import re replace_list = [ (r"’", "'"), # Text decoding errors (r"â€[œ]?", '"'), # Text decoding errors ( # Emoticons, HTML tag patterns, and special character sequences r"¯\\_\(ツ\)_\/¯|​||\?\u200d[♀♂]|\*††\*\*", "", ), ( # Miscellaneous symbols r"[\u260e\u2610\u2611\u261e\u2620\u2639\u2640\u2642\u2661\u2665\u267b\u26a0\u26d4]", "", ), ( # Dingbats # Miscellaneous symbols r"[\u2705\u270a\u270c\u270d\u2714\u2757\u2764\u2795\u2797\u27a1]", "", ), ( # General punctuations and formatting characters r"[\u200b-\u200d\u2022\u202a\u2028\u2039\u203a\u2060-\u2069]", "", ), (r"[\u00a7\u00a9\u00ab-\u00ae\u00b0\u00b7\u00bb\u00bf]", ""), # Latin supplements (r"[\u0000\u0006-\u0008\u000b-\u001f\u0080-\u009f]", ""), # Control characters (r"[\u3040-\u9fff\uac00-\ud7ff]", ""), # CJK characters (r"[\u2592\u25a0\u25cb\u25cf]", ""), # Box elements / geometric shapes (r"[\U0001f000-\U0001ffff]", ""), # Emoji etc. (r"[\ue000-\uf8ff]", ""), # Private use area (r"[\ufe00-\ufe0f]", ""), # Variation selectors (r"[\u032a\u034f]", ""), # Combining diacritical marks (r"[\u061c\u0640]", ""), # Arabic (r"[\u0d9a\u0dd4]", ""), # Sinhala (r"[\u2116\u2122]", ""), # Letter-like symbols (r"[\u2211\u22ef]", ""), # Mathematical operators (r"[\u2b07\u2b55]", ""), # Miscellaneous symbols and arrows (r"[\uff0a\uff5e]", ""), # Halfwidth and fullwidth forms (r"[\u02c4]", ""), # Modifier letter up arrowhead (r"[\u2076]", ""), # Superscript six (r"[\u20e3]", ""), # Combining enclosing keycap (r"[\u2191]", ""), # Upwards arrow (r"[\u2320]", ""), # Top half integral (r"[\ufeff]", ""), # Zero width no-break space (r"[\u00a0\u2002-\u200a\u3000]", " "), # Special space characters ( # Small quotation mark, accent mark, or prime symbol r"[\u00b4\u02bb\u02cb\u2018\u2019\u2032]", "'", ), ( # Diaeresis, double quotation mark, or double prime symbol r"[\u00a8\u201c\u201d\u2033\u275d\u275e]", '"', ), ( # Various types of hyphens, dashes, or the minus sign r"[\u2010\u2011\u2013\u2014\u2015\u2212]", "-", ), (r"[\u201a\u201e\uff0c]", ","), # Low quotation mark or a fullwidth comma (r"[\u203c\uff01]", "!"), # Double exclamation mark or a fullwidth exclamation mark (r"[\u300a\u3010\uff08]", "("), # Various types of left brackets (r"[\u300b\u3011\uff09]", ")"), # Various types of right brackets (r"[\u2248\uff1d]", "="), # Various types of equals sign (r"[\u2026]", "..."), # Horizontal ellipsis (r"[\uff1a]", ":"), # Fullwidth colon (r"[\uff1b]", ";"), # Fullwidth semicolon (r"[\u00d7]", "x"), # Multiplication sign (r"[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}", ""), # Bitcoin addresses (r"[\w\-\.]+@([\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]{2,4}", ""), # Email addresses ] def preprocess_text(text: str) -> str: for pattern, repl in replace_list: text = re.sub(pattern, repl, text) return text if __name__ == "__main__": preprocess_text( "【 Reminder 】 Your system devices has been Hacked 【 National Security Agency 】 Authority-11622272" )