
SOCKET / SOCKET_DATA /propaganda-span /sockette_labels.txt
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{"propaganda": ["truly disgusting", "it is time to take our government back from the corrupt career politicians that are completely and utterly out of control", "We have no choice but to clean up our government because the rest of the world is laughing at us", "She left, she found another job", "Weinstein-level\u201d predatory behavior", "Weinstein-level\u201d sexual assault", "deeply disturbing", "and once people truly understand how deep the corruaption runs I believe that they will get motivated to finally drain the swamp once and for all", "corrupt career politicians", "the men \u201chave no self-control.\u201d", "sex trade on Capitol Hill.\u201d", "The American people are not going to put up with this any longer", "Are you going to be a good girl?\u201d", "has exposed his genitals", "their private parts grabbed on the House floor.\u201d", "exposed his private parts to a female staffer", "and that goes double for someone that is supposed to be one of the leaders of our nation", "completely naked", "would mess with every single woman or teen,\u201d", "would grope all of our wives and girlfriend\u2019s asses.\u201d", "We are supposed to serve as an example to the rest of the world, and instead, we have become a bad joke", "Those that have been engaging in this sort of shameful behavior have got to go because we simply are not going to put up with it anymore"]}
{"propaganda": ["GOP wants to Florida and Georgia stolen", "Some people point to Brenda Snipes, Broward\u2019s Elections chief, for her troubling history of election transgressions", "Democratic ineptitude or deception", "It looks like Democrats may have hurt their own interests by misleading their voters.\nThey may have believed that they were supplying the correct information, but they still should not have altered official documents without verifying that they were right, which they weren\u2019t", "Bradley McVay, DOS interim general counsel, asked attorneys in Florida to investigate the conflicting dates.\n\u201cAltering a form in a manner that provides the incorrect date for a voter to cure a defect \u2026 imposes a burden on the voter significant enough to frustrate the voter\u2019s ability to vote,\u201d McVay wrote in a letter, sent on Nov. 9 and publicly released on Tuesday"]}
{"propaganda": ["The Evil Doings Of Israel", "They are rooted in bigotry toward a belief about what Muslims are stereotyped to believe", "Evil Doings Of Israel", "she will cruise to victory", "Israel has hypnotized the world", "the evil doings of Israel"]}
{"propaganda": ["horrible", "\u201cThe Democrats want open borders and they don\u2019t care about crime.\u201d", "American people", "\u201cWe want children staying together,\u201d", "Illegals Have To Go!", "America's tax dollars", "worthless"]}
{"propaganda": ["amazing", "stunning"]}
{"propaganda": ["You didn\u2019t give a damn back then", "If you want the FBI to go back that far @[email protected] to investigate Ford\u2019s allegations\u2026.\nlet\u2019s investigate my RAPE allegations against Bill Clinton, too", "The Clinton machine", "flimsy and meritless accusations", "It\u2019s absurd", "had a blunt message for Sen. Dianna Feinstein about the supposed \u201cdue process\u201d that needs to be given to Brett Kavanaugh\u2019s accuser, and it\u2019s one that goes like this: Where was mine", "Oh my gosh", "She pointed to the discrepancy between Democratic lack of interest in her case and the party\u2019s outrage over allegations of sexual assault leveled last week against Mr. Kavanaugh", "lashed out", "You, Dicky Durban [sic], are a complete FRAUD", "if Senate Democrats want the FBI to investigate the 36-year-old accusations against Mr. Kavanaugh, they should reopen her 40-year-old case, too", "never", "I\u2019ve found every single piece of information"]}
{"propaganda": ["Time is running out", "increasingly befuddled", "mysterious memos", "the picture is still bleaker", "A TIE", "ADVANTAGE NATIVE-BORN", "ADVANTAGE NATIVE-BORN", "ADVANTAGE IMMIGRANTS", "Can the same be said for the Obama Administration", "Simply put, the 21st century has not been good for non-Hispanic job seekers", "ADVANTAGE NATIVE-BORN"]}
{"propaganda": ["botched investigation", "This is not the Soviet Union, this is not Iran or Riyadh \u2013 this is America", "still the incompetent, clueless authorities know nothing", "bumbling FBI", "local and federal authorities are refusing to fill in the blanks", "That\u2019s the information they seek to blackout"]}
{"propaganda": ["There\u2019s no other way you can coin it", "\u201cIf this was a college student or Swedish kid would he be charged with murder?\u201d", "No Justice for Kate Steinle", "including three immigrants", "they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in Washington D.C. and they may soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt", "means to foment hate, to foment division and to foment a program of mass deportation,\u201d", "today is a day of vindication for the rights of immigrants.\u201d", "catapult a presidency along that philosophy of hate of others", "We\u2019re just shocked \u2014 saddened and shocked", "that\u2019s about it,\u201d", "Justice was rendered, but it was not served", "Conservative Ben Shapiro told Fox news the verdict was \u201chorrifying", "For Jeff Sessions San Francisco\u2019s sanctuary city policy \u201cled to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle", "disgraceful verdict", "enjoyed all the rights of the American legal system", "Garcia Zarate\u2019s background and nationality played a role in his prosecution", "politically correct nonsense", "He has already proved that in the sanctuary state of California, false-documented illegals are a privileged class", "utter and complete and total failure", "According to the Attorney General\u2019s statement, the Justice Department \u201cwill continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the safety and security of their communities above the convenience of criminal aliens"]}
{"propaganda": ["it's good odds that it began with Obama holdovers ensconced in the governme", "reckless disregard", "just keeps getting worse", "shocked", "there is no doubt that businesses employing illegal aliens are committing a crime"]}
{"propaganda": ["catastrophic situation", "right-wing Islamophobes", "as Sebastian Gorka urges in Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, the government needs to lay down a vision, an actual \u201cthreat doctrine analysis\u201d in a thorough document, just like George Kennan\u2019s Long Telegram and NSC-68 did in laying out the strategic foundation to fighting communism in the Cold War.\nIt is absolutely mind-boggling that nothing of this sort exists today in our terror war \u2014 and it is a reflection of the Left being in charge and of the destructive defeat that it is sowing", "Zilch", "absurdly and tragically", "vicious and potent", "baffling and shameful silence", "contemptuous, snickering and roaring laughter", "Sebastian Gorka is crucially correct, therefore, when he recommends a national counter-propaganda campaign that involves a two-part approach", "the skyrocketing phenomenon", "unbelievers", "the unceasing onslaught", "leftist enablers", "the disastrous Obama administration", "the life-saving turn-around disposition", "stealth Jihad", "Below are 9 concrete steps that, if implemented by a future American administration, would make a big difference in preserving our civilization and in defending Americans from terrorism", "The Obama administration continues to refuse to label our enemy and, therefore, it continues to enable our defeat in the terror war", "our enemy (i.e.\nIslamic Jihad", "our enemy (i.e.\nIslamic law", "pathetic and destructive", "completely incapacitates us", "On the other hand, this focus allows the administration to perpetuate the destructive fantasy that there are other types of \u201cextremists\u201d \u2014 who just happen to be the Left\u2019s political opponents \u2014 that pose a great threat to the country", "extremists", "who just happen to be the Left\u2019s political opponents", "violent extremists", "whom the administration obviously considers to be the real threat to American security", "is trash and needs to be thrown in the garbage", "to destroy our civilization from within", "as Robert Spencer advises, there needs to be legislation that will bar all such groups and affiliated individuals from advising the government or receiving any grants from it", "Countering-Jihad\u201d Strategy", "Counter-Jihad strategy", "absurdity", "Jihadists", "an anti-Jihadist version of Islam", "unbelievers", "the jihadists", "jihadis", "unbelievers", "the suicidal leftist notion", "buffer their lip-service against terror", "jihadists", "As Robert Spencer counsels", "Counter-Jihadists", "we need to bring in people who actually love America and want to protect it", "noble and courageous individuals", "brave Muslim individuals who genuinely reject Jihad", "anti-jihadist vision", "Islam cannot be Islam without Jihad", "at least a million hilarious satirical sketches", "vigorously defend", "slanders", "totalitarian leftist and Islamic forces", "the crippling effect", "the totalitarian Mullahs", "pathetic rules and lives", "Sharia\u2019s gatekeepers", "tyrants", "Countering Violent Extremism", "Countering Violent Extremism", "Countering Violent Extremism", "Countering Violent Extremism"]}
{"propaganda": ["the explosive story", "astonishing and indeed providential development", "trusted counselor", "deeply scandalized by the abominable and sacrilegious behavior", "Everyone is guilty for the good he could have done and did not do ...\nIf we do not oppose evil, we tacitly feed it", "emerges mountainously into view, never to be buried again", "the professional Catholic dissident", "a disgruntled former employee\u201d and \u201calways a crackpot", "A putsch is afoot and if the U.S. bishops do not, as a body, stand up to defend the Holy Father in the next 24 hours, we shall be slipping towards schism long before the bishops", "puerile mockery", "their itching ears want to hear", "whose living guts they have hated from the moment of his election", "issued a statement affirming that he has known Vigan\u00f2 for 39 years, has \u201calways known and respected him as a man of truthfulness, faith and integrity\u201d and that his testimony should \u201cbe taken seriously by all", "Bishop Athanasius Schneider declares: \u201cArchbishop Vigan\u00f2 confirmed his statement by a sacred oath invoking the name of God.\nThere is, therefore, no reasonable and plausible cause to doubt the truth content of the document of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan\u00f2", "Cardinal Raymond Burke\u2019s statement declares: \u201cThe declarations made by a prelate of the authority of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan\u00f2 must be totally taken to heart by those responsible in the Church", "I]f Cardinal Wuerl was unaware of the sanctions, and unaware of the reason for them, why did he ask no questions of the nuncio regarding the reason for his demand", "the \u201cpedophile summit\u201d of 2002 in Rome", "the homosexual predator", "homosexual debauchery", "a parasite in the Body of Christ", "a serial predator", "corrupt man", "to the bitter end", "pro-gay\u201d Robert McElroy", "thoroughly infested with homosexuals", "Pope Francis Must Resign", "catastrophic compromise", "sounding the neo-Catholic air raid siren", "brazenly lies about it", "If, as he now continues to state, he knew nothing of the abuses committed by McCarrick and the measures taken by Pope Benedict, how can his answer be explained", "absolutely laughable", "lies shamelessly", "the Church\u2019s supreme pastor, who in the case of McCarrick not only did not oppose evil but associated himself in doing evil with someone he knew to be deeply corrupt", "a Sisyphean task", "Yet there is little doubt they will continue the same polemic that for nearly sixty years has doggedly defended every one of the ruinous \u201creforms\u201d that have resulted in a debacle without equal in Church history", "Which is just Allen\u2019s more nuanced way of saying: \u201cDon\u2019t believe it", "Ignoring eleven pages of detail, written and published under oath, he suggests there has been no \u201cDocumentation", "Communist dictators of Beijing", "The idea of a purge of gay priests is both ridiculous and dangerous.\nAny purge would empty parishes and religious orders of the thousands of priests and bishops who lead healthy lives of service and faithful lives of celibacy", "Too little, too late", "Faggioli\u2019s argument demonstrates that neo-Catholicism has never been about making the authentic Faith more appealing to a \u201cmodern world\u201d founded precisely on a rejection of the Church\u2019s authority.\nIt is not about the Faith at all.\nRather, it is an ideological movement dedicated to the face-saving defense of a catastrophic failure in ecclesial innovation that has corrupted the human element of the Church in practically every department", "a young clergy marked by personal sanctity but also by a fascination for a mythical Middle Ages", "the Neo-Catholics Panic", "As Edward Pentin notes: \u201call 3 prelates have since been special advisors of Francis or rehabilitated by him", "the infamous Cardinal", "who covered up homosexual rape committed by a priest against his own nephew,has supported \u201csame-sex marriage,\u201d and advised the King of Belgium to sign a law legalizing abortion in 1990", "this indefectible truth", "disfigured by so many ignominies", "the grave, disconcerting and sinful conduct", "someone he knew well to be a pervert", "evil pastors", "their active destruction of the Church", "encouraged the wolves to continue to tear apart the sheep", "extremely dramatic moment", "neo-Catholic apologists", "debacle without equal in Church history", "advancement to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers", "Today, neo-Catholic commentators, cowed by the demands of political correctness, refuse to state the simple truth that homosexuality is a perversion that precludes ordination as does any other grave psychological disorder", "Kill the Messenger", "neo-Catholic", "to smear the man", "smeared", "a trafficker in conspiracy theories who mixes fact, fiction and venom", "wild claims", "for Winters it is not the Church or the integrity of her doctrine and discipline that must be defended against enemies, but only Bergoglio and the regime of novelty he is leading to its final extremity", "Take it seriously, but with a large grain of salt", "he \u201chas a history\u201d of \u201cinnuendo and conspiracy theories", "allegedly quashed", "the most insufferable of the neo-Catholic polemicists", "a stunning concession coming from him", "the Greatest Catholics of All Time", "if those people believe it, it can\u2019t be true", "The neo-Catholic propaganda mill", "smearing", "Monsignor Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lantheaume, who served as first Counsellor of the Nunciature in Washington, confirmed that \u201cVigan\u00f2 said the truth.\nThat\u2019s all", "issued a statement calling Vigan\u00f2\u2019s account \u201canother daunting challenge to our confidence in the reliability of the Church\u2019s leadership, during a summer of devastating news regarding clergy sexual abuse and infidelity", "Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco wrote a letter to his faithful which \"speaks to Vigano's integrity and sincere love of the Church", "the propaganda machine gearing up to impeach Vigan\u00f2\u2019s testimony", "sycophants in the Vatican press corps and shifty polemicists", "expects his readers to swallow his explanation", "as Bergoglio cannot deny the allegations without lying, he will say nothing at all about them in the hope they will go away", "The American \u201cGay\u201d Church", "the dreaded traditionalist revival", "a new bumper crop of homosexual ordinands", "a new harvest of scandal for the Church", "an explosive admission", "The struggle, to the extent there even was one, obviously has been lost", "phony honors", "details conveniently ignored by Winters, Allen and Shea", "utterly devastating", "muttering in a barely comprehensible way", "perhaps made the mistake of sleeping in the same bed with some seminarians at his beach house", "planned sellout", "China\u2019s underground Catholics", "very grave words of mine", "He clearly wanted to find out if I was an ally of McCarrick or not", "Bergoglio\u2019s \u201ctrusted counselor", "united by a wicked pact of abuses by the first, and at least of coverup of abuses by the other two", "the obscure Bishop of Rapid City", "accelerated degeneration", "He is the very exemplar of the crisis we must still endure", "the 2002 \u201cpedophile summit", "the men who control this establishment will never restore it to anything resembling the vibrant Church that a long line of militant, uncompromising Popes delivered into their hands at Vatican II", "militant, uncompromising Popes", "For heaven\u2019s sake", "agonize over", "serial child molesters", "have laid waste", "the servitors of Vatican II", "We must no longer subsidize the malpractice of the architects of ruin.\nNor must we join the neo-Catholics in their mindless applause when one of these incompetents attempts to repoint a brick or two in the crumbling fa\u00e7ade they have erected to obscure the Church of old", "William (\u201cnighty-night baby!\u201d) Tobin", "another episcopal booster of Martin\u2019s pro-homosexual propaganda", "yet another promoter of Martin\u2019s homosexual activism", "an avid promoter of Martin\u2019s homosexual subversion of the Church", "cancer of vilification", "pedophile summit", "the classic fox in charge of the hen house", "a \u201cwell-known activist who promotes the LGBT agenda, chosen to corrupt the young people who will soon gather in Dublin for the World Meeting of Families", "pedophile summit", "revels in smug certitude", "legions of intrinsically disordered homosexual bishops and priests", "a flagrantly active homosexual", "prelate of the gay lobby", "vanish into nowhere", "mired in financial corruption", "this withering assessment", "the kingmaker", "a chasm of abuses of power", "has contributed mightily", "From the seminaries, to the clergy, to the bishops, to the cardinals, homosexuals are present at all levels, by the thousand", "endemic homosexual corruption", "Janet Smith, Professor of Moral Theology at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, recently wrote: \u201cThe problem of clergy abuse cannot be resolved simply by the resignation of some bishops, and even less so by bureaucratic directives.\nThe deeper problem lies in homosexual networks within the clergy which must be eradicated", "with the power of octopus tentacles, and strangle innocent victims and priestly vocations, and are strangling the entire Church", "screaming headline", "terrifying prospect", "fretted", "his corrupt regime", "For Faggioli, not only would Bergoglio\u2019s resignation be unthinkable, so also would a purge of the homosexual and pro-homosexual prelates Bergoglio and his Vatican henchmen have systematically enabled", "the CEO of the Catholic Church world", "the conservative bishops and even Cardinals (Burke and M\u00fcller) he has sacked because their conservatism offended him or one of his friends", "trusted counselor\u201d McCarrick", "the same Pope who sacks conservative bishops and cardinals according to his pleasure and has just removed a cardinal from the College of Cardinals in an unprecedented disciplinary act under fire from the media, is somehow powerless to dismiss Modernist bishops who have created an obscene \u201cgay culture\u201d in the Church and replace them with orthodox, normal heterosexual males", "under fire from the media", "an obscene \u201cgay culture", "orthodox, normal heterosexual males", "Francis cannot \u201csimply fire\u201d even Cardinal Wuerl, who covered up crimes of homosexual predation by the priests he transferred elsewhere while Archbishop of Pittsburgh, and who authorized payment of $900,000 in hush money to bury sexual abuse claims against a homosexual priest involved in the production of child pornography", "maintaining a key bulwark against the \u201cneo-traditionalist\u201d threat", "sheds light on the darkness", "However, he failed to acknowledge receipt of my two letters, contrary to what he customarily did", "he put other seminarians at risk", "Better a thousand septuagenarian Wuerls in their lavish sties of corruption, financed by the faithful, than a single, young neo-traditionalist prelate", "an orthodox Catholic who has had enough of the homosexual-infested regime of novelty imposed on the Church by the old men of the Council", "As Faggioli puts it: \u201cIn the last fifteen years, the American Catholic Church has been traversed by a radicalization of religious conservatism in the neo-traditionalism sense, especially in the younger generations of priests and intellectuals.\nThey interpret the current abuse crisis as fruit of the mistakes of the Council itself and not only of the post-Council", "opened the way to ecclesial disaster", "demolition of the sacred liturgy", "in the depths of his conciliar delirium", "wave of affection and admiration flowed from the council over the modern world of humanity", "its aspirations purified and blessed", "Thus did Paul describe the conciliar \u201copening to the world\u201d through which the world promptly invaded the Church, including large numbers of homosexuals who should never have been admitted to the seminary", "a young clergy marked by personal sanctity but also by a fascination for a mythical Middle Ages", "young clergy marked by personal sanctity", "Any abandonment of the regime must be viewed as ecclesiastical treason\u2014\u201cCatholic Jacobinism\u201d\u2014if not criminal activity", "And how does the Church \u201caddress\u201d a massive infestation by homosexual priests and prelates without removing them from authority and ensuring that they cannot promote homosexual successors for generation after generation", "what he is really arguing\u2014the final beachhead of the neo-Catholic defense of their disintegrating regime\u2014is that homosexuals in the hierarchy must remain in authority as an indispensable seawall against a \u201cneo-traditionalist\u201d storm surge", "the tradition-hating Pope", "more and more faithful will recognize the neo-Catholic polemic for what it is\u2014a fraud\u2014and begin demanding a return of everything the regime of novelty has stolen from the life of the Church.\nThat is exactly what a growing number of Catholics are now doing, as even the secular press recognized less than three months before Bergoglio began his tyrannical reign", "to their horror", "mount under this reckless Pope to an unsustainable, indeed apocalyptic, level", "Irony of ironies", "a youthful vanguard", "of what is ever ancient but ever new", "candidates known to be active homosexuals", "irrevocably condemned", "stripped of its prophetic and admonitory content regarding the epochal malfeasance and corruption of the upper hierarchy", "the sufferings of the Church", "a really terrifying way", "a deep need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn forgiveness", "I believe that Archbishop Vigan\u00f2\u2019s precious testimony is a sign that Heaven itself is now responding to the \u201cneed for justice\u201d in the Church", "the most wayward Pope in Church history", "in the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary", "imperiously scoffs", "an unsalvageable mass of corruption", "a Church-world relationship based on a principle of reality", "more than a little obsessed with homosexuality", "a worldwide storm of outrage", "clerical sodomy", "rampant sodomy", "disastrous", "ridiculous", "Does Pope Francis have an enemies list", "Homosexuality in the clergy exists and is a matter that must be addressed", "You are the Pope\u2019s representative in the US, and you are urging me to read a book that questions what the secretary of state wrote"]}
{"propaganda": ["Hitler the Great.\u2019", "deeply disappointed", "ridiculous exercise in virtue-signaling", "for the crime of telling the truth about Islam and jihad", "If there\u2019s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things.\nOne \u2013 the easiest one maybe \u2013 chop their head off, that\u2019s the easiest.\nSecond \u2013 burn them to death.\nThird \u2013 throw \u2019em off a cliff.\nFourth \u2013 tear down a wall on them so they die under that.\nFifth \u2013 a combination of the above.\u201d", "relentlessly appeasement-minded government", "\u201cdoesn\u2019t applaud diversity", "He is failing in his leadership and we should not welcome him here.\nWe must be vigorous in our intolerance of his intolerance.\u201d", "corruptly elected", "Islamophobic propaganda", "he has allegedly \u201cbigoted attitude towards women, ethnic minorities and Muslims", "The motion also notes that the neighbouring Royal Borough of Greenwich formally adopted a similar motion in December last year\u2026", "Meanwhile, Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation", "hypocrisy and double standards", "bigot", "shock and alarm"]}
{"propaganda": ["Barack Obama's reckless appeasement of the Iranian regime has enabled its rise as a hegemonic threat", "disastrous", "\u201cIt\u2019s a new monster.\u201d", "milquetoast", "turned his back on millions of dissidents", "giving rise to ISIS\u2019s re-emergence in Iraq", "turning Iraq into a virtual vassal state of the largest state sponsor of terrorism", "legitimized Iran's path to eventually becoming a nuclear-armed state", "American blood", "could actually accelerate the cycle of violence and perpetuate conflict rather than get us to a sustainable outcome", "Whether the Trump administration follows through remains to be seen"]}
{"propaganda": ["But Jewish groups on and off campus have denounced the report as flawed, saying it missed the significance of an anti-Semitic text circulated online before Noah Lew was removed from the board last fall", "My Jewish identity was now public, and a target was placed squarely upon me by the McGill BDS movement", "An outcry", "anti-Semitic tropes of Jewish people", "The Jewish groups said this anti-Semitic rhetoric \u201cwas used to encourage students to vote specifically against Noah Lew.\nIt is under this context that the (general assembly) occurred, and the report fundamentally misunderstands this, which alters the entire findings of the report", "absolutely no place for anti-Semitism", "overwhelmingly approved", "a whitewash"]}
{"propaganda": ["less glamorous", "you move closer to legalizing all illegals"]}
{"propaganda": ["God damn America", "The Muslim photographer Askia Muhammad, who took this photo of candidate Barack Obama and vicious jihad-supporting racist Louis Farrakhan, knew this would impact the election: he said so.\nAnd so he conspired with the terror group, the Nation of Islam, to keep it hidden for 10 years", "You are wicked deceivers of the American people.\nYou have sucked their blood", "people.\nYou have sucked their blood", "that\u2019s a good name.\nHitler was a very great man", "Hitler exterminating six million Jews", "terrorists", "worked as furiously", "nefarious connections", "that\u2019s a good name.\nHitler was a very great man", "America is in trouble, and I say God is about to wipe this nation from the face of the Earth.\nI\u2019m not crazy, I\u2019m not drunk, how long do you think a nation can do evil and not face the wrath of god", "But don\u2019t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler", "The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam", "sort of in a panic", "shines forth", "destroy", "My god will wipe this country (America) from the face of the earth", "The Jews don\u2019t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler"]}
{"propaganda": ["thoughtless", "to end national security", "Anything a Republican president does is exactly like the Holocaust", "compared US immigration policy to Nazi Germany", "death-camp", "particularly stupid", "only shameless Zionists would attempt to equate killing Jews with killing Jews", "killed them all", "extermination", "The attacks here are motivated by a desire for open borders", "forever", "human shields", "Nazi", "Nazi", "Nazi", "Nazi"]}
{"propaganda": ["Another problem with Farage\u2019s statement is that it manifests a remarkable ignorance of history.\nWhile he is deeply concerned that British people not begin to think that resisting jihad terror means that they are in a \u201cbattle\u201d with the \u201centire religion\u201d of Islam, he appears unaware of the fact that many Muslims throughout history have considered their entire religion to be at war with the entire non-Muslim world", "the Umayyad caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz sent out a message to the governors of the various Islamic provinces:\nO you who believe!\nThe non-Muslims are nothing but dirt.\nAllah has created them to be partisans of Satan; most treacherous in regard to all they do; whose whole endeavor in this nether life is useless, though they themselves imagine that they are doing fine work.\nUpon them rests the curse of Allah, of the Angels and of man collectively", "Sure", "Fatimid caliph Al-Amir bi-Ahkamillah issued this edict:\nNow, the prior degradation of the infidels in this world before the life to come\u2014where it is their lot\u2014is considered an act of piety; and the imposition of their poll tax [jizya], \u201cuntil they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled\u201d (Koran 9:29) is a divinely ordained obligation\u2026.The dhimmi\u2019s payment of his dues by a bill drawn on a Muslim, or by delegating a real believer to pay it in his name will not be tolerated.\nIt must be exacted from him directly in order to vilify and humiliate him, so that Islam and its people may be exalted and the race of infidels brought low.\nThe jizya is to be imposed on all of them in full, without exception", "vilify and humiliate", "The non-Muslims are nothing but dirt", "stance of denial and appeasement", "to exterminate the infidels", "exalted", "partisans of Satan; most treacherous in regard to all they do", "Nigel Farage has become just another mainstream hack politician", "the global jihad threat", "jihadis", "the \u201cmoderates", "jihad terror", "the People of the Book", "the infidels", "a real believer", "the race of infidels", "If dealing with Islamic fundamentalism becomes a battle between us and the entire religion, I\u2019ll tell you the result: we\u2019ll lose.\nWe will simply lose\u2026.We absolutely have to get that Muslim majority living in many of our towns and cities on our side, more attuned to Western values than some pretty hardline interpretations of the Qur\u2019an", "But if we don\u2019t speak about such facts, how will we ever convince Muslims not to follow \u201chardline interpretations of the Qur\u2019an", "innumerable examples", "Sharaf ad-Din Ali Yazdi, a fifteenth-century Persian who wrote a biography of the Mongol Muslim warrior Tamerlane, observed that \u201cthe Qur\u2019an says the highest dignity man can attain is that of making war in person against the enemies of his religion", "but British establishment politicians have done everything they could to sabotage that vote since then", "a \u201cbattle between us and the entire religion", "No sane person is saying that the West should go to war with the entire Islamic world", "a \u201cbattle\u201d with the \u201centire religion\u201d", "entire religion to be at war with the entire non-Muslim world", "at war with the entire religion", "if he can\u2019t beat them, he\u2019ll join them", "I document this abundantly in my new book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS", "Muhammad advises the same thing, according to the tradition of the Muslim doctors", "But what, Mr. Farage, are we to think about the Muslims who consider themselves and their religion to be at war with us"]}
{"propaganda": ["the likelihood that this disease will move to other more densely populated regions of the planet has become a huge concern for many", "extremely", "unprecedented", "making cures in underdeveloped regions of the globe difficult at best", "black death"]}
{"propaganda": ["hair trigger in single-action mode", "sanctuary\" policy", "politicians across this country continue to endanger the lives of Americans with sanctuary policies while ignoring the harm inflicted on their constituents.\"", "pinned blame for Steinle's death on illegal immigration and insufficiently aggressive deportation policies", "This tragedy could have been prevented if San Francisco had simply turned the alien over to ICE as we requested, instead of releasing him back onto the streets,\"", "Steinle would still be alive were it not for an insecure border and lenient treatment toward suspected undocumented immigrants in local jails", "a complete travesty of justice", "BUILD THE WALL!\"", "firestorm of outrage", "The Kate Steinle killer"]}
{"propaganda": ["series of shocking comments", "Take note that what he means here is that people were being shot at from ground level rather than the 32nd floor of the hotel", "a huge bombshell in the ongoing investigation", "we are not being told what actually happened that fateful night"]}
{"propaganda": ["dirty deal", "how many more are there", "most important market", "most important currency", "disgraced", "Scandal", "scandal", "Not a one", "bad", "worthless"]}
{"propaganda": ["Satan", "Satan", "obscene travesty", "venomous", "Satan", "hate", "even mass murder", "incredibly offensive", "monkeys and pigs", "greatest leader in modern Western history", "Satan", "If the board members of Crime Stoppers and Citizens\u2019 Crime Watch do not wish to be associated with anti-Semitism or white supremacism or Hamas or Holocaust denial or Steve Anderson or David Duke or Louis Farrakhan, then they must cut ties with Sofian Zakkout", "Crime Stopper", "making the claim that Jews have experienced such abuse because they have somehow been cursed", "\u2018Cause they\u2019re under the curse of God for having rejected the Lord Jesus Christ.\u201d", "\u201cDavid Duke, a man to believe in!\u201d", "\u201cWe are Hamas\u201d", "\u201cLet\u2019s go Hamas.\u201d", "the American public", "documented threat to national security"]}
{"propaganda": ["decimated"]}
{"propaganda": ["Beware"]}
{"propaganda": ["black death", "It Is \u2018Inevitable\u2019 The Plague Becomes Resistant To Drugs", "it\u2019s inevitable that this bacterial infection", "antibiotics resistance is inevitable", "Madagascar\u2019s healthcare system will be unable to cope if the deadly plague outbreak continues to escalate", "the \u201cworst outbreak in 50 years", "black death", "drug resistance is also an increasing concern", "antibiotic resistance is more or less inevitable", "making this disease much more terrifying", "If that kicks in, the plague will be far, far scarier", "making a global pandemic much more likely"]}
{"propaganda": ["a deadly virus that causes severe bleeding and organ failure"]}
{"propaganda": ["I have done what I believe God wanted me to do,[", "bolstered my own \u201cGreat Clarifier\u201d theory", "the poor, poor woman", "brave defenders of the status quo", "cheap and vulgar ritual humiliation", "bully-boy Church", "midget bishops and minicardinals", "episcopal bullies", "who \u201cscandalize\u201d believers", "supreme shepherd.\u201d", "got rid of", "the \u201ccool kids\u201d in the Vatican", "Signaling furiously", "with whom, I guess, she has also no choice but to have sexual relations.\nBecause of kind-heartedness", "falsely elevated to the rank of a decisive question of Catholicism and a measure of ideological comparison in order to decide whether one is conservative or liberal, in favor or against the pope.\u201d", "howling tantrums", "To teach with such an intentional lack of clarity inevitably risks sinning against the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth", "don\u2019t speak out publicly for fear they will be \u201cmarginalized or worse", "given the boot", "little incident", "extremely bad", "they\u2019ll be \u201cmarginalized or worse\u201d if they speak out", "blithering incoherence", "Presumably because adultery itself is no longer sinful", "relativistic Zeitgeist", "even threatening to go into schism if they didn\u2019t get their way", "lionized"]}
{"propaganda": ["ominous encroachment", "grandstanding", "behave or else", "ballooned", "testy", "ire", "insults", "overly aggressive", "devoted news consumer", "severe", "flouts"]}
{"propaganda": ["sordid", "Threatened", "threatened", "threatened", "threatened", "threatened", "threats", "largely ignored it", "harsh position"]}
{"propaganda": ["\u201cAllahu Akbar\u201d", "Long live Hitler, to death the Jews", "\u201cAllahu Akbar\u201d", "Allahu Akbar", "Allahu Akbar", "\"Allah Akbar\"", "beaten her to death", "\u201cunbelievers\u201d", "\u201cInfidel, you must die\u201d", "beheaded", "Allahu Akbar", "really excited", "demon", "They're all crazy in Europe", "nuts", "Maybe it's the authorities who are insane", "\u201cmentally ill\u201d", "mental illness", "mental illness"]}
{"propaganda": ["our communities", "Red Flag Laws save lives", "red flag laws", "Red Flag Laws", "our leaders"]}
{"propaganda": ["in one fell swoop"]}
{"propaganda": ["that\u2019s childish", "Cracks Racist Joke", "just how evil and awful", "hypocritically toeing", "Childish, indeed.\nInsulting, indeed", "kick them in the shins", "rather extraordinarily", "Sorry Hillary, we don\u2019t think they look anything alike.\nOr did you mean all black people", "As The American Mirror\u2019s Kyle Olsen concludes so eloquently, Hillary Clinton appears to benefit from her progressive privilege \u2013 it is the only thing that protects her from getting the \u2018Roseanne treatment\u2019, and not being dismissed in disgrace"]}
{"propaganda": ["gross negligence", "How was this victim overlooked by investigators but known by Intellihub?\nWho was this victim?", "a massive cover-up of the truth, the F.B.I.\nand LVMPD", "law enforcement investigators have never asked to see the footage", "placed\u201d", "Will the F.B.I.\nand LVMPD please explain what in the Hell is going on here?", "How many more victims went ignored by investigators?", "botched investigation", "were people getting haircuts at the crime scene?"]}
{"propaganda": ["for \u201ccertain\u201d public adulterers", "the humble apostle of mercy depicted in his carefully crafted public relations narrative, but rather a cunning ecclesiastical politician, constantly plotting and scheming to get what he wants", "All of the critics of AL are wrong\u2014every one of them!\u2014because, you see, the original Latin text does not say what the English text does", "And that is exactly the nonsense Fastiggi and Goldstein expect us to swallow", "our intrepid presenters", "all those ignorant critics of AL", "all the tumult triggered by AL is just a misunderstanding caused by uninformed people who haven\u2019t consulted the Latin text\u2014", "those ignorant Vatican translators", "But such embarrassing truths need not impede the Bergoglian Mercy Train as it barrels toward a train wreck at the end of the line", "Our dynamic translators", "synodal charade", "In a sense, what Bergoglio is doing is worse than explicit heresy", "the grim reality of this unprecedented pontificate", "the old reliable \u201cmistranslation", "But wait, there\u2019s more"]}