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Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. |
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
All day long.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, swish...
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep...
The children on the bus go wriggle, wriggle, wriggle...
The grown-ups on the bus go chatter, chatter, chatter...
The babies on the bus go wah,wah,wah... |
Row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream |
Little Miss Muffet,
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating some curds and whey.
There came a big spider,
And sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away!
Lolli-pop, lolli-pop
On a long stick,
I yust take a bite,
] just take a lick,
I soon finish my lolli-pop,
On a long stick. |
Little Polly Flinders,
Sat among the cinders,
Warming her pretty little toes.
Her mother came and caught her,
And whipped her little daughter,
For spoiling her nice new clothes. ,
Hop a little, jump a little,
One, two, three.
Run a little, skip a little,
Tap one Knee.
Bend a little, stretch a little,
Nod your head.
Yawn a little, sleep a little,
In your bed. |
Little Tommy Tucker
Sings for his supper.
What shall he eat?
White bread and butter.
How shall he cut it
Without any knife
How shall he marry
Without any wife? |
Barber, barber,
Cut my hair,
Clip it here and
Clip it there.
Apply all your
skill and art,
Please make me look,
Bright and smart! |
“Hello Mr. Bunny Rabbit!
Will you have some tea?”
“Oh! No thank you,
not for me:
I'd rather have a carrot,
But I won't have tea.”
Tom, Tom, the piper’s son,
He learnt to play,
When he was young:
But the only tune
That he could play,
Was ‘O’er the hills and far away!’
Tom, with his pipe,
Make such a noise,
That he pleased, both,
The girls and boys.
They danced and skipped
While he did play,
‘O’er the hills and far away!’ |
The Queen of Hearts,
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day.
The Knave of Hearts,
He stole those tarts,
And with them ran away. |
Two little ducks, Went out one day,
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck called them,
“Quack-quack, quack-quack:”
But only one little duck came,
Back, back, back. |
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat it and roll it and mark it with “B”.
And put it in the oven for Baby and me. |
Little Boy Blue,
Come, blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn.
But where is the boy
Who looks after the sheep?
He’s under the haystack
Fast asleep. |
Incy Wincy Spider
Climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain,
And washed the spider out.
Out came the sun,
And dried up all the rain.
So Incy Wincy Spider
Climbed up the spout again!
Hey.Diddle Diddle,
The cat and the fiddle:
The cow jumped
Over the moon.
The little dog laughed
To see such fun,
And the dish ran away
With the spoon.
Little Bo-Peep,
Has lost her sheep,
And can’t tell
Where to find them:
Leave them alone,
And they will come home
Wagging their tails
behind them. |
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard,
To fetch her poor dog a bone:
But when she got there,
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor dog had none. |
Hush-a-Bye, Baby
On the tree top.
When the wind blows,
The cradle will rock:
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall:
Down will come baby,
Cradle and all:
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Merrily sings the clock.
It’s time for work,
It's time for play.
So it Sings
Throughout the day:
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Merrily sings, the clock.
ing |
The cat’s in the cupboard
And cannot see me.
Oh my! my!
Tell me why,
Birds do fly
In the sky.
“Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?”
“Gathering roses,
To give to the Queen.”
“Little girl, little girl,
What she gave you?
“She gave me diamond,
As big as my shoe.”
Tiggy, Tiggy Touchwood,
My black hen:
She lays eggs
For gentlemen.
Sometimes nine,
And sometimes ten.
Tiggy, Tiggy Touchwood,
My black hen. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten,
Then I threw him back again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on my right. |
Simple Simon met a pieman
Going to the fair:
Said Simple Simon to the pieman,
“Let me taste your ware.”
Said the man to Simple Simon,
“Show me first your penny.”
Said Simple Simon to the pieman,
“Indeed, I have not any.” |
Three men in a tub:
The butcher, the baker and
The candle-stick maker.
If the tub had been stronger.
My song would be longer.
Wee Willie Winkie
Runs through the town:
Upstairs and downstairs,
In his night gown.
Tapping on the window,
Crying through the lock;
“Are the children all in bed?
For it’s past Eight o’clock.” |
I love a little pussy,
Her coat is so warm:
And if I don't hurt her,
She'll do me no harm.
I'll sit by the fire,
And give her some food:
And pussy, will love me,
Because I'm so good. |
I have a toothbrush, neat and gay,
To brush my teeth with, everyday.
I brush them each morning,
T I brush them each night;
Till all are shining,
Clean and bright. |
After a bath,
I try, try, try,
To wipe myself,
Till I'm dry, dry, dry.
Hands to wipe,
and fingers and toes,
And two wet legs
and a shiny nose. |
Washing day, washing day,
Mother rubs the clothes this way.
Rub-a-dub, rub-a-dub,
Up and down, inside the tub. |
Punch and judy,
Fought for a pie:
Punch gave a Judy
A Knock in the eye.
Says Punch to Judy,
“Will you have any more?”
Says Judy to Punch,
“My eye is too sore.”
I have a little nose,
And I have a little chin:
And I have a little mouth,
Just to put my dinner in. |
see the clown.
He’s jumping up,
He's falling down,
He's sitting on
A spinning ball,
He doesn't seem
To care at all. |
Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.
So go, Alice, go.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.
So go, Alice, go.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
So go, Alice, go.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.
So go, Alice, go.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.
So go, Alice, go.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.
Because Alice is a horse,
Alice is a horse! of course! |
Yankee Doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony:
He stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle doodle-doo,
Oh! Yankee Doodle Dandy: >
All the lads and lassies
Are as sweet as sugar-candy. |
Goosey, Goosey, Gander,
Whither shall 1 wander?
Upstairs and downstairs,
And in my lady’s chamber.
There I met an old man,
Who wouldn't say his prayers
I caught him by his leftteg,
And threw him down he s stairs. |
Old King Cole
Was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he:
He called for his pipe,
And he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers three. |
Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner,
Eating his Christmas pie; Ce
He put in his thumb,
And he pulled out a plum,
And said, “What a good boy am I!” |
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
“I've been to London,
To visit the Queen.”
Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat,
What did you do there?
“I frightened a little mouse
under her chair.” |
I must say:
Good morning in the morning.
Good afternoon at noon.
Good evening in the evening.
Good night at night.
I eat slowly:
I chew the food well.
I do not spill food.
] eat with my right hand.
I wash my hands before
and after eating. |
go to the toilet.
I brush my teeth.
I wear clean night clothes.
I greet everyone Good Night.
I say my prayers.
I hop into my bed. |
I love my parents.
I love my brothers and sisters.
I help all at home.
I keep my things in their place.
I wish those who come to my house. |
I go to school in clean clothes.
I wish my teacher in the classroom.
I obey the teacher.
I keep my classroom clean.
I do not tear pictures. |
Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane. |
I say Please when I want something.
I say Thank you when I get something.
I say Excuse me when I cough or sneeze.
I say Pardon me when I do not hear.
l am always neat and tidy.
I do not drop food while eating.
I cut my nails.
I wash my hands before and after eating.
I do not put my fingers in my mouth.
I keep my hair neat and tidy. |
It was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. He flew from
one place to another, but he could not get any water. At last he
saw a big pot. There was very little water in it. He thought of a
plan. He picked up some stones and dropped them into the pot
one by one. The water in the pot came up. He drank the water
and flew away happily.
Moral: We should always use our common sense. |
Once a dog found a bone in a jungle. He held the bone in his
mouth. He came near a stream. While crossing the stream, he
looked into the water. He thought that there was another dog in
the water who wanted his bone. So he opened his mouth to bark:
and his bone fell down into the water. It was not another dog. It
was his own reflection. The dog was very angry with himself for
being greedy. He had to remain hungry.
Moral: We should never be greedy. |
Once a lion caught a mouse. The mouse begged the lion not to
eat him. Someday, he said, he would help the lion. The lion set
the mouse free.
One day, the lion got caught in a hunter’s net. The mouse came
to help lion. He cut the net with his sharp teeth. The lion was set
free. The lion and the mouse became good friends.
Moral: We should never judge anybody by appearance. |
See me skip
see me run,
I am going to school Like everyone.
See me shout
See me wave,
I am off to school
Bye, everyone.
See me hug See me dance,
I see my friends Hello, everyone!
See me smile See me grin,
When the bell rings I walk in.
See me jump
See me play,
I am in S.P.M. Public School
Hip Hip Hooray!!! |
Baa, baa black sheep
Have you any wool
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full
One for my master
And one for my dame
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane. |
Incy Wincy spider
Climbed up the waterspout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
So the Incy Wincy spider
Climbed the spout again! |
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Johnny's so long at the fair.
He promised to buy me a bunch of blue ribbons,
To tie up my long brown hair.
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Oh dear! What can the matter be?
Johnny's so long at the fair. |
I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
This is my handle
This is my spout
When the water's boiling
Hear me shout
Pick me up and pour me out
Said the centipede,
As he gave a little squirm:
“Has anybody seen a leg O'mine? If it can't be found,
I'll have to hop around, On the other ninety-nine."
"Hop around, hop around,
On the other ninety-nine;
If it can't be found,
I'll have to hop around,
On the other ninety-nine."; |
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock at the door
Five, six, pick up the sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat hen |
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a small fish Don't forget to scream Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a big fish
Don't you ever scream |
Hot cross buns (2)
One a penny, two a penny hot cross buns
Give them to your daughters, and also to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns.
Two little dicky birds
Sat upon a wall;
One named Peter,
The other named Paul;
Fly away, Peter!
Fly away, Paul!
Come back, Peter!
Come back, Paul! |
I Hear thunder,
I Hear thunder,
Oh! don't you?
Pitter-Patter raindrops,
Pitter-Patter raindrops,
I'm wet through!
I'm wet through!
So are You!
I have a little tooth brush
I hold it very tight
I brush my teeth each morning
And then again at night |
Ten little fingers, ten little toes
Two little ears and one little nose,
Two little eyes that shine so bright
One little mouth to kiss mother
Good Night
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Listen to the music and
Clap your hands
Same way-
Stamp your feet
Turn around
Jump up high |
Aeroplane, Aeroplane up in the sky,(2)
Where are you going flying so high
Over the hills over the seas,(2)
Aeroplane Aeroplane please take me
Open them, shut them(2)
Give a little clap(2)
Open them, shut them(2)
Lay them on your lap(2)
Creep them(4)
Go upto your chin(2)
Open wide your little mouth
But don't let them in.
Open them, shut them. |
Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe,
Get it done by half-past two,
Stitch it up and stitch it down,
Then I’ll walk around the town.
Cobbler, cobbler mend my boot,
Mend it well to fit my foot,
Stitch it up and stitch it down,
Then I’ll walk around the town.
Cobbler, cobbler buckle my shoe,
Get it done by half-past two,
Stitch it up and stitch it down,
Then I’ll walk around the town.
Cobbler, cobbler lace my shoe,
Get it done by half-past two,
Stitch it up and stitch it down,
Then I’ll walk around the town. |
There is rainbow in the sky
Do you know how it came by?
Drops of water through sunlight
Gives the sky a pretty sight
Seven colours can be seen
Red, yellow and lovely green
Violet, Indigo and blue
There is orange in it too! |
Bits of paper
Bits of paper
Lying on the floor
Lying on the floor
Makes the place untidy
Makes the place untidy
Pick them up
Pick them up
Collect all the papers
Collect all the papers
Where shall we throw?
Where shall we throw?
Throw them in the dustbin
Throw them in the dustbin
Now the place is clean
Now the place is clean |
Two little hands go
Clap clap clap
Two little feet go
Tap tap tap
Two little eyes
That open wide
One little head
Nods side to side
The bear went over the mountain (3)
To see what he could see
And what did you think he saw? (2)
The other side of the mountain (3)
Was all that he could see
And what did you think he did? (2)
He slipped down the mountain (3)
And fell into the sea
Splash............. |
Ring a ring of roses
Pocket full of posies
A Tishoo and A Tishoo
We all fall down
The cows are in the meadows
Eating buttercups
A Tishoo and A Tishoo
We all jump up |
Munching Mangoes
Munching Mangoes
Mish mash mush (2)
Jumps in to the puddle
Splish, splash, splush (2).
Carrots and pumpkins
Cabbage and peas
Big brown potatoes
Long green beans.
So many vegetables
Good for you.
Spinach and corn
Let us try them too. |
I have two arms that swing like this, (thrice) I have two arms that swing like this, Swing, Swing, Swing.
I have two hands that clap like this, (thrice) I have two hands that clap like this, Clap, Clap, Clap.
I have little fingers that wriggle like this, (thrice) I have little fingers that wriggle like this, Wriggle, Wriggle, Wriggle.
I have two legs that jump like this, (thrice) I have two legs that jump like this, Jump, Jump, Jump.
I have two feet that march like this, (thrice) I have two feet that march like this, March, March, March.
I have little toes that hop like this, (thrice) I have little toes that hop like this,
Hop, Hop, Hop. |
Rabbit, Rabbit 1, 2, 3
Will you come and play with me?
Camels, Camels 4, 5, 6
Why do you have a hump like this?
Monkeys, Monkeys 7, 8, 9
Will you teach me how to climb?
When I counted up to 10,
The elephant says,
"Now start again".
One, two, one, two lets visit the zoo
Three, four, three, four hear the lion roar
Five, six, five, six watch the monkey tricks
Seven, eight, seven, eight peacock looks so great
Nine, ten, nine, ten we shall come again. |
When all the cows were sleeping
And the sun had gone to bed
Up jumped the scarecrow
And this is what he said
I'm a dingle, dangle scarecrow
With a flippy, floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
I can shake my feet like that
When all the hens were roosting
And the moon behind a cloud
Up jumped the scarecrow
And shouted very loud
I'm a dingle, dangle scarecrow
With a flippy, floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
I can shake my feet like that
I'm a dingle, dangle scarecrow
With a flippy, floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
I can shake my feet like that |
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester, In a shower of rain; He stepped in a puddle, Right up to his middle, And never went there again. |
Five little ducks went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, “Quack quack quack quack”
And only four little ducks came back!
Four little ducks went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, “Quack quack quack quack”
And only three little ducks came back!
Three little ducks went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, “Quack quack quack quack”
And only two little ducks came back!
Two little ducks went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck said, “Quack quack quack quack”
And only one little duck came back!
One little duck went swimming one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, “Quack quack quack quack”
And all her five little ducks came back! |
Baa, baa, black sheep.
Have you any wool ?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir,
three bags full.
One for the Master,
one for the Dame.
And one for the little boy,
who lives down the lane. |
Five little men in a flying saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
Four little men in a flying saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
Three little men in a flying saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
Two little men in a flying saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
One little man in a flying saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
He looked left and right but he didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away. |
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree.
Teasing Mr Crocodile...
Along comes Mr Crocodile, as quiet as can be... SNAP!
Four little monkeys swinging in a tree. Teasing Mr Crocodile...
Along comes Mr Crocodile, as quiet as can be... Three little monkeys swinging in a tree. Teasing Mr Crocodile...
Along comes Mr Crocodile, as quiet as can be... Two little monkeys swinging in a tree. Teasing Mr Crocodile...
Along comes Mr Crocodile, as quiet as can be... SNAP!
One little monkey swinging in a tree.
Away swims Mr Crocodile, as full as he can be! |
Five little speckled frogs Sat on a great big log...
Eating some most delicious bugs
One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool...
Now there are four speckled frogs
Four little speckled frogs Sat on a great big log... Eating some most delicious bugs
One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool...
Now there are three speckled frogs
Three little speckled frogs Sat on a great big log...
One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool...
Now there are two speckled frogs
Two little speckled frogs Sat on a great big log... Eating some most delicious bugs
One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool... Now there is one speckled frog
One little speckled frog
Sat on a great big log...
Eating some most delicious bugs
It jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool... Now there are no more |
Fuzzy Wuzzy, Creepy Crawly
Fuzzy wuzzy, creepy crawly, Caterpillar funny.
You will be a butterfly,
When the days are sunny.
Winging, flinging, dancing,
Butterfly so yellow.
You were once a caterpillar,
Wiggly, wiggly fellow. |
Fuzzy Wuzzy, Creepy Crawly
Fuzzy wuzzy, creepy crawly, Caterpillar funny.
You will be a butterfly,
When the days are sunny.
Winging, flinging, dancing,
Butterfly so yellow.
You were once a caterpillar,
Wiggly, wiggly fellow. |
Here is the beehive,
where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees. Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive,
One, two, three, four, five! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! |
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun, And the dish ran away with the spoon! |
Hickory Dickory Dock... the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one...
the mouse ran down.
Hickory Dickory Dock. |
Horsie, Horsie
Don't you stop
Just let your feet go clippety clop Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy Up! We're homeward bound |
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny...
Two a penny...
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons.
One a penny...
Two a penny...
Hot cross buns! |
Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown
and Jill came tumbling after. |
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great
All the King's horses and all the
King's men...
Couldn't put Humpty together again. |
Incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout Down came the rain
And washed poor Incy out. Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And Incy Wincy spider Climbed up the spout again. |
Sing to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Lady birds and butterflies,
Buzzing bees up in the sky. Teeny, tiny little ants,
Crawling up and down the plants. Many insects can be found,
In the sky and on the ground. |
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot, as fast as he could caper.
He went to bed and bound his head, with vinegar and brown paper. |
Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,
Gay your life must be!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Eating all the gumdrops he can see Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra Leave some there for me.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Counting all the monkeys he can see Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra, That's no monkey, that's me. |
Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
Your house is on fire and your children are gone, All except one,
And her name is Ann, And she hid under the baking pan. |
Subsets and Splits