stringlengths 4
| text
stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 2
16563-5-0 | ṅʋw i mǝoɘ it: i'æ know that yoṳ ẇᴅuld noţ like to shσẁ theșe scrȩeռsḇøts to ӯour friehdsˎ rëⵏativeʂ ᴏr ⅽollǝaguẹs. | how i made it: i'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues. |
344515-0-0 | tեis is a pợrtion of the email, which ọame from ߘӱ oẁn email address "ļ ɦavອ a viọeo of yoʋ wȧnkⅼņg oո ƭhẹ łeft screen and on Іhe ɼighԷ ŝᴏrèen - Լhe ⱴideo you wອre wӓtċhing wþŀle mastúᴇbḁԼing. | this is a portion of the email, which came from my own email address "i have a video of you wanking on the left screen, and on the right screen - the video you were watching while masturbating. |
83534-3-0 | hё tbȩn says tṉat sheep and goatʂ don'ţ laugh aƭ his wiener anο sǝys the funds i send ẉill go to a gooо ҫause buying mȯre εheeb anq goats. | he then says that sheep and goats don't laugh at his wiener and says the funds i send will go to a good cause buying more sheep and goats. |
105142-17-0 | i əm askӏɳg ћroṃ yoṵ ą small fəe of 05u uͽḏ. | i am asking from you a small fee of 650 usd. |
28891-9-0 | [⨐ anɑnymouŝ ņөͼkḛr | [] anonymous hacker |
28736-1-0 | hi peṛv,tһe last time you viṣitɐd a p฿rnographic ⅳeϸsјtẹ ԝith teens։yoɑ ⅾownloâdeo änd insІalled şofҍwaιe i devеlɑped.ṃy pṝogṝäɯ hɵs ṭurned on yԍur caӕera and rеcοґded the ɒrocesɜ of your maэturbation̯my softⱳarе ḫas also downļoaded all yoũŕ eƕałl contaᴏt listşand a lisէ of ўour friendɜ on faԍebooⅼ.i haỹe botb the .mp4' ⅳіth your masturbӓtiohas ẃeІl əs a Ᵽiļè with ǝll yoṷr conՒacts on my haṟd drive.yoư are very peṟverted⁞ | hi perv,the last time you visited a p0rnographic website with teens,you downloaded and installed software i program has turned on your camera and recorded the process of your software has also downloaded all your email contact listsand a list of your friends on facebook.i have both the .mp4' with your masturbationas well as a file with all your contacts on my hard are very perverted! |
14062-6-0 | (limes ɼeաovєԛ fǫr breƴity) ţhe follɢwing is աṿ btc waⵏlët aⅾdress- have a great tӏme ənd bear iռ mind that time is ťicκing)) | (limes removed for brevity) the following is my btc wallet address- have a great time and bear in mind that time is ticking)) |
367428-2-0 | ảnd ṿou will be aæazed.! | and you will be amazed.! |
348324-9-0 | thjs is lıke a pͽychologiԍal ƭՒeatment, to share the stụff that hμוt mē vëry badⅠvpleӓse, do noƭ shake ur dɑngle ϳn ŧroהt ȯţ էþe cam of ur device, mạybອ u traũmaṭiзe σthёr peopⵏe. | this is like a psychological treatment, to share the stuff that hurt me very badlyplease, do not shake ur dongle in front of the cam of ur device, maybe u traumatize other people. |
149888-2-0 | i חeed yợuг 100% atteŋtϳon for ţhe up coⴇing tẇenⵏy-four hrs, non negotiablə offer. | i need your 100% attention for the up coming twenty-four hrs, non negotiable offer. |
149888-3-0 | ḫuy usd 2000 إh bјtcoiṉ and send iț to the below aоdresͽ: [caɜe·sensiԷįve, coҏy and paste it, and remove ƭrom іt⨐ .. yoụ՚ᴠe Σ day in ordeṛ tɑ օo ŝo. | buy usd 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the below address: [case-sensitive, copy and paste it, and remove from it] .. you've 1 day in order to do so. |
366029-0-0 | thاs is whaʈ it said. | this is what it said. |
343517-1-0 | here's tḇe teԟt̩ you are an ǝdult, and ỹσur onanismthis certainly ͽu⍳ҏrŀses։ | here's the text: you are an adult, and your onanismthis certainly surprises. |
109054-1-0 | iţ i don't pay ō00 usƌ հltcoın iṉto the әccọunt within 46 hours, tne hackẹr ოјll send viοeos of me to ɞỹery contacts i hāve in my peՒsonạl dāta | if i don't pay 500 usd bitcoin into the account within 46 hours, the hacker will send videos of me to every contacts i have in my personal data |
347895-6-0 | tեe stuff u do ḷn your ͽpḁṛe time doesn't interesⵏ me, but theιe ḁre peoplɐ who wŀłl be jnteᴦeṣted iñ tḅiʂ i ᴏueşs i will εeàrch fօr them aƕohg thё єontаɛt lisҍ fгoɯ ur emąįl. | the stuff u do in your spare time doesn't interest me, but there are people who will be interested in this i guess i will search for them among the contact list from ur email. |
86924-0-0 | thrḛatened thaƖ theᴠ knew my ɢld passwοrd aṉⅾ ņad acοess to my ëmail ḁcєounƭ anօ bad reєorded me tnrϙμgh mỷ ოebcam · ⱳheṅ i ɦavė noṯ usອđ this pạṩsworḓ fʋr խánу, ⅿany years. | threatened that they knew my old password and had access to my email account and had recorded me through my webcam - when i have not used this password for many, many years. |
366767-0-0 | threatenịṉg eⴇail sayiռg thęy have access ètc same as eȳeryone else is saying | threatening email saying they have access etc same as everyone else is saying |
328138-11-0 | seconⅾ ᴏption would рẽ to օʋmpeɲsate me $5Ү37. | second option would be to compensate me $5737. |
113383-3-0 | һaokúps that we haѵe ⍳ight nᴅw: "". | backups that we have right now: "". |
327217-1-0 | Ɩhᴦeatening to shaᴇẹ ẏוdęos ȯf mȩ ⁸pleasurinġ mỵseإf" whϳlst loὀking up porn siteэ ảnd sharє to ɵll of my ſrịendз̓․ that wɑụl₫ worry me iṙ; thϳε ẘasnᴵṱ a wơrk phοne âƞd i'd accessed suɛh sites!! | threatening to share videos of me "pleasuring myself" whilst looking up porn sites and share to all of my friends.. that would worry me if; this wasn't a work phone and i'd accessed such sites!! |
327217-2-0 | not ṡḁẏing "noₕ i neveṝ..!!ˮ | not saying "no- i never..!!" |
327217-4-0 | wοuld only wʋrry mё if ʂùch "vjdeos⁹ ⊗ere þuþlished anḑ i փjss oṳt on any commјṡҙⅰơn· trying fo cɩank sțart me one eӯeԛ yoqhurt slinger woưІd mảke ťor such an excițing σoco aɳd חμmoụr at viewer exϱeñce if ʂoməōne werё to ãctually watçṇ the deēd. | would only worry me if such "videos" were published and i miss out on any commission- trying to crank start me one eyed yoghurt slinger would make for such an exciting doco and humour at viewer expence if someone were to actually watch the deed. |
320373-2-0 | and word of adⱱicє - bewẚre оf queεtịʋnaɒle web-sites, aהd antі virus gɐt to be ẚІᴡạys updaԼed‥ | and word of advice - beware of questionable web-sites, and anti virus get to be always updated. |
4630-4-0 | as you could pṛօbaḥly have guẽssed, your account ᴡas hackḛd | as you could probably have guessed, your account was hacked |
45092-0-0 | ṯyɲical sexƫortionreal bad ɐnolish"reneẃ youɼ paṩʙwordgot thṝougẖ ṯhe spɵm ḟilter as text was á ǀpeg flіë. | typical sextortionreal bad english"renew your passwordgot through the spam filter as text was a jpeg file. |
347908-6-0 | i am not iɳtєrestɐo in the stuff u do ⅼn uṝ ʂῤare time, put tṅere arё peᴏρlə whɢ wiإl be intɐṛested iῃ tþis i guess i'lⵏ look fon theխ ɵmonɥ ţhe ɛontacts from yoưr ẹ-mӓil. | i am not interested in the stuff u do in ur spare time, but there are people who will be interested in this i guess i'll look for them among the contacts from your e-mail. |
354610-3-0 | u know wհaⵏ, genḛŗallŷ, ῃude gіnlŝ փake ṁe ḅorпy, buƖ youʿıe an exception ṯhis chat wȯuld havе never oɛcurnëd if yᴏu tōȯk care of ur safety and closed ҍhe camera of ur device. | u know what, generally, nude girls make me horny, but you're an exception this chat would have never occurred if you took care of ur safety and closed the camera of ur device. |
349008-2-0 | let'ѕ гesolvę it liḽe thiз: alІ yɢų need is $ℷЗǭ0 ụsd transfәг ŧo ṁy ạccoúŋt (bitcԍin equivalḛnt bɵsed on exɢhange rate durḽng your traņsfer), below is bitcȯiɲ waاlet of mine: you are giveה not mʋוe than ⇡8 hours aŧter you have opeɳed thiŝ emāil (2 ḓayӟ Էo ḇe pręԑise⌉. | let's resolve it like this: all you need is $1850 usd transfer to my account (bitcoin equivalent based on exchange rate during your transfer), below is bitcoin wallet of mine: you are given not more than 48 hours after you have opened this email (2 days to be precise). |
364951-0-0 | ūþloaƌed a trσjąп virus Ɩo my deẏice gathëṟed iηfᴏrmation from camėra anḏ וnterոeţ bro✿ser.thזeaṭenإṋg to upḷoao סersonal inťørmaƫḽon Էo fṝiєnds anԛ faփily and thẹ wider intеrnet or þay $1800 | uploaded a trojan virus to my device gathered information from camera and internet browser.threatening to upload personal information to friends and family and the wider internet or pay $1800 |
320724-2-0 | i'm going to giỵe you a tiþ - watԑի ɑuf ťǫr dưbߊous web-sاtes, ảռd anti vlrųs shōulο be always upoatɞd. | i'm going to give you a tip - watch out for dubious web-sites, and anti virus should be always updated. |
320555-2-0 | lȩt me giẏe yợṳ șome әdvice ‐ әvoⅼd questionӓble websitອṡ, and ảṋti virṳз geṱ to ɓe peוmanently upοated. | let me give you some advice - avoid questionable websites, and anti virus get to be permanently updated. |
92835-2-0 | i knὁw tեiѕ iɜ a fake but he tɼies ⵏo steãl ƕy money of course i wiŀl nʋƫ pay | i know this is a fake but he tries to steal my money of course i will not pay |
348381-1-0 | cḷaim իаѵing tabe of one of us mas** to a p* vidęo and he will senḍ iŧ ʈo all contѳcts | claim having tabe of one of us mas** to a p* video and he will send it to all contacts |
364112-0-0 | uşlng my own emѳil accounէ to writɘ "i dὀn'ţ care aɓʋut you pеrsonallᴠ, thǝt's why you can be sure ʈṇӓť aⅼl fileṡ ⅰ hảve and sofƖware on your оęvice will be deletęd إ⧒mediәtely after i receive the tŕənʙfer̉ | using my own email account to write "i don't care about you personally, that's why you can be sure that all files i have and software on your device will be deleted immediately after i receive the transfer. |
364112-4-0 | you need ƫo send that aߘounf to tիis wallet: Էhe fee iз non neԛotӏable, to be tᴦanԑfərred wiӀոin 2 ẖusiness daÿs" | you need to send that amount to this wallet: the fee is non negotiable, to be transferred within 2 business days" |
51083-0-0 | ũsual the stupid knǫwɛ աy passwoṟdś҃etc.. | usual the stupid knows my passwords.etc.. |
367616-1-0 | we havē control if yoựr co₥puțen, bla bla blѳ adios moroņ҃ | we have control if your computer, bla bla bla adios moron. |
19319-2-0 | - hėllo, l aƕ a spyware sԍţtware developer. | - hello, i am a spyware software developer. |
19319-6-0 | [∤ ḷ took photos and ỹideὀs oẝ your moṡt pǝsɛiὀnate funɜ wįth adulӀ оontɞnt͵ anԛ syncոronized them in reaі tاmė ẉاth the image оf yʋur camera҃ | [] i took photos and videos of your most passionate funs with adult content, and synchronized them in real time with the image of your camera. |
86345-2-0 | stop shopϱing/fuօķiñɥ ảɽouṋd, your tiⴊe is almost overi ạm oрserving you. | stop shopping/fucking around, your time is almost overi am observing you. |
86345-5-0 | i woņdeו ոọw it wiӏl looᴋ with big 'pedophilɘ' stiᴄkɐrs.⁚ pøsting țṅe 4 ⱴŀdeȯs ⅼ rອcɑrdeɖ .͒ | i wonder how it will look with big 'pedophile' stickers.. posting the 4 videos i recorded .. |
198215-0-0 | wаnt's сaṡh for a seͼret sexual video wicṇ ṉė/sṉe ҫould ṃake ҏųblic | want's cash for a secret sexual video wich he/she could make public |
320634-0-0 | wanƭ's to hɵvё money, ṇaԍkeđ ḿy pc haha | want's to have money, hacked my pc haha |
204255-7-0 | إ belıeve thev clσsed my accợựnІ țo pιevenf me ʈrom acceӟs to ߊt, to pṝὀve my traņԑactlon hӏstoᴦy - it has all bəёn saveđ anѵway. | i believe they closed my account to prevent me from access to it, to prove my transaction history - it has all been saved anyway. |
358125-1-0 | pay $ 1500 to tһis bltcoin wālleț . | pay $ 1500 to this bitcoin wallet . |
164124-18-0 | if you ɑẽcϳde noṯ to pay, we wilߊ start ŧhe atțảcҝ at the indicaӀəd date ahd uphᴏld it uηtil yὀự do, there's nø ԑouƞʈer ṃeãsⴎre to thוs, | if you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there's no counter measure to this, |
83407-1-0 | إ] for tþè moⅿent, thǝ зօʈtwḁᴦɞ ṅas harvresteọ all yоụr coпӀact iṋfoґփatiση from social netwoᴇks and emäil adᴏresses. | [] for the moment, the software has harvrested all your contact information from social networks and email addresses. |
82776-0-0 | we hаve installed one raʈ sōƭtware intʋ yoũ deγice foŗ this moment yᴅur email aɢcount iэ hacked toο. | we have installed one rat software into you device for this moment your email account is hacked too. |
83387-5-0 | thè most ḷnteṛėӟԼing moment that i havё discovęrё₫ are[⨐ i poṣted eteŗոälbluе exploit modiʈiɢation oñ porn site, and then yoụ inʂtalled my (trojan) on youṛ opɞratioņ syεtem̲ | the most interesting moment that i have discovered are[] i posted eternalblue exploit modification on porn site, and then you installed my (trojan) on your operation system. |
83387-6-0 | whẹn ŷou cḷicked tեe button [], at tեạt momёnt my trojan ẉaṡ doẉnlԍadḛd to youɼ device. | when you clicked the button [], at that moment my trojan was downloaded to your device. |
83387-7-0 | aftėו installaҍion¿ yǫur front caփera ԑhoots vḷ₫eo every ṯimë[] fợr the momeהt, the ɜoftware has hаᴦvŕeśted aļḽ your contact infǫrտátŀon fṝom ṡocial net⊛orks aņđ eƕail addՒeεsёs໋ | after installation, your front camera shoots video every time[] for the moment, the software has harvrested all your contact information from social networks and email addresses. |
83387-8-0 | if you ռeeđ to erase all of yợur ԑϙllected datâ [], send me ȿЄⵛ0 iɲ þtϲ after your tranʂactiᴅñ i will eraṡe all ўour data. | if you need to erase all of your collected data [], send me $600 in btc after your transaction i will erase all your data. |
83387-9-0 | oƖhẽrwise, i wϳll seṉd vⅼdeo wıth yoṷו prankṡ tԍ aіl yὀuו colleagues,[] ƥ.ṩ. | otherwise, i will send video with your pranks to all your colleagues,[] p.s. |
71611-0-0 | we ŕeceivёd օγёr 10߀ emails؛ ŧɩoⅿ: ǀaȸesoxymn <> subjəct: abuse ánd lifɘtⅼmɐ ƃḷockϳng of the sⅼṱe | we received over 100 emails: from: jamesoxymn <> subject: abuse and lifetime blocking of the site - |
207385-0-0 | web page: company ɲame: fļn-toward contact: - uk +44ℷ51947ū10З uk +↟42Β37߀92282 descriptⅰon of scam sche⋈a: ƭheγ cālleɑ me ànd encouґaged me to invest in stocⅼş. | web page: company name: fin-toward contact: - uk +441519470102 uk +442037692282 description of scam schema: they called me and encouraged me to invest in stocks. |
133693-1-0 | iṯ may ënd up being ỹoɥr friеnd, oo workers„ boss, pәrents (i don‵t kƞow¹ | it may end up being your friend, co workers, boss, parents (i don't know! |
133693-6-0 | purcḫase uṣo 20฿0 in bitcϙin ӓnd sėn₫ thėm tԍ ṯhe beļow aḏdrǝss: | purchase usd 2000 in bitcoin and send them to the below address: |
331256-0-0 | what a wankḙṝhow come 5 peoplȩ have senʈ ոim bاtcοin.͓don'Ւ pay. | what a wankerhow come 5 people have sent him bitcoin..don't pay. |
331256-1-0 | ..Ɩhey ṉaⱱe ƞotẖing! | ..they have nothing! |
244428-0-0 | ⊗ith a էroian sw tiIẹs fɽoȹ viɛitẽd eroՒiϲ pages päɩallel ẘith picŝ from ѵour cәmera; ☤350 uҙd | with a troian sw files from visited erotic pages parallel with pics from your camera, 1350 usd |
207531-2-0 | theՒe is only ōŋe țոiһg ƴou сan do to prevent this ṡеnd ▮ ˧550 worth of եitcoinʂ Էo my bitєoin address. | there is only one thing you can do to prevent this send $ 1550 worth of bitcoins to my bitcoin address. |
24880-2-0 | well bσo hoo it did not work thiҙ time either ḓont support tņe shiƭ fօr braiռs tḇāt has the followlng һitcoin address̨ | well boo hoo it did not work this time either dont support the shit for brains that has the following bitcoin address: |
216024-2-0 | we are founded yᴅur rouƖer baŝ ɽєaІly vuⵏnerable ᴄγḙ-Ɂ819-˧65 (ɛearċn ʋn gɑogIɘ if ⅴōɥ ẘant) j ẃill not say lјke ƫypiͼal scám mail. | we are founded your router has really vulnerable cve-2019-165 (search on google if you want) i will not say like typical scam mail. |
46003-2-0 | i have ḇoth the xxϫx.mp4' with ẏour ṃaʂturbation aɲd a fјlɞ witþ all your contacƖs оƞ my þard drive։ | i have both the xxxx.mp4' with your masturbation and a file with all your contacts on my hard drive. |
46003-5-0 | don't cեeat me! | don't cheat me! |
324761-16-0 | (aاl youɽ data is alreaọy > uploaded ţo a remotә server) > - ԛօ not try to ͼoñʈact with ⴊe > ٠ và⍳iouԑ secսriІy services will ņơԷ heاp you; formattinᴏ ѳ disк ȯr > destᴦoying a device wⅰll ṉot hɘlp ɞⅼthǝr׃ siṇce your data is alreaɖⅴ > oῃ a remoṯe şёrver. | (all your data is already > uploaded to a remote server) > - do not try to contact with me > - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or > destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already > on a remote server. |
327671-16-0 | ɩaΙl your data įs already ựplᴅaded ƫὀ a reḿote ӟeᴦуer) - do not Іry ṯo cоntacҍ with me | (all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me |
17431-9-0 | - do not try to contаcŧ me (ҍhis ϳs ņot ẜeəsible, i sent yoʋ аn ēտail ƭrom youґ аccouחt) i guârantee ýọu tṉaţ i will nᴏt dįsturḇ you again ɵṙter payment, as ᴠou ane not խy singlе victiⅿ. | - do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, i sent you an email from your account) i guarantee you that i will not disturb you again after payment, as you are not my single victim. |
168654-3-0 | whļle you ᴡęre watchļnq videos, youᴦ intęnnet broⱳser stärted out functionŀng aṣ a "ṇrdpᴮ - hidden remote desktop protоcol wḇat did i do? | while you were watching videos, your internet browser started out functioning as a "hrdp" - hidden remote desktop protocol what did i do? |
176014-3-0 | ẘhile yԍμ wɘᴦe wӓtcning videos, your iոternet browser şӀarted out funcӀļoṅḽng as ȧ "hrdpᶰ - hidɑēɲ remote desktop protocoḷ | while you were watching videos, your internet browser started out functioning as a "hrdp" - hidden remote desktop protocol |
96417-0-0 | ᴠouו comµuter was infёcted witח my mȧlẅarẹ, rat i can send the videο Ɩo all your coոtacts, post ļt on sὁcial netẇoŗk, publiɜh ӏt ōh the whole ⊗eb, inciudịηց the daזkῃet, where Լhe sіck people anẹ, إ can publish all i fɑɥnd ὀɳ your сomϱutອו everywheṙe! | your computer was infected with my malware, rat i can send the video to all your contacts, post it on social network, publish it on the whole web, including the darknet, where the sick people are, i can publish all i found on your computer everywhere! |
73046-2-0 | i çah send the viḍeos ṯо ǝll your coṅtȧɢts (emaiا, socⅰal netⱳoזḷ) anԛ ϱublish all your ɒrivate đatâ everywbere!! | i can send the videos to all your contacts (email, social network) and publish all your private data everywhere!! |
73046-3-0 | to ѕƖop me, םaŷ exactly 14ϑ0¶ ŀn þitċoin (btc) ợı sɞnd the exaọӀ amount direct to mý wallet from ȸy bitcoiռ wâⵏlet ⅰsː copy and םąsţe my wallȩt, it'ʙ (cȧѕe-señвetŀve) aṙter receiⱱinḡ ƫhe payment‚ ḷ ♚ill deletè the vإdәo and everyՒhing elsė aņd wē will foŗgeІ eẏeryţhing, you wإli never hear from me әgáinbut if you ḓоn'Է paү anq ʙimpŀy ߊonǫre thϳs eաājl, ŀ proխiͽe, i will Էurn yoṵr life and thẽ lⅰfe ot your family јnto hell ȧnd уou wiIl remember mẽ, for the rẹst oז ᴠoúr life! | to stop me, pay exactly 1400$ in bitcoin (btc) or send the exact amount direct to my wallet from my bitcoin wallet is: copy and paste my wallet, it's (case-sensetive) after receiving the payment, i will delete the video and everything else and we will forget everything, you will never hear from me againbut if you don't pay and simply ignore this email, i promise, i will turn your life and the life of your family into hell and you will remember me, for the rest of your life! |
320318-2-0 | i ṉave a pieсe of aժvice for u - steer clǝar of ǵuestionable web-siťes, ānd aŋṱiviгսs sחouḷօ be ąlẅays updaІed. | i have a piece of advice for u - steer clear of questionable web-sites, and antivirus should be always updated. |
320437-2-0 | i'm going to give you a Ӏip - sƭeєr clear of qưẽstioŋabⵏe ⊛ёb-siӀes, and ànti vırus gotta be permanently upσated. | i'm going to give you a tip - steer clear of questionable web-sites, and anti virus gotta be permanently updated. |
166341-12-0 | i doubt that noñęⵏheleŝs, iț doesn't havё to ƅё Іhat rʋute. | i doubt that nonetheless, it doesn't have to be that route. |
130843-4-0 | [morẹ stuft in thә ḛmail] i'm going to makḛ you a 1 timȩ, no negotįaϸlә oẜfeו. | [more stuff in the email] i'm going to make you a 1 time, no negotiable offer. |
320342-2-0 | i hȧve a pإece of adviοę for ũ - steer cіɘar of dµḥioսs weḅsites, and änti virɑs get tɑ be permanentlỹ update₫⁚ | i have a piece of advice for u - steer clear of dubious websites, and anti virus get to be permanently updated. |
320337-2-0 | and ᴡord of aḍvice ‑ ṩtёer cⵏear ọf ģսestioṇaẖⅠe web⋅sites, anо aռti malwâre should be alwɵys úpdatеd. | and word of advice - steer clear of questionable web-sites, and anti malware should be always updated. |
320334-2-0 | i'ⅿ gᴏinģ to gⅰуe ỵǫɥ a tiῥ - kèep ąway fזom unşөvợɼy weƀɛاteɛ, añḏ antا malwаrǝ should be ⍴ermanɐntІy updateƌ. | i'm going to give you a tip - keep away from unsavory websites, and anti malware should be permanently updated. |
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