograaf Robert Carri hinnangul koguni "kahtlusteta suurim edu tema eluajal". The Convention was considered by Mahler biograaf Robert Carri to be "without doubt the greatest success of his lifetime." [35, 29, 21] 28.333333333333332 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.12785038341693, -1.2436371940988151] -1.204633783856672 -0.4685898721218109 269 Argentina pealinna Buenos Airese linnapea Anibal Ibarra vabastati ametist ja tal keelati teenistus riigiametis 10 aastaks. The Mayor of Argentina's capital Buenos Airese, Video Ibarra, was released and banned from office for 10 years. [100, 77, 85] 87.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3708914966906855, 0.711760740297822] 0.7272519184509793 -0.3949297070503235 270 Pakkudes relvastamata seesolijatele rahu, julgustati neid välja tulema. By offering peace to those who are not armed, they were encouraged to come out. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.949527338902318 -0.2816139757633209 271 Saudi Araabia teatas, et 34 islamiriiki on jõudnud kokkuleppele uue terrorismivastase koalitsiooni loomises. Saudi Arabia has announced that 34 Islamic countries have reached agreement on the creation of a new anti-terrorism coalition. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.36391305923461914 272 Heade inimestena tahame, et praegu ja tulevikus oleksid nii paljud inimesed õnnelikud kui võimalik. As good people, we want as many people as possible to be happy as possible, now and in the future. [100, 85, 73] 86.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.2054640405950517] 0.6807343588799281 -0.2594074010848999 273 Plahvatustes ja selle tulemusena kahes vagunis puhkenud tulekahjus hukkus 26 inimest. 26 people died in the turmoil and, as a result, in the two fires which broke out in the wagon. [65, 75, 54] 64.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.27545805178677896, -0.24292942487089356] -0.04306161944325133 -0.36856427788734436 274 Parimaks meesnäitlejaks tunnistati Jean Dujardin rolli eest filmis "Artist" ja parimaks naisnäitlejaks Viola Davis rolli eest filmis "Koduabiline". Jean Dujardin was recognised as the best actor for his role in the film "Artist" and the best female actor for the role played by Charlie Dvis in the film "Domestic". [64, 69, 67] 66.66666666666667 [0.34143720054270177, 0.1839805288126773, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2011022130040179 -0.3936370611190796 275 Kui determinism on tõene, siis kõik minu siseseisundid, mis põhjustavad minu keha käitumist, on tingitud asjaoludest enne minu sündi. If determinants are true, then all my internal conditions, which cause my body's behaviour, are the result of circumstances prior to my birth. [93, 87, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0326013210732208, 0.7990212780000306, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9182240767564759 -0.4480360150337219 276 Jutt on näiteks prootonitest, elektronidest, geenidest, DNA molekulidest. We are talking, for example, about samples, e-mails, genes, DNA molecules. [67, 76, 84] 75.66666666666667 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177] 0.19200135308928934 -0.37820979952812195 277 1385 lahkuvad Kegelid Kuramaale ja mõis läheb Kallede perekonnale. 1385 people leave Kegears to Kuwait and a few go to the families of Kalleda. [20, 34, 14] 22.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -0.969200476433561, -1.442410520089446] -1.3981249716605308 -0.5554682612419128 278 Christiania linnaosas rajasid meeleavaldajad barrikaade ja süütasid need hiljem põlema. In Christiania's city, demonstrators founded the barricades and later set them on fire. [55, 81, 68] 68.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1096188910533485] 0.0416372136994123 -0.7010785937309265 279 Märkimisväärne on sarnasus hilisminoilise kunsti ja Mükeene kunsti vahel. The similarity between late-fashioned art and the performing arts is considerable. [93, 82, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7240095234579167 -0.5337111353874207 280 Kuna pikk piiramine linnuse kaitsjaid alistuma ei pannud, vallutati see lõpuks tormijooksuga, mille käigus peaaegu kõik seesolijad tapeti. As the long siege did not bring the protection of urban areas to their knees, it was finally conquered by a storm race during which almost all those inside were killed. [82, 82, 82] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5707947937205062 -0.484874427318573 281 Kokku osales valimistel 57 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. In total, 57% of the voting citizens took part in the elections. [100, 70, 85] 85.0 [1.0991035183644302, -0.19997321272861532, 0.711760740297822] 0.536963681977879 -0.2749707102775574 282 Sama aasta oktoobris puhkes aga lindiskandaal, mis sundis siseminister Savisaare tagasi astuma ja valitsuse mainet tugevalt õõnestas. The same year, however, erupted in the town scandal in October, which forced the Minister for the Interior, Savisaare, to step down and seriously erode the reputation of the government. [63, 85, 74] 74.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.711760740297822, 0.29999877943339137] 0.2593331161883328 -0.3818610906600952 283 Versailles' rahuga anti Burundi ala 28. juunil 1919 Belgiale. With the Versailles peace, Burundi was awarded to Belgium on 28 June 1919. [81, 79, 80] 80.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.44997912719119615, 0.37863665915867617] 0.45024147851999347 -0.2773551940917969 284 Savitahvlite kasutamine tundub sellest või varasemastki perioodist olevat üldlevinud nähtus. The use of the victims seems to be a common phenomenon in this period or in the past. [18, 27, 36] 27.0 [-1.4183276022329345, -1.818794853066228, -1.2063904310939828] -1.4811709621310483 -0.4815652370452881 285 Aga see tähendab, et tema armastusel ei ole muud motiivi kui tung piiritult armastada. But that means that his love has no other motivation than to love without borders. [60, 77, 83] 73.33333333333333 [-0.6252965206798194, 0.36271858948898755, 0.6190326808341362] 0.11881824988110144 -0.47391578555107117 286 Õnnelikkus on täielik heaolu, kõikide kalduvuste rahuldamise summa. Success is a complete amount of prosperity, a sum of satisfaction for all tendencies. [97, 78, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.4063488583400919, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7734773263399454 -0.5029947757720947 287 Paavsti võimu alla võetud maade halduriks määras Wilhelm oma kaplani magister Johannese ja lahkus ise Liivimaalt. Wilhelm appointed his cabin master, Johannese, and left his own country, as the administrator of the lands taken over by the Pope. [70, 73, 76] 73.0 [0.5726856248707056, 0.26826879803671755, 0.4377118082008297] 0.4262220770360843 -0.48238417506217957 288 Jannel on kombeks sattuda alatasa igasugustesse jamadesse ning on juhtunud, et ta on mässinud neisse ka Onni Taalasmaa. It is the custom of constantly falling into all sorts of jails, and it has happened that she has also burnt them down by Onni Taalasland. [18, 30, 42] 30.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.0765987441461105] -1.4137943231464558 -0.6046894192695618 289 Tuleb vaadata asjade seisude ja tegude vahelisi suhteid. The relationship between the state of affairs and actions must be looked at. [96, 100, 95] 97.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.8241835542857531, 1.1264109951115293] 0.9685348986401873 -0.4328029453754425 290 LRV ja DRV teatasid ühtse väejuhatusega "Novorossija ühendatud relvajõudude" moodustamisest. LRV and DRV announced the formation of the "Novoromium united Armed Force." [89, 84, 94] 89.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0739581850971294] 0.8149784674483708 -0.5748907923698425 291 Kõvale tuumale tuleb lisada täiendavad eeldused, et saaks teha kindlaid ennustusi. Further preconditions need to be added to this curve, so that there can be firm predictions. [94, 100, 97] 97.0 [1.1145025602620264, 1.3076476232459238, 1.0297883515568889] 1.1506461783549464 -0.7578795552253723 292 Aastal 1920 kolis Robert Rebase perekond Narva, kus ehitas endale Jaama tänavale maja. In 1920, Robert Real's family was home to Narun, where he built a house on the streets. [12, 23, 1] 12.0 [-2.4732488858327923, -1.483396450023753, -2.016289862523797] -1.990978399460114 -0.5389710664749146 293 Kodanikesaali seintel hoitakse ka 1547. aastast pärit rae piltvaipade koopiaid. The citizen's walls also contain copies of the rubber carpet from 15447. [95, 83, 89] 89.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6245002025956135, 0.867173864977587] 0.8193341521122472 -0.590160608291626 294 Mõnikord on küll meie võimuses neid kaudselt kontrollida. Sometimes we can control them indirectly. [79, 100, 89] 89.33333333333333 [0.45360522473850245, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6882604319190001] 0.7138424757700305 -0.33843404054641724 295 Näiteks Immanuel Kanti järgi me oleme oma ratsionaalsuse tõttu seesmiselt väärtuslikud kui omaette eesmärgid, nii et me oleme kõik võrdse väärtusega. For example, as a result of our rationality, Immanuel Kant, we are valuable internally as goals in our own right, so we are all of equal value. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8269138870710867 -0.38695231080055237 296 Jätkusid ägedad lahingud Donetski lennuvälja kaitsvate valitsusvägede vastu. The fierce battles against government forces protecting Donetski's airport continued. [100, 85, 79] 88.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7634480869277449 -0.4257529377937317 297 Visuaalselt kitsendasid ruumi viinapuuväätidega maalingud, mis tõenäoliselt seinu ja lage katsid. Visitors with vines were able to restrict the space, which probably covered the walls and the sheep. [78, 74, 70] 74.0 [0.3301789909881689, 0.2613608455445319, 0.2202278544395562] 0.2705892303240856 -0.692205011844635 298 Teda ei saa tunnetada, sest enne teda pole olnud kedagi, kes suudaks teda mõista. He cannot be felt, because there was no one before him who could understand him. [100, 84, 72] 85.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.16410717657114324] 0.652405314588257 -0.46274539828300476 299 Peale inimeste võib ka teiste loomade seas esineda epideemiad. Besides humans, there may be epidemics among other animals. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.47240519523620605 300 Türgis İstanbuli vanalinnas õhkis ennast politseijaoskonnas naissoost enesetaputerrorist. In Istanbuli in Turkey, there was a female suicide bomber at the police station. [54, 67, 61] 60.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.11148587755891945, -0.11249097872336815] -0.18632511965775092 -0.43661534786224365 301 Valitsev Õigluse ja Arengu Partei soovib anda presidendivalimise õiguse rahvale, kuid president on vastava seadusemuudatuse vetostanud. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) wants to give the people the right to elect the President, but the President has vetoed the amendment of the law. [69, 86, 58] 71.0 [0.33026395704847245, 0.8001850644696189, -0.20768092291338958] 0.30758936620156724 -0.3718576729297638 302 3. mail 2008 alustas Clapton oma järjekordset turneed esinemisega Tampa Bays Floridas. On 3 May 2008, Cchilton started his next security with an exhibition in Floridas in Tampa Bays. [18, 27, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-1.2783155465267546, -1.1913103462102776, -1.862379160600371] -1.4440016844458012 -0.5949103236198425 303 Surma sai kuusteist ja vigastada kolmkümmend kaheksa inimest, plahvatuses hävis ka üks läheduses asuvatest hoonetest. Sixteen or eight people were killed and thirty-eight were injured, and one of the buildings in the vicinity of the explosion was also destroyed. [59, 62, 80] 67.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.06975075057547515, 0.4949620887624109] 0.015785931726523372 -0.2671625316143036 304 Ta nimetas senise Daugavgrīva kloostri abti Theoderichi Eestimaa piiskopiks. He called the current monastery of Daugavgrīva Theoderichi the Estonian bishop. [54, 42, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-0.8812623674084861, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -1.057817857041693 -0.4425707757472992 305 Aga seda on tarvis näidata ainult paadunud solipsistile. However, this only needs to be shown on the thawing bench. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.1053109785554267 -0.8254961371421814 306 Talumehed kasutasid puust atrasid, mis olid naharibadega puidust käepidemete külge kinnitatud. Farmers used a bottle of shoes that had been fixed at handholds with navies. [23, 35, 10] 22.666666666666668 [-1.993315928470645, -1.3660967923134697, -2.446018900578199] -1.935143873787438 -0.8157933950424194 307 Läti Seim kiitis heaks rahvuslikule lennufirmale airBaltic 80 miljoni euro suuruse laenu andmise riigieelarvest. Latvia's Seimas approved a loan of EUR 80 million from the state budget to the National Aviation Company airBaltic. [98, 100, 91] 96.33333333333333 [0.9812361563169528, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9814216926040136] 0.987439873191185 -0.3573293685913086 308 Napoleoni arvates polnud preislaste saabumine Waterloosse võimalik). According to Napoleonic, the priests' arrival in Waterols was not possible). [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8473268400063215 -0.3589262068271637 309 Darwinite suguvõsa on olnud pärilikkusuurijate uurimisobjektiks, kuna selle liikmed on olnud silmatorkava andekusega mitmel teadusalal. Darwinian's family has been the subject of research by the heir investigators, as its members have been with a conspicuous talent in many scientific disciplines. [100, 90, 95] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9299120845533435, 0.866866844222949] 0.9652941490469077 -0.474193811416626 310 Ratsavägi suutis küll vastase jalaväe isoleerida ning peaaegu liikumatuks muuta, kuid tal puudus võimalus vallutada hooneid. The army was able to isolate the anti-personnel force and make it almost inmobile, but it did not have the opportunity to conquer the buildings. [53, 68, 61] 60.666666666666664 [-0.6216732398831174, -0.2840087250415973, -0.3353657121286814] -0.41368255901779866 -0.4503430426120758 311 Afganistani lõunaosas kukkus alla NATO helikopter, õnnetuses hukkus seitse Ameerika Ühendriikide merejalaväelast. In the south of Afghanistan, the NATO helicopter collapsed, with seven US naval troops killed in the accident. [71, 63, 67] 67.0 [0.5218191178105442, -0.03350342494859623, 0.07788890965667469] 0.18873486750620758 -0.3858753442764282 312 Majanduses on ülekaalus põllumajandus, selle osa sisemajanduse kogutoodangust umbes 35% ja hõivatus on üle 90% rahvastikust. The economy is dominated by agriculture, its share of gross domestic product is approximately 35%, and occupation is over 90% of the population. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3206755816936493 313 Naan kavatseski Moskvasse jääda, kuid suunati Eestisse tööle. The Naan was going to stay in Moscow, but was put to work in Estonia. [70, 58, 63] 63.666666666666664 [0.3684768491764302, -0.20768092291338958, -0.03350342494859623] 0.04243083377148146 -0.42575210332870483 314 Eestis Laulasmaal pandi nurgakivi Arvo Pärdi Keskuse uuele hoonele. In Lapland, Estonia, the cornerstone was the new building of the Arvo Heritage Centre. [12, 36, 27] 25.0 [-2.317304664863364, -1.2063904310939828, -1.3384071475162373] -1.620700747824528 -0.38237735629081726 315 Eesti Paraolümpiakomitee kuulutas 2015. aasta parimateks sportlasteks kergejõustiklase Emilija Mannineni ja ujuja Kardo Ploomipuu. The Ivorian Committee of Estonia announced 2015 as the best athletes Emilija Manninen and the swimming Cardo Poloipuu. [44, 59, 74] 59.0 [-0.1633133911228247, -0.17595094151671578, 0.3652171569470719] 0.00865094143584381 -0.42112699151039124 316 Maanteede kogupikkus on 91 440 km, sealhulgas on kõvakattega teid 20 117 km. The total length of roads is 91 440 km, including 20 117 km of paperwork. [59, 59, 76] 64.66666666666667 [-0.6679574951345972, -0.5545432556614014, 0.06990332701317616] -0.38419914126094085 -0.349173367023468 317 Praegu on keskmine sündivus Saksamaal 1,36 last naise kohta. Today, the average birth rate in Germany is 1.36 children per woman. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.19284820556640625 318 Kohalike võimude teateil said aga tabamusi mitmed elumajad ja hukkus vähemalt kakskümmend üks tsiviilisikut. However, you were informed by local authorities that several houses were affected and that at least twenty-one civilians died. [83, 77, 70] 76.66666666666667 [0.35590589178006926, 0.05075144138856887, -0.3178622983051988] 0.02959834495447977 -0.4788098931312561 319 Luksemburgis algas Euroopa Liidu välisministrite kahepäevane kohtumine, millel osales ka Eesti välisminister Marina Kaljurand. In Luxembourg a two-day meeting of EU foreign ministers began, including the Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand. [90, 95, 84] 89.66666666666667 [0.7388700887615532, 0.7358791572087113, 0.6681304714467177] 0.7142932391389941 -0.3288979232311249 320 Meeleavaldusel süüdistati president Aleksandr Ankvabi korruptsioonis ja nõuti tema tagasiastumist. In the demonstration, President Alexander AnkFree was accused of corruption and ordered his resignation. [59, 83, 71] 71.0 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.6245002025956135, -0.16253911793112225] 0.029476342974941505 -0.37111470103263855 321 Jeruusalemm koos araablaste põhiliste võimukeskustega Iraagis ja Egiptuses jäid vallutamata. Jerusalem, together with the main Arab centres of power in Iraq and Egypt, remained unconquered. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.5148636130151623] 1.0940325342754367 -0.3005051910877228 322 Kohtumine möödus küllaltki pingelises õhkkonnas, lisaks hilines Venemaa president kohtumisele 20 minutit. The meeting passed in a rather tense atmosphere, plus 20 minutes for the Russian President. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.28778199411383837 -0.46634840965270996 323 Tahe mõjutab uskumusi, ning ideaaljuhul teeb seda reaalsuse pideva tähelepanemise teel. The will affects religions, and ideally it does so by constantly observing reality. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.766983216158354 -0.4278184771537781 324 Must mängib nähtavasti võidule, kuid satub teksti vahetusega halvemasse lõppmängu. Male is apparently playing a victory, but is getting worse with the exchange of the text. [66, 78, 72] 72.0 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.4063488583400919, 0.23653881664004375] 0.17239917756492798 -0.5734256505966187 325 "Kuidas saab midagi nii lihtsat nagu sõna tähendus olla intuitsioonivastane ja teistele liikidele kohmakalt haaratav? "How can something as simple as the meaning of the word be intuitive and cumbersome for other species? [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8177291393307655 -0.29353755712509155 326 Ei ole korrastatud uurimist, kuidas on mõistlik elada, sest põhjendeid ei saa leida ega hinnata, enne kui on otsustatud, kuidas elada. There is no order on how it makes sense to live, because you cannot find or evaluate the causes until you decide how to live. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5776758168102278] 0.8387292661171681 -0.52379310131073 327 Times Higher Education World University Rankingsi 2017. aasta edetabelis on ANU maailma ülikoolide seas 47. kohal. Times Higher Education World University Rankins 2017 rankings 47th among universities in the world. [29, 43, 56] 42.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.120710551448559, -0.4976026478113921] -0.9153878608922937 -0.32609087228775024 328 Hispaanias teatas oma tagasiastumisest suurima opositsioonierakonna Hispaania Sotsialistliku Tööpartei esimees Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. In Spain, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Chairman of the Spanish Socialist Labour Party, announced his resignation. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.16715846955776215 329 Kuid tähtsaim mõjutaja bluusmuusikuna on kindlasti Robert Johnson. But the most important player as a bluusmusician is certainly Robert Johnson. [45, 39, 51] 45.0 [-1.0334500137463503, -1.0983204022131197, -0.4297907926901062] -0.8538537362165254 -0.2836563289165497 330 Ja võidakse öelda, et seda ta oleks pidanud teadma. And it may have been said that he should have known that. [81, 73, 100] 84.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.26826879803671755, 0.8241835542857531] 0.5432306724052918 -0.5122692584991455 331 Ukraina Ülemraadas ründas parlamendiliige Oleg Barna Ülemraadas peetud kõne ajal peaminister Arseni Jatsenjukki, tõstes ta kõnepuldist lihtsalt maha. In the Ukrainian Supreme Council, a Member of Parliament, Mr Arsen Jatsenjust, during a speech in the Supreme Court of Oleg Barna, attacked his speech by simply pulling him off. [62, 54, 46] 54.0 [-0.26978351412650253, -0.3346008485000848, -0.9111712880504766] -0.5051852168923546 -0.5661823153495789 332 Ameerika Ühendriikide pealinnas Washingtonis kohtusid Iisraeli peaminister Ehud Olmert ja Ameerika Ühendriikide president George W. Bush. In the capital of the United States, in Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush met. [51, 81, 75] 69.0 [-0.4439104180442666, 0.4146600021189639, 0.5595413098162189] 0.17676363129697203 -0.1675073802471161 333 Itaallased otsustasid monarhia kaotada ja moodustada Itaalia vabariigi, mis on Itaalia täna. The Italians decided to abolish the monarchy and form the Republic of Italy, which is Italy today. [100, 70, 98] 89.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 0.3684768491764302, 1.239385641192763] 0.9718367045383722 -0.2621450424194336 334 Riigikohtu otsuse aluseks sai kuriteokoosseisu puudumine. The judgment of the national court was based on a lack of criminal activity. [75, 85, 64] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.711760740297822, -0.1667477356201244] 0.29224725516925426 -0.4739203155040741 335 Seekordsel meeleavaldusel osales üle 17 000 inimese. This time, more than 17 000 people took part in this demonstration. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0299403453177562 -0.3172967731952667 336 Aastal 1877 proovis ta isa pealekäimisel sooritada Jihlava gümnaasiumis küpsuseksamid. In 1877, he attempted to use his father's sleight of cyclone in Jihping's synasium. [35, 28, 32] 31.666666666666668 [-0.9689743753020905, -1.3021598218893584, -1.0326604392269085] -1.1012648788061192 -0.6943898797035217 337 Mõned skulptuurielemendid olid nii kulunud, et ülestõstmise ajal oli vaevu aru saada, et tegemist on nikerdustega. Some elements of the sculpture had been so worded that, when the riots were taking place, it was barely clear that these were nuances. [1, 29, 15] 15.0 [-1.8115609826434744, -1.12785038341693, -2.3423580792794794] -1.7605898151132946 -0.5542780160903931 338 Kirjeldused, mille utilitarism mitteasjakohastena hülgab, süvendavad moraalset arusaamist. Literations that are abandoned as inappropriate by utility are deepened by moral understanding. [28, 15, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.4003691388268704, -1.5720701229703633, -1.519643775650632] -1.497361012482622 -0.7103299498558044 339 Vaike räägib Pillele, mis tema elus tegelikult toimub. The poor is talking to Pilate, which is actually happening in her life. [21, 34, 7] 20.666666666666668 [-2.080576466172854, -1.2784371170145583, -1.8259099741437539] -1.7283078524437219 -0.4338052272796631 340 Mis puutub antisemitismi, siis fašistid jagunesid selle järgi, mida teha, eriti pärast Adolf Hitleri tõusu Saksamaal. As far as anti-Semitism is concerned, the fascists were divided by what to do, especially following the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany. [75, 66, 56] 65.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, -0.1256901422853517, -0.2711408857067372] -0.04045765873510332 -0.2007979303598404 341 18. septembril tampis saksa kahurvägi terve päeva Punaarmee positsioone, et lasta välja üleliigne laskemoon. On 18 September, the German twin forces re-established the positions of the entire day Red Army to expel excessive ammunition. [55, 50, 74] 59.666666666666664 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.7457438319548428, 0.5463622789593967] -0.134699361912794 -0.44633719325065613 342 Ristisõdijatel õnnestus rünnak tõrjuda ja hiljem ka sadamast välja pääseda. Travellers succeeded in stamping out the attack and later getting out of the port. [9, 1, 5] 5.0 [-1.1540812972679617, -2.016289862523797, -2.1358483113075737] -1.7687398236997776 -0.6152108907699585 343 Eesti Vabariigi ja Nõukogude Liidu vahel moodustati ajutine kontrolljoon, mis järgis endiste Eesti NSV ja Vene NFSV piire. A temporary checkline was established between the Republic of Estonia and the Soviet Union, following the former Estonian NSV and the Russian NFSV borders. [60, 51, 73] 61.333333333333336 [-0.3418302000470779, -0.4297907926901062, 0.2054640405950517] -0.18871898404737752 -0.27238115668296814 344 Plahvatuses sai vigastada kakskümmend seitse inimest, armee süüdistas rünnakus islamistlikke separatiste. Twenty-seven people were injured in destruction, and the army accused Islamist separatists of an attack. [52, 46, 40] 46.0 [-0.6300169437293796, -0.5337324584179911, -0.7788205880535182] -0.6475233300669629 -0.2514455318450928 345 Seda, mis on, ehk substantsi Jumalat, kelles ei ole kurja, nimetatakse heaks; aru, mis on alati tõene, nimetatakse heaks. What is known as' substance God ', which is not evil, is' good ';' understanding of what is always true ',' good '. [91, 84, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.6971936874182915, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8258170009536785] 0.7303803866062292 -0.5163050889968872 346 Aga esiteks, see argument pole kooskõlas sellega, mida me täheldame teiste teaduste puhul. First of all, however, this argument is not in line with what we note in other sciences. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8150391097847715 -0.4395451545715332 347 Üks erinevus on selles, kelle eest süsteem esmajoones hoolitseb. One difference is who the system primarily cares for. [98, 94, 96] 96.0 [0.8337359223850412, 1.0901636694846504, 0.9980583701602151] 0.9739859873433022 -0.43915462493896484 348 Aja jooksul saame teada, milline inimene olla on meie saatus. Over time, we will know what kind of person will be our fate. [85, 89, 87] 87.0 [0.3615382092337807, 0.7759485003834985, 0.7990212780000306] 0.6455026625391033 -0.5005828142166138 349 Vikipeedias vaatas vaid tunni aja jooksul pea miljon inimest Jacksoni elulugu. In the Church, almost one million people in just an hour looked at the photography of Jackson. [22, 21, 20] 21.0 [-1.519643775650632, -2.080576466172854, -2.0716779526032685] -1.8906327314755849 -0.524633526802063 350 Sellest räägivad pühakud, ja kunstnikud saavad sellest aru. It is worded by sacrosanct artists, and artists understand it. [42, 59, 29] 43.333333333333336 [-0.9902503733322566, 0.008670537122622455, -1.12785038341693] -0.7031434065421881 -0.5243489146232605 351 Pärast bolševike võimuletulekut Moskvas oli kindlustatud ka nende positsioon Podolskis. Following the arrival of the Bolshevik regime in Moscow, their position in Podolskis was also secured. [96, 79, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7760129683035508 -0.4798930585384369 352 Paavst kohtus 7. mail 1980 ja 18. augustil 1985 Keenia hinduistidega. The Pope met with Hindus on 7 May 1980 and 18 August 1985. [77, 71, 95] 81.0 [0.47395913382770866, 0.4066897413043879, 1.1153150491210377] 0.6653213080843781 -0.24349552392959595 353 Positivistid tegid oma teadusfilosoofiast ettekirjutavaid järeldusi teaduste kohta üldse. Positives have drawn the necessary conclusions from their scientific philosophy in science at all. [81, 73, 65] 73.0 [0.27058394287051374, -0.08375849128920229, -0.6410003194038445] -0.15139162260751102 -0.5822533369064331 354 Tuhande inimese kohta oli 2008. aastal 0,02 arsti ja 2011. aastal 1,3 haiglakohta. There were 0.02 doctors per thousand people in 2008 and 1.3 hospitals in 2011. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8676743611017054 -0.2455568015575409 355 Paavst saatis 1. mail 1990, 1. aprillil 1996, 13. novembril 2000 ja 12. aprillil 2002 läkitused Bosco salesiaanidele. The Pope sent the thresholds to Bosco salesis on 1 May 1990, 1 April 1996, 13 November 2000 and 12 April 2002. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.1887405663728714 356 Nii et see, kas keegi täidab oma kohust, oleneb sellest, kui tugevasti ta moraaliseadust täidab. So the question of whether someone is doing their duty depends on the extent to which they are complying with moral law. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8872932437643013 -0.5497177839279175 357 "Aja möödumist" kujutletakse nagu liiva voolamist liivakellas, varju pikenemist päikesekellas või vananemist. "Ahead" is depicted as a flood of sand in a sand, as well as an extension of the shadow in a nub or an ageing sun. [40, 35, 29] 34.666666666666664 [-1.062297059252832, -1.4697527022573933, -1.12785038341693] -1.2199667149757183 -0.6691598892211914 358 Praktikas siiski makstakse käsunduslepinguga tasu. In practice, however, the contract of bail-out pays a fee. [27, 29, 28] 28.0 [-1.2746775123257523, -1.12785038341693, -1.3021598218893584] -1.234895905877347 -0.43955445289611816 359 Kuula perekonda jälginud Heiskanen lasi Jenni maha, kuigi lask oli tegelikult mõeldud Seppo Taalasmaale. A famous family watched by Heiskanen's children at Jenni, although the shot was actually destined for Seppo Taalasland. [30, 16, 1] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1600388359418792, -2.298727810428375, -2.016289862523797] -1.8250188362980169 -0.44999411702156067 360 Selle asemel sai ta tänu linnapeale igavese au linnavalvurina. Instead, thanks to her, she has won her eternal honour as the municipal watchdog. [15, 29, 22] 22.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -1.12785038341693, -1.2152410046715822] -1.435324007116179 -0.49530336260795593 361 Sidgwick tunnistab, et jõutakse šokeerivate järeldusteni, aga ta ütleb, et ongi parem, kui enamik inimesi neid šokeerivaks peab. Sidgwick admits that shocking conclusions are reached, but he says that it is better for most people to consider them shocking. [91, 84, 62] 79.0 [1.037196024290094, 0.727690413215861, -0.08076099732669434] 0.5613751467264202 -0.24205124378204346 362 Lisaks pakuvad linnas telefonsidet firma Tsifra Odin kohalik filiaal ja teised kohalikud ettevõtted. In addition, the city's city is provided by the Celebration Company Tsifra Odin local branch and other local companies. [23, 26, 28] 25.666666666666668 [-1.862379160600371, -1.5666238606968599, -1.3021598218893584] -1.5770542810621964 -0.5360267162322998 363 Ta usub, et tema väärtus on suurenenud, sest ta on võitnud kedagi, kellel on üldtunnustatult väga kõrge väärtusaste. He believes that his value has increased because he has won someone who has, in general, very high values. [97, 83, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6914430875889822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0015253154377097 -0.43648242950439453 364 Tõenäoline õnnestumine on maksimaalne tõenäoline kasu, mitte tõenäoline maksimaalne kasu. A real success is the maximum probable benefit, not the most likely one. [97, 99, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.191809096233959, 1.2714002976190448, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1960625631999713 -0.5017932653427124 365 Kuid valitsuse oskamatu investeerimispoliitika ja korruptsiooni tõttu on fondi väärtus langenud. However, the government's misguided investment policy and corruption have led to a fall in its value. [90, 84, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.9085307290014955, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8332369438814634 -0.5068342089653015 366 Armastus võib tuua tahtesidumusi, millest me ei saa väljuda ja mis võivad meie huvisid rängalt kahjustada. Inconsistency can lead to wills that we cannot get out of and that can seriously damage our interests. [23, 27, 18] 22.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.0732600575354174, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4082780419644942 -0.6487597227096558 367 pisiPaljud canberralased töötavad valitsusasutustes nagu pildil kujutatud rahandusministeerium Many plastics are employed in government institutions, such as the Ministry of Finance depicted on the photograph. [31, 24, 7] 20.666666666666668 [-1.5315242484091034, -1.1584486258171163, -1.9810739459290143] -1.5570156067184113 -0.7015397548675537 368 Armeenia pealinnas Jerevanis Venemaa suursaatkonna ees toimus meeleavaldus, kus osales paarkümmend inimest. In the capital of Armenia, Jerevan, before the Russian Embassy, there was a demonstration in which several tens of people took part. [69, 81, 93] 81.0 [0.1839805288126773, 0.5372396648934048, 0.6610109676137252] 0.4607437204399358 -0.28174689412117004 369 Oletame, et meil on palju selliseid fakte ja me tahame neist tuletada teaduslikku teadmist. We assume that we have many of these facts, and we want to draw scientific knowledge from them. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6189484363352243] 0.9416897298644754 -0.44026094675064087 370 Reegliutilitarismil on kaks alaliiki vastavalt sellele, kas reegli all peetakse silmas tegelikku reeglit või võimalikku reeglit. Regular ITS infrastructure has two hubs depending on whether the rule is meant by the actual rule or by a possible rule. [86, 73, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.18819751408457033, 0.4903786678134342] 0.42445096627280227 -0.6057895421981812 371 Isiklikud puudused, millel pole moraaliga suurt pistmist, võivad takistada neil hea elu elamist. Personal defects, which have little to do with morality, may prevent them from living a good life. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.029777786350576 -0.3697620630264282 372 Valitsusjuhina jätkas Eric Williams, riigipeaks jäi Suurbritannia kuninganna Elizabeth II, keda kohapeal esindas kindralkuberner. As leader of the government, Eric Williams continued, the state state-owned Queen Elizabeth II, represented on the ground by the generator. [51, 80, 66] 65.66666666666667 [-0.6660402866896673, 0.4936093960423005, 0.04615892826000089] -0.042090654129121975 -0.44409504532814026 373 Sloveenias tegi president Danilo Türk valimiste võitjale Zoran Jankovićile ülesandeks moodustada uus valitsus. In Slovenia, President Danilo Turkey mandated Mr Zoran Janković, the electoral winner, to form a new government. [79, 77, 75] 77.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.3951887236234128, 0.2881777686428686] 0.3777818731524925 -0.27380383014678955 374 Prantsusmaale kuuluva Guadeloupe'i prefektina astus ametisse Emmanuel Berthier. Emmanuel Berthier took office as a Prefect of Guadeloupe in France. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.2754780054092407 375 Alma kohtub üksikemaga, keda ta on toetanud, kuid midagi paistab selles naises väga valesti olevat. The beginning will meet the single mothers he has supported, but something seems to be very wrong with this woman. [31, 32, 29] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.490167384385195, -1.12785038341693] -1.4207638484879785 -0.4994851052761078 376 Olemasolev maksusüsteem, seadused ja alamaadli võim jäid muutmata kuni tema surmani aastal 1025. The existing tax system, laws and underwater power remained unchanged until his death in 1025. [33, 45, 39] 39.0 [-0.47469759019701063, -0.620170681070149, -0.9034392399936904] -0.6661025037536167 -0.4107038974761963 377 Ta õpetas filosoofiat vestlusena, valgustatud kiibitsemisena, kiusamisena, meelitamisena. He taught the philosopher as conversation, enlightened ambulance, bullying, attraction. [65, 74, 83] 74.0 [-0.4119916484059306, 0.16249660139694996, 0.6245002025956135] 0.12500171852887762 -0.33394044637680054 378 Georg võtab pulmade asja tõsiselt käsile ja tahab Arega hommepäev perekonnaseisuametisse sõita. Georg takes the matter of wedding seriously and wants to travel with Arega for tomorrow's civil status. [35, 25, 15] 25.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.9060553907684363, -1.5720701229703633] -1.5735130959310233 -0.4569737911224365 379 Orduriigi kirdeosas asunud Laiuse ordulinnus kujutas endast olulise maantee teetõkkelinnust. In the north-east of the Ordinary, an important road toll drive was represented. [20, 41, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.5421677572214565, -1.1179556081700188, -1.333123960660928] -1.3310824420174676 -0.6737589240074158 380 Samal ajal hakkas nii liivlaste, latgalite kui eestlaste aladel levima katk. At the same time, the plague began to spread in areas such as sandy, lagines and Estonians. [39, 22, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-0.58201452863387, -1.3499602531936468, -1.5315242484091034] -1.15449967674554 -0.5153341889381409 381 Siis jäävad ikkagi teadusharud, millest naised nende kognitiivse loomuse tõttu välja jäetakse, mõned teadusharud aga jäävad naiste pärusmaaks. Then, after all, some scientific disciplines that women are excluded due to their cognitive nature will remain the preserve of women. [97, 79, 88] 88.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7284103785538627 -0.3843366205692291 382 Armastusest isikute vastu hoolitakse tavaliselt kõige rohkem. The number of people who are usually the most vulnerable is cared for. [25, 25, 39] 29.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.4109017987699952, -1.2006693362178358] -1.4047394462149931 -0.6040514707565308 383 Selliseid väiteid on peetud tugevalt liialdatuteks. Such arguments have been considered to be highly exaggerated. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.5576094388961792 384 Jutt ei ole üldse inimeste tähtsusest universumile, vaid inimeste tähtsusest inimestele. This is not at all about the importance of people to the universe, but about the importance of people for the people. [98, 97, 84] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.1980287771688547, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9644053603531425 -0.38457056879997253 385 Valitsus kuulutas riigis selleks päevaks välja komandanditunni, et tagada inimeste kättesaadavus rahvaloendajatele. The government declared a compass hour in the country by that day in order to ensure that the people are available to the people who elected them. [31, 31, 30] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.5315242484091034, -1.697337004628338] -1.6243783435664172 -0.5270890593528748 386 Portugallased asutasid São Tomé ja Príncipe saartele tugipunkti mandriga kauplemiseks. The Portuguese have established a reference point for the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe to trade with the continent. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.3550015389919281 387 Selle otsuse, õukonnatseremooniate ja teokraatliku valitsusvormi tõttu on teda nimetatud esimeseks bütsantslikuks keisriks. As a result of this decision, the ceremonies of horror and the theocratic form of government, he has been appointed the first Byzantine Emperor. [43, 47, 51] 47.0 [-0.954227030371969, -0.9461894760441417, -0.4297907926901062] -0.776735766368739 -0.3537099361419678 388 Enda ülendamiseks ta ründab vastase väärtust, kui ta võtab oma vähendust võistlevalt, ja siis ta on vastase vastu õel. To give his own arrogance, he attacks the value of the opponent when he takes his reduction in a competitive manner, and then he is against the opponent. [77, 82, 71] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5808699337445091, 0.05442657251608684] 0.34349507662800294 -0.47972986102104187 389 Põllumajanduses töötavate meeste arv langes 4,8 miljonilt 2,2 miljonile, kuigi naiste abiga säilitas põllumajandustoodang 90% sõjaeelsest. The number of men working in agriculture fell from 4.8 million to 2.2 million, even though with the help of women, agricultural production remained 90% of pre-war. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.3606206178665161 390 Horvaatias toimus rahvahääletus Euroopa Liiduga ühinemise küsimuses. Croatia held a referendum on its accession to the European Union. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7123928783280498] 0.9642129514012572 -0.35018837451934814 391 Kui meil üldse on vabadus oma saatust kujundada, mis on kahtlane, siis ainult kitsal rajal. If we have the freedom to shape our own destiny, which is dubious, then only on a narrow path. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.42309948801994324 392 Bülow tegi esimese rünnaku külale kuue Hilleri 16. brigaadi pataljoniga. This is the first attack by six Hiller's 16th Brigade. [57, 51, 40] 49.333333333333336 [-0.25098737870986976, -0.35756810125476673, -1.1593124721939274] -0.589289317386188 -0.544260561466217 393 Müüride kulgemine ning häärberi ja õue asend võivad viidata linnusekompleksi nurkade asetsemisele põhiilmakaarte suundades. The culmination of chargers and the position of single-mindedness and horror may refer to the introduction of an urban complex corners in the direction of the main weather maps. [24, 21, 49] 31.333333333333332 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.3816902345903206, -0.7871006959787512] -1.2691538257288357 -0.6834102869033813 394 Plahvatuses sai viis töölist vigastada, neist üks üliraskelt. Five workers were injured in destruction, one of them extremely serious. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.4156378507614136 395 Tundub, et raskused tulevad suuresti aja loomusega seotud probleemidest. It seems that the difficulties largely come from problems linked to the nature of the time. [100, 83, 72] 85.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.44490263343234565] 0.7228354514641299 -0.368821918964386 396 Õhutemperatuur on suvel 30 °C ringis, talvel võib temperatuur langeda viie kraadini. Air temperatures will be around 30 ° C in the summer, and temperatures may fall to 5 ° C over winter. [100, 84, 99] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8656517089737827] 0.8862534920558035 -0.39296579360961914 397 Esiteks, naiivne on rääkida sellest, mis peaks olema. Firstly, it is naive to talk about what should be. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.19532115757465363 398 Kuningas viis kiiruga lõpule kastelli ringmüüri ehituse, jättis sinna kaitsemeeskonna ja pöördus tagasi Taani. The King rushed to complete the building of the Circle Wall, left a protection team there and returned to Denmark. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5723103969386368 -0.5286239981651306 399 Peamiseks Minose kultuuri kunstivormiks tunduvad olevat olnud freskod. The main art of Minos culture seems to have been sheltering houses. [25, 18, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.4768801787803418, -2.0369461973217495] -1.7054911932530796 -0.5568590760231018 400 Pärast Harald Kaunisjuukse surma lagunes Norra väikekuningriikideks, mille kuningas Olav Tryggvason taasühendas. After the death of Harald KadreJewish, the Norwegian small Queen, who was reunited by King Olav Tryggvason, collapsed. [23, 12, 1] 12.0 [-1.460228213665987, -1.8478708942451183, -2.016289862523797] -1.7747963234783006 -0.40651407837867737 401 Eestis algas meediaettevõtte Ekspress Grupp aktsiate avalik müük Tallinna Börsil. In Estonia, Express Grupp, the media company, opened a public sale of shares on the Tallinn Börge. [56, 65, 74] 65.0 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.01442894686332708, 0.2613608455445319] -0.07004459316012328 -0.37574175000190735 402 Iraani president Maḩmūd Aḩmadīnezhād lasi vabastada 23. märtsil vahistatud viisteist Suurbritannia sõdurit, nimetades seda "kingituseks" ÜROle. The Iranian President, Madarmūd Ahigh, ordered the release of fifteen British soldiers arrested on 23 March, calling it a 'gift' to the United Nations. [66, 64, 67] 65.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.1521285149696482, 0.07788890965667469] 0.03477576078032373 -0.49355247616767883 403 Vee raskus takistas omakorda laeval end püsti ajada ja põhjustas ümbermineku. The difficulty of the water in turn prevented the ship from standing up and caused the transition. [32, 25, 18] 25.0 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.4109017987699952, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4127552601618236 -0.39094510674476624 404 Ta oli egotsentriline ja võimetu teiste tunnetest hoolima. He was a egotism and he was unable to care about the feelings of others. [51, 78, 57] 62.0 [-0.4297907926901062, 0.4063488583400919, -0.44990022892794107] -0.15778072109265182 -0.519573450088501 405 Keskvalitsus teatas, et on võtnud taas oma kontrolli alla Luganski oblastis asuva Artemivski linna. The central government has announced that it has taken control of the city of Artemivski, based in the Lugansk Oblast. [83, 85, 95] 87.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.711760740297822, 0.7358791572087113] 0.6888908594468898 -0.31615933775901794 406 8. aprillil 1943 anti Alfons Rebasele Raudristi 2. klass. On 8 April 1943 Alfons Rebase was awarded the second class of railways. [26, 34, 18] 26.0 [-1.3986772584734837, -1.2784371170145583, -1.618593541477372] -1.4319026389884713 -0.3713412582874298 407 Tripiaspiidi perekonnast maoliigid Elapsoidea boulengeri ja Elapsoidea semiannulata. The family of Tripiplaid has maimed countries without Egrandsozygier and Echilsogenesilate. [24, 1, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.6386705466174354, -2.016289862523797, -2.429618616981688] -2.0281930087076403 -1.101470708847046 408 Kosovo tunnustamise osas Serbia mingeid järeleandmisi ei teinud. On the recognition of Kosovo, Serbia made no concessions. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.3208348751068115 409 Üks laialt levinud tervemõistuslik vaade teadusele One wide-ranging view of science [75, 84, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4903786678134342] 0.48222896930100684 -0.6493743658065796 410 Leinav filantroop sümpatiseerib teiste saatusega, sest see on tema kohus. The appalling filantrophp symptoms the fate of others, because it is his duty. [22, 16, 29] 22.333333333333332 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.38561814123498, -1.12785038341693] -1.408061919063307 -0.6076510548591614 411 Valitseja vahetumine ei toonud reeglina kaasa olulisi muudatusi rae tegevusse. As a rule, the change of government did not bring about any significant changes to the path to action. [34, 38, 29] 33.666666666666664 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.1343437451734075, -1.12785038341693] -1.2585256998996117 -0.4241621494293213 412 See on teist järku omadus, mida ühelgi sarnaste esimest järku omadustega isikul ei ole. This is a second-class characteristic that no one with similar first-class characteristics has. [87, 70, 86] 81.0 [1.0180960153517116, 0.08139344852332632, 1.0708700667604174] 0.723453176878485 -0.49364370107650757 413 Brasiilias toimusid ulatuslikud meeleavaldused, millel nõuti president Dilma Rousseffi tagasiastumist. There were large-scale demonstrations in Brazil calling for the resignation of President Deta Rousseff. [100, 100, 71] 90.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, -0.2532346940854696] 0.5506971059038582 -0.26977041363716125 414 Nagu Lakatos hakkas taipama, ei ole uudse ennustuse mõiste nii lihtne, nagu algul tundub. As Lakatos started to realise, the concept of new forecasting is not as simple as it seems at the beginning. [81, 79, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.7888186625839653, 0.5464537850814665, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8200835811374473 -0.45926931500434875 415 Jumala seadus kehtib sellepärast, et Jumal rakendas seda. The law of God applies because God implemented it. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.5148636130151623] 1.0504022654243323 -0.33103641867637634 416 Ta räägib aru rollist mõistussuhete moodustamisel üksikasjalikumalt ning annab vastuse teiseste intentsioonide aluse küsimusele. He will report on the role of rational relations in more detail and provide an answer to the underlying question of secondary initiatives. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5776758168102278] 0.8387292661171681 -0.4659803807735443 417 Tema vennapoeg Ivan Asen II võitis Epeirose despootkonda ja tegi Bulgaariast taas piirkondliku suurvõimu. His brother son Ivan Asen II won the despot of Eperos and made Bulgaria a regional superpower again. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3035779595375061 418 Hukkus 1 politseinik, veel 1 politseinik sai vigastada. 1 policeman was killed, another 1 police officers were injured. [80, 82, 83] 81.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.5538386306067818, 0.25251634040522564] 0.4333214556847693 -0.42928189039230347 419 Sel juhul ei ole tegemist oferdiga ning pood ei ole kohustatud müüma ostjale toodet väljapandud hinnaga. In this case, it is not an ofer, and shops are not obliged to sell the product to the purchaser at the price put out. [59, 58, 60] 59.0 [-0.2883253160741759, -0.09007785635906261, -0.14422096012004196] -0.1742080441844268 -0.3960561752319336 420 Tulistamises hukkus 4 ja sai haavata veel 16 Prantsuse sõdurit. 4 French soldiers died and 16 more French soldiers were wounded in this separation. [77, 73, 54] 68.0 [0.09994004505140265, 0.18819751408457033, -0.5803163758592089] -0.09739293890774531 -0.6296562552452087 421 Ayer väidab, et keelelised kokkulepped tagavadki loogika propositsioonide tõesuse. Ayer claims that linguistic agreements provide proof of the positions of logic. [71, 79, 75] 75.0 [0.2564751800664351, 0.45360522473850245, 0.33172876083006514] 0.34726972187833427 -0.38661858439445496 422 Riigi naftatulud majandusringesse ei jõudnud ja puudujäägi katmiseks võeti laenu. Its oil revenues were not available in the economic arena and loans were made to cover its deficit. [80, 90, 85] 85.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.9451743669771346, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6959374459387462 -0.5730418562889099 423 Jacksoni mälestusteenistus peeti 7. juulil 2009 Los Angeleses Staples Centeris. The memorial service of Jackson was held on 7 July 2009 in the Status of Los Eliles in Classiis. [81, 59, 70] 70.0 [0.5372396648934048, -0.3735320557396667, 0.17307885384669613] 0.11226215433347808 -0.5800328850746155 424 Pärast kolmepäevast piiramist lubati neil siiski lahkuda. However, after three days' restriction, they were allowed to leave. [22, 26, 29] 25.666666666666668 [-0.7408543030643528, -1.3746544731431163, -1.12785038341693] -1.0811197198747997 -0.27627694606781006 425 Sellest kokkuvõttest pidi tulema "Liikide tekkimine". The conclusions had to come from this: 'Members coming up'. [30, 24, 18] 24.0 [-1.422530488855709, -1.9496856596195407, -1.4768801787803418] -1.6163654424185305 -0.6872038245201111 426 Küll aga väitis ta seda elementaarariteetika kohta. However, he said this about elementary road transport. [76, 83, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.6190326808341362, 0.3952847075210473] 0.44446856966435555 -0.6560823321342468 427 Darwin sai samas kriitilist hinnangut oma teose kohta. Darwin received, at the same time, a critical assessment of his work. [100, 91, 85] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 0.7017464088819532] 0.9274238732834656 -0.30474725365638733 428 Vana Viss aga ohkab pärast Karineeme visiiti, et peale selle mehe jutte tuleb alati validool välja otsida. The old old boy, however, is threatened after a visit by Karistines, by the fact that, apart from what this man said, a lie must always be found. [23, 27, 25] 25.0 [-1.674693889577723, -1.6969517045047373, -1.9060553907684363] -1.7592336616169657 -0.7162570953369141 429 Pakistani lääneosas Dera Ismail Khani väikelinna lähistel sooritati pommirünnak politseipatrullile. In the western part of Pakistan, near the small town of Dera Ismail Khani, a bomb attack was carried out on police patrols. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6551957619621033] 1.0254662165223711 -0.2623835802078247 430 Nooremale riimkroonikale tuginevate Renneri ja Wartberge kroonikate teatel puhkes päev enne jaagupipäeva, 24. juulil, ülestõus Saaremaal. Renner and Wambberge, based on the youngest clothes, erupted a day before the end of the day, 24 July, the uprising in Saareland. [18, 25, 1] 14.666666666666666 [-1.7195270047142863, -1.4109017987699952, -2.016289862523797] -1.7155728886693595 -0.47150641679763794 431 Rocco räägib Evelinile ja Lainele, et teda kiusatakse koolis. Rocco tells Evelin and Laini that she is being persecuted at school. [57, 62, 81] 66.66666666666667 [-0.44990022892794107, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5372396648934048] 0.002192812879589797 -0.42397287487983704 432 Tõlkinud ja kommenteerinud Urmas Eelmäe, toimetanud Enn Tarvel. The translates and commented Urmas Premäe, delivered Enn Tarvel. [37, 39, 38] 38.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.2952316268529762, -0.8422805508468657] -1.1026264219445123 -0.4455536901950836 433 Springar tuli arvatavasti enne 1600. aastast Saksamaalt või Austriast; oletatakse sugulust lendleriga. The High Representative came, probably, from Germany or Austria before 160; a relative is presumed to be a leaflet. [12, 23, 1] 12.0 [-1.8478708942451183, -1.483396450023753, -2.016289862523797] -1.7825190689308894 -0.5782961249351501 434 Ent kuigi mitteobjektiivsusest ei järeldu relativism, tundub tühi ja vastutustundetu selle tõdemusega piirduda. However, although there is no consequence of inobjectivity, it seems to be empty and irresponsible to confine ourselves to this acknowledgement. [42, 36, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-0.22547739658480304, -1.0121812168743272, -1.12785038341693] -0.7885029989586867 -0.4439370632171631 435 Siiski on allutatud rusikareeglil "muretse viletsuse kõrvaldamise, mitte õnne edendamise pärast" häid külgi. However, the rule of the rusty is subject to 'concerns about the elimination of destitution, not the promotion of happiness'. [25, 44, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.4109017987699952, -0.9938850160982935, -1.12785038341693] -1.1775457327617396 -0.4044532775878906 436 Lisaks plahvatas Bagdadi eri piirkondades veel 6 pommi; hukkus 12 inimest. In addition, six more bombs exploded in the various regions of Baghdad; 12 people died. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.3615623414516449 437 Johannes külastab Kristjanit ja annab talle head nõu. Johannes is visiting Christian and giving him good advice. [80, 84, 89] 84.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.6603895448580447, 0.7759485003834985] 0.6433158137612812 -0.5077102780342102 438 Öösel toimus kriisikomisjoni istung, millel osalesid Eesti valitsuse liikmetest komisjoni esimees Jüri Pihl, Andrus Ansip ja Jaak Aaviksoo. A meeting of the Crisis Committee was held at night, attended by Commission Chairman Jüri Pihl, Andrus Ansip and Jaak Aaviker of the Estonian Government. [83, 83, 82] 82.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.4867066880395393, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5629609024817935 -0.3025384247303009 439 Alates bantude tulekust on hutud alati enamuses olnud. Since the arrival of the banknotes, there has always been a majority concerned. [26, 28, 24] 26.0 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.6555948404808287, -1.2865002904002991] -1.6015067509328198 -0.33538225293159485 440 Maavärina epitsenter asus 330 kilomeetrit Acapulco linnast loodes. The epicentre of the earthquake was 330 kilometres in the story of the city of Adowulco. [17, 29, 23] 23.0 [-1.357221951807747, -1.12785038341693, -1.993315928470645] -1.4927960878984408 -0.44322431087493896 441 Või siis vähe kõrgema müüri korral peavad kivid olema väga hästi tahutud ja kokku sobitatud. Or, in the case of a slightly higher wall, the fibres must be very well connived and agreed. [66, 47, 57] 56.666666666666664 [0.034191330126668154, -0.8101336585308181, -0.04871265401618784] -0.2748849941401126 -0.6031522154808044 442 Ühes äärmuses on inimene, kes kaalub oma eelnevad plaanid iga kord uuesti läbi, kui ta saab vähimatki uut infot. There is a person on one extreme who revises his previous plans every time he gets the slightest new information. [64, 51, 55] 56.666666666666664 [-0.1255610247419799, -0.4297907926901062, -0.5389595118353006] -0.3647704430891289 -0.44596537947654724 443 Mittekonsekventsialistliku vaate järgi see nii ei ole, isegi kui väide 2) võtab kuju 3). According to a non-sectarian view, this is not the case, even if 2) it will take shape 3). [89, 66, 78] 77.66666666666667 [1.0073351794081433, -0.1256901422853517, 0.674179986200092] 0.5186083411076279 -0.42624372243881226 444 Palestiina peaminister Ismā‘īl Haniyyah esitas president Maḩmūd ‘Abbāsile kinnitamiseks rahvusliku ühtsuse valitsuse koosseisu. The Palestinian Prime Minister, Iysa Syīl Haniyyah, presented President Mapitamūd Swim, to confirm the composition of the Government of National Unity. [28, 52, 29] 36.333333333333336 [-0.5862412311204879, -0.4322240068442644, -1.12785038341693] -0.7154385404605609 -0.6452937722206116 445 Koos presidendiga saabus Eestisse ka Leedu välisminister Linas Linkevičius, kes kohtus siin oma Eesti kolleegi Sven Mikseriga. Together with the President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius, arrived in Estonia, who met with his Estonian colleague, Sven Mikser. [79, 100, 89] 89.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.6882604319190001] 0.8201129761169255 -0.3329561948776245 446 Jaapanis kritiseeris peaminister Shinzō Abe valitsus teravalt endist peaministrit Yukio Hatoyamat, kes külastas Venemaa annekteeritud Krimmi. In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government sharply criticised former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who visited the Crimea donated by Russia. [67, 74, 81] 74.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5372396648934048] 0.24919054833391074 -0.24131901562213898 447 Ettevõtte nimeks sai Fondieres et Atélieres Mécaniques, Nobel & Fils. The company was named Fondires et Atélieres Mécaniques, Nobel & Fils. [79, 100, 82] 87.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.46039042405392566] 0.7441563068285673 -0.17122416198253632 448 Kuulduste kohaselt olevat Alehhin ka matši teise poole ajal lubamatult raskes joobes olnud. I am hearing that Alebarin has also been unacceptably under the influence of heavy drinks on the other side of the match. [58, 40, 44] 47.333333333333336 [-0.4662565186819943, -0.7788205880535182, -0.9938850160982935] -0.7463207076112687 -0.5971096754074097 449 Tornaado hävitas peaaegu kogu Greensburgi linna; hukkus üheksa ja sai vigastada kuuskümmend kolm inimest. The Tunaado destroyed almost the entire town of Greensburg; nine people died and sixty-three were injured. [60, 77, 51] 62.666666666666664 [-0.01365207210314715, 0.47395913382770866, -0.4297907926901062] 0.010172089678151752 -0.2873608469963074 450 Kui maksiim valelubadust anda saaks üldiseks seaduseks, siis oleks kõigil õiglane seda raskuste korral teha. If the maxim of falsehood could become a general law, it would be fair for everyone to do so in the event of difficulties. [93, 82, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.088733714938049, 0.6551957619621033, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9563025908823543 -0.42147356271743774 451 Me ei saa panna end ennast armastama, nagu me ei saa panna end armastama midagi muud. We cannot make ourselves love, just as we cannot make ourselves love of something else. [33, 31, 29] 31.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693] -1.3621948736845289 -0.4071711301803589 452 Sokratese küsimus ongi alustuseks parem kui küsimused, mis on meie kohus, kuidas olla hea ja isegi kuidas olla õnnelik. The Socrates question is better than the questions we have to start with, how to be good and even how to be happy. [95, 82, 93] 90.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0326013210732208] 0.8599332145270905 -0.41520190238952637 453 Aastal 1183 toimus maksuraha arvutamiseks ja sõjaväe kokkupanemiseks rahvaloendus, mille tulemused ei ole säilinud. In 1183, a census was carried out to calculate tax money and put the army together, the results of which have not been retained. [100, 84, 81] 88.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.7678509808658224 -0.3530217111110687 454 Metafüüsilistel küsimustel on vastused, ja kõik alternatiivid ei ole tõesed. There are answers to physical questions, and not all the alternatives are true. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -1.2659124962624795, -1.12785038341693] -1.197338202583082 -0.41102638840675354 455 Ta reisis veidi aega dünamiiti tutvustades mööda Euroopat, muu hulgas Prahas, Viinis, Zürichis ja Bernis. He travelled a little while by presenting a ray of dynamism across Europe, including in Prague, Vienna, Zurich and Bernis. [19, 45, 48] 37.333333333333336 [-1.6283857525312686, -0.5868454540225132, -0.8284575600026597] -1.0145629221854804 -0.4734167158603668 456 Ameerika Ühendriikides Florida osariigis Cape Canaverali õhujõudude baasis toimus pärast ligi pooleaastast lennupausi eraettevõtte SpaceX raketistart. In the United States, the Air Force at a base in the State of Florida, Cape Canaveral, was held after nearly a year and a half by a private airline SpaceX raketistart. [33, 18, 47] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.4768801787803418, -0.8698144240265682] -1.3012359475888375 -0.4843180775642395 457 Järgmises kooliastmes ületab aga poiste osalus tüdrukute oma märgatavalt. However, at the next level of education, the participation of girls is significantly higher. [95, 100, 81] 92.0 [0.8835775815176352, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8485985140526502 -0.5290907025337219 458 Clapton lahkus 1960. aastate keskel The Yardbirdsist ja liitus John Mayall & the Bluesbreakersiga. Cchilton left The YardBurmese in the mid-1960s and joined John Mayall & the Bluesbreakerk. [32, 46, 18] 32.0 [-1.0836130516859637, -0.6497079606055378, -1.4768801787803418] -1.0700670636906144 -0.3083801865577698 459 Prantsuse plaan tungida Suurbritanniasse koostati koos jakobiitide juhtidega ja sõdureid pidi transporditama Dunkerque'ist. The French plan to invade Britain was drawn up with the leaders of the jakobids and the soldiers were to be transported from Dunkerque. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8314344467072191 -0.3831879198551178 460 Jordaania pealinnas ‘Ammānis kohtusid Ameerika Ühendriikide riigisekretär Condoleezza Rice ja Jordaania kuningas ‘Abdullāh II. In Jordan's capital city of Sikezza Rice, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of the United States and King Abdullāh II of Jordan met with love. [57, 78, 68] 67.66666666666667 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.4063488583400919, -0.001320279524490586] -0.014957216704113258 -0.34939733147621155 461 Sama lugu on siis, kui inimene teeb mõtlemisvigu; kuigi pole selge, millisel juhul on tegu tõesti puhtalt mõtlemisveaga. The same story is when a person makes a thought error; however, it is not clear in which case it really is a pure error of thought. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.5455191731452942 462 Tai pealinnas Bangkokis ründasid relvastatud isikud valitsusvastaste meeleavaldust. In Thai capital Bangkok, armed individuals attacked an anti-government demonstration. [86, 87, 100] 91.0 [0.9798831232237539, 0.7990212780000306, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9313868317388655 -0.25833433866500854 463 Valik tuleb teha vastavalt iseloomule ja sellele, millist iseloomu tahetakse. The choice must be made according to the nature and nature of what is to be desired. [56, 69, 81] 68.66666666666667 [-0.4976026478113921, 0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048] 0.06032862984401168 -0.45586341619491577 464 Tai parlament valis 310 poolthäälega riigi uueks peaministriks valimised võitnud erakonna Rahva Võimu Partei esimehe Samak Sundaravej. The Thai Parliament, by 310 votes in favour of the country's new Prime Minister, elected the President of the People's Opposition Party, the same Sundaravej, who won the elections. [34, 41, 47] 40.666666666666664 [-0.969200476433561, -1.2079710891507676, -0.6789596152714463] -0.9520437269519251 -0.3895789086818695 465 Kui aru ei oleks, siis poleks jaotust esmasteks ja teisesteks substantsideks. If it were not understood, there would be no division into primary and secondary substances. [98, 90, 81] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7906583263724775 -0.3800785541534424 466 Kohalikel valimistel võitsid 1953 hutude parteid, piirkondlikel valimistel tutside parteid. In local elections, 1953 interested parties, the Tutsis parties in regional elections, won. [36, 29, 33] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.12785038341693, -1.557013239959602] -1.297084684823505 -0.27982231974601746 467 Hiina Sichuani provintsis Xinmo külas toimunud maalihkes jäi varingu alla umbes 40 maja. Around 40 houses were stolen in Xinmo, China's province of Sichuan. [21, 11, 1] 11.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.093303197568664 -0.3448163866996765 468 Kuigi bastione seostatakse tihti Tudorite ajastuga, puuduvad selle toetuseks tõendid. Although the Basque is often associated with the Tudorf era, there is no evidence to support it. [36, 42, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -0.9902503733322566, -1.12785038341693] -1.1814077300518253 -0.2860832214355469 469 Darwin osales samuti kuulsa geoloogi Adam Sedgwicki kursusel, mille raames ta kaardistas maaladestumisi Walesis. Darwin also took part in the saturation of the famous geologist Adam ehgwicz, who mapped out paintings in Wales. [13, 1, 25] 13.0 [-1.785756796330379, -2.016289862523797, -1.7796654325525543] -1.8605706971355769 -0.5158835649490356 470 Kui kohalikud mõisted on juba küsimärgi alla seatud, siis peavad neid õigustama reflektiivsed kaalutlused. If local concepts are already called into question, they must be justified by reflective considerations. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.32854408025741577 471 Samal ajal hakkasid Fulkile vastu ka kohalikud ristisõdijatest aadlikud, kellele ei meeldinud tema Anjou saatjaskond. At the same time, Fulk was also met by local crusades who did not like his Anjou embassy. [66, 72, 77] 71.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, 0.16410717657114324, 0.6774892259096519] 0.3524072277151314 -0.3944509029388428 472 Kui palju on siin olemasoleva nägemist ja kui palju kujutlust? How much do you see it and how much you can imagine it? [59, 64, 81] 68.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.017301034533346728, 0.5372396648934048] 0.04736169578423081 -0.5070944428443909 473 Saksa kahurvägi tulistas seekord hästi ning granaadid lõhkesid venelaste keskel. The German twin force fired well this time, and the grants burnt in the middle of the Russians. [8, 5, 1] 4.666666666666667 [-1.1016181376000378, -2.1358483113075737, -2.016289862523797] -1.7512521038104694 -0.49884653091430664 474 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves vabastas Jürgen Ligi rahandusministri ametist ja nimetas uueks rahandusministriks Maris Lauri. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves released Mr Jürgen Ligi's Minister of Finance and appointed Mr Maris Lauri, new Minister for Finance. [89, 82, 95] 88.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8835775815176352] 0.7467986718818809 -0.24719198048114777 475 Eestis on kiirabisõidukid põhivärvilt valged või kollased. In Estonia, high-speed vehicles are white or yellow. [11, 12, 12] 11.666666666666666 [-1.5275990883711448, -1.6672600671603848, -2.4732488858327923] -1.8893693471214406 -0.3550904393196106 476 Kandidaatide nimekirja juhtisid erakonna esimees Edgar Savisaar ja peasekretär Kadri Must. The candidate's list was led by the party's chairman, Edgar Savisaar, and by Secretary-General Kadri Must. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.3300902843475342 477 Ühelt poolt pöördub aru enda poole ja vaatleb arusaadud asju kui mõisteid. On the one hand, they call themselves to account and view understanding as concepts. [27, 30, 23] 26.666666666666668 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.1600388359418792, -1.318230271796973] -1.3362898751584746 -0.5548270344734192 478 Kui politsei arreteeris tagaotsitava rahvuslaste juhi György Budaházy, puhkesid kokkupõrked meeleavaldajate ja politsei vahel. When the police arrested the fugitive leader of the nationalists, György Budaházy, there were clashes between demonstrators and the police. [81, 100, 90] 90.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4879087225913252] 0.7167088944105467 -0.27926820516586304 479 Portugali härjavõitleja, kes kannab tavaliselt 18. sajandi stiilis kuube ja kolmnurkset kübarat, ratsutab hobuse seljas ega püüa härga tappa. The Portuguese bullfighter, who is usually wearing a hot and tripartite village in the 18th century, is racking the horse in the back and is not trying to kill the bull. [64, 78, 71] 71.0 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.4063488583400919, -0.16253911793112225] 0.015357637401014174 -0.38941478729248047 480 Uraani liikumise vaatlused näitasid, et selle orbiit lahkneb tunduvalt Newtoni gravitatsiooniteooria põhjal ennustatust. Surveys by the Uraan movement have shown that this orbit is greatly dissociated from that predicted by Newton's gravitalisation theory. [68, 61, 53] 60.666666666666664 [0.2920510649205147, -0.11249097872336815, -0.39597668121738544] -0.07213886500674631 -0.5482535362243652 481 See ei lahenda probleemi, vaid ainult maskeerib seda. It does not solve the problem, it only masks it. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0444837682681243 -0.33628103137016296 482 Alexis Clairault näitas 1750, et tegu oli matemaatilise veaga. Alexis Clairault showed that 1750 was a mathematical error. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.2659124962624795, -1.12785038341693] -1.375099065014476 -0.29429689049720764 483 Teoreetikud on kaldunud eelistama kõige üldisemaid väljendeid, mida ei tarvitata ainult eetika vallas. Theoretics have tended to prefer the most general phrases, which are not only used in the field of ethics. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.4729934632778168 484 Gaza linnas tegutsevate islamiäärmuslaste vastu suunatud rünnakus hukkus 5 inimest. Five people died in an attack on Islamic extremists operating in Gaza. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8762992868958653 -0.44645941257476807 485 Mare ja Thobjörn lähevad tülli ning Mare jookseb Allani juurde lohutust saama. Mare and Thobjörn go to the wall and Mare running to Allani to be complacent. [25, 1, 23] 16.333333333333332 [-1.4961164985930953, -2.016289862523797, -1.483396450023753] -1.6652676037135485 -0.39721113443374634 486 Nicolausel olid olemas mõned Proklose teosed, millel on arvukalt ääremärkusi. Nicosia had some Proklos' works, with numerous peripheral comments. [84, 63, 74] 73.66666666666667 [0.5173579726434968, -0.2337601711662148, 0.29999877943339137] 0.19453219363689112 -0.5883305668830872 487 Sellist haavamist nimetab Hampton vähendamise kogemuseks pärast väära tegu. This injury is called Hampton's experience of reducing it after wrong action. [56, 83, 78] 72.33333333333333 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3301789909881689] 0.22784610262568172 -0.45484402775764465 488 Tavalise sõjaka sõnavahetuse asemel leiab aset hoopis midagi muud. Instead of a normal war of words, something quite different is happening. [98, 100, 81] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8964249310280566 -0.4332458972930908 489 Sugude intellektuaalsed eelised ja nõrkused saavad seletada ainult väikest osa meeste ja naiste ühiskondliku positsiooni erinevustest. The intellectual advantages and weaknesses of the relationship can only be explained by a small part of the differences in the position of men and women in society. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8252505488115603 -0.2558996081352234 490 Prantsuse ratsaväe rünnakuhoog oli sellega peatatud ja kaitseliini tsenter surve alt vabastatud. The French radar's offensive was suspended and the centre of the defence line was released under pressure. [92, 86, 79] 85.66666666666667 [0.7859190067183177, 0.680758556193477, 0.44997912719119615] 0.6388855633676637 -0.6884635090827942 491 27. aprillil 1746 Charles Stuart ja tema ülestõus lõpuks siiski kaotas Cullodeni lahingus. However, on 27 April 1746 Charles Stuart and his uprising finally lost the battle in Culloden. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9416702310957962] 1.0406387356571727 -0.15833821892738342 492 Bonaventura järgi peab isegi inglitel olema mateeria, nimelt vaimne mateeria, muidu neil ei ole potentsiaalsust. According to Bonaventura, even the English have to have a stranglehold, namely mental painting, otherwise they will not have the potential. [36, 12, 24] 24.0 [-1.6491599075944858, -2.1350349646252127, -3.29073209241274] -2.358308988210813 -0.392029732465744 493 Sokrates suunas oma dialektika kord tavateadvuse vastu üldse ja siis iseäranis sofistide vastu. The procedure in their dialectics was directed against common consciousness at all, and then against Finfists in particular. [22, 15, 7] 14.666666666666666 [-1.465741972965541, -2.3423580792794794, -1.7447839517266321] -1.8509613346572173 -0.55266273021698 494 Need ei saa olla psühholoogilised omadused, sest muidu see asi oleks juba isik; sama hästi oleksime võinud need omadused anda kehale. They cannot be psychological, otherwise it would be a person; just as well, we could have given these properties to the body. [68, 85, 62] 71.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.711760740297822, 0.06277371215276832] 0.24029699869527132 -0.43029865622520447 495 On alaline oht, et tavatunnetus ignoreerib seesmist kompassi või isegi kaotab võime seda ära tunda. There is a permanent risk that common sense will ignore the internal compass, or even lose the ability to recognise it. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.36757975816726685 496 Näiteks 22. vooru järel oli Botvinnik kogunud 12.5 punkti ja endale esikoha turniiril juba kindlustanud. After the 22 round, for example, the Botvnik had collected 12.5 points and already secured a first place on the security site. [79, 55, 58] 64.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.32348202996362757, -0.20768092291338958] -0.027061275228607 -0.4746027886867523 497 Aga ka juhul, kui kõik katsealused kiidavad katse tagantjärele heaks, on kahtlane, kas seda võib pidada nõusolekuks. However, even if all the test vessels accept the test retrospectively, it is doubtful whether this can be regarded as an agreement. [40, 29, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.062297059252832, -1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933] -1.2199667149757183 -0.4937755763530731 498 Jaapani rahandusminister Jun Azumi lubas astuda konkreetseid samme Iraanist nafta sisseveo piiramiseks. The Japanese Finance Minister, Jun Azum, promised to take concrete steps to limit Iran's oil imports. [83, 100, 81] 88.0 [0.6190326808341362, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7604168804914838 -0.25261440873146057 499 Filipiinide lõunaosas Zamboanga del Suri provintsis maanteel põrkasid kokku gaasiveok ja reisijaid täis buss. In the south of the Philippines, in the south of Zamboan in the Province of Suri, a gas lorry and a bus full of passengers collapsed on the motorway. [67, 65, 62] 64.66666666666667 [0.4187437365146342, 0.03899122630516161, -0.08076099732669434] 0.1256579884977005 -0.4075254499912262 500 pisiJuba noore mehena kuulus Darwin teadlaste eliiti The young man who was already a young man, Darwin, was an elite of scientists. [40, 35, 38] 37.666666666666664 [-1.2516013580018719, -1.048428542501206, -0.8422805508468657] -1.0474368171166477 -0.4342234134674072 501 Burundi majandus on väga sõltuv välisabist, sealhulgas otsesest eelarvetoetusest. Burundi's economy is highly dependent on foreign aid, including direct budget support. [97, 100, 94] 97.0 [1.3411025684036206, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0739581850971294] 1.1800130164158869 -0.26288488507270813 502 Teiseks, ma tean, et kui ma oleksin tema olukorras, siis ma tahaksin, et mind aidataks. Secondly, I know that if I were in his position, I would like to be helped. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.3300905227661133 503 Põlengus sai vigastada kakskümmend viis inimest, neist kümme naist ja viisteist meest. Twenty-five people, ten women and fifteen men were injured in the generation. [71, 84, 57] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.6681304714467177, -0.4562457837874836] 0.13889784096753466 -0.2225029468536377 504 Ansambli muusikalist käekirja mõjutasid tugevalt Chicago bluus ja tolle aja juhtivad bluusikitarristid nagu Buddy Guy, Freddie King ja B. B. King. The music bribe of the pillar was heavily influenced in Chicago belt and the springers of that time, such as Buddy Guy, Freddie King and B. King. [6, 4, 1] 3.6666666666666665 [-1.1531558282479928, -2.1720956369344524, -2.016289862523797] -1.7805137759020806 -0.36451995372772217 505 Austraalias astus Queenslandi osariigi peaministrina ametisse Campbell Newman. In Australia, Campbell Newman took office as Prime Minister of the State of Queensland. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.11685764044523239 506 Alma rõõmustab, kui kuuleb, et Allan on ennast parandanud. I will start by hearing that Allan has corrected itself. [13, 14, 15] 14.0 [-1.8791059376579944, -2.3859883481305837, -2.258848426590734] -2.174647570793104 -0.556872546672821 507 1807. aastal tungis Portugali Napoleon I oma vägedega ja kuninglik perekond põgenes Brasiiliasse. In 1807, Napoleon I from Portugal invaded her troops and the Royal Family fled to Brazil. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.21770060062408447 508 Koi tiivad teeb ikooniliseks linnust lähtuv protsess, mitte midagi tiibade juures. The Codes are making the urban process iconian, not with the wings. [16, 25, 29] 23.333333333333332 [-1.6002936901380398, -1.6026472036571477, -1.12785038341693] -1.4435970924040393 -0.7421300411224365 509 Harti isikuid vahendav maksiim ei ole üldtunnustud arvamusest oluliselt erinev. The maxim mediating rare persons is not very different from the widely accepted opinion. [20, 21, 21] 20.666666666666668 [-1.5578867884653047, -1.3816902345903206, -1.945092888648188] -1.6282233039012712 -0.5369581580162048 510 Introspitseeritavaid asju on väga vähe ja need on üsna ähmased, ja neid on igal juhul raske ära tunda. There are very few things that are spying on the seas and they are quite vague, and they are difficult to recognise in any case. [71, 83, 58] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.6245002025956135, -0.41488891976357517] 0.13814003935846939 -0.5553022027015686 511 Me tahame näidata, et meil on loenduv hulk saapaid ja loenduv hulk sokke. We want to show that we have a lofty number of warehouses and a roll-out of socks. [28, 27, 25] 26.666666666666668 [-1.2364646201977947, -1.818794853066228, -1.2105826525551269] -1.42194737527305 -0.48849838972091675 512 Sarnaselt Bojana kiriku freskodega näitab Rila Püha Johannes realismi ja mittekanoonilist kujundust. Like the Boana Church's sham bags, Rila Pincreasingly Johannes realism and non-canonist is showing. [28, 33, 23] 28.0 [-1.3222959112391464, -1.314460459974846, -1.4275290808375833] -1.3547618173505251 -0.7366594672203064 513 Varem on vulkaan pursanud 1897. aastal ja augustis 2012. Previously, the volcano erupted in 1849 and August 2012. [100, 89, 95] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8862818157022393, 0.9663283887635413] 0.9839045742767368 -0.2805156111717224 514 Moldova ja Transnistria vahel jõustus leping, millega taastatakse kahe riigi vahel täiemahuline raudteeliiklus. The agreement to restore full rail traffic between the two countries between Moldova and Transnistria entered into force. [100, 87, 73] 86.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.7124885375901508, 0.328969831320193] 0.7075336088072118 -0.2939760982990265 515 Me nimetame neid teadusi, mida on nimetatud filosoofiaks, empiirilisteks teadusteks selle lähtekohta järgi, mille nad võtavad. We call them science, which has been called empirical science, based on the starting point of what they take. [70, 58, 82] 70.0 [0.018403229555799133, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5808699337445091] 0.13053074679563956 -0.3669646382331848 516 Norra põhiosa asetseb kitsa ribana Skandinaavia poolsaare looderannikul. The bulk of Norway is situated on the north-west coast of the narrow Scandinavian Peninsula. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.3786618411540985 517 Ülesanne oli mõõta magneti kõrvalekalle voolutugevuse eri väärtuste korral ning joonistada graafik. The challenge was to measure some deviation from the dynamic strength of the various values and to draw a chart. [82, 70, 57] 69.66666666666667 [0.46039042405392566, 0.17307885384669613, -0.4562457837874836] 0.05907449803771273 -0.592089831829071 518 Johannes Paulus II taunis Vatikani II kirikukogu otsuseid mittetunnustava Pius X Vennaskonna tegevust. John Paul II condemned the actions of Pius X Brotherhood, which does not recognise the decisions of the Vatican II Church. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 1.0006909404498396 -0.32644787430763245 519 Belgias Brüsselis algas Euroopa Ülemkogu kohtumine. A European Council meeting began in Brussels in Belgium. [70, 77, 62] 69.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.36271858948898755, -0.08076099732669434] 0.10012027390603079 -0.38973188400268555 520 Ameerika Ühendriigid kuulutasid Venezuela ohuks riiklikule julgeolekule. The United States declared Venezuela a threat to national security. [81, 76, 100] 85.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.3190883206378832, 0.9230496311961767] 0.552265984651008 -0.14701566100120544 521 Kui kultuurilised väärtused kõrvale jätta, siis jääb ajaloos tõeseks vaid paljas fakt. Apart from cultural values, only a mere fact remains true in history. [75, 71, 67] 71.0 [0.27545805178677896, 0.05442657251608684, -0.04267714354839904] 0.09573582691815559 -0.2910570502281189 522 Esiteks, geomeetria tõdede paratamatust on põhjendatud sellega, et geomeetria on täis idealisatsioone, sellepärast räägib ta ideedest meie vaimus. Firstly, geometry truths are justified by the fact that geometry is full of ideologies, so he is talking about ideas in our spirit. [83, 76, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.35590589178006926, 0.3190883206378832, 1.32209936924058] 0.6656978605528442 -0.29251179099082947 523 Kolmandaks, inimeste kõige tähtsamaid huvisid ei puuduta erinevused agressiivsuses. Thirdly, the most important interests of people do not concern differences in aggressiveness. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.2978520691394806 524 Gruusia pealinnas Thbilisis maeti ümber ekspresident Zviad Gamsahhurdia säilmed. In the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, the remains of the misguided President, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, were buried. [75, 57, 66] 66.0 [0.0996728308439845, -0.25098737870986976, 0.04615892826000089] -0.03505187320196146 -0.2859017550945282 525 Pärismaise elustiku kaitseks on loodud kolm rahvusparki. Three national parks have been created to protect the indigenous world of life. [100, 83, 80] 87.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4949620887624109] 0.7481468623683115 -0.4492548108100891 526 Ingliskeelne moraalifilosoofia paigutab kõik moraalsed reaktsioonid hinnangu ja heakskiidu või halvakspanu vms alla. In English, a moral ceilings put all moral reactions under assessment and approval or disapproval, etc. [82, 56, 60] 66.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.4976026478113921, -0.574314160703546] -0.163682291590143 -0.570478081703186 527 Matemaatika aluseks jäävad ikkagi füüsilised kehad, millest arusaamine peab algama. However, the basis of the mathematics remains the physical bodies from which understanding must begin. [96, 84, 90] 90.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8102730332500565 -0.3705213963985443 528 Sihtasutuse Kultuurileht nõukogu valis oma uueks esimeheks Mart Meri. The Foundation's cultural website was selected by the Mart Meri, the new president. [9, 23, 1] 11.0 [-1.0758492922760603, -1.483396450023753, -2.016289862523797] -1.5251785349412035 -0.4864984452724457 529 Hampshire lisab Sigmund Freudi kaitse all isikliku verifitseerimise idee. Hampshire adds cigarettes to the concept of personal verification under the protection of Freud. [30, 40, 35] 35.0 [-1.422530488855709, -1.3229960566534074, -1.4697527022573933] -1.4050930825888368 -0.36444881558418274 530 Uus karistus järgnes tema süüdimõistmisele riigi raha kuritarvitamises ajakirjandusega manipuleerimise eesmärgil. The new sentence follows his conviction of abuse of public money for the purpose of manipulation of the press. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.45489272475242615 531 Johannes Paulus II valitses 26 aastat 5 kuud ja 17 päeva. John Paul II was 26 years old for 5 months and 17 days. [21, 18, 15] 18.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -2.2114672727261664, -1.5720701229703633] -1.843425990398276 -0.3389877378940582 532 Tuul muutus nüüd vastupidiseks, muutes sageli suunda. The nuclear has now turned around, often changing tack. [29, 26, 23] 26.0 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.8624251219173322, -1.318230271796973] -1.5464030751767674 -0.5682728886604309 533 Kui kohale ilmusid Novgorodi saadikud, lasi Bertold vangid siiski vabaks ja saatis nad "auga" Venemaale. When the ambassadors of Novgorod came in, however, the prisoners of Bericent were released and sent them 'honour' to Russia. [83, 79, 75] 79.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245, -0.01280273874114997] 0.35510089619765534 -0.5106644630432129 534 Toimetus asutati 19. oktoobril 1927 ning annab igal nädalal eetrisse 6 tundi ja 40 minutit saateid. The grant was established on 19 October 1927 and provides broadcasts of 6 hours and 40 minutes every week. [77, 60, 70] 69.0 [0.36271858948898755, -0.3418302000470779, -0.19997321272861532] -0.05969494109556856 -0.2805170714855194 535 Maakleril on seadusest tulenev kohustus mitte anda ebaõigeid soovitusi. The accessories have a legal obligation not to make incorrect recommendations. [83, 81, 82] 82.0 [0.4867066880395393, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5259283278465753 -0.43184101581573486 536 Anu ähvardab Intsu maha jätta, kui see mõtleb Uuevarikule tagasi minna. Anu is in danger of being left behind if it is thinking of going back to the New Year. [18, 21, 23] 20.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.080576466172854, -1.862379160600371] -1.8066119351845222 -0.417007714509964 537 Järelemõtlemine selle üle, kuidas teadus filosoofiat mõjutab, näitab, et teadus ja filosoofia on teineteise mõistmiseks hädavajalikud. Rethinking how science influences the philosophy shows that science and philosophy are essential for mutual understanding. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8762992868958653 -0.36461398005485535 538 Vaikel ja Allanil on omavahel kana kitkuda, millest Johannes ning Jaak aru ei saa. The poor and the Allani have a chicken to crack down on each other, something that Johannes and Jaak do not understand. [20, 17, 13] 16.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.2550975415772707, -1.635530085763711] -1.8911305152665225 -0.413265585899353 539 Suurbritannias mõistis kohus Sambia endise presidendi Frederick Chiluba süüdi neljakümne kuue miljoni USA dollari väärtuses riigi raha kõrvaldamises. In Britain, Zambia's former President, Frederick Chiluba, was convicted of removing USD forty six million of state money. [86, 65, 83] 78.0 [0.4838888151444026, -0.1617134852456394, 0.6245002025956135] 0.31555851083145886 -0.31563854217529297 540 HIV on üks patogeensemaid sajandite jooksul tekkinud uusi viirusi. HIV is one of the most pathogenic new viruses of the centuries. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7596043322208423 -0.28687065839767456 541 Prantsuse kolonisaatorid aga piirasid kohalike keelte kasutuse üksnes usuõpetusega ja muul viisil kirjasõna ei levinud. French colonisers, on the other hand, restricted the use of local languages to religious teaching alone and the written word was not used in other ways. [98, 81, 79] 86.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7123928783280498] 0.7588964585551032 -0.39470043778419495 542 Meie näidetes sisaldab halvem tagajärg ka kellegi teise tegu. In our examples, the worse result also involves someone else's action. [100, 84, 98] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.239385641192763] 1.0108314694621303 -0.5361060500144958 543 Indoneesia Paapua provintsis toimunud meeleavaldustel nõuti Jayapura linna lähistel asuva kullakaevanduse sulgemist. The demonstrations in Papua province in Indonesia called for the closure of a gold mine near the town of Jayapura. [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.7781911377051312, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.1307194230282411 -0.20776501297950745 544 Veel tähtsam on see, et armastaja armastab armastatut tolle tõestatud valmisoleku tõttu anda panus jätkata panuse andmist ühisesse ajalukku. More importantly, the loser loves love, because of his proven willingness to contribute further to the common history. [87, 83, 90] 86.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.6525563409155432 -0.5227742195129395 545 Ta kohtus 28. juunil 1984 Kreeka Õigeusu kiriku Austraalia peapiiskopiga Stylianosega. He met with the Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia on 28 June 1984 with Styliano. [68, 79, 56] 67.66666666666667 [0.1096188910533485, 0.44997912719119615, -0.48592357188822877] 0.024558148785438643 -0.21939797699451447 546 Moraal ei ole mingi kindel eetikamõtete komplekt, see hõlmab erinevaid eetilisi vaateid. Morality is not a certain set of ethical ideas; it involves different ethical views. [97, 83, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0297883515568889, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9177973575056443 -0.38871264457702637 547 Kui Nagel nimetab kingafetišisti tegevust ühteks, siis ta püüab seda paigutada paarissuhte mustri alla, kuigi king ei ole isik. When Nagel calls the cinema feutic 'one', he tries to put it under the pattern of a couple of barrels, even though Beijing is not a person. [12, 15, 20] 15.666666666666666 [-1.8478708942451183, -1.5720701229703633, -1.59213842690439] -1.6706931480399572 -0.6381999850273132 548 Kooliteatrid muutusid nii protestantlikes kui ka katoliiklikes keskkoolides tavaliseks. School theatres became common in Protestant as well as in Catholic secondary schools. [96, 100, 81] 92.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8724093690545316 -0.3363223075866699 549 Naurul on üks lennuväli, mille maandumisraja pikkus on umbes 2 kilomeetrit. A woman has one airport with a runway length of about 2 kilometres. [79, 73, 84] 78.66666666666667 [0.45360522473850245, -0.07070385276770842, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3503439478058372 -0.4892577528953552 550 Meeleheast sünnivad kõikvõimalikud pahed, tühi ülbus, jms. There is a wonderful birth of all kinds of boats, empty arrogance, etc. [22, 12, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-1.59186385835932, -1.8821170319194211, -2.016289862523797] -1.8300902509341794 -0.5744311809539795 551 David Cuddalore'is, mis oli ohtlikult lähedal peamisele Prantsuse asustusele Pondichérys. David Cuddalore, which was dangerously close to the main French settlement in Pondichérys. [90, 95, 83] 89.33333333333333 [0.548708683221246, 0.9663283887635413, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7131790915268003 -0.2377360463142395 552 Umbes 15% rahvastikust põgenes riigist; see vähendas tunduvalt toidu tootmist ning suurendas alatoitlust. Approximately 15% of the population fled the country; it significantly reduced food production and increased malnutrition. [87, 100, 97] 94.66666666666667 [0.6231547153861217, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9820539294339623 -0.2754773199558258 553 Google'i vaade Hispaaniakeelse tõlke Google'i vaade Prantsuskeelse tõlke Google'i vaade Osaline venekeelne tõlge Google's view of Google's view of the Spanish translation in French by Google's view of the Russian translation [38, 43, 33] 38.0 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.035241880122202, -1.134699631001595] -1.1696011356092926 -0.655036449432373 554 1942. aasta augustis hoidis 8. armee rinnet piki Doni jõge Stalingradist põhja pool Bogutšari piirkonnas. In August 1942 the 8th army revolt on the north of Stalin's River Don in the region of Bogušar. [23, 29, 34] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583] -1.4266365949472164 -0.4461827278137207 555 Alfred Nobel suri 10. detsembril 1896 Itaalias Sanremos. Alfred Nobel died on 10 December 1896 in Sanremos, Italy. [93, 100, 77] 90.0 [0.8184718649847569, 1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755] 0.7687229167402183 -0.07473204284906387 556 Petro Porošenkol oli telefonivestlus USA Euroopa Liidu Kõrge esindajaga välisasjade ja julgeolekupoliitika alal, paruness Catherine Ashtoniga. Petro Poroshenko had a telephone conversation with the US High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Ashton. [79, 81, 75] 78.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3244984470787885 -0.20012062788009644 557 Annemai suhtleb siiani linna kolinud Intsuga, aga Riks ei taha teda reetnud pojast midagi teada. AnneMay is still in contact with the City's blot, but Riga does not want to know anything about her betrayal son. [40, 23, 32] 31.666666666666668 [-1.3229960566534074, -1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063] -1.4139566124203622 -0.5491820573806763 558 Esimene Preisi üksus, mis lahinguväljale jõudis, oli Bülowi IV korpus. The first Premier unit that reached the battlefield was the Red IV corps. [23, 18, 12] 17.666666666666668 [-0.7150854577403754, -1.6646330781581475, -1.6672600671603848] -1.3489928676863026 -0.4879398047924042 559 Sõjaliste ordude toel jätkasid Afonso I ja tema järeltulijad tungimist lõuna suunas. With the support of military slavery, Afonso I and his successors continued to invade the south. [42, 54, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-1.1643408202996632, -0.5579702578088042, -1.12785038341693] -0.9500538205084658 -0.4113413095474243 560 Järgmisena läkitas ta Eestimaale Petrus Kaikewalde ja Läti Henriku. Next, he went to Ethale Petrus Kalingwalde and to Henriku in Latvia. [24, 35, 45] 34.666666666666664 [-1.2865002904002991, -1.4697527022573933, -0.952528152074385] -1.2362603815773592 -0.521382212638855 561 pisi[[Ypres'i lahingus hukkunud Prantsuse sõdurite hauad. Little [The graves of French soldiers who died in the battle against Ypres]. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8269138870710867 -0.4598334729671478 562 Toscanas hukkus üleujutustes neli inimest, neist kolm silla kokku varisemisel Grosseto linna lähistel. In Tuscany, four people died in floods, three of them collapsing near the town of Grosseto. [24, 54, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-0.6893166124163979, -0.3597293555905065, -1.12785038341693] -0.7256321171412781 -0.23348940908908844 563 Esiteks, see seisneb huvitus hoolimises armastatu heaolust ja õitsengust, taotleb armastatu hüve selle enda pärast. Firstly, it is about looking after the loved well-being and prosperity, seeking the loved good for its own sake. [7, 4, 1] 4.0 [-1.9810739459290143, -2.1535740312687803, -2.016289862523797] -2.0503126132405307 -0.40760141611099243 564 Meeleavaldusel nõuti opositsioonilise telekanali Imedi taasavamist ja protestiaktsioonide käigus vahistatud inimeste vabastamist. The demonstration called for the re-opening of the opposition television channel Imedi and for the release of people arrested during the protests. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9802290203432635 -0.2676776349544525 565 Põder küsib linnapea Uku Palmilt kaitset Vissi afääri eest, kuid saab eitava vastuse. The mayor, Uku Pall, asks for protection from the Visas affair, but gets a 'no' answer. [10, 27, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.0500804469520828, -1.3384071475162373, -2.016289862523797] -1.4682591523307058 -0.44059309363365173 566 Hoone ukse ees seisnud turvamees kasutas ründajate vastu pisargaasiballooni ning taandus ruumi. The security man stayed at the door used teargas balloons against the aggressors and gave way to space. [57, 67, 46] 56.666666666666664 [-0.3534310326070543, 0.07788890965667469, -0.9111712880504766] -0.3955711370002854 -0.40734174847602844 567 Ukraina allikate teatel püüdis öösel üle piiri koju Venemaale põgeneda umbes 300 okupanti. According to Ukrainian sources, during the night, around 300 documents attempted to flee home to Russia. [79, 71, 62] 70.66666666666667 [0.6254284432364564, 0.05442657251608684, 0.06277371215276832] 0.2475429093017705 -0.2993253171443939 568 Samal ajal nõrgestas seda tohutu sõjaline jõupingutus. At the same time, this enormous military effort was weakened. [23, 26, 18] 22.333333333333332 [-1.674693889577723, -1.3128904044537102, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4881548242705918 -0.24455416202545166 569 President teatas, et ta lubab oma abidel anda tunnistusi ainult eraviisiliselt ja mitte vande all. The President announced that he would allow his help to testify only privately and not under the old. [72, 82, 77] 77.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3708914966906855] 0.3961000823584128 -0.4241162836551666 570 Eesti Haridustöötajate Liidu esimehena alustas tööd Tartu Jaan Poska Gümnaasiumi füüsikaõpetaja Reemo Voltri. As Chairman of the Association of Educational Workers in Estonia, Reemo Voltro, the physics teacher of Tartu Jaan Poska Glynasium, began work. [66, 72, 76] 71.33333333333333 [-0.0604553082091015, 0.20456846669006593, 0.4377118082008297] 0.19394165556059806 -0.4892195165157318 571 Gaita ütleb, et mõistuse väited ei saa ette jõuda sellest, mis meie meelest on arusaadav. Gaita says that the arguments of reason cannot pre-empt what we think is understandable. [100, 90, 84] 91.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.548708683221246, 0.6681304714467177] 0.771980891010798 -0.3876834809780121 572 Euroopa riikidest kehtib viisavabadus Iirimaa, Küprose, Malta, Montenegro, Rumeenia ja Serbia kodanikele. European citizens from Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia benefit from visa-free travel. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.3606719374656677 573 Me ei vaja produktiivset tööd mitte ainult selle tulemuse pärast, vaid ka selle enda pärast. We need productive work not only because of this result, but also because of it itself. [100, 98, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.2691156322058914, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2097489666483225 -0.31405580043792725 574 Sellepärast on kahtlane, kas ajaloolise esituse puhul saab üldse rääkida tõesusest. It is therefore doubtful whether, in the case of historical presentation, there can be any evidence at all. [92, 87, 81] 86.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.7124885375901508, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6868816590552281 -0.38490694761276245 575 Ta saatis 9. juulil 1983, 27. mail 1989 ja 12. juunil 1995 läkitused frantsiskaani konventuaalide üldkapiitlil osalejatele. It sent letters of formal notice on 9 July 1983, 27 May 1989 and 12 June 1995 to participants in the General Cup of the Franciskaan Conference. [69, 65, 61] 65.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.01442894686332708, -0.2908183276918498] -0.09800316474433708 -0.39894795417785645 576 Ei otsusemudelist ega kindlusemudelist pole palju kasu, kui eetiline veendumus puudub. Neither decision-making nor insurance will be of much use if there is no ethical belief. [100, 79, 81] 86.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194] 0.6891468458296023 -0.3835744261741638 577 Enamik inimesi hoidub metafüüsikast, sest selle rada pole kerge ega pruugi viia aardeni. Most people avoid metaphysics, because its path is not easy and does not necessarily lead to it. [53, 62, 58] 57.666666666666664 [-0.6024744741083305, -0.06975075057547515, -0.20768092291338958] -0.2933020491990651 -0.5282403230667114 578 Tüli Venemaa ja Rootsi vahel oli lahenenud Turu rahuga aastal 1743 ja aastal 1746 liitus Venemaa Austriaga. The war between Russia and Sweden had been resolved with market peace in 1743, and in 1746 in the year, Russia joined Austria. [93, 82, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7240095234579167 -0.4646589457988739 579 1649. aastal, Inglise kodusõja ajal, vabaneti juveelide maja hoiualustest ja muudest kuninglikest varadest. In 1649, during the English civil war, the houses of the gods were released and other royal assets were released. [43, 28, 57] 42.666666666666664 [-0.8091710483372031, -1.0448638681081843, -0.25098737870986976] -0.7016740983850859 -0.38172072172164917 580 Tööd algasid 1843. aastal ja lõppesid suuremas osas kaks aastat hiljem. The work began in 1843rd and, for the most part, ended two years later. [86, 74, 71] 77.0 [0.7431032729058616, 0.16249660139694996, 0.2564751800664351] 0.38735835145641556 -0.4507417678833008 581 Tugeva monarhi puudumine ja kasvav rivaalitsemine aadli seas põhjustas Bulgaaria kiire hääbumise. The absence of a strong monarch and the increasing rivalry among the reach caused Bulgaria's rapid death. [45, 43, 41] 43.0 [-0.6170256534756766, -1.120710551448559, -1.0262737162925444] -0.9213366404055933 -0.3843563497066498 582 Poliitiliseks survegrupiks on ka lõdvalt organiseeritud tutsi vabatahtlikud võitlejad. The political pressure group is also the voluntary fighters of the loosely organised Tutsis. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.7208132901854393] 0.8309639288724052 -0.41571205854415894 583 Rahvalike tähtpäevade ja pühadena peetakse nii rahvusvaheliselt tähistatavaid pühi kui mälestatakse ka rahva ajaloos olulisi päevi. People's celebrations and sacred days are held both as internationally celebrated celebrations and as important days in the history of the people are commemorated. [65, 56, 81] 67.33333333333333 [-0.1617134852456394, -0.2711408857067372, 0.5372396648934048] 0.03479509798034273 -0.46441206336021423 584 Aastal 1572 suri Zygmunt II August, viimane Jagelloonide kuningas pärijateta. In 1572, Zygmunt II died in August, the last one being the Queen of Jagellons. [33, 42, 38] 37.666666666666664 [-1.314460459974846, -1.1643408202996632, -0.8422805508468657] -1.1070272770404583 -0.3687134385108948 585 28. jaanuaril 1979 kritiseeris Johannes Paulus II CELAMi konverentsil vabastusteoloogiat. On 28 January 1979, John Paul II criticised the palactheology at the CELAM Conference. [96, 79, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7164025975671001 -0.3312665522098541 586 Belgias toimus transpordi ametiühingute korraldatud streik, mis seiskas ühistranspordi suuremas osas riigist. In Belgium, there was a strike organised by the transport unions, which stood in the majority of the country as regards public transport. [30, 43, 37] 36.666666666666664 [-0.8804292505879635, -0.6836306438634967, -1.2833830642656527] -0.9491476529057042 -0.4322875142097473 587 Pärast seda levis viirus kõikjal Ameerika Ühendriikides. After that, the virus spread across the United States. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0515399698678625 -0.3255869746208191 588 Võlvitud lagesid nägi harva mujal kui kirikutes, kloostrites ja kindlustes. Fake debts were rarely seen in churches, monasteries and insurance. [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-2.1105203447438217, -2.016289862523797, -2.6041396923861053] -2.2436499665512417 -0.43388164043426514 589 Ameerika Ühendriigid teatasid, et orkaan Sandy tegevuse tagajärjel hukkunute arv on ületanud 90 inimese piiri. The United States reported that the number of deaths caused by Hurrican Sandy has reached 90 people. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.827031554711923] 1.0024258435292148 -0.30205410718917847 590 Euroopa Parlamendis kukkus läbi algatus lükata tagasi Euroopa Komisjoni kütusekvaliteedi direktiiv. The European Parliament has failed in its initiative to reject the European Commission's Fuel Quality Directive. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8092078448897309 -0.21741273999214172 591 Kanti järgi saab moraaliseadus inimese käitumist mõjutada ainult austuse vahendusel. It is only with respect that the right to morality can affect human behaviour. [63, 72, 81] 72.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1800061034557446 -0.5572342872619629 592 See võimaldas viirustel kiiremini levida ja muutuda epideemilisteks. This allowed the viruses to spread faster and to become epidemic. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8913536471008455 -0.3187713623046875 593 Seejärel oli tema eesmärk saada kätte La Haye Sainte, et ta võiks end võitjaks kuulutada. Then his aim was to get to La Haye Sainte to declare himself a winner. [86, 67, 81] 78.0 [0.7431032729058616, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.4527439491519804 -0.424883633852005 594 Hukkunute mälestuseks kuulutati 5. märts Ukrainas leinapäevaks. In memory of the dead, 5 March was declared the Day of Remembrance in Ukraine. [77, 89, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.7759485003834985, 1.32209936924058] 0.8202554863710221 -0.4630178213119507 595 90.\tNüüd Jaldabaoth kahetses kõike, mis oli temast tekkinud. 90. The USSR now regretted everything that had come out of it. [21, 30, 38] 29.666666666666668 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.687904046512915, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4372068271149931 -0.5469223260879517 596 Eestis teatas majandusanalüütik Hardo Pajula, et otsustas pärast ajalehe Postimees toimetusega kohtumist ajalehe peatoimetaja ametikohast loobuda. In Estonia, the economic analyst Hardo Pajula announced that he had decided to relinquish the editor of the newspaper after the editorial meeting. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.3504624664783478 597 Türgis İstanbulis Okmeydanı linnaosas toimunud kokkupõrgetes meeleavaldajate ja politsei vahel hukkus 1 inimene. In the clashes between demonstrators and the police in Istanbul, Turkey, in October, in the city of Istanbul, 1 people died. [67, 80, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.4936093960423005, 0.29999877943339137] 0.23464712538354263 -0.4738246202468872 598 Punane sümboliseerib Trinidadi ja Tobago elujõudu, päikese valgust ja soojust ning saareriigi elanike vaprust ja sõbralikkust. The Red symbolises the vitality of Trinidad and Tobago, solar light and salt, and the courage and friendliness of the inhabitants of the island state. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.17401022150979983 -0.295712947845459 599 Kollapalavik sai alguse Aafrikast ja viirus viidi Ameerikasse kaubalaevadega, kus pesitses viirust kandev pistesääsklane Aedes aegypti. The thwart fever originated in Africa and the virus was transported to America by merchant ships, where Aedes aegypti, a tecaste with a static virus. [17, 15, 18] 16.666666666666668 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.253759667931204, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5404912646836653 -0.5798425674438477 600 Tõenäoliselt 1219. jaanuari paiku toimus Liivimaa vanemas riimkroonikas kirjeldatud leedulaste sõjakäik Eestimaale. Probably around 12 January, the martyrdom of Lithuanians, as described in the older rival in the country of Libya, was carried out. [77, 80, 82] 79.66666666666667 [0.3708914966906855, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5808699337445091] 0.48071336608287624 -0.6911139488220215 601 Galilei veenis oma võistlejaid Jupiteri kaaslaste olemasolus kahe aastaga. Galileo has convinced its competitors, the co-authors of Jupiter, of its existence in two years. [50, 59, 67] 58.666666666666664 [-0.7457438319548428, -0.16458199586396258, -0.0279024499426623] -0.3127427592538226 -0.3531639873981476 602 Ta jõudis järeldusele, et Taanil võib veel riialaste abi tarvis minna ja otsustas nende soovidele osaliselt vastu tulla. He came to the conclusion that Denmark may still need assistance for the rice and decided to meet their wishes in part. [83, 84, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.35590589178006926, 0.5227300309998271, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5155887980755379 -0.47540903091430664 603 Austria keskosas Zell am See suusakuurordi lähistel põrkasid hilishommikul kokku transpordihelikopter ja väikelennuk. In the middle of Austria, Zam, near a ski resort, a helicopter and a small driver met in late ishoma. [2, 7, 12] 7.0 [-2.7308733051024485, -2.251067376942326, -1.8821170319194211] -2.288019237988065 -0.4490889608860016 604 Mahler nõustus valmistama esituseks ette Carl Maria von Weberi lõpetamata ooperi "Die drei Pintos". Mahler agreed to prepare for the presentation of the unfinished opera of Carl Maria von Weber, "Die drei Pintos." [100, 83, 95] 92.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9549311824878538 -0.2222791314125061 605 Ettevõte tegutses kuni 1920. aastani, mil see natsionaliseeriti. The company operated until 1920, when it was nationalised. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822] 1.044321209300944 -0.23305556178092957 606 Alfred Nobel elas Krümmelis 1865. aastast kuni 1873. aastani, mil kolis Pariisi. Alfred Nobel lived in Krée from 1865 to 1873, when he was in Paris. [47, 29, 38] 38.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.12785038341693, -0.7609019738358548] -0.8996286719278676 -0.4567948281764984 607 Erinevalt oma Läti ja Leedu kolleegidest Selter osalemisõigust väga aktiivselt ka ei nõudnud. Unlike my Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues, Selter did not ask very actively for the right to participate. [82, 100, 88] 90.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8258170009536785] 0.843888410148366 -0.4138485789299011 608 Ainult loogika on rangelt võttes formaalne, sest selle aine on aru ja mõistuse vorm, mõtlemise üldised ja paratamatud seadused, mõtlemine ise. Only logic is strictly formal, because the substance is understood and the form of reason, the general and indispensable laws of thinking, the thinking itself. [97, 84, 86] 89.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8007557446120489 -0.3520409166812897 609 Vaimu sfääris seevastu esineb kvaliteet ainult allutatud viisil ja mitte nõnda, just nagu sellega ammendataks vaimu mingi kindel kuju. In the sphere of vision, on the other hand, quality only occurs in a subordinated manner and not as if it depletes some form of spirit. [76, 55, 58] 63.0 [0.5977542019441766, -0.32348202996362757, -0.20768092291338958] 0.022197083022386488 -0.44743287563323975 610 Kui omaduste komplektist ei piisa, et armastama panna, kuidas siis saab armastust sellega seletada? If it is not enough to locate a set of qualities, how can love be explained by that? [95, 100, 90] 95.0 [0.8835775815176352, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9451743669771346] 0.9428045730491196 -0.3188721835613251 611 See võimaldas Hmelnõtskõil liikuda Lwówi ja Zamośći suunas, millega ülestõus laienes Volõõniasse ja Valgevenesse. This allowed the Hmelangling Talent to move towards Lwów and Zamość, which extended the uprising to Volappalnia and Belarus. [75, 100, 80] 85.0 [0.014618096141847111, 0.8241835542857531, 0.32841374389209277] 0.38907179810656434 -0.4858265519142151 612 Moldovas Korzhevo külas toimusid kohalike omavalitsuste kordusvalimiste ajal kokkupõrked Moldova politsei ja Transnistria miilitsa vahel. In the village of Korzhevo in Moldova, there were clashes between the Moldovan police and the Transnistrian police during the re-election of the local authorities. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.24457766115665436 613 Meil on siin tegu loogika, täpsemalt teadusõpetuse või meetodiõpetuse ühe haruga. We are dealing here with the logic of one branch of scientific teaching or of methodological teaching. [62, 85, 75] 74.0 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.711760740297822, 0.2881777686428686] 0.30639250387133204 -0.511963963508606 614 Jacksoni esinemised tegid populaarseks mitu keerukat tantsustiili, näiteks robot ja moonwalk. Jackson's performances have made it popular to have a number of complex tankers, such as robot and poppy. [39, 30, 20] 29.666666666666668 [-1.2006693362178358, -1.687904046512915, -2.0716779526032685] -1.6534171117780065 -0.548812747001648 615 Aastal 1993 valiti ootamatult presidendiks peamiselt hutudest koosneva partei FRODEBU esindaja Melchior Ndadaye. In 1993, the representative of the FRODEBU party, Mr Melchior Ndadaye, was unexpectedly elected President. [76, 83, 69] 76.0 [0.32953463266677707, 0.6245002025956135, -0.23740730752610836] 0.2388758425787607 -0.22845205664634705 616 Ülemisel korrusel läänes asus suur saal ja idas elamisruum; algselt oli mõlemast võimalik pääseda katusele Neid ümbritses seina sisse ehitatud rõdu. On order in the West, there was a huge room for residence in the west and in the East; both of them were initially able to escape the roof, surrounded by clothes built in the wall. [69, 61, 52] 60.666666666666664 [-0.2413477505868195, -0.11249097872336815, -0.4322240068442644] -0.26202091205148403 -0.5910001397132874 617 Seepärast Lyell õhutas Darwinit oma teost võimalikult kiiremini avaldama, et ta püsiks sellel teemal eelkäija positsioonis. This is why Lyon encouraged Darwindows to publish his work as quickly as possible so that he remains in the position of the predecessor on this issue. [69, 82, 76] 75.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.5808699337445091, 0.36345874222673896] 0.30890285418891983 -0.5186494588851929 618 Milli järgi pole sel juhul tegu õigustatava paternalismiga. What this is about is not about justified paternalism. [100, 86, 93] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 1.0326013210732208] 0.9623652828621925 -0.5022088885307312 619 Eestit esindas kohtumisel välisminister Urmas Paet. Estonia was represented by Foreign Minister Urmas Paet at the meeting. [100, 73, 99] 90.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.26826879803671755, 1.2714002976190448] 0.8736038510556846 -0.2725517153739929 620 Pausaniase arvates on vaimsetel omadustel põhinev armastus kõrgema kvaliteediga kui kehalistel omadustel põhinev. Holy people believe that love based on spiritual qualities is of a higher quality than that based on physical qualities. [81, 61, 58] 66.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, -0.10599807620235407, -0.20768092291338958] 0.07452022192588705 -0.5399271249771118 621 Tänu Laine laterdamisele hakkab Jaanus oma isaduses kahtlema, kuid Jane paneb talle taas mõistuse pähe. Thanks to the laterisation of the Laine, Jaanus is beginning to question his fatherhood, but Jane makes him think again. [47, 36, 58] 47.0 [-0.9461894760441417, -1.2063904310939828, -0.41488891976357517] -0.8558229423005664 -0.3910636007785797 622 Rahvasteliidu põhikiri allkirjastati 28. juunil 1919 ja jõustus 10. jaanuaril 1920. The Statute for a People's Union was signed on 28 June 1919 and entered into force on 10 January 1920. [78, 76, 73] 75.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.32953463266677707, 0.1674146996559729] 0.30109939688761395 -0.20366917550563812 623 Sauli silmis tähendas see, et Taavet on võimekas juht. In the eyes of the century, this meant that the Testy is a capable leader. [4, 1, 8] 4.333333333333333 [-2.1663480169566687, -2.016289862523797, -2.0271063344269367] -2.069914737969134 -0.5534517765045166 624 Mingi teaduse meetodi mõistmiseks peame tutvuma tema mõistemoodustuse printsiipidega. In order to understand the science method, too, we need to examine the principles of its conception. [91, 82, 76] 83.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.32953463266677707] 0.5832710098627109 -0.5374632477760315 625 "2 + 2" ja "4" analüüsitakse samade mõistete abil ning saadakse samasus. "2 + 2" and "4" are analysed in the same terms and identified in the same way. [81, 81, 81] 81.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.5372396648934048, 0.522108649210108] 0.49133610540749223 -0.3083713948726654 626 Kiirabis töötatakse kolmeliikmelistes gruppides, mida nimetatakse brigaadideks. It works in triple-membership groups, which are called 'Brigades'. [82, 82, 82] 82.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.5776758168102278, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5707947937205063 -0.7028478384017944 627 Virunga alal elavad ka elevandid, lõvid, šimpansid, antiloobid ja tüügassead. There are also elephants, paragraphs, shamblets, anti-foetuses and typical species living in the virtual area. [45, 38, 30] 37.666666666666664 [-0.952528152074385, -1.3388618957040805, -1.697337004628338] -1.329575684135601 -0.5745295882225037 628 Umbes 20 000 sõdurit oli koondatud Ukraina piiride lähistele. Approximately 20 000 soldiers were made redundant near the Ukrainian borders. [50, 43, 56] 49.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -0.7584499374861746, -0.2711408857067372] -0.5772181509476223 -0.3501996397972107 629 Kuninglik Sõjaväekolledž valmistab ette maavägede ohvitserkonda. The Royal Military College is preparing a land-force officer. [70, 63, 56] 63.0 [0.4960502724865667, -0.03350342494859623, -0.2711408857067372] 0.06380198727707775 -0.46142205595970154 630 Hea motiiv on see, mille tagajärjed teevad üldiselt head, halb see, mille tagajärjed teevad üldiselt halba. A good motive is one whose consequences are generally good, bad, and the consequences are generally bad. [53, 51, 59] 54.333333333333336 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.4297907926901062, -0.3735320557396667] -0.46577214973295494 -0.5030023455619812 631 Oletame, et ta valib kahe töökoha vahel, millest ühel on suurem palk, aga ta on juba mitteametlikult lubanud võtta vastu väiksema palgaga töökoha. We assume that he will choose between two jobs, one of which is higher pay, but he has already promised informally to take up a job with a lower wage. [92, 84, 67] 81.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177, 0.07788890965667469] 0.5189787185951736 -0.41623806953430176 632 Vastavalt põhiseadusele on riigipea viieks aastaks valitav president. According to the Constitution, the Head of State will be elected President for five years. [100, 80, 85] 88.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.9416702310957962] 0.8447943818341757 -0.2749272286891937 633 Nicaraguas Rivase linnas algas Panama kanaliga konkureerima mõeldud Nicaragua kanali ehitus. In the city of Riga in Nicaragua, the construction of the Nicaragua channel, which is to compete with Panama, began. [49, 36, 23] 36.0 [-0.7380869726102427, -1.426122433406289, -1.318230271796973] -1.1608132259378348 -0.3939598798751831 634 Arenenud riikides nakatusid lapsed peamiselt kolme ja viie eluaasta vahel, aga arengumaades nakatus pool lastest enne kaheaastaseks saamist. In developed countries, children were infected mainly between three and five years of life, but in developing countries, half of children were infected before the age of two. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.2839316427707672 635 Kohustuslikud ravimid määratleb sotsiaalminister oma määrusega. Compulsory medicines will be defined by the Social Minister in his Regulation. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.38242608308792114 636 Kõigepealt avastab ta, et külmkapp on hakanud streikima. First of all, it finds that the fridge has begun to strike. [79, 78, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.3426133161983885, 0.4063488583400919, 0.4586486864167604] 0.4025369536517469 -0.43429994583129883 637 Järgnevalt olevat ordumeister lahkunud, käskides Järva foogtil "külaliste" eest hästi hoolt kanda. The following is the outgoing orchestra, having been asked to take good care of the 'guests' photo. [64, 74, 84] 74.0 [-0.45465262286070834, 0.16249660139694996, 0.6681304714467177] 0.1253248166609864 -0.6300884485244751 638 Seda rõhutab ka sage mere kujutamine Minose kultuuri kunstis, sealhulgas ka Akrotiri läänepoolseima maja freskol nr. This is also highlighted by the depiction of the sage sea in the art of Minos' culture, including a classic House of the West of Akrotiri. [80, 57, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.25098737870986976, 0.1413488724500223] 0.127990296594151 -0.4906211197376251 639 Ameerika Ühendriigid vastasid positiivselt Ungari lepituskatsele luua kahepoolsed kaubandussidemed. The United States responded positively to Hungary's attempt to establish bilateral trade relations. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9947724432936317 -0.2566322386264801 640 Washingtonis kohtus ja õhtustas ta koos president George W. Bushiga. He met and dinned with President George W. Bush in Washington. [96, 89, 81] 88.66666666666667 [1.156671913144946, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8232866928072831 -0.28217849135398865 641 "Alusepanekus" neid väiteid ei kaitsta ega selgitata. These claims are neither protected nor explained by "initiation." [86, 100, 93] 93.0 [0.7553910091489263, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9191209844945166 -0.7160392999649048 642 Ja kui dx on 0, siis ka dy on 0, aga dy/dx on 0/0, mis on mõttetus. And if dx is 0, it is 0, but dy / dx is 0 / 0, which is nonsense. [32, 11, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -2.1686624477946554, -1.519643775650632] -1.6795966754601404 -0.32000216841697693 643 Terve mõistuse järgi kujuneb sümboliline assotsiatsioon siis, kui me õpime seostama sõna mingi muu asjaga maailmas. Common sense is that symbolism becomes an association when we learn to associate the word with another matter in the world. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.4661363959312439 644 Inimesed püüavad sageli lahti saada soovidest, mille rahuldamine oleks vääritu või kahjulik. People often try to get rid of wishes, which would be unworthy or harmful to satisfy. [80, 75, 100] 85.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.2881777686428686, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6355884868106931 -0.4344949424266815 645 Puerto Ricos toimus rahvahääletus territooriumi poliitilise staatuse määratlemiseks. Puerto Ricos held a referendum to define the political status of the territory. [77, 100, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.6359670940721344, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6914430875889822] 0.8174628258026756 -0.294228196144104 646 Olukorra päästsid osaliselt Danzigi linn, kes püüdis kiiresti moodsaid kindlustusi ehitada, ja hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski. The situation was partly rescued by the city of Danzigi, which tried to build up modern insurance quickly, and by the moment, Stanisław Koniecpolski. [44, 37, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.892548591046175, -1.12785038341693] -0.9795342206249288 -0.3173508942127228 647 Trinidadi üks endeemikuid on sisalik Proctoporus shrevei, ainus roomajate klassi esindaja, keda iseloomustab bioluminestsentsi võime. One endemic in Trinidad is Proctoporus shrevei, the only representative of the Roma class who is characterised by the capacity of the biminescenary. [18, 22, 25] 21.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.0369461973217495, -1.3951224971331087] -1.6363162910784002 -0.43141883611679077 648 "Erinevus on nende intentsioonide "põhjus" ja "tagajärg", "märk" ja "märgitav" ja ülejäänute vahel. "Difference is the" cause of these intents "and" consequence "and" of "marked" and "of the rest." [75, 80, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4269187050200866] 0.3730160151398749 -0.5344789028167725 649 Rügemendiülem kolonelleitnant Juhan Raudmäel õnnestus koos mõne ohvitseriga põhja suunas läbi pääseda ja põhjarannikule jõuda. The Rügemendim Colelleitant, head of the Iron Islands, managed to get down to the bottom and reach the bottom. [32, 28, 30] 30.0 [-1.490167384385195, -1.9904477032327081, -1.687904046512915] -1.7228397113769394 -0.468582421541214 650 Kõiv sai aru, et Naan ei saa sellele reageerimata jätta, kuid ei mõistnud arvata, millise tooni Naan valib. The curve understood that Naan could not fail to react to this, but did not understand the tone Naan chooses. [56, 80, 68] 68.0 [-0.16650364061497808, 0.4936093960423005, 0.1096188910533485] 0.14557488216022363 -0.4662902355194092 651 Ühes plahvatuses hukkus viis ja sai vigastada veel viis inimest; teine buss oli plahvatuse toimumise hetkel tühi. One explosion killed five more and five more people were injured; another bus was empty at the moment the explosion took place. [67, 60, 74] 67.0 [-0.32666969949637503, -0.3418302000470779, 0.5213284176882611] -0.0490571606183973 -0.3720623254776001 652 Politsei pidas kinni 60 meeleavaldusel osalenut, teiste seas ka poliitiku ja kirjaniku [[Eduard Limonov]]i. The police detained 60 demonstrations, including by a politician and writer [Eduard Limonov]. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.26523542404174805 653 Tänapäeval on linnusest alles vaid esimene korrus. Today, it is only the first order of the city. [1, 21, 11] 11.0 [-1.3805425329582788, -1.3816902345903206, -1.9183643575463] -1.5601990416982998 -0.5320175886154175 654 Oktoobris 2007 osales akadeemia Moskva oblasti kuberneri tennise karikavõistlustel. In October 2007, the Academy took part in caricatures of the Moscow Body's governor's tennis. [34, 40, 27] 33.666666666666664 [-0.8744867315447866, -1.062297059252832, -0.9094605210983422] -0.9487481039653204 -0.5654003620147705 655 Seejärel alustas valitsus Libreville'i ja Franceville'i toitmiseks kulukat toitlusprogrammi, kuid see ei andnud erilisi tulemusi. The government then started a costly food programme to feed Libreville and Franceville, but it did not produce much. [98, 80, 86] 88.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.4936093960423005, 0.680758556193477] 0.7338082615598776 -0.3686692416667938 656 pisivasakulAbbassiidide kalifaadi [[Aleppo emiraatAleppo ja Mosuli emiraadi piirialad Bütsantsi ja Bagratiidide Armeenia riigiga, 955. aastal Sub-left Abbasean Kaliphate [Alepo issuraatAIA] Borders Region of the Butsants and Bagraides with the Armenian State of Bagraides, 9555 [83, 79, 86] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7431032729058616] 0.5928836707001711 -0.6943029165267944 657 Laev tuli hoida niiskena, vältimaks selle kuivamist ja pragunemist enne, kui seda konserveerida jõutakse. The floating had to be kept as a niche to prevent it from drying out and pragmatism before it was conserved. [15, 17, 18] 16.666666666666668 [-1.7733750550387843, -2.1105203447438217, -1.4768801787803418] -1.786925192854316 -0.4905007779598236 658 Normaalteadus on Kuhni järgi peamurdmisülesannete lahendamine, mis allub paradigma reeglitele. Normal science is the solution of Kuhn's main crack-down tasks, subject to the rules of the paradigm. [29, 15, 1] 15.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.3423580792794794, -2.782925753755637] -2.0843780721506824 -0.5049112439155579 659 Mitte loobudes oma nõudmistest ja saavutustest idas, liikus Venemaa Rootsi vägede vastu Liivimaal, mis hõlbustas ka nende eemaldamist Leedust. By not giving up its demands and achievements in the East, Russia went against Swedish troops in Libya, which also facilitated their removal from Lithuania. [34, 45, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-1.2784371170145583, -0.620170681070149, -1.1593124721939274] -1.0193067567595449 -0.30041059851646423 660 Erakonna esimeheks valiti tagasi rahandusminister Ivari Padar, tema asetäitjateks said Peeter Kreitzberg, Sven Mikser ja Katrin Saks. Mr Ivari Padar, Minister of Finance, his deputies were re-elected chairman of the party, Mr Peeter KQuzberg, Mr Sven Mikser and Mrs Katrin Saks. [37, 24, 49] 36.666666666666664 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.4471491243968742, -0.7871006959787512] -1.1348723028364402 -0.37825196981430054 661 Mosambiigi pealinnas Maputos toimus õhtul kuumuse tõttu sõjaväe relvalaos seeria plahvatusi. In Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, there was a series of bombardments in the military in the arms war this evening. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.9477867287779302, -1.12785038341693, -1.2659124962624795] -1.4471832028191132 -0.4190240204334259 662 1,3 miljoni elanikuga on Eesti Euroopa Liidu üks väiksema elanikkonnaga riike. With 1.3 million inhabitants, Estonia is one of the least populated countries in the European Union. [100, 87, 99] 95.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 1.0180960153517116, 1.2807425052166714] 1.202162047938102 -0.277169793844223 663 Milliseid nõkse ta selleks kasutama peab, teab mees ise paremini. What kind of advice he has to use for this is that the man knows better. [72, 63, 80] 71.66666666666667 [0.20456846669006593, -0.2337601711662148, 0.6111940440801306] 0.1940007798679939 -0.6260539889335632 664 Muutlikus ja sattumuslikus asjas ei saa olla nii palju kindlust nagu paratamatus. There can be no certainty as much as inevitable in any other case. [80, 84, 75] 79.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177, -0.01280273874114997] 0.38190213350633395 -0.684357225894928 665 Tugev negatiivne reaktsioon liitriigis andis veel ühe võimaluse rünnata endist Preisi vasalli, mis võis olla Augusti eesmärk. A strong negative reaction in the federal state provided another opportunity to attack the former Preis vasse, which may have been the aim of August. [91, 66, 81] 79.33333333333333 [0.7533661484518784, 0.04615892826000089, 0.5372396648934048] 0.4455882472017614 -0.46113094687461853 666 Territoriaalse terviklikkuse kaitseks võideldud sõjad, valitsuse langus Wars fought to defend territorial integrity, recession in government [84, 83, 59] 75.33333333333333 [0.5227300309998271, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3735320557396667] 0.2578993926185913 -0.5336474180221558 667 Rootsi edusammud tõid kaasa Läänemere rannikuala ülevõtmise kuni Puckini. Sweden's progress brought about the transposition of the Baltic coastal area to Puckini. [75, 80, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.4014644825739508, 0.4949620887624109, 0.4269187050200866] 0.4411150921188161 -0.36786648631095886 668 Väljapaneku avamisel osales ka Eesti peaminister Taavi Rõivas. The Estonian Prime Minister, Taavi Ralevas, also took part in the launch of the event. [63, 79, 60] 67.33333333333333 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.5464537850814665, -0.14422096012004196] 0.05615755126506989 -0.4388183653354645 669 Kolmanda valgusriigi, kolmanda valguse Davithe kohale asetati Seti järeletulijad. A third light country, the third light in David, was put in place by the offspring of Set. [29, 30, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -1.687904046512915, -1.697337004628338] -1.5043638115193942 -0.42085155844688416 670 Paremuselt teise tulemuse saavutas valitsev Rahvapartei 27,1% häälte ja 33 kohaga parlamendis. The second best result was achieved by 27.1% of the votes of the governing People's Party and 33 seats in Parliament. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9135743184639454 -0.38174968957901 671 Kõlblusele ei saaks ka halvemat nõu anda kui seda eeskujudest laenata tahtes. There could also be no worse advice for interpretation than to borrow from models. [95, 84, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.7379885626188164, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.6516092390955933 -0.5453870892524719 672 Sakalased läkitasid saadikud Riiga teatama, et nad soovivad küll rahu sõlmida, aga ristiusku enam vastu võtta ei kavatse. The fish were sent by Members with Riga to announce that they wanted peace, but that they no longer intend to accept Christianity. [54, 56, 57] 55.666666666666664 [-0.8812623674084861, -0.2711408857067372, -0.25098737870986976] -0.467796877275031 -0.6120642423629761 673 Sissetoodud veistega jõudis haigus seejärel Inglismaale. The transported cattle then reached England. [23, 30, 36] 29.666666666666668 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.687904046512915, -1.2063904310939828] -1.3880776100233232 -0.7717148065567017 674 Viimased aga enam lahingulist kontakti ei otsinud ja taandusid Riiga. The latter no longer, however, sought out and reduced their contact with Riga. [80, 88, 95] 87.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.8258170009536785, 0.8835775815176352] 0.734334659504538 -0.5156927108764648 675 Rahvasteliidu viimasel täiskogul, millega organisatsioon laiali saadeti, okupeeritud Balti riikide esindajatel aga enam osaleda ei lubatud. However, representatives of the occupied Baltic States were no longer allowed to participate in the last plenary of the People's Union to be dissolved. [68, 64, 66] 66.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.1521285149696482, 0.04615892826000089] 0.04821466228829094 -0.35785192251205444 676 Evelin viib Jürka oma korterit vaatama ja sugugi mitte ilma tagamõtteta. Evelin takes Jürka to look at his flat and not without a back thought. [85, 76, 90] 83.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.4377118082008297, 0.9085307290014955] 0.6349986370541466 -0.40706682205200195 677 Olulisi mõjutusi sai Nicolaus ka Raimundus Lulluselt. Raimunus Lulling also had a major influence in Nicolaus. [84, 100, 79] 87.66666666666667 [0.39856686623484705, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.4955121867309879 -0.4560741186141968 678 Maismaa pindala on 743 398 km² ja siseveekogude pindala 9220 km². The surface area of the land is 743 398 km ² and 9220 km ² of inland waterways. [80, 91, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.7537387257263416, 0.9814216926040136, 0.680758556193477] 0.8053063248412774 -0.1969868242740631 679 Reaalset mõju otsusel siiski polnud, sest kommunistid ajasid Maapäeva pärast selle otsuse tegemist laiali. There was no real effect, however, because the Communists dispersed Mafia after the decision was made. [47, 42, 51] 46.666666666666664 [-0.9461894760441417, -1.0765987441461105, -0.4297907926901062] -0.8175263376267861 -0.5749087333679199 680 Aastal 1895 hülgas keiser Menelik II juhitud Etioopia aastal 1889 sõlmitud kokkuleppe järgida Itaalia välispoliitikat. In 1895 agreements concluded in 1889 on the foreign policy of Italy with the Ethiopian seal, led by Menelik II. [72, 78, 84] 78.0 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6681304714467177] 0.28711853915411073 -0.5280531644821167 681 Eriti visalt nõudsid seda suurtükiväe ülemad, sest muda kippus nende liikumist päris tõsiselt takistama. This artillery, in particular, was persistently demanded by the superiors of the artillery, because the sludge was quite serious in blocking their movement. [84, 83, 85] 84.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5344456684098412 -0.6193089485168457 682 Armastus ei tulene põhjenditest, vaid loob põhjendeid. The suspicion does not stem from the causes, but creates the causes. [78, 98, 88] 88.0 [0.4063488583400919, 1.239385641192763, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7966510061732265 -0.6280741095542908 683 Peagi asus ta katsetamise jaoks sobivamat kohta otsima ning ostis 1881. aastal kinnistu Pariisist umbes 16 km kaugusel kirdes asuvas Sevranis. Soon, he started to look for a more suitable place for testing and bought in 1881st an obsession with Paris in Sevrani, some 16 km away from the north. [80, 51, 59] 63.333333333333336 [0.4936093960423005, -0.4297907926901062, -0.3735320557396667] -0.10323781746249082 -0.5567886829376221 684 Nii et väited kujuga "A põhjustas B" on vähemalt kõige tavalisemas mõttes väited, mis seovad substantside muutusi. So the claims' A caused B 'are the claims, at least in the most common sense, that relate to changes in the contents. [82, 84, 79] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.45360522473850245] 0.558524775597334 -0.41421598196029663 685 Armee ja mässuline relvarühmitus Tamili Tiigrid süüdistasid teineteist mürskude tulistamises. The army and the rebel militia in the Tamil Tigers accused each other of shooting poisons. [37, 52, 32] 40.333333333333336 [-1.1703670881336952, -0.4322240068442644, -1.490167384385195] -1.0309194931210515 -0.2782730162143707 686 Pingutamist võib veel pidada pythagoraslikuks, jutt tagasimõjust, mis viib märki tabamiseni või heli tekkimiseni, on Herakleitose jutt. Trying can still be considered a pythagasy, talking about the effect back, leading to the signs being hit or sound, is the Herakleitos talk. [49, 47, 45] 47.0 [-0.7871006959787512, -0.9461894760441417, -1.135825582665942] -0.9563719182296117 -0.6195085644721985 687 Neile anti nimed üleval olevate kirgaste järgi, et neid saaks hävitada. They were given the names, according to the passion above, so that they could be destroyed. [36, 18, 27] 27.0 [-1.324739928289561, -1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228] -1.5401383200453769 -0.4745873510837555 688 Annemai ja Riks leiavad mõlemad, et aina väheneva tööjõuga Uuevariku talus enam hakkama ei saa. Annemary and Riga both consider that the ever decreasing workforce will no longer be able to cope with the new winter. [23, 28, 32] 27.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.7751645842151236, -1.490167384385195] -1.5278540801324307 -0.5452345013618469 689 Eesti Jalgpalliajakirjanike Klubi kuulutas 2011. aasta jalgpalliauhinna Hõbepall võitjaks Eesti jalgpallikoondise ründaja Konstantin Vassiljevi. The Estonian football writer, Klub, announced the 2011 football prize in Hybepall as the winner of the Estonian Football Football Football Football Attorer, Konstantin Vassilyev. [38, 47, 29] 38.0 [-1.3388618957040805, -0.8698144240265682, -1.12785038341693] -1.1121755677158596 -0.46018439531326294 690 Ukraina Ülemraada kiitis heaks mitmed seadused, mis võimaldavad septembris läbi viia ennetähtaegsed parlamendivalimised. The Ukrainian Supreme Court has approved a number of laws that will allow early parliamentary elections to be held in September. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.42848289012908936 691 Kahekesi dirigeerisid nad Wagneri "Niebelungide sõrmuse" tsüklit, kuid pärast Nikischi haigestumist 1887. aasta jaanuaris jäi see vaid Mahleri õlule. The two diametric them carried out a cycle of Wagner's' Circup of Nikischi ', but following the Nikischi disease in January 1848, this only left Mahler to bear. [14, 35, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.442410520089446, -1.2424137740542707, -0.9668437122371525] -1.217222668793623 -0.715471625328064 692 Kontserdid oleks olnud Jacksoni esimesed suuremad esinemised pärast 1997. aastal lõppenud maailmaturneed HIStory World Tour. The Contacts would have been the first major performances of Jackson since the HIStory World Tour, which ended in 1997. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.2577810287475586 693 Prantsusmaa 101 departemangus toimusid kohalike omavalitsuste valimiste esimene voor. The 101 departments of France held the first round of local government elections. [66, 83, 56] 68.33333333333333 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.6245002025956135, -0.2711408857067372] 0.07588972486784151 -0.305836021900177 694 Kohtumisel avaldas Ansip toetust Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina püüdlustele liitumiseks Euroopa Liidu ja NATOga. At the meeting, Ansip expressed support for Bosnia and Herzegovina's efforts to join the European Union and NATO. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.23810768127441406 695 Koobaltimaaki, kulda ja hõbedat kaevandatakse koos vasemaagiga. Cell, gold and silver mining are carried out together with copper. [52, 73, 63] 62.666666666666664 [-0.31935520912680904, 0.328969831320193, -0.04903101593002054] -0.0131387979122122 -0.6588115692138672 696 Aga eetikateooriate konstrueerijatel tuleb ikkagi kuskilt alustada, ja jääb üle ainult eetikakogemus ise. But the architects of ethical theories still have to start somewhere, and only the ethical experience itself remains. [93, 68, 79] 80.0 [0.8184718649847569, 0.1096188910533485, 0.44997912719119615] 0.45935662774310054 -0.44299787282943726 697 Need radikaalsed argumendid on Murdochi meelest teatud vallas täiesti õiged. These radical arguments are, in a certain area, absolutely right in Murdoch's view. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.9537894284202726 -0.37959736585617065 698 Seejärel võttis ta arvesse, et vastastikuse külgetõmbe tõttu liigub ka Päike. He then took into account the fact that the Sun is also moving as a result of the mutual attraction fee. [57, 69, 81] 69.0 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048] 0.0741142511853145 -0.7387484312057495 699 Minose kultuuri esindajad olid valdavalt kaupmehed, kes kauplesid meretaguste maadega. The representatives of Minsk's culture were mostly traders who were trading with overseas countries. [77, 83, 70] 76.66666666666667 [0.3708914966906855, 0.6245002025956135, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2651394955192279 -0.5588045120239258 700 Üldine olemine on ainult viis, kuidas aru oma objektist aru saab, mitte objekti enda olemus. Being general is only the way in which one understands one's own object, not the nature of the object itself. [87, 81, 84] 84.0 [0.9341206429941841, 0.6189484363352243, 0.6172985934001295] 0.723455890909846 -0.4714009463787079 701 Vigu tuleb ette sellepärast, et ei arvestata, milline meetod on kohane. Errors occur because of a failure to take into account which method is appropriate. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.41423115134239197 702 Eesti pealinnas Tallinnas algasid neljateistkümnendad Lasnamäe linnaosa päevad. The 14th counties in the town of Tallinn, Estonia, started the city of Lasnamäe. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-3.142294013511708, -2.016289862523797, -2.2808376138150894] -2.4798071632835312 -0.3817848265171051 703 Sel ajal oli Hruštšov Stalini suvilas, kaaludes Ungariga seotud võimalusi. At that time, Hruštchov was in Stalin's suits, considering the possibilities for Hungary. [61, 66, 56] 61.0 [0.2641306645707693, 0.07523855193204053, -0.2711408857067372] 0.0227427769320242 -0.48921990394592285 704 Mitte et kirglik elu oleks külmaverelisest ja rutiinsest kodanlikust elust üle. Not that a passionate life is a cold-blooded and routine citizen's life. [38, 42, 45] 41.666666666666664 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.1643408202996632, -0.952528152074385] -1.0837375725158187 -0.4192797839641571 705 Uurimiskomitee, kuhu kuulus ka riiginõukogu liikmeid, korraldas täismahus juurdluse 5. septembril 1628. The Committee of Inquiry, including members of the National Council, conducted a full investigation on 5 September 1628. [81, 89, 96] 88.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985, 1.156671913144946] 0.8232866928072831 -0.25967252254486084 706 Birmas toimus raske rongiõnnetus kui bensiini vedanud kaubarong sõitis teelt välja ja süttis põlema. There was a serious train accident in Burma when the lorry carrying petrol left the way and burned. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6164483819475642] 0.6789089262896398 -0.4323391914367676 707 Pärast kaht aastat koos musitseerimist saatis ansamblit Cream suur edu. After two years together, Cream was a great success for the anchor pillar. [23, 35, 47] 35.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.4697527022573933, -0.8698144240265682] -1.2192657993603115 -0.44050800800323486 708 Kui 2011. aastal andsid Ameerika Ühendriigid 43,6% ekspordist ja 32,8% impordist, siis 2014. aastal andsid nad 29,1% ekspordist ja 34,6% impordist. While in 2011, the United States accounted for 43.6% of exports and 32.8% of imports, in 2014 they accounted for 29.1% of exports and 34.6% of imports. [100, 78, 86] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.412248360714594, 0.7553910091489263] 0.7555809627426502 -0.2223713994026184 709 Ajalooliselt olulisel peab olema tähtsus mitte ühele või teisele indiviidile, vaid kõigile. Historically important must be the importance not of one individual or another, but of everyone. [82, 82, 100] 88.0 [0.5776758168102278, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7611746821005491 -0.29055097699165344 710 Ta pole sõnadega kirjeldatav, sest keegi pole kunagi suutnud temaga kohtuda, et rääkida temast He is not depicting words because no one has ever been able to meet him to talk about him. [83, 69, 75] 75.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.04003658449941787, -0.01280273874114997] 0.21724468278462708 -0.46748805046081543 711 thumbleftVenemaa Riikliku Turismi ja Teeninduse Ülikooli filiaal Podolskis Tumblefttle at the University of National Tourism and Services of Russia, filiaal Podolskis [29, 19, 9] 19.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.167837003875062, -2.006769084012961] -1.7674854904349846 -0.39998310804367065 712 Eestis Tallinna Toomkirikus pühitseti ametisse Siberi Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku piiskop Vsevolod Lõtkin. In the Toomon, Estonia, the Archbishop of the Siberian Evangelical Luterlik Church, Vsevolos Ldimenkin, was inaugurated. [59, 64, 51] 58.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.3864058398141874, -0.46847133247114325] -0.41091023843089874 -0.4702254831790924 713 Suurem last oleks võinud ka stabiilsust parandada. Greater children could also have improved stability. [39, 13, 26] 26.0 [-1.2006693362178358, -1.635530085763711, -1.8624251219173322] -1.5662081812996262 -0.25873565673828125 714 1945. aasta valimised tõid võimule koalitsioonivalitsuse eesotsas peaminister Zoltán Tildyga. The 1945 elections brought to power a coalition government led by Prime Minister Zoltán Tildy. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.9656855973928954 -0.2199600338935852 715 Vahistatute seas olid ka opositsiooniliikumise juhid Aleksei Navalnõi ja Sergei Udaltsov, kes hiljem siiski vabastati. Those arrested included the leaders of the opposition movement, Mr Navalny and Mr Udalv, who were subsequently released. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.4083230495452881 716 Falsifikatsionismi paremus võrreldes induktsionismiga Achievement of Falsiitism compared to insanism [71, 58, 83] 70.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, -0.20768092291338958, 0.6245002025956135] 0.15708195073277023 -0.6298869848251343 717 Haigla avamisel osales ka sotsiaalminister Hanno Pevkur. Welfare minister Hanno Pevkur also participated in the opening of the hospital. [90, 79, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3256094753742218 718 12. sajandi jooksul kasvas oluliselt keisririigi elanikkond ning kasutusele võeti järjest rohkem uusi põllumaid. During the 12th century, the population of the Imperial State increased significantly and more and more new crops were introduced. [91, 88, 84] 87.66666666666667 [0.9735423534044478, 0.7442185189868247, 0.6603895448580447] 0.7927168057497723 -0.49441850185394287 719 Ükski ohvritest ei hukkunud, kuid kõik said eri raskusastmega vigastusi. None of the victims died, but all of them were injured in different degrees of severity. [91, 71, 87] 83.0 [0.9814216926040136, 0.4066897413043879, 0.7844601369297701] 0.724190523612724 -0.44348350167274475 720 Belgias Brüsselis algas euroala ja Euroopa Liidu rahandusministrite kahepäevane kohtumiste seeria. A series of two-day meetings of euro area and European Union finance ministers began in Brussels. [97, 99, 100] 98.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 1.4766507208872044, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1834374382282096 -0.3270634710788727 721 Eesti riigihalduse minister Mihhail Korb külastas Pärnu linna ja kohtus haldusreformi küsimustes sealse omavalitsuse esindajatega. Minister for Public Administration of Estonia, Mikhail Korb, visited the city of Peru and met representatives of the Government there on administrative reform issues. [85, 80, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.4936093960423005, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5459771273352904 -0.34596115350723267 722 Eestis otsustas Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna juhatus vahetada välja kolm oma neljast ministrist Taavi Rõivase valitsuses. In Estonia, the Bureau of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) decided to replace three of its four ministers in the government of Taavi Reste. [11, 18, 4] 11.0 [-2.5168791546838967, -1.4768801787803418, -2.404054829980755] -2.132604721148331 -0.3568233549594879 723 2011. aastal avaldatud Freedom House'i uuringu kohaselt oli Eesti internetivabaduselt maailmas esikohal. According to a Freedom House study published in 2011, Estonia was the world leader in Internet freedom. [100, 83, 81] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7888186625839653] 0.837474127848003 -0.23456402122974396 724 Seda nii pealisehitiste kokkuvarisemise kui ka sinna väliskeskkonnast sattunud sodi pärast. This is because of the collapse of the peasants, and also because of the foreign environment. [28, 33, 37] 32.666666666666664 [-1.1595803648136038, -1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527] -1.333325556346286 -0.5893540382385254 725 1957 loodi Saksamaal esimene arsti juhtimisel töötanud kiirabibrigaad. 1957 was created by the first emergency brigade to be led by a doctor in Germany. [85, 85, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5294740182135377 -0.38537779450416565 726 14.09.2015 saabus Põhja Ringkonnaprokuratuuri Xxxxi kaebus ülalmainitud kriminaalmenetluse alustamata jätmise peale. On 14 September 2015, Xxxx, the Northern Guard's office, received complaints not to start the above-mentioned criminal proceedings. [28, 26, 23] 25.666666666666668 [-0.5862412311204879, -1.3746544731431163, -1.318230271796973] -1.0930419920201924 -0.5564391016960144 727 Islamiriikides peeti 15. septembril pärast palvusi meeleavaldusi ning poliitikud ja vaimulikud taunisid paavsti avaldust. In Islamic countries, on 15 September, following the demonstrations, the Pope's statement was held and politicians and intellectuals condemned. [70, 76, 82] 76.0 [-0.19997321272861532, 0.36345874222673896, 0.5808699337445091] 0.24811848774754428 -0.4591546058654785 728 Mis tahes puudujääk asjassepuutuvates teadmistes nende tegurite kohta võib viia ebaadekvaatse katse ja vigaste järeldusteni. Any deficit in the knowledge of these factors in question may lead to inadequate tests and flawed conclusions. [76, 81, 100] 85.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.7409325921202413 -0.44884297251701355 729 Venemaa pealinnas Moskvas müüdi oksjonil naftakompanii Jukos viimased varad tundmatule ettevõttele Prana. In the Russian capital, Moscow, an auction of the oil company, ii Jukos, has sold the last assets to an unknown company, Prana. [78, 71, 63] 70.66666666666667 [0.674179986200092, 0.20480883524336993, -0.03350342494859623] 0.28182846549828855 -0.3755575716495514 730 Norras Trondheimist põhja pool Namsosi lähedal toimus ennelõunal maalihe, mis hävitas saja meetri ulatuses maanteed. In Norway, on the north of Trondemission near Namsosa, there were ennell landlines which destroyed a hundred metres of road. [25, 19, 12] 18.666666666666668 [-1.3511032965816678, -2.167837003875062, -1.5963947019567695] -1.7051116674711666 -0.6153285503387451 731 Kõik varjupaiga saanud isikud viibisid riigipöördekatse toimumise ajal Norras. All asylum-seekers were in Norway at the time of the coup d'état. [98, 77, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8382512392265843 -0.3287857472896576 732 Teistel juhtudel lakkab normaalteaduse tarbeks konstrueeritud seade oodatud viisil töötamast. In other cases, equipment designed for normal science ceases to work in the expected way. [81, 97, 78] 85.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1980287771688547, 0.4269187050200866] 0.7207290490274487 -0.37060993909835815 733 Napoleoni sõdadega algas Portugali ja tema koloniaalimpeeriumi allakäik, mis kestis kuni 20. sajandi teise pooleni. The Napoleonic wars began with the decline of Portugal and its colonial empire, which lasted until the second half of the 20th century. [74, 59, 49] 60.666666666666664 [0.23182778293567463, -0.3778535430073656, -0.7871006959787512] -0.31104215201681407 -0.24958178400993347 734 1989. aasta keskpaigaks olid peaaegu kõik hutud, kes olid 1988 põgenenud, tagasi tulnud. By mid-1989 almost everyone who had fled 1988 had returned. [68, 63, 55] 62.0 [-0.05364345636477628, -0.03350342494859623, -0.5389595118353006] -0.20870213104955768 -0.4123559594154358 735 Headest müügitulemustest hoolimata tundis Jackson, et albumit "Off The Wall" oleks võinud saata palju suurem edu. Despite the good selling results, Jackson felt that the original Off The Wall could have been a much greater success. [71, 80, 90] 80.33333333333333 [0.2564751800664351, 0.4936093960423005, 0.548708683221246] 0.4329310864433272 -0.3103935718536377 736 See on voorus vaatamata sellele, et see võib olla rumalus. This is a virtue, even though it may be stupid. [100, 73, 86] 86.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.18819751408457033, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6708144148339078 -0.42666444182395935 737 Paljud asjassepuutuvad modifikatsioonid ja täpsustused on kirjanduses juba olemas. Many of the relevant modifications and specifications already exist in literature. [100, 76, 100] 92.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.3190883206378832, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9863100764666518 -0.3417549133300781 738 Muski ema Maye sõnul olnud Elon väiksena uudishimulik ja energiline laps, kes omandas kõike kiiresti. According to Muski mother Maye, Elon was a small curious and energetic child who quickly acquired everything. [82, 73, 100] 85.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.26826879803671755, 0.8241835542857531] 0.5577740953556599 -0.33866560459136963 739 Uute viiruste hulka kuuluvad viirused, mis on peremeesliike nakatanud võrdlemiselt lühikest aega. The new viruses include viruses that have infected family crews for a relatively short time. [62, 62, 74] 66.0 [-0.26978351412650253, -0.06975075057547515, 0.24682090461896014] -0.030904453361005845 -0.30125728249549866 740 2008. aastal oli linnas internetiteenusega liitunud 12 962 eraisikut. In 2008, 12 962 private individuals had signed up to the Internet service in the city. [55, 45, 50] 50.0 [-0.05149946738214848, -0.620170681070149, -0.7457438319548428] -0.47247132680238013 -0.3666781485080719 741 Ka sakalased taganesid varem piiskopiga sõlmitud lepetest ja kavatsesid sõda jätkata. The hundreds of fish also withdrew from the agreements previously concluded with the bishops and intended to resume the war. [9, 16, 1] 8.666666666666666 [-2.179020691021751, -1.38561814123498, -2.016289862523797] -1.8603095649268424 -0.4873735308647156 742 Valitsusväed tõrjusid mässulised tagasi, mässuliste positsioonidele linnast väljas anti ka umbes 30 õhulööki. The government forces rejected the rebels, and the rebel positions outside the city were also given around 30 dinner. [43, 27, 35] 35.0 [-1.035241880122202, -1.0732600575354174, -1.0695939144687168] -1.0593652840421122 -0.566953182220459 743 Rünnak sooritati ka praeguse kuberneri Haji Sher Alami konvoile, kuid viimane pääses elusalt. The attack was also carried out on the current Governor, Haji Sher Alam convoy, but the latter escaped alive. [100, 78, 84] 87.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.412248360714594, 0.6681304714467177] 0.726494116841914 -0.361972838640213 744 Lateraani kokkulepetega parandas Itaalia ametlikke suhteid kirikuga. The Lateraan agreements improved Italy's official relations with the Church. [80, 88, 58] 75.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.8726797157233768, -0.20768092291338958] 0.38620272961742924 -0.31672969460487366 745 See, millised faktid puutuvad asjasse, oleneb teaduse arengu seisust. What facts are involved depends on the state of scientific progress. [74, 100, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8186365323490051 -0.40379559993743896 746 Iga võim andis ühe omaduse sellest pildist lähtudes, mida nad olid näinud oma silmade poolt tunnetatud kujul. Every power gave one of its qualities on the basis of the picture they had seen in the form experienced by their eyes. [66, 52, 55] 57.666666666666664 [0.07523855193204053, -0.31935520912680904, -0.5389595118353006] -0.2610253896766897 -0.538206160068512 747 Mitu laulu jõudis siiski edetabelites 40 parema hulka, sealhulgas diskosingel "Dancing Machine" esiviisikusse ja "I Am Love" esikahekümne hulka. A number of songs, however, reached 40 better in the rankings, including the front yard of DantainMachine and I Am Love. [78, 71, 84] 77.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, -0.15602580167726396, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3081176768280159 -0.5048615336418152 748 See ei ole leppimine, kui see tuleb andestaja ausast usust, et amoraalne tegu ei ole hea tõend tegija hinge kohta. It is not reconciliation when it comes to the honest belief of the forgive that an amoral act is not good evidence of the perpetrator's soul. [51, 37, 23] 37.0 [-0.6660402866896673, -1.3824921645551846, -1.318230271796973] -1.1222542410139418 -0.41478121280670166 749 Linnapea Uku Palm on hädas memmega Piiri tänavalt, kes on otsustanud talle kogu oma suguvõsa loo ära rääkida. The mayor, Uku Palm, is in trouble with a memorial from the streets of Piiri, who has decided to tell him the whole story of his tribal life. [19, 21, 20] 20.0 [-0.8710047526550654, -1.3816902345903206, -1.59213842690439] -1.2816111380499253 -0.41527730226516724 750 Me saame neist mõistetest mingil määral aru, sest me oskame neid kasutada, kuid see pole täielik arusaamine, mis võimaldaks neid defineerida. We can understand these concepts to some extent, because we can use them, but it is not a complete understanding to enable them to be defined. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8178327706838909 -0.40973037481307983 751 Teadust võib siis käsitada fundamentaalsete printsiipide programmilise arendamisena. Science can then be seen as a programme development for fundamental principles. [92, 85, 99] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.711760740297822, 1.2807425052166714] 0.954547230029338 -0.3487231433391571 752 Mälestustahvliga on tähistatud temaga seotud paigad Lihulas, Viljandis ja Valgas. The memorial victims have been marked by their associated sites in Lihula, Viljant and Vistula. [37, 55, 37] 43.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -0.32348202996362757, -1.2833830642656527] -0.9257440607876585 -0.565974771976471 753 Maailmalogos, mis sisaldab kõiki nimesid, silpe ja tähti, ongi kosmiline jumal. In a secular Congo with all its names, bridges and stars, it is cosmic God. [70, 76, 82] 76.0 [-0.19997321272861532, 0.36345874222673896, 0.5808699337445091] 0.24811848774754428 -0.5064645409584045 754 Selle põhjuseks võis olla kogenematus kahe kahuritekiga laevade ehitamisel või kava laevale hiljem veel võimsam relvastus paigutada. This may be due to the impenetration of vessels with two cannon-personnel or to the more powerful introduction of a plan for a ship later on. [28, 18, 48] 31.333333333333332 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.4768801787803418, -0.8284575600026597] -1.266638304519762 -0.713204026222229 755 Isegi kui me endast hästi arvame, et meie elu ongi väärtuslik, ei ripu me elu küljes tavaliselt sellepärast. Even if we are well aware that our lives are valuable, we do not usually violate life because of it. [18, 41, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-2.0691634807199133, -0.7470906066568443, -1.687904046512915] -1.501386044629891 -0.5441154837608337 756 Eestit esindab kohtumisel regionaalminister Siim Valmar Kiisler. Estonia will be represented at the meeting by regional minister Siim Valmar Kiisler. [74, 81, 67] 74.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2592083919823432 -0.2657548487186432 757 Siiski, kui lahingud olid tulemas, tehti alkohol sõduritele vabalt kättesaadavaks, et vähendada enne lahingut pingeid. However, when the battles were about to come, alcohol was made freely available to soldiers in order to reduce tensions before the battle. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2848470592340762 -0.344729483127594 758 Kujutletavate omaduste teooria järgi tundub niimoodi ainult armastajale ja tegu ei ole adekvaatse reaktsiooniga armastatu omadustele. According to the theory of imaginative qualities, this only seems like a loser and is not an adequate response to the loved qualities. [49, 51, 50] 50.0 [-0.4485438901362922, -0.4297907926901062, -0.8152986694908287] -0.564544450772409 -0.4564383327960968 759 2017. aastal oli Trinidadil ja Tobagol 1 218 208 elanikku, kellest 96% elas Trinidadi saarel. In 2017 Trinidad and Tobagol had 1 218 208 inhabitants, 96% of whom lived on the island of Trinidad. [100, 79, 98] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.239385641192763] 0.9294894289161298 -0.1731402724981308 760 Selline arusaam ei pea paika igapäevaelu taju puhul, rääkimata teadusest. Such an understanding is not true in the face of the effects of everyday life, let alone science. [52, 63, 73] 62.666666666666664 [0.06314784456749233, -0.04903101593002054, 0.328969831320193] 0.11436221998588825 -0.44717520475387573 761 Õnnetuses hukkus vähemalt neli inimest, veel 35 inimest vajasid haiglaravi. At least four people died in an accident, with a further 35 people in need of hospital care. [94, 93, 83] 90.0 [1.0739581850971294, 0.7825156363278469, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8269913413401966 -0.3992173969745636 762 Sügisel peetud valimistel valiti Banda presidendiks. In the autumn elections, Banda was elected President. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.2691156322058914, 0.727690413215861, 0.87113844457352] 0.9559814966650908 -0.19841766357421875 763 Darwini meelest ühtis tema avastus Lyelli raamatus toodud kirjeldusega maapinna aeglasest tõusmisest ja vajumisest. Darwin considered his discovery to be in line with the slow rise and sinking of the Earth's Day as set out in the Lyon book. [74, 85, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5022405361645413 -0.46461033821105957 764 Ta otsib vabandusi ja viise, kuidas moraaliseaduse tähendust moonutada. He is seeking excuses and ways of distorting the meaning of moral law. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.2885831296443939 765 Limnophis bicolor ja Natriciteres perekonna maod Natriciteres bipostocularis, Natriciteres olivacea. Limnopbicolor and the Natriciteres family landings Natriciteres biPoocularis, Natriciteres olivacea. [70, 82, 76] 76.0 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.5808699337445091, 0.36345874222673896] 0.2485472999464021 -0.23677943646907806 766 Kuigi matusetalitus toimus Eestis, kindralit Eestisse ei maetud. Although the funeral service was carried out in Estonia, the General in Estonia was not buried. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 0.774893431721841] 0.7903398198197206 -0.3014671206474304 767 Teise jaotuse puhul on raskus suurem, sest Aristoteles räägib sõnaselgelt olevatest, mitte mõistetest. With regard to the second distribution, the difficulty is greater, as Aristotle speaks clearly of the concepts, not the concepts. [41, 46, 50] 45.666666666666664 [-0.9854639131732297, -0.9898197448952459, -0.9486551086784767] -0.9746462555823174 -0.4801594614982605 768 Margna ja Põder kavatsevad linnapea vastu vandenõud alustada. Margna and Pyder intend to launch a conspiracy against the Mayor. [82, 81, 56] 73.0 [0.6551957619621033, 0.5363189527863194, -0.2711408857067372] 0.30679127634722847 -0.2764725089073181 769 Enne seda aga ta pidi leidma putukaid ja orhideelisi ühendava lüli. Before that, however, it had to find a link linking insects and orphans. [23, 26, 29] 26.0 [-1.4275290808375833, -1.8624251219173322, -1.12785038341693] -1.4726015287239484 -0.37770313024520874 770 Vihmavesi valgub nõgudesse ja imendub kiiresti läbi poorse rifilubjakivi. Hurrical water is lying in cows and quickly drives through porous hardfiller fibres. [77, 70, 83] 76.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, -0.19997321272861532, 0.6245002025956135] 0.23169787338160375 -0.7203517556190491 771 Kreeka pealinna Ateena metroos leidis rongijuht oma rongi vagunite ülevaatamisel ühe istme alt isetehtud pommi. In the Greek capital Athens metro, a train driver found a house-made bomb when he inspected his wagons on the train. [47, 76, 67] 63.333333333333336 [-0.8101336585308181, 0.4377118082008297, 0.07788890965667469] -0.09817764689110457 -0.4211084842681885 772 Osa neist on üleriigilised, osa regionaalsed, osa suunatud peamiselt välisriikide elanikkonnale. Some of them are nationwide, some regional, mainly targeted at foreign populations. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8534650910082174 -0.39278969168663025 773 Ta hoidis kõnealust kirjandusteost veebilehel kuni 31. detsembrini 2014, tehes selle nii kättesaadavaks teistele isikutele. He kept this literary work on the website until 31 December 2014, thus making it available to other individuals. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.3206697702407837 774 Preisimaa kuningas Friedrich kohkus kaotusest Dettingeni all. King Friedrich of the Holy Country of Prince (Past Friedrich) met a loss under Dloomen. [62, 38, 50] 50.0 [-0.0793934275822637, -1.1343437451734075, -0.24955382300202386] -0.487763665252565 -0.7663639783859253 775 See koosnes kuuest laevast ja lahkus Suurbritanniast 18. septembril 1740. It consisted of six boats and left Britain on 18 September, 1740. [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 0.6774892259096519] 1.1714840693884647 -0.24990002810955048 776 Vaidlustes esile tõusnud küsimused inimese algupärast ja mõistuse arenemisest olid veelgi ilma vastuseta. The questions raised by the dispute about the human origins and the development of reason were further unanswered. [87, 94, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.9345984073668675, 0.9996617706525889] 0.8550200793000489 -0.545611560344696 777 Ameerika Ühendriikides peatas Arkansase ülemkohus osariigi peaprokuröri taotlusel samasooliste abielude sõlmimise. In the United States, at the request of the Chief Prosecutor of the State of Arkansas, the Supreme Court suspended same-sex marriages. [83, 100, 84] 89.0 [0.35590589178006926, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.707713293863739 -0.18942603468894958 778 Ta võrdleks neid teistmoodi, teiste eelistustega, ja see viiks viimse eetilise lahkarvamuseni. It would compare them with different, other preferences, and that would lead to the latter's ethical disagreement. [87, 83, 85] 85.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5587533739601147] 0.6319140380486263 -0.48474326729774475 779 Valimistelt eemaldati lisaks Abubakarile ka teised kandidaadid, kes on süüdi mõistetud pistise andmise eest. In addition to Abubaki, other candidates who have been convicted of bribery have been removed from the elections. [91, 84, 73] 82.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2054640405950517] 0.5710009917395384 -0.3909834921360016 780 Peaminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen mõistis politsei tegevuse noortekeskuse hõivamisel ja rahutuste ohjeldamisel hukka. Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen condemned police action to occupy the youth centre and to curb unrest. [67, 82, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2881777686428686] 0.3156455373480175 -0.34040260314941406 781 Lapse ema isik on teadmata, aga Jackson on öelnud, et tema laps on saadud kunstliku viljastamise teel, kasutades surrogaatema ja Jacksoni spermat. A mother of her child is unknown, but Jackson has said that her child has been obtained through artificial reproduction, using surrogate her and Jackson semen. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9281177414143134 -0.3523160517215729 782 Nigeeria ametiühingud lõpetasid 20. juunil alanud üldstreigi, võttes vastu valitsuse ettepaneku külmutada üheks aastaks kütusehinnad. The Nigerian trade unions stopped the general strike which began on 20 June, adopting the government's proposal to freeze fuel prices for one year. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8967612070024416 -0.3318394720554352 783 Referendumil osales umbes 44 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest, kellest 74 protsenti toetasid presidendi ametisse ennistamist. Around 44% of the voting citizens took part in the referendum, 74% of whom supported the re-establishment of the President. [100, 84, 82] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6172985934001295, 0.5808699337445091] 0.765757348503023 -0.28934231400489807 784 Miks ta ei ole kahvatu, viljatu, vaenulik ja mõttetu nagu kuu? Why is it not pitiful, fruitless, hostile and pointless as it is in the case of a month? [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.774893431721841, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7450609092704742 -0.426291823387146 785 Anatoolia tagasivallutamine ja kindlustamine Bütsantsi poolt on paljudes kohtades tänapäevani nähtav kindlusarhitektuuri mälestusmärkidena. The seizure and reinforcement of Anatolia by the Bureau is visible in many places today as monuments to the security architecture. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8975674955625244] 0.7977353809105526 -0.30093640089035034 786 Tema jälgedes tõsteti Herakleitose juures esikohale puhta saamise probleem. His footsteps put the problem of clean-up at Herakleitos first. [24, 34, 29] 29.0 [-1.3893161887096255, -1.407453656337378, -1.4205419252944314] -1.4057705901138116 -0.27385854721069336 787 Somaalia peaminister Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke tegi teatavaks oma valitsuskabineti koosseisu. The Prime Minister of Somalia, Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sarke, announced the composition of his cabinet. [89, 81, 89] 86.33333333333333 [0.7028467458012655, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.6720116370260563 -0.15660801529884338 788 Ta peaks ilma mõtlemata naist päästma hüppama, iga mõte oleks olnud üleliigne. He should save a woman without thinking about it; every thought would have been superfluous. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7336105607853347 -0.4492020010948181 789 Vaata ette, et saa ei satu vaesuse inglite, kaose vaimu valitsejate ja kõigi muude sind jahtivate kätte. You will see that you cannot get into the hands of the mill of poverty, the rulers of the chaos and all you are hunting. [3, 28, 29] 20.0 [-1.2304623642199253, -1.3021598218893584, -1.12785038341693] -1.2201575231754045 -0.5951104760169983 790 Kui mitte arvata platonistide kombel, et on üks hüve liik või idee, vaid hüve, nagu olemist, preditseeritakse igas soos, siis kestus ise on aja hüve. If you do not think, as the posters say, that there is a type of good or an idea, but a benefit, such as being, is prevalent in every gender, then duration itself is a benefit of time. [20, 22, 23] 21.666666666666668 [-1.5421677572214565, -2.0369461973217495, -1.2699383524630719] -1.6163507690020926 -0.5067670941352844 791 Aastaks 1018 langesid viimased bulgaarlaste kindlused ning riigist sai umbes kaheks sajandiks Bütsantsi provints. By 1018, the last Bulgarian fortress fell, and the country became a province of Butsants for about two centuries. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 1.32209936924058] 1.0588646322513122 -0.39925703406333923 792 On isegi mõeldav, et mõningal määral on leidnud spetsiifiliste, väga regulariseeritud foneemieristusmehhanismide geneetiline assimilatsioon." It is even conceivable that, to some extent, the genetic assimilation of specific, highly regularised fund classification mechanisms has been found. " [85, 76, 100] 87.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3190883206378832, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6002971085980582 -0.35938408970832825 793 Turniiri peakohtunikuks määrati sloveen Milan Vidmar. The Chief Judge of Turniiri was appointed as Slovak Milan Vidmar. [76, 85, 75] 78.66666666666667 [0.1315886174327261, 0.711760740297822, -0.01280273874114997] 0.27684887299646604 -0.451789528131485 794 Darwin jäi Cambridge'i juunikski, et lugeda Paley teost "Loomulik usuteadus", milles juureldi Jumala töö harmoneerumise üle loodusseadustega. Darwin remained Cambridge in June to read about Paley's work, 'Natural Religious Religious Science', in which God's work was harmonised with the laws of nature. [59, 58, 81] 66.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] -0.0160982670091168 -0.3279459476470947 795 Järelikult on kõik univokaatsed olemuslikult samad, mis on väär, sest nõnda on inimene ja eesel olemuslikult samad." As a result, all sleeping peanuts are essentially the same as false, because that is how man and the mother are essentially the same. " [18, 10, 1] 9.666666666666666 [-1.8548106043791617, -2.560509423535001, -2.016289862523797] -2.14386996347932 -0.6807275414466858 796 Ei saa siiski eitada, et asjad ajas tunduvad olemasollu minevat, läbi olemasolu minevat ja olemasolust lahkuvat. It cannot be denied, however, that things seem to exist in time, to go through existence and to leave existence. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8822177840520734 -0.37217840552330017 797 Eestis teatas ajakirjanik Kalle Muuli, et kandideerib Riigikogu valimistel Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu nimekirjas. In Estonia, journalist Kalle Muuli announced that he would stand in the elections to the National Assembly on the Union's list of Isaland and Res Publica. [76, 78, 77] 77.0 [0.3190883206378832, 0.412248360714594, 0.3951887236234128] 0.37550846832529666 -0.37959372997283936 798 2011. aasta oodatav impordimaht oli 1,315 miljardit USA dollarit. The expected volume of imports in 2011 was USD 1.315 billion. [94, 100, 81] 91.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8483938070810063 -0.31258487701416016 799 Scotus vaatleb ka vastuväidet, mis vastab Brito positsioonile. Scoding also looks at a objection that corresponds to Britain's position. [83, 83, 83] 83.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.5855686120034557, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6097004984777351 -0.5384094715118408 800 Prokuröri hinnangul on maakohus kohaldanud materiaalõigust ebaõigesti. According to the public prosecutor, the land court has applied substantive law inappropriately. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.3446691036224365 801 Kolm päeva pärast Praha langemist marssis Friedrich oma armeega lõuna poole ning hõivas Tábori, České Budějovice ja Hluboká nad Vltavou. Three days after the fall of Prague, Friedrich marched south with his army, and they triumphed Tábori, České Budějovice and Hluboká them Vltavou. [93, 87, 80] 86.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.7124885375901508, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6843460170916226 -0.22248536348342896 802 1980. aastatel oli ka välismaal populaarne Libreville'i raadiojaam Africa No. In the 1980s, Libreville radio station Africa was also popular abroad. [86, 83, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.7431032729058616, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6722106834327594 -0.28470757603645325 803 Madalama ränkinguga tennisemängija tahab seda parandada ning võidab kõrgema ränkinguga mängijat. A weaker tennis player wants to improve it and gains a higher player with a higher level of migration. [51, 79, 65] 65.0 [-0.35756810125476673, 0.44997912719119615, 0.01442894686332708] 0.0356133242665855 -0.5734463930130005 804 Teatud asjade pidamist alternatiivideks peab ta autuks või moraalselt absurdseks. It considers certain things to be an alternative that it considers to be respectable or morally absurd. [80, 75, 70] 75.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.19851994435723766, -0.19997321272861532] 0.16405204255697425 -0.405394047498703 805 Ja on ütlematagi selge, et armastus ja kohus võivad olla vastuolus. And it goes without saying that love and justice can be at odds. [70, 62, 81] 71.0 [0.018403229555799133, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1582939657075032 -0.328020304441452 806 Haavade sulgemiseks kasutatakse mitmesuguseid sidumisvahendeid, näiteks sidet ja tampoone. Several binding instruments, such as communication and dams, will be used to close the barriers. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.6160972714424133 807 Teised võivad arvata, et inimene kaotab midagi oma väärtusest, kui osa tema iseloomust mädaneb ja moraalselt sureb.) Others may think that a person loses something of his value when part of his nature is riddled and morally dying). [99, 83, 91] 91.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8423296137255342 -0.5324892997741699 808 Ta jõudis aastal 1646 võtta keisrilt läänideks Opole ja Racibórzi hertsogkonnad, 20 aastat hiljem küsis keisririik need tagasi. He managed to take Oei and Racibórzi Duchy to the west from the emperor in 1646, 20 years later asking the emperor back them. [37, 23, 43] 34.333333333333336 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.765132649761342, -0.7584499374861746] -1.231316558460404 -0.39928683638572693 809 Detsembris 1656 sõlmiti Radnotis Transilvaanias mitme monarhi ja muu osapoole osalusel jaotamisleping. In December 1656, a distribution agreement was concluded in Radnotis in Transylvania with the participation of several monarch and other parties. [75, 100, 76] 83.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 0.9996617706525889, 0.2650732744552905] 0.5176376045835828 -0.2523980438709259 810 Politsei hinnangul ei olnud vahejuhtum seotud varem samal nädalal aset leidnud islamistlike terrorirünnakutega. According to the police, the incident was not linked to Islamist terrorist attacks earlier this week. [88, 100, 80] 89.33333333333333 [0.8258170009536785, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8148015642476297 -0.35338082909584045 811 Algusest peale on asümmeetria moraalisubjektide ja moraalist kasu saajate vahel. From the outset, there is an asymmetry between moral subjects and those who benefit morally. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.4144705533981323 812 Subjekt osaleb tõenäoliselt suhetes, ja muidugi küsib ning otsustab, kuidas toimida. Substance is likely to be part of relations and, of course, will ask and decide how to proceed. [93, 86, 100] 93.0 [0.6741569894413332, 0.7553910091489263, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7841992099288121 -0.5298855304718018 813 Siiski pidi Theodosius hunnide eemalhoidmiseks maksma igal aastal Attilale suurt andamit. However, in order to keep the wolves in Theodosius, it was necessary to pay the Atlantic a big mandate every year. [21, 32, 43] 32.0 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.6006435088107063, -1.035241880122202] -1.339191874507743 -0.4527365565299988 814 1975. aastal saavutasid Relvajõudude Liikumise üle kontrolli marksistlikud jõud, kes olid seotud Portugali Kommunistliku Parteiga. In 1975, the armed forces movement arrived at control by Marxist forces linked to the Portuguese Communist Party. [29, 42, 55] 42.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.1643408202996632, -0.7614846346910114] -1.0178919461358682 -0.36008352041244507 815 Veebruaris taastati kahe riigi vahelised suhted endises mahus. In February, relations between the two countries were restored to the same extent. [76, 100, 88] 88.0 [0.4377118082008297, 1.32209936924058, 0.7442185189868247] 0.834676565476078 -0.3781312108039856 816 Suurbritannia peaminister Theresa May teatas, et kavatseb valimiste võitjana moodustada uue valitsuse. The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that he was going to form a new government as an election winner. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.45507410020874567, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8930519714400287 -0.26982441544532776 817 Bütsantsi arhitektuuris kasutati laialdaselt põletatud telliseid, mis laoti vaheldumisi loodusliku kiviga. In Butsants architectural architecture, tents which were extensively burnt were intercepted with natural stone. [27, 18, 39] 28.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2006693362178358] -1.40271667757825 -0.6542062163352966 818 Araablaste väljaajamine Kreetalt lõpetas nende reidid Egeuse merel, aidates kaasa Kreeka sisemaa uuele õitsengule. The expulsion of Arabs from Greece ended their journeys in the Aegean Sea, contributing to the new prosperity of Greece's hinterland. [70, 87, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.2202278544395562, 0.7844601369297701, 0.4586486864167604] 0.4877788925953623 -0.3422100245952606 819 Uuesti ülestõusnute juurde läinud foogt teatas neile, et nad peavad end kaitsma. The focus on the rebels told them that they had to defend themselves. [78, 73, 82] 77.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, -0.07070385276770842, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3074714805637982 -0.4509423077106476 820 Kuuetunnises vägivallalaines sai vigastada kuus politseinikku. Six police officers were injured in six hours of violence. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9856365802448597 -0.2735219895839691 821 Rusizi jõe määrasid oma alade piiriks Belgia ja Saksamaa 11. augustil 1910 allkirjastatud leppega. The Rusizi River defined its area as a border with the agreement signed by Belgium and Germany on 11 August 1910. [66, 58, 62] 62.0 [0.21562528066459924, -0.20768092291338958, -0.06975075057547515] -0.02060213094142183 -0.36302369832992554 822 Tõenäoliselt oli see mingil kujul olemas juba 13. sajandi lõpul. This probably existed in some form at the end of the 13th century. [93, 80, 100] 91.0 [1.0539163438577714, 0.4949620887624109, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8912855761223643 -0.2281200885772705 823 Filosoofilised raskused võivad tekkida, kui püüda anda normatiivsele sõnale "reaalsus" ühtainsat tähendust. Filtical difficulties may arise if you try to give a single meaning to the normative word 'reality'. [59, 70, 81] 70.0 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.17307885384669613, 0.5372396648934048] 0.11082165857757843 -0.38942694664001465 824 Ja nagu selle külamehe puhul sageli juhtub, lõpeb jutuajamine seegi kord natuke imelikult. And, as is often the case with this village, it is a little strange to stop talking. [36, 42, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -1.0765987441461105, -1.12785038341693] -1.2101905203231098 -0.6025509834289551 825 Ja mitte et armastus oleks alati lõppkokkuvõttes moraalselt hea. And not that love is always morally good in the end. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.276222825050354 826 Malaisias asus ametlikul tseremoonial troonile kuningas Mizan Zainal Abidin. In Malaysia, King Mizan Zainal Abidin took off at an official ceremony. [49, 25, 37] 37.0 [-0.7380869726102427, -1.2547703090036253, -1.3824921645551846] -1.1251164820563508 -0.22363194823265076 827 Aastal 1852 tekkis naurulastel vaidlus USA priki Inda meeskonnaga ühe suurtüki hinna üle. In 1852, the umbilical dispute with the US priced Inda team arose over the price of one big piece. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-1.3805425329582788, -2.016289862523797, -2.2808376138150894] -1.8925566697657217 -0.5049918293952942 828 Türgi parlament määras presidendivalimiste esimese vooru toimumisajaks pühapäeva, 6. mai. The Turkish Parliament appointed Sunday, 6 May, as the first round of presidential elections took place. [78, 81, 75] 78.0 [0.14260101950618043, 0.5372396648934048, 0.2881777686428686] 0.32267281768081796 -0.3818606436252594 829 Peaminister Mahamat Kamoun põhjendas edasilükkamist valimiste ettevalmistustööde venimisega. Prime Minister Mahamat Kamoun justified his postponement by delaying the preparations for the elections. [97, 100, 99] 98.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0932483143502365] 1.0279811914954642 -0.4153521955013275 830 Järgnes vihane võitlus ja prantslastel õnnestus lõpuks luua tugipunkt Doonau paremkaldal. The rainy struggle followed, and the French finally managed to establish a point of reference on the right of the Danube. [49, 57, 40] 48.666666666666664 [-0.8589289383419331, -0.4562457837874836, -1.3229960566534074] -0.8793902595942745 -0.46391528844833374 831 Eestis operatiivvalmiduses olevad kiirabibrigaadid omavad kõik nn valmisoleku seisundit ehk staatust. In Estonia, all "preparedness status," known as "status," of all "ambulances" that are ready for operation. [21, 29, 25] 25.0 [-1.6237796449480617, -1.12785038341693, -1.4109017987699952] -1.3875106090449956 -0.6728711128234863 832 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves nimetas uueks suursaadikuks Rootsis Merle Pajula. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves appointed Ms Merle Pajula as new Ambassador to Sweden. [100, 82, 90] 90.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.7515189709042218 -0.27081114053726196 833 Hukkus kaheksateist ja vigastada sai kakskümmend kaheksa inimest. Twenty-eight people were killed and twenty-eight were injured. [70, 100, 82] 84.0 [-0.19997321272861532, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.5019583389209347 -0.20976649224758148 834 Kaheksa inimest, sealhulgas kaks last hukkus Guangdongis maalihke tõttu kokku varisenud kodus. Eight people, including two children, died at a collapsed home in Guangdong because of landslides. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9203719698734103 -0.28065750002861023 835 Selline organisatsioon võib olla spetsialiseerunud vaid kiirabi pakkumisele. Such an organisation may be specialised in the provision of ambulances. [77, 80, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4586486864167604] 0.40760823757895803 -0.37091994285583496 836 Asi, millel on vorm, on täiuslik, aga asi, millel on ainult vormi dispositsioon, ei ole täiuslik. The one thing that has a form is perfect, but one that only has a formal position is not perfect. [28, 33, 23] 28.0 [-1.4945771747762846, -0.7373109476819113, -1.318230271796973] -1.1833727980850564 -0.49053338170051575 837 Kumbagi seadust praktikas siiski järjekindlalt ei rakendata. However, neither law is being applied consistently in practice. [74, 85, 67] 75.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, 0.7017464088819532, 0.07788890965667469] 0.3371543671581008 -0.3904522657394409 838 Ajaloolase Konstantin Jirečeki järgi olid vennad hõivatud kibeda konfliktiga Sofia pärast. According to the historian Konstantin Jireček, the brothers were occupied with a bitter conflict over Sofia. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.9766753784763148 -0.23807644844055176 839 Enese asetamisest teise olukorda räägib ka teine kristlik sõnastus, mille järgi me peame armastama oma ligimest nagu iseennast. There is another Christian wording about putting ourselves in a different position, which is that we must love our own anomalies like ourselves. [36, 29, 43] 36.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.12785038341693, -1.035241880122202] -1.1231608982110384 -0.5698654055595398 840 Loodusteadlane elab oma eelkäijate kogutud kapitali intressidest. The natural scientist lives on the interest of capital collected by his predecessors. [78, 100, 89] 89.0 [0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103, 0.45428123942188237] 0.6618694645029616 -0.23714987933635712 841 Kui komisjonär ei järgi komitendi juhiseid, võib komitent lugeda, et komisjonäri tehtud tehing ei ole tehtud komitendi arvel. If the Commission's app fails to comply with the Committee's guidelines, the Committee's successor can read that the Commission's commercial transaction has not been made at the expense of the Committee's. [63, 77, 70] 70.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.36271858948898755, 0.17307885384669613] 0.10067909072315628 -0.5518165826797485 842 Kreeka pealinnas Ateenas toimus 2006. aasta Eurovisiooni lauluvõistluse finaal. The finalist of the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest was held in Athens, the Greek capital. [79, 52, 74] 68.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.3980608112934324, 0.24682090461896014] 0.09957974017224129 -0.288909912109375 843 Eestisse saabus visiidile Euroopa Komisjoni rahvusvahelise koostöö, humanitaarabi ja kriisiohjamise volinik Kristalina Georgieva. The European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva, arrived in Estonia. [86, 93, 99] 92.66666666666667 [0.7553910091489263, 0.9028684259701937, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9796673134452639 -0.20554517209529877 844 Eestis Jõgeval lõppes piduliku rivistusega kolm nädalat kestnud kaitseväe suurõppus "Kevadtorm 2006". In July, Estonia, a three-week-long big exercise on the "Spring 2006 storm" culminated in a solemn exhibition. [45, 44, 42] 43.666666666666664 [-1.265211137501486, -1.0770802825974546, -1.0765987441461105] -1.1396300547483504 -0.8019636869430542 845 Algsete plaanide kohaselt pidi gaasijuhe valmima 2018. aastal. The initial plans required the pipeline to be ready in 2018. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8822177840520734 -0.41318395733833313 846 Ettevõtte müük Google'ile polnud enam vajalik ja läbirääkimised lõpetati. The sale of the company to Google was no longer necessary and negotiations were concluded. [100, 76, 83] 86.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.32953463266677707, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6843794512089403 -0.27125120162963867 847 Uus teooria võib lihtsalt vanad teooriad seostada, ilma neid muutmata, nagu näiteks energia jäävuseteooria. The new theory can simply link old theories without changing them, such as energy ice theory. [62, 78, 70] 70.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.4063488583400919, 0.17307885384669613] 0.10321473268676183 -0.392063707113266 848 Ameerika Ühendriikide president Barack Obama avalikustas oma immigratsioonireformi kava. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, announced his plan for immigration reform. [100, 89, 100] 96.33333333333333 [1.2691156322058914, 0.9089270413502557, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1010069897676857 -0.30890706181526184 849 Presidendil on teatud piirangutega õigus pärast peaministri ja parlamendi mõlema koja esimehega konsulteerimist Rahvuskogu laiali saata. The President has a certain unlimited right to dissolve the National Assembly after consulting the Prime Minister and the Presidents of both chambers of Parliament. [77, 87, 97] 87.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.7124885375901508, 1.1980287771688547] 0.7577453014159977 -0.29666388034820557 850 Hukkus vähemalt 16 inimest, veel 6 inimest viidi raskete vigastustega haiglasse. At least 16 people were killed, a further 6 were taken to hospital with serious injuries. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.3113090395927429 851 Filosoofid, kes ütlevad, et filosoofia ei saa määrata, kuidas peaks eetikas mõtlema, peavadki tavaliselt seda silmas. The philosophies who say that the philosophy cannot be determined as to how ethics should think usually mean this. [79, 82, 84] 81.66666666666667 [0.1852619939609582, 0.4506833450792516, 0.6681304714467177] 0.43469193682897583 -0.4319250285625458 852 Samal perioodil hakati üha sagedamini esitama ka Mahleri teoseid. During the same period, the works of Mahler were also presented with increasing frequency. [76, 85, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.5977542019441766, 0.711760740297822, 0.4513769448673338] 0.5869639623697775 -0.41099706292152405 853 Kui inimlikud väärtused ei olegi maailma osa, siis sellepärast ei pea veel käepärast olema väärtusevaba maailmakirjeldust. If human values are not part of the world, it is therefore not necessary to have a world of values at hand. [62, 58, 54] 58.0 [0.06277371215276832, -0.20768092291338958, -0.3597293555905065] -0.16821218878370925 -0.4368065595626831 854 Charles jõudis Perthi 18. septembril 1745 ja Edinburgh alistus talle 27. septembril 1745. Charles reached Peru on 18 September 1745 and Edinburgh surrendered to him on 27 September 1745. [33, 15, 24] 24.0 [-1.4488105203612864, -1.4140143306622128, -1.4276753553995478] -1.430166735474349 -0.3088904619216919 855 Rumeenias astusid tagasi peaminister Sorin Grindeanu valitsuse ministrid, kuid peaminister ise ametist ei lahkunud. In Romania, Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu's government ministers returned, but the Prime Minister himself did not leave office. [70, 79, 56] 68.33333333333333 [0.2202278544395562, 0.45360522473850245, -0.2711408857067372] 0.13423073115710715 -0.2578427791595459 856 Saab küll öelda, et sõprus kui niisugune on rohkem väärt kui raha kui niisugune. It can be said that friendship as such is worth more than money. [94, 100, 79] 91.0 [1.0739581850971294, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8829718693450787 -0.36075571179389954 857 Eesti valitsus kiitis otsuse heaks sama aasta 30. märtsil. The Estonian Government approved the decision on 30 March this year. [85, 100, 100] 95.0 [0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.2970787286758423 858 Õnn on osalt hinnanguline, mistõttu utilitaristlik maksiim "Tuleb õnne maksimeerida" on kahekordselt hinnanguline. Part of the puzzle is estimated, which is why the utilitarian maxim 'must be maximized' is doubly estimated. [21, 21, 23] 21.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.2436371940988151, -1.318230271796973] -1.4362026804646957 -0.3887922465801239 859 Angeloste dünastia kiirendas nõrgenenud Bütsantsi lõpu saabumist. Angelagic limbalance speeded up the end of a weakened bureaucracy. [27, 10, 19] 18.666666666666668 [-1.0732600575354174, -2.142997348061463, -1.1389932856535834] -1.4517502304168213 -0.7385603785514832 860 Napoleon kaotas 25 000 meest ning 8000 prantslast langes vangi. The Napoleon lost 25 000 men and 8 000 French people were imprisoned. [81, 71, 52] 68.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.12275031254723479, -0.3980608112934324] 0.08730972204906906 -0.35281771421432495 861 Kodakondsuse ja kodumaata inimeste identifitseerimiseks võttis komitee kasutusele niinimetatud Nanseni passi. To identify citizens and people without a home country, the CoR introduced the so-called Nansen passport. [66, 75, 83] 74.66666666666667 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.19851994435723766, 0.6245002025956135] 0.15122982433389942 -0.44628632068634033 862 Selle keskus asub õpetaja V. Kedrova majas, kus 1900. aastal elasid Vladimir Lenini sugulased. It is located in the house of the teacher, V. Kedrova, where Vladimir Lenin's relatives lived in 1940. [82, 100, 79] 87.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7198178180766406 -0.2449844777584076 863 Sellest ja tehnika progressist lähtuvalt on kiirabiasutused lisanud autodesse uuemat varustust. On this basis and on the basis of technical progress, the ambulances have added more advanced equipment to cars. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.5274473428726196 864 1245. aasta Lyoni kirikukogul tegi paavst Innocentius IV ettepaneku korraldada uus ristisõda. 1245 in the Lyon Church, Pope Innocentius IV, proposed to organise a new crusade. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.38131973147392273 865 Mõlemad on sündmuste väliste korrelatsioonide internalisatsioonid, üks enne sündi, teine pärast sündi. Both are internships for external escorts of events, one before birth, the other after birth. [76, 83, 58] 72.33333333333333 [0.23454328731752536, 0.6245002025956135, -0.41488891976357517] 0.1480515233831879 -0.3790135383605957 866 Andunult ja moraalitundega riiki juhtides oli Johannes tolle ajastu valitsejate seas pigem erand, sest tavaliselt paistsid nood silma julmusega. When he managed a country with data and morality, Johannes was rather an exception among the rulers of the time, as he usually seemed to be cruelty. [59, 78, 77] 71.33333333333333 [-0.6679574951345972, 0.08437892455801167, 0.1345309312329053] -0.14968254644789344 -0.5024558901786804 867 pisivasakulVaade Vaimõisa mõisale lõunasuunast, aprill 2017 The term of the Vaimyan on the far left from the south, April 2017 [29, 35, 40] 34.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933, -1.3229960566534074] -1.30686638077591 -0.6851205825805664 868 Prodi vasaktsentristliku valitsuse ametis jätkamist toetas 162, vastu oli 157 senaatorit. The continuation of the position of the centre-left government of Prodi was supported by 162, opposed 157 senators. [82, 100, 79] 87.0 [0.5776758168102278, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7175444132494447 -0.3292422592639923 869 Maailm võib sellegipoolest olla igavene, algusetu. Nevertheless, the world may be eternal, unstarting. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.6588521003723145 870 Laps peab näiteks õuna mõiste õppides omandama, ja selle käigus saab ta õunte kohta palju teada. The child, for example, must acquire the notion of 'apples' when studying, and during that, he or she will learn a lot about apples. [100, 100, 97] 99.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.198905646365287] 1.073817145891574 -0.49663689732551575 871 Juulis 1972 taastas president peaministriga valitsuse. In July 1972, the President re-established the government with the Prime Minister. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.029777786350576 -0.26801997423171997 872 Samal päeval tõmmati Vaivara vanalt kalmistult välja ka täiendust saanud 47. rügemendi I. pataljon ning suunati rindele Krivasoosse. On the same day, 47th embryonic element I. pataljon was also thrown out in an old calibre from the ground and put on the front in crisis. [84, 80, 82] 82.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.4936093960423005, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5233926858829698 -0.670864999294281 873 Üks vangidest oli Rudolf Heß, Adolf Hitleri asetäitja, kuigi ainult 4 päeva 1941. aastal. One of the prisoners was Rudolf Heß, Adolf Hitler's deputy, although only 4 days in 1941. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8095006693002329 -0.14707137644290924 874 President Obama kõneisik lükkas need süüdistused tagasi. President Obama's spokesman rejected these accusations. [100, 100, 76] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.06990332701317616] 0.6584097796034069 -0.3437255322933197 875 Hutud, kes moodustasid alama seisuse, harisid maad. The Hutu people who formed the beginning of the stagnation nurtured the land. [27, 40, 34] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6120100764444654, -0.8671919143668114, -0.969200476433561] -0.8161341557482792 -0.585985004901886 876 Viimane kord käis Musk Venemaal 2002. aasta veebruaris, siis oli koos temaga ka Michael Griffin. Last time, Musk went to Russia in February 2002, he was also joined by Michael Griffin. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8207728490721381 -0.33845245838165283 877 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis toimus rahvusvaheline kohtumine, kus osalesid Ameerika Ühendriikide, Iraani ja Süüria esindajad. There was an international meeting in Baghdad, Iraq's capital, involving representatives of the United States, Iran and Syria. [100, 97, 100] 99.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.198905646365287, 1.32209936924058] 1.2067028446567658 -0.2228030115365982 878 Inimest võib nimetada moraalselt vastutavaks selle eest, millele ta ise või meie võime mingis vormis tõsiselt ja selgelt moraalselt reageerida. You can call human beings morally responsible for what you or we can react to in some form seriously and clearly morally. [100, 83, 80] 87.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6412820778629463 -0.38837575912475586 879 Marshalli Saarte parlament valis riigi uueks presidendiks Christopher Loeaki, kes pälvis 21 parlamendiliikme toetuse. The Parliament of the Marshall Saarte elected Mr Christopher Loeaki, the new president of the country, who received the support of 21 MEPs. [67, 79, 54] 66.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615, -0.5803163758592089] -0.01748277967044602 -0.3145432472229004 880 Miks nad ei võiks maksimeerida seda, et nad saavad seda, mida nad juhtuvad eelistama? Why can they not maximise their ability to give priority to what they happen to be? [76, 79, 73] 76.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4831155255603034] 0.389212646689675 -0.3887145221233368 881 Päike kaldub mere poole ning jõuab just mere joonel oma pöörete äärpunkti. The days are drifting towards the sea, and it is on the edge of the sea that the earth is at its turning point. [13, 14, 15] 14.0 [-1.8791059376579944, -2.3859883481305837, -2.258848426590734] -2.174647570793104 -0.6456118822097778 882 Miks paradigma on üksus, mida ei saa täielikult taandada loogiliselt atomaarsetele koostisosadele, mis võiksid seda asendada? Why is the paradigm a unit that cannot be logically reduced to tomato ingredients that might replace it? [50, 37, 23] 36.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -1.3824921645551846, -1.318230271796973] -1.1342620220007043 -0.39291420578956604 883 Seetõttu on mugav fiktsioon eeldada, et ta tegeleb mingite eriliste objektidega, millel on ainult matemaatilised omadused. It is therefore convenient to expect a fiction that it will deal with some specific objects with only mathematical properties. [77, 87, 96] 86.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.7124885375901508, 1.156671913144946] 0.7439596800746949 -0.4147043824195862 884 Prahikihi hõõrdejõu püsimisabi kaotanud tellis jäi toetuma laevõlvi puitkattele, mille tross öösel rebenes. In a tent that lost the permanent aid to the Prahphi fridge, it was based on sham timber plates, which were rocked during the night of Friday. [75, 78, 71] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.4063488583400919, 0.05442657251608684] 0.26416806389541464 -0.9594391584396362 885 Lillede ja loomade nautimine on nii ilmselt hea, et inimesed, kes seda teevad, võivad isegi imestada, et sellel on midagi pistmist voorusega. The enjoyment of chickens and animals is obviously so good that the people who do so may even be surprised that it has something to do with virtues. [76, 77, 75] 76.0 [0.36345874222673896, 0.36271858948898755, 0.19851994435723766] 0.3082324253576547 -0.3887840211391449 886 Ettenähtud predikatsioon on sooritatud predikatsiooni teist järku kirjeldus ega ole reaalne predikatsioon, vaid selle märk ja nimi. The stated claim is a second-stage description of the claim and is not a real claim, but a sign and name. [91, 96, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.0837165266424806, 0.9550101465232795, 1.2855862602474157] 1.1081043111377253 -0.4191514551639557 887 See võib viia meeleheitele, nagu ka teleoloogiliselt tähendusliku maailma kaotamine. This may lead to despair, as well as the loss of the world of teleological significance. [86, 88, 87] 87.0 [0.9798831232237539, 0.8726797157233768, 0.7124885375901508] 0.8550171255124273 -0.5074998140335083 888 Kui inimloomust ei tunta, on teod hoolimata headest kavatsusest ebatõhusad või koguni kahjulikud. If there is no knowledge of human nature, actions, despite good intentions, are ineffective or even harmful. [68, 77, 58] 67.66666666666667 [0.1096188910533485, 0.36271858948898755, -0.4138768859676533] 0.019486864858227575 -0.4360049068927765 889 Mõlema rongi peal oli sada viiskümmend erikutsetega reisijat. There were one hundred and fifty passengers on both trains with special professions. [82, 95, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1153150491210377, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8730782046872413 -0.3815999925136566 890 See algas 7. septembril 1996 ja lõppes 15. oktoobril 1997. It started on 7 September 1996 and ended on 15 October 1997. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2848470592340762 -0.15619990229606628 891 Bussis viibinud kolmekümnest inimesest sai viga viisteist, kes toimetati ravile Kuressaare haiglasse. Fifteen of the ten people who were on bus were injured in treating the Kuresan hospital. [7, 10, 13] 10.0 [-1.1273869829240153, -1.954611683173179, -1.635530085763711] -1.5725095839536352 -0.5458340644836426 892 Samuti on Kreetaga seotud müüt Zeusi sünnist Kreetal asuval Ida mäel või siis teise loo kohaselt Dikti mäel. Also linked to Greece is the myth of Zeus's birth on the island of Greece on the Eastern mountain, or another story on the mountain of Dikt. [69, 81, 80] 76.66666666666667 [0.1839805288126773, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] 0.2985293096507991 -0.5690356492996216 893 On arvatud, et teaduse teeb eriliseks see, et see on tuletatud faktidest, mitte isiklikust arvamusest. It has been suggested that science makes it special that it is derived from facts, not from personal opinion. [72, 78, 83] 77.66666666666667 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2725751162037427 -0.3022778332233429 894 Osa kristlaste väest liikus Leole linnuse alla ja ründas seda kolm päeva, teine osa käis samal ajal Nurmekundes rüüstamas. Some Christian forces moved under the urbanisation of Leole and attacked it for three days, while the second part was looting Nurmekunts at the same time. [79, 85, 91] 85.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.7017464088819532, 0.7533661484518784] 0.6350305615083426 -0.48271119594573975 895 Üks argument moraali seisukohast armastuse vastu on järgmine. One argument for morality against love is as follows. [59, 79, 69] 69.0 [-0.051864964231104885, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1413488724500223] 0.17982101180337118 -0.37766826152801514 896 12. detsember 2009 Albaania peaminister Sali Berisha. 12 December 2009, Prime Minister of Albania, Sali Berisha. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 1.038402712144736 -0.19512611627578735 897 Prantsuse ja Hispaania laevastik moodustas nüüd ebaühtlase, nurgelise poolkuu, kus aeglasemad laevad üldiselt allatuult ja kaldale lähemal. The French and Spanish fleets have now reached a half-month old, a half-hearted one, with slower vessels generally closer to the bottom-down and the shores. [50, 36, 22] 36.0 [-0.3957809933827245, -1.426122433406289, -1.2996162024170443] -1.040506543068686 -0.61759352684021 898 See on nähtavasti seotud sellega, et armastus sunnib huvitusele. This is obviously linked to the fact that love forces humanity. [65, 74, 82] 73.66666666666667 [-0.3871436867160806, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5808699337445091] 0.16457500882060663 -0.44557324051856995 899 Pealinnas Beirutis kohtus ta riigi peaministri Fouad Siniora ja parlamendi esimehe Nabih Berriga. He met with the Prime Minister of the country, Fouad Siniora, and Parliament's President, Nabih Berri, Peirutis. [79, 80, 70] 76.33333333333333 [0.5464537850814665, 0.4936093960423005, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2800299894650506 -0.2809964120388031 900 Konkreetselt tuli uurida välja andmed Eestis paiknevate relvajõudude kohta ja informatsioon uraanitehase ehitamise kohta. Concrete data on the armed forces located in Estonia and information on the construction of the uranium plant had to be found. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.2691156322058914, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.233913850399575 -0.3823992908000946 901 Hollandis Amsterdami lähistel Sloterdijki jaama juures põrkasid kohaliku aja järgi kella 18.30 paiku kokku kaks reisirongi. In the Netherlands, at Sloterdijk station near Amsterdam, two passenger trains met at 18.30 local time. [26, 51, 56] 44.333333333333336 [-1.5666238606968599, -0.4297907926901062, -0.4976026478113921] -0.8313391003994527 -0.33023032546043396 902 Esimene tingimus tagab, et eksplanans on eksplanandumile relevantne. The first condition will ensure that explants are explanplantation hit. [48, 39, 29] 38.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.2952316268529762, -1.12785038341693] -1.0657307752801455 -0.4537663459777832 903 Kaitseväe Ühendatud Õppeasutustes pidas uue õppeaasta alguse puhul avaloengu kaitseväe juhataja kindralleitnant Riho Terras. In the case of the start of the new academic year, Lieutenant General Riho Terra, was published by the Commander of the Guard in the United Nations. [11, 18, 15] 14.666666666666666 [-2.1069740051011756, -1.4768801787803418, -2.3423580792794794] -1.9754040877203323 -0.5453475117683411 904 Kanti põhiline argument põhineb eeldusel, et geomeetriateadmine on aprioorne. The main argument used in this case is based on the assumption that geometry is a priority. [5, 14, 23] 14.0 [-1.1789246735719703, -1.8096223806656633, -1.318230271796973] -1.4355924420115356 -0.323205828666687 905 Tänases Podolskis on vana planeeringu jälgi näha Pahra jõe paremal kaldal, piki toonase planeeringu teljeks olnud Moskva teed. Today, Podolskis has seen Moscow's trail of old planning on the right side of the River Pahra, the axis of long-term planning. [40, 46, 52] 46.0 [-1.062297059252832, -0.5884406996734752, -0.6630301039070259] -0.7712559542777777 -0.4576195180416107 906 Maakohus on otsuse tegemisel täielikult jätnud hindamata asitõendi vaatlusprotokolli koos lisadega, s.t. In the course of the judgment, the Supreme Court has failed to fully assess the evidence in the observation protocol with the annexes, i.e. the. [40, 34, 27] 33.666666666666664 [-0.7788205880535182, -1.5133829711084976, -1.3300167806002303] -1.2074067799207489 -0.5213583111763 907 Märtsis osales Rebane oma pataljoniga Punaarmee suurrünnaku nurjamises. In March, Rebelane participated in a major attack by the Red Army, with her bitter punch. [8, 29, 18] 18.333333333333332 [-1.1016181376000378, -1.2659124962624795, -1.4768801787803418] -1.281470270880953 -0.6147978901863098 908 Pärast suhteliselt edutut sõjakäiku tulid Liivimaale pihkvalaste saadikud ettepanekuga rahu teha, kuid seda ei võetud vastu. After a relatively unsuccessful war, the ambassadors of squalls came to Libya with a proposal for peace, but it was not adopted. [80, 84, 87] 83.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.6603895448580447, 0.6231547153861217] 0.592384552095489 -0.4715534448623657 909 Ta ütleb, et selle seletamine on psühholoogia asi ning moraalne progress tuleb mõistusest, mitte emotsioonidest, mis on inertsed ja konservatiivsed. He says that explaining this is a matter of psychology, and moral progress comes from reason, not from emotions that are inertia and conservative. [98, 81, 100] 93.0 [1.4384378287592468, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0335519297998539 -0.32177719473838806 910 Nii Assooride kui ka Madeira saarestikul valitseb lähistroopiline vahemereline kliima, kuigi saarte vahel on ka erinevusi. Both the Azores and Madeira are experiencing an immediate and intimate marine climate, although there are also differences between islands. [59, 85, 62] 68.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.711760740297822, -0.2494614636679413] 0.028148577874171687 -0.5410605669021606 911 Eestit esindasid kohtumistel rahandusminister Maris Lauri ja rahandusministeeriumi asekantsler Märten Ross. During the meetings, Estonia was represented by Finance Minister Maris Lauri and Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Finance, Marten Ross. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3945361077785492 912 Linnast kaugemal tehtud katsed õnnestusid hästi ning isa soovitusel taotles Alfred oma leiutisele patenti. Tests further away from the city succeeded well and, on the recommendation of the father, the Alfred applied for a patent for its invention. [96, 82, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8869527920048995 -0.3961780071258545 913 Seekord ei pimesta ta silmi "suurlinna tuled", ega tõmba rajalt maha maised ahvatlused. This time the slogan 'big city lights' is not blinded, or the temptations of the Earth are being pulled down. [34, 23, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.407453656337378, -1.318230271796973, -1.7315343153640192] -1.4857394144994567 -0.6387407183647156 914 Ühtlasi võttis ta sõna Krimmi Venemaaga ühendamise teemadel, väites, et see toimus demokraatlikul teel. He also spoke about the issues of joining Russia in Crimea, claiming that it was on a democratic path. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.3448411226272583 915 Schmitti tagasiastumist hakati nõudma pärast seda kui temalt võeti seoses plagiaadisüüdistusega 20 aastat tagasi kaitstud doktorikraad. The resignation of the Schmitt began to be required after being taken on a plagiarist charge in connection with a doctorate protected 20 years ago. [13, 18, 23] 18.0 [-0.9727739109801503, -1.6646330781581475, -1.318230271796973] -1.3185457536450904 -0.5002875328063965 916 Uus peaminister kinnitatakse ametisse mai lõpus toimuval Rahvusassamblee IX kongressil. The new Prime Minister will be confirmed at the IX Congress of the National Assembly at the end of May. [100, 73, 80] 84.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 0.26826879803671755, 0.4936093960423005] 0.587179988243869 -0.19390952587127686 917 Uganda pealinnas Kampalas sai surma 26 inimest kui jumalateenistuse ajal langes sisse kiriku katus. 26 people died in Kampala, Uganda's capital city, when during the service of worship, a church rocked in. [90, 84, 95] 89.66666666666667 [0.9451743669771346, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7358791572087113] 0.7830613318775214 -0.3906736969947815 918 Toimunu mõistsid hukka ka paljud välisriigid ja Ameerika Riikide Organisatsioon. It was also condemned by many foreign countries and by the Organisation of American States. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.3292027413845062 919 Teise liigi järgi on tegu analoogiaga, kui termin tähistab mitut logost, mis on omavahel seotud omistamissuhtega. The second species is that of a analogy where the term refers to several logos, which are linked to the award relationship. [36, 46, 55] 45.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.9917005368641577, -0.32348202996362757] -0.8405243326405892 -0.6294220685958862 920 Santorini purse, mis toimus Kreetast 100 kilomeetri kaugusel Thíral, leidis aset hilisminoilise ajastu perioodil IA. The eruption of Santorini, which took place 100 kilometres from Greece to Thíral, took place during the late-fashioned era of IA. [59, 79, 69] 69.0 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1413488724500223] 0.07115815221128428 -0.34329119324684143 921 Nende peamiseks tegevusalaks oli maakivi ja valge kivi raiumine, millest ehitati Podolski lähistele ka kuulus Dubrovitsõ Jumalaema Ilmumise kirik. Their main activities were the harvesting of the earth's stone and white stone, which was built near Podolski, along with the famous Church of Dubrovitsty Jumalma Ilmution. [52, 29, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-0.6630301039070259, -1.12785038341693, -1.2079710891507676] -0.9996171921582411 -0.5194715857505798 922 Justiitsministeerium on nõudnud Google'ilt kasutajaandmeid väidetavaks võitluseks lastepornograafia vastu. The Ministry of Justice has requested data from Google on the alleged fight against child pornography. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9802290203432635 -0.3561055362224579 923 Rannikualadel ja saartel on ilmad pehmemad kui sisemaal. In coastal areas and islands, the weather is more cuser than in the hinterland. [51, 52, 50] 51.0 [-0.4439104180442666, -0.6300169437293796, -0.3957809933827245] -0.4899027850521236 -0.5023621320724487 924 Väga hea teooria esitab väga mitmekesiseid väiteid maailma kohta, nii et ta on väga falsifitseeritav, kuid paneb falsifitseerimisele vastu. A very good theory makes very diverse statements about the world, so it is very classifying, but it puts against classifying. [62, 83, 60] 68.33333333333333 [-0.2494614636679413, 0.6245002025956135, -0.574314160703546] -0.06642514059195796 -0.5540714859962463 925 Kirjalikes allikates on mitmeid teateid võimulolijaid kohalike elanike poolt ähvardavast ohust või vastuhakust. The written sources contain a number of reports of the threat or threat posed to those in power by local residents. [37, 29, 45] 37.0 [-1.0044881979358382, -1.12785038341693, -0.952528152074385] -1.0282889111423845 -0.6305552124977112 926 Heinsalu alustab uuel ametikohal tööd 7. aprillil. The new post will begin on 7 April. [29, 40, 51] 40.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.2516013580018719, -0.6663060472858138] -1.0152525962348717 -0.38411852717399597 927 Aasta keskpaigaks oli epideemia levinud Libeeriasse ja Sierra Leonesse. By mid-year, the epidemic had spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9203719698734103 -0.17728881537914276 928 Alles pärast uue füüsika väljatöötamist sai uut teooriat vaatluste ja katsetega üksikasjadeni kokku sobitada. Only after the development of new physics could the new theory be reconciled with observations and attempts to detail. [100, 79, 75] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.2881777686428686] 0.612420138066165 -0.4126397967338562 929 Tal ei olnud aimugi, et selle perioodi kohta võiks olla ka arheoloogilist materjali. He had no idea that there would also be archaeological material for this period. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822] 0.9640022387245146 -0.29494786262512207 930 Evelin ja Georg on mõlemad Mornas, kummalgi oma nägemus sellest, kas ehitada teeninduskeskust või mitte. Evelin and Georg are both Mornas, both of whom have a vision of whether or not to build a service centre. [68, 67, 66] 67.0 [0.2920510649205147, 0.07788890965667469, 0.07523855193204053] 0.14839284216974333 -0.325042188167572 931 Hüpertraditsionaalse ühiskonna liikmed rakendavad oma pakse mõisteid, tehes otsustusi. The members of the compensatory society apply their definition to the package, taking decisions. [63, 72, 81] 72.0 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.09044991547637454, 0.5372396648934048] 0.043458661018097734 -0.7695907950401306 932 Siin on aga algpõhjuse mõistet valesti aru saadud. However, the concept of the original cause has been misunderstood here. [97, 100, 79] 92.0 [0.9486832980505137, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8412135736628734 -0.4799136817455292 933 Liivimaal kogunenud riialaste, liivlaste ja latgalite sõjavägi liikus Sakalasse, kus nendega liitusid ugalased ja nendega koos olnud sakslased. The army of rivals, widowns and lagese gathered in the country of the Union went to Sakala, where they were joined by the Chinese and joined by the Germans. [12, 9, 15] 12.0 [-2.4732488858327923, -1.990859008800058, -1.5720701229703633] -2.012059339201071 -0.6732370257377625 934 Ent Frankfurdi järgi on ka isetu armastuse käsud kategoorilised. However, Frankfurt also says that the self-righteous orders of love are categorical. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.4938833713531494 935 Nende vahel on katelde ja sügavate lohkude labürint. There is a maze between the cats and the deep logs. [15, 28, 1] 14.666666666666666 [-2.3423580792794794, -1.3021598218893584, -2.016289862523797] -1.8869359212308783 -0.5555376410484314 936 Niivõrd kui hinnangud tulevad kogemusest, mõjub hinnangu tulemusele kaasa see, et kogemused on järjestikused ja sageli üksteist välistavad. As long as evaluations come from experience, the result of the assessment is that experience is successive and often mutually exclusive. [97, 93, 83] 91.0 [1.1980287771688547, 0.7825156363278469, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8683482053641051 -0.43567049503326416 937 Aastal 1878 algas Nauru hõimusõda, mille käigus leidsid aset kokkupõrked eri hõimude vahel. In 1878, the Nauru tribal war began, during which there was clashes between different tribes. [70, 100, 79] 83.0 [0.5726856248707056, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5464537850814665] 0.7480392352330275 -0.31398776173591614 938 Kõigepealt tuli valss, siis hoppvals, skotsk, hamburger ja lõpuks reinlender. It first came the lie, then it was hamburger and, finally, Rhinlender, scotsk, hamburger. [10, 1, 6] 5.666666666666667 [-1.5559952777983777, -2.016289862523797, -2.7350304989394183] -2.102438546420531 -0.48499247431755066 939 Juunis 2002 esines Clapton Buckinghami Palees korraldatud kontserdil "Party at the Palace". In June 2002, Claston Buckingham Palace was presented with a 'Party the Palace' group. [10, 12, 11] 11.0 [-2.400018392911181, -1.6672600671603848, -2.5168791546838967] -2.194719204918487 -0.33311426639556885 940 Ta on ajalooteadus, sest ta näitab, kuidas kujunes inimene. He is a scientist of history, because he shows how man developed. [82, 84, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.827031554711923, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.836806040050484 -0.4878202974796295 941 Pikem rahuperiood võimaldas riigi lääneprovintsidel majanduslikult toibuda ja stabiilse kasvu saavutada, mis kestis peaaegu 12. sajandi lõpuni. A longer period of peace allowed the western provinces of the country to recover economically and achieve stable growth, which lasted until the end of the almost 12th century. [79, 60, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, -0.3418302000470779, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09374259366360478 -0.29246610403060913 942 Eestis Rakveres süttis hilisõhtul pärast kella 23 põlema rändlõbustuspargi Tivoli Tuur üks karussellidest. In Delveres, Estonia, late in the evening after 23: 00, a travelling pleasure park, Tivoli nuclear, burned. [44, 35, 25] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.4697527022573933, -1.8845074786158034] -1.44938173232383 -0.5815497040748596 943 Muidu ei leiduks hüve igas kategoorias, vaid ainult ühes. Otherwise, there would not be a benefit in every category but only one. [100, 74, 96] 90.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.23182778293567463, 1.156671913144946] 0.823214051197304 -0.404937207698822 944 Prantslastel ei olnud otsenähtavust lahinguvälja ühest otsast teiseni. The French did not have any consolation from one side to the other. [69, 56, 43] 56.0 [-0.017620113404488574, -0.2711408857067372, -1.035241880122202] -0.4413342930778093 -0.5168313980102539 945 Ameerika Ühendriikide mõjuka ajalehe The New York Times tegevjuhina alustas tööd BBC endine peadirektor Mark Thompson. The New York Times Chief Executive Officer of the BBC's former Director-General, Mark Thomsen, started work. [34, 17, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-1.407453656337378, -1.5086101601770157, -1.8624251219173322] -1.5928296461439089 -0.42193368077278137 946 Soomes Espoos toimus Suurbritannia, Põhjamaade ja Baltimaade peaministrite kohtumine. In Espos, Finland, the prime ministers of the United Kingdom, the Nordic countries and the Baltic States met. [61, 56, 79] 65.33333333333333 [-0.30580685708679023, -0.2711408857067372, 0.44997912719119615] -0.04232287186744377 -0.28204160928726196 947 Inimese tahtehoiakud oma elementaarsete motivatsioonikalduvuste suhtes on täiesti tema enda teha. It is entirely up to the individual to take a basic attitude to their basic motivations. [93, 96, 99] 96.0 [0.8184718649847569, 0.9980583701602151, 1.2807425052166714] 1.0324242467872145 -0.612075686454773 948 Seetõttu tuleb vanad institutsioonid osaliselt uutega asendada ja vahepeal ühiskonda institutsioonid täielikult ei valitse. The old institutions therefore need to be partly replaced by new ones, and in the meantime society is not fully governed by the institutions. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8295825327351395 -0.42708665132522583 949 See hirm diplomaatilisest eraldatusest sundis Genova vabariiki loobuma oma erapooletusest sõjas ja ühinema Bourbonidega. This fear of diplomatic separation forced the Republic of Genoa to abandon its impartiality in the war and to join in Bourbonus. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.3352545499801636 950 See on nii fundamentaalne, et seda peetakse enesestmõistetavaks. It is so fundamental that it is taken for granted. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8737664319293126 -0.12027144432067871 951 Liitumise poolt hääletas umbes 66% referendumil osalenutest. Around 66% of those who voted in favour of accession voted in favour of it. [39, 40, 29] 36.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.5364697786960754, -1.12785038341693] -0.9208801881087082 -0.3743680417537689 952 Iraagi võimud olid seda korduvalt nõudnud ja esitanud Türgi peale kaebuse ka Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioonile. The Iraqi authorities had called for this repeatedly and submitted not only Turkey but also to the United Nations. [45, 29, 37] 37.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846] -1.1308409641411694 -0.4063228964805603 953 Liibanoni saabus ametlikule visiidile Euroopa Liidu välispoliitika juht Javier Solana. Lebanon received an official visit from EU foreign policy leader Javier Solana. [97, 100, 80] 92.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8698737270909259 -0.33336523175239563 954 Seejärel tunginudki meister koos omadega neile kallale. Then the master, with them, was invaded by them. [15, 1, 8] 8.0 [-1.7206510797975005, -2.016289862523797, -2.482732120958998] -2.073224354426765 -0.7244178652763367 955 Nii et armastuse moraalituse oht tuleb nii sellest, et ta on ebamõistlik kirg, kui ka sellest, et ta kätkeb õigustamatut erapoolikust. So the danger of moralising love comes not only from being an unreasonable passion but also from an unjustified biased one. [87, 76, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.3190883206378832, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5012423370417851 -0.4931503236293793 956 Mitme Läänemaa vana puitlinnuse, nagu näiteks Maianpata muinaslinnuse asukoht on veel teadmata. The location of several old wooden towns in the West, such as the Maianpata sludge, is still unknown. [57, 83, 70] 70.0 [-0.12829074848702035, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1249205953736362] 0.20704334982740977 -0.3139243423938751 957 1315. aasta lääniõiguse tekstis öeldakse, et maad ohustab lisaks välisvaenlastele ka kohaliku rahva "kindlusetus". The text of Western law of 1315 states that land is threatened not only by foreign enemies, but also by the 'insecurity' of the local people. [98, 100, 99] 99.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0932483143502365] 1.0399889724822267 -0.3476112186908722 958 See on võrreldav Ronald Reagani ja printsess Diana matustega, mida vaatas vastavalt 35,1 miljonit ja 33,1 miljonit ameeriklast. This is comparable to those of Ronald Reagan and Princess Diana, which were revised by 35.1 million and 33.1 million Americans respectively. [80, 60, 70] 70.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.14224540182923298, 0.17307885384669613] 0.17481428268658786 -0.3143405318260193 959 Sel ajal oli tänase Hispaania ja Portugali aladel tekkinud juba ka suur juutide kogukond. At that time, a large Jewish community had already emerged in the areas of Spain and Portugal today. [75, 82, 60] 72.33333333333333 [0.014618096141847111, 0.5808699337445091, -0.14422096012004196] 0.15042235658877143 -0.44708117842674255 960 Kristjan lubab minna kasvõi Alma juurde – saaks vähemalt suutäie süüagi. Christians allow a minimum of a litre of guilt to go to Alma. [9, 16, 23] 16.0 [-2.179020691021751, -2.298727810428375, -1.318230271796973] -1.9319929244156997 -0.7226409316062927 961 Mahler ise ei olnud aga rahul sellega, et ooperitöö võttis liiga palju aega, mistõttu ei jõudnud ta tegeleda komponeerimisega. However, Mr Mahler himself was not satisfied that it took too long for his opera to work, which is why he was not able to carry out the component. [62, 85, 90] 79.0 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.711760740297822, 0.9085307290014955] 0.5131768239908744 -0.5881564617156982 962 1880. aastal avaldati Eduard Bornhöhe erakordselt populaarseks ja mõjukaks kujunenud jutustus "Tasuja". In 1880, Eduard Bornhöhe was published as an exceptionally popular and influential talk of 'Tasurer'. [38, 55, 52] 48.333333333333336 [-1.1343437451734075, -0.32348202996362757, -0.3980608112934324] -0.6186288621434892 -0.37263843417167664 963 Kõigil substantsidel on omadus olla midagi iseenesest, mis on omadus, mis ei kuulub neile kui arusaadutele, vaid kui reaalsetele olevatele. All the substances have the properties to be something of their own, which is a characteristic that they do not belong to as concepts but as real. [100, 93, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822] 0.9045775615441487 -0.6428477168083191 964 Isegi pärast Bütsantsi allakäiku ja paljude territooriumide kaotamist omas kirik märkimisväärset mõju nii riigi sees kui ka väljaspool riiki. Even after the fall of Butsana and the loss of many territories, the church had a significant impact both within and outside the country. [99, 84, 80] 87.66666666666667 [0.8656517089737827, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5693833052222719 -0.430498331785202 965 Libeeria valitsus esitas Nigeeriale ametliku taotluse Libeeria ekspresidendi Charles Ghankay Taylori välja andmiseks. The Liberia Government has formally requested Nigeria to issue Charles Ghana Taylor, President of Liberia. [34, 35, 36] 35.0 [-0.9434820029693742, -1.4697527022573933, -1.2063904310939828] -1.2065417121069169 -0.24543555080890656 966 Lisaks Tidbinbillale leidub märke aborigeenide varasest asustusest Canberra lähedal Namadgi rahvuspargis. In addition to Tidkabilisi, there are signs of the early colonisation of the Abkhazians in the Namadgi National Park near Canberra. [85, 85, 85] 85.0 [0.711760740297822, 0.7017464088819532, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5916817861378519 -0.4958871603012085 967 Sügiseks 2007 peaks samas kohas valmima uus, kaasaegsetele nõuetele vastav võistluspaik. By autumn 2007, a new competition place should be ready in the same place, in line with modern requirements. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.27277307010597845 -0.46526798605918884 968 Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Luksemburgi ja Soome liitumisavaldusi menetles esimene alamkomisjon. The accession applications of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Finland were handled by the first subcommittee. [97, 100, 87] 94.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 1.1249782957469103, 0.7844601369297701] 0.9527072435757313 -0.2861256003379822 969 Järelikult ei saadetud Itaalia lõunaossa erilisi varusid. Consequently, no special stocks were sent to the south of Italy. [80, 80, 56] 72.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.4949620887624109, -0.2711408857067372] 0.23914353303265803 -0.36111506819725037 970 Süüdistuse kohaselt kõrvaldas Black ühest enda juhitavast firmast 84 miljonit USA dollarit oma luksuslikku elustiili rahastamiseks. According to the accusation, the Black Sea removed USD 84 million from one of its own-led companies to finance its luxury lifestyle. [66, 74, 70] 70.0 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.23182778293567463, 0.08139344852332632] -0.018703147497383957 -0.4433898329734802 971 Nende etendustega saavutatud edu kadus, kui Mahler soovis lavale tuua ülejäänud osad "Niebelungide sõrmusest" ning teisi saksa oopereid. The success of these exercises was lost when Mahler wanted to put the rest of the sections' from the finger of Niebdongs' on the table and other German waiting families on the table. [35, 44, 25] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -0.9938850160982935, -1.8845074786158034] -1.44938173232383 -0.5447565317153931 972 Mängu olid sõitnud vaatama umbes tuhat jalgpallifänni Venemaalt, kardetud kokkupõrkeid kahe riigi fännide vahel ei puhkenud. The game had been travelling to watch about a thousand football fans from Russia, and there were no clashes between fans from two countries that had been feared. [45, 51, 48] 48.0 [-0.952528152074385, -1.0092452907728193, -0.9025592071930374] -0.9547775500134139 -0.48532116413116455 973 Islamikonverentsi Organisatsiooni esimees Malaisia peaminister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi väitis, et paavst peab vabandama. The Chairman of the Islamic Conference Organisation, Mr Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia, stated that the Pope had to apologise. [80, 94, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0739581850971294, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8975152922954468 -0.3109685480594635 974 Ta oli mõnda aega Onni Taalasmaaga, Iida Mustosega, Janne Haukkalaga, Matleena Rintalaga, Elias Vikstedtiga samas koolis. He was at the same school as Onni Taalasland, Ieast Musto, Janne Haukfish, Matleena Rintala, Elias Vikstedt for some time. [50, 65, 51] 55.333333333333336 [-0.3957809933827245, 0.03899122630516161, -0.4297907926901062] -0.2621935199225564 -0.3059212267398834 975 Ülejäänud 33 000 meest Grouchy juhtimisel ründasid Blücherit, üritades preislasi muidugi lahinguga siduda, hoidmaks neid niiviisi Wellingtonist eemal. The remaining 33 000 men, led by the Grouchy Group, attacked Blycher in trying, of course, to link the priests to the battle to keep them out of Wellington in this way. [36, 40, 38] 38.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.1593124721939274, -1.3388618957040805] -1.2348549329973302 -0.30414503812789917 976 Masturbeerimine on viimse pelgupaigana hädavajalik, kuid tühi ja sisutu, René Descartesi monoloogi seksuaalne ekvivalent. Massive security is essential as the last resort, but empty and empty, and the sexual equivalent of René Descartesi monologue. [19, 19, 18] 18.666666666666668 [-1.8187872614188738, -2.167837003875062, -2.0691634807199133] -2.01859591533795 -0.4227467477321625 977 Minoslased tunduvad olevat meisterlikult vallanud granulatsioonitehnoloogiat, mida tõendab leitud mesilasekujuline ripats. Minos seem to be masculously unleashing grangranary technology, as evidenced by the bees' rice found. [29, 35, 41] 35.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933, -1.1179556081700188] -1.2385195646147806 -0.6759412288665771 978 See tähendab lihtsalt, et ta on olemas iseenda loomuse tõttu, nii et ta ei saa tekkida ega hävida. It simply means that he is there because of his own nature, so he cannot come and ruin. [46, 49, 51] 48.666666666666664 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.278245418571429, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5180644042508803 -0.5476428270339966 979 Armastus on ka reaktsioon mitteuniversaliseeritavale mittehinnatavale omadusele, et ollakse subjekt maailmas. It is also a mystery reaction to the non-universalistic character of being a world entity. [18, 17, 15] 16.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.2550975415772707, -2.258848426590734] -1.996942048982782 -0.5240706205368042 980 Allan ja Uku teevad õppesõitu ning neid kontrollib konstaabel Torim. I will start and Uku will do a lesson, and they will be controlled by Reichstaabel Torim. [5, 30, 1] 12.0 [-1.1789246735719703, -1.2296651706356005, -2.016289862523797] -1.4749599022437891 -0.535859227180481 981 See kaalutlus on üks teo põhjuslikke antetsedente, muidu poleks sellel mõtet. This consideration is one of the causes of the act, or else it would make no sense. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.3923555016517639 982 Põlengus keegi kannatada ei saanud, kohaliku aja järgi kella 7 ajal avastatud põleng likvideeriti kella 8.45 ajal. No one was affected by the generation, and the generation discovered at 7 o'clock at 7 noon was eradicated at 8.45 a.m.. [13, 10, 15] 12.666666666666666 [-2.0349273191806003, -2.202289930964098, -1.7733750550387843] -2.0035307683944943 -0.5189886689186096 983 Teadus aga, samuti ka kunst ja kirjandus, saavutab suuremaid tulemusi, kui ta ei ole elulähedane, vaid abstraktne. Science, however, as well as art and literature, will achieve greater results if it is not close to life but abstract. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.28162235021591187 984 Ta kasutas ainult Eckharti ladinakeelseid kirjutisi, mitte saksakeelseid jutlusi. He only used Latin writing in Eckhart rather than German. [69, 65, 60] 64.66666666666667 [-0.2413477505868195, -0.1617134852456394, -0.01365207210314715] -0.13890443597853536 -0.4533948302268982 985 Nüüd on nad jälle moraalselt ühe pulga peal ja saavad suhteid uuendada. Now they are once again morally on the pulse and can upgrade relations. [40, 42, 38] 40.0 [-1.2516013580018719, -0.9902503733322566, -1.2420262002417441] -1.1612926438586242 -0.4478183090686798 986 Portugali mustlaste kogukond elab peamiselt Algarve piirkonnas. The Roma community in Portugal lives mainly in the Algarve region. [96, 84, 90] 90.0 [0.769904349207558, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.6622478346251739 -0.31688499450683594 987 Kogu 1999. aasta juuni oli Jackson seotud eri heategevusüritustega. Throughout June 1999, Jackson was involved in various charity events. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.24615490436553955 988 Oletatavasti valmis esimesena kas linnuse ringmüür või peatorn. It is assumed that either the wall or the main valley of the urban environment were the first to be prepared. [75, 77, 79] 77.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.3951887236234128, 0.44997912719119615] 0.3478959317239489 -0.5519776344299316 989 Teaduse progress toimub katse ja eksituse teel, oletuste ja kummutuste kaudu. Progress in science is taking place through an attempt and miscarriage, through assumptions and through conjections. [73, 65, 81] 73.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.03899122630516161, 0.5363189527863194] 0.23392781250938108 -0.5246489644050598 990 Eestis asus riigiprokuratuuri süüdistusosakonna riigiprokurörina tööle Helga Aadamsoo. In Estonia, Helga Aadamsi was recruited as Public Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Public Prosecutor's Accountability. [68, 79, 74] 73.66666666666667 [0.2920510649205147, 0.5464537850814665, 0.29999877943339137] 0.37950120981179086 -0.35676297545433044 991 Ameerika Ühendriikide filmikompanii Sony Pictures avaldas poliitsatiirilise filmi "Intervjuu" ka internetis. The US film company Sony Pictures published its political satirist film Intervjuu online. [88, 85, 91] 88.0 [0.7442185189868247, 0.711760740297822, 0.7533661484518784] 0.7364484692455084 -0.33396926522254944 992 Benito Mussolini Itaalia konstitutsiooniline referendum, 1946 Itaalia fašism Itaalia ühendamine Itaalia Itaalia kuningas Italian constitutional referendum of Benito Mussolini, 1946 Italian fascism merging Italian King of Italy [75, 82, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.5808699337445091, -0.15565346186594825] 0.252315077569542 -0.26638567447662354 993 Hädaabi teated elanikkonnalt võetakse vastu telefoninumbril 112. Emergency notifications from the population are received on 112. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.4870040714740753 994 Nad tõid kaasa riisi, mille kasvatamine Njassa järve ääres kiiresti levima hakkas. They have led to a rice that has rapidly spread along the Great Lake. [35, 23, 46] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.318230271796973, -0.9111712880504766] -1.2330514207016143 -0.630523681640625 995 Selle eest said kompanii sõdurid kõik tagasi oma auastmed, autasud ja lõkmed. For this, the soldiers in the company got all their degrees, prizes and pitfalls back. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8397939717619285 -0.6192694306373596 996 Afganistanis Kāpīsā provintsis korraldas Ameerika Ühendriikide lennuvägi rünnaku väidetavatele mässuliste positsioonidele. In the province of Kāpīsa in Afghanistan, the US air force attacked alleged rebel positions. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9226456397785018 -0.3511313199996948 997 Iga kooskõlaline matemaatika tükk on matemaatika osa, kuigi see võidakse triviaalse, mittevalgustava või kasutuna kõrvale jätta. Every coherent piece of mathematics is part of mathematics, although it may be excluded from trivial, unenlightening or useless. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8295825327351395 -0.33196836709976196 998 Canterbury peapiiskop Simon Sudbury varjus St Johni kabelisse lootes, et rahvamass austab pühapaika. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon Sudbury, was sheltered by St John's cabela in the hope that the crowd would respect places of worship. [81, 66, 74] 73.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.07523855193204053, 0.29999877943339137] 0.30415899875294555 -0.28116029500961304 999 Küsiti, kas denominatiivne ehk konkreetne termin tähistab sama asja mis vastav abstraktne termin. The question was whether the denomical term, the particular term, stands for the same thing as an abstract term. [56, 62, 67] 61.666666666666664 [-0.2872347043367487, -0.2494614636679413, 0.07788890965667469] -0.15293575278267177 -0.39631807804107666 1000 13. detsember 2006 Iisraeli peaminister Ehud Olmert. 13 December 2006 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel. [78, 100, 78] 85.33333333333333 [0.412248360714594, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.6478585049338653 -0.2655341327190399 1001 Nõukogude võim ei lasknud Keresel Groningen 1946 turniirile sõita. The Soviet authorities did not allow Kereses Groningen 1946 to travel for a security. [62, 49, 75] 62.0 [0.06277371215276832, -0.7871006959787512, 0.5900712612761484] -0.04475190751661151 -0.44116848707199097 1002 Seejärel pumbati vesi laevakeredest välja ja uppunud laev kerkis koos nendega. Then the water was pumped out of the hulls and the ship drowned came along with them. [69, 81, 75] 75.0 [0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048, 0.19851994435723766] 0.29236949390022154 -0.4212195575237274 1003 Sellised omadused olid näiteks hambad ja luine saba. Such characteristics were tooth and snowless, for example. [67, 88, 78] 77.66666666666667 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.842651546851135, 0.412248360714594] 0.30941006935645127 -0.46205517649650574 1004 Nauru piirneb läänes Mikroneesia Liiduriikidega, põhjas Marshalli Saartega, idas Kiribatiga ja lõunas Saalomoni Saartega. The infection is limited in the West to the Federated Countries of Micronesia, to the Marshall Islands in the north, to the East Church and to the Solomon Islands in the South. [20, 12, 3] 11.666666666666666 [-1.4134202159869944, -2.4732488858327923, -3.4051235010975858] -2.430597534305791 -0.3511902987957001 1005 Pronksiaeg algas Kreetal ligikaudu aastal 2700 eKr. It started 2 700 eKr around the year. [89, 83, 95] 89.0 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8835775815176352] 0.761342094832249 -0.6499826908111572 1006 Evelin ja Laura saavad Henry arvates liiga hästi läbi. Evelin and Laura Henry think it is too well. [1, 12, 7] 6.666666666666667 [-2.7722301691263573, -1.6672600671603848, -2.691400230088314] -2.3769634887916857 -0.41860726475715637 1007 Ainult et on mõtlemise vaba akt asetada end vaatekohale, kus ta on iseenese jaoks ning seega tekitab ja annab ise endale oma eseme. Only that it is a free act of thought to put itself in the position of being for itself and thus creating and giving itself its own object. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.5148124694824219 1008 Alla vaesuspiiri elas 2004. aastal 53% inimestest. The underpoverty line lived 53% of people in 2004. [93, 86, 100] 93.0 [0.9028684259701937, 0.7553910091489263, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7582359390222281 -0.40147119760513306 1009 Teine, vähem ilmselt ebausutav viis erapooletusele truuks jääda on lubada Samil päästa oma abikaasat erapooletu moraali alusel. Another, less apparent, unbelievable way of being true to impartiality is to allow the Sahel to rescue its husband on the basis of impartial morals. [58, 60, 62] 60.0 [-0.41488891976357517, -0.3418302000470779, -0.06975075057547515] -0.2754899567953761 -0.44661596417427063 1010 Subjekt, kellel on mingi eesmärk, võib pidada oma eesmärki heaks, aga ei pruugi. Substance, which has an objective, can be considered a good objective, but not necessarily a good one. [65, 55, 74] 64.66666666666667 [0.03899122630516161, -0.20471653274293583, 0.24682090461896014] 0.027031866060395305 -0.5755372643470764 1011 Fatalismi eeldus on lihtsalt see, et on tõde, ja tõel pole aja möödumisega mingit pistmist. The prerequisite for Fatalisness is simply that there is truth, and truth has nothing to do with the passing of time. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.0238592891943679 -0.4021863639354706 1012 pisileftTänapäevased koopiad mõnedest laeva skulptuuridest Vasa muuseumis. Today's copies of some of the sculptures on the ship in the Vasa museum. [96, 95, 96] 95.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1264109951115293, 0.9980583701602151] 1.0264931705983413 -0.5147268772125244 1013 Eesti keskaeg loetakse tavaliselt hõlmavaks perioodi 13. sajandist kuni Liivi sõjani. The duration of Estonia is usually considered to cover the period from the 13th century to the Gulf of Riga. [33, 48, 18] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -0.8284575600026597, -1.4768801787803418] -1.2874503262475345 -0.3541291058063507 1014 Kui miski nende tähelepanu äratab, jäävad nad avalikult ammulisui vaatama. If anything brings them to their attention, they will remain in the public domain. [79, 79, 78] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.44997912719119615, 0.3065899732381008] 0.4050725956153524 -0.5791627168655396 1015 Pole selge, kui suur see korrelatsioon on, sest intelligentsuse tavamõiste on ebamäärane. It is not clear how much this correlation is, because the traditional concept of intelligence is vague. [97, 89, 80] 88.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7394137314921042 -0.34736013412475586 1016 Samal ajal tuleb Uuevarikule Jauram, kes toob Riksile kohtukutse. At the same time, there will be a new author, Jauram, who will bring an invitation to Rome. [10, 22, 34] 22.0 [-2.142997348061463, -2.0369461973217495, -0.969200476433561] -1.716381340605591 -0.36787503957748413 1017 See on Favershami Simoni ja Radulphus Brito positsioon. This is the position of Faversham Simpson and Radulphus Brito. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0385578519610221 -0.1408771425485611 1018 George Berkeley leidis, et maailm eksisteerib ainult siis, kui keegi seda tajub. George Berkeley found that the world only exists when someone perceives it. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9226456397785018 -0.30869796872138977 1019 Nii Afonso II kui ka Afonso III sattusid paavsti interdikti alla, sest püüdsid takistada maavalduste koondumist kiriku kätte. Both Afonso II and Afonso III came under the Pope's internationale because they tried to prevent land disorder from taking place in the hands of the Church. [97, 85, 80] 87.33333333333333 [0.8018201357962996, 0.711760740297822, 0.17436773524631535] 0.562649537113479 -0.426546186208725 1020 Parlee kritiseerib positivistliku teaduse androtsentrismi.) The party criticises the data centralism of positionist science.) [32, 18, 45] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.4768801787803418, -1.0253280200336006] -1.367617235874883 -0.46769246459007263 1021 Näiteks predikaadi "on inimene" saab asendada fraasidega "kõikide inimeste hulk", "omadus olla inimene" või "inimsus". For example, the Predial 'is man' can replace 'all human beings' with phrases, 'ownership is man' or 'humanity'. [16, 29, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-1.6880982215310614, -1.12785038341693, -1.862379160600371] -1.5594425885161207 -0.3844626247882843 1022 Näiteks on Isaac Newtoni massimõistel on täpsem tähendus kui näiteks demokraatiamõistel. For example, Isaak c Newton has a more precise meaning than the concept of democracy, for example. [11, 17, 23] 17.0 [-1.0243116016281053, -1.7008804037850265, -1.318230271796973] -1.3478074257367016 -0.27868807315826416 1023 Eesti Ajaloomuuseumi Maarjamäe lossis Tallinnas avati pidulikult Eesti filmi 100. juubeliaasta. The Estonian newspaper Museum's Maarjamäe Castle in Tallinn was inaugurated with the inauguration of the 100th anniversary of Estonian film. [18, 30, 41] 29.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.1179556081700188] -1.4275799444877586 -0.4304611086845398 1024 Raskus on aga selles, et isegi kui oleks selge, kust tõendid leida, võib välja tulla, et tõendite järgi see uskumus ongi tõene. However, the difficulty is that, even if it were clear where the evidence would be found, it can be found that, according to evidence, this belief is true. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.4011969268321991 1025 Krissul on sünnipäev, aga Alma ja Lainega tähistamine ei lõpe sugugi hästi. Christ is the birthday, but the celebration of Alma and Low does not end at all well. [32, 28, 23] 27.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.7751645842151236, -1.318230271796973] -1.4812928863157433 -0.41315338015556335 1026 Vaimuvälises maailmas on substantsid, kvaliteedid, kvantiteedid jne. In the poor outside world, there are materials, quality, quantity, etc. [27, 30, 33] 30.0 [-1.1913103462102776, -1.687904046512915, -1.4488105203612864] -1.4426749710281597 -0.4197794497013092 1027 Seal nad puhastuvad kõigest pahast ja ebaõiglusest tekkinud muredest. There, they are just shedding away from the grievances of evil and injustice. [32, 23, 28] 27.666666666666668 [-0.8141148679314982, -1.318230271796973, -1.6555948404808287] -1.2626466600697668 -0.6796639561653137 1028 Ühe osana sellest viidi Nõukogude Liidu eeskujul läbi radikaalne natsionaliseerimine. Radical nationalisation was carried out as part of this, following the example of the Soviet Union. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7804138233994967 -0.25840985774993896 1029 Oluliste teaduslike edusammude hind on sidumus, mis riskib väärusega. The price of substantial scientific progress is binding, which risks undermining value. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.9814216926040136, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.813903662897865 -0.554066002368927 1030 Uniooni ideed toetasid kuningas Zygmunt III ja Poola aadel idas; arvamused jagunesid õigeusu vaimulike ja ilmalike juhtide vahel. The idea of unity was supported by King Zygmunt III and the Polish islands in the East; opinions were divided between the Orthodox clergy and secular leaders. [90, 81, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.7388700887615532, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5997661946371964] 0.6252919827640514 -0.27171072363853455 1031 Ahven on melanhoolses tujus, teda külastavad Johannes ja Jürka. Ahven is in melanic mood, he is visited by Johannes and Jürka. [60, 83, 69] 70.66666666666667 [-0.01365207210314715, 0.6245002025956135, 0.09524274541966368] 0.23536362530404334 -0.3948449194431305 1032 Seaduseelnõu poolt hääletas 105, vastu oli 92 parlamendiliiget. The draft law was 105 votes in favour, 92 against. [84, 92, 100] 92.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.87113844457352, 0.9996617706525889] 0.7978434154086452 -0.37400996685028076 1033 Esialgne kohustus on järeldus, mida moraalsed kaalutlused toetavad ja mis on tegeliku kohustuse kandidaat. The initial commitment is the conclusion that moral considerations support and are the candidate for a real commitment. [86, 82, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.45074648332014206, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6515553494202759 -0.41833096742630005 1034 Bangladeshi president Iajuddin Ahmed nimetas vahevalitsuse uueks juhiks endise keskpanga presidendi Fakhruddin Ahmedi. The President of Bangladesh, Iauddin Ahmed, appointed Fakhruddin Ahmed, new head of the interim government, as president of the former Central Bank. [56, 49, 41] 48.666666666666664 [-0.2711408857067372, -0.8589289383419331, -1.1179556081700188] -0.7493418107395632 -0.2605356276035309 1035 Hiina on puhkenud õitsele ainult eraettevõtluse aktsepteerimise tõttu. China has only broken out of steam because of acceptance of private enterprise. [76, 73, 69] 72.66666666666667 [0.05727907059662488, -0.08375849128920229, -0.3824899025249279] -0.13632310773916845 -0.5722985863685608 1036 Tal on valus ja kurb inimese iseloomunõrkuste ja enesepettuse pärast, millega me püüame neid varjata. He is painful and sad about the fragility of a human being and about the self-deception with which we try to hide them. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.4349890947341919 1037 siis ta kuulab asjatult ja kasutult, sest eesmärk ei ole mitte tunnetus, vaid tegu. He then listens unnecessarily and uselessly, because the aim is not feeling, but it is action. [88, 100, 77] 88.33333333333333 [0.6557075736525608, 0.9996617706525889, 0.47395913382770866] 0.7097761593776194 -0.5131276249885559 1038 Pakistanis Quetta linnas toimus terrorivastase väljaõppe andmisele spetsialiseerunud politseikoolis viis pommiplahvatust. In the town of Quetta in Pakistan, a police school specialised in training against terrorism took place five bombings. [48, 59, 51] 52.666666666666664 [-0.47220677763863994, -0.17849272745611192, -0.4297907926901062] -0.3601634325949527 -0.31619665026664734 1039 Valitsus taastab infrastruktuuri ning suhteid naaberriikidega. The government is restoring infrastructure and relations with neighbouring countries. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.27098676562309265 1040 Kliinikusse tuli Jackson alati õhtuti, kui enamik personalist oli lahkunud ning keegi poleks saanud tema kohalolekut märgata. Jackson always came to the climate in the evening when most of the staff had left and no one could have seen his presence. [51, 54, 56] 53.666666666666664 [-0.7043869679309344, -0.6407775940864116, -0.2711408857067372] -0.5387684825746945 -0.3972177803516388 1041 Saatkonnahoone sai kergelt kahjustada, inimohvreid ei olnud. The village building was damaged lightly, there were no casualties. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.5802713632583618 1042 Ukraina võimud teatasid venemeelsete separatistide baaside hävitamisest Kramatorski ja Slovjanski linnade lähistel. The Ukrainian authorities reported on the destruction of the bases of pro-Russian separatists near Kramatorski and Slovyansk towns. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.25625771284103394 1043 Täisperemeestest kujunes eesti ühiskonna peamine majanduslik jõud ning sotsiaalselt kõige aktiivsem rühm. The top economic power in society and the most socially active group were assumed to be the primary economic power of the full men. [31, 58, 38] 42.333333333333336 [-1.3865071458954215, -0.21474005308299082, -1.2420262002417441] -0.9477577997400521 -0.7037623524665833 1044 Paljud väljamõeldud kirjad temalt ja temale, mis tollal ringlesid, näitavad, et küünikud tahtsid teha temast oma suuna eelkäijat. Many of the fictitious letters from him and him circulating at the time show that the cynics wanted to make him a forerunner of their direction. [100, 82, 84] 88.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6603895448580447] 0.7887459247831546 -0.3681500554084778 1045 Ta kohtus 26. augustil 1995 religioonidevahelist dialoogi edendava muhameedlaste grupiga. On 26 August 1995 he met with a group of Mujahedin promoting inter-religious dialogue. [73, 60, 81] 71.33333333333333 [0.1674146996559729, -0.14422096012004196, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1868111348097786 -0.4384284019470215 1046 Seda nähti suure kunstilise ja ärilise eduna ning singel sai Grammy nominatsiooni parima poplaulu eest. It was seen as a great artistic and commercial success and blue was nominated for the best pop of Grammy. [75, 66, 56] 65.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 0.04615892826000089, -0.4976026478113921] -0.05866188925487074 -0.32983535528182983 1047 Ukraina relvajõud alustasid riigi idaosas separatistide vastu täiemahulist sõjalist operatsiooni. The Ukrainian armed forces launched a full-scale military operation against separatists in the eastern part of the country. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8622668012001093 -0.25600573420524597 1048 Tekkimisest ja hävimisest mõeldakse kui sündmustest ajas. The text and destruction is thought of as events in time. [27, 43, 35] 35.0 [-0.6120100764444654, -0.7584499374861746, -0.9374704950368872] -0.7693101696558423 -0.6904774904251099 1049 Vaatleme superstaari tunnustusestrateegia peegelpilti, algaja tunnustusestrateegiat. We are looking at the image of the strategy of superstar recognition, the strategy of recognition of the initiator. [23, 24, 25] 24.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.9496856596195407, -1.8845074786158034] -1.7174744700107725 -0.3473491072654724 1050 Postamendil on kiri "Viktor Talapihhinile", samuti metalltahvel tema eluloo ja kangelasteo kirjeldusega. The mentor has a letter entitled 'Viktor Talasprat', as well as a description of his life house and heroic act on metal. [81, 82, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.5538386306067818, 0.5808699337445091] 0.5164561888234184 -0.5375615358352661 1051 Temaga oli kaasas miljon rubla, mis oli määratud vastupanuliikumise finantseerimiseks. It was accompanied by one million headings dedicated to financing the resistance movement. [55, 84, 75] 71.33333333333333 [-0.5389595118353006, 0.6681304714467177, -0.01280273874114997] 0.038789406956755715 -0.38067927956581116 1052 Praegune Rahvuskogu koosseis valiti 2011. aastal ja GDP sai 107 kohta. The current composition of the National Assembly was elected in 2011 and 107 places of GDP. [59, 83, 75] 72.33333333333333 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.07938846937159892 -0.44600507616996765 1053 Filosoofid vastavad külmalt, et jutt otsusest ilma teota muidugi tähendab midagi, aga seegi on avalik. The philosophies are more likely to say that talking about a decision without delivery means something, of course, but it is also public. [66, 60, 82] 69.33333333333333 [-0.3693306739511528, -0.3418302000470779, 0.5808699337445091] -0.043430313417907186 -0.5524088740348816 1054 Sageli ignoreeritakse või eitatakse, et selle austuse eeltingimus on armastajate vaheline võrdsus. It is often ignored or denied that equality between lovers is a prerequisite for this respect. [100, 86, 96] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.7733132520062045] 0.8845608523006803 -0.23156605660915375 1055 Ametlik teade presidendi surmast edastati järgmisel päeval, 6. aprillil. The official announcement of the President's death was communicated the following day, 6 April. [90, 100, 82] 90.66666666666667 [0.548708683221246, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7515189709042218 -0.29328709840774536 1056 Gabonis tervitasid teda 100 000 inimest, kes hoidsid plakateid kirjaga "Tere tulemast koju, Michael". In Gabon, he was welcomed by 100 000 people who kept the posters, 'Welcome home, Michael'. [100, 100, 76] 92.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4377118082008297] 0.8200858665034215 -0.33581778407096863 1057 Meie isiklik olemine on meie avalikult valiva tahte liikumine. Our personal being is our movement of openly elected will. [89, 83, 86] 86.0 [0.867173864977587, 0.6245002025956135, 0.680758556193477] 0.7241442079222259 -0.4657853841781616 1058 Suurbritannias vabastas politsei kaks meest, kes vahistati 31. jaanuaril Birminghamis korraldatud terrorivastase operatsiooni käigus. In Britain, the police released two men who were arrested during a terrorist operation in Birmingham on 31 January. [79, 83, 93] 85.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.5169265503896285, 0.8184718649847569] 0.596334546704296 -0.28037750720977783 1059 Maravi rahvad kasvatasid toiduks peamiselt hirssi ja sorgot. Marketing nations grew up mainly in fear and variety for food. [13, 20, 17] 16.666666666666668 [-2.6303623200543744, -1.7827639184585862, -2.2550975415772707] -2.222741260030077 -0.669587254524231 1060 Kunst on inimese looming, ja kunstnikul ei ole tarvis ainult annet, vaid ka voorust. Art is the creation of a person, and an artist needs not only talent but also virtues. [100, 84, 77] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.7213334212947711 -0.34917110204696655 1061 Leedu otsustas edasi lükata rahvusvahelise võltsimisvastase kaubanduslepingu ACTA ratifitseerimise. Lithuania decided to postpone the ratification of the International Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.22782248258590698 1062 See ei ole enam normatiivne relativism, kuid marksism inspireerib ikka veel relativistlikke ideid, sageli postmodernismi kujul. It is no longer a regulatory relativism, but Marxism is still inspiring relativistic ideas, often in the form of post-modern nationalism. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.30663517117500305 1063 Nende esimene poeg Robert sündis 1829. aastal ja järgmine poeg Ludvig 1831. aastal. Their first son, Robert, was born in 1829 and their next son, Ludvig, was born in 1831. [92, 96, 100] 96.0 [1.0171726222555522, 0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0323870215085806 -0.15210603177547455 1064 Nende eesmärgid või otstarbed annab loodus, need ei ole valiku saadused. Their aims or purposes are provided by nature; they are not the products of choice. [95, 100, 91] 95.33333333333333 [1.3237991523753736, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9814216926040136] 1.1433997135754324 -0.46478787064552307 1065 Automaatsüstalde ühendamiseks patsiendiga kasutatakse voolikuid ning mitmesuguseid ühekordse kasutusega kraane. In order to connect road needles with the patient, there are beds and various single-use taps. [30, 15, 18] 21.0 [-1.422530488855709, -1.4140143306622128, -1.4768801787803418] -1.437808332766088 -0.5736730098724365 1066 Vastavalt lepingule ühendatakse kolm firmat septembriks 2014 üheks ettevõtteks, mis hakkab kandma Eesti Telekomi nime. Under the contract, three firms will be merged into one company to serve the name of Estonian Telekom by September 2014. [79, 85, 72] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.711760740297822, 0.16410717657114324] 0.44483886776190856 -0.3876008093357086 1067 1930. aastate lõpuni kirjutati seda nime inglise keeles enamasti Esthonia. Until the end of the 1930s, this name was mostly written in English by Esthonia. [55, 35, 56] 48.666666666666664 [-0.32348202996362757, -1.3660967923134697, -0.2711408857067372] -0.6535732359946115 -0.24878154695034027 1068 Williamsi loos peaks Vellemani järgi mees küll päästma oma naise, kuid põhjustel, millel pole olemuslikult pistmist armastusega. In Williams's story, a man from Velleman should save his wife, but for reasons that have nothing to do with love in essence. [56, 56, 56] 56.0 [0.13528643795088183, -0.2872347043367487, -0.2711408857067372] -0.14102971736420136 -0.4094564616680145 1069 Jaanus külastab purjuspäi Janet ja nagu arvata võib, ei tule sellest midagi head. In January, he will visit clergy Janet and, as one might think, it will be nothing good. [12, 12, 27] 17.0 [-1.8183096545968183, -1.499202898943912, -1.3384071475162373] -1.551973233685656 -0.6111716032028198 1070 Bulgaarlaste, serblaste ja russide pööramine õigeusku muutis oluliselt Euroopa religioosset kaarti ja mõjutab seda tänapäevani. The change in the Orthodox faith between Bulgarians, Serbs and Georgians substantially changed and affects the European religious map to this day. [59, 57, 29] 48.333333333333336 [-0.051864964231104885, -0.25098737870986976, -1.12785038341693] -0.4769009087859682 -0.42871585488319397 1071 Maret ja Almat üllatab, miks Allan peab hakkama oma marsruuttaksoga uut liini sõitma. Mr Maret and Mr Alma are surprised why Allan is having to take a new route with its route. [40, 48, 37] 41.666666666666664 [-1.062297059252832, -0.5772133093517801, -1.2833830642656527] -0.974297810956755 -0.5831663608551025 1072 Otsus ühest monarhist lükati edasi kuni praeguse kuninga või tsaari surmani. The decision on a single monarchy was postponed until the death of the current art or heaven. [25, 34, 42] 33.666666666666664 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.5133829711084976, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2815840080860779 -0.43658924102783203 1073 Phokas oli ebapopulaarne valitseja ning Bütsantsi allikad kirjeldavad teda kui türanni. It was an unpopular ruler, and the sources of the Bureau describe him as a tyrant. [23, 29, 35] 29.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.7315343153640192, -1.5101665306408727] -1.5199770392672882 -0.42782649397850037 1074 Eesti ajaloo alguseks loetakse üldiselt Pulli asula umbkaudset eksisteerimisaega umbes 9000 eKr. At the start of Estonia's history, around 9,000 eKr is generally considered to have an incisive existence of the Pulli askle. [22, 47, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.465741972965541, -0.8698144240265682, -1.158288031393921] -1.16461480946201 -0.6351938843727112 1075 Teistest väiksematest ustest ja luukidest erineb peauks ilusate raidpiitade ja ukseni viiva kolme trepiastme poolest. Other smaller ones and poems are different in terms of beautiful rabies and the three levels of training leading to the Uight. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.5421677572214565, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.02511225814305 -0.6510728001594543 1076 Allan muutub tõsiseks, kuna Kristjan hirmutab püssiga kasse. I am going to get serious because Mr Christian is frightening with guns. [20, 25, 29] 24.666666666666668 [-2.33173549887093, -1.6026472036571477, -1.1982517280698368] -1.7108781435326381 -0.6064150333404541 1077 Eestis kuulutati Aasta Kodanikuks Eesti Mittetulundusühingute ja Sihtasutuste Liidu nõukogu esimees, endine siseminister Lagle Parek. In Estonia, the annual citizen was announced as President of the Estonian Council of Non-Commercial Union and Foundations and former Minister for the Interior Lagle right. [62, 80, 71] 71.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993] 0.14287823905305597 -0.43751728534698486 1078 Tulekahju kustutamiseks kulus kolm tundi, põlengus hukkus vähemalt 17 inimest. It took three hours for the fire to be extinguished and at least 17 people died in contempt. [95, 85, 90] 90.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.711760740297822, 0.8076784817801723] 0.812808675213662 -0.4213641881942749 1079 Armastus asetab armastatu õnne ja õitsengu ning suhte õitsengu kaalutlused väärtustuse ja nõutava tegevuse keskmesse. Love puts loving happiness and prosperity at the heart of the considerations of prosperity and prosperity of the relationship at the centre of value and the required action. [65, 78, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.4063488583400919, 0.1842762952815812] 0.14297055612534457 -0.5100836753845215 1080 Tal on kasutütar Elina, keda ta pidas oma bioloogiliseks tütreks, ja poeg Kari. He has a useful daughter, Elina, whom he considered to be his biological daughter, and son Kari. [41, 53, 29] 41.0 [-0.8217452847036514, -0.5939936007690919, -1.12785038341693] -0.847863089629891 -0.3105650842189789 1081 Mere poolt ründas Lastekodumäge 11. pioneeripataljon Untersturmführer Herward Arera juhtimisel. The sea was attacked by the 11th pioneer of the Child's Home County under the leadership of Untersturmführer Herward Arera. [24, 33, 41] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2865002904002991, -1.557013239959602, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3204897128433066 -0.36751675605773926 1082 Belgia pealinna Brüsseli võimud tühistasid kõrgendatud terroriohu tõttu järgmiseks päevaks kavandatud aastavahetuse ilutulestiku. The authorities in the Belgian capital city of Brussels have cancelled the firework of the annual exchange scheduled for next day due to the increased terrorist threat. [47, 56, 66] 56.333333333333336 [-0.31675699800800927, -0.2711408857067372, -0.0840340075723075] -0.22397729709568467 -0.5653606057167053 1083 Linna lähedal männikus rivistas Rebane mehed peale väikest puhkust. In a player near the city, the Rebane Man was ripped off by men other than a little holiday. [10, 12, 27] 16.333333333333332 [-2.7583452434187077, -1.6672600671603848, -1.3384071475162373] -1.9213374860317767 -0.523867130279541 1084 Ilma ettemakseta ähvardas Gazprom juba märtsis gaasitarned Ukrainale lõpetada. Without advance payment, Gazprom was already threatening to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine as early as March. [100, 100, 70] 90.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 0.17307885384669613] 0.7927646575517149 -0.396488755941391 1085 Türgi kaguosas toimunud rünnakutes ja tulevahetustes hukkus kokku 7 Türgi sõdurit ja 3 Kurdistani Töölispartei võitlejat. In the south-east of Turkey, the attacks and fire exchanges in the south-east of Turkey brought together 7 Turkish soldiers and 3 Kurdistan Labour militants. [69, 71, 73] 71.0 [-0.2413477505868195, -0.15101345762808788, -0.12397948564601131] -0.17211356462030625 -0.47969043254852295 1086 Hukkunute seas oli ka 7 rünnaku toime pannud isikut. There were 7 people who had committed attacks among the dead. [16, 20, 23] 19.666666666666668 [-1.926857290299737, -1.2720333835260482, -1.318230271796973] -1.5057069818742528 -0.8285639882087708 1087 Paavst väitis, et aborigeenide sotsiaalne olukord põhjustab palju valu. The Pope said that the social situation of the Abkhazians causes a great deal of pain. [79, 58, 80] 72.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.4138768859676533, 0.17436773524631535] 0.07015665882328606 -0.42159563302993774 1088 Riks on närvis, et Allan ja Mare kuidagi kohale ei taha jõuda. It is nervous that Allan and Mare do not want to be here in any way. [23, 28, 33] 28.0 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.7751645842151236, -1.314460459974846] -1.4531877988843471 -0.4635221064090729 1089 Pärast ühteteist ebaõnnestunud tohutu elavjõu kaotusega rünnakut varises Itaalia kampaania Viini vallutamiseks kokku. After an attack with a huge loss of power, the Italian campaign collapsed to invade Vienna. [50, 40, 29] 39.666666666666664 [-0.7457438319548428, -1.2516013580018719, -1.12785038341693] -1.041731857791215 -0.5296247005462646 1090 See sundis prantslased välja, ja umbes samal ajal ründas kolmas kolonn Sokolnitzi kantsi. It forced the French out, and at about the same time it attacked the Third Colonn Sokolnitz Canaries. [40, 21, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.062297059252832, -1.3816902345903206, -1.6442737776618106] -1.3627536905016544 -0.31221672892570496 1091 Selle suure tähtsuse tõttu on väljapaistvad eksperimentaatorid sellega hiljemgi tegelnud. Because of its great importance, prominent experimental experimental staff have been involved in this, and so on. [70, 55, 63] 62.666666666666664 [0.06975612485665529, -0.20471653274293583, -0.04903101593002054] -0.0613304746054337 -0.8056976795196533 1092 Belgias Brüsselis algas Euroopa Liidu ja euroala rahandusministrite kahepäevane kohtumine, millel osales ka Eesti rahandusminister Maris Lauri. In Brussels, Belgium, the two-day meeting of EU and euro area finance ministers started, with the participation of Estonian Finance Minister Maris Lauri. [89, 81, 100] 90.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7883549021471935 -0.35272687673568726 1093 Kroonijuveelid kogusid samuti palju huvi ning on olnud avalikkusele vaadata olnud alates 1669. aastast. The jewels also took a great deal of interest and have been public since 1669. [73, 100, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.4831155255603034, 1.3076476232459238, 0.7124885375901508] 0.8344172287987927 -0.523042619228363 1094 Lisaks Bainimaramale kavatsesid vandenõulased väidetavalt mõrvata veel mitu valitsuse liiget ja kõrgemat ohvitseri. In addition to the Bahuman Army, the conspirators allegedly intended to assassinate several more government members and senior officers. [67, 77, 72] 72.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.36271858948898755, 0.44490263343234565] 0.23931814119875638 -0.4324904978275299 1095 Nüüdseks on teada üle 100 inimestel haigusi, sealhulgas entsefaliiti tekitava viiruseliigi. More than 100 people are now aware of diseases, including encephalal viruses. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.4576689523315511] 0.7876649880428651 -0.3114243447780609 1096 Haiti lõunarannikul Jeremie linna lähistel sõitis madalikule parvlaev kolmesaja reisijaga pardal. On the southern coast of Haiti, near the town of Jeremie, a small ferry ship sailed on three hundred passengers. [34, 30, 25] 29.666666666666668 [-1.407453656337378, -1.687904046512915, -1.2547703090036253] -1.4500426706179728 -0.39645081758499146 1097 Separatistide teatel õnnestus neil vangistada kaks rühma Ukraina sõdureid. According to the Separatists, they managed to imprison two groups of Ukrainian soldiers. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 0.814257082024988 -0.2923120856285095 1098 Kahel Ahvenal on mõndagi põnevat, mida omavahel arutada. The two Ahveni have a lot of exciting things to discuss with each other. [54, 53, 51] 52.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.16347903629380842, -0.4297907926901062] -0.38374669559757296 -0.34263572096824646 1099 Allan läheb Vissi juurde Morna Turvafirma ametlikke asju ajama, kuid lõpetab ikkagi Anneli seltskonnas. I am going to go to Via Morna Turvar to do the official business, but I am still closing down in Anfour company companies. [21, 19, 23] 21.0 [-2.080576466172854, -1.8187872614188738, -1.318230271796973] -1.7391979997962335 -0.6673843860626221 1100 Formaalsest küljest saame tunnetuse ainult oluliste asjade kogumina, mida me võime nimetada asjade olemuseks. On the formal side, we can only get a sense of importance as a set of things we can call being. [96, 92, 94] 94.0 [0.9550101465232795, 1.0176690182308925, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9690925240403465 -0.546687662601471 1101 Kui mittevastavus on väike, tullakse toime kunstliku, välise motivatsiooni abil. If non-compliance is small, it can be done through artificial, external motivation. [99, 100, 98] 99.0 [1.4074169510600858, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.25726029599992 -0.5002282857894897 1102 Eesti Töörahva Kommuuni Nõukogu juhiks oli Jaan Anvelt. Jaan Anvelt was head of the Estonian Works Council. [100, 81, 83] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5363189527863194, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7533075579154543 -0.35496872663497925 1103 Riiklikku tervisekindlustust, mis loodi esialgsel kujul 1946. aastal, rahastatakse peamiselt maksudest, eelkõige sotsiaalmaksust. Public health insurance, which was created in its original form in 1946, is financed mainly from taxes, particularly social taxes. [100, 85, 99] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.2807425052166714] 1.0305355879596412 -0.46761664748191833 1104 Paistab, et selles kunagi ei kahelda, kuigi selle metafüüsiline seletus pole kuigi ilmne. It seems that there is never any doubt about this, even though its metaphysical justification is not very obvious. [80, 64, 72] 72.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.1977368282059271, 0.16410717657114324] 0.15332658146917222 -0.49333858489990234 1105 Nii et tahe ja mõistus ei ole moraalisubjektil täiesti eraldi. So will and reason are not completely separate from the moral heading. [51, 81, 60] 64.0 [-0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048, -0.3418302000470779] -0.07812710928125978 -0.38000407814979553 1106 Selle teravast teadvustamisest tuleb ka jutt naturalistlikust eksitusest. It is also about naturalist misrepresentation of this. [72, 64, 56] 64.0 [0.144567245233466, -0.017301034533346728, -0.4976026478113921] -0.12344547903709092 -0.5636511445045471 1107 Valik huvituda mõnedest väärtustest ja teistest mitte aitab elutervikut kujundada. Choose interest in some of the values and not in others will help shape life as a whole. [66, 70, 73] 69.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, 0.17307885384669613, 0.328969831320193] 0.23922465527716277 -0.5032833218574524 1108 Somaalia võimude sõnul lubas Johnson abi 110 miljoni Suurbritannia naelsterlingi väärtuses. According to the Somali authorities, Johnson promised GBP 110 million in aid. [100, 95, 90] 95.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.3237991523753736, 0.9085307290014955] 1.179992501540931 -0.18192589282989502 1109 Ta peab silmas moraalifilosoofia kui distsipliini alguspunkti. It has in mind moral ceilings as the starting point for discipline. [56, 69, 63] 62.666666666666664 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.1839805288126773, -0.04903101593002054] -0.11699135300185733 -0.4447897672653198 1110 Scotus alustab mõistussuhete analüüsist ning jõuab välja oma kolmanda teiseste intentsioonide kontseptsioonini. Cocoding starts with an analysis of rational relations and draws up its third concept of secondary intentions. [51, 61, 52] 54.666666666666664 [-0.46847133247114325, 0.024560820024810585, -0.6630301039070259] -0.36898020545111954 -0.6307721138000488 1111 Stipendium kattis vaid ülikooli õppemaksu, elamiskulud ja õppematerjalide kulud pidi ta õppimise kõrvalt tööga teenima. The grant covered only the university fee, the cost of living and the cost of teaching materials had to earn a job out of study. [51, 57, 49] 52.333333333333336 [-0.3917515112818263, -0.44990022892794107, -0.278245418571429] -0.37329905292706544 -0.4736765921115875 1112 Ameerika Ühendriikide Kongress võttis vastu seaduseelnõu, millega tagatakse föderaalametkondade rahastamine kuni 11. detsembrini 2015. The United States Congress adopted a draft law ensuring funding for the federal authorities until 11 December 2015. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8547795798494793 -0.3790639042854309 1113 Ilmselt kukkus mõõk tuulega alla kas raekoja katusele või sattus mõne suveniirikorjaja koju. Apparently, the wind crashed down either to the roof or some of the ski baskets were home. [34, 12, 23] 23.0 [-1.407453656337378, -1.6672600671603848, -1.993315928470645] -1.6893432173228027 -0.7351984977722168 1114 Epideemia täielik ulatus ega viiruse aastakümneid kestnud levimine ei olnud teada. The full scale of the epidemic and the decades-old spread of the virus were not known. [81, 84, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.7888186625839653, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8240684093411647 -0.3247985243797302 1115 Oleks äärmine moonutus öelda, et valu tuntakse vaimus, ja siis kuidagi viidata hambale. It would be an extreme distortion to say that the pain is felt in spirit, and then to make some reference to the sheep. [50, 29, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -1.12785038341693, -1.2516013580018719] -1.0271717903562523 -0.40755021572113037 1116 Kapten Söfring Hanson, kes oli laevahuku üle elanud, heideti kohe vangikongi kohut ootama. Captain Sefring Hanson, who had survived the shipwreck, was immediately thrown to wait for the trial of the prison. [80, 83, 86] 83.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.5855686120034557, 0.353398789913554] 0.47752559931977007 -0.253179669380188 1117 Jõe voolu saab peatada, kiirendada ja aeglustada, aja puhul on mõttetu sellest rääkida. The brain drain can be stopped, speeded up and slowed down, it is pointless talking about it in time. [77, 79, 75] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.44997912719119615, 0.19851994435723766] 0.3478959317239489 -0.46294069290161133 1118 Selline lähenemine ei arvesta, mis laadi taju otsuste tegemisel osaleb. This approach does not take into account the kind of impact that decision-making has on the decision-making process. [87, 83, 90] 86.66666666666667 [0.8364323900964978, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.6698804253044525 -0.4640539288520813 1119 Inimsuse kõige tungivamad nõudmised on, et me peaksime koguma võimalikult palju ressursse inimsuse austamiseks. The most pressing demands of humanity are that we should collect as much resources as possible to respect humanity. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.21695293486118317 1120 Et hüve on eriomaselt himu liikumapanev alge, kirjeldatakse hüve himu liikumise kaudu. As the benefits are, by their very nature, the driving force of curiosity, the good is described through the 'subsidiarity' movement. [58, 69, 80] 69.0 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.1413488724500223, 0.4936093960423005] 0.07369379417488982 -0.5950791239738464 1121 Õnnetuses keegi vigastada ei saanud, kuid merre voolas umbes kakssada tonni naftat. Nobody was injured in the accident, but about two hundred tonnes of oil fell into the sea. [92, 100, 89] 93.66666666666667 [1.2091604759915002, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9089270413502557] 1.081021937696222 -0.34058770537376404 1122 Ameerika Ühendriikides Georgia osariigi pealinnas Atlantas tulistas relvastatud mees meediakorporatsiooni CNN peakorteris ühte naist kaks korda näkku. In the US, Atlanta, the capital of the State of Georgia, an armed man shot a woman twice in face at the headquarters of the CNN media corporation. [81, 84, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.522108649210108, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.6022291675347966 -0.3038187623023987 1123 Samuti soovib Laur oma maja asjus jõuda advokaat Karineemega kohtuvälisele kokkuleppele. Mrs Laur also wishes to reach an external agreement with the lawyer, Mr Karineeas, on her house. [99, 84, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8674496971414601 -0.5426032543182373 1124 Ka nimetust eestlaste muistne vabadusvõitlus on peetud rahvusromantiliseks ja eksitavaks. The name of the non-partisan struggle for freedom has also been regarded as nationalist and misleading. [78, 82, 80] 80.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4949620887624109] 0.46080733191500695 -0.727281928062439 1125 ratsakütid) ja suur grupp sõdureid Noorest Kaardiväest jälitasid nüüd vaenlast. Culty villages) and a large group of soldiers from the young Guard have now pursued an enemy. [59, 52, 44] 51.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.7280381317886201, -0.9938850160982935] -0.6999255636314263 -0.46833062171936035 1126 Tuleb välja, et teadusrevolutsioon ei toonud kaasa mitte ainult teooria muutumise, vaid ka muutuse selles, mida peetakse vaadeldavateks faktideks. It turns out that the scientific revolution has led not only to a change in theory, but also to a change in what is considered to be the facts under consideration. [76, 82, 95] 84.33333333333333 [0.4377118082008297, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7358791572087113] 0.5848202997180167 -0.28834742307662964 1127 Eestit külastas Poola peaminister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz. Estonia was visited by Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz. [100, 82, 97] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9533470561415518 -0.10753320157527924 1128 Jacksoni 1982. aastal ilmunud "Thriller" on ostetud eksemplaride arvu poolest kõigi aegade menukaim muusikaalbum. Jackson's Thriller, published in 1982, has bought the most menu of music ever in terms of the number of copies. [80, 63, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, -0.03350342494859623, 0.23653881664004375] 0.1938906836167079 -0.3750185966491699 1129 Konfliktiolukorras oleks oodatavam taktika liituda ühe osapoolega teise vastu, mitte mõlemat korraga rünnata. In a conflict situation, it would be more desirable to join a tactic with one side against the other, rather than attacking both at the same time. [99, 84, 78] 87.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6172985934001295, 0.4063488583400919] 0.695575875714788 -0.43710801005363464 1130 Rünnakus hukkus vähemalt nelikümmend viis inimest, veel kümned inimesed said vigastada. At least forty-five people died in the attack, and tens more were injured. [100, 82, 93] 91.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0326013210732208] 0.9128165168548801 -0.3824584186077118 1131 Haiti peaministrikandidaat Jack Guy Lafontant tegi teatavaks oma valitsuskabineti koosseisu. The Haitian Prime Minister's candidate, Jack Guy Lafontant, announced the composition of his cabinet. [72, 97, 94] 87.66666666666667 [0.144567245233466, 1.1980287771688547, 0.851024723251196] 0.731206915217839 -0.22044609487056732 1132 Aastal 1914 okupeeris Nauru Austraalia Ekspeditsioonijõud. In 1914 Nauru occupied the Equatorial Forces of Australia. [25, 25, 25] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.6026472036571477, -1.8845074786158034] -1.7977366910137957 -0.2640913426876068 1133 Kõrgelt hinnatud proosateoseid lõid August Gailit, Friedebert Tuglas, A. H. Tammsaare ja teised. The highly valued proprietary works were set up in August Gail, Friedebert strula, A. H. Tampere and others. [26, 39, 51] 38.666666666666664 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.2952316268529762, -1.4150673115494703] -1.3111130886697993 -0.4546891748905182 1134 Venezuela pealinnas Caracases tehti hommikul pommiähvardus Saksamaa ja Suurbritannia saatkonnahoonele. In Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, the German and British embassy were bombed in the morning. [84, 59, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, -0.3735320557396667, -0.12510502313362917] 0.05649779752447393 -0.27569225430488586 1135 Kohe tekkis kümmekond parteid, neist mõjukaimaks kujunes Frederick Chiluba juhitav Liikumine Mitmeparteilise Demokraatia eest. Tens of political parties immediately emerged, the most influential of which was the Rderick Chiluba-led Movement for Multiparty Democracy. [84, 100, 92] 92.0 [0.6603895448580447, 0.9996617706525889, 0.7859190067183177] 0.8153234407429837 -0.3184644877910614 1136 Neil õnnestus sundida Briti ja Saksa jäägreid taganema osadest hoonetest ning aeda ümbritsevalt vallilt. They managed to force the British and German remnants to withdraw from some of the buildings and from the falsehoods surrounding the cemeteries. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.5367088317871094 1137 Seal alistusid sakalased Viljandi saatuse kordumist kartes kiiresti, nõustudes samuti loobuma kogu linnuses olnud varast. There, hundreds of fish in Viljand were quickly defeated, fearing a repetition of their fate, also agreeing to give up all the stocks in the countryside. [28, 29, 27] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.12785038341693, -1.6969517045047373] -1.533322224045597 -0.5043676495552063 1138 President nimetab ametisse peaministri ja kinnitab peaministri ettepanekul valitsuse. The President will appoint a Prime Minister and confirm the government at the suggestion of the Prime Minister. [99, 81, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8411231571645746 -0.3534293472766876 1139 Aga see ühele või mitmele riigile ühine huvi on poliitikateaduse aine. But this common interest of one or more countries is a subject of policy science. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.0238592891943679 -0.3904789388179779 1140 Lihula piiskop nimetati ümber Saaremaa piiskopiks. The Bishop of Lihula was renamed the Bishop of Saareland. [78, 84, 98] 86.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.6603895448580447, 0.9812361563169528] 0.6826581865050297 -0.3443377614021301 1141 Enamik teoseid jäi pooleli, sest ta polnud nendega rahul. Most works were not completed because he was not satisfied with them. [99, 100, 97] 98.66666666666667 [1.4074169510600858, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 1.243474674658617 -0.5350262522697449 1142 Eestis Tallinna Matusebüroos loovutati Venemaa kodanikule Viktor Brjantsevile tema isa Aleksei Brjantsevi säilmed. In Tallinn's MatuseBureau in Estonia, Viktor Brjantsev, his father, Mr Brjantsev, was surrendered to a Russian citizen. [14, 23, 19] 18.666666666666668 [-1.9989039762203125, -1.318230271796973, -2.167837003875062] -1.8283237506307823 -0.31170862913131714 1143 Näiteks kui vaimuhaigust tahta ära tunda tegude järgi, siis loobutaks isikuid vahendava maksiimiga piirdumisest. For example, if mental illness is to be recognised by deeds, the maxim of mediating individuals would be dropped. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.4232355058193207 1144 Vaevalt saab kedagi süüdistada, kui ta meie andmed hülgab. Someone can hardly be blamed if they abandon our data. [77, 78, 98] 84.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 0.4269187050200866, 1.239385641192763] 0.676340978567279 -0.462453693151474 1145 Järgmisel päeval vannutati ametisse rahvusliku ühtsuse valitsus. The next day, a government of national unity was inaugurated. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.3819209039211273 1146 Kõigil koolkondadel oli saavutusi, mida Newton sai kasutada. All schools had achievements that Newton could use. [82, 81, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5139205468598127 -0.35900864005088806 1147 Kuigi kaitsemehhanismid parandati, jäeti lossihooned pärast Henry surma hooletusse. Although the safeguard mechanisms were improved, landings were neglected after the death of Henry. [100, 81, 90] 90.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 0.5372396648934048, 0.548708683221246] 0.7978653237868581 -0.36480292677879333 1148 Mosambiigi opositsioonilise erakonna RENAMO esimees Afonso Dhlakama teatas kavatsusest kandideerida Mosambiigi presidendiks. Afonso Dhlama, Chairman of the opposition party in Mozambique, announced his intention to stand for President Mozambique. [78, 79, 80] 79.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.3426133161983885, 0.17436773524631535] 0.3077766365949319 -0.25282585620880127 1149 Paremuselt teise tulemuse saavutas suurim opositsioonipartei, paremtsentristlik Uus Demokraatia, mis sai 28,1% häältest ja 75 kohta parlamendis. The second best result was achieved by the largest opposition party, the centre-right New Democracy, which received 28.1% of the votes and 75 votes in Parliament. [85, 82, 100] 89.0 [0.9416702310957962, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8825061535290718 -0.1898593157529831 1150 22. oktoobril koostasid Budapesti tehnikaülikooli üliõpilased nimekirja kuueteistkümnest nõudmisest, millest mõned puudutasid ka ühiskonna valupunkte. On 22 October, students from the Technical University of Budapest drew up a list of sixteen requests, some of which related to societal challenges. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.41831454634666443 1151 Uuevarikul saavad Riks ja Ülu jälile perepoja saladusele, kuid meestele kohaselt jääb kõik nende vahele. In the New Year, the family boy gets her son's secret, but, according to men, everything falls between her and her. [1, 15, 29] 15.0 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.3423580792794794, -1.091871252739237] -1.9671455889075897 -0.5960959196090698 1152 Nii kliimatingimused kui ka mullatüübid eeldavad põllumajandusega tegelemiseks rohket niisutust. Both climate conditions and soil types require a great deal of irrigation to engage in agriculture. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8314344467072191 -0.343280166387558 1153 Üks võimalust oleks nüüd eitada ka seda, et üldse on olemas mingi nõue armastada. One option would also now be to deny that there is a requirement to merge at all. [15, 7, 23] 15.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -1.4832924324864452, -1.318230271796973] -1.5881344458478142 -0.4330216348171234 1154 Edasine sõjaline sekkumine lõunapiiril ei olnud enam teostatav, kuna vägesid vajati kiiresti põhjas. Further military intervention on the southern border was no longer feasible because troops were urgently needed in the north. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.2508251667022705 1155 Ta teatas sellest oma isale, mille järel ta külastas Emmat 29. juulil 1838. He informed his father of this, after which he visited Emma on 29 July 1838. [95, 84, 100] 93.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9855194098169463 -0.26584896445274353 1156 René Descartes sõnastas probleemi ja pakkus esimese arvatava lahenduse. René Descartes formulated the problem and offered the first expected solution. [80, 71, 62] 71.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993, -0.453660806153073] 0.08158580837753245 -0.36896273493766785 1157 Peruu politsei teatas marksistliku relvarühmituse Särav Tee juhi Walter Diaz Vega tabamisest riigi põhjaosas. The Peru police force has announced the presence in the north of the country of Walter Diaz Vega, the Marxist militia Slav Tee, who is head of Marxist militia. [21, 23, 24] 22.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.993315928470645, -1.3893161887096255] -1.7097908975595228 -0.48863130807876587 1158 Ajakirja seekordne number ilmus rekordilise tiraažiga 3 miljonit eksemplari. This is the record record number of 3 million copies. [11, 1, 20] 10.666666666666666 [-1.9429375108354776, -2.016289862523797, -1.59213842690439] -1.8504552667545546 -0.43039047718048096 1159 Või ta võib väita, et on mõtet rääkida küll, aga vastamine pole tema, vaid füüsiku pädevuses. Or he might claim it makes sense to speak, but answering is not within his competence, but within the competence of physics. [81, 64, 65] 70.0 [0.27058394287051374, -0.1977368282059271, 0.1774123885366415] 0.08341983440040938 -0.39719468355178833 1160 See sisaldas ka luksuslikku majutustuba kuninga jaoks. It also included a luxury accommodation room for the arts. [47, 21, 34] 34.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.3816902345903206, -1.407453656337378] -1.199759183152839 -0.3393590450286865 1161 Ungari Kommunistlik Partei asendas kapitalistliku majandusmudeli plaanimajandusega. The Hungarian Communist Party replaced the capitalist economic model with a planned economy. [97, 94, 100] 97.0 [1.4002249366312889, 1.0901636694846504, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2051223006209497 -0.12783442437648773 1162 Ja nagu kohtuski, on eraelus mõnikord tähtis, et seda, keda süüdistatakse, keegi kaitseks. And, as was the case, it is sometimes important in private life that what is accused is protected by someone. [57, 51, 30] 46.0 [-0.4748113277533642, -0.46847133247114325, -1.0961204020202562] -0.6798010207482545 -0.4372495114803314 1163 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus abieluvälise suhte ilmsikstuleku tõttu ametist tagasi Luure Keskagentuuri direktor kindral David Petraeus. In the United States, General David Petraeus, Director of the CIA, resigned in office due to the appearance of the external relationship. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.2091604759915002, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9496389241933084 -0.3711892068386078 1164 Selle lahingu kohta on väga vähe teada, isegi mitte selle täpset toimumiskohta. Very little is known about this battle, not even about the exact nature of this battle. [54, 56, 51] 53.666666666666664 [-0.6407775940864116, -0.48592357188822877, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5188306528882488 -0.48208001255989075 1165 Monrovia rühm koosnes mõõdukatest läänemeelsetest tutsidest ja hutudest hutu Paul Mirerekano juhtimisel, Casablanca rühm radikaalsetest tutsidest. The Monrovia Group consisted of moderate Western Tutsis and Hutu led by Paul Mirerekano, a Casablanca group of radical Tutsis. [42, 47, 52] 47.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.613460634978659, -0.3980608112934324] -0.6672572732014493 -0.2776876986026764 1166 Lavoisier' reformiga öeldi "printsiipidest" lahti, mistõttu keemia kaotas seletusjõus. The Lavoisier reform dissolved the 'principles', which is why the chemistry lost in the explanatory effect. [63, 71, 78] 70.66666666666667 [0.10098660428072605, 0.12275031254723479, 0.7211982082264036] 0.3149783750181215 -0.42385923862457275 1167 Samas piirati ka Liivimaa rüütelkonna tegevusvabadust. At the same time, freedom of action was also restricted in the Libyan knife. [61, 84, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.3471481813983978, 0.6681304714467177, -0.0876709283361361] 0.07777045390406125 -0.5851610898971558 1168 Õhtul heisati Ukraina lipp uuesti Kramatorski haldushoonele. In the evening, the Ukrainian flag was returned to Kramatorski's administrative building. [71, 67, 75] 71.0 [0.1023089831230945, 0.07788890965667469, 0.2881777686428686] 0.1561252204742126 -0.3397669196128845 1169 aastatel hakkas oluliselt laienema [[taastuvenergia kasutamine Eestis. Over the years, significant expansion [renewable energy in Estonia] began. [58, 54, 62] 58.0 [-0.4662565186819943, -0.5579702578088042, -0.08076099732669434] -0.3683292579391642 -0.4929773509502411 1170 Ameerika Ühendriikide Senat kehtestas täiendavad majandussanktsioonid Venemaa vastu ja pikendas varasemate sanktsioonide kehtivust. The US Senate introduced additional economic sanctions against Russia and extended previous sanctions. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9656855973928954 -0.3540327250957489 1171 Kui taimed kasvavad lähestikku, on ka viiruste arvukus suurem. When plants grow closer to life, the number of viruses is also higher. [61, 87, 74] 74.0 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.7990212780000306, -0.050236833538643035] 0.14765919579153244 -0.47494468092918396 1172 Soomes Espoos algas kuni 11. märtsini kestev Eesti teatrinädal, mille raames annavad külalisetendusi Tallinna Linnateater ja Endla teater. In Espos (Finland), the Estonian theatre, which runs until 11 March, started to provide refrigeration at Tallinn's municipal theatre and Endla theatre. [34, 25, 43] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.2547703090036253, -1.035241880122202] -1.2677983867447749 -0.4422372281551361 1173 2015. aasta jaanuar algas neljapäeval ja lõppes 31 ööpäeva pärast laupäeval. January 2015 began on Thursday and ended 31 night after Saturday. [34, 53, 37] 41.333333333333336 [-1.2784371170145583, -0.39597668121738544, -1.2833830642656527] -0.9859322874991988 -0.3032204806804657 1174 Asekantsler esitas seejärel minister Urve Tiidusele tagasiastumispalve, mille minister ka rahuldas. The Deputy Chancellor then submitted a request for referral back to Tibet, which the Minister also welcomed. [18, 17, 15] 16.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.2550975415772707, -1.8152743644805112] -1.8490840282793746 -0.5043231248855591 1175 Ühiskonna plaanis on inimesi, kes ei taha seda teha ega lasta teistel seda unustada. There are people in society who do not want to do this or let others forget it. [100, 84, 98] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.239385641192763] 1.0108314694621303 -0.3314039707183838 1176 Nimekirjas on näha igale asulale lähim kiirabibrigaad. The list shows the closest immediate emergency brigades to each of them. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.7748754024505615 1177 Anonüümse Bulgaaria kroonika järgi tappis ta septembris 1386 Valahhia vojevoodi Dan I. According to the anonymity of Bulgarian chronics, he killed in September 1386 Valagenia voyaria Dan I. [43, 29, 37] 36.333333333333336 [-0.954227030371969, -1.12785038341693, -1.2833830642656527] -1.1218201593515174 -0.5435277819633484 1178 Masturbeerimise mõiste alt jääb välja ainult sigitava loomuga abieluline seks. Under the concept of mass security, only the aid of the nature that is condensed remains. [28, 27, 1] 18.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.818794853066228, -2.016289862523797] -1.7765539634554364 -0.8424533605575562 1179 Muidu võiks mõelda, et maailm koosneb lõpututest asjadest ja sündmustest, mis on lihtsalt ruumis ja ajas laiali laotatud. Otherwise, one might think that the world is made up of endless things and events that are simply spread over the room and time. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.35693269968032837 1180 Oskuslikul ja kogenud vaatlejal on teistsugused tajukogemused kui algajal. A experienced and experienced observer has different perceptions from that of the first. [51, 64, 79] 64.66666666666667 [-0.6660402866896673, -0.017301034533346728, 0.44997912719119615] -0.07778739801060597 -0.407029390335083 1181 Tiinast saab kohvikusse tuleva tervisekontrolli hirmus tõeline orjapidaja, kes kurnab vaese Mare lõpuni ära. Crucially, the fear of a health check in carelessness will be a real slave-maker who will laugh to the very end of the poor Mare. [57, 48, 29] 44.666666666666664 [-0.25098737870986976, -0.8284575600026597, -1.12785038341693] -0.7357651073764865 -0.48170891404151917 1182 Pelasgideks nimetatakse aga Balkani poolsaare lõunaosa mittekreeklastest rahvarühmi, kes võisid olla Kreeka põliselanikud. However, there is also the name of a group of non-Greek nationals from the southern Balkan peninsula, who may have been the indigenous people of Greece. [53, 81, 67] 67.0 [-0.2811423169988513, 0.6189484363352243, 0.07788890965667469] 0.13856500966434926 -0.6991283893585205 1183 pisivasakulFreskod [[Ivanovo kaljusse raiutud kirikudIvanovo kaljusse raiutud kirikutes Power left left Freskod [in churches written in Ivanovo fishing at Ivanovo fishing grounds] [2, 1, 11] 4.666666666666667 [-2.230179590134152, -2.016289862523797, -1.9183643575463] -2.0549446034014163 -0.740341305732727 1184 Aserbaidžaani poole ohvrite kohta andmed puuduvad. Azerbaijan has no data on the victims. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8794574781282226 -0.5097646117210388 1185 Kui ta muudab teised endasuguseks, siis ta ei saa oma objektiivset väärtust suurendada. If it turns others into itself, it cannot increase its objective value. [73, 100, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.328969831320193, 1.32209936924058, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7878525793836412 -0.3876400291919708 1186 Mulle selgitati, et iga kahur tulistas välja 36 suure lõhkejõuga mürsku ja seda ainult mõne minutiga. It was explained to me that every camera fired 36 major explosives poisoning, and in just a few minutes. [21, 29, 19] 23.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.12785038341693, -1.300429572953281] -1.3916735106228366 -0.4638788402080536 1187 Suurem osa tänapäeva teadusfilosoofia problemaatikast ongi sealt alguse saanud. Most of the problems with today's science philosophy have originated from it. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8975674955625244] 0.8532618187342799 -0.5843803286552429 1188 Peake selle, üldistele terminitele keskendudes toovad teoreetikud uurimisse presupositsioone, mis on juba teoreetilised ja koguni juba eetilised. By focusing on this, general terms, theoreticians will bring a presumption to research that is already theoretical and, indeed, ethical. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.5314596891403198 1189 Ta oli enne vaimuliku seisusse asumist andekas tantsija. He was a gifted dance before taking up the clergy. [57, 73, 52] 60.666666666666664 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.18819751408457033, -0.6630301039070259] -0.30824427291679884 -0.46168869733810425 1190 Moraal saab loota vedamist ületada ainult enesesse sulgudes. Morality can only be overcome by closing itself off. [56, 68, 43] 55.666666666666664 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.14773320318579836, -1.035241880122202] -0.45781074960821083 -0.5065915584564209 1191 Demonstratsioonil osalesid ka Saksamaa liidupresident Joachim Gauck ja liidukantsler Angela Merkel. Joachim Gauck, President of the German Federation, and Chancellor Angela Merkel also took part in the demonstration. [88, 100, 100] 96.0 [0.8258170009536785, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0463418728498313] 0.9572735481520329 -0.2712882459163666 1192 Rahvusliku Julgeoleku ja Kaitse Nõukogu pressiesindaja teatel hukkus möödunud ööpäeva jooksul 5 Ukraina sõjaväelast, 11 sai haavata. According to the press representative of the National Security and Defence Council, 5 Ukrainian troops died last night, 11 were wounded. [56, 83, 70] 69.66666666666667 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6245002025956135, 0.06975612485665529] 0.14103848058184384 -0.29930758476257324 1193 Ellujäänud klammerdusid vee peale jäänud prahi külge ja läheduses olevad paadid ruttasid appi. The surviving glass beds to the thumb left in the water and the boats nearby rushed to help. [56, 79, 68] 67.66666666666667 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1096188910533485] 0.02455814878543863 -0.5889580845832825 1194 Streigi tõttu jättis firma ära viissada viiskümmend lendu. Five hundred and fifty flights were cancelled because of the strike. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0463418728498313] 0.9173967007804169 -0.27980732917785645 1195 Punane rist vormil on demaskeeriv ning tõmbab kergesti vaenlase tähelepanu. The red cross is depressing and easily draws the attention of the enemy. [67, 78, 56] 67.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.4063488583400919, -0.48592357188822877] -0.0005619346304874077 -0.34002891182899475 1196 Avaistungil andsid ametivande ja astusid ametisse ka kolm uut ministrit. During the opening session, three new ministers took the oath and took office. [100, 84, 81] 88.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.7764759066599823 -0.36459580063819885 1197 Sest mis tahes intentsionaal on selle tõttu, et ta on muust arusaamise viis, arusaadav iseenesest. Because any intentional nature is understandable because it is a way to understand another. [96, 77, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.36271858948898755, 0.7124885375901508] 0.676739091200806 -0.6107454299926758 1198 Tšiilis toimunud bussiõnnetuses hukkus 12 Ameerika Ühendriikide turisti, kes olid teel Lauca rahvuspargist tagasi Arica sadamalinna. In the case of the bus accident in Chile, 12 US tourists died on the way from the Lauca National Park back to the port of Arica. [86, 82, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.8001850644696189, 0.5776758168102278, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8342797256755857 -0.2863583266735077 1199 Tansaaniaga rongiühendus puudub, sest rööpmelaius on erinev. There is no rail link with Tanzania because the gauge range is different. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8436587991281802 -0.3033289909362793 1200 1979. aastal murdis Jackson tantsuharjutust tehes ninaluu. In 1979, Jackson broke down a ninaluu when it made a conversation about dancing. [29, 38, 47] 38.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3388618957040805, -0.8698144240265682] -1.1121755677158596 -0.61081862449646 1201 Plahvatuses ja selle tagajärjel puhkenud tulekahjus hukkus 301 kaevurit, veel sajad kaevurid jäid toimunud varingute tõttu kaevandusse lõksu. In the fire that broke out and broke out as a result, 301 miners died, and hundreds more were trapped in mines due to the theft that took place. [52, 54, 29] 45.0 [-0.31935520912680904, -0.3597293555905065, -1.12785038341693] -0.6023116493780819 -0.4058310091495514 1202 Ameerika Ühendriikide erisaadik John Negroponte kohtus Pakistani presidendi Pervez Musharrafiga. US Special Envoy John Negroponte met the President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf. [99, 78, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.4063488583400919, 1.32209936924058] 0.9305094676616048 -0.19111403822898865 1203 Nobel töötas päeval Sevranis ja sõitis ööseks Pariisi majja tagasi. The Nobel worked day in Sevrani and went back to Paris for night. [86, 82, 90] 86.0 [0.8001850644696189, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.643254560478458 -0.41740772128105164 1204 Ühel inimesel ei saa need korraga täielikult olla. One person cannot have them completely at the same time. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.3564525544643402 1205 Ta oli ametis 1896. aastani, mil ametisse määrati Alfred Sharpe. He was in office until 1889, when Alfred Sharpe was appointed. [81, 100, 78] 86.33333333333333 [0.4278375657874865, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.6530549066248296 -0.2724936008453369 1206 Hugo III sai oma täbarast olukorrast aru ning lahkus Küprosele; mandrit jäi valitsema Balian Arsufist. Hugo III understood his awkward situation and left Cyprus; the continent was dominated by BAustrian Arsufist. [62, 82, 85] 76.33333333333333 [-0.2494614636679413, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.23098222643678282 -0.3551148772239685 1207 Kardinal Ottobuon tuli Inglismaale, et kogudusest välja heita kõik, kes veel mässumeelsed olid. Cardinal Ottobuon came to England to expel all those who were still rebel. [77, 84, 69] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, 0.04003658449941787] 0.3677852598565161 -0.33163392543792725 1208 Ameerika Ühendriikides läks erru staabiülemate komitee esimees kindral Martin Dempsey. In the United States, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Committee of Governors of Special ru Staff, went. [33, 35, 30] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2424137740542707, -1.697337004628338] -1.4989213395474035 -0.44285306334495544 1209 Ülo näitab oma selgeltnägijavõimeid nii Marele kui ka Merilinile. Overall, the public will show their clear-cut abilities to both Marese and Merkel. [4, 3, 1] 2.6666666666666665 [-2.3591374058231893, -2.8659213054927313, -2.016289862523797] -2.4137828579465723 -0.6381345987319946 1210 Rahvasteliit saatis piirkonda eri riikide esindajatest koosneva komisjoni. The Alliance for Peace sent a Commission composed of representatives from different countries to the region. [77, 85, 81] 81.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.711760740297822, 0.21180183004380843] 0.43148468901077197 -0.46550241112709045 1211 Kui meil seda kindlust ei ole, siis on meil alust hoiduda tuleviku mõjutamisest, nagu meil on alust hoiduda mineviku üle otsustamisest. If we do not have this certainty, we will have reason to avoid influencing the future, as we have every reason to avoid deciding on the past. [99, 84, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9520629808659237 -0.4317440092563629 1212 Konverentsi alguses esitati ettepanek kehtestada relvastuse kasvule üheaastane moratoorium, mida hiljem pikendati veel mõne kuu võrra. At the beginning of the conference, a one-year moratorium on the growth of weapons was proposed, which was subsequently extended for another few months. [68, 74, 79] 73.66666666666667 [0.004650408323776896, 0.29999877943339137, 0.44997912719119615] 0.25154277164945477 -0.4277002811431885 1213 Seda arusaama toetasid sõjalised võidud, eriti hetman ja siis kuningas Jan III Sobieski omad. This view was supported by the military victories, especially the moment, and then by King Jan III in Sobiu. [43, 40, 45] 42.666666666666664 [-1.120710551448559, -1.1593124721939274, -1.135825582665942] -1.1386162021028092 -0.37326088547706604 1214 Samuti võimaldab see pidada seksiks ebaõnnestunud seksi, mis ei paku naudingut. It will also make it possible to consider sex as a mixture of failed pigs that does not enjoy enjoyment. [29, 28, 27] 28.0 [-1.6142379764569204, -1.7751645842151236, -1.8096392890208173] -1.7330139498976205 -0.5894647240638733 1215 Ta sündis arvatavasti Dunsis, Berwickshire'is Šotimaal mõne miili kaugusel Inglismaa piirist. He was probably born in Dunsis, Berwicz kshire in Scotland, a few miles away from the English border. [100, 88, 76] 88.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6668234028409779, 0.5977542019441766] 0.7819066874321486 -0.2309577316045761 1216 Darwini nimi anti juba tema eluajal paljudele geograafilistele paikkondadele ja organismidele. Darwin's name has already been given to many geographical locations and organisms during his lifetime. [91, 100, 83] 91.33333333333333 [0.7533661484518784, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6914430875889822] 0.8148236688978164 -0.3304257094860077 1217 Canberras on oma päevaleht The Canberra Times, mis asutati 1926. aastal. Canberra is its daily newspaper The Canberra Times, which was founded in 1926. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5580489988532433] 0.625069348365588 -0.1693267673254013 1218 ===2006=== 19. veebruaril 2006 avaldas ta kaastunnet Filipiinide maalihkes hukkunute omastele. = = 2006 = = = = = 19 February 2006, he expressed his condolences to the owners of the dead in the Philippines landmass. [34, 33, 35] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.314460459974846, -1.3660967923134697] -1.3979800744656046 -0.35607296228408813 1219 Kuid 1949. aastal, kui Stalin veel elus oli, võis sääraste trükivigade eest saada tuusiku Venemaa looduslikult kaunitesse piirkondadesse. However, in 1949, when Stalin was still alive, such misprint errors could have resulted in a lure into naturally beautiful areas of Russia. [65, 71, 51] 62.333333333333336 [0.1774123885366415, 0.2564751800664351, -0.4297907926901062] 0.0013655919709901394 -0.4917948544025421 1220 Harjumused võivad muuta uute lahendusteni jõudmise võimatuks. Things can make it impossible to reach new solutions. [85, 81, 83] 83.0 [0.4412278406896248, 0.5372396648934048, 0.6190326808341362] 0.5325000621390553 -0.4271738529205322 1221 Valitsusvastased relvajõud näitasid suurimat aktiivsust üles Donetski lennujaama ning Debaltseve ja Štšastja piirkonnas. The anti-government forces showed the highest level of activity in the Donetski airport and in the Debaltseve and Sikasja district. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9580837415683066 -0.4311099946498871 1222 Argentina loodeosas La Rioja provintsis põrkasid õhus kokku kaks helikopterit, hukkus 10 inimest. In Argentina's north-west province of La Rioja, two helicopters came together in the air, killing 10 people. [52, 53, 51] 52.0 [-0.31935520912680904, -0.39597668121738544, -0.4297907926901062] -0.3817075610114336 -0.334562748670578 1223 Jaanuaris 1993 Toomas H. Liivile antud intervjuus selgitas ta, et "veel sunnivad mind sulge haarama ainult kõige nõmedamad väited". In an interview with Toomas H. Union in January 1993, he explained that 'I am still forced to seize only the most adolescent claims'. [37, 34, 40] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.2784371170145583, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2734139179212234 -0.5085915327072144 1224 Suur Vene armee saabus ühinema liitlastega, kuid liiga hilja, et kasulik olla. The great Russian army arrived at joining allies, but too late to be useful. [73, 83, 96] 84.0 [0.26826879803671755, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9161304397840745] 0.6029664801388018 -0.3449541926383972 1225 Margna tahab oma naisega abielluda ja kingib Marele reisi Marokosse. Margna wants to marry her wife and brings Marek's trip to Morocco to life. [30, 22, 13] 21.666666666666668 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.519643775650632, -1.635530085763711] -1.438404232452074 -0.42689356207847595 1226 Kui mulle on lapsest saadik antud juustu maitse juures elektrilöök, oleks juust mulle vahetult vastik. If I have an electric shock at a taste of this cheese since my child, then cheese would be directly repugnant to me. [12, 20, 4] 12.0 [-2.317304664863364, -1.2720333835260482, -2.078732520728332] -1.8893568563725813 -0.5026436448097229 1227 Kreeka peaministrina astus ametisse eelmisel päeval parlamendivalimised võitnud erakonna Syriza esimees Aléxis Tsípras. As Prime Minister of Greece, Aléx Tsípras, the chairman of the Syriza party that won the parliamentary elections, took office last day. [85, 79, 62] 75.33333333333333 [0.5587533739601147, 0.44997912719119615, -0.08076099732669434] 0.3093238346082055 -0.2586817145347595 1228 Kristjan küsib Johanneselt nõu abielulahutuse kohta. Mr Johdonis asking for advice on divorce. [8, 1, 14] 7.666666666666667 [-2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797, -2.067779998286327] -2.243946607349111 -0.6699939966201782 1229 Ühes äärmuses on üldine võimetus kaalutleda, teises äärmuses on teise kreedo siiras ja võimekas järgimine. In one extreme extreme extreme, there is a general failure to consider; in the other extreme, there is the sincere and capable following of another credo. [51, 29, 40] 40.0 [-0.6660402866896673, -1.12785038341693, -1.2516013580018719] -1.0151640093694898 -0.5531265735626221 1230 Printsiip, et sama põhjus tekitab sama tagajärje, on rikutud. The fact that the same causes causes the same effect has been spoiled. [18, 24, 30] 24.0 [-1.7195270047142863, -1.4471491243968742, -1.0961204020202562] -1.4209321770438057 -0.4122373163700104 1231 Ta ei ole ka objektile omase väärtuse hindamine ega tulene sellest. It is not, nor is it, the subject of its own value assessment. [22, 19, 15] 18.666666666666668 [-1.59186385835932, -1.6283857525312686, -1.5720701229703633] -1.597439911286984 -0.6398091316223145 1232 Augsburgis külastas Rebast eriülesannetega polkovnik Kanger. In August, polkovnik Kanger visited Reb with special tasks. [83, 82, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.5538386306067818, 0.4936093960423005] 0.5554935691610728 -0.24970635771751404 1233 Jan Zamoyski, krooni kantsler, kes ehitas Zamośći linna, rajas aastal 1594 sinna akadeemia; see tegutses gümnaasiumina alles pärast Zamoyski surma. Jan Zamoyski, the Chancellor of the Crown, who built the city of Zamość, set up 1594 academia in the year; it acted as a synasium only after the death of Zamoyski. [58, 55, 46] 53.0 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.32348202996362757, -0.9111712880504766] -0.5495100679939192 -0.33871909976005554 1234 Koidueelsetel tundidel 11. augustil 1744 korraldas umbes 6000 austerlast krahv Browne otsesel juhtimisel üllatusretke Velletri linna. In pre-trial hours on 11 August 1744, around 6 000 Austrians, under direct leadership of Browne, organised a surprise to the city of Velletin. [29, 34, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583, -1.318230271796973] -1.4427339013918503 -0.410957932472229 1235 Kristo vägistas Tanja Jääskeläist nooruses, mille tagajärjel sündis tütar Juulia Autio. Kristo was raped by Tanja Ice's youth, which led to the birth of daulia Julia Autio. [1, 7, 12] 6.666666666666667 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.691400230088314, -1.5963947019567695] -2.2516674555830454 -0.3869278132915497 1236 Järelikult on arve ainult potentsiaalselt lõpmata palju. Consequently, the figures are only potentially infinite. [67, 85, 59] 70.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.711760740297822, -0.3735320557396667] 0.13870586473827667 -0.3979727029800415 1237 1632. aasta sügisel võttis hästi ettevalmistunud Vene armee mitu kindlust piiri Leedu poolel ja asus Smolenskit piirama. In the autumn of 1632, a well-prepared Russian army took several certainty on the Lithuanian side of the border and started to curtail Smolenski. [77, 84, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.09994004505140265, 0.6681304714467177, 0.522108649210108] 0.4300597219027427 -0.2882654368877411 1238 Pole kindel, kas Aristoteles nõustus Platoni eeldusega, et selles maailmas ei saa olla täiuslikke näiteid. It is not certain whether Aristotle agreed with Plato the assumption that there could be no perfect examples in this world. [67, 84, 92] 81.0 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.6172985934001295, 1.0176690182308925] 0.43609930404488234 -0.34293437004089355 1239 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz pidas emotsioone ähmasteks tajumusteks ning Kant patoloogiliseks armastuseks. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz considered emotion to be vague perceptions and Kant's pathological love. [70, 61, 79] 70.0 [0.06975612485665529, -0.11249097872336815, 0.44997912719119615] 0.1357480911081611 -0.1622212529182434 1240 Aeg surus prantslasi takka ning hetkeline paus oli pigem juhuslik. Time also pushed the French, and the current break was rather casual. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7596043322208423 -0.5595219731330872 1241 Õigusõpetuses on hindamise objektiks tegija käitumine. The subject of justice education is the behaviour of the perpetrator. [98, 79, 89] 88.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7509948200061832 -0.43585991859436035 1242 Robert ja Alfred Nobel üürisid ühise korteri ning Alfred muutis korteri köögi keemialaboriks. Robert and Alfred Nobel tenants put together a common flat, and Alfred turned corter into a chemical laboratory. [29, 26, 23] 26.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322, -1.460228213665987] -1.4835012396667497 -0.44441959261894226 1243 Njassa järves elab kokku 386 liiki kirevahvenlasi, enamik neist endeemid. A total of 386 types of plastic gadrics live in the Lake of the Navasa, most of them endemic. [69, 79, 60] 69.33333333333333 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.44997912719119615, -0.3321751917157582] 0.03339460735698313 -0.5470461249351501 1244 Järgmisel päeval võttis Eesti nõudmised vastu ja nõnda toimus sisuliselt riigi okupeerimine. Estonia's demands were adopted the following day, and this was essentially the case with the occupation of the country. [76, 68, 83] 75.66666666666667 [0.32953463266677707, -0.2840087250415973, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2233420367402644 -0.5836746692657471 1245 Lõppkokkuvõttes see peabki nii olema, et kokkuvõtlikust diskursiivsest reeglist arusaamine kätkeks ise sarnasuste ühist hindamist. Ultimately, this must be the case so that a common assessment of the same similarities can take the form of a summary, discerning rule. [93, 87, 80] 86.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.7124885375901508, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6843460170916226 -0.5790910720825195 1246 Ja kui kaotust mõistetakse nii, et kaotajal on väga väike väärtusaste, siis võitjat tõstab see vähe. And if the loss is understood as having very little value on the loser, it will increase the winner little. [81, 83, 78] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.6245002025956135, 0.412248360714594] 0.5196190708401052 -0.48376771807670593 1247 Tõsi küll, ka generaliseeriva loodusteaduse tõed muudetakse või hüljatakse järgmise põlvkonna poolt. It is true that the truth about generalising natural science is also being changed or abandoned by the next generation. [82, 75, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.6551957619621033, 0.2881777686428686, 0.07788890965667469] 0.34042081342054886 -0.35247373580932617 1248 Poolas esitas tagasiastumispalve peaminister Jarosław Kaczyński valitsus. In Poland, Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński's Government made a request for resignation. [99, 83, 100] 94.0 [1.0932483143502365, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7780656329644714 -0.2883244454860687 1249 Nii kuulaja kohta, selle kohta, kuidas tuleb vastu võtta, kui ka ettepandud teema kohta olgu see sissejuhatuseks. On the subject of the hearing, on how to adopt it, and on the subject proposed, let it be an introduction. [100, 73, 95] 89.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.866866844222949] 0.7180559588906498 -0.5825238823890686 1250 See kõik suurendas eestlaste meelepaha Nõukogude võimu vastu. This all increased the indignation of the Estonians against the Soviet regime. [64, 60, 81] 68.33333333333333 [0.1391994964086838, -0.3321751917157582, 0.8523251551766589] 0.21978315328986145 -0.3250100910663605 1251 See kutsub leiutama uusi hüpoteese, ja nii lõputult edasi. It calls for new hypotheses to be invented, and so infinitely on. [61, 67, 72] 66.66666666666667 [0.024560820024810585, 0.11148587755891945, 0.23653881664004375] 0.12419517140792459 -0.3792048394680023 1252 Nõusoleku märgiks löödigi käed ja laval leidis aset tõeline show. There was a real show of hands and consent. [24, 9, 18] 17.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.5843914672256108, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5666473975411295 -0.7027842402458191 1253 Venelastel oli siin arvuline ülekaal, kuid üsna varsti tõusis laine, kui tegevusvälja tiivale lähetati Bernadotte'i I korpuse 2. The Russians had a numerical overweighting here, but quite soon the wave increased when the Bernadotte I corps 2 was sent out on the agenda. [44, 52, 60] 52.0 [-0.9938850160982935, -0.7280381317886201, -0.574314160703546] -0.7654124361968199 -0.48810794949531555 1254 On arvatud, et retk võis olla ebaõnnestunum, kui kroonikast nähtub. It has been suggested that the journey may have been less successful than the chronically demonstrated. [63, 81, 72] 72.0 [-0.03350342494859623, 0.5363189527863194, 0.23653881664004375] 0.2464514481592556 -0.509035587310791 1255 Akyanyary jõe ja selle lisajõgede ääres on suured turbarabad. There are major barriers along the Akyanyary River and its tributaries. [18, 30, 42] 30.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.0765987441461105] -1.4137943231464558 -0.31847405433654785 1256 Pakistani loodeosas ründas oletatav Talibani võitleja lõhkeainega täidetud autoga Pakistani sõjaväekonvoid. In the north-west of Pakistan, Pakistan's military convoys, filled with an alleged Taliban combatant with explosives, were attacked. [31, 25, 43] 33.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.4109017987699952, -1.035241880122202] -1.2775502749292063 -0.3660524785518646 1257 Afganistanis puhkesid massilised meeleavaldused seoses liitlasvägede Bagrāmi õhujõudude baasist leitud põletatud Koraani eksemplaridega. In Afghanistan, mass demonstrations broke out with regard to the burned Coraan Expo from the base of the allied forces in Baghdad. [100, 73, 87] 86.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.6294440445911689] 0.6389150256800565 -0.5805795788764954 1258 Aga sokkide puhul nii ei saa, ja pole kindel, et saab näidata, kuidas üksühesesse vastavusse seada. However, this cannot be the case in the case of socks, and it is not certain that you can show how one can be brought into line. [76, 84, 80] 80.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4216990949133613] 0.44145761789253485 -0.50276780128479 1259 Ent teaduses avastatakse uusi ja ootamatuid nähtusi ning leiutatakse radikaalselt uusi teooriaid. However, science detects new and unexpected phenomena and radically invents new theories. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.2907071113586426 1260 Mis eesmärk moraalifilosoofial peaks olema, see sõltub moraalifilosoofia tulemustest. What the objective should be is a moral guide, which depends on the results of a moral guide. [27, 30, 23] 26.666666666666668 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.1600388359418792, -1.318230271796973] -1.3362898751584746 -0.6444501280784607 1261 Sobiva versiooni väljatöötamine jäi talle ja tema järgijatele väljakutseks. The development of a suitable version remained a challenge for him and his followers. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.4193783402442932 1262 Kui nad oma käitumisega solvasid Bütsantsi valitsejaid, puudus neil diplomaatiline puutumatus. When they insulted the rulers of the Bureau in their behaviour, they lacked diplomatic immunity. [81, 56, 51] 62.666666666666664 [0.5372396648934048, -0.4976026478113921, -0.4297907926901062] -0.13005125853603117 -0.37991249561309814 1263 Näiteks kui jutt on täielikust moraalsest vastutusest, siis peaks inimene olema vähemalt seitsmeaastane, aga kaheaastasedki on isikud. For example, when it comes to full moral responsibility, man should be at least seven years old, but there are people in two years. [18, 15, 21] 18.0 [-1.618593541477372, -1.7733750550387843, -1.3816902345903206] -1.5912196103688256 -0.380279541015625 1264 Väidetavalt kavandasid süürlased korraldada rünnakuid kohalike šiiitide vastu. It has been claimed that the Syrians were planning to carry out attacks against local Shiite. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.43072620034217834 1265 Kirgedel enestel puudub motivatsiooniline autoriteet. The letters themselves lack motivational authority. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8168910237568512 -0.3723626732826233 1266 1. juuni 2011 Austraalia kindralkuberner Quentin Bryce. Quentin Bryce, Chief Governor of Australia, on 1 June 2011. [96, 97, 97] 96.66666666666667 [0.9161304397840745, 1.0297883515568889, 1.1980287771688547] 1.047982522836606 -0.21728987991809845 1267 Tema otsus põhines rohkem oletusel, et pärast liitlaste edu sai Konstantinoopol taas taastatud Bütsantsi keskuseks, mida valitses Nikaia dünastia. His decision was based more on the assumption that after the success of the allies, the Konstantinoopol once again became the Butsants Centre, which was ruled by Nikaia's dynasty. [65, 56, 82] 67.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, -0.48592357188822877, 0.5808699337445091] -0.10568176218321675 -0.3616980016231537 1268 Süüria pealinnas Damaskuses toimus kaks võimast pommiplahvatust. In Damascus, the capital of Syria, two powerful bombings took place. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.24335868656635284 1269 Jihlava muusikaelu vaimse isa Heinrich Fischeri juhatusel tegutsesid linnaorkester ja meeskoor. The spiritual father of a Jihic musical life, Heinz Fischer, was led by a city orchestra and a team. [65, 74, 82] 73.66666666666667 [-0.3871436867160806, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5808699337445091] 0.16457500882060663 -0.4854082763195038 1270 Seda abi ja tugevdusi oli meeleheitlikult vaja, kuna jakobiidid olid 3 Briti väliarmee vastu kõvasti vähemuses. This help and this strength were desperately needed, because the jacoses were a long minority against 3 British troops. [55, 47, 51] 51.0 [-0.32348202996362757, -0.8698144240265682, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5410290822267673 -0.6110309958457947 1271 Iisraeli lõunaosas Elati kuurortlinnas sooritas enesetaputerrorist kohaliku aja järgi kell 9.40 hommikul rünnaku pagaritöökojale. In the south of Israel, a suicide bomber was committed at local time at 9.40 a.m. in the morning at the time of the attack on the baker. [34, 17, 39] 30.0 [-1.407453656337378, -1.357221951807747, -0.9393824814029599] -1.2346860298493616 -0.4038616418838501 1272 Temal õnnestus ainsana pärast pikaleveninud võistlust see alla lasta. He managed only to get it down after a long drawn-out contest. [78, 82, 80] 80.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4216990949133613] 0.4363863339653237 -0.5684961080551147 1273 Ukraina rinne pealetungile Ratiborist põhja pool eesmärgiga nihutada rinne Coselist Oppelnini. The frontline attack by Ukraine on the north of Ratiborg with a view to shifting the front from Coseline to Oppelnini. [40, 40, 39] 39.666666666666664 [-0.7654149032455392, -1.2516013580018719, -1.0983204022131197] -1.0384455544868436 -0.39066725969314575 1274 Priit ja Allan saavad omavahel kokkuleppele ning Allanil ongi uus uhke nimega töökoht olemas. Price and Allan can agree, and Allani has a new proud job with its name. [56, 45, 73] 58.0 [-0.7959404184989305, -1.0253280200336006, -0.12397948564601131] -0.6484159747261807 -0.4250403344631195 1275 Autori meelest ei ole Green andnud põhjendit oletamiseks, et see üldse kunagi nii on. According to the author, the Green has not given any reason to suggest that this would ever be the case. [74, 99, 84] 85.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 1.2714002976190448, 0.6603895448580447] 0.6980954812913466 -0.5338863134384155 1276 Teaduses aga on paradigma harva korratav, vaid see on nagu tavaõiguses kohtuotsus, mida uute või kitsamate tingimuste tarbeks täpsustatakse. In science, however, the paradigm is rarely repeated, but is like a judgment in ordinary law, to be specified for new or narrower conditions. [100, 96, 92] 96.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.9980583701602151, 1.0176690182308925] 1.032289948634133 -0.46956437826156616 1277 Seoses sellega teatas ajakirjandus, et viimastel kuudel on erakonnast lahkunud ka sportlased Ksenija Balta ja Margus Metstak. In this context, the press announced that athletes from Kiev and Balta and Margus Metstak have also left the party in recent months. [42, 39, 35] 38.666666666666664 [-1.0765987441461105, -1.2952316268529762, -1.5101665306408727] -1.2939989672133196 -0.32920750975608826 1278 Tonga lähistel Vaikses ookeanis toimus maavärin magnituudiga 6,9, mille hüpotsenter asus Tongast 300 km kaugusel ja 417 km sügavusel meres. In the Pacific Ocean near Tonga, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9, whose hypocenter was 300 km from Tonga and 417 km deep in the sea. [93, 85, 79] 85.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.76393773884274, 0.45360522473850245] 0.688161027074553 -0.3250143229961395 1279 Sõjakäikude toimumist säilinud allikad aga ei kajasta. However, the remaining sources of the military effort are not reflected. [70, 85, 55] 70.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.711760740297822, -0.7614846346910114] 0.04111831981783561 -0.5874149799346924 1280 Araabia Ühendemiraatides Dubais süttis kohaliku aja järgi kell 12.30 ehitusjärgus kõrghoone. In the United Arab Emirates in Dubais, local time spent 12.30 p.m. in the construction phase. [55, 42, 49] 48.666666666666664 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.7946972631130536, -0.4932507554834539] -0.4975548504464811 -0.4499654173851013 1281 Jeesus Kristus on mõistetamatu Absoluudi ajalooline inimlik kujutis, paradigma, mis ilmutab meie loodusliku seose lõpmatu Jumalaga. Jesus Christ is an incomprehensible historical human image of Absolsa, a paradigm that shows our natural link with God infinitely. [65, 64, 36] 55.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.0027439006782826883, -1.324739928289561] -0.4945698376189726 -0.3614051043987274 1282 Siiski peavad ajaloolased tõenäolisemaks, et tegu oli ühe ja sama retkega ning Vene kroonikates on selle toimumisaeg ja osavõtjad valesti märgitud. However, historians are more likely to see that this was one and the same journey, and in Russian kroons the time and participants have misnoted it. [83, 85, 80] 82.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.711760740297822, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5017203854594244 -0.6058835387229919 1283 Emotsioonidele apelleerimist peetakse loogikaveaks. Employed settlements are considered to be a loophole. [1, 18, 1] 6.666666666666667 [-2.2620953767228933, -1.6646330781581475, -2.016289862523797] -1.9810061058016126 -0.9255104064941406 1284 Lesotho võimud määrasid ennetähtaegsete parlamendivalimiste kuupäevaks 3. juuni. The Lesotho authorities appointed 3 June as the date of early parliamentary elections. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.18549568951129913 1285 Lisaks Hoeckile kasutas seda terminit veel Arthur Milchhöfer aastal 1883. In addition to Hoecki, the term Arthur Milchhöfer used in 1883. [83, 84, 81] 82.66666666666667 [0.4867066880395393, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5637187040908588 -0.22366204857826233 1286 Viimane palus mehel kirjutada muusika tema filmile "Rush". The latter asked the man to write music to his film 'Rush'. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.23550090193748474 1287 Seksuaalse armastuse erutavuse sügavaimat põhjust saab esitada enesega samasuse kaudu. The deepest reason for sexual love can be put forward through self-identification. [99, 84, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8656517089737827, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.818943937205559 -0.48279744386672974 1288 Vastutuse atentaadi eest võttis äärmuslik islamiliikumine Ţālebān. The extremist Islamic movement in Ţālebân took responsibility for the proclamation. [76, 56, 66] 66.0 [0.3190883206378832, -0.48592357188822877, -0.3497095919185876] -0.17218161438964438 -0.5525273680686951 1289 Nad on paljajalu, aga kannavad spetsiaalset peakatet. They are a balloon, but they carry a special head. [18, 43, 24] 28.333333333333332 [-1.6646330781581475, -0.6632712382784286, -1.8210222965764626] -1.3829755376710129 -0.5363963842391968 1290 On võimalik, et Serbia kuningriik nõustus sel ajal Bulgaaria süseräniteediga, et võidelda katoliikliku Ungari ohuga. It is possible that the King of Serbia agreed at that time with Bulgaria's autumn routes to combat the danger of a Catholic Hungary. [81, 82, 80] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.42578210606697753 -0.5033959150314331 1291 Kohtumisel valiti Euroopa Ülemkogu eesistujaks tagasi Poola poliitik Donald Tusk, ainsana liikmesriikidest hääletas Tuski jätkamise vastu just Poola. At the meeting, Donald Tusk, a Polish politician, was re-elected as President of the European Council, while the only Member State to vote against the continuation of Tuski was Poland. [86, 100, 80] 88.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7377881362365377 -0.3038010001182556 1292 Peamised valdkonnad on turism, jaekaubandus, transport, haridus, tervishoid, telekommunikatsioon ja pangandus. The main areas are tourism, retail, transport, education, health, telecommunications and banking. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.20429225265979767 1293 Musk on külastanud festivali Burning Man ja on öelnud, et SolarCity idee tuli talle esmakordselt pähe 2004. aasta festivalil. The Roma have visited the Burning and Man festival and have said that the idea of SolarCity came to mind for the first time at the 2004 festival. [32, 40, 23] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.1593124721939274, -1.318230271796973] -1.3593954176005356 -0.2276957631111145 1294 08.01.2015 esitati Kaur Kender´ile kahtlustus KarS § 178 lg 1 järgi. 08.1.2015 was suspected of KarS paragraph 178 (1). [27, 19, 11] 19.0 [-1.360486584856315, -1.8187872614188738, -1.8860837863730762] -1.6884525442160883 -0.4474393427371979 1295 1694. aasta inventariseerimisakti järgi oli kivihoone korras ja seal leidus kümmekond ruumi. According to the 1694 stocktaking act, the stone building was in the order of the day and there was room for 10. [54, 29, 39] 40.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, -1.12785038341693, -1.2006693362178358] -0.9621633258145232 -0.593460738658905 1296 Armee süüdistas rünnaku korraldamises islamistlikke mässulisi. The army accused Islamist rebels of organising the attack. [100, 76, 100] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0152560939928115] 0.811149310998375 -0.2827378809452057 1297 Detsembris 1903 streikisid ooperiteatri lavatöölised, kes polnud rahul töötingimustega. In December 1903, the self-employed, lavish workers, who were not satisfied with working conditions, were on strike. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7679998272737333 -0.49760016798973083 1298 Kõik mõistussuhted pole teisesed intentsioonid, aga kõik teisesed intentsioonid on mõistussuhted. All rational relations are not secondary intents, but all other intents are rational relations. [87, 100, 88] 91.66666666666667 [0.6231547153861217, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8726797157233768] 0.831832067254029 -0.6622412204742432 1299 1538 sattus mõis abielu kaudu Tiesenhausenite omandusse. 1538 found themselves in Tiesenhazi property through marriage. [21, 21, 21] 21.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.3816902345903206, -2.080576466172854] -1.7363357587538244 -0.5247287154197693 1300 Pojapoeg Jaanus näitab koolivennast linnapeale lausa sentimeetri täpsusega, kus see õnnetus juhtus. The post-son, Jaanus, shows a centimetre from the school brother to the city where the accident occurred. [21, 32, 42] 31.666666666666668 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.6006435088107063, -1.0765987441461105] -1.3529774958490457 -0.4800935685634613 1301 Mõned on nii fundamentaalsed, et need peaaegu määratlevad teadust. Some are so fundamental that they almost define science. [81, 98, 100] 93.0 [0.5372396648934048, 1.239385641192763, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8998916457607815 -0.1439349502325058 1302 Need ideed käivad just teaduse, mitte igasuguse tunnetuse kohta. These ideas apply to science and not to every sense of it. [43, 50, 56] 49.666666666666664 [-0.954227030371969, -0.42014770070905927, -0.2711408857067372] -0.5485052055959218 -0.5682350397109985 1303 Mõned teadlased pakkusid välja pöördruutude seaduse asendamist seadusega, mis sellest väikeste kauguste korral kõrvale kaldub. Some scientists proposed replacing the law on reverse rooms with a law that would deviate from it in the case of small distances. [76, 82, 79] 79.0 [0.05727907059662488, 0.5808699337445091, 0.45360522473850245] 0.36391807635987883 -0.4184413254261017 1304 Abstraktne eetikateooria ei ole nende ideede ainus vaimne ümbrus. An entirely ethical theory is not the only spiritual surroundings of these ideas. [85, 84, 83] 84.0 [0.3615382092337807, 0.6172985934001295, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5344456684098412 -0.28829506039619446 1305 See peab samal alusel, lisaks ka sellepärast, et materjalid on juhusliku loomuga, jääma katseks ning alati näitama ebasobivaid külgi. It must remain a test on the same basis, not only because the materials are accidental in nature, but also because they must always present unsuitable aspects. [30, 21, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-0.8804292505879635, -1.3816902345903206, -1.7383085685286457] -1.33347601790231 -0.4555000960826874 1306 Tartu kaupmehed said Vene võimult ka mitmeid privileege, kauplemaks Pihkvamaal, kuid sõja lõppedes need tühistati. Tartu merchants also received a number of privileges from Russia to trade in Pihkvar, but they were cancelled at the end of the war. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3909432590007782 1307 Colombia konstitutsioonikohus legaliseeris osaliselt abordi. The Colombian Constitutional Court partially legalised abortion. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.20769241452217102 1308 Paavst Benedictus XVI kinnitas ametisse kakskümmend kolm uut kardinali, suurendades kardinalide kolleegiumi arvu 201 liikmeni. Pope Benedict XVI has confirmed twenty-three new caravans by increasing the number of Pope Benedict to 201 members. [13, 22, 31] 22.0 [-1.635530085763711, -2.0369461973217495, -1.5315242484091034] -1.7346668438315211 -0.400277316570282 1309 Selles esitatud vaated on kutsunud esile ägedat protesti, sealhulgas tapmisähvardusi. Its views have provoked fierce protest, including threats of killing. [99, 100, 97] 98.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8241835542857531, 1.198905646365287] 1.0287231253517275 -0.4193302392959595 1310 Ainuke aeg, mil Ressi pidi Muski käitumist piirama, olid videomängude maratonid, mis võisid kesta järjest mitu päeva. The only time that resources had to limit the behaviour of Muski was marathons of video games, which could last for several days and more. [56, 45, 33] 44.666666666666664 [-0.2711408857067372, -1.0334500137463503, -1.4488105203612864] -0.9178004732714579 -0.3749518096446991 1311 Kuna tegu oli lisaks veel ka jõuka sadamalinnaga, oli normannidele selle üle võimu saamine väga oluline. As well as being a prosperous port, it was very important for the standards to gain power over it. [77, 59, 68] 68.0 [0.29762613272172966, -0.051864964231104885, 0.1096188910533485] 0.1184600198479911 -0.4686630964279175 1312 Nende kasutamine võib olla piiratud, olenevalt sellest, kas nende kasutamise eeldused on täidetud. Their use may be limited, depending on whether the conditions for their use have been met. [97, 86, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 0.8001850644696189, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9720656165666988 -0.3169920742511749 1313 Riigi ametliku uudisteagentuuri andmetel hukkus 137 inimest ja sai vigastada veel 357 inimest. According to the state official news agency, 137 people died and another 357 people were injured. [90, 87, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.9451743669771346, 0.7844601369297701, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9515375998846051 -0.3016291558742523 1314 Läti Henriku hinnangul osales selles 8000 meest, neist pooled sakslased, ülejäänud liivlased ja latgalid. Latvia's Henrig estimates that 8 000 men, half of them Germans, the rest of the Latvians and Latvians were involved. [63, 84, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.6681304714467177, 0.29999877943339137] 0.24478969323796473 -0.5566980838775635 1315 Venezuela president Nicolás Maduro tegi oma valitsuskabinetis ümberkorraldusi. The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has restructured in his cabinet. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7886422934300293 -0.21045276522636414 1316 Miini sisaldavale kotile vastu tulnud noormees põgenes, demineerijad tegid lõhkekeha kahjutuks. A young man who fled a house containing several, deincubators made the explosive unsound. [17, 16, 18] 17.0 [-2.2550975415772707, -1.926857290299737, -1.4768801787803418] -1.8862783368857832 -0.773733913898468 1317 Tuntud on ka tema kirjutised armastusest, hoolimisest ja bullshit'i teooriast. His writes about love, care and bullshit theory have also been known. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.9814216926040136, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.813903662897865 -0.2574405074119568 1318 Püüd vaadata erapooletult kõrvalt ei rikastaks kogemust, vaid ohustaks seda. An attempt to take an impartial stand would not enrich the experience, but threaten it. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4274325891969988, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.3471332401921972 -0.41903823614120483 1319 Nende juurest astub läbi ka Laine, kes teatab, et hoopis Georg on selle maja omanik. They will also pass through Laine, who will announce that Georg is the owner of this house. [56, 45, 34] 45.0 [-0.2711408857067372, -1.0334500137463503, -1.2784371170145583] -0.8610093388225485 -0.44205158948898315 1320 Isegi kui oletada, et miski on alati olemas olnud ega lakka kunagi olemast, siis sellest ei järeldu, et ta eksisteerib oma loomuse tõttu. Even if you assume that something has always existed and never ceased to exist, it does not conclude that it exists because of its nature. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.34178027510643005 1321 Tal on vaid ligikaudselt kera kuju ning taevakehade trajektoorid ei ole täpselt ringjoonelised. It only has a beginnings of light, and the trajectories of its bodies are not exactly circuitous. [59, 84, 83] 75.33333333333333 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.39856686623484705, 0.6245002025956135] 0.21651167103026459 -0.7112362384796143 1322 Sõdade ajal toimus hukkamine väikses kokkupandavas lasketiirus, mis seisis väljaspool Towerit ja lammutati aastal 1969. During the wars, the execution took place in a small consecutive children's clothing, which was outside of my name and was dismantled in 1969. [29, 43, 15] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.035241880122202, -2.258848426590734] -1.675208207358985 -0.6294190883636475 1323 Üks on suhtumine asjaolusse, et üht lugu on kergem jutustada kui teist. One is the attitude to the fact that one story is easier to talk than another. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8001304653956343 -0.24988718330860138 1324 Läänepoolne Henry III müür ehitati uuesti üles, vana väravavahimajakest hakkas asendama Beauchampi torn. The Western Wall of Henry III was re-built; the old gateway was replaced by the Beauchampi torn. [72, 76, 67] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.3190883206378832, 0.07788890965667469] 0.1624757152569775 -0.3195977509021759 1325 Ordinaalarvudega mõõdetakse täielike järjestuste pikkusi. Ordinary figures measure the length of full rankings. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.3139583170413971 1326 Üht raekoja arkaadkäigu sammast kasutati häbipostina. One of the pillars of the march by the Rown Chamber was used as a disgrace. [45, 34, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-1.135825582665942, -0.969200476433561, -1.2516013580018719] -1.1188758057004584 -0.6675912737846375 1327 Vaatamata sellele allkirjastas Orlando Versailles' rahu, mis põhjustas kära tema valitsuse vastu. Despite this, Orlando Versailles signed the peace which caused a stranglehold on his government. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3887380063533783 1328 Utilitarismi maksimaalse heaolu nõuded on piiritud. The requirements for maximum welfare of UTB are limited. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0463418728498313] 0.8473268400063215 -0.6176723837852478 1329 Venemaal Volgogradis toimus ühes kortermajas võimas gaasiplahvatus, mille tõttu hoone osaliselt kokku varises. In Volgograd, Russia, there was a powerful gas explosion in one corterhouse, which caused the building to partially collapsed. [78, 55, 54] 62.333333333333336 [0.14260101950618043, -0.5219469148485164, -0.24292942487089356] -0.20742510673774317 -0.41486451029777527 1330 Politsei kasutas vägivallatsejate laiali ajamiseks veekahurit ja pisargaasi. The police used a cannon and tear gas to disperse the perpetrators of violence. [29, 29, 28] 28.666666666666668 [-1.3684533522381288, -1.12785038341693, -1.3021598218893584] -1.2661545191814725 -0.3772832155227661 1331 Hitler ja Saksamaa valitsus olid Itaalia ebaõnnestunud kampaanias pettunud, kuid samuti oli Mussolini. Hitler and the German Government were disappointed by the failed campaign in Italy, but it was also Mussolini. [61, 57, 59] 59.0 [-0.30580685708679023, -0.12829074848702035, -0.17595094151671578] -0.20334951569684212 -0.21963177621364594 1332 11. mail viidi Mahler rongiga Lŏwi sanatooriumi Viinis, kus ta 18. mail suri. On 11 May Mahler was taken by train in Vienna in Sew, where he died on 18 May. [68, 79, 54] 67.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.11800640772745447, -0.3597293555905065] -0.09845546807594278 -0.27980977296829224 1333 Ameerika Ühendriikides keelustas New Yorgi linnavolikogu rassistliku alatooniga, mustanahalisi halvustava sõna "nigger" kasutamise. In the United States, the racist undertones of New York City Council were banned from the use of the black, malicious word 'nigger'. [26, 35, 43] 34.666666666666664 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.4697527022573933, -1.035241880122202] -1.2426783033288489 -0.4615771770477295 1334 Nii ehk saab tabada vaatlustega probleemitult kindlaks tehtud fakti mõistet. In this way, perhaps, the concept of a fait accompli can be detected with observations. [70, 76, 81] 75.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3063672122253143 -0.6722844839096069 1335 Ta oli vennale öelnud "nad tahavad, et ma nälga sureksin, ma siis suren nälga". He had said to the brother 'they want me to die of hunger, then I will die of hunger'. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8822177840520734 -0.3307305574417114 1336 19. sajandi keskel kirikut remonditi ja asutati selle juurde iseseisev kogudus. In the mid-19th century, the church was repaired and founded on an independent collection. [78, 71, 64] 71.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.05442657251608684, -0.1667477356201244] 0.09800923174535144 -0.3893160820007324 1337 Kiirabibrigaadid on paigutatud Terviseameti määratud teeninduspiirkondadesse. Rapid brigades have been deployed in service areas designated by the Health Agency. [97, 82, 80] 86.33333333333333 [1.198905646365287, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6513811051187038 -0.47812125086784363 1338 Are üritab Saareperadelt uurida Morna ajaloo kohta, sest nad on Georgiga millelegi jälile saanud. They are trying to find out about Moravia's history, because they have got on something with Georgan. [53, 61, 44] 52.666666666666664 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.10599807620235407, -0.9938850160982935] -0.5646255643565798 -0.570324182510376 1339 Teenuste ekspordis on tähtsamad valdkonnad laevandus, finantsteenused, turism ja naftapuurimine. Shipping, financial services, tourism and oil drilling are key areas for exports of services. [100, 100, 91] 97.0 [1.0463418728498313, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9814216926040136] 1.0091417787021444 -0.285139799118042 1340 Kaur Kenderi arvates pidanuks tema teksti kohtusaalis kohtule ette lugema professionaal, näiteks näitleja Juhan Ulfsak. According to Mr Kender, his text should have been read out to the Court by a professional, such as the actor Ulfsak. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8582063978635651 -0.32207486033439636 1341 pisi[[Püha Jumalaema kirik Aseni kindlusesPüha Jumalaema kirik Aseni kindluses Noise [The Church of St Jumalma in Asen's Fortress Jumalma Church in Asen Fortress [27, 33, 20] 26.666666666666668 [-2.0331086776874856, -1.314460459974846, -1.5421677572214565] -1.629912298294596 -0.7470418810844421 1342 Seadusest tulenevad mõlemale lepingupoolele spetsiifilised kohustused. The law imposes specific obligations on both parties. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.37657999992370605 1343 Enne avastusest teatamist veendus Röntgen, et efekti ei tekita mitte katoodkiired, vaid tegur, millel on vähemalt mingi sarnasus valgusega. Before announcing the discovery, Röntgen transport transport showed that the effect is not caused by cotofast, but by a factor with at least some similarity to light. [72, 84, 78] 78.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.4389725496004518 -0.4158312678337097 1344 Ühe torniga Põltsamaa konvendihoone põhiplaani asend on sama, mis Viljandil, ainult palju väiksem ja tagasihoidlikum. The basic plan for a single-engine, land-based Convention building is the same as in Viljanan, but much smaller and more modest. [33, 40, 47] 40.0 [-1.7771428309588193, -1.2516013580018719, -0.8698144240265682] -1.2995195376624198 -0.657084047794342 1345 See tsirkulaarsus ei tee neid kehtetuks, kuid teeb need teooria osaks, mistõttu neid tuleb järele katsuda nagu teooriaid ikka. This circus does not invalidate them, but makes them part of the theory, which is why they must be confronted like theories. [85, 84, 82] 83.66666666666667 [0.3615382092337807, 0.6172985934001295, 0.5808699337445091] 0.5199022454594732 -0.3996773362159729 1346 Teatud aja möödudes saab ta maja riigiasutuses enda omaks vormistada. After a certain period of time, he will be able to adopt the house in a public institution. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.5620794296264648 1347 Kolmanda aastatuhande lõpus eKr kujunesid mitmed külad kaubanduse ja käsitöö keskusteks. At the end of the third millennium, eKr, several villages became centres of trade and craft. [85, 84, 95] 88.0 [0.9416702310957962, 0.6681304714467177, 0.866866844222949] 0.825555848921821 -0.4194127917289734 1348 Kristjanil on plaanis üks tõsine šantaaž, mis Georgile üldse ei meeldi. The Christian faith is planning one serious blackmail, which Georg does not like at all. [48, 33, 28] 36.333333333333336 [-0.5772133093517801, -1.4488105203612864, -1.1595803648136038] -1.0618680648422234 -0.5898320078849792 1349 Mõiste eksplitseerimine olemise sfääris on samavõrd olemise totaalsus, kuivõrd sellega ületatakse olemise vahetuolek või olemise kui niisuguse vorm. Misleading the term in the sphere of being in the sphere of content is just as stupid as it transcends the status or status of being a substitute. [44, 49, 39] 44.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.5409659837249011, -1.2006693362178358] -0.8866130024514728 -0.486563503742218 1350 Selleks peab küsimus olema seda küsivale filosoofile reaalne. For that, the question must be real for the questioner. [85, 56, 55] 65.33333333333333 [0.8545724849394686, -0.48592357188822877, -0.20471653274293583] 0.05464412676943466 -0.560650646686554 1351 Ülestõusu mälestatakse ka tänapäeva Eestis, ennekõike arvatavasse Sõjamäe lahingukohta rajatud Jüriöö pargis. This will also be remembered in today's Estonia, particularly in the Jury Park on the battle against a supposed war of war. [75, 83, 79] 79.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245] 0.46994472938806037 -0.5008331537246704 1352 Darwin tegi retkel palju muidki avastusi, millest osa peeti eriti tähtsateks. Darwin made many other discoveries on the journey, some of which were considered particularly important. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.33775800466537476 1353 Kui jakobiitide armee liikus lõunasse Inglismaale, veenis Charles oma vägesid, et abi ja tugevdused Inglise jakobiitidelt on iga kell saabumas. When the army moved to the south of England, Charles was persuading his troops that aid and strength were coming from the English jab community at every minute. [66, 84, 62] 70.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, 0.6681304714467177, -0.1125022042581439] 0.25708451595105763 -0.6387951374053955 1354 Sissepääs keldrisse peaukse kõrvalt on ilmselt hilisema päritoluga. The entrance from the main door of the day is probably of later origin. [78, 56, 67] 67.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.4976026478113921, 0.07788890965667469] -0.004454959938208501 -0.5508154630661011 1355 Uudsuse kumulatiivne omandamine on ka põhimõtteliselt ebatõenäoline. The cumulative acquisition of innovation is, in principle, unlikely. [74, 67, 81] 74.0 [0.2613608455445319, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.29216314003153715 -0.36450105905532837 1356 Vaidlust puudub selles osas, et K. Kender oli teose valmimise ajal Ameerika Ühendriikides ning et veebilehe server asub Inglismaal. There is no dispute that K. K. Kent was ready for his work in the United States and that his website was held in England by server. [23, 19, 15] 19.0 [-1.318230271796973, -2.167837003875062, -2.258848426590734] -1.9149719007542563 -0.44508230686187744 1357 Logose tõene osa on jumalik, väär osa inimlik ning seotud luulemüütidega. The part of the logo evidence is divine, misguided part of the human race and related to poaching myths. [25, 27, 23] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.5306005177365722, -1.318230271796973] -1.5849620601006604 -0.5910097360610962 1358 Peagi läksid mitmed latgalite vanemad eesotsas Waridotega Riiga, küsides sealt sõjalist abi ugalaste vastu, mida sealt ka lubati. Soon, a number of lady parents, headed by Waridote Rii, went from there to asking for military assistance against the Uyghurs, as was promised there. [26, 37, 32] 31.666666666666668 [-1.3128904044537102, -1.2833830642656527, -1.2894149783441762] -1.295229482354513 -0.5858190655708313 1359 Seal oli Rebasel esimest korda võimalus tutvuda Punaarmee lahingkorra, isikkoosseisu ja relvastusega. There was an opportunity there for the first time to access the Red Army battle, staff and armaments. [83, 80, 85] 82.66666666666667 [0.4867066880395393, 0.17436773524631535, 0.711760740297822] 0.4576117211945589 -0.45706257224082947 1360 Nõukogu teatel hukkus möödunud ööpäeva jooksul 3 Ukraina sõjaväelast, 12 sai haavata. According to the Council, 3 Ukrainian troops died in the last night, 12 were wounded. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1363692565265247 -0.31524142622947693 1361 Tema tagasiastumise põhjuseks peetakse president Viktor Janukovõtši soovi saada enda kätte tugevam kontroll riigi rahanduspoliitika üle. The reason for his resignation is the desire of President Viktor Yanukovich to gain stronger control over public finance policy. [81, 100, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.521536205760768] 0.7279180554670277 -0.3262964189052582 1362 Vahistatute seas oli ka Venemaa niklifirma Nornikkel juht Mihhail Prohhorov, keda kahtlustati alaealiste prostituutide teenete kasutamises. Among those arrested were the head of the Russian niche company Nornikkel, Mikhail Prov, who was suspected of using the services of underage prostitution. [57, 65, 72] 64.66666666666667 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.005795140699435191, 0.1348618413895337] -0.10519626723283822 -0.40225914120674133 1363 Ta määras 25. novembril 1981 Joseph Ratzingeri Usudoktriini kongregatsiooni prefektiks. On 25 November 1981 Joseph Ratzinger appointed a Prefect of religious doctrine Congress. [18, 31, 43] 30.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.6442737776618106, -1.035241880122202] -1.3854652788547848 -0.20807382464408875 1364 Pärast Teist maailmasõda tegutsesid paguluses kirjanikud, nagu Karl Ristikivi ja Arved Viirlaid. After the Second World War, writers such as Karl Ristikiv and the Arts Viirkas acted in exile. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9204404930015818 -0.48329949378967285 1365 Muuhulgas korraldati ka õhurünnak Jeemeni pealinnale Sanaale. Among other things, there was an air attack on the Yemeni capital Sanaale. [59, 67, 85] 70.33333333333333 [0.08112929793078191, 0.07788890965667469, 0.7017464088819532] 0.2869215388231366 -0.4038357138633728 1366 Rahva nõudmiste survel 1990. aasta mais tehtud põhiseaduse parandustega taastati mitmeparteisüsteem. Under pressure from the people's demands, the constitutional amendments of May 1990 restored the multi-party system. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2714002976190448] 1.303747402127039 -0.320929616689682 1367 See on tahteline paratamatus, mis seisneb olemuslikult tahte piirangus. It is a tacit necessity, which is essentially a limitation of will. [100, 75, 88] 87.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 0.6591218945451415] 0.6778944882321168 -0.5616805553436279 1368 Itaalia meresõitjad avastasid need 1364. aastal ja kuni 1971. aastani kuulusid need eraomanikele. Italian seafarers discovered them in 1364 and until 1971 they were owned by private owners. [84, 92, 100] 92.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8680085139585856 -0.3587391972541809 1369 Muusik ei tahtnud, et tema poeg näeks isa alkohoolikuna. His son did not want his son to look like a father's alcoholic. [33, 23, 42] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.318230271796973, -1.0765987441461105] -1.317280751967562 -0.5444892048835754 1370 Teine, et sel oleks kõigist teistest kategooriatest erinev preditseerimisviis. The second is that it has different prevarication from all other categories. [79, 72, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.7123928783280498, 0.29272250569331404, 0.36345874222673896] 0.4561913754160343 -0.4391525387763977 1371 2016. aasta betoonehitiseks tunnistati Eesti Rahva Muuseumi peahoone. The main building of the Estonian People's Museum was recognised as concrete construction for 2016. [89, 82, 59] 76.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3735320557396667] 0.327762126129447 -0.22957876324653625 1372 Elektrivälja mõiste kujunemist võib käsitada nii, et see toetab seda vaadet. The formation of the concept of electricity can be regarded as supporting this view. [85, 78, 78] 80.33333333333333 [0.6490285747968032, 0.4063488583400919, 0.412248360714594] 0.4892085979504963 -0.6382360458374023 1373 11. diviisi osad vallutasid Putki ja vabastasid major Rebase ja Eggemanni mehed piiramisrõngast. The 11 methods were conquered by Putk and released from the siege of the major Real and Eggemanni men. [23, 30, 37] 30.0 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.687904046512915, -1.1703670881336952] -1.3760698290365607 -0.6211527585983276 1374 Ta arvutab pilve asendi ja omadused ning taotleb grandi, et saata kosmosesond oma arvutusi testima. It calculates the position and characteristics of the cloud and seeks a Graphic to send a space base to test its calculations. [81, 75, 69] 75.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.33172876083006514, -0.21826842396697346] 0.21690000058549885 -0.4764043092727661 1375 See pingestas suhteid valge vähemuse juhitud naaberriikidega. It intensified relations with neighbouring countries led by the white minority. [99, 84, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8674496971414601 -0.4390650689601898 1376 pisipüstiFragment Püha Vincenti tahvelmaalide sarjast, mille autoriks on arvatavasti renessansiaja meister [[Nuno Gonçalves Method Fragment Pincreasingly Vincenti of a series of tablets possibly issued by the renessansium Master [Nuno Gonçalves [56, 84, 70] 70.0 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17307885384669613] 0.118428584468395 -0.5776877999305725 1377 Eesti esindaja Euroopa Kontrollikojas Juhan Parts andis ametivande ja astus sellega ametisse. The Estonian representative in the Court of Auditors, Mr Parts, gave the oath and took office. [98, 79, 88] 88.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8258170009536785] 0.7676176535295766 -0.4431478977203369 1378 Tänapäeval moodustab autojuhtimine ainult osa kiirabitehniku ülesannetest. Nowadays, driving is only part of the tasks of ambulances. [85, 87, 83] 85.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.7844601369297701, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6559045711618328 -0.37829622626304626 1379 Eesti Reformierakonna Pärnu piirkonnaorganisatsiooni juhatuse uueks esimeheks valiti Jane Mets. Jane Mets was elected the new president of the Regional Board of the Estonian Reform Party. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9786141848030541 -0.3935464322566986 1380 Descartes pidas selgeid ja aredaid ideid, millel matemaatika põhineb, kaasasündinuteks. In Descartes, clear and well-established ideas on which maths are based were regarded as accessories. [40, 26, 33] 33.0 [-1.1593124721939274, -2.0757696521422635, -1.557013239959602] -1.597365121431931 -0.452668160200119 1381 Seda, et universaalne grammatika on ainus viis keelevõimeid seletada, väitis esimesena Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky was the first to say that universal grams are the only way to explain language abilities. [74, 57, 61] 64.0 [-0.02804287831293066, -0.44990022892794107, 0.024560820024810585] -0.1511274290720204 -0.34806475043296814 1382 Kõigis aruteludes ei saa leida ega peaks otsima kindlust samal määral. In all debates, certainty cannot, and should not, be sought to the same extent. [94, 77, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.882963460602704, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7536460480281676 -0.41273584961891174 1383 Sel puhul on küsimus ainult selles, kas harjumust kinnistada või püüda sellest lahti saada, ja neid viimaseid võidakse teha kaalutletult. In this regard, it is only a question of establishing or trying to get rid of the habit, and the latter may be done in a prudent manner. [88, 100, 75] 87.66666666666667 [0.6557075736525608, 0.9996617706525889, 0.4014644825739508] 0.6856112756263668 -0.4894605278968811 1384 Seejärel naasis Mahler Viini, kus temast sai Carltheateri osaajaga koormeister. He then returned to Mahler Vienna, where he became a champion of Carltheater's part-time chorus. [36, 45, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.6859552862324167, -1.12785038341693] -1.0067320335811099 -0.3573964536190033 1385 Eriolukorras ja erakorralises seisukorras kiirabi toimimiseks plaane kehtestatud pole. In exceptional circumstances and in exceptional circumstances no plans have been put in place for the functioning of the emergency. [78, 83, 88] 83.0 [0.412248360714594, 0.5169265503896285, 0.6557075736525608] 0.5282941615855944 -0.546190083026886 1386 Need pidid olema tarvilikud ja piisavad tingimused selleks, et mingi väidete komplekt oleks mingi konkreetse fakti seletus. These were supposed to be necessary and adequate conditions for a set of statements to be an explanation of a given fact. [100, 75, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7966058880480068 -0.4753718078136444 1387 Heidi Aaltonen ja Selina olid Marianna sõbratarid. Mrs Aaltonen and as such Mrs Marianna were friends. [25, 29, 27] 27.0 [-2.1184306265970414, -1.4585538318159967, -1.818794853066228] -1.7985931038264222 -0.3991079032421112 1388 Seoses peasekretäriks valimisega loobus Toobal kohast erakonna juhatuses ja juhatuse liikmeks sai Erki Savisaar. As regards the election of the Secretary-General, he resigned his seat on the Board of Directors-General in Toobal, and Mr Savisaar became a member of the Bureau. [56, 72, 64] 64.0 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.144567245233466, -0.05314650435019888] -0.13150094366832055 -0.45341891050338745 1389 Osmo fatalismi alused olid ainult loogilised ja epistemoloogilised. The only logical and episoological bases of the Oma Typhoon were. [5, 17, 11] 11.0 [-2.6331893745656645, -1.5086101601770157, -2.5168791546838967] -2.2195595631421923 -0.9656386971473694 1390 Ka olemus on määratlusetu, aga määratlusetu, mis juba läbi vahendamise läinuna määratlust juba ületatuna eneses sisaldab. The nature is also unclear but undefined, which already contains a definition as a threshold for mediation in itself. [77, 78, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.09994004505140265, 0.4063488583400919, 0.412248360714594] 0.3061790880353628 -0.571135938167572 1391 Kahetsemine on distsiplineeritud kuuletumine kahetsuse nõuetele. Doubts are disciplined compliance with the demands of regret. [35, 41, 38] 38.0 [-1.3660967923134697, -1.0262737162925444, -0.9396865656205692] -1.110685691408861 -0.3653927147388458 1392 Näiteks kui vaadeldi mittemusta ronka, siis sellest järeldub kehtiva arutlusega, et "kõik rongad on mustad" on väär. For example, if we were looking at a non-black train, it follows from the current debate that 'all trains are black' is wrong. [24, 13, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.6386705466174354, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -2.0281930087076403 -0.46341463923454285 1393 Prantsusmaal Strasbourgis algasid kaks päeva kestvad Eesti päevad, kus tutvustati Eesti kultuuri ja arhitektuuri. In France, two-day Estonian days began in Strasbourg, presenting Estonia's culture and architecture. [80, 73, 100] 84.33333333333333 [0.37863665915867617, 0.4831155255603034, 1.1249782957469103] 0.66224349348863 -0.49996453523635864 1394 Sagedaks Bütsantsi diplomaatiliseks abinõuks oli ohu kõrvaldamine rahaliste vahendite abil. A diplomatic measure would be introduced to remove the risk by means of funds. [79, 70, 60] 69.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.018403229555799133, -0.574314160703546] -0.03531060131885024 -0.6192026138305664 1395 Siiski päästis enamuse kasakasõdureid üks nende väljapaistvaid väejuhte Ivan Bogun. However, one of their eminent leaders, Ivan Bogun, was saved by the majority of their caste. [40, 48, 56] 48.0 [-1.062297059252832, -0.9025592071930374, -0.2711408857067372] -0.7453323840508689 -0.5014067888259888 1396 Ta kogus vasalle veelgi, kui asutas Galilea vürstiriigi ning Yafo ja Ashkeloni krahvkonna. He took further steps in establishing the Principality of Galileo and the County of Yafo and Ashkelon. [48, 62, 55] 55.0 [-0.7741103155705304, -0.06975075057547515, -0.5389595118353006] -0.46094019266043534 -0.38698992133140564 1397 Ühe protsendi rahvastikust moodustavad pügmeede hulka kuuluvad tvaad. One per cent of the population is unemployed. [1, 7, 12] 6.666666666666667 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.691400230088314, -1.5963947019567695] -2.2516674555830454 -0.60781329870224 1398 Hiina pealinnas Pekingis algas Euroopa Liidu ja Hiina tippkohtumine. The EU-China Summit began in the Chinese capital, Beijing. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.3443046510219574 1399 Kõik lennuki pardal viibinud viiskümmend seitse inimest hukkusid. Every fifty-seven people on board an aeroplane died. [72, 56, 61] 63.0 [-0.1133648272224862, -0.48592357188822877, 0.024560820024810585] -0.19157585969530144 -0.41421571373939514 1400 Kalduvust enesearmastusele ei taunita küll alati otseselt amoraalsena, kuid seda peetakse eemaletõukavaks ja mitteaustusväärseks. Although fishing for self-love is not always directly denounced as amoral, it is considered to be nothing but disgusting and non-existent. [53, 38, 68] 53.0 [-0.4836424656728111, -0.7609019738358548, 0.14773320318579836] -0.3656037454409558 -0.5988153219223022 1401 Omistamist peegeldab see, kuidas analoogiline termin tähistab eri logoseid, sest ta tähistab üht logost esmaselt ja teisi teiseselt. The purchase reflects the way in which the analogical term refers to different logos, as it represents one of the logos first and another. [8, 16, 23] 15.666666666666666 [-2.2150440339820388, -2.298727810428375, -1.2699383524630719] -1.9279033989578285 -0.47722968459129333 1402 Eesti valitsus püüdis selle vastu protestida, kuid edutult. The Estonian Government tried to protest against this, but without success. [100, 84, 95] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9608496796440619 -0.2325478047132492 1403 1345 aastal esmamainitud majandusmõisa omanik oli Tallinna Püha Mihkli tsistertslaste nunnaklooster. In 1345, the holder of the first-mentioned economic term was the monastery of Tallinn Pyl Mikkli tstsmen nuns. [55, 39, 47] 47.0 [-0.8386013929537083, -1.0983204022131197, -0.9461894760441417] -0.9610370904036566 -0.554993212223053 1404 Eesti XI Riigikogu alustas 2008. aasta esimest istungjärku. The Estonian XI National Assembly started its first session in 2008. [100, 96, 98] 98.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.162658320738408, 1.0615183329535627] 1.0405813830848318 -0.3647347390651703 1405 Metsad moodustavad pindalast 38,2%, majandatavad metsad 21,6%. Forests account for 38.2% of the surface area, 21.6% of the forests managed. [80, 81, 78] 79.66666666666667 [0.22792296841573595, 0.5372396648934048, 0.412248360714594] 0.3924703313412449 -0.20093658566474915 1406 Kriteeriumide rangus vastab eeldusele, et tegu on ainsa lõpliku kohtumõistmisega. The rigour of the criteria is based on the assumption that this is the only final judgment. [97, 91, 84] 90.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.8394084631768461, 0.6603895448580447] 0.830277165839486 -0.35034289956092834 1407 Neid vastandusi paneb rõhutama hoiak, mida võib nimetada moraali puhtuseks. These revelations are made to highlight the attitude that can be called moral cleansing. [69, 81, 90] 80.0 [0.1839805288126773, 0.5372396648934048, 0.548708683221246] 0.4233096256424427 -0.7053605914115906 1408 Kerese versioon, et must mängis võidule, näib esmapilgul ebausutav. The savage version that the black has played a victory seems, at first glance, unbelievable. [18, 10, 1] 9.666666666666666 [-1.328825762380514, -2.142997348061463, -1.655442005902876] -1.709088372114951 -0.5028314590454102 1409 Venemaal Siberis toimus tugev maavärin, mille tõugete magnituud ulatus 6,6 pallini Richteri skaalal. In Siberia, Russia, there was a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 Palace on the Richter scale. [56, 82, 62] 66.66666666666667 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.5808699337445091, -0.08076099732669434] 0.00472845484319534 -0.294229120016098 1410 Naissoost esivanemaid esindavad valgete maskidega meessugulased. Women's ancestors are represented by men with false masses. [47, 75, 61] 61.0 [-0.8101336585308181, 0.27545805178677896, -0.1421800542121164] -0.22561855365205186 -0.3435683250427246 1411 Austraalia suurimat linna Sydney't tabas tromb, mille tuulte kiirus ulatus 200 km/h ja millega kaasnes tugev rahe. The largest Australian city, Sydney, was hit by a troop with a wind speed of 200 km / h, involving a strong nation. [36, 30, 23] 29.666666666666668 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.8233857343901267, -1.318230271796973] -1.1160021457603608 -0.44980326294898987 1412 Linnavolikogu erakorralisel istungil toetas umbusalduse avaldamist ainult 18 linnavolinikku. In an extraordinary meeting of the city council, only 18 municipal Commissioners supported the publication of mistrust. [98, 81, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7906583263724775 -0.5139913558959961 1413 Hitler ja Mussolini kohtusid esimest korda juunis 1934, kui Austria iseseisvus oli kriisis. Hitler and Mussolini met for the first time in June 1934, when the independence of Austria was in crisis. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9274628884433872 -0.15462613105773926 1414 Hirmust tekivad õudused, lipitsemine, ahistatus ja häbistumine. Fear is created by horrors, flags, harassment and embarrassment. [31, 17, 45] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.5086101601770157, -0.952528152074385] -1.3684706966377371 -0.43569061160087585 1415 Kiirust ületanud auto sõitis teelt välja, selles viibinud kaks inimest hukkusid. The car that passed the motorway went out of the road, with two people killed. [82, 81, 80] 81.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.522108649210108, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4888004634438867 -0.6412177681922913 1416 Alates 17. sajandist ehitati kirikutesse kõrgetasemelisi oreleid; hea näide on säilinud Leżajskis. Since the 17th century, high-level barrels were built in churches; a good example has been preserved in Leżajskis. [83, 85, 81] 83.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.711760740297822, 0.5363189527863194] 0.6112161016958657 -0.3460923731327057 1417 Nad pidasid teda hajameelseks ja akadeemiliselt vähevõimekaks. They considered him to be dispassionate and professionally impotent. [82, 67, 81] 76.66666666666667 [0.31324491732529147, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6189484363352243] 0.3366940877723968 -0.6746156811714172 1418 Pärast mitmeid ja kestvaid kohaliku tähtsusega konflikte 1930. aastatel alustas Jaapan 7. juulil 1937 Hiinas täieulatuslikku sõda. Following numerous and lasting conflicts of local importance in the 1930s, Japan started a full-scale war in China on 7 July 1937. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0590271912184923 -0.24631373584270477 1419 10. november 2005 Albaania peaminister Sali Berisha. Mr. Sali Berisha, Prime Minister of Albania, on 10 November 2005. [89, 84, 95] 89.33333333333333 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1153150491210377] 0.8531313403170846 -0.2164514809846878 1420 Meil on üldine dispositsiooniline soov, et meil poleks takistusi, sealhulgas teiste inimeste poolt, ühesõnaga meil on üldine vabaduse soov. We have a generally disgusting wish for there to be no obstacles, including on the part of other people, in short, to the general desire for freedom. [58, 52, 51] 53.666666666666664 [-0.21474005308299082, -0.6630301039070259, -0.4297907926901062] -0.43585364989337433 -0.4307653307914734 1421 Seda Rawlsi teooria komponenti on palju kritiseeritud. This component of Rawlsi's theory has been much criticised. [80, 100, 82] 87.33333333333333 [0.4949620887624109, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7336034394179434 -0.3811274766921997 1422 Sellistel sündmustel allub kiirabibrigaad sündmust juhtivale politseiametnikule samade põhimõtete alusel nagu päästetööde juhile. In such events, the emergency brigade submits the event to a leading police officer on the basis of the same principles as the rescue manager. [97, 89, 80] 88.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4949620887624109] 0.7539813595431588 -0.4229554831981659 1423 Utilitarism on seetõttu determinismiga täiesti ühitatav. Utilitarism is therefore perfectly compatible with deterrence. [97, 100, 99] 98.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0932483143502365] 1.0279811914954642 -0.252376914024353 1424 2010. aasta seisuga tegutses Trinidadis ja Tobagos 8 panka, millel oli kokku üle 100 kontori. As of 2010, 8 banks were active in Trinidad and Tobago, with a total of more than 100 offices. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.3229934275150299 1425 Lennuki rusud asuvad umbes 25 ruutkilomeetri suurusel territooriumil. The air is located in the territory of about 25 square kilometres. [20, 1, 1] 7.333333333333333 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.655442005902876, -2.016289862523797] -1.8181652622950863 -0.42502865195274353 1426 Hukkus 7 valitsusvägede sõdurit, mis on suurim ühes rünnakus saadud kaotus pärast 5. septembril kokkulepitud nn "relvarahu" kehtimahakkamist. 7 soldiers from government forces were killed, the biggest loss of one attack since the so-called 'cease-fire' came into force on 5 September. [100, 82, 70] 84.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.5019583389209347 -0.3953671157360077 1427 Seevastu tuleb poolele kohustus teha teisele poolele võimalikuks eseme käsutusõigust andva õiguse üleminek. On the other hand, the obligation on the other side to make it possible for the other side to change the law granting the right of command of an item. [89, 86, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.7553910091489263, 0.8258170009536785] 0.785718836828701 -0.5264520645141602 1428 2011. aasta rahvaloenduse andmetel olid 81% Portugali elanikest katoliiklased. According to the 2011 census, 81% of Portuguese citizens were Catholics. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 1.0271610844436658] 1.2880413555664694 -0.18792682886123657 1429 Aga palju parem ja jumalikum on, kui seda tehakse kogu rahva ja riikide puhul. But it is much better and more goistic than it is for the whole of the people and countries. [29, 27, 25] 27.0 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.3384071475162373, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3505770961119532 -0.5605528950691223 1430 Rahuga olid nõus ka eestlased, kes kroonik Henriku sõnade kohaselt olevat sõjakäikude mõjul hakanud latgalite ees "suurt hirmu tundma". Estonians who, according to Henriu, have said that they have been 'terrified' by the rains of war. [72, 82, 62] 72.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3152323948096562] 0.16739211852496552 -0.6556597352027893 1431 Laril on ka tädi Raakel Kurki ja nõod Marianna Kurki ning Johanna Kurki, kes on kõik juba surnud. Larga also has the elephant Raakel Kurki and the witch-hunts Marianna Kurki and Johanna Kurki, who have all died. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.95318184319494, -2.016289862523797, -2.5049372794890834] -2.49146966173594 -0.37186136841773987 1432 Kaitsejõudude koosseisu kuulub umbes 5000 inimest. The protection force is made up of around 5 000 people. [77, 82, 87] 82.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.5538386306067818, 0.7844601369297701] 0.5670057856751799 -0.5272952318191528 1433 Heleroheline tuulelipp on väidetavalt täpselt originaali sarnane. The elephant's flag is allegedly exactly the same as the original. [21, 25, 29] 25.0 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.9060553907684363, -1.3684533522381288] -1.5520663258656286 -0.5244565606117249 1434 Eestit esindanud Tartu Ülikooli füüsikatudeng Ants Remm pälvis võistluse üldarvestuses teise koha. The physical student of Tartu University of Estonia, Ants Remm, received a second place in the overall context of the competition. [79, 80, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.4949620887624109, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4784399612556804 -0.37049809098243713 1435 "Saamise" hüpnoos ja trafarett pimestavad enamikku filosoofe, kes Herakleitost tõlgendades ja tõlkides unustavad filoloogia ranged reeglid. The anthem and trafaret are blinded by the majority of philosophers who, by interpreting and translating from Herakleito, forget the strict rules of filology. [29, 18, 39] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2006693362178358] -1.4696946101207324 -0.3089875280857086 1436 Märtsis 1991 sõlmis Jackson Sonyga uue plaadilepingu, mille väärtus oli rekordilised 65 miljonit dollarit. In March 1991 Jackson Sonyi signed a new poster agreement, worth a record USD 65 million. [76, 79, 72] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.44997912719119615, 0.09044991547637454] 0.3012959282981032 -0.3113236427307129 1437 Belglased tõid ka katoliku usu, prantsuse keele ja eugeenika. The Belgians also brought Catholics, French and eugenic. [80, 100, 90] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.33620133996009827 1438 Kant kuulutas, et Jumalat ei ole, ja pani tema asemele inimese. Kant declared that there was no God and placed him in the place of man. [78, 71, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.3065899732381008, 0.10093697638236171, 0.27330984514349876] 0.22694559825465377 -0.47046053409576416 1439 Harry Golombek on paljude tuntud maleraamatute autor. Harry Golombek is the author of many well-known Malthanates. [68, 76, 84] 76.0 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177] 0.20622167790754856 -0.323029488325119 1440 See, et mina kedagi armastan, ei tee teda tähtsaks, vaid see teda tähtsaks minu jaoks. The fact that I love someone does not make it important, but is important to me. [100, 84, 79] 87.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.727690413215861, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7601330521062645 -0.4827938675880432 1441 Nigeeria pealinnas Abujas ründasid relvastatud kurjategijad politsei peakorterit. In the capital of Nigeria, Abuja, armed criminals attacked the headquarters of the police. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.17360173165798187 1442 Napoleoni sissetungiplaanid Inglismaale sõltusid täielikult piisavalt suure arvu liinilaevade olemasolust Boulogne'is. The Napoleonic plans for England completely depended on the existence of a sufficient number of liner vessels in Boulogne. [88, 100, 76] 88.0 [1.0426878464495273, 1.1249782957469103, 0.32953463266677707] 0.8324002582877381 -0.3287031948566437 1443 Ameerika Ühendriikides Washingtonis kohtusid Ameerika Ühendriikide president Barack Obama ja Iisraeli peaminister Binyamin Netanyahu. US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met in Washington. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8727498208139332 -0.09493719041347504 1444 Peamurdmisülesanded on olemas ainult sellepärast, et ükski paradigma ei lahenda täielikult kõiki probleeme. The main challenges exist only because no paradigm completely resolves all the problems. [95, 87, 85] 89.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.8364323900964978, 0.7017464088819532] 0.8190552008471476 -0.5633572936058044 1445 See on kohutav, kuid see on oluline osa kollektiivsest julgeolekust." This is terrible, but it is an important part of collective security. " [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.47395913382770866] 1.0069508960946711 -0.38806718587875366 1446 Aasta pärast valimist, juunis 1574, pärast oma venna surmast kuulmist läks Henryk salaja Prantsusmaale. One year after the election, in June 1574, after hearing the death of his brother, Henryk secretly went to France. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.24810084700584412 1447 Egiptuse piirivalve palestiinlastele piiri ületamisel takistusi ei teinud. Egypt's border surveillance did not prevent the Palestinians from crossing the border. [67, 83, 79] 76.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245] 0.38533144566359684 -0.38378289341926575 1448 Tavainimese moraalimõtlemine on sageli irratsionaalne. It is often irrational to preach ordinary people. [26, 24, 21] 23.666666666666668 [-1.5666238606968599, -1.9496856596195407, -1.5039548650934988] -1.6734214618032996 -0.34415602684020996 1449 Aga neil on isegi sel lihtsal juhtumil lõpmata palju järelmeid. However, even in this simple case, they have many conclusions to draw. [100, 84, 79] 87.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7489046639773768 -0.6307103037834167 1450 Eesti president Kersti Kaljulaid alustas koos kaitseväe juhataja kindral Riho Terrasega neli päeva kestnud töövisiiti Liibanonis. The President of Estonia, Kersti Kaljukas, began four days of working visit to Lebanon with General Riho Sir, the head of the Army. [60, 83, 67] 70.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.6245002025956135, -0.04267714354839904] 0.07999761966671216 -0.6008216738700867 1451 Lisad ei ole tänapäeva filoloogilistele nõuetele vastavad. The apps do not meet today's film requirements. [83, 92, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.8652444468398807, 0.9912444570493123, 1.6827958191949417] 1.1797615743613783 -0.5304450988769531 1452 Rumeenia kutsus Ameerika Ühendriike ja NATOt üles suurendama sõjalist kohalolekut Mustal merel. Romania called on the United States and NATO to increase their military presence in the Black Sea. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9204404930015818 -0.1816907674074173 1453 Riks tuleb Mornasse Mare päranduse kohta Allanilt infot saama. Riks Mornasse Mare has to receive information from Allana on her succession. [12, 22, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-2.4732488858327923, -1.7107172325380107, -2.016289862523797] -2.066751993631533 -0.5194076895713806 1454 1280. aasta lõpuks pidi Ivailo põgenema oma endiste vaenlaste, mongolite juurde, kes Bütsantsi mõju all ta tapsid. By the end of 1280, Ivailo had to flee to his former enemies, mongos, who murdered him under the influence of Butsants. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.2763497829437256 1455 1764. aastal asendati praam Pahra jõel ujuvsillaga. In 1764, ferry on the River Pahra was replaced with a swimming bridge. [98, 92, 86] 92.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.0176690182308925, 0.7431032729058616] 0.9292763745268696 -0.2586185932159424 1456 Berezovski süüdistas Abramovitšit lepingu rikkumises ja surve avaldamises naftakompanii Sibneft aktsiate müügiks alla nende tegeliku väärtuse. Berezovski accused Abramovich of breaching the contract and of exerting pressure on the oil company Sibneft to sell shares below their actual value. [88, 100, 79] 89.0 [0.6557075736525608, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7435549988635558 -0.24681799113750458 1457 Rünnakute sihtmärgiks olid kriminaalpolitsei peakorter ja Süüria luureteenistuse büroo; kahes plahvatuses kokku hukkus vähemalt 27 inimest. The attacks were targeted at the headquarters of the criminal police and the office of the Syrian intelligence service, with at least 27 people killed in two explosions. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.3275815546512604 1458 Bulgaaria jagunes osmanite sissetungi eelõhtul kolmeks osaks. Bulgaria was divided into three parts on the eve of the invasion. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.2545227110385895 1459 24. aprillil 2010 toimunud parlamendivalimised lõppesid patiseisuga, sest mõlemast parteist valiti 9 saadikut. The parliamentary elections of 24 April 2010 ended in a stalemate, as 9 Members from both parties were elected. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.31522977352142334 1460 Mitmetes jaoskondades, kus esines tehnilisi probleeme, pikendati valimisaega ühe päeva võrra. In many polling stations where technical problems occurred, the electoral period was extended by one day. [92, 100, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.0171726222555522, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1547500957476808 -0.47823092341423035 1461 Samal sügisel esines ta koos ansambliga The Plastic Ono Band. In the same autumn, he presented the "The Plastic Ono Band." [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8975674955625244] 0.8122788038609207 -0.37462118268013 1462 Enne naftavarude avastamist oli puit Gaboni peamine sissetulekuallikas. Before finding out the oil stocks, Gabon was the main source of income. [34, 35, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9434820029693742, -1.4697527022573933, -1.2424137740542707] -1.2185494930936793 -0.39301538467407227 1463 William Shakespeare'i "love is not love which alters when it alteration finds" näitab pinget armastuse püsivuse ja omadustepõhisuse vahel. William Shakespeare, "love not for the love of nealters love for the love of alteration" shows the tension between the persistence of love and ownership. [81, 81, 80] 80.66666666666667 [0.6189484363352243, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] 0.44351861215831484 -0.5620607733726501 1464 Vaatleja üks silm vaatas teleskoopi, teine skaalat. One eye from the viewer looked at the telescopes, another on the scale. [87, 84, 80] 83.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, 0.6172985934001295, 0.4949620887624109] 0.637093986720857 -0.44481417536735535 1465 Hariduse omandamist takistavad nii vaesusest kui ka tervisest tingitud probleemid. Education is an obstacle to both poverty and health. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.4585538318159967, -1.12785038341693] -1.4393128435323153 -0.4547383785247803 1466 Väljaastumised toimusid 32 linnas ja neil osalesid kümned tuhanded inimesed. 32 cities took place and tens of thousands of people took part in the evictions. [37, 29, 33] 33.0 [-1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693, -1.557013239959602] -1.3227488958807283 -0.3204229176044464 1467 Aunimetuse pälvis sel korral teenekas arst ja tervishiouadministraator Ralf Allikvee. This time the designation was awarded to a vibrant doctor and health administrator Ralf Allikwater. [62, 66, 72] 66.66666666666667 [0.06277371215276832, -0.0840340075723075, 0.4589443143258932] 0.1458946729687847 -0.43851062655448914 1468 Üldarusaadav moraalifilosoofia erineb tavalisest kõlbelisest mõistustunnetusest. The common moral limit is different from the usual moral sense. [75, 70, 64] 69.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.2202278544395562, -0.1667477356201244] 0.08400002105888982 -0.6875959634780884 1469 Eesti valitsus kinnitas teiseks ametiajaks Harju maavanemaks Ülle Rajasalu. For a second term of office, the Estonian Government has confirmed Harare's parent to the general Rajalu. [72, 81, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3326655450514438] 0.3201183751404077 -0.4924308657646179 1470 Ajaleht ilmub teisipäeviti, neljapäeviti ja laupäeviti. The newspaper will appear on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. [52, 62, 57] 57.0 [-0.15097104136684628, -0.08076099732669434, -0.4562457837874836] -0.22932594082700808 -0.2669358253479004 1471 Bertone kinnitas, et paavstil polnud mingit kavatsust esitada keisri arvamusi islami kohta enda vaadetena. Bertone confirmed that the Pope had no intention of presenting the views of the Emperor on Islam as his own views. [100, 91, 100] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 1.32209936924058] 1.134208193403008 -0.38777783513069153 1472 Substantsid on olevad kõige tugevamas mõttes, sest nende olemasolu on sõltumatud, nad ei ole olemas milleski muus. Substants are in the strongest sense because they are independent; they do not exist in any other way. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.42003921677541256] 0.0941166318256252 -0.39732876420021057 1473 Alma aitab Martinit hoida, kuni Are uut töökohta otsib. The starting point will help to keep Martin in search of a decent new job. [3, 1, 5] 3.0 [-2.8659213054927313, -2.016289862523797, -2.3704273468113124] -2.4175461716092803 -0.7211621999740601 1474 Enne sööki pestakse ühises kausikeses käsi, sest nsima't süüakse käega. Before eating, they wash their hands in the common roof, because they are cooked with their hands. [80, 80, 80] 80.0 [0.37863665915867617, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4542082410048036 -0.722909688949585 1475 Kuid neid ettepanekuid ei võetud tõsiselt, ja kannatlikkus osutuski õigustatuks. However, these proposals were not taken seriously, and patience proved unfounded. [59, 70, 81] 70.0 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.17307885384669613, 0.5372396648934048] 0.11226215433347808 -0.3346087634563446 1476 Aritmeetika aga polnud veel aksiomatiseeritud, nii et polnud selge, millised propositsioonid on aksioomid. Aritmetics, on the other hand, were not yet axomatised, so it was not clear which positions were axious. [97, 83, 96] 92.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 1.156671913144946] 0.924068535074709 -0.38329315185546875 1477 Tallinna vanalinnas on mehitatud jalgratastel liikuv kiirabibrigaad. In the town's old city, a manned cyclist mobile ambulances are manned. [24, 24, 23] 23.666666666666668 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.9496856596195407, -1.2699383524630719] -1.6194315195666826 -0.6427909135818481 1478 Iraagi põhjaosas Mosuli linnas avasid relvastatud isikud kontrollpunkti juures tule valitsusarmee sõdurite pihta. In the northern part of Iraq, in the city of Mosul, armed people opened a fire at the checkpoint against the soldiers of the government army. [80, 90, 100] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.9451743669771346, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8545873529221151 -0.3609462082386017 1479 Poleemikas Mileetose koolkonnaga kasutas ta esimest korda kosmoloogilist jumalatõestust. For the first time, Polechemicals as Mileetos School used a collusion from a jewelleological school. [44, 36, 28] 36.0 [-1.3078721119562637, -1.426122433406289, -1.6555948404808287] -1.4631964619477937 -0.570155680179596 1480 Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse juhatuse esimehe kohusetäitjaks nimetati Raul Parusk. Raul Parusk was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Enterprise Development Foundation. [57, 85, 84] 75.33333333333333 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.711760740297822, 0.6172985934001295] 0.290937849970156 -0.48566901683807373 1481 Kui Soome valiti 1925. aastal Rahvasteliidu Nõukogu roteeruvaks liikmeks, siis tekkisid ka Eestis mõtted kaaluda nõukogusse kandideerimist. When Finland was elected a rotating member of the Council of the People's Union in 1925, ideas were also created in Estonia to consider candidacy for the Council. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.3759610950946808 1482 Hispaania stiilist erinev portugali arhitektuur hakkas välja kujunema peatselt pärast Portugali iseseisvumist 12. sajandil. Spain's diverse Portuguese architecture began to develop shortly after Portuguese independence in the 12th century. [67, 52, 81] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, -0.3980608112934324, 0.5372396648934048] 0.016504018091636135 -0.34394019842147827 1483 Peale selle, Allan saab toreda kingituse, mis sest, et see vanarahva tarkusega vastuollu läheb. In addition, Allan will receive a nice present because it contradicts the old people's wisdom. [13, 13, 13] 13.0 [-1.785756796330379, -1.8096580021171607, -1.635530085763711] -1.7436482947370837 -0.3686699867248535 1484 Et uurida, kas determinism on tõene, pole mõtet kõrvutada seda moraaliteooriatega, vaid võrrelda kindlate andmetega. To find out whether the determinants are true, there is no point in jumping them down with moral prescriptions, but comparing them with specific data. [71, 84, 58] 71.0 [0.20480883524336993, 0.6681304714467177, -0.41488891976357517] 0.15268346230883748 -0.5730786323547363 1485 Egiptuses vabastati vanglast ekspresidendi Ḩusnī Mubāraki kaks poega, kes olid vahi all korruptsioonisüüdistuste tõttu. In Egypt, two boys were released from prison by ex-President Hausnki Mubaki, who were under arrest because of corruption charges. [36, 44, 51] 43.666666666666664 [-0.9307614831741328, -0.7222026118592957, -0.4297907926901062] -0.6942516292411782 -0.5323642492294312 1486 Samal ajal kergendas piiskop liivlaste palvel nende maksukohustust, saades vastutasuks lubaduse ustavalt osaleda paganatevastastes võitlustes. At the same time, at the request of the Fleets, the Bishop made it easier to tax their duty in exchange for the promise to participate in the fight against bakery. [15, 24, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.7332322178612452, -1.8210222965764626, -1.8139227661451969] -1.7893924268609682 -0.55035001039505 1487 1744. aasta kevadel saabus vürst Charles salaja Prantsusmaale ja oli laevale astumas, mis oleks ta Inglismaale viinud. In the spring of 17444, Charles, the baby, arrived in secret in France and was on arrival, which would have led him to England. [18, 28, 38] 28.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.7751645842151236, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4980236544124033 -0.5239914655685425 1488 Seejärel jäi saar pikemaks ajaks vee alla ning moodustus madala veega laguun. Subsequently, the island remained under water for a longer time and constituted a sludge with low water. [49, 67, 55] 57.0 [-1.094567239682375, 0.07788890965667469, -0.32348202996362757] -0.4467201199964426 -0.5533295273780823 1489 Raivo Tiik tahab uuel aastal Morna linnapeaga rahu teha ja tuleb tema juurde ühe ideega. The Tiik of Raivo wants to peace with the Morna mayor in the new year and comes to him with one idea. [33, 42, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -0.9902503733322566, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.42274370789527893 1490 Tänapäeva Malawi rahvast on suurem osa kristlased. The majority of the Malawi people today are Christians. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.28977105021476746 1491 Kas see on nii sügav, et ainult filosoofia taipab seda? Is it so deep that only the philosophy realises that? [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.36794260144233704 1492 1991. aastal sai Isamaarinde juhiks Paul Kagame, kes oli vahepeal USAs väljaõpet saanud. In 1991 Paul Kagame, the leader of Isama arin, was trained in the United States. [100, 93, 97] 96.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.9028684259701937, 1.1980287771688547] 1.0490796919962933 -0.3479500710964203 1493 Ta pidas 23. aprillil 2002 istungi Ameerika Ühendriikides toimunud skandaali pärast. He held a meeting on 23 April 2002 because of a scandal in the United States. [86, 98, 88] 90.66666666666667 [0.7431032729058616, 0.9428693917981229, 0.6557075736525608] 0.7805600794521818 -0.2432495504617691 1494 Ja kui teavadki, siis pole nende teadmised midagi väärt, sest "paljuteadmine ei tee targaks". And, if you know, their knowledge is worth nothing, because 'knowing how much does not make it wise'. [69, 74, 79] 74.0 [0.11937989840836705, 0.29999877943339137, 0.44997912719119615] 0.2897859350109849 -0.5069530606269836 1495 Seal toimub palju väikekalapüüki, millel pole rahvamajanduslikku tähtsust. There is a lot of small-scale fishing that is of no economic importance to the population. [46, 62, 54] 54.0 [-0.34991418933624185, -0.08076099732669434, -0.5803163758592089] -0.33699718750738167 -0.5663069486618042 1496 Itaalia autotootja Fiat sulges transporditöötajate jätkuvate streikide tõttu viis autotehast Itaalias. The Italian car manufacturer Fiat closed down five car factories in Italy as a result of the ongoing strike by transport workers. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.0238592891943679 -0.34915977716445923 1497 Vigastatu toimetati Camp Bastioni sõjaväebaasi välihaiglasse, kus teda opereeriti. The injured was transferred to the army hospital of Camp Bastioni, where he was operated. [76, 83, 90] 83.0 [0.3190883206378832, 0.6190326808341362, 0.548708683221246] 0.49560989489775514 -0.5026780962944031 1498 Kuni 1993. aastani oli dollari kurss riiklikult fikseeritud, pärast seda on vahetuskurss olnud ujuv. Until 1993 the dollar's rate was national fixed, after which the exchange rate has been floating. [79, 56, 76] 70.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.2711408857067372, 0.32953463266677707] 0.16945762471707868 -0.34822455048561096 1499 Varahommikul hukkus Slovjanskis mässuliste ja valitsusvägede vahelises võitluses kaks tsiviilelanikku. Earlier in the morning, two civilians died in the Slovansansi struggle between rebel and government forces. [87, 84, 90] 87.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.6431092307527048 -0.4870712459087372 1500 Kohati on kristlus küll ka kohaliku usundiga segunenud ja praktiseeritakse ka vanu rituaale ja tseremooniaid. At times, however, Christianity has also been mixed up with local religion, and old rituals and ceremonies are also practised. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0025345090007345 -0.47952303290367126 1501 Oktoobris toetasid Eesti väed Loodearmee suurpealetungi Petrogradile, mis siiski ebaõnnestus. In October, Estonian troops supported the attack by the Northwest Army on Petrograi, which did not succeed. [74, 81, 67] 74.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2592083919823432 -0.374751478433609 1502 Kunstil, mida peetakse müsteeriumiks või hea energia allikaks, on veel üks mõõde. An artist, considered to be a mystery or a source of good energy, has another dimension. [83, 83, 82] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, -0.12982268913297906] 0.3600820418220301 -0.30241119861602783 1503 Gruusias astus tagasi siseminister Aleksandre Tšikaidze, keda oli süüdistatud ühe lahendamata mõrvajuhtumi süüdlaste varjamises. In Georgia, the Minister for the Interior, Alexander Chikaidz, resigned, accused of concealing the culprits of an unsolved murder case. [77, 100, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6190326808341362] 0.7022431886900113 -0.42464032769203186 1504 Mehed jätkavad Johannese ja Kristjani abiga Õnne 13 maja remontimist. With the help of Johannese and Christian, men are continuing to repair 13 houses happily. [18, 30, 42] 30.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.0765987441461105] -1.4137943231464558 -0.3357740044593811 1505 Selle kavas olid ka kaks eesti helilooja laulu, Aleksander Kunileidi "Mu isamaa on minu arm" ja "Sind surmani". It also included two Estonian composers' songs, Alexander Kunifound, 'My father is my love' and 'Your to your death'. [48, 36, 42] 42.0 [-1.1372282141371526, -1.2063904310939828, -1.1643408202996632] -1.1693198218435994 -0.5165989398956299 1506 Eelkõige pidi ta tutvuma uute meetoditega ja hankima värskeid ideid uute toodete leidmiseks. Above all, he had to look at new methods and come up with fresh ideas to find new products. [75, 100, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9075119055914231 -0.3586980104446411 1507 Georg on jälle leidnud tee Are ja oma poja juurde. Georg has once again found the way to a cure-all and to his son. [35, 28, 21] 28.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.7751645842151236, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4664228642865715 -0.45796504616737366 1508 12. sajandi jooksul tekkis Bütsantsis omamoodi varajane humanism, huvi taassünd antiikaegsete autorite loomingu vastu. During the 12th century, the Bureau developed a kind of early humanism, an interest in the creation of ancient authors. [35, 42, 39] 38.666666666666664 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.1643408202996632, -0.810550569450192] -1.0724350546013752 -0.45600882172584534 1509 Egiptuse põhiseaduslik assamblee kogunes istungile, et hääletada riigi põhiseaduse uue kavandi üle. The Egyptian Constitutional Assembly met for a plenary session to vote on a new draft country's constitution. [100, 84, 78] 87.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.735119042636074 -0.3811267912387848 1510 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis siseministeeriumi hoones lasti maha kaks NATO ohvitseri. Two NATO officers were shot in the Ministry of the Interior building in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. [81, 67, 80] 76.0 [0.4278375657874865, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4949620887624109] 0.333562854735524 -0.21918922662734985 1511 Aga see õige taipamine ei muuda sellise menetluse iseloomu, vaid ühtlasi väljendab selle ebapiisavust. But this proper understanding does not change the nature of such a procedure, but also expresses its inadequacy. [76, 84, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.32953463266677707, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6402382451032238 -0.34275054931640625 1512 Eesti filmi algust seostatakse Sergei Utotškini õhulennu salvestamisega 1912. aastal. The start of Estonian film will be linked to the recording of Sergei Utoch's diamond diary in 1912. [28, 26, 29] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.3746544731431163, -1.12785038341693] -1.4258898135917233 -0.4311889708042145 1513 Ühel Knossosest leitud freskol on näiteks kujutatud naiste gruppi, kes vaatavad pildi vasakule küljele, taustaks on aga puudetukk. A group of women who look at the left, for example, is portrayed against the background of one of the most common pieces of knowledge. [8, 36, 23] 22.333333333333332 [-2.0271063344269367, -1.324739928289561, -1.318230271796973] -1.556692178171157 -0.6508782505989075 1514 Pakistani pealinnas Islamabadis korraldas enesetaputerrorist hotelli Marriott parklas plahvatuse, tappes iseenda ja veel ühe inimese. In the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, a suicide bomber carried out a hotel in Marriott parklas an explosion, killing himself and another person. [55, 81, 68] 68.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1096188910533485] 0.0416372136994123 -0.34384214878082275 1515 Presidendi pressiteenistuse teatel ütles riigipea, et pühendab auhinna neile, kes on andnud oma elu vabaduse ja demokraatia eest. According to the President's press service, the Head of State said he would dedicate the prize to those who have given their lives for freedom and democracy. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8838326195922829 -0.28851041197776794 1516 Karm Piacenza lahing 16. juunil 1746 oli raske võitlus ja Maillebois oli peaaegu võitu võtmas, kui infanti käsk ta lahkuma sundis. Karm Piacenza's battle on 16 June 1746 was a difficult struggle, and in Maillebo, it was almost about to pass when the infection was ordered to leave. [23, 16, 9] 16.0 [-1.318230271796973, -2.298727810428375, -2.006769084012961] -1.8745757220794363 -0.38541218638420105 1517 Ma nõuan seda õigust ainult sellepärast, et ma olen mõistuslik tegutseja, kellel on eesmärgid. I demand this right only because I am a rational player with ambitions. [86, 79, 56] 73.66666666666667 [0.680758556193477, 0.44997912719119615, -0.48592357188822877] 0.21493803716548146 -0.44085708260536194 1518 Immigratsiooniseadus keelab homoseksuaalsetel mittekodanikel riigi territooriumile sisenemise. Immigration law prohibits homosexual non-citizens from entering the territory of the country. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.29456305503845215 1519 Ta näitab esiteks, et ei ole ühte ühist hüve ideed, ja teiseks, et kui ka oleks, ei seisneks inimese õnn selles. He shows, firstly, that there is no idea of a common good and, secondly, that, if there were one, it would not be a human good. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.7400004640879625, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1709475838635426] 1.0033505221053118 -0.44804251194000244 1520 Otsus kasutada teatud aparaati teatud viisil kätkeb eeldust, mis piirab võimalikke asjaolusid. The decision to use certain apparatus in a certain way involves a premise that limits the possible circumstances. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0444837682681243 -0.4258725643157959 1521 Pikemas perspektiivis sellel võidul siiski erilist tähendust polnud. However, this victory did not have much meaning in the long term. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8256927339487431 -0.4017808735370636 1522 Eesti poliitilist elu raputasid mitmed skandaalid. Estonia's political life was shaken by many scandals. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.21934744715690613 1523 Mateeria on see, mis substantsiaalse muutumise puhul püsib. It is what persists when it comes to substance change. [9, 1, 5] 5.0 [-1.1540812972679617, -2.016289862523797, -2.1358483113075737] -1.7687398236997776 -0.7124058604240417 1524 1704. aastal vallutasid venelased Tartu ja Narva, millega Eesti idapoolne osa läks nende kontrolli alla. In 1704, the Russians invaded Tartu and Nusk, with which the eastern part of Estonia came under their control. [60, 82, 62] 68.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.5808699337445091, -0.08076099732669434] 0.05275957879024562 -0.46392568945884705 1525 Kui sõber üldse kaalukski seda, siis ta poleks tõeline sõber. If at all a friend considered it, he would not be a true friend. [90, 76, 85] 83.66666666666667 [0.9085307290014955, 0.05727907059662488, 0.711760740297822] 0.5591901799653142 -0.36896398663520813 1526 Vaatamata saavutatud kompromissidele paljudele ordus selline asjade käik ei meeldinud ja Balk taandus meistriametist. Despite the many compromises that have been reached, this course of action did not like that, and Balk came back from the Office. [76, 81, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1369336404488223] 0.3458773491896554 -0.5376197695732117 1527 Tal on ema Veera Puolakka ja eksmees Sergei Kuula ning tütar Taiga Kuula. He is the mother of Veera Puolacka and the priest, Sergei, and daughter Taga, a famous. [65, 67, 62] 64.66666666666667 [0.1774123885366415, -0.04267714354839904, 0.021854491158375868] 0.05219657871553945 -0.4019152820110321 1528 Esmased hüved on head iseeneses ja nende poole püüeldakse nende endi pärast. The first benefits are good for themselves and they are being pursued for their own sake. [98, 75, 87] 86.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.46773606623310476, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7357604787557035 -0.4982137680053711 1529 Eesti Jalgratturite Liidu presidendiks valiti 2006. aastal liiklusõnnetuses hukkunud Mati Jostovi asemel presidendi senine kohusetäitja Jaan Toots. Mr Jaan Toots, President-in-Office of the Estonian Association of Jalgrarigists, has been elected in place of Ms Jostov, who died in 2006. [34, 47, 59] 46.666666666666664 [-1.407453656337378, -0.9461894760441417, -0.6117482555010391] -0.988463795960853 -0.5862778425216675 1530 29. juuli õhtuks ei olnud Grenaderimäel enam ühtegi venelast. By the evening of 29 July, there was no longer any Russians on the Grenaderma Show. [83, 83, 83] 83.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6097004984777351 -0.5022555589675903 1531 Alžeerias Kabiilia piirkonnas korraldati pommirünnakud seitsmele politseijaoskonnale. In the Kabiilia region of Algeria, 7 police stations were subjected to bomb attacks. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.9861475174994716 -0.351693332195282 1532 Lisaks on palju viljakandvat maad, metsa ja hüdroenergia tootmiseks sobivaid jõgesid. In addition, there are many fertile land, forests and hydropower rivers. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.3473159074783325 1533 Uus idee, nimelt hüpotees, peab olema leiutatud juba enne lõppjärelduse tegemist. A new idea, namely the hypothesis, must be invented even before the final conclusion is reached. [90, 89, 100] 93.0 [0.7208132901854393, 1.094521799607627, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9801044618466589 -0.24450378119945526 1534 Laulja olevat kurtnud kõripõletiku üle ega alustanud proovi enne kella 9 õhtul. The flotilla has complained about the fire and did not start trying before 9 p.m. [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.016289862523797, -2.4413752569350895] -2.116166355599445 -0.5310760140419006 1535 Marutaud ei muutu epideemiliseks, kuid seda kardeti kohutavate sümptomite tõttu, mille hulka kuulub hullus, veekartus ja surm. The discussion is not becoming epidemic, but it was feared because of the terrible symptoms, which include madness, aquatic fear and death. [24, 27, 29] 26.666666666666668 [-1.3511582003990357, -1.5306005177365722, -1.12785038341693] -1.3365363671841795 -0.43649277091026306 1536 Aserbaidžaanile kuuluval naftapuurtornil Kaspia meres süttinud tulekahjus sai surma 30 töölist. The fire in Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea, which flown up in the oil rigs, killed 30 workers. [53, 49, 45] 49.0 [-0.6216732398831174, -0.8589289383419331, -1.135825582665942] -0.8721425869636642 -0.607625424861908 1537 Ristisõdijad saabusid Konstantinoopoli alla 1203. aasta 23. juunil. Travellers arrived in Constantinople on 23 June 1203. [43, 67, 55] 55.0 [-0.8091710483372031, 0.253838172792557, -0.302870867103411] -0.286067914216019 -0.4120792746543884 1538 Võidukas vägi liikus Viljandist kohe edasi Leole linnuse alla. The race to the surface from Viljor immediately passed on Lithuania to urban areas. [12, 23, 1] 12.0 [-2.4732488858327923, -1.483396450023753, -2.016289862523797] -1.990978399460114 -0.6653645038604736 1539 Eriti aktiivsed olid lõunapoolsed rahvad, põhjapoolsed fangid tavaliselt orjadega ei kaubelnud. Southern nations were particularly active, and northern fanatics were usually not traded with slaves. [29, 42, 54] 41.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.1643408202996632, -0.5803163758592089] -0.9575025265252674 -0.4578852355480194 1540 1606. aasta Sandomierzi mässu ajal toetasid protestandid suurel arvul kuningavastaseid. During the Sandminerz rebellion in 1606, Protestants supported a large number of kings. [15, 8, 1] 8.0 [-1.7206510797975005, -2.0007224627569493, -2.016289862523797] -1.9125544683594156 -0.3490680754184723 1541 Mitte et reflektiivsus ei võiks väheneda, aga me ei saa teadlikult tagasi minna. It is not that the reflexes could not be reduced, but we cannot consciously go back. [83, 86, 79] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.7553910091489263, 0.3426133161983885] 0.5611909791169235 -0.5928413271903992 1542 Tõsiasja, et filosoofilised mõistatused on nii rasked ja lahendamatud, peetakse nende sügavuse märgiks. The fact that philosophical mysteries are so difficult and insoluble is seen as a sign of depth. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.382510244846344 1543 Illumineerivam oleks mõelda Pedro projektide mõjust Jimi otsusele, mitte Jimi projektide mõjust Pedrole. It would be more illuminating to think about the impact of Pedro's projects on Jim's decision and not about the impact of Jim projects on the paedophiles. [83, 55, 69] 69.0 [0.35590589178006926, -0.5219469148485164, 0.33026395704847245] 0.054740977993341766 -0.405842125415802 1544 Reaalne on ainult igavik, kus ei ole muutumist, saamist ega kõdunemist. The reality is only an eternity where there is no change, no overcome and no speech. [41, 33, 25] 33.0 [-1.1179556081700188, -1.557013239959602, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3099130523777485 -0.48136821389198303 1545 Võrreldes Frank McCoy kriminaalasjaga Kaur Kender avaldas oma kirjandusteose UNTITLED12 võrgukeskkonnas Compared to Frank McCoy's criminal case, Kaur Kent published his literary works in UNTITLED12 online nihilist.fever [23, 13, 2] 12.666666666666666 [-1.318230271796973, -2.429618616981688, -2.1438382372612104] -1.963895708679957 -0.34303250908851624 1546 Saksamaa poolt algselt soovitud holokaustirevisionismi üleliidulist kriminaliseerimist otsustati mitte rakendada. It was decided not to implement the EU-wide criminalisation of Holocarevisionism, which Germany originally wanted. [62, 49, 56] 55.666666666666664 [-0.06975075057547515, -0.7871006959787512, -0.2711408857067372] -0.3759974440869878 -0.28892409801483154 1547 Prints Edwardi Saare Progressiivne Konservatiivne Partei saavutas 41,3 protsendi valijate toetuse ja 4 kohta parlamendis. The Prince Edwardi Saare Progressive Conservative Party achieved 41.3% of voters' support and 4 in Parliament. [81, 89, 96] 88.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985, 0.689673621607982] 0.6676205956282951 -0.2831420600414276 1548 Hääletus kukkus läbi, sest vajaliku üheksa saadiku asemel toetas presidendi umbusaldamist vaid kaheksa saadikut; vastu oli seitse parlamendiliiget. The vote was a failure because, instead of the nine Members required, only eight Members supported the President's mistrust; seven Members opposed it. [94, 97, 99] 96.66666666666667 [1.0901636694846504, 1.4002249366312889, 1.2807425052166714] 1.2570437037775368 -0.3676582872867584 1549 Paavst andis välja CD vaimulike meditatsioonidega. The Pope issued the CD with clergy mediators. [85, 82, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.4412278406896248, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6172985934001295] 0.5464654559447545 -0.3129658102989197 1550 Visiidi raames avas ta Pärnus kalanduse teabekeskuse renoveeritud hoone. Under the visit, he opened a renovated building of the Centre for Information on Fisheries, Pernus. [57, 33, 61] 50.333333333333336 [-0.44990022892794107, -1.0009304578302347, -0.2908183276918498] -0.5805496714833418 -0.4040962755680084 1551 Ta saatis 11. veebruaril 2003 läkituse bernardiinidele. On 11 February 2003, he sent a letter of reference to the berries. [89, 85, 80] 84.66666666666667 [0.7028467458012655, 0.6490285747968032, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6151615722134564 -0.6587603092193604 1552 Seimi ülemkohus, mille eesistuja oli kuningas, otsustas kõige tõsisemad kohtuasjad. The supreme court, the President-in-Office of which was king, decided on the most serious cases. [66, 72, 77] 71.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, 0.23653881664004375, 0.47395913382770866] 0.3087077437107839 -0.37125152349472046 1553 Kindral Steiner määras uueks pataljoniülemaks D'Haese. General Steiner appointed D'Haese as the new head of the patalium. [71, 82, 100] 84.33333333333333 [0.4066897413043879, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0152560939928115] 0.6676052563472362 -0.5825099945068359 1554 Jaanus saab vanaema Alma käest järjekordse portsjoni elutarkusi. Jaanus will be another portion of life software from the old mother Alma. [6, 18, 12] 12.0 [-1.2390042606518306, -1.4768801787803418, -1.8821170319194211] -1.5326671571171977 -0.3775487244129181 1555 Hiljem abiellus ta Helena Kuulaga, kuid aastal 2013 nad läksid lahku. He later married her Helena to listen, but in 2013 they moved apart. [80, 77, 83] 80.0 [0.4949620887624109, 0.09994004505140265, 0.6245002025956135] 0.406467445469809 -0.5947670936584473 1556 See teaduste koostisosa kuulub filosoofiasse; positiivne külg aga jääb neile eriomaseks. This ingredient in the sciences belongs to the philosophy; the positive side remains specific to them. [90, 90, 89] 89.66666666666667 [0.9451743669771346, 1.132734691735585, 0.867173864977587] 0.9816943078967689 -0.3798117935657501 1557 Stanisław August Poniatowski, viimane Poola kuningas, oli vastuoluline kuju. Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last King of Poland, was a controversial figure. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.21896164119243622 1558 Friedrich pidi kodumaalne naasma 1229. aastal, Akko olukord oli tema valitsusajal märgatavalt halvenenud. Friedrich had to return home in 1229; the situation in Akko had deteriorated considerably under his government. [80, 85, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7017464088819532, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7734447002237212 -0.28883689641952515 1559 Selle järgi, mis on tõene, tuleb tähendused alles leida. According to what is true, the meaning has yet to be found. [87, 100, 84] 90.33333333333333 [0.7990212780000306, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6172985934001295] 0.8384744632548634 -0.4381186366081238 1560 Nõukogude Liidu hinnangud Ungari sündmustele olid tähelepanuväärselt vaoshoitud. The Soviet Union's assessments of events in Hungary were remarkably restrained. [98, 83, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.239385641192763, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9289784916615177 -0.21190710365772247 1561 Selma poeg oli Martti Viljanen, kes samuti südameinfarkti. The son was Martti Viljanen, who also had a heart attack. [62, 82, 56] 66.66666666666667 [-0.1125022042581439, 0.5808699337445091, -0.48592357188822877] -0.0058519474672878435 -0.29122796654701233 1562 Paavst Benedictus XVI alustas neljapäevast visiiti Poolas. Pope Benedict XVI started a four-day visit to Poland. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7886422934300293 -0.18099966645240784 1563 Seega ei kohaldu tarbijatöövõtulepingu sätted, kui lepingu esemeks on kinnisasi. Consequently, the provisions of the consumer labour agreement will not apply if the agreement is obsessed with. [94, 84, 89] 89.0 [0.7060727760300748, 0.6681304714467177, 0.511274588423753] 0.6284926119668485 -0.4981948435306549 1564 Ta kujutab endast võrdlemisi stabiilset ja rahulikku maakoore osa. It is a relatively stable and peaceful part of the countryside. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9194928156201535 -0.4051673114299774 1565 Ta on päris purjus ja laseb viimasel Almale valetada, et on Meriväljal oma poja Arturi juures. He is rather crushing and allowing the last Alma to lie that he has his son at Arturi. [12, 25, 37] 24.666666666666668 [-1.5963947019567695, -1.9060553907684363, -1.1703670881336952] -1.557605726952967 -0.4972022473812103 1566 Et Cantori kriteeriumi säilitada, peame ütlema, et üksühene vastavus peab olema, isegi kui me ei saa seda kirjeldada. In order to maintain the Cantori criterion, we must say that there must be one-sided compatibility, even if we cannot describe it. [80, 62, 83] 75.0 [0.22792296841573595, -0.26978351412650253, 0.6245002025956135] 0.1942132189616156 -0.32034510374069214 1567 Inimaju on sel juhul superarvutitestki võimsam ja selle programmid on hoopis teistsugused. Human houses will then be more powerful than supercomputers, and its programmes will be quite different. [44, 38, 41] 41.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.2420262002417441, -1.2079710891507676] -1.122733658934731 -0.482077032327652 1568 Õnneks jäi Niels Bohr hoolimata sellest falsifikatsioonis oma teooriale kindlaks. Fortunately, Niels Bohr, despite this, remained stuck in his theory. [49, 22, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-0.25044261535154405, -1.3499602531936468, -1.324739928289561] -0.9750475989449173 -0.3984134793281555 1569 Võlvlae paekivisse 17. sajandil raiutud auk kaeti trossidel rippuva puitalusega, mis krohviti. The parcel of the debt in bread in 17 centuries was covered by a bottle hanging on the rockets, which was weed. [9, 35, 31] 25.0 [-2.179020691021751, -1.3616028517280283, -1.1934178450087216] -1.5780137959195004 -0.8329546451568604 1570 Selline teadmine on empiiriline, ja pole selge, mis õigustab selle nimetamist teaduseks ja kuidas täpselt selleni jõutakse. This knowledge is empirical, and it is not clear what justifies it being called science and exactly how it is being achieved. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.35972699522972107 1571 Et üks on fikseeritud ühena, siis tuleb tema kokkutulemist muudega siiski pidada millekski täiesti väliseks. As one is fixed, however, coming together with other things must be regarded as completely out of the question. [59, 67, 50] 58.666666666666664 [0.08112929793078191, 0.07788890965667469, -0.7457438319548428] -0.19557520812246207 -0.5606669187545776 1572 Indias Pandžabi ja Uttarakhandi osariikides toimusid kohalikud valimised. In the states of Punjab in India, local elections were held. [62, 82, 64] 69.33333333333333 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.5808699337445091, -0.1667477356201244] 0.11112040026589681 -0.3736715614795685 1573 ===2010=== Paavst rõhutas 1. jaanuaril 2010 laste ja keskkonna kaitsmise vajadust. = = 2010 = = = Pope stressed the need to protect children and the environment on 1 January 2010. [81, 83, 100] 88.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7213795001538292 -0.17741690576076508 1574 Indiviidide aktsidentsid kuuluvad materiaalse olemuse järgi vaadeldud asjade juurde. Excise duty rates for India are matters considered according to their material nature. [16, 31, 1] 16.0 [-2.298727810428375, -1.3865071458954215, -2.016289862523797] -1.9005082729491978 -0.6771424412727356 1575 Solomon tahab näidata kirgede ja emotsioonide tähtsust. Solomon wants to show the importance of passion and emotions. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [0.8287773348172521, 1.0630801754041426, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0056119353227684 -0.20191225409507751 1576 Marek on Saara ja oma isa lepitades lootusetult kahe tule vahel. Marek is a hopelessly reconciling between Saara and his father. [65, 72, 83] 73.33333333333333 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.16410717657114324, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2089646313070391 -0.3335058093070984 1577 Eestimaa Rahvaliidu juhatus võttis president Arnold Rüütli vastu erakonna liikmeks ja nimetas ta ühtlasi erakonna auesimeheks. President Arnold Ryl was admitted as a member of the party by the Estonian People's Electoral Authority and appointed the party's honorary chairman. [64, 82, 73] 73.0 [-0.017301034533346728, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5029582246732507] 0.020203558179303898 -0.5344418883323669 1578 Mitte ainult uinuv mõistus, vaid ka mõistuse hegemoonia sünnitab koletisi. It is not only the utter common sense, but also the hegemony of reason that is born in the garden. [36, 18, 18] 24.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.4768801787803418, -1.328825762380514] -1.3373654574182794 -0.5576619505882263 1579 2011. aastal korraldas mees järjekordse oksjoni, et koguda jälle raha Crossroads Centre heaks. In 2011, the man organised another auction to collect money again for the Crossmad Centre. [73, 73, 82] 76.0 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.18819751408457033, 0.5776758168102278] 0.23172315937569657 -0.48699626326560974 1580 Markus suri narkootikumide üledoosi tõttu, kui ta läks pulmareisile oma naise Elina Taalasmaaga. Markus died because of a drug overdose when he went to his wife, Elina Taalasland, on a powdered journey. [59, 49, 54] 54.0 [-0.42262624983089, -0.5409659837249011, -0.3346008485000848] -0.4327310273519587 -0.32626160979270935 1581 Viru Keemia Grupp teatas kavast sulgeda kaks põlevkiviõlitehast ja koondada sellega seoses umbes 100 töötajat. Viru Kohia Grupp announced plans to close two oil shale oil plants and to mobilise around 100 workers in this regard. [38, 37, 38] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.1703670881336952, -1.2420262002417441] -1.2504183946931733 -0.38805824518203735 1582 Ühtesid me peame tegema sellepärast, et muidu me ei saavuta oma eesmärki. We need to do some because otherwise we will not achieve our objective. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.4461924135684967 1583 Ursulal saab taaskord "kodu mängimisest" villand ja ta pageb tagasi Õnne tänavale, kust Priit ta leiabki. Ursul is once again getting the good of 'home playing' and getting back to the happy streets where Priit finds it. [76, 76, 76] 76.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.3190883206378832, 0.36345874222673896] 0.30569678339404915 -0.7001847624778748 1584 Suure aurumise tõttu on järve veetase enamasti väga madal. The steep drag is, in most cases, very low in water. [29, 25, 20] 24.666666666666668 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.4109017987699952, -1.9864497526720966] -1.618635127752696 -0.641238808631897 1585 Refleksioon tuleb mängu alles teises staadiumis, kui aru saab aru suhtest, mille ta põhjustas. Reflexony only comes into play at a second stage, if one realises the relationship he caused. [84, 59, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, -0.3735320557396667, 0.23653881664004375] 0.17704574411569826 -0.49457889795303345 1586 Ja selleks et inimesed saaksid teha seda, milleks nad kõige rohkem sobivad, tuleks soorolle hoida paindlikena. And for people to be able to do what they are most suited to, gender roles should be kept flexible. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9856365802448597 -0.37386012077331543 1587 Malawi piirneb põhjas ja kirdes Tansaaniaga, idas ja lõunas Mosambiigiga ja läänes Sambiaga. Malawi is being confined in the north and in the north to Tanzania, to eastern and southern Mozambique and to Zambia. [40, 35, 44] 39.666666666666664 [-1.062297059252832, -1.048428542501206, -0.9938850160982935] -1.0348702059507773 -0.2869616150856018 1588 Kui võõramaa saadikud käitusid lugupidamatult või lausa ülbelt, pandi nad kohe vangitorni. When foreign ambassadors behaved respectfully or even arrogantly, they were immediately put in prison. [86, 84, 88] 86.0 [0.7431032729058616, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4738404936262599] 0.6283580793262797 -0.2579393982887268 1589 Iga küsimus küsib erinevat infot ja eeldatavalt peegeldab iga küsimus erinevusi teadmistes. Each question asks for different information, and each question is presumably a reflection of the differences in knowledge. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0369965469174944 -0.4565397799015045 1590 Eesti Vabariigi riigihümn on "Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm". The national anthem of the Republic of Estonia is' My father, my happiness and joy '. [56, 56, 56] 56.0 [-0.16650364061497808, -0.2872347043367487, -0.2711408857067372] -0.24162641021948797 -0.24430739879608154 1591 Kui Rootsi 1521 unioonist lahkus, sai Norrast sisuliselt Taani provints. When Sweden disappeared from 1521 buildings, Norway became, in essence, a province of Denmark. [71, 79, 62] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.44997912719119615, -0.2494614636679413] 0.13510883292220824 -0.4841025769710541 1592 Pärast kuninga lahkumist kogusid saarlased maleva kokku, piirasid linnuse sisse ja hakkasid seda patarellidest laskma. Following the departure of the King, the island colluded in chess, restricted the urbanisation and started to release it from patarels. [54, 83, 69] 68.66666666666667 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1413488724500223] 0.06929293907894386 -0.563506007194519 1593 Eesti peaminister Taavi Rõivas alustas kahepäevast visiiti Leedus, et osaleda Leedu eurole üleminekuga seotud üritustel. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Ralevas, began a two-day visit to Lithuania to attend events related to the changeover to the euro. [82, 60, 85] 75.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, -0.3418302000470779, 0.3615382092337807] 0.20019264764373731 -0.3631334900856018 1594 Georg kohtab ühes Tallinna supermarketis Karineeme ja tuleb välja, et neil mõlemil on teineteisele midagi tähtsat öelda. Georg met Karinems in a Tallinn supermarket and it turns out that both of them have something important to say to each other. [85, 77, 75] 79.0 [0.711760740297822, 0.3708914966906855, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3566164994157858 -0.32860037684440613 1595 Aga see lootus pannakse noorte peale ainult sellepärast, et nad ei jää sellisteks, nagu nad on, vaid võtavad enese peale vaimu hapu töö. But this hope is being put on young people only because they do not remain as they are, but because they take on the delicate work of spirit. [92, 76, 81] 83.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048] 0.5705383939340908 -0.4146462678909302 1596 Fännide tungival nõudmisel püstitati Captain EO atraktsioon 2010. aasta jooksul taas kõigis neljas kohas. At the pressing request of the Football, Captain EO's application was re-launched in all four places during the course of 2010. [28, 20, 12] 20.0 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.1103016900841782, -1.6672600671603848] -1.4240463106736156 -0.5085102915763855 1597 Vanaisa kasvatas juurvilja ning müüs seda Valga turul ja linna kauplustes. Old father grew crops and sold it on the market in the White and in urban shops. [16, 23, 35] 24.666666666666668 [-1.6880982215310614, -1.318230271796973, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4574750952138347 -0.5993196368217468 1598 Teine korrus oli ümbritsetud puitrõduga ja majalinnuse küljel oli dansker. The second arrangement was surrounded by wood clothes, and on the back of the house there was the order by Mr Putin. [75, 74, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.23182778293567463, 0.27330984514349876] 0.23455252414547034 -0.8384332656860352 1599 Iris Murdoch ütleb, et filosoofi traditsiooniline inspiratsioon ja ühtlasi traditsiooniline pahe on uskuda, et kõik on üks. Iris Murdoch says that the traditional inspiration of the philosopher and, at the same time, the traditional evil is to believe that everything is one. [97, 86, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 0.8001850644696189, 1.32209936924058] 1.0377726410645887 -0.2165037840604782 1600 Halvima filmi, stsenaariumi, naispeaosa ja režissööri auhinnad läksid filmile "Dirty Love". The worst film, scenario, female chief and director's prize went to Dirty Love. [87, 100, 94] 93.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9442410679104428 -0.28147172927856445 1601 Tema eelkäija Georg Aher astus tagasi tervislikel põhjustel. His predecessor, Georg Aher, resigned for health reasons. [100, 100, 75] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.6368672448634971 -0.2214551717042923 1602 Lõplik Karlowitzi rahu lõpetas aastal 1699 Püha Liiga sõjad Osmanite riigiga. The final Karlowitz peace ended in 1699 wars of the Holy League with the Osman state. [62, 84, 81] 75.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.3745628089687809 -0.4206291139125824 1603 Ühtlasi algas samal päeval õpetajate kahepäevane streik, mis lükkas edasi ka uue õppetöö alguse üldhariduskoolides. The same day has also marked the start of a two-day strike by teachers, which has also delayed the start of new teaching activities in general education. [100, 100, 89] 96.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.9089270413502557] 0.9440713713334796 -0.460705041885376 1604 Aastal 1886 liideti Gaboni ala Prantsusmaa Kongoga. In 1886, the Gabon site was added to the French Congo. [66, 77, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.36271858948898755, 0.23653881664004375] 0.1578557546145599 -0.18985119462013245 1605 Mõned saarlaste käest pääsenud liivlased jõudsid Riiga abi paluma, kuid seal otsustati linna jääda ja ristisõdijate abijõude ootama jääda. Some of the Tunisians who escaped from the island were able to ask for help with Riga, but it was decided to remain in the city and wait for the aid forces of the Crustors. [15, 8, 1] 8.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -2.208980152340344 -0.49410930275917053 1606 Sellepärast enamik inimesi ei oska öelda, mis on headus, õiglus või isegi võrdsus. That is why most people cannot say what is good, justice or even equality. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.3160710036754608 1607 Kui aga tõlgendada seda vajadust valimatult, siis taandub hea teadusfilosoofia teaduse täpsele kirjeldusele. However, if you interpret this need indiscriminately, then a good scientific philosophy boils down to the precise description of science. [100, 98, 95] 97.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 1.0615183329535627, 1.1153150491210377] 1.0743917516414772 -0.39589133858680725 1608 see ei ole jumalatest saadetud, vaid selleni jõutakse vooruse ja mingi õppimise ja treenimise abiga, on see üks kõige jumalikumaid asju. This has not been sent from the gods, but is being achieved by virtue of virtues and some kind of learning and training, it is one of the most godless things. [80, 83, 77] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, -0.33712020887757443] 0.2592528871771577 -0.5110618472099304 1609 Kui blokeeriv eskaader oli sunnitud varude täiendamiseks lahkuma, läks Hispaania admiral Juan José Navarro merele. When the blocking escillor was forced to leave to replenish the stock, Spain went to the Sea of Juan José Navarro. [25, 13, 1] 13.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -2.0161852277208774 -0.37604597210884094 1610 Mehed on tihti ka palgatööl kalurite ja ehitajatena või kontoritööl linnas. Men are also often employed as fishermen and builders or as office work in the city. [54, 67, 61] 60.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.07788890965667469, -0.10778961700949666] -0.19595698838720868 -0.3421338200569153 1611 Euroopa Kohus otsustas, et ettevõtted võivad keelata oma töötajatel teatud tingimustel kanda pearätte ja muid religioosseid sümboleid. The Court of Justice ruled that companies may, under certain conditions, prohibit their workers from wearing headscarves and other religious symbols. [76, 61, 90] 75.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, -0.30580685708679023, 0.548708683221246] 0.18733004892411298 -0.26188772916793823 1612 Esimese kaitseliini taga Lastekodumäel asus flaami 4. The first protection line behind the child's surface was Flemish 4. [23, 16, 29] 22.666666666666668 [-1.993315928470645, -1.7371277294119054, -1.12785038341693] -1.6194313470998267 -0.6369849443435669 1613 Läti peaminister Laimdota Straujuma teatas oma tagasiastumisest. The Prime Minister of Latvia, Laimdota Straswima, announced his resignation. [79, 81, 51] 70.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194, -0.4297907926901062] 0.18550242909580308 -0.19559608399868011 1614 Bänd otsustas oma lugudes rohkem pöörduda popmuusika poole, osalt sellepärast, et "For Your Love" oli olnud edukas. The players decided, in their stories, to turn more to poppies, partly because 'For Your Love' was a success. [45, 60, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.6730544597472787, -0.3418302000470779, -0.2811423169988513] -0.43200899226440265 -0.4037052094936371 1615 Politsei hinnangul süütasid tulekahju lastekodu asukad ise. According to the police, the fire was set on the children's homes by the inhabitants themselves. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9226456397785018 -0.5059098601341248 1616 See eeldas peamist lööki prantslaste parema tiiva vastu, mis liitlaste arvates oli nõrgalt kaitstud, ja petterünnakuid prantslaste vasaku tiiva vastu. This anticipated the main blow against the French right wing, which the allies believed was poorly protected, and against the French left-wing attacks. [47, 55, 51] 51.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.5389595118353006, -0.7716684006397244] -0.7069205236686144 -0.5387563705444336 1617 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves nimetas uueks suursaadikuks Ameerika Ühendriikides Väino Reinarti, Kreekas Peep Jahilo ja Hiinas Andres Unga. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, has appointed as the new Ambassador to the United States of America, Lesino Reinarti, Greece, Peep Jahilo and Andres Unga in China. [82, 82, 81] 81.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.5538386306067818, 0.5372396648934048] 0.5139205468598128 -0.2669610381126404 1618 Ashton rõhutas, et "28 riigi nimel tahan Teile kinnitada, et Teil on olemas meie toetus. Baroness Ashton stressed that, on behalf of the 28 countries, I want to assure you that you have our support. [100, 100, 71] 90.33333333333333 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.2564751800664351] 0.9344562448409133 -0.3297511339187622 1619 August II viimase minuti meeleheitlikud sepitsused ja skeemid katkestas tema surm 1. veebruaril 1733. The last minute of August II desperate seals and schemes interrupted his death on 1 February 1733. [64, 74, 83] 73.66666666666667 [-0.45465262286070834, 0.16249660139694996, 0.6245002025956135] 0.11078139371061835 -0.3612304627895355 1620 Soble käsitab seksuaalset naudingut iseväärtusena. Soble regards sexual enjoyment as a self-value. [100, 76, 85] 87.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.36345874222673896, 0.711760740297822] 0.6660897045735793 -0.43085184693336487 1621 Tegemist oli kahe geiliikumise aktivistiga, kes avaldasid uue seaduse vastu meelt Peterburi noorteloomingu palee lähistel. These were two gay activists who opposed the new law in the wake of the St Petersburg Youth Creation Palace. [82, 66, 55] 67.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, -0.0840340075723075, -0.7614846346910114] -0.08821623617293657 -0.4477025270462036 1622 Teised Briti laevad jätkasid saabumist ja 15. oktoobriks oli laevastik lahinguks täistugevuses. Other British vessels continued to arrive, and by 15 October the fleet was a battlefield for full strength. [59, 55, 51] 55.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.10609584515499813, -0.4297907926901062] -0.3045800602841567 -0.45810195803642273 1623 1966. aastal sai Jacksoni mentoriks ja kauaaegseks sõbrannaks Diana Ross. In 1966, Jackson became a mentor and a long-standing friend, Diana Ross. [82, 71, 97] 83.33333333333333 [0.5808699337445091, 0.12275031254723479, 0.9486832980505137] 0.5507678481140859 -0.1912933737039566 1624 Vendade Rakówi akadeemia ja blasfeemia süüdistusega Rakówi trükikoja sulgemine aastal 1638 tõid endaga kaasa rohkem probleeme. The closure in 1638 of the printing house in Delów, the Academy of Vendade Delów and the OSCE accused, brought with it more problems. [41, 23, 40] 34.666666666666664 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.483396450023753, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2229942128367417 -0.726191520690918 1625 Allanile saabub külla kunagine pinginaaber Andrus. The clan arrives in Andrus. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.95318184319494, -1.922851051450467] -2.44774677644982 -0.7872134447097778 1626 Czarniecki võttis kasutusele talupoegade massi aktiivse osalemisega sissisõja. Czarniecki has introduced a crowd of peasants by actively participating in the internal war. [81, 81, 80] 80.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.522108649210108, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4767926824571241 -0.5121992230415344 1627 Asi on selles, et elamisviisi mõistuspäraseks hindamiseks tuleb kõigepealt teada, milliseid hindamiskriteeriume kasutada ja kuidas. The point is that, in order to make a rational assessment of the way we live, we first need to know what evaluation criteria are used and how. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9511421744425274 -0.4802284240722656 1628 Menei ei tähenda ainult 'seisab paigal', vaid ka 'ootab'. Mention means not only 'stand on the ground', but also 'waiting'. [18, 1, 10] 9.666666666666666 [-1.622992504998183, -2.016289862523797, -2.560509423535001] -2.06659726368566 -0.45416128635406494 1629 Kui utilitarismi tõlgendada vähem drastiliselt kui maailmasubjekti mudelis, siis kirjelduste idealiseerimine muutub vähem kohaseks. If smart infrastructure is interpreted in a less drastic way than in the world model, the idealisation of descriptions becomes less appropriate. [19, 27, 35] 27.0 [-1.445150197383668, -1.818794853066228, -1.2424137740542707] -1.5021196081680557 -0.4029439687728882 1630 Eesti Keskerakonnast astus välja jalgpallur Andres Oper. A football player from the Estonian environmental party was expelled by Andres Oper party. [31, 21, 41] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.3816902345903206, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3813065401407165 -0.36549118161201477 1631 Ka ei tehtud sealseid sambaid mitte kivist, vaid puust. Also, the pillars were made there, not from the stone, but from the wood. [50, 51, 39] 46.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -0.4297907926901062, -1.2006693362178358] -0.777507919519299 -0.591040313243866 1632 Ideaalselt ratsionaalne inimene oleks teadlik kõigist oma mälestustest kui mälestustest. Ideally rational man would be aware of all his memories as memories. [75, 81, 86] 80.66666666666667 [0.23252041618885128, 0.522108649210108, 0.7431032729058616] 0.4992441127682737 -0.3044242858886719 1633 Kõikides süsteemides tegelevad vastsündinute ravi ja transpordiga vaid arsti juhtimisel töötavad brigaadid. In all the systems, the treatment and transport of newborns are handled only by the British doctor. [73, 78, 67] 72.66666666666667 [0.26826879803671755, 0.4063488583400919, -0.08966679932506398] 0.19498361901724848 -0.5996414422988892 1634 Põllumajanduses arendati oluliselt niisutussüsteeme, kasvatama hakati uusi vilju nagu apelsinid, virsikud, safran, datlid, suhkruroog ja puuvill. Agriculture underwent significant development of irrigation systems, new crops such as oranges, peaches, safran, dats, sugar cane and cotton. [66, 54, 77] 65.66666666666667 [-0.3693306739511528, -0.5579702578088042, 0.6359670940721344] -0.0971112792292742 -0.3400421738624573 1635 Filosoofia ei jää siis aga pidama dialektika pelgalt negatiivse tulemuse juurde, nii nagu see on skeptitsismi puhul. However, the philosopher does not simply hold dialectics to a negative outcome, as is the case with scepticism. [86, 88, 90] 88.0 [0.7553910091489263, 0.6668234028409779, 0.548708683221246] 0.6569743650703834 -0.40374547243118286 1636 Sellest hoolimata on ka uued poldid hakanud lagunema ja eritavad puidu sisse rauda, mis kiirendab lagunemist. Despite this, new pollinators have also begun to fall apart and are putting timber in abyss, which will speed up the process of disintegration. [18, 21, 23] 20.666666666666668 [-1.618593541477372, -2.080576466172854, -1.2699383524630719] -1.6563694533710993 -0.6568701267242432 1637 Venemaal kinnitati ametisse Amuuri oblasti kuberner Nikolai Kolessov. In Russia, Mr Nikolai Kolessov, governor of Amur obbiter, was confirmed. [52, 57, 46] 51.666666666666664 [-0.6300169437293796, -0.621798222000287, -0.6497079606055378] -0.6338410421117348 -0.3654269576072693 1638 Täiskogu arutas nende riikide liitumistaotlusi 22. septembril 1921 ja otsustas kõik kolm riiki Rahvasteliidu täisliikmeteks vastu võtta. This House discussed the accession applications of these countries on 22 September 1921 and decided to accept all three countries as full members of the People's Union. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8004956868344033 -0.3311375379562378 1639 Raim valmistub Morna tolmu jalgelt pühkima ja teeb Arele ahvatleva pakkumise. The aim is preparing to wipe out Morna toln football and makes an attractive offer to Arez. [6, 18, 23] 15.666666666666666 [-2.0136268041954533, -1.4768801787803418, -1.862379160600371] -1.7842953811920552 -0.4677426517009735 1640 NSV Liidul õnnestus invasioon tagasi tõrjuda ja 1944. aastaks olid Nõukogude väed asunud vastupealetungile. The NSV Union succeeded in rejecting the invasion and, by 1944, the Soviet forces had stepped up the offensive. [94, 100, 88] 94.0 [1.2855862602474157, 1.32209936924058, 1.158288031393921] 1.2553245536273057 -0.4499238133430481 1641 Esimene etapp sellest leidis aset, kui fašistliku partei Suur Nõukogu Dino Grandi juhtimisel hääletas Mussolini partei juhi kohalt eemaldamise poolt. The first stage of this was when the fascist party, led by Dino Grand, voted for the removal of the leader of the Mussolini Party. [76, 84, 80] 80.0 [0.36345874222673896, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5088504341452892 -0.3342793881893158 1642 Aristotelese teooria tähendab, et isegi kõiki oma vajadusi ja võimeid väljastpoolt vaadates ei leia subjekt vastuolu oma eetiliste dispositsioonidega. The theory of Aristotle means that even if you look at all your needs and abilities from outside, you cannot find a subject incompatible with your ethical positions. [100, 95, 83] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7358791572087113, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8198276260562517 -0.35749369859695435 1643 Ta kohtus 1. detsembril 2010 kristlastega, kes said oktoobris viga Bagdadi katedraali rünnakus. He met with Christians on 1 December 2010 who were injured in the attack in Baghdad in October. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.228727927203968 -0.20813784003257751 1644 Luule hindamine nõuab palju tähelepanu ja pingutust, et kindlasti kuulda seda, mis väärib tunnustust. A short assessment requires much attention and effort to be made in order to be able to hear what is worthy of praise. [72, 83, 60] 71.66666666666667 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3321751917157582] 0.17628794250663296 -0.6147889494895935 1645 Rootsi vägi, mis võttis Narva ja enamuse Eestist, aitas võidule kaasa. The Swedish Strait, which took Names and the majority of Estonia, contributed to the victory. [24, 18, 30] 24.0 [-2.1610916010518193, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2296651706356005] -1.6225456501559206 -0.5226026773452759 1646 Peppi tegelaskuju oli nähtav ka kahes filmis, kus tal oli peaosa. A near-stage figure was also visible in two films where he had a leading role. [62, 58, 54] 58.0 [-0.08076099732669434, -0.4662565186819943, -0.4510896074063719] -0.3327023744716868 -0.6543295383453369 1647 16. sajandil oli osa Eesti aladest, endine Karksi foogtkond, ka ordumeistri otsealluvuses. In the 16th century, part of the Estonian territories, the former Karxony focal district, was also part of the Hurdurator's treasury. [47, 52, 41] 46.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.4322240068442644, -1.1179556081700188] -0.7867710911817004 -0.5186507701873779 1648 ===2013=== Ta tegi 27. jaanuaril 2013 apelli holokausti ohvrite mälestuseks. = = = 2013 = = = he made an appeal for the victims of the Holocaust on 27 January 2013. [71, 100, 75] 82.0 [0.10093697638236171, 1.0991035183644302, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3957459186685473 -0.27492254972457886 1649 Teine kurjuse tunnistamise viis on haletsus pahategija vastu. The second way of recognising evil is through bad faith in the perpetrator. [69, 81, 92] 80.66666666666667 [0.0372032665902161, 0.522108649210108, 0.9912444570493123] 0.5168521242832121 -0.5353431105613708 1650 19. juuni 2008 Kongo Demokraatliku Vabariigi president Joseph Kabila. Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on 19 June 2008. [81, 100, 93] 91.33333333333333 [0.7888186625839653, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0539163438577714] 0.9892377673962157 -0.1587778478860855 1651 Jaapani pealinnast Tōkyōst nelikümmend kilomeetrit lõuna pool asuva Ameerika Ühendriikide sõjaväebaasi juures toimus hilisõhtul pommiplahvatus. Forty kilometres from the Japanese capital, Tôkyône, at the south-south-south US military base, there was a bombardment later this evening. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.748155444407059] 0.794832875888298 -0.4417440593242645 1652 Marek intrigeerib Saarat, kes pole selleks valmis. Marek intriguises Saarat, who is not prepared for this. [60, 70, 61] 63.666666666666664 [-0.01365207210314715, 0.08139344852332632, -0.021854491158375868] 0.015295628420601101 -0.373124897480011 1653 Tema toetus apartheidirežiimile tõi kaasa teiste Aafrika liidrite hukkamõistu. His support for the apartheid regime has led to the condemnation of other African leaders. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9786141848030541 -0.22888851165771484 1654 Pärast neid sündmusi sõlmisid sõjaraskustest väsinud ning katku ja nälga talunud liivlased, latgalid ja eestlased omavahel rahu. Following these events, there was a peace that was tired of the fighting, and between the Irishmen, Latvians and Estonians who suffered from the plague of the war and who endured and starved peace. [68, 75, 61] 68.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.27545805178677896, 0.024560820024810585] 0.08212513848227108 -0.7049747109413147 1655 Tema mured saavad suuresti minu omadeks, tema lootused minu omadeks, tema hirmud, ebakindlused ja ärevused minu omadeks. His concerns will, to a large extent, become my own, his hopes, his fears, his uncertainties and my anxieties. [66, 83, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.6245002025956135, 0.33172876083006514] 0.29073165195112366 -0.42189836502075195 1656 ÜRO toiduprogrammi juht James Morris teatas, et Keenias, Etioopias ja Somaalias ähvardab näljahäda kuni 11 miljonit inimest. The Director of the United Nations Food Programme, James Morris, announced that up to 11 million people in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia are at risk of famine. [100, 73, 81] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.4513769448673338] 0.5795593257721116 -0.2727082073688507 1657 Sri Lanka pealinnast Colombost kaheksakümmend kilomeetrit lõuna pool põrkasid maanteel kokku buss ja õlleveok. Eighty kilometres south of Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, a bus and a beer lorry crashed on the motorway. [74, 79, 100] 84.33333333333333 [0.5213284176882611, 0.5464537850814665, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7309201661722126 -0.3846205770969391 1658 Sõna tuleb riigi pealinna Konstantinoopoli vanast nimest Byzantion. The word comes from the old name Byzantion of Constantinople. [67, 73, 70] 70.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.18819751408457033, 0.1249205953736362] 0.07448377004438085 -0.27808877825737 1659 Sellepärast on ka otsene võrdlemine sageli välistatud. That is why direct comparisons are often ruled out. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.322388231754303 1660 Just seetõttu ilmuvad nad konstaabel Torimi tulbiaeda, et see oma silmaga üle vaadata. That is why they are appearing on the Constable Torim Tuna in order to review it with their own eyes. [80, 75, 70] 75.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.33172876083006514, -0.18464094079753068] 0.21356573869161166 -0.6897924542427063 1661 Kui raha laenamine toimub tasu eest, kohaldatakse krediidilepingu sätted ning tegemist ei ole enam laenulepinguga. If the money is borrowed for payment, the provisions of the credit agreement will apply and this is no longer a loan contract. [78, 100, 80] 86.0 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4949620887624109] 0.6668048218223109 -0.42645204067230225 1662 Eestis toimus Tallinna visioonikonverents, mille raames leidis aset ka endiste ja praeguste linnajuhtide debatt. Estonia held a vision conference in Tallinn, during which there was also a debate between former and present mayors. [90, 100, 83] 91.0 [0.6545327129635137, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7927121446411857 -0.4434659481048584 1663 Need vaatlused olid selles mõttes objektiivsed, et need sisaldasid rutiinseid protseduure, mis annaksid praegugi suuresti sama tulemuse. These observations were objective in that they included routine procedures that would, today, to a large extent produce the same result. [77, 81, 53] 70.33333333333333 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048, -0.5939936007690919] 0.11281159591590857 -0.4942777752876282 1664 On küll ka moonutatud nägemine, nii et reaalsuse mõiste on siin normatiivne. It is also distorted to see that the concept of reality is normative here. [80, 99, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0630801754041426, 0.9085307290014955] 0.8217401001493129 -0.3481409549713135 1665 Aastal 1909 koostas saksa arheoloog Diedrich Fimmen võrdleva tabeli, kus viis minose kultuuri jaotuse vastavusse egiptuse kronoloogiaga. In 1909, the German archaeologist Diedrich Fimmen produced a comparative table, where he brought some cultural distribution into line with the chronology of Egypt. [96, 81, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7560661039333944 -0.31754347681999207 1666 Üks olulisimaid vabalinna privileege oli luua linnanõukogu ehk magistraat. One of the most important privileges of a free city was to create a town council, a magistrate. [97, 100, 81] 92.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8703004195636096 -0.4637223184108734 1667 Selleks et siit edasi minna, on tarvis ette näidata midagi enamat. In order to move forward from here, we need to show something more. [88, 83, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.8258170009536785, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7911222782484896 -0.4994930326938629 1668 Helsingis Narinkkatoril toimunud meeleavaldusel osales umbes 200 inimest. Around 200 people took part in the demonstration in Helsinki, Narinkkatori. [98, 92, 100] 96.66666666666667 [1.235152971992166, 0.9912444570493123, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1171252415961295 -0.3215959370136261 1669 Selle tõttu ei ole inimeste motiivid need, mida moraal nõuab. As a result, people's motives are not what morals require. [100, 85, 97] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.1980287771688547] 1.0115892710711956 -0.3517737090587616 1670 Eesti Filmiajakirjanike Ühing kuulutas 2011. aasta filmiks Jaan Tootseni dokumentaalfilmi "Uus Maailm". The Association of Estonian Films announced the 2011 film Jaan Tootsen's documentary "A New World." [42, 29, 55] 42.0 [-0.8417239066036423, -1.12785038341693, -0.5389595118353006] -0.8361779339519576 -0.31445208191871643 1671 See on number üks tunnustatud kirjanik, kes on väljendanud selgelt kunstilist taotlust. It is the number one renowned writer who has clearly expressed his artistic request. [82, 83, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.5808699337445091, 0.6190326808341362, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7749603034418518 -0.3357450067996979 1672 Üldkogul valiti erakonna esimeheks Kristiina Ojuland, samuti kinnitati erakonna põhikiri ja programm. Mrs Kristiina Ojuland, President of the party, was elected to the assembly, and the party statute and programme were confirmed. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.873470457843843 -0.4225844442844391 1673 Kuna komandopunkti meeskond oli kahanenud, viis Rebane komandopunkti eesliinile. As the team of compositions had been shrinking, it took Rebelan to the front line. [32, 31, 29] 30.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693] -1.3742026546712915 -0.7713163495063782 1674 27. juuli õhtuks toodi Vokast veoautodel kohale 47. rügemendi I pataljoni 450 meest major Georg Soodeni juhtimisel. By the evening of 27 July, 47th scrap batteries I from Vokas was delivered on lorries under the leadership of Georg Soden. [44, 25, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -2.1184306265970414, -1.4697527022573933] -1.5273561149842427 -0.5711689591407776 1675 pisiVarbola Jaanilinn, vaade läänest läbi väravaava siseõue poole, juuli 2003 pisiVarbola Jaanilinn, an overview of the West towards a gateway internal demand, July 2003 [59, 52, 45] 52.0 [-0.3735320557396667, -0.7280381317886201, -1.135825582665942] -0.7457985900647429 -0.398099809885025 1676 Märtsi algul muutus Eesti diviisi olukord rindelõigus raskeks, kuna diviis oli juba sügaval kotis, mille põhi oli 20 km ja suu laius 7 km. At the beginning of March, the situation in the Estonian way became difficult as the route was already deep in the home, based on 20 km and 7 km of salt. [34, 38, 30] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.2420262002417441, -1.697337004628338] -1.4842487253261931 -0.5074519515037537 1677 Tegusid endid võib nimetada headeks või halbadeks vastavalt motiivile. Doing so can be described as good or bad in accordance with the motive. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9135743184639452 -0.5355108380317688 1678 Koperniku väljatöötatum ettepanekki polnud Ptolemaiose süsteemist lihtsam ega täpsem. A more developed proposal, if anything, was not simpler or more precise than the Ptolerant system. [9, 16, 1] 8.666666666666666 [-1.9625095706289915, -1.7371277294119054, -2.016289862523797] -1.9053090541882314 -0.6515156030654907 1679 Veel ligi 70 inimest, nende seas ka mitmed väikelapsed, sai eri raskusastmega vigastusi. Almost 70 more people, including many young children, were injured in different degrees of severity. [92, 100, 84] 92.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.800698959108341 -0.46158716082572937 1680 Lisaks nendele kanti ette 55 ooperi uuslavastused. In addition to these, 55 operators were given new answers. [9, 26, 7] 14.0 [-1.990859008800058, -1.7383085685286457, -1.8259099741437539] -1.8516925171574858 -0.5994999408721924 1681 Tegelikus elus oleks muidugi raske otsustada, kas see meelemuutus oli õige. In actual life it would, of course, be difficult to decide whether this change of mind was the right one. [84, 100, 85] 89.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7017464088819532] 0.8229934662310336 -0.3454856276512146 1682 Kuningas Gustav II Adolfi ajal rajati Eestisse Tartu Ülikooli ning mitu gümnaasiumit. King Gustaf II, Aolf, was set up at Tartu University in Estonia and several asymmetries were created. [31, 29, 27] 29.0 [-1.5315242484091034, -1.7315343153640192, -1.1913103462102776] -1.4847896366611335 -0.5054876804351807 1683 Üks tema kõnede kirjutajaid oli hiljem öelnud, et deklaratsioon neutraliteedist mängis olulist rolli Hruštšovi otsuses toetada interventsiooni. One of the writers of his speeches was later saying that the declaration on neutrality played an important role in the decision taken by Mr Hrušchev to support intervention. [89, 82, 80] 83.66666666666667 [0.9089270413502557, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5547215701136934 -0.4583732783794403 1684 Teiste 2008. aasta auhinnasaajate hulka kuuluvad ajakirjanik Thomas Friedman, USA senaator Patrick Leahy ja Florida kuberner Charlie Crist. Other recipients of the 2008 award include journalist Thomas Friedman, the US Senate Patrick Leahy and Florida Governor Charlie Cris. [100, 81, 76] 85.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5977542019441766] 0.7446991284006707 -0.2729765772819519 1685 Ülejäänud seitse kahtlusalust jäeti veel 72 tunniks vahi alla. The other seven suspects were detained for another 72 hours. [100, 100, 92] 97.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0176690182308925] 0.9803186969603587 -0.34761130809783936 1686 Võib küll, kui täpselt taibata, mida see tähendab. You can see exactly what that means. [28, 35, 21] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.3660967923134697, -1.3816902345903206] -1.5076505370396378 -0.6431006193161011 1687 Suureks probleemiks on endiste kaevandusalade regenereerimine. The major problem is the regeneration of former mining areas. [91, 77, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.8394084631768461, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302] 0.767076857010088 -0.23418071866035461 1688 Isale tema kirjandushuvi eriti ei meeldinud, sest tema tahtis pojast inseneri kasvatada. The father did not particularly like his literary interest because he wanted to grow an engineer from his son. [90, 100, 82] 90.66666666666667 [0.548708683221246, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7515189709042218 -0.3420242667198181 1689 Probleem on selles, kuidas teha nii, et see ei oleks lihtsalt vaga soov. The problem is how to ensure that it is not just wishful thinking. [93, 83, 100] 92.0 [0.8469401176424164, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7981633171447354 -0.36419913172721863 1690 Jaanus läheb Alma ja Johannese poole, kelle ülehoolitsev suhtumine ta niigi krussis närvid veelgi enam krussi ajab. Jaanus is heading towards Alma and Johannese, whose overlooking attitude he is already wrestling with even more rubbish. [49, 35, 21] 35.0 [-0.7871006959787512, -1.4697527022573933, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2128478776088218 -0.49661579728126526 1691 Kui 22. juunil 1941 puhkes sõda Nõukogude Liidu ja Saksamaa vahel, hoogustus metsavendade tegevus. When the war between the Soviet Union and Germany broke out on 22 June 1941, the actions of the forest brothers were stepped up. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8295825327351395 -0.2729930579662323 1692 Iga rahvas harrastagu oma erilist religioosset traditsiooni, et teisi võistluses ületada. Every nation must practise its special religious tradition in order to overcome others in the competition. [97, 82, 100] 93.0 [1.0297883515568889, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.977585884847326 -0.410860538482666 1693 Igasugune ratsionaalne hindamine ei pea sellest lähtuma. Any rational assessment must not be based on this. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.5776758168102278, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0463418728498313] 0.8745598201042158 -0.48096147179603577 1694 Alates 1998. aastast tegutseb Podolskis islami usuorganisatsioon Rahman ja 4. juulil 2010 avati linna esimene mošee. Since 1998 there has been an Islamic religious organisation Rahman operating in Podolskis, and on 4 July 2010 the city's first mosque was opened. [65, 62, 68] 65.0 [0.005795140699435191, -0.26978351412650253, 0.2668948972472688] 0.0009688412734004855 -0.2913370728492737 1695 Magnaadid üritasid jõustada keiser Maximilian II kandidatuuri ja 12. detsembril peapiiskop Uchański isegi teatas tema valimisest. The Magnays tried to enforce the candidacy of Maximilian II and, on 12 December, Archbishop Uchański even announced his election. [18, 1, 10] 9.666666666666666 [-1.622992504998183, -2.016289862523797, -2.400018392911181] -2.0131002534777203 -0.31420445442199707 1696 Esimene rünnak La Haye Sainte'ile algas umbes 13.30. The first attack on La Haye Sainte started at around 13.30. [100, 100, 94] 98.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0901636694846504] 1.037569820264695 -0.1686353236436844 1697 President, kes oli teel tagasi palverännakult Mekasse, viibis küll plahvatuse ajal laeval, kuid vigastada ei saanud. The President, who was on his way back from the palverpool to Meka, was on the ship at the time of the explosion, but was not injured. [55, 53, 51] 53.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -0.6844078629375159, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5453818568253794 -0.3878251910209656 1698 Kohe saavad sellest külaskäigust teada ka Georg ja Are. Mr Georg and Mr Georg will also be able to report this visit shortly. [73, 81, 65] 73.0 [0.328969831320193, 0.5372396648934048, -0.3871436867160806] 0.15968860316583905 -0.5462589859962463 1699 Senine valitsev Progressiivne Liberaalne Partei sai ülejäänud 18 saadikukohta. The current ruling Liberal Party received the other 18 seats. [74, 100, 87] 87.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.9996617706525889, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6248823032132299 -0.6021525859832764 1700 See võeti tänasel kujul kasutusele koos lipuga 30. juunil 1911 ja on lihtsustatud kujul integreeritud ka Portugali lipu disaini. It was introduced as it stands today, along with the flag on 30 June 1911, and the design of the Portuguese flag is also integrated in a simplified form. [69, 78, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4063488583400919, 0.29999877943339137] 0.22957584145633156 -0.3596017062664032 1701 See viitas samadele probleemidele, millega prantslased, ja eriti Joseph Bonaparte, seisid silmitsi Hispaanias Poolsaare sõjas. It referred to the same problems that the French, and in particular Joseph Bonapard, faced in the war on the Polish island in Spain. [33, 45, 21] 33.0 [-1.0708807744426558, -0.8821803444513935, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1115837844947898 -0.2811463475227356 1702 Selleks ajaks toimis Ungaris mitmeparteiline demokraatia. By then, multi-party democracy worked in Hungary. [100, 78, 85] 87.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 0.4269187050200866, 0.711760740297822] 0.6872430255046952 -0.347089946269989 1703 Kokkupõrgetes keegi vigastada ei saanud, samuti ei pidanud politsei vajalikuks ründajaid vahistada. Nobody was injured in clashes, nor did the police consider it necessary to arrest the assailants. [83, 99, 76] 86.0 [0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714, 0.36345874222673896] 0.7562338166796746 -0.25471851229667664 1704 Liivimaal võeti aadelkonna käest ära umbes 80% mõisatest, Eestimaal tunduvalt vähem, alla 20%. Around 80% of concepts were taken away by the archipelago, much less in Estonia, less than 20%. [70, 75, 80] 75.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.33172876083006514, 0.4936093960423005] 0.28124712880938824 -0.532853364944458 1705 Süürias alustas tegevust Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni rahuvaatlusmissioon. In Syria, the United Nations peace observation mission started operations. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0660833928182305 -0.3140660524368286 1706 Alma leiab oma korterist kinnisvaramaakleri ja teeb Marele peapesu. The starting point is to find a real estate broker in their corps and to make a stop to Marele. [28, 32, 35] 31.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.6006435088107063, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4871058253001534 -0.7059722542762756 1707 Absoluutses käsituses saaks ka seletada, miks üht liiki vaatleja saab teha vaatlusi, mida teine ei saa teha. An absolute approach could also explain why an observer of this kind can carry out an observation that another cannot do. [84, 55, 82] 73.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, -0.302870867103411, 0.5808699337445091] 0.2669096992136417 -0.4376022517681122 1708 Kui moraalifilosoofid räägivad nii, nagu jutt oleks väidetest, siis nad eksivad. If the moral ceilings speak as if they were allegations, then they are wrong. [41, 32, 23] 32.0 [-1.435855035320597, -1.3504838029351336, -1.4275290808375833] -1.4046226396977712 -0.5771382451057434 1709 Selline kiire ja pidev vasturünnakute jada tõi muidugi kaasa väga suured kaotused. This sequence of rapid and constant counterattack has, of course, resulted in enormous losses. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.4945782721042633 1710 Tegemist oli esimese kaaperdamisega Somaalia vetes pärast 2012. aastat. This was the first hijacking in Somali waters after 2012. [92, 79, 85] 85.33333333333333 [0.87113844457352, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7017464088819532] 0.6742879935488898 -0.29010650515556335 1711 Üksikud asjad on ka oma sugude ja liikide kokkutõmmatud kujutised. Individual things are also intractable images of their gender and species. [60, 84, 84] 76.0 [-0.3321751917157582, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6172985934001295] 0.3177512910436963 -0.4124099314212799 1712 Allan ja Vaike klaarivad omavahel haigla ooteruumis suhteid. I live and the Vatican are cooking relationships between the waiting room for the hospital. [10, 2, 6] 6.0 [-1.9242966785010338, -2.7308733051024485, -2.425848518579721] -2.3603395007277346 -0.6605737805366516 1713 Nutikad ja ettevõtlusandega inimesed teenivad mis tahes eraettevõtlussüsteemis rohkem raha kui rivaalid. Smart people and people with entrepreneurial talents earn more money in any private business system than rivals. [100, 79, 84] 87.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.6172985934001295] 0.7221270796519187 -0.34569051861763 1714 Organisatsioon saavutas oma maksimaalse suuruse perioodil 28. septembrist 1934 23. veebruarini 1935, mil sinna kuulus 58 liiget. The organisation reached its maximum size from 28 September 1934 until 1935 February, when 58 members were present. [100, 86, 95] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.7358791572087113] 0.872082820701516 -0.35110533237457275 1715 Kokkupõrgetes politsei ja kurjategijate vahel hukkus üheksateist inimest. Ninteen people died in clashes between police and criminals. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.3034536838531494 1716 Hukkunuid peetakse ohvriteks jätkuvas tülis sunniitide ja šiiitide vahel. Interests are seen as victims of the ongoing dispute between Sunni and Shiite. [43, 50, 57] 50.0 [-0.954227030371969, -0.8571906041863865, -0.25098737870986976] -0.6874683377560751 -0.3928019106388092 1717 Ameerika Ühendriikide president Barack Obama ja Hiina president Xi Jinping teatasid kliimakokkuleppe saavutamisest. US President Barack Obama and Chinese President X Jinping announced a climate agreement. [78, 81, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, 0.5363189527863194, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6892153689577739 -0.34693458676338196 1718 On hinnatud, et tapeti kolmandik kõigist rüütelvendadest, sh neis maakondades ametis olnud juhtivkoosseis. It has been estimated that a third of all the ruins, including those in office in these counties, were killed. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.41883069673140044, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.48283312580396626 -0.50750333070755 1719 Kanti järgi on moraalne tähtsus ainult õige asja tegemisel sellepärast, et see on õige asi, kavatsusega täita moraalinõudeid. According to the carpet, it is only of moral importance to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do with the intention of complying with moral standards. [81, 81, 80] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5181034676219746 -0.3635771870613098 1720 Kristjan on sõitnud Tallinnasse Georgi juurde, et temalt abi paluda. Mr Georgi, I have travelled to Tallinn to ask him for help. [29, 52, 40] 40.333333333333336 [-1.4585538318159967, -0.4322240068442644, -1.1593124721939274] -1.0166967702847296 -0.41436484456062317 1721 Rootsi parlament lükkas tagasi vähemusvalitsuse esitatud 2015. aasta riigieelarve projekti, mis kutsus riigis esile valitsuskriisi. The Swedish Parliament rejected the draft national budget for 2015 submitted by the minority government, which triggered a government crisis in the country. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8908427098462335 -0.3708949089050293 1722 Diocletianus lõi 293. aastal uue riigikorraldussüsteemi tetrarhia, et kindlustada impeeriumi ohustatud piirkondi. In 293, Diocleticanus created a new Treasury Management System theorary to secure areas threatened by the Empire. [77, 74, 70] 73.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.16249660139694996, -0.19997321272861532] 0.10841399271910739 -0.6194396615028381 1723 Kuid ta kaalub mõtet luua Hyperloopi väikesemõõduline demoversioon, mis ei juhtuks aga lähitulevikus. However, he is considering the idea of creating a small-scale demographical version of Hyperlop, which would not happen in the near future. [81, 89, 85] 85.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.9089270413502557, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6983984270134879 -0.2800084054470062 1724 Eestis teatas Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu esimees Urmas Reinsalu, et astub juuni alguses toimuval erakonna üldkogul ametist tagasi. In Estonia, Urmas Reinsalu, President of the Isaony and Res Publica Union, announced that she would step down from office in the General Assembly at the beginning of June. [26, 29, 23] 26.0 [-1.5666238606968599, -1.1982517280698368, -1.318230271796973] -1.3610352868545565 -0.2619258463382721 1725 Tegu on Eesti ajaloo pikima perioodiga, mis hõlmab üle 10 000 aasta. This is the longest period in Estonia's history, covering more than 10 000 years. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.2739926874637604 1726 aastal kergejõustiklane [[Hasley Crawford]], kes võitis meeste [[100 meetri jooks]]u. A lighter player [Hasley Crawford] who won men [100 metres to drink]. [29, 22, 15] 22.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495, -2.258848426590734] -1.8078816691098043 -0.39521193504333496 1727 Piir kuulutati ametlikult suletuks kohaliku aja järgi kell 15.00, kuid reaalselt palestiinlaste liikumist üle piiri takistada ei õnnestunud. The site was officially closed at 3 p.m. in local time, but in reality it failed to prevent the movement of Palestinians across the border. [100, 94, 76] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0901636694846504, 0.32953463266677707] 0.8396006068386191 -0.4893434941768646 1728 Eestis mõistis Pärnu Maakohus kaheks aastaks ja kuueks kuuks tingimisi vangi korruptsioonis süüdi tunnistatud Kihnu endise vallavanema Johannes Lease. In Estonia, for two years and six months, a former mayor, Johannes Leas, was sentenced to suspended imprisonment by the Chief Prosecutor, who was found guilty of corruption. [26, 31, 21] 26.0 [-1.7383085685286457, -1.3865071458954215, -1.555891101277511] -1.5602356052338593 -0.5531320571899414 1729 See on regressiivne liikumine tingitud mõistelt selle tingimustele. This is regressive movement from the term to its conditions. [100, 95, 89] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293, 0.867173864977587] 1.0308961261511822 -0.3957778513431549 1730 Ogooué ning muu hulgas Abanga ja Nyanga jõge kasutatakse sisemaalt palkide parvetamiseks. Ogooué, and the River Abanga and Nyanga, among others, is used to park wages from home. [43, 17, 30] 30.0 [-0.19162104558411433, -1.5086101601770157, -1.2296651706356005] -0.9766321254655769 -0.5130188465118408 1731 Emotsioon on eelkõige praktika, milles ollakse aktiivselt ja inimestevaheliselt sees. Estimated is, above all, a practice that is active and within people. [73, 83, 78] 78.0 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4269187050200866] 0.3269050182826639 -0.4521583914756775 1732 Jääb lahtiseks, millises sotsiaalteaduses paradigma üldse on tekkinud. It remains open to which social science has even developed a paradigm. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.3453748822212219 1733 Esimeseks postkontori juhatajaks sai kooliõpetaja Andrew Wotherspoon. The first post office was chaired by a school teacher Andrew Wotherspaon. [75, 82, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.5808699337445091, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2857595959194738 -0.35467734932899475 1734 Tiina satub kummalisse situatsiooni, kui ta Margnale appi läheb. It will be in a strange situation if she goes to Marger's aid. [34, 22, 18] 24.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.052918498945368, -1.4768801787803418] -1.2694119315800894 -0.808091938495636 1735 Phyllis ajanud Aristotelesel pea nii segi, et see lubanud tal enda seljas isegi ratsutada. In Phyllis, Aristotle head so that it even allowed him to sound on his back. [29, 20, 11] 20.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.124206735023958, -1.9429375108354776] -1.7316648764254552 -0.4829476773738861 1736 Andronikuse reformid avaldasid kiiret ja head mõju provintsides. Data reforms have had a rapid and positive impact in the provinces. [68, 70, 72] 70.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.17307885384669613, 0.16410717657114324] 0.09451419135102103 -0.33101534843444824 1737 Sageli nõuab see võrdlemine teoreetilisi ja instrumentaalseid lähendusi, mis tunduvalt vähendavad oodatavat kooskõla. Often, this comparison requires theoretical and instructive convergence, which significantly reduces the expected consistency. [91, 82, 76] 83.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.32953463266677707] 0.5832710098627109 -0.5158513188362122 1738 2,72 meetri kõrgune rakett kaaluga 99 kilogrammi saavutas katsel kõrguse 45 kilomeetrit. The high volume of 2.72 metres of cell weight, which was 99 kg, reached 45 kilometres in the test. [26, 31, 20] 25.666666666666668 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.5315242484091034, -2.0716779526032685] -1.8218757743099012 -0.7239944934844971 1739 Egiptuse apellatsioonikohtute kohtunikud alustasid protestiks president Muḩammad Mursī tegevuse vastu streiki. The judges of the Egyptian Appeal Courts began a strike in protest against the actions of President MuPeammad Mursursu. [58, 84, 83] 75.0 [-0.41488891976357517, 0.39856686623484705, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2027260496889618 -0.6133007407188416 1740 Tohib loota, et meie ajal on noortel tekkinud igatsus millegi parema järele ning see ei rahuldu pelgalt välise tunnetuse õlekõrrega. It is to be hoped that, in our times, young people will have a longing for something better, and that this will not simply satisfy the curve of external sensibilities. [65, 65, 64] 64.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, 0.01442894686332708, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.13160626695477362 -0.5081035494804382 1741 Õhtul jätkasid Putin ja Porošenko vestlust omavahel; võimalik et omavahel kohtutakse ka järgmisel päeval. In the evening Putin and Poroshenko continued their conversation with each other, possibly the next day. [55, 53, 54] 54.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -0.6844078629375159, -0.3346008485000848] -0.5136518754287057 -0.4387150704860687 1742 Paljud Lakatosi õpilased püüdsid tema metodoloogiat samas vaimus toetada. Many of the Catholic pupils tried to support his methodology in the same spirit. [78, 89, 100] 89.0 [0.1954201906102093, 0.7759485003834985, 1.3076476232459238] 0.7596721047465439 -0.3004472553730011 1743 Idaosa on kõrgem ja sealne kiltmaa tõuseb omakorda põhja suunas. The eastern part is higher, and the shale land there is rising to the north. [80, 82, 84] 82.0 [0.17436773524631535, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177] 0.4654456124332716 -0.6533513069152832 1744 Varem olid koalitsiooni tunnustanud Süüria kõrgeima võimu esindajana mitmed Pärsia lahe piirkonna riigid. In the past, several Gulf states were recognised by the coalition as the representative of Syria's highest power. [28, 18, 37] 27.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4182801392740931 -0.3796086013317108 1745 Ameerika Riikide Organisatsiooni uueks peasekretäriks valiti Uruguay esindaja Luis Almagro. The new Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States was elected, Mr Luis Almagro, representative of Uruguay. [84, 84, 77] 81.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.29762613272172966] 0.5276850658561923 -0.28904613852500916 1746 Aukonsulina Edmontonis alustas tööd Christine Lepik Robertson. Mrs Lepik Robertson began work in AuConsulina Edmonton. [79, 66, 51] 65.33333333333333 [0.3627318492546081, 0.034191330126668154, -0.46847133247114325] -0.023849384363289 -0.2915257215499878 1747 Inimeste tagasitõrjumiseks kasutati veekahureid ja pisargaasi. Water cannons and tear gas were used to ward off people. [100, 100, 93] 97.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0539163438577714] 1.2312527508732813 -0.31483522057533264 1748 5. kompanii ülem leitnant Hommik teatas Rebasele, et vaenlane on 46. rügemendi kaevikutesse tunginud. Fifthly, commander Lieutenant Hoon informed Rebai that the enemy had invaded the trenches of 46th rhythm. [26, 15, 41] 27.333333333333332 [-1.3128904044537102, -1.5720701229703633, -0.8309445887399325] -1.2386350387213354 -0.5388038754463196 1749 Sest tema tegevust põhjustab isik, mitte mõni tema osa ega miski, mis on tema sees. Because his activity is caused by a person, not by some of his or her parts or anything that is within him. [100, 85, 95] 93.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.7358791572087113] 0.857539397751148 -0.5552866458892822 1750 Osmanite riik ja Krimmi khaaniriik, mures uue konfiguratsiooni pärast, kaldusid nüüd liitriiki toetama. You are part of the country and the Khartoum State, concerned about the new configuration, now tending to support the federal state. [34, 26, 17] 25.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.3746544731431163, -1.5086101601770157] -1.3872339167782302 -0.5908133387565613 1751 Asi pole ainult selles, et lihast ja verest arvuti tekitab inimvaimu, vaid selles, et tegu on sõnade tarvitamise otsese järelmiga. It is not just that the meat and blood computers generate human spirit, but that they are a direct consequence of the use of words. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 1.0006909404498396 -0.4722770154476166 1752 33 töölist õnnestus puurtornilt edukalt evakueerida. 33 workers succeeded in successfully evacuating the crusade. [30, 18, 24] 24.0 [-1.697337004628338, -1.4768801787803418, -1.9496856596195407] -1.7079676143427402 -0.5428608655929565 1753 On vähe tõendeid selle kohta, et Vasa konstruktsiooni oleks pärast kiilu maha panekut oluliselt muudetud. There is little evidence to suggest that the construction of the left would have been substantially altered after the roof had been put down. [56, 51, 45] 50.666666666666664 [-0.7959404184989305, -0.7716684006397244, -0.952528152074385] -0.8400456570710134 -0.4467279016971588 1754 Kvalifitseeritud õpetajatest on suur puudus, tihti on õpetajatel endalgi võrdlemisi napp haridus. There is a huge shortage of qualified teachers, often teachers have relatively low education at some point. [60, 51, 56] 55.666666666666664 [-0.3418302000470779, -0.4297907926901062, -0.24977056414566148] -0.34046385229428194 -0.5177358388900757 1755 Pakistanis Bahawalpuri linnas paiskus järsku pööret tehes külili ja süttis põlema kütuseveok. In Pakistan, in the town of Bahawalerupi, a village burned when it suddenly took a turn and a tanker burned. [3, 14, 25] 14.0 [-2.1982638035454105, -2.3859883481305837, -1.8845074786158034] -2.156253210097266 -0.5678099393844604 1756 Naani artiklit kritiseeriti laialdaselt, seejuures ka ajakirja enda toimetuskolleegiumi poolt. The article of the wife was widely criticised, including by the editorial College itself. [70, 84, 55] 69.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6681304714467177, -1.249229295753794] -0.13600665682012672 -0.4388881325721741 1757 Kasahstani president Nursultan Nazarbajev vabastas ametist Kasahstani suursaadiku Austrias, oma väimehe Rahhat Älijevi. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has dismissed his Ambassador to Kazakhstan in Austria, his Strait Rahhat in the Duma. [85, 83, 80] 82.66666666666667 [0.41883069673140044, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4058995448577764 -0.5165129899978638 1758 Raudteel tekkisid kuni üheksatunnised viivitused ja firma tühistas veel ka järgmisel päeval üheksa väljumist. Railway was delayed by up to nine hours and the company cancelled nine more days the following day. [54, 68, 81] 67.66666666666667 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048] 0.02962943271264971 -0.4734434187412262 1759 Jagatud 110 saadikukohast läks 98 Liidule Rahvaliikumise Eest. Of the 110 ambassadors distributed, 98 went to the Union from the EDP. [71, 82, 70] 74.33333333333333 [0.2564751800664351, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.21245730036077629 -0.4630374312400818 1760 Töövõtulepingu asemel on asja võõrandamisega ehk müügilepinguga tegemist ainult siis, kui asja võõrandamine on lepingu keskne kohustus. Instead of a contract of employment, it is about alienating the matter, in other words a sales contract, only when the alienation of the matter is a central responsibility of the agreement. [95, 88, 81] 88.0 [0.8835775815176352, 0.7442185189868247, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7216785884659549 -0.4748081862926483 1761 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves nimetas Ardo Hanssoni Eesti Panga uueks presidendiks. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, appointed Ardo Hansson as the new President of the Bank of Estonia. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.1583881974220276 1762 Paavst Franciscus kuulutas ta 27. aprillil 2014 pühakuks. Pope Franciscus declared him sacrosanct on 27 April 2014. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8177291393307655 -0.14959263801574707 1763 Kui kõik läheb meile moraalselt korda, siis me ei saa väita, et see kordaminek aitab neid asju sügavamalt mõista. If everything goes to us morally, we cannot claim that this success will help to take these matters deeper into account. [76, 80, 71] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.4936093960423005, 0.05442657251608684] 0.30383157026170876 -0.48296457529067993 1764 Aga keegi ei otsinud sellele laienenud teooriale alust. But no one was looking for the basis of this enlarged theory. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8622668012001093 -0.43836989998817444 1765 Saksamaa liidukantsler Angela Merkel helistas Venemaa presidendile Vladimir Putinile. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the Russian President Vladimir Putin. [95, 79, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8313147421670327 -0.22771696746349335 1766 Mäng oli ühtlasi Eesti jalgpallikoondise kauaaegse kapteni Raio Piiroja lahkumismäng. The game was also an irony game of departure from the Estonian Football Football Conferences (Raio Piiro) for a long time. [38, 18, 48] 34.666666666666664 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.4768801787803418, -0.8284575600026597] -1.1465604946521364 -0.49686235189437866 1767 Liibanoni parlamendis kukkus kvoorumi puudumise tõttu läbi 17. katse valida riigile uut presidenti. In the Lebanese Parliament, due to the absence of a quorum, the 17th attempt to elect a new president for the country failed. [100, 96, 84] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.156671913144946, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9746353009853648 -0.30536749958992004 1768 Tavaliselt me leiame, et on kohane või isegi kohustuslik soosida teatud inimesi, kes ei pruugi olla väärilisemad, kuid on meile lähedasemad. Normally, we find it appropriate, or even compulsory, to favour certain people who may not be more worthy but are closer to us. [89, 100, 86] 91.66666666666667 [0.867173864977587, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5906018571196825] 0.8191458309166194 -0.27139610052108765 1769 Pärast Vaškovo lahingut jõudis armeekorpuse staapi kuuldus, nagu oleks üks 659. pataljoni kompaniidest jooksnud rindelt minema. Following the Vaškovo battle, the archimed corps staged as if one of the 659bn companies had run out of the front. [55, 73, 64] 64.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.18819751408457033, -0.05314650435019888] -0.12896530170471499 -0.5833035111427307 1770 Kuigi teooria kohta pole kunagi õigustust öelda, et ta on tõene, saab loodetavasti öelda, et ta on parim saadaolev. Although there is never any justification for saying that it is true, I hope it can be said that it is the best available. [73, 57, 85] 71.66666666666667 [-0.07070385276770842, -0.44990022892794107, 0.711760740297822] 0.06371888620072415 -0.2954083979129791 1771 Samal päeval teatas Saudi Araabia juhitava sõjalise koalitsiooniga ühinemisest ka Maroko. Morocco, too, announced its accession to the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia on the same day. [84, 59, 85] 76.0 [0.5227300309998271, -0.3735320557396667, 0.711760740297822] 0.2869862385193274 -0.24337616562843323 1772 Władysław loobus, pärast rahalist hüvitist, oma nõuetest Vene troonile. Władysław gave up his claims to the Russian thumb, after financial compensation. [60, 57, 59] 58.666666666666664 [-0.3418302000470779, -0.2394109043100634, -0.16458199586396258] -0.24860770007370128 -0.2920944094657898 1773 Sellest ta järeldab, et hing pidi eksisteerima enne sündi ning on surematu. It follows from this that the soul had to exist before birth and is worse. [89, 84, 59] 77.33333333333333 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3735320557396667] 0.3568489720301831 -0.45353758335113525 1774 India keskosas Petlawadi linnas plahvatas restoranis hommikusöögi ajal gaasiküttekeha. In the central Indian city of Petlawad, gas was exploded in a restaurant at breakfast. [57, 81, 51] 63.0 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.6398856396495357, -0.4297907926901062] -0.0799351273228372 -0.32852327823638916 1775 Aprilli lõpus peetud kõnes oli president Vladimir Putin teatanud leppega võetud kohustuste ajutisest peatamisest. In a speech at the end of April, President Putin announced a temporary suspension of his commitments to the agreement. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.3347315788269043 1776 Eestis ühendati Eesti Raadio ja Eesti Televisioon Eesti Rahvusringhäälinguks. Estonia brought together Estonian Radio-Estonian Television for Estonian National broadcasting. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.3416256308555603 1777 Rootsi säilitas enamuse Liivimaast, samas Rzeczpospolita hoidis Kuramaad, mis Leedu Läänemere kaubanduse ülevõtmisega astus õitsenguperioodi. Sweden maintained the majority of the Union, while Rzeczpospolita maintained Kuraland, which had a period of prosperity as Lithuania took over Baltic Sea trade. [76, 82, 69] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5808699337445091, 0.04003658449941787] 0.328121753490222 -0.42612043023109436 1778 2011. aastal, külastades tsunami käes kannatada saanud Soma linna Jaapanis, kinkis Musk linnale 250 000 USA dollarit maksva päikeseenergiarajatise. In 2011, when visiting the Soma City of Japan affected by the tsunami, the city of Musk received a solar power station worth USD 250 000. [36, 33, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.557013239959602, -1.12785038341693] -1.2970846848235047 -0.32838526368141174 1779 Nendes ei mainita mõnikord üldse tsentri ründamise tähtsust ning La Haye Sainte'i kaotusest tingitud Wellingtoni kaotust Napoleonile. They do not even mention at all the importance of attacks on censorship and the loss of Wellington to Napoleona due to the loss of La Haye Sainte. [73, 78, 83] 78.0 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6245002025956135] 0.28679544102200194 -0.3526616096496582 1780 Siiski kasutas Karl Hoeck terminit Das Minoische Kreta juba aastal 1825 oma suurteose Kreta teises köites. However, Karl Hoeck used the term Das Minoische Kreta as early as 1825 of his great works in the second rope of Kreta. [70, 70, 70] 70.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.2202278544395562, 0.08139344852332632] 0.10667484417289387 -0.2948959767818451 1781 Aga laitus kaldub ikkagi fokuseeruma konkreetsele teole või tegematajätmisele. However, enlargement is still tending to focus on a particular path or lack of action. [17, 21, 19] 19.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.3816902345903206, -2.167837003875062] -1.8134537286016108 -0.56658536195755 1782 Slovakkias Bratislavas toimusid Eesti ja Slovakkia välisministeeriumite kahepoolsed konsultatsioonid. Bilateral consultations took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, between the Estonian and Slovak Ministries of Foreign Affairs. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.9537894284202726 -0.23361624777317047 1783 Nende väikeste kambrite kütmiseks oligi vaja ehitada ahjud ja korstnajalad." It was important to build monkeys and flats to heat these small lamps. " [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-2.6068027130307234, -2.016289862523797, -2.8659213054927313] -2.496337960349084 -0.58640456199646 1784 Kuningliku Preisimaa protestantidele anti usuvabadus, Friedrich Wilhelm pidi oma vallutused Rootsi Pommeris Rootsile tagastama. Protestants from the Royal Prussia were given religious freedom, Friedrich Wilhelm had to return his conquest to Sweden in Pomerania. [72, 78, 84] 78.0 [0.144567245233466, 0.412248360714594, 0.525496140586804] 0.360770582178288 -0.2907976508140564 1785 Nõukogude vägede poolt okupeeritud Eesti alal asus tegutsema Eesti Töörahva Kommuun, mis paiknes Narvas. In the area occupied by Soviet forces, Estonia took action in the Commun of the Estonian working people, which was located in Nuss. [85, 75, 80] 80.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.27545805178677896, 0.4216990949133613] 0.418636840220085 -0.5030078887939453 1786 Ilm aga muutus pärast nädalast tormi äkitselt rahulikuks. However, the gentle suddenly became calm after a week of storm. [30, 15, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.5720701229703633, -1.483396450023753] -1.405168469645332 -0.45625045895576477 1787 Kuigi on mööndud, et ka "ristisõda" pole neutraalne termin, on leitud, et see kirjeldab tolleaegseid sündmusi ja protsesse täpsemalt. Although it has been admitted that the 'crusade' is not a neutral term, it has been found that it describes the events and processes at that time more accurately. [64, 81, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.1255610247419799, 0.7888186625839653, 0.26826879803671755] 0.31050881195956764 -0.39128705859184265 1788 Anuga juhtub Uuevarikul õnnetus ja kui Riks teda arsti juurde viib, tulevad taaskord mängu tüütud naabrid. There is an accident in the New Year and, if she is brought to the doctor by Riga, there will once again be annoyed neighbours coming into play. [21, 24, 18] 21.0 [-2.080576466172854, -1.6386705466174354, -1.4768801787803418] -1.7320423971902104 -0.5579527616500854 1789 Berliinis kanti ette Mahleri teine sümfoonia, Amsterdamis esimene ja neljas sümfoonia ning "Rändselli laulud". In Berlin, Mahler's second symphony, the first and fourth symphony in Amsterdam and the 'migration song' were broadcast. [48, 36, 23] 35.666666666666664 [-0.8284575600026597, -1.426122433406289, -1.318230271796973] -1.1909367550686405 -0.2652896046638489 1790 Streigi tõttu oli Hollandis suletud umbes 2000 kooli. Approximately 2 000 schools were closed in the Netherlands because of the strike. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4274325891969988, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.3471332401921972 -0.291747123003006 1791 Pärast esialgset ehmatust suutsid prantslased end koguda ning panid enda parema relvastuse ning raske turvise ülekaalu maksma. After the initial utterness, the French were able to collect themselves and put themselves in better arms and heavy market predominance. [78, 79, 80] 79.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.3426133161983885, 0.17436773524631535] 0.3077766365949319 -0.6616835594177246 1792 Siiani puuduvad suurematel usuühingutel Canberras tähelepanuväärsed kirikuhooned. To date, the major religious associations in Canbra do not have any significant church buildings. [51, 64, 37] 50.666666666666664 [-0.3917515112818263, -0.1977368282059271, -0.6225445654042907] -0.40401096829734806 -0.5449308156967163 1793 Praeguseks on teada, et viirusega nakatunud inimestest haigestub vähem kui 2% ja suurem osa juhtudest on kerged. It is now known that fewer than 2% of people infected with the virus are ill, and the majority of cases are light. [100, 89, 77] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7759485003834985, 0.3708914966906855] 0.748647838479538 -0.37733176350593567 1794 Aristoteles ei maini prudentsi, mis on koos kunstiga praktilise mõistuse all, sest prudents peaks valikut suunama. In Aristotle, there is no mention of brown brown, which is a practical sense with art, because the brown should be the driving force of choice. [58, 79, 69] 68.66666666666667 [-0.09007785635906261, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1413488724500223] 0.16708338109405196 -0.5426599979400635 1795 Lisaks vojevoodidele olid olulisteks ametnikeks ka majandustegelased, djakid. In addition to the waves, economic agents, the drags, were also important officials. [75, 85, 65] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.711760740297822, -0.3871436867160806] 0.2187819381372688 -0.5909374356269836 1796 Tema arvates oli KGB meestel kavas näha, kui kaugele ta on valmis minema, ja töötada siis välja järgnevad sammud. He said that KGB men were going to see how far he was prepared to go and then to work out the next steps. [100, 79, 76] 85.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.44997912719119615, 0.32953463266677707] 0.6202187391230881 -0.41295191645622253 1797 Keegi võib isegi kõiki eetilisi dispositsioone sel kombel vaadata, aga siis tal on mõni fundamentaalne eetiline dispositsioon puudu. Someone may even look at all the ethical dispositions in this way, but then he or she will lack some fundamental ethical disposition. [83, 81, 85] 83.0 [0.6914430875889822, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5300736539053893 -0.35951846837997437 1798 Podolski tööstusettevõtted tegutsesid edukalt ka järgmistel kümnenditel ja aitasid seeläbi parandada linna elukvaliteeti. Podolski's industries were also successful in the coming decades, thereby helping to improve the quality of life in the city. [78, 56, 67] 67.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.2711408857067372, -0.04267714354839904] 0.030843609694985202 -0.4016137719154358 1799 Õhtul kasvasid meeleavaldused Pariisi idaosas üle vägivaldseteks kokkupõrgeteks politseiga, mille tulemusel arreteeriti enam kui 160 inimest. Over the evening, demonstrations in the east of Paris grew up in violent clashes with the police, resulting in more than 160 arrests. [97, 100, 82] 93.0 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8989605729916622 -0.37458449602127075 1800 Lisaks temale on säilinud ka rändurite Benjamin Tudelast ja Ibn Jubayri kirjutised. In addition to him, the writes of the travellers, Benjamin Tudeans and Inapshot Jubayr, have been retained. [29, 37, 45] 37.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846, -0.952528152074385] -1.1542902333488332 -0.5796986818313599 1801 Sageli muutub ka standard, mis eristab teaduslikku seletust metafüüsilisest spekulatsioonist, sõnamängust või matemaatilisest mängust. Often, too, a standard is changing that distinguishes scientific justification from metaphysical speculation, influence or mathematical play. [69, 74, 64] 69.0 [-0.09182188868846507, 0.3652171569470719, -0.017301034533346728] 0.08536474457508669 -0.4964962899684906 1802 Võitlesid selle rügemendi kaks pataljonisuurust võitlusgruppi. Two battling groups of this rhythm were fighting. [78, 84, 72] 78.0 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, -0.5444177286221697] 0.18354381594821148 -0.5675408840179443 1803 Tõsi küll, keeleteooria kasutab idealiseeritud intuitsioone, jättes lahknevused osalt arvesse võtmata. It is true that the theory of language uses an idealised intuition, while leaving some of the discrepancies not taken into account. [51, 68, 56] 58.333333333333336 [-0.5487481822056894, 0.2920510649205147, -0.2711408857067372] -0.17594600099730398 -0.42238369584083557 1804 Katrin saab Uku näitlema ja toimub esimene proov, kuid see ei lähe nii libedalt. Katrin will be able to showcase Uku and the first test will be held, but it will not be so flagrant. [23, 29, 34] 28.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583] -1.4427339013918503 -0.4320383369922638 1805 Velletri retke nurjumine tähendas, et Austria marss Napoli suunas oli läbi. The failure of the Velletin Roman meant that the Austrian march towards Naples was over. [67, 84, 76] 75.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.6681304714467177, 0.36345874222673896] 0.3139741381161309 -0.44214290380477905 1806 Nauru fosforiiti nimetatakse nauruiidiks, sest tal on omapärane välimus ning ta sisaldab ka fluori. Nauru phosphorus is called 'skimmed' because she has a particular appearance and includes fluori. [43, 23, 33] 33.0 [-1.035241880122202, -1.318230271796973, -1.557013239959602] -1.303495130626259 -0.4468282163143158 1807 Vene keel hakkas omandama järjest tähtsamat rolli. Russian has taken on an increasingly important role. [84, 85, 83] 84.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5029228142764071 -0.3471282422542572 1808 Peamine sõidujagamisteenuse vahendaja linnas on Uber, aga tegutsevad ka teised firmad nagu OnTap ja GoCatch. The main intermediary city is Uber, but other companies such as OnTap and GoCatania also operate. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.40100380778312683 1809 Mingil alal haritu saab selle ala asjade üle hästi otsustada. It is in a certain area that things in this area can be decided well. [35, 13, 23] 23.666666666666668 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.4708067095166788, -1.318230271796973] -1.343816918455974 -0.6591677069664001 1810 Nad ei pea enam muretsema millegi muu üle kui igavikust. They no longer need to worry about anything other than eternity. [99, 100, 74] 91.0 [1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103, 0.23182778293567463] 0.8791828612997521 -0.3049795627593994 1811 Tesla Motors töötas juba välja uut mudelit, mille esialgne koodnimi oli White Star ja mille nimeks sai hiljem Model S. Tesla Motors has already developed a new model, the original code name of which was White Star and later called Model S.. [100, 100, 74] 91.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 0.3652171569470719] 0.9288066815173606 -0.28091996908187866 1812 Loomuliku eelduse järgi on igasugune pimedus episteemiliselt ohtlik, sest sellega hoidutakse võimalikult täielikust maailmapildist. The natural premise is that any blindness is epizootically dangerous, as it avoids the most complete world picture possible. [85, 81, 83] 83.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5605205502856584 -0.5829480290412903 1813 Somaalias valiti parlamendi esimeheks endine sõjapealik šeik Adan Maxamed Nuur. In Somalia, a former military convoy, Adan Maxamed Nur, was elected President of Parliament. [87, 84, 60] 77.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3321751917157582] 0.3222517798705498 -0.3730832636356354 1814 Ordu lähemaks eesmärgiks peab ta ülestõusu leviku peatamist ja läbirääkimiste teel aja võitmist vägede kogumiseks. It must aim more closely to halt the spread of the uprising and to gain time through negotiation to gather troops. [14, 28, 21] 21.0 [-1.7714451099892028, -1.6555948404808287, -1.7702137838284453] -1.7324179114328253 -0.47059303522109985 1815 Oluline osa kultuurielus oli reformatsioonil, tänu sellele hakkas muuhulgas kujunema ka eesti kirjakeel. A fundamental part of cultural life was the reform process, thanks to which, among other things, the pre-written language of the former began to develop. [34, 16, 23] 24.333333333333332 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.2250680723617988, -1.318230271796973] -1.27391182039111 -0.6170476078987122 1816 Evelin ja Are käivad Saara juures koolis laste probleeme lahendamas. I come and go to Saara to school to solve children's problems. [30, 19, 7] 18.666666666666668 [-1.1600388359418792, -2.167837003875062, -1.7447839517266321] -1.6908865971811913 -0.5450793504714966 1817 Aga miks siis on nii raske moraali küsimustes tõde või rahuldavat vaadet leida? So why is it so difficult to find truth or a satisfactory position on questions of morality? [72, 75, 69] 72.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.27545805178677896, -0.017620113404488574] 0.16479225167411138 -0.38357943296432495 1818 Helilooja Alban Berg nimetas üheksandat sümfooniat "kõige suurepärasemaks asjaks, mille Mahler eales kirjutanud". Alban Berg, a composer, called the ninth symphony 'the most excellent thing that Mahler ever wrote'. [100, 85, 86] 90.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8599474363168645 -0.3193962275981903 1819 Konstantinoopolis korra taastamise järel otsustasid veneetslased ja ristisõdijad jaotada riigi oma juhtide vahel ja lõid Ladina keisririigi. Following the restoration of order in Konstantinople, the Russian people and the crushers decided to divide the country between their own leaders and established a Latin Emperor state. [26, 28, 29] 27.666666666666668 [-1.3625696388666695, -1.2364646201977947, -1.12785038341693] -1.2422948808271315 -0.48494842648506165 1820 Soomes Helsingi Vantaa lennujaamas streikisid neli tundi maapealse teeninduse töötajad, nõudes oma töötingimuste parandamist. In Finland, four hours of groundhandling workers took strike at Helsinki Vantaa Airport, demanding improvements in their working conditions. [61, 56, 65] 60.666666666666664 [-0.30580685708679023, -0.2711408857067372, -0.12539087159621595] -0.2341128714632478 -0.2992100417613983 1821 Ukraina Rahvusliku Julgeoleku ja Kaitse Nõukogu sekretäri asetäitja Mõhhailo Kovali väitel on piir Venemaaga täielikult Ukraina kontrolli all. According to the Deputy Secretary-General of the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council, Myhailo Kovalei, the border with Russia is fully under Ukrainian control. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8095006693002329 -0.2518007159233093 1822 Kunsti eesmärgitus ei ole mängu eesmärgitus, vaid inimelu enda eesmärgitus; vorm kunstis jäljendab universumi eneseküllast mõttetust. The purpose of the arts is not the purpose of the game, but the purpose of human life itself; the form in the art is coping with the self-meaning of the universe. [100, 73, 86] 86.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.328969831320193, 0.7431032729058616] 0.7237255408634949 -0.47345295548439026 1823 Venelased kaotasid samuti umbes 4000 meest, umbes 16% oma väest, ja kaks rügemendilippu. The Russians also lost around 4 000 men, about 16% of their troops, and two rhythms. [57, 54, 51] 54.0 [-0.44990022892794107, -0.6407775940864116, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5068228719014862 -0.3882543444633484 1824 Juulis 1983 taheti paavstile Poolas korraldada atentaati. In July 1983, the Pope was asked to organise an exhibition in Poland. [24, 27, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-2.1610916010518193, -1.5306005177365722, -1.8624251219173322] -1.8513724135685745 -0.29151761531829834 1825 pisiAngerja vasallilinnus juulis 2006, vaade majalinnuse sees selle loodenurgale in writing. - (FR) BisiAngerja vascular in July 2006, an overview of its zoning in the building environment. [57, 27, 42] 42.0 [-0.5098867875330986, -1.5306005177365722, -1.0765987441461105] -1.0390286831385938 -0.8428868651390076 1826 Saksamaa liidukantsler Angela Merkel alustas ametlikku visiiti Jaapanis, kus ta kohtus Jaapani peaministri Shinzō Abega. German Chancellor Angela Merkel began an official visit to Japan, where she met the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abega. [74, 79, 85] 79.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, 0.3426133161983885, 0.7017464088819532] 0.42539583600533876 -0.2490966022014618 1827 Sõja peamiseks eesmärgiks kerkis peagi Püha maa vallutamine. The main objective of the war was soon to conquer the Holy Land. [87, 100, 97] 94.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9486832980505137] 0.9109350685442908 -0.33787795901298523 1828 Vanimad lossid asuvad Malias, Knossoses ja Phaistoses. The oldest Castle is located in Malia, Knosso and Phaistos. [57, 75, 66] 66.0 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.27545805178677896, 0.04615892826000089] -0.042761082960387074 -0.29462137818336487 1829 Pihkvat püüti vallutada aastal 1581, kuid Ivan Petrovitš Šuiski suutis linna vaatamata kuudepikkusele piiramisele kaitsta. In 1581 attempts were made to conquer the site, but Ivan Petrovich Šuki was able to protect the city despite months of restriction. [62, 82, 75] 73.0 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.5808699337445091, 0.0996728308439845] 0.1999272557539331 -0.4516506791114807 1830 See on mõiste, millest me arvame aru saavat ja mis füüsikas on vajalik. This is a concept that we think we can understand and that is necessary in physics. [100, 76, 100] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0152560939928115] 0.811149310998375 -0.42024537920951843 1831 Sadamakaisse tehti noolepilud juhuks, kui keegi lossi jõelt ründas. Botters were made in the port in case someone attacked the Castle river. [45, 33, 39] 39.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -1.4488105203612864, -1.2952316268529762] -1.2087408305552187 -0.5965068936347961 1832 Juba 30 minutit pärast kaardiväeüksuste saabumist taganesid preislased avatud väljale. Already 30 minutes after the arrival of the card troops, the priests returned to the open field. [35, 34, 49] 39.333333333333336 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.0846758681280848, -0.7871006959787512] -1.0380634460537022 -0.46208304166793823 1833 Et Nageli teooria ei käi seksuaalsuse olemuse, vaid loomuliku seksuaalsuse kohta, siis sellest ei järeldu, et masturbeerimine ei ole seksuaalne. Since Nagel's theory is not about the nature of sexuality, but about natural sexuality, it does not conclude that mass security is not sexual. [25, 43, 34] 34.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.035241880122202, -1.2019970137106726] -1.1961140634715142 -0.3434838056564331 1834 Väikese riigi kohta on Portugalil ulatuslik väliskaubandus. For a small country, Portugal has extensive foreign trade. [72, 100, 81] 84.33333333333333 [0.16410717657114324, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6087750457371528 -0.3319784998893738 1835 1822. aastal püüdis Portugali valitsus Brasiilialt kuningriigi staatust ära võtta, kuid brasiillased ei olnud sellega nõus. In 1822, the Portuguese Government attempted to remove the status of the Queen from Brazil, but the Brazilians did not agree. [86, 59, 73] 72.66666666666667 [0.7553910091489263, -0.3735320557396667, 0.26826879803671755] 0.21670925048199238 -0.3387153744697571 1836 Kuningas nõustus liiduga ja algas Itaalia kolmas iseseisvussõda. The Kingdom agreed to the Union and Italy started its third independence war. [75, 62, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.2370805466871169, -0.26978351412650253, 0.1413488724500223] 0.036215301670212224 -0.2980833947658539 1837 Kakskümmend seitse neist avastati kesklinnast sunniitide pühamu lähistelt. Twenty-seven of them were discovered at the centre of the city near Sunni Sunday. [76, 77, 74] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.36271858948898755, 0.16249660139694996] 0.2962246443708922 -0.44067201018333435 1838 Mare üritab Allanit aidata, kuid see keeldub abist. Mare is trying to help Allani, but it is refusing aid. [76, 83, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.32953463266677707, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6256948221528558 -0.4555736482143402 1839 Peamised impordiartiklid on toiduained, kütus, tööstuskaubad, ehitusmaterjalid ja masinad. Food, fuel, industrial goods, construction materials and machinery are the main imports. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.2298621245037127 -0.2845047414302826 1840 Mare ahastab oma käsikirja üle, mille tema katkine arvuti hävitas. She is harassing her manual, which was destroyed by her test computer. [25, 33, 41] 33.0 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.557013239959602, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3099130523777485 -0.585215151309967 1841 Uku poolt astub läbi Einar, kaasas paar põnevat raamatut, mida tema enam ei vaja. The new side will be through Einar, accompanied by a couple of exciting books, which he no longer needs. [39, 35, 37] 37.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.5101665306408727, -1.3824921645551846] -1.330326365803059 -0.3951827883720398 1842 Mõrvatu kannatab kurja all, mis seisneb soovimatus surmas. The murder is suffering under the evil of unwillingness to die. [71, 85, 78] 78.0 [0.12275031254723479, 0.711760740297822, 0.4269187050200866] 0.42047658595504783 -0.5742064714431763 1843 See tundub falsifitseerivat usutava teooria, et loomad näevad silmadega. It seems to be a classifying religious theory that animals see eye to eye. [29, 34, 38] 33.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.5133829711084976, -1.2420262002417441] -1.2944198515890573 -0.46424123644828796 1844 Vaatamata paavsti vastuseisule langes linn 1202. aastal ülekaalukate ristisõdijate kätte pärast lühikest piiramist. In spite of opposition from the Pope, the city fell into the hands of the overwhelming Christian rulers in 1202, following a brief curtailment. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.46174806356430054 1845 See võimaldab neil jätkata haridusteed teiste Kariibi mere riikide, Ameerika Ühendriikide, Kanada või Suurbritannia ülikoolides. This will allow them to continue education at universities in other Caribbean countries, the United States, Canada or Great Britain. [71, 76, 80] 75.66666666666667 [0.1023089831230945, 0.36345874222673896, 0.4936093960423005] 0.31979237379737796 -0.3128678500652313 1846 Kättesaadud inimesed tapeti või vangistati, kariloomad rööviti. People were killed or imprisoned, cattle were kidnapped. [90, 86, 81] 85.66666666666667 [0.7156998763802592, 0.680758556193477, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6445660324890471 -0.42470669746398926 1847 Õiguskirjanduses on näiteks toodud olukord, kus tööandja ostab töötajale töölähetuse jaoks lennukipiletid. For example, the literary provides an example of the employer buying airline tickets for the posting of workers. [45, 65, 40] 50.0 [-0.8821803444513935, 0.03899122630516161, -0.7788205880535182] -0.5406699020665834 -0.6071173548698425 1848 Seda saab teha piiril või Sambia saatkonnas Stockholmis. This can be done at the border or at the Zambia Embassy in Stockholm. [72, 78, 89] 79.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5102064594545875, 0.867173864977587] 0.4892767466361831 -0.19222675263881683 1849 Ta teadis Eesti inimressursi piiratust ja seetõttu iga mehe erilist väärtust. He knew the limitations of Estonia's human resources and, therefore, the particular value of every man. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9754117716783782 -0.31915006041526794 1850 Havanna lennujaamas tervitas paavsti saabumisel Kuuba president Raúl Castro. When the Pope arrived at Havana, Cuban President Raúl Castro welcomed the Pope. [85, 100, 77] 87.33333333333333 [0.4412278406896248, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6359670940721344] 0.7254328177087298 -0.26218459010124207 1851 Viimases lahingus hävitas Itaalia armee Austria rünnaku. In the last battle, the Italian army destroyed Austria's attack. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8582063978635651 -0.3468603193759918 1852 Esimesed kaks Vasa kuningat olid tuntud nii kunstide kui ka teaduste patroonidena. The first two Royal Annians of the Left were known as patrons of art and science. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693] -1.3227488958807283 -0.4437142610549927 1853 Seetõttu ületas Preisi kindral välimarssal Kurt Christoph von Schwerin detsembris 1741 piiri ja vallutas Olomouci. Therefore, in December, Preis General Stralimarssal Kurt von Schwerin exceeded 1741 borders and invaded Olomouc. [80, 84, 76] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177, 0.32953463266677707] 0.4960145906423096 -0.2358078509569168 1854 Sisuliselt vallutasid germaanlased kogu Reini läänekalda ja korraldasid enam kui aasta jooksul Galliasse ulatuslikke rüüsteretki. Essentially, the guerrillas invaded the entire Western Bank of the Rhine and organised large-scale rainfall into the Alliance for more than a year. [58, 61, 64] 61.0 [-0.3208781743406151, -0.10778961700949666, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.14197463022394305 -0.4362289607524872 1855 Ilma selleta me ei saa olla täiesti mõistusega olendid. Without this, we cannot be perfectly rational. [100, 79, 76] 85.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615, 0.23454328731752536] 0.603166903418544 -0.4518050253391266 1856 Selle valmimisajaks peetakse 1907. aastat, kuigi esilinastuse aeg pole teada. It is considered to be 1907, although the time for presentation is unknown. [79, 82, 75] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.5808699337445091, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3422386271400399 -0.5004721283912659 1857 Varasuvel 1862 korraldas ta vee all esimese lõhkamise. Earlier in the afternoon, 1862, he organised the first break-up under water. [19, 23, 15] 19.0 [-2.167837003875062, -1.318230271796973, -2.0341525151168844] -1.8400732635963066 -0.5697754621505737 1858 Ja kui ta mõtiskleb oma dispositsioonidest distantseerudes, siis on tähtis, kas välises vaates on midagi, mis on seesmise vaatega vastuolus. And when he contemplates his disposition, it is important whether there is anything in his external view that contradicts the internal view. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8001304653956343 -0.5329881906509399 1859 Levinud on pääsulased, amadiinlased, põõsaslindlased, kärbsenäplased. The most common are strangers, amateurs, thieves of aerial towns and women, cut-sensors. [25, 18, 10] 17.666666666666668 [-1.2547703090036253, -2.2114672727261664, -3.114906973455152] -2.1937148517283145 -0.9766611456871033 1860 Maavärina epitsenter asus California lahes 127 kilomeetri kaugusel Guerrero Negro linnast. The epicentre of the earthquake was 127 kilometres away from the town of Guerrero Negro in the Gulf of California. [100, 87, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0180960153517116, 0.9345984073668675] 1.0172659803610031 -0.18250855803489685 1861 pisiTsaar [[Konstantin Tihh ja tema esimene naine Irina, fresko Bojana kirikus pisiTsaak [Konstantin Tihh and her first wife Irina, Herko Boana in church [60, 71, 81] 70.66666666666667 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5372396648934048] 0.13340610002989894 -0.47744834423065186 1862 Kohe tekkisid lahkhelid ka ministritega, kes sellist ainuvõimu heaks ei kiitnud. Disagreements were also immediately created with the ministers who did not approve of such an exclusive authority. [98, 86, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.239385641192763, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0399183153628666 -0.5865923762321472 1863 Paavst tegi 26. detsembril 1982 ja 4. jaanuaril 1984 apellid röövitud inimeste eest. The Pope appealed on 26 December 1982 and 4 January 1984 for abducted persons. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5464537850814665] 0.750566587474721 -0.26161226630210876 1864 Mõlemad kohad võtsid britid kaitserajatistena kasutusse ja tiibade kaitsepositsioonid asetati nende järgi. Both sites were used as defence facilities by the British and the defensive positions were placed on them. [63, 72, 81] 72.0 [-0.49731359731548613, -0.11738597445864508, 0.3930413481118219] -0.07388607455410312 -0.5290492177009583 1865 Kaheksateist meeleavaldajat vallutasid Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Partei peakorteri ja keeldusid sealt lahkumast. Eighteen demonstrators took up the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party and refused to leave it. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.3426133161983885, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7166511895437165 -0.3207142651081085 1866 Kui keegi seda teeb, siis ta on programmist välja astunud. If someone does so, they have moved out of the programme. [100, 74, 100] 91.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.23182778293567463, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7820624650976388 -0.6070330739021301 1867 Hispaania politsei leidis Granada linna lähistel puuvilju vedavast veoautost 2100 kilogrammi marihuaanat. The Spanish police found 2100 kilometres of pub in a lorry carrying fruit near the town of Granada. [29, 39, 18] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.2006693362178358, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4696946101207322 -0.3374718129634857 1868 Tõepoolest, Friedrich tegutses teooria kohaselt, et "hiirt püüda, jäta lõks lahti". Indeed, Friedrich acted according to the theory that 'catch a mouse, leave it open'. [42, 53, 24] 39.666666666666664 [-0.7876264805987847, -0.5939936007690919, -1.3893161887096255] -0.9236454233591674 -0.35576868057250977 1869 Haigeid ei püüta sündmuskohal stabiliseerida, vaid rõhk on sõltumata seisundist kiirel transpordil erakorralise meditsiini osakonda. It does not seek to stabilise the disease on the ground, but emphasises the emergency medical department, regardless of the condition at high speed of transport. [64, 76, 70] 70.0 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.3190883206378832, 0.1249205953736362] 0.08209069593519744 -0.554313063621521 1870 Ameerika Ühendriikides New Yorgis algas Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni 70. peaassamblee. The 70th General Assembly of the United Nations began in New York in the United States. [51, 47, 49] 49.0 [-0.46847133247114325, -0.5104196697665977, -0.7871006959787512] -0.5886638994054975 -0.24529096484184265 1871 Toetust on leidnud arusaam, et iga haiguse ravi tuleb kiire transport vs ravi kohapeal vaidluses vaadata eraldi. There is support for the idea that the treatment of each disease must be viewed separately from the debate on the ground by means of rapid transport treatment. [77, 82, 71] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5808699337445091, 0.05442657251608684] 0.34349507662800294 -0.645725667476654 1872 Mõnikord käivad põhjuslikud seosed teiste inimeste tegude kaudu, kuid siin pole põhimõttelist vahet. Sometimes there are causal links through the actions of other people, but there is no difference in principle here. [90, 99, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.9451743669771346, 1.2807425052166714, 0.9663283887635413] 1.064081753652449 -0.41371357440948486 1873 Eesti telekommunikatsiooniettevõte Starman sõlmis lepingu Leedu suurima kaabeltelevisioonioperaatori Cgates ostuks. The Estonian telecommunications company Starman signed a contract with Cologists, the largest cable operator in Lithuania. [68, 81, 76] 75.0 [0.2920510649205147, 0.5363189527863194, 0.6337802435929001] 0.48738342043324473 -0.49055540561676025 1874 Ameerikas oli viimane haiguspuhang 1929. aastal, kuid 2001. aastal esines Suurbritannias mitu suurt puhangut ning tuhanded loomad tapeti ja põletati. America was the last outbreak of the disease in 1929, but there were several major outbreaks in Great Britain in 2001 and thousands of animals were killed and burned. [74, 80, 80] 78.0 [0.3652171569470719, 0.4936093960423005, 0.17436773524631535] 0.3443980960785626 -0.2998184859752655 1875 Mõlemad pooled süüdistasid teineteist operatsiooni ebaedus. Both sides blamed each other for the failure of the operation. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.21548119187355042 1876 Margna on oma korterisse koosviibimisele kutsunud Põdra ja Karineeme. Margna has invited Pydra and Carinems to sit in her flat. [91, 83, 99] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.6245002025956135, 1.013789014583392] 0.8258992267852839 -0.3392215967178345 1877 Kaalul on välistatud kolmanda seadus, mida me ei taha tulevikule laiendada. A third law is at stake, which we do not want to expand on the future. [92, 81, 100] 91.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6189484363352243, 1.32209936924058] 0.9173215267526443 -0.3515351116657257 1878 Mõnedel andmetel esitas Alehhin põhjendamatult kõrgeid nõudmisi. According to some data, Alebarin made unjustifiably high demands. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7604669590293401 -0.47707659006118774 1879 Teoses "Deutsches Koloniallexikon" sisaldus Hambruchi etümoloogia sõnaga Anáoero. In the section 'Deutsches Koloniallexikon', the ethology of Hamburg was included in the words Anáoero. [8, 1, 5] 4.666666666666667 [-1.1823889517292514, -2.016289862523797, -2.1358483113075737] -1.7781757085202072 -0.40157610177993774 1880 ÜRO Pagulaste Ülemvoliniku Amet teatas, et Süüria kodusõja tõttu Süüriast põgenenud inimeste arv on ületanud viie miljoni piiri. The UNHCR has announced that the number of people who fled Syria following the Syrian civil war has exceeded five million. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.0608028911066565, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.094961568405999 -0.43731242418289185 1881 Isegi kui kasutatakse Hegeli kategooriaid, ei mõisteta nende tegelikku tähtsust. Even if the Heggel categories are used, their real significance is not understood. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 0.9396665007749826 -0.3876810669898987 1882 Foorumid, mida on kutsutud ka Petőfi ringideks, muutusid väga populaarseks ja köitsid tuhandeid huvilisi. The forums, also called the Petőfi front, became very popular and attracted thousands of interested parties. [77, 60, 70] 69.0 [0.36271858948898755, -0.3418302000470779, -0.19997321272861532] -0.05969494109556856 -0.3448333740234375 1883 Hispaania pealinnas Madridis algas kohtuprotsess märtsis 2004 rongides pommiplahvatuste korraldamises kahtlustatava 29 isiku üle. In the Spanish capital, Madrid, a trial began in March 2004 against 29 suspected of carrying out bombings on trains. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.4043494164943695 1884 Canberra päevale eelneb tihtipeale kümnepäevane ürituste sari Celebrate Canberra. Canberra's day is often preceded by a ten-day series of events in Celebrate Canberra. [80, 81, 82] 81.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5350980498390222 -0.2841828763484955 1885 Tema taktika oli enamasti suunatud käesolevale lahingule ning sellest kaugemale polnud tema arvates mõtet taktikalise planeerimisega pingutada. His tactics were mostly aimed at this battle, and there was no point in him making any effort in tactical planning beyond that. [57, 85, 56] 66.0 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.711760740297822, -0.2711408857067372] -0.0030934581122854334 -0.4785897135734558 1886 See, et teadusel puudub eksimatu vaatluslik baas, ei tule ainult taju subjektiivsusest. The fact that science does not have an unmisguided observatory does not just come from the subjectivity of the sexes. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5595657518257672 -0.5562995672225952 1887 Ursula saab teada, et keegi on Torimi peale kaevanud ja ta aimab, kes see olla võiks. Ursula will find out that someone has extracted Torim and will find out who it could be. [79, 73, 66] 72.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.26826879803671755, -0.0840340075723075] 0.2114046392185354 -0.4997921586036682 1888 Palju tõsisem oli olukord loodes, kus ungarlased toetasid Rostislavi, kes oli end ise Vidinis Bulgaaria tsaariks kuulutanud. It was much more serious to create a situation where Hungarians supported Rostislav, who had himself declared himself in Vidin Bulgaria. [37, 26, 15] 26.0 [-0.9759338912474481, -1.8624251219173322, -2.258848426590734] -1.6990691465851715 -0.39547058939933777 1889 Nii et kui näha mind vihatavaga võistlevana, siis see seletab minu naudingut. So, if you see me as competing with hatred, that explains my pleasure. [54, 63, 45] 54.0 [-0.6407775940864116, -0.2337601711662148, -0.620170681070149] -0.4982361487742584 -0.49560272693634033 1890 Portugali mäetööstus tegeleb peamiselt riigis leiduvate maavarade kaevandamise ja ümbertöötlemisega. The Portuguese mining industry mainly deals with the extraction and recycling of natural resources found in the country. [100, 100, 70] 90.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 0.37152634969238973] 1.0694964439827108 -0.4324498772621155 1891 Ta kaotas valgust, sest tema abikaasa ei arvanud temaga ühtmoodi. He lost light because his husband did not expect him in the same way. [23, 15, 15] 17.666666666666668 [-1.4275290808375833, -1.7733750550387843, -1.5720701229703633] -1.5909914196155768 -0.4361450970172882 1892 Islamiliidrid nõudsid paavstilt sõnavõtu eest vabandust. Islamic militants have apologised to the Pope for his speech. [23, 34, 44] 33.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.5133829711084976, -0.9938850160982935] -1.2751660863345882 -0.35285431146621704 1893 Ehitust alustati 1987. aastal ja Vasa viidi pooleldi valmis Vasa muuseumi 1988. aasta detsembris. Construction started in 1987 and the left was halved in December 1988 of the Vasa Museum. [13, 22, 18] 17.666666666666668 [-1.785756796330379, -1.2152410046715822, -1.6646330781581475] -1.5552102930533698 -0.34975358843803406 1894 Rõugeviirused on tapnud ilmselt rohkem inimesi kui kõik ükskõik milline teine viirus. Dappalls have probably killed more people than any other virus. [59, 62, 65] 62.0 [-0.3735320557396667, -0.0793934275822637, -0.09300816647554071] -0.18197788326582368 -0.37758076190948486 1895 See, kas see, et nad võivad, tähendab, et nad saavad, sõltub minust ja sellest, mida mina saan teha. Whether it is up to me and what I can do, that is, to say, to be able to do. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.1209231937549637, -1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693] -1.1773855471458488 -0.539801299571991 1896 13. oktoober 2011 Hondurase president Porfirio Lobo Sosa. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, President of Honduras, on 13 October 2011. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9947724432936317 -0.16428349912166595 1897 Ta tunnustab täielikult ja heldelt tema paremaid omadusi ja ignoreerib, keeldub tunnistamast või vähemalt ei rõhuta tema mitteideaalseid omadusi. It fully and generously recognises its superior qualities and ignores, refuses to acknowledge, or at least does not emphasise its imperfect qualities. [88, 84, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5692107640539581, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7874398437491953 -0.37874388694763184 1898 Tundub, et sõnad "ruum" ja "aeg" käivad millegi kohta, aga võimatu on tavalisel kombel öelda, mis need on. It seems that the words' space 'and' time 'apply to something, but it is impossible to say what they are usually. [100, 89, 100] 96.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8694184042047768, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0311667394387058 -0.31349366903305054 1899 Ta ei tundnud oma jõu algupära, millest ta oli alguse saanud. He did not know the origins of the strength he had begun. [100, 82, 85] 89.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.6891288129084 -0.4491153061389923 1900 Kahetsus jääb alles radikaalselt teisiti kui teised kannatuse vormid. Damage remains radically different from other forms of suffering. [30, 19, 7] 18.666666666666668 [-1.1600388359418792, -2.167837003875062, -1.7447839517266321] -1.6908865971811913 -0.3139176368713379 1901 See teebki tema maailmavaate väljapaistvaks, omapäraseks ja spetsiifiliseks. That is what makes his worldview an outstanding, distinctive and specific one. [75, 100, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7658704004491286 -0.4602758586406708 1902 Lisaks prantslastele sai Habyarimana abivägesid ka Belgialt ja oma liitlaselt Mobutu Sese Sekolt Sairis. In addition to the French, Habyarimana received aid troops from Belgium and its ally Mobutu Sese Seko in Sairis. [96, 82, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.162658320738408, 0.5776758168102278, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9551041444318488 -0.26153117418289185 1903 Need kuuluvad erinevatesse olemise tüüpidesse sõltumatult sellest, kuidas me neist aru saame. They belong to different types of existence independently of how we understand them. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7740988704796612 -0.3830109238624573 1904 Darwini poolt põetavale haigusele ei osatud kunagi lõplikku diagnoosi panna, ja ükski katse seda ravida polnud kuigi edukas. The disease from Darwin was never fully diagnosed, and no attempt to cure it was very successful. [82, 82, 81] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5570091723792033 -0.4313129782676697 1905 Henriku kroonika järgi alistasid nad Harjumaal veel kolm väiksemat linnust, kuid neid pole osatud identifitseerida. According to the chronics of Henrigo, they gave up three smaller towns in Harare, but they have not been identified. [50, 42, 33] 41.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -0.7153606252601705, -1.4488105203612864] -0.9554115917571373 -0.4563325345516205 1906 Guinea ametiühingud alustasid taas üldstreiki, nõudes president Lansana Conté tagasiastumist. Guinea's trade unions re-launched a general strike calling for the resignation of President Lansana Conté. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.029777786350576 -0.26658686995506287 1907 Antiratsionalist aga võib selle väite sidususe küsimärgi alla panna ning järeldada pigem, et armastatu omadused polegi tema armastamise põhjendid. The anti-Semitic, however, may call into question the coherence of this claim and rather conclude that loving qualities are not the cause of his mockery. [41, 46, 36] 41.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -0.6497079606055378, -1.324739928289561] -1.0002405350625478 -0.46652403473854065 1908 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi peamiselt šiiitidega asustatud Sadri linnaosas lasi enesetaputerrorist õhku lõhkeinega täidetud auto. In the city of Sadr, who was mainly populated by Shiite, Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, suicide bombers blown up a car filled with a bombardment. [55, 42, 29] 42.0 [-0.5389595118353006, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -0.9437169051839646 -0.43585389852523804 1909 Nimetatud eelnõuga soovis Riigikogu muuseas kuluhüvitiste maksmisel vabastada oma liikmed kuludokumentide esitamise nõudest. With this draft, among other things, the entire country wanted to exempt its members from the requirement to submit expenditure documents. [46, 20, 33] 33.0 [-0.9111712880504766, -1.2720333835260482, -1.134699631001595] -1.1059681008593734 -0.4731732904911041 1910 Ühtaegu omistab ta sellele paljuse, sest absoluutselt lihtne on maailmas täheldatava paljuse allikas. At the same time, it is revealing this, because it is an absolutely simple source of the world's disorder. [33, 13, 23] 23.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.635530085763711, -1.993315928470645] -1.6477688247364009 -0.5349727869033813 1911 Iga loogika propositsioon kehtib omaette; selleks pole tarvis süsteemi ega enesestmõistetavatest propositsioonidest dedutseerimist. Every prophecy of logic applies on its own; it does not need to degenerate from the system or obvious propositions. [40, 29, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.3229960566534074, -1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933] -1.3068663807759102 -0.4276297688484192 1912 Y. Duhoux uuringud mõlema keele morfeemide alal viitavad siiski sellele, et tegu on erinevate keeltega. However, Mrs Duoux's research into both language morphenms indicates that these are different languages. [75, 51, 81] 69.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1318755469487224 -0.462789386510849 1913 Kui aga lähtuda naudingu taotlusest, võib paarissuguühet näha masturbeerimisena. However, following a request for a return, a couple of match groups can be seen as mass security. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-1.2673119151131202, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.8306482467327496 -0.6193961501121521 1914 Näiteks astronoomide jaoks ei olnud röntgenikiirguse avastamine revolutsiooniline. For astronomers, for example, the discovery of X-ray was not revolutionary. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.29251861572265625 1915 Need osutusid sulfaate sisaldavateks sooladeks, mis olid moodustunud puidu pinnale, kui sulfiidid õhuhapnikuga reageerisid. They turned out to be salt containing sulphates that had formed the surface of the timber, when the sulphides reacted with air oxygen. [84, 100, 89] 91.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.8241835542857531, 0.9089270413502557] 0.7519468755452786 -0.557572603225708 1916 See aeglustas sadamast lahkuva laevastiku edenemist, mis andis brittidel hoiatuse. This slowed down the progress of the disembarkation fleet, which gave the British people a warning. [80, 81, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5213124284977194 -0.47050270438194275 1917 Aastal 1985 sai "Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller" parima videoalbumi Grammy auhinna. In 1985, Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller received the Best Video album Grammy Award. [100, 84, 83] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6190326808341362] 0.7954222235484281 -0.18696166574954987 1918 Jeemeni pealinnas Sanaas politseikolledži ees toimus autopommi plahvatus, milles hukkus 35 inimest ja sai vigastada veel kümneid inimesi. In Yemen's capital, Sanaas, the police college, there was an explosion in the car bomb, which killed 35 people and injured dozens more. [64, 53, 78] 65.0 [0.1391994964086838, -0.6216732398831174, 0.7211982082264036] 0.07957482158398999 -0.3399515748023987 1919 Ukraina pealinna Kiievi Solomenski rajooni kohus ennistas ametisse president Viktor Juštšenko poolt tagandatud peaprokuröri Svjatoslav Piskuni. The Court of Justice of Kiev Solomenski's capital city of Ukraine reinstated the Chief Prosecutor, Svjatoslav Pisto, who was withdrawn by President Yushchenko. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5855686120034557, 0.9912444570493123] 0.8919721958057326 -0.32729262113571167 1920 Õnnetuseks on aga hotellis samal ajal Põdral külas hoopis Kukuveer. Unfortunately, in the village of Pydral, Mr Kukuveer is in the hotel at the same time. [6, 18, 12] 12.0 [-1.2390042606518306, -1.4768801787803418, -1.8821170319194211] -1.5326671571171977 -0.35772985219955444 1921 Kõige laiemalt olid nendest haaratud Hispaania ja Portugal, mõlemas riigis leidis aset üldstreik. Spain and Portugal were the most widely involved, both of which had a general strike. [72, 98, 100] 90.0 [0.44490263343234565, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 0.935011300390474 -0.5285694599151611 1922 Teise korruse kohal on maja lõunanurga juures säilinud ka danskeri kivikonsoolid. The other order also retains the fibre rotation of the Mulker at the south of the House. [34, 39, 29] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.2006693362178358, -1.12785038341693] -1.2806342302477545 -0.9077682495117188 1923 Beninis Parakou linna lähistel ründasid relvastatud isikud president Yayi Boni autokonvoid. In Benin Parakou, near the town of Parakou, armed individuals attacked President Yayi Bon's car convoys. [60, 84, 80] 74.66666666666667 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4949620887624109] 0.27375412005401684 -0.19419032335281372 1924 Maavärina epitsenter asus saarte halduskeskusest Ponta Delgadast 97 kilomeetrit ida suunas. The epicentre of the earthquake was located from the administrative centre of the islands, Ponta Delgadi, to the east of 97 kilometres. [76, 65, 54] 65.0 [0.3190883206378832, 0.01442894686332708, -0.5803163758592089] -0.0822663694526662 -0.2836092710494995 1925 Ka Jordani Läänekaldal püüdis palestiinlane rammida autoga Iisraeli sõdureid ja lasti maha. In the West Bank, too, a Palestinian tried to ramp Israeli soldiers and was shot in the car. [58, 55, 52] 55.0 [-0.41488891976357517, -0.5971473252353072, -0.3980608112934324] -0.47003235209743827 -0.5051810145378113 1926 Gaita ei taha öelda, et Kaplan esitas raske juhtumi, mille abil peaks eetikateooriaid testima. Gaita does not want to say that Kaplan presented a difficult case in which ethical theories should be tested. [65, 67, 80] 70.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.13659494015111193 -0.27180662751197815 1927 Teiseks, me oleme kindlad, et aritmeetika seadused käivad ka suurte arvude kohta, aga seda on empiristil raske seletada. Secondly, we are sure that the arithmetic laws also apply to large numbers, but that is difficult to explain at the empire. [41, 51, 46] 46.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -0.4297907926901062, -0.9898197448952459] -0.8152947512926323 -0.3209086060523987 1928 Tšehhi pealinnas Prahas toimus äärmusparempoolse organisatsiooni Noored Rahvusdemokraadid marss, millega tähistati 69 aasta möödumist kristalliööst. In the Czech capital, Prague, there was a Youth National Democrats march of the extreme right-wing organisation, celebrating 69 years of crystal-gateway. [100, 86, 71] 85.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.680758556193477, 0.12275031254723479] 0.6166169138635144 -0.4422720670700073 1929 Ettepanek kukkus läbi, selle vastu hääletas 76% referendumil osalenud inimestest. The proposal failed; 76% of the people who took part in the referendum voted against it. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7888186625839653] 0.9896882128198957 -0.37252697348594666 1930 Aga seda, mida inimesel pole võimalik saada, soovib ta viljatult. But what you cannot get is what you want fruitlessly. [97, 82, 89] 89.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 0.867173864977587] 0.8130257627352212 -0.4952481985092163 1931 Ka Berkeley ega Hume ei öelnud selle kohta midagi. Neither Berkeley nor Hume said anything about this either. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.2471265196800232 1932 Torimi päeva toob selline kaval ettevõtmine kindlasti värvi juurde. The day of the storm will certainly bring such a planned venture to a colourful one. [44, 48, 40] 44.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.5772133093517801, -1.1593124721939274] -0.8849098229857962 -0.49422135949134827 1933 Praegu 99% rahvastikust moodustavate hutude ja tutside päritolu kohta on erinevaid seisukohti. There are different views on the causes of the Hutus and Tutsis that currently make up 99% of the population. [14, 29, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.442410520089446, -1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495] -1.5357357002760417 -0.4139215648174286 1934 Sellepärast jäid naised kodu lähedale, mehed aga käisid jahil. As a result, women stayed close to home, while men went to hunt. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.4270157217979431 1935 Sellepärast peab normaalteadus olema suuresti ebakriitiline. For this reason, normal science must be largely uncritical. [92, 100, 81] 91.0 [0.7859190067183177, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.816045655786211 -0.24050423502922058 1936 XII Riigikogu kiitis heaks karistusseadistiku muutmise seaduse, mis lisas seadustikule mitmed uued ja täpsustatud sätted inimkaubanduse osas. The People's Assembly approved the amendment of the Penal Code Act, which introduced several new and specified provisions on trafficking in human beings into the Code. [72, 82, 92] 82.0 [0.0039254710777597195, 0.5538386306067818, 1.0176690182308925] 0.5251443733051447 -0.5138315558433533 1937 Järelikult koosneb ka ajaloolise individuaalsuse mõiste üldistest elementidest. Consequently, the concept of historic individuality also consists of general elements. [79, 80, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5827011107083454, 1.1249782957469103] 0.719219511215484 -0.4213395118713379 1938 Seda ei tee need, kelle huvi asja vastu on filosoofiline, eriti kui nad teesi testimiseks "intuitsioone" läbi vaatavad. This is not the case with those whose interest in the matter is philosophical, especially when they review the 'intuition' in order to test you. [96, 78, 67] 80.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] 0.4797493048400154 -0.336450457572937 1939 Itaalia rannikul Giglio saare lähistel sõitis karile kruiisilaev Costa Concordia enam kui 3200 reisija ja 1000 meeskonnaliikmega pardal. On the Italian coast, near the island of Giglio, the Costa Concordia cruise flotilla travelled over 3 200 passengers and 1 000 crew members on board. [64, 58, 61] 61.0 [-0.1977368282059271, -0.21474005308299082, -0.11249097872336815] -0.174989286670762 -0.37995684146881104 1940 Ideaal on rahulik kontemplatiivne kiindumatus, kui mitte täisvereline apatheia nagu postmodernses küünilisuses. Isolation has peaceful, if not complete, apathy such as post-modern cynicism. [8, 10, 12] 10.0 [-2.2150440339820388, -2.560509423535001, -1.5963947019567695] -2.123982719824603 -0.4768778383731842 1941 Constantius II sõjaväe peakorteriks oli Antiookia, kus ta veetis rohkem aega kui ametlikus pealinnas Konstantinoopolis. The military headquarters of Constantius II were Antiookia, where he spent more time than in the official capital, Konstantinople. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 0.774893431721841] 0.8123704641207187 -0.30112260580062866 1942 Põhjalikumad väliuuringud on siiski näidanud, et langenud tuhakihi paksus ei olnud Kreetal mitte üheski kohas suurem kui 5 millimeetrit. However, more in-depth studies have shown that Greece had no more than 5 millimetres of packaging of impaired ash. [27, 29, 28] 28.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.12785038341693, -1.0448638681081843] -1.2344382564205623 -0.4811446964740753 1943 Kroonika mainib kolme muu linnuse mahapõletamist, kuid arvu kolm kasutamine võib olla ka üks krooniku stiilivõtteid. Kroonics mentions three other urban oxygen, but three may also be a chronic style use. [16, 30, 1] 15.666666666666666 [-2.298727810428375, -1.572881112433012, -2.016289862523797] -1.962632928461728 -0.627896785736084 1944 1998 kuulutas Buyoya välja üleminekupõhiseaduse ning partnerluse valitsuse ja opositsioonilise Rahvuskogu vahel. In 1998 Buyoya announced a transitional constitution and a partnership between the government and the opposition National Assembly. [76, 69, 73] 72.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, -0.017620113404488574, -0.0876709283361361] 0.0712657596324195 -0.23647120594978333 1945 Ta on kolm korda arvatud rock'n'roll'i kuulsuste halli. He is three times the grey of the famous noises of rock 'n' role. [17, 24, 24] 21.666666666666668 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.7315051665918992, -1.4471491243968742] -1.6898294127760742 -0.5375950336456299 1946 Kuna kuninga tellimus oli sisse antud kõigest viis kuud pärast ehituse algust ja lisakahuriteki oleks jõudnud konstruktsioonile kenasti lisada. As the king order had only been delivered five months after the construction had begun and the additional cannon would have been well added to the construction. [63, 78, 60] 67.0 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.4063488583400919, -0.3321751917157582] -0.1410466435637175 -0.5537447929382324 1947 Immanuel Nobel oli keisri juures heas kirjas ning oli üks Venemaa tunnustatumaid insenere. Immanuel Nobel was in good writing at the Emmanuel Nobel and was one of Russia's most respected engineers. [56, 78, 67] 67.0 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] -0.0005619346304873984 -0.3612213134765625 1948 Sellepärast võib kergesti tunduda, et eesmärke võib saavutada ka ilma "täpsete" vahenditeta. It may therefore easily seem that objectives can also be achieved without 'precise' means. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.5220897793769836 1949 Musk avastas, et arengumaade võlakirju oli võimalik turult osta tagatisväärtusest kaks korda odavama hinnaga. The Roma discovered that bonds from developing countries could be bought on the market at twice the cost of the guarantee value. [54, 81, 68] 67.66666666666667 [-0.24292942487089356, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1096188910533485] 0.13464304369195326 -0.3814842402935028 1950 Nii et see definitsioon võib anda aluse, et kummutada Murphy väide, et andestus võib mõnikord olla halb asi. So this definition can provide a basis for overturning Murphy's claim that forgiveness can sometimes be a bad thing. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.3076476232459238] 1.0769782319653691 -0.33941078186035156 1951 Leiti toidumoona kolonn, kust saadi end hulgaliselt varustada. A food poppy Colonn was found, from which a lot of self-sufficiency was found. [76, 79, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.4586486864167604, 0.412248360714594] 0.39666178925641254 -0.4791429936885834 1952 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin allkirjastas seaduse Venemaa osaluse külmutamise kohta Euroopa tavarelvastuse piiramise lepingus. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on freezing Russia's participation in the European Treaty on Conventional Arms. [68, 84, 62] 71.33333333333333 [0.2920510649205147, 0.727690413215861, -0.08076099732669434] 0.3129934936032271 -0.29152873158454895 1953 HIV ületas liigibarjääri šimpansite ja inimeste vahel 20. sajandi alguskümnenditel Aafrikas. HIV exceeded the chimmed sex barrier and people in the early decades of the 20th century in Africa. [87, 85, 82] 84.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 0.6490285747968032, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6714528818236941 -0.5124244689941406 1954 Normaalteadlased töötavad enesekindlalt paradigmaga piiritletud alas. Normal researchers are self-confident in a paradigmatic area. [100, 70, 85] 85.0 [1.0156289521215054, 0.018403229555799133, 0.6490285747968032] 0.561020252158036 -0.37933266162872314 1955 Eesti Päevalehe nõukogu valis 10. veebruaril ametist lahkuva Aavo Koka asemel uueks juhatuse esimeheks praeguse juhatuse liikme Mihkel Reinsalu. The Estonian Council, in place of outgoing Aavo Koka, elected Mr Mikkel Reinsalu, President of the current Bureau, as the new chairman, on 10 February. [76, 81, 70] 75.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048, -0.19997321272861532] 0.23357506479717616 -0.4885809123516083 1956 Eetikateooriatel on sellise vaate sidumus, et filosoofia saab määrata, kuidas eetikas saab mõelda, kas või negatiivselt, et kuigi palju ei saagi. Ethical theories have the contour of a view that philosophy can be defined, how ethics can be thought, if only negatively, that not much can be achieved. [68, 67, 66] 67.0 [-0.12373767527720667, 0.07788890965667469, 0.07523855193204053] 0.00979659543716952 -0.36644119024276733 1957 Muuhulgas oli raudtee mitmes kohas põlema süüdatud. Among other things, the railways were set to burn in several places. [92, 97, 100] 96.33333333333333 [1.0171726222555522, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0443948024953433 -0.4094811975955963 1958 Zamoyski fraktsioon toetas Zygmuntit, Zborowski perekonna juhitud fraktsioon tahtis Maximiliani; korraldati kaks eraldi valimist ja puhkes kodusõda. The Zamoyski Group supported Zygmunti, the group led by the Zborowski family, wanted Maximlian; two separate elections were held and a civil war broke down. [78, 78, 96] 84.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.4063488583400919, 0.8965446941769215] 0.536494508585038 -0.24559089541435242 1959 2008. aastal avastati põranda alt keskaegne kogumiskaev ja mitmesuguseid makette. In 2008, the medieval collection body and various payments were discovered from the floor. [18, 31, 43] 30.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.6442737776618106, -1.035241880122202] -1.3854652788547848 -0.5332778096199036 1960 Jürka toob Ahvena käsutusse paar kotti kartuleid, et vaeste supiköök võiks ka pudruköögiks saada. The Jürka will put at the disposal of Ahvena a few bags potatoes that the bag of the poor could also become a girl of kitchen. [25, 27, 23] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.5306005177365722, -1.318230271796973] -1.5849620601006604 -0.5258561968803406 1961 Kui kahju teevad loodusjõud või õnnetused, siis me ei tunne viha solvangu pärast. When natural forces or accidents damage, we do not feel insulted by hatred. [51, 46, 49] 48.666666666666664 [-0.4297907926901062, -0.9898197448952459, -0.9860892034759697] -0.8018999136871073 -0.46417391300201416 1962 Seepärast ta kirjutas oma abikaasale kirja, kus ta palus kokku hoida 400 naela kirjutise trükkilaskmiseks ja avaldamiseks. That is why he wrote a letter to his wife asking for a saving of GBP 400 to print and publish a writing. [93, 86, 100] 93.0 [1.247373368119458, 0.8001850644696189, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0575122427786623 -0.3736831843852997 1963 See kirjeldab riigi rolli korporatiivses majanduses. It describes the role of the state in the corporate economy. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.2757888734340668 1964 Iraagis Kirkūki linnas ründas enesetaputerrorist lõhkeainega täidetud veoautoga politseijaoskonda. In the town of Kirkūk in Iraq a suicide bomber attacked a police station full of a truck filled with a explosives. [79, 84, 74] 79.0 [0.3426133161983885, 0.6681304714467177, 0.24682090461896014] 0.4191882307546888 -0.30067917704582214 1965 Malawis toimus pidulik tseremoonia, millega Blantyre' linna Mosambiigiga ühendavale maanteele anti Zimbabwe presidendi Robert Mugabe nimi. In Malawi, a formal ceremony took place at which the road connecting the city of Blantyre with Mozambique was given the name of the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8547795798494793 -0.29896292090415955 1966 Alfons valdas võõrkeeltest juba läti ja saksa keelt. Alfons has already chosen Latvian and German from foreign languages. [9, 14, 18] 13.666666666666666 [-1.5843914672256108, -1.9989039762203125, -1.1676848812229885] -1.5836601082229704 -0.21240082383155823 1967 Allan kohtab linnas koolivend Toivot, kellest on vahepeal saanud kõrgharidusega öövaht. I will start to meet a school brother Toivo who, in the meantime, has become a night old with higher education. [18, 29, 40] 29.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192, -1.3229960566534074] -1.5104701835992562 -0.5405253171920776 1968 Tänu Johannese pisikesele valele tuleb Alma Õnne 13 majja, et aidata Janel lapsega tegeleda. Thanks to the petty lie of Johannese, the Alma accident comes to 13 houses to help Janel to deal with her. [18, 14, 10] 14.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.3859883481305837, -2.446018900578199] -2.1029624758297083 -0.46277981996536255 1969 Aastal 2012 oli Sambias umbes 82 500 lauatelefoni ja 10,525 miljonit mobiiltelefoni. In 2012, Zambia had about 82 500 fixed lines and 10.525 million mobile phones. [90, 100, 100] 96.66666666666667 [0.7156998763802592, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 0.9999431167376409 -0.2642226815223694 1970 Türgi võimud lubasid Hollandi sammudele vastata "kõige karmimate meetmetega". The Turkish authorities promised to respond to the Dutch steps' with the strictest measures'. [100, 84, 77] 87.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.712708495500611 -0.35463255643844604 1971 Prokurör nimetab ära tõendid, mis on märgitud süüdistusaktis, selgitades ühtlasi, millist asjaolu ta ühe või teise tõendiga tõendada kavatseb. The public prosecutor will name the evidence that is stated in the charge act, also clarifying the fact that he intends to prove with one evidence or another. [67, 67, 41] 58.333333333333336 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.11148587755891945, -1.1179556081700188] -0.36537884331205445 -0.6158756017684937 1972 Lisaks hukkusid rünnakus veel USA ohvitser ja iraaklasest tõlk. In addition, a US officer and an Iraqi interpreter were still killed in the attack. [88, 82, 85] 85.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6322406371274301 -0.4321688115596771 1973 Ülestõus murti Nõukogude vägede toel kiiresti ja vägivaldselt maha. The ceasefire was quickly and violently broken down with the support of the Soviet forces. [42, 27, 57] 42.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.3384071475162373, -0.4562457837874836] -0.9283011015453259 -0.47141823172569275 1974 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves tegi Reformierakonna esimehele Andrus Ansipile ettepaneku uue valitsuse moodustamiseks. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves proposed the formation of a new government to Andrus Ansip, Chairman of the Reform Party. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.22121095657348633 1975 See on küll empiiriline propositsioon, kuid väär, sest tuleb lisada tingimus, et loendatakse õigesti. It is an empirical proposition, but it is wrong, because it has to be included as a condition for the correct read. [100, 85, 85] 90.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.3615382092337807] 0.7327590817595043 -0.48061245679855347 1976 Murdoch ütleb, et moraalitermineid ei tule võtta mitte abstraktsete, vaid konkreetsete universaalidena. Murdoch says that moral terms must be seen not as abstract but as specific universal. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6729684850418248 -0.3380415141582489 1977 Wagneri ja Bruckneri näited julgustasid Mahlerit kirjutama tavatult ulatuslikke sümfooniaid, et teosed kajastaksid kogu tunnete maailma. The examples of Wagner and Bruckner encouraged Mahler to write unusually extensive symphony to reflect the world of sentiment. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.2698420286178589 1978 Darwin esitas lugematus määras näiteid sellest, et arukus ja kultuur on seotud loodusliku ja seksuaalse valikuga. Darwin gave countless examples that intelligence and culture are linked to natural and sexual choice. [99, 100, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1700526134638778 -0.34088823199272156 1979 Et mõistuse toimimist täiustab harjumus, siis vastavalt korra viisidele, mida mõistus vaatleb, eristuvad teadused. Since the habit of improving the operation of reason is improving, according to the way in which common sense looks, the science is distinct. [60, 83, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.01365207210314715, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1842762952815812] 0.26504147525801586 -0.6119189858436584 1980 Kohati laidab ta aadli omavoli, suhtudes kodanlasena aadlisse üldiselt kriitiliselt. At times, he is swaking an apt of arbitrariness, generally critical of his address as a citizen. [88, 75, 100] 87.66666666666667 [0.6668234028409779, 0.27545805178677896, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6217770286079779 -0.6732446551322937 1981 Üritustel osales üle 30 000 inimese, üritusi turvama oli saadetud 14 000 politseinikku. More than 30 000 people took part in the event, with 14 000 police officers deployed in the event. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.938717163612545 -0.46059703826904297 1982 Aritmeetika puhul on Kanti väide püsima jäänud, kuigi tema argumente ei peeta enam veenvateks. In the case of Aritmetics, the Kant claim has survived, even though his arguments are no longer considered convincing. [51, 62, 57] 56.666666666666664 [-0.1841282326950789, -0.08076099732669434, -0.4562457837874836] -0.24037833793641894 -0.40677815675735474 1983 Sambia sportlased on osalenud alates 1968. aastast kõigil suveolümpiamängudel, välja arvatud 1976. aastal Montréalis. Zambia athletes have participated in all the summer Olympic Games since 1968, except in Montreal in 1976. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.1999363899230957 1984 Piir moodustab nimelt ühelt poolt olemasolemise reaalsuse, ja teiselt poolt on ta selle eitus. The limit is precisely the reality of what exists on the one hand and, on the other hand, it is a denial of it. [82, 85, 78] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.711760740297822, 0.412248360714594] 0.5592825772063993 -0.41089341044425964 1985 Donetski linnas võeti üle telekommunikatsioonifirma Ukrtelekom ruumid ja seadmed, mille tulemusel katkes viiendiku linna elanike telefonside. In Donetski's city, the telecoms company took over its premises and equipment, resulting in the handing over of a fifth of the town's inhabitants. [85, 85, 85] 85.0 [0.711760740297822, 0.7017464088819532, 0.5580489988532433] 0.6571853826776729 -0.545826256275177 1986 Constansil ei õnnestunud toetuse puudumise tõttu vastupanu organiseerida ja ta suundus Gallia lõunarannikule, et sealt meritsi põgeneda. It failed to organise the resistance due to a lack of support, and it moved to the southern coast of Gallia in order to escape from it by sea. [56, 61, 51] 56.0 [-0.5535170563842029, -0.30580685708679023, -0.4297907926901062] -0.4297049020536998 -0.4579753875732422 1987 Eesti Vabaerakonna juhatus arvas erakonnast välja Jevgeni Krištafovitši, kellele pandi süüks valeväidete levitamist ja erakonna laimamist. The governing board of the Estonian Free Party excluded Yevgeny Crištakevich from the party, who was accused of spreading false claims and defamation of the party. [93, 96, 75] 88.0 [0.7825156363278469, 0.689673621607982, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.49248832690975863 -0.42503026127815247 1988 "Scream" on koos noorima õe Janetiga esitatud duett. Scream is the dual water presented with the youngest nurse Janet. [27, 31, 13] 23.666666666666668 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.1934178450087216, -2.2759478008394556] -1.6666553878615833 -0.441421240568161 1989 Ka meditsiini ja tööstuse tarbeks pakutud leiutised ei äratanud tähelepanu. Neither did the inventions for medicine and industry attract attention. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.5529715418815613 1990 Eesti Vabariigi president Toomas Hendrik Ilves alustas neli päeva kestnud töövisiiti Belgias Brüsselis. The President of the Republic of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, began a four-day working visit in Brussels, Belgium. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8727498208139332 -0.22612406313419342 1991 Selleks tuli võtta AC Propulsioni tzero jõuülekanne ja sobitada see Lotus Elise šassiiga. To this end, AC Propulsion had to be taken in a mourning mourning transfer and put in place by the Lotus Elise. [18, 24, 12] 18.0 [-2.2114672727261664, -1.6386705466174354, -1.6672600671603848] -1.839132628834662 -0.6689918637275696 1992 Armastus annab inimesele võimaluse neid raskesti märgatavaid väärtuslikke omadusi kõigist teistest paremini tunnustada. Indignity gives a person the opportunity to recognise these hard-to-notice qualities better than anyone else. [97, 80, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7535304619697888 -0.5678813457489014 1993 Suurem osa neist on bakteriofaagid ja enamik elab ookeanis. Most of them are bacteriofax and most live in the ocean. [81, 83, 82] 82.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5747615562053164 -0.36721017956733704 1994 Eelarve saab tühistada, kui ebaõigsuse põhjustas tellija ebatäpsete andmete esitamisega. The budget can be abolished when the unfairness is caused by the submission of inaccurate data by the subscriber. [65, 81, 58] 68.0 [0.01442894686332708, 0.5372396648934048, -0.4138768859676533] 0.045930575263026185 -0.5290715098381042 1995 Öeldavasti oli üheks põhjuseks tema muljetavaldav habe. Admittedly, one of the reasons was his impressive fragility. [28, 18, 37] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2833830642656527] -1.5118092757537063 -0.44118618965148926 1996 Kui aga jutt on laiemast objektiivsusest, siis kõik sõltub sellest, mida järgmisena öeldakse. However, when it comes to greater objectivity, everything depends on what is said next. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.2851061224937439 1997 Kuigi kujutatud on relvastatud mehi, kellele on mõõgaga kõrri torgatud, võivad need kujutada ka rituaalsetel või veristel spordialadel langenuid. Although armed men have been depicted who have been ripped in a meagre ear, they can also be seen as being experienced in ritual or bloody sports. [81, 83, 82] 82.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5747615562053164 -0.5223135352134705 1998 Alexios I toetas otseselt Esimest ristisõda; Johannes II ja Manuel I mõjutasid oluliselt esimesi ristisõdijate riike. Alexios I was a direct supporter of the first crusade; John II and Manuel I significantly affected the first countries of the Crustors. [70, 85, 100] 85.0 [0.08139344852332632, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.572067940005775 -0.39315691590309143 1999 Idaroomlased olid tihti Anatoolia ja Süüria pärast sõjas Seldžukkide ja teiste türgi dünastiatega. The Eastern Romans were often in the aftermath of Anatolia and Syria after the war with Self's doors and other Turkish dysmen. [46, 32, 39] 39.0 [-1.2225501630467082, -1.3504838029351336, -1.2952316268529762] -1.2894218642782727 -0.5514190793037415 2000 Seejärel sademete hulk pikkamisi väheneb ning maist septembrini ei saja peaaegu üldse. Subsequently, the number of precipitation falls long, and between May and September, it almost fell at all. [31, 18, 44] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.4768801787803418, -1.0589555032030433] -1.3933698198817321 -0.572841227054596 2001 Festivali peaauhinna Kuldne Palmioks võitis türgi režissööri Nuri Bilge Ceylani film "Talveuni". The Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylani film "Talveuni" won the Grand Prize for Festival Palme. [79, 72, 64] 71.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.23653881664004375, -0.3864058398141874] 0.10003736800568415 -0.4685027301311493 2002 Eesti Krediidipank teatas, et lõpetab vastavalt panga nõukogu otsusele 14. juunist oma Läti filiaali tegevuse. The Estonian Credit Bank announced that it would terminate its branch of Latvia, as decided by the bank's Council of 14 June. [100, 83, 89] 90.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7759485003834985] 0.8271970534968011 -0.41890326142311096 2003 Kuna Vasa paiknes tiheda liiklusega laevateel, siis kallati vraki peale 19. sajandi jooksul tonnide viisi räbu ja prahti. As the left was on a fervent ship, the wreck was poured after the 19th century with tonnes of rubber and rubber. [36, 33, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.557013239959602, -1.12785038341693] -1.2970846848235047 -0.56635582447052 2004 Michael Jacksoni auhindade ja nominatsioonide loend Michael Jackson's award and nominee list [100, 92, 96] 96.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.0176690182308925, 0.9980583701602151] 1.1768636671354233 -0.3175453841686249 2005 Venezuela võimud teatasid, et on lõpetanud riigi kullavarude kodumaale tagasitoomise Euroopa ja Ameerika Ühendriikide pankadest. The Venezuelan authorities reported that they had stopped returning the country's gold stocks to their home countries from European and United States banks. [84, 56, 85] 75.0 [0.6681304714467177, -0.2711408857067372, 0.7017464088819532] 0.3662453315406446 -0.33178025484085083 2006 Tavamõistus oskab eristada head ja halba käitumist. Common sense can distinguish between good and bad behaviour. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0505656329477846 -0.3466757535934448 2007 Belgias Brüsselis kohtusid Euroopa Liidu energeetika valdkonna eest vastutavad ministrid. Ministers responsible for energy met in Brussels in Belgium. [97, 100, 99] 98.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.1322514301490496 -0.2571706473827362 2008 Ta saatis 14. oktoobril 1995 läkituse Peter Claveri misjonäride üldkapiitlil osalejatele ja kohtus misjonäridega 29. aprillil 1994. On 14 October 1995, he sent a letter of formal notice to participants in the General Cavalry of Peter Claver's missionaries and met missionaries on 29 April 1994. [97, 83, 90] 90.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8077373912864511 -0.47222545742988586 2009 Egiptuses avalikustati parlamendivalimiste tulemused. The results of the parliamentary elections were made public in Egypt. [93, 100, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.2084738030906903, 1.1249782957469103, 0.7017464088819532] 1.0117328359065179 -0.29938411712646484 2010 Valgevene pealinnas Minskis alanud läbirääkimised Ukrainas rahu saavutamiseks katkesid pärast neli tundi kestnud kõnelusi. Negotiations started in Belarus's capital city of Minsk to achieve peace in Ukraine interrupted after four hours of talks. [100, 88, 94] 94.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.8726797157233768, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9016152062175896 -0.3838808536529541 2011 Ometi sarnaneb selline hoiak vähe sõpruse ja romantilise armastusega. However, this attitude is little like friendship and romantic love. [89, 98, 91] 92.66666666666667 [0.7028467458012655, 0.7569285879468676, 0.9814216926040136] 0.8137323421173823 -0.31162041425704956 2012 Energia jäävuse seadus sai teaduse osaks alles pärast soojusaineteooria kõrvaleheitmist, ja alles hiljem hakati seda nägema kõrgema järgu teooriana. The law on energy residues only became part of science after the elimination of heat theory, and only later began to be seen as a higher-grade theory. [64, 80, 72] 72.0 [0.1391994964086838, 0.4936093960423005, 0.23653881664004375] 0.28978256969700933 -0.46691372990608215 2013 Podolski keskhaigla on Moskva oblastis üks vanemaid. The central hospital in Podolski is one of the parents of the Moscow Oblast. [34, 32, 29] 31.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.4624853012363568, -1.2659124962624795] -1.3356116381711314 -0.27936652302742004 2014 Välisministrid allkirjastasid diplomaatiliste suhete sõlmimise kommünikee. Foreign ministers signed a communiqué for the conclusion of diplomatic relations. [77, 67, 87] 77.0 [0.6779587418389688, 0.07788890965667469, 0.7844601369297701] 0.5134359294751379 -0.25745144486427307 2015 Linnus oli varustatud rikkalikult erineva ornamentikaga sambakapiteelidega, pilastritega ja üldse kaunistatud suurejoonelise kiviplastikaga. The city was fitted with a wealth of different ornamentims with the same kerosens, with pilot tricks and, in general, with pompous stone plastics. [27, 32, 21] 26.666666666666668 [-1.818794853066228, -1.3504838029351336, -1.3816902345903206] -1.5169896301972274 -0.6842106580734253 2016 Kes muud need mehed ikka on kui kirikumees Ahven ja seadusetundja Sumberg. Those men are still the clergy, Ahven and the law known as Sumberg. [28, 21, 35] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.3816902345903206, -1.3660967923134697] -1.5076505370396378 -0.43088626861572266 2017 Osutus, et nelja mahuosa lämmastikhappe korral jääki peaaegu ei ole. It was pointed out that in the case of four volumes of nitrogen oxygen there was almost no ice left. [40, 50, 60] 50.0 [-0.8671919143668114, -0.8152986694908287, -0.574314160703546] -0.752268248187062 -0.4154292047023773 2018 Isegi suur lahknevus teooria ühes rakenduses ei pruugi kaasa tuua kuigi sügavat reaktsiooni. Not even a great discrepancy in the theory in one application may lead to a very deep reaction. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7336105607853347 -0.6374421715736389 2019 See rikkus sügavalt juurdunud ootusi, mis Kuhni arvates implitsiitselt kätkesid käibivate laboriprotseduuride konstruktsioonis ja tõlgenduses. It deeply breached the entrenched expectations that Kuhn believed were implicitly attached to the design and interpretation of functioning laboratory procedures. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6422412028525916] 0.8117833233487398 -0.5548788905143738 2020 Et leidude asukohti määrata, jagati kere sektsioonideks, mida märkisid laeva enda talad, tekid ja laeva keskele vöörist ahtrini tõmmatud joon. In order to determine the location of the sites, a line drawn from the ship's own sites, its blankets and its middle belt was distributed. [100, 73, 87] 86.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.6294440445911689] 0.6389150256800565 -0.7285997867584229 2021 Teine planeeritav liin ühendab tulevikus Rwanda ja Burundi Kongo DV kaudu Aafrika lõunaosa raudteevõrguga. The second line planned will, in the future, connect South Africa to the rail network via Rwanda and Burundi, via the DRC. [59, 60, 58] 59.0 [-0.2611904327908917, -0.3418302000470779, -0.20768092291338958] -0.27023385191711974 -0.48516613245010376 2022 Mahler pani kirja olemasolevad visandid, kasutas osi Weberi teistest teostest ja komponeeris ka ise pisut juurde. Mahler wrote the existing whistleblowers, used parts Weber of other works and included a little more. [75, 84, 65] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3871436867160806] 0.2042385151869007 -0.4207146465778351 2023 Kõik need sündmused viisid 1991. aasta parlamendivalimistel Taastamise Rahvusliidu lüüasaamiseni ja Rahva Rahvusliikumise võimule naasmiseni. All these events led to the defeat of the National Union of Trevamping in the 1991 parliamentary elections and the return to power of the People's National Movement. [59, 58, 60] 59.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.21474005308299082, -0.14422096012004196] -0.2456048520701328 -0.340930700302124 2024 Selleks ajaks, kui kivi maapinnale kukub, peab torn olema eemaldunud, nii et kivi peab kukkuma tornist eemale. By the time the rock falls on the ground, the storm must be detached, so the stone must fall away from the storm. [79, 83, 75] 79.0 [0.4586486864167604, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.356782050090408 -0.4822552800178528 2025 Siis peab nende teiste olukord olema oluliselt erinev, muidu oleksid ka nende teod parimad. They will then have to be in a significantly different position from those of others, otherwise their actions will be the best ones. [64, 62, 78] 68.0 [-0.45465262286070834, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5102064594545875] -0.008402386910938383 -0.49738213419914246 2026 Vastutuse rünnaku eest võttis islamiliikumise Ţālebān Pakistani haru. It was the Pakistani branch of the Islamic movement in Ţālebân who took responsibility for the attack. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8207728490721381 -0.4742526412010193 2027 Järgneva nelja aasta jooksul kõrvaldas Mussolini peaaegu kogu kontrolli oma võimu üle. In the next four years, Mussolini removed almost all control of his powers. [95, 100, 84] 93.0 [1.1153150491210377, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9694746054382218 -0.36694687604904175 2028 Firma uueks tegevjuhiks nimetati firma suuromanik Oliver Kruuda. The new CEO of the company was appointed suuromanik Oliver Kala. [44, 58, 51] 51.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.21474005308299082, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5209115110615928 -0.5403275489807129 2029 Põhiliselt sellele teadusele toetub tänapäeva ratsionalism. Essentially, this science is based on modern rationalism. [16, 26, 21] 21.0 [-1.926857290299737, -1.3746544731431163, -1.945092888648188] -1.7488682173636805 -0.6216702461242676 2030 Siseveekogudes on traditsiooniliselt kasvatatud piimkala. In inland waters, dairy fish have traditionally been grown. [100, 75, 70] 81.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 0.3684768491764302] 0.5810128064425465 -0.43145906925201416 2031 Ülo kohtub Vikiga ja nad meenutavad vanu häid aegu. The general meeting is Viking and they remember the good old times. [24, 43, 41] 36.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -0.7584499374861746, -1.1179556081700188] -1.1716920307578762 -0.435492604970932 2032 Bütsantsi viimane keiser Konstantinos XI hukkus käsitsivõitluses, kui türklased olid linna müürid vallutanud. The last Emperor, Konstantinos XI, died in a crackdown when the Turks had conquered the walls of the city. [67, 80, 64] 70.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005, -0.1667477356201244] 0.13491685669295025 -0.3756660223007202 2033 18. sajandi teises pooles jagati liitriiki korduvalt naaberriikide vahel ja see lakkas olemast. In the second half of the 18th century, the ally was repeatedly divided among neighbouring countries, and that ceased to be so. [48, 44, 39] 43.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.0770802825974546, -1.2006693362178358] -1.0172866447952735 -0.361237496137619 2034 Nad on eemal tavalistest ühiskondlike suhete võrgustikust. They are out of the usual network of social relations. [76, 75, 97] 82.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.27545805178677896, 0.926222544130894] 0.4787412944117328 -0.36202967166900635 2035 Tõenäoliselt just siis hakkasid välja kujunema ka Eesti muinasmaakonnad, kihelkonnad võisid mingisugusel kujul eksisteerida ka juba varem. Just then, it is likely, too, that the Estonian mutuaries will be developed, and the rocks could have existed in some form before. [69, 56, 42] 55.666666666666664 [0.0372032665902161, -0.2711408857067372, -1.0765987441461105] -0.43684545442087713 -0.7161844968795776 2036 Ta saatis Vincenzo Pallotti apostolaadile 2. novembril 1985 läkituse. He sent a threshold on 2 November 1985 to Mr Pallotti's apostostolate. [82, 83, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.32308333696517566, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.37398375826903485 -0.4242286682128906 2037 Taanis Kopenhaagenis algas Euroopa Liidu välisministrite kahepäevane mitteametlik kohtumine, millel osales ka Eesti välisminister Urmas Paet. In Denmark, two days of informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers began in Copenhagen, with the participation of the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. [76, 66, 56] 66.0 [0.3190883206378832, -0.1256901422853517, -0.2711408857067372] -0.02591423578473523 -0.32648053765296936 2038 Teised mässuliste allikad lükkasid teate omakorda ümber. Other rebel sources rejected the announcement in turn. [95, 84, 100] 93.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8367223020686287 -0.3350082039833069 2039 Eestis jätkusid koalitsioonikõnelused Reformierakonna, Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu ning Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna vahel. In Estonia, the coalition talks between the Reform Party, the Isaland and Res Publica Union and the Social Democratic Party continued. [78, 81, 69] 76.0 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5372396648934048, -0.017620113404488574] 0.3155127521696676 -0.2574731409549713 2040 Ajaloolise Tallinna kuldaeg jääb 15. sajandi keskpaiga ja 16. sajandi alguse vahelisse perioodi. The golden period of historic Tallinn will remain between the middle of the 15th century and the start of the 16th century. [100, 91, 100] 97.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.9814216926040136, 1.1249782957469103] 1.001322494637816 -0.3297164738178253 2041 Sellised on ka mõned asjad, nagu näiteks Pariisi Jumalaema kirik. This is also the case with some things, such as the church of the Jumalmother in Paris. [84, 85, 82] 83.66666666666667 [0.6603895448580447, 0.5737189292440944, 0.46039042405392566] 0.5648329660520216 -0.5585054755210876 2042 Ta on mõeldud eriteadlastele, kes tahavad mõista oma tegevuse olemust, kuid ei taha süveneda paksudesse loogikaraamatutesse. It is for special scientists who want to understand the nature of their activities, but do not want to go into the shackles of logic. [78, 85, 87] 83.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7017464088819532, 0.6231547153861217] 0.5770833275360555 -0.4584125578403473 2043 Ameerika Ühendriigid ja Iraan jõudsid kokkuleppele läbirääkimiste alustamise osas Iraagi probleemide lahendamiseks. The United States and Iran agreed to start negotiations to resolve Iraq's problems. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.3593571186065674 2044 Malle kohtab tänaval Johannest, kes on väga muutunud. Mali is in the street from Johannan, who has changed greatly. [50, 21, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-0.9486551086784767, -1.3816902345903206, -1.426122433406289] -1.252155925558362 -0.5198421478271484 2045 Makedoonia dünastiale järgnes raske periood, mida põhjustas teemade nõrgenemine ja sõjaväe unarusse jätmine. The birth rate in Macedonia was followed by a difficult period caused by the weakening of topics and the neglect of the military. [24, 13, 35] 24.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.635530085763711, -1.3660967923134697] -1.5467658082315385 -0.4330149292945862 2046 Metafüüsika on Scotuse järgi reaalne teoreetiline teadus. Methphysics is, according to Scotus, a real theoretical science. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4274325891969988, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.3471332401921972 -0.3808456063270569 2047 Saudi Araabias toimusid kohalikud valimised, kus esimest korda riigi ajaloos said valida ja kandideerida ka naised. In Saudi Arabia, local elections took place where, for the first time in the history of the country, women were also able to choose and stand for election. [95, 89, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.9189868035629918, 0.8694184042047768, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9711278345048929 -0.39403441548347473 2048 Seadus laienes ka Euroopa Liitu mittekuuluvatele Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna riikidele. The law was also extended to countries outside the European Economic Area. [75, 68, 81] 74.66666666666667 [0.7142238971771538, 0.1096188910533485, 0.6189484363352243] 0.4809304081885755 -0.3430321514606476 2049 Mõnikord võime arvata, et õnnelikumas maailmas me ei peaks olema mõistuspärased toimijad. Sometimes we may think that, in the more fortunate world, we should not be rational players. [95, 100, 84] 93.0 [0.9189868035629918, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6603895448580447] 0.9014515480559823 -0.4140933156013489 2050 Uudisteagentuur hakkas edastama esialgu uudiseid ja saateid inglise, hispaania, araabia ja hiina keeles. The news agency started to broadcast news and broadcasts in English, Spanish, Arab and Chinese. [56, 84, 75] 71.66666666666667 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2881777686428686] 0.22838911812761634 -0.3268514573574066 2051 Pärast seda kaotust Rootsi enam Eestimaa jagamises kaasa lüüa ei proovinud. After this loss, Sweden no longer tried to contribute to the distribution of Estonian land. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.5216047167778015 2052 Detsembris alanud Punaarmee pealetungis hävitati itaallaste 2. ja 35. armeekorpus peaaegu täielikult. The onslaught of the Red Army, which began in December, was almost completely destroyed at the Italian Army 2-35. [82, 83, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 0.6190326808341362, 0.4929432823203649] 0.5642819656330035 -0.4922122061252594 2053 Kui ofert on tehtud, siis seda saab tagasi võtta ainult juhul, kui tagasivõttev tahteavaldus jõuab adresaadini enne oferti või samal ajal. Once an ofer has been made, it can only be withdrawn if the withdrawal declaration reaches the ambassador before or at the same time. [40, 15, 21] 25.333333333333332 [-1.062297059252832, -1.4140143306622128, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2860005415017886 -0.4789818823337555 2054 Ainol on külas tütar Iris, kellest sirgub aina kindlameelsem ja iseseisvam noor naine. The only thing is the daughter in the village, Iris, who is becoming an increasingly determined and independent young woman. [43, 64, 38] 48.333333333333336 [-0.954227030371969, 0.0027439006782826883, -1.2420262002417441] -0.7311697766451436 -0.2684195041656494 2055 Kuna Hugo oli alaealine, valitses Küprost ja Jeruusalemma tema ema, Plaisance de Poitiers. As Hugo was a minor, Cyprus and Jerusalem ruled his mother, Plaisance de Poitiers. [27, 25, 23] 25.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.9060553907684363, -1.2699383524630719] -1.5688647536560267 -0.22631391882896423 2056 Scotus väidab, et pole abstraktset terminit, mis vastaks konkreetsetele terminitele. Scolate claims that there is no abstract term corresponding to specific terms. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.9028684259701937, 0.8001850644696189] 0.9280653159837012 -0.4420279562473297 2057 Ajaloomagister Kalle Krooni hinnangul vähemalt keskajal eestlastel teatud määral kokkukuuluvustunne siiski oli ja seda eitavad ajaloolased eksivad. According to Kalle Kroes, the historian magistrate, at least the middle-aged Estonians, had a certain degree of coherence, and this is misled by the historians denying it. [53, 30, 29] 37.333333333333336 [-0.5939936007690919, -1.1600388359418792, -1.12785038341693] -0.9606276067093003 -0.4610402584075928 2058 Me teame mineviku ja tuleviku kohta, et seda ei saa muuta, sest see on minevikus juhtunud ja see juhtub tulevikus. We know about the past and the future that this cannot be changed, because it has happened in the past and it will happen in the future. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8178327706838909 -0.27158409357070923 2059 Aseni ja Peteri ülestõusu algusest alates kasutati mobiilset petšeneegide kergeratsaväge tõhusalt bütsantslaste ja hiljem ristisõdijate vastu. Since the beginning of the uprising in Asen and Peter, the mobile anti-scapegoats were effectively used against the Byzantine people and later against the Christian rulers. [96, 67, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.11148587755891945, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5480572802974756 -0.6316231489181519 2060 Seaduse eesmärk on kaitsta riigi keskkonda ja loodusressursse. The law aims to protect the country's environment and natural resources. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.21281631290912628 2061 Seejärel meenutatakse lahkunut kõnesid pidades ja maetakse ta ühiselt maha. Then you remember the outgoing speech and buried it together. [76, 80, 78] 78.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4269187050200866] 0.38502379612663745 -0.7185169458389282 2062 Mandri keskmaa kindlustamiseks kerkisid sinna järjest Pärnu, Paide, Helme ja Põltsamaa ordulinnused. In order to secure the middle of the continent, it was increasingly inhabited by the Persian, Pate, Helme and Generation Areas. [26, 1, 14] 13.666666666666666 [-1.5666238606968599, -2.016289862523797, -2.234590936815547] -1.939168220012068 -0.6522302627563477 2063 Venemaal toimusid ulatuslikud meeleavaldused presidendivalimised võitnud peaminister Vladimir Putini vastu. Russia had extensive demonstrations against Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who won the presidential elections. [100, 100, 76] 92.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 0.6337802435929001] 1.1569144086162142 -0.31941208243370056 2064 Poliitikateadus kirjutab praktilisele teadusele ette nii seda, kas ta peaks toimima, kui ka seda, milles tema toiming seisneb. Political science dictates to practical science whether it should work, as well as what it is all about. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.38691491014265883] 0.7266745591120957 -0.4731188416481018 2065 pisiHetk enne [[XXV üldlaulupiduXXV üldlaulupeo esimese kontserdi algust Put just a moment before the start of the first group [XXV general singer brakes XXV) [31, 42, 20] 31.0 [-1.8624647798683747, -0.9902503733322566, -1.5421677572214565] -1.464960970140696 -0.5961886644363403 2066 Teiseks, oletame, et mittekonsekventsialist möönab asjade seisude üldist võrreldavust. Secondly, we assume that a non-sectarian sensation recognises the overall comparability of the state of affairs. [13, 28, 42] 27.666666666666668 [-1.566716852002797, -1.7751645842151236, -0.9902503733322566] -1.4440439365167255 -0.4498167634010315 2067 Bütsantsi diplomaatia ülalpidamine oli väga kallis. Bureaucracy diplomacy was maintained at a very expensive cost. [21, 18, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-2.2890745244161526, -1.4768801787803418, -1.59213842690439] -1.7860310433669617 -0.48032695055007935 2068 Jollimore ajab segi selle, missuguse hoiakuga tuleks inimestele läheneda, ja selle, kas armastaja või sõbra otsustusi tuleks usaldada. What is more confusing is the attitude that people should take with, and whether a loser or a friend's decisions should be trusted. [69, 83, 76] 76.0 [0.1839805288126773, 0.6245002025956135, 0.024631356056343097] 0.27770402915487796 -0.5368108153343201 2069 Nepali pealinnas Katmandus sadas 45 minuti vältel lund. The Nepalese capital, Katman, was sleeping for 45 minutes. [18, 14, 10] 14.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.3859883481305837, -2.446018900578199] -2.1029624758297083 -0.30080804228782654 2070 Kant on veendunud, et ainult tavaline tunnetus võimaldab usaldatavalt taibata hea tahte mõistet. Kant is convinced that only a common sense will allow a credible understanding of the concept of goodwill. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.40812718868255615 2071 Enesearmastus vastab kõige paremini armastuse kriteeriumidele. Self-love best meets the criteria of love. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.31846436858177185 2072 Thbilisi hipodroomil avaldas samal ajal valimistulemuste vastu meelt umbes kolmkümmend tuhat opositsiooni esindajat. At the same time, some thirty thousand opposition representatives protested against the election results in Tbilisi's Chinese podroom. [67, 82, 85] 78.0 [-0.04267714354839904, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.2999103331432969 -0.3740638196468353 2073 Somaalias oli 1928. aastal tõsine haiguspuhang ja haigus oli kuni 1953. aastani riigis väga laialt levinud. There was a serious outbreak in Somalia in 1928, and the disease was very widespread in the country until 1953. [77, 70, 62] 69.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.018403229555799133, -0.08076099732669434] 0.10012027390603079 -0.25076526403427124 2074 Argentina pealinnas Buenos Aireses Once raudteejaamas ei suutnud reisirong pidurdada ja põrkas suurel kiirusel kokku perroonipiirdega. Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital, failed to put a brake on the passenger train station and met perroonious limits at a high speed. [42, 43, 40] 41.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.7584499374861746, -1.1593124721939274] -0.9693375943374529 -0.3771272301673889 2075 Ka Austria ratsavägi alistati ja Rieschi jalavägi põgenes; Ney sai oma muljetavaldava võidu eest tiitli "Elchingeni hertsog". The Austrian Guard was also defeated and fled by the Riesch Hall; Ney was given an impressive victory for the title 'Elchingen Duke'. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.4533383250236511 2076 Pärast Putki lahingut oli nendes kokku mehi järel ainult 110. After the Putk battle, there were only 110 men in these together. [74, 82, 65] 73.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.5808699337445091, -0.12539087159621595] 0.25182594719389484 -0.384803831577301 2077 Teatud asju ei saa teha sellepärast, et neid ei saa tahta. Certain things cannot be done because they cannot be wanted. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.21704742312431335 2078 5. kuni 9. peatükis analüüsib Aristoteles üksikuid kategooriaid. In Chapter 5 to 9, Aristotle analyses individual categories. [67, 75, 83] 75.0 [-0.08966679932506398, -0.01280273874114997, 0.6245002025956135] 0.17401022150979983 -0.2504420876502991 2079 Davout' sõduritel oli 48 tundi, et marssida 110 km. Davout's soldiers had 48 hours to march 110 km. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1712561255013751 -0.22525820136070251 2080 Stoikud Chrysipposest Benedict Spinozani hoiatasid palavikulise, kergesti pettuva kire eest, kuigi nad kaitsesid kosmilist armastust. Mr Chrysiplis Benedict Spinozan warned against a palavian, easy-to-swindled passion, even though he defended cosmic love. [59, 69, 79] 69.0 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.1413488724500223, 0.44997912719119615] 0.07259864796718392 -0.4007253646850586 2081 Ta on seadnud eesmärgiks tuua üleslennutuse hind nii madalaks, et saab võimalikuks tuhandete inimeste Marsile saatmine ja seal koloonia rajamine. It has set itself the objective of bringing the cost of flights so low that it will be possible to send thousands of people to Marsi and to build colony there. [62, 82, 83] 75.66666666666667 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8652444468398807] 0.39211028881929577 -0.43285003304481506 2082 Me näeme ainult sündmust, millele järgneb teine sündmus. We can only see an event followed by another event. [87, 100, 100] 95.66666666666667 [0.8364323900964978, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0945033516946625 -0.3858720064163208 2083 Kuni 17. sajandi alguseni oli Rootsi merevägi koosnenud peamiselt väiksematest ühetekilistest alustest suhteliselt kergete kahuritega. Until the beginning of the 17th century, the Swedish navy had consisted mainly of smaller, one-size-fits-all bases with relatively easy cannons. [69, 55, 82] 68.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, -0.302870867103411, 0.5808699337445091] 0.08679298441220318 -0.40269735455513 2084 Falsifikatsionist kritiseerib sääraseid teooriaid. The Falsificist is critical of such theories. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7017464088819532] 0.6428767514295952 -0.34805038571357727 2085 Toiduainetetööstuse saadused, näiteks juust, on kallid ja maal raskesti kättesaadavad. Products from the food industry, such as cheese, are expensive and difficult to access on land. [77, 51, 80] 69.33333333333333 [0.3708914966906855, -0.4297907926901062, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1449033666809599 -0.29982468485832214 2086 Lübeckisse jõudnud piiskop Albert avastas, et linna ja sadamat kontrolliv Valdemar oli keelanud Riiga suunduvatele ristisõdijatele laevade andmise. Bishop Albert, who arrived in Lübeck, found that Valdemar, who controls the town and the port, had prohibited the granting of ships to cargoes to Riga. [80, 69, 80] 76.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.04003658449941787, 0.17436773524631535] 0.23600457192934454 -0.4893692433834076 2087 Burundi kaitsejõududesse kuulus 2006. aastal 35 000 inimest. Burundi enjoyed 35 000 people in 2006. [1, 16, 30] 15.666666666666666 [-2.016289862523797, -2.298727810428375, -1.572881112433012] -1.9626329284617279 -0.5101622343063354 2088 Väikse kindlustatud mõisamaja rajamine sinna pole võimatu. It is not impossible to build a small, secure thinner there. [32, 18, 46] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.4768801787803418, -0.9111712880504766] -1.3295649918805084 -0.5437993407249451 2089 Kokku osales presidendivalimiste esimeses voorus 70,1 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. In total, 70.1% of voting citizens took part in the first round of presidential elections. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8402361568991111 -0.28125202655792236 2090 Katsetulemusi parandada ja kõrvale jätta võimaldas parem tehnika ja olukorrast parem arusaamine. Better technology and a better understanding of the situation enabled the tests to be improved and excluded. [80, 63, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.4949620887624109, -0.2337601711662148, 0.29272250569331404] 0.1846414744298367 -0.42112255096435547 2091 Selles olukorras olles oleksime sellega rahul, ette vaadates aga mitte. If we are in this situation, we would be happy with this, but not looking ahead. [46, 44, 42] 44.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.7222026118592957, -1.0765987441461105] -0.8816527858321708 -0.5140337347984314 2092 Pole aga teada, kas dialoogis "Idiota de staticis experimentis" ette pandud mõõtmisi on kunagi proovitud. It remains to be seen, however, whether the measurements proposed in the dialogue 'Idiota de staticis love' have ever been tried. [76, 77, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.3951887236234128, 0.3708914966906855] 0.3617228469839939 -0.32132071256637573 2093 Guido de Lusignan, keda Conrad ei lasknud Şūri sisse, hakkas 1189. aastal Akkot piirama. Guido de Lusignan, whom Conrad did not let in Şūr, began to restrict Akkot in 1189. [81, 77, 86] 81.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 0.3708914966906855, 0.5906018571196825] 0.4995776729012576 -0.3212624788284302 2094 Prantsusmaal toimus parlamendivalimiste teine voor. France held a second round of parliamentary elections. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.2636733055114746 2095 Selle tõrjumiseks tundusid Saksa väejuhatusel puuduvat igasugused vahendid. In order to counter this, the German army's leadership did not have any means at all. [94, 100, 87] 93.66666666666667 [0.851024723251196, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8364323900964978] 0.8957062946667609 -0.5604063868522644 2096 Rauaaja lõpu osas võib teha veidi kindlamaid oletusi ka muinaseestlaste uskumuste kohta, tuginedes enamasti Henriku Liivimaa kroonikale. A slightly firmer assumption can also be made about the end of the island's history, based, for the most part, on the chronicon of Henriu Libya. [20, 25, 15] 20.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.2547703090036253, -1.4140143306622128] -1.4838495193748082 -0.6683815121650696 2097 Oma viimased teosed lõi ta 21. sajandi alguses, 90. eluaastates. He created his last works at the beginning of the 21st century, in the early 90s. [47, 62, 55] 54.666666666666664 [-0.31675699800800927, -0.08076099732669434, -0.5389595118353006] -0.3121591690566681 -0.31905990839004517 2098 Politsei hinnangul ei olnud tegemist terrorismi, vaid ebaõnnestunud röövimiskatsega. According to the police, it was not terrorism, it was a failed kidnapping attempt. [95, 100, 90] 95.0 [0.8835775815176352, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9085307290014955] 0.9723622020886804 -0.38620808720588684 2099 Tõenäoliselt osaliselt selle hirmu tõttu inimesed pöörduvadki jumalate poole, kelle võimuses on surm ära võita. Probably, in part, because of this fear, people are appealing to God who can win death. [77, 100, 77] 84.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.3708914966906855] 0.6109045348480344 -0.5071519017219543 2100 Peaministri perekond kahtlustab, et ta võidi mõrvata. The family of the prime minister is suspicious that he may have been murdered. [99, 98, 100] 99.0 [1.0630801754041426, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1410704810477394 -0.42368391156196594 2101 Esimeses maailmasõjas jäi Norra neutraalseks, kuid Norra laevaehitus etendas sõjas suurt osa. Norway remained neutral in the First World War, but Norwegian shipbuilding played a major role in the war. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.2960437536239624 2102 sajandist pärit [[asteegidasteekide joonistus rõugeid põdevast inimesest The century comes [from a person suffering from the horror 'drawing the road'. [21, 11, 1] 11.0 [-1.3816902345903206, -2.5168791546838967, -2.1763910955276495] -2.024986828267289 -0.9477499127388 2103 Kumbki ei taha kõigepealt tõestada mõnd teesi, mida meil tuleks uskuda sellepärast, et me oleme huvitatud tõe uskumisest. Both do not want to prove, first of all, some of the roads that we should believe because we are interested in believing in the truth. [39, 34, 29] 34.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.5133829711084976, -1.12785038341693] -1.246517918912849 -0.44420430064201355 2104 Valimistel osales 59,3 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. 59.3% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [99, 100, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0463418728498313] 1.1089153829063638 -0.25708383321762085 2105 Kui on mõistuspärane püüelda teatud laadi elu poole, püüelda või püüda olla teatud laadi inimene, siis seda tuleb teha eudaimonia nimel. If it is reasonable to strive for a certain kind of life, to pursue or try to be a certain kind of person, then this must be done in the name of euthnic harmony. [92, 82, 79] 84.33333333333333 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6551957619621033, 0.45360522473850245] 0.6399059204609115 -0.4715580940246582 2106 Pronksiajal asus selle meteoriidi kukkumiskoha lähistel Asva linnusasula. During the long term, the city of Ava, near the crash of this metal, took its place. [5, 23, 22] 16.666666666666668 [-2.9716501156925967, -1.318230271796973, -1.519643775650632] -1.9365080543800672 -0.62837815284729 2107 Siin aga tuleb meetodite formaalsed erinevused kokku panna materiaalse, looduseks ja kultuuriks jagamise printsiibiga. Here, however, the formal differences in methods must be combined with the principle of division into material, nature and culture. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.4218088686466217 2108 Iseseisvumisest saadik on saareriik kuulunud Rahvaste Ühendusse. Since independence, the island country has been a member of the Commonwealth. [85, 100, 83] 89.33333333333333 [0.4412278406896248, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7216105205498895 -0.24181686341762543 2109 60% ministritest peavad olema hutud ja 40% tutsid. 60% of ministers must be Hutu and 40% Tutsis. [98, 91, 88] 92.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.9814216926040136, 0.8258170009536785] 0.9447651753338491 -0.3815200626850128 2110 Majanduse arengule aitas kaasa Portugali liitumine Euroopa Ühendusega 1986. aastal. Portugal's accession to the European Community in 1986 contributed to economic development. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.748155444407059] 0.794832875888298 -0.15711747109889984 2111 Somaalia pealinnas Muqdishos taasavati riiklik rahvusteater, mis oli kodusõja ja islamistide võimu tõttu suletud enam kui 20 aastat. The Somali capital, Mogadishdishos, was re-opened a national theatre which had been closed for more than 20 years due to civil war and Islamist rule. [59, 84, 56] 66.33333333333333 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.6681304714467177, -0.2711408857067372] 0.006378680910871608 -0.35216450691223145 2112 Eesti kaubalaev Kurkse põrkas manööverdamisel Saksamaal Hamburgi sadamas kokku Bulgaaria kaubalaevaga. The Estonian merchant vessel Kurds came into hell at the port of Hamburg in Germany to the tune of a Bulgarian merchant vessel. [1, 12, 23] 12.0 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.4732488858327923, -1.2699383524630719] -2.0701315576666386 -0.4028513729572296 2113 Filosoofia on muutunud liiga tõsiseks, saanud elukutseks oma ekspertidega. The philosophy has become too serious, becoming a profession with its experts. [98, 100, 76] 91.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.32953463266677707] 0.8271899202858474 -0.34008437395095825 2114 Alma on mures Allani pärast, kes viimasel ajal kodus end lausa üksikuna tunneb. The beginnings are concerned about Allani, who recently knows himself to be even single at home. [33, 29, 31] 31.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.12785038341693, -1.6442737776618106] -1.3621948736845289 -0.5388795137405396 2115 Naurulased hakkasid ekspordiks tootma koprat, mida nad varem olid varunud pikkade põudade puhuks. Nazi groups began to produce, for export, the cracks they had previously stolen in the event of long droughts. [12, 7, 1] 6.666666666666667 [-2.0709506621408877, -2.691400230088314, -2.016289862523797] -2.2595469182509995 -0.5445213317871094 2116 Tulekahjus hävis umbes 500 000 kooliõpikut ja 60 000 sülearvutit, mis olid mõeldud eelkõige riigi vaesemate piirkondade põhikoolide õpilastele. Around 500 000 school textbooks and 60 000 laptops were destroyed in the future, especially for students in primary schools in the poorer regions of the country. [73, 78, 67] 72.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2035703421444763 -0.3679887652397156 2117 Ta kohtus 24. mail 2002 Bulgaaria Õigeusu kiriku patriarhi Maximiga ja Bulgaaria õigeusu kiriku delegatsiooniga 26. mail 2003. On 24 May 2002 he met with the patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Maxim, and the delegation of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, on 26 May 2003. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.19990652799606323 2118 Muistse vabadusvõitluse kontseptsiooni ümberhindamise mõnede aspektide asjus, ennekõike nimetuse küsimuses, jäid mitmed ajaloolased eriarvamusele. On some aspects of the re-evaluation of the other concept of freedom, particularly the issue of naming, many historians remained divided. [30, 42, 18] 30.0 [-1.687904046512915, -0.9902503733322566, -1.4768801787803418] -1.385011532875171 -0.4486429989337921 2119 Peamiselt vihmametsas elab mõni tuhat pügmeede hulka kuuluvat bakat ja bongot. In the rainforest, a few thousand pyramid are living with bases and bonus, which are among the main measures. [17, 17, 16] 16.666666666666668 [-1.5086101601770157, -2.2550975415772707, -2.1518772087677305] -1.9718616368406723 -0.632293701171875 2120 Hispaanias Kataloonias toimus vabatahtlikel alustel läbi viidud iseseisvusreferendum, millel puudus juriidiline siduvus. In Catalonia, Spain, there was a referendum on independence on a voluntary basis, which had not been legally binding. [67, 66, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.21562528066459924, 0.07788890965667469] 0.06794913033206998 -0.350501149892807 2121 Taani pealinnas Kopenhaagenis sündis kroonprints Frederiki ja kroonprintsess Mary teine laps. In the Danish capital, Copenhagen, Crown Prince Frederiki and the Crown Princess Mary's second child were born. [71, 84, 73] 76.0 [0.4066897413043879, 0.6681304714467177, 0.21395414523555373] 0.42959145266221976 -0.31480661034584045 2122 Bagaza, kes võttis osa frankofoonia tippkonverentsist Kanadas, kukutati septembris 1987 sõjaväelise riigipöördega major Pierre Buyoya juhtimisel. Bagaza, who took part in the excellent conference of the francophone Conference in Canada, was overthrown in September 1987 under the leadership of Pierre Buyoya, a major military coup d'état. [87, 78, 59] 74.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.4063488583400919, -0.051864964231104885] 0.3284279846632257 -0.32556775212287903 2123 Sellepärast on raske aru saada, miks teine moraalilause hoiatab teo maksiimi ja eesmärgi segiajamise eest. It is therefore difficult to understand why a second moral sentence warns of maxim and purpose. [60, 88, 90] 79.33333333333333 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.8726797157233768, 0.9085307290014955] 0.47979341489259814 -0.43422093987464905 2124 Ferdinand de Saussure eksplitseeris eelduse, et tähenduse ja osutamise alus on sõnade ja objektide vaheline üksühene vastavus. Ferdinand de Sausdie of misguided assumption that meaning and provision are based on one-to-one conformity between words and objects. [24, 19, 29] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.6283857525312686, -1.12785038341693] -1.5686405985225795 -0.46207353472709656 2125 Üritusest võttis osa ka Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves also took part in the event. [100, 81, 80] 87.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6035703061680501 -0.2760745584964752 2126 Linnuseid ehitati tugevamaks ja õpiti orduvendadelt saagiks saadud ambude kasutamist. Cities were built stronger and the use of ambuts from orphans was learned. [57, 76, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.3190883206378832, 0.03588704551171866] -0.031641620926113063 -0.48603954911231995 2127 Tegelikult on meie põhiline probleem, et meil on eetikaideid liiga vähe, ja meil peab neid olema nii palju kui võimalik. In fact, our main problem is that we have too few ethical ideas, and we need to have as many of them as possible. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8872932437643013 -0.26591137051582336 2128 Tegelikult ei kuulunud ükski autor Euroopa parimate hulka. In fact, none of the authors were among the best in Europe. [97, 90, 100] 95.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 1.132734691735585, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0687987618443362 -0.31735262274742126 2129 Valgeid raamatuid avaldati ja levitati enamikus sotsialistlikes riikides. White books were published and distributed in most socialist countries. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8295825327351395 -0.21324047446250916 2130 Jõgi voolab kindla kiirusega, aga aja möödumisele ei saa kiirust omistada. The river is flowing at a steady rate, but speed cannot be accelerated after time. [76, 88, 82] 82.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.8726797157233768, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5536872112158946 -0.5308562517166138 2131 Uued väljakaevamised annavad meile parema pildi kultuur mõjudest Egeuse mere ümbruskonna aladel. The new evictions give us a better picture of the impact of culture in the Aegean. [70, 65, 59] 64.66666666666667 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.35277835664474466, -1.0287659447222195] -0.5267436924996686 -0.41484785079956055 2132 Vaid kaks päeva varem oli ülemkohus samasooliste abielusid lubava alama astme kohtu otsuse jõusse jätnud. Only two days earlier, the Supreme Court had retained the ruling of the Court of Justice of the same-sex marriages. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8794574781282227 -0.48420611023902893 2133 Asi on lihtsalt selles kommt einfach darauf ein, et mitte võtta lõpmatu pähe seda, mida ennast tema määratluses kohe eriliseks ja lõplikuks tehakse. It is simply a matter of the ham einfach darauf ein order not to take the infinite head of what is being made immediately specific and definitive in his definition. [97, 78, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7138669556034946 -0.4229982793331146 2134 Samas mõttes võib siis ka ihu nimetada hinge reaalsuseks ja seda õigust vabaduse reaalsuseks või, päris üldiselt, maailma jumaliku mõiste reaalsuseks. In the same sense, if you look at it, you can describe a breath as a reality and this right as a reality of freedom, or, quite generally, as a reality of the worship of the world. [51, 42, 60] 51.0 [-0.7716684006397244, -1.0765987441461105, -0.2557724578077367] -0.7013465341978572 -0.5962197780609131 2135 Presidendi administratsiooni juhataja asetäitja Valeri Tšalõi teatel ei ületa Venemaa humanitaarabi vedav tehnika Ukraina piiri. According to the President's Vice-President, Valeri Chad, a technique for transporting humanitarian aid from Russia does not cross Ukraine's border. [94, 87, 80] 87.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.7124885375901508, 0.4936093960423005] 0.696353798078385 -0.4852224588394165 2136 Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalkohus andis välja määruse Elevandiluuranniku endise presidendi Laurent Gbagbo abikaasa Simone Gbagbo vahistamiseks. The International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of former President of the Côte d'Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo's husband, Simone Gbagbo. [72, 67, 77] 72.0 [0.16410717657114324, 0.07788890965667469, 0.36271858948898755] 0.2015715585722685 -0.25162366032600403 2137 Lusitaanid olid kindlasti indoeurooplased, kuid kas ka keldid, selles osas ei ole ajaloolased ühel meelel. The Italians were certainly indoists, but whether the Cells were also, the historians are not in agreement on this. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-2.9716501156925967, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -2.398760980259242 -0.5987932682037354 2138 Todor Svetoslav veetis oma ülejäänud valitsusaja naabritega rahus. Mr Svetživ spent his remaining neighbours in peace. [23, 43, 29] 31.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -0.7584499374861746, -1.12785038341693] -1.1869980701602758 -0.5228935480117798 2139 Abduktsiooni suhte kohta deduktsiooni ja induktsiooni kohta annab ta kaks erinevat teooriat. It gives two different theories about desegregation and incoherence in the relationship of aid. [45, 30, 18] 31.0 [-0.5868454540225132, -1.2296651706356005, -1.4768801787803418] -1.0977969344794853 -0.4808077812194824 2140 Järgmine tähtis mõisteline uuendus oli proportsioonidest arvude tegemine. Another important innovation in this sense was to make figures of proportion. [86, 83, 80] 83.0 [0.5906018571196825, 0.5855686120034557, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5570441859618497 -0.5463606715202332 2141 Mida me väidame, kui me ütleme, et kõik inimesed sõltumata rassist ja seksist on võrdsed? What do we say when we say that all people, irrespective of race and sex, are equal? [45, 69, 57] 57.0 [-0.952528152074385, -0.017620113404488574, -0.25098737870986976] -0.4070452147295811 -0.2798129916191101 2142 Vahetult enne plaadi "Invincible" ilmumist informeeris Jackson Sony Music Entertainmenti juhti Tommy Mottolat, et ta lahkub Sonyst. Shortly before the publication of the 'Invincible' label, Jackson Sony Music Independence's leader, Tommy Mottola, informed us that he was leaving Sonyu. [22, 34, 46] 34.0 [-1.3499602531936468, -1.5133829711084976, -0.9111712880504766] -1.2581715041175403 -0.3638759255409241 2143 Mees oli olnud mitu korda abielus, tal oli olnud mitu last, kuid ilmselt ta ei teadnudki, et on Eric Claptoni isa. We had married many times, had several children, but apparently he did not even know that Mr Claston's father was. [7, 1, 13] 7.0 [-2.251067376942326, -1.655442005902876, -1.635530085763711] -1.8473464895363045 -0.4868064224720001 2144 Tähelepanuväärne on lihasööja sipelglane Dorylus, kes liigub hiigelkolooniatena. The butcher's hammer, Dorylus, who moves as giant colonies, is remarkable. [26, 14, 1] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3128904044537102, -1.8096223806656633, -2.016289862523797] -1.7129342158810568 -0.5263816118240356 2145 Nooremana oli Oona mõnda aega huvitatud hobustest. As a young person, Oona was interested in horses for some time. [98, 87, 100] 95.0 [1.239385641192763, 0.7990212780000306, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0544617383132346 -0.38424864411354065 2146 Sademeterohkematel aladel vahelduvad puudesalud vihmahooajal veega täituvate rohumaade ehk dambo'dega. In more hundreds of areas, they alternate with grassland, or dambo, filled with water during the rainy season. [23, 33, 43] 33.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.557013239959602, -1.035241880122202] -1.303495130626259 -0.48995330929756165 2147 Ka seda sündmust on peetud vaid hilisemas ajaloos käibele tulnud müüdiks. This event, too, has only been regarded as a myth that came into being in later history. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.5127487778663635 2148 Trinidadi ja Tobago rahvusköök põhineb kreooli, india ja hiina köögi traditsioonidel. The national kitchen of Trinidad and Tobago is based on the traditions of creo, indium and Chinese kitchen. [68, 62, 51] 60.333333333333336 [0.2920510649205147, -0.06975075057547515, -0.4297907926901062] -0.06916349278168889 -0.2965230643749237 2149 President rünnakus vigastada ei saanud, sest raketid langesid hoonest mitmesaja meetri kaugusele. The President was not injured in the attack because the rockets fell several hundred metres from the building. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8031857163803974 -0.35046178102493286 2150 Horvaatias astus tagasi välisminister Davor Ivo Stier. In Croatia, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Davor Ivo Stier, withdrew. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 0.8288005049753561 -0.2288837879896164 2151 Patsient puhastatakse saastest enne kui ta meedikuteni jõuab. The patient will be decontaminated before he reaches the media. [29, 35, 40] 34.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2523051859560834 -0.38045376539230347 2152 Vahetult enne eurooplaste saabumist saari asustanud, aravaki ja kariibi keeli kõnelenud hõimud jõudsid sinna ilmselt 14. sajandi alguses. The tribes that forged hundreds of Europeans immediately before the arrival of them, spoken archaic and niche languages, probably arrived there at the beginning of the 14th century. [25, 34, 43] 34.0 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.5133829711084976, -1.035241880122202] -1.2677983867447749 -0.5498110055923462 2153 Bangladeshis Chittagongis toimus mereväebaasis plahvatus, milles sai raskelt vigastada 6 mereväelast. In Chittagoni, Bangladesh, there was an explosion on a naval base which caused serious injuries to 6 navies. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.3714836835861206 2154 Lõputu psühhoanalüüsi abil on Hampshire'i arvates vähemalt teoreetiliselt võimalik läheneda iga kalduvuse ja käitumise täielikule seletusele. An endless psychoanalysis suggests that Hampshire can at least theoretically approach every explanation of propensity and behaviour. [88, 75, 100] 87.66666666666667 [0.6668234028409779, 0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6890865834582224 -0.46599698066711426 2155 Tõepoolest, tema kaptenid hääletasid ja otsustasid sadamasse jääda. Indeed, his captains voted and decided to stay in the port. [93, 95, 100] 96.0 [1.247373368119458, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.166254219659299 -0.31807073950767517 2156 Hiina Vabariigi president Ma Yingjiu teatas oma tagasiastumisest valitseva erakonna Guomindangi esimehe ametikohalt. The President of the Republic of China, Mr Yingjiu, has announced his resignation from the position of President of the ruling party, Mr Guomdang. [77, 82, 71] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5808699337445091, 0.05442657251608684] 0.34349507662800294 -0.2504039406776428 2157 Eestis Tallinna Toomkirikus pühitseti ametisse politsei peakaplan Jaan Jaani, kes töötas seni EELK Keila koguduse õpetajana. In Tallinn's Toomford in Estonia, Jaan Jaan Jaan, the chief police plan, was inaugurated and worked so far as a teacher of the EELK Corporation in Keila. [18, 28, 38] 28.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.7751645842151236, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4980236544124033 -0.44529804587364197 2158 Meeleavaldusel astusid üles näitlejad Jane Fonda, Sean Penn ja Tim Robbins. The demonstration brought together actors Jane Fonda, Sean Penn and Tim Robbins. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.26189884543418884 2159 Kaubaveolepingu sätted kohalduvad maismaal kauba vedamisele, veose vedamisele merel kaubaveolepingu regulatsioon ei kohaldu. The provisions on freight transport apply to the transport of goods by land, while the regulation of freight transport at sea does not apply. [80, 56, 84] 73.33333333333333 [0.5827011107083454, -0.16650364061497808, 0.6603895448580447] 0.3588623383171374 -0.39599552750587463 2160 Eestit esindas kongressil teiste seas ka riigihalduse minister Mihhail Korb. Estonia was represented by the Minister for Public Administration, Mikhail Korb, among others, at the Congress. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.9912444570493123, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8989623723854057 -0.28576532006263733 2161 Pärast Saladini surma aastal 1193 langes Aijubiidide riik kodusõtta. Following the death of Saladin, 1193, the state of Aijubiides fell without civil war. [19, 23, 29] 23.666666666666668 [-1.5803806493494141, -1.483396450023753, -1.12785038341693] -1.3972091609300323 -0.2892136871814728 2162 Teise inimese käitumise üle võin kaalutleda, kui ta mulle allub, aga siis ma kaalutlen ikkagi selle üle, kas anda talle teatud ülesannet. I can contemplate the behaviour of another person if he submits me, but then I will still consider giving him a certain task. [71, 64, 68] 67.66666666666667 [0.4066897413043879, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.1096188910533485] 0.17301751101200635 -0.4210383892059326 2163 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis toimus peamiselt šiiitidega asustatud Bayaa linnaosa ristmikul autopommi plahvatus. In Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, the city of Bayaa, who was populated mainly by Shiite, was the scene of a car bomb explosion. [78, 61, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, -0.2908183276918498, 0.17307885384669613] 0.0962031281649794 -0.3600471615791321 2164 Kristjani majas korraldab elamist Laine ja teeb vihjeid abieluks. The Christian house is hosted by Laine and makes rainfall a marriage. [83, 92, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7265451654215221 -0.5790918469429016 2165 Njandža keeles kirjutavatest kirjanikest on üks tuntumaid Jolly Maxwell Ntaba. The writers writing in the language of Njandža are one of the best known authors of Jolly Maxwell Ntaba. [16, 20, 18] 18.0 [-1.6880982215310614, -1.2720333835260482, -1.6646330781581475] -1.5415882277384192 -0.2205912470817566 2166 Linnust juhtis foogt Mauritius, kes kogus ka maakonnast makse. The city was led by the focus in Mauritius, who also collected taxes from the countryside. [70, 56, 63] 63.0 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.48592357188822877, 0.10098660428072605] -0.1945412479131815 -0.42598217725753784 2167 Türgi parlamendis toimus presidendivalimiste uus voor. A new round of presidential elections took place in the Turkish Parliament. [100, 87, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7990212780000306, 1.32209936924058] 1.0734080552016803 -0.1567518711090088 2168 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis hukkus kahes pommiplahvatuses kolm inimest. In the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, three people died in two bombings. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1772431457857548 -0.23350755870342255 2169 Kõik reisijaid evakueeriti päästepaatidesse, keegi õnnetuses vigastada ei saanud. All passengers were evacuated into emergency boats, no one was injured in the accident. [100, 84, 99] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 1.024617090803433 -0.2995728552341461 2170 Kui ta sellest aru saab, peab ta saama kõigi ilusate kehade armastajaks ning põlastama ainult ühe keha metsikut vahtimist. If he understands this, he must become a lover for all beautiful bodies and scorn only one body's savage brokering. [41, 29, 53] 41.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.12785038341693, -0.6216732398831174] -0.9252657798641972 -0.4370485246181488 2171 406 tungisid vandaalid üle Reini Galliasse, rüüstasid lääne ja lõuna poole liikudes Galliat. 406 were invaded by the elderly in the Rhine to Gallia, pillaging Gallia on the west and south. [37, 39, 35] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.2006693362178358, -1.5101665306408727] -1.3644426771379645 -0.5433352589607239 2172 Erilist tähelepanu pöörati resolutsioonis Poolale, kus homoseksuaalsete inimeste õiguste piiramist on toetatud valitsusametnike sõnavõttude tasandil. Particular attention was given to Poland in the resolution, where the restriction of the rights of homosexuals has been supported at the level of speeches by government officials. [70, 82, 75] 75.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2881777686428686] 0.34737551874469125 -0.35214734077453613 2173 Hea teaduslik seadus või teooria on falsifitseeritav, sest ta väidab maailma kohta midagi määratletut. A good scientific law or theory is punishable because it claims something to be defined about the world. [75, 83, 67] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6245002025956135, -0.7517152483667652] 0.06817123835297116 -0.45145183801651 2174 Wellingtoni kaitse vasakul äärel oli Durutte'i diviisil aega üksused karreedesse seada ning ennast Šoti Hallide eest kaitsta. The protection of Wellington on the left of Durutte had time to carpet its units and protect itself from Scottish Halls. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6172985934001295, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9025488562712907 -0.5163954496383667 2175 Esiteks, armastajal pole moraalset kohustust edasi armastada. Firstly, the loser has no moral duty to continue to love. [27, 29, 40] 32.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2725877911158099 -0.41226890683174133 2176 Zimbabwe pealinna Harare lähistel maanteel toimunud kahe bussi kokkupõrkes hukkus vähemalt 25 inimest. At least 25 people died in a collision between two buses near the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. [83, 100, 90] 91.0 [0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058, 0.548708683221246] 0.8317694183524799 -0.336192786693573 2177 "Ungari ülestõus 1956", Sinisukk, 271 lehekülge, ISBN 9789949145768. The "Hungary uprising in 1956," the Sino door, 271 pages, ISBN 9789949145768. [69, 81, 75] 75.0 [0.33026395704847245, 0.5372396648934048, 0.33172876083006514] 0.3997441275906475 -0.2629120349884033 2178 Tankidel õnnestus hävitada peaaegu kõik mäe põhjaküljel olevad punkrid. Tanzeri managed to destroy almost all of the bunkers on the north of the mountain. [78, 73, 68] 73.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.26826879803671755, -0.001320279524490586] 0.22443245895077293 -0.5219081044197083 2179 Ameerika Ühendriikides Indianapolises toimunud plahvatuses hävis kaks ja sai kahjustada veel 14 elumaja. Two homes were destroyed and 14 other homes were damaged in the explosion in India in the United States. [87, 84, 89] 86.66666666666667 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.867173864977587] 0.7492642913381519 -0.39374005794525146 2180 Miks on minu raamatus nende tegelaste vanused antud? Why is the age of these figures given in my book? [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0463418728498313, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7825432502241014 -0.5324620008468628 2181 Rwandas elavatel rahvastel on ühine kultuuripärand. The people living in Rwanda have a common cultural heritage. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.24788033962249756 2182 Neid oli Inglismaal umbes kahe aasta jooksul püütud tuttavaks teha "Euroopa kultuuriga". They were attempted to make known 'European culture' in England in about two years or so. [58, 62, 60] 60.0 [-0.4428955411646226, -0.06975075057547515, -0.14422096012004196] -0.21895575062004657 -0.4533937871456146 2183 Mehmed II ja ülejäänud Osmanite riigi valitsejad jätkasid Rooma imperaatori tiitli kasutamist kuni Osmanite riigi lagunemiseni 20. sajandil. Mehdus II and the rulers of the rest of the Osman state continued to use the title of the Roman Emperor until the break-up of the Osman State in the 20th century. [79, 83, 74] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.6245002025956135, 0.24682090461896014] 0.4433232645437781 -0.39520201086997986 2184 Need mõisted on talle alati vahendiks, mitte eesmärgiks. These terms are always an instrument, not an objective, for it. [69, 73, 94] 78.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.328969831320193, 1.0739581850971294] 0.461769301004278 -0.44641467928886414 2185 551. aasta lõpus saabus Itaaliasse armeenia päritolu Bütsantsi eunuhhist väejuht Narses, kelle käsutuses oli umbes 35 000 sõjaväelast. At the end of 551, an army leader from the offices of Ecumenical origin, Mr Nargis, arrived in Italy with around 35,000 troops at his disposal. [81, 76, 71] 76.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.36345874222673896, 0.12275031254723479] 0.3411495732224596 -0.5004094243049622 2186 Kõrvalkorteris nakatab Alma oma juubeliärevusse ka minia Mare. At the high corners, Alma is also infected by a kind of Mare. [18, 17, 15] 16.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.2550975415772707, -1.7206510797975005] -1.8175429333850375 -0.5998300909996033 2187 Mõned on sel arvamusel sellepärast, et paljud valitsejad, keda lihtinimesed pidasid väga õnnelikuks, olid väga andunud meelelisusele. Some are of this opinion because many of the rulers, who were seen as very happy by ordinary people, were very attached to despair. [54, 51, 56] 53.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.4297907926901062, -0.4976026478113921] -0.49512123277010084 -0.5211455821990967 2188 Rahvasteliidul puudusid relvajõud ja ta sõltus otsuste elluviimisel suurriikidest, kes suhtusid sageli nendesse kohustustesse vastumeelselt. The people's union did not have the armed forces and was dependent on the implementation of the decisions of the major powers, which were often reluctant to treat these responsibilities. [80, 67, 56] 67.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.08966679932506398, -0.2711408857067372] 0.04426723700349975 -0.5613678097724915 2189 Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu otsustas tühistada enamuse Birma vastu kehtivatest sanktsioonidest. The Council of the European Union decided to lift most of the sanctions against Burma. [70, 100, 87] 85.66666666666667 [0.5726856248707056, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8364323900964978] 0.844698770238038 -0.2364542931318283 2190 Väljastpoolt tuleva surve tõttu lõpetati kodakondsuse müük 2003. aastal. Pressure from outside resulted in the sales of citizenship being stopped in 2003. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8676743611017054 -0.4072096347808838 2191 Teiste seas esitasid protesti Hollandi Maleföderatsioon ja eksmaailmameister Max Euwe. The Dutch Malefder and the exorbitant world champion Max Euwe, among others, protested. [83, 94, 72] 83.0 [0.35590589178006926, 0.6224186552690963, -0.18860708986574046] 0.26323915239447504 -0.42472806572914124 2192 Soble ei taha väita, et tagantjärele nõusolek on alati sõltumatu, vaid seda, et paljud katsed soodustavad katsealuste tagantjärele heakskiitu. Soble does not want to claim that ex post consent is always independent, but that many tests encourage ex post approval of the test vessels. [78, 82, 80] 80.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.5776758168102278, 0.3952847075210473] 0.459769794223789 -0.38307663798332214 2193 See annab eesmärgid ja ambitsioonid, nii et saab sõnastada tegevussuunad, mis pole täiesti mõttetud. It gives objectives and ambitions, so that you can formulate courses of action that are not completely pointless. [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.3708914966906855] 0.8649911036006753 -0.43275052309036255 2194 21. märtsil 2007 korraldas SpaceX Kwajaleini saarel teise raketistardi. On 21 March 2007 on the island of SpaceX Kwajalein, another app supplier was organised. [43, 32, 21] 32.0 [-1.035241880122202, -1.6006435088107063, -2.0342438578057758] -1.5567097489128947 -0.3536231219768524 2195 Šotimaa peaminister Nicola Sturgeon kinnitas, et ta kavatseb küsida Suurbritannia valitsuselt luba Šotimaa uue iseseisvusreferendumi korraldamiseks. Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that he intends to ask the British Government for permission to hold a new referendum on independence in Scotland. [100, 100, 73] 91.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 0.2054640405950517] 0.7922614030639311 -0.21324202418327332 2196 Ta kohtus 11. märtsil 2002 Kreeka metropoliidi Panteleimoniga. He met the PTV monopoly of the Greek Metropolitan Bank on 11 March 2002. [83, 82, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.5808699337445091, 0.28667001963879457] 0.4955242114058133 -0.4034554660320282 2197 Headust ja ilu ei tule vastandada, vaid need on suuresti ühe ja sama struktuuri osad. Prosperity and beauty must not be set against each other, but are largely part of the same structure. [83, 78, 58] 73.0 [0.4867066880395393, 0.4063488583400919, -0.20768092291338958] 0.22845820782208057 -0.4033103585243225 2198 Kaitsejõudude tööd juhib ja planeerib Kaitseväe peastaap. The work of the defence forces is led and planned by the hand-up of the Defence Forces. [80, 79, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4784399612556804 -0.45392847061157227 2199 Aasta esitaja ja aasta autori auhinna pälvis Sven Lõhmus, aasta albumi auhinna Jaak Joala postuumselt ilmunud album "Suveöö". The year's author and annual author's prize were awarded by Sven Lymus, Jaak Joala poscannon album. [40, 31, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-1.1593124721939274, -1.8624647798683747, -1.426122433406289] -1.4826332284895303 -0.5736619830131531 2200 Valimiste tulemus otsustatakse lihthäälteenamusega. The outcome of the elections will be decided by simple majority. [100, 84, 93] 92.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0326013210732208] 0.9419033627556163 -0.24443678557872772 2201 Sileesias asusid Poola protestantlikud koolid, eesotsas pietistliku kooliga Teschenis ja munitsipaalkooliga Breslaus. In Silesia, the Polish Protestant schools were located, headed by the pietist school in Teschen and the municipal school in Bresso. [79, 100, 85] 88.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 0.3615382092337807] 0.6368736182631357 -0.3337244689464569 2202 Mitte õiguseta ei ole looduse ja vaimu erinevust käsitatud nii, et esimene tuleb taandada reaalsusele ja teine ideaalsusele kui oma alusmääratlusele. Without justification, the difference between nature and spirit has not been understood in such a way that the first has to be reduced to reality and the other to ideal as its founding definition. [75, 82, 88] 81.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 0.4506833450792516, 0.8258170009536785] 0.5173194659399031 -0.3948742747306824 2203 Parker nakatus rõugeviiruse alatüübiga, mida Bedsoni meeskond uuris. The Parker was infected with the relativism of the UAge virus, which was investigated by the Bedson team. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6253041400678786 -0.497421532869339 2204 Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu avas ametlikult oma digiteerimiskeskuse. The Academic Library of Tallinn University officially opened its digitisation centre. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.28561854362487793 2205 Loomulikult jättis kaval Blücher Grouchyt kinni hoidma vaid ühe korpuse, ülejäänud väed aga viis pealahingusse. Of course, the plan to hold Blycher Group to just one corps, while the rest of the troops, at the same time, gave way to a family heart. [29, 46, 43] 39.333333333333336 [-1.4585538318159967, -0.6497079606055378, -1.035241880122202] -1.0478345575145787 -0.5324574708938599 2206 See võib muidugi olla liialdatud, kuid teineteise huvide jagamises on midagi väga usutavat. This may be exaggerated, of course, but there is something very credible in the sharing of each other's interests. [97, 100, 83] 93.33333333333333 [1.1980287771688547, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9678904790919199 -0.27016696333885193 2207 Paljud selle positsiooni pooldajad peavad seda armastuse üheks tugevuseks. Many people in favour of this position regard this as one of the strengths of love. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8256927339487431 -0.3561289608478546 2208 Paavst austab islamit, kuid ei tunnusta vägivalda propageerivat usku. Pope respects Islam but does not recognise religion that promotes violence. [76, 93, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0326013210732208, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8255559791526714 -0.33351317048072815 2209 11. septembril 1953 toodi koos lätlaste ja leedulastega Riia randa eestlane Heino Karkman. On 11 September 1953, Heino Karkman, a guardian of the Riia beast, was brought together with Latvians and Lithuanians. [23, 49, 21] 31.0 [-1.674693889577723, -0.5409659837249011, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1991167026309817 -0.34075185656547546 2210 Kreeka peaminister Aléxis Tsípras alustas oma esimest riigivisiiti Saksamaal eesmärgiga peatada kahe riigi suhete halvenemist. The Greek Prime Minister, Aléx Tsípras, started his first state visit in Germany to halt the deterioration in relations between the two countries. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9931576077534222 -0.2964124083518982 2211 Need kaks väärtustamise vormi julgustavad teineteist. These two forms of valuation encourage each other. [89, 79, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.7759485003834985, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302] 0.7750103819797083 -0.28031402826309204 2212 "Keel on tuletatud tunnus ning seetõttu tuleb teda analüüsida üldisema reegli erandiks, mitte ümberpöördult." "Language is a derived feature and therefore needs to be analysed as the exception, not the reverse, of a more general rule." [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 0.87113844457352, 0.6914430875889822] 0.9948322636239656 -0.35791394114494324 2213 Selle viisierinevuse loomuses tuleb selgusele jõuda. The nature of this difference must be clarified. [71, 75, 78] 74.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.27545805178677896, 0.412248360714594] 0.297505082581581 -0.33431583642959595 2214 Samalaadne legend on olnud Holsteinis ja nii ongi seda peetud ka Saksamaalt pärinevaks rändmuistendiks. The same sort of legend has been in Holstein, and so has been regarded as a roaming show from Germany. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.748155444407059] 0.8093762988386661 -0.5267400741577148 2215 Miks peaks sellele vaatama õiglase nukruse ja vastikusega või eeldama, et see ähvardab meie kõige kohasemate eesmärkide saavutamist? Why should it be viewed with a fair timidity and a farewell, or should it assume that it threatens to achieve our most appropriate objectives? [82, 81, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5562513707701381 -0.5684754848480225 2216 B põhjendid millegi tegemiseks ei ole iseenesest põhjendid selleks, et keegi teine midagi teeks. B The reasons for doing something are not in themselves a reason for anyone else to do anything. [18, 30, 42] 30.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -0.9902503733322566] -1.385011532875171 -0.47961902618408203 2217 2012. aasta lõpuks teatas Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon ainult 223 haigusjuhust. By the end of 2012, only 223 cases were reported by the World Health Organisation. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.2070314735174179 2218 Malawi jaguneb kolmeks piirkonnaks, mis omakorda jagunevad kokku 28 ringkonnaks. Malawi is divided into three regions, with a total of 28 districts. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1123536945529995 -0.3434027433395386 2219 Ülejäänud kolm, kes pidid turniiril osalema, olid Nõukogude Liidu esindajad Mihhail Botvinnik, Salo Flohr ja Paul Keres. The other three who had to take part in the Security Convention were the representatives of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Botvinnik, Salo FloMr and Paul Keres. [81, 82, 100] 87.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6395265223532166 -0.3061780035495758 2220 Õnne aga ei vali keegi nende pärast ega üldse millegi muu pärast. Unfortunately, however, no one is elected for them or for anything else. [81, 85, 88] 84.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.7017464088819532, 0.6557075736525608] 0.6315645491426396 -0.5680530667304993 2221 Brasiilia president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva alustas kolmepäevast ametlikku visiiti Suurbritannias. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lulling a da Silva began a three-day official visit to Britain. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0385578519610221 -0.31582963466644287 2222 Seetõttu tuleb luua kaks generaliseerivate teaduste süsteemi. Two systems of generalising science must therefore be created. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8001304653956343 -0.4564974904060364 2223 Enne neile olulistele küsimustele vastamist tuleb tuua näiteid sellest, kuidas normaalteadus ja paradigmad toimivad. Before answering these important questions, we need to give examples of how normal science and paradigms work. [100, 79, 73] 84.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615, 0.12647325843666224] 0.5671435604582563 -0.4211612641811371 2224 Tasu maksmise kohustus muudab lepingu vastastikuseks lepinguks, ühel poolele on kohustus maksta tasu ning teisel poolel kohustus osutada teenust. The obligation to pay a fee transforms the contract into a reciprocal agreement, an obligation on the one side to pay a fee and an obligation on the other side to provide a service. [77, 100, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7949572463498648 -0.4281933605670929 2225 Kindlasti on tegelik liikide arv oluliselt suurem, sest hinnanguliselt on maailma seeneliikidest tänaseks avastatud vaid umbes 7%. The actual number of species is certainly significantly higher, as it is estimated that only about 7% of the world's pig species have been detected to date. [79, 54, 60] 64.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.5579702578088042, -0.574314160703546] -0.22743509710705134 -0.40030255913734436 2226 Näiteks substants on asi, millel on milleski muus mitteolemine ehk olemisviis oleleda iseenesest ja olla teiste asjade subjekt. For example, substance is something that has no other type of being, that is, the way of being self-sufficient and being subject to other things. [97, 77, 87] 87.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.36271858948898755, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6887468721875685 -0.503598690032959 2227 Euroopa Liit taasalustas osaliselt liitumisläbirääkimisi Türgiga. The European Union has partially resumed its accession negotiations with Turkey. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8872932437643013 -0.35432782769203186 2228 Idaosas oli tševade riik, kirdeosas bembade riik, põhjas Luapula alamjooksul lundade riik ja Zambezi ülemjooksul lozide riik. In the eastern part, the charter state, the bona fide country in the north-east, the north of Luapula, was the country of ransom and the country of lozers in the upper upper Zambez. [36, 26, 31] 31.0 [-0.9307614831741328, -1.3746544731431163, -1.0643904206235824] -1.1232687923136104 -0.5970213413238525 2229 Sokrates mõtles neist asjadest seoses üksikisiku refleksiooniga oma praktika üle. The match was thinking about these things in relation to the reflex of the individual. [21, 18, 15] 18.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.4768801787803418, -1.4140143306622128] -1.545878361646951 -0.6175410747528076 2230 Bütsantsi majandus kuulus sajandeid Euroopa ja Vahemere maade kõige arenenumate hulka. The red tape was one of the most advanced economies for centuries in Europe and in the Mediterranean. [78, 70, 61] 69.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.17307885384669613, -0.2908183276918498] 0.0962031281649794 -0.361604779958725 2231 Darwini teooria äratas iseäranis usklike ringkondade vastuseisu nii Britannias kui mujal maailmas. The Darwin theory provoked opposition from particularly religious circles, both in Britain and elsewhere in the world. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7604669590293401 -0.38691362738609314 2232 Temast sai esimene lääneriikidest pärit inimene, kes esines Nõukogude Liidu telereklaamis. He became the first person from Western countries to have had a TV advertisement in the Soviet Union. [90, 84, 96] 90.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6681304714467177, 0.769904349207558] 0.7485711008114827 -0.4098213016986847 2233 17. sajandiks oli arvu mõiste tunduvalt laienenud. For the 17th century, the definition of the number had expanded considerably. [90, 87, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.548708683221246, 0.7124885375901508, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6285658078023367 -0.4749891459941864 2234 Nad ei saa sekkuda oma ellu, samastades end oma motiividega või neist distantseerudes. They cannot intervene in their lives by identifying themselves with or distancing themselves from their motives. [80, 97, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.198905646365287, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9391644460514993 -0.3449147641658783 2235 Tegemist on ühega vähestest USA suursaadikutest Venemaal viimastel aastakümnetel, kes pole karjääridiplomaat. It is one of the few US ambassadors in Russia in recent decades who have not been a career diplomat. [100, 78, 75] 84.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.33172876083006514] 0.6123937125115291 -0.3269878625869751 2236 Nendest kolm pala on salvestatud showst tehtud kontsertalbumile ja ühte lugudest kasutati filmis. Of these, three have been recorded as showcasing a group, and one of the stories was used in a filter. [9, 8, 7] 8.0 [-1.5843914672256108, -2.2150440339820388, -1.4832924324864452] -1.760909311231365 -0.5671948790550232 2237 Sellepärast on teaduse mõistmine oluline meie tsivilisatsiooni kui terviku mõistmiseks. That is why understanding science is essential to understanding our civilisation as a whole. [73, 95, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.18819751408457033, 1.1153150491210377, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8094969529841728 -0.2885758876800537 2238 Direktori kohuseid asus täitma asedirektor Michael Morell. Michael Morell, Deputy Director, took up his duties. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8838664257502155 -0.27247732877731323 2239 Ja ometi ei uuri Jollimore erinevaid viise, kuidas armastus ja moraal on seotud. And yet Jollimore does not explore the different ways in which love and morality are linked. [96, 95, 94] 95.0 [0.9161304397840745, 0.9663283887635413, 1.0739581850971294] 0.9854723378815816 -0.2945074737071991 2240 Kuna Motown ei võimaldanud Jacksonitele soovitud loomingulist iseseisvust, lahkus bänd 1975. aastal Motowni alt. As Motown did not allow Jacksonans the creative independence they wanted, the band left Motown in 1975. [76, 100, 76] 84.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.1249782957469103, 0.32953463266677707] 0.5912004163505236 -0.41469883918762207 2241 Sageli väidetakse, et ükski objekt ei saa olla korraga kahes kohas, kuigi ta võib olla ühes kohas mitmel ajal. It is often claimed that no object can be in two places at the same time, although it may be in one place at several times. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.31438151001930237 2242 Saab öelda ainult, et röntgenikiirgus ilmus Würzburgis 8. novembri ja 28. detsembri vahel 1895. All we can say is that the röntgenesis erupted in Würzburg between 8 November and 28 December 1895. [81, 85, 89] 85.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.6490285747968032, 0.45428123942188237] 0.5468498263706968 -0.29127177596092224 2243 Kui diviis oli ümber formeeritud, saadeti see 15. aprillil Riesengebirge mäestiku jalamile Hirschberist 15 km kaugusele Schönau rajooni. On 15 April, when the method was reformed, it was sent from the Mesengevage Rountain of Hirschberg to 15 km from the Schönau base. [50, 36, 21] 35.666666666666664 [-0.702063629649955, -1.426122433406289, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1699587658821882 -0.5572855472564697 2244 Musk soovis, et osalejad aitaksid tal välja töötada sündmuse, mis tõmbaks maailma tähelepanu ja paneks inimesed Marsist rääkima. The Musk wanted the participants to help him develop an event that would draw the world's attention and make people talk about Moon. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8680085139585856 -0.4833357632160187 2245 Ameerika Ühendriikides jagati Kuldvaarika filmiauhindu halvimatele filmidele. The Golden Art Film Awards were awarded in the United States to the worst films. [97, 86, 92] 91.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 0.680758556193477, 0.9912444570493123] 0.8735621037644342 -0.3472300171852112 2246 Tööpartei sai osariigi parlamendis 40 kohta ja saab moodustada valitsuse ilma koalitsioonipartnerita. The Labour Party got 40 seats in the State parliament and can form a government without a coalition partner. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0025345090007345 -0.2626740336418152 2247 Laur Põder võtab abielu säilitamiseks tarvitusele erakordsed abinõud. Laur Pyder is taking extraordinary steps to maintain marriage. [90, 70, 83] 81.0 [0.6545327129635137, 0.018403229555799133, 0.6245002025956135] 0.4324787150383087 -0.3207588195800781 2248 Auahne ja halastamatu valitsejana tahtis ta saavutada rahvusvahelist tunnustust ja Bulgaaria täielikku vabastamist. As an copyright and ruthless ruler, he wanted to obtain international recognition and Bulgaria's complete release. [44, 67, 59] 56.666666666666664 [-0.9182036874116812, 0.11148587755891945, -0.3735320557396667] -0.39341662186414283 -0.46495139598846436 2249 Igal asi kannab traagilise päritolu, traagilise olemuse ja saatuse pitserit. Every thing bears the stamp of tragic origin, tragic nature and fate. [100, 100, 86] 95.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8001850644696189] 0.9409102852596846 -0.277096688747406 2250 Prantsusmaa parlament kiitis heaks sõjalise missiooni pikendamise Iraagis. The French Parliament has approved the extension of the military mission in Iraq. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.17939886450767517 2251 Nii sai vigastada vaid 14 inimest, kelle vigastused olid kerged. Only 14 people were injured in this way, with easy injuries. [70, 78, 81] 76.33333333333333 [0.057306707531257405, 0.412248360714594, 0.4278375657874865] 0.2991308780111126 -0.412912517786026 2252 Mariupoli ümbruses jätkusid hommikul öö läbi kestnud lahingud linna kaitsjate ja linna ründavate vägede vahel. In the region around Mariupol, there was a night of battle between the city's protectors and the forces attacking the city. [79, 100, 70] 83.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, -0.19997321272861532] 0.4497031442756703 -0.49403512477874756 2253 Näiteks kadedus ei ole kunagi voorus ja mõni emotsioon ei ole voorus liiga tugevana. For example, chaos is never a virtue, and some emotions are not too strong in the round. [30, 23, 15] 22.666666666666668 [-1.422530488855709, -1.993315928470645, -1.5720701229703633] -1.6626388467655726 -0.3601412773132324 2254 Kasahstanis Karagandõ oblastis terasekontsernile Arcelor Mittal kuuluvas söekaevanduses gaasiplahvatus. The Karagandty Oblast in Kazakhstan was a gas explosion in a coal mine in Arcelor Mittal. [49, 56, 42] 49.0 [-0.8589289383419331, -0.2711408857067372, -1.0765987441461105] -0.7355561893982602 -0.32033395767211914 2255 Mõned probleemid saab püstitada ja lahendada üksnes loogikas, teised aga üksnes metafüüsikas. Some problems can only be erected and solved in logic, while others can only be metaphysics. [78, 86, 97] 87.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7431032729058616, 0.9486832980505137] 0.6993784764321558 -0.46338748931884766 2256 Rahutustel oli pikaajaline mõju rahvussuhetele Eestis, samuti Eesti ja Venemaa suhetele. The unrest had a long-term impact on national relations in Estonia, as well as on relations between Estonia and Russia. [98, 81, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7906583263724775 -0.1908062845468521 2257 Tema vastaskandidaat Ibrahim Boubacar Keita saavutas 18,6 protsendi valijate toetuse. His countercandidate Ibrahim Boubacar Keita received 18.6% of voters' support. [100, 77, 79] 85.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755, 0.3426133161983885] 0.6101034004780954 -0.32588520646095276 2258 19. märtsil 1945 langesid diviisiülem Franz Augsberger ja tema adjutant Obersturmführer Hinz. On 19 March 1945, the dividends, Franz Augsberger and his admist Obersturmführer, fell Hinz. [28, 38, 17] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.2420262002417441, -1.6555453632646222] -1.5575787159071632 -0.3358493745326996 2259 Hiljem teatasid võimud, et teade oli ekslik ning lennuk on endiselt kadunud. Later, the authorities reported that the notification was erroneous and that the aircraft was still missing. [90, 78, 78] 82.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.4063488583400919, 0.412248360714594] 0.542091900278286 -0.3866444230079651 2260 Esimesel päeval esines ta loenguga Oxfordi Ülikoolis. On the first day, he gave a lecture at the University of Oxford. [100, 97, 100] 99.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.198905646365287, 1.32209936924058] 1.2067028446567658 -0.2099512815475464 2261 Too aga lükkas ettepaneku tagasi, öeldes, et pank on ka varem arengumaade võlgade tõttu raha kaotanud. However, it was rejected by saying that the bank had lost money in the past due to the debts of developing countries. [67, 72, 62] 67.0 [-0.0279024499426623, 0.44490263343234565, -0.08076099732669434] 0.11207972872099635 -0.44115734100341797 2262 Jumalasõna ning apostlite Peetruse ja Pauluse ees esitavad nad oma seisukohad ning lasevad neil end jumaliku tõe kohta õpetada. The godword and the athee in front of Mr Peetrus and Mr Paulus are presenting their views and letting them teach themselves about the truth of God. [75, 82, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.5808699337445091, -0.7517152483667652] 0.05362781540260305 -0.5018449425697327 2263 Tõsi küll, see jälle kitsendab indoktrineeritavate laste negatiivset vabadust. It is true, it again restricts the negative freedom of children who are being indoctrinated. [78, 84, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.674179986200092, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7858555172132071 -0.4788888692855835 2264 Tuleb otsustada, kui suur erinevus on selle vahel, mida ta tegi, ja tegude vahel, mis näitavad meile mõrva tõsidust. It is important to decide what a difference there is between what he has done and the actions that show us the gravity of the murder. [89, 82, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.8929726011228626 -0.4321879744529724 2265 Eestis oli visiidil Euroopa Nõukogu Arengupanga president Rolf Wenzer, kes kohtus ka Eesti rahandusministri Sven Sesteriga. In Estonia, the President of the Council of Europe Development Bank, Rolf Wenzer, also met with Estonian Finance Minister Sven Sester. [84, 87, 96] 89.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.7990212780000306, 1.156671913144946] 0.8261410740482679 -0.2189140021800995 2266 Selle üle, millised faktid on olulised, saab otsustada olemasoleva teadmise põhjal. The facts on which they are important can be decided on the basis of the available knowledge. [54, 78, 66] 66.0 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.4063488583400919, 0.006209195557746145] -0.048470734636988706 -0.43687695264816284 2267 Saksa juurtega teadlased olid vastutavad ja katalüüsisid suuremat osa varajasest teaduslikust taassünnist liitriigis. German-based researchers were responsible and catalytic in most of the early rebirth of science in the federal state. [62, 72, 82] 72.0 [0.06277371215276832, 0.23653881664004375, 0.6551957619621033] 0.31816943025163846 -0.41163453459739685 2268 Kuigi võimud nimetasid toimunut joobes kodanike rühmade huligaanitsemiseks, osales rahutustes ligi 3000 inimest. Although the authorities called what happened in the Drink to hooliganism citizens' groups, nearly 3 000 people took part in the unrest. [65, 79, 72] 72.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.44997912719119615, 0.23653881664004375] 0.17493481952853351 -0.5231589674949646 2269 Kui kellelgi on mingi voorus, siis see mõjutab seda, kuidas ta arutleb. If anyone has a virtue, it will affect the way in which they debate it. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8388531449296778 -0.5462287068367004 2270 Priit oskab siiski kogenud konstaablina asjast auga välja tulla. However, Price can come out of the story as an experienced convoy. [27, 35, 42] 34.666666666666664 [-1.1913103462102776, -1.4697527022573933, -1.0765987441461105] -1.245887264204594 -0.7174732089042664 2271 Indias nimetati Uttarakhandi osariigi peaministri kandidaadiks Trivendra Singh Rawat, kes järgmisel päeval ka ametisse astus. In India, Trivendra Singh Rawat was nominated Prime Minister of Ucycles rockets and took office the next day. [78, 75, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.3065899732381008, 0.27545805178677896, 0.3326655450514438] 0.30490452335877455 -0.34363704919815063 2272 Teoses "Ordinatio" ütleb Scotus, et esimese arusaamisega haarab aru oma objekti üldisuse mooduse all, saamata aru üldisuse moodusest endast. In the case of 'Ordinatio', Scotus says that, in its first understanding, the general way of its object is understood, without understanding the general way in which it is made. [93, 87, 80] 86.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.7124885375901508, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6843460170916226 -0.5412920117378235 2273 Armastus on keerukas tahtekonfiguratsioon, mida on nii endal kui ka teistel keeruline tajuda.) Innumeration is a complex configuration of will that is difficult to perceive for itself and for others.) [14, 26, 1] 13.666666666666666 [-2.3859883481305837, -1.3746544731431163, -2.016289862523797] -1.925644227932499 -0.47912755608558655 2274 1931. aastal esitas Manchesteris sealne Hallé orkester "Laulu maast" ja üheksandat sümfooniat. In 1931, in Manchester, the Hallé orkester was presented by the "Land of Laulu" and ninth Symphony. [40, 51, 46] 45.666666666666664 [-1.062297059252832, -0.4297907926901062, -0.9898197448952459] -0.8273025322793947 -0.3496665060520172 2275 Samal päeval teatas Seli, et astus välja Eesti Reformierakonnast. On the same day, it was announced that it was withdrawing from the Estonian Reform Party. [63, 72, 81] 72.0 [-0.49731359731548613, -0.11738597445864508, 0.3930413481118219] -0.07388607455410312 -0.4275202453136444 2276 Eesti Ajalehtede Liit kuulutas aasta ajakirjanikuks 2014 ajalehes Postimees töötava Nils Niitra. The Union of Estonian History declared the year 2014 a journalist in the postal law of Nils Niitra. [30, 20, 25] 25.0 [-1.422530488855709, -2.0716779526032685, -1.9060553907684363] -1.8000879440758046 -0.39255577325820923 2277 Aga kui need kunstlikult esile kutsuda, siis inimene ei koge hirmu. But if you artificially provoke them, you do not fear. [100, 100, 89] 96.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.9089270413502557] 0.9440713713334796 -0.46376174688339233 2278 Eesti kultuuriminister Indrek Saar oli visiidil Viljandis, kus ta avas Viljandi kino ja külastas Ugala teatri peatselt valmivat hoonet. Indrek Saar, Estonia's Minister for Culture, visited Viljant, opening Viljand cinema, and visited a building near to be completed in Uganda. [28, 35, 42] 35.0 [-1.1595803648136038, -1.4697527022573933, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2353106037390358 -0.4100252091884613 2279 Samuti hakkavad Briti instruktorid pakkuma Liibüa armeele sõjalist väljaõpet. The British instructors will also provide military training to the Libyan army. [82, 100, 97] 93.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9679590022200913 -0.45038461685180664 2280 Neid mõtteid esitades ehitas Naan küberneetilised, geneetilised ja tundeelulised mudelid intelligentsi ja bürokraatia funktsioonide jaoks. By presenting these ideas, Naan built cyber, genetic and emotional models for the functions of intelligence and bureaucracy. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.774893431721841, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8123704641207187 -0.3208824396133423 2281 Neoliitikumi ajal hakati Portugalis kodustama kariloomi, kasvatama teravilja ning püüdma merest ja jõgedest kala. During Neoliitikum, Portugal started to house cattle, grow cereals and fish from the sea and rivers. [68, 72, 70] 70.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.144567245233466, 0.1249205953736362] 0.07194812808077532 -0.4186774492263794 2282 Afganistani idaosas Khowsti linnas toimus kaks pommiplahvatust. Two bombardments took place in the Eastern Afghan city of Khowt. [99, 100, 73] 90.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8241835542857531, 0.328969831320193] 0.7387445203366961 -0.43265774846076965 2283 Austraalia Victoria osariigis varises kokku Ballarati kullakaevanduse šaht. The Basin of gold was stolen in the Australian State of Victoria in Ballarard. [44, 34, 23] 33.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973] -1.275166086334588 -0.43064042925834656 2284 See on lähedalt seotud mõttega, et armastusel pole midagi pistmist põhjenditega. It is closely linked to the idea that love has nothing to do with the causes. [84, 100, 92] 92.0 [0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.24002115428447723 2285 Fašistlik partei kasutas vägivalda ja hirmutamist 25% künnise saavutamiseks 1924. aasta valimistel, ja sai juhtivaks poliitiliseks parteiks Itaalias. The Faicist Party used violence and intimidation to reach the 25% threshold in the 1924 elections and became the leading political party in Italy. [87, 80, 90] 85.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7184775944530865] 0.6142956834586922 -0.27012696862220764 2286 Tiiu, kes on hakanud müügiagendiks, külastab Maret Margna korteris Mornas. Tibet, which has become a sales agency, is visiting Maret Margna Korter Morna. [19, 10, 1] 10.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -2.560509423535001, -2.016289862523797] -2.1318621824925574 -0.2527364194393158 2287 Aastal 1966 sai saar valitava Seadusandliku Nõukogu. In 1966, the island became an elected legislative council. [29, 44, 27] 33.333333333333336 [-1.6142379764569204, -0.9182036874116812, -1.3384071475162373] -1.2902829371282796 -0.34585705399513245 2288 Obelisk on kaunistatud keiser Aleksander I vapiga. Obelisk has been decorated with the shock of Alexander I. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.963837247028471 -0.4226379096508026 2289 Etioopias Afari osariigis tapsid Eritreast riiki saabunud tundmatud relvastatud isikud 5 Euroopa päritolu turisti ja haavasid raskelt veel kahte. In the state of Afar in Ethiopia, 5 European tourists were killed and two more seriously wounded by unknown armed persons arriving in the state of Eritrea. [71, 68, 86] 75.0 [0.2564751800664351, 0.2920510649205147, 0.7431032729058616] 0.43054317263093717 -0.3634776175022125 2290 Nooremal pronksiajal muutus pronksesemete kasutamine laialdaseks ning toimus ka mitmeid olulisi ühiskondlikke muudatusi. In a young breadcrumbs, the use of breadcrumbs became widespread and there was also a number of important societal changes. [47, 56, 38] 47.0 [-0.9461894760441417, -0.48592357188822877, -1.2420262002417441] -0.8913797493913714 -0.5694990158081055 2291 Näiteks tahe ja aru on reaalselt sama, sest mõlemad on reaalselt hingega samased ja hingest lahutamatud. For example, the will and the understanding are actually the same, as both are actually the same as the soul and the soul are inseparable. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6164483819475642] 0.6789089262896398 -0.48983708024024963 2292 Jordaania tervishoiuministeeriumi kinnitusel tehti pealinna ‘Ammāni lähistel surnud kalkunitel kindlaks linnugripi inimesele ohtlik vorm H5N1. According to the Jordanian Ministry of Health, the dangerous form of H5N1 was identified for the person of avian influenza on the basis of a list of dead fish in the capital near Ammân. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.5044494271278381 2293 Henry hakkab aina rohkem Evelini hindama ja teda närib kahtlus vana Ahvena plaanide suhtes. Henry will increasingly evaluate Evelin and face doubts about the old Ahvena plans. [44, 48, 51] 47.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -0.9025592071930374, -0.4297907926901062] -0.7754116719938123 -0.42153528332710266 2294 Türgi politsei vahistas mitmed kõrgemad ohvitserid, teiste seas ka endise kindralstaabi ülema asetäitja Çevik Biri. A number of senior officers were arrested by the Turkish police, including former Library Chief Çev Burma. [77, 76, 75] 76.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.23454328731752536, -0.01280273874114997] 0.1948197126884543 -0.5479682683944702 2295 Sellepärast ei saa kõik järelmid olla stipulatsioonid. Therefore, not all conclusions can be homogenous. [20, 25, 29] 24.666666666666668 [-1.4134202159869944, -1.9060553907684363, -1.6142379764569204] -1.6445711944041168 -0.6254506707191467 2296 Riftiorus paikneb Njassa järv, sellest läänes kõrguvad platood. The Riftiorus is based in the Lake of Navasa, from which the plates in the West are burnt. [25, 28, 30] 27.666666666666668 [-1.4109017987699952, -1.7751645842151236, -1.697337004628338] -1.6278011292044854 -0.6443628668785095 2297 Jackson eitas neid süüdistusi, öeldes, et ööbimised polnud mingil moel seksuaalset laadi. Jackson denied these accusations by saying that the nights were in no way sexual in nature. [100, 96, 78] 91.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.162658320738408, 0.412248360714594] 0.8913367332724774 -0.3407714068889618 2298 13. märtsil 2005 lahkus Johannes Paulus II haiglast ja esines avalikkuse ees, kuid ei osalenud enam aktiivselt liturgilistel toimingutel. On 13 March 2005, John Paul II left hospital and appeared before the public but was no longer actively involved in security activities. [57, 68, 78] 67.66666666666667 [-0.12829074848702035, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5102064594545875] 0.16384486734030523 -0.36223578453063965 2299 Võidakse olla veendunud, milline teooria tuleb anda eetilise kohta, kuid jääda skeptiliseks nende testi võimalikkuse suhtes. One could be convinced of which theory is to be given an ethical view, but remain sceptical about the possibility of this test. [70, 78, 62] 70.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.4063488583400919, -0.08076099732669434] 0.11466369685639889 -0.5436107516288757 2300 Aukülaline Jim saab aga võimaluse üks indiaanlane ise maha lasta, misjärel teised saavad vabaks. However, the author, Jim, will have the opportunity to shoot down an individual, after which others will be released. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2796829184695959 -0.4306337833404541 2301 Kambodžas moodustatud ÜRO genotsiiditribunalis algas esimene kohtuprotsess. The UN genocide tribunal in Cambodia began its first trial. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9947039201654602 -0.4686976373195648 2302 Psühhiaatrilise ravi kohaldamiseks Kaur Kender´i suhtes puudub meditsiiniline näidustus. There is no medical indication to be able to apply parochial treatment to Kaur Kder Herr. [67, 80, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.4936093960423005, 0.29999877943339137] 0.23464712538354263 -0.6422317028045654 2303 Habyarimana palus prantslastelt abi, teatades, et tutsid tahavad monarhiat taastada. Habyarimana asked the French to help, stating that the Tutsis wanted to restore the monarchy. [71, 100, 97] 89.33333333333333 [0.05442657251608684, 0.8241835542857531, 1.198905646365287] 0.6925052577223756 -0.3485119640827179 2304 18. jaanuaril 2003 haarasid mitmeid Canberra eeslinnu võsapõlengud, milles hukkus neli ja sai vigastada 435 inimest. On 18 January 2003, several of the suburbs of Canberra were seized by debt fires which killed four people and injured 435 people. [90, 87, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.548708683221246, 0.7124885375901508, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6285658078023367 -0.49550262093544006 2305 Nimi arvatakse tulenevat soome sõnast "harkko", mis tähendavat kivipanka. The name is thought to be the result of the sowing word 'harkko', which means a stepping stone bank. [28, 36, 44] 36.0 [-1.1595803648136038, -1.426122433406289, -0.9938850160982935] -1.1931959381060622 -0.38161206245422363 2306 Afganistani lõunaosas Kandahāri provintsis toimunud pommiplahvatuses hukkus kuus jalgsipatrullis osalenud Suurbritannia sõdurit. Six British soldiers involved in football patrol patrols died in the southern part of Afghanistan in the Province of Kandahar. [31, 18, 43] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.4768801787803418, -1.035241880122202] -1.3854652788547848 -0.3911744952201843 2307 1960. aastatel määrati Tallinna Polütehnilise Instituudi kateedrijuhataja Uno Mereste korraldama kõnemeisterlikkuse rahvaülikooli. In the 1960s, Uno Mereste, head of crèches at Tallinn's Polytechnical Institute, was appointed to organise a public university of speech. [66, 88, 80] 78.0 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.4206537562524396, 0.32841374389209277] 0.12657894206445985 -0.4351405203342438 2308 Assooride saarestikus Terceira saarel Lajesi õhubaasis paikneb umbes 600 Ameerika Ühendriikide õhuväelast. The Azores' archipelago on the air base on Terceira island of Lajes is based on around 600 US aircrafts. [89, 100, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.6882604319190001, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1153150491210377] 0.976184592262316 -0.44767603278160095 2309 Ameerika Ühendriikide president Donald Trump kohtus Washingtonis Iirimaa peaministri Enda Kenny'ga. Donald Truband, President of the United States, met Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in Washington. [79, 80, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.4903786678134342, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4784399612556804 -0.26585516333580017 2310 Tema ja ta järglaste ajal valitses Portugali ja selle naabrite vahel enamasti rahu. He and his successors had largely enjoyed peace between Portugal and its neighbours. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9129532716509517 -0.4822259545326233 2311 Selle puu juur on mõru, selle oksad tapavad, selle vari õhkab viha, selle lehtedes peitub pettus ja selle õitest nõrgub kurjuse õli. The tree is a murder, its examinations kill, its thief is fuelled by hatred, its papers contain fraud and its findings are weakened by the oil of evil. [34, 55, 45] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0071872674300482, -0.32348202996362757, -0.620170681070149] -0.6502799928212749 -0.49848437309265137 2312 Lissabonis asub 1793. aastal asutatud São Carlose ooperiteater ning tegutsevad mitmed klassikalise muusika kollektiivid. In Lisbon, the São Carlos ooperitheatre, which was established in 1793, is established and many classic music groups operate. [32, 29, 22] 27.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.12785038341693, -1.2152410046715822] -1.2311917303412152 -0.5446583032608032 2313 Afganistanis Helmandi provintsis Lashkargāh' linnas New Kabul Banki kontori juures toimunud autopommi plahvatuses hukkus vähemalt 30 inimest. At least 30 people were killed by the explosion of the car bomb at the office of New Kabul Bank in Helmand Province of Lashkargāh in Afghanistan. [86, 69, 84] 79.66666666666667 [0.7431032729058616, -0.2413477505868195, 0.6681304714467177] 0.38996199792191993 -0.31878194212913513 2314 Komisjoni otsus jõustub päev pärast selle avaldamist Riigi Teatajas. The Commission's decision will enter into force day after its publication in its Official Journal. [68, 76, 85] 76.33333333333333 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.3190883206378832, 0.7017464088819532] 0.24560866815941304 -0.31041470170021057 2315 Mõisa härrastemaja asub väikse künka otsas Ambla jõe ääres ja oli ilmselt välja ehitatud väikelinnusena. The slaughterhouse of thought lies at a small threshold along the River Ambla and was probably built as a small town. [25, 24, 23] 24.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.9496856596195407, -1.2699383524630719] -1.60742373857992 -0.5127094388008118 2316 Selleks ajaks kui turvamees oli abi kutsunud, oli möödunud pool tundi. It was half an hour before the security man called the aid. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9281177414143134 -0.5905773639678955 2317 Tõsisem Nõukogude Liidu ja Ungari vastasseis leidis aset veepalliturniiri poolfinaalis. The more serious confrontation between the Soviet Union and Hungary took place in the semi-finalist of the water palliturtle. [87, 79, 83] 83.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5554492663584473 -0.4708690047264099 2318 Kompromisslepingul on Eesti kohtupraktika järgi kaks olulist elementi, mis peavad olema täidetud. The compromise agreement has two important elements, according to Estonian case law, which must be fulfilled. [85, 100, 87] 90.66666666666667 [0.711760740297822, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7124885375901508] 0.8411175987508009 -0.439674437046051 2319 Tallinnas kinos Kosmos avati Tallinna Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival. In Tallinn, in cinema Kosmos, Tallinn was opened at the Film Festival of Pmiles Ööde. [33, 39, 27] 33.0 [-1.1313425431533028, -1.0983204022131197, -1.2746775123257523] -1.1681134858973916 -0.4382001459598541 2320 Eesti peaminister Andrus Ansip alustas ametlikku visiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides, kohtudes Washingtonis teiste seas ka asepresident Richard Cheneyga. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Andrus Ansip, began a formal visit to the United States, meeting with Vice-President Richard Cheney in Washington, among others. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.24466496903197502 -0.24520117044448853 2321 Kõige lihtsam ja arusaadavam vastus sellele küsimusele on see, et see ese on tõde. The simplest and most comprehensible answer to this question is that this is the truth. [78, 100, 73] 83.66666666666667 [0.14260101950618043, 0.8241835542857531, -0.12397948564601131] 0.28093502938197407 -0.2918711006641388 2322 Saksamaal Berliinis avas liidukantsler Angela Merkel ametlikult linna uue keskraudteejaama, mis on suurim kogu Euroopas. In Berlin, in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel officially opened the city's new central railway station, which is the largest in Europe. [73, 100, 79] 84.0 [0.23296465611729889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.6026406930184685 -0.36857840418815613 2323 Varjatu väljanäitamine on seega Herakleitose saavutus, millele ta ju ka ise pretendeeris. Invitation is therefore a Herakleitos achievement, to which he himself claimed. [33, 41, 37] 37.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.1179556081700188, -1.3824921645551846] -1.271636077566683 -0.5246748328208923 2324 Compaoréd süüdistatakse seotuses tema eelkäija Thomas Sankara mõrvaga 1987. aastal. Compaorés is accused of being involved in the murder of his predecessor, Thomas Sankara, in 1987. [94, 97, 100] 97.0 [0.882963460602704, 1.0297883515568889, 0.9996617706525889] 0.9708045276040607 -0.19984683394432068 2325 Kolonistid olid enda kasutusse võtnud suurema osa kõige viljakamast maast. The trialogues had used most of the most fertile land. [63, 81, 72] 72.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1842762952815812] 0.16258526300292372 -0.5347871780395508 2326 Praegu tähistatakse iga aasta 24. veebruaril Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva. Today the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia is celebrated on 24 February each year. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8908427098462335 -0.355760782957077 2327 Koostöös naabritega Euroopa Liidus kavandatakse Rail Balticu ehitamist. In cooperation with our neighbours in the European Union, Rail Balticu is planned to be built. [57, 85, 87] 76.33333333333333 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.711760740297822, 0.7844601369297701] 0.348773549433217 -0.3241942822933197 2328 Probleemiks on see ka siis, kui eetiline elu tahetakse konflikti integreerimise või vähendamise kaudu siduda psühholoogilise tervisega. It is also a problem if ethical life is to be linked to psychological health by integrating or reducing conflict. [98, 100, 81] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8964249310280566 -0.36092960834503174 2329 Ühe ehitusmaterjale vedanud Iisraeli veoauto juht sai kergelt haavata. A Israeli lorry driver carrying one building material was easily wounded. [67, 74, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.23182778293567463, 0.15459844532760872] 0.09891980964607312 -0.5909130573272705 2330 Ukraina president Petro Porošenko teatas Maailma Majandusfoorumil peetud kõnes, et Ukraina territooriumil tegutseb 9000 Venemaa sõjaväelast. In a speech at the World Economic Forum, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that there were 9 000 Russian troops operating on Ukrainian territory. [74, 81, 66] 73.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.5372396648934048, -0.1256901422853517] 0.23718276734714816 -0.2701539695262909 2331 Tšehhi parlamendis kukkus läbi umbusaldushääletus peaminister Mirek Topoláneki valitsuse vastu. The Czech Parliament failed in a vote of mistrust against the government of Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek. [70, 79, 61] 70.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.44997912719119615, 0.024560820024810585] 0.16431439225726863 -0.24932077527046204 2332 Enamik rahvast elab maal ja hangib elatise peamiselt naturaalmajanduslikust põllupidamisest ja karjakasvatusest. The majority of the population live in the countryside and make a living mainly from natural farming and livestock farming. [82, 79, 100] 87.0 [0.827031554711923, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8006629925500098 -0.37770041823387146 2333 Pinuse baari tuleb konstaabel Torim, kes soovib Lainelt informatsiooni, mida too aga sugugi anda ei taha. There will be a tick of tension on the Constable Torim, who wants information from Laint that it does not want to provide at all. [28, 34, 21] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.2784371170145583, -1.3816902345903206] -1.478430645273334 -0.5778016448020935 2334 Bwiti esivanemate austamise tseremooniaid juhivad nganga'd. The ceremonies on respect for Bwti's ancestors are being led by a bogeyman. [81, 81, 80] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] 0.41123868311660944 -0.535813570022583 2335 Mida on tarvis seletada ja mis on ebaharilik, on siiski radikaalne nihe, mis suurendas selliste protsesside tähtsust. What needs to be explained and what is unusually the case, however, is a radical shift that has increased the importance of such processes. [80, 83, 86] 83.0 [0.7506057704560075, 0.6190326808341362, 1.0708700667604174] 0.813502839350187 -0.3203277587890625 2336 Mõnda aega olid Austria tähelepanu ja vahendid täielikult hõivatud sõja uuendamisega Sileesias. For some time, Austria's attention and resources were fully engaged in renewing the war in Silesia. [99, 79, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058] 0.945052890611973 -0.25904855132102966 2337 Ülejäänud tõde ei tule mitte raamatute lugemisest, vaid iseendast, kui üldse. The rest of the truth comes not from reading books, but from ourselves, if at all. [100, 87, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7990212780000306, 0.9230496311961767] 0.949016401647706 -0.4038647711277008 2338 Peagi puhkesid nende vahel omavahelised konfliktid, mille käigus rootslased hõivasid poolakatelt Paide. Soon, the conflicts between them broke out, during which the Swedes seized the Polish Pays. [62, 55, 48] 55.0 [-0.08076099732669434, -0.5971473252353072, -0.8284575600026597] -0.502121960854887 -0.5313535928726196 2339 Süüdistuse tingis Sudaani vormis ja Sudaani armee relvastust kandva Issanda Vastupanuarmee võitleja tabamine. The blame was due to the arrest of the militant of the Lord's Resistance Army, in the form of Sudan and the weapons of the Sudanese Army. [18, 28, 38] 28.0 [-1.4183276022329345, -1.7751645842151236, -1.1343437451734075] -1.4426119772071553 -0.3985702693462372 2340 Jackson oli loomult erak, kuid tema sõprade hulka kuulusid paljud kuulsused. Jackson was by nature a private party, but his friends included many rumours. [29, 18, 1] 16.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -1.6646330781581475, -2.016289862523797] -1.6263915562505937 -0.29869765043258667 2341 Ta saab armastamisest kasu ainult juhul, kui ta on tõeliselt isetu. It will only benefit from love if it is truly selfless. [59, 56, 58] 57.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.2711408857067372, -0.19297818529119554] -0.2806575380017661 -0.4484804570674896 2342 Eriti pommitati Lastekodumäge ja selle ümbrust, mille tagajärjel flaamlaste Langemarcki I pataljon pea täielikult hävis. In particular, children's surface and its surroundings were bombed, as a result of which Flemings Langemarcki I was almost completely destroyed. [46, 43, 40] 43.0 [-1.2225501630467082, -1.120710551448559, -1.1593124721939274] -1.167524395563065 -0.4823003113269806 2343 Arboviirused kanduvad inimestele ja teistele selgroogsetele edasi verdimevate putukatega. Bbovies pass on to humans and other vertebrate insects. [18, 26, 34] 26.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.8624251219173322, -1.407453656337378] -1.5822529856783507 -0.40859517455101013 2344 Nii kujunesidki välja ründamisel kasutatavate kolonnide ja viirgude formatsioonid. This is how the formats of the colonies and viruses used to attack arose. [25, 13, 37] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.635530085763711, -1.2833830642656527] -1.6083228469326 -0.4225143790245056 2345 See oli tol ajal ilmselt kultusliku tähendusega paik ja asus ülestõusu aktiivse toimumise piirkonnas. It was probably a culpable place at the time and it was active in the region of the uprising. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.786155536157973 -0.4974603056907654 2346 Me oleme liiga altid ebakindlusele ja ambivalentsusele. We are too humble on uncertainty and ambivalence. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.2091604759915002, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9496389241933084 -0.4199490547180176 2347 Ja nagu Wittgenstein ütleb, ei tähenda see tung, et tõsi on miski muu. And, as Wittgenstein says, this feeling does not mean that the truth is something else. [100, 84, 79] 87.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7489046639773768 -0.20892333984375 2348 Komisjoni aruande kohaselt ei soovinud Mosuli elanikud kuuluda Iraagi ega Türgi võimu alla, aga kui nad peavad valima, siis eelistaksid nad Iraaki. According to the Commission report, the people of Mosul did not want to be under Iraqi or Turkish control, but if they had to vote, they would prefer Iraq. [100, 83, 95] 92.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9549311824878538 -0.30663251876831055 2349 Prantslased tõid aga juurde värskeid kürassiire ja traguneid, lüües sakslased mõlemalt tiivalt tagasi ning pannes Saksa ratsaväe taganema. The French, on the other hand, brought in fresh fuel races and trawls, defeated the Germans from both sides and pulled the German army back. [45, 57, 64] 55.333333333333336 [-0.952528152074385, -0.44990022892794107, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.4665614934413478 -0.5360339879989624 2350 Nad peavad ütlema, kuidas moraaliseadus on üldse võimalik. They have to say how moral rights are possible at all. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7867957416277016 -0.43363967537879944 2351 Sageli on kiirabiteenusepakkujad mehitanud spetsiaalse meeskonna, kelle ülesandeks ongi haigete transportimine. In many cases, ambulances have been manned by a special team responsible for transporting patients. [100, 100, 75] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.6368672448634971 -0.5141172409057617 2352 Lepingupooled on vedaja ja teine lepingupool, kus teine pool ei pruugi reisija olla. The contracting parties are the carrier's other party to the contract where the other party may not be the passenger. [33, 35, 30] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2424137740542707, -1.697337004628338] -1.4989213395474035 -0.33914318680763245 2353 Rumeenias esitas parlamendikomisjon president Traian Băsescule süüdistuse korruptsioonis ja taotles parlamendilt presidendi ametist vabastamist. In Romania, the committee accused President Traian Băsescu of corruption and asked for the removal of Parliament's President from office. [25, 19, 22] 22.0 [-1.3951224971331087, -1.300429572953281, -1.519643775650632] -1.4050652819123404 -0.3592444956302643 2354 Filosoofiat ei nimetata enam elu üle mõtlemiseks ega enese järelekatsumiseks, veel vähem rõõmuks ideede üle. The philosopher is no longer called 'life to think about' or 'catch up', and even less to be delighted with ideas. [16, 33, 29] 26.0 [-1.6002936901380398, -1.314460459974846, -1.12785038341693] -1.3475348445099387 -0.5611595511436462 2355 Tema sammu tingis välisministri kandidaadiks nimetatud Adrian Cioroianu blokeerimine president Traian Băsescu poolt. This step follows the blocking by President Traian Băsescu of Adrian Cioroianu as candidate for Foreign Affairs. [83, 91, 98] 90.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.8394084631768461, 1.239385641192763] 0.9010981023217409 -0.30128979682922363 2356 Vahejuhtum tõi kaasa Türgi kristlike vaimulike protestid riigis sagenevate rünnakute üle, mis on suunatud kristlaste ja eelkõige vaimulikkonna vastu. The incident led to the increasing number of attacks by Turkish Christian clergy in the country against Christians and, in particular, against the clergy. [84, 85, 83] 84.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5029228142764071 -0.373587429523468 2357 Rahvusmuuseumid tegutsevad Livingstone'is ja Ndolas. National museums operate in Livingstone and Ndolas. [98, 80, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8818815080776886 -0.17285656929016113 2358 Ees ootavad sensatsioonilised sündmused, vanad lemmikud ja uued üllatajad! What is waiting for are sensational events, old favourites and new surprises! [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8207728490721381 -0.35291174054145813 2359 Islamiliikumine ise väitis, et nad tapsid 14 rahuvalvajat. The Islamic movement itself claimed that it killed 14 peacekeepers. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1363692565265247 -0.21549221873283386 2360 Ainuüksi igapäevane suhtlemine sellise vaimueliidiga andis talle väga palju. He was given a great deal of daily contact with such an elite. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.688799744499114] 0.7314173737345454 -0.5398017168045044 2361 Eri rasside keskmised intelligentsustesti tulemused kalduvad olema erinevad. The average intelligent testing results of different races tend to be different. [89, 84, 94] 89.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0739581850971294] 0.8149784674483708 -0.5390013456344604 2362 See "seletus" rahuldab kõiki tingimusi, kuid see ei seleta rahuldavalt lipuvarda kõrgust. This' explanation 'satisfies all the conditions, but it does not explain satisfactorily the elephant's ear. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7184775944530865] 0.7703968362866057 -0.3120307922363281 2363 Johannes Paulus II tegeles nooruses ja hiljem paavstina aktiivselt spordiga. John Paul II was active in sport in youth and later as Pope. [100, 84, 81] 88.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.5227300309998271, 0.6189484363352243] 0.8212592788585438 -0.3550512194633484 2364 Ühtlasi kohustati teda tagastama 22 miljardi USA dollari väärtuses firmast kõrvaldatud raha. It was also obliged to return USD 22 billion of lost money from a company. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.873470457843843 -0.4000033736228943 2365 Neli sõdurit hukkus rünnakus, üks suri hiljem haiglas. Four soldiers died in an attack, one died in a hospital later on. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 1.32209936924058] 1.2429501702836447 -0.3190333843231201 2366 Briti ratsanike võidurõõm oli aga üpris üürike, prantsuse võimsate kürassiirieskadronide vasturünnak ajas nad kähku farmi ümbrusest minema. However, the joy of the British radar's victories was quite a myriad, the counter-attack by the French powerful village's radar, which ordered them to go out of their farm surroundings. [23, 34, 45] 34.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.5133829711084976, -0.952528152074385] -1.2613804649932854 -0.709469735622406 2367 Samal ajal kui läbirääkimised parunitega jätkusid, seadis kuningas ennast lossis sisse, kuigi ükski armee ei ähvardanud seda võtta. While the negotiations continued with parks, the King set himself in the Castle, even though no army threatened to take it. [69, 67, 60] 65.33333333333333 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.11148587755891945, -0.3321751917157582] -0.07943647585377578 -0.41036278009414673 2368 Brownie on praegu välja pandud Experience Music Projectis Seattle'is. Browcio is currently putting forward a veritable Music Projectis Seattle. [43, 57, 50] 50.0 [-1.035241880122202, -0.7532794440441527, -0.8152986694908287] -0.867939997885728 -0.6089004278182983 2369 Friedrichi esialgne ükskõiksus lepingu suhtes Venemaaga muutus nüüd Botta vandenõu valguses õhinaks. Friedrich's initial indifference to the agreement with Russia has now turned into a dinner in the light of the Botta Conspiracy. [52, 45, 58] 51.666666666666664 [-0.4791839863125205, -0.8821803444513935, -0.20768092291338958] -0.5230150845591012 -0.24671603739261627 2370 Utilitarismist loobumiseks oleks tarvis head põhjendit. A good reason would be needed to get rid of the upgrade infrastructure. [68, 75, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.27545805178677896, 0.1842762952815812] 0.13536363023452797 -0.7556806206703186 2371 pisiNõukogude vanglauksed Okupatsioonide Muuseumis Mountains of Soviet prison in the Museum of Okuptures [21, 21, 32] 24.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.555891101277511, -1.490167384385195] -1.5975996870536682 -0.5605651140213013 2372 Bulgaarias toimusid ennetähtaegsed parlamendivalimised. Bulgaria held early parliamentary elections. [78, 89, 100] 89.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985, 1.32209936924058] 0.8347989093213902 -0.16408225893974304 2373 See on küll natuke rohkem kui varem öeldut, aga siit ei tulene ikkagi soovitavat tulemust seoses moraaliga. That is a little more than what has been said, but it is still not because of the desired result in terms of morality. [77, 100, 85] 87.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.3615382092337807] 0.6077867723623994 -0.43183383345603943 2374 Armee saatis mässuliste poolt hõivatud hotelli piirama enam kui tuhat sõdurit. The army sent the army a hotel occupied by the rebels to limit more than a thousand soldiers. [55, 50, 59] 54.666666666666664 [-0.32348202996362757, -0.3957809933827245, -0.3735320557396667] -0.36426502636200625 -0.4273902475833893 2375 Henry on Riiast tagasi ja Evelin räägib talle Ahvenaga juhtunust. Henry is back from Riga, and Evelin tells him about what has happened with Ahvena. [84, 79, 69] 77.33333333333333 [0.9034573389678384, 0.45360522473850245, 0.327817367375638] 0.561626643693993 -0.3293728828430176 2376 Mitmed üliõpilastest meeleavaldajate juhid vahistati. Several leaders of student protesters were arrested. [85, 100, 100] 95.0 [0.8545724849394686, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.1561798721063536 -0.3286517560482025 2377 Tal võib olla tunne, et kui ta usaldab reegleid, siis on tõenäolisem, et ta toimib nii, nagu soovitaks kallutamata teoutilitarist. He may have the feeling that if he believes in the rules, it is more likely that he will work as if he would be unbiased at teoutilitas. [33, 38, 27] 32.666666666666664 [-1.1313425431533028, -1.1343437451734075, -1.2746775123257523] -1.1801212668841543 -0.5084465742111206 2378 Muidu jääb mulje, nagu armastajat ei huvitaks mitte armastatu, vaid tema omadused. Otherwise, it will give the impression that the loser is interested not in the loved one, but in his qualities. [84, 96, 90] 90.0 [0.9034573389678384, 1.162658320738408, 0.8076784817801723] 0.9579313804954729 -0.4591653645038605 2379 Esimesed teadaolevad asukad olid pügmeed, kes elasid tänapäeva Gaboni alal juba umbes 7000 aastat tagasi. The first known inhabitants were pygmeters who were already living in today's Gabon about 7 000 years ago. [84, 79, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5088492629326017 -0.4130041003227234 2380 15. augustil 2005 avaldas ta kaastunnet Küprosel toimunud lennuõnnetuse hukkunute omastele. On 15 August 2005, he expressed his condolences to the victims of the air accident in Cyprus. [89, 100, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.6882604319190001, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1153150491210377] 0.976184592262316 -0.2819535434246063 2381 Nagu ta ise ütleb, et ei nuta iseenda, vaid oma riigi ja rahva pärast. As he himself says, it is not for himself but for his own country and its people. [30, 26, 21] 25.666666666666668 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.3746544731431163, -1.3816902345903206] -1.3054611812251053 -0.33960750699043274 2382 Ja ta ei teinud ka kuigi palju, et näidata, miks inimesed oma tõelisi huvisid ei tunnista. And he did not do very much to show why people do not recognise their real interests. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9203719698734103 -0.38167276978492737 2383 Kui ta ei peaks oma armastavat pühendumist instrumentaalselt väärtuslikuks armastatule head tegevana, siis ei oleks see talle seesmiselt väärtuslik. If it did not consider its loving commitment to an ideally loved one as a good reality, it would not be worthy of it internally. [99, 82, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8556665801149427 -0.4677430987358093 2384 Mõlemad käsitlevad järgnevalt lõplikkuse valda, loodust ja inimvaimu, nende omavahelist vahekorda ning nende vahekorda Jumalaga kui oma tõega. Both deal with the ensuing lies of finality, nature and human spirit, the relationship between them and their relationship with God as their own truth. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.45415568351745605 2385 Ajalugu ja kunst on reaalsusele seega lähemal kui loodusteadus, sest kumbki neist hävitab ainult ühe külje individuaalsest kaemusest. History and art are therefore closer to reality than science, as both of them destroy only one side of their individual beauty. [77, 84, 97] 86.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.6172985934001295, 1.1980287771688547] 0.7260153200193239 -0.37531039118766785 2386 Tallinnas toimus Keskerakonna volikogu, kus avaldati toetust altkäemaksukahtlustuse saanud Edgar Savisaarele ja Kalev Kallole. In Tallinn, a central party council was held to provide support to the Savisaarean and Kalev Kalloi, who had been suspected of bribery. [49, 42, 65] 52.0 [-0.6138538987385679, -0.647317216126923, 0.03899122630516161] -0.4073932961867765 -0.5694184303283691 2387 Laoleping on hoiulepingust spetsiifilisem ning laolepingu sätted on erinormideks hoiulepingu regulatsiooni ees. The agreement is more specific than the savings agreement, and the provisions of the loan are specific to the regulation of the savings agreement. [73, 64, 82] 73.0 [0.2054640405950517, -0.45465262286070834, 0.5808699337445091] 0.11056045049295082 -0.40617915987968445 2388 Järelikult on need kaks laused radikaalselt erinevad. Consequently, these two sentences are radically different. [98, 95, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.4384378287592468, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2299423732058956 -0.284616082906723 2389 Mandri matemaatikud tegid selle abil palju avastusi, saamata aru, mida nad teevad. The mathematics of the continent made many discoveries with this without realising what they are doing. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8388531449296778 -0.47901880741119385 2390 Piirkonnas valitseb mõõdukas mandriline kliima, mida iseloomustavad suhteliselt pehmed, sagedaste sulailmadega talved ja soojad niisked suved. The region is dominated by a moderate continental climate characterised by relatively soft, frequent meltdown farms and salt smoke. [31, 38, 23] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.1343437451734075, -1.862379160600371] -1.5469988944785298 -0.42971810698509216 2391 Jaapani Honshū saart tabas maavärin magnituudiga 5,9, mille epitsenter asus 68 kilomeetri kaugusel Iwaki linnast. Japan's Honshououisland was hit by an earthquake of 5.9, with an epicentre of 68 kilometres from the town of Iwaki. [60, 69, 51] 60.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.33026395704847245, -0.4297907926901062] -0.14711901189623725 -0.26062673330307007 2392 Esinduskogusse valitud isik ei ole seotud konkreetsete valijate antud mandaadiga. The person elected in the representative assembly is not bound by the mandate given by particular voters. [85, 81, 86] 84.0 [0.6490285747968032, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6431238375320233 -0.4719778299331665 2393 Presidendiks valiti senine välisminister Lennart Meri, peaministri kohuseid hakkas täitma valimised võitnud valimisliidu Isamaa juht Mart Laar. The President was elected by former Foreign Minister Lennart Meri, and the Prime Minister's office was held by Mart Laar, the leader of the electoral union that won the elections. [41, 12, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.6672600671603848, -1.818794853066228] -1.5041095455063858 -0.46610674262046814 2394 Poisi silmis tõstis tüdruku tegu tüdruku väärtusastet tüdrukuna ja madaldas poisi väärtusastet poisina, kuid see jäi ikkagi kõrgemaks. In the eyes of the girl, she raised her profile as a girl and reduced her profile as a boy, but she was still higher. [89, 100, 77] 88.66666666666667 [0.6118717385087359, 0.8241835542857531, 0.1345309312329053] 0.5235287413424647 -0.5039508938789368 2395 Annemai rõõmustab Uku külaskäigu üle ja see ei jää Ülol märkamata. Mrs May welcomes the visit to the Uku and will not go unnoticed by one. [32, 35, 34] 33.666666666666664 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.5101665306408727, -1.5133829711084976] -1.4580111015615014 -0.7196193933486938 2396 Jacksoni hääle parim omadus oli liikuvus, mis võimaldas laulda keerulisi [[melism]]e. The best feature of the Jackson vote was mobility, which enabled complex [[melism] to be singing. [64, 52, 76] 64.0 [0.4028396981029679, -0.3980608112934324, 0.4377118082008297] 0.1474968983367884 -0.41766950488090515 2397 Linna raamatukogus külastab teda vennanaine Annemai. In the city's library, she will be visited by a sister in AnneMay. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8006989591083409 -0.5507899522781372 2398 Mõis on üks vanimaid piirkonnas ja 1396 ostis Hincke sinna juurde veel lisaks kolm küla. The idea is one of the oldest in the region and, in 1396, Hincke bought there in addition to three villages. [21, 29, 25] 25.0 [-1.2436371940988151, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.425847656094727 -0.40151751041412354 2399 On kaheldav, et ta sidus selle kujundiga abstraktseid dialektilisi konstruktsioone. It is doubtful that he brought abstract dialectical constructions into this form. [67, 77, 58] 67.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.36271858948898755, -0.4138768859676533] 0.008910204392669633 -0.4782284200191498 2400 Näiteks Oregon Board of Eugenics lõpetas oma tegevuse alles 1983. aastal. The Oregon Board of Eugenics, for example, only ended its operation in 1983. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.28633981943130493 2401 Nii oli kogu Eesti ala taas sattunud Nõukogude okupatsiooni alla. Thus, the whole of Estonia's area was once again under Soviet occupation. [100, 100, 89] 96.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.867173864977587] 1.0304185596963091 -0.48769035935401917 2402 Vahistati kaks inimest, Küprose ajakirjanduse andmetel sai viis inimest vigastada. Two people were arrested, and according to the Cypriot press, five people were injured. [63, 75, 75] 71.0 [0.10098660428072605, 0.2881777686428686, 0.5900712612761484] 0.326411878066581 -0.2657780349254608 2403 Ja kui ta neid ei usalda, sest ta tahab ise parem olla, siis ta on nagu superstaar. And if he does not trust them because he wants to be better, he is like a superstar. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.25645479559898376 2404 Augusti alguses võtsid Holmes à Courti esindajad Jacksoniga ühendust ja läbirääkimised jätkusid. In early August, Holmes à Court representatives contacted Jackson and continued the negotiations. [98, 81, 100] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.9621319555259467 -0.24384553730487823 2405 1530. aastal sai Antonio Sedeño õiguse Trinidadi ja Tobago koloniseerimiseks. In 1530, Antonio Sedeño got the right to colonise Trinidad and Tobago. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0590271912184923 -0.183170884847641 2406 Perioodiks LM IIIB näib aga Knossose mõju olevat mõnevõrra taandunud. LM IIIB, however, seems to have somewhat reduced the impact of Knossose. [27, 25, 26] 26.0 [-1.3300167806002303, -1.2547703090036253, -1.8624251219173322] -1.4824040705070625 -0.38472050428390503 2407 Afganistanis Uruzgāni provintsis toimus lahing riigi julgeolekujõudude ja islamiliikumise Ţālibān liikmete vahel. In the province of Uruzgān in Afghanistan, there was a battle between the country's security forces and the members of the Islamic movement in Ţālibân. [90, 78, 84] 84.0 [0.7208132901854393, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6603895448580447] 0.6027071800211902 -0.47233209013938904 2408 Tundub siiski, et praeguses olukorras ei ole küsimusel, kas kõrgemaid naudinguid tuleb madalametele eelistada, märkimisväärset praktilist tähtsust. However, in the current situation, the question of whether higher women should have priority over the low ones does not seem to be of considerable practical importance. [29, 34, 39] 34.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.5133829711084976, -1.2006693362178358] -1.2806342302477545 -0.49752599000930786 2409 Nii et üldise ja lahutatud hüve teadmisest pole kasu ei teaduste omandamiseks ega nende harrastamiseks. So knowing the general and divorced benefit is not helpful either in acquiring science or in educating it. [9, 18, 14] 13.666666666666666 [-1.9159682293961358, -1.4768801787803418, -2.234590936815547] -1.8758131149973416 -0.5790387392044067 2410 Nimetatud käsikirjade seas esines apokrüüf kolmes versioonis, kõik tõlgitud kopti keelde kreeka keelest. In these terms, the apokryf appeared in three versions, all translated into Greek, in the language of the Coptic. [65, 74, 82] 73.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, 0.16249660139694996, 0.5808699337445091] 0.1104582955785095 -0.5753282904624939 2411 Ukrainas kogunes esimesele istungile märtsis 2006 valitud parlamendi koosseis. Ukraine held its first session in March 2006 with the elected Parliament. [32, 29, 34] 31.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.12785038341693, -1.407453656337378] -1.295262614229814 -0.5282166600227356 2412 Valgevene pealinnas Minskis toimus umbes 700 osavõtjaga valitsusvastane meeleavaldus, mille korraldamiseks võimud ei olnud luba andnud. There was an anti-government demonstration in the capital of Belarus, Minsk, with about 700 participants, which was not authorised by the authorities. [100, 73, 100] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7675190421472706 -0.3500860035419464 2413 Seksuaalne armastus hõlmab valikut, ja valik viib eksistentsiaalse ängini, isegi kui tulemus on otsustatud. Sexual love involves choice, and choice leads to existential games, even if the outcome has been decided. [71, 62, 80] 71.0 [0.17617227726283297, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4936093960423005] 0.19634022532614637 -0.34968477487564087 2414 Kontsert oli pühendatud George Harrisoni mälestusele, kelle surmast möödus aasta. It was devoted to the memory of George Harrison, whose death was one year since. [100, 90, 95] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8981099997741819, 0.9663283887635413] 0.9878473023007178 -0.3747461438179016 2415 Kremli pressiesindaja Dmitri Peskovi sõnul ei vasta tõele teated Venemaa Föderatsiooni kavast rünnata Ukraina territooriumit täppisrelvadega. According to Dmitri Peskov, the Kremlin press spokesman, the reports of the Russian Federation's plan to attack Ukrainian territory with exact weapons are not true. [86, 79, 58] 74.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] 0.2790249737327364 -0.37157753109931946 2416 Kulude katteks on riik külmutanud palgad ja koondanud tööjõudu ülepaisutatud avalikus sektoris. To cover the costs, the state has frozen wages and made the labour force redundant in an over-inflated public sector. [99, 82, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.827786190775166 -0.4725998640060425 2417 Prantsusmaal algas riigiametnike streik, millega nõutakse koondamiste lõpetamist avalikus sektoris. In France, a public officials' strike began, calling for an end to redundancies in the public sector. [98, 100, 99] 99.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0932483143502365] 1.0399889724822267 -0.3884236216545105 2418 Oraakel annab midagi teadmise ja teadmatuse vahepealset. The drama gives something between knowledge and ignorance. [30, 16, 1] 15.666666666666666 [-1.422530488855709, -2.298727810428375, -2.016289862523797] -1.9125160539359605 -0.4312874972820282 2419 See ei järeldu küll rangelt uskumusest, et see, kes teab, mis on kuri, ei saa kurja teha, kuid mõistlik on eeldada, et Sokrates uskus seda. It does not come to a strict conclusion from the belief that whoever knows what is an evil cannot be made, but it is reasonable to assume that he believed it. [29, 15, 1] 15.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -2.3423580792794794, -2.016289862523797] -1.8522998899577043 -0.4534805119037628 2420 Vaatamata tugevale Bütsantsi mõjule lõid Bulgaaria kunstnikud ja arhitektid oma eristuva stiili. Bulgaria's artists and architects created their distinctive style, despite the influence of a strong Bureau. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.522108649210108, 0.9814216926040136] 0.8003659457922154 -0.48988229036331177 2421 1648. aasta tavatult kuiv suvi ja rändtirtsurünnakud põhjustasid saagi ikaldumise ja Ukraina näljahäda lisandumise piirkonna ebastabiilsusele. In 1648, the unusually dry summer and nomadic attacks caused the collapse of the crop and the Ukrainian famine on the instability of the region. [23, 33, 42] 32.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.557013239959602, -1.0765987441461105] -1.317280751967562 -0.4575277864933014 2422 1910. aasta suve kõrghetk oli Mahleri jaoks kaheksanda sümfoonia esiettekanne Münchenis 12. septembril. The highlight of the summer 1910 was the presentation by Mahler of the eighth Symphony in Munich on 12 September. [79, 70, 60] 69.66666666666667 [0.7123928783280498, 0.17307885384669613, -0.14224540182923298] 0.24774211011517097 -0.16164527833461761 2423 Georg trehvab Morna tänaval täiesti juhuslikult Eveliniga. Georg is on the streets of Morna with Evelin every chance. [11, 21, 1] 11.0 [-2.5168791546838967, -1.555891101277511, -2.016289862523797] -2.0296867061617347 -0.4392552971839905 2424 Nagu varakamber, nii on ka sellest põhja pool asetsev ruum kaetud silindervõlviga. Like a treasure, the site on the north is covered by a siinage error. [34, 36, 32] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.2063904310939828, -1.490167384385195] -1.403313595529225 -0.6318237781524658 2425 Paljudes kohtades puudub teedevõrk, ja kuigi nõudlust oleks, pole võimalik toitu linnadesse transportida. In many places there is no road network, and while there is demand, it is not possible to transport food to cities. [96, 81, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7560661039333944 -0.3741963505744934 2426 Lusakas süüakse peamiselt Kafue tasandikult ja Lukanga soodest püütud kala. Hundreds of fish are eaten mainly from the Kafue level and the Lukani salt. [23, 22, 20] 21.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495, -1.7827639184585862] -1.7126467958591032 -0.6416745185852051 2427 Laeva pinnale tekkinud soolad pole iseenesest ohtlikud, kuigi rikuvad välimust. Sultures on the flotilla surface are not dangerous in themselves, although they violate the appearance. [46, 44, 47] 45.666666666666664 [-0.9898197448952459, -0.9182036874116812, -0.8698144240265682] -0.9259459521111651 -0.6943115592002869 2428 Jaode toel seadsid araablased Njassa järve kaldale sisse oma orjaturud, suurim neist asutati 1840. aastal Nkhotakotas. With the support of the distribution, the Arabs placed their slave markets on the banks of Nunsa, the biggest of which was founded in 1840 in Nkhotakota. [59, 79, 69] 69.0 [-0.17595094151671578, 0.44997912719119615, 0.04003658449941787] 0.10468825672463276 -0.3795381188392639 2429 Kanderaketist Falcon 1 sai esimene erakapitaliga ehitatud rakett maailmas, mis Maa orbiidile jõudis. The Falcon 1 launcher was the first battery, built by private capital, in the world to launch the Earth. [30, 16, 1] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1600388359418792, -2.298727810428375, -2.016289862523797] -1.8250188362980169 -0.5140831470489502 2430 Clapton oli vastanud, et ei saa sellel lasta juhtuda. Cchilton had replied that it could not be allowed to happen. [80, 81, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, 0.522108649210108, 0.5372396648934048] 0.47932832442072965 -0.33073893189430237 2431 Ukraina president Viktor Janukovõtš nimetas riigi julgeolekuteenistuse uueks juhiks vene rahvusest endise KGB ohvitseri Igor Kalinini. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, has appointed Igor Kalinini, the new head of the State Security Service, former KGB officer of Russian nationality. [82, 64, 85] 77.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.1667477356201244, 0.3615382092337807] 0.2585534691193885 -0.35041543841362 2432 Sellises arutelus tähendab "peaks" lihtsalt "peaks", nagu Williams ütleb. In such a debate, 'should just' should be ', as Williams says. [57, 54, 56] 55.666666666666664 [-0.25098737870986976, -0.5803163758592089, -0.2711408857067372] -0.3674815467586053 -0.32227426767349243 2433 Samas jääb selgusetuks, mis valdkonna teadustöödega on tegemist ja kas semiootiku haridusega ekspert on pädev neid üldse hindama ja tõlgendama. At the same time, it remains unclear what scientific work is involved in this area and whether an educational expert in the semium is competent to evaluate and interpret them at all. [79, 59, 82] 73.33333333333333 [0.1852619939609582, -0.3778535430073656, 0.5808699337445091] 0.12942612823270058 -0.5062769651412964 2434 Helilooja tütrest Anna Mahlerist sai tuntud skulptor, ta suri aastal 1988. Anna Mahler, a father's daughter, became a well-known sulptor; she died in 1988. [93, 100, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0326013210732208, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5580489988532433] 0.8634373635263509 -0.344950407743454 2435 Hiinas lõppes 8. novembril alanud Kommunistliku Partei kongress. In China, the Communist Party Congress, which began on 8 November, ended. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [0.9735423534044478, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0658747225052627 -0.2664850354194641 2436 Tallinnas pandi nurgakivi Eesti Kunstiakadeemia uuele hoonele. The new building of the Estonian Academy of Art was launched in Tallinn. [80, 90, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, 0.9085307290014955, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6517659532022965 -0.41072705388069153 2437 Vihatakse saab inimest ja sageli vihataksegi, aga pahameelt tuntakse teo peale. A person is hacked and often angry, but the outrage is felt. [52, 80, 66] 66.0 [-0.6300169437293796, 0.4936093960423005, 0.04615892826000089] -0.030082873142359395 -0.7154091000556946 2438 13. sajandil korraldati Saaremaal mitu ülestõusu ebasobivate lepingutingimuste vastu. In the 13th century, several uprisings were organised in Saareland against inappropriate contractual terms. [62, 84, 73] 73.0 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.035841257666501314] 0.20773691059550817 -0.23728454113006592 2439 See on Scotuse vastus vanale küsimusele, kas kategooriad on terminid, mõisted või asjad. This is the Scott answer to the old question of whether the categories are terms, terms or things. [69, 60, 78] 69.0 [0.0372032665902161, -0.14422096012004196, 0.4063488583400919] 0.09977705493675533 -0.2949107885360718 2440 1937. aasta "Eesti ajaloo" II köites käsitles eraldi peatükis Jüriööd Hans Kruus. In a separate chapter in the 1939 'History II' of Estonia, Jury Hans Krre dealt with. [12, 1, 7] 6.666666666666667 [-1.8183096545968183, -2.016289862523797, -2.5240889849829062] -2.119562834034507 -0.7059108018875122 2441 Vega saared Norra keskosas Nordlandi maakonnas kuuluvad alates 2004. aastast UNESCO maailmapärandi nimistusse. The Vega Islands in the central region of Norway, Nordland, have been part of the UNESCO world heritage list since 2004. [100, 84, 85] 89.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5580489988532433] 0.783719255348957 -0.3143775463104248 2442 Venemaal Peterburis algasid FIFA konföderatsioonide karikavõistlused. In St Petersburg, Russia, caricatures of FIFA confederations began. [13, 24, 34] 23.666666666666668 [-1.635530085763711, -1.9496856596195407, -1.407453656337378] -1.6642231339068765 -0.30190426111221313 2443 Subjekt teeb valikuid, plaane jne maailmas, mis määrab, kus ta on, mis ta on ja mida ta võib saada. Substance makes choices, plans, etc. in the world, which determines where it is, what it is and what it can get. [72, 57, 86] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1133648272224862, -0.44990022892794107, 0.9798831232237539] 0.1388726890244422 -0.31166598200798035 2444 Prantsusmaal protesteeris üle riigi umbes 100 000 inimest samasooliste abielude seadustamise vastu. In France, around 100 000 people across the country protested against the legalisation of same-sex marriages. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8838664257502155 -0.19240981340408325 2445 Rünnak oli suunatud linna külastanud parlamendiliikmete delegatsiooni vastu; ohvrite seas oligi kuus parlamendiliiget. The attack was directed against a delegation of MEPs who visited the city; there were six Members among the victims. [85, 82, 90] 85.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.6104416752825694 -0.37492114305496216 2446 Guinea president Lansana Conté nimetas riigi uueks peaministriks endise diplomaadi Lansana Kouyaté. The President of Guinea, Lansana Conté, has appointed former diplomat Lansana Kouyaté as the country's new Prime Minister. [99, 84, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9520629808659237 -0.18357664346694946 2447 Paljusid kohti raamatus saab lugeda relativismi kaitsvatena ja teaduse progressi ratsionaalse kriteeriumi olemasolu eitavana. Many places in the book can be seen as defending relativism and denying the existence of a rational criterion of scientific progress. [98, 84, 100] 94.0 [1.239385641192763, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0108314694621303 -0.2943538725376129 2448 Kirg ja iha kasvavad ja kahanevad täiesti sõltumatult meie lootustest ja sidumustest. Literature and veal are growing and declining completely independently of our hopes and our binding values. [48, 36, 23] 35.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.426122433406289, -1.318230271796973] -1.1728210069245975 -0.6019791960716248 2449 Plahvatuse hetkel viibis kaevanduses üle 200 kaevuri, kellest esialgsetel andmetel hukkus 34 inimest. At the moment of the destruction, more than 200 miners were in the mine, of which, initially, 34 people were killed. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8207728490721381 -0.3861471712589264 2450 Järjekindlalt viiakse ellu programmi inimeste ümberasustamiseks amortiseerunud majadest. A programme to resettle people from amoralised houses is consistently being implemented. [90, 84, 95] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1153150491210377] 0.8637080007826426 -0.4688485860824585 2451 Teise maailmasõja järel sattus riik Nõukogude Liidu mõjusfääri. After World War II, the country fell into the Soviet Union's sphere of influence. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8295825327351395 -0.39652693271636963 2452 Portugali asustanud hõimude hulka kuulusid põhjas elanud galläägid ja Portugali keskosas elanud lusitaanid. The colonies that replaced Portugal included the gallotteries living in the north and the subsistence areas living in the centre of Portugal. [42, 26, 13] 27.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.3128904044537102, -1.635530085763711] -1.3128902878498925 -0.6128290295600891 2453 Koos allatulistatud Malaisia reisilennukil hukkunutega on konfliktis surma saanud kokku umbes 3000 inimest. In total, around 3 000 people have died in the conflict, along with the deaths that have been fired down on the Malaysian passenger plane. [66, 67, 80] 71.0 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1624880993755559 -0.49969756603240967 2454 Need nõuavad näiteks tõearmastust, heatahtlikkust ja teiste omandi austamist. They require, for example, a sense of truth, goodwill and respect for the property of others. [77, 87, 82] 82.0 [0.2705666302778131, 0.7990212780000306, 0.827031554711923] 0.6322064876632556 -0.3176106810569763 2455 Lisaks tulistati linna granaadiheitjatest, nendes rünnakutes sai vigastada neli inimest. In addition, four people were shot in urban grenades, which were injured. [82, 56, 69] 69.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.4976026478113921, -0.23740730752610836] -0.05138000719766377 -0.4610396921634674 2456 Teema on aina kitsam ja formaalsem, et mitte haavata saada ja et isiklikud tunded ei teeks asju sogaseks. The subject is increasingly narrower and more formal, so as not to be wounded and so that personal feelings do not make things appropriate. [81, 84, 77] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5203768724491704 -0.5507591962814331 2457 Belgias Brüsselis toimub Euroopa Liidu loomemajanduse töörühma koosolek, mida juhatab Eesti kultuuriministeeriumi asekantsler Ragnar Siil. In Brussels, Belgium, the EU Group on Creative Industries will meet, chaired by Ragnar Siil, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Culture of Estonia. [86, 81, 56] 74.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.5372396648934048, -0.2711408857067372] 0.28695849870235673 -0.33443883061408997 2458 See näitab, et põllumajandus oli toona oluline kunstimotiiv. This shows that agriculture was an important artistic motive at that time. [100, 100, 91] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 0.9498875930254039] 1.1188795782119192 -0.28669556975364685 2459 Esiteks võib olla nii, et armastajal on mitu omavahel sõltumatut armastuseks piisavat omaduste komplekti, nii et ükski pole tarvilik. Firstly, it may be the case that the loser has several independent sets of qualities for the love of one another, so no one is necessary. [38, 38, 37] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.1343437451734075, -1.2833830642656527] -1.2521962350477136 -0.4323292076587677 2460 Sloveenia valitsus esitas riigi endise presidendi Danilo Türki ÜRO peasekretäri kandidaadiks. The Slovenian Government has nominated former President Danilo Turkey for the UN Secretary-General. [78, 62, 51] 63.666666666666664 [0.4063488583400919, -0.2494614636679413, -0.4297907926901062] -0.09096779933931855 -0.31266894936561584 2461 Teadusajaloolane peab neist alternatiividest valima teise. The scientific scientist has to choose from these alternatives. [15, 22, 29] 22.0 [-1.6314356263554155, -1.7107172325380107, -1.12785038341693] -1.4900010807701187 -0.438671737909317 2462 Valitsuse sõnul tingis presidendi otsuse väidetav riigipöördekatse. According to the government, the President's decision was the result of an alleged coup d'état. [93, 93, 100] 95.33333333333333 [0.8469401176424164, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0086115857490328 -0.30484291911125183 2463 Ka kooskõlalisusekriteerium ei tee vahet vaimuhaigetel ja rumalatel. The criteria of consistency also do not distinguish between mentally ill and foolishness. [90, 82, 97] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8018201357962996] 0.7301228504403271 -0.5097900629043579 2464 Mõned naised on emotsionaalselt pealiskaudsemad, vähem hoolivad, agressiivsemad ja ettevõtlikumad kui mõned mehed. Some women are emotionally more superficial, less caring, more aggressive and more enterprising than some men. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.17945115268230438 2465 Kodumaal süüdistatakse neid mässu õhutamises seadusliku korra ja president Rafael Correa vastu. In the home country, they are accused of incitement to riots against legal order and against President Rafah Correa. [71, 84, 100] 85.0 [0.4066897413043879, 0.727690413215861, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7531194834223864 -0.36312317848205566 2466 Kasahstani president Nursultan Nazarbajev saatis laiali parlamendi alamkoja ja kuulutas 18. augustiks välja ennetähtaegsed parlamendivalimised. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, dissolved Parliament's House of Commons and announced early parliamentary elections on 18 August. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 1.32209936924058] 0.8995824991036102 -0.17941242456436157 2467 Maroko kuningas Mohammed VI nimetas uueks peaministriks Saadeddine El Othmani. King Mohammed VI of Morocco appointed Saadeddine El Othman as the new Prime Minister. [100, 100, 97] 99.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 1.1231163152551986 -0.2038886994123459 2468 Siiski oli Sofia ema, Hanna Salin, temaga väga rahul. Yet Sofia's mother, Hanna Salin, was very pleased with her mother. [24, 29, 19] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.12785038341693, -1.899642582439113] -1.6590595418251946 -0.2896574139595032 2469 Mujal ütleb Aristoteles, et algprintsiipide leidmiseks kasutatakse ka "dialektikat", kuid üksikasjad ei selgu. Elsewhere, Aristotle says that 'dialectics' will also be used to find basic principles, but the details will not be clear. [75, 86, 100] 87.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.8001850644696189, 1.32209936924058] 0.7736014593558123 -0.3696332275867462 2470 Kaitsealad hõlmavad kokku umbes 5% Portugali territooriumist. In total, protected areas cover around 5% of Portuguese territory. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6189484363352243, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9476767501488549 -0.4163312613964081 2471 Tänu rannavalve lojaalsusele õnnestus viis päeva kestnud mäss siiski maha suruda. However, thanks to the loyalty of coastguard, five days of memory managed to suppress. [69, 49, 59] 59.0 [0.013676438680153098, -0.7871006959787512, -0.17595094151671578] -0.31645839960510463 -0.3529928922653198 2472 Ainult Tallinn, Tartu, Narva ja Pärnu säilitasid täielikul kujul oma linnaõigused. Only Tallinn, Tartu, Naruand Heritage maintained their urban rights in full. [39, 29, 12] 26.666666666666668 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.8520773299595319, -1.6672600671603848] -1.205885933111012 -0.46899929642677307 2473 Taju subjektiivsed aspektid ei pruugi olla teaduse jaoks lahendamatuks probleemiks. The subjective aspects of the impact may not be an insoluble problem for science. [88, 93, 98] 93.0 [0.8726797157233768, 1.247373368119458, 1.239385641192763] 1.1198129083451993 -0.33425167202949524 2474 Sama käib nutu, grimasside, naeratuse jne kohta, kuid tavalise keelelise kommunikatsiooni korral säärane efekt puudub. The same applies to horror, flu, skin status, and so on, but there is no such effect when it comes to ordinary linguistic communication. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9194928156201535 -0.5037086009979248 2475 Aga miks arvata, et inimese väärtustamise ja tema omaduste armastamise vahel on nii sügav pinge? But why think that there is such a tension between valuing the human being and altering its qualities? [80, 71, 61] 70.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993, -0.2908183276918498] 0.13586663453127354 -0.546184241771698 2476 Brito järgi on aktiivsel intellektil ainult sekundaarne roll, Scotuse järgi põhjuslik roll. According to the British, active intelligence only plays a secondary role, a causal role under Scott. [63, 58, 53] 58.0 [-0.49731359731548613, -0.20768092291338958, -0.39597668121738544] -0.36699040048208703 -0.3799896836280823 2477 Nepali parlament ei suutnud tähtajaks vastu võtta uue põhiseaduse projekti. The Nepalese Parliament was unable to adopt a new draft constitution by the deadline. [100, 100, 92] 97.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0176690182308925] 0.9803186969603587 -0.23308305442333221 2478 George'i naisel on teatud põhjend olla huvitatud George'i integriteedist ja sellest, kuidas George seda tajub. A woman from George has a certain reason to have an interest in George's Djibouriides and the way in which George perceives it. [49, 75, 45] 56.333333333333336 [-1.094567239682375, 0.27545805178677896, -0.952528152074385] -0.5905457799899937 -0.539351761341095 2479 Kui ma olen inimlik, siis mul on üleskaaluv eelistus aidata suures hädas olijat, kui ma saan. If I am human, I have the overriding preference to help those in great need when I get. [85, 83, 86] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6722106834327595 -0.43238696455955505 2480 Võimud kahtlustasid toimunus naiste hariduse vastu võitlevaid islamiste. The authorities suspected Islamists fighting against the education of women. [82, 91, 100] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.774893431721841, 1.32209936924058] 0.8926209115689767 -0.45373860001564026 2481 Are aga peab otsustama, mida teha tema elusse tagasi kippuva Raimiga, kes nüüd kolis Morna lähedale elama. However, it is necessary to decide what to do with her life, which she is now living near Morna, and which is to decide what to do. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.0708807744426558, -1.1703670881336952, -1.12785038341693] -1.123032748664427 -0.6084076166152954 2482 Töökohad paigutati nii, et tarkvarainsenerid ja projekteerijad istusid keevitajate ja teiste raketi riistvaraga töötavate töötajate läheduses. Jobs were put in such a way that software engineers and designers were sitting close to the recipient and other workers working with the hardware of the missile. [86, 85, 67] 79.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.711760740297822, -0.04267714354839904] 0.4212867712232751 -0.52464359998703 2483 On oletatud, et kavatseti demonstreerida oma poliitilist huvi selles piirkonnas ja rünnata riialaste väge. It has been assumed that it was intended to demonstrate its political interest in the region and to attack the banditry forces. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0176690182308925, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8550729506742275 -0.44249239563941956 2484 On olemas igapäevane kohustuse mõiste kui üks kaalutlus teiste hulgas, ja see on eetiliselt kasulik. There is an everyday definition of responsibility as one consideration among others, and that is ethically beneficial. [90, 82, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8292173112963704 -0.42479410767555237 2485 Krahv taganes, lastes kuningal taastada kontrolli pealinna üle ning ülejäänud Henry valitsusaja oli Toweris rahuperiood. The Krahmer reneged by allowing the King to regain control of the capital, and the rest of Henry's government was I am in a period of peace. [74, 80, 77] 77.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.4936093960423005, 0.3951887236234128] 0.35043157368755445 -0.43934130668640137 2486 Traditsiooniline trumm on õõnsast puutüvest ja loomanahast valmistatud ingoma. Traditional trumps are a hollow piece of wood from a strain of wood and animal feed. [38, 29, 46] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1259611890571624 -0.5646450519561768 2487 See on epistemoloogiline tees, mis vajab filosoofilist argumenti, nii et teadlase jaoks on teadusfilosoofia hädavajalik. This is an epicenological philosophy that needs a philosophical argument, so for the scientific philosophy is essential for the researcher. [69, 85, 77] 77.0 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.711760740297822, 0.3951887236234128] 0.2885339044448051 -0.46518683433532715 2488 Tänapäeval on maksimaalne karistus 25 aastat vangistust. Today, the maximum sentence is 25 years' imprisonment. [100, 80, 84] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.6172985934001295] 0.7366705026022867 -0.27425438165664673 2489 Burundi ja Rwanda vaheline piir kulgeb läänest itta Rusizi ja Kagera jõe vahel. The border between Burundi and Rwanda stretches from the West to the Rusta River and the River Kagera. [77, 84, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.09994004505140265, 0.6681304714467177, 0.522108649210108] 0.4300597219027427 -0.3440187871456146 2490 Hiina politsei korraldas reidi Xinjiangi autonoomses piirkonnas asuva väidetava mässuliste treeninglaagri vastu. The Chinese police carried out a raft against the alleged rebel training camp in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. [88, 59, 83] 76.66666666666667 [0.5692107640539581, -0.3778535430073656, 0.6245002025956135] 0.27195247454740196 -0.3085087835788727 2491 Are sõidutab Raimi ja Johannese Evaldi maamajja, kus maja valvav Jürka arvab ekslikult, et tegemist on vargaga ning ähvardab Raimi. The land Host of Raim and Johannese Evaldi is treated as a refuge, where Jürka, the house overseer, mistakenly believes that it is a thief and a threat to Raim. [14, 15, 16] 15.0 [-1.9989039762203125, -2.3423580792794794, -1.6950193257332875] -2.0120937937443597 -0.5485118627548218 2492 Eesti põllumajandusminister Ivari Padar oli ringsõidul Pärnu maakonnas. Estonian Minister for Agriculture Ivari Padar was in the district of Asturias. [23, 18, 21] 20.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.4768801787803418, -2.080576466172854] -1.744050178176973 -0.49084270000457764 2493 Esimest korda pärast 1984. aastat esines Jackson laval koos vendadega. For the first time since 1984, Jackson was on the floor with brothers. [82, 68, 75] 75.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.14773320318579836, 0.33172876083006514] 0.3534439659201242 -0.31161460280418396 2494 Tšiilis kuulutati metsatulekahjude tõttu välja eriolukord ja evakueeriti oma kodudest tuhandeid inimesi. In Chile, a state of emergency was declared as a result of the forest fires and thousands of people were evacuated from their homes. [83, 100, 86] 89.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8222356646219685 -0.20329387485980988 2495 Raske on väita, et alternatiivmeditsiin ei saa toota teadmist, kui pole teooriat selle kohta, mis teeb teaduse tulemused teadmiseks. It is difficult to say that alternative medicine here cannot be produced by knowledge unless there is a theory about what takes scientific findings into account. [68, 65, 65] 66.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.03899122630516161, -0.12539087159621595] -0.04668103388527687 -0.45386677980422974 2496 Kui Keres oleks võitnud, oleks Reshevsky käised üles käärinud ja oma seisu käsile võtnud. If Kenya had won, the Reshevsky orders would have stood up and taken up their position. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.786155536157973 -0.539896547794342 2497 Aga au tundub seisnevat hoopis austaja tegevuses ning olevat tema, mitte austatava võimuses. But the honour seems to be respect for action and to be within its power, not that of respect. [59, 70, 81] 70.0 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.17307885384669613, 0.5372396648934048] 0.11082165857757843 -0.6173920035362244 2498 2. märtsil leiti neist neliteist tapetuna Diyālá kubernerkonnas. On 2 March, fourteen of them were found killed in the Governor of Diyālá. [47, 62, 55] 54.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.06975075057547515, -0.5389595118353006] -0.472947973647198 -0.19635999202728271 2499 Ints ei ole küll oma kallima plaaniga päri, aga ei oska ka kuidagi vahele astuda. The economy does not inherit with its more expensive plan, but it also fails to intervene in any way. [7, 14, 1] 7.333333333333333 [-1.6411838460800767, -1.9989039762203125, -1.655442005902876] -1.7651766094010883 -0.7091431021690369 2500 Kuigi Džiojeva valimistulemus oli ametlikult tühistatud, kavatses ta 10. veebruaril lasta ennast oma toetajatel presidendiks vannutada. Although the outcome of the Jiov election was officially cancelled, on 10 February he intended to allow himself to be sworn down by his supporters. [56, 53, 50] 53.0 [-0.2711408857067372, -0.6844078629375159, -0.7457438319548428] -0.5670975268663653 -0.44136375188827515 2501 Toonela on nende koht, kes seda maitsevad ja pimedus on nende puhkekoht. There is the place of those who buzzle it and the darkness is their place of rest. [25, 29, 27] 27.0 [-1.1300524363898834, -1.12785038341693, -1.818794853066228] -1.3588992242910136 -0.5211841464042664 2502 El Salvadori kohus andis välja riigi ekspresidendi Francisco Flores Pérezi vahistamismääruse. The El Salvador court issued an arrest warrant against the President of the country, Francisco Flores Pérez. [64, 82, 73] 73.0 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.5808699337445091, -0.0876709283361361] 0.09848739240081532 -0.2714129686355591 2503 Balti Raudtee veermiku teenindamiseks ehitati Tallinnasse Balti Raudtee Peatehased ja vagunite valmistamiseks Dvigateli vagunitehas. In order to serve the vector of the Baltic railway, the main plants of the Baltic railway were built in Tallinn and the wagons were made in the wagons of Dvigatel. [88, 76, 82] 82.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.48105479482130636] 0.48898883943338917 -0.41962698101997375 2504 Prantsusmaal otsis politsei läbi presidendikandidaadi François Filloni kodu. In France, the police searched through the house of the presidential candidate François Fillon. [96, 100, 82] 92.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8869527920048997 -0.2898522615432739 2505 Paljudel on seesmine eelistus keerukamate ja vaimsemate naudingute vastu. Many have an internal preference for more complex and mental women. [82, 78, 80] 80.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.4063488583400919, 0.4903786678134342] 0.44913695707759255 -0.42324382066726685 2506 Pärast kuuajalist ägedat võitlust andis Šein veebruaris 1634 alla. After six months of fierce struggle, Šein was 1634 in February. [42, 44, 45] 43.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.0770802825974546, -0.620170681070149] -0.8958337789999534 -0.5117480158805847 2507 Uueks asepeaministriks sai Aslan Musin, endine peaminister Danijal Ahmetov nimetati kaitseministriks. Aslan Musin became the new Deputy Prime Minister, while former Prime Minister Daniant Ahmetov was appointed Minister for Defence. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.824044092250601 -0.3151572644710541 2508 Sama inimese võib presidendi ametisse valida kõige rohkem kahel korral. The same person may be elected the President on the most two occasions. [62, 81, 86] 76.33333333333333 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.6189484363352243, 0.7431032729058616] 0.3640893983715278 -0.5348547697067261 2509 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves nimetas oma kantselei uueks juhatajaks Vabariigi Valimiskomisjoni senise juhi Alo Heinsalu. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, has appointed Alo Heinz salu as the new President of the Republic's Electoral Commission. [64, 48, 78] 63.333333333333336 [0.1391994964086838, -0.8284575600026597, 0.7211982082264036] 0.01064671487747589 -0.32581856846809387 2510 Moraali kõrgeim mõiste on vabadus või ehk julgus selles mõttes, milles teda samastatakse vabadusega, tahtega, jõuga. The highest definition of morality is freedom, or perhaps courage, in the sense in which it is identified with freedom, will, by force. [81, 100, 79] 86.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 1.1249782957469103, 0.45360522473850245] 0.6644145075347923 -0.28252020478248596 2511 Teda saatsid visiidil parlamendiliikmed Peep Aru, Kaia Iva, Jaan Õunapuu ja Rainer Vakra, samuti Riigikogu Kantselei direktor Heiki Sibul. He was accompanied by Members of Parliament on a visit to Peep Aru, Kaia Iva, Jaan Teunpuu and Rainer Vakra, as well as Heiki Sibul, Director of the Channel of the State. [72, 79, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.44997912719119615, 0.32953463266677707] 0.2899878917781159 -0.2597077488899231 2512 Sudaani mässajad teatasid, et riigi õhujõud on pommitanud Dārfūri alasid juba üle nädala, vaatamata kehtivale relvarahule. The Sudanese rebels reported that the country's air force had been bombing the areas of Darfur for more than a week now, despite the current ceasefire. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9710931572944915 -0.29838690161705017 2513 Niisiis on armastus vähemalt antud suhte kontekstis moraalne jõud. So love is, at least in the context of this relationship, moral strength. [73, 100, 79] 84.0 [0.18819751408457033, 1.1249782957469103, 0.45360522473850245] 0.5889270115233277 -0.35578516125679016 2514 Järgmises näites on tegu tõlgendusvõime alaneva hierarhiaga. The following example is the downgrading hierarchy of interpretation capacity. [95, 100, 98] 97.66666666666667 [0.8835775815176352, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.082647172819103 -0.30512627959251404 2515 Selline käitumine mitte ainult et ei ole vaba tegevus, vaid üldse mitte tegija tegevus, vaid mehaaniline refleks. Such behaviour is not only a free act, it is not the action of the perpetrator at all, but an mechanical reflex. [45, 40, 49] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0334500137463503, -1.062297059252832, -0.7871006959787512] -0.9609492563259777 -0.4949839115142822 2516 1774. aastal pidas ta seda gaasiks, mis oli juba tuntud. In 1744, he considered it to be a gas that had already been known. [84, 85, 96] 88.33333333333333 [0.6172985934001295, 0.711760740297822, 1.156671913144946] 0.8285770822809658 -0.5477097630500793 2517 2010. aasta rahvaloenduse järgi elas Sambias 13 092 666 inimest. According to the census of 2010, 13 092 666 people were living in Zambia. [100, 100, 71] 90.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, -0.2532346940854696] 0.5506971059038582 -0.13888414204120636 2518 Kui Anson oli oma ümbermaailmareisil, keskendus Hispaania peamiselt kuninga Itaalia poliitikale. When Anson was on his trip around the world, Spain focused mainly on Italian politics with art. [59, 65, 52] 58.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.03899122630516161, -0.3980608112934324] -0.24564104266521214 -0.3606586754322052 2519 Kameruni armee teatas, et hävitas riigi põhjaosas islamistliku terroriorganisatsiooni Boko Haram laagri. The Cameroon Army has announced that it has destroyed the Boko Haram camp in the north of the country's Islamic terrorist organisation. [56, 52, 59] 55.666666666666664 [-0.4976026478113921, -0.6300169437293796, -0.17849272745611192] -0.43537077299896115 -0.26119622588157654 2520 Ja kindlasti tahtis ta öelda, et see teadmine peab olema kaasasündinud. And certainly he wanted to say that this knowledge must be an event. [64, 64, 74] 67.33333333333333 [-0.45465262286070834, -0.3864058398141874, -0.05935188142628216] -0.3001367813670593 -0.48784029483795166 2521 18. jaanuar 2007 Malta peaminister Lawrence Gonzi. Lawrence Gonzi, Prime Minister of Malta, 18 January 2007. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.21306556463241577 2522 Madeira saarel leidub umbes 100 endeemilist taimeliiki. There are about 100 endemic plant species on the island of Madeira. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8822177840520734 -0.23849618434906006 2523 Mõnikord on see tõesti nii, aga miks eeldada, et see alati nii on? Sometimes, that is true, but why assume that is always the case? [80, 92, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0176690182308925, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8787522366733679 -0.37704551219940186 2524 Siin aitab järelemõtlemine, mis võtab arvesse sotsiaalseid rolle. Consideration here will help to take account of social roles. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5464537850814665, 0.9085307290014955] 0.851362677482464 -0.533907949924469 2525 Valimised võitis opositsiooniline Austraalia Tööpartei. The elections were won by the opposition Australian Labour Party. [91, 82, 73] 82.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 0.26826879803671755] 0.5413440545010225 -0.22508369386196136 2526 Eesti Keskerakonna juhatus heitis vastavalt erakonna aukohtu ettepanekule erakonnast välja XII Riigikogu liikme Kalle Laaneti. The management board of the Estonian Central Party removed Kalle Laanet from the party, member of the People's Assembly of XII, as proposed by the party's court. [100, 76, 88] 88.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.3190883206378832, 0.8258170009536785] 0.7420159263676176 -0.36151307821273804 2527 Ḩamāsi juhid teatasid, et on rahvahääletusega nõus. The leaders of Hamas have announced that they agree with the referendum. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.029777786350576 -0.44745850563049316 2528 Isegi nendel tingimustel, mis olid, oli ikkagi võimalik mõni teine tegu, või siis need siseseisundid oleksid saanud olla teistsugused. Even under the conditions that were, it was still possible to take another action, or these internal situations could have been different. [100, 77, 89] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 0.688799744499114] 0.7168739507841773 -0.4581308960914612 2529 Iisraeli endine peaminister Ehud Olmert mõisteti süüdi veel ühes korruptsioonisüüdistuses. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was convicted of another corruption charge. [98, 100, 96] 98.0 [1.3742597597318533, 1.1249782957469103, 1.156671913144946] 1.2186366562079034 -0.20901237428188324 2530 Päev hiljem teatas Pennsylvania vabariiklasest kuberner Tom Corbett, et osariigi võimud ei kavatse seda otsust edasi kaevata. A day later, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Pennsylvania Republican, announced that the state authorities did not intend to appeal against this decision. [74, 75, 51] 66.66666666666667 [0.23182778293567463, 0.2881777686428686, -0.4297907926901062] 0.030071586296145664 -0.25882619619369507 2531 Üldjuhul aga ei tulene sellest, et kedagi armastatakse tema väärtuslike omaduste pärast, et armastatakse tema omadusi, mitte teda ennast. In general, however, it is not because anyone is loved for their valuable qualities that they love their qualities, not for their own qualities. [57, 83, 70] 70.0 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.6245002025956135, -0.19997321272861532] -0.010572931306828487 -0.5310271978378296 2532 Venemaa võttis Liivimaa ja liitriik ei jaganud enam piiri Rootsiga. Russia took the country of the Union and the ally no longer shared the border with Sweden. [68, 66, 67] 67.0 [0.004650408323776896, 0.21562528066459924, 0.07788890965667469] 0.09938819954835028 -0.4279322922229767 2533 Eestis osutavad erakorralist haiglaeelset meditsiiniabi kolme erineva kvalifikatsiooniga meedikud. In Estonia, emergency pre-hospital medical care is provided by three different qualified media. [68, 76, 83] 75.66666666666667 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6245002025956135] 0.1916782549571805 -0.38504359126091003 2534 Tegu oli lihtsa ehitisega, mida kaitsesid värav ja langevõre. It was a simple construction, protected by the gate and by the equation. [70, 67, 61] 66.0 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.07788890965667469, -0.10599807620235407] -0.07559864755924038 -0.47812238335609436 2535 Uuringu andmetel langeb sündivus aastaks 2050 veel 50 protsenti. According to the survey, birth rates will fall by a further 50% by 2050. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.3336026966571808 2536 Ta kohtus Tallinnas president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese ja peaminister Andrus Ansipiga. He met President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese and Prime Minister Andrus Ansip in Tallinn. [85, 76, 100] 87.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0152560939928115] 0.6310325961969364 -0.18198522925376892 2537 Nähtavasti ei tundunud kumbki nii fundamentaalne, et oleks kriisi peale välja mindud. Obviously, neither of the two seemed so fundamental that it had come out of the crisis. [69, 80, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4936093960423005, 0.33172876083006514] 0.26923934782262565 -0.49702590703964233 2538 Aastal 1964 puhkesid rahutused seoses Leon Mba sooviga ainupartei võimu kehtestada. In 1964, unrest broke out with regard to Leon Mba's desire to impose power on the sole party. [80, 100, 84] 88.0 [0.4949620887624109, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177] 0.74807833924014 -0.4628264009952545 2539 Kokkupõrgetes sai kaks politseinikku vigastada ja mitmed meeleavaldajad vahistati. Two police officers were injured in clashes and several demonstrators were arrested. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.24352197349071503 2540 Kui välja arvata rõuged ja gripp, on väga vähe kirjalikke allikaid haiguspuhangute kohta, mida nüüdseks teatakse olevat viiruste põhjustatud. Apart from the horrors and flu, there are very few written sources of outbreaks, which are now known as those caused by the viruses. [71, 70, 69] 70.0 [0.20480883524336993, 0.057306707531257405, 0.04003658449941787] 0.10071737575801508 -0.3445659279823303 2541 Selle asemele need, kelle üle väärastunud vaim on laskunud, tunnevad kutset sellele ja nad eksivad” Instead of this, those who have been overwhelmed by the defamatory spirit feel invited to it and are wrong to put it in place. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7184775944530865] 0.7558534133362377 -0.5805066823959351 2542 Igaveste olendite tõttu nende jõud vähenes ja nad muutusid nõrgaks, kuid Jaldabaothi antud nimed muudavad nad võimsaks ja panevad kasvama. Their power fell as a result of the creations of everyone, and they became weak, but the names given by Jdombaothi make them powerful and grow. [31, 30, 29] 30.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.687904046512915, -1.12785038341693] -1.4007538586084223 -0.5702747702598572 2543 Ta oli veendunud, et teenistuses olles oleks ta saanud hotellis kaitse organiseerida, nüüd oli see aga võimatu. He was convinced that, when he was in the service, he could have organised protection in the hotel, now that was impossible. [28, 56, 42] 42.0 [-0.9467436332444287, -0.2711408857067372, -1.0765987441461105] -0.7648277543657587 -0.38436946272850037 2544 Seejärel kuulutasid kommunistid Eesti nõukogude sotsialistlikuks vabariigiks ja nõudsid viimase vastuvõtmist Nõukogude Liitu. The Communists then declared Estonia a socialist republic and called for the latter to be accepted into the Soviet Union. [99, 78, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.4063488583400919, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7974928883134703 -0.32771652936935425 2545 Euroopa Ülemkogu alalise eesistujana alustas tööd endine Poola peaminister Donald Tusk. As permanent President of the European Council, the former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk started work. [65, 58, 71] 64.66666666666667 [-0.21948503504343145, -0.20768092291338958, 0.2564751800664351] -0.056896925963461964 -0.27307772636413574 2546 Ahven on aga enda eluummikutega nii kaugele jõudnud, et teeb Arele ettepaneku umbsest Mornast põgeneda. Ahven, however, has reached the point with his own life scenes that he is proposing to Arez to flee from Moravia. [78, 81, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4863734862253008 -0.6649641990661621 2547 Kas Bartholomäus Hoeneke „Liivimaa noorem riimkroonika“ on Jüriöö ülestõusu ajaloo allikas? Is the monument of Bartholomus Hoeneke, the younger clothes in the nearest Libyan country, the source of the history of the Jury uprising? [26, 13, 39] 26.0 [-2.0757696521422635, -1.635530085763711, -0.9034392399936904] -1.5382463259665549 -0.6807516813278198 2548 Tsaar Ivan IV kinkekiri 1559. aastast on esimene ajalooürik, mis sisaldab tõendeid sel ajal tänase Podolski aladel paiknenud asulatest. Tsar Ivan IV's cinema letter from 1559 is the first historic event to provide evidence of the settlements in today's Podolski area. [76, 83, 89] 82.66666666666667 [0.32953463266677707, 0.5169265503896285, 0.6882604319190001] 0.5115738716584686 -0.4627119302749634 2549 Siiski on subjekti teadlikkus emotsiooni puhul kuidagi vältimatu, et eristada seda puhtkehalistest protsessidest. However, the subject's awareness of emotion is somehow inevitable in order to distinguish it from purely physical processes. [87, 84, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9009061260924828 -0.23241545259952545 2550 Tal on kaksikõde Aamu Korhonen ja vanem õde Roosa Kemppainen. He has the twin words Aamu Korhonen and the oldest sister, Roosa Kempinfleen. [54, 58, 64] 58.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -0.20768092291338958, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.14928881570200014 -0.3610668182373047 2551 Preisi jalavägi marssis nüüd lauldes põlevasse külla, kandes oma kõrgeid mütse musketitorude otsas. The priced anti-personnel force has now marched in a burning village, carrying its high noise pipes. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.5421677572214565, -2.5168791546838967, -1.922851051450467] -1.9939659877852733 -0.6242265105247498 2552 Kokkupõrked selle liikme Rudolf Carnapi ja Popperi pooldajate vahel iseloomustasid teadusfilosoofiat 1960ndateni. The clashes between the supporters of this Member, Rudolf Carnap, and the Popperi, characterised the scientific philosophy until the 1960s. [78, 64, 71] 71.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.1977368282059271, -0.16253911793112225] 0.015357637401014174 -0.2822796702384949 2553 President viibis kuus nädalat ravil Prantsusmaal, sest sai eelmisel kuul aset leidnud kahtlases vahejuhtumis lahti läinud relvast kätte haavata. The President was in France for six weeks because he was wounded by a dubious incident that broke out last month. [43, 31, 18] 30.666666666666668 [-0.954227030371969, -0.9596752998264856, -1.4768801787803418] -1.1302608363262656 -0.39038369059562683 2554 Sõna ja selle osutuse suhe on kahes aspektis väga erinev sõna kasutamise ülekandmisest uude konteksti. The relationship between the word and the reference is very different in two respects from the transfer of the word to a new context. [74, 68, 79] 73.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.1096188910533485, 0.44997912719119615] 0.24069820654716487 -0.38283488154411316 2555 Loss, mida polnud ammu kuningliku residentsina kasutatud, jäeti tavaliselt konstaabli, tollel ajal Geoffrey de Mandeville'i kätte. Loss, which had not long been used as a Royal resident, were usually left in the hands of a convoy, Geoffrey de Mandeville at that time. [71, 83, 58] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.6245002025956135, -0.41488891976357517] 0.13814003935846939 -0.3158150613307953 2556 Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse peatoimetajana alustas tööd Ivo Volt. Ivo Volt, the editor-in-chief of Kyrgyz at Tartu University, began work. [89, 80, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7017464088819532] 0.657101435102584 -0.4837673604488373 2557 Näiteks ühel Royal Society koosolekul teda oli raske äratunda, isegi ta oma lähedasel sõbral Joseph Hookeril. For example, at a meeting of the Royal Society, he was hard to recognise, even by his close friend Joseph Hood. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.37158241868019104 2558 Slipperi tagasiastumine nõrgendas veelgi peaminister Julia Gillardi vähemusvalitsuse positsioone. The resignation of Slipperi further weakened the position of Prime Minister Julia Glarard's minority government. [75, 100, 80] 85.0 [0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4949620887624109] 0.6317994787653668 -0.20233948528766632 2559 Lubades endale vahetevahel haavatavust, mille armastamine kaasa toob, peame olema hoolikalt valivad ja end kaitsvalt tagasihoidvad. By allowing ourselves sometimes the vulnerability that loving brings us, we must be careful to choose and defend ourselves. [76, 84, 92] 84.0 [0.5977542019441766, 0.6172985934001295, 1.0176690182308925] 0.7442406045250661 -0.4460355043411255 2560 Kui inimese õnn seisneks selles, tuleks ka toitu ja sugulist läbikäimist nautivaid loomi õnnelikuks nimetada. If the human good were to be that, then the animals that enjoy food and such sweeping should also be called happy. [55, 83, 69] 69.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.6245002025956135, 0.09524274541966368] 0.06593201105558691 -0.588448703289032 2561 Kui algab kriis, muutub anomaalia üldtunnustatuks. When a crisis begins, anomaly becomes widely recognised. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0590271912184923 -0.3285340964794159 2562 Eesti Raamat, Tallinn 1978 425 lk David Roberts, "Rock Chronicles". The Estonian Book, Tallinn 1978 425 page David Roberts, Rock Chronicles. [65, 70, 68] 67.66666666666667 [0.1774123885366415, 0.2202278544395562, 0.1096188910533485] 0.16908637800984874 -0.20071357488632202 2563 Iraak alustas sõjalist operatsiooni Şaddām Ḩusayni kodulinna Tikrīti vabastamiseks äärmusliku islamiorganisatsiooni Islamiriik käest. Iraq launched a military operation to release Mr Tikrīt, the home town of Saddaddym, from the Islamic state of extremist Islamic organisations. [56, 75, 45] 58.666666666666664 [-0.7959404184989305, 0.27545805178677896, -0.952528152074385] -0.49100350626217887 -0.4300177991390228 2564 Väga nõrk tuul tegi manööverdamise peaaegu võimatuks kogenud meeskondadele. A very weak wind made manoeuvring almost impossible for experienced teams. [100, 82, 72] 84.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.09044991547637454] 0.5987660483225979 -0.26791590452194214 2565 Ta küll kirjeldab mitmesuguseid halbu inimesi, kusjuures realistlikumalt kui "Riigis", kus need kipuvad olema karikatuursed äpardised. He does describe various bad people more realistically than in the country where they tend to be caricatures. [100, 93, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937, 0.7017464088819532] 0.9012394510721924 -0.4126095473766327 2566 Kompleksi jõepoolne osa oli tugevatel palkparvedel, nagu enamus Tartu linnagi ja see oli ümbritsetud vallikraavidega. The river was part of strong pallet parks, such as the majority of Tartu City, and it was surrounded by White Papers. [85, 82, 87] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6231547153861217] 0.6176844079758114 -0.6442063450813293 2567 Samasugune on ka Vasilikis asuv "maja künkal", ehitis, mis pärineb varaminoilise ajastu teisest perioodist. The same is true of the 'house threshold' in the Vasian, a construction that originates from the second period of the property age. [23, 37, 50] 36.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.3824921645551846, -0.7457438319548428] -1.1488220894356669 -0.48843419551849365 2568 Eestis lahkus ametist keskkonnainspektsiooni peadirektor Ain Purga. In Estonia, Mr Ain Purvis, Director-General for Environmental Inspectorate, has left office. [83, 84, 82] 83.0 [0.6190326808341362, 0.39856686623484705, 0.5808699337445091] 0.532823160271164 -0.3689801096916199 2569 Eestisse Tapale saabus NATO lahingugruppi kuuluva Prantsusmaa üksuse rasketehnika. Tapale, Estonia, received heavy technology from a French unit belonging to the NATO Battlegroup. [38, 45, 51] 44.666666666666664 [-1.2420262002417441, -1.0334500137463503, -0.4297907926901062] -0.9017556688927334 -0.3821885883808136 2570 Voolavat, ebapüsivat füüsilist stiihiat tõlgendati ka müütilise olemusena. A chaotic, unpermanent physical style was also interpreted as a mythical nature. [47, 33, 18] 32.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.1209231937549637, -1.4768801787803418] -1.1359790103553744 -0.552207887172699 2571 Näiteks mees näeb, et naine on väsinud, ja pakub tundepuhangu ajel ennast nõusid pesema. A man, for example, can see that she is tired of her being tired and offering herself conceals on the basis of an outbreak of emotion. [78, 49, 64] 63.666666666666664 [0.4063488583400919, -0.7871006959787512, -0.1255610247419799] -0.16877095412687973 -0.47719135880470276 2572 Meeltekogemus on küll arusaamiseks vajalik, kuid ilma keeleoskuseta ei osata meeltelt pärinevat teavet tõlgendada. Past experience is necessary for understanding but, without language skills, information from the minds are not able to be interpreted. [86, 75, 87] 82.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.27545805178677896, 0.7844601369297701] 0.5515649685456505 -0.5280975699424744 2573 Visiidi käigus arutati Libeeria ja Šveitsi kahepoolsete suhete hetkeseisu ning tulevikku. The visit discussed the state of and future of bilateral relations between Liberia and Switzerland. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.20516183972358704 2574 Nii et matemaatika käib metafoorselt teise maailma kohta. So maths are metaphor for another world. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.4579707384109497 2575 Iisrael eitas lennuki kaotust ja kinnitas, et kõik missioonil osalenud lennukid pöördusid viga saamata tagasi. Israel denied the aircraft's loss and confirmed that all the aircraft that took part in the mission went back without making a mistake. [68, 56, 85] 69.66666666666667 [0.5160703159481264, -0.2711408857067372, 0.76393773884274] 0.33628905636137635 -0.5191325545310974 2576 Psühhoanalüüs on teadus, mis tegelebki spetsiaalselt indiviidi ajalooga. Block analysis is science, and that is what specifically concerns an individual's history. [71, 78, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.4063488583400919, 0.27330984514349876] 0.24469509199989248 -0.6640129089355469 2577 Kolonel Thomas Blood kasutas seda kaks aastat hiljem ära ning püüdis neid varastada. Mr Thomas Blood used it two years later and tried to steal it. [82, 82, 82] 82.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.5538386306067818, 0.5808699337445091] 0.5284639698101808 -0.3134269118309021 2578 Teised riigid korraldasid oma väed ümber pärast sõda, mitte niivõrd Preisi mudeli järgi, kui tuntud üldiste põhimõtete rangema kohaldamise alusel. Other countries reorganised their troops after the war, not so much according to the Precautionary model as on the basis of stricter application of the well-known general principles. [83, 83, 83] 83.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6097004984777351 -0.39363011717796326 2579 Tavaliselt mõistuspäraselt moraalitunnetuselt filosoofilisele moraalitunnetusele Normally, from a moral sense of morality to a philosophical moral sense. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.4616175889968872 2580 Naer näitab midagi selle kohta, mis laadi sündmus sellele eelnes. The woman shows something about what kind of event it was like. [32, 35, 29] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.3660967923134697, -1.12785038341693] -1.364863561513702 -0.46141546964645386 2581 Malawis on neli keskhaiglat, Põhjapiirkonnas Mzimbas, Keskpiirkonnas Lilongwes ning Lõunapiirkonnas Blantyres ja Zombas. There are four central hospitals in Malawi, the North region of Mzimba, the Central region of Lilongwes and the Southern Blantyres and Zomba. [54, 83, 76] 71.0 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.6245002025956135, 0.36345874222673896] 0.1433295623378494 -0.36180543899536133 2582 Kuu aega hiljem võitis Godefroy Fatimiide uuesti, Ashkeloni lahingus. A month later, Godefroy Fatimid won again in Ashkelon's battle. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.2727196216583252 2583 Vastandid on eluks vajalikud, kuid tasakaal ühendab neid. Respondents are essential to life, but the balance unites them. [73, 79, 84] 78.66666666666667 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.3426133161983885, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3133466449591326 -0.3809330463409424 2584 Eriti lapsed kannatavad alatoitluse all ja surevad tihti nakkushaigustesse. Children in particular suffer from malnutrition and often die from infectious diseases. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9565497343441235 -0.1854562759399414 2585 Teda hakkas ahvatlema ka kapellmeistri töö, sest ta pani tähele, et saab sealgi oma loovust rakendada. He was also enticed by the work of the covert champion, because he noticed that he, too, could implement his creativity there. [25, 32, 18] 25.0 [-1.4109017987699952, -1.490167384385195, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4593164539785108 -0.45641303062438965 2586 New Yorgi Filharmoonikute hooaeg 1909/10 oli tema jaoks pikk ja väsitav. The New York Filharmony season 1909 / 10 was long and tiresome for her. [73, 78, 67] 72.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2035703421444763 -0.259768545627594 2587 Nende külalisena viibis 1884 ja 1885 mõisas külalisena vene helilooja Pjotr Tšaikovski, kes kirjutas seal oma kontsertfantaasia. Their guest was 1884 and 1885 the Russian composer, Pjotr Chaikovsky, who wrote their group fantasy there. [72, 84, 78] 78.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.4389725496004518 -0.2953852415084839 2588 Nad pidasid vastu ja kannatasid välja kõige, et saada auhinnaks otsuse ja pärisid igavese elu”. They held out and suffered everything to win the award and inherited a love of life for ever. [68, 75, 81] 74.66666666666667 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.19851994435723766, 0.5372396648934048] 0.15058362806968173 -0.5798321962356567 2589 Tööstustoodangu kasvuga kaasnes ka rahvastiku kasv, kusjuures Podolskist sai Moskva oblasti kõige kiiremini kasvava elanikkonnaga linn. The increase in industrial production was also accompanied by population growth, with Podolski becoming the Moscow Oblast city with the fastest-growing population. [79, 56, 73] 69.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.2711408857067372, 0.2054640405950517] 0.1281007606931702 -0.36690831184387207 2590 Tõenäoliselt oli tegu kuninganna ja kuninga eramajadega. It was probably the Queen and the King's private houses. [100, 83, 86] 89.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8308605904161285 -0.35730287432670593 2591 Egeuse meres toimus maavärin, mille epitsenter asus 7 km sügavusel. The egean earthquake occurred with an epicentre limit of 7 km deep. [36, 29, 43] 36.0 [-1.426122433406289, -1.12785038341693, -1.035241880122202] -1.1964048989818068 -0.3356688916683197 2592 Eestis vabastas kaitseväe juhataja Ants Laaneots ametist luurepataljoni ülema major Riho Ühtegi. In Estonia, Ants Laaneends, the Head of the Defence Forces, released from office the Grand Riho Society, the Chief of Intelligence. [54, 55, 51] 53.333333333333336 [-0.24292942487089356, -0.32348202996362757, -0.4297907926901062] -0.3320674158415425 -0.662867546081543 2593 Vene plaanid sisaldasid mitte ainult Ukraina liidendamist, vaid ka Venemaa poolt kaugemal põhjas kaotatud maade tagasivõtmist. Russia's plans included not only the unification of Ukraine, but also the readmission of land lost by Russia further in the north. [100, 100, 72] 90.66666666666667 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 0.23653881664004375] 0.7837570957086598 -0.45124512910842896 2594 Armastav naine võib küll olla teadlik sellest, et truudusetus oleks nauditav, kuid ometi olla kiusatuseta abikaasat reeta. A large-scale woman may be aware that inviolability would be enjoyable, yet without the temptation to betray her husband. [22, 33, 11] 22.0 [-2.0369461973217495, -1.4488105203612864, -1.8508625128632574] -1.7788730768487646 -0.43016475439071655 2595 Marko tuleb Mornasse ja saab Cäthrynilt oma vana töökoha tagasi. Marko comes to Mornas and he gets his old jobs back from Cäthry. [66, 64, 67] 65.66666666666667 [-0.0604553082091015, 0.1391994964086838, 0.07788890965667469] 0.052211032618752325 -0.3651416599750519 2596 Tallinn, Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 1994, lk 678. Tallinn, Estonia Encylovariation, 1994, p. [82, 57, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, -0.4562457837874836, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09923433460124055 -0.4635257124900818 2597 Aga sellest ei piisa, sest andestus ei ole lihtsalt muutus emotsioonides, vaid on suunatud pahategijale. But that is not enough, because forgiveness is not just a change of emotion but is directed at the perpetrator. [70, 83, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.08139344852332632, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3951887236234128] 0.36702745824745087 -0.33556506037712097 2598 Paljud peavad ilmseks, et tuleb maksimeerida päästetavate arvu. Many consider it obvious that the number of rescues must be maximised. [78, 89, 96] 87.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.867173864977587, 0.9161304397840745] 0.7298843877005844 -0.46635520458221436 2599 See, et kedagi armastatakse tema omaduste pärast, ega see, et omadusi endid väärtustatakse, et tegelikult ei armastata mitte inimest, vaid omadusi. It loves someone for his qualities, or because the qualities themselves are valued, that it is not a person who really loves, but a person's qualities. [76, 71, 81] 76.0 [0.2650732744552905, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3357072581973551 -0.5269466638565063 2600 Läti välisminister Edgars Rinkēvičs teavitas avalikkust oma homoseksuaalsusest. The Latvian Foreign Minister, Edgars Rinkēvičs, informed the public about his homosexuality. [72, 100, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8410252781564029 -0.1822357475757599 2601 Nii nagu on kirev Trinidadi ja Tobago rahvastik, nii kujutab ka sealne kultuur endast mitmete kultuuride ja traditsioonide sünteesi. Just as the population of Trinidad and Tobago is bitter, so culture there is the synthesis of many cultures and traditions. [56, 46, 35] 45.666666666666664 [-0.2711408857067372, -0.9898197448952459, -1.3660967923134697] -0.8756858076384842 -0.2910512089729309 2602 Malawi elektrienergia toodang oli 2010. aastal hinnanguliselt 1,973 miljardit kWh ja tarbimine 1,835 miljardit kWh. Malawi electricity production was estimated at 1.973 billion kWh in 2010, and consumption was 1.835 billion kWh. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8822177840520734 -0.3356250524520874 2603 Väidetavalt on Malaisia reisilennuki allakukkumiskohalt leitud 251 ohvri surnukehad. It has been claimed that 251 victims have been found to have their bodies fell as a result of Malaysia's passenger plane. [77, 79, 80] 78.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005] 0.407608237578958 -0.4994971454143524 2604 Uuevariku köögis meelitab Richard Ülot naljajuttu ajama, kuid Richard vihastab. In the new kitchen, Richard Ülo is tempting a joke, but Richard alludes. [55, 30, 43] 42.666666666666664 [-0.8386013929537083, -1.422530488855709, -1.120710551448559] -1.127280811085992 -0.540555477142334 2605 Ja kui ongi, siis püüab Laine need kohe välja selgitada. And if so, the loan will try to identify them straight away. [20, 35, 21] 25.333333333333332 [-1.2720333835260482, -1.2424137740542707, -1.081610094514773] -1.1986857506983641 -0.5688295364379883 2606 Kuberneri kohusetäitjaks nimetati Vladimir Mikluševski. Vladimir Mikluševski has been appointed the Governor's functions. [97, 84, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9498875930254039] 0.869683851318563 -0.4759765863418579 2607 Vissi majas teevad lähemat tutvust Laur Põder ja Henry Ahven. In the House of Visas, a closer acquaintance is made by Laur Pyder and Henry Ahven. [81, 56, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, -0.4976026478113921, 0.1413488724500223] 0.06032862984401168 -0.4223490357398987 2608 Rünnaku eest võtsid vastutuse natsionaalbolševikud. National Bolsheans were responsible for the attack. [53, 60, 57] 56.666666666666664 [-0.39597668121738544, -0.3321751917157582, -0.2394109043100634] -0.32252092574773567 -0.4559347629547119 2609 Hävitatud linnuste asukohtadena on oletatud Keblaste Taaramäge, Virussaare pelgupaika ja Vatla maalinna. In the case of the towns and cities destroyed, Taaramäge, Virusan pellate and Vatla painting have been presumed to be killed. [49, 66, 58] 57.666666666666664 [-1.094567239682375, -0.11721436787315982, -0.20768092291338958] -0.4731541768229748 -0.5257191061973572 2610 Tähestikuanaloogial kreeka filosoofias pole mingit pistmist tähestiku kasutamisega esoteerilises teadmises ja maagias. The historical Greek philosopher has nothing to do with the use of alphabets in esoteric knowledge and land. [29, 34, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583, -1.318230271796973] -1.4427339013918503 -0.3738318979740143 2611 Eestis Tallinna Siselinna kalmistu Sõjaväekalmistul mälestati kell 11.00 alanud üritusel sõdades langenud Suurbritannia sõjaväelasi. The military force in Tallinn, Estonia, commemorated British soldiers at 11: 00 at the beginning of the event, which started in Tallinn. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9194928156201535 -0.4806027412414551 2612 Müncheni julgeolekupoliitika konverents, mis keskendus teemale "Globaalne kriis, globaalsed kohustused". Munich Security Policy Conference, which focused on the theme of "Global Crisis, Global Commitments." [99, 94, 83] 92.0 [1.0630801754041426, 1.0739581850971294, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9205128543656285 -0.39189040660858154 2613 Seetõttu ei saa nende tõesust lõplikult kindlaks teha. Therefore, their proof cannot be established once and for all. [77, 96, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 1.162658320738408, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7392283626486638 -0.4148196876049042 2614 Kohtumise keskmes olid lapsrändajate kaitse ning küberruumi käsitleva kriminaalõigussüsteemiga seotud teemad. The meeting focused on issues related to the protection of child migrants and the criminal justice system in cyberspace. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9662759086296061 -0.31273531913757324 2615 Esimesed katsed elektrifluidumit salvestada õnnestusid ainult sellepärast, et uurijad hoidsid anumat käes, seistes maas. The first attempts to store the electric fluorum were successful only because the researchers kept the boat running behind. [26, 27, 28] 27.0 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.818794853066228, -1.4945771747762846] -1.512137451816488 -0.5629751682281494 2616 Personal koosneb parameedikutest ja erakorralise meditsiini tehnikutest. The staff are composed of paramedics and emergency medical technicians. [99, 93, 97] 96.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1980287771688547] 1.1050084321435893 -0.32537153363227844 2617 Vähemalt 30% valitsuse liikmetest peavad olema naised. At least 30% of government members must be women. [98, 100, 80] 92.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8818815080776886 -0.17864644527435303 2618 Vaba ja tõeline mõte on eneses konkreetne, ja nõnda on ta idee, ja kogu oma üldisuses idee kui niisugune die ehk absoluut. The idea of freedom and the real idea is specific in itself, and so is his idea, and all in his general idea as such a die, perhaps a pignew one. [26, 29, 28] 27.666666666666668 [-1.1016562469626503, -1.12785038341693, -1.7751645842151236] -1.3348904048649013 -0.6778063774108887 2619 Kahte laevakeresse pumbati niipalju vett, kui võimalik, kuid et nad siiski vee peale jääksid ja köied tõmmati pingule. Two ships were pumped into as much water as possible but still kept afloat and rocked up. [66, 75, 84] 75.0 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.19851994435723766, 0.6681304714467177] 0.16577324728426748 -0.590718150138855 2620 Kuidas tuleks röntgenikiirte avastamist dateerida? How should the detection of X-ray drugs be carried out? [28, 23, 20] 23.666666666666668 [-1.9904477032327081, -1.318230271796973, -1.59213842690439] -1.633605467311357 -0.42728450894355774 2621 Colombias Cartagenas algas järjekorras kuues Ameerika riikide tippkohtumine. The sixth summit of American countries began in Cartagena in Colombia. [74, 99, 100] 91.0 [0.24682090461896014, 1.0630801754041426, 1.3076476232459238] 0.8725162344230087 -0.33815932273864746 2622 Ühtegi usku ei tunnistanud 6,8% inimestest ja 8,3% keeldus oma usulisi veendumusi avalikustamast. No religion was recognised by 6.8% of people, and 8.3% refused to disclose their religious beliefs. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3158298440026652 -0.2981281876564026 2623 Tänu Euroopa Liitu kuulumisele on kõik Eesti kodanikud automaatselt ka Euroopa kodanikud. Thanks to membership of the European Union, all Estonian citizens are automatically European citizens. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 0.8824566991331088 -0.2334214597940445 2624 Selle pearivaal Nikaia jäi mongolite retkedest kõrvale ja kogus jõudu Balkani poolsaarel. Its main rival, Nicia, stayed out of the shapes of mongos and gained strength on the Balkans peninsula. [84, 82, 67] 77.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.5808699337445091, -0.04267714354839904] 0.38516379453207983 -0.6333394050598145 2625 Kuri, mida ta oli teinud, avanes Raskolnikovile kahetsuses, mis aga või saada mitmeti rikutud. The evil that he had done opened up to Raskolthnic in regret, which has, however, been or has been, in many ways violated. [42, 44, 45] 43.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.0770802825974546, -0.620170681070149] -0.8958337789999534 -0.7185754776000977 2626 491. aastal tuli Bütsantsis võimule Anastasius I, kes surus 497. aastal maha vastupanukolde Isaurias. In 491st, Anastasius I came to power in the Bureau and forced down resistance in Isauria in 497. [76, 57, 51] 61.333333333333336 [0.3190883206378832, -0.4562457837874836, -0.4297907926901062] -0.18898275194656886 -0.48086249828338623 2627 Teadlased hakkavad rahulolematust valitseva paradigmaga ning ebamugavustunnet avalikult väljendama. Scientists are beginning to express their dissatisfaction with the current paradigm and inconvenience publicly. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8913536471008455 -0.4246455729007721 2628 25. juulil 1139 purustas ta Ourique lahingus Almoraviidide väed. On 25 July 1139, he broke the Almoratorium troops in the Ourique battle. [83, 82, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.7781911377051312, 0.4506833450792516, 0.8652444468398807] 0.6980396432080878 -0.3000125288963318 2629 Ta oli lahkunud Yardbirdsist enne nende American Top 10 hitti "For Your Love" ega olnud seega Ühendriikides laval esinenud. He had left YardBurmese before their American Top 10 hitti 'For Your Love' and had therefore not taken place in the United States. [31, 28, 25] 28.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.7751645842151236, -1.2547703090036253] -1.47214734637139 -0.29352837800979614 2630 Kalkun pani tähele, et talle on mitu nädalat igal hommikul kell 9 süüa antud, ning ta tegi järelduse, et iga päev kell 9. Kalkun noted that he had been given food for several weeks every morning at 9 a.m., and concluded that every day at 9 a.m.. [83, 85, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.6190326808341362, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7512810174427115 -0.403315931558609 2631 Palju andmeid ja inspiratsiooni sai ta laevaga Beagle tehtud ümbermaailmareisilt, eriti vaatlustelt Galápagose saartel. He received a lot of data and inspiration from around the world by boat Beagle, especially from observations on the Galápagos Islands. [79, 84, 80] 81.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.43203447714384513 -0.41523250937461853 2632 Nii sai alguse analüütiline filosoofia, mis muutis maailma tõepoolest hõredaks ja loogiliseks. This is the start of an analytical philosophy that really makes the world silver and logical. [25, 34, 43] 34.0 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.5133829711084976, -1.035241880122202] -1.2677983867447749 -0.48864659667015076 2633 Eesti suursaatkonna Lissabonis avas 17. augustil 1998 peaminister Mart Siimann. On 17 August 1998 Prime Minister Mart Siimann opened the Embassy of Estonia in Lisbon. [100, 93, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.247373368119458, 1.1249782957469103] 1.157151727410266 -0.1333272010087967 2634 Kui eetilistest otsustustest relativistlikku hoidumist tõsiselt võtta, siis tuleb mõelda ühiskonnale tervikuna. If the relativistic avoidance of ethical decisions is taken seriously, society as a whole must be considered. [100, 100, 72] 90.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.29272250569331404] 0.9465386867165396 -0.3815985918045044 2635 Tema Venemaal elavad abikaasa ja poeg matustel ei osalenud. His wife and son living in Russia did not attend the funeral. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.28737983107566833 2636 Miks liidreid oli neli ja mille alusel nad valiti, pole selge. Why there were four leaders, on which basis they were elected, is not clear. [77, 100, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.3708914966906855, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6882604319190001] 0.6862712330874249 -0.31425514817237854 2637 Väiksemad järved on Cachimba, Asingo, Gome'i ja Anengue'i järv. Lakes are lake Caccuriba, Asingo, Gremos and Anegue. [39, 48, 29] 38.666666666666664 [-1.2952316268529762, -0.8284575600026597, -1.12785038341693] -1.0838465234241887 -0.6263605952262878 2638 Juurdepääs Facebookile taastati avalikkuse survel 11. märtsiks. Access to Facebook was restored to public pressure by 11 March. [83, 84, 100] 89.0 [0.6190326808341362, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7367375944923434 -0.2869909703731537 2639 Eestis teavitas ajaleht Postimees avalikkust endise siseministri Margus Leivo kavast lahkuda Eestimaa Rahvaliidust ja lõpetada poliitiline tegevus. In Estonia, the newspaper was informed by Mr Margus Leivo, the former Minister of the Interior, of his plans to leave the National Population of Estonia and to end the political process. [38, 29, 47] 38.0 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.8698144240265682] -1.1121755677158596 -0.4529867172241211 2640 Mõne aja möödudes jõudsid endise keisrini kuuldused rahutustest ja ta lahkus väikese armee eesotsas Elbalt. Some time after that, he got a former Emperor to hear about the unrest and he left a small army headed by Elba. [10, 1, 18] 9.666666666666666 [-2.560509423535001, -2.016289862523797, -1.933270065608556] -2.1700231172224513 -0.6193305850028992 2641 Trolliliiklus avati linnas 1. mail 2001; esimesena käiku antud liin ühendas Podolski raudteejaama Jubileinõi rajooniga. The network was opened in the city on 1 May 2001; the first one that started this line connected the Jubileinyr railway station in Podolski with a line. [76, 77, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.36271858948898755, 0.3951887236234128] 0.3308168668099752 -0.556390643119812 2642 Meie arusaam kahetsusest ei jää mõisteliselt alla sõltumatule arusaamisele moraalselt väärast teost. Our understanding of regret does not, in any way, fall well short of an independent understanding of what is morally wrong. [73, 77, 80] 76.66666666666667 [0.18819751408457033, 0.2705666302778131, 0.17436773524631535] 0.21104395986956626 -0.5923434495925903 2643 Dawud kasutas Aijubiidide võidust saadud hoogu, et Jeruusalemm tagasi vallutada. Dawud used the momentum of Aijubiides' ability to conquer Jerusalem. [18, 16, 13] 15.666666666666666 [-1.8548106043791617, -2.298727810428375, -1.566716852002797] -1.9067517556034446 -0.35336941480636597 2644 Türgi peaminister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tegi visiidi Saksamaale Kölni. The Turkish Prime Minister, Mr Erdoğan, has made a visit to Germany to Cologne. [79, 100, 83] 87.33333333333333 [0.3426133161983885, 0.8241835542857531, 0.6914430875889822] 0.6194133193577079 -0.2714201807975769 2645 Uueks kaitseministriks nimetas president endise maavägede juhataja, erukindral Bailo Diallo. As the new Minister for Defence, the President appointed the former head of the land force, Peru General Bailo Diallo. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.41721078753471375 2646 Muidugi oli sellise taktika kasutamine seotud ka ajapuudusega, asusid preislased ju ohtlikult lähedal. Of course, the use of this tactic was also linked to a lack of time, because the priests were dangerously close to the point. [49, 42, 55] 48.666666666666664 [-0.8589289383419331, -0.9902503733322566, -0.5389595118353006] -0.7960462745031635 -0.4219071865081787 2647 Tiitel "Duce" ja musta särgiga vormiriietus sai hiljem Benito Mussolini fašistliku liikumise sünonüümiks. Tibet's' Duce 'and the black-shirt clothes later became synonymous with the fascist movement of Benito Mussolini. [34, 25, 15] 24.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.9060553907684363, -1.5720701229703633] -1.585520876917786 -0.2954261898994446 2648 Võidakse küll paljude eetikaotsustuste kohta teada, et need on tõesed, aga sageli teatakse seda niigi, isegi kui elul pole objektiivset alust. While many ethical decisions are known, they are true, they are often known to be, even if life has no objective basis. [83, 55, 70] 69.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, -0.5389595118353006, -0.19997321272861532] -0.03814417398943414 -0.46808570623397827 2649 Valitsuse usaldamise poolt hääletas 97 parlamendiliiget, valitsuse umbusaldamist toetas 94 parlamendiliiget. 97 Members voted in favour of the government's mistrust, with 94 Members supporting the government's mistrust. [51, 40, 29] 40.0 [-0.6660402866896673, -1.2516013580018719, -1.12785038341693] -1.0151640093694898 -0.3622799813747406 2650 Darwin ei väitnud, et inimene on arenenud ahvist, vaid et neil on sama esiisa]] Darwin did not claim that man had developed from his greed but had the same fortress] [76, 73, 79] 76.0 [0.36345874222673896, 0.18819751408457033, 0.3426133161983885] 0.29808985750323264 -0.5068225264549255 2651 pisivasakul[[Jorge Colaço loodud azulejo 1922. aastast, mis kujutab Aljubarrota lahingut. Azulejo, created by the Left [Jorge Colaço, from 1922, represented the Aljubarrota battle. [59, 50, 40] 49.666666666666664 [-0.17595094151671578, -0.8152986694908287, -1.1593124721939274] -0.7168540277338239 -0.35812416672706604 2652 Kuberneri kohuseid asus täitma asekuberner Sergei Karaganov. Vice-Governor Sergei Karaganov took up his duties. [77, 84, 94] 85.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.6603895448580447, 0.851024723251196] 0.6247109525327428 -0.39031070470809937 2653 Friedrich Nietzsche ütlus "Jumal on surnud" tähendab, et me peame tema pärandi investeerima ning püüdma kirjutada tema ausa biograafia. Friedrich Nietzsche's saying 'God is dead' means that we must invest his legacy and try to write his honest biography. [100, 100, 95] 98.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3237991523753736] 1.1680150427503653 -0.250590980052948 2654 Me võime õppida teatud fraase teatud hulgas kontekstides kasutama, aga kui me saame tähendusest aru, vahetub kognitiivne strateegia radikaalselt. We can learn to use a certain phrase in contextions, but if we understand the meaning, the cognitive strategy will change radically. [100, 77, 84] 87.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.47395913382770866, 0.6603895448580447] 0.7444840656833945 -0.3563290536403656 2655 Teooriad, mis seda nõuet ei täida, on kas häbenematult reduktiivsed või toodavad moraalse tõsiduse paroodiaid nagu Kanti teooria. Theories that do not comply with this requirement are either shamelessly regressive or produce paroses of moral truth such as Kant theory. [56, 80, 68] 68.0 [-0.16650364061497808, 0.4936093960423005, 0.1096188910533485] 0.14557488216022363 -0.5994829535484314 2656 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves alustas kolmepäevast töövisiiti Belgia pealinnas Brüsselis, et osaleda Brüsseli Foorumil. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves launched a three-day working visit to the Belgian capital city of Brussels to attend the Forum in Brussels. [76, 70, 62] 69.33333333333333 [0.5977542019441766, 0.2202278544395562, -0.08076099732669434] 0.24574035301901284 -0.24807482957839966 2657 Tema vastaskandidaat Peep Peterson kogus 42 delegaadi toetuse. His opposing candidate, Peep Peterson, received the support of 42 delegates. [100, 83, 74] 85.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.19996755792241208] 0.649815352088312 -0.23798809945583344 2658 Ta reformis valitsusaparaati ja alustas võitlust korruptsiooniga. He reformed the apparatus of government and began the fight against corruption. [60, 70, 80] 70.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.17307885384669613, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1082860166139729 -0.32940512895584106 2659 Eetilisel tasandil on antud ainult see aditiivne samastamine ise. On an ethical level, only this gradual identification itself has been given. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.5644571781158447 2660 The New York Times kirjutas Mahleri surma järel, et ta on "oma aja üks taevani ulatuvamaid muusikuid." The New York Times wrote, after the death of Mahler, that it was' one of the largest musicians of its time '. [55, 78, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.674179986200092, 0.07788890965667469] 0.0767073270027501 -0.30275794863700867 2661 See ei ole ad hoc modifikatsioon, vaid on sõltumatult testitav. It is not an ad hoc amendment, it is an independent test. [87, 84, 80] 83.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.6172985934001295, 0.4936093960423005] 0.5805693497743734 -0.40277254581451416 2662 Ta teab seda umbes nii, nagu ta teab, et päike on tohutu suur, kuigi ta paistab rusikast väiksemana. He knows about it, as he knows, that the sun is enormous, although he seems to be smaller than the fist. [94, 80, 87] 87.0 [0.9345984073668675, 0.4936093960423005, 0.6308000598806901] 0.6863359544299527 -0.4645419418811798 2663 Kuigi Musk oli Haldemani surres vaid mõneaastane, kuulis ta vanaisa ettevõtmistest palju lugusid ja pidas teda oma suureks eeskujuks. Although the Roma died in Haldeman for only a few years, he heard many stories of his grandfather's initiative and considered him to be a great example. [60, 78, 69] 69.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.4063488583400919, 0.09524274541966368] 0.05325380123755921 -0.38690146803855896 2664 Tallinnas Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud emadepäeva tseremoonial andis president Toomas Hendrik Ilves aasta ema aunimetuse kohtunik Helve Särgavale. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves gave the annual mother name to Judge Helve Särgava at the ceremony of the Estonia Group's Day ceremony. [40, 21, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.062297059252832, -1.3816902345903206, -1.6442737776618106] -1.3627536905016544 -0.35232362151145935 2665 Alates 15. sajandist järgnesid karjakasvatajatest bantud, kes selle arvamuse kohaselt olid tutside esivanemad. Since the 15th century, livestock herdsmen were banked, who thought they were the first to be the herds of the Tutsis. [86, 81, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.5372396648934048, 0.6172985934001295] 0.5831049917379789 -0.5847671031951904 2666 Kuramaalased saabusid 80 perekonna ja 149 sõduriga. The Croatians arrived with 80 families and 149 soldiers. [18, 15, 11] 14.666666666666666 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.3423580792794794, -1.8508625128632574] -1.8900335903076926 -0.3391047716140747 2667 Allan käib Vaike juures teed joomas ja juttu ajamas. I am going to go to the poor to drink the way and to talk. [13, 28, 43] 28.0 [-1.635530085763711, -1.7751645842151236, -1.035241880122202] -1.4819788500336788 -0.6911323070526123 2668 Tahtekindel inimene võib tõsiselt kaaluda oma hoiaku muutmist.) A person of intent could seriously consider changing his attitude.) [97, 86, 92] 91.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.7553910091489263, 0.87113844457352] 0.872520981068671 -0.584111213684082 2669 Maaelanikest on kirjaoskajad 74,4% ja linnaelanikest 94,1%. The rural population is illiterate at 74.4% and 94.1% of the urban population. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8852452741722745 -0.28420785069465637 2670 Esimene anesteesia tehti kloroformiga 1847. aastal, mis 14 aastat hiljem alanud kodusõja alguseks oli laiemalt levinud. The first anestesia was done with chlorus in 1847, which was more widespread at the start of the civil war that began 14 years later. [80, 56, 82] 72.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.2711408857067372, 0.5776758168102278] 0.2667147757152637 -0.395855188369751 2671 Minost seostati Kreeka mütoloogias Minotaurose ja labürindiga, mida Evans seostas suurima Minose kultuuri asulakohaga Knossoses. Minost was associated with Minotaurose in Greek mythology and the maze he associated with the largest site of Minos culture in Knossos. [55, 53, 64] 57.333333333333336 [-0.32348202996362757, -0.2811423169988513, -0.1667477356201244] -0.2571240275275344 -0.31243300437927246 2672 Asi on hoopis selles, et selleks et religiooni enesemõistmine ei jääks eetilisest teadvusest maha, peab ta liikuma suunas, mis religiooni hävitab. The point is that, in order to ensure that religious self-determination does not lag behind ethical consciousness, it must move in a direction that destroys religion. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.44968345761299133 2673 Tuntakse end kodus, kui mõeldakse, kuidas üht või teist asja teha. You feel at home when one considers how to do one thing or another. [100, 76, 88] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5977542019441766, 0.7442185189868247] 0.8136920797651438 -0.37602171301841736 2674 Tunneli ventilatsioonist leitud kahtlane ese osutus tühjaks viinapudeliks ja tunnel avati liikluseks kell 15.25. The suspicious object found in the Tunfour ventilation turned out to be a dead bottle and the tunnel was opened for traffic at 15.25. [87, 79, 83] 83.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.44997912719119615, 0.6190326808341362] 0.5938334485384944 -0.4334772229194641 2675 Kes tahab koopiatest aru saada, peab tundma eeskuju. Those who want to understand copies must set an example. [46, 59, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.17849272745611192, -0.6216732398831174] -0.5487743229434451 -0.32260575890541077 2676 Väide, et ükski inimene ei ole prügi, on lihtsalt absoluutse väärtuse tunde väljendus. The claim that no man is a waste is simply an expression of an absolute sense of value. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8207728490721381 -0.3289959728717804 2677 Gustav Adolf seadis oma Läänemere ranniku positsioonilt liitriigi vastu majanduslikud piirangud ja hävitas, mille oli vallutanud. Mrs Adolf placed economic restrictions on the state of his Baltic coast and destroyed what had been conquered. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-1.8115609826434744, -2.016289862523797, -2.95318184319494] -2.2603442294540703 -0.4940946698188782 2678 Nii et "normaalteadus" on teaduses oluline element. So 'normal science' is an important element in science. [100, 82, 95] 92.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9403877595374857 -0.23044227063655853 2679 Kui Immanuel 1837. aastal Turusse läks, pidi tema pere ise hakkama saama. When Immanuel went to the market in 1837, his family had to cope with it. [83, 85, 80] 82.66666666666667 [0.6914430875889822, 0.711760740297822, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5258571877110398 -0.4389984607696533 2680 Malaisia reisilennuki õnnetuskohal jätkasid tööd väliseksperdid, kellel õnnestus olla kohapeal vaid poolteist tundi. Foreign experts, who only managed to have one and a half hours on the ground, continued to be the subject of the Malaysian passenger plane accident. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.4538334906101227 2681 Umbes samal ajal Keiserliku Kaardiväe rünnaku algusega saatis Napoloen välja ka oma kõige viimase lahingreservi. Approximately at the same time as the start of the attack by the Kenyan Guard, Napoloen was also expelled in her most recent battle reserve. [45, 37, 29] 37.0 [-0.952528152074385, -1.3824921645551846, -1.12785038341693] -1.1542902333488332 -0.40937215089797974 2682 Hutude juht oli tulevane esimene president Grégoire Kayibanda. The first President, Grégoire Kayibanda, was the leader of the interests. [3, 2, 1] 2.0 [-2.395160748783477, -2.9095515743438356, -2.016289862523797] -2.440334061883703 -0.3874133825302124 2683 Paavsti tahte elluviimist võimaldas mõõgavendade lüüasaamine leedulastelt Saule lahingus ning nende ühinemine Saksa orduga. The will of Pope enabled the defeat of the measuring brothers from the Lithuanians in the battle against Saule and their accession to the German orbit to be achieved. [30, 39, 48] 39.0 [-1.0961204020202562, -1.2952316268529762, -0.8284575600026597] -1.0732698629586306 -0.42013484239578247 2684 Elon Musk paistis lapsena silma ka isepäisuse ja sihikindlusega. Elon Musk also excelled himself as a child with selfishness and determination. [70, 76, 81] 75.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.36345874222673896, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3063672122253143 -0.4217527210712433 2685 Eestis valiti kolmandas hääletusvoorus Tartu Ülikooli rektoriks saja üheksakümne kaheksa poolthäälega senine Eesti Maaülikooli rektor Alar Karis. In Estonia, the third ballot round of Tartu University was chosen as a retor of 100 ninety-eight votes in favour, with the previous retor Alar Karis at the University of Estonia. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.0708807744426558, -1.1703670881336952, -1.12785038341693] -1.123032748664427 -0.469615638256073 2686 Pühapäeval 17. septembril peetud jutluses avaldas Benedictus XVI sügavat kahetsust juhtunu pärast. In a hearing on Sunday 17 September, Benedict XVI deeply regretted what happened. [96, 100, 87] 94.33333333333333 [0.9161304397840745, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8364323900964978] 0.9174082001777203 -0.3572867810726166 2687 Viiruste levik aitas seetõttu suuresti kaasa eurooplaste vallutustele. The spread of the virus therefore contributed greatly to the conquest for Europeans. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.48469120264053345 2688 Otseseks asitõendiks oleks näiteks KGB arhiivist saadud dokument või toimik vms. For example, the KGB archipelago, or dossier, etc. [23, 33, 42] 32.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.557013239959602, -1.0765987441461105] -1.317280751967562 -0.40671205520629883 2689 Indias Uttar Pradeshi osariigis Hathrases põrkasid kokku kiirrong ja inimesi täis maastur. In India, Uttar in the state of Pradeshi in Hathala met a high-speed train and a landfist full of people. [62, 75, 69] 68.66666666666667 [-0.5399745717702639, 0.27545805178677896, 0.04003658449941787] -0.07482664516135568 -0.4605366885662079 2690 Õnnetuses hukkus vähemalt kaks ja sai vigastada kakskümmend kaheksa inimest. At least two people died and twenty-eight were injured in the accident. [98, 84, 100] 94.0 [1.239385641192763, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9435219146118857 -0.3474063277244568 2691 Tema abikaasa on juba vahistatud ja ootab kohtuprotsessi algust. His wife has already been arrested and is awaiting the start of a trial. [100, 81, 86] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6189484363352243, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8203850758685053 -0.31577178835868835 2692 Milliseid tegusid tuleks ära hoida ja milliseid esile kutsuda? What actions should be prevented and what actions should be provoked? [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.3680904805660248 2693 Abduktsioon on arutlus, millega me võtame teatud propositsiooni vastu kui hüpoteesi ehk tunnistame selle hüpoteesiks. Abdution is a debate in which we accept a certain proposition as a hypothesis, that is to say we recognise it as a hypothesis. [81, 100, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.44382157921791077 2694 1580. aastatest alates ehitati arvukalt kirikuid, mis kujundati Rooma Gesù kiriku järgi. Since the 150th years, numerous churches were built that were shaped according to the Roman Gesmed Church. [88, 78, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.6668234028409779, 0.4063488583400919, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6654072974590821 -0.515914261341095 2695 Kultuurilised inimesed kahtlemata peavad mingeid väärtusi väärtusteks ja püüavad luua hüvesid, millega neid väärtusi seotakse. Cultural people undoubtedly consider values to be values and seek to create the benefits to which these values are associated. [86, 61, 79] 75.33333333333333 [0.5906018571196825, -0.11249097872336815, 0.44997912719119615] 0.30936333519583686 -0.5184761881828308 2696 Peaministri allkirjastatud dokument, milles teatati Lissaboni lepingu 50. artikli käivitamisest, anti üle Euroopa Ülemkogu eesistujale Donald Tuskile. The document signed by the Prime Minister announcing the launch of Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon was handed over to Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. [99, 79, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.879345866114083 -0.20027044415473938 2697 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis röövisid Iraagi armee mundrites relvastatud isikud Iraani saatkonna teise sekretäri. In the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, armed persons in Iraqi army monks kidnapped a second Secretary of the Iranian Embassy. [78, 83, 58] 73.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.6245002025956135, -0.20768092291338958] 0.2411364176401082 -0.284501850605011 2698 Armastusele heidetakse ette pimedust armastatu mõnede omsduste suhtes, eriti nende suhtes, mis armastust ohustavad. The army is being thrown out of the dark about some of its own, particularly those that threaten love. [15, 8, 1] 8.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -2.208980152340344 -0.4994184374809265 2699 Selle tabeli põhjal ei ole mitte kellelgi enam võimalik kinni püüda Botvinnikut ega Smõslovi. On the basis of this table, no one will be able to catch Botvinia or SsySlovene. [56, 85, 79] 73.33333333333333 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.711760740297822, 0.45360522473850245] 0.2264807977160319 -0.461880624294281 2700 Üleminek sümbolilisele kommunikatsioonile nõuab teatud neuraalseid arvutusi, mis toimuvad prefrontaalses ajukoores. The transition to symbolic communication requires certain lung calculations in the prefrontal brain cohabitation. [78, 82, 80] 80.0 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5009169091756689 -0.5199342370033264 2701 Hind seisneb õppimiseks kuluvas ajas, riskis, et õppimine ebaõnnestub, ning lihtsalt ebatõhususes. The price is the time it takes to learn, the risk of learning failing, and simply inefficiency. [90, 81, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.7388700887615532, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7330531282837116 -0.42108312249183655 2702 Keegi meeleavaldusel osalenutest lõikas Ungari lipust välja Nõukogude vapi. Someone of those who took part in the demonstration cut the Hungarian flag out of the Soviet ruins. [25, 33, 29] 29.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.1209231937549637, -1.12785038341693] -1.1999589579178538 -0.3624367117881775 2703 Seaduse jõustumiseks peab selle heaks kiitma ka parlamendi ülemkoda. It must also be approved by the House of Lords in order for the law to enter into force. [100, 81, 89] 90.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5464938430863668] 0.7362372679088939 -0.33084046840667725 2704 Ma ei peaks seda oma teoks ka siis, kui ma teadvustaksin neid tingimusi või impulsse minus, mis seda põhjustavad. I would not have to see that happen either if I knew the conditions or the impulses that would give rise to it. [19, 10, 1] 10.0 [-1.5904396467317439, -1.9242966785010338, -2.016289862523797] -1.843675395918858 -0.5128201246261597 2705 Bartłomiej Pękiel komponeeris polüfoonilist muusikat, sealhulgas a cappella missad ja esimesed Poola kantaadid. Bartłomiej Pękii was a component of polyphoonotic music, including a captive beacon and the first Polish chickens. [29, 42, 55] 42.0 [-1.6142379764569204, -1.1643408202996632, -0.7614846346910114] -1.180021143815865 -0.46243277192115784 2706 Näiteks vanemaid kohustavad tavaolukorras moraaliprintsiibid oma laste heaolu eest hoolitsema. For example, parents are obliged, under normal circumstances, to take care of the welfare of their children. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.3516720235347748 2707 Suurbritannia välisminister William Hague külastas esimese Suurbritannia välisministrina pärast 20 aastast pausi Somaaliat. The British Foreign Minister, William Hague, visited Somalia as the first British Minister for Foreign Affairs after a 20-year break. [80, 100, 75] 85.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 0.2881777686428686] 0.626963561016533 -0.2761346101760864 2708 Eestis alustas turvafirma Securitas Eesti tegevdirektori ja juhatuse esimehena tööd senine tegevdirektori asetäitja Ergo Oolup. In Estonia, the security company was launched by Ergo Oolup, Deputy Executive Director of Estonia, who chaired the Estonian Executive Director and Executive Board. [47, 48, 46] 47.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.5772133093517801, -0.9111712880504766] -0.7661727519776916 -0.3873734772205353 2709 Kui ema avastas, et pimeduse kate oli täiuslik, mõistis ta et tema abikaasa ei olnud temaga ühel meelel. When she discovered that the darkness was perfect, she realised that her husband was not in agreement with her. [100, 76, 88] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 0.6591218945451415] 0.692437911182485 -0.2550983130931854 2710 sulgeb silmad näiteks üleüldisele võrdsusele ja ebaisikuliselt määratletud hüve nõuetele. It closes its eyes, for example, to universal equality and the claims of an unpersonalised good. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.76393773884274, 1.32209936924058] 0.9776590752419122 -0.5266604423522949 2711 Muuseumide aastaauhinnad andis üle kultuuriminister Urve Tiidus. The annual awards of the museums were handed over by Urve Tiut, Minister for Culture. [73, 81, 80] 78.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4949620887624109] 0.38622500403082594 -0.5334542989730835 2712 India lõunaosas Tamil Nadu osariigis Tindivanami linna lähistel süttis põlema lõhkeaineid vedanud maasturi mootor. In the south of India, near the town of Tindivanami in the State of Tamil Nadu, an engine carrying explosives was burnt. [65, 72, 78] 71.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5102064594545875] 0.11158454256290022 -0.36522480845451355 2713 Rocco naaseb Tallinnast tagasi ja Laine arvates laseb Evelin teda seal liigselt ära rikkuda. Rocco is returning from Tallinn, and Laine believes that Evelin will allow him to be too ruined there. [83, 58, 81] 74.0 [0.6245002025956135, -0.41488891976357517, 0.4278375657874865] 0.2124829495398416 -0.40859848260879517 2714 See, mida Stroud nimetab pimetähniks, võib olla hoopis tahtmatus sõprade puhul rahulduda kergete ja küüniliste seletustega. What Stroud calls' dark stars' may be a downright unwillingness to satisfy friends with easy and cynical explanations. [25, 24, 23] 24.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.9496856596195407, -1.2699383524630719] -1.5235757695547603 -0.4275389015674591 2715 Firma loodab tehingu abil välja tulla kahjumist, teenides sellega 1,96 miljardit USA dollarit kasumit. The company hopes to recover losses through the transaction, thus making a profit of USD 1.96 billion. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8967612070024416 -0.4693475663661957 2716 Lisaks sellele tegutseb linnas kohalik telejaam Kvarts, mis alustas tööd 1993. aastal ja on tänapäeval telekanali TNT partner. In addition, there is the city's local television station Kvarts, which started operating in 1993 and is today a partner in TNT. [55, 58, 51] 54.666666666666664 [-0.5971473252353072, -0.4138768859676533, -0.4297907926901062] -0.48027166796435566 -0.3966573476791382 2717 Omal ajal pidi Püha Vaimu peakirik olema linna üldplaneeringu kese, seetõttu valiti selle ehitamiseks kõrge küngas Pahra jõe kaldal. In the meantime, the Church of the Holy Spirit had to be the centre of the town's public planning, so a high threshold for its construction on the banks of the River Pahra was chosen. [84, 83, 85] 84.0 [0.6603895448580447, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.548809318895813 -0.43022045493125916 2718 Nii seadsid nt kreeka filosoofid end vanale religioonile vastu ja hävitasid selle ettekujutused. This is how, for example, Greek philosophers set themselves up against the old religion and destroyed its visions. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.3412214517593384 2719 Ainulaadsena nägemine on nägemise viis, nii et ainulaadsus on nägemisviisi tagajärg, mitte põhjus. Being seen as a unique is a way of seeing, so uniqueness is the result, not the cause, of the way we see it. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.3752838969230652 2720 Ta peab püstitama hüpoteesi hea käitumise kohta ning ka selle kohta, kuidas seda saavutada. He must lay down hypothesis of good behaviour and also of how this can be achieved. [100, 100, 75] 91.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4014644825739508] 0.9827860123434186 -0.472953200340271 2721 Mõned töötavad kõige otsesemalt, lihtsalt tekitades põhjendeid mingi teo või reaktsiooni kasuks. Some work most directly, simply giving rise to arguments for some sort of act or reaction. [63, 75, 51] 63.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.27545805178677896, -0.4297907926901062] -0.1293643040231807 -0.5205526947975159 2722 Elon Muski ema Maye Musk töötas toitumisspetsialisti ehk dietoloogina, hiljem modellina. Elon Muski's mother, Maye Musk, worked as a dietologist, later as a modella. [58, 80, 75] 71.0 [-0.21474005308299082, 0.4936093960423005, -0.01280273874114997] 0.0886888680727199 -0.25697240233421326 2723 Jaanus on mõelnud välja viisi, kuidas oma võlglastelt raha kätte saada. The distribution has come up with a way of getting the money from our debtors. [18, 30, 42] 30.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.0765987441461105] -1.4137943231464558 -0.6080178022384644 2724 Tankid kirjadega "Nõukogude Eesti eest" või "Stalini suure asja eest" kuulusid 8. The tanks were part of the 'Soviet for Estonia' or 'Stalin's big case' letters, which included 8. [30, 51, 48] 43.0 [-1.422530488855709, -0.46847133247114325, -0.8284575600026597] -0.9064864604431707 -0.4805487394332886 2725 Siis tuleb võtta inimesi lahus nende ühiskonna praktikatest, ja siis me ei pruugi neid realistlikult näha. Then people will have to be taken away from the internships in their society, and then we will not necessarily see them realistically. [100, 84, 85] 89.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.7182156588091363 -0.44875454902648926 2726 Pärast Rahvasteliidu likvideerimist allutati organisatsioon 1946. aastal Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioonile. Following the dismantling of the People's Union, the organisation was subordinated to the United Nations in 1946. [70, 83, 100] 84.33333333333333 [0.3684768491764302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 0.669411048588285 -0.34765392541885376 2727 Reaalsus on potentsiaalselt avatud eri vaatlejatele. The reality is potentially open to different observers. [99, 100, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0625734139345473 -0.20539584755897522 2728 Sotsiaalteadustes on raskem saada seletusi, mida igaüks aktsepteerib, sest seal on avastatud vähe seadusi, kui üldse. Social sciences find it more difficult to obtain explanations that everyone accepts, because few laws have been discovered there, if at all. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.530404806137085 2729 Armastuse konstitueerib asjaolu, et armastaja mitte ainult ei näe armastatut niimoodi, vaid on ka oluliselt pühendunud nägema teda niimoodi. The fact that the loving person not only sees the loved way, but is also substantially committed to seeing him like this, underpins the Constitution of the argument. [29, 25, 20] 24.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363, -2.0716779526032685] -1.7018612422628783 -0.5408790111541748 2730 Türgi lõunaosas Antalya linna lähistel Beleki kuurordi luksushotelli köögis plahvatas kohaliku aja järgi kell 4.30 hommikul gaasiballoon. In the south of Turkey, near the town of Antalya, Beleki's cup of luxury hotel kitchen, a gas balloon exploded at 4.30 a.m. in local time. [56, 85, 80] 73.66666666666667 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.711760740297822, 0.17436773524631535] 0.20499586327913336 -0.41350725293159485 2731 Kuna Henryk Walezy oli esimene reeglite allkirjastaja, said need tuntuks kui Articuli Henriciani. As Henryk Walezy was the first signatory of the rules, they became known as Articuli Henrician. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9802290203432635 -0.23626258969306946 2732 Agent on käsundisaajaks, kes tegutseb iseseisvalt, tal on õigus oma tegevus kujundada vabalt ja määrata oma tegutsemisaeg. The agent is the commander who acts independently, who has the right to shape his activities freely and to set his own course of action. [89, 85, 81] 85.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.6490285747968032, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6297049951638245 -0.6366541385650635 2733 Sel ajal spekuleeris kõmuajakirjandus, et abielu oli võte Jacksoni maine parandamiseks. At the time, the black press speculated that marriage was a marriage to improve the reputation of Jackson. [31, 22, 13] 22.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -2.0369461973217495, -1.635530085763711] -1.686327809660294 -0.36358070373535156 2734 Falsifikatsionist väldib seda probleemi, öeldes, et teadus ei kasuta induktsiooni. The Falsificist system avoids this problem by saying that science does not use induction. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.4162570834159851 2735 Lisandiks on tihti maniokijahust valmistatud fufu. Dfufu is often made from Manicokie meal to annex. [37, 29, 44] 36.666666666666664 [-0.6483289112903353, -1.12785038341693, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9233547702685195 -0.6203424334526062 2736 Samal ajal ronis osa väest teiselt poolt linnusesse ja ründas ugalasi, mõndasid tappes ja teisi põgenema ajades. At the same time, part of the force on the other side was on the train and attacked the like, killing some people and trying to escape others. [29, 26, 23] 26.0 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.8624251219173322, -1.4275290808375833] -1.5828360115236375 -0.4393668472766876 2737 21. veebruaril jõudsid Eesti pataljonid Pihkvasse. On 21 February, Estonia reached the Pihken Bylion. [22, 31, 40] 31.0 [-1.3499602531936468, -1.6442737776618106, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3845155010164616 -0.7185111045837402 2738 Nende olemus seisneb kehtivuses, mitte faktilisuses. They are about validity, not fact-finding. [77, 96, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.6359670940721344, 1.162658320738408, 0.7124885375901508] 0.8370379841335644 -0.6254570484161377 2739 Pole selge, mida tehakse, kui seda küsitakse või kutsutakse üliõpilasi ja kolleege seda küsima lahus neist puhkudest. It is not clear what is being done when asked about it or called upon to ask students and colleagues for it, apart from those holidays. [58, 81, 70] 69.66666666666667 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09881387759081588 -0.46846020221710205 2740 Eesti keeles ilmus see Ruth Liase tõlkes Rein Vihalemma järelsõnaga "Avatud Eesti raamatu" sarjas Ilmamaa väljaandel 2003. In the Estonian language, this Ruth Lias translated as Rein Vihalemma's successor to the words' Open Estonian Paper 'in the series of Ilmaland in 2003. [27, 18, 36] 27.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.4768801787803418, -1.324739928289561] -1.4440735416021584 -0.4657374322414398 2741 Margna teeb visiidi Mare poole ja paneb paika kuupäeva, millal viimasel peab võlg tasutud olema. Margna will visit Mare and set a date for the latter to be paid. [65, 60, 54] 59.666666666666664 [-0.1617134852456394, -0.14422096012004196, -0.5803163758592089] -0.29541694040829675 -0.3339325785636902 2742 Näiteks kas "valge" tähendab sama mis "valgesus" või tähistab "valgesus" aktsidentaalset vormi, "valge" tähistab aga ka subjekti, mille see vorm on? For example, does' white 'mean the same as' light 'or does' light 'label a form of excise duty,' white ', but also marks a subject whose form it is? [26, 26, 25] 25.666666666666668 [-1.4642007120043536, -1.3746544731431163, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3645418313836986 -0.4363749623298645 2743 Strabon peab oma teoses "Geographika" eteokreetalasi ja küdoone tõenäolisteks põliselanikeks, doorlasi aga hiljem sisserännanuteks. StraLisbon considers GIs and Cypriots to be likely indigenous people in its work, but later migrants. [1, 1, 14] 5.333333333333333 [-3.142294013511708, -2.016289862523797, -1.8096223806656633] -2.3227354189003893 -0.586184024810791 2744 2018. aastal hakkas kiirelt kasvama ka päikeseenergia osa ja jõudis aasta lõpuks umbes 110 megavatise tootmisvõimsuseni. In 2018 the share of solar energy also started to grow rapidly and reached approximately 110 megawatts' production capacity by the end of the year. [76, 100, 73] 83.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 0.26826879803671755] 0.562153545679677 -0.32936471700668335 2745 Või ta tunnistab, et ta ei armasta midagi konkreetselt või midagi peale ellujäämise, kuid tahab olukorda muuta. Or he admits that he does not love anything concrete or anything other than survival, but wants to change the situation. [100, 91, 95] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 1.1153150491210377] 1.0652800866964938 -0.35365939140319824 2746 Ta annab Sokratese küsimuse vastuse igale subjektile ainult sellepärast, et subjekt saab selle küsimuse esitada. He is giving an answer to every subject of the Socrates question just because the subject can be asked. [64, 60, 67] 63.666666666666664 [0.1391994964086838, -0.3321751917157582, 0.24039940274213453] 0.01580790247835337 -0.4407564699649811 2747 Luksemburgis toimus Euroopa Liidu keskkonnaministrite kohtumine, millel osales ka Eesti keskkonnaminister Siim Valmar Kiisler. In Luxembourg, EU Environment Ministers met with the participation of Estonian Environment Minister Siim Valmar Kiisler. [67, 58, 76] 67.0 [-0.15565346186594825, -0.20768092291338958, 0.4377118082008297] 0.024792474473830633 -0.29845744371414185 2748 Ta kippus pidevalt teiste poolt öeldut parandama, mis mõjus teistele lastele eemaletõukavalt ja muutis Muski üksikuks. He constantly rushed to correct what others said, which had a deterrent effect on other children and turned Muski into an individual. [56, 56, 81] 64.33333333333333 [-0.2872347043367487, -0.16650364061497808, 0.5363189527863194] 0.02752686927819753 -0.5082095265388489 2749 Naurulased otsustasid iseseisvuse kasuks; Austraalia õlule jäid üksnes riigikaitse ja välisasjad. The Nazis opted for independence; Australia has only had national defence and foreign affairs on its shoulders. [23, 28, 32] 27.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.3021598218893584, -1.490167384385195] -1.4890070319507587 -0.5455160140991211 2750 Ta peab seda teaduse teooriaks, sest ta seletab oma koostisosade funktsiooni. It considers this to be the theory of science, as it explains the function of its ingredients. [64, 66, 67] 65.66666666666667 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.07523855193204053, 0.07788890965667469] -0.014869788872403963 -0.4173361361026764 2751 Nii hüve tekitavaid ja säilitavaid kui ka vastandlikku pahet piiravaid hüvesid nimetatakse headeks iseeneses heade asjade suhtes. The benefits that both derive and maintain, as well as the conflicting benefits, are called good things for themselves in terms of good things. [73, 84, 61] 72.66666666666667 [0.4831155255603034, 0.6681304714467177, -0.1421800542121164] 0.33635531426496823 -0.6803470849990845 2752 Ahven kohtub Evega kohvikus, et talle inervjuu anda. Ahven meets with Ecany in order to give him inertia. [1, 14, 26] 13.666666666666666 [-2.016289862523797, -2.3859883481305837, -1.7383085685286457] -2.0468622597276753 -0.6009416580200195 2753 Reisil kogus ta orgaanilisi fossiile, mis panid teda imestama looduslike olendite ja fossiilide geograafilise leviku üle. On Friday he collected organic phosphorus, which made him wonder about the geographical spread of natural beings and phosphorus. [91, 88, 84] 87.66666666666667 [0.9498875930254039, 0.5692107640539581, 0.6681304714467177] 0.72907627617536 -0.24358995258808136 2754 Põhjuseks toodi mässuliste soovimatus kinni pidada rahvusvahelistest resolutsioonidest. The reason given was the reluctance of the rebels to comply with international resolutions. [88, 93, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0563089074796694, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0784011823614505 -0.33636125922203064 2755 2014. aasta parima näituse auhind anti Rannarahva Muuseumile, parima püsiekspositsiooni auhind läks Haapsalu ja Läänemaa Muuseumidele. The best exhibition prize for 2014 was awarded to the Rannan People's Muuseum, the best position prize went to Haapsalu and the Museues of the West. [79, 55, 58] 64.0 [0.36164829155661904, -0.5219469148485164, -0.20768092291338958] -0.12265984873509565 -0.49526140093803406 2756 2004. aastal anti Podolskile oblastilise alluvusega linna staatus. In 2004 Podolsk was granted the status of a town with obstinate subordination. [60, 71, 81] 70.66666666666667 [-0.3321751917157582, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5372396648934048] 0.13662443614033884 -0.264170378446579 2757 Mida sügavamal sisemaal, seda kontinentaalsem on kliima. The deeper the hinterland, the more the continent is the climate. [15, 29, 22] 22.0 [-1.4140143306622128, -1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495] -1.5262703038002974 -0.46937403082847595 2758 Sellepärast võib öelda küll, et süüdlasel on tunne, et ta paigutatakse mujale. It can therefore be said that the culprit has the feeling that he is being placed elsewhere. [100, 83, 87] 90.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.43640639882876686] 0.7943353235549867 -0.3580710291862488 2759 Igatahes ei luba see millist tahes sisu moraaliks nimetada. In any case, this does not allow any content to be called moral. [99, 100, 82] 93.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9229761349651874 -0.3487025499343872 2760 Selles seisnebki armastaja pühendumus näha armastatut positiivses ja suuremeelses valguses. This is what the love and commitment is to see the loved in a positive and generous light. [68, 57, 63] 62.666666666666664 [-0.05364345636477628, -0.12829074848702035, -0.04903101593002054] -0.0769884069272724 -0.3576991856098175 2761 Eesti välisminister Urmas Paet viibis visiidil Slovakkia pealinnas Bratislavas, kus ta kohtus Slovakkia uue välisministri Miroslav Lajcákiga. The Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited the Slovak capital, Bratislava, where she met with the new Slovak Foreign Minister, Miroslav Lajcák. [57, 62, 80] 66.33333333333333 [-0.44990022892794107, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4936093960423005] -0.012350610070778312 -0.27380967140197754 2762 Siin tekib aga küsimus, kuidas saamine jõuab selleni, et ta ei jää pelgaks saamiseks, vaid tal on tulemus. The question arises here, however, as to how to get to the point of not remaining silent, but of having a result. [79, 62, 88] 76.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4206537562524396] 0.2632906287056471 -0.6514648199081421 2763 Andronikos mobiliseeris 100 laevast koosneva flotilli pealinna kaitseks, kuid rohkemat ei vaevunud ta ette võtma. In Andronio, 100 vessels were mobilised to protect the capital of the flotilla, but no more needed to be done. [44, 55, 43] 47.333333333333336 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.32348202996362757, -1.035241880122202] -0.7589758658325035 -0.38393527269363403 2764 Eestis tähistati mitmete üritustega emakeelepäeva. Several events marked the Day of Languages in Estonia. [53, 81, 56] 63.333333333333336 [-0.5939936007690919, 0.5372396648934048, -0.2711408857067372] -0.1092982738608081 -0.5118622779846191 2765 48.\tSiis vappus kogu esimese valitseja riik ja sügavuste alused kõikusid. 48. Then, the whole country of the first ruler and the foundations of depth vanished. [73, 78, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.4063488583400919, 0.36345874222673896] 0.29876028633449775 -0.44110026955604553 2766 19. sajandi lõpus tulid polkamasurka, masurka ja Pariisi polka. At the end of the 19th century, there was a pollock, a masculine and a Paris Block. [39, 26, 13] 26.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.8624251219173322, -1.566716852002797] -1.5091541253777496 -0.5884904861450195 2767 Kui see õnnestub, võib saadavat pilti nimetada maailma absoluutseks käsituseks. If it succeeds, the picture may be called the world's absolute concept. [100, 91, 100] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 1.32209936924058] 1.134208193403008 -0.4430185854434967 2768 Venemaal Tjumeni oblastis Plehhanovo külas kukkus kohaliku aja järgi kell 8.05 hommikul alla sportlennuk, tabades kohalikku autoturgu. In the village of Tjumen oblastis Plehhanovo in Russia, a athlete plane crashed at 8.05 a.m. in local time when it hit the local car market. [39, 43, 35] 39.0 [-1.2952316268529762, -0.954227030371969, -1.5101665306408727] -1.2532083959552727 -0.31330233812332153 2769 Ka hulk Tesla töötajaid pani ettevõttesse 25 000 ja 50 000 dollari kaupa raha. The number of workers in Tesla also put money in the enterprise by 25 000 and USD 50 000. [86, 100, 81] 89.0 [0.45074648332014206, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6189484363352243] 0.7315577384674256 -0.4431324005126953 2770 Tal olid lõhkeainetega ümberkäimise kogemused juba sellest ajast, kui ta ehituse alal tegutses. He had experience of dealing with explosives ever since he operated in the construction sector. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9580837415683066 -0.4889135956764221 2771 Aastal 2001 hakati rakendama Taiwani projekti kalakasvatuse intensiivistamiseks. In 2001, the Taiwanese project for intensifying fish farming started to be implemented. [73, 67, 77] 72.33333333333333 [0.23296465611729889, 0.07788890965667469, 0.36271858948898755] 0.22452405175432041 -0.4237188398838043 2772 Nende viha on suunatud sellele, et on toime pandud moraalne eksimus, mitte kartusele, et tegu näitab nende madalat väärtust. Their anger is directed at the fact that moral error has been committed, not at the fear that it demonstrates their low value. [99, 88, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.842651546851135, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9467767098740484 -0.4177532196044922 2773 Indiviidid lihtsalt pole sellised objektid, millele ideaalis peaks erapooletu distantsiga vaatama. Liquids are simply not objects on which ideally one should look at an impartial distance. [19, 29, 38] 28.666666666666668 [-1.445150197383668, -1.7315343153640192, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4729035709964773 -0.4550643563270569 2774 Aasia päritolu inimesed on peamiselt hindud, osa ka muslimid. People of Asian origin are mainly Hindu, some of them Muslims. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9199295557469697 -0.48902514576911926 2775 Linnus asus ühel künkal, mida kõigis suundades peale idanurga ümbritsesid järved. The city was based on a single threshold, all but the lakes surrounding the east. [95, 100, 89] 94.66666666666667 [1.1153150491210377, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6882604319190001] 0.9344124172308756 -0.702004611492157 2776 Sõda aitas treenida Itaalia sõjaväge sõjaks ja parandas suhteid katoliku kirikuga. The war helped train the Italian army to war and improved relations with the Catholic Church. [89, 87, 81] 85.66666666666667 [1.0073351794081433, 0.6308000598806901, 0.7888186625839653] 0.8089846339575996 -0.24258586764335632 2777 Tohutut mõju avaldas Nicolausele hilisantiigi uusplatoonik Proklos. Nicolau was affected by the late-fashioned Philister Proklos. [76, 100, 88] 88.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.9996617706525889, 0.7442185189868247] 0.659474525652313 -0.5991529226303101 2778 Vasa on muutunud populaarseks ja tuntud ajalooliseks Rootsi 17. sajandi suurvõimu perioodi ning varajase Euroopa rahvusriigi arengu sümboliks. The left has become a popular and well-known historic symbol of Sweden's 17th century great power and the development of an early European nation state. [47, 47, 47] 47.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.8698144240265682, -0.9461894760441417] -0.8753791862005094 -0.3001524806022644 2779 Trinidadi aasta keskmine õhutemperatuur on +26 °C. The average annual temperature for circulation is + 26 ° C. [41, 51, 60] 50.666666666666664 [-0.8309445887399325, -0.7716684006397244, -0.574314160703546] -0.7256423833610676 -0.39192184805870056 2780 Kokku osales valimistel 78,5 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. Overall, 78,5% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.3479411005973816 2781 Siit saab ainet ka mõte kohasest või parimast alguspunktist ning parimast meetodist probleemide lahendamiseks. It will also contain the idea of an appropriate or the best starting point and the best method for solving problems. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8031857163803974 -0.44447603821754456 2782 Ka tänapäeva katsed võivad hiljem puudulikuks osutuda. Today's tests may also prove to be flawed later. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.44130346179008484 2783 1979 keelati tal õpetada teoloogiat ja pidada missat. 1979 prevented him from teaching theology and keeping it to what he was. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.28778199411383837 -0.6933321356773376 2784 Alles 20. sajandil hakati valdavalt kasutama nimekuju "Wasa" ja 1990. aastaks oli sellest saanud "Vasa". It was only in the 20th century that the 'Wasa' was predominantly used, and in 1990 it had become 'left'. [50, 56, 77] 61.0 [-0.702063629649955, -0.2711408857067372, 0.36271858948898755] -0.20349530862256823 -0.47223183512687683 2785 Lisaks hakkasid vasallid pärast läänistuste saamist ka omale tasapisi eestlaste puitlinnuste asemele väikseid kindlustatud eluasemeid püstitama. In addition, after obtaining the Western estates, the copper gradually started building up small insured housing to replace the wooden towns of Estonians. [67, 53, 60] 60.0 [-0.08966679932506398, -0.39597668121738544, -0.14422096012004196] -0.2099548135541638 -0.5860431790351868 2786 Suurbritannia pealinnas Londonis parlamendihoone juures Westminsteri sillal toimus terrorirünnak. There was a terrorist attack in the UK capital city of London on the edge of Westminster. [74, 86, 97] 85.66666666666667 [0.23182778293567463, 0.7431032729058616, 0.9486832980505137] 0.6412047846306833 -0.3716733753681183 2787 Venemaa alustas Läänemerel sõjalaevastiku ja dessantvägede õppusi. Russia started military naval and military exercises in the Baltic Sea. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.43559497594833374 2788 Freskod polnud siis enam liturgia täiendused ning üksikute pühade inimeste asemel maaliti terveid rahvahulki. Freskos was no longer an addition to the liturgy, and no more entire crowds were painted instead of just a few people of worship. [65, 82, 60] 69.0 [0.03899122630516161, 0.5808699337445091, -0.574314160703546] 0.015182333115374905 -0.501839816570282 2789 Naist võidakse armastada kaugelt, võimaluseta teda mõjutada, nii et tal pole armastaja olemasolust aimugi. A woman can be locked up far, without any opportunity to influence her, so she has no love and no idea of existence. [21, 29, 36] 28.666666666666668 [-2.2890745244161526, -1.7315343153640192, -1.324739928289561] -1.781782922689911 -0.40227457880973816 2790 Molonglo suubub linnast loodes Murrumbidgee jõkke, mis on üks Murray jõe kõrvalharudest. Molonglo is sailing from the city to Murrubidgee, one of the by-branches of the Murray river. [62, 78, 70] 70.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.4063488583400919, 0.1249205953736362] 0.08716197986240852 -0.42532414197921753 2791 Tema valitsemisajal laius Bulgaaria Aadria merest Must mereni ja majandus õitses. Under his leadership, Bulgaria extended from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea and the economy flourished. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 0.8288005049753561 -0.3681468367576599 2792 Norra otsustas mitte liituda Euroopa Liiduga referendumitel aastal 1972 ja novembris 1994. Norway decided not to join the European Union in referendums 1972 and November 1994. [69, 71, 67] 69.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4066897413043879, 0.07788890965667469] 0.15565284585219133 -0.1819602996110916 2793 Prantsuse Charlet' brigaad ründas ja võttis enda kätte farmi küljel asuva pargi. France's Charlet'Brigade attacked and took the party on the farm. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.7315343153640192, -1.12785038341693] -1.4393128435323153 -0.2668857276439667 2794 thumbleft[[Krakówi ülikoolKrakówi akadeemia rektor Jan Brożek võitles jesuiitidele välja akadeemilise õpetuse juhtimise Tumbleft [Rector Jan Brożek battled for the management of academic teaching at the University of Kraków in Kraków [32, 29, 35] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.12785038341693, -1.3660967923134697] -1.364863561513702 -0.44626566767692566 2795 Kohus määras talle täiendavalt viieaastase vanglakaristuse, mis loeti samas kantuks juba talle määratud eluaegse vangistusega. He was sentenced by the Court to an additional five-year prison sentence, which was considered to be, at the same time, already sentenced to life imprisonment. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 0.774893431721841] 0.7757963968693525 -0.43901824951171875 2796 Tallinnas anti üle Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu aastapreemia. The annual award of the Estonian Council of Churches was awarded in Tallinn. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.781109342705844 -0.3089945912361145 2797 Tähendab, see "Mina", kes eksisteeris hetk tagasi, enam ei eksisteeri. It is' I ', who existed a moment ago, that the' I 'no longer exists. [77, 62, 73] 70.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, -0.2494614636679413, 0.1674146996559729] 0.09355727515900637 -0.35438427329063416 2798 Vasakpoolne senaator Carlos Gaviria saavutas 22 protsendi valijate toetuse. The left-wing Senator Carlos Gaviria won 22% of voters' support. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.3627318492546081, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9085307290014955] 0.7987469580010046 -0.2582508325576782 2799 Lisaks kardeti, et demokraatlike töölisnõukogude moodustamine võib "kallutada Ungarit kapitalistliku maailmavaate suunas". In addition, it was feared that the formation of democratic works councils could 'push Hungary towards the capitalist outlook'. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7596043322208423 -0.4442090392112732 2800 Eestis allkirjastasid Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond ja Vene Erakond Eestis ühinemislepingu. In Estonia, the Social Democratic Party and the Russian party signed the Accession Treaty in Estonia. [78, 58, 51] 62.333333333333336 [0.4063488583400919, -0.4138768859676533, -0.4297907926901062] -0.14577294010588923 -0.18857015669345856 2801 Lõunapoolseim punkt asub Mõniste vallas endise Naha küla territooriumil Naha talu lähedal. The southern most important point is in some areas near Ney Talu on the territory of the former village of Ney. [29, 34, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.9477867287779302, -1.2784371170145583, -1.4275290808375833] -1.5512509755433574 -0.7063581943511963 2802 Rünnakus hukkus kakskümmend seitse ja sai vigastada kuuskümmend seitse inimest. Twenty-seven people died and sixty-seven were injured in the attack. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.24371099472045898 2803 Aga kuidas see füüsikaliste protsesside ahel algab? But how does this chain of physical processes begin? [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.674179986200092, 1.32209936924058] 1.101308992895532 -0.3535311222076416 2804 Pärast esimese paradigma leidmist pole olemas uurimistööd ilma paradigmata. After the first paradigm, there is no research without a paradigm. [67, 84, 90] 80.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.4315760214415461 -0.29646825790405273 2805 Andestus eeldab, et andestatav tegu oli väär, ega ütle, et tegu oli ikkagi lubatav või pahameel kohatu. Forgive presupposes that the forgivable act was wrong and does not say that it was, after all, permissible or inappropriate. [80, 87, 94] 87.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7124885375901508, 0.6224186552690963] 0.6095055296338492 -0.5399954319000244 2806 Ta tahab mõistuse puhtad operatsioonid eraldada segasest ja kirglikust empiirilisest hingest. It wants to separate clean-sense operations from a confused and passionate empirical spirit. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0463418728498313] 1.1227010042476666 -0.3439202904701233 2807 Kalduvus sel kombel haiget saada ole puhtbioloogiline. The prevalence of getting the disease in this way is not a net biological one. [30, 42, 18] 30.0 [-1.2296651706356005, -1.0765987441461105, -1.4768801787803418] -1.261048031187351 -0.7169857621192932 2808 Ja see läheb kokku ka loodusteaduse ja filosoofia algusega, sest need on seotud seletuse otsimisega. And this also coincides with the beginning of natural science and philosophy, as they relate to the search for explanations. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.5460755825042725 2809 Balti riikide liitumistaotlused tulid läbivaatamisele täiskogu kuuenda komisjoni alamkomisjonis. The membership applications of the Baltic countries came under examination in the Sixth Committee of the Plenary Committee on Budgets. [74, 80, 85] 79.66666666666667 [-0.02804287831293066, 0.4903786678134342, 0.76393773884274] 0.4087578427810812 -0.6321728825569153 2810 Luureametnike vahistamine ja kohtu alla andmine on esmakordne taoline juhtum Türgi Vabariigi õigusajaloos. The arrest and prosecution of military officers is the first such case in the legal history of the Republic of Turkey. [88, 84, 86] 86.0 [1.0563089074796694, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5997661946371964] 0.7747351911878612 -0.4302590787410736 2811 Aruande kohaselt katkes lend õhus, pärast seda, kui lennukit väljastpoolt tabanud "arvukad esemed" olid läbistanud suurel kiirusel liikuva õhusõiduki. According to the report, the flight broke out in the air after "large numbers" of non-aircraft had undergone a high-speed mobile aircraft. [90, 84, 87] 87.0 [0.5784096296751084, 0.6681304714467177, 0.43640639882876686] 0.5609821666501976 -0.4814358949661255 2812 Veel enam kehtib see juhul, kui diskrimineerija ei mööna, et tema põhjend on see, et tegu on naisega. This is all the more true if the discriminatory does not admit that her reason is that she is a woman. [84, 77, 100] 87.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.36271858948898755, 1.32209936924058] 0.7673721840432325 -0.4876691997051239 2813 Võib tunduda, et armastus ei erine selles suhtes mitmesugustest teistest tuttavatest seisunditest. It may seem that love does not differ from various other familiar situations in this regard. [80, 88, 96] 88.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7442185189868247, 1.156671913144946] 0.7981666093913571 -0.46400684118270874 2814 Rwanda lääneosa on mägine, idaosa tasane ja soine. The western part of Rwanda is mountainous, eastern and Finnish. [27, 14, 1] 14.0 [-1.2746775123257523, -2.3859883481305837, -1.922851051450467] -1.8611723039689345 -0.2935182750225067 2815 Muidugi me oleme selles mõttes kõik mõnede asjade suhtes fatalistid, ja metafüüsiline küsimus on see, kas seda hoiakut tuleks laiendada kõigele. Of course, in this sense, we are all fundamentalists to some things, and the metaphysical question is whether this approach should be extended to everything. [80, 52, 79] 70.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, -0.3980608112934324, 0.45360522473850245] 0.18305126982912348 -0.46049851179122925 2816 Nüüd me hakkame aru saama, miks normaalteadus, mis ei ole suunatud uudsusele ning kaldub seda algul maha suruma, põhjustab neid siiski nii tõhusalt. We are now beginning to understand why normal science, which is not aimed at innovation and tends to suppress it from the start, is still causing it so effectively. [81, 79, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.5464537850814665, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7362239152405939 -0.48325246572494507 2817 Talle ei saa anda nime, sest enne teda ei olnud kedagi, kes oleks andnud talle nime. He cannot be given a name, because there was no one before him who would have given him the name. [75, 100, 80] 85.0 [0.23252041618885128, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6170360359926873 -0.35050827264785767 2818 See on ka igaühe küsimus, kuigi igaüks peaks vastama iseenda eest. It is also a question for everyone, although everyone should answer for themselves. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9786141848030541 -0.32312843203544617 2819 Fillon sattus uurimise alla seoses väidetega, et ta maksis oma naisele palka parlamendiliikme abi töö eest, mida too väidetavalt ei teinud. The Fillon came under investigation in connection with claims that she paid her wife a salary for an MEP's work that he allegedly did not do. [26, 38, 51] 38.333333333333336 [-1.3746544731431163, -1.2420262002417441, -0.4297907926901062] -1.0154904886916556 -0.4963800311088562 2820 Nii nt näitab end kunstis aru selles, et mõiste poolest erinevaid kauni vorme hoitakse ka selles erinevuses kinni ning esitatakse selles. For example, in the arts, it shows itself to be understood that different forms of common definition are adhered to and presented in this difference, too. [81, 82, 80] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2592517637876925] 0.4540767822474366 -0.6149588227272034 2821 Saaremaal asuv Orissaare staadionitamm kuulutati Euroopa aasta puuks. The stadium on the island of Orisisland, based in the island, was declared a tree of the European Year. [42, 57, 50] 49.666666666666664 [-0.7014841304063864, -0.25098737870986976, -0.46152077408678005] -0.4713307610676787 -0.281625360250473 2822 1980. aastate lõpus muutus riigi majanduslik olukord kohvihindade languse ja põua tõttu raskemaks. At the end of the 1980s the country's economic situation became more difficult due to the fall in coffee prices and drought. [97, 79, 83] 86.33333333333333 [1.0297883515568889, 0.44997912719119615, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6996000531940737 -0.32932305335998535 2823 17. sajandi lõpul kuulus mõis okolnitši Ivan Golovinile ja tema järeltulijatele, 18. sajandi teisel poolel aga feldmarssal Mihhail Kamenskile. At the end of the 17th century, Ikolnitch Ivan Golvin and his successors, and in the second half of the 18th century, were famous as feldmarssal Mikhail Kamensk. [28, 38, 18] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.2420262002417441, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4980236544124033 -0.2771871089935303 2824 Teadus on lääne mõtlemise ainus panus kõigisse kultuuridesse, millega see on kokkupuutes olnud. Science is the only contribution of Western thinking to all the cultures with which it has been exposed. [95, 84, 100] 93.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9855194098169463 -0.25586169958114624 2825 Sellest selgub, et eetilisusel on siiski mingi sisu. However, it turns out that ethics has some substance. [100, 97, 93] 96.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.9910334894835672, 1.0539163438577714] 1.122349734193973 -0.4549667537212372 2826 Alehhini läbirääkimised Botvinnikuga ja Keresega maailmameistrimatšide üle katkevad. The negotiations with Botvinia and Kenya on the World Cup are ongoing. [25, 21, 20] 22.0 [-1.7796654325525543, -1.2436371940988151, -1.5578867884653047] -1.5270631383722246 -0.40552011132240295 2827 Sambia õigussüsteem põhineb peamiselt Briti tavaõigusel. The Zambia justice system is based mainly on British ordinary law. [100, 100, 74] 91.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 0.3652171569470719] 1.0016863552363813 -0.2930621802806854 2828 pisi300pxAbbassiidide kalifaadi [[Aleppo emiraatAleppo ja Mosuli emiraadi piirialad Bütsantsi ja Bagratiidide Armeenia riigiga, 955. aastal doc.300pxAbbasicates' calendar [[Alepo issuraatAIA] and Mosul issuer areas with the Butsants and Bagraides Armenia] 95th [24, 1, 26] 17.0 [-1.3893161887096255, -2.016289862523797, -1.3746544731431163] -1.5934201747921797 -0.5537374019622803 2829 Ent selleks, et leiaks aset geneetiline assimilatsioon, peab keele püsiv omadus ka esitama närviprotsessidele mittekooskõlalisi invariantseid nõudeid. However, in order for there to be genetic assimilation, the permanent possession of language must also make non-coherent demands for nervous processes. [46, 51, 40] 45.666666666666664 [-0.7115124735378855, -0.4297907926901062, -1.1593124721939274] -0.7668719128073064 -0.47761592268943787 2830 Maailmapank kiitis heaks 80 miljoni USA dollari väärtuses rahalist abi Aasia ühele vaesemale riigile Birmale. The World Bank approved financial aid worth USD 80 million to one of the poorest Asian countries, Burma. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.2834918797016144 2831 Tema vastaskandidaati, UEFA senist presidenti Lennart Johanssoni toetasid 23 riigi esindajad. His opposing candidate, UEFA's current President Lennart Johansson, was supported by representatives of 23 countries. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 1.038402712144736 -0.3376920223236084 2832 Ja see ahelläheb tagasi aegade alguseni või lõpmatusse aega. And this chain goes back to the early or infinite time. [95, 100, 87] 94.0 [0.8835775815176352, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8364323900964978] 0.9065572474222406 -0.3829112648963928 2833 Sageli avastatakse teooria ootamatud järelmid, näiteks eksperimentaalne ennustus või vastuolu teise teooriaga, hilisema tööga. The unexpected downsides of theory, such as experimental predictions or incompatibility with another theory, are often discovered with later work. [72, 67, 76] 71.66666666666667 [0.6293009337932849, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4377118082008297] 0.3816338838835964 -0.4197218120098114 2834 Mitmed riigid jäi Rahvasteliidu koosseisu edasi ka pärast seda kui nad faktiliselt olid juba okupeeritud, teiste seas ka Eesti, Läti ja Leedu. Several countries maintained the composition of the People's Union even after they were effectively already occupied, including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. [65, 51, 58] 58.0 [-0.1617134852456394, -0.4297907926901062, -0.41488891976357517] -0.33546439923310695 -0.43772250413894653 2835 URJKN avaldas video, milles väideti olevat Molodogvardiiski ja Krasnodoni vahel liikuv enam kui 120 ühikust koosnevast Venemaa sõjatehnika kolonn. URJKN published a video stating that there is a movement between Molodogmatism and Krasnodon, which consists of a colonn of more than 120 compounds of Russian military technology. [72, 78, 84] 78.0 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6681304714467177] 0.28711853915411073 -0.3952776789665222 2836 Rühm nõukogude maletajaid esitab Kerese peale kaebuse, milles ta tembeldatakse fašistiks. A group of Soviet Malthmen is making a complaint against Kenya in which he is treated as a fascist. [36, 51, 21] 36.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.46847133247114325, -1.3816902345903206] -1.0188506660518157 -0.5239736437797546 2837 Sageli naudivad armastajad armastatute seltskonda, on nendega mitmesugustes intiimsetes sidemetes ning igatsevad vastastikkust. Often loving loved ones enjoy a loved company, have a wide range of intimate ties with them, and yearn for reciprocity. [48, 51, 45] 48.0 [-0.5772133093517801, -0.35756810125476673, -0.952528152074385] -0.6291031875603106 -0.49195295572280884 2838 Canberra tiheasustusega alad on organiseeritud hierarhiliselt linnaosade, mitmesuguste asumite ja allasumitena. Canberra's densely populated areas are organised in a hierarchical way as urban areas, as diverse settlements and suburbs. [100, 85, 83] 89.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822, 0.5855686120034557] 0.8731429071806193 -0.3536354899406433 2839 Tuttavamate asjade kaudu jõutakse tundmatute asjade tundmiseni. More tangible things are being achieved by understanding of unfamiliar things. [25, 35, 44] 34.666666666666664 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.4697527022573933, -0.9938850160982935] -1.239469342453104 -0.8147779703140259 2840 Äraütlemine paneb Ahvena oma elu üle järele mõtlema ja mees seab sammud Jürka juurde, et temaga asjade üle arutleda. The conversation makes Ahvena reflect on his life, and the man takes steps to Jürka to discuss things with him. [67, 84, 80] 77.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.3067957054499026 -0.433796763420105 2841 See tõi kaasa latgalite kättemaksuretked Ugandisse, mille mõjul ugalased ja sakalased alistusid riialastele ning mõlemad maakonnad ristiti. This led to the retaliation of the lagese in Uganda, which affected the Ugandan people and the Sahrawi people succumbed to the bandits, and both rural areas were risked. [27, 41, 13] 27.0 [-1.818794853066228, -1.1179556081700188, -1.635530085763711] -1.5240935156666524 -0.6810948252677917 2842 Nii jõuab ta iseenda juurde, sõna sügavaimas mõttes, sest tema printsiip, tema segamatu isedus on mõtlemine. In this way, he comes to himself, in a more profound sense of the word, because his principle, his obscure selfishness, is thinking. [91, 78, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.774893431721841, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7687401952696143 -0.5447316765785217 2843 Teoses UNTITLED 12 kujutatakse seksuaalseid toiminguid lastega pealetükkivalt, kuid neid ei kujutata labaselt. In the case of UNTITLED 12, sexual activities with children are intrusive, but they are not portrayed. [41, 47, 35] 41.0 [-1.2079710891507676, -0.8698144240265682, -1.5101665306408727] -1.1959840146060694 -0.4057648181915283 2844 Seldžuki riik jagunes Kaykhusraw II kolme poja vahel, kes valitsesid alasid mongolite vasallidena. The government of Self was divided between the three boys of Kaykair II, who ruled the territories as mongos' vassal alliances. [74, 83, 65] 74.0 [0.24682090461896014, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3871436867160806] 0.16139247349949765 -0.5307440161705017 2845 Petšeneegide juhid sisenesid Bulgaaria aadlihierarhiasse; mõned neist said riigis kõrgeid sõjaväelisi või haldusameteid. The leaders of fraudsters entered the Bulgarian junior hierarchy, some of which became high military or administrative agencies in the country. [24, 29, 34] 29.0 [-1.2865002904002991, -1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583] -1.4321572409262924 -0.5166277885437012 2846 Euroopa Parlamendi istungil osalesid esimest korda uute liikmesriikide Bulgaaria ja Rumeenia parlamendisaadikud. For the first time, Bulgarian and Romanian MEPs from the new Member States participated in the European Parliament session. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7740988704796612 -0.4256124198436737 2847 Edasi toimus tavaline positsioonisõda ja üksteise häirimine kuni 18. septembrini 1944. The normal situation continued until 18 September 1944 and the disturbance of each other. [77, 80, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.4936093960423005, 0.39202124495938884] 0.38539909042650083 -0.5959981679916382 2848 Seal oli ta pikemat aega Ülemaailmse Eesti Kesknõukogu peavolinik ja büroojuhataja Euroopas, lüües aktiivselt kaasa ka paljudes teistes ettevõtmistes. There he was a long-term leader of the General Commissioner and office of the World Central Estonian Council in Europe, with an active involvement in many other initiatives. [63, 67, 71] 67.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.07788890965667469, 0.12275031254723479] -0.011040316320768443 -0.6273954510688782 2849 See moodustas koguekspordist 14,9% ja oli suurim valuutaallikas. It represented 14.9% of total exports and was the largest currency source. [98, 100, 80] 92.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8818815080776886 -0.22824686765670776 2850 Tegemist on Rahvusvahelise Kriminaalkohtu ajaloo esimese otsusega. This is the first decision in the history of the ICC. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9786141848030541 -0.269057035446167 2851 Sellest tulenevalt ühinesid ülestõusuga ka suurem osa Ukraina aadlist Kiievi ja Bratslavi vojevoodkondades ning Ukraina linnarahvastik. Consequently, the uprising was joined by the majority of Ukraine's address in Kiev and Bratslav Voivodships and by the urban environment in Ukraine. [36, 41, 45] 40.666666666666664 [-1.324739928289561, -1.2079710891507676, -1.135825582665942] -1.222845533368757 -0.4563337564468384 2852 Ameerika Ühendriikides Detroiti linna kontorihoones avas tule seal tegutsevast firmast paar kuud varem vallandatud kolmekümne kaheksa aastane mees. A thirty-eight-year-old man who was dismissed a few months previously in Detroit building in the United States of America has opened a fire from the company operating there. [68, 74, 80] 74.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.24665490637030518 -0.46082109212875366 2853 Uued kasvupiirkonnad võivad põhjustada viiruslike taimehaiguse puhanguid. New areas of growth may cause outbreaks of viral plant disease. [100, 96, 96] 97.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.162658320738408, 1.156671913144946] 1.1394779174159282 -0.389843225479126 2854 Kiirabibrigaadid on väljasõiduks valmis ööpäevaringselt. Rapid brigades are ready for their exit 24 / 7. [65, 84, 60] 69.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.6681304714467177, -0.01365207210314715] 0.16425497136597705 -0.7248566150665283 2855 8. aprillil 2007 avaldas paavst ülestõusmispühade läkituses "Urbi et Orbi" kahetsust Iraagis ja Afganistanis toimuva pärast. On 8 April 2007, the Pope expressed his regret about the developments in Iraq and Afghanistan at the Pope's Easter of Easter. [40, 32, 24] 32.0 [-0.7788205880535182, -1.6006435088107063, -1.4276753553995478] -1.269046484087924 -0.36227577924728394 2856 Kui aga teadus need omaks võtaks, siis ei saaks teha uurimistööd, millega teadus edasi areneks. If science were to accept them, however, then there could be no research with which science would develop. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.3930413481118219] 0.7661224533029554 -0.4524424076080322 2857 Araabia Liiga lõpetas ametlikult vaatlusmissiooni Süürias. The Arab League officially completed its observation mission in Syria. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8727498208139332 -0.271282434463501 2858 Ristidega on tähistatud voor, milles mängija oli vaba. The risks are marked by a round in which the player was free. [75, 84, 65] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3871436867160806] 0.2042385151869007 -0.33691900968551636 2859 Herakleitos ei eita põhimõtteliselt ilu stabiilse vormistuse mõttes. The Herculean site does not fundamentally deny the beauty in terms of stable formalisation. [59, 51, 56] 55.333333333333336 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.4297907926901062, -0.4976026478113921] -0.43508232783628803 -0.3543160855770111 2860 Eestis kutsus Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu volikogu ametist tagasi regionaalminister Vallo Reimaa. In Estonia, Vallo Reimaa, Minister for Regional Affairs, was recalled from office of Isaland and Res Publica Union Council. [88, 86, 89] 87.66666666666667 [0.8258170009536785, 0.7553910091489263, 0.511274588423753] 0.6974941995087859 -0.2440090775489807 2861 Ta kohtus peaminister Andrus Ansipi ja välisminister Urmas Paetiga ning vastas pressikonverentsil ajakirjanike küsimustele. He met Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and Foreign Minister Urmas Paetiet and responded to press questions at a press conference. [67, 82, 85] 78.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.3400990175449882 -0.38396936655044556 2862 Puusepp teeb laua, mis on täiuslikule ruudule nii lähedal, et ta saab kasutada geomeetriat. The stage makes a table that is so close to perfect space that it can use the geometry. [70, 84, 77] 77.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.4040336073280331 -0.47262129187583923 2863 Levinud on muu hulgas värvulised, kurvitsalised, pelikanilised, haukalised, siniraalised ja rähnilised. The prevalent are, among other things, colourful, saturated, musician, grave fish, scenes and rings. [26, 14, 1] 13.666666666666666 [-1.5666238606968599, -2.3859883481305837, -2.016289862523797] -1.9896340237837469 -0.6191455125808716 2864 Tema sarkofaagile on ladina keeles kirjutatud "Scotia me genuit. His sarcophagus is written in Latin with the experience of Scotia. [46, 57, 67] 56.666666666666664 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.04871265401618784, 0.07788890965667469] -0.27232691528353964 -0.28137633204460144 2865 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis presidendipalee juures õhkis enesetaputerrorist lõhkeainega täidetud auto. In the Afghan capital Kabul, the presidential palace, there was a car filled with a suicide bomber. [23, 12, 1] 12.0 [-1.4275290808375833, -1.8821170319194211, -2.016289862523797] -1.775311991760267 -0.38290902972221375 2866 Kuigi Evans ise leidis purustatud vahitorne ja kindlusemüüre, väitis ta siiski, et iidsete Minose kultuuri kindluste kohta on vähe tõendusmaterjali. Although he himself found brokering and fortress walls crushed, he claimed, however, that there was little evidence of the insurance of ancient Minos culture. [87, 84, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7431032729058616] 0.7079074273142433 -0.5540607571601868 2867 Karjuste kodus jätkub aga keeruline kohanemisprotsess kahe jõulise naise vahel. However, the difficult process of adaptation between the two powerful women continues at home. [80, 84, 82] 82.0 [0.4949620887624109, 0.5453227398168615, 0.46039042405392566] 0.500225084211066 -0.45965638756752014 2868 Kuid siin on tegu täiesti erilist laadi objektiivsusega, mis ei kannata võrdlust generaliseeriva loodusteaduse objektiivsusega. However, this is about a very specific kind of objectivity, which does not equate with the objectivity of nature science that generalises it. [69, 83, 76] 76.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.6245002025956135, 0.36345874222673896] 0.3234462771392879 -0.5727952122688293 2869 Brasiilias pealinnas Brasílias toimus lennujuhtide näljastreik. In the capital of Brazil, Brasília, there was a hunger strike by air traffic controllers. [100, 83, 99] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714] 1.010073667853065 -0.3593601584434509 2870 Jeemenis jõustus seitsmepäevane relvarahu Saudi Araabia juhitava sõjalise koalitsiooni ja šiiitidest mässuliste vahel. In Yemen, a seven-day ceasefire came into force between the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Shi'ite rebels. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135] 1.015234363400208 -0.2624088525772095 2871 Tema eelkäija Laila Freivalds astus tagasi 21. märtsil. His predecessor Laila Freivalds resigned on 21 March. [80, 100, 77] 85.66666666666667 [0.7506057704560075, 1.32209936924058, 0.6774892259096519] 0.9167314552020799 -0.1526595801115036 2872 Ettevaatlik tuleb olla ka Waterloo lahingu ajalooliste kirjeldustega, eriti siis kui ajaloolise ülevaate autoriks on briti ajaloolased. The historic descriptions of the Waterloo battle also need to be careful, especially when British historians are the author of a historical review. [53, 63, 51] 55.666666666666664 [-0.5939936007690919, 0.10098660428072605, -0.4297907926901062] -0.3075992630594907 -0.48758676648139954 2873 Plahvatuses hukkus 26 ja sai vigastada vähemalt 50 inimest. At least 50 people were killed in destruction and at least 26 were injured. [57, 51, 28] 45.333333333333336 [-0.7532794440441527, -0.4297907926901062, -1.3021598218893584] -0.8284100195412059 -0.3981929421424866 2874 2008. aasta jaanuar algas teisipäeval ja lõppes 31 ööpäeva pärast neljapäeval. January 2008 began on Tuesday and ended 31 days after Thursday. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9281177414143134 -0.303544819355011 2875 Nii on kahtlane, kas saab mõttekalt rääkida E tegevusest. So it is doubtful whether you can talk meaningfully about E activities. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.4009864628314972 2876 Nii et pole päris selge, kas ratsionaalne armastamise kohustus on olemas. So it is not quite clear whether there is a rational arithmetration obligation. [66, 87, 77] 76.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.7990212780000306, 0.6359670940721344] 0.43643274326227105 -0.45358097553253174 2877 Meedikute kinnitusel on see haigus midagi samasugust kui albinism. According to the media, this disease is something like albinism. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6235768728162322, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7823935312587587 -0.2398340404033661 2878 Religioosne arhitektuur oli väga prestiižne; kirikud olid riigis kõige kaunistatumate ja kindlamate ehitiste hulgas. Religious architecture was very prestigious; churches were among the most beautiful and secure buildings in the country. [91, 95, 100] 95.33333333333333 [0.774893431721841, 1.1264109951115293, 1.32209936924058] 1.07446793202465 -0.2227919101715088 2879 Ta on olnud suhtes ka Isabella Holmi ja Marianna Kurkiga. He has also been involved with Isabella Holm and Marianna Kurki. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.33609262108802795 2880 Konsulaadi avamisel osalesid suursaadik Andres Tomasberg ning välisministeeriumi esindajad Jaanus Kirikmäe ja Priit Pallum. Ambassador Andres Tomasberg and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jaanus Kirikmäe and Priit Pallum participated in the opening of the conflict. [18, 21, 23] 20.666666666666668 [-1.622992504998183, -1.5039548650934988, -1.318230271796973] -1.4817258806295517 -0.2393641322851181 2881 Esimese kohta ta näitab kõigepealt, et ei saa olla ühte ühist hüve ideed. On the first, it shows first of all that there can be no common good. [85, 85, 85] 85.0 [0.6490285747968032, 0.711760740297822, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5741091747761352 -0.4374794661998749 2882 Hinnanguliselt võis hukkunuid olla 100 inimese ringis, võimud ametlikku hukkunute arvu ei avaldanud. It is estimated that 100 people may have died, and the official death toll was not reported by the authorities. [100, 97, 93] 96.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7233011047774247, 1.0539163438577714] 0.9587736556665422 -0.3911554515361786 2883 Seega tiriti nii Mathews kui ka Lestock mereväekohtusse. Both Mathews and Lestock were thus brought before the Tribunal. [68, 95, 88] 83.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 1.1264109951115293, 0.8258170009536785] 0.6328615132334772 -0.40159833431243896 2884 Ülejäänud 2% sisse mahtusid kõik muud rahvad, kelle seas moodustavad omakorra suurimad rühmad euroopa päritolu rahvad, hiinlased ja araablased. The remaining 2% was absorbed by all the other nations, among which the largest groups of European origin, the Chinese and the Arabs make up their own. [57, 51, 41] 49.666666666666664 [-0.25098737870986976, -0.35756810125476673, -1.1179556081700188] -0.575503696044885 -0.39944055676460266 2885 Eestis asus Estonian Business Schooli rektori kohuseid täitma professor Arno Almann. In Estonia Professor Arno Almann took responsibility for the Estonian business Schooli sector. [81, 56, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, -0.2872347043367487, 0.1413488724500223] 0.1304512776688928 -0.35716167092323303 2886 On teada, et kivitahuja Yckmele valmistas sambad veinikeldri tarvis ja 200 plokki hoone välisnurkade jaoks. It is well known that the wrecker Yck was the same for the wine cluster and the 200 blocks for the external corners of the building. [25, 26, 23] 24.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.1016562469626503, -1.318230271796973] -1.3408445741389237 -0.5677629113197327 2887 Laoses algas 7. novembrini kestev Euroopa Liidu liikmesmaade ja Aasia riikide tippkohtumine. In Laos, the EU Member States' and Asian countries' summit, which runs until 7 November, began. [48, 67, 54] 56.333333333333336 [-0.2835998066797767, 0.07788890965667469, -0.5803163758592089] -0.2620090909607703 -0.3631077706813812 2888 Asi ei ole ainult selles, et tegu on konkreetse abieluga. It is not just that this is a specific marriage. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4269187050200866, 0.9996617706525889] 0.8418946646790353 -0.37217825651168823 2889 Pidanud nõu, saatis aga meister käsknikke jne vallutama kaht väravat, hommikust kuni ööni. On the other hand, by helping to finalise the advice, the master sent the orders, etc., to conquer two gates, from morning to night. [86, 82, 95] 87.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7358791572087113] 0.6371752692912077 -0.5478687882423401 2890 Samal päeval käskis president Nicolas Sarkozy valitsusel ette valmistada uue sama sisuga seaduseelnõu, mis arvestaks konstitutsioonikohtu kriitikat. On the same day, President Sarkozy asked the government to prepare a new draft law with the same content, which would take into account the criticism of the Constitutional Court. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.31342220306396484 2891 Nad vallutasid esialgu idaosa, kust hutud põgenesid Tansaaniasse. They initially invaded the East, where there were Hutu refugees to Tanzania. [80, 82, 73] 78.33333333333333 [0.37863665915867617, 0.5808699337445091, -0.07070385276770842] 0.29626758004515896 -0.4121072292327881 2892 Eesti pindala on tänapäeval 45 339 ruutkilomeetrit, teise maailmasõja eel oli see praegusest suurem. Estonia today has an area of 45 339 square kilometres, compared to the current level in the run-up to World War II. [20, 50, 21] 30.333333333333332 [-1.4757259452685378, -0.702063629649955, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1864932698362711 -0.39594072103500366 2893 Järjekordsele jagelemisele peale sattunud Annabel ähvardab taas Pariisi põgeneda. Annapolis, who has been on another row, is once again threatening to flee Paris. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693] -1.3227488958807283 -0.5863287448883057 2894 Ta saatis 15. septembril 2001 läkituse preestritele. It sent a threshold to the priests on 15 September 2001. [23, 32, 41] 32.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.0262737162925444] -1.3150491656334078 -0.36653605103492737 2895 Tahe ei saa teadmisest väga palju ette joosta, ja tähelepanu on meie igapäevane leib. You cannot run very much ahead of knowledge, and attention is our daily bread. [75, 68, 82] 75.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.2840087250415973, 0.5808699337445091] 0.1950129924485935 -0.4201969802379608 2896 Mõnesid neist saaks kasutada põllumaa viljakuse tõstmiseks. Some of them could be used to improve the fertility of farmland. [98, 100, 84] 94.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177] 1.005762224377051 -0.4242714047431946 2897 Sama kitarriga mängis Clapton septembris sisse stuudiolindistuse Harrisoni loole "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". With the same stone, Cchilton played in a studiodiolant recording of Harrison's story in September, 'While it's my Guitar GQuestion Weeps'. [76, 81, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4586486864167604] 0.41014387954256354 -0.7794948220252991 2898 See kujutab endast "elektroonilist ranitsat", mis asendab õpilasele traditsioonilisi õpikuid, vihikuid ja päevikuid. It is an 'electronic beast' replacing pupils with traditional textbooks, rainfall and days. [20, 23, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.9864497526720966, -1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495] -1.780542073930273 -0.4626537561416626 2899 Ehituse maksumuseks kujunes 645 miljonit eurot ja see peaks suutma aastas teenindada 8,5 miljonit reisijat. The construction cost was €645 million and should be able to handle 8.5 million passengers a year. [100, 85, 93] 92.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9789095118361986 -0.3147711157798767 2900 Peaministrid keskendusid ühistegevusele kurdide mässulise relvarühmituse Kurdistani Töölispartei vastu. Prime ministers focused on joint action against the Kurdish rebel militant group, the Kurdistan Labour Party. [100, 99, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0932483143502365, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0640045344557518 -0.3691198229789734 2901 Nad väitsid, et Toompea linnust on kerge vallutada ja hakkasid õpetama kiviheitemasinate ja muude sõjariistade ehitamist. They argued that it was easy to conquer the town of Toompea and they began to teach the construction of stone-emission machines and other driving countries. [35, 29, 32] 32.0 [-1.5101665306408727, -1.12785038341693, -1.6006435088107063] -1.4128868076228365 -0.48969578742980957 2902 Tänapäeval kannab see Saint Josephi nime ning on riigi vanim linn. Today it bears the name of Saint Josephi and is the oldest city in the country. [70, 100, 81] 83.66666666666667 [0.08139344852332632, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.5812038030545471 -0.15504513680934906 2903 Brito seevastu väidab, et teisese intentsiooni alus on aru ning teisene intentsioon omistatakse vaimuvälisele asjale kui põhjusele. The British, on the other hand, argues that the basis of secondary initiative is understood, and that other intention is attributed to the foreign spirit as a reason. [33, 35, 36] 34.666666666666664 [-1.314460459974846, -1.4697527022573933, -1.324739928289561] -1.3696510301739335 -0.635253369808197 2904 Kohtumisel oli peaminister Andrus Ansipi isikus esindatud ka Eesti. Estonia was also represented at the meeting in the person of Prime Minister Andrus Ansip. [100, 78, 84] 87.33333333333333 [0.9230496311961767, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177] 0.672699602554327 -0.23323486745357513 2905 Oma valitsuskabinetis võttis ta endale ka välisministri portfelli. In his cabinet, he also took on the portfolio of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5363189527863194] 0.9201335889658866 -0.4325457215309143 2906 Immanuel Nobel ei tahtnud uut ametit otsida ja püüdis leida uut elatusallikat, tutvudes muu hulgas tehnika edusammudega. Immanuel Nobel did not want to look for a new agency and tried to find a new way of living, including by examining advances in technology. [68, 79, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.44997912719119615, 0.29999877943339137] 0.23211148341993706 -0.43874719738960266 2907 Seni ta aga lihtsalt ootas, et Euwe teeks ise vea. Until now, however, he simply waited for Euwe to make a mistake. [100, 72, 100] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.144567245233466, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7529756191969025 -0.4266646206378937 2908 Kas Kaur Kender on võimeline kandma süüdimõistmisel karistust? Is it possible for Dr Kent to serve sentence on conviction? [45, 33, 39] 39.0 [-1.265211137501486, -1.314460459974846, -1.2952316268529762] -1.2916344081097693 -0.6346354484558105 2909 11. juunil 1936 arvati linna piiridesse ka Kutuzovo asula ning selle juurde kuuluv töölisküla ja metsad. On 11 June 1936, the Kutuzovo asula and the working village and forests associated with it were also included within the boundaries of the city. [82, 60, 71] 71.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.3418302000470779, 0.20480883524336993] 0.14794952298026706 -0.3218517601490021 2910 Kolmandat tüüpi toiming tekitab asja, eesmärk on valmistatav asi. A third-type operation creates the cause, the aim being the preparation of the matter. [80, 79, 78] 79.0 [0.37863665915867617, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4063488583400919] 0.41454473463850944 -0.7211630344390869 2911 1928. aastal etendus esimeseks arvestatavaks eesti ooperiks loetav Evald Aava "Vikerlased". In 1928, the first significant frontier was Evald Aava, which reads' Vikerans'. [39, 22, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2006693362178358, -2.2464135499613747, -1.6442737776618106] -1.697118887947007 -0.5434083938598633 2912 Paavst kohtus 2. juunil 1991 Poolas ordu nunnadega ja 4. juunil 1995 Brüsselis kongregatsiooni liikmetega. The Pope met with ordu nuns in Poland on 2 June 1991 and members of Congress on 4 June 1995 in Brussels. [100, 83, 74] 85.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.24682090461896014] 0.6654331343204947 -0.20764894783496857 2913 Politsei lasi kõik kolm terroristi sündmuskohal maha, järgmise päeva lõunaks oli seoses rünnakutega veel kinni peetud 12 inimest. The police shot all three terrorists on the scene; 12 more people were detained for the next day's lunch in connection with the attacks. [100, 81, 83] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8652444468398807] 0.8338625433659052 -0.4064696431159973 2914 Ma tõttasin tagasi valgusesse, kust olin tulnud, et need ei häviks enne määratud aega. I brought the light back to where I had come from so that they would not be destroyed before the time allotted. [20, 31, 42] 31.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.6442737776618106, -1.0765987441461105] -1.5012121467555024 -0.533037006855011 2915 Inimlik seksuaalsus on eeskätt vahend teistega suhtlemiseks. Human sexuality is primarily a means of communicating with others. [89, 82, 68] 79.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, -0.05364345636477628] 0.4343916592544104 -0.28781968355178833 2916 Musk on X Prize Foundationi eestkostja, edendades taastuvenergia tehnoloogiaid. The Roma are the guardians of the X Prize Foundation, promoting renewable energy technologies. [23, 30, 36] 29.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.687904046512915, -1.324739928289561] -1.443624748866483 -0.24078023433685303 2917 Lainelt ei õnnestu Õnne 13 maja kohta midagi teada saada. There is little chance of finding out about 13 houses. [16, 9, 1] 8.666666666666666 [-1.6950193257332875, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.105149626881063 -0.49614787101745605 2918 Domineeriv filmikompanii on 1932. aastast Norsk Film A/S. The dominant film company of 1932 Norsk Film A / S. [58, 57, 60] 58.333333333333336 [-0.41488891976357517, -0.44990022892794107, -0.14224540182923298] -0.3356781835069164 -0.3435678780078888 2919 Eetikateadmise kaotamise käigus võime omandada muud teadmist inimloomuse kohta, ajaloo kohta, selle kohta, missugune maailm tegelikult on. With the loss of awareness, we can acquire other knowledge of human nature, of history, of what the world really is. [91, 82, 99] 90.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9003403007126756 -0.48434555530548096 2920 Aga sellestki ei piisa, sest eelistuste agregaat ei ole arusaadav, kui seda ei mõisteta eri inimeste eelistustena. But that is not enough, because the camps of preferences are not understood if they are not understood as different people's preferences. [61, 85, 84] 76.66666666666667 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.24128727453123608 -0.5945111513137817 2921 Lisaks loodusjõududele põhjustas ka inimtegevus mehaanilisi kahjustusi. In addition to the forces of nature, human activity caused mechanical damage. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9053861327966016 -0.2627745568752289 2922 Intensiivse metsaraie tagajärjel on ranniku ääres metsad juba suures osas hävinud, samas on metsa taastamise programm olnud suhteliselt edukas. As a result of intensive deforestation, forests have already largely been destroyed off the coast, while the reforestation programme has been relatively successful. [100, 97, 94] 97.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0297883515568889, 1.0901636694846504] 1.0058398388680212 -0.41758573055267334 2923 Üks omapärasemaid Minose kultuuri arhitektuuri sümboleid on selle ainulaadsed sambad. One of the most original symbols of the architectural architecture of Minos is its unique pillars. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0463418728498313, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7825432502241014 -0.31547924876213074 2924 Kaaristu piilarid ja Tallinna ehitusstiili arengus olulist osa etendanud fassaadi läänelõigus paiknev peaportaal ehitati Ghercke otsesel osavõtul. The main portal in Ghercke was built with the direct involvement of Ghercke, which played an important role in the development of the construction style of Tallinn, based on Western 4th. [39, 27, 29] 31.666666666666668 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.2746775123257523, -1.12785038341693] -1.1669494326519338 -0.4812687635421753 2925 Päevi kestnud pingeliste kõneluste tulemusena andis NSV Liit 19. oktoobril 1956 Gomułka nõudmistele lõpuks järele. As a result of the days of intense talks, on 19 October 1956 the NSV Union finally gave in to the demands of Gomułka. [51, 51, 51] 51.0 [-0.6660402866896673, -0.46847133247114325, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5214341372836389 -0.28785890340805054 2926 Seade, mida me nimetame Leideni purgiks, ilmus millalgi seda näitava ja muid anomaalseid efekte ilmsiks toova uurimistöö käigus. The curse that we call Leiden erupted at some point in research showing this and bringing to light other anomalies. [64, 76, 70] 70.0 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.3190883206378832, 0.1249205953736362] 0.08209069593519744 -0.5970935821533203 2927 Nii et ampermeetri kasutamisega juba eeldati katsetulemust. So an ampermetre is already expected to be used as a test result. [46, 32, 18] 32.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -1.6006435088107063, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3078935630273847 -0.4520139992237091 2928 Aare oletas, et võimalik, et just sellepärast ta fosforiidisõjas vaikiski. There was an assumption that it was possible that it was precisely for this reason that he was silent in the phosphorus war. [23, 27, 30] 26.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.818794853066228, -1.3365375656493872] -1.4911875635041962 -0.4886297881603241 2929 Burlingtoni lähistel juhtunud õnnetuses hukkus 3 ja sai vigastada 45 inimest. The accident near Burlington killed 3 and 45 people were injured. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8256927339487431 -0.32833433151245117 2930 Sellel, mida ihaldatakse, ei pruugi olla pistmist seksuaalsete objektidega. What is self-administered may not have anything to do with sexual objects. [83, 86, 89] 86.0 [0.6190326808341362, 0.6021151186713274, 0.6882604319190001] 0.6364694104748212 -0.37656286358833313 2931 Nhamadjo volitused presidendina jõustusid alles 11. mail. As President of Nhamadjo, the mandate entered into force only on 11 May. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8534650910082174 -0.2752605378627777 2932 Meeste võitlusvaim oli kõrge, sest tegemist oli esimese lahinguga kodumaa pinnal. The fight against men was high, as it was the first battle on home soil. [35, 23, 17] 25.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.318230271796973, -1.357221951807747] -1.305955332552997 -0.5237878561019897 2933 Teadusrevolutsiooni mõiste abil rõhutas Kuhn teaduse progressi mittekumulatiivsust. Through the concept of a scientific revolution, Kuhn emphasised the uncumulative nature of scientific progress. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1532275838122297 -0.30351588129997253 2934 Nähtamatu neitsilik Vaim rõõmustas valgusest, mis oli sündinud ja ilmunud esimesena tema Hoidja esimesest jõust ehk Barbelost. The most glaring neo-Nazi is rejoicing in the lies that were born and first came out of his Hoidja power, Barbelos. [1, 12, 23] 12.0 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.4732488858327923, -1.2699383524630719] -2.0701315576666386 -0.5902847647666931 2935 Lavatooriumi olemasolu viitab sellele, et seal peeti koduseid jumalateenistusi. The existence of the flotilla indicates that domestic services were held there. [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-1.751442791303028, -2.016289862523797, -1.990859008800058] -1.9195305542089607 -0.5112403631210327 2936 2013. aastal asendati kõik vanemad elektrirongid uuematega ning 2014. aastal võeti kasutusele uued diiselrongid All older electric trains were replaced by newer ones in 2013 and new diesel trains were introduced in 2014. [81, 94, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0901636694846504, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9174605433749884 -0.34808751940727234 2937 Ajakirjanike teatel on paljude hukkunud, peamiselt noores eas VF sõjaväelaste surma ametlike põhjustena märgitud infarkt ja insult. Journalists have reported many deaths, mainly as official reasons for the death of VF military personnel, as indicated in their young age. [75, 85, 65] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.711760740297822, -0.3871436867160806] 0.2187819381372688 -0.509177565574646 2938 thumbleftpüsti[[Zygmunt III WazaZygmunt III teine naine Austria Constanze koos poja, tulevase kuninga Jan II Kazimierziga. Tumblefole [Zygmunt III WazaZygmunt III, second woman from Austria, Constanze with her son, future art Jan II, Kazimierz. [70, 64, 58] 64.0 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.017301034533346728, -0.21474005308299082] -0.1435759545827931 -0.35231465101242065 2939 Või ta juba armastab palju, kuid tahab veel rohkem armastada. Or it already loves a lot, but it wants to love more. [83, 85, 86] 84.66666666666667 [0.7781911377051312, 0.5587533739601147, 0.9798831232237539] 0.7722758782963334 -0.350828617811203 2940 Ennast armastav inimene ei seisa ühelegi oma tahteliigutusele vastu. The loving person does not oppose any movement of his will. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.873470457843843 -0.5266029238700867 2941 Enamik kristlasi on katoliiklased, umbes veerand on protestandid. Most Christians are Catholics; about a quarter are Protestants. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9204404930015818 -0.23934054374694824 2942 Pärast teist maailmasõda vähenes aga saksa keele rahvusvaheline tähtsus märgatavalt. However, since the Second World War, the international importance of the German language decreased considerably. [100, 100, 87] 95.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.8364323900964978] 0.9199064875822272 -0.3946666121482849 2943 Tessa suri ühel saarel, kui ta teist last sünnitas, kuid see episood oli nähtav ühes teises filmis. Tessa died on an island when she gave birth to another child, but this episode was visible in another film. [100, 85, 93] 92.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] 0.898590541259769 -0.22064577043056488 2944 Et sündmustele ja nende toimumise ajale osutada, võtame suvalise ajalise lähtepunkti. In order to point out the events and the time they take place, we are taking an arbitrary starting point. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.5150061845779419 2945 Kui rahvahääletus lõppes, oli 8,63 miljonit itaallast või 90% registreeritud valijatest hääletanud. When the referendum ended, 8.63 million Italians or 90% of registered voters had voted. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1363692565265247 -0.14761050045490265 2946 Guineas vannutati ametisse peaminister Lansana Kouyaté. In Guinea, Prime Minister Lansana Kouyaté was imprisoned. [45, 35, 25] 35.0 [-0.8578007668182633, -1.4697527022573933, -1.8845074786158034] -1.4040203158971531 -0.1743404120206833 2947 Esimene võimalus polnud tõsine, sest see on ebaaus ja viha oli liiga suur, et seda varjata saaks. The first option was not serious, because it is unfair and the anger was too great to hide it. [100, 95, 97] 97.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1980287771688547] 1.1411810968816047 -0.3188289403915405 2948 Praegu on üldtunnustatud, et see, milline geomeetria käib tegeliku ruumi kohta, on empiiriline küsimus. It is now widely accepted that what geometry is about the real space is an empirical issue. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.9814216926040136, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.813903662897865 -0.3979426622390747 2949 Ühtlasi esindab ta riiki rahvusvahelises suhtlemises, kuulutab välja Riigikogu valimised, annab seadlusi ja algatab põhiseaduse muutmist. It also represents the country in international relations, announces elections to the National Assembly, provides facilities and launches constitutional changes. [79, 81, 68] 76.0 [0.4586486864167604, 0.5372396648934048, -0.001320279524490586] 0.3315226905952249 -0.5160651803016663 2950 Et praktilisel eetikal oleks vettpidav alus, on tarvis näidata eetilise arutluse võimalikkust. In order to have a watertight basis for practical ethics, it is necessary to demonstrate the possibility of an ethical debate. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.3573995530605316 2951 Frankfurti arvates rahuldab seda vajadust armastus. Frankfurt believes that this need is met by love. [100, 98, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 1.239385641192763, 1.1249782957469103] 1.224003853395199 -0.37537020444869995 2952 Konstantinoopol oli 15. sajandiks lagunev ja alarahvastatud. The Constantinople were disintegrating and underfunded for the 15th century. [13, 16, 18] 15.666666666666666 [-1.8096580021171607, -1.7371277294119054, -1.4768801787803418] -1.6745553034364693 -0.40086403489112854 2953 Burundis pärast Ntaryamira surma vägivald ja rahutused küll ägenesid, kuid üleüldisi tapatalguid ei olnud. Violence and unrest increased in Burundi after the death of Ntaryamira, but there were no universal massacres. [100, 95, 89] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.9189868035629918, 1.094521799607627] 1.0315503535606367 -0.31516510248184204 2954 Tema ajal hõlmas Portugal umbes poole oma tänasest territooriumist. During her time Portugal covered about half of its current territory. [100, 83, 85] 89.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.35590589178006926, 0.711760740297822] 0.7965886671061572 -0.3407345414161682 2955 Esineb ka salaküttimist, sealhulgas haruldaste loomade tapmist söögiks või suveniirina müümiseks. There is also poaching, including the killing of rare animals for feed or the sale of ski. [45, 36, 27] 36.0 [-0.620170681070149, -1.426122433406289, -1.3300167806002303] -1.1254366316922229 -0.32268673181533813 2956 Jaanus aga on tagasi Soome tööle läinud ja kui ta Almale purjus peaga vahele jääb, tuleb sellest ainult pahandus. Jaanus, on the other hand, has gone back to work in Finland and, if he gets caught in the head, it will only be a scapegoat. [30, 31, 29] 30.0 [-1.9051257543231526, -1.3865071458954215, -1.1982517280698368] -1.4966282094294705 -0.5323151350021362 2957 Oletame, et keegi sisemiselt keeb vaenlase peale, kellest ta kardab, et ta on teda kuidagi võitnud. Let us assume that someone internally is fuelling the enemy from whom he fears that he has somehow won him. [54, 50, 45] 49.666666666666664 [-0.3346008485000848, -0.8152986694908287, -0.8821803444513935] -0.6773599541474357 -0.543036699295044 2958 Eesti president Kersti Kaljulaid alustas kahepäevast riigivisiiti Soomes, kus ta kohtus Soome presidendi Sauli Niinistöga. President of Estonia Kersti Kaljuices started a two-day state visit in Finland, where he met Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. [81, 84, 86] 83.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.727690413215861, 0.680758556193477] 0.6485628781009143 -0.44255968928337097 2959 Kohtumisel otsustasid Euroopa Liidu riigijuhid pikendada Venemaale kehtestatud sanktsioone veel kuue kuu võrra, kuni 31. jaanuarini 2018. At the meeting, EU leaders decided to extend the sanctions imposed on Russia for another six months until 31 January 2018. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 0.9425172486483673 -0.25030776858329773 2960 Nähes enda traguneid kaotamas, üritas Dornberg neid isiklikult juhtima asuda, sai aga saablihoobi kopsu. Faced with the loss of their own wagons, Dornberg tried to take their lead personally, but the ferry of arrives was beaten. [12, 18, 5] 11.666666666666666 [-2.317304664863364, -1.328825762380514, -2.0461796624618924] -1.8974366965685903 -0.5953377485275269 2961 Madalamas lõunaosas võib temperatuur kõrgele tõusta, kuid mägises põhjaosas on see enamasti mõõdukas. In the lower south, temperatures may rise, but in the mountainous north it is mostly moderate. [70, 84, 77] 77.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.4040336073280331 -0.4726276993751526 2962 Inimeste väärtuse kohta on võimalikud kaks hoiakut. There are two possible approaches to the value of human beings. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.35918644070625305 2963 See oli Darwini meelest kaugel Paley doktriinist Jumala heasüdamlikust loomisest. This was a long way from the doctrine of Paley doctrine, in Darwin's view, the heterogeneous creation of God. [34, 29, 39] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.12785038341693, -1.2006693362178358] -1.2806342302477545 -0.3852851688861847 2964 Paavst tundis 9. jaanuaril 2011 muret Haiti olukorra pärast. The Pope was concerned about the situation in Haiti on 9 January 2011. [90, 100, 83] 91.0 [0.548708683221246, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.76606239385459 -0.21978160738945007 2965 Armeenia parlament võttis vastu seaduse, mille kohaselt loobub Armeenia kella keeramisest ja jääb alaliselt talveaega. The Armenian Parliament has passed a law under which Armenia will refrain from turning the clock and will remain permanently in winter. [76, 84, 67] 75.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177, -0.04267714354839904] 0.28666553840528136 -0.5004915595054626 2966 Šveitsi Liidunõukogu avaldas plaani jätta 41 liidukohtuniku asemel ametisse ainult 36. The Swiss Liidation Council published plans to replace the 41 federal judges with only 36. [76, 100, 82] 86.0 [0.05727907059662488, 0.8241835542857531, 0.4576689523315511] 0.44637719240464296 -0.4561542272567749 2967 Lõppkokkuvõttes on sõbra puhul vähem tõenäoline, et jõutakse järeldusele, et tema käitumine oli autu või et ta on halb inimene. Ultimately, a friend is less likely to come to the conclusion that he was dishonourable or that he was a bad person. [100, 93, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0539163438577714, 0.7017464088819532] 0.9515887570347182 -0.4132285416126251 2968 Eri teadlased või teadlaste rühmad võivad väga hästi tõlgendada paradigmat erinevalt. Various groups of researchers or researchers can very well interpret the paradigm differently. [78, 83, 56] 72.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, 0.6190326808341362, -0.2711408857067372] 0.25141355115583025 -0.38280972838401794 2969 pisi[[Kobbvatneti järv Sørfoldi vallas Nordlandi maakonnas pas [Kobvatnet Lake Sorphdi in the county of Nordland [76, 82, 70] 76.0 [0.32953463266677707, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.23681045122755695 -0.4742552936077118 2970 Eesti Diviisi lõigus Oppelni all olid venelased moodustanud mitu tugevat sillapead. Under the Estonian Dimas llaw Oppeln, the Russians had formed a number of strong heads. [24, 25, 23] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.6026472036571477, -1.318230271796973] -1.6235210450245539 -0.5816545486450195 2971 Metafüüsika vaatleb kategooriaid esimesel viisil, loogika teisel viisil. Methic physics looks at the categories in the first way, in the second way by logic. [38, 23, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2420262002417441, -1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106] -1.4015100832335092 -0.48764896392822266 2972 Tapeti 18 inimest, peamiselt politseinikud, ja vabastati jaoskonnas vahi all olnud kurjategijad. 18 people were killed, mainly police officers, and criminals detained in the jab were released. [81, 51, 55] 62.333333333333336 [0.5372396648934048, -0.4297907926901062, -0.5389595118353006] -0.14383687987733398 -0.3741895854473114 2973 Kant väidab, et need kaks kriteeriumi langevad paratamatult kokku, nii et iga aprioorne tõde on üleüldine tõde. Kant says that these two criteria will inevitably coincide, so every priori truth is the universal truth. [100, 82, 80] 87.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5509350548511163 -0.41055813431739807 2974 Prantsusmaa president Nicolas Sarkozy külastas Belgia pealinna Brüsselit. The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, visited Brussels, the Belgian capital. [79, 87, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.7844601369297701, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7191629651057143 -0.23406563699245453 2975 Lennuk maandus Hispaaniale kuuluvatel Kanaari saartel Las Palmase sõjaväelennuväljal, kus politsei kaaperdaja vahi alla võttis. The aircraft landed at a military airport in the Canary Islands of Las Palmas, Spain, where the police captured the captain. [65, 72, 78] 71.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5102064594545875] 0.11158454256290022 -0.4831654727458954 2976 Parlamendivalimistel saavutasid parima tulemuse 47 kohaga Šoti Rahvuslik Partei ja 46 kohaga Tööpartei. In parliamentary elections, the Scottish National Party and the Labour Party with 47 seats and 46 achieved the best result. [57, 61, 53] 57.0 [-0.44990022892794107, -0.10599807620235407, -0.6216732398831174] -0.3925238483378042 -0.4301709830760956 2977 Mis on teadusrevolutsioonid ja mis on nende roll teaduse arengus? What are scientific revolutions and what is their role in scientific development? [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.26014772057533264 2978 Bangladeshis toimusid kokkupõrked politsei ja opositsiooni toetajate vahel, kes üritasid rünnata valitsushoonet. In Bangladesh there were clashes between police and opposition supporters trying to attack the government building. [98, 80, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8818815080776886 -0.25213247537612915 2979 Haljas asub asekantsleri ametisse 1. veebruaril 2016. Halja will hold the position of Vice-Chancellor on 1 February 2016. [62, 83, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.6245002025956135, 0.26826879803671755] 0.20766182883527615 -0.36988160014152527 2980 Selle olulisemateks järkudeks loetakse Kunda, Narva, kammkeraamika ja nöörkeraamika kultuure. Its most important stages are the culture of arts, Naruda, hamerahamics and rabbit. [24, 27, 23] 24.666666666666668 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.3384071475162373, -1.862379160600371] -1.613152284911348 -0.8425000309944153 2981 1. jaanuaril 2002 võttis Portugal kasutusele euro. On 1 January 2002 Portugal adopted the euro. [100, 75, 76] 83.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.27545805178677896, 0.23454328731752536] 0.5449932116170716 -0.173018217086792 2982 Selleks kasutati tihti jõudu ja kohalike politseinike abi. The force and the help of local police officers were often used for this. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8402361568991111 -0.4807828366756439 2983 Ta tunnistas esimest korda, et tal diagnoositi vitiliigo. He admitted for the first time that he was diagnosed with vitiLeague. [36, 40, 32] 36.0 [-1.426122433406289, -0.7788205880535182, -1.490167384385195] -1.2317034686150008 -0.4244086742401123 2984 Naurulased võtsid Jonesi juhtimisel meremeestel kõik riided ja asjad ära. Nazi-led seafarers took all the clothing and all the things away from them under Jones. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.595760703086853 2985 Lisaks sellele saabub linna tulevane kultuurimaja juhataja Cäthryen, kes esimesena saab tuttavaks just Lainega. In addition, Cäthryen, the President of the future cultural house of the city, who will be the first to be familiar with the City, will arrive. [75, 86, 96] 85.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 0.7431032729058616, 0.9161304397840745] 0.6448972548255717 -0.4849449396133423 2986 Teadlased tegelevadki põhiliselt nende nähtustega, kuid nad ei püüa seejuures leiutada uut paradigmat. Scientists are mainly concerned with these phenomena, but they are not trying to invent a new paradigm. [70, 84, 80] 78.0 [0.08139344852332632, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.30796388507211975 -0.3318968713283539 2987 Mali presidendi kohusetäitja Diouncounda Traoré moodustas üleminekuvalitsuse, kus enamus olulisi ministriameteid anti sõjaväelastele. The Malian President's deputy, Diouncouncouncounda Traoré, set up a transitional government in which most important ministerial services were given to the military. [72, 64, 80] 72.0 [0.09044991547637454, -0.017301034533346728, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1889194256617761 -0.4227485656738281 2988 Teoloogilistes töödes ütleb ta, et "olev" on univookne.) In theological works, he says that the 'present' is a dream. [23, 35, 47] 35.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.4697527022573933, -0.8698144240265682] -1.2192657993603115 -0.45335087180137634 2989 Kuni 2003. aastani jagas tsiviillennujaam lennuradasid naabruses asunud kuninglike õhujõudude Fairbairni lennubaasiga. Until 2003, a civil airport shared a plane with the nearby Royal Air Force Fairbairn airport. [80, 85, 75] 80.0 [0.4949620887624109, 0.711760740297822, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3979733634396943 -0.42670929431915283 2990 Nüüd tahab ta teada saada, kelle poeg siis väike Martin tegelikult on. Now he wants to know whose son is actually a little Martin. [56, 84, 74] 71.33333333333333 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.6681304714467177, 0.24682090461896014] 0.14300926805914968 -0.3400149941444397 2991 Terroristid jätkasid Luganski lennuvälja ründamist tankide, miinipildujate ja Gradidega. Terrorists continued to attack the Lugansk airport with tanks, mortars and Gradiations. [55, 60, 79] 64.66666666666667 [-0.32348202996362757, -0.01365207210314715, 0.45360522473850245] 0.03882370755724257 -0.4265299439430237 2992 Eestis Kuressaares algas kuues festival "Saaremaa valss". In Estonia, the sixth festival entitled 'The Basin Value of Saareland' began. [80, 81, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, 0.522108649210108, 0.5372396648934048] 0.47932832442072965 -0.7408686876296997 2993 Eesti maaeluminister Tarmo Tamm oli visiidil Lätis Riias, et osaleda sigade Aafrika katku käsitleval kõrgetasemelisel kohtumisel. Tarmo Tamm, the Estonian Minister of Rural Affairs, was present in Riga in Latvia to attend a high-level meeting on African Swine Fever. [99, 79, 89] 89.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7630026009929457 -0.302346408367157 2994 Frege leidis, et geomeetria osas oli Kantil õigus, aga aritmeetika tõed on analüütilised. Frege found that, in terms of geometry, the Channel was right, but the truths of the arithmetic are analytical. [69, 54, 82] 68.33333333333333 [-0.2413477505868195, -0.5579702578088042, 0.5808699337445091] -0.07281602488370487 -0.37257280945777893 2995 pisiVaade kogu kompleksile Põltsamaa kastelli läänenurgast jaanuaris 2007 See the full set of views from the West Cell in January 2007 [29, 37, 44] 36.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846, -0.9938850160982935] -1.168075854690136 -0.730802059173584 2996 Rahutused levisid paari päevaga üle riigi ja tõid kaasa mitmete Hiina ettevõtete ründamise. The unrest spread across the country in a few days and resulted in numerous Chinese companies being attacked. [97, 88, 99] 94.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 0.6589074975257934, 1.2714002976190448] 0.959663697731784 -0.36845991015434265 2997 Kreeka põhjarannikut tabas maavärin, mille epitsenter asus 77 km edela pool Alexandroúpolise linnast. The northern coast of Greece was hit by an earthquake with an epicentre limit of 77 km in the centre of Alexandroúpolis. [43, 51, 47] 47.0 [-0.19162104558411433, -0.4297907926901062, -0.613460634978659] -0.41162415775095984 -0.33467215299606323 2998 22. jaanuaril peeti seal tõrjelahing Meretskovi armee ettetunginud laskurdiviisiga. On 22 January there was a crackdown on the naysaic army's pre-emptive method of march. [18, 29, 39] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192, -1.049295486350713] -1.4192366601650246 -0.8192752599716187 2999 Piiratud vastupanu Itaalia okupatsioonile tihenes Kürenaika emiiri šeik Idrisi ümber. The limited resistance to the Italian occupation resulted in a cheque of the Furenamic issuer around Idrisi. [35, 29, 32] 32.0 [-1.3660967923134697, -1.12785038341693, -1.6006435088107063] -1.364863561513702 -0.48389750719070435 3000 Aserbaidžaanis lõpetati Venemaa telekanali RTR Planeta transleerimine. In Azerbaijan, the conversion of the Russian RTR Planeta television channel was stopped. [80, 54, 52] 62.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.5579702578088042, -0.3980608112934324] -0.15414055768664536 -0.3612424433231354 3001 Loogik ei tohi rääkida analoogiast, isegi mitte termini "olev" puhul, vaid "olev" on ekvivookne. The animal must not speak of a analogy, not even the term 'present', but the 'present' is an exvistream. [37, 28, 18] 27.666666666666668 [-1.2833830642656527, -1.7751645842151236, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5118092757537063 -0.46268537640571594 3002 Vasa muuseum kaasfinantseeris kahte dokumentaalfilmi Vasa ajaloost ja ülestõstmisest. The left museum co-financed two documentary films from the left's history and the uprising. [26, 37, 15] 26.0 [-1.2888743279642845, -1.1703670881336952, -1.5720701229703633] -1.3437705130227808 -0.3536951541900635 3003 ... Dorian Grayd ja ta loojat Wilde'i võib käsitleda kui estetismi märtreid, Naani hävitas dogmaatika kurijuur. ... Dorian Gray and his founding father, Wilde, can be seen as a martyr of esthetism, a dogmatic criminal who is destroying Naani. [24, 35, 13] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.2424137740542707, -1.635530085763711] -1.6092098398125074 -0.40275073051452637 3004 Euroopa Parlamendi delegatsioon lahkus kõnelustelt. The European Parliament delegation has left the talks. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 1.038402712144736 -0.33860817551612854 3005 Selliste asjaolude tõttu valisid paljud välismaal õppimise. Because of these circumstances, many chose to study abroad. [100, 77, 84] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755, 0.5227300309998271] 0.6701423054119083 -0.34875935316085815 3006 Kuhni järgi viimane ignoreerib paradigmade rolli vaatluse ja katse suunamisel. The latter, according to the month, ignores the role of the paradigms in looking at and directing the attempt. [5, 23, 14] 14.0 [-2.0461796624618924, -1.318230271796973, -2.234590936815547] -1.866333623691471 -0.4924314320087433 3007 Ta olevat korduvalt abiellunud, hinge kaasamata ja otsides naistes vaid rikkust ja võimu. He is repeatedly helpless, soul-free and just looking for wealth and power for her women. [90, 79, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.7388700887615532, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7039662823829754 -0.40636953711509705 3008 Kui mõni neist tingimustest pole täidetud, siis on tegu mõistussuhtega. If any of these conditions are not met, it is a rational relationship. [100, 86, 85] 90.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.3615382092337807] 0.7473025047098725 -0.37167641520500183 3009 Mõlemal juhul rakendatakse ratsionaalset vabadust. In both cases, rational freedom is applied. [99, 95, 100] 98.0 [1.0630801754041426, 1.1264109951115293, 1.32209936924058] 1.1705301799187506 -0.2362334281206131 3010 Enamik inimesi kõnnib läbi elu, saamata aru, mis nendega toimub. Most people walk through their lives without realising what is happening to them. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.2830699682235718 3011 Ülo võtab ette tavatu teo ja otsustab kosja minna ning kutsub Jürka endale isameheks kaasa. The general does an unorthodox act and decides to go to space and calls on Mr Jürka to take his father along. [60, 76, 68] 68.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.1096188910533485] 0.0289590038813846 -0.5322043299674988 3012 Inimlik jõupingutus selle väite sügavuse ja järelmite mõistmiseks teebki teadmatuse õpetatuks. The human effort to understand the depth and the implications of this claim is what makes ignorance a teaching exercise. [81, 83, 82] 82.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5309996117737864 -0.4964870810508728 3013 Teda motiveerisid ka sügavamad isiklikud mured ja allasurumatu huumorimeel. He was also motivated by deeper personal concerns and an oppressed humour. [93, 100, 86] 93.0 [0.8469401176424164, 0.9230496311961767, 0.7553910091489263] 0.8417935859958399 -0.26932424306869507 3014 Lihtsalt adekvaatne hindav mõtlemine ei käi alati nii, ja mõnes kontekstis ei tohikski käia. Simply appraising thinking is not always the case, and in some contexts it should not be the case. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8975674955625244] 0.8122788038609207 -0.42592495679855347 3015 Epideemilist iktarust põhjustav viirus avastati alles 20. sajandi keskel. Only in the middle of the 20th century was the virus, which caused constant virginity, discovered. [83, 88, 78] 83.0 [0.35590589178006926, 0.4206537562524396, 0.19915853545263446] 0.3252393944950478 -0.5885090231895447 3016 Mali pealinnas Bamakos avasid relvastatud mees tule restoranis La Terrasse. In the capital of Mali, Bamako, an armed man opened fire in La Terrasse. [81, 52, 81] 71.33333333333333 [0.4146600021189639, -0.3980608112934324, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1846129519063121 -0.27527689933776855 3017 Järgnevatel aastatel vahetusid presidendid sagedaste umbusaldushääletuste tõttu kiiresti. In the coming years, presidents exchanged quickly because of frequent mistrust of votes. [64, 86, 62] 70.66666666666667 [0.1391994964086838, 0.8001850644696189, -0.08076099732669434] 0.2862078545172028 -0.5195301175117493 3018 25. august 2005 Iraagi välisminister Hoshiyar Zebari. On 25 August 2005, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari. [97, 100, 82] 93.0 [1.1980287771688547, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9679590022200913 -0.2779843807220459 3019 Üle Norra kulgevad Atlandi ookeani põhjaosa tsüklonid, mis toovad sagedasi torme ja ilmamuutusi. Over Norway, cyclone runs in the north of the Atlantic, with frequent storms and weather changes. [88, 100, 84] 90.66666666666667 [0.8258170009536785, 1.0991035183644302, 0.727690413215861] 0.8842036441779899 -0.4599328637123108 3020 Öösel u 04 paiku helistas talle keegi ning teatas, et ta olevat rikkunud mingit seadust ning Kender võttis kohe selle loo maha. He was called by someone around 04 night and told him that he had infringed some law and Kent immediately withdrew that story. [49, 79, 51] 59.666666666666664 [-0.4932507554834539, 0.44997912719119615, -0.6660402866896673] -0.236437304993975 -0.6449840664863586 3021 Kasahstani president Nursultan Nazarbajev allkirjastas põhiseaduse parandused, millega kaotati seni presidendile kehtinud kahe ametiaja piirang. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, signed amendments to the Constitution which removed the restriction of the two terms of office that had been in force so far for the President of Kazakhstan. [83, 81, 97] 87.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1980287771688547] 0.7736123513552385 -0.3853646218776703 3022 Rasketele juhtumitele saab vastata abstraktselt, kaugel tegelikest olukordadest. Serious cases can be answered in an abstract way, far from actual situations. [74, 67, 81] 74.0 [0.2613608455445319, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.29216314003153715 -0.2899990379810333 3023 Pille külaskäik Evaldi juurde kukub välja õige kummaliselt. The image of the visit to Evaldi comes out strangely. [48, 33, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-1.1372282141371526, -1.314460459974846, -1.2079710891507676] -1.2198865877542555 -0.4940430521965027 3024 Pols'i tantsitakse tavalise viiuli või lõõtspilli saatel. The Pols will be danced on the routine sign or on the loop cloud. [26, 1, 14] 13.666666666666666 [-0.672851171426038, -2.016289862523797, -1.8096223806656633] -1.4995878048718325 -0.8103883862495422 3025 Kõik tapetud olid mehed ja lasti maha oma kodudes. All killed were men and were shot in their homes. [84, 100, 81] 88.33333333333333 [0.525496140586804, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5363189527863194] 0.728931129706678 -0.2691739499568939 3026 Mõlemad vabastati hiljem samal päeval sümboolse kautsjoni vastu. Both were later released against a token bail the same day. [65, 43, 70] 59.333333333333336 [0.1774123885366415, -1.035241880122202, 0.37152634969238973] -0.1621010472977236 -0.2609151005744934 3027 Valgevene linnad alistusid üks teise järel ja aastal 1654 langes pärast kolmekuulist piiramist Smolensk. Belarusian towns and cities defeated one after the other, and in the year 1654 fell after three months of restriction at Smolensk. [73, 78, 62] 71.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.4063488583400919, -0.08076099732669434] 0.1506870398166866 -0.46851879358291626 3028 Eesti peaminister Andrus Ansip kohtus ametliku visiidi raames Sarajevos Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina peaministri Nikola Spirićiga. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Andrus Ansip, met Nikola Spirić, Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of his official visit to Sarajevo. [95, 87, 91] 91.0 [0.8835775815176352, 0.7124885375901508, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8486512373777301 -0.1886500120162964 3029 Juba noorena oli Alfons Rebane kindel, et tahab sõjaväelaseks saada. As young as ever, Alfons Rebane was confident that he wanted to become a military member. [37, 44, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693] -1.1428487451279319 -0.41623082756996155 3030 Johannes ja Aleksander peavad tõdema, et nahaalsuse vastu ei saa. Johannes Alexander must admit that he cannot get to grips with Nazis. [19, 1, 30] 16.666666666666668 [-1.5803806493494141, -2.016289862523797, -1.2296651706356005] -1.6087785608362706 -0.715675413608551 3031 Traditsiooniline tants on gule wamkulu, mida saadavad naislauljad ja trummimuusika. Traditional dance is a wamuse for women's songs and trump imagery. [23, 24, 24] 23.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.9496856596195407, -1.5280322851818369] -1.5986494055327836 -0.5157327055931091 3032 Aga nii nagu intentsiooni öeldakse ekvivookselt objekti ja akti kohta, nii ka mõistet." However, just as intention says an exorbitant saying about an object and act, so does the concept. " [64, 73, 82] 73.0 [-0.45465262286070834, 0.12647325843666224, 0.5808699337445091] 0.08423018977348767 -0.6250180006027222 3033 Juba sama aasta lõpus algas Läti alal Poola ja Rootsi vastupealetung, mille käigus venelased Liivimaalt välja löödi. Already at the end of the same year, a Polish-Swedish offensive began in Latvia, during which the Russians were expelled from the country. [100, 89, 95] 94.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.867173864977587, 0.9663283887635413] 1.0470499589956839 -0.3601275086402893 3034 Saksa võimud represseerisid ka Eesti rahvuslasi, kuid viimased pääsesid enamasti vaid vangistamisega. The German authorities also repressed the Estonian nationalists, but the latter mostly only escaped imprisonment. [51, 56, 46] 51.0 [-0.5487481822056894, -0.2711408857067372, -0.9111712880504766] -0.5770201186543011 -0.3944604694843292 3035 Helleniseerunud ida ja ladinliku lääne erinevused püsisid ka järgnevatel sajanditel ning viisid lõpuks Rooma riigi jagunemiseni. The differences between the breakaway East and the Latin West also persisted in the coming centuries and eventually led to the division of the Roman State. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1709475838635426] 0.9503070119908273 -0.5381513237953186 3036 Fränkeli järgi esitas õpetuse geomeetrilise jada kosmilisest tähtsusest Herakleitos. According to Flunkeli, teaching was shown to be of geostrategic importance in Herakleito. [23, 1, 27] 17.0 [-1.5599480717705785, -2.016289862523797, -1.3384071475162373] -1.6382150272702043 -0.4886724650859833 3037 Rünnakus hukkus vähemalt 8 inimest, nende seas ka 4 välismaalast. At least 8 people died in the attack, including 4 foreigners. [100, 73, 100] 91.0 [1.3076476232459238, 0.4831155255603034, 1.32209936924058] 1.0376208393489357 -0.2794191837310791 3038 Kuigi neile kõigile on ühine moraalse kohustuse idee, ei ole nad kõik moraalisüsteemi tüüpilised ega õpetlikud näited. Although there is a common moral obligation for all of them, they are not all typical or educational examples of a moral system. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.28859660029411316 3039 See paneb teda tegema väga ebausutavaid märkusi Williamsi uppuva naise juhtumi kohta. This makes him very unbelievable comments about the case of a woman who drowns Willims. [25, 34, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-2.1184306265970414, -1.2784371170145583, -1.687904046512915] -1.694923930041505 -0.44011011719703674 3040 Alates 2015. aastast saab Gaboni viisat taotleda ka internetis. From 2015 onwards, Gabon will be able to apply for a visa online. [20, 16, 12] 16.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.298727810428375, -1.5963947019567695] -1.8926288102812434 -0.3412815034389496 3041 Trinidadi ja Tobago aastane inflatsioon oli septembris 2015 4,84%. Annual inflation in Trind and Tobago was 4.84% in September 2015. [57, 79, 84] 73.33333333333333 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.45360522473850245, 0.6681304714467177] 0.22394515575242635 -0.1968386024236679 3042 Belgias Brüsselis toimus Euroopa ettevõtluse tippkohtumine, kus anti üle Euroopa ettevõtluse aastaauhinnad. In Brussels, Belgium, the European Business Summit was held to award the annual European Enterprise Awards. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.723037383823136 -0.4457326829433441 3043 Et turg kasvas kiiresti, töötati välja ka uus nitroglütseriini valmistamise meetod, mis oli küll varasemast ohtlikum. As the market grew rapidly, a new method of producing nitroglymings has also been developed, which was even more dangerous than before. [59, 65, 52] 58.666666666666664 [-0.3735320557396667, -0.1617134852456394, -0.4322240068442644] -0.3224898492765235 -0.45970419049263 3044 Väärtusmõistet tuleb mõista sügavuti, mitte ebaisikulisse võrgustikku lülitudes. The concept of value must be understood in depth, not by interconnecting the non-personal network. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8095006693002329 -0.43123140931129456 3045 Ameerika Ühendriikide staabiülemate ühendkomitee esimees kindral Joseph Dunford alustas mitmepäevast üllatusvisiiti Afganistanis. General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the United States Joint Committee of Staff Commander, launched a multi-day surprise visit to Afghanistan. [86, 84, 81] 83.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.6172985934001295, 0.5372396648934048] 0.5831049917379789 -0.35411715507507324 3046 Alžeeria peaminister Abdelmalek Sellal tegi teatavaks oma uue valitsuskabineti koosseisu. The Prime Minister of Algeria, Abdelmalek, at that time announced the composition of his new cabinet. [59, 65, 69] 64.33333333333333 [-0.051864964231104885, -0.12539087159621595, 0.327817367375638] 0.05018717718277238 -0.2255496084690094 3047 Niisugused võivad olla ka looduse objektid, ja mõnda, näiteks ookeani ja "tähistaevast meie pea kohal" polegi millegagi võrrelda. This can also be the object of nature, and there is nothing to compare with some of the things, such as the ocean and the 'celebrations in our head'. [72, 60, 83] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, -0.574314160703546, 0.6245002025956135] 0.04687865245614733 -0.5661735534667969 3048 Ründajatest läänes lamasid 1500 briti jalaväelast prantsuse suurtükitule eest varju otsides maas, varjudes künkaharja taha. Of the victims in the West, 1 500 British anti-personnel were burnt up in search of shelter from a French bull, hiding behind the cyclone. [22, 2, 1] 8.333333333333334 [-1.465741972965541, -2.2445902881882103, -2.016289862523797] -1.9088740412258494 -0.7262651920318604 3049 Kui mingi detail ei vastanud tema ootustele keskaegsest arhitektuurist, eemaldas Taylor selle halastamatult. If any detail did not meet his expectations of a medieval architectural design, Taylor removed it mercilessly. [95, 84, 100] 93.0 [1.1264109951115293, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9058636992514746 -0.42518773674964905 3050 Planeetide massi küsimused oli Newtoni paradigma jaoks fundamentaalsed, Aristotelese paradigmade jaoks ketserlikud. The planet's masses were fundamental to the Newton paradigm, heretical to the AristoTV paradigms. [75, 84, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4903786678134342] 0.45234302787246317 -0.33043918013572693 3051 Kuningat külastas seal ka Riia piiskop Albert von Buxhövden koos ordumeister Volquini ja orduvendadega, et arutada alluvussuhteid Liivimaal. The King also visited Riia Bishop Albert von Buxhövden there, along with the ordurator Volquin and orduendas, to discuss subordination relations in the country of the Union. [88, 80, 84] 84.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.4936093960423005, 0.6172985934001295] 0.5925771307611359 -0.40284955501556396 3052 Jürgen Roostele määrati preemia novelli "Pornofilm ja pudel viina" eest, Mats Traadile novelli "Sarviku armastus" eest. Jürgen Swedish was awarded a prize for a novel "Pornofilm and bottle viina," Mats Trapale for a novel "Sarvnik love." [100, 76, 88] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 0.6591218945451415] 0.692437911182485 -0.5158448219299316 3053 pisiPrantslaste sissetung septembri lõpus ja oktoobri alguses tabas austerlasi ootamatult ja lõhkus nende sideliinid. The intervention of the petty French children at the end of September and the beginning of October hit the Austrians unexpectedly and divided their chickens. [36, 43, 49] 42.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.6836306438634967, -0.7871006959787512] -0.8923739236454103 -0.42011070251464844 3054 Või siis Botvinniku võimalik arvamus, et tõenäoliselt tuleb tal kaotada. Or the possible opinion of Botvnik that he is likely to lose. [96, 75, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 0.27545805178677896, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7178392765020783 -0.5700936913490295 3055 Armastuse omadustepõhisus on tavauskumus armastuse kohta. The basis of love is common belief in love. [73, 84, 85] 80.66666666666667 [0.328969831320193, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.45287950400023047 -0.5356164574623108 3056 Kui ma teda õelalt vihkan, pean ma teda madalaks ja alatuks. When I maliciously hate him, I consider him to be low and subservient. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5464537850814665] 0.9253491751903445 -0.5499637126922607 3057 Toimusid kokkupõrked meeleavaldajate ja politsei vahel, viimane oli sunnitud kasutama pisargaasi. There were clashes between demonstrators and the police, the latter being forced to use tear gas. [95, 100, 100] 98.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.014542289987497 -0.32233554124832153 3058 Saksa rindedokumentides kannab võitlusgrupp nime Lahingugrupp Reymann 11. In the German circular documents, the battle group is named Reymann 11. [72, 78, 82] 77.33333333333333 [0.144567245233466, 0.412248360714594, 0.46039042405392566] 0.33906867666732854 -0.4042584002017975 3059 Kui see minust oleneb, siis ma pean iga alternatiivset tegu tõesti saama teha. If it depends on me, then I really must be able to do any alternative. [100, 85, 99] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.2807425052166714] 1.0391605137538011 -0.3773353695869446 3060 Rwanda elanikud on maailma suurimate banaanisööjate hulgas. Rwanda's inhabitants are among the world's largest banana workers. [45, 56, 51] 50.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.2711408857067372, -0.7716684006397244] -0.6416632102659517 -0.33242473006248474 3061 Ta ei püüdnudki seda põhjendada, ja tema analüütilisuse definitsiooni korral tekib kaks raskust. He did not even try to justify this, and if he defined its analytical nature, there will be two difficulties. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.5258260369300842 3062 Ülestõusu meenutamisest täielikult mööda ei mindud ja lehes Eesti Sõna avaldati vastavateemaline juhtkiri. The reminiscent of the changeover was not completely disregarded, and in any case in the words of Estonia, a editorial letter on the subject was published. [12, 29, 40] 27.0 [-1.8183096545968183, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.368490836735892 -0.5655377507209778 3063 Öeldakse, et Jumal on vaim ning tahab, et teda austataks tões ja vaimus. It is said that God has the spirit and wants him to be respected in the spirit and the truth. [73, 78, 83] 78.0 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6245002025956135] 0.28679544102200194 -0.3601149320602417 3064 Näiteks võidakse võimu kasutada teiste rõhumiseks; kõrge loomuliku intellektiga inimene võib oma andeid kasutada destruktiivsetel eesmärkidel. For example, power may be used to oppress others; a person with high natural intelligence can use his or her talents for destructive purposes. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.7123928783280498, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.048339599106961 -0.3147847652435303 3065 See on just niisugune metafüüsiline küsimus, mida loogilised empiristid lootsid seletuse analüüsimisel vältida. This is precisely the sort of metaphysical issue that the logical empirists were hoping to avoid when the explanation was analysed. [96, 80, 100] 92.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8578659461041633 -0.4619698226451874 3066 Näiteks Hartry Field on sellisel seisukohal arvude puhul. For example, Hartry Field takes this view of figures. [98, 95, 92] 95.0 [0.8337359223850412, 0.9663283887635413, 1.0176690182308925] 0.9392444431264918 -0.3691651225090027 3067 Prantsusmaal Pariisi Gare de l'Esti raudteejaamas sõitis hommikuse tipptunni ajal rong vastu perroonipiiret. In France, at the Paris Gare de l'Est railway station, the train ran counter to perroonium during the peak of the morning. [76, 69, 61] 68.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.1413488724500223, -0.2908183276918498] 0.028357944025232618 -0.3437717854976654 3068 Pealegi on teoutilitarism mõeldud meetodiks nendeks puhkudeks, kus me tõesti otsustame. Furthermore, teoutilitarism is intended as a method of those cases where we are really deciding. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091] 0.781109342705844 -0.477888286113739 3069 Tai konstitutsioonikohus tagandas põhiseaduse rikkumise tõttu ametist peaminister Yingluck Shinawatra ja veel mitmed valitsuse liikmed. The Thai Constitutional Court has resigned Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and a number of other members of the Government for violation of the Constitution. [65, 67, 66] 66.0 [0.2800724459001775, 0.07788890965667469, -0.0840340075723075] 0.09130911599484821 -0.3413604199886322 3070 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus tema valdkonnale osaks saanud terava kriitika tõttu tagasi veteraniasjade minister Eric Shinseki. In the United States, Mr Eric Shinseki, Minister for Veterania, returned to his area because of the sharp criticism he received. [68, 63, 58] 63.0 [-0.2840087250415973, -0.04903101593002054, -0.21474005308299082] -0.18259326468486956 -0.36639514565467834 3071 Viimase aktiveerunud ehitustegevus linnustes oli selgelt suunatud eelkõige ordu vastu. The latest activated construction activity in urban areas was clearly aimed at the site in particular. [63, 57, 60] 60.0 [-0.1581138830084191, -0.12829074848702035, -0.14422096012004196] -0.14354186387182713 -0.5918189287185669 3072 Taasvallutatud Eestis kehtestati uuesti nõukogude võim. In a reinvaded Estonia, Soviet power was re-established. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8975674955625244] 0.8968920875853841 -0.46540653705596924 3073 Mehed kogunevad poollahtistes madalate seintega ehitistes, mille keskel on tulease ja ümberringi pingid. Men gather in half-loose, low-wall buildings, in the middle of which there are flames of fire and revolt. [29, 28, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.2364646201977947, -1.12785038341693] -1.2742896118102405 -0.6357776522636414 3074 Alates 13. sajandist hakkas seinamosaiigi osakaal langema ja kirikute valdavaks kaunistusteks said freskod. Since the 13th century, the proportion of skins began to fall, and the churches became the most beautiful cooks. [20, 29, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-2.0716779526032685, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.7018612422628783 -0.6488634347915649 3075 Teine asi aga on teha esemeks mõtteid endid segamatutena. The second thing, however, is to make the ideas themselves unmixed. [56, 60, 58] 58.0 [-0.24977056414566148, -0.3418302000470779, -0.020021058446782692] -0.2038739408798407 -0.5576438307762146 3076 Kui punaväelased tulid vasturünnakule, taandus Rebase võitlusgrupp hommikustele positsioonidele ja lõi seal rünnakud tagasi. When the red forces came to the counterattack, the Real Group turned back to breakfast positions and created the attacks there. [18, 30, 41] 29.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -0.9854639131732297] -1.3834160461554956 -0.52784264087677 3077 Nietzsche järgi on hea kõik see, mis suurendab võimutunnet, võimutahet; õnn on tunne, et võim kasvab, vastupanu on ületatud. According to Nietzsche, all that increases the sense of power, the will of power; so good is the feeling that power is growing, the resistance has been overcome. [53, 60, 82] 65.0 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.14422096012004196, 0.5808699337445091] -0.05244820904820824 -0.3620986342430115 3078 Claptoni kitarride valik on sama väljapaistev nagu ta ise. The selection of Claston kies is just as prominent as it is itself. [36, 33, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.324739928289561, -1.557013239959602, -1.12785038341693] -1.3365345172220309 -0.5944621562957764 3079 Aga kui sellest eesmärgist loobuda, kas see oleks ikka nii? But, if we abandon this objective, would that still be the case? [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9580837415683066 -0.5322902202606201 3080 Leedus teatas korruptsiooniskandaali sattunud Tööpartei valitsuskoalitsioonist lahkumisest. In Lithuania, the ruling coalition of the party involved in the corruption scandal has announced that it has left the government coalition. [80, 82, 83] 81.66666666666667 [0.17436773524631535, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6245002025956135] 0.45090218948290356 -0.515669047832489 3081 Laev tõsteti 1961. aastal üles ning selgus, et suurem osa selle kerest on suhteliselt tervena säilinud. The flotilla was raised in 1961 and it turned out that most of its herds have remained relatively healthy. [33, 29, 36] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.12785038341693, -1.324739928289561] -1.3365345172220309 -0.39671653509140015 3082 Vanale Vissile pakub endiselt lusti oma "nooremaid sugulasi" kiusata. The old Visa continues to be offered amusing its' younger relatives'. [57, 49, 47] 51.0 [-0.25098737870986976, -0.43399388551068224, -0.8698144240265682] -0.5182652294157067 -0.48383185267448425 3083 Sellises olukorras tekkis 1905. aastal Albert Einsteini erirelatiivsusteooria. This situation was the result of the special relativiso theory by Albert Einstein in 1905. [57, 57, 56] 56.666666666666664 [-0.3534310326070543, -0.12829074848702035, -0.2711408857067372] -0.25095422226693725 -0.3949286937713623 3084 Selleks et teada, kas poodnikul on hea tahe, tuleb vaadata tahte printsiipi. The principle of will needs to be looked at in order to know whether the party is willing. [32, 13, 16] 20.333333333333332 [-1.490167384385195, -1.4708067095166788, -1.6880982215310614] -1.5496907718109785 -0.4855317175388336 3085 1773. aastal kaotas ta Portugalis ja Portugali India kolooniates orjanduse. In 1773rd, he lost slavery in the colonies of Portugal and Portugal. [69, 72, 66] 69.0 [0.0372032665902161, 0.20456846669006593, 0.07523855193204053] 0.10567009507077418 -0.32261648774147034 3086 Seal, kus töid niimoodi ei eristata ega jaotata, kus igaüks on meister iga asja peale, viibivad tööndused alles suurimas barbaarsuses. Where work is not differentiated or distributed in this way, where everyone is a champion of every thing, work is still contained in the greatest barbarity. [23, 31, 38] 30.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106, -0.971935339669399] -1.311479796376061 -0.468389093875885 3087 Tulelöögis said rängalt kannatada ka Rootsi valli taga olevad suurtükiüksused. The fire also hit hard the large cells behind the Swedish Guard. [61, 81, 70] 70.66666666666667 [-0.10599807620235407, 0.5372396648934048, -0.19997321272861532] 0.07708945865414514 -0.4588395357131958 3088 Uus "Badoglio valitsus" eemaldas viimased fašistliku valitsemise elemendid, keelustades fašistliku partei. The new Badoglio Government has removed the last elements of fascist rule by banning the fascist party. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.711760740297822] 0.9113046299528097 -0.2075289487838745 3089 Eesti kodanikud peavad Malawisse reisimiseks taotlema Rahvaste Ühenduse viisa. Estonian citizens must apply for a Commonwealth visa to visit Malawi. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.30127573013305664 3090 Eestis Harju Maakohtus toimus kohtuprotsess sarimõrvar Juri Ustimenko üle. In the case of Harther Maaten in Estonia, a trial has taken place against Mr Juri Ustimenko, who is a serial victim. [68, 82, 54] 68.0 [0.1096188910533485, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5803163758592089] 0.03672414964621625 -0.6903373599052429 3091 Selle väidetavalt kodanikumõtlemisega, enesekindla vaatepunkti praktilised kõrvalsaadused olid kolkapatriotism, ksenofoobia, seisak ja sallimatus. The practical by-products of this supposedly citizen-thinking, self-confident view, were tribal patriotism, xenophobia, stagnation and intolerance. [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.4859692454338074 3092 Kanadas pikendati kindralkuberner David Johnstoni volitusi detsembrini 2017. In Canada, the mandate of Chief Governor David Johnston was extended until December 2017. [89, 83, 73] 81.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 0.4867066880395393, 0.26826879803671755] 0.5470857672594988 -0.2451181411743164 3093 Politsei kasutas meeleavaldajate vastu pisargaasi. The police used tear gas against demonstrators. [100, 100, 72] 90.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.29272250569331404] 0.9465386867165396 -0.29318442940711975 3094 Rootsis Malmö linnas toimus Läänemeremaade Nõukogu ministrite kohtumine. In Malmö, Sweden, the Council of Ministers of the Baltic Sea States met. [100, 84, 77] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.7213334212947711 -0.3683721125125885 3095 Eestis Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul toimus Eesti Euroopa Liidu eesistumise avakontsert. In Tallinn, Estonia, the inaugural group of the Estonian Presidency of the European Union took place. [36, 20, 28] 28.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -2.0716779526032685, -1.7751645842151236] -1.6844109893041248 -0.32466545701026917 3096 Viimastest moodustab suure osa sõjategevuse jätkamine Iraagis ja Afganistanis. The latter constitute a large part of the resumption of hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. [100, 100, 88] 96.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8726797157233768] 1.097960867776129 -0.4070110321044922 3097 Nende hulgas on näiteks raha ja dokumentidega nahkpaun, mis just tänu tolmule hästi säilis. These include, for example, money and paper leather, which has just been well preserved thanks to that. [84, 84, 83] 83.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3549991235539173] 0.5468093961335881 -0.5127584934234619 3098 Filosoofi respektaabluse kriteerium on emotsionaalse reaktsiooni puudumine. The criteria for respecting the philosopher are the lack of an emotional response. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5771383631874839 -0.3538907468318939 3099 Läti president Andris Bērziņš tegi senisele peaministrile Laimdota Straujumale ülesandeks uue valitsuse moodustamise. Andris Bērziņš, President of Latvia, tasked the current Prime Minister Laimdota Straswim with setting up a new government. [59, 66, 72] 65.66666666666667 [-0.051864964231104885, 0.04615892826000089, 0.29272250569331404] 0.09567215657407002 -0.28602397441864014 3100 Neid viimaseid asju ei pruugi mõistuspärane toimija soovida, õieti ei tohi soovida, selleks et olla mõistuspärane soovija. These last things may not be wanted by a rational player, or perhaps not wanted, in order to be a rational wish. [77, 81, 73] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048, 0.12647325843666224] 0.3529672156511599 -0.5860182642936707 3101 Alles 15 aastat tagasi oli raskustega maha surutud Jüriöö ülestõus. Only 15 years ago, the Jury uprising had been torn down with difficulty. [32, 25, 18] 25.0 [-1.1571705193818427, -1.7796654325525543, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4712387102382463 -0.5043389201164246 3102 pisiEdward I taastatud magamistuba St Thomase tornis pisiEdward I reconstituted a sleeping room in St Thomsen torn [33, 40, 26] 33.0 [-1.7771428309588193, -1.062297059252832, -1.3128904044537102] -1.384110098221787 -0.4714554250240326 3103 Hiljem on ta hakanud rohkem huvi tundma Chelsea mängude vastu. Later on, it has become more interested in Chelsea games. [71, 67, 73] 70.33333333333333 [0.10093697638236171, 0.07788890965667469, 0.2054640405950517] 0.12809664221136272 -0.4040500223636627 3104 Sri Lanka keskosas Buttala linnas korraldati rünnak koolibussile, mille möödumisel plahvatas tee ääres pomm. An attack was carried out on a school bus in the centre of Sri Lanka, after which a bomb exploded along the way. [76, 53, 51] 60.0 [0.3190883206378832, -0.6216732398831174, -0.4297907926901062] -0.24412523731178015 -0.28910765051841736 3105 Mornasse on saabunud üks meesterahvas, kes otsib Almat. One male people has arrived in Moravia seeking Alma. [57, 80, 50] 62.333333333333336 [-0.25098737870986976, 0.4936093960423005, -0.9486551086784767] -0.23534436378201531 -0.5526735186576843 3106 Mussolini tundis kohustust sõlmida liit vaatamata murele, et Itaalia ei suudaks lähitulevikus sõda pidada. Mussolini felt obliged to conclude the Union despite the concern that Italy would not be able to wage war in the near future. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7804138233994967 -0.24860377609729767 3107 Ka otsustused katsetulemuste adekvaatsuse üle ei ole otsesed. Neither are the decisions on the adequacy of the test results direct. [100, 82, 86] 89.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8017052213872207 -0.4072282910346985 3108 Haldusõiguslikult on tegemist oblastilise alluvusega linnaga, mis ei kuulu seda ümbritseva Podolski rajooni koosseisu. Administrative law is obstinately subordinate to a city that does not belong to the composition of the Podolski construct surrounding it. [36, 23, 48] 35.666666666666664 [-1.6491599075944858, -1.318230271796973, -0.5772133093517801] -1.1815344962477463 -0.48640286922454834 3109 Kuningas Manuel II põgenes oma jahtlaeval esmalt Gibraltarisse ja sealt Suurbritanniasse, kuhu ta jäi surmani 1932. aastal. King Manuel II, on his mesh ship, first fled to Gibraltar and Britain, where he died in 1932. [53, 77, 58] 62.666666666666664 [-0.2811423169988513, 0.36271858948898755, -0.20768092291338958] -0.04203488347441777 -0.4765340983867645 3110 Kahetsus on ka tehtu moraalse tähenduse distsiplineeritud meelespidamine. Doubts are also disciplined in the moral meaning of what has been done. [23, 31, 38] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.6442737776618106, -1.1343437451734075] -1.34951862509943 -0.3373795449733734 3111 Maksuvaba tulu ülempiir tõusis 144 eurolt kuus 154 euroni kuus. The tax-free income ceiling rose from EUR 144 to EUR 154 per month. [100, 80, 95] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.866866844222949] 0.8198599195432266 -0.28746673464775085 3112 Ameerika Ühendriikides otsustas San Francisco linnavalitsus keelata alastioleku avalikes kohtades, tehes erandi teatud üritustele. In the United States, the Municipality of San Francisco decided to ban permanent status in public places, with an exception to certain events. [26, 28, 1] 18.333333333333332 [-1.4642007120043536, -1.3021598218893584, -2.016289862523797] -1.5942167988058362 -0.3722982406616211 3113 Trinidadi kreoolkeelt on olulisel määral mõjutanud ka prantsuse keel. French has also had an important influence on Trinidad Cubans. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.6561172604560852 3114 Tööd tehakse ühiselt ja ka sündmusi tähistatakse üheskoos. Work is being done together and events are also being celebrated together. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9580837415683066 -0.48669853806495667 3115 Nii nagu geštaldi omadused moodustavad kokku kindla kuju, moodustavad olukorra elemendid moraalse terviku. Just as the characteristics of the geo-Sheikh are a concrete form, the elements of the situation form a moral whole. [29, 38, 47] 38.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -0.8422805508468657, -0.613460634978659] -0.8846643046317871 -0.5568276643753052 3116 Lõpuks käsutasid trompetihelid rügemendi pikali pärast seda kui kaotused hakkasid minema ohtlikult suureks. In the end, thropecles at the rhythm's length after the losses began to be dangerously high. [15, 30, 45] 30.0 [-1.8152743644805112, -1.687904046512915, -1.135825582665942] -1.5463346645531226 -0.5762795209884644 3117 Eesti keeles on raamatu esimene peatükk ilmunud ajakirja Akadeemia 2000. aasta 5. numbris. In Estonian, the first chapter of the book is a magazine in the fifth edition of the Academy 2000. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3662147730643865, 0.9230496311961767] 1.1294559742083312 -0.3111277222633362 3118 Pürjeliklassile oli väheoluline parlamentaarne esindatus, aga mitte talupoegadele. There was little parliamentary representation for the military, but not for the peasants. [58, 58, 57] 57.666666666666664 [-0.09007785635906261, -0.20768092291338958, -0.25098737870986976] -0.1829153859941073 -0.44860926270484924 3119 Sellist inimest ei ole, sest dispositsioonidest on liiga raske läbi tungida. There is no such person because it is too difficult to get through the positions of disposition. [58, 80, 69] 69.0 [-0.09007785635906261, 0.4936093960423005, 0.1413488724500223] 0.18162680404442008 -0.3998253345489502 3120 Samal päeval jõustas president Barack Obama seaduse oma allkirjaga. On the same day President Barack Obama enacted the law with his signature. [100, 97, 85] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1980287771688547, 0.711760740297822] 1.0029643452770356 -0.24700665473937988 3121 Sccotuse järgi on aga ka konkreetne intentsioon puhtvaimne entiteet. However, according to Sccous, a specific initiative is also a one-size-fits-all approach. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8676743611017054 -0.48675668239593506 3122 III aastatuhande lõpus eKr jõudis Portugali kellpeekrite kultuur, sel ajal õpiti kasutama vaske ja pronksi. At the end of the millennium, eKr reached the culture of hardliners in Portugal, at that time learning to use bread and belt. [4, 27, 20] 17.0 [-1.7263724143617756, -1.5306005177365722, -1.1103016900841782] -1.4557582073941753 -0.5297350287437439 3123 Kuriteod, mida kirjeldatakse, peavad minema üha räigemaks. The crimes that are being described must become increasingly dirty. [78, 79, 75] 77.33333333333333 [0.4269187050200866, 0.44997912719119615, 0.19851994435723766] 0.35847259218950683 -0.40735629200935364 3124 Aastal 1265 vallutas sultan Baibars Caesarea, Haifa ja Arsufi; aastal 1266 Safadi ja Toroni. In 1265, Baibars Caesarea, Haifa and Arsufi were seized; 1266 Safe and Toron were closed in 2009. [25, 13, 1] 13.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -2.0161852277208774 -0.28536897897720337 3125 Põder tahab reklaami eesmärgil hakata kasutama Evaldi kauni tüdruksõbra visuaalset motiivi, Evald aga saadab kogu valimise värgi kuradile. The team wants to start using the visual motive of Evaldi's beautiful girl with the aim of advertising, while Evali sends the entire selection colour to the devil. [21, 46, 29] 32.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -0.6497079606055378, -1.12785038341693] -1.174766306506922 -0.5542222261428833 3126 Eestis kuulutas Liberalismi Akadeemia Aasta liberaaliks 2015 õppejõu ja endise poliitiku Siim Kallase. In Estonia, the Academy of Liberalism declared 2015 a liberal year by lecturer and former politician Siim Kallas. [69, 77, 73] 73.0 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.36271858948898755, 0.2054640405950517] 0.10894495983240658 -0.3475331664085388 3127 Samas meelestas Andronikos nende reformidega enda vastu aristokraadid. At the same time, in Andronikos, these reforms were frustrated by the aristocrats themselves. [27, 18, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-2.0331086776874856, -1.4768801787803418, -1.483396450023753] -1.6644617688305268 -0.6389626860618591 3128 16.\tSee on Isa juures asuvate igaveste olendite viisik, esimene inimene, nähtamatu Vaimu peegeldus. 16. It is a visa for the eternal creations in the Isa, the first person, a reflection of an invisible sight. [23, 20, 16] 19.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -2.124206735023958, -1.6950193257332875] -1.8313066501116564 -0.39978721737861633 3129 Ma võin küll kogu elus väärtustada ainult ühe soovi täitumist, aga sel juhul mitte lihtsalt sellepärast, et mul on ainult üks soov. I can only value one wish for the whole of life, but in that case not just because I have only one wish. [100, 100, 92] 97.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0176690182308925] 1.0134049365134425 -0.41718369722366333 3130 See ei ole lihtsalt kinkimine ega kinkimise harjumus. It is not just a gift or a modus operandi. [16, 18, 35] 23.0 [-1.3446299291832198, -1.4768801787803418, -1.3660967923134697] -1.3958689667590105 -0.38912874460220337 3131 Maroko pealinna Rabati lähistel toimus raske liiklusõnnetus. A serious road accident occurred near the Moroccan capital Rabat. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.2419152408838272 3132 Inimese kogu elu tuleks järjestada inimelu ülimale ja viimsele eesmärgile. The whole life of human beings should be ranked for the supreme and ultimate purpose of human life. [100, 91, 85] 92.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.774893431721841, 0.7546520219271563] 0.8430690747671954 -0.3542502820491791 3133 President kuulutas riigis välja erakorralise seisukorra ja andis armeele käsu kord taastada. The President declared the state of emergency and ordered the army to restore order. [98, 74, 100] 90.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.23182778293567463, 1.1249782957469103] 0.79462097037548 -0.2255401909351349 3134 Seetõttu on raekoja põhiplaan vildakalt kõvera kontuuriga ja lääne poole peaaegu poole meetri võrra ahenevana lähedane trapetsile. The main plan of the House is therefore fervently a curved contour and almost half a metre west of greed close to trapeds. [55, 49, 43] 49.0 [-0.302870867103411, -0.8589289383419331, -1.035241880122202] -0.7323472285225154 -0.5381084084510803 3135 Eesti sotsiaalminister Hanno Pevkur viibis ühepäevasel töövisiidil Soomes, kus kohtus mitmete Soome valitsuse liikmetega. The Estonian Minister for Social Affairs, Hanno Pevkur, was on a one-day working visit to Finland, where several members of the Finnish Government met. [60, 55, 73] 62.666666666666664 [-0.2557724578077367, -0.27816675357289444, 0.328969831320193] -0.06832312668681273 -0.27005282044410706 3136 See on umbes kahemeetrine kangatükk, mida kantakse seeliku peal. This is a two-metre-metre carpet that is being carried on the skirts. [23, 31, 38] 30.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106, -1.0812112729394545] -1.3479051074660795 -0.6536731123924255 3137 Teda süüdistati sotsiaalkindlustuse fondiga seotud petuskeemides. He was accused of fraudulent schemes linked to the Social Security Fund. [100, 82, 84] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9034573389678384] 0.8611435970255926 -0.3431669771671295 3138 Igatahes oleks elu ilma armastuseta talumatult vormitu ja tühi. In any case, life without love would be unbearable in form and empty. [100, 83, 93] 92.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6741569894413332] 0.8078784959279522 -0.3028598427772522 3139 NATO lõpetas ametlikult Afganistanis 2001. aastal alanud sõjalise missiooni ISAF. NATO officially closed the ISAF military mission in Afghanistan in 2001. [89, 82, 96] 89.0 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, 0.769904349207558] 0.7089075944451886 -0.327279657125473 3140 Cäthryni arvates on tema ja Tiigi suhe veidike rutiini langemas ja seda kinnitab ka Alma tähelepanek. Cäthry believes that his relationship with the Tiger is falling a little routine, and this is confirmed by Alma's observation. [47, 52, 56] 51.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.7280381317886201, -0.2711408857067372] -0.6031042253420584 -0.4094526469707489 3141 Brito peab vaimuväliseid asju mõlemat liiki intentsioonide toimivpõhjuseks. Britain regards non-clergy as a reason for the functioning of both types of intentions. [60, 66, 84] 70.0 [-0.3321751917157582, -0.3693306739511528, 0.6681304714467177] -0.01112513140673114 -0.5796611309051514 3142 Kohustust rikkudes käitus ta küll halvasti, kuid mitte tingimata irratsionaalselt või ebamõistlikult. In violation of the obligation, it acted badly, but not necessarily irrational or unreasonable. [44, 53, 49] 48.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -0.5939936007690919, -0.5409659837249011] -0.7096148668640955 -0.43754297494888306 3143 Thira vulkaani purse ja mükeenelaste relvastatud sissetung on kaks peamist teooriat, mis seletavad Minose kultuuri kadumist aasta 1400 eKr paiku. The volcanic eruption and the armed invasion of mykeeners are the two main theories explaining the disappearance of Minos culture around the 1400 eKr year. [85, 74, 71] 76.66666666666667 [0.711760740297822, 0.24682090461896014, 0.1023089831230945] 0.35363020934662553 -0.31889835000038147 3144 6. detsember 2010 Ungari peaminister Viktor Orbán. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of 6 December 2010. [89, 63, 85] 79.0 [0.6118717385087359, -0.2337601711662148, 0.711760740297822] 0.3632907692134477 -0.3882506191730499 3145 Angola põhjaosas M'Banza Congo linnas kukkus alla riiklikule lennukompaniile TAAG Angolan Airlines kuulunud reisilennuk Boeing 737. In the northern town of Angola M'Banza Congo, a passenger aircraft Boeing 737 was downgraded to the national airline TAAG Angolan Airlines. [49, 29, 38] 38.666666666666664 [-0.7380869726102427, -1.12785038341693, -1.2420262002417441] -1.035987852089639 -0.3177073001861572 3146 Peamiselt töötlevad nad puuvilla ja kohvi või toodavad tarbekaupu. They mainly process cotton and coffee or produce consumer products. [97, 81, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0297883515568889, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.888710511604908 -0.26737961173057556 3147 Aastal 1866 püüdis Nobel nitroglütseriinile ka Suurbritannias turgu leida. In 1866, Nobel nitroglyrical also attempted to find a market in Britain. [52, 41, 29] 40.666666666666664 [-0.6630301039070259, -1.2079710891507676, -1.12785038341693] -0.9996171921582411 -0.4270462989807129 3148 Välisminister Tzipi Livni säilitas oma ametikoha ja nimetati ühtlasi asepeaministriks. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni maintained his position as Deputy Prime Minister. [69, 78, 60] 69.0 [0.1839805288126773, 0.674179986200092, -0.3321751917157582] 0.1753284410990037 -0.2745589315891266 3149 Kant usub, et 3. peatüki lõpuks on tal õnnestunud näidata, et me oleme õigustatud mõtlema endast kui autonoomsetest ja vabadest. She believes that, at the end of Chapter 3, she has managed to show that we are right to think of ourselves as autonomous and free. [77, 84, 76] 79.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.6603895448580447, 0.2650732744552905] 0.4293938029341076 -0.2965080142021179 3150 Paljudes olukordades langevad armastuse ja kohuse nõuded kokku. In many situations, the standards of love and duty coincide. [80, 100, 90] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.3076476232459238, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8696451670227988 -0.4821268320083618 3151 Armastuse nõuded on umbes samamoodi sundivad ja jõulised nagu moraalse kohustuse nõuded. The medical requirements are roughly just as coercive and robust as the moral imperative requirements. [46, 37, 27] 36.666666666666664 [-0.8258849802295217, -0.8740105322435395, -1.3384071475162373] -1.0127675533297662 -0.5107114911079407 3152 aasta talvel keskenduti Riias semgalitega tekkinud probleemide lahendamisele. During the winter of this year, the focus was on solving the problems with the Semgals in Riga. [56, 83, 63] 67.33333333333333 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6245002025956135, -0.1581138830084191] 0.06508181129348571 -0.49618279933929443 3153 Matemaatikud töötasid välja ka vahendid näiteks hüdrodünaamika ja keele võnkumise teooria tarvis. Mathematics have also developed tools for hydrodynamics and theory for language learning, for example. [44, 29, 16] 29.666666666666668 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693, -1.38561814123498] -1.1438907373545304 -0.4191637933254242 3154 Helikopteris viibisid lisaks pilootidele Türgi kontserni Eczacıbaşı tegevjuht ja neli Venemaa kodanikku. In addition to pilots, the CEO and four Russian citizens were present at Helikopje, in addition to the Turkish Group Eczacıbaş. [25, 24, 23] 24.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.9496856596195407, -1.318230271796973] -1.6235210450245539 -0.41877323389053345 3155 Üks esimesi asju, mida Mortimer Inglismaale tulles tegi, oli Toweris hoitud vangide vabastamine. One of the first things that Mortimer did when he came to England was the release of the prisoners held. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.2836616337299347 3156 Sümptomite hulka kuulub ikterus ehk naha, silmade ja kehavedelike kollaseks muutumine. Symptodes include the change of nicus, which is to say skin, eye and body fluids. [79, 82, 76] 79.0 [0.4586486864167604, 0.5808699337445091, 0.23454328731752536] 0.42468730249293163 -0.5510739088058472 3157 Siiski ei kaotanud Charles lootust taastada Stuartite perekond Inglismaa troonile. However, Charles did not lose hope of restoring students' family to the British throne. [32, 25, 18] 25.0 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.9060553907684363, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5778064574946373 -0.47063684463500977 3158 Siiski on ka neil puhkudel kaaslusest ehtsat ja rikkumata lohutust. However, in these cases, too, there is genuine and unadulterated consolation. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [0.7440960658074922, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.0094085132133852 -0.3466959297657013 3159 Need olid mõistlikud füüsikalises lähenduses, kuid sellistena need piirasid oodatavat kooskõla ennustuste ja katsetulemuste vahel. They were reasonable in physical convergence, but as such they limited the anticipated consistency between predictions and test results. [73, 78, 80] 77.0 [0.2054640405950517, 0.4269187050200866, 0.4936093960423005] 0.3753307138858129 -0.38663002848625183 3160 Montenegros tehti Milo Đukanovićile ülesandeks moodustada uus valitsus. In Montenegro, Milo Đukanović was given the task of forming a new government. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.2382121980190277 3161 Alles pärast Dupont'i diviisi saabumist, pimedas, oli Gazan võimeline alustama oma sõdurite evakueerimist Doonau teisele kaldale. Only after the arrival of the Dupont dial, in the dark, was Gaza able to start evacuating its soldiers on the other shores of the Danube. [58, 61, 55] 58.0 [-0.4428955411646226, -0.10599807620235407, -0.302870867103411] -0.2839214948234626 -0.3728335201740265 3162 Tekkinud segadust kasutasid ära ristisõdijad, kes vallutasid pealinna teistkordselt 13. aprillil 1204. The turmoil that has arisen has been exploited by Christian commanders, who have seized the capital the second time on 13 April 1204. [75, 57, 51] 61.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.44990022892794107, -0.46847133247114325] -0.21006459758540527 -0.4702920615673065 3163 Kui poleks asju, millest aru saada, ei põhjustaks aru intentsiooni. If it were not for the things to be understood, there would be no misunderstanding. [32, 27, 42] 33.666666666666664 [-1.490167384385195, -1.0732600575354174, -0.8417239066036423] -1.1350504495080849 -0.5406113266944885 3164 Tähelepanu ja aktiivset väärtustamist, millest Jollimore räägib, peabki enamik filosoofe väärtuse omistamiseks. The attention and active valuation that Jollimore talks about must be attributed to the value of most philosophers. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.45360522473850245, 0.9996617706525889, 0.7208132901854393] 0.7246934285255101 -0.32664886116981506 3165 Aastal 1963 sai ta Aafrika Liidu eelkäija Aafrika Ühtsuse Organisatsiooni liikmeks. In 1963, she became a member of the African Union's predecessor to the United Africa Organisation. [68, 69, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.2920510649205147, 0.1839805288126773, 0.1413488724500223] 0.2057934887277381 -0.25094276666641235 3166 See taas viiks teatud omaduste üldistumiseni ja nõrgemate omadustega indiviidide vähenemiseni. This would again lead to the generalisation of certain characteristics and a reduction in individuals with weaker properties. [64, 82, 73] 73.0 [0.0027439006782826883, 0.5808699337445091, -0.0876709283361361] 0.16531430202888522 -0.38193976879119873 3167 Nauditaval ja vooruslikul on eesmärgi loomus, sest need on soovimisväärsed nende endi pärast. The objective has the nature of the objective, which is audited and virtuous, as it is desirable for them to be for themselves. [84, 85, 83] 84.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5029228142764071 -0.4576570391654968 3168 Mõlemad mehed vahistati, lennujaam evakueeriti ja kõik lennud tühistati. Both men were arrested, the airport was evacuated and all the flights were cancelled. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7997136590746199 -0.20206600427627563 3169 5. kompaniid lasi ta veelgi tahapoole kaarutada ja seadis raskerelvade rühmad talle jätkuks. 5. the companies had it further reopened the debate and set HGVs to continue. [32, 39, 25] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.2006693362178358, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3520277180107225 -0.6900034546852112 3170 Portugali dessertveinidest on tuntumad Favaios ja Setúbali veinikasvatuspiirkonna Moscatel. Portuguese dessert wines are better known in Favaio and in the Muslim region of Setúbal wine-growing. [32, 45, 18] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -0.952528152074385, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3433506132218112 -0.3093096911907196 3171 Nende seas on mainitud ka Podolski linna ajaloolist eelkäijat Podoli küla. These include the historic predecessor of the town of Podolski, the village of Podoli. [100, 79, 78] 85.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4269187050200866] 0.658667116858571 -0.29051724076271057 3172 Raim uurib Johannese käest Pille kohta, kuid selget vastust ta ei saa. The aim is to investigate from Johannese to Pilate, but he is not receiving a clear answer. [78, 79, 80] 79.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4196160185657205 -0.41828131675720215 3173 Pärast Tărnovosse naasmist tellisid vennad kiriku ehitamise, mis pühendati Pühale Demetriosele Saloníkist. Following the return to Tărnovo, brothers ordered the construction of a church dedicated to Pühale Demetrical Saloník. [61, 52, 63] 58.666666666666664 [-0.30580685708679023, -0.3980608112934324, -0.05099723815503073] -0.25162163551175115 -0.24196863174438477 3174 Organ loodi märtsi keskel toimunud teisel parteikoosolekul. It was set up at the second party meeting in mid-March. [58, 55, 51] 54.666666666666664 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.5971473252353072, -0.4297907926901062] -0.48027166796435566 -0.30690276622772217 3175 11. juuli 2012 Itaalia president Giorgio Napolitano. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, on 11 July 2012. [96, 88, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.162658320738408, 0.8258170009536785, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0378178724796656 -0.21373972296714783 3176 Johannes ütles, et keisril pole seaduslikku autoriteeti selliseid nõudmisi esitada ning ei loobunud kummastki kohast. Johannes said that the emperor had no legal authority to make such demands and neither to give up. [81, 76, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.32953463266677707, 0.4586486864167604] 0.4418076613256474 -0.410202294588089 3177 Võimalike üleujutuste eest evakueeriti kaks tuhat viissada elanikku. Two thousand five hundred inhabitants were evacuated from possible floods. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.2439957559108734 3178 Ta külastas Mars Society rahakogumisüritust ja annetas ühingule 5000 dollarit. He visited the Mars Society's financial collection event and donated USD 5 000 to the Society. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.9766753784763148 -0.4962519407272339 3179 Johannes Paulus II avaldas 2003 entsüklika "Ecclesia de Eucharistia", milles ta rõhutas armulaua sakramendi tähtsust. John Paul II published the encyclone Ecclesia de Eucharistia in 2003, in which he stressed the importance of the rude table. [80, 82, 84] 82.0 [0.17436773524631535, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177] 0.4654456124332716 -0.3733443319797516 3180 Endistel riigipeadel on õigus soovi korral senati liikmeks saada. Former heads of state are entitled to join the Senate if they so wish. [100, 71, 100] 90.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.10093697638236171, 1.32209936924058] 0.8347262677114111 -0.38755664229393005 3181 Aastal 870 tunnistas Konstantinoopoli IV kirikukogu Bulgaaria kiriku autonoomseks õigeusu kirikuks Konstantinoopoli patriarhi kõrgeima juhtimise all. In 870, the Church of Constantinople IV recognised the Bulgarian Church as the autonomous Orthodox Church under the highest leadership of the Patriarch of Constantinople. [84, 84, 77] 81.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5521068538458442 -0.2604385316371918 3182 Sierra Leones toimunud presidendivalimised võitis ametisolev riigipea Ernest Bai Koroma, kes kogus umbes 59 protsenti antud häältest. The presidential elections in Sierra Leone won around 59% of the votes cast by the incumbent Head of State Ernest Bai KoRoma. [54, 45, 63] 54.0 [-0.3597293555905065, -0.5868454540225132, -0.20810459964403286] -0.38489313641901757 -0.3910563588142395 3183 Ordul oli Eestis keskaja lõpul teadaolevalt 16 põhilinnust, millest ligi kümnele pandi alus XIII sajandil. In Ordul, at the end of the Middle Ages in Estonia, we know of 16 major inspirations, of which nearly 10 were launched in the XIII century. [25, 18, 33] 25.333333333333332 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.4768801787803418, -1.4488105203612864] -1.509445967599592 -0.4730752408504486 3184 Ta külastas 18. mail 1982 Portugali frantsiskaane ja 22. veebruaril 1992 Senegalis frantsiskaanide nunnakloostrit, On 18 May 1982, he visited the Portuguese Cuban, and on 22 February 1992 in Senegal, the monastery of Agiskaans nuns, [26, 31, 21] 26.0 [-1.4642007120043536, -1.1934178450087216, -1.3816902345903206] -1.3464362638677985 -0.5480715036392212 3185 Trinidadi päritolu teatriinimestest on rahvusvahelise tunnustuse pälvinud Geoffrey Holder ja Heather Headley, kes on mõlemad võitnud Tony auhinna. The theatre people of Trind origin have won international recognition from Geoffrey Holder and Heather Headley, both of whom have won the Tony Prize. [62, 83, 60] 68.33333333333333 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3321751917157582] 0.07052133785105365 -0.34005191922187805 3186 Aasta ema autasustas ja õnnitles ka president Arnold Rüütel. President Arnold Rytel also honoured and congratulated the mother of the year. [62, 77, 70] 69.66666666666667 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.6359670940721344, 0.17307885384669613] 0.17975414459744266 -0.328326940536499 3187 pisivasakulLihula nunnakloostrile kuulunud Kloostrimõisa mõisa peahoone mais 2018 The term of the term 'Kastery', which was part of the monastery of the centre left Lihula nunan, was in May 2018. [23, 25, 27] 25.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.9060553907684363, -1.6969517045047373] -1.6404124556900488 -0.5794168710708618 3188 Samuti ei ole õige lugeda eelviidatud dokumentaalsetes tõendites kajastatut automaatselt tõendiks välisriikide kohtupraktika kui terviku kohta. It is also not right to automatically consider the above-mentioned documentary evidence of foreign case law as a whole. [68, 84, 76] 76.0 [0.2920510649205147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.30298769509747125] 0.42105641048823456 -0.38285157084465027 3189 Opositsioon süüdistas seepeale ülemkohut riigipöörde korraldamises ja president Nicolás Madurot diktatuuri kehtestamises. The opposition then accused the Supreme Court of conducting a coup d'état and President Nicolás Madurot of imposing a dictatorship. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9511421744425274 -0.2578679919242859 3190 Enamik ohvreid olid keskkooliõpilased ja turistid. Most victims were secondary school pupils and tourists. [100, 83, 87] 90.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7844601369297701] 0.8446462117574313 -0.176727294921875 3191 1245. aastast alates veetis siin oma viimased elupäevad pimedaks jäänud Tartu piiskop, kes kloostrisse ka maeti. From 1245 years on, Tartu Bishop, who has been blind, has spent her last days here and has been buried in the monastery. [55, 68, 51] 58.0 [-0.20471653274293583, 0.14773320318579836, -0.4297907926901062] -0.16225804074908123 -0.5688602328300476 3192 Vaatamata ohtlikele tingimustele ei juhtunud päästeoperatsiooni käigus tehtud rohkem kui 1300 sukeldumise ajal ühtegi tõsist õnnetust. Despite the dangerous conditions, no serious accidents occurred during more than 1 300 raids during the rescue operation. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.40035486221313477 3193 Seda aga tuleb eristada teooriast eetikamõtlemise loomuse kohta, mis jätab lahtiseks, kas selliseid teste saab olla. However, this must be distinguished from the theory of the nature of ethical thinking, which leaves it open to whether there can be such tests. [98, 81, 100] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8964249310280566 -0.32023078203201294 3194 Kas niisugust teooriat saab vaimus või ühiskonnas sidusalt või aktsepteeritavalt kuskile paigutada? Can such a theory be placed in a spirit or in a cohesive or acceptable society? [77, 70, 84] 77.0 [0.2705666302778131, -0.19997321272861532, 0.6681304714467177] 0.2462412963319718 -0.39275622367858887 3195 Varem kehtisid sellised nõuded ainult kõrgematele riigiametnikele. In the past, such requirements only applied to senior civil servants. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.3395395576953888 3196 Tamili Tiigrid lükkasid armee teated ümber ning väitsid, et tegelikult pommitati puruks hoopis maamiinide ohvrite hooldekodu. The Tamil Tigers overturned the army's reports, claiming that in fact, a home to the victims of landmines was being bombed. [87, 100, 73] 86.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.9996617706525889, 0.26826879803671755] 0.6329102095233322 -0.49915802478790283 3197 Ent hapniku avastamine ei olnud iseenesest keemiaparadigma muutumise põhjus. However, the detection of oxygen was not in itself the cause of the change in chemical paradigm. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8385875152009691 -0.3163515329360962 3198 Nauru sai 2005. aastal majandusabi 20 miljonit USA dollarit. In 2005, it received USD 20 million in economic aid. [60, 82, 71] 71.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.5808699337445091, 0.20480883524336993] 0.14794952298026706 -0.3780798316001892 3199 Need kirjeldused jätavad välja selle, et tahe on puhas. These descriptions leave out that the will is pure. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8031857163803974 -0.37567993998527527 3200 Miks ta ütleb kolm korda kaunima, sihvakama, painduvalt. Why does it say, three times, more ambitious, more inflexible? [70, 64, 64] 66.0 [0.2817123806819383, -0.1977368282059271, 0.1391994964086838] 0.074391682961565 -0.5937509536743164 3201 Evelinil saab mõõt täis ja ta põgeneb Tallinna Georgi juurde. Evelina is full of measurement and is fleeing Tallinn Georgi. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.1053109785554267 -0.5538747310638428 3202 Rünnakus hukkus üks ja sai vigastada kolm palestiinlast. Three Palestinians were killed and injured in the attack. [40, 26, 33] 33.0 [-1.062297059252832, -1.3128904044537102, -1.0009304578302347] -1.1253726405122588 -0.2726548910140991 3203 Presidendi administratsioon lubas kohtu otsuse vaidlustada. The President's administration promised to challenge the Court's decision. [100, 83, 99] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8656517089737827] 0.8717100691054355 -0.2767346501350403 3204 Ta saatis läkituse stigmatiini vendadele 12. veebruaril 2000. It sent a letter of reference to the stigmatisation brothers on 12 February 2000. [70, 81, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.5372396648934048, 0.024631356056343097] 0.19342475016851568 -0.3671227693557739 3205 Tavakeeles võidakse fakti all mõista kas fakti väljendavat väidet või asjade seisu, mida see väide tähistab. In normal languages, either a statement of facts or the state of affairs this claim may be understood. [20, 25, 30] 25.0 [-1.59213842690439, -1.9060553907684363, -1.697337004628338] -1.7318436074337213 -0.47005027532577515 3206 Uueks asepresidendiks nimetati eluasememinister Ramón Carrizales, lisaks toimus veel kolmteist suuremat ja väiksemat ametikohtade vahetust. The new Vice-President of the Housing Minister, Ramón Carrizales, has been appointed, as well as an increase in thirteen posts and a smaller one. [29, 36, 43] 36.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.426122433406289, -1.035241880122202] -1.1964048989818068 -0.37332233786582947 3207 Vintervikeni ettevõttest sai esimene tööstuslik nitroglütseriini tootja maailmas. Vintergenen's company became the first industrial producer of nitroglycerin in the world. [100, 73, 84] 85.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.5404104947292514] 0.609237175726084 -0.44799163937568665 3208 1559. aasta lõpus toimunud orduvägede viimane rünnak ei toonud sõjategevusse pööret. The latest attack by the hurrical forces at the end of 9 did not bring any change to the war. [30, 39, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.2006693362178358, -1.158288031393921] -1.1729987345178785 -0.5097328424453735 3209 Varastati muuhulgas ministeeriumile kuuluv sülearvuti. A laptop computer belonging to the Ministry was stolen, among other things. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8256927339487431 -0.33382537961006165 3210 Tervikul, mille poliitiline rühm või perekond moodustab, on ainult korra ühtsus, see pole absoluutselt üks. The whole entity that constitutes a political group or a family has only the unity of order, it is absolutely not one. [75, 85, 80] 80.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.76393773884274, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4858065906541295 -0.5281904339790344 3211 Jumal on ühtsus, mis ilmneb kõiges ja hõlmab kõike, sealhulgas filosofeerijat ja tunnetajat. God's unity is apparent in everything and involves everything, including the philosopher and the sensor. [81, 85, 78] 81.33333333333333 [0.27058394287051374, 0.3197713067441112, 0.19915853545263446] 0.26317126168908644 -0.4154324233531952 3212 Röövimise ja terrori abil püüdsid nad oma hüvitist saada ja järgida muid, sageli poliitilisi eesmärke. With the help of robbery and terror, they tried to get their compensation and pursue other, often political, objectives. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.37091025710105896 3213 Ka Mikołaj Kopernik kaebas oma raamatu eessõnas selle üle. Mr Kopernik also complained about this in the front line of his book. [86, 82, 90] 86.0 [0.680758556193477, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.6034457243864108 -0.28375735878944397 3214 Itaalia saatis ka misjonäre koloniseerimata maadesse võimaliku Itaalia kolonisatsiooni uurimiseks. Italy also sent missionaries to study the possible Italian colonisation into uncolonised lands. [68, 58, 77] 67.66666666666667 [-0.12373767527720667, -0.20768092291338958, 0.47395913382770866] 0.04751351187903746 -0.4153476655483246 3215 Teised jälle omistavad moraalsetele kaalutlustele prioriteetsust, mõned isegi väga. Others again give priority to moral considerations, some very much. [81, 73, 72] 75.33333333333333 [0.27058394287051374, 0.18819751408457033, 0.16410717657114324] 0.20762954450874246 -0.4143815338611603 3216 Ma ei ole kohustatud aitama kõiki, kes on ohus, ega otsima ohus olijaid, keda aidata. I am not obliged to help anyone who is at risk or to seek those at risk to help. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.3471100628376007 3217 Neid andmeid ei tohi sellepärast veel tagasi lükata. This data must not therefore be rejected as yet. [63, 55, 79] 65.66666666666667 [-0.1581138830084191, -0.302870867103411, 0.44997912719119615] -0.0036685409735446504 -0.4100618362426758 3218 Mediaanvanus oli 41,8 aastat, meestel 39,8 ja naistel 44 aastat. Medium age was 41.8 years, men 39.8 and women 44 years old. [67, 81, 74] 74.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.5372396648934048, 0.29999877943339137] 0.24919054833391074 -0.30751657485961914 3219 Hiljem samal päeval andis Hesseni liidumaa töökohus pilootide ametiühingule korralduse streik katkestada, sest tunnistas selle ebaseaduslikuks. Later on the same day, the Cubans' union at the Hesseni State's workplace was ordered to suspend the strike because it was illegal. [72, 81, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3951887236234128] 0.3409594346643974 -0.500720202922821 3220 Vastuvõetud lahendused viisid lõpuks põllumajandustegevuse tõhususe halvenemiseni, madalama tootlikkuseni ja maarahvastiku pauperisatsioonini. The solutions adopted ultimately led to a deterioration in the efficiency of agricultural activity, to lower productivity and to the pauperation of the rural population. [79, 100, 78] 85.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.4269187050200866] 0.7329990671506209 -0.41535186767578125 3221 Ta kutsus 14. novembril 2010 maailma pöörama rohkem tähelepanu Haiti kooleraepideemia ohvritele. On 14 November 2010, he called on the world to pay more attention to the victims of the cholera epidemic in Haiti. [82, 91, 100] 91.0 [0.46039042405392566, 1.1709475838635426, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9187721012214595 -0.21649429202079773 3222 Ahven on muutunud oma poja suhtes juba paranoiliseks. Ahven has already become paranoid towards his son. [100, 100, 95] 98.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293] 1.182537960905513 -0.5330020189285278 3223 Ta peab end enamiku kaasinimeste suhtes väga madalaks ning on enamiku peale vihane, sest neil on nii palju kõrgem staatus. It considers itself to be very low for most of our fellow human beings and it is angry for most of them, because they have so much higher status. [66, 84, 70] 73.33333333333333 [-0.0604553082091015, 0.5453227398168615, 0.2202278544395562] 0.23503176201577206 -0.4725987911224365 3224 Oletame, et ka naine jälestab meest ning on hiljuti mitu korda püüdnud teda mõrvata. We assume that a woman, too, will leave a man and has recently tried many times to murder her. [28, 23, 18] 23.0 [-1.3021598218893584, -1.862379160600371, -1.4768801787803418] -1.547139720423357 -0.558394193649292 3225 Otsimise käigus selgub nii mõndagi elulist nii raha kui ka kirjanduse kohta. During the search, a lot of life will be shown in terms of both money and literature. [54, 65, 60] 59.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.1774123885366415, -0.14422096012004196] -0.1749262764640682 -0.6652783155441284 3226 Ekspeditsioonisalk sai lüüa ja kaks Renaudi meest viidi Mekasse avalikule hukkamisele. Extractory content was defeated, and two Renaudi men were brought to Messrs for public executions. [34, 29, 19] 27.333333333333332 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.12785038341693, -1.300429572953281] -1.2355723577949231 -0.589389443397522 3227 Lisaks näeb seadus kauba vedajale ja saatjale ette muid kohustusi. In addition, the law imposes other obligations on carriers and accompanying persons. [58, 66, 62] 62.0 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.07523855193204053, -0.08076099732669434] -0.13979977712076905 -0.41913658380508423 3228 Meie kirjeldused pole seni arvestanud, missugune on George või Jim pärast üht või teist teguviisi. Our descriptions have so far not taken into account what is happening after George or Jim after one or another. [78, 60, 69] 69.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.3321751917157582, 0.1413488724500223] 0.07184084635811866 -0.4055493474006653 3229 Mõnikord öeldakse, et ükski inimene ei ole tervenisti halb. Sometimes it is said that no person is wholly bad. [100, 87, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7990212780000306, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8468159852315017 -0.46761274337768555 3230 Praegu peetakse seda järeldust vääraks ja neid katseid ebaadekvaatseteks. Today, this conclusion is seen as inadequate and these attempts are inadequate. [75, 65, 83] 74.33333333333333 [0.014618096141847111, -0.1617134852456394, 0.6245002025956135] 0.15913493783060706 -0.5660288333892822 3231 Indoneesias leiti veel kümmekond 29. detsembril põhja läinud praamilt Senopati Nusantara pääsenud inimest, nende seas ka praami kapten. In Indonesia another ten people, Senopat Nusanfence, who fled a cradle on 29 December, were found, including a master of barge. [26, 36, 46] 36.0 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.426122433406289, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1867780163545725 -0.5956436395645142 3232 Sambia kirjanike teoseid ja kooliõpikuid kirjastab Zambia Educational Publishing House. Zambia writers' works and school textbooks are publishing Zambia's Educational Publishing House. [85, 84, 83] 84.0 [0.4412278406896248, 0.5227300309998271, 0.6245002025956135] 0.5294860247616885 -0.20930583775043488 3233 31. augustil 1745 marssis Cope umbes 2000 Briti sõduriga põhja. On 31 August 1745, Cope marched around 2 000 British soldiers. [77, 78, 79] 78.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.4269187050200866, 0.44997912719119615] 0.41592977630065614 -0.22042255103588104 3234 24. aprill 2008 Itaalia president Giorgio Napolitano. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, on 24 April 2008. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1100644715184529 -0.21230781078338623 3235 Ta vajab abi, et saada eluks vajalkku, selles aitab teda kodune rühm. He needs help in order to be able to live in, in which he is assisted by a group at home. [68, 75, 81] 74.66666666666667 [-0.001320279524490586, 0.33172876083006514, 0.5372396648934048] 0.2892160487329931 -0.6313872337341309 3236 Nende kodud ja vara jagati laiali tööpartei liikmete vahel. Their homes and property were distributed among the members of the Labour Party. [98, 78, 100] 92.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8527946621769523 -0.3386938273906708 3237 Ei saa ka talle öelda, et ta omandaks perspektiivi, võrreldes seda sellega, mida teised on teinud ja kannatanud. Nor can he be told to have a perspective compared to what others have done and suffered. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.873470457843843 -0.4174204170703888 3238 Kontakti tahetakse saada ka välise eluga, sageli tahetakse elusid ühendada. Contacts are also sought in the context of foreign life, often wanting to combine lives. [70, 79, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.44997912719119615, 0.33172876083006514] 0.26670370585902015 -0.6184963583946228 3239 Nende valitsemise ajal suurenes inflatsioon ning sõjaväge vaadati kui üleliigset kuluallikat ja poliitilist ohuallikat. Inflation increased during their rule, and the army was seen as an excessive source of expenditure and a source of political danger. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.3912414610385895 3240 Et aine reageerimine temperatuuri ja rõhu muudatustele oli ettearvamatu, ei usutud tollal, et seda oleks võimalik praktiliselt rakendada. Since the response of the substance to the changes in temperature and pressure was unpredictable, at the time, it was not believed that it would be possible to put it into practice. [100, 94, 97] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.2855862602474157, 1.0297883515568889] 1.1381593767229117 -0.4535580277442932 3241 Seega ei taga omadustepõhine armastus alati armastuse püsivust. Thus, self-love does not always guarantee the persistence of love. [66, 94, 80] 80.0 [0.21562528066459924, 1.0901636694846504, 0.4903786678134342] 0.5987225393208946 -0.4211057722568512 3242 31. jaanuarist 1968 on Nauru iseseisev riik ja maailma väikseim iseseisev vabariik. On 31 January 1968 Nauru is an independent state and the smallest independent republic in the world. [85, 75, 95] 85.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.27545805178677896, 0.866866844222949] 0.5670260899899476 -0.21413421630859375 3243 1097. aasta kevadel toimetati rüütlite vägi osade kaupa üle Bosporuse väina. In the spring of 10907, some parts of the knife were transferred to the Bosphorus Strait. [29, 40, 18] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.1593124721939274, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4559089887794296 -0.505451500415802 3244 Autopommi plahvatuse järel ründas enesetaputerrorist põgenevaid üliõpilasi. Following the explosion of the car bomb, students fleeing suicide bombing were attacked. [59, 59, 58] 58.666666666666664 [-0.42262624983089, -0.17849272745611192, -0.20768092291338958] -0.2695999667334638 -0.24568809568881989 3245 Need mõõtmised olid küll väga adekvaatsed ja täpsed, ent osutusid asjakohatuteks ja ebaolulisteks. Although these measurements were very adequate and precise, they proved to be inappropriate and irrelevant. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8531309381513372 -0.3374708890914917 3246 Rebase suguvõsa pärineb Valga lähedalt Tahevast, kus elas ta vanaisa Hans Rebane, Taheva mõisa peaaednik, koos lätlannast abikaasa Marinaga. The base is from Taheu near Valga, where his grandfather Hans Rebelane, head of Taheva's term, and a Latvian spouse Maringa. [25, 28, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.6555948404808287, -1.5079598899279347] -1.5048860089968104 -0.48407164216041565 3247 Filosoofia ei tegele sihitult sich nicht herum säärase tühja ning pelgalt teispoolsega. The philosophy does not deliberately address sich nictsheet herum such a void and merely the other. [80, 74, 77] 77.0 [0.37863665915867617, 0.23182778293567463, 0.3326655450514438] 0.3143766623819315 -0.6015065312385559 3248 Leon reformis veel riigi haldusjaotust, muutis teemade piire, tõmbas koomale privileegide ja auastmete jagamist ning reguleeris gildide tegutsemist. The Treaty also reformed the country's administrative division, changed the boundaries of issues, increased the sharing of privileges and honour and regulated the operation of the courts. [89, 75, 82] 82.0 [0.6882604319190001, 0.33172876083006514, 0.5776758168102278] 0.532555003186431 -0.5487674474716187 3249 Teiseks, loomuliku kalduvuse termin peab olema terviklik. Secondly, the term natural tendency must be complete. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091] 0.781109342705844 -0.2670038938522339 3250 Milleni võib viia linnaheidikutele kartulipudru keetmine? What can a caricature of urban hedwells lead to? [67, 85, 76] 76.0 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.711760740297822, 0.36345874222673896] 0.24951659434272866 -0.7464073896408081 3251 Kokku saadi kätte 53 kahurit ja ilmselt parema hinna tõttu, müüdi need Lübeckisse. In total, 53 cannons were caught, and probably because of better prices, they were sold to Lübeck. [86, 100, 81] 89.0 [0.7431032729058616, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8017737445153923 -0.43156561255455017 3252 Siiski otsis Friedrich isegi rohkem kasu plaanitud sõjas. However, Friedrich sought even more benefit in the planned war. [82, 84, 73] 79.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.6681304714467177, 0.26826879803671755] 0.4623608715208956 -0.4020773768424988 3253 Tugevust mõjutab osalt kujutletava olukorra tõenäosus. The probability of a imaginary situation is partly affected by this strength. [30, 29, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-1.422530488855709, -1.12785038341693, -1.687904046512915] -1.4127616395951847 -0.5690321922302246 3254 Ta leidis uue rakenduse elastse kummikanga kasutamiseks maamiinide juures, kuid ka see ei pakkunud Rootsi armeele huvi. He found a new application for the elastic rubber-use of landmines, but this, too, was of no interest to the Swedish army. [97, 100, 76] 91.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.8241835542857531, 0.4377118082008297] 0.7509762839900499 -0.43198588490486145 3255 Rahvuskeel on bantu keelte hulka kuuluv ruanda keel. National language is routine language belonging to the English language. [37, 29, 45] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.12785038341693, -0.952528152074385] -1.1542902333488332 -0.49543771147727966 3256 Kuus nädalat hiljem oli 75% Suurbritannia rahvastikust nakatunud ja haigus levis kiiresti Ameerika maailmajakku. Six weeks later, 75% of the British population was infected and the disease quickly spread to the American continent. [75, 97, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 1.1980287771688547, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8661550415675148 -0.1785527914762497 3257 Eestis algas energiasäästunädal, mille eesmärk on tutvustada elanikele, korteriühistutele ja ettevõtetele eri võimalusi energia säästmiseks. Estonia launched the Energy Saving Week, which aims to promote a wide range of energy savings opportunities for citizens, flats and businesses. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.5556339025497437 3258 Sellest hoonest on säilinud osa seinu ning kokku 7 akent keldris ja esimesel korrusel. Some walls have remained in this building and a total of 7 windows in watches and on first order. [60, 44, 57] 53.666666666666664 [-0.10019435548974848, -0.9182036874116812, -0.12829074848702035] -0.38222959712948334 -0.5103418231010437 3259 Ameerika Ühendriikides toimus Sundance'i filmifestivali auhinnatseremoonia. The United States held an Award Ceremony at the Forced Cloud Festival. [29, 15, 1] 15.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -2.3423580792794794, -2.016289862523797] -1.8522998899577043 -0.4488227367401123 3260 Tower sai kahjustusi suurtükikuulidest, kuid andis alles siis alla kui Henry VI Northamptoni lahingus vangi võeti. I have suffered damage from the artillery bullets, but only when Henry VI was imprisoned in the Northampton battle. [29, 23, 34] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.318230271796973, -1.407453656337378] -1.485739414499457 -0.29350802302360535 3261 1909. aastal tahtis linnavolinikust ärimees Albert Koba vaibad maha müüa ja saadud raha eest kooli või haigla ehitada. In 1909, a businessman from the Commissioner for Urban Affairs, Albert Koba, wanted to sell down the carpet and build a school or hospital for the money he received. [73, 57, 65] 65.0 [0.18819751408457033, -0.4562457837874836, 0.01442894686332708] -0.08453977427986208 -0.33387482166290283 3262 Loomade häälitsuste ja näiteks häälitsuste kohta oleks imelik öelda, et neil on tähendus selles mõttes, nagu sõnadel on tähendus. With regard to animal fatality and, for example, feminicides, it would be strange to say that they have meaning in the sense that words mean. [24, 13, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.3893161887096255, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -1.9450748894050367 -0.3862897455692291 3263 Selle näitaja poolest on Malawi 9. kohal maailmas. In this figure, Malawi is the 9th most important in the world. [87, 84, 89] 86.66666666666667 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.16039383850945443] 0.5136709491821075 -0.4175328016281128 3264 23. jaanuar 2009 Makedoonia president Branko Crvenkovski. Mr Branko Crvenkovski, President of Macedonia, 23 January 2009. [82, 100, 98] 93.33333333333333 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 0.9817446235613941 -0.18223892152309418 3265 Sarnasuseks võib pidada seda, et kõikide tekstide läbivaks teemaks on tegelaste seksuaalsus ning seksuaalsed suhted. It is similar to the sexuality and sexual relations of the figures that permeate all the texts. [35, 23, 47] 35.0 [-1.0695939144687168, -1.318230271796973, -0.8698144240265682] -1.0858795367640859 -0.5619015693664551 3266 Paavst saatis 13. oktoobril 1979, 21. septembril 1985 ja 8. septembril 2003 läkitused klaretaanide üldkapiitlil osalejatele. The Pope sent letters of formal notice on 13 October 1979, 21 September 1985 and 8 September 2003 to participants in the general body of declarations. [66, 84, 78] 76.0 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.727690413215861, 0.412248360714594] 0.33808287721503444 -0.3602848947048187 3267 Selle asemele ta kahetses nähes tekkinud kurjust ja seda, et tema poeg varastas. Instead, he regretted the evil that arose and that his son stolen it. [74, 82, 77] 77.66666666666667 [-0.02804287831293066, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3708914966906855] 0.30790618404075465 -0.38035503029823303 3268 Peatoimetaja Sulev Vahtre, tegevtoimetajad Ago Pajur ja Tõnu Tannberg. Sulev Meditre, chief editor, Ago Pajur and Tannberg respectively. [44, 45, 47] 45.333333333333336 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.6859552862324167, -0.8698144240265682] -0.8246577992235554 -0.3037562668323517 3269 Samal ajal avas Ungari osaliselt taas piiri Serbiaga. At the same time, Hungary has partially re-opened the border with Serbia. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.3076476232459238] 1.0769782319653691 -0.2689848244190216 3270 Martti Aulis Viljanen oli sarjas aastatel 1999 ja 2000 figureerinud tegelaskuju. Martti Aulis Viljanen had a figured character in 1999 and 2 000 in a series. [62, 83, 85] 76.66666666666667 [-0.06975075057547515, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.305429220417973 -0.37186843156814575 3271 Kui ma vihkan, siis ma trotsin seda poolusku ning püüan näidata, et ta pole kõrgel, ja minu võidurõõm väheneb sedamööda, kuidas see õnnestub. When I hate, I defused that half-religion and try to show that he is not high, and my joy with the victory is falling as it succeeds. [51, 51, 51] 51.0 [-0.35756810125476673, -0.46847133247114325, -0.4297907926901062] -0.4186100754720054 -0.46084049344062805 3272 Magnaadid ise või magnaadiklannid moodustasid ühiste piirkondlike või muude huvidega rühmitusi või fraktsioone. It was the groupings or political groups with common regional or other interests that were formed by the musicians themselves or by the magnavians. [30, 39, 26] 31.666666666666668 [-1.572881112433012, -1.0983204022131197, -1.3746544731431163] -1.348618662596416 -0.590804934501648 3273 Rünnaku ajal viibis hotellis ka Norra välisminister Jonas Gahr Støre, kes pääses vigastusteta. The Norwegian Foreign Minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, was also at the time of the attack and was without injury. [54, 42, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -0.8450402095291624 -0.28040382266044617 3274 Meeleavaldusele ilmus korraks Şaddām Ḩusayni tütar Raghad Ḩusayn, kes tänas meeleavaldajaid. The protest was echoed for a moment by the daughter of Saddaddyn Hamas, Raghad Hamas, who thanked the demonstrators. [55, 53, 51] 53.0 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.6844078629375159, -0.43895855375184156] -0.4426943164774311 -0.42799049615859985 3275 30. oktoobril tähistas rock'n'rolli kuulsuste hall oma 25. aastapäeva kontserdiga. On 30 October, the role of rock 'n' celebrated its 25th anniversary with a group of rumours. [29, 17, 4] 16.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -2.2550975415772707, -2.1663480169566687] -1.8497653139836234 -0.40854412317276 3276 Malawis elab palju eri hõime ja igaühe traditsioonid on veidi erinevad. Many tribes live in Malawi and everyone's traditions are slightly different. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.3074857294559479 3277 Teine trükk oli varasemast asjalikum, kuid raamatu ideoloogiline alus polnud suurt muutunud. The second edition was more constructive than before, but the ideological basis of the book had not changed so much. [81, 65, 73] 73.0 [0.5372396648934048, -0.1617134852456394, -0.0876709283361361] 0.09595175043720977 -0.34005874395370483 3278 Tartus Toomemäel sai põlengus kannatada Inglisild. The supply of the product mountain was damaged by England in its knees. [6, 1, 11] 6.0 [-2.7350304989394183, -2.016289862523797, -2.1686624477946554] -2.30666093641929 -0.7022813558578491 3279 Uueks peaministriks nimetati senine välisminister, emiiri onupoeg Ḩamad ibn Jābir Āl Thānī. The former Prime Minister has been appointed the Foreign Minister, the neposer of the issuer, Hamas, on the basis of an understanding of Jābir Āl Haânki. [21, 41, 31] 31.0 [-1.5039548650934988, -1.1179556081700188, -1.333123960660928] -1.3183448113081486 -0.6600804328918457 3280 Ta mälestas 16. mail 2006 Nigeeria gaasiplahvatuses hukkunuid. He commemorated the deaths of the Nigerian gas explosion on 16 May 2006. [75, 75, 61] 70.33333333333333 [0.19851994435723766, 0.27545805178677896, 0.024560820024810585] 0.16617960538960905 -0.31314408779144287 3281 Meditsiinilise transpordi eest maksab selle tellija. It is the subscriber who pays for medical transport. [69, 84, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.04003658449941787, 0.6681304714467177, 0.06206545085383616] 0.2567441689333239 -0.40148377418518066 3282 Saare asukate ja nende Vahemere idaosa naabrite vahelisi kontakte tõendab see, et too kann leiti Egiptusest. The contacts between the inhabitants of the islands and their neighbours in the eastern Mediterranean are proof of the fact that the cannabis was found in Egypt. [70, 73, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.18819751408457033, 0.16410717657114324] 0.05120597150789061 -0.42018482089042664 3283 Chandler ütles, et kui ta süüdistusega lõpuni läheb, siis võidab ta suurelt. Chandler said that if he went to the end of the charge, he will win big money. [74, 80, 66] 73.33333333333333 [0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005, -0.0840340075723075] 0.23652472263446145 -0.4442361295223236 3284 Ellujäänud meeskonnaliikmed kuulati ükshaaval üle ja neilt küsiti, kuidas laevaga õnnetuse juhtumise ajal ümber oli käidud. The surviving crew members were intercepted one by one and were asked how the ship had been dealt with during the accident. [87, 58, 73] 72.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, -0.4138768859676533, 0.26826879803671755] 0.2178043966896983 -0.3675552010536194 3285 Venemaal vahistati korruptsioonisüüdistuse alusel Sahhalini oblasti kuberner Aleksandr Horošavin. In Russia, Alexander Krošavin, Governor of the Sahhalin Oblast, was arrested on charges of corruption. [79, 100, 75] 84.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103, 0.2881777686428686] 0.621045063860325 -0.2425248920917511 3286 Otsime nüüd ajaloolise mõistemoodustuse printsiipi. We are now looking for the principle of historical understanding. [78, 100, 75] 84.33333333333333 [0.14260101950618043, 0.8241835542857531, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.3240200988617935 -0.5523542165756226 3287 Kui me üldse erinevusest räägime, siis on meil sellega kaks, millest kummalegi kuulub määratlus, mida teises ei leidu. If we are talking about a difference at all, we have two with it, each of which has a definition that the other does not have. [78, 89, 99] 88.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985, 1.2807425052166714] 0.8210132879800872 -0.4200976490974426 3288 Tegemist oli Türgi toetusavaldusega Saudi Araabia ja viimase liitlaste poliitilise surve alla sattunud Katarile. It was a statement of support from Turkey for Saudi Arabia and the latter for Qatar, under political pressure from the allies. [70, 80, 62] 70.66666666666667 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.4936093960423005, -0.2494614636679413] 0.01515371874743913 -0.3983997106552124 3289 Üheks peamiseks pretendendiks Eestimaale oligi kujunenud Saksa ordu ja selle Liivimaa haru. One of the main preoccupations for Egena was the German Order and its branch of Libya. [44, 35, 25] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.4697527022573933, -1.8845074786158034] -1.44938173232383 -0.5721379518508911 3290 Vastandite traagiline kaos ei välista helget maailma. The tragic chaos of the responses does not preclude a bright world. [70, 46, 75] 63.666666666666664 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.9917005368641577, 0.0052757227934469965] -0.3950371967342508 -0.38992568850517273 3291 Need sobivad hästi kokku kontraktualismi ja selle eeldustega. They fit in well with contrachuralism and its assumptions. [76, 84, 80] 80.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4643508088592257 -0.5614883303642273 3292 Statistika andmetel kasvas Podolski elanikkond 2009. aastal sisserände tulemusel 1842 inimese, 2011. aastal aga juba 4500 inimese võrra. According to statistics, in 2009, the Podolski population increased by 1842 people as a result of immigration, while in 2011 it already grew by 4 500 people. [96, 100, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.162658320738408, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2032453285752993 -0.3394894599914551 3293 Minister viidi haiglasse, kus ta suri saadud vigastustesse. The Minister was taken to a hospital where he died from injuries inflicted. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [1.1421594204342251, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5776758168102278] 0.9482711776637878 -0.5127203464508057 3294 On säilinud tema Eckharti käsikiri, mille ta varustas omakäeliste ääremärkustega. He has kept his handletter, Mr Eckhart, which he has provided for a few peripheral remarks. [71, 75, 73] 73.0 [0.05442657251608684, 0.27545805178677896, 0.21395414523555373] 0.18127958984613982 -0.6223227977752686 3295 Nii nagu Jumal on kohal iga loodu jaoks, mis on jumaliku kokkutõmmatud osa, on universum kui makrokosmos kohal iga loodu kui mikrokosmose jaoks. Just as God is present for every story, which is part of God's pulling together, the universe is present as a macro-space for every creation as a microspace. [83, 73, 62] 72.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.26826879803671755, -0.2494614636679413] 0.21443584565479656 -0.5158759951591492 3296 Kokkupõrgetes hukkus seitse ja sai vigastada üle kümne tsiviilisiku. In clashes, more than ten civilians died and were injured. [26, 32, 38] 32.0 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1343437451734075] -1.3193425271970218 -0.274503618478775 3297 Ta saab aru, et hea tahte motivatsiooni kohta tuleb rohkem öelda. He understands that more needs to be said about the motivation of good will. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8599189927373162 -0.3800930678844452 3298 Keisri vägesid oodates asusid nad Siidoni kaitserajatisi renoveerima, muuhulgas ehitati ka Siidoni merekindlus. Pending its troops, they started to renovate the Siidon defence facilities, including Siidon's maritime security. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.4949546456336975 3299 Sofia sai Nobeli pärandina väikese rahasumma, kuid sellele lisaks õnnestus tal Alfred Nobelilt saadud kirjade abil ka pärijatelt raha välja pressida. Sofia received a small amount of money as the Nobel Prize, but it also succeeded in extracting money from heirs through letters from Alfred Notes. [96, 89, 81] 88.66666666666667 [0.9161304397840745, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7431062016869926 -0.3732101321220398 3300 Õhtul üritasid sakslased, taanlased ja pataljon Narva 3. kompanii riismed veel kord rünnata Lastekodumäge lõunast. In the evening, the Germans, the Danes and the patalya were once again trying to attack the rivals of children from the South. [29, 22, 29] 26.666666666666668 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.2152410046715822, -1.12785038341693] -1.2672150733015028 -0.5432624816894531 3301 Paigalejäänud suutsid siiski kõik venelaste katsed üle jõe tungida tagasi lüüa, kuni need öö saabumisel üritamisest loobusid. The survivors were, however, able to defeat all attempts by the Russians to invade the river until they stopped trying to reach the night. [51, 55, 66] 57.333333333333336 [-0.7043869679309344, -0.5219469148485164, 0.07523855193204053] -0.38369844361580346 -0.5267606973648071 3302 Enamasti piirdutakse intentsionaalsuse loomusega, tunnetuse vormidega ja psühholoogiliste kategooriate õige mõistmisega. Most are limited to the nature of intentionality, to the forms of identifiers and to the right understanding of psychological categories. [79, 73, 76] 76.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.2054640405950517, 0.36345874222673896] 0.33963397000432893 -0.5124727487564087 3303 See sõjakäik jäi ülestõusnud eestlaste viimaseks sõjaliseks aktsiooniks väljaspool Eestimaad ja ühtlasi ka viimaseks suuremaks välilahinguks. This war remained the last military operation of the rebels outside Estonia and, at the same time, the last major battle in the field. [36, 45, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.0334500137463503, -0.7470906066568443] -0.9956436838323924 -0.46245235204696655 3304 35.\tNad kõik on saanud nime himust ja vihast, kuid neile kõigile anti veel teinegi nimi. 35. They have all received a name of curiosity and hatred, but they were all given another name. [64, 55, 72] 63.666666666666664 [-0.45465262286070834, -0.5219469148485164, 0.44490263343234565] -0.17723230142562638 -0.4156070351600647 3305 See oli tähelepanuväärne suunamuudatus, kuigi Darwin ei olnud kindel, et kas ta on enam elus kui teooriast teos avaldatakse. It was a remarkable change of direction, even though Darwin was not sure whether he was alive any more than the theory works would be published. [59, 77, 68] 68.0 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.36271858948898755, 0.1096188910533485] 0.03149464584499014 -0.38398438692092896 3306 Neljandaks, Diels jättis oma kogumikust välja voolavuse teesile vasturääkivad tekstid. Fourthly, Diels omitted contradictory texts from his total flock. [54, 61, 67] 60.666666666666664 [-0.5705586875195889, -0.11249097872336815, 0.11148587755891945] -0.1905212628946792 -0.5451338291168213 3307 Teine osa tankidest pöördus enne Tornimäge külavaheteele ja tulistas otsesihtimisega Tornimäe merepoolses küljes olevaid staapide punkreid. The second part of the tanks turned to the village between before the Tornimnage and fired the red lines of the staple pipes on the seabed of the Tornimäe by direct targeting. [34, 30, 29] 31.0 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.1600388359418792, -1.12785038341693] -1.1887754454577892 -0.7382378578186035 3308 Oktoobrist 2002 kuni oktoobrini 2003 peeti roosipärjaaastat. From October 2002 to October 2003, a Trojan Year was held. [27, 23, 1] 17.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.0242269033759628, -2.016289862523797] -1.5237057612121105 -0.4417417347431183 3309 Valminuna meenutas ta hoovis olevate ristikäikudega ordu konvendihoonet, millele lõpuks põhja poole värava kaitseks ka eeslinnus rajati. As such, he recalled with his titles in care of the Order's Convention building, which was finally built in suburbanisation in order to protect the north. [84, 84, 84] 84.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.525496140586804] 0.6036417351445503 -0.6383840441703796 3310 Et puitu pole enam võtta, on kütteks hakatud kasutama õlgi jm kultuurtaimede jääke. As timber is no longer available, the residues of other cultural plants have started to be used for heating. [80, 56, 78] 71.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, -0.2711408857067372, 0.412248360714594] 0.2115722903500524 -0.4243628978729248 3311 Saksamaal tehti öösel pommiähvardus Berliini keskraudteejaamale. In Germany, there was a bomb threat at the centre of Berlin in the night. [57, 69, 81] 69.0 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048] 0.0741142511853145 -0.4621879756450653 3312 Lisaks territoriaalvaidlustele püüdis Rahvasteliit sekkuda ka teistesse rahvusvahelistesse ja siseriiklikesse konfliktidesse. In addition to territorial disputes, the UPM also sought to intervene in other international and national conflicts. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.4064039885997772 3313 Plahvatuse tulemusel hukkus üks naine, veel kümme inimest sai vigastusi. As a result of the devastation, one woman died, another ten people were injured. [80, 89, 73] 80.66666666666667 [0.4949620887624109, 0.6873036869530262, 0.1674146996559729] 0.44989349179047 -0.42002758383750916 3314 Mõned majandusteadused peavad seda seletust ebapiisavaks. Some economists consider this explanation to be inadequate. [84, 100, 82] 88.66666666666667 [0.5453227398168615, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7503903231027603 -0.3534080982208252 3315 Talle valmistas meelehärmi, et tema elutööd seostati tapmisega. He was annoyed that his life's work was associated with killing. [100, 85, 99] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.2807425052166714] 1.0391605137538011 -0.41096603870391846 3316 Sueebid rajasid umbes 409. aastal esimesena oma kuningriigi, mille pealinn asus kas tänases Bragas või selle lähistel. In about forty-nine years, they were the first to establish their Queen, the capital of which was based, either in today's Braga or near it. [18, 15, 12] 15.0 [-1.8548106043791617, -2.3423580792794794, -1.5963947019567695] -1.9311877952051368 -0.5998499989509583 3317 2014. aasta väljaanne on varustatud Mary Midgley eessõnaga. The 2014 edition is a front line for Mary Midgley. [18, 24, 30] 24.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.9496856596195407, -1.697337004628338] -1.7079676143427402 -0.4176270663738251 3318 Vähesel määral kaevandatakse oma energiavajaduse leevendamiseks kivisütt. To a lesser extent, coal is extracted to alleviate its energy needs. [96, 100, 98] 98.0 [1.162658320738408, 1.32209936924058, 1.0615183329535627] 1.1820920076441837 -0.5080044269561768 3319 See killustas Süüriat veelgi, Mosulis oli võimul atabek Kerbogha. It further fragments Syria, with Atabek Kerbogha in power in Mosul. [84, 84, 84] 84.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6172985934001295] 0.602719698615558 -0.24060916900634766 3320 Samuti saadi saagiks suurel hulgal kariloomi ja hõbedat. A large number of cattle and silver were also harvested. [74, 84, 76] 78.0 [-0.02804287831293066, 0.6681304714467177, 0.32953463266677707] 0.32320740860018804 -0.4381749629974365 3321 Henry võtab maailma ja isa külalist praktiliselt, nagu talle kombeks. Henry takes the world and the father's guest practically as if he were the habit. [73, 78, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.18819751408457033, 0.4269187050200866, 0.32953463266677707] 0.3148836172571447 -0.38922038674354553 3322 Teiseks sellepärast, et kõik need jagamisteed ei tõesta. Secondly, because not all these sharing routes are proven. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.37991470098495483 3323 21. sajandi alguses on Podolsk Moskva oblasti üks suuremaid tööstuslinnu, mille territooriumil asub üle kümne suure tootmisettevõtte. At the beginning of the 21st century, Podolsk is one of the largest industrial cities in the Moscow Oblast, with over ten major manufacturing companies on its territory. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7804138233994967 -0.3625813126564026 3324 Kuigi Clapton on salvestanud muusikat väga erinevates stiilides, on ta ikkagi jäänud truuks bluusile. Although Claston has recorded music in very different style, he has remained faithful to a blueprint. [47, 23, 35] 35.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.318230271796973, -1.4697527022573933] -1.1993722108617282 -0.5118392705917358 3325 Neid tekste nimetatakse parva logicalia ning arvatavasti ongi need kirjutatud selles järjekorras. These texts are referred to as' parva logicalia ', and they are probably written in this order. [96, 78, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8287791002034273 -0.30501970648765564 3326 Kell 20.00 esines esimene sekretär Ernő Gerő raadiopöördumisega, milles mõistis hukka kirjanike ja üliõpilaste nõudmised. At 20.00, the first Secretary-General, Mrs Gerradiopping, made a point in condemning the demands of writers and students. [81, 81, 81] 81.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.5363189527863194, 0.522108649210108] 0.5318890889632774 -0.5420687794685364 3327 Praktikas enim kõneainet tekitab käsunduslepingu eristamine töölepingust. The distinctions from the contract of bail-in are the most widely discussed topic in practice. [16, 44, 16] 25.333333333333332 [-1.38561814123498, -0.9182036874116812, -1.2250680723617988] -1.1762966336694867 -0.6342228055000305 3328 Suurimas linnas Bujumburas on Bujumbura rahvusvaheline lennujaam. Bujumbura, the largest city, is Bujumbura International Airport. [37, 41, 45] 41.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.2079710891507676, -0.620170681070149] -0.9995029527848707 -0.27895423769950867 3329 Ta kõnnib sundtegevusena palavikuliselt nurgast nurka, vaatamata oma kütkestatud ja hämmastunud kuulajatele kordagi silma. He walks in the face from the corner as a coercive act, despite his fascinating and astonished listeners once again. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9281177414143134 -0.5128564238548279 3330 Erinevalt taju juhtumist ei saa ta üldiselt seletada, miks inimestel kalduvad olema väärad uskumused. Unlike the Danish case, in general, he cannot explain why people tend to have false beliefs. [42, 49, 55] 48.666666666666664 [-0.9535481265844882, -0.4932507554834539, -0.32348202996362757] -0.5900936373438566 -0.4253169596195221 3331 Johannesele tuleb külla Aleksander, kes plaanib horoskoope koostama hakata. There will be a visit to Johania by Alexander, who is planning to set up horoscopes. [74, 84, 64] 74.0 [0.29999877943339137, 0.6681304714467177, -0.25140082163217303] 0.23890947641597868 -0.5612053871154785 3332 Kõige tugevam võimalik väide oleks see, et teooriat saab faktidest loogiliselt tuletada, st tõestada, et see järeldub faktidest. The strongest possible argument would be that the theory can be logically inflated from the facts, that is, to prove that it follows from the facts. [72, 57, 81] 70.0 [0.29272250569331404, -0.12829074848702035, 0.5363189527863194] 0.23358356999753768 -0.34546688199043274 3333 Põllumajandustoodang moodustab umbes kolmandiku sisemajanduse kogutoodangust. Agricultural production accounts for about a third of gross domestic product. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.38868626952171326 3334 Poola peaväed Jan Kazimierzi juhtimisel jäid laagrisse Žvanetsi juures. Under the leadership of Jan Kazimierz, the Polish army remained at the camp, Zvanets. [74, 68, 83] 75.0 [-0.02804287831293066, -0.05364345636477628, 0.6245002025956135] 0.1809379559726355 -0.43345117568969727 3335 Austria moraal oli madalseisus ja Mack hakkas mõistma, et oli väike lootus pääseda. The Austrian morale was low, and Mack began to realise that there was little hope of getting away. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.9814216926040136, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8812132177481096 -0.34697285294532776 3336 Tema õhutusel loodi aastal 1661 kroonimaadel ja Leedus tasustamata sõdurite konföderatsioonid. His inciting created 1 661 kroons and confederations of unremunerated soldiers in Lithuania. [26, 25, 23] 24.666666666666668 [-1.5666238606968599, -1.9060553907684363, -1.318230271796973] -1.5969698410874231 -0.3910321295261383 3337 Alfred Nobel oli kuni surmani selle ettevõtte juhatuse auesimees. Alfred Nobel was the honorary chair of the company's board until death. [85, 83, 81] 83.0 [0.3615382092337807, 0.5855686120034557, 0.5372396648934048] 0.4947821620435471 -0.43816712498664856 3338 Frankfurti järgi tuleneb see hoopis sellest, et vanemad armastavad oma lapsi väga. Instead, according to Frankfurt, it is because parents very much love their children. [92, 100, 88] 93.33333333333333 [1.2091604759915002, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8726797157233768] 1.0689394958205958 -0.3791344463825226 3339 Need kaks organisatsiooni asusid Toweris vähemalt 1454. aastast alates ning 16. sajandiks olid nad kolinud sisehoovi. These two organisations were based in a personal capacity of at least 1454, and for the 16th century they had moved into internal care. [25, 13, 18] 18.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.3111428590700143, -1.4768801787803418] -1.463556747169168 -0.4653277099132538 3340 1936. aastal liideti Podolskiga veel Beljajevo, Salkovo ja Fetištševo külad ning hulgaliselt metsamaad. In 1936, Beljajevo, Salkovo and Fetiševo were added to Podolski and a lot of wooded land. [90, 86, 82] 86.0 [0.548708683221246, 0.680758556193477, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6034457243864108 -0.3455638587474823 3341 Aunimetuse pälvis osaühingu Estonia tegevjuht Ain Aasa. The Estonia Executive Director of the private company, Ain Aasa, received the designation. [14, 1, 8] 7.666666666666667 [-1.75320393806394, -2.016289862523797, -2.482732120958998] -2.084075307182245 -0.3565070331096649 3342 Selles tabelis on "mängijateks" kaks paralleelselt kulgevat malepartiid. There are two parallel batches in this table of 'players'. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.5183376669883728 3343 Gaita arvab, et Williams ütleks, et kahetsuse ja tegijakahetsuse vastandus pannakse kahetsuse ja kahjutunde vastanduse arvele. Gaita thinks Williams would say that confrontation between regret and regret is attributable to remorse and remorse. [77, 81, 73] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048, 0.12647325843666224] 0.3529672156511599 -0.483169287443161 3344 1984. aastal sai Jackson eelmise aasta saavutuste eest kaheksa Grammy auhinda. In 1984, Jackson received eight Grammy prizes for past year's achievements. [72, 100, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.144567245233466, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7222401315980242 -0.2864794135093689 3345 Kui nendel kaugeid järglasi ei ole, küllap siis teistel on rohkem, kui muidu oleks. If there are no offspring, others will have more than they would otherwise be. [26, 41, 23] 30.0 [-1.3746544731431163, -1.1179556081700188, -1.318230271796973] -1.2702801177033693 -0.44440001249313354 3346 Ühest küljest oli ta liikumapanev jõud liitriigis hilinenult ettevõetud oluliste ja konstruktiivsete reformide taga. On the one hand, it was a driving force behind major and constructive reforms made in a federal state late. [80, 67, 74] 73.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.04267714354839904, 0.29999877943339137] 0.2503103439757643 -0.41612473130226135 3347 Neist leitud materjali seas on arvukad savikujukesed ja tõendid loomohvritest. Among the materials found are numerous pictures and evidence of animal victims. [3, 29, 16] 16.0 [-2.111285378994771, -1.12785038341693, -2.1518772087677305] -1.7970043237264772 -0.584700345993042 3348 Vana lennujaama taasavamine aitas vähendada uue Suvarnabhumi rahvusvahelise lennujaama koormust, hakates teenindama päevas kuni 140 kodumaist lendu. The re-opening of the old airport helped to reduce the burden of a new international airport in Suvarnabhum by providing services of up to 140 domestic flights per day. [95, 84, 93] 90.66666666666667 [1.1264109951115293, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6610109676137252] 0.818517478057324 -0.3516416847705841 3349 Are tahab, et Georg Rocco kõrvalt ka Martinile tähelepanu pööraks. Paradoxically, Georg Rocco also wants to pay attention to Martin. [26, 38, 14] 26.0 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.2420262002417441, -1.75320393806394] -1.6192184200743387 -0.4254642426967621 3350 2004. aasta sügiseks oli SpaceX suutnud rakettmootorid nii kaugele arendada, et need vastasid kõigile nõuetele. By autumn 2004 SpaceX had managed to develop missiles so far that they met all the requirements. [85, 100, 93] 92.66666666666667 [0.711760740297822, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9045775615441486 -0.25466227531433105 3351 Jaapanis teatas oma ametist lahkumisest peamise opositsioonierakonna Demokraatliku Partei esimees Ichiro Ozawa. In Japan, the President of the main opposition Democratic Party, Ichiro Ozawa, announced his resignation. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135] 0.80622942612177 -0.2392609417438507 3352 Nii et selle mudeli järgi on seletus ja ennustus põhimõtteliselt sümmeetrilised. So, according to this model, the justification and prediction are basically symmetric. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.45198580622673035 3353 Aktiivse soojendamise korral kaetakse keha madratsiga, kust pumbatakse läbi sooja õhku. In the case of active insulation, the body is covered by a mattresses from which thin air is pumped through the salt. [44, 29, 37] 36.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846] -1.1680758546901362 -0.4425440728664398 3354 Angeloste dünastia ebaõnnestunud valitsemine kiirendas nõrgenenud Bütsantsi lõpu saabumist. Failure to rule Angelagic has speeded up the end of a weakened Bureaux. [78, 68, 58] 68.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.1096188910533485, -0.41488891976357517] 0.03369294320995506 -0.674318790435791 3355 Siis saabus liitriigi võrreldava tugevusega päästeekspeditsioon Władysław IV väga tõhusal sõjalisel juhtimisel. Then the rescue certificate Władysław IV arrived at a very efficient military leadership with the comparable strength of the federal state. [13, 1, 7] 7.0 [-1.0408506794228032, -2.016289862523797, -2.063353660053816] -1.706831400666805 -0.47284722328186035 3356 2002. aastal lõpetas lennubaas tegevuse ja 2003. aastal anti selle territoorium haldamiseks Canberra lennujaamale. In 2002, the air base ceased to operate, and in 2003 the management of the territory was granted to the Canberra airport. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9274628884433872 -0.4498467445373535 3357 Levinud on ka mõte, et armastus on teisendav, armastus alustab uut eluetappi ja pärast armumist ei ole asjad enam endised. It is also common the idea that love is transformative, that love begins a new phase of life and that, after grace, things are no longer old. [86, 69, 77] 77.33333333333333 [0.8927631585566372, -0.017620113404488574, 0.6359670940721344] 0.5037033797414278 -0.40326863527297974 3358 Presidendiga seotud mõjukas Muslimi Vennaskond kutsus aga üles korraldama meeleavaldusi presidendi toetuseks. However, the President-related influential Muslim Brotherhood called for demonstrations in support of the President. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [1.2091604759915002, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9641823471436766 -0.3179750144481659 3359 Katse võtta Preisimaa hertsogiriiki nurjus samuti. The attempt to break the Duchy of Prussia was also thwarted. [47, 43, 50] 46.666666666666664 [-0.9461894760441417, -1.035241880122202, -0.5813010404721287] -0.8542441322128241 -0.6187261343002319 3360 Riigivanema kandidatuuri jaoks koguti ka toetushääli ning neid oli 1934. aasta märtsiks enim kogunud Larka. There were also votes of support for the future of the country's candidacy, which had been collected most by Larka in March 1934. [89, 85, 87] 87.0 [0.688799744499114, 0.711760740297822, 0.6308000598806901] 0.6771201815592086 -0.5930136442184448 3361 Linna 21 tööstuspargis tegutses 2010. aastal 813 ettevõtet ja üksikisikust ettevõtjat. In the 21 industrial parks of the city, 813 companies and individuals were active in 2010. [79, 76, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.3190883206378832, 0.3065899732381008] 0.36144232676424815 -0.3256029486656189 3362 Ukrainas teatas oma tagasiastumisest kaitsejõudude kindralstaabi ülem kindralpolkovnik Grigori Pedtšenko. In Ukraine, General Liralpolkovnik Grigori Pedtshenko, the Chief of General Assistance for Defence Forces, announced his resignation. [53, 61, 82] 65.33333333333333 [-0.2811423169988513, -0.2908183276918498, 0.8960341374934105] 0.10802449760090316 -0.4155537188053131 3363 Sellised avastused leiavad aset sagedamini, kui teaduslike aruannete ebaisikulisuse nõuded meil kergesti näha võimaldavad. Such discoveries are more frequent when the requirements of the unpersonality of scientific reports allow us to see easily. [97, 79, 100] 92.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8553303041405579 -0.5263227224349976 3364 Vana Tooma nägu, käed, jalad, mõõk, lipp ja tornikera, millel kuju seisab, on kuldsed. The old Toyman's face, his hands, his legs, his sword, his sword, the flag and the plumber on which the form stands are golden. [70, 41, 45] 52.0 [0.057306707531257405, -1.0262737162925444, -0.620170681070149] -0.5297125632771453 -0.4211035668849945 3365 Londoni tähtsust näitab see, kui kiiresti ta linna kindlustas. The importance of London is demonstrated by the speed with which it secured the city. [66, 82, 85] 77.66666666666667 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.2861247118019941 -0.3580341637134552 3366 Siseministeeriumi teatel õnnestus õhtul piiramisrõngast välja murda veel 84 valitsusvägede võitlejal, sealhulgas pataljoni "Donbass" 69 võitlejal. According to the Ministry of the Interior, a further 84 government troops, including the 'Donbass' 69 combatants, were able to break out of the siege at night. [100, 75, 79] 84.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.27545805178677896, 0.45360522473850245] 0.6034019113455242 -0.37465864419937134 3367 Moldova president Nicolae Timofti tegi uue valitsuse moodustamise ülesandeks Ion Sturzale. President of Moldova, Nicolae Timoft, has tasked the formation of a new government for Ion Sturza. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.0608028911066565, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.094961568405999 -0.248772531747818 3368 Itaalias Sitsiilia saare Messina sadamalinna lähistel põrkasid kohaliku aja järgi kell 18.00 kokku kaubalaev ja kiirlaev 150 inimesega pardal. In Italy, near the port city of Messina on the island of Sicily, a merchant vessel and a high-speed ship on board 150 people met at 18.00 in local time. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.3077947199344635 3369 Ta ütleb ka, et üks neist tunnustest tingib teise. He also says that one of these features bothers another. [69, 80, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4936093960423005, 0.33172876083006514] 0.26923934782262565 -0.3973875939846039 3370 Poolas sündinud Bem oli 1848. aasta Ungari ülestõusu kangelane. Bem was the hero of the 1848 Hungarian uprising born in Poland. [35, 40, 29] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.1593124721939274, -1.12785038341693] -1.2523051859560834 -0.16910457611083984 3371 Eesti Reformierakonna Tallinna piirkondliku ühenduse konverentsil valiti linnaorganisatsiooni uueks esimeheks Andrus Umboja. Andrus Basoja was elected new Chairman of the Urban Organisation, at the Conference of Tallinn, Estonia's Reform Party. [31, 23, 38] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.318230271796973, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4015100832335092 -0.5277592539787292 3372 Eesti valitsus kiitis heaks seaduseelnõu, mis näeb ette lapsevanematele pensionilisa maksmise. The Estonian Government has approved a draft law providing for the payment of a pensionable father to parents. [18, 12, 23] 17.666666666666668 [-2.2114672727261664, -1.6672600671603848, -1.765132649761342] -1.8812866632159644 -0.39715954661369324 3373 Lakatos ei tõenda nende olemasolu, ja pole ka päris selge, kuidas seda saaks tõendada. Their existence is not proven in Lakato, and it is not quite clear how this can be proven. [93, 86, 79] 86.0 [0.8184718649847569, 0.680758556193477, 0.45360522473850245] 0.6509452153055788 -0.4475735127925873 3374 Leinav filantroop saab kohust täita isegi juhul, kui tal kalduvus puudub. A lethal filantrop can meet the obligation even if it has no inclination. [69, 84, 77] 76.66666666666667 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3951887236234128] 0.273990481494437 -0.6716642379760742 3375 Vahistatuid kahtlustati seotuses islamiäärmuslase [[Mohamed Merah]]' sooritatud rünnakutega või sarnaste rünnakute ettevalmistamises. The suspects were suspected of being involved in attacks or similar attacks committed by an Islamic extremist [Mohamed Merah]. [95, 83, 77] 85.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3708914966906855] 0.6539066960166134 -0.29868945479393005 3376 Venemaal Moskvas pikendas kohus Eesti Kaitsepolitseiameti töötaja Eston Kohveri vahi all hoidmise tähtaega 5. aprillini 2015. In Moscow, the Court extended the term of detention of Eston Kohver, an officer of the Estonian Defence Police Office, until 5 April 2015. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.27610549330711365 3377 Mornas on Uku oma linnapea staatuse tagasi saanud ja tähistab seda kodus koos Tiinaga. Mornas has regained the status of his mayor of Uku and stands for it at home with Tiina. [5, 12, 9] 8.666666666666666 [-1.2673119151131202, -1.6672600671603848, -1.990859008800058] -1.6418103303578544 -0.3842088580131531 3378 Keeled on muidugi inimesest täielikult sõltuvad ega ole omaette füüsilised organismid, ent ometi on neil organismidega sügavad sarnasused. Languages are, of course, totally dependent on people and are not physical bodies on their own, yet they have deep similarities with them. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8314344467072191 -0.4300382137298584 3379 Aastal 1875 asutasid Nobel ja Barbe ettevõtte Société Générale de la Fabrication de la Dynamite. In 1875, the Nobel and Barbe Société Générale de la Fabrication de la Dynams founded. [60, 49, 32] 47.0 [-0.14224540182923298, -0.43399388551068224, -1.490167384385195] -0.6888022239083701 -0.10642443597316742 3380 Lobau 6. korpus oli selgelt vähemuses ning pärast seda kui preislased haarasid ümber nende parema tiiva, läks kiireks põgenemiseks. The 6th Corps of the Lobau was clearly a minority, and after the priests took their right wing, it went fast to escape. [47, 33, 18] 32.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.557013239959602, -1.618593541477372] -1.3285801466559306 -0.5712894797325134 3381 Haritakse ainult umbes üht kuuendikku Sambias leiduvast potentsiaalsest põllumaast. Only one sixth of the potential arable land in Zambia is cultivated. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.9141259220539784 -0.30520346760749817 3382 Keegi ei hakkaks muidugi neid fakte armastuse põhjendina välja tooma, need on pigem armastust võimalikuks tegevad kaalutlused. No one would, of course, start to point out these facts as a reason for love; rather, these are considerations that make it possible to love them. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6551957619621033, 0.8394084631768461] 0.7973905735671579 -0.4557051956653595 3383 Eelkõige maal on säilinud traditsioonilised käsitööoskused. Traditional crafts remain, especially on the ground. [19, 26, 12] 19.0 [-2.027806616696005, -1.1016562469626503, -1.8183096545968183] -1.6492575060851575 -0.4647018313407898 3384 Siiski mobiliseeriti Venemaa armeesse kümneid tuhandeid eestlasi, kogu sõja jooksul umbes 100 000. However, tens of thousands of Estonians were mobilised in the Russian army, around 100 000 throughout the war. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.30524489283561707 3385 Rebase isa tegeles koos oma ristiisa Oravaga klaverite valmistamisega. The father of the base worked with his Christian father Orava to make glass verts. [17, 28, 39] 28.0 [-1.5086101601770157, -1.7751645842151236, -1.2006693362178358] -1.4948146935366584 -0.7192258238792419 3386 Teadus alustab probleemidest, mis on seotud maailma mõnede aspektide käitumise seletamisega. Science starts with problems related to explaining the behaviour of some aspects of the world. [96, 100, 83] 93.0 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9014962149552678 -0.31192195415496826 3387 Kas keele õppimise ülesanne kätkeb midagi, milles teised liigid peale inimese on kohmakad? Does language learning involve something in which other species apart from humans are cumbersome? [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.4766244888305664 3388 Esmased ja teisesed konkreetsed intentsioonid on nende järgi vaimuvälised asjad käsitatuna teatud reaalsete olemisviiside järgi. Initial and secondary specific intents are, according to them, 'non-clergy', according to certain real-life methods. [51, 43, 35] 43.0 [-0.4297907926901062, -1.120710551448559, -1.2424137740542707] -0.930971706064312 -0.5611185431480408 3389 Me oleme eellastelt pärinud moraaliintuitsioonide komplekti; nüüd tuleb uurida, milliseid tuleb muuta. We have inherited from the former a set of moral prescriptions; now we need to look at what needs to be changed. [87, 83, 90] 86.66666666666667 [0.48266226990888367, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.551957051908581 -0.42669954895973206 3390 Augustinus ütleb, et looduses pole midagi kõrgemat ja mõistus alistub ainult Kohtunikule. In August, it says that nature has nothing higher and that reason only comes down to a judge. [24, 15, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.3893161887096255, -1.5720701229703633, -1.59213842690439] -1.5178415795281264 -0.45761463046073914 3391 Nobeli auhind anti esimest korda välja aastal 1901. The Nobel Prize was awarded for the first time in 1901. [100, 94, 82] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0739581850971294, 0.5808699337445091] 0.917977212402023 -0.1857789009809494 3392 Ta ei kuulu olevikku, vaid ta on palju enamat, kuid mitte sellisena kes on enam, vaid täiesti iseendana. It is not part of the present, it is much more than that, but it is not as such who is more, but as an entirely self-sufficiency. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.4819152057170868 3393 Hoone sai rängalt kannatada sõjategevuses XVI sajandi lõpust XVII sajandi keskpaigani, kuid taastati siis suuremana ja kahekorruselisena. The building was severely affected by the end of the XVI century to the mid-XVII century, but was then restored as larger and as two-fold. [74, 84, 54] 70.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.6681304714467177, -0.5803163758592089] 0.12927095834030003 -0.4164237976074219 3394 Tundub, et järelemõtlemisega käib kaasas mingi sidumus, ja filosoofial on kindlasti järelemõtlemise sidumus. There seems to be some commitment to the reflection process, and the philosophy certainly has the binding nature of the reflection. [100, 94, 87] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.882963460602704, 0.8364323900964978] 1.0138317399799275 -0.5172684192657471 3395 Palestiina president Maḩmūd ‘Abbās kuulutas islamiliikumise Ḩamās relvastatud üksused ebaseaduslikuks. The Palestinian President Madarmūd knife in Abbas declared the armed forces of the Islamic movement in Hamas illegal. [85, 78, 70] 77.66666666666667 [0.711760740297822, 0.3065899732381008, -0.19997321272861532] 0.27279250026910246 -0.6414142847061157 3396 Kivist mõisahoone asus seal juba vähemalt XIV sajandil. There was common sense there in Kivu in at least the 14th century. [85, 84, 86] 85.0 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.03601532666269722] 0.45105812430207265 -0.5619395971298218 3397 Mill toob veel näiteks aine jäävuse seaduse, mille väärus oli kaasaegsetele tõsistele teadlastele mõeldamatu, mida aga relatiivsusteooria eitab. Mill also brings, for example, the residual status law, the value of which was unthinkable for today's serious scientists, but which is denied by a relativistic theory. [59, 56, 82] 65.66666666666667 [-0.17849272745611192, -0.16650364061497808, 0.5776758168102278] 0.07755981624637927 -0.4830015003681183 3398 Leon IV reformid vähendasid riigi killustatust ja koondasid keskvõimu rohkem Konstantinoopolisse. The IV reforms in Lithuania reduced the fragmentation of the country and brought the central power more together in the Konstantinople. [63, 56, 82] 67.0 [-0.49731359731548613, -0.48592357188822877, 0.5808699337445091] -0.13412241181973528 -0.5321095585823059 3399 Lubaduse institutsioon pakub usaldatavust, andes kõrge prioriteetsuse sellele, millel seda muidu ei oleks. The institution of freedom of expression offers credibility by giving high priority to what otherwise would not have. [65, 70, 83] 72.66666666666667 [-0.12539087159621595, -0.19868677613204175, 0.6245002025956135] 0.10014085162245191 -0.4211047291755676 3400 Miia kõneles Sakule oma armastusest tol korral, kui Mika neid nägi. Miia told Save of her love when Mika saw them. [56, 64, 72] 64.0 [0.17637846241265084, -0.017301034533346728, 0.29272250569331404] 0.1505999778575394 -0.5399449467658997 3401 Kuna nende kinnitusavad olid ümarad, siis taolised tööriistad pöörlesid käepideme ümber. As their reassurances were round the table, such tools have revolved around the handshackles. [25, 16, 7] 16.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -2.298727810428375, -1.7447839517266321] -1.7982050195788917 -0.5336297154426575 3402 Suve lõpus lahkusid nad Maierniggi villast ega naasnud Mahleri haiguse tõttu sinna enam kunagi. At the end of the summer, they left Maiernigg fruit and never returned to it because of the Mahler disease. [75, 58, 67] 66.66666666666667 [0.2370805466871169, -0.4138768859676533, 0.07788890965667469] -0.03296914320795391 -0.2948293387889862 3403 Kanti kontseptsioon ei ole hoolikalt esitatud ja seda on sageli kritiseeritud. The concept of timber has not been carefully presented and has often been criticised. [63, 84, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.6681304714467177, 0.29999877943339137] 0.15693855118820763 -0.3427480161190033 3404 Abhaasias Gudauta linna lähedal rünnati Suhhumisse tööle suundunud presidendi Aleksandr Ankvabi ametiautot. In Abkhazia, near the city of Gudauta, there was an attack on the official car of Alexander AnkFree, the President who worked in relations. [28, 29, 26] 27.666666666666668 [-1.4003691388268704, -1.2659124962624795, -1.2230403276069515] -1.2964406542321003 -0.3759043514728546 3405 Ta ei ole mingis staadiumis teinud sellist lõppjäreldust, et "nõrgemad" peaks andma väljasurra. He has not concluded at any stage that the 'weaker' should give out a way out. [75, 65, 85] 75.0 [0.19851994435723766, -0.12539087159621595, 0.711760740297822] 0.26162993768628123 -0.5309604406356812 3406 Ühes asjas olen ma siis ikka kindel, et ta on olemas millegi tõttu. On one point, then, I am still sure that he is there because of something. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.3158298440026652 -0.39572200179100037 3407 Plaani vastu olid kohalikud vasallid, kes kartsid, et uus maahärra kärbib nende seniseid laialdasi õigusi. The plan was opposed by local copies who feared that their extensive rights would be curtailed by the new rural Mr. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.774893431721841, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7450609092704742 -0.4366571605205536 3408 Uue volikogu esimene istung peeti 22. detsembril 1877; esimeseks linnapeaks valiti sel istungil Oscar Arthur von Riesemann. The first meeting of the new Council was held on 22 December 1877; Oscar Arthur von Riesemann was the first city to be elected for this session. [47, 58, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.20768092291338958, -0.6844078629375159] -0.5674074814605745 -0.273155152797699 3409 Tunne kui niisugune on üldse meelelise vorm, mis meil on loomadega ühine. It is a form of desperation at all that we have in common with animals. [30, 24, 18] 24.0 [-1.422530488855709, -1.9496856596195407, -1.4768801787803418] -1.6163654424185305 -0.5223958492279053 3410 Venemaal vabastati ametist ja saadeti seoses teenistusvanuse täitumisega erru kaitseministri asetäitja kindral Aleksei Moskovski. In Russia, General Alekeli Moskovsky, Deputy Minister for Defence of special guru, was released and sent for completion of the age of employment. [55, 76, 66] 65.66666666666667 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.3190883206378832, 0.006209195557746145] -0.06554979955096234 -0.45743605494499207 3411 On olemas iga lõpliku tasandi klassid, aga lõpmatu tasandi klasse ei ole. There are classes at every final level, but there is no final class. [73, 55, 64] 64.0 [0.035841257666501314, -0.302870867103411, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.08809523625287567 -0.33277150988578796 3412 Leedu pealinnas Vilniuses kehtestati suurenenud marutõveohu tõttu koduloomadele karantiin. The Lithuanian capital Vilnius has introduced a quarantine of domestic animals due to increased rabies risk. [88, 82, 100] 90.0 [0.7442185189868247, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8080639903652548 -0.3611695170402527 3413 Peale selle, kunst kui niisugune ei püüagi kujutada reaalsust kogu selle individuaalsuses. Moreover, art as such does not seek to portray reality in all its individuality. [100, 100, 77] 92.33333333333333 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.47395913382770866] 1.0069508960946711 -0.339398592710495 3414 Poola konstitutsioonikohus tunnistas islami ja judaismi traditsioonide kohase loomade rituaalse tapmise ebaseaduslikuks. The Polish Constitutional Court outlawed the ritual slaughter of animals under Islamic and Judaism. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6551957619621033, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8925805177571794 -0.30800989270210266 3415 8. juulil 2006 külastas ta Valencias toimunud rongikatastroofi piirkonda. On 8 July 2006, he visited the region of the train disaster in Valencia. [67, 84, 92] 81.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7859190067183177] 0.5106461292739034 -0.21113865077495575 3416 Paavst Franciscus alustas ametlikku visiiti Kuubal. Pope Franciscus started a formal visit to Cuba. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.2714002976190448] 1.0648957900897427 -0.26276907324790955 3417 Kuigi esialgu teatasid meediakanalid vaid 7 inimese hukkumisest, sai täpsustatud andmetel surma umbes 150 inimest. Although, initially, the media reported only 7 deaths, some 150 people were killed by the specified data. [70, 84, 100] 84.66666666666667 [0.3684768491764302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.6839544715386531 -0.45339101552963257 3418 Kui keset tuba oleks olnud suur hunnik kulda ja mitte keegi ei oleks seda puudutanud, ei oleks ka nemad seda endale tahtnud." If there had been a large wolf of gold in the middle of the room and no one had touched it, they would not have wanted it for themselves either. " [84, 84, 83] 83.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6348205818936611 -0.39434173703193665 3419 Uute teooriate kinnitused tõendavad, et need on vanadest paremad. The assertions of new theories prove that they are better than the old ones. [100, 81, 98] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.239385641192763] 0.958576274816866 -0.32109373807907104 3420 Nii puhkes relvakonflikt, mis kulmineerus Võnnu lahinguga 23. juunil, mille Eesti väed võitsid. This was the case with the armed conflict that culminated in the battle of Voon on 23 June, which was won by the Estonian forces. [15, 1, 29] 15.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -2.2808376138150894, -1.12785038341693] -1.7905228768306811 -0.5040892958641052 3421 Darwin spekuleeris samuti mõttega, et samuti inimene kõikide muude organismide hulgas kuuluks tema teooria alla. Darwin also speculated on the idea that man, among all the other organisms, would be part of his theory. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.100345913566237 -0.32058843970298767 3422 Peamised lahingud algasid Narva ümbruses, kust Punaarmee lootis kiiresti läbi tungida ja Tallinna jõuda. The main battles began in the region around Nisions, where the Red Army was quick to penetrate and reach Tallinn. [22, 29, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-1.2152410046715822, -1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322] -1.401838836668615 -0.5466417074203491 3423 Ajakirja esimeses numbris Huxley kirjutas inimese ja ahvide sarnasusest ning teatud irooniaga saatis selle ajakirjanumbri Wilberforcelle. The first edition of the press, Huxley, wrote of the similarity of man and greed, and, with a certain irony, sent this magazine to Wilberforcelle. [41, 35, 29] 35.0 [-1.1179556081700188, -1.4697527022573933, -1.12785038341693] -1.2385195646147806 -0.32018133997917175 3424 Kohvikus märkab neid Are ja Alma sõidab koos temaga Mornasse tagasi. In the camera, they are noticed by them, and Alma is travelling back to Mornas with him. [15, 8, 1] 8.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -2.208980152340344 -0.5448272824287415 3425 Millil oli selles õigus, üldtunnustatuks sai see hiljem. What was right about it; it was generally recognised later. [76, 71, 65] 70.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.05442657251608684, -0.3871436867160806] -0.0045429311873701845 -0.624768853187561 3426 Seim võttis kaitse otstarbel vastu kõrge maksustamise, kuid kogumine jäi maha. The Seimas adopted a high level of taxation for defence purposes, but the collection lagged behind. [90, 88, 76] 84.66666666666667 [0.6545327129635137, 0.4206537562524396, 0.06990332701317616] 0.3816965987430431 -0.4608505964279175 3427 thumbleft185 px[[Adam Kisiel, Bratslavi vojevood ja liitriigi senati viimane õigeusklik liige, eelistas kohanemist kasakatega. Tumbleft185 px [Adam Kisiel, Bratslavi voyeves, and the last Orthodox Member of the State to date, preferred to adapt to the elderly. [38, 15, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.1343437451734075, -2.258848426590734, -1.818794853066228] -1.7373290082767898 -0.3716977536678314 3428 Tegelikult on tahtmised ja tahe samamoodi seotud, kui inimene toimib armastusest, ja armastus on mõistagi isiklik. In fact, wills and will are equally linked when a person works out of love, and love is of course personal. [97, 88, 78] 87.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.7442185189868247, 0.4063488583400919] 0.7138669556034946 -0.3754085898399353 3429 Sachsi eristusel võib olla mõte, kui kogukonnas on selline teooria omaks võetud, kuid seda eristust ei pruugita teha. The distinction between Sachs may make sense if such theory is embraced within the community, but this distinction may not be made. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3978339433670044 3430 Veel sada aastat tagasi elas praeguse Sambia alal rohkearvuliselt kõiki suuri Aafrika imetajaid. Just 100 years ago, in this Zambia area, all the great African mammmals lived multiply. [51, 60, 81] 64.0 [-0.5487481822056894, -0.14422096012004196, 0.5372396648934048] -0.05190982581077552 -0.48318663239479065 3431 Gustav Naan sündis 1919. aastal Vladivostokis, väljarännanud eestlaste perekonnas. Gustanaan Naan was born in 1919 in Vladivostok, a family of Estonians emigrating. [84, 90, 96] 90.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.9085307290014955, 0.9161304397840745] 0.8309305467440958 -0.34446272253990173 3432 Aga mingi selline inimeste asjade eesmärk peab olema. However, this sort of people's cause must be. [20, 23, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.318230271796973, -1.2152410046715822] -1.4387450649757136 -0.5920988917350769 3433 Tänu sellele vähenes ka vaenulikkus hutude ja tutside vahel. It also reduced hostility between Hutus and Tutsis. [75, 68, 81] 74.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3116787748632073 -0.36131569743156433 3434 Rünnakus hukkus vähemalt 10 ja sai vigastada 20 inimest. At least 10 people died and 20 were injured in the attack. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8913536471008455 -0.2534460127353668 3435 Hoolimata püsivast konfliktist Novgorodi vürstiga hakati nüüd tema eestvedamisel kavandama sõjakäiku Taani kuninga huvipiirkonda, Saaremaale. Despite the permanent conflict with the Principality of Novgorod, under his leadership, a military campaign has now begun with the King of Denmark's region of interest, Saareland. [85, 58, 80] 74.33333333333333 [0.5587533739601147, -0.20768092291338958, 0.4936093960423005] 0.2815606156963419 -0.3802965581417084 3436 Visiidi esimesel päeval külastas ta Pühtitsa kloostrit ja kohtus selle ülema iguumenja Filaretaga. On the first day of the visit, he visited the monastery of the Pühtican and met its chief litany, Filareer. [76, 70, 82] 76.0 [0.23454328731752536, -0.19997321272861532, 0.5808699337445091] 0.20514666944447305 -0.5124592781066895 3437 Seega ei vasta ekspertiisiakt ettenähtud struktuurile, mistõttu ei ole jälgitav, kuidas ekspert on jõudnud teatavate järeldusteni. Therefore, the act of expertise does not correspond to the structure envisaged, so it is not possible to monitor how the expert has reached certain conclusions. [67, 83, 85] 78.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5580489988532433] 0.4201460370351772 -0.48432984948158264 3438 10.\t“Kui Isa mõte sai kuju, sündis see, mis ilmus tema ette tema valguse säras. 10. When the idea of Iceland came into being, what appeared before it was shining in its light was born. [40, 29, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.1593124721939274, -1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933] -1.2523051859560834 -0.41389116644859314 3439 Hoburaudmagneti pooluste vahele oli riputatud elektrivoolu all olev pool, mis sai vabalt pöörelda ümber pooluseid ühendava sirgega risti oleva telje. Between the hallmark and the hallmarks of the barrel of electricity was hanged, which was freely turned around the axis at which the parties were linked. [82, 72, 62] 72.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.23653881664004375, -0.2494614636679413] 0.1893157622388705 -0.7254232168197632 3440 30.11.2015 kirjutab Steven Grocki Raivo Sepp´ale …./../..Tõepoolest on allpool kirjeldatud kuritegu karistatav Ameerika Ühendriikide seaduste järgi. 30.11.2015 will write a list of Steven Grocki Raivo Sepp, as regards a common remedy. /. Indeed, the crime described below is punishable by US law. [56, 50, 44] 50.0 [-0.48592357188822877, -0.46152077408678005, -0.9938850160982935] -0.6471097873577675 -0.5469681024551392 3441 Rahulolematus vastustega sellele küsimusele nihutas mõnede filosoofide tähelepanu seadustelt kui seletavatelt eemale. The dissatisfaction with the answers to this question has shifted the attention of some philosophers away from the law as they explain. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.4128302037715912 3442 Aastal 1969 loodi Gaboni rahvusraamatukogu ja rahvusarhiiv. In 1969, the Gabon National Library and National Archive were created. [96, 80, 100] 92.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8212918788527972 -0.18700914084911346 3443 Igavene tuli paigutati rekonstrueeritud mälestustahvli ette. The Russian fire was placed in the hands of the reconstructed memory victims. [87, 82, 92] 87.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6422412028525916] 0.6451998913957505 -0.45895126461982727 3444 Pakistani parlament võttis vastu seaduse, mis lubab edaspidi sõjaväekohtutel islamistlike mässuliste üle kohut mõista. The Pakistani Parliament has passed a law allowing further military courts to prosecute Islamist rebels. [100, 100, 78] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.412248360714594] 0.8787767249419782 -0.3443280756473541 3445 Et eelnev nõusolek on parim viis nõusoleku sõltumatuse tagamiseks, siis ei tohiks lubada petmist, millele antakse nõusolek tagantjärele. Since prior consent is the best way to guarantee the independence of consent, fraud, which is accepted retrospectively, should not be allowed. [84, 86, 78] 82.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 0.7431032729058616, 0.4269187050200866] 0.612717483124222 -0.37159693241119385 3446 Sellel printsiibil on reaalsuse sisu suhtes formaalne iseloom; nii saab selgeks teadusliku vormi mõiste. This principle has a formal nature with regard to the content of the reality, so the concept of scientific form becomes clear. [71, 98, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.4066897413043879, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9222736696811547 -0.33322128653526306 3447 Nepali valitsus kinnitas parlamendivalimiste toimumise kuupäevaks 10. aprilli. The Nepalese Government confirmed the holding of parliamentary elections by 10 April. [79, 67, 78] 74.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469, 0.08437892455801167] 0.2040823204686275 -0.3124413788318634 3448 Ta näitab esiteks, et lahutatud hüve ei nimetata kohaselt absoluutseks hüveks. He shows, first of all, that the benefit that has been separated is not called the absolute benefit. [97, 82, 94] 91.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8251766107826247] 0.7990266780035671 -0.555011510848999 3449 Peale selle, selleks et tõestada mõni teoreem näiteks kolmnurga kohta, konstrueerib ta peale kolmnurga veel jooni. Moreover, in order to prove a few theories about the triangle, for example, it is building bridges apart from the triangle. [31, 52, 42] 41.666666666666664 [-1.3865071458954215, -0.4322240068442644, -1.0765987441461105] -0.9651099656285987 -0.47233831882476807 3450 Kui saaks tegude erinevatele tagajärgedele tõenäosusi omistada, siis saaks leiutada viisi tervikolukordade meetodi rakendamiseks. If the likelihood of actions having different consequences could be attributed, a way could be invented to apply the whole method of cocktails. [18, 27, 36] 27.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228, -1.324739928289561] -1.5401383200453769 -0.5781930685043335 3451 Hiljemalt 16. sajandi keskpaigast kuulus rae koosseisu ka sündik. At the latest, by the middle of the 16th century, the birth rate was famous. [25, 13, 1] 13.0 [-1.4961164985930953, -1.8458697062925422, -2.016289862523797] -1.7860920224698116 -0.42080003023147583 3452 Koos samaaegse Rootsi sõja hävinguga pidi liitriik aastal 1656 nõustuma Vilniuse vaherahu kokkuleppega. In parallel to the destruction of the Swedish war, the ally had to agree to a ceasefire in Vilnius in 1656. [81, 82, 80] 81.0 [0.6189484363352243, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.458062035108683 -0.4834279417991638 3453 Sellepärast ta lisab, et kunstid, näiteks väejuhtimiskunst, majapidamiskunst ja kõnekunst, käivad poliitikateaduse alla. That is why he adds that the arts, such as the Art of Art, Domestic Art and Workart, are subject to political science. [32, 40, 23] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.062297059252832, -1.318230271796973] -1.3270569466201705 -0.5061682462692261 3454 Kuid hiljem tegid magnaatide kuningameelse fraktsiooni juhid nii, et Zygmunti positsioon jäi ebakindlaks, jättes vahekohtu võimu senati pädevusse. However, later on, the leaders of the kings of the magnails made Zygmunt's position uncertain, leaving power to the Senate to the arbitration court. [36, 32, 40] 36.0 [-1.426122433406289, -1.3504838029351336, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3119729028451166 -0.4532143473625183 3455 Kuid Clapton jäi truuks bluusimuusikale ja otsustas bändist lahkuda. However, Claston remained faithful to the bluusta and decided to leave the game. [51, 81, 66] 66.0 [-0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048, -0.0840340075723075] 0.007804954876997024 -0.5516988635063171 3456 Pärast hääletusvooru hoiatas Türgi armee, et on vajadusel valmis tegutsema ilmaliku riigikorra säilitamise nimel. Following the round of voting, the Turkish army warned that it was ready, if necessary, to act to maintain a secular regime. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.100345913566237 -0.3176267743110657 3457 Harry Ahven oma poja Henryga Morna linna ühes, Are ja Saara teises otsas, tunnevad, et elu on rutiin ning sellest on vaja välja tulla. Harry Ahven, his son, Henryga Morna, on the other end of the town of Morna, feels that life is routine and needs to come out of it. [60, 71, 82] 71.0 [-0.6252965206798194, 0.05442657251608684, 0.5808699337445091] 0.003333328526925509 -0.32357627153396606 3458 Iraagis Bagdadis ja Basras avaldasid tuhanded inimesed meelt 150 Türgi sõduri paigutamise vastu riigi põhjaossa. In Iraq in Baghdad and Basra, thousands of people demonstrated against the deployment of 150 Turkish soldiers in the north of the country. [82, 79, 100] 87.0 [0.827031554711923, 0.5464537850814665, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8328212118467665 -0.2469271719455719 3459 Tehtut võis pehmendada vaid eestlaste kuulutamine mõrtsukateks ja ülestõusu kujutamine enneolematu kuritööna. All that could be cushioned was the proclamation of Estonians as murderers and the image of uprising as an unprecedented criminal act. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [0.7353515261651256, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9864777800921555 -0.37307512760162354 3460 Tai peaminister Yingluck Shinawatra tegi mitmeid muudatusi oma valitsuskabinetis. The Prime Minister of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, has made a number of changes in his cabinet. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9028532778300488 -0.22916461527347565 3461 Juppé pürgis ka varem ise Vabariiklaste presidendikandidaadiks, kuid kaotas erakonna sisevalimistel Fillonile. Juppé used to aspire himself to the President-designate of the Republican, but lost to Filon in the party's internal elections. [70, 74, 59] 67.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.23182778293567463, -0.3778535430073656] 0.009017697925001714 -0.5312294960021973 3462 Seda teevad need, kelle eitus on sama autoriteetne kui see jaatus, mis nende eitusele iseloomu annab. This is done by those whose disregard is as authoritative as the claim that gives their success. [29, 32, 35] 32.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.6006435088107063, -1.5101665306408727] -1.4128868076228362 -0.5326622128486633 3463 Otepää ümbruses rüüstatud viis päeva ja tagasi pöördudes peetud 1. juunil Vastseliinast kahe versta kaugusel lahing neile järgnenud sakslastega. Five days and two verbs away from the Left on 1 June, ravaged around Otepää, returning to the Germans who followed the battle. [39, 23, 31] 31.0 [-0.9393824814029599, -1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106] -1.300628843620581 -0.4725748896598816 3464 Nagu teistelgi loomadel, on meil rahutud soovid ja igatsused, mille tõttu me oleme pidevas liikumises. Like other animals, we have uneasy wishes and loneliness, which is why we are in constant movement. [64, 80, 58] 67.33333333333333 [-0.017301034533346728, 0.4936093960423005, -0.4138768859676533] 0.020810491847100137 -0.431816428899765 3465 Darwinite sugupuu on koostatud kuni 1500. aastani. The Darwinian family has been produced up to 1500s. [33, 41, 25] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -1.1179556081700188, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3099130523777485 -0.6080201864242554 3466 Me mõtleme, et ajal on fikseeritud suund nagu noolel või jõel. We think that, at the same time, direction is fixed, such as a nod or river. [45, 23, 34] 34.0 [-1.265211137501486, -1.318230271796973, -1.0846758681280848] -1.2227057591421813 -0.5935764908790588 3467 Tšehhi president Václav Klaus alustas neljapäevast ametlikku visiiti Venemaal. Czech President Václav Klaus began an official visit to Russia on Thursday. [100, 82, 79] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7198178180766406 -0.29634058475494385 3468 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis leiti erinevatest asukohtadest seitsmekümne ühe tapetud inimese surnukehad. In Baghdad, Iraq, the bodies of 70 people killed from various locations were found. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.44641366600990295 3469 Kuningas Friedrich Wilhelm I ja "Preisi armee juhtiv geenius" või "vana dessaulane" Leopold I drillisid Preisi armee varem Euroopas tundmatu täiuseni. King Friedrich Wilhelm I and the Preis Armed Army led genius, or Leopoken I Ddrillished the Preis Army earlier unknown in Europe. [38, 42, 46] 42.0 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.1643408202996632, -0.9111712880504766] -1.069951951174516 -0.4338599443435669 3470 Zimbabwes rünnati süütepudelitega politseijaoskondi Harares ja Gwerus. In Zimbabwe, police stations with arson bottles were attacked in Harare and Gwerus. [60, 59, 60] 59.666666666666664 [-0.6252965206798194, -0.3778535430073656, -0.01365207210314715] -0.3389340452634441 -0.293743371963501 3471 Suguakt peategelaste vahel ei ole kirjeldatud detailselt ning ei ole pealetükkiv, vaid on üldise kirjeldusega. The act between the main figures is not described in detail and is not intrusive but in a general description. [69, 51, 80] 66.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, -0.4297907926901062, 0.4936093960423005] 0.015399496649235234 -0.31102246046066284 3472 Kolmas liik on termini metafoorne tarvitus, millel on tähtsust retoorikas ja luules, kuid mitte loogikas. The third type is the 'metaphor' exercise, which is important in rhetoric and poke, but not in logic. [61, 54, 47] 54.0 [-0.2232195995412975, -0.3346008485000848, -0.8698144240265682] -0.47587829068931686 -0.4768693745136261 3473 Hispaanias võttis Baski autonoomse piirkonna parlament vastu enesemääramisdeklaratsiooni, millega taotletakse piirkonna autonoomia laiendamist. In Spain, the Basque Autonomous Community Parliament adopted a declaration of self-determination that seeks to extend regional autonomy. [74, 80, 67] 73.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.4936093960423005, 0.07788890965667469] 0.24466496903197507 -0.2956930100917816 3474 Sellisele skeptitsismile ei saa läheneda samamoodi nagu välismaailmaskeptitsismile. Such scepticism cannot be approached in the same way as that of globalisation. [69, 75, 62] 68.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4014644825739508, -0.2494614636679413] 0.04479430183384029 -0.42105889320373535 3475 Milliste asjaoludel on legitiimne väita, et teaduslik seadus on "tuletatud" lõplikust kogumist vaatluslikest ja eksperimentaalsetest tõenditest? Under what circumstances is it legitimate to claim that the scientific law is a 'derived' final collection of obscene and experimental evidence? [98, 82, 90] 90.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8052017493228455 -0.3100135326385498 3476 Kategooriaid eristatakse predikatsiooniviiside järgi, mis on võetud olemisviisidest. The distinction between categories is made by means of prevalence methods, which are taken from the type of existence. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.015234363400208 -0.6375606060028076 3477 thumbright166px[[Jan Klemens Branicki järgnes Józef Potockile kui kroonihetman Queright 166px [Jan Klemens Branicki has followed Józef Potočnik as crown moment. [64, 81, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.5372396648934048, 0.2054640405950517] 0.18165562576084313 -0.49668052792549133 3478 Sellise jõu kasutamise tingis preislaste vastu saadetud jalaväetoetuse puudumine. This force was used because of a lack of anti-personnel fertiliser support sent against the priests. [24, 1, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.6386705466174354, -2.016289862523797, -2.429618616981688] -2.0281930087076403 -0.39787688851356506 3479 Operatsiooni käigus hukkus kaheksateist ja sai vigastada nelikümmend kaheksa inimest. Forty-eight people died and were injured during the operation. [45, 41, 36] 40.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.7470906066568443, -1.324739928289561] -0.9846702931325998 -0.3096393346786499 3480 Selle otsusega jättis kohus jõusse juba 2014. aastal langetatud kohtuotsuse. With this ruling, the Court already maintained the Court's ruling from 2014. [66, 59, 51] 58.666666666666664 [-0.1256901422853517, -0.42262624983089, -0.4297907926901062] -0.32603572826878263 -0.549561619758606 3481 Nad esitasid ka üleskutse üleüldiseks kodanikuallumatuseks ning mõned panid ette hakata ka mõisaid rüüstama. They also called for universal civic disobedience, and some were also proposing to start looting the mind. [44, 34, 23] 33.666666666666664 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973] -1.249938976772384 -0.4729905128479004 3482 Samasugused kitsendused on ristsõnade, mõistatuste, maleülesannete jne puhul. Similar restrictions are the same with regard to crusades, mystery, tasks, etc. [81, 85, 83] 83.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.711760740297822, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5706631181400805 -0.6198471188545227 3483 Kalaliike on üle 800, neist 90% on Malawi endeemid. There are over 800 fishermen, 90% of whom are Malawi's endemic. [27, 1, 14] 14.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -2.016289862523797, -2.3859883481305837] -1.9776262427969844 -0.3308868110179901 3484 Venemaa president Dmitri Medvedev nimetas endise Krasnodari krai kuberneri Aleksandr Tkatšovi oma eriesindajaks Abhaasias. The Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, appointed Alexander Tkaov, the former Governor of the Krasnodari kratia, as his special envoy in Abkhazia. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.4133363962173462 3485 Nendega sõlmisid rahuleppe nii leedulased, semgalid, kuralased kui saarlased. They have signed a peace agreement with Lithuanians, semiles, Kurds and islands. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.616273820400238 3486 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi kirdeosas rööviti sinna jalgpallistaadionit rajava ehitusfirma 18 türklasest töötajat. In the north-east of the Iraq capital Baghdad, 18 Turkish workers were kidnapped by the construction company building a football stadium. [74, 75, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.27545805178677896, 0.19851994435723766] 0.25799225852580265 -0.3670344650745392 3487 Peruu ülemkohus mõistis kümme endist Alberto Fujimori valitsuse ministrit süüdi riigipöörde korraldamises omaenda valitsuse vastu 1992. aastal. The Supreme Court of Peru sentenced ten former Alberto Fujimor ministers to a coup d'état against their own government in 1992. [81, 64, 73] 72.66666666666667 [0.27058394287051374, -0.1977368282059271, 0.4831155255603034] 0.18532088007496336 -0.28888049721717834 3488 Seega tuleb leppida arvutitega, mille programmid ei ole tõestatavalt täielikud. Therefore, computers whose programmes are demonstrably not complete must be accepted. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.38800203800201416 3489 Säilinud on väga vähe Teise tsaaririigi ilmalikku kunsti. Very little has been preserved in the secular art of the other federal state. [26, 23, 33] 27.333333333333332 [-1.013058015900894, -1.318230271796973, -1.4488105203612864] -1.2600329360197178 -0.5146692991256714 3490 See süüdistus nende aadressil, kes ütlevad, et ei saa heal eesmärgil kurja teha, on mõnikord õigustatud. This accusation against those who say that you cannot make evil for good is sometimes justified. [40, 29, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9068296231365207, -1.12785038341693, -1.3660967923134697] -1.1335922662889735 -0.28707432746887207 3491 Nõukogude võim võitles metsavendade vastu nende peamiste toetajate, talupoegkonna küüditamistega. The Soviet authorities fought against the brothers of forests with their main supporters, the deportations of the farming community. [84, 89, 78] 83.66666666666667 [0.6603895448580447, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4063488583400919] 0.6142289678605449 -0.48281997442245483 3492 Poolakad, keda Rootsi invasioon täielikult üllatas, üritasid septembris vastupealetungi, kuid said Gustav Adolfilt Gniewi lahingus lüüa. The Poles, who were totally surprised by the Swedish invasion, attempted an offensive in September, but were defeated by Mrs Adolflt Gniewi's battle. [72, 78, 65] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.4269187050200866, 0.03899122630516161] 0.11751503470092067 -0.47480931878089905 3493 Teiste sündmust likvideerivate teenistustega ei ole koostöö juriidilisest aspektist lähtuvalt reguleeritud. Cooperation with other services winding up the event has not been regulated from a legal point of view. [77, 78, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.4269187050200866, 0.412248360714594] 0.4006285517412227 -0.3406737446784973 3494 2011. aasta juunis sai Musk 500 000 dollari suuruse Heinleini preemia edusammude eest kosmose kommertsialiseerimises. In June 2011, Musk received a prize of USD 500 000 Heinz for the progress made in the commercialisation of space. [90, 87, 93] 90.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.7990212780000306, 1.0326013210732208] 0.8797670269511414 -0.29577943682670593 3495 Ääriveeri jutust selgub, et Ints ei söanda üksi kohvikusse minna. It is clear from business reports that Ints do not dare to go to coffee alone. [19, 19, 18] 18.666666666666668 [-1.8187872614188738, -2.167837003875062, -1.4768801787803418] -1.8211681480247595 -0.6137872338294983 3496 Guineas toimusid kokkupõrked teist nädalat president Lansana Conté vastu meelt avaldavate streikijate ja politseinike vahel. In Guinea, the second week of clashes took place between strikes and police officers demonstrating against President Lansana Conté. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7921032995742799 -0.27952274680137634 3497 Solomon möönab, et iseendaga ei räägi mitte ainult lapsed, hullumeelsed ja erakud, vaid ka luuletajad ja filosoofid. The Solomer admits that it is not only children, crazy and private individuals who are talking about themselves, but also poets and philosophers. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6873036869530262] 0.7377753034458477 -0.42557552456855774 3498 Siin võib eksitada eeldus, et ainuke alternatiiv moraalinõuete aktsepteerimisele on omakasu järgimise ahne lubamine. The only alternative to accepting moral requirements is the greedy admission of self-interest, which may be misled here. [65, 69, 60] 64.66666666666667 [-0.21948503504343145, 0.1839805288126773, -0.14422096012004196] -0.0599084887835987 -0.5534490346908569 3499 Seekord läheb ta külla Almale, et pakkuda kooki ja teha talle üks imelik ettepanek ... This time, he goes to the village of Alma to offer a coding and make a wonderful suggestion to him... [67, 85, 76] 76.0 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.711760740297822, 0.36345874222673896] 0.24951659434272866 -0.4520546495914459 3500 Piiskop Albert ja ordumeister palusid saadikute vahendusel ta vabastamist, kuid taanlased keeldusid. Suffice Albert and ordurator asked for his release through their envoys, but the Danes refused. [24, 19, 29] 24.0 [-1.3893161887096255, -1.6283857525312686, -1.12785038341693] -1.3818507748859412 -0.48133084177970886 3501 Õieti ei olegi sel muud alust kui puhta praktilise mõistuse kriitika, nii nagu metafüüsikal juba ilmunud puhta spekulatiivse mõistuse kriitika. It has no basis but to criticise pure, practical sense, such as the criticism of pure speculative reason, which has already appeared in metaphysics. [39, 31, 23] 31.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.7946941388207216, -1.318230271796973] -1.0704149376102714 -0.5078403949737549 3502 Sudaanis Dārfūri regioonis tegutsev peamine relvarühmitus Sudaani Vabastusarmee teatas, et allkirjastab Aafrika Liiga poolt koostatud rahulepingu. The Sudanese Liberation Army, the main armed force operating in the Darfur region of Sudan, announced that it will sign a peace agreement drawn up by the African League of States. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.3244820833206177 3503 Vea põhjuseks oli kütusepaagis loksuma hakanud raketikütus. The cause of the water was the rocket fuel that was raging in the fuel tank. [23, 29, 35] 29.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.7315343153640192, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4719537931581541 -0.5641923546791077 3504 Niisugust muutumist nimetatakse aktsidentaalseks muutumiseks. Such a change is called 'excise duty'. [72, 47, 60] 59.666666666666664 [0.144567245233466, -0.8698144240265682, -0.14422096012004196] -0.28982271297104806 -0.5853633880615234 3505 See on tema arvates aktiivse moraalisubjektile iseloomulik ja omane tunnus. In his opinion, this is a characteristic and characteristic feature of an active moral subject. [87, 90, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.548708683221246, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6013363152325165 -0.4380674362182617 3506 Märtsis 1921 loobus Rahvasteliit rahvahääletuse nõudest. In March 1921, the UPM rejected the call for a referendum. [79, 71, 70] 73.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.12275031254723479, -0.19997321272861532] 0.12425207566993852 -0.3418967127799988 3507 Möödunud nädalatel on selle tõelise põhjusena meile selgunud, et ükski riik peale agressori ei olnud sõjaks valmis ... In the past few weeks, it has become clear to us as the real reason for this that no country, apart from the aggressor, was prepared to war... [94, 83, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.882963460602704, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8774806529817427 -0.3871527910232544 3508 Iga kord kui ta püüab mõnd sündmust ära hoida, see ebaõnnestub. Every time he tries to prevent one event, it fails. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [0.7533661484518784, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.0668146044797895 -0.3622519075870514 3509 Rootsis nagu paljudes teistes Euroopa riikides ei "omanud" laevad tavaliselt oma relvi, vaid need väljastati eraldi iga missiooni jaoks. In Sweden, like many other European countries, 'vessels' usually did not own their weapons, but were issued separately for each mission. [98, 84, 100] 94.0 [0.8337359223850412, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8083053416759786 -0.38571637868881226 3510 Nähtavasti nende väljade tõttu Hertzil ei õnnestunudki kiirte kõrvalekallet tekitada. Obviously, because of these squares, Hertz has failed to produce a rapid deviation. [26, 39, 13] 26.0 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.0983204022131197, -1.635530085763711] -1.532091869964721 -0.44923245906829834 3511 Nendest kindlustest Sileesias jäid pärast Friedrichi esialgset kampaaniat Austria kätte vaid Głogów, Wrocław ja Brzeg. Following the initial campaign by Friedrich in Silesia in Austria, only Głogów, Wrocław and Brzeg remained in Austria. [51, 37, 23] 37.0 [-0.35756810125476673, -0.9759338912474481, -1.318230271796973] -0.8839107547663959 -0.36540544033050537 3512 Ukraina siseministri nõuniku teatel on raketiseade Buk, millest võidi tulistada Malaisia reisilennukit, viidud Venemaa territooriumile. According to an adviser to the Ukrainian Minister for the Interior, Buk, from which a Malaysian passenger aircraft could be shot, has been placed on Russian territory. [61, 67, 79] 69.0 [-0.2908183276918498, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] 0.07901656971867368 -0.33233773708343506 3513 Neid võib aga lahutada, kui mõelda, et inimene võib enesehinnangut kasvatada või kahandada, säilitades sama austuse enda kui inimese vastu. They can be separated, however, if one considers that a person can raise or reduce his or her self-esteem, while maintaining the same respect as a person. [68, 52, 60] 60.0 [0.004650408323776896, -0.3980608112934324, -0.3321751917157582] -0.24186186489513792 -0.430896133184433 3514 Nobeli ettevõtteid tekkis üle terve Euroopa, nende toodang kasvas 11 tonnilt 1867. aastal kuni 66 000 tonnini 1895. aastal. The Nobel companies came from all over Europe, with an increase in production from 11 tonnes in 1867 to 66 000 tonnes in 1859. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1100644715184529 -0.46991851925849915 3515 Mõlemas osariigis võitis valimised Rick Santorum, teiseks jäi Newt Gingrich. In both countries, Rick Santorum won the elections; secondly, Newt Gingrich remained. [79, 84, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5681516582245686 -0.27428138256073 3516 Eesti Vabaõhumuuseumis anti üle Europa Nostra kultuuripärandi auhinnad. The Estonian Free Air Museum presented Europa Nostra's Prize for Cultural Heritage. [86, 58, 56] 66.66666666666667 [0.7553910091489263, -0.41488891976357517, -0.2711408857067372] 0.02312040122620464 -0.28924596309661865 3517 Ühtlasi tarbitakse Portugalis maailma riikidest kõige enam kala ja kalatooteid ühe elaniku kohta. Portugal also consumes the most fish and fish products per capita from countries around the world. [90, 100, 82] 90.66666666666667 [1.132734691735585, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6551957619621033] 0.9709695831481996 -0.3811584711074829 3518 Eestis avastati Narva jõel hommikul kella 7.30 ajal kütusereostus, mis pärastlõunaks jõudis ka Soome lahte. In Estonia, fuel pollution was discovered on the River Nys at 7.30 in the morning, which also reached the Gulf of Finland for the afternoon. [67, 74, 60] 67.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.3652171569470719, -0.3321751917157582] -0.018874944697916767 -0.46117305755615234 3519 Tõhus viis teatud tegude välistamiseks on see, et need ei tulegi pähe, ja mõnikord on see parim viis. An effective way of ruling out certain acts is that they do not happen, and sometimes that is the best way. [69, 77, 84] 76.66666666666667 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.2705666302778131, 0.6681304714467177] 0.2324497837125704 -0.43108081817626953 3520 Ühes Prantsusmaa külas toimus küll kõik tavaliselt, aga paljud saia sööjad jäid haigeks ja surid. In one of the French villages, everything happened as usual, but many of the savors were sick and died. [45, 51, 48] 48.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.4297907926901062, -0.9025592071930374] -0.7381767814448458 -0.6031526923179626 3521 Austerlaste väejuhivahetus julgustas Bourboni liitlasi 1745. aasta kevadel esimesena ründama. The Austrian leadership team encouraged the Bourbon allies to attack first in spring 1745. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8649140551778546 -0.35656461119651794 3522 Iseloomulik on see, et me arvame, et tajume endast "väljaspool" olevaid asju. What is natural is that we think we feel the 'outside' things. [96, 100, 92] 96.0 [1.156671913144946, 0.9996617706525889, 0.7859190067183177] 0.9807508968386176 -0.5486518740653992 3523 Igavesed küsimused on lihtsalt need, mis inimeste puhul on alati vältimatud. Every issue is simply those that are always inevitable in the case of people. [68, 56, 80] 68.0 [-0.05364345636477628, -0.2711408857067372, 0.4936093960423005] 0.05627501799026232 -0.6375215649604797 3524 Euroopa Liit otsustas suure eelarvepuudujäägi tõttu külmutada 2013. aastaks Ungarile määratud rahalised vahendid kogusummas 495 miljonit eurot. The European Union decided to freeze Hungary's financial resources for 2013, with a total budget of EUR 495 million due to a severe deficit. [100, 76, 100] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0152560939928115] 0.811149310998375 -0.4210255742073059 3525 Osalt on vastuseks see, et tahte printsiip on pelk seaduskohasus kui niisugune. In part, the answer is that the principle of will is mere legitimacy as such. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.4615175426006317 3526 Trinidadi ja Tobago seenestik ei ole lõpuni kaardistatud, kuid teada on vähemalt 1647 liiki, nende seas ka mitmed samblikud. No max and Tobago Seleretics have been mapped to the end, but at least 1647 species are known, including several pillars. [23, 32, 41] 32.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3456097962592326 -0.4346029758453369 3527 Allikad olid anonüümsed ja kandsid pseudonüümi "Ungari vabadusvõitleja". The sources were anonymous and wearing the pseuudonym of the Hungarian freedom campaigner. [82, 90, 98] 90.0 [0.46039042405392566, 0.8076784817801723, 1.239385641192763] 0.8358181823422871 -0.40426215529441833 3528 Aga tundub, et on üks huvitav juhtum, millele tuleb teistmoodi läheneda. However, it seems that there is an interesting case that needs to be approached differently. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822] 0.9199295557469697 -0.4232543408870697 3529 Bütsantslasi võideti mitmes suures lahingus ja aastal 1205 võitis tsaar Kalojan äsja loodud Ladina keisririiki Adrianoopoli lahingus. The bureaucrats were won in several major battles, and in 1205, the winning winner of the battle in the Latin Emperor Adrianoopol, Kalojan, which has just been created. [31, 16, 1] 16.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -2.298727810428375, -2.016289862523797] -1.9005082729491978 -0.49924859404563904 3530 Usbekistan taastas öösel maagaasitarned Tadžikistanile, mis olid katkenud 1. aprillil. Uzbekistan restored the supply of natural gas to Tajikistan at night, which had been interrupted on 1 April. [63, 60, 56] 59.666666666666664 [-0.2337601711662148, -0.13618580643672962, -0.2711408857067372] -0.21369562110322723 -0.3572832942008972 3531 Ressi sõnul oli Musk kõige korralikum tüüp, keda ta on kunagi kohanud ja "ei joonud kunagi". According to the resources, Musk was the most decent type it has ever met and 'never materialises'. [42, 24, 33] 33.0 [-1.0765987441461105, -1.1584486258171163, -1.134699631001595] -1.1232490003216073 -0.3957042098045349 3532 Võimendaja on taustatingimus, mis teeb soosiva põhjendi tugevamaks, kui see muidu oleks. The client is a background condition that makes a favourable reason stronger than it would otherwise be. [81, 77, 84] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.36271858948898755, 0.5227300309998271] 0.46918575656630757 -0.5328728556632996 3533 Võidud Egiptuses olid peaaegu täielikult tänu Rommeli strateegilisele geniaalsusele. The winning Egypt was almost entirely due to the strategic genius of the Roma. [77, 83, 70] 76.66666666666667 [0.3708914966906855, 0.6245002025956135, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2651394955192279 -0.31321585178375244 3534 Probleem ise tuleneb paradigmast ja sageli rakendatakse paradigmat ka aparaatide konstrueerimisel. The problem itself stems from a paradigm, and it is often applied to the reconstruction of machines as well. [79, 80, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5827011107083454, 1.1249782957469103] 0.719219511215484 -0.4395824074745178 3535 Kuhni meelest peab selle, kuidas ja miks nad seda teevad, välja selgitama sotsioloogiline analüüs. How and why they do this, however, must be subject to a sociological analysis, as it were, to both sides. [13, 29, 21] 21.0 [-1.4441015031679176, -1.12785038341693, -1.945092888648188] -1.5056815917443451 -0.7734315991401672 3536 Sarnaselt tegid mitu pikka maapiiri tõhusa koduse armee igale Prantsusmaa valitsejale kohustuslikuks. Similarly, every French ruler has been made compulsory by several long-distance armies of effective land borders. [36, 29, 42] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -1.12785038341693, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2101905203231098 -0.4677515923976898 3537 See võimalus on igasugusele määratletud reaalsusele olemuslik. This opportunity is intrinsic to any established reality. [77, 84, 89] 83.33333333333333 [0.09994004505140265, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7759485003834985] 0.5146730056272063 -0.5317146182060242 3538 See põhjustas poliitilise ebastabiilsuse ja sagedased valitsuskriisid. This caused political instability and frequent governmental crises. [97, 100, 77] 91.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755] 0.8262434582398216 -0.32802996039390564 3539 Siiski oleks tõenäosus paljudel juhtudel ikkagi null, ja tõenäosust üldse ei arvestata. However, in many cases, the probability would still be zero, and the likelihood will not be taken into account at all. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 0.774893431721841] 0.7757963968693525 -0.3641001880168915 3540 Mõned filosoofilised probleemid jälgivad muutusi loodusteaduses. Some philosophical problems are watching changes in science. [81, 65, 51] 65.66666666666667 [0.4278375657874865, 0.1774123885366415, -0.4297907926901062] 0.058486387211340585 -0.34772756695747375 3541 Minoslaste kunstist võib leida vaid üksikuid viiteid lahingutegevusele. One can find only a few references to the battle. [22, 25, 18] 21.666666666666668 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.3511032965816678, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5129002359666737 -0.8467385172843933 3542 Ka Aristotelese kategooriate uurimine kuulub metafüüsikasse, niivõrd kui nende alla kuuluvaid asju uuritakse kui olevaid. Research into Aristotle categories is also part of metaphysical activity, as far as the things they contain are studied as they are. [95, 88, 88] 90.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.8726797157233768, 0.8258170009536785] 0.8724945067466824 -0.47837892174720764 3543 Viola ema on Linda Eerikäinen, kuigi alguses arvati, et ta on Viola õde. Mr Evans's mother is Linda Eeriäinen, even though he was initially thought he was the words of Mr Medina a. [1, 4, 7] 4.0 [-2.4672074347040525, -2.822291036641627, -1.7447839517266321] -2.34476080769077 -0.5464654564857483 3544 Võidakse ka küsimärgi alla panna väide, et eelistuste rahuldamine peaks olema meie viimne eesmärk. The claim that meeting preferences should be our ultimate objective is also being put into question. [79, 77, 84] 80.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.09994004505140265, 0.6681304714467177] 0.40722524707887425 -0.5322249531745911 3545 Tartust helistab Ahvenale Pinuse omanik ja käsib ilmuda kohale koos raamatupidamisdokumentidega. The owner of Ahvenale Pinus is calling the tide and he is coming here with the accounts. [62, 48, 76] 62.0 [0.06277371215276832, -0.8284575600026597, 0.6337802435929001] -0.043967868085663775 -0.5823690891265869 3546 Siselende teenindavad lennufirmad Fly Pelican, Qantas, Tigerair ja Virgin Australia. The airlines Fly Pelican, Qantas, Tigerair and Virgin Australia serve diesel flights. [80, 51, 66] 65.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.4297907926901062, -0.31915087347530186] -0.08511075670770253 -0.2454579919576645 3547 Ameerika Ühendriikide Kongressi Esindajatekoja spiiker Nancy Pelosi alustas ametlikku visiiti Süürias. Nancy Pelosa, Speaker of the United States Congress of Representatives, has launched a formal visit to Syria. [100, 85, 96] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.156671913144946] 0.9978036497298928 -0.3340173363685608 3548 Seaduse muudatusi toetas 53 parlamendiliiget, vastu hääletas 40 parlamendiliiget. 53 Members supported the amendments to the law, 40 voted against. [81, 100, 96] 92.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.689673621607982] 0.7839638607494323 -0.35852912068367004 3549 Ratsionaalne argument saab ühiskondlikke seisundeid mõjutada. A rational argument can affect the state of society. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8975674955625244] 0.8823486646350162 -0.2804371416568756 3550 Uku ja Pille üritavad Jaagu juures õmblusvabriku mõtet maha laita. New arms and Pille are trying to bury the idea of a chat factory at Jaak. [22, 18, 13] 17.666666666666668 [-1.7107172325380107, -2.2114672727261664, -1.566716852002797] -1.829633785755658 -0.6576735973358154 3551 Normaalteadus kui peamurdmisülesannete lahendamine Normal science as the main fraction tasks [82, 81, 79] 80.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 0.522108649210108, 0.45360522473850245] 0.5188612692310399 -0.6768266558647156 3552 pisi[[Norra RahvusteaterNorra Rahvusteatri maja Oslos Find [The Norwegian National Telecom House in Oslo] [30, 27, 23] 26.666666666666668 [-1.422530488855709, -1.2746775123257523, -1.318230271796973] -1.3384794243261446 -0.8602411150932312 3553 Eesti soolise võrdõiguse volinik Liisa Pakosta tegi mitteametliku ettepaneku muuta perekonnaseadust viisil, et kehtestataks sooneutraalne abielu. The Estonian Commissioner for Gender Equality, Liisa Pakoice, has proposed an informal amendment to family law in such a way as to introduce gender-neutral marriage. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.4335252642631531 3554 Normannide vallutusretk Londonisse ei avaldunud mitte ainult läbi uue valitseva klassi, vaid ka linna struktuuris. The conquest of the Normans to London was not only revealed through the new ruling class, but also through the city structure. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.2820983144506333 -0.3779758810997009 3555 Ta saatis 26. septembril 1998] läkituse rosminiaanidele. It sent a convergence to the rosé miniaides on 26 September 1998. [77, 78, 79] 78.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.4269187050200866, 0.44997912719119615] 0.41592977630065614 -0.6284836530685425 3556 Nahkhiired liikusid seafarmidele lähemale ja viirus kandus nende väljaheidetega sigadele. Nahkhires moved closer to seafood and the virus transmitted to pigs with these emissions. [21, 11, 1] 11.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.093303197568664 -0.5572428703308105 3557 Doonaul edenes parim kindral Austria teenistuses Khevenhüller 27. detsembril, lõi liitlased kergelt tagasi, isoleeris nad Linzis ja survestas Baierit. On 27 December, the best General, in the Austrian service, Khevenhanler, promoted the Danube, created a slight return of allies, isolated them in Linz and put pressure on Bavaria. [85, 81, 83] 83.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5605205502856584 -0.34105634689331055 3558 Meeleavaldusi korraldati kokku 83 linnas, neist suurim toimus São Paulos. The demonstrations were organised in 83 cities, the biggest in São Paulo. [100, 87, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.7844601369297701, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0723620186408682 -0.31743767857551575 3559 1918. aasta veebruaris alustasid sakslased uut pealetungi ning okupeerisid märtsi alguseks kogu Eesti territooriumi. In February 1918 the Germans launched a new offensive and occupied the entire Estonian territory by the beginning of March. [75, 82, 68] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.5808699337445091, -0.05364345636477628] 0.28631841273659936 -0.2718990743160248 3560 Rüütlite vägi oli aga oodatust väiksem ning sellel puudusid piisavad rahalised vahendid, et maksta veneetslastele laevatranspordi eest. However, the straw was smaller than expected and it lacked sufficient financial resources to pay the Russian people for shipping. [90, 85, 80] 85.0 [0.7388700887615532, 0.6490285747968032, 0.4936093960423005] 0.627169353200219 -0.6053463816642761 3561 Liitlased liikusid ühtlaselt läbi Itaalia vähese vastupanuga demoraliseeritud Itaalia sõduritelt, kohates samas tõsist vastupanu Saksa vägedelt. The Federative Italian soldiers, who had been demoralised with little resistance, were equally passing through the Italian soldiers, while facing serious resistance from the German forces. [55, 57, 52] 54.666666666666664 [-0.32348202996362757, -0.12829074848702035, -0.6630301039070259] -0.3716009607858912 -0.6604325175285339 3562 Eestis esitas lahkumisavalduse Tallinna peaarhitekt ja linnaplaneerimisameti juhataja Ike Volkov. In Estonia, Ike Volkov, head architect of Tallinn and president of the town planning authority, issued an application. [62, 80, 71] 71.0 [0.06277371215276832, 0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993] 0.2537306478128129 -0.43057653307914734 3563 Matš oli erakordselt vägivaldne ja peatati viimasel minutil, et rahustada vaatajaskonnas puhkenud kaklust. Match was extremely violent and suspended at the last minute to calm the fighting that broke out in the audience. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9580837415683066 -0.3283298909664154 3564 Samoa pealinnas Apias viidi läbi riigipea Malietoa Tanumafili II matusetseremoonia. In the capital of Samoa, Apias, the head of state, Malikana Tanumafil, was held in a funeral event II. [15, 26, 36] 25.666666666666668 [-1.5720701229703633, -1.8624251219173322, -1.2063904310939828] -1.5469618919938928 -0.45045343041419983 3565 Eestit esindasid kohtumisel rahandusminister Maris Lauri ja rahandusministeeriumi asekantsler Agris Peedu. Estonia was represented by Finance Minister Maris Lauri and Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Finance, Agris PeProgress, at the meeting. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.27277307010597845 -0.41638505458831787 3566 Vastandlikkus on, just nagu ta oleks kadunud; ta sisaldub ühtsuses ainult iseenesest sich, aga ta ei ole ühtsuses asetatud. The opposite is, as if it had disappeared; it is only a silver bull in unity, but it has not been put in unity. [23, 19, 15] 19.0 [-1.318230271796973, -2.167837003875062, -2.258848426590734] -1.9149719007542563 -0.4683293402194977 3567 Armastussuhe kujuneb dünaamiliselt armastajate arengu tulemusena, mitte ei tulene püsivast loomusest, mis püsivalt armastust esile kutsub. The love relationship will be dynamic as a result of the development of loved ones, not as a result of a lasting nature that permanently inspires love. [100, 97, 89] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.198905646365287, 0.867173864977587] 1.055061009902435 -0.5380980372428894 3568 Selline väärtustamine on sügavalt mitteinstrumentaalne, ja osalt sellepärast öeldaksegi, et inimeste armastamine peaks ideaalis olema isetu. This kind of valuation is deeply uninstructive, and partly because it is said that the love of people should be selfless in the ideal. [81, 100, 82] 87.66666666666667 [0.27058394287051374, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6501857983264844 -0.5969891548156738 3569 Sulfiidid, mida leidus Vasat ümbritsevate setete uhtvees olid tunginud puidu sisse. Sulphides, found in the swamp of the mixtures surrounding the left, had invaded timber. [24, 54, 39] 39.0 [-1.8210222965764626, -0.5579702578088042, -0.9034392399936904] -1.0941439314596524 -0.6272163391113281 3570 Samal istungil valiti 40 poolthäälega uueks peaministriks Joe Natuman. In the same session, Joe Natuman was elected by 40 votes in favour of the new Prime Minister. [73, 67, 79] 73.0 [0.2054640405950517, -0.08966679932506398, 0.5464537850814665] 0.2207503421171514 -0.2577281594276428 3571 Eri inimestele on tähtsad eri asjad, midagi peetakse tähtsaks. Various things matter to different people; something is considered important. [81, 93, 100] 91.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0326013210732208, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8309635390542675 -0.46349138021469116 3572 See äratas ka lääneriikide tähelepanu ja alustati massiivset abioperatsiooni. It also awakened the attention of Western countries and launched a massive aid operation. [95, 84, 78] 85.66666666666667 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.6822357403082844 -0.4444619417190552 3573 See on vastuolu, millel pole mingit pistmist lõpmatute arvude olemasoluga. This is a contradiction that has nothing to do with the existence of endless figures. [85, 100, 95] 93.33333333333333 [0.7017464088819532, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293] 0.9757536407859709 -0.27578237652778625 3574 Illusionisti Ed Alonzo sõnul oli Jackson tulnud kolmapäeval, 24. juunil kohaliku aja järgi kell 18.30 Staples Centerisse proovi. According to Ilexclusonist Ed Alonzo, Jackson had come on Wednesday 24 June at 18.30, local time, at 18.30 Stats, to agree on a Classical test. [29, 32, 25] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.3504838029351336, -1.8845074786158034] -1.6555085323049854 -0.5277283787727356 3575 Milliseid objekte me tahame tingimata mõista ka ajaloolisel, individualiseerival meetodil? What kind of facilities do we necessarily want to understand in the historical, individualised method too? [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8913536471008455 -0.4632674753665924 3576 Väikeste ja keskmiste ettevõtete käive moodustas linna majanduse kogukäivest 34%. The turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises represented 34% of the total economic turnover of the city. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9802290203432635 -0.2802567183971405 3577 Lahinguga lõppesid Napoleoni 100 päeva, mis said alguse tema naasmisega pagendusest Elba saarelt. The battle ended with Napoleon's 100 days, which began with her return from the island of Elba. [59, 68, 76] 67.66666666666667 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.09098370898113407, 0.2650732744552905] -0.005825024101080711 -0.31559279561042786 3578 Vastutuse rünnaku eest võttis endale islamiliikumise Ḩamās sõjaline tiib, mis kuulutas vaherahu Iisraeliga lõppenuks. The military wing of the Islamic movement Hamas took responsibility for the attack, which declared an end to the truce with Israel. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.3051426112651825 3579 Näiteks Russelli lähenemini ühitab Aristotelese ontoloogiat Platoni epistemoloogiaga. For example, closer to Russelli, Aristotle ontology merges Platon with epictemology. [45, 34, 23] 34.0 [-0.7440653318043247, -1.0071872674300482, -1.318230271796973] -1.0231609570104485 -0.43234995007514954 3580 Nii Bojana kirik kui ka Ivanovo kaljusse raiutud kirikud on arvatud UNESCO maailmapärandi nimistusse. Both the Borina Church and the churches harvested in the south of Ivanovo have been included in UNESCO's world heritage list. [65, 68, 70] 67.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, -0.25189590713641624, -0.3178622983051988] -0.3272499512825153 -0.4576945900917053 3581 Grenaderimäel olid kaitsel norralased ja taanlased. The Grenadernail was the Norrally and the Danes. [20, 30, 10] 20.0 [-2.124206735023958, -1.572881112433012, -2.446018900578199] -2.0477022493450563 -0.713604748249054 3582 Füüsika ja eetika seevastu piirduvad teatud kindlate objektidega ning seadustega, millele need alluvad. On the other hand, physical and ethical aspects restrict themselves to certain specific objects and to the laws to which they are subject. [87, 84, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 0.6681304714467177, 0.39897230403127376] 0.6171876374692539 -0.47980839014053345 3583 Maria muretseb Romani pärast, keda suured rahad on väga muutnud. Maria is worried about the Roma, who have been greatly changed by the large funds. [51, 56, 49] 52.0 [-0.5487481822056894, -0.2711408857067372, -0.7871006959787512] -0.5356632546303927 -0.4655211269855499 3584 Need ei ole iseseisvad õppimise vormid, vaid põhinevad ühe stiimulitingimuse ikoonilisel projitseerimisel teisele. They are not independent learning forms, but are based on the iconian demonstration of one stimulus condition for another. [96, 83, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9085307290014955] 0.8293470260401294 -0.3956315517425537 3585 Aga see ei saa olla päris õige, sest see õigustaks liiga paljut. But that cannot be quite right, because it would justify too much. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.3857068121433258 3586 Aga sel juhul tekib küsimus, miks vastastikune masturbeerimine on masturbeerimine. But then the question arises as to why mutual security is mass security. [18, 23, 27] 22.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.993315928470645, -1.6969517045047373] -1.7223826039185746 -0.3690754175186157 3587 Valimistel osales 60,4 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. 60.4% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [74, 84, 79] 79.0 [0.24682090461896014, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4586486864167604] 0.457866687494146 -0.26642319560050964 3588 Ka eesti väeüksused ei suutnud läbimurret peatada ning peagi vallutas Punaarmee Tartu. Neither did the troops manage to stop the breakthrough, and soon the Red Army Tartu was seized. [22, 34, 41] 32.333333333333336 [-1.1456867812138243, -0.969200476433561, -1.1179556081700188] -1.0776142886058013 -0.39459264278411865 3589 Nii näib selle perioodi Phaistose lossikompleks olevat suunatud Ida mäele, Knossose lossikompleks aga Juktase mäele. So the landing of that period in Phaistose seems to be aimed at the East Mountain, but at the Juklevel Mount instead of knowing how to land. [55, 63, 71] 63.0 [-0.8386013929537083, -0.4200333229836302, -0.2532346940854696] -0.5039564700076027 -0.5605875253677368 3590 Esmakordselt kümne aasta jooksul oli kogu Euroopas rahu. For the first time in ten years there was peace across Europe. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3158298440026652 -0.2948090434074402 3591 Temast sai ühtlasi esimene ja ainus afroameeriklane president Donald Trumpi valitsuskabinetis. He also became the first and the only Afghan American President, Donald Trumpi, in a cabinet. [84, 83, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6603895448580447] 0.6340627802845958 -0.2444266527891159 3592 Hispaania peaminister Mariano Rajoy võitis parlamendis toimunud umbusaldushääletuse. The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, won a vote of mistrust in Parliament. [73, 85, 100] 86.0 [0.2054640405950517, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6134248040296835 -0.17500726878643036 3593 Ljubljanas töötades viisistas ta Richard Leanderi ja Tirso de Molina luulet, mis koondati hiljem kogumikku "Lieder und Gesänge". During his work in Ljubljana, he imposed a poem by Richard Leander and Tirso de Molina, which was then laid off in the total 'Lieder und Gesänge'. [55, 51, 58] 54.666666666666664 [-0.5219469148485164, -0.4297907926901062, -0.41488891976357517] -0.4555422091007326 -0.3319127857685089 3594 Saareriigi viimaste aastakümnete kuulsaim kriketimängija on Brian Lara, kes lõpetas oma rahvusvahelise karjääri 2007. aastal. Brian Lara, the most famous cricket player in recent decades in the island country, has completed his international career in 2007. [72, 100, 87] 86.33333333333333 [0.09044991547637454, 0.8241835542857531, 0.8364323900964978] 0.5836886199528751 -0.30616992712020874 3595 Samal aastal vallutas Qalawun Hospitaliitide Margati linnuse. In the same year, Qalawun captured the Margat City of Hospital. [67, 80, 65] 70.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005, -0.1617134852456394] 0.13659494015111193 -0.37406063079833984 3596 Kunst ja kirjandus fašistlikus Itaalias ei olnud rangelt kontrollitud, ja seda tsenseeriti vaid siis, kui see oli lausa riigi vastu. Art and literature in fascist Italy were not strictly controlled, and this was censored only when it was against the state. [87, 100, 94] 93.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9442410679104428 -0.2814120650291443 3597 On palju kurja bona fide vorme, kuid moraalne kuri ei ole nende seas. There are many forms of evil bona fide, but there is no moral figure among them. [93, 81, 87] 87.0 [0.8469401176424164, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6988894400419907 -0.40886548161506653 3598 rightthumb225 px[[Jan II Kazimierz WazaJan Kazimierz, Władysław IV poolvend, oli kolmas ja viimane Vasa kuningatest. The right-wing figure of 225 px [Jan II Kazimierz WazaJan Kazimierz, Władysław IV half-brother was the third and last of the Royal Party. [19, 10, 1] 10.0 [-1.5803806493494141, -2.560509423535001, -2.016289862523797] -2.0523933118027373 -0.309158593416214 3599 Eesti peaminister Taavi Rõivas osales Leedu pealinnas Vilniuses toimunud Balti Ministrite Nõukogu kohtumisel. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Ralevas, was present in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, at the Baltic Council of Ministers meeting. [86, 93, 100] 93.0 [0.6021151186713274, 0.8469401176424164, 1.1850259554682334] 0.8780270639273257 -0.3496066629886627 3600 Kanti moraaliseadus kehtib sellepärast, et mõistuslikul olendil on põhjend seda enda kohta rakendada. The moral law of the Kant applies because a rational person has the reason to apply it for itself. [77, 100, 80] 85.66666666666667 [0.29762613272172966, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6387379415036468 -0.609086811542511 3601 Esimene kirikuhoone oli puidust, kuid see põles 1722. aasta tulekahjus maha. The first church building was a wood, but it burnt down in the fire of 1722. [100, 81, 70] 83.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 0.018403229555799133] 0.5602070633987047 -0.34097954630851746 3602 Selgus, et patent ei kehtinudki, sest asjaga tegelenud volinik oli unustanud patendi eest maksta. It turned out that the patent did not even exist because the Commissioner responsible had forgotten to pay for the patent. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.4274325891969988, 0.8469401176424164, 0.9798831232237539] 1.0847519433543897 -0.3058862090110779 3603 vasakul300pxpisiPanoraamvaade [[Veliko TărnovoTărnovole, Teise Bulgaaria tsaaririigi pealinnale On the left, an overview of the 300pxpisiPanoramid [[Velik o TărnovoTărnovo], capital of another Bulgarian federal state [70, 78, 62] 70.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.4063488583400919, -0.26978351412650253] 0.10321473268676183 -0.4101454019546509 3604 Teiste järgi on teadus leiutatud selleks, et korrastada kogemust ning suurendada kontrolli looduse üle. Others have invented science in order to bring order to experience and increase control of nature. [85, 84, 86] 85.0 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6867541063831274 -0.41670507192611694 3605 Panta chōrei ei tähenda tingimata 'kõik liigub', sest chōrei võib tähendada 'läheb ära', 'läheb', 'taandub', 'asub teele', 'loovutab koha teisele'. Panta ôrei does not necessarily mean 'everything is moving', because Côte d'Ivoire can mean 'goes away', 'go', 'goes', 'Danes', 'goes down the way', 'donates the second place'. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5776758168102278, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.47339134116775355 -0.573692798614502 3606 Kui kõik uued teooriad oleksid niisugused, oleks teaduse areng kumulatiivne. If all new theories were such, scientific progress would be cumulative. [98, 100, 79] 92.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8673380851273205 -0.22870156168937683 3607 pisiTaastatud osa [[Stalini monumendist, millisena see paistis 1956. aasta revolutsiooni ajal. A scattered part of [Stalin's monument as it appeared during the 1956 revolution. [96, 81, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7560661039333944 -0.4159797132015228 3608 Näiteks kahe erineva valge asja sarnasussuhe on reaalne. For example, the relationship between the two different white things is real. [80, 86, 91] 85.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.680758556193477, 0.521536205760768] 0.5653013859988485 -0.4594598710536957 3609 Iga teaduslik meetod peab arvestama oma objektide eripära. Each scientific method must take into account the specific nature of its activities. [100, 88, 76] 88.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.7442185189868247, 0.4377118082008297] 0.6931659409167262 -0.4824189245700836 3610 See monarhia on meile üldiselt teada kui rzeczpospolita või vabariik, aadliklasside, keda sageli nähti ühe ebaühtlase klassina, suure mõju tõttu. This monarchy is generally known to us as a rzeczpospolita or republic because of the great influence of the addresses, often seen as an uneven class. [78, 83, 80] 80.33333333333333 [0.5102064594545875, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4363581324321721 -0.3871910870075226 3611 Mill väidab, et need printsiibid on kogemuse üldistused füüsilise liitmise ja lahutamise kohta. I am saying that these principles are the generalisations of experience on physical unification and divorce. [70, 77, 84] 77.0 [-0.19997321272861532, 0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177] 0.28778199411383837 -0.5781941413879395 3612 Eestis valis erakonna Eestimaa Rohelised juhatus partei eestkõnelejateks Marek Strandbergi, Valdur Lahtvee ja Mikk Sarve. In Estonia, Mr Marek Strandberg, Mr Valdur Lahtwater and Mr Mikk Sarve were the spokespersons for the Green Board of Estonia. [79, 59, 69] 69.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.3735320557396667, -0.23740730752610836] -0.05365341202485963 -0.2291184514760971 3613 Alfons ja Astrid asusid õppima Narva Vene Gümnaasiumi, et omandada vene keel. Alfons and Astrid have learned the lessons of NaruRussian Gonnasium in order to acquire Russian. [66, 84, 75] 75.0 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.6681304714467177, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2101761861085433 -0.6225264072418213 3614 Austria Alpides kukkus alla Klagenfurti teel olnud väikelennuk Piper. In the Austrian Alps, a small number of children on the route of Klagenfurt fell below Piper. [17, 22, 1] 13.333333333333334 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.2152410046715822, -2.016289862523797] -1.707454938178276 -0.43179285526275635 3615 Euroopa Komisjon lükkas tagasi Londoni börsi ja Saksamaal Frankfurdis asuva Deutsche Börse kolmanda ühinemistaotluse. The European Commission rejected the third merger application by the London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse, based in Frankfurt, Germany. [70, 83, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3951887236234128] 0.34603071859160844 -0.3388584852218628 3616 Bütsantsi väed purustasid vandaalide põhijõud 533. aasta sügisel ja 534. aasta talvel. The Bureau's forces crushed the main forces of the old bathing areas in autumn 533 and winter of 54. [27, 41, 34] 34.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -0.5077781831266702, -0.969200476433561] -1.0025263924322678 -0.7002062797546387 3617 Davidit, kuid taganes Briti eskaadri saabumisel märtsis. David, but reneged on the arrival of the British esprit in March. [88, 90, 89] 89.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.8076784817801723, 0.867173864977587] 0.780558583199579 -0.3838304281234741 3618 See aja möödumine on nii hämmastav, veider ja absurdne, et mõned mõtlejad on teinud järelduse, et see on illusioon, nii et aeg ise on mittereaalne. The passing of that time is so astonishing, strange and absurd that some thinkers have concluded that it is an illusion, so time itself is unrealistic. [77, 94, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 1.0901636694846504, 0.680758556193477] 0.6804962853186468 -0.3721008598804474 3619 Samasugune lugu võib olla Metagalaktika endaga teda ümbritseva keskkonna suhtes. A similar story may be with Metagalav in relation to the environment around him. [87, 61, 74] 74.0 [0.6231547153861217, 0.024560820024810585, 0.29999877943339137] 0.31590477161477454 -0.590273916721344 3620 Latgalid tegid vähemalt kolm järjestikust rüüsteretke Ugandisse ja ühe Sakala lõunaossa Alistkunda. Latgale made at least three consecutive hails to Uganda and one of Sakali's southern Alistkunda. [54, 50, 58] 54.0 [-0.41690011387776943, -0.702063629649955, -0.20768092291338958] -0.4422148888137047 -0.3179332911968231 3621 Esmakordselt võeti Eestis üleriigiline kiirabi ravimformular kasutusele aastal 2001. For the first time in Estonia, a country-wide rapid drug formula was introduced in 2001. [81, 82, 80] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.42578210606697753 -0.5107970237731934 3622 1840. aastatel rajasid prantslased juba esimese sõjalise tugipunkti ja katoliku misjoni. In the 1840, the French already established the first military base and the Catholic one. [65, 51, 58] 58.0 [-0.4119916484059306, -0.4297907926901062, -0.21474005308299082] -0.35217416472634255 -0.3537548780441284 3623 Õdusa õhtupooliku rikub ära tuttav trompetiheli akna taga. A study-evenings abuse a familiar trophy petition behind the window. [30, 23, 16] 23.0 [-1.572881112433012, -1.1868448152443491, -1.6880982215310614] -1.4826080497361407 -0.7345303893089294 3624 Saudi Araabia operatsiooniga ühinesid ka Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Bahrein, Katar ja Kuveit. The operation in Saudi Arabia was joined by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait. [61, 71, 66] 66.0 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.10093697638236171, 0.04615892826000089] -0.05290365081480921 -0.1388002187013626 3625 Kui võrdsuse alus on huvide võrdne arvestamine ja kõige tähtsamatel huvidel on IQ ja agressiivsusega vähe pistmist. If equality is based on equal consideration of interests and the most important interests have little to do with IQ and aggressiveness. [66, 81, 74] 73.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, 0.6189484363352243, 0.29999877943339137] 0.37819083214440496 -0.3659152388572693 3626 Ehitustöid alustati 1913. aastal ja pealinna staatus anti Canberrale 9. mail 1927. Construction work started in 1913 and the status of capital was granted to Canberian on 9 May 1927. [73, 82, 90] 81.66666666666667 [0.328969831320193, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.48618281609531605 -0.28384748101234436 3627 Jan III Sobieski juhatas aastal 1683 liitlaste abistavat Viini operatsiooni, mis osutus "Mõlema rahvuse vabariigi" viimaseks suureks võiduks. Jan III Sobieski chaired the Vienna operation, which was assisted by 1683 allies, which proved the last great victory of the 'Republic of both nationalities'. [43, 56, 29] 42.666666666666664 [-0.7594614122689003, -0.48592357188822877, -1.12785038341693] -0.7910784558580198 -0.5616695880889893 3628 Uuevarikul leiab aset Anu kohtumine Annemai ja Üluga. The New Year will see Anu meeting with AnneMay and UK. [31, 27, 35] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.5306005177365722, -1.5101665306408727] -1.5616802753464185 -0.5225221514701843 3629 Puhas saamine ei ole mitte ainult mittevaadeldav muutumine, vaid on ühitatav igasuguse vaadeldava muutumisega ning isegi järeldub sellest. Clean-up is not only a non-negotiable change, it is compatible with all the changes that we are seeing, and even follows from that. [4, 11, 18] 11.0 [-2.078732520728332, -1.8860837863730762, -1.4768801787803418] -1.8138988286272502 -0.5553028583526611 3630 Teadlane alustab sealt, kus õpik lõpetab, ning keskendub kõige subtiilsematele ja esoteerilisematele teemadele. The scientist starts where the textbook ends and focuses on the most subservient and esoteric issues. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.5866934061050415 3631 Popperi meelest panevad uudsed ennustused teooria proovile just sellepärast, et need on valdavate ootustega vastuolus. According to the Popular, novel predictions put theory to the test precisely because they run counter to the prevailing expectations. [55, 65, 60] 60.0 [-0.3857581776603939, -0.1617134852456394, -0.14422096012004196] -0.23056420767535837 -0.39086177945137024 3632 Nad tahtvat pigem surra kui niiviisi otsa saada ja tõusid siis kättemaksuks üles, mida poleks juhtunud, kui meister neile vähegi õigust oleks andnud. They want to die rather than run out like this and then rise up in revenge, which would not have happened if they had been given any right by the master. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.6914430875889822] 0.8715767200797219 -0.3876676857471466 3633 Esimeseks märgiks olid tema paljukiidetud Wagneri "Lohengrini" ja Mozarti "Võluflöödi" esitused 1897. aasta mais. The first was his much lauded presentation of the Wagner Lohenghazi and Mozarti's' Clufblow 'in May 1897. [49, 70, 60] 59.666666666666664 [-0.7380869726102427, 0.2202278544395562, -0.14422096012004196] -0.22069335943024282 -0.4491734504699707 3634 Prantsusmaal toimus kuue peamise presidendikandidaadi esimene teledebatt. France held its first television debate on the six main presidential candidates. [79, 67, 82] 76.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091] 0.37078802271322875 -0.35147804021835327 3635 Aastal 1877 sai ettevõtte nimeks Nobel's Explosives Company. In 1877 companies were named Nobel's Exploordinary Company. [33, 36, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.0708807744426558, -1.2063904310939828, -1.12785038341693] -1.1350405296511896 -0.5063060522079468 3636 Suhtes preditseeritakse head kasuliku kohta, mis on hea kohase eesmärgi suhtes. The relationship presupposes a good, useful place, which is good for the appropriate purpose. [76, 91, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.1315886174327261, 0.9814216926040136, 0.6172985934001295] 0.5767696344789565 -0.5920987129211426 3637 Võidakse vastu väita, et kogu tuleviku olukorda ei saa ette kujutada, sest see ulatub lõpmatuseni. One could argue that the whole situation of the future cannot be imagined, as it amounts to infinite. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.43620309233665466 3638 UNESCO Eesti Rahvusliku Komisjoni peasekretärina asus tööle Kerli Gutman. UNESCO was recruited by Kerli Gutman as Secretary-General of the Estonian National Commission. [63, 58, 61] 60.666666666666664 [-0.28331660822091465, -0.20768092291338958, -0.10599807620235407] -0.19899853577888607 -0.22901372611522675 3639 Parimaid näiteid pakub tänapäeva väljateooria ja osakestefüüsika. The best examples are contemporary theory and particulate physics. [21, 15, 40] 25.333333333333332 [-1.5039548650934988, -1.5720701229703633, -0.8671919143668114] -1.314405634143558 -0.25471407175064087 3640 Nende meelest on suuresti enesearmastuse tõttu võimatu isetult pühenduda teistele asjadele, mida me armastame või mida meil oleks hea armastada. They find it largely impossible to commit ourselves selflessly to other things that we love or that we would do well to love. [59, 66, 51] 58.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.21562528066459924, -0.4297907926901062] -0.19733968501095753 -0.3857463002204895 3641 Eestis asutati erakonna Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu juurde kristlik liikmeühendus. Estonia established a Christian association with the Union of Isaland and Res Publica. [18, 21, 24] 21.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.080576466172854, -1.4276753553995478] -1.6617106667842478 -0.3061634302139282 3642 Luuasaare turismitalus annab Allan Ülole head nõu. Allan Ülov will be able to give good advice on the tourism winter of flames. [4, 1, 3] 2.6666666666666665 [-1.29561956957441, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.8400841315531793 -0.754407525062561 3643 Nende autor on Clawes Sittow, tuntud maalikunstniku Michel Sittowi isa. Their author is the father of Clawes Sittow, a well-known painting officer Michel Sittowi. [22, 12, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-1.7107172325380107, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -2.066751993631533 -0.2586495876312256 3644 Bütsantsi taastamine auahne Michael VIII võimu alla halvendas veelgi Bulgaaria olukorda. An ambitious restoration of the office under the authority of Michael VIII has exacerbated Bulgaria's situation. [68, 55, 42] 55.0 [0.004650408323776896, -0.302870867103411, -1.0765987441461105] -0.4582730676419149 -0.38343745470046997 3645 "Veel üks keele õppimise aspekt, mida me kipume pidama enesestmõistetavaks, on võime ja predispositsioon jäljendada teiste kõnehäälikuid. "Another aspect of language learning that we tend to take for granted is the ability and preposition to copy the voice of others. [100, 84, 81] 88.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.7764759066599823 -0.2780172824859619 3646 658. ja 659. pataljon marssisid Jõhvist Toila metsalaagrisse. 658th and 659th patals marched in the forest zone of Jyst Toila. [22, 12, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-1.465741972965541, -2.4732488858327923, -1.922851051450467] -1.9539473034162669 -0.4549040198326111 3647 Tavalist hea tahte mõistet peab Kant vaieldamatuks. The usual concept of good will is considered indisputable by Kant. [98, 99, 100] 99.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.0932483143502365, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0399889724822269 -0.379878431558609 3648 Oma karismaga oli ta kire mees, mitte kontemplatsiooni mees. With his sentence, he was a man of passion, not a man of conspiracy. [6, 23, 15] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2390042606518306, -1.318230271796973, -1.7733750550387843] -1.4435365291625295 -0.3985849618911743 3649 Ühtlasi anti talle kaks nädalat lisaaega valitsuse moodustamiseks. He was also given two weeks' extra time to form a government. [100, 84, 82] 88.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4506833450792516] 0.7479307040909599 -0.3710800111293793 3650 Warnocki järgi oleks inimese olukord ilma eetikata halvem. According to Warnock, the human situation would be worse without ethics. [79, 90, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723, 1.32209936924058] 0.8599189927373162 -0.22742870450019836 3651 Ayer ei pööra järeldamisreeglitele tähelepanu ega pea loogika puhul deduktsiooni oluliseks. Ayer does not pay attention to the rules of supervision, nor does he consider alignment to be important in terms of logic. [100, 84, 98] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8337359223850412] 0.875614896526223 -0.4999375641345978 3652 Hiljem sai temast paavsti poolehoidja; kui 1437 puhkes uus äge konflikt paavst Eugenius IV ja kirikukogu vahel, otsustas Nicolaus paavsti kasuks. Later on, he became a Pope's advocate; when 1437 broke a new fierce conflict between Pope Eugenius IV and the Church of the Church, Nicolaus Pope opted for. [41, 47, 35] 41.0 [-1.2079710891507676, -0.8698144240265682, -1.5101665306408727] -1.1959840146060694 -0.43863266706466675 3653 Mitme Ameerika põlisrahva arvukus vähenes eurooplaste toodud haiguste tõttu märkimisväärselt. The number of American indigenous people decreased significantly due to diseases brought about by Europeans. [82, 84, 79] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3627318492546081] 0.5282336504360359 -0.5845236778259277 3654 Kui järelemõtlemine viib uskumusele, siis muundatakse siin mingit tõendmaterjali osa, näiteks tajumust. If a reflection leads to religion, then there will be a change in the component of evidence, such as perception, here. [78, 84, 80] 80.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.41824885580254234 -0.5350376963615417 3655 Päeva jooksul koondati Punaarmee poolt Sinimägede ründamiseks suured jõud, et puhastada Lastekodumägi vastasest ja murda rinne lõplikult läbi. In the course of the day, large forces were made redundant by the Red Army to attack Shuman mountains in order to clean the child's homemäki and break the front once and for all. [23, 30, 36] 29.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.687904046512915, -1.2063904310939828] -1.404174916467957 -0.4625872075557709 3656 Süürias vabastas äärmuslik islamiorganisatsioon Islamiriik 19 vangistatud assüüria kristlast. In Syria, 19 imprisoned Assyrian Christians were released by a extremist Islamic organisation. [100, 85, 77] 87.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.3708914966906855] 0.7358768442451392 -0.3237003684043884 3657 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin nimetas senise kaitseministri Sergei Ivanovi esimeseks peaministriks. Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Mr Sergei Ivanov, the current Minister of Defence, as the first Prime Minister. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.9766753784763148 -0.37072035670280457 3658 Filosoofia ei saa elada ühemõõtmelise arutlusena, kuid kõige täiuslikumgi filosoofia on hõre, kui mitte loogiline. A philosophy cannot live as a one-dimensional debate, but the most perfect philosophy is triumph, if not logical. [75, 67, 82] 74.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091] 0.2857595959194738 -0.32917672395706177 3659 Samamoodi on küsimus, mis on abielu, eksistentsiaalne, mitte sotsioloogiline küsimus, sest me elame oma abielu. Likewise, what is a marriage, an existential issue, not a sociological one, because we are living in our marriage. [87, 84, 90] 87.0 [0.7844601369297701, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.6670997638659113 -0.31274768710136414 3660 Eesti justiitsminister Andres Anvelt oli külaskäigul Hollandis Haagis, kus ta kohtus Eurojusti presidendi Michèle Coninsx'iga. The Estonian Minister for Justice, Andres Anvelt, was on a visit to The Netherlands in The Hague, where he met the President of Eurojust, Michèle Coninsx. [95, 80, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.9663283887635413, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8530137677234239 -0.2122870683670044 3661 Instrumentaalse väärtuse saab miski sellepärast, et ta aitab kaasa mõne eesmärgi saavutamisele. There will be an added value because it contributes to some of its objectives. [85, 85, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5294740182135377 -0.5763484239578247 3662 Siis algavad erakorralised uuringud, mis viivad lõpuks uute eeldusteni, teaduspraktika uue aluseni. Exceptional studies will then begin, which will ultimately lead to new assumptions, to a new basis for scientific practice. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.41670989990234375 3663 Ints tahab, et Allanist saaks tema lapse ristiisa, Mare aga arvab, et selleks peab usklik olema. The report wants Allania to become his child's father, but Mare believes it must be religious for this to happen. [71, 82, 60] 71.0 [0.05442657251608684, 0.5808699337445091, -0.574314160703546] 0.02032744851901665 -0.564470648765564 3664 Pärast ametisse astumist moodustas Mussolini seadusliku koalitsiooni rahvuslaste, liberaalide ja populistidega. After taking office, Mussolini established a legitimate coalition with the nationalists, liberals and populists. [55, 70, 62] 62.333333333333336 [-0.41853674913993266, 0.3684768491764302, -0.08076099732669434] -0.04360696576339893 -0.30781105160713196 3665 Esimest liini juhtis kolonel Cornebise, teist liini kolonel Trippe. The first line was led by Colonel Cornebise, the second line by Colonel Trippe. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2848470592340762 -0.23993127048015594 3666 Ka on minoslaste jäljeks mitmete põllukultuuride kasvatamine ja viigipuud ning viinamäed. The cultivation of a number of crops, viignivines and vines are also traces of some. [59, 49, 39] 49.0 [-0.6679574951345972, -0.4932507554834539, -0.9034392399936904] -0.6882158302039137 -0.5998907685279846 3667 Ameerika Ühendriikides California osariigi lõunaosas kukkus alla merejalaväele kuulunud helikopter. The southern part of the State of California in the United States fell below the sound helicopter belonging to the navy. [41, 43, 38] 40.666666666666664 [-1.1179556081700188, -0.954227030371969, -0.9396865656205692] -1.003956401387519 -0.33085429668426514 3668 Vältimatult tekivad raskused ja näivad falsifikatsioonid. Unavoidably, difficulties arise and classifications appear to be looming. [89, 82, 96] 89.0 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9161304397840745] 0.7576496246373607 -0.7132814526557922 3669 Alates 1980. aastatest on Norras valminud rahvusvahelist tähelepanu äratanud filme. Since the 1980s, films have attracted international attention in Norway. [81, 82, 80] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.42578210606697753 -0.3109143078327179 3670 Alexios IV ja Isaak II ei suutnud tasuda ristirüütlitele lubatud tasu täies mahus ning nad kukutas peagi võimult Alexios V. Alexios IV and Isaak II were unable to pay the full fee allowed for crystallations and they soon overturned Alexios V. [43, 52, 48] 47.666666666666664 [-1.035241880122202, -0.6300169437293796, -0.5772133093517801] -0.7474907110677873 -0.5172696113586426 3671 Rootsi keskosas Garpenbergis puhkes kaevanduspõleng. Sweden, in Central Garpenbergis, has cleared mining fields. [17, 24, 29] 23.333333333333332 [-1.5691517539206643, -1.6386705466174354, -1.12785038341693] -1.4452242279850098 -0.5606247186660767 3672 Üldise reegli arvestamine oleks tõesti ülearune mõte. Taking account of the general rule would really be superfluous. [95, 83, 99] 92.33333333333333 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9571903655252753 -0.4399706721305847 3673 Mängu oli vaatamas ka Venemaa president Vladimir Putin. The game was also being watched by Russian President Vladimir Putin. [98, 79, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8673380851273205 -0.3439188599586487 3674 Jordaania taastas surmanuhtluse 2014. aastal, selle elluviimiseks kasutatakse poomist. Jordan restored the death penalty in 2014, with hanging. [84, 84, 83] 83.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4929432823203649] 0.5927907823890707 -0.43852782249450684 3675 Shimon Peres asus juhtima Negevi ja Galilea regioonide arendamise eest vastutavat ministeeriumit. Mr Peres took the lead in leading a ministry responsible for the development of the regions of Negev and Galileo. [72, 100, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.1436547380349903, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7892455173821104 -0.23975281417369843 3676 Poola kavatses sõjaliselt Rootsiga koostööd teha ja saada lõpuks tasuks Preisimaa hertsogiriigi, võibolla ka midagi Sileesias. Poland undertook to cooperate militarily with Sweden and finally to obtain something in Silesia from the Duchy of Prussia, perhaps. [74, 69, 64] 69.0 [-0.02804287831293066, -0.21826842396697346, -0.7056279236235737] -0.31731307530115926 -0.4956488013267517 3677 Sellest hoolimata on prostitutsioon levinud, sest vaesuses elavad naised ei leia tihti raha teenimiseks muud võimalust. Despite this, prostitution is widespread, as women living in poverty often find no other way of earning money. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.386057585477829 3678 Seda esitatakse oluliste sündmuste puhul, näiteks pulmas, matustel, täiskasvanuks pühitsemisel, spordivõistlustel ja suurtel pidustustel. It will be presented in important events such as wedding, houses, adult celebration, sports competitions and major festivals. [62, 79, 70] 70.33333333333333 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.44997912719119615, 0.018403229555799133] 0.129207119806767 -0.45965105295181274 3679 Olukord oli keeruline ka taanlastele, kes samuti kaotasid suurema osa oma Eestimaa valdustest. The situation was also difficult for the Danes, who also lost most of the holdings in Estonia. [100, 82, 90] 90.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.6757153708427598 -0.3126923143863678 3680 Muudest žanritest õitsesid sel perioodil lamburiluule ja näitekirjanduses itaalia draamatikast inspireeritud komöödiad. Other gestures at that time nurtured commissions inspired by the Italian dramatics for lamb bone and exhibition literature. [37, 30, 23] 30.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.687904046512915, -1.318230271796973] -1.3921671354811942 -0.7386031746864319 3681 Selgelt vaenulik on kroonik olnud eestlaste ja venelaste vastu. Clearly hostile has been the crowd against the Estonians and the Russians. [50, 45, 39] 44.666666666666664 [-0.46152077408678005, -1.0334500137463503, -1.0983204022131197] -0.8644303966820832 -0.4363841116428375 3682 Sellest mudelite valikust oleneb, kas me ütleme, et hüpertraditsionaalse ühiskonna inimestel on eetikateadmine. The choice of models depends on whether we say that the people of an hyper-traditional society have an ethical knowledge. [100, 92, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.0156289521215054, 0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9838413408501815 -0.42879027128219604 3683 pisiSwissRe Towerist avanev vaade Londoni Towerile An overview of the private opening up of Messrs SwissRe I to London I [6, 1, 10] 5.666666666666667 [-2.1025164437791855, -2.016289862523797, -1.954611683173179] -2.0244726631587207 -0.5766526460647583 3684 Lõplikule muutumisele on omane enam ja vähem, sel ei ole kindlat suurimat ega vähimat. The final change is more and less typical, it is neither the largest nor the least certain. [77, 81, 85] 81.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.4146600021189639, 0.3615382092337807] 0.3796389336139107 -0.5239343643188477 3685 Kristjan on mures püstoli kadumise pärast ja kurdab seda ka Johannesele. Christians are concerned about the disappearance of the pyramid and are complaining to Johdoni as well. [33, 39, 26] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2006693362178358, -1.3625696388666695] -1.3734174050147026 -0.6334169507026672 3686 Riisi süüakse palju, see sobib ka pidulikumaks eineks. There is a lot of arson, it is good for a more solemn tnightmare. [6, 4, 1] 3.6666666666666665 [-2.0771482470128646, -2.822291036641627, -1.922851051450467] -2.2740967783683192 -0.719497799873352 3687 Vastavalt jagunebki "Kommete metafüüsika" kaheks osaks. According to the split into two parts of the Comoros metaphysics. [78, 82, 85] 81.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.5776758168102278, 0.5580489988532433] 0.5140245580011876 -0.5210198163986206 3688 1871. aasta loenduse järgi oli 61,9% Itaalia meestest ja 75,7% naistest kirjaoskamatud. 61.9% of Italian men and 75.7% of women were illiterate, according to the 1871st edition. [84, 66, 83] 77.66666666666667 [0.39856686623484705, -0.1256901422853517, 0.6245002025956135] 0.29912564218170296 -0.23686666786670685 3689 Kohtumisel osales ka Eesti kaitseväe juhataja kindralmajor Riho Terras. The President of the Estonian Guard, General Riho Terras, also attended the meeting. [54, 54, 84] 64.0 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.3597293555905065, 0.6603895448580447] -0.08577002284708868 -0.34536081552505493 3690 Kui jätta kõrvale puhtinstrumentaalsed probleemid, võib iga peamurdmisülesannet näha vastunäitena ning kriisi allikana. Apart from the purely constructive issues, each major breaking task can be seen as a counterpart and a source of the crisis. [64, 79, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.017301034533346728, 0.44997912719119615, 0.16410717657114324] 0.19892842307633088 -0.51617830991745 3691 Venemaa käsitles vahejuhtumit Türgi provokatsioonina ja kutsus sellega seoses välja Türgi sõjaväeatašee. Russia treated the incident as a provocation of Turkey and, in this connection, launched a Turkish military office. [29, 39, 48] 38.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.2952316268529762, -0.8284575600026597] -1.0838465234241885 -0.5726815462112427 3692 Ideoloogiline sõda protestantliku ja katoliikliku laagri vahel kasvatas kõigepealt liitriigi intellektuaalset elu. The ideological war between the Protestant and the Catholic camp first brought about the intellectual life of the federal state. [67, 74, 81] 74.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5372396648934048] 0.24919054833391074 -0.3704557418823242 3693 Pole selge, kas see saaks töötada, kui oleks selge, kuidas see töötab. It is not clear whether it can work if it is clear how it works. [65, 55, 83] 67.66666666666667 [-0.4119916484059306, -0.5219469148485164, 0.6245002025956135] -0.10314612021961118 -0.27744942903518677 3694 Mõned seavad end füüsilise julguse tõttu hooletult ohtu. Some risk recklessly because of physical courage. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.42518213391304016 3695 pisi350pxBütsants aastal 650, selleks ajaks oli riik kaotanud kõik lõunaprovintsid välja arvatud Aafrika eksarhaat in writing. - (BG) In the year of p50pxBütsants 650, by that time the country had lost all the southern provinces except the missiles of Africa. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822, 0.6164483819475642] 0.74369251607186 -0.5532070398330688 3696 2000. aastatel on toodetud 20 täispikka kinofilmi aastas. Twenty full-scale cinemas per year have been produced in 2000. [100, 85, 99] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.013789014583392] 0.9501760168760415 -0.3889845311641693 3697 Viis auhinda läks alternatiivroki bändile Foo Fighters. Five prizes went to an alternative to the Foo Fighters. [40, 46, 52] 46.0 [-1.062297059252832, -0.9898197448952459, -0.3980608112934324] -0.8167258718138367 -0.43672722578048706 3698 Ühtlasi pöördus ta palvega Ukraina venemeelsete separatistide poole lükata edasi 11. maiks kavandatud iseseisvusreferendumid. It also appealed to the pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine to postpone the referendum on independence scheduled for 11 May. [88, 100, 79] 89.0 [0.8258170009536785, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8002581412972617 -0.21900174021720886 3699 Eestisse Ämari lennubaasi saabusid esimesed 120 Suurbritannia sõdurit. The first 120 British soldiers arrived in the commercial base in Estonia. [73, 80, 66] 73.0 [0.26826879803671755, 0.4936093960423005, -0.1256901422853517] 0.2120626839312221 -0.3499687910079956 3700 Rebane läks nüüd ise Olginosse rügemendiülemat otsima, kuid Vent ei olnud ikka seal. The day it went to Olginoss himself to seek a rhysietic chief, but he was still not there. [73, 81, 64] 72.66666666666667 [0.26826879803671755, 0.5372396648934048, -0.1977368282059271] 0.20259054490806508 -0.5508973002433777 3701 Ka maailma puhul saab küsida, miks on alati olnud miski, mitte eimiski. In the case of the world, too, the question can be asked why there has always been something, and nothing. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.723037383823136 -0.410718709230423 3702 Need mõtlejad mõjutasid Mahlerit ja tema loomingut veel pikka aega pärast üliõpilasaastaid. These thinkers affected Mahler and his creation for a long time after the student years. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8913536471008455 -0.32280462980270386 3703 Öösel lahkusid piiramisrõngasse sattumise kartuses separatistid Donetski oblastis Karlivka külast Donetski suunas. At night, separatists left the village of Karlivka in the region of Donetski for fear of entering the siege. [59, 76, 68] 67.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.4964276618025099, 0.1096188910533485] 0.07606433661616425 -0.4734204113483429 3704 Austraalia välisminister Alexander Downer kutsus Reinadot üles vastupanuta alistuma, kuid viimane keeldus. The Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Dclassiot, called on Mr Reinadot to yield without resistance, but the latter refused. [35, 40, 38] 37.666666666666664 [-0.8460905421175536, -0.7788205880535182, -1.3388618957040805] -0.9879243419583842 -0.49668020009994507 3705 See hõlmas selliseid uusgooti arhitektuuri elemente nagu lahingud. This included elements of neo-architectural architecture such as battles. [79, 77, 74] 76.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.3951887236234128, 0.24682090461896014] 0.3639962518111897 -0.3547295033931732 3706 Normannide aeglane, kuid järjekindel pealetung algas 11. sajandi keskel. The slow but consistent onslaught of the Normans began in the mid-11th century. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.4001048505306244 3707 Asi pole mitte niivõrd selles, et on kannatusi, mida ei saa rahaga leevendada. It is not so much that there is a suffering that cannot be alleviated by money. [99, 83, 100] 94.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8702100030653108 -0.3453518748283386 3708 Kuigi viirus ei olnud nii tõvestusvõimeline kui 1918. aasta tüüp, suri üle miljoni inimese. Although the virus was not as capable of evidence as it was of 1918, more than a million people died. [82, 83, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4509021894829035 -0.3585152328014374 3709 Katastroofiliste tagajärgedega Santorini purse leidis aset perioodis LM IA. The Storin eruption with disastrous consequences occurred during the period LM IA. [78, 87, 95] 86.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.7124885375901508, 1.1153150491210377] 0.7447174816837601 -0.44142162799835205 3710 Täpsemalt tuleks tagajärgede headust kaaluda nende tõenäosusega. More specifically, they are more likely to consider the positive consequences. [61, 69, 77] 69.0 [-0.3471481813983978, 0.1413488724500223, 0.47395913382770866] 0.08938660829311106 -0.5870274901390076 3711 Isegi armastusavaldused on selles astmes pelgalt lootuse väljendused. Even the expressions of love at this stage are mere expressions of hope. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.980160497215092 -0.37404000759124756 3712 Nigeerias algas ametiühingute üldstreik, millega nõutakse valitsuselt kütusehindade ja tulumaksu alandamist. In Nigeria, trade unions have launched a general strike calling on the government to lower fuel prices and taxes. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.4555553197860718 3713 Sambia väeosad on osalenud ka mitmel missioonil ÜRO rahuvalvejõudude koosseisus. Zambia troops have also been deployed in several missions within the UN peacekeeping force. [74, 77, 100] 83.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302] 0.587273629095603 -0.3797942101955414 3714 Kanada kaitseministeerium süüdistas Venemaa õhujõude provokatiivses tegevuses. The Canadian Ministry of Defence accused the Russian air forces of provocative action. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8908427098462335 -0.23662811517715454 3715 Muuhulgas kritiseeris ta oma artiklis teravalt NSV Liidu Teaduste Akadeemia kirjavahetajaliikme Aleksandr Maksimovi 1948. aastal ilmunud artiklit. Among other things, in his article he sharply criticised an article which appeared in 1948 on the correspondence between the Academy of Sciences of the Union, Alexander Maxmov. [61, 65, 56] 60.666666666666664 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.03899122630516161, -0.4976026478113921] -0.25480609286434025 -0.4554518759250641 3716 pisiLondoni Toweri valge torn on pärit 11. sajandi lõpust A different white storm from London comes from the end of the 11th century. [25, 36, 13] 24.666666666666668 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.324739928289561, -1.635530085763711] -1.6221084682739029 -0.4477769136428833 3717 Hiiglaslik korallrahu ulatub umbes 2000 meetri sügavusele merre ning tõuseb kuni umbes 60 meetrit üle merepinna. Hitherto, coral peace ranges from about 2 000 metres deep into the sea and increases to about 60 metres above sea level. [59, 78, 69] 68.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.4063488583400919, 0.1413488724500223] 0.05661472926091619 -0.5363008975982666 3718 Ühest tükist asjade puhul on osa toiming ja terviku toiming sama; sama lugu on liitasjades ja konjunktsioonides. For one piece of things, part of the procedure and the whole operation is the same; the same is in the walls and in the shades. [98, 90, 81] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7906583263724775 -0.568209707736969 3719 Mittekonsekventsialistil ei pruugi olla üldist viisi asjade seisude võrdlemiseks moraalsest vaatekohast. Non-sectarian sentiment may not have a general way of comparing the state of affairs from a moral point of view. [42, 55, 29] 42.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.32348202996362757, -1.12785038341693] -0.8138609289042714 -0.37360671162605286 3720 Luure andmetel anti seade 17. juulil üle separatistidele. According to intelligence, the pig was handed over to the separatists on 17 July. [76, 82, 70] 76.0 [0.1315886174327261, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.17082844614953996 -0.27529069781303406 3721 Kõik tahked puhta kulla kerad kaaluvad alla 100 000 kg. All tales of clean gold are weighed below 100 000 kg. [80, 81, 79] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3426133161983885] 0.4567438829684091 -0.5512158274650574 3722 Teises äärmuses on jäik kavandaja, kes peaaegu kunagi ümber ei mõtle, isegi kui ta saab tähtsat infot. In the other extreme, there is a rigid planner who almost never rethinking, even if he receives important information. [82, 83, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.32308333696517566, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.37398375826903485 -0.3667782247066498 3723 Suurbritannia peaminister Tony Blair tegi muudatusi valitsuse koosseisus. The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has made changes to the government. [66, 65, 84] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, -0.3871436867160806, 0.6681304714467177] 0.0517655474817618 -0.35762399435043335 3724 Puu otsas elavad Colobus'ed liiguvad suuremas karjas kui ükski teine Aafrika primaat; nad võivad liikuda kuni 400 kaupa. Colobus is moving on trees more cattle than any other African primary; they can move up to 400 goods. [16, 18, 16] 16.666666666666668 [-1.926857290299737, -1.4768801787803418, -1.38561814123498] -1.5964518701050194 -0.5478293299674988 3725 Eestis Tallinnas algas Euroopa Vähemusrahvuste Föderaalliidu 52. kongress, kus osaleb sada kakskümmend delegaati kahekümne kolmest Euroopa riigist. In Tallinn, Estonia, the 52nd Congress of the Federation of Minorities Union of Europe, attended by one hundred and twenty delegates from twenty-three European countries, began. [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.4862160364261212, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9034326168458205 -0.33327704668045044 3726 Toitu pakutakse kõigepealt külalistele, siis mehele, naisele ja lõpuks lastele. Food is first provided to visitors, to men, to women and, ultimately, to children. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7867957416277016 -0.47833725810050964 3727 Ta saatis ursuliinidele läkitused 23. juunil 1980, 29. mail 1984, 12. oktoobril 1995, 18. juulil 2002 ja 27. augustil 2003. It sent letters to urgencies on 23 June 1980, 29 May 1984, 12 October 1995, 18 July 2002 and 27 August 2003. [66, 59, 72] 65.66666666666667 [0.21562528066459924, -0.3735320557396667, 0.4589443143258932] 0.10034584641694193 -0.2795414626598358 3728 Seejärel viidi Mussolini, tema armukese ja veel umbes 15 fašisti surnukehad Milanosse, kus neid avalikult näidati. Then Mussolini, his mercy and some 15 more fascists were taken to Milanoss, where they were publicly demonstrated. [68, 79, 56] 67.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.44997912719119615, -0.2711408857067372] 0.04173159503989421 -0.45103803277015686 3729 Sihtmärgiks valiti Viljandi, ülestõusu peamine keskus. Viljand, the main centre of uprising, was chosen as a target. [86, 83, 89] 86.0 [0.9798831232237539, 0.6245002025956135, 0.688799744499114] 0.7643943567728271 -0.26495036482810974 3730 Edasi toimusid üldlaulupeod ja hakati korraldama Eesti Mänge. Then there were the general song beatings and the Estonian Games were organised. [33, 42, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -0.9902503733322566, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.6650422215461731 3731 Miks peaks üldse arvama, et enesearmastus takistab niisugust elu, mida on mõistlik eesmärgiks seada? Why should one ever think that self-love hinders a life that is reasonable to aim for? [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8908427098462335 -0.41136178374290466 3732 Sel juhul motiveerivad kohusest toimivat tahet objektiivne seadus ja subjektiivselt tunne. In this case, the commitment will be motivated by an objective law and a sense of subjectivity. [100, 85, 84] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.7095907330149762 -0.31527650356292725 3733 Peale selle, võidakse väita, et kui Jim keeldub tegemast seda, mida talle ette pannakse, siis on see enesekeskne pirtsakus. Moreover, it may be said that if Jim refuses to do what is being proposed to it, it will be self-mediocre. [97, 82, 85] 88.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7017464088819532] 0.7578832773700098 -0.42581865191459656 3734 Eelnõu poolt hääletas 162 ja selle vastu 37 senaatorit. 162 voted in favour of the draft, against 37 senators. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.32460999488830566 3735 Debati tulemusel soovisid demokraadid jõuda resolutsioonini, mis oleks mõistnud hukka täiendavate väeüksuste saatmise Iraaki. As a result of the Debat, the democrats wanted to reach a resolution that would have condemned the deployment of additional troops in Iraq. [99, 83, 100] 94.0 [0.8656517089737827, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.804400514255191 -0.3230964243412018 3736 Musk on arvanud, et ta enda ebatavaline riskivajadus võib olla vanaisalt päritud. The Roma have thought that their own unusual risk needs could have been inherited from their old age. [13, 24, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.8791059376579944, -1.4471491243968742, -2.016289862523797] -1.7808483081928885 -0.5213932394981384 3737 Enesearmastus on nii tahteratsionaalsuse struktuur kui ka vabadus, mille see tahtestruktuur tagab. Self-love is both a structure of wildlife and the freedom guaranteed by this structure of will. [39, 40, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-1.2006693362178358, -1.2516013580018719, -1.3229960566534074] -1.2584222502910383 -0.36529412865638733 3738 Egiptuse pealinnas Kairos kogunes esimesele istungile Egiptuse parlamendi uus koosseis, mis valiti 2011. aasta parlamendivalimistel. The first session of the Egyptian Parliament, elected in the 2011 parliamentary elections, met in Cairo, Egypt's capital. [57, 83, 85] 75.0 [-0.4562457837874836, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.17659754268063685 -0.31777453422546387 3739 Desarmeerimiskomisjon sai Prantsusmaalt, Itaalialt, Jaapanilt ja Suurbritannialt esialgse nõusoleku piirata oma laevastiku suurust. The Disarmament Commission received initial agreement from France, Italy, Japan and Great Britain to limit their fleet size. [79, 100, 79] 86.0 [0.3627318492546081, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.6458964240642382 -0.29460611939430237 3740 Pärast madalseisu 1990. aastatel on kalapüügi maht kahekordistunud. Since the recession in the 1990s, fishing capacity has doubled. [87, 100, 81] 89.33333333333333 [0.7844601369297701, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8155593658566951 -0.508148193359375 3741 Välisminter Klimkini poolt Ukraina telejaama saates tehtud avalduse kohaselt asuvad Malaisia reisilennuki "mustad kastid" Ukraina territooriumil. The "black boxes" of Malaysia's passenger plane are on Ukrainian territory, according to a statement made by the foreign ter Clinmkini on the Ukrainian television station. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5595657518257672 -0.5252522230148315 3742 Selle teooria järgi tiirleva negatiivse laenguga elektronid ümber positiivse laenguga aatomituumade. In line with this theory, the 'negative' e-mails will revolt around nuclear power with a positive loan. [24, 28, 20] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.6555948404808287, -2.0716779526032685] -1.892319484234546 -0.6798565983772278 3743 Teoses "De coniecturis" nimetab ta inimest isegi loodud "teiseks jumalaks", mis on tolle aja kohta julge sõnastus. In the information 'De coniecturis', he even calls the man 'second God', which is the courageous wording of that time. [29, 51, 40] 40.0 [-1.0164676786809514, -0.4297907926901062, -1.2516013580018719] -0.8992866097909765 -0.4849252998828888 3744 Arusaam, et inimene eksib selles, mis on tema tõelised huvid, on inspireerinud palju kirjandust ja palju umbusku. The idea that man is wrong with what his true interests are has inspired a lot of literature and much mistrust. [88, 100, 94] 94.0 [0.842651546851135, 1.32209936924058, 0.9345984073668675] 1.0331164411528608 -0.40392762422561646 3745 Teiseks, tunnistamist, et me oleme kellelegi liiga teinud, näitab kõige paremini heastamine, ja see peakski tõsidust näitama. Secondly, the recognition that we have done someone too much is the best demonstration of redress, and that should be the seriousness of the matter. [25, 37, 49] 37.0 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.3824921645551846, -0.7871006959787512] -1.1414543898458536 -0.5368620157241821 3746 Michael Jackson kasutas enamasti hääleulatuse kõrgemat osa ning falsetti, lauldes harva noote, mille kirjapanekuks on vaja kasutada bassivõtit. Michael Jackson used the majority of the majority of the vote and the phalsetti rarely singing seals whose correspondence needs to be put to it using baskettle. [33, 37, 36] 35.333333333333336 [-1.314460459974846, -0.9759338912474481, -1.324739928289561] -1.2050447598372849 -0.7607528567314148 3747 Maavärina epitsenter asus 93 kilomeetri kaugusel Tõva pealinnast Kõzõlist. The epicentre of the earthquake was 93 kilometres from the real capital, the curzyist. [80, 85, 89] 84.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.6490285747968032, 0.45428123942188237] 0.5323064034203288 -0.40253615379333496 3748 Ainsa teadaoleva erandina rajas pärast võitu tšuudide üle 1030. aasta paiku Tartusse oma tugipunkti Kiievi suurvürst Jaroslav Tark. The only known exception was the victory of cheques in the space of 10-30 years from the Grand Kiev, Jaroslav Tark. [34, 22, 29] 28.333333333333332 [-1.0397388382252801, -1.7107172325380107, -1.12785038341693] -1.2927688180600736 -0.46995440125465393 3749 PS § 38 tulenevat ei tohi kunstivabadust kui seadusereservatsiooni järgi põhiõigust piirata oletatava ja tõendamata ohu tõrjumiseks. According to paragraph 38 of the PS, freedom of art, as a fundamental right under a legal reservation, must not be restricted to the supposed and unproven threat. [48, 58, 53] 53.0 [-0.7741103155705304, -0.20768092291338958, -0.6844078629375159] -0.5553997004738119 -0.36300307512283325 3750 Valitsus amnesteeris hiljem kõik 114 riigipöördekatses osalenut ja valitsuse otsus sai ka kohtu heakskiidu. The government subsequently amalgamated all 114 participants in the coup d'état, and the government's decision was also approved by the Court. [55, 64, 73] 64.0 [0.1480708079513612, -0.017301034533346728, 0.328969831320193] 0.15324653491273582 -0.34721270203590393 3751 Sotsiaaldemokraadid kogusid 25,7% ja Vasakpartei 17,8% häältest. The Social Democrats accounted for 25.7% and the Left's 17.8% vote. [68, 62, 55] 61.666666666666664 [0.09098370898113407, -0.26978351412650253, -0.10609584515499813] -0.09496521676678887 -0.28947126865386963 3752 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin kohtus Alžeerias president Abdelaziz Bouteflikaga. Russian President Vladimir Putin met President Absouziz BoutefUS in Algeria. [75, 67, 82] 74.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3156455373480175 -0.3333686888217926 3753 Tuntuim maalikunstnik on David Kelly, kelle teosed kujutavad enamasti Malawi loodust. The most familiar painkiller is David Kelly, whose works are mostly Malawi's nature. [20, 30, 25] 25.0 [-1.5421677572214565, -1.572881112433012, -1.5953778545614383] -1.5701422414053023 -0.37866753339767456 3754 Alaline Rahvusvaheline Kohus oli ette nähtud Rahvasteliidu põhikirjas, kuid põhikiri seda automaatselt ellu ei kutsunud. The permanent International Court of Justice was provided for in the Charter of the People's Union, but the statute did not automatically put it into practice. [94, 80, 87] 87.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.5827011107083454, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7500415694136064 -0.3853016197681427 3755 piisavalt selgeks, siis "miks" ei olegi vajalik; sellisel kas on esmaalged käes või tal on neid kerge haarata. 'Why 'is it not necessary,' clear enough, whether the first beginnings are there or whether it is easy for them to take on. [74, 77, 80] 77.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.3951887236234128, 0.4936093960423005] 0.35043157368755445 -0.5038356184959412 3756 Sest nii nagu kehas hüve nägemine, on hinges hüve aru, ja muu muus. Because, as if you see the good in the body, the good in the soul is understood, and so on. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.5569468140602112 3757 Iraani välisminister Manouchehr Mottaki sooritas üllatusvisiidi Türgi pealinna Ankarasse, kus ta kohtus Türgi välisministri Abdullah Güliga. The Iranian Foreign Minister, ManoucheMr Mottaki, made a surprising visit to the Turkish capital Ankara, where he met Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gulga. [89, 82, 62] 77.66666666666667 [0.867173864977587, 0.5808699337445091, -0.08076099732669434] 0.4557609337984673 -0.28572311997413635 3758 Kell 11 tuli Rebase komandopunkti käskjalg rügemendi staabist taganemiskäsuga. At 11 o'clock, the Real komandopuna came on the back-up order with a withdrawal order. [25, 35, 44] 34.666666666666664 [-1.6026472036571477, -0.9374704950368872, -0.9938850160982935] -1.1780009049307762 -0.8434872627258301 3759 Alguses on suuresti tegu paljutõotavusega, mis ilmneb valitud ja veel ebatäielikel näidetel. At the beginning, it is a lot of promise that emerges from the examples that have been selected and are still incomplete. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.6123660802841187 3760 Varsti saadi eetrist lahti ning väljad jäid sõltumatuteks selgelt määratletud mõisteteks. Soon, the elephant was dissolved and the fields remained independent in clearly defined terms. [13, 1, 24] 12.666666666666666 [-2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797, -1.7315051665918992] -2.0591378820324615 -0.5038949251174927 3761 Koos priikslaskmisega pandi eestlastele ka perekonnanimed. The Estonians were also given their surnames in combination with being stamped. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.6993398070335388 3762 Allan poriseb nagu ikka, ainult Alma on ütlemata rõõmus Mare uue töökoha üle. I will be portraying, as usual, only Alma is joyful of Mare's new job. [38, 25, 51] 38.0 [-0.971935339669399, -1.2547703090036253, -0.7043869679309344] -0.9770308722013197 -0.4985683262348175 3763 21. augustil 2008 avaldas ta kaastunnet Hispaania lennuõnnetuses hukkunute omastele. On 21 August 2008, he expressed his condolences to the victims of the Spanish air accident. [81, 65, 90] 78.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, -0.12539087159621595, 0.548708683221246] 0.32018582550614494 -0.3218423128128052 3764 Birmas toimusid parlamendi järelvalimised, millega täideti 45 parlamendikohta. Burma held the parliamentary follow-up elections, which executed 45 parliamentary seats. [54, 46, 25] 41.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.6497079606055378, -1.2547703090036253] -0.8208161758059891 -0.4296038746833801 3765 Tänapäeval moodustab lõhe 85% kogu Norra kalakasvatuse müügimahust. Today, the gap represents 85% of the total sales of Norwegian fish farming. [33, 29, 31] 31.0 [-1.4488105203612864, -1.0164676786809514, -1.1998053475344734] -1.2216945155255703 -0.360953152179718 3766 16. veebruar 2013 Guatemala president Otto Pérez Molina. Otto Pérez Molina, President of Guatemala, 16 February 2013. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 1.32209936924058] 1.0674895580454722 -0.06408466398715973 3767 Tallinna raekoja torni tipus 1530. aastast asuv tuulelipp Vana Toomas on kujunenud üheks Tallinna sümboliks. The capital of Vana Toomas, at the top of 1530 at the centre of the City Hall House of Tallinn, has become one symbol of Tallinn. [29, 20, 10] 19.666666666666668 [-1.4585538318159967, -2.124206735023958, -2.446018900578199] -2.0095931558060514 -0.5455520153045654 3768 Tundub väga imelik rääkida emotsioonide kohustuslikkusest. It seems very strange to talk about the duty of emotions. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.2858492434024811 3769 Esindamine ei tähenda alati seda, et üks teist konkreetselt mingis tehingus esindab, vaid võib seisenda ka lihtsalt asjade ajamises. Representation does not always mean that one of the other specifically represents a deal, but can simply stand in the way of things. [30, 13, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.2323582058009126, -1.635530085763711, -1.9037360246242796] -1.5905414387296346 -0.5039018392562866 3770 Kuna enamik kirjasid on majandusalase sisuga ja muid teemasid ei käsitleta, siis on minose keele rekonstrueerimine äärmiselt raske. Since most of the letters are economic content and other issues are not covered, it is extremely difficult to reconstruct one language. [62, 56, 82] 66.66666666666667 [-0.5399745717702639, -0.48592357188822877, 0.5808699337445091] -0.1483427366379945 -0.4358120858669281 3771 See otsus sai saatuslikuks paljudele võitlejatele ja seal lõppes ka 20. This decision was fatal to a large number of combatants and ended in 20. [100, 95, 90] 95.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.3237991523753736, 0.9085307290014955] 1.179992501540931 -0.5251428484916687 3772 Hispaanlaste püsiasustust saartel sel ajal veel ei olnud. There was no permanent position of the Spanish on the islands at that time. [100, 79, 73] 84.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.11800640772745447, -0.12397948564601131] 0.3583897931975782 -0.39463862776756287 3773 Nietzsche räägib moralistide maaniast, mis tahab kired välja juurida. Nietzsche talks about the land of moralists, which wants to eradicate the fibres. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-1.8115609826434744, -2.016289862523797, -2.95318184319494] -2.2603442294540703 -0.4017718732357025 3774 Tseremoonial assisteerisid assessorid Tiit Salumäe ja Joel Luhamets ning praostid Thomas Vaga, Hannes Aasa ja Tiit Tralla. The ceremony was moderated by the Mr. Tiit Salumäe and Ms Joel Luhamets and by Mr Thomas Vwith, Mr Hannes Aasa and Mr Tiit Trunder. [42, 33, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.557013239959602, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.38995444774627686 3775 Tuski soovitakse tunnistajana üle kuulata seoses ühe endiste julgeolekutöötajatega seotud juhtumiga. After all, they want to listen to the witness in connection with a case involving former security workers. [100, 81, 73] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6189484363352243, 0.2054640405950517] 0.6411719984315687 -0.6287652254104614 3776 Põhjusliku seose loomus osutub vältimatuks, isegi kui see on metafüüsiline. The nature of the fundamental link will prove unavoidable, even if it is metaphysical. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9565497343441235 -0.5086894035339355 3777 Kellegi vastutavaks pidamine selles mõttes tähendab hoidmist selges reaktsioonis tema teo tähendusele. Putting someone responsible in this sense means keeping it clearly in response to the meaning of his act. [96, 100, 100] 98.66666666666667 [0.8910612072520032, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0383810071211146 -0.5761733055114746 3778 Lahingu 60. aastapäeval 31. juulil 2004 avati memoriaali koosseisus eraldi mälestuskivi 20. On the 60th anniversary of the Battle on 31 July 2004, a separate memorial of 20 was opened as part of the memorial. [72, 81, 80] 77.66666666666667 [0.29272250569331404, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] 0.33477663527767804 -0.3959003686904907 3779 13. augustil 2006 oli Clapton külalisesinejaks Bob Dylani kontserdil, mängides kolm lugu koos Jimmie Vaughaniga. On 13 August 2006, Bob Dylani's group, acting as a guest in Claston, held three cases with Jimmie Vaughan. [48, 29, 39] 38.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.12785038341693, -1.2952316268529762] -1.0657307752801455 -0.4731295704841614 3780 BBC Sümfooniaorkester mängis Sir Henry Wood dirigeerimisel kaheksandat sümfooniat Londonis 1931. ja 1938. aastal. The BBC Ssyphony Orchestra played eight symphony in London in 1931 and 1938 in the dirigising of Sir Henry Wood. [20, 25, 29] 24.666666666666668 [-1.4757259452685378, -1.6026472036571477, -1.12785038341693] -1.4020745107808719 -0.3318091332912445 3781 Itaalia parlamendi ülemkojas toimus hääletus Afganistani rahutagamismissiooni jätkamise küsimuses. The House of Lords of the Italian Parliament voted on the resumption of the Afghan peace support mission. [64, 54, 70] 62.666666666666664 [0.05256833897892625, -0.5579702578088042, 0.3684768491764302] -0.045641689884482584 -0.42394140362739563 3782 Vaatamata eredatele, kuid harvadele eranditele tundub inimeste loomupärane egoistlikkus kaheldamatuna. Despite erroneous, but rare exceptions, the natural egoism of the people seems unquestionable. [79, 90, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723, 1.32209936924058] 0.8599189927373162 -0.5106318593025208 3783 Guineas teatas tagasiastumisest peaminister Mohamed Said Fofana. In Guinea, Prime Minister Mohamed Said Fofana announced his resignation. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.09268540889024734 3784 Johannes Pääsuke jäädvustas vigurlendu 27. ja 28. aprillil Tartus ning dokumentaalkaadreid demonstreeriti 30. aprillil Tartu Illusionis. On 27 and 28 April the flight was recorded in Tartu and the documentaries were demonstrated on 30 April in Tartu Ilexcluson. [32, 33, 30] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.314460459974846, -1.697337004628338] -1.5374803244712967 -0.5215209126472473 3785 Kuningas saavutas, et 1220. aasta 19. märtsil kinnitas paavst Wescelini Revala piiskopiks. The Kingdom achieved that on 19 March 1220 the Pope confirmed Wescelin Revala as a bishop. [21, 15, 27] 21.0 [-1.6237796449480617, -1.5720701229703633, -1.3384071475162373] -1.511418971811554 -0.3467094600200653 3786 Tartu viies kõrgkoolis toimusid lahtiste uste päevad potentsiaalsetele tulevastele üliõpilastele. The fifth higher education institution needed open days for potential future students. [71, 75, 79] 75.0 [0.05442657251608684, 0.33172876083006514, 0.44997912719119615] 0.27871148684578273 -0.36101821064949036 3787 Vaatamata esialgsele edule mongolite vastu otsustas uue tsaari regentvalitsus vältida edasisi rünnakuid ja valis neile andami maksmise. Despite the initial successes against mongos, the new Federal Government decided to prevent further attacks and chose to pay them a mandate. [73, 64, 82] 73.0 [0.2054640405950517, -0.45465262286070834, 0.5808699337445091] 0.11056045049295082 -0.4235192537307739 3788 Soome president Tarja Halonen nimetas ametisse peaminister Matti Vanhaneni uue valitsuse. President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, appointed Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen's new government. [98, 79, 93] 90.0 [1.0615183329535627, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0326013210732208] 0.8480329270726599 -0.16048090159893036 3789 Kohalikel omavalitsustel osutus raskeks tervise olukorda parandada. It proved difficult for local authorities to improve the health situation. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.34739458560943604 3790 Paljud armastusest kirjutavad, et armusuhte kujunemine nõuab muu hulgas, et armastajatel oleks omamoodi huvide ühtsus. Many people of the love write that the development of an archaic relationship requires, among other things, that loved ones have a kind of unity of interests. [33, 57, 45] 45.0 [-1.314460459974846, -0.4562457837874836, -1.0334500137463503] -0.9347187525028934 -0.4808076024055481 3791 Tegemist on Venemaa esimese ettevõttega, kus on võimalik täiemahuliselt teostada valuisolatsiooniga kuivade transformaatorite tootmistsükkel. This is the first Russian company to be able to carry out a painful isolation of the production cycle of dried transformats. [84, 82, 85] 83.66666666666667 [0.727690413215861, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5566995187313836 -0.46161243319511414 3792 Meiesugused olendid aga, kes ängiga teadvustavad oma lõplikkust, tunnistavad üldiselt, et ei saa niisugust hoolimatut heldust endale lubada. However, we like ourselves, who are aware of their finality with the game, generally recognise that such reckless generosity cannot be tolerated. [78, 72, 66] 72.0 [0.3065899732381008, -0.11738597445864508, 0.07523855193204053] 0.08814751690383209 -0.4373107850551605 3793 Leedus Kaunase maakonnas Prienai rajoonis süttis põlema Kaliningradist Vilniusesse teel olnud liinibuss. In the region of Kaunas, in the Prienai Rate, Lithuania, a mania bus from Kaliningrad to Vilnius was burnt. [46, 38, 29] 37.666666666666664 [-0.9111712880504766, -1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693] -1.1259611890571624 -0.47796592116355896 3794 Pakistanis Rawalpindi linnas šiiitide protsessiooni ajal toimunud pommiplahvatuses hukkus 23 ja sai vigastada 62 inimest. The bombing in Pakistan during the Shi'ite Process in Rawalpind, Pakistan, killed 23 people and injured 62 people. [78, 73, 51] 67.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, 0.2054640405950517, -0.4297907926901062] 0.06067403541501245 -0.33798035979270935 3795 Tuntuim näide on Newtoni dünaamika ja Einsteini dünaamika vahekord. The best-known example is the relationship between Newton dynamics and Einstein's dynamics. [100, 83, 85] 89.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7017464088819532] 0.8170749690748256 -0.3003127872943878 3796 Malawi põhjaosas kantakse rohkem punast, keskosas sinist ja lõunas rohelist. In the north of Malawi, more red, centre blue and south will be given green. [5, 1, 9] 5.0 [-2.7786607677905226, -2.016289862523797, -2.235917414133541] -2.34362268148262 -0.4735933244228363 3797 Pommeri osades elasid slaavlased kašuubid ja slovintsid. In the areas of Pomerania, the Slavs were living in the Slavs and Slovaks. [17, 23, 28] 22.666666666666668 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.993315928470645, -1.2364646201977947] -1.7068714986692963 -0.34393393993377686 3798 Rõõmu tuntakse suuresti argumentide lõhkumisest, rääkimata dekonstrueerimisest. There is a great deal of joy at the dismantling of arguments, not to mention reconstruction. [84, 92, 100] 92.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8006989591083409 -0.5111057162284851 3799 Esseistika auhind läks Tõnu Õnnepalule teose "Ainus armastus. The Essentics Prize went to Happy to ask for a work, 'The only love. [8, 1, 15] 8.0 [-2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797, -2.0341525151168844] -2.23273744629263 -0.7328340411186218 3800 Seejuures oli maailmameister Alehhin endale võtnud õiguse veel ka ise matše kokku leppida. In so doing, the world champions, Alebarin, had the right to agree on the match itself as well. [23, 37, 40] 33.333333333333336 [-1.674693889577723, -0.6225445654042907, -0.7788205880535182] -1.0253530143451774 -0.5930037498474121 3801 Igatahes mitte pimedus, sest ta võib väita, et näeb sügavamale. In any case, not blindness, as he might claim to be seeing deeper. [95, 76, 80] 83.66666666666667 [0.9189868035629918, 0.4377118082008297, 0.4949620887624109] 0.6172202335087441 -0.44668522477149963 3802 Seoses kiiresti kasvanud linnarahvastiku süveneva vaesumisega hakati esimest korda riiklikult põllumajandusele tähelepanu pöörama. For the first time, public agriculture has begun to pay attention to the growing impoverishment of the rapidly growing urban environment. [39, 47, 30] 38.666666666666664 [-1.2952316268529762, -0.8698144240265682, -1.697337004628338] -1.2874610185026274 -0.5530471801757812 3803 Kui tehakse kindlaks, et on üks must luik, siis falsifitseeritakse teooria, et kõik luiged on valged. If it is established that there is one black snow, the theory that all the snow is wrong will be locked up. [84, 82, 85] 83.66666666666667 [0.727690413215861, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5566995187313836 -0.6049109697341919 3804 Aluste pidev kritiseerimine ei ole omane mitte teadusele, vaid filosoofiale. Constant criticism of the holes is typical not of science but of philosophy. [63, 66, 69] 66.0 [0.37453204364167825, 0.04615892826000089, 0.1839805288126773] 0.20155716690478545 -0.5011689066886902 3805 Attila surma järel 453. aastal lagunes hunnide suur hõimuliit ning paljudest selle alamatest said Bütsantsi palgasõdurid. After the death of the Attila in 453, the great tribal union of wolves collapsed, and many of its subjects became the bureaucrats of the Butsants. [50, 24, 37] 37.0 [-0.7457438319548428, -2.1610916010518193, -1.3824921645551846] -1.429775865853949 -0.3306523859500885 3806 Samuti läksid riigile palju maksma vaenlastele kehtestatud majanduslikud blokaadid. The economic blockade imposed on the enemies also cost the country a great deal. [83, 75, 67] 75.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.19851994435723766, 0.07788890965667469] 0.30030301886984195 -0.4024333953857422 3807 Raamat on tõlgitud vähemalt 15 keelde ja seda on kasutatud paljude kõrgkoolide õppetöös. The book has been translated into at least 15 languages and has been used in many higher education institutions. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822] 1.044321209300944 -0.2294674813747406 3808 Rumeenias Sibiu maakonnas kukkus alla helikopter, mille pardal oli 10 inimest. In Romania, in the Sibiu Region, a helicopter with 10 people on board fell. [70, 79, 60] 69.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.44997912719119615, -0.3418302000470779] 0.09374259366360477 -0.35997167229652405 3809 Uuevariku Intsust on saanud nii põhjalik maamees, et ta otsustab – kui juba taluperemees, siis peab seda asja ka natuke õppima. The New Year's Intivity has become such a thorough farmer that he decides on a remedy as a farmer, but he also needs to learn a little from it. [12, 22, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-1.5963947019567695, -2.0369461973217495, -1.3865071458954215] -1.673282681724647 -0.7531114816665649 3810 Sõdurid hukkusid kahe teeäärse pommiplahvatuse tulemusel. The soldiers died as a result of two bombings along the road. [96, 67, 71] 78.0 [1.308684640864236, 0.07788890965667469, 0.2564751800664351] 0.547682910195782 -0.35373222827911377 3811 Eesistumist on hinnatud edukaks, kuna ettevalmistusaja lühidusele vaatamata sujus see suuremate probleemideta. The Presidency has been evaluated as a success because, despite the brief nature of the preparation period, it went ahead without major problems. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.47469162940979004 3812 Miks inimesed võtavad selle õpetuse küll mõistusega vastu, kuid nende südames on ikkagi pahameel, nördimus ja vihkamine? Why do people take this lesson with reason, but it is still annoyance, indignation and hatred in their hearts? [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.4471428394317627 3813 Bogomiilid, gnostitsistlik, dualistlik sekt, asutati 10. sajandil Esimese Bulgaaria tsaaririigi ajal. Bogmings, gnostic, dualistic sects, were founded in the 10th century during the first Bulgarian federal state. [82, 80, 81] 81.0 [0.827031554711923, 0.4936093960423005, 0.522108649210108] 0.6142498666547772 -0.45763862133026123 3814 Viimane vastupanurakuke kutsus üles vaherahule 10. novembril. The last resistance test was called for by the truce on 10 November. [30, 35, 25] 30.0 [-1.687904046512915, -1.2424137740542707, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3950293765236035 -0.3963054120540619 3815 11. septembril 1943 viidi Podolskisse Amerovo suvelaagrist üle naissnaiprite kool, mis tegutses kokku 27 kuud. On 11 September 1943, a school of female snipers, acting for 27 months, was transferred from Amerovo's suvelaagent to Podolka. [47, 21, 34] 34.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.3816902345903206, -1.5133829711084976] -1.235068954743212 -0.4349399507045746 3816 Vastupanu Briti kolonistide võimuvõtmisele ei olnud üldiselt eriti suur. The British colonists' taking power was generally not very strong. [79, 79, 78] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.44997912719119615, 0.3065899732381008] 0.4050725956153524 -0.695699155330658 3817 Ameti enda struktuuri osaks on tervishoiuosakond, mille ametisiseseks ülesandeks on kiirabi korraldamine. The Agency's own structure is that of a health department with the task of organising a chip by its agency. [19, 18, 15] 17.333333333333332 [-1.5803806493494141, -1.6646330781581475, -1.5720701229703633] -1.605694616825975 -0.6444358825683594 3818 Peale selle vaigistub teiste tähelepanutõmbajate tajumine. In addition, the perception of other spectators is silenced. [24, 12, 35] 23.666666666666668 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.6672600671603848, -1.3660967923134697] -1.6610141730311316 -0.3500332236289978 3819 Isegi kui kõik tema uskumused on tõene, võib pilt ikkagi olla moonutatud, sest tal on vähem uskumusi negatiivsete faktide kohta. Even if all his beliefs are true, the picture may still be distorted, because he has fewer beliefs about negative facts. [90, 83, 100] 91.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.68287568877445 -0.31250786781311035 3820 Miks Duns Scotus ei anna vaimuvälisele asjale teiseste intentsioonide moodustamisel toimivat rolli? Why does Duns Scotus not give extra-clerical thought to the formation of secondary intentions? [19, 21, 20] 20.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -1.3816902345903206, -1.2720333835260482] -1.4908369598450808 -0.4914390742778778 3821 Erinevalt teistest Austraalia kiirabidest on Canberras igas kiirabibrigaadis vähemalt üks intensiivravi parameedik. Unlike other Australian chips, Canbert is at least one parameter for intensive treatment in every ambulance. [52, 32, 42] 42.0 [-0.31935520912680904, -1.1571705193818427, -0.7153606252601705] -0.7306287845896074 -0.41120263934135437 3822 Kokku moodustasid võõrliigid selleks ajaks umbes 15% Portugali taimestikust. In total, by then, foreign species accounted for around 15% of Portuguese flora. [95, 82, 83] 86.66666666666667 [0.9663283887635413, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6190326808341362] 0.7220770011140623 -0.4237474501132965 3823 Filosoofia ei ole ka mitte luustik, millele elu on liha, just nagu filosoofia oleks alus ja kõik muu ainult liha. Nor is the philosophy a luxury on which life is a meat, just as the philosophy is the basis and everything else is just meat. [10, 1, 6] 5.666666666666667 [-1.8834153711296966, -2.016289862523797, -2.565445849006815] -2.1550503608867695 -0.4158601462841034 3824 Peaminister Taavi Rõivas leidis Riigikohtu otsust kommenteerides, et Seli peaks tagasi astuma ka Eesti Olümpiakomitee presidendi ametikohalt. Commenting on the ruling of the Supreme Court, Prime Minister Taavi Ralevas said that he should also resign from the position of President of the Estonian Olympic Committee. [66, 56, 46] 56.0 [-0.1256901422853517, -0.5535170563842029, -0.9111712880504766] -0.5301261622400104 -0.3610595464706421 3825 Pealegi ei saa arvestamata jätta, et väga kogenud eliitsõduritest kaardiväelaste vastas asus vabatahtlikest koosnev Maakaitsevägi. Moreover, it cannot be overlooked that there was a voluntary land protection force responding to the highly experienced elite soldiers. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.6035971641540527 3826 See oli üks Rahvasteliidu viimaseid tegusid enne kui selle tegevus Teise maailmasõja tõttu praktiliselt lakkas. This was one of the most recent acts of the UPM before its actions practically ceased as a result of the Second World War. [100, 96, 98] 98.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.689673621607982, 1.4917106198472174] 1.087508899655497 -0.35459625720977783 3827 Kui kõik olid relvastatud ja varustatud, algas grupp jalgsirännakut Venemaale. When everyone was armed and equipped, the group started a football trip to Russia. [75, 78, 81] 78.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.4269187050200866, 0.5372396648934048] 0.387559438090243 -0.4982599914073944 3828 Võimule saanud kuulutati välja Ungari Rahvademokraatlik Vabariik. The winning power was announced by the Democratic People's Republic of Hungary. [54, 63, 59] 58.666666666666664 [-0.32933839719276053, -0.2337601711662148, -0.051864964231104885] -0.2049878441966934 -0.3006683588027954 3829 Malawis võib näha nii traditsioonilisi hütte kui ka läänelikke villasid. In Malawi, we can see both traditional juices and Western cotton. [17, 18, 18] 17.666666666666668 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.4768801787803418, -2.0691634807199133] -1.812292535613235 -0.5026904344558716 3830 Neile aga, kes oma soove reguleerivad ning toimivad nii, nagu mõistus ütleb, on see kasulik. However, for those who regulate their wishes and do what common sense says, it is beneficial. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.4781358242034912 3831 Albaaniasse toodi Prantsusmaalt tagasi riigi viimase kuninga Zog I säilmed. Albania was returned to Zog I, the country's last art, from France. [25, 33, 42] 33.333333333333336 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.1209231937549637, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2667230471860742 -0.3662513196468353 3832 Eestimaale jõudes võeti sõjaväkke ka sakalasi ja ugalasi ning järvalastelt saadi teejuhid. When they arrived in exile, the army was also taken into the hands of the sakali and the ugs, and the leaders were caught on the lakes. [60, 83, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.3790639679871394, 0.6245002025956135, -0.12510502313362917] 0.040110403824948286 -0.7143217921257019 3833 Ghanas Kintampo joa juures langes tormi tõttu suur puu seal ujunud ja juga vaatama tulnud inimeste peale. In Ghana, at Kintampo Drinking, the storm caused large drowns to drowning there and to watch the people who have come to mind. [18, 22, 26] 22.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.0369461973217495, -2.451554910272447] -1.988460428791513 -0.64049232006073 3834 Podolski majanduse alus on tööstus, mis annab 25% linna majanduse kogutoodangust ja suurema osa linnaeelarvesse laekuvatest maksudest. The Podolski economy is based on industry, which accounts for 25% of the city's total economic output and most of the taxes on the urban budget. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937, 0.7431032729058616] 0.9150250724134952 -0.4036995768547058 3835 Are jätab Saaremaale sõites oma noore sugulase Saara koduhoidjaks ja hoiatab teda sileda olemisega Henry eest. Sicide leaves his young relative Saara homeless when travelling to Saara in Saareland and warns him of being silenced for Henry. [27, 43, 39] 36.333333333333336 [-1.3384071475162373, -0.6632712382784286, -1.2006693362178358] -1.067449240670834 -0.38902193307876587 3836 Iseenda reetmine toob muidugi kaasa ka tema seesmise ühtsuse lõhkumise, tema tahte jagunemise. Failure of his own will also, of course, lead to his internal unity being broken, to his will being shared. [65, 83, 74] 74.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.6245002025956135, 0.29999877943339137] 0.2542618322611218 -0.48056402802467346 3837 Paavst suudles 14. mail 1999 koraani ja külastas 6. mail 2001 mošeed. On 14 May 1999 the Pope was able to visit the Koran and visited mosques on 6 May 2001. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8388531449296778 -0.36645686626434326 3838 Teiseks napib piimkalal looduslikku sööta ning tema populatsioon on liiga suur. Secondly, there is a shortage of natural feed on dairy fish and its population is too high. [86, 95, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5796418450782478, 0.9189868035629918, 0.8394084631768461] 0.7793457039393618 -0.34108448028564453 3839 Ta valiti suure häälteenamusega tagasi ka 2010. aastal. He was also re-elected by a large majority in 2010. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.23039448261260986 3840 Teoutilitarist aga peab neid reegleid kõigest rusikareegliteks, jämedateks juhisteks. On the other hand, the Teoutiliter considers these rules to be nothing more than a fist, a rigid guide. [82, 61, 70] 71.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.2908183276918498, -0.19997321272861532] 0.030026131108014675 -0.5892235040664673 3841 Valitsuse määrab ametisse president pärast parlamendi heakskiitu. The government will be appointed by the President after Parliament's approval. [96, 100, 81] 92.33333333333333 [0.9161304397840745, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.85944946680813 -0.38292625546455383 3842 Johannese poolt juhitud sõjaväe purustavat jõudu said 1120. aastatel tunda nii ungarlased kui ka serblased. The crushing force of the military by Johannese was felt in the 1120s by both Hungarians and Serbs. [86, 58, 72] 72.0 [0.9798831232237539, -0.20768092291338958, 0.29272250569331404] 0.3549749020012261 -0.4279900789260864 3843 Mees mõistis olukorda, ka seda, miks eestlased Saksa armees sõdisid. We understood the situation, including why the Estonians were fighting in the German army. [83, 100, 72] 85.0 [0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103, 0.16410717657114324] 0.637861891637889 -0.40032240748405457 3844 Siin oli Clapton palunud Cale’i produtsendiks oma uuele plaadile. Here Claston had asked Cale Herring to produce its new plate. [86, 78, 82] 82.0 [0.4838888151444026, 0.3065899732381008, 0.827031554711923] 0.5391701143648088 -0.4727016091346741 3845 Istung venis plaanitust pikemaks ja hääletuseni jõuti alles järgmise päeva varahommikul. The sitting was delayed and the vote was only reached in the early morning of the next day. [79, 80, 81] 80.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5363189527863194] 0.49222558259698324 -0.5307192206382751 3846 Suurbritannias Londonis algas rahvusvaheline koorikonkurss, mis 2017. aastal oli pühendatud Arvo Pärdi loomingule. In the United Kingdom, an international workload competition started in London, dedicated to the creation of Arvo Perdi in 2017. [44, 42, 40] 42.0 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.1643408202996632, -1.3229960566534074] -1.160407297683788 -0.5219862461090088 3847 Harkivisse toodi uued Malaisia reisilennukilennuki õnnetuskohalt leitud reisijate surnukehad. New passengers' bodies found in the Malaysian passenger plane crashes were brought to stone. [57, 52, 29] 46.0 [-0.3234743052256428, -0.6300169437293796, -1.12785038341693] -0.693780544123984 -0.5526013374328613 3848 2016. aasta seisuga peaks Dragon V2 esimene mehitatud lend kosmosejaama toimuma aastal 2017. As of 2016, Dragon V2's first manned flight to the space plant is expected to take place in 2017. [82, 74, 77] 77.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.3652171569470719, 0.3708914966906855] 0.3955973329056697 -0.3747643530368805 3849 Hiljem lisandus neile arseeni baasil valmistatud pronks, seejärel ka tina sisaldav pronks. Later, they were added to a arsenic-based brick, then a brick containing tin. [47, 45, 43] 45.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.0334500137463503, -1.035241880122202] -0.9596085174664569 -0.7467794418334961 3850 Näiliselt kõige lihtsamale küsimusele "Mis ma olen?" The apparently most simple question, 'What am I?' [100, 84, 75] 86.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2881777686428686] 0.6937621786121655 -0.5689808130264282 3851 Peaministrid allkirjastasid koostöö arendamise kokkuleppe majanduse, teaduse ja tehnika valdkonnas. Prime ministers signed an agreement on cooperation in the economic, scientific and technical fields. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.4506833450792516, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9202291987647984 -0.3226081132888794 3852 Evelin ja Mare kohtuvad Tallinnas ning lähevad kohvikusse juttu ajama. Evelin and Mare meet in Tallinn and go to the coffee. [81, 85, 77] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.711760740297822, 0.29762613272172966] 0.5104985074098866 -0.4085090458393097 3853 On põhjust kahelda Lakatosi metodoloogia kirjelduslikus adekvaatsuses. There is reason to question the descriptive adequacy of the Catholic methodology. [55, 83, 69] 69.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1413488724500223] 0.08130072006570645 -0.5169760584831238 3854 Kuid siis hakkas aste vänderdama, rakett hakkas alla langema ja lagunes koost. But then they began to climb down, the rocket started falling down and the cake collapsed. [28, 17, 38] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.5086101601770157, -1.2420262002417441] -1.5086003148779612 -0.6275607347488403 3855 Meespeaosatäitja auhinna pälvis Märt Avandi ja naispeaosatäitja auhinna Riina Maidre. The Prize was awarded by Riina Maidre, the Chief Executive of the Mestator and the Women's Director-General. [23, 31, 35] 29.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.1934178450087216, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4114028422999716 -0.6654486656188965 3856 Oma kalastusretkel Thamesi jõkke sai karu londonlastelt palju tähelepanu. The River Thames, on his fishing trip, received a lot of attention from caru londongers. [10, 6, 1] 5.666666666666667 [-1.5559952777983777, -2.287090719902614, -1.655442005902876] -1.832842667867956 -0.45817551016807556 3857 Vaim on selle kokkuvoltiva lihtsuse, lõpmatu vaimu kujutis. The aim is to portray this conspicuous simplicity, this infinite spirit. [28, 26, 23] 25.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.8624251219173322, -1.318230271796973] -1.55841085616353 -0.4443177878856659 3858 Lend sümboliseeris fašistliku juhtimise jõudu ning tööstuslikku ja tehnoloogilist edu, mida riik fašistliku juhtimise all saavutas. It was symbolised by the power of fascist leadership and by the industrial and technological progress achieved by the country under fascist control. [79, 52, 58] 63.0 [0.7123928783280498, -0.4322240068442644, -0.20768092291338958] 0.02416264952346527 -0.38373634219169617 3859 Norra on demokraatlik parlamentaarse valitsemissüsteemiga konstitutsiooniline monarhia ja unitaarriik. Norway is a constitutional monarchy and a unitary state with a democratic system of parliamentary government. [70, 100, 80] 83.33333333333333 [0.06975612485665529, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.5627812722152887 -0.26195862889289856 3860 Aga vastus skeptikule peaks olema eelkõige meie kõigi kasuks. But the answer to the scheme should be first and foremost for all of us. [18, 19, 16] 17.666666666666668 [-2.0691634807199133, -1.300429572953281, -1.6880982215310614] -1.685897091734752 -0.4405606985092163 3861 Islamiliikumine ise väitis, et tappis 10 Etioopia sõdurit. The Islamic movement itself claimed that 10 Ethiopian soldiers were killed. [92, 100, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.1753166117624576, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2074647589166494 -0.176524356007576 3862 Mõlema meeskonna koduväljak on Canberra staadion, mis on linna suurim staadion, mahutades 25 000 inimest. The homework of both teams is Canberra's stadium, the greatest stage in the city, reaching 25 000 people. [46, 51, 56] 51.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.7716684006397244, -0.2711408857067372] -0.6296554292791892 -0.3920152485370636 3863 Näiteks elukat mõistetakse soona, sest aru suhestab selle alluvate liikidega. For example, life is understood as a zone, as it views it with subnative species. [29, 30, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-1.091871252739237, -1.687904046512915, -1.422530488855709] -1.4007685960359535 -0.5841454267501831 3864 Eestis oli ametlikul visiidil Moldova terviseminister Ruxanda Glavan, kes kohtus siin oma Eesti kolleegi Jevgeni Ossinovskiga. In Estonia, the Minister for Health of Moldova Ruxanda Glavan, who met with his Estonian colleague, Yevgeny Ossinov, was on an official visit here. [81, 51, 66] 66.0 [0.4146600021189639, -0.4297907926901062, -0.0840340075723075] -0.033054932714483266 -0.3659018874168396 3865 Eesti Keskerakonna Saaremaa piirkonna uueks esimeheks valiti Jaanika Rikko. Jaanika Rikko was elected new Chairman of the Central Party of Estonia's Saareland Region. [78, 77, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.3065899732381008, 0.36271858948898755, 0.4269187050200866] 0.3654090892490583 -0.3488994240760803 3866 Mõlemas osariigis peaksid vastavad seadused jõustuma 2015. aastal. In both countries, the legislation is expected to enter into force in 2015. [87, 88, 58] 77.66666666666667 [0.7990212780000306, 0.8726797157233768, -0.20768092291338958] 0.488006690270006 -0.4144425392150879 3867 Selles vanusegrupis on tüdrukute puhul kooliskäijate osakaal veidi suurem kui poiste puhul. In this age group, the proportion of girls attending school is slightly higher than for boys. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.2576144337654114 3868 Paremale äärele prantslaste positsioonide sügavusse jäi mets ning parema tiiva tagalasse Plancenoiti küla. The forest remained at the bottom of the position of the better-off French, and the area from the right wing was the village of Plancenot. [41, 30, 18] 29.666666666666668 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.687904046512915, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3970193138619338 -0.4746204912662506 3869 See oli esimest korda, kui Friedrich juhtis väed lahingusse. This was the first time that Friedrich led troops into a settlement. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7524397932079858 -0.40896129608154297 3870 Ka nende vastandite haaramine kõikehõlmavasse ühtsusse on varasemate lähenemistega võrreldes uus. The inclusion of these opposed to comprehensive unity is also new compared to previous approaches. [95, 80, 72] 82.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.4936093960423005, 0.23653881664004375] 0.5497116720817786 -0.6494296193122864 3871 Autor ei taha seda optimistlikku visiooni täielikult tagasi lükata. The author does not want to completely reject this optimistic vision. [100, 98, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.0156289521215054, 1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0558880267707569 -0.22565944492816925 3872 Füüsilise isiku puhul eeldatakse, et ta sõlmis lepingu tarbijana. In the case of a physical person, it is assumed that he or she signed a contract as a consumer. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [0.882963460602704, 1.3076476232459238, 1.32209936924058] 1.1709034843630692 -0.3975207507610321 3873 Uus paradigma annab valdkonnale uue ja rangema definitsiooni. The new paradigm will give a new and stricter definition to this area. [77, 100, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8622668012001093 -0.4424563944339752 3874 Seesolijad alistusid peagi ja nõustusid saarelt lahkuma, jättes maha 8 pantvangi, sh Alberti venna Theoderichi. The people there soon defeated and agreed to leave the island, leaving behind 8 hostages, including the Alberti brother Theoderich. [82, 82, 81] 81.66666666666667 [0.827031554711923, 0.5776758168102278, 0.8523251551766589] 0.7523441755662699 -0.36390697956085205 3875 1900. aasta paiku oli ilmne, et sellist teooriat on tarvis, jälle on tarvis "aluseid". It was obvious in the late 1950s that such a theory was needed; once again, 'foundations' were needed. [62, 78, 70] 70.0 [-0.29173544327757706, 0.412248360714594, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09786392376123769 -0.5346545577049255 3876 SARSi viiruse täpne päritolu ei ole teada, aga märgid viitavad nahkhiirtele. The exact origin of the SARS virus is unknown, but the signs refer to skin bulbs. [74, 83, 56] 71.0 [-0.02804287831293066, 0.6245002025956135, -0.2711408857067372] 0.10843881285864854 -0.26952311396598816 3877 Inglise keel on vähem kui 2% sambialaste esimene keel, kuid see on levinuim teine keel ja peamine asjaajamiskeel. English is the first language of less than 2% of the pillar, but it is the most common second language and the main language of affairs. [78, 57, 68] 67.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, -0.44990022892794107, 0.1096188910533485] 0.022022506821833102 -0.2899113893508911 3878 Kokku saabusid valimiskomisjoni dokumendid üheteistkümnelt erakonnalt 970 nimega ja seitsmelt üksikkandidaadilt. In total, documents from the Election Commission came from eleven parties, with 970 names and seven individual candidates. [100, 88, 100] 96.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.8726797157233768, 1.1249782957469103] 0.965075169010937 -0.4001840353012085 3879 Eesti justiitsminister Kristen Michal nimetas alates 1. jaanuarist 2013 Tartu vangla direktoriks Raini Jõksi. The Estonian Minister for Justice, Kristen Michal, has appointed Raini Jyks, Director of Tartu Prison, as of 1 January 2013. [48, 44, 51] 47.666666666666664 [-0.5772133093517801, -0.9938850160982935, -0.4297907926901062] -0.66696303938006 -0.23862649500370026 3880 Taurek peab silmas, et viis inimest ei moodusta metafüüsilist ühikut, millel on viis korda suurem õigus päästetud saada. The wheel has in mind that five people do not constitute a metaphysical unit, which has five times the right to be rescued. [42, 51, 39] 44.0 [-0.7946972631130536, -0.35756810125476673, -1.2006693362178358] -0.7843115668618853 -0.40855884552001953 3881 Itaalia peaminister Romano Prodi võitis usaldushääletuse Esindajatekojas, kus tema valitsuse ametis jätkamist toetas 342 ja vastu oli 253 saadikut. Italy's Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, won a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives, where 342 people supported the continuation of his government's office, against 253 ambassadors. [85, 67, 83] 78.33333333333333 [0.3615382092337807, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135] 0.3546424404953563 -0.3883316218852997 3882 Linnuses polnud jõutud ehitada veel mingeid hooneid ja piiratavatel polnud kusagile varjuda. It was not possible to build any buildings in the urban environment and there was no sheltering of the buildings on the back of the constraint. [16, 23, 29] 22.666666666666668 [-1.6002936901380398, -1.674693889577723, -1.12785038341693] -1.4676126543775643 -0.5833647847175598 3883 Luganski oblastis sai miinipildujarünnakus Birjukove kontrollpunktile üks piirivalvur haavata. In the Lugansk Oblast, a border guard was wounded at the Birjukove checkpoint in a mine attack. [70, 78, 62] 70.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.4063488583400919, -0.08076099732669434] 0.11466369685639889 -0.4188120663166046 3884 Ta võib lasta end ahvatleda kohusevastastele tegudele, ja ta hakkab püüdma neid ratsionaliseerida, pettes end selle suhtes, mida kohus nõuab. It can allow itself to be tempted to act against impunity, and it will try to rationalise them by deceiving itself of what the Court is demanding. [51, 45, 38] 44.666666666666664 [-0.4297907926901062, -1.0334500137463503, -1.1343437451734075] -0.865861517203288 -0.4297787845134735 3885 Georg laseb Arel Õnne 13 maja arhiivi välja otsida. Georg will allow the fortune of finding out the archives of 13 houses. [16, 16, 15] 15.666666666666666 [-1.926857290299737, -1.7371277294119054, -2.193234072791639] -1.9524063641677605 -0.5741108655929565 3886 Kuid leidmata vastutunnet oma kiindumusele, valas Clapton tunded muusikasse. However, without a feeling of opposition to its own bitter trend, Claston's feelings about music have prevailed. [25, 19, 13] 19.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -2.167837003875062, -1.566716852002797] -1.6952190508198424 -0.7505835294723511 3887 Ka uuemates kooliõpikutes on 13. sajandi vallutuse teema pealkirjastatud kui "Liivimaa ristisõda" või "Liivimaa ristisõjad". In recent school textbooks, too, the theme of the 13th century conquest has been titled as the 'Commonwealth Crusade' or 'Brisks of All Land'. [38, 30, 21] 29.666666666666668 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.687904046512915, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4013126754255476 -0.6743655204772949 3888 Põlema süttisid restaureeritavat kellatorni ümbritsevad tellingud, osaliselt sai tulekahjus kannatada ka kellatorn ise. The scenes surrounding a restoration tower were burnt, and the rocket itself was partly affected by the fire. [45, 54, 35] 44.666666666666664 [-0.6859552862324167, -0.24292942487089356, -1.3660967923134697] -0.7649938344722601 -0.757013201713562 3889 India ravimifirma Ranbaxy omandas 324 miljoni USA dollari eest Rumeenia juhtiva ravimifirma Terapia. The Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy obtained USD 324 million from Romania's leading pharmaceutical company TeraCaspian. [23, 32, 40] 31.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3593954176005356 -0.31301984190940857 3890 Pruudi vanemad peavad peigmehe vanematele kaasavara andma, kõige sagedamini kariloomi, aga ka vilja või maad. Parents on holiday need to give a hand to their parents, most often cattle, but also crops or land. [12, 14, 15] 13.666666666666666 [-1.911021724246736, -2.3859883481305837, -2.258848426590734] -2.1852861663226846 -0.5277073383331299 3891 Preemia pälvis kirjanik Ene Mihkelson romaani "Katkuhaud" eest. The author, Ene Mikkelson, was awarded the prize for the 'Katkuhaud'. [100, 100, 76] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5977542019441766] 0.9260000592732994 -0.41469696164131165 3892 Keiser põgenes napilt eluga; keiserlik varalaegas, sealhulgas kroon ja rist, langes võidukate bulgaarlaste kätte. The language narrowly escaped a life; the black hole, including the crown and the cross, fell into the hands of the victorious Bulgarians. [25, 28, 1] 18.0 [-1.4961164985930953, -1.3021598218893584, -2.016289862523797] -1.6048553943354167 -0.44620323181152344 3893 Alguses püüdis Itaalia saada kolooniaid läbirääkimiste kaudu teiste maailma suurvõimudega koloniaalmöönduste tegemiseks. At the beginning, Italy tried to obtain colonies through negotiations with other major world powers to make colonial concessions. [100, 84, 96] 93.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.156671913144946] 0.9832602267795246 -0.33804455399513245 3894 Euroopa Liidu diplomaatide hinnangul põhjustas kõneluste katkemise Iraani soovimatus arutada sisulisi küsimusi. According to the diplomats of the European Union, the breakdown of the talks was caused by Iran's unwillingness to discuss substantive issues. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.3732079565525055 3895 Seal hingati üle pika aja jälle kodumaa õhku, oldi rõõmsad ning nauditi omaste, sõprade ja tuttavate külalislahkust. The homeland was breathed back into the air for a long time, cheerful and enjoyable of its own, friends and acquaintances. [35, 22, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.3660967923134697, -2.2464135499613747, -1.7315343153640192] -1.7813482192129546 -0.5168452858924866 3896 Sellepärast taotlevad nad, et neid austataks vooruse eest, mis on inimese hüve allikas, nagu II raamatus näidatakse. They are therefore asking for them to be respected for the virtues of a human good, as shown in the book II. [94, 81, 88] 87.66666666666667 [1.0901636694846504, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4738404936262599] 0.7004146093347717 -0.39552345871925354 3897 Segaduste ajal toimus Podolis aktiivne sõjategevus. There was an active war in Podol during the turmoil. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.3576330542564392 3898 "Ülejäänud kommunikatsiooni kontekstis on keel seega väga veidrate omadustega sõltuv kasulaps." "In the context of the rest of communication, language is therefore a useful child dependent on very bizarre properties." [81, 84, 77] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5203768724491704 -0.3184017241001129 3899 Eestis Tallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituudis algas kümnes Eesti moodsa ajaloo konverents pealkirja all "Revolutsioonid ja Eesti". In Estonia, the Tallinn University Institute for History launched the 10th Conference of Estonian Modern History under the title "Revolutions and Estonia." [82, 90, 97] 89.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 0.7388700887615532, 1.1980287771688547] 0.8392562665583055 -0.30312979221343994 3900 Kantile muidugi ei meeldiks see inimlikele tunnetele apelleerimine, aga tundub, et see on vajalik, et tema õpetust usutavalt tõlgendada. This, of course, would not please appeal to human sentiments, but it seems necessary in order to give a credible interpretation of his teaching. [69, 61, 65] 65.0 [0.24352170706476967, -0.30580685708679023, 0.1774123885366415] 0.03837574617154032 -0.4324280917644501 3901 Lisaks vabastati ametist veel mitu ministrit ja keskpanga president. In addition, a number of ministers and president of the Central Bank were released. [100, 71, 75] 82.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.2564751800664351, 0.2881777686428686] 0.5479188223579113 -0.4269527494907379 3902 Sellepärast võib vaevalt nimetada mõttetuks ülesandeks püüda leida objektiivsete kultuuriväärtuste kõikehõlmavat süsteemi. That is why one can hardly call a pointless task of trying to find a comprehensive system of objective cultural values. [54, 67, 60] 60.333333333333336 [-0.24292942487089356, 0.11148587755891945, -0.14422096012004196] -0.09188816914400537 -0.3995797634124756 3903 Hiinas Hongkongis toimusid taas kokkupõrked suuremat demokraatiat nõudvate üliõpilastest meeleavaldajate ja politsei vahel. In Hong Kong, China, there were again clashes between student protestors and the police demanding more democracy. [26, 23, 29] 26.0 [-1.4642007120043536, -1.483396450023753, -1.12785038341693] -1.3584825151483455 -0.3761177062988281 3904 pisivasakulMahleri teine loomingumajake [[Klagenfurti lähedal Maierniggis, Wörthersee kaldal Second Livestock of the Power Left Mahler [near Klagenfurt in Maiernigg, Wörtheras on the side of Maiernigg [28, 20, 35] 27.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.59213842690439, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4842707979980478 -0.4898296296596527 3905 Ka Ugandi ja Sakala andis ta ordu ilmaliku ja Riia piiskopi vaimuliku võimu alla tingimusel, et need annavad talle vajadusel sõjalist abi. He also granted the order under secular and Riia Bishop, Uganda and Sakali, subject to military assistance if necessary. [22, 29, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-1.2152410046715822, -1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322] -1.401838836668615 -0.5144853591918945 3906 Pärast "Teadusrevolutsioonide struktuuri" avaldamist süüdistati Kuhni selles, et ta esitas teaduse progressi kohta relativistliku vaate. Following the publication of the 'architecture of scientific revolutions', Kuhn was accused of presenting a relativistic view of scientific progress. [78, 58, 74] 70.0 [0.674179986200092, -0.20768092291338958, 0.3652171569470719] 0.27723874007792476 -0.2836431562900543 3907 Linna saabub noor naine, kes väidab end olevat Uku Palmi tütar. A young woman arrives in the city who claims to be Uku Palm's daughter. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8762992868958653 -0.25392961502075195 3908 Poliitiliselt aktiivne kuninganna valitses riiki kuninga elu mõne viimase aasta jooksul ja pressis peale tihedamat liitu Louis XIV Prantsusmaaga The politically active Queen ruled the country with art over the past few years and pressed for a closer alliance with Louis XIV France. [36, 30, 23] 29.666666666666668 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.1600388359418792, -1.318230271796973] -1.2282198462776117 -0.37860986590385437 3909 Enne pakettreisi algust võib reisija lepingust taganeda ega pea seda reisikorraldajale põhjendama. Before starting package travel, the passenger may withdraw from the contract and will not have to justify it to the tour operator. [80, 81, 82] 81.0 [0.17436773524631535, 0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091] 0.4257821060669775 -0.4121856391429901 3910 Sel korral avaldati meelt maksuametis vohava korruptsiooni vastu ja nõuti demokraatlike vabaduste laiendamist. This time, protests against the rampant corruption in tax office and calls for the expansion of democratic freedoms. [62, 51, 76] 63.0 [-0.5399745717702639, -0.4297907926901062, 0.4377118082008297] -0.17735118541984676 -0.44436338543891907 3911 Praegu on Portugalil Euroopa Parlamendis 21 saadikut. Portugal currently has 21 Members of the European Parliament. [86, 84, 82] 84.0 [0.7431032729058616, 0.5453227398168615, 0.46039042405392566] 0.5829388122588829 -0.281991183757782 3912 Marel on suur mure, et äkki Allan teab ta suhtest Harryga. Marets have a great concern that perhaps Allan knows about its relationship with Khartoum. [53, 48, 43] 48.0 [-0.2811423169988513, -0.9025592071930374, -0.6836306438634967] -0.6224440560184618 -0.5359609127044678 3913 Miks nii tavaliselt arvatakse, et seks, mis on peamine, mis eristab romantilist suhet sõprusest, nõuab automaatselt nii suurt eksklusiivsust? Why is it so usually believed that what is the main distinguishing between the romantic relationship of friendship automatically requires so much exclusivity? [79, 79, 79] 79.0 [0.40334179268069664, 0.4586486864167604, 0.44997912719119615] 0.4373232020962177 -0.3767191469669342 3914 Tšehhi pealinnas Prahas toimus meeleavaldus valitsuse kärpekavade ja riikliku korruptsiooni vastu. In the Czech capital, Prague, there was a demonstration against government austerity and national corruption. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.3401762545108795 3915 Praegusel juhul me toetume oma teadmistele metallide kohta ja selle kohta, kuidas neid saab mõjutada. In this case, we are relying on our knowledge of metals and how they can be influenced. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.3158298440026652 -0.34398072957992554 3916 Fangide traditsiooniline usund oli bieri, mis põhines esivanemate austamise kultusel. The traditional soul of the fanks was a biter based on the cost of respect for the ancestors. [60, 89, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.45428123942188237, 0.4014644825739508] 0.17130517398291842 -0.4652560353279114 3917 India viies osariigis toimusid kohalikud valimised. The five states of India held local elections. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1363692565265247 -0.3678840100765228 3918 Podolski raamatukogude võrku kuulub 16 raamatukogu. There are 16 libraries in the Podolski library network. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9053861327966016 -0.2979975640773773 3919 Armastus, mida püütakse praktiseerida inimeste suhtes ning mille kohta käivad mainitud neli uskumust, on koopia armastusest Jumala vastu. The madness that is being attempted to practise towards people and about which four religions are mentioned is a copy of the love of God. [28, 21, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.3816902345903206, -1.9060553907684363] -1.5941076000450138 -0.4628808796405792 3920 Kindlusetu, mida teha, ja omades vähe lootust abivägedele, oli Auffenburg ohtlikul positsioonil. Auffenburg was in a dangerous position to do what to do, with little hope for the aid force. [44, 29, 47] 40.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693, -0.8698144240265682] -0.9719561649517265 -0.3904436528682709 3921 Aastal 1873 ostis Nobel Pariisis Malakoffi avenüül maja ja asus sinna elama. In 1873 Nobel bought and started a house in Malakoff in Paris. [78, 50, 50] 59.333333333333336 [0.4063488583400919, -0.7457438319548428, -0.9486551086784767] -0.4293500274310759 -0.5132904648780823 3922 29. juunil 2007 muretses ta olukorra pärast Colombias. On 29 June 2007, he was concerned about the situation in Colombia. [95, 100, 82] 92.33333333333333 [0.7358791572087113, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8139091289000436 -0.21497686207294464 3923 Vähemalt teoorias aitab see kõrvaldada pettust ja rumalust. At least in theory, this will help to eliminate fraud and stupidity. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.2987200617790222 3924 Seadusandlik kogu on ühekojaline parlament, millel oli algselt 17 liiget. The legislative body is a one-chamber parliament which initially had 17 members. [100, 81, 90] 90.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 0.5372396648934048, 0.548708683221246] 0.7978653237868581 -0.3805925250053406 3925 Türgi peaminister Ahmet Davutoğlu süüdistas opositsioonierakonna Rahvaste Demokraatliku Partei esimeest Selahattin Demirtaşi reetmises. The Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, accused the President of the Opposition Party, Selahattin Demirtaş, of betrayal. [67, 76, 58] 67.0 [0.253838172792557, 0.4377118082008297, -0.20768092291338958] 0.1612896860266657 -0.26867079734802246 3926 16. detsember 2006 Makedoonia peaminister Nikola Gruevski. On 16 December 2006, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of Macedonia. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8207728490721381 -0.21603335440158844 3927 Skandinaavia lennufirma SAS Group avalikustas ulatusliku kärpekava pankroti vältimiseks. The Scandinavian Air Company SAS Group unveiled a comprehensive programme of cuts to prevent bankruptcy. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.36236652731895447 3928 Euroopa Liidu rahandusministrid leppisid Brüsselis kokku Ukrainale täiendava laenu andmises, mille väärtuseks on 1,8 miljardit eurot. EU Finance Ministers in Brussels agreed to provide additional loans to Ukraine worth EUR 1.8 billion. [100, 100, 91] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 0.9814216926040136] 0.9682362550847324 -0.41465047001838684 3929 Tema katsed Eestis metsavendi toetada ja varustada ebaõnnestusid. His attempts to support and provide failure to support the forests in Estonia. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.95318184319494, -2.016289862523797, -2.5049372794890834] -2.49146966173594 -0.5052201747894287 3930 Jõgede suudmealadel on rannik sageli soine, seal esineb ka soolasoid. In river estuaries, the coast is often sown, and there are also salt streams. [42, 54, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-1.1643408202996632, -0.5579702578088042, -1.12785038341693] -0.9500538205084658 -0.6250097155570984 3931 Tiina ja Margna saabuvad tagasi reisilt ja otsustavad oma elus suure muutuse teha. Tiina and Margna return from their travels and decide to make a big difference in their lives. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.34400177001953125 3932 Eesti Rahvusringhääling andis Tallinnas Mustpeade majas heliloojale Tõnu Kõrvitsale üle Aasta muusiku tiitli. Estonian National Broadcasting awarded the annual music award to a composer at Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia, for over one year. [25, 32, 18] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.3504838029351336, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5778064574946373 -0.6926136612892151 3933 Euroopa Parlament moodustas Euroopas tegutsevate suurkorporatsioonide maksudest kõrvalehoidmise uurimiseks erikomisjoni. The European Parliament has set up a special committee to investigate tax evasion by large corporations operating in Europe. [92, 79, 100] 90.33333333333333 [0.87113844457352, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8067403633763822 -0.2800062894821167 3934 Kigeri laiendas kuningriiki lääne ja põhja suunas ning juurutas ubuhake ja uburetwa. Kiger extended the king to the west and north and introduced Ubuham and uburetwa. [41, 56, 49] 48.666666666666664 [-1.0262737162925444, -0.2711408857067372, -0.7871006959787512] -0.6948384326593443 -0.38161855936050415 3935 Paavst saatis 1. augustil 1998 läkituse olivetiaanidele. The Pope sent a threshold on 1 August 1998 to the olives. [80, 52, 66] 66.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.6300169437293796, 0.04615892826000089] -0.030082873142359395 -0.46964284777641296 3936 Põhjapolaarjoonest põhja pool paiknevatel Lofootidel on jaanuari keskmine temperatuur 24 °C maailma keskmisest kõrgem. Xenophobia on the north of the Arctic Circle has an average temperature of 24 ° C above the world average in January. [34, 35, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.048428542501206, -1.3660967923134697] -1.230987483943078 -0.3281410038471222 3937 See tõotab täieliku arusaamise võimalikkust ja kõrvaldab kiusatuse näha asju inimese kurjuse ja moraalse vastutuse vaatevinklist. This promises a complete understanding and removes the temptation to see things from the point of view of human evil and moral responsibility. [100, 83, 97] 93.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9825024251704595 -0.2906821668148041 3938 Canberral on ka võistkonnad, mis esindavad linna rahvuslikel võistlustel netballis, maahokis, jäähokis, kriketis ja pesapallis. Canbert also has competitions representing the city in its national competitions at net level, on earth, in polar, in wheels, in wheels and in washing rooms. [28, 36, 13] 25.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.0121812168743272, -1.635530085763711] -1.3807628258047744 -0.6670271158218384 3939 William Jamesi järgi ei ole metafüüsika midagi muud kui ebatavaliselt kangekaelne jõupingutus mõelda selgelt. William Jamesi says that metaphysics are nothing more than an unusually stubborn effort to think clearly. [56, 77, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.36271858948898755, 0.07788890965667469] -0.015105357580855508 -0.22670674324035645 3940 Mõne aja pärast saabub Tiigile külla ka endine majaperemees Põder isiklikult. In a short while, a former houseman, Pyder, will also come to Tiigi in person. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.48706454038619995 3941 Kataris astus tagasi riigi peaminister, emiiri vend Abdallah Ḩamad ibn Khalīfah Āl Thānī. The Prime Minister of the country, the brother of the issuer Abdallah Hamas, withdrew from his view of Khalīfah Āl Malnah in Mumbai. [22, 27, 49] 32.666666666666664 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.6306227170835708, -0.5409659837249011] -1.2941019777821607 -0.43672940135002136 3942 Süsteemi visand koos joonistega tehti avalikuks 2013. aasta augustis. The outline of the system, together with the figures, was made public in August 2013. [94, 97, 100] 97.0 [0.851024723251196, 1.0297883515568889, 1.32209936924058] 1.067637481349555 -0.38437119126319885 3943 Võtetel sai ta tuttavaks Quincy Jonesiga, kes tegeles filmi muusikalise poolega. The winners became familiar with Qucy Jong, who dealt with the film's music side. [59, 51, 42] 50.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.4297907926901062, -1.0765987441461105] -0.6280810266145275 -0.5383790135383606 3944 Mõne asja uskuminegi on kurjus, ja üks neist on see, et hea ja kuri on illusioon. There are some things that I believe are evil, and one of them is that good and evil is an illusion. [94, 67, 88] 83.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.07788890965667469, 0.8258170009536785] 0.5955564570710191 -0.3912087082862854 3945 Eestisse saabus Tartu Ülikooli kutsel kolmepäevasele visiidile Konrad Adenaueri Fondi esimees ja Tüüringi liidumaa endine peaminister Bernhard Vogel. A three-day visit to Konrad Adenauer Foundation Chairman and former Prime Minister Bernhard Vogel of the State of Tycircle arrived in Estonia at the invitation of Tartu University. [38, 29, 46] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.9917005368641577] -1.1528042719950562 -0.2256825715303421 3946 Jacksoni häält peetakse üheks erakordsemaks popmuusikas. Jackson's voice is considered to be one of the most extraordinary poppies. [42, 52, 32] 42.0 [-1.1643408202996632, -0.6300169437293796, -1.490167384385195] -1.0948417161380792 -0.2685128152370453 3947 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis lasti maha Afganistani ülemkohtu sekretariaadi juhataja Atiqullah Raoufi. Atiqullah Raouf, Chief Secretariat of the Afghan Supreme Court, was shot in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. [79, 100, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8599189927373162 -0.21555331349372864 3948 Lõpmatu olendi jaoks, kes on oma kõikvõimsuses kaitstud, olek kõige valimatumgi armastus turvaline. For an infinite person who is protected by all kinds of power, the love of the most indiscriminately loved one is secure. [84, 71, 57] 70.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, 0.20480883524336993, -0.4562457837874836] 0.09043102748523779 -0.4857316315174103 3949 Just sellisel hetkel tabab teda Ülo ... Allan on saanud katsetamiseks uhiuue auto ja nüüd tehakse Ukuga koos proovisõitu. It is precisely at this point that he is hit by the general... Allan has been given a brand new car to test and now the Uyman is being overthrown with him. [7, 1, 13] 7.0 [-2.691400230088314, -2.016289862523797, -2.10140748145577] -2.26969919135596 -0.6193052530288696 3950 Suure vapi kilpi ümbritseb külgedelt ja alt kaks kilbi alaosas ristuvat kuldset tammeoksa. There are two golden dams around the facets and two kilos around the surface. [90, 84, 87] 87.0 [0.7208132901854393, 0.9034573389678384, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7789197222478096 -0.7047101259231567 3951 Eesti Energia ja Tele2 Eesti allkirjastasid lepingu, millega Tele2 omandas Eesti Energia traadita andmesidevõrku Kõu haldava firma Televõrk. Estonia's Energy and Tele2 Estonia signed a contract whereby Tele2 acquired the Telenetwork of its company, which manages the curve, as a wireless energy network of Estonia. [72, 85, 58] 71.66666666666667 [0.23653881664004375, 0.711760740297822, -0.41488891976357517] 0.17780354572476353 -0.6232588291168213 3952 Soye mehed liikusid parki ning taas algas tihe tulevahetus. The men of Finland were in the park and the intense fire exchange started again. [39, 53, 46] 46.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.6844078629375159, -0.5884406996734752] -0.7903896549413703 -0.6428969502449036 3953 Analüüs oli Kanti jaoks lihtsalt mõiste jagamine "osadeks". The analysis was simply the division of the term into 'parts' for Kant. [94, 87, 80] 87.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.7124885375901508, 0.4936093960423005] 0.696353798078385 -0.34127703309059143 3954 Õnnetuses hukkus kakskümmend seitse ja sai vigastada viis inimest. Twenty-seven people died and five were injured. [89, 100, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9663283887635413] 0.9839045742767368 -0.3413979113101959 3955 Ka igapäevane keeleline suhtlemine ei saa läbi mitteverbaalse kommunikatsiooni ulatusliku abita suuliste teadete täpsustamiseks. And day-to-day language communication cannot get through non-verbal communication without extensive help to clarify verbal notices. [87, 81, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.7124885375901508, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.8572758572413784 -0.4515407681465149 3956 See ei olnud ei suurim iial ehitatud laev ega ka kõige rohkemate kahuritega relvastatud. It was never the largest built vessel, nor was it armed with the greatest number of casualties. [70, 53, 62] 61.666666666666664 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.5939936007690919, 0.06277371215276832] -0.24330222158278847 -0.33922725915908813 3957 Ta määras Vatikani riigisekretäriks 8. aprillil 1984 Agostino Casaroli ja 29. juunil 1991 Angelo Sodano. He appointed Mr Agostino Casaroli as Secretary of State for Vatican on 8 April 1984 and Mr Angelo Sodano on 29 June 1991. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 0.9425172486483673 -0.16311894357204437 3958 Bändi saavutusteks loetakse ühe LP väljaandmist ja ühe kontserditurnee läbiviimist. The achievements of the game are counted as the extradition of a single LP and the conduct of a single group player. [27, 34, 41] 34.0 [-1.1913103462102776, -1.5133829711084976, -1.1179556081700188] -1.2742163084962648 -0.6561322808265686 3959 Vanemkonstaabel Priit Torim peab hakkama varsti oma suurt tulbikollektsiooni maha panema. Vanemkonabel Priit Torim will soon have to put his great firework down. [79, 81, 80] 80.0 [0.3627318492546081, 0.522108649210108, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4599341957423757 -0.48326966166496277 3960 Üürileandja peab võimaldama kogu lepingu vältel asja üürnikul kasutada, selle eest peab üürnik vastu maksma üüri. The donor must be able to use the charger throughout the contract, for which the rent has to pay the knife. [29, 33, 36] 32.666666666666664 [-1.091871252739237, -1.557013239959602, -1.2063904310939828] -1.2850916412642739 -0.6713561415672302 3961 Henry ja Harry tulevad mõttele, kuidas Evelinile tööl oma kiindumust välja näidata. Henry and Harry come to the idea of showing their affection in the work of Evelina. [81, 74, 66] 73.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.29999877943339137, -0.0840340075723075] 0.25106814558482954 -0.33477598428726196 3962 Vähemalt üks uurija oli ka seda helendust vaadelnud, kuid ei avastanud midagi. At least one researcher had looked at this call as well, but found nothing. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0463418728498313, 0.5538386306067818, 0.9498875930254039] 0.850022698827339 -0.33999425172805786 3963 Raekoja ehitamisel ei ole arhitektuurilist eeskuju imporditud ega otse üle võetud. The construction of a garage has not been imported or directly transposed as a architectural model. [28, 42, 21] 30.333333333333332 [-1.2265904555295335, -0.9902503733322566, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1995103544840369 -0.47588783502578735 3964 Normatiivsus ei pärine seega isiklikest tunnetest ja soovidest ega igavese mõistuse nõuetest, vaid armastuse sattumuslikest paratamatustest. Normality, therefore, does not come from personal emotions and desires or from the eternal claims of reason, but from the immovable parasites of love. [63, 82, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.5808699337445091, 0.26826879803671755] 0.2051261868716706 -0.5362716317176819 3965 Oktoobris 1992 võttis Clapton osa Bob Dylani lavakarjääri 30. aastapäeva tähistavast kontserdist, mis toimus Madison Square Gardenis New Yorgis. In October 1992 Cchilton was part of a concert to mark the 30th anniversary of Bob Dylani's literary career, which took place in New York, the Madison Square Garden. [74, 80, 86] 80.0 [0.23182778293567463, 0.4949620887624109, 0.5906018571196825] 0.4391305762725894 -0.3625043034553528 3966 Aga see ei tähenda, et ta saaks armastust vabalt valida. But that does not mean that he can choose love freely. [77, 99, 100] 92.0 [0.36271858948898755, 1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9228131301508564 -0.30825644731521606 3967 Van Faassen nimetab seda seost relevantsussuhteks. Van Ficsen calls this link to hit ratio. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.5793699026107788 3968 Murray ei saanud enda sõnul ka oma mobiiltelefonilt abi kutsuda, sest ta ei teadnud täpset aadressi. Murray was also unable to call her mobile phone for help, as it did not know the exact address. [91, 84, 77] 84.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.6261434771047497 -0.4582158327102661 3969 Kõige hõredam on asustus Loodeprovintsis, kus elab 5,8 inimest ruutkilomeetril. The most sparsely populated area is the settlement in the North-West province, with 5.8 people living on square kilometres. [83, 79, 75] 79.0 [0.4867066880395393, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5595413098162189] 0.49874237501565144 -0.4276556670665741 3970 Mõned deontoloogid võivad väita, et kuigi konflikt utilitarismiga on loogiliselt võimalik, seda tegelikult kunagi ei toimu. Some deontologists may claim that, even though the conflict with the utilities infrastructure is logically possible, it is in fact never happening. [98, 72, 85] 85.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.144567245233466, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6068842174913748 -0.4066658020019531 3971 Ta avaldas selle kontseptsiooni 1859. aastal raamatus "Liikide tekkimine". He published this concept in 1859 in the book 'The emergence of Members'. [83, 83, 83] 83.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.4867066880395393, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5655918342128695 -0.6015191674232483 3972 Yardbirdsi rütmikitarrist Chris Dreja on meenutanud, et Clapton ei lahkunud kunagi lavalt, kui kitarrikeel purunes. Mr Chris Dreja, the rhythm of YardBurmese, has reminded us that Claston never left the scene when the plastic language broke. [12, 27, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.8183096545968183, -1.1913103462102776, -2.124206735023958] -1.7112755786103513 -0.5992963314056396 3973 Püha vaim voolas tema kohale kogu igaveste olendite täiusega. The spirit of his seat was sunk by the fulfilment of all his eternal creatures. [70, 64, 57] 63.666666666666664 [0.057306707531257405, -0.017301034533346728, -0.4562457837874836] -0.1387467035965243 -0.5656141042709351 3974 Paavst Franciscus kutsus maailma riike üles muutma migratsiooniseadusi, et efektiivsemalt pagulasi vastu võtta ja neid ühiskonda integreerida. Pope Franciscus called on the countries of the world to change their migration laws in order to receive refugees more effectively and integrate them into society. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [0.882963460602704, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1100137085300648 -0.27545812726020813 3975 Siis võib osutuda, et me ei saa end aktsepteerida sellisena, nagu me oleme. It may then be that we cannot accept ourselves as we are. [87, 100, 82] 89.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8154908427285236 -0.33356958627700806 3976 Musk hakkas avalikkuses üha enam Tesla Motorsi kohta sõna võtma ja osales järjest rohkem ettevõtte igapäevases juhtimises. The Roma began to speak out more and more about Tesla Motors in the public and participated more and more in the day-to-day management of the company. [60, 58, 61] 59.666666666666664 [-0.6252965206798194, -0.4138768859676533, 0.024560820024810585] -0.3382041955408874 -0.37454912066459656 3977 Selles jaotuses puudusid looduslugu, füüsika ja keemia, mis olid koondatud füüsika alla. This section lacked the natural story, physics and chemistry that were brought together under the umbrella of physics. [92, 94, 95] 93.66666666666667 [0.7859190067183177, 0.9345984073668675, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9452774877354077 -0.43177974224090576 3978 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves võttis Tallinnas presidendilossis vastu parimaid koolilõpetajaid. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves welcomed the best school leavers in his presidential purchase in Tallinn. [73, 52, 56] 60.333333333333336 [0.18819751408457033, -0.6300169437293796, -0.4976026478113921] -0.31314069248540044 -0.3715870976448059 3979 Tal on tütar Oona Kiviranta ja kasupoeg Benjamin Taalasmaa. He has a daughter Oona Ktunranta and a foster son Benjamin Taalasland. [58, 58, 58] 58.0 [-0.29233236900826726, -0.4138768859676533, -0.20768092291338958] -0.3046300592964367 -0.39869463443756104 3980 Sellepärast eristame mugavuse pärast loodusseadusi ja teaduslikke seadusi. That is why we are distinguishing natural laws and scientific laws for convenience. [90, 84, 95] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1153150491210377] 0.8637080007826426 -0.44688960909843445 3981 Detsembris 1921 viis Soome küsimuse Rahvasteliidu ette, teema tõstatamist toetasid ka Balti riigid eesotsas Eestiga. In December 1921, Finland took the matter before the People's Union, and the Baltic States, led Estonia, also supported this issue. [68, 87, 81] 78.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.8364323900964978, 0.5363189527863194] 0.439702628839347 -0.48281824588775635 3982 Vaatamata hiljutistele võitudele jõuti Riias järeldusele, et sõja edukaks jätkamiseks vajatakse lisajõude. Despite the recent victories, Riga concluded that further impetus was needed for a successful resumption of the war. [58, 58, 81] 65.66666666666667 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] -0.028106047995879384 -0.3313409090042114 3983 Lõunapoolsed talupojad, aga ka väikemaaomanikud ja rentnikud olid 19. sajandi lõpul sageli konflikti ja mässu olekus. Southern farmers, as well as small landowners and tenants, were often in conflict and revolt at the end of the 19th century. [88, 88, 100] 92.0 [1.0563089074796694, 0.8726797157233768, 1.1249782957469103] 1.017988972983319 -0.2907533645629883 3984 45. ja 46. rügement püsisid esialgu oma positsioonidel põhja pool Falkenbergi. The 45th and 46th rhythms were initially shelved in their positions on the north of Falkenberg. [78, 52, 65] 65.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.6300169437293796, 0.01442894686332708] -0.06974637950865353 -0.49487265944480896 3985 Pommiähvarduse teinud mees, kes oli sulgenud ennast lennujaama tualetti, vahistati. The man who made the Pomerania threat, who had closed himself off at the airport, was arrested. [33, 37, 29] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693] -1.3227488958807283 -0.4355749487876892 3986 Uuspaleelisel ajastul ilmusid kasutusele ka fantastilisi olendeid kujutavad motiivid. In the age of utter beauty, fantasy sentiments are also a motive. [45, 44, 42] 43.666666666666664 [-0.6170256534756766, -1.0770802825974546, -0.9902503733322566] -0.8947854364684625 -0.5055389404296875 3987 Unustamise vältimiseks ja selguse säilitamiseks on kaardil suunavad küsimused. There are issues guiding the map in order to avoid forgetting and to maintain clarity. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3646342158317566 3988 Meie vaadeldavad omadused mõjutavad ka meie enesekäsitust. Our self-understanding is also affected by the characteristics we are looking at. [92, 84, 99] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9400038070789698 -0.45956018567085266 3989 Indias Chhattisgarhi osariigis sõitis maamiini otsa inimesi vedanud veoauto. In India, in the state of Chhattisgarh, a lorry carrying people out a journey to land mines. [30, 54, 42] 42.0 [-1.422530488855709, -0.3597293555905065, -1.0765987441461105] -0.9529528628641087 -0.5177205801010132 3990 Peppil oli narkootikumide sõltuvus aastal 2011, kuid ta sai sellest võõrutusravil lahti. It had drug addiction in 2011, but it got rid of it in the form of hospitality treatment. [74, 54, 64] 64.0 [0.23182778293567463, -0.5579702578088042, -0.017301034533346728] -0.11448116980215876 -0.4654552638530731 3991 Nii et on mõistlik, et me ei nimeta härga ega hobust ega mingit muud looma õnnelikuks. So it is reasonable that we do not call a bull or a horse or any other animal happy. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3158298440026652 -0.3392273485660553 3992 Lisaks muudeti Tartu Ülikool 1918. aasta sügisel uuesti saksakeelseks. In addition, in the autumn of 1918, Tartu University was re-introduced into German. [100, 86, 72] 86.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.353398789913554, -0.18860708986574046] 0.415311385853035 -0.32035213708877563 3993 Esiteks, ühe indiviidi hüvel ei ole rohkem tähtsust kui teise omal ning eesmärgiks peab olema hüve üldiselt. Firstly, the benefit of one individual is of no greater importance than that of another, and the aim must be the benefit in general. [100, 97, 100] 99.0 [1.0156289521215054, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0438802457839944 -0.46109679341316223 3994 Tõde on jumalik asi, sest see leidub esmaselt ja peamiselt Jumalas. The truth is divine, because it is first and foremost in God. [94, 81, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7442185189868247] 0.7214738814943112 -0.3708607256412506 3995 Nendest kolmest tähelepanekust võib järeldada, et sellises keskkonnas tekib isendite vahel [[olelusvõitlus]]. Three of these observations suggest that, in such an environment, there will be fathers [fight against life]. [28, 21, 13] 20.666666666666668 [-1.2364646201977947, -2.080576466172854, -1.566716852002797] -1.6279193127911487 -0.522372841835022 3996 Jan III pidas residentdiplomaate mitmes suures pealinnas, kuid seim piiras seda, mida nad teha võisid. Jan III held resident diplomats in several major capitals, but the Seimas restricted what they could have done. [75, 84, 85] 81.33333333333333 [0.2881777686428686, 0.39856686623484705, 0.711760740297822] 0.4661684583918459 -0.37461408972740173 3997 Kui kumbki soosik ei saanud vajalikul arvul hääli, tegi kardinal Franz König ettepaneku valida paavstiks mitteitaallane. If neither of them got the necessary number of votes, Cardinal Franz König proposed to choose non-Italian as Pope. [73, 65, 56] 64.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.005795140699435191, -0.2711408857067372] -0.046290828856879934 -0.37962332367897034 3998 thumb150pxrightMiloradovitši grenaderide mälestusmärk Mid-015pxright memorial of Miloradov's grenadots [38, 29, 41] 36.0 [-0.971935339669399, -1.12785038341693, -1.1179556081700188] -1.072580443752116 -0.5372355580329895 3999 Pommid olid paigutatud õppeasutuse lasketiiru, vähemalt 6 politseinikku sai plahvatuses surma ja 9 vigastada. Pomerania was the place of a crèche at a school institution, while at least 6 police officers were killed and 9 injured in an explosion. [42, 23, 33] 32.666666666666664 [-1.0765987441461105, -2.2037525755065968, -1.557013239959602] -1.6124548532041032 -0.5155181884765625 4000 Neid sööb enamik burundulasi vähemalt kord päevas. They are eaten by the majority of burkha at least once a day. [97, 82, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7931939683360829 -0.3494630455970764 4001 pisiVenestusajal ehitatud [[Aleksander Nevski katedraal Tallinnas [[Alexander Nevski katedraal in Tallinn, Alexander Nevski [72, 58, 43] 57.666666666666664 [0.144567245233466, -0.20768092291338958, -1.035241880122202] -0.3661185192673752 -0.5714161992073059 4002 Tekkis kohalik metallitöötlemine ning kinnistusid püsiasustus ja põllundus. Local metal processing came into being, as well as permanent storage and farming. [67, 82, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.5808699337445091, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2743106317498368 -0.618938148021698 4003 Esimesed lennukid Malaisia lennuõnnetuses hukkunute säilmetega jõudsid Hollandisse. The first planes to have reached the Netherlands with the survivors of the Malaysian plane crash. [55, 47, 39] 47.0 [-0.302870867103411, -0.9461894760441417, -1.2006693362178358] -0.8165765597884628 -0.5398818850517273 4004 Kinkelepingu sõlmimine kaitseb kingisaajat nõuete vastu, kui käsutusel puudub õiguslik alus. The signing of a specific contract protects the gift against requirements in the absence of a legal basis on orders. [57, 68, 79] 68.0 [-0.2213743747184285, 0.1096188910533485, 0.44997912719119615] 0.11274121450870539 -0.5213329792022705 4005 Teiseks, kuna ükski eetikasüsteem ei saa läbi ideaalita, peab see ideaal olema väärikas. Secondly, since no ethical system can go through without ideal, it must be an ideal that is dignified. [80, 81, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.522108649210108, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5173456660129093 -0.4402751922607422 4006 Pühakoja välisseina äärde paigutatud lõhkekeha plahvatamisel puhkes tulekahju, mis õnnestus kiiresti kustutada. When the explosives exploded on the outside of the Holy Hall, a fire broke out which was quickly deleted. [43, 56, 29] 42.666666666666664 [-0.7594614122689003, -0.48592357188822877, -1.12785038341693] -0.7910784558580198 -0.6328823566436768 4007 Ka Oxfordi töödes leidub kohti, mida annab tõlgendada piiratud erinevusest rääkivatena. There are also places at the work of Oxford that can be interpreted as' restricted differences'. [89, 83, 90] 87.33333333333333 [0.5464938430863668, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.5732342429677421 -0.44224584102630615 4008 Belgia idaosas Verviersi linnas viis politsei läbi erioperatsiooni, mille sihtmärgiks olid terrorirünnakut kavandanud äärmusislamistid. In the eastern town of Verviersi in Belgium, the police carried out a special operation aimed at a terrorist attack by extremist Islamists. [66, 87, 77] 76.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.7990212780000306, 0.3951887236234128] 0.3561732864460306 -0.34815171360969543 4009 Sellele kõrgele ametipostile asudes küsis eesistuja tingimata teistelt raehärradelt, kas nad on tema kandidatuuriga nõus. Upon taking up this high post, the President-in-Office necessarily asked others on the radar as to whether they would agree with his candidacy. [66, 78, 72] 72.0 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.4063488583400919, 0.23653881664004375] 0.17239917756492798 -0.6260902881622314 4010 Pärast seda, kui uudis Jacksoni surmast teatavaks sai, mainiti teda umbes 15% Twitteri postitustest, mis teeb 5000 säutsu minutis. After the news of the death of Jackson, around 15% of Twitter's mail was mentioned, which makes 5 000 remmenu in a minute. [48, 56, 52] 52.0 [-0.7741103155705304, -0.2711408857067372, -0.7280381317886201] -0.591096444355296 -0.4736042022705078 4011 Aga loogikud ei saa asjadest määratletult aru, seda saavutavad ainult metafüüsikud. But creators do not understand things in a defined way, only metaphysics achieve it. [75, 65, 85] 75.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.4119916484059306, 0.711760740297822] 0.19598228684492 -0.3928694725036621 4012 Nii ilmusid kasutusele karneoolid, ahhadid, kvarts, nefriit, jadeiit, hematiit ja kaltsedon. It was potatoes, greedy, quarterly, nefriit, jadeit, herring and calories that used to be used. [10, 12, 11] 11.0 [-2.446018900578199, -1.6672600671603848, -2.5168791546838967] -2.2100527074741603 -0.502868115901947 4013 Aga ekslik on arvata, nagu oleks tegu eri viisidega üheainsa erinevuse eristamiseks. But it is a mistake to think that there are different ways of distinguishing between one difference. [68, 64, 59] 63.666666666666664 [0.004650408323776896, -0.017301034533346728, -0.3735320557396667] -0.12872756064974553 -0.3662217855453491 4014 b) faktid eelnevad teooriale ja on teooriast sõltumatud; b) The facts precede the theory and are independent of the theory; [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9802290203432635 -0.35097771883010864 4015 Rahvusparke ümbritsevad puhvertsoonid, kus küttimine on piiratud. The buffer zones surrounding the National Park are surrounded, where heating is restricted. [40, 28, 52] 40.0 [-1.2516013580018719, -1.4945771747762846, -0.3980608112934324] -1.0480797813571963 -0.40657657384872437 4016 Keskne küsimus on see, kummast teooriast on uurimistöös rohkem kasu. The central issue is which of which theory benefits more in terms of research. [83, 83, 83] 83.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6097004984777351 -0.4707229435443878 4017 Ajaloo eesmärk ei ole jutustada mis tahes asjade või protsesside individuaalsusest nende lihtsa heterogeensuse mõttes. The purpose of history is not to preach the individuality of any thing or process in terms of their simple heterogeneity. [91, 87, 89] 89.0 [0.9814216926040136, 0.7844601369297701, 0.7759485003834985] 0.847276776639094 -0.28065574169158936 4018 Esialgu suleti Jeemeni õhuruum ja alustati õhurünnakuid. Originally, Yemen's airspace was closed and air strikes started. [75, 84, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.014618096141847111, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4903786678134342] 0.3910424118006663 -0.44135528802871704 4019 Mille alusel pidasite seda asja võrreldavaks Kaur Kender´i süüdistusega Eesti Vabariigis? On what basis did you consider this to be comparable to the accusation made by Mrs Kder Paradise in the Republic of Estonia? [57, 84, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.12829074848702035, 0.6681304714467177, 0.15459844532760872] 0.23147938942910198 -0.48383671045303345 4020 1965. aasta suve veetis ta Kreekas bändiga The Glands, kus mängis klaverit tema vana sõber Ben Palmer. In Greece, he spent the summer of 1965 with the band The Glands, where he played glass with his old friend Ben Palmer. [78, 53, 65] 65.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, -0.5939936007690919, -0.3871436867160806] -0.19159614304836023 -0.3618905246257782 4021 Kui väärtused juhivad kogu ajaloolist mõistemoodustust, kas on siis võimalik saada lahti meelevaldsusest ajalooteadustes? If the values guide the whole historical formation, will it be possible to get rid of the arbitrary nature of history's science? [88, 78, 83] 83.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.4063488583400919, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5529136243948418 -0.519942045211792 4022 Rünnaku korraldamises kahtlustati mässulist relvarühmitust Tamili Tiigrid. The army was suspected of carrying out the attack by the Tamil Tigers. [76, 82, 70] 76.0 [0.4377118082008297, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.27286950973890783 -0.4340754747390747 4023 Toila vallavolikogu valis uueks vallavanemaks Keskerakonna liikme Tiit Kuusmiku. Tiit Kuusmik, member of the centre centre party, was elected by the Toila Municipality. [92, 89, 85] 88.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.8862818157022393, 0.3615382092337807] 0.7063194898365134 -0.5011941194534302 4024 Uue seaduse kohaselt on pealinna naistel õigus aborti teha esimese kolme raseduskuu kestel. Under the new law, women in the capital city have the right to abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. [100, 100, 76] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5977542019441766] 0.9260000592732994 -0.22700095176696777 4025 Altševskis kuulutasid valitsusvastaste relvajõudude võitlejad välja sundmobilisatsiooni ja komandanditunni. In Alcheevskis, combatants of the anti-government armed forces announced forced mobilisation and a compass hour. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.5075829029083252 4026 Lahkarvamus puudutab seda, kas õilis inimene võib valida sellise elu. Dissent is about whether a noble person can choose such a life. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.32841374389209277] 0.7445799185630456 -0.374331533908844 4027 Kell 5.51 alustati kaevamiskohale telgi püstitamist. At 5.51 p.m., the call for a complaint started. [25, 26, 28] 26.333333333333332 [-2.1184306265970414, -1.5666238606968599, -1.2364646201977947] -1.6405063691638986 -0.6463195085525513 4028 Äravõetud varade tagastamise nõuded olid mõeldud ilmselt ennekõike provokatsioonina. The requirements for recovering withdrawn assets were obviously primarily intended as provocation. [100, 100, 75] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.6368672448634971 -0.5285440683364868 4029 Ta saatis Malta ordu liikmetele 24. juunil 1999 läkituse. It sent a letter to members of the Order of Malta on 24 June 1999. [83, 92, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8534650910082174 -0.30051544308662415 4030 Allan sõidab viinataksot ja Mare otsustab poliitikasse minna. I will begin to drive a curse and Mare will decide to go to politics. [35, 23, 23] 27.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.4275290808375833, -1.318230271796973] -1.3293910422296091 -0.6233512163162231 4031 Rootsi invasioon liitriiki, tuntud Uputusena, toimus Teise Põhjasõja kontekstis. Sweden's invasion of a federation, known as a 'Upur', took place in the context of the second northern war. [34, 39, 29] 34.0 [-1.0397388382252801, -1.0983204022131197, -1.12785038341693] -1.08863654128511 -0.36160504817962646 4032 Paavst mõistis 11. novembril 2010 hukka Jumala nime all läbi viidava vägivalla. On 11 November 2010, the Pope condemned the violence under the name of God. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1820603944506403 -0.23140355944633484 4033 Ristisõdijad tõid endaga kaasa lääneeuroopalikke tavasid ning hoidsid kodumaaga tihedaid poliitilisi suhteid kogu kuningriigi eksisteerimise vältel. The rulers brought western European practices with them and maintained close political relations with the home country throughout the existence of the king state. [54, 65, 52] 57.0 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.03899122630516161, -0.6630301039070259] -0.39400304513688944 -0.43650832772254944 4034 Hans Collani maeti samuti Tallinna Maarjamäe Saksa sõjaväekalmistule. Hans Collani was also buried on a German military fishing ground in Tallinn's Maarjamäe. [63, 74, 85] 74.0 [-0.20810459964403286, 0.2613608455445319, 0.5580489988532433] 0.20376841491791411 -0.3433533310890198 4035 Kuigi moraaliseadus on aprioorne tõde, saab seda rikkuda. Although moral law is a priori truth, it can be violated. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.3954716622829437 4036 Mõisa peahoonest 50 m lääne pool on tiigid ja kunagi voolas sealt läbi oja. The 50 m west of the main building is the pond, and once it is a bed through it. [26, 23, 1] 16.666666666666668 [-1.3128904044537102, -1.483396450023753, -2.016289862523797] -1.60419223900042 -0.664709210395813 4037 Suurem osa rahvast kõneleb mitmesuguseid bantu keeli. The majority of the population speaks of various Lebanese languages. [74, 67, 81] 74.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.25920839198234313 -0.6559335589408875 4038 Õnn oleks ka paljudele ühine, sest kõigil, kes ei ole vooruseks võimetud, on selleks võimalus mingi õppimise It would also be common to many, because anyone who is not powerless to virtue has the opportunity to learn a lesson. [29, 38, 46] 37.666666666666664 [-1.091871252739237, -1.3388618957040805, -0.8461570014911058] -1.0922967166448077 -0.6004303097724915 4039 Rafaeli tegelaskuju oli nähtav ka ühes teises sarjas. The Rafah character figure was visible in another series. [83, 62, 75] 73.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, -0.2494614636679413, -0.01280273874114997] 0.1207453333955074 -0.31492429971694946 4040 Tal on vajadus välja öelda üks suur vabandus ... Harri Ahvenat kutsutakse ootamatult pliidipuid raiuma. He has a need to make a big apology... Harri Ahvena is suddenly being called on to tear down lead trees. [35, 49, 21] 35.0 [-1.4697527022573933, -0.7871006959787512, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2128478776088218 -0.42317962646484375 4041 Raesaali mugavuste hulka kuulus see, et teda sai kütta. The rose-tinted comfort was that he was in the village. [25, 10, 18] 17.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.446018900578199, -2.2114672727261664] -2.0867111256538373 -0.7097874879837036 4042 Vaid kaitseministriks tõusis eelmisel päeval tagasi astunud Sylvie Goulard'i asemel Florence Parly. Just as a defence minister, Mrs Goulard, who was resigned last day, went from Florence Parly. [28, 29, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.7315343153640192, -1.12785038341693] -1.451320624519078 -0.5413920879364014 4043 Kristlasi oli 2008. aastal hinnanguliselt 82,6%, muslimeid 13% ja teisi 1,9%, usku ei pidanud oluliseks 2,5% inimestest. Christians were estimated at 82.6% in 2008, musicians were 13% and others were 1.9%, and 2.5% did not believe. [33, 31, 28] 30.666666666666668 [-1.314460459974846, -1.6442737776618106, -1.1595803648136038] -1.3727715341500868 -0.34709644317626953 4044 Üldiselt ju ei tee mingit laadi akti aseaineks olemine midagi seda laadi aktiks. In general, being an act of any kind does nothing to do with this kind of act. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7855870424452661 -0.4474874436855316 4045 Samal ajal muutusid vasakpoolsed valitsuse poolt rohkem tõrjutuks pärast kolme sõjavastase demonstrandi tapmist juunis. At the same time, the left-wing government became more excluded after the killing of three anti-war demonstrators in June. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.827031554711923] 1.0024258435292148 -0.34736719727516174 4046 Seda võimalust on kasutatud näiteks Korea sõja ajal ja rahutagamismissiooni korraldamiseks endises Jugoslaavias. This opportunity has been used, for example, during the Korean war and for a peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.3169143795967102 4047 Tagasiteel ründas neid aga orduvendade, liivlaste ja latgalite salk. However, they were attacked in retrospect by the secret of hurricanes, peppers and the Latin channels. [1, 18, 10] 9.666666666666666 [-3.142294013511708, -1.4768801787803418, -1.954611683173179] -2.19126195848841 -0.6033435463905334 4048 Nii teadmissotsioloogia pooldajad tavaliselt Kuhni tõlgendavadki, arendades tema vaated sõnaselgeks relativismiks. This is how supporters of knowledge sociology usually interpret Kuhn by developing his views into an explicit relativism. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.45470672845840454 4049 Tema vastaskandidaat António da Conceição sai 32,5% häältest. His opposite candidate António da Conceição received 32.5% of the votes. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.21961645781993866 4050 Kant väidab, et siis me tajume neid alati ruumilisi omadusi omavatena. Kant claims that we will then always perceive them as having spatial characteristics. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.4217894971370697 4051 Esimesed 2 ringi toimusid Haagis ja viimased 3 ringi Moskvas. The first 2 rounds took place in The Hague and the last 3 rounds in Moscow. [96, 100, 83] 93.0 [1.156671913144946, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9541048577506169 -0.23427163064479828 4052 Suurbritannia endine peaminister Tony Blair kinnitati Maailma Majandusfoorumi nõukogu liikmeks. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was confirmed as a member of the World Economic Forum Council. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1363692565265247 -0.24865853786468506 4053 Rünnakus hukkus kuus ja sai vigastada kolm sõjaväelast. The attack killed six and injured three troops. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822] 0.9640022387245146 -0.3977166712284088 4054 Sudaanis Dārfūri piirkonnas Tšaadi piiri lähistel tapsid tundmatud relvastatud isikud veevõtukohta valvanud viis Araabia Liiga rahuvalvesõdurit. In Sudan, near the border with Chad in Darfur, five Arab League peacekeepers were killed by unknown armed persons on water reception. [62, 84, 78] 74.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.3332059449448724 -0.5055481195449829 4055 Sarnaselt teiste lääneriikidega on ka Portugali trükiajakirjandus kaotanud 21. sajandil nii lugejaid kui ka reklaamiraha. Like other Western countries, the printed press in Portugal has lost both readers and advertising money in the 21st century. [81, 67, 74] 74.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469, -0.050131008119759506] 0.18833252214344 -0.20856265723705292 4056 xxxx seletas, kui keegi leiab UNTITLED12 märke pornograafiast, siis seda inimest tuleks uurida. xxxxx explained when someone finds UNTITLED12 signs of pornography, that person should be investigated. [54, 37, 46] 45.666666666666664 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.6225445654042907, -0.5884406996734752] -0.58965184096219 -0.2486885040998459 4057 Paavst avaldas 14. detsembril 2009 kaastunnet rünnakus kannatanud Itaalia peaministrile Silvio Berlusconile ja soovis talle kiiret paranemist. On 14 December 2009, the Pope expressed his condolences and wish him a speedy recovery to the Italian Prime Minister affected by the attack, Silvio Berlusconi. [75, 70, 84] 76.33333333333333 [0.2881777686428686, -0.19868677613204175, 0.6681304714467177] 0.25254048798584816 -0.2338649034500122 4058 Puhastustegevust jätkas Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, kes oma väikese väekontingendiga võitis Rootsi sissetungijaid aastal 1604 Paide all. The gesture was continued by Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, who, with his little conscription, won Swedish invaders under 1604 Paide in the year. [51, 52, 43] 48.666666666666664 [-0.6660402866896673, -0.4322240068442644, -1.035241880122202] -0.7111687245520445 -0.33912762999534607 4059 Tulistamises hukkus üks arst, vigastada sai veel kuus inimest. One doctor died in the proceeds, another six people were injured. [61, 82, 90] 77.66666666666667 [-0.11249097872336815, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2018533424583735] 0.22341076582650485 -0.5987308025360107 4060 Õnnelikkuse eesmärgid ei saa olla aluseks universaalselt ja paratamatult kehtivatele seadustele. The aims of happiness cannot be the basis of universally and inevitably of existing laws. [81, 79, 79] 79.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.45360522473850245, 0.3627318492546081] 0.45119224629550514 -0.49380990862846375 4061 Henry Sidgwick esitab seda praktilise ratsionaalsuse printsiibina ja Richard Hare sõnastab selle keeleliselt, aga tegu on eetikaprintsiibiga. Henry Sidgwick presents it as a principle of practical rationality and Richard Hare formulates it linguistically, but it is an ethical principle. [80, 100, 98] 92.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 0.952657777660658 -0.229087233543396 4062 Olgugi et kaksikvend on temaga nooruses kogu aeg manipuleerinud, on ta säilitanud positiivse ellusuhtumise ja usu headusse. Although he has been manipulated all the time by the twin brothers in his youth, he has maintained a positive attitude to life and faith in his well-being. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [1.1709475838635426, 0.6189484363352243, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9716247719818923 -0.43081334233283997 4063 Sõjas sai kõige rängemalt kannatada just Eesti mandriosa. It was precisely the Estonian mainland that was hardest hit by the war. [76, 82, 79] 79.0 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5808699337445091, 0.1369336404488223] 0.3604207721400235 -0.39730456471443176 4064 Matemaatikud said esimest korda tõhusalt mõelda muutumise kiirusest teatud hetkel. Mathematics were able to think effectively for the first time about the speed of change at a given moment. [80, 100, 78] 86.0 [0.6636191168536252, 1.0991035183644302, 0.674179986200092] 0.8123008738060492 -0.2914605736732483 4065 Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku Lääne praostkonna sinod esitas EELK peapiiskopi kandidaadiks Lääne praosti Tiit Salumäe. The Estonian Evangelical Luterlik Church's Western fervour was nominated by the Archbishop of the EELK for the Western Bishops Tiit Salumäe. [69, 68, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.0372032665902161, 0.09098370898113407, 0.1839805288126773] 0.10405583479467582 -0.5283076763153076 4066 Järele jääb see, et inimene põhjustab seksuaalselt tundlikke kehaosi puudutades aistinguid, mida ta ise läbi elab. What remains is that a person is responsible for the discovery that he or she is living through when dealing with sexually sensitive body parts. [32, 36, 27] 31.666666666666668 [-1.819803805413597, -1.2063904310939828, -1.2746775123257523] -1.4336239162777773 -0.5567154884338379 4067 Eestis valiti Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu Saaremaa piirkonna juhatuse esimeheks Tarmo Kõuts ja aseesimeheks Kaido Kaasik. In Estonia Kaido Kaasik was elected Chairman of the Board of the Saareland Region of Isaland and Res Publica. [25, 30, 35] 30.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.687904046512915, -1.3660967923134697] -1.5522160141611774 -0.3590511679649353 4068 Hispaania kohus keelas uue baski partei Abertzale Sozialisten Batasuna moodustamise. The Spanish court banned the creation of a new Basque party, Abertzale Sozialisten Bamakna. [100, 82, 97] 93.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9486832980505137] 0.8848438425139777 -0.2527793347835541 4069 Elanikkonna seas läbi viidud uuringu kohaselt oli koolieelse ja täiendharidusega rahul 35,5% inimestest. According to a study carried out among the population, 5.5% of people were satisfied with pre-school and further education. [51, 37, 22] 36.666666666666664 [-0.4297907926901062, -1.3824921645551846, -1.4927810719324262] -1.1016880097259056 -0.33983802795410156 4070 Seaduste või teooriate falsifitseeritavuse astmed on aga tihti võrreldavad. However, the degree of declassification of laws or theories is often comparable. [73, 79, 67] 73.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.21811376509484437 -0.37863242626190186 4071 Osmo fatalism on lihtsalt arusaamine, et raamatus kirjeldatud asjad on vältimatud. Oma Tylism is simply an understanding that the things described in the book are unavoidable. [60, 55, 58] 57.666666666666664 [-0.01365207210314715, -0.32348202996362757, -0.20768092291338958] -0.18160500832672144 -0.5978413224220276 4072 Eesti justiitsminister Andres Anvelt andis üle kodanikujulguse aumärgid. The Estonian Minister for Justice, Andres Anvelt, has handed over the signs of civic courage. [91, 100, 80] 90.33333333333333 [0.774893431721841, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7978270411703505 -0.38064953684806824 4073 Kokkupõrgetes osales 1500 politseinikku ja 7000 jalgpallihuvilist. There were 1500 police officers and 7 000 football fans involved in the clashes. [99, 81, 90] 90.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8026661073592399 -0.36512693762779236 4074 Kaks venda ei teinud osmanite sissetungi tõrjumiseks koostööd. Two brothers did not work together to ward off the invasion. [70, 87, 89] 82.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.7990212780000306, 0.867173864977587] 0.5615327908444723 -0.35235458612442017 4075 Eesti Pangaliit rahuldas Bigbanki taotluse liidust väljaastumiseks. Estonia's banking union accepted Bigbank's application to withdraw from the Union. [76, 95, 99] 90.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.1153150491210377, 1.013789014583392] 0.8160641281141044 -0.3352939188480377 4076 Tegu, mis ohustab õela vihkaja eneseväärtust ja suhtelist staatust, ei pruugi olla amoraalne. It may not be amoral if it jeopardises a vicious hatred and self-value and relative status. [71, 85, 56] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.711760740297822, -0.4976026478113921] 0.13965564257659993 -0.5718191266059875 4077 Herpesviridae sugukonda kuuluvad viirused mõjutasid nüüdisinimeste eelkäijaid esimest korda üle 80 miljoni aasta tagasi. For the first time, viruses belonging to the family of Hercuvirigists affected today's predecessors more than 80 million years ago. [39, 52, 26] 39.0 [-1.5211769842301526, -0.6300169437293796, -1.3128904044537102] -1.1546947774710807 -0.4311092793941498 4078 Relvajõudude ülemjuhataja on vastavalt põhiseadusele Trinidadi ja Tobago president. The head of the armed forces is President of Trinidad and Tobago, in accordance with the Constitution. [59, 55, 51] 55.0 [-0.42262624983089, -0.5219469148485164, -0.4297907926901062] -0.45812131912317094 -0.21698522567749023 4079 Sest kui seda võetakse viimasel viisil, ei ole see kahtlane. Because, if it is taken in the last way, it is not dubious. [77, 100, 82] 86.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5776758168102278] 0.6798326415545485 -0.40748533606529236 4080 Samas oleks seda hoiakut palju lihtsam lepitada moraaliga kui traditsioonilise romantilise armastusega, mida sageli nähakse ohuna moraalile. At the same time, it would be much easier to reconcile this attitude with morality than with traditional romantic love, which is often seen as a threat to morality. [86, 100, 100] 95.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9064722611066339 -0.2935726046562195 4081 Iirimaa president Mary McAleese saatis laiali riigi parlamendi, et saaksid alata ettevalmistused 24. mail toimuvateks presidendivalimisteks. The President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, has dissolved the national parliament so that preparations can begin for the presidential elections on 24 May. [100, 88, 100] 96.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0563089074796694, 1.1249782957469103] 1.09346357386367 -0.2879886031150818 4082 Viimane sünnitab endast kõik vormunu ja neelab selle. The latter is born all forms, and they swallow it. [23, 37, 51] 37.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.3824921645551846, -0.7043869679309344] -1.135036468094364 -0.4617525041103363 4083 Rakveres toimus Eesti muuseumide aastakonverents ja muuseumiaasta auhinnagala. The app held an annual conference on Estonian museums and an award area for a museum year. [14, 31, 15] 20.0 [-1.662577562572791, -1.3865071458954215, -1.5720701229703633] -1.5403849438128585 -0.34655502438545227 4084 Kuigi vaatluste arv oleks suurem, poleks üldistustel ikkagi rahuldavat alust. Although the number of observations would be higher, the generalisations would still have no satisfactory basis. [92, 80, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058] 0.8956157366188001 -0.36661311984062195 4085 Uueks peaministriks nimetas ta Ranil Wickremesinghe. He appointed Ranil Wicdecregh as the new Prime Minister. [78, 83, 86] 82.33333333333333 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7431032729058616] 0.598174060173854 -0.550791323184967 4086 Kuningas võis pidada vaid 1200 Saksi ihukaitse sõdurit ja tal ei lubatud pikemat aega Saksimaal elada . The Kingdom could only hold 1 200 soldiers in Saxon's cannon protection and was not allowed to live in Saxony for a longer time. [62, 52, 57] 57.0 [-0.26978351412650253, -0.31935520912680904, -0.2394109043100634] -0.27618320918779166 -0.4624321758747101 4087 Püüame konstrueerida maksimaalse võimaliku seose psühholoogia ja ajaloo vahel. We are trying to construct the maximum possible link between psychology and history. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.16249752044677734 4088 Palestiinas Gaza tsoonis rünnati varahommikul kristlastele kuuluvaid asutusi. In the Gaza Strip, institutions belonging to Christians were attacked in the early morning. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.45507410020874567, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.7978620272500073 -0.3498188257217407 4089 Välja arvatud mõned jalaväepataljonid ja ratsaväerügemendid oli enamus prantslastest loobunud. With the exception of some of the anti-personnel strips and the ravages, the majority of the French people had given up. [40, 13, 23] 25.333333333333332 [-1.062297059252832, -1.4708067095166788, -1.318230271796973] -1.2837780135221613 -0.659595251083374 4090 Pardal olnud üheteistkümnest inimesest hukkus õnnetuses viis. Five out of a half people died in an accident. [79, 81, 80] 80.0 [0.3426133161983885, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4567438829684091 -0.42852088809013367 4091 Neid nimetatakse õiglasteks ja põhiliselt need moraaliteadust huvitavad. They are called fair and mainly interested in moral science. [59, 66, 51] 58.666666666666664 [-0.2883253160741759, 0.21562528066459924, -0.4297907926901062] -0.16749694269989432 -0.41704410314559937 4092 Platon nägi seda raskust, et matemaatilised tõestused alustavad aksioomidest. Platon saw the difficulty of mathematical evidence starting from axiom. [74, 73, 77] 74.66666666666667 [0.5213284176882611, 0.2054640405950517, 0.6774892259096519] 0.4680938947309882 -0.479501336812973 4093 Esimene lahendati ootamatult soojusega tehtud katsetega, millel oli hoopis teine eesmärk. The first was suddenly resolved with heat-fired tests, which had a very different objective. [87, 62, 88] 79.0 [0.7844601369297701, -0.26978351412650253, 0.8726797157233768] 0.46245211284221477 -0.5056570172309875 4094 Tootmisettevõtteid loodi mitme magnaadi poolt erinevates piirkondades. Production companies were set up by several magnatories in different regions. [79, 74, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.24682090461896014, 0.3951887236234128] 0.36399625181118966 -0.39338576793670654 4095 Inimeste erinevusi neis asjades ei saa asetada rassilistesse ega soolistesse piiridesse. People's differences in these matters cannot be placed in racial or gender boundaries. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.3513566851615906 4096 pisipüsti=1.35Preisi jalaväe rünnak [[Hohenfriedbergi lahingus, Carl Röchling pyramid = 1.35 Preis assault [Hohenfriedberg battle, Carl Röchling [93, 81, 87] 87.0 [0.807511144315004, 0.5372396648934048, 0.6308000598806901] 0.658516956363033 -0.3872937560081482 4097 Naisministrit tulistati pähe kohtumise ajal oma partei aktivistidega. The Minister for Women was shot in the head during a meeting with his party activists. [30, 18, 24] 24.0 [-1.422530488855709, -1.4768801787803418, -1.1584486258171163] -1.3526197644843891 -0.4881190359592438 4098 Hiljem on ta seda etappi iseloomustanud kui ooteaega, mil Kanadasse reisimise dokumendid korda saavad. Later on, it has characterised this stage as a waiting time for travel documents to Canada to be sorted out. [58, 84, 78] 73.33333333333333 [-0.41488891976357517, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4269187050200866] 0.22672008556774303 -0.3359926640987396 4099 San Marinos astusid ametisse kaptenregendid Alessandro Mancini ja Alessandro Rossi. In San Marino, cameras Alessandro Mancini and Alessandro Rossi took office. [3, 12, 20] 11.666666666666666 [-1.7547686037890085, -2.0709506621408877, -1.1103016900841782] -1.645340318671358 -0.16812559962272644 4100 Selle eesmärk on koostada kõikidest Mahleri teostest teaduslik väljaanne ja mälestada Mahlerit erinevate üritustega. Its aim is to draw up a scientific publication of all the work carried out by Mahler and to commemorate Mahler with various events. [100, 97, 94] 97.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.4002249366312889, 1.0739581850971294] 1.2606102483247807 -0.3960692584514618 4101 Maria Theresia püüdis nüüd sõjaõnne najal Sileesiat tagasi saada. Mrs Theresia has now tried to get her return to Silesia, a man of war. [59, 71, 82] 70.66666666666667 [-0.6679574951345972, 0.05442657251608684, 0.5808699337445091] -0.010886996291333753 -0.348532110452652 4102 Suurbritannia suursaadik Anthony Brenton esitas Venemaa välisministeeriumile ametliku taotluse Venemaa kodaniku Andrei Lugovoi välja andmiseks. The British Ambassador, Anthony Brenton, formally submitted a request to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the extradition of Andrei Lugovoi, a Russian citizen. [81, 100, 82] 87.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5776758168102278] 0.746631259150181 -0.1925474852323532 4103 Kompromissileping on leping õiguslikult vaieldava või ebaselge õigussuhte muutmise kohta poolte vastastikuste järeleandmiste teel. The compromise agreement is a legally controversial or unclear agreement on the amendment of the legal relationship by means of reciprocal concessions by the parties. [26, 21, 16] 21.0 [-1.7383085685286457, -1.7467405754982985, -1.7371277294119054] -1.7407256244796165 -0.3707302510738373 4104 Portugalil on pikk ja väärikas maalikunsti ajalugu. Portugal has a long and dignified painting history. [98, 89, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.4384378287592468, 0.9089270413502557, 0.9345984073668675] 1.09398775915879 -0.15114238858222961 4105 Batory võttis üle Krakówi, kus 1. mail 1576 toimus paari kroonimistseremoonia. Blooms took over Kraków, where on 1 May 1576 a few crown ceremonies took place. [26, 32, 38] 32.0 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1343437451734075] -1.3193425271970218 -0.37337547540664673 4106 Tegelikult enne 1950. aastaid Nõukogude Liidus küberneetikast ei räägitud. In fact, before the 1950s in the Soviet Union, there was no talk of cyber-labelling. [62, 66, 37] 55.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.07523855193204053, -1.2833830642656527] -0.4926426754867049 -0.37952858209609985 4107 Seda saab lahendada ainult füüsika, astronoomia, matemaatika ja filosoofia ühispingutustega; ühegi eraldi võetud teadusega seda lahendada ei saa. It can only be solved through joint efforts by physics, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy; it cannot be solved by any science taken individually. [88, 81, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.842651546851135, 0.5363189527863194, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7673400436112102 -0.39345023036003113 4108 Ja tingimuste kogum ei pruugi olla piisav, sest veega kokkupuutumine võib süttimise ära hoida. And a set of conditions may not be enough, as exposure to water can prevent injection. [62, 51, 73] 62.0 [0.3462243891803886, -0.4297907926901062, 0.328969831320193] 0.08180114260349179 -0.4088244140148163 4109 Soome ei soovinud Eestiga küll otsesesse liitu astuda, kuid omavaheline läbikäimine oli siiski 1920. aastatel väga tihe. Finland did not want to enter the Union directly with Estonia, but it was still very busy going through in the 1920s. [62, 52, 42] 52.0 [-0.08076099732669434, -0.7280381317886201, -1.0765987441461105] -0.6284659577538083 -0.4313574433326721 4110 Keskendun oma tahtmise järelmitele eesmärgi jaoks, mida kõik ratsionaalsed loomused saavad universaalselt ja paratamatult jagada. I will concentrate on the follow-up to my will for an objective that can be universally and inevitably shared by all rational creations. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3935350775718689 4111 Ristisõda katkestas korraks Langobardide sõja, Filangieri jäi Şūri ja ei võtnud sõjast osa. The Ristinguism war was interrupted for a moment by the Langobardes war, the Filangier remained Sūr and did not take part in the war. [24, 1, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.8210222965764626, -2.016289862523797, -2.429618616981688] -2.088976925360649 -0.4484572112560272 4112 Direktiivi järgimiseks vajalikud muudatused hakkasid karistusseadustikus kehtima 23. detsembril 2013. The amendments necessary to comply with the Directive entered into force in the Penal Code on 23 December 2013. [100, 80, 79] 86.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.4936093960423005, 0.45360522473850245] 0.6761190260973647 -0.30825158953666687 4113 Vahtre arvates oli ülestõusnute esindajate tapmine turbeõiguse jäme rikkumine, mida mõistis ka ordu. In his view, killing the representatives of the rebels was a breach of the right to security, which was also understood by the Order. [89, 80, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.6118717385087359, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7017464088819532] 0.6024091811443298 -0.44436514377593994 4114 Kiusatust tekitavad hüved on ikkagi hüved, ja neid peaks vooruslik inimene hästi tunnustada oskama. The benefits are, after all, the benefits, and they should be well recognised by a virtuous person. [85, 85, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5294740182135377 -0.4317079186439514 4115 Ainult väga haruldastel ja õnnetutel asjaoludel pole enam leida ühtki väärtust. Only in rare and unfortunate circumstances can we no longer find any value. [100, 82, 84] 88.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.31324491732529147, 0.6681304714467177] 0.7678249193375297 -0.3990060091018677 4116 Teadmisega, et suurem Prantsuse laevastik oli jälitamas, katkestasid Briti laevad võitluse ja taganesid kirdesse. In the knowledge that the larger French fleet was in the process of being traced, British vessels stopped fighting and reneged on the letter. [33, 23, 43] 33.0 [-1.134699631001595, -1.318230271796973, -1.035241880122202] -1.1627239276402568 -0.5550289750099182 4117 Tõnu Laugu arvates lagunes Vana Toomas kiirelt, kuna 1952. aastal jäeti kuju värvimata. According to Lauk, the story collapsed quickly in Vana Toomas, as it was in 1962 that the form was not coloured. [26, 29, 22] 25.666666666666668 [-1.4642007120043536, -1.12785038341693, -1.519643775650632] -1.370564957023972 -0.6397641897201538 4118 Seetõttu oli efektiivne tegutsemine keeruline, kui mitte lausa võimatu. Therefore, effective action was difficult, if not impossible. [78, 84, 85] 82.33333333333333 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5580489988532433] 0.5510327251066826 -0.3509434461593628 4119 6. juunil 1962 otsustas ÜRO anda iseseisvus Rwandale ja Burundile eraldi. On 6 June 1962, the United Nations decided to give independence to Rwanda and Burundi separately. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.19167248904705048 4120 Pusle kokkupanek ei ole lihtsalt pildi kokkupanek. Taken together is not just a gamble on the picture. [79, 54, 67] 66.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, -0.5579702578088042, -0.3122754971210945] -0.14008887591290084 -0.5025792717933655 4121 Bulgaarlased kindlustasid mäekurud, kuid Bütsantsi armee leidis oma tee üle mägede päikesevarjutuse tõttu. The Bulgarians secured the riots, but the Bureau army found its way through the sun cover of the mountains. [26, 31, 36] 31.0 [-1.2230403276069515, -1.6442737776618106, -1.324739928289561] -1.397351344519441 -0.5001538991928101 4122 Kuni 1947. aastani ei osalenud ta ühelgi suuremal turniiril. Until 1947 no major security species were involved. [12, 7, 1] 6.666666666666667 [-1.8183096545968183, -2.038935354884907, -2.016289862523797] -1.9578449573351742 -0.5757808685302734 4123 Meeleavaldajad süütasid autosid ja ründasid politseinikke, politsei kasutas nende laialiajamiseks veekahureid ja pipragaasi. The protesters set fire to cars and attacked the police, and the police used cannons and shale gas to break them up. [89, 84, 93] 88.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8184718649847569] 0.7541836122716576 -0.4375716745853424 4124 Kuigi Darwin ei näinud Wallaces tõelisemat ohtu, ta sellegipoolest hakkas kirjutama teemast lüheldast artiklit. Although Darwin did not see any real danger at Wales, he nevertheless began to write a brief article on the subject. [80, 69, 57] 68.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.1413488724500223, -0.4562457837874836] 0.05957082823494638 -0.4124699831008911 4125 Kõige enam võitis auhindu ansambel Ewert and The Two Dragons, saades neid kõigis viies kategoorias, kus nad olid esitatud nominentideks. The biggest winners of the prizes were the anthem Ewert and The Two Dragons, receiving them in all five categories where they were nominated. [75, 78, 65] 72.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 0.4269187050200866, -0.12539087159621595] 0.19232862840354983 -0.4388667941093445 4126 See, kellel on armastuse vaatekoht, muidugi teab, et kõik inimesed on väga olulises mõttes võrdsed. Anyone with a view to love knows, of course, that all people are equal in a very important sense. [86, 100, 93] 93.0 [0.7553910091489263, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9191209844945166 -0.3423275947570801 4127 Armastus on tõeliselt moraalne nähtus, mis tekitab moraalile tõelisi ohte. Thought is a truly moral phenomenon that poses real threats to morality. [20, 29, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.2720333835260482, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.4353130525704716 -0.5572441220283508 4128 Edasi, iga sündmus on muutumine, ja imelik on mõelda sündmusi endid muutuvatena. Further, every event is a change, and it is strange to think of events themselves as changing. [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.4862160364261212, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9034326168458205 -0.40200555324554443 4129 Eesti kaitseväe juhataja Riho Terras kohtus Roomas Itaalia kaitsejõudude juhataja Claudio Grazianoga. Riho Terras, President of the Estonian Guard, met Claudio Graziano, President of the Italian Defence Force in Rome. [89, 86, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.7553910091489263, 0.8258170009536785] 0.785718836828701 -0.23769116401672363 4130 Nii rajati 740. aastal varasema Balkanil elavate barbaritega suhelnud üksuse baasil esimene alaline asutus, mille kanda jäi riigi välissuhtlus. This was the case in 7440 with the barbarians living in the Balkans, on the basis of which the first permanent body to have had contact with the country's foreign relations was established. [49, 42, 35] 42.0 [-0.7380869726102427, -0.7946972631130536, -1.3660967923134697] -0.9662936760122554 -0.5477335453033447 4131 Inimesed tahavad, et ühed soovid oleksid neile motiiviks, teised mitte. People want one wish to be a motive for them, others not. [80, 81, 82] 81.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.4146600021189639, 0.5776758168102278] 0.4953150716571641 -0.4346269965171814 4132 See oli tema ainus tehing, mille puhul ta patendi üksnes raha vastu vahetas, sest ta vajas raha, et Saksamaal ettevõte asutada. This was his only transaction where he only exchanged a patent against money, because he needed money to set up a company in Germany. [100, 96, 92] 96.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.9980583701602151, 1.0176690182308925] 1.032289948634133 -0.39402323961257935 4133 Kaasaegne biheivioristlik filosoofia on püüdnud teatud moraalimõisteid niiviisi analüüsida, kuid Murdochile ei tundu need katsed edukatena. Modern biicon philosophy has tried to analyse certain moral avenues in this way, but Murdoch does not see these tests as successful. [62, 60, 61] 61.0 [-0.26978351412650253, -0.01365207210314715, -0.11249097872336815] -0.13197552165100596 -0.49508431553840637 4134 Väga edukad olid 1936. aasta suveolümpiamängud Berliinis. The 1936 summer Olympic Games in Berlin were very successful. [78, 100, 96] 91.33333333333333 [0.7111159331672013, 1.1249782957469103, 1.156671913144946] 0.997588714019686 -0.23379451036453247 4135 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin nimetas senise Tomski oblasti kuberneri Viktor Kressi uuesti oma ametikohale. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has re-appointed Mr Viktor KKK, the current Tomski observatory's governor. [74, 54, 82] 70.0 [-0.02804287831293066, -0.5579702578088042, 0.5808699337445091] -0.001714400792408551 -0.7015396952629089 4136 Vastuhakk tõi Poolas võimule valitsuse, mis oli eelmisega võrreldes vähem NSV Liidu mõju all. The resistance brought into power in Poland a government that was less under the influence of the NSV Union than the previous one. [92, 100, 84] 92.0 [0.8109167746821286, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8680085139585856 -0.42002543807029724 4137 Hispaanias tekkis CaixaBanki ja Banca Civica ühinemisel riigi suurim pank. Spain created the country's largest bank when it joined CaixaBank and Banca Civica. [88, 100, 76] 88.0 [1.0426878464495273, 1.1249782957469103, 0.32953463266677707] 0.8324002582877381 -0.31397929787635803 4138 "Armastus on see äärmiselt raske taipamine, et miski peale iseenda on reaalne." "It is extremely difficult to realise that anything but itself is real." [10, 20, 29] 19.666666666666668 [-1.7871453074422932, -1.7827639184585862, -1.12785038341693] -1.5659198697726031 -0.48981085419654846 4139 Aseesimeesteks said Vello Tafenau, Ando Nõmme ja Marju Koor. The Vice-Presidents were Mr Vello Tafenau, Mr Ando Nymme and Mr Koor. [41, 41, 40] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9854639131732297, -1.2079710891507676, -1.3229960566534074] -1.1721436863258015 -0.22138449549674988 4140 Just sellisele inimesele tulebki Platoni järgi näidata õigluse ja eetilise elu mõistuspärasust. It is for this kind of person that the logic of justice and ethical life must be displayed according to Plato. [67, 84, 95] 82.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8835775815176352] 0.5431989875403426 -0.547335147857666 4141 NATO avaldas Venemaa sissetungi tõendavad satelliidipildid. NATO published the Russian invasion is evidenced by satellite images. [67, 83, 62] 70.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.2494614636679413] 0.15097588286144895 -0.336002379655838 4142 Bohemond, kes kuulutas end Antiookia vürstiks, pidas Bütsantsiga veel lühikese sõja, kuid nõustus 1108. aastal uuesti vasallistaatusega. Bohemond, who declared himself the Principality of Antiookia, waged another short war with the Bureau, but again agreed to the new-fashioned attribute in 1108. [79, 83, 81] 81.0 [0.22733597719895088, 0.6245002025956135, 0.21180183004380843] 0.3545460032794576 -0.5286492109298706 4143 Hampton püüab näidata, et vihkajate meelest on vihkamine kasulik. Hampton is trying to show that hate speech is good. [27, 49, 38] 38.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -0.5409659837249011, -1.2420262002417441] -1.1045309005677393 -0.4819984436035156 4144 Seetõttu vastab kogu varustus Euroopa standardiorganisatsiooni ning ISO kehtestatud nõuetele. That is why all the equipment meets the requirements set by the European standardisation organisation and ISO. [100, 85, 76] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.32953463266677707] 0.7220912229038364 -0.4238990843296051 4145 Tuleme aga tagasi sinna, kust me kõrvale kaldusime. However, we will come back to where we deviated. [100, 79, 75] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5464537850814665, 0.2881777686428686] 0.6445783573629217 -0.4369584619998932 4146 Nad kohtusid esimest korda 1988. aastal Wembley kontserdil. They met for the first time in 1988 with the Wembley Group. [96, 85, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.9161304397840745, 0.5737189292440944, 0.9814216926040136] 0.8237570205440609 -0.15693412721157074 4147 2014. aastal õppis seal 16 970 üliõpilast, neist 1048 ülikooli piiritagustes filiaalides. In 2014, 16 970 students, 1 048 universities in cross-border branches, studied there. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.2659124962624795, -1.12785038341693] -1.375099065014476 -0.3423730134963989 4148 Paistab, nagu Kant tahaks öelda, et kui see, mida me teeme, rahuldab meie kalduvusi, siis ei saa meie teol olla moraalset väärtust. It seems as Kant would like to say, if what we do satisfies our tendencies, then our work cannot have moral value. [97, 93, 100] 96.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.056642709696083 -0.31680169701576233 4149 Me ei ole kõikvõimsad passiivsuseta subjektid, kellega midagi ei saa juhtuda ja kellel pole midagi karta. We are not all-powerful subjects without passivity, with whom nothing can happen and with nothing to fear. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.2613608455445319, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.277619717081169 -0.33356136083602905 4150 Mauritaania president Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi nimetas riigi uueks peaministriks endise riigipanga direktori Zeine Ould Zeidane. Mr Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, President of Mauritania, has appointed Mr Zeine Ould Zeidane, Director of the former state bank as Prime Minister of the country. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9135743184639454 -0.23250414431095123 4151 See on lihtsalt enesega rahul oleva filosoofi tuttav hingekosutav retoorika. This is simply breathtaking rhetoric from a self-satisfied philosopher. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.3364661633968353 4152 1920. aasta paiku tõendati esmakordselt totemismi jälgede olemasolu. In the late 1920s, it was proved to be the first time that there were totality traits. [19, 21, 20] 20.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -1.3816902345903206, -1.2720333835260482] -1.4908369598450808 -0.6940950751304626 4153 See, et need ei tekita praegu motivatsiooni, ei tähenda, et neil poleks tugevat normatiivset jõudu. The fact that they do not currently create motivation does not mean that they do not have a strong normative force. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.1682747731093375 -0.4548795819282532 4154 Osa ohvritest hukkus plahvatuse tulemusel, osa lasti rünnaku korraldajate poolt maha sündmuskohalt põgenemisel. Some victims died as a result of the explosion, some were shot by the perpetrators to escape from the scene. [51, 54, 57] 54.0 [-0.5487481822056894, -0.3065629430001274, -0.25098737870986976] -0.3687661679718955 -0.40655407309532166 4155 Korea Incheoni sadama lähistel põrkas Hiina kalalaev kokku ankrusse heitnud kaubalaevaga ja uppus. near the Korean port of Incheon, the Chinese fishing vessel colluded with the cargo ship that dumped and drowned. [87, 87, 86] 86.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.7124885375901508, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6954639567922342 -0.4987042248249054 4156 Portugalis kuulutati eelmise päeva metsapõlengu ohvrite mälestuseks välja kolmepäevane ametlik leinaperiood. In Portugal, official leaflets were announced last day in memory of the victims of last day's forest fires. [21, 35, 48] 34.666666666666664 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.4697527022573933, -0.7620534070520385] -1.2044987812999175 -0.4398908019065857 4157 Maavärina hüpotsenter asus 37 kilomeetri sügavusel. The hypocenter of the earthquake was 37 kilometres deep. [94, 100, 88] 94.0 [0.851024723251196, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8726797157233768] 0.9077887365423872 -0.3765668272972107 4158 Vaated ja ideed filosoofias, kosmoloogias ja küberneetikas Views and ideas in philosophies, cocktaologistics and cyberethics [69, 44, 57] 56.666666666666664 [0.33026395704847245, -0.7222026118592957, -0.2394109043100634] -0.21044985304029554 -0.6337668895721436 4159 Nagy valitsus oli jõuetu, lasi end mõjutada kontrrevolutsioonilistest vaadetest, nõrgenes ja lagunes. The Nagy Government was powerless, allowed itself to be influenced by revolutionary views, weakened and dissolved. [67, 76, 58] 67.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.3190883206378832, -0.20768092291338958] 0.007246866133143219 -0.3074015974998474 4160 Renneri kroonika kohaselt läksid järgnevalt "kuningad eestlastega edasi ja piirasid Tallinnat kümne tuhande mehega". According to the chronics of Renner, 'kings passed on to the Estonians and restricted Tallinn to ten thousand men'. [69, 83, 55] 69.0 [0.1413488724500223, 0.6245002025956135, -0.41853674913993266] 0.11577077530190101 -0.4304080605506897 4161 Eesti Seeniorispordi ja Spordiveteranide Liit kuulutas esimest korda välja aasta seeniorsportlase. For the first time, the Estonian Senior Sport and Sports Association announced the year of Senior athletes. [69, 48, 59] 58.666666666666664 [0.05022892938286367, -0.7741103155705304, -0.17595094151671578] -0.29994410923479414 -0.48213866353034973 4162 Ta peab ise asja juures olema, olgu siis oma väliste meeltega või siis oma sügavama vaimuga, oma olemusliku eneseteadvusega. It has to be on its own, with its external sentiments or with its deeper spirit, with its intrinsic self-awareness. [95, 82, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.874945011018137 -0.47507598996162415 4163 Gaboni sprinter Ruddy Zang Milama sai 2010. aasta kergejõustiku sisemaailmameistrivõistlustel naiste 60 meetri jooksus pronksmedali. Gabon sprinter Ruddy Zang Milama received a 60 metres drink brones brones at the 2010 lighter World Cup. [18, 30, 41] 29.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.1179556081700188] -1.4275799444877586 -0.37121090292930603 4164 Eestis valiti Riigikogu uueks esimeheks Keskerakonna liige Toomas Varek. In Estonia, Toomas Varek, Member of the Central Party, was elected the new President of the House of State. [86, 81, 90] 85.66666666666667 [0.8001850644696189, 0.5372396648934048, 0.548708683221246] 0.6287111375280899 -0.4585513472557068 4165 Hüve on määratlematu, sest väärtusotsustused sõltuvad indiviidi valikust ja tahtest. Compensation is undefined because value decisions depend on the choice and will of the individual. [92, 84, 99] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9400038070789698 -0.3380632996559143 4166 Arhitektuurne teos, mis loodi 1880. aastatel ja nimetati Itaalia esimese kuninga Vittorio Emanuele II järgi Architecture work, created in the 180s and named Vittorio Emanuale II, the first Italian art. [27, 31, 1] 19.666666666666668 [-1.2746775123257523, -1.1934178450087216, -2.016289862523797] -1.4947950732860902 -0.548704981803894 4167 8. augustil saadeti täiendust saanud 46. rügemendi I pataljon koos 47. rügemendi II pataljoniga Kurtna laagrisse puhkusele. On 8 August, an additive of 46th rally I was sent to the Kurtna camp with 47th ambulance II for baggage. [35, 23, 47] 35.0 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.318230271796973, -0.8698144240265682] -1.2192657993603115 -0.65181964635849 4168 Proua Malle püüab veenda Kristit ja Johannest kodutute loomade kaitsega tegelema. Mrs Mali is trying to persuade Christ and Johannan to deal with the protection of homeless animals. [89, 77, 65] 77.0 [0.8862818157022393, 0.3708914966906855, -0.3871436867160806] 0.29000987522561467 -0.41618990898132324 4169 Ranniku ja jõgede lähedal on suur osa metsast maha võetud. A large part of the forest has been taken off the coast and along the rivers. [56, 54, 58] 56.0 [-0.35461624144301834, -0.5579702578088042, -0.20768092291338958] -0.3734224740550707 -0.46617814898490906 4170 Mõned kõige prestiižsemad filosoofiaartiklid koosnevad sümbolitest ja läbitungimatust žargoonist, mis pakub huvi vaid vähestele kaasreisijatele. Some of the most prestigious philosophies are made up of symbols and inexorable gestures, which are of interest to only a few of our fellow travellers. [70, 74, 78] 74.0 [0.06975612485665529, 0.29999877943339137, 0.412248360714594] 0.2606677550015469 -0.3716849982738495 4171 Oliwa merelahingus võitsid Poola laevad Rootsi eskaadrit. In the battle against the seas, Polish vessels won the Swedish esprit. [25, 27, 23] 25.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.2746775123257523, -1.318230271796973] -1.398518329259958 -0.573451578617096 4172 Fosforiiti kaevandati pidevalt alates 1906. aastat, välja arvatud Esimese ja Teise maailmasõja ajal. Fosphorus was constantly extracted since 1906, except during the First World War and during World War II. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9565497343441235 -0.433515340089798 4173 Kui ta toimib armastusest, tulenevad tema tahtmised tema tahte olemuslikust iseloomust. If he works out of love, his will is due to the intrinsic nature of his will. [80, 73, 58] 70.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.328969831320193, -0.20768092291338958] 0.20496610148303462 -0.44843143224716187 4174 Tegemist oli riigi viimase 15 aasta suurima elektrikatkestusega. This was the country's largest power cut in 15 years. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8150391097847715 -0.4173746705055237 4175 Relvarahu tulemusena taandus enamik Nõukogude vägedest Budapestist 30. oktoobriks Ungari maapiirkondades paiknenud garnisonidesse. As a result of the ceasefire, most of the Soviet forces recouped from Budapest to 30 October in garments located in Hungarian rural areas. [34, 29, 38] 33.666666666666664 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.12785038341693, -1.2420262002417441] -1.2944198515890573 -0.4008622169494629 4176 Näiteks on substantsil mõlemal juhul omadus võtta vastu vastandeid. For example, on the substance, it is a characteristic of accepting contrasts. [34, 38, 29] 33.666666666666664 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.1343437451734075, -1.12785038341693] -1.2585256998996117 -0.6907740831375122 4177 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus tagasi rahandusminister John Snow. In the United States, the Minister for Finance, John Srise, resigned. [80, 57, 82] 73.0 [0.22792296841573595, -0.44990022892794107, 0.5808699337445091] 0.11963089107743467 -0.41021937131881714 4178 Nagu kogu tema ülejäänud elugi, põhjustasid ka Jacksoni heategevusprojektid poleemikat. Like the rest of her life, Jackson charitable projects caused controversy. [78, 84, 90] 84.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.5227300309998271, 0.548708683221246] 0.4925958575203883 -0.292111337184906 4179 1. märtsil oli ta vestelnud kardinal Ratzingeriga. On 1 March, he had spoken to Cardinal Ratzinger. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 0.8288005049753561 -0.18482263386249542 4180 Paavst Johannes XXIII soovitas Duns Scotuse teoste lugemist ka kõikidele tänapäeva teoloogiaõppijatele. Pope Johannes XIII also recommended reading of Duns Scotus's works for all today's theologists. [70, 77, 62] 69.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.36271858948898755, -0.08076099732669434] 0.10012027390603079 -0.3007969856262207 4181 Alates 1985 saatis ta igal aastal 29. juuni paiku Konstantinoopoli patriarhile läkituse ja alates 1997 iga aasta novembri lõpus läkituse. Since 1985, he sent a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople around 29 June each year, and a letter of reference since the end of November 1997. [79, 58, 58] 65.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.21474005308299082, -0.20768092291338958] 0.009186050398271917 -0.36976364254951477 4182 On avaldatud ka arvamusi, et märgutuli süüdati Paka mäel Raikkülas, kus on oletatud muinasaegset eesti hõimude nõupidamiskohta. Opinions have also been expressed that a signal came out of the Paka hill in Raikvillage, where there has been an assumption of a fairytale of tribal consultation. [66, 60, 54] 60.0 [-0.1256901422853517, -0.14422096012004196, -0.5803163758592089] -0.28340915942153416 -0.6245676875114441 4183 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi põhjaosas tulistati granaadiheitjatest peamiselt sunniitidega asustatud elurajooni. In northern Baghdad, Iraq's capital city, a residential area mainly populated by coercion, was shot at grandiose emissions. [21, 1, 11] 11.0 [-0.8143894437324862, -2.016289862523797, -1.9183643575463] -1.583014554600861 -0.5952922105789185 4184 Paneme näitesse parem tingimuse, et mees armastab ühte ja ainult ühte uppujatest. Let us see a better condition that a man loves one and only one sink. [23, 22, 20] 21.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495, -2.0716779526032685] -1.8089514739073305 -0.4533568322658539 4185 Loendamiseks saadetud üks poiss külast külla käima ja saadud arvuks 30 000 inimest. A boy sent for reading to visit a village and a figure of 30 000 people received. [58, 61, 54] 57.666666666666664 [-0.4428955411646226, -0.10599807620235407, -0.3346008485000848] -0.2944981552890205 -0.565471351146698 4186 Mõned liberaalid võtaksidki seitsmendaks kategooriaks rumaluse. Some liberals may have been foolish in the seventh category. [29, 36, 43] 36.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.426122433406289, -0.9216323399957466] -1.1585350522729885 -0.4524785876274109 4187 Samal ajal jõudis Balduin oma haiguse viimasesse faasi ning Raymond III määrati Guido asemel regendiks. At the same time, Bali reached its last phase of the disease, and Raymond III was appointed as a regression instead of Guido. [29, 42, 54] 41.666666666666664 [-1.091871252739237, -1.1643408202996632, -0.5579702578088042] -0.9380607769492347 -0.3291982114315033 4188 Liibanoni pealinnas Beirutis varises kokku viiekorruseline elumaja. In the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, a house of five was stolen. [20, 33, 11] 21.333333333333332 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.1209231937549637, -2.3586615288872728] -1.7541162137002744 -0.3597854971885681 4189 Esimeses ja Teises maailmasõjas kasutati Towerit jälle vanglana ja seal hukati 12 meest spionaaži eest. In the first World War and World War II, I was once again used as a prisoner and 12 men were executed for espionage. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.27277307010597845 -0.26657170057296753 4190 Donetski oblastis Gorlivkas hukkus 5 rahulikku elanikku. The Donetski Oblastis Gorlivka killed 5 peaceful inhabitants. [84, 82, 85] 83.66666666666667 [0.6172985934001295, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5199022454594731 -0.3043925166130066 4191 Enamikul subjektidel ei ole dilemmat ja kriisi, vaid ebamäärasus ja ebakindlus. Most subjects have no dilemma and crisis, but uncertainty and uncertainty. [79, 85, 75] 79.66666666666667 [0.45360522473850245, 0.711760740297822, -0.01280273874114997] 0.38418774209839146 -0.2766222059726715 4192 Scotus väidab, et niisugune objekt on olemas ainult niivõrd, kui ta on arus ja arusaamise aktis. Scoctus claims that such an object exists only as far as it is concerned, as far as it is concerned, and as far as it is concerned, an act of understanding. [34, 25, 39] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.4109017987699952, -1.2006693362178358] -1.2966694173341298 -0.6461189985275269 4193 Eestit esindas kohtumisel siseminister Hanno Pevkur. Estonia was represented by the Minister for the Interior, Hanno Pevkur. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.21041838824748993 4194 Austraalias astus vastuolude tõttu peaminister Julia Gillardiga tagasi välisminister Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillardi eelkäija peaministri ametis. In Australia, due to controversy with Prime Minister Julia Glari, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kevin Rudd, the predecessor of Julia Glarard, returned to office of Prime Minister. [28, 41, 15] 28.0 [-1.2265904555295335, -1.0262737162925444, -1.5720701229703633] -1.2749780982641472 -0.34236982464790344 4195 Indoneesiast Surabaya linnast Singapuri teel olnud lennufirma AirAsia lend QZ8501 jäi Jaava mere kohal kadunuks. AirAsia flight QZ8501, an airline flying from Indonesia to the town of Surabaya from Singapore, remained missing in the streets of Jaava. [95, 88, 80] 87.66666666666667 [0.8835775815176352, 0.6589074975257934, 0.5827011107083454] 0.7083953965839247 -0.3854261338710785 4196 Ja kasutamise mõiste ei ole kõigi kehaosade suhtes rakendatav, sest need ei ole meie kontrolli all. And the concept of use is not applicable to all body parts, because they are not under our control. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.2957032322883606 4197 See ei ole kindlasti see, mida võrdsuse printsiibi all tavaliselt mõistetakse. This is certainly not what is usually understood by the principle of equality. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.2814696431159973 4198 Filosofeerimise juurde kuulub ennekõike, et iga mõtet haaratakse selle täies täpsuses ega rahulduta ebamäärase ja määratlematuga. It is, above all, film-making that every idea is taken up in full detail and is not satisfied with uncertainty and uncertainty. [69, 84, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.1413488724500223, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.3934569468624752 -0.6276857852935791 4199 29. juunil 2006 kutsus ta Iisraeli ja Palestiina liidreid üles saavutama rahu. On 29 June 2006, he called on Israel and the Palestinian leaders to achieve peace. [90, 82, 98] 90.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.5808699337445091, 1.239385641192763] 0.875978018905815 -0.23943477869033813 4200 Alma soovitab Allanil Marest lahutamisel Jaanus enda juurde võtta. The starting point suggests that when he separates from Mr Jaanus, the Allani should take the initiative. [15, 23, 30] 22.666666666666668 [-1.8152743644805112, -1.993315928470645, -1.697337004628338] -1.8353090991931647 -0.6176177263259888 4201 Osa piirist Burundiga moodustavad Ruhwa ja Akanyaru jõgi. Part of the border with Burundi is the River Ruhwa and Akanyaru. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.37863665915867617, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8344255751860584 -0.18927644193172455 4202 Somaalia pealinnas Muqdishos Wehliye hotelli lähistel plahvatas autopomm. A car bomb exploded near the Somali capital, Muqdishos Wehliye hotel. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.786155536157973 -0.23128780722618103 4203 See oli esimene Alfred Nobeli osalusega ettevõte välismaal. It was the first Alfred Nobel-based company to take part abroad. [69, 73, 65] 69.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.328969831320193, -0.12539087159621595] 0.061986282106496156 -0.4905532896518707 4204 Lineaarkiri B kasutab 80% ulatuses samu märke mis lineaarkiri A. The newspaper B uses 80% of the same signs as the linear letter A. [72, 83, 61] 72.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6245002025956135, -0.2908183276918498] 0.1900735638479358 -0.5256702303886414 4205 Jürka saab Ahvenalt infot Margna uue äriprojekti kohta ja lekitab selle Põdrale. The Jürka is receiving information from Ahvena on the new Margna business project and leaks it to Pydra. [54, 49, 43] 48.666666666666664 [-0.3346008485000848, -0.8589289383419331, -1.035241880122202] -0.7429238889880733 -0.4155186414718628 4206 Teenis piiskop Bernard Longley, teenistusel osalesid Eesti, Läti ja Leedu suursaadikud Suurbritannias. In the service, bishops Bernard Longley participated in the service by Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian ambassadors in the United Kingdom. [53, 42, 63] 52.666666666666664 [-0.33495913242736036, -0.9902503733322566, 0.12343691940024304] -0.40059086211979134 -0.39978304505348206 4207 Mõlemad presidendid lubasid teha koostööd Iraani veenmisel tuumaprogrammist loobumiseks. Both Presidents promised to work together to convince Iran to abandon the nuclear programme. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.3406153619289398 4208 Jaanuse meelest aga sobib Jane välimus karnevalile, millele järgneb suuremat sorti skandaal. For distribution, however, the Jane Strait suits the carnival, followed by a major scandal of this kind. [20, 27, 34] 27.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.1913103462102776, -1.407453656337378] -1.4605093070020807 -0.4595111906528473 4209 Keiser põgenes vahetult enne rüütlite tungimist linna. The language escaped the city just before the rain invaded. [29, 20, 10] 19.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -2.124206735023958, -2.446018900578199] -1.8993586730063623 -0.6497039794921875 4210 John Banville'i romaani "The Sea" jutustaja tuletab meile meelde, et esimene armastusekogemus on sageli veelahe inimese moraalses arengus. The story of John Banville's novel The Sea reminds us that the first love experience is often the moral development of the LNG. [81, 80, 82] 81.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.17436773524631535, 0.5808699337445091] 0.38996589036992946 -0.3056394159793854 4211 Lapsepõlve lemmikkirjanduse hulka kuulusid Shakespeare'i ajaloolised näidendid ja Horatiuse "Oodid". The favourite literature of childhood included the historical models of Shakespeare and the Horatius's' oceans'. [53, 53, 53] 53.0 [-0.2811423169988513, -0.36633082989675864, -0.39597668121738544] -0.34781660937099845 -0.3407304883003235 4212 Liikide evolutsioneerumist ehk evolutsionismi ei ole omaks võtnud kreatsionismi pooldajad. The evolution of the species, or evolutionism, has not been accepted by the pro-cyclicism parties. [79, 57, 68] 68.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.44990022892794107, 0.1096188910533485] 0.036565929772201196 -0.5478814244270325 4213 Grammy Awardil 2008 sai LP auhinna parima kaasaegse bluusplaadi kategoorias. Grammy Awarris 2008 won the CP Prize for the Best Contemporary bluusplate. [20, 35, 28] 27.666666666666668 [-1.4134202159869944, -1.4697527022573933, -2.368635902374609] -1.7506029402063323 -0.6084481477737427 4214 1912. aastaks oli kolmandik neist toidu ja peavarju puudumise tõttu surnud. By 1912, a third of them had died from food and shelter. [47, 37, 56] 46.666666666666664 [-0.6789596152714463, -0.7892981632630878, -0.2872347043367487] -0.5851641609570942 -0.3042440116405487 4215 Eestis asus hotelliketi Tallink Hotels tegevjuhina tööle endine rahandusminister Aivar Sõerd. In Estonia, Mr Hotels, as CEO of the Hotel, was recruited by former Minister of Finance, Mr Ahanr War. [9, 17, 1] 9.0 [-2.179020691021751, -1.6568064336053296, -2.016289862523797] -1.9507056623836256 -0.5165442228317261 4216 Jaak Pallo aga pole kindel, kas see inimene, kes osutub Põdraks, ka muutunud on. However, Jaak Pallo is not sure whether the person who turns out to be Pydrada has changed. [16, 29, 42] 29.0 [-1.6880982215310614, -1.12785038341693, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2975157830313673 -0.4074403941631317 4217 Esimene suurem lahinguülesanne viis Alfons Rebase juhitud väeüksuse jaanuaris 1942 Volhovi rindele tõkestama 2. löögiarmee läbimurret. The first major battle was to block the breakthrough in the 2 strikes army, led by the Alfons Real force in January 1942 Volhov. [33, 43, 23] 33.0 [-1.557013239959602, -1.035241880122202, -1.318230271796973] -1.303495130626259 -0.4067097008228302 4218 ÜRO, Euroopa Liit, Venemaa ja Ameerika Ühendriigid jõudsid kokkuleppele rahalise abi andmises finantskriisis vaevlevale Palestiina Omavalitsusele. The UN, the European Union, Russia and the United States have agreed to provide financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority in the midst of the financial crisis. [66, 76, 56] 66.0 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.3190883206378832, -0.2711408857067372] -0.02591423578473523 -0.31285595893859863 4219 Selleks ei piisa sellest, et see kaalub minu jaoks kõik muu üles. It is not enough for me to outweigh everything else. [55, 64, 72] 63.666666666666664 [-0.20471653274293583, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.23653881664004375] 0.011522061525130209 -0.377461701631546 4220 Seda takistab aja möödumise ja oleviku põgususe taandumatuna tunduv müsteerium. It is hampered by the mystery that seems unretreated by the passing of time and the present. [82, 96, 84] 87.33333333333333 [0.4506833450792516, 1.162658320738408, 0.6603895448580447] 0.7579104035585681 -0.6315332651138306 4221 Podolskisse on ehitatud tänapäevased suusabaasid Venemaa rahvusmeeskonna treenimiseks. Modern summer programmes to train the Russian national team have been built in Podolski. [40, 23, 32] 31.666666666666668 [-1.1593124721939274, -1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063] -1.3593954176005356 -0.4437742233276367 4222 Viimsi vallavolikogu opositsioon esitas vallavolikogu esimehe Aarne Jõgimaa ja vallavanema Haldo Oravase vastu umbusaldusavalduse. The opposition in the last White Council issued a statement of mistrust against the President of the Municipality, Aarne Jygiland, and Chief Prosecutor Haldo Orava. [67, 82, 96] 81.66666666666667 [-0.07358409902205552, 0.5776758168102278, 0.9161304397840745] 0.47340738585741554 -0.5012540817260742 4223 Ta ei seisa vastu ühelegi armastusele, mille tema enesearmastus kaasa toob. He does not oppose any of the love he brings with him. [65, 59, 83] 69.0 [-0.4119916484059306, -0.3778535430073656, 0.6245002025956135] -0.055114996272560925 -0.4364549219608307 4224 Vastutasu võib seisneda isikuhoolduses, mis on loomult teenus. This may involve personal care, which is a service by nature. [57, 51, 78] 62.0 [-0.3534310326070543, -0.4297907926901062, 0.412248360714594] -0.1236578215275222 -0.5052018165588379 4225 Antiikajal armastati rääkida Herakleitose "voolust", "jõest", "voolamisest". In the past, it was loved to talk about the 'flow' of Herakleitos, 'river', 'flow'. [34, 39, 29] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.2006693362178358, -1.12785038341693] -1.2806342302477545 -0.2946615517139435 4226 Mehed kohtusid Moskvas mitme Venemaa kosmosetööstusettevõttega, külastati näiteks ettevõtteid NPO Lavotškin ja Kosmotras. Men met several Russian space industries in Moscow, for example NPO Lavotškin and Kosmotra. [90, 78, 84] 84.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.4063488583400919, 0.5227300309998271] 0.5789191237066971 -0.2165084183216095 4227 Uuevarikul pole Ülol headest ideedest kunagi puudu, neid kipub ta lahkelt jagama perepoeg Intsuga. In the New Year, one does not lack good ideas; he tends to share them generously with him. [22, 15, 7] 14.666666666666666 [-1.465741972965541, -2.3423580792794794, -1.7447839517266321] -1.8509613346572173 -0.6500144600868225 4228 Inimese päritolu uurimiseks on tarvis seletada seda inimese eripära ning kirjeldada evolutsiooniprotsesse, mis selle esile kutsusid. Research into the origin of human beings needs to explain this human specificity and describe the evolution processes that brought it about. [99, 100, 94] 97.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0901636694846504] 0.9924757997248487 -0.4931018650531769 4229 Harald Kaunisjuus rakendas karme meetmeid tekkivate kohalike feodaalvõimude vastu, sundis neid oma ülemvõimu tunnistama ning laskis maa maksustada. Harald Kadream took tough action against the emerging local feudal powers, forced them to recognise their supremacy and let the land be taxed. [44, 55, 65] 54.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -0.27816675357289444, -0.09300816647554071] -0.4550199787155762 -0.3535131514072418 4230 Tai konstitutsioonikohus otsustas, et 2. aprillil 2006 toimunud üldvalimised olid kehtetud ja tuleb korraldada uued valimised. The Thai Constitutional Court ruled that the general elections held on 2 April 2006 were invalid and that new elections should be held. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8547457736915467 -0.22521474957466125 4231 Et seda erinevust selgelt väljendada, tuleb mõtteliselt lahku viia asjad, mis tegelikkuses on läbi põimunud. In order to make this difference clear, there is a need for a meaningful separation of things that are, in reality, intertwined. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.42003921677541256] 0.0941166318256252 -0.48260682821273804 4232 Andestaja ei pea enam olema end kaitsva ohvri rollis ja tegija ei pea enam olema ohvrile võlgu oleva patuse rollis. The elephant no longer needs to be a victim who protects himself and does not need to be in the role of a victim. [18, 33, 47] 32.666666666666664 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.557013239959602, -0.8698144240265682] -1.3012359475888375 -0.5749544501304626 4233 Platon eksis, kui ta lahutas teadmise objektid tavalistest selle maailma objektidest. Platon was wrong when he separated the knowledge objects from the usual objects of this world. [91, 100, 95] 95.33333333333333 [0.9498875930254039, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8835775815176352] 0.9443756483985427 -0.41442960500717163 4234 Alates 1961. aasta lõpust kuni 1988. aasta detsembrini hoiti Vasat ajutises Wasavarveti muuseumis. From the end of 1961 to December 1988, the opposition was held in the temporary Wasbroadet Museum. [59, 81, 71] 70.33333333333333 [-0.6679574951345972, 0.5372396648934048, 0.12275031254723479] -0.002655839231319216 -0.3683215081691742 4235 Mida siis Kant õnnelikkuse kohustusega silmas peab? What, then, does Kant consider to be a commitment of happiness? [81, 73, 67] 73.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.2054640405950517, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2735308717150437 -0.4125165045261383 4236 Paavst avaldas 11. aprillil 2010 kaastunnet Poola rahvale president Lech Kaczyński hukkumise pärast lennuõnnetuses. On 11 April 2010, Pope expressed condolences to the Polish people for the loss of President Lech Kaczyński's plane crash. [86, 85, 57] 76.0 [0.4838888151444026, 0.711760740297822, -0.4562457837874836] 0.24646792388491368 -0.2691182792186737 4237 Miks peaks eetikateooriatele üldse mingit autoriteeti omistama? Why should ethical theories be given any authority at all? [96, 82, 89] 89.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7706095268837624 -0.15619036555290222 4238 Äkitselt lõhkemisi enam pole, aga ülevalt sajab igasugust kraami. Suddenly there are no more explosives, but there is any kind of tap. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.1763910955276495, -2.016289862523797, -2.7722301691263573] -2.321637042392601 -0.5017396211624146 4239 Eestis valis Tartu linnavolikogu Tartu uueks abilinnapeaks Reformierakonna liikme Margus Hansoni. In Estonia, Tartu Tartu, a new Assistant City Council, was elected by Margus Hanson, member of the Reform Party. [44, 37, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-0.7283194760515248, -1.1703670881336952, -1.12785038341693] -1.0088456492007165 -0.3201560080051422 4240 Sellised tingimused olid vastusõetamatud Jeruusalemma patriarhile, kes keelustas Jeruusalemmas kõik islamiga seonduva. Such conditions were unaccountable to the Jerusalem Patriarch, who banned everything relating to Islam in Jerusalem. [97, 84, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1980287771688547, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.929736293270583 -0.37971219420433044 4241 Mõned omadused on mitmes kategoorias, mõned ei kata kogu kategooriat. Some characteristics are in several categories, some do not cover the whole category. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0093158662439998 -0.44399142265319824 4242 Tavaliselt kasutati taolistel ehitistel kõige alumist korrust laona. Such buildings were generally used as the bottom of the floor. [11, 6, 1] 6.0 [-2.1069740051011756, -2.7350304989394183, -2.016289862523797] -2.2860981221881302 -0.5958163142204285 4243 Sloveenia pealinnas Ljubljanas toimus umbes 5000 osavõtjaga meeleavaldus valitsuse kärpekavade ja korruptsiooni vastu. In Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, there were around 5 000 demonstrations with participants against government cutbacks and corruption. [26, 49, 38] 37.666666666666664 [-1.1016562469626503, -0.7380869726102427, -0.5938529698348856] -0.811198729802593 -0.3527010381221771 4244 Nende esindajad eesotsas Tiina Kangroga otsustasid kandideerida Riigikogu valimistel Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu nimekirjas. Their representatives, led by Tiina Kangroga, decided to stand for election to the entire national elections on the Union list of Isaland and Res Publica. [55, 42, 29] 42.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -0.9380460395217032 -0.28609493374824524 4245 Kriminaalasja Rebase kohta kinnitas ENSV KGB ülem kindralmajor August Pork. On the Rebase of the Criminal case, ENSV KGB was confirmed by the Chief General of August Pork. [24, 54, 37] 38.333333333333336 [-1.6386705466174354, -0.3597293555905065, -1.2833830642656527] -1.0939276554911983 -0.43008485436439514 4246 Rahuvalvejõud olid jõuetud, sest lisaks ressursipuudusele polnud neil ka õigust sekkuda. The peacekeeping forces were powerless because, in addition to the shortage of resources, they did not have the right to intervene. [99, 88, 84] 90.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.842651546851135, 0.9034573389678384] 0.9363963537410388 -0.34596267342567444 4247 Tallinnas restoranis "Kamahouse" toimus Vabaerakonna üldkogu, kus kinnitati erakonna valimisprogramm ja nimekirjad 2015. aasta Riigikogu valimisteks. In Tallinn's' Chohouse 'restaurant, the General Assembly of the Free Party was held to confirm the party's electoral programme and its lists for the elections to the 2015 Public Assembly. [77, 80, 60] 72.33333333333333 [0.09994004505140265, 0.4936093960423005, -0.3321751917157582] 0.0871247497926483 -0.5060672163963318 4248 Kui Anastasius 518. aastal suri, oli riigikassas rekordiliselt 145,15 tonni kulda. When Anastasius died in 518 years, the Treasury had a record 145.15 tonnes of gold. [51, 58, 55] 54.666666666666664 [-0.46847133247114325, -0.41488891976357517, -0.302870867103411] -0.3954103731127098 -0.24277327954769135 4249 Teiste seas arreteeriti ka üks opositsiooni liidreid Alaksandr Kazulin. Alaksandr Kazulin, one of the opposition leaders, was arrested among others. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.46039042405392566, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9691560296804719 -0.16039739549160004 4250 Saksimaa vahetas pooli ja Rootsi sõttaastumine korvas liitlastele Venemaa kaotamise. The Saxony changed the parties and Sweden's military recovery picked up losing Russia for its allies. [87, 85, 88] 86.66666666666667 [0.7844601369297701, 0.711760740297822, 0.4738404936262599] 0.6566871236179507 -0.4628862738609314 4251 Aga miks ma üldse pean mingi reegli ette kirjutama? But why do I have to prescribe a rule at all? [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.35220593214035034 4252 Aga kõik niisugused edasised ja konkreetsemad määratlused ei jäta olemist enam puhtaks olemiseks, nagu ta alguses vahetult on. However, not all such further and more specific definitions leave it out of existence any longer, as it is at the very beginning. [83, 67, 80] 76.66666666666667 [0.4867066880395393, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.3527349979128382 -0.5282105803489685 4253 Ta õpetas inimesele, et üles viib sama tee, mida mööda ta on alla tulnud. He taught a person that he was taking the same path that he has come down. [70, 83, 56] 69.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6245002025956135, -0.4976026478113921] 0.09999213621030582 -0.49646955728530884 4254 Ameerika Ühendriikides Los Angeleses toimus filminäitlejate ametiühingu Ekraaninäitlejate Gildi 2007. aasta filmiauhindade tseremoonia. The 2007 Film Awards ceremony of Gildi, the Ekraaninstinct trade union of film-makers, was held in Los Angeles, the United States of America. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.786155536157973 -0.5973166227340698 4255 Kristjanit külastab Felix Viss, kelle imelikud küsimused vanamehe ähmi ajavad. The Christian is visited by Felix Viss, whose wonderful questions drive the vanity. [24, 44, 34] 34.0 [-1.3893161887096255, -0.9938850160982935, -1.2019970137106726] -1.1950660728395304 -0.5114354491233826 4256 Alžeeria pealinnas Alžiiris toimus kaks pommiplahvatust, neist üks peaminister Abdelaziz Belkhademi büroo juures. Two bombings took place in Alžihar, the capital of Algeria, one of them at the office of Prime Minister Absouziz Belkhadem. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.3258495032787323 4257 Paljud ketserlikud liikumised, sealhulgas adamiidid ja barlaamistid, mis tulid Bütsantsist maapakku, tõestasid end Bulgaarias 14. sajandil. Many heretical movements, including adams and barrels, which came into the streets of Butsana, proved themselves in Bulgaria in the 14th century. [14, 13, 39] 22.0 [-1.4109443118396852, -1.635530085763711, -1.2006693362178358] -1.4157145779404108 -0.41314393281936646 4258 Et aga moraalikonfliktide puhul on mängus olulised nõudmised, siis ei saa loota, et neid saaks elegantselt ja täiesti rahuldavalt lahendada. However, since there are important requirements in the case of moral conflicts, one cannot hope that they can be resolved in an elegant and totally satisfactory manner. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0496522621403213 -0.49172061681747437 4259 Liibanonis arreteeriti viis süürlast, kellest juurest leiti suures koguses lõhkeainet. Five Syrians were arrested in Lebanon, from whom large quantities of explosives were found. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8727498208139332 -0.3438127338886261 4260 Tema sammud aitasid tugevdada autokraatiat isikuvabaduste piiramise ja opositsiooni allasurumise kaudu. His steps helped to strengthen autocracy by restricting individual freedoms and suppressing the opposition. [100, 98, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1530782620345021 -0.36139801144599915 4261 Teeninduspiirkonna olemus on pigem halduslik ega ole kiirabi reageerimispiirkonna aluseks. The nature of the service area is rather administrative and does not form the basis for a rapid response area. [90, 62, 76] 76.0 [0.9299120845533435, -0.26978351412650253, 0.36345874222673896] 0.34119577088452663 -0.45335498452186584 4262 Kokkupõrke tulemusel paiskus buss järsakust alla, hukkus kaheksateist ja sai vigastada kakskümmend kuus inimest. As a result of the collision, the bus crashed down the floor, eighteen killed and twenty-six were injured. [81, 58, 53] 64.0 [0.29116755037643405, -0.20768092291338958, -0.39597668121738544] -0.10416335125144699 -0.45896872878074646 4263 Aastal 1880 pakuti Mahlerile üllatuslikult kapellmeistri kohta väikeses puitteatris, Linzist lõunas Bad Halli kuurortlinnakeses. In 1880, Mahler was surprisingly offered a 'bag' on a small wooden theatre, from Linz in the south of Bad Hall in a large town town town. [81, 69, 57] 69.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.1413488724500223, -0.621798222000287] 0.01893010511438002 -0.5724801421165466 4264 Selles rünnakus langes oma punkris Tornimäe läänenõlval mürsukillust tabatuna legendaarne pataljoniülem Georg Sooden. In this attack, the legendary head of patalium Georg Soden fell as a result of poisoning on the west of Tornimäe. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 0.774893431721841] 0.7757963968693525 -0.5045517683029175 4265 Egiptuses toimus parlamendivalimiste esimene voor. Egypt held the first round of parliamentary elections. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9486832980505137, 0.9996617706525889, 1.3076476232459238] 1.085330897316342 -0.18247656524181366 4266 Nende armulugu ei kestnud kuigi kaua, aga nad jäid headeks sõpradeks. Their soil did not take too long, but they remained good friends. [37, 44, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-0.9463130295731536, -0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693] -0.9974557001339216 -0.4530189633369446 4267 Kumbki jõud ilmselt püsivamat ülemvõimu Eesti alal kehtestada ei suutnud ja sageli ei soovinudki. Both forces were probably unable and often unwilling to establish more permanent domination in the Estonian area. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.5539542436599731 4268 Jälgides Veneetsiast, tervitas Rousseau hispaanlaste taganemist kui "kogu sajandi ilusaimat sõjalist manöövrit". Following Russia, Rousseau Spaniards welcomed the resignation as' the most beautiful military manoeuvre of the century '. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.275333046913147 4269 Teadaolevad naftavarud olid 2015. aasta alguses hinnanguliselt 2 miljardit barrelit, maagaasi varud 2014. aasta alguses 28,32 miljardit m³. Certain oil stocks were estimated at the beginning of 2015 at 2 billion barrels, while natural gas stocks were 28.32 billion m3 in early 2014. [52, 57, 62] 57.0 [-0.31935520912680904, -0.25098737870986976, -0.08076099732669434] -0.21703452838779103 -0.2813260853290558 4270 Nagu öeldud, pole isegi mitte lõpmatu vanus millegi eksisteerimise põhjus. As has been said, even the infinite age is not a reason to have anything. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3475104570388794 4271 Enamus torni aknaid suurendati 18. sajandil ja nõnda on torni lõunapoolses seinas säilinud vaid kaks algset, ent restaureeritud akent. Most windows of the storm were increased in the 18th century and so only two original but restored windows have survived the storm in the southern wall. [15, 29, 1] 15.0 [-2.3423580792794794, -1.2659124962624795, -2.016289862523797] -1.874853479355252 -0.2992841601371765 4272 Aga see ei puutu asjasse, fatalismi tees ei rajane ennustamise teoorial ega teoloogial. But this is not about the point, it is not based on the theory of predictions or on theology. [71, 78, 78] 75.66666666666667 [-0.15602580167726396, 0.4063488583400919, 0.412248360714594] 0.22085713912580732 -0.5687363743782043 4273 Allan ja Mare valmistuvad õhtul kultuurimajja tantsima minema, samas tuleb neil lahendada ka Alma probleeme. I will start and Mare will be preparing to dance down the cultural house on the evening, but they will also have to solve the Alma problems. [18, 16, 17] 17.0 [-1.622992504998183, -1.38561814123498, -1.7008804037850265] -1.569830350006063 -0.4681638479232788 4274 Kant väidab, et midagi sarnast kehtib ruumitaju puhul. Kant claims that something similar applies to spatial damage. [36, 42, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-0.9774549657905292, -0.9902503733322566, -1.12785038341693] -1.0318519075132386 -0.4268261194229126 4275 Hermanni jõudmine oma piiskopkonda aga viibis, kuna Taani kuningas takistas tema Saksamaalt lahkumist. Hermann arrived in his bishops, however, as the Danish King prevented her from leaving Germany. [28, 30, 29] 29.0 [-1.2974639223337912, -1.0961204020202562, -1.7315343153640192] -1.3750395465726888 -0.33193159103393555 4276 Selle vaate järgi on asjade ja protsesside juures oluline ainult see, mis neil on ühist sama mõiste alla viidud asjadega. In this view, only what they share with the same term is what is important in things and processes. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.8337359223850412, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7792184957752424 -0.46051231026649475 4277 Koostöös oma kantsleri ja hilisema hetmani Jan Zamoyskiga oli ta üsna edukas Liivimaa sõjas. In cooperation with his Chancellor and later on Jan Zamoyski, he was quite successful in the war in Libya. [47, 38, 29] 38.0 [-1.1798891885919305, -1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693] -1.2155338225709802 -0.3410213589668274 4278 Austriat toetasid traditsioonilised Prantsusmaa vaenlased Suurbritannia ja Hollandi Vabariik, samuti Sardiinia kuningriik ja Saksimaa kuurvürstiriik. Austria was supported by traditional French enemies, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, as well as by the King of Sardinia and the former Principality of Saxony. [87, 77, 67] 77.0 [0.7990212780000306, 0.3951887236234128, -0.04267714354839904] 0.3838442860250148 -0.21690993010997772 4279 Lahkunu ühinemist esivanematega tähistatakse suure tseremooniaga. The battle to join the ancestors will be marked by a major ceremony. [24, 1, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.6386705466174354, -2.016289862523797, -2.2759478008394556] -1.9769694033268959 -0.4767785966396332 4280 Uurimisprogrammi väärtust näitab see, kui palju ta pakub uudseid ennustusi, mis leiavad kinnitust. The value of the research programme is demonstrated by the amount of innovative predictions it provides, which can be confirmed. [100, 83, 99] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714] 1.010073667853065 -0.46752840280532837 4281 Need on näiteks elamine, oma lapsed, teistega rahuldust pakkuvates suhetes olemine. These are, for example, living, their children, being in a position to be satisfied with others. [25, 20, 29] 24.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.1103016900841782, -1.12785038341693] -1.2802664257194187 -0.4140777289867401 4282 See ei ole mitte vahetult seesmise väärtuse, vaid tähtsuse küsimus. This is not just a question of internal value but a question of importance. [99, 73, 100] 90.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.23296465611729889, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8070077090894506 -0.4847506880760193 4283 1998. aastal sai romaanikirjanik José Saramago Nobeli kirjandusauhinna. In 1998, José Saramago received the Nobel Prize for Literature. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 0.9189868035629918, 1.1850259554682334] 1.0345581765612712 -0.3376717269420624 4284 Suurbritannias Sheffieldis võitis 2012. aasta Euroopa meistrivõistlused iluuisutamises meeste üksiksõidus Venemaa esindaja Jevgeni Pljuštšenko. In Sheffield, Great Britain, the 2012 European Championship won the inauguration of the male masters on the individual side of Russia, Yevgengeny Pljuštshenko. [35, 19, 27] 27.0 [-1.3660967923134697, -1.300429572953281, -1.3300167806002303] -1.3321810486223271 -0.510414183139801 4285 Varem on meie osakond edukalt võtnud kohtulikule vastutusele alaealisi puudutavate tekstilugude eest, kasutades neid nilbust käsitletavaid paragrahve. In the past, our department has successfully taken responsibility for the texts on minors by using paragols dealing with their sadness. [50, 22, 33] 35.0 [-0.7457438319548428, -1.2152410046715822, -1.134699631001595] -1.0318948225426734 -0.48152634501457214 4286 Rõivaste värvid on kirkad, samas 14. sajandi freskod on Palaiologoste perioodi klassikalises stiilis. Clothing colours are surgical, while the 14th century shelf dogs are in the classic style of the Palaiologisation period. [78, 81, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.3065899732381008, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4903786678134342] 0.44473610198164665 -0.5488983988761902 4287 Edukas uus teooria peab kuskil võimaldama ennustusi, mis erinevad eelkäija omadest. A successful new theory must allow predictions to be made somewhere different from those of the predecessor. [100, 100, 93] 97.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0539163438577714] 0.9924011388359849 -0.33769556879997253 4288 Bulgaarlased said järgnenud Velbaždi lahingus lüüa ja nende tsaar hukkus. Bulgarians were defeated in the ensuing Velbazhdi battle and their treasure was killed. [71, 82, 60] 71.0 [0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091, -1.0419317760091986] -0.08541766900710653 -0.4028383195400238 4289 pisi[[Joan Blaeu 1662. aastal koostatud Liivimaa, Eestimaa ja Kuramaa kaart Flag [Joan Blaeu 1662 Map of Lifland, Estonia and Kuwait [72, 77, 81] 76.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3409594346643974 -0.5760045051574707 4290 Teine venelaste kolonn lähenes Dürensteinile lõunast. Another Russian Colonn approached Dyrenstein from the south. [95, 90, 85] 90.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.8076784817801723, 0.7017464088819532] 0.8094705647417056 -0.5486958622932434 4291 Teos võeti vastu hästi, selle edu kasvatas Mahleri mainet ja tagas talle honorari. It was well received, its success increased the reputation of Mahler and guaranteed him honorary. [89, 81, 87] 85.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7844601369297701] 0.6992161007355578 -0.4328444004058838 4292 Enne seda toimus Euroopa Liidu eesistumise ametlik avaüritus Kultuurikatlas. Prior to that, an official inauguration of the Presidency of the European Union took place in the field of culture. [70, 58, 81] 69.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] 0.11598732384527144 -0.35016685724258423 4293 Järelikult saavutas Prantsuse Flandria armee kiire edu Austria Madalmaade üle. Consequently, Austria has made rapid progress by the French Flemish Army. [43, 63, 53] 53.0 [-1.035241880122202, -0.49731359731548613, -0.6844078629375159] -0.738987780125068 -0.43949511647224426 4294 Maksed kullas ja kaupades jõudsid rekordsummani 200 000 solidust veidi enne 626. aastat. Payments in gold and commodities reached a record figure of 200 000 jobs just before 626 years. [69, 83, 55] 69.0 [0.1413488724500223, 0.6245002025956135, -0.41853674913993266] 0.11577077530190101 -0.4081328809261322 4295 Venemaa neljateistkümnes regioonis, teiste seas ka Peterburis, toimusid kohalike omavalitsuste valimised. In 14 regions of Russia, including St Petersburg, local government elections were held. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.0156289521215054, 0.9189868035629918, 1.1249782957469103] 1.019864683810469 -0.2851848900318146 4296 Esimene on see, et ei oleks sellest kõrgemat sugu. The first is that there would be no higher than that. [76, 56, 80] 70.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, -0.2711408857067372, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1523372658843629 -0.41904395818710327 4297 Rahvasteliidu mõjuvõimu piiras ka asjaolu, et Ameerika Ühendriigid keeldusid sellega liitumast. The influence of the UPM was also limited by the fact that the United States refused to join it. [90, 84, 97] 90.33333333333333 [0.9085307290014955, 0.5453227398168615, 0.9486832980505137] 0.8008455889562902 -0.32469093799591064 4298 Veebruaris 1940 kohtus ta Jan Tyranowskiga, kes mõjutas tema usulisi veendumusi ja kelle mõjul liitus Wojtyła põrandaaluse usurühmaga Zywy Rózaniec. In February 1940, he met Jan Tyranowski, who influenced his religious beliefs and who, with effect, joined Zywy Rózaniec, the religious group on the floor of Bratislava tyła. [53, 69, 44] 55.333333333333336 [-0.6216732398831174, 0.11937989840836705, -0.7766181900707638] -0.4263038438485047 -0.4481864869594574 4299 352. aastal saavutas Constantius kontrolli Itaalia üle ja tungis suvel 353 üle Alpide Galliasse. In 35-2, Constantius gained control over Italy and invaded 353 over the Alps in the summer. [51, 38, 25] 38.0 [-0.7043869679309344, -1.3388618957040805, -1.2547703090036253] -1.0993397242128802 -0.3718545734882355 4300 27. märtsil 1980 saatis ta läkituse Ukraina piiskoppidele, On 27 March 1980 he sent a letter of reference to the Ukrainian bishops, [67, 79, 59] 68.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615, -0.3778535430073656] 0.050004831280168416 -0.2845137417316437 4301 Algselt erinesid matusetüübid eri Kreeta osades radikaalselt. Originally, funeral types differed radically from parts of Kreeta. [61, 58, 82] 67.0 [-0.2908183276918498, -0.710618469589375, 0.5808699337445091] -0.14018895451223856 -0.39295294880867004 4302 President George W. Bush vahejuhtumi ajal residentsis ei viibinud. President George W. Bush was not resident during the incident. [75, 52, 64] 63.666666666666664 [0.27545805178677896, -0.6300169437293796, -0.4245777815135737] -0.25971222448539144 -0.12945179641246796 4303 1680 aasta rootsi revisjoni kaardil on märgitud suur ristkülikukujuline kiviehitis, mille ühel küljel on ümartorn. The 1680-year Swedish betk map identifies a major cross-cyclic stone construction with a rounded-up on one side. [68, 82, 75] 75.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.5808699337445091, 0.33172876083006514] 0.28631841273659936 -0.6306573152542114 4304 Siiski, mitte just päris nii nagu Aino oleks lootnud. However, not as if the only one had hoped. [54, 67, 79] 66.66666666666667 [-0.5803163758592089, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] -0.01748277967044602 -0.31759974360466003 4305 12. augustil 1921 paluti Rahvasteliidul küsimus lahendada. On 12 August 1921, the People's Union was asked to resolve the issue. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.35587045550346375 4306 Eesti Reformierakonna juhatus arvas erakonnast välja korruptsioonikahtlustuse saanud ärijuhi Allan Kiili. The Estonian reform party's governing party excluded Allan Kiil, a business leader who was suspected of corruption from the party. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822, 0.6164483819475642] 0.74369251607186 -0.44653457403182983 4307 Tähtsaimad neist on liustike sulamisel tekkinud Comprida ja Escura. The most important of these are Comprida and Escura, which have emerged from the melting of the glaciers. [75, 100, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 0.8983096367510742 -0.32996875047683716 4308 Lõunapoolseim punkt on Nyanga provintsis, kus piir Kongoga lõikub rannajoonega. The southern point is in the province of Nyanga, where the border with the Congo is situated along the coastline. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8338069514775489 -0.3903312385082245 4309 Väiksemad karistused mõisteti veel rituaalis osalenud neljale nunnale. More minor sentences were handed down to four nuns who took part in the ritual. [78, 96, 87] 87.0 [0.5102064594545875, 1.156671913144946, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7931223033965615 -0.48042723536491394 4310 Nüüd, objekt saab olla kahes kohas ühel ajal, kui ta hõivab ka vahepealse ruumi. Now, the object can be in two places at the same time as it also occupies an intermediate space. [89, 97, 100] 95.33333333333333 [0.6730676537303745, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9296931463202839 -0.3979451656341553 4311 Jordani Läänekaldal Nabluse linna lähistel lasid Iisraeli sõdurid maha palestiinlase, kes üritas neid autoga rammida. In the vicinity of the town of Nabtia on the West Bank, Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian who tried to rap them in the car. [62, 83, 60] 68.33333333333333 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, -0.574314160703546] -0.010191651811542283 -0.39101603627204895 4312 Elektrikatkestus tabas ka Amsterdami Schipholi lennujaama, mis oli sunnitud tühistama ajutiselt kõik saabuvad ja väljuvad lennud. The power interruption also hit Amsterdam Schipholi airport, which was forced to cancel all flights arriving and departing temporarily. [76, 79, 84] 79.66666666666667 [0.36345874222673896, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5227300309998271] 0.4453893001392541 -0.29702228307724 4313 Selle roll elus sõltub kontekstist, sealhulgas kaasnevatest emotsioonidest ja suhetest, mille väljenduseks seda hakatakse pidama. Its role in life depends on the context, including the emotions and relations that this will be seen as an expression of. [100, 85, 80] 88.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] 0.7686087824748876 -0.4172000288963318 4314 Teadlased, kes 18. sajandi alguses võtsid "Principia" dünaamika paradigmaks, pidasid selle järelduste üldisust enesestmõistetavaks. Scientists who, at the beginning of the 18th century, took this paradigm of the dynamics of 'Príncipe' considered this to be obvious from the general thrust of the conclusions. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.4657519459724426 4315 Eestis alustas XIII Riigikogu oma 2. istungjärku, mille avaistungil osalesid ka Vabariigi Valitsuse liikmed. In Estonia, the XIII State Council opened its 2nd session, which was also attended by members of the Government of the Republic. [55, 59, 51] 55.0 [-0.5971473252353072, -0.3778535430073656, -0.4297907926901062] -0.468263886977593 -0.4556203782558441 4316 See vähendab oluliselt tõenäosust, et petmise võimalikkusest teatamine rikub illusiooni. This significantly reduces the likelihood that announcing the possibility of fraud would be a breach of illusions. [97, 81, 89] 89.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7680738849201569 -0.48313066363334656 4317 Birmas avati riigi suurima linna ja endise pealinna Yangoni rahvusvahelise lennujaama uus terminal. In Burma, a new terminal of the country's largest city and the former capital, Yangon, was opened. [29, 38, 47] 38.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3388618957040805, -0.7939691936407801] -1.08689382425393 -0.36200594902038574 4318 Darwin oli kogukas, umbes 182 cm pikk, ja kaalus pärast Beagle merereisi 67 kilo. Darwin was collected, about 182 cm long, and after Beagle, it was 67 kilos of sea travel. [32, 28, 13] 24.333333333333332 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.2364646201977947, -1.635530085763711] -1.4074928362988797 -0.3823675811290741 4319 Ulpu perekond oli nähtav samuti selles teises sarjas. The Ulpu family was also visible in this second series. [100, 79, 83] 87.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.44997912719119615, 0.6190326808341362] 0.7167180885122079 -0.19371254742145538 4320 Eesti valitsus kiitis heaks kaptenleitnant Igor Schvede kandidatuuri mereväe juhataja ametikohale. The Estonian Government has approved the candidacy of Captain Observer Igor Lakes as head of the navy. [66, 83, 69] 72.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.25251634040522564, 0.1839805288126773] 0.10360224231085041 -0.39606142044067383 4321 Tema vihmausside uuringud olid teedrajavad, kuigi osa tema seisukohtadest võime tänapäeval kõrvaldada. His rainy research was ground-breaking, although some of his views can be taken away today. [71, 79, 63] 71.0 [0.20480883524336993, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20810459964403286] 0.14889445426351108 -0.36828553676605225 4322 Leppega oli ette nähtud omavalitsuse arendamine saarel. The agreement provided for the development of an authority on the island. [45, 42, 39] 42.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.7946972631130536, -1.2006693362178358] -0.9591823145940942 -0.45514076948165894 4323 Suuremahuline talupoegade relvastatud vastupanu sai oluliseks teguriks liitriigi idapoolsetel Vene maadel, kus see segunes kasakarahutustega. The major armed resistance of the peasants became an important factor in the eastern ally of the country, the Russian land, where it mixed up with caste riots. [58, 78, 68] 68.0 [-0.20768092291338958, 0.4063488583400919, -0.05364345636477628] 0.04834149302064201 -0.5430417656898499 4324 Vägi liikus Ugandisse, rüüstas seal, süütas põlema maakonna keskse linnuse Otepääl ning pöördus röövsaagi ja vangidega tagasi. Little went to Uganda, looted it, set fire to the central urbanisation of the countryside and returned to abducted crops and prisoners. [39, 36, 20] 31.666666666666668 [-1.5211769842301526, -1.2063904310939828, -1.5421677572214565] -1.4232450575151974 -0.3743050694465637 4325 Ambivalentsusest vabanemine ei nõua tingimata, et üks konflikteerivatest impulssidest kaoks ega isegi kasvaks või kahaneks. The emancipation from amalgamation does not necessarily require that one of the conflicting impulses be abolished or even increased or reduced. [89, 84, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.688799744499114, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6308000598806901] 0.6625767586088406 -0.469669908285141 4326 Need vaatekohad on metafüüsiliselt erinevad ega taandu üksteisele. These views are metaphysically different and do not fall back to each other. [81, 83, 79] 81.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3426133161983885] 0.49640738933470335 -0.5157228112220764 4327 Valitsusjuht Evans Paul oli ametisse astunud juba 16. jaanuaril. The head of government, Paul Evans, had already taken office on 16 January. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.23100297152996063 4328 Järgnenud Bütsantsi riigipöörde käigus kõrvaldati võimult Simeoni krooninud patriarh, mis andis talle ajendi uuesti sõjategevust alustada. Following the Butsants coup, the Patriarch, who was crowded on Simeon, was removed from power and gave him the incentive to re-engage in war. [63, 81, 72] 72.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.5372396648934048, -0.12510502313362917] 0.059458156864520266 -0.48379412293434143 4329 1920. aastaks oli eurooplasi napilt üle tuhande ja põliselanikke üle 1,2 miljoni. In 1920s, Europeans were just over 1 000 and indigenous people were over 1.2 million. [100, 79, 70] 83.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.3684768491764302] 0.6391864982440189 -0.4727307856082916 4330 1987. aastal kirjutas Gustav Naan, et tänu oma 1947. aastal ilmunud raamatule, tema huvi natsionalismi vastu kadus. In 1987, Gustable Naan wrote that, thanks to his book of 1947, his interest in nationalism disappeared. [74, 80, 67] 73.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.4936093960423005, 0.07788890965667469] 0.24466496903197507 -0.46447014808654785 4331 Siis seostatakse objektiivsust selliste küsimustega nagu mis saab eetikauskumused tõeseks teha ja kas on olemas eetikateadmine. objectivity will then be associated with issues such as what can make ethical beliefs a reality and whether there is ethical knowledge. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293, 1.32209936924058] 1.182537960905513 -0.42161205410957336 4332 Võiduga kaasnes auhind suuruses 50 000 Eesti krooni. The winning award was accompanied by a total of 50 000 Estonian kroons. [92, 87, 97] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.7990212780000306, 0.8018201357962996] 0.8239932861232835 -0.5424877405166626 4333 Igaühel on eesmärgiks mingi hüve, sest tõde on spekulatsiooni eesmärk. Everyone is aiming for some kind of benefit, because truth is the aim of speculation. [99, 100, 83] 94.0 [1.0384814830565137, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9206950680055191 -0.4304797053337097 4334 Ta abiellus Sebastian Vuorelaga, kuid pulmaööl jäi ta auto alla, sest tollal psühhoosis Isabella Holm sõitis temast üle. He married Sebastian Vuorelae, but on a pulp night he left a car because at that time in the psychosis Isabella Holm passed over him. [15, 24, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.7206510797975005, -1.2865002904002991, -2.124206735023958] -1.710452701740586 -0.527147114276886 4335 Georg läheb Are käest oma korterite ja Evelini kohta selgitust küsima. Georg is going to be asked for an explanation about his apartments and Evelini. [46, 43, 40] 43.0 [-0.9111712880504766, -1.120710551448559, -1.3229960566534074] -1.1182926320508144 -0.6168449521064758 4336 Triumfiks kujunes ka autori kohalolekul toimunud Tšaikovski "Jevgeni Onegini" Saksamaa esiettekanne. The presentation by Germany of the Chaikovsky 'Yevgeny Oto', which took place in the presence of the author, also took place as a Triumph. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [1.1709475838635426, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9223578705336211 -0.4660175144672394 4337 Rünnakus hukkus kaheksateist inimest, neist enamus Iraani revolutsioonilise kaardiväe liikmed. Eighteen people died in the attack, most of them members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. [100, 100, 78] 92.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.843662974913197 -0.25765302777290344 4338 Kreeka valitsusjuhina vannutati ametisse eelmisel päeval parlamendivalimised võitnud erakonna SYRIZA esimees Aléxis Tsípras. As leader of the Greek Government, Aléx Tsíras, the leader of the SYRIZA party, who won the parliamentary elections last day, was imprisoned. [17, 14, 16] 15.666666666666666 [-1.6568064336053296, -2.234590936815547, -1.9887586954122038] -1.9600520219443602 -0.325158953666687 4339 Kõikidel juhtudel ilmus uus teooria alles pärast normaalteadusliku peamurdmisülesannete lahendamise selget läbikukkumist. In all cases, new theory emerged only after a clear failure to resolve normal scientific breaking tasks. [97, 71, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 0.2564751800664351, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7908289884323043 -0.5455201864242554 4340 Kartaagolaste kohalolekule osutavaid esemeid on leitud lisaks Algarve rannikualadele ka Beira Litorali ja Minho piirkondadest. The articles providing for the presence of carrots have been found not only in the original coastal areas, but also in the Beira Litoral and Minho regions. [66, 73, 79] 72.66666666666667 [-0.3693306739511528, -0.08375849128920229, 0.2637861396723636] -0.06310100852266386 -0.4177180230617523 4341 Euroopa Parlament kiitis heaks uue direktiivi, millega sätestati piiriülestele mobiilikõnedele Euroopa Liidu territooriumil piirhinnad. The European Parliament has approved a new directive setting maximum prices for cross-border mobile calls within the territory of the European Union. [100, 98, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 1.239385641192763, 1.1249782957469103] 1.224003853395199 -0.2826822102069855 4342 Koomas viibiv endine Iisraeli peaminister Ariel Sharon viidi Jeruusalemma haiglast üle Tel Avivi hooldushaiglasse. The former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is in attendance, was transferred from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv's hospital. [53, 83, 70] 68.66666666666667 [-0.6024744741083305, 0.6245002025956135, -0.19997321272861532] -0.05931582808044414 -0.2933010458946228 4343 Kohus tegi ekspertiisi teostamise ülesandeks semiootikaekspert xxxx´le. The Court tasked an expert in semiconductor, xxxxxx, with carrying out the expertise. [16, 1, 31] 16.0 [-1.926857290299737, -2.016289862523797, -1.5315242484091034] -1.8248904670775457 -0.48528745770454407 4344 Ta teeb kindlaks, kas välised teod on õigusega kooskõlas ja seega ei sekku teiste vabadusse. It will check whether external actions are compatible with the law and thus do not interfere with the freedom of others. [67, 82, 61] 70.0 [0.03588704551171866, 0.5808699337445091, -0.30580685708679023] 0.10365004072314583 -0.3748578727245331 4345 Nende kogukonnad kannatasid rahvastiku vähenemisest ja paljud külad kadusid sootuks. Their communities suffered from depopulation, and many villages disappeared altogether. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.015234363400208 -0.39805397391319275 4346 Uus õiguskantsler pidi ametisse astuma 9. märtsil, kuid see lükkus Riigikogu valimiste perioodi tõttu edasi 31. märtsile. The new Secretary of Justice was due to take office on 9 March, but it was postponed to 31 March due to the election period for the State. [65, 76, 71] 70.66666666666667 [0.1774123885366415, 0.4377118082008297, 0.20480883524336993] 0.27331101066028035 -0.4435460865497589 4347 Võib ehk nõustuda, et kui on valida kahe ühevõrra hea alternatiivi vahel, siis kumbki valik võib olla õigustatud ja mõistlik. Perhaps one can agree that if there is a choice between two good alternatives, each option can be justified and reasonable. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9344729786973378 -0.43939900398254395 4348 Kuhni meelest on ainult kolm tavalist fookust, mis pole alati erinevad. To God's mind, there are only three ordinary focal points, which are not always different. [69, 81, 56] 68.66666666666667 [0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048, -0.4976026478113921] 0.06032862984401166 -0.5531302094459534 4349 Soontaganalased nõustusid piirajate esitatud tingimustega ristiusk vastu võtta ja ülikute pojad pantvangideks anda ning rahu sõlmitigi. The Syrian people agreed to the conditions put forward by the siege to accept Christianity and to give the upper boys hostage and bring about peace. [37, 33, 40] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.314460459974846, -1.3229960566534074] -1.3399828937278127 -0.7242543697357178 4350 Hierarhiline ülesehitus laseb mõista eri osutamisviiside vahelisi suhteid. The very short-term structure allows understanding of the relationship between different types of reference. [22, 43, 33] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2152410046715822, -0.954227030371969, -0.7373109476819113] -0.9689263275751543 -0.6558783650398254 4351 Kohtumise keskseks teemaks olid Venemaa ja Euroopa Liidu suhted, eelkõige energiavaldkonnas. The central theme of the meeting was relations between Russia and the European Union, particularly in the field of energy. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0463418728498313] 0.9464835466811531 -0.3176094591617584 4352 Arutlus on rahuldav, kui räägitakse selgelt vastavalt ainele; kõikidest arutlustest ei tule ühtemoodi täpsust otsida, nagu ka mitte käsitööde puhul. The debate is satisfactory when clearly speaking according to the substance; all discussions must not be sought in the same way as in the case of hand works. [62, 72, 81] 71.66666666666667 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5372396648934048] 0.16799832246898203 -0.4213705360889435 4353 Toimus plahvatus, mis pani värisema kogu Stockholmi. There was an explosion that paved the whole of Stockholm. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.4284202754497528 4354 Edutu vallutuskatse järel jäid Taani valitsejad pikaks ajaks Liivimaa ristisõjast kõrvale. After a successful attempt to conquer, the Danish rulers have long been excluded from the Libyan Christian War. [21, 12, 24] 19.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.6672600671603848, -1.8210222965764626] -1.7450076464117152 -0.5130085945129395 4355 Et tootmise korraldamine oli väsitav, otsustas Nobel vahelduseks jälle katsetamisega tegeleda. As the organisation of production was tiresome, it was Nobel's choice to try again. [84, 84, 80] 82.66666666666667 [0.38691491014265883, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.409804372278564 -0.43294936418533325 4356 Hirschbergeris leidsid mehed likööritehase, kus likööri oli mitukümmend tuhat liitrit ja ega pruukijatestki puudu olnud. In Hirschberger, men found a coral factory where there were several tens of thousands of litres of liqueurs and there was no shortage of bribers. [33, 42, 51] 42.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.1262104695419288, -0.46847133247114325] -0.9697140873293059 -0.527886688709259 4357 Kui ma armastan kedagi tema ilu pärast, siis kui keegi teine on samal moel ilus, ei tee tema ilu väärtustamist ebamõistlikuks ega õigustamatuks. If I love someone for his beauty, if someone else is beautiful in the same way, it does not make his beauty unreasonable or unjustifiable. [98, 79, 89] 88.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7509948200061832 -0.3027138113975525 4358 Türgis toimus kolmas vahistamislaine seoses 28. veebruaril 1997 toimunud sõjaväelise riigipöördega. There was a third round of arrest warrants in Turkey following the military coup on 28 February 1997. [73, 67, 81] 73.66666666666667 [0.2054640405950517, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.2735308717150437 -0.32385632395744324 4359 Tegelikult ei ole need kujundid ainult luulelised ega ole metafoorid. In fact, these designs are not only poet and are not metaphories. [44, 72, 62] 59.333333333333336 [-0.9182036874116812, 0.29272250569331404, -0.2494614636679413] -0.29164754846210283 -0.38180235028266907 4360 Ümberpöördult, ühtede või teiste testide ja argumendimustrite kasutamine toob kaasa mingi seisukoha selle kohta, mis on eetikamõtlemine. The use of a change, one or other tests and arguments will give rise to some kind of view of what ethical thinking is. [27, 30, 23] 26.666666666666668 [-1.818794853066228, -1.422530488855709, -1.318230271796973] -1.5198518712396367 -0.5201693177223206 4361 Teoses on tunda Bruckneri ja Wagneri mõju, kuid muusikateadlase Deryck Cooke'i sõnul on seal ka elemente, mida ta nimetab "puhtaks Mahleriks". In others, the influence of Bruckner and Wagner is felt, but according to the musical scientist Deryck Cooke, there are also elements that he calls' pure Mahler '. [58, 64, 61] 61.0 [-0.41488891976357517, -0.1977368282059271, -0.10599807620235407] -0.23954127472395212 -0.367817759513855 4362 Haiti põhjaosas Gonaïves'i linna lähedal sõitis buss otsa rühmale inimestele. In the north of Haiti, near Gonaïves, a group of people were travelling by bus. [14, 16, 18] 16.0 [-1.9989039762203125, -2.298727810428375, -1.4768801787803418] -1.9248373218096766 -0.385548859834671 4363 Võib loota näidata, et sellise idealiseeritud teooriata läbi ei saa. It is to be hoped to show that without such an ideal theory, we cannot go through. [72, 85, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.29272250569331404, 0.7017464088819532, 0.4586486864167604] 0.4843725336640092 -0.4482111930847168 4364 Teisel juhtumil võetakse asja nii, et tegu ise vähendas ohvri moraalset väärtust. In another case, it is taken in such a way that it itself reduced the moral value of the victim. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.3076476232459238] 1.0769782319653691 -0.4275621473789215 4365 Kohe alguses esimeses lõigus öeldakse ära, kes on tegelane. Right at the start of the first paragraph, it says who the man is. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.4921441376209259 4366 Pöide foogt Arnold sai aru, et linnust ei ole võimalik kaitsta ning loovutas ümberpiiratud kantsi neile lubatud vaba läbipääsu eest ülestõusnutele. The focus of the Pöges, Arnold, understood that it was impossible to protect the city and gave up a limited channel for free passage to the Uprising. [36, 29, 21] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.7315343153640192, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4398716603494408 -0.5628917813301086 4367 Ebakindlust tekitab olukord, kus peamurdmisülesanded ei tule pika aja jooksul välja. Uncertainty is created by a situation where the main breaking tasks do not come about over a long period of time. [96, 95, 67] 86.0 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1264109951115293, 0.07788890965667469] 0.7197700170971612 -0.601858913898468 4368 Aja möödumisel on kogunenud üha rohkem tõendeid Venemaa osaluse kohta Malaisia reisilennuki allatulistamises. Ever since time has passed, more and more evidence has accumulated of Russia's involvement in the shooting down of Malaysia's passenger plane. [100, 97, 100] 99.0 [1.0156289521215054, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0438802457839944 -0.41882914304733276 4369 41 riiki, nende seas ka Eesti, hääletusel ei osalenud. 41 countries, including Estonia, did not participate in the vote. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7859522638840352 -0.3262481689453125 4370 1449. aastal määras paavst talle tiitlikirikuks San Pietro in Vincoli Roomas. In 14489, San Pietro in Shalit was awarded the title by the Pope in Rome. [61, 73, 67] 67.0 [-0.10778961700949666, 0.12647325843666224, 0.23820330167786363] 0.08562898103500975 -0.4097287058830261 4371 Vajaliku 226 toetushääle asemel kogus Ohrõžko vaid 195 saadiku toetuse. Instead of the necessary 226 votes, there was only the support of 195 members of Ohparežko. [99, 82, 95] 92.0 [0.8656517089737827, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7358791572087113] 0.727466933309001 -0.41246116161346436 4372 Sokrates selgitas seda teadmise ning diskursiivse mõistuse võimete kaudu. It was explained by the spirit of knowledge and the ability of discerning reason to do so. [94, 86, 90] 90.0 [0.851024723251196, 0.6021151186713274, 0.9451743669771346] 0.7994380696332194 -0.6550910472869873 4373 Seal pidasid raehärrad oma istungeid ja võtsid vastu otsuseid. There, flames held their sessions and took decisions. [29, 38, 46] 37.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3388618957040805, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1259611890571624 -0.6675184965133667 4374 Esimest ülal nimetatud alternatiivi nimetatakse õigusteaduses ehtsaks ja teist alternatiivi ebaehtsaks faktooringulepinguks. The first such alternative is called the 'genuine' in law and the 'second alternative' to the 'genuine' façade 'contract. [90, 83, 97] 90.0 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9486832980505137] 0.7936206608087665 -0.5583478808403015 4375 Esikohale tuleb ja maailmameistriks saab Nõukogude Liidu esindaja Mihhail Botvinnik. The Soviet Union's representative, Mikhail Botvinnik, will be the first to be the world championship. [100, 84, 75] 86.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, -0.01280273874114997] 0.5176317427560307 -0.39768463373184204 4376 Leedu vanglates alustasid 2300 vangi näljastreiki, protesteerides sellega kinnipidamisasutuste uute sisekorrareeglite vastu. In Lithuanian prisons, 2 300 prisoners began a hunger strike, thereby protesting against the new rules of internal order of the detention facilities. [100, 96, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.886077012943657, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0367196090183326 -0.42831891775131226 4377 Uue staadioni kahe tribüüni all asub kuus spordisaali. There are six sports disciplines under the new stadiums. [87, 79, 83] 83.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5554492663584473 -0.5891057252883911 4378 Kõige suurem probleem on nakkushaiguste levik, mida soodustavad viletsad elutingimused, puudulik hügieen ja puhta vee puudus. The biggest problem is the spread of infectious diseases, facilitated by poor living conditions, inadequate hygiene and lack of clean water. [84, 84, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.6603895448580447, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7505232158336463 -0.31332117319107056 4379 Juudid taunisid 25. juunil 1987 paavsti kohtumist Austria presidendi Kurt Waldheimiga. The Jews condemned the Pope meeting with Austrian President Kurt Waldner on 25 June 1987. [78, 84, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.412248360714594, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6678094877858295 -0.23877310752868652 4380 Preisimaa triumf oli paljus tänu üldtunnustatud taktika ja distsipliini põhimõtete täielikumale rakendamisele, kuigi vähem üldiselt peale surutud. The surface country triumph was a lot thanks to the fuller implementation, albeit less generally imposed, of the commonly accepted principles of tactics and discipline. [18, 24, 30] 24.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.9496856596195407, -1.697337004628338] -1.7079676143427402 -0.4317752420902252 4381 Jumal kui absoluutne suurim on piiramatu ja transtsendentne. God, as the absolute greatest, is unlimited and transtsendent. [76, 82, 100] 86.0 [0.30298769509747125, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.6609870490688036 -0.5334007143974304 4382 Jõupingutuste tulemusena tunnistasid 1607., 1609. ja 1635. aasta parlamentaarsed statuudid taas õigeusku, kui ühte kahest võrdsest idakirikust. As a result of these efforts, the parliamentary statutes of 1607, 1609 and 1635 were once again recognised as Orthodox as one of the two equal eastern churches. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286] 0.8168910237568512 -0.3216540813446045 4383 Esimesel istungil tunnistas kohtualune ennast talle esitatud tapmissüüdistuses süüdi. In the first sitting, the defendant declared himself guilty of the killing charge against him. [79, 83, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6670516861767641 -0.5318011045455933 4384 Presidendina jätkas Eichfeld ja ühe asepresidendina Gustav Naan. As President, Mrs Eichfeld and one Vice-President, Mr Naan continued. [80, 82, 70] 77.33333333333333 [0.5827011107083454, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.321199277241413 -0.3907302916049957 4385 1381. aasta talupoegade mässu ajal piirati ümber Tower, kus viibis ka kuningas. During the riots between the peasants in 1381, I was surrounded by a person who was also Queen. [38, 35, 40] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.2424137740542707, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2468627139840929 -0.5083560347557068 4386 Enamik säilinud suurtükiväe ja tulirelvade seadmeid on pärit sellest ajast. Most of the remaining large artillery and firearms equipment comes from that time. [100, 75, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8331799552993733 -0.42841798067092896 4387 Alfons Rebane tegi Wagnerile ettepaneku, et tema võitlusgrupp oleks linnas edasi liikunud mööda Emajõe kallast, piirates sillapea sisse. Alfons Rebane proposed to Wagner that his fight group should have moved on to the city's shores, restricting the bridge's head. [48, 49, 50] 49.0 [-0.8284575600026597, -0.8589289383419331, -0.9486551086784767] -0.8786805356743566 -0.5563428401947021 4388 Ukraina Rahvuskaardi meditsiiniteenistuse ülema teatel on hukkunud 12 nende võitlejat. According to the chief of the Ukrainian National Guard's medical service, 12 of their combatants have died. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.3086813986301422 4389 Kokku peab BP eri laadi hüvitistena maksma riigile 4,5 miljardit USA dollarit. In total, the BP will have to pay USD 4.5 billion in compensation of various kinds to the country. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8975674955625244] 0.867805241684648 -0.429731547832489 4390 Käsundiandja põhikohustus on maksta agendile tasu, mille suuruses pooled tavaliselt lepingus kokku lepivad. The main responsibility of the facilitator is to pay the Agency a fee, the size of which is usually agreed by the parties to the agreement. [90, 84, 78] 84.0 [0.9299120845533435, 0.6172985934001295, 0.412248360714594] 0.6531530128893557 -0.45668840408325195 4391 Gaboni rahvapillid on muu hulgas fangide keelpill mvet, obala, ngombi, balafon ja traditsioonilised trummid. Gabon's public images are, among other things, the pill of fanatics, obscene, ngomb, balaphon and traditional trumps. [44, 27, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -2.0331086776874856, -1.426122433406289] -1.484372042397356 -0.4174075722694397 4392 Oletame, et reegli R erand toob parimad võimalikud järelmid. Let us assume that the R exception will bring the best possible outcomes. [91, 84, 97] 90.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8018201357962996] 0.7697863568066211 -0.4123646914958954 4393 Territoriaalsed ja merele ligipääsu kaotused Läänemere piirkonnas Territorial and maritime access lost in the Baltic Sea region [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.38605591654777527 4394 Filipiinide lõunaosas Mindanao saarel Kidapawani linnas ründasid kakskümmend viis relvastatud isikut vanglat ja vabastasid sealt 47 vangi. Twenty-five armed prisoners attacked and released 47 prisoners in the south of the Philippines on the island of Mindanao in the city of Kidapawan. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7336105607853347 -0.2542160749435425 4395 Filosoofia on tõeline vajadus ning on vastamisi reaalsete probleemidega. A philosophy is a real necessity and faces real problems. [87, 99, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0180960153517116, 1.2714002976190448, 1.1249782957469103] 1.138158202905889 -0.4359259307384491 4396 Samast aastast tähistatakse 23. oktoobrit Ungari rahvuspühana. The same year is celebrated as the Hungarian National Day of 23 October. [82, 84, 70] 78.66666666666667 [0.32308333696517566, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2637468652277593 -0.32162168622016907 4397 Pärast Omar Bongo surma 2009. aastal valiti uueks presidendiks tema poeg Ali Bongo Ondimba. Following the death of Omar Bongo in 2009, his son Ali Bongo Onightba was elected new president. [74, 56, 72] 67.33333333333333 [0.23182778293567463, -0.2711408857067372, 0.16410717657114324] 0.04159802460002688 -0.349735826253891 4398 Saksa idealismi pidas Russell veendumuseks, et maailm koosneb ideest, mitte mateeriast. German idealism considered Russell to be the belief that the world is made up of an idea, not a burial one. [81, 81, 81] 81.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.522108649210108, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5318890889632774 -0.4175119698047638 4399 Seetõttu on kogu majanduselu käekäik sõltuvuses nafta hinnast maailmaturul. Therefore, all economic life is dependent on the price of oil on the world market. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.3301873803138733 4400 20. sajandil tegi Portugal läbi kaks kiire majanduskasvu perioodi. In the 20th century, Portugal was going through two periods of rapid economic growth. [100, 84, 82] 88.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5776758168102278] 0.7902615280012851 -0.4297064244747162 4401 Seni oli juttu sissetulekutest, mis on valitsuse kontrolli all. So far, there was talk of incomes under government control. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.80622942612177 -0.37816473841667175 4402 Enne Charles Darwinit oli see parim teoloogiline argument Jumala olemasolu ja maailmale tähendust andva plaani kasuks. Before Mr Darwini, this was the best theological argument in favour of the existence of God and the plan giving meaning to the world. [78, 72, 65] 71.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.23653881664004375, -0.12539087159621595] 0.17249893446130657 -0.3512628674507141 4403 Ta ei olnud andnud ühtegi intervjuud alates 1979. aastast. He had not given any interview since 1979. [80, 89, 98] 89.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7759485003834985, 1.239385641192763] 0.8363145125395207 -0.18535523116588593 4404 Valimistel said kaotuse osaliseks nii provintsi iseseisvumist taotlev Parti Québécois kui ka senine valitsev Québeci Liberaalne Partei. The elections were both the result of the loss of the independence of the province of Parti Québécois and the ruling Liberal Party of Québec. [75, 78, 80] 77.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 0.3065899732381008, 0.17436773524631535] 0.252138586757065 -0.36465662717819214 4405 Üldasjade nõukogu tegi viimased ettevalmistused Euroopa Liidu eelarveprojekti suunamiseks Euroopa Ülemkogu kohtumisele. The General Affairs Council has made the final preparations to direct the draft EU budget to the European Council. [73, 83, 100] 85.33333333333333 [0.4831155255603034, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7076239407162429 -0.38410070538520813 4406 Tema süda on puhas selles mõttes, et tema tahe on puhtalt tema oma. His heart is pure in the sense that his will is purely his own. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.25480613112449646 4407 Palgasõdurite ülalpidamine oli aga üsna kallis, nagu ka kindluste rajamine. However, maintenance was rather expensive, as was the creation of insurance. [29, 18, 40] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.4768801787803418, -1.1593124721939274] -1.4559089887794296 -0.5222260355949402 4408 Hispaanias avaldati ametlikud andmed tööpuuduse kohta, mis näitasid, et märtsis 2012 jõudis tööpuudus riigis rekordilisele tasemele. In Spain, official data on unemployment was published, which showed that unemployment reached record levels in March 2012. [88, 100, 100] 96.0 [1.0563089074796694, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1629782754908344 -0.3586582839488983 4409 Nende, kohati üsna napis koosseisus jalaväeüksused, olid normaalkoosseisu komplekteerimiseks mehitatud paljuski vabatahtlikega. They, in some cases quite a small number of troops, were very much voluntary to be composed of normal staff. [33, 60, 37] 43.333333333333336 [-1.314460459974846, -0.14224540182923298, -1.2833830642656527] -0.9133629753565772 -0.7259811162948608 4410 1998. aastal läks pankrotti riigi omanduses olnud Nauru Pank. In 1998 the state-owned Nauru Bank went bankrupt. [100, 78, 72] 83.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919, 0.09044991547637454] 0.5405923565211256 -0.23748929798603058 4411 Elektrikatkestuste põhjusena on Ukraina pool maininud tarbimisele kehtestatud ülempiiri ületamist. The reason for the power cuts is that the Ukrainian side has mentioned the overshooting of the upper limit for consumption. [79, 88, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.8258170009536785, 0.6172985934001295] 0.6310315738483347 -0.5320202112197876 4412 Ülemnõukogu ja Eesti Kongressi vahel puhkesid vaidlused, kas taastada sõjaeelne või luua "uus" iseseisvus. Dispute broke between the Supreme Council and the Congress of Estonia on whether to restore pre-war independence or to create 'new' independence. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9656855973928954 -0.40610364079475403 4413 Friedrich Wilhelm pidi aga pärast seda taganema, kui tema hertsogiriiki ründasid Poola ja Tatari väed. Friedrich Wilhelm, however, had to withdraw after his Duchy was attacked by Polish and Tatar troops. [100, 79, 91] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1709475838635426] 0.906676743139723 -0.2809416949748993 4414 Samal ajal võib olla asju mida ta ei märka või mida ta ei taha märgata ega tähele panna. At the same time, there may be things he does not notice or he does not want to notice or notice. [87, 67, 79] 77.66666666666667 [0.6305113080985604, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] 0.3861264483154771 -0.31338024139404297 4415 Saksamaal Hesseni liidumaal toimusid parlamendivalimised. In the Federal State of Hesse in Germany, parliamentary elections were held. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.34635135531425476 4416 Linnus on olnud kolmekorruseline pluss lisaks keldrikorrus. The city has been a three-stroke plus a tower. [16, 21, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.6950193257332875, -1.555891101277511, -2.016289862523797] -1.755733429844865 -0.6079896092414856 4417 Tuletamine nendest aksioomidest käib siiski üsna samamoodi. However, it is quite the same to be derived from these axions. [79, 84, 74] 79.0 [0.4586486864167604, 0.6681304714467177, 0.24682090461896014] 0.4578666874941461 -0.7059552669525146 4418 Eri usku inimesed ja ateistid olid juba varem kasutanud samasuguseid põhjendusi kippudes anglikaanikiriku riikliku kirikupositsiooni kallale. People and atheists of different faiths had already used the same recitals to attack the position of the state church church in FAQ. [27, 31, 34] 30.666666666666668 [-1.1913103462102776, -1.6442737776618106, -1.407453656337378] -1.4143459267364886 -0.5408037900924683 4419 Kindral Dornbergi juhtimisel tormas 23. kergetragunite brigaad ja 1. Under General Dornberg, the brigade and 1 of the 23 light wagons were torn up. [18, 18, 11] 15.666666666666666 [-1.8548106043791617, -1.4768801787803418, -1.5275990883711448] -1.619763290510216 -0.5578001141548157 4420 Ülestõusu ebaõnnestumist seletab Saks "rahva ürgse vabadusihaga", mis muutis organiseeritud ülestõusu mässuks. The failure of the referendum explains the Saks with the 'People's Pringe of Freedom', which turned the organised uprising into a rebels. [71, 77, 83] 77.0 [0.05442657251608684, 0.3708914966906855, 0.6245002025956135] 0.34993942393412864 -0.4929544925689697 4421 Adam Adamandy Kochański ja Stanisław Solski olid jesuiitlikud matemaatikud ja astronoomid; viimane oli ka insener. Adam Adamandy Kochański and Stanisław Solski were thiresuthic mathematics and astronomers; they were also engineers. [45, 44, 45] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0334500137463503, -0.9938850160982935, -1.135825582665942] -1.054386870836862 -0.28242555260658264 4422 Rootsi panganduskontsern Swedbank teatas, et edutab seni Swedbank Eestit juhtinud Priit Perensi Balti panganduse juhiks. The Swedish banking group Swedbank announced that it will promote Priit Perensi Baltic Banking Governor, led by Swedbank Estonia so far. [38, 46, 29] 37.666666666666664 [-0.9151710933557781, -0.8461570014911058, -1.12785038341693] -0.9630594927546046 -0.33389604091644287 4423 Karineem saabub Sumbergi büroosse kihlveopakkumisega. The penalty arrives by betting the Sumberg Office. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.5418542623519897 4424 Pahameelne on ebastabiilses olukorras, sest ta püüab trotsida seda, mida ta pooleldi usub. Physical is in an unstable situation because it tries to defy what it believes in half. [49, 63, 56] 56.0 [-0.43399388551068224, -0.03350342494859623, -0.2711408857067372] -0.24621273205533856 -0.5686336159706116 4425 Sel ajal ei teatud aga, et triipe põhjustas Potyviridae sugukonda kuuluv viirus, mille inimesed viisid kogemata jasmiinilt üle tulpidele. At that time, however, it is not certain that tribal acid was caused by a virus belonging to the family of Potyviridae, which people accidentally moved from Jasmine to floods. [23, 31, 39] 31.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106, -1.2006693362178358] -1.3877244618922067 -0.45378705859184265 4426 Eesti siseminister Andres Anvelt oli visiidil Saksamaal Berliinis, kus kohtus Saksamaa siseministri Thomas de Maizière'iga. The Estonian Minister for the Interior, Andres Anvelt, was on a visit in Berlin, Germany, where Thomas de Maizière, the German Minister for the Interior, met. [60, 84, 60] 68.0 [-0.14224540182923298, 0.6681304714467177, -0.574314160703546] -0.016143030362020434 -0.244469553232193 4427 Himustamisest pärinevad viha, raev, meelehärm, õelus jms. It is hatred, affliction, frustration, nurture, etc. [22, 12, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-1.465741972965541, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -1.9850935737740434 -0.7325707674026489 4428 Kõige hiljutisem gripipandeemia toimus 2009. aastal, aga ükski viimasest kolmest pandeemiast pole saavutanud 1918. aasta ulatust. The most recent influenza pandemic occurred in 2009, but none of the three last pandemics have reached the scale of 1918. [99, 100, 82] 93.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9955302449026969 -0.27500489354133606 4429 Maxwelli võrranditel ja statistilise mehaanika seadustel on samasugune roll tänapäeval. The laws on Maxwell's equals and statistical mechanics have the same role today. [100, 98, 99] 99.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.027056832443855, 1.0932483143502365] 1.045311366305199 -0.41565805673599243 4430 Venemaal Peterburis toimus šokolaaditehase Rot Front hoone juures plahvatus. There was an explosion in the Rot Front building in St Petersburg in Russia. [61, 83, 75] 73.0 [-0.11249097872336815, 0.6245002025956135, 0.2881777686428686] 0.266728997505038 -0.2687724232673645 4431 Prantsusmaa raudteeoperaator SNCF teatas, et öösel oli saboteeritud kiirrongide võrgustikku TGV. The French rail operator SNCF announced that TGV had been sabotaged at night. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0463418728498313] 0.9464835466811531 -0.27197378873825073 4432 Paavst avaldas 13. märtsil 2011 kaastunnet Jaapani maavärinas kannatanutele ja annetas Jaapani heaks 100 000 USA dollarit. On 13 March 2011, the Pope issued condolences to those affected by the earthquake in Japan and released USD 100 000 for Japan. [86, 72, 86] 81.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.29272250569331404, 0.7431032729058616] 0.5435341651731928 -0.3244141638278961 4433 See küsimus pakub erilist huvi utilitarismile, st konsekventsialismi vormile, mis hoolib eriti õnnest. This issue is of particular interest in the form of utility infrastructure, that is to say consecticide, which cares particularly about rhetoric. [43, 37, 30] 36.666666666666664 [-1.035241880122202, -1.3824921645551846, -1.697337004628338] -1.3716903497685748 -0.49992671608924866 4434 Saudi Araabias jõustus seadus, mille kohaselt tohivad naistepesu kauplustes töötada edaspidi ainult naistöötajad. In Saudi Arabia, a law came into force which allows only female workers to work in shops from now on. [58, 65, 82] 68.33333333333333 [-0.710618469589375, -0.1617134852456394, 0.5808699337445091] -0.09715400703016841 -0.4449852705001831 4435 Armastaja võib armastatule projitseerida ideid, ideaale, lootusi ja igatsusi. A loved artist can test ideas, ideals, hopes and loneliness. [23, 29, 35] 29.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.7315343153640192, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4719537931581541 -0.4773363471031189 4436 Põhilised purustused leidsid aset Ishikawa prefektuuris, hukkus üks ja sai vigastada enam kui sada seitsekümmend inimest. The main destruction took place in Ishikawa Prefecture, killed one and injured more than 100 seventy people. [53, 53, 52] 52.666666666666664 [-0.2811423169988513, -0.6844078629375159, -0.409280703797869] -0.45827696124474543 -0.39514076709747314 4437 Kristo Päivinen vägistas Tanjat nooruses, mille tagajärjel sündiski tütar Juulia, kelle Tanja ära andis. Kristo Soivinen raped Tanzeri in her youth, resulting in the birth of dautar Julia, who was surrendered by Tanja. [52, 41, 29] 40.666666666666664 [-0.31935520912680904, -1.2079710891507676, -1.12785038341693] -0.8850588938981688 -0.39763227105140686 4438 Kui pidada reegliks ka kindlaks kujunenud vaatekohti või eelarvamusi, siis normaalteaduse probleemid on nagu peamurdmisülesanded. If we also consider the positions or prejudices that have developed as the rule, then the problems of normal science are like the main breaking tasks. [67, 83, 93] 81.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6610109676137252] 0.4544666932886711 -0.5352857112884521 4439 Jaanuaris 1922 soovitas Rahvasteliit konfliktis vahendajaks Eestit, Lätit või Poolat, kuid Venemaa keeldus Rahvasteliidu vahenduskatsetest. In January 1922, the People's Union recommended Estonia, Latvia or Poland as a mediator in the conflict, but Russia refused mediation tests by the People's Union. [55, 53, 51] 53.0 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.39597668121738544, -0.4297907926901062] -0.34349466888347585 -0.30316826701164246 4440 Taolises demograafiliselt jätkusuutmatus olukorras on ainsaks elanikkonna kasvu allikaks olnud ränne. In such a demographic unsustainable situation, migration has been the only source of population growth. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058] 1.3815368685005553 -0.27380555868148804 4441 Vihmaperioodil esineb äikest ja torme, kõige tormisem on tavaliselt märtsi lõpp. There are mountains and storms in the racket period, the worst of which is usually the end of March. [9, 17, 1] 9.0 [-2.6041396923861053, -1.7008804037850265, -2.016289862523797] -2.107103319564976 -0.522149384021759 4442 SpaceX ostis endale peakorteriks 9700 ruutmeetri suuruse laohoone Los Angelese eeslinnas El Segundos. SpaceX purchased its headquarters in El Segundos, the suburbs of Los Class of 9 700 square metres. [79, 56, 68] 67.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, -0.4976026478113921, 0.1096188910533485] 0.020665123477717526 -0.5117523074150085 4443 Briti empiristid olid seisukohal, et kogu teadmine tuleb tuletada ideedest, mis on vaimusse istutatud meeltetajuga. The British empire was of the opinion that all knowledge was to be derived from ideas with a sense of mind. [84, 86, 79] 83.0 [0.39856686623484705, 0.353398789913554, 0.2637861396723636] 0.3385839319402549 -0.5492949485778809 4444 Oli vaid veel võimalus murda britid enne kui Blücher jaole pääseb. There was only an opportunity to break the British before Blycher jajab got away. [58, 49, 39] 48.666666666666664 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.8589289383419331, -1.2006693362178358] -0.8244917201758074 -0.45147427916526794 4445 Veel hilisemal ajal poolitati eeslinnus vahemüüri ja torni abil. Even later, the suburbanisation was split by means of a diary and a tower. [22, 17, 12] 17.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -2.2550975415772707, -1.6672600671603848] -1.8776916137585553 -0.6657204031944275 4446 Tänapäeval on Norras palju rahvusvaheliselt tuntud kunstnikke. Today there are many internationally renowned artists in Norway. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8163818113222999, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.1434496475672975 -0.24411384761333466 4447 Seejärel nimetatudki Herike Tallinna ja Rakvere linnuste pealikuks Taani kuninga asendajana. Then it was Herike Tallinna and Misvere cities that were named as the replacement of the Danish King. [80, 83, 77] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, 0.29762613272172966] 0.47083500104359244 -0.6570882797241211 4448 Lepingu iseäralik tunnus on, et selle sõlmimise ajal ei ole teada kohustuse ulatus. The peculiar feature of the agreement is that, when it is concluded, the scale of the undertaking is unknown. [89, 83, 85] 85.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7017464088819532] 0.7007317039536884 -0.4073658585548401 4449 Aga õige arusaamine kohustuse loomusest teeb selgemaks, kuidas sellest mõelda. However, the correct understanding of the nature of the obligation makes it clearer how to think about it. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.3981607258319855 4450 Kahe poole vahel sõlmiti vaherahu tingimusega, et kuningas annab kontrolli taaskord Toweri üle ära. A truce of truce between the two parties was reached on the condition that the king would once again hand hand over to me. [45, 58, 52] 51.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.41488891976357517, -0.7280381317886201] -0.6750357986678629 -0.5652667880058289 4451 Ka šimpansitel on häälitsus, mis ebamääraselt meenutab naeru mõnes mänguolukorras, näiteks kõditamisel. Scots also have fatigue that is vaguely reminiscent of a skin in in some toys, such as walking. [10, 18, 26] 18.0 [-2.7583452434187077, -2.2114672727261664, -1.7383085685286457] -2.2360403615578397 -0.52196204662323 4452 Linnuse külje alla, sellest ida poole tekkis ka asula, mis juba paarkümmend aastat hiljem langes venelaste rünnaku ohvriks. On the side of the city, there was also a hurricane on the east, which, a few decades later, fell victim to an attack by the Russians. [27, 14, 1] 14.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -2.3859883481305837, -2.016289862523797] -1.9776262427969842 -0.5648961663246155 4453 Laine satub pargis Georgiga kokku ja otsustab Rocco kaitseks välja astuda. The ship will meet in park with Georger and decide to step up in defence of Rocco. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.7722301691263573, -2.016289862523797, -2.95318184319494] -2.5805672916150315 -0.5231866836547852 4454 Et me ei taha kahaneda ega kahju saada, ei saa me olla armastuse objekti suhtes hoolimatult valimatud. As we do not want to be shrinking or damaged, we cannot be recklessly indiscriminate against the object of love. [80, 100, 74] 84.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103, 0.24682090461896014] 0.6218028654693903 -0.36517098546028137 4455 38.\tIgaüks valitsejatest tegi endale seitse jõudu ja iga jõud tegi endale kuus inglit, kuni ingleid sai 365. 38. The Taliban used to take up seven power, and every power made six angels until they got 365. [54, 84, 69] 69.0 [-0.24292942487089356, 0.6681304714467177, 0.09524274541966368] 0.17348126399849595 -0.7975306510925293 4456 Serbias leiti surnud luigelt linnugripi surmav vorm H5N1, Indoneesia tervishoiuametnikud aga teatasid linnugripi puhangust tuvide seas. In Serbia, a deadly form of avian influenza was found, H5N1 was found, while the Indonesian health officials reported an outbreaks of avian influenza among whales. [55, 77, 66] 66.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.36271858948898755, 0.04615892826000089] -0.037689799033175986 -0.3607122600078583 4457 1981. aastal kinkis esimese pillimehena Clapton enda signeeritud Fender Lead II kitarri Hard Rock Cafele. In 1981, the first singer, Claston, himself packed up by Fender Lead II, was presented to Hard Rock Cafle. [69, 80, 58] 69.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4936093960423005, -0.20768092291338958] 0.08943611990814078 -0.47097691893577576 4458 Politseile anti korraldus homoseksuaalseid inimesi mitte vahistada, peatati ka nende suhtes algatatud kohtumenetlused. The police were ordered not to arrest homosexual people, and legal proceedings against them were also suspended. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9931576077534222 -0.3471010625362396 4459 Demonstratsioon oli emotsioonidest kirgas, kuid rahumeelne. The demonstration was in the coffin of emotions, but peaceful. [34, 29, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.7315343153640192, -1.318230271796973] -1.4427339013918503 -0.348922461271286 4460 Algne linnusetorn pidi tegutsema ka kui tollipunkt Pihkva vürstiriigi suunal. The original urbanisation act as a customs point towards the Principality of Pihkva. [31, 23, 27] 27.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.318230271796973, -1.818794853066228] -1.507844090252874 -0.3534742295742035 4461 Igatahes pole tagatist, et mis tahes stipulatsioonide komplekt on korraga kehtestatav. In any case, there is no guarantee that any set of classifications will be introduced at the same time. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.41659119725227356 4462 Üldiselt arvatakse, et suured sissetuleku ja sotsiaalse staatuse erinevused meie ühiskonnas on aktsepteeritavad, kui võimalused on kõigile võrdsed. It is generally believed that large differences in income and social status in our society are acceptable if opportunities are equal for all. [83, 100, 91] 91.33333333333333 [0.4929432823203649, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9814216926040136] 0.8246755818589891 -0.35807064175605774 4463 Tšaad ja Niger alustasid Nigeerias sõjalist operatsiooni äärmusliku islamiliikumise Boko Haram vastu. Chad and Niger started a military operation against the extremist Islamic movement Boko Haram in Nigeria. [85, 100, 100] 95.0 [0.711760740297822, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 1.044321209300944 -0.16447067260742188 4464 Ta on täiuslik jõud, nähtamatu, neitsiliku ja täiusliku vaimu peegeldus. It is a perfect force, a reflection of an invisible, neo-violent and perfect spirit. [61, 51, 53] 55.0 [-0.5826355462250417, -0.6660402866896673, -0.2811423169988513] -0.5099393833045202 -0.2777192294597626 4465 Nobeli võidetud kohtuprotsess oli arvatavasti hoiatus teistele ning pärast seda tema patendiõigust eriti ei kiputud enam rikkuma. The Nobel-won trial was probably a warning to others, and after that his patent law was not very likely to be breached any more. [100, 84, 80] 88.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.6172985934001295, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8110024528943366 -0.5076966285705566 4466 2. augustil 2008 toimus kolmas raketi Falcon 1 stardikatse. On 2 August 2008, the Falcon 1 launch pad took place in the third one. [26, 25, 23] 24.666666666666668 [-1.5666238606968599, -0.9668437122371525, -1.318230271796973] -1.2838992815769952 -0.33790892362594604 4467 Ursula külastab Almat ja viimane ei jäta kasutamata võimalust uurida linnapea elu kohta. Ursula will visit Alma and the latter will not miss the opportunity to investigate the mayor's life. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3081815242767334 4468 Tavaliselt on armastus väga vähe meie kontrolli all, ja kas või sellepärast ei keela moraal midagi või kedagi armastamast lakata. Normally, love is very little under our control and, if not because of it, there is no ban on morals or anyone loving to ruin. [52, 23, 45] 40.0 [-0.6300169437293796, -1.318230271796973, -0.952528152074385] -0.9669251225335792 -0.4586375951766968 4469 Taylor annetas Neverlandi loomaaiale elevandi ja abiellus rantšos oma seitsmenda abikaasa Larry Fortenskyga. Taylor donated an elephant and married to Neverland's province in ranch with her seventh husband Larry Fortensky. [35, 46, 23] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -0.9111712880504766, -1.318230271796973] -1.2330514207016143 -0.3253483772277832 4470 Samal kuul organiseeris Jackson Saksamaal ja Koreas mitu heategevuskontserti "Michael Jackson & Friends". In the same month, Jackson, Germany and Korea organised a number of charitable conglomerates called Michael Jackson & Friends. [23, 29, 26] 26.0 [-1.674693889577723, -1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322] -1.554989798303995 -0.2839386761188507 4471 Austus mõistusliku loomuse vastu, selle viimne austusväärsus, ei vaja ei Kanti ega Donagani jaoks filosoofilist avastamist, vaid nad eeldavad seda. Respect for rational nature, its last dignity, does not need a philosophical discovery for either Kant or Donagan, but they expect it. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.27277307010597845 -0.4370322823524475 4472 Linn ja selle kindlustused loodi, rakendades järjekindlalt renessansi ja manerismi esteetilisi paradigmasid. The city and its insurance were created through the consistent application of aesthetic paradigms of Renaissance and manerism. [34, 23, 44] 33.666666666666664 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973, -0.9938850160982935] -1.2751660863345882 -0.2631857097148895 4473 Preisi kuningriik muutus tugevaks piirkondlikuks võimuks ja võttis Habsburgide monarhialt Sileesia. The Previous kingdom became a strong regional power and seized Habsburg from the monarchy of Silesia. [23, 24, 21] 22.666666666666668 [-1.862379160600371, -1.1584486258171163, -1.5253339301988655] -1.5153872388721175 -0.2751253843307495 4474 1223. aasta lõpu poole tugevdas Novgorod oma sõjajõude Ugandis eesmärgiga luua seal endale alluv vürstiriik. Later in the end of 1223, Novgorod strengthened its military forces in Uganda with the aim of creating a self-subordinate Principality there. [65, 72, 78] 71.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.23653881664004375, 0.3749456032534637] 0.1499236448826227 -0.333682656288147 4475 Murdoch ei taha öelda, et meil on oma vaimuseisundite kohta eksimatu või privilegeeritud teadmine. Murdoch does not want to say that we have an unmisguided or privileged knowledge of our spirits. [71, 57, 85] 71.0 [-0.15602580167726396, -0.44990022892794107, 0.711760740297822] 0.035278236564205666 -0.2692791819572449 4476 Eesti rahvuslik lennukompanii Estonian Air tutvustas oma uuenenud kaubamärki ja firmale hangitavate uute lennukite kujundust. Estonian Air, the Estonian national air company, has presented its updated brand and the design of new aircraft. [90, 100, 74] 88.0 [0.9299120845533435, 1.1249782957469103, 0.24682090461896014] 0.7672370949730714 -0.5355475544929504 4477 Otsustav ja sügav erinevus puudutab armastuse objekti loomust. The decisive and profound difference concerns the nature of the object of love. [97, 82, 100] 93.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8989605729916622 -0.3048161566257477 4478 Naani sõjaväeline auaste pole teada, perekonnaarhiivis olevatel sõjafotodel on ta kapteni vormis. The Nazi military primates are not aware that military photographs in the family archipelago are in the form of a captain. [18, 1, 10] 9.666666666666666 [-1.622992504998183, -2.016289862523797, -2.560509423535001] -2.06659726368566 -0.5863368511199951 4479 14. novembril 1988. aastal selline luba ministrite nõukogult saadi. Such authorisation was obtained by the Council of Ministers on 14 November 1988. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.2421298772096634 4480 Valitsus vastas tuhandete sõdurite saatmisega pealinna Dhaka tänavatele. The government responded by sending thousands of soldiers to the streets of the capital Dhaka. [92, 100, 99] 97.0 [0.7859190067183177, 0.9996617706525889, 1.2714002976190448] 1.018993691663317 -0.21404816210269928 4481 Arvu kolm läbiv kasutamine sümboliseerib kolmainsust, mille järgi on nime saanud Trinidadi saar. The three-way street is a symbol of the triumph by which the island of Trinidad is named. [38, 36, 41] 38.333333333333336 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.0121812168743272, -1.1179556081700188] -1.0881601900725846 -0.46268394589424133 4482 Tema otsuse tingisid tema vastu esitatud süüdistused seksuaalses ahistamises. His decision was the result of accusations against him of sexual harassment. [65, 70, 74] 69.66666666666667 [-0.09300816647554071, 0.1477760878356, 0.3652171569470719] 0.13999502610237707 -0.46073225140571594 4483 Miks on elu, milles inimene midagi armastab, parem? Why is a life in which a person loves something better? [83, 87, 85] 85.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.7844601369297701, 0.5580489988532433] 0.6556697794595423 -0.2743072211742401 4484 Constantinuse poolt kokku kutsutud Arles'i kirikukogu ja I Nikaia kirikukogu näitasid tema huvi ühtse kiriku vastu ning soovi saada selle peaks. The Arles Church Church and the Church of Nicia, convened by Constantinan, demonstrated his interest in and desire for a united church. [32, 23, 41] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.318230271796973, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3456097962592326 -0.44223466515541077 4485 Pole kuigi suur samm Kantist Friedrich Nietzscheni ning Nietzschest eksistentsialismini ja sellega väga sarnaste anglosaksi eetikadoktriinideni. It is not a big step from Cantist Friedrich Nietzschen and Nietzsche to existential and, by extension, very similar Anglo-Saxon Ethics. [36, 45, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-1.0370410562022774, -0.5868454540225132, -0.7470906066568443] -0.7903257056272116 -0.3425167500972748 4486 See tekitas ikoonilise suhte koi ja puukoore vahele. It created an iconian relationship between coke and tree. [28, 15, 1] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2364646201977947, -2.3423580792794794, -1.922851051450467] -1.8338912503092473 -0.45793575048446655 4487 Aastal 1027 Taani kuninga Knut Suure vastu ettevõetud sõjakäik lõppes edutult. The war campaign against Knut Great, Denmark's King, in 1027, ended unsuccessfully. [80, 100, 79] 86.33333333333333 [0.4949620887624109, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.689973170566839 -0.45562195777893066 4488 Balmorali kruiis toimub Titanicu hukkumise 100. aastapäeva mälestamiseks. On the Limoral Library, the Titanic is taking place to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of the Titanic. [27, 15, 21] 21.0 [-1.5306005177365722, -2.258848426590734, -2.080576466172854] -1.9566751368333868 -0.4258801341056824 4489 "Tuleb siiski teada, et tõelist loomust tähistava ühise termini tähistatavat võib vaadelda kolmel moel. "It must be known, however, that a common term of genuine nature can be looked at in three ways. [98, 84, 100] 94.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.0057622243770508 -0.48140788078308105 4490 2012. aasta aprillis liitus Musk kampaaniaga The Giving Pledge, võttes enesele moraalse kohustuse annetada enamus oma varandusest heategevuseks. In April 2012, The Musk campaign was joined by The Giving Pledge on the basis of a moral obligation to donate most of its assets to good practice. [87, 84, 90] 87.0 [0.7844601369297701, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.6670997638659113 -0.48076945543289185 4491 Erapooletut vaatekohta võidakse rakendada ka selleks, et näidata, et üks eetikakäsitus on teisele eelistatav. An impartial view may also be used to show that one ethical approach is preferable to another. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9204404930015818 -0.3837600350379944 4492 Peaministri kohusetäitjaks nimetati Adiato Djaló Nandigna. Adiato Djaló Nandigna has been appointed Chief Secretary-General. [100, 77, 89] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7459235360789721 -0.2911415994167328 4493 Selle andmetel elas Portugalis 10 562 178 inimest, neist 10 047 621 riigi mandriosas, 246 772 Assooridel ja 267 785 Madeiral. According to this, 10 562 178 people were living in Portugal, 10 047 621 of them on the mainland, 246 772 in the Azores and 267 785 in Madeira. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822] 1.044321209300944 -0.18406349420547485 4494 Saksa võimu ajal saadi vägivallast ja purjutamisest lahti. During the German authorities, violence and destruction were unleashed. [16, 12, 20] 16.0 [-2.298727810428375, -1.6672600671603848, -1.9864497526720966] -1.9841458767536189 -0.3917601704597473 4495 Platoni "Phaidroses" öeldakse, et armastaja armastab poissi heatahtlikkuseta nagu näljane toitu, nagu hunt lambukest. Plato's' Phaidroses' says that a loser loves a boy without goodwill such as a hungry food such as a wolf from sheep. [13, 29, 21] 21.0 [-2.0349273191806003, -1.12785038341693, -2.080576466172854] -1.7477847229234615 -0.40191322565078735 4496 Võitluses Lõssõtšanski eest hukkus Ukraina Rahvuskaardi 3011. väeüksuse komandör polkovnik Oleksandr Radijevskõi. The commander of the 3011th Ukrainian National Guard, polkovnik Oleksandr Radijevsle, died in the fight for the Liberssychest. [76, 65, 56] 65.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, -0.1617134852456394, -0.2711408857067372] -0.03792201677149779 -0.45084133744239807 4497 Uude valitsusse ei kuulu enam islamiliikumise Ḩamās esindajaid. The new government no longer includes representatives of the Islamic movement in Hamas. [94, 100, 88] 94.0 [0.851024723251196, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8726797157233768] 0.9077887365423872 -0.2950366735458374 4498 Me võiksime lisada mudelile tingimuse, et ääretingimused peavad olema eksplanandumi eelnevad põhjused. We could add to the model the stipulation that peripheral conditions must be the pre-explantation reasons. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0156289521215054, 0.4146600021189639, 0.8394084631768461] 0.7565658058057719 -0.4222925901412964 4499 Jamesi kirikus toimus pidulik jumalateenistus juunis 1941 Baltimaades läbi viidud küüditamiste ohvrite mälestuseks. A formal service in the James Church was held in June 1941 in memory of the victims of deportations carried out in the Baltic States. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0299403453177562 -0.30412954092025757 4500 Hollandis Haagis toimus Rahvusvahelise Kriminaalkohtu liikmesriikide assamblee, kus Eestit esindas välisminister Urmas Paet. In The Netherlands, the National Assembly of the International Criminal Court was held in The Hague, where Estonia was represented by Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.2328212410211563 4501 Arvatakse, et see on mõjutanud kreeka keelt, kirjandust, sporti, teadust, tantsu, muusikat, poliitikat ja usundit. It is thought that it has affected Greek, literature, sport, science, dance, music, politics and religion. [77, 81, 62] 73.33333333333333 [0.2705666302778131, 0.5372396648934048, -0.08076099732669434] 0.2423484326148412 -0.2533782720565796 4502 Enne venelaste uut rünnakuüritust tekkinud lühikest pausi kasutasid sakslased Novgorodi rindelt taandumiseks. The Germans used the Novgorod front to withdraw before the new strike hit the Russians. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7524397932079858 -0.536521852016449 4503 Liidu nõukogu moodustas olukorra uurimiseks komisjoni, mille koosseisu kuulusid Belgia, Brasiilia, Hiina ja Hispaania esindajad. The Council of the Union set up a Commission to examine the situation, composed of representatives of Belgium, Brazil, China and Spain. [100, 93, 85] 92.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822] 0.8458929324880642 -0.2667906582355499 4504 Allan Petersoniga püüab töökaupa sõlmida värske linnapea ise. I am starting with St Petersson in an attempt to conclude a working shop with a fresh mayor himself. [22, 18, 15] 18.333333333333332 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.4768801787803418, -2.193234072791639] -1.7936104947033307 -0.49991926550865173 4505 Kiirabi tööriietus kujundatakse igas riigis eraldi. The fast-track tool will be developed in each country separately. [14, 17, 10] 13.666666666666666 [-2.3859883481305837, -2.1105203447438217, -2.446018900578199] -2.3141758644842017 -0.5564584136009216 4506 Septembris 1746 maandas Bourdonnais oma väed Madrase lähistel ja asus sadamat piirama. In September 1746 in Bourdonnail, the troops near Madran and took the port to be restricted. [88, 76, 100] 88.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6363204515583459 -0.46714863181114197 4507 Elu oleks passiivne ja fragmentaarne, seega palju halvem. Life would be passive and fragmented, so much worse. [94, 88, 81] 87.66666666666667 [0.851024723251196, 0.7442185189868247, 0.5363189527863194] 0.71052073167478 -0.19493865966796875 4508 Portugali riiklikud sümbolid on vastavalt põhiseaduse 11. artiklile riigilipp ja riigihümn. Portugal's national symbols are the national flag and national anthem under Article 11 of the Constitution. [55, 53, 51] 53.0 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.39597668121738544, -0.4297907926901062] -0.34349466888347585 -0.2583855390548706 4509 Chilwa järve valgla on äravooluta ala, mida toidavad Shire mägismaalt, Zomba platoolt ja Mulanje massiivi põhjanõlvalt algavad jõed. Child lake is an area without drainage fed by Shire mountain, by Zomba platoo and by the rivers on the northern coast of Mulanje. [63, 58, 61] 60.666666666666664 [-0.13662268792138957, -0.4138768859676533, -0.11249097872336815] -0.22099685087080367 -0.45972803235054016 4510 Kui vasturünnanud eestlased Grenaderimäe tippu jõudsid, polnud seal enam ühtegi venelast. When the star Grenaderimmed Estonians reached the top, there was not a single Russians any more. [33, 35, 30] 32.666666666666664 [-1.7771428309588193, -1.2424137740542707, -1.1600388359418792] -1.393198480318323 -0.5182265043258667 4511 Mis tahes nähtuste rühma uurimise ajaloos leiab teadusajaloolane tõenäoliselt mustri, mida siin illustreeritakse füüsikalise optika näitel. In the history of any group of phenomena, a scientific historian is likely to find a pattern, which is illustrated here by the example of physical optics. [70, 100, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5365277773995645 -0.40010249614715576 4512 Kõigeks selleks kulus umbes 4 grammi õhukesi kullalehti. All of this took around 4 grams of air gold. [78, 82, 73] 77.66666666666667 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.035841257666501314] 0.347876632143699 -0.6129748225212097 4513 Sulev Vahtre peab seda kiire tegutsemise juures siiski realistlikuks ja ka kroonik ise on kiirustamist rõhutanud. However, the girl boasts it to be realistic to act quickly, and the chronicker himself has underlined the haste. [28, 29, 34] 30.333333333333332 [-0.9467436332444287, -1.12785038341693, -1.407453656337378] -1.1606825576662456 -0.6491491198539734 4514 Loodusteadus imponeerib oma ühtsuse ja suurte edusammudega, mille hulgas on mateeria üldine teooria. Nature is impondering its unity and great progress, including a general theory. [77, 52, 65] 64.66666666666667 [0.299364419121868, -0.6300169437293796, 0.01442894686332708] -0.1054078592480615 -0.4436909258365631 4515 Gottlob Frege esimene ja Bostocki arvates suurim panus matemaatikafilosoofiasse on moodsa loogika leiutamine. Gottlob Frege's first and Bostock's view is that the biggest contribution to the mathematical philosophy is the invention of modern logic. [80, 90, 100] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7084904773694086 -0.2586823105812073 4516 See olukord muutus Hollandile nii lootusetuks, et Hollandi valitsus saatis saadiku Prantsusmaa kuninga juurde rahu otsima. This situation became so hopeless for the Netherlands that the Dutch Government sent an ambassador to the King of France to seek peace. [64, 73, 81] 72.66666666666667 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.26826879803671755, 0.5372396648934048] 0.20259054490806508 -0.2236228734254837 4517 Lõhuti vähemalt 99 objekti, näiteks Eesti Rahvusraamatukogule tekitati kahju viiesaja tuhande Eesti krooni väärtuses. At least 99 sites were blown up, such as the Estonian National Library, which suffered damage worth five hundred thousand Estonian kroons. [28, 26, 29] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.3746544731431163, -1.12785038341693] -1.4258898135917233 -0.41124749183654785 4518 Soov, et maailmas ei ole konflikte või et kõik näilised konfliktid oleks pinnapealsed ja sügavamal tasandil lahendatavad, on arusaadav. It is understandable that there is no conflict in the world or that all apparent conflicts are superficial and can be resolved at a deeper level. [56, 60, 51] 55.666666666666664 [-0.3859838908734935, -0.01365207210314715, -0.4297907926901062] -0.27647558522224897 -0.32499465346336365 4519 Kui ta maad mööda ringi sõitis, pandi lapsed tee äärde laulma ja lipukesi lehvitama. When he walked around his country, children were put on the road to sing the extremes and waving the flag. [34, 39, 29] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.0983204022131197, -1.12785038341693] -1.246517918912849 -0.5091457962989807 4520 Ent kalli mina kõrvalejätmiseks ei ole tarvis kõigist huvidest loobuda, nagu Kant arvab. However, it is not necessary, as Kant thinks, to abandon all interests in order to exclude fish. [76, 65, 53] 64.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.01442894686332708, -0.6216732398831174] -0.09605199079396903 -0.501609206199646 4521 Ainult armastaja vaatab nii lähedalt, hoolikalt ja suuremeelselt. Only the loser looks so closely, carefully and generously. [68, 75, 81] 74.66666666666667 [-0.001320279524490586, 0.33172876083006514, 0.5372396648934048] 0.2892160487329931 -0.2766486704349518 4522 Rebasele helistas omal ajal Eestisse saadetud mees, kes palus Rebase aadressi, mille julgeolekumees olla ära kaotanud. A man sent to Estonia at the time and asked for a Real address that the security man had lost. [34, 26, 18] 26.0 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.8624251219173322, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5392474725707441 -0.5444684028625488 4523 Scotus möönab, et mõned väidavad, et sama ratio substantiae omamisest järeldub olemuslik samasus. The coding admits that some claim that the same ratio is to the possession of the substances is essentially a mixture. [28, 18, 38] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2420262002417441] -1.4980236544124033 -0.6014772653579712 4524 Justinianus I ajal kuulutati Kalchedoni kirikukogu otsus terves keisririigis riigiseadusena kehtivaks. During Justinianus I, the Kalchedon Church's decision was declared to be valid as a national law throughout the Emperor State. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.4314812421798706 4525 Kas armastada tuleb õigetel põhjenditel või ei tohi põhjendeid üldse olla? Is there a need to love the right causes or there should be no reasons at all? [28, 24, 19] 23.666666666666668 [-1.0448638681081843, -1.6386705466174354, -1.1389932856535834] -1.2741759001264013 -0.5701188445091248 4526 Selle auks peab märkima, et just selline inimloomuse kujund inspireeris poliitilist liberalismi. It should be noted as an honour that it was this image of human nature that inspired political liberalism. [80, 83, 100] 87.66666666666667 [0.5827011107083454, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7100836481667118 -0.3692726790904999 4527 On ka väidetud, et emotsioonid on prototeod, kavatsused, teokalduvused. It has also been claimed that emotions are protoacts, intentions, tendencies towards action. [77, 97, 87] 87.0 [0.36271858948898755, 1.1980287771688547, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7577453014159977 -0.37653931975364685 4528 Nagu plaadi pealkirjastki näha, pöördus muusik neid lugusid esitades tagasi bluusimuusika algusaegade juurde. As can be seen from the title, the musician returned to the early days of the bluustorusness by presenting these stories. [67, 85, 76] 76.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.711760740297822, 0.32953463266677707] 0.37306142754042454 -0.5217703580856323 4529 Ülestõus levis kiiresti üle riigi ja viis valitsuse langemiseni. The uprising quickly spread across the country and led to the fall of the government. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [0.9486832980505137, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.131920321012668 -0.4019310474395752 4530 Venemaal Peterburis toimus liikumise "Antifašistlik Initsiatiiv" organiseeritud meeleavaldus rassismi vastu. In St Petersburg, Russia, there was an organised demonstration against racism by the 'Antifascist Inmunicipal' movement. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0799035887442818 -0.34562334418296814 4531 19.\tPoeg palus anda endale töökaaslaseks Tarkust. 19. They asked to give themselves an expert in Tartu. [18, 20, 21] 19.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.124206735023958, -1.945092888648188] -1.848726600817496 -0.7722762227058411 4532 Scotus nimetab sõna, mis on mitme asja suhtes ekvivookne, ekvivokantseks, ja vastavaid asju ekvivokaatseteks. Scotus refers to the word 'equivalent' for a number of things, an exvisidium, and the relevant matters as exvivoctors. [66, 63, 69] 66.0 [0.21562528066459924, -0.20810459964403286, 0.327817367375638] 0.11177934946540147 -0.6717100739479065 4533 Kuid pärast Jüriado haavatasaamist tõmbuti Grenaderimäele tagasi ja positsioonid jäid venelastele. However, after being wounded by Juriado, the Grenadernem was withdrawn and the positions remained with the Russians. [30, 15, 1] 15.333333333333334 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.7733750550387843, -2.016289862523797] -1.6499012511681534 -0.4672122895717621 4534 Selle tulemuse kinnitas pärast esialgset rahutust 1699. aasta "rahustamisseim". This outcome was confirmed after an initial disturbance, after the 16959 'most reassuring'. [45, 49, 40] 44.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.5409659837249011, -1.1593124721939274] -0.8608196001234073 -0.721386730670929 4535 Kolm aastat hiljem alistas Johannes I Tzimiskes Svjatoslav I väed ning tagasiteel tapeti Svjatoslav petšeneegide poolt. Three years later, Johannes I Tzimism defeated the forces of Svjatoslav I and was killed by Svjatoslav šeneeurs on his way back. [94, 85, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.711760740297822, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8008008942268994 -0.37205469608306885 4536 Hukkus 40 inimest, veel 10 toimetati vigastustega haiglasse. 40 people died, another 10 were taken to hospital with injuries. [100, 83, 98] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.239385641192763] 0.9876631207176022 -0.43023815751075745 4537 Kristjan ja Laine otsustavad jätkuvalt kultuursel või koguni teaduslikul lainel püsida. Christian and Laine will continue to decide to stay on the cultural, or even scientific, loan. [49, 29, 39] 39.0 [-0.7871006959787512, -1.12785038341693, -1.2952316268529762] -1.0700609020828857 -0.336463987827301 4538 Allesjäänud adamiitide ja barlaamistide tagakiusamine jätkus väiksemas mahus Teodosiuse Tărnovost ja patriarh Eutimiuse juhtimisel. The persecution of the remaining AIDS and barrels continued on a smaller scale under the leadership of Teodosius Tărnov and Patriarh Ecesmius. [40, 18, 29] 29.0 [-1.062297059252832, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192] -1.4235705177990645 -0.44049072265625 4539 Kalduvus, millele ta on otsustanud vastu seista, on siis muutunud talle väliseks, võõraks. The fishing that it has decided to resist has then become external, alien to it. [12, 1, 23] 12.0 [-1.8183096545968183, -2.016289862523797, -1.862379160600371] -1.898992892573662 -0.5116828083992004 4540 IX raamatus ütleb Aristoteles, et igaühe meelest on tema elu see, mille poole teda kõige tugevamani tõmbab. In the IX book, Aristotle says that everyone considers his life to be the one he draws to the strongest of his life. [76, 78, 80] 78.0 [0.32953463266677707, 0.4269187050200866, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4166875779097214 -0.42715367674827576 4541 Afganistanis Kandahāris ründasid öösel islamiliikumise Ţālebān võitlejad linna lennujaama. In Afghanistan in Kandahaâr, the militants of the Islamic movement in Ţālebad attacked the city's airport at night. [64, 76, 83] 74.33333333333333 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.4377118082008297, 0.6190326808341362] 0.28633588694301293 -0.5006103515625 4542 Nitroglütseriin oli aine, mis plahvatas vähimagi tõuke peale. Nitroglycerin was a substance that exploded at least the trigger. [52, 46, 58] 52.0 [-0.4791839863125205, -0.8461570014911058, -0.20768092291338958] -0.5110073035723387 -0.5231024622917175 4543 Eelmainitud töös tõestab Sviderski relativistliku kosmoloogia "metafüüsilist, kunstlikku ja avameelselt papimeelset iseloomu". In the above work, Sviderski's relativist comitology is proof of the metaphysical, artificial and openly fascinating nature of Sviderski. [24, 19, 13] 18.666666666666668 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.6283857525312686, -1.635530085763711] -1.6341954616374716 -0.47960901260375977 4544 Nüüdisajainimesed elasid väikestes kogukondades ja haigestunud inimesed kas surid või arenes neil immuunsus. Modern people lived in small communities and ill people either died or developed immunity. [96, 100, 98] 98.0 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1850259554682334, 1.0615183329535627] 1.0671848116483584 -0.3605671525001526 4545 Ansambel Curly Strings võitis aasta albumi, aasta debüütalbumi, aasta parima laulu ja aasta ansambli auhinna. The jury, Curly Strings, won the year's album, the year's debut, the best songs of the year and the winners of the Annual Pillar Award. [39, 29, 34] 34.0 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.12785038341693, -1.5133829711084976] -1.246517918912849 -0.45350462198257446 4546 1460. aastal piirati loss taaskord ümber, seekord Yorkide väesalga poolt. In 14660, the Castle was once again restricted, this time in favour of the Yortan Strait. [30, 36, 42] 36.0 [-1.0961204020202562, -1.426122433406289, -1.0765987441461105] -1.1996138598575519 -0.5212780833244324 4547 Sellepärast nad lükkasid tagasi arusaama, et seletus on katse uudishimu rahuldada või vastata küsimusele, mille uurija võib esitada. That is why they rejected the notion that this explanation is an attempt to satisfy curiosity or to answer the question that the researcher may ask. [91, 80, 100] 90.33333333333333 [1.1709475838635426, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9298450918842511 -0.32896286249160767 4548 Registreerimine ravimiametis tähendab, et Ravimiamet on andnud vastavale ravimile Eesti territooriumil kehtiva kasutusloa. Registration by the Pharmaceutical Office means that the Medicines Agency has authorised the medicinal product in force on the territory of Estonia. [98, 79, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9812361563169528, 0.7123928783280498, 0.7759485003834985] 0.8231925116761669 -0.44612178206443787 4549 Lisaks taskurahale saab ta Almalt kaasa ka hulgaliselt õpetussõnu. In addition to pocket money, he gets a lot of teaching words with him from the start. [83, 56, 58] 65.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, -0.2872347043367487, -0.20768092291338958] 0.043194858448491726 -0.5433633327484131 4550 Teised jälle leiavad, et rõõmu "lähedus" kuulub praktilise mõtlemise mõõtmete hulka. Others think that the 'proximity' joy is one of the dimensions of practical thinking. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.44953665137290955 4551 Kumu levis põhjusel, et Michael ronis vastostetud kambrisse ise sisse, et demonstreerida, kui mugav seal lamada on. The reason why I was mourning was that Michael trains put in the roof themselves to show how convenient it is to bury there. [45, 42, 48] 45.0 [-0.6859552862324167, -0.7014841304063864, -0.8284575600026597] -0.7386323255471542 -0.7899467945098877 4552 1745. aasta augusti lõpuks randus Charles Šotimaal ja hakkas koguma jakobiitidele ustavaid vägesid eesmärgiga panna ta troonile. By the end of August 1745, Scotland sanctioned Charles in Scotland and started to collect troops for hunting ponds in order to put him on throne. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.5578867884653047, -1.8860837863730762, -2.016289862523797] -1.8200868124540592 -0.46345657110214233 4553 On ka raske aru saada, milles moraalifilosoofia pealiskaudsus seisneb. It is also difficult to understand what the superficiality of moral mockery lies in. [37, 46, 27] 36.666666666666664 [-0.7892981632630878, -0.8461570014911058, -0.9094605210983422] -0.848305228617512 -0.5722774863243103 4554 Seda poliitilise kursi muutust selgitab Serbia võimu kiire kasv ja Makedooniasse tungimine. This change of political course is explained by the rapid increase in Serbian power and the invasion of Macedonia. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.3913440704345703 4555 Itaalia parlamendis toimus presidendivalimiste esimene voor. The Italian Parliament held its first round of presidential elections. [100, 100, 98] 99.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 1.239385641192763] 1.215378927601039 -0.19308750331401825 4556 Minu tahteelus võib küll juhtuda olema teatud püsiv pidevus, kuid see oleks juhuslik, see ei sõltuks minu algatusest või juhtimisest. My will may be a kind of permanent continuity, but it would be by chance, it would not depend on my initiative or my leadership. [87, 90, 84] 87.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.548708683221246, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6158797381828847 -0.3619733452796936 4557 Venemaa Föderatsiooninõukogu andis president Vladimir Putinile loa kasutada Venemaa relvajõude sõjategevuseks väljaspool Venemaa piire. The Russian Federation Council authorised President Vladimir Putin to use the Russian armed forces for war outside Russia's borders. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.30439305305480957 4558 Tuulepealset kolonni juhtis laeval Victory Nelson, samas Collingwood laeval Royal Sovereign juhtis teist, tuulealust kolonni. The nuclear Colonnel is led by Victory Nelson on the ship, while the Collingwood ship, Royal Sovestein, managed a second, windline Coloner. [35, 34, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.2784371170145583, -1.3660967923134697] -1.3714288705284738 -0.5755813121795654 4559 Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts tähistas oma asutamise 142. aastapäeva. The Estonian student showed that he was celebrating the 142nd anniversary of his inauguration. [45, 29, 55] 43.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -1.5633677507446853, -0.32348202996362757] -0.923010041719902 -0.5733954906463623 4560 Kui see juhtub kogemata, siis ma ei anna sellele täielikku nõusolekut, kuid see pole ka minu tahte vastane. If this happens by accident, I will not give it my full consent, but it is not against my will either. [76, 100, 94] 90.0 [0.32953463266677707, 1.0991035183644302, 1.0901636694846504] 0.8396006068386193 -0.381416380405426 4561 Pudrust moodustatakse käega nõgus tõsteriist, mille abil seejärel lisandeid ja kastet süüakse. The area is made up of a handful of witch-raising lines, which then lead to the use of additives and cats. [19, 10, 1] 10.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -2.560509423535001, -2.016289862523797] -2.1318621824925574 -0.7713650465011597 4562 Subjektiivselt tuleb kindlaks teha võlgnikult oodatav käitumissstandard, objektiivselt teenuse osutamise üldine tase. Subactively, the expected standard of behaviour, the overall level of service provision, objectively required from the debtor, must be established. [66, 52, 80] 66.0 [-0.0840340075723075, -0.3980608112934324, 0.4936093960423005] 0.0038381923921868566 -0.4383801519870758 4563 Me ei saa uskuda mitte ühtegi sõna, mida ta ütleb."" We cannot believe a single word that he says. ' [100, 84, 83] 89.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6190326808341362] 0.8040471493425881 -0.4095698297023773 4564 Tšiili pealinnas Santiagos puhkesid taas tuhandete osavõtjatega õpilaste meeleavaldused, millel nõuti laiaulatusliku haridusreformi läbiviimist. In Santiago, Chile's capital city, Santiago, there were thousands of student demonstrations calling for a comprehensive education reform. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8768771692653315 -0.40813079476356506 4565 Vestlandeti kitsal rannikul on palju saari ning järskude nõlvadega kitsad fjordid lõikuvad sügavale mägedesse. There are many islands on a narrow coastal coast, and narrow fjords with steep breeds are trawling deep into mountains. [65, 52, 51] 56.0 [-0.1617134852456394, -0.19217063186321356, -0.4297907926901062] -0.2612249699329864 -0.6272828578948975 4566 Mittefalsifitseeritavad on näiteks tautoloogiad, tõesed matemaatika väited ja "võimalik on õnn spordikihlvedudes". Examples of non-quantifiable practices are, for example, that of bovine animals, veritable mathematics claims, and that 'good luck is possible in sports betting'. [24, 13, 35] 24.0 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.635530085763711, -1.3660967923134697] -1.650437512565574 -0.6794506311416626 4567 Aastal 2008 oli väliskaubanduse ülejääk 466 miljardit krooni. In 2008, foreign trade surplus was 466 billion kroon. [100, 73, 89] 87.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.26826879803671755, 0.9089270413502557] 0.7527794322994215 -0.3560585677623749 4568 Kohtumisel vahendas Raivo Aeg kolleegidele kogemusi aprillirahutuste ohjeldamisel, samuti arutati koostööd Schengeni lepingu täitmisel. At the meeting, Raivo's time exchanged experience with colleagues in curbing April's unrest, as well as cooperation in the implementation of the Schengen Agreement. [68, 75, 82] 75.0 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.19851994435723766, 0.5808699337445091] 0.16512705102004985 -0.4915427267551422 4569 Riipalu lahingugrupp jääb pärast läbimurde likvideerimist Kurtna ja Konsu ümbrusse. The Battlegroup in Riipalu will remain after the breakthrough has been eradicated in the area of Kurtna and Congo. [85, 85, 84] 84.66666666666667 [0.3615382092337807, 0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5595657518257672 -0.4923214316368103 4570 Orjadega kauplemises osalesid ka kohalikud hõimud ise, kes vedasid rannikule kasutuks peetud kogukonnaliikmeid ja vangistatud vaenlasi. The local tribes themselves were involved in trading with the valves, who transported community members and imprisoned enemies who were deemed to be useless to the coast. [71, 82, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3951887236234128] 0.34349507662800294 -0.550370991230011 4571 Esiteks tähendab see, et minu tegevust miski ei takista. Firstly, it means that there is nothing to stop me from doing. [61, 66, 70] 65.66666666666667 [-0.2232195995412975, 0.04615892826000089, 0.08139344852332632] -0.03188907425265676 -0.4334475100040436 4572 Maltal Gozo saarel varises hommikul kohaliku aja järgi kell 9.40 kokku kuulus looduslik vaatamisväärsus, hiiglaslik lubjakivist kaar Sinine aken. On the island of Gozo in Malta, at 9.40 local time, a total of natural possessions were stolen at 9: 40, a giant club-sponsored car blue window. [25, 13, 1] 13.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -2.0161852277208774 -0.6107187271118164 4573 Võid asendab söödava pisarapuu vili atanga, mis muutub keetes määritavaks võideks. They replace the feed tears with the fruit of a meal that becomes a foisting victory. [23, 24, 25] 24.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.9496856596195407, -1.8845074786158034] -1.7174744700107725 -0.859083890914917 4574 Kuigi mässulised tervitasid neid samme, jäid nende võitlejad endiselt piirama presidendi residentsi. Although these steps were welcomed by the rebels, their combatants remained limited to the President's residence. [20, 50, 29] 33.0 [-1.4757259452685378, -0.702063629649955, -1.12785038341693] -1.1018799861118076 -0.37209975719451904 4575 Puhkes kodsõda, mille otsustas 24. juunil 1128 Guimarãesi lähistel toimunud São Mamede lahing. The war broke out, which was decided on 24 June, during the battle of São Tomé Islands near Guimarães. [78, 69, 59] 68.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, -0.017620113404488574, -0.3735320557396667] 0.005065563065312195 -0.4936986565589905 4576 Ukule peab Tiina laenatud raamatud tagasi viima Ülo. The new must be taken back to the top by the books borrowed by Tiina. [34, 37, 39] 36.666666666666664 [-0.969200476433561, -1.3824921645551846, -1.2006693362178358] -1.1841206590688604 -0.5053516030311584 4577 Aru saab küll roosist aru, aga roos on ikkagi vaimuväline ja reaalne. The figure does understand the wheel, but the wheel is still out-of-the-art and real. [82, 76, 79] 79.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.3190883206378832, 0.4586486864167604] 0.4094734507112984 -0.6168079376220703 4578 Ainult üksikutest sibulatest kasvasid kaunid lilled. Only a few clowers grew up with beautiful flowers. [80, 86, 83] 83.0 [0.7506057704560075, 0.8001850644696189, 0.5855686120034557] 0.7121198156430274 -0.5289921760559082 4579 Moraalile on iseloomulik, et see kaldub ignoreerima seda võimalust. It is typical of the morality that it tends to ignore this opportunity. [83, 81, 58] 74.0 [0.8652444468398807, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.398267729606632 -0.381063312292099 4580 Sümboliline mõtlemine ja keel on teineteise eelduseks. Symbolic thinking and language are a prerequisite for each other. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.2550372779369354 4581 Loogika ka võrdleb ja klassifitseerib otsustusi "loogilise vormi" järgi. Logists also compare and classify decisions according to 'logical form'. [70, 85, 100] 85.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.6490285747968032, 0.9996617706525889] 0.5556978583350637 -0.27992093563079834 4582 Närviarvutuslik invariantsus ei nõua keele omandamiseks vajalike struktuuride lokaliseeritust ajus. Innumeracy does not require lecturing of the structures required to acquire language in brain. [24, 18, 29] 23.666666666666668 [-1.5280322851818369, -1.6646330781581475, -1.12785038341693] -1.440171915585638 -0.5874373912811279 4583 Teaduse ajalugu ja filosoofiale jäetud probleemide pärand näitavad, et need kaks intellektuaalset uurimist on alati olnud läbi põimunud. The history of science and the legacy of the problems left to the philosophy show that these two intellectual investigations have always been intertwined. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293, 1.32209936924058] 1.182537960905513 -0.2825643718242645 4584 Eneseküllaseks nimetatakse seda, mis omaette võetuna teeb elu soovitavaks ja niisuguseks, et midagi ei puudu. As a mother, what, taken on its own, makes life desirable and one that is not lacking. [24, 23, 40] 29.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.318230271796973, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3720710968694452 -0.48575323820114136 4585 Vapustus ja raev ei ole lihtsalt loomulikud reaktsioonid, millest refleksioon võib distantseeruda, mille suhtes see võib üleolev olla. Missing and striking are not just natural reactions, from which a reflex may distance itself, to which it may be superfluous. [47, 26, 29] 34.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.3128904044537102, -1.12785038341693] -1.0836248154671528 -0.5954939126968384 4586 Üks väga üldine eetikauskumus oleks sel tasandil tõesti teadmise objekt. One very general ethical belief would really be the subject of knowledge at this level. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9034573389678384, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0425130510263931 -0.3392002582550049 4587 Aga temaga annab harjuda, niivõrd on muutunud tütre imidž ... But he gets used to, so the girl's infancy has changed... [86, 84, 85] 85.0 [0.680758556193477, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7017464088819532] 0.6835451455073827 -0.43875589966773987 4588 Haralampos V. Harissis ja Anastasios V. Harissis on pakkunud neile sümbolitele välja täiesti teistsuguse seletuse. In Harare and Anastasios V. Haris, these symbols have been given a completely different explanation. [25, 23, 48] 32.0 [-1.3951224971331087, -1.318230271796973, -0.8284575600026597] -1.1806034429775805 -0.2910083532333374 4589 Mitme ordu kloostrite tohutu levik sel ajal omas vähe konstruktiivset mõju rahva vaimsele elule või rahvahariduse tasemele. The huge spread of several monasteries of the Order at the time had little constructive effect on the mental life of the people or on the level of the population's education. [100, 95, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1168309364076234 -0.5463445782661438 4590 Sinclair Hood leiab, et kõige tõenäolisem Minose kultuuri hävingu põhjus oli just nimelt vallutajate saabumine. Sinclair Hood considers that the most likely cause of the destruction of the Minos culture was precisely the arrival of the conquest. [100, 91, 96] 95.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.9814216926040136, 0.9980583701602151] 0.9590158527755843 -0.310241162776947 4591 Euroopa jalgpalliliidu UEFA uueks presidendiks valiti 27 toetushäälega prantslane Michel Platini. The new President of the European Football Union, UEFA, was elected by 27 French supporters Michel Platini. [28, 18, 7] 17.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -2.2114672727261664, -1.8259099741437539] -1.8439848072154017 -0.22210745513439178 4592 pisi300pxvasakul[[Hagia Sophia oli maailma suurim katedraal peaaegu 1000 aastat pour 300pxleft [Hagia Sophia was the world's largest cathedral for almost 1 000 years. [81, 80, 100] 87.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058] 0.7434562558006149 -0.29413902759552 4593 Õnnetuse põhjustas avarii elektrijaama tuhasüsteemis. The accident was caused by the power plant in the ash system. [55, 67, 79] 67.0 [-0.27816675357289444, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] 0.0832337610916588 -0.47850292921066284 4594 Kodifitseeritud õigusi kasutati peaaegu kuni Bütsantsi eksisteerimise lõpuni. codified rights were used almost until the end of the existence of the Bureau. [69, 53, 67] 63.0 [0.33026395704847245, -0.39597668121738544, 0.07788890965667469] 0.004058728495920566 -0.3672124445438385 4595 Alates 2016. aastast on peaminister Andrew Barr Austraalia Tööparteist, kelle valitsuskabinetis on lisaks temale kuus ministrit. From 2016 onwards, Prime Minister Andrew Barr from the Australian Labour Party, whose government office has six ministers in addition to him. [70, 84, 100] 84.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6038373322498091 -0.3141656219959259 4596 Sillapea neutraliseerimiseks pidid sakslased selle vastu asetama 19. The Germans were required to oppose it in order to neutralise the bridge, with 19 votes against it. [64, 57, 49] 56.666666666666664 [-0.45465262286070834, -0.2394109043100634, -0.5409659837249011] -0.41167650363189096 -0.6520741581916809 4597 Eestis viibis ametlikul visiidil Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Liidu peasekretär Houlin Zhao. In Estonia, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union, Houlin Zhao, was on an official visit. [67, 72, 62] 67.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.29272250569331404, -0.2494614636679413] -0.015468585766563755 -0.23367051780223846 4598 Ta alustas ka teistes valdkondades kindluse otsingut selgetest ja aredatest ideedest, et deduktsiooni teel edasi minna. He also started to seek security in other areas from clear and well-established ideas in order to move forward on the path of dealignment. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9194928156201533 -0.5822416543960571 4599 Minister külastas Rakvere ja Tapa haiglat ning kohtus maakonna sotsiaaltöötajatega. The Minister visited the Task Force and the Tapa hospital and met with social workers in the countryside. [48, 36, 23] 35.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.426122433406289, -1.318230271796973] -1.1728210069245975 -0.41428184509277344 4600 Belgias Brüsselis toimus Euroopa Liidu keskkonnanõukogu istung, kus osales ka Eesti keskkonnaminister Marko Pomerants. In Brussels, Belgium, the EU Environment Council was held with the participation of Estonian Environment Minister Marko Pomerts. [78, 62, 51] 63.666666666666664 [0.4063488583400919, -0.26978351412650253, -0.4297907926901062] -0.09774181615883897 -0.40987449884414673 4601 Ei saa eirata, et laste sooritus on tunduvalt üle teiste liikide ja keeruliste induktiivse õppimise algoritmide omast. It cannot be ignored that children's attainment is well above that of other species and complex inductive learning standards. [29, 15, 1] 15.0 [-1.12785038341693, -2.3423580792794794, -2.782925753755637] -2.0843780721506824 -0.5256261229515076 4602 Rünnakus hävis hotelli fuajee; hukkus kaksteist ja sai vigastada kaheksateist inimest. Twelve people died and eighteen were injured in the attack on the hotel fuajee. [78, 60, 58] 65.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, -0.14224540182923298, -0.20768092291338958] 0.01880751119915643 -0.4555964469909668 4603 Eestis asus siseminister Jüri Pihli nõunikuna tööle Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna liige Jarno Laur. In Estonia, the Minister for the Interior, Jüri Pihl, was appointed Counsellor of the Social Democratic Party, Jarno Laur. [41, 34, 48] 41.0 [-1.2079710891507676, -1.2784371170145583, -0.8284575600026597] -1.1049552553893285 -0.2492211014032364 4604 Desarmeerimise ja julgeoleku valdkonnas oli Eesti väikeriigina rohkem kõrvaltvaataja rollis, kuid omas siiski selgeid seisukohti. In the area of disarmament and security, Estonia was more an observer than a small country, but it still had clear views. [35, 29, 40] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2523051859560834 -0.48875901103019714 4605 Johannes ajab kogemata nurja Aleksandri järjekordse kohtumise. It is unwittingly entering another meeting of the Irishman Alexander. [26, 37, 41] 34.666666666666664 [-1.3746544731431163, -0.892548591046175, -1.1179556081700188] -1.12838622411977 -0.6524540185928345 4606 Samal ajal toimus Viljandi sakalaste eestvedamisel ülestõus ka Eestimaa lõunaosas. At the same time, under the leadership of the Viljand Islands, the southern part of Estonia also took place. [45, 50, 40] 45.0 [-1.0334500137463503, -0.7457438319548428, -1.3229960566534074] -1.0340633007848667 -0.321012407541275 4607 Põhiline sõjategevus leidis aset Mesopotaamia aladel, kus pärslased piirasid korduvalt Amida ja Nisibise kindlusi, suutmata neid küll vallutada. The main military action took place in the areas of Mesoporemia, where the Finns repeatedly restricted Ami and Nisibis confidence without being able to conquer them. [67, 74, 80] 73.66666666666667 [-0.04267714354839904, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.2503103439757643 -0.41755515336990356 4608 Kui preislased ei vastanud, taipasid britid üsna varsti oma viga. If the priests did not answer, the British realised their mistake quite soon. [46, 35, 24] 35.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -1.4697527022573933, -1.3893161887096255] -1.2350752974860415 -0.38267654180526733 4609 Humfried reisis Jeruusalemma ja vandus uuele kuningale truudust, sama tegi suur osa Raymondi pooldajatest. Humfried travelled to Jerusalem and was faithful to the new king, as did a large proportion of Raymond's supporters. [55, 58, 51] 54.666666666666664 [-0.5971473252353072, -0.4138768859676533, -0.4297907926901062] -0.48027166796435566 -0.3782060146331787 4610 Realistlik religioosne maal, mõnikord terve rida seotud töid, teenis oma didaktilist eesmärki. Realistic religious land, sometimes a whole series of related work, served its candidate's purpose. [30, 58, 53] 47.0 [-1.1600388359418792, -0.20768092291338958, -0.39597668121738544] -0.5878988133575515 -0.4084717929363251 4611 Clapton andis oma bändiga just mängule järgnenud päeval kontserdi Veronas Itaalias. Cchilton just gave Verona in Italy a concert with her game on the day after the game. [25, 10, 18] 17.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.446018900578199, -2.2114672727261664] -2.0867111256538373 -0.5383983850479126 4612 Loogilised või strukturaalsed küsimused religioosse eetika kohta, nagu paljud küsimused Jumala kohta, on huvitavad ainult juhul, kui Jumalasse uskuda. Creative or structural questions about religious ethics, like many questions about God, are only interesting if God is to be believed. [91, 100, 83] 91.33333333333333 [0.6971936874182915, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.806932469459445 -0.398151695728302 4613 Arvatakse, et nende ekspeditsioonid jõudsid välja isegi Tejo jõe suudmealani. Their expeditions are thought to even come up to the estuary of the Tejo River. [96, 100, 86] 94.0 [0.9161304397840745, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8001850644696189] 0.905325758302094 -0.42377451062202454 4614 Lane'ist saab ametisse pühitsemisel esimene naispiiskop Inglismaa Kiriku ajaloos. Lane will be the first female bishops in the history of the British Church to take office. [78, 100, 72] 83.33333333333333 [0.674179986200092, 1.1249782957469103, 0.29272250569331404] 0.6972935958801054 -0.3818858563899994 4615 Müügis olid veel Derek and the Dominose aegsed 1970. aasta kõlarid, 1984. aasta kõlakojaga Gibson ja tema Blackie koopia. Other words were Derek and the Dominos' speeches of 1970, Gibson, a sounding dog in 1984, and his Blackie copy. [28, 38, 42] 36.0 [-1.4945771747762846, -0.9396865656205692, -1.0765987441461105] -1.1702874948476547 -0.4748183488845825 4616 Konkursi ametlik võitja Aljona Lanskaja jäeti kõrvale ja uueks võitjaks tunnistati teise koha pälvinud ansambel Litesound. The official winner of the competition, Aljona Lansmer, was rejected and the second prize winner was recognised as Liteclassic. [15, 29, 41] 28.333333333333332 [-1.7206510797975005, -1.12785038341693, -1.1179556081700188] -1.32215235712815 -0.5716758370399475 4617 Enne aastal 1198 tagasiminemist vallutasid tema väed tagasi Siidoni ja Beiruti. Before his resignation in 198, his troops seized Siidon and Beirut. [59, 40, 50] 49.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, -1.1593124721939274, -0.8152986694908287] -0.784154894897374 -0.40398770570755005 4618 See on loomulik reaktsioon mitteeukleidiliste geomeetriate avastamisele. This is a natural response to the discovery of non-conventional geometries. [85, 89, 81] 85.0 [0.7017464088819532, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6716448580529523 -0.3297247886657715 4619 Metafüüsiline probleem on lahutamatu andmetest, mis selle tekitavad. The physical problem is inseparable from the data that generates it. [98, 81, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7906583263724775 -0.3083794116973877 4620 Kui seda ei saa mõista puhta vabaduse kogemisena, mis see siis on ja kas seda üldse ongi? If this cannot be understood as an experience of clean freedom, what is it and is it? [67, 83, 85] 78.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.3546424404953563 -0.4452858567237854 4621 Septembris 1917 toimusid Podolskis maakonna semstvo valimised. In September 1917, the Semstvo elections were held in Podolskis. [67, 84, 56] 69.0 [0.253838172792557, 0.6681304714467177, -0.290569303981979] 0.2104664467524319 -0.3117174506187439 4622 Belgia pealinnas Brüsselis avaldas ligi 100 000 inimest meelt uue paremtsentristliku valitsuse kärpekavade vastu. In the capital of Belgium, Brussels, nearly 100 000 people demonstrated against the new flash-up plans of the centre-right government. [59, 67, 51] 59.0 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.23820330167786363, -0.4297907926901062] -0.18981367800653606 -0.353337824344635 4623 Matleena vanemad on Martta ja ususekti juht Johannes Rintala ning tema õde on Cindy Rintala. Matleena's parents are John Rintala, head of Martta and religion, and his sister is Cindy Rintala. [80, 85, 89] 84.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7017464088819532, 0.6882604319190001] 0.6278720789477513 -0.23208944499492645 4624 Viimast lubas Ajutine Valitsus seetõttu, et Venemaa jätkas Esimeses maailmasõjas osalemist ja rinne oli jõudnud Eesti piirideni. The latter was promised by the caretaker government because Russia continued to participate in the First World War and the front had reached the borders of Estonia. [85, 76, 72] 77.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.3190883206378832, 0.44490263343234565] 0.4409147760101145 -0.3783777058124542 4625 Idee erines radikaalselt vallas olevast käsitusest, et Jumal oleks loonud kõik maailma liigid. The idea was radically different from that of God creating all species in the world. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.48342010378837585 4626 Sellest rääkis ka Empedokles, kellel Armastus, kosmogoonilise perioodi algus ja lõpp, on tuli. This was also mentioned by Empaedophiles, who have had the beginning and end of Armasis, the space period. [67, 84, 76] 75.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.6681304714467177, 0.32953463266677707] 0.3026661015961436 -0.5405595898628235 4627 Lobau saatis neli pataljoni küla enda kontrolli alla võtma, haarates nüüd ka selle asula lahingumöllu. The logo sent four boats to take control of the village, including now the battlecycle of the ashes. [34, 15, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -2.258848426590734, -1.9060553907684363] -1.8144469781245762 -0.7035051584243774 4628 Ta võib hakata küsima, kas ikka tohib arvestada eelarvamustega inimeste ebameeldivaid tundeid kui niisuguseid. He may start to ask whether he can consider people's unpleasant feelings as such. [67, 82, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, -0.01280273874114997] 0.21531870155334462 -0.5992259979248047 4629 16. sajandil tekkisid kontaktid portugallastega, kelle valdustega Maravi lõunas piirnes. In the 16th century, contacts were made with the Portuguese, with their painful characteristics in the south of Maravi. [68, 84, 76] 76.0 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.6681304714467177, 0.36345874222673896] 0.24919349621061979 -0.3996115028858185 4630 Nende järgi on tegu vangi tahtliku tapmisega, ja sellest piisab eetiliselt vaenulikeks tunneteks. According to them, this is a deliberate killing of a prisoner, and this is enough to be ethically hostile. [98, 81, 100] 93.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8964249310280566 -0.4347631335258484 4631 Kui bakteriofaagid välja arvata, olid viirused õigustatult teeninud ära haigustekitajate ja surmatoojate maine. With the exception of bacteriofats, the viruses rightly earned the reputation of sufferers and killers. [80, 61, 51] 64.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.2908183276918498, -0.4297907926901062] -0.07566657477988518 -0.35294702649116516 4632 Eesti peaminister Jüri Ratas oli seoses Euroopa Liidu eesistumisega ametlikul visiidil Hispaanias ja Portugalis. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas, is on an official visit to Spain and Portugal to the Presidency of the European Union. [67, 64, 86] 72.33333333333333 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.7431032729058616] 0.21872679141969345 -0.3094436526298523 4633 Muidu oleks võhiku tähelepanekud taimede kohta väärtuslikumad kui botaaniku omad. Otherwise, the odd observations about plants would be more valuable than those of the bothane. [38, 47, 29] 38.0 [-1.3388618957040805, -0.8698144240265682, -1.12785038341693] -1.1121755677158596 -0.3785047233104706 4634 Burundi, Kongo DV ja Rwanda piiri kolmikpunkt asetseb Tanganjika järve mediaanjoonel. The three-point point of the border between Burundi, the DRC and Rwanda will be placed on the median line of Tanganya. [72, 84, 59] 71.66666666666667 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3735320557396667] 0.1770457441156982 -0.5006814002990723 4635 Algselt rajati kolmekorruseline majalinnus ja torn, mis hiljem moodustasid kantsi läänepoolsema otsa. Initially three-tier housing and storms were built, which later formed the westernmost end of the chicken. [1, 16, 30] 15.666666666666666 [-2.016289862523797, -2.298727810428375, -1.572881112433012] -1.9626329284617279 -0.5711398124694824 4636 Originaal, 1530. aasta Vana Toomas, on praegu raekoja iidses keldris. The channel, the Old Product of 1530, is currently in the ancient garden of the Hall. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7596043322208423 -0.6698006391525269 4637 Alma ja Maria lähevad koos kinno armastusfilmi vaatama. The Alma and Maria go together to watch a love film. [69, 76, 76] 73.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.3190883206378832, 0.36345874222673896] 0.22164231648671118 -0.5388734340667725 4638 Koolihoonesse heideti lõhkekehi ja seejärel avati tuli õpilaste ühiselamu pihta. In school, explosives were dumped and then the fire on pupils' collective housing was opened. [78, 61, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.3301789909881689, 0.024560820024810585, 0.17307885384669613] 0.17593955495322522 -0.6241817474365234 4639 Vaatamata linna vallutamisele Ülestõusmispühade ajal käskis Kalojan kõik bütsantslased vallikraavi heita. Despite the conquering of the city during the contention holidays, Kalojan ordered all Libyans to drop the White Paper. [1, 29, 15] 15.0 [-1.3805425329582788, -1.12785038341693, -1.7733750550387843] -1.4272559904713311 -0.5582866072654724 4640 Ainsaks erinevuseks oli, et Äpplet oli kõigest poolteist meetrit laiem. The only difference was that the trade was broader by just one and a half metres. [25, 50, 21] 32.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -0.24955382300202386, -1.3816902345903206] -1.0779637537498308 -0.4176085889339447 4641 Viimased vajutavad potentsiaalsesse intellekti intelligiibli speetsiese. The latter are sinking into a potential resource resource rich rich in spectrum. [11, 6, 1] 6.0 [-2.1069740051011756, -2.7350304989394183, -2.016289862523797] -2.2860981221881302 -0.7451441884040833 4642 Selle tagajärjel vähenes kõigi teiste viljade kasvatamine oluliselt. As a result, the cultivation of all other crops was significantly reduced. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.044321209300944 -0.4548749029636383 4643 Tartu Maakohus kuulutas välja ettevõtja Rein Kilgi valduses olnud rapsiõlitootja Werol Tehased pankroti. The Tartu Maaten Court has declared the bankruptcy of Rein Kilgi Werol Tehatis, a rapeseed oil manufacturer. [7, 18, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.210696606190541, -1.4768801787803418, -1.8458697062925422] -1.5111488304211418 -0.3821691572666168 4644 2008. aastal oli Rwandas 861 jõge, mille pikkus oli kokku 6462 km. In 2008, there were 861 rivers in Rwanda with a total length of 6462 km. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.19241373240947723 4645 Eestis teatas religioonipsühholoog Tõnu Lehtsaar kandideerimisest Riigikogu valimistel Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu nimekirjas. In Estonia, the religious psychologist, Tkiss Lehtsaak, announced that he was standing for election to the State in the list of the Union of Isaland and Res Publica. [57, 49, 41] 49.0 [-0.7532794440441527, -0.8589289383419331, -1.1179556081700188] -0.9100546635187016 -0.42689090967178345 4646 Tema näide on teele kukkunud puud märkava autojuhi hirm. His example is the fear of a riot driver who has fallen in the way. [89, 83, 86] 86.0 [0.7759485003834985, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7431032729058616] 0.7145173252949912 -0.3570474684238434 4647 Jan Kazimierz rääkis tatari khaani İslâm Girayga taas läbi ja nõustus detsembris 1653 vana Zborivi lepingu tingimustel Žvanetsi lepinguga. Mr Kazimierz spoke again to Mr Ivan Boâm Giray and agreed on the terms of the 1653 old Zborita Agreement with Zvanetsi in December. [25, 27, 29] 27.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.818794853066228, -1.12785038341693] -1.4325828443549418 -0.45825421810150146 4648 Eestis valis taasriigistatud Eesti Raudtee nõukogu firma uueks juhatuse esimeheks ettevõtte senise infrastruktuuridirektori Kaido Simmermanni. In Estonia, Kaido Simmermann, the new head of the board of the re-nationalised Estonian Railway company, was re-elected by the current infrastructure manager. [72, 79, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.23653881664004375, 0.44997912719119615, 0.23454328731752536] 0.30702041038292177 -0.43951597809791565 4649 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis õhkis ennast parlamendi sööklas enesetaputerrorist. The atmosphere in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, was one of self-suicide bombers at Parliament's dinner. [26, 1, 1] 9.333333333333334 [-1.5666238606968599, -1.655442005902876, -2.016289862523797] -1.7461185763745108 -0.4763759672641754 4650 Prantsusmaal avati liikluseks uus raudteeliin Pariisi ja Strasbourgi vahel. France opened a new railway line between Paris and Strasbourg for traffic. [71, 80, 77] 76.0 [0.4066897413043879, 0.4949620887624109, 0.6774892259096519] 0.5263803519921503 -0.30102676153182983 4651 Album sisaldab ka boonusplaati, millel on varem avaldamata versioonid Jacksoni hittidest ja luuletus nimega "Planet Earth". The Alliance also contains a bonus plate with previously unpublished versions of Jackson hitles and poetry called 'Planet Earth'. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-2.6068027130307234, -2.016289862523797, -2.8659213054927313] -2.496337960349084 -0.4020400941371918 4652 Kaevandustööliseks värvati inimesi Hiinast ja Kiribati saartelt, sest naurulased ei tahtnud kaevandustes töötada. People were recruited to extract from China and the island of Kiribati, because the corners did not want to work in the mines. [32, 23, 40] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.318230271796973, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3593954176005356 -0.4136379063129425 4653 Väga edukaks osutusid sõltumatud üksikkandidaadid. Independent individual candidates proved to be very successful. [91, 100, 83] 91.33333333333333 [0.9498875930254039, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8851767510441029 -0.41027140617370605 4654 Ja iga objekti mitmekesisusest valib ta välja selle, millel on tähtsust kultuurilisele arengule ning milles on ajalooline individuaalsus. And out of the diversity of every object, it chooses what is important to cultural development and what is a historical individuality. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.4205547273159027 4655 Omavahelisi suhteid selgitasid relvade abil "Mozgovoi armee" tšetšeenid ja kasakate sotnja sõdalased. The relations between them were explained by the use of weapons of the 'Mozgovoi Army' Chechens and the caste of war. [65, 75, 84] 74.66666666666667 [-0.3871436867160806, 0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177] 0.20423851518690073 -0.5001997947692871 4656 Aruka poodniku maksiim on hoida ühtset hinda omakasu eesmärgil. A wise pop maxim is to keep a single price for self-interest purposes. [29, 15, 32] 25.333333333333332 [-1.1982517280698368, -1.5720701229703633, -1.1571705193818427] -1.3091641234740143 -0.4855174124240875 4657 Vaibad on kootud looduslike tekstiilivärvidega värvitud villasest lõngast. horses have been copied from cotton colours with natural textiles. [15, 8, 1] 8.0 [-1.9628806332600246, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -2.208980152340344 -0.6534663438796997 4658 Finnise järgi on ka see häbiväärne ja väärtusetu, sest sõbrad saavad taotleda ainult naudingut naudingu pärast. According to Finns, this, too, is shameful and worthless, because friends can only apply for promotion for pleasure. [56, 79, 68] 67.66666666666667 [-0.48592357188822877, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1096188910533485] 0.02455814878543863 -0.5226320028305054 4659 Tiina pubis on aga perenaine sunnitud tegema äärmuslikke tegusid, et Vaapo sõnade tagant ka sisu välja sõeluda. However, in the middle of an audience, the family is forced to take extreme action in order to drive out content behind Vaapo's words. [77, 55, 66] 66.0 [0.36271858948898755, -0.5389595118353006, 0.04615892826000089] -0.04336066469543737 -0.6673820614814758 4660 Sinimägedes hävis peaaegu täielikult 47. rügemendi III. In the face of human disasters, 47th element III was almost completely destroyed. [72, 78, 65] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.4063488583400919, -0.4119916484059306] 0.028269041803511936 -0.6324245929718018 4661 Valtteri Elovirta oli sarjas aastatel 2000, 2012 ja 2013. Valtter Elovata was in the series of years 2000, 2012 and 2013. [100, 72, 79] 83.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.23653881664004375, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5776199388936903 -0.3485988974571228 4662 Hiljem teatati, et kokkupõrgetes hukkus ligi 90 inimest. Later, it was reported that nearly 90 people were killed in clashes. [97, 76, 100] 91.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.3190883206378832, 1.32209936924058] 0.8774070597873435 -0.34946897625923157 4663 Friedrich ajas oma väed Sileesias kiiresti jalgele ja marssis nii kiiresti kui võimalik Dresdeni peale Saksimaal. Friedrich quickly marched his troops in Silesia as soon as possible after Dresden in Saxony. [52, 49, 46] 49.0 [-0.9665843163180415, -0.8589289383419331, -0.9111712880504766] -0.9122281809034837 -0.3166811168193817 4664 Proua Malle tahab Kristjaniga eraviisiliselt rääkida, kuid Laine viskab ta välja. Mrs Mali wants to talk to the Christian party in private, but he is thrown out by the Laine. [24, 32, 40] 32.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.1571705193818427, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3183845127310685 -0.4723537862300873 4665 Ministri umbusaldamist toetas 42 parlamendiliiget, selle vastu oli 52 parlamendiliiget. The Minister's mistrust was supported by 42 Members, against which 52 Members opposed it. [76, 51, 75] 67.33333333333333 [0.3190883206378832, -0.4297907926901062, 0.2881777686428686] 0.05915843219688186 -0.35463452339172363 4666 Enne Creami esimest USA turneed värviti Claptoni SG, Bruce Fender VI ja Bakeri trummikomplekt üle. Prior to Cream's first US market, Claston SG, Bruce Fender VI and Baker Cakton Fender 6 were recruited. [27, 22, 12] 20.333333333333332 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.2152410046715822, -1.6672600671603848] -1.471033863189513 -0.37253621220588684 4667 Aga intentsioonid omistatakse neile niivõrd, kui aru neid mõistab, ja sellepärast saab sama liiki intentsioone omistada erinevatele asjadele." But they are given the same kind of initiative as they understand it, and that is why the same kind of initiative can be attributed to different things. " [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9710931572944915 -0.5160220861434937 4668 Ellu hakati viima ka äärmiselt vajalikke majandusreforme. Life was also started with the necessary economic reforms. [29, 33, 37] 33.0 [-1.4585538318159967, -1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4329833786804171 -0.6011781692504883 4669 Otsustati, et rünnakuid ei lõpetata enne, kui ellujäänud ugalased tulevad rahu ja ristimist paluma. It was decided that the attacks would not be stopped until the survivors were asked for peace and Christianity. [58, 51, 65] 58.0 [-0.4662565186819943, -0.4297907926901062, -0.12539087159621595] -0.3404793943227722 -0.3594612181186676 4670 1512. aastast kuni 1580. aastate lõpuni oli linnus Dietrich Kalffi valduses, kellelt sai ka oma praeguse nime. From 1512 to the end of 15860, the city of Dietrich Kalff was held and had its current name. [34, 10, 22] 22.0 [-1.2784371170145583, -2.446018900578199, -2.0369461973217495] -1.9204674049715023 -0.3614501357078552 4671 Puudus Paul Maitla, kes oli haavata saanud ja viibis haiglas. There was no shortage of Paul Maitla, who had been wounded and was in hospital. [43, 26, 40] 36.333333333333336 [-0.954227030371969, -1.3746544731431163, -1.1593124721939274] -1.1627313252363376 -0.2544662058353424 4672 Aga sõna "moraalne" väljendabki teatud väärtuseteooria õigekspidamist. But the word 'moral' is an expression of the truth of a certain theory of values. [88, 100, 94] 94.0 [0.842651546851135, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9587844908608109 -0.44283682107925415 4673 1994. aastast alates toimub iga aasta juuli viimasel nädalal Grenaderimäe läänenõlval 20. Since 1994, the last week of July every year, the Grenadernae West is held on 20 leniency. [16, 38, 35] 29.666666666666668 [-1.926857290299737, -0.9396865656205692, -1.3660967923134697] -1.4108802160779252 -0.46745365858078003 4674 Esimene püsiv ajaleht oli Kurier Polski, mida 1729. aastast avaldasid piaristid ja siis jesuiidid. The first lasting newspaper was the Crier Polski, which was published in 1729 by the peasants and then the thiresudes. [71, 81, 60] 70.66666666666667 [0.2564751800664351, 0.5372396648934048, -0.574314160703546] 0.07313356141876463 -0.485014945268631 4675 Seetõttu oli Žuravno leping liitriigi vaatepunktist vaid ajutine relvarahu. Therefore, from the point of view of the federal state, the Zuwno agreement was only a temporary ceasefire. [80, 65, 63] 69.33333333333333 [0.2592517637876925, 0.03899122630516161, -0.04903101593002054] 0.08307065805427785 -0.41015616059303284 4676 Aastal 2010 ta sõitis mootorsaaniga üle Ismo Laitelast, kuigi otsasõit oli mõeldud tegelikult Isabella Holmile. In 2010, he switched over Ismo Laitela with an engine, even though the search word was, in fact, for Isabella Holm. [25, 17, 23] 21.666666666666668 [-1.4109017987699952, -2.1105203447438217, -1.318230271796973] -1.6132174717702634 -0.5921798944473267 4677 Skaala teises otsas on lahkarvamused, mille puhul kahtlustatakse puudusi teadmises, arusaamises või keeleoskuses. At the other end of the scale, there are disagreements which are suspected of being lacking in knowledge, understanding or language skills. [100, 100, 70] 90.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 0.06975612485665529] 0.7971724215832747 -0.3595752418041229 4678 Eesti panga SEB Eesti Ühispank juhatuse esimees Mart Altvee teavitas avalikkust oma kavatsusest lahkuda augustis 2007 oma seniselt ametikohalt. Mart Altwater, Chairman of the Estonian bank SEB, informed the public about her intention to leave her office in August 2007. [78, 84, 81] 81.0 [0.14260101950618043, 0.6681304714467177, 0.522108649210108] 0.444280046721002 -0.3519776463508606 4679 Ameerika Ühendriikide tarkvarafirma Microsoft esitles oma uut operatsioonisüsteemi Windows 10. Microsoft, the US software company, presented its new operating system in Windows 10. [81, 76, 70] 75.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.3190883206378832, -0.19868677613204175] 0.1783538488749351 -0.19498470425605774 4680 Jesuiitlik Breslau akadeemia loodi aastal 1702 ja meelitas tudengeid liitriigist. The Academy of Jesuitic Bresso was set up in 1702 and attracted students from the federal state. [100, 86, 93] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9191209844945166 -0.2762250006198883 4681 Saalomoni Saarte parlament valis riigi uueks peaministriks senise opositsioonijuhi Manasseh Sogavare, kes ka samal päeval ametisse vannutati. The House of the Solomon Islands elected the new opposition leader, Manasseh Sogavare, as Prime Minister of the country, and was also inaugurated on the same day. [92, 100, 96] 96.0 [1.0171726222555522, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9980583701602151] 1.0381115035933992 -0.35556086897850037 4682 Aastal 1257 said veneetslased kloostri oma kontrolli alla ning purustasid selle kaitsesüsteemid. In 1257, the Russian people gained control of the monastery and crushed its defence systems. [20, 13, 17] 16.666666666666668 [-0.8426970981937758, -1.635530085763711, -1.7008804037850265] -1.393035862580838 -0.3914906680583954 4683 pisi275pxBütsants, [[Serbia tsaaririik ja Teine Bulgaaria tsaaririik, 1355 in writing. - 275pxBütsants, [Serbian federal state and other Bulgarian federal state] 1355 [42, 30, 18] 30.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.687904046512915, -1.4768801787803418] -1.385011532875171 -0.48241281509399414 4684 Veidi hiljem tungisid parlamendihoonesse relvastatud tsiviilisikute rühmad ja ähvardasid parlamendi oma kontrolli alla võtta. A little later, armed civilian groups invaded the Parliament building and threatened to bring Parliament under its control. [76, 67, 84] 75.66666666666667 [0.2650732744552905, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6603895448580447] 0.3344505763233367 -0.3925468325614929 4685 See muutus peegeldus Rahvasteliidu suhetes selle liikmeskonda mitte kuulunud riikidega. This change was reflected in the relations between the People's Union and its non-member countries. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8458929324880641 -0.4190593659877777 4686 Williams ei näe kaugetki analoogi teadusega, kuidas reflektiivne eetikamõtlemine eetikareaalsusega võiks konvergeeruda. Williams does not see any distance from science as to how reflective ethical thinking can converge with ethical reality. [63, 77, 70] 70.0 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.3465494138262307, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09528936550223736 -0.45631143450737 4687 "Metafüüsika" V raamatus paigutabki ta need kvaliteedi esimesse liiki. In its book V "Metaphysics" he places them in the first form of quality. [100, 85, 87] 90.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.48266226990888367] 0.7731337686512053 -0.5313766002655029 4688 Jääb järele mõiste tõest, mis on loodud andmete ja teooria vahelise hüppega ning ei põhine mitte ratsionaalsusel, vaid võimul. The concept of truth created by a springboard between data and theory, and is based not on rationality but on power. [81, 85, 76] 80.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.711760740297822, 0.32953463266677707] 0.5211346740582358 -0.47784438729286194 4689 Kaalutlused, mis tekitavad armastajatele põhjendeid, teevad tavaliselt teatud alternatiivid ja käitumismustrid võimalikuks, mitte kohustuslikuks. Considerations that give lovers cause usually make certain alternatives and behavioural patterns possible, not mandatory. [83, 76, 68] 75.66666666666667 [0.7781911377051312, 0.23454328731752536, 0.2920510649205147] 0.43492849664772376 -0.400177925825119 4690 Teda kui indiviidi pole hinnatud, teda on koheldud nagu praeahju. He, if an individual, has not been valued, has been treated like a ferry. [42, 52, 61] 51.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.7280381317886201, -0.5826355462250417] -0.7669746837819728 -0.46304041147232056 4691 Selgub, et temas on peale kirjanduslike eelduste varjul veel lauljatalent. It turns out that he still has song talent under the cover of not only literary assumptions. [42, 54, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-1.1643408202996632, -0.3597293555905065, -1.12785038341693] -0.8839735197690333 -0.5055511593818665 4692 Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigid, kaasa arvatud Eesti, läksid öösel üle suveajale. Member States of the European Union, including Estonia, went over the summer time during the night. [100, 77, 71] 82.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755, 0.05442657251608684] 0.5140411525839949 -0.5263233780860901 4693 Üliõpilasdelegatsioon, mis sisenes raadiomajja, et levitada oma nõudmisi, peeti kinni. The student delegation, which entered the radio station to disseminate its requirements, was detained. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.4374876916408539 4694 Sõda jätkus Louist ja Henryt toetavate poolte vahel, kusjuures Fitzwalter toetas Louist. The war between the parties to Louise and Henry continued, while Fitzwalter supported Louist. [32, 34, 29] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.2784371170145583, -1.12785038341693] -1.3356436697473981 -0.3649110794067383 4695 Musk hakkas uue ettevõtte plaani ellu viima juba enne Zip2 müümist. The Roma started to implement the new company's plan even before the sale of Zip2. [40, 68, 55] 54.333333333333336 [-1.062297059252832, 0.14773320318579836, -0.5389595118353006] -0.4845077893007781 -0.27832475304603577 4696 Eesti valitsuse erakorralisel istungil kiitis valitsus heaks Eesti 2016. aasta riigieelarve seaduse eelnõu. In an extraordinary session of the Estonian Government, the government approved a draft Estonian state budget law for 2016. [76, 52, 56] 61.333333333333336 [0.3190883206378832, -0.6300169437293796, -0.2711408857067372] -0.19402316959941115 -0.3652140200138092 4697 Näiteks ilu idees osalevad kõik ilusad asjad, ja ise on ta ülimalt ilus ja kõik teised ilusad asjad jäljendavad teda, on aga vähem ilusad. For example, every beautiful thing is involved in the beautiful idea, and it is extremely beautiful itself, and all the other fine things imitate it, but it is less beautiful. [60, 79, 82] 73.66666666666667 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.44997912719119615, 0.31324491732529147] 0.14046461482313657 -0.549306333065033 4698 Suurem osa trükiajakirjandusest on koondunud suurte kodumaises omanduses meediakonglomeraatide kätte. Most of the printed press is concentrated in large domestic media conglomerates. [96, 93, 89] 92.66666666666667 [1.162658320738408, 1.247373368119458, 0.867173864977587] 1.0924018512784843 -0.1920955926179886 4699 Sambia ülemkohus kinnitas sisetülidesse sattunud valitseva erakonna Patriootilise Rinde ametlikuks presidendikandidaadiks kaitseminister Edgar Lungu. The Supreme Court of Zambia confirmed the Patriotic Front of the ruling party in the internal supermarkets as official presidential candidate, Mr Edgar Lunge, Minister for Defence. [31, 24, 29] 28.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.3893161887096255, -1.12785038341693] -1.3012245726739922 -0.3893533945083618 4700 Lihtsalt ei tehta vahet sellega, mida õppimisel pole eksplitsiitselt välistatud. It simply does not distinguish between what is not excluded from learning erroneously. [32, 40, 23] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.062297059252832, -1.318230271796973] -1.3270569466201705 -0.5733044743537903 4701 Mingi praktika võib olla meie kogemusega nii otseselt seotud, et põhjend, mille see annab, on tugevam kui mis tahes põhjend selle kasuks. Some of these practices may be so directly linked to our experience that the cause it gives is stronger than any reason for doing so. [72, 100, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.144567245233466, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7222401315980242 -0.4333152770996094 4702 Erinevad seisukohad on neil selles, mis nimelt niimoodi internaliseerus ja mis üldse põhimõtteliselt sai internaliseeruda. They have different views on what exactly happened in this way in the field of internalisation and what, in principle, was able to work in the first place. [57, 82, 58] 65.66666666666667 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.5808699337445091, -0.20768092291338958] -0.02557040603227384 -0.5668078660964966 4703 Teda ei mõjutanud teoloogilised ideed, eeldused põhjusliku determinismi kohta ega muu sarnane. It was not affected by theological ideas, the assumptions about the natural determinants or similar things. [65, 63, 78] 68.66666666666667 [-0.09300816647554071, -0.04903101593002054, 0.4063488583400919] 0.08810322531151021 -0.4314848482608795 4704 Ühise objekti ümber rühmitunud inimeste sõnakasutamine on üks keskseid ja hädavajalikke inimtegevusi. The use of people grouped around a common object is one of the central and essential human activities. [77, 79, 81] 79.0 [0.2705666302778131, 0.4586486864167604, 0.5372396648934048] 0.42215166052932607 -0.4815576374530792 4705 Aga igal täielikult järjestatud jadal on ordinaalarv, nimelt see, mis tuleb neid ordinaalarve, mis nummerdavad jada elemente. But every one of the top ranking has a coordination figure, namely what comes up with the coordination budget, which sets out the elements. [21, 28, 34] 27.666666666666668 [-1.3816902345903206, -1.7751645842151236, -1.407453656337378] -1.5214361583809406 -0.7353713512420654 4706 Linnavõrgustik Teises Bulgaaria tsaaririigis kasvas 13. ja 14. sajandil; esile kerkis arvukalt uusi linnakeskusi. Urban networks in another Bulgarian federal state grew in the 13th and 14th centuries, and numerous new city centres emerged. [89, 100, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9663283887635413] 0.9839045742767368 -0.39345067739486694 4707 Aastal 1968 valiti ta ainsa kandidaadina presidendi ametisse tagasi. In 1968, he was elected as the only candidate to re-elect the President. [28, 31, 25] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.3865071458954215, -1.2547703090036253] -1.47214734637139 -0.34829461574554443 4708 Muidugi võidakse vastu väita, et selle käsuga on mõeldud midagi muud. Of course, one might argue that this order is for something else. [78, 60, 69] 69.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.14422096012004196, 0.04003658449941787] 0.10072149423982259 -0.5576397180557251 4709 Parlament asendas Byroni enda valitud mehe söör John Conyersiga. Parliament replaced Byron with John Conyerga, the man he elected. [66, 76, 55] 65.66666666666667 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.3190883206378832, -0.5389595118353006] -0.19640062171619008 -0.34212490916252136 4710 Ürituse korraldasid Eesti Kirjastuste Liit ja firma Taveco Disain. The event was organised by the Association of Estonian Publishers and Taveco Dseain. [79, 79, 58] 72.0 [0.3426133161983885, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] 0.19497050682539832 -0.34569889307022095 4711 Sinna kuuluvad 15 inglise keelt kõneleva Kariibi riigi parimad mängijad. It is the top 15 English-speaking Caribbean players. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.2769128084182739 4712 Kõva tuum on uurimisprogrammile kõige iseloomulikum. The crux of the curve is the most characteristic of the research programme. [43, 36, 49] 42.666666666666664 [-1.120710551448559, -1.2063904310939828, -0.7871006959787512] -1.0380672261737642 -0.3994450569152832 4713 Nimelt oli legaat Wilhelm Liivimaalt lahkudes teada saanud saarlaste rüüsteretkest Rootsi, mis ajendas teda nende vastu sõjakäiku organiseerima. Indeed, when leaving the country of Wilhelm, it was legal to leave the country of the Union that we learned of the torrential rainfall of the island, Sweden, which prompted it to organise a war against them. [14, 33, 8] 18.333333333333332 [-1.8569653418795078, -1.314460459974846, -2.0007224627569493] -1.7240494215371012 -0.6016994714736938 4714 kõige paremateks, ja hingelised teod ja toimimised me omistame hingele. We give a breath to the best, and our spiritual actions and actions. [77, 81, 72] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048, 0.09044991547637454] 0.3409594346643974 -0.627274751663208 4715 Pärast mitu tundi kestnud läbirääkimisi alistus mees politseile. After several hours of negotiations, the man surrendered to the police. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.300968736410141 4716 Prantsusmaa ja Austria sõlmisid vaherahu 4. detsembril ja Pressburgi rahu 22 päeva hiljem lülitas viimase sõjast välja. France and Austria signed the ceasefire on 4 December, and the peace of Pressburg, 22 days later, switched off the last war. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8150391097847715 -0.3159700036048889 4717 Organisatsiooni juhatuse liikmeteks valiti Ardi Ravalepik, Ravo Haavik, Eliina Pavljuk, Märt Haan, Raine Remmelg ja Raigo Jahu. Ardi Ravalepik, Ravo Haar, Eliina Paekjuk, Not Haan, Raine Remmelg and Raigo JPeace were elected members of the Board of the Organisation. [63, 75, 50] 62.666666666666664 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.27545805178677896, -1.0519062652275972] -0.3367361282023444 -0.3735523223876953 4718 Pärast 1945. aasta valimisi oli Sõltumatu Väiketalunike Partei sunnitud loovutama kommunistlikule parteile siseministri portfelli. Following the 1945 elections, the Independent Small Farmers' Party was forced to hand over to the Communist Party's portfolio to the Minister for the Interior. [100, 84, 70] 84.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.45524158476020893 -0.33919423818588257 4719 Nördinud käsitavad oma moraalset üritust sellega võistlevana ning püüavad amoraalsest üritusest võitu saada. The latter regard their moral cause as being in competition with it and are trying to win an amoral event. [98, 90, 81] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7906583263724775 -0.6878334283828735 4720 Are ei tunne ennast hästi, seda on ka teistele näha. Paradoxygen does not know well; it can be seen in others. [38, 29, 46] 37.666666666666664 [-1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1259611890571624 -0.7215707898139954 4721 Me otsime õnne kui hüve, mida ei taotleta millegi muu pärast. We are seeking happiness as a benefit that is not sought for anything else. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.34450268745422363 4722 Enne Euroopa Liidu liidrite tippkohtumist oli Porošenkol kohtumine Suurbritannia peaminister David Cameroniga. Prior to the summit of EU leaders, Poroshenko had a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.2208949774503708 4723 Soome president Sauli Niinistö teatas, et ei osale 9. mail Moskvas toimuvatel Teise maailmasõja lõpu 70. aastapäeva üritustel. Finnish President Sauli Niinistlo announced that he would not attend events on 9 May in Moscow to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. [99, 97, 75] 90.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 1.198905646365287, 0.2881777686428686] 0.8500545301374327 -0.3210815489292145 4724 Meie näidetes on väga ebausutav arvata, et pretsedendiefekt kalkulatsiooni mõjutaks. It is very unbelievable in our examples to think that the case-law effect would affect calculation. [71, 82, 100] 84.33333333333333 [0.12275031254723479, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.5422232924959736 -0.3850795328617096 4725 Võiks öelda, et nauditakse seda rohkem, mida rohkem tahetakse teha seda, mida tehakse, ja mida vähem midagi muud. One might say that the more they enjoy the more they want to do what they are doing and the less they are doing. [44, 29, 37] 36.666666666666664 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846] -1.1428487451279319 -0.48076626658439636 4726 Preisi armee kuue korpuse kvaliteet polnud just parimate killast. The quality of the six corps of the Previous Army was not exactly the best shield. [64, 82, 73] 73.0 [0.1391994964086838, 0.5808699337445091, 0.21395414523555373] 0.3113411917962489 -0.34246259927749634 4727 Kaitsepolitsei otsis läbi Eesti Keskerakonna peakontori ja Sihtasutuse Tallinn 2011 ruumid, samuti Keskerakonna peasekretäri Priit Toobali kodu. The defence police searched through the headquarters of the Estonian Central Party and Foundation in Tallinn 2011, as well as the home of Priit Toobali, Secretary-General of the Central Party. [76, 58, 70] 68.0 [0.5977542019441766, -0.20768092291338958, 0.2202278544395562] 0.20343371115678108 -0.34484079480171204 4728 Teised, nagu Hiiu, Jõgeva, Põlva ja Rapla, on loodud hiljem vanemate maakondade küljest osade lõikamise teel. Others such as Hiiu, Jygeva, Generation and Rapla have been created later by cutting down parts from the older counties. [78, 61, 70] 69.66666666666667 [0.5872377696192878, -0.30580685708679023, 0.3684768491764302] 0.21663592056964256 -0.3967491090297699 4729 Suurbritannia politsei korraldas varahommikul Birminghamis operatsiooni terrorismis kahtlustatavate isikute tabamiseks. The British police forces organised an operation in Birmingham early in the morning to catch suspected terrorists. [84, 100, 92] 92.0 [0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.4052332937717438 4730 Skeptitsismi ei tohi pidada lihtsalt kahtlusõpetuseks, vaid ta on oma asjas, st kõige lõpliku tühisuses, täiesti kindel. Skepalism must not be regarded simply as a suspect, but as absolutely certain in its own case, that is to say, its final repeal. [72, 84, 78] 78.0 [0.23653881664004375, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.4389725496004518 -0.6703835725784302 4731 1950. aastate lõpul ja eriti 1960. aastatel võttis Naan lõpmatuse teema tõsiselt käsile. In the late 1950s, and especially in the 1960s, Naan took this issue of infinite seriously. [73, 74, 100] 82.33333333333333 [0.12647325843666224, 0.3652171569470719, 1.1249782957469103] 0.5388895703768815 -0.3595868647098541 4732 Jensen teeb mitmetest koos võetud tõenditest järelduse, et pole ebamõistlik oletada, et siin on suur osa geneetilistel teguritel. Jensen concludes from many of the evidence taken together that it is unreasonable to assume that there is a large proportion of genetic factors here. [56, 50, 44] 50.0 [-0.2711408857067372, -0.8152986694908287, -0.9938850160982935] -0.6934415237652866 -0.413223534822464 4733 Davis vabastati vahi alt 8. septembril tingimusel, et ta ei takista oma asetäitjatel samasoolistele paaridele abielutunnistuste väljastamist. Davis was released from custody on 8 September, provided that he did not prevent his deputies from issuing same-sex couples. [62, 65, 72] 66.33333333333333 [0.06277371215276832, 0.03899122630516161, 0.23653881664004375] 0.11276791836599122 -0.3587324023246765 4734 Kahtlusalusel on õigus avalikule kohtupidamisele ja kaitsjale, aga süütuse presumptsiooni ei kohaldata. Suspects have the right to a public trial and a lawyer, but the presumption of innocence does not apply. [88, 66, 80] 78.0 [0.6557075736525608, 0.04615892826000089, 0.4936093960423005] 0.398491965984954 -0.3071169853210449 4735 Polnud ka ilmseid põhjusi võtta Aristarchost tõsiselt. There have not been any obvious reasons to take Aristarchov seriously. [84, 78, 63] 75.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.4063488583400919, 0.10098660428072605] 0.34335516454021503 -0.37393200397491455 4736 pisiKiltsi vasallilinnus, kagupoolse ümartorni ja majalinnuse lõunakülje nurk, 2007 PisiKilts left in the County of the Roundtable, South-East Roundgates and Coast Areas, 2007 [12, 1, 7] 6.666666666666667 [-2.0709506621408877, -2.016289862523797, -2.691400230088314] -2.2595469182509995 -0.765310525894165 4737 Kaasaegsed filosoofid seostavad sageli teadlikkust moraaliga ning räägivad peaaegu kogu aeg vabadusest, kuid harva armastusest. Modern philosophers often associate awareness with morality and talk almost all the time about freedom, but rarely of love. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2515750960778045 -0.2631438076496124 4738 Vaidlused Konstantinoopoli patriarhaadiga Bulgaaria patriarhaadi legitiimsuse üle intensiivistusid 14. sajandil. The disputes with the Patriarchate of Constantinople intensified the legitimacy of the Bulgarian Patriarchate in the 14th century. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.1671626716852188 4739 Ja ta diktofon korjab saladusi, mida teised ei tea. And her ditophon picks up secrets that others do not know. [62, 82, 55] 66.33333333333333 [-0.1125022042581439, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5219469148485164] -0.01785972845405039 -0.4107840955257416 4740 Operatsioonis osaleb kolmsada agenti kaheksakümne viiest eri ametkonnast. Three hundred agencies from eighty out of five different agencies participate in the operation. [73, 48, 61] 60.666666666666664 [0.18819751408457033, -0.8284575600026597, -0.11249097872336815] -0.2509170082138192 -0.41455477476119995 4741 Ta ajendab meid nägema maailma teise inimese vaatekohast. He is driving us to see the view of another man in the world. [73, 78, 82] 77.66666666666667 [0.18819751408457033, 0.3065899732381008, 0.5776758168102278] 0.3574877680442996 -0.45761609077453613 4742 Ma kirjutan ette, et teised minu vabadusse ei sekkuks." I will not dictate that others would not interfere with my freedom. " [50, 61, 71] 60.666666666666664 [-0.3957809933827245, -0.11249097872336815, 0.2564751800664351] -0.08393226401321918 -0.5095107555389404 4743 Toitlustusasutustele laieneb suitsetamise keeld 2008. aastal. The ban on smoking will be extended to the health authorities in 2008. [30, 24, 18] 24.0 [-1.2296651706356005, -1.8210222965764626, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5091892153308015 -0.4884728491306305 4744 Aga tänapäeva maailm on varasemast pöördumatult erinev. But today's world is irreversibly different from before. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8004956868344033 -0.34651514887809753 4745 pisi[[Suusatamine on üks populaarsemaid spordialasid Eestis. Copts [Screening is one of the most popular sports in Estonia. [20, 32, 44] 32.0 [-1.4134202159869944, -1.6006435088107063, -0.9938850160982935] -1.335982913631998 -0.374370813369751 4746 Jordaania võimud hukkasid 15 inimest, kelle seas oli ka 10 terrorismis süüdimõistetut. The Jordanian authorities executed 15 people, including 10 terrorist prisoners. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091] 0.806646722524648 -0.28158849477767944 4747 Vietnami kohus mõistis kolmeks aastaks vangi briti muusiku Gary Glitteri süüdistatuna alaealiste tüdrukute seksuaalses kuritarvitamises. The Vietnamese court sentenced British musician Gary Glitter to three years' imprisonment on charges of sexual abuse by underage girls. [50, 70, 60] 60.0 [-0.7457438319548428, 0.018403229555799133, -0.14224540182923298] -0.2898620014094256 -0.2600654065608978 4748 Järgmisel päeval pikendati streiki veel ühe ööpäeva võrra ja ülejärgmisel päeval veel ühe ööpäeva võrra. The next day, the strike was extended by another day of night and another day the day after. [89, 78, 100] 89.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0811424575112913] 0.7301126872175496 -0.4414386749267578 4749 Basileios I trooniletulek 867. aastal tähistas Makedoonia dünastia algust, mille võimuperiood kestis kaks ja pool sajandit. In Esbos I thicked off in 867, Macedonia marked the beginning of a dynasty, a power period lasting two and a half centuries. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.2620953767228933, -2.2808376138150894, -2.016289862523797] -2.18640761768726 -0.5445652008056641 4750 See sarnastamine viib asjad mitmeti proportsioonist välja. This convergence takes things out of a number of proportions. [70, 100, 85] 85.0 [-0.19868677613204175, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9416702310957962] 0.6140289911093949 -0.514046311378479 4751 Sest kui ta on see, millest aru saadakse, siis ta on miski; kui ta aga on logos, mille all muust aru saadakse, siis teda võetakse viisina. Because, if it is understood, it is something; if it is in a logo that is understood otherwise, it is taken as a visa. [47, 30, 39] 38.666666666666664 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.572881112433012, -1.2952316268529762] -1.226082132605602 -0.4548215866088867 4752 Paratamatud tõed ega aprioorsed printsiibid ei ütle, mida armastada. Inevitably truths or a priori principle do not say what to love. [84, 92, 100] 92.0 [0.5453227398168615, 0.8109167746821286, 1.1850259554682334] 0.8470884899890745 -0.30765828490257263 4753 Kuninga soovil jäidki mõned ordurüütlid ja piiskopi vend Theoderic kohe taanlaste juurde linnusesse. At the time of the arts, a few orchestrates and bishop brother Theoderic immediately left the Danes in the suburbanisation. [48, 18, 33] 33.0 [-0.8284575600026597, -1.4768801787803418, -1.557013239959602] -1.2874503262475345 -0.48848333954811096 4754 Peamised impordipartnerid on Keenia, Uganda, Araabia Ühendemiraadid, Tansaania, Hiina. The main import partners are Kenya, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, China. [100, 84, 98] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.239385641192763] 1.0108314694621303 -0.16162677109241486 4755 Ta saatis 14. veebruaril 1980, 9. juulil 1982 ja 8. juulil 2000 läkitusi Josafati basiliaanide ordu üldkapiitlil osalejatele. It sent letters of formal notice on 14 February 1980, 9 July 1982 and 8 July 2000 to the participants in the General Cup of Joafat's Air Order. [55, 81, 66] 67.33333333333333 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.5372396648934048, -0.3693306739511528] -0.11801264130208815 -0.3725232183933258 4756 1893. aastal asus ta elama vaiksesse Steinbachi Attersee järve ääres, sellest ajast alates komponeeris ta suviti seal või mõnes teises vaikses kohas. In 1893, he started to live in a quiet Steinbach at the Lake of Atterit, since that time he was embellished there or in a quiet place. [30, 26, 29] 28.333333333333332 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.3746544731431163, -1.12785038341693] -1.2208478975006418 -0.4279506802558899 4757 Iisraeli peaminister Binyamin Netanyahu alustas visiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides. Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, launched a visit to the United States. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.20086506009101868 4758 Lisaks toimusid 36 osariigis ka kuberneride valimised, kus 24 osariigis võitsid samuti Vabariikliku Partei kandidaadid. In addition, elections were also held in 36 states, where candidates from the Republican Party were also won in 24 states. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7596043322208423 -0.4420677721500397 4759 Asepresidendi kandidaadi valib presidendikandidaat ja ta osutub valituks koos presidendiga. The Vice-President will elect a presidential candidate and will be elected with the President. [70, 81, 59] 70.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.5372396648934048, -0.41097975457588104] 0.09977958805473995 -0.3591970205307007 4760 Vaatama sellele on kaasajal tavaline, et sõjaväemeedikud ei kanna punase risti märki. It is common to see that military media do not wear the red cross at the same time. [22, 29, 18] 23.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.12785038341693, -1.328825762380514] -1.389131126111818 -0.5276522040367126 4761 Seda näidet vaadatakse tavaliselt seoses konsekventsialismiga. This example is usually viewed in connection with secularism. [77, 78, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.4269187050200866, 0.412248360714594] 0.4006285517412227 -0.5168296098709106 4762 Kuid see pilt on antiantropomorfistlik, sest inspiratsiooni ja loomingut jumalad ei pane lihtsalt inimese sisse. However, this image is anti-anthropomorphistic, because the gods of inspiration and creation are not just putting man in. [75, 79, 71] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.44997912719119615, 0.05442657251608684] 0.27871148684578273 -0.4654393196105957 4763 Ta säilitas sõbralikud suhted Serbiaga ja aastal 1318 tegi selle kuningas Stefan Milutin visiidi Tărnovosse. He maintained friendly relations with Serbia, and in 1318, this year King Stefan Milutin visited Tărnovo. [81, 52, 78] 70.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, -0.3980608112934324, 0.412248360714594] 0.1838090714381888 -0.30586424469947815 4764 President põhjendas oma taotlust vajadusega astuda vastu maailma võimsaima riigi, Ameerika Ühendriikide agressioonile. The President justified his request on the grounds of the need to counter the aggression of the world's largest power, the United States. [77, 100, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9365987514921592 -0.36176779866218567 4765 Soble ütleb Marxi 11. teesile Feuerbachi kohta toetudes, et asi pole mitte selles, et maailma mõista, vaid selles, et teda muuta. Soble says, on the basis of Marx 11 about Feuerbach, that this is not about understanding the world, but about changing it. [80, 100, 81] 87.0 [0.37863665915867617, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6802848732663304 -0.306169331073761 4766 Tavalise kreeka arusaama järgi jaguneb logos nimedeks, nimed silpideks, silbid tähtedeks. It is common Greek understanding that logos divide into names, names into bridges, bridges to stars. [28, 29, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.4945771747762846, -1.12785038341693, -1.7315343153640192] -1.451320624519078 -0.4833052158355713 4767 Heliplaat jõudis edetabelis "Billboard 200" esikohale ja see on saanud teemantplaadi staatuse. The seal reached the top priority in the Billboard 200 table and has become the status of the diamond plate. [72, 100, 79] 83.66666666666667 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.3248682889118768 -0.5183463096618652 4768 Kunst püüab taibata psüühilist elu mitte mõistetega, vaid intuitiivselt. Art tries to realise a psychological life, not with concepts, but intuitively. [100, 94, 88] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9345984073668675, 0.8258170009536785] 0.9531729755616588 -0.5098947882652283 4769 Järgmisel päeval peeti selle risti juures II Ülemaailmne Eesti Vabadusvõitlejate kokkutulek, kus osales inimesi 17 riigist. The next day, a global meeting of Estonian freedom fighters was held at that crossroads II, attended by people from 17 countries. [82, 83, 81] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6245002025956135, 0.21180183004380843] 0.4633802210820679 -0.5758107304573059 4770 Poiss uskus, et oma väärtusastme tagasisaamiseks peab ta võitma tüdrukut teistel aladel. The boy believed that she had to win her girl in other areas in order to regain her level of values. [61, 73, 53] 62.333333333333336 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.18819751408457033, -0.6216732398831174] -0.24642752762844577 -0.374943345785141 4771 Tummfilmi ajastul tehti kokku umbes 45 lühemat või pikemat mängufilmi. In the age of a movie, around 45 shorter or longer toys were made. [90, 83, 96] 89.66666666666667 [0.8076784817801723, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9161304397840745] 0.7827697080532867 -0.4044799506664276 4772 pisiTrinidadi ja Tobago elanikkonna kasv 20. sajandi teisel poolel Population growth in the second half of the 20th century: prinidad and Tobago [89, 75, 82] 82.0 [0.6882604319190001, 0.5595413098162189, 0.5538386306067818] 0.6005467907806669 -0.4831026494503021 4773 Prantsusmaal astus ametisse peaminister François Filloni uus valitsuskabinet. In France, Prime Minister François Fillon took office in his new cabinet. [93, 100, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0326013210732208, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5580489988532433] 0.8634373635263509 -0.2494642734527588 4774 13. märtsil 2011 toimunud linnapea valimistel valiti 84,84% häältega ametisse tagasi senine linnapea Nikolai Pestov. In the elections on 13 March 2011, Nikolai Pestov, Mayor, was re-elected by 84.84% of the votes. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.25966957211494446 4775 Scotus lükkab seega tagas Hendriku järelduse, et teisese intentsiooni terminid konkreetsena võetuna tähistavad vaimuväliseid asju. Scoding therefore overturned the conclusion of Hendrig that the terms of secondary intention, taken as concrete, represent non-clergy. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8531309381513372 -0.563225269317627 4776 Somaalia ajutine president Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed kutsus vaenupooli üles lõpetama pealinna Muqdisho ümbruses 22. märtsil puhkenud lahingutegevust. The provisional President of Somalia, Cabdulaahi Yureligious f Axmed, called on the warring parties to end the fighting that broke out on 22 March in the vicinity of the capital Moqdisho. [100, 94, 87] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.9345984073668675, 0.8364323900964978] 0.9507244183248856 -0.26640084385871887 4777 Arel on aga tegemist, et Georgi suuri plaane nende poja suhtes veidigi vaigistada. The time is, however, that Georg's big plans to appease their son for a while. [40, 18, 29] 29.0 [-1.062297059252832, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192] -1.4235705177990645 -0.6210193037986755 4778 Loosse on kuhjatud eemaletõukavad ja vastikust tekitavad detailid. There has been a backlog of horses and disgusting details in the story. [16, 24, 32] 24.0 [-1.7371277294119054, -1.3893161887096255, -1.490167384385195] -1.5388704341689088 -0.7271782755851746 4779 2014. aasta november algas laupäeval ja lõppes 30 ööpäeva pärast pühapäeval. November 2014 started on Saturday and ended on Sunday, 30 days later. [100, 82, 97] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9533470561415518 -0.4517830014228821 4780 Sulev Vahtre hinnangul oli "esivanemate võitluse meenutamisel suur innustav tähtsus võitlusele saksa okupantide vastu". According to her estimates, "the fight against German papers was of great importance in recalling the struggle of the ancestors." [78, 79, 80] 79.0 [0.412248360714594, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005] 0.45483548105788496 -0.6751009821891785 4781 Ta palvetas ka Pakistanis tapetud ministri Shahbaz Bhatti eest. He also appealed to Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, who was killed in Pakistan. [81, 76, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.27058394287051374, 0.3190883206378832, 0.45360522473850245] 0.34775916274896645 -0.24602994322776794 4782 Tartu piiskopkond oli selleks ajaks juba venelaste poolt vallutatud ja viimane piiskop Venemaale küüditatud. The necessary bishops were already conquered by the Russians by that time, and the last bishop was deported to Russia. [48, 62, 73] 61.0 [-1.1372282141371526, -0.08076099732669434, 0.328969831320193] -0.29633979338121796 -0.34025838971138 4783 Mare on tulnud Allanile külla, et rääkida Jaanuse sünnipäeva tähistamisest. There has been a visit to Allani to talk about the celebration of the Jaanus birthday. [60, 60, 60] 60.0 [-0.3790639679871394, -0.14422096012004196, -0.14224540182923298] -0.22184344331213812 -0.33697837591171265 4784 Kuninga sammud olid seotud asjaoluga, et peaminister Pakalitha Mosisili kaotas märtsi algul parlamendis toimunud usaldushääletuse. The previous steps were linked to the fact that Prime Minister Pacalitha Mosisil lost a vote of confidence in Parliament at the beginning of March. [68, 82, 58] 69.33333333333333 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.5808699337445091, -0.20768092291338958] 0.10651518482211442 -0.3457746207714081 4785 Ta näeb kõiges, mis juhtub, uusi tõendeid armastatu täiuslikkusest. He sees new evidence of loved perfection in everything that happens. [84, 84, 84] 84.0 [0.6603895448580447, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6172985934001295] 0.648606203234964 -0.45514801144599915 4786 Mõnel juhul aga ei ole vaigistamine niivõrd vältimatu kui soovitav. In some cases, however, silencing is not as inevitable as it is desirable. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.0237907660661965 -0.35962218046188354 4787 Sademeterohkel perioodil esineb äikesetorme ja võib sadada rahet. In a sea-rich period, there are sudden storms and there is a risk of peace. [15, 28, 1] 14.666666666666666 [-2.3423580792794794, -1.4945771747762846, -2.016289862523797] -1.9510750388598534 -0.7247108221054077 4788 Eetika ei ole ideaalne süsteem, mis on teoorias väga õilis, kuid praktikas kõlbmatu. Ethics is not an ideal system that is in theory very enlightened but unworkable in practice. [56, 84, 83] 74.33333333333333 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4929432823203649] 0.29664428935344844 -0.40152907371520996 4789 See oli 45. rügemendi I. pataljon kapten Paul Maitla juhtimisel. This was the 45th rhythm I. pataljon under the leadership of Paul Maitla. [63, 85, 74] 74.0 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.711760740297822, 0.29999877943339137] 0.17148197413857572 -0.4049961268901825 4790 Kartes kukutamist, loobus Michael troonist kindral Leon Armeenlase kasuks, kes tõusis troonile Leon V nime all. Carrying out, Michael's throne, General Leon Armenia, who rose up to the throne Leon V. [62, 72, 81] 71.66666666666667 [-0.2494614636679413, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5372396648934048] 0.17477233928850242 -0.5290955901145935 4791 Šveitsis mõistis kohus õigeks kõik üheksateist kohtualust, kellele oli esitatud süüdistus riikliku lennufirma Swissair ebakompetentses juhtimises. In Switzerland, the Court acquitted all 19 judges charged with incompetence in the management of the state airline Swissair. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8469401176424164, 0.7553910091489263] 0.8944911947675447 -0.40158626437187195 4792 Tartu piiskopile kuulus 7 piiskopilinnust, samuti ka Kärkna klooster, lisaks on teada piiskopkonnas 11 vasallilinnust ja oletatakse veel 3 olemasolu. The bishops needed were famous for 7 bishops, as well as the Kärkna monastery, and 11 copper towns are reported in the bishops and another 3 are expected to exist. [24, 28, 41] 31.0 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.3021598218893584, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3529286588922709 -0.40594300627708435 4793 Saksa kultuur muutus märgatavaks 18. sajandi liitriigi personaaluniooni kontekstis Saksimaaga. German culture became noticeable in the context of the 18th century allied individual region of Saxony. [90, 87, 84] 87.0 [0.548708683221246, 0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6431092307527049 -0.36018282175064087 4794 Miilits ajas umbes kümne osalejaga miitingu laiali ja vahistas vähemalt ühe meeleavaldaja. The Miilice dissolved a marriage with about ten participants and arrested at least one protestors. [13, 26, 1] 13.333333333333334 [-1.8791059376579944, -1.3746544731431163, -2.016289862523797] -1.7566834244416356 -0.551351010799408 4795 Noormees läheb hulluks, sest ei saa abielluda oma armastatuga. The young man goes mad because he cannot marry with his love. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [0.253838172792557, 0.6914430875889822, 0.33172876083006514] 0.4256700070705348 -0.3024541139602661 4796 Mõnikord püütakse tõestada, et niisuguseid asju pole võimalik konfliktideta ja ühemõtteliselt armastada. Sometimes attempts are being made to prove that such things cannot be toned down without conflict and unequivocally. [73, 79, 84] 78.66666666666667 [0.2054640405950517, 0.1852619939609582, 0.6681304714467177] 0.35295216866757584 -0.3526008725166321 4797 Vaatamata arvu vähenemisele kasvas taoliste ettevõtete kahjum aastaga siiski 1,3 korda. However, despite the decrease in the number, the losses suffered by such companies increased 1.3 times in a year. [80, 82, 56] 72.66666666666667 [0.7506057704560075, 0.5808699337445091, -0.290569303981979] 0.3469688000728459 -0.5477325916290283 4798 Kas siis puusepal ja nahaõmblejal on mingid iseloomulikud toimingud ja tegevusel, aga inimesel Will the puseline and the Nahambler have some specific activity and activity, but in person? [66, 81, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.5372396648934048, 0.29999877943339137] 0.23718276734714816 -0.7412154674530029 4799 Väljaspool Nõukogude Liitu saadi sellest teada alles 1989. aastal, kui töö läänes avaldati. Outside the Soviet Union, this was only known in 1989, when the work in the West was published. [95, 89, 84] 89.33333333333333 [0.9189868035629918, 0.9089270413502557, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8294344632570975 -0.2826572060585022 4800 Laps, kes kiusajale tuupi teeb, naudib seda, et kiusaja ülespuhutud arusaam oma väärtusest saab kannatada. The child who is winding up the bulls enjoy the temptation of an understanding of his own value being damaged. [27, 31, 23] 27.0 [-1.818794853066228, -1.3865071458954215, -1.318230271796973] -1.507844090252874 -0.6648608446121216 4801 Teooria absoluutse falsifitseeritavuse mõõtu pole kerge määratleda, sest teooria potentsiaalseid falsifitseerijaid on lõpmata palju. It is not easy to define the absolute measure of classifications of theory, as there are many potential classifications of the theory to go unending. [27, 29, 28] 28.0 [-1.2746775123257523, -1.12785038341693, -1.3021598218893584] -1.234895905877347 -0.668594241142273 4802 Kivid koosnevad põhiliselt maast ja nende loomulik koht on Maa keskme lähedal. Coal is mainly made up of land, and its natural location is close to the centre of the Earth. [70, 55, 82] 69.0 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.5219469148485164, 0.5808699337445091] -0.04658791907868302 -0.46026545763015747 4803 Chilwa järve ümbruses tapetakse igal aastal üle miljoni linnu. More than one million cities are killed every year around child Lake. [75, 84, 65] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.21948503504343145] 0.2601247324111171 -0.4193809926509857 4804 Kui Conti prints jäi põhja, läks krahv Gages seda teed pidi lõunasse. When the Prince of Cont remained in the north, the collapse of Gages went down that road to the south. [79, 82, 85] 82.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.4506833450792516, 0.3615382092337807] 0.4207335605014095 -0.4628176987171173 4805 Norra uute koreograafide seas olid Kjersti Alveberg ja Kari Blakstad. Norway's new cookies were Kjersti Alveberg and Kari Blakstad. [27, 15, 41] 27.666666666666668 [-1.2746775123257523, -1.5720701229703633, -0.8309445887399325] -1.2258974080120162 -0.4262862503528595 4806 Ta ütleb, et ei ole ega saa olla lõpmata suurt keha. He says that he is not and cannot be an infinitely large body. [39, 29, 18] 28.666666666666668 [-1.0983204022131197, -1.7315343153640192, -1.4768801787803418] -1.435578298785827 -0.43066197633743286 4807 Laval mängis rokkbänd oma lugusid ja järsku hakkas laulja rääkima poliitikast. Laval played its own stories and suddenly the singer began to talk about politics. [22, 30, 38] 30.0 [-1.3499602531936468, -1.687904046512915, -1.1343437451734075] -1.3907360149599899 -0.3579340875148773 4808 Filmiga koos tuli välja ka samanimeline kogumikalbum. Together with the Fast, the same same same same same mammmmoth has come to light. [5, 24, 1] 10.0 [-2.1153611391408225, -1.4471491243968742, -2.016289862523797] -1.8596000420204977 -0.8530759811401367 4809 2003. aasta X Riigikogu valimistel saatis edu uut parempoolset erakonda Res Publicat ja vasaktsentristlikku Keskerakonda. In the 2003 elections to the X State Assembly, the new right-wing party Res Publica and the centre-left party were successful. [56, 86, 85] 75.66666666666667 [-0.2711408857067372, 0.7553910091489263, 0.3615382092337807] 0.2819294442253233 -0.4829370379447937 4810 Läti Henriku järgi tehti seda virulaste vanemate kutsel. According to Latvian Henrigo, this was done at the invitation of virtual parents. [76, 82, 70] 76.0 [0.36345874222673896, 0.5808699337445091, -0.19997321272861532] 0.24811848774754428 -0.5090460181236267 4811 Ta peab hulga mõistet väga üldiseks ja teemaneutraalseks, nii et see võib pretendeerida loogilisusele, ja seda aksioomi üldtunnustatuks. It considers the definition of a number to be very general and diamond-neutral, so it may claim to be logical, and that is universally recognised as axiom. [64, 56, 70] 63.333333333333336 [-0.1255610247419799, -0.24977056414566148, 0.2202278544395562] -0.0517012448160284 -0.4664583206176758 4812 Petrus ja Henrik ristisid seejärel mõned külad Järvamaal, kuid seal tegutses juba ka taanlaste preester. Fraud and Henrik then crossed some villages in the middle, but there was already the priest of the Danes. [45, 32, 18] 31.666666666666668 [-0.952528152074385, -1.6006435088107063, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3433506132218112 -0.47545087337493896 4813 Tähtsuselt teine on Podolski linna kesklasteraamatukogu, mis asub Revolutsiooni prospektil. The second most important is the central library of children in Podolski, which is the prospectus for Revolutionary. [51, 52, 47] 50.0 [-0.6660402866896673, -0.3980608112934324, -0.8698144240265682] -0.644638507336556 -0.3154182732105255 4814 Johannes Paulus II vabandas 22. novembril 2001 preestrite poolt seksuaalselt väärkoheldud isikute ees. On 22 November 2001, John Paul II apologised to people sexually abused by priests. [62, 67, 56] 61.666666666666664 [-0.1906667412748583, 0.253838172792557, -0.2711408857067372] -0.06932315139634618 -0.27661415934562683 4815 Ühtlasi ootas Valdemar selle eest Ludwigi abi Taani troonile tõusmiseks. Mr Valdemar also waited for Mr Ludford's help in getting to the Danish thrall. [59, 50, 40] 49.666666666666664 [-0.2883253160741759, -0.46152077408678005, -1.1593124721939274] -0.6363861874516278 -0.4079761505126953 4816 Are ei suuda uskuda, et keegi on vaese Taivo Palmi täiesti vaeseomaks peksnud. I cannot believe that anyone can believe that the poor Taivo Palm is being totally unconnected. [26, 32, 20] 26.0 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.3504838029351336, -2.0716779526032685] -1.7615289591519112 -0.6348254084587097 4817 Aga armastussuhted ilmutavad abstraktsuse vastandit. But a love relationship shows a contrast to abstraction. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.6517620086669922 4818 Ütle neile, et ma söön elusaid kanu ja tantsin keskööl voodoo'd. Just tell them that I eat live chickens and dance beds at midnight. [45, 55, 27] 42.333333333333336 [-0.952528152074385, -0.5219469148485164, -1.3384071475162373] -0.9376274048130462 -0.5332157015800476 4819 On jooniseid, mida saab näha erinevate asjade kujutistena, ja see, mida nähakse, ei sõltu kujutisest võrkkestal. There are lines that can be seen as images of different things, and what is seen is not dependent on the image in the equation. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-1.2673119151131202, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.8306482467327496 -0.4108293652534485 4820 Esialgu ei leitud kohta ka linna ümbrusest ning labor rajati Mälarenile renditud praamile. Initially, no place was found either on the surroundings of the city, and the laboratory was built for the ferry rented to the Mountain. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.7398546618730691, 0.8241835542857531, 0.5222965565512803] 0.6954449242367008 -0.5124484896659851 4821 Teise äärmuse moodustavad sisuliselt liikuvad intensiivravipalatid, kus ravimite valik ei erine haiglast. The second is essentially mobile intensive therapies, where the choice of medicines does not differ from a hospital. [69, 79, 51] 66.33333333333333 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.44997912719119615, -0.4297907926901062] 0.000856073698867125 -0.4622654914855957 4822 Tunda on Robert Schumanni ja Johannes Brahmsi otsest mõju. The direct influence of Robert Schuman and Johannes Brahons is felt. [68, 78, 58] 68.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.4063488583400919, -0.20768092291338958] 0.048341493020642 -0.3459813594818115 4823 Ameerika Ühendriikide pealinnas Washingtonis kohtusid Ameerika Ühendriikide president Barack Obama ja Hiina president Xi Jinping. US President Barack Obama and Chinese President X Jinping met in Washington, the capital of the United States. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.2980252206325531 4824 Eestis oli visiidil Luksemburgi parlamendi spiiker Mars Di Martolomeo, kes kohtus nii XIII Riigikogu liikmete kui ka peaminister Taavi Rõivasega. In Estonia, the Speaker of the Luxembourg Parliament, Mars Di Martolomeo, met with members of both the XIII State Assembly and Prime Minister Taavi Ryana. [82, 83, 81] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5715525953295715 -0.30363672971725464 4825 Eesti venelaste iive on eestlaste omast veelgi madalam, seega kasvab aja jooksul eestlaste osatähtsus. The employment of Estonian Russians is even lower than that of the Estonians, thus increasing the role of Estonians over time. [71, 82, 59] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3735320557396667] 0.1373822377494041 -0.35966646671295166 4826 1938. aastal oli ta küttide võistlusel täiskaliibrilisest püssist lastes esimene 514 silmaga. In 1938, he was the first in 514 eyes in a hunting race from a fully-fledged ferry. [40, 59, 50] 49.666666666666664 [-0.8640078278331221, -0.3778535430073656, -0.3957809933827245] -0.5458807880744041 -0.7033953666687012 4827 Haiti president Michel Martelly teatas, et kavatseb 48 tunni jooksul moodustada uue ühtsusvalitsuse. The President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, announced his intention to form a new unity government within 48 hours. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8967612070024416 -0.24230514466762543 4828 Uued naabrid Melanie vastas, et ta on üheteistkümneaastane. New neighbours Melanie replied that they were eleven years old. [69, 55, 62] 62.0 [0.11937989840836705, -0.5219469148485164, 0.09474532383083789] -0.10260723086977049 -0.3347151577472687 4829 Tallinnas Nokia kontserdimajas toimus 2012. aasta Eesti Muusikaauhindade gala. In Tallinn in Nokia, the Estonian Muusikaum Awards were held in 2012. [38, 30, 21] 29.666666666666668 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.687904046512915, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4013126754255476 -0.4555320143699646 4830 Venelased ütlesid üles kunagi Otepääl sõlmitud rahulepingu ja tungisid koos leedulastega Liivimaale. The Russians once said a peace agreement at Ote and invaded Libya with Lithuanians. [89, 87, 84] 86.66666666666667 [0.867173864977587, 0.5265497895991803, 0.6681304714467177] 0.687284708674495 -0.4622524678707123 4831 Ta külastas 11. juunil 1999 Varssavis basiliaanide kirikut. He visited the Church of Estonians in Warsaw on 11 June 1999. [21, 32, 42] 31.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.6006435088107063, -1.0765987441461105] -1.474660942818372 -0.3666417598724365 4832 Põhiliseks ehitusmaterjaliks oli kohalik ja hea kvaliteediga paekivi. The main building material was local and good quality parcel fibres. [32, 42, 22] 32.0 [-1.1695332167704715, -0.9902503733322566, -1.465741972965541] -1.2085085210227564 -0.40496933460235596 4833 Raamatus on küll väärtuslikke taipamisi, kuid ka ebausutavaid väiteid. Book is a valuable mystery, but also an unbelievable argument. [60, 57, 59] 58.666666666666664 [-0.2557724578077367, -0.12829074848702035, -0.17595094151671578] -0.1866713826038243 -0.59992516040802 4834 Kujutlus varasemasse aega "naasmisest" on lihtsalt kujutlus tolle aja sündmuste taastoimumisest. The preaching of a 'return' earlier on is just a vision of the reoccurrence of events at that time. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.615366518497467 4835 Kaotanud enamuse Doonau sildadest, viis Mack oma armee tagasi Ulmi. By removing the majority of the Danube bridges, Mack has withdrawn her army from Ulm. [73, 78, 83] 78.0 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6245002025956135] 0.28679544102200194 -0.35326287150382996 4836 Türgis İstanbulis toimus 20 000 osavõtjaga mälestusmarss, millel meenutati 5 aasta möödumist armeenlasest ajakirjaniku Hrant Dinki tapmisest. In Istanbur, Turkey, a memorial march with 20 000 participants was held, commemorating the 5th anniversary of the killing of the Ecumenical journalist Hrant Dink. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.0996728308439845] 0.2673539810320909 -0.3471461534500122 4837 Hampton hakkas üha enam andestuse käsku pooldama ja muutus ohvri viha suhtes kriitiliseks. Hampton has become increasingly in favour of forgiveness and has become critical of the victim's anger. [61, 72, 88] 73.66666666666667 [0.024560820024810585, 0.23653881664004375, 0.8726797157233768] 0.37792645079607706 -0.3765760660171509 4838 Ent ikoonid, indeksid ja sümbolid pole omavahel seotud üksnes alternatiivsete tõlgenduste kaudu, vaid neil on ka oma olemuslikud omavahelised seosed. However, icons, indexes and symbols are not only linked through alternative interpretations, but also have their intrinsic links. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.6172985934001295, 1.32209936924058] 0.9952466118301803 -0.27578598260879517 4839 Nüüd ei ole vastamisi enam kalduvused, vaid isik seisab vastu kalduvuse rünnakule. Now the person is no longer faced with tendencies, but is opposed to an attack of a tendency. [74, 91, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.43447507515061307, 0.774893431721841, 0.8652444468398807] 0.6915376512374448 -0.5046753883361816 4840 Seda õpetas talle raha eest Guyanast pärit endine mustanahaline ori John Edmonstone. It was taught for money by John Edmonstone, a former black man from Guyana. [54, 55, 55] 54.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -0.5971473252353072, -0.302870867103411] -0.3809825390698706 -0.38095247745513916 4841 Canberralased on suhteliselt noored, väga mobiilsed ja hästi haritud. Canbans are relatively young, very mobile and well educated. [60, 81, 55] 65.33333333333333 [-0.14422096012004196, 0.5372396648934048, -0.5389595118353006] -0.04864693568731256 -0.3272562026977539 4842 Rünnakuid ei toimunud ja jaamad taasavati mõned tunnid hiljem. No attacks took place and the plants were re-opened a few hours later. [82, 81, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5139205468598127 -0.3193168342113495 4843 Detsembris 1964 astus Clapton esimest korda üles Londonis Royal Albert Hallis koos The Yardbirdsiga. In December 1964 Cchilton, Royal Albert Hallis, together with The YardBurmese, first stood up in London. [45, 43, 41] 43.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -1.120710551448559, -1.1179556081700188] -1.0402821680233236 -0.387218177318573 4844 Faktiliselt me tunnistame, et on mitu viisi, kuidas inimesed ei ole sellised, nagu me eetiliselt tahaksime. The fact is that there are several ways in which people are not what we ethically want. [80, 100, 90] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8744624156876842 -0.382561057806015 4845 See aitab vältida ruumi ja aja pidamist veidrateks tohutu suurteks nähtamatuteks substantsideks. This will help avoid space and time being considered to be bizarre invisible substances of enormous invisibility. [73, 50, 63] 62.0 [-0.07070385276770842, -0.702063629649955, 0.10098660428072605] -0.2239269593789791 -0.49420973658561707 4846 Nõnda osaleb vaim nende asjade teaduses või teadmises, kui temasse vajutatakse nende ideed. In this way, the spirit will participate in science or knowledge of these things when their ideas are pushed into her. [77, 80, 100] 85.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6297181073556747 -0.45706936717033386 4847 Canberra on planeeritud linn, mille siselinna kavandas algselt 20. sajandi tuntud ameerika arhitekt Walter Burley Griffin. Canberra is a planned city, originally designed as an inner by Walter Burley Griffin, a well-known American architect of the 20th century. [84, 60, 84] 76.0 [0.6603895448580447, -0.6252965206798194, 0.6681304714467177] 0.23440783187498096 -0.262198805809021 4848 Mitmel korral vallutasid ja põletasid nad nii Tartu kui ka Otepää linnuseid. On several occasions they conquered and burned towns in both Tartu and Otepää. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.30899903178215027 4849 Tšiili endine president Sebastián Piñera teatas kavatsusest kandideerida 2017. aasta presidendivalimistel. Sebastián Piñera, former President of Chile, announced his intention to stand for election to the presidency in 2017. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.2498791515827179 4850 Euroopa Liit teatas, et peatab kaks Guyana toetamiseks loodud abiprogrammi. The European Union announced that it will suspend two aid programmes in support of Guyana. [58, 85, 62] 68.33333333333333 [-0.20768092291338958, 0.711760740297822, -0.2494614636679413] 0.0848727845721637 -0.24230913817882538 4851 Teine ja kolmas liige täidavad brigaadijuhi korraldusi. The other and the third members will follow the arrangements of the hybrid gas manager. [16, 41, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.6950193257332875, -1.1179556081700188, -1.4205419252944314] -1.411172286399246 -0.5948020219802856 4852 Ja kas see on halvem kui maailm, kus on üksainus tundlik olend ja see kurvastab kujutletavate kannatuste pärast? And is it worse than a world where there is just one sensitive person and it complains about the suffering that one can imagine? [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1100644715184529 -0.6582204103469849 4853 Tegemist on viie tornikupliga kolmelöövilise ampiirstiilis katedraalkirikuga. These are five storms with a three-strike amalgamated cathedral church. [21, 29, 13] 21.0 [-2.080576466172854, -1.12785038341693, -2.10140748145577] -1.7699447770151846 -0.5569304823875427 4854 Harmoonia ja mõõt ei ole müütilised isikud, vaid abstraktsed mõisted, millel on tähtsust igasuguse olemise jaoks. Harmony and measurement are not mythical individuals, but abstract concepts that are important to all kinds of existence. [100, 84, 95] 93.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1153150491210377] 0.9694746054382218 -0.5252947211265564 4855 820ndate alguses Thomas Slaavlase juhitud ülestõusu ajal kasutasid araablased ära riigi nõrkust ja vallutasid Kreeta. In the early 820s, during the uprising led by Thomas Slaavlas, the Arabs took advantage of the country's weakness and invaded Kreeta. [99, 85, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9718509589035568 -0.2647858262062073 4856 End seadustele apelleerimine ei võimalda paratamatusest lahti saada. Origin appeals to the law do not allow for the elimination of necessity. [71, 64, 78] 71.0 [0.05442657251608684, -0.3864058398141874, 0.5102064594545875] 0.05940906405216232 -0.5822357535362244 4857 Teooria versioonide paljunemine on kriisi tavaline sümptom. The reproduction of theory versions is a symptom of the crisis. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6189484363352243] 1.0552806635971763 -0.4416833817958832 4858 Niivõrd kui tahet mõjutavad välised kaalutlused, on inimene passiivne. As long as the will is influenced by external considerations, man is passive. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8477233782497412 -0.29538479447364807 4859 Neid uksi sai lukku keerata, sest kappides hoiti raha, dokumente ja muid väärtuslikke asju. These doors could be turned off because money, documents and other valuable things were kept in the shadows. [75, 79, 82] 78.66666666666667 [0.014618096141847111, 0.3426133161983885, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3127004486949149 -0.4949631690979004 4860 Kas ta tõesti loodab vanast mehest kujundada kunstilembelist amatöörfotograafi? Is he really hoping for an old man to develop an amateur photographic from an art cell? [47, 38, 29] 38.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693] -1.0922819792172762 -0.43892133235931396 4861 Punase värviga värvitakse tagaluuk, kapott ning esiuksed. Red colours are painted in back rooms, in the back room and in the front door. [22, 1, 12] 11.666666666666666 [-1.7107172325380107, -2.016289862523797, -2.4732488858327923] -2.066751993631533 -0.649582028388977 4862 Elurendiselepinguga tekib poolte vahel kestvusvõlasuhe, kuid alati ei pea lepingu esemeks olema materiaalne asi. The Elurenting Agreement creates a sustainability debt between the parties, but does not always have to be the subject of the contract as the material matter. [73, 77, 81] 77.0 [0.2054640405950517, 0.3951887236234128, 0.5372396648934048] 0.3792974763706231 -0.4642089903354645 4863 On kerge aru saada, miks armastaja tahab anda armastatule kõik või vähemalt valib ideaalile äratuntavalt lähedase, kuid vähem nõudliku käitumismustri. It is easy to understand why a loving person wants to give everyone loved, or at least wants to choose a culture of behaviour that is recognisably close to the ideal but less demanding. [57, 62, 81] 66.66666666666667 [0.20468611687394048, -0.08076099732669434, 0.6189484363352243] 0.24762451862749016 -0.37371981143951416 4864 Igatahes selleks et sõnade tähendusi saaks tähendust andvate kokkulepete järgi ära õppida, peab neid kokkuleppeid olema lõplik arv. In any case, in order for the meaning of words to be learnt by agreements that give meaning, these agreements must be the final figure. [77, 95, 74] 82.0 [0.09994004505140265, 0.6560461384385391, -0.05935188142628216] 0.23221143402121988 -0.4322984516620636 4865 Sel kujul esitab Nicolaus oma arvamuse usutülide ning nende võimaliku lõpetamise kohta. As such, Nicolaus will give its opinion on the table and its possible conclusion. [50, 41, 58] 49.666666666666664 [-0.8152986694908287, -1.0262737162925444, -0.41488891976357517] -0.7521537685156493 -0.4061320126056671 4866 Mõlemal juhul on nii, et kui teooria testi läbi ei tee, siis on ta falsifitseeritud, ja kui teeb, siis on ta kinnitatud. In both cases it is the case that if the theory does not pass the test, it will be classified and, if it does, it will be confirmed. [37, 51, 44] 44.0 [-1.2833830642656527, -0.4297907926901062, -1.0770802825974546] -0.9300847131844044 -0.36579838395118713 4867 Rünnakus hukkus kaheksa sõdurit, veel kolm sõdurit suri hiljem haiglas. Eight soldiers died in the attack, three more soldiers died later in hospital. [100, 73, 85] 86.0 [1.3076476232459238, 0.4831155255603034, 0.7017464088819532] 0.8308365192293934 -0.348700612783432 4868 Gruusias vahistati president Mihhail Saakašvili pressibüroo nõunik Simon Kiladze, keda süüdistati spioneerimises. In Georgia, an adviser to the press office of President Mikhail Saakashvili, Simon Kiladze, was arrested and accused of spying. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8967612070024416 -0.226907879114151 4869 Novembris pidid Eesti väed aga Loodearmee kokkuvarisemise tõttu kaitsesse tõmbuma. In November, however, Estonian troops had to withdraw into defence due to the collapse of the Northwest Army. [100, 90, 100] 96.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.132734691735585, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1189388352823084 -0.33129066228866577 4870 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin pidas traditsioonilise aastakõne. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a traditional annual war. [26, 12, 33] 23.666666666666668 [-1.5666238606968599, -1.6672600671603848, -1.4488105203612864] -1.560898149406177 -0.36720800399780273 4871 Varem olid kesklaval valdavad kaks pärismaist metsatüüpi. In the past, two indigenous forest types were on the centre stage. [80, 83, 76] 79.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, 0.32953463266677707] 0.4814711676919415 -0.5248973965644836 4872 pisi[[João IVJoão de Bragança võitis Portugali iseseisvussõja ja tõusis 1640. aastal Portugali troonile João IV nime all Big [João de Bragança won the war of independence in Portugal and rose up on the Portuguese thumb, João IV, in 1640. [34, 44, 64] 47.333333333333336 [-1.407453656337378, -0.9182036874116812, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.7743044810235921 -0.3900504410266876 4873 Tomatid, sibulad ja banaanid on saadaval sõltumata hooajast. Tomats, warehouses and bananas are available regardless of the season. [54, 55, 84] 64.33333333333333 [-0.8812623674084861, -0.5219469148485164, 0.6681304714467177] -0.24502627027009496 -0.5168640613555908 4874 Nüüd Itaalia mandril tõsiselt vähemusse jäänuna taandusid britid tagasi Sitsiiliasse. Now, as a serious minority on the Italian continent, the British returned to Sicily. [80, 92, 95] 89.0 [0.37863665915867617, 1.0176690182308925, 1.1153150491210377] 0.8372069088368689 -0.22629939019680023 4875 Linna kaitses vaid ligi 7000 relvakandjat, kellest 2000 olid võõramaalased. The city protected only around 7 000 people, 2 000 of whom were foreigners. [48, 39, 29] 38.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -1.2952316268529762, -1.12785038341693] -1.0657307752801455 -0.4389493465423584 4876 Endine Burgtheateri direktor Max Burckhard nimetas Mahlerit mandunud ja rahhiidis juudiks, kes pole nii kauni ja heast perekonnast tüdruku vääriline. Max Burckhard, former Director of Burgtheater, appointed Mahler as detonated and calmed Jew, who is not worthy of a girl from such a beautiful and good family. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8649140551778546 -0.3979319632053375 4877 See aga õigustaks rohkem petmisi, kui me tahaksime. This would, however, justify more fraud than we would like. [79, 58, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, -0.4138768859676533, -0.23740730752610836] -0.06710168876752184 -0.38826826214790344 4878 Laevast on toodetud mudelikomplekte ja tehtud loendamatu hulk unikaalseid mudeleid. The ship has produced a set of models and countless models. [23, 35, 47] 35.0 [-1.674693889577723, -1.4697527022573933, -0.8698144240265682] -1.3380870052872282 -0.3386882543563843 4879 Eestis elab pärismaiseid soontaimi 1440 liiki ja samblaid 560 liiki. In Estonia, there are 1 440 species and 560 species of indigenous species of plant and pillars. [100, 88, 94] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7442185189868247, 1.0739581850971294] 0.972426740816128 -0.5866501331329346 4880 Portugallased tõusid Hispaania ülemvõimu vastu üles 1634. ja 1637. aastal, kuid need ülestõusud lõppesid tulemusteta. The Portuguese brought up against the Spanish Supreme Government in 1634 and 1637, but these uprisings ended without results. [54, 51, 39] 48.0 [-0.5579702578088042, -0.4297907926901062, -1.2006693362178358] -0.7294767955722486 -0.40203961730003357 4881 Kuna taolised materjalid esinesid väikeste tükkidena, siis olid ka nikerdused miniatuursed. As such materials appeared to be small pieces, the nuances were also miniature. [99, 83, 91] 91.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6971936874182915] 0.7949246884726825 -0.5266135334968567 4882 Seadused ei osuta implitsiitselt ega implitsiitselt konkreetsetele objektidele, kohtadele ega asjadele. The laws do not refer to specific objects, locations or matters, either implicitly or implicitly. [81, 100, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.7061108946800232 4883 Enamik vaimufilosoofiaid peab keha mitteolemuslikuks, ja enamik materialismi vorme huvitub mateeriast, mitte elavast inimlikust vormist. Most clergy philosophers consider the body to be non-essential, and most forms of materialism are interested in magical, not human, forms. [29, 40, 50] 39.666666666666664 [-1.12785038341693, -1.2516013580018719, -0.9486551086784767] -1.1093689500324262 -0.42714500427246094 4884 Mjenede kunst on valdavalt inspireeritud surmarituaalidest. The art of the Nazis is is predominantly inspired by the repressive regimes. [70, 83, 96] 83.0 [0.057306707531257405, 0.6190326808341362, 0.9161304397840745] 0.5308232760498227 -0.5295788645744324 4885 1186. aasta lõpul käivitas Isaakios II oma teise kampaania Bulgaaria vastu. At the end of 1186, Isaak kio II launched its second campaign against Bulgaria. [76, 74, 51] 67.0 [0.3190883206378832, 0.24682090461896014, -0.4297907926901062] 0.04537281085557906 -0.20685496926307678 4886 Tegu oli Castro esimese reaalajas esinemisega pärast haigestumist juulis 2006. This was Castro's first real-time appearance since July 2006. [100, 85, 76] 87.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.76393773884274, 0.32953463266677707] 0.7308586299579823 -0.25718316435813904 4887 Konkreetse inimese maailmaparandamise võimalusi piirab ainult aeg ja jõud. The opportunities for improving the world of a particular person are limited only by time and strength. [81, 100, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8995824991036102 -0.36932408809661865 4888 Hiina Vabariigi valitseva erakonna Guomindangi uueks esimeheks valiti Ma Yingjiu asemel Eric Chu. Mr Eric Chu was elected the new chairman of the ruling party in China, Mr Guomdang, instead of Mr Yingjiu. [41, 28, 15] 28.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.7751645842151236, -1.5720701229703633] -1.4578361411593435 -0.21325770020484924 4889 Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina koosseisu kuuluvas Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina Föderatsioonis vannutati ametisse peaminister Nedžad Brankovići valitsus. The government of Prime Minister Nedžad Branković was inaugurated within the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation. [98, 82, 90] 90.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8052017493228455 -0.2962839603424072 4890 Aga isegi sel juhul ei pruugi see nii olla; sageli saab olukorda tajuda paremini nii sõbrast endast kui ka kiretust võõrast. But, even in this case, this may not be the case; the situation can often be better perceived, both as a friend and as a result of a roof from abroad. [48, 39, 30] 39.0 [-0.5772133093517801, -1.2952316268529762, -1.697337004628338] -1.1899273136110313 -0.5249523520469666 4891 Jõhvis toimus Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna üldkogu, kus kiideti heaks ühinemine Vene Erakonnaga Eestis. The General Assembly of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) was held in July, which approved accession to the Russian party in Estonia. [94, 84, 89] 89.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7756808108109734 -0.28547677397727966 4892 Sel ajastul sai Portugalist majanduslikult, sõjaliselt ja poliitiliselt maailma juhtiv riik. In this era, Portugal became a world leader economically, militarily and politically. [74, 100, 79] 84.33333333333333 [0.19996755792241208, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5916416602868395 -0.24494440853595734 4893 Jääb siiski küsimus, kuidas asendamatus on võimalik, kui armastus on omadustepõhine. However, the question remains as to how irreplaceable it is when love is based on identity. [87, 83, 91] 87.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6103254162638501] 0.6491047188165381 -0.3779069185256958 4894 Kuigi luuletajad tuli tema riigist välja ajada, oli ta ise kõige suurem luuletaja, valetaja ja šarlatan. Although poet had to be expelled from his country, the poet was himself the biggest poet, the deceit and the shamblest. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.5268080830574036 4895 Kristlik linnarahvas tegi aegajalt edutuid katseid piirata juutide ärilisi õigusi. In the Christian urban world, attempts to restrict the commercial rights of Jews were gradually unsuccessful. [78, 81, 83] 80.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.522108649210108, 0.6190326808341362] 0.5158300627947787 -0.5072939395904541 4896 Ilovaiskis jätkuvad lahingud, tänavalahingud ja käsitsivõitlus valitsusvägede ja okupantide vahel. In Ilovak, the fighting, the street rivalry and the fight between government forces and the documents continue. [65, 43, 43] 50.333333333333336 [0.005795140699435191, -0.954227030371969, -0.45039499198785987] -0.4662756272201312 -0.48404163122177124 4897 Tundub, et kui armastusel peaksid olema põhjendid, siis ei oleks tingimusteta armastus võimalik või vähemalt oleks õigustamatu. It seems that, if there were to be grounds for love, unconditional love would not be possible, or at least it would be unjustifiable. [89, 93, 100] 94.0 [0.7028467458012655, 1.247373368119458, 1.1249782957469103] 1.025066136555878 -0.4009813070297241 4898 Samal ajal aga võib ta teda kui moraalse ürituse vastast väga austada. At the same time, however, he can very much respect him as a moral cause. [73, 78, 82] 77.66666666666667 [0.2054640405950517, 0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091] 0.40441755978654914 -0.4337567389011383 4899 Ta kirjutas sellest ettekande oma ülemusele, kelle käest jõudis teave edasi panga tegevjuhi lauale. He wrote a presentation to his Council, whose information was passed on to the table of the Bank's Executive Director. [70, 83, 57] 70.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6245002025956135, -0.4562457837874836] 0.11377775755160864 -0.4932813048362732 4900 Need ajavad Alma närviliseks ja sekka veel Mare temp, kes neid kaht üle ukse pildistab. They are making Alma nervous and one of them is Mare temp, who are photographing the two at the door. [77, 76, 75] 76.0 [0.36271858948898755, 0.23454328731752536, -0.01280273874114997] 0.1948197126884543 -0.5290975570678711 4901 Šveitsis astus ametisse liidupresident Pascal Couchepin. Mr Pascal Couchepin, President of the Union, took office in Switzerland. [100, 80, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9058970700512137 -0.23081783950328827 4902 Bütsants ajas aktiivset välispoliitikat, et ajada omavahel tülli naaberrahvad ja seeläbi likvideerida kallaletungi oht keisririigile. The bureaucrats were pushing for an active foreign policy in order to connect the peoples of neighbouring countries and thereby eliminating the threat of aggression against the State of Emperor. [28, 49, 45] 40.666666666666664 [-1.3021598218893584, -0.43399388551068224, -0.952528152074385] -0.8962272864914752 -0.697842538356781 4903 Naabermaadesse, eriti Rwandasse, voolas kümneid tuhandeid põgenikke. In neighbouring countries, particularly Rwanda, tens of thousands of refugees fled. [74, 88, 81] 81.0 [0.3652171569470719, 0.8258170009536785, 0.522108649210108] 0.5710476023702862 -0.36132514476776123 4904 13. juunil 2005 mõisteti Jackson kõigis süüdistustes õigeks. On 13 June 2005 Jackson was acquitted of all the charges. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.2948307394981384 4905 Millegi vanemaks saamine on puhtaprioorne, see järeldub lihtsalt ajas olemisest. Getting someone older is a priest, it is simply a consequence of being in time. [34, 30, 25] 29.666666666666668 [-1.208874419294421, -1.0961204020202562, -1.4109017987699952] -1.2386322066948907 -0.6097806096076965 4906 Selliste suhete aktiivne otsimine nõudnuks vastasseisu Habsburgide monarhiaga. The active search for such relations would have required a confrontation with the monarchy of Habsburg. [95, 100, 99] 98.0 [0.8835775815176352, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.0964327941604057 -0.31620052456855774 4907 Universumile on iseloomulik muutumine ehk liikumine. Unilever is a characteristic change, that is to say movement. [24, 13, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.4471491243968742, -2.429618616981688, -2.782925753755637] -2.2198978317113998 -0.5680327415466309 4908 Podolski territooriumil tegutses 2011. aastal 49 suurt ja keskmist ettevõtet, üle 100 väikeettevõtte ja ligi 80 mikroettevõtet. In the region of Podolski, 49 large and medium-sized enterprises, more than 100 small enterprises and almost 80 micro-enterprises were operating in 2011. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 0.5855686120034557] 1.1360266160881805 -0.31627365946769714 4909 Tulistamises sai haavata kuus inimest, teiste seas Esindajatekoja liige Steve Scalise. Six people were injured in the income, including Steve Scalise, Member of the House of Representatives. [41, 35, 29] 35.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.4697527022573933, -1.12785038341693] -1.2079589339889558 -0.4162914454936981 4910 Sambia piiril laiub mägine Mafinga lavamaa, Shire jõest idas Shire lavamaa, Malawi edelaosas Kirk Range'i lavamaa. On the Zambia border, a lavage from Shire river to east Shire, from Kirk Range to Malawi, is extending. [91, 82, 100] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7596043322208423 -0.4967741072177887 4911 Varasemad kokkulepped võimu jagamise kohta tühistati. Previous power-sharing agreements were cancelled. [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 1.015234363400208 -0.4179013669490814 4912 Peaminister Theresa May teatas, et algatab lahkumise ametlikult veel enne märtsikuu lõppu. Prime Minister Theresa May announced that he would formally launch the exit before the end of March. [74, 85, 62] 73.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.711760740297822, -0.08076099732669434] 0.26449878145602584 -0.28080663084983826 4913 QS World University Rankingsi 2016. aasta edetabelis oli ANU Austraalia ülikoolide seas esimesel ja maailma ülikoolide seas 22. kohal. QS World University Rankins in 2016 was the first highest in universities in Australia and 22 in the world. [74, 82, 65] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3871436867160806] 0.14684905054912953 -0.412372350692749 4914 Ja tundub selge, et sageli me saaksime öelda, et ühel teol on paremad tagajärjed kui teisel. And it seems clear that we can often say that one thing has better consequences than another. [74, 84, 79] 79.0 [-0.02804287831293066, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4586486864167604] 0.3662454265168491 -0.4207298457622528 4915 Normaalteadus üldiselt hoiab filosoofiast eemale, ja küllap õigusega. Normal science in general is keeping the philosophy away, and rightly so. [56, 81, 61] 66.0 [-0.290569303981979, 0.5372396648934048, -0.30580685708679023] -0.019712165391788144 -0.39969125390052795 4916 Paavst meenutas 11. septembril 2011 USA terrorirünnakuid. The Pope recalled the terrorist attacks of the US on 11 September 2011. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.23547613620758057 4917 Samal päeval tegi Abe teatavaks ka oma uue valitsuskabineti koosseisu. On the same day, Abe also announced the composition of its new cabinet. [100, 100, 91] 97.0 [1.0463418728498313, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9814216926040136] 1.0091417787021444 -0.2616191804409027 4918 Kuivõrd aga nendes eeldustes on midagi suvalist, tuleb normaalteaduse loomusest, et uuendusi ei saa väga kaua alla suruda. Since there is something arbitrary about these assumptions, however, it comes from the very nature of normal science that innovation cannot be suppressed for a very long time. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0745811949213098 -0.42133286595344543 4919 1990ndate teisel poolel kahjustasid kohvi tootmist ka majandussanktsioonid, kuigi kohvi veeti välja ka salakaubana. In the second half of the 1990s, coffee production was also damaged by economic sanctions, even though the coffee was smuggled. [78, 100, 83] 87.0 [0.14260101950618043, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6220682468220747 -0.29083266854286194 4920 2000. aastal oli umbes 52% elanikest kirjaoskamatud. In 2000, around 52% of the population were illiterate. [100, 84, 99] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 1.024617090803433 -0.21309876441955566 4921 Mõnede õpetlaste arvamuse kohaselt on tegemist lõikuspühadega ehk siis mulla jätkuva viljakuse austamiseks mõeldud pidustustega. According to some scholars, these are reproductive festivals, that is to say, to respect for the continued fertility of soil. [94, 89, 84] 89.0 [0.8251766107826247, 0.7028467458012655, 0.6681304714467177] 0.7320512760102026 -0.5190151929855347 4922 Autor töötab analüütilise filosoofia stiilis, kasutades argumente, kuid mitte tõestusi. The author works in the style of analytical philosophy, using arguments but not proof. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.3704948127269745 4923 Õnnetuse tulemusel kukkus kopter alla ja purunes, hukkus vähemalt viis pardal olnud sõjaväelast. As a result of the disaster, the Coptic crashed and broke, at least five soldiers on board died. [57, 66, 37] 53.333333333333336 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.07523855193204053, -1.2833830642656527] -0.5526815804205177 -0.41913747787475586 4924 William Longchampi, Richardi justiitsministri käsul laiendati lossi ning ta seisis Inglismaa eesotsas, samal ajal kui kuningas oli ristisõjas. William Longchampi, at the behest of Mr Richard's Minister for Justice, was enlarged to Castle and he stood at the head of England, while the king was a crusade. [35, 42, 48] 41.666666666666664 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.1643408202996632, -0.8284575600026597] -1.0784040514521978 -0.3433683514595032 4925 Rünnakus hukkus kakskümmend neli ja sai vigastada kuuskümmend kaheksa inimest. Twenty-four people died and sixty-eight were injured in the attack. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 1.0093158662439998 -0.21637892723083496 4926 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves võttis vastu Burkina Faso suursaadiku Celine M. Yoda ja Sambia suursaadiku Joyce Mwaka Chemba Musenge volikirjad. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, adopted Celine M. Yoda, Ambassador of Burkina Faso and Zambia's Ambassador, Joyce Mwaka Chemba Musenge. [69, 80, 58] 69.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4936093960423005, -0.20768092291338958] 0.08943611990814078 -0.20115457475185394 4927 Paradigma kuulutatakse kehtetuks ainult juhul, kui saadaval on alternatiiv. Paradma will only be declared invalid if an alternative is available. [96, 86, 100] 94.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.7553910091489263, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8778169289561276 -0.30675336718559265 4928 Küüditatud kogesid üldjuhul kohutavaid elamistingimusi. They generally experienced terrible living conditions. [12, 17, 15] 14.666666666666666 [-1.8183096545968183, -1.357221951807747, -1.7733750550387843] -1.6496355538144496 -0.5916393399238586 4929 Kui see ebaõnnestus, põgenes ta linnast ning parlament maksis selle eest kätte, tagandades oma kohalt söör John Byroni, Toweri leitnandi. If it failed, he escaped from the city, and Parliament paid for it by reneging on his seat the meal John Byron, I will have a different leaflet. [7, 29, 18] 18.0 [-1.6411838460800767, -1.12785038341693, -2.2114672727261664] -1.6601671674077245 -0.40566322207450867 4930 Roomlaste võim lõi kõikuma kui aastal 150 eKr puhkes Portugalis mäss. The power of the ruminants created fluctuation when 150 eKr broke up in Portugal. [8, 21, 15] 14.666666666666666 [-2.482732120958998, -1.3816902345903206, -2.3423580792794794] -2.068926811609599 -0.5360822081565857 4931 Oma võimuperioodi viimastel aastatel tegutses Johannes aktiivselt riigi laiendamisega idanaabrite arvelt. In recent years in its power period, Johannes was active in extending the country to the detriment of its eastern neighbours. [85, 100, 93] 92.66666666666667 [0.8545724849394686, 1.0991035183644302, 1.247373368119458] 1.067016457141119 -0.4480818510055542 4932 Riigi suurimad sadamad on Point Fortin, Point Lisas, Port of Spain ja Scarborough. Point Fortin, Point Lisas, Port of Spain and Scarborough are the country's largest ports. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9786141848030541 -0.11675713956356049 4933 Valitsusväed vabastasid Donetski oblastis Debaltseve. The Donetski Oblastis Debaltseve was released by the government forces. [70, 76, 63] 69.66666666666667 [0.06975612485665529, 0.3181532243989978, -0.03350342494859623] 0.11813530810235229 -0.3152310848236084 4934 Filosoofiliselt oleks soovitav definitsioon, millest hinnangut ei järeldu. A film-specific definition that does not follow the assessment would be desirable. [83, 77, 80] 80.0 [0.4867066880395393, 0.36271858948898755, 0.4903786678134342] 0.446601315113987 -0.47863128781318665 4935 Budapesti ooperis oli muusikadirektor Sándor Erkel, kes lasi repertuaari vaid ajaloolisi ja rahvapärimuse ainelisi oopereid. In Budapest, there was a music manager, Sándor Erkel, who allowed only historical and folklore families for repertoire. [52, 57, 62] 57.0 [-0.6343902606970722, -0.25098737870986976, -0.08076099732669434] -0.3220462122445454 -0.4985199570655823 4936 Jalgpallikoondise treener oli sel ajal hollandlane Leo Beenhakker ja kapteniks Tobago saarelt pärit Dwight Yorke. Leo Beenhakker, Dutch at the time, was the trainer of the football concentration and Dwight Yorke from the island of Tobago. [38, 21, 28] 29.0 [-1.0812112729394545, -1.555891101277511, -1.1595803648136038] -1.2655609130101897 -0.47309112548828125 4937 Samalaadsed kitsendused on teoreetiliste probleemide lahendustel. Similar restrictions exist on solutions to theoretical problems. [96, 77, 97] 90.0 [0.9980583701602151, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1980287771688547] 0.8529352456060192 -0.5305042266845703 4938 Tapeti tuhandeid tutsisid, üle 100 000 tutsi põgenes naabermaadesse. Thousands of Tunisians were killed, more than 100 000 Tunisians fled to neighbouring countries. [100, 79, 85] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4412278406896248] 0.663436828748417 -0.19828765094280243 4939 Eestit esindanud Viktor Romanenkov saavutas oma senise karjääri parima tulemuse ja sai 23. koha. Viktor Romanenkov, representing Estonia, has achieved the best result of his career so far and has 23 seats. [72, 62, 75] 69.66666666666667 [0.144567245233466, -0.26978351412650253, -0.01280273874114997] -0.04600633587806217 -0.2829783856868744 4940 Punase Risti esindaja sõnul võib saadetise sihtpunkti jõudmine võtta kaua aega. According to the Red Cross, it may take a long time to reach the destination of the consignment. [98, 79, 89] 88.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7509948200061832 -0.29153361916542053 4941 Filosoofid on stoikutest Hare'i ja Rawlsini püüdnud seda teha, kuid ükski katse pole üldtunnustatud. Filosofs have tried to do so from the stores Hare and Rawlsin, but no attempt is universally accepted. [62, 62, 61] 61.666666666666664 [-0.26978351412650253, -0.06975075057547515, -0.2908183276918498] -0.2101175307979425 -0.37151527404785156 4942 Ajakirjanik Alistair Cooke on öelnud, et professionaal on see, kes teeb oma tööd maksimaalselt hästi ka siis, kui tal pole selleks tuju. The journalist, Alistair Cooke, has said that it is the professional who does his job as well as possible when he does not have the wind to do so. [72, 100, 85] 85.66666666666667 [-0.1133648272224862, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822] 0.5658331438132553 -0.29052111506462097 4943 Rebase ja tema meeste kaasabil suleti Volhovi kotti 14 Punaarmee diviisi ning 7 tankibrigaadi. With the help of the fox and his men, 14 Red Army filters and 7 tankers were closed in Volhov's bags. [19, 36, 25] 26.666666666666668 [-1.6660119737936645, -1.2063904310939828, -1.3511032965816678] -1.407835233823105 -0.42147964239120483 4944 Darwini lastest poeg George tegutsesastronoomiateadlasena, Francisbotaanikuna ja Horace insenerina. Darwin's grandson as George Plasastronomy scientist, Francisbotanane and Horace's engineer. [31, 29, 26] 28.666666666666668 [-1.5315242484091034, -1.7315343153640192, -1.8470733838183102] -1.703377315863811 -0.41658324003219604 4945 Rootsi valitsus otsustas 1981. aastal püsiva hoone ehitada ja kuulutas välja projektikonkursi. The Swedish Government decided in 1981 to build a permanent building and launched a call for proposals. [70, 58, 81] 69.66666666666667 [0.06975612485665529, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1331049556122235 -0.2479034960269928 4946 3. augustil annab III Germaani Soomuskorpuse ülem Felix Steiner korralduse moodustada löögiüksus Putkis Punaarmee poolt läbimurtud rinde sulgemiseks. On 3 August, Felix Steiner, the Chief of Germaan Soomusap, will instruct him to set up a shock unit to close a breakthrough by Putk Red Army. [65, 74, 83] 74.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.24682090461896014, 0.6245002025956135] 0.23653587398964473 -0.39621269702911377 4947 Tallinnas Estonia kontserdisaalis tähistati piduliku kontsertaktusega 25 aasta möödumist Eesti Kongressi asutamisest. In Tallinn, the Estonia conglomerates were celebrating the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Congress of Estonia. [75, 80, 84] 79.66666666666667 [-0.01280273874114997, 0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177] 0.38190213350633395 -0.3445894122123718 4948 Henry püüab Roccoga rääkida jutte, millest Evelin midagi teada ei tohi. Henry is trying to talk to Rocco about stories that I am not allowed to report about. [58, 51, 54] 54.333333333333336 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.4297907926901062, -0.5803163758592089] -0.47466135150565614 -0.4458731412887573 4949 Armastuse autoriteeti ei tohi segi ajada moraaliseaduse autoriteediga. The authority of the army must not be confused with the authority of moral law. [81, 80, 82] 81.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.4936093960423005, 0.827031554711923] 0.5784336509577291 -0.34121835231781006 4950 Karl Gustav oli varsti sunnitud loobuma Zamośći piiramisest ja kavandatud rünnakust Lwówile. Karl Give was soon forced to give up the siege of Zamość and the planned attack on Lwów. [72, 100, 75] 82.33333333333333 [-0.1133648272224862, 0.8241835542857531, 0.0052757227934469965] 0.23869814995223795 -0.2956373691558838 4951 Poola kuningate valimine kestis kuni Poola jagamisteni. The election of the Polish kings lasted until the division of Poland. [49, 56, 41] 48.666666666666664 [-0.8589289383419331, -0.2711408857067372, -1.1179556081700188] -0.7493418107395632 -0.45407968759536743 4952 Uusaja alaetappidena võivad eristuda eestlaste rahvuslik ärkamisaeg ja venestusaeg. As new sub-stages, national awakening times and fraternity periods for Estonians may differentiate. [70, 81, 58] 69.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.5372396648934048, -0.710618469589375] -0.05165852504672371 -0.5207696557044983 4953 See on generaliseerivast psühholoogiast veel kaugemal kui kunstnike oma, sest ta on tervenisti suunatud ainsale ja erilisele. It is even further away from a generalising psychology than that of the artists, as they are completely focused on the only and the only ones. [60, 81, 82] 74.33333333333333 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.5363189527863194, 0.5808699337445091] 0.2584528954945835 -0.5914676189422607 4954 Monacos algas Interpoli peaassamblee kolmepäevane istung. A three-day session of the General Assembly of Interpol began in Monaco. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1772431457857548 -0.17555347084999084 4955 30 inimest, sealhulgas 19 politseinikku ja 6 kurjategijat, said surma. 30 people were killed, including 19 police officers and 6 criminals. [100, 82, 97] 93.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9910334894835672] 0.8989605729916622 -0.2835272252559662 4956 Enne 5. sajandit ei olnud germaanlaste rünnakud Lusitania ja Gallaecia provintse tõsiselt ähvardanud, kuid 5. sajandi alguses see olukord muutus. Before the 5th century, the attacks by the eel had not seriously threatened the provinces of Lusitania and Galpathcia, but at the start of the 5th century this situation changed. [63, 84, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.6681304714467177, 0.29999877943339137] 0.15693855118820763 -0.3829551637172699 4957 1625. aastal vallutasid nad Tartu ja 1629. aastal sõlmiti Altmargi vaherahu, millega kogu Eesti mandriosa läks Rootsi kontrolli alla. In 1625, they invaded Tartu and in 1629 the Altmarg truce, which placed the entire Estonian mainland under Swedish control. [79, 72, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.16410717657114324, 0.36345874222673896] 0.32584834866302614 -0.30737602710723877 4958 Abielu pooldavate eelistena Darwin nägi, et oleks "jätkuv seltskond ja kaaslane vanaduspäevadeks … mis on igal juhul parem kui koera seltskond". Darwin, the pro-marriage advantage, saw it as' a continuing company and partner to be the safest for old age, which is in any case better than a dog '. [95, 83, 70] 82.66666666666667 [1.2803769864029464, 0.5855686120034557, 0.2202278544395562] 0.6953911509486529 -0.5520074963569641 4959 Moraalne argument on tsirkulaarne, sest selle aktsepteerimiseks peab olema moraali sees. The moral argument is citrsic, because it must be moral in order to accept it. [58, 83, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.6245002025956135, 0.20480883524336993] 0.13847738395711004 -0.5113869309425354 4960 Samuti tuletas ta täheldatud tulemused pendlite ja loodete kohta. He also recalled the results observed regarding the logals and foetuses. [56, 82, 69] 69.0 [-0.16650364061497808, 0.5808699337445091, 0.09524274541966368] 0.16986967951639823 -0.617534339427948 4961 Suurimad meeleavaldused toimusid Dublinis ja Galways. The greatest demonstrations took place in Dublin and Galway. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8582063978635651 -0.21779021620750427 4962 Info sellest kohtumisest jääb hägusaks, et mitte enamat öelda. The relays to this meeting will remain blurred, if not more. [36, 42, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -1.0765987441461105, -1.12785038341693] -1.2101905203231098 -0.4602242708206177 4963 President Dmitri Medvedev rahuldas tema tagasiastumispalve 9. aprillil. President Dmitry Medvedev accepted his resignation on 9 April. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9129194654930192 -0.24993570148944855 4964 Paavst saatis läkitused mariaanidele 6. juulil 1984, 30. juunil 1987, 22. juunil 1993 ja 1. juulil 1999. The Pope sent letters to the puppet States on 6 July 1984, 30 June 1987, 22 June 1993 and 1 July 1999. [27, 18, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-2.0331086776874856, -1.4768801787803418, -1.483396450023753] -1.6644617688305268 -0.2559993267059326 4965 Osmanite väed vallutasid aga järgemööda Bütsantsi riigi viimaseid alasid. However, some troops captured the country's last sites with their successor office. [55, 70, 85] 70.0 [-0.5389595118353006, -0.19868677613204175, 0.711760740297822] -0.008628515889840113 -0.7813580632209778 4966 Politseinikud tulevahetuses vigastada ei saanud, jalga sai haavata vanglaametnik ise, kes seejärel ka vahistati. Police officers were not injured in the fire exchange, the prison official was wounded and subsequently arrested. [67, 81, 67] 71.66666666666667 [0.253838172792557, 0.5372396648934048, 0.03588704551171866] 0.27565496106589343 -0.38014158606529236 4967 Lahkujate seas on ka tuntud poliitikud Sirje Endre, Kadri Jäätma, Marko Kass, Tarmo Kõuts ja Vallo Reimaa. The winners include well-known politicians Sirje Endre, Kadri ice, Marko Kass, Tarmo Khorts and Vallo Reimaa. [23, 18, 13] 18.0 [-1.674693889577723, -2.2114672727261664, -2.33371661618572] -2.0732925928298696 -0.2815978527069092 4968 Nagu kangekaelsus on emotsioonide voorus, on ratsionaliseeritus mõistuse pahe. Just as stubbornness is in the grip of emotions, rationalisation is a evil of reason. [70, 76, 52] 66.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.3190883206378832, -0.3980608112934324] -0.020189753699916674 -0.36936071515083313 4969 Konkurss pidi kestma 31. jaanuarini 1912, kuid kuna mitmed kavandid ei olnud selleks ajaks veel kohale jõudnud, pikendati seda veebruari keskpaigani. The competition was due to last until 31 January 1912, but since a number of the designs had not yet arrived at that time, it was extended to mid-February. [69, 81, 75] 75.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.5372396648934048, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2837827707729938 -0.3834346830844879 4970 Kants Methode einer Grundlegung der Moral, väitekiri, Darmstadt 2014. Kants Methode einer Grundlegung der Moral, statement of Darmstadt 2014. [85, 100, 84] 89.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8170064459466541 -0.16719363629817963 4971 aasta üleminekupõhiseaduse järgi üldistel valimistel 5 aastaks; esimese presidendi pärast üleminekuaega valis Rahvuskogu 2005. Under the transitional constitution of the year for a general election of 5 years; after the transition, the National Assembly elected 2005. [75, 84, 65] 74.66666666666667 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.3871436867160806] 0.2042385151869007 -0.45518967509269714 4972 Tallinna meistrid olid tõenäoliselt kursis Itaalia ühiskondlike hoonetega, mida näitab eriti arkaadkäik. The Tallinn Champions were probably aware of the Italian public buildings, which is particularly evident from the archaic development. [47, 49, 51] 49.0 [-0.8101336585308181, -0.8908180873558293, -0.46847133247114325] -0.7231410261192636 -0.6028891205787659 4973 Poola valitsus väljendas oma valmisolekut seda teha, kuid selle asemel saatis linna veelgi rohkem vägesid. The Polish Government expressed its readiness to do so, but instead sent more troops to the city. [75, 100, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.907511905591423 -0.3452795743942261 4974 Suurbritannia õhuväed alustasid Süürias rünnakuid äärmusliku islamiliikumise Islamiriik positsioonidele. In Syria, the British Air Force launched attacks on the positions of the Islamic Republic of radical Islam. [91, 100, 81] 90.66666666666667 [0.7533661484518784, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6189484363352243] 0.7906587851465638 -0.4724138081073761 4975 Soome saabus kahepäevasele ametlikule visiidile Tšiili esimene naispresident Michelle Bachelet. Finland arrived at a two-day official visit to Chile's first female President, Michelle Bachelet. [18, 13, 16] 15.666666666666666 [-1.8548106043791617, -2.10140748145577, -1.7371277294119054] -1.8977819384156123 -0.25679755210876465 4976 Troonisaali seinad olid arvatavasti kaunistatud Bulgaaria tsaaride ja tsaarinnade kujutistega. The walls in the Tropical Hall were probably decorated with images of Bulgarian TVs and Turks. [64, 81, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.5372396648934048, 0.26826879803671755] 0.20259054490806508 -0.6134325265884399 4977 Saksamaa liidukantsler Angela Merkel teatas, et ei osale 9. mail Moskvas toimuval Teise maailmasõja lõpu 70. aastapäeva tähistamisel. German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that she would not attend the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Moscow on 9 May. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2714002976190448] 1.0979820296428267 -0.22167134284973145 4978 See eeldab, et tema järgi on olemas ilu tahked ja kindlad, mittevoolavad vormid, mis on omavahel seotud määratletult, mittevoolavalt. This requires that there are fine aspects and solid, non-flowing forms, which are linked to each other in a well-defined, non-negotiable manner. [76, 82, 79] 79.0 [0.05727907059662488, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4586486864167604] 0.36559923025263147 -0.633685827255249 4979 Nagu ikka, rüüpab Allan õiget pidu oodates natuke õlut ja nagu ikka, hoiab ta pudelit laua jala taga peidus. As usual, when you wait for the right pipe, Allan gets some beer and, as usual, keeps the bottle hanging around the table. [32, 61, 42] 45.0 [-1.3504838029351336, -0.10599807620235407, -1.0765987441461105] -0.8443602077611994 -0.4392012357711792 4980 Venemaa kiirabisüsteemi iseloomulikuks tunnuseks on kiirabisüsteemi sees olevad spetsialiseerunud brigaadid. The characteristic feature of the Russian ambulance system is specialised brigades within the ambulance system. [100, 99, 76] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.2714002976190448, 0.36345874222673896] 0.9113208527367379 -0.41532355546951294 4981 Samuti on ta California Tehnoloogiainstituudi eestkostjate nõukogu liige. He is also a member of the board of guardians of the California Institute of Technology. [81, 85, 83] 83.0 [0.522108649210108, 0.711760740297822, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6176340234473554 -0.24572016298770905 4982 Selles armees oli 59 000 sõdurit ja see oli varustatud 54 raskekahuriga. The army had 59 000 troops and it was equipped with 54 heavy artillery. [97, 100, 81] 92.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8844171500412941 -0.3813791871070862 4983 Lesotho peaministri kandidaadiks nimetati Tom Thabane. Mr Tom Thabane was nominated as Prime Minister of Lesotho. [93, 97, 100] 96.66666666666667 [1.0539163438577714, 1.4002249366312889, 1.32209936924058] 1.2587468832432134 -0.2877886891365051 4984 See võib panna komitendi muutma oma varem antud juhiseid. This could lead the Committee to change its guidelines previously given. [100, 94, 87] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0901636694846504, 0.7844601369297701] 0.99124244159295 -0.5660682320594788 4985 Ei saa tõestada, et nad alati ei peta, järelikult saab kahelda, kas füüsiline maailm üldse on olemas. You cannot prove that they are not always deceiving, so you can wonder whether the physical world exists at all. [97, 82, 82] 87.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5808699337445091, 0.31324491732529147] 0.6283827801844559 -0.33939170837402344 4986 Visiidi esimesel päeval kohtus ta Tallinnas Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku peapiiskopi Andres Põderiga. On the first day of the visit, he met the Archbishop of the Evangelical Luteris Church of Estonia, Andres Pyder, in Tallinn. [62, 84, 78] 74.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.412248360714594] 0.3332059449448724 -0.2825029790401459 4987 Tartus alustati Eesti Evangeelsele Luterlikule Kirikule kuuluva ajaloolise Tartu Maarja kiriku renoveerimist. The need began to renovate the historic Tartu Maarja church of the Estonian Evangean Lutersat Church. [62, 56, 49] 55.666666666666664 [0.06277371215276832, -0.2711408857067372, -0.5409659837249011] -0.24977771909295665 -0.4030008018016815 4988 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin esitas Jevgeni Savtšenko kandidatuuri teiseks ametiajaks Belgorodi oblasti kuberneri ametikohale. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, submitted Mr Sašshenko's candidacy for a second term of office as Governor of the Belgorod Oblast. [90, 100, 88] 92.66666666666667 [0.6545327129635137, 1.0991035183644302, 0.842651546851135] 0.8654292593930263 -0.3823811411857605 4989 Nende karistused küündisid kaheksast viieteistkümne aastani vanglas. Their sentences amounted to eight to fifteen years in prison. [97, 81, 89] 89.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7680738849201569 -0.30160290002822876 4990 Laev tühjendati mudast ja veest, praod tihendati, augud topiti kinni ning see veeti seejärel Gustav V kuivdokki. The flotilla was empty from the mud and the water, the barges were tightened up, the cars were closed, and this was then dragged down by the image of GAB V. [24, 23, 7] 18.0 [-1.3893161887096255, -1.483396450023753, -1.8259099741437539] -1.5662075376257107 -0.6308788657188416 4991 Kui ta ei peaks kartma, et ostjate petmine tuleb avalikuks, siis ta teeks seda. If it should not be afraid of fraud by buyers being exposed, it would do so. [32, 36, 28] 32.0 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.324739928289561, -1.2974639223337912] -1.4076157864780194 -0.44907546043395996 4992 Põhjendid on avalikud põhjendid, reeglid on avalikud reeglid. The reasons are the public good, the rules are public rules. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.786155536157973 -0.30916136503219604 4993 Teine külg on suurem võistluslikkus, auahnus ja võimujanu. The second aspect is greater competitiveness, ambition and thirst for power. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8531309381513372 -0.46063438057899475 4994 Üle 80% Podolski firmadest ja füüsilisest isikust ettevõtjatest liigituvad väikeettevõtluse alla. Over 80% of Podolski firms and self-employed people are classified as small businesses. [83, 85, 100] 89.33333333333333 [0.5855686120034557, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 0.8731429071806192 -0.3196047246456146 4995 See on täiesti loomulik maailma seisund, täiesti kahjutu ja süütu, puhas ja isegi armas, naeratav. This is an absolutely natural state of the world, totally harmless and innocent, clean and even beloved, smiling. [100, 81, 87] 89.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5265497895991803] 0.7209643242856717 -0.4408923387527466 4996 Allan ja Mare tulevad järsku tõdemusele, et suvel ei ole neil kummalgi aega vibutalus olla ega kliente teenindada. I and Mare are are suddenly coming to the conclusion that, in the summer, they will not have either time to be on a vibumble or to serve customers. [41, 51, 60] 50.666666666666664 [-1.1179556081700188, -0.7716684006397244, -0.574314160703546] -0.8213127231710965 -0.4865138828754425 4997 Sõja otsustav lahing peeti 627. aastal Nineveh lähedal ning see lõppes Sassaniididele vägedele täieliku lüüasaamisega. A decisive battle of war was held near Nineveh in 627, and it ended in total defeat for the forces of Sasthief. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.5415797233581543 4998 Kui vastus on, et Hilda tahtis Edgari raha pärida, siis taustteadmine sisaldab mõrvauurija tavalisi eeldusi motiivi, vahendi ja võimaluse kohta. If the answer is that Hilda wanted to ask Edgari for money, then the background is the usual proposition of the murderer on the motivation, the tool and the possibility. [25, 13, 1] 13.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.8458697062925422, -2.016289862523797] -1.7377542884660022 -0.4987535774707794 4999 Moore nõustub siiski, et ta on õnnelik, ja see näitab, et õnne mõiste on osalt mittehinnanguline. Mothers agree, however, that he is happy, and this shows that the term 'luck' is partly non-technical. [24, 13, 1] 12.666666666666666 [-1.3893161887096255, -2.429618616981688, -2.016289862523797] -1.9450748894050367 -0.4462558329105377 5000 Juuliks oli pool Eestit Saksa vägede kontrolli all. By July, half Estonia was under the control of German troops. [75, 71, 67] 71.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.3529696839554842, 0.07788890965667469] 0.20979284598979886 -0.28521668910980225 5001 Ristisõdijate jõule toetudes sai Albert säilitada ka parema positsiooni rivaliteedis Mõõgavendade orduga. On the basis of the Christmas of the rulers, Albert was also able to maintain a better position in the quality of rice with the Valley of Employers. [14, 8, 1] 7.666666666666667 [-1.7714451099892028, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -2.1451683112500697 -0.5291953682899475 5002 Nauru on kõige suurema rasvumusega rahvastikuga riik. The pound is the country with the most obesity-related population. [10, 14, 18] 14.0 [-2.0097280363481826, -1.9989039762203125, -1.618593541477372] -1.8757418513486224 -0.4520224630832672 5003 Alates kukutamisest oli ta varjanud ennast Senegali saatkonnas Bamakos. Since the fall, he had concealed himself in Bamako, the Embassy of Senegal. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8095006693002329 -0.2842560112476349 5004 Brasiilias esitas föderaalprokuratuur president Michel Temerile ametliku süüdistuse altkäemaksude võtmises. In Brazil, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office formally charged President Michel Kiev with taking bribery. [87, 85, 86] 86.0 [0.5265497895991803, 0.711760740297822, 0.680758556193477] 0.6396896953634931 -0.5127730965614319 5005 Siis rajati ka puurkaevude haldamiseks ja tooraine transportimiseks vajalik taristu. Then there was also the creation of infrastructure for the management of cages and the transport of raw materials. [97, 89, 81] 89.0 [0.9486832980505137, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7539571544424724 -0.4038581848144531 5006 Õiguskirjanduses on välja toodud, et pruuklaenu ese võib olla ka individuaaltunnustega asi, kuid eeldusel et need on asendatavad asjad. It has been pointed out in the legal literature that bribery can also be an individual matter, but provided that it is replaced by things. [49, 57, 53] 53.0 [-0.520291765278604, -0.44990022892794107, -0.2811423169988513] -0.4171114370684655 -0.5383731722831726 5007 İstanbulis ja Ankaras kogunesid tänavatele tuhanded inimesed, kes nõudsid peaministri tagasiastumist. Thousands of people took to the streets in Istanbul and Ankara calling for the Prime Minister's resignation. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7040290097055659 -0.31811466813087463 5008 Mitme olulise kultuurimälestusmärgi juures on väike muuseum. Several important cultural monuments have a small museum. [84, 80, 100] 88.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0811424575112913] 0.699160628184473 -0.3023061454296112 5009 Tavaliselt võetakse selleks asjade igavene voolavus ja muutlikkus, igavene saamine. This is usually the result of the ever-increasing turnover and variability, the eternal pursuit of things. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.7222326397895813 5010 Kiievi metropoliit Petru Movilă, kes organiseeris seal mõjuka akadeemia, aitas oluliselt kaasa õigeusu kiriku taastamisele ja reformimisele. The Kiev Metropolitan Petru Movilă, who organised an influential academia there, made a significant contribution to the restoration and reform of the Orthodox Church. [90, 100, 77] 89.0 [0.7208132901854393, 0.9996617706525889, 0.47395913382770866] 0.7314780648885789 -0.27156680822372437 5011 Oma valu või mõnd muud oma vaimuseisundit saan vaadelda ainult mina ise ja ma olen sellest vahetult teadlik. My pain, or some other of my spirituality, can only be seen by myself and I am directly aware of this. [85, 93, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.9028684259701937, 0.9996617706525889] 0.8204278568609658 -0.4533008635044098 5012 Haige Balduini kohalolu oli sõduritele tähtis motivaator, otsuste langetamisel mängis Renaud tähtsat rolli. The presence in Bali was an important motive for soldiers, and Renaud played an important role in the decision-making process. [74, 82, 65] 73.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3871436867160806] 0.16457500882060663 -0.31009554862976074 5013 Lõpuks nõustus Banda korraldama rahvahääletuse riigi tuleviku üle otsustamiseks. Finally, Banda agreed to hold a referendum on the country's future. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 1.0093158662439998 -0.2145080268383026 5014 Eesti Riigikogu esimees Ene Ergma viibis visiidil Elvas. President of the Estonian Assembly, Ene Ergma, was present at the visit in Elvas. [63, 80, 53] 65.33333333333333 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.4936093960423005, -0.6216732398831174] -0.20845914705210103 -0.3235241770744324 5015 Praeguse Copperbelti lääneosast Kansanshist on leitud tõendeid, et hiljemalt aastal 1000 sulatati seal vasetükke. Evidence from the current Copperbelt Western part of Kansanshis has been found that 1 000 pieces of copper were melted there at the latest year. [33, 15, 24] 24.0 [-1.314460459974846, -2.258848426590734, -1.9496856596195407] -1.840998182061707 -0.37470200657844543 5016 Samuti eeldatakse tavaliselt, et lõppeesmärgi väärtus ei sõltu vahendi väärtusest. It is also assumed that the value of the final objective will not depend on the value of the instrument. [99, 89, 94] 94.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.9089270413502557, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9688685413737552 -0.3299640715122223 5017 Lossi all on 4,9 ha maad ja lisaks veel 2,4 ha ümbritsevat ala, mida kasutati sõjaväelisel otstarbel. The Loss is 4.9 ha of land, as well as another 2.4 ha surrounded by military use. [79, 64, 72] 71.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.23653881664004375] 0.22975394816984085 -0.45572060346603394 5018 Ka kohalikke eetikaväiteid võib niimoodi vaadata; preskriptivism vaatabki asjale nii. This is also how local ethics claims can be viewed; a more press sceptic looks at it. [37, 33, 29] 33.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.1209231937549637, -1.12785038341693] -1.139713555101863 -0.5855078101158142 5019 Aastal 1256 paisus Veneetsia ja Genova kaupmeeste omavaheline kaubandustüli sõjaliseks konfliktiks. In 1256, the trade dispute between the merchants of Venice and Genoa into a military conflict. [77, 79, 80] 78.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4949620887624109] 0.4467099798590066 -0.37912583351135254 5020 Sel juhul toimub tagasitäitmine ning kingisaaja peab saadu kinkijale tagasi täitma. In this case, there will be a backstop and the giant will have to fill the tour back to the cinema. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.786155536157973 -0.48951876163482666 5021 Sageli peetakse kõige suuremaks karistuseks rahva hukkamõistu. Often, the biggest punishment is the denunciation of the people. [80, 100, 80] 86.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6633588335097319 -0.3458814322948456 5022 Paavst saatis 8. septembril 1979 läkituse Loreto Francesco Baracca instituudile. The Pope sent a letter of reference to the Loreto Francesco Baracca Institute on 8 September 1979. [82, 80, 58] 73.33333333333333 [0.827031554711923, 0.4936093960423005, -0.20768092291338958] 0.3709866759469446 -0.20936870574951172 5023 Teadlikku ja kavandatud viljaka, kuid vähearenenud piirkonna kolonisatsiooni alustasid 1580. ja 1590. aastatel Volõõnia Vene vürstid. The conscious and planned fertile yet underdeveloped colonisation of the region started by the Russian Duchy of Volchilnia in the years 15840 and 15940. [55, 43, 49] 49.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -1.035241880122202, -0.8589289383419331] -0.8053725777708839 -0.4824439585208893 5024 Halva tervise tõttu ja Vatikani palvel lahkus ta lõpuks 1971. aasta septembris saatkonnast ja asus elama Austriasse. At the request of the poor health and Vatican, she finally left the embassy in September 1971 and started to live in Austria. [81, 75, 68] 74.66666666666667 [0.29116755037643405, 0.33172876083006514, 0.14773320318579836] 0.25687650479743246 -0.34932902455329895 5025 Samal ajal jätkus viiendat päeva Minskis opositsiooni miiting. At the same time, the fifth day in Minsk continued to be marked by the opposition. [28, 57, 54] 46.333333333333336 [-1.3021598218893584, -0.12829074848702035, -0.5803163758592089] -0.6702556487451959 -0.3240237832069397 5026 Kolm kohta sai Naoero Amo, ülejäänud saadikud olid sõltumatud. Three seats were given by Naoero Amo, while the other members were independent. [64, 78, 71] 71.0 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.4063488583400919, 0.20480883524336993] 0.1378069551258449 -0.3684830069541931 5027 Viimane pole seesama kadumaläinud teadmine, ta on veendumusega teistmoodi seotud. The latter is not the same disgusting knowledge; it has a different relationship to conviction. [78, 83, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5363189527863194] 0.5292459534673398 -0.5760914087295532 5028 Samuti on keele nõudmised kujundanud aju neile sobivaks. The language requirements have also shaped the brain to suit them. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.711760740297822, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0806268157685988 -0.4001898169517517 5029 Nende argumentide tõttu olid Koperniku teooria pooldajad suurtes raskustes. Thanks to these arguments, the pro-Copernk theory was in great difficulty. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.873470457843843 -0.5000215172767639 5030 Ta võitleb selle eest, millesse ta juba usub, ning ründab selle vastast, et ta ei õõnestaks selle võimu kogukonnas. He is fighting for what he already believes in and attacking the fact that he is not undermining this power within the community. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.345100998878479 5031 Kuigi mitteloodusteaduslikud distsipliinid tegelevad peamiselt psüühilise olemisega, pole sellega veel leitud peamist liigitusalust. Although non-natural scientific disciplines are primarily involved in psychology, a basic classification has not yet been found. [98, 100, 95] 97.66666666666667 [1.4384378287592468, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1264109951115293] 1.2299423732058956 -0.43254396319389343 5032 Claptoni lähedane sõprus George Harrisoniga viis ta kokku viimase naise Pattie Boydiga, kellesse Clapton oli väga kiindunud. Claston's close friendship with George Harrison brought him together with the last woman, Pattie Boy, who was very attached to Claston. [55, 52, 54] 53.666666666666664 [-0.41853674913993266, -0.31935520912680904, -0.3346008485000848] -0.35749760225560884 -0.35515186190605164 5033 Smith ja Cunningham liikusid kaugemale lõunasse, jõudes välja Tuggeranongi orru. Smith and Cunningham moved further to the south, drawing up the foundations of the scrap. [36, 38, 40] 38.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.3388618957040805, -1.1593124721939274] -1.2348549329973302 -0.4156001806259155 5034 Alternatiivse, pettuseta katseplaani leidmine lükkaks küll selle väite ümber, kuid selle mitteleidmine ei toeta väidet piisavalt. Finding an alternative, unadulterated, trial plan would refute the claim, but not enough support the claim. [39, 40, 18] 32.333333333333336 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.7788205880535182, -1.328825762380514] -1.0686555842157173 -0.6068195700645447 5035 Samal ajal seisid Cumberlandi husaarid kogu möllu keskel kontrastina täiesti liikumatult sadulas. At the same time, Cumberland's aircraft stood in a completely unmobile saturation in the middle of all the mouth. [27, 23, 18] 22.666666666666668 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.993315928470645, -1.4768801787803418] -1.6669322083291862 -0.5444328784942627 5036 Kui mõni suur filosoof kaitsebki Kanti, siis kaldub tulemus skeptitsismi. If a great philosopher is protected by Kant, the result tends to be sceptical. [36, 33, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.557013239959602, -1.12785038341693] -1.2970846848235047 -0.40364742279052734 5037 Ravimid on paigutatud ATC klassifikatsiooni alusel. Pharmaceutical products have been installed on the basis of ATC classification. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9947724432936317 -0.36340707540512085 5038 Rootsi keelt ja ajalugu ning kirjandust ja filosoofiat õpetas poistele rootslane Lars Santesson. Swedish language and history, literature and philosopher, were taught to boys by Lars Santesson, a Swedish. [46, 35, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9111712880504766, -1.6918208820492637, -1.2079710891507676] -1.2703210864168362 -0.3646777868270874 5039 Ei hinnata mitte väärtuste kandjaid, vaid väärtusi, õigemini väärtuste astmeid. It is not those who wear values that are valued, but values, or rather the level of values. [85, 84, 86] 85.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4838888151444026] 0.5702575535170783 -0.5953791737556458 5040 Pommiplahvatuses hukkus vähemalt 10 inimest, rünnaku eest keegi vastutust ei võtnud. At least 10 people died in the Pomerania explosion; no one took responsibility for the attack. [56, 58, 82] 65.33333333333333 [-0.48592357188822877, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5808699337445091] -0.0375781870190364 -0.3062840700149536 5041 Taandumine polnud lubatav ja Lastekodumägi tuli tagasi vallutada. The deployment was not acceptable and the Lasteur Mountain had to be conquered. [49, 23, 37] 36.333333333333336 [-0.25044261535154405, -1.318230271796973, -1.2833830642656527] -0.9506853171380566 -0.7639362812042236 5042 Mööda seda vedasid venelased pealinna poole oma suurtükke ja tanke. Admittedly, the Russians carried their jumbs and tanks on the capital. [83, 84, 81] 82.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.6681304714467177, 0.21180183004380843] 0.49965499410822073 -0.5460813641548157 5043 Seda, et tõde tuleb eelistada sõpradele, tõestab ta nii. This proves that the truth has to be preferable to friends. [66, 69, 82] 72.33333333333333 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.1413488724500223, 0.5808699337445091] 0.1988428879697266 -0.5351943373680115 5044 Selleks oli aga tarvis eeldada, et elektrifluidumi kõigi osakeste vahel on kaugmõju. For this, however, it was necessary to assume that there was a distance effect between all particulates. [100, 90, 79] 89.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7524397932079858 -0.4853813350200653 5045 Enne vägistamist on teda koheldud nii, et talle jäi mulje, nagu tal poleks nii suurt väärtust, et teda ei võiks niimoodi kohelda. He has been treated in such a way that, before rape, he has the impression that he has no value so that he cannot be treated in this way. [98, 81, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7906583263724775 -0.4389817416667938 5046 Pole ime, et sellise eetikamudeli pooldajad ei pea eetikat elu keerukuste jaoks kohaseks. It is no wonder that those who are in favour of such an ethical model do not consider ethics appropriate to the complexity of life. [100, 83, 97] 93.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9825024251704595 -0.3674609363079071 5047 See on poeetilise keelekasutuse hästi klassikaline näide. This is a well-classic example of the use of poetic language. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.31814077496528625 5048 Norra popmuusika lipulaevadeks on sellised bändid ja esinejad nagu Röyksopp, Turbonegro, Serena Maneesh, Sissel, Annie, Madrugada ja Jaga Jazzist. Norway's popmusic flagships include games and performances such as Röyksopp, Turbonegro, Serena Manesh, Sissel, Anő, Madrugada and Jew Jazzis. [63, 84, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.20810459964403286, 0.6681304714467177, -0.050236833538643035] 0.13659634608801394 -0.40450286865234375 5049 Parimaks režissööriks tunnistati Ameerika Ühendriikide filmilavastaja Joseph Cedar filmi "Beaufort" eest. The best director for the film discovery in the United States, Joseph Cedar, was admitted for his film Beaufort. [33, 27, 20] 26.666666666666668 [-1.2407902058831626, -1.1913103462102776, -1.59213842690439] -1.3414129929992769 -0.37276139855384827 5050 Tiitlit kommenteerides möönis Time, et enne revolutsioonilisi sündmusi 1956. aasta lõpus poleks keegi osanud aimata ajakirja säärast valikut. To comment closely, Time stated that no one could have anticipated such a choice of time before the revolutionary events at the end of 1956. [46, 76, 62] 61.333333333333336 [-0.8461570014911058, 0.5977542019441766, -0.08076099732669434] -0.1097212656245412 -0.39863312244415283 5051 1208. aasta algul saadeti Ugandisse kaupmeeste vara võimalikku tagasisaamist uurima Riia piiskopi preester Alebrand. At the beginning of 1208, traders' assets were sent to Uganda to study a possible return to Riia Biskop's priest Alemad. [19, 1, 10] 10.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -2.016289862523797, -2.560509423535001] -2.1318621824925574 -0.491438627243042 5052 "Aga millest tahes aru saadakse, saadakse aru universaali logose all." 'But whatever is understood is understood under the universal logo '. [96, 89, 93] 92.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.9089270413502557, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9222685379479096 -0.36972668766975403 5053 See tsirkulaarsus ei tee argumente vääradeks ega ebamõjusateks. This citrsics does not make the arguments irrefutable or ineffective. [31, 38, 23] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.2420262002417441, -1.318230271796973] -1.4015100832335092 -0.7219365835189819 5054 Selleks et näidata, et katsest saadi kasulikku teavet, tuleb tõestada, et eelnev teadmine petmisest ei takistanud illusiooni tekkimist. In order to demonstrate that useful information has been obtained from the test, it must be proven that prior knowledge of fraud did not prevent any illusions from arising. [100, 100, 71] 90.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4066897413043879] 0.8623119057267031 -0.4577564299106598 5055 Kuigi Krümmeli ümbruses oli suur tööpuudus, polnud lihtne töötajaid leida, sest tööd lõhkeainetehases peeti liiga ohtlikuks. Although there was high unemployment around the mid-century, it was not easy to find workers because work in a explosives factory was considered to be too dangerous. [83, 81, 79] 81.0 [0.6190326808341362, 0.522108649210108, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5303734857451468 -0.438650906085968 5056 Aga kuidas tõendada näiteks seda, et konformsuse uurimine nõuab petmist? But how to prove, for example, that investigating formality requires fraud? [96, 77, 84] 85.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.36271858948898755, 0.39856686623484705] 0.5720985340823713 -0.39036092162132263 5057 Frankfurt ei oska seletada, miks armastusel on selline iseväärtus. Frankfurt cannot explain why love has such self-value. [100, 90, 100] 96.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 0.9451743669771346, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9892400527621898 -0.3048569858074188 5058 Hiinas teatas riiklik uudisteagentuur Xinhua üheksa Shanghai ametniku ja ärijuhi väljaheitmisest Hiina Kommunistlikust Parteist. In China, the National news agency Xinhua announced the expulsion of nine Shanghai officials and business leaders from the Chinese Communist Party. [98, 100, 99] 99.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0932483143502365] 1.0399889724822267 -0.2635260820388794 5059 Jutt on avatusest väärtustele, mida on raske näha. This is about openness to values that are difficult to see. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8984098487005836 -0.3688886761665344 5060 Pärast seda olevat ta kutsunud kokku Lamego cortese, kus Braga peapiiskop kroonis ta esimeseks Portugali kuningaks. Since then, he has called Lamego corcrates, where Braga Archbishop in the kroon has called her first kingdom of Portugal. [15, 29, 22] 22.0 [-1.7206510797975005, -1.12785038341693, -1.9037360246242796] -1.5840791626129034 -0.3926441967487335 5061 Portugali rahvuspüha on Portugali päev ehk Camõesi päev, mida tähistatakse 10. juunil. The Portuguese National Day is Portugal's Day, Cases Day, which takes place on 10 June. [81, 67, 61] 69.66666666666667 [0.27058394287051374, 0.07788890965667469, -0.10599807620235407] 0.08082492544161145 -0.4404504895210266 5062 Tuleb leida printsiip, mis on sobiv ja adekvaatne viimse, fundamentaalse moraalistandardina. A principle must be found that is appropriate and adequate as the last, fundamental moral standard. [95, 84, 97] 92.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9441625457930378 -0.31224918365478516 5063 Suurbritannias toimusid ennetähtaegsed parlamendivalimised. There were early parliamentary elections in Britain. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9565497343441235 -0.3578960597515106 5064 Sanni on abielus Onni Taalasmaaga ja neil on ühine laps Ilja Taalasmaa, kuigi Ilja tegelik isa on Lari Väänänen. Sanni is married to Onni Taalasland and has a common child in Ilja Taalasland, even though the real father is Lari's Vsaelnen. [73, 65, 69] 69.0 [0.18819751408457033, -0.12539087159621595, 0.0372032665902161] 0.03333663635952349 -0.3438096046447754 5065 Mõlemad kaitseväelased toimetati Camp Bastioni sõjaväebaasi. Both soldiers were transferred to the Camp Bashir military base. [54, 79, 83] 72.0 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135] 0.1733783898417706 -0.5997896194458008 5066 2012. aastal lastekaitseorganisatsiooni Save the Children korraldatud uuringu kohaselt on Eesti emade heaolu indeksi järgi maailmas 10. kohal.. According to a study carried out in 2012 by Save the Children, the Estonian maternal welfare index is the 10th most important in the world. [80, 60, 86] 75.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, -0.14224540182923298, 0.680758556193477] 0.34404085013551483 -0.33578354120254517 5067 pisi260pxCanberra asukoht Austraalia pealinna alal. the seat of P.260pxCanberra in the Australian capital. [93, 100, 97] 96.66666666666667 [0.8184718649847569, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 1.0471596459668406 -0.42079633474349976 5068 Romantism püüdis muuta surma ideed kannatuse ideeks. Romantism tried to turn the idea of death into an idea of patience. [76, 84, 56] 72.0 [0.5977542019441766, 0.6681304714467177, -0.290569303981979] 0.32510512313630513 -0.28963688015937805 5069 Türgi suurimas linnas İstanbulis ajas politsei veekahureid kasutades laiali töörahvapüha meeleavaldused. In the largest Turkish city of Istanbul, police cannons broke out the sacrosanct demonstrations of the working people. [18, 33, 48] 33.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.557013239959602, -0.8284575600026597] -1.2874503262475345 -0.41482558846473694 5070 Sajandi lõpuks külastas lossi rohkem kui 500 000 inimest aastas. At the end of the century more than 500 000 people a year visited the Castle. [84, 85, 77] 82.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.711760740297822, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5666502767962124 -0.350820928812027 5071 On olemas ka arvamus, et hutud ja tutsud võivad küll olla eri päritolu, kuid praegune grupikuuluvus ei ole etnilise iseloomuga. There is also the opinion that interested and familiar people may be of different origin, but this group is not of an ethnic nature. [88, 76, 100] 88.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6363204515583459 -0.3527284562587738 5072 Erandiks on Assoorid ja Madeira, kus alampiirkondi ei eksisteeri. The exception is the Azores and Madeira, where the sub-regions do not exist. [100, 73, 82] 85.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 0.5776758168102278] 0.6216589497530761 -0.2669890820980072 5073 Ta võrdleb seda arvamust pütaagorlaste arvamusega. He compares this opinion to the opinion of the pyramid. [14, 1, 8] 7.666666666666667 [-1.75320393806394, -2.016289862523797, -2.6477699612372096] -2.1390879206083153 -0.6039700508117676 5074 19. aprillil 2005 vahetult paavstiks saamise järel õnnitles Benedictust telefoni teel esimese riigipeana Šveitsi president Samuel Schmid. immediately after becoming Pope on 19 April 2005, Benedict congratulated Switzerland's President, Samuel Schmid, as the first country by telephone. [38, 31, 23] 30.666666666666668 [-0.9403891750674594, -1.3865071458954215, -1.4275290808375833] -1.2514751339334882 -0.36207902431488037 5075 Sloveenia parlament kinnitas keskpanga uueks presidendiks endise rahandusministri Marko Kranjeći. The Slovenian Parliament confirmed Mr Marko Kranjeć, the new President of the Central Bank. [81, 79, 75] 78.33333333333333 [0.4146600021189639, 0.44997912719119615, 0.2881777686428686] 0.3842722993176762 -0.275560200214386 5076 ÜRO andmetel peaks see puudutama enam kui 14 000 vangi. According to the UN, this should concern more than 14 000 prisoners. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9565497343441235 -0.2313370257616043 5077 Nii et peavad olema kaasasündinud reeglid, mida tuleb ainult saadava sisendiga võrrelda. So there have to be rules that are innate and that are only to be compared with the input that comes. [86, 96, 71] 84.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.689673621607982, 0.2564751800664351] 0.5136418395316066 -0.5154656171798706 5078 Scotus eristab kahte viisi, kuidas teisest intentsiooni saab vaadelda. Cocoding distinguishes between the two ways in which other intents can be viewed. [79, 85, 82] 82.0 [0.3426133161983885, 0.711760740297822, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5360708957009974 -0.35294830799102783 5079 Senine võimupartei Ühinenud Rahvuskongress sai ülejäänud 18 kohta. The United Nations Congress of the ruling party so far received the other 18 seats. [100, 87, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.7990212780000306, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9382540476260632 -0.4057612717151642 5080 Mõistussuhete põhjustamise akt erineb nendest arusaamise aktist. The act of justification for relations of reason differs from the act of understanding. [60, 72, 84] 72.0 [-0.574314160703546, 0.23653881664004375, 0.6681304714467177] 0.11011837579440513 -0.4466859698295593 5081 Pakistani ülemkohus esitas riigi peaministrile Yousaf Raza Gillanile süüdistuse kohtu korralduste eiramises. The Supreme Court of Pakistan prosecuted the Prime Minister of the country, Yousaf Raza Gillani, for ignoring the orders of the Court. [100, 100, 70] 90.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 0.17307885384669613] 0.7927646575517149 -0.3231737017631531 5082 Kavatsused annavad erilist liiki põhjendid, nimelt taustapõhjendid, mille roll on aidata määrata eri alternatiivide relevantsust ja lubatavust. The plans provide a particular type of basis, namely the background factors whose role is to help determine the hit rate and the permissibility of various alternatives. [75, 100, 71] 82.0 [0.4726657487677817, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4066897413043879] 0.6594863361455333 -0.5691190958023071 5083 Need, kes seda püüavad teha, langevad naturalistlikkuse eksitusse. Those who are trying to do this are falling into the mistake of naturalism. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.723037383823136 -0.45734474062919617 5084 Kui parem on selline elu, siis peab mingis ebaisikulises või inimestevahelises mõttes olema parem, kui inimesed niimoodi elaksid. If such a life is better, it must be better for people to live in this way, in some impersonal or interpersonal sense. [96, 83, 90] 89.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7957296102996884 -0.47373735904693604 5085 Kvantitatiivse individuaalsuse tunnetatavus põhineb sellel, et sealt on eemaldatud kõik, mis pole ratsionaliseeritav. The sense of quantitative individuality is based on the removal from it of everything that is not rationalising. [83, 81, 84] 82.66666666666667 [0.4867066880395393, 0.5372396648934048, 0.39856686623484705] 0.4741710730559305 -0.38617876172065735 5086 Adrianoopol vallutati uuesti 923. aastal ning Konstantinoopolit piirati veel korra 924. aastal. The Adrianoopol was reinvaded in 923, and the Konstantinople policy was once again restricted in 924. [79, 75, 83] 79.0 [0.3426133161983885, -0.01280273874114997, 0.6245002025956135] 0.3181035933509507 -0.37072670459747314 5087 Parimaks näitlejaks valiti Josef Bierbichler, parima filmi preemia võitis Tom Tykweri lavastatud film "Parfüüm". Josef Bierbichler was chosen as the best actor, while Tom Tykwer's film "Parfym" won the best film prize. [81, 78, 98] 85.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.4269187050200866, 0.7569285879468676] 0.5736956526201197 -0.3156011700630188 5088 Rooma paavst Leo III, tunnistamata naisvalitsejannat tunnistas Frangi kuninga Karl Suure, Roomlaste kuningaks. The Pope of Rome, Leo III, without admitting a female governor, was recognised by Frangi as the king of Karl Great, Romir. [33, 33, 23] 29.666666666666668 [-1.314460459974846, -0.7373109476819113, -1.318230271796973] -1.1233338931512433 -0.5031715035438538 5089 Tõenäoliselt korraldas rünnakud islamistlik äärmusorganisatsioon Boko Haram. The attacks were probably carried out by the Islamic extremist organisation Boko Haram. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [0.851024723251196, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.0993674627462289 -0.2959959805011749 5090 Ametnikele hakati maksma suuremat palka, et vähendada altkäemaksu võtmise kiusatust. Officials began to pay a higher salary to reduce the temptation of bribery. [23, 38, 52] 37.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.3388618957040805, -0.6300169437293796] -1.095703037076811 -0.45320379734039307 5091 Kanada parlament pikendas napi häälteenamusega Kanada missiooni Afganistanis, mille algne lõppemisaeg oli 2007. aasta algus, 2009. aastani. The Canadian Parliament extended by a narrow majority the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, the initial expiry date of which was the beginning of 2007, until 2009. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.28869158029556274 5092 Politsei kasutas rahvahulkade laialiajamiseks pisargaasi. The police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. [70, 79, 97] 82.0 [0.17307885384669613, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1980287771688547] 0.607028919402249 -0.25471779704093933 5093 Lennud suunati ümber teistele lennuväljadele Belgias, Hollandis ja Prantsusmaal. Flights were redirected to other airports in Belgium, the Netherlands and France. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.4063488583400919, 1.32209936924058] 0.9365302283639877 -0.19602932035923004 5094 Esiteks, mida pidada analüüsiks ja kuidas kindlaks teha, kas väljapakutud analüüs on õige? Firstly, what should be considered an analysis and how to determine whether the proposed analysis is correct? [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9710931572944915 -0.411729633808136 5095 Sellepärast eelistab haavatav pahameelne strateegiat, mis tagab, et ta saab tuge uskumuse väärusele. For this reason, a vulnerable, anger-minded strategy prefers to ensure that it can support the value of belief. [96, 82, 68] 82.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.21888885723578283, 0.14773320318579836] 0.44054406898162024 -0.5326040387153625 5096 Oktoobris 1991 peetud presidendivalimistel sai Frederick Chiluba üle 75% häältest ja 2. novembril 1991 sai temast president. In the presidential elections held in October 1991, Frederick Chiluba received more than 75% of the votes, and on 2 November 1991 he became President. [98, 100, 94] 97.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0901636694846504] 0.9804680187380862 -0.2419264167547226 5097 India peaminister Narendra Modi alustas kahepäevast visiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides Silicon Valley's. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi started a two-day visit to the United States of America in Silicon Valley. [80, 100, 89] 89.66666666666667 [0.4949620887624109, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6882604319190001] 0.7276280971113334 -0.1852882355451584 5098 Moraalisubjekt on sisukam kui ratsionaalne tegija. The moral subject is more meaningful than a rational actor. [71, 77, 100] 82.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0811424575112913] 0.49942920650545525 -0.4556594789028168 5099 Tegemist oli esimese katsega taastada kahe riigi vaheline rongiliiklus pärast 1951. aastat. This was the first attempt to restore rail traffic between the two countries after 1951. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.0608028911066565, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.094961568405999 -0.25753819942474365 5100 Ent Frege võtab meie harjumustest üle hulkade olemasolu liiga helde eeldamise. However, Frege takes advantage of our habits to presume the existence of strays too generously. [27, 23, 25] 25.0 [-0.9799008245726613, -1.318230271796973, -1.7796654325525543] -1.3592655096407296 -0.5693931579589844 5101 Nüüd on jutt sellest, et aru võrdleb asju omavahel. Now we are talking about making a distinction between things. [23, 36, 10] 23.0 [-1.993315928470645, -1.2063904310939828, -2.446018900578199] -1.881908420047609 -0.5795667171478271 5102 Ühtlasi nimetas valitsuskoalitsioon oma presidendikandidaadiks endise Euroopa Komisjoni voliniku Stavros Dímase. The ruling coalition has also appointed Mr Stavros Dímas, former European Commissioner, as its President-designate. [52, 62, 57] 57.0 [-0.15097104136684628, -0.08076099732669434, -0.4562457837874836] -0.22932594082700808 -0.41888466477394104 5103 Parim saavutus on 1987. aasta Aafrika mängude pronksmedal. The best achievement is the breadth of the 1987 Africa Games. [81, 77, 73] 77.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.3951887236234128, 0.2054640405950517] 0.3792974763706231 -0.349355012178421 5104 Paljud teadlased annavad füüsika kasvusse ja artikuleerimisse oma panuse nagu katedraali ehitavad töölised. Many researchers contribute to physical growth and caricature, like the workers who build the cathedral. [71, 85, 57] 71.0 [0.20480883524336993, 0.711760740297822, -0.4562457837874836] 0.15344126391790278 -0.43943464756011963 5105 Praktikas leiab vahetusleping sagedast kasutust olukorras, kus lepingu üks pool annab kasutatud sõiduki uue sissemakseks. In practice, an exchange agreement is frequently used in a situation where one party to the contract provides for a new entrance of a used vehicle. [64, 62, 66] 64.0 [0.1391994964086838, -0.2494614636679413, 0.1966904204253828] 0.028809484388708423 -0.48430365324020386 5106 Rinnet markeerisid hõredalt paigutatud laskurpesad. It was marched out by thinly stained baby walkers. [7, 1, 29] 12.333333333333334 [-2.251067376942326, -2.016289862523797, -1.6142379764569204] -1.9605317386410146 -0.8398838639259338 5107 Dolžanski piiripunkti juures sõitis miinile Ukraina soomustransportöör, hukkus 4 sõjaväelast. At the border crossing of Dolžansk, a Ukrainian soybean transport worker went to war, with 4 troops killed. [21, 21, 20] 20.666666666666668 [-1.6237796449480617, -2.080576466172854, -2.0716779526032685] -1.9253446879080613 -0.5581554770469666 5108 Esimesel aastatuhandel hakkasid bušmanite asualale ümber asuma põhja poolt saabuvad hõimud, kes kõnelesid tõenäoliselt bantu keeli. In the first millennium, the agglomerations in Buddhists started to be dislocated from the North, who probably spoke the English language. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.6243073344230652 5109 Darwini loodud teooriat, milles kirjeldati aja jooksul looduses aset leidvat evolutsiooni, nimetatakse evolutsiooniteooriaks. The theory created by Darwin, describing over time the evolution of nature, is called evolution. [76, 83, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.32953463266677707, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6930043770031004 -0.49337852001190186 5110 Kahetsus ei keskendu sellele, missugused inimesed me oleme, vaid sellele, milleks me oleme saanud ainult sellepärast, et oleme saanud pahategijateks. Doubts do not focus on what kind of people we are, but on what we have become just because we have become sinners. [88, 88, 87] 87.66666666666667 [0.6668234028409779, 0.8726797157233768, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7746544184980415 -0.3647397756576538 5111 Kant pole veel öelnud, mis see eesmärk on, vaid on öelnud ainult, et see ei ole kalduvuse, vaid praktilise mõistuse eesmärk, ja see on austuse ese. Kant has not yet said what this objective is, but has only said that it is not the aim of inclination but the purpose of practical sense, and that is the subject of respect. [97, 80, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7535304619697888 -0.39921796321868896 5112 Eestis Tallinnas Karu tänavas avati Tallinna uus sünagoog. A new synagogue for Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia, was opened today. [52, 58, 80] 63.333333333333336 [-0.6300169437293796, -0.20768092291338958, 0.4936093960423005] -0.11469615686682288 -0.3790437579154968 5113 Kuigi paljude filosoofide väitel on moraal mõistuse asi ja voorused kirgedest erinevad, jääb emotsioonidele meie moraalimaailmas oluline Although, according to many philosophers, moral sense and virtues are different from those of the passion, emotions remain important in our moral world. [92, 82, 80] 84.66666666666667 [1.0176690182308925, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5909688957405723 -0.38672640919685364 5114 Scotus väidab, et kaks asja võivad teineteisest sõltuda ning sel juhul on nad analoogilised. Scoding claims that two things can be dependent on each other, and in that case they are analogous. [71, 77, 76] 74.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, 0.47395913382770866, 0.32953463266677707] 0.2859734463368575 -0.5253078937530518 5115 Eestis kuulutas kirjastus Tänapäev välja algupäraste romaanide võistluse. Estonia launched today's inauguration contest for original novels. [20, 29, 25] 24.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.605556564214651 -0.5624515414237976 5116 Esimeses maailmasõjas osales Portugal alates 1916. aastast Antandi poolel. Portugal participated in the First World War since 1916 on the side of Antwerp. [41, 45, 48] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.0253280200336006, -0.5772133093517801] -0.8762716818926416 -0.2803651988506317 5117 Kõrgelt hinnatakse ka tema katset Lastekodumägi tagasi vallutada. The attempt to conquer a mountain of children is also highly appreciated. [70, 84, 77] 77.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3951887236234128] 0.36057414154197653 -0.7056056261062622 5118 7. aprillil 2013 võrdus 1 TTD 0,15577 USA dollariga, 17. detsembril 2015 võrdus 1 TTD 0,15823 USA dollariga. On 7 April 2013, 1 TTD amounted to USD 0.15577, on 17 December 2015, equivalent to USD 0.15823. [94, 100, 84] 92.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8894437670692197 -0.32969698309898376 5119 Nyungwe metsades on nähtud 280 liigi esindajaid; neist 26 on Alberti rifti endeemid. The forests of Nyungwe have seen 280 species, of which 26 are Alberti's endemic. [62, 72, 51] 61.666666666666664 [-0.3152323948096562, 0.29272250569331404, -0.4297907926901062] -0.1507668939354828 -0.3333696722984314 5120 9 Ukraina territooriumile "eksinud" VF dessantväelast vahetati Rahvuskaardi 63 võitleja vastu. 9 of the 'Missing' force on Ukrainian territory was replaced against 63 combatants of the National Guard. [82, 83, 80] 81.66666666666667 [0.5776758168102278, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4588479182173855 -0.41536808013916016 5121 Ühena esimestest asjadest roostetasid ära tuhanded raudpoldid, mis hoidsid koos galiooni, enamust ahtrikastellist ja kõiki laeva puitskulptuure. One of the first things was to uproot thousands of railways, which together prevented the galion, the majority of the barrel of greed and all the ship's wooden structures. [21, 29, 25] 25.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.5935487832278883 -0.620120644569397 5122 Alates 1937. aastast kuuluvad vaibad Tallinna Linnamuuseumi varade hulka. Since 1939, cargoes have been among the assets of the Municipality of Tallinn. [23, 41, 18] 27.333333333333332 [-1.483396450023753, -1.1179556081700188, -1.4768801787803418] -1.359410745658038 -0.4510359764099121 5123 Väiksem Prantsuse ja Hispaania merevägi ründas Briti blokaadi ja kahjustas mõnd Briti laeva, sundides britid taganema ja remonti minema. The smaller French and Spanish navy attacked the British blockade and damaged some British vessels, forcing the British to withdraw and repair. [80, 82, 84] 82.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6603895448580447] 0.5692791905023756 -0.25208649039268494 5124 Eesti suursaadik Aserbaidžaanis Miko Haljas andis Aserbaidžaani presidendile İlham Əliyevile üle oma volikirja. Estonian Ambassador in Azerbaijan Miko Halja handed President of Azerbaijan Ilham love liyev over his voter. [29, 43, 57] 43.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.120710551448559, -0.4562457837874836] -0.9016022395509907 -0.5746892094612122 5125 Samal päeval teatati, et Ameerika Ühendriigid evakueerisid Jeemenist veel viimased seal paiknenud sõdurid. On the same day, it was announced that the United States had evacuated Yemen from the last soldiers there. [63, 83, 70] 72.0 [-0.28331660822091465, 0.6245002025956135, -0.19997321272861532] 0.04707012721536116 -0.34299135208129883 5126 Vastutasuks Itaalia laevastiku toetuse eest tehti 1081 Veneziale Bütsantsis kauplemiseks suured soodustused. In exchange for the support of the Italian fleet, 1081 Russians were granted major incentives to trade in Bütszys. [19, 1, 10] 10.0 [-1.5904396467317439, -2.016289862523797, -2.400018392911181] -2.0022493007222404 -0.639220654964447 5127 Abivägedeta jäetud Belisarios ei suutnud maad kaitsta ning ta kutsuti 549. aastal tagasi Konstantinoopolisse. In Belisario, without aid troops, the country was unable to protect the land and was called back to Constantinople in 54 years. [35, 19, 13] 22.333333333333332 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.5803806493494141, -1.635530085763711] -1.4861081697224652 -0.3722396492958069 5128 Kvantitatiivseid andmeid kinnitasid ka sõltumatud vaatlejad. The quantitative data were confirmed by independent observers. [100, 72, 83] 85.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.144567245233466, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6149141278596312 -0.2462913990020752 5129 Nad kõik võib asetada esimese momendi, arulise alla ning seeläbi neid eraldatult lahus hoida, aga nõnda ei vaadelda neid nende tões. They can all put the first point, the doctor, out of touch and thereby cut them off in isolation, but that is not how they are seen to be true. [72, 78, 65] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.4063488583400919, -0.4119916484059306] 0.028269041803511936 -0.6549984812736511 5130 Komisjonieset üle andes on komisjonär eset õigustatud kasutama isik. In handing over the Commission, the Commission has a natural right to use a person. [38, 31, 23] 30.666666666666668 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.6442737776618106, -1.318230271796973] -1.365615931544064 -0.471678227186203 5131 Tavalise hääletekitamisviisiga kättesaadavatele nootidele lisandus [[falsett]]. The young people who have access to normal forms of voting were added [falsett]. [12, 7, 1] 6.666666666666667 [-2.0709506621408877, -2.691400230088314, -2.016289862523797] -2.2595469182509995 -0.5961308479309082 5132 Monumendist jäid alles vaid Stalini saapad, mille juubeldav rahvas ehtis Ungari lippudega. Only Stalin's archipelago, the monster of which was shattered by the people of Hungary, remained on its own. [92, 79, 86] 85.66666666666667 [0.7859190067183177, 0.40334179268069664, 0.8001850644696189] 0.6631486212895444 -0.7024272084236145 5133 Aprillis otsustati dünamiidile erand teha ja Nobel sai lõpuks Suurbritanniasse tehast rajama hakata. In April, it was decided to exempt the dynamism and Nobel was finally able to start building on the British plant. [16, 13, 18] 15.666666666666666 [-1.926857290299737, -1.635530085763711, -1.328825762380514] -1.6304043794813208 -0.4507996737957001 5134 Seda on öelnud juba Platon ja teised filosoofid, ja see on üks indiviidikeskse kristliku eetika üldkohti. Platon and other philosophers have already said this, and it is one of the individuals' centres of Christian ethics. [76, 83, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.6190326808341362, 0.4903786678134342] 0.47616655642848454 -0.31605932116508484 5135 Tal olid vanemad õed Katri ja Heli ning kasuvennad Jiri ja Severi. He had the parents' sisters in Katri and Hel and the foster brother Jiri and Severin. [23, 29, 40] 30.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.32061891506286 -0.3859730362892151 5136 Konstantinoopoli asutamist Constantinus I poolt aastal 330 võib pidada Bütsantsi ajaloo alternatiivseks alguspunktiks. The establishment of Constantinople in Constantinus I, which is 330 years, can be considered an alternative starting point in the history of the Bureau. [18, 29, 40] 29.0 [-1.8548106043791617, -1.12785038341693, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3806578199966733 -0.4732138514518738 5137 Tema asemel nimetati uueks siseministriks Matthias Fekl. Instead, Mr Fekl was appointed the new Minister of the Interior. [100, 82, 79] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.45360522473850245] 0.7198178180766406 -0.26142698526382446 5138 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves võttis vastu alaliselt Riias resideeriva Kanada suursaadiku Alain Hausseri volikirja. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves welcomed Alain Hausser, Canadian Ambassador, who is permanently resident in Riga. [82, 77, 86] 81.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.36271858948898755, 0.4838888151444026] 0.4324302499042139 -0.294464111328125 5139 Lõplikult omandas Liivimaa ordu selle küll alles 1525. aastal, kuid ka kuni selle ajani teostas reaalset valitsusvõimu seal Liivi ordumeister. After all, the State of Libya only obtained it in 25th year, but until then, too, the real power of government there was the Limild Valley Champion. [18, 14, 10] 14.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.3859883481305837, -2.446018900578199] -2.1029624758297083 -0.7284917831420898 5140 Esiteks mõjutasid nende arvukust eurooplaste sisse toodud haigused nagu rõuged ja leetrid. Firstly, their number was affected by diseases imported by Europeans, such as rubbish and measles. [45, 58, 56] 53.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.21474005308299082, -0.4976026478113921] -0.5315076817819255 -0.4928168058395386 5141 Kuidas saab päästa ideed, et teadus põhineb faktidel? How can the idea that science is based on facts be saved? [84, 84, 97] 88.33333333333333 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1980287771688547] 0.8278192806719007 -0.2087399661540985 5142 Butlerit peeti liiga radikaalseks poliitikuks, seetõttu valiti esimeseks peaministriks Albert Gomes. Butler was considered to be too radical a politician, so Albert Gomes was the first Prime Minister elected. [100, 83, 70] 84.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.018403229555799133] 0.589293909299441 -0.3331180214881897 5143 Armastav annetaja ei pea toetuma uskumusele, et ta armastab, ega analüüsile ega järeldamisele armastuse nõudmiste kohta. A large-scale donor does not need to rely on the belief that he loves, does not need to analyse or follow up on the demands of love. [47, 34, 54] 45.0 [-0.31675699800800927, -0.969200476433561, -0.5803163758592089] -0.6220912834335931 -0.371583491563797 5144 Eesti Kommunistliku Partei Keskkomitee peasekretär Nikolai Karotamm aga olevat Kerest soosinud. However, Nikolai Karodam, Secretary-General of the Central Party of Estonia, is favoured by Kenya. [89, 85, 87] 87.0 [0.867173864977587, 0.711760740297822, 0.43640639882876686] 0.671780334701392 -0.3264912962913513 5145 Must satub nüüd etturi e3 nõrkuse tõttu juba raskustesse." You are now in difficulty because of the weakness of email e3. " [24, 34, 44] 34.0 [-2.1610916010518193, -1.5133829711084976, -0.9938850160982935] -1.55611986275287 -0.6126781702041626 5146 Õppetöö toimub rundi keeles, 3. klassist hakatakse õpetama prantsuse keelt ja 5. klassist kasutatakse prantsuse keelt õppekeelena. Teaching will take place in the language of the site, 3 shall be taught French, and 5 shall be used as a French language of instruction. [24, 40, 36] 33.333333333333336 [-1.6386705466174354, -0.8671919143668114, -1.324739928289561] -1.2768674630912693 -0.35814154148101807 5147 Kiirabi transpordivahend võib sobida patsiendi transpordiks, kuid võib olla ka ainult meedikute ja varustuse transpordiks. A rapid means of transport may be suitable for patient transport, but it may also be for the transport of media and equipment only. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.3708914966906855, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2796829184695959 -0.4020971357822418 5148 Williamsil tähendas mõte lihtsalt seda, et subjekt kujundas olukorrast teatud arusaama ja reageeris vastavalt sellele. The idea on Williams simply meant that the subject shaped a certain understanding of the situation and reacted accordingly. [100, 77, 72] 83.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.36271858948898755, 0.09044991547637454] 0.5260489335707574 -0.44029197096824646 5149 Esimesel visiidi päeval kohtus ta peaminister Janez Janšaga. On the first day of his visit, he met Prime Minister Janez Janša. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.24442853033542633 5150 Kui uurida üksikut põhjuslikku järgnevust, siis pole näha midagi, mida poleks näha ka puhtjuhuslikus järgnevuses. If you look at an individual causal consequence, you cannot see something that would not be seen in a purely casual follow-up either. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [0.9230496311961767, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8207728490721381 -0.5058280825614929 5151 1588 pärandus Üxküllidele, kes võtsid vahepeal varemetes seisnud hoone XVII sajandi keskpaigaks uuesti kasutusele. 1588 inherited ÜxVisitors, who redeployed a building in ruins in the meantime by the middle of the XVII century. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6253041400678786 -0.38605397939682007 5152 Soomes jäeti sundsteriliseerimine seadustest välja 1970. aasta seadusega. In Finland, forced sterilisation was excluded from the law of 1970. [98, 95, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.4384378287592468, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2299423732058956 -0.2585681676864624 5153 2013 avastatud viiruste perekonna Pandoravirus esindajatel on aga kõige suurem genoom viiruste seas. However, the representatives of the family of viruses identified in 2013 have the largest genomy among the viruses. [21, 23, 22] 22.0 [-1.2436371940988151, -1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495] -1.5329378877391793 -0.4145980775356293 5154 Eestlastel polnud võimalik seda takistada, sest alles oli jäänud vähe suurtükke, ja neil oli laskemoona napilt. The Estonians were unable to prevent it because there were few pieces of masses left and they had little ammunition. [29, 42, 55] 42.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.1643408202996632, -0.5389595118353006] -0.9437169051839646 -0.5007206797599792 5155 Publiku huvi abonementide vastu kasvas järsku juba Mahleri esimesel hooajal. The public interest in subscribers has suddenly grown already in the first season of Mahler. [53, 52, 51] 52.0 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.19217063186321356, -0.4297907926901062] -0.4053183417741373 -0.4100280702114105 5156 Alma avastab, et Uku Palmiga saab normaalselt suhelda. The starting point is that Uku Palm can normally be contacted. [26, 36, 31] 31.0 [-2.0757696521422635, -1.2063904310939828, -1.6442737776618106] -1.6421446202993524 -0.48553556203842163 5157 Saarlased saatsid teate oma võidust üle Eestimaa ja õhutasid taanlastele vastu hakkama. The islands sent information about their vicinity across Estonia and urged the Danes to cope against them. [83, 85, 80] 82.66666666666667 [0.6190326808341362, 0.711760740297822, 0.17436773524631535] 0.5017203854594244 -0.6829419732093811 5158 Ülu ei saa aru, miks Riks ja Allan ei luba tal kliente vastu võtta. You cannot understand why Riga and Allan are not allowing her to receive customers. [63, 57, 60] 60.0 [-0.1581138830084191, -0.12829074848702035, -0.14422096012004196] -0.14354186387182713 -0.34231841564178467 5159 Nendeks on liigendatud läänehoov ja eriliselt välja ehitatud läänefassaad. These are classified as Western and specifically structured Western façades. [70, 84, 77] 77.0 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3951887236234128] 0.28821080631269624 -0.7068858742713928 5160 Meeleavaldajad nõudsid presidendi ja valitsuse tagasiastumist ning ennetähtaegsete valimiste korraldamist. The demonstrators requested the resignation of the President and the government and the holding of early elections. [89, 100, 98] 95.66666666666667 [0.867173864977587, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9812361563169528] 0.9493572639823763 -0.2846989035606384 5161 Lötschbergi tunneli pikkuseks on kolmkümmend neli kilomeetrit ja see võetakse täisvõimsusel kasutusele detsembris 2007. The Lötschberg Tunnel is set at thirty-four kilometres and will be fully operational in December 2007. [53, 52, 51] 52.0 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.7280381317886201, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5839408417492727 -0.31606778502464294 5162 1674. aastal leiti arvatavasti nendele kuuluvad luud, kui 12. sajandi Valge torni eeshoone lammutati. In 1674, they were probably found to be poetry when the 12th White torn subhouse was dismantled. [20, 30, 40] 30.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.687904046512915, -1.1593124721939274] -1.5433268123884762 -0.5548906326293945 5163 Pärast valimisi mõrvati sotsialistlik saadik Giacomo Matteotti pärast üleskutset valimistulemused rikkumiste tõttu tühistada. Following the elections, the socialist Ambassador Giacomo Matteotti was murdered following a call to cancel the election results as a result of violations. [85, 93, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.5580489988532433, 0.9028684259701937, 1.32209936924058] 0.9276722646880057 -0.3070482611656189 5164 Veel enam, kui teadusrevolutsioonide tüüpiline muster on siin rakendatav, siis need anomaaliad ei tundu enam lihtsalt faktidena. Moreover, if the typical pattern of the scientific revolutions is applicable here, these anomalies no longer seem simply facts. [93, 89, 85] 89.0 [0.7825156363278469, 0.7028467458012655, 0.711760740297822] 0.7323743741423114 -0.3646990656852722 5165 Kuues fragmendis suunab Herakleitos oma poleemika luuletajate ja filosoofide pihta, kelle ütlused esindavad tema silmis laia massi vaatekohta. In six fragments, Herakleito is directing his polemics at poets and philosophers, whose statements represent, in his eyes, a broad mass view. [86, 67, 78] 77.0 [0.7431032729058616, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4063488583400919] 0.4091136803008761 -0.34325605630874634 5166 Nõukogust lahkuvad seoses viieaastase ametiaja täitumisega Hagi Šein, Andres Jõesaar ja Ela Tomson. The Council is leaving for a five-year term of office, Hka Šein, Andres Jyesaar and Ela Tomson. [42, 20, 14] 25.333333333333332 [-1.0765987441461105, -1.2720333835260482, -1.75320393806394] -1.3672786885786994 -0.3457578420639038 5167 Ja on ka loomulik eeldada, et on olemas tõekorpus tuleviku kohta, ja juhtub kõik see, mida see ette näeb. And it is also natural to assume that there is a truthful corps for the future, and everything that it envisages will happen. [53, 67, 60] 60.0 [-0.5939936007690919, 0.07788890965667469, -0.13618580643672962] -0.2174301658497156 -0.5254673957824707 5168 pisiSelliseid värvipigmente kasutati laevatöökodades, kus Vasa ehitati. These tiny colours were used in the shipyards where the Left was built. [100, 98, 95] 97.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.2789542353621781, 0.7358791572087113] 1.0379789703117732 -0.48752230405807495 5169 Teine muusikastiil, mis saartelt pärineb, on soca. The second piece of music from islands is soca. [76, 59, 55] 63.333333333333336 [0.3190883206378832, -0.3778535430073656, -0.5389595118353006] -0.19924157806826095 -0.38056910037994385 5170 Ja siis me ei saa vältida järeldust, et ma poleks saanud valida, tahta, otsustada ega soovida teisiti. And then we cannot avoid the conclusion that I could not have chosen, wanted, decided or wish otherwise. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.2707332670688629 5171 Uute liikmesriikide vastuvõtmise küsimust arutas täiskogu viies komisjon, millel oli omakorda kolm alamkomisjoni. The issue of the reception of new Member States was discussed in plenary by the Fifth Commission, which in turn had three sub-committees. [80, 92, 86] 86.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0176690182308925, 0.680758556193477] 0.7306789901555567 -0.3397662043571472 5172 Autasu andis üle Tšehhi Vabariigi suursaadik Miloš Lexa. The award was awarded by Ambassador Miloš Lea of the Czech Republic. [78, 84, 71] 77.66666666666667 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, 0.12275031254723479] 0.40593316300467963 -0.30503684282302856 5173 Austuse ese on järelikult seadus ja nimelt see, mille me ise endale ja ometi iseenesele paratamatuna peale paneme. Respect is therefore the law, and that is what we are imposing on ourselves and, at long last, on ourselves as inevitable. [69, 52, 61] 60.666666666666664 [0.0372032665902161, -0.31935520912680904, -0.11249097872336815] -0.13154764041998704 -0.41221755743026733 5174 Kui mõistus saab määrata meid tegutsema, miks siis mitte nii, et see rahuldab meie huvi oma heaolu vastu? If reason can dictate us to act, why not so that it satisfies our interest in our own well-being? [97, 99, 84] 93.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 1.2807425052166714, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9799688220489854 -0.29888394474983215 5175 Elina elukaaslane on Tuomo Tervajoki ja neil on poeg Onni Taalasmaa. As a resident of Elina, Tuomo Tervajoki is a partner and has a son in Onni Taalasland. [100, 100, 98] 99.33333333333333 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.1369019365965016 -0.35889557003974915 5176 Samuti otsustas Herakleios loobuda tiitlinimetustest imperaator ja augustus ning võttis kasutusele sõna basileus. It also decided to give up the title at Herakler and August, and introduced the word 'basics'. [29, 43, 36] 36.0 [-1.2659124962624795, -0.6632712382784286, -1.324739928289561] -1.0846412209434897 -0.7187975645065308 5177 Ja armastusel on kalduvus võimenduda, leida üha enam põhjendeid armastamiseks. And love has a tendency to amplify, to find more and more reason to love. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.3611885607242584 5178 Neil on järglasi rohkem, kui neid täiskasvanuks saab. They have more offspring than they become adults. [84, 84, 84] 84.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.648606203234964 -0.18830937147140503 5179 Kuid nende rüüsteretked Alpide suunal olid edutud. However, their ravages towards the Alpine were unsuccessful. [77, 100, 87] 88.0 [0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7487607482610626 -0.27617305517196655 5180 Vaieldakse küll selle üle, mida pidada ta vooruseks ning kuidas on voorus seotud iseloomuga, printsiipidega ja teoga. There is talk of what it considers to be a virtues and how it relates to the nature, principles and action of the Round. [39, 40, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-1.0983204022131197, -0.8671919143668114, -1.1593124721939274] -1.0416082629246195 -0.6514795422554016 5181 Jensenit süüdistati rassistliku propaganda levitamises ja teda võrreldi Hitleriga. Jensen was accused of spreading racist propaganda and compared with Hitler. [94, 82, 93] 89.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7825156363278469] 0.74878301022502 -0.1614520400762558 5182 5. veebruaril 1885, varsti pärast Egiptuse võimu kukutamist Hartumis, maandas Itaalia sõdurid Massauas. On 5 February 1885, shortly after the overthrow of Egyptian power in Khartoum, Italian soldiers were burnt in Massau. [99, 79, 89] 89.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.44997912719119615, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7630026009929457 -0.22331804037094116 5183 Samuti külastas kindral NATO küberkaitsekeskust ja Balti Kaitsekolledžit. It also visited the NATO Cyberdefence Centre and the Baltic Defence College. [74, 66, 81] 73.66666666666667 [0.19996755792241208, 0.04615892826000089, 0.5372396648934048] 0.2611220503586059 -0.2916204631328583 5184 Need ju ei põhine muul kui üldisel nõusolekul ning võivad olla illusioonid. They are, after all, based on general consent, and there can be no illusions. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8852452741722745 -0.4986163079738617 5185 Siinkohal tuleb eristada agendilepingut töölepingu kohustuste täitmisest. A distinction must be made here between the Agency's contract of employment contract obligations. [75, 70, 64] 69.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.17307885384669613, -0.1667477356201244] 0.06828368752793647 -0.4699878990650177 5186 Teaduses korraldatakse vaadeldav olukord nii, et neile otsustustele tuginetakse minimaalselt või üldse mitte. Research is organised in such a way that these decisions are underpinned or not at all. [70, 53, 62] 61.666666666666664 [0.2202278544395562, -0.2811423169988513, -0.2494614636679413] -0.10345864207574547 -0.5411181449890137 5187 Soosiva suhtumise pärast vabastusteoloogiasse saatis ta 1979 tauniva kirja jesuiitide ülemkindralile Pedro Arrupele. Following his favourable attitude to the liberation theologist, he sent a negative letter of condemnation in 1979 to Pedro Arrupei, the Chief of the thirst. [77, 84, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4146600021189639] 0.4926597323963648 -0.46522819995880127 5188 Liivi sõja ajal kuulus hauptmann Heinrich Dückerile. During the Gulf War, haupmia Heinz Dücker was famous by hacker. [1, 1, 9] 3.6666666666666665 [-2.2620953767228933, -2.016289862523797, -1.990859008800058] -2.089748082682249 -0.695151150226593 5189 Ei saa eitada, et selles on õiget teadvust, kui eelduste ja esialgsuste tavaline käik kuulutatakse hüpoteetiliseks ja problemaatiliseks menetluseks. It cannot be denied that there is the right awareness when the usual course of assumptions and initial developments is declared a hypothetical and problematic procedure. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.37989822030067444 5190 1540. ja 1640. aastate vahel, mil Toweris oli vangistatuid enim, oli 48 dokumenteeritud piinamismeetodite kasutamise juhtu. Between the 1500s and 160s, when I was the most imprisoned, 48 cases of the use of documented methods of torture were recorded. [67, 57, 46] 56.666666666666664 [-0.32666969949637503, -0.2394109043100634, -0.6497079606055378] -0.40526285480399205 -0.4597781002521515 5191 Gruusias vahistati endine siseministri asetäitja Šota Hizanišvili, keda kahtlustatakse opositsioonijuhtide telefonikõnede pealtkuulamises. In Georgia, a former Deputy Minister for the Interior, Scotland Hizanišvili, was arrested, suspected of having telephone tapping by opposition leaders. [57, 53, 48] 52.666666666666664 [-0.12829074848702035, -0.36633082989675864, -0.5772133093517801] -0.357278295911853 -0.42742931842803955 5192 2013. aasta parlamendivalimistel sai Baron Waqa koalitsioon 14 kohta ja 2016. aasta parlamendivalimiste järel valiti Waqa tagasi presidendiks. The 2013 parliamentary elections won the Baron Waqa Coalition for 14 seats and, following the 2016 parliamentary elections, Waqa was re-elected President. [56, 68, 57] 60.333333333333336 [-0.2872347043367487, 0.2920510649205147, -0.4562457837874836] -0.1504764744012392 -0.30738940834999084 5193 Varsti pärast seda kostis Nõukogude tankide ja kahurite tuld kõikides Budapesti piirkondades. Shortly after that, the fire from Soviet tanks and cannon was copied in all the Budapest regions. [15, 15, 14] 14.666666666666666 [-1.4140143306622128, -1.9628806332600246, -1.2824512635006091] -1.5531154091409487 -0.4866108000278473 5194 Üle 90% Portugali elanikkonnast moodustavad portugallased, kes kuuluvad romaani rahvaste hulka. More than 90% of the Portuguese population is made up of the Portuguese, who belong to the Roma population. [73, 77, 80] 76.66666666666667 [0.18819751408457033, 0.3708914966906855, 0.17436773524631535] 0.2444855820071904 -0.28241100907325745 5195 1950ndate keskel püüdis Jacksoni isa alustada muusikukarjääri, kuid see ei õnnestunud. In the mid-1950s, Jackson's father tried to start a musician career, but it failed. [90, 89, 88] 89.0 [0.9299120845533435, 0.7759485003834985, 0.8258170009536785] 0.8438925286301734 -0.31134819984436035 5196 See on Scotuse kõige kuulsam teiseste intentsioonide teooria. This is the most famous theory of 'second-party' initiatives in Scott. [79, 80, 78] 79.0 [0.3426133161983885, 0.4936093960423005, 0.14260101950618043] 0.3262745772489564 -0.7440512776374817 5197 Austraalia peaminister Tony Abbott tegi muudatusi oma valitsuskabineti koosseisus. The Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has amended his cabinet. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9349153928237784 -0.26539844274520874 5198 Akadeemia põhikiri sätestas, et presiidiumi liikmed valib üldkogu kolmeks aastaks. The Statute of the Academy stated that members of the presidium would be elected by the general public for the whole three years. [44, 37, 51] 44.0 [-1.0770802825974546, -1.1703670881336952, -0.4297907926901062] -0.8924127211404187 -0.45096099376678467 5199 Selle kõige olulisemad väljapanekud olid Kuninglik loomaaed ning relvad. Its most important pitfalls were the Royal Natural Territories and weapons. [23, 29, 17] 23.0 [-1.4275290808375833, -1.12785038341693, -1.7008804037850265] -1.4187532893465133 -0.6394256353378296 5200 Nigeerias algas ametiühingute korraldatud kahepäevane üldstreik, millega protesteeriti presidendivalimiste tulemuste vastu. In Nigeria, a two-day general strike organised by the trade unions began, protesting against the results of the presidential elections. [100, 79, 98] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.4384378287592468] 0.9958401581049577 -0.31095242500305176 5201 Üldisus on arusaamise moodus, mitte selle objekti joon, millest aru saadakse, sest asi, millest aru saadakse, ei ole ise üldine ega individuaalne. Overall, there is a way of understanding, not the line of the object that is understood, because what is understood is not a general or an individual one. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.766983216158354 -0.4429493546485901 5202 Tai Ülemkohtu, Halduskohtu ja Konstitutsioonikohtu liikmed kogunevad erakorralisele nõupidamisele, et paika panna kordusvalimiste ajakava. Members of the Supreme Court, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court of Thailand are meeting in an extraordinary meeting to establish a timetable for re-elections. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9871705874690427 -0.3592841625213623 5203 Just refleksioon viibki teadmisele ja just teadmine loeb, sest teadmisega on parem kui ilma teadmiseta. It is a reflex that means knowledge, and it is knowledge that counts, because knowledge is better than without knowledge. [46, 24, 35] 35.0 [-0.9111712880504766, -2.1610916010518193, -1.4697527022573933] -1.5140051971198965 -0.3962721824645996 5204 Albaanias vannutati ametisse välisminister Lulzim Basha. In Albania, Foreign Minister Lulzim Basha was imprisoned. [81, 51, 75] 69.0 [0.5372396648934048, -0.6660402866896673, -0.01280273874114997] -0.047201120179137496 -0.1992833912372589 5205 Selle näitaja poolest on Malawi maailma riikide seas 8. kohal. In this respect, Malawi is the 8th most important country in the world. [24, 23, 26] 24.333333333333332 [-2.1610916010518193, -1.318230271796973, -1.3746544731431163] -1.617992115330636 -0.39513102173805237 5206 Kutuzovi laager asus tänase Kutuzovo mikrorajooni asukohas. The Kutuzovi camp was located in the location of the Kutuzovo microconstruct today. [68, 76, 83] 75.66666666666667 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6245002025956135] 0.1916782549571805 -0.3096201717853546 5207 Keres oli selles voorus vaba ja pidi abitult pealt vaatama. Language was free in this round and had to stand by helplessly. [23, 31, 38] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.6442737776618106, -1.1343437451734075] -1.34951862509943 -0.378974586725235 5208 Esimene singel põhines varasel demoversioonil, mis oli ilma Paul McCartneyta. The first blue was based on an early demographical version, without Mr McCarthy's partner. [14, 1, 30] 15.0 [-1.75320393806394, -2.016289862523797, -1.572881112433012] -1.7807916376735828 -0.3186338245868683 5209 Sama käib teiste omaduste ja võimete kohta, kui need viivad suurema sissetuleku või staatuseni. The same applies to the qualities and abilities of others when they lead to greater income or status. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.3158298440026652 -0.3907361924648285 5210 Kõigile vaipadele on tellija tunnusena sisse kootud kolm Tallinna vappi, vappide kohal on kudumise aasta 1547. For all cartels, three cracks of Tallinn have been built as a subscriber, with a shock in 1547. [35, 27, 19] 27.0 [-1.6918208820492637, -1.818794853066228, -2.027806616696005] -1.8461407839371653 -0.7563052177429199 5211 Asjade olemusega ei tegele Simoni järgi mitte loogika, vaid metafüüsika, mida ta nimetab jumalikuks teaduseks. The very nature of the matter concerns not logic, but metaphysics, which he calls' God's science '. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-1.2673119151131202, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.8306482467327496 -0.4439908564090729 5212 Pärast Teist maailmasõda määras ÜRO selle Belgia hooldusterritooriumiks, et valmistada ette riigi iseseisvumist. After the Second World War, the United Nations designated it as the Belgian maintenance territory to prepare for its independence. [77, 63, 51] 63.666666666666664 [0.36271858948898755, -0.2337601711662148, -0.4297907926901062] -0.10027745812244448 -0.40854841470718384 5213 Belgias Brüsselis kogunes Euroopa Liidu üldasjade nõukogu, kus Eestit esindas välisminister Urmas Paet. In Brussels, Belgium, the General Affairs Council of the European Union convened, where Estonia was represented by Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. [100, 100, 92] 97.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0176690182308925] 1.0134049365134425 -0.24164539575576782 5214 Oht, et armastus võib inspireerida amoraalsust, võib panna mõned soovima, et armastus ja selle kired inimloomusest välja aetaks. The danger that love can inspire amorality may lead some to wish that love and its bitterness are removed from human nature. [53, 67, 60] 60.0 [-0.11781385003861368, 0.07788890965667469, -0.3321751917157582] -0.12403337736589908 -0.6377512216567993 5215 Selline objektistamine on Stoltenbergi järgi meeste ülemvõimu põhjus ja tagajärg. This objectionation is the cause and consequence of the male supremacy, according to Stoltenberg. [97, 67, 88] 84.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.07788890965667469, 0.8258170009536785] 0.6315798000313068 -0.526269257068634 5216 Veenvad tõendid selle teooria toetuseks siiski puuduvad. However, there is no convincing evidence to support this theory. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.3166944682598114 5217 Plahvatuses hukkus muslimist parlamendiliige Wahab Akbar koos oma autojuhiga, veel kümme inimest said vigastada. In silence, Mr Wahab Akbar, Member of Parliament, was killed with his driver, and ten more were injured. [37, 62, 58] 52.333333333333336 [-1.1703670881336952, -0.06975075057547515, -0.41488891976357517] -0.5516689194909151 -0.46622997522354126 5218 1490. aastate alguses läks Taubede kätte, 1513 müüdi edasi Jacop van deme Löwenwoldele, kelle pärijate käes oli see veel Liivi sõja ajalgi. In the early 1990s, Taubede, 1513 were sold on Jacsivan deme Löwenwols, whose heirs still had it in the history of the Gulf of Riga war. [46, 33, 24] 34.333333333333336 [-1.2225501630467082, -1.314460459974846, -1.3893161887096255] -1.3087756039103933 -0.3794969916343689 5219 Nende juhiks sai Uganda armeest erru saadetud kindral Fred Rwigyema. They were led by General Fred Rwanda igyema sent from the Ugandan Army. [70, 64, 58] 64.0 [-0.19868677613204175, -0.3864058398141874, -1.0933935489419486] -0.5594953882960593 -0.4195437431335449 5220 Põhjendusi muistse vabadusvõitluse nimetuse mittekasutamiseks ei ole ta pidanud piisavaks. It has not considered sufficient the justification for not using the name of the other freedom struggle. [43, 33, 23] 33.0 [-0.954227030371969, -1.557013239959602, -1.318230271796973] -1.2764901807095146 -0.541680097579956 5221 Indoneesia pealinnas Jakartas kasutas politsei vägivaldseks muutunud meeleavaldajate vastu pisargaasi ja veekahureid. In the capital of Indonesia, Jakartas, the police used tear gas and water cannons against protestors who have become violent. [63, 84, 90] 79.0 [-0.20810459964403286, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.33624485167464363 -0.3195832073688507 5222 Käsundiandja põhikohustus on agendile maksta tasu, samuti peab ta võimaldama agendile edukat tegutsemist. The main responsibility of the contractor is to pay the Agency a fee, and it must also enable it to operate successfully. [82, 100, 91] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8852452741722745 -0.44896361231803894 5223 Kokku läbis usaldushääletuse parlamendis 50 kõrgemat riigiametnikku. In total, 50 senior national officials passed the vote of confidence in Parliament. [94, 86, 73] 84.33333333333333 [0.882963460602704, 0.7553910091489263, 0.26826879803671755] 0.6355410892627826 -0.3896222412586212 5224 Või siis jälle tal on niisugune teooria, mille pärast ta ei tunne end alandatuna, kuigi meie meelest teda alandati. Or, once again, he has a theory for which he does not feel humiliated, even though, in our opinion, he was humiliated. [91, 83, 99] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.6245002025956135, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9148837236630437 -0.3447559177875519 5225 Kogu jutt näivusest ja reaalsusest on inimindiviidile rakendatuna kohmakas. All the talk of fatigue and reality is cumbersome when applied to the human being. [27, 25, 26] 26.0 [-1.6969517045047373, -1.2547703090036253, -1.8624251219173322] -1.6047157118085649 -0.522275447845459 5226 Alternatiive peab saama hinnata kiretult, erapooletult, kiindumuseta. Alternatives must be able to be valued without affection, impartiality, without affection. [77, 82, 95] 84.66666666666667 [0.47395913382770866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7358791572087113] 0.5969027415936431 -0.427907258272171 5227 Endise peaministri Silvio Berlusconi paremtsentristlik blokk võitis suurtest linnadest valimised vaid Milanos. The centre-right block of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi won only elections in Milan from the large cities. [76, 80, 82] 79.33333333333333 [0.23454328731752536, 0.4936093960423005, 0.31324491732529147] 0.34713253356170576 -0.3506632149219513 5228 Utilitaristid hakkavad sageli sellest pihta, et nad õigustavad igaühe huvide võrdset arvestamist ning laiendavad selle ideaalidele ja maitsele. Congestion infrastructures often begin to justify equal consideration of each other's interests and extend it to its ideals and tastes. [43, 55, 54] 50.666666666666664 [-0.954227030371969, -0.32348202996362757, -0.5803163758592089] -0.6193418120649351 -0.4651256501674652 5229 1860. aastatel muutus rahvuslik liikumine tänu talurahva võimaluste kasvule ning ühiskonna moderniseerumisele massiliseks. In the 1860, national movement became massive, thanks to the increase in opportunities for the peasant and the modernisation of society. [79, 78, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.412248360714594, 0.07788890965667469] 0.3133721325208216 -0.4411347508430481 5230 Välismaalt on sisse toodud kasse, koeri, ja sigu, keda võib sageli kohata hulkuvatena. A pig has been imported from abroad, a dog, and a pigs, which can often be treated as mad. [33, 37, 28] 32.666666666666664 [-1.4488105203612864, -1.1703670881336952, -1.3021598218893584] -1.30711247679478 -0.5814380049705505 5231 Valimistel osales 56 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. 56% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [98, 82, 80] 86.66666666666667 [1.235152971992166, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6634635469943301 -0.32011228799819946 5232 See juhtub moraalifilosoofias näidetega kahel moel. This will happen in two ways in a moral mockery with examples. [55, 42, 29] 42.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -0.9380460395217032 -0.5238073468208313 5233 Luure andmetel oli selle aja jooksul hukkunud umbes 2000 VF sõjaväelast. According to intelligence, around 2 000 VF troops were killed during that time. [78, 82, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6436127566535909 -0.3672224283218384 5234 Malaisia reisilennuki õnnetuskohal töötas 101 väliseksperti. 101 external experts were working on the Malaysian passenger plane accident. [100, 84, 90] 91.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.704802216743496 -0.4133504331111908 5235 Majanduskasv oli 0,8% aastal 1999, 2,7% aastal 2000 ja 1,3% aastal 2001. Growth was 0.8% in 1999, 2.7% in 2000 and 1.3% in 2001. [100, 86, 81] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 0.5363189527863194] 0.7969378267665586 -0.14466145634651184 5236 Oluliste teaduste evolutsiooni ja progressi struktuur ei mahu induktsionismi ja falsifikatsionismi raamidesse. The structure of the evolution and progress of essential sciences does not fall within the framework of insanism and homogeneism. [84, 83, 85] 84.0 [0.727690413215861, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5712429416817517 -0.4426575303077698 5237 See on olnud vaatamisväärsuseks alates Elizabethi ajast, kui see oli üks turismiatraktsioonidest, millest väliskülastajad kirjutasid. It has been a mockery since Elizabethi's time, when it was one of the tourist rockets that foreign visitors wrote. [23, 32, 41] 32.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1179556081700188] -1.3456097962592326 -0.36712902784347534 5238 Samuti nimetas president suursaadikuks Majanduskoostöö ja Arengu Organisatsiooni juures Alar Streimanni. The President also appointed Alar Streimann as Ambassador to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.22908620536327362 5239 Moraalisüsteemis arvatakse tavaliselt, et moraal on tähtis. The moral system usually considers that morals are important. [100, 100, 79] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.8913536471008455 -0.34858113527297974 5240 Frankfurt eeldab ka, et enamikul meist pole kerge leida asju, mida me suudame armastada. Frankfurt also assumes that most of us will not be easy to find things that we can love. [65, 85, 73] 74.33333333333333 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.711760740297822, 0.2054640405950517] 0.2518370985490781 -0.29007813334465027 5241 Punkti ja sirge mõiste ei olnud algselt nii mõeldud, aga matemaatikut see ei häirinud, sest uus tõlgendus osutus geomeetria uurimisel väga kasulikuks. The definition of paragraph and sickness was not so originally intended, but mathematics did not bother, as the new interpretation proved to be very useful in examining geometry. [38, 34, 29] 33.666666666666664 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.0846758681280848, -1.12785038341693] -1.1156233322394742 -0.5343372225761414 5242 Evelin tutvustab Lainele ja Krissule uut ilmakodanikku. I will be presenting a new weather citizen to Low and Christ. [20, 41, 16] 25.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -0.8309445887399325, -2.1518772087677305] -1.5885285719887499 -0.5275927186012268 5243 Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis plahvatas kohtumaja lähistel autopomm. In the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, a car bomb exploded near the court house. [86, 100, 100] 95.33333333333333 [0.8927631585566372, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.16891009664541 -0.3017025291919708 5244 Seda usaldavad praegu peamiselt ainult äärmiselt optimistlikud marksistid, kes pooldavad selle materialistlikku versiooni. It is currently mainly trusted by highly optimistic markers, who are in favour of its materialistic version. [73, 82, 78] 77.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.5808699337445091, 0.14260101950618043] 0.28331473722911726 -0.4599898159503937 5245 Esialgsed liitlaste rünnakud jäid tulemuseta ja kindral Langeron käskis küla pommitada. The initial attacks by the allies did not work, and General Langeron ordered the village to be bombed. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1772431457857548 -0.35025498270988464 5246 Kuid, kui suhted Berliiniga olid väga sõbralikud, jäi liit Viiniga puhtalt formaalseks. However, when relations with Berlin were very friendly, the Union remained purely formal in Vienna. [67, 81, 58] 68.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048, -0.41488891976357517] 0.06674655159550145 -0.3872586190700531 5247 President Porošenko ja Angela Merkeli vahelises telefonivestluses tõdesid pooled, et konflikti rahumeelse likvideerimise osas võib täheldada edusamme. In a telephone conversation between President Poroshenko and Angela Merkel, the parties acknowledged that progress could be noted with regard to the peaceful cessation of the conflict. [93, 100, 95] 96.0 [0.8184718649847569, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1264109951115293] 0.9815148769162917 -0.318097859621048 5248 Oma teoses Seimi jutlused kritiseeris Skarga karmilt aadlit ja riiki, kui väljendas oma toetust tugeval monarhial põhinevale süsteemile. In his work, the rumours of Seim strongly criticised Skarga and the state when he expressed his support for a strong monarchy-based system. [80, 73, 65] 72.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.12647325843666224, -0.3871436867160806] 0.07764632258762737 -0.4927319884300232 5249 Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus kuulutati välja 2006. aasta kakskümmend viis kaunimat Eesti raamatut ja viis kaunimat Eesti lasteraamatut. The Estonian National Library announced the twenty-five most beautiful Estonian books in 2006 and five of the most beautiful Estonian children's books. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.32908618450164795 5250 Uku astub hotelli baari, kus ta tavaliselt kuigi tihti ei käi. The door will be placed in a hotel bar, where he usually does not do too often. [28, 30, 25] 27.666666666666668 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.572881112433012, -1.2547703090036253] -1.5342720018839202 -0.6828252673149109 5251 Kummagi väite puhul on raske näha, kuidas saab naisteadlastel olla epistemoloogiline üleolek. In both cases, it is difficult to see how women scientists can have an epicenological arrogance. [79, 80, 77] 78.66666666666667 [0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005, 0.2705666302778131] 0.407608237578958 -0.5762945413589478 5252 Seda võiks nimetada kujutletavate omaduste teooriaks. This could be described as a theory of imaginary qualities. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.3076476232459238, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.951732485679238 -0.4014381766319275 5253 Veel on meenutatud, et osa mehi olla rännakul siiski tšehhide kätte langenud. It has also been recalled, however, that some men have fallen in the hands of Czechs when they migrate. [76, 79, 56] 70.33333333333333 [0.23454328731752536, 0.44997912719119615, -0.2711408857067372] 0.13779384293399477 -0.4884470999240875 5254 Esimesed nõukogude õmblusmasinad suudeti tehases valmistada alles 1924. aastal. The first Soviet flowering machines were only able to be prepared at the factory in 1924. [69, 81, 75] 75.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.5372396648934048, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2837827707729938 -0.4766230285167694 5255 See toimus vahetult pärast seda, kui Wellingtoni alluvuses olev Saksa ratsavägi oli lahinguga ühinenud. This took place immediately after the German army in Wellington had joined the battle. [63, 73, 45] 60.333333333333336 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.18819751408457033, -0.952528152074385] -0.4205480784351003 -0.45039090514183044 5256 Ka David Velleman pooldab suuresti Murdochi mõjul pisut ühekülgset ja lõppkokkuvõttes ekslikku arusaama armastuse moraalsest loomusest. David Velleman, too, is very much in favour of a slightly one-sided and ultimately misguided understanding of the moral nature of love with Murdoch. [80, 82, 77] 79.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5808699337445091, 0.29762613272172966] 0.45629157809322435 -0.2625408172607422 5257 Lätis valis Riia linnavolikogu pärast üheksa tundi kestnud debatte kolmandaks ametiajaks linnapeaks tagasi Nils Ušakovsi. In Latvia, Mr Nils Ušakovs was re-elected by Riia City Council after nine hours of debates for the third term of office. [68, 76, 66] 70.0 [0.1096188910533485, 0.3190883206378832, -0.1256901422853517] 0.10100568980196001 -0.22059614956378937 5258 Kui kultiveeritud mõistus püüdleb elu nautimise ja õnnelikkuse poole, siis ta kaldub märgist mööda laskma. If cultivated common sense strives for the enjoyment and happiness of life, it tends to circumvent the label. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.21888885723578283, 0.9814216926040136] 0.7664713560680756 -0.3391057252883911 5259 Näiteks lendasid nad 1952. aastal Šotimaale ja Norrasse, 1954. aastal aga Austraaliasse ja tagasi. For example, in 1962 they were flying to Scotland and Norway, while in 1954 they were flying to Australia and back to Australia. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9194928156201535 -0.35204750299453735 5260 Paljud arvavad, et kõik loomulik on hea, nii et kui meie moraaliintuitsioonid on loomulikud, siis me peaksime neid järgima. Many people think it is all natural that is good, so if our moral parameters are natural, we should follow them. [47, 53, 58] 52.666666666666664 [-0.5966731125129413, -0.5939936007690919, -0.09007785635906261] -0.42691485654703193 -0.3911183476448059 5261 Eestist saabunud "vastupanuvõitleja" võeti erilise töötluse alla, ta murdus ning tunnistas Rebasele kõik üles. The 'resistance fighter' from Estonia was brought under special processing, broken and admitted everything to Real. [63, 78, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.4063488583400919, 0.20480883524336993] 0.12579917413908234 -0.430967777967453 5262 Rakveres toimus Eesti Põllumeeste Liidu aastakoosolek. The app held an annual meeting of the Estonian Farmers' Union. [77, 79, 75] 77.0 [0.3951887236234128, 0.44997912719119615, 0.19851994435723766] 0.3478959317239489 -0.3576944172382355 5263 Ameerika Ühendriikides New Yorgis kohtusid Ameerika Ühendriikide president Barack Obama ja Venemaa president Vladimir Putin. US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in New York. [81, 95, 100] 92.0 [0.7888186625839653, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0134026511474683 -0.14548379182815552 5264 Nii et need on kahtlased käsitused, olgugi et nad on terves mõistuses nii juurdunud. So these are dubious concepts, even though they are so rooted in common sense. [100, 82, 84] 88.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.525496140586804] 0.7437814566927412 -0.36959102749824524 5265 Rooma võimuga kaasnes kiire linnade teke ja teedevõrgu areng, samuti suurte kaevanduste rajamine. The Roman authorities involved the development of rapid urban roads and the development of the road network, as well as the creation of large mines. [66, 60, 78] 68.0 [0.21562528066459924, -0.3321751917157582, 0.7211982082264036] 0.2015494323917482 -0.4919036328792572 5266 Aga kultuuri kõige olemuslikum ja fundamentaalsem aspekt on kirjanduse uurimine, sest see kasvatab inimlikke olukordi kujutama ja mõistma. However, the most fundamental and fundamental aspect of culture is the research into literature, because it increases the image and understanding of human situations. [76, 80, 84] 80.0 [0.05727907059662488, 0.37863665915867617, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3680154004006729 -0.4093341529369354 5267 Parlament kinnitab valitsuse ja tal on õigus valitsusele umbusaldust avaldada. Parliament confirms the government and is entitled to distrust the government. [100, 77, 94] 90.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.2855862602474157] 0.9158027893669445 -0.40889987349510193 5268 Poliitiline stabiilsus ja kodusõja lõpp parandasid abi saamise võimalusi, kasvas äriaktiivsus. Political stability and the end of the civil war improved opportunities for aid, increased business activity. [100, 92, 73] 88.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0176690182308925, 0.26826879803671755] 0.7278351039433781 -0.25810757279396057 5269 Rahvasteliidu arenedes selle roll laienes ja 1920. aastate keskel sai sellest rahvusvahelise elu oluline suunaja. As the UPM evolves, its role enlarged and became an important driver of international life in the mid-1920s. [90, 79, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.7388700887615532, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0811424575112913] 0.7566638911546802 -0.3542994260787964 5270 Evelin tuleb Georgi juurde häid ja halbu uudiseid teatama. I have come to Georg to report good news and bad news. [33, 42, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -0.9902503733322566, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.34841397404670715 5271 Suurbritannia ja Prantsusmaa olid püüdnud tagada oma julgeolekut Euroopas, vajades selleks Itaalia toetust. The United Kingdom and France had tried to ensure their security in Europe by requiring the support of Italy. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.38586747646331787 5272 See ei jää märkamata muidugi Lainele, kes armastab ikka õigel ajal õiges kohas olla. This, of course, does not go unnoticed of the CIA, which still loves being in the right place at the right time. [42, 28, 35] 35.0 [-1.3931940608658193, -1.4945771747762846, -1.4697527022573933] -1.4525079792998323 -0.3912450969219208 5273 Piirikaitse Rügemendi lõigus kestis turmtuli 50 minutit ja Venti võitlusgrupi lõigus üks tund. The paragraph of the Rügean on border protection ran for 50 minutes and one hour for the Venezuelan battlegroup. [29, 35, 41] 35.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933, -1.1179556081700188] -1.2385195646147806 -0.5656556487083435 5274 Venemaa Riigiduuma kiitis ühehäälselt heaks Venemaa osaluse peatamise Euroopa tavarelvastuse piiramise lepingus. The Russian Duma unanimously approved the suspension of Russia's participation in the European Treaty on Conventional Weapons. [100, 75, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5595413098162189, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9278743746425198 -0.24694392085075378 5275 Ney tajus seda vääritimõistmist ja kirjutas Berthier'le, et Ulm oli tegelikult palju tugevamalt kaitstud, kui prantslased alguses arvasid. Ney deserved that misunderstanding and wrote to Berthier that Ulm was actually much more protected than the French thought at the beginning. [55, 42, 29] 42.0 [-0.5219469148485164, -1.1643408202996632, -1.12785038341693] -0.9380460395217032 -0.36756443977355957 5276 Prints sai õnnetuses tõsiselt vigastada ja toimetati ravile Innsbrucki haiglasse. The front was seriously injured in the accident and brought to Innsbruck hospital for treatment. [98, 80, 89] 89.0 [0.9812361563169528, 0.7506057704560075, 0.7759485003834985] 0.8359301423854862 -0.4273206293582916 5277 Ptolemaios seletas retrograadseid liikumisi mõnevõrra ad hoc, lisades spetsiaalsed epitsüklid. In the context of climate tolerance, retrographical movements explained somewhat ad hoc, adding special episodes. [5, 1, 3] 3.0 [-1.2673119151131202, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.8306482467327496 -0.5377489924430847 5278 Moodustasti Kõrgema Revolutsioonilise Nõukogu, mis võttis valitsusvastutuse. The Supreme Revolutionary Council was created, which assumed the responsibility of the government. [71, 62, 79] 70.66666666666667 [0.05442657251608684, -0.08076099732669434, 0.44997912719119615] 0.14121490079352955 -0.45061546564102173 5279 Kalojani valitsusajal oli riik mõnikord tuntud kui bulgaarlaste ja valahhide oma. During the Kalojan Government, the state was sometimes known as that of Bulgarians and the guards. [81, 77, 85] 81.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.36271858948898755, 0.4412278406896248] 0.4062021440991921 -0.44433772563934326 5280 Suurem osa linnast asub Pahra jõe paremal kaldal, raudteemagistraalist läänes. The majority of the city is on the right side of the River Pahra, the railway tractor in the West. [42, 36, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-1.0765987441461105, -1.2063904310939828, -1.2659124962624795] -1.1829672238341908 -0.35672974586486816 5281 Emiirist sai sellega esimene Araabia Liiga riigipea, kes on avalikult kutsunud üles Süüria rahutustesse sõjaliselt sekkuma. It became the first Arab League Head of State to openly call for military intervention in the unrest in Syria. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9049493926697854 -0.30247026681900024 5282 Talle teatati, et see maakond on riialaste ja ristisõdijate vaevaga Riiale võidetud. He was informed that the countryside had been won to Riga by rice and crushing men. [74, 83, 65] 74.0 [0.29999877943339137, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3871436867160806] 0.17911843177097472 -0.636962354183197 5283 Linna saabuv Eve toob Johannesele, Almale ja Tiigile värskelt ilmunud ajakirja, kus on tema kirjutatud artikkel Õnne 13 majast. The Eve, which is arriving in the city, will bring a magazine fresh to Johania, Alma and Tiigi, with her written article from 13 houses in Happy. [25, 49, 49] 41.0 [-1.6026472036571477, -0.5409659837249011, -0.7871006959787512] -0.9769046277869333 -0.5837817788124084 5284 Brasiilia Espírito Santo osariigis kukkus teadmata põhjustel alla politsei helikopter. The Brazilian state of Espírito Santo fell below the police helicopter for unknown reasons. [13, 27, 40] 26.666666666666668 [-1.8791059376579944, -1.818794853066228, -1.3229960566534074] -1.67363228245921 -0.24516184628009796 5285 Ta ei ole mõrvar juriidilises mõttes, ja keegi ei saaks ka tõsiselt öelda, et ta on mõrtsukas moraalses mõttes. He is not a murderer in legal terms, and no one could seriously say that he is murderous in moral terms. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.22602251172065735 5286 Kui ennustus osutub vääraks, siis loogika võimaldab öelda ainult, et vähemalt üks eeldustest peab olema väär, kuid mitte seda, milline. If the forecast proves to be wrong, the logic only allows us to say that at least one of the assumptions must be wrong, but not which. [100, 100, 70] 90.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, -0.3178622983051988] 0.5291545711639485 -0.4324098825454712 5287 Kokkupõrgetes oli vaherahu sõlmimise hetkeks hukkunud vähemalt 75 inimest, valdavalt tsiviilisikud. At least 75 people, mostly civilians, were killed when the ceasefire was concluded. [96, 100, 81] 92.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8724093690545316 -0.41987982392311096 5288 Keskvalitsuse toetajad loopisid pudeleid majja tagasi. The supporters of the central government were throwing back the bottles. [66, 50, 58] 58.0 [0.07523855193204053, -0.3957809933827245, -0.41488891976357517] -0.2451437870714197 -0.5235562920570374 5289 Aasta parimaks meessportlaseks valiti Rasmus Mägi ja aasta parimaks naissportlaseks Erika Kirpu. Erika Kirpu was chosen as the best fan for the year's sport, in a difficult mountain and the best female athlete for the year. [1, 1, 21] 7.666666666666667 [-2.1763910955276495, -2.016289862523797, -1.945092888648188] -2.0459246155665447 -0.6217029094696045 5290 Edu tõid Mozarti ja Wagneri teosed, millega ta oli seotud ka ülejäänud karjääri jooksul. Mozart and Wagner's works brought success, to which he was also involved in the rest of his career. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0176690182308925, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8550729506742275 -0.43163010478019714 5291 Küprose võimud esitasid Suurbritanniale parlamendiliikme vahistamise pärast ametliku protesti. The Cypriot authorities protested formally to Britain for the arrest of a Member of Parliament. [96, 84, 90] 90.0 [1.156671913144946, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.7911703559376365 -0.3533785045146942 5292 Almat ja Johannest külastab pealinna väärikas poiss Allan. The Alma and Johannis are visited by a dignified boy Allan in the capital. [9, 33, 21] 21.0 [-1.5843914672256108, -1.314460459974846, -1.081610094514773] -1.3268206739050765 -0.48084545135498047 5293 Solomonile meeldib "poliitiline" lähenemine emotsioonidele osalt sellepärast, et see väldib kartesiaanlikku lähenemist keha ja vaimu uurimisele. Solomon enjoys a 'political' approach to emotions, partly because it avoids a cartesiatic approach to examining body and spirit. [93, 100, 98] 97.0 [0.8469401176424164, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.0704346848606967 -0.31265708804130554 5294 On ainult üks kultuur, mille tähtis osa on teadus. There is only one culture, an important part of which is science. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9194928156201535 -0.2175481915473938 5295 Paratamatus ei ole siin kognitiivne, vastuolu tõttu uskumist takistav. Inevitations are not cognitive here, obstructing belief in conflict. [97, 82, 100] 93.0 [0.8018201357962996, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7685799002456619 -0.3948170244693756 5296 Linn paikneb pealinnast lõunas, 36 km kaugusel Moskva kesklinnast ja 15 km kaugusel Moskva ringteest. The city is located in the south of the capital, 36 km from the centre of Moscow, and 15 km from Moscow. [84, 79, 77] 80.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.44997912719119615, 0.2705666302778131] 0.44594811695637954 -0.36402738094329834 5297 Liitu teati kui Teraspakti, mis kohustas Itaaliat võitlema Saksamaa kõrval, kui puhkeb sõda Saksamaa vastu. The Union was served as an entire pact, which obliged Italy to fight alongside Germany when war breaks out against Germany. [86, 78, 82] 82.0 [0.5947767169204025, 0.4063488583400919, 0.31324491732529147] 0.43812349752859525 -0.48322793841362 5298 Tundub ka, et põhjendil armastaja on enesekeskne, külm ja kiretu. It also seems that the north loves and is self-centred, cold and bitter. [23, 27, 18] 22.666666666666668 [-1.993315928470645, -1.5306005177365722, -1.4768801787803418] -1.6669322083291862 -0.45803648233413696 5299 Ameerika Ühendriikides teatas Vabariikliku Partei presidendikandidaat Fred Thompson, et loobub osalemisest presidendivalimistel. In the United States, Fred Thomsen, President-designate of the Republican Party, announced that he would refrain from taking part in the presidential elections. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9802290203432635 -0.26710137724876404 5300 Pakistani keskvalimiskomisjon määras parlamendivalimiste toimumise uueks kuupäevaks 18. veebruari. The Central Electoral Commission of Pakistan appointed 18 February as the new date for the parliamentary elections. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [0.9812361563169528, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1427712737681477 -0.26509082317352295 5301 Gaboni kirjanikud kirjutavad peaaegu eranditult prantsuse keeles. The Gabon writers write almost exclusively in French. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.19241051375865936 5302 Sudaani võimude teatel ületas Tšaadi armee kahe kilomeetri ulatuses riigipiiri ja ründas Sudaani armee üksusi. According to the Sudanese authorities, the Chadian army crossed a border of two kilometres and attacked Sudanese army units. [79, 68, 56] 67.66666666666667 [0.3426133161983885, 0.2920510649205147, -0.2711408857067372] 0.121174498470722 -0.376264750957489 5303 Väli oli osaliselt metsastunud lamm, mis tõusis järsult Elchingeni künkalinnani, kust oli lai vaateväli. The force was partly a forested lamb, which sharply rose to the Elchingen threshold, from which there was a broad field of vision. [36, 40, 44] 40.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.2516013580018719, -0.9938850160982935] -1.1506256017313827 -0.5070557594299316 5304 Leppe alusel see rühmitus 2009. aastal desarmeeriti, demobiliseeriti ning registreeriti parteina FNL. On the basis of the agreement, this group was disarm in 2009, demobilised and registered as FNL. [82, 82, 95] 86.33333333333333 [0.6551957619621033, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7358791572087113] 0.6573149509717745 -0.29751893877983093 5305 Pärast tema Poolasse naasmist aastal 1599 kukutas seisuste riigipäev ta Rootsis ja Karl viis Rootsi väed Eestisse. After his return to Poland in 1599, he downgraded the celebrations in Sweden and Karl five Swedish troops to Estonia. [68, 78, 60] 68.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.4063488583400919, -0.574314160703546] -0.07386958624274348 -0.41078895330429077 5306 Aga teadlased ei näe midagi millenagi, vaid lihtsalt näevad seda. However, scientists do not see anything millennia, but simply see it. [38, 34, 29] 33.666666666666664 [-1.2420262002417441, -1.5133829711084976, -1.12785038341693] -1.2944198515890573 -0.5400691628456116 5307 Viis tundi kestnud pantvangikriis lõppes mehe vahistamisega, vahejuhtumis keegi vigastada ei saanud. The five-hour hostage crisis ended in the arrest of a man, no one was injured in the incident. [75, 67, 82] 74.66666666666667 [0.014618096141847111, -0.08966679932506398, 0.5808699337445091] 0.16860707685376408 -0.30892840027809143 5308 Tulekahjus keegi kannatada ei saanud, kuid reisijate toimetamiseks Tallinnasse pidi ettevõte kasutama asenduslennukit. No one suffered from the fire but, in order to deliver passengers to Tallinn, the company had to use a replacement plane. [86, 89, 86] 87.0 [0.9798831232237539, 0.867173864977587, 1.0708700667604174] 0.9726423516539194 -0.42223843932151794 5309 Narva lahingus peatati veebruari Narva pealetung, märtsi Narva pealetungid nurjusid samuti. The Nyrenees of February were halted in the battle, the March Nanskens also failed. [40, 18, 29] 29.0 [-1.1593124721939274, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192] -1.4559089887794296 -0.8597154021263123 5310 28. juuli hommikul oli Grenaderimäe idakaevikus kaitsel 30 rünnakule asunud 450 mehest 47. rügemendi I pataljonist. On the morning of 28 July, the thirty attacks on the protection of the Grenaderfist in the eastern camera had been carried out by 450 men from 47 rhysiements I. [35, 18, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.5101665306408727, -1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228] -1.6019471874958142 -0.5682324767112732 5311 Saara peab koolis hakkama saama nii Mareku kui ka Taivoga. The hundred have to live in school with both Marek and Taivo. [23, 29, 34] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2699383524630719, -1.7315343153640192, -1.2784371170145583] -1.4266365949472164 -0.554837703704834 5312 2006. aasta oktoobris teatas Fox Newsi Roger Friedman, et Jackson lindistab laule Iirimaal Westmeathis. In October 2006, Fox Newsi Roger Friedman announced that Jackson will be screened to Westmear in Ireland. [23, 22, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.052918498945368, -1.318230271796973] -1.348614220106688 -0.32475700974464417 5313 Tehingu väärtuseks on 1,14 miljardit USA dollarit. It is worth USD 1.14 billion. [60, 67, 80] 69.0 [-0.3321751917157582, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.07977437132773897 -0.3377797305583954 5314 Eestis Tallinna Kaarli kirikus toimus kohaliku aja järgi kell 11.00 kirjanik Jaan Krossi leinatalitus. The Church of Tallinn, Estonia, held its local time at 11.00 writer Jaan Kroes' silence. [88, 85, 90] 87.66666666666667 [0.8726797157233768, 0.711760740297822, 0.548708683221246] 0.7110497130808149 -0.5165471434593201 5315 Neverland on tuntud rikkaliku eraloomaaiana ja laste lõbustuspargina. Neverland is known as a rich zoning country and a child's amusement park. [56, 55, 58] 56.333333333333336 [-0.16650364061497808, -0.32348202996362757, -0.20768092291338958] -0.2325555311639984 -0.5027291774749756 5316 Eesti Sõjamuuseumi direktorina asus ametisse kauaaegne kaitseministeeriumi ametnik Hellar Lill. The Director of the Estonian War Museum was elected by Hellar Lill, a long-term official at the Ministry of Defence. [53, 50, 47] 50.0 [-0.9239233418632639, -0.8152986694908287, -0.8698144240265682] -0.8696788117935537 -0.3911772072315216 5317 See on lihtsalt vanemaks saamine, võetuna lahus muust muutumisest. It is just getting older, separate from other changes. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.5853705406188965 5318 Hiljem kuulus mõis Lazarovite perekonnale ja seejärel Nadežda von Meckile. Lazarovite's family subsequently belonged to Nadežda von Mecki. [24, 29, 18] 23.666666666666668 [-1.9496856596195407, -1.12785038341693, -2.0691634807199133] -1.7155665079187947 -0.23892532289028168 5319 Miski on oma kvaliteedi läbi esiteks lõplik ja teiseks muutlik, nõnda et lõplikkus ja muutlikkus kuulub angehört tema olemisse. Something through its quality is, firstly, complete and, secondly, fluid, so its finality and volatility are a gospel in its existence. [80, 72, 64] 72.0 [0.2592517637876925, 0.23653881664004375, 0.0027439006782826883] 0.16617816036867297 -0.60884690284729 5320 Kui Isa valas õli Poja peale, siis see seisis tema ees. When Isa valled oil on the Poand, it was in front of him. [4, 1, 3] 2.6666666666666665 [-2.078732520728332, -2.016289862523797, -2.8659213054927313] -2.3203145629149535 -0.49238887429237366 5321 Sellepärast ei saa olla keelt, mis koosneb isoleeritud sõnadest ega sisalda kombinatsioonide võimalikkuse seaduspärasusi. Therefore, there can be no language that is made up of isolated words and does not include the legalities of the possibility of combinations. [91, 81, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.774893431721841, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7450609092704742 -0.341452956199646 5322 Eestis Tallinnas hakkasid tasulisel parkimisalal saama tasuta parkida hübriidautod, mille süsinikdioksiidi emissioon on kuni 125 g/km. In Tallinn, Estonia, hybrid cars emitted up to 125 g / km of carbon dioxide emissions were free of charge. [34, 23, 45] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973, -0.952528152074385] -1.2613804649932854 -0.3566448390483856 5323 Prantsusmaa president Nicolas Sarkozy teatas, et kaotuse korral presidendivalimistel loobub ta edasisest osalemisest poliitikas. French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that he would refrain from further political participation if he lost the presidential election. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9203719698734103 -0.3975301682949066 5324 Eestis Võrus algas Baltimaade maavägede ülemate kahepäevane kohtumine. The network started a two-day meeting of the Baltic States' land forces in Estonia. [77, 64, 71] 70.66666666666667 [0.6359670940721344, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.20480883524336993] 0.28117327666459563 -0.4453648030757904 5325 Lihtsalt see seletus ei postuleeri väljaöeldavat reeglit, mille vastaja on internaliseerinud ja mille poole ta teadvustamatult pöördub. This explanation, quite simply, does not bode in the footsteps of the rule that the author has interviewed and to which he turns with a lack of awareness. [27, 25, 29] 27.0 [-1.818794853066228, -1.6026472036571477, -1.12785038341693] -1.5164308133801019 -0.6295298933982849 5326 Tuleks öelda, et üks ööpäev on järjestikuste päikesetõusude vaheline ajaline kaugus. It should be said that one day is a long-term distance between successive sunrise. [84, 79, 89] 84.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.44997912719119615, 0.6118717385087359] 0.5281936322332531 -0.42105334997177124 5327 pisiKindral [[Joaquim Augusto Mouzinho de AlbuquerqueMouzinho de Albuquerque oli 19. sajandi Portugali üks tähtsamaid koloniaaladministraatoreid PisiGeneral [[Joaquim Augusto Mouzinho de AlbuquerqueMouzinho de Albuquerque was one of the most important colonial administrators of Portugal in the 19th century. [99, 81, 90] 90.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9085307290014955] 0.8362835230996809 -0.1599252074956894 5328 Maakohus on otsuses kohtule esitatud tõendid sisuliselt ümber kirjutanud, andmata neile mingit hinnangut ei eraldi ega kogumis. The case has effectively rewritten the evidence given to the court in the judgment, without giving them any assessment either individually or in the form of collection. [76, 100, 81] 85.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6322537493192801 -0.49017927050590515 5329 Kui vanematelt oli lepingu kinnituseks pantvangid saadud, pöördus sõjavägi tagasi. When parents had been taken hostage to confirm the treaty, the army returned. [79, 81, 83] 81.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.522108649210108, 0.6190326808341362] 0.5303734857451468 -0.44776302576065063 5330 Kaotused mõjutasid rängalt Leedu suurvürstiriigi kaubandust ja tollitulu. The losses seriously affected trade and customs revenues in the Grand Principality of Lithuania. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.3480227291584015 5331 Ta pidas eetilise väge mõistuse väeks, mis tuleb jõuks muuta. He considered the ethical sense to be the force to be the force. [81, 73, 64] 72.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.26826879803671755, -0.1667477356201244] 0.212920242436666 -0.5255215764045715 5332 Teadus esitab väga falsifitseeritavaid hüpoteese, mida seejärel püütakse visalt falsifitseerida. Science puts forward a very classifying hypothesis, which then tries hard to classify. [25, 13, 20] 19.333333333333332 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.635530085763711, -1.2720333835260482] -1.503403557648969 -0.5350222587585449 5333 Selle sõjakäiguga jõudis Bütsantsi territoriaalne ekspansioon oma haripunkti. With this march of war, the territorial expansion of the Bureau reached its culmination. [33, 30, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.314460459974846, -1.1600388359418792, -1.318230271796973] -1.2642431892378994 -0.4664665460586548 5334 Ta vaigistas igasuguse kriitika ja süvendas kolooniate majanduslikku ekspluateerimist. He allayed any criticism and deepened the economic exploitation of colonies. [84, 83, 97] 88.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1980287771688547] 0.8132758577215325 -0.30413171648979187 5335 Päevikud pole sageli kirjanduse meistriteosed, aga nad pole sellepärast "tühjad". The possesses are often not masterpieces of the literature, but they are not therefore 'empty'. [15, 23, 19] 19.0 [-1.7206510797975005, -1.1868448152443491, -1.6283857525312686] -1.5119605491910395 -0.33483219146728516 5336 Simeon I kogus suure väe, millega mindi Konstantinoopoli peale. Simeon I collected a large number of troops at Konstantinople. [78, 82, 90] 83.33333333333333 [0.3065899732381008, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6545327129635137] 0.5139975399820412 -0.41629669070243835 5337 Kui mõni filosoof analüüsib põhjustamist valesti, siis võib arvata, et suurem osa tema filosoofiast on väär. If a philosopher misanalyses the justification, it might be thought that most of her philosophy is wrong. [85, 84, 56] 75.0 [0.7017464088819532, 0.6681304714467177, -0.2711408857067372] 0.3662453315406446 -0.4681905210018158 5338 Tharwa lähistel Gudgenby orus Yankee Hati mäe jalamil asub aborigeenide laagrikoht koos kaljusse rajatud eluasemega. Tharwa, near Gudgenby Valus Yankee Hati, is located in the Hati Hati Hill of the Abkhazians' camp, along with the housing built in the rock. [67, 62, 71] 66.66666666666667 [0.253838172792557, -0.2494614636679413, 0.4152353320091415] 0.13987068037791905 -0.5822288393974304 5339 Kui nad pärast rohkeid seiklusi Haagi jõudsid, oli Euwe juba maailmameistriks kuulutatud. When they arrived in The Hague after many adventures, Euwe had already been called the World Cup. [78, 65, 59] 67.33333333333333 [0.3065899732381008, 0.03899122630516161, -0.3735320557396667] -0.009316952065468101 -0.297852098941803 5340 Jumala tunnetuses on ühtsus esmane, paljus ja muusus on omane inimmõistete vallale. In God's sense, unity is the first, many and musicians are inherent in human concepts. [8, 18, 13] 13.0 [-1.9485210876625751, -1.4768801787803418, -2.2759478008394556] -1.900449689094124 -0.5480383038520813 5341 Charles Darwin lahutas bioloogia filosoofiast ja teoloogiast. Charles Darwin separated biology from philosophy and theology. [100, 100, 87] 95.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8364323900964978] 0.9608120111996392 -0.11507812142372131 5342 Järgnenud kodusõda otsustati aastal 1607 Guzówi lahingus, kus šlahta lüüa sai. The following civil war was decided in 1607 in the battle in Guzów, where Shah was defeated. [98, 84, 91] 91.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8448652556891396 -0.35181522369384766 5343 Hoidja suur sära rääkis sellest Noale, kes kuulutas seda edasi kogu inimkonnale. The survivor's great slander spoke about this to Noa, who declared it to the whole of mankind. [100, 79, 83] 87.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135] 0.7257363152328488 -0.6025893688201904 5344 Iraani võimud teavitasid avalikkust kavast kuulutada lähiajal välja riigihanked kahe uue tuumaelektrijaama rajamiseks. The Iranian authorities informed the public of plans to announce public procurement shortly for the construction of two new nuclear power plants. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.33563607931137085 5345 Kui pidada neid teaduseks, siis see sisaldas uskumusi, mis on tänastega ühitamatud. If you consider them to be science, it contained beliefs that are incompatible with today. [89, 83, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.867173864977587, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8049078995897924 -0.44117993116378784 5346 Thomase järgi ei eristata kategooriaid liigierisuste järgi, sest olemine ei ole liikideks laskuv sugu, vaid sooülene mõiste ehk transtsendentaal. On the Thomsen, they do not differentiate between categories according to species, as being not a species is a sex, but a gender term or a transcendor. [81, 71, 61] 71.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.20480883524336993, -0.48728828932251583] 0.08492007027141962 -0.6669204831123352 5347 Kuigi ideaalis pidi organisatsioon ühendama kõiki riike, siis paljud neist ei liitunud üldse või olid liikmed vaid lühiajaliselt. While ideally the organisation was supposed to unite all the countries, many of them did not join at all, or were members only in the short term. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.35855159163475037 5348 Veel ilmsem on, et neid andmeid ei saa lepitada lihtsa indeterminismiga. It is even more obvious that this data cannot be reconciled with a simple model of indeterrence. [92, 100, 95] 95.66666666666667 [0.7859190067183177, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1264109951115293] 0.9706639241608119 -0.3003224730491638 5349 Kuna Towerit peeti vallutamatuks kindluseks strateegiliselt olulises kohas, peeti selle omamist väga oluliseks. As I see it as an unconquered fortress in a strategically important place, it was considered very important to have one. [20, 25, 29] 24.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.9060553907684363, -1.12785038341693] -1.6055565642146508 -0.5652430057525635 5350 Üks põhitoiduaineid Burundi köögis on oad, eriti punased oad. One of the staple foods in Burundi's kitchen is beans, particularly red ones. [83, 84, 82] 83.0 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6681304714467177, 0.46039042405392566] 0.571363169168033 -0.36327770352363586 5351 See kestis kuni aastani 1929, mil taastati positiivsed suhted Itaalia kuningriigi ja Vatikani vahel pärast Lateraani kokkulepete allkirjastamist. It lasted until 1929, when the positive relations between the Queen of Italy and the Vatican were restored following the signing of the Lateran Agreements. [93, 100, 78] 90.33333333333333 [0.8469401176424164, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.7927557572431395 -0.3186829686164856 5352 Portugali kõige vihmasem piirkond on Serra da Estrela mäeahelik, kus aasta sademete hulk on tihti üle 2500 mm. The most rainy region in Portugal is Serra da Estrela's mountain heel, where the annual rainfall is often more than 2 500 mm. [99, 83, 84] 88.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6172985934001295] 0.8408471004041381 -0.3356302082538605 5353 Kinnipeetute seas oli ka Keila hooldushaiglat opereeriva sihtasutuse PJV Hooldusravi juhatuse esimees Anders Tsahkna. Those detained also included Anders Tsahkna, Chairman of the Board of Governors of PJV Hooling Hoshkna, an organisation operating in Keila's care hospital. [82, 84, 86] 84.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.6172985934001295, 0.7431032729058616] 0.6036950704617476 -0.44154322147369385 5354 Siiski sai Clapton kliinikust vajalikku abi ja mõned kuud pärast ravilt naasmist hakkas muusik töötama uue albumi kallal. However, the Claston clinic received the necessary help and, a few months after the radar returned, the musician started to work on a new album. [29, 20, 10] 19.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -2.124206735023958, -2.446018900578199] -1.8993586730063623 -0.43719932436943054 5355 Raamat oli veel nii amatöörlikult kirjutatud, et see äratas vaid keskklassis huvi liikide muutumise vastu. The book had yet to be written in such an amateurish way that it only aroused interest in the middle class in changing species. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3561411499977112 5356 Kiiremad ja paremad õppijad ning õpitud käitumise tõhusamad ellurakendajad saavad reproduktiivsed eelised. Faster and better learners and more efficient implementation of learning behaviour will benefit from reproductive benefits. [83, 90, 97] 90.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723, 1.1980287771688547] 0.8767358205148801 -0.4635142385959625 5357 Liibanoni pealinna Beiruti peamiselt kristlastega asustatud idaosa ostukeskuse parklas toimus hilisõhtul pommiplahvatus. A bombardment was carried out late evening in the park of the Eastern shopping centre, which was populated mainly with Christians in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut. [75, 68, 60] 67.66666666666667 [0.19851994435723766, 0.1096188910533485, -0.3321751917157582] -0.008012118768390678 -0.4667952358722687 5358 Veebruaris 2017 avaldas seaduse vastu pealinnas Minskis meelt umbes 2000 inimest. In February 2017, around 2 000 people were demonstrating against the law in the capital city of Minsk. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.24517704546451569 5359 Nüüd rünnati Grenaderimäge uuesti, ja tulelöögis ellujäänud sõdurid valgusid Grenaderimäest alla ja nende järgi tungisid sinna venelased. Now Grenadernail was attacked again, and the soldiers who survived from Grenadernail were shot down and the Russians invaded there. [24, 1, 13] 12.666666666666666 [-1.8210222965764626, -2.016289862523797, -2.429618616981688] -2.088976925360649 -0.5827260613441467 5360 Ometi on tarvis ühist alust reeglite koha pealt kuidagi konkretiseerida, ja see tekitab teadusajaloolasel pidevat ja sügavat frustratsiooni. However, there is a need to make some sort of decree-making on the common basis of the rules, and this is causing a constant and deep frustration in the scientific history stage. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.5216874480247498 5361 Vaid Teise maailmasõja aastatel jäeti karneval julgeolekukaalutlustel korraldamata. It was only in the years of World War II that the harsh security considerations were not organised. [72, 82, 61] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5826355462250417] 0.029561434331947318 -0.5248982310295105 5362 Kas Kaur Kender´il esineb psüühikahäireid, mis piiravad tema võimet oma käitumisest aru saada ja seda juhtida? Is there a psychiatric appetite for goods like Kent, which restricts his ability to understand and manage his behaviour? [65, 78, 51] 64.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.4063488583400919, -1.0092452907728193] -0.2548699725594556 -0.6546372771263123 5363 19. sajandi lõpuks paigutati kiirabibrigaadid haiglasse, kust neid sai välja kutsuda haigete haiglasse viimiseks. By the end of the 19th century, ambulances were placed in a hospital from which they could be called to take sick people to hospital. [91, 89, 88] 89.33333333333333 [0.774893431721841, 0.9089270413502557, 0.8258170009536785] 0.8365458246752584 -0.31617802381515503 5364 Kui inimene on ravimatu ja ei saa diagnoosist päriselt aru, on ta sellegipoolest haige. If a person is untreated and does not really understand the diagnosis, he is nevertheless ill. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.43193092942237854 5365 Vissi üksildased päevad muutuvad ootamatult huvitavateks, kui teda külastab Henry Ahven. The individual days of the Visas become unexpectedly interesting when he is visited by Henry Ahven. [80, 78, 100] 86.0 [0.37863665915867617, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0811424575112913] 0.6220426583366865 -0.35704439878463745 5366 Augustinus arvas, et ambivalentsus koos ebamugavuse ja rahulolematusega, mille see kaasa toob, võis tulla pärispatu karistusena. In August, it thought that ambivalence, along with the inconvenience and discontent that it entails, could come as a punishment of the original sin. [68, 76, 79] 74.33333333333333 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.3190883206378832, 0.1852619939609582] 0.15023561941135502 -0.5067175626754761 5367 Paistab, et seda, mida vaatleja näeb, mõjutab mingis mõttes tema varasem kogemus. It seems to me that what the observer sees is somewhat influenced by his previous experience. [74, 78, 100] 84.0 [0.29999877943339137, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302] 0.6018170520459711 -0.44192230701446533 5368 1992. aastal ilmus Jacksoni teine raamat, luuletuste ja esseede kogu "Dancing the Dream". In 1992, the second book of Jackson, the whole of the poems and essays, appeared as Dantlethe Dream. [37, 50, 23] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.7457438319548428, -1.318230271796973] -1.1488220894356669 -0.4416967034339905 5369 See merelahing leidis aset Vahemerel, Touloni rannikul, Prantsusmaal. This maritime battle occurred in the Mediterranean, along the coasts of Toulon, France. [75, 51, 81] 69.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048] 0.1318755469487224 -0.305890291929245 5370 Enamus hukkunuist olid politseisse töövestlusele tulnud mehed. Most of the dead were men on police talks. [67, 83, 75] 75.0 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.6245002025956135, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2098530879764345 -0.5873056054115295 5371 Tuleb möönda, et teooria ja katse on seotud viisil, mis sisaldab tsirkulaarset argumenti. Admittedly, theory and attempt are linked in a way that contains a citrsic argument. [79, 55, 67] 67.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.5389595118353006, 0.07788890965667469] -0.0036971583291432373 -0.4433603286743164 5372 Kas see võis toimuda enne keele teket mõne teise sotsiaalse või ökoloogilise nõudmise pinnalt? Could this happen before language arose on the basis of another social or ecological demand? [54, 60, 65] 59.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -0.14422096012004196, 0.03899122630516161] -0.11605305289525797 -0.48847758769989014 5373 Eestis Estonia teatris anti üle aasta haridusjuhtide preemiad. In Estonia, the Estonian theatre awarded more than a year's award for education managers. [27, 36, 18] 27.0 [-1.818794853066228, -1.2063904310939828, -1.4768801787803418] -1.500688487646851 -0.6276644468307495 5374 1952. aasta Vana Tooma koduks on Tallinna Linnamuuseum. The Old Tooma of 1962 is the city of Tallinn's city museum. [19, 27, 46] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2451583551985221, -1.1913103462102776, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1158799964864257 -0.401298463344574 5375 Ta oli arvulises ülekaalus, ligikaudu 30 000 meest ja 2568 kahurit 17 000 mehe ja 2148 kahuri vastu. He had a numerical majority, some 30 000 men and 2568 victims against 17 000 men and 2148 men. [36, 26, 15] 25.666666666666668 [-1.0121812168743272, -1.8624251219173322, -2.258848426590734] -1.7111515884607977 -0.4101429879665375 5376 Isikuid vahendavad ja tegusid vahendavad maksiimid võivad viia enesetapu asjus erinevatele järeldustele. The maxim that mediates and mediates between individuals can lead to different conclusions on suicide. [60, 43, 41] 48.0 [-0.01365207210314715, -0.6836306438634967, -0.8309445887399325] -0.5094091015688588 -0.4408683776855469 5377 Torma sõnul oli parem saada heade üllatuste kui ebameeldivate pettumuste osaliseks. According to the storm, it was better to get to grips with good surprises than with unpleasant disappointments. [23, 15, 19] 19.0 [-1.5599480717705785, -1.5720701229703633, -1.6283857525312686] -1.5868013157574037 -0.38161352276802063 5378 Eestis Tallinnas algas noorte infomess Teeviit 2007. In Tallinn, Estonia, the youth information gap started in Tehe 2007. [5, 23, 14] 14.0 [-2.9716501156925967, -1.318230271796973, -1.8096223806656633] -2.033167589385078 -0.5478932857513428 5379 Pataljon seati uutele positsioonidele Tannenbergi liinile. The package was set up for new positions on the Tanzadberg route. [31, 41, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-1.5315242484091034, -1.2079710891507676, -0.9486551086784767] -1.2293834820794494 -0.5625055432319641 5380 Sloveenia pealinnas Ljubljanas kohtusid Sloveenia peaminister Janez Janša ja Vene kütusekompanii Lukoil president Vagit Alekperov. In Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, Slovenia's Prime Minister Janez Janša and the Russian fuel company Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov met. [73, 78, 100] 83.66666666666667 [0.1674146996559729, 0.674179986200092, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6555243272009917 -0.18812358379364014 5381 Eestis tegi Erakond Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit teatavaks oma uued ministrikandidaadid. In Estonia, the Isaland and Res Publica parties announced their new ministerial candidates. [55, 79, 58] 64.0 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] -0.09321623685690328 -0.21079908311367035 5382 Hukkus vähemalt 12 Ukraina sõjaväelast, teiste seas Ukraina rahvuskaardi kindralmajor Sergi Kultšõtskõi. At least 12 Ukrainian troops were killed, including the major Sergi Golch Screen of the Ukrainian National Card. [84, 83, 85] 84.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5344456684098412 -0.5674377679824829 5383 4. veebruaril 2007 avaldatud läkituses tunnustas ta Sri Lanka valitsusametnike tegevust 2004. aasta tsunami tagajärgede likvideerimisel. In the threshold published on 4 February 2007, he acknowledged the action taken by Sri Lankan government officials to deal with the consequences of the tsunami of 2004. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7604669590293401 -0.3869860768318176 5384 Morna marketis kohtuvad juhuslikult Pille ja Ursula. It coincidentally brings together in Morna's market to Pilate and Ursula. [26, 22, 18] 22.0 [-1.5666238606968599, -2.0369461973217495, -1.4768801787803418] -1.693483412266317 -0.3987147808074951 5385 Egiptus pidas paavsti sõnavõttu sekkumist riigi siseasjadesse ja kutsus seepeale oma suursaadiku Vatikanist tagasi. Egypt had the Pope's speech of interference in the internal affairs of the country and then called back its Ambassador from the Vatican. [39, 33, 45] 39.0 [-1.2952316268529762, -1.314460459974846, -0.620170681070149] -1.076620922632657 -0.3482265770435333 5386 Kuigi me saame valida, kas lasta neil ajenditel oma tegusid valitseda, ei saa me neid ajendeid valida, loomus määrab need meile. Although we can choose whether to allow these incentives to govern their actions, we cannot choose these incentives, but they are in nature the ones that determine us. [92, 67, 65] 74.66666666666667 [0.7859190067183177, 0.07788890965667469, -0.12539087159621595] 0.2461390149262588 -0.6355174779891968 5387 Valge torni ehitus, mis on tervele lossi andnud tema nime Tower, algas ilmselt 1078. aastal, kuid täpne kuupäev ei ole teada. The construction of the White torn, which has given a whole Castle of his name as I see it, obviously began in 1078, but the exact date is not known. [70, 79, 100] 83.0 [0.018403229555799133, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.463810662647724 -0.4707191288471222 5388 Muu hulgas banaanide ja sorgo kääritamise teel valmistatakse mitmesuguseid alkohoolseid jooke, sealhulgas urwagwa nime kandvat õlut. Various alcoholic beverages, including urwagwa beer, are produced by fermentation of bananas and sorgo, among other things. [94, 81, 73] 82.66666666666667 [0.9345984073668675, 0.5372396648934048, 0.2054640405950517] 0.559100704285108 -0.357056200504303 5389 Suurbritannias vahistati politseioperatsiooni "Elveden" raames kaheksa inimest, keda kahtlustatakse altkäemaksu andmises ja vastuvõtmises. In the UK, eight people suspected of bribery and reception were arrested under the 'Elveden' police operation. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9349839159519499 -0.324287474155426 5390 Tunnistuste järgi olevat Murray püüdnud Jacksonit elustada ebastandardsete elustamisvõtete abil. Murray has been shown to have tried to revive Jackson using non-standard imaging techniques. [71, 82, 66] 73.0 [0.05442657251608684, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3693306739511528] 0.08865527743648105 -0.5191512107849121 5391 Ameerika Ühendriikide Washingtoni osariigis Seattle'i linnas lasi siiani identifitseerimata isik peol maha 6 inimest ja sooritas seejärel enesetapu. In the city of Seattle in the United States of Washington, an unidentified person still beaten 6 people and then committed suicide. [77, 84, 69] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, -0.6687962404689269] 0.13150765153373448 -0.3805084824562073 5392 Teistel andmetel moodustavad võõrliigid Portugali taimestikust isegi kolmandiku. According to other data, foreign species account for as much as a third of Portuguese flora. [82, 75, 67] 74.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 0.19851994435723766, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2857595959194738 -0.3353636562824249 5393 Eesti Pank alustas Euroopa Keskpanga võlakirjade kokkuostu programmi raames võlakirjaoste. The Bank of Estonia launched bond purchases under the European Central Bank bond buying programme. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6235768728162322] 0.8055618800032867 -0.36865338683128357 5394 Johannes annab Kristjanile euroremondi osas kavalat nõu. Johannes is providing a clever piece of advice to Christians on the Eurorepair process. [29, 37, 45] 37.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846, -1.135825582665942] -1.215389376879352 -0.8024346828460693 5395 Mõistus on inimese võime mõelda, kasutada mõisteid ja otsustusi. It is a reason to have the capacity to think, to use concepts and to use decisions. [57, 59, 60] 58.666666666666664 [-0.12829074848702035, -0.3735320557396667, -0.0655634734751276] -0.1891287592339382 -0.4991813600063324 5396 Järelemõtlemine peab selles suhtes tulema selle peale, et otsida olemisele kindel määratlus, mille läbi ta oleks eimiskist eristatav. Rethinking about this must come about in order to seek a clear definition of being, through which it would be distinctive from yesterday's point of view. [33, 42, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -0.9902503733322566, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.5267742872238159 5397 Kaupu veetakse sisse peamiselt Austraaliast, peamiselt kellele Nauru on kogu iseseisvusaja vältel toetunud. The goods are imported mainly from Australia, mainly from Nauru, which has relied on throughout its entire period of independence. [30, 30, 29] 29.666666666666668 [-1.687904046512915, -1.2296651706356005, -1.12785038341693] -1.3484732001884818 -0.36305177211761475 5398 Seda vaadet võib nimetada ka demokraatlikuks, sest moraal pole selle järgi esoteeriline saavutus, vaid iga tavalise inimese loomulik toimimine. This view can also be described as democratic, as morals are not an esoteric achievement, but the natural functioning of every ordinary person. [82, 80, 78] 80.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.37863665915867617, 0.412248360714594] 0.4572516512059264 -0.46547725796699524 5399 Teoreetiline paratamatus ei ole praktiline paratamatus. Theoretic necessity is not a practical necessity. [100, 79, 80] 86.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.22792296841573595] 0.5923352046571208 -0.2331705540418625 5400 Separatistide teatel alustasid valitsusväed rünnakut Luganskile. According to the Separatists, government forces launched an attack on Lugansk. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.32209936924058] 0.9279738256979991 -0.19490838050842285 5401 Kohusevastase teoga püütakse saada mingit hüve, hoolimata selle kohusevastasusest. An anti-trial act seeks to obtain some benefit, regardless of its injustices. [8, 29, 19] 18.666666666666668 [-1.9485210876625751, -1.12785038341693, -2.167837003875062] -1.7480694916515223 -0.5849016308784485 5402 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus Mississippi osariigi kubernerina ametisse Phil Bryant. In the United States, Phil Bryant took office as the Governor of the Miss State. [80, 83, 77] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3708914966906855] 0.4952567890332444 -0.2981528639793396 5403 Ühel hetkel muutis see aga meelt ja asus revolutsiooni lämmatama. At one point, however, it changed minds and started to stifle the revolution. [71, 62, 80] 71.0 [0.2564751800664351, 0.06277371215276832, 0.4949620887624109] 0.27140366032720475 -0.47418349981307983 5404 Operatsioonis osales ka Eesti keskkriminaalpolitsei. The central criminal police force of Estonia also participated in the operation. [100, 85, 93] 92.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] 0.898590541259769 -0.3329528868198395 5405 Ainuüksi 1989. aastal oli Jacksoni albumite müügi, reklaamide ja kontsertide tulu umbes 125 miljonit dollarit. In 1989 alone, Jackson's sales, advertisements and concerts accounted for approximately USD 125 million in revenue. [84, 67, 80] 77.0 [0.6603895448580447, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.4106292835190066 -0.27164608240127563 5406 Gaboni president Ali Bongo Ondimba nimetas riigi uueks peaministriks Raymond Ndong Sima, kelle valitsuskabinet vannutati ametisse järgmisel päeval. The President of Gabon Ali Bongo Onignba has appointed Raymond Ndong Sima, the country's new Prime Minister, whose cabinet was inaugurated the following day. [73, 78, 67] 72.66666666666667 [0.26826879803671755, 0.4063488583400919, -0.08966679932506398] 0.19498361901724848 -0.2906326353549957 5407 Küüditamisele järgnes sundkollektiviseerimine, millega kaotati talud kui majandusüksused. The rental was followed by forced collectivisation, which abolished farms as economic entities. [28, 23, 46] 32.333333333333336 [-0.9467436332444287, -1.318230271796973, -0.9111712880504766] -1.0587150643639596 -0.35971125960350037 5408 Eestis asunud tanklaketi oli Lukoil ära müünud juba varem Eesti kütusefirmale AS Olerex. The glass in Estonia had already sold in Luko to the Estonian fuel company AS Olerex. [23, 30, 37] 30.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.687904046512915, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4298391275251803 -0.41003477573394775 5409 Keeleuniversaalid on võinud kõigis keeltes sadu tuhandeid aastaid säilida. The language languages have been able to be preserved in all languages for hundreds of thousands of years. [81, 79, 76] 78.66666666666667 [0.5363189527863194, 0.4586486864167604, 0.3190883206378832] 0.43801865328032097 -0.4240385591983795 5410 Ta pretendeerib sellele, et tema annab objektiivsed seletused. He claims that he will give objective explanations. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0176690182308925, 0.6603895448580447] 0.9257206938177892 -0.4999041259288788 5411 Filosoofiline skeptitsism võib puudutada igasuguseid asju, mida inimesed väidavad teadvat, kuid väga erineval moel ja väga erinevate tagajärgedega. Filocical scepticism may touch on all sorts of things that people claim to be aware of, but in very different ways and with very different consequences. [100, 85, 90] 91.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.548708683221246] 0.7951492397553261 -0.487199068069458 5412 Kratylos 402a) Selle tsitaadi esimest osa peetakse mitteehtsaks. Kratylos 402a) The first part of this quotation is considered non-linear. [30, 12, 21] 21.0 [-0.8804292505879635, -1.6672600671603848, -1.945092888648188] -1.4975940687988454 -0.2457103580236435 5413 Naiivne on oodata, et need, kes on võimul ega ole huvitatud muudatustest, laseksid naisi teadusesse. It is naive to expect those who are in power and are not interested in change to leave women in science. [100, 71, 87] 86.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.10093697638236171, 0.5265497895991803] 0.5755300947819908 -0.3439701497554779 5414 Tallinnas Kultuurikatlas anti üle Eesti arhitektuuri aastapreemiad. In Tallinn, the annual prizes of Estonian architecture were awarded. [100, 93, 86] 93.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.247373368119458, 0.7431032729058616] 1.0993747547570811 -0.40152397751808167 5415 Nad ei lähtu heasoovlikest ega altruistlikest printsiipidest. They are not subject to well-meaning or altruistic principles. [91, 82, 99] 90.66666666666667 [0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9003403007126756 -0.3390430212020874 5416 Jacksoni 50. sünnipäeva eel andis Sony BMG välja seeria parimate hittide albumeid nimega "King of Pop". Ahead of the 50th anniversary of Jackson's birthday, Sony BMG issued the best butchers from the series called "King of Psip." [37, 39, 38] 38.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.9034392399936904, -0.8422805508468657] -1.0427373184652469 -0.42649635672569275 5417 1198. aasta juulis toimus hilisema Riia linna kohal liivlastega lahing, mille kristlased küll võitsid, kuid Berthold langes. In July 1198, a battle was waged over the later city of Riga with peasants, although Christians won, but Berthold fell. [73, 66, 58] 65.66666666666667 [0.4831155255603034, 0.07523855193204053, -0.20768092291338958] 0.11689105152631811 -0.569904088973999 5418 Pärast pressikonverentsi sõitsid Turgenevi väljaku juures kaks autot suursaadiku autole ette ning peatasid selle. After the press conference, two cars were on the motorway of a big ambassador at the Turgenyev Square and stopped it. [40, 41, 42] 41.0 [-1.062297059252832, -1.2079710891507676, -1.3931940608658193] -1.221154069756473 -0.44945982098579407 5419 Utilitaristlik kriteerium on mõeldud juhtude jaoks, mil ta peab mõtlema ning kaalutleb ja valib. The Utopian criterion is intended for cases where it needs to think, consider and choose. [69, 75, 80] 74.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.33172876083006514, 0.4936093960423005] 0.26923934782262565 -0.43042150139808655 5420 Eesti siseminister Hanno Pevkur ja siseministeeriumi asekantsler Erkki Koort alustasid viiepäevast visiiti Afganistanis. Mr Erick Koort, Deputy State Secretary for the Interior of Estonia, Mr Hanno Pevkur, and Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of the Interior, began a five-day visit to Afghanistan. [85, 81, 82] 82.66666666666667 [0.4412278406896248, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5187144407977525 -0.3147788941860199 5421 Otsuse tingisid süüdistused, mille kohaselt toetavad Uganda võimud mässuliste tegevust Kongo Demokraatlikus Vabariigis. The accusations of support for rebel action in the Democratic Republic of Congo were the result of the verdict by the Ugandan authorities. [62, 74, 68] 68.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.2613608455445319, 0.1096188910533485] 0.033732074157125945 -0.4270038306713104 5422 Võimalik, et Botvinnik aimas seda ette, et tema eluajal ei jõuta seda intervjuud inglise või vene keelde tõlkida. It may be that Botvinnik is chairing it that, during his lifetime, this interview cannot be translated into English or Russian. [53, 39, 53] 48.333333333333336 [-0.39597668121738544, -0.8161228067902595, -0.6216732398831174] -0.6112575759635875 -0.4430488646030426 5423 Ühendamisliikumine oli suuresti olnud sõltuvuses välisjõudude toetusest ja jäi nii ka pärast. The unification movement had to a large extent been dependent on foreign support and remained so after. [100, 100, 78] 92.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.19915853545263446] 0.7014948490832262 -0.4803719222545624 5424 Võrust sõideti välja pärast lõunat, liiguti lahingute marsruuti pidi. The network was launched after lunch, along the route of fighting. [19, 20, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.445150197383668, -2.124206735023958, -2.7003119339659616] -2.089889622124529 -0.4789389371871948 5425 Malawis elab 172 liiki limuseid, hinnanguliselt on 47 neist Malawi endeemid. In Malawi, 172 species live in mourning, estimated to be 47 of them to be endemic in Malawi. [44, 39, 34] 39.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.2952316268529762, -1.407453656337378] -1.2069629902006784 -0.4682505130767822 5426 Prantsusmaa, Hispaania ja Baieri jätkasid aktiivselt võitlust Maria Theresia vastu. France, Spain and Bavaria continued to fight actively against Maria Theresia. [99, 100, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.124361475539762 -0.281253457069397 5427 Armastatu ei pea alati olema nägemisvälja keskmes; tarvis on, et ta saaks piisavalt tähelepanu. Numerous proportions do not always have to be the focus of sight; they need to receive enough attention. [72, 77, 66] 71.66666666666667 [0.09044991547637454, 0.36271858948898755, -0.3693306739511528] 0.02794594367140309 -0.47864851355552673 5428 Protestiaktsiooni ajal sai ingliskeelses Vikipeedias lugeda vaid nende seaduseelnõude tekste. During the protests, only the texts of these draft laws could be read in English in Vikipeas. [60, 81, 51] 64.0 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.5372396648934048, -0.4297907926901062] -0.07812710928125978 -0.41911739110946655 5429 Seal töötati välja kaitseplaanid ning ehitati suurtükiplatvormid, valmistamaks Towerit ette sõjaks. Defence plans were developed there and big stem platforms were built to prepare me for the war. [64, 82, 65] 70.33333333333333 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.5808699337445091, -0.4119916484059306] -0.00961951428911619 -0.4770815968513489 5430 Zip2 toimunu mõjul püüdis Musk edaspidistes ettevõtetes kontrolli ettevõtte üle ja tegevjuhi kohta igal juhul säilitada. Under the influence of Zip2, Musk tried to retain control over the company and the executive director in any case in the future. [84, 85, 87] 85.33333333333333 [0.6681304714467177, 0.7017464088819532, 0.6231547153861217] 0.6643438652382642 -0.4250839650630951 5431 Gaboni Sõltumatu Keskpartei, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Partei, Uue Vabariigi Liit ja Centre des Libéraux Réformateurs. Gabon independent Central Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Union of the New Republic and the Centre des Libéraux Réformateurs. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.2813112139701843 5432 Kohusekohasus seisneb selles, et ta küsib kõigilt ühepalju ega peta ostjaid, mitte tema kavatsuses ega tahte printsiibis. The responsibility is that he asks everyone one single and does not delude the buyers, not his intention or his will. [46, 23, 35] 34.666666666666664 [-0.8461570014911058, -1.318230271796973, -1.4697527022573933] -1.2113799918484907 -0.4790944755077362 5433 Seejärel kohtusid sakslased Revala taanlastega, kellega tekkisid kohe aga lahkarvamused. The Germans then met the Danes of Revala, who were immediately divided. [87, 90, 84] 87.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.548708683221246, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6158797381828847 -0.42220166325569153 5434 Mõned päevad varem, 4. mail kolis peaministri residentsi The Lodge'i toonane valitsusjuht Stanley Bruce. A few days earlier, on 4 May, Stanley Bruce, the then head of government of the Prime Minister's residence The Lodge. [41, 38, 35] 38.0 [-1.0262737162925444, -0.9396865656205692, -1.3660967923134697] -1.1106856914088612 -0.28756824135780334 5435 Sageli on avastus mõnevõrra erinev spekulatiivse ja esialgse hüpoteesi eeldusest. Often the discovery is somewhat different from the assumption of a speculative and original hypothesis. [100, 75, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8331799552993733 -0.2601185739040375 5436 Sel ajal loobus ta Steinbachi loominguhütist ja hankis endale uue majakese Maierniggis. At that time, he gave up the work of Steinbach and obtained a new house in Maiernigg. [86, 81, 74] 80.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.5372396648934048, -0.02804287831293066] 0.36799116783362557 -0.3720810115337372 5437 Üks Donetski oblastis koos kaubarongiga õhku lastud raudteeviadukt asus maantee kohal ja blokeeris ka selle. A railway section in Donetski's Oblast, along with a freight train train, was placed on the roads and blocked. [54, 67, 79] 66.66666666666667 [-0.5579702578088042, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] -0.01003407365364443 -0.5777032971382141 5438 Valitsuse umbusaldamist toetas selleks vajaliku saja ühe saadiku asemel vaid üheksakümmend seitse parlamendiliiget. Only ninety-seven Members supported the government's mistrust instead of the 100 ambassadors required for it. [100, 89, 73] 87.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9089270413502557, 0.2054640405950517] 0.7378315334365793 -0.3907540738582611 5439 Toimunud laastamise ulatusest annab Vahtre arvates aimu ka kolm aastat hilisem ürik, kus Harjumaad nimetatakse tühjaks ja mahajäetud maaks. According to her, three years later, she will also give an idea of the scale of the devastation that she has carried out, which is known as' orphan land 'and' abandoned land '. [62, 83, 73] 72.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, 0.2054640405950517] 0.24973441528799026 -0.6501175761222839 5440 Soosijateks on konkreetsemad isiklikud omadused, mis armastaja pilgu jaoks armastatud teiste seast esile tõstavad. The beneficiaries are more specific personal qualities that highlight the loved ones for the glance. [94, 80, 87] 87.0 [0.882963460602704, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6963537980783853 -0.6006991863250732 5441 "Logose" tõlkeks pakub ta "asjade valem", pidades seda tabavamaks kui täielikku samastamist mõõduga. To translate it into a "logo" it offers a "formula of things," considering it more apt than full harmonisation with moderation. [58, 55, 52] 55.0 [-0.41488891976357517, -0.5971473252353072, -0.3980608112934324] -0.47003235209743827 -0.6033715605735779 5442 1954. aastal demonstreeris J. Elam esmakordselt, et elustamisvõtted on efektiivsed. In 1954, Mr J. Living demonstrated, for the first time, that the methods of life were effective. [18, 23, 13] 18.0 [-1.8548106043791617, -1.0242269033759628, -1.635530085763711] -1.5048558645062784 -0.5511919260025024 5443 Armastus on suuresti nägemisviis, mis suunab intellektuaalset arusaama maailmast ja praktilisi reaktsioone selle olukordadele ja nõudmistele. Innumeracy is largely a sight-of way of directing intellectual understanding of the world and practical responses to its situations and demands. [23, 26, 29] 26.0 [-1.4275290808375833, -1.8624251219173322, -1.12785038341693] -1.4726015287239484 -0.5468073487281799 5444 Anu on ametis Intsu linnameheks muutmisega, kuid tal jätkub aega ka hambavaluga maadlevale Ülule abiks olla. It is a job to turn Intsu into a mayor, but it will also have time to assist one who has a toothbrush. [15, 13, 14] 14.0 [-2.258848426590734, -1.635530085763711, -2.3859883481305837] -2.093455620161676 -0.640968918800354 5445 Nobeli leiutist oli võimalik rakendada mitmes vallas, kuid ta vajas raha, et tootmist laiendada ja leiutis ka välismaal patenteerida. The Nobel invention was possible in a number of areas, but he needed money to expand production and also invented to patent abroad. [67, 51, 44] 54.0 [-0.08966679932506398, -0.4297907926901062, -0.9938850160982935] -0.5044475360378212 -0.3827357590198517 5446 Eestis Tallinnas aadressil Rävala puiestee 4 avati Euroopa Parlamendi ja Euroopa Komisjoni koostöös Euroopa Maja. In Tallinn, Estonia, the Rävala wooesway 4 was opened in cooperation with the European Parliament and the European Commission. [52, 43, 48] 47.666666666666664 [-0.3980608112934324, -1.120710551448559, -1.5394458233962274] -1.0194057287127396 -0.3643275797367096 5447 Liechtenstein sai Euroopa Vabakaubandusühenduse ja Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna alalise komitee eesistujamaaks. Liechtenstein became President of the European Free Trade Community and the European Economic Area (EEA) Standing Committee. [65, 75, 70] 70.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.2897570349717648, 0.17307885384669613] 0.10037413452427385 -0.34075090289115906 5448 Venemaa suhtlusvõrgustikes ei oldud õhtuks jõutud selgusele, kas Girkin on haavatud või ei ole. Russian social networking sites were not able to find out whether Girkin was injured or not at night. [82, 78, 77] 79.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.4063488583400919, 0.09994004505140265] 0.3189907494902487 -0.4947631359100342 5449 Olukord stabiliseerus 1610. aastaks, kui sõlmiti vaherahu. The situation stabilised by 1610 years, when a truce of truce was reached. [66, 76, 56] 66.0 [0.04615892826000089, 0.3190883206378832, -0.48592357188822877] -0.04022544099678155 -0.3944670855998993 5450 Krissul on suur mure, sest ta ei suuda otsustada, kellele oma püss jätta. Christ is of great concern, as she cannot decide to whom to leave her feet. [29, 26, 22] 25.666666666666668 [-1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322, -1.9037360246242796] -1.6313371766528473 -0.6517752408981323 5451 Mitmes riigis anti välja veidi erinevad versioonid, mis põhinesid kohalike fännihääletuste tulemustel. In several countries, slightly different versions were issued based on the results of local fans' votes. [80, 99, 100] 93.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.2807425052166714, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8991338441517162 -0.285628080368042 5452 Ta õppis mõne semestri arheoloogiat, ajalugu ning Eduard Hanslicki juures muusikaajalugu ja kuulas Bruckneri loenguid. He studied the archaeology, history and, at Eduard Hanslick, music from the public and heard the Bruckner's lectures. [45, 52, 58] 51.666666666666664 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.7280381317886201, -0.20768092291338958] -0.6059664663844677 -0.4228084683418274 5453 Neljandat stiili, mida teistest selgelt kehvemaks loetakse, kirjeldatakse kui "jäika ja kohmakat". The fourth style, which is clearly considered to be worse than others, is described as' rigid and cumbersome '. [100, 94, 97] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1044331599577608, 1.0297883515568889] 1.0777750099596932 -0.33328714966773987 5454 Kodanikesaalis on 9 akent, mis muudavad ruumi väga valgeks. There are 9 windows to the citizens, which make space very white. [34, 25, 42] 33.666666666666664 [-1.102146772735156, -1.2547703090036253, -1.0765987441461105] -1.144505275294964 -0.4911547601222992 5455 Pärast 1917. aasta Märtsirevolutsiooni sai võimalikuks Eesti rahvusväeosade moodustamine. Following the March 1917 revolution, the formation of Estonian national troops became possible. [100, 80, 90] 90.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.938717163612545 -0.3085463345050812 5456 Silmapaistvaid tulemusi on Portugalil ette näidata ka vehklemises, judos, surfis, lohesurfis, aerutamises, purjetamises, laskmises ja triatlonis. Portugal will also have exemplary results in terms of wrangling, cheese, death, loaesurf, discovery, demolition, shooting and triatlonis. [12, 23, 33] 22.666666666666668 [-1.5963947019567695, -1.993315928470645, -1.314460459974846] -1.6347236968007535 -0.6073269248008728 5457 Neil aladel loodi Vene administratiivkorraldus, ametisse seati vojevoodid ning loodi hierarhiline kindluslinnade süsteem. In these areas, Russian administrative arrangements were created, voyages were put in place and a hierarchical fortress urban system was created. [66, 84, 84] 78.0 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.39856686623484705, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3275544433697524 -0.4448213279247284 5458 Kas on nauditavaid vaimuseisundeid, mille suhtes meil on ebasoodne hoiak sõltumatult nende tagajärgedest? Are there any enjoyable spirits, on which we have an unfavourable attitude independently of their consequences? [59, 70, 80] 69.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.17307885384669613, 0.4936093960423005] 0.09627823562721033 -0.4038037359714508 5459 Esimesed agendid saadeti Läti kaudu Eestisse Rebase töötamise ajal 1952. aasta augustis. The first agents were sent via Latvia to Estonia during the operation of Real in August 1962. [26, 23, 29] 26.0 [-1.8624251219173322, -1.483396450023753, -1.12785038341693] -1.4912239851193385 -0.36354443430900574 5460 Selle küsimuseni ei too miski peale käsituse sellest, mille peab iga ratsionaalne subjekt hülgama, ja see käsitus on väga määramatu. There is nothing to do with this, however, but an approach to what every rational person has to abandon, and this approach is very vague. [42, 33, 51] 42.0 [-1.1643408202996632, -1.314460459974846, -0.4297907926901062] -0.9695306909882051 -0.5188947916030884 5461 Nõnda nad seavad tema praktilise elu piirid ja fikseerivad tema kui aktiivse olendi kuju. So they set the limits of his practical life and fix him as an active creature. [98, 78, 100] 92.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8381827160984127 -0.3851325809955597 5462 pisivasakul300pxTallinna ja Riia asehaldurkonnad, [[Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkorsi kaart 1783 Lower left-wing gold 300pxTalks and Riia Deputy grey districts [Otto Friedrich von Pissaclkorsi map 1783 [11, 21, 1] 11.0 [-1.8860837863730762, -1.555891101277511, -2.016289862523797] -1.8194215833914613 -0.5422970652580261 5463 Selle kaudu ei avane erinevus viisis, kuidas koer ja inimene sõnade tähendusest aru saavad. It does not make any difference in the way the dog and man understand what words mean. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.32209936924058] 1.0529461350951042 -0.4614273011684418 5464 pisivasakulÄdise, vaade lõunasuunast linnusetornile 1818, J. C. Brotze An overview of the developments on the left, from the southern town to 1818, from J. C. Brotze. [79, 72, 65] 72.0 [0.22733597719895088, 0.23653881664004375, 0.03899122630516161] 0.16762200671471875 -0.6435400247573853 5465 Aastal 1876 valmisid tal esimesed õppekompositsioonid; neist on säilinud ainult klaverikvarteti esimene osa ja fragmendid skertsost. In 1876, he prepared for the first teaching positions; only the first part of the glass thief and the fragments of the Duchy have survived. [18, 27, 35] 26.666666666666668 [-1.4183276022329345, -1.818794853066228, -1.2424137740542707] -1.493178743117811 -0.48387256264686584 5466 Agia Triada, Phasitose lähistelt avastatud administratiivkeskus. Agia Triada, an administrative centre discovered near Phasitose. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8150391097847715 -0.3402523100376129 5467 Loodes ründasid ungarlased ja okupeerisid aastal 1365 Vidini. In the hope of the Hungarians attacked and occupied 1365 Vidin. [35, 28, 21] 28.0 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.7751645842151236, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4664228642865715 -0.37300950288772583 5468 Alehhini sekundandiks oli Salo Landau ja Euwe sekundandiks oli Géza Maróczy. The second was Salo Landau and Euwe's second was Géza Maróczy. [16, 1, 9] 8.666666666666666 [-1.926857290299737, -2.016289862523797, -2.6041396923861053] -2.182428948403213 -0.1750529557466507 5469 Voorused on Aristotelese järgi kontekstist sõltuvad. Voters are dependent on the context in Aristotle. [18, 33, 47] 32.666666666666664 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.557013239959602, -0.8698144240265682] -1.3012359475888375 -0.38975873589515686 5470 49.\tVõimud lõid jõududest, mis neist kellelgi oli, selle pildi järgi, mis neile oli antud. 49. The armed forces created the forces that any of them had according to the image they had been given. [96, 81, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7560661039333944 -0.45304325222969055 5471 Tema mees on Johannes Rintala ning lapsed on Cindy ja Matleena Rintala. His man is Johannes Rintala and his children are Cindy and Matleena Rintala. [73, 64, 81] 72.66666666666667 [0.2054640405950517, -0.017301034533346728, 0.5372396648934048] 0.24180089031836993 -0.16520144045352936 5472 Paljudel juhtudel me peame niisuguseid jõudusid endale võõrasteks. In many cases, we consider such forces to be alien. [69, 76, 83] 76.0 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.36345874222673896, 0.6245002025956135] 0.3234462771392879 -0.4334361255168915 5473 Loogika süsteem on kasulik analüütiliste propositsioonide avastamiseks ja kontrollimiseks, kuid pole sellekski hädavajalik. The logic system is useful for detecting and verifying analytical positions, but it is not essential. [66, 78, 51] 65.0 [0.21562528066459924, 0.5102064594545875, -0.4297907926901062] 0.0986803158096935 -0.4038909673690796 5474 Seda tingimust täidavad ka väljamõeldud entiteedid ja teisesed intentsioonid, mis aga kumbki ei kuulu kategooriasse. This condition is also met by intended earners and secondary intents, neither of which fall into the category. [29, 28, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.3021598218893584, -1.12785038341693] -1.3871815068901026 -0.5577307939529419 5475 Rwanda poolele jäävad ka mõned väikesed saared Kivu järves. There will also be some small islands on the Rwanda side in Lake Kivu. [89, 81, 67] 79.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] 0.4393251067837816 -0.4363906681537628 5476 Kui üks neist läinud surnute vahele, siis karanud üks alasti poolsurnud eestlane üles ja tahtnud kodanikku tappa. When one of them died between the dead, one of the naked semi-dead Estonians feared and wanted to kill a citizen. [90, 81, 99] 90.0 [0.7388700887615532, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0384814830565137] 0.7715304122371572 -0.4074803590774536 5477 Määrus tema vahistamiseks oli väljastatud 28. mail. The regulation for his arrest had been issued on 28 May. [81, 100, 90] 90.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4879087225913252] 0.7167088944105467 -0.24600455164909363 5478 Ameerika Ühendriikide krediidireitinguagentuur Moody's alandas Kreeka krediidireitingu tasemele C, mis on krediidireitingute hierarhia madalaim aste. The US credit rating agency Moody's downgraded Greece to C, the lowest in the credit rating hierarchy. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.24117112159729004 5479 Monumendi likvideerimine ja lendurite säilmete teisaldamine toimus linnavõimude korraldusel. The liquidation of the monopoly and the management of the shellings of flights took place under the organisation of the urban authorities. [16, 8, 27] 17.0 [-1.926857290299737, -2.2695448973029837, -1.3384071475162373] -1.8449364450396528 -0.5803650617599487 5480 12. aprillil 1997 avastati paavsti visiidil Bosnia ja Hertsegoviinasse 23 tankitõrjemürsku silla alt, mida paavsti autokolonn pidi ületama. On 12 April 1997, the Pope's visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina discovered 23 tank lines which the Pope had to cross. [22, 29, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-1.465741972965541, -1.12785038341693, -1.3746544731431163] -1.3227489431751958 -0.38981136679649353 5481 Pärast pikki läbirääkimisi, milles mõlemad tegutsesid diplomaatiliselt, kuid oma positsioone muutmata, krooniti Kalojan 1204. aasta lõpul kuningaks. After lengthy negotiations in which both acted diplomatically but without changing their positions, Kalojan was crowned with kings at the end of 1204. [77, 84, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.6681304714467177, 0.522108649210108] 0.4869352503115462 -0.2857288420200348 5482 Kasuistika põhiline häda ei ole mitte selle kuritarvitamine, vaid see, et eetika põhimõisted on kultuurisõltelised, muutuvad ja kritiseeritavad. The basic problem of user-friendly is not its abuse, but that the basic concepts of ethics are culturally addictive, changing and criticising. [75, 80, 84] 79.66666666666667 [-0.01280273874114997, 0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177] 0.38190213350633395 -0.5677222013473511 5483 Peaaegu kogu mandriosa võtab enda alla Skandinaavia mäestik. Almost the entire continent takes over the memory of Scandinavian. [14, 27, 1] 14.0 [-2.3859883481305837, -1.3384071475162373, -2.016289862523797] -1.9135617860568725 -0.32161515951156616 5484 Neptuuni ennustamine 1846. aastal oli julge, sest taustteadmises seda planeeti ei olnud. The predictions of Neptuna in 1846 were bold, because it was not in the background that the planet was in the background. [56, 54, 51] 53.666666666666664 [-0.3859838908734935, -0.3346008485000848, -0.7043869679309344] -0.47499056910150417 -0.565097987651825 5485 Kasakad tahtsid vabadel valimistel osaleda kui liitriigi liikmed ja "lahutatud" idakristlaste religioossete õiguste taastamist. The rich wanted to take part in free elections as members of the federal state and the restoration of 'separated' religious rights of Eastern Christians. [59, 57, 51] 55.666666666666664 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.04871265401618784, -0.4297907926901062] -0.2854523299045532 -0.38231635093688965 5486 Nauru oli üks viimaseid Okeaania saari, mille eurooplased avastasid. The Navy was one of the last islands in Okeania, discovered by Europeans. [76, 83, 89] 82.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.6190326808341362, 0.6882604319190001] 0.5421271444636732 -0.5619171857833862 5487 Ta tegeles luuletamisega ja liitus nooruses Krakówi ülikooli kirjandusseltsiga. He engaged in poaching and joined the literary company of the University of Kraków in youth. [87, 83, 90] 86.66666666666667 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.6285658078023367 -0.39141222834587097 5488 Doksograafid kasutavad koolifilosoofia termineid, Herakleitose väljenduste juures paneb imestama originaalne kujundlikkus ja jõulisus. Doksographs use the terminology of the school philosophy, with the expression of the Herakleitos, are astonishing at the original design and dynamism. [68, 67, 76] 70.33333333333333 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4377118082008297] 0.0771973309386357 -0.4736168086528778 5489 Ka ajalugu kuulub siia, sest idee on selle olemus, selle nähtumus on aga juhuslikkuses ja suva vallas. History also belongs here, because the idea is its nature, but its visibility is of chance and gender. [70, 78, 85] 77.66666666666667 [-0.19997321272861532, 0.4269187050200866, 0.711760740297822] 0.31290207752976446 -0.48290348052978516 5490 Kuigi Darwin vaevles perioodiliste haigushoogude käes viimased 22 aastat oma elust, ei takistanud see tal töö jätkamist. Although Darwin had the last 22 years of life in the hands of periodic disease care, this did not prevent him from continuing his work. [85, 82, 79] 82.0 [0.5587533739601147, 0.5538386306067818, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5208570439193642 -0.4581575393676758 5491 Norra astus 1397 teiste Põhjamaadega Kalmari uniooni ning pärast selle lagunemist 1450 jäi püsima unioon Taaniga. Norway joined 1397 fisheries union with the other North States and, following its break-up, 1450 remained a union with Denmark. [13, 26, 38] 25.666666666666668 [-1.635530085763711, -1.8624251219173322, -0.971935339669399] -1.4899635157834805 -0.47123751044273376 5492 Teda toetas täielikult dirigent Hans von Bülow, kes oli Hamburgi kontsertide kunstiline juht. He was fully supported by the orchestrator Hans von Bülow, who was the artistic leader of Hamburg's conglomerates. [29, 37, 44] 36.666666666666664 [-1.091871252739237, -1.3824921645551846, -0.9182036874116812] -1.130855701568701 -0.37412574887275696 5493 Oletame, et meil on tunne, et isik ei saa olla pelk keha ja ükski keha keerukus ei saa ületada lõhet keha ja isiku vahel. Let us assume that we have the feeling that a person cannot be a mere body and that no body's complexity can bridge the gap between body and person. [92, 92, 92] 92.0 [1.2091604759915002, 0.87113844457352, 1.0176690182308925] 1.0326559795986376 -0.32813596725463867 5494 Suurbritannias Londonis toimus muusikaauhindade Brit Awards tseremoonia. The British music prize ceremony was held in London. [87, 83, 85] 85.0 [0.6308000598806901, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4412278406896248] 0.5655093677219761 -0.4055599272251129 5495 Lõpuks ei suutnud komisjon 1930. aastatel takistada Saksamaa, Itaalia ja Jaapani kiiret relvastumist. Finally, in the 1930s, the Commission failed to prevent the rapid weaponisation of Germany, Italy and Japan. [72, 64, 80] 72.0 [0.09044991547637454, -0.017301034533346728, 0.4949620887624109] 0.18937032323514624 -0.26612329483032227 5496 Suurim vähemusgrupp on venelased, kes moodustavad 24,8% elanikest. The largest minority group are Russians, who account for 24.8% of the population. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.23740655183792114 5497 Singeri arvates just seda tulebki teha, kuigi see on levinud uskumustega vastuolus, This is what it is all about, even though it is a conflict with belief, in the general public's opinion. [84, 82, 83] 83.0 [0.6681304714467177, 0.5776758168102278, 0.4929432823203649] 0.5795831901924368 -0.8545464873313904 5498 Hiljem pikendasid ametiühingud streiki veel ühe ööpäeva võrra. Later, the trade unions extended the strike by another day. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8945597178957163 -0.28918957710266113 5499 Siis võib osutuda, et inimesi ja inimtegevust tuleb mõista loodusteaduslikest meetoditest täiesti erinevate meetoditega või et neid ei saagi mõista. Then it may be the case that people and human activity must be understood by completely different methods from natural science, or that they cannot be understood. [97, 100, 72] 89.66666666666667 [0.9531595341469581, 1.1249782957469103, 0.29272250569331404] 0.7902867785290608 -0.44216102361679077 5500 Kohalikku tavaõigust järgitakse siis, kui see ei ole vastuolus seadustega. Local common law is respected when it does not conflict with the law. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 1.0238592891943679 -0.4120814800262451 5501 Üks päev varem kehtestas Guinea naaberriik Sierra Leone Ebola uue puhangu kartuses kolmepäevase üleüldise liikumiskeelu. One day before that, Guinea's neighbouring country, Sierra Leone, introduced a three-day universal ban on movement, in fear of a new outbreak of Ebola. [99, 99, 98] 98.66666666666667 [1.0384814830565137, 1.0932483143502365, 1.235152971992166] 1.1222942564663054 -0.46094512939453125 5502 Kaevandatakse ka kulda ja teemante ning eksporditakse väärispuitu, eelkõige okumeed. It will also eliminate gold and diamonds and export precious timber, especially documents. [23, 32, 40] 31.666666666666668 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1593124721939274] -1.3593954176005356 -0.454435259103775 5503 Sellegipoolest ei ole puhtkeeleline lähenemine tõenäoliselt edukas. Nevertheless, a purely linguistic approach is unlikely to be successful. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.2600128948688507 5504 Ahvenale saabub külaline, keda ta isegi unes oodata ei osanud. The Ahmed will be a guest whom he could not even have expected in his dream. [10, 13, 16] 13.0 [-1.5559952777983777, -2.0349273191806003, -1.2250680723617988] -1.6053302231135922 -0.5138402581214905 5505 Soolatootmise laiendamine toimus Wieliczkas, Bochnias ja mujal. The expansion of salt production took place in Wieliczkas, Bochnia and elsewhere. [89, 100, 97] 95.33333333333333 [0.8862818157022393, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1980287771688547] 1.069762962872668 -0.3364312946796417 5506 Armeesekretäri kohusetäitjaks nimetati Peter Geren. Peter Geren has been appointed the acting officer of the Army Secretary. [96, 100, 98] 98.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0615183329535627] 1.0053967500431436 -0.4687316119670868 5507 1614 läänistati valdus Reinhold von Buxhövdenile, 1754. aastast alates kuulus mõis üle saja aasta von Rosenitele. 1614 Westerners were lied to Reinhold von Buxhövden, up from 1754, to some 100 years old von Rosennes. [57, 68, 78] 67.66666666666667 [-0.3534310326070543, 0.1096188910533485, 0.4063488583400919] 0.05417890559546203 -0.4030839800834656 5508 Fidži peaminister ja sõjaväeline valitseja Frank Bainimarama teatas, et kavatseb korraldada uued parlamendivalimised aastal 2010. The Prime Minister of Fiji and the military ruler, Frank Bahuman arama, announced that they intend to hold new parliamentary elections in 2010. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.2933373749256134 5509 Me ei saa kindlalt öelda, millised tervikolukorrad meie tegudest tulenevad. We cannot say for sure which whole regimes are the result of our actions. [63, 83, 75] 73.66666666666667 [-0.20810459964403286, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.13453095473681023 -0.5479803085327148 5510 Inflatsioon oli 2015. aastal hinnanguliselt 0,5%, aasta varem 4,7%. Inflation is estimated at 0.5% in 2015, up from 4.7% a year earlier. [68, 58, 78] 68.0 [0.2920510649205147, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5102064594545875] 0.19819220048723754 -0.3051467835903168 5511 Kui ongi olemas eetikateadmine, siis see pole parim eetiline seisund. If there is an ethical knowledge, it is not the best ethical position. [86, 86, 84] 85.33333333333333 [0.5947767169204025, 0.7431032729058616, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6686701537576606 -0.3134332299232483 5512 Ta väitis, et laulja pleekinud suguti oli ümberlõigatud, kuid alasti läbiotsimine näitas, et see nii ei olnud. He claimed that the song was retrieved, but naked searches showed that this was not the case. [25, 40, 10] 25.0 [-1.9060553907684363, -1.1593124721939274, -2.446018900578199] -1.8371289211801878 -0.48467007279396057 5513 STAVKA nõudis Leningradi rinde vägedelt Rakvere vallutamist hiljemalt 7. augustiks 1944. STAVKA called for the seizure of the forces on the Lenin Front by 7 August 1944 at the latest. [46, 40, 52] 46.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -0.8671919143668114, -0.6630301039070259] -0.7921263399216478 -0.5670660734176636 5514 Uibo lahkumist ametist põhjendati asjaoluga, et tema visioon ei leidnud ettevõttelt vajalikku toetust. The departure of Uibo was justified on the grounds that his vision was not supported by the company. [100, 70, 84] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.08139344852332632, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6162091461114914 -0.345315158367157 5515 Hajameelsus ja unustamine võivad arutlemisvõimesse sekkuda. Solerance and forgetting can interfere with the ability to debate. [78, 82, 75] 78.33333333333333 [0.4269187050200866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.19851994435723766] 0.40210286104061116 -0.6180565357208252 5516 Peamised keskkonnaprobleemid Portugalis on pinnase erosioon, tööstuse ja sõidukite põhjustatud õhusaaste ja iseäranis rannaalasid mõjutav veesaaste. The main environmental problems in Portugal are soil erosion, air pollution caused by industry and vehicles, and water pollution, particularly affecting coastal areas. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.24785427749156952 5517 Suurendati ka külastatavate sadamate arvu ja vähendati prognoositavaid reise. The number of ports to be visited has also been increased and journeys expected have been reduced. [54, 84, 80] 72.66666666666667 [-0.5803163758592089, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.08739394361127469 -0.47613054513931274 5518 Afganistani Helmandi provintsis hukkus patrullil viibinud kaks Afganistani politseinikku ja veel kaks politseinikku sai vigastada. Two Afghan police officers were killed by patrol patrols in the province of Helmand in Afghanistan, and another two police officers were injured. [67, 82, 57] 68.66666666666667 [0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, -0.44990022892794107] 0.06961953815774759 -0.32629063725471497 5519 94.\tNüüd ma pöördun tagasi igavesse riiki, mis on täiuslik. 94. Now I am returning to an eternal country that is perfect. [100, 82, 73] 85.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.26826879803671755] 0.6494140833818857 -0.34446781873703003 5520 Kuigi suurem osa juute kihutati 15. sajandi lõpul Portugalist välja, lubati riiki jääda neil, kes võtsid vastu katoliku usu. Although most Jews were expelled from Portugal at the end of the 15th century, those who adopted the Catholic religion were allowed to stay. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0811424575112913] 0.876741701022306 -0.20591871440410614 5521 On ilmne, et eelnev ja vägevam põhjus laienev rohkematele tagajärgedele. It is obvious that the previous and more powerful reason for the more consequences of enlargement. [74, 84, 79] 79.0 [0.16249660139694996, 0.6681304714467177, 0.1852619939609582] 0.3386296889348753 -0.6192734241485596 5522 Kari suhtest Laura Kivirantaga sündis Seppo esimene lapselaps Oona. The first grandson of Seppo was born in the relationship with Laura Ktunranta, Oona. [52, 81, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.4322240068442644, 0.5372396648934048, -0.3122754971210945] -0.06908661302398468 -0.6444512605667114 5523 Siis jõutakse loomulikul kombel küsimuselt "Kuidas ma peaksin elama?" Then, naturally, the question is' How should I live? '. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3158298440026652 -0.37833040952682495 5524 Jaod tungisid Njassa järvest lõunasse jäävatele aladele Mosambiigi põhjaosast, kus nad olid vaenu alla sattunud, sest kardeti nende võimutsemist. They invaded areas in the north of Mozambique, south of the Great Lake of Navasa, where they were enemies because of fear of their domination. [77, 81, 84] 80.66666666666667 [0.09994004505140265, 0.4146600021189639, 0.6681304714467177] 0.39424350620569476 -0.5548050999641418 5525 Sellel ajal valitses Venemaal postsovetlik seadusetuse aeg, mil raha eest oli võimalik osta kõike, ka rakette. At that time, Russia was going through a post-Soviet period of lawlessness, when it was possible to buy everything for money, including rockets. [84, 92, 100] 92.0 [0.525496140586804, 0.87113844457352, 1.32209936924058] 0.906244651466968 -0.3007919490337372 5526 Tegu oli viienda korraga, mil valimised edasi lükati. It was the fifth time that the elections were postponed. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0811424575112913] 0.9203719698734103 -0.2906540036201477 5527 Kui linna ohustas õnnetus, tõmbasid vahisõdurid kellarõdul asuvat häirekella. When the city was affected by the accident, armies drew the alarm bell in the rostrum. [63, 67, 59] 63.0 [-0.1581138830084191, 0.06258751955390111, -0.17849272745611192] -0.09133969697020998 -0.4633498787879944 5528 Sokrates ja Platon olid aga veendunud, et moraal peab olema kuidagi objektiivne, kokkulepetest sõltumatu. However, Socrates and Platon were convinced that the moral standard had to be somehow objective, independent from the agreements. [100, 73, 100] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 1.0811424575112913] 0.7894811633200973 -0.46757540106773376 5529 Selle üllatusrünnaku tõttu võis ühendarmee võtta oma valdusse Velletri linna. This surprising attack may have led to the conscription of the Joint Army into the city of Velletin. [51, 38, 63] 50.666666666666664 [-0.5487481822056894, -0.7609019738358548, -0.03350342494859623] -0.44771786033004674 -0.4654974043369293 5530 Uued parlamendivalimised toimusid 23. oktoobril 2004. New parliamentary elections took place on 23 October 2004. [100, 91, 100] 97.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 1.32209936924058] 1.134208193403008 -0.16199779510498047 5531 Viss võtab Priidu ja Allani ette ning ei kavatsegi Morna Turvafirma meestele armu anda. The boy takes Primary and Allani and does not intend to pardonate the husband of Morna Turvar. [25, 6, 16] 15.666666666666666 [-2.1184306265970414, -2.336799863641869, -3.807752926170573] -2.7543278054698277 -0.3801182210445404 5532 Venemaale viidi nii palju tekste, et õpetlased räägivad teisest lõunaslaavi mõjust Venemaale. Russia was given so many texts that scholars were talking about the impact of the second Southern War on Russia. [20, 18, 19] 19.0 [-2.33173549887093, -1.4768801787803418, -1.6283857525312686] -1.8123338100608468 -0.4045477509498596 5533 Peruus Huarmey' linna lähistel maanteel põrkasid kokku kaks bussi. Two buses collapsed along the road near Peru Huary. [70, 55, 63] 62.666666666666664 [0.2202278544395562, -0.5389595118353006, -0.04903101593002054] -0.12258755777525497 -0.4186789095401764 5534 Paar esimest tundi ei olnud prantslaste suurtükitulel erilist mõju liitlaste jalaväe vastu, sest Briti jalavägi asus nõlva taga. For the first few hours, the bull fire by the French people had little effect on the anti-personnel force of the allies, because the British anti-personnel were behind the scenes. [76, 73, 78] 75.66666666666667 [0.23454328731752536, 0.18819751408457033, 0.14260101950618043] 0.18844727363609204 -0.5228220820426941 5535 Hollandis astus tagasi peaminister Mark Rutte valitsuskabinet. In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte resigned his cabinet. [73, 79, 67] 73.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.21811376509484437 -0.22422122955322266 5536 Ptolemaiose geotsentrilises maailmasüsteemis selline lihtsustus võimalik ei ole. Such simplifications cannot be achieved in the geo-tolerant global system. [68, 83, 58] 69.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.6245002025956135, -0.710618469589375] -0.046587241119512623 -0.5047296285629272 5537 Moraalifilosoofia on kõige inimtegevuse kõige tähtsama liigi uurimine. Mortality rates are research into the most important species of human activity. [52, 59, 29] 46.666666666666664 [-0.5161953239392503, -0.051864964231104885, -1.12785038341693] -0.5653035571957618 -0.46315956115722656 5538 Kui metafüüsika kuulutab selle illusiooniks, siis ta peab seda näitama. If metaphysics are to describe it as an illusion, then they must show it. [53, 54, 51] 52.666666666666664 [-0.6844078629375159, -0.5579702578088042, -0.4297907926901062] -0.557389637812142 -0.567692756652832 5539 Ainsana ei tulnud kohtumisele Leedu president Dalia Grybauskaitė. The only meeting was not that of the Lithuanian President, Dalia Grybauskaitė. [29, 38, 47] 38.0 [-1.12785038341693, -1.3388618957040805, -0.8698144240265682] -1.1121755677158596 -0.2665683329105377 5540 Üle 63% referendumil osalenud inimestest hääletas seaduse vastu. Over 63% of the people who took part in the referendum voted against the law. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8031857163803974 -0.23802487552165985 5541 Aastast 1830 hakkasid saabuma sisserändajad, peamiselt Briti emigrandid. Out of 1830, immigrants, mainly British emigrants, began to arrive. [48, 45, 42] 45.0 [-1.1372282141371526, -1.0334500137463503, -1.0765987441461105] -1.0824256573432045 -0.4136793315410614 5542 Ameerika Ühendriikides Los Angeleses toimus Kuldgloobuse auhinnatseremoonia, mida juhtis Briti koomik Ricky Gervais. In the United States of America, Los Eliles, the Palme d'Or Award Ceremony was held, led by the British House, Ricky Gervais. [29, 29, 29] 29.0 [-1.1982517280698368, -1.7315343153640192, -1.12785038341693] -1.3525454756169288 -0.5918276906013489 5543 Elukat ja inimest võetakse siin mõistete ja arusaadud objektidena. Living and human beings are taken as concepts and perceptions here. [82, 56, 69] 69.0 [0.5808699337445091, -0.48592357188822877, 0.1413488724500223] 0.07876507810210089 -0.5631046295166016 5544 Aga isegi kui kõverat õnnestub muuta, on ikkagi tegu enesepettusega. But even if the curve can be changed, it is still self-deception. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6603895448580447] 0.9614904529897951 -0.42273181676864624 5545 Meid manitsetakse andestama neile, kes on meie vastu eksinud. We are being forgiven to those who have got us wrong. [37, 23, 30] 30.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.318230271796973, -1.687904046512915] -1.3921671354811942 -0.463632196187973 5546 Vastavalt käsunduslepingu sätetele, on komisjonäril väljaandmisekohustus, teatamiskohustus ja saladuse hoidmise kohustus. In accordance with the provisions of the Settlement Contract, the Commission has the obligation to issue, to report and to maintain secrecy. [73, 61, 82] 72.0 [0.2054640405950517, -0.5826355462250417, 0.5808699337445091] 0.06789947603817305 -0.455535352230072 5547 Eelmine maavärin samas piirkonnas leidis aset 14. novembril. The previous earthquake in the same region took place on 14 November. [98, 83, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 0.9912188014266828 -0.16976575553417206 5548 Kulude katteks lubati talle tasuda kõik, mis ühe aasta korralisest hinnusest rohkem ära tarvitatakse. To cover the costs, he was allowed to pay everything that is being abused more than the one-year regular price. [36, 46, 51] 44.333333333333336 [-1.2063904310939828, -0.6497079606055378, -0.7043869679309344] -0.8534951198768184 -0.5019513368606567 5549 Aga see olemuslik, mis on nende eesmärgiks ja tulemuseks hervorschaffen, on seadused, üldised laused, teooria; mõtted olemasolevast Vorhandenen. But the essence of what they are aiming for and the result of the hervorschaffen is the laws, the general sentences, the theory; the thoughts of the existing Vorhandenen. [98, 80, 89] 89.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.4936093960423005, 0.867173864977587] 0.7959466978212474 -0.42303064465522766 5550 pisi[[Itaalia ühendamineItaalia ühendamise protsess Find [Italian unification process [ [10, 18, 1] 9.666666666666666 [-2.142997348061463, -1.4768801787803418, -1.8115609826434744] -1.8104795031617595 -0.8890299797058105 5551 6. juulil 2009 õnnitles paavst Leedut esmamainimise 1000. aastapäeva puhul. On 6 July 2009, the Pope congratulated Lithuania on the 100th anniversary of his inauguration. [48, 52, 56] 52.0 [-0.8284575600026597, -0.7280381317886201, -0.2711408857067372] -0.609212192499339 -0.21179307997226715 5552 1956. aastal lämmatas Poola valitsus Poznańis ülestõusu, mille käigus tapeti ja vigastati mitmeid protestijaid. In 1956, the Polish Government stifled the uprising in Poznań, during which several protestors were killed and injured. [100, 90, 100] 96.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9451743669771346, 1.32209936924058] 1.1221257515273815 -0.2282177060842514 5553 Suveolümpiamängudel osalesid Gaboni sportlased esmakordselt 1972. aastal Münchenis. Gabon athletes participated for the first time in 1972 in Munich. [81, 85, 83] 83.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.711760740297822, 0.28667001963879457] 0.4710302540185268 -0.17835108935832977 5554 Temalt sai Rebane teada, et diviisiülem Franz Augsberger on langenud ja temale kui vanemale rügemendiülemale on diviisi juhtimine üle antud. She learned from her that the dividends, Franz Augsberger, have fallen and has been handed over to her mother as the chief of rhythm. [21, 26, 30] 25.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.8624251219173322, -1.572881112433012] -1.7273489366162142 -0.5715256929397583 5555 Et Rootsis saadi harva patente lõhkeainetele, äratas Nobeli leiutis sõjaväeametnike tähelepanu. Due to the fact that patents were rarely obtained in Sweden, the Nobel invention attracted the attention of military officials. [68, 81, 86] 78.33333333333333 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.5372396648934048, 0.4838888151444026] 0.3224950078910103 -0.35055825114250183 5556 Ühtlasi teatas firma, et on eraldanud 6,5 miljardit eurot probleemidest tingitud trahvide, hüvitiste ja parandustööde katteks. The company also announced that it had made EUR 6.5 billion available for fines, benefits and corrections due to problems. [78, 80, 82] 80.0 [0.14260101950618043, 0.37863665915867617, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3673692041364552 -0.416965126991272 5557 Ülejäänud vennad tulid esimest korda pärast 1989. aastat stuudios kokku, et lindistada taustalaulupartiisid. The remaining brothers came together for the first time since 1989 in a session to list a batch of background. [83, 74, 64] 73.66666666666667 [0.4929432823203649, 0.2613608455445319, 0.0027439006782826883] 0.2523493428477265 -0.6457477807998657 5558 Sel ajal oli Clapton väga sisse võetud ansambli The Band debüütalbumist "Music from Big Pink". At that time, the 'Music from Big Pink' group The Band debut had very much been introduced by Cchilton. [31, 30, 29] 30.0 [-1.3865071458954215, -1.687904046512915, -1.12785038341693] -1.4007538586084223 -0.5137621760368347 5559 Eestis vabastas Harju Maakohus vahi alt aprillirahutuste organiseerimises kahtlustatud Dmitri Linteri ja Maksim Reva. In Estonia, Mr Harris's court released Mr Dmitri Linteri and Mr Maxm Reva, suspected of organising the riots in April. [38, 36, 33] 35.666666666666664 [-1.0812112729394545, -0.9057405136402134, -1.1209231937549637] -1.0359583267782106 -0.4059920310974121 5560 Neloneni näitamine lõpetati Eestis märtsis seoses autoriõigustega seotud õigusaktide muutumisega. The four indicators were closed in Estonia in March following changes in copyright legislation. [30, 23, 15] 22.666666666666668 [-1.422530488855709, -1.993315928470645, -1.5720701229703633] -1.6626388467655726 -0.5017901659011841 5561 Kreeka rahandusminister Evángelos Venizélos astus ametist tagasi. The Greek Finance Minister, Evángelos Venizélos, resigned. [100, 100, 82] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 0.46039042405392566] 0.9273838546490315 -0.22382058203220367 5562 Hoolimata sellest ja rahvusvahelise kogukonna püüetest algatada rahuprotsessi, kodusõda sõjaväe ja hutu sisside vahel jätkus. Despite this and despite the efforts of the international community to initiate peace, the civil war between the military and the Hutu indoor, the peace process continued. [60, 76, 73] 69.66666666666667 [-0.3418302000470779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.26826879803671755] 0.08184230620917428 -0.42412468791007996 5563 Aastatel 1983 ja 1988 valiti Habyarimana ainsa kandidaadina presidendi ametisse tagasi. Between 1983 and 1988, Habyarimana was elected as the only candidate to re-elect the President. [45, 39, 51] 45.0 [-1.0334500137463503, -1.0983204022131197, -0.4297907926901062] -0.8538537362165254 -0.3390076160430908 5564 See näitab, et nad ajasid metafüüsika ja loogika segi. This shows that they confuse metaphysics and logic. [100, 87, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8364323900964978, 1.32209936924058] 1.0858784259005028 -0.3903377056121826 5565 20. sajandi esimese poole rahvatantsuliikumises tekkisid Fääri saarte eeskujul laulutantsud. The People's dance movement for the first half of the 20th century was led by the Faroe Islands. [40, 27, 13] 26.666666666666668 [-1.062297059252832, -0.9094605210983422, -1.635530085763711] -1.202429222038295 -0.5040064454078674 5566 Norra pealinnas Oslos anti üle 2014. aasta Nobeli rahuauhinnad. The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in Oslo, the capital of Norway. [99, 90, 80] 89.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7881226844088718 -0.2328578531742096 5567 Creami alguspäevadel varastati Claptoni esimene Les Paul Standard. Cchilton's first Les Paul Standard was stolen in the early days of Cream. [98, 79, 75] 84.0 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.014618096141847111] 0.4972180185922994 -0.3129793405532837 5568 Ta hoolitseb kõigi igaveste olendite eest ja paneb tähele pilti kõikjal. He cares for all his eternal creatures and takes note of the picture everywhere. [82, 88, 94] 88.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.7442185189868247, 1.0739581850971294] 0.7996822126094877 -0.3980863392353058 5569 Naftat tarbiti 2004. aastal umbes 1000 barrelit päevas. Around 1 000 barrels were consumed a day in 2004. [59, 67, 51] 59.0 [-0.42262624983089, -0.08966679932506398, -0.4297907926901062] -0.31402794728202005 -0.37706178426742554 5570 Soble'i meelest valmistab see asjaolu Nageli teooriale raskust. Soble considers this to be a challenge to Nagel's theory. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 1.0035007533947653 -0.4749108850955963 5571 Sarnaseid marsse korraldati samal päeval ka teistes Venemaa linnades. Similar marches were organised the same day in other Russian cities. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.29342663288116455 5572 Nendega seoses mainitakse Skandinaavia saagades, ruunikividel ja muudes allikates ning Vene letopissides esmakordselt kirjasõnas Eesti ala. These include, for the first time, the Estonian area in the written war on Scandinavian harbours, routines and other sources, as well as on Russian leavers. [59, 36, 48] 47.666666666666664 [-0.6679574951345972, -1.2063904310939828, -0.9025592071930374] -0.9256357111405391 -0.42365434765815735 5573 Eesti suursaadik Kanadas Gita Kalmet avas Edmontonis Eesti aukonsulaadi, mis hakkab teenindama Alberta provintsi. Estonian Ambassador Canada, Gita Kalmet, opened the Estonian honorary consulate in Edmonton, which will serve the Alberta Province. [94, 100, 87] 93.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.8241835542857531, 0.8364323900964978] 0.8478598016616518 -0.22826550900936127 5574 Seejärel otsustati segastel asjaoludel, et Argentina esindaja Najdorf ei saa Fine'i asendada. It was then decided in obscure circumstances that the Argentine representative, Najdorf, could not replace Fine. [74, 83, 99] 85.33333333333333 [0.29999877943339137, 0.6245002025956135, 1.013789014583392] 0.6460959988707989 -0.2823115289211273 5575 Vasakule paigutati II korpus Reille' juhtimisel, 13 000 jalaväelase ja 1300 ratsaväelasega ning selle reservi jäeti 4600 ratsanikku. The left was placed under the leadership of Reille, 13 000 anti-personnel personnel and 1 300 troops, and 4 600 ratsmen were left in reserve. [72, 78, 60] 70.0 [0.09044991547637454, 0.4063488583400919, -0.6252965206798194] -0.04283258228778434 -0.5700615048408508 5576 17. septembril 1970, päev enne Hendrixi surma, ostis Clapton vasakukäelise Fender Stratocasteri, mille tahtis kinkida Jimile sünnipäevaks. On 17 September 1970, the day before the death of Hendrix, Claston on the left bought Fender Stratocaster, which he wanted to present to Jimi on the birthday. [73, 84, 61] 72.66666666666667 [0.12647325843666224, 0.6681304714467177, -0.2908183276918498] 0.1679284673971767 -0.23878143727779388 5577 Viimast arusaama ründavad nii puhta eksklusiivsuse kaitsjad kui ka mitteeksklusiivsuse pooldajad. This final understanding is being attacked both by defenders of pure exclusivity and by non-exclusivity. [95, 82, 84] 87.0 [0.9663283887635413, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6603895448580447] 0.735862622455365 -0.5072110891342163 5578 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi lääneosas asuva bensiinijaama juures plahvatas kaks pommi. Two bombs exploded at the petrol plant in the western part of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.24396395683288574 5579 Oma nõo, William Darwin Foxi eeskujul, sattus ta vaimustusse, mardikate kogumisest. As the model of William Darwin Fox, he became impassioned, staging marches. [22, 18, 25] 21.666666666666668 [-1.4927810719324262, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7796654325525543] -1.5831088944217742 -0.5237889885902405 5580 Mare on linnas liikumas ja käib Margnalt tööd palumas. Mare is in the city and is in the process of asking Mr Margnoli for work. [89, 82, 95] 88.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8835775815176352] 0.7467986718818809 -0.5596113204956055 5581 Kultuurituristid külastavad meelsasti paastuaja eel veebruari lõpus või märtsi alguses toimuvat karnevali. Cultural tourists will be happy to visit carcasses in the run-up to their holidays in late February or early March. [42, 23, 33] 32.666666666666664 [-1.0765987441461105, -1.318230271796973, -1.557013239959602] -1.3172807519675618 -0.38605621457099915 5582 Kuldmäe tagasiastumise tingisid talle esitatud süüdistused perevägivallas. The resignation of the Golden Mountain was the result of accusations made against him of domestic violence. [79, 82, 84] 81.66666666666667 [0.1369336404488223, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177] 0.4529675808341073 -0.5251316428184509 5583 Mauritiuse peaministri kandidaadiks esitati Sir Anerood Jugnauth. The Prime Minister of Mauritius was nominated by Sir Anerode Juguth. [70, 81, 58] 69.66666666666667 [0.3684768491764302, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.2326785303854818 -0.4354618787765503 5584 Asetades end B asemele, võin ma küll järeldada, et ta peaks minu vabadusse sekkuma. If I place myself in place of B, I can conclude that he should intervene in my freedom. [100, 80, 77] 85.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005, 0.2705666302778131] 0.6297181073556747 -0.3922092914581299 5585 Kaido jõudmisel Õnne 13 majja on kurjakuulutav tagajärg. The 13 houses that arrive in Kaido are an ominous consequence. [18, 17, 15] 16.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.2550975415772707, -2.258848426590734] -1.996942048982782 -0.5244541168212891 5586 Inimtunnetuse mõisteline sisu on seotud Jumala loodud asjadega kui oma episteemiliste sarnasustega. The conceptual content of human identity relates to matters created by God as a matter of its own episodes. [28, 23, 26] 25.666666666666668 [-1.2974639223337912, -1.318230271796973, -1.7383085685286457] -1.4513342542198033 -0.6612603068351746 5587 Aukaetuse puhul on reaktiivne, kontemplatiivne moment esiplaanil, praktiline moment tagaplaanil. In terms of copyright, there is a reactive, conformidable front point, a practical point in the back yard. [31, 32, 30] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.3504838029351336, -1.572881112433012] -1.5225462310099853 -0.5978400707244873 5588 Ka materjalid sõltuvad traditsioonist ja sellest, mis on läheduses kättesaadav. Materials, too, depend on tradition and on what is available in the vicinity. [100, 94, 100] 98.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0901636694846504, 1.32209936924058] 1.1704555190298869 -0.4009861648082733 5589 Kas just armastuses ei peaks saama olla täiesti vaba? Should it not be in love that there should be complete freedom? [19, 29, 36] 28.0 [-1.5904396467317439, -1.12785038341693, -1.324739928289561] -1.347676652812745 -0.4314359128475189 5590 1370. aastatel sai ta ümberehituse tulemusel tänapäevase pikkuse. In 13760, he received a modern version of his reconstruction. [43, 36, 49] 42.666666666666664 [-1.120710551448559, -1.2063904310939828, -0.7871006959787512] -1.0380672261737642 -0.7279350161552429 5591 Rakendused on õpikus sellepärast, et nende õppimine on osa paradigma õppimisest. Applications are learning because their learning is part of a paradigm learning process. [91, 73, 82] 82.0 [0.7533661484518784, 0.4831155255603034, 0.5538386306067818] 0.596773434872988 -0.23272660374641418 5592 Saksamaal teatas asekantsler ja tööminister Franz Müntefering oma tagasiastumisest perekondlikel põhjustel. In Germany, the Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Labour, Franz Muntefering, announced his resignation for family reasons. [97, 100, 84] 93.66666666666667 [1.1980287771688547, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177] 0.982433902042288 -0.30148419737815857 5593 Olavi Kanerva alias Igor Kuula tegelaskuju oli sarjas aastatel 2009 ja 2012. The Klavi Chanerva Movement Igor's famous character was in a series of years 2009 and 2012. [26, 10, 18] 18.0 [-1.5666238606968599, -2.446018900578199, -2.2114672727261664] -2.074703344667075 -0.3740156590938568 5594 1564 on ehitist iseloomustatud kui "ilusat kivimaja", mille omanik Andreas Koffin oli põgenenud Saaremaale. 1564 has been characterised by the construction as a 'beautiful stone house' whose owner, Andreas Koffin, had fled to Saareland. [79, 83, 88] 83.33333333333333 [0.3426133161983885, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5692107640539581] 0.5121080942826534 -0.2471286654472351 5595 Ta väitis, et arvud on inimvaimu vaba looming, mis on saadud abstraheerimisel; see on kontseptualistlik mõte. He said that the figures are the free creation of the human spirit, generated by abstraction; that is the conceptual idea. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.4661734700202942 5596 Amnesty Internationali avaldatud aruandes süüdistatakse konflikti kõiki osapooli sõjakuritegude toimepanemises. A report published by Amnesty International blames all parties involved in the conflict for committing war crimes. [100, 100, 95] 98.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1264109951115293] 1.2554176346245338 -0.22455111145973206 5597 Ja kui sai, siis mil määral see mõjutas 31. oktoobri presiidiumi otsust. And if so, to what extent it affected the Presidium decision of 31 October. [98, 100, 79] 92.33333333333333 [1.239385641192763, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.9381143547102898 -0.3647541403770447 5598 Kaugus Nordkinnist Lindesnesini on 1748 km või 1752 km. The distance from North Rhine to Lindesnon is 1748 km or 1752 km. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.5784871678542709, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4949620887624109] 0.38377938875778544 -0.2672436237335205 5599 See võeti ametlikult kasutusele pärast Vabadussõja lõppu 1920. aastal. It was formally introduced after the end of the war on freedom in 1920. [81, 58, 52] 63.666666666666664 [0.7888186625839653, -0.20768092291338958, -0.4322240068442644] 0.04963791094210377 -0.2791139483451843 5600 Seal jalutades kavandas Darwin loodusliku valiku teooriat]] The theories of natural choice were devised there by Darwin]. [80, 82, 83] 81.66666666666667 [0.17436773524631535, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6245002025956135] 0.45090218948290356 -0.5960299968719482 5601 Oluline osa Burundi kultuuripärandist on trummimäng. Burundi's cultural heritage is an important part of the trump card game. [18, 30, 41] 29.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915, -1.1179556081700188] -1.4275799444877586 -0.41752034425735474 5602 Ta siiski eeldab, et võime tunda poolehoiutunnet kohaldub vaid lähedaste ringi kuuluvatele. It assumes, however, that we can only apply sympathy to those who belong close to them. [68, 78, 73] 73.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.4063488583400919, 0.26826879803671755] 0.20699140000401103 -0.5616498589515686 5603 Kuigi beefeaterid olid kunagi kuninglikud ihukaitsjad, siis 16. ja 17. sajandi alguseks oli nende peamiseks ülesandeks saanud vangide järelevalve. Although beefeaters were once King primates, at the beginning of the 16th and 17th centuries, their main task was the supervision of prisoners. [68, 52, 55] 58.333333333333336 [0.14773320318579836, -0.31935520912680904, -0.5389595118353006] -0.2368605059254371 -0.3932498097419739 5604 Anastasius I paistis silma kui energeetiline reformide läbiviija ja valitseja. Anastasius I stood out as the guardian of the energy reforms and the ruler. [71, 82, 59] 70.66666666666667 [0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3735320557396667] 0.1373822377494041 -0.41502800583839417 5605 Teiseks, antropoloogia saab aidata moraaliseadust konkreetsetel juhtudel rakendada. Secondly, anthropology can help to implement moral law in specific cases. [100, 100, 83] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8822177840520734 -0.267421156167984 5606 Kui gripiviirus muutub antigeense nihke käigus, puudub suurel hulgas inimestel uut tüüpi viiruse vastu immuunsus. When the flu virus changes in the course of an antigentic shift, a large number of people do not have a new type of virus immunisation. [97, 83, 90] 90.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8077373912864511 -0.4462723731994629 5607 Tallinnas anti Eesti Rahvusmeeskoori peadirigendile Mikk Üleojale üle Gustav Ernesaksa nimeline koorimuusika peastipendium suuruses 2015 eurot. In Tallinn, Mikk Upper, the Chief National Team of Estonia, was awarded a special burden grant of €2015, called the Gund Ernesaksa Special Loan Jolarship. [23, 34, 45] 34.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.5133829711084976, -0.952528152074385] -1.2613804649932854 -0.7191532850265503 5608 Suure sündimusega arengumaades tekkisid epideemiad igal aastal. A high birth rate in developing countries has resulted in epidemics every year. [75, 83, 100] 86.0 [0.5595413098162189, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 0.7330992021348811 -0.34667566418647766 5609 Jõest lõunas elavatest rahvastest on suuremad punud, nžebid ja mbeted, kes moodustavad kokku umbes kolmandiku rahvastikust. The population living in the south of July is larger than the nations of the South, the lungs and the lungs, which together account for about one third of the population. [24, 1, 18] 14.333333333333334 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.655442005902876, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5903309104335512 -0.5837957859039307 5610 Uue nõukogu liikmeteks saavad Aare Tark, Urmas Kaarlep, Agris Peedu, Mart Luik, Üllar Jaaksoo ja Merike Saks. Aare Tark, Urmas Kaarlep, Agris PeProgress, Mart Luik, Surlar Jaaksex and Merike Saks will be members of the new Council. [78, 75, 51] 68.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.2881777686428686, -0.4297907926901062] 0.08824527809761806 -0.2667119801044464 5611 Lindistati dr Chandleri juttu, kus ta arutas kavatsusi süüdistustega jätkata. Dr Chandler's speech about his intentions to continue charges was launched. [79, 59, 69] 69.0 [0.44997912719119615, -0.3735320557396667, 0.1413488724500223] 0.07259864796718392 -0.5413410067558289 5612 Lõplikust versioonist jättis ta need kõrvale, kuid uskus endiselt, et tema teooria on ühitatav Newtoni mehaanilise maailmapildi mõne versiooniga. In the final version, he deleted them, but he still believed that his theory could be reconciled with some versions of the Newton mechanical world picture. [44, 36, 51] 43.666666666666664 [-1.0770802825974546, -1.2063904310939828, -0.4297907926901062] -0.9044205021271812 -0.31227678060531616 5613 Autodes, õhukitest, veesõidukites ja rongides on abiandmise võimalused üldjoontes samad. Vehicles, aeroplanes, water vehicles and trains are generally the same as the options for providing assistance. [90, 100, 79] 89.66666666666667 [0.6545327129635137, 0.8241835542857531, 0.2637861396723636] 0.5808341356405434 -0.6749123334884644 5614 Eetilise väärtuse säilitamine seisneb eetiliste dispositsioonide taastootmises. Maintaining an ethical value lies in the reproduction of ethical positions. [78, 79, 79] 78.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, 0.4586486864167604, 0.44997912719119615] 0.44029205810751687 -0.4329340159893036 5615 Ühtlasi kohtus Anvelt visiidi raames Euroopa Nõukogu peasekretäri Thorbjørn Jaglandiga ning külastas Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohut. During her visit to the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary-General of Europe, also met and visited the European Court of Human Rights. [51, 46, 55] 50.666666666666664 [-0.7716684006397244, -0.9111712880504766, -0.7614846346910114] -0.8147747744604041 -0.22328230738639832 5616 Kopter uppus, piloot sai surma ja 12 meeskonnaliiget vigastada. The rocket drowned, the pilot was killed and 12 crew members were injured. [55, 54, 55] 54.666666666666664 [-0.5219469148485164, -0.3597293555905065, -0.5389595118353006] -0.4735452607581078 -0.503910481929779 5617 00 käivitus plaan "Aster" ning algas üldine Tannenbergi liini positsioonide mahajätmine. A total of 700 were launched as part of the "Aster" plan and the general abandonment of the positions of Tanzens line began. [32, 21, 42] 31.666666666666668 [-1.6006435088107063, -1.3816902345903206, -1.0765987441461105] -1.3529774958490457 -0.8003485798835754 5618 1914. aastal oli rajatud Queanbeyani ja Canberra vahele raudtee, kuid esialgu kasutati seda vaid kaubaveoks. In 1914, a railway between Queanbeyan and Canberra was established, but initially it was only used for freight. [100, 75, 76] 83.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 0.5977542019441766] 0.657438590698462 -0.3666808605194092 5619 Esiteks pole selge, mis need parimad oletused on, ja teadusfilosoofid ei ole lahendanud võistlevate hüpoteeside valiku probleemi. Firstly, it is not clear what these best assumptions are, and the scientific philosophers have not solved the problem of choosing competing hypotheses. [100, 79, 86] 88.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4838888151444026] 0.6776571535666763 -0.24268804490566254 5620 Füüsika tegeleb materiaalsete substantside formaalse aspektiga. Physical activity deals with the formal aspect of material contents. [97, 83, 68] 82.66666666666667 [0.9486832980505137, 0.5169265503896285, 0.14773320318579836] 0.5377810172086469 -0.49393126368522644 5621 Armil on suhtest Lasse Sievisega üks poeg Jiri Viitamäki. The doctor is a son of the relationship with Lasse Siberia to a reference mountain from Jiri. [22, 21, 19] 20.666666666666668 [-1.3499602531936468, -2.080576466172854, -1.8187872614188738] -1.7497746602617914 -0.4128047525882721 5622 Laine otsustab, et Roccot peab nendest asjadest eemale hoidma. The flotilla decides that Roccot must stay away from these things. [90, 80, 100] 90.0 [0.7388700887615532, 0.4936093960423005, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7185097053333435 -0.33605965971946716 5623 See, mis teaduse ühel staadiumil on julge oletus, ei ole seda enam mõnel hilisemal staadiumil. What at one stage of science is a bold assumption is no longer present at a later stage. [81, 83, 84] 82.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.4867066880395393, 0.6603895448580447] 0.561445299263663 -0.5155206918716431 5624 Ent sõnade ja tegude kogemine saab valgustada neid, kes on nende tähendusele vastuvõtlikud. However, the accumulation of words and deeds can enlighten those who are susceptible to their meaning. [74, 83, 91] 82.66666666666667 [0.5213284176882611, 0.5855686120034557, 0.9814216926040136] 0.6961062407652433 -0.285329133272171 5625 Uus teadmine asendaks ainult teadmatust, mitte vana teadmist. The new knowledge would only replace ignorance, not old knowledge. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2714002976190448] 1.159173683625749 -0.41941317915916443 5626 Rahapuudusel suleti kõik 1600 riiklikku kooli ja 43 valitsusasutust. All 1 600 national schools and 43 government institutions were closed due to lack of funding. [93, 96, 98] 95.66666666666667 [1.0539163438577714, 1.3620120445033312, 1.239385641192763] 1.2184380098512886 -0.4621744751930237 5627 Alates 1573. aastast kutsuti "tavaline" Rzeczpospolita seim kokku igal teisel aastal kuueks nädalaks. Since 1573rd, the "normal" of Rzeczpospolita Seimas was convened every second year for six weeks. [70, 77, 83] 76.66666666666667 [-0.19868677613204175, 0.2705666302778131, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2321266855804616 -0.35256487131118774 5628 Jätkuvalt otsitakse parimaid viise laeva säilitamiseks tulevastele põlvedele ja analüüsitakse olemasolevaid materjale võimalikult täpselt. The best ways to preserve the ship for future generations continue to be sought and the available materials are analysed as accurately as possible. [97, 100, 81] 92.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8844171500412941 -0.3885655999183655 5629 Fašistlik režiim kontrollis tööstust kaudselt, samas näiliselt jäi see erakätesse The fascist regime controlled the industry indirectly, while apparently it remained in private hands. [73, 100, 81] 84.66666666666667 [0.1674146996559729, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.609877553432096 -0.37466710805892944 5630 Konkreetsed objektid ei ole iseenesest ikoonid, indeksid ega sümbolid. Specific objects are not, in themselves, icons, indexes or symbols. [100, 77, 82] 86.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.36271858948898755, 0.5776758168102278] 0.673845621270169 -0.31951868534088135 5631 thumbright175px[[Leedu suurvürstiriikLeedu hetman Michał Kazimierz Pac Namely-right 175px [[The Lithuanian current of the Grand Principality of Lithuania] Michał Kazimierz Pac [70, 81, 76] 75.66666666666667 [0.018403229555799133, 0.522108649210108, 0.32953463266677707] 0.29001550381089475 -0.4926418662071228 5632 Patkul hakkas järgnevalt looma liidusuhteid Rootsile vaenulike riikide vahel, aidates nõnda kaasa Põhjasõja puhkemisele. Following the pattern, the Union began to establish relations between hostile countries in Sweden, thus contributing to the outbreak of the Northern War. [34, 30, 25] 29.666666666666668 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.687904046512915, -1.3511032965816678] -1.4391481533697137 -0.5003983974456787 5633 Normatiivse argumendi üks suur häda on see, et selle põhieeldus on vaieldav. One major problem with a Normal argument is that its basic premise is debatable. [81, 68, 75] 74.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.14773320318579836, 0.33172876083006514] 0.3389005429697561 -0.4852845370769501 5634 2010. aastal moodustasid protestandid 75,3% rahvastikust, katoliiklased 20,2%, muslimid ja teiste usundite järgijad 2,5% rahvastikust. Protestants in 2010 represented 75.3% of the population, Catholics 20.2%, Muslims and followers of other religions, 2.5% of the population. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.9204404930015818 -0.13885731995105743 5635 Aga on ka võimalus, et ma üldse ei tegele reeglite tegemisega. However, there is also the possibility that I will not be enforcing the rules at all. [75, 100, 87] 87.33333333333333 [0.19851994435723766, 1.3076476232459238, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7635425681776438 -0.5352185964584351 5636 Nende ebasidusus tuleb välja, kui öeldakse, varsti, st hilisemal ajal, leitakse end elavat varasemal ajal. Their coherence comes out when it is said, soon, i.e. later on, that they will find themselves living in the past. [94, 81, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.882963460602704, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.7810842522307618 -0.49639827013015747 5637 Iisraelis kuulas Liibanoni sõja uurimiskomisjon kuus tundi üle riigi peaministrit Ehud Olmertit. In Israel, the Lebanese War Investigation Commission heard six hours across the country's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. [68, 53, 65] 62.0 [0.14773320318579836, -0.2811423169988513, -0.12539087159621595] -0.08626666180308962 -0.36627769470214844 5638 Esimene moraalilause on nähtavasti see, et hea tahe toimib kohusest, mitte kalduvusest. The first moral sentence is apparently that goodwill works out of duty and not of inclination. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 1.0006909404498396 -0.39243993163108826 5639 Sellepärast tundub veel vähem usutav, et tuletatud eelistus on sama tugev kui eelistus tegelikus olukorras. It therefore seems even less credible that the preference that has been derived is as strong as the preference for the real situation. [100, 79, 87] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5265497895991803] 0.6918774783849355 -0.40265223383903503 5640 Teise Bulgaaria tsaaririigi tsaar oli selle armee ülemjuhataja; talle allus suurvojevood. The other Bulgarian federal state was head of that army; he was humiliated by the Great voyage. [74, 79, 83] 78.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.4586486864167604, 0.6245002025956135] 0.44332326454377796 -0.6253722906112671 5641 Ta kuulutas 19. oktoobril 1997 Kiriku doktoriks Thérèse Lisieux'st. He announced Thérèse Lisieux as the Kiriku Doctor on 19 October 1997. [79, 76, 75] 76.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.32953463266677707, -0.01280273874114997] 0.2555703403722744 -0.2525686025619507 5642 Arheoloogiliste leidude põhjal võib järeldada, et peatselt pärast Weichseli jäätumise mandrijää taandumist tekkis Norrasse inimasustus. Archaeological findings suggest that, shortly after the withdrawal of the Weichsel ice ice on the mainland, Norway's human condition was created. [58, 76, 67] 67.0 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.3190883206378832, 0.07788890965667469] -0.005633218557698466 -0.6441789269447327 5643 Samad kaks piirkonda ja pealinn Varssavi said tööstusliku tegevuse ja linna äriettevõtete valdkonnas ka mõõduka ärkamise. The same two regions and capital cities, Warsaw, received moderate awakening in industrial activities and urban business enterprises. [90, 62, 76] 76.0 [0.9299120845533435, -0.26978351412650253, 0.36345874222673896] 0.34119577088452663 -0.39969760179519653 5644 Suurbritannias on see tegu karistatav 1959. a nilbe väljaande seaduse alusel, milles sätestatakse kuriteona nilbe artikli avaldamine. In Britain, this act is punishable by a 1959 publication law, which provides for publication of the article on permits as a crime. [36, 31, 25] 30.666666666666668 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.6442737776618106, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3684781725864728 -0.3933815062046051 5645 Sloveenias Celjes pühitseti sisse uus katoliiklik piiskopkond ja seati ametisse selle piiskop Anton Stres. A new Catholic bishops were inaugurated and its Bishop Anton Stres was put in place in shelf in Slovenia. [46, 51, 41] 46.0 [-0.9898197448952459, -0.4297907926901062, -1.1179556081700188] -0.8458553819184571 -0.48830094933509827 5646 Latgalid korraldasid kättemaksuks eelmise aasta Vene vürstide väe Liivimaale tungimisele rüüsteretki Pihkva aladele. Latgale held revenge on the invasion of the Strait of last year's Russian principals into the areas of the Strait of the Union of Ghk. [37, 44, 30] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.9182036874116812, -1.697337004628338] -1.332677618865068 -0.6257450580596924 5647 Kuna hertsog Godefroi de Boullion ei nõustunud vasallitõotusega, otsustas keiser ristisõdijate vastu jõudu kasutada. As the Duchy, Godefroi de Boullion, did not agree with the latest pledge, the Emperor decided to use force against the Christian brokers. [27, 29, 57] 37.666666666666664 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.12785038341693, -0.2213743747184285] -0.959941758623977 -0.391277551651001 5648 Seda on võrreldud teisest otsast vaatamisega ja geštaldi muutusega. It has been compared with a second-end look and a change in geo-taposition. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5776758168102278, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.47339134116775355 -0.7049873471260071 5649 VÕS § 1047 ei reguleeri, kui suur peab olema andmete avaldamisel auditoorium selleks, et tegemist oleks avaliku avaldamisega. TAKES from paragraph 1047 the audit of the publication of data in order to make it public. [47, 49, 48] 48.0 [-0.5104196697665977, -0.5409659837249011, -0.5249807368801277] -0.525455463457209 -0.5654158592224121 5650 Kuningavõimu kindlustas uuesti Sverre Sigurdssoni suguvõsa. Sverre Sigurdsson's mouth was once again secured by the Taliban. [22, 10, 16] 16.0 [-1.465741972965541, -2.400018392911181, -1.9887586954122038] -1.9515063537629753 -0.656915009021759 5651 Tema esimeseks õnnitlejaks osutub vallavanem Raivo Tiik, kelle naine on samas haiglas, ainult et profülaktilistel põhjustel. His first congratulations go out to the Chief Raivo Tiik, whose wife is in the same hospital, only for prophylactic reasons. [82, 55, 69] 68.66666666666667 [0.32308333696517566, -0.302870867103411, 0.1839805288126773] 0.06806433289148066 -0.3660008907318115 5652 Plahvatusi korraldati ka muudes Pakistani linnades asuvate šiiitide mošeede juures, kuid seal oli ohvreid oluliselt vähem. The Shi'ite mosques in other Pakistani cities were also devastated, but there were far fewer victims. [61, 70, 79] 70.0 [0.317916734719099, 0.17307885384669613, 0.5464537850814665] 0.34581645788242055 -0.4725537896156311 5653 Leedu uueks siseministriks nimetati Arturas Melianas. Arturas Meliana has been appointed the new Minister of the Interior of Lithuania. [51, 81, 64] 65.33333333333333 [-0.43895855375184156, 0.5372396648934048, -0.1977368282059271] -0.03315190568812129 -0.21877293288707733 5654 Asjadele omistatavad teisesed intentsioonid ei peegelda asjade reaalseid olemisviise. The secondary movements given to the matters do not reflect the realities of the present state of affairs. [85, 78, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.4063488583400919, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5063136209689961 -0.6312692165374756 5655 Vaatamata Jaapani tugevale positsioonile Rahvasteliidus kuulutati ta Lyttoni aruandes agressoriks ja nõuti Mandžuuria tagastamist Hiinale. Despite Japan's strong position in the People's Union, the Lyon report declared aggressor and called for the return of Mandžžigua to China. [81, 84, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6030906004969873 -0.43322253227233887 5656 Kuna nad ei mängi viimases voorus omavahel, siis ei saa see voor mõjutada ka nende omavahelist skoori. As they do not play among themselves in the final round, this round cannot affect the burdens between them either. [92, 83, 88] 87.66666666666667 [0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8258170009536785] 0.7738185493742705 -0.4932795763015747 5657 Loogika tegeleb ühtede väidete dedutseerimisega teistest. Logic is about displaying one claim from another. [100, 92, 96] 96.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0176690182308925, 0.9980583701602151] 0.9710982946512107 -0.6161105036735535 5658 Liikumine suleti esimest korda 1933. aastal Jaan Tõnissoni valitsuse ja 1934. aastal Konstantin Pätsi poolt. The movement was closed for the first time in 1933 by the Jaan Tangisson Government and by Konstantin Sots in 1944. [87, 84, 90] 87.0 [0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2018533424583735] 0.5274907838317473 -0.36280104517936707 5659 Me ei saa oma äranägemise järgi otsustada, mida armastada või mida armastus meilt nõuab. We cannot decide, as we see it, what to love or what love demands of us. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.375160276889801 5660 Keisririigi ajal mainiti ja tsiteeriti Herakleitost sageli, segades ehtsat väljamõelduga. A Heracleito was often mentioned and quoted during the time of a crisis, confusing real fiction with pure fiction. [36, 35, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.4697527022573933, -0.9057405136402134] -1.193961215663863 -0.6350792050361633 5661 Tekkis importkaupade nappus ja väljavedu raskenes, kuigi sanktsioonide mõju leevendas salakaubandus. The scarcity and export of imported goods were aggravated, even though the impact of sanctions was mitigated by smuggling. [68, 77, 58] 67.66666666666667 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.36271858948898755, -0.41488891976357517] -0.11205968510539498 -0.5311163663864136 5662 Eestis sai Vanemuise teatri peaprodutsendiks Paavo Nõgene. Pope Nygene was the main producer of the Vanemuis theatre in Estonia. [37, 42, 31] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.9902503733322566, -1.5315242484091034] -1.3014222620988483 -0.4016227424144745 5663 Kroonika kohaselt rünnati Harjumaal Lohu linnust, mis kahenädalase piiramise järel alla andis. According to Kroes, in Harare, there was an attack on the suburbanisation which, following a two-week restriction, underwent an attack. [48, 32, 21] 33.666666666666664 [-1.1372282141371526, -1.3504838029351336, -1.5039548650934988] -1.330555627388595 -0.5000723004341125 5664 Bütsantsi kalendri järgi toimus maailma loomine 5509 eKr. According to the Bureau's calendar, the world was created by 5509 eKr. [62, 57, 66] 61.666666666666664 [-0.06975075057547515, -0.12829074848702035, -0.0840340075723075] -0.09402516887826767 -0.26320862770080566 5665 Samaaegselt ülestõusuga alustas Ungari liikumist mitmeparteilise parlamentaarse demokraatia suunas. At the same time as the uprising, Hungary began to move towards a multi-party parliamentary democracy. [85, 72, 100] 85.66666666666667 [0.5580489988532433, 0.44490263343234565, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7093099760108331 -0.3314441740512848 5666 Senegalis algas prantsuse keelt kõnelevate riikide ühenduse La Francophonie kahepäevane tippkohtumine. In Senegal, the two-day summit of the French-speaking Community of La Francophonie began. [100, 90, 81] 90.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9451743669771346, 0.5363189527863194] 0.8601989460426279 -0.26794561743736267 5667 Tal oli suhe Riku Jääskeläisega, Teemu Korhosega, Pete Niiraneniga kes ta vägistas ja Taneli Halosega. He had a relationship with Rik's Ice Square, Teemu Korhoi, Pete Niirana, who raped him and Tanel Halos. [35, 55, 64] 51.333333333333336 [-1.0695939144687168, -0.27816675357289444, 0.0027439006782826883] -0.4483389224544428 -0.3696703314781189 5668 Nii võetigi teised kinni ja visati vangikeldrisse, kus nende luud seniajani asuvat. That is how others have been detained and thrown into prison where their spies are up to now. [68, 74, 80] 74.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.24665490637030518 -0.5705241560935974 5669 Vaatekohtade erinevusest võib tulla faktide erinev tõlgendamine ja seletamine, aga viimasest ei saa järeldada vaatekohtade erinevust. The difference in views may be different in interpretation and explanation of the facts, but the latter cannot conclude from the point of view. [100, 85, 71] 85.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.1023089831230945] 0.6463493397226089 -0.4889441132545471 5670 Oluliselt tähtsamal idapiiril kindlustas riik kaitserajatisi ning asus seejärel kaotatud alasid tagasi vallutama. At the most important eastern border, the country secured defence facilities and then started to conquer the lost areas. [96, 80, 100] 92.0 [0.9550101465232795, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8578659461041633 -0.6037225723266602 5671 2. veebruaril jõudsid Punaarmee üksused Narva jõeni. On 2 February, the Red Army Units reached Naruden. [20, 18, 15] 17.666666666666668 [-1.5421677572214565, -1.6646330781581475, -1.5720701229703633] -1.592956986116656 -0.48642563819885254 5672 Kadeda vihkaja algne enesehinnang teiste suhtes lähtus objektiivsest mõõdupuust. Satisfaction and initial self-assessment towards others was based on an objective yardstick. [67, 81, 79] 75.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1852619939609582] 0.210944953176433 -0.4605467617511749 5673 See annab väga tugevad hoovad heasoovlikele idealistidele, keda leidub peaaegu igas valitsuses ja kes taunivad kaitsekulutusi. This will give a very strong boost to the well-meaning ideals, who are present in almost every government and who condemn defence spending. [86, 84, 87] 85.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.727690413215861, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7023090890220113 -0.554294764995575 5674 Rudolf soovib garaaži renti tõsta, rentnik Allanile on ta aga segav külaline. Rudolf wants to raise the garage lease, while the rentnik to Allani is a mixed guest. [35, 28, 23] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2424137740542707, -1.2364646201977947, -1.318230271796973] -1.2657028886830128 -0.33726751804351807 5675 Tšehhi võimud teatasid, et eelmisel nädalal Prahast 130 kilomeetri kauguselt leitud surnud luik põdes linnugripi inimesele ohtlikku vormi H5N1. The Czech authorities reported that the dead club found last week in Prague from 130 kilometres away, with H5N1, a dangerous form of avian influenza for people. [38, 31, 23] 30.666666666666668 [-1.1343437451734075, -1.6442737776618106, -1.318230271796973] -1.365615931544064 -0.47023576498031616 5676 Mõne asja puhul võib aga osutada, et ta ei saa paljalt oma otsusega mõjutada, kas ja kui palju ta sellest hoolib. However, for some things, it may be pointed out that he cannot influence the ruler by his decision whether and how much he cares about it. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5771383631874839 -0.4814426600933075 5677 Liibanonis lõppes president Michel Sleimani ametiaeg. In Lebanon, President Michel Sleimaan ended his term of office. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.23454328731752536, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 0.848182512844223 -0.2914133369922638 5678 Olemises on meil niisiis eimiski ja selles olemine; see olemine aga, mis jääb eimiskis iseenda juurde, on saamine. So, we have something in existence and we have something to be in it; that being, which remains with ourselves in the past, is being obtained. [96, 83, 77] 85.33333333333333 [0.9550101465232795, 0.6245002025956135, 0.09994004505140265] 0.5598167980567652 -0.7267730236053467 5679 pisivasakulSuurvürst [[Treniota, piltkujutis XVIII sajandist Power left of the extreme left [Treniota, photograph of the XVIII century [7, 1, 4] 4.0 [-2.5240889849829062, -2.4672074347040525, -2.1720956369344524] -2.387797352207137 -0.47995725274086 5680 Keskajal ei olnud igas ruumis kaminat või mõnda muud küttesüsteemi, mis talvel oleks sooja andnud. The centre did not have a roof or any other heating system in every room that would have given warm in winter. [45, 47, 50] 47.333333333333336 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.613460634978659, -0.7457438319548428] -0.7471282704616318 -0.5497838854789734 5681 Aastal 1343 pärast norralaste kaotust Kopenhaagenis sõjas taanlaste ja Hansa vastu tuli Norral neid eesõigusi taas kinnitada. In the year 1343 after the defeat of the Norrians in the Copenhagen war against the Danes and the Hansa, Norway had to reaffirm these privileges. [77, 54, 84] 71.66666666666667 [0.09994004505140265, -0.5579702578088042, 0.6681304714467177] 0.07003341956310538 -0.4173867404460907 5682 Mida arvab sellest kõigest Laine, kes mäletab väga hästi minevikku, aga oleviku mõistmisega kipub kimpu jääma? What is the view of all this of the Laine, who very well remembers the past, but with an understanding of the present, is tending to remain a candle? [61, 75, 68] 68.0 [-0.30580685708679023, 0.27545805178677896, 0.1096188910533485] 0.026423361917779078 -0.5474604964256287 5683 Teaduse leiutanud ja seda edasi viinud rahvad pole olnud teistest rahvastest intelligentsemad ega uudishimulikumad. The nations that invented the science and brought it forward have not been more intelligent or curious than other nations. [79, 91, 100] 90.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.9498875930254039, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8416150053211702 -0.35221707820892334 5684 Nafta puurimist alustasid edukalt 1857. aastal Trinidadi saarel La Brea linna lähistel ameeriklased. Successfully started oil drilling in 1857 on the island of Trinidad, the Americans near La Brea. [83, 83, 82] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, 0.46039042405392566] 0.556819746217665 -0.26552557945251465 5685 Proosaauhinna sai Olle Lauli teose "Kodutus" eest, luuleauhinna Kalju Kruusa teose "Tühhja" eest. The award ceremony was awarded to Olle Lauli for his work on the "home" initiative, the poet award for the "Farsi Kruusa" work. [27, 21, 14] 20.666666666666668 [-1.5306005177365722, -1.3816902345903206, -1.442410520089446] -1.4515670908054463 -0.6332045793533325 5686 Strateegia kohaselt kehtestatakse aastaks 2012 autode heitgaaside emissiooni ülempiiriks 130 grammi süsihappegaasi kilomeetri kohta. The strategy sets a limit of 130 grams of CO2 emissions from cars per kilometre by 2012. [99, 100, 97] 98.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9486832980505137] 1.0763625246399247 -0.37612029910087585 5687 Selle mudeli raames on vähe alust järeldada, et masturbeerimine on alaväärne. Within this model, there is little reason to conclude that mass security is substandard. [28, 13, 43] 28.0 [-1.7751645842151236, -1.635530085763711, -1.035241880122202] -1.4819788500336788 -0.41142982244491577 5688 Seda ei õigusta ka pühendumus konkreetsele inimesele. It is not justified either by commitment to a particular person. [76, 78, 100] 84.66666666666667 [0.5977542019441766, 0.4063488583400919, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7096937853437263 -0.4442256987094879 5689 Vasa pakkus arheoloogidele enneolematut väljakutset. The opposite offered an unprecedented challenge to the archaeologists. [49, 54, 58] 53.666666666666664 [-1.094567239682375, -0.3346008485000848, -0.21474005308299082] -0.5479693804218169 -0.33503514528274536 5690 Röntgenikiirgus kutsus esile vapustuse, Lord Kelvin pidas seda algul isegi pettuseks. The Röntgenikikik has provoked shock; Lord Kelvin even thought it to be a scam at the beginning. [56, 51, 45] 50.666666666666664 [-0.4976026478113921, -0.7716684006397244, -1.135825582665942] -0.8016988770390195 -0.5252416729927063 5691 Rahvusvahelise maleföderatsiooni FIDE kongress Haagis. The FIDE Congress of the International Malefder in The Hague. [77, 77, 76] 76.66666666666667 [0.3951887236234128, 0.36271858948898755, 0.23454328731752536] 0.33081686680997524 -0.3719281852245331 5692 Ideaaljuhul peaksin selle mõtteeksperimendi tegema iga inimese ja isegi iga tundliku olendi suhtes. Ideally, I should make this point of thought for every person and even every person who is sensitive. [96, 78, 87] 87.0 [0.769904349207558, 0.4269187050200866, 0.8364323900964978] 0.6777518147747141 -0.5121594667434692 5693 12. juulil toimus Poznańi vojevoodi Stanisław Leszczyński kuningaks valimine. On 12 July, the election of Stanisław Leszczyński as King of Poznań's voyage took place. [100, 83, 92] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.697268830788346, 0.87113844457352] 0.8891702645754321 -0.34633007645606995 5694 Õigustavaid põhjendeid otsiv kriitiline järelemõtlemine, mis viib eetikateooriani, on teist liiki. Critical reflection seeking to justify reasons leading to an ethical theory is of a different kind. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.47393572330474854 5695 Jutt on nende mehhanismide potentsiaalsest suhtest möödunud, tulevaste, kaugete või kujutletavate asjadega. We are talking about the potential relationship between these mechanisms, with future, distant or imaginative things. [71, 62, 80] 71.0 [0.12275031254723479, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4936093960423005] 0.1785329037542803 -0.3967415392398834 5696 Noorema riimkroonika kohaselt olid harjulased ehitanud kaks linnust, "kus nad oma naisi, lapsi ja varandust tahtsid kaitsta". According to the youngest rival of rice, the achers were building two agglomerations' where they wanted to protect their women, children and property '. [39, 35, 30] 34.666666666666664 [-1.049295486350713, -1.4697527022573933, -1.697337004628338] -1.405461731078815 -0.5091202855110168 5697 Mare külastab ka Ukut ja kurdab temale oma kurba saatust. Mare is also visiting the Ueva and complaining to him of his sad fate. [56, 51, 46] 51.0 [-0.48592357188822877, -0.7716684006397244, -0.9111712880504766] -0.7229210868594765 -0.6309952735900879 5698 Naispoliitikut süüdistatakse poliitiliste oponentide mõrvade tellimises. A female politician is accused of ordering murders of political opponents. [100, 79, 100] 93.0 [1.5148636130151623, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0299403453177562 -0.25868985056877136 5699 Suremuse näitaja langes 2011. aastal 2010. aastaga võrreldes 9,6%, aga 2006. aastaga võrreldes lausa 17%. The rate decreased by 9.6% in 2011 compared with 2010, but by as much as 17% in 2006. [39, 55, 48] 47.333333333333336 [-0.9034392399936904, -0.20471653274293583, -0.8284575600026597] -0.6455377775797619 -0.3883667588233948 5700 Bolševikud lootsid maailmarevolutsiooni kohesele puhkemisele. The Bolsheans hoped for the immediate outbreak of the world revolution. [91, 100, 82] 91.0 [0.774893431721841, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.7596043322208423 -0.3320413827896118 5701 Vähesed naised võrdsustavad iseeneslikku aborti surnult sündimise või kohe pärast sündi suremisega. Few women equate self-abortion with death with birth or right after birth. [70, 82, 76] 76.0 [0.3684768491764302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.36345874222673896] 0.4376018417158927 -0.3307298719882965 5702 Igal tasandil on piiramatu abstraheerimise aksioom ja ekstensionaalsuse aksioom. There is an unlimited axiom of abstraction at all levels and the axiom of bilingualism. [36, 47, 24] 35.666666666666664 [-0.8176943526903208, -0.8101336585308181, -0.9955353078065576] -0.8744544396758988 -0.451698899269104 5703 Vallad ja linnad võivad ühiste huvide kaitsmiseks ja täitmiseks moodustada omavalitsusüksuste liite. The municipalities and cities can form alliances between municipalities to defend and pursue common interests. [89, 62, 86] 79.0 [1.0073351794081433, -0.26978351412650253, 0.9798831232237539] 0.5724782628351316 -0.6449136137962341 5704 Ta leidis, et on andnud uurimisprogrammi progresseerumise ja stagneerumise kriteeriumid ning reeglid uurimisprogrammide kõrvaldamiseks. He considered that he had provided criteria for the progressive and stagnation of the research programme and rules for the elimination of research programmes. [100, 84, 92] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.87113844457352] 0.8794574781282226 -0.44081807136535645 5705 Georgi ja Are vahel on ilmselgelt veel lahtumata tundeid, mis lõpuks pinnale tulevad. There are obviously still inunsolved feelings between Georg and smells that are finally coming to the surface. [38, 50, 44] 44.0 [-1.1343437451734075, -0.8152986694908287, -0.6519006624668229] -0.867181025710353 -0.7681934237480164 5706 Balduin tungis Melisende aladele sisse, alistas Manassese ja piiras oma ema Taaveti torni sisse. In Bali, I invaded the Melislenic areas, surrendered to the Manasser and restricted my mother to the Taaet pipeline. [46, 43, 40] 43.0 [-0.8461570014911058, -1.120710551448559, -1.1593124721939274] -1.0420600083778642 -0.6947959661483765 5707 Mitmed linna läbivad väiksemad jõed nagu Queanbeyani jõgi, Jerrambomberra Creek ja Yarralumla Creek suubuvad kas Molonglo või Murrumbidgee jõkke. A number of cities pass through smaller rivers such as the Queanbeyan River, Jerrambomberra Crek and Yarralumla Crek either Molonglo or Murrubidgee. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9049493926697854 -0.24826692044734955 5708 Rünnakus hukkus aga kohalike võimude teadetel ka üheksa tsiviilisikut, sealhulgas viis naist ja kolm last. However, the attack also killed nine civilians, including five women and three children, according to reports from local authorities. [83, 75, 100] 86.0 [0.4867066880395393, 0.27545805178677896, 1.0811424575112913] 0.6144357324458699 -0.30088919401168823 5709 Ta ei eita hinge surematust, kuid leiab, et mõistus ilma ilmutuseta ei saa seda tõestada. It does not deny the souls of a peripheral state, but considers that common sense cannot prove that. [15, 1, 8] 8.0 [-2.545040371144819, -2.016289862523797, -2.0271063344269367] -2.1961455226985174 -0.6577447056770325 5710 pisivasakulVääna linnuse varemed, esiplaanil torniosa ja paremal väravakompleks. The ruins of the town in the centre-left city, the front-runner-runner and the right gateway. [42, 33, 23] 32.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.557013239959602, -1.318230271796973] -1.288497961696277 -0.578890860080719 5711 Pärast 1541. aastat ehitati värava kaitseks Liivi jõe poolsesse nurka ümmargune suurtükitorn. After 1541, the gates were built to protect the North Pole of the Gulf of Riga. [24, 33, 41] 32.666666666666664 [-1.6386705466174354, -1.557013239959602, -1.1179556081700188] -1.4378797982490186 -0.5901615023612976 5712 Eestis jätkus Euroopa Komisjoni voliniku Ján Figeľi visiit. In Estonia, the visit of European Commissioner Ján Figeľ continued. [100, 78, 90] 89.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.4269187050200866, 0.9451743669771346] 0.8177451765028376 -0.2623031437397003 5713 Temast sai esimene Kuuba suursaadik Ameerika Ühendriikidest pärast 1961. aastat. He became the first Cuban Ambassador from the United States since 1961. [90, 100, 100] 96.66666666666667 [1.132734691735585, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.188453536909473 -0.21830330789089203 5714 Alfred Nobeli vanaisa Immanuel Nobelius oli Upplandi rügemendis allohvitser. The Alfred Nobel grandfather, Immanuel Notable, was a leaflet in Uppland. [92, 81, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6868816590552281 -0.48809123039245605 5715 Möödunud 24 tunni jooksul hukkus 3 Ukraina sõjaväelast, 27 sai haavata. In the past 24 hours, 3 Ukrainian troops died, 27 were wounded. [100, 77, 82] 86.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3708914966906855, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6836216495998749 -0.29081225395202637 5716 Pärast Teist maailmasõda meenutas Canberra paljudele küla, mille korratult paigutatud hoonete rühmad jätsid inetu mulje. After the Second World War, Canberra reminded many villages, whose disorder groups of buildings gave a false impression. [86, 84, 81] 83.66666666666667 [0.5947767169204025, 0.6681304714467177, 0.27058394287051374] 0.5111637104125446 -0.6202141046524048 5717 Ameerika Ühendriikides California osariigi lõunaosas Carlsbadis puhkes ulatuslik maastikupõleng. California's State of California, south of Carlsbadis, in the United States, cleared a wide-ranging field of landscape. [67, 54, 41] 54.0 [-0.07358409902205552, -0.3346008485000848, -1.1179556081700188] -0.5087135185640531 -0.4719174802303314 5718 19. sajandi teise poole keemias peeti oluliseks mõõta looduslike keemiliste elementide ja ühendite molekulkaalu. A chemical from the second half of the 19th century considered it important to measure the molecule weight of natural chemical elements and compounds. [60, 63, 56] 59.666666666666664 [-0.2557724578077367, 0.10098660428072605, -0.2711408857067372] -0.14197557974458264 -0.260965496301651 5719 Pärast lühikest sõda Rootsiga lepiti kokku personaalunioonis Rootsiga. After a short war with Sweden, it was agreed on personal union with Sweden. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.3303002715110779 5720 Need võimaldavad välist sundimist, sest need ei puuduta mitte dispositsioone ja kavatsusi, vaid tegusid. They allow external coercion, because they are not about dispositions and intentions, but about actions. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0326013210732208, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8891372308557397 -0.4027511477470398 5721 Sambia riiklikud sümbolid on lipp, deviis, vapp ja hümn. Zambia's national symbols are a flag, a defive, a knife and an anthem. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.3110990524291992 5722 Stuartite ajal lisatud suurtükiplatvormid olid juba lagunenud. Large stem platforms included in the Students' maps had already collapsed. [27, 33, 38] 32.666666666666664 [-1.1913103462102776, -1.557013239959602, -1.2420262002417441] -1.3301165954705414 -0.577049732208252 5723 Nagu Karl Popper on alati rõhutanud, on selleks, et teadmisi rohkendada, vajalik eksida ja eksimist tunnistada. As Karl Popper has always pointed out, in order to increase knowledge, it is necessary to mislead and admit error. [75, 84, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.5595413098162189, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4216990949133613] 0.549790292058766 -0.46032050251960754 5724 Riigivalitsemine on olnud väga ebastabiilne, sagedased on olnud riigipöörded ja kodusõjad. The rule of state has been very unstable, there have been coups and civil wars. [90, 79, 85] 84.66666666666667 [1.132734691735585, 0.5464537850814665, 0.6490285747968032] 0.7760723505379516 -0.3788580000400543 5725 pisi[[Tanganjika järv on Burundi jaoks oluline nii kalapüügikoha kui ka veeteena Little [The Lake of Tanzine] is important for Burundi, both as a fishing ground and as a waterway. [58, 59, 56] 57.666666666666664 [-0.710618469589375, -0.3778535430073656, -0.16650364061497808] -0.4183252177372396 -0.5426830053329468 5726 Ints saab teada, et tema kevadine kiirlaen on uuesti pinnale tõusnud, aga Anu eest püüab ta seda kõigest väest varjata. The forecast is that his spring rapid loan has returned to the surface, but for Anu he is trying to hide it from everything he says. [42, 57, 50] 49.666666666666664 [-1.3931940608658193, -0.621798222000287, -1.6104143826997819] -1.2084688885219628 -0.5671323537826538 5727 Mida tähendab moraaliotsustuse tegemine, vaidlus moraaliküsimuse üle, moraalistandardite järgi elamine? What does it mean to make a moral decision, a dispute over the question of morality, to live up to moral standards? [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.41016486287117004 5728 Hume ja Kant põlgavad ajalugu, kumbki omal moel, ning põlgavad seda privaatsusemõistet, mida ajalugu eeldab. The interest in and Kant abhor history, both in their own way, and disdain the sense of privacy that history requires. [68, 81, 54] 67.66666666666667 [0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048, -1.290688799702713] -0.21461008125198655 -0.5042351484298706 5729 Sellepärast polegi põhjust piirata armastuse nägemisteooriat omadustega, mis armastatul on praegu. That is why there is no reason to limit the theory of love with the qualities that a loved person currently has. [85, 100, 93] 92.66666666666667 [0.7017464088819532, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8184718649847569] 0.8399600148397663 -0.49205493927001953 5730 Konkursi keskuses oli samaaegselt üleval fotograaf Kaupo Kikkase näitus Arvo Pärdist. At the same time as the competition centre, there was a photographer Kaupo Kikkas exhibition from Arvo Heritage. [63, 64, 64] 63.666666666666664 [-0.1581138830084191, 0.1391994964086838, -0.017301034533346728] -0.012071807044360684 -0.4315539598464966 5731 Vaadates last nägin, kuidas ta muutus vanurisarnaseks. Looking at the child, I saw how he became a prisoner of death. [20, 11, 1] 10.666666666666666 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -2.1053109785554267 -0.3566124737262726 5732 Laine sõidab Tallinnasse Evelinile külla ja vestleb pikalt Ernaga. The flotilla sails to Tallinn to Evelina and talks at length with Erna. [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.016289862523797, -2.6041396923861053] -2.17042116741645 -0.5104750990867615 5733 Kell 16.30 saabus Bülow lahingusse ning avastas, et tee Plancenoit'sse on vaba. 16.30 p.m. arrived in a low battle and found that the road to the Plancenoit was free. [80, 72, 64] 72.0 [0.4936093960423005, 0.23653881664004375, -0.1667477356201244] 0.18780015902073996 -0.40121540427207947 5734 Esimesena torkab silma abstraktse terminoloogia täielik puudumine. The first is the complete absence of abstract terminology. [69, 82, 73] 74.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4831155255603034] 0.34878844863344133 -0.21300257742404938 5735 Näha oli ka samast suunast tõusvaid suuri suitsusambaid. There were also large ski apes rising in the same direction. [29, 18, 38] 28.333333333333332 [-0.9135864419161961, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2420262002417441] -1.2108309403127606 -0.682750403881073 5736 Uute sanktsioonidega suurendati Sudaani firmade ja üksikisikute hulka, kellel on keelatud kaubanduslikud ja finantstehingud Ameerika Ühendriikides. New sanctions have increased the number of Sudanese firms and individuals banned from commercial and financial transactions in the United States. [76, 100, 84] 86.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6603895448580447] 0.692860461286786 -0.35772502422332764 5737 Ent tema metodoloogia ei suutnud neid ootusi täita. However, his methodology failed to meet these expectations. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7886422934300293 -0.3437751233577728 5738 Sõpruses ja romantilises armastuses on kohustused, mis sarnanevad moraalsete kohustustega. There are obligations similar to moral obligations in words and in romantic love. [80, 71, 61] 70.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, 0.20480883524336993, -0.48728828932251583] 0.07037664732105152 -0.43659892678260803 5739 Panama valimiskohus võttis endiselt presidendilt Ricardo Martinellilt juriidilise puutumatuse. The Panama Electoral Court has still removed legal immunity from President Ricardo Martin. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2463151423755008 -0.3759540319442749 5740 Need sõnad saavad tähenduse teatud suhetest objektide vahel. These words mean a certain relationship between the objects. [61, 81, 51] 64.33333333333333 [-0.5826355462250417, 0.5372396648934048, -0.4297907926901062] -0.1583955580072477 -0.5448833703994751 5741 "Layla" kõlab sellises esituses aga suurepäraselt. The 'Layla' sounds excellent in this presentation, however. [81, 80, 83] 81.33333333333333 [0.4146600021189639, 0.4936093960423005, 0.35590589178006926] 0.42139176331377787 -0.4239346385002136 5742 Tänapäeval on valdav osa Eestis töötavaid arste ja hambaarste lõpetanudTartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna. Today, the majority of doctors and dentists in Estonia are doctors at the University of Tartu. [43, 36, 29] 36.0 [-0.954227030371969, -1.426122433406289, -1.12785038341693] -1.1693999490650626 -0.41520145535469055 5743 Konkreetses olukorras tegutsedes peab ta soovima, et tema plaanid ei ebaõnnestuks teadmatuse ega eksituse tõttu. By acting in a specific situation, it must want its plans not to fail due to ignorance or error. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.6014450788497925 5744 Iisraeli endine peaminister Ehud Olmert mõisteti altkäemaksu võtmise eest kuueks aastaks vangi. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was sentenced to six years in prison for bribery. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0811424575112913] 0.9203719698734103 -0.18073895573616028 5745 Armastatud inimene väärib, et teda ei võrreldaks, ja see määrabki selle väärtustamise iseloomu. A loved person deserves not to be compared with him, and that is the nature of that valuation. [51, 75, 51] 59.0 [-0.6660402866896673, 0.5595413098162189, -0.4297907926901062] -0.17876325652118488 -0.4587702453136444 5746 Mongoolia parlament valis riigi uueks peaministriks Tšimedijn Saihhanbilegi. The Mongolia Parliament elected Chile medijn Saihhanbiu as its new Prime Minister. [54, 67, 83] 68.0 [-0.5803163758592089, -0.32666969949637503, 0.6245002025956135] -0.09416195758665684 -0.27856096625328064 5747 Jumala armastus on lõpmatu ja tingimatu sellepärast, et ta on täiesti valimatu. God's love is infinite and unstoppable because she is completely indiscriminate. [92, 77, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.36271858948898755, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6988949984557643 -0.32886800169944763 5748 Tingimuse 2 juures on raskusi sellega, mida pidada asjaolude oluliseks muutmiseks. With regard to conditionality 2, there is a difficulty with what we consider to be essential to change the circumstances. [75, 79, 82] 78.66666666666667 [-0.01280273874114997, 0.4586486864167604, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3422386271400399 -0.6285942196846008 5749 Mõiste ei ole mitte ainult arusaamise akti mõisteline vorm, vaid ka selle sisu, kui seda võtta kui arusaadut. The term is not only a comprehensible form of an act of understanding, but also its content, if it is understood. [100, 84, 72] 85.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.23653881664004375] 0.6619372485326843 -0.3753372132778168 5750 Mis siis täpselt Koperniku programmi kõva tuum oli? So what exactly was the hard core of the Copernican programme? [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3396138846874237 5751 Darwini õpinguaegsetest orientatsioonist kunsti alal ei ole mingeid andmeid. There is no data in the arts from Darwin's studies. [91, 87, 83] 87.0 [0.6971936874182915, 0.6308000598806901, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6508313166315317 -0.41123777627944946 5752 Hea elu on hinge soovitav elu; ma olengi tegelikult hävimatu ja mittemateriaalne hing. A good life is a desirable life; I am, in fact, a life that is undestroyed and immaterial soul. [75, 84, 66] 75.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.0840340075723075] 0.30527507490149175 -0.4548589885234833 5753 Võib ju olla, et Rousseaul oli õigus, et seksuaalfantaasia erineb vähe vägistamisest. It may be that Rousseaul was right, that sexual fantasy is little different from rape. [84, 73, 56] 71.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.18819751408457033, -0.2711408857067372] 0.1465955531258867 -0.3623238503932953 5754 President Saakašvili teatas oma pressiesindaja kaudu, et ei kavatse peaministri nõudmisele vastu tulla. President Saakashvili, through his spokesman, announced that he was not going to meet the Prime Minister's request. [100, 76, 86] 87.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.32953463266677707, 0.7553910091489263] 0.7280097200600446 -0.33200371265411377 5755 Pärast vaidlusalust ja katkestatud 1668. aasta seimi loobus kuningas troonist ja lükkas arvukate edasikaebuste ümbervaatamise tagasi. After the contested and cut-off zim of 1668th, the King ceased its throne and rejected the reconsideration of numerous appeals. [89, 83, 95] 89.0 [0.867173864977587, 0.6245002025956135, 0.7358791572087113] 0.7425177415939705 -0.5758997797966003 5756 pisi[[Seitse vaba kunsti olid Bütsantsi teaduse alustaladeks Big [Seven Free Arts] was the backbone of the Butsants Science [100, 82, 79] 87.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, -0.25420120097973625] 0.4838823428372277 -0.6122124791145325 5757 Autonoomne saab olla ainult "puhas" tahe, mis on isiklike huvide suhtes ükskõikne. There can only be an 'pure' will that is indifferent to individual interests. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8531309381513372 -0.29340311884880066 5758 Ülalolevas tabelis kirjeldavad paksus kirjas kirjutatud numbritepaarid partiide tulemusi, The overall table describes the results of the batches of the numbers couple written in the package, [20, 28, 23] 23.666666666666668 [-1.7827639184585862, -0.880768925528937, -1.318230271796973] -1.3272543719281655 -0.4810005724430084 5759 Oli oodata, et just selle muldkeha teevad venelased oma rünnaku lähtepunktiks, aga just sealt hävitas Rebane oma pataljoniga terve vaenlase diviisi. It was there to be expected that it was precisely this bubble that the Russians would make their attack the starting point, but it was there that Rebas destroyed the whole enemy with his pathos. [60, 71, 82] 71.0 [-0.574314160703546, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091] 0.07045486942811101 -0.5608654022216797 5760 Ordumeister suundus Paidesse esialgu väiksema salga eesotsas, andes käsu oma ülejäänud väele ja samuti Riia piiskopkonna väele sinna järgneda. The orchestra initially channelled into the Pames with a smaller cabin, giving you the rest of your troops and also the army of the Riia bishops to follow there. [34, 23, 44] 33.666666666666664 [-1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973, -0.9938850160982935] -1.2751660863345882 -0.6655826568603516 5761 thumbleft215px[[Õigeusu kirikÕigeusu Püha Sophia katedraal Kiievis thumbleft215px [The Orthodox Church of the Church of the Orthodox Church, Pyophia katedraal, Kiev [30, 41, 18] 29.666666666666668 [-1.687904046512915, -1.0262737162925444, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3970193138619338 -0.44951319694519043 5762 Sel juhul tuleks varasemaid väiteid modifitseerida.) In this case, previous claims should be modified.) [83, 100, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8822177840520734 -0.2987075448036194 5763 Utilitarism paigutab inimesed moraalsesse arvutusse ainult üldisele hüvele kaasaaitajatena, nii et neid koheldakse ainult instrumentaalse väärtusena. Utilitarism only places people in moral harmony as facilitators of the general good, so that they are treated only as instructive values. [81, 83, 82] 82.0 [0.4146600021189639, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5309996117737864 -0.5535079836845398 5764 Teine asi oleks siis, kui jutt oleks teatud liiki vaatleja jaoks mingit värvi olemisest. The second thing would be if we were talking about having some sort of colour for a certain kind of observer. [54, 42, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -0.7946972631130536, -1.12785038341693] -0.7218256904669591 -0.4622151553630829 5765 Sellisel juhul on tegemist vastastikuse lepinguga ning ühe poole kohustus on maksta tasu ja teise poole kohustus asja hoida. In this case, it is a mutual agreement and it is the duty of one party to pay a fee and the other party to keep the matter alive. [88, 84, 80] 84.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.6172985934001295, 0.4936093960423005] 0.5925771307611359 -0.4849371910095215 5766 Meie kultuuri rõhuasetust armastatu ainukordsusele on vist võimatu mõista, kui ei mõisteta armastuse kogu meelt täitvat, kvaasiobsessiivset aspekti. The emphasis on our culture on an unloved one is perhaps impossible to understand if there is no understanding of a body of love, a sickening, obsessive aspect. [36, 29, 10] 25.0 [-1.324739928289561, -1.0164676786809514, -1.8834153711296966] -1.4082076593667363 -0.6121519207954407 5767 Nende väikeste lahknevuste vähendamine moodustaski suure osa Ptolemaiose järgijate normaalteadusest. Reducing these minor discrepancies is also a major part of normal science among the followers of the Ptolerant regime. [81, 95, 65] 80.33333333333333 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1153150491210377, -0.3871436867160806] 0.4218036757661206 -0.7619726657867432 5768 Seega kutsutakse üllatusrünnakut ka esimeseks Velletri lahinguks. So the first Velletin Minister's battle is also called the surprise attack. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0539163438577714, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8962422384505899 -0.5661603808403015 5769 Eesti ja Läti vastuvõtmisele andis kuues komisjon heakskiidu 15. septembril, Leedu vastuvõtmisele viis päeva hiljem. The sixth Commission approved the adoption of Estonia and Latvia on 15 September, five days after Lithuania's adoption. [59, 62, 56] 59.0 [-0.3778535430073656, -0.08076099732669434, -0.4976026478113921] -0.3187390627151507 -0.3954000473022461 5770 See viis tutside ja hutude võõrdumiseni, sest viimased tundsid end endiselt rõhututena. This led to the estrangement of Tutsis and Hutu, who were still feeling oppressed. [82, 78, 67] 75.66666666666667 [0.4506833450792516, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] 0.3116403710253394 -0.4631043076515198 5771 Riigi ala asub suhteliselt kõrgel, keskmiselt 1585 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast. The country's area is relatively high, on average 1585 metres above sea level. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 1.2317031962969613 -0.3691633641719818 5772 Rõhutamaks, et abi ei teeni Muski ärihuve, andis SolarCity teada, et firmal pole Alabamas ühtegi käesolevat ega planeeritud äritegevust. In order to point out that the aid does not serve the commercial interests of Muski, the SolarCity announced that the company does not have any current or planned business activities in Alabaki. [66, 77, 71] 71.33333333333333 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.36271858948898755, -0.15602580167726396] 0.02700088184212397 -0.3540974259376526 5773 Koos nendega saabusid saarele varem tundmatud surmavad haigused, sealhulgas gripp. Together with these, unidentified, deadly diseases, including influenza, arrived on the island. [34, 42, 25] 33.666666666666664 [-1.102146772735156, -0.7014841304063864, -1.2547703090036253] -1.019467070715056 -0.48091909289360046 5774 Peter Christen Asbjørnsen ja Jørgen Moes andsid välja norra rahvamuinasjutte, mis esimest korda ilmusid 1840ndatel. Peter Christen Asbjornsen and DERgen Moes issued the standard popular fairy tales, the first time in the 1840s. [82, 77, 72] 77.0 [0.46039042405392566, 0.3465494138262307, 0.29272250569331404] 0.36655411452449016 -0.5000687837600708 5775 Iga mõistlik inimene tajub, et kohtusaalis kõlab iga väljaöeldud negatiivne hinnang süüdistusena. Every reasonable person feels that every negative assessment of the court case sounds like an accusation. [81, 83, 90] 84.66666666666667 [0.29116755037643405, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.48812547873109785 -0.6275671720504761 5776 Ainult moraaliseaduse käskude imperatiivide ignoreerimist me ei saa vabalt valida. It is only by ignoring the imperatives of moral law that we cannot choose freely. [80, 83, 85] 82.66666666666667 [0.17436773524631535, 0.5855686120034557, 0.711760740297822] 0.4905656958491977 -0.3107149302959442 5777 Hiljem sünnitas Andriette veel ühe poja ja tütre, kuid mõlemad surid imikuna. Later, Andriette gave birth to another son and girl, but both died as a baby. [81, 100, 91] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.2784462571144104 5778 Seetõttu põhineb varustuselementide rügmitamine väljakujunenud tavadel. This is why the desecration of supply elements is based on established practices. [96, 89, 81] 88.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7560661039333944 -0.3160705268383026 5779 Major Baringi üksusse jäi "paberite järgi" alles 42 meest, mis sisaldas tegelikult ka "kadunuid". The Mayor Baring was left with 42 men on paper, which in fact contained 'disappeared'. [57, 48, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.4562457837874836, -1.1372282141371526, -0.6844078629375159] -0.7592939536207174 -0.411469966173172 5780 Prantsusmaalt ei olnud abi oodata, nende selle aasta pingutused keskendusid Flandria kampaaniale. France was not in a position to wait; their efforts this year focused on the Flemish campaign. [42, 29, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.12785038341693, -1.426122433406289] -1.181407730051825 -0.38907453417778015 5781 Uus keiser Theodosius I tegi mässajatega rahu ja seda rahu ei murtud kuni Theodosiuse surmani aastal 395. The new emperor Theodosius I peace with the rebels, and this peace was not broken until the death of Theodosius in 395. [75, 86, 79] 80.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.7553910091489263, 0.45360522473850245] 0.46917205941488876 -0.2419731318950653 5782 pisiKell 14 oli liitlaste armee ohtlikult kaheks eraldatud. At 14 o'clock, the army of allies was dangerously separated from two. [18, 27, 36] 27.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228, -1.324739928289561] -1.5401383200453769 -0.44568437337875366 5783 Teatamata jätmise korral võib töövõtja eelarvet ületanud summat nõuda üksnes ulatuses, milles tellija on alusetult rikastunud. In the event of non-notification, the contractor may only charge a sum above the budget, to the extent of which the subscriber has unduly enriched. [100, 74, 73] 82.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.23182778293567463, -0.07070385276770842] 0.42007581617746553 -0.45977696776390076 5784 Selleks pidi ta tagama, et Royal Navy ei saaks häirida sissetungiflotilli, mis eeldas kontrolli La Manche'il. To this end, it had to ensure that the Royal Navy could not upset the inflamb, which required control in the Channel. [49, 56, 31] 45.333333333333336 [-0.7871006959787512, -0.48592357188822877, -1.1934178450087216] -0.8221473709585672 -0.4674973785877228 5785 Funchali keskmine õhutemperatuur kõigub näiteks 15,9 °C märtsis kuni 22,2 °C augustis. For example, the average air temperature of Funchal varies from 15.9 ° C in March to 22.2 ° C in August. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.2651289105415344 5786 Ka mõned hilisemad teoreetikud on eeldanud, et eetikasüsteem peaks eeskujuks võtma teadusliku teooria. Some subsequent theories have also assumed that the ethical system should set an example by scientific theory. [82, 80, 84] 82.0 [0.4506833450792516, 0.17436773524631535, 0.6681304714467177] 0.4310605172574282 -0.3757220208644867 5787 29. märtsil 2001 oli ta sunnitud võimult lahkuma, sest teda kahtlustati segatuses Vene organiseeritud kuritegevuse finantsoperatsioonidesse Naurul. On 29 March 2001 he was forced to leave power because he was suspected of being involved in the financial operations of Russian organised crime in Naples. [85, 84, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7017464088819532] 0.6729684850418246 -0.30413398146629333 5788 Juunis 1962 tühistas ÜRO Belgia hooldusõiguse ja otsustas moodustada iseseisvad riigid Rwanda ja Burundi. In June 1962, the United Nations suspended the custody of Belgium and decided to establish independent states of Rwanda and Burundi. [97, 83, 90] 90.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 1.132734691735585] 0.9160894612715885 -0.31560611724853516 5789 Kreeka üksused korraldasid Albaania lõunaosas sõjalisi õppusi. The Greek forces organised military exercises in the south of Albania. [100, 71, 100] 90.33333333333333 [1.0463418728498313, 0.4066897413043879, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8593366366337097 -0.2828081250190735 5790 Tegemist oli esimese nii kõrgetasemelise kohtumisega enam kui 60 aastat kestnud konflikti kestel. This was the first such high-level meeting during over 60 years of conflict. [100, 99, 100] 99.66666666666667 [0.8975674955625244, 1.2714002976190448, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0979820296428267 -0.32706987857818604 5791 Nimetus on aga eksitav sellepärast, et sellel emotsioonil on alati mingi aste. The name is misleading, however, because this emotion always has some sort of colour. [42, 29, 36] 35.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.12785038341693, -1.426122433406289] -1.181407730051825 -0.39157307147979736 5792 Isegi eetika vallas tundub liiga kitsas, kui öelda, et headeks tunnistatavad inimesed on need, keda meil kästakse jäljendada. Even in the area of ethics, it seems too narrow to say that the people who are being recognised as good are those who we are being told to emulate. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.42455142736434937 5793 Üsna loomulik, et ta astub läbi ka Georgi advokaadibüroost. It is quite natural that he should also pass through Georgi from the lawyers' office. [58, 53, 62] 57.666666666666664 [0.047972106602549316, -0.36633082989675864, -0.2494614636679413] -0.1892733956540502 -0.46043661236763 5794 Suur osa Malawi maavaradest on põhjalikult läbi uurimata ja kasutusele võtmata. A large proportion of Malawi's land resources have not been fully explored and deployed. [100, 84, 86] 90.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8454040133664965 -0.5623680949211121 5795 2016. aasta märtsi seisuga on Gaboni meeste koondis FIFA edetabelis 83. kohal. As of March 2016, 83rd place is held in the FIFA ranking of Gabon men. [23, 12, 1] 12.0 [-1.4275290808375833, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -1.9723559430647242 -0.38446322083473206 5796 Keerulises vanuses Annabel on endale teadvustanud oma prantsuse päritolu ja teeb sellega keeruliseks nii enda kui ka teiste elu. In the midst of the difficult age Annabel, it has become aware of its French origin, making its own lives and those of others difficult. [73, 67, 79] 73.0 [0.23296465611729889, 0.07788890965667469, 0.44997912719119615] 0.25361089765505657 -0.5404322743415833 5797 Need kohused on meile siduvad, kuigi meid ei saa väliselt sundida neid täitma. These commitments are binding on us, although we cannot be forced from outside to comply with them. [94, 100, 97] 97.0 [1.2520693319416567, 1.1249782957469103, 1.198905646365287] 1.191984424684618 -0.38890600204467773 5798 Borg võtab Euroopa Komisjonis üle oma eelkäija John Dalli lahkumisel vabaks jäänud tervishoiuvoliniku portfelli. Borg will take over the portfolio of his predecessor, John Dalli, who will leave the European Commission. [83, 77, 80] 80.0 [0.6245002025956135, 0.3708914966906855, 0.4903786678134342] 0.49525678903324444 -0.45214980840682983 5799 Kui vajatakse spetsialiseeritumat ravi, saadetakse patsient edasi piirkonna keskhaiglasse. If more specialised treatment is needed, the patient will be transferred to the central hospital in the region. [75, 67, 82] 74.66666666666667 [0.2881777686428686, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091] 0.3156455373480175 -0.3060840368270874 5800 Sri Lanka valitsus teatas, et tühistab kasvanud vägivalla tõttu mässulise relvarühmitusega Tamili Tiigrid Norra vahendusel sõlmitud vaherahu. The Sri Lankan Government has announced that it will cancel the ceasefire with the rebel militant Tamil Tigers through Norway due to increased violence. [45, 37, 29] 37.0 [-0.8821803444513935, -0.9759338912474481, -1.12785038341693] -0.9953215397052572 -0.41980645060539246 5801 1944. aasta veebruaris jõudsid Nõukogude väed uuesti Eesti piiridele. In February 1944, Soviet troops returned to the borders of Estonia. [100, 100, 97] 99.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.198905646365287] 1.0407309063384902 -0.24054332077503204 5802 Serbias toimus president Aleksandar Vučići ametlik inauguratsioonitseremoonia. Serbia held the official inauguration ceremony of President Alexander Vučić. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9662759086296061 -0.2186708152294159 5803 Alaline asustus tekkis alles 1592. aastal kui Antonio de Berrio rajas San José de Oruña koloonia. The permanent settlement only arose in 1592 when Antonio de Berrio founded San José de Oruña colony. [100, 85, 86] 90.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.5906018571196825] 0.8091136310548048 -0.2693488299846649 5804 Kõik ekspeditsioonid uurisid Molonglo jõe seda haru, millele on tänapäeval rajatud Burley Griffini järv. All the expeditions examined the branch of the River Molonglo, which has today been built in Lake Burley Griffin. [60, 51, 81] 64.0 [-0.3321751917157582, -0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048] -0.07490877317081986 -0.48735490441322327 5805 Pärast seda edenes gaaside uurimine kiiresti, eriti Henry Cavendishi, Joseph Priestley ja Carl Wilhelm Scheele käe all. Since then, gas exploration was accelerated, especially under the hands of Henry Cavendish, Joseph Priestley and Carl Wilhelm Scheele. [84, 84, 77] 81.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, 0.727690413215861, 0.3708914966906855] 0.5404373136354579 -0.2461388260126114 5806 Kasahstani siseministeerium andis välja määruse president Nursultan Nazarbajevi väimehe, endise suursaadiku Austrias Rahhat Alijevi vahistamiseks. The Ministry of the Interior of Kazakhstan issued a regulation to arrest the Strait of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, a former ambassador of the Austrian People's Aliyev. [30, 39, 48] 39.0 [-0.8804292505879635, -0.810550569450192, -0.8284575600026597] -0.8398124600136051 -0.2219303399324417 5807 Vallavanem Tiik ja lavastaja Katrin on armunud ega suuda käsi teineteisest eemal hoida. The parent, the laser, the lady, Katrin, has appeared and is unable to keep their hands out of each other. [34, 45, 23] 34.0 [-1.5133829711084976, -0.952528152074385, -1.318230271796973] -1.2613804649932854 -0.5437605381011963 5808 Alates 1960ndatest sai tavaliseks järeldada, et adekvaatsem teaduse teooria peab lähtuma teoreetilise raamistiku mõistmisest. Since the 1960s, it was common practice to conclude that a more adequate scientific theory must be based on an understanding of the theoretical framework. [96, 98, 100] 98.0 [0.9161304397840745, 1.4384378287592468, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1598488547634105 -0.32891494035720825 5809 Nii vabastati Kõdar oktoobris 1939 ametist, kuid ametiasjade lõpetamine venis ja ta lahkus Genfist Eestisse alles 19. märtsil 1940. That is the way the curtain was released in October 1939, but the end of the office was delayed and he only left Ghent to Estonia on 19 March 1940. [59, 51, 55] 55.0 [-0.051864964231104885, -0.46847133247114325, -0.302870867103411] -0.2744023879352197 -0.4711625874042511 5810 1966. aastal valmis entsüklopeedia I köite makett. In 1966, an encyclone I rocket of the encyclone was prepared. [12, 8, 3] 7.666666666666667 [-2.0709506621408877, -2.6477699612372096, -2.708057564160651] -2.4755927291795827 -0.5920143127441406 5811 Kaevetööde käigus leitud põnevad ja haruldased leiud on raekoja pööningul uudistamiseks väljas. Insects and rare bread found during the course of cannacht are on the back of the Chamber's turn for news. [26, 22, 18] 22.0 [-1.5666238606968599, -2.0369461973217495, -1.4768801787803418] -1.693483412266317 -0.7675958871841431 5812 Ma tegin täpselt samuti nagu Markii de Sade, kes annab kõikidele tegelastele vanused. I did just like Markii de Sade, who gives the age of all the figures. [100, 93, 85] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0326013210732208, 0.711760740297822] 0.9478218599118243 -0.4132574200630188 5813 Iraagis Sāmarrā's toimus Şaddām Ḩusayni leinavate sunniitide meeleavaldus. In Sâmarra (Iraq), there was a demonstration by the Sunni mourning in Sāmarra in Sâaddm Hamas. [28, 44, 16] 29.333333333333332 [-1.3222959112391464, -0.9182036874116812, -1.6950193257332875] -1.3118396414613718 -0.4943024814128876 5814 Sellegipoolest nimetatakse kiirabitehnikut või erakorralise meditsiini tehnikut sageli ka kiirabisüsteemi sees sageli autojuhiks. Nevertheless, the ambulance or emergency medical technique is often referred to as a driver within the ambulance system as well. [68, 74, 80] 74.0 [-0.001320279524490586, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.2640959653170671 -0.4661036431789398 5815 Sellele olid aga vastu suurem osa keisririigi elanikkonnast ja õigeusklik kirik, kelle mahasurumiseks kasutas keiser karme abinõusid. However, it was opposed by the majority of the population of the Imperial State and the Orthodox Church, which were subjected to harsh measures by the Emperor. [99, 79, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0630801754041426, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8120363112638384 -0.39156752824783325 5816 Lisaks näeb põhiseadus ette võimaluse moodustada merekohtuid, arbitraažitribunale ja rahukohtuid. In addition, it provides for the possibility of forming maritime courts, arbitration tribunals and peace courts. [100, 92, 84] 92.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8533965678800458 -0.3380935490131378 5817 23. veebruar 2013 Itaalia president Giorgio Napolitano. of 23 February 2013, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. [84, 84, 84] 84.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.648606203234964 -0.2895655035972595 5818 Lahkumise põhjuseks said lahkhelid küsimuses, kui palju mõju peaks liikumise endisel juhil Lutz Bachmannil organisatsiooni üle olema. The reason for the solution was disagreement over how much influence the former leader of the movement, Lutz Bachmannia, should have over the organisation. [84, 83, 81] 82.66666666666667 [0.5227300309998271, 0.5855686120034557, 0.5372396648934048] 0.5485127692988958 -0.3404397964477539 5819 Kui Euroopa diplomaatias domineeris prantsuse keel, oli Poolas ametlik keel ikka veel ladina keel. When European diplomacy was dominated by French, Latin was still an official language in Poland. [79, 80, 81] 80.0 [0.3627318492546081, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5372396648934048] 0.46345006065381567 -0.19731970131397247 5820 pisi[[Valdemar IV, Taani kuningas Jüriöö ülestõusu ajal Find [Valdemar IV, King of Denmark during the Jury [18, 22, 25] 21.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -2.0369461973217495, -1.8845074786158034] -1.7994446182392982 -0.5991135835647583 5821 Filosoofia ei saa seda luua paljastest mõistetest, vaid vajab kõige tihedamat kokkupuudet ajalooliste kultuuriteadustega. This philosophy cannot be built on mere concepts, but requires the closest interaction with historical cultural sciences. [79, 83, 87] 83.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5855686120034557, 0.7844601369297701] 0.606669292041474 -0.5171314477920532 5822 13 piirkonnast 7 piirkonnas võitis valimised parempoolne erakond Vabariiklased, 5 piirkonnas vasakpoolne Sotsialistlik Partei. In 13 regions in 7, the Right-wing Republican Party won the elections, while in 5 regions the Left-wing Socialist Party won the elections. [56, 82, 57] 65.0 [-0.290569303981979, 0.5808699337445091, -0.44990022892794107] -0.05319986638847032 -0.42484134435653687 5823 Seetõttu ei saa neist hinnangutest liberaalide järgi juhinduda riik, vaid ainult eraisikud, eriti lastevanemad. Therefore, these assessments cannot be dictated by the liberals, but only by private individuals, especially parents. [73, 78, 82] 77.66666666666667 [-0.07070385276770842, 0.3065899732381008, 0.5808699337445091] 0.27225201807163385 -0.45482730865478516 5824 1185. aastal tegi Isaak II Angelos lõpu Andronikose lühikesele valitsemisajale ja lasi viimase hukata. In 1185, Isaak II, Angelaos, put an end to the short period of government in Andronikose and executed the latter. [45, 52, 59] 52.0 [-0.6170256534756766, -0.7280381317886201, -0.3778535430073656] -0.5743057760905542 -0.3400004804134369 5825 Tervisekindlustuse allsüsteemidesse teevad makseid nendega liitunud töötajad ja tööandjad. The subsystems of health insurance are paid for by their associated workers and employers. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8001304653956343 -0.4765845537185669 5826 Musk pandi Pretorias asuvasse kooli varakult, ta oli kooli kõige noorem ja kasvult väikseim õpilane. The Roma were put at a school in Pretoria early, with the youngest and least low school. [16, 33, 23] 24.0 [-2.502379396690041, -1.314460459974846, -1.4275290808375833] -1.7481229791674904 -0.4756048023700714 5827 Aastal 1294 pidi kuningas koguni nõustuma Hansa eesõiguste olulise laiendamisega. In 1294, King even had to agree to a substantial extension of the privileges of Hansa. [84, 79, 73] 78.66666666666667 [0.9034573389678384, 0.45360522473850245, 0.5026532966426449] 0.6199052867829953 -0.3139216899871826 5828 thumbright300 px[[Izaak Jakubowiczi sünagoog Kazimierzi linnaosas Krakówis Twelve-right 300 px [Izaak Jakubowicz synagoog Kazimierz in Kraków [16, 31, 1] 16.0 [-2.298727810428375, -1.3865071458954215, -2.016289862523797] -1.9005082729491978 -0.293773889541626 5829 Seega erineb rendileping üürilepingust oma eesmärgi poolest, rendilepingu puhul on esikohal renditud asjast kasu saamine. As a result, the temporary contract differs from the type of rental contract for its purpose, with the priority given to temporary employment contracts to benefit from the rental concerned. [79, 56, 68] 67.66666666666667 [0.3426133161983885, -0.2711408857067372, 0.09098370898113407] 0.05415204649092844 -0.6134888529777527 5830 Lyell populariseeris inimese esiajaloo ja Huxley näitas ära, et anatoomselt inimene põlvneb ahvist. Lyell popularised human history and Huxley showed that an anachronistic person is generations of greed. [28, 40, 11] 26.333333333333332 [-1.3222959112391464, -1.062297059252832, -1.8860837863730762] -1.423558918955018 -0.5323355793952942 5831 Iseenese armastaja samastab end armastatuga väga tugevalt. Self-loving and identify with a loved one is very strong. [44, 31, 18] 31.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.6442737776618106, -1.4768801787803418] -1.3464525479512781 -0.5819739103317261 5832 Senise valitsuskoalitsiooni juhtiv erakond, paremtsentristlik Uus Demokraatia sai 27,8% toetuse ja 76 kohaga parlamendis paremuselt teise tulemuse. The leading party of the current ruling coalition, the centre-right New Democracy, received 27.8% support and a second best result in Parliament with 76 seats. [85, 100, 79] 88.0 [0.5580489988532433, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.7110021405971166 -0.3059418201446533 5833 Kinnipeetavad ründasid neid žiletiterade, metallitükkide ja elektripirnitükkidega. These detainees attacked them with jilethaltics, metallic compounds and electrical transgressions. [32, 23, 13] 22.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.0242269033759628, -1.635530085763711] -1.3367469306916024 -0.7003714442253113 5834 Enamikus linnades toimusid meeleavaldused võimude loata, mõnel pool tuli need loa puudumise tõttu ka ära jätta. In most cities, demonstrations took place without the consent of the authorities, and in some cases they had to be excluded due to a lack of authorisation. [82, 56, 82] 73.33333333333333 [0.5808699337445091, -0.2711408857067372, 0.5776758168102278] 0.29580162161599993 -0.458467572927475 5835 Jaapan kosmoseagentuuri JAXA kosmosesond Akatsuki sisenes Veenuse orbiidile. The Japanese space agency JAXA's cosmoseond Atrik entered the Water orbit. [41, 43, 39] 41.0 [-1.1179556081700188, -0.954227030371969, -0.9034392399936904] -0.9918739595118927 -0.4696624279022217 5836 Keenia opositsioon alustas kolmepäevast üleriigilist meeleavalduste lainet, et protesteerida presidendivalimiste tulemuste vastu. The Kenyan opposition started a three-day national wave of demonstrations to protest against the results of the presidential election. [75, 100, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.27545805178677896, 1.32209936924058, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8402023507411785 -0.267164945602417 5837 Mis tahes põhjend moraalne olemiseks peab olema moraalne või mittemoraalne. It must be moral or immoral to be for any reason. [43, 45, 44] 44.0 [-0.954227030371969, -0.620170681070149, -1.0770802825974546] -0.8838259980131907 -0.4342752695083618 5838 Aadel pidi kogunema Varssavi lähedal Wolas, et kuninga valimistel hääletada. In time it was due to meet in Wolas near Warsaw in order to vote with art in elections. [20, 19, 18] 19.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -2.167837003875062, -1.4768801787803418] -1.8091603670379968 -0.47468847036361694 5839 Portugali koloniaalimpeerium Portugali kuningriik Portugal 2018. aasta taliolümpiamängudel Portuguese colonial empire to Portugal at the Winter Olympics in 2018 [93, 80, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6843460170916226 -0.32689082622528076 5840 Lahing oli löök äsja loodud Ladina keisririigile, mis langes kaosesse. The battle was a blow to the newly created Latin Emperor, which fell into chaos. [69, 78, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.017620113404488574, 0.4063488583400919, -0.050236833538643035] 0.11283063713232007 -0.3973136842250824 5841 3. augustil nurjati Grenaderimäe rünnak Saksa suurükiväe poolt eos. On 3 August, the attack by the German Grenadernae army was thwarted in the bud. [60, 60, 85] 68.33333333333333 [-0.3321751917157582, -0.6252965206798194, 0.711760740297822] -0.08190365736591854 -0.5293319821357727 5842 Ei tohi näiteks silmas pidada neid mõisteid, mis saadakse võrdleva abstraheerimise teel ja ühendavad teatud hulgale eksemplaridele ühist. For example, these concepts, which are obtained through comparative abstraction and bring together a certain number of copies in common, must not be taken into account. [100, 80, 86] 88.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.17436773524631535, 0.7553910091489263] 0.6762874209198907 -0.49741947650909424 5843 Sedasi sai Mihhail Botvinnikust 1948. aastal Nõukogude Liidu esimene male maailmameister. This is what Mikhail Botvinners became in 1948 the first most important world champion of the Soviet Union. [78, 78, 78] 78.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.4269187050200866, 0.4063488583400919] 0.37995251219942644 -0.47585275769233704 5844 pisivasakulRõngu vasallilinnuse varemed idaküljest, Wilhelm Tuschi joonistus XIX sajandi algusest The ruins of the left-leaning city in the east of Wilhelm Tuschi's footnote from the beginning of the XIX century [73, 83, 62] 72.66666666666667 [0.26826879803671755, 0.6245002025956135, -0.3152323948096562] 0.19251220194089158 -0.580255389213562 5845 1981. aastal kutsus produtsent Martin Lewis Claptonit esinema Amnesty International heategevusüritusel The Secret Policeman's Other Ball. In 1981, the producer Martin Lewis Cchilton was invited to appear at the charity event The Secret Policeman ', The Secret Policeman'. [35, 40, 29] 34.666666666666664 [-1.4697527022573933, -1.1593124721939274, -1.12785038341693] -1.2523051859560834 -0.4067809283733368 5846 Palestiina valitsev islamiliikumine Ḩamās esitas omavalitsuse presidendile Maḩmūd ‘Abbāsile kinnitamiseks uue valitsuse nimekirja. Hamas, the governing Islamic movement in Palestine, submitted the President of the Authority, MaPemūd, to confirm the list of new governments for the approval of Spirit Abbas. [85, 78, 100] 87.66666666666667 [0.5587533739601147, 0.4063488583400919, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6293839544987944 -0.6208043098449707 5847 Tšaadis ründasid neli naissoost enesetaputerroristi Koulfoua saart. In Chad, four female suicide bombers attacked the island of Koulfoua. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.038402712144736 -0.09991934150457382 5848 Varajases kreeka filosoofias oli tähtis koht metafooridel. The early Greek philosophy played an important role in metaphories. [56, 82, 85] 74.33333333333333 [-0.4976026478113921, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] 0.1482684983889659 -0.4256448745727539 5849 13. veebruaril 2006 mälestas USA Riigidepartemang 50 aasta möödumist Ungari revolutsioonist. On 13 February 2006, the US State Department commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. [78, 82, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.412248360714594, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7060321967353378 -0.16535940766334534 5850 Pakistanis Pandžabi provintsis ründas mootorrattal enesetaputerrorist õhujõudude sõdureid vedanud bussi. In Pakistan, in the province of Punjab, on motorised suicide bombers attacked buses carrying air soldiers. [59, 80, 70] 69.66666666666667 [-0.3778535430073656, 0.4936093960423005, 0.17307885384669613] 0.09627823562721033 -0.36368265748023987 5851 Suurem osa selgroogsete viiruseid nakatavad ainult ühte liiki, kuid gripp on siin erandiks. The majority of vertebrate viruses infect only one type, but influenza is the exception here. [84, 84, 70] 79.33333333333333 [0.727690413215861, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.39861589064465447 -0.359205037355423 5852 Viis inimest sai vigastada ja hävis suur osa pressitsehhi hoonest. Five people were injured and a large part of the press building was destroyed. [86, 86, 86] 86.0 [0.5947767169204025, 0.9798831232237539, 0.680758556193477] 0.7518061321125445 -0.29199454188346863 5853 Tehingu hind seati sõltuvusse Santenori majandustulemustest. The price of a road was placed on the basis of Santenor's economic performance. [80, 86, 73] 79.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, 0.7553910091489263, 0.2054640405950517] 0.4464972363008847 -0.47249674797058105 5854 Kuigi Vahtre möönab ordu sekkumispüüdeid ja intriige, ei pea ta võimalikuks ka mässu otsest provotseerimist nende poolt. Although the girl admits the order's intervention attempts and intricate, he also does not consider it possible to provoke the rebellion directly by them. [80, 79, 80] 79.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4396648180544355 -0.4286741614341736 5855 Kasakatele pakuti valitavat hetmaniametit, 60 000 registrit ja maavaldust. Benefits were offered a selected moment Manicer, 60 000 registries and land possession. [29, 37, 44] 36.666666666666664 [-0.9135864419161961, -0.8740105322435395, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9271606634193431 -0.46334320306777954 5856 Uus võim püüdis end kehtestada arreteerimiste, piinamiste ja hukkamistega. The new authorities tried to impose themselves by means of arrests, torture and executions. [100, 92, 96] 96.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.0176690182308925, 0.9980583701602151] 1.0382769689185127 -0.3496193289756775 5857 Prokuratuur pakkus Kenderile oportuniteeti ehk kokkuleppemenetlust. The Public Prosecutor's Office offered Kender a choice, or an agreement procedure. [79, 82, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5776758168102278, 0.522108649210108] 0.516587864403844 -0.36438512802124023 5858 Eesti raudteetranspordisüsteem on umbes 1200 km pikkune. The Estonian rail transport system is approximately 1 200 km long. [100, 76, 100] 92.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8331114321712016 -0.42127248644828796 5859 Teksti oli ta kirjutanud 1878 ühe muinasjutu järgi Ludwig Bechsteini kogumikust. She had written the text 1878, following a fairy tale, of Ludwig Bechstein's total. [58, 83, 75] 72.0 [-0.41488891976357517, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.0656028480302961 -0.44627678394317627 5860 Vanim ja suurim ülikool on 1811 rajatud Oslo Ülikool. The most ancient and largest university is the 1811 Oslo University. [100, 86, 85] 90.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.7553910091489263, 0.3615382092337807] 0.6714989046484106 -0.4406888484954834 5861 Tai armee viis läbi riigipöörde, tagandas ametist valitsuse, saatis laiali parlamendi alamkoja ja tühistas põhiseaduse kehtivuse. The Thai army carried out a coup d'état, resigned the government, dissolved the House of Deputies and overturned the Constitution. [81, 79, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058] 0.7647290485472947 -0.33719402551651 5862 Kõigepealt võib küsida, mida need ühiskonnad ei teadnud. Firstly, one might ask what these societies did not know. [100, 84, 99] 94.33333333333333 [1.0152560939928115, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0630801754041426] 0.9154889136145572 -0.39308345317840576 5863 Nauru on maailma riikide seas rahvastiku tiheduse poolest 8. kohal. The death toll is 8th among the countries of the world in terms of population density. [17, 9, 1] 9.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -2.17042116741645 -0.3672848343849182 5864 Eestis Viljandis Ugala teatris anti rahvusvahelise teatripäeva puhul üle Eesti teatri aastaauhinnad. In Viljanda Uganda, Estonia, the annual award ceremony of an Estonian theatre was awarded on the occasion of the International theatre Day. [44, 50, 56] 50.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.8152986694908287, -0.2711408857067372] -0.6682144142030824 -0.49868714809417725 5865 1917. aastal jõudis selleks moodustatud uurimiskomisjon järeldusele, et Griffini autoriteeti planeerimisdirektorina oli õõnestatud. In 1917, the set-up committee of inquiry concluded that the authority of Griffin as a planning director was undermined. [67, 82, 96] 81.66666666666667 [0.253838172792557, 0.5538386306067818, 1.162658320738408] 0.6567783747125823 -0.3605746626853943 5866 1361 on samuti esmamainitud Haljala kihelkonnas asuvat ja Lodedele kuuluvat Võle mõisat, mis läks sel aastal Hinricus Wacke omandusse. 1361 is also the first to mention the term of the Haljala-Hall Cup, the Lodean Choice, which went to the Hinricus Wacke property this year. [20, 17, 23] 20.0 [-1.7827639184585862, -1.357221951807747, -1.318230271796973] -1.4860720473544353 -0.7173557281494141 5867 Ta küsis, kas Presley abielluks temaga, kui ta seda paluks. He asked if Mr Presley would marry him if he asked for it. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8150391097847715 -0.4291503131389618 5868 Kui siseelu on ähmane, suuresti puuduv, ja niikuinii "pole mehhanismi osa", siis osutub loogiliselt võimatuks hüvesse kontemplatiivselt suhtuda. If internal life is vague, largely absent, and anyway 'there is no part of the mechanism', it will prove logically impossible to take an hythic conspiracy. [58, 43, 51] 50.666666666666664 [-0.710618469589375, -0.954227030371969, -0.7716684006397244] -0.8121713002003562 -0.4474780857563019 5869 Kui ei ole pühendumust, siis ei ole ka tõelist armastust. If there is no commitment, there will be no real love. [98, 82, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9109683539784248 -0.24816371500492096 5870 Ägeda võitluse järel, mille käigus langesid nii Lembitu kui liivlaste juht Kaupo, ajas kristlaste vägi eestlased lõpuks põgenema. Following the struggle, during which the leader of both Lembat and the Lipeach, Kaupo, finally escaped the pro-Christian forces. [22, 34, 45] 33.666666666666664 [-1.3499602531936468, -1.5133829711084976, -0.952528152074385] -1.271957125458843 -0.6376071572303772 5871 Rahvusradikaalid valisid samal aastal Eesti Kongressi, mis pidi samuti hakkama ette valmistama Eesti iseseisvuse taastamist. The national radicals elected the same year the Congress of Estonia, which also had to start preparing for the restoration of Estonia's independence. [76, 80, 89] 81.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.4949620887624109, 0.7759485003834985] 0.5299996365945975 -0.34175190329551697 5872 Sellisel moel saadetakse inimesele tema abikaasa ning ta jätab oma isa ja ema. In this way, the person is sent to his wife and leaves his father and mother. [84, 85, 85] 84.66666666666667 [0.39856686623484705, 0.5587533739601147, 0.711760740297822] 0.556360326830928 -0.4206411838531494 5873 Ebaõnnestunud Etioopia kampaania tõi Itaaliale rahvusvahelise häbi. The failed Ethiopian campaign brought Italy international shame. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177] 1.029777786350576 -0.12867633998394012 5874 Mõtlemine kui tegevus on seega tegev üldine, ja nimelt ise tegev sich betätigende, Thinking when it comes to action is therefore a matter of general concern, namely the self-making sich concrete tributes, [99, 90, 81] 90.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8026661073592399 -0.5826776027679443 5875 Kui eeldada, et teaduse sisu ja meetodid langevad kokku õpikus esitatuga, tingib see teatud pildi teaduse loomuse ja arengu kohta. If we assume that the content and methods of science coincide with those presented in the learning process, this will lead to a certain picture of the nature and development of science. [86, 95, 65] 82.0 [0.7553910091489263, 1.1153150491210377, -0.3871436867160806] 0.49452079051796116 -0.37883108854293823 5876 Ambivalentsus, lõhestunud tahe ja iseendast võõrandumine on muidugi palju vanem. Ambition, split will and alienation are, of course, much older. [63, 86, 75] 74.66666666666667 [-0.2337601711662148, 0.7553910091489263, 0.33172876083006514] 0.2844531996042589 -0.4153369963169098 5877 Austraalias Queenslandi osariigis toimusid osariigi parlamendi valimised. The State of Queensland in Australia held parliamentary elections in the State of Australia. [36, 33, 39] 36.0 [-1.426122433406289, -1.314460459974846, -1.2006693362178358] -1.313750743199657 -0.32523980736732483 5878 Lisaks on mitmetel Podolski rajoonidel otseühendus Moskvaga. In addition, several of the Podolski rails have direct links with Moscow. [80, 81, 79] 80.0 [0.4903786678134342, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3426133161983885] 0.4567438829684091 -0.4151792526245117 5879 Afganistani põhjaosas said 150 koolitüdrukut mürgituse kui nad jõid koolis mürgitatud joogivett. In the north of Afghanistan, 150 schoolgirls were poisoned when they rivers were poisoned with drinking water at school. [55, 50, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.7457438319548428, -0.37152634969238973] -0.44066223813005617 -0.3330889940261841 5880 Hiljem mõistis ta, et Rhodesi esindajad olid teda petnud, ja ta püüdis lepingust taganeda. He later realised that Rhodisi's representatives had deceived him and tried to withdraw from the Treaty. [87, 68, 81] 78.66666666666667 [0.6308000598806901, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048] 0.4258862052758145 -0.34358274936676025 5881 Georgi ajavad hulluks jõulud, mis isegi veel paistmas pole. Georgi is going to insane Christmas, which is not even appearing yet. [77, 75, 78] 76.66666666666667 [0.2705666302778131, 0.27545805178677896, 0.14260101950618043] 0.2295419005235908 -0.49200525879859924 5882 Guinea kaguosas Gueckedou linna lähistel sõitis maanteelt välja järve inimesi vedanud veoauto. In the south-east of Guinea near the town of Gueckedou, a lorry carrying people off the road took off the road. [8, 1, 5] 4.666666666666667 [-1.9485210876625751, -2.016289862523797, -2.6068027130307234] -2.190537887739032 -0.33646878600120544 5883 Norra pealinnas Oslos toimus NATO välisministrite kohtumine. NATO Foreign Ministers met in Oslo, the capital city of Norway. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9344729786973378 -0.27876245975494385 5884 Talve veetis Nobel külmas liikuvas laboris tootmist käivitades ja kaevandustele lõhkeainet tutvustades. Talve spent in a Nobel Visitors-moving laboratory launching production and presenting explosives to mines. [45, 18, 32] 31.666666666666668 [-1.135825582665942, -1.4768801787803418, -1.6006435088107063] -1.40444975675233 -0.5992203950881958 5885 "Kolonel Rebane 100" Delfi, 23. juuni 2008 Aavo Savitsch. Colonel Rebane 100, Delfi, 23 June 2008 Aavo Savitsch. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9204404930015818 -0.17899808287620544 5886 Kolmas, et see saadaks mingilt ühiselt omaduselt, mis oleksid ühised kõigile asjadele, mis selle all sisalduvad." The third is that it would send some common ground to all the things it contains. " [99, 89, 98] 95.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.9089270413502557, 1.239385641192763] 1.0704642859823872 -0.6054604649543762 5887 Ta leppis kokku, et läheb Holmes à Courtile Austraaliasse külla ning osaleb heategevusüritusel Channel Seven Perth Telethon. He agreed to go to the Holmes à Court to Australia to visit and attend a charity event at Channel Seven Perth Telethon. [92, 100, 83] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.786155536157973 -0.31917452812194824 5888 Selle pakkumise toimumist peab Vahtre realistlikuks, kasvõi ainult läbirääkimiste pikendamiseks. This offer is considered to be realistic, if only to prolong negotiations. [82, 80, 82] 81.33333333333333 [0.5776758168102278, 0.22792296841573595, 0.5808699337445091] 0.46215623965682434 -0.41846728324890137 5889 Eesti poliitik ja akadeemik Jaak Aaviksoo kinnitas oma kandideerimist Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli rektori ametikohale. Jaak Aaviker, Estonian politician and academic Jaak, has confirmed his candidacy for the post of director at Tallinn University of Technology. [51, 23, 37] 37.0 [-0.7043869679309344, -1.318230271796973, -1.3824921645551846] -1.1350364680943639 -0.4490503668785095 5890 Kui ta Beatricet tõesti armastab, siis ta nagunii üldse näeb kedagi temast ilusamana. If she really loves Beatricet, she will, anyway, see someone like her any more beautiful than her. [91, 85, 97] 91.0 [0.8394084631768461, 0.711760740297822, 0.492069870100807] 0.681079691191825 -0.46128708124160767 5891 Nii et moraalne isiksus ei ole printsiibile, et kõik inimesed on võrdsed, rahuldav alus. So moral personality is not the principle that all people are equal, a satisfactory basis. [87, 100, 80] 89.0 [0.6231547153861217, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5827011107083454] 0.7351725322490186 -0.2916361391544342 5892 Hollandis jättis Haagi ringkonnakohus jõusse seaduse, mis keelab välisturistidele kanepit müüvate kohvikute külastamise. In the Netherlands, the Hague District Court has retained a law prohibiting the use of cafés to sell cannabis to foreign tourists. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.4227289855480194 5893 Darwin oli perele andunud isa, kes suhtus oma lastesse erakordselt hoolitsevalt. Darwin was the father who gave the family a father who took an exceptionally careful approach to his children. [100, 79, 90] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723] 0.7855870424452661 -0.6471214890480042 5894 Kiirabi ehk erakorraline haiglaeelne meditsiiniabi on osa tervishoiusüsteemist. The radiation, or emergency pre-hospital medical care, is part of the healthcare system. [18, 32, 45] 31.666666666666668 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.6006435088107063, -0.952528152074385] -1.3433506132218112 -0.39830413460731506 5895 Suurem enamus Leedu, Vene või Saksa päritolu aadlist poloniseeriti ja katolitseeriti. The majority of Lithuania, Russian or German origin, was poloned and Catholics. [68, 63, 57] 62.666666666666664 [-0.2840087250415973, -0.04903101593002054, -0.25098737870986976] -0.19467570656049585 -0.3146336078643799 5896 Aastal 1986 asutati esimene opositsioonipartei FRODEBU. FRODEBU, the first opposition party, was established in 1986. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.15690301358699799 5897 Nimetatud asukohas oli kajalood leidnud tundmatu künka ja kuigi seda polnud uuritud, peeti seda lõhkamisprahi hunnikuks. At that location, the cake was found as an unknown threshold and, although it had not been examined, it was considered a pipe of destruction. [81, 72, 77] 76.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.23653881664004375, 0.3708914966906855] 0.3815566594080447 -0.48294612765312195 5898 Teised Poola krooni provintsid olid selleks ajaks samuti Rootsi kuningale alistunud. Other provinces of the Polish koruna were also defeated by the Swedish King by that time. [84, 84, 75] 81.0 [0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2881777686428686] 0.5245356111632385 -0.326049268245697 5899 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis korraldas islamiliikumine Ţālebān rünnaku politsei peakorterile. In the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, the Islamic movement in Ţālebân attacked the police headquarters. [86, 93, 100] 93.0 [0.7553910091489263, 0.8469401176424164, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9091031408460845 -0.3200623691082001 5900 1826. aastal omandas Moore selle krundi ametlikult, kuid ei külastanud seda kunagi. In 1826, Moore officially acquired this site but never visited it. [99, 83, 100] 94.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9375195579155555 -0.26561498641967773 5901 Ajal, mil Rebane elas Saksamaal, märkas ta ühel päeval jõe ääres kalastades, et teda jälgitakse. At a time when Rebane lived in Germany, it noticed one day fishing along the river that it was being monitored. [66, 84, 69] 73.0 [-0.0840340075723075, 0.6681304714467177, -0.23740730752610836] 0.11556305211610059 -0.4062783718109131 5902 Donetski lennujaama kaitsel hukkus päeva jooksul üheksa valitsusvägede võitlejat. In order to protect Donetski airport, nine government troops died in the course of the day. [100, 94, 87] 93.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 0.9345984073668675, 0.7844601369297701] 0.921800139048823 -0.34130555391311646 5903 Äärmiselt tõenäoliselt olid Mükeene valitsejad kaubandussidemete kaudu Minose kultuuri ühendatud. It is most likely that Mykeene rulers were united in Minos culture through trade links. [80, 88, 72] 80.0 [0.7506057704560075, 0.8726797157233768, 0.23653881664004375] 0.6199414342731427 -0.46387696266174316 5904 Miombopuu kasvab nii platoodel, mägedes kui ka tihedamate metsadena niiskematel aladel. Miomboput is growing on plains, mountains and closer forests in areas with more species. [39, 18, 29] 28.666666666666668 [-1.2006693362178358, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192] -1.4696946101207322 -0.7108705043792725 5905 Tähtsate otsuste langetamisel pidi raad arvestama gildide seisukohti, kusjuures mõjukaim oli Suurgild. When making important decisions, the framework had to take account of the views of the courts, with the greatest influence. [26, 55, 41] 40.666666666666664 [-1.5666238606968599, -0.32348202996362757, -1.1179556081700188] -1.0026871662768355 -0.5461138486862183 5906 Ilovaiskis toimunu suhtes poldud saadud täit selgust veel septembri alguseski. What happened in Ilovatis had not been fully clarified until early September. [63, 60, 56] 59.666666666666664 [0.10098660428072605, -0.14224540182923298, -0.2711408857067372] -0.10413322775174805 -0.36592546105384827 5907 Eestis Tallinnas Humala tänavas võttis mees kella 11 paiku kodus pantvangi oma abikaasa ja kaks last, ähvardades neid relvaga. In Tallinn, Estonia, in the streets of Humala, a man took his husband and two children hostage at home at around 11 a.m., threatening them with arms. [73, 53, 52] 59.333333333333336 [0.18819751408457033, -0.5939936007690919, -0.3980608112934324] -0.2679522993259847 -0.299485445022583 5908 Wellington ja Blücher leppisid kokku, et prantslasi jälitavad esialgu preislased. Wellington and Blycher agreed that the French would initially be followed by the priests. [25, 24, 23] 24.0 [-1.3511032965816678, -1.9496856596195407, -1.2699383524630719] -1.5235757695547603 -0.2500569522380829 5909 Allan on vihane Jaanuse reetlikkusest, kellest on saanud Vissi autojuht. I am starting to be outraged by the betrayal of Jaanus, who has become a driver of the Visas. [45, 38, 51] 44.666666666666664 [-1.0334500137463503, -1.1343437451734075, -0.4297907926901062] -0.865861517203288 -0.4514763653278351 5910 Mis laadi lahkarvamused need tavaliselt on, see sõltub kommentaatori tunnetusteooriast. What kind of disagreement these usually are, it depends on the concept of a commentator's recognition. [100, 100, 93] 97.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.0539163438577714] 0.9924011388359849 -0.5602703094482422 5911 "Terrorismivastase operatsiooni" algusest alates on langenud kokku 374 Ukraina sõjaväelast, 1485 on saanud haavata. Since the start of the 'counter-terrorism operation', a total of 374 Ukrainian troops has fallen, 1485 have been wounded. [67, 79, 51] 65.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.44997912719119615, -0.4297907926901062] -0.023159488274658024 -0.26770734786987305 5912 Guadeloupe'i prefektina astus ametisse Jacques Billant. Jacques Billant took office as Prefect of Guadeloupe. [100, 70, 100] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.057306707531257405, 1.0811424575112913] 0.745850894468993 -0.22774045169353485 5913 1940. aastal avaldati tema memuaarid Gustav Mahleriga koos elatud aastatest. In 1940, his memoirs, Gustar Mahlei, were published along with his survived years. [33, 43, 22] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.035241880122202, -1.4927810719324262] -1.36167873067141 -0.5272814631462097 5914 Mõlemad vastustavad positivistlikke, induktsionistlikke teaduseteooriaid. Both are objecting to positional, intangible scientific theories. [68, 77, 58] 67.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.36271858948898755, -0.09007785635906261] 0.07299909225504954 -0.4495065212249756 5915 Bulgaaria valitsus teatas, et loobub rahapuudusel Türgi piirile 210 kilomeetri pikkuse okastraataia rajamisest. The Bulgarian Government has announced that it is abandoning its lack of funding for the establishment of a barbed trawire of 210 kilometres along the Turkish border. [87, 73, 59] 73.0 [0.48266226990888367, 0.26826879803671755, -0.17849272745611192] 0.19081278016316308 -0.4936869144439697 5916 "Ja kui see polariseerumine on toimunud, siis poliitiline lahendus ebaõnnestub. "And once this polarisation has taken place, the political solution will fail. [100, 81, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.9861475174994716 -0.2322961986064911 5917 Kui see minimaalne tingimus on täidetud, siis saame juba hakata hindama rahulolu ja naudingu tüüpe ning neid õnne seisukohast järjestama. Once this minimum condition is met, we can already begin to assess the types of satisfaction, pleasure and enjoyment, and put them in a position of happiness. [67, 74, 71] 70.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.23182778293567463, 0.20480883524336993] 0.1156566062846602 -0.36971861124038696 5918 Nüüd aga juhtus miski, mida Napoleon võis hiljem kõvasti kahetseda. Now, however, something has happened that Napoleon may have greatly regretted later on. [80, 100, 92] 90.66666666666667 [0.3952847075210473, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0176690182308925] 0.8042051654681762 -0.37195274233818054 5919 Ta on esimene kõigist ja seetõttu on ta kõikide igaveste olendite pea. He is the first of all, and therefore he is the head of all eternal creatures. [100, 97, 94] 97.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0297883515568889, 1.0901636694846504] 1.0670314928509435 -0.3137790560722351 5920 Ta võttis ühendust Jack Bruce'i ja Ginger Bakeriga, kes olid asjaga päri. He contacted Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker, who were on the matter. [55, 68, 81] 68.0 [-0.5389595118353006, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048] 0.03596634803715091 -0.3215596079826355 5921 Või näiteks, botaanik oskab vaadelda taimede kohta rohkem fakte kui võhik, sest tal on täiuslikum mõistestik, sest ta tunneb paremini botaanikat. Or, for example, a bothane can look more at the facts than the magic of the plants, because he has a more perfect conception because he knows the Bothane better. [68, 80, 74] 74.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.4936093960423005, 0.29999877943339137] 0.24665490637030518 -0.5033171772956848 5922 1982. aastaks oli 95% Aafrika kariloomadest surnud. By 1982 95% of African livestock was dead. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.2682236135005951 5923 10. juuni 2010 Hispaania peaminister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Mr José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain, 10 June 2010. [90, 84, 95] 89.66666666666667 [0.9451743669771346, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7358791572087113] 0.7830613318775214 -0.24893733859062195 5924 Detsembris toimusidki ägedad lahingud, eriti Narva all, kuid Eesti kaitse pidas vastu. In December, there were fierce battles, particularly under the Nys, but Estonia's protection resisted. [37, 29, 45] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.12785038341693, -0.952528152074385] -1.1542902333488332 -0.6086474657058716 5925 Georg on veidi hädas Are ja tema vaadetega laste kasvatamisest. Georg is a little stuck in love with her views on bringing up children. [79, 69, 58] 68.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.1839805288126773, -0.20768092291338958] 0.14209291103016128 -0.4516354501247406 5926 Maa kiirus eetri suhtes oli enne Einsteini sügavalt tähtis probleem, Einstein hajutas selle. The Earth's speed with regard to ether was a very important problem before Einstein, and Einstein dispelled it. [100, 100, 95] 98.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.1264109951115293] 1.0165660225872377 -0.4052640497684479 5927 Paljudel sageli mainitavatel voorustel on seos emotsioonidega, kuid sageli negatiivne. Many of the often mentioned virtues have a connection with emotions, but often negative. [92, 81, 88] 87.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8258170009536785] 0.7246578135097373 -0.28401273488998413 5928 Paremuselt teise tulemuse sai 11,7% häälte ja 25 kohaga parlamendis Sotsialistlik Partei. The second better result was the vote of 11.7% and the Socialist Party in Parliament with 25 seats. [78, 85, 77] 80.0 [0.4269187050200866, 0.711760740297822, 0.2705666302778131] 0.46974869186524054 -0.42629390954971313 5929 1212. aasta alguses tungis järjekordne riialaste kogutud sõjavägi Eestimaale. At the beginning of 12 years, another army, gathered by the Baha'i, invaded him. [1, 9, 1] 3.6666666666666665 [-2.2620953767228933, -1.990859008800058, -2.016289862523797] -2.089748082682249 -0.5931881070137024 5930 Tõukeid oli tunda kõikjal üle Kreeka, kuid purustusi ega inimohvreid maavärin endaga kaasa ei toonud. The horrors were felt all over Greece, but neither the destruction nor the loss of human life were caused. [84, 73, 85] 80.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 0.2054640405950517, 0.3615382092337807] 0.41171090709185004 -0.40277916193008423 5931 Marutaudi on kirjeldatud Mesopotaamia tekstides ja sellele on viidatud ka Ešnunna seadustes, mis pärinevad 2300 aastast eKr. Marutaudi is described in the texts of Mesoporemia and is also referred to in the Ešnunna laws from the age of 2 300 years of eKr. [40, 13, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.062297059252832, -1.635530085763711, -1.818794853066228] -1.5055406660275903 -0.4133699834346771 5932 Saagad pajatavad eestlaste kontaktidest viikingitega Rootsist, Taanist, Norrast ja isegi Islandilt. Saagad is twisted by contacts between Estonians with determination from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and even from Iceland. [83, 84, 81] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4278375657874865] 0.5605122164125532 -0.5797334909439087 5933 Kõigepealt tuleb öelda midagi eetika loomuse kohta. One thing must be said first of all about ethics. [54, 60, 80] 64.66666666666667 [-0.4510896074063719, -0.14422096012004196, 0.4936093960423005] -0.03390039049470447 -0.49600738286972046 5934 Üleminek Newtoni mehaanikalt kvantmehaanikale tõi kaasa palju vaidlusi füüsika loomuse ja standardite üle; mõned neist kestavad seniajani. The transition from Newton mechanical to Kvantmehaic resulted in many disputes about the nature and standards of physics, some of which are still ongoing. [81, 76, 62] 73.0 [0.27058394287051374, 0.3190883206378832, -0.2494614636679413] 0.11340359994681855 -0.43678513169288635 5935 Mitu asja on mingi nime all univokaatsed, kui neil on nii nimi kui ka ratio substantiae ühised. A number of things are 'sleeping' when they have both the name and the ratio to the contents in common. [64, 83, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.6245002025956135, 0.29999877943339137] 0.24225405127435926 -0.529848575592041 5936 Teine argument taandub pluralismile, milles naiste kui naiste vaatekoht jääb päris tagaplaanile. The second argument comes down to pluralism, in which the perspective of women as women remains quite in the background. [100, 100, 91] 97.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9814216926040136] 1.001322494637816 -0.5429953932762146 5937 Euroopa Kaitseagentuuri juhiks valiti sakslane Alexander Weis. The German, Alexander Weis, was elected head of the European Defence Agency. [96, 79, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 0.44997912719119615, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8287105770752556 -0.2458287924528122 5938 Nii tuleb välja, et mõni asi, mis mitteutilitaristlikel eeldustel on kellegi teise asi, osutub minu asjaks. So it turns out that some of the things that are someone else's business under non-utilitarian assumptions prove to me to be my case. [71, 68, 64] 67.66666666666667 [0.6009932793319953, 0.1096188910533485, 0.0027439006782826883] 0.23778535702120884 -0.5374883413314819 5939 Õigeusu kirikule oleks antud Katoliku kirikuga võrdsed õigused ja õigeusu piiskopid oleks saanud kohad senatis. The Orthodox Church would have been given the same rights as the Catholic Church, and Orthodox bishops would have had their seats in the Senate. [100, 91, 93] 94.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136, 1.0326013210732208] 1.0377088440138882 -0.2975527048110962 5940 Näiteks tahtis Murdoch algul võtta religioosse rituaali, kus seesmine nõusolek paistab olevat reaalne tegu. Murdoch, for example, initially wanted to take a religious ritual where internal consent seems to be a reality. [94, 83, 72] 83.0 [1.0739581850971294, 0.6245002025956135, 0.23653881664004375] 0.6449990681109289 -0.3615681827068329 5941 Ruumiline eraldatus oli vaid osaline ja liitriigis ei olnud ametlikke getosid. The Tamil isolation was only partial and the federal state did not have official ghettoes. [87, 74, 70] 77.0 [0.7990212780000306, 0.24682090461896014, -0.19997321272861532] 0.2819563232967918 -0.36019647121429443 5942 Brasiilia president Luís Inácio Lula da Silva alustas ametlikku visiiti Kuubal. Brazilian President Luís Inácio Lulling da Silva began an official visit to Cuba. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.21926696598529816 5943 2003 sai asepresident Domitien Ndayizeye vastavalt võimujagamise leppele presidendiks. In 2003 Vice-President Domitien NdayRuiz became President under the power-sharing agreement. [77, 85, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.3708914966906855, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.7358768442451392 -0.43490174412727356 5944 Kõnelusi juhatas ÜRO eriesindaja Kosovos Martti Ahtisaari; need lõppesid tulemusteta. The talks were chaired by the UN Special Representative in Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, who ended in no results. [78, 50, 80] 69.33333333333333 [0.4063488583400919, -0.7457438319548428, 0.17436773524631535] -0.0550090794561452 -0.35597681999206543 5945 Vesi on suhteliselt puhas, kuigi mõnda kohta koguneb muda. Water is relatively clean, even though some places are gathering sludge. [100, 99, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.0463418728498313, 1.0932483143502365, 1.32209936924058] 1.1538965188135493 -0.5502793788909912 5946 Allan ja Alma muretsevad Mare pärast, kuid saavad üllatuse osalisteks. I will begin and Alma worry about Mare, but I will be surprised. [27, 14, 1] 14.0 [-1.2746775123257523, -2.3859883481305837, -1.922851051450467] -1.8611723039689345 -0.4968990683555603 5947 Igas Moskva rajoonis kavatsetakse korrakaitses rakendada vähemalt 50 kasakat. At least 50 cat cats are planned for law enforcement in every Moscow Rount. [66, 75, 84] 75.0 [-0.3693306739511528, 0.19851994435723766, 0.6681304714467177] 0.16577324728426748 -0.6235997080802917 5948 Iseloomulik näide siinkohal on 1956. aasta lõpul toimunud arutelu "Eesti NSV ajaloo" teise trüki maketi üle. A natural example of this is the debate on the second printing of the 'Estonian NSV history' at the end of 1956. [62, 74, 56] 64.0 [-0.26978351412650253, 0.23182778293567463, -0.2711408857067372] -0.1030322056325217 -0.3172850012779236 5949 Taustateadmise mõiste võimaldab näha, et julge oletuse kinnitamine ja ettevaatliku oletuse falsifitseerimine toimuvad korraga. The notion of suspicion allows us to see that the adoption of a bold assumption and the institutionalisation of a cautious assumption are carried out in parallel. [48, 52, 43] 47.666666666666664 [-0.7741103155705304, -0.4322240068442644, -1.035241880122202] -0.7471920675123324 -0.690461277961731 5950 5. kompanii leitnant Albert Nuude juhtimisel oli Vaškovo lahingu ajal määratud pataljoni reservi ja viibis kogu aeg külas. 5. Comittenant Albert Nnew had been put in reserve at the time of the Vaškovo Battle and was in the village all the time. [54, 42, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -1.1643408202996632, -1.091871252739237] -0.8330471659699312 -0.42809996008872986 5951 pisiSõjaväemeedikud kannavad tööülesannete täitmisel vormi Military forces will carry out their mission in a format. [89, 85, 87] 87.0 [0.7759485003834985, 0.711760740297822, 0.7844601369297701] 0.7573897925370302 -0.8327702283859253 5952 See sai tõukeks raekoja ulatuslike restaureerimistööde algusele pärast sõda. This was the start of extensive restoration work in the Hospital Hospital after the war. [67, 84, 76] 75.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.6681304714467177, 0.32953463266677707] 0.3026661015961436 -0.6109315752983093 5953 Loeb ainult see, kas konkreetsed ja abstraktsed terminid tähistavad sama olemust. All that matters is whether specific and abstract terms are indicative of the same nature. [89, 93, 97] 93.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.9028684259701937, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9345813163134379 -0.5173559784889221 5954 Haiti president Michel Martelly ja parlamendi mõlemad kojad leppisid kokku tegevuskavas poliitilise kriisi vältimiseks. The President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, and both chambers of Parliament, agreed on a road map for avoiding the political crisis. [89, 100, 96] 95.0 [0.7028467458012655, 1.3076476232459238, 1.156671913144946] 1.055722094064045 -0.31031256914138794 5955 Juunis 1936 pöördus keiser Haile Selassie I esimese riigipeana Rahvasteliidu ajaloos isiklikult liidu täiskogu poole, paludes abi oma riigi kaitsel. In June 1936 the Emperor, Hai Selassie I, personally addressed the plenary of the Union in the history of the People's Union by asking for help in defence of his country. [67, 56, 70] 64.33333333333333 [0.4877626614868368, -0.2711408857067372, 0.2202278544395562] 0.14561654340655192 -0.4574284255504608 5956 Matemaatika tegeleb ainega, kus on täielik kindlus; retoorika tegeleb poliitilise ainega, kus on vaadete mitmekesisus. Mathematics deal with a substance with complete certainty; rhetoric deals with a political substance with diversity of views. [83, 92, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.4929432823203649, 1.2091604759915002, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9423606846862583 -0.3604755401611328 5957 Lisaks tuli pidada kirjavahetust teiste võimukandjatega ning vaadata läbi linnakodanike palveid ja kaebusi. In addition, correspondence with other holders of power and a review of the requests and complaints of urban citizens had to be carried out. [97, 81, 67] 81.66666666666667 [0.9910334894835672, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] 0.5353873546778822 -0.44132864475250244 5958 Nõukogude väed ei näinud märkimisväärset vaeva eristamaks sõjalisi sihtmärke tsiviilobjektidest. Soviet troops did not make any effort to differentiate military targets from civilian sites. [82, 96, 85] 87.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 1.156671913144946, 0.3615382092337807] 0.6996933520410787 -0.41581669449806213 5959 Seesama printsiip moodustabki kõikide ülejäänud loodusprotsesside aluse ning selle läbi aetakse ühtlasi loodus omaenese raamest välja. The same principle forms the basis of all the rest of the natural processes, and it also takes nature out of its own framework. [85, 97, 100] 94.0 [0.8545724849394686, 0.9910334894835672, 1.5148636130151623] 1.120156529146066 -0.4133409559726715 5960 Nende raskuste tõttu võidakse pidada tõeliste huvide mõistet parandamatult subjektiivseks või ideoloogiliseks. These difficulties may result in the notion of genuine interests being considered irreparably subjective or ideological. [77, 89, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.36271858948898755, 0.7759485003834985, 1.32209936924058] 0.8202554863710221 -0.41546666622161865 5961 Mille poolest teadusfilosoofia neist erineb ja kas tal on teaduse mõistmisel eelis nende distsipliinide ees? Where does the scientific philosophy differ from them, and does it have an advantage over these disciplines in terms of understanding of science? [65, 78, 85] 76.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.4063488583400919, 0.4412278406896248] 0.22862107126135908 -0.3984523117542267 5962 Vaatamata keisririigi heale majandlikule olukorrale, pidi Theodosius siiski hunnide eemalhoidmiseks maksma igal aastal Attilale suurt andamit. In spite of the good manpower situation in the emperor country, Theodosius still had to pay a big mandate to the Atlantic every year to keep the wolves away. [30, 18, 45] 31.0 [-0.8804292505879635, -1.4768801787803418, -0.952528152074385] -1.1032791938142301 -0.48122507333755493 5963 Pärast teistest Eestimaa maakondadest abivägede saamist rünnati ristisõdijate kogesid ja püüti neid tuleparvedega põlema süüdata. After receiving aid troops from other Estonian counties, the Christian soldiers were attacked and attempted to burn them by fire. [93, 81, 87] 87.0 [1.0539163438577714, 0.5363189527863194, 0.7124885375901508] 0.767574611411414 -0.5620018243789673 5964 Kui ma millestki ei hooli, siis pole mul võimalik uurimisega kuskile välja jõuda; aga kui ma midagi tähtsaks ei pea, siis mul pole sellest ka midagi. If I do not care about something, I cannot get anywhere with the investigation; but if I do not consider anything important, then I have nothing to do with it. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.824044092250601 -0.4272521734237671 5965 Aga see, kas enese valitsemisega peab kaasnema üldiste printsiipide või tegevusreeglite järgimine, on filosoofiline küsimus. However, the question of whether self-governance must be accompanied by general principles or by rules of conduct is a philosophical one. [69, 79, 58] 68.66666666666667 [0.33026395704847245, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] 0.19085405377542633 -0.364274263381958 5966 Sõja ajal vallutati Kerese kodumaa Eesti alul Nõukogude Liidu, siis Saksamaa, ja siis jälle Nõukogude Liidu poolt. During the war, the homeland of Kenya, Estonia, was invaded by the Soviet Union, then by Germany, and then again by the Soviet Union. [42, 14, 23] 26.333333333333332 [-0.9902503733322566, -1.442410520089446, -1.318230271796973] -1.2502970550728918 -0.2334720492362976 5967 Nõnda tuleb kahtlemata mõista ka kirjakohti, kus kästakse armastada oma ligimest, isegi oma vaenlast. In this way, we must undoubtedly understand the correspondence about the love of one's own anomalies, even its enemy. [90, 84, 80] 84.66666666666667 [0.5784096296751084, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4736359454560471 -0.7826893925666809 5968 Suurbritannias sai album vähemalt 1,2 miljoni eksemplari müümise eest kuuekordse plaatinaplaadi staatuse. In the United Kingdom, at least 1.2 million copies of copies received a six-fold status of platinum. [80, 84, 76] 80.0 [0.4949620887624109, 0.6681304714467177, 0.024631356056343097] 0.3959079720884906 -0.4952097535133362 5969 Nagu enamikust akadeemilistest ja intellektuaalsetest distsipliinidest, on filosoofiast saanud suuresti kriitika vald. Like most academic and intellectual disciplines, this philosophy has become largely a source of criticism. [65, 83, 81] 76.33333333333333 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5363189527863194] 0.3330352233787645 -0.32661962509155273 5970 Kuninglik õukonnateater jätkas Jan Kazimierzi, Jan III, August II ja August III ajal. The Royal Council Theatre continued during Jan Kazimierz, Jan III, August II and August III. [95, 100, 82] 92.33333333333333 [0.8835775815176352, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6551957619621033] 0.8461450380441091 -0.22745420038700104 5971 Esialgu olid esimesed tähtsamad, kuid hiljem kadus nende vahel põhimõtteline vahe. Originally, the first was more important, but afterwards there was a fundamental difference between them. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8095006693002329 -0.45646071434020996 5972 Pataljoni taha viidi raskekuulipilduja ja granaadiheitjate rühmad ning asetati suunaga läände. Hotspots and grangrandeers' groups were taken to the tune of a forty-one, putting the West in the direction. [1, 1, 1] 1.0 [-2.95318184319494, -2.016289862523797, -2.5049372794890834] -2.49146966173594 -0.710381269454956 5973 Ta kutsus 25. detsembril 2008 lõpetama vägivalda Aafrikas. He called for an end to violence in Africa on 25 December 2008. [84, 81, 58] 74.33333333333333 [0.9034573389678384, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.4110053603159512 -0.19208873808383942 5974 pisiPiiskop Alberti kujutis Riia 800. juubeli mündil paste Alberti image of Riia 800th Jewish coin [22, 25, 18] 21.666666666666668 [-2.0369461973217495, -1.6026472036571477, -1.4768801787803418] -1.7054911932530796 -0.748845636844635 5975 Suguiha ei sisalda armastuse, suhtlemise, emotsionaalse väljenduse ega sigitamise soovi; neist asjust tahab Goldman seksuaalsuse lahti köita. Smoking does not include a desire for love, communication, emotional expression or transmission; it is about Goldman who wants to unravel sexuality. [29, 35, 23] 29.0 [-1.7315343153640192, -1.3660967923134697, -1.318230271796973] -1.4719537931581541 -0.5562053918838501 5976 Saksid olid olulised varajase valgustatuse intellektuaalse voolu levitamises liitriigis. The hundred were important in disseminating the intellectual flow of early enlightenment in the federal state. [85, 79, 82] 82.0 [0.5580489988532433, 0.4586486864167604, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5314578340267438 -0.43095239996910095 5977 Uuevarikul püüab Annemai abikaasa suviseid lubadusi. In a novel archipelago, the spouse of Annemary is seeking oral promises. [22, 32, 42] 32.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.0326604392269085, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2733254719703433 -0.7225347757339478 5978 Varem tutsi valitsejaid toetanud Belgia võimud asusid nüüd hutude poolele. The Belgian authorities, which supported the rulers in the past, have now taken sides with the Hutus. [76, 59, 60] 65.0 [0.23454328731752536, -0.17849272745611192, -0.3321751917157582] -0.09204154395144826 -0.37859097123146057 5979 28. veebruar 2011 Euroopa Parlamendi president Jerzy Buzek. European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, 28 February 2011. [100, 86, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9871705874690427 -0.26328611373901367 5980 Soomes toimus ametiühingute korraldatud üldstreik, millega avaldati protesti valitsuse kärpekava ja säästumeetmete vastu. In Finland, there was a general strike organised by the trade unions, protesting against the government's austerity plan and austerity measures. [84, 100, 71] 85.0 [0.8163818113222999, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4066897413043879] 0.7740583569970393 -0.4273679852485657 5981 Otsides vastust küsimusele elu mõttest, luges ta muuhulgas ka Friedrich Nietzsche ja Arthur Schopenhaueri teoseid. In his answer to the question of life, he read, among other things, the works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schhenueri. [58, 83, 81] 74.0 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5363189527863194] 0.2489807564714265 -0.3713234066963196 5982 Teatud asjades oleks siiski rumal väita, et kindlus on kohane ainult niivõrd, kui põhjendid annavad sellele kindla aluse. However, it would be foolish in certain things to claim that security is only appropriate as far as the reasons give it a solid basis. [84, 84, 83] 83.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 0.6172985934001295, 0.6190326808341362] 0.6348205818936611 -0.43607276678085327 5983 2004. aastal tähistati Tallinna raekoja 600. aastapäeva. In 2004, the Tallinn City Hall celebrated the 60th anniversary. [100, 70, 84] 84.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, -0.19997321272861532, 0.6681304714467177] 0.5224202590275109 -0.3701334595680237 5984 Eestis Tallinna Ülikoolis toimus ülikooli neljas partnerpäev, mis keskendus teemale "Õppimine tulevikuorganisatsioonis". In Tallinn, Estonia, the University of Tallinn, held its fourth partner day, focusing on the theme "Teaching in the Future Organisation." [100, 84, 89] 91.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6882604319190001] 0.8271230663708761 -0.41958922147750854 5985 Teise korraldas enesetaputerrorist, selle tulemusel hukkus kaks tsiviilisikut ja sai vigastada kaks politseinikku. The second was organised by a suicide bomber, which resulted in the deaths of two civilians and the injuries of two police officers. [81, 83, 82] 82.0 [0.5363189527863194, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5538386306067818] 0.5715525953295715 -0.32389482855796814 5986 Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioonil on ka rohkem liikmeid kui Rahvasteliidul. The United Nations also has more members than the People's Union. [92, 96, 100] 96.0 [0.7859190067183177, 0.9980583701602151, 1.32209936924058] 1.0353589153730376 -0.3056001663208008 5987 Seepärast hakkas ta uurima elusorganismide liikide põlvnemist ja aja jooksul muutumist ning lõi lõpuks 1838. aastal teooria looduslikust valikust. That is why he started to look at the generation and change of life's species and, in 1838, created a theory of natural selection. [98, 79, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8000285302770759 -0.5497898459434509 5988 Tarkus heitis selle endast, väljapoole oma ruumi, et keegi surematutest ei näeks seda, sest ta oli loonud selle teadmatuse vallas olles. It needed to waste it, outside its own space, so that no one from the periphery would see it, because he had created it when he was unaware. [21, 1, 11] 11.0 [-1.7467405754982985, -2.016289862523797, -2.5168791546838967] -2.0933031975686642 -0.5744754672050476 5989 Ameerika Ühendriikide Louisiana osariigis toimusid presidendivalimiste eelvalimiskoosolekud, kus osalesid ainult Vabariikliku Partei kandidaadid. The state of Louisiana in the United States held preliminary presidential election meetings with only candidates from the Republican Party. [79, 93, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.7123928783280498, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9637625059775772 -0.29944249987602234 5990 Suurimad meeleavaldused leidsid sel korral aset Berliinis, Dresdenis ja Kölnis. The greatest demonstrations this time took place in Berlin, Dresden and Cologne. [86, 96, 80] 87.33333333333333 [0.7553910091489263, 1.156671913144946, 0.17436773524631535] 0.6954768858467294 -0.18855156004428864 5991 Need on mõnevõrra segunenud nii omavahel kui ka kolonistide kultuuriga. They are somewhat intertwined both with each other and with the colonist culture. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 1.3076476232459238] 1.2429501702836445 -0.4762515425682068 5992 Usklikke on igal pool ja paljudes kultuurides on kõik usklikud, aga metafüüsiline arusaam on suhteliselt vähestel. Believes are present everywhere, and in many cultures, everyone is religious, but metaphysical understanding is relatively few. [81, 82, 79] 80.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 0.5808699337445091, 0.1852619939609582] 0.39359730994147707 -0.5532039403915405 5993 Mälestuspalvuse pidas EELK peapiiskop Urmas Viilma. The European Union's Archbishop of the TEU, Urmas Vieta, held a monument. [22, 20, 24] 22.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.59213842690439, -1.8210222965764626] -1.7079593186729543 -0.6809999346733093 5994 Oletame, et keegi on mind meelega raskelt haavanud, näiteks füüsiliselt rünnanud. Let us assume that someone has deliberately wounded me hard, for example, by physical attacks. [100, 100, 81] 93.66666666666667 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8872932437643013 -0.4610404074192047 5995 Neisse investeeritakse vähe, puudus on geoloogidest ja mäeinseneridest. They are underinvested, lack of geologists and mountainous engineers. [67, 67, 66] 66.66666666666667 [0.4877626614868368, 0.07788890965667469, 0.07523855193204053] 0.21363004102518401 -0.3883896768093109 5996 28. juulil 1944 langes Sinimägedel mürsukillust tabatuna 659. On 28 July 1944, 659 fell as a result of contamination at Shuman discretion. [86, 80, 83] 83.0 [0.5947767169204025, 0.4936093960423005, 0.5855686120034557] 0.5579849083220529 -0.5610445737838745 5997 Elevandiluurannikul kroonis kohalik hõimupealik Jacksoni suure tseremoonia saatel Kuningas Saniks. In the crown of Côte d'Ivoire, a local tribal Jackson, will attend the great ceremony of King Sanias. [16, 29, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-1.926857290299737, -1.12785038341693, -1.993315928470645] -1.6826745340624374 -0.7103385925292969 5998 Haige pöördub kõigepealt tervisekeskusse või dispanserisse, kust ta vajadusel ringkonnahaiglasse edasi suunatakse. Whether you go first to a health centre or to a district hospital, you are going to a district hospital if you need it. [14, 29, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-1.8471901510692528, -1.12785038341693, -1.519643775650632] -1.4982281033789384 -0.781607985496521 5999 Kiriku võim tugevnes ja hakkas mõjutama kuningavõimu. The regime of the Church was strengthened and began to influence the kingdom. [100, 92, 96] 96.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.0176690182308925, 0.9980583701602151] 0.9710982946512107 -0.5076778531074524 6000 Portugali kaubalaevastikku kuulus 2010. aasta seisuga 109 laeva, millest 81 oli välisriikide omanduses ja 15 registreeritud välisriikides. In Portugal, there were 109 vessels in 2010, of which 81 were foreign ownership and 15 were registered in foreign countries. [76, 100, 76] 84.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.8241835542857531, 0.4377118082008297] 0.4988128832680361 -0.3511400818824768 6001 Nii ütles arheoloog Jan Driessen, et kuigi minose kunstis kujutatakse sageli relvi, näib see seal olevat üksnes rituaalse tähendusega. So the archaeologist Jan Driessen said that, while some art often depicts arms, it seems to be of mere ritual significance. [69, 56, 82] 69.0 [0.11937989840836705, -0.2711408857067372, 0.5808699337445091] 0.14303631548204632 -0.3529060184955597 6002 Veeasukate seas on ka mitmeid bioluminestsentseid organisme, näiteks vahel randadeski vaadeldav helendav plankton. There are also a number of bio-censors in the web, such as the live plankton sometimes viewed by the randaside. [13, 26, 39] 26.0 [-1.566716852002797, -1.8624251219173322, -1.0983204022131197] -1.5091541253777496 -0.7188648581504822 6003 Muski mõju ettevõtte tegevusele oli palju langenud, kuid ta jätkas Paypali nõustamist ja kasvatas oma investeeringut ettevõttesse. The impact of the Roma on the company's activities had fallen a lot, but he continued to advise PayPali and increased his investment in the company. [72, 86, 57] 71.66666666666667 [0.23653881664004375, 0.7553910091489263, -1.166310287855956] -0.058126820688995294 -0.40134644508361816 6004 Türgi, keda ähvardasid Poola territoriaalsed omandamised, asus piirialadele, ning aastal 1617 lepiti kokku rahu Venemaa ja Rootsi vahel. Turkey, which was threatened by Poland's territorial acquisition, was located in border areas, and in 1617 peace was agreed between Russia and Sweden. [81, 68, 78] 75.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.1096188910533485, 0.412248360714594] 0.3530356388871158 -0.32035383582115173 6005 Maailma asjad on teisiti olevad ainult niivõrd, kui neid vaatleb mõistus. Things in the world are different only as long as they are viewed by reason. [78, 84, 89] 83.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.6172985934001295, 0.867173864977587] 0.6302737722392694 -0.443450003862381 6006 Hendrik Gentist peab subjektis mitteolemise omadust reaalseks olemisviisiks, mis konstitueerib substantside kategooria. Hendrik Gentis considers the characteristic non-existence of the subject to be a real present, constituting a category of substances. [80, 100, 90] 90.0 [0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8001304653956343 -0.5461574196815491 6007 Edasi aga, see maatükk on ka aas, mitte mets ega tiik, ja see on tema kvalitatiivne piir. Moving on, however, this piece of land is also a treasure, not a meal or a tiger, and that is his qualitative limit. [37, 44, 29] 36.666666666666664 [-1.3824921645551846, -0.9938850160982935, -1.12785038341693] -1.1680758546901362 -0.4229567050933838 6008 Isa Robert pani pojad dr Samuel Butleri juhitavasse Shrewsbury algkooli, kus Darwin õppis kuni 16. eluaastani. Father Robert put his son at Shrewsbury's primary school, led by Dr Samuel Butler, where Darwin studied until 16. [82, 60, 84] 75.33333333333333 [0.4506833450792516, -0.3321751917157582, 0.6681304714467177] 0.262212874936737 -0.3058769702911377 6009 8.mail võttis tema portfelli üle peaminister Enda Kenny. On 8 May, Prime Minister Enda Kenny took over his portfolio. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6172985934001295] 0.8691761446958091 -0.17181968688964844 6010 Galilei oponendid, kes tema vaatlusi küsimärgi alla panid, ei olnud rumalad kangekaelsed reaktsionäärid. The opponents of Galileo, who questioned his observation, were not stupid stubborn reactors. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8620769254277464 -0.4031217098236084 6011 1413 on mainitud linnust ka Rooma paavsti ürikutes, kuna selle eenduvas väravatornis asus tähtis Püha Risti kabel. 1413 are also mentioned in the Roman Pope's events, because an important table was held at the gates to it. [22, 21, 44] 29.0 [-1.465741972965541, -1.3816902345903206, -0.7222026118592957] -1.189878273138386 -0.6584205031394958 6012 Kuid Mihhail Asen I otsustusvõimetus võimaldas Nikaial kogu kaotatud territooriumi tagasi võita, välja arvatud Tsepina. However, the indecision of Mikhail Asen allowed Nicaragua to win back all its lost territory, with the exception of Tsepina. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.3171952962875366 6013 Esimest ja teist tüüpi toimingutel pole eesmärgiks saadust, sest mõlemad on eesmärgid. Actions of the first and other types do not aim for produce, because both are objectives. [36, 42, 29] 35.666666666666664 [-1.426122433406289, -0.9902503733322566, -1.12785038341693] -1.1814077300518253 -0.586385190486908 6014 Ukrainas Donetski oblastis Zasjadko söekaevanduses toimus umbes kilomeetri sügavusel metaaniplahvatus. There was a metal explosion in the Donetski Oblastis Zmindko coal mine in Ukraine, at about a kilometre depths. [73, 80, 66] 73.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.4936093960423005, 0.21562528066459924] 0.27856931171452065 -0.4525003135204315 6015 Küsimus ei eelda, et tuleb arvestada tingimata moraalseid kaalutlusi. The issue does not imply that moral considerations must necessarily be taken into account. [100, 100, 84] 94.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9494588157741465 -0.3697316646575928 6016 Kaur Kender´il ei esine psüühikahäireid ega kognitiivseid defitsiite. There are no psychiatric disorders or cognitive deficits in the goods Kent pool. [55, 78, 63] 65.33333333333333 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.4063488583400919, -0.49731359731548613] -0.20430388460797022 -0.5775994658470154 6017 Selle tulemusel kujunesid välja Portugali piirid, mis on püsinud suures osas muutumatuna tänaseni. As a result, the Portuguese borders developed, which have remained largely unchanged to date. [100, 73, 100] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.18819751408457033, 1.5148636130151623] 0.9340548818213876 -0.3693523108959198 6018 Prantsusmaa, Suurbritannia ja Venemaa, kes soovisid Itaaliat Antanti, aitasid ajalehte rahastada. France, Great Britain and Russia, which wanted Italy to be Antanti, helped to finance the newspapers. [100, 92, 83] 91.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135] 0.8388531449296778 -0.30243730545043945 6019 Suhted, mis on eelkõige romantilised või seksuaalsed, ei anna kõige paremaid näiteid sellise armastuse kohta, mida Frankfurt silmas peab. Relations, particularly romantic or sexual, do not provide the best examples of the kind of love that Frankfurt has in mind. [85, 81, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.5372396648934048, 1.32209936924058] 0.8361225363102628 -0.3728731572628021 6020 Kokku dirigeeris ta Ljubljanas kuue kuu jooksul rohkem kui 50 ooperit. In total, she revised more than 50 operators in Ljubljana in six months. [23, 34, 45] 34.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.5133829711084976, -0.952528152074385] -1.2613804649932854 -0.5039170980453491 6021 Siis oleks sõprus teiste väärtustega ühe pulga peal. Then friendship with other values would be on the one hand. [69, 73, 71] 71.0 [-0.2413477505868195, 0.18819751408457033, 0.12275031254723479] 0.023200025348328535 -0.3012257218360901 6022 Senine rahandusminister Darius Valcov astus 15. märtsil seoses korruptsioonisüüdistustega tagasi. The current Minister for Finance, Darius Valcov, stood down on 15 March against corruption charges. [83, 84, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6603895448580447] 0.6380295427694059 -0.4286127984523773 6023 Samuti huvitas teda, millal laulab sopran Frances Alda avalikul kontserdil Alma Mahleri laule. He was also interested in when the public group Alma Mahler's table would be stretched by muran France at Alda. [22, 12, 1] 11.666666666666666 [-1.7107172325380107, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -2.066751993631533 -0.4456409215927124 6024 pisiJärve linnuse elukorruse suur neljakandiline peasaal, august 2006 A major four-beacon peason of suburban habitation, August 2006 [22, 37, 7] 22.0 [-2.0369461973217495, -1.2833830642656527, -1.9810739459290143] -1.7671344025054723 -0.8707004189491272 6025 Frankfurtile tundub, et armastuse autoriteet meile on tihedalt seotud selle tungiva ja taandumatu vajadusega mina ühtsust kaitsta. Frankfurt feels that the authority of love is closely linked to this pressing and unretreating need for me to defend unity. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.9537894284202726 -0.44932207465171814 6026 Keskaegseid müüre sisaldab vasakpoolne vanem hoone Mediaeval walls include the older left building. [23, 36, 48] 35.666666666666664 [-1.318230271796973, -1.426122433406289, -0.8284575600026597] -1.1909367550686405 -0.5737984776496887 6027 Et jõud ja agressiivsus olid neis ühiskondades viimsed võimu vormid, hakkasid naised domineerima. Since force and aggression were the last form of power in these societies, women began to dominate. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.4146600021189639, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 0.8464333561728211 -0.2845660150051117 6028 Zip2 nõukogu aga oli rahul senise äristrateegiaga ega soovinud uut riski võtta. However, the Zip2 Council was satisfied with the business strategy to date and did not want to take a new risk. [97, 100, 80] 92.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8698737270909259 -0.31611695885658264 6029 Püütakse vaid kääbusvaala, mis ei ole ohustatud liik. Only dwelling areas are being fished, which is not an endangered species. [25, 8, 29] 20.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -2.2695448973029837, -1.2659124962624795] -1.712701532407537 -0.6457703113555908 6030 John Duns Scotus, Stanfordi filosoofiaentsüklopeedia, 2015. John Duns Scotus, Stanford philosophical cyclone, 2015. [81, 63, 72] 72.0 [0.5372396648934048, -0.20810459964403286, 0.23653881664004375] 0.18855796062980523 -0.210246279835701 6031 Ta kirjutas ka näolõikustest, öeldes, et on käinud kahel ninalõikusel ja lasknud teha lõualohu. He also wrote about the spectacles, saying that he had come to two nightmare and allowed a damning threat to be brought to bear. [6, 1, 27] 11.333333333333334 [-2.0136268041954533, -2.016289862523797, -1.6969517045047373] -1.9089561237413293 -0.6316258907318115 6032 Nii et nagu Parmenideselgi, tuleb nähtumuslik paljus keeleveast, maailma valest jaotusest tähenduslikeks ühikuteks. So, like Parmenideery, the visible majority of the language error, the world's incorrect distribution, comes into meaningless units. [78, 52, 65] 65.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.6630301039070259, -0.09300816647554071] -0.11656313734749157 -0.6162653565406799 6033 Šveitsis Alpides avati maailma pikim maismaal asuv raudteetunnel. In Switzerland, the longest onshore railway tunnel in the world was opened in the Alps. [100, 81, 91] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8252505488115603 -0.3416456878185272 6034 Friedrich Wilhelmi väed sisenesid Königsbergi ja vangistasid mässu juhid. Friedrich Wilhelm troops entered Königsberg and the rebel leaders were imprisoned. [77, 100, 82] 86.33333333333333 [0.3708914966906855, 1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6776346293154955 -0.20467829704284668 6035 Liikumine oli nüüd matemaatika vallas ja seda sai kujutada graafikuna. Mobility was now in mathematics and it could be portrayed as a graph. [100, 81, 82] 87.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.31324491732529147] 0.6498627001943755 -0.4465819299221039 6036 Rahvusraamatukogu funktsioone täidab rahvusarhiiv, kus ametlike dokumentide ja ajalooliste ürikute kõrval on ka eksemplar igast ilmunud raamatust. The functions of the national library are performed by the national archive, where, alongside official documents and historical events, there is also an exhibitant record of every single piece of books that has appeared. [69, 77, 85] 77.0 [0.1413488724500223, 0.36271858948898755, 0.7017464088819532] 0.401937956940321 -0.4488402009010315 6037 Programmi väärtuse teine näitaja on see, et positiivne heuristika on piisavalt sidus, et selle järgi saaks uurimistööd edasi viia. Another indicator of the programme's value is that the positive Huristics are sufficiently coherent so that research can be taken forward. [93, 83, 100] 92.0 [0.8469401176424164, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8508609259164404 -0.5211191773414612 6038 Preskriptivistlik teooria väidab, et kõike, mida me tahame öelda eetika vallas ja teistes väärtustavates valdades, saab väljendada sõnaga "peaks". Prescritic theory claims that everything we want to say in the area of ethics and in other valuable formulations can be expressed with the word 'should'. [75, 82, 68] 75.0 [0.19851994435723766, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2920510649205147] 0.35714698100742054 -0.3929605782032013 6039 Ta ei ole kättesaadav inimlikele mõistele, mis mõõdavad enama ja vähema piiratud, kokkutõmmatud valda. It is not available for human concepts that measure more and less limited, trimmed together. [82, 80, 58] 73.33333333333333 [0.4506833450792516, 0.4936093960423005, -0.20768092291338958] 0.24553727273605416 -0.4914630055427551 6040 pisiVägede ülevaatus Boulogne'is, 15. august 1804. A review of the paragraphs in Boulogne, 15 August 1804. [14, 1, 8] 7.666666666666667 [-1.9989039762203125, -2.016289862523797, -1.6127876566528436] -1.875993831798984 -0.33930861949920654 6041 Mare räägib kogemata Margnale välja, mis jutte tema kohta Morna peal räägitakse. Mare accidentally tells Margale what talk you are about her on Morna. [21, 23, 44] 29.333333333333332 [-1.7467405754982985, -1.318230271796973, -0.590524837272457] -1.218498561522576 -0.5468435287475586 6042 Kirjandusliku tegevuse peamised keskused olid kirikud ja kloostrid, mis pakkusid algharidust põhikirjaoskusega kogu riigis. The main centres of literature were churches and monasteries, which provided initial education with basic skills throughout the country. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [0.9230496311961767, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7665659197554758 -0.4010002613067627 6043 Ent kui ta tunnistab ajaloolist tõde kultuurilise arengu selle osa puhul, mis õigusega ta siis eitab seda kultuuri teiste osade puhul? However, if he recognises the historical truth with regard to the part of cultural development that he rightly denies it in other parts of culture? [58, 53, 47] 52.666666666666664 [-0.4138768859676533, -0.39597668121738544, -0.8698144240265682] -0.5598893304038689 -0.3919943869113922 6044 Evelinile saabub külla Henry, kes satub ärevusse, kui Roccoga üksi peab jääma. Mrs Henry, a village is arriving in anxiety if Roccoga alone, if she has to stay. [23, 31, 39] 31.0 [-1.318230271796973, -1.6442737776618106, -1.2006693362178358] -1.3877244618922067 -0.5890735387802124 6045 Loogikud peavad asju teadma nii palju, kui mõisted neid representeerivad. Creators need to know as much as the concepts that represent them. [100, 75, 88] 87.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.27545805178677896, 0.7442185189868247] 0.706260029712678 -0.5240415930747986 6046 Samuti tahavad nad, et ühed soovid püsiksid, ja teiste suhtes on nad ükskõiksed või on neile aktiivselt vastu. They also want to keep one wish and to remain indifferent or actively opposed to others. [88, 76, 100] 88.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0811424575112913] 0.6890180603300508 -0.4690365791320801 6047 XII Riigikogu kultuurikomisjon nimetas Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu nõukogu uuteks liikmeteks Paavo Nõgese, Agu Uudelepa ja Mart Luige. The Committee on Culture of the Estonian National Broadcasting Council was appointed as new members of Pope vo Nygese, Age Nodelepa and Mart Ludo. [67, 75, 71] 71.0 [-0.32666969949637503, 0.27545805178677896, 0.12275031254723479] 0.023846221612546237 -0.46333014965057373 6048 Erinevalt Vellemanist peab Jollimore soovi armastusele olemuslikuks. Unlike Velleman, Jollimore's desire for love is considered essential. [55, 44, 33] 44.0 [-0.302870867103411, -1.0770802825974546, -1.314460459974846] -0.8981372032252372 -0.3236609101295471 6049 Eestis Tallinnas algas kirjandusfestival HeadRead. In Tallinn, Estonia, the Literature Festival, HeadRead, opened. [82, 87, 91] 86.66666666666667 [0.32308333696517566, 0.7124885375901508, 0.9814216926040136] 0.6723311890531134 -0.2609449028968811 6050 Mida moraalisüsteem niisuguste kaalutlustega peale hakkab? What is the moral system going to do with such considerations? [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.5148636130151623, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0660833928182305 -0.29726362228393555 6051 Ühiskond, kus tehakse elamise eksperimente, ei ole lihtsalt ühiskond, mis suurendab parima elu võimalusi. A society with life experiments is not just a society that increases the chances of the best life. [85, 77, 94] 85.33333333333333 [0.5587533739601147, 0.36271858948898755, 0.8251766107826247] 0.5822161914105757 -0.38589850068092346 6052 Türgi kirurgid sooritasid Akdenizi Ülikooli haiglas riigi esimese eduka näosiirdamisoperatsiooni. Turkish surgeons in hospital at the University of Akdenizi committed the country's first successful facial transfer operation. [99, 81, 82] 87.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5538386306067818] 0.7180528236347764 -0.3812153935432434 6053 Ta kinnitas Austria toetust Rumeenia ja Bulgaaria ühinemisele Euroopa Liiduga aastal 2007. He confirmed Austria's support for Romania and Bulgaria's accession to the European Union in 2007. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8727498208139332 -0.20260083675384521 6054 Hispaania keeldus aga Portugali iseseisvust tunnistamast ja nii puhkes detsembris 1640 Portugali iseseisvussõda, mis kestis kuni 1668. aastani. However, Spain refused to recognise Portugal's independence and so the 1640 Portuguese War of Independence broke out in December, which lasted until 1668. [71, 62, 80] 71.0 [0.05442657251608684, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4936093960423005] 0.15575832374389767 -0.31532448530197144 6055 Julgeolekupolitseid ründasid ka relvastatud protestijad. The security police were also attacked by armed protesters. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.22519895434379578 6056 Sellepärast ei saa loogika kategooriatevahelist erinevust tõestada. Therefore, the logic cannot prove the difference between the categories. [76, 100, 100] 92.0 [0.3190883206378832, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9220553285417911 -0.27271971106529236 6057 Ahven pakub talle võimalust liituda hoopis teiste meestega. He offers him the opportunity to join with other men instead. [86, 59, 83] 76.0 [0.4838888151444026, -0.3778535430073656, 0.6245002025956135] 0.2435118249108835 -0.4981580972671509 6058 Kellelgi teisel ei oleks alust sellist seadust järgida, kui ma ise seda alust ei anna. No one else would have the basis for complying with such a law if I myself did not give it. [77, 82, 100] 86.33333333333333 [0.47395913382770866, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.6592928995894648 -0.44885849952697754 6059 Eesti suursaadik Egiptuses Tiia Miller andis Kairos president Hosni Mubarakile üle oma volikirjad. Tiia Miller, the Estonian Ambassador, was handed over to President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo. [68, 83, 53] 68.0 [0.1096188910533485, 0.6245002025956135, -1.3321483036516322] -0.19934307000089005 -0.3127412796020508 6060 Isiklikust vaatekohast on see kaalutlus arusaadav. From a personal point of view, this consideration is understandable. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.3345487713813782 6061 Jürka ja Henry jõuavad eneselegi ootamatult ühisele arusaamisele. Book and Henry will also suddenly come to a common understanding. [37, 29, 55] 40.333333333333336 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.12785038341693, -0.27816675357289444] -0.85879474170784 -0.5955102443695068 6062 Ent ka võime teha otsuseid, mis selleni viivad, on suuresti pärit neist samadest traditsioonidest. However, we can also take decisions that lead to this, largely from these very traditions. [90, 100, 80] 90.0 [0.9085307290014955, 0.9996617706525889, 0.3952847075210473] 0.7678257357250439 -0.47253885865211487 6063 Põhiküsimus on see, kuidas mõista praktika ja refleksiooni vahelisi suhteid. The key question is how to understand the relationship between practice and the reflex. [70, 84, 64] 72.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.6681304714467177, -0.1667477356201244] 0.2248205298910965 -0.4203062951564789 6064 Galilei mõtestas ja täpsustas oma arusaamu illustratsioonide ja mõtteeksperimentidega. Galileo was meaningful and refined in its understanding with illustrations and reflections. [68, 76, 84] 76.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.32953463266677707, 0.6681304714467177] 0.31467388258290613 -0.6582875847816467 6065 Nad püüdsid röövida Napoli kuningast, kes pidi linnas olema. They tried to kidnap the King of Naples, who had to be in the city. [100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.9058970700512137 -0.2545238733291626 6066 Konstaabel Torim ei jäta Põtra rahule ja esitab talle mitmesuguseid küsimusi. Konstaabel Torim will not leave the Pytra alone and ask him a number of questions. [21, 18, 20] 19.666666666666668 [-1.2436371940988151, -1.4768801787803418, -2.124206735023958] -1.614908035967705 -0.3100929856300354 6067 Need võtsid enamasti kirjutatud katoliku propagandapamflettide ja eriarvamuste range kirikutsensuuri vormi. They took the form of strict church censorship of mostly written Catholic propaganda pamflets and dissenting opinions. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 1.1754306133612402 -0.4109776020050049 6068 Ent ta pidas ilmseks, et kui aritmeetika tõed on analüütilised, siis nad peavad olema aprioorsed. However, he considered it obvious that, if the truth of the arithmetic is analytical, they must be a priori. [68, 75, 81] 74.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, -0.016503524950316713, 0.6189484363352243] 0.18293381834004377 -0.39953702688217163 6069 Armeenia pealinnas Jerevanis suri viiekümne kuuendal eluaastal infarkti riigi peaminister Andranik Margarjan. In the capital of Armenia, Jerevan, the Prime Minister of the State of the Information Exchange, Andranik Margarjan, died in fifty sixth years of his life. [42, 47, 51] 46.666666666666664 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.9461894760441417, -0.4297907926901062] -0.7887435473555016 -0.3691502809524536 6070 Visiidi esimesel päeval kohtus ta Indoneesia presidendi Joko Widodoga ja allkirjastas mitmed kahepoolsed koostöölepingud. On the first day of the visit, he met with the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and signed a number of bilateral cooperation agreements. [98, 83, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.027056832443855, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9255117769287929 -0.16746443510055542 6071 Järgmised Ülemraada valimised toimuvad 26. oktoobril. The next round of elections will take place on 26 October. [92, 91, 90] 91.0 [1.0176690182308925, 1.1709475838635426, 0.9085307290014955] 1.0323824436986435 -0.38590341806411743 6072 Selleks on tarvis põhjendite ja väärtuste hindamist. This requires an assessment of the causes and values. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.352215051651001 6073 Õppevahendid puuduvad, laborid ja õppeklassid on ainult üksikutes koolides, mis on õpilastest veelgi kaugemal. There are no educational resources, laboratories and classrooms only in a few schools that are even further away from pupils. [82, 91, 100] 91.0 [0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461, 0.8241835542857531] 0.7481539837357029 -0.38836538791656494 6074 Ukraina relvajõudude 95. brigaad võttis Donetski oblastis oma kontrolli alla Jassõnuvata linna. The 95th Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces took control of the city of Jasmesa in the Donetski Oblast. [65, 71, 51] 62.333333333333336 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.2564751800664351, -0.4297907926901062] -0.11167636595643683 -0.41757750511169434 6075 Meeste omavaheline vestlus viib riiulijooniste vaatamise ja ühise riiuliehituseni. The conversation between men leads to the watching of the shelf lines and the building of the common shelf. [90, 60, 75] 75.0 [1.045525853025312, -0.3418302000470779, 0.5595413098162189] 0.42107898759815104 -0.5487490892410278 6076 võib küll olla, et see pühadus parasiteerib armastusel ja sellega kaasnevatel kogemustel. It may well be that this sanctity is a parade of love and of the experience that accompanies it. [62, 67, 71] 66.66666666666667 [-0.3152323948096562, 0.07788890965667469, 0.2564751800664351] 0.006377231637817865 -0.5656277537345886 6077 Iga moraaliarutluse järeldus ei väljenda moraalset kohustust. The conclusion of any moral debate is not a moral imperative. [80, 85, 73] 79.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 0.7017464088819532, 0.26826879803671755] 0.48787486765365706 -0.32654106616973877 6078 Esimesed seisnevad selles, et tuleb täpsustada, mis täpselt on adekvaatne induktiivne järeldamine. The first is that it is necessary to clarify what exactly is adequate inductive follow-up. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1644731792791072 -0.3761585056781769 6079 Novgorodi väed aga Eestimaale ei jõudnudki, ilmselt liidulubaduse andnud uue vürsti nõrga riigisisese autoriteedi tõttu. However, the Novgorod troops did not even reach Elooma, apparently because of the weakness of the new national authority that promised the Union. [44, 44, 43] 43.666666666666664 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.0770802825974546, -1.035241880122202] -1.0101752833771125 -0.5221237540245056 6080 Tõsi küll, kui me midagi väga soovime, siis me hoolime sellest, et vältida ebamugavustunnet, mida tekitab soovi täitumata jäämine. It is true, if we want something very much, that we take care to avoid the inconvenience of failing to do so. [80, 66, 64] 70.0 [0.22792296841573595, -0.31915087347530186, -0.7056279236235737] -0.26561860956104655 -0.5298804640769958 6081 Võimalik on moraalne järeldus, et ma tohin teatud asja teha, sest ma pole kohustatud tegema midagi muud. It may be the moral conclusion that I can do a certain thing, because I am not obliged to do anything else. [70, 100, 93] 87.66666666666667 [0.3684768491764302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.0539163438577714] 0.8491238295937039 -0.3229418098926544 6082 Filosoofilise analüüsi selges valguses võivad mõnedki eetikasüsteemid tunduda vähem ligitõmbavatena. In the light of the clear analysis of the film, some ethical systems may seem less attractive. [83, 81, 84] 82.66666666666667 [0.5855686120034557, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5227300309998271] 0.5485127692988959 -0.4231296181678772 6083 Kohutav tunnistamine, milleks me oleme saanud, on meie tehtud kurja tunnistamise tarvilik tingimus. Reasonable recognition that we have received is a necessary condition for recognising the evil that we have made. [80, 53, 65] 66.0 [0.4936093960423005, -0.6216732398831174, -0.3871436867160806] -0.17173584351896584 -0.4267275631427765 6084 Ja see ei pruugi elektroodioperaatoritele turvaliseks tehtud maailmas töötada. And this may not work for electromobility operators in a secure world. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.094597081495084 -0.5096631646156311 6085 Kohtumise kesksed teemad olid Euroopa Liidu idapartnerlus, olukord Liibüas ja Iraagis ning terrorismivastane võitlus. The European Union's Eastern Partnership, the situation in Libya and Iraq and the fight against terrorism were at the heart of the meeting. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8533965678800458 -0.2868117690086365 6086 Lõpuks kui küsimused olid vastatud, tegi Naan nagu ikka viimase kokkuvõtte, aga rangelt neutraalsel moel. Finally, when the questions were answered, Naan, as usual, made the last summary, but in a strictly neutral manner. [100, 97, 94] 97.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0297883515568889, 1.0901636694846504] 1.0670314928509435 -0.39202597737312317 6087 1932. aastal liitunud Iraak oli esimene liikmesriik, mis oli varem ühtlasi olnud Rahvasteliidu mandaatala. Iraq, which joined in 1932, was the first Member State to have been the mandate of the UPM. [78, 82, 52] 70.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 0.5776758168102278, -0.3980608112934324] 0.19532128795229575 -0.34684690833091736 6088 Nüüd on teada, et silm ei ole tumedal taustal olevate väikeste valgusallikate suuruse hindamisel usaldatav. It is now known that the bridge is not credible in assessing the size of small light sources that are on the wind. [79, 80, 78] 79.0 [0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005, 0.3065899732381008] 0.4196160185657205 -0.4803619682788849 6089 Lõunaosas on selle kõrgus umbes 900 meetrit, põhjas Mbala lähedal aga umbes 1800 meetrit merepinnast. In the south, it has a height of approximately 900 metres, and in the north near Mbala about 1 800 metres of sea surface. [87, 94, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.6231547153861217, 1.2855862602474157, 1.1249782957469103] 1.011239757126816 -0.4388898015022278 6090 Mornasse sõidab ootamatult Evelini tütar Annabel, kellel ei lähe Londonis kõige paremini. Mrs Annabel's daughter, who does not go best in London, is suddenly travelling to Moravia. [29, 23, 47] 33.0 [-0.9135864419161961, -1.318230271796973, -0.8698144240265682] -1.0338770459132458 -0.3686855733394623 6091 1647. aastal toimus Barbadosel esimene dokumenteeritud kollapalaviku epideemia. In 1647th, the first ever documented Colony Fever epidemic occurred in Barbados. [82, 84, 80] 82.0 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4654456124332716 -0.42415308952331543 6092 Uusi kaitsemehhanisme testiti esimest korda oktoobris 1191, kui Tower esimest korda ajaloos ümber piirati. The new safeguard mechanisms were tested for the first time in October 1191, when I was first surrounded in history. [42, 46, 50] 46.0 [-0.9902503733322566, -0.9898197448952459, -0.7457438319548428] -0.9086046500607817 -0.3108971416950226 6093 Eestit külastas Tai asevälisminister Virachai Virameteekul. Estonia was visited by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand, Virachachai Virameway. [89, 95, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 0.9189868035629918, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9767489716707137 -0.2613942623138428 6094 Esinduslikke raekodasid hakati maailmas ehitama 12. sajandil. The world began to build representative chambers in the 12th century. [37, 33, 29] 33.0 [-1.1703670881336952, -1.1209231937549637, -1.12785038341693] -1.139713555101863 -0.31434905529022217 6095 Sellepärast nad tervitavad teiste tegusid, mis võivad näidata vastase madalust ning sellega kaudselt tõsta nende enda väärtusastet. That is why they welcome the actions of others that can show a low level of opposition and thereby indirectly increase their own level of value. [83, 100, 92] 91.66666666666667 [0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302, 0.87113844457352] 0.8649140551778546 -0.5422821044921875 6096 Suurbritannia kuninganna Elizabeth II pidas oma troonileasumise 60. aastapäeva puhul kõne Suurbritannia parlamendi mõlema koja ühisistungil. The British Queen Elizabeth II spoke in a joint session of both chambers of the British Parliament on the occasion of her 60th anniversary of his inauguration. [100, 83, 82] 88.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5776758168102278] 0.7757181050509172 -0.32469215989112854 6097 Julgeoleku ja Kaitse Nõukogu teabekeskuste teatel hukkus viimase ööpäeva jooksul 5 Ukraina sõjaväelast, 14 sai haavata. According to the Security and Defence Council Information Centres, 5 Ukrainian troops died in the last night, 14 were wounded. [100, 82, 76] 86.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.36345874222673896] 0.6811440647785595 -0.30792036652565 6098 Filipiinide pealinna Manila agulis puhkes varahommikul viis tundi kestnud tulekahju, milles põles ära umbes nelisada puust ja papist maja. The capital of the Philippines, Manila in the south-east, broke five hours of fire in the early morning, wrapping up about four hundred trees and houses. [23, 29, 16] 22.666666666666668 [-1.674693889577723, -1.12785038341693, -1.38561814123498] -1.3960541380765443 -0.5025069117546082 6099 Keiser suri 1143. aasta aprillis jahil saadud vigastusse. The person died from an injury at his meal in 1143 April. [9, 22, 35] 22.0 [-2.006769084012961, -2.0369461973217495, -1.5101665306408727] -1.8512939373251944 -0.5962210297584534 6100 Alates 1993. aastast on Podolskis tegutsenud kohalik telekanal. Since 1993, Podolskis has been operating on local television channels. [54, 49, 59] 54.0 [0.11976315349007159, -0.4932507554834539, -0.17849272745611192] -0.18399344314983138 -0.31164586544036865 6101 Jaapani turneest, mis toimus novembris ja detsembris 2001, anti välja omakorda DVD "Japan Tour 2001 Budokan / This Song For George". The Japanese market, which took place in November and December 2001, was, in turn, issued the DVD 'Japan Tour 2001 Budokan / Song For George'. [33, 41, 37] 37.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.1179556081700188, -1.3824921645551846] -1.271636077566683 -0.22182469069957733 6102 Alžeerias algas parlamendivalimiste ametlik kampaania. Algeria launched an official campaign for parliamentary elections. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9289968956675704 -0.28128471970558167 6103 Teaduse ülesanne on need seadused avastada ning rakendada neid tagajärgede seletamiseks. Science has the task of detecting these laws and implementing them in order to explain the consequences. [78, 84, 100] 87.33333333333333 [0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.8057161819024614 -0.4561435282230377 6104 Malawi alal elanud loodususku hõimudele tõid ristiusu 19. sajandi lõpus David Livingstone ja teised lääne misjonärid. The Armenian natural tribes were brought to Christianity by David Livingstone and other Western missionaries at the end of the 19th century. [36, 44, 40] 40.0 [-1.2063904310939828, -1.0770802825974546, -0.7788205880535182] -1.0207637672483185 -0.36706873774528503 6105 Sellepärast on põhjus arvata, et truudusetuse näite puhul ei ole meil mitte analoogia moraaliga, vaid asi ongi moraalis. That is why it is a reason to believe that, in the case of inviolability, we do not have the same kind of morality, but it is about morality. [29, 37, 44] 36.666666666666664 [-1.091871252739237, -1.3824921645551846, -0.9182036874116812] -1.130855701568701 -0.49057531356811523 6106 Villeneuve'i varude seisund hakkas paranema oktoobris, kuid uudised Nelsoni saabumisest tegid Villeneuve'i tõrksaks sadamast lahkuma. The state of the Villeneuve stock started to improve in October, but the news of the arrival of Nelson made it reluctant to leave the port. [100, 89, 100] 96.33333333333333 [0.8975674955625244, 0.9089270413502557, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9771576108865635 -0.29500946402549744 6107 Sel perioodil oli lossis mitmeid väljapaistvaid vange. During this period, there were a number of outstanding prisoners in the Castle. [100, 98, 75] 91.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.235152971992166, 0.33172876083006514] 0.8214830761282518 -0.38157910108566284 6108 Ühe tõlgenduse järgi on näiteks tikkudel või kividel alati mingid tajutavad erinevused. One interpretation, for example, shows that there are always discernible differences on ponds or stone. [44, 14, 29] 29.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -1.2824512635006091, -1.12785038341693] -1.10950177810974 -0.503616452217102 6109 Ratsaküttide rügemendist kaitsesid teed Chantelet' metsas. The desecration of rabies protected roads in Channel's forest. [25, 21, 39] 28.333333333333332 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.555891101277511, -1.2006693362178358] -1.453069213717498 -0.713215172290802 6110 Portugalil on keeruline ja mitmeastmeline maksusüsteem. Portugal has a complex and multi-stage tax system. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3158298440026652 -0.29269421100616455 6111 Visiidi raames kohtub ta Hiina välisministri Wang Yi, asevälisministri Wang Chao ja Rahvakongressi väliskomisjoni juhi Fu Yingiga. It will meet with the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, Deputy Minister Wang Chao, and Fu Yingi, Vice-President of the People's Congress. [70, 80, 88] 79.33333333333333 [0.018403229555799133, 0.4936093960423005, 0.5692107640539581] 0.36040779655068594 -0.3275182545185089 6112 See vaade oli evolutsioonibioloogias domineeriv kuni 20. sajandi lõpuni. This view was dominant in evolutionary biology until the end of the 20th century. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1100644715184529 -0.26503026485443115 6113 Kandev roll muusikute väljaõppel oli Peterburi konservatooriumil. The St Petersburg Conservative has played an important role in training musicians. [78, 79, 80] 79.0 [0.412248360714594, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4936093960423005] 0.45483548105788496 -0.4002031683921814 6114 Kuningas Batory algatas piechota wybraniecka, olulise talupoegade jalaväeüksuse loomise. King Blooma launched an iecka, an important Football Force as a chota wyana. [19, 5, 12] 12.0 [-1.8187872614188738, -1.8893699369371015, -2.4732488858327923] -2.060468694729589 -0.6858270168304443 6115 Vasiliki, üks varajasemaid Minose kultuuri asulakohti saare idaosas. Vatican, one of the most early sites of Minos culture in the east of the island. [75, 85, 80] 80.0 [0.33172876083006514, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] 0.5128171966300993 -0.3650079369544983 6116 Kui andestus erineb leppimisest, kuidas ta saab siis tegija süüst vabastada? If the forgiveness is different from reconciliation, how can he release the perpetrator from his guilt? [82, 91, 99] 90.66666666666667 [0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461, 1.2807425052166714] 0.9003403007126756 -0.3108918070793152 6117 Eesti esinduslauluks 2007. aasta Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusel valiti Gerli Padari esitatud lugu "Partners in Crime". Estonia's 2007 Eurovision Song Contest was chosen as the "Partners in Crime" award of Gerli Padari. [54, 42, 29] 41.666666666666664 [-0.24292942487089356, -1.1643408202996632, -1.091871252739237] -0.8330471659699312 -0.3582734167575836 6118 Pärast ühendamist sai arvukalt endise kuningliku aadelkonna järeltulijaid Itaalia kodanikeks, arvuliselt 7 387 aadliperet. Following the merger, a large number of successors to the former Royal Army were received by Italian citizens, numerical 7 387 addresses. [22, 25, 27] 24.666666666666668 [-1.7107172325380107, -1.9060553907684363, -1.2746775123257523] -1.6304833785440664 -0.5810091495513916 6119 Portugali esiajalugu on osa kogu Pürenee poolsaare kui terviku varasest ajaloost. Portugal's history of history is part of the early history of the Iberian Peninsula as a whole. [52, 80, 52] 61.333333333333336 [-0.6300169437293796, 0.4936093960423005, -0.3980608112934324] -0.1781561196601705 -0.27992644906044006 6120 13. oktoobril 1946 ordineeriti ta kardinal Adam Sapieha poolt alamdiakoniks, 20. oktoobril 1946 diakoniks ja 1. novembril 1946 preestriks. On 13 October 1946, Cardinal Adam Sapieha was coordinated for a subdivision, 20 October 1946 for the dicondom and 1 November 1946 for the priests. [59, 70, 81] 70.0 [-0.3735320557396667, 0.17307885384669613, 0.5372396648934048] 0.11226215433347808 -0.3268794119358063 6121 Templirüütlid ja Hospitaliidid ründasid teineteist, aastal 1241 murdsid templirüütlid Aijubiididega sõlmitud rahu, kui ründasid Nabluse linna. The temperature pattern and the leaders of Hospital attacked each other, and in 1241, the temple knives broke the peace with the Aijubis when they attacked the city of Nabia. [35, 18, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.5101665306408727, -1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228] -1.6019471874958142 -0.6384188532829285 6122 Filosoofias ei ole tegelikult mitte midagi kaalul. In a philosopher, nothing really is at stake. [41, 52, 29] 40.666666666666664 [-1.2079710891507676, -0.6630301039070259, -1.12785038341693] -0.9996171921582411 -0.4093044400215149 6123 Henrik Ibsenit peetakse üheks maailma suuremaks näitekirjanikuks ja suurimaks realistiks näitekirjanduses. Henrik Ibsen is considered to be one of the world's largest faces and one of the greatest realistic faces in the exhibition literature. [74, 79, 83] 78.66666666666667 [0.16249660139694996, 0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135] 0.41353400957702197 -0.44346147775650024 6124 Komisjoni asepresident Jyrki Katainen teatas, et põllumeestele eraldatakse kohe toetusteks kokku 500 miljonit eurot. Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen announced that farmers would receive a total of €500 million in payments immediately. [77, 57, 76] 70.0 [0.36271858948898755, -0.44990022892794107, 0.32953463266677707] 0.08078433107594118 -0.27025166153907776 6125 Nähtavasti ta peab silmas, et lahus eksisteerivatena mõeldavad objektid saavad eksisteerda tegelikult, st tegelike füüsiliste objektidena. Obviously he means that what is thought of as separate objects can actually exist, that is, as real physical objects. [100, 97, 94] 97.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.9910334894835672, 1.0901636694846504] 1.1344321760695992 -0.5399764776229858 6126 Loodi sihtasutusi Poola bibliograafia väljaarendamiseks ja käivitati palju kirjastustegevust. Foundations were created to develop Polish bibliography and a large number of publishing activities were launched. [100, 81, 89] 90.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.6118717385087359] 0.7494049739221903 -0.29438814520835876 6127 Kokkupõrkes hukkus ametlikel andmetel 40 islamisti, 14 sõdurit ja vähemalt 6 valitsusmeelset hõimusõdalast. According to official data, 40 Islamists, 14 soldiers and at least 6 pro-government tribes died in hell. [75, 83, 80] 79.33333333333333 [0.2881777686428686, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] 0.36234856882826577 -0.35158786177635193 6128 Suvine õhutemperatuuri rekord talletati 1. augustil 2003 Amarelejas, kus sooja oli 47,4 °C. The summer's temperature record was recorded on 1 August 2003 in the Amaran, where the salt was 47.4 ° C. [48, 67, 78] 64.33333333333333 [-0.05008277327766619, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5102064594545875] 0.17933753194453203 -0.37871846556663513 6129 Terviseameti peadirektor on aruandekohuslane sotsiaalministri ees, kes on valitsuse liige. The Director-General of the Health Agency is accountable to the Minister for Social Affairs, who is a member of the government. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7185724326559341 -0.23560607433319092 6130 Isegi orkester lahkus lavalt enne kontserdi lõppu, jättes dirigendipuldis seisnud Bruckneri saali vaid üksikute toetajatega, kelle seas oli ka Mahler. Even the orchestra left the scene before the end of the group, leaving the Bruckner room standing in dirigendiarl with only a few supporters, including Mahler. [55, 36, 29] 40.0 [-0.8386013929537083, -1.2063904310939828, -1.1982517280698368] -1.0810811840391759 -0.3658246695995331 6131 Mõte, et emotsiooni tuum on mingi füsioloogiline erutus, on olnud levinud psühholoogias ja filosoofias. The idea that the core of emotion is some kind of physiological inactivity has been widespread in psychology and philosophy. [57, 85, 82] 74.66666666666667 [-0.44990022892794107, 0.711760740297822, 0.5776758168102278] 0.2798454427267029 -0.42732229828834534 6132 Emotsiooniteooriad, nagu emotsioonid isegi, on lõppkokkuvõttes poliitilised ning olulised meie võimutunde seisukohast. Emmodus, like emotion itself, are ultimately political and important in terms of our sense of power. [47, 66, 61] 58.0 [-0.8101336585308181, 0.07523855193204053, -0.2908183276918498] -0.3419044780968758 -0.4177723824977875 6133 Reshevsky seevastu valis Euwe vastu üsna rahuliku, aeglase ja äraootava avanguvariandi. On the other hand, Reshevsky chose a rather peaceful, slow and awakening version against Euwe. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0505656329477848 -0.3280845880508423 6134 Sinna kogunenud saarlased, harjulased ja läänemaalased tapsid mõned linnuses olnud taanlased ning saatsid sõna Virumaale, et seal samuti tehtaks. The islands, habits and western peoples gathered there killed some Danes who were in towns and cities and sent the floor to Viruland to also do so. [81, 82, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5602181332549484 -0.5212446451187134 6135 Hukkus kaks ja sai vigastada ligi sada kakskümmend inimest. Two hundred and twenty people were killed and injured. [34, 26, 42] 34.0 [-1.102146772735156, -1.1016562469626503, -0.7946972631130536] -0.9995000942702866 -0.35808494687080383 6136 Moraal mõistab vääriti eetilist praktilist paratamatust, pidades seda kohustuste eripäraks. Morality misunderstands the moral necessity of an ethical practical necessity, considering it to be a peculiar feature of obligations. [73, 79, 67] 73.0 [0.12647325843666224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.21811376509484437 -0.6414703130722046 6137 Igatahes peeti saadud vastuseid piisavaks ja kellegi kohta inkrimineerivaid tõendeid ei leitud. In any case, the responses received were deemed sufficient and no evidence of discrimination was found for anyone. [88, 82, 85] 85.0 [0.6668234028409779, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6490285747968032] 0.6322406371274301 -0.3327816426753998 6138 Grabbi pööras tähelepanu, et Naan rääkis aeglaselt ja rahulikult. Grabbi pointed out that Naan spoke slowly and calmly. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.9947724432936317 -0.18354611098766327 6139 Iisraeli peaminister Binyamin Netanyahu vabastas ametist rahandusminister Ya'ir Lapidi ja justiitsminister Tsipi Livni. The Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has dissociated Finance Minister Ya'ir Lati and Minister for Justice, Tsipi Livni. [97, 67, 80] 81.33333333333333 [0.9486832980505137, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.5067272012498296 -0.44172483682632446 6140 Kunstikriitik saab meid aidata, kui me oleme sama objekti juures ja teame midagi tema mõistestikust. Artistic criticism can help us if we are at the same object and know something of his comprehension. [81, 65, 58] 68.0 [0.5372396648934048, 0.03899122630516161, -0.20768092291338958] 0.12284998942839227 -0.38897281885147095 6141 Saare avastas euroopastele 8. novembril 1798 Briti kapten John Fearn, kes jõudis saareni vaalapüügilaevaga "Hunter". On 8 November, 1798 British Captain John Floomy, who arrived on the Hunter flotilla of the Karen whaling, discovered Europeans. [17, 1, 9] 9.0 [-2.1105203447438217, -2.016289862523797, -2.6041396923861053] -2.2436499665512417 -0.6563488245010376 6142 Alfred Nobel jättis tootmishoonete rajamise äripartnerite hooleks ja sõitis ise Saksamaale. Alfred Nobel left the building of productive buildings to business partners and went to Germany for himself. [76, 80, 83] 79.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.4903786678134342, 0.6190326808341362] 0.47616655642848454 -0.43108901381492615 6143 Mõned faktid, eriti katsetulemused, on teooriast sõltuvad ja ekslikud. Some facts, particularly test results, are dependent on and misguided in theory. [89, 84, 93] 88.66666666666667 [0.6118717385087359, 0.6172985934001295, 1.0539163438577714] 0.7610288919222122 -0.4036334753036499 6144 24. novembril 1907 juhatas ta Õukonnaooperi orkestrit, kes esitas Mahleri hüvastijätukontserdil tema teist sümfooniat. On 24 November 1907, he chaired a teamicable opera orchestra who submitted his second symphony to the Mahler hyvastiatric group. [31, 18, 44] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.4768801787803418, -0.9938850160982935] -1.3716796575134822 -0.4267205595970154 6145 Ta oli üks Eesti ajaloo stalinistliku käsitluse alusepanijaid. He was one of the founding fathers of the Stalinist approach in Estonian history. [79, 90, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.8076784817801723, 1.32209936924058] 0.8599189927373162 -0.27049925923347473 6146 Eksplitsiitne valik ei tundu enam nii tähtis, sest otsustamine toimub suuresti juba enne, ja ei tundu nii ilmne, et seda saab kultiveerida. Expulsion options no longer appear to be so important, because decision making is taking place largely before, and it does not seem so obvious that it can be cultivated. [84, 80, 100] 88.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0811424575112913] 0.699160628184473 -0.488243967294693 6147 Vapi alusena on kasutatud linna ajaloolist vappi, mis võeti kasutusele detsembris 1781. The treasure has been used as a basis for the city's historic wounds, which were introduced in December 1781. [32, 31, 29] 30.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693] -1.3742026546712915 -0.5316415429115295 6148 Teadus saab moraali mõnes asjas juhendada ja selle suunda muuta, kuid ta ei saa moraali mahutada, seega ka mitte moraalifilosoofiat. Science can dictate and change the way in which it works in some respects, but it cannot add value, so it is not a moral cry. [81, 84, 83] 82.66666666666667 [0.29116755037643405, 0.6681304714467177, 0.28667001963879457] 0.4153226804873154 -0.6128522157669067 6149 pataljon, 113. julgestusrügement ning Eesti diviisi rünnakkahurid. baggage, 11.13 security rhythms and attacks in Estonia. [21, 20, 18] 19.666666666666668 [-1.7467405754982985, -2.124206735023958, -1.4768801787803418] -1.7826091631008663 -0.43914973735809326 6150 Liitlased kasutasid osavalt ära hetke, kui prantsuse kürassiirid tõmbusid parasjagu tagasi ning üllatasid siis neid ootamatu ratsaväe vasturünnakuga. The Federators were able to take advantage of the moment when the French Cypriots rose down in parity and then surprised them with an unexpected ravage counter-attack. [30, 23, 37] 30.0 [-1.687904046512915, -1.318230271796973, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4298391275251803 -0.6910308599472046 6151 Konklaavil olid peamised soosikud kardinal Giuseppe Siri ja kardinal Giovanni Benelli. Cardinal Giuseppe Siri and Cardinal Giovanni Benelli were the main favourites of the conversation. [57, 58, 56] 57.0 [-0.44990022892794107, -0.5881707388308441, -0.2872347043367487] -0.44176855736517795 -0.36524954438209534 6152 Hiljem teatas tema advokaat, et minister mürgitati. His lawyer later reported that the Minister had been poisoned. [78, 100, 100] 92.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8768102241504775 -0.3943282961845398 6153 Küprosest sai viies Euroopa Liidu liikmesriik, mis on pidanud rahandusraskuste tõttu päästepaketti taotlema. Cyprus became the fifth Member State of the European Union to apply for a rescue package because of financial difficulties. [89, 100, 95] 94.66666666666667 [0.8862818157022393, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9663283887635413] 0.9839045742767368 -0.33254683017730713 6154 Riialaste Läänemaale tungimine tõi kaasa läänemaalaste, saarlaste ja revalaste vasturetke, mille käigus nad aga Turaida lahingus lüüa said. Awareness of the people of Riga in the West led to a return from the West, the Isles and the Turada people, while they were defeated in the battle. [28, 15, 1] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2364646201977947, -2.3423580792794794, -2.016289862523797] -1.8650375206670236 -0.6415747404098511 6155 Sadamalinn Narvik asetseb vaid 8 km kaugusel Rootsi piirist. Sadamalinn Nariki is only 8 km away from the Swedish border. [34, 44, 54] 44.0 [-1.2784371170145583, -1.0770802825974546, -0.3346008485000848] -0.8967060827040325 -0.42086806893348694 6156 See teeb teoretiseerimise huvitavaks ja muidugi vastutustundetumaks. This makes theorisation interesting and, of course, more irresponsible. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9435403186179384 -0.3687399923801422 6157 79.\tAadam järgis seda, mis oli tema enda algteadmistele vastav ja talle sündis Inimese pojaga sarnanev laps. 79. The Guartadam followed what was his own original knowledge and the birth of a child similar to a human boy. [76, 85, 81] 80.66666666666667 [0.05727907059662488, 0.711760740297822, 0.522108649210108] 0.4303828200348516 -0.5682218074798584 6158 1219. aasta veebruaris otsustati Riias korraldada sõjakäik Revalasse. In February 1219, it was decided in Riga to conduct a military campaign in Real. [31, 29, 33] 31.0 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693, -1.4488105203612864] -1.4069782271466755 -0.4685666561126709 6159 Ametlikult on Iisrael ja Süüria alates 1973. aastast sõjas, sest rahuleping kahe riigi vahel puudub. Officially, Israel and Syria have been at war since 1973 because there is no peace agreement between the two countries. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9053861327966016 -0.22746093571186066 6160 Kas me tahame seda rünnata või oleme rahul, see sõltub temperamendist. Whether we want to attack it or whether we are satisfied, it depends on temperament. [96, 100, 82] 92.66666666666667 [0.9550101465232795, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5776758168102278] 0.8858880863601394 -0.31379228830337524 6161 Rünnakus hukkus neli inimest, teiste seas ka pussitatud politseinik ja ründaja ise. Four people died in the attack, including the police officer and the aggressor himself. [85, 58, 81] 74.66666666666667 [0.5580489988532433, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] 0.2958692469444195 -0.4892713129520416 6162 Peppi Puolakka ja Marianna Kurki olid tema hea sõbratarid. Almost Puolacka and Marianna Kurki were his good friend. [68, 76, 84] 76.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.32953463266677707, 0.6681304714467177] 0.31467388258290613 -0.39932700991630554 6163 Aga peale selle on sellel, mida ta armastab, tema jaoks paratamatult instrumentaalne väärtus, sest ilma selleta ta ei saaks armastada. But, over and above what he loves, he inevitably has the instructive value, because without it he would not be able to love. [68, 74, 80] 74.0 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.24665490637030518 -0.48522451519966125 6164 Maksustatud on ka kapitalitulu, kinnisvaratehingud, maa, pärand ja mootorsõidukid. Capital income, property transactions, land, heritage and motor vehicles have also been taxed. [100, 77, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8622668012001093 -0.18634851276874542 6165 Euroopa Liit nõustus taasalustama liitumiskõnelusi Türgiga statistika ja finantskontrolli küsimustes. The European Union agreed to resume accession talks with Turkey on statistical and financial control issues. [91, 90, 93] 91.33333333333333 [0.9498875930254039, 0.7388700887615532, 1.0539163438577714] 0.9142246752149096 -0.22619278728961945 6166 Viieteistkümne tuhande kroonine preemia antakse laureaadile kätte 10. mail. The fifteen thousand chronic prizes will be awarded to the winner on 10 May. [56, 84, 80] 73.33333333333333 [-0.4976026478113921, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.1149651862938803 -0.2712360918521881 6167 Olgu dx väike lisandus muutuja x väärtusele, nii et see on nüüd x + dx. Be dx a small addition to the variable x value, so it is now x + dx. [73, 100, 71] 81.33333333333333 [0.035841257666501314, 1.3076476232459238, 0.20480883524336993] 0.5160992387185983 -0.3451385796070099 6168 Saart ümbritsev rifiplatvorm pärineb Tertsiaarist. The riphilia platform surrounding the island originates from the Terciary. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8338069514775489 -0.6272332072257996 6169 Lahkarvamus mööbliesemete tajumises on küll fakte puudutav, kuid mitte teoreetiline. The disagreement about the perception of furniture is a matter of facts, but not a theoretical one. [79, 100, 100] 93.0 [0.44997912719119615, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9656855973928954 -0.37996935844421387 6170 Pasteur näitas, et terve koer, kellele oli süstitud marutaudi surnud koera kuivatatud ja purustatud seljaaju, ei nakatunud marutaudiga. The Pasteur has shown that a whole dog who had been dried up and destroyed by a dead dog of rabies has not been infected with rabies. [20, 45, 33] 32.666666666666664 [-1.7827639184585862, -0.6859552862324167, -1.4488105203612864] -1.3058432416840964 -0.4308173954486847 6171 Läti pealinnas Riias põrkasid kokku president Andris Bērziņši ja seimi spiikri Solvita Āboltiņa ametiautod. In Riga, Latvia's capital city, President Andris Bērziņš and the Speaker of the Seimas, SolorgĀBoltiņa met their cars. [56, 46, 35] 45.666666666666664 [-0.290569303981979, -0.9898197448952459, -1.2424137740542707] -0.8409342743104986 -0.5423921942710876 6172 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves alustas kolmepäevast töövisiiti Saksamaal. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves launched a three-day working visit to Germany. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.949527338902318 -0.17186622321605682 6173 16. sajandil omandas Tower püsiva maine sünge, heidutava vanglana. In the 16th century, I had the gloom of a lasting reputation as a intimidating prison. [77, 84, 70] 77.0 [0.2705666302778131, 0.6681304714467177, -0.19997321272861532] 0.24624129633197178 -0.41489386558532715 6174 Heymerici vahendusel käis Nicolaus 1428 spetsiaalselt Pariisis Lulluse originaalkäsikirju uurimas ning nendest ärakirju ja väljavõtteid tegemas. Through good care, Nicolaus 1428 went to Paris specifically to investigate the original letters of Lulling and to deal with them and extracts from them. [60, 81, 85] 75.33333333333333 [-0.14422096012004196, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7017464088819532] 0.36492170455177203 -0.5675886869430542 6175 Ursula tüdineb toas igavlemisest ja satub väljas kokku Kaidoga, kellele ta öömaja aitab otsida. Ursula is wearing a dozen ears and coming out with Kaido, to whom she is helping to seek a house of night. [43, 49, 46] 46.0 [-0.6632712382784286, -0.5409659837249011, -0.5884406996734752] -0.5975593072256017 -0.4711895287036896 6176 Epicharmos ütleb ka, inimesed peavad üksteist kõige ilusamateks, nii nagu ka koerad üksteist. Eminarmos also say, people consider each other to be the most beautiful, just as dogs say each other. [63, 65, 66] 64.66666666666667 [-0.49731359731548613, 0.01442894686332708, 0.07523855193204053] -0.1358820328400395 -0.5322850346565247 6177 Aga mõistusega olendid on võimelised eesmärke kujutlema ja looma. But those of us with common sense are capable of imagining and creating objectives. [100, 84, 80] 88.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7506057704560075] 0.8392799200890518 -0.5519934296607971 6178 Linnus asus ülespaisutatud Liivi jõe Koluvere järve saarel, millele oli kaitsevõime suurendamiseks lisaks kaevatud vallikraavid. It inspired the emergence on the island of the inflated Riga River Koluvere, which, in addition to being excavated to enhance its defensive capacity, had been protected. [24, 37, 31] 30.666666666666668 [-1.3893161887096255, -1.2833830642656527, -1.333123960660928] -1.335274404545402 -0.7155877947807312 6179 Nende seas on ka 14 primaadiliiki, sealhulgas šimpansid. These include 14 types of primates, including shamps. [51, 54, 53] 52.666666666666664 [-0.35756810125476673, -0.3597293555905065, -0.36633082989675864] -0.36120942891401064 -0.4703892469406128 6180 Austrias astus ametisse uus valitsus eesotsas kantsler Alfred Gusenbaueriga. In Austria, a new government was taken up with Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer. [55, 74, 56] 61.666666666666664 [-0.5219469148485164, 0.23182778293567463, -0.2711408857067372] -0.18708667253985967 -0.3436829745769501 6181 Väide, et voorus on iseloomu seisund, mitte kirg, ei kehti juba julguse puhul. The claim that the Round is in a state of character, not a passion, does not already apply to courage. [30, 29, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-0.9880714892537185, -1.12785038341693, -1.687904046512915] -1.2679419730611878 -0.42227447032928467 6182 Vana Tooma originaal ja lohepeakujulised veesülitid, mis samuti osaliselt kullatud on, kinnitavad seda ütlust. The old Toana's original and clandestine supermarkets, which have also been partially cultivated, confirm this saying. [64, 79, 49] 64.0 [-0.017301034533346728, 0.44997912719119615, -0.7871006959787512] -0.11814086777363393 -0.5190371870994568 6183 Vana teooriat saab uueks teisendada ainult tagantjärele. The old theory can only be changed in retrospect. [100, 84, 84] 89.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6603895448580447, 0.6681304714467177] 0.8092078448897309 -0.39392590522766113 6184 Keeruliste teooriate juurest, mida filosoofia peab välja töötama, tuleb naasta lihtsate ja ilmsete tõsiasjade juurde. From the complex theories that the philosophy must develop, simple and obvious facts must be returned. [53, 61, 45] 53.0 [-0.5939936007690919, -0.10599807620235407, -0.952528152074385] -0.550839943015277 -0.41535741090774536 6185 Võib püüda 4. tingimust nõrgendada, nõudes, et eksplanans oleks tõene meie parimate oletuste järgi. You can try to water down conditionality 4 by requiring explants to be true according to our best assumptions. [95, 85, 75] 85.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.6490285747968032, 0.2881777686428686] 0.6187310490008878 -0.5119360089302063 6186 Kõik varasemad katsed tuli üle korrata, sest üks tegur oli olnud kontrolli alt väljas. All previous attempts had to be repeated because one factor had been out of control. [81, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9899551946287463 -0.3537452816963196 6187 Lembit Jaanits, Silvia Laul, Vello Lõugas, Evald Tõnisson. Lembit Jaanits, Silvia Laul, Vello Lallegas, Evald Tangisson. [93, 85, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0326013210732208, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8891372308557397 -0.24559779465198517 6188 Iga hõimu pealik pidi maksu oma hõimu liikmetelt sisse nõudma. Every tribal head had to charge a tax on his tribal members. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.4825418293476105 6189 Mõned väidaksid selle põhjal, et õiglus nõuab eraettevõtluse kaotamist kogu maailmas. Some would argue on the basis that fairness requires the loss of private enterprise worldwide. [74, 67, 80] 73.66666666666667 [0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.27277307010597845 -0.4299626350402832 6190 Maanteid on 15 450 km, sealhulgas kattega teid 6951 km. There are 15 450 km of road, including 6951 km of roads covered. [78, 60, 69] 69.0 [0.4063488583400919, -0.3321751917157582, 0.0372032665902161] 0.037125644404849924 -0.310934454202652 6191 Vaeste inimeste suur osakaal, madal haridustase ning juriidilise süsteemi ja võimu nõrkus võivad viia majandusreformide läbikukkumiseni. The high percentage of poor people, low levels of education and the weakness of the legal system and power can lead to the failure of economic reforms. [100, 100, 95] 98.33333333333333 [1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 1.1264109951115293] 1.1108439161232437 -0.32490360736846924 6192 Johannes ja Filangieri kiirustasid mõlemad Küprosele, et seal oma võimu kehtestada; 15. juunil said keisri väed Agridi lahingus lüüa. Johannes and Filangier both rushed Cyprus to impose power there; on 15 June, the Empire troops were defeated in the Agridi battle. [95, 87, 88] 90.0 [0.9189868035629918, 0.3870262730829968, 0.8726797157233768] 0.7262309307897885 -0.3947106897830963 6193 Ka selgus ju, et "Küsimused "Esimese analüütika" kohta" olevat ekslikult Duns Scotusele omistatud. It also turned out that 'questions about the first analysis' were wrongly attributed to Duns Scott. [67, 83, 76] 75.33333333333333 [0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, 0.32953463266677707] 0.3439745816396884 -0.3198546767234802 6194 2012. aastal oli juurdepääs internetile ikka veel umbes neljal protsendil elanikest. In 2012, around 4% of the population still had access to the internet. [78, 80, 100] 86.0 [0.3065899732381008, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0811424575112913] 0.6271139422638975 -0.31367427110671997 6195 Ristiretke sihtmärgiks sai sel korral hoopis Tunis, Louis ise hukkus piiramise käigus. The crucifix was targeted this time in Tunis, and Louis himself died during the restriction. [76, 81, 71] 76.0 [0.23454328731752536, 0.5372396648934048, -0.15602580167726396] 0.20525238351122208 -0.5748869180679321 6196 Rahvahääletuse algatas president Rafael Correa, kes soovib korruptsiooni ohjeldamiseks riigis kehtestada uue põhiseaduse. The referendum was initiated by President Rafael Correa, who wants to introduce a new constitution to curb corruption in the country. [100, 99, 100] 99.66666666666667 [1.3076476232459238, 1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.237789474736502 -0.26886484026908875 6197 Paavst saatis 5. oktoobril 1984 läkituse Calabria kartuuslastele ja kartuuslaste ülemkindralile 15. mail 2001. The Pope sent a letter on 5 October 1984 to the Commonwealth of Calabrian potatoes and potatoes on 15 May 2001. [74, 84, 63] 73.66666666666667 [0.29999877943339137, 0.6681304714467177, -0.1581138830084191] 0.27000512262389664 -0.3888852298259735 6198 Osa grupist saadeti seejärel Kotlõsse vahiteenistusse. Some of the group was then sent to Kotte for an interim service. [25, 40, 55] 40.0 [-1.2547703090036253, -1.2516013580018719, -0.5389595118353006] -1.0151103929469325 -0.5472795367240906 6199 Häält tegid ka Claptoni kolm tütart Julie, Ella ja Sophie. Claston's three daughters Julie, Ella and Sophie also died. [13, 1, 1] 5.0 [-2.0349273191806003, -1.655442005902876, -2.016289862523797] -1.9022197292024243 -0.32283973693847656 6200 Kavandatava inimröövi lugu avalikustati esmakordselt 16. jaanuaril eetris olnud Eesti Televisiooni saates "Pealtnägija". The proposed kidnap story was first published in the Estonian Television 'Pealtviseen' on 16 January. [66, 74, 81] 73.66666666666667 [-0.1256901422853517, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5372396648934048] 0.23718276734714816 -0.5203046202659607 6201 Praktikas rääkisid nad ainult elementaargeomeetriast. In practice, they only spoke of elementary geometry. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.5148636130151623, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 1.0515399698678625 -0.29532933235168457 6202 Tvaade ja hutude menüü on traditsiooniliselt koosnenud peamiselt taimsetest toiduainetest. The image and the menu of interest have traditionally consisted mainly of vegetable foodstuffs. [72, 82, 62] 72.0 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5399745717702639] 0.04378175915020658 -0.5542010068893433 6203 Kõigepealt tuleb vastata, miks peaks teoreetiline lihtsus ja selle kriteeriumid siin kohased olema. Firstly, the question of why theoretical simplicity and its criteria should be appropriate here. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1100644715184529 -0.38513651490211487 6204 Vaadeldavad faktid on mingil määral ekslikud ja revideeritavad. The facts in question are, to some extent, erroneous and reviewal. [90, 68, 81] 79.66666666666667 [0.7388700887615532, 0.1096188910533485, 0.5372396648934048] 0.4619095482361022 -0.5405609011650085 6205 Ainus teadaolev Bütsantsi eepos Digenis Akritas avastati 1872. aastal ühest Trapezundi käsikirjast. In 1872, the only known Bureau's digital store in Achart was found in a handletter from Trapezund. [35, 18, 27] 26.666666666666668 [-1.3660967923134697, -1.4768801787803418, -1.818794853066228] -1.5539239413866799 -0.6148648262023926 6206 Transnistria parlament kinnitas Pjotr Stepanovi riigi esimeseks peaministriks. The Transnistrian Parliament confirmed Mr Stepanov's country as the first prime minister. [55, 54, 29] 46.0 [-0.20471653274293583, -0.3597293555905065, -1.12785038341693] -0.564098757250124 -0.31930819153785706 6207 Tahe on isoleeritud mõtlemisest, mõistusest ja tunnetest, ent ometi on tahe mina olemuslik kese. The will is isolated from thinking, from reason and from feeling, and yet the will is my very core. [70, 82, 54] 68.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5579702578088042] 0.06532617659413369 -0.4126134514808655 6208 Kui preislased lõpuks kirikuaia enda valdusse said, oli see Napoleonile karm löök. When the priests finally got the Church in their own hands, it was a harsh blow to Napoleonic. [33, 36, 29] 32.666666666666664 [-1.557013239959602, -1.2063904310939828, -1.12785038341693] -1.2970846848235047 -0.39658769965171814 6209 Teadusajaloost ei ole leitud protseduuri, mis meenutaks falsifikatsiooni otsese loodusega võrdlemise kaudu. No procedure has been found in scientific history that would resemble classification by direct comparisons with nature. [81, 100, 80] 87.0 [0.4146600021189639, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6777492313027249 -0.3533425033092499 6210 Antud teos lasti välja ka NSV Liidu ajal, ning tollased kriitikud ja tsensorid ei leidnud, et teose sisu võiks olla moraalinormide vastane. This act was also thrown out during the NSV, and the critics and censors at that time did not find that the content of the work could be anti-moral. [40, 29, 50] 39.666666666666664 [-0.9068296231365207, -1.12785038341693, -0.7457438319548428] -0.9268079461694313 -0.46954435110092163 6211 Valimistel võitis Francisco Guterres, kes sai 57,1% häältest. During the elections Francisco Guterres won 57.1% of the votes. [78, 74, 80] 77.33333333333333 [0.3065899732381008, 0.23182778293567463, 0.22792296841573595] 0.2554469081965038 -0.20767927169799805 6212 Karl Gustav liikus siis lõunasse, kavatsusega lõhkuda Poola sõjaline vastupanu. Karl Glik then moved to the south with the intention of breaking down Poland's military resistance. [82, 64, 84] 76.66666666666667 [0.31324491732529147, -0.1977368282059271, 0.6681304714467177] 0.26121285352202733 -0.4478808045387268 6213 Õigluse nõuded puudutavad seda, mis peaks toimuma. The justice requirements concern what should happen. [73, 100, 100] 91.0 [0.18819751408457033, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8040931093986371 -0.37637096643447876 6214 Geograafiliselt asub Canberra Austraalia sisemaal, umbes 150 km kaugusel Austraalia idarannikust. Geographically, Canberra is located inside Australia, about 150 km from Australia's east coast. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.3196899890899658 6215 22. juulil 2007 taunis ta sõjapidamist ja 29. juulil 2007 kutsus ta üles peatama tuumarelvade levikut. On 22 July 2007 he condemned the war, and on 29 July 2007 he called for a halt to nuclear proliferation. [89, 100, 78] 89.0 [0.6873036869530262, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4063488583400919] 0.7395436136800094 -0.26998600363731384 6216 Hoovused ja vees hõljuv muda kulutasid paljusid puidust objekte. Carers and sludge were spending many of the wooden objects. [34, 46, 37] 39.0 [-1.2784371170145583, -0.6497079606055378, -1.2833830642656527] -1.070509380628583 -0.6900748610496521 6217 Aga moraalimõtlemine ei nõua teadmist mingis erilises mõttes, ja on tõsi, et iga teadmist saab pöörata moraalimõtlemise vastu. However, moral imitation does not require knowledge in any particular sense, and it is true that every knowledge can be turned against moral imitation. [97, 83, 90] 90.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723] 0.8077373912864511 -0.346205472946167 6218 Kohtumine lõppes halvasti, kui peaministrid läksid avalikult tülli Kosovo iseseisvuse üle diskuteerides. The meeting ended badly when prime ministers openly disgusted over Kosovo's independence. [68, 75, 72] 71.66666666666667 [-0.05364345636477628, 0.27545805178677896, 0.23653881664004375] 0.15278447068734882 -0.4260905981063843 6219 Šveitsi liidunõukogu liige, välisküsimuste eest vastutav Didier Burkhalter teatas, et astub 31. oktoobril ametist tagasi. A Swiss board member, Didier Burkhalter, responsible for external affairs, announced that he would withdraw from office on 31 October. [90, 85, 100] 91.66666666666667 [1.132734691735585, 0.711760740297822, 1.0152560939928115] 0.9532505086754061 -0.31077730655670166 6220 Röövitute seas oli ka Colombia kaitsejõudude kindral Ruben Dario Alzate. Those who were killed were also General Ruben Dario Alzate of the Colombian Defence Force. [25, 23, 31] 26.333333333333332 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.318230271796973, -1.5315242484091034] -1.4841339079544078 -0.32183924317359924 6221 Laine külastab hotellis Almat ja ütleb lõpuks välja, mida ta naisest arvab. The ship will visit Alma in the hotel and will finally say what she thinks of her wife. [16, 14, 12] 14.0 [-1.926857290299737, -1.442410520089446, -1.6672600671603848] -1.6788426258498559 -0.40503278374671936 6222 Käesolevas artiklis on kajastatud ajavahemik 2014. aasta 1. juulist 30. septembrini. This article reflects the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 September 2014. [99, 100, 76] 91.66666666666667 [1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103, 0.3190883206378832] 0.9082697072004883 -0.2055332362651825 6223 Igal aastal tekitavad probleeme ulatuslikud metsatulekahjud. Large-scale forest fires cause problems every year. [80, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9802290203432635 -0.3162465989589691 6224 Õnnetuses hukkus kakskümmend kolm ja sai vigastada viiskümmend seitse inimest. Twenty-three people died and fifty-seven were injured in the disaster. [99, 86, 100] 95.0 [1.0630801754041426, 0.8001850644696189, 1.1249782957469103] 0.996081178540224 -0.28059473633766174 6225 Samuti otsustas Herakleios loobuda tiitlitest "imperaator" ja "augustus" ning võttis kasutusele sõna "basileus". It also decided to withdraw the title of "implate" and "August" in Herakler's Hercubread and introduced the word "basileus." [49, 50, 50] 49.666666666666664 [-0.7380869726102427, -0.7457438319548428, -0.8152986694908287] -0.7663764913519714 -0.7278615832328796 6226 Me võime seda külge iseenese jaoks olemise protsessis tähistada piltliku väljendiga tõukumine. We can celebrate this in the process of being for ourselves by pushing the expression. [20, 23, 22] 21.666666666666668 [-2.0716779526032685, -1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495] -1.8089514739073305 -0.598456084728241 6227 Samuti kasutas sellist lähenemist kogu NSV Liit ning kasutavad selle endised liikmesriigid. It is also the approach that the whole of the NSV has adopted and is used by the former Member States. [79, 83, 87] 83.0 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5855686120034557, 0.7844601369297701] 0.606669292041474 -0.5111973285675049 6228 Nauru parteid on Nauru Demokraatlik Partei, Naoero Amo ja mitteametlik Keskpartei. The Nauru parties are the Nauru Democratic Party, Naoero Amo and the informal Central Party. [100, 78, 100] 92.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 1.0811424575112913] 0.8621982780719378 -0.21934765577316284 6229 Antti kasuvanemaid pole sarjas nähtud, kuid päris vanemad on tal Helena Kuula ja Olavi Kanerva alias Igor Kuula. Antti's useful parents have not been seen in the horns, but he is quite older than Helena's famous and Olavi Kanerva alias Igor's. [7, 9, 37] 17.666666666666668 [-1.9810739459290143, -1.7624500113504062, -1.2833830642656527] -1.675635673848358 -0.5013857483863831 6230 Linnuse täpne paiknemine on praeguseks kindlaks tegemata. The exact location of the city is currently unestablished. [100, 90, 80] 90.0 [0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.766983216158354 -0.45035403966903687 6231 Läti võimud teatasid, et saadavad riigist välja Läti julgeolekut ohustava Venemaa diplomaadi ja andsid talle 48 tundi lahkumiseks. The Latvian authorities announced that they would expel a Russian diplomat threatening Latvia's security and gave her 48 hours to leave the country. [100, 86, 88] 91.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.8258170009536785] 0.9020621019498384 -0.31351029872894287 6232 Ka lüüra, vibu ja mängiv laps on siis palju ebaolulisemad. So, too, a loser, a divour and a child playing a role are much more unimportant. [31, 41, 20] 30.666666666666668 [-1.6442737776618106, -1.0262737162925444, -2.0716779526032685] -1.5807418155192077 -0.8488871455192566 6233 Aga lepinguteooria järgi poleks inimesel mõistuspärane olla õiglane, kui tal on võimu ja mõistust ning hea positsioon ühiskonnas. However, according to the theory of the treaty, man would not be rational if he had power and reason and a good position in society. [64, 82, 53] 66.33333333333333 [-0.1977368282059271, 0.5808699337445091, -0.6216732398831174] -0.07951337811484512 -0.5190964341163635 6234 Vahel paistab ta muutuvat liiga dramaatiliseks, aga on kõik enne hoolega läbi mõelnud. Sometimes it seems to be becoming too dramatic, but it has all been carefully thought through. [100, 91, 81] 90.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8252505488115603 -0.5316625237464905 6235 Viimase tõlgenduse järgi kuulub ühenimelisuse alla fokaaltähendus, mis on asjadel, mille logosed viitavad ühele ja sellelesamale tähendusele. According to the latter interpretation, homogeneity falls under the focal meaning of things whose logos point to one and the same meaning. [81, 91, 100] 90.66666666666667 [0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 1.32209936924058] 0.8995824991036102 -0.5258627533912659 6236 Üldistatud heasoovlikkus on kindlasti olemas kõigil, kellega tasub eetikat arutada. The generalised goodwill certainly exists in all those with whom it is worth discussing ethics. [100, 100, 85] 95.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822] 0.9640022387245146 -0.4429856240749359 6237 Meie kalduvus olla armastavad vanemad ja armastada iseennast on kaasasündinud. Our tendency to be loving parents and love ourselves is innate. [100, 100, 99] 99.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.8241835542857531, 1.2714002976190448] 1.0648957900897427 -0.30101802945137024 6238 Madagaskaril astus ametisse peaminister Charles Rabemananjara valitsus. In Madagascar, Prime Minister Charles Rabemananjara's government took office. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.1712561255013751 -0.41228213906288147 6239 Näiteks tuleb töövõtulepinguga valmistada konkreetne, lepingutingimustele vastav asi. For example, a specific matter compatible with the terms of the agreement must be prepared. [53, 67, 82] 67.33333333333333 [-0.6216732398831174, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091] 0.012361867839355481 -0.6010169982910156 6240 Tema haud on Roomas San Pietro in Vincoli kirikus, mis oli tema tiitlikirik. His actions have been in Rome in San Pietro in Shalit's church, which was his title. [37, 32, 42] 37.0 [-1.3824921645551846, -1.3504838029351336, -1.0765987441461105] -1.2698582372121427 -0.4272032678127289 6241 Normaalteadlased peavad eeldama, et paradigma annab vahendid peamurdmisülesannete lahendamiseks. Normal scientists must expect a paradigm to provide the means to tackle the main breaking challenges. [18, 31, 44] 31.0 [-1.4768801787803418, -1.6442737776618106, -0.9938850160982935] -1.3716796575134822 -0.5372532606124878 6242 Peamiselt lahkutakse Venemaa okupeeritud Krimmist ja Ukraina idaoblastitest. The main reason for this is the withdrawal from Russia's occupied Crimea and the eastern territories of Ukraine. [75, 68, 82] 75.0 [0.2881777686428686, -0.2840087250415973, 0.5808699337445091] 0.1950129924485935 -0.5517770051956177 6243 Ameerika Ühendriigid nõuavad jätkuvalt viisat Poola, Horvaatia, Bulgaaria, Rumeenia ja Küprose kodanikelt. The United States continues to require visas from Polish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Cypriot citizens. [100, 84, 100] 94.66666666666667 [1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9710931572944915 -0.23520103096961975 6244 Nii ei tea isik ette, kaua talle on elupäevi jäänud ning kui kaua peab isik teist hooldama ja ülalpidama. That is not the case, the person does not know in advance, he has long left his or her lifetime, and how long the person has to care for and maintain another person. [25, 23, 29] 25.666666666666668 [-1.6026472036571477, -1.1868448152443491, -1.12785038341693] -1.3057808007728091 -0.5577864050865173 6245 Õnnetuses sai vigastada 125 inimest, neist 13 raskelt. 125 people were injured, 13 of whom were seriously injured. [97, 73, 100] 90.0 [0.9910334894835672, 0.18819751408457033, 1.0811424575112913] 0.7534578203598096 -0.2899598777294159 6246 Helsingis kohtus president Soome presidendi Tarja Haloneni, peaminister Matti Vanhaneni ja Eduskunta esimehe Paavo Lipponeniga. In Helsinki President Tarja Halonen, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen and Chairman of Editkunta Paavo Lipponen met with the President of Finland. [45, 37, 29] 37.0 [-0.952528152074385, -1.3824921645551846, -1.12785038341693] -1.1542902333488332 -0.3032744824886322 6247 Enamuse brittide taandumine abiks Neljakümneviie mässu mahasurumisele kodus jättis liitlased abitusse seisu. The withdrawal of the majority of the British people in aid of the suppression of the four-fifty riots at home left the allies in absentia. [44, 23, 34] 33.666666666666664 [-0.9938850160982935, -1.318230271796973, -1.5133829711084976] -1.275166086334588 -0.43182453513145447 6248 Koolid suutsid katta 160% elanikkonna vajadusest õppekohtade järele. Schools managed to cover 160% of the population's need for places of learning. [79, 78, 90] 82.33333333333333 [0.44997912719119615, 0.412248360714594, 0.548708683221246] 0.47031205704234536 -0.2800461947917938 6249 Donetski väepealik Girkin andis oma võitlejatele korralduse anda Malaisia reisilennuki õnnetuspaigalt leitud esemed DRV relvajõudude staapi. Donetski's soldier, Girkin, ordered his combatants to supply items found at the time of the Malaysia passenger aircraft accident to the stab of the DRV armed forces. [39, 40, 40] 39.666666666666664 [-1.2006693362178358, -1.2516013580018719, -1.3229960566534074] -1.2584222502910383 -0.40957650542259216 6250 Somaalia parlament kiitis ühehäälselt heaks valitsuse ülekolimise Baydhabost pealinna Muqdishosse. The Somali Parliament unanimously approved the relocation of the government from Baydhabot to Mogadishu, capital of Mogadishu. [62, 84, 87] 77.66666666666667 [-0.08076099732669434, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7844601369297701] 0.4572765370165978 -0.2760240137577057 6251 Need lähtuvad ekslikust arusaamast, et iseenda väärtust saab kaitsta ja edendada kulla või selle tänapäevaste ekvivalentide ahne kogumisega. They are based on a misconception that its own value can be defended and promoted by collecting gold or its contemporary equivalents. [100, 84, 96] 93.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.156671913144946] 0.9746353009853647 -0.4459325671195984 6252 Palestiina president Maḩmūd ‘Abbās alustas ametlikku visiiti Türgis Eesti peaminister Andrus Ansip alustas kolmepäevast ametlikku visiiti Moldovas. The Palestinian President Madarmūd Standard Abbas began a formal visit in Turkey by the Prime Minister of Estonia, Andrus Ansip, to the country, launching a three-day official visit to Moldova. [79, 83, 75] 79.0 [0.45360522473850245, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.35510089619765534 -0.5467754006385803 6253 Ameerika Ühendriikides Wisconsini osariigis Rothschildi linnas toimus rida tulistamisi, milles sai surma üks politseiametnik ja kolm tsiviilisikut. In the town of Rothschild in the United States of Wisconsin in the United States, a series of shoots took place, killing one police officer and three civilians. [54, 53, 54] 53.666666666666664 [-0.5705586875195889, -0.39597668121738544, -0.3346008485000848] -0.4337120724123531 -0.3420121669769287 6254 Hollandi eelmine valitsus oli soovinud neist enamuse ehk umbes kakskümmend kuus tuhat asüülitaotlejat riigist välja saata. The previous Dutch Government had wished to expel a majority, or around twenty thousand, asylum seekers from the country. [70, 78, 82] 76.66666666666667 [0.17307885384669613, 0.4063488583400919, 0.5776758168102278] 0.3857011763323386 -0.3731154203414917 6255 Mõlemad pooled jätkasid relvastumist ja kevadel sõjategevus jätkus. Both sides continued their weaponisation and the fighting continued in the spring. [98, 98, 98] 98.0 [1.027056832443855, 1.0615183329535627, 1.239385641192763] 1.1093202688633934 -0.39622801542282104 6256 Tema vastu kandideerinud Andres Herkel sai 5 häält. Mr Herkel, who was a candidate for him, received 5 votes. [40, 48, 55] 47.666666666666664 [-0.5488573373056375, -0.5249807368801277, -0.5389595118353006] -0.5375991953403553 -0.42735570669174194 6257 Magistraadi ülesanne oli "järgida linna kasu ja hüvangut". The Magistrate's task was' to respect the benefit and well-being of the city '. [89, 86, 91] 88.66666666666667 [0.7759485003834985, 0.7553910091489263, 0.6103254162638501] 0.7138883085987583 -0.4794776141643524 6258 Uus paradigma või selle esialgne idee ilmub järsku mõne asjaosalise peas. A new paradigm, or its original idea, suddenly appears in the heads of some parties. [97, 100, 94] 97.0 [0.9486832980505137, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0901636694846504] 1.0128362460625844 -0.280078649520874 6259 Riigi tähtsaim lennujaam on Trinidadi saarel Piarco linnas asuv Piarco rahvusvaheline lennujaam, mis avati 8. jaanuaril 1931. The country's most important airport is Piarco International Airport on the island of Trinidad, in the town of Piarco, which was opened on 8 January 1931. [84, 100, 100] 94.66666666666667 [0.6681304714467177, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9640707618526859 -0.2598350942134857 6260 Aga moraali raamides on ainuke võimalus kohustust ilma laituseta täitmata jätta, kui tahetakse täita veel rangemat kohustust. However, in moral terms, the only way to fail to meet the obligation without fail is to fulfil an even stricter obligation. [100, 86, 83] 89.66666666666667 [1.0991035183644302, 0.7553910091489263, 0.6190326808341362] 0.8245090694491642 -0.624640941619873 6261 Lahing oli selleks ajaks suurim maismaavõit Osmanite riigi üle Euroopas. The battle was the biggest landmark victory by then for the Osman country in Europe. [48, 56, 52] 52.0 [-0.7741103155705304, -0.2711408857067372, -0.3633553218545933] -0.4695355077106203 -0.4706473648548126 6262 Kuivõrd lääneriigid ei tunnistanud de iure Eesti okupeerimist Nõukogude Liidu poolt, peeti Selteri volitusi endiselt kehtivaks. As the Western powers did not recognise the occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union, the mandate of Selter was still considered to be valid. [95, 100, 80] 91.66666666666667 [0.8835775815176352, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.834055091102282 -0.2969375252723694 6263 Polos saigi Sokratesest nii aru, sellepärast ta otsiski seda kahju, mille all pahategija kannatab, ja otsis selle kohta õuduste nimekirjas. The Polki was so understood by Sokrate, which is why he sought the damage that the perpetrator suffered and sought it in the list of horrors. [41, 18, 30] 29.666666666666668 [-1.0262737162925444, -1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915] -1.3970193138619338 -0.4850459396839142 6264 Isegi saksa keele valdajaile võib hollandi keel olla raskesti mõistetav. Even German speakers may find Dutch hard to understand. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8762992868958653 -0.32277610898017883 6265 Samal ajal ei möödunud päevagi, kui Jackson poleks figureerinud Briti tabloidi The Sun esikaanel. At the same time, it was not a day when Jackson had not moved on the front page of the British tabloid The Sun table. [84, 79, 62] 75.0 [0.5227300309998271, 0.44997912719119615, -0.08076099732669434] 0.297316053621443 -0.3360326886177063 6266 1. jaanuaril 1994 sõlmis Jacksoni kindlustusfirma Chandlerite perega kohtuvälise kokkuleppe ning neile maksti 22 miljonit dollarit. On 1 January 1994, Jackson's insurance company signed an alternative contract with the family of Chandler and paid USD 22 million. [100, 72, 86] 86.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.29272250569331404, 0.7431032729058616] 0.7116430989878686 -0.38399019837379456 6267 Napoleoni sõdade lõppvaatuseks sai 3. juuli 1815, kui Blücher purustas marssal Davout' väed Issy lahingus. The final observation of the Napoleonic wars was held on 3 July 1815, when Blycher broke marshal Davout 'troops in the Issy battle. [65, 80, 67] 70.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.4936093960423005, -0.32666969949637503] 0.0017420704334286847 -0.28975701332092285 6268 Ungari värvatud tekitasid preislastele samuti arvukalt väikeseid tagasilööke. Hungary's paints also caused numerous small setbacks to the priests. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [0.8975674955625244, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5861427780187392] 0.6881934024419243 -0.35138264298439026 6269 Donetski oblastis Kamjanka küla juures õhiti valitsusjõudude kontrollpunkti juures väikebuss, hukkus bussi juht ja 3 Ukraina sõjaväelast. The Donetski Oblast at the village of Kamjanka was evening at the point of control of the government forces, the bus driver was killed and 3 the Ukrainian military were killed. [16, 23, 29] 22.666666666666668 [-1.926857290299737, -1.993315928470645, -1.12785038341693] -1.6826745340624374 -0.46961840987205505 6270 Nad kandsid rohelist vormi, mis sulatas nad keskkonnaga kokku. They gave the green form that melted them together with the environment. [44, 50, 29] 41.0 [-0.9182036874116812, -0.24955382300202386, -1.12785038341693] -0.7652026312768783 -0.5043792724609375 6271 Eestis teatas telekanal MTV Eesti töölepingu lõpetamisest saatejuhi Kadri Bussoviga. In Estonia, the TV channel MTV announced the closure of the Estonian contract with Kadri Bussov. [95, 89, 82] 88.66666666666667 [0.7358791572087113, 0.7759485003834985, 0.5808699337445091] 0.6975658637789063 -0.4344148337841034 6272 Mileetose koolkonna filosoofide järgi pärinevad kõik asjad ühest ürgalgest. According to the philosophers in Mileetos School, all the things come from one spinary. [57, 69, 83] 69.66666666666667 [-0.4562457837874836, -0.2413477505868195, 0.6245002025956135] -0.0243644439262299 -0.5013688802719116 6273 Siiski ei kasutanud mitte keegi seda tiitlit pärast Andrease surma. However, no one used this title after the death of Andrew Father. [61, 56, 81] 66.0 [-0.2908183276918498, -0.2711408857067372, 0.5372396648934048] -0.008239849501727403 -0.3832174837589264 6274 Riigi suurim lennujaam on Lissaboni Portela lennujaam. The country's largest airport is the Portela airport in Lisbon. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.5148636130151623] 1.0649456883747004 -0.18658258020877838 6275 Vaherahu sõlmiti Jam Zapolskis aastal 1582 paavsti legaadi Antonio Possevino poolt. The ceasefire was concluded by Jam Zapolskis in 1582 Pope's legal personality, Antonio Possevino. [13, 26, 38] 25.666666666666668 [-1.566716852002797, -1.8624251219173322, -1.1343437451734075] -1.5211619063645123 -0.35426458716392517 6276 Maria Theresia kuulutas taas kord välja hädaolukorra, Ungaris korraldati uus värbamine ja regulaarväelastest korpus pandi kokku Viini katma. Maria Theresia once again declared an emergency, there was a new recruitment in Hungary, and Vienna was put together at regular corps. [51, 56, 51] 52.666666666666664 [-0.7043869679309344, -0.48592357188822877, -0.46847133247114325] -0.5529272907634355 -0.3889186680316925 6277 Alates 1993. aastast tegutseval Zambia Skywaysil ei ole oma lennukeid, kuid ta opereerib koostöös Air Zimbabwega mitut rahvusvahelist lennuliini. The Zambia Skyways, which has been operating since 1993, does not have its own aircraft, but operates several international routes in cooperation with Air Zimbabwe. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2958839357919363 -0.3844379782676697 6278 Dünamiit jõudis Venemaale alles 1877. aastal, kui Alfred Nobel sai kümneaastase patendi. Only in 1847 did Russia have a dynamism when Alfred Nobel received a 10-year-old patent. [76, 76, 53] 68.33333333333333 [0.23454328731752536, 0.3190883206378832, -0.9239233418632639] -0.1234305779692851 -0.402226984500885 6279 Eestis tegutsev Leedu kaubandusettevõte VP Market teatas rekordilisest käibekasvust. The VP market, a Lithuanian trading company operating in Estonia, has announced record growth. [100, 84, 90] 91.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.780605816804958 -0.45091569423675537 6280 Liberaal hoidub tegude väärtuse üle otsustamisest, sest vabad inimesed peavad saama teha, mida nad soovivad, kui nad teisi ei kahjusta. A liberal refrains from deciding the value of deeds, because free people must be able to do what they want if they do not harm others. [85, 84, 81] 83.33333333333333 [0.9416702310957962, 0.6603895448580447, 0.8523251551766589] 0.8181283103768333 -0.3770190477371216 6281 Vaigistamise tõttu ei pruugi relevantsuse määramine eksplitsiitne. Due to this abuse, setting the hit rate is not necessarily misleading. [10, 18, 14] 14.0 [-2.7583452434187077, -1.4768801787803418, -1.8096223806656633] -2.0149492676215712 -0.6882498264312744 6282 Mõned väärtused ja väärtusekandjad ei luba objektiivset vaatekohta. Some values and values do not allow an objective view. [100, 78, 89] 89.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7759485003834985] 0.7604669590293401 -0.2918989658355713 6283 Sri Lanka mässuline relvarühmitus Tamili Tiigrid ründas kahe väikelennukiga Sri Lanka armee lennuväebaasi Jaffna poolsaarel. The Sri Lankan rebel ceasefire attacked the Sri Lankan army's air force on the island of Jaffna with two small planes. [38, 49, 52] 46.333333333333336 [-1.1343437451734075, -0.5409659837249011, -0.6630301039070259] -0.7794466109351115 -0.34740081429481506 6284 Eesti valitsus otsustas 2015. aastal avada saatkonna Rumeenia pealinnas Bukarestis. The Estonian Government decided in 2015 to open the Embassy in Bucharest, Romania. [82, 100, 100] 94.0 [0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9349839159519499 -0.23897258937358856 6285 Levinud eelarvamuse järgi ei tohi eriteadustes olla väärtuselisi vaatekohti. According to common preconceptions, there must be no valuable points of view in specialist science. [77, 100, 89] 88.66666666666667 [0.3708914966906855, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6882604319190001] 0.6862712330874249 -0.4742632806301117 6286 Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler ja Isaac Newton tegid füüsika metafüüsikast lahus olevaks teaduseks. Galileo, Johannes Kepler and Isaak c Newton turned physics away from metaphysics into a detached science. [100, 81, 78] 86.33333333333333 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.14260101950618043] 0.5929814009213384 -0.39648953080177307 6287 10. sajandil oli Córdoba kalifaat teaduslikult ja majanduslikult enamikust Euroopa kristlikest riikidest märkimisväärselt arenenum. In the 10th century, Córdoba caliphat was significantly more developed in scientific and economic terms from most of Europe's Christian countries. [78, 97, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.4063488583400919, 1.1980287771688547, 1.1249782957469103] 0.909785310418619 -0.4757073223590851 6288 Rendilepingu sõlmimisega tekib ühel võlasuhte poolel õigus lepingu esemelt saadavale kasule, millele vastab rendileandja õigus renditasule. With the conclusion of a contract, one of the debtors' parties will have the right to a contract on the basis of the person provided by the rental agent's right to a temporary work fee. [22, 51, 29] 34.0 [-1.7107172325380107, -0.46847133247114325, -1.12785038341693] -1.102346316142028 -0.6779372692108154 6289 Soome jaekaubandusettevõte Kesko müüs postimüügiettevõtte Anttila 1 miljoni euro eest Saksamaa investeerimisfirmale 4K Invest. The Finnish retail company Central sold Antwerp, a postal sales company, for €1 million, to an investment firm 4K Invest in Germany. [41, 35, 29] 35.0 [-1.435855035320597, -1.4697527022573933, -1.12785038341693] -1.34448604033164 -0.4702312648296356 6290 Veel enne Menziese võimuletulekut avati Canberras 1946. aastal linna esimene kõrgkool, Australian National University. Even before the arrival of Menzies in power, the first high-level institution, the Austrian National University, was inaugurated in Canberras in 1946. [50, 67, 59] 58.666666666666664 [-0.21728542402331147, 0.07788890965667469, -0.3735320557396667] -0.1709761900354345 -0.3412024676799774 6291 Fosforiidi kaevandamine nõuab taimkatte eemaldamist. The extraction of phosphorus requires the removal of plant cover. [71, 61, 51] 61.0 [0.4066897413043879, -0.10599807620235407, -0.4297907926901062] -0.04303304252935747 -0.29339873790740967 6292 Arvestades seaduste üldisuspretensiooni, oli rakendusi vähe, ja Newton nendega peaaegu piirduski. Given the generalisation of the laws, there were few applications, and Newton almost limited them to them. [80, 75, 84] 79.66666666666667 [0.37863665915867617, -0.01280273874114997, 0.6681304714467177] 0.3446547972880813 -0.40152522921562195 6293 Armastuse pidamine mõistusest juhituks on vastuolus vaatega, mis on lääne mõtlemises kirgedest etendanud sügavat ja mõjukat rolli. Satisfaction of reason as leader is contrary to views that have played a deep and influential role in Western thinking. [33, 23, 46] 34.0 [-1.314460459974846, -1.318230271796973, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1812873399407653 -0.5342891812324524 6294 Küberneetika ja ühiskond" seitsmeleheküljelise eessõna "Norbert Wiener ja ajastu mõttelaad". Cybernetics and society "Norbert Wiener, a seven-page frontier, and an era mentality." [67, 80, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.4936093960423005, 0.29999877943339137] 0.23464712538354263 -0.34896472096443176 6295 Eetilises elus on alati piirangud tapmisele, haavamisele ja valetamisele, aga neil võib olla väga erinev kuju. Ethical life always has restrictions on killing, wounded and lying, but they can take a very different form. [52, 52, 51] 51.666666666666664 [-0.6300169437293796, -0.7280381317886201, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5959486227360352 -0.41052621603012085 6296 Esiteks, väärtusotsustused kalduvad reageerima objektiivsetele väärtustele, ja inimesed on eriti väärtuslikud. Firstly, values tend to react to objective values, and people are particularly valuable. [100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8177291393307655 -0.26981472969055176 6297 1. mail 1991 avaldatud entsüklikas "Centessimus annus" mõistis Johannes Paulus II hukka marksismi ja tarbijaliku kapitalismi. The encyclical "Centralised dose" published on 1 May 1991 condemned John Paul II to Marxism and consumer capitalism. [54, 49, 44] 49.0 [-0.8812623674084861, -0.8589289383419331, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9113587739495709 -0.2834778428077698 6298 Seega oli Preisi armee ebaproportsionaalselt suur riigile, mida see kaitses. The Preis Army was therefore disproportionate to the state it defended. [89, 86, 83] 86.0 [0.7028467458012655, 0.680758556193477, 0.6245002025956135] 0.6693685015301186 -0.5346231460571289 6299 Nende kohta ei ole ühiseid arvamusi, vaid inimeste hinnangud lahknevad. They are not the subject of common opinions, but of people's assessments. [14, 19, 23] 18.666666666666668 [-1.8096223806656633, -2.027806616696005, -1.318230271796973] -1.7185530897195471 -0.5232594013214111 6300 Eesti pealinnas Tallinnas toimusid president Lennart Meri riiklikud matused. In Tallinn, Estonia, President Lennart Meri's national funeral took place. [99, 71, 98] 89.33333333333333 [1.0630801754041426, 0.2564751800664351, 1.239385641192763] 0.8529803322211137 -0.31137943267822266 6301 Kingston nimetab oma ideaalidena ajalooteaduslikku rangust, "kvaasilegaalset standardit" ning süütuse presumptsiooni. Table describes as its ideals the scientific rigour of history, the 'visual standard' and the presumption of innocence. [7, 12, 1] 6.666666666666667 [-2.251067376942326, -1.499202898943912, -2.016289862523797] -1.922186712803345 -0.3870498538017273 6302 Nobeli tehas Saksamaal hävis plahvatuse tagajärjel kaks korda, 1866. ja 1870. aastal. The Nobel factory in Germany was destroyed twice, in 186 and 1870 as a result of the explosion. [77, 81, 58] 72.0 [0.2705666302778131, 0.5372396648934048, -0.20768092291338958] 0.20004179075260944 -0.41313138604164124 6303 Paavst Franciscus avalikustas reformikava, mis peaks lihtsustama abielude annulleerimist ja teistkordset abiellumist katoliku kirikus. Pope Franciscus unveiled a programme of reforms aimed at facilitating the annulment of marriages and another marriage in the Catholic Church. [92, 82, 87] 87.0 [0.8109167746821286, 0.5808699337445091, 0.7124885375901508] 0.7014250820055962 -0.32934507727622986 6304 Väikeeelduse tõestab Aristoteles vastuväiteliselt. The small premise is irrefutably proven in Aristotle. [80, 61, 71] 70.66666666666667 [0.4936093960423005, -0.2908183276918498, 0.20480883524336993] 0.13586663453127354 -0.4994080364704132 6305 Oma sallivuse pärast mittekatoliiklastesse olid Władysławi vastu ka katoliiklik vaimulikkond ja paavst. In his tolerance of non-Catholics, Władysławi was also opposed by a Catholic clergy and the Pope. [100, 91, 82] 91.0 [1.0811424575112913, 0.774893431721841, 0.5808699337445091] 0.8123019409925472 -0.28546708822250366 6306 Indoneesias Jaava saare keskosas hävis maalihkes Jemblungi küla. In the middle of the island of Jaava in Indonesia, the village of Jemblg was hacked in the landslide. [92, 83, 100] 91.66666666666667 [0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.786155536157973 -0.49044865369796753 6307 Kuningliku loomaaia järelevaataja sai õiguse kasutada Lõvitorni elumajana. The viewer of the Royal County was entitled to use the lion's life as a house. [85, 82, 84] 83.66666666666667 [0.6490285747968032, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6603895448580447] 0.6300960177997856 -0.6878149509429932 6308 Lahkarvamus piiri peal võib olla lahendamatu, aga see ei tähenda, et mõiste kasutamist ei juhiks faktid või kasutajate maailmataju. Disagreements on borders may be insoluble, but that does not mean that the use of the term does not lead to facts or to the world power of users. [24, 32, 39] 31.666666666666668 [-1.2865002904002991, -1.6006435088107063, -1.0983204022131197] -1.328488067141375 -0.357667475938797 6309 Õnneks sai ta need esmatähtsad andmed hiljem kaasreisijate käest, kes olid samuti näidiseid kogunud ja hoolikamalt märgistanud. Fortunately, he later received these urgencies from co-travellers, who had also collected the models and put them more carefully on the label. [86, 100, 93] 93.0 [0.5906018571196825, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0539163438577714] 0.8813933238766808 -0.5539364218711853 6310 Kui nad süüdistavad paradigmat selles, et probleemi ei õnnestu lahendada, siis nad on nagu puusepp, kes süüdistab oma tööriistu. If they accuse the paradigm of failing to solve the problem, they are like a bottle of blame for their tools. [45, 49, 29] 41.0 [-0.952528152074385, -0.7380869726102427, -1.2659124962624795] -0.9855092069823691 -0.2977392375469208 6311 Põhikoolid on riiklikud ja neis õppimine on tasuta. Primary schools are national and study free of charge. [81, 51, 81] 71.0 [0.5363189527863194, -0.4297907926901062, 0.5372396648934048] 0.21458927499653932 -0.4358699917793274 6312 Akna purunemist ei põhjusta mitte telliskivi kui niisugune, vaid telliskivi mõju aknale, ja see on seisundimuutus. It is not the bricks as such that cause the bricks to break down, but the effect of the tent on the window, and that is a change of state. [22, 45, 34] 33.666666666666664 [-1.465741972965541, -0.952528152074385, -1.2019970137106726] -1.2067557129168662 -0.5513197183609009 6313 Varsti pärast tema saabumist anti talle üle veel 26 püssi ja mõned püstolid. Shortly after his arrival, he was given more than 26 more guns and some guns. [93, 86, 100] 93.0 [0.9028684259701937, 0.7553910091489263, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7582359390222281 -0.47006356716156006 6314 Näiteks noolt tuleb vibust lasta ja kaarikuid hobustega vedada. For example, agitation and cards must be taken from a node with horses. [23, 34, 46] 34.333333333333336 [-1.674693889577723, -1.0846758681280848, -0.9111712880504766] -1.2235136819187615 -0.5573775768280029 6315 thumbleftZygmunt III valitsemisajal jõudis liitriik pärast [[Deulino vaherahu oma maksimaalse ulatuseni Under the rule of TumbleftZygmunt III, the federal state reached its maximum extent after [Deulino truce] [67, 79, 73] 73.0 [-0.08966679932506398, 0.40334179268069664, 0.26826879803671755] 0.19398126379745007 -0.36759305000305176 6316 Brasiilias Rio de Janeiros avaldas umbes 200 000 inimest meelt seaduseelnõu vastu, mis näeb ette naftatulu võrdsema jagamise osariikide vahel. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, around 200 000 people protested against a draft law that provides for a more equitable sharing of oil revenues between states. [81, 85, 100] 88.66666666666667 [0.7888186625839653, 0.711760740297822, 1.0152560939928115] 0.8386118322915328 -0.33557793498039246 6317 Julgeolekuteenistus avalikustas ka muid terroristide kõneluste salvestisi, nii omavahelisi kui ka piiritaguste ülemustega. The security service also made public other repositories of terrorist talks, both with one another and beyond borders. [80, 83, 82] 81.66666666666667 [0.4903786678134342, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5776758168102278] 0.5641848957397585 -0.5542587041854858 6318 Keldrikorrusel asuvad silindervõlvi ja neljakandilistele piilaritele toetuvate ristservjoonvõlvidega arhailised ruumid. The order is based on the archaic premises of the clandestine cake and four-carrier pirate caravans. [23, 12, 1] 12.0 [-1.674693889577723, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -2.0547442126447706 -0.8440950512886047 6319 Makseperiood tuleneb võlaõigusseadusest, mille järgi tuleb rahaline elurendis maksta kolme kuu eest ette. The payment period is the result of the debt law, according to which the financial pressure must be paid in advance three months ago. [30, 29, 29] 29.333333333333332 [-1.1600388359418792, -1.2659124962624795, -1.12785038341693] -1.1846005718737629 -0.4403793513774872 6320 Allegoorilised moraliseerivad süžeed kujutavad truudust ja salakavalust, nõrkust ja jõudu, mehisust ja õiglust. Allegooric moralising slogans are a form of loyalty and secrecy, weakness and strength, honey and justice. [80, 78, 82] 80.0 [0.37863665915867617, 0.4063488583400919, 0.31324491732529147] 0.3660768116080198 -0.5705670118331909 6321 Ugalased ja sakalased palusid kaitset Vene vürstidelt, kes saatsid neile abivägesid. Uganda and the sailors asked for protection from the Russian Principality, which sent them aid troops. [58, 35, 47] 46.666666666666664 [-0.41488891976357517, -1.6918208820492637, -0.9461894760441417] -1.0176330926189936 -0.4483962059020996 6322 Kahe osapoole vahelised tülid mõjutasid ka uue Jeruusalemma patriarhi valimisi pärast seda, kui patriarh Amalric 6. oktoobril 1180 suri. The disputes between the two parties also affected the election of the new Jerusalem Patriarch following the death of 1180 on 6 October by Patriarch Amalric. [86, 78, 70] 78.0 [0.7553910091489263, 0.4269187050200866, 0.08139344852332632] 0.4212343875641131 -0.2872398793697357 6323 Ta saatis läkitused üldkapiitlil osalejatele 4. septembril 1995 ja 13. mail 2004. It sent letters of formal notice to participants on the General Cup on 4 September 1995 and 13 May 2004. [100, 87, 94] 93.66666666666667 [1.0811424575112913, 0.7990212780000306, 0.9345984073668675] 0.9382540476260632 -0.2919195592403412 6324 Presidendi pressiteenistuse teatel kinnitas Petro Porošenko Joe Bidenile, et on valmis "terrorismivastast operatsiooni" peatama kolmel tingimusel. According to the President's press service, Mr Biden stated that he was ready to suspend the 'counter-terrorism operation' under three conditions. [97, 71, 84] 84.0 [0.9486832980505137, 0.4066897413043879, 0.6172985934001295] 0.6575572109183437 -0.27323782444000244 6325 Kõige vihmasem kuu on seal detsember, mil sademete hulk on 94 mm. The worst rainy month is December, when the number of rainfall is 94 mm. [99, 100, 76] 91.66666666666667 [1.013789014583392, 0.9996617706525889, 0.4377118082008297] 0.8170541978122702 -0.34320521354675293 6326 Afganistani põhjaosas asuvas Baghlāni linnas toimunud enesetapurünnakus hukkus nelikümmend ja sai haavata sada kakskümmend inimest. Forty people died and 100 were wounded in a suicide attack in the northern part of Afghanistan in Baghdad. [68, 76, 84] 76.0 [-0.2840087250415973, 0.23454328731752536, 0.6681304714467177] 0.20622167790754856 -0.3776329755783081 6327 Siin tuleb kasutada üldisi liitmise reegleid, kuigi paistab, et Kant nende olemasolu ei tunnista. The rules of general unification must be applied here, although it seems that Kant does not recognise their existence. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8394084631768461] 0.8397939717619285 -0.4162559509277344 6328 Seppo oli peaaegu 30 aastat abielus Ulla Taalasmaaga. Seppo was married to Ulla Taalasland for almost 30 years. [76, 86, 95] 85.66666666666667 [0.3190883206378832, 0.7431032729058616, 0.8835775815176352] 0.6485897250204601 -0.15988397598266602 6329 Ogooué suuremad lisajõed on Okano, Ivindo, Ngounié, Sebe ja Lekoni jõgi. The major tributaries of Ogooué are the River Okano, Ivindo, Ngounié, Sebe and Lekoni. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.3076476232459238, 1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058] 1.3815368685005553 -0.15656735002994537 6330 Saksamaa valitsus kiitis ametlikult heaks plaani liituda Prantsusmaa sõjaliste operatsioonidega äärmusliku islamiliikumise Islamiriik vastu. The German Government has formally approved the plan to join France in military operations against the country of the Islamic Islamic movement of radical Islam. [63, 52, 56] 57.0 [-0.03350342494859623, -0.6630301039070259, -0.2711408857067372] -0.3225581381874531 -0.4381513297557831 6331 Maa asub Atlandi ookeani põhjaosa ääres, piirnedes kagus Skagerraki, läänes ja edelas Põhjamere, loodes Norra mere ja kirdes Barentsi merega. The land is located in the north of the Atlantic, adjacking the Skagerrak, the west and the south-east of the North Sea, creating the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea in the north. [34, 28, 39] 33.666666666666664 [-1.208874419294421, -1.1595803648136038, -0.9034392399936904] -1.0906313413672384 -0.44605159759521484 6332 Hooker oli sellest võimalusest vaimustuses ja nõustus meelsasti. It was in the spirit of this opportunity that we were happy to accept. [21, 11, 1] 11.0 [-1.5253339301988655, -1.8860837863730762, -2.016289862523797] -1.8092358596985794 -0.5398072600364685 6333 Ülu küsib Annemailt luba Uuevarikul kliente vastu võtta. One day, she will be asked to allow her to receive customers in the New Year. [17, 17, 26] 20.0 [-1.8908339473394493, -1.7008804037850265, -1.7383085685286457] -1.7766743065510404 -0.5425518155097961 6334 1946 avati Bergeni Ülikool ja 1972 Tromsø Ülikool. 1946 was opened by the University of Bergen and 1972 TromsSSON University. [79, 81, 82] 80.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194, 0.46039042405392566] 0.48222950134381376 -0.349861741065979 6335 Riialaste käes pantvangiks olnud Sakala ülikute pojad vahetati vangi võetud orduvendade ja kaupmeeste vastu üks ühele põhimõttel. The grandson of Sakali, who was held hostage by bees, was replaced by a single principle for the slaves taken in prison and for the merchants. [72, 82, 62] 72.0 [0.09044991547637454, 0.5808699337445091, -0.5399745717702639] 0.04378175915020658 -0.5456608533859253 6336 Itaalias toimus üleriigiline streik peaminister Matteo Renzi tööturureformide vastu. In Italy, a country-wide strike took place against labour market reforms by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. [100, 100, 100] 100.0 [1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 1.0745811949213098 -0.37576714158058167 6337 Tema vastaskandidaat, senine president Mahinda Rajapakse sai 47,4% antud häältest. His opposite candidate, so far President MatolRajapack, received 47.4% of the votes cast. [85, 80, 75] 80.0 [0.711760740297822, 0.37863665915867617, -0.01280273874114997] 0.3591982202384494 -0.43499311804771423 6338 Ta paistab ütlevat, et liigierisused ei ole substantsid. He seems to say that excessive variations are not substances. [100, 82, 91] 91.0 [1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9498875930254039] 0.8852452741722745 -0.5258005857467651 6339 Küprose rahvuslik lennufirma Cyprus Airways teatas, et lõpetab tegevuse. Cyprus Airways, a Cypriot national airline, has announced that it is closing down. [100, 82, 100] 94.0 [1.32209936924058, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9420063113937553 -0.3804817497730255 6340 Sõnad "loodus" ja "kultuur" ei ole ühemõttelised, ja eriti looduse mõistet saab täpsemalt määratleda ainult oma vastandi kaudu. The words' nature 'and' culture 'are not unequivocal, and the concept of nature, in particular, can only be defined more precisely through its image. [58, 51, 65] 58.0 [-0.3208781743406151, -0.4297907926901062, -0.12539087159621595] -0.29201994620897914 -0.30362334847450256 6341 Ka oli kellaaeg niikaugel, et lahinguväljale saabus pimedus, mis omakorda suurendas põgenikevoolu. There was also a time when the battlefields were turned into darkness, which, in turn, increased the flow of refugees. [92, 84, 100] 92.0 [0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.860808186564069 -0.47218191623687744 6342 Linnavalitsus allub kohaliku tähtsusega küsimustes linna saadikute nõukogule ja riikliku tähtsusega küsimustes riigivõimu asutustele. On matters of local importance, the municipality is subordinate to the Council of Representatives of the City and the National Authority on matters of national importance. [93, 80, 87] 86.66666666666667 [0.8469401176424164, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7124885375901508] 0.6843460170916226 -0.5206200480461121 6343 Afganistanis Bagrami õhuväebaasi lähistel toimunud enesetapurünnakus hukkus 6 Ameerika Ühendriikide sõdurit. In a suicide attack in Afghanistan near Bagrami's air force, 6 US soldiers died. [78, 80, 82] 80.0 [0.4063488583400919, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5776758168102278] 0.491467780987918 -0.37809574604034424 6344 Vatikanis Püha Peetruse katedraalis tähistati piduliku missaga paavst Benedictus XVI kaheksakümnendat sünnipäeva. In the Vatican Cathedral of St Peetrus, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the 20th anniversary of his inauguration. [63, 56, 83] 67.33333333333333 [-0.49731359731548613, -0.48592357188822877, 0.6245002025956135] -0.11957898886936717 -0.3121054470539093 6345 Kristlaste vägi leidis nende tihedasse metsa rajatud ja maharaiutud puudega ümbritsetud kindlustuse ning ründas seda. The Christian army found and attacked their insurance, surrounded by a severe forest-based and maimed disability. [32, 31, 29] 30.666666666666668 [-1.3504838029351336, -1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693] -1.3742026546712915 -0.48651939630508423 6346 Prantsusmaa julgeolekujõud ja politsei algatasid üleriigilise operatsiooni kahtlusaluste Saïd Kouachi, Chérif Kouachi ja Hamyd Mouradi tabamiseks. France's security forces and police forces launched a state-wide operation to catch suspects Saïd Kouachi, Chérif Kouachi and Hamyd Moura. [83, 81, 100] 88.0 [0.8652444468398807, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8424874691600653 -0.2100236415863037 6347 Jäi aga ka võimalus öelda, et füüsika inimtegevust ega üldse elusolendite käitumist ei seo. However, you also missed the opportunity to say that physical human activity and the behaviour of living beings are not linked at all. [51, 48, 44] 47.666666666666664 [-1.0092452907728193, -0.9025592071930374, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9685631713547167 -0.3748301565647125 6348 Neid armastatakse juba enne sündi, kui pole veel midagi teada nende iseloomust ega erilistest voorustest. They are always loved before birth, when nothing is yet known about their nature or their special virtues. [97, 100, 80] 92.33333333333333 [0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8698737270909259 -0.4942866265773773 6349 Esialgu liikusid sakslased väga kiiresti edasi, neid abistasid ka eestlaste Nõukogudevastased üksused. Originally, the Germans moved very quickly; they were also assisted by anti-Estonians' Council entities. [82, 84, 79] 81.66666666666667 [0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3627318492546081] 0.5282336504360359 -0.454795777797699 6350 Esimest Cuddalore'i vastu saadetud Prantsuse väge üllatati ja võideti seal lähedal naabobi vägede ja Briti garnisoni poolt detsembris 1746. The first French Strait sent against Cuddalore was surprised and won there by neighbouring troops and the British garnisant in December 1746. [73, 61, 70] 68.0 [0.18819751408457033, -0.2908183276918498, -0.19997321272861532] -0.10086467544529826 -0.4242398738861084 6351 Pingeline olukord vaid halvenes, kui Napoleon saatis ekspeditsiooniväed purustama Haiti revolutsiooni. The dramatic situation only deteriorated when Napoleon sent the expeditionary forces to break the revolution in Haiti. [79, 93, 94] 88.66666666666667 [0.44997912719119615, 1.0326013210732208, 0.851024723251196] 0.7778683905052043 -0.34165140986442566 6352 Ülalöeldust tuleneb, et mänguteooria saab siin pakkuda vaid erinevaid võimalikke loogilisi mudeleid. It follows from what has been said that the theory of the game can only offer a variety of possible logical models here. [65, 82, 74] 73.66666666666667 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.5808699337445091, 0.29999877943339137] 0.2397184093107537 -0.44064220786094666 6353 Suur osa neist langeb mussoonihooajal novembrist veebruarini. Much of them will fall from November to February during the monsoon season. [100, 83, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.7886422934300293 -0.39907321333885193 6354 Nad ei küsi, mille peal nad on väljas või mida endast arvata; nad ei hooli sellest, mis või kes nad on. They do not ask where they are outside or what they think of themselves; they do not care about what they are or who they are. [65, 82, 69] 72.0 [-0.1617134852456394, 0.5808699337445091, -0.2413477505868195] 0.05926956597068341 -0.3039686381816864 6355 Festivalil osales 13 teatrit, peapreemia võitis teater Randlane lavastuse "Meretagune asi" eest. Thirteen theatres took part in the Festival, with the Grand Prize winning a theatre Randlis for his reply on the occasion of the Maritime Day. [27, 41, 12] 26.666666666666668 [-1.818794853066228, -1.1179556081700188, -1.8183096545968183] -1.5850200386110214 -0.7254267930984497 6356 Armastaja uskumus, et armastatul on need omadused, on armastuse tarvilik ja piisav tingimus. The large-scale belief that a loved person has these qualities is a necessary and adequate condition for love. [58, 69, 80] 69.0 [-0.4138768859676533, 0.1413488724500223, 0.4949620887624109] 0.07414469174825995 -0.2962179481983185 6357 Tagasiastumise põhjuseks sai armee suutmatus püstitada piisavalt kiiresti riigipiirile Serbiaga põgenike sissevoolu takistav piirdeaed. The reason for this withdrawal was the failure of the army to set sufficiently quickly limits at its borders with Serbia to prevent the influx of refugees. [67, 67, 80] 71.33333333333333 [-0.04267714354839904, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] 0.17627372071685873 -0.4664948582649231 6358 Teda piinab kongikaaslane Tatjana ja igatsus Allani järele. He is embarrassed by a convoy, Tatr, and longed for Allani. [6, 21, 14] 13.666666666666666 [-2.287090719902614, -1.3816902345903206, -2.3859883481305837] -2.018256434207839 -0.6023039221763611 6359 Ja "Principia" oli mõeldud peamiselt taevamehaanika probleemide lahendamiseks. And it was intended primarily to solve the problems of the Ancient mechanical era. [48, 31, 30] 36.333333333333336 [-0.14806547705276396, -0.6798210592198779, -0.5165969193189119] -0.44816115186385125 -0.7986113429069519 6360 Venemaal Peterburis rünnati öösel kahe musta värviga täidetud pudeliga Eesti peakonsulaadi hoonet. In Russia in St Petersburg, two bottles filled with black colours were attacked during the night by the Estonian Chief Consulate building. [50, 20, 30] 33.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, -0.5165969193189119] -0.5353161415647272 -0.36590197682380676 6361 Türgi pealinnas Ankaras algas kohtuprotsess 1980. aasta riigipöörde kahe elusoleva juhi, kindralite Kenan Evreni ja Tahsin Şahinkaya üle. A trial began in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, on two living leaders, generals Kan Evans and Tahsin Şahinkaya, in the 1980 coup d'état. [61, 31, 50] 47.333333333333336 [0.25809987938528167, -0.6798210592198779, 0.013959715917508699] -0.1359204879723625 -0.3572229743003845 6362 Kolme erineva generatsiooni naised peavad maha tõsise jutuajamise. The women of three different generations are having serious talk. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.5546067953109741 6363 Juri Šaburovi poolt Venemaa Rahvusarhiivist leitud Nõukogude Liidu Spordikomitee dokumendid "Ettevalmistused 1946. aasta maailmameistrivõistlusteks". The documents of the Soviet Union Sport Committee found by Juri Šaburov in the Russian National Archive "Preparations for the 1946 World Cup." [86, 100, 70] 85.33333333333333 [1.0391871033046, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9786482027800338 -0.26715222001075745 6364 Maksu tühistamise põhjuseks toodi Taani toidukaupade hinna kasv ja sellest tulenevad riskid tööhõivele Taani toiduainetööstuses. The reason for the withdrawal was the increase in the price of Danish food products and the resulting risks for employment in the Danish food industry. [86, 56, 80] 74.0 [1.0391871033046, 0.056433365816879424, 0.8097946687721397] 0.6351383792978731 -0.41310927271842957 6365 Eesti peaminister Taavi Rõivas külastas Haapsalu linna, kus ta kohtus Läänemaa kooliõpilaste, ettevõtjate ja ajakirjanikega. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Ralevas, visited the city of Haapsalu, where he met school pupils, entrepreneurs and journalists in the West. [85, 91, 61] 79.0 [1.0079436143478273, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401] 0.8002996801712357 -0.28897005319595337 6366 Tšehhi president Václav Klaus nimetas ametisse peaminister Mirek Topoláneki uue valitsuse. Czech President Václav Klaus appointed the new government of Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek. [50, 51, 51] 50.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.04048754767932973] -0.045302823550120275 -0.20001211762428284 6367 William pani selle ehituse eest vastutama Gundulfi, Rochesteri piiskopi, kuid ilmselt lõpetati ehitustegevus alles pärast Williami surma 1087. aastal. William held the Gundulf, Rochester Bishop, responsible for this construction, but apparently the construction work was stopped only after the death of William in 1087. [61, 31, 31] 41.0 [0.25809987938528167, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094] -0.30393008913056235 -0.3762093782424927 6368 Hukkus kolm ja sai vigastada kaks vanu lõhkeaineid hävitamiseks ette valmistanud erafirma töötajat. Three workers were killed and two private companies that prepared to destroy the old explosives were injured. [9, 10, 31] 16.666666666666668 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.298274776250754, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0516351367249153 -0.43356409668922424 6369 Keldrikorrusel asusid laoruumid ja veinikelder, esimesel korrusel arkaadkäigu taga olid kaubasaal ja piinakamber. On the 'no' side was the scene of orthodoxy and the wine cooden, the first time there was a merchant and a torture move. [4, 1, 1] 2.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.4573364669421576 -0.8174765110015869 6370 Pole tähtis, kus ta on, küsimus on selles, miks ta üldse olemas on. It is not important where he is, it is why he exists at all. [91, 100, 90] 93.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.2075728961201289 -0.4243212640285492 6371 Kuningas Władysław IV ideed suurest rahvusvahelisest ristisõjast Osmanite riigi vastu takistas inkvisitsiooniseim aastal 1646. King Władysław IV's idea of a great international Christian war against the State of Osmante was blocked by the most instinctive in 1646. [50, 20, 40] 36.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, -0.25131860170070164] -0.44689003569199043 -0.3227783739566803 6372 Mõlemas osariigis võitis valimised Mitt Romney, teiseks jäi Rick Santorum. In both states, Mitt Romney won the elections; secondly, Rick Santorum remained. [37, 61, 31] 43.0 [-0.4917438555772641, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.25937623077004135 -0.2759154736995697 6373 Oma viimases teoses "De apice theoriae" kirjutab Nicolaus, et ta on jõudnud üha suuremale tunnetuskindlusele. In its latest 'De apice theoriae' work, Nicolaus writes that it has reached an ever-increasing sense of uncertainty. [31, 31, 31] 31.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094] -0.6163649786982898 -0.3985375463962555 6374 See probleem on armastuse nägemisteooriale, eerose ja sõpruse ühte patta panemisele tõsiseks väljakutseks. This problem is a serious challenge to put love in one side of the theory of vision, biography and friendship. [30, 40, 10] 26.666666666666668 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.41476946620664523, -1.0471535545553328] -0.7241237663455505 -0.5927135944366455 6375 Abel müüs oma patendi Suurbritannia riigile, keda ei saanud kohtusse kaevata. It sold its patent to the British state, which could not be taken to court. [11, 1, 31] 14.333333333333334 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1191566750914776 -0.5449145436286926 6376 Kas selliste faktide olemasolu lahendab teaduse faktilise baasi probleemi? Is having such facts the problem of a factual basis in science solved? [21, 15, 10] 15.333333333333334 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.1510238912434025, -1.0471535545553328] -1.0632723748947877 -0.35552558302879333 6377 Väljaspool eetilisi kaalutlusi elada ei ole loomulikum, nagu Thrasymachos arvas. Outside the ethical considerations to live, it is not more natural, as Thrasymachos thought. [36, 61, 31] 42.666666666666664 [-0.5229873445340368, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.2697907270889656 -0.2785189151763916 6378 Mitte et tõmbel ja näiteks imetlusel ja austusel poleks perekondlikes suhetes üldse tähtsust. Not that bullet and admiration and respect, for example, have any significance in family relations. [33, 61, 31] 41.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.3010342160457384 -0.4105985760688782 6379 Ta lisab seda kartusest, et keegi võib teadusi määratleda kategooriate erinevuse järgi. It adds this to the fear that one can define science according to different categories. [43, 60, 30] 44.333333333333336 [-0.30428292183662764, 0.1742340738227606, -0.5165969193189119] -0.21554858911092634 -0.6075882315635681 6380 Linna idaosas lasi enesetaputerrorist ennast õhku minibussis, tappes veel kümme inimest. In the east of the city, suicide bombers blew up in minibuses, killing another ten people. [22, 52, 51] 41.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, 0.04048754767932973] -0.3270919948128424 -0.34916234016418457 6381 Näiteks 21. voorus oli Botvinnik vaba, pärast selle vooru lõppemist oli tema punktisaak endiselt 12.0. In the 21st round, for example, Botvinnik was free, and after the end of this round, his point was still 12.0. [50, 80, 51] 60.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973] 0.2393822207974259 -0.41891688108444214 6382 Erakorralist haiglaeelset meditsiiniabi rahastatakse vahel ka eraomanduses olevatest finantsvahenditest. Emergency pre-hospital medical care is sometimes also financed from private financial resources. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.4041686952114105 6383 Samal ajal ajavad talus oma õigust taga nii Anu ja Riks kui ka Ints, nii et haigete ravitsemine jääb jälle Annemai kaela. At the same time, the farm is pursuing its right, both Anu and Riks and Ints, so the treatment of the sick will again be on AnneMay. [33, 40, 10] 27.666666666666668 [-0.616717811404355, -0.41476946620664523, -1.0471535545553328] -0.6928802773887778 -0.5543691515922546 6384 Robert jättis 1841. aastal kooli pooleli, et meremeheks hakata. Robert left school early in 1841 to become a sea sea sea. [31, 1, 1] 11.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.176145066331203 -0.407062292098999 6385 Ahjus kuivatatud kiiselguur imes endasse umbes kolm korda oma mahust suurema koguse nitroglütseriini. Ahjus dried diesel, in its own midst, is about three times more than its volume to nitroglyrical. [6, 1, 1] 2.6666666666666665 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.4365074743043091 -0.6637079119682312 6386 Päästepaatidesse evakueeritud reisijad ja meeskond päästeti Tšiili õhujõudude poolt ning toimetati Punta Arenase lennuväljale. Passengers and crew evacuated into lifeboats were rescued by the Chilean air force and transferred to the Red Crescent airport. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.40101543068885803 6387 Ney saatis Mahleri 3. diviisi vallutama Günzburgi sildu üle Doonau. Ney sent Mahler's third way of conquering the name of Keyzburg across the Danube. [14, 40, 10] 21.333333333333332 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.41476946620664523, -1.0471535545553328] -0.8907557074483384 -0.43787702918052673 6388 Tõlk olevat aga harjulasi petnud ja meistrile vastusena hoopis teatanud, et kui nad pole seni nõnda teinud, siis tahavad nad nii teha sellest peale. However, it has been rare to deceive and instead, in response to the masterpiece, to say that, if they have not done so to date, they want to do so. [9, 1, 10] 6.666666666666667 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.3256804900620736 -0.5320448279380798 6389 Üldine paanika valdas nüüd liitlaste armeed ja see taandus lahinguväljalt kõigis võimalikes suundades. The general panic has now been unleashed by the Allies Army, and it has been reduced from the battlefield to all possible directions. [50, 61, 31] 47.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.12398777862402617 -0.3937561511993408 6390 Järelikult ei saa ajaloos olla näitlikul esitusel muud eesmärki peale reaalsuse kopeerimise. Consequently, in history, there can be no purpose other than to copy reality. [93, 91, 63] 82.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821] 0.9013008718971771 -0.5168914198875427 6391 Tai riigiprokuratuur esitas ametlikud süüdistused endisele peaministrile Thaksin Shinawatrale. The Thai Public Prosecutor's Office formally accused former Prime Minister Thame Shinawatry. [94, 91, 70] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9736136423270171 -0.3128068149089813 6392 Tema usk Jumalasse hakkas selgelt vähenema tütar Annie surma järel 1851. aastal. His faith in God began to clearly decline after the death of dautar Ancio in 1851. [50, 71, 51] 57.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.4981860208389338, 0.04048754767932973] 0.151031689793015 -0.550419807434082 6393 Ajakirja Rolling Stone 2004. aastal valminud edetabelis "100 Greatest Artists of All Time" paigutati Clapton 55. kohale. The "Armed of All Time" newspaper, which produced the Rolling Stone in 2004, placed Claston 55th place on 100 Greaks. [5, 35, 10] 16.666666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.5620203512139967, -1.0471535545553328] -1.0335698026544404 -0.5529179573059082 6394 Eesti poliitiku ja riigiametniku Hannes Rummu erakirjavahetuse lekitamises kahtlustatud Ivor Onksion esitas avalduse Eesti Keskerakonnast lahkumiseks. Ivor Onkńska, who was suspected of leasing the private correspondence of his Estonian politician and civil servant, was issued with a statement to leave the Estonian Central Party. [45, 61, 31] 45.666666666666664 [-0.24179594392308218, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.1760602602186474 -0.5519573092460632 6395 Näiteks võib naine arvata, et vägistamist tuleb aktsepteerida. For example, a woman may think that rape is to be accepted. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.3289411962032318 6396 Kantsler Jerzy Ossoliński ja vojevood Adam Kisiel, Ukrainlaste hulgas mõjukas magnaat, pooldasid kasakate vaigistamiseks vajalikke möönduste tegemist. The Chancellor, Jerzy Ossoliński, and Voivodship, Adam Kisiel, had a powerful magnail among the Ukrainians in favour of making concessions to appease the little. [10, 1, 31] 14.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.129571171410402 -0.5876138210296631 6397 pisi1) Laevatöökoda; 2) Tre kronori loss; 3) Vasa uppumiskoht pisi1) Ship workshop; 2) Castle of Tre kronor; 3) Vasa drowning place [77, 99, 90] 88.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.0519532219880325 -0.3142264187335968 6398 Vasallid kaldusid pigem toetama Taani pikaajalise vastase, Rootsi võimu alla minekut. The opposite was more inclined to support the transition to power of Denmark's long-term opponent, Sweden. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.42038723826408386 6399 Kui nisu kasvatatakse tavalisel moel, sellest tehakse saia tavalisel moel ja seda süüakse tavalisel moel, siis selle sööjad saavad toidetud. If wheat is grown in the normal way, it is done in the same normal way and is consumed in the normal way, its meals will be fed. [34, 20, 50] 34.666666666666664 [-0.5854743224475824, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5250958709220416 -0.4665062129497528 6400 Kuidas saab õnnestuda trotsida selle tõesust, mida pooleldi usutakse? How can one succeed in defusing the proof of what is half-believed? [77, 99, 69] 81.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 0.8662583996552852 -0.38788703083992004 6401 On isegi väidetud, et parallelismi tekitab Jumal, kes loob inimese koos eelkehtestatud harmooniaga vaimse ja füüsilise ajaloo vahel. It has even been claimed that there is a parallel between God, who creates a human being with the previously established harmony between mental and physical history. [50, 61, 31] 47.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.12398777862402617 -0.44112151861190796 6402 Ameerika Ühendriikide Kongressi Esindajatekoda kiitis heaks seaduseelnõu, millega kaotati maksuvabastused naftatööstuse ettevõtetele. The House of Deputies in the United States Congress approved a draft law abolishing tax exemptions for companies in the oil industry. [95, 99, 69] 87.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0537193333959218 -0.34830451011657715 6403 Kauplusepidajate hulgas on palju lääneaafriklasi ja liibanonlasi, turgudel domineerivad Kameruni naised. There are many western Africans and Lebanese farmers, and markets are dominated by women in Cameroon. [75, 90, 60] 75.0 [0.6955087247801, 1.0577393838668694, 0.279238033535719] 0.6774953807275628 -0.37575361132621765 6404 Esimest tüüpi vastunäiteid on sageli leitud ajaloost ja sotsiaalteadustest, eriti selliseid, kus ei viidata seadustele. The first-type counter-examples have often been found in history and in social sciences, especially those which do not refer to the law. [92, 99, 70] 87.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0313184550264227 -0.4019969403743744 6405 Armastavad vanemad hoolitsevad laste eest tavaliselt kohusetundest, mitte armastusest. Parents on a large scale usually look after children from a sense of duty, not from a love. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.4120485782623291 6406 Mõlemal juhul õnnestus ründaja enne maha lasta, kui neil õnnestus kedagi vigastada. In both cases, the aggressor succeeded in shooting down the attacker before they succeeded in someone injured. [31, 61, 50] 47.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, 0.2036842508242309, 0.013959715917508699] -0.15385360752538696 -0.45681020617485046 6407 Pikkamisi tekkisid hierarhilised ühiskonnad ja kujunesid ülikute juhitavad hõimud. The loneliness was caused by hierarchical societies and by the formation of overrun tribes. [31, 50, 20] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.12026769619194233, -0.7818752369371224] -0.5271159074823217 -0.5270472168922424 6408 Selline teoreetilist laadi arstiteadus kujunes välja arvukate hüpoteeside esinemise ja avastuste puudumise tõttu. This theoretical medicine arose because of a large number of hypotheses and a lack of discoveries. [93, 99, 69] 87.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0328903407580732 -0.4199213981628418 6409 Iraani lõunaosas Ahvāzi linnas toimus pommiplahvatus. In the southern part of Iran, there was a bomb explosion in the city of Ahvâz. [93, 100, 90] 94.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.2284018887579773 -0.3656173348426819 6410 Burkina Faso andis välja riigi endise presidendi Blaise Compaoré rahvusvahelise vahistamismääruse. Burkina Faso issued an international arrest warrant for former President Blaise Compaoré. [95, 100, 91] 95.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.101600818152171] 1.2580734919830994 -0.13371899724006653 6411 Kuidas ta seda kasutab, sõltub osalt tema ajaloost. How it uses it depends partly on its history. [78, 100, 70] 82.66666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.89533223222864 -0.19924581050872803 6412 Leppimine on võimalik ainult enesepettuse korral, mistõttu Hampton ei usu, et seda saab kuigi sageli teha. Reconciliation is only possible in the event of self-deception, which is why Hampton does not believe that this can be done very often. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.27820754051208496 6413 Teodosius asutas Tărnovo lähedal Kilifarevo kloostri, millest sai riigi uus hesühastlik ja kirjanduslik keskus. In Teodosius near Tărnovo, a monastery of Kilifarevo was established, which became the country's new huotic and literary centre. [94, 99, 69] 87.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0433048370769975 -0.4336531460285187 6414 Austria võimud teatasid, et kooskõlastatult Saksamaaga on nad valmis Ungari kaudu saabuvad põgenikud riiki lubama. The Austrian authorities reported that, in coordination with Germany, they were ready to allow refugees arriving from Hungary. [78, 91, 61] 76.66666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401] 0.727398205938766 -0.46351391077041626 6415 Ent ambitsioon anda ammendav mõistuspärane õigustus viisile, kuidas tuleb elada, on arusaamatus. However, the ambition to give exhaustive rational justification to the way in which one has to live is a misunderstanding. [94, 99, 69] 87.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0433048370769975 -0.3453478217124939 6416 Isegi tingimus 3 on problemaatiline, sest on vähe teaduslikku teadmist, millel poleks teadaolevaid erandeid. Even condition 3 is problematic, because there is little scientific knowledge without known exceptions. [95, 99, 69] 87.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0537193333959218 -0.3484535217285156 6417 Rebase põhiline tegevusala oli laskealase töö juhendamine. The main area of activity was the mentoring of child labour. [21, 1, 11] 11.0 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116] -1.1918639236477087 -0.5595109462738037 6418 Aga küsimuses "Mida ma peaksin sellest asjast arvama," mis mõjub samamoodi nagu "Mis on selles asjas tõsi? But, on the question 'What should I think of this matter', what is the same as' what is true in this case? [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.4874420762062073 6419 Arutelude käigus bogomiilid paljastati; need, kes ei tulnud tagasi õigeusku, pagendati. Bogmings were exposed during the discussions; those who did not come back to the Orthodox faith were relegated. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.39779338240623474 6420 Tavaliselt esineb neid kesksuvel, kuid kuivadel aastatel võib metsapõlengute hooaeg alata juba jaanuaris ja kesta kuni novembrini. They usually occur in the middle of the summer, but in the dry years the season for forest fires can start in January and last until November. [96, 99, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.33825475792033 -0.42733144760131836 6421 Mitmete aruannete kohaselt olevat NSV Liidu väed näidanud ka üles sümpaatiat demonstrantide vastu. According to various reports, the NSV troops have also shown sympathy with demonstrators. [77, 99, 70] 82.0 [0.7579957026936455, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8751010102425588 -0.47634410858154297 6422 1981. ilmus haigus uuesti ja seekord hävis saak peaaegu täielikult. The disease reappeared in 1981 and this time the harvest was almost completely destroyed. [95, 99, 70] 88.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0625619439831955 -0.40503379702568054 6423 Ainult siis oleks meil ühiskond, mis rajaneb huvide võrdse arvestamise printsiibil. Only then would we have a society based on the principle of equal consideration of interests. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.24404127895832062 6424 Moraalsed kaalutlused on väga prioriteetsed moraalsest vaatekohast, st moraalse süsteemi sees antakse neile suur prioriteetsust. Mortual considerations are a very priority from a moral point of view, i.e. within the moral system they are given high priority. [80, 99, 69] 82.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 0.8975018886120579 -0.37881696224212646 6425 Venemaa president Dmitri Medvedev vabastas ametist Arhangelski oblasti kuberneri Ilja Mihhaltšuki ja kinnitas kuberneri kohusetäitjaks Igor Orlovi. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed the Governor of the Arhangelski Oblast, Ilja Mikhalchuk, and confirmed Igor Orlov, the Governor's duty. [50, 80, 51] 60.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973] 0.2393822207974259 -0.4476260244846344 6426 Ma ei loe kohtuotsusest välja, et teda süüdistatakse ka nilbe materjalid kasutamises ainult transportimises/üle andmises läbi interneti võrgu) I do not rule out from a court ruling that he is also accused of using lightweight materials only for transport / transfer via the Internet. [50, 55, 25] 43.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.02698318881540913, -0.6492360781280172] -0.23594379615060887 -0.5454947352409363 6427 Ursula on taas maailma teisest otsast Austraaliast isa juurde lennanud, sedapuhku koos pisipoja Tomiga. Ursula has once again flown her father from the other side of the world from Australia, this time with her favourite, Tomom. [12, 42, 31] 28.333333333333332 [-1.2728310794965825, -0.35586911220370465, -0.49006908755709094] -0.706256426419126 -0.41548413038253784 6428 74.\t“Ma ilmutasin end kotka kujul teadmiste puu kohal. 74. I have shown myself above the tree of knowledge in the form of a dog. [10, 1, 1] 4.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.394849489028612 -0.5002653002738953 6429 Ameerika Ühendriikides allkirjastas Connecticuti osariigi kuberner Dannel Malloy seaduse, millega kaotati osariigis surmanuhtlus. In the United States, Governor Dannel Malloy of Connecticut State signed the law abolishing the death penalty in the State. [94, 71, 90] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.4981860208389338, 1.07507298639035] 0.9541313407293552 -0.21996113657951355 6430 Kõik ained seal koosnevad neljast elemendist õhust, maast, tulest ja veest, mille proportsioonid segus määravad aine omadused. All substances in it consist of four elements of air, land, fire and water, the proportions of which determine the characteristics of the substance. [91, 96, 66] 84.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.234440445875691, 0.4384050241066452] 0.9560833393569332 -0.3326588571071625 6431 Järelemõtlemisel võib see tunduda väga ilmne, aga filosoofias ongi sageli tarvis lihtsalt leida kontekst, milles öelda seda, mis on ilmne. This may seem very obvious in the thinking, but the philosophy often simply needs to find a context in which to say what is obvious. [94, 91, 64] 83.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3853493605830032] 0.920557978803375 -0.3973113000392914 6432 Suuri looduslikke järvi Portugalis ei ole ja suurimad sisemaised veekogud on paisude abil tekitatud veehoidlad. There is no big natural lake in Portugal, and the largest inland waters have been generated by water storage through empires. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.6227684020996094 6433 Visiidi esimesel päeval kohtub ta India peaministri Manmohan Singhiga. On the first day of the visit, he will meet Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. [95, 100, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3376569872685626 -0.23764368891716003 6434 Nende 42 kontserdi parimatest paladest pandi kokku kontsertalbum "24 Nights", mis ilmus 8. oktoobril 1991. Out of these 42 concerns' best submissions', the group's 24 Nlooms' were put together, which appeared on 8 October 1991. [15, 1, 31] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0774986898157806 -0.5811209678649902 6435 Kommunistliku Partei poliitbüroo alalise komitee esimeheks ja partei peasekretäriks valiti Xi Jinping, kellest saab ka Hiina uus president. The President of the Communist Party's Permanent Committee and Secretary-General of the Party were elected the EULEX Jinping, who will also be the new President of China. [44, 74, 60] 59.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.279238033535719] 0.19757838416640292 -0.3527979850769043 6436 Ajaloolane võib küll hinnangu anda, kuid see ei kuulu ajaloolise mõistemoodustuse alla. History may be judged, but it is not part of a historical conception. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.5025988221168518 6437 Rünnaku eest võttis vastutuse islamistlikust äärmusorganisatsioonist Ţālebān eraldunud terroristlik rühmitus. The attack was taken responsibility for by a terrorist group separated from an Islamic extremist organisation in Ţālebân. [22, 52, 50] 41.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, 0.013959715917508699] -0.33593460540011605 -0.574408769607544 6438 Rumeenias astus tagasi alles 10. novembril välisministriks nimetatud Teodor Meleșcanu. In Romania, the Foreign Minister, Mr Teodor Meletoricanu, was only appointed Foreign Minister on 10 November. [10, 11, 11] 10.666666666666666 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.0206257227935116] -1.2082561264843077 -0.4777687191963196 6439 Ukul jääb vaid nentida, et alles ta hädaldas, et elu on igavaks muutunud. The news only remains to state that it has only lamented that life has become age-old. [9, 1, 1] 3.6666666666666665 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.4052639853475366 -0.5397580862045288 6440 Metafoorikood on metafooride süsteem teatud kosmosemudeli kirjeldamiseks. Methphorus is a system of metaphorus to describe a specific space model. [33, 31, 50] 38.0 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, 0.013959715917508699] -0.42752638490224143 -0.4347238540649414 6441 Paradigma sunnib teadlasi uurima mingit looduse osa nii üksikasjalikult ja sügavalt, nagu muidu oleks mõeldamatu. Paradger forces scientists to study the part of nature in as much detail and depth as otherwise would be unthinkable. [50, 80, 51] 60.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973] 0.2393822207974259 -0.476866215467453 6442 Malawi suurim veekogu on umbes 580 km pikkune Njassa järv. The largest island in Malawi is about 580 km old lake. [33, 51, 40] 41.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.25131860170070164] -0.3196179774318429 -0.5769326686859131 6443 Hilisematel sajanditel lammutati linnusehoone ehitusmaterjaliks. Over the centuries, construction material for urban buildings was dismantled. [33, 3, 31] 22.333333333333332 [-0.616717811404355, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8704043047408306 -0.5235323309898376 6444 Filosoofina jõudis ta järeldusele, et andestuse käsku tuleks järgida või vähemalt püüda järgida ainult juhul, kui see käsk on õige. As a philosopher, she came to the conclusion that the order of forgiveness should be followed, or at least tried to comply, only if that order was right. [70, 47, 47] 54.666666666666664 [0.5392912799962363, -0.2086182271963532, -0.0656237793679544] 0.0883497578106429 -0.36549612879753113 6445 Saaremaal algasid Kaitseliidu karikavõistlused jalgpallis. In the island, caricatures of the Defence Union began in football. [7, 1, 1] 3.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.426092977985385 -0.3314668834209442 6446 Me ei ole alati individuaalset otsivad indiviidid, me ei reageeri alati täiuse idee tõmbele. We are not always individual search individuals; we do not always react to the attraction of the idea of perfection. [91, 91, 61] 81.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401] 0.8627866580847812 -0.39823004603385925 6447 Armastajad toovad siiski selle põhjendi välja, nagu nad pakuksid selle lahenduseks. However, the large numbers are putting this to the bottom as if they were proposing a solution. [27, 10, 40] 25.666666666666668 [-0.8041787451449914, -1.298274776250754, -0.25131860170070164] -0.7845907076988157 -0.47896790504455566 6448 Iga reaalsust saab uurida generaliseerivalt kui loodust. Every reality can be examined in a generalisation way than nature. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.45773962140083313 6449 1833. aasta oktoobris, Argentinas olles, põdes ta läbi palavikuga kulgeva haiguse. In October 1833, in Argentina, he suffers from a fever disease. [81, 51, 60] 64.0 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.279238033535719] 0.35713005762199446 -0.35314738750457764 6450 Artikkel on nilbe, kui selle tervikmõju on kõlblustunnet rikkuv. The article will be permissible if its full impact is in breach of the feeling of decency. [33, 50, 20] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.12026769619194233, -0.7818752369371224] -0.5062869148444732 -0.528617799282074 6451 Sellist irratsionaalsust ei paljasta ega ravi eetikateooriale apelleerimine, vaid järele mõtlema panemine. This irrationality is not exposed, or treated, by appealing to ethical theory, but by giving thought to it. [91, 91, 70] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9423701533702443 -0.5029720664024353 6452 Võib ka olla, et ma näen ja kinnitan, et armastatu on võluv, ilus, vaimukas või kaastundlik, nagu ta ise loodab, olgugi et ta on ebakindel. It may also be that I see and confirm that the loved person is fascinating, beautiful, spiritual or compassionate, as he himself hopes, even though he is uncertain. [80, 66, 66] 70.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.35093513583158237, 0.4384050241066452] 0.5470221098340639 -0.3126412332057953 6453 Erinevalt enamikust emotsioonidest määratlevad kired mina, nad on mina rasked investeeringud. Unlike most emotions, my stone is defined, I am a heavy investment. [9, 1, 30] 13.333333333333334 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.5165969193189119] -1.1488282783165997 -0.5819072127342224 6454 Suurendati masinaehitustehase võimsust ja õmblusmasinate tootmist, mida nüüd suudeti toota täies ulatuses kodumaistest detailidest. The capacity of the machinery construction plant and the production of leasing machines, which have now been able to be fully produced from domestic particulars, have been increased. [95, 91, 65] 83.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 0.41187719234482423] 0.9398150857095727 -0.4704250991344452 6455 Seega on ta kokku võitnud 26 Ameerika muusikaauhinda. It has thus won 26 American music prizes. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.3268129527568817 6456 Sama peaks käima kõigi mõistete kohta, mis on Platoni silmis problemaatilised. The same should apply to all concepts that are problematic in the eyes of Plato. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.2959990019928656 -0.247150257229805 6457 Kohtumise üks keskseid teemasid oli Iraani tuumalepe. One of the central topics of the meeting was the Iranian nuclear agreement. [91, 100, 70] 87.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.030720684374655 -0.4078724980354309 6458 Sinimägede lahingus, mis kujunes Eesti ajaloo ohvriterikkaimaks, suutsid 20. The battle of human cells, which became the most deadly in the history of Estonia, managed 20. [10, 1, 31] 14.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.129571171410402 -0.5150770545005798 6459 Rawls möönab küll, et need, kellel on parandamatu vaimne puue, võivad raskust valmistada, aga tal pole ideid, kuidas sellest üle saada.) Rawls admits that those who have an irreparable mental disability can make a fat but have no ideas about how to overcome it. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.42480409145355225 6460 Leping on tasuline ja vastastikune, millest tõusetuvad kohustused mõlemale poolele. The agreement will be cost-effective and mutual, hence the responsibilities on both sides. [50, 51, 31] 44.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094] -0.2221550352955938 -0.5849738121032715 6461 Poolas Krynicas algas kolmepäevane 25. majandusfoorum, mille esimesel kahel päeval osales ka Eesti siseminister Hanno Pevkur. In Krynica, Poland, the 25th Economic Forum began on a three-day basis, the first two days of which was attended by the Estonian Minister for the Interior, Hanno Pevkur. [61, 31, 60] 50.666666666666664 [0.25809987938528167, -0.6798210592198779, 0.279238033535719] -0.04749438209962573 -0.3010013997554779 6462 Kuigi opositsioon ja vaatlejad seadsid valimiste aususe kahtluse alla, kuulutati Mwanawasa valimiste võitjaks ja vannutati 2. jaanuaril 2002 ametisse. Although the opposition and observers questioned the integrity of the elections, Mwanawasa was declared the winner of the elections and imprisoned on 2 January 2002. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.2898784577846527 6463 Suurem osa vangilangenuist olid Venemaa kodanikud. Most of the prison experience was Russian citizens. [21, 51, 40] 37.333333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.25131860170070164] -0.44459193325893387 -0.48339948058128357 6464 Tema ema Katherine Esther Scruse oli koduperenaine ja tõsimeelne Jehoova tunnistaja ning isa Joseph Walter Jackson töötas terasetehases kraanajuhina. His mother, Kaapproaching Esther Scrus, was a housewife and real-minded Jehoova witness, and father Joseph Walter Jackson served as head of cranes at the steel plant. [13, 1, 31] 15.0 [-1.2415875905398097, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0983276824536292 -0.39409077167510986 6465 Nii viib seksuaalsus ühenduseni, ja ainult selles ühenduses on seksuaalsuse praktiseerimine võimalik. This way, sexuality leads to association, and only in this Community is it possible to practise sexuality. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.34343260526657104 6466 Kui eelmise aasta lõpul vennastusid Kristjan ja Jürka, siis nüüd leiavad üle hulga aja ühise keele ka nende naised Laine ning Leili. If, at the end of last year, Christians and Jürka were dragging their feet, their women will now also find common ground in Laine and Leil. [8, 1, 10] 6.333333333333333 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.3360949863809977 -0.4918184280395508 6467 Marek kimbutab jälle Pillet, kuid seekord päästab ta Johannes. Marek is yet again emitting Pilus, but this time he is rescuing Johannes. [8, 38, 11] 19.0 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.47366982020958587, -1.0206257227935116] -0.9640335261089237 -0.5589090585708618 6468 Ikoonid tekivad sellepärast, et ei looda kriitilisi indekseid asjade eristamiseks. Icons arise because they do not create critical indexes to differentiate things. [94, 91, 64] 83.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3853493605830032] 0.920557978803375 -0.5590763688087463 6469 Flogistoni kaalu küsimus oli flogistoniteooria pooldajate jaoks tähtis, Lavoisier' jaoks tühi. The issue of the weight of the Flogiston was an important one for those who were in favour of the flogistonary theory, empty for Lavoisier. [44, 21, 51] 38.666666666666664 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973] -0.40229157147836864 -0.5443978309631348 6470 Seadustiku koostamisel on eeskuju võetud Saksamaalt ja Belgialt. The legislation is being drafted as an example from Germany and Belgium. [91, 91, 70] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9423701533702443 -0.33191096782684326 6471 Aastal 1261 kutsus patriarh Jacques Pantaléon kokku kirikukogu, mis osapooled lepitas. In 1261, the Patriarch Jacques Pantaléon convened a church assembly, which was agreed by the parties. [61, 91, 71] 74.33333333333333 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5710441829157504] 0.6387778743897906 -0.3066607415676117 6472 Sama aasta sügisel korraldas Liivimaa ordu vasturünnaku, kuid enamat Rõngu linnuse vallutamisest ei suudetud korda saata. In autumn of the same year, the order in Libya carried out a counter-attack, but no more than the conquest for towns and cities could be carried out. [38, 68, 50] 52.0 [-0.4605003666204914, 0.40983548983452295, 0.013959715917508699] -0.01223505362281991 -0.561466634273529 6473 Küll aga peavad nad veidi pettuma, kui Tiina nende salaplaanidele jälile saab. However, they have to be a little disappointed when Tiina gets stuck with their secret platforms. [13, 1, 31] 15.0 [-1.2415875905398097, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0983276824536292 -0.5351137518882751 6474 Toimus täielik päikesevarjutus, mis oli nähtav Brasiiliast Mongooliani. There was a complete sunshine that was visible from Brazil to Mongolia. [22, 51, 31] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094] -0.5137609322254727 -0.35460370779037476 6475 Argumendid, mida toetab edukus teistes valdkondades, tunduvad toetavat ülalpool esitatud isiksusepilti. The arguments supported by success in other areas seem to support the personal image put forward by the above. [81, 63, 63] 69.0 [0.8829696585207364, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821] 0.5014585973896967 -0.35718676447868347 6476 Kui Ranke uurimust paavstidest nimetatakse ajalooliseks, siis peetakse silmas ka seda, et selles käsitletakse vaimunähtusi, eriti kultuurielu. When a rigorous study from Pope is called 'historic', it also means that it deals with spiritual phenomena, especially cultural life. [36, 66, 50] 50.666666666666664 [-0.5229873445340368, 0.35093513583158237, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05269749759498193 -0.4275519549846649 6477 Plahvatuse põhjus ei olnud esialgu teada, hiljem teatati, et selle põhjustas ilmselt gaasileke. The reason for the break was not initially known, and later it was announced that it was probably the cause of the gas spill. [42, 72, 50] 54.666666666666664 [-0.3355264107934004, 0.527636197840404, 0.013959715917508699] 0.06868983432150412 -0.48410293459892273 6478 Nii saab näidata, kuidas teadus progresseerub programmidevahelises võistluses. This will show how science is progressing in a competition between programmes. [94, 99, 69] 87.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0433048370769975 -0.41492217779159546 6479 Formaalse erinevuse puhul ei eristata mitte asju, vaid formaalsusi, reaalsusi ehk olevusi. On formal differences, it makes a distinction not between things, but between formalities, realities or assumptions. [55, 80, 50] 61.666666666666664 [0.0706389456446452, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.2826120918047735 -0.45906031131744385 6480 Austrias Viinis toimusid Eesti ja Austria välisministeeriumite kahepoolsed konsultatsioonid. Bilateral consultations took place in Vienna in Austria between the Estonian and Austrian Ministries of Foreign Affairs. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.3053431510925293 6481 Johannes Paulus II tegi 104 pastoraalset visiiti väljaspool Itaaliat, mille käigus ta külastas 129 riiki, sealhulgas Eestit. John Paul II made 104 passport visits outside Italy, during which he visited 129 countries, including Estonia. [45, 75, 50] 56.666666666666664 [-0.24179594392308218, 0.615986728844815, 0.013959715917508699] 0.12938350027974718 -0.2166902720928192 6482 Riigile sai saatuslikuks Neljas ristisõda, mille käigus Konstantinoopol vallutati ja Bütsants jagati mitmeks väikeriigiks. The country was embroiled in the fourth Crusade, during which the Konstantinoopol was conquered and the Butsants were divided into many small countries. [55, 81, 51] 62.333333333333336 [0.0706389456446452, 0.7926877908536367, 0.04048754767932973] 0.30127142805920387 -0.44157674908638 6483 1943. aasta keskel algatasid liitlased sissetungi Sitsiiliasse eesmärgiga Itaalia sõjast välja lüüa ja luua tugipunkt Euroopas. In the middle of 1963, allies launched an invasion of Sicily with the aim of pulling Italy out of the war and creating a point of reference in Europe. [44, 74, 60] 59.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.279238033535719] 0.19757838416640292 -0.3401816487312317 6484 Et tõendeid vaatlusväiteid on lõplik arv ja seadus käib lõpmatu arvu võimalike juhtumite kohta, siis tõenäosus on lõpliku arvu jagatis lõpmatusega. As evidence of the final number of observations and the law applies to an infinite number of cases, the final figure is likely to be shared with an infinite one. [45, 40, 70] 51.666666666666664 [-0.24179594392308218, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.037349686325265995 -0.4551147222518921 6485 Samas lüheldase artikli kirjutamine tundus olevat eriti raske, nii et suurema teose kirjutamine hakkas paistma õigena alternatiivina. At the same time, writing a brief article seemed particularly difficult, so writing more work started to look like the right alternative. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.49560216069221497 6486 Haige tuleb kiiresti asetada kiirabiautosse ja viia lähimasse haiglasse. Immediate cars urgently need to be put in emergency cars and brought to the recent hospital. [8, 1, 10] 6.333333333333333 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.3360949863809977 -0.4639851152896881 6487 Seetõttu, kuigi loomad olid juba ammu ära viidud, siis Lõvitorni ei lammutatud enne viimase järelevaataja surma 1853. aastal. Therefore, even though the animals had been withdrawn a long time ago, the lion's standard was not dismantled before the death of the last viewer in 1853. [33, 3, 31] 22.333333333333332 [-0.616717811404355, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8704043047408306 -0.5625181794166565 6488 Seda väidet saab põhjendada ainult filosoofiline argument. This argument can only be justified by a philosophical argument. [94, 99, 69] 87.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0433048370769975 -0.25497832894325256 6489 pisiStrateegiline olukord 7. oktoobrist 9. oktoobrini. A strategic situation from 7 October to 9 October. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.316827994630714 -0.465820848941803 6490 Murphy probleem tuleneb tema ja Butleri arusaamast, et andestus on pahameele ületamine. Murphy's problem stems from her and Butler's belief that forgiveness is an outcry. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.4362141191959381 6491 Näiteks oleks parem inimene ellu äratada kui tema orbusid toetada, aga esimene pole alternatiiv. For example, it would be better to awaken a person than to support his or her orphans, but the first is not the alternative. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.42702773213386536 6492 Liitlased jagasid enamuse oma vägedest nelja kolonni, mis pidid ründama prantslaste paremat tiiba. The federations shared most of their troops to four colonies, which were supposed to attack the better wing of the French people. [48, 20, 50] 39.333333333333336 [-0.14806547705276396, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.37929292245710206 -0.4345792829990387 6493 Lint kohe Valgesse Majja, sealt siis teatati lõpuks, et paar parteiveterani oli nagu pahameelt avaldanud, et riigivastane jutt, aga tegelikult ei ole. The ink straight into the White House, then it was reported in the end that a couple of party driers had, as had been resonated, said 'anti-state talk', but there is not actually any anti-state talk. [7, 1, 10] 6.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.346509482699922 -0.6131746768951416 6494 Aino majas leiab aset kohtumine ema, tütre ja Ahvena vahel. The only house will have a meeting between mother, girl and Ahvena. [22, 51, 50] 41.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.34575133106727285 -0.30961063504219055 6495 Siin on aga eeldatud, et selline vaatekoht ei privilegeeri teatud väärtusi, nii et see kahjustaks praktilist mõistust. However, it is assumed here that this view does not favour certain values, so that it would damage practical understanding. [93, 91, 90] 91.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1400513577535663 -0.48862069845199585 6496 Poliitikateaduse eesmärk on järelikult inimese hüve, inimlike asjade ülim eesmärk. The aim of political science is therefore the ultimate goal of human good, of human affairs. [92, 91, 90] 91.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1296368614346421 -0.49891403317451477 6497 Tulistamise ajendiks oli ilmselt vastuseta jäänud armumine töökohal, enne vahejuhtumit oli tulistaja ka viis päeva järjest alkoholi tarbinud. The reason for this was the apparent lack of answers in the workplace, as well as five days of continuous alcohol consumption by the shooter before the incident. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.589301586151123 6498 Pärast sõja lõppu taasalustati läbirääkimisi Alehhini ja Botvinniku vahel. After the end of the war, negotiations between Alehhini and Botvinnr were resumed. [82, 80, 90] 84.0 [0.9142131474775091, 0.7632376138521665, 1.07507298639035] 0.9175079159066751 -0.36715495586395264 6499 Lisaks võis oktoobri lõpuks täheldada rahulolematust ka mõningates Nõukogude Liidu piirkondades. Moreover, at the end of October, dissatisfaction could also be observed in some regions of the Soviet Union. [91, 99, 70] 86.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0209039587074984 -0.4618825614452362 6500 Aga julguse sügavuse erinevused ei tekita uut liiki. However, differences in courage do not create a new kind of new kind. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.48883333802223206 6501 Argentina kohalikel valimistel valiti Buenos Airese uueks linnapeaks parempoolne ärimees Mauricio Macri. Mauricio Macri, right-wing businessman, was elected in Argentina's local election in Buenos Aise. [49, 20, 50] 39.666666666666664 [-0.11682198809599122, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3688784261381779 -0.228420689702034 6502 Uued mõisted jõud ja inerts ei tekkinud hoolika uurimise ja katsete tegemise tulemusena ega ka üha uute julgete oletuste falsifitseerimise tulemusena. New concepts and inertia did not come about as a result of careful research and tests, nor as a result of classifying the increasingly bold assumptions. [80, 63, 63] 68.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821] 0.4910441010707724 -0.4917198121547699 6503 Rünnakud parlamendi juures viisid valitsuse kokkuvarisemiseni. The attacks on Parliament led to the collapse of the government. [93, 99, 69] 87.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0328903407580732 -0.24080152809619904 6504 Ta ütleb, et aritmeetikas ei ole aksioome, nähtavasti sellepärast, et iga võrdus tehakse kindlaks eraldi konstruktsiooniga. He says that the arithmetic is not an axiom, obviously because every equation is determined by a separate construction. [80, 61, 61] 67.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401] 0.4537254285619116 -0.37714883685112 6505 See on kindlasti teema, millest peaksid kirjanikud rääkima. This is certainly a topic that writers should be talking about. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.414108970785873, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3689004762253354 -0.49381783604621887 6506 Nicolaus ei käsita maailma iseseisvate substantside kogumina, vaid eeldab igas üksikus asjas spetsiifilisel moel kohal olevat kõikloodust. Nicolaus does not regard the world as a collection of independent contents, but requires all nature to be present on every individual matter in a specific way. [93, 99, 70] 87.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0417329513453468 -0.4110986292362213 6507 1996. aastal suurenes epideemiate arv hobuste seas Vahemere piirkonnas ja 1999. aastaks oli viirus jõudnud New Yorki. In 1996, there was an increase in the number of epidemics among horses in the Mediterranean and, by 1999, the virus had reached New York. [93, 99, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3070112689635573 -0.2785249948501587 6508 Kärpeid on nõudnud Ameerika Ühendriigid, kes on Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni suurim rahastaja. The United States, which is the largest donor to the United Nations, has requested cuts. [88, 100, 70] 86.0 [1.1016740812181456, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9994771954178824 -0.3145201504230499 6509 Delaney Bramlett julgustas Claptonit laulja ja laulukirjutajana. Delaney Bramlett was encouraged by Claston as a singer and singer. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.2843414545059204 6510 Laur teatab Kristile, et läheb nädalaks koos abikaasaga komandeeringusse. Laur tells Christ that it will go to the comandemic for a week with her husband. [25, 11, 41] 25.666666666666668 [-0.866665723058537, -1.2688245992492837, -0.2247907699388806] -0.7867603640822338 -0.4865572154521942 6511 Ka sel juhul ei saa mõistetes esitada uuritavate objektide kõiki eripärasid ning ebaoluliseks peetakse seda, mis on omane ainult ühele objektile. In this case, too, the concepts cannot present all the specificities of the sites being investigated, and what is considered to be unimportant is what is inherent in only one object. [81, 61, 61] 67.66666666666667 [0.8829696585207364, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401] 0.4641399248808358 -0.5139698386192322 6512 Kõige entusiastlikumad ja andekamad magistrandid aetakse filosoofiast ära sõnadega, et filosoofia pole naljaasi. The most enthusiastic and talented magistrates are being expelled from the philosophy by saying that philosophy is not a joke. [80, 99, 100] 93.0 [0.8517261695639637, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.171622816817542 -0.3782661259174347 6513 Üldjuhul tahetakse saavutada läbi seltsingu tegevuse mingisugune ühine eesmärk, kuid selleks ei soovita luua juriidilist isikut. In general, the aim is to achieve some common purpose of the conduct of the company, but not to create a legal entity. [92, 91, 62] 81.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611] 0.8820437649909793 -0.5766587257385254 6514 Pakistani võimud teatasid, et riigi loodeosas on kahes linnufarmis leitud kanadel linnugripi inimesele ohtlikku vormi H5N1. The Pakistani authorities reported that H5N1, a dangerous form of avian influenza, has been found on two poultry farms in the north-west of the country. [96, 91, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.3516219928723274, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604] 1.259720952583076 -0.3141729235649109 6515 Venemaa president Vladimir Putin kohtus Vatikanis paavst Benedictus XVI. Russian President Vladimir Putin met Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican. [98, 100, 100] 99.33333333333333 [1.414108970785873, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3689004762253354 -0.10880539566278458 6516 14. sajandi esimesel veerandil pikendati olemasolevat hoonet ja laiendati keldrit. In the first quarter of the 14th century, the existing building was extended and watched. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.330795019865036 6517 Nad leidsid vanemate teadmata mängusaalile ruumid ja varustajad ning hakkasid linna käest ärile tegevusluba taotlema. They found spaces and suppliers in a playing field unknown to parents, and they started to apply for a business permit from the city. [47, 77, 50] 58.0 [-0.1793089660095367, 0.6748870828477556, 0.013959715917508699] 0.16984594425190916 -0.5077642798423767 6518 Mõtteline nõustumine väljaspool tegelikku suhtlemist on varinõustumine. The sensible agreement outside the actual communication is an aberration. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.8036050200462341 6519 Inimestele omane eneseteadlikkus teeb meid altiks ka seesmisele jagunemisele, millega me eraldame end endast ja objektistame ennast. The self-awareness that characterises people also makes us the basis for the internal division with which we separate ourselves and set ourselves up as objects. [80, 51, 50] 60.333333333333336 [0.8517261695639637, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] 0.25828945543033344 -0.4667049050331116 6520 Suurbritannias Londonis tehti mõrvakatse Venemaa ekspankurile German Gorbuntsovile. In the United Kingdom in London, a murder attempt was made against the Russian exiled criminal, snuisance GorDuchy. [31, 1, 31] 21.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9108667487129928 -0.6780692338943481 6521 Murdoch vastupidi ütleb, et ilma üldiste sõnadeta saab läbi ning kogu moraalitöö tuleb teha teisaste sõnadega. Murdoch, on the contrary, says that no general word can be passed, and all moral work must be done in other words. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.36713817715644836 6522 Siin on tunne, et halastamatult keelatakse öelda midagi, mida on vastupandamatu tung öelda. Here, the feeling is that there is a ruthless ban on saying something that is an incontrovertible feeling to say. [41, 40, 70] 50.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.079007671600963 -0.4384118318557739 6523 Peaaegu mahajäetud linna hõivasid seejärel türklased, kes kinnitasid sellega esmakordselt kanda Euroopas. An almost abandoned city was then seized by the Turks, who confirmed to be held in Europe for the first time. [67, 97, 70] 78.0 [0.44556081312591805, 1.2638906228771614, 0.5445163511539294] 0.751322595719003 -0.3818218410015106 6524 Kui teise kultuuri esindaja eitab matemaatikatõde, siis on loomulik otsida paremat tõlki, eetikauskumuste puhul on aga teine lugu. If another cultural representative denies mathematical truth, it is natural to seek a better translation, but when it comes to ethical beliefs it is another story. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.4115700125694275 6525 Liibanoni pealinna Beiruti peamiselt muslimitega asustatud Verduni linnaosas plahvatas õhtul autopomm. The capital of Lebanon, Beirut, was bombed in the evening by a car bomb in the city of Verduni, who was mainly populated with Muslim lines. [21, 31, 51] 34.333333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.6798210592198779, 0.04048754767932973] -0.5436577301420586 -0.4902855455875397 6526 Erinevate väärtustega suhestamine muudab ajaloolist esitust. The relationship with different values is changing the historical presentation. [77, 100, 100] 92.33333333333333 [0.7579957026936455, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.150196053527926 -0.5349361300468445 6527 2005. aastal sai järjekordse valitsuskriisi järel peaministriks Andrus Ansip Reformierakonnast. In 2005, after another crisis of government, Andrus Ansip became Prime Minister from the Reform Party. [91, 100, 70] 87.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.030720684374655 -0.21680131554603577 6528 Ebaõnnestunud ennustused, nagu Newtoni varajased Kuu orbiidi arvutused, näitavad lihtsalt, et kaitsevööga tuleb rohkem tööd teha. Insuccessful predictions, such as Newton's early Kuu orbiid calculations, simply show that more work needs to be done on the buffer zone. [49, 51, 31] 43.666666666666664 [-0.11682198809599122, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094] -0.23256953161451807 -0.3269636929035187 6529 "Üleminekupõhiseadusteks" on nimetatud 1998. aasta, 2001. aasta ja 2004/2005. The names of 'transitional constitutions' have been 1998, 2001 and 2004 / 2005. [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.3217196464538574 6530 See on vastupidine Hampshire'i pildile, kus jõupingutused on suunatud vabaduse suurendamisega võimaluste arvu suurendamise teel. This is contrary to the Hampshire image, where efforts are aimed at increasing opportunities for freedom. [70, 99, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0674778536282996 -0.3422682583332062 6531 Kõik need vaated kas aktsepteerivad emotsiooni kui psühholoogilist seisundit või siis lükkavad selle täielikult tagasi. All of these views either accept emotion as a psychological state or completely reject it. [95, 100, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3376569872685626 -0.2994556128978729 6532 2013. aastal oli Portugalis kokku 64 lennujaama, millest 43 olid kõvakattega maandumisradadega. In 2013, there were 64 airports in Portugal, 43 of which were overloaded with landing lanes. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.44379374384880066 6533 Lisaks neile endile hukkus rünnakus kaks ja sai vigastada 16 inimest. In addition to them themselves, two people died and 16 were injured. [78, 100, 90] 89.33333333333333 [0.7892391916504182, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.0721844439741135 -0.4462974965572357 6534 1936. aastal Hispaanias tegi fašistlik režiim oma kõige tähtsama sõjaeelse sõjalise interventsiooni. In 1936, Spain, the fascist regime made its most important pre-military military intervention. [93, 100, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0515496770125037 -0.2068912833929062 6535 Sokrates ei ütleks, et konsekventsialism mõistab head ja kurja vääriti, vaid et ei mõista seda üldse. Socrates would not say that consecticialism understands good and evil, but does not understand it at all. [93, 100, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0515496770125037 -0.342491090297699 6536 Harjulaste rüüsteretkede mõjul võttiski enamus järvalasi taanlaste ristimise vastu. Under the influence of the brutal crusade, the majority opposed the brutal massacre of Danes. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.6389895677566528 6537 Tõsi küll, kui kaalul on sõbra elu, võivad asjad paista teisiti. True, when the life of a friend is at stake, things may seem different. [97, 100, 100] 99.0 [1.3828654818291002, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.358485979906411 -0.3518657684326172 6538 Neile pannakse süüks võlausaldajatele valeandmete esitamist, dokumentide võltsimist ja oskamatut juhtimist. They are accused of misreporting, falsification of documents and mismanagement by creditors. [69, 99, 90] 86.0 [0.5080477910394635, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 0.9686372514366385 -0.2763225734233856 6539 Malawi alalt on leitud inimasustuse jälgi rohkem kui 50 000 aasta tagusest ajast. In Malawi, the trace of humanity has been found more than 50 000 years ago. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.42042070627212524 6540 Pärast Osman II tapmist riigipöördes ratifitseeris lepingu tema järglane Mustafa I. Following the killing of Osman II in the coup d'état, its successor, Mustafa I. [31, 20, 50] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5563393598788143 -0.19566147029399872 6541 Antropoloogiat on tarvis moraaliseaduste rakendamiseks inimestele. Anthropology is needed in order to apply moral laws to people. [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.40091297030448914 6542 Ta saatis 19. septembril 1991 ja 22. septembril 1997 läkitused klaretaanidele. It sent the thresholds to the declarations on 19 September 1991 and 22 September 1997. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.2890235185623169 6543 Ääretingimuste seas on asjaolu, et Maa atmosfäär sisaldab põhiliselt dilämmastiku ja dihapniku molekule. Among the alarming conditions is the fact that the earth's atmosphere mainly contains dilmic and dioxygen to molecule. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.45340636372566223 6544 Filosoofiaeelset mõtlemist peetakse üleolevalt liigendamatuks ja ebamõtlikuks. Physical thinking is considered to be patronising and irrational. [50, 61, 31] 47.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.12398777862402617 -0.5724377036094666 6545 Nõukogude Liit leidis siiski ettekäände Eesti survestamiseks, sest 18. septembril põgenes Tallinna sadamast seal interneeritud Poola allveelaev Orzeł. However, the Soviet Union found an excuse to put pressure on Estonia, as on 18 September, Orzeł, a Polish submarine who was Internet in Tallinn, escaped from the port of Tallinn. [44, 40, 70] 51.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.047764182644190245 -0.40443775057792664 6546 Valitsusväed vallutasid Donetski oblastis mässulistelt tagasi Krasnogorivka ja Staromõhhailivka asulad. In the Donetski Oblast, the government forces have taken back the settlements of Krasnogorivka and Staromyyhaylika from the rebels. [91, 91, 90] 90.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1192223651157178 -0.4608634412288666 6547 Selleks on tarvis defineerida 0, järglane ja naturaalarv. For this, it is necessary to define 0, follow-up and natural figures. [49, 21, 51] 40.333333333333336 [-0.11682198809599122, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973] -0.3502190898837474 -0.4870694577693939 6548 pisi[[Henrik Ibsen, üks tuntumaid Norra näitekirjanikke Big [Henrik Ibsen, one of the most well-known Norwegian face writers [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.37950968742370605 6549 Vastus sellele küsimusele tuleneb sellest, et mis enne näitas meile end saamisena. The answer to this question is because what earlier showed us to be the case. [61, 91, 70] 74.0 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6299352638025169 -0.5599874258041382 6550 Venemaa peaminister ja presidendikandidaat Vladimir Putin avalikustas oma programmi presidendivalimisteks. The Russian Prime Minister and presidential candidate Vladimir Putin unveiled his programme for the presidential elections. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3272424909496383 -0.25335848331451416 6551 Samal ajal samas linnas toimunud rünnakus tema poliitilise liikumise peakorterile sai surma kolm inimest. Three people were killed in an attack on the headquarters of his political movement in the same city at the same time. [92, 70, 100] 87.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0119117282970869 -0.2718941569328308 6552 Tema meelest loovad sidususe metodoloogilised otsused. He believes that coherence is created by methodological decisions. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3272424909496383 -0.40376850962638855 6553 Alates 1999. aastast jagab Portugali Pank oma funktsioone Euroopa Keskpangaga. Since 1999, the Bank of Portugal has shared its functions with the European Central Bank. [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.2303292453289032 6554 Jeruusalemm langes Saladini kätte 1187. aastal, 13. sajandiks oli Jeruusalemma kuningriigi kontrolli all vaid mõni üksik linn Vahemere ääres. Jerusalem fell into the hands of Saladin 1187, for the 13th century under the control of the Queen of Jerusalem, only a few cities in the Mediterranean. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.3378303349018097 6555 Mitmed ajakirjad, kaasaarvatud Time, avaldasid Jacksoni mälestuseks eriväljaande. A number of magazines, including Time, published a special publication in memory of Jackson. [92, 100, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3064134983117899 -0.22815608978271484 6556 Kui Nelson sai aru, et prantslased on Atlandi ookeani ületamas, asus ta jälitama. When Nelson realised that the French were crossing the Atlantic, he started to pursue. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.3263248801231384 6557 11. sajandil jäeti enamik senistest linnustest maha ja rajati uued, mis olid märksa suuremad ja tugevamini kindlustatud. In the 11th century, most of the existing cities were left behind and new ones were built that were much bigger and more secure. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.3967832028865814 6558 Jerome saatis seejärel teiseks rünnakuks järjekordse rügemendi; 2. kergerügemendi kolonel Maigros' juhtimisel, metsa ära võtma. The Jerome then sent another rhysietic to the second attack; the second piece of kergerygement headed by Colonel Maigros to take away the forest. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.512372612953186 6559 Seda peetakse traditsiooniliselt Norra riikluse alguseks. It is traditionally seen as the start of Norwegian statehood. [91, 70, 100] 87.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0014972319781625 -0.334646612405777 6560 Inimesed aga saavad end tõsiselt võtta ja sageli teevad seda. People, however, can and often take themselves seriously. [70, 100, 100] 90.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0772945792954562 -0.4179055690765381 6561 Tal oli alati kiire vastus ja valmis küsimus, mitte läbimõeldud teooria. He always had a quick answer and a question prepared, not a considered theory. [91, 61, 90] 80.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 1.07507298639035] 0.8247205951010149 -0.34379222989082336 6562 Kas see nii oli ja mis see "hind" oli, seda me ei tea. Whether that was the case and what the 'price' was, we do not know. [96, 100, 90] 95.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.25964537771475 -0.29245656728744507 6563 Religioosse usu allikad on kahtlemata keerulisemad, aga igal juhul tundub, et need pole spekulatiivses arus, vaid tahtes. The sources of religious faith are undoubtedly more complex, but in any case, they do not seem to be speculative but intent. [78, 91, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0722600188424394 -0.43064528703689575 6564 Lahingus võidukad kristlased liitusid ülejäänud väega ja koos asuti Harjumaad laastama. The battle was won by Christians who joined the rest of the Strait and, together, Harare ravaged. [22, 52, 50] 41.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, 0.013959715917508699] -0.33593460540011605 -0.580975353717804 6565 Aga kui see on suunatud enda kesksete osade vastu, mille muutmist ei peeta võimalikuks, või kõige vastu endas, võib see viia enesehävitamisele. However, if it is directed against its own central parts, which it considers impossible to make possible, or against everything, it may lead to self-destruction. [80, 61, 61] 67.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401] 0.4537254285619116 -0.3912845551967621 6566 Eestis valis Vaivara vallavolikogu oma uueks esimeheks senise vallavanema, Keskerakonna liikme Veikko Luhalaiu. In Estonia, Veikko Luhalaiu, a member of the Central Party, was elected by the Vaara Municipality as its new president. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.38490918278694153 6567 1139. aastal eraldus Portugali kuningriik Leóni kuningriigist. In 1139, the King of Portugal, León, was separated from the kingdom of Portugal. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.4201250970363617 6568 Formaalset filosoofiat nimetatakse loogikaks, materiaalne aga, millel on tegu teatud kindlate esemete ja seadustega, on omakorda kahetine. The formal philosophy is called logic, materiality and certain items and laws are, in turn, dual. [80, 53, 53] 62.0 [0.8517261695639637, -0.03191716518753145, 0.09354321120297181] 0.30445073852646803 -0.4427146315574646 6569 Politsei ja meeleavaldajate kokkupõrgetes sai vigastada 13 inimest, valitsus kogunes seoses meeleavalduste laienemisega erakorralisele istungile. 13 people were injured in clashes between the police and demonstrators, and the government met to attend an extraordinary session in connection with the escalation of demonstrations. [94, 95, 90] 93.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.204990268874221, 1.07507298639035] 1.1897327567411178 -0.37412697076797485 6570 Lesotho peaminister Pakalitha Mosisili kaotas parlamendis toimunud usaldushääletuse. Mr Pacalitha Mosisil, Prime Minister of Lesotho, lost a vote of confidence in Parliament. [95, 65, 90] 83.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 1.07507298639035] 0.905645483045339 -0.3106863498687744 6571 See pani ungarlasi samuti otsima võimalusi "... kuulutamaks end Austria eeskujul neutraalseks", nagu märkis Nagy 1955. aastal. It also made the Hungarians look for '... to declare themselves neutral on the model of Austria', as Nagy Nagy 1955 pointed out. [50, 40, 70] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.014722795269355235 -0.42916014790534973 6572 Poola püüdis oma valdustes taastada ka katoliiklust, eriti tugev oli see tendents kuningas Zygmunt III ajal Liivimaa kubermangu osas. Poland was also trying to restore Catholics to its own lies, especially when King Zygmunt was in Bygmunt on the Governor of the State of Libya in III. [22, 1, 31] 18.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.004597215583311 -0.6032100915908813 6573 Just argimõtlemist ja ideoloogilist mõtlemist hakkas ta 1980ndatel omistama oma vastastele. It was cowardice and ideological thinking that he started to attribute to his opponents in the 1980s. [80, 91, 61] 77.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401] 0.7482271985766146 -0.3051820397377014 6574 Väga suur osa varadest on üksikute rikaste käes, kuigi ametlikud seisusevahed puuduvad. A very large proportion of the assets are in the hands of the few, even though the official differences of status are absent. [91, 61, 90] 80.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 1.07507298639035] 0.8247205951010149 -0.5399278402328491 6575 Kui põhimõtteliselt piirduda kultuuriliste väärtuste üldtunnustatusega, siis võib ajalooteaduse kord tekkinud vundament ka laguneda. If, in principle, we limit ourselves to the general recognition of cultural values, the foundations created by the science of history can also break down. [91, 61, 90] 80.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 1.07507298639035] 0.8247205951010149 -0.4820902943611145 6576 Malawi võistkond on osalenud suveolümpiamängudel alates 1972. aastast, kuid medaleid võitnud ei ole. The Malawi contest has been attending the summer Olympic Games since 1972, but the medals have not won. [44, 51, 70] 55.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.060219799694534136 -0.32168036699295044 6577 Hoone on kahekorruseline ja avara keldrikorrusega. The building is twofold and stolen with a sham put in place. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.6193241477012634 6578 Nad künnavad loomadega ja harivad maad kõblastega. They plunder animals and cultivate land with shoes. [5, 1, 31] 12.333333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1816436530050232 -0.4666772782802582 6579 Valimistel osales 91,1 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. 91.1% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3272424909496383 -0.3225998282432556 6580 Nende kolme riigi liit oleks olnud Jeruusalemmale ajaloo suurimaks ohuks. The Union of these three countries would have been the greatest threat in history to Jerusalem. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.2603599727153778 6581 Vahepeal asusid taas tegevusse ugalased ja sakalased, kes rüüstasid latgalite aladel, tappes teiste seas palju Russini kaaskondlasi. In the meantime, the Uugs and sailors who looted in the areas of the lagese were reengaged, killing many partisans among others, including Russin. [22, 31, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5420858444104081 -0.7464585304260254 6582 Siiski ei arvata, et igaüks, kes teda näeb, peaks teda armastama. However, it does not think that anyone who sees him should love him. [50, 40, 70] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.014722795269355235 -0.3738582134246826 6583 See oli küll arstide nõuannete otsene eiramine, sest nood olid talle soovitanud täielikku rahu ja vältida stressi. It was a direct disregard for the advice of doctors, as they recommended him complete peace and avoid stress. [89, 59, 70] 72.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 0.1447838968212903, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6074059393833794 -0.5391223430633545 6584 thumbleft400 px[[Reformatsioonilise tegevuse keskus Pińczów võeti katoliiklaste poolt üle kaua enne, kui see 1657. aasta pilt loodi Tumbleft400 px [Pińczów Centre for Reform Activity] was taken over by Catholics long before the image of 1657 years was created. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.37937983870506287 6585 Tartus algas rahvusvaheline bioloogilise mitmekesisuse konverents "Quo vadis, farmland biodiversity? The International Conference on Biological Diversity, Quo vadis, Farmland Biodiversity, started in the supply? [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.418211430311203 6586 Plaan näis paberil hea, kuid sõja kuludes jätkasid Napoleoni merestrateegia mittetundmine ja äpardunud laevastikukomandörid prantslaste kummitamist. The plan seemed good on paper, but at the cost of the war, the failure to recognise Napoleon's maritime strategy and the failed fleets continued to haunt the French. [44, 40, 70] 51.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.047764182644190245 -0.39377322793006897 6587 Kuid ka trummar Jim Gordoni saatus oli traagiline. However, the fate of the trummar Jim Gordoni was also tragic. [58, 28, 50] 45.333333333333336 [0.16436941251496343, -0.7681715902242887, 0.013959715917508699] -0.19661415393060555 -0.3035377264022827 6588 Surma puhul lakkab hingestav vorm keha elustamast, kuid jääb alles arvuliselt sama keha, mida kehalisuse vorm vähemalt mõnda aega koos hoiab. In the case of death, a spiritual form ceases to have a body alive, but it remains in numerical terms the same body that is kept together in a form of corporation for at least some time. [47, 30, 60] 45.666666666666664 [-0.1793089660095367, -0.7092712362213481, 0.279238033535719] -0.20311405623172196 -0.49905097484588623 6589 Uurijate seas on vastuhaku dateerimine ja selle seotus mandri sündmustega siiski küsimusi tekitanud. However, the investigators have raised questions about insurgency and its interaction with the events on the continent. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.518792986869812 6590 Avalike tegude vahele jääv siseelu on kas ebaisikuline mõtlemine, tegude varjud või sisutu unelus. An internal life between public acts is either an unpersonal way of thinking, an act shadows or a life of no content. [46, 20, 50] 38.666666666666664 [-0.21055245496630945, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4001219150949506 -0.5523858070373535 6591 Aga au, praktilise tarkuse ja naudingu kui hüvede logosed on erinevad ja erisugused. But honour, practical wisdom and enjoyment as benefits are different and different. [22, 11, 41] 24.666666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.2688245992492837, -0.2247907699388806] -0.8180038530390066 -0.32110828161239624 6592 Politsei sulges jaama ja otsis selle läbi, kuid kohaliku aja järgi kell 2.15 lõhkema pidanud pommi ei leitud. The police closed down the station and searched for it, but the bombs which had exploded at 2.15 a.m. according to local time were not found. [43, 73, 51] 55.666666666666664 [-0.30428292183662764, 0.5570863748418744, 0.04048754767932973] 0.09776366689485882 -0.4068538248538971 6593 Erinevus niisuguse asja ja tema seesmise mooduse vahel on modaalne erinevus. The difference between this kind of thing and its internal way of doing it is a fashionable difference. [34, 21, 51] 35.333333333333336 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973] -0.5064365346676111 -0.4126039147377014 6594 Vaatluse põhjal ei saa kindel olla, et inimene tegutseb ainult kohuse põhjal. On the basis of the observation, it cannot be certain that a person operates on a purely conscientious basis. [94, 91, 90] 91.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1504658540724906 -0.6305739283561707 6595 Liibüa peaminister Aḩmad Ma‘ītīq võitis parlamendis toimunud usaldushääletuse. The Prime Minister of Libya, Mr Alasmad, won a vote of confidence in Parliament. [77, 60, 90] 75.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, 0.1742340738227606, 1.07507298639035] 0.6691009209689187 -0.5044400691986084 6596 Ent naer üksinda ei võimalda täpselt taastada, milles nali seisnes. However, the pound alone does not exactly provide the opportunity to restore what the joke was about. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.5136356353759766 6597 Mussolini ja fašistlik režiim võtsid nõuks oodata, kuni Saksamaa tungib Prantsusmaale, et siis kaasa lüüa. The Mussolini and the fascist regime took the initiative to wait until Germany invaded France in order to be involved. [95, 65, 90] 83.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 1.07507298639035] 0.905645483045339 -0.4289734363555908 6598 Patsiendil oleks absurdne öelda, et tunneb valu vaimus või et tema vaim tunneb valu, mida kutsub esile hamba seisund. It would be absurd for a patient to say that he feels pain or his spirit feels the pain caused by his condition. [89, 89, 59] 79.0 [1.1329175701749183, 1.028289206865399, 0.252710201773898] 0.8046389929380718 -0.3623623549938202 6599 Küllaltki suur edu saatis keisririigis ka romaane, ent eriti menukaks osutusid pamfletid ja satiirid. A great deal of progress was also made by a Romani in the Imperial State, but pamflets and satians were shown to be particularly menu. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.6230489611625671 6600 Üldist vastust ei saa veel anda, aga vähemalt hapniku juhtumil on vastus jaatav. The general answer cannot yet be given, but in the case of oxygen at least the answer is yes. [91, 99, 90] 93.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.197756170452972 -0.28402864933013916 6601 pisi[[Australian National UniversityANU kunstiteaduskond Flag [[Austrian National UniversityANU Arts] [77, 81, 90] 82.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, 0.7926877908536367, 1.07507298639035] 0.8752521599792108 -0.47921109199523926 6602 Kalojan tahtis bütsantslastele ka 14 000 tsaar Samuili sõduri pimedakstorkamise eest kätte maksta. Kalojan also wanted the Libyans to pay the price for the darkness of the Samuil soldier. [69, 39, 50] 52.666666666666664 [0.5080477910394635, -0.4442196432081156, 0.013959715917508699] 0.025929287916285543 -0.4222482740879059 6603 Vastasel juhul ei pruugi tegemist olla müügilepinguga. Otherwise, it may not be a sales contract. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.316827994630714 -0.25123995542526245 6604 Euwel ei ole enam võimalik vältida viimasele kohale jäämist. Euwal can no longer avoid remaining in its last position. [91, 91, 90] 90.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1192223651157178 -0.4339519143104553 6605 Mitte et moraalifilosoofiat ei peaks huvitama, mida me ütleme. Not that a moral mockery should be of interest to what we say. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.5471266508102417 6606 Ühtlasi valisid nigeerlased osariikidele uued kubernerid. At the same time, nigalans chose new governors for state states. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.6224569082260132 6607 Juha isa oli südameinfarkti surnud Martti Viljanen. The father of God was a heart attack by dead Martti Viljanen. [7, 1, 1] 3.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722] -1.426092977985385 -0.2642884850502014 6608 Loomulik ja mõistlik on eeldada, et ta juhindub asjadest, mis on talle kõige tähtsamad. It is natural and reasonable to expect it to be guided by the things that are most important to it. [91, 91, 70] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9423701533702443 -0.2774468660354614 6609 Millistel alustel pidada mingit liiki varieerimist üleliigseks? On what grounds do we consider some kind of variations to be superfluous? [92, 91, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604] 1.2180629673073788 -0.5146120190620422 6610 62,2 protsendi häältega valiti teiseks ametiajaks tagasi ametisolev president Álvaro Uribe Vélez. 62.2% of the votes were re-elected for a second term of office by President Álvaro Uribe GAlez. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.4289247989654541 6611 Religioossed raamatud olid ülistavad epistlid, martüroloogiumid, hagiograafiad ja kirikulaulud. Religious books were glorifying lectures, martyrology, hagiography and church songs. [78, 99, 69] 82.0 [0.7892391916504182, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 0.8766728959742095 -0.3342614769935608 6612 Rusizi jõgi suubub Tanganjika järve, mille pind asub umbes 770 m kõrgusel merepinnast. The Rusizi River sails from the lake of Tanganya, whose surface is about 770 m above sea level. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.4558386206626892 6613 Mõnd säilinud ikooni iseloomustab hõbeplaadistus koos pühakute emailkujutistega. The icon that remains is characterised by silver platinum, with sacrosanct cerniture images. [91, 61, 70] 74.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6478683833555414 -0.6241123676300049 6614 Igatahes on naiivne arvata, nagu tõendaks selle väärus lihtsalt see, et meil on kellestki hale sellepärast, et me näeme, et tal on valus. In any case, it is naive to think that its value would simply prove that we have any fault because we can see that it is wrong. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.5037657022476196 6615 Kas keegi tahab seda lugeda ühiskonnakriitilisena või mitte, see on lugeja küsimus. Whether someone wants to consider this to be social criticism or not, it is a question of reading. [84, 99, 69] 84.0 [0.9767001253910547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 0.939159873887755 -0.51076340675354 6616 Ursula teatab Arele, et Kaido on Õnne tänavale sattunud. Ursula tells Arez that Kaido has taken to the streets with luck. [9, 1, 31] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.139985667729326 -0.40373748540878296 6617 Tallinnas Kumu kunstimuuseumis tähistati Eesti Kunstiakadeemia asutamise 100. aastapäeva. In Tallinn, the King's Museum celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Estonian Art Academy. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.3597766160964966 6618 Ratsionaalset toimijat ei tule mõista lihtsalt kolmandas isikus olendist, kelle käitumist tuleb seletada uskumuste ja soovidega. A rational player cannot simply be understood by a third-party man whose behaviour must be explained by beliefs and wishes. [50, 51, 70] 57.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.12270677760807962 -0.4231525659561157 6619 Tema abikaasa ei tulnud tema juurde otse, vaid täiuslikkuse vahendusel, et parandada tema eksitust. His wife came to him not directly, but through perfection in order to correct his miscarriage. [77, 47, 50] 58.0 [0.7579957026936455, -0.2086182271963532, 0.013959715917508699] 0.18777906380493362 -0.40450599789619446 6620 Mitu kuud enne Kalojani kroonimist huvitusid Neljanda ristisõja juhid Bütsantsist ja vallutasid Konstantinoopoli, luues Ladina keisririigi. Several months before the crown of Kalojan, the leaders of the fourth Christian War were interested in Butsana and seized the Konstantinople by creating a Latin Emperor. [47, 77, 50] 58.0 [-0.1793089660095367, 0.6748870828477556, 0.013959715917508699] 0.16984594425190916 -0.46567389369010925 6621 Aga "pragmaatiline" lähenemine ei näita edukalt, mis eristab teaduslikke seletusi mitteteaduslikest. However, the 'pragmatic' approach is not a good indicator that distinguishes scientific explanations from non-scientific ones. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.48598402738571167 6622 Kohtumise keskseks teemaks olid sündmused Ukrainas. The events in Ukraine were at the heart of the meeting. [34, 51, 64] 49.666666666666664 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.09081751919047204, 0.3853493605830032] -0.09698082701835038 -0.31491079926490784 6623 Mais alustasid eestlased vastupealetungi ja vallutasid kuu lõpus Pihkva. In May, the Estonians launched a counter-attack and seized Pihkva at the end of the month. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.2857752740383148 6624 parem täiesti isoleerida, see omaette kogu täielikkuseni viia ning publikule, kes nõuab üldarusaadavust, kuni selle ettevõtmise lõpuni lootusi anda. It is better to isolate it completely, to complete it on its own and to bring it to the audience, who are calling for common sense, to give hope to the end of this exercise. [80, 64, 64] 69.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 0.2920347818286418, 0.3853493605830032] 0.5097034373252028 -0.5663555860519409 6625 See on vale, sest tegelikult pole Rebane kunagi 22. That is wrong, because in fact Rebelli is never 22. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.5478020906448364 6626 Ette tuleb võtta sõit Tallinna, aga kes tuleb nendega kaasa? The city of Tallinn must be put in the streets, but who will come along with them? [23, 1, 31] 18.333333333333332 [-0.9291527009720825, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9941827192643867 -0.5357537269592285 6627 Paradigmad võivad olla reeglistikele eelnevad, neist siduvamad ja täielikumad. Parents may be more advanced, more binding and more complete than the rules. [24, 54, 50] 42.666666666666664 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.002466988186061163, 0.013959715917508699] -0.29547216142795407 -0.4989018142223358 6628 Mitteametlikul kohtumisel arutati Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika ja sigade Aafrika katku levikuga seotud küsimusi. The informal meeting discussed the European Union's common agricultural policy (CAP) and the spread of African swine fever. [95, 100, 70] 88.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0723786696503521 -0.30398935079574585 6629 Tihti valmistatakse käsitööesemeid vastavalt tellimusele ja vahetatakse neid seejärel endale tarviliku kauba vastu. Handworks are often produced according to the order and then exchanged for the goods they need. [87, 57, 70] 71.33333333333333 [1.0704305922613728, 0.08588354281834971, 0.5445163511539294] 0.5669434954112172 -0.5409278273582458 6630 Tegemist on kolmandat aastat korraldatava sündmuste sarjaga, mille eesmärk on tutvustada avalikkusele kohtusüsteemi ja õigusemõistmise olemust. This is the third year of a series of events aimed at informing the public about the nature of the judiciary and justice. [95, 91, 90] 92.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.160880350391415 -0.3938947319984436 6631 Ülejäänud neli olid kohalikku päritolu meeskonnaliikmed. The other four were crew members of local origin. [96, 99, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.33825475792033 -0.17857074737548828 6632 Juhul, kui teol A endal on seesmine väärtus, on väite 2) asemel väide If an action A itself has an intrinsic value, there is an argument instead of a statement 2). [92, 91, 70] 84.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9527846496891685 -0.5243868827819824 6633 Toonasest ajast on pärit ka Claptoni hüüdnimi "Slowhand". The name 'Slowhand' has also come from that of Claston. [22, 1, 31] 18.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.004597215583311 -0.4759158492088318 6634 On ka olukordi, kus on lõhe väärtuste ja põhjendite vahel. There are also situations where there is a gap between values and causes. [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.26887789368629456 6635 Rünnakus hukkus 26 inimest, neist suurem osa vabariikliku kaardiväe sõdurid. 26 people died in the attack, most of them soldiers from the Republican Guard. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.2341863512992859 6636 Koordineerimine osutus kehvaks ja Jan III poolt Doonau pealetungiks kogutud suur vägi ei teostanud olulisi sõjalisi operatsioone. Coordination turned out to be poor, and the large military force collected by Jan III for the Danube offensive did not carry out major military operations. [94, 91, 70] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9736136423270171 -0.45416000485420227 6637 Mõlemad võisid omada maad, kuid vaid paritsi võisid vara pärandada; viimased ei võinud, kuna see oli feodaalisandate antud. Both may have had land, but only by sea could the property be inherited; the latter could not have been inherited as it was provided by feudal powers. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.433694452047348 6638 See on ebatõenäoline, arvestades tavaliste tulemuste erinevust nende mõtlemisviiside puhul, kuid mitte välistatud. This is unlikely to be the case, given the differences in conventional results in their way of thinking, but not out of the question. [95, 70, 100] 88.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0431552172538596 -0.5121881365776062 6639 Esimese kutselise balletiansambli lõid 1948 Gerd Kjølaas ja Briti päritolu Louise Browne. The first professional Balletics pillar was created in 1948 Gerd Kjølaas and Louise Brown of British origin. [45, 40, 70] 51.666666666666664 [-0.24179594392308218, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.037349686325265995 -0.2426845282316208 6640 Vihkaja tahab olla ilusam teistest ilusatest, olla kõrgem elusast ja tervest. The virus wants to be more beautiful than other pieces of beauty, higher than living and healthy. [38, 51, 21] 36.666666666666664 [-0.4605003666204914, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013] -0.43555509699542155 -0.6357408761978149 6641 Läbirääkimised jätkuvad 23. mail Iraagi pealinnas Bagdadis. Negotiations will continue on 23 May in Baghdad, Iraq's capital. [91, 100, 100] 97.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.2959990019928656 -0.18375837802886963 6642 Filosoofid ja moralistid on vanaajast saadik rääkinud, et eetilise käitumise idee on aktsepteeritav kuidagi universaalsest vaatekohast. The philosophers and moralists have been saying, since their old history, that the idea of ethical behaviour is acceptable in some way from a universal perspective. [93, 100, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0515496770125037 -0.4046049416065216 6643 Kokku oli amnestia andmise ajal Maroko ülerahvastatud vanglates umbes 55 000 vangi. In total, there were approximately 55 000 prisoners in Moroccan overcrowded prisons during the amnesty. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3272424909496383 -0.3357193171977997 6644 Näiteks tulenes Isaac Newtoni gravitatsiooniseadusest küll gravitatsioonikonstandi olemasolu, kuid tal polnud umbkaudugi tarvis teada selle väärtust. For example, Isaak c Newton's law on gragravitaisation did result from the existence of a gravitational competition, but he did not need to know its value any more than ever. [40, 51, 70] 53.666666666666664 [-0.39801338870694586, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.01856181441883716 -0.573177695274353 6645 Seal süüdistati Moskvat mineviku ärakasutamises ja keskaegsete vahekordade kaasaega projitseerimises. There, Moscow was accused of exploiting the past and of proclaiming with the involvement of medieval relations. [91, 91, 70] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9423701533702443 -0.3962464928627014 6646 Kas on midagi, mis on tõsi minu, aga mitte minu keha kohta, või ümberpöördult? Is there anything that is true of me, but not of my body, or of the reverse? [91, 91, 70] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9423701533702443 -0.31763380765914917 6647 Afganistani parlament vabastas ametist riigi välisministri Rangin Dadfar Spanta. The Afghan Parliament has dismissed the country's Foreign Minister, Rangin Dadfar Spanta. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.316827994630714 -0.41727644205093384 6648 Kui eelduste tõesus on aprioorne, siis arutluse tõttu ka järeldus on aprioorne, kuid see pole otseselt stipuleeritud. If the assumptions prove to be a priori, the conclusion of the debate is a priori, but it is not directly localised. [91, 100, 70] 87.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.030720684374655 -0.5120418071746826 6649 Sarnast suhtumist võib leida paljudest ingliskeelsetest tõsiseltvõetavatest raamatutestki, mis selle lahingu kohta on kirjutatud. A similar attitude can be found in the many serious books in English that are written on this battle. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.4168977439403534 6650 Fašistid andsid Pavelićile rahalist abi ja väljaõppe võimalusi vastloodud fašistliku miilitsa ja terrorigrupi Ustaša arendamiseks ja treenimiseks. The Fašisters provided Pavelić with financial assistance and training opportunities to develop and train the newly created fascist militia and terrorist group Ustaša. [50, 51, 70] 57.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.12270677760807962 -0.2447250932455063 6651 Iga lainepikkusega valguse hulk, mida gaasimolekul hajutab, sõltub selle "hajumiskoeffitsiendist" 1/λ4, kus λ on lainepikkus. The quantity of light from each wave, which is dispersed by the gas issue, depends on its' dispersion cabinet '1 / ο4, where the size of the wave is framed. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.6261825561523438 6652 See küll ei viiks IQ võrdsustumiseni, kuid pole põhjust aktsepteerida olukorda, kus keskkond ei võimalda inimestel oma võimeid välja arendada. This would not lead to IQ being equated, but there is no reason to accept a situation where the environment does not enable people to develop their own potential. [93, 91, 90] 91.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.07507298639035] 1.1400513577535663 -0.3763478100299835 6653 Aga sel juhul peab esimese teo pretsedendiks pidamine põhinema segiajamisel. In this case, however, setting a precedent for the first act must be based on adventures. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.3446919620037079 6654 Et aga miski pole hüve, kui see pole kõrgeima hüve sarnasus ja selles osalemine, siis igas konkreetses hüves kuidagi soovitakse kõrgeimat hüve. However, since nothing is a benefit, if it is not the same as the highest good and if it is not involved in it, the highest benefit is somehow sought in every particular good. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.5575941205024719 6655 Safranikaubandus on Minose kultuurist vanem ja selle kasumid olid võrreldavad viirukikaubandusega, hiljem aga pipraga kauplemisest saadavate tuludega. Safe trade is the oldest in Minos culture and its benefits were comparable to those from trade in viral goods, but later from the low-trade trade. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.44102853536605835 6656 Hiina asepresident ja tõenäoline tulevane riigipea Xi Jinping alustas ametlikku visiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides. China's Vice-President and the likely future EULEX Jinping began a formal visit to the United States. [44, 51, 50] 48.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11663241205093942 -0.4670599699020386 6657 Põllumajanduse osakaal sisemajanduse kogutoodangus on 19,8%. Agriculture accounts for 19.8% of gross domestic product. [70, 91, 100] 87.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604] 0.9889440482910455 -0.19154152274131775 6658 Rukis, puit, lina ja paekivi olid Liivimaa päritolu kaubad. Ruk, wood, flax and pasta were goods of origin in Libya. [6, 36, 10] 17.333333333333332 [-1.460292013237219, -0.5325701742125264, -1.0471535545553328] -1.0133385806683595 -0.42618027329444885 6659 Harry Ahvena külaskäik Are juurde lõpeb ühele neist ebameeldivalt. Harry Ahvena's visit to the shelf ends in an unpleasant way for one of them. [21, 1, 31] 17.666666666666668 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.015011711902235 -0.35883957147598267 6660 1994. aasta suvel tegid Elon ja Kimbal Musk automatka Californiast Illinoisi ja arutasid tee peal võimalusi omaenda internetiettevõtte loomiseks. In the summer of 1994 Elon and Keybal Musk took the automatka California Illinois and discussed ways along the way to create their own online business. [22, 51, 50] 41.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.34575133106727285 -0.3792917728424072 6661 See tegu oli religioossele rahvale soovitud mõjuga, kes haarati innukalt ülestõusu bütsantslaste vastu. This was the impact that the religious people wanted and actively seized against the Libyans of the uprising. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.6259124875068665 6662 Eurooplaste saabumise ajal 19. sajandi alguses elas Canberra aladel sadu aborigeene. During the arrival of Europeans in the early 19th century, hundreds of hectares of aid were living in the Canbra Region. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.39154911041259766 6663 Kaks sõdurit sai surma ja üks haavata, tule avanud ajateenija lasi seejärel ennast maha. Two soldiers were killed and one injured, the despots who opened fire were then shot. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.47997909784317017 6664 Paavst mõistis 20. septembril 2009 hukka Afganistanis toimunud pommirünnaku, kus hukkus 6 Itaalia sõjaväelast. The Pope condemned the bomb attack in Afghanistan on 20 September 2009, with 6 Italian troops killed. [78, 100, 70] 82.66666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.89533223222864 -0.2779339849948883 6665 Riiki külastanud inimeste arv oli aastaid pidevas kasvus, jõudes 2005. aastal 463 190 inimeseni aastas. The number of people visiting the country was a constant growth for years, reaching 463 190 people per year in 2005. [93, 100, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0515496770125037 -0.2696358859539032 6666 Kohale jõudes selgus varsti, et 658. pataljon oli ühes major Grammi võitlusgrupiga sisse piiratud. When we arrived at the Court soon, it became apparent that 658th patall had been reduced in one of the major Gramm battles groups. [38, 8, 31] 25.666666666666668 [-0.4605003666204914, -1.3571751302536945, -0.49006908755709094] -0.7692481948104256 -0.6063850522041321 6667 Inglismaa Kirikus jõustus uus kirikuseadus, mis muuhulgas seadustas ka naiste pühitsemise piiskopiametisse. A new law of clemency came into force in the Church of England, which, among other things, legalised the seizure of women into the bishop. [77, 47, 50] 58.0 [0.7579957026936455, -0.2086182271963532, 0.013959715917508699] 0.18777906380493362 -0.507487416267395 6668 Aga Finnise argument ei kehti erisooliste sõprade puhul. However, the Finns argument does not apply to special-sex friends. [21, 11, 41] 24.333333333333332 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.2688245992492837, -0.2247907699388806] -0.8284183493579307 -0.2155117392539978 6669 Samuti puudub akti lõpposas uuringutele tuginev eksperdi arvamus. Nor is the opinion of an expert based on research in the final draft act. [91, 91, 61] 81.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401] 0.8627866580847812 -0.4508906304836273 6670 Maret külastab Richard, kes on mures oma naise pärast. Mr Richard, who is concerned about his wife, is visiting Mr Maret. [70, 100, 70] 80.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8120162616772459 -0.34901824593544006 6671 Norra kuningate dünastia ühendati 1319 Rootsi omaga ja 1380 Taani omaga ning suri 1387 välja. The Norwegian kings' syndrome was merged with 1319 Swedish and 1380 Danish and died out of 1387. [12, 1, 31] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2728310794965825, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1087421787725533 -0.6318234205245972 6672 Ta ütleb, et tal on ebamääraselt hirmu sarnane seisund, aga ta ei karda midagi. He says he has a situation that is unambiguously akin to fear, but he is afraid of nothing. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.4751008152961731 6673 Kiirabiasutus võib omal äranägemisel ravimeid ka lisada. The authorities can, at their discretion, include medicines. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.6496975421905518 6674 32. rügement korraldas mitu raevukat rünnakut, kuid austerlased seisid kindlalt ja lõid kõik tagasi. 32. A number of fierce attacks were carried out, but the Austrians stood firm and brought everything back. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.47168096899986267 6675 Brasiilia São Paulo osariigis lõppesid 13. mail 2006 alanud rahutused. The unrest in the State of São Paulo in Brazil ended on 13 May 2006. [92, 100, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3064134983117899 -0.2169661819934845 6676 Tähtis sündmus oli alalise silla rajamine Pahra jõele. An important event was the establishment of a permanent bridge to the River Pahra. [95, 100, 90] 95.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.2492308813958257 -0.24723060429096222 6677 Uue silla ehitasid sõjaväeinsenerid, kasutades ameerika sillaehituspõhimõtted, tänu millele püsis see sild 60 aastat. The new bridge was built by military engineers using American bridge building principles, thanks to which the bridge remained for 60 years. [94, 100, 70] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0619641733314278 -0.3667473793029785 6678 Alma korraldab sel puhul suurejoonelise pikniku, kuhu on kutsutud kõiksugu rahvast. The starting point in this case will be a grandiose long-term invitation to all kinds of people. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.6477963924407959 6679 Anatole Broyard tahab ainult, et armastus oleks oma maine vääriline. Anatole Broyard only wants love to be worthy of his reputation. [89, 59, 71] 73.0 [1.1329175701749183, 0.1447838968212903, 0.5710441829157504] 0.616248549970653 -0.29261448979377747 6680 Tallinna all olles otsustati väljastpoolt abi otsida, sest muidu "ei või nende valitsus kauemaks püsima jääda". When they were in Tallinn, it was decided to seek help from outside because otherwise 'their government cannot survive for longer'. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.4293915331363678 6681 Lahknevust ei talutud, korruptsioon oli kõrgeim, samas kui avalik moraal oli madalaim. Divergence was not tolerated, corruption was the highest, while public morals were the lowest. [95, 100, 80] 91.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 0.8097946687721397] 1.1608047755230888 -0.3442525565624237 6682 Lõpuks õnnestus kell 7 hakata torni viimast osa oma kohale panema. Finally, at 7 o'clock it was possible to start putting the last part of the storm in place. [45, 20, 50] 38.333333333333336 [-0.24179594392308218, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4105364114138748 -0.4145044684410095 6683 Nende järgi pole moraalset nägemist, vaid ainult tavanägemine ja tahe, mis selles liigub. According to them, there is no moral vision, but only a restoration and the will that will move in it. [93, 91, 63] 82.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821] 0.9013008718971771 -0.6358858346939087 6684 Kui aga seda eitada, kaotab ka Singeri argument kehtivuse. However, if this is denied, the Singer argument will also lapse. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.3749077022075653 6685 Metafüüsiline mõtlemine on mõtlemine eksistentsi kõige fundamentaalsematest probleemidest ilma suvalisuseta ja dogmaatilisuseta. Methphysical thinking is thinking about the most fundamental problems of existence, without arbitrariness and dogmatism. [89, 89, 70] 82.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.028289206865399, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9019077093980822 -0.321087121963501 6686 Mitu nädalat püüdsid nad ellu jääda Siberi metsade vahel asuvas suvilas. For several weeks, they tried to survive in oral ice between the Siberian forests. [35, 20, 50] 35.0 [-0.5542308334908096, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5146813746031174 -0.42261144518852234 6687 Herakleitosel on küll õpetus üleüldisest saamisest, kuid see on liiga suureks puhutud, esikohale seatud. Herculean may be taught a lesson from overall acquisition, but it has been overinflated, put first. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.5755642652511597 6688 Edward I oli kogenud losside ehitaja ning kasutas oma kogemusi ümberpiiramistest ristisõdades tuues lossihoonele uuendusi. Edward I was experienced by the builder of the Castle and used his experience of recuring in his risk brains to land the building's innovations. [22, 1, 31] 18.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.004597215583311 -0.5700054168701172 6689 Küll aga kirjutati mitmel pool valitsusele palvekirju, mis taotlesid lihtrahva olukorra parandamist. On the other hand, several sides of the government received requests for improvements to the situation of ordinary people. [91, 100, 70] 87.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.030720684374655 -0.6027706861495972 6690 Ameerika Ühendriikide Ohio osariigi kuberneriks vannutati Ted Strickland Demokraatlikust Parteist. The state of Ohio in the United States would be the governor of Ted Strickland's Democratic Party. [33, 51, 50] 44.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.23119187155910614 -0.2846125066280365 6691 Arvutioperatsioonid on rohkem kohandatud inimesele, nii et inimestel on vähem tarvis arvutitega kohaneda. Computer operations are more tailored to people, so people need less to adapt to computers. [89, 59, 70] 72.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 0.1447838968212903, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6074059393833794 -0.3346708416938782 6692 Parteijuhti tulistas perekondlikel motiividel tema noorem vend. The party leader shot his younger brother on family motives. [39, 51, 69] 53.0 [-0.4292568776637186, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5179885193921083] -0.0006952924873607769 -0.26628202199935913 6693 1. aprillil paigaldati paavsti ninna teine maosond. On 1 April, the Pope's name was installed as its second landmass. [5, 1, 10] 5.333333333333333 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.3673384753377704 -0.4904186427593231 6694 Eesti Riigikogu jättis häälte vahekorraga vastu võtmata valitsuse algatatud nn Delfi eelnõu. The Estonian Public Assembly failed to adopt the so-called Delfi draft, initiated by the government, in the vote arbitration procedure. [61, 31, 50] 47.333333333333336 [0.25809987938528167, -0.6798210592198779, 0.013959715917508699] -0.1359204879723625 -0.5069481134414673 6695 Viimast sündmust peeti eriti tähtsaks, sest Edessast saadi kätte Jeesust kujutav pühapilt Mandylion. The latest event was considered particularly important as the image of Jesus Mandylion was obtained from Edessala. [87, 57, 70] 71.33333333333333 [1.0704305922613728, 0.08588354281834971, 0.5445163511539294] 0.5669434954112172 -0.5913612246513367 6696 Venemaa riigiprokuratuur esitas pankur Aleksei Frenkelile süüdistuse Venemaa Panga direktori esimese asetäitja Andrei Kozlovi mõrva korraldamises. The Russian public prosecutor's office prosecuted the Governor of the Bank of Russia, Mr Alexeyi, for ordering the murder of the first Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia, Mr Andrei Špidla. [45, 75, 50] 56.666666666666664 [-0.24179594392308218, 0.615986728844815, 0.013959715917508699] 0.12938350027974718 -0.4865862727165222 6697 See, kuidas me teatud liiki lahkarvamust mõistame ja seletada, võib mõjutada seda, kuidas me teistesse suhtume ja omaenda vaadet mõistame. How we understand and explain a certain kind of disagreement can affect how we treat others and understand our own view. [94, 89, 64] 82.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.028289206865399, 0.3853493605830032] 0.9009245274690615 -0.3673454523086548 6698 Ruudukujulise põhiplaaniga neljakorruselise tornehitise igal korrusel on üks ruum. There is one space in every order of every four Regular Pipeline, with a new core plan. [14, 1, 31] 15.333333333333334 [-1.2103441015830372, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.087913186134705 -0.7962484359741211 6699 1219. aastal sekkus sõtta Taani kuningas, kelle väed vallutasid Revala ja tegid Toompea linnusest oma tugipunkti. In 1219, the King of Denmark intervened in war, whose troops seized Revala and made Toompea a their fullest birthplace. [21, 1, 31] 17.666666666666668 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.015011711902235 -0.42026036977767944 6700 Ta oli põline meremees, kuid maale jäädes töötas kalatööstuses töölisena. He was a knee-man, but when he was on land he worked as a worker in the fishing industry. [20, 1, 31] 17.333333333333332 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0254262082211594 -0.4770437479019165 6701 Kiirteel läks kummuli Meknesi linna teel olnud buss, hukkus kaksteist ja sai vigastada nelikümmend kolm reisijat. Forty-three passengers were killed, killed and injured, along the motorway in the town of Meknesi. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.3920026421546936 6702 1891. aastal asendati Beniczky uue intendandi Géza Zichyga, kes oli konservatiivne aristokraat ja hakkas otsustama Mahleri eest. In 1891st, Beniczky's new intendand Géza Zichyga was replaced by Beniczky, who was a conservative aristokrat and began to decide on Mr Mahler's behalf. [61, 91, 70] 74.0 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6299352638025169 -0.3235339820384979 6703 See teeb Kerese versiooni aga mõnevõrra usutavaks. However, this makes the version of Kenya somewhat credible. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.3097932040691376 6704 Otsuse tingis Argentina ja Suurbritannia järjest kasvav vastuseis seoses Falklandi saarte kuuluvusega. This decision was prompted by the growing opposition of Argentina and Great Britain to membership of the Falkland Islands. [91, 99, 70] 86.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0209039587074984 -0.38177570700645447 6705 Edaspidi ei saada ÜRO nendesse riikidesse enam oma eksperte inimõiguste olukorda kontrollima. The UN will no longer be able to send its experts to these countries to monitor the human rights situation. [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.40234193205833435 6706 Muski hinnangul kuluks San Fransisco ja Los Angelese vahelise Hyperloopi väljaehitamiseks kümme aastat. The Roma estimate that it would take ten years to build the Hyperlop between San Francisco and Los Eliles. [50, 51, 31] 44.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094] -0.2221550352955938 -0.3617590665817261 6707 Puidust majandusmõis eksisteeris tõenäoliselt juba XIII sajandil, olles rajatud koos Lihula kloostriga. Clean economic thinking probably existed in the XIII century, having been built with the Lihula monastery. [10, 1, 31] 14.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.129571171410402 -0.37290340662002563 6708 Eestis rahuldas aktsiaseltsi Viisnurk nõukogu firma tegevjuhi Toivo Kuldmäe tagasiastumispalve. In Estonia, a visa corner of the public limited company accepted the resignation of the CEO of Toivo Paldmäe. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.5193343162536621 6709 Esiteks faktid, mis paradigma järgi on asjade loomuse koha pealt eriti kõnekad. Firstly, the facts which, according to the paradigm, are particularly telling about the nature of things. [94, 99, 71] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5710441829157504] 1.060990058251545 -0.329580157995224 6710 Tuuakse välja, et kõik voolab, kuid mitte seda, et see toimub muutumatu jumaliku maailmaolemuse alusel, välja ei tooda. It is pointed out that everything is flowing, but not that it takes place on the basis of an unchanging god of the world is produced. [80, 62, 62] 68.0 [0.8517261695639637, 0.23313442782570118, 0.3322936970593611] 0.472384764816342 -0.4817333519458771 6711 Sel juhul taandub hedonistlik ideaal asjade seisule, milles igaüks naudib. In this case, a hedonist ideal comes down to the state of affairs in which everyone enjoys. [92, 70, 100] 87.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0119117282970869 -0.4358772039413452 6712 Feinberg jõuab ettevaatlikule järeldusele, et tunded võivad olla eetikasse puutuvad ning olulised inimtunded võib paindliku kontrolli all säilitada. Feinberg comes to the cautious conclusion that feelings can be an ethical concern and that important human sentiments can be preserved under flexible control. [95, 70, 100] 88.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0431552172538596 -0.4726192057132721 6713 Armastaja, kes rõhutaks, et kõiki, sealhulgas oma armastatut, tuleb kohelda ebaisikuliselt ja kiretult, oleks eemaletõukav. A figure who would stress that everyone, including their loved ones, should be treated in an unpersonal and unentangled manner would be repellent. [80, 57, 57] 64.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.08588354281834971, 0.19965453825025595] 0.3790880835441898 -0.5530693531036377 6714 Alfred Nobel pakkus seejärel lõhkeainet Itaalia valitsusele, kes selle rõõmuga vastu võttis. Alfred Nobel then offered explosives to the Italian Government, which was happy to receive it. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.3509123623371124 6715 Musk on olnud abielus kolm korda, kaks korda neist sama naisega. Roma have been married three times, twice with the same woman. [77, 100, 71] 82.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5710441829157504] 0.8937603464969893 -0.23315341770648956 6716 3. sajandiks eKr oli selge, et Pürenee poolsaar langeb varem või hiljem mõne suurriigi mõju alla. For the 3rd century ether was clear that the Iberian Peninsula would sooner or later fall under the influence of some major powers. [47, 77, 50] 58.0 [-0.1793089660095367, 0.6748870828477556, 0.013959715917508699] 0.16984594425190916 -0.33906808495521545 6717 Kaotati suurem osa oma senistest valdustest ja nende endi poolt kindlustatud linnused. Most of their samples up to now and the towns they themselves insured were lost. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.6370546817779541 6718 Lisaks tavasportlastele tegeletakse ka parasportlaste toetamisega. In addition to sports marksmen, support for marksmen is also being addressed. [43, 13, 31] 29.0 [-0.30428292183662764, -1.2099242452463432, -0.49006908755709094] -0.6680920848800206 -0.46803128719329834 6719 Pärast seda kui Saaremaal oli ülestõus maha surutud, tuli saarlastel hakata karistuseks kahjusid hüvitama ja lõhutut taastama. Since the uprising had been suppressed in Saareland, the island had to start compensating for the damage and restoring it to the air as a punishment. [43, 20, 50] 37.666666666666664 [-0.30428292183662764, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.43136540405172336 -0.5262103080749512 6720 Fragmendis B31 tõlgitakse trōpai "muundumisteks", aga trōpē tähendab hoopis 'pööre, muutus, vahetus'. Fragnes B31 is translated into 'conversions', but Côte d'Ivoire means' reverse, change, change, change '. [22, 1, 31] 18.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.004597215583311 -0.48590323328971863 6721 Nende seisund oli nii halb, et nad olid tegelikult elamiskõlbmatud. Their position was so bad that they were actually uninhabitable. [93, 99, 90] 94.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2185851630908207 -0.3759520947933197 6722 Tal on kehv tervis, mistõttu langevad ära paljud tööd, millega ta toime tuleks. He is in a poor state of health, so many of the work he does. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.6080091595649719 6723 Ameeriklane Taliaferro Shaffner oli püüdnud 1864. aastal Nobelilt tema leiutist odavalt ära osta ning keeldumise peale pahandanud. In 1864, the American Taliban, Shaffner, had tried to buy his inventions cheaply and upset the refusal. [10, 1, 31] 14.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.129571171410402 -0.4408312439918518 6724 Põllumaa moodustas 2005. aastal umbes 45% Rwanda alast. Agriculture accounted for around 45% of Rwanda in 2005. [70, 51, 81] 67.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8363225005339607] 0.428265420446575 -0.3482002019882202 6725 Mõistete abil saab vaid rajada silla üle reaalsuse voo. These thoughts can only build a bridge over the flow of reality. [70, 99, 100] 89.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0674778536282996 -0.46497809886932373 6726 Sellel oli praktiliselt sama koostis nagu dünamiidil. It had practically the same mixture as dynamism. [70, 99, 70] 79.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8021995360100892 -0.703835666179657 6727 Ülemkogu istungi esimesel päeval anti Serbiale ametlikult Euroopa Liidu kandidaatriigi staatus. Serbia was officially granted candidate status to the European Union on the first day of the Council meeting. [92, 99, 90] 93.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2081706667718963 -0.29281532764434814 6728 Ameerika Ühendriikides kiitis Washingtoni osariigi esindajatekoda heaks samasooliste abielusid lubava seaduse. In the United States, the House of Representatives of the State of Washington approved a law allowing same-sex marriages. [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.21395546197891235 6729 Portugal muutus nüüd osaks Omaijaadide kalifaadist, mille valdused ulatusid Induse jõest Atlandi ookeanini. Portugal has now become part of the Own stations' caliphate, whose lies stretched from the River Intivity to the Atlantic Ocean. [45, 20, 50] 38.333333333333336 [-0.24179594392308218, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4105364114138748 -0.4505015015602112 6730 Ka oli lääne poole rajatud ilmselt enamjaolt puidust eellinnus, mis oli samuti vallikraavidega ümbritsetud. The West was also, apparently, built on most of the wood in pre-urban areas, which had also been surrounded by river basins. [39, 20, 50] 36.333333333333336 [-0.4292568776637186, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.47302338932742033 -0.532392680644989 6731 Aga ajalugu ei kinnita, et Francis Baconi "Novum Organumi" meetod siin töötaks. However, history does not confirm that the method used by Francis Başis' Novum Boanu 'would work here. [92, 99, 70] 87.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0313184550264227 -0.571917712688446 6732 Anastassia Stanko sõnul polnud neid piinatud, üksnes ähvardatud. According to Anastassia Stanko, they had not been tortured, only threatened. [96, 99, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.33825475792033 -0.29174894094467163 6733 Seal nõuti, et nende sõpru ja sugulasi tapnud eestlastele tuleb kätte maksta. It called for the revenge to be paid to their friends and relatives who have killed them. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.3700200319290161 6734 Sellist dateerimist on kasutanud näiteks Sulev Vahtre. This practice has been used, for example, by Sulev Meditre. [33, 51, 50] 44.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.23119187155910614 -0.3964056372642517 6735 Radikaalne argument põhineb kas Karl Mannheimi või Karl Marxi teadmissotsioloogial. The Radical argument is based either on the sociologist of knowledge of Karl Mannheim or Karl Marx. [44, 51, 70] 55.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.060219799694534136 -0.2594013810157776 6736 Linnus vallutati ja põletati maha, kuid vähemalt kivihoone seati uuesti korda. The city was conquered and burnt down, but at least the stone building was put back in order. [70, 80, 50] 66.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.43882953658863716 -0.37456953525543213 6737 Hiina Shanxi provintsis Yujialingi kivisöekaevanduses toimus õhtul gaasiplahvatus. There was a gas explosion at the coal mine in Yujialing, the Chinese province of Shanx. [93, 70, 100] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.022326224616011 -0.2967188358306885 6738 Filosoofilt ei saa nõuda, et ta küsiks tõsiselt küsimuse, mis tema arvates tõenäoliselt ahvatleb ta rikutud või kurjadele mõtetele. The philosopher cannot be asked to ask seriously a question that he believes she is likely to be tempting for broken or evil ideas. [45, 20, 50] 38.333333333333336 [-0.24179594392308218, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4105364114138748 -0.5676623582839966 6739 Vasa suur kogu, üle 900 kuupmeetri tammepuitu, tekitas enneolematu konserveerimisprobleemi. The opposite, over 900 cubic metres of dam timber, created an unprecedented canning problem. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.38234177231788635 6740 Maal elavad inimesed kasvatavad toitu eelkõige enda tarbeks. People living on earth are growing food for their own particular use. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.5471508502960205 6741 sajandist pärit [[miniatuurid väljendavad Bütsantsi kunsti abstraktsust ja sümboolset tähendust [[miniatures] Expresses the abstraction and symbolic significance of the Butsants Art [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.6004877090454102 6742 Valimised võitis Progressiivne Kodanikepartei, kogudes kõigis omavalitsustes kokku 55 saadikukohta. The elections were won by the Progressive Citizens' Party, collecting 55 delegates from all municipalities. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.36624962091445923 6743 Mis laadi omadus see ühine omadus on, kas intentsionaalne või reaalne? What kind of common characteristic is this, intentional or realistic? [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.4267169237136841 6744 Neid oli umbes viiskümmend, sealhulgas liikumise juht Vassili Jakemenko. There were about fifty of them, including the leader of the movement, Vassili Jakemenko. [96, 70, 100] 88.66666666666667 [1.3516219928723274, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0535697135727837 -0.20349954068660736 6745 Sellest tulenevalt oli kaitsjatele soodsam, kui intensiivne lõunapäike paistaks neile küljelt. As a result, it was more advantageous for the protectors to appear from their side on intensive lunch days. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.7134911417961121 6746 Türgi valitsusjuhi väitel püüab Venemaa piirkonnast välja ajada kohalikud türkmeenid ja sunni muslimid, et kaitsta oma sõjalisi huve. According to the Turkish Government, Russia is trying to expel local Turkmens and Sunni Muslims from the region in order to defend its military interests. [97, 99, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.3828654818291002, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3486692542392544 -0.28953614830970764 6747 Alguses ei olnud valdusel ühtset nime ja võeti kasutusele nimi Zambezia, 1895. aastal aga sai piirkonna ametlikuks nimeks Rodeesia. Originally, there was no common name and the name Zambezia was introduced, while in 1859, the region became the official name Rhodesia. [79, 99, 70] 82.66666666666667 [0.820482680607191, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8959300028804074 -0.3611487150192261 6748 Ordumeister asus lahingu järel Tallinna linnuse lähedal laagrisse. The orchestra was located in a camp near Tallinn City after the battle. [22, 52, 50] 41.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, 0.013959715917508699] -0.33593460540011605 -0.5755094289779663 6749 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi edelapoolses Amili linnaosas toimus autopommi plahvatus. There was an explosion of a car bomb in the south-western part of the capital of Baghdad, Amili. [93, 99, 90] 94.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2185851630908207 -0.2570238411426544 6750 Ludwig Wittgensteini järgijad kalduvad uskuma, et inimeste õppimine nii käibki. Ludwig Wittgenstein's followers tend to believe that this is the way people learn. [80, 51, 50] 60.333333333333336 [0.8517261695639637, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] 0.25828945543033344 -0.2573883831501007 6751 Lugejaid taheti veenda selles, et vananemise kartuses magab Michael hapnikukambris. Retailers were persuaded that Michael's oxygen clone was sleeping in fear of ageing. [15, 1, 10] 8.666666666666666 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.263193512148528 -0.38203585147857666 6752 Donetski oblastis tegutsevaid separatiste nimetab ta "Donbassi esindajateks", öeldes, et nad juba "töötavad" katastroofipaigas. He calls the separatists in the Donetski Oblast, 'Donbass representatives', saying that they are already 'working' on a disaster site. [91, 99, 70] 86.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0209039587074984 -0.42673686146736145 6753 Eesti suursaadik Šveitsis Rein Oidekivi andis Bernis oma volikirjad üle Šveitsi liidupresidendile Doris Leuthardile. The Estonian Ambassador, Switzerland, Rein Oidekiv, handed over his voter to Swiss President Doris Leuthari in Bern. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.3550424575805664 6754 Kui ta reedab oma armastuse objekti, siis ta reedab ka iseennast. If he betrays his love object, he also betrays himself. [96, 99, 70] 88.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0729764403021196 -0.28291523456573486 6755 Kuidas saab mõista stiihilisuse ja otstarbekohase ühitamist mõista väljaspool esteetilisi struktuurseid funktsioone? How can the reconciliation of style and purpose be understood outside aesthetic structural functions? [96, 99, 70] 88.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0729764403021196 -0.36989426612854004 6756 Murray ütles, et helistas turvateenistusse, ent ta kõnele ei vastatud. Murray said that he was calling the security service, but he was not answered. [93, 63, 70] 75.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6883308273277033 -0.4625226557254791 6757 Kokkulepe tugevdas protestantide positsioone ja tegi Varssavi konföderatsiooni usuvabaduse garantiid aastal 1573 võimalikuks. The agreement strengthened the position of Protestants and made possible the guarantee of religious freedom by the Warsaw confederation in 1573. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.26009830832481384 6758 Aga see tähendab nihkumist idealisti positsioonile. But that means moving to a position of idealism. [97, 99, 71] 89.0 [1.3828654818291002, 1.322790976880102, 0.5710441829157504] 1.0922335472083178 -0.45687198638916016 6759 Pakistani loodeosas Peshawari linnas ründas enesetaputerrorist šiiite, kes valmistusid usuliseks protsessiooniks. In the north-west of Pakistan, in the city of Peshawar, the suicide bombers were attacked and prepared for a religious process. [32, 20, 50] 34.0 [-0.6479613003611278, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.54592486355989 -0.3392316997051239 6760 Üha rohkemad parimad teadlased hakkavad sellele üha rohkem tähelepanu pöörama. More and more of the best researchers are turning their attention to this. [96, 66, 90] 84.0 [1.3516219928723274, 0.35093513583158237, 1.07507298639035] 0.9258767050314199 -0.5258957147598267 6761 Naise otsustuses enda kohta kätkeb tema arusaamine selle tõsidusest, mida ta tegi. A woman's own decision involves her understanding of the seriousness of what she has done. [96, 66, 90] 84.0 [1.3516219928723274, 0.35093513583158237, 1.07507298639035] 0.9258767050314199 -0.37353500723838806 6762 thumbleft325pxValimiste lähiümbrus näitab senaatoreid ümbritsetuna [[šlahtast In the near vicinity of the Utoppxic Elections, the senators are surrounded by [Saleh] [24, 1, 31] 18.666666666666668 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9837682229454625 -0.6314659118652344 6763 2011. aastal andis Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalkohus tema suhtes välja rahvusvahelise vahistamismääruse. In 2011, the International Criminal Court issued an international arrest warrant against him. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.22363755106925964 6764 Kuningriigis kaubeldi elavalt portugallaste ja araablastega. In the Kingdom, the Portuguese and Arabs were trafficked live. [93, 99, 91] 94.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 1.101600818152171] 1.2274277736780943 -0.38196423649787903 6765 Miks võtta ainult abstraktsed filosoofilised tähendused, mitte see konkreetne tähendus, mis Herakleitosel ainult olla saigi? Why only take abstract philosophical connotations, not this specific meaning, which Herculean only has? [94, 99, 90] 94.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2289996594097448 -0.46215665340423584 6766 1782. aasta veebruariks oli see Peterburis ja maiks Taanis. By 1782 February, it was in St Petersburg and it was in Denmark by May 1782. [91, 99, 91] 93.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 1.101600818152171] 1.2065987810402456 -0.35453498363494873 6767 Tsükli teist ja neljandat laulu kasutas ta esimeses sümfoonias, mille Mahler lõpetas oma suhte tipul Marion von Weberiga 1888. aastal. The second and fourth song of the sykli was used in the first symphony, which Mahler ended with her relationship with Marion von Weber in 18848. [69, 99, 70] 79.33333333333333 [0.5080477910394635, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.791785039691165 -0.3421785831451416 6768 Laine on pika tee ette võtnud, kuna tema mure on suur ja vajab ärakuulamist. The loan has taken a long way, as its concern is great and needs to be heard. [31, 61, 50] 47.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, 0.2036842508242309, 0.013959715917508699] -0.15385360752538696 -0.46143990755081177 6769 Ülo on kutsunud Jüri Kergese endaga kohvikusse plaani pidama. The general has invited Jüri Kergese himself to plan for a coffee. [25, 1, 31] 19.0 [-0.866665723058537, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9733537266265383 -0.6101484298706055 6770 Eestit esindas kohtumisel keskkonnaminister [[Keit Pentus]]. Estonia represented the Environment Minister at a meeting [Keit Pentus]. [70, 100, 70] 80.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8120162616772459 -0.24277591705322266 6771 Paljud selle põhiideed taasavastasid sõltumatult peagi Giuseppe Peano ja Bertrand Russell. Many of its main ideas were soon discovered independently by Giuseppe Peano and Bertrand Russell. [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.2850787937641144 6772 Pille töökaaslane Reet otsib raadio kaudu noormehi, kellega koos veidi lõbutseda. Reet, a working partner, is searching on a radio for young men with whom to flee a little. [12, 1, 31] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2728310794965825, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1087421787725533 -0.5263071060180664 6773 Venemaa president Dmitri Medvedev nimetas Murmanski oblasti kuberneri kandidaadiks senise kuberneri kohusetäitja Marin Kovtuni. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has nominated Marin Kovtuni, the Governor of Murmanski Oblast, as the current governor's director. [81, 51, 71] 67.66666666666667 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5710441829157504] 0.45439877408200496 -0.46068093180656433 6774 Kas asi on selles, et see "hing" on ise füüsiline? Is it the case that this' soul 'is itself physical? [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.3025306761264801 6775 Luuletus tõi kohe kaasa Grassi süüdistamise antisemitismis. The amendment immediately resulted in Grass being accused of anti-Semitism. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.2756834030151367 6776 Tornid võimaldasid potentsiaalset vaenlast küljelt tulistada ja samas pakkusid nad majutust. The storms allowed the potential to shoot the enemy from the cold and at the same time offered accommodation. [39, 20, 50] 36.333333333333336 [-0.4292568776637186, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.47302338932742033 -0.3421615660190582 6777 Suurema osa elust töötas ta liiga palju ja puutus kokku mitmesuguste kemikaalidega. Most of her lives worked too much and came across various chemicals. [43, 51, 70] 54.666666666666664 [-0.30428292183662764, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.0498053033756099 -0.44593456387519836 6778 Sellepärast ei ole ühte headuse loomust kõigis heades asjades ja kõik nad ei ole soovitavad sama aspekti all. Therefore, one piece of good does not exist in all good things, and not all of them are recommended under the same aspect. [60, 60, 88] 69.33333333333333 [0.22685639042850891, 0.1742340738227606, 1.022017322866708] 0.47436926237265914 -0.47369271516799927 6779 Viimasest viiest mängust kaotas Euwe neli ja suutis viigistada vaid ühe. Of the last five, Euwe lost four, only one was able to fuss. [34, 20, 50] 34.666666666666664 [-0.5854743224475824, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5250958709220416 -0.4928463399410248 6780 Galileil olid tugevad argumendid oma vaatluste tõepärasuse kasuks. Galileo had strong arguments for the truth of its observations. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.26577532291412354 6781 Mõlemad ajakirjanikud vabastati järgmise päeva õhtul. Both journalists were released next evening. [88, 99, 70] 85.66666666666667 [1.1016740812181456, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9896604697507256 -0.4160301089286804 6782 Johannes Paulus II oli surres vanim paavst pärast Leo XIII. John Paul II was the oldest Pope in death after Leo XIII. [77, 47, 70] 64.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, -0.2086182271963532, 0.5445163511539294] 0.36463127555040725 -0.18941926956176758 6783 Aastal 2006 oli keskmine eluiga 47 aastat, sealhulgas meestel 46 ja naistel 48 aastat. In 2006, the average life expectancy was 47 years, including 46 years for men and 48 for women. [94, 100, 90] 94.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.2388163850769016 -0.24390843510627747 6784 Rudolfiga kohtuma tulnud kohalikud vanemad teatasid, et nad on juba ammu riialastega rahu sõlminud ja palusid oma maalt lahkumist. The local parents who have come to meet with Rudolfi have announced that they have long been in peace with the rivals and have been asking for their land to leave. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.5261701941490173 6785 Pigem jätab see vaade eetiliste kaalutluste rolli lahtiseks ning küsib, kuidas eetilistel kaalutlustel toimimine on omakasuga seotud. Rather, this view leaves the role of ethical considerations open and asks how the conduct of ethical considerations is self-serving. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.3909164071083069 6786 Kooliteadus olla vaevaline, tarkus aga hõlpsasti leitav, rõõmuküllane ja inimaru loomupärane toidus. School science to be arduous, but easily lethal, enjoyable and inherent in food for human consumption. [12, 1, 31] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2728310794965825, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1087421787725533 -0.6141757965087891 6787 Leili teatab kohvikus Jürkale oma kavatsusest auto osta. Lead reports its intention to buy a car in a café Jürka. [11, 1, 31] 14.333333333333334 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1191566750914776 -0.34416982531547546 6788 Peatoimetaja kohusetäitjaks nimetati senine ajalehe toimetaja Urmi Reinde. Urm Reinde, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, has been appointed. [43, 73, 50] 55.333333333333336 [-0.30428292183662764, 0.5570863748418744, 0.013959715917508699] 0.08892105630758516 -0.38039588928222656 6789 Vasa ballasti kogukaal oli 120 tonni, kuid sellest jäi väheks, et olla piisavaks vastukaaluks veeliinist ülespoole jäävale raskusele. The total weight of the left balled was 120 tonnes, but it was insufficient to be sufficiently counter to the hardship upward. [45, 20, 50] 38.333333333333336 [-0.24179594392308218, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4105364114138748 -0.5871236324310303 6790 Argentinas hukkus tulirelvaga hooletu ringikäimise tagajärjel Río Negro provintsi kuberner Carlos Soria. In Argentina, Carlos Soria, Governor of Río Negro Province, was killed by a careless display of firearms. [31, 1, 31] 21.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9108667487129928 -0.33435869216918945 6791 Varem oli selle taotluse tagasi lükanud ka Tartu Maakohus, mille otsuse Simmi advokaat Meelis Masso nüüd ringkonnakohtus vaidlustas. In the past, this request was also rejected by the Tartu Ground Court, the ruling of the Simm lawyer Meel Masso now challenged by the District Court. [50, 40, 70] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.014722795269355235 -0.45181843638420105 6792 Võitluse käigus langes kroonika järgi umbes sada saarlast, lisaks saadi neid mererannal taga ajades kätte 400 hobust. Around 100 islands were chronically locked down in the battle, and 400 horses were harvested on the seabed. [10, 1, 31] 14.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.129571171410402 -0.7075835466384888 6793 Direktorit süüdistatakse oma volituste ületamises, raha väärkasutuses ja alluvate halvas kohtlemises. The directive is accused of overshooting its powers, misusing the money and of mistreatment of those who submit it. [12, 1, 31] 14.666666666666666 [-1.2728310794965825, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1087421787725533 -0.5993116497993469 6794 Valimised võitis Serbia Radikaalne Partei, saavutades 28,6 protsendi valijate toetuse ja 81 kohta parlamendis. The elections were won by the Serbian Radical Party, achieving 28.6% of the voters' support and 81% of the parliament. [80, 51, 50] 60.333333333333336 [0.8517261695639637, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] 0.25828945543033344 -0.3097967207431793 6795 Hispaanias Sevillas algas NATO liikmesriikide kaitseministrite kahepäevane mitteametlik kohtumine. In Seville, Spain, the two-day informal meeting of defence ministers from NATO Member States began. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.29002219438552856 6796 Pärast sõda osales Keres ainult väiksematel maleüritustel, enne 1946. aasta matše USA ja Suurbritanniaga. After the war, only minor attacks took place in Kenya, before the 1946 match with the US and Great Britain. [20, 40, 40] 33.333333333333336 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.41476946620664523, -0.25131860170070164] -0.5629904119165825 -0.3184511959552765 6797 Ometi on neil nõrgad silmad ja nad lendavad enamasti öösiti. However, they have weak eyes and, for the most part, fly overnight. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.42434898018836975 6798 Richard oli Guido kui oma endise vasalli poolel; Philippe pooldas Conradit, kes oli tema isa, Louis VII, nõbu. Richard was Guido, on his former left-wing side; Philippe das Conradi, who was his father, Louis VII, in favour of a needle. [23, 1, 10] 11.333333333333334 [-0.9291527009720825, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0471535545553328] -1.1798775415971339 -0.3373051881790161 6799 Bembadel on kombeks ka vastabiellunutele kana serveerida ja luud seejärel pruudi emale anda. Bembates also have the habit of wearing up their slipways and then giving them to their mother. [9, 1, 31] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.139985667729326 -0.6823959350585938 6800 Normaalteaduse ajal selliseid vaidlusi peaaegu ei ole, kuid need toimuvad reeglipäraselt teadusrevolutsioonide eel ja nende ajal. There are almost no such disputes during normal science, but they regularly take place in the run-up to and during the scientific revolutions. [91, 61, 70] 74.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6478683833555414 -0.4118664264678955 6801 Serbia pealinna Belgradi lähistel Baricis toimus plahvatus Prva Iskra keemiatehases. In Barici, the Serbian capital, Belgrade, an explosion occurred at Prva Iskra's chemical plant. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.33063170313835144 6802 Darwini saavutus lõhkus selle teoloogiast inspireeritud metafüüsilise maailmavaate alused. The Darwin achievement was shattered by the foundations of a metaphysical worldview inspired by its theology. [44, 40, 70] 51.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.047764182644190245 -0.4126640260219574 6803 India peaministrid ei olnud üle 10 aasta oma naaberriiki külastanud. The Indian prime ministers had not visited their neighbouring country for more than 10 years. [95, 99, 100] 98.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3278402616014058 -0.2941340208053589 6804 See kujunes kohaliku paekivi pikaaegse töötlemiskogemuse, ehitustraditsiooni ja kivimeistrite tööoskuste põhjal. It evolved on the basis of a long-standing processing experience of a local parcel, a construction tradition and the skills of a hard day champions. [39, 20, 50] 36.333333333333336 [-0.4292568776637186, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.47302338932742033 -0.5526373982429504 6805 Aga millestki hoolimisega kaasneb millestki mitte hoolimine. However, taking care of something involves not taking care of something. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.5437244176864624 6806 Need pingutused jäävad ühe ja sama uurimisprogrammi raamesse. These efforts remain within the framework of the same research programme. [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.3118511736392975 6807 Tavaline teadmatuse, mahajäämuse ja eelarvamuse kolkakliima paljudes väikelinnades leidis väljendust arvukates nõiaprotsessides. The traditional lack of knowledge, backwardness and prejudice in many small towns found their expression in numerous witch-hunts. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.5888007879257202 6808 31. augustil 1962 kuulutas Trinidad ja Tobago ennast iseseisvaks eraldi riigina. On 31 August 1962, Trinidad and Tobago declared themselves independent as a separate state. [95, 99, 70] 88.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0625619439831955 -0.120965376496315 6809 Sealt avastas poistepundi Diana Ross, kellest sai Michaeli mentor ja sõbranna aastateks. It found that the poet was found in Diana Ross, who became Michael's mentor and friend for years. [33, 51, 50] 44.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.23119187155910614 -0.4601067900657654 6810 1950. aastate algul töötas Naan kateedrijuhatajana Vabariiklikus Parteikoolis. In the early 1950s Naan was working as head of the Republican Party school. [93, 63, 90] 82.0 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 1.07507298639035] 0.8651830390731771 -0.449435293674469 6811 Selle avaldas originaalis 1985. aastal Londoni kirjastus Fontana. It was published in the original London publisher Fontana in 1985. [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.3032243251800537 6812 Nii alustamine väljastpoolt eetikat kui ka alustamine moraalisõnade tähendusest osutus ebaveenvaks. It proved unconvincing to start both from outside the point of view of ethics and starting from the meaning of moral words. [91, 77, 70] 79.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 0.6748870828477556, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8049359940300497 -0.5002212524414062 6813 See analüüs väldib mõningaid raskusi, aga nagu fenomenalismgi, põrkub teistele raskustele. This analysis avoids some difficulties but, like the phenomenon, other difficulties arise. [48, 78, 70] 65.33333333333333 [-0.14806547705276396, 0.7043372598492259, 0.5445163511539294] 0.36692937798346376 -0.38021931052207947 6814 Itaalia ja Kreeka olid ka avalikult rivaalid sooviga okupeerida Albaania. Italy and Greece were also publicly willing to occupy Albania. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.18607640266418457 6815 Evelin ei suuda kuidagi jagada Kristjani elevust fotograafia vastu. I cannot share the Christian elephant's excitement against photography in any way whatsoever. [5, 35, 31] 23.666666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.5620203512139967, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8478749803216932 -0.3914077579975128 6816 Põudasid on pandud ka taimedeta maastiku tekitatud ahjuefekti arvele. The horrors have also been attributed to the greed effect caused by the unplant landscape. [5, 1, 31] 12.333333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1816436530050232 -0.5211783647537231 6817 Kui vaatleja on sobivas kohas, siis ta näeb värvuste skaalat. If an observer is in a suitable location, he sees the scale of the colours. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.4130711853504181 6818 Cyangugus asub kohaliku tähtsusega Kamembe lennujaam. Cysunus is located at a local important Kamembe airport. [31, 1, 31] 21.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -0.9108667487129928 -0.49532511830329895 6819 Nigeeria naftatööstuse keskuses Port Harcourtis tapeti 6 politseinikku. Six policemen were killed in the Nigerian oil industry centre in Port Harcourt. [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.3011217713356018 6820 Sellepärast on tarvis seda inimelu eesmärki teada. It is therefore necessary to know this purpose of human life. [95, 91, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604] 1.2493064562641516 -0.4153299927711487 6821 Kagera jõe vool viis Victoria järve umbes 40 000 surnukeha. The flow of the Kagera brought about 40 000 bodies to the Lake of Victoria. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.3227318227291107 6822 1936. aastal jõudis kasvandustesse kohalikel puudel leviv juurehaigus. In 1936, the grass-roots disease spreading on local trees reached growth. [80, 64, 64] 69.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 0.2920347818286418, 0.3853493605830032] 0.5097034373252028 -0.46186596155166626 6823 Nende tegurite seas on lihtsus, seos mõne tungiva ühiskondliku vajadusega, võime lahendada mõnd konkreetset laadi probleemi jne. These factors include simplicity, connection with some of the pressing social needs, the ability to solve some specific problems of a particular nature, etc. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.4244212508201599 6824 Kogu moraal, metafüüsika ja õigus sõltuvad sellest. All morals, metaphysics and justice depend on it. [97, 99, 90] 95.33333333333333 [1.3828654818291002, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2602431483665175 -0.3152066171169281 6825 Kohtumisel arutati riikidevahelisi kahepoolseid suhteid, julgeolekupoliitikat ja Euroopa Liidu siseküsimusi. The meeting discussed bilateral relations between countries, security policy and the internal affairs of the European Union. [97, 99, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.3828654818291002, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3486692542392544 -0.3576461970806122 6826 Vermima hakati suuremaid ja väiksemaid pronksmünte. The Vermima started to be larger and smaller on brick coins. [20, 35, 35] 30.0 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.5620203512139967, -0.3839577605098068] -0.6562870931887347 -0.8484185338020325 6827 Naan asus juhatama Teaduste Akadeemia ühiskonnateaduste osakonda. The Nazi was the chair of the Academy of Sciences in Society. [5, 1, 31] 12.333333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1816436530050232 -0.4783564805984497 6828 Kuhni järgi ei piirdu paradigma sellega, mida saab sõnastada reeglite ja juhenditega. In both respects, the paradigm does not stop at what can be formulated with rules and guidelines. [50, 51, 60] 53.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.279238033535719] 0.03428067173534283 -0.46114012598991394 6829 Ratsionaalne oleks koguda tõendid, mis näitavad, et kardetav uskumus on väär. It would be rational to collect evidence showing that a fearful belief is wrong. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.36716151237487793 6830 Prantsusmaal toimus lennukitootja Airbus tööliste üldstreik, millega avaldati meelt firma poolt kavandatavate ulatuslike koondamiste vastu. In France, there was a general strike by the aircraft manufacturer Airbus's workers, which demonstrated against the large-scale redundancies planned by the firm. [95, 65, 90] 83.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 1.07507298639035] 0.905645483045339 -0.46103495359420776 6831 Me peame kaaluma huvisid sõltumatult sellest, kelle huvidega on tegu. We need to consider interests independently of whose interests they are. [92, 70, 100] 87.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0119117282970869 -0.38665464520454407 6832 Kodus ootab aga Jaanust ees taas vanaema Alma ja kui Jane ka koju jõuab, võetakse tüli üles. At home, however, the grandmother, Alma, awaits Jaanus again, and when Jane arrives home, the strain will be brought up. [50, 51, 70] 57.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.12270677760807962 -0.5411373972892761 6833 Laulu ja tantsu abil on kujutatud nii vaprust võitluses, jahiõnne kui ka humoorikaid vahejuhtumeid. Loans and dance have been depicted both by courage in the fight against hunting and by Humorous incidents. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.5914002060890198 6834 Viss räägib Lainele demokraatiast ja inimeste võrdsusest, aga ainult seni, kuni uksest astub sisse tippadvokaat Karineem. He talks to Low about democracy and equality of people, but only as long as the top lawyer, Karineem, enters the door. [40, 20, 50] 36.666666666666664 [-0.39801338870694586, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4626088930084961 -0.47256097197532654 6835 Üle pika aja veedavad Uku ja Ursula koos ühe mõnusa hommikupooliku, õhtul võtab asi aga hoopis teise pöörde. For more than a long time, Uku and Ursula are going to spend a happy morning, but this evening it takes a different turn. [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.5181897282600403 6836 Hmelnõtskõi pani kasakaväe tõhusalt pooli vahetama. The Hmelangling match has led the caste to change the parties effectively. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.8171234726905823 6837 1669. aasta valimistel näitas kogunenud šlahta ootamatult oma muskleid ja tegutses juhtivate magnaadiparteide vastu. In the 2009 elections, the winning shudder suddenly showed its muscles and acted against the leading magnatorial parties. [31, 20, 50] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5563393598788143 -0.5897508263587952 6838 Mereväeohvitser Anton Ludwig Fahnehjelm taotles 1844. aastal õigust päästetööde teostamiseks, kuna oli enda sõnul Vasa asukoha leidnud. The naval officer, Anton Ludwig Fahnehjelm, applied in 18444 for the right to rescue because he said he had found the opposite. [43, 20, 50] 37.666666666666664 [-0.30428292183662764, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.43136540405172336 -0.3664989173412323 6839 Edasi tähendab siis aga ka aufheben sama mis aufbewahren 'säilitama', ja me räägime selles mõttes, et miski on hästi ületatud aufgehoben. Further, however, it will also mean the same as the preservation of the aufbewahren, and we are talking about something well exceeded by the Aufheben horse. [29, 20, 50] 33.0 [-0.741691767231446, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5771683525166628 -0.49899470806121826 6840 Kokku osales valimistel 83,8 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. In total, 83.8% of voting citizens took part in the elections. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.28614452481269836 6841 Tervishoiule kulutatakse umbes 4% rahvamajanduse kogutoodangust. Health is spent around 4% of gross national product (GNI). [69, 99, 70] 79.33333333333333 [0.5080477910394635, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.791785039691165 -0.41377460956573486 6842 Ka Pöide linnuse Saaremaal piirasid nad samuti sisse...." Also in the Saareland of the Pöld City, they also restricted them... " [22, 51, 50] 41.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.34575133106727285 -0.6784319281578064 6843 Lõpuks leiab Allan abi viinapudelist ja just siis tuleb talle külla Laine, kellele Kristjani ning Evelini probleemid üle jõu käivad. In the end, Allan will find help from a vinee, and that is exactly when he comes to the village of Laine, to whom the problems with Christians and Evelina prevail. [15, 1, 31] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0774986898157806 -0.5391083359718323 6844 1450. aastateks oli Bütsantsi kätte jäänud vaid pealinna Konstantinoopoli lähem ümbrus ja mõned valdused Kreekas. For the 1450 years, only the closest surroundings of the capital, Konstantinople, and some of the lies in Greece had been retained by the Bureau. [20, 49, 49] 39.333333333333336 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.14971787319341262, -0.012568115844312335] -0.3950563856267085 -0.4305054247379303 6845 Selle negatiivse eesmärgi ja positiivse eesmärgi vahel on pinge. There is tension between this negative objective and this positive objective. [93, 99, 70] 87.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0417329513453468 -0.260591596364975 6846 Ikoonilised suhted on kõigi teiste representatsioonivormide alus, tõlgendushierarhia põhi. Ironic relations are the basis of all other forms of representative representation, of a hierarchy of interpretation. [77, 47, 50] 58.0 [0.7579957026936455, -0.2086182271963532, 0.013959715917508699] 0.18777906380493362 -0.326610803604126 6847 Huvipakkuvad on ka mõisa pargis olev suur maakelder ja mõisa paekivist suur piirdemüür ehisliku jalgväravatorniga. Interestingly, there are also large landlocks on the way to the senses and a common thread, which are a great slap in the gateway. [9, 1, 31] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.139985667729326 -0.9046512246131897 6848 Tuleb lihtsalt selgusele jõuda, millest me tegelikult hoolime, ning sellest otsustavalt ja enesekindlalt hoolida. It is simply a matter of explaining what we really care about and of taking decisive and self-confident care of this. [93, 87, 70] 83.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.9693888528624585, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9239322433394657 -0.50722336769104 6849 Krimmi sõja ajal suri Nikolai I ja keisriks sai Aleksander II. During the war of the crisis, Nikolai I died, and Alexander II became a emperor. [50, 80, 50] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.013959715917508699] 0.23053961021015223 -0.2301175892353058 6850 Aruandes nimetati Iisraeli tegevust poliitiliseks ja sõjaliseks ebaõnnestumiseks ning heideti peamiselt ette korraliku sõjalise strateegia puudumist. The report describes Israel's actions as a political and military failure and mainly denounced the lack of a proper military strategy. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.43788012862205505 6851 Hollandi politsei tabas mehed, kes üritasid müüa 7 aastat tagasi varastatud Vincent van Goghi maali "Paju". The Dutch police were hit by men trying to sell Mr Vincent van Gogh's' Pather 'painting, stolen 7 years ago. [38, 31, 61] 43.333333333333336 [-0.4605003666204914, -0.6798210592198779, 0.3057658652975401] -0.27818518684760973 -0.3980761170387268 6852 Operatsioonis osaleb 50 lennukit ja helikopterit ning 1500 sõdurit; rünnakud keskenduvad peamiselt Samarra piirkonnale 100 km Bagdadist põhja pool. 50 aeroplanes, helicopters and 1500 soldiers are taking part in the operation; the attacks focus mainly on the Samarra region on the north of 100 km from Baghdad. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.3669510781764984 6853 Esimene valitseja pani Jave valitsema tuld ja tuult, Eloimist tegi ta aga vee ja maa valitseja. The first ruler made Jave rule the fire and the wind, but he made the water and the land governor the Eloius. [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.4684073328971863 6854 Kristiina lavastas oma surma aastaid tagasi ja alustas Heikkiga uut elu, kui ta kunagi ammu Ismo Laitela juurest ära läks. Kristiina broke her death years ago and started a new life with Heikk, when she once disappeared from Iyso Laitela. [7, 1, 31] 13.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1608146603671747 -0.4331502616405487 6855 Ja küsimus ei ole ainult vastuste õigsuses ja ilmsuses, vaid ka selles, mis laadi kaalutlused tulevad mängu. And it is not only a question of the accuracy and the appearance of answers, but also of what kind of considerations come into play. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.47652769088745117 6856 Veel 1947. aastal esitas rühm nõukogude maletajaid Kerese peale kaebuse, milles ta tembeldati fašistiks. Until 1947, a group of Soviet Malthushers lodged a complaint against Kenya in which he was treated as a fascist. [33, 51, 50] 44.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.23119187155910614 -0.4731200635433197 6857 Paljudes kohtades on mäed ümarad ja maastik kujutab endast suurt lainjat lavamaad, kus orud ja lahed ei anna tooni. In many places, the mountains are round the table and the landscape is a vast patchwork of woodland, where valley and generosity do not set the tone. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.6284423470497131 6858 Võib kujutleda subjekti, kelle jaoks küsimust ei tekigi, sest ta usaldab oma vahetuid väärtusekogemusi, võttes neid eksimatute tegevusjuhistena. One might imagine a subject for whom the issue does not arise, because he believes in his direct experience of values, taking them as an unmisguided code of conduct. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.48233044147491455 6859 Laur Põder aga sellega rahul ei ole ja uljas tujus ilmub ta oma perele järele. Laur Pyder is not satisfied with this, and in sheer fire he shows up with his family. [9, 1, 31] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.139985667729326 -0.6604896187782288 6860 Neis paigus reisimine oli tol ajal ohtlik, kuna kindral Rosase juhtimisel toimusid kokkupõrked indiaanlaste suguharude vahel. It was dangerous to travel there at the time because there were clashes between the Indians' relatives under General Rosas. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.4749544858932495 6861 Neist kolmest ühe müürid võivad sisaldada linnusevundamente. One in three of these walls may include urban areas. [32, 62, 50] 48.0 [-0.6479613003611278, 0.23313442782570118, 0.013959715917508699] -0.13362238553930597 -0.5629132986068726 6862 Oweni seisukoht oli, et organismiliikidel on mõningane "organiseerumisenergia", mis defineerib kui palju liik võib muunduda. Owen's view was that organism species had some "organisational energy" defining how much can be transformed. [91, 61, 70] 74.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6478683833555414 -0.4018101096153259 6863 Teine koalitsioon moodustati aastal 1798, kuid see alistati samuti aastaks 1801, jättes Suurbritannia uue Prantsuse Konsulaadi ainsaks vastaseks. The second coalition was formed in 1798, but it was also defeated by 1801, leaving Britain the only opponent of the new French Consensus. [88, 58, 70] 72.0 [1.1016740812181456, 0.11533371981982, 0.5445163511539294] 0.5871747173972984 -0.3243376612663269 6864 Samas olukorras ei jõua kõik teadlased sama järelduseni ega võta kasutusele sama strateegiat. In the same situation, not all scientists can reach the same conclusion and do not adopt the same strategy. [94, 100, 100] 98.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3272424909496383 -0.4166090786457062 6865 Sel hetkel mõtlesid planeerijad, et see oli häving, kuid hiljem aitas see liitlasi. At that point, planners thought it was a disaster, but later it helped allies. [94, 70, 100] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0327407209349353 -0.3357735276222229 6866 Aga vaimuhaigusega läheb raskeks, kui jutt pole ajukahjustusest. But mental illness becomes difficult when it comes to brain damage. [80, 65, 65] 70.0 [0.8517261695639637, 0.3214849588301121, 0.41187719234482423] 0.5283627735796333 -0.3053002953529358 6867 Seltsingud liigituvad sisemisteks ja välisteks seltsinguteks. Declarations are categorised as internal and external undertakings. [88, 58, 70] 72.0 [1.1016740812181456, 0.11533371981982, 0.5445163511539294] 0.5871747173972984 -0.6526877284049988 6868 Ent tahe on hinge vaba vägi, aru mitte, ja see erinevus ei ole puhtmõisteline. However, the will is a soul free force, it does not understand, and this difference is not purely understandable. [80, 58, 58] 65.33333333333333 [0.8517261695639637, 0.11533371981982, 0.22618237001207697] 0.3977474197986202 -0.5137870907783508 6869 Uurimine, mis segab puhtaid printsiipe empiirilistega, ei vääri isegi filosoofia nime. An investigation that confuses pure principles with empirics does not even deserve the name of a philosophy. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.4339768886566162 6870 Kui tajutavad asjad ei ole kohal, kohandab kujutlusvõime end asjadega ähmaselt, eristamata üht seisundit teisest. If the perceived things are not present, the imagination will adapt itself to things vaguely, without distinguishing one position from another. [97, 80, 70] 82.33333333333333 [1.3828654818291002, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.8968731489450653 -0.4759526252746582 6871 Eestis otsis majanduspolitsei läbi ettevõtja Rein Kilgile kuuluva firma Pere Leib kontorid. In Estonia, the economic police searched for the offices of Pere Leib, a company belonging to Rein Kilong. [89, 59, 70] 72.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 0.1447838968212903, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6074059393833794 -0.2639022171497345 6872 Sakala vanemad võeti teejuhtidena kaasa ja suunduti edasi Järvasse ning "rabati seda maad suure nuhtlusega". The parents of the fish were taken along as road drivers and moved to follow, and "this land was harvested with a great menace." [8, 1, 31] 13.333333333333334 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1504001640482504 -0.6203414797782898 6873 Poolas Varssavis algas Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide parlamentide esimeeste kolmepäevane konverents. In Poland, a three-day Conference of Presidents of the national parliaments of the European Union began in Warsaw. [93, 99, 70] 87.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0417329513453468 -0.3785383403301239 6874 Linnas tegutsevad ka muud kristlikud konfessioonid, näiteks seitsmenda päeva adventistid. Other Christian confrontations, such as the adventures of the seventh day, also operate in the city. [40, 40, 69] 49.666666666666664 [-0.39801338870694586, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5179885193921083] -0.09826477850716094 -0.4700671136379242 6875 Kui sel raamatul on sidumus küsimust püstitada, kas tal on siis sidumus niiviisi vastata? If this book has the binding right to ask the question, will it have the binding ability to respond in this way? [94, 91, 70] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9736136423270171 -0.5704811215400696 6876 Mõned muretsevad, et omaduste armastamine on ebapüsiv, sest omadusi võidakse kaotada. Some are concerned that loving properties is unsustainable because the qualities may be lost. [80, 63, 63] 68.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821] 0.4910441010707724 -0.631742000579834 6877 Väheviljakaid alasid kasutatakse karjamaadena, kus peetakse kodukitsi, lambaid, veiseid. Lower fertile areas are used as herds of pigs, sheep, cattle. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.594403088092804 6878 Viru Maakohus keelas 9. märtsil vähendada Eesti Energiale tütarettevõtte Narva Elektrijaamade tootmisvõimsust. Viru Maaten Court on 9 March banned Estonia's energy subsidiary from reducing its production capacity. [36, 51, 50] 45.666666666666664 [-0.5229873445340368, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.19994838260233339 -0.5461048483848572 6879 Kanti tüüpi reegliutilitarismi peen versioon on Roy Forbes Harrodi artiklis "Utilitarianism Revised". The fine version of this type of regulatory infrastructure is contained in the article by Roy Forbes Harrod on "Utilicit revisions." [33, 51, 50] 44.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.23119187155910614 -0.5891937613487244 6880 Sisse veeti eelkõige masinaid ja seadmeid, toiduaineid, kemikaale ja ehitusmaterjale. In particular, machinery and equipment, food products, chemicals and construction materials were transported. [93, 99, 70] 87.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0417329513453468 -0.3558686375617981 6881 Inimest saab mõõta erinevate skaaladega, aga ei asjaosaline ega teised ei pruugi neid siduda inimese väärtusega. Human beings can be measured by different scales, but neither actors nor others may associate them with human value. [50, 20, 50] 40.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3584639298192536 -0.5162851810455322 6882 Teine võib teha kõik märgatavalt õnnelikumaks, kuid mitte kedagi väga õnnelikuks. The second may make everything much happier, but no one very happy. [80, 57, 57] 64.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.08588354281834971, 0.19965453825025595] 0.3790880835441898 -0.4420958459377289 6883 Üldfilosoofilisest ja loodusteaduslikust vaatekohast võib siin näha tõsist teaduslikku puudujääki. From a general philosophical and natural perspective, a serious scientific deficit can be seen here. [94, 99, 69] 87.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0433048370769975 -0.38992178440093994 6884 Nii ka Herakleitose tulekaos on väga sügav ja keeruline, andekas ja kaugelenägev mäng nagu meie kabemäng. Both the Herakleitos fire-fighting is a very deep and complex, talented and far-sighted game like our cabinet game. [34, 20, 50] 34.666666666666664 [-0.5854743224475824, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5250958709220416 -0.39688509702682495 6885 Afganistani politsei üksused taandusid enda sõnul linnast taktikalistel kaalutlustel. Afghan police forces, as they say, reduced the city on tactical grounds. [31, 4, 31] 22.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.4749758382595757, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8814165717115224 -0.36946263909339905 6886 Kreeta matusepaikadest on leitud mükeene päritolu relvi. mysterious weapons of origin have been found in waste-free distilleries. [35, 61, 31] 42.333333333333336 [-0.5542308334908096, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094] -0.28020522340788984 -0.7351232171058655 6887 Seetõttu kasutatakse kiirabisümboolikas palju mujal meditsiinis levinud sümboleid. As a result, many other medical symbols are used as a source of chip. [31, 61, 50] 47.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, 0.2036842508242309, 0.013959715917508699] -0.15385360752538696 -0.4793301224708557 6888 Bangladeshi pealinnas Dhakas poodi üles kuus islamistlikku mässulist, kes olid mõistetud süüdi kahe kohtuniku tapmises novembris 2005. In the capital of Bangladesh, Dhakas, six Islamic rebels were hanged and convicted of killing two judges in November 2005. [82, 99, 100] 93.66666666666667 [0.9142131474775091, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.1924518094553906 -0.2727953791618347 6889 Indeksilise osutamise alus on see, et asjadevahelised korrelatsioonid minevikus ennustavad asjadevahelisi korrelatsioone tulevikus. The basis for the interesting provision is that the relations between the parties in the past predict relations between the parties in the future. [31, 61, 50] 47.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, 0.2036842508242309, 0.013959715917508699] -0.15385360752538696 -0.5867910385131836 6890 813. aastal piiras bulgaarlaste sõjavägi, kelle juhiks oli kuningas Krum, edutult Konstantinoopolit. In 813, the Bulgarian army, led by King Krum, was unsuccessfully restricted by Konstantinople. [31, 6, 31] 22.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.4160754842566352, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8617831203772089 -0.3459421396255493 6891 See on utilitarismi variant, kuid mitte klassikaline utilitarism, mida pooldasid Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill ja Henry Sidgwick. This is an option for utilities, but not a classic utility, as advocated by Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill and Henry Sidgwick. [79, 49, 50] 59.333333333333336 [0.820482680607191, -0.14971787319341262, 0.013959715917508699] 0.2282415077770957 -0.23407261073589325 6892 Eesti NSV juhtkond sellega aga veel ei nõustunud, vaid taotles NSV Liidu muutmist võrdsete riikide liiduks liidulepingu alusel. However, the Estonian NSV leadership has not yet accepted this, but has requested the conversion of the NSV Union into a Union of Equal States under the Treaty. [80, 63, 63] 68.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821] 0.4910441010707724 -0.40048789978027344 6893 Umbes kaks kolmandikku rahvast teenis raha kohvipuude kasvatamisega. Approximately two thirds of the population earned money by growing coffee trees. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.39810803532600403 6894 Sokrates ütles isegi, et kui me teame, mis on kuri, siis me ei saa seda teha. Socrates even said that, when we know what is an evil, we cannot do it. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.49448472261428833 6895 Need aga on loomade jaoks peaaegu kindlasti erandlikud olukorrad. However, these are almost certainly exceptional situations for animals. [95, 70, 100] 88.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 1.0431552172538596 -0.2864938974380493 6896 Möödunud ööpäeva jooksul hukkus 23 valitsusvägede sõdurit. In the last night, 23 soldiers from government forces died. [88, 99, 70] 85.66666666666667 [1.1016740812181456, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9896604697507256 -0.34642958641052246 6897 Enese armastamine ei taga elementaarsetki moraalsust. Self-loving does not guarantee basic moral standards. [76, 100, 90] 88.66666666666667 [0.7267522137368727, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.051355451336265 -0.32688549160957336 6898 Sellepärast Kuhn nimetabki normaalteaduse sidususe allikaks ühiste reeglite, eelduste ja vaatekohtade asemel ühiseid paradigmasid. That is why Kuhn lists common paradigms as a source of coherence for normal science, rather than common rules, assumptions and points of view. [94, 99, 90] 94.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2289996594097448 -0.4793543219566345 6899 Muud populaarsed kalaroad on grillitud sardiinid ja caldeirada, mis kujutab endast kartulitest ja kalast valmistatud hautist. Other popular fish lanes are flu-ridden sardines and caldeira, which represents a grave made from potatoes and fish. [4, 1, 31] 12.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1920581493239475 -0.45465371012687683 6900 Sel juhul tegutseb kiirabipakkuja kasumit taotleva ettevõtte, sihtasutuse või kasumit mittetaotleva ühenduse vormis. In this case, the ambassador operates in the form of a company, a foundation or a non-profit association. [95, 99, 69] 87.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 1.0537193333959218 -0.30533933639526367 6901 Esiteks, antropoloogia saab valgust heita, millistel tingimustel saavad moraaliseadused meid tegelikult motiveerida. Firstly, anthropology can shed light on the conditions under which moral laws can actually motivate us. [96, 99, 90] 95.0 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.2498286520475934 -0.1970120072364807 6902 Alles 50 aasta pärast leiti, et asi pole Newtoni teoorias. Only 50 years later, it was found that this was not the Newton theory. [97, 100, 70] 89.0 [1.3828654818291002, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0932076622882005 -0.34832116961479187 6903 menetluse enese kulgu puudutava asjaolu tuvastamist, sh teavet mõne konkreetse menetlustoimingu kohta, mis on antud menetluses tehtud. Identifying the issue of the progress of the procedure itself, including information on some of the specific procedures that have been carried out in this procedure. [61, 31, 50] 47.333333333333336 [0.25809987938528167, -0.6798210592198779, 0.013959715917508699] -0.1359204879723625 -0.48118239641189575 6904 Norra Kuningriigi pindala koos Jan Mayeni ja Svalbardiga on 385 207 km². The Kingdom of Norway has an area 385 207 km ², along with Jan Mayen and Svalbarb. [41, 20, 41] 34.0 [-0.36676989975017316, -1.003773006236051, -0.2247907699388806] -0.531777891975035 -0.26619744300842285 6905 Tema teod ega tunded ega see, mis temaga juhtub, ei läheks talle korda. His actions and his feelings, and what happens to him, would not be him in any way. [33, 20, 50] 34.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5355103672409658 -0.5401643514633179 6906 Siinjuures tuleb meelde tuletada meie saksakeelse väljendi aufheben topelttähendust. The double meaning of our German expression aufheben must be recalled here. [94, 99, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3174257652824817 -0.4799194931983948 6907 Ja kui inimesed oleksid massiliselt ülimoraalsed, oleks ülimoraalsus ikkagi armastuse alus. And if people were en masse immoral, supermorality would still be the basis of love. [89, 99, 70] 86.0 [1.1329175701749183, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.00007496606965 -0.41561418771743774 6908 Itaalias Roomas toimunud Interpoli peaassambleel valiti organisatsiooni uueks presidendiks Prantsusmaa politseiülem Mireille Ballestrazzi. The General Assembly of Interpol, held in Rome in Rome, was elected new President of the Organisation by Mireille Ballestrazzi, French police officer. [39, 51, 69] 53.0 [-0.4292568776637186, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5179885193921083] -0.0006952924873607769 -0.3294495940208435 6909 Aga ta võiks eetikasõnavara kasutamisest üldse hoiduda, kui ta just petta ei taha, ning näidata end eetilistest kaalutlustest mittehoolivana. However, it could even prevent the use of ethical assets if it does not want to deceive itself, and it could show itself to be unprepared for ethical considerations. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.6369589567184448 6910 Uuel valitsuskoalitsioonil on kahesaja kohalises parlamendis sada kakskümmend kuus saadikut. The new ruling coalition has one hundred and twenty-six ambassadors in the two-hundred parliament. [89, 99, 70] 86.0 [1.1329175701749183, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.00007496606965 -0.411217600107193 6911 Tavaliselt peetakse alguspunktiks Rooma riigi lõpliku jagunemise aastat 395. Normally, the starting point is 395 years of the final division of the Roman State. [71, 41, 50] 54.0 [0.570534768953009, -0.38531928920517494, 0.013959715917508699] 0.06639173188844759 -0.34320807456970215 6912 Vaade põhja suunas Soome lahele, eeslinnuse põhjapoolne kaitsemüür ei ole säilinud Look north at the Finnish lady, the wall of protection from suburbs has not survived. [17, 1, 31] 16.333333333333332 [-1.116613634712719, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0566696971779321 -0.5099524259567261 6913 Johannes Paulus II kuulutati õndsaks 1. mail 2011 paavst Benedictus XVI poolt ja pühakuks 27. aprillil 2014 Franciscuse poolt. John Paul II was declared angry on 1 May 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI and sacrosanct by Franciscus on 27 April 2014. [37, 20, 50] 35.666666666666664 [-0.4917438555772641, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.49385238196526887 -0.22613748908042908 6914 Otsides õigusajaloo allikaid, leidis Nicolaus ka vanarooma kirjanduse koodekseid, millega ta äratas humanistide tähelepanu. In the face of the sources of legal history, Nicolaus also found an old aroma code of literature with which it attracted the attention of humanists. [15, 1, 31] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0774986898157806 -0.5412763357162476 6915 Kui paar anomaalset kaarti oli juba ära tuntud, läks edasi asi libedalt. While a couple of anomalies had already been identified, the matter went on in a slippery manner. [59, 89, 70] 72.66666666666667 [0.19561290147173616, 1.028289206865399, 0.5445163511539294] 0.5894728198303548 -0.5478812456130981 6916 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus Alaska kubernerina ametisse vabariiklane Bill Walker ja Hawaii kubernerina demokraat David Ige. In the United States, Alaska's Governor, Bill Walker, and Hawaii's Governbernerina democrat David Ige took office as Republican. [40, 51, 70] 53.666666666666664 [-0.39801338870694586, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.01856181441883716 -0.32370874285697937 6917 Ta on hiljem meenutanud, et ta oli lausa lugemishull, ja kuna mälu oli hiilgav, siis kõik oluline loetust jäi aastakümneteks meelde. He has later recalled that he was even on reading, and since memory was brilliant, all the important list remained in mind for decades. [15, 1, 31] 15.666666666666666 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.0774986898157806 -0.4649765193462372 6918 Tänu Jaan Poskale naasid need koos Tartu rahuga Eestisse. Thanks to Jaan Pdya, they have returned with the Tartu Peace in Estonia. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.5951312184333801 6919 Ent see on võimatu, ning järelikult, kui miski seni tehtu üldse on tunnetus, siis tunnetamine on tegelikkuse lihtsustav ümberkujundamine. However, this is impossible, and consequently, if anything that has been done so far is a feeling, then feeling is a simplification of the transformation of reality. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.5156866908073425 6920 Itaalias Sardiinia saarel Cagliari linnas avati Eesti kuues aukonsulaat Itaalias. In the city of Cagliar on the island of Sardiniia in Italy, Estonia's sixth prize was opened in Italy. [80, 53, 53] 62.0 [0.8517261695639637, -0.03191716518753145, 0.09354321120297181] 0.30445073852646803 -0.4310024082660675 6921 Leedus lahkus ametist siseminister Raimundas Palaitis. In Lithuania, the Minister for the Interior, Raimundas Palaitis, left office. [95, 65, 90] 83.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 1.07507298639035] 0.905645483045339 -0.22645434737205505 6922 "Nad olid väga sarnased neoliitikumi eurooplastega ja tänapäeva kreetalastega." "They were very close to neo-Europeans and to today's Greeks." [85, 99, 70] 84.66666666666667 [1.0079436143478273, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9584169807939529 -0.36626556515693665 6923 Tema meelest on matemaatilisel mõtlemisel eelis selle pärast, kuidas ta kasutab kaemust. He believes mathematical thinking has an advantage over the way he uses camerism. [44, 74, 50] 56.0 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.013959715917508699] 0.10915227829366614 -0.49040061235427856 6924 Seda tõestab fakt, et paavsti legaat vabastas omal initsiatiivil ristisõdijad tõotusest jätkata sõjakäiku Pühale Maale. This is proven by the fact that the Pope, on his own initiative, released Christian warrants from the pledge to continue the campaign against Pühale Maale. [50, 51, 50] 50.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.05414543413739395 -0.40865054726600647 6925 Lihtsalt püüda saada rahuldust iseenese kaudu on lihtsam, kuigi see alati ei õnnestu. It is simply easier to try to be satisfied through ourselves, although it does not always succeed. [95, 99, 70] 88.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0625619439831955 -0.5783197283744812 6926 Laulu ja tantsuga püütakse luua tervist, jõukust ja kaitset. Lake and dance seek to create health, wealth and protection. [71, 41, 50] 54.0 [0.570534768953009, -0.38531928920517494, 0.013959715917508699] 0.06639173188844759 -0.5761721730232239 6927 See lisandus juba silmapaistvale etnilisele ja klassikillustatusele ning sai veel üheks sisemise vastasseisu põhjuseks, mis vabariiki kahjustas. It added to the already prominent ethnic and classical fragmentation and became another reason for internal confrontation, which damaged the Republic. [75, 45, 70] 63.333333333333336 [0.6955087247801, -0.2675185811992938, 0.5445163511539294] 0.32416883157824516 -0.500163733959198 6928 19. sajandil sai populaarseks fundamentaalsem relativism. In the 19th century, a more fundamental relativism became popular. [96, 99, 100] 98.33333333333333 [1.3516219928723274, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604] 1.33825475792033 -0.16022366285324097 6929 Pakistanis Quetta linnas lasti maha islamiliikumise Ţālebāni endine kõrge ametnik Helmandi provintsis, mulla Samad Barakzai. In the town of Quetta in Pakistan, a former high-level official of the Islamic movement in Ţālebâni was shot in Helmand province, soil Samad Barakzai. [79, 49, 70] 66.0 [0.820482680607191, -0.14971787319341262, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4050937195225693 -0.26056236028671265 6930 Selline maade jaotus kinnistus 1238. aastaks, pärast arvukaid omavahelisi konflikte. This division of land was laid down for 1238 years after numerous conflicts with each other. [93, 63, 70] 75.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6883308273277033 -0.6164061427116394 6931 Kohustus on eetilise kaalutluse liik, mis otseselt seob tähtsust ja prioriteetsust. Commitments are a type of ethical consideration that directly links importance and priority. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.31391721963882446 6932 Vallavalitsus esitas süüdistuste kontrollimiseks omakorda avalduse politseile. In turn, the government of the government applied to the police to check the charges. [47, 20, 50] 39.0 [-0.1793089660095367, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3897074187760263 -0.49721500277519226 6933 Chandlerite pere lõpetas kriminaaluurimisega koostöö 6. juulil 1994. The chandler family completed its cooperation in criminal investigations on 6 July 1994. [89, 61, 91] 80.33333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 0.2036842508242309, 1.101600818152171] 0.8127342130504401 -0.42130327224731445 6934 Ülestõusu mahasurumine kulges seal kroonika järgi kiirelt ja kergelt, eestlased olevat põgenenud metsadesse ja rabadesse. The repression of the insurgency went fast and easily there, and Estonians had fled to forests and ruins. [49, 40, 70] 53.0 [-0.11682198809599122, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.004308298950430982 -0.6553822159767151 6935 A. Mellini Pärnu kreisi kaardil tähistatud Koonga kohal linnusevaremeid. A. Mellin Escreisi's map-marked urban beaches over the building. [31, 20, 50] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5563393598788143 -0.883073091506958 6936 Venemaa president Dmitri Medvedev vabastas ametist presidendi eriesindaja NATO juures Dmitri Rogozini. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev released the Special Representative of the President to NATO, Dmitri Rogozin. [69, 99, 90] 86.0 [0.5080477910394635, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 0.9686372514366385 -0.3456857204437256 6937 Nii et selline mõju ei saa mõjutada ratsionaalse utilitaristi hinnangut, kas tegu on õige. So such an impact cannot be influenced by an assessment of rational utilities infrastructure, whether it is right. [50, 80, 70] 66.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5445163511539294] 0.40739182195562584 -0.49623599648475647 6938 Kas on tõesti võimalik, et sotsiaalteaduste väiksem ennustustäpsus ja seletusjõud tuleb ainult inimkäitumise ja selle põhjuste suuremast keerukusest? Is it really possible that social sciences will only come from greater complexity in terms of human behaviour and its causes in terms of predictability and justification? [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.4570395052433014 6939 Williams ei usu hästi, et inimloomuse alusel saab anda eetilisele elule objektiivset ja kindlapiirilist alust. Williams does not believe very well that the basis of human nature can provide an objective and firm basis for ethical life. [95, 70, 70] 78.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7778768996356492 -0.48341551423072815 6940 Vana Toomas on tänapäeval oluline Tallinna sümbol. Old Toomas is today an important symbol of Tallinn. [95, 65, 91] 83.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 1.101600818152171] 0.9144880936326126 -0.4284014403820038 6941 Kristjan räägib Kuslapile, et Johannesel on must minevik ja sellest tuleks teha ajalehte üks kirjatükk. Mr Kuslap is telling me that Johdoni has a black past and that it should be made a piece of paper. [8, 1, 31] 13.333333333333334 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1504001640482504 -0.5362319350242615 6942 Üle seitsmekümne inimese sai viga, neist viiskümmend kaheksa toimetati haiglatesse. More than seventy people were injured, of whom fifty-eight were taken to hospitals. [96, 100, 91] 95.66666666666667 [1.3516219928723274, 1.3522411538815724, 1.101600818152171] 1.2684879883020237 -0.3073353171348572 6943 Samuti erakonda kahjustavas tegevuses süüdistatud teise Riigikogu liikme Rainer Vakra puhul piirduti noomitusega. For another state member, Rainer Vakra, who has been accused of acts that also harm the party, reprimand was limited to reprimand. [49, 20, 50] 39.666666666666664 [-0.11682198809599122, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3688784261381779 -0.3846797049045563 6944 Haiglatel on tihti puudulik varustus, patsiendid peavad näiteks haiglasse minnes ravimid ise apteegist kaasa ostma. Hospitals often have inadequate equipment; patients, for example, have to buy their own pharmacies if they go to hospital. [95, 65, 70] 76.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 0.3214849588301121, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7287932712998654 -0.5777286887168884 6945 Vastutasuks lubas Kalojan nõustuda paavsti süseräniteediga Bulgaaria kiriku üle. In return, Kalojan promised to agree with the Pope's spiritual example of a Bulgarian church. [50, 40, 70] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.014722795269355235 -0.38451290130615234 6946 Näiteks sakslase mõiste on Goethe mõiste suhtes üldine, inimese mõiste suhtes aga eriline. For example, the concept of a German is general, but specific to the concept of 'Goethe'. [9, 1, 31] 13.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.139985667729326 -0.4237266182899475 6947 Tulevahetus sai alguse kui Iisraeli buldooser tungis neutraaltsooni, et otsida ja kahjutuks teha islamiliikumise Ḩizb Allāh paigaldatud lõhkekehi. The outcome began as an Israeli bullser invaded a neutral zone in order to seek and neutralise the explosives installed by the Islamic movement Hamas in Ramallah. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.41667455434799194 6948 Euroopa Parlament võttis vastu resolutsiooni, milles nõudis Venemaalt Eesti Kaitsepolitsei ametniku Eston Kohveri viivitamatut vabastamist. The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the immediate release of Eston Kohver, an Estonian defence police officer, from Russia. [93, 91, 63] 82.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821] 0.9013008718971771 -0.2993994355201721 6949 Uraani orbiidi anomaaliate puhul ei olnud asi mitte Newtoni teoorias, vaid algtingimustes, mis ei arvestanud Neptuuni olemasolu. In the case of Uraani orbicide anomalies, this was not about Newton theory, but about the original conditions, which did not take into account the existence of Neptuna. [94, 91, 70] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9736136423270171 -0.3865048587322235 6950 Igatahes on vähemalt maagia põhjuslik käsitus, millel on ühisosa põhjuslikkuse teaduslike käsitustega. In any case, at least there is a causal approach that shares the scientific approach to the cause. [41, 20, 50] 37.0 [-0.36676989975017316, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.45219439668957184 -0.6022037267684937 6951 25. septembril 1940 sündis Rebase ja Agnia ainus laps Tiiu, kuid ta suri järgmisel päeval. On 25 September 1940, Real and Agnian's only child was born in Tibet, but he died the next day. [20, 45, 45] 36.666666666666664 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.2675185811992938, -0.11867944289159647] -0.46969373064443026 -0.256801962852478 6952 Ajakirjandus oli ka üks põhjustest, miks Mahler lõpuks Viinist lahkus. The press was also one of the reasons why Mahler finally left Vienna. [93, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.316827994630714 -0.17462566494941711 6953 Evelin saab Pfeffermindi käest vajalikud dokumendid maja hooldamiseks. Evelin gets the necessary documents from Peffert to care for the house. [69, 99, 70] 79.33333333333333 [0.5080477910394635, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 0.791785039691165 -0.480143666267395 6954 Egiptuses lõppes kandidaatide registreerimine presidendivalimisteks. The registration of candidates for the presidential elections ended in Egypt. [95, 99, 91] 95.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.101600818152171] 1.2482567663159427 -0.31262388825416565 6955 Fine tuleb teisele ja Botvinnik kolmandale kohale. Fine comes second and Botvinnik third place. [94, 100, 90] 94.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.2388163850769016 -0.3395492732524872 6956 Keegi Sirotkin pakub Margnale maja eest suurt summat. Someone Sirotkin is offering Margli a large amount of money for her house. [33, 51, 63] 49.0 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.3588215288211821] -0.11623793392454833 -0.4096579849720001 6957 Tema järglase Isaakios II esimene tegu oli kehtestada täiendav maks oma pulmade rahastamiseks. His successor, Isaak kios II, was the first step of introducing an additional tax to finance his wedding. [61, 91, 70] 74.0 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6299352638025169 -0.3512424826622009 6958 Emotsioonide ehtsus ongi osalt nende kangekaelsus. The authenticity of the Estimates is partly their stubbornness. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.4536396265029907 6959 Nõuded niisuguste uskumuste kindlusele või tõenäosusele on palju leebemad kui ebakonventsionaalset teguviisi soosivate uskumuste puhul. The requirements for the security or probability of such religions are much lower than those in favour of religions that are unconventional. [94, 89, 70] 84.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.028289206865399, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9539801909927035 -0.5794423222541809 6960 1982. ja 1989. aastal parandati oluliselt põhiseadust, võttes sellest välja otseselt sotsialistlikud põhimõtted. In 1982 and 1989 the Constitution was substantially improved by removing directly socialist principles from it. [95, 89, 91] 91.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.028289206865399, 1.101600818152171] 1.150089509644375 -0.39181825518608093 6961 Siiski oli de facto komandör André Masséna, kes juhtis I korpust ja kellele Joseph usaldas sissetungi. However, it was de facto commander André Masséna, who led I from and to whom Joseph Joseph entrusted the invasion. [45, 30, 60] 45.0 [-0.24179594392308218, -0.7092712362213481, 0.279238033535719] -0.22394304886957048 -0.36593157052993774 6962 Raakelil olid lapsed Marianna Kurki ja Johanna Kurki, kes on mõlemad surnud. On the book, children were Marianna Kurki and Johanna Kurk, both dead. [31, 20, 50] 33.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5563393598788143 -0.24142880737781525 6963 Ameerika Ühendriikides California osariigis Edwardsi õhujõudude baasis maabus NASA kosmosesüstik Atlantis. In the United States, California state-Edwards Air Force was based on a maabus NASA space injection in Atlantis. [28, 20, 50] 32.666666666666664 [-0.7729352561882188, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.5875828488355871 -0.43263596296310425 6964 Nördinud ohvrid tunnevad ainult alandust, pahameelsed ohvrid aga alandust ja vähendust esimeses mõttes. The victims of the nail-labour are feeling only humiliations, malicious victims, while humiliation and reduction in the first sense. [49, 19, 31] 33.0 [-0.11682198809599122, -1.0332231832375214, -0.49006908755709094] -0.5467047529635346 -0.5874594449996948 6965 19. juulil 2009 kutsus paavst töötuid mitte kaotama lootust. On 19 July 2009, the Pope called on the unemployed not to lose hope. [95, 100, 70] 88.33333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0723786696503521 -0.1879853457212448 6966 Sest kõige üldisema intentsioon varieerub neis ainult arvu poolest. Because the most general spirit varies only in terms of number. [92, 62, 70] 74.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.23313442782570118, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6680996053416224 -0.6344218254089355 6967 Schönbergi Esimese keelpillikvarteti esiettekandel veebruaris 1907 kaitses Mahler Schönbergi pahameelsete kuulajate füüsiliste rünnakute eest. In a presentation in February 1907 of Schönberg's first language theft, Mahler Schönberg defended natural attacks by malicious listeners. [50, 40, 70] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] 0.014722795269355235 -0.30429667234420776 6968 Rahvusvaheliselt sattus Itaalia sõjakuse tõttu Rahvasteliidus isolatsiooni. Internationally, the Italian war has led to isolation in the People's Union. [48, 78, 70] 65.33333333333333 [-0.14806547705276396, 0.7043372598492259, 0.5445163511539294] 0.36692937798346376 -0.5149148106575012 6969 Ta pakkus välja liikumisseaduste aprioorse deduktsiooni ainult ruumiliste ja ajaliste mõistete abil. It proposed a priori demise of mobility laws only by means of spatial and time terms. [79, 70, 100] 83.0 [0.820482680607191, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604] 0.8765232761510716 -0.6369694471359253 6970 Boeing 777 piloodi sõnul oli enamik reisijaid kolm minutit pärast plahvatust veel elus. According to Boeing 777 pilots, most passengers were still alive three minutes after the explosion. [93, 63, 90] 82.0 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 1.07507298639035] 0.8651830390731771 -0.23515813052654266 6971 See on inimloomuse kohta tõene tema materjali seisukohast, mitte tema tunnetatud olemise seisukohast. This is true of human nature from the point of view of his material, not from the point of view of his feeling. [95, 99, 90] 94.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.239414155728669 -0.3171151578426361 6972 Kui me õpime tundma ja hindama ka väga inetu inimese hinge, hakkame nägema teda ilusana. If we learn to know and appreciate the soul of a very insignificant person, we will start to see him as beautiful. [89, 99, 70] 86.0 [1.1329175701749183, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.00007496606965 -0.49265724420547485 6973 Valdav enamus leitud tahvleid on lineaarkirjas B, olles kas kaupade või ressursside nimestikud. The vast majority of the tablets found are in the linear B, which is the list of goods or resources. [94, 64, 70] 76.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 0.5445163511539294] 0.7085620493137844 -0.4841935634613037 6974 Julge oletuse kinnitamine toob kaasa taustteadmise mingi osa falsifitseerimise. Approval of a flagrant assumption will lead to some kind of 'declassification' of the background. [49, 20, 50] 39.666666666666664 [-0.11682198809599122, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3688784261381779 -0.876749575138092 6975 Protesteeriti fašismi ilmingute vastu Venemaal ja avaldati nördimust armeenlaste tapmise pärast Venemaa linnades. Protests against manifestations of fascism in Russia were protested and indignation at the killing of Armenians in Russian cities. [44, 40, 70] 51.333333333333336 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.41476946620664523, 0.5445163511539294] -0.047764182644190245 -0.26261106133461 6976 Sri Lanka põhjaosas hukkus Tamili Tiigrite korraldatud 2 maamiini plahvatuses 3 sõdurit ja sai vigastada 1 politseinik. In the north of Sri Lanka, 3 soldiers died and 1 police officers were injured in the 2 landmines explosion organised by the Tamil Tigers. [94, 99, 70] 87.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.322790976880102, 0.5445163511539294] 1.0521474476642712 -0.2528901994228363 6977 Veebilehe server asub Suurbritannias Gloucesteris. The site at server is located in Gloucester in Britain. [77, 47, 70] 64.66666666666667 [0.7579957026936455, -0.2086182271963532, 0.5445163511539294] 0.36463127555040725 -0.33774423599243164 6978 Ameerika Ühendriikide Iowa osariigis toimusid presidendivalimiste esimesed eelvalimiskoosolekud. The first preliminary presidential election meetings took place in the state of Iowa in the United States. [92, 100, 90] 94.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.07507298639035] 1.217987392439053 -0.28899869322776794 6979 14. sajandil, ajal, mida tunti Bulgaaria kultuuri teise kuldajastuna, kirjandus ja kunst õitsesid. In the 14th century, at a time known as the second culmination of Bulgarian culture, literature and art flourish. [94, 91, 70] 85.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5445163511539294] 0.9736136423270171 -0.3216041028499603 6980 9. juulil 1889 kehtestati Balti provintsides Venemaa 1864. aasta kohtuseadus, millega Tallinna raad likvideeriti. On 9 July 1889, the Law of the Russian Law of 1864 was established in the Baltic Province, which liquidated the City of Tallinn. [93, 63, 70] 75.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 0.5445163511539294] 0.6883308273277033 -0.5428571701049805 6981 Ta on üldse igasuguse liikumise, igasuguse elu ja igasuguse tegevuse printsiip tegelikkuses. It is the principle of all movement, all life and all activity in practice. [80, 63, 63] 68.66666666666667 [0.8517261695639637, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821] 0.4910441010707724 -0.4601934254169464 6982 Alma ja Mare ootavad Allanit Uuevarikult kodukatuse alla Õnne tänavale. Alma and Mare are are waiting for Allana new house roof to take off the streets with luck. [8, 1, 31] 13.333333333333334 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1504001640482504 -0.5081380009651184 6983 Hare usub väga ratsionaalse argumendi jõusse eetikas. Hare believes in the ethics of a very rational argument in force. [31, 3, 31] 21.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094] -0.8912332973786792 -0.3325986862182617 6984 Kuldreegel käsib minna kaugemale isiklikest huvidest, andes teiste huvidele sama kaalu kui enda omadele. The golden rule is about going beyond individual interests, giving the interests of others the same weight as their own. [81, 51, 70] 67.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.4455561634947312 -0.33229613304138184 6985 Et vastata, tuleb selgeks teha, mida saab õigustatult öelda, kui me väidame, et kõik inimesed on võrdsed. In order to answer, it must be made clear what can rightly be said when we say that all people are equal. [94, 89, 91] 91.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.028289206865399, 1.101600818152171] 1.1396750133254507 -0.38007476925849915 6986 Eestit esindasid kohtumistel rahandusminister Sven Sester ja rahandusministeeriumi asekantsler Märten Ross. During the meetings, Estonia was represented by Finance Minister Sven Sester and Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Nos Ross. [49, 51, 70] 56.666666666666664 [-0.11682198809599122, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.11229228128915537 -0.3957420289516449 6987 Näiteks me võtame kogemusest ja kombest, et himurust ohjeldab paastumine. For example, we take from experience and habits that subsidiarity is contained by evil. [33, 63, 50] 48.666666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.013959715917508699] -0.11339116355322494 -0.6638423800468445 6988 pisiTeadusmuuseum [[Visionarium Santa Maria de Feiras Mid-research museum [Visionarium Santa Maria de Feras] [33, 51, 63] 49.0 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.3588215288211821] -0.11623793392454833 -0.307101309299469 6989 Samal ajal levisid mõlemal pool ookeani liberaalsed ideed, muuhulgas nõuti konstitutsiooni vastuvõtmist. At the same time, liberal ideas were circulating on both sides of the ocean, including calling for the adoption of a constitution. [94, 64, 90] 82.66666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 0.2920347818286418, 1.07507298639035] 0.885414261059258 -0.35204461216926575 6990 Kui teod ebaõnnestuvad, siis ei ole asi mitte tegija tahtmises, vaid tema võimetuses oma tahtmise eesmärke tõhusalt ellu viia. If actions fail, it is not about the will of the perpetrator, but about his inability to implement his or her objectives effectively. [95, 99, 90] 94.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.322790976880102, 1.07507298639035] 1.239414155728669 -0.4160369336605072 6991 Tema valitsemise ajal lõpetati ametikohtade müümine ning inimesi hakati valima kohtadele pigem isiklike väärtuste kui soovituste järgi. Under his rule, posts were suspended and people were chosen according to personal values rather than recommendations. [79, 99, 80] 86.0 [0.820482680607191, 1.322790976880102, 0.8097946687721397] 0.9843561087531442 -0.641538143157959 6992 Malle Nurm klatšib Almale Morna noorte seiklustest. Malle Nurm glass Almal Morna from youth adventures. [21, 51, 50] 40.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] -0.3561658273861971 -0.3057599365711212 6993 Ahven läheb Alma juurde, et saada temalt hotelli võtmekapi võti. Ahven goes to Alma to get him the key key to the hotel. [40, 51, 70] 53.666666666666664 [-0.39801338870694586, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.01856181441883716 -0.397426038980484 6994 Noorema riimkroonika järgi tapeti 28 munka, Oliva kloostrikroonika kohaselt 18 munka ja hulk ilmikvendi. According to the youngest rice of rice, 28 eggs, 18 eggs were slaughtered and a number of starters were slaughtered according to the Oliva monastery. [7, 1, 31] 13.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094] -1.1608146603671747 -0.5766258239746094 6995 Kõige lõpuks oli see ka väga kõrge moraaliga korpus ning eeskujulikult varustatud, plusspunkte lisas veel kogenud ohvitserkond ning tasemel komandör. In the end, it was also a very high-moral corps and an exemplary, plus points, added an experienced officer and a high-level commander. [44, 20, 50] 38.0 [-0.27303943287985494, -1.003773006236051, 0.013959715917508699] -0.4209509077327991 -0.47058552503585815 6996 Venemaal Peterburis jätkus rahvusvaheline majandusfoorum, kus esines kõnega Venemaa president Vladimir Putin. Russia continued to have the International Economic Forum in St Petersburg, which spoke to President Vladimir Putin of Russia. [79, 99, 69] 82.33333333333333 [0.820482680607191, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083] 0.8870873922931337 -0.3606639504432678 6997 Samamoodi on Herakleitose keerulistesse väljenditesse kodeeritud palju sõnumeid neile, kes oskavad tõlgendada. Similarly, many messages to those who can interpret have been copied in the complex expressions of Herakleitos. [80, 51, 50] 60.333333333333336 [0.8517261695639637, -0.09081751919047204, 0.013959715917508699] 0.25828945543033344 -0.3234117329120636 6998 Zimbabwest eraldavad Sambiat Zambezi jõgi ja Kariba järv. Zimbabwe is isolated from the River Zambezi and the Lake of Kariba. [41, 51, 70] 54.0 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5445163511539294] 0.028976310737761395 -0.3701826333999634 6999 Aafrika rannikule rajati 15. sajandil mitmeid kaubanduspunkte, millest kujunesid hiljem kolooniad. A number of trade points were built on the African coast in the 15th century, which later turned into colonies. [96, 100, 100] 98.66666666666667 [1.3516219928723274, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604] 1.3480714835874867 -0.33074885606765747