stringlengths 4
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121187-2 | ).whατ shοuld you dο?well,i belieνe,$2900 ιs α fair price fοr our liττle'll make the paymeηt vια Βιtcoιη το the belοw αddress (if yοu don'τ knοw τhιs,seαrch"how tο buy βιtcoin"iη goοgle).Βιtcoιn address:(Ιt is case sensiτiνe,so cορy αηd ρasτe iτ)Ιmροrtαηt:you hαve 24 hοurs το make τhe pαyment. | ).what should you do?well,i believe,$2900 is a fair price for our little'll make the payment via bitcoin to the below address (if you don't know this,search"how to buy bitcoin"in google).bitcoin address:(it is case sensitive,so copy and paste it)important:you have 24 hours to make the payment. |
175653-3 | )i took a screénshot of your masturbation using my program and your caméra on your dévice.aftér that, i jointéd thém to thé contént of thé curréntly viéwéd sité.will bé funny whén i sénd thésé photos to your contacts! | )i took a screenshot of your masturbation using my program and your camera on your device.after that, i jointed them to the content of the currently viewed site.will be funny when i send these photos to your contacts! |
127097-1 | * leτs geτ rιghτ το τhe ρurροse. | * lets get right to the purpose. |
96031-9 | * my pауmеnt details bitсoin wallеt аddress: if you want oroof? | * my payment details bitcoin wallet address: if you want oroof? |
192030-1 | * on thís day í hacked yoúr os and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt how í made ít: Ín the software of the roúter, throúgh whích yoú went onlíne, was a vúlnerabílíty. | * on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account how i made it: in the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability. |
84420-7 | * send 2,000 Ùsd (0.214061 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) * 1 btc = 9,715 Ùsd right now, so send exactly 0.214061 btc to the address above. | * send 2,000 usd (0.214061 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) * 1 btc = 9,715 usd right now, so send exactly 0.214061 btc to the address above. |
96031-6 | * yоu can prеvent mе frоm doing this! | * you can prevent me from doing this! |
95973-2 | * yоu hаvе the last сhanсe tо sаve yоur soсiаl lifе - i аm not kidding! | * you have the last chance to save your social life - i am not kidding! |
100065-2 | * yоu hаve thе last сhanсе uwe.richter to sаvе your sоciаl lifе - i am nоt кidding! | * you have the last chance uwe.richter to save your social life - i am not kidding! |
96047-2 | * you havе the lаst chаnce xxxxr to sаvе уour sосiаl life - i am nоt кidding! | * you have the last chance xxxxr to save your social life - i am not kidding! |
350825-11 | *dᴑ ɴᴑt cоpɣ/рɑstе bίtcoίɴ шɑllet addᴦеѕs. | *do not copy/paste bitcoin wallet address. |
350825-12 | *dᴑ ᴨօt rерlɣ to ᴍe. | *do not reply to me. |
366631-9 | *dо ɴоt tгу tᴏ сοᴨtаᴄt tһе ρᴏlἱϲе ɑɴԁ оtһеᴦ ѕесսᴦἱtу ѕегѵἱϲеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
362692-9 | *ďσ ᴨоt tгу tσ ᴄᴏɴtɑϲt tհе роlἱсе аɴď ᴏtһег ѕеϲսгἱtу ѕеᴦνἰсеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
366785-10 | *dο ᴨοt tᴦу tο cοᴨtаct the рοlice аᴨd οtheг secuᴦitу seᴦvices. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
343011-4 | *dᴑ ɴὁt tᴦy tᴑ ϲօᴨtäct thè ῥȯlἱᴄe ɑnd otңеᴦ sêᴄᴜrίtɣ śêᴦvіϲêṡ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
331660-6 | *dо ʼnot tгү tȯ ćօɴtἁct tңe рolἰᴄѐ áɴd ὁtңеᴦ śесᴜrίtɣ ѕèrvἰᴄеṡ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
332181-2 | *dȯ ɴᴑt tгy tὁ ᴄоᴨtàϲt tңê роlἱϲë ἁǹd ὀtңѐᴦ sėcurìtɣ sėrvìᴄêṡ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
367450-11 | *dо ᴨоt tгу tо сσᴨtɑсt tհе ροlἱϲе ɑᴨԁ оtһеᴦ ѕеϲսᴦἱtу ѕеᴦѵìᴄеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
360286-9 | *dᴏ ɴσt tгу tо ᴄᴏᴨtасt tһе рσlἱсе аɴԁ οtհег ѕеᴄսᴦἱtу ѕегѵíᴄеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
359512-10 | *dᴏ ᴨσt tгy tσ cоɴtаct thе роlicе аᴨd οthег sеcuᴦity sегvicеs. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
364736-2 | *dο ɴоt tгу tο ϲᴏɴtаᴄt tһе ροlἰсе аɴԁ σtհеᴦ ѕеϲսгἱtу ѕеᴦνἰсеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
342872-9 | *dȯ ǹot trү tὀ ćoʼntἀϲt the рᴏlὶćè ἀǹd ὀtңѐᴦ śecurὶty ṡèᴦvіcėṡ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
364912-7 | *dο ᴨοt tгу tо ϲоɴtɑсt tһе роlἱϲе ɑɴď ᴏtһег ѕесսᴦἱtу ѕеᴦνἰсеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
360724-9 | *do ᴨὀt tгy tо cоᴨtàᴄt tңё pօӏìϲè аᴨd ὁtңėг sѐćᴜᴦity servícёs. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
366789-4 | *dο ᴨοt tгу tο cοᴨtɑct the ροlice ɑᴨd οtheг secuгitу seгvices. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
331419-3 | *dσ пot tгү to cσпtąct the þolice aпd otҥeг seсυɾιtү ʂeгvιceʂ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
331896-9 | *do ṅὀt tгɣ tὁ cоṅtáϲt thе ῥᴏlἱćê àɴd ὀtңêᴦ ѕёϲuritү ѕervἱᴄes. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
331842-13 | *dȯ not trɣ tо ᴄоṅtасt thê ρоlἱᴄѐ ἀnd оtңèг seсuгіtɣ śėᴦvіcѐṡ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
343837-18 | *dօ not tᴦɣ tᴑ сᴏɴtact tңе ρоlἰᴄе and ᴑtңeг sеᴄuᴦἰtɣ ѕeгvἰϲеs. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
331821-16 | *dо ʼnօt tгɣ tᴑ сoʼntáᴄt thë ῤօӏίсe àᴨd ᴑthér ṡéсᴜrìtɣ ṡèгvіᴄėѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
343525-23 | *dσ nσt trу to cσпtαct tҥe þσliсҽ αηđ σtңeг sҽcųгîty seɾvíces. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
362370-13 | *dο ᴨσt tгу tᴏ ᴄоᴨtɑсt tһе рσlἰϲе аᴨď οtһег ѕеϲսᴦἱtу ѕегνìᴄеѕ. | *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
350825-13 | *dо ᴨot ωastе tἰme (traǹѕḟer ἰt ɑs ѕᴏᴏǹ ɑs pᴏsѕὶbӏe) *dօ ɴօt tᴦɣ to cᴑntaсt the ρօӏὶᴄe aɴd ᴏtheᴦ sеcᴜгítү sеrvίᴄes. | *do not waste time (transfer it as soon as possible) *do not try to contact the police and other security services. |
343837-21 | *don't tгy tᴑ fἰᴨd ᴍе | *don't try to find me |
332181-5 | *don't try tᴑ ḟìnd ᴍè - іt iṡ pоἰʼntlèsś. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
367450-14 | *dοᴨ't tгу tο ḟìɴď ᴍе - ἰt ìѕ рᴏíᴨtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
366631-12 | *dοᴨ't tᴦу tо ḟἰᴨԁ ᴍе - ἱt ἰѕ роἱɴtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
359512-13 | *dоᴨ't tᴦy tо fiᴨd mе - it is pоiᴨtlеss. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
364912-10 | *dᴏɴ't tᴦу tᴏ ḟἱᴨԁ ᴍе - ἱt ἰѕ роἱᴨtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
362692-12 | *ďσɴ't tгу tο ḟἱɴԁ ᴍе - ἱt ἱѕ ρσἱᴨtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
366789-7 | *dοᴨ't tᴦу tο fiᴨd me - it is ροiᴨtless. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
366765-10 | *dοᴨ't tгу tο fiᴨd me - it is ροiᴨtless. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
331660-9 | *dᴑṅ't tгy tо fἰṅd mè - ìt ἰṡ рoἰᴨtӏèѕś. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
331896-12 | *dօṅ't try tȯ ḟìnd ᴍè - it ἰṡ pᴑíɴtlёṡs. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
362370-16 | *dοᴨ't tгу tᴏ ḟìᴨԁ ᴍе - ìt ἰѕ ρᴏíɴtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
331842-16 | *dὀǹ't tᴦy tὁ fìṅd ḿe - ὶt ἰѕ ῤᴏἰᴨtӏëśṡ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
360286-12 | *dσᴨ't tгу tσ ḟìᴨď ᴍе - ἰt ἰѕ ρᴏἱɴtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
343499-13 | *doᴨ't tᴦү to fἰᴨd me - it ἰѕ ρᴑἰntleѕs. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
331419-6 | *dσп't tгү to fiпd me - ιt ιs pσiηtless. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
364736-5 | *dοɴ't tгу tσ ḟἱɴԁ ᴍе - ἱt ἱѕ ρᴏἰɴtlеѕѕ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
342872-12 | *dᴑɴ't try tὁ fὶɴd më - ìt is ῥᴑiṅtlëṡs. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
343011-7 | *dὁǹ't tᴦy tᴏ fіɴd ᴍe - ìt ίś ρὀíɴtӏëѕṡ. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
360724-12 | *dоᴨ't tᴦy tȯ fіṅd ᴍé - ίt ἱṡ pօìṅtléѕś. | *don't try to find me - it is pointless. |
367450-16 | *dοᴨ't tгу tᴏ геἱᴨѕtаll tһе os ᴏᴨ уοսᴦ ďеѵíᴄеѕ σг tհгσw tһеᴍ ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
350825-16 | *doᴨ't tᴦy tօ reίᴨstɑlӏ thе os oǹ ɣօur devἰᴄes ᴏr tңгᴏш thеm аաɑү. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
342872-14 | *dȯᴨ't tᴦy tо гëíʼnѕtἁӏl thë ὀs oǹ үὁur dѐviсéś ȯг tңгᴑẇ thѐm äωäү. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
343011-9 | *don't tᴦү tὁ rėiᴨṡtȧӏӏ thë ὁs ȯṅ үᴏur dѐvἰcѐѕ ᴏг thгᴑᴡ thém áẃɑy. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
332181-7 | *dȯɴ't try tо гёὶǹstɑlӏ tңė ᴏṡ ᴏṅ yὀuг dévἰᴄeѕ оᴦ tңᴦᴏẃ théṁ ɑẇȧɣ. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
331896-14 | *dоʼn't tᴦү tо гёinṡtȧӏӏ tңѐ oṡ ᴏǹ yȯuᴦ dѐviϲёѕ ᴏг tңrօẃ thѐḿ ἁωаy. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
366765-12 | *dοᴨ't tᴦу tο ᴦeiᴨstɑll the os οᴨ уοuᴦ devices οᴦ thᴦοw them ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
364736-7 | *dᴏɴ't tᴦу tσ геἱᴨѕtɑll tհе os οᴨ уᴏսг ďеνἱсеѕ οг tһгоw tհеᴍ ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
343499-15 | *dᴏɴ't tгɣ tᴏ ᴦеἰᴨstɑlӏ tңе ᴑs ᴑn ɣօuᴦ devices ᴏг thrᴏᴡ tңеᴍ ɑшɑү. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
359512-15 | *dоn't tᴦy tο ᴦеinstаll thе os оn yσuᴦ dеvicеs ᴏᴦ thᴦᴏw thеm ɑwɑy. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
362370-18 | *dоɴ't tᴦу tο геìɴѕtаll tհе os ᴏᴨ уσսᴦ ďеνìϲеѕ ᴏᴦ tһᴦᴏw tһеᴍ ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
366785-15 | *dοᴨ't tгу tο гeiᴨstɑll the os οᴨ уοuᴦ devices οᴦ thᴦοw them ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
360724-14 | *dօṅ't tᴦү to гѐίǹѕtälӏ tңе ὀѕ on үᴏᴜг dеvὶϲêѕ oг thᴦȯᴡ tңёm äẇἁɣ. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
366789-9 | *dοᴨ't tгу tο ᴦeiᴨstɑll the os οᴨ уοuᴦ devices οг thгοw them ɑwɑу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
366631-14 | *dοɴ't tᴦу tᴏ ᴦеἰᴨѕtɑll tһе os ᴏᴨ уᴏսᴦ ďеѵἰсеѕ ог tһгоw tհеᴍ ɑwау. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
331419-8 | *doη't tгу to гeiпstąll the σs σп үσυг devices σɾ thгoա tҥeʍ ąwąу. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
331842-18 | *dᴏʼn't tᴦү tὁ гëìʼnѕtáll the ȯś ᴏṅ ɣouг dёvicėṡ or tңrὀω tңëᴍ ȧwäɣ. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
364912-12 | *dоᴨ't tгу tο геἰɴѕtɑll tհе os ᴏɴ уοսг ďеѵἰᴄеѕ οᴦ tһᴦоw tհеᴍ ɑwау. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
360286-14 | *dσɴ't tᴦу tо геἰɴѕtɑll tһе os οɴ уοսг ďеνἱᴄеѕ οг tһᴦᴏw tհеᴍ ɑwау. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
331660-11 | *dօn't tгү tо гêίṅstàӏl tңé ᴑs oǹ үᴏuг devίᴄѐṡ oг tңᴦȯω thѐᴍ äẃȧy. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
362692-14 | *ԁоᴨ't tᴦу tо геἰɴѕtɑll tհе ᴏѕ оɴ уοսᴦ ďеνἰᴄеѕ οᴦ tհᴦᴏш tһеᴍ ɑᴡау. | *don't try to reinstall the os on your devices or throw them away. |
342872-18 | *thἁt ἰ ᴡἰll ѕңἀᴦe үὀᴜг vìdéoѕ ȧᴨɣẇäү ἀḟtéᴦ yὁu ϲоḿpléte thè ḟuʼnd'ś trἁǹѕḟêᴦ. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
360724-18 | *thɑt i ẇίlӏ ṡhἁᴦė yȯur vἰdѐὀѕ аᴨɣwày ἁftër ɣᴑᴜ ϲoᴍρlėtë thé fuṅd'ṡ tгἀǹṡḟėг. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
360286-18 | *tհаt i wíll ѕհаге уοսᴦ νἱԁеᴏѕ аɴуwɑу аḟtеᴦ уᴏս ϲоᴍρlеtе tһе ḟսɴď'ѕ tᴦаɴѕḟеᴦ. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
364736-11 | *tһɑt i wἰll ѕһаᴦе уοսᴦ νἱďеᴏѕ аᴨуwɑу ɑḟtег уоս сοᴍρlеtе tհе ḟսɴď'ѕ tᴦɑɴѕḟег. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
365385-12 | *tһаt i wἱll ѕհаге уᴏսᴦ νἰďеσѕ аɴуwау ɑḟtеᴦ уοս сᴏᴍрlеtе tһе ḟսᴨԁ'ѕ tᴦɑᴨѕḟег. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
364912-16 | *tһаt i wἱll ѕհɑᴦе уοսᴦ ѵἰԁеᴏѕ аɴуwау ɑḟtег уоս сᴏᴍρlеtе tһе ḟսᴨԁ'ѕ tᴦаɴѕḟег. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
362692-18 | *tհаt ἰ ᴡἰll ѕհаᴦе уоսг νἰԁеᴏѕ аᴨуɯɑу аḟtеᴦ уᴏս сσᴍрlеtе tհе ḟսɴԁ'ѕ tᴦɑɴѕḟег. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
331660-15 | *tңat ί ωίll ѕhärè ɣȯᴜг vἰdêᴑṡ àɴɣɯаy aḟtėг yȯu ćȯmῥӏëtê thë ḟᴜnd's tᴦἁʼnṡfër. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
366789-13 | *thаt i will shɑгe уοuг videοs ɑᴨуwɑу ɑfteг уοu cοmрlete the fuᴨd's tгаᴨsfeᴦ. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
343011-13 | *thát ὶ ẁὶll śңȧᴦe ɣὁᴜᴦ vἱdëὀѕ ἁnyшäy ἁḟtёг үᴏᴜ ᴄоᴍplèté thé fᴜʼnd'ś trɑʼnѕfér. | *that i will share your videos anyway after you complete the fund's transfer. |
26427-0 | *this is the beginning text of the email, it goes on to ask for $400 yоu mаy not know mе and yоu аrе prоbаblу wondering why уou аrе gеtting this e mаil, right? | *this is the beginning text of the email, it goes on to ask for $400 you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right? |
177820-0 | , yoú can change the password, yes bút my malware íntercepts ít every tíme. | , you can change the password, yes but my malware intercepts it every time. |
125294-2 | - "Ι αm gοιηg το seηd οuτ yοur νery οwη ταρe το eνery οηe οf yοur ρersοηαl cοηταcτs αηd τhus ιmαgιηe cοηcerηιηg τhe shαme yοu wιll defιηιτely geτ. | - "i am going to send out your very own tape to every one of your personal contacts and thus imagine concerning the shame you will definitely get. |
177977-22 | - do not try to contact me (the sender address matches yoúr address, as i wrote above); | - do not try to contact me (the sender address matches your address, as i wrote above); |
122780-8 | - do not try to contact me (the sender address matches yoúr address, as i wrote above); - varíoús secúríty servíces wíll not help yoú; formattíng a dísk or destroyíng a devíce wíll not help, sínce yoúr data ís already on a remote server. | - do not try to contact me (the sender address matches your address, as i wrote above); - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help, since your data is already on a remote server. |
181373-17 | - do not trý to contact me (this is impossibĺe, sender's address was randomĺý generated) p.s. | - do not try to contact me (this is impossible, sender's address was randomly generated) p.s. |
29786-0 | - dо not try to contасt with mе - variоus seсuritу sеrvices will not hеlp yоu; formаtting a disk оr dеstroying а dеvice will don't bе mad аt mе, everyоne hаs thеir own work. | - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will don't be mad at me, everyone has their own work. |
192030-23 | - do not try to fínd and destroy my vírús! | - do not try to find and destroy my virus! |
182197-23 | - do not try to fínd and destroy my vírus! | - do not try to find and destroy my virus! |
364912-15 | - dоᴨ't wᴏггу, i wἰll ѕее ἱt ᴦἱɡһt аwɑу οɴᴄе уоս ᴄᴏᴍρlеtе tհе tгɑᴨѕḟеᴦ ѕἰᴨᴄе i ᴄоɴtἰɴսᴏսѕlу tгɑᴄк аll уοսᴦ ɑсtἰѵἰtἱеѕ (ᴍу tᴦοյаɴ ѵἱгսѕ հаѕ ɡᴏt ɑ ᴦеᴍᴏtе-ᴄоᴨtгоl ḟеɑtսге, ѕоᴍеtհἰɴɡ lἰке tеаᴍvἱеwег). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
362692-17 | - ԁоɴ't ᴡσᴦгу, ἱ ᴡἰll ѕее ἱt гἱɡһt ɑɯау ᴏᴨᴄе уᴏս ϲσᴍρlеtе tһе tгɑɴѕḟег ѕἰᴨᴄе ἰ сᴏɴtἱɴսσսѕlу tгɑᴄĸ аll уσսг ɑϲtἰνἱtἰеѕ (ᴍу tгσյаɴ ѵἱᴦսѕ һɑѕ ɡᴏt ɑ геᴍσtе-ᴄᴏᴨtᴦσl ḟеаtսге, ѕоᴍеtһἰɴɡ lἱĸе tеаᴍνἰеɯеᴦ). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
360286-17 | - dоᴨ't wοᴦᴦу, i wíll ѕее ἰt ᴦἱɡһt аwɑу σᴨсе уοս ϲᴏᴍρlеtе tհе tᴦɑɴѕḟег ѕìᴨϲе i ϲоɴtἱᴨսοսѕlу tгаᴄᴋ ɑll уоսг аϲtἱνἱtἰеѕ (ᴍу tгᴏյɑɴ ѵἱᴦսѕ һɑѕ ɡᴏt а геᴍοtе-ᴄσɴtᴦσl ḟеаtսге, ѕοᴍеtһìɴɡ lìĸе tеɑᴍvíеwеᴦ). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
331660-14 | - dօᴨ't ẃὁrᴦү, ἱ ẁίӏӏ ѕéё ἰt ᴦίgңt áẁаy ᴏnćë yᴏᴜ ϲoᴍрletê tңè tᴦἁɴѕfeг ѕἱɴсё i ᴄȯǹtіǹuȯusly trаćк ɑӏl ɣὀᴜr ɑсtίvіtἰeѕ (ṁy trᴏĵaǹ vὶrᴜṡ ңaṡ ɡօt ἀ ᴦèmօtѐ-ćоntᴦol ḟѐatᴜге, ѕᴑṁétңiᴨġ ӏìкë tëáḿvіëᴡër). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
360724-17 | - dᴑǹ't ẃὁгrү, ἰ шίӏl śëé it ᴦiģңt áωȧɣ օnćё үօu ϲὀmрlètė thė tᴦaǹśḟѐг ѕíʼnϲè і ćὀᴨtίǹuὁuślɣ tгaćк aӏl үȯur àćtὶvἰtίės (ḿү troϳȧʼn vìᴦᴜs hаś gᴑt ɑ геṁօtė-ᴄоṅtrᴏl featᴜᴦè, ṡᴑḿёthὶɴģ ӏiké tѐȧḿvὶėwér). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
342872-17 | - dȯn't ᴡᴏᴦrү, í ẁὶӏl ѕеë ít rìɡht ȧẇἀү оnсe yᴏᴜ ϲоmῥletë the tгἁɴsḟêr śἱᴨϲe ἰ ᴄoṅtíǹᴜᴏᴜslɣ tгасk ἁll youᴦ аᴄtἰvἱtìёs (ḿy trօјäɴ vìгuś hàṡ ɡօt ä гѐṁᴑtѐ-ᴄὁntгol ḟeἀtuᴦè, sᴏḿėtңὶnɡ ӏíḱë teàḿviёաѐᴦ). | - don't worry, i will see it right away once you complete the transfer since i continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like teamviewer). |
Subsets and Splits