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@tiffanylue i know i was listenin to bad habit earlier and i started freakin at his part =[
I need skott right now
@DavidArchie <3 your gonna be the first twitter ;) cause your amazing lol. come to canada would do anything to see you perform
Bed!!!!!... its time,..... hope i go to school tomorrow, all though i don't feel very well right now
So i think my son might have the flu cause I def. just cleaned up a stanky puke mess Poor pumkpin
So great to see Oin & Cynthia. So happy. Dinner was great, cute little place. Too bad Oin got sick afterwards.
where are all ma bestfriends at ? , MIA or wat ?
my last tweet didn't send bad phone
Have a headache I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
I just saw pics from this past Thanksgiving and am sad because Grandma was in them.
Needs a job BADLY!!!
Why am I completing facebook quizzes at this time of the morning... especially a friday morning
@koifusionpdx i was so close to the spot too late
@lanacaitlin hahaha well its try its so ugly
Hanging out with sam, billy, and veronica. not going to school tomorrow to take sam to body shops. Dang car accidents
@meganmansyn Hahahaha! It's not horrible, if others were singing with I'm sure it could work. I wish I could afford my own drum set
@wuzzyangel You never answered your DM I sent you.... I need your info...
@dmoneymania I'm sorry. Excited for tomorrow night? Karaoke!! Getting anything special for bday?
in 7-11 w/o you
@becjee Yeah, plus it's just a little too far to walk to Pinocchio's for sushi
I'm feeling this pressure in my head that always kicks in just before a nasty headache. I'm not looking forward to this.
feels sick to my stomach and idkk whyy
Morning everyone sorry for going early last night had bad news, felt totally crap Today is a new day
I want another tatt
needs to have an increase on her salary
@thevowel the DS version sucks
omg i didnt tweet all that much today.... *sadness*
@MariusLT I'm sorry about your bad driving experiences.
my sister is a douchebag
i hate being sick. i miss @cynthiasheree @lucyowns and @larilync
@ddlovato Caan't Iht Be Earlier? ICant Wait That Long. Ahar. (: - Wanted to visit the animals but we were too late
@crispynoodles plus I just deposited tax return cheque but for first time in 7+ years it didn't clear immediately
Aright Twitter Fam... guess ima be outties.. gonna try n sleep off some of this horrible pain
@queenbmakeup i can't add you on myspace girly it asks for a last name and email
watching The Biggest Loser on Hallmark. Never fails to make me cry nyeh.
Thinking about getting up for work NOOOO! he goes for Orlando! OMG I'm gonna CRY!!!!!!!!
@Tiff_Tiff_Marie I think I do it too much....
All I want to do is sit back & relax for a little while. How can that be this difficult?!
@hiracdelest who's the one always working now? oh yeah, still me.
@askegg I'm sorry, Andrew. I wish there was something I could do...
Damn, hi Facebook ? what's wrong with you ? can't add photos
Ran out of money. I r a sad panda
Sooo.....I'm kinda o sick n tired of the bs that guys dish out !!!!!!!!
i just murdered two fucking mouses!!! now i cant sleep
@ryanhalloran why not?
@wired that is so sad
Sooo.....I'm kind of sick n tired of the bs that guys dish out !!!!!!!!
class color day tomorrow! last time! I have a lot to remember for tomorrow but I bet I'll forget -_-
says I've got number 10~ getting low~~
back from grimsby it sucks bein back but was amazin wknd anyway!!
@t_isfortammy Sad tweets are sad
Headache of the century coming- I can feel it Fuck.
@mattpro13 Maatt Havent spoken to you in ages dudeee Dont forget bout ur Aussie fan ;) lool. Love ya xx
@typicalrouse I would but its like 1800 or 1000+ miles gas prices are crazy im doing alpine next summer most def
Trying to learn how to do this "twitter" thing... I'll get there. Welcome to all my followers, though Im not that interesting
back time. I wish I was a teenager again. I wish I could feel healthy again. I can't remember what it's like to feel healthy anymore.
I miss the old healthy me and I am loosing faith that I ever will be again
Summer Glau to appear in Dollhouse next year ... I still can't believe they won't renew TSCC
feels disappointed..mahirap talaga mag-supervise ng tao..
@hillaryhatt I never liked that boy Jerms!
Matty is le tired.
@rsuenaga im not at litle oven tonight
the swine flu is in robina, gold coast
Why are the sinks in hospital toilets so low? Now the crotch of my grey suit is spattered with water! Just in time for Physio
sitting in school sucks to be me!
My tummy still hurts another cubs game tom...goood night.
@JERI7YN aww you're going back to east coast again?i haven't even seeen you!
Ready to go into work now. cannot be bothered.
very very bad headache that is getting worse by the minute not better.
wishing i had marvelous misadventures of flap jack on DVD
Heading home now, yay! Was going to buy a much needed bottle of wine to drink with dinner, but my wallet is MIA so no wine for me tonight
just got home. im so effin sad
trying to get a sale in my job...
rah rah. youtube isn't working again. oh great
There is something wrong with me! I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Yet all I've done for the last 3hrs is toss & turn in bed
@wolfofmibu I need a wardrobe intervention
I feel don't wanna get out of bed, be bothered, don't go 2 work, turn da light off, pull da shades n tv off type of sick
Bing! no its not Chandler Bing, its the new Search engine from Microsoft ..but why the name Bing
crash in Qmbol
@melisamelisa haha you have a better life than most. we should go get drinks again soon. jury duty has been boring
Hoping that this will just heal on it's own because anything I put on it just makes it worse. Owww
@TerrenceJ106 I'm with you...been up till 5-6 for the last few nights...
Hi anyone there?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I did run over a cat today (I know how sad) I cried and screamed my lungs out!!! I felt HORRIBLE, poor thing
Work, work, work
@ayawan I actually meant to type "end of September" but I was in the middle of a conversation with someone and I cant multitask
I hate the fact that I'm 4.5 hours away from you tonight and tomorrow we'll be 1946 miles apart I wish you were here (
@BARACKOKITTY ur right! i dont have a reason to be up early but im sure my niece will be in my room in a few hrs botherin me
Disappointment really sucks! I'm getting used to it.
I just really want to sleep butmy eyes won't let me
ok so i'm a lil happier now.. i hope i fixd my emails.. hope they weren't hacked although it seemed really suspicious!!
@serenetan Is it? Wah. Wasted trip!
@irascian ach, probably not... they are labeled as MI-5, which I believe was the name used when they aired on BBC America
worked out tonight, had to work off the Cheesecake I ate todAY. To all the pple who are on a diet.. DON'T QUIT! It's not worth it
@ThatPaigeKid haha so your having father daugter bonding time? Lol anyways I g2g work get on msn later I'll be bored x!
@melkoo If it is any consolation I got my BMI tested hahaha it says I am obesed well so much for being unhappy for about 10 minutes.
@love2reed thx girl! I just now woke up! I cnt believe I'm sick!! Now I have a fever... Wish I could pound nyquil This sucks.
@yukihoang and of course it happens on the day I got a carwash.
Last Chemistry lesson for this school year! On a brighter note, my birthday will be sandwiched between two days in chemistry lab!
Oh dear. Travellers moved onto land very near my house. They always leave a bloody mess and council take a year b 4 they clean it up
@overshootTV Thx! Old computer here, too slow for both Kubuntu and Blender really.
@ab_normal Shucks! Sorry! Sometimes I get wrapped up in FB and forget to check how you doin'?
@drinkins I'm suffering from the Internet that works bad, only sites hosted on russian servers are available for me
Selling 10jaffa race tickets. My friends are so heartless they wont even buy one
Walls of Jericho please come to WORCESTER asap! Candace pleeaassee! Why did Flee the Seen call it quits? whyyy?
@OpheliaPunk nothing it's sad, actually
Every element in the DOM with children is a single parent
Entered house searching mode yesterday... we need to find an apartment in D�sseldorf until the end of August, this one was temporary...
Just checked my bank balance. I spend like a millionaire despite the fact I am nowhere near as rich as one.
i wanna go out
I'm torn, do I get an extended warranty for my iPhone when mine runs out, or jailbreak? I've already got problems with battery & earpiece
@lesleyroy haha! nice! Have fun doll! Hopefully I'll see ya soon! I miss ur face!
Mom has left... again
my mind is racing ... b/c of 4 words he wrote. I hate him, but I hate her most. ... and I can't keep from falling for him
@DaRealSunisaKim There's ding tai Fung here in Sydney aswell... making me want dumplings...
@kpatthethird FML dad didnt leave me any moneyz, so i have 2 wait till he gets home call me when you finish work?
I miss you sweetie!
I'm sooo lost without my car This is truly depressing. Pregnant people should NEVER be this stressed out!
@jessiimiica I am like the most saddest person on jtv right now because you are not on
@JoelMadden I applaud you for accepting gay marriage, I have rels that are born again that hate me for it.
i didn't have fun at the club tonight, had a lot on my mind
@jerseyzmorenita: Sad But True :: I SHouldnt Right?
Up earlier because of a stupid orthadontist appointment
I feel like flying off somewhere. It's been a month since my last trip...
All of a sudden I'm craving broccoli and cheese soup really bad... my mouth is watering envisioning a bread bowl in my head...
@MarkStanto why thx! #webdu I was only at the conf on Thurs
@Redjotter no, but I will. It just seems such a cruel condition
sick n tired of people who steal other people's work
@caitlandkawaii im a pleb i had to take it out of the freezer.. and put it in the oven!
@treasaint don't i know it, writing an exam essay this weekend myself
@Beckinelson idkk if il get to see it again
Maybe I'm lacking in Friday feeling cos more of my trousers won't go on Thunder thighs!
@arielleGore phaket. what did anneliese want to do?
@raerobinson it was just the handle tg
sad day!!!!! Love you Ma� (8 years ago!)
@bareknuckleyell not the best way to start your day
i dont have my iphone until maybe next week!
l need some more aussies !
@JustDarline DArLiNE!!* miss you
driving around for 3 hours going nowhere is not as fun as it seems, i missed my singing lesson
just reached for her plate to get another bit of toast and realised id eaten it all not a nice feeling
@julie_posetti Nice reference to #LM program in How Journalists Are Using Twitter in Australia but no mention of me
@mhall214 youre not supposed to...
Back at work
@taylorswift13 ....... i'm wondering if you're as awake as i am. ?
@m_bui yeah right. I just accepted my grants, and it covered at least 10,000+ of my school fees. tritonlink is down so i cant verify
@KinanLW Wah, why are you sad?
@lupin_bebop that's lame, sorry
My room is too hot to sleep in.
@maddysen ohhh i wanna go gahhh but i dunnooooooo :S me confuzzzledd should i or not???
need to get a hand
@ashleeadams I don't know what to say except *hugs*
all my files got deleted
Woe, it's definitely NO fun to travel first class with a bike. You have to fight your way through 7 coaches 'til you reach your seat
Such a nice day...and we're all working
aw! I'm gonna miss my old username... nick jonas, shontelle layne, and sean kingston replied to my OLD USERNAME! I'm gonna start all over
omg. cat had a hairball. awake now.
sittin here bored az hell...nuffin 2 do at lyk 3:30 in da morning in monroe,louisiana!!!
says headache
AH! so nice to be back on bike commute although three days off and my (what google sez are called) my quadriceps literally screaming. gah
Just found out my kitty isn't pregnant its a good thing though, we are going to adopt one instead
We'll be moving from a strength to a hypertrophy phase for chest, back, shoulders and arms for the next few weeks. Legs will stay behind
@rookiepaul that doesnt sound like a good situation
I want to see my friends Mindless fun. No work, all play. All drunk, all walwal. All being mean to each other and sleeping in one bed
It's /far/ too sticky hot today. I do wish my cars air conditioning worked
@epic_zorz_peep count yourself lucky i was gonna say the OTHER word instead...and rsvp...sorry i cant come to ur
i miss justin timberlake's voice. i want him to make new album again
sadly brother told me there are no skateparks where he lives. BUMMER!
why im not sleeping !!
@ireallydohate nooooo dont do that. I just get a rash of nobodies trying to sell me something.
I knew I shouldn't have confessed to using phone to look up answers in pub quiz. A shame is now upon me
Good morning from RSA Twitterverse!! Please send me some happy vibes & cheerfulness today I'm feeling a little sad
Acquiring a CentOS live CD, now where did I put my memory stick, I would like to boot from that. I wonder if I left it at home
@babyexpat commercial shoot in Tokyo. not much time to play there quick and dirty
@dublins98dave me too! I am down 400 euro
I am NOT in the mood for a long car drive
the weather is good mmm what to do today??? shame working tomorrow
Finally. Deleted her number from my phone contacts #heartbreak
@nawty I've been well, thx. Just getting up for an early morning meeting and wondering why I agreed to it. Don't like getting up early
It's this year. Can't catch it, won't be in NY till Oct 2010.
@cjwilliams1975 @barmanandy We were in Lindos, and it absolutely ruled. Will post some pictures somewhere, some time. Back to work today
nope no way in to stop just have to put up wiv it
@ShaneSakata Hi Shane, that link doesn't seem to work
I can't get to bed
still fighting off this cold, ugh
is nervous and wants things to be dealt with already, it sucks having important life stuff up in the air...
I can't think of a way to express in 140 chars how disspointed I am with the advertising on Lifehacker's Why I Didn't Buy A Mac article.
@jackfaulkner Don't have time - got work later
@KGWSunrise I missed you guys this morning. I'm in Tacoma w/ no KGW to start my day.
@i_dulay i swear it took me 2 hours to get from bel air to alabang. but yes, i LOVED reminiscing about our HK trip with you & @cdeocampo
@iamepiclyamazin but...he's..mine you told me a couple of weeks ago that you didn't find any other guys hot apart from the ones you...
just starting my day...a long Friday
after show at our house rocked! saying goodbye soon
Very lonely here in Gosforth gallery but excited for meal at Six followed by Antony and the Johnsons tonight. Woohoo!!
i've been sick for the past few days and thus, my hair looks wierd. if i didnt have a hat on it would look...
@erikvanbrakel company policy. Has been for the last two places I've worked at
@katcal i'm relying on my mobile, which lacks reception. Trying to help, but just looking silly
Is stranded at home. home in Sg Long.
wating for the next metal gear
I cut my thumb on a broken coffee pot.
My generation is too fucking apathetic to party down in the desert. 30+ knows how to have fun and my age group is generation myspace?
@jaspercullen I would think you'd want to follow me.
@JonathanRKnight Sorry to hear ur flight got cancelled that blows!!!
I'm currently feeling the wrath of too much alcohol consumption
@kevholditch It's NOT good. 1 of our directors said we could go home and the other said back to work boo! It was good while it lasted.
It's tough being a thick chik
@moriagerard Won't really get a break till custody issue is settled and I've moved... another month or so, at least
Still unbelievably shocked about the firing of THE best radio personality, Martin Streek
hair, grow back!
I really, really want a golden retriever. Too bad I won't be living in a home where she could run around for about 10 years
@JSMSoftware IronPython + Windows Mobile is a no-go. Compact Framework doesn't support Reflection.Emit.
Back home Had a great time!
@AsiaRain22 @ the expensive of their workers welfare other than that they are the shit !
Sweat is just not cute. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to work out without sweating. BOO.
My baby is going to her first sleepover tonight I'm gonna need a lot of wine to get me through today
I am tres depressed
waking now, so lazy and very worry ...
@anijade she was wonderful, did not get to meet her though - My poor car
Tati, I sent you an emal doll, did you get it? @littletati
Sry but other day tweets were MIA - twitter network glitch, but story was re: funeral mix-up, as in wrong remains delivered to ea.
@iskrin rubbish!
@macmuso not in Hobart sorry
I really fancy Baked Eggs, but I have no Spinach
@lowkeyriez nnnaaa uhhhh playah! shawty aint got nun, maybe it was ur phone or mines but I wanted to hit me up when u left the studio
Feeling very undervalued and neglected. Not even the sunshine is pulling me out this lul.
@TheRealScarab and this is better 4 me than a snickers bar or hersheys w/almonds.... which i use to b addicted to b4. i miss them LOL
Locked out of my fucking house!
@TALENTEDGENIU5 and that prob wont happen....
@sole_investor phone
whenever it rains it's so hard to get motivated
@SWFLmoms We went not so long ago. I used to go when I was a little kid. Back then there were TONS of teeth. Now, not so many at all!
Broke my carafe went to Starbucks for my caffiene fix and the lights go out...just for a sec but are you kidding to laugh. Ha!
I wish I was in dallas with the kiddnation family
bored well its not like any one can see this i havent got any friends
@TheCavalry I'm at work
did U watch the spelling bee contest ? winner: Kavya Shivshankar ! Impressive performance - i had not even heared most of the words b4
You know that 'rule' that says always point the knife away from you? Just learned my lesson on that one! Straight through my finger!
I guess you didn't hear the grumbles when kindle came out with no cover. My purse +eink screen = shortcut to broken screen @COOLERebook
All the people I talk to are GONE
@actionscripter I tried to translate your tweet using google translation service, but it just spat it out back out at me
@forgetmaine there's a 9 year waiting list to get an appointment.
should not have waled past the Quad! I want to be outside having fun.
@jessicamloring Haha! I can't a good vid of it on tubey,you thugh
@happylovesChuck I know. But the second problem being: he doesn't REALLY exist still applies. Shame
back to my office. the fire alarm went off due to someone burnt food in microwave
@SamWilson1 - sigh
nyc placements have started to come out, but it looks like upgrades might have to wait yet another two weeks for placements! dreadfully
@eboogiee smh Your whin with that comment
@izzyvideo Izzy!!! So sorry to hear that - what a disaster
aaah good bye mikee smoked crabs!
is awake. Still feeling sick. But I got the blog done at least.
Just paid my bills now I have no money
Good mornin & no u tol twitter LOL but I knew & called u yesterday 2 see if u were okay but no answer how r u feelin babe?
@1Shan no sir...i woulda put honey...but i don't have any
Glad to see the sun out in Dublin after a great week in London. Back to work
I want to go to Universal too!
@CostaVidaFred awwwwww sorry we're going to miss you!
@blondebear87 ah yes dropping the bear thing it's such a lovely day here! Very odd for stafford!!
@tommcfly Tom! Do a tour in the Philippines, please? That would be so awesome!
@joeburkel Looks like they dialed it in a LOT...payed attention to all the small but important details in gameplay...still no blood tho
@dahveed76 Um your latest tweet sounds like something bad has gone down.
@Malcmail I wasn't given an exact date, but it shouldn't be much longer. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience!
painting my nails green in an attempt to look like an army person. annoyed that everyone seems to tan apart from me! freckles and sunburn
ooh lovely, a ridiculous amount of revision left to do
Beyonce helps me through the day, I'm starting to get sick
@rcf89 you have GH:WT? i hate you! i "got" it but it was DVD9 and i need it now the drums are being sold separately
@alisongow I think I've been killed judging bt my energy after attacking just to see what happened #spymaster
@Yampolito That will make things fair. My poor Tiger has no claws or nutz
VCenter is screwing up on me today. More specifically the MSSQL server that it connects to.
@LolzyluvsJB Neither could i! And i looked on ebay and it was like 250 euro for two!!!! but i doubt my parents would fork that amount out
@PhilipHotchkiss Sorry, but I don't see a Twitter user named @TomClain
Horrid dream. I suspect I will have to cancel my plans tonight...
I don't think I'm very well. Just in time for the weekend
I want dazzle,
@aligoldsworthy @Politics_Cymru you would think so, Ali! I found Evan's web: but no twitters
you know you're working to late when you hear about the sun setting via twitter
So I cannot find my poetry book. It wasn't at my dad's and I'm about to tear up my room looking for it. It I don't, I'm gonna be sad
is sooo confused these days But glad to be back from Lillestr�m
is watching the final episode of E.R Goon SuBo 2 win Britians Got Talent
Taking my brother to the airport Then gym.
..exams. haha just remembrd the china buffet king yesterday. vair amusing ....
ok, i have to turn off all of my twitter device updates until i get a new battery. phone goes from fully charged to dead in about 5 hours
Gonna go and see my sister at Mount Saini .... she's there for at least another 24 hours.
I miss my baby
@morethanfine I wish we could make a quick trip to LA in July I miss LA
Sometimes it hurts that pets cant talk back to us. What if they are in pain. How would they tell us.
Sitting at work, waiting for this day to be over with. It is always Fridays that take forever. Wish the weekend would get here already.
so disappointed with human kind "What's wrong with the world?" I have five girls in the garden, innocently enjoying the good weather...
@sarahchambers19 Ooo you is back! Good time? and argh! It hurtssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Xx Hate headaches!
My mind automatically wakes up at 7. Huge fail -- it's SUMMER! Good morning nonetheless. Gonna get ready for work now.
TGIF!! Its a GORGEOUS day in Reno today. And I'm stuck inside.
missing him so much. why does he have to work can't he just spend time with me and get paid for that lol
Geoff posted a boo: Coming Home From Tenerife Boo
Dont worry babe
Off to work
Bad migrane and need to go to dancing tonight.... Not a good combination
I guess this is soul searching time for me since I'm home alone & no one's talking to me
@bcyde I still haven't figured out what to do with them, sadly So It'll take some more research before I know what's what.
is tired and sad
UGH! Poor Beautiful Girl. Went in for new tires and inspection sticker. Now there's a $590 repair and still no tires.
Goodbye mountains. #fb
oh no! I just crashed my ball pump
@ecorazzi Grrr, people suck. I cry when animals die on nature shows. These people are sick. No hunting endangered species!
Yay playing a show tonight! Boo it's gonna soggy and I'm at work right before playing
the day i was planing on doing my work, i havent ...... i leave everything to the last minuet ...
So sad I'm going to miss seeing Pennywise again this year
@stacyshow gangstarr exgirl to the next girl, nas one mic, hold on i still can't listen so i guess it dont matter
@THE_WOCKEEZ i wish i can go. But i'm not in US
@northernpest DID YOU GO? was it good, i was in center parcs who else went!? xxxxxxx
aaaaaaaaaaa McFly
i can't seem to access Restuarant City due to some internet / javascript problem...
Trying to get this swimmer's ear to go away!!
@josemarques I don't feel like having to reboot If only OSX supported Hibernate & Reboot in Bootcamp... -.-
@chrlttgrc nope im nott! i was planning on doing but my aunties come over from america and we're havin this big family meal so i cant xx
@wendydoeswaco Beatrice?? I don't remember his guide
@GrafittiMySoul Hell if I know. @callunax I'm suffering
i went to go check my phone for messages. then i remembered i dont have a phone anymore
it's so slow, and I want to go home already
sourish limbs is preventing me from gg out on a friday. not happy. i haven't been on at 12am for a v long time...even more so on a fri
Back in Manchester. Whats with the weather? Sweaty
@elijahmanor targeted browser for what?! I just read that Windows Mobile uses the IE6 core as its default.
@jferlee I didn't see it last night! Oh well. But I HAVE to watch it in theaters. That's a MUST.
@jephjacques my three most hated words are "see you monday"
So I got the day off cuz I had hundreds of things to do....then I woke up with a f*ckin migrane...there goes my day in bed
work til 9
I hate hiccups
tired and bored, watching movies while i'm home alone
Huffy is not having a good day night or life. Poor baby
@IncrediBILL actually, web works fine. tweetdeck keeps crashing i'm in NJ today avoiding nascar
Head ache Tom's call time is really early because the shows will start at 2:30PM. Recovered like 150+ photos already... 700 more to go!
English exam! Bleh i hate vocab
Just got laid off stupid economy!
Tomorrowland central hasn't gotten confirmation that I'm signed off on Star Tours, so just waiting to see if they can give me a shift.
@getgood I missed out on carrot cake last night. Hope you had fun @wxwm.
@windycitypretty that is sickening... Just shoot at will? Smh... Prayers for his family...
@brewstermax true but if I don't put a case on it I'll break it in a week. don't worry ill find a way to make it work.
is still craving for a cheeseburger.
Finally sunny days and I'm too sick to go outside and play.
just come in from the garden. It is very warm out there but beautiful. Didnt do much revision though
Praise the advantages of todays copy protection: can not run my fresh installed 3D app, since the licensing system don�t let me.
not feelin 2 well im not sick, jus feel like blah... (especially my stomach) anotha 7 hours 2 go, but workday is so far so good.
Ben & Jerry's fail. Got email for free ice cream. Says click here to redeem coupon. When I click, I get error message @cherrygarcia
@alisonhaislip I envy everyone on AOTS...
@dlanham hey is there a way u can make a somatic theme for leopard? some themes have installers already that are shapeshifter independent
@Renee3 Oh no!! I hope it's not bad
@xxxmaggie oh that sucks I'm sorry.
@Stubinho you said you fucked up your nose!
So sorry if i've been typing wrongly. usually, after i've typed something, i wont read. i'll just press the 'enter' button
@so_zwitschert There's supposed to be a <3 at the end of my last tweet but I guess twitter ate it
moving back home today. pro: obnoxiously closer to @thom1937 con: no more mpls runs/excursions for at least a year.
@AlfieJG I don't think I am, my sisters refusn to get me a ticket now. what you doing next week?
@TylerAlyse SAC won't offer fundamentals of math 2 for teachers in summer one booo. I miss SAC!
my apartment is emptying out more & more each day.. so sad.. last week at 2000
is cleaning the house for her family who is comming later today..
@alyssa133 awww i'm sorry what kind of fish did you have?
Why are some guys so stupid? They have no idea what to do with a good girl who actually cares about sad
Bus stuck in traffic; gonna be late
projects suck
Walking the puppies downtown. Also, mystery of missing cat solved: he hid himself in the basement for nearly two days.
it will be my second year that i will not be there
laying in bed listening to opticon. i miss joe veneck
Blah. So i registered to coach this summer and eh the tourney starts July 6th. My vacation 7/15-28th. Fk my life, haha
why am i so tired?
@christa42 you mean the post concert blues ;) *lol* Well, I soooo know what you mean ...
@Devotfeige man that sucks.
i really wanna play....
Been working on my freakin' computer trying to save stuff on a harddrive and it seems I failed miserably.
@KatieJaneWatson Oh, I forget things you see. Ahah. I hated that! It creeped me out.
Is asking that everyone please join me in praying for my mom she just got home from the ER and has to go see a heart doctor
@MerewichDaBitch I've been unlocked for decades now...just not lucky, never have been. Gottta make my own luck and that involves $$$$$
Regrettin some of the decisions I made
I'm so lost without my laptop. And no break again for me today. Made even worse that the 2 big bosses of skipton showed up today
wish i can be with her every day
@cazzac i hope he is ok too. i miss him and the doc better not be a douchenozzle, ill be one right back!
@KuhliZzle i cant even call a nigga man bitches on bogus shit. yah digg?
FRIDAY!! I gotta work tommorow tho
is sad cuz my mommy leaves to indy today
@HLJx lol thanks!there scary to wear though
ebay should just die! after not using my account for 4 years, i cant unlock it. and their support is dead, aka: auto-hello-scripts
@pcon34 I have a lot of Hell Yeah, and Rebel Meets Rebel (DAC + Pantera) and like 10 Pantera songs, I can't find my Cowboys From Hell cd
got my wisdom teeth removed it hurts.
@serena_eliza ohhhh that makes sense then. 8D and i need to reread the lotr trilogy, i lost the three books a long time ago and i'm sad.
@Natalie_1990 i kno i came in coz the sun kept going behind the clouds but now it has come back sat in my window now on the floor lol
@murphyusa why aren't you following me you bastard?! you're my own brother...
@AugustGrrl oh no! Whats up chuck?
@theOlsens Aww, that's sad. I miss seeing you guys on the big screen.
@lifesaver45 that sucks.
I REALLY wish I was spoiled!
Rest in peace Sheeba. You will be very missed. I'm off to go cry now.
Just updated my To-Do List (notepad, need something else?) with Flickr and downloads. Internet being slow and sluggish
have to put my dog down tomorrow.
@ArnaudJacobs haha well i was at my friend's party, but then i realized i forgot my stepmom's bday, so i had to come home to call her!
talking to dii and missing her terribly...
Omg. I got no sleep again. Neighbors are building a deck & they've been starting @ 5:00am. I'm SO tired. Feel like I just took Benadryl
never thought i'd say this, but i miss my 9-5 job, the commute, my cubicle, free food & coffee and being downtown. why did i quit?
@jgreco4 Outlook not so good
dang i miss you goodnight
Chemistry is not fun..
@i_am_umlaut oh no! i'm very sorry to hear
@shanajaca *huggles* I don't see all the replies right away, and my boss is hovering today. And I'm feeling pissy about life
Totally been too long since I updated. Saw Star Trek, excellent! Killed Yogg-Saron 10 man. Memorial Day killed 25 man raids
i'm still full from the buffet at palms. my stomach actually hurts. ugh gluttony bites.
forgot my phone at home
@RobynHumes Can't Bro on laptop & Salm on comp! Me stuck with Wii :'( xx
@mmitchelldaviss It saddens me, you're youtube has changed. It's just like every other youtube kid, you used to be different
@iamdiddy my hubby. promised job promotion so we didn't move, signed a new lease n they withdrew the promotion...
has new headphones but no mp3 player yet
in media still havnet found ipod
awesome i just ruined all my white clothes i never remember to separate
@Sirvashawn let me know how it goes I'm praying. Ummmph. I still can't believe it.
@blues_traveler I want the Tix! Oh, right. I'm know where near Vacaville Ca.
@Rush23 how about we start with a true Franchise online mode. Dynasty was huge, Madden online league not so much
last day at Adobe buuuut I just registered for online tech writing course!
Not a bad back 43. Piss poor front tho. 90 still unbroken
@BarryAlistair I must of brought the bad weather with me to the states
@heresMonique hey u, no not yet soon maybe tomorrow!
@skie I'd have responded, if I were going
@shelleymcarthur I was only @ Cambie just slightly before the event then had to leave Waiting for feedback though; I'll keep u posted!
@edwardsheroin *taps shoulder* forgotten
almost done with my first day at the spa...I missed this place! Then headed to Fort Collins to close down casa de kent
Went to the hairdresser today, she cutted my hair off I loved my long hair! Dad said he couldn't even see I got a haircut! LAAAME
I'm bored at work
@Orion_Girl OOC sorry we keep missing each other...
Stressed out fro work and having a drink
Probably because it wasnt a you dont understand pay out on fantasy football either ..droids Look out for @eCouchCoach
Just got to the hospital. Jimmys really bad....please please send your good thoughts. I'm really worried.
I can't wait to see UP! How dare @katymoe have a "real" job. Probably going to have to wait until tomorrow.
I must be the only fool in twitterland that doesn't get retweet!! #sadsville
Wishing I could have seen my nephew graduate from kindergarten!
@redsoxgirl28 been there, sadly. this isn't your first rodeo, my dear, I suspect you've learned your lesson?
Got back from Arizona yesterday. Moved the furniture and stuff out of the Arizona house and shipped it to Redwood City. How sad.
I'm a lil sad looks like nomore brooklyn 4 a while WTF @lailashah
@alissas I can't believe that he almost got put down, before the rescue group went and got him.
Snap. Breaking out again
@bustermcleod Oh shit, happy late birthday! (my txt didn't send )
Thinking about opening MacMaze sources as I don't have time to work on it anymore
Yeah. It's sad.
Today's ABA has been full of emotional tears #ASD #autism some days are harder than others. Its hard to not intervene poor baby
@mattydavidson noo i only started 4th season on wednesday but im on ep11 (Y)
@eeks_ I wish you were here NOWWW!!! grrrrrrr
@xvikki Yes it does
Woke up early!! Dang man I know i'm not going back to sleep
I really ain't woth a f*ck. I can't do anythin right. What's wrong with me?
@NeilDavidson happened about three weeks ago. Why, is there a serial card fraudster on the loose?
Sitting at valley hummer has a boo boo
HR says ca is taking more tax out of my checks.
It's official, I'm finally getting grey hairs at 36 #fb
@AmyDeWitt I'm sorry you're not having the best day - neither am I though Are you working tonight??
@leecattley No idea
is enjoying the nice weather but has been stuck indoors writing an essay for most of it
Dads should ask their 22 year old sons before drinking.
@danishaw No. I won't be back until the 7th
@SuprnaturlShana but he looks so much better with short hair
Just woke up and feels so damn lazy time to work out damnit!
i hella wanted a sausage mcmuffin but when i gt there breakfast was over
poor baby girl chloe is freaking out because of all of the noise! She so cute and pitiful hiding under the middle of the table!
i waited too long to buy pink tickets! now we're going to be in nose bleed!! how sad we're taking binoculars...
just spent an hour trying to get the newborn bird in my front garden to fly. poor baby no success!
lif's unfair....luk wat it did to ma frend...i m so hating it
@austincarlile I'm sad. I want to go to the sd zoo. say hi to the giraffes and elephants and polar bears for me!
Schwarzenegger proposes closing 220 state parks
@McDayDreamer some..and some not only my 2 best friends go to the same school..the others change schools.
just ran some ACCELA unit tests for the first time in about 2 years... and they failed
@nick_carter It says "This video is private.", WTF????
Im sad right now becuz of my lady
@XxMolliexX I mean someone hit a dog with a car. It was just laying there
This is getting on my nerves. I cant change my pic
@ChristinaHz no wayyy, that's too funny. well he sure is missing out, but ever since you left, i feel i am too when is your next visit?
i thnk ima cry i feel rlly bad
@lancearmstrong I want a massage!!!
Really sick
@Victoryhawk Darn. No bacon
has a terrible headache. I need relief!
ii wanna go home for thee weekend but ii have no gas. sukks (_!_)!!
HELP!!! I think @benmarvin is crazy funny and can't give him favrd stars Please help me get him UNBLOCKED from favrd so I can star him
@Bookwormlady2 are you not well?
yay for nice weather, boo for cici not being here this weekend
@abraham not funny
I'm not putting anything
Everyone we have another hater @WeHateMileyC
I need a restful weekend, but I will have to work instead
@SirGarde Hott as Africa lol yeah its hot here too and its a big storm here
Oh why does one of my monitors have to act up when I have a deadline? Oh I'm an unhappy camper.
addin to that last comment, was spose to be going to see the jonas brothers 3D movie, but guess what i couldnt go aswell cos im sick
@LOVEHATE_ENVY how come you dont think you did good?!
Nothing like getting to work and finding out you have to cover extra shifts this week... looks like another 40 hr work week. - What I woke up to this morning...I didn't want to leave bed.
oops i did it again...really shouldnt have.
Hmmm, I just realized....I didn't have any bday cake for my hoo!
@the5thletter i love dixie kitchen's peach wings and fried green tomatoes i hope the one by river oaks stay open.
@tylercrex my power went out as well.. Except I'm in nor cal
i miss "mr."
Misses the good old days!
last day at the Ko Olina. off to north shoreee(:
@lauriedriscoll did you finish twilight? i did! and i wish it wasnt over
damn, I paid like $16 my first Slightly Stoopid show and now they charge $47 a pop makes me sad...
@Fluffy617 a steak burrito bowl right! I wish I wasn't too lazy to go downtown
I'm way to hungry to even think. I can't go to work on an empty stomach like this
I lost count sorry I let u down...
@Jaicenia lmao i get that alot haha
@elisaxx - Niceee Hey i never get stickersss
@sgBEAT:kwanghock @Valkyrieslife @kahhongtay @jeremy89632 it is the Hao Da Za Ji Pa?? I miss the food there so much??
feel. sick. too. much. cheese. on. toast.
I am so jelz. I want a house. >
@justababy I make that same face when I get home and your mom is watching soaps.
@deathwishinc of course its not coming to boise
@livefashion lol... not gross at all they're gross?
Allies not coming over
planning how to move back home...the regression process is in motion
So full from a great lunch and now stuck in traffic
@mileycyrus aww if I could, I would... GBY ;)
Not good news Time for an incredibly hard decision.
@mytvnetwork pansy wtf codeh?!
@joeymcintyre My sister and I are suppose to be meeting you today in Birmingham. Please reschedule!!!
@grrachel that made me sad..
@danielgrosvenor #Java is not working - hmph! Can't upload photos to #Facebook.
@cazob okay i need to find another way then lolz
@KourtneyKardash i hate this weather! When u have lived here ure whole life u get used to it...may is always rainy @RobKardashian
is mad that its raining
@ColinBach Sorry dude couldn't make BBQ only just back from hospital
does anyone know where I can watch the prison break tv movie? It's not on itunes
@Intelligentle This was at Pitman's down South. It just looks like business is bad all over
@mechellelewis Are you shattered after that long week? Thats a pity about tomorrow night
Funerals are no bueno
SHIT I lost my Star Trek ring! Starfleet Academy class ring w/ Golden Gate Bridge on it. Got it as high school graduation present.
Red Rock for lunch with Colin. @JKearl and @euphor couldn't come. IPA Junior freshly made! Yum yum yum.
@BonesNeko_UK That sucks! I had my exams be4 half term so It's all good. Although they were major subjects now I have languages and stuff
Sad because A Skylit Drive's new songs don't sound as good as I had hoped.
@Yasmine32068 LOL I do too.... I can't take him back, I lost my receipt!
@tatrtalk I wanted to, but I sadly work today. Normally, I don't work Fridays, either.
This weekend. I will be in dallas so no kandy koated around the H
@MajorSpoilers has problems - cannot get the site working
change of plans. won't be seeing Up today.
2 days without sleep and now a migraine. I thought life postR01 was meant to be relaxing
Please help me get this song out of my head
@kgs lost luggage? Sorry to hear. you should check out our selection of travel luggage here:
i'm out of books to read, movies to watch n stuff to buy...i'm bored!
@MsVanityQT Flirting! Ima good man with bad habits.
@cascandar We are working
@Arian_A i have but you know it's not that easy..
What a bad day
Wanna go out
@PenDaRella just that you're not here...
@Danyelle_Elaine lol y i see ya twitts all tha time n i didnt get this one till right now lol and u never get mines damn twitta
Had wonderful company and a not so bad salad today at McDonalds for lunch. Now headed to my doctor's appt. booh hiss!
Hi .. I have the net YAYY.. Im here for a short time though
@Aeire ahahaha, that happens to me all the time. poor Angela!
Darn it my DS died x
can sum1 tells me how 2 vote 4 miley? it seems sum peeple r still voting i went 2 nd it seems i cant vote
@birdsandbones meeee too. i am listening to sad music and missing you. ps -
@Rckstar53 Why I gotta be all that?... I sad now
Best purchases at today at the yard sales: 2 large dog crates ($30) and a refrigerator for the office ($35) didn't buy anything old
CAKE is sold out at terminal 5
@danger_skies I want to dance with you too I haven't really listened to that song since you left. It makes me miss you more
@aeversman CALL ME
@jaclynracpan ouch acid reflux hurt too...
ROTC brought a climbing wall to work for coworkers to try and climb if they wanted. I forgot my climbing shoes at home today.
bout to go to work with a wicked sunburn on the chest.
@dougiemcfly me too. shit.
What do u see in her that i dont have @Shadez
Where is the sun!!
quick catch up on missed Neighbours ... poor Libby
is sad that she is not seeing Basshunter at Metroplex this weekend
Welcome @MarcCall !!! Let me suggest to you @fakejohnpiper and @fakepastormark. You'll love 'em! In other news, my algae fish died today
headache headache go away
is still working #fb
@ the drs. in beverly's scare crap out of me
Last free Friday.
no run today... tomorrow, I'll take Lilly (the lab) and shoot for 7.
@kaecie76 mines ben slow since last night, think i might need to reset it
@happyseaurchin It tells me I'm not a member of the private beta and I'm not going to just start pretending to assassinate people
I just realized that I can't forward text msgs with my iPhone.
@musecrossing it's not the 10.5% so much as the A)Sugar and B)Taste ... lord that'll put ya down, and not in the fun way
Well. The jag just took a shit on my way home from training I hope it's just the alternator.
@jeffieruth OMG, POOR Jack. That happened to @jisbellemtp 's dog one time. Hope he gets better soon.
@snakechaarmer yea, it's looking like we may be a no-show I havnt been able to get out of my art/sci obligations.
warmed up nicely outside. sucks being stuck inside coding
@AppleCharlotte unfair I wanna go too.
So screwed for sat 2 us
@SophieeeeLouise How do you vote? I'm on the website but can't find how to vote.
Is happy...Skool just let out..! Today was my last day..! Yippee! R.I.P Jackson Tyler Morris..! Always Loved And Never Forgotten..!
@katdrabeck that song is soooooo hot! i want to go but might have to wrk - i think my mgr is pissed - should have worked last night
Grass mowed. I can haz playtime now? No? @Nutzy2468 says we have errands to run
i have such a hard time talking to new people - I am pretty sure I didn't make a good impression.....
i am having serious problems concentrating on this press release this afternoon...i have sleepy eyes right now
@wholee Aaron and I are playing a gig at the Life Aquatic party outside of Austin, so I think we'll have to mis the TT Bday party, sadly
I hate exam time. I want my life back Also I want the ability to revise back - if I ever had that ability, that is.
@FlowerDust I'm're gonna be only 30 minutes from me on Sunday & I can't come hear ya.
noooooooo...another headache...hopefully not a migraine
I believe a man died in a car wreck today just right down the road. It happened at 12 and at 2 he was still in the car.
sunniest day in ages and im in bed
I bought a Leica M8, charger arrived DOA. Called Leica, got transferred around and left a VM. atleast the RF isn't misaligned...
Havin a bad weed first wisdom teeth then ran out of weed now I might be getting sick . . . if only i had more weed
Packing up my desk
@emzo2k9 miss u m8 we NEED tae have a catch up n that
@piratesswoop I don't have the link anymore.
@vlynn8 It's been raining the past few days but it was actually sunny today! Well, for a little while. Now it's super cloudy!
@burdr "Restoration of the site would also take place as part of the Banks proposals" - after the birds have gone? Avocets there this yr
@mileycyrus they closed the voting...all u can vote for now is best movie Hope you win it! My 4 y/o Daughter lovesss 2 sing "The Climb"
@stereophonics - well done guys! I am gonna miss the tweets!
@drewryanscott and i want to let you know im here for vfc no matter what happens and yes i need a hug to bad i live in delaware
Just found out my contact form was being dubbed Spam and wasn't forwarding properly. When checked, I had no legit contacts anyway. Double
@Marieblue17 Yep.
need a head hurts
@zwriter Your missing qualifying I think David Reutimann is leading with a 22.96 ....
@partyends talks about @Zlam_Dunk , their CD release is tonight at Stubb's! Wish I could go support!!
I just finished my 2nd to last box of nerds!!!
@cam_reed i feel so bad that happened to you did the police find the guy that did it? are u gonna get your stuff back?
this sucks schools over and there is nothing to do
Omg i got a black eye from a deck of cards i choked on laffy taffy and i am officaly done with school.. Sad now
@CrypticIrnAngel Sad nothing.
okay someplease save me!!! now I am watching ninja warrier and eating an egg roll from last night
But i dont mind the long line when theres a super cutie in front of me. Too bad he's wearing a gay bracelet with a girls name on it
where is everyoneeeeeeeeee ?
friend got mugged this morning
@Handroll That didn't work, unfortunately.
omg maddie in holby is dead. Gutted. loved Nadine lewington and really wanted Maddie and Clifford to get together
@Avas_Writer aww no which one?
ouuuuuuuuuchhhhhhhh, still hurting from the Barca spanking
OMG I BROKE DOWN AND HAD PIZZA BECAUSE I WAS STRESSED OUT @Thefatboys @theunclelouie @princemarkiedee you mad at me?
god... im suffering greatly... having no hair + sitting in blazing sunshine = v v bad sunburn
@Kellz95 is making cupcakes and says i can't have any kelli, you're a bad sister.
I wish I could get my nails done stupid job
Had a little fight with My Best Friend What should I Do?!?
@allahpundit never a relaxing weekend for the allahpundit
@richardepryor You missed me! lol
unopened pack of goat cheese starin me in the face. starving, din not til 6
@LisaTalkingTots So sorry to hear your terrible news Thinking of you all x
May have to work Saturday I want to just rewrite it properly over the weekend, but bosses may say just get it working now.
The little wormy from labyrinth sadly passed away today but its ok as hes still around in a happy ghost form aww
is coming back to Ruston tomorrow
Kam just called. She, Emmy & Laloo went to the Barn. On their way back now and Keltin is in atomic meltdown mode. That's a LONG drive
My Blackberry's got a fatty (battery) guess we're kinda in the same boat huh @laurensanchez ?
Loll whats boyfriend #2 supposed to mean then? @cathyweeeen its to cold
Going to the airport
Migraine is fighting its way back from last night.
Frak. I like sunshine, but I do NOT like heat headaches shame, because today was lovely otherwise.
@Franknitt don't remind me.. Was supposed 2 meet up with the Homie @DAEONE 2 4 that show.. Ack! So kill it the damn thang!
@Fletcherrrr awk thats shit why isn't she coming?
@mandyyjirouxx don't forget to follow emma from london = @teamcyrus like you said you would! I wish you aswered my calls it cost me �14
Oh..Summer begins..yay.. The fighting, Crying and stress has started with the kids..It's only been 3 hrs since they got out.
@tommcfly maybe you could go outside to meet some fans? im not even from sao paulo, im from rio, but.. idk, just saying :/
One is not supposed to have a headache on a Friday. That's just not right.
I think I messed up my back, its been like this all day
my sunburn is starting to peel
job searching some more
@Levanah_Gates am also gutted...the end is nigh x
Oh dear god, going to have to buy a Mac and Pro-Tools, I think my darling edit suite is soon to be filled with Prince Of Persia Movie
just spent the day with Bridget and a small thing that got wind and farted a lot - oh yeah, her baby! Now slightly broody!
id be happy thats its friday if i didnt have to work tomorrow blah
@Anjeebaby Snap. I'm the same with any reality show. Watch the first and I'm hooked Very sad
@jennifalconer I haven't heard Greg before I'm scared , I've heard he's rather freaky x
Ooooh Kay! Its time for me to stop twitterin and get going...
@KaarinE Me too I need the sudden urge to do it. Missing the Diplomat title
ughhh. i think my plans are ruined. i was excited too.
@Clubpenguinfan3 I guess that boner story isn't so funny I've had TONS of boner moments like that unfourtantly
needs to get over this fever grrrrr....
@cristnabls I totally agree! And there's no way to avoid it
@Emma300 Guess I'd better look out for a new best friend once those VIP tickets have been used! You won't want me anymore!
@michvs i wanna go home x
babysitting kids who won't let me play wii with them
Yah me too
Poor Lil J-Man has a fever. I can't wait to go home and hold the little man!
Stupid sun i actually have to work now
@Lint1 No Have you? And what's your favorite RHCP song?
@Soph_Ichigo She tried to carry on aswell, bless, I suppose maybe that's why kids shouldn't be in it?
just because you're a superstar it doesn't mean you have to do that !
@decaydance --Nothing
@sarahblevins3 i know!!
#BGT Quite an awkward moment, poor girl I hope she doesn't loose it again.
@nikkeekristen Yeah, it says that at the bottom 21+, and must be available to live there from Aug 19th to nov 2nd, roughly.
@hollie__ Aww bless her. She's one of my faves
sees the finish line disappearing in a plethora of emails!!! WAH!
@jcubed1 totally agree, but she always seems to be henpecking John, even before the cheating thing
sizzling outside. Work inside = double
Bad day The day you realize what mess you've put me through will be one of the happiest days of my life...
i can't find my tennis racket!!
@theroser i miss you SO much-o
@stevico1 Exactly!
@joemuggs urgh...Grime, me no likey
damn it...Margie said she couldn't share the info on who killed Evil Eddy with me She wanted my info again, gave it to her
i wanna do something tonight, but that doesnt look very promising
my car is possessed and won't stop honking at me
back home
@acupofjo 1. i dont 2. LMFAO I WONDER.
@TheEllenShow but i went out and bought some nail polish ellen
@angisori It's not a reg gig yet, but hopefully it will be! Haven't done massage in a while actually
false alarm on the house
Ugh! I just realized that I have to completely redo my tweetdeck groups! Pains of computer being wiped clean!
@GENeralization Damn I come from Las Vegas suburbia. Its hard for me to connect with ppls
@Akoha i promised myself i would spread the cards around India...and I only gave someone a deck & then never gave them out
@Beadinpath Hi Heather. I dont know why... but I just saw your messages from April!! Have not been very twitter friendly...
I want Dec to be my dad
he wasn't there today my free day from when the bell rang and wen it rang at the end was okayy..but after
People who would rather watch a movie then go outside fail at life
@anitawebster the pho broth is a concentrated mix of pork and beef I think you've missed the point.
@pfchangs I can't direct message you for my free lunch
@citizenDave You're not going? Awww
producing the 6 with @PieterBickford then anchoring... and a sad goodbye to Miss Lynne Ashminov we will miss you!
Santana - Maria Maria (The Wraith) ?
@xsaydax Boo, on both counts.
TODAy SUCKs - kisskass19: �you and katey broke up?! Yah Kate Broke up with me It�s been awful nd Vodkas...
@James_Young Iv Only Got Two Twitters On Here !!
@photogjack Yeah, the prices on the used market for Hasselblad are not even close to the way they used to hold their value. It's a shame
I try soo hard toget what I want.. & I always end up having a goose egg..
Too much food at today's company gill out, want to go home and lay in the sun. Instead here until dark, probably
@GettingFreedom @AmysFinerThings We don't feel too comfortable using it. It's not awful, but pretty icky. Scurrying to find a deal...
Apparently it's 21 degrees in Kilkenny now! And some comedy would be a great remedy to my boredom! Why the hell did I leave Kilkenny!?
Watching Jeremy assemble jr's new radio flyer bike!!! Jr is sick with 100 degree fever taking a nap. This will cheer him up though!
ROFL.. okay I dont know. but Kristin still isnt here
dammit. I need new cupcake tins
i feel like i'm quarantined everywhere i go... pinkeye, go away already!
@compassandcoin you are not alone
@MelanieRicheson - I used to have NKOTB sleeping bag too!! I don't know where it is now
@WESH That is really sad
@ChewwyUwe - please let me freee... I can't watch you masturbate for much loongerrr!
am bored out of my skull. i have got to get a job. this SUCKS. i need entertainment. /grumbles
I want to go swimming
Really struggling with my packaging design
@contentwhore Okay. I'm all out of ideas
...getting our site transferred over to a new server ... this is going to be quite a job
everyones just set to "Away" on msn.. nobody to talk to :\
deff workin this weekened
@aaronob I had it! On my itunes, but then I lost all my songs.
Fractured growth plate doesn't mix well with the upcoming dance recital for 12yr old. Does anybody want to buy a costume...or six? GAH!
@mitchelmusso it's so sad, i'd love to talk to you but i live in the uk can't wait for the new album, please say hi to me xxx
@melodykid i wlda seen it wit you! dummyhead.
@LadyStar88 Lol...I am greedy. I'm craving Coldstone again.
wants to go back to charleston
@_dritan Dam you, I want an #android, stupid only rogers
stomach cramps; sat in bed with a hot water bottle having some hot milk & toast, i feel like a wi girl again :') minus the stomach cramps
Traffic is horrific on 695..I jus wanna gt my dog
Almost time to say Good Bye to my twimulations. I'll miss my tweeps
this day has beasted me.
Arg Exile still has that problem with Alt-Tabbing
@DanfromAston I have heard that about a lot of programs like that, we go to a large chain of learning centers, sorry for you!
gotta go twitterers (?) my stupid sister wants to go on facebook oging to montreal 2morrow so i wont be on for a while! bye!! XoXox <33
@Fall_in_love aww me too!!! we miss you.
@JSNorwood oh, are we not doing that anymore?
@KaseyTheGreat I submitted my resume the same day and saw no answer back. Oh well...
@ProudKiwi missed you by 10 min, haha. went to sleep at 15 past, but had a major anxiety attack around 630 again. ugh. boo
wishes zak wuld trust me enough to give me bac my necklace i want it back, but he thinks i'll cut with it.....
Choir assembly was bad it's fucking hot, yay!
@LeesaB nooooooooooooooo! well the 4G will prob be out in June but that doesn't help u now
@itstayloryall you didnt include Taylor in the "Follow Friday"
even though it's only 7am on Saturday morning, it feels like the weekend is already over. btw I'm awake because I had a bad dream..
@donnyosmond Were getting old Donny. I got one starting high school next yr and one going into the 7th. Where have the years gone?!
@jen_dang my phone is still broken. just come over whenever.
Firefox again taking upwards of 600k of memory, time to restart ff
plans got ruined no blackstone going to carnival tomorrow if the weather is good
@xoxoJennxoxox I feel lost... I keep running (in my head) from staring faces.. haha. basically:Headache & eyes hurt
Waking up way to late = bad. Getting yelled at for it later = worse.
&not gonna lie. it's 60 degrees in here. thanks for leavin me your sweater molly. brrrrr
As if the day couldn't get any worse! Am once again an involuntary audio audience to the (not so) domestic bliss emanating from next door
At drs again
maaaaan last night was a funny night! sad aswell tho
history project
Oh god! The cheesy disco music has started and everyone is getting up on the tables i need more wine...
@erickajonasbby aw poor u DON'T let her get 2 u just ignore her n keep ur head held high she iz just immature lil girl lol
Colleague that "helped" by creating his unit's site in iWeb was NOT helpful. Trash code, 24 CSS files for a 4 page site, no optimizing.
Game 6...who wants it...u already know who the league wants
@GrangerSmith Glad to know you guys got there safe. Have a great show tonight! Wish I could be there.
I'm craving something salty in my mouth! Tired of pretzels tho.
@MalcolmMillion nah i understand you cant cancel i just wanted you to come
@tshirtterrorist no sign yet
Just heard a single i had been waiting MONTHS to disappointed.
@melroze90210 I KNO!!! im so sad! evry1 is leavin its horrible! im supposed to b happy for summer but i cant ima miss evry1!
SB 239K. Flop A Q 9. 4 players check. Turn 9. I check call 200 bet. River brick. I check call with trip 9's with K kick. He shows A9.
@Remy_Foster Still not working
awww Lukes been evicted from the Quiz
Latest: Saw Animal Collective in Oakland and they were AMAZING! Now, I am trying to clean my room
@maureenjohnson i looked for you but couldn't find you amongst the crowd
Har vondt i ryggen My back hurts
prom's today... i bought a ticket but im not going cause i dont have a dress, my hairs not done, ect. sucks cause its gonna be awesome..
awww the wee gril in britains got talent
work @britad Yay!
Leaving for work.
I wish the sun would come out...I guess it doesn't matter since I'm at work and can't enjoy it anyways
@SoccerGameBall i use to breathe soccer, live soccer.until i hurt my knee badly sad day that was.pass my link around?
i'm on relapse mom and dad i need you. jesus fucking christ you stay away.
@chezery awww! We can do that and then go to Chick Fila
Btw, I think I may miss my flight. Sasha's gonna be upset. But traffic was horriffic. Pull for me, guys!!!
Headed home ... Charlie's at the vet
sore head..hope my girls ok
@kristenyt that's why I need to be there...To represent the Blackberries
My spellingis awful on twiiter
Okay, the man with the hook for a hand is kinda freaking me out right now.
@ann_aguirre Now I wish I was going
@LoriBartolozzi Wow That had to be difficult
@CarsXCollide: no, I fell and effed my arm up today and now I have to do back drive.
i may cry damn this weather got my ass burnt (nt literally jus my shins arms n chest) legs hurt lyk a biatch slightly enjoy it tho ha
@MirSa89 I just about clear my whole office and no sign of it next place is truck, I have yet to fully clean under back seat lol!
Do I really look like the gay guy with the dark hair and sleeve from #BGT dreambears?
Greenville for the weekend for my best friends birthday and leaving way later than i wanted...
@Japumpy I need botox work on the lips if I'm going to change my name to Angelina Jolie, but it's a thought! Sad though about the racism
nothing to do
@vagabonddandy very bad.
@YungNik lmfaaoooo i just watched the Pink know me to well i love it...soooo me lol
@thewbdotcom Sadly, I can't view that site due to region restrictions
@TraceyMmm awww what did you eat sweety?
I am sitting here taking a little break and trying to recharge so I can continue housework
dedicating the next 2 hours to cleaning the house
Almost made it to reading comedy outlet. Headlining all weekend. Only took me 2 extra hours with traffic. Basically doubled my time.
@_constantstatic i like babies better (although i like shows/books about crime)
#NHL Not a fan of either team, my head says Detroit, my feet say the Pens my heart doesn't care GO KINGS in 2009/2010
Finally got my money. Too bad it goes to bills
@kingivn Have fun amorsote even tho u forgot my bday which is today
@meg_la_mania it worries me: we read nasty stories about murder, paedophilia and disfigurement and only get upset about animal cruelty.
Back in a mo. Cover Girls hubby on fb chat. She not seen him for 5 months
seniors done 5 more days!! woohoo!! going out for the night.
@osandisays dude...come to amel larrieux with me tonight...errybody fakin!
Now every Saturday till 8/4 for work. sucks. And no Friday or Monday off for July 4th either.
@Argyle_SocksO_o: I'm sorry, Shannon.
my arms hurt!
Needs to learn lines for show, else director is going to kick my butt
@Applecored what I do now anyhoo thanks for the *spank* :-O x
@Rubios_BeachMex Can't DM you since you don't follow me.
I miss talkin turkey. I REALLY MISS TALKIN TURKEY.
Traffic along McArthur! okay, keeping my eyes on the road and my hands on the phone, err, steering wheel.
@corruptjelly "ICANT LIVE, i cant live!!!" lmao. Oh and btw - oooowwwch my foot hurry with that plaster, im going to bleed to death
@thirdgradehater this traffic is ridiculous im may not make it
What I'm gonna do life is not good:'( no more Exit in this hallway I'm stuck in my world...
@JayHostDC went last year. I gotta go to my friend's party tonight though. I can never win
heading to work
@Christe1 So sad. Your mom must be very shaken up. Peace and strength to her and the dear family that lost their little girl
@ghxststories boys r nothing but trouble...i love trouble
Watching the Killers on JR. They are awesome. Too late though. They just cut the programme mid song. Twas my favourite too.
@QuEeN_AnGeL84 Awww i hope you feel better love...this weather is crazy...
@wylthenemesis nope not going be able to finish it tonight, got a few other things to do before bed
waubonsie lost they're out. i'm soo pissed
@TessMorris I considered being a nurse when I was younger but I really don't think I could cope if a baby died
ahhh!!!! u know what really sucks??? i sprained my toe!! OUCH!!
@MusicLover_15 No, I haven't seen it yet! But once it comes out on DVD.. ;) hehe. Haha
@bowwow614 I would but I'm afraid I got two left feet
@hanaabanana i know!!!!!!!!! yopu only just got round to watching it? i cried!!!!!
You haven't @replied back
I have two hours to wait for my tire to get repaired.
@LaraLea awww, we JUST missed you then!! But I'll see you tonight!!
Stuck on the 710 ... Going to my 2nd job ... ... Why can't I find a good office job???
This economy thing is getting us down. I stay positive mostly but sometimes it really gets to me. Hoping Todd gets work soon. - Another one...those were taken at 3 am MET! U see I have a real sleeping disorder
Dammit i just locked the keys in the car! had to call mama whos in laughlin to call AAA for me
Every time I pay off my library fine, I get a new one. I'm a bad patron
@hatz94 Nooooo get on now! Haha i'll be gone later
Okay, this weather isn't "cute sundress" friendly. I dont get how it could be so warm one minute and cold the next. I was freezing
Gonna miss the girlys soo super loads! Wish I wasn't going for 3 weeks! It's wayy to long
would some one plese suggest me a great thriller movie
@JBOO46 when he's there. he wasn't there today. sadness!
I'm trying to find the driver for my Microsoft Lifecam VX-3000 Webcam and can't find it anywhere! anyone have any links?
NCP no longer has job placement
I'm very sad Show do McFly nesse exato momento, e eu aqui...
@AnnieSenior what are u talking about??? since when dnt u trust me? this hurts... Im a good secret keeper
@erickimberlin ew man, i hate you TBS <3
@JonathanRKnight wish you were on your way to Tampa! FL girls are missing ya! - Saw a family of five get out of this motor home and into laundromat to clean clothes and bedding
Santa monica bound
already crying and the movie only started like 15mins ago
is watching big brothes big quiz , rather tiredd , but downloading a dvd so have to wait till finished till i can go to bed
wow, almost got involved in this big fight at school! ah, but anyways text me? going to causin's house, plus game crazy.
@ThisStarChild Did I miss the fun?
My debit card is going the same way as my credit card, it's snapping
I'm quite afraid to string now since I don't have any .024 wire use
@caitymarie I'm not off till 930
@neon_lights aw what's wrong?
Uh. Finally home, but completely wiped.
flipping out on my hairloss....gotta go to the doc.
I want a new lappy
@fiddlecub Guessing that's a question to everyone. I'm struggling to finish my last university assignment before I can start my summer
At The Only with @camfinlayson and @momotoronto, but not with @MoxieGarrett.
@Saraa_xD What I TRIED to say was 'it seems like the people of Facebook don't agree'... I guess I fail -cries-
Ohhhhh what a line
tired as fuck. it's pissing down with rain. i miss summer
@KidFury I dont see it? where do u see it listed at cause I dont
my bf had to go to her dads for the week end. i will have 2 full days of bordom.
Dang, I need a bed in the bay area Monday / Tuesday night Anyone able to help out?
@peapodann the second i hit reply to that tweet i was asked to stop playing music. i am now sad. someone sing to me. on or off key works!
@amandalaur that would be awesome i think, i hate how expensive phones are
@ProfLovee why you not go on the twitters no more? oh bais!
doesnt understand twitter
i miss my baby hateeeeee it
@PJ1221 me too
on my way to shreveport to forget all the bad things he's brought into my life
@KimSherrell not me sigh
@keithjoforever why are you so angry keith... whats up...
@Karetron I KNOW!!!! Its all stormy outside.. and my hair looks cute today.. hahah
@Dannigyrl Fabulous. And I didn't get that pic Gmail be acting the fool sometimes. Can u DM me it?
I should stop trying to reach @mitchelmusso
Tired.....but can't go to bed yet.....
Romeo and Juliet were very much in love when they were wed. They honored their vows, and where are they now? they're dead.
Hate being skint Anybody want to give me another job? haha!
I am so hungry...if my arm were on the core diet I would eat it! Guess I have to wait until dinner is ready
@drunkenlovee it'd take jamy 6 months to figure out how it works. I wanted to go see a movie tonight! then i remembered the game was on
Believe it or not I'm a super geek
Watching ET today! <3 Supposed to have a clip from New Moon Hating Drag Me To Hell
i am going to be staring at hello kitty's face at 3-9
Apperently ea knows my copy of the sims 3 is not legit and is upset
acho q to
@foodphilosophy seriously, technology isn't always my friend. Nothing like doing double research.
I think I already regret telling rick I have an xbox... I'm losing him to that and twitter.. you still want it jimbo haha
@chelseachase if i had a car
@Emmaloveshearts Gross! haha it was like the tiniest piece ever but i can taste it like i ate the whole onion eww
its about to storm..soo much 4 goin out ..ill just play on the net for awhile
@Trillian711 I had an account at a local comic store that I ran to 4k at one time
@JadeSkylar - oh, COOL!! D. I'm going to like a bunchh of JB shows this summer... I am so broke now though haha
@krooyakkers what I thought ur going somewhere that's why I didn't invitw u
enchiladas weren't as good as I thought they would be now I know why I don't eat mexican
I cant afford life right now. Everything i want to do is too expensive
Rain is moving in from the west. Thwarted plans for a wee nap outside
I�m really desappointed...
At this point, I'm gonna be left here with only Tommy. He is no prize.
@djeebus i cant drink cause i dont have a dd to take of home
Bears, beets, and... shit, never mind How about SG1, take-out, and wasabi vodka with ginger ale and lime...
Sorry for the delay in publishing this weeks show Some technical difficulties during encoding. Will be out asap but may be Saturday.
is gonna be mad hungry when I get home. Forgot my money...
@JennycLiu Oh yah! My dad does that. But I don't have a landline.
@Lynne90 wasnt it supposed to have been in for yesterday?
@gerardoudi hey Gerardo! (late response) that day i was talking bout forgiving my brother 4 givin me wrong directions! i got way to upset
My vibe is currently downed. The only thing amusing me is my Joker shirt. *Looks down and pokes shirt* I want a peanut butter sandwich...
@FernShadow I'd just plain go crazy
@whore_hay The Twitter Happiness score for sw00p is: 418. I think I dropped by 1 point since yesterday.
Just finished bowling with my family. It's definately not the same as with my friends
MegaMan 2.5D... wow! Capcom please don't chuck a 'Square-Enix' and put a Cease and Desist order on this project
new favorite group has to be J*Davey Hi&Low is my shit. why don't the really flygroups come to Miami hell Florida? And no Rock The Bells
@samsmith2709 aww
Ugh. Las #vegas airport is at a "ground stop" which means I'm stuck in the plane on the tarmac (again) at LAX.
left my phone at home and wont get it back till 4am. dont call me!!
@saamanthajaane :o exams. YUCK that will be hectic!
driving past Tattered Cover w/o stopping promising myself to make time next week.
Drat. All my land boots died at once. I think of boots like parsley- one going to seed, the other first season. What to do now?
oh!, I wanna buy Just That Girl - Drew Seeley, but I'm not allowed I'm talking itunes store)
Just got out of work
Month end... still stuck in my office waiting for the stragglers to get there s#!t together.
leather jackets=uncomfortable....not my thing
I hate horrible atmospheres, I pick them up so quick! kisskiss xxxxxxxxxx
@ladyjori whaaaat what about your house? You've been working so hard on it!
Writing this paper is a lot harder then i thought . LOL
I have to go to work.
being at work while sick blows! kill me. i feel like crap
@angelealain Hope you get to spend the weekend at home.
My back hurts
Well, I made the list look better, but I can't do anything about the number pictures, since I already closed that tab. - I am very sad. They cut down my Pink Tree. I noticed it when I left today to get Betos
ugh lost the remote gotta actually move to change channel wtf #twat
UP is the saddest movie i've ever seen
Okay haileys really gone now. everyone keep her in your prayers.
131 miles away
on my way to orlando and its raining
@DJFREEZY ummm not with me?
@jeangrae whyd u feel awful after last night?
Is in bed not able to sleep bloody bipolar!
super frustrated, and taking it out on the one's I love! I love you, Paul!
Eatin dinna, herd tom brady not movin 2 fast
As it turns out I do NOT get to go see The Decemberists...
City Dippin iz u fun, so much eye candy out here...I remember y I miss LOL
@Snoop71 Not so much a substitute as a variation. Ate too much, too. Oof
Trying to go to sleep but no luck I think i'm sick... =S
last few hours in singapore!! i don't want to leave!!!!!
This is not fair... bath again....
@sullivancc14 haha I really don't but I'm going to this workshop at school next week. Are you going? Plus my car is broken right now
@lindyhot lol.. usually i always do.. not bn too well tho how old r ur kids?
@penny2dear right my fellow fluffy flasher! I must go to bed, sorry I hope everything is working properly 2moro and we can chat! love u x
Am I old? Pub kickin out time is whey too late, I'm stinkered:-/. Got the cubs tomorrow too I'm gonna suffer !
@jackbox noooooo! I just spent two days getting that damn song OUT of my head
@torie007 yeah, and now you live in the 'hood! I never would have thunk it What's up with these shootings in Belmont Shore?? Sheesh.
Why isnt my internet working
I have no one to go to the spring show with
@nicolacrossley. Tickets, i need my tickets, where are my tickets. i want my ticketttttss
@Linooo Ahhh! I knowww! I saw it May 5th and 6th in Newcastle and it was so good!!! I'm soo excited for 6th June, as its my bday aswell!
Restoring my iPod touch seemed like euthanasia to me. I was willingly killing it.
Hate to break every1's heart but confirmation jus came in that Austin & Sophia do NOT & never had a twitter another sad day!!
[H]ouse starts on Sunday and I'm sad as I can't afford Sky,
Wife and kids have made it to San Antonio...almost to Corpus! Praying for safety the rest of the way. Guess I'll watch the game alone
not a very good day at the house
@adamtheeditor I heard it was disappointing, which I am disappointed by before I've even seen it. What a waste of C. Bale.
Hail/Thunder storm here. The Power keeps on going on then off. It sucks.
missing my granpa, goingo to church, its been two hard months without him!!
@StaceBDU but my bday is JUNE 19.. this is wack... and ihavent seen any promotions for my bday party someone better finagle this asap!
waiting for sleeping pills to kick in... gonna be so tired at work tomorrow
@PrincessSuperC i misss youhhhhhhh ci! Tell dem japenese ppl to give yu a computer or sumthinnn. Ya twit fam misssesss supa c!
@jojo_jtv WHAT! I was only gone for 30 minutes and you're already showing boobage without me?
@ceciliaa_ What did he say about it?? Gosh! I missed the yesterday live chat.. I was at bed.. sick
so i have like no more friends it's kinda sad
ok, twitter doesnt like me i must be really do i send a msg?
@Aphrosie It would still involve me standing up. lol. Windows are too high up. Guess im just gonna have to go out
Knew she was an idiot..
is crying..because the school years over i wont get to see my teachers! i wont get to see johnathan.......