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Connahs Quay were angry over Halkyn 's decision to call off their match at Pant Newydd an hour before the scheduled start .
He was furious with me for ringing him .
In spite of everything , Burun felt depressed by the whole affair and could not understand why .
` Everyone seemed very pleased with the arrangements Philippe had made , did n't they , Rose ? "
As a gentleman of considerable physique , Guttersnipe is naturally alarmed at such prejudice against the nutritionally challenged .
Mention of the press 's glee at the humiliation of the investigators behind this summer 's high-profile surveillance project Operation Blackbird , who were fooled by an obvious hoax , brings out Tarr 's own nascent conspiracy theory .
Neither he nor Peter can conceal excitement at being back in the limelight again .
Even falling asleep as he was , McLeish was amused at Bruce Davidson 's hopeful , proprietorial air .
I enjoyed his excitement with politics .
But by being ashamed of who they are , they 're making it harder for other people to accept them . "
She 's miserable that it all has to end .
` I 'm so happy you could make it , my favourite jockey . "
Headmaster Jim Jones recalled her delight at winning the egg and spoon race .
It is unfortunate that such considerations may be thrust out of view by continuing public -- and perhaps personal -- revulsion towards the concept of child sexuality .
Vaguely ashamed of her behaviour , she then tried to draw back , but his arms tightened , preventing her , and she gave up all thoughts of resistance .
He refused to be roused by her anger , suspecting she was furious he 'd turned down her invitation to stay .
I felt indignant at this casual assumption .
Every time they got near him , he backed off , ecstatic with excitement , tail wagging furiously .
I am pleased that they have responded very positively .
Thenceforward I was always wanting to take the joys of solitude and of society in their extreme forms , and was alternatively miserable from the lack of company or the presence of uncongenial company .
He was sad about missing the forthcoming whiskies .
Ashamed of having frightened me , he looked at me sweetly and began to sing Italian songs to make me forget the incident " .
I also remember being extremely ashamed at some of the racist chants the Leeds fans were coming out with that night .
I dare say a few prize juries might be peeved at having their judgment queried , too .
I saw him return this morning , so pleased with himself . "
They have also aroused Protestant anger against Dr Runcie , at the same time as he has become involved in a row over his attack on the ` Pharisees " of British society .
We act cool , like we 're not delighted to meet up again , then we sit round the kitchen table and talk .
Miss Logan concealed her astonishment at this curious lecture , but felt bound to enquire further .
` Jane , my darling , it 's not because she 's mad that I hate her .
She was simply embarrassed at being revealed to the public .
Blake says how pleased he is with the firm 's improved performance , acknowledging the considerable efforts and progress it has made .
Indonesian officials were somewhat miffed Friday when the mayor of Hanover , Herbert Schmalstieg , took the occasion of welcoming Suharto to lecture him about human rights violations in Indonesia .
Good if you are nervous about making a permanent change .
In fact I expect he 'll be mad I 've told you that much . "
He was a professional musician now , still sensitive and happy doing something he loved .
But Hartington soon became alarmed at the plans to give increased powers to what he termed ` fanatical local authorities " , and he wrote to Rosebery asking him to withdraw support for the measures .
` I thought perhaps you were still mad at me . "
The delight at being finally united with Joan was tempered by a feeling of discomfort about Ronnie Leahy .
Woody Allen wrote and directed this comedy in which he stars as New Yorker Isaac Davis who is in love with his city but disgruntled with his job as a TV comedy writer .
Clattering on , trying to hold five ponies and eat an ice-cream , Perdita was not amused to hear whoops and noisy hooting behind her .
Despite my anger and despair at what had happened to Brian , killing myself now would n't make amends for not helping him .
He was concerned that to include the large Asian countries in such a scheme would introduce problems that the small nations could find difficult to resolve .
We are pleased to see the guidance state unequivocally that major retail developments are inappropriate in Green Belts .
ALAN Hickman from Derbyshire became worried about the advice he was receiving over his pension transfer when he realised that each expert he consulted recommended a different course of action .
Nor , in the western part of the country , does disgruntlement with Mr Kohl mean gruntlement for Social Democrats .
KATE went to work the next day rather ashamed of the absurdly flattering photo of herself which had made the gossip column of her daily paper .
George felt anxious that he had had no opportunity to be alone with Tamar , and so there had been no chance of warning her about the groom .
The newcomers feel cold-shouldered by the local population on occasions and become resentful of their almost tribal clannishness .
` It 's actually made me quite nervous about being in London .
The sense of relief that the Danes had ` let us all painlessly off the Maastricht hook " was immediately replaced by a despondency at the Government 's response .
The most uncomfortable part now is the interviews , because I ca n't put on an act , particularly on TV , I get really embarrassed seeing myself .
I am really sad that nobody wants to do it like I have done it for them .
Their mother died a month later , heartbroken by the loss of her mate .
` I am so excited about seeing my sons again .
Robert Stephenson , when John met him after the week 's delay , was amused at the story of the Triumph of Rhyll .
As lieutenant-governor , he is remembered for fleeing down the statehouse fire escape to avoid senators ' anger over his choice of committee assignments .
Segments in D major and B minor accord with episodes of the drama as this unfolds , but two isolated D minor movements underscore Dido 's anguish at being betrayed .
She cackled and slapped her knees , bent double and wheezing with delight at her own witticisms .
The London Irish Women 's Centre are pleased to announce that the Irish language classes for adults will continue with Siobhan Ni Neill on Fridays from 10.30 am to 12.30 starting on Feb 7 .
Away from the defence debate Dr Mowlam also yesterday spoke of her despair at the growing homeless problem in her constituency .
One minister was miffed yesterday when he found his seat occupied by a journalist talking to a fellow cabinet member before the meeting began .
Within the ranks of the music press , there seemed to be a genuine grief at the split and the band 's loyal followers responded accordingly , filling the letter pages with tearful , doleful sentiment .
Travellers might get used to jet-lag in the sense that they learn to live with it , or they might find it progressively more irksome as their initial excitement with travel begins to wear thin .
He was angry that Bernard had gone too .
But seriously , I 'm very happy that you 're staying .
I was peeved to see Robert Kilroy-Silk credited with inventing the egg trick in a recent colour supp. profile .
Thank you , thank you ! " she cried , quite ecstatic that he 'd unbent .
He expressed at once his sorrow for my father 's death .
Duncan could imagine their anger at being forced into another emergency manoeuvre .
Our relationship does seem to be improving but obviously I 'm worried that we now seem to be paying 50% more than we expected .
She felt slightly ashamed that it gave her such satisfaction .
People are very embarrassed talking about sex .
I was suddenly infuriated at the thought of what we had believed about the Germans in England .
The Government have expressed their horror at such attacks on the police , but they also need to act .
Keith , a general operator at Associated Octel 's plant in Ellesmere Port , is thrilled to see his brother back home .
Diehard fans might be miffed at some of what 's left out , but it 's tough to argue against any of the songs included .
The elation of witnessing birth may be followed by a sense of disorientation at being a displaced person .
I go along and watch women 's football and get really infuriated to see a man out there refereeing the game , and often in a very condescending manner !
There is too much busyness in schools , staff need ` dream time " too and also the security to try out ideas without becoming nervous about making mistakes or being afraid of failing .
Delighted to be taken for another ride in another car , the little boy chuckled .
Joan 's great skill , then as now , was to be completely nonplussed by anything Richard did .
What I did n't understand was why I did n't feel happy walking down the street afterwards .
Perversely , she was cross with him for having survived when she had spent the weekend fretting .
Seb was slightly embarrassed at meeting the gipsy .
He 's just happy to get on with it .
Morrissey was obviously peeved at The Smiths continued existence as a relatively small ` cottage industry " .
He appeared delighted at the prospect .
Because they 're concerned about America 's oil dependence , senior government officials have come to rub shoulders with the advocates of conservation and alternative power sources .
Evreux 's Communist mayor , Roland Plaisance , said he was `` revolted '' by the firing and praised Gaillot 's commitment to `` staying close to the poor and the excluded . ''
Even my father was n't too pleased about continually having to clean his porch roof , which our residents had covered in droppings and other nest debris .
A drop of scotch during occasional periods of self-criticism helped him to become happy with himself , but most of the time he was happy anyway .
Me , I 'm miserable that it 's all beginning .
On reaching the Fish I let out a cry of triumph , overjoyed to have got there while conveniently forgetting the Verdon-like wall which lay above .
` It is miserable for us to look back on these things .
I am saddened to find that such thinking still exists within the profession .
Sarah tried to stop herself from feeling happy at this revelation .
Now that he was committed to a course of action he felt exhilarated .
One farmer was livid that he could not go into his local National Park and chop wood for his barbecue .
Bob became embarrassed at his own effusiveness , and turned back to the screen , tapping out the rhythm with his fingers on the side of his glass .
For the owner , it can mean heartbreak at the loss of a family pet .
He was miserable at being left out .
One of Greece 's largest hunting clubs , located in the northern port city of Salonica , said in an announcement that it was `` revolted '' by the dog fights .
` They are naturally excited about getting the championship back after 33 years , " he said .
He felt suddenly happy at being alive .
That 's why I 'm not frightened of your report . "
In the last 10 days of the trail , however , he became much happier to take risks , although babies remained unkissed .
Goebbels himself had signed her travel papers under pressure from his sympathetic wife Magda , who had mistaken Lais 's hysterical sobs for sorrow at Karl 's death .
However , I thought you might share my amusement at the thought of baked beans at a low tension !
Apparently I was furious I had not been consulted
The only time I have ever been bitten was when running with a partner who was petrified of dogs .
But they are also nervous that the calculations they make in the next two weeks may determine who will win and lose the political battles of the next two years .
It linked the poor performance with the exodus to the West of more than 330,000 East Germans disgruntled with Communism .
I began to dislike her ; she looked sly and I felt indignant that she 'd spoken to me like that .
` You 're angry I 'm here , are n't you ? "
Then we killed her , and I felt frightened of her .
No-one could have told from his face that he was absolutely livid with Sukey , but he did n't want a row , which would upset Daisy and gee Perdita up before the interview .
Her father was cross with her , if not downright angry , and she felt like weeping inside .
--- The descendants of Sir Isaac Newton are miffed that former prime minister Maragaret Thatcher has included the 17th century discoverer of gravity on her personal coat of arms , to represent learning .
The veterans have become increasingly alarmed at the incidence of illness -- especially cancers amongst the 20,000 who were present at the tests .
Do you have a delight in animals and skill in their management ?
When the peat-brown eyes fixed on hers again , their level gaze showed he had recovered from his astonishment at seeing her .
He chuckled , delighted at having amazed her .
HELSINKI , Finland ( AP ) --- A Finnish orchestra on Friday completed recording a work by composer Jean Sibelius that vanished a century ago because he was miffed by criticism .
In the 1940s wives were still bitterly resentful of the fact that their husbands did not seem to realise that they needed leisure .
But he was dismayed , in the circumstances , to see Gabriel ride off the moor and up the street in the company of a young monk .
The proprietress seemed delighted to see them .
Li Yuan was smiling broadly , pleased with himself , proud of his scheme , and delighted that he had Tsu Ma 's approval .
My father used to get so angry at her stubbornness -- not at all like me , used to doing what I was told . "
The celebration of sexuality found in the works of Sidur , Neizvestny and others , stemmed partly from the mischievous delight in taunting society 's taboos .
Mrs Syms 's astonishment at her appearance was almost comical .
He is also believed to be embarrassed that one person should be earning so much when the recession and heavy unemployment has badly affected Coventry and the surrounding area .
They were furious Mr Reynolds had accused their leader , Des O'Malley , of being dishonest .
` We are not happy that the group is meeting Sinn Fein and will demand an explanation from the Consulate .
It does at times reveal a certain despair over her present situation -- a fact that is rather concerning .
` I do n't feel resentful that God has decided to take me before my allotted span .
` Now that I 've seen the finished copy I 'm delighted that I encouraged Susan to write it , " said Mrs Major .
Be prepared to train twice as hard on your weaker side and each time you feel fed-up through lack of progress , switch to your stronger side to give yourself a boost .
A son should be concerned for his father 's health . "
John Lahr told me of his astonishment at how unpleasant he could be to waiters at the Indian restaurant they visited together .
I was given a dummy in which to do my preliminary sketches , but the dummy was designed so beautifully by Amelia Edwards that I was really happy with my work .
This man introduced me to an agent who did n't look all that excited to see me and was only obliging a friend .
At first Anne felt indignant with Joe , but when she thought it over , realised the good sense of his warning .
For the Opposition , Sam Galbraith said he was particularly angry that the Government was reneging on the ballot subsidy .
Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon get miffed because her establishment will replace two of their favorite hang-outs .
On the other hand , she suspected that Fowler-Thrown would be delighted to have a private view of Newley 's collection .
I 'm delighted to learn that his advice has been sought in the present enterprise .
And while she sounded sympathetic , she was in reality infuriated with Doreen .
The King was bluntly informing him that he was ill pleased at the lack of progress Corbett was making .
All around there was the electric atmosphere of first night excitement .
Except when he gets cross with us sometimes .
Liz 's anger towards Raquel dates back to a charity dinner this year .
His delight and sense of wonder at the growth of his baby were erratic as other interests pressed , but real enough .
But his father was overjoyed to see him , and at once threw a party .
Our , most of our rules and most of our laws are made by people who are frightened of losing their property , and not the sort of people who are frightened of being mugged at night .
She was nervous of all Men , and preferred to be with the women of the Court .
There was , as yet , no significant revulsion amongst the general public towards the use of nuclear weapons to save manpower .
Hauser was amused at the suggestion .
` I think your friend Billy and his fellow commandos were a bit peeved to find themselves here after the horse had bolted , so to speak . "
He is so anxious about being accepted that he is trying to be extra good and even perfect . "
Americans get so ashamed about that kind of attitude .
The queen was grief-stricken at his death .
` Pa would 've been livid with me for getting pregnant , and he would n't want his precious fiddle going to pay for anything to do with it . "
The young lord was overjoyed to see what a beautiful wife his friends had found for him .
The station was crowded and he was horribly ashamed of his nakedness , but all his clothes were on the train .
I am pleased that there has been a threefold increase in , for example , HRT prescriptions during the past 10 years .
But she was even more astonished at her ladyship 's next words .
` You 're not just frightened for Lucy .
` Yes , yes , I did , " she told him , feeling ridiculously pleased that he was clearly enjoying her first attempt at baking a cake .
But equally , it provided a home for some of the darkest forms of distrust of and revulsion from sex and marriage .
Although this is hardly the headhunter 's fault , the candidate will naturally feel annoyance or even anger that his or her expectations have been raised and then dashed , often without much explanation .
Now the special envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Jose-Maria Mendiluce , says he is revolted to hear those words from Mr Boban .
Thus the dialogue and its frame emphasize the bond between the two of them , and thereby further underline the horror of the sacrifice of which they speak .
We are getting a bit fed-up of people saying how badly opponents play against us .
Police became increasingly concerned for their prisoner 's health over the weekend .
I 'm delighted that you 've been able to come along at such short notice .
Germans were resentful of France 's post-war attempts to keep them under close control , and it could not automatically be expected that they would agree to join European institutions .
Out of breath , and furious to note that he was n't even panting , she struggled to free herself , then glared at him .
Most pool owners are thrilled if they can persuade their fish to breed successfully .
And -- though the heartbreak of her troubled marriage still haunts her -- she raised a grin as Prince Harry waved from their car in London .
As it was , I felt thrilled to be walking on the same ground that young Thomson had trodden long before .
I was responsible for Community Programme for the last 18 months of its life , so I 'm delighted to be involved in introducing Community Action .
Under danger , in the dark , one feels a kind of particular horror at finding oneself alone .
I 'm very pleased with how we 've reacted to our bad start to the season . "
I was mad about her being killed , mad at whoever killed her .
Landlords were not pleased to find that their apartment blocks had overnight become the property of the tenants .
That comes after growing Irish annoyance at the continued failure of the British to ensure that the RUC accompanies the UDR on all its operations .
From time to time he brought them small presents of coffee and sugar , although he was always slightly shy and embarrassed about giving them .
It was as if Gillray 's avaricious monarch was more of an affront than the voluptuary suffering from the horrors of dissipation .
Branson was nonplussed by Elliott 's refusal ; in fact , it constituted the perfect challenge .
We were pleased to see the Canadians do so well in the World Cup after they had beaten us over there " !
I was delighted to see the photograph of the staff from Department One , published in the January/February issue of Wimpey News .
Several hours passed while he sat there , knowing that Maud would be inconsolable at having missed a charity dinner .
Charles opened his eyes warily , disgruntled at being dragged out of his dream .
Now you see in our day and generation , we do n't need to be reminded of the importance of little things. the more we learn about the atom , the more we 're astonished at its complexity and its unseen power .
I was happy that I was having my own baby but sometimes I used to cry for nothing and I was easily upset .
But a dry day would bring bigger crowds and add to the excitement of the vital third round of the tournament .
People are becoming more and more concerned about the healthiness of their diet and way of life .
I hope you were pleased with how much we sold .
A stranger to the district , coming over a brow of the hill , would have stopped astonished and perhaps a little peeved to see Ploughman 's Lane lying beneath him .
He gets mad when Gary does n't sleep , he says it 's my fault , he says I make him do it and She stopped again .
The Germans themselves , reported William Shirer , seemed glum and resentful at the prospect of war .
Children at Wanborough primary school near Swindon are so worried about the hazards they experience on the way to school , they 're calling for a new footpath .
Nizan 's despair in 1939 at the Nazi-Soviet pact and the Soviet invasion of Poland echoed Sartre 's despair in 1956 at the Soviet repression in Hungary .
I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
I was quite sad to hear my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food say that he was prepared to sit in the negotiations for months .
I had lost the excitement of the first Ramble to the Trossachs which had all been new territory .
By this time , Mattie was feeling irked , not by Urquhart but by O'Neill .
Nevertheless , your father ( and mother , too for that matter ! ) may well be very pleased if your boyfriend takes the time to have a chat with them .
For Williamson , only soldiers who had fought in the war , and who understood the horrors of modern conflict , could save Europe from further disaster .
` I am delighted that you are so cheerful and optimistic .
David is concerned at the length of time he says it took for an ambulance to arrive .
Maggie was quite astonished at her own determination on that score .
I could never have agreed to such a plan , but was pleased at Mick 's change of mood .
In the pictures of Belsen , the sheer anguish on the faces of the Tommies contrasts starkly with the indifference of the SS recorded in their cheery souvenir albums .
But when I got to be twenty-one , I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years .
Bobby Robson 's delight at having guided his team to another major tourament was coupled with gratitude to the 40-year-old goalkeeper .
I was shaking with embarrassment that he could talk to me in this way at all , as if he knew me , as if he had the right to question me .
Life , you know , it 's miserable for them .
So the chief librarian was surprised and not particularly overjoyed to be dragged down from his rooftop sun terrace by Harry 's telephone call .
Feeling a little frightened of the dead body behind him in the cart , and depressed by the autumn fog , he stopped for some beer at a pub , where he met Jan Coggan and Laban Tall .
Sammy stuck his nose in the air , delighted at such attention .
Thomas Coram 's revulsion at the infant corpses in London gutters led him to campaign for a hospital for foundlings , established in 1741 .
Prosecutors were clearly miffed that several businessman changed the statements they had given during investigation of the case .
Somerset are furious over suggestions that ` The Ghost " , who took 8 for 122 , should be left out .
And even those could be put down to excessive grief at the loss of his wife .
Imagine my horror at seeing her step out followed by a man !
A friend said : ` Joan is thrilled Katy has found such a nice chap . "
He seemed startled to see me as if applicants , once embarked on musical offices , rarely returned .
The Sheffield Wednesday striker was livid at finding himself back on the bench just 28 minutes after being sent on as a second-half substitute at Norwich on Saturday .
He was incensed , stunned , at her action , and stood rigid with anger as he felt the slime roll down his cheek .
I recall thinking that I had to be home soon or Mother would be angry at me for missing supper .
` Katherine , I haven t yet told you how pleased we all are that you shall be going to school here and be with us at Valois frequently .
This may all sound very trivial but it has the effect of making me almost hate my body to the extent that I feel ashamed to let John see me naked .
The Prime Minister retorted angrily : ` I do believe that on reflection you might be ashamed of some of the things you have just said . "
Neil Kinnock was happy that his deputy should spell out his commitment to equality as Labour 's objective .
Tom Shakeshaft , who is 15 , reveals his dismay at plans to drive a dual carriageway right through the beautiful piece of countryside where he lives .
Professor Winston said : ` I 'm thrilled to see them all here .
She was already feeling a bit better and she felt quite amused at this cool domination , especially as she was not going to pay any attention to it .
Having already paid for my return ticket I was cross at having to buy another one , and even more upset at having to pay extra for the one-way ticket and convert sterling at an unfavourable rate .
` Your mother and I are so pleased you are so happy .
But her annoyance over the pictures could not distract Catherine from her latest -- and biggest -- ambition .
Highly delighted with the transaction , we made our way back to Althorp Street , wondering how we were to break the news to Mrs Sugden .
She would be doubly furious at having been deceived in exactly the same way by two successive men .
I 'm downright flabbergasted to know you 're treatin' Dolly so unkind an' beatin' 'er as well .
But last night he insisted he had no grudge against Taylor , even though in his column he openly discussed his innermost anguish at being one of only three England players not to kick a ball during finals .
Kagan was deeply concerned that his access to the child was limited .
Not having entered art competitions before , I 'm delighted to have reached the finals .
She was on her feet taking his hand , smiling at him , telling him how delighted she was to meet him .
Amanda 's grief for her father was compounded by anxiety over his ontological status .
A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes .
AN OXFORDSHIRE reader expresses astonishment that so many of the hotels featured in this column border on Fawlty Towers .
FACTORY workers fed-up with secretary Carolyn Bullock 's dodgy parking hoisted her car on to the firm 's roof with a crane .
The book also moves close to a highly critical analysis of science and yet never becomes anti-science , only anti-scientific : Jones 's own delight in physics enthusiastically drawing the sting out of his own criticism .
He told of his sorrow at having to quit a job he passionately enjoyed .
Expressing his delight at being appointed , he said : ` This is the one job I had hoped for . "
It was hot , sunny and the water looked so cool and inviting that Maggie felt quite downcast about having no swimsuit .
` South Africa must be worried how easily we did get through , and close to their line , because they know that Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott are amongst the quickest in the world .
He was not overwhelmed with grief for Kit , but evidently his eyes felt otherwise .
Neighbours recalled how Ms Bailey was overjoyed at the birth of her daughter .
He liked to think of her being pleased at getting a letter .
Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy .
Afterwards , she had been annoyed by her reaction and ashamed of her cowardice .
And you feel anxious about getting the first lot of seeds sown out of doors .
` I 'm so angry our little boy is dead because someone wanted to drive fast . "
And she was furious that Mr Clarke did not break the news to her before holding a Press conference .
` I am desolate that Anthony has died .
Rescued dogs are often somewhat nervous of people , and yet may also become excited to see you , when you have been out , for example .
Many of the latecomers , especially as the afternoon wore on , were furious to find the doors locked , not having heard of the noon closure and so thinking they had all day .
But Richard 's elation at regaining his health was short lived because his kidneys started to fail .
Darling Bob , do n't be cross if I have n't got it right , but is it one of your beloved American writers ?
A man was astounded to walk into his son 's bedroom and find him sitting playing chess with his dog .
Delighted at having gained his complete attention , Lori squirmed in her seat .
To express their grief over the Warrington atrocity , the people of Dublin sent thousands of floral tributes to Liverpool this morning with the Irish Air Corps .
She stopped , horrified at what she had been about to say .
Mr Patten , however , is engaged in more than simply relieving his own exasperation at Beijing 's procrastination .
He seemed happy with this .
Was n't there one word of sympathy he could offer to ease her sorrow at having loved and lost him ?
`` A lot of people , they 're absolutely revolted by the fact that these evil , depraved IRA godfathers can recruit impressionable young Irish people into ( committing ) appalling acts of violence . ''
It was also due to a barbaric delight in high-sounding verbiage , and probably this was the most powerful reason for its use .
Small children of two or three tend to be alarmed at a banana-skin fall , not amused yet .
Lucy knew she had to tell him something , so she said , ` She got mad with me when I admitted you 'd taken me for two bush walks .
He seemed pleased to remind us of yet more evidence of Bouilland 's humming modernity , and took us out into the sun again .
We are very happy that the Volkswagen Tour has enabled us to welcome this renowned orchestra to the Festival for the first time .
Though relieved , and fiercely delighted that she had apparently stopped him in his tracks , Polly was apprehensive about going back up on deck .
She was nervous that he might change his mind at the last minute , but he did not do so .
The staunchly pro-monarchist Daily Telegraph said BBC chairman Marmaduke Hussey , whose wife is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth II , is miffed that no one told him about the interview .
He says old Plumpton gets mad at them .
Trying to hide her enormous delight in his return , Juliet turned to David .
Carolyn watched him , caught between her astonishment at his presence here , and the sudden absolutely natural way they were talking .
When Ramsey came to read the book himself , later in life , he was astonished , and at one point burst out laughing , to discover what irrational expressions he could use .
` But my chairman and vice-chairman have given me another year 's contract , and I 'm absolutely delighted to be staying at Nottingham Forest .
He also was miffed that World Tour organizers did not contact enough players before going public .
` I 'm infuriated with myself , " he gritted from behind clenched teeth , his scowl deepening .
She was furious with me .
` You can imagine our horror at finding a false ceiling in a secure establishment and ducts like this .
` We 're particularly concerned about the increase in incidents involving youngsters of 11 and 12 , especially girls , " said founder Regina Dollar .
Labour supporters must be in despair at not being able to race away from the Tories in the run up to the election .
He turned away , his feeling of anguish at the nothingness of it all overwhelming him .
Stock investors were not miffed by the frantic currency markets .
` I feel despair at being deceived and betrayed .
Since the war the CIA has been very alarmed at some of the left-wing British governments , many of whose politicians it regards as friends of Moscow .
John had been moved to Norfolk and promoted to Corporal and he wrote to Anne nearly every day , loving letters which helped to make her grief for her mother more bearable .
If my Mam got mad with me for something I 'd done -- or more often something I had n't done -- she used to make moaning noises and stagger about the house as if she was dying .
The cave-man got fed-up with walking
There is indeed much disquiet at any delay in immediate fulfilment .
Mr Carruthers said that the vast majority of evidence was over but acknowledged he was concerned that Mr McTear would not be able to conclude his testimony .
ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey ( left ) is clearly furious that every time he has been ready to make a statement about the Texaco Trophy events of August 23 , Pakistan 's lawyers have threatened writs .
The members of the branch were indignant that the government should have planted two spies among them .
Libel lawyers are nervous of the word " lie " because it implies that a person said something which he knew was untrue .
It was a mixture of amusement and exasperation with her friend , with worry added .
Whatever I want , she wants , and she 's pleased at how things have turned out .
It is to their obvious embarrassment that they are again together .
A third group of backbenchers is concerned at cross-media ownership in the new channels under the bill .
Conner is still furious about losing Tuesday 's protest .
His landlady was nervous of strangers and called through the door , ` I 'm sorry , Mr Ramsey is out . "
YEOVIL TOWN captain Mark Shail was heartbroken last night over the rash moment which may cost him the chance of playing in the dream FA Cup tie against Arsenal .
This would normally push up her heart rate but with her pulse already racing due to the alcohol , dancing and general party excitement the increase is not as noticeable as normal .
Lewis Verne-Smith sat shaking his head , less as a gesture of denial than of a generalized despair at the state of the world .
He remembers the anguish of disapproval and the comforting security of guardians .
I 'm rather ashamed to say that almost all of my friends are in the business .
George knew that she was a bit nonplussed at his eagerness for her to have her own social life .
The awakened will gives rise to fear of God , sorrow for sin , hope for forgiveness and love of God ( Leah 's first four children ) .
They must have been amazed and resentful that Pyke wanted to listen to me , of all people , someone who was barely an actor .
` We feel very strongly about that and that the law should be changed for future children , so that they should be spared the anguish of separation and no contact at all . "
There was a woman who wanted me to call her mother , and then called me awkward , exasperated and frightened with the dreams and the screams .
Nobody actually looks at it apart from me , so I 'm not embarrassed about writing that there .
And then , unable to be cross with him for long , you shift your feelings over to the critic .
The Training Sub-Committee is extremely concerned at the amount of pressure Trainers are under and feel there is an urgent need for a group of people to begin training now .
To his own surprise all his anger against Edouard had evaporated .
His teachers were suspicious of his popularity , annoyed by his lack of interest in academic work and infuriated that he could still achieve high marks in examinations .
For the watching world , she smiled and laughed , seeming perfectly delighted with her husband and newfound status .
But , despite his annoyance at being seeded No.2 to Baddeley even though he is the present No.1 , he declined to labour the point afterwards .
The Washington-based report said the queen was miffed that Clinton had missed the recent V-E Day commemorations .
But today , the Oxford University Sports Director was furious at her exclusion .
They 're embarrassed to have such primitive people represent the country to the rest of the world .
Since many parents were miserable at being separated from their offspring and it would be a struggle for some to pay money for their misery , they finally decided to have them home again .
THE Banishing Gripes campaign highlighted the public 's annoyance with British Gas for the inconvenience caused by digging up roads .
` I 'm gratified to find you so concerned for my welfare , Li Yuan .
He added : ` I 'm astounded he has not been on the fringe of the Dutch team . "
Obviously , staff will be delighted that the appointment of a new Director has been made and sad that Tom has gone but it is the proposed reorganisation which will occupy the minds of most staff .
I am startled to find myself addressing you instead .
She was heartbroken to hear the voice of Camilla .
Anne was sad at the death of the Misses Dolan but too much was happening for her to dwell on it .
` Madam Speaker , I know that there will be great sadness at this news .
Said his co-boss Curbishley : ` I was a bit disappointed when Lennie Lawrence at Middlesbrough did n't come up with the price we 'd fixed but I 'm happy the lad is still here .
There was such masculine bewilderment in his deep voice at the unexpected display of emotion that Fran smiled .
Most estate agents were overjoyed at the election result .
Stanley Spencer had been through the war ; he had experienced the horror , the vulgarity , of war .
My own dismay at the way those kids were savaging the flora of Stonethwaite is a good example .
Lexie 's parents are pleased that their efforts may prevent other children dying from the side effects of steroid treatment .
He must have managed to purloin a copy of the house key from somewhere and was obviously astounded to find someone already scouring the house , especially her .
Serge was astounded to see a bedraggled Lili appear in his room in the middle of the night .
In their communiqu , the finance ministers could usefully point out that the current despair over eastern Germany is overdone .
They obviously thought I was doing terribly badly at that time and were very pleased at how well they had rigged me out until I put on the mac .
Nobody doubted him , or failed to recognise his temporary financial embarrassment .
` Money is my motivation , but what keeps me at the top is that I 'm petrified of losing .
But he was sniffily dismayed at their delight in consumerism and sheep-like attitude to the reactionary rubbish in the papers .
They were astonished to see the penguin , and swooped low to call out with delight at her sleek feathers and solid little body .
Before she left for London , Cllr Cooper said : ` I am astounded to have been chosen .
Hoskyns , who only had another year to live , was angry at his university .
So we 're delighted to bring our conference to support our members in Portsmouth .
McGoldrick signed on for four years after talks with Highbury boss George Graham and said : ` I 'm delighted it 's all gone through so smoothly . "
Ronni got in , feeling a welcome dart of annoyance at the way he had issued that curt command .
Apparently Skipper landed , felt extremely pleased with himself and threw an enormous buck with a twist in it .
` Then you can do so today -- at the barbecue , " Lucy hissed , suddenly infuriated with them both , although more so with Silas than with Doreen .
` I 'm delighted you 're so pleased to see me . "
I WAS sad and also slightly amused to read the recent letter from a reader about the skilled worker only being offered 3 an hour .
I 'm really happy in the group now . "
Gloom and despondency hung over the royal party and Anne was more than a little resentful of having been required to join them in sanctuary .
` He deserves a proper thrashing , " Cissie protested , fiercely indignant that she had been unable to defend herself while her cowardly brother took delight in whipping her .
The row over the Fayed brothers ' acquisition simmers on , thanks to the Bank of England 's embarrassment over Harrods Bank .
He looked disgruntled to see Harbury , despite Eliot 's explanation that he wanted Harbury to give what further help Shildon needed .
The sources said he is infuriated with her after a row that erupted last week , and is likely to distance himself from her .
I 'm thrilled to see her !
` I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , " he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
I 'm frightened for him .
Brazil , for example , was miffed that the summit was n't scheduled for a date after inauguration of its new president next month .
Her face must have registered dismay at having to tell Peter what had happened , for he gave a narrow smile .
I 'm not ashamed to speak the truth . "
` There is exasperation that it is taking so long .
The extent of their embarrassment over their bonding was illustrated by the fact they 'd held it so privately .
I was very very angry to read Batty 's comments about Leeds .
Richmond councillors are worried about plans to turn the old cinema on the Ryders Wynd/Queens Road junction into a DIY shop .
The court expressed dismay that Wiltshire Social Services had called in a voluntary agency -- the NSPCC -- to help look after him .
After this she ceased to blame herself for the breakdown of their marriage , but instead expressed considerable anger towards her husband .
They must be mad that they should expect such a delicate business as his preparation of Vologsky to be speeded up as though it was a crude operation on a factory bench .
His excitement at the prospect of exploiting that potential is palpable , though he has no illusions about current difficulties .
I must say I was not totally happy about her going on at Yeo Davis , with me in the government .
He said he would be happy to lead the march planned for next Sunday ` to show the city 's revulsion for terrorism . "
Her meagre shilling donation was an embarrassment in this wealthy company , but she refused to think of it .
Advertisers said they were delighted to see many of their proposals reflected in the Government 's approach .
Now as he strode north determined on its recovery he was ashamed and astonished at his own folly .
Their cheerfulness and delight at still being alive only made Charlie feel more guilty .
By now the priest was becoming exasperated with the child who in turn was becoming ever more stubborn by the minute .
Julie is devastated to discover she is adopted and she sets out to find her natural parents .
I tried to show pleasure at their decision and at the same time annoyance that our contract simply would n't permit it .
Rachel could see the reasoning behind that , but nevertheless felt angry towards Damian Flint -- not because he had so obviously done the right thing , but because he was so clearly in complete control of a situation that had always been beyond Rachel .
John Parsons in Nice is saddened to see the former world No 1 humbled in another comeback attempt at the age of 35
Our amusement at his false assumption seemed to ease the tension between us .
The RSPCA says they will now try different tactics , attempting to gain the animals trust so they 're not so frightened of people .
As Christmas approached , the excitement of preparation began to get through to her .
The people of America and throughout the world were stunned and grief-stricken by the President 's assassination .
Harry was a little worried to see the water supply diminishing so rapidly but was pleased that Lucy was enjoying herself .
How could she be concerned about the choice of jam ?
He was exhilarated when he heard Ornette Coleman improvising free jazz with his plastic saxophone at a club .
A spokesperson said : ` Glen is furious that the new ` Anarchy " promo features footage of Sid Vicious as well as himself .
I felt thrilled to be back in Abyssinia and stared entranced at the arid landscape of the Danakil desert .
These problems can vary in intensity from parents concerned about how to wean , to parents ' neglecting and underfeeding their children .
It was only the second occasion ever in which bankers had been summoned and reflected both the high degree of public outrage and government embarrassment over the spate of recent financial scandals .
Both sisters looked alarmed at the thought of possible further deterioration .
Deeply ashamed of my wayward notions , I tried my best to contradict myself .
She washed the floor thorough and was pleased she had done so .
I know they are working on a building site but we are just fed-up with this disruption . "
She is furious that he has married beneath him , but appalled when her vicious attack on him threatens to end their relationship for ever .
In spite of her grief at being parted from her cousins , she could not help but feel excited .
Angry at being separated from Jeanne , Modigliani spent much of his time drinking in a windowless little bar where local artists met , where he drank and ran up debts .
I do n't suppose you 're overjoyed that I 've got a friend in the rival camp . "
Looking anything but delighted at the prospect , he stood up .
The waitress returns , now indignant with her boss for his bought-and-paid-for apathy .
The next morning I awoke anxious over what had happened .
Hywel was glaring mad at having to put a suit on .
` I 'm not ashamed of it , " she retorted , taut with anger over his reference to her mother .
` You 're too ashamed of your own contribution to our relationship . "
Todd showed delight in simple songs and reverence when invited to pray .
They suffered the heartbreak of losing three children through premature births .
He felt a mixture of astonishment at himself and irritation that his rigid daily routine was going to be broken after forty undisturbed years .
The Buenos Aires flight was delayed and the plane horribly hot , but this did n't upset the passengers who seemed delighted to be going home .
` He did n't seem too delighted to see you , " said Betty .
Those new to the area were always astonished at the vivid crimson of the earth and buildings .
France expressed horror at the assassination and appealed for unity to assure peace in the country it once ruled .
The dog , delighted at last to have some attention paid to it , raced ahead , scenting rabbits , his great tail pluming .
` It was a sort of excitement to him . "
But as he becomes more and m ore content with his new life , he becomes embarrassed of his family and background .
Perhaps I was ashamed of feeling sorry for myself and had to transfer the pity to something else .
Both her mother and Lisa had been cross with her ; they both had felt she ought to settle down .
Upon his arrival , he was nonplussed to find the yard and buildings deserted .
But do I take delight in pushing you down , making you worse ?
To his great sorrow he could never recall his mother .
Disquiet at the new direction of religious affairs soon surfaced in parliament , and over the next few years a growing number of MPs began to speak out against the Arminian threat .
In recent months a growing number of federal judges and lawyers have voiced their exasperation with America 's approach to drugs .
Perhaps only she knows the journey he has made , from the cocky Jack-the-lad who neglected the discipline of academic study for the raw excitement of Left-wing politics to the measured politician with an answer for everyone .
This time Ronni admitted it , feeling a little like a traitor at the confession -- and at the sense of pure delight she felt at Guido 's gesture .
His mother had begun to feel very angry about his refusal to eat as he had started to lose weight , which worried her .
Mrs Thatcher has mastered the sound-bite , to be repeated at intervals like a mantra : ` So very pleased with how it 's going . "
Bishop Gray was very quick to speak out and express his ` dismay and extreme disappointment " at the announcement of Cammell Laird 's closure .
Alison had shown enough respectable horror on discovering that he was married to prove she was a nice girl .
Three of our candles are in this colour to represent our sorrow for our failure to love in so many parts of our lives .
` Are you telling me you were concerned for my soul ? " she mocked .
It 's possible to be sad about your babies becoming children , and yet accept the fact that you wo n't have any more .
Nothing could wash away the beastliness of that house or the horror of the sight of Phyllis Henley 's body , but he felt the need to try .
Almost shyly , almost ashamed of her superstitious fear , she touched her cold cheeks and nose with her stiff , ungloved fingers .
Bob Halton , not guilty enough , but confused by his mother 's spoiling and manipulative efforts to keep him for herself , is petrified of being taken over completely .
Her grief at his death was deep and sincere .
My previous astonishment at the fact that people who came here like De Michelis [ the former foreign secretary ] , or like ex-Prime Minister Andreotti , never endowed us with any money is now diminished .
` I am very happy with the way I am playing but I accept that he believes he should be England 's fly-half .
I was miserable with cold , but although I was prepared to admit that I was miserable , I was n't prepared to admit that my misery had any connection with cold .
That is encouraging , yet we are concerned that people are still getting fatter .
Nervous for Meh'Lindi 's safety ?
Modigliani , delighted with the atmosphere of warmth and sincerity , resumed his friendship with Soutine and Indenbaum .
Dolores felt glum at the sight
She was cross at the way he had treated her as though she were n't a normal girl -- some kind of freak .
Behind her she heard Emilia say , ` I think the child will be quite desolate to see me go .
Sendei was n't ashamed to show his fear .
Jess felt faintly indignant at the remark .
Some workers have been astounded at the amount of extra paperwork .
However , I am not now so anxious about my sister being left with Seor Mitchell .
The rebels --- who want the government to recognize them as a legitimate force of change --- were miffed that the bill referred them in vague terms , such as `` dissenting groups in Chiapas . ''
Chatterton did not sound unduly worried at that prospect .
Minton 's sober and workmanlike drawings instance his delight in registering rhythmic activity and industrial shapes .
I was petrified of having the same thing as my mother did .
` I was so pleased she lived until just after Sam was born .
As the war dragged on Modigliani 's horror at the waste of life increased .
Jack was mad and even madder with the American scandal magazine the National Enquirer , too , although that was nothing new .
A little ashamed of losing her self-control so completely , she dashed a hand across her eyes and glared up at him .
Shocked , and bitterly ashamed at the treachery of her own feelings , Polly bent her head to hide her flushed face .
How nervous the teacher feels about using this teaching unit .
O'Neal seemed miffed by the whole affair .
Revulsion at injustice , poverty and denied opportunity , he says , impels people to work for a better world .
In the aftermath of the war the government was said to be concerned over Turkey 's increasingly prominent international role .
LAUSANNE , Switzerland --- The IOC is miffed that baseball has n't opened the sport to professionals for the Olympics .
Serena is torn between her sisterly love and her annoyance with Stella 's aggressive insecurity .
" Do n't be cross with Jenny , " James said almost reading her mind .
`` I am outraged and revolted by the decision of my supervisors .
Emmeline grew pale , both from horror at Bastide 's plight and her own .
Franco became very alarmed at this and told him to put his money away immediately .
They were cross with each other because of him , and now Nanny was saying bad things about Smallfry that would make Buddie very , very angry .
He said he was cross with you because you keep calling him Mr Vass . "
A European consumers ' pressure group is angry at the chaotic state of control on such potentially-lethal products .
In fact , now you come to mention it , I 'm a little bit peeved with her .
Informed by the queen-dowager of their decision , resentful at being refused permission to return home , Anne made her displeasure plain .
She felt disquieted at the lack of interest the girl had shown -- anything might happen in this sort of house , she told herself indignantly .
On the Left there was some dismay that the reforms were not more dramatic , and especially that wealth was not redistributed more equally .
` We are delighted to help the museum extend its collection , " said Mr Watson .
At a news conference at the Royal Geographical Society in London , they described the mental and physical anguish of their 95-day trek .
Lissa hated the cold incisiveness of his tone , and she was angry with herself for caring so much .
With a grimace , Donal murmured gloomily , ` He was n't exactly ecstatic at my explanation . "
Whereas in Crime and Punishment and in the novels which follow he can , though his narrow glee over being ahead of the fact is unworthy of his art and of what ` idealism " and ` deeper realism " intend .
A gang of local ruffians was passing by and , when they saw what was happening , became infuriated against Richard Baxter .
I was even more infuriated to read that their short separation was a ` tragedy " .
Some people simply were miffed by the red tape in applying for victim identification cards to qualify for the 100,000 yen .
Livid with rage , he grabs their cameras and rips the film from them , tearing it to shreds and throwing it in the fire .
My delight at everything I saw was beyond bounds gardens were allotted my sister and self there was the canal to fish in a pony to ride besides animals of different kinds
I am sickened to now learn that the Government has acquiesced to the other EC leaders on this issue at the Edinburgh Summit and that , for the sake of subsidiarity , this directive has been dropped .
Eleanor Thorne half-sat up in the great bed , astonished at the freshness , the absolute appeal of her idea .
I 'm absolutely delighted that we achieved what we set out to do at the beginning of the week , which was to ensure that the Ryder Cup stayed on this side of the Atlantic .
Since the war began , Soviet military commentators , including senior serving officers , have been expressing dismay at seeing Iraq 's army , most of whose tanks and aircraft they supplied , pounded so relentlessly and effectively .
Fabia felt it might be a touch cruel to laugh at him again but , feeling certain he would run a mile if she took him seriously , she was a little nonplussed about how to answer him .
The Direktor felt , not for the first time , deeply resentful of the fact that they had any part in choosing the programme .
Meera was a little nervous about having her hair coloured so Chris used the non-permanent Colour Touch .
I 'm so frightened the feeling will go away , it 's too fragile , and I do so want it not to break .
She grinned , delighted at this mind-reading .
He was petrified of the clippers at first .
Gazza was blazing mad that his training ground ` discussion " had been mis-interpreted as a bust-up .
I have explained to pupils that I do not know ` the answer " and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
Not only was he going to be absolutely furious about her being in this police station , but she dreaded having to tell her cousin about it too .
` Why ? " sighed Petrova , a little peeved that her deductions were now proving wide of the mark .
The rebel Serbs were miffed that Bildt planned no trip to their stronghold of Pale , east of Sarajevo .
He is portrayed as showing sorrow at the destruction caused by German bombers and it is he who ` saves the day " by first giving himself up and then being shot by Clogger .
She smiled , as if pleased at displaying her superiority .
The Chinese president was said to be miffed when the administration refused his request for a state visit at the White House , complete with star-spangled welcoming ceremonies and a black-tie dinner .
Adolescents are going to be embarrassed and ashamed if a teacher suggests that their dialect , which is part of their identity , must be radically changed .
I have said we will be pleased to provide back-up with visitor 's packs etc and that I would inform you of the request .
Most were more concerned with the courts being ` too lenient " .
Strachan was alarmed at the way the German defence manhandled the 33-year-old front-runner and got away with it .
Smiling across the room at Laura 's tall , slender figure , she added , ` Besides , everyone in your office was so pleased at your promotion .
And I 'm mad at you , you 've no ambition .
Reflecting on the experience , Donia said : `` I think you 're exhilarated by the determination and strength of the human spirit . ''
Not unexpectedly , the residents of Chiswick became alarmed at the prospect , but the acquisition proceeded of the properties on the proposed route .
` It was written when he was ill , telling the girl how ashamed he was that she was pregnant .
I suppose I am happy being so ` tiny' ; it means I am able to surprise people with what is generally seen as my confident and outgoing personality .
` And I 'm frightened that if I go down to the cellars I might die . "
Os Guinness has captured this middle-class revulsion against materialism and affluent decadence in his best-selling book The Dust of Death ( 1973 ) .
For a moment she felt anger at his unfeeling attitude , but common sense prevailed .
John 's father came down from Cheltenham to see her , grieving and concerned for her future .
Behind the scenes , British diplomats in Seoul , Korea were furious at the way last night 's meeting was handled .
I was a little concerned that you put so much emphasis on return to work .
However , in this case , the crowd was angry that extra time was not going to be played and vented their fury on the pitch and the police rather than on one another .
` I 'm delighted they left you the house , " Julia told Margaret .
In the Commons , Labour MPs unleashed their anger at the Liberal Democrats for promising to back the Government .
` I am supposed to be going there with Sister Agape , but I 'd be pleased if you would take my place .
As Antoinette grew weaker , and left her bed hardly at all , she became frightened to be left alone .
Obviously he was not going to speak and Jenna was embarrassed at being caught here , more embarrassed still at the idea of walking haughtily to her room without a word .
The Americans were petrified of Communism , and believed Communists were aiming for world domination , via the ` domino effect " of one country after another falling to it .
Many supporters of Dr McNab exchanged glances of dismay at the words they had just heard .
It 's getting so I 'm almost ashamed to get paid .
Suppressing her annoyance at being called " Little Sara " , she replied that all was well .
` They take young grandpas , " said Linda , amazed and overjoyed he 'd had the idea for himself and still not able to get over her daughter 's news .
` I think everyone is very pleased they 've changed their minds , " said England 's most-capped player , Rory Underwood .
In an increasingly health-conscious world , executives from Brazil to Britain have become increasingly fed-up with luncheon excesses .
But they were caught out when accounts assistant Anne Riley , disgruntled at being sacked , told chairman Douglas Bishop of their alleged antics .
Fear fingered Ruth again , and she suppressed a futile burst of anger against Adam .
She said : ` Do n't be cross with them .
She still , after all these years , did not know , and one hand clenched in involuntary anguish at what she thought of as her intolerable betrayal of her brother .
Alexei was unable to hide his astonishment at Siban 's subdued tone .
Christina blushed , angry at being spoken to like a member of staff .
The price was recognised as much too low and many insurers became worried at the apparent undervaluation of their organisations .
In the end , the poems must be read as expressions of sheer delight in friendship .
He 's concerned what will happen to me . "
Her emotion this time was not prompted by grief for her mother -- but by the seriousness of the moment .
Clearly miffed at the failure of their resolution , the Communists opened an attack Thursday on another front , threatening to torpedo the 1997 budget by refusing to take part in the final vote Friday .
And I know that 's miserable for you , but what else can you do ? "
Martha replied , and left her twin sister blinking in astonishment at a possibility that had n't occurred to her before , but which was now enticingly attractive .
These days he is quite happy travelling by trolley .
Then she felt horror and pity at seeing Marcus so confused and so evidently useless .
` I 'm embarrassed at the way it 's playin' up . "
Rescued dogs are often somewhat nervous of people , and yet may also become excited to see you , when you have been out , for example .
I was astonished at the smallness of the area which these enclosed .
My Lord Mayor , I 'm delighted to have this opportunity to debate the Government 's health reforms again .
How on earth , when her heart was thumping and her body drowning in a wave of heat , could she stay angry at him ?
She was astonished , and secretly pleased , that he had remembered her name .
The ANC , while expressing delight at their decision , nevertheless continued to call for the dissolution of the tricameral parliament , which it regarded as essentially racist .
We write to express astonishment at the standard of writing that has featured in much of your pre-election coverage .
On another occasion he had been struck once by another man at work and we were furious at him for not returning the blow .
Then , still depressed at being ditched , he drank eight pints on a night out with other squaddies , said prosecutor Graham Boal .
I 'm ashamed to have suspected you . "
` As I get older I think more and more of my stomach , and I 'm not ashamed to admit it .
Nevertheless , no writer , however self-sufficient , writes without a thought of an audience , and Tolkien was happy to discover anyone who could appreciate what he was up to .
She cackled , delighted with the queasy mixture on the plate , hot brown coffee lapping at the pale wedge of sugared pastry .
From the outset , commentators seem to have been astonished at the great interest the competition evoked .
Jane Moss said yesterday that the double heartbreak of her daughter 's death and the murder of her own mum 11 years ago made her want to care for the needy .
Peers expressed their sorrow at the news of the separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales after the Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern relayed the Prime Minister 's announcement to them .
He was n't ashamed to put that money into his business , it 's what she wanted and he wanted .
He was concerned that parents would want to see their children doing ` real " maths , and advised injecting investigations into the existing syllabus instead .
The men got resentful of the women working all hours in the co-op .
Leonora lay rigid in his arms , resentful of being carried about like a bundle of laundry .
We were all very worried about you and I 'm delighted you 're home again .
Nails became miserable with anxiety .
In me battled a flood of relief at being reprieved and anger at such vile deception .
The note said Imro was concerned there might be ` similar undetected shenanigans " in other occupational pension schemes .
This ` instinctive revulsion from regulation " is the foundation of his libertarian heritage and it gives rise to a particular vision of how broadcasting should develop and what its purposes should be .
But there was some astonishment at the size and timing of the exceptional write-offs , which will result in 9,000 job losses from a worldwide total of 128,600 .
Kurzlinger hated Voss for what he had done and the man 's grief for his murdered love was not to be underestimated .
My father will be angry with me if you leave early ! "
She was also worried about having to manage the farm by herself again .
` Because she still sounded mad at me , and I thought you might try to dissuade me .
Sir : I am writing to say how delighted I am with your magazine !
Its roots were both theological and caused by the revulsion of the burnings in Mary 's reign .
I 'm particularly sad my mother has n't had the opportunity to buy even his MC .
Constance was deeply embarrassed at the intimate turn the conversation had taken .
We are off and have great excitement fishing up treasure ( fake ) tied to bladders .
Lomponda wa Botende , a former Chief of Staff , expressed his astonishment at the report , and the Defence Ministry denied that any coup attempt had been made .
He got quite angry at the impossibility of Clarissa having given any such instructions .
To tell you the truth , I was n't at all pleased about Russell sitting in the same coach with us .
He could n't take home business associates for dinner because he was embarrassed for them to see you .
No-one seemed concerned that the museums , the temples of culture and art , were subjected to such indignities .
She regarded the wife of former Beirut hostage Jackie Mann as a ` dear friend' and was heartbroken she could not see her before she died of lung cancer on November 30 .
Even so , I was miserable when we were second from last .
We were all sad it was over " .
I was particularly pleased at the emphasis on investment in education and training , in science research and development and the commitments he gave on transport and health and community care .
Many people are deeply concerned about the neglect of crofting land .
Such side-effects seem to be becoming increasingly common these days , and many patients are becoming disgruntled with these drugs and are seeking safer alternatives .
Relatives , too , seem concerned about lack of communication and the ` unavailability of the nurses " .
She was still mad at Lucy for something , and Lucy was sure that a little time and concentration would tell her what but for the moment , somehow , the knowledge was just out of reach .
She is furious at the betrayal ; and supporters of the sacked prime minister , Nawaz Sharif , have resorted to fisticuffs .
If she did n't know him better , she would have said he was cross with her .
If so , he would undo her revulsion with tonight 's business .
His amusement at the scene was rekindled .
She was pleased at how low her voice was , how steady .
She seemed nervous at first , then almost resentful of the older woman 's presence .
It was then that I decided to drop a note through Carla 's letterbox rather than cope with the embarrassment of a phone call .
Lennox has always truly wanted to fight for the world title and was happy taking the tough route .
Concerned as to whether he was adequately looking after himself , but especially concerned as to his future as a writer .
Many Labour MPs could not hide their glee at the SNP 's action , such is their antipathy to cross-party co-operation .
People in the popular movement had a different kind of disquiet with the leadership of the PLO .
I am interested in hearing from women about their fascination and horror with cars , especially women in the Yorkshire region .
Rocastle got a page long interview expressing some puzzlement at Wilko keeping him out of the first team .
Guinness is particularly pleased that its own employees can participate in these programmes through matched giving schemes .
Horror by gunfire differs little from horror inflicted by the guillotine , sword or wheel , it seems , and sheer bestiality lurks only fractionally below the veneer of so-called civilized societies .
Some economists feel deep disquiet at the use of food grains to produce motor spirit .
But instances like the Primitives get rarer and already one feels ashamed for indulging such backward passions .
But Downing Street mandarins grew so alarmed at reports of a snub yesterday that the text of private diplomatic traffic , a telex sent by Mr Clinton on Saturday , was made public .
Town 's fans are angry at losing the club 's leading scorer .
` What is it ? " asked the eight-year-old , delighted that he had somehow managed to amuse this mature woman of nineteen .
I am an extremely lazy cook and nervous of long recipes , complicated sauces or anything risky such as a souffl .
The animal seemed to take a perverse delight in terrorizing him .
The reason why we are embarrassed to admit this is that we have lived in an age when the self-sufficiency , the autonomy of poems has been elevated into dogma .
` From all you say of Papa , " announced Dr Neil naughtily , ` I 'm astonished to learn that he went bankrupt .
No wonder she was now inconsolable at the prospect of the child being returned to London .
Many of the youngsters feel resentful that society is kicking them out .
No young farm worker enjoys having his leg pulled by taunts of ` yokel " and ` country bumpkin' in pubs and discothques and eventually he may even become ashamed of admitting to his occupation .
Now it makes me sad to think of them growing up .
She saw his fear , his bewilderment , and above all , a kind of astonishment at the enormity of the complications that lay ahead .
He goes to live in London with Herbert Pocket , and is turned into a gentleman , living an expensive but futile sort of existence , and becoming ashamed of Joe and his village origins .
My annoyance at missing the fish turns to relief when I realise I am not snagged in the roots .
The very idea is preposterous and I was overjoyed to see that you believed me .
Gina glared across the table at him , uncomfortably aware that he was the source of her unreasonable impatience , and resentful of the effect his presence was having on her .
I think he was in a hurry and was cross about being stopped , " said an eyewitness .
The warden and his wife , being owners of a Siamese cat , were not overjoyed to see Emily but they reluctantly fed her a saucer of milk , saying that she could stay for one night .
I remember being highly amused at his rendering of a young rook 's cry whilst gobbling a worm : it was perfectly true to nature .
To see him fumbling with our rich and delicate language is to experience all the horror of seeing a Svres vase in the hands of a chimpanzee .
I had always assumed that this sort of civilized dismay at barbarism was the monopoly of our cause .
This is not a problem at Center Parcs , where everyone else is so inept that you are embarrassed to show them up .
She disliked the intimacy he showed towards some of them , was resentful of the memories they shared of which she was not a part , and felt excluded .
Why people , nervous that their little town was being made into a prime nuclear target , should be less nervous for getting a closer look at the cause of their fears is a question not easily answered .
The walk to the town centre is long enough to invigorate me and short enough to avoid getting miserable from the cold .
With such obvious delight in food , it 's hard to see how Blanc remains so slim .