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(a) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) Business entity.--The term ``business entity'' means a
firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, joint
venture, or other form of enterprise.
(2) Facility.--The term ``facility'' means any real
property, including any building, improvement, or appurtenance.
(3) Gross negligence.--The term ``gross negligence'' means
voluntary and conscious conduct by a person with knowledge (at
the time of the conduct) that the conduct is likely to be
harmful to the health or well-being of another person.
(4) Intentional misconduct.--The term ``intentional
misconduct'' means conduct by a person with knowledge (at the
time of the conduct) that the conduct is harmful to the health
or well-being of another person.
(5) Nonprofit organization.--The term ``nonprofit
organization'' means--
(A) any organization described in section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from
tax under section 501(a) of such Code; or
(B) any not-for-profit organization organized and
conducted for public benefit and operated primarily for
charitable, civic, educational, religious, welfare, or
health purposes.
(6) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern
Mariana Islands, any other territory or possession of the
United States, or any political subdivision of any such State,
territory, or possession.
(b) Limitation on Liability.--
(1) In general.--Subject to subsection (c), a business
entity shall not be subject to civil liability relating to any
injury or death occurring at a facility of the business entity
in connection with a use of such facility by a nonprofit
organization if--
(A) the use occurs outside of the scope of business
of the business entity;
(B) such injury or death occurs during a period
that such facility is used by the nonprofit
organization; and
(C) the business entity authorized the use of such
facility by the nonprofit organization.
(2) Application.--This subsection shall apply--
(A) with respect to civil liability under Federal
and State law; and
(B) regardless of whether a nonprofit organization
pays for the use of a facility.
(c) Exception for Liability.--Subsection (b) shall not apply to an
injury or death that results from an act or omission of a business
entity that constitutes gross negligence or intentional misconduct,
including any misconduct that--
(1) constitutes a crime of violence (as that term is
defined in section 16 of title 18, United States Code) or act
of international terrorism (as that term is defined in section
2331 of title 18) for which the defendant has been convicted in
any court;
(2) constitutes a hate crime (as that term is used in the
Hate Crime Statistics Act (28 U.S.C. 534 note));
(3) involves a sexual offense, as defined by applicable
State law, for which the defendant has been convicted in any
court; or
(4) involves misconduct for which the defendant has been
found to have violated a Federal or State civil rights law.
(d) Superseding Provision.--
(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2) and subsection
(e), this Act preempts the laws of any State to the extent that
such laws are inconsistent with this Act, except that this Act
shall not preempt any State law that provides additional
protection from liability for a business entity for an injury
or death with respect to which conditions under subparagraphs
(A) through (C) of subsection (b)(1) apply.
(2) Limitation.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to
supersede any Federal or State health or safety law.
(e) Election of State Regarding Nonapplicability.--This Act shall
not apply to any civil action in a State court against a business
entity in which all parties are citizens of the State if such State
enacts a statute--
(1) citing the authority of this subsection;
(2) declaring the election of such State that this Act
shall not apply to such civil action in the State; and
(3) containing no other provision. | Shields a business entity from civil liability relating to any injury or death occurring at a facility of that entity in connection with a use of such facility by a nonprofit organization if: (1) the use occurs outside the scope of business of the business entity; (2) such injury or death occurs during a period that such facility is used by such organization; and (3) the business entity authorized the use of such facility by the organization.
Makes this Act inapplicable to an injury or death that results from an act or omission of a business entity that constitutes gross negligence or intentional misconduct, including misconduct that: (1) constitutes a hate crime or a crime of violence or act of international terrorism for which the defendant has been convicted in any court; or (2) involves a sexual offense for which the defendant has been convicted in any court or misconduct for which the defendant has been found to have violated a Federal or State civil rights law.
Preempts State laws to the extent that such laws are inconsistent with this Act, except State law that provides additional protection from liability. Specifies that this Act shall not be construed to supersede any Federal or State health or safety law.
Makes this Act inapplicable to any civil action in a State court against a business entity in which all parties are citizens of the State if such State, citing this Act's authority and containing no other provision, enacts a statute declaring the State's election that this Act shall not apply to such action in the State. | 0 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Human Rights Information Act''.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The people of the United States consider the national
and international protection and promotion of human rights and
the rule of law the most important values of any democracy. The
founding fathers defined human rights prominently in the Bill
of Rights, giving those rights a special priority and
protection in the Constitution.
(2) Federal agencies are in possession of documents
pertaining to gross human rights violations abroad which are
needed by foreign authorities to document, investigate, and
subsequently prosecute instances of continued and systematic
gross human rights violations, including those directed against
citizens of the United States.
(3) The United States will continue to receive requests
from foreign authorities for legal assistance regarding human
rights violations, including the declassification of documents.
In addition to requests by Guatemala and Honduras, a Spanish
court magistrate, Baltasar Garzon, recently requested from the
United States information on General Augusto Pinochet.
Currently, the United States responds to declassification
requests by following procedures outlined in Presidential
directives and executive orders. The overwhelming interest of
the United States in the protection and promotion of human
rights nationally and internationally requires a significant
strengthening of existing declassification procedures,
including section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly
known as the ``Freedom of Information Act'').
(4) The expedient declassification of human rights
documents in full compliance with United States security
interests according to the procedures outlined in this Act will
protect global human rights by strengthening the rule of law
internationally, creating a crucial level of accountability of
Federal agencies, and will result in significant saving of
Government resources.
(5) The commitment to the promotion and protection of human
rights and democracy around the world has led the United States
to undertake tremendous diplomatic, economic, and military
efforts to end systematic gross human rights violations abroad,
consistent with the national interests and international
leadership role of the United States. In addition, countless
humanitarian United States nongovernmental organizations and
citizens of the United States promote human rights and
democracy in foreign countries. These efforts are thwarted if
the cycle of impunity for human rights violations is not broken
in those countries, and the likelihood of the need for renewed
United States engagements in those areas remains.
(6) The United States therefore has a significant interest
that newly established or reestablished democratic societies
take credible steps to fully investigate and prosecute human
rights violations. These steps can include the creation of a
national or international truth commission or tribunal, the
appointment of a human rights officer, or official national
investigations led by credible sections of the civil society,
including churches and nongovernmental organizations.
(7) The United States has long provided international
leadership to end impunity for gross human rights violations
and to promote the rule of law around the world by establishing
and supporting the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal; in
addition, the United States has actively participated in, among
others, the International War Crimes Tribunals on the former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
(8) The United States has ratified the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment, which in article 9 obligates parties to ``afford one
another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with criminal
proceedings brought in respect of any [acts of, attempts of, or
complicity in acts of torture], including the supply of all evidence at
their disposal necessary for the proceedings.'' In addition, as a
member State of the Organization of American States, the United States
should seek to follow the December 8, 1998, recommendation of the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ``that member States of the
Organization of American States adopt legislative and such other
measures as may be necessary to effectuate the right of free access to
information in files and documents in the power of the State,
particularly in cases of investigations to establish criminal
responsibility for international crimes and serious violations of human
(9) The Guatemalan peace accords, which the Government of
the United States firmly supports, included as an important and
vital component an investigation and a report by the Commission
for the Historical Clarification of Human Rights Violations and
Acts of Violence which have Caused Suffering to the Guatemalan
People (referred to in this Act as the ``Clarification
Commission''). Despite the conclusion of this investigation,
many questions, including the identity of perpetrators of human
rights violations as well as the location of bodies of the
``disappeared'', remain unanswered. The Clarification
Commission explicitly recommended that ``all available legal
and material resources should be utilized [by the Guatemalan
Government] to clarify the whereabouts of the disappeared and,
in the case of death, to deliver the remains to the
(10) Two days after presenting a parallel investigation,
``Guatemala: Never Again'', by the Historical Memory Recovery
Project by the Archbishop of Guatemala, the director of the
project, Bishop Juan Jose Gerardi, was assassinated.
(11) President Clinton stated in Guatemala on March 10,
1999, that ``[f]or the United States, it is important that I
state clearly that support for military forces or intelligence
units which engaged in violent and widespread repression of the
kind described in the report [by the Clarification Commission]
was wrong, and the United States must not repeat that mistake.
We must, and we will, instead, continue to support the peace
and reconciliation process in Guatemala.''
(12) The National Commissioner for the Protection of Human
Rights in the Republic of Honduras has been requesting
documentation of the United States on human rights violations
in Honduras since November 15, 1993. The Commissioner's request
has been partly fulfilled, but aspects of it are still pending.
In this Act:
(1) Human rights record.--The term ``human rights record''
means a record in the possession, custody, or control of the
United States Government containing information about gross
violations of internationally recognized human rights committed
after 1944.
(2) Agency.--The term ``agency'' means any agency of the
United States Government charged with the conduct of foreign
policy or foreign intelligence, including, but not limited to,
the Department of State, the Agency for International
Development, the Department of Defense (and all of its
components), the Central Intelligence Agency, the National
Reconnaissance Office, the Department of Justice (and all of
its components), the National Security Council, and the
Executive Office of the President.
(3) Gross violations of internationally recognized human
rights.--The term ``gross violations of internationally
recognized human rights'' has the meaning given that term in
section 502B(d)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22
U.S.C. 2304(d)(1)).
(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
provisions of this Act shall govern the declassification and public
disclosure of human rights records by agencies.
(b) Identification of Records.--Not later than 120 days after the
date of enactment of this Act, each agency shall identify, review, and
organize all human rights records regarding activities occurring in
Guatemala and Honduras after 1944 for the purpose of declassifying and
disclosing the records to the public. Except as provided in section 5,
all records described in the preceding sentence shall be made available
to the public not later than 30 days after a review under this section
is completed.
(c) Report to Congress.--Not later than 150 days after the date of
enactment of this Act, the President shall report to Congress regarding
each agency's compliance with the provisions of this Act.
(a) In General.--An agency may postpone public disclosure of a
human rights record or particular information in a human rights record
only if the agency determines that there is clear and convincing
evidence that--
(1) the threat to the military defense, intelligence
operations, or conduct of foreign relations of the United
States raised by public disclosure of the human rights record
is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest, and
such public disclosure would reveal--
(A) an intelligence agent whose identity currently
requires protection;
(B) an intelligence source or method--
(i) which is being utilized, or reasonably
expected to be utilized, by the United States
(ii) which has not been officially
disclosed; and
(iii) the disclosure of which would
interfere with the conduct of intelligence
activities; or
(C) any other matter currently relating to the
military defense, intelligence operations, or conduct
of foreign relations of the United States, the
disclosure of which would demonstrably impair the
national security of the
United States;
(2) the public disclosure of the human rights record would
reveal the name or identity of a living individual who provided
confidential information to the United States and would pose a
substantial risk of harm to that individual;
(3) the public disclosure of the human rights record could
reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy, and that invasion of privacy is so
substantial that it outweighs the public interest; or
(4) the public disclosure of the human rights record would
compromise the existence of an understanding of confidentiality
currently requiring protection between a Government agent and a
cooperating individual or a foreign government, and public
disclosure would be so harmful that it outweighs the public
(b) Special Treatment of Certain Information.--It shall not be
grounds for postponement of disclosure of a human rights record that an
individual named in the human rights record was an intelligence asset
of the United States Government, although the existence of such
relationship may be withheld if the criteria set forth in subsection
(a) are met. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term an
``intelligence asset'' means a covert agent as defined in section
606(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 426(4)).
In the event that an agency of the United States receives a request
for human rights records from an entity created by the United Nations,
the Organization of American States or a similar entity, a national
truth commission or entity of similar nature, or from the principal
justice or human rights official of a country that is investigating a
pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights,
the agency shall conduct a review of records as described in section 4
and shall declassify and publicly disclose such records in accordance
with the standards and procedures set forth in this Act.
(a) Duties of the Appeals Panel.--The Interagency Security
Classification Appeals Panel or any other entity subsequently
established by law or Executive order and charged with carrying out the
functions currently carried out by such Panel (referred to in this Act
as the ``Appeals Panel'') shall review all determinations by an agency
to postpone public disclosure of any human rights record.
(b) Determinations of the Appeals Panel.--
(1) In general.--The Appeals Panel shall direct that all
human rights records be disclosed to the public, unless the
Appeals Panel determines that there is clear and convincing
evidence that--
(A) the record is not a human rights record; or
(B) the human rights record or particular
information in the human rights record qualifies for
postponement of disclosure pursuant to section 5.
(2) Treatment in cases of nondisclosure.--If the Appeals
Panel concurs with an agency decision to postpone disclosure of
a human rights record, the Appeals Panel shall determine, in
consultation with the originating agency and consistent with
the standards set forth in this Act, which, if any, of the alternative
forms of disclosure described in paragraph (3) shall be made by the
(3) Alternative forms of disclosure.--The forms of
disclosure described in this paragraph are as follows:
(A) Disclosure of any reasonably segregable portion
of the human rights record after deletion of the
portions described in paragraph (1).
(B) Disclosure of a record that is a substitute for
information which is not disclosed.
(C) Disclosure of a summary of the information
contained in the human rights record.
(4) Notification of determination.--
(A) In general.--Upon completion of its review, the
Appeals Panel shall notify the head of the agency in
control or possession of the human rights record that
was the subject of the review of its determination and
shall, not later than 14 days after the determination,
publish the determination in the Federal Register.
(B) Notice to president.--The Appeals Panel shall
notify the President of its determination. The notice
shall contain a written unclassified justification for
its determination, including an explanation of the
application of the standards contained in section 5.
(5) General procedures.--The Appeals Panel shall publish in
the Federal Register guidelines regarding its policy and
procedures for adjudicating appeals.
(c) Presidential Authority Over Appeals Panel Determination.--
(1) Public disclosure or postponement of disclosure.--The
President shall have the sole and nondelegable authority to
review any determination of the Appeals Panel under this Act,
and such review shall be based on the standards set forth in
section 5. Not later than 30 days after the Appeals Panel's
determination and notification to the agency pursuant to
subsection (b)(4), the President shall provide the Appeals
Panel with an unclassified written certification specifying the
President's decision and stating the reasons for the decision,
including in the case of a determination to postpone
disclosure, the standards set forth in section 5 which are the
basis for the President's determination.
(2) Record of presidential postponement.--The Appeals Panel
shall, upon receipt of the President's determination, publish
in the Federal Register a copy of any unclassified written
certification, statement, and other materials transmitted by or
on behalf of the President with regard to the postponement of
disclosure of a human rights record.
Upon completion of the review and disclosure of the human rights
records relating to Guatemala and Honduras, the Information Security
Policy Advisory Council, established pursuant to Executive Order No.
12958, shall report to Congress on the desirability and feasibility of
declassification of human rights records relating to other countries.
The report shall be available to the public.
(a) Freedom of Information Act.--Nothing in this Act shall be
construed to limit any right to file a request with any executive
agency or seek judicial review of a decision pursuant to section 552 of
title 5, United States Code.
(b) Judicial Review.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to
preclude judicial review, under chapter 7 of title 5, United States
Code, of final actions taken or required to be taken under this Act.
For purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act, there
shall be 2 additional positions in the Appeals Panel. The President
shall appoint individuals who are not employees of the United States
who have demonstrated substantial human rights expertise and who are
able to meet the security requirements for the positions. The President
shall seek recommendations with respect to such positions from
nongovernmental human rights organizations. | Human Rights Information Act - Requires certain Federal agencies to identify and organize all human rights records regarding activities occurring in Guatemala and Honduras after 1944 for declassification and disclosure purposes, and to make them available to the public.
Instructs the President to report to Congress regarding agency compliance.
Prescribes guidelines under which the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel shall review agency determinations to postpone public disclosure of any human rights record. Authorizes postponement of such public disclosures on specified grounds.
Requires any U.S. agency, upon request by an entity created by the United Nations, the Organization of American States (or similar entity), a national truth commission (or similar entity), or from the principal justice or human rights official of a country that is investigating a pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, to review, declassify, and publicly disclose any human pertinent rights records.
Directs the Information Security Policy Advisory Council to report to Congress on declassification of human rights records relating to other countries and to make such report available to the public.
Creates two additional positions in the Panel in order to implement this Act. | 1 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Jackie Robinson Commemorative Coin
(a) $1 Silver Coins.--In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of
the breaking of the color barrier in major league baseball by Jackie
Robinson, the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in this Act referred
to as the ``Secretary'') shall mint and issue not more than 500,000 1
dollar coins, which shall--
(1) weigh 26.73 grams;
(2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches; and
(3) contain 90 percent silver and 10 percent copper.
(b) Legal Tender.--The coins minted under this Act shall be legal
tender, as provided in section 5103 of title 31, United States Code.
(c) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of section 5136 of title 31,
United States Code, all coins minted under this Act shall be considered
to be numismatic items.
The Secretary shall obtain silver for minting coins under this Act
only from stockpiles established under the Strategic and Critical
Materials Stock Piling Act.
(a) Design Requirements.--
(1) In general.--The design--
(A) on the obverse side of the coins minted under
this Act shall be emblematic of Jackie Robinson; and
(B) on the reverse side of such coins shall be
emblematic of Jackie Robinson's association with and
contributions to major league baseball.
(2) Designation and inscriptions.--On each coin minted
under this Act there shall be--
(A) a designation of the value of the coin;
(B) an inscription of the year ``1997''; and
(C) inscriptions of the words ``Liberty'', ``In God
We Trust'', ``United States of America'', and ``E
Pluribus Unum''.
(b) Selection.--The design for the coins minted under this Act
shall be--
(1) selected by the Secretary after consultation with the
Jackie Robinson Foundation and the Commission of Fine Arts; and
(2) reviewed by the Citizens Commemorative Coin Advisory
(a) Quality of Coins.--Coins minted under this Act shall be issued
in uncirculated and proof qualities.
(b) Mint Facility.--Only 1 facility of the United States Mint may
be used to strike any particular quality of the coins minted under this
(c) Commencement of Issuance.--The Secretary may issue coins minted
under this Act beginning April 15, 1997.
(d) Termination of Minting Authority.--No coins may be minted under
this Act after December 15, 1998.
(a) Sale Price.--The coins issued under this Act shall be sold by
the Secretary at a price equal to the sum of--
(1) the face value of the coins;
(2) the surcharge provided in subsection (d) with respect
to such coins; and
(3) the cost of designing and issuing the coins (including
labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, overhead expenses,
marketing, and shipping).
(b) Bulk Sales.--The Secretary shall make bulk sales of the coins
issued under this Act at a reasonable discount.
(c) Prepaid Orders.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall accept prepaid orders
for the coins minted under this Act before the issuance of such
(2) Discount.--Sale prices with respect to prepaid orders
under paragraph (1) shall be at a reasonable discount.
(d) Surcharges.--All sales shall include a surcharge of $10 per
(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), no provision
of law governing procurement or public contracts shall be applicable to
the procurement of goods and services necessary for carrying out the
provisions of this Act.
(b) Equal Employment Opportunity.--Subsection (a) shall not relieve
any person entering into a contract under the authority of this Act
from complying with any law relating to equal employment opportunity.
Subject to section 10(a), all surcharges received by the Secretary
from the sale of coins issued under this Act shall be promptly paid by
the Secretary to the Jackie Robinson Foundation (hereafter in this Act
referred to as the Foundation'') for the purpose of--
(1) enhancing the programs of the Foundation in the field
of education and youth leadership skills development; and
(2) increasing the availability of scholarships for youth
with the greatest need.
(a) No Net Cost to the Government.--The Secretary shall take such
actions as may be necessary to ensure that minting and issuing coins
under this Act will not result in any net cost to the United States
(b) Payment for Coins.--A coin shall not be issued under this Act
unless the Secretary has received--
(1) full payment for the coin;
(2) security satisfactory to the Secretary to indemnify the
United States for full payment; or
(3) a guarantee of full payment satisfactory to the
Secretary from a depository institution whose deposits are
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the
National Credit Union Administration Board.
(a) Payment of Surcharges.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, no amount derived from the proceeds of any surcharge imposed on
the sale of coins issued under this Act shall be paid to the Foundation
(1) all numismatic operation and program costs allocable to
the program under which such coins are produced and sold have
been recovered; and
(2) the Foundation submits an audited financial statement
which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that,
with respect to all projects or purposes for which the proceeds
of such surcharge may be used, the Foundation has raised funds
from private sources for such projects and purposes in an
amount which is equal to or greater than the maximum amount the
Foundation may receive from the proceeds of such surcharge.
(b) Annual Audits.--
(1) Annual audits of recipients required.--The Foundation
shall provide, as a condition for receiving any amount derived
from the proceeds of any surcharge imposed on the sale of coins
issued under this Act, for an annual audit, in accordance with
generally accepted government auditing standards by an
independent public accountant selected by the Foundation, of
all such payments to the Foundation beginning in the first
fiscal year of the Foundation in which any such amount is
received and continuing until all such amounts received by the
Foundation with respect to such surcharges are fully expended
or placed in trust.
(2) Minimum requirements for annual audits.--At a minimum,
each audit of the Foundation pursuant to paragraph (1) shall
(A) the amount of payments received by the
Foundation during the fiscal year of the Foundation for
which the audit is conducted which are derived from the
proceeds of any surcharge imposed on the sale of coins
issued under this Act;
(B) the amount expended by the Foundation from the
proceeds of such surcharges during the fiscal year of
the Foundation for which the audit is conducted; and
(C) whether all expenditures by the Foundation from
the proceeds of such surcharges during the fiscal year
of the Foundation for which the audit is conducted were
for authorized purposes.
(3) Responsibility of foundation to account for
expenditures of surcharges.--The Foundation shall take
appropriate steps, as a condition for receiving any payment of
any amount derived from the proceeds of any surcharge imposed
on the sale of coins issued under this Act, to ensure that the
receipt of the payment and the expenditure of the proceeds of
such surcharge by the Foundation in each fiscal year of the
Foundation can be accounted for separately from all other
revenues and expenditures of the Foundation.
(4) Submission of audit report.--Not later than 90 days
after the end of any fiscal year of the Foundation for which an
audit is required under paragraph (1), the Foundation shall--
(A) submit a copy of the report to the Secretary;
(B) make a copy of the report available to the
(5) Use of surcharges for audits.--The Foundation may use
any amount received from payments derived from the proceeds of
any surcharge imposed on the sale of coins issued under this
Act to pay the cost of an audit required under paragraph (1).
(6) Waiver of subsection.--The Secretary may waive the
application of any paragraph of this subsection to the
Foundation for any fiscal year after taking into account the
amount of surcharges which such Foundation received or expended
during such year.
(7) Availability of books and records.--The Foundation
shall provide, as a condition for receiving any payment derived
from the proceeds of any surcharge imposed on the sale of coins
issued under this Act, to the Inspector General of the
Department of the Treasury or the Comptroller General of the
United States, upon the request of such Inspector General or
the Comptroller General, all books, records, and workpapers
belonging to or used by the Foundation, or by any independent
public accountant who audited the Foundation in accordance with
paragraph (1), which may relate to the receipt or expenditure
of any such amount by the Foundation.
(c) Use of Agents or Attorneys to Influence Commemorative Coin
Legislation.--No portion of any payment to the Foundation from amounts
derived from the proceeds of surcharges imposed on the sale of coins
issued under this Act may be used, directly or indirectly, by the
Foundation to compensate any agent or attorney for services rendered to
support or influence in any way legislative action of the Congress
relating to the coins minted and issued under this Act. | Jackie Robinson Commemorative Coin Act - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to: (1) mint and issue one-dollar silver coins emblematic of Jackie Robinson in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the breaking of the color barrier in major league baseball; and (2) distribute surcharge proceeds to the Jackie Robinson Foundation to enhance its education and youth leadership programs, and increase the availability of scholarships for economically disadvantaged youths. | 2 |
(a) In General.--Part III of subchapter O of chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to common nontaxable exchanges)
is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) Nonrecognition of Gain.--In the case of the sale of any
capital asset with respect to which the taxpayer elects the application
of this section, gain from such sale shall be recognized only to the
extent that the amount realized on such sale exceeds--
``(1) the cost of any eligible small business investment
purchased by the taxpayer during the 12-month period beginning
on the date of such sale, reduced by
``(2) any portion of such cost previously taken into
account under this section.
``(b) Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this
``(1) Capital asset.--The term `capital asset' has the
meaning given such term by section 1221 (determined without
regard to paragraph (2) of such section), except that such term
shall include gain derived from the bulk sale of inventory not
in the ordinary course of a trade or business.
``(2) Investment property.--The term `investment property'
means property that has the capacity to produce gross income
``(A) interest, annuities, or royalties, not
derived in the ordinary course of a trade or business,
``(B) dividends.
Such term shall not include expansion shares.
``(3) Purchase.--The term `purchase' has the meaning given
such term by section 1043(b)(4).
``(4) Eligible small business investment.--Except as
otherwise provided in this section, the term `eligible small
business investment' means any stock in a domestic corporation,
and any partnership interest in a domestic partnership, if--
``(A) as of the date of issuance of such stock or
partnership interest, such corporation or partnership
is a qualified small business entity, and
``(B) such stock or partnership interest is
acquired by the taxpayer at its original issue
(directly or through an underwriter) in exchange for
money or other property (not including stock).
A rule similar to the rule of section 1202(c)(3) shall apply
for purposes of this section.
``(5) Qualified small business entity.--
``(A) In general.--The term `qualified small
business entity' means any domestic corporation or
partnership if--
``(i) for the taxable year of such entity
in which the stock or partnership interest was
issued and each prior taxable year, such entity
(and any predecessor thereof) had gross
receipts of less than $5,000,000,
``(ii) the primary activity of such entity
(and any predecessor thereof) for the taxable
year of such issuance and each prior taxable
year was an activity listed in the Standard
Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 (SIC),
as published by the Office of Management and
Budget, Executive Office of the President, as
``(I) agriculture, forestry or
fishing (Division A),
``(II) mining (Division B),
``(III) construction (Division C),
``(IV) manufacturing (Division D),
``(V) transportation,
communications, electric, gas or
sanitary service (Division E),
``(VI) wholesale trade (Division
``(VII) retail trade (Division (G),
``(VIII) personal services (Major
Group 72, Division I),
``(IX) business services (Major
Group 73, Division I),
``(X) automotive repair, services
or parking (Major Group 75, Division
``(XI) miscellaneous repair
services (Major Group 76, Division I),
``(XII) engineering, accounting,
research, management or related
services (Major Group 87, Division I),
``(iii) such entity generates income from
investment property only as an incidental
effect of the management of a working capital
pool aggregated and directed toward investing
in any qualified small business entity, and
``(iv) the majority of full-time employees
employed by such entity and the largest
percentage, by dollar value, of independent
contractors under contract to such entity are
located in the United States.
For purposes of clause (iii), ownership interests in
entities controlled by such entity or directly involved
in the primary activity referred to in clause (ii) with
respect to such entity do not constitute investment
property, and the Secretary may further define by
regulation what constitutes an incidental holding of
investment property.
``(B) Aggregation rules.--All persons treated as a
single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section
52 shall be treated as one person for purposes of
subparagraph (A).
``(C) Special rules for determining gross
receipts.--The rules of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of
section 448(c)(3) shall apply for purposes of
subparagraph (A)(i).
``(c) Inapplicability to Certain Gain.--Subsection (a) shall not
apply to any of the following types of gain:
``(1) Gain from the sale or other disposition of property
received in lieu of salary, wages, or other compensation for
services performed by the taxpayer, to the extent of the fair
market value of the property at the time of receipt by the
``(2) Gain from the sale of property that is not held for
the production of income.
``(3) Gain from investment property.
``(4) Gain that is treated or characterized as ordinary
income for purposes of this title.
``(5) Gain, to the extent the gain is not recognized under
section 1044 or 1202, notwithstanding that the gain is derived
from the sale of expansion shares.
``(d) Certain Other Rules To Apply.--Rules similar to the rules of
subsections (f), (g), (h), and (j) of section 1202 (without regard to
any 5-year holding period requirement) shall apply for purposes of this
``(e) Prohibition of Basis Adjustments.--If gain from any sale is
not recognized by reason of subsection (a), such gain shall not be
applied to reduce the basis for determining gain or loss of any
eligible small business investment which is purchased by the taxpayer
during the 12-month period described in subsection (a).
``(f) Statute of Limitations.--If any gain is realized by the
taxpayer on the sale or exchange of any eligible small business
investment and there is in effect an election under subsection (a) with
respect to such gain, then--
``(1) the statutory period for the assessment of any
deficiency with respect to such gain shall not expire before
the expiration of 3 years from the date the Secretary is
notified by the taxpayer (in such manner as the Secretary may
by regulations prescribe) of--
``(A) the taxpayer's cost of purchasing the
eligible small business investment which the taxpayer
claims results in nonrecognition of any part of such
``(B) the taxpayer's intention not to purchase any
eligible small business investment within the 12-month
period described in subsection (a), or
``(C) a failure to make such purchase within such
12-month period, and
``(2) such deficiency may be assessed before the expiration
of such 3-year period notwithstanding the provisions of any
other law or rule of law which would otherwise prevent such
``(g) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations
as may be appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section,
including regulations to prevent the avoidance of the purposes of this
section through splitups, shell corporations, partnerships, or
``(h) Termination.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to any taxable
year beginning on or after January 1, 2004.''
(b) Report by Secretary.--Not later than December 31, 2001, the
Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to each House of the Congress a
report detailing the effects of section 1045 of such Code, as added by
this Act.
(c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part III of
subchapter O of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by adding at the end
the following new item:
``Sec. 1045. Rollover of gain to small
business investments.''
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to investments purchased after the date of the date of the
enactment of this Act, for taxable years ending after such date. | Amends the Internal Revenue Code to provide (temporarily) for the nontaxable rollover of gain from qualified small business stock to another small business stock. | 3 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Native American Energy Act''.
The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. Appraisals.
Sec. 4. Standardization.
Sec. 5. Environmental reviews of major Federal actions on Indian lands.
Sec. 6. BLM oil and gas fees.
Sec. 7. Bonding requirements and nonpayment of attorneys' fees to
promote Indian energy projects.
Sec. 8. Tribal biomass demonstration project.
Sec. 9. Tribal resource management plans.
Sec. 10. Leases of restricted lands for the Navajo Nation.
Sec. 11. Nonapplicability of certain rules.
(a) Amendment.--Title XXVI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) Options to Indian Tribes.--With respect to a transaction
involving Indian land or the trust assets of an Indian tribe that
requires the approval of the Secretary, any appraisal relating to fair
market value required to be conducted under applicable law, regulation,
or policy may be completed by--
``(1) the Secretary;
``(2) the affected Indian tribe; or
``(3) a certified, third-party appraiser pursuant to a
contract with the Indian tribe.
``(b) Time Limit on Secretarial Review and Action.--Not later than
30 days after the date on which the Secretary receives an appraisal
conducted by or for an Indian tribe pursuant to paragraphs (2) or (3)
of subsection (a), the Secretary shall--
``(1) review the appraisal; and
``(2) provide to the Indian tribe a written notice of
approval or disapproval of the appraisal.
``(c) Failure of Secretary To Approve or Disapprove.--If, after 60
days, the Secretary has failed to approve or disapprove any appraisal
received, the appraisal shall be deemed approved.
``(d) Option to Indian Tribes To Waive Appraisal.--
``(1) An Indian tribe wishing to waive the requirements of
subsection (a), may do so after it has satisfied the
requirements of subsections (2) and (3) below.
``(2) An Indian tribe wishing to forego the necessity of a
waiver pursuant to this section must provide to the Secretary a
written resolution, statement, or other unambiguous indication
of tribal intent, duly approved by the governing body of the
Indian tribe.
``(3) The unambiguous indication of intent provided by the
Indian tribe to the Secretary under paragraph (2) must include
an express waiver by the Indian tribe of any claims for damages
it might have against the United States as a result of the lack
of an appraisal undertaken.
``(e) Definition.--For purposes of this subsection, the term
`appraisal' includes appraisals and other estimates of value.
``(f) Regulations.--The Secretary shall develop regulations for
implementing this section, including standards the Secretary shall use
for approving or disapproving an appraisal.''.
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of contents of the Energy
Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13201 note) is amended by adding at the
end of the items relating to title XXVI the following:
``Sec. 2607. Appraisal reforms.''.
As soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act,
the Secretary of the Interior shall implement procedures to ensure that
each agency within the Department of the Interior that is involved in
the review, approval, and oversight of oil and gas activities on Indian
lands shall use a uniform system of reference numbers and tracking
systems for oil and gas wells.
Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4332) is amended by inserting ``(a) In General.--'' before the
first sentence, and by adding at the end the following:
``(b) Review of Major Federal Actions on Indian Lands.--
``(1) In general.--For any major Federal action on Indian
lands of an Indian tribe requiring the preparation of a
statement under subsection (a)(2)(C), the statement shall only
be available for review and comment by the members of the
Indian tribe and by any other individual residing within the
affected area.
``(2) Regulations.--The Chairman of the Council on
Environmental Quality shall develop regulations to implement
this section, including descriptions of affected areas for
specific major Federal actions, in consultation with Indian
``(3) Definitions.--In this subsection, each of the terms
`Indian land' and `Indian tribe' has the meaning given that
term in section 2601 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25
U.S.C. 3501).
``(4) Clarification of authority.--Nothing in the Native
American Energy Act, except section 7 of that Act, shall give
the Secretary any additional authority over energy projects on
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act lands.''.
The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of Land
Management, shall not collect any fee for any of the following:
(1) For an application for a permit to drill on Indian
(2) To conduct any oil or gas inspection activity on Indian
(3) On any oil or gas lease for nonproducing acreage on
Indian land.
(a) In General.--A plaintiff who obtains a preliminary injunction
or administrative stay in an energy related action, but does not
ultimately prevail on the merits of the energy related action, shall be
liable for damages sustained by a defendant who--
(1) opposed the preliminary injunction or administrative
stay; and
(2) was harmed by the preliminary injunction or
administrative stay.
(b) Bond.--Unless otherwise specifically exempted by Federal law, a
court may not issue a preliminary injunction and an agency may not
grant an administrative stay in an energy related action until the
plaintiff posts with the court or the agency a surety bond or cash
(1) in an amount the court or agency decides is 30 percent
of that amount that the court or agency considers is sufficient
to compensate each defendant opposing the preliminary
injunction or administrative stay for damages, including but
not limited to preliminary development costs, additional
development costs, and reasonable attorney fees, that each
defendant may sustain as a result of the preliminary injunction
or administrative stay;
(2) written by a surety licensed to do business in the
State in which the Indian Land or other land where the
activities are undertaken is situated; and
(3) payable to each defendant opposing the preliminary
injunction or administrative stay, in the event that the
plaintiff does not prevail on the merits of the energy related
action, Provided, that, if there is more than one plaintiff,
the court or agency shall establish the amount of the bond
required by this subsection for each plaintiff in a fair and
equitable manner.
(c) Limitation on Certain Payments.--Notwithstanding section 1304
of title 31, United States Code, no award may be made under section 504
of title 5, United States Code, or under section 2412 of title 28,
United States Code, and no amounts may be obligated or expended from
the Claims and Judgment Fund of the United States Treasury to pay any
fees or other expenses under such sections to any plaintiff related to
an energy related action.
(d) Definitions.--For the purposes of this section, the following
definitions apply:
(1) Administrative stay.--The term ``Administrative Stay''
means a stay or other temporary remedy issued by a Federal
agency, including the Department of the Interior, the
Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, the
Department of Commerce, and the Environmental Protection
(2) Indian land.--The term ``Indian Land'' has the same
meaning given such term in section 203(c)(3) of the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58; 25 U.S.C. 3501),
including lands owned by Native Corporations under the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act (Public Law 92-203; 43 U.S.C.
(3) Energy related action.--The term ``energy related
action'' means a cause of action that--
(A) is filed on or after the effective date of this
Act; and
(B) seeks judicial review of a final agency action
(as defined in section 702 of title 5, United States
Code), to issue a permit, license, or other form of
agency permission allowing:
(i) any person or entity to conduct
activities on Indian Land, which activities
involve the exploration, development,
production or transportation of oil, gas, coal,
shale gas, oil shale, geothermal resources,
wind or solar resources, underground coal
gasification, biomass, or the generation of
electricity, or
(ii) any Indian Tribe, or any organization
of two or more entities, at least one of which
is an Indian tribe, to conduct activities
involving the exploration, development,
production or transportation of oil, gas, coal,
shale gas, oil shale, geothermal resources,
wind or solar resources, underground coal
gasification, biomass, or the generation of
electricity, regardless of where such
activities are undertaken.
(4) Ultimately prevail on the merits.--The phrase
``Ultimately prevail on the merits'' means, in a final
enforceable judgment on the merits, the court rules in the
plaintiff's favor on at least one cause of action which is an
underlying rationale for the preliminary injunction, and does
not include circumstances where the final agency action is
modified or amended by the issuing agency unless such
modification or amendment is required pursuant to a final
enforceable judgment of the court or a court-ordered consent
(5) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian tribe'' means any
Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or
community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or
village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to
the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et
seq.), which is recognized as eligible for the special programs
and services provided by the United States to Indians because
of their status as Indians.
The Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004 is amended by inserting
after section 2 (25 U.S.C. 3115a) the following:
``(a) In General.--For each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018, the
Secretary shall enter into stewardship contracts or other agreements,
other than agreements that are exclusively direct service contracts,
with Indian tribes to carry out demonstration projects to promote
biomass energy production (including biofuel, heat, and electricity
generation) on Indian forest land and in nearby communities by
providing reliable supplies of woody biomass from Federal land.
``(b) Definitions.--The definitions in section 2 shall apply to
this section.
``(c) Demonstration Projects.--In each fiscal year for which
projects are authorized, the Secretary shall enter into contracts or
other agreements described in subsection (a) to carry out at least 4
new demonstration projects that meet the eligibility criteria described
in subsection (d).
``(d) Eligibility Criteria.--To be eligible to enter into a
contract or other agreement under this subsection, an Indian tribe
shall submit to the Secretary an application--
``(1) containing such information as the Secretary may
require; and
``(2) that includes a description of--
``(A) the Indian forest land or rangeland under the
jurisdiction of the Indian tribe; and
``(B) the demonstration project proposed to be
carried out by the Indian tribe.
``(e) Selection.--In evaluating the applications submitted under
subsection (c), the Secretary--
``(1) shall take into consideration the factors set forth
in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 2(e) of Public Law 108-
278; and whether a proposed demonstration project would--
``(A) increase the availability or reliability of
local or regional energy;
``(B) enhance the economic development of the
Indian tribe;
``(C) improve the connection of electric power
transmission facilities serving the Indian tribe with
other electric transmission facilities;
``(D) improve the forest health or watersheds of
Federal land or Indian forest land or rangeland; or
``(E) otherwise promote the use of woody biomass;
``(2) shall exclude from consideration any merchantable
logs that have been identified by the Secretary for commercial
``(f) Implementation.--The Secretary shall--
``(1) ensure that the criteria described in subsection (c)
are publicly available by not later than 120 days after the
date of enactment of this section; and
``(2) to the maximum extent practicable, consult with
Indian tribes and appropriate intertribal organizations likely
to be affected in developing the application and otherwise
carrying out this section.
``(g) Report.--Not later than September 20, 2015, the Secretary
shall submit to Congress a report that describes, with respect to the
reporting period--
``(1) each individual tribal application received under
this section; and
``(2) each contract and agreement entered into pursuant to
this section.
``(h) Incorporation of Management Plans.--In carrying out a
contract or agreement under this section, on receipt of a request from
an Indian tribe, the Secretary shall incorporate into the contract or
agreement, to the extent practicable, management plans (including
forest management and integrated resource management plans) in effect
on the Indian forest land or rangeland of the respective Indian tribe.
``(i) Term.--A stewardship contract or other agreement entered into
under this section--
``(1) shall be for a term of not more than 20 years; and
``(2) may be renewed in accordance with this section for
not more than an additional 10 years.''.
Unless otherwise explicitly exempted by Federal law enacted after
the date of the enactment of this Act, any activity conducted or
resources harvested or produced pursuant to a tribal resource
management plan or an integrated resource management plan approved by
the Secretary of the Interior under the National Indian Forest
Resources Management Act (25 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) or the American
Indian Agricultural Resource Management Act (25 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.),
shall be considered a sustainable management practice for purposes of
any Federal standard, benefit, or requirement that requires a
demonstration of such sustainability.
Subsection (e)(1) of the first section of the Act of August 9, 1955
(25 U.S.C. 415(e)(1); commonly referred to as the ``Long-Term Leasing
Act''), is amended--
(1) by striking ``, except a lease for'' and inserting ``,
including leases for'';
(2) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``25'' the first place
it appears and all that follows and inserting ``99 years;'';
(3) in subparagraph (B), by striking the period and
inserting ``; and''; and
(4) by adding at the end the following:
``(C) in the case of a lease for the exploration,
development, or extraction of mineral resources, including
geothermal resources, 25 years, except that any such lease may
include an option to renew for one additional term not to
exceed 25 years.''.
No rule promulgated by the Department of the Interior regarding
hydraulic fracturing used in the development or production of oil or
gas resources shall have any effect on any land held in trust or
restricted status for the benefit of Indians except with the express
consent of the beneficiary on whose behalf such land is held in trust
or restricted status. | Native American Energy Act - (Sec. 3) Amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to allow the Secretary of the Interior, an affected Indian tribe, or a certified third-party appraiser under contract with the Indian tribe to appraise Indian land or trust assets involved in a transaction requiring the Secretary's approval. Deems an appraisal that is conducted by an Indian tribe or by an appraiser under contract with an Indian tribe to be approved if the Secretary does not approve or disapprove of the appraisal within 60 days of receiving it. Gives tribes the option of waiving such appraisals if they give the Secretary an unambiguous indication of tribal intent to do so that includes an express waiver of any claims they might have against the United States that result from forgoing the appraisal. (Sec. 4) Requires each agency within the Department of the Interior involved in the review of oil and gas activities on Indian lands to use a uniform system of reference numbers and tracking systems for oil and gas wells. (Sec. 5) Amends the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to make the environmental impact statement for major federal action on Indian lands available for review and comment only to the affected Indian tribe and individuals residing within the affected area. (Sec. 6) Prohibits the Secretary from collecting a fee for: (1) applying for a permit to drill on Indian land, (2) oil or gas inspection activities on such lands, or (3) any oil or gas lease for nonproducing acreage on Indian land. (Sec. 7) Requires plaintiffs who obtain a preliminary injunction or administrative stay in Indian energy related actions to post bond. (Indian energy related actions are those concerned with energy activities undertaken on Indian land or by Indian tribes on other lands.) Subjects plaintiffs to liability for a defendant's harm should they not ultimately prevail on the merits of the energy related action. Prohibits plaintiffs in Indian energy related actions against the federal government from receiving certain federal payments for their fees or expenses. (Sec. 8) Amends the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004 to direct the Secretary to enter into agreements with Indian tribes, from FY2014-FY2018, to carry out demonstration projects that promote biomass energy production on Indian forest land and in nearby communities by providing tribes with reliable supplies of woody biomass from federal lands. Requires the creation of at least four new demonstration projects during each of those fiscal years. Directs the Secretary, when reviewing project applications, to consider whether a proposed demonstration project will: increase the availability or reliability of local or regional energy, enhance the tribe's economic development, improve the connection of electric power transmission facilities serving the tribe with other electric transmission facilities, improve the forest health or watersheds of federal land or Indian forest land or rangeland, or otherwise promote woody biomass use. Directs the Secretary, to the extent practicable, to incorporate management plans in effect on Indian forest land or rangeland into demonstration project agreements affecting those lands. Prohibits the agreements from having a term that exceeds 20 years, but allows them to be renewed for up to ten additional years. (Sec. 9) Considers activities conducted or resources harvested or produced pursuant to a tribal resource management plan or an integrated resource management plan approved by the Secretary to be a sustainable management practice when sustainability is federally required. (Sec. 10) Amends the Long-Term Leasing Act to authorize the Navajo Nation to enter into commercial or agricultural leases of up to 99 years on their restricted lands without the Secretary's approval, provided they are executed under tribal regulations approved by the Secretary. Allows the Navajo Nation to enter into mineral resource leases on their restricted lands without the Secretary's approval if they are executed under approved tribal regulations and do not exceed 25 years, though they may include a renewal option for one additional term not exceeding 25 years. (Sec. 11) Prohibits any Department of the Interior rule regarding hydraulic fracturing, used in oil and gas development or production, from having any effect on land held in trust or restricted status for Indians, except with the express consent of its Indian beneficiaries. | 4 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Holocaust Victims Insurance Relief
Act of 2001''.
(a) Findings.--The Congress finds the following:
(1) The Holocaust, including the murder of 6,000,000
European Jews, the systematic destruction of families and
communities, and the wholesale theft of their assets, was one
of the most tragic crimes in modern history.
(2) When Holocaust survivors or heirs of Holocaust victims
presented claims to insurance companies after World War II,
many were rejected because the claimants did not have death
certificates or physical possession of policy documents that
had been confiscated by the Nazis.
(3) In many instances, insurance company records are the
only proof of the existence of insurance policies belonging to
Holocaust victims.
(4) Holocaust survivors and their descendants have been
fighting for decades to persuade insurance companies to settle
unpaid insurance claims.
(5) In 1998, the International Commission on Holocaust Era
Insurance Claims (in this section referred to as the
``ICHEIC'') was established by the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners in cooperation with several European
insurance companies, European regulators, representatives of
international Jewish organizations, and the State of Israel, to
expeditiously address the issue of unpaid insurance policies
issued to Holocaust victims.
(6) On July 17, 2000, the United States and Germany signed
an Executive Agreement in support of the German Foundation
``Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future'', which
designated the ICHEIC to resolve all insurance claims that were
not paid or were nationalized during the Nazi era.
(7) The ICHEIC's deadline for receiving claims applications
is January 31, 2002.
(8) Three years into the process of addressing the issue of
unpaid insurance policies, companies continue to withhold
thousands of names on dormant accounts.
(9) As of June 15, 2001, more than 84 percent of the 72,675
claims applications filed with the ICHEIC remained idle because
the claimants could not identify the company holding the
(10) Insurance companies doing business in the United
States have a responsibility to ensure the disclosure of
insurance policies of Holocaust victims that they or their
related companies may have issued, to facilitate the rapid
resolution of questions concerning these policies, and to
eliminate the further victimization of policyholders and their
(11) State legislatures in California, Florida, New York,
Minnesota, Washington, and elsewhere have been challenged in
efforts to implement laws that restrict the ability of insurers
to engage in business transactions in those States until the
insurers publish the names of Holocaust-era policyholders.
(b) Purpose.--The purpose of this Act is to provide information
about Holocaust-era insurance policies to Holocaust victims and their
heirs and beneficiaries to enable them to expeditiously file their
rightful claims under the policies.
(a) Establishment and Maintenance.--Chapter 21 of title 44, United
States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``Sec. 2119. Holocaust Insurance Registry
``(a) Establishment.--The Archivist shall establish and maintain a
collection of records that shall--
``(1) be known as the Holocaust Insurance Registry; and
``(2) consist of the information provided to the Archivist
under section 5 of the Holocaust Victims Insurance Relief Act
of 2001.
``(b) Public Accessibility.--The Archivist shall make all such
information publicly accessible and searchable by means of the Internet
and by any other means the Archivist deems appropriate.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of
chapter 21 of title 44, United States Code, is amended by adding at the
end the following:
``2119. Holocaust Insurance Registry.''.
(a) Requirement.--An insurer shall cause to be filed with the
Secretary of Commerce in accordance with subsection (b) the following
(1) The first name, last name, date of birth, and domicile
of the policyholder of each covered policy issued by the
insurer or a related company of the insurer.
(2) The name of the entity that issued the covered policy.
(3) The name of the entity that is responsible for the
liabilities of the entity that issued the covered policy.
(b) Proper Filing.--A filing under subsection (a) shall be made not
later than the earlier of 90 days after the date of the enactment of
this Act or January 31, 2002, in an electronic format approved jointly
by the Archivist of the United States and the Secretary of Commerce.
The Secretary of Commerce shall provide to the Archivist of the
United States any information filed with the Secretary under section
4(a) promptly after the filing of such information.
The Secretary of Commerce shall assess a civil penalty of not less
than $5,000 for each day that an insurer fails to comply with the
requirements of section 4, as determined by the Secretary.
To the extent or in the amounts provided in advance in
appropriation Acts, the Archivist of the United States may use amounts
received by the Government as civil penalties under section 6 to
maintain the Holocaust Insurance Registry.
(a) Initial Notification.--Not later than 180 days after the date
of the enactment of this Act and periodically afterward, the Secretary
of Commerce shall notify each State's commissioner of insurance of the
identity of each insurer that has failed to comply with the
requirements of section 4 or has not satisfied any civil penalty for
which the insurer is liable under section 6.
(b) Requests by States.--On request by the commissioner of
insurance of a State concerning an insurer operating in that State, the
Secretary of Commerce shall inform the commissioner of insurance
whether the insurer has failed to comply with the requirements of
section 4 or has not satisfied any civil penalty for which the insurer
is liable under section 6.
(a) Preemption.--Nothing in this Act preempts the right of any
State to adopt or enforce any State law requiring an insurer to
disclose information regarding insurance policies that may have been
confiscated or stolen from victims of Nazi persecution.
(b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of the Congress that if any
litigation challenging any State law described in subsection (a) is
dismissed because the State's commissioner of insurance chooses to rely
on this Act and therefore no longer seeks to enforce the State law,
each party should bear its own legal fees and costs.
In this Act:
(1) Commissioner of insurance.--The term ``commissioner of
insurance'' means the highest ranking officer of a State
responsible for regulating insurance.
(2) Covered policy.--The term ``covered policy'' means any
life, dowry, education, or property insurance policy that was--
(A) in effect at any time after January 30, 1933,
and before December 31, 1945; and
(B) issued to a policyholder domiciled in any area
of the European Continent that was occupied or
controlled by Nazi Germany or by any ally or
sympathizer of Nazi Germany at any time during the
period described in subparagraph (A).
(3) Insurer.--The term ``insurer'' means any person engaged
in the business of insurance in United States interstate or
foreign commerce, if the person or a related company of the
person issued a covered policy, regardless of when the related
company became a related company of the insurer.
(4) Related company.--The term ``related company'' means an
affiliate, as that term is defined in section 104(g) of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. | Holocaust Victims Insurance Relief Act of 2001 - Directs the Archivist of the United States to establish and maintain a Holocaust Insurance Registry to consist of information on holders and issuers (and related liable entities) of Holocaust-era insurance policies that were: (1) in effect after January 30, 1933, and before December 31, 1945; and (2) issued to a policyholder domiciled in any area of Europe that was occupied or controlled by Nazi Germany or any ally or sympathizer during such period.Requires: (1) insurers to file such information in an electronic format with the Secretary of Commerce by a specified deadline; (2) the Secretary to assess a civil penalty for each day an insurer fails to comply; and (3) notify each State's commissioner of insurance of the identity of any insurer that has failed to file such information or to satisfy any penalty. | 5 |
(a) In General.--Subpart 14 of title V of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7269 et seq.) is amended--
(1) by inserting after the subpart heading the following:
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``SEC. 5545. FINDINGS.
``Congress finds the following:
``(1) The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service has
found that although 1 in 10 children and adolescents suffer
from mental illness severe enough to cause some level of
impairment, in any given year fewer than 1 in 5 of these
children receives needed treatment. The short- and long-term
consequences of untreated childhood mental disorders are
costly, in both human and fiscal terms.
``(2) School counselors, school social workers, and school
psychologists are needed to help these children and to provide
a variety of crucial support services.
``(3) Across the United States, there are insufficient
resources for school-based counseling professionals, and often
students do not get the help they need. The current national
average ratio of students to school counselors in elementary
and secondary schools is 561 to 1.
``(4) United States schools need more mental health
professionals, and they need the flexibility to hire the
professionals that will best serve their students.
``(5) According to the Institute of Medicine of the
National Academy of Sciences, the maximum recommended ratio
``(A) students to school counselors is 250 to 1;
``(B) students to school psychologists is 1,000 to
1; and
``(C) students to school social workers is 800 to
``(6) In some States, 1 school counselor typically serves
over 1,000 students. Ratios for school psychologists and school
social workers are also extremely high. In some schools, no
school-based mental health and student service provider is
available to assist students in times of crisis, or at any
other time.
``(7) The number of students is expected to grow
significantly over the next few years. During this time, many
school-based mental health professionals who currently serve
the Nation's youth will retire.
``(8) Model programs using school-based mental health and
student service providers have reduced school suspensions,
reduced referrals to the principal's office, reduced the use of
weapons, force, and threats, and increased students' feelings
of safety.
``SEC. 5546. PURPOSES.
``The purposes of this chapter are to assist States and local
educational agencies in hiring additional school-based mental health
providers, including additional school counselors, school
psychologists, and school social workers to achieve each of the
``(1) To reduce the ratios of school-based mental health
and student service providers to students in elementary and
secondary schools in the United States to the following minimum
ratios recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the National
Academy of Sciences in its 1997 report `Schools and Health: Our
Nation's Investment':
``(A) 1 school counselor for every 250 students;
``(B) 1 school psychologist for every 1,000
students; and
``(C) 1 school social worker for every 800
``(2) To provide school-based mental health and student
``(3) To remove emotional, behavioral, and psychosocial
barriers to learning so as to enhance students classroom
preparedness and ability to learn.
``(4) To support school staff and teachers in improving
classroom management, conducting behavioral interventions to
improve school discipline, and developing the awareness and
skills to identify early warning signs of violence and the need
for mental health services.
``(5) To support parental involvement in improving the
school behavior and academic success of their children.
``In this chapter, the following definitions apply:
``(1) Child.--The term `child' means an individual who is
not less than 5 years old and not more than 17 years old.
``(2) Child in poverty.--The term `child in poverty' means
a child from a family with an income below the poverty line.
``(3) Mental health and student service provider.--The term
`mental health and student service provider' means a qualified
individual who provides mental health and student services,
including any individual who is a qualified school counselor, a
qualified school psychologist, or a qualified school social
``(4) Mental health and student services.--The term `mental
health and student services' includes direct, individual, and
group services provided to students, parents, and school
personnel by mental health and student service providers, and
the coordination of prevention strategies in schools or
community-based programs.
``(5) Poverty line.--The term `poverty line' means the
poverty line (as defined by the Office of Management and
Budget, and revised annually in accordance with section 673(2)
of the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2))
applicable to a family of the size involved.
``(6) School counselor.--The term `school counselor' means
an individual who has documented competence in counseling
children and adolescents in a school setting and who--
``(A) possesses State licensure or certification
granted by an independent professional regulatory
``(B) possesses national certification in school
counseling or a specialty of counseling granted by an
independent professional organization; or
``(C) holds a minimum of a master's degree in
school counseling from a program accredited by the
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related
Educational Programs or the equivalent.
``(7) School psychologist.--The term `school psychologist'
means an individual who--
``(A) possesses a minimum of 60 graduate semester
hours in school psychology from an institution of
higher education and has completed 1,200 clock hours in
a supervised school psychology internship, of which 600
hours shall be in a school setting;
``(B) possesses State licensure or certification in
school psychology in the State in which the individual
works; or
``(C) possesses national certification by the
National School Psychology Certification Board.
``(8) School social worker.--The term `school social
worker' means an individual who--
``(A) holds a master's degree in social work from a
program accredited by the Council on Social Work
``(B) is licensed or certified by the State in
which services are provided; or
``(C) possesses a national credential or national
certification as a school social work specialist
granted by an independent professional organization.
``(9) State.--The term `State' means each of the several
States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico.
``(a) In General.--In accordance with this chapter, the Secretary
shall make grants to eligible States to assist local educational
agencies in those States in hiring additional school-based mental
health and student service providers.
``(b) Allocation of Funds.--From the total amount appropriated for
a fiscal year to carry out this chapter, the Secretary shall--
``(1) make available 1 percent of such amount to the
Secretary of the Interior (on behalf of the Bureau of Indian
Affairs) and the outlying areas for activities that carry out
the purposes of this chapter; and
``(2) make available in the form of grants to each eligible
State an amount equal to the sum of--
``(A) an amount that bears the same relationship to
50 percent of such total amount as the number of
children in poverty who reside in the State bears to
the number of such children in all States; and
``(B) an amount that bears the same relationship to
50 percent of such total amount as the number of
children enrolled in public and private nonprofit
elementary schools and secondary schools in the State
bears to the number of children enrolled in all such
schools in all States.
``(c) Minimum Grant.--Notwithstanding subsection (b), no grant
under this section shall be for an amount less than $1,000,000.
``(d) Reallocation.--The Secretary shall reallocate to States that
have received approval under subsection (e)(2) any funds allocated
under subsection (b) to a State that fails to submit an application
that is approved by the Secretary.
``(e) Application by State.--
``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under
this chapter, a State shall submit an application to the
Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such
information as the Secretary may require.
``(2) Approval.--The Secretary may not approve an
application under this subsection unless the State submitting
the application--
``(A) presents a plan, which the Secretary
considers to be reasonable, under which the State will
make grants, in accordance with the purposes of this
chapter, to local educational agencies to fund the
hiring of additional school counselors, school
psychologists, and school social workers; and
``(B) provides an assurance that the State will
provide the matching amount required under subsection
``(f) Use of Funds by State.--
``(1) In general.--In accordance with this subsection, the
total of the amounts made available to a State under this
section and the amounts of the non-Federal match required under
subsection (g) may only be used by a State to make grants to
local educational agencies to assist such agencies in hiring
additional school-based mental health and student service
``(2) Administrative costs.--In each fiscal year, a State
may use not more than 5 percent of the assistance made
available to it under this chapter for the administrative costs
of the State in carrying out the State's responsibilities under
this chapter.
``(3) Allocation of funds.--In making grants in accordance
with this subsection, the State shall allocate from the total
described in paragraph (1) to each local educational agency an
amount equal to the sum of--
``(A) an amount that bears the same relationship to
50 percent of such total as the number of children in
poverty who reside in the school district served by the
local educational agency bears to the number of such
children who reside in all the school districts in the
State; and
``(B) an amount that bears the same relationship to
50 percent of such total as the number of children
enrolled in public and private nonprofit elementary
schools and secondary schools in the school district
served by the local educational agency bears to the
number of children enrolled in all such schools in the
``(4) Minimum grant.--Notwithstanding paragraph (3), no
grant made by a State in accordance with this subsection shall
be for an amount less than $50,000.
``(5) Source of data.--For purposes of paragraph (3), the
State shall use data from the most recent fiscal year for which
satisfactory data are available, except that the State may
adjust such data, or use alternative child poverty data, if the
State demonstrates to the Secretary's satisfaction that such
adjusted or alternative data more accurately reflect the
relative incidence of children who are living in poverty and
who reside in the school districts in the State.
``(6) Application by local educational agencies.--A State
may require that, in order to be eligible for a grant made by
the State in accordance with this subsection, a local
educational agency shall submit an application to the State at
such time, in such manner, and containing such information as
the State may require.
``(g) Matching Funds.--
``(1) In general.--As a condition of receiving a grant
under this section, the Secretary shall require that a State
provide from non-Federal sources an amount equal to the amount
of the grant.
``(2) Local contribution.--In making grants to local
educational agencies in accordance with this subsection, a
State may require that a local educational agency match a
portion of the amount of the grant made to the agency.
``(3) Form.--The non-Federal share required by this
subsection may be provided in cash or in kind, fairly
evaluated, and may include facilities, equipment, or services.
``(h) Funds To Be Supplementary.--Assistance made available under
this chapter shall be used to supplement, and may not supplant,
Federal, State, or local funds used for employing school-based mental
health and student service providers.
``(i) Data Collection and Report.--
``(1) In general.--For each fiscal year for which it
receives assistance under this chapter, a State shall collect
data describing how the assistance is used.
``(2) Report.--Not later than 1 year after assistance is
made available to a State under this chapter, the State shall
transmit to the Secretary a report on the data described in
paragraph (1), including information with respect to each local
educational agency to which the State made a grant with
assistance made available under this chapter--
``(A) the number of school counselors, school
psychologists, and school social workers employed by
local educational agency; and
``(B) the ratio of students to school counselors,
the ratio of students to school psychologists, and the
ratio of students to school social workers.
``(3) Source of funds.--A State may use a portion of the
assistance permitted to be used for administrative costs to
carry out its responsibilities under this subsection.
``(4) Publication.--The Secretary shall make data received
under this subsection publicly available on an annual basis.
``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this chapter
$100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2008.''.
(b) Clerical Amendments.--The table of contents for the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) is amended
by amending the items relating to subpart 14 of title V to read as
``Subpart 14--Grants to Improve the Mental Health of Children
``Sec. 5541. Grants for the integration of schools and mental health
``Sec. 5542. Promotion of school readiness through early childhood
emotional and social development.
``Sec. 5545. Findings.
``Sec. 5546. Purposes.
``Sec. 5547. Definitions.
``Sec. 5548. School-based mental health and student service provider
grant program.
``Sec. 5549. Authorization of appropriations.''. | Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish a program to assist States and local educational agencies (LEAs) to recruit, train, and hire additional school-based mental health and student service providers, including additional school counselors, psychologists, and social workers (in order to reduce the student-to-counselor ratios nationally, in elementary and secondary schools, to an average of one school counselor for every 250 students, one psychologist for every 1,000 students, and one social worker for every 800 students, as recommended in a report by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences relating to schools and health).
Directs the Secretary of Education, after reserving certain funds for schools in outlying areas and schools run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, to make program allotments to States according to a specified formula. Requires States to allocate funds from Federal and State shares of program costs to LEAs according to specified formulae. | 6 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Gallatin Land Consolidation Act of
Congress finds that--
(1) the land north of Yellowstone National Park possesses
outstanding natural characteristics and wildlife habitats that
make the land a valuable addition to the National Forest
(2) it is in the interest of the United States to establish
a logical and effective ownership pattern for the Gallatin
National Forest, reducing long-term costs for taxpayers and
increasing and improving public access to the forest;
(3) it is in the interest of the United States for the
Secretary of Agriculture to enter into an Option Agreement for
the acquisition of land owned by Big Sky Lumber Co. to
accomplish the purposes of this Act; and
(4) other private property owners are willing to enter into
exchanges that further improve the ownership pattern of the
Gallatin National Forest.
In this Act:
(1) BLM land.--The term ``BLM land'' means approximately
2,000 acres of Bureau of Land Management land (including all
appurtenances to the land) that is proposed to be acquired by
BSL, as depicted in Exhibit B to the Option Agreement.
(2) BSL.--The term ``BSL'' means Big Sky Lumber Co., an
Oregon joint venture, and its successors and assigns, and any
other entities having a property interest in the BSL land.
(3) BSL land.--The term ``BSL land'' means approximately
54,000 acres of land (including all appurtenances to the land
except as provided in section 4(e)(1)(D)(i)) owned by BSL that
is proposed to be acquired by the Secretary of Agriculture, as
depicted in Exhibit A to the Option Agreement.
(4) Eastside national forests.--The term ``Eastside
National Forests'' means national forests east of the
Continental Divide in the State of Montana, including the
Beaverhead National Forest, Deerlodge National Forest, Helena
National Forest, Custer National Forest, and Lewis and Clark
National Forest.
(5) National forest system land.--The term ``National
Forest System land'' means approximately 29,000 acres of land
(including all appurtenances to the land) owned by the United
States in the Gallatin National Forest, Flathead National
Forest, Deerlodge National Forest, Helena National Forest, Lolo
National Forest, and Lewis and Clark National Forest that is
proposed to be acquired by BSL, as depicted in Exhibit B to the
Option Agreement.
(6) Option agreement.--The term ``Option Agreement''
(A) the document signed by BSL, dated July 29, 1998
and entitled ``Option Agreement for the Acquisition of
Big Sky Lumber Co. Lands Pursuant to the Gallatin Range
Consolidation and Protection Act of 1993'';
(B) the exhibits and maps attached to the document
described in subparagraph (A); and
(C) an exchange agreement to be entered into
between the Secretary and BSL and made part of the
document described in subparagraph (A).
(7) Secretary.--The ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of
(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and
subject to the terms and conditions of the Option Agreement--
(1) if BSL offers title acceptable to the Secretary to the
BSL land--
(A) the Secretary shall accept a warranty deed to
the BSL land and a quit claim deed to agreed to mineral
interests in the BSL land;
(B) the Secretary shall convey to BSL, subject to
valid existing rights and to other terms, conditions,
reservations, and exceptions as may be agreed to by the
Secretary and BSL, fee title to the National Forest
System land; and
(C) the Secretary of the Interior shall convey to
BSL, by patent or otherwise, subject to valid existing
rights and other terms, conditions, reservations, and
exceptions as may be agreed to by the Secretary of the
Interior and BSL, fee title to the BLM land;
(2) if BSL places title in escrow acceptable to the
Secretary to 11\1/2\ sections of the BSL land in the Taylor
Fork area as set forth in the Option Agreement--
(A) the Secretary shall place Federal land in the
Bangtail and Doe Creek areas of the Gallatin National
Forest, as identified in the Option Agreement, in
escrow pending conveyance to the Secretary of the
Taylor Fork land, as identified in the Option Agreement
in escrow;
(B) the Secretary, subject to the availability of
funds, shall purchase 7\1/2\ sections of BSL land in
the Taylor Fork area held in escrow and identified in
the Option Agreement at a purchase price of $4,150,000;
(C) the Secretary shall acquire the 4 Taylor Fork
sections identified in the Option Agreement remaining
in escrow, and any of the 6 sections referred to in
subparagraph (B) for which funds are not available, by
providing BSL with timber sale receipts from timber
sales on the Gallatin National Forest and other
eastside national forests in the State of Montana in
accordance with subsection (c); and
(3)(A) as funds or timber sale receipts are received by
(i) the deeds to an equivalent value of BSL Taylor
Fork land held in escrow shall be released and conveyed
to the Secretary; and
(ii) the escrow of deeds to an equivalent value of
Federal land shall be released to the Secretary in
accordance with the terms of the Option Agreement; or
(B) if funds or timber sale receipts are not provided to
BSL as provided in the Option Agreement, BSL shall be entitled
to receive patents and deeds to an equivalent value of the
Federal land held in escrow.
(b) Valuation.--
(1) In general.--The property and other assets exchanged or
conveyed by BSL and the United States under subsection (a)
shall be approximately equal in value, as determined by the
(2) Difference in value.--To the extent that the property
and other assets exchanged or conveyed by BSL or the United
States under subsection (a) are not approximately equal in
value, as determined by the Secretary, the values shall be
equalized in accordance with methods identified in the Option
(c) Timber Sale Program.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall implement a timber
sale program, according to the terms and conditions identified
in the Option Agreement and subject to compliance with
applicable environmental laws (including regulations), judicial
decisions, memoranda of understanding, small business set-aside
rules, and acts beyond the control of the Secretary, to
generate sufficient timber receipts to purchase the portions of
the BSL land in Taylor Fork identified in the Option Agreement.
(2) Implementation.--In implementing the timber sale
(A) the Secretary shall provide BSL with a proposed
annual schedule of timber sales;
(B) as set forth in the Option Agreement, receipts
generated from the timber sale program shall be
deposited by the Secretary in a special account
established by the Secretary and paid by the Secretary
to BSL;
(C) receipts from the Gallatin National Forest
shall not be subject to the Act of May 23, 1908 (16
U.S.C. 500); and
(D) the Secretary shall fund the timber sale
program at levels determined by the Secretary to be
commensurate with the preparation and administration of
the identified timber sale program.
(d) Rights-of-Way.--As specified in the Option Agreement--
(1) the Secretary, under the authority of the Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.),
shall convey to BSL such easements in or other rights-of-way
over National Forest System land for access to the land
acquired by BSL under this Act for all lawful purposes; and
(2) BSL shall convey to the United States such easements in
or other rights-of-way over land owned by BSL for all lawful
purposes, as may be agreed to by the Secretary and BSL.
(e) Quality of Title.--
(1) Determination.--The Secretary shall review the title
for the BSL land described in subsection (a) and, within 45
days after receipt of all applicable title documents from BSL,
determine whether--
(A) the applicable title standards for Federal land
acquisition have been satisfied and the quality of the
title is otherwise acceptable to the Secretary of
(B) all draft conveyances and closing documents
have been received and approved;
(C) a current title commitment verifying compliance
with applicable title standards has been issued to the
Secretary; and
(D) the title includes both the surface and
subsurface estates without reservation or exception
(except as specifically provided in this Act),
(i) minerals, mineral rights, and mineral
interests (including severed oil and gas
surface rights), subject to and excepting other
outstanding or reserved oil and gas rights;
(ii) timber, timber rights, and timber
interests (except those reserved subject to
section 251.14 of title 36, Code of Federal
Regulations, by BSL and agreed to by the
(iii) water, water rights, ditch, and ditch
(iv) geothermal rights; and
(v) any other interest in the property.
(2) Conveyance of title.--
(A) In general.--If the quality of title does not
meet Federal standards or is otherwise determined to be
unacceptable to the Secretary of Agriculture, the
Secretary shall advise BSL regarding corrective actions
necessary to make an affirmative determination under
paragraph (1).
(B) Title to subsurface estate.--Title to the
subsurface estate shall be conveyed by BSL to the
Secretary in the same form and content as that estate
is received by BSL from Burlington Resources Oil & Gas
Company Inc. and Glacier Park Company.
(f) Timing of Implementation.--
(1) Land-for-land exchange.--The Secretary shall accept the
conveyance of land described in subsection (a) not later than
45 days after the Secretary has made an affirmative
determination of quality of title.
(2) Land-for-timber sale receipt exchange.--As provided in
subsection (c) and the Option Agreement, the Secretary shall
make timber receipts described in subsection (a)(3) available
not later than December 31 of the fifth full calendar year that
begins after the date of enactment of this Act.
(3) Purchase.--The Secretary shall complete the purchase of
BSL land under subsection (a)(3)(B) not later than 30 days
after the date on which appropriated funds are made available
and an affirmative determination of quality of title is made
with respect to the BSL land.
(a) Authorized Exchanges.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall enter into the
following land exchanges if the landowners are willing:
(A) Wapiti land exchange, as outlined in the
documents entitled ``Non-Federal Lands in Facilitated
Exchanges'' and ``Federal Lands in Facilitated
Exchanges'' and dated July 1998.
(B) Eightmile/West Pine land exchange as outlined
in the documents entitled ``Non-Federal Lands in
Facilitated Exchanges'' and ``Federal Lands in
Facilitated Exchanges'' and dated July 1998.
(2) Equal Value.--Before entering into an exchange under
paragraph (1), the Secretary shall determine that the parcels
of land to be exchanged are of approximately equal value, based
on an appraisal.
(b) Section 1 of the Taylor Fork Land.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary is encouraged to pursue a
land exchange with the owner of section 1 of the Taylor Fork
land after completing a full public process and an appraisal.
(2) Report.--The Secretary shall report to Congress on the
implementation of paragraph (1) not later than 180 days after
the date of enactment of this Act.
(a) Minor Corrections.--
(1) In general.--The Option Agreement shall be subject to
such minor corrections and supplemental provisions as may be
agreed to by the Secretary and BSL.
(2) Notification.--The Secretary shall notify the Committee
on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, the Committee on
Resources of the House of Representatives, and each member of
the Montana congressional delegation of any changes made under
this subsection.
(3) Boundary adjustment.--
(A) In general.--The boundary of the Gallatin
National Forest is adjusted in the Wineglass and North
Bridger area, as described on maps dated July 1998,
upon completion of the conveyances.
(B) No limitation.--Nothing in this subsection
limits the authority of the Secretary to adjust the
boundary pursuant to section 11 of the Act of March 1,
1911 (commonly known as the ``Weeks Act'') (16 U.S.C.
(C) Allocation of land and water conservation fund
moneys.--For the purposes of section 7 of the Land and
Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 460l-9),
boundaries of the Gallatin National Forest shall be
considered to be the boundaries of the National Forest
as of January 1, 1965.
(b) Public Availability.--The Option Agreement--
(1) shall be on file and available for public inspection in
the office of the Supervisor of the Gallatin National Forest;
(2) shall be filed with the county clerk of each of
Gallatin County, Park County, Madison County, Granite County,
Broadwater County, Meagher County, Flathead County, and
Missoula County, Montana.
(c) Compliance With Option Agreement.--The Secretary, the Secretary
of the Interior, and BSL shall comply with the terms and conditions of
the Option Agreement except to the extent that any provision of the
Option Agreement conflicts with this Act.
(d) Status of Land.--All land conveyed to the United States under
this Act shall be added to and administered as part of the Gallatin
National Forest and Deerlodge National Forest, as appropriate, in
accordance with the Act of March 1, 1911 (5 U.S.C. 515 et seq.), and
other laws (including regulations) pertaining to the National Forest
(e) Management.--
(1) Public process.--Not later than 30 days after the date
of completion of the land-for-land exchange under section
4(f)(1), the Secretary shall initiate a public process to amend
the Gallatin National Forest Plan and the Deerlodge National
Forest Plan to integrate the acquired land into the plans.
(2) Process time.--The amendment process under paragraph
(1) shall be completed as soon as practicable, and in no event
later than 540 days after the date on which the amendment
process is initiated.
(3) Limitation.--An amended management plan shall not
permit surface occupancy on the acquired land for access to
reserved or outstanding oil and gas rights or for exploration
or development of oil and gas.
(4) Interim management.--Pending completion of the forest
plan amendment process under paragraph (1), the Secretary
(A) manage the acquired land under the standards
and guidelines in the applicable land and resource
management plans for adjacent land managed by the
Forest Service; and
(B) maintain all existing public access to the
acquired land.
(f) Restoration.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall implement a
restoration program including reforestation and watershed
enhancements to bring the acquired land and surrounding
national forest land into compliance with Forest Service
standards and guidelines.
(2) State and local conservation corps.--In implementing
the restoration program, the Secretary shall, when practicable,
use partnerships with State and local conservation corps,
including the Montana Conservation Corps, under the Public
Lands Corps Act of 1993 (16 U.S.C. 1721 et seq.).
(g) Implementation.--The Secretary of Agriculture shall ensure that
sufficient funds are made available to the Gallatin National Forest to
carry out this Act.
(i) Revocations.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any
public orders withdrawing lands identified in the Option Agreement from
all forms of appropriation under the public land laws are revoked upon
conveyance of the lands by the Secretary.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary
to carry out this Act.
Passed the Senate October 2, 1998.
Secretary. | Gallatin Land Consolidation Act of 1998 - Provides for the exchange of land and other assets including certain timber harvest rights by the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior with the Big Sky Lumber Co. (BSL) for inclusion in the Gallatin National Forest and Deerlodge National Forest, Montana.
Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to: (1) implement a timber sale program to fund the purchase of specified (Taylor Fork) BSL land; (2) enter into specified land exchanges (Wapiti and Eightmile-West Pine); and (3) implement a restoration program for lands acquired under this Act. Encourages the Secretary to pursue a specified land exchange (section 1 of the Taylor Fork land).
Authorizes appropriations. | 7 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Marine Debris Act Amendments of
Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this Act an
amendment is expressed as an amendment to a section or other provision,
the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other
provision of the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act
(33 U.S.C. 1951 et seq.), as in effect immediately before the enactment
of this Act.
Section 1 (33 U.S.C. 1951 note) is amended by striking ``Research,
Prevention, and Reduction''.
Section 2 (33 U.S.C. 1951) is amended to read as follows:
``The purpose of this Act is to address the adverse impacts of
marine debris on the United States economy, the marine environment, and
navigation safety through identification, determination of sources,
assessment, prevention, reduction, and removal of marine debris.''.
(a) Name of Program.--
(1) In general.--Section 3 (33 U.S.C. 1952) is amended--
(A) in the section heading by striking ``prevention
and removal''; and
(B) in subsection (a)--
(i) by striking ``Prevention and Removal
Program to reduce and prevent'' and inserting
``Program to identify, determine sources of,
assess, prevent, reduce, and remove'';
(ii) by inserting ``the economy of the
United States,'' after ``marine debris on'';
(iii) by inserting a comma after
(2) Conforming amendment.--Paragraph (7) of section 7 (33
U.S.C. 1956) is amended by striking ``Prevention and Removal''.
(b) Program Components.--Section 3(b) (33 U.S.C. 1952(b)) is
amended to read as follows:
``(b) Program Components.--The Administrator, acting through the
Program and subject to the availability of appropriations, shall--
``(1) identify, determine sources of, assess, prevent,
reduce, and remove marine debris, with a focus on marine debris
posing a threat to living marine resources and navigation
``(2) provide national and regional coordination to assist
States, Indian tribes, and regional organizations in
identification, determination of sources, assessment,
prevention, reduction, and removal of marine debris;
``(3) undertake efforts to reduce adverse impacts of lost
and discarded fishing gear on living marine resources and
navigation safety, including--
``(A) research and development of alternatives to
gear posing threats to the marine environment, and
methods for marking gear used in specific fisheries to
enhance the tracking, recovery, and identification of
lost and discarded gear; and
``(B) development of effective nonregulatory
measures and incentives to cooperatively reduce the
volume of lost and discarded fishing gear and to aid in
its recovery; and
``(4) undertake outreach and education of the public and
other stakeholders on sources of marine debris, threats
associated with marine debris, and approaches to identify,
determine sources of, assess, prevent, reduce, and remove
marine debris and its adverse impacts on the United States
economy, the marine environment, and navigational safety,
including outreach and education activities through public-
private initiatives.''.
(c) Repeal.--Section 2204 of the Marine Plastic Pollution Research
and Control Act of 1987 and the item relating to that section in the
table of contents contained in section 2 of the United States-Japan
Fishery Agreement Approval Act of 1987 (33 U.S.C. 1915) are repealed.
(d) Grant Criteria and Guidelines.--Section 3(c) (33 U.S.C.
1952(c)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``section 2(1)'' and
inserting ``section 2'';
(2) by repealing paragraph (5); and
(3) by redesignating paragraphs (6) and (7) as paragraphs
(5) and (6).
Section 4 (33 U.S.C. 1953) is amended--
(1) by striking ``(a) Strategy.--''; and
(2) by repealing subsections (b) and (c).
(a) Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee.--
(1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
section 2203 of the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and
Control Act of 1987 (33 U.S.C. 1914) is redesignated and moved
to replace and appear as section 5 of the Marine Debris
Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act (33 U.S.C. 1954).
(2) Clerical amendment.--The item relating to section 2203
in the table of contents contained in section 2 of the United
States-Japan Fishery Agreement Approval Act of 1987 is
(b) Biennial Progress Reports.--Section 5(c)(2) (33 U.S.C.
1954(c)(2)), as in effect immediately before the enactment of this
(1) is redesignated as subsection (e) of section 5, as
redesignated and moved by the amendment made by subsection (a)
of this section; and
(2) is amended--
(A) by striking ``Annual progress reports.--'' and
all that follows through ``thereafter'' and inserting
``Biennial Progress Reports.--Bienially'';
(B) by inserting ``Natural'' before ``Resources'';
(C) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (E)
as paragraphs (1) through (5) of such subsection; and
(D) by moving such subsection 2 ems to the left.
Section 6(2) (33 U.S.C. 1955(2)) is amended by striking ``by the
fishing industry''.
Section 7 (33 U.S.C. 1956) is amended--
(1) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (9), and
moving such paragraph to appear after paragraph (8); and
(2) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
``(3) Marine debris.--The term `marine debris' means any
persistent solid material that is manufactured or processed and
directly or indirectly, and intentionally or unintentionally,
disposed of or abandoned into the marine environment or the
Great Lakes.''.
Section 9 (33 U.S.C. 1958) is amended--
(1) by striking ``are'' and inserting ``is'';
(2) by striking ``2006 through 2010'' and all that follows
through ``(1)'' and inserting ``through fiscal year 2015'';
(3) in paragraph (1), by striking ``$10,000,000'' and
inserting ``$4,900,000''; and
(4) by striking ``; and'' and all that follows through the
end of paragraph (2) and inserting a period.
Passed the House of Representatives August 1, 2012.
Clerk. | Marine Debris Act Reauthorization Amendments of 2012 - Reauthorizes appropriations through FY2015 for, and revises provisions of, the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act.
(Sec. 3) Renames such Act as the Marine Debris Act. Replaces provisions establishing within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Program with provisions establishing the Marine Debris Program to identify, determine sources of, assess, prevent, reduce, and remove the occurrence and adverse impacts of marine debris on the U.S. economy, the marine environment, and navigation safety.
(Sec. 5) Revises Program components, including by requiring the Administrator of NOAA to provide national and regional coordination to assist states, Indian tribes, and regional organizations in identification, determination of sources, assessment, prevention, reduction, and removal of marine debris.
Amends the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 to repeal the plastic pollution public education program.
(Sec. 7) Replaces provisions of the Marine Debris Program concerning interagency coordination with provisions establishing the Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee under the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987.
Requires such Committee to submit biennial (currently annual) progress reports.
(Sec. 8) Requires the Administrator to ensure the confidentiality of information submitted into the federal information clearinghouse on marine debris. (Currently, the Administrator is required to take steps to ensure the confidentiality of only such information that is submitted by the fishing industry.)
(Sec. 9) Defines the term "marine debris" as any persistent solid material that is manufactured or processed and disposed of or abandoned into the marine environment or the Great Lakes. | 8 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Indian Needs Assessment and Program
Evaluation Act of 2001''.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(1) the United States and the Indian tribes have a unique
legal and political government-to-government relationship;
(2) pursuant to the Constitution, treaties, statutes,
Executive orders, court decisions, and course of conduct, the
United States has a trust obligation to provide certain
services to Indian tribes and to Indians;
(3) Federal departments and agencies charged with
administering programs and providing services to, or for the
benefit of, Indians have not furnished Congress with adequate
information necessary to assess such programs on the needs of
Indians and Indian tribes;
(4) such lack of information has hampered the ability of
Congress to determine the nature, type, and magnitude of such
needs as well as its ability to respond to them; and
(5) Congress cannot properly fulfill its obligation to
Indian tribes and Indian people unless and until it has an
adequate store of information related to the needs of Indians
(b) Purposes.--The purposes of this Act are to--
(1) ensure that Indian needs for Federal programs and
services are known in a more certain and predictable fashion;
(2) require that Federal departments and agencies carefully
review and monitor the effectiveness of the programs and
services provided to Indians;
(3) provide for more efficient and effective cooperation
and coordination of, and accountability from, the Federal
departments and agencies providing programs and services,
including technical and business development assistance, to
Indians; and
(4) provide Congress with reliable information regarding
Indian needs and the evaluation of Federal programs and
services provided to Indians nationwide.
(a) Indian Tribal Needs Assessments.--
(1) Immediate assessment.--
(A) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the
date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the
Interior shall contract with an appropriate entity, in
consultation and coordination with the Indian tribes,
the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of
Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of
Energy, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the
Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of the Treasury, the
Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Veterans
Affairs, the Attorney General, the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency, and the heads of any
other relevant Federal departments or agencies, for the
development of a uniform method and criteria, and
uniform procedures for determining, analyzing, and
compiling the program and service assistance needs of
Indian tribes and Indians by each such department or
agency. The needs assessment shall address, but not be
limited to, the following:
(i) The location of the service area of
each program.
(ii) The size of the service area of each
(iii) The total population of each tribe
located in the service area.
(iv) The total population of members of
other tribes located in the service area.
(v) The availability of similar programs
within the geographical area to tribes or
tribal members.
(vi) The socio-economic conditions that
exist within the service area.
(B) Consultation.--The contractor shall consult
with tribal governments in establishing and conducting
the needs assessment required under subparagraph (A).
(2) Ongoing federal needs assessments.--
(A) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the
date of enactment of this Act, and every 5 years
thereafter, each Federal department or agency, in
coordination with the Secretary of the Interior, shall
conduct an Indian Needs Assessment (in this Act
referred to as the ``INA'') aimed at determining the
actual needs of Indian tribes and Indians eligible for
programs and services administered by such department
or agency.
(B) Submission to congress.--Not later than
February 1 of any year in which an INA is required to
be conducted under subparagraph (A), a copy of the INA
shall be submitted to the Committee on Appropriations
and the Committee on Resources of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations and
the Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate.
(b) Federal Agency Indian Tribal Program Evaluation.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall
develop a uniform method and criteria, and uniform procedures
for compiling, maintaining, keeping current, and reporting to
Congress all information concerning--
(A) the annual expenditures of the department or
agency for programs and services for which Indians are
eligible, with specific information regarding the names
of tribes who are currently participating in or
receiving each service, the names of tribes who have
applied for and not received programs or services, and
the names of tribes whose services or programs have
been terminated within the last fiscal year;
(B) services or programs specifically for the
benefit of Indians, with specific information regarding
the names of tribes who are currently participating in
or receiving each service, the names of tribes who have
applied for and not received programs or services, and
the names of tribes whose services or programs have
been terminated within the last fiscal year; and
(C) the department or agency method of delivery of
such services and funding, including a detailed
explanation of the outreach efforts of each agency or
department to Indian tribes.
(2) Submission to Congress.--Not later than 2 years after
the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter,
each Federal department or agency responsible for providing
services or programs to, or for the benefit of, Indian tribes
or Indians shall file an Annual Indian Program Evaluation (in
this Act referred to as the ``AIPE'') with the Committee on
Appropriations and the Committee on Resources of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations and the
Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate.
(c) Annual Listing of Tribal Eligible Programs.--Not later than
February 1 of each calendar year, each Federal department or agency
described in subsection (b)(2), shall develop and publish in the
Federal Register a list of all programs and services offered by such
department or agency for which Indian tribes or their members are or
may be eligible, and shall provide a brief explanation of the program
or service.
(d) Confidentiality.--Any information received, collected, or
gathered from Indian tribes concerning program function, operations, or
need in order to conduct an INA or an AIPE shall be used only for the
purposes of this Act set forth in section 2(b).
(a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment
of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall develop and submit to
the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Resources of the
House of Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations and the
Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate a report detailing the
coordination of Federal program and service assistance for which Indian
tribes and their members are eligible.
(b) Strategic Plan.--Not later than 30 months after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation
and coordination with the Indian tribes, shall file a Strategic Plan
for the Coordination of Federal Assistance for Indians (in this Act
referred to as the ``Strategic Plan'').
(c) Contents of Strategic Plan.--The Strategic Plan required under
subsection (b) shall contain the following:
(1) Identification of reforms necessary to the laws,
regulations, policies, procedures, practices, and systems of
the Federal departments or agencies involved.
(2) Proposals for implementing the reforms identified in
the Strategic Plan.
(3) Any other recommendations that are consistent with the
purposes of this Act set forth in section 2(b).
There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2002 and
each fiscal year thereafter, such sums as are necessary to carry out
this Act. | Indian Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation Act of 2001 - Directs the Secretary of the Interior to contract with an appropriate entity to develop a uniform method, criteria, and procedures for determining, analyzing, and compiling the program and service assistance needs of Indian tribes and Indians nationwide.Requires Federal departments and agencies to conduct Indian Needs Assessments aimed at determining the actual needs of tribes and Indians eligible for programs and services administered by such departments and agencies.Directs the Secretary to develop a uniform method, criteria, and procedures for compiling, maintaining, keeping current, and reporting to Congress all information concerning: (1) Federal annual expenditures for programs and services for which Indians are eligible; (2) services or programs specifically for the benefit of Indians; and (3) Federal methods of delivery of services and funding.Requires Federal departments and agencies responsible for providing services or programs to or for the benefit of tribes or Indians to: (1) file Annual Indian Program Evaluations with specified congressional committees; and (2) publish annual listings in the Federal Register of all agency programs and services for which Indian tribes may be eligible.Directs the Secretary to file a Strategic Plan for the Coordination of Federal Assistance for Indians. | 9 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Kidney Disease Educational Benefits
Act of 2002''.
(a) Coverage of Kidney Disease Education Services.--
(1) In general.--Section 1861 of the Social Security Act
(42 U.S.C. 1395x), as amended by section 105 of the Medicare,
Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of
2000 (114 Stat. 2763A-471), as enacted into law by section
1(a)(6) of Public Law 106-554, is amended--
(A) in subsection (s)(2)--
(i) in subparagraph (U), by striking
``and'' at the end;
(ii) in subparagraph (V)(iii), by adding
``and'' at the end; and
(iii) by adding at the end the following
new subparagraph:
``(W) kidney disease education services (as defined in
subsection (ww));''; and
(B) by adding at the end the following new
``Kidney Disease Education Services
``(ww)(1) The term `kidney disease education services' means
educational services that are--
``(A) furnished to an individual with kidney disease who,
according to accepted clinical guidelines identified by the
Secretary, will require dialysis or a kidney transplant;
``(B) furnished, upon the referral of the physician
managing the individual's kidney condition, by a qualified
person (as defined in paragraph (2)); and
``(C) designed--
``(i) to provide comprehensive information
``(I) the management of comorbidities;
``(II) the prevention of uremic
complications; and
``(III) each option for renal replacement
therapy (including peritoneal dialysis,
hemodialysis in a center or at home (including
vascular access options), and transplantation);
``(ii) to ensure that the individual has the
opportunity to actively participate in the choice of
``(2) The term `qualified person' means--
``(A) a physician (as described in subsection (r)(1));
``(B) an individual who--
``(i) is--
``(I) a registered nurse;
``(II) a registered dietitian or nutrition
professional (as defined in subsection
``(III) a clinical social worker (as
defined in subsection (hh)(1)); or
``(IV) a physician assistant, nurse
practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist (as
those terms are defined in section
1861(aa)(5)); and
``(ii) meets such requirements related to
experience and other qualifications that the Secretary
finds necessary and appropriate for furnishing the
services described in paragraph (1); or
``(C) a renal dialysis facility subject to the requirements
of section 1881(b)(1) with personnel who--
``(i) provide the services described in paragraph
(1); and
``(ii) meet the requirements of subparagraph (A) or
``(3) The Secretary shall develop the requirements under paragraph
(2)(B)(ii) after consulting with physicians, health educators,
professional organizations, accrediting organizations, kidney patient
organizations, dialysis facilities, transplant centers, network
organizations described in section 1881(c)(2), and other knowledgeable
``(4) In promulgating regulations to carry out this subsection, the
Secretary shall ensure that such regulations ensure that each
beneficiary who is entitled to kidney disease education services under
this title receives such services in a timely manner that ensures that
the beneficiary receives the maximum benefit of those services.
``(5) The Secretary shall monitor the implementation of this
subsection to ensure that beneficiaries who are eligible for kidney
disease education services receive such services in the manner
described in paragraph (4).
``(6) Not later than April 1, 2003, and annually thereafter, the
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the number of medicare
beneficiaries who are entitled to kidney disease education services (as
defined in paragraph (1)) and who receive such services, together with
such recommendations for legislative and administrative action as the
Secretary determines to be appropriate to fulfill the legislative
intent that resulted in the enactment of this subsection.''.
(2) Payment under physician fee schedule.--Section
1848(j)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-4(j)(3))
is amended by inserting ``, (2)(W)'', after ``(2)(S)''.
(3) Payment to renal dialysis facilities.--Section 1881(b)
of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395rr(b)) is amended by
adding at the end the following new paragraph:
``(12) For purposes of paragraph (7), the single composite
weighted formulas determined under such paragraph shall not
take into account the amount of payment for kidney disease
education services (as defined in section 1861(ww)). Instead,
payment for such services shall be made to the renal dialysis
facility on an assignment-related basis under section 1848.''.
(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to services furnished on or after the date that is 6 months after
the date of enactment of this Act. | Kidney Disease Educational Benefits Act of 2002 - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000, to provide coverage for kidney disease education services furnished, upon the managing physician's referral, to an individual with kidney disease who will require dialysis or a kidney transplant. Requires such services to: (1) impart comprehensive information regarding management, prevention, and options regarding treatment of kidney disease; and (2) ensure that such individuals have the opportunity to participate actively in the choice of therapy. | 10 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Public Safety and Protection
Investment Act of 2003''.
(a) In General.--Part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to itemized deductions for
individuals and corporations) is amended by inserting after section
179A the following new section:
``(a) Allowance of Deduction.--A taxpayer may elect to treat the
cost of any qualifying security device as an expense which is not
chargeable to capital account. Any cost so treated shall be allowed as
a deduction for the taxable year in which such device is placed in
``(b) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) Qualifying security device.--The term `qualifying
security device' means a security device (to which section 168
applies) which is acquired by purchase (as defined in section
179(d)(2)) and which is installed or placed in service in a
building which is owned or occupied by the taxpayer and which
is located in the United States.
``(2) Security device.--The term `security device' means
any of the following:
``(A) An electronic access control device or
``(B) Biometric identification or verification
device or system.
``(C) Closed-circuit television or other
surveillance and security cameras and equipment.
``(D) Locks for doors and windows, including
tumbler, key, and numerical or other coded devices.
``(E) Computers and software used to combat
``(F) Electronic alarm systems to provide detection
notification and off-premises transmission of an
unauthorized entry, attack, or fire.
``(G) An electronic device capable of tracking or
verifying the presence of assets.
``(H) High efficiency air filtering systems.
``(I) Mechanical and non-mechanical vehicle
arresting barricades.
``(J) Metal detectors.
``(K) Signal repeating devices for emergency
response personnel wireless communication systems.
``(L) Components, wiring, system displays,
terminals, auxiliary power supplies, computer systems,
software, networking infrastructure and other equipment
necessary or incidental to the operation of any item
described in any of the preceding subparagraphs.
``(3) Building.--The term `building' includes any structure
or part of a structure used for commercial, retail, or business
``(c) Special Rules.--
``(1) Basis reduction.--For purposes of this subtitle, if a
deduction is allowed under this section with respect to the
purchase of a qualifying security device, the basis of such
device shall be reduced by the amount of the deduction so
``(2) Certain rules to apply.--Rules similar to the rules
of section 179(b)(3), section 179(c), and paragraphs (3), (4),
(8), and (10) of section 179(d), shall apply for purposes of
this section.''.
(b) Conforming and Clerical Amendments.--
(1) Section 263(a)(1) of such Code is amended by striking
``or'' at the end of subparagraph (G), by striking the period
at the end of subparagraph (H) and inserting ``, or'', and by
inserting after subparagraph (H) the following new
``(I) expenditures for which a deduction is allowed
under section 179B.''.
(2) Section 312(k)(3)(B) of such Code is amended by
striking ``or 179A'' each place it appears in the heading and
text and inserting ``, 179A, or 179B''.
(3) Section 1016(a) of such Code is amended by striking
``and'' at the end of paragraph (27), by striking the period at
the end of paragraph (28) and inserting ``, and'', and by
inserting after paragraph (28) the following new paragraph:
``(29) to the extent provided in section 179B(d)(1),''.
(4) Section 1245(a) of such Code is amended by inserting
``179B,'' after ``179A,'' both places it appears in paragraphs
(2)(C) and (3)(C).
(5) The table of sections for part VI of subchapter B of
chapter 1 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item
relating to section 179A the following new item:
``Sec. 179B. Security device
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this Act shall apply to
taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act. | Public Safety and Protection Investment Act of 2003 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow businesses to expense the costs of purchasing and installing qualifying security devices. | 11 |
This Act may be cited as the ``National Center for Social Work
Research Act''.
The Congress finds as follows:
(1) Social workers focus on the improvement of individual
and family functioning and the creation of effective health and
mental health prevention and treatment interventions in order
for individuals to become more productive members of society.
(2) Social workers provide front line prevention and
treatment services in the areas of school violence, aging, teen
pregnancy, child abuse, domestic violence, juvenile crime, and
substance abuse, particularly in rural and underserved
(3) Social workers are in a unique position to provide
valuable research information on these complex social concerns,
taking into account a wide range of social, medical, economic
and community influences from an interdisciplinary, family-
centered and community-based approach.
Title IV of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 281 et seq.),
as amended by title I of Public Law 106-525, is amended--
(1) in section 401(b)(2) (42 U.S.C. 281(b)(2)), by adding
at the end the following:
``(H) The National Center for Social Work Research.''; and
(2) in part E (42 U.S.C. 287 et seq.), by adding at the end
the following:
``Subpart 7--National Center for Social Work Research
``The general purpose of the National Center for Social Work
Research (referred to in this subpart as the `Center') is the conduct
and support of, and dissemination of targeted research on social work
methods and outcomes related to problems of significant social concern.
The Center shall promote research and training designed to inform
social work practice, thus increasing the knowledge base which promotes
a healthier America. In addition, the Center shall provide policymakers
with empirically-based research information to better understand
complex social issues and make informed funding decisions about service
effectiveness and cost efficiency.
``(a) In General.--To carry out the purpose described in section
485J, the Director of the Center may provide research training and
instruction and establish, in the Center and in other nonprofit
institutions, research traineeships and fellowships in the study and
investigation of the prevention of disease, health promotion, the
association of socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, age, and
geographical location and health, the social work care of persons with
and families of individuals with acute and chronic illnesses, child
abuse, neglect, and youth violence, and child and family care to
address problems of significant social concern especially in
underserved populations and underserved geographical areas.
``(b) Stipends and Allowances.--The Director of the Center may
provide individuals receiving training and instruction or traineeships
or fellowships under subsection (a) with such stipends and allowances
(including amounts for travel and subsistence and dependency
allowances) as the Director determines necessary.
``(c) Grants.--The Director of the Center may make grants to
nonprofit institutions to provide training and instruction and
traineeships and fellowships under subsection (a).
``(a) Duties.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish an
advisory council for the Center that shall advise, assist,
consult with, and make recommendations to the Secretary and the
Director of the Center on matters related to the activities
carried out by and through the Center and the policies with respect to
such activities.
``(2) Gifts.--The advisory council for the Center may
recommend to the Secretary the acceptance, in accordance with
section 231, of conditional gifts for study, investigations,
and research and for the acquisition of grounds or
construction, equipment, or maintenance of facilities for the
``(3) Other duties and functions.--The advisory council for
the Center--
``(A)(i) may make recommendations to the Director
of the Center with respect to research to be conducted
by the Center;
``(ii) may review applications for grants and
cooperative agreements for research or training and
recommend for approval applications for projects that
demonstrate the probability of making valuable
contributions to human knowledge; and
``(iii) may review any grant, contract, or
cooperative agreement proposed to be made or entered
into by the Center;
``(B) may collect, by correspondence or by personal
investigation, information relating to studies that are
being carried out in the United States or any other
country and, with the approval of the Director of the
Center, make such information available through
appropriate publications; and
``(C) may appoint subcommittees and convene
workshops and conferences.
``(b) Membership.--
``(1) In general.--The advisory council shall be composed
of the ex officio members described in paragraph (2) and not
more than 18 individuals to be appointed by the Secretary under
paragraph (3).
``(2) Ex officio members.--The ex officio members of the
advisory council shall include--
``(A) the Secretary of Health and Human Services,
the Director of NIH, the Director of the Center, the
Chief Social Work Officer of the Veterans'
Administration, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Health Affairs, the Associate Director of Prevention
Research at the National Institute of Mental Health,
the Director of the Division of Epidemiology and
Services Research, the Assistant Secretary of Health
and Human Services for the Administration for Children
and Families, the Assistant Secretary of Education for
the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, the
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
for Community Planning and Development, and the
Assistant Attorney General for Office of Justice
Programs (or the designees of such officers); and
``(B) such additional officers or employees of the
United States as the Secretary determines necessary for
the advisory council to effectively carry out its
``(3) Appointed members.--The Secretary shall appoint not
to exceed 18 individuals to the advisory council, of which--
``(A) not more than two-thirds of such individual
shall be appointed from among the leading
representatives of the health and scientific
disciplines (including public health and the behavioral
or social sciences) relevant to the activities of the
Center, and at least 7 such individuals shall be
professional social workers who are recognized experts
in the area of clinical practice, education, policy, or
research; and
``(B) not more than one-third of such individuals
shall be appointed from the general public and shall
include leaders in fields of public policy, law, health
policy, economics, and management.
The Secretary shall make appointments to the advisory council
in such a manner as to ensure that the terms of the members do
not all expire in the same year.
``(4) Compensation.--Members of the advisory council who
are officers or employees of the United States shall not
receive any compensation for service on the advisory council.
The remaining members shall receive, for each day (including
travel time) they are engaged in the performance of the
functions of the advisory council, compensation at rates not to
exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate in effect for an
individual at grade GS-18 of the General Schedule.
``(c) Terms.--
``(1) In general.--The term of office of an individual
appointed to the advisory council under subsection (b)(3) shall
be 4 years, except that any individual appointed to fill a
vacancy on the advisory council shall serve for the remainder
of the unexpired term. A member may serve after the
expiration of the member's term until a successor has been appointed.
``(2) Reappointments.--A member of the advisory council who
has been appointed under subsection (b)(3) for a term of 4
years may not be reappointed to the advisory council prior to
the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date on
which the prior term expired.
``(3) Vacancy.--If a vacancy occurs on the advisory council
among the members under subsection (b)(3), the Secretary shall
make an appointment to fill that vacancy not later than 90 days
after the date on which the vacancy occurs.
``(d) Chairperson.--The chairperson of the advisory council shall
be selected by the Secretary from among the members appointed under
subsection (b)(3), except that the Secretary may select the Director of
the Center to be the chairperson of the advisory council. The term of
office of the chairperson shall be 2 years.
``(e) Meetings.--The advisory council shall meet at the call of the
chairperson or upon the request of the Director of the Center, but not
less than 3 times each fiscal year. The location of the meetings of the
advisory council shall be subject to the approval of the Director of
the Center.
``(f) Administrative Provisions.--The Director of the Center shall
designate a member of the staff of the Center to serve as the executive
secretary of the advisory council. The Director of the Center shall
make available to the advisory council such staff, information, and
other assistance as the council may require to carry out its functions.
The Director of the Center shall provide orientation and training for
new members of the advisory council to provide such members with such
information and training as may be appropriate for their effective
participation in the functions of the advisory council.
``(g) Comments and Recommendations.--The advisory council may
prepare, for inclusion in the biennial report under section 485M--
``(1) comments with respect to the activities of the
advisory council in the fiscal years for which the report is
``(2) comments on the progress of the Center in meeting its
objectives; and
``(3) recommendations with respect to the future direction
and program and policy emphasis of the center.
The advisory council may prepare such additional reports as it may
determine appropriate.
``The Director of the Center, after consultation with the advisory
council for the Center, shall prepare for inclusion in the biennial
report under section 403, a biennial report that shall consist of a
description of the activities of the Center and program policies of the
Director of the Center in the fiscal years for which the report is
prepared. The Director of the Center may prepare such additional
reports as the Director determines appropriate. The Director of the
Center shall provide the advisory council of the Center an opportunity
for the submission of the written comments described in section
``The Director of the Center shall prepare a quarterly report to
Congress with a summary of findings and policy implications from
research conducted or supported through the Center.
``For the purpose of carrying out this subpart, there is authorized
to be appropriated $30,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2002
through 2006.''. | National Center for Social Work Research Act - Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish the National Center for Social Work Research (and a related advisory council) to conduct, support, and disseminate targeted research on social work methods and outcomes related to problems of significant social concern.Sets forth reporting requirements. | 12 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Agency Protection of Privacy
(a) In General.--Title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding
after section 553 the following new section:
``Sec. 553a. Privacy impact analysis in rulemaking
``(a) Initial Privacy Impact Analysis.--
``(1) In general.--Whenever an agency is required by
section 553 of this title, or any other law, to publish a
general notice of proposed rulemaking for any proposed rule, or
publishes a notice of proposed rulemaking for an interpretative
rule involving the internal revenue laws of the United States,
the agency shall prepare and make available for public comment
an initial privacy impact analysis. Such analysis shall
describe the impact of the proposed rule on the privacy of
individuals. The initial privacy impact analysis or a summary
shall be signed by the senior agency official with primary
responsibility for privacy policy and be published in the
Federal Register at the time of the publication of a general
notice of proposed rulemaking for the rule.
``(2) Contents.--Each initial privacy impact analysis
required under this subsection shall contain the following:
``(A) A description and assessment of the extent to
which the proposed rule will impact the privacy
interests of individuals, including the extent to which
the proposed rule--
``(i) provides notice of the collection of
personally identifiable information, and
specifies what personally identifiable
information is to be collected and how it is to
be collected, maintained, used, and disclosed;
``(ii) allows access to such information by
the person to whom the personally identifiable
information pertains and provides an
opportunity to correct inaccuracies;
``(iii) prevents such information, which is
collected for one purpose, from being used for
another purpose; and
``(iv) provides security for such
``(B) A description of any significant alternatives
to the proposed rule which accomplish the stated
objectives of applicable statutes and which minimize
any significant privacy impact of the proposed rule on
``(b) Final Privacy Impact Analysis.--
``(1) In general.--Whenever an agency promulgates a final
rule under section 553 of this title, after being required by
that section or any other law to publish a general notice of
proposed rulemaking, or promulgates a final interpretative rule
involving the internal revenue laws of the United States, the
agency shall prepare a final privacy impact analysis, signed by
the senior agency official with primary responsibility for
privacy policy.
``(2) Contents.--Each final privacy impact analysis
required under this subsection shall contain the following:
``(A) A description and assessment of the extent to
which the final rule will impact the privacy interests
of individuals, including the extent to which the
proposed rule--
``(i) provides notice of the collection of
personally identifiable information, and
specifies what personally identifiable
information is to be collected and how it is to
be collected, maintained, used, and disclosed;
``(ii) allows access to such information by
the person to whom the personally identifiable
information pertains and provides an
opportunity to correct inaccuracies;
``(iii) prevents such information, which is
collected for one purpose, from being used for
another purpose; and
``(iv) provides security for such
``(B) A summary of the significant issues raised by
the public comments in response to the initial privacy
impact analysis, a summary of the assessment of the
agency of such issues, and a statement of any changes
made in the proposed rule as a result of such issues.
``(C) A description of the steps the agency has
taken to minimize the significant privacy impact on
individuals consistent with the stated objectives of
applicable statutes, including a statement of the
factual, policy, and legal reasons for selecting the
alternative adopted in the final rule and why each one
of the other significant alternatives to the rule
considered by the agency which affect the privacy
interests of individuals was rejected.
``(3) Availability to public.--The agency shall make copies
of the final privacy impact analysis available to members of
the public and shall publish in the Federal Register such
analysis or a summary thereof.
``(c) Procedure for Waiver or Delay of Completion.--An agency head
may waive or delay the completion of some or all of the requirements of
subsections (a) and (b) to the same extent as the agency head may,
under section 608, waive or delay the completion of some or all of the
requirements of sections 603 and 604, respectively.
``(d) Procedures for Gathering Comments.--When any rule is
promulgated which may have a significant privacy impact on individuals,
or a privacy impact on a substantial number of individuals, the head of
the agency promulgating the rule or the official of the agency with
statutory responsibility for the promulgation of the rule shall assure
that individuals have been given an opportunity to participate in the
rulemaking for the rule through techniques such as--
``(1) the inclusion in an advance notice of proposed
rulemaking, if issued, of a statement that the proposed rule
may have a significant privacy impact on individuals, or a
privacy impact on a substantial number of individuals;
``(2) the publication of a general notice of proposed
rulemaking in publications of national circulation likely to be
obtained by individuals;
``(3) the direct notification of interested individuals;
``(4) the conduct of open conferences or public hearings
concerning the rule for individuals, including soliciting and
receiving comments over computer networks; and
``(5) the adoption or modification of agency procedural
rules to reduce the cost or complexity of participation in the
rulemaking by individuals.
``(e) Periodic Review of Rules.--
``(1) In general.--Each agency shall carry out a periodic
review of the rules promulgated by the agency that have a
significant privacy impact on individuals, or a privacy impact
on a substantial number of individuals. Under such periodic
review, the agency shall determine, for each such rule, whether
the rule can be amended or rescinded in a manner that minimizes
any such impact while remaining in accordance with applicable
statutes. For each such determination, the agency shall
consider the following factors:
``(A) The continued need for the rule.
``(B) The nature of complaints or comments received
from the public concerning the rule.
``(C) The complexity of the rule.
``(D) The extent to which the rule overlaps,
duplicates, or conflicts with other Federal rules, and,
to the extent feasible, with State and local
governmental rules.
``(E) The length of time since the rule was last
reviewed under this subsection.
``(F) The degree to which technology, economic
conditions, or other factors have changed in the area
affected by the rule since the rule was last reviewed
under this subsection.
``(2) Plan required.--Each agency shall carry out the
periodic review required by paragraph (1) in accordance with a
plan published by such agency in the Federal Register. Each
such plan shall provide for the review under this subsection of
each rule promulgated by the agency not later than 10 years
after the date on which such rule was published as the final
rule and, thereafter, not later than 10 years after the date on
which such rule was last reviewed under this subsection. The
agency may amend such plan at any time by publishing the
revision in the Federal Register.
``(3) Annual publication.--Each year, each agency shall
publish in the Federal Register a list of the rules to be
reviewed by such agency under this subsection during the
following year. The list shall include a brief description of
each such rule and the need for and legal basis of such rule
and shall invite public comment upon the determination to be
made under this subsection with respect to such rule.
``(f) Judicial Review.--
``(1) In general.--For any rule subject to this section, an
individual who is adversely affected or aggrieved by final
agency action is entitled to judicial review of agency
compliance with the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) in
accordance with chapter 7. Agency compliance with subsection
(d) shall be judicially reviewable in connection with judicial
review of subsection (b).
``(2) Jurisdiction.--Each court having jurisdiction to
review such rule for compliance with section 553, or under any
other provision of law, shall have jurisdiction to review any
claims of noncompliance with subsections (b) and (c) in
accordance with chapter 7. Agency compliance with subsection
(d) shall be judicially reviewable in connection with judicial
review of subsection (b).
``(3) Limitations.--
``(A) An individual may seek such review during the
period beginning on the date of final agency action and
ending 1 year later, except that where a provision of
law requires that an action challenging a final agency
action be commenced before the expiration of 1 year,
such lesser period shall apply to an action for
judicial review under this subsection.
``(B) In the case where an agency delays the
issuance of a final privacy impact analysis pursuant to
subsection (c), an action for judicial review under
this section shall be filed not later than--
``(i) 1 year after the date the analysis is
made available to the public; or
``(ii) where a provision of law requires
that an action challenging a final agency
regulation be commenced before the expiration
of the 1-year period, the number of days
specified in such provision of law that is
after the date the analysis is made available to the public.
``(4) Relief.--In granting any relief in an action under
this subsection, the court shall order the agency to take
corrective action consistent with this section and chapter 7,
including, but not limited to--
``(A) remanding the rule to the agency; and
``(B) deferring the enforcement of the rule against
individuals, unless the court finds that continued
enforcement of the rule is in the public interest.
``(5) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection
shall be construed to limit the authority of any court to stay
the effective date of any rule or provision thereof under any
other provision of law or to grant any other relief in addition
to the requirements of this subsection.
``(6) Record of agency action.--In an action for the
judicial review of a rule, the privacy impact analysis for such
rule, including an analysis prepared or corrected pursuant to
paragraph (4), shall constitute part of the entire record of
agency action in connection with such review.
``(7) Exclusivity.--Compliance or noncompliance by an
agency with the provisions of this section shall be subject to
judicial review only in accordance with this subsection.
``(8) Savings clause.--Nothing in this subsection bars
judicial review of any other impact statement or similar
analysis required by any other law if judicial review of such
statement or analysis is otherwise permitted by law.
``(g) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term
`personally identifiable information' means information that can be
used to identify an individual, including such individual's name,
address, telephone number, photograph, social security number or other
identifying information. It includes information about such
individual's medical or financial condition.''.
(b) Periodic Review Transition Provisions.--
(1) Initial plan.--For each agency, the plan required by
subsection (e) of section 553a of title 5, United States Code
(as added by subsection (a)), shall be published not later than
180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
(2) In the case of a rule promulgated by an agency before
the date of the enactment of this Act, such plan shall provide
for the periodic review of such rule before the expiration of
the 10-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of
this Act. For any such rule, the head of the agency may provide
for a 1-year extension of such period if the head of the
agency, before the expiration of the period, certifies in a
statement published in the Federal Register that reviewing such
rule before the expiration of the period is not feasible. The
head of the agency may provide for additional 1-year extensions
of the period pursuant to the preceding sentence, but in no
event may the period exceed 15 years.
(c) Congressional Review.--Section 801(a)(1)(B) of title 5, United
States Code, is amended--
(1) by redesignating clauses (iii) and (iv) as clauses (iv)
and (v), respectively; and
(2) by inserting after clause (ii) the following new
``(iii) the agency's actions relevant to section 553a;''.
(d) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of
chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding after
the item relating to section 553 the following new item:
``553a. Privacy impact analysis in rulemaking.''.
Passed the House of Representatives October 7, 2002.
Clerk. | Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act - Requires Federal agencies: (1) when publishing a general notice of proposed rulemaking for any proposed rule or for an interpretative rule involving the internal revenue laws, to prepare, make available for public comment, and publish an initial analysis describing the rule's impact on the privacy of individuals; and (2) when promulgating the final rule, to prepare, make publicly available, and publish a final privacy impact analysis that includes a summary of the significant issues raised by and changes made pursuant to public comments on the initial analysis. Allows an agency head to waive or delay the completion of some or all of such requirements to the same extent such agency head may waive or delay completion of requirements for initial and final regulatory flexibility analyses.Requires the head of an agency promulgating a rule that may have a significant privacy impact on individuals or on a substantial number of individuals to use specified techniques to assure that individuals have been given an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking.Requires each agency to: (1) carry out a periodic review of promulgated rules that have such impact to determine whether each such rule can be amended or rescinded in a manner that minimizes such impact while remaining in accordance with applicable statutes; (2) carry out such review in accordance with a plan that provides for the review of each rule every ten years after the rule was published as a final rule; and (3) publish annually a list of the rules to be reviewed.Sets forth provisions governing judicial review of agency compliance with this Act.Requires submission of an agency's actions under this Act for congressional review. | 13 |
This Act may be cited as the ``San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act of
In this Act:
(1) Covered land.--The term ``covered land'' means--
(A) lands designated as wilderness under section 3
or section 4; and
(B) lands designated as a special management area
under section 4.
(2) Nonconforming use.--The term ``nonconforming use''
means any commercial helicopter-assisted skiing or snowboarding
activities within the lands designated as a special management
area under section 4 that have been authorized by the Secretary
as of the date of enactment of this Act.
(3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture, as
(4) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of Colorado.
(a) Designation.--In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C.
1131 et seq.), the following areas in the State are designated as
wilderness areas and as components of the National Wilderness
Preservation System:
(1) Certain lands in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and
Gunnison National Forests comprising approximately 3,170 acres,
as generally depicted on a map titled ``Proposed Wilson,
Sunshine, Black Face and San Bernardo Additions to the Lizard
Head Wilderness'', dated May 2009, and which are hereby
incorporated into the Lizard Head Wilderness area.
(2) Certain lands in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and
Gunnison National Forests comprising approximately 8,375 acres,
as generally depicted on a map titled ``Proposed Liberty Bell
and Last Dollar Additions to the Mt. Sneffels Wilderness'',
dated May 2009, and which are hereby incorporated into the Mt.
Sneffels Wilderness area.
(3) Certain lands in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and
Gunnison National Forests comprising approximately 13,224
acres, as generally depicted on a map titled ``Proposed
Whitehouse Additions to the Mt. Sneffels Wilderness'', dated
May 2009, and which are hereby incorporated into the Mt.
Sneffels Wilderness area.
(4)(A) Certain lands in the San Juan Resource Area of the
Bureau of Land Management comprising approximately 8,614 acres,
as generally depicted on a map titled ``Proposed McKenna Peak
Wilderness'', dated May 2009, and which shall be known as the
McKenna Peak Wilderness.
(B) The lands designated under subparagraph (A) shall be
administered as a component of the National Landscape
Conservation System.
(b) Map and Description.--
(1) In general.--As soon as practicable after the date of
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall file a map and a
legal description of each wilderness area designated by this
Act with--
(A) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House
of Representatives; and
(B) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
of the Senate.
(2) Force of law.--A map and legal description filed under
paragraph (1) shall have the same force and effect as if
included in this Act, except that the Secretary may correct
clerical and typographical errors in the map and legal
(3) Public availability.--Each map and legal description
filed under paragraph (1) shall be filed and made available for
public inspection in the Office of the Director of the Bureau
of Land Management and in the Office of the Chief of the Forest
Service, as appropriate.
(a) Designation.--Certain lands in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and
Gunnison and San Juan National Forests comprising approximately 21,697
acres as generally depicted on a map titled ``Proposed Sheep Mountain
Special Management Area'' and dated May 2009, are hereby designated as
the Sheep Mountain Special Management Area.
(b) Maps and Descriptions.--
(1) In general.--As soon as practicable after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall file maps and legal
descriptions of the Federal land described in subsection (a)
(A) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
of the Senate; and
(B) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House
of Representatives.
(2) Force of law.--The maps and legal descriptions filed
under paragraph (1) shall have the same force and effect as if
included in this Act, except that the Secretary may correct
typographical errors in the maps and legal descriptions.
(3) Public availability.--Each map and legal description
filed under paragraph (1) shall be on file and available for
public inspection in the appropriate offices of the United
States Forest Service.
(c) Management.--
(1) In general.--Until Congress determines otherwise,
activities within the area designated in subsection (a) shall
be managed by the Secretary of Agriculture so as to maintain
the area's presently existing wilderness character and
potential for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation
(2) Prohibitions.--The following shall be prohibited on the
Federal land described in subsection (a):
(A) Permanent roads.
(B) Except as necessary to meet the minimum
requirements for the administration of the Federal land
and to protect public health and safety--
(i) the use of motorized or mechanized
vehicles, except as described in paragraph (3);
(ii) the establishment of temporary roads.
(3) Allowable activities.--The Secretary may allow
activities, including helisking, that have been authorized as
of the date of the enactment of this Act to continue within the
area designated in subsection (a). The designation under
subsection (a) shall not impact future permit processes
relating to such activities.
(4) Applicable law.--Any uses of the Federal land described
in subsection (a), including activities described in paragraph
(3), shall be in accordance with applicable law.
(d) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal land
described in subsection (a) is withdrawn from--
(1) all forms of entry, appropriation, or disposal under
the public land laws;
(2) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and
(3) disposition under all laws relating to mineral and
energy leasing.
(e) Designation as Wilderness.--Lands described in subsection (a)
shall be designated as wilderness on the date on which the Secretary
publishes in the Federal Register notice that the nonconforming use has
(f) Administration as Wilderness.--Upon its designation as
wilderness under subsection (e), the Sheep Mountain Special Management
Area shall be--
(1) known as the Sheep Mountain Wilderness; and
(2) administered in accordance with the Wilderness Act (16
U.S.C. 1133 et seq.) and section 3.
(a) In General.--
(1) Subject to valid rights in existence on the date of the
enactment of this Act, land designated as wilderness under
section 3 or section 4 shall be administered by the Secretary
in accordance with--
(A) the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.);
(B) this Act.
(2) The Secretary may continue to authorize the competitive
running event permitted since 1992 in the vicinity of the
boundaries of the Sheep Mountain Special Management Area
designated by section 4(a) and the Liberty Bell addition to the
Mt. Sneffels Wilderness designated by section 3(a)(2) in a
manner compatible with the preservation of such areas as
(b) Effective Date of the Wilderness Act.--With respect to land
designated as wilderness under section 3 or section 4, any reference in
the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.) to the effective date of
the Wilderness Act shall be deemed to be a reference to the date of the
enactment of this Act or the date of the Secretary designating the land
as wilderness.
(c) Fish and Wildlife.--Nothing in this Act shall affect the
jurisdiction or responsibility of the State with respect to wildlife
and fish.
(d) No Buffer Zones.--
(1) In general.--Nothing in this Act shall create a
protective perimeter or buffer zone around covered land.
(2) Activities outside wilderness.--The fact that a
nonwilderness activity or use can be seen or heard from within
covered land shall not preclude the conduct of the activity or
use outside the boundary of the covered land.
(e) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid rights in existence on the date
of the enactment of this Act, covered land is withdrawn from all forms
(1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under public land
(2) location, entry, and patent under mining laws; and
(3) disposition under all laws pertaining to mineral and
geothermal leasing or mineral materials.
(f) Acquired Land.--Any land or interest in land located inside the
boundaries of covered land that is acquired by the United States after
the date of the enactment of this Act shall become part of the relevant
wilderness or special management area and shall be managed in
accordance with this Act and other applicable law.
(g) Grazing.--Grazing in covered land shall be administered in
accordance with section 4(d)(4) of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C.
1133(d)(4)), as further interpreted by section 108 of Public Law 96-
560, and the guidelines set forth in appendix A of the Report of the
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs to accompany H.R. 2570 of the
101st Congress (H. Rept. 101-405).
(h) Ames Hydroelectric Project.--The inclusion in the National
Wilderness Preservation System or designation under section 4 of this
Act as a Special Management Area as described in section 4 of this Act,
shall not be construed to interfere with the operation and maintenance
of the Ames Hydroelectric Project, as currently licensed by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, or as reauthorized in the future,
including reasonable use of National Wilderness Preservation System
lands or Special Management Area for any necessary repair or
replacement of existing facilities, transport of water and aerial or
land access. All means of access to the project that are currently
permitted by the Secretary on the date of enactment of this Act shall
be maintained.
(a) Findings, Purpose, and Definition.--
(1) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(A) the lands designated as wilderness or a Special
Management Area by this Act are located at the
headwaters of the streams and rivers on those lands,
with few, if any, actual or proposed water resource
facilities located upstream from such lands and few, if
any, opportunities for diversion, storage, or other
uses of water occurring outside such lands that would
adversely affect the wilderness values of such lands;
(B) the lands designated as wilderness or Special
Management Area by this Act are not suitable for use
for development of new water resource facilities, or
for the expansion of existing facilities; and
(C) therefore, it is possible to provide for proper
management and protection of the wilderness value of
such lands in ways different from those utilized in
other legislation designating as wilderness lands not
sharing the attributes of the lands designated as
wilderness or Special Management Area by this Act.
(2) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to protect the
wilderness values of the lands designated as wilderness or
Special Management Area by this Act by means other than those
based on a Federal reserved water right.
(3) Definition.--As used in this section, the term ``water
resource facility'' means irrigation and pumping facilities,
reservoirs, water conservation works, aqueducts, canals,
ditches, pipelines, wells, hydropower projects, and
transmission and other ancillary facilities, and other water
diversion, storage, and carriage structures.
(b) Restrictions on Rights and Disclaimer of Effect.--
(1) Water rights claims.--Neither the Secretary of
Agriculture nor the Secretary of the Interior, nor any other
officer, employee, representative, or agent of the United
States, nor any other person, shall assert in any court or
agency, nor shall any court or agency consider, any claim to or
for water or water rights in the State of Colorado, which is
based on any construction of any portion of this Act, or the
designation of any lands as wilderness or Special Management
Area by this Act, as constituting an express or implied
reservation of water or water rights.
(2) No affect on water rights.--Nothing in this Act shall
be construed as a creation, recognition, disclaimer,
relinquishment, or reduction of any water rights of the United
States in the State of Colorado existing before the date of
enactment of this Act.
(3) No interpretation or designation.--Except as provided
in subsection (g), nothing in this Act shall be construed as
constituting an interpretation of any other Act or any
designation made by or pursuant thereto.
(4) No precedent.--Nothing in this section shall be
construed as establishing a precedent with regard to any future
wilderness designations.
(c) New or Expanded Projects.--Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, on and after the date of enactment of this Act neither the
President nor any other officer, employee, or agent of the United
States shall fund, assist, authorize, or issue a license or permit for
the development of any new water resource facility within the areas
described in sections 3 and 4 or the enlargement of any water resource
facility within the areas described in sections 3 and 4.
(d) Access and Operation.--
(1) Access to water resource facilities.--Subject to the
provisions of this subsection, the Secretary shall allow
reasonable access to water resource facilities in existence on
the date of enactment of this Act within the areas described in
sections 3 and 4, including motorized access where necessary
and customarily employed on routes existing as of the date of
enactment of this Act.
(2) Access routes.--Existing access routes within such
areas customarily employed as of the date of enactment of this
Act may be used, maintained, repaired, and replaced to the
extent necessary to maintain their present function, design,
and serviceable operation, so long as such activities have no
increased adverse impacts on the resources and values of the
areas described in sections 3 and 4 than existed as of the date
of enactment of this Act.
(3) Use of water resource facilities.--Subject to the
provisions of subsections (c) and (d), the Secretary shall
allow water resource facilities existing on the date of
enactment of this Act within areas described in sections 3 and
4 to be used, operated, maintained, repaired, and replaced to
the extent necessary for the continued exercise, in accordance
with Colorado State law, of vested water rights adjudicated for
use in connection with such facilities by a court of competent
jurisdiction prior to the date of enactment of this Act. The
impact of an existing facility on the water resources and
values of the area shall not be increased as a result of
changes in the adjudicated type of use of such facility as of
the date of enactment of this Act.
(4) Repair and maintainence.--Water resource facilities,
and access routes serving such facilities, existing within the
areas described in sections 3 and 4 on the date of enactment of
this Act shall be maintained and repaired when and to the
extent necessary to prevent increased adverse impacts on the
resources and values of the areas described in sections 3 and
(e) Existing Projects.--Except as provided in subsections (c) and
(d), the provisions of this Act related to the areas described in
sections 3 and 4, and the inclusion in the National Wilderness
Preservation System of the areas described in section 3 and 4, shall
not be construed to affect or limit the use, operation, maintenance,
repair, modification, or replacement of water resources facilities in
existence on the date of enactment of this Act within the boundaries of
the areas described in sections 3 and 4.
(f) Monitoring and Implementation.--The Secretaries of Agriculture
and the Interior shall monitor the operation of and access to water
resource facilities within the areas described in sections 3 and 4 and
take all steps necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
(g) Interstate Compacts.--Nothing in this Act, and nothing in any
previous Act designating any lands as wilderness, shall be construed as
limiting, altering, modifying, or amending any of the interstate
compacts or equitable apportionment decrees that apportion water among
and between the State of Colorado and other States. Except as expressly
provided in this section, nothing in this Act shall affect or limit the
development or use by existing and future holders of vested water
rights of Colorado's full apportionment of such waters.
(a) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid rights in existence on the date
of the enactment of this Act, land described in subsection (b) is
withdrawn from all forms of--
(1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under public land
(2) location, entry, and patent under mining laws; and
(3) disposition under all laws pertaining to mineral and
geothermal leasing or mineral materials.
(b) Land Described.--The land to be protected under subsection (a)
is the approximately 6,596 acres depicted on the map titled ``Naturita
Canyon Mineral Withdrawal Area'' and dated May 2009. | San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act of 2009 - Designates specified lands in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests and the San Juan Resource Area of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Colorado as wilderness areas and components of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Designates specified lands in such National Forests and San Juan National Forest as the Sheep Mountain Special Management Area.
Withdraws lands designated as wilderness or a special management area under this Act, as well as land within the Naturita Canyon Mineral Withdrawal Area, from all forms of: (1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under public land laws; (2) location, entry, and patent under mining laws; and (3) disposition under all laws pertaining to mineral and geothermal leasing or mineral materials.
Sets forth provisions regarding water rights and access to and the operation of water resource facilities in lands designated as wilderness or a special management area by this Act. | 14 |
This Act may be cited as the ``New Millennium Classrooms Act''.
(a) Expansion of Computer Donations to Public Libraries.--
(1) In general.--Paragraph (6) of section 170(e) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to special rule for
contributions of computer technology and equipment for
elementary or secondary school purposes) is amended by striking
``qualified elementary or secondary educational contribution''
each place it occurs in the headings and text and inserting
``qualified computer contribution''.
(2) Qualified computer contribution defined.--Subclause
(II) of section 170(e)(6)(B)(i) of such Code (relating to
qualified elementary or secondary educational contribution) is
amended by striking ``or'' at the end of subclause (I), by
inserting ``or'' at the end of subclause (II), and by inserting
after subclause (II) the following new subclause:
``(III) a public library (within
the meaning of section 213(2)(A) of the
Library Services and Technology Act (20
U.S.C. 9122(2)(A)), as in effect on the
date of the enactment of the New
Millennium Classrooms Act, established
and maintained by an entity described
in subsection (c)(1).''.
(3) Conforming amendment.--The heading of paragraph (6) of
section 170(e) of such Code is amended by striking ``elementary
or secondary school purposes'' and inserting ``school and
library purposes''.
(b) Extension of Age of Eligible Computers.--Clause (ii) of section
170(e)(6)(B) of such Code (defining qualified elementary or secondary
educational contribution) is amended--
(1) by striking ``2 years'' and inserting ``3 years'', and
(2) by striking ``date'' the first place it appears and all
that follows and inserting the following:
``(I) the taxpayer acquired or
reacquired the property,
``(II) construction of the property
is substantially completed in the case
of property constructed by the taxpayer
for its own use in its trade or
business and which is not inventory
with respect to the taxpayer, or
``(III) the property was originally
sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of
by the taxpayer in the case of property
reacquired by the taxpayer.''.
(c) Reacquired Computers Eligible for Donation.--Clause (iii) of
section 170(e)(6)(B) of such Code (defining qualified elementary or
secondary educational contribution) is amended by inserting ``, the
person from whom the donor reacquires the property,'' after ``the
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to contributions made in taxable years ending after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to business related
credits) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, the school and
public library computer donation credit determined under this section
is an amount equal to 30 percent of the qualified computer
contributions made by the taxpayer during the taxable year.
``(b) Increased Percentage for Contributions to Schools or Public
Libraries in Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, and Indian
Reservations.--In the case of a qualified computer contribution to an
educational organization, public library, or entity located in an
empowerment zone or enterprise community designated under section 1391
or an Indian reservation (as defined in section 168(j)(6)), subsection
(a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `30 percent'.
``(c) Limitation.--No credit shall be allowed under subsection (a)
for the contribution of a computer (as defined in section
168(i)(2)(B)(ii)) if the computer software (as defined in section
197(e)(3)(B)) that serves as the operating system of such computer has
not been lawfully installed.
``(d) Qualified Computer Contribution.--For purposes of this
section, the term `qualified computer contribution' has the meaning
given such term by section 170(e)(6)(B).
``(e) Certain Rules Made Applicable.--For purposes of this section,
rules similar to the rules of paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 41(f)
shall apply.
``(f) Termination.--This section shall not apply to taxable years
beginning on or after the date which is 3 years after the date of the
enactment of the New Millennium Classrooms Act.''
(b) Current Year Business Credit Calculation.--Section 38(b) of
such Code (relating to current year business credit) is amended by
striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (11), by striking the period
at the end of paragraph (12) and inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at
the end the following:
``(13) the school and public library computer donation
credit determined under section 45D(a).''.
(c) Disallowance of Deduction by Amount of Credit.--Section 280C of
such Code (relating to certain expenses for which credits are
allowable) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(d) Credit for School and Public Library Computer Donations.--No
deduction shall be allowed for that portion of the qualified computer
contributions (as defined in section 170(e)(6)(B)) made during the
taxable year that is equal to the amount of credit determined for the
taxable year under section 45D(a). In the case of a corporation which
is a member of a controlled group of corporations (within the meaning
of section 52(a)) or a trade or business which is treated as being
under common control with other trades or businesses (within the
meaning of section 52(b)), this subsection shall be applied under rules
prescribed by the Secretary similar to the rules applicable under
subsections (a) and (b) of section 52.''
(d) Limitation on Carryback.--Subsection (d) of section 39 of such
Code (relating to carryback and carryforward of unused credits) is
amended by adding at the end the following:
``(9) No carryback of school and public library computer
donation credit before effective date.--No amount of unused
business credit available under section 45D may be carried back
to a taxable year beginning on or before the date of the
enactment of this paragraph.''.
(e) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by
inserting after the item relating to section 45C the following:
``Sec. 45D. Credit for computer donations
to schools and public
(f) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to contributions made in taxable years beginning after the date
of the enactment of this Act. | New Millennium Classrooms Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) expand the tax deduction for computer donations by corporations to tax-exempt schools to include donations to public libraries; (2) increase from two to three years the age of computers that can be contributed for such deduction; and (3) allow a business tax credit of 30 percent of the value of computers donated to tax-exempt schools and public libraries. Increases the amount of such credit to 50 percent for contributions to schools or public libraries in empowerment zones, enterprise communities, and Indian reservations. | 15 |
This Act may be cited as the ``New Options Petroleum Energy
Conservation Act of 2007''.
(a) In General.--Section 46 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to amount of credit) is amended by striking ``and'' at the
end of paragraph (3), by striking the period at the end of paragraph
(4) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new
``(5) the climate neutral combustion credit.''.
(b) Amount of Credit.--Subpart E of part IV of subchapter A of
chapter 1 of such Code (relating to rules for computing investment
credit) is amended by inserting after section 48B the following new
``(a) In General.--For purposes of section 46, the climate neutral
combustion credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 20 percent
of the qualified investment for such taxable year.
``(b) Qualified Investment.--
``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the
qualified investment for any taxable year is the basis of any
property placed in service by the taxpayer during such taxable
year which is part of a climate neutral combustion facility--
``(A)(i) the construction, reconstruction, or
erection of which is completed by the taxpayer, or
``(ii) which is acquired by the taxpayer if the
original use of such property commences with the
taxpayer, and
``(B) with respect to which depreciation (or
amortization in lieu of depreciation) is allowable.
``(2) Special rule for certain subsidized property.--Rules
similar to section 48(a)(4) shall apply for purposes of this
``(3) Certain qualified progress expenditures rules made
applicable.--Rules similar to the rules of subsections (c)(4)
and (d) of section 46 (as in effect on the day before the
enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) shall
apply for purposes of this section.
``(c) Climate Neutral Combustion Facility.--For purposes of this
section, the term `climate neutral combustion facility' means any
facility which--
``(1) burns matter to produce electricity,
``(2) captures the carbon dioxide released during
combustion and uses such carbon dioxide to recover hydrocarbon
fuel from below ground, and
``(3) produces no atmospheric emissions of mercury or
greenhouse gasses and no emissions that form fine particulate,
smog, or acid rain.
``(d) Denial of Double Benefit.--A credit shall not be allowed
under this section for any qualified investment for which a credit is
allowed under section 48A or 48B.''.
(c) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) Section 49(a)(1)(C) of such Code is amended by striking
``and'' at the end of clause (iii), by striking the period at
the end of clause (iv) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding
at the end the following new clause:
``(v) the basis of any property which is
part of a qualifying climate neutral combustion
(2) The table of sections for subpart E of part IV of
subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by inserting
after the item relating to section 48B the following new item:
``Sec. 48C. Climate neutral combustion credit.''.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to periods after the date of the enactment of this Act, under
rules similar to the rules of section 48(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment
of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990).
(a) In General.--Paragraph (2)(A)(i)(II) and paragraph (3)(A)(ii)
of section 48(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to
energy credit) are each amended by striking ``2009'' and inserting
(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to periods after December 31, 2008, in taxable years ending after
such date, under rules similar to the rules of section 48(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as in effect on the day before the date
of the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990).
(a) In General.--Subsection (g) of section 25D of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``2008'' and inserting
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply
to property placed in service after December 31, 2008.
The Secretary of Energy shall establish a program to award a prize
in the amount of $1,000,000,000 to the first automobile manufacturer
incorporated in the United States to manufacture and sell in the United
States 60,000 midsized sedan automobiles which operate on gasoline and
can travel 100 miles per gallon.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy
$30,000,000 for fiscal year 2007 for the development of advanced
lithium ion battery technology.
(a) In General.--Part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to itemized deductions for
individuals and corporations) is amended by inserting after section
179E the following new section:
``(a) In General.--A taxpayer may elect to treat the cost of any
qualified biofuel property as an expense which is not chargeable to
capital account. Any cost so treated shall be allowed as a deduction
for the taxable year in which the property is placed in service.
``(b) Election.--An election under this section for any taxable
year shall be made on the taxpayer's return of the tax imposed by this
chapter for the taxable year. Such election shall be made in such
manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. Any election made
under this section may not be revoked except with the consent of the
``(c) Qualified Biofuel Property.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) In general.--The term `qualified biofuel property'
means any property--
``(A) used for the refining of any biofuel, and
``(B) the original use of which commences with the
``(2) Biofuel.--The term `biofuel' means qualified methanol
or ethanol fuel (as defined in section 4041(b)(2)(B)) and
biodiesel (as defined in section 40A(d)).
``(d) Dual Use Property.--In the case of any property which is used
for the refining of any biofuel and for any other use, the cost of such
property taken into account under subsection (a) shall be reduced by an
amount which bears the same ratio to the cost of such property as such
other uses bears to all uses of such property.
``(e) Coordination With 50 Percent Expensing of Refineries.--
Section 179C shall not apply to any property taken into account under
subsection (a).
``(f) Recapture.--Rules similar to the rules of section 179(d)(10)
shall apply with respect to any property which ceases to be qualified
biofuel property.''.
(b) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) Section 1245(a) of such Code is amended by inserting
``179F,'' after ``179E,'' both places it appears in paragraphs
(2)(C) and (3)(C).
(2) Section 263(a)(1) of such Code is amended by striking
``or'' at the end of subparagraph (K), by striking the period
at the end of subparagraph (L) and inserting ``, or'', and by
inserting after subparagraph (L) the following new
``(M) expenditures for which a deduction is allowed
under section 179F.''.
(3) Section 312(k)(3)(B) of such Code is amended by
striking ``or 179E'' each place it appears in the heading and
text and inserting ``179E, or 179F''.
(4) The table of sections for part VI of subchapter B of
chapter 1 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item
relating to section 179E the following new item:
``Sec. 179F. Election to expense certain property used in refining
ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel.''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to property placed in service after the date of the enactment of
this Act. | New Options Petroleum Energy Conservation Act of 2007 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a tax credit for investment in a climate neutral combustion facility. Defines "climate neutral combustion facility" as any facility which: (1) burns matter to produce electricity; (2) captures and uses carbon dioxide released during combustion to recover hydrocarbon fuel; and (3) produces no emissions of mercury or greenhouse gasses and no emissions that form fine particulate, smog, or acid rain.
Extends through 2012 the tax credits for investment in solar energy property and for residential energy efficient property expenditures.
Directs the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to award $1 billion to the first U.S. automobile manufacturer who manufactures and sells in the United States 60,000 midsized sedans which operate on gasoline and can travel at 100 miles per gallon.
Authorizes appropriations for the development of advanced lithium ion battery technology.
Allows a taxpayer election to expense biofuel refining property. | 16 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Iranian Leadership Asset
Transparency Act''.
Congress finds the following:
(1) Iran is characterized by high levels of official and
institutional corruption, and substantial involvement by Iran's
security forces, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps (in this Act referred to as the ``IRGC''), in the
(2) Many members of Iran's senior political and military
leadership have acquired significant personal and institutional
wealth by using their positions to secure control of
significant portions of Iran's national economy.
(3) Sanctions relief provided through the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action has resulted in the removal of
many Iranian entities that are tied to governmental corruption
from the list of entities sanctioned by the United States.
(4) The Department of the Treasury in 2011 designated
Iran's financial sector as a jurisdiction of primary money
laundering concern under section 5318A of title 31, United
States Code, stating ``Treasury has for the first time
identified the entire Iranian financial sector; including
Iran's Central Bank, private Iranian banks, and branches, and
subsidiaries of Iranian banks operating outside of Iran as
posing illicit finance risks for the global financial
(5) Iran continues to be listed by the Financial Action
Task Force (in this section referred to as ``FATF'') among the
``high-risk and non-cooperative jurisdictions'', jurisdictions
that FATF perceives to be non-cooperative in the global fight
against terrorist finance and money laundering.
(6) Iran and North Korea are the only countries listed by
the FATF as ``high-risk and non-cooperative jurisdictions''
against which countries that are members of FATF should take
(7) The Transparency International index of perceived
public corruption ranks Iran 131st out of 176 countries
(8) The Department of State identified Iran as a ``major
money-laundering country'' in its International Narcotics
Control Strategy Report for 2016.
(9) The Department of State currently identifies Iran,
along with North Korea, Sudan, and Syria, as a state sponsor of
terrorism, for ``having repeatedly provided support for acts of
international terrorism''.
(10) The Department of State's Country Reports on Terrorism
for 2014, noted that ``Iran continued to sponsor terrorist
groups around the world, principally through its Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF). These groups
included Lebanese Hizballah, several Iraqi Shia militant
groups, Hamas, and Palestine Islamic Jihad. Iran, Hizballah,
and other Shia militia continued to provide support to the Asad
regime, dramatically bolstering its capabilities, prolonging
the civil war in Syria, and worsening the human rights and
refugee crisis there.''.
(11) The Government of Iran's tolerance of corruption and
nepotism in business limits opportunities for foreign and
domestic investment, particularly given the significant
involvement of the IRGC in many sectors of Iran's economy.
(12) The IRGC and the leadership-controlled bonyads
(foundations) control an estimated \1/3\ of Iran's total
economy, including large portions of Iran's telecommunications,
construction, and airport and port operations. These operations
give the IRGC and bonyads vast funds to support terrorist
organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas.
(13) By gaining control of major economic sectors, the IRGC
and bonyads have also served to further disadvantage the
average citizen of Iran.
(a) In General.--Not later than 270 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter (or more frequently if
the Secretary of the Treasury determines it appropriate based on new
information received by the Secretary) for the following 2 years, the
Secretary of the Treasury shall, in furtherance of the Secretary's
efforts to prevent the financing of terrorism, money laundering, and
related illicit finance and to make financial institutions' required
compliance with sanctions more easily understood, submit to the
appropriate congressional committees a report containing--
(1) the estimated total funds or other assets held in
accounts at United States and foreign financial institutions
that are under direct or indirect control of each individual
described in subsection (b) and a description of such funds or
(2) an identification of any equity interest such an
individual has in an entity on the list of specially designated
nationals and blocked persons maintained by the Office of
Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Treasury or in
any other entity with respect to which sanctions are imposed;
(3) a description of how such funds or assets or equity
interests were acquired, and how they have been used or
(4) a description of any new methods or techniques used to
evade anti-money laundering and related laws, including
recommendations to improve techniques to combat illicit uses of
the United States financial system by individuals described in
subsection (b);
(5) recommendations for how United States economic
sanctions against Iran may be revised to prevent the funds or
other assets described in paragraph (1) from being used by
individuals described in subsection (b) to contribute--
(A) to the continued development, testing, and
procurement of ballistic missile technology by Iran;
(B) to human rights abuses;
(6) an assessment of the impact and effectiveness of United
States economic sanctions programs against Iran;
(7) a description of how the Department of the Treasury
assesses the impact and effectiveness of United States economic
sanctions programs against Iran; and
(8) recommendations for improving the ability of the
Department of the Treasury to rapidly and effectively develop,
implement, and enforce additional economic sanctions against
Iran if so ordered by the President under the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) or any
other provision of law.
(b) Individuals Described.--The individuals described in this
subsection are the following:
(1) The Supreme Leader of Iran.
(2) The President of Iran.
(3) Members of the Council of Guardians.
(4) Members of the Expediency Council.
(5) The Minister of Intelligence and Security.
(6) The Commander and the Deputy Commander of the IRGC.
(7) The Commander and the Deputy Commander of the IRGC
Ground Forces.
(8) The Commander and the Deputy Commander of the IRGC
Aerospace Force.
(9) The Commander and the Deputy Commander of the IRGC
(10) The Commander of the Basij-e-Mostaz'afin.
(11) The Commander of the Qods Force.
(12) The Commander in Chief of the Police Force.
(13) The head of the IRGC Joint Staff.
(14) The Commander of the IRGC Intelligence.
(15) The head of the IRGC Imam Hussein University.
(16) The Supreme Leader's Representative at the IRGC.
(17) The Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman of the
IRGC Cooperative Foundation.
(18) The Commander of the Khatam-al-Anbia Construction Head
(19) The Chief Executive Officer of the Basij Cooperative
(20) The head of the Political Bureau of the IRGC.
(21) The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.
(c) Form of Report; Public Availability.--
(1) Form.--Each report required by subsection (a) shall be
submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified
(2) Public availability.--The unclassified portion of a
report required by subsection (a) shall be made available to
the public and posted on a publicly available Internet website
of the Department of the Treasury--
(A) in English, Farsi, Arabic, and Azeri; and
(B) in precompressed, easily downloadable versions
that are made available in all appropriate formats.
(d) Sources of Information.--In preparing a report required by
subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury may use any credible
publication, database, web-based resource, public information compiled
by any government agency, and any information collected or compiled by
a nongovernmental organization or other entity provided to or made
available to the Secretary, that the Secretary finds credible.
(e) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term
``appropriate congressional committees'' means--
(A) the Committee on Financial Services and the
Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of
Representatives; and
(B) the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the
(2) Funds.--The term ``funds'' means--
(A) cash;
(B) equity;
(C) any other intangible asset the value of which
is derived from a contractual claim, including bank
deposits, bonds, stocks, a security (as defined in
section 2(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C.
77b(a))), or a security or an equity security (as
defined in section 3(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a))); and
(D) any other asset that the Secretary determines
It is the sense of Congress that, in preparing the reports required
by section 3, the Secretary of the Treasury should consider acquiring
information from sources that--
(1) collect and, if necessary, translate high-veracity,
official records; or
(2) provide search and analysis tools that enable law
enforcement agencies to have new insights into commercial and
financial relationships. | Iranian Leadership Asset Transparency Act This bill requires the Department of the Treasury, in furtherance of efforts to prevent the financing of terrorism, money laundering, or related illicit finance and to make financial institutions' required compliance with sanctions more easily understood, to submit within 270 days and annually thereafter for the next two years a report regarding: the funds or other assets held in U.S. and foreign financial institutions that are directly or indirectly controlled by specified Iranian officials; any equity interest such official has in an entity on Treasury's list of specially designated nationals and blocked persons or in any other sanctioned entity; how such funds, assets, or equity interests were acquired and used; new methods used to evade anti-money laundering and related laws, including recommendations to improve techniques to combat illicit uses of the U.S. financial system by such officials. recommendations for revising U.S. economic sanctions against Iran to prevent Iranian officials from using funds or assets to develop and procure ballistic missile technology and commit human rights abuses; the effectiveness of U.S. economic sanctions against Iran and how Treasury assesses such effectiveness; and recommendations for improving Treasury's ability to develop and enforce additional economic sanctions against Iran if so ordered by the President. The unclassified portion of the report shall be made available to the public and posted on Treasury's website in downloadable English, Farsi, Arabic, and Azeri versions. | 17 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Military Personnel War Zone Toxic
Exposure Prevention Act''.
(a) Establishment.--The Secretary of Defense shall establish and
administer a system to identify members of the Armed Forces who were
potentially exposed to a hazardous disposal site and any negative
health effects that may be related to such exposure. The Secretary
shall administer such system using existing medical surveillance
(b) Notification.--If the Secretary learns that a member of the
Armed Forces was potentially exposed to a hazardous disposal site, the
Secretary shall--
(1) give notice of the potential exposure to--
(A) the member;
(B) the commanding officer of the unit to which the
member belonged at the time of potential exposure; and
(C) in the case of a member of the National Guard,
the Adjutant General of the State concerned; and
(2) inform the member that the member may be included in
the system required by subsection (a).
(b) Registration.--For each member of the Armed Forces notified of
a potential exposure under subsection (b), the Secretary shall collect
information for purposes of the system required by subsection (a). Such
information shall include--
(1) the locations that the member was deployed, including
dates of such deployment;
(2) the approximate distance of the living and working
quarters of the member from a hazardous disposal site;
(3) the types of materials disposed of at the site;
(4) the length of time the member was exposed to such site;
(5) any symptoms experienced by the member while deployed;
(6) any symptoms the member experiences at the time of
submitting such information to the Secretary; and
(7) other information the Secretary considers appropriate.
(c) Examination.--Not later than 30 days after the date on which
the Secretary learns that a member of the Armed Forces was potentially
exposed to a hazardous disposal site, and annually thereafter, the
Secretary shall--
(1) provide such member--
(A) a complete physical examination; and
(B) consultation and counseling with respect to the
results of such physical examination; and
(2) ensure that documentation of the potential exposure is
placed in the medical record of the member maintained by the
Department of Defense.
(d) Proposed Capabilities.--
(1) Sufficiency.--The Secretary shall determine if existing
medical surveillance systems are sufficient to identify all
potential negative health effects resulting from exposure to a
hazardous disposal site.
(2) Report.--Not later than six months after the date of
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to
Congress a report with any recommendations to change existing
medical surveillance systems in order to improve the
identification of negative health effects resulting from
exposure to a hazardous disposal site.
(e) Annual Report.--Not later than one year after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on
Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report
(1) the status of implementing the system required by
subsection (a); and
(2) the incidences of illnesses among members of the Armed
Forces notified under subsection (b) and whether such illnesses
may have been caused by exposure to a hazardous disposal site.
(f) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) The term ``existing medical surveillance systems''
means medical surveillance systems and other data in the
possession of the Secretary as of the date of the enactment of
this Act.
(2) The term ``exposure to a hazardous disposal site''
includes the following:
(A) Exposure to the fumes emanating from a
hazardous disposal site for--
(i) more than one year if the member of the
Armed Forces was deployed to a military
installation that made use of open pits to burn
waste; or
(ii) any period of time when exposure to
such fumes was intensive.
(B) A situation where a member of the Armed Forces
with service-related health problems demonstrates
significant exposure to fumes emanating from a
hazardous disposal site.
(3) The term ``hazardous disposal site'' means a location
where hazardous methods of disposing of mass amounts of waste
were used during Operation Enduring Freedom or Operations Iraqi
Freedom, including the use of open pits to burn waste.
(4) The term ``member of the Armed Forces'' includes former
members of the Armed Forces.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Defense shall prohibit the
disposal of waste during contingency operations lasting more than six
months in a manner that exposes members of the Armed Forces or civilian
employees of the Department of Defense to the following:
(1) Environmental toxins, including dioxin, benzene, and
other carcinogens.
(2) Combinations of toxins that may lead to long-term
negative health effects.
(3) Low levels of toxins that exceed military exposure
guidelines for exposures of over one year.
(b) Regulations.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe
regulations to carry out this section.
(c) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report
on the status of waste disposal techniques used by members of the Armed
Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, including, for each military
department, an assessment of the compliance with the regulations
required under this section. | Military Personnel War Zone Toxic Exposure Prevention Act - Directs the Secretary of Defense to establish and administer a system to identify members of the Armed Forces who were potentially exposed to a hazardous disposal site, as well as any negative health effects that may be related to such exposure.
Requires the Secretary to: (1) administer the system using existing medical surveillance systems; (2) notify a member and his or her commanding officer of a potential exposure; (3) for each member notified, collect information for purposes of the system; (4) for each member notified, annually provide a complete physical examination and related consultation and counseling; and (5) determine, and report to Congress on, whether existing surveillance systems are sufficient to identify all potential negative health effects resulting from such exposure. | 18 |
This Act may be cited as the ``New IDEA (Illegal Deduction
Elimination Act)''.
(a) In General.--Subsection (c) of section 162 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to illegal bribes, kickbacks, and other
payments) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
``(4) Wages paid to or on behalf of unauthorized aliens.--
``(A) In general.--No deduction shall be allowed
under subsection (a) for any wage paid to or on behalf
of an unauthorized alien, as defined under section
274A(h)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8
U.S.C. 1324a(h)(3)).
``(B) Wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph,
the term `wages' means all remuneration for employment,
including the cash value of all remuneration (including
benefits) paid in any medium other than cash.
``(C) Safe harbor.--If a person or other entity is
participating in the basic pilot program described in
section 403 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1324a
note) and obtains confirmation of identity and
employment eligibility in compliance with the terms and
conditions of the program with respect to the hiring
(or recruitment or referral) of an employee,
subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to wages
paid to such employee.''.
(b) 6-Year Limitation on Assessment and Collection.--Subsection (c)
of section 6501 of such Code (relating to exceptions) is amended by
adding at the end the following new paragraph:
``(11) Deduction claimed for wages paid to unauthorized
aliens.--In the case of a return of tax on which a deduction is
shown in violation of section 162(c)(4), any tax under chapter
1 may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection
of such tax may be begun without assessment, at any time within
6 years after the return was filed.''.
(c) Use of Documentation for Enforcement Purposes.--Section 274A of
the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a) is amended--
(1) in subparagraph (b)(5), by inserting ``, section
162(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,'' after
``enforcement of this Act'';
(2) in subparagraph (d)(2)(F), by inserting ``, section
162(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,'' after
``enforcement of this Act''; and
(3) in subparagraph (d)(2)(G), by inserting ``section
162(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or'' after ``or
enforcement of''.
(d) Availability of Information.--
(1) In general.--The Commissioner of Social Security, the
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and the
Secretary of the Treasury, shall jointly establish a program to
share information among such agencies that may or could lead to
the identification of unauthorized aliens (as defined under
section 274A(h)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act),
including any no-match letter, any information in the earnings
suspense file, and any information in the investigation and
enforcement of section 162(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986.
(2) Disclosure by secretary of the treasury.--
(A) In general.--Subsection (i) of section 6103 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding
at the end the following new paragraph:
``(9) Payment of wages to unauthorized aliens.--Upon
request from the Commissioner of the Social Security
Administration or the Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security, the Secretary shall disclose to officers and
employees of such Administration or Department--
``(A) taxpayer identity information of employers
who paid wages with respect to which a deduction was
not allowed by reason of section 162(c)(4), and
``(B) taxpayer identity information of individuals
to whom such wages were paid,
for purposes of carrying out any enforcement activities of such
Administration or Department with respect to such employers or
(B) Record keeping.--Paragraph (4) of section
6103(p) of such Code is amended--
(i) by striking ``(5), or (7)'' in the
matter preceding subparagraph (A) and inserting
``(5), (7), or (9)'', and
(ii) by striking ``(5) or (7)'' in
subparagraph (F)(ii) and inserting ``(5), (7),
or (9)''.
(e) Effective Date.--
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), this Act and the
amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(2) The amendments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007.
(a) Making Permanent.--Subsection (b) of section 401 of the Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (8
U.S.C.1324a note) is amended by striking the last sentence.
(b) Application to Current Employees.--
(1) Voluntary election.--The first sentence of section
402(a) of such Act is amended to read as follows: ``Any person
or other entity that conducts any hiring (or recruitment or
referral) in a State or employs any individuals in a State may
elect to participate in a pilot program.''.
(2) Benefit of rebuttable presumption.--Paragraph (1) of
section 402(b) of such Act is amended by adding at the end the
following: ``If a person or other entity is participating in a
pilot program and obtains confirmation of identity and
employment eligibility in compliance with the terms and
conditions of the program with respect to individuals employed
by the person or entity, the person or entity has established a
rebuttable presumption that the person or entity has not
violated section 274A(a)(2) with respect to such
(3) Scope of election.--Subparagraph (A) of section
402(c)(2) of such Act is amended to read as follows:
``(A) In general.--Any electing person or other
entity may provide that the election under subsection
(a) shall apply (during the period in which the
election is in effect)--
``(i) to all its hiring (and all
recruitment or referral);
``(ii) to all its hiring (and all
recruitment or referral and all individuals
employed by the person or entity);
``(iii) to all its hiring (and all
recruitment or referral) in one or more States
or one or more places of hiring (or recruitment
or referral, as the case may be); or
``(iv) to all its hiring (and all
recruitment or referral and all individuals
employed by the person or entity) in one or
more States or one or more place of hiring (or
recruitment or referral or employment, as the
case may be).''.
(4) Procedures for participants in basic pilot program.--
Subsection (a) of section 403 of such Act is amended--
(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by
inserting ``or continued employment in the United
States'' after ``United States''; and
(B) in paragraph (3)--
(i) in subparagraph (A), by striking all
that follows ``(as specified by the Attorney
General)'' and inserting ``after the date of
the hiring, or recruitment or referral, in the
case of inquiries made pursuant to a hiring,
recruitment or referral (and not of previously
hired individuals).''; and
(ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking
``such 3 working days'' and inserting ``the
specified period''. | New IDEA (Illegal Deduction Elimination Act) - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to deny a tax deduction for wages and benefits paid to or on behalf of an unauthorized alien.
Directs the Commissioner of Social Security and the Secretaries of Homeland Security and the Treasury to jointly establish a program to share information that may lead to the identification of unauthorized aliens. Requires the Secretary of the Treasury to provide taxpayer identity information to the Commissioner of Social Security and the Secretary of Homeland Security on employers who paid nondeductible wages to unauthorized aliens and on the aliens to whom such wages were paid.
Amends the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to: (1) make permanent the pilot program for verifying the employment eligibility of alien workers (E-Verify Program); (2) apply such program to current employees in addition to new hires; and (3) establish a rebuttable presumption that employers who participate in the pilot program have not violated the prohibition against continued employment of unauthorized aliens. | 19 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Protect and Preserve International
Cultural Property Act''.
In this Act:
(1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term
``appropriate congressional committees'' means the Committee on
Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the
Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.
(2) Cultural property.--The term ``cultural property'' has
the meaning given in Article 1(a)-1(c) of the Hague Convention
for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict, concluded at The Hague on May 14, 1954 (Treaty Doc.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
(1) Protecting international cultural property is a vital
part of United States cultural diplomacy, showing the respect
of the United States for other cultures and the common heritage
of humanity.
(2) International cultural property has been lost, damaged,
or destroyed due to political instability, armed conflict,
natural disasters, and other threats.
(3) In Egypt, recent political instability has led to the
ransacking of its museums, resulting in the destruction of
countless ancient artifacts that will forever leave gaps in
humanity's record of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
(4) In Iraq, after the fall of Saddam Hussein, thieves
looted the Iraq Museum in Baghdad, resulting in the loss of
approximately 15,000 items. These included ancient amulets,
sculptures, ivories, and cylinder seals. Many of these items
remain unrecovered.
(5) In Syria, the ongoing civil war has resulted in the
shelling of medieval cities, damage to five UNESCO World
Heritage Sites, and the looting of museums and archaeological
sites. Archaeological and historic sites and artifacts in Syria
date back more than six millennia and include some of the
earliest examples of writing.
(6) In Iraq and Syria, the militant group ISIS/ISIL has
destroyed cultural sites and artifacts, such as the Tomb of
Jonah in July 2014, in an effort to eradicate ethnic and
religious minorities from contested territories. Concurrently,
cultural antiquities that escape demolition are looted and
illicitly trafficked to help fund ISIS/ISIL's militant
(7) In Mali, the Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group Ansar
Dine destroyed tombs and shrines in the ancient city of
Timbuktu--a major center for trade, scholarship, and Islam in
the 15th and 16th centuries--and threatened collections of
ancient manuscripts.
(8) In Afghanistan, the Taliban decreed that the Bamiyan
Buddhas, ancient statues carved into a cliff side in central
Afghanistan, were to be destroyed. In 2001 the Taliban carried
out their threat and destroyed the statues, leading to
worldwide condemnation.
(9) In Cambodia, following the Khmer Rouge's seizure of
power in 1975 the Khmer Rouge systematically destroyed many of
Cambodia's Buddhist temples, desecrated statues, and destroyed
Buddhist literature. The Khmer Rouge also destroyed mosques and
nearly every Catholic church existing in the country.
(10) In China, during the Cultural Revolution much of
China's antiques were destroyed, including a large portion of
old Beijing. Chinese authorities are now attempting to rebuild
portions of China's lost architectural heritage.
(11) In Haiti, the 2010 earthquake destroyed art,
artifacts, and archives important to the people of Haiti, and
partially destroyed the 17th century Haitian city of Jacmel.
(12) The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami not only
affected eleven countries, causing massive loss of life, but
also damaged or destroyed libraries, archives, and UNESCO World
Heritage Sites such as the Mahabalipuram in India, the Sun
Temple of Koranak on the Bay of Bengal, and the Old Town of
Galle and its Fortifications in Sri Lanka.
(13) The destruction of these and other cultural properties
represents an irreparable loss of humanity's common cultural
heritage and is therefore a loss for all Americans.
(14) The United States Armed Forces have played important
roles in preserving and protecting cultural property. On June
23, 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the
American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic
and Historic Monuments in War Areas to provide expert advice to
the military on the protection of cultural property. The
Commission formed Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (MFAA)
teams which became part of the Civil Affairs Division of
Military Government Section of the Allied armies. The
individuals serving in the MFAA were known as the ``Monuments
Men'' and have been credited with securing, cataloguing, and
returning hundreds of thousands works of art stolen by the
Nazis during World War II.
(15) The U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield was founded in
2006 to support the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention
for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict and to coordinate with the United States military,
other branches of the United States Government, and other
cultural heritage nongovernmental organizations in preserving
international cultural property threatened by political
instability, armed conflict, natural, or other disasters.
(b) Statement of Policy.--It shall be the policy of the United
States to--
(1) protect and preserve international cultural property at
risk of destruction due to political instability, armed
conflict, or natural or other disasters;
(2) protect international cultural property pursuant to its
obligations under the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection
of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and
customary international law in all conflicts to which the
United States is a party;
(3) prevent, in accordance with existing laws, importation
of cultural property pillaged, looted, or stolen during
political instability, armed conflict, or natural or other
disasters; and
(4) ensure that existing laws and regulations, including
import restrictions imposed through the Office of Foreign Asset
Control (OFAC) of the Department of the Treasury, are fully
implemented to prevent the trafficking in stolen or looted
cultural property.
The President shall appoint a White House Coordinator for
International Cultural Property Protection. The Coordinator shall--
(1) coordinate and promote efforts to address international
cultural property protection activities that involve multiple
Federal agencies, including diplomatic activities, military
activities, law enforcement activities, import restrictions,
and the work of the Cultural Antiquities Task Force established
pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004 (Public
Law 108-199);
(2) submit to the appropriate congressional committees an
annual report on interagency efforts to protect international
cultural property based on information required under section 5
of this Act;
(3) provide policy recommendations, if necessary;
(4) resolve interagency differences in a timely, efficient,
and effective manner; and
(5) work and consult with domestic and international actors
such as foreign governments, nongovernmental organizations,
museums, educational institutions, research institutions, and
the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield on efforts to promote and
protect international cultural property.
(a) Information on Activities of the Department of State To Protect
International Cultural Property.--The Secretary of State shall submit
to the White House Coordinator for International Cultural Property
Protection information on efforts of the Department of State to protect
international cultural property, including--
(1) activities undertaken pursuant to the Hague Convention
for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict, including--
(A) procedures the Department has instituted to
protect international cultural property at risk of
destruction due to political instability, armed
conflict, or natural or other disasters; and
(B) actions the Department has taken to protect
international cultural property in conflicts to which
the United States is a party; and
(2) actions the Department has taken to protect
international cultural property pursuant to other cultural
property protection statutes, international agreements, or
(b) Information on Activities of USAID To Protect International
Cultural Property.--The Administrator of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) shall submit to the White House
Coordinator for International Cultural Property Protection information
on efforts of USAID to protect international cultural property,
including activities and coordination with other Federal agencies,
international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations
regarding the protection of international cultural property at risk of
destruction due to political unrest, armed conflict, natural or other
disasters, and USAID development programs.
(c) Information on Activities of the Department of Defense To
Protect International Cultural Property.--The Secretary of Defense
shall submit to the White House Coordinator for International Cultural
Property Protection information on efforts of the Department of Defense
to protect international cultural property, including activities
undertaken pursuant to the Hague Convention for the Protection of
Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, other cultural
protection statutes, and international agreements, including--
(1) directives, policies, and regulations the Department
has instituted to protect international cultural property at
risk of destruction due to political instability, armed
conflict, or natural or other disasters; and
(2) actions the Department has taken to protect
international cultural property, including actions to avoid
damage to cultural property through construction activities
(d) Information on Activities of the Department of Justice To
Protect International Cultural Property.--The Attorney General, in
consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall submit to
the White House Coordinator for International Cultural Property
Protection information on efforts of the Department of Justice to
protect both international cultural property and international cultural
property located in, or attempted to be imported into, the United
States, including activities undertaken pursuant to statutes and
international agreements. Such information shall include the--
(1) statutes and regulations the Department has employed in
criminal, civil, and civil forfeiture actions to prevent and
interdict trafficking in stolen and smuggled cultural property,
including investigations into transnational organized crime;
(2) actions the Department has taken in order to ensure the
consistent and effective application of law in cases relating
to both international cultural property and international
cultural property located in, or attempted to be imported into,
the United States.
(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
Department of State, the Department of Defense, USAID, the Department
of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Department of the
Interior, the National Archives, the National Science Foundation, and
any other agency that is involved in international cultural property
protection activities are authorized to enter into agreements or
memoranda of understanding with the Smithsonian Institution to
temporarily engage personnel from the Smithsonian Institution for the
purposes of furthering such international cultural property protection
(b) Salaries and Expenses.--The Federal agencies or departments
specified in subsection (a) are authorized to pay the salaries and
expenses of personnel from the Smithsonian Institution to assist such
agencies or departments in their international cultural property
protection activities, including in support of military or diplomatic
missions and law enforcement efforts.
The Secretary of State is authorized to make grants to private
individuals or organizations for the purposes of international cultural
property protection activities in areas at risk of destruction due to
political instability, armed conflict, or natural or other disasters.
(a) Presidential Determination.--Notwithstanding subsection (b) of
section 304 of the Convention on the Cultural Property Implementation
Act (19 U.S.C. 2603) (relating to a Presidential determination that an
emergency condition applies with respect to any archaeological or
ethnological material of any State Party to the Convention), the
President shall apply the import restrictions referred to in such
section 304 with respect to any archaeological or ethnological material
of Syria as if Syria were a State Party to such Convention, except that
subsection (c) of such section 304 shall not apply. Such import
restrictions shall take effect not later than 60 days after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(b) Definitions.--In this section--
(1) the term ``archaeological or ethnological material of
Syria'' means cultural property of Syria and other items of
archaeological, historical, cultural, rare scientific, or
religious importance unlawfully removed from Syria on or after
August 18, 2011; and
(2) the term ``State Party'' has the meaning given such
term in section 302 of the Convention on the Cultural Property
Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 2601). | Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act - Directs the President to appoint a White House Coordinator for International Cultural Property Protection who shall coordinate and promote federal agency efforts to address international cultural property protection activities. Directs the Secretary of State (Secretary in this Act), the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Attorney General (DOJ), and the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to submit to the Coordinator information on efforts to protect international cultural property. Authorizes the Department of State, DOD, USAID, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DOJ, the Department of the Interior, the National Archives, the National Science Foundation, and any other appropriate agency to enter into agreements with the Smithsonian Institution to engage temporarily Smithsonian personnel to assist in international cultural property protection activities. Authorizes the Secretary to make grants to private individuals or organizations for international cultural property protection activities in areas at risk of destruction due to political instability, armed conflict, or natural or other disasters. Directs the President to apply specified import restrictions with respect to any archaeological or ethnological material of Syria as if Syria were a State Party to the Convention on prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export, and transfer of ownership of cultural property (adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). | 20 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Ice Age Floods National Geologic
Trail Designation Act''.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(1) at the end of the last Ice Age, some 12,000 to 17,000
years ago, a series of cataclysmic floods occurred in what is
now the northwest region of the United States, leaving a
lasting mark of dramatic and distinguishing features on the
landscape of parts of the States of Montana, Idaho, Washington
and Oregon;
(2) geological features that have exceptional value and
quality to illustrate and interpret this extraordinary natural
phenomenon are present on Federal, State, tribal, county,
municipal, and private land in the region; and
(3) in 2001, a joint study team headed by the National Park
Service that included about 70 members from public and private
entities completed a study endorsing the establishment of an
Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail--
(A) to recognize the national significance of this
phenomenon; and
(B) to coordinate public and private sector
entities in the presentation of the story of the Ice
Age floods.
(b) Purpose.--The purpose of this Act is to designate the Ice Age
Floods National Geologic Trail in the States of Montana, Idaho,
Washington, and Oregon, enabling the public to view, experience, and
learn about the features and story of the Ice Age floods through the
collaborative efforts of public and private entities.
In this Act:
(1) Ice age floods; floods.--The term ``Ice Age floods'' or
``floods'' means the cataclysmic floods that occurred in what
is now the northwestern United States during the last Ice Age
from massive, rapid and recurring drainage of Glacial Lake in
Missoula, Montana.
(2) Plan.--The term ``plan'' means the cooperative
management and interpretation plan authorized under section
(3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(4) Trail.--The term ``Trail'' means the Ice Age Floods
National Geologic Trail designated by section 4(a).
(a) Designation.--In order to provide for public appreciation,
understanding, and enjoyment of the nationally significant natural and
cultural features of the Ice Age floods and to promote collaborative
efforts for interpretation and education among public and private
entities located along the pathways of the floods, there is designated
the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail.
(b) Location.--
(1) Map.--The route of the Trail shall be generally
depicted on the map entitled ``Ice Age Floods National Geologic
Trail,'' numbered P43/80,000 and dated June 2004.
(2) Route.--The route shall generally follow public roads
and highways.
(3) Revision.--The Secretary may revise the map by
publication in the Federal Register of a notice of availability
of a new map as part of the plan.
(c) Map Availability.--The map referred to in subsection (b) shall
be on file and available for public inspection in the appropriate
offices of the National Park Service.
(a) In General.--The Secretary, acting through the Director of the
National Park Service, shall administer the Trail in accordance with
this Act.
(b) Limitation.--Except as provided in subsection (f)(2), the Trail
shall not be considered to be a unit of the National Park System.
(c) Trail Management Office.--To improve management of the Trail
and coordinate Trail activities with other public agencies and private
entities, the Secretary may establish and operate a trail management
office at a central location within the vicinity of the Trail.
(d) Interpretive Facilities.--The Secretary may plan, design, and
construct interpretive facilities for sites associated with the Trail
if the facilities are constructed in partnership with State, local,
tribal, or non-profit entities and are consistent with the plan.
(e) Management Plan.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 3 years after funds are
made available to carry out this Act, the Secretary shall
prepare a cooperative management and interpretation plan for
the Trail.
(2) Consultation.--The Secretary shall prepare the plan in
consultation with--
(A) State, local, and tribal governments;
(B) the Ice Age Floods Institute;
(C) private property owners; and
(D) other interested parties.
(3) Contents.--The plan shall--
(A) confirm and, if appropriate, expand on the
inventory of features of the floods contained in the
National Park Service study entitled ``Ice Age Floods,
Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment''
(February 2001) by--
(i) locating features more accurately;
(ii) improving the description of features;
(iii) reevaluating the features in terms of
their interpretive potential;
(B) review and, if appropriate, modify the map of
the Trail referred to in section 4(b);
(C) describe strategies for the coordinated
development of the Trail, including an interpretive
plan for facilities, waysides, roadside pullouts,
exhibits, media, and programs that present the story of
the floods to the public effectively; and
(D) identify potential partnering opportunities in
the development of interpretive facilities and
educational programs to educate the public about the
story of the floods.
(f) Cooperative Management.--
(1) In general.--In order to facilitate the development of
coordinated interpretation, education, resource stewardship,
visitor facility development and operation, and scientific
research associated with the Trail and to promote more
efficient administration of the sites associated with the
Trail, the Secretary may enter into cooperative management
agreements with appropriate officials in the States of Montana,
Idaho, Washington, and Oregon in accordance with the authority
provided for units of the National Park System under section
3(l) of Public Law 91-383 (16 U.S.C. 1a-2(l)).
(2) Authority.--For purposes of this subsection only, the
Trail shall be considered a unit of the National Park System.
(g) Cooperative Agreements.--The Secretary may enter into
cooperative agreements with public or private entities to carry out
this Act.
(h) Effect on Private Property Rights.--Nothing in this Act--
(1) requires any private property owner to allow public
access (including Federal, State, or local government access)
to private property; or
(2) modifies any provision of Federal, State, or local law
with respect to public access to or use of private land.
(i) Liability.--Designation of the Trail by section 4(a) does not
create any liability for, or affect any liability under any law of, any
private property owner with respect to any person injured on the
private property.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary
to carry out this Act, of which not more than $12,000,000 may be used
for development of the Trail.
Passed the Senate November 16, 2005.
Secretary. | Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail Designation Act - Designates the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, a trail from Missoula, Montana to the Pacific Ocean, to provide for the public appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of the nationally significant natural and cultural features of the Ice Age Floods and to promote efforts to interpret and educate along the pathways of the floods.
Requires the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the National Park Service, to administer the Trail in accordance with this Act. Prohibits the Trail, except as provided in this Act, from being considered a unit of the National Park System (NPS). Allows the Secretary, in order to improve management of the Trail and coordinate Trail activities with other public agencies and private entities, to establish and operate a Trail management office at a central location within the vicinity of the Trail.
Requires the Secretary to prepare a cooperative management and interpretation plan for the Trail.
Authorizes the Secretary to plan, design, and construct interpretive facilities for sites associated with the Trail if the facilities are constructed in partnership with state, local, tribal, or nonprofit entities and are consistent with the cooperative management and interpretation plan.
Allows the Secretary, in order to facilitate the development of coordinated interpretation, education, resource stewardship, visitor facility development and operation, and scientific research associated with the Trail and to promote more efficient administration of the sites associated with the Trail, to enter into cooperative management agreements with appropriate officials in the states of Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon in accordance with the authority provided for units of the NPS. States that, for purposes of such authority only, the Trail be considered an NPS unit.
Permits the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements with public or private entities to carry out this Act.
Specifies the effect of this Act on private property rights.
Declares that designation of the Trail does not create any liability for, or affect any liability under any law of, any private property owner with respect to any person injured on the private property.
Authorizes appropriations. | 21 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Private Security Officer Employment
Standards Act of 2002''.
Congress finds that--
(1) employment of private security officers in the United
States is growing rapidly;
(2) private security officers function as an adjunct to,
but not a replacement for, public law enforcement by helping to
reduce and prevent crime;
(3) such private security officers protect individuals,
property, and proprietary information, and provide protection
to such diverse operations as banks, hospitals, research and
development centers, manufacturing facilities, defense and
aerospace contractors, high technology businesses, nuclear
power plants, chemical companies, oil and gas refineries,
airports, communication facilities and operations, office
complexes, schools, residential properties, apartment
complexes, gated communities, and others;
(4) sworn law enforcement officers provide significant
services to the citizens of the United States in its public
areas, and are supplemented by private security officers;
(5) the threat of additional terrorist attacks requires
cooperation between public and private sectors and demands
professional security officers for the protection of people,
facilities, and institutions;
(6) the trend in the Nation toward growth in such security
services has accelerated rapidly;
(7) such growth makes available more public sector law
enforcement officers to combat serious and violent crimes;
(8) the American public deserves the employment of
qualified, well-trained private security personnel as an
adjunct to sworn law enforcement officers;
(9) private security officers and applicants for private
security officer positions should be thoroughly screened and
trained; and
(10) standards are essential for the selection, training,
and supervision of qualified security personnel providing
security services.
In this Act:
(1) Employee.--The term ``employee'' includes both a
current employee and an applicant for employment.
(2) Authorized employer.--The term ``authorized employer''
means any person that--
(A) provides, as an independent contractor, for
consideration, the services of private security
officers; and
(B) is authorized by the Attorney General to obtain
information provided by the State or other authorized
entity pursuant to this section.
(3) Private security officer.-- The term ``private security
(A) means an individual who performs security
services, full- or part-time, for consideration as an
independent contractor or an employee, whether armed or
unarmed and in uniform or plain clothes, whose primary
duty is to perform security services; but
(B) does not include--
(i) sworn police officers who have law
enforcement powers in the State;
(ii) employees whose duties are primarily
internal audit or credit functions;
(iii) an individual on active duty in the
military service;
(iv) employees of electronic security
system companies acting as technicians or
monitors; or
(v) employees whose duties primarily
involve the secure movement of prisoners.
(4) Security services.--The term ``security services''
means the performance of security services as such services are
defined by regulations promulgated by the Attorney General.
(a) In General.--
(1) Submission of fingerprints.--An authorized employer may
submit fingerprints or other means of positive identification
of an employee of such employer for purposes of a background
check pursuant to this Act.
(2) Employee rights.--
(A) Permission.--An authorized employer shall
obtain written consent from an employee to submit the
request for a background check of the employee under
this Act.
(B) Access.--An employee shall be provided
confidential access to information relating to the
employee provided pursuant to this Act to the
authorized employer.
(3) Providing records.--Upon receipt of a background check
request from an authorized employer, submitted through the
State identification bureau or other entity authorized by the
Attorney General, the Attorney General shall--
(A) search the appropriate records of the Criminal
Justice Information Services Division of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation; and
(B) promptly provide any identification and
criminal history records resulting from the background
checks to the submitting State identification bureau or
other entity authorized by the Attorney General.
(4) Frequency of requests.--An employer may request a
background check for an employee only once every 12 months of
continuous employment by that employee unless the employer has
good cause to submit additional requests.
(b) Regulations.--Not later than 180 days after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall issue such final or
interim final regulations as may be necessary to carry out this Act,
(1) measures relating to the security, confidentiality,
accuracy, use, submission, dissemination, and destruction of
information and audits, and recordkeeping;
(2) standards for qualification as an authorized employer;
(3) the imposition of reasonable fees necessary for
conducting the background checks.
(c) Criminal Penalty.--Whoever falsely certifies that he meets the
applicable standards for an authorized employer or who knowingly and
intentionally uses any information obtained pursuant to this Act other
than for the purpose of determining the suitability of an individual
for employment as a private security officer shall be fined not more
than $50,000 or imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both.
(d) User Fees.--
(1) In general.--The Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation may--
(A) collect fees pursuant to regulations
promulgated under subsection (b) to process background
checks provided for by this Act;
(B) notwithstanding the provisions of section 3302
of title 31, United States Code, retain and use such
fees for salaries and other expenses incurred in
providing such processing; and
(C) establish such fees at a level to include an
additional amount to remain available until expended to
defray expenses for the automation of fingerprint
identification and criminal justice information
services and associated costs.
(2) State costs.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
restricting the right of a State to assess a reasonable fee on
an authorized employer for the costs to the State of
administering this Act.
(e) State Opt Out.--A State may decline to participate in the
background check system authorized by this Act by enacting a law
providing that the State is declining to participate pursuant to this
(f) State Standards and Information Provided to Employer.--
(1) Absence of state standard.--If a State participates in
the background check system authorized by this Act and has no
State standard for qualification to be a private security
officer, the State shall notify an authorized employer whether
or not an employee has been convicted of a felony, an offense
involving dishonesty or false statement if the conviction
occurred during the previous 10 years, or an offense involving
the use or attempted use of physical force against the person
of another if the conviction occurred during the previous 10
(2) State standard.--If a State participates in the
background check system authorized by this Act and has State
standards for qualification to be a private security officer,
the State shall use the information received pursuant to this
Act in applying the State standard and shall notify the
employer of the results. | Private Security Officer Employment Standards Act of 2002 - Permits an authorized employer of private security officers to submit fingerprints or other means of positive identification of an employee or an applicant for a background check. Requires: (1) an employer to obtain an employee's written consent to submit the background check request; and (2) that an employee be provided confidential access to information relating to the employee provided to the employer.Directs the Attorney General, upon receipt of such a request submitted through the State identification bureau or other authorized entity, to search the appropriate records of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and to provide any identification and criminal history records.Limits requests to once every 12 months of continuous employment unless the employer has good cause to submit additional requests.Prescribes criminal penalties for falsely certifying compliance with applicable employer standards or for intentionally using information obtained for purposes other than determining suitability for employment as a private security officer.Authorizes: (1) the FBI Director to collect fees to process background checks; and (2) a State to opt out from participation in the background check system.Sets forth provisions regarding State notification of authorized employers. | 22 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Family Privacy and Security Act of
(a) NTIA Action.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, shall--
(1) pursuant to the authority under section II.B. of the
Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of
Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers, entered into on November 25, 1998, regarding oversight
of the policy for determining the circumstances under which new
top-level Internet domains are added to the root system,
jointly with ICANN, develop a plan in accordance with section
102 for ICANN to establish a new domain meeting the
requirements in subsection (b) of this section;
(2) upon completion of the plan, make the plan publicly
available; and
(3) enter into any memorandums of understanding,
agreements, and contracts with ICANN, and any amendments to
existing such memorandums, agreements, and contracts, as may be
necessary to provide for ICANN to carry out the plan.
(b) Requirements for New Domain.--The new domain shall be subject
to the following requirements:
(1) Top-level, international domain.--The new domain shall
be established as a top-level, International domain having a
domain name appropriate for its purpose.
(2) Operator of domain.--The entity selected pursuant to
section 102 to establish, operate, and maintain the new domain
(A) establish, operate, and maintain the new domain
in accordance with this subsection; and
(B) provide for the creation of an independent
board, with diverse membership, which shall be
responsible for--
(i) establishing written criteria for
accepting registrants for the new domain and
for any limitations applicable to the new
domain; and
(ii) ensuring that subscription rates or
fees for obtaining a name for the new domain
are as minimal as possible.
(3) Other requirements.--The plan developed under section
102 may include such other requirements with respect to the new
domain as the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration and ICANN jointly consider appropriate.
(a) Application Process.--The plan under this section shall
establish a process for soliciting applications for the establishment
of the new domain, which process shall--
(1) commence and complete not later than 60 days after the
expiration of the 30-day period referred to in section 101(a);
(2) provide adequate notice to prospective applicants of--
(A) the opportunity to submit an application; and
(B) the criteria for selection under subsection
(3) include a fee for filing an application that does not
exceed the minimum amount reasonably estimated by ICANN to be
necessary to recover its expenses under section 101 and this
section; and
(4) provide for reimbursement to applicants of any amounts
collected in filing fees that exceed the actual amount of
expenses of ICANN under section 101 and this section.
(b) Selection Process.--The plan under this section shall establish
a process for selection, from applications submitted pursuant to
subsection (a), of an application for the establishment of the new
domain meeting the requirements under section 101(b). Such selection
process shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Criteria.--The selection shall be made pursuant to
written, objective criteria designed to ensure that--
(A) the new domain is established, operated, and
maintained in accordance with the requirements under
section 101(b); and
(B) the entity selected to establish, operate, and
maintain the new domain is the applicant most capable
and qualified to do so.
(2) Initial review.--Not later than 60 days after the
completion of the application period under subsection (a)(1),
ICANN shall--
(A) review and apply the selection criteria
established under paragraph (1) to each application
submitted; and
(B) based upon such criteria, select an application
and award to the applicant a contract for the
establishment, operation, and maintenance of the new
domain, unless ICANN determines that no applicant could
minimally provide for the establishment, operation, and
maintenance of the new domain in accordance with the
requirements under section 101(b).
(3) Second application period.--If no applicant is selected
pursuant to paragraph (2), not later than 30 days after the
expiration of the 60-day period under paragraph (2), ICANN
shall commence another application and selection process that
complies with the requirements under subsection (a) and this
(4) Report.--If the second application and selection
process under paragraph (3) does not result in the award of a
contract for the establishment, operation, and maintenance of
the new domain, not later than 30 days after the conclusion of
the 60-day period under paragraph (3), ICANN shall--
(A) notify the Secretary of Commerce in writing of
the failure to award a contract under paragraph (3);
(B) submit to the Secretary a report describing the
application and selection process and setting forth the
reasons for the failure to award the contract.
(c) Full Operation.--The plan under this section shall provide for
ICANN to take all actions necessary to facilitate the full operation of
the new domain within six months after the award of the contract for
the establishment, operation, and maintenance of the new domain.
(d) Annual Oversight.--The plan under this section shall provide
that ICANN shall, on an annual basis, review the actions of the entity
selected to establish, operate, and maintain the new domain to ensure
that such entity is complying with the requirements under section
Commencing not later than 12 months after the establishment of the
new domain under section 102, any operator of a commercial Internet web
site or online service that has as its principal or primary business
the making available of material that is harmful to minors shall
register such web site or online service with the new domain and
operate such web site or online service under the new domain.
(a) Treatment of Publisher or Speaker.--No person or entity that
operates or maintains the new domain shall be treated as the publisher
or speaker of any information or material provided by another
registrant under the domain.
(b) Civil Liability.--No person or entity that operates or
maintains the new domain shall be held liable because of--
(1) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict
to minors access through the new domain to, or availability
through the new domain of, material that is harmful to minors;
(2) any action taken to enable or make available to
registrants to the new domain or others the technical means to
restrict access by minors to material described in paragraph
(a) Violation.--Any person who violates section 103, or any
requirement, registration criteria, or limitation applicable to a
registrant to the new domain under section 101(b), shall be subject to
such civil penalties as the Secretary of Commerce shall prescribe for
purposes of this title.
(b) Enforcement.--The Secretary shall have the power to enforce the
provisions of this title, including any requirements or limitations
applicable to a registrant to the new domain under section 101(b) and
the imposition and collection of civil penalties under subsection (a).
(c) Periodic Audits.--The Secretary shall conduct periodic audits
to ensure compliance with requirements, registration criteria, and
limitations applicable to the new domain under this title.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Commerce, acting through the
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, shall carry
out a program to publicize the availability of the new domain under
this title.
(b) Commencement.--The program under subsection (a) shall commence
not later than 30 days after the date that the new domain first becomes
operational and accessible by the public.
In this title:
(1) ICANN.--The term ``ICANN'' means the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
(2) Material that is harmful to minors.--The term
``material that is harmful to minors'' means any communication,
picture, image, graphic image file, article, recording,
writing, or other matter of any kind that is obscene, or that a
reasonable person would find--
(A) taking the material as a whole and with respect
to minors, is designed to appeal to, or is designed to
pander to, the prurient interest;
(B) depicts, describes, or represents, in a manner
patently offensive with respect to minors, an actual or
simulated sexual act or sexual contact, an actual or
simulated normal or perverted sexual act, or a lewd
exhibition of the genitals or post-pubescent female
breast; and
(C) taking the material as a whole, lacks serious
literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for
(3) Minor.--The term ``minor'' means any person under 17
years of age.
(4) New domain.--The term ``new domain'' means the Internet
domain established pursuant to this title.
(a) In General.--Chapter 71 of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``Sec. 1471. E-mail of sexually oriented advertisements to minors
``(a) Prescription of Marks or Notices.--
``(1) In general.--Not later than 120 days after the date
of the enactment of this section, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology shall prescribe marks or notices to be
included in or affixed to the subject line of any e-mail that contains
a sexually oriented advertisement sent to minors.
``(2) Specific requirement.--Marks or notices prescribed
under paragraph (1) shall, to the extent possible, be made so
that they may not be removed or altered.
``(b) Sending E-Mail Without Mark or Notice.--Whoever in the
business of selling sexually oriented products or materials knowingly
sends, through an instrumentality in or affecting interstate or foreign
commerce, an e-mail that includes a sexually oriented advertisement but
does not include a mark or notice prescribed under subsection (a) shall
be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
``(c) Production of Mail Matter Intended for E-Mail to Minors
Without Mark or Notice.--Whoever produces, reproduces, or manufactures
any sexually related mail matter, intending or knowing that such mail
matter will be sent to a minor in an e-mail in violation of subsection
``(1), shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more
than 5 years, or both, in the case of an offense which does not
occur after another offense under this subsection; and
``(2) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more
than 10 years, or both, in the case of an offense which occurs
after another offense under this subsection.
``(d) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) Minor.--The term `minor' means any individual who has
not yet attained the age of 18 years.
``(2) Sexually oriented advertisement.--The term `sexually
oriented advertisement' means any advertisement that depicts,
in actual or simulated form, or explicitly describes, in a
predominantly sexual context, human genitalia, any act of
natural or unnatural sexual intercourse, any act of sadism or
masochism, or any other erotic subject directly related to the
foregoing, except that material otherwise within the definition
of this paragraph shall be deemed not to constitute a sexually
oriented advertisement if such material constitutes only a
small and insignificant part of the whole, the remainder of
which is not primarily devoted to sexual matters.
``(3) Sexually related mail matter.--The term `sexually
related mail matter' means any mail matter containing a
sexually oriented advertisement.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of
chapter 71 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the
end the following new item:
``1471. E-mail of sexually oriented advertisements to minors.''.
(a) In General.--Chapter 71 of title 18, United States Code, as
amended by section 201 of this Act, is further amended by adding at the
end the following new section:
``Sec. 1472. Video voyeurism
``(a) In General.--Whoever--
``(1) uses a camera, videotape, photo-optical, photo-
electric, or other image recording device that has been
transported, shipped, or received in interstate or foreign
commerce to observe, view, photograph, film, or videotape for a
lewd or lascivious purpose an image of another person involving
actual or simulated vaginal, anal, oral, or manual sexual
intercourse, masturbation, any unclothed portion of the female
breast below the top of the areola, or any unclothed portion of
the anus, vulva, or genitals, without the consent of such other
person to such observation, viewing, photographing, filming, or
videotaping; or
``(2) uses a camera, videotape, photo-optical, photo-
electric, or other image recording device that has been
transported, shipped, or received in interstate or foreign
commerce to observe, view, photograph, film, or videotape for a
lewd or lascivious purpose an image of a person under the age
of 18 years involving actual or simulated vaginal, anal, oral,
or manual sexual intercourse, masturbation, any unclothed
portion of the female breast below the top of the areola, or
any unclothed portion of the anus, vulva, or genitals,
shall be punished as provided in subsection (d).
``(b) Exceptions.--Subsection (a) shall not in the case of--
``(1) observation, viewing, photographing, filming, or
videotaping for legitimate security purposes, if the material
is used only for such purposes;
``(2) observation, viewing, photographing, filming, or
videotaping in the course of a legitimate law enforcement or
private investigation, if the material is used only for
purposes of such investigation; or
``(3) the transfer of an image by--
``(A) a telecommunications carrier engaged in the
provision of a telecommunications service;
``(B) a person engaged in the business of providing
an Internet access service;
``(C) a person engaged in the business of providing
access to an interactive computer service; or
``(D) any other person engaged in the transmission,
storage, retrieval, hosting, formatting, or
transmission (or any combination thereof) of a
communication made by another person, without selection
or alteration of the content of the communication.
``(c) Defense.--It shall be a defense to prosecution under
subsection (a)(1) that the observation, viewing, photographing,
filming, or videotaping in question was done in a public place where
there was no reasonable expectation of privacy.
``(d) Penalties.--The penalty for an offense under subsection (a)
``(1) a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more
three years, or both, in the case of an offense under paragraph
(1) of that subsection; and
``(2) a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more
than ten years, or both, in the case of an offense under
paragraph (2) of that subsection.
``(e) Seal or Destruction of Images.--The court may, upon its own
motion or the motion of the Attorney General, order the following:
``(1) The seal of any images introduced as evidence in a
trial for an offense under this section.
``(2) The destruction of any images held by the United
States for purposes of a prosecution under this section in the
event of an acquittal, dismissal, plea agreement, or decision
not to prosecute.
``(3) The destruction of any images held by the United
States for purposes of a prosecution under this section if
prosecution is not commenced within the statute of limitations
for the offense.
``(4) The destruction of any images introduced as evidence
in a trial for an offense under this section that are held by
the United States after conviction upon the release of the
offender from incarceration for the offense.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of
chapter 71 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section
201(b) of this Act, is further amended by adding at the end the
following new item:
``1472. Video voyeurism.''.
If any provision of an amendment made by this title, or the
application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid,
the remainder of the provisions of the amendments made by this title,
and the applications of such provisions to other persons not similarly
situated or to other circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. | Family Privacy and Security Act of 2002 - Directs the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, to: (1) develop, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (concerning the policy for determining the addition of top-level Internet domains), a plan for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to establish a top-level international domain meeting specified requirements; (2) make the plan available to the public; and (3) enter into any necessary agreements with ICANN to carry out the plan. Provides a process for the selection of an operator of the new domain.Requires the operator of any web site or online service whose primary business is making available material that is harmful to minors to register and operate such web site or online service under the new domain.Provides: (1) liability protections for the new domain operator; (2) registration enforcement procedures; and (3) outreach requirements.Amends the Federal criminal code to require the National Institute of Standards and Technology to prescribe marks or notices to be included in or affixed to the subject line of any e-mail that contains a sexually oriented advertisement sent to minors. Imposes criminal penalties for producing or sending such e-mail without such marks or notices.Imposes criminal penalties for the use of image recording devices to observe, view, photograph, film, or videotape for lewd or lascivious purposes the image of another, including of those under 18 years of age, with exceptions. | 23 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Helping Homebuyers Act of 2009''.
(a) Allowance of Credit.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of
chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting
after section 25D the following new section:
``(a) Allowance of Credit.--
``(1) In general.--In the case of an individual who
purchases a principal residence during the taxable year, there
shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this
chapter an amount equal to 15 percent of the purchase price of
the residence.
``(2) Allocation of credit amount.--At the election of the
taxpayer, the amount of the credit allowed under paragraph (1)
(after application of subsection (b)(1)) may be equally divided
among the 2 taxable years beginning with the taxable year in
which the purchase of the principal residence is made.
``(b) Limitations.--
``(1) Dollar limitation.--The amount of the credit allowed
under paragraph (1) shall not exceed $18,000.
``(2) Married individuals filing separately.--In the case
of 2 married individuals filing separately, paragraph (1) shall
be applied to each such individual by substituting `$7,500' for
``(3) Other individuals.--If 2 or more individuals who are
not married purchase a principal residence, the amount of the
credit allowed under subsection (a) shall be allocated among
such individuals in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe,
except that the total amount of the credits allowed to all such
individuals shall not exceed $18,000.
``(4) One-time only.--
``(A) In general.--If a credit is allowed under
this section in the case of any individual (and such
individual's spouse, if married) with respect to the
purchase of any principal residence, no credit shall be
allowed under this section in any taxable year with
respect to the purchase of any other principal
residence by such individual or a spouse of such
``(B) Joint purchase.--In the case of a purchase of
a principal residence by or more unmarried individuals
or by 2 married individuals filing separately, no
credit shall be allowed under this section if a credit
under this section has been allowed to any of such
individuals in any taxable year with respect to the
purchase of any other principal residence.
``(5) Limitation based on modified adjusted gross income.--
``(A) In general.--The amount allowable as a credit
under subsection (a) (determined without regard to this
paragraph) for the taxable year shall be reduced (but
not below zero) by the amount which bears the same
ratio to the amount which is so allowable as--
``(i) the excess (if any) of--
``(I) the taxpayer's modified
adjusted gross income for such taxable
year, over
``(II) $150,000 ($300,000 in the
case of a joint return), bears to
``(ii) $75,000.
``(B) Modified adjusted gross income.--For purposes
of subparagraph (A), the term `modified adjusted gross
income' means the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer
for the taxable year increased by any amount excluded
from gross income under section 911, 931, or 933.
``(c) Recapture of Credit in the Case of Certain Dispositions.--
``(1) In general.--In the event that a taxpayer--
``(A) disposes of the principal residence with
respect to which a credit was allowed under subsection
(a), or
``(B) fails to occupy such residence as the
taxpayer's principal residence,
at any time within 60 months after the date on which the
taxpayer purchased such residence, then the tax imposed by this
chapter for the taxable year during which such disposition
occurred or in which the taxpayer failed to occupy the
residence as a principal residence shall be increased by the
amount of such credit.
``(2) Exceptions.--
``(A) Death of taxpayer.--Paragraph (1) shall not
apply to any taxable year ending after the date of the
taxpayer's death.
``(B) Involuntary conversion.--Paragraph (1) shall
not apply in the case of a residence which is
compulsorily or involuntarily converted (within the
meaning of section 1033(a)) if the taxpayer acquires a
new principal residence within the 2-year period
beginning on the date of the disposition or cessation
referred to in such paragraph. Paragraph (1) shall
apply to such new principal residence during the
remainder of the 60-month period described in such
paragraph as if such new principal residence were the
converted residence.
``(C) Transfers between spouses or incident to
divorce.--In the case of a transfer of a residence to
which section 1041(a) applies--
``(i) paragraph (1) shall not apply to such
transfer, and
``(ii) in the case of taxable years ending
after such transfer, paragraph (1) shall apply
to the transferee in the same manner as if such
transferee were the transferor (and shall not
apply to the transferor).
``(D) Relocation of members of the armed forces.--
Paragraph (1) shall not apply in the case of a member
of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty
who moves pursuant to a military order and incident to
a permanent change of station.
``(3) Joint returns.--In the case of a credit allowed under
subsection (a) with respect to a joint return, half of such
credit shall be treated as having been allowed to each
individual filing such return for purposes of this subsection.
``(4) Return requirement.--If the tax imposed by this
chapter for the taxable year is increased under this
subsection, the taxpayer shall, notwithstanding section 6012,
be required to file a return with respect to the taxes imposed
under this subtitle.
``(d) Limitation Based on Amount of Tax.--In the case of a taxable
year to which section 26(a)(2) does not apply, the credit allowed under
subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess of--
``(1) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in
section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over
``(2) the sum of the credits allowable under this subpart
(other than this section) for the taxable year.
``(e) Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this
``(1) Principal residence.--The term `principal residence'
has the same meaning as when used in section 121.
``(2) Purchase.--In defining the purchase of a principal
residence, rules similar to the rules of paragraphs (2) and (3)
of section 1400C(e) (as in effect on the date of the enactment
of this section) shall apply.
``(3) Reporting requirement.--Rules similar to the rules of
section 1400C(f) (as so in effect) shall apply.
``(4) Denial of double benefit.--
``(A) Coordination with other credits.--No credit
shall be allowed under this section for any purchase
for which a credit is allowed under section 36 or
section 1400C.
``(B) Basis adjustment.--For purposes of this
subtitle, if a credit is allowed under this section
with respect to the purchase of any residence, the
basis of such residence shall be reduced by the amount
of the credit so allowed.
``(f) Application of Section.--This section shall not apply to
residences purchased during the 1-year period beginning on the date of
the enactment of this subsection.''.
(b) Conforming Amendment.--Subsection (a) of section 1016 of such
Code is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (36), by
striking the period at the end of paragraph (37) and inserting ``,
and'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
``(38) to the extent provided in section 25E(e)(4).''.
(c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart A of
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by
inserting after the item relating to section 25D the following new
``Sec. 25E. Credit for certain home purchases.''.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to residences purchased after the date of the enactment of this
Act. | Helping Homebuyers Act of 2009 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow individual taxpayers a one-time tax credit for 15% of the purchase price of a principal residence, up to $18,000. Requires repayment of such credit if the taxpayer sells the residence, or fails to occupy the residence as a principal residence, at any time within 60 months after the date of purchase. | 24 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Medicare Enhancements for Needed
Drugs Act of 2005''.
(a) Review and Reports on Retail Prices of Prescription Drugs.--
(1) Initial review.--The Comptroller General of the United
States shall conduct a review of the retail cost of
prescription drugs in the United States during 2000 through
2003, with an emphasis on the prescription drugs most utilized
for individuals age 65 or older.
(2) Subsequent review.--After conducting the review under
paragraph (1), the Comptroller General shall continuously
review the retail cost of such drugs through April 1, 2006, to
determine the changes in such costs.
(3) Reports.--
(A) Initial review.--Not later than September 1,
2005, the Comptroller General shall submit to Congress
a report on the initial review conducted under
paragraph (1).
(B) Subsequent review.--Not later than July 1,
2006, January 1, 2007, and July 1, 2007, the
Comptroller General shall submit to Congress a report
on the subsequent review conducted under paragraph (2).
(b) Annual GAO Study and Report on Retail and Acquisition Prices of
Certain Prescription Drugs.--
(1) Ongoing study.--The Comptroller General of the United
States shall conduct an ongoing study that compares the average
retail cost in the United States for each of the 20 most
utilized prescription drugs for individuals age 65 or older
(A) the average price at which private health plans
acquire each such drug;
(B) the average price at which the Department of
Defense under the Defense Health Program acquires each
such drug;
(C) the average price at which the Department of
Veterans Affairs under the laws administered by the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs acquires each such drug;
(D) the average negotiated price for each such drug
that eligible beneficiaries enrolled in a prescription
drug plan under part D of title XVIII of the Social
Security Act, as added by section 101 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
of 2003 (Public Law 108-173), that provides only basic
prescription drug coverage have access to under such
(2) Annual report.--Not later than December 1, 2007, and
annually thereafter, the Comptroller General shall submit to
Congress a report on the study conducted under paragraph (1),
together with such recommendations as the Comptroller General
determines appropriate.
Section 1860D-1(c)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-
101(c)(3)) is amended--
(1) in subparagraph (A)--
(A) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking
``subparagraph (B)'' and inserting ``subparagraphs (B)
and (C)''; and
(B) by adding at the end the following new clause:
``(vi) Average aggregate beneficiary costs
and savings.--With respect to plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2007, the
average aggregate costs, including deductibles
and other cost-sharing, that a beneficiary will
incur for covered part D drugs in the year
under the plan compared to the average
aggregate costs that an eligible beneficiary
with no prescription drug coverage will incur
for covered part D drugs in the year.''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
``(C) Average aggregate beneficiary costs and
savings information only for basic prescription drug
plans.--The Secretary shall not provide comparative
information under subparagraph (A)(vi) with respect
``(i) a prescription drug plan that
provides supplemental prescription drug
coverage; or
``(ii) a Medicare Advantage plan.''.
(a) In General.--Section 1860D-11 of the Social Security Act (42
U.S.C. 1395w-111) is amended by striking subsection (i) (relating to
noninterference) and by inserting the following:
``(i) Authority To Negotiate Prices With Manufacturers.--
``(1) In general.--In order to ensure that beneficiaries
enrolled under prescription drug plans and MA-PD plans pay the
lowest possible price, the Secretary shall have authority
similar to that of other Federal entities that purchase
prescription drugs in bulk to negotiate contracts with
manufacturers of covered part D drugs, consistent with the
requirements and in furtherance of the goals of providing
quality care and containing costs under this part.
``(2) Mandatory responsibilities.--The Secretary shall be
required to--
``(A) negotiate contracts with manufacturers of
covered part D drugs for each fallback prescription
drug plan under subsection (g); and
``(B) participate in negotiation of contracts of
any covered part D drug upon request of an approved
prescription drug plan or MA-PD plan.
``(3) Rule of construction.--Nothing in paragraph (2) shall
be construed to limit the authority of the Secretary under
paragraph (1) to the mandatory responsibilities under paragraph
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take
effect as if included in the enactment of section 101 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Public
Law 108-173).
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall
request the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to conduct
a review of the changes to the rules relating to medicare supplemental
policies that provide prescription drug coverage contained in
subsection (v) of section 1882 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
1395ss), as added by section 104(a) of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-173).
(b) Impact on Medicare Beneficiaries.--The review conducted
pursuant to subsection (a) should focus on the impact the changes
described in such subsection will have on medicare beneficiaries.
(c) Report.--The Secretary shall request the National Association
of Insurance Commissioners to submit to Congress, by not later than
January 1, 2006, a report on the review conducted pursuant to
subsection (a), together with such recommendations as the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners determines appropriate. | Medicare Enhancements for Needed Drugs Act of 2005 - Directs the Comptroller General to review and report to Congress on the retail cost of prescription drugs in the United States during 2000 and 2003, and through April 1, 2006, with an emphasis on the prescription drugs most utilized for individuals age 65 or older.
Requires the Comptroller General to conduct an ongoing study that compares the average retail cost in the United States for each of the 20 most utilized prescription drugs for individuals age 65 or older with: (1) the average prices at which private health plans, the Department of Defense under the Defense Health Program, and the Department of Veterans Affairs acquire each such drug; and (2) the average negotiated price for each such drug that eligible beneficiaries have access to under a Medicare prescription drug plan providing only basic prescription drug coverage.
Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to include in the comparative plan information for beneficiaries under new Medicare part D (Voluntary Prescription Drug Benefit Program) a comparison of average aggregate prescription drug plan beneficiary costs and savings with such costs for a beneficiary with no prescription drug plan.
Repeals the prohibition against interference by the Secretary with the negotiations between drug manufacturers and pharmacies and prescription drug plan sponsors, as well as the requirement of a particular formulary to institute a price structure for the reimbursement of Medicare part D covered drugs. Authorizes the Secretary instead, like other Federal entities that purchase prescription drugs in bulk, to negotiate contracts with manufacturers of covered part D drugs. | 25 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Budgeting for Opioid Addiction
Treatment Act''.
(a) In General.--Subchapter E of chapter 32 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) In General.--There is hereby imposed on the sale of any
taxable active opioid by the manufacturer, producer, or importer a tax
equal to 1 cent per milligram so sold.
``(b) Taxable Active Opioid.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) In general.--The term `taxable active opioid' means
any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the
Controlled Substances Act, as in effect on the date of the
enactment of this section) which is opium, an opiate, or any
derivative thereof.
``(2) Exclusion for certain prescription medications.--Such
term shall not include any prescribed drug which is used
exclusively for the treatment of opioid addiction as part of a
medically assisted treatment effort.
``(3) Exclusion of other ingredients.--In the case of a
product that includes a taxable active opioid and another
ingredient, subsection (a) shall apply only to the portion of
such product that is a taxable active opioid.''.
(b) Clerical Amendments.--
(1) The heading of subchapter E of chapter 32 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``Medical
Devices'' and inserting ``Other Medical Products''.
(2) The table of subchapters for chapter 32 of such Code is
amended by striking the item relating to subchapter E and
inserting the following new item:
``subchapter e. other medical products''.
(3) The table of sections for subchapter E of chapter 32 of
such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new
``Sec. 4192. Opioid pain relievers.''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to sales on or after the date that is 1 year after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(d) Rebate or Discount Program for Certain Cancer and Hospice
(1) In general.--The Secretary of Health and Human
Services, in consultation with patient advocacy groups and
other relevant stakeholders as determined by such Secretary,
shall establish a mechanism by which--
(A) any amount paid by an eligible patient in
connection with the tax under section 4192 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this
section) shall be rebated to such patient in as timely
a manner as possible, or
(B) amounts paid by an eligible patient for taxable
active opioids (as defined in section 4192(b) of such
Code) are discounted at time of payment or purchase to
ensure that such patient does not pay any amount
attributable to such tax,
with as little burden on the patient as possible. The Secretary
shall choose whichever of the options described in subparagraph
(A) or (B) is, in the Secretary's determination, most effective
and efficient in ensuring eligible patients face no economic
burden from such tax.
(2) Eligible patient.--For purposes of this section, the
term ``eligible patient'' means--
(A) a patient for whom any taxable active opioid
(as so defined) is prescribed to treat pain relating to
cancer or cancer treatment;
(B) a patient participating in hospice care; and
(C) in the case of the death or incapacity of a
patient described in subparagraph (A) or (B) or any
similar situation as determined by the Secretary of
Health and Human Services, the appropriate family
member, medical proxy, or similar representative or the
estate of such patient.
(a) Grants to States.--Section 1921(b) of the Public Health Service
Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-21(b)) is amended by inserting ``, and, as
applicable, for carrying out section 1923A'' before the period.
(b) Nonapplicability of Prevention Program Provision.--Section
1922(a)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-22(a)(1))
is amended by inserting ``except with respect to amounts made available
as described in section 1923A,'' before ``will expend''.
(c) Opioid Treatment Programs.--Subpart II of part B of title XIX
of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-21 et seq.) is amended
by inserting after section 1923 the following:
``A funding agreement for a grant under section 1921 is that the
State involved shall provide that any amounts made available by any
increase in revenues to the Treasury in the previous fiscal year
resulting from the enactment of section 4192 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, reduced by any amounts rebated or discounted under
section 2(d) of the Budgeting for Opioid Addiction Treatment Act (as
described in section 1933(a)(1)(B)(i)) be used exclusively for
substance abuse (including opioid abuse) treatment efforts in the
State, including treatment programs--
``(1) establishing new addiction treatment facilities,
residential and outpatient, including covering capital costs;
``(2) establishing sober living facilities;
``(3) recruiting and increasing reimbursement for certified
mental health providers providing substance abuse treatment in
medically underserved communities or communities with high
rates of prescription drug abuse;
``(4) expanding access to long-term, residential treatment
programs for opioid addicts (including
30-, 60-, and 90-day programs);
``(5) establishing or operating support programs that offer
employment services, housing, and other support services to
help recovering addicts transition back into society;
``(6) establishing or operating housing for children whose
parents are participating in substance abuse treatment
programs, including capital costs;
``(7) establishing or operating facilities to provide care
for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome, including
capital costs; and
``(8) other treatment programs, as the Secretary determines
(d) Additional Funding.--Section 1933(a)(1)(B)(i) of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-33(a)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by
inserting ``, plus any increase in revenues to the Treasury in the
previous fiscal year resulting from the enactment of section 4192 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, reduced by any amounts rebated or
discounted under section 2(d) of the Budgeting for Opioid Addiction
Treatment Act'' before the period.
Not later than 2 years after the date described in section 2(c),
the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a
report on the impact of the amendments made by sections 2 and 3 on--
(1) the retail cost of taxable active opioids (as defined
in section 4192 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added
by section 2);
(2) patient access to such opioids, particularly cancer and
hospice patients, including the effect of the discount or
rebate on such opioids for cancer and hospice patients under
section 2(d);
(3) how the increase in revenue to the Treasury resulting
from the enactment of section 4192 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 is used to improve substance abuse treatment efforts in
accordance with section 1923A of the Public Health Service Act
(as added by section 3); and
(4) suggestions for improving--
(A) access to opioids for cancer and hospice
patients; and
(B) substance abuse treatment efforts under such
section 1923A. | Budgeting for Opioid Addiction Treatment Act This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to impose a one cent per milligram excise tax on the sale of active opioids by the manufacturer, producer, or importer. The tax excludes prescription drugs used exclusively for the treatment of opioid addiction as part of a medically assisted treatment effort. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must establish a program to provide rebates or discounts to cancer and hospice patients to ensure that they do not pay the tax. The bill amends the Public Health Service Act to require any increase in federal revenues from the tax after rebates and discounts are subtracted to be distributed to states under the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant program to be used exclusively for substance abuse (including opioid abuse) efforts in the states, including specified treatment programs. HHS must report to Congress on the impact of this bill on the retail cost of opioids and patient access to opioid medication, the effectiveness of the discount or rebate for cancer and hospice patients, how the funds are being used to improve substance abuse treatment efforts, and suggestions for improving access to opioids for cancer and hospice patients and substance abuse treatment efforts. | 26 |
This Act may be cited as the ``DSHEA Full Implementation and
Enforcement Act of 2004''.
Congress finds the following:
(1) Over 158,000,000 Americans regularly consume dietary
supplements to maintain and improve their health.
(2) Consumer expenditures on dietary supplements reached a
reported $17,100,000,000 in 2000, double the amount spent in
(3) According to a recent report issued by the Food and
Drug Administration (in this Act referred to as the ``FDA'')
the use of dietary supplements is likely to grow due to factors
such as the aging of the baby boom generation, increased
interest in self-sufficiency, and advances in science that are
uncovering new relationships between diet and disease.
(4) In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417) (in this Act referred to as
``DSHEA'') was enacted. This Act balanced continued consumer
access to vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements,
increased scientific research on the benefits and risks of
dietary supplements, public education on dietary supplements,
and needed consumer protections.
(5) DSHEA requires that claims made on dietary supplement
labels, packaging, and accompanying material be truthful, non-
misleading, and substantiated. Manufacturers are prohibited
from making claims that products are intended to diagnose,
treat, mitigate, cure, or prevent a disease.
(6) DSHEA provides for good manufacturing practice
standards setting requirements for potency, purity, sanitary
conditions, and recordkeeping for dietary supplements.
(7) DSHEA requires that manufacturers submit adequate
information as to the safety of any new ingredients contained
in dietary supplements before those products can be sold.
(8) The FDA has updated and expanded its system for the
reporting, collection, and analysis of dietary supplement
adverse events reports.
(9) DSHEA provides the FDA with a number of authoritites to
remove unsafe dietary supplements from the marketplace.
(10) DSHEA created the Office of Dietary Supplements within
the National Institutes of Health to expand research and
consumer information about the health effects of dietary
(11) The FDA has not adequately used its authority to
enforce DSHEA.
(12) The FDA needs adequate resources to appropriately
implement and enforce DSHEA. Congress has appropriated
additional funds over the last several years beyond those
requested in the President's budget to implement and enforce
DSHEA, reaching $9,700,000 in fiscal year 2003.
(13) However, according to the FDA, full implementation of
DSHEA would require substantial additional resources. The FDA
asserts that between $24,000,000 and $65,000,000 per year will
be needed to fully implement DSHEA.
(a) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated to carry out the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417), the amendments made by such Act, and
all applicable regulatory requirements for dietary supplements under
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.)--
(1) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2005;
(2) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
(3) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
(4) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
(5) $65,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
(b) Appropriation of Funds for Fiscal Year 2005.--There are
appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, to carry out the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417), the amendments made by such Act, and
all applicable regulatory requirements for dietary supplements under
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.),
$20,000,000 for fiscal year 2005.
(c) Office of Dietary Supplements.--There are authorized to be
appropriated and there are appropriated, out of any money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for expanded research and
development of consumer information on dietary supplements by the
Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health--
(1) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2005; and
(2) such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal
years 2006 through 2009.
(d) Use of Funds.--The Food and Drug Administration shall fully and
appropriately use the funds appropriated in subsections (b) and (c) and
pursuant to subsection (a) to regulate dietary supplements.
(a) In General.--Not later than January 31, 2005, and annually
thereafter, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit a
report to Congress on the implementation and enforcement of the Dietary
Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417).
(b) Contents.--The report under subsection (a) shall include the
(1) The total funding and number of full-time equivalent
personnel in the Food and Drug Administration dedicated to
dietary supplement regulation over the prior fiscal year.
(2) The total funding and number of full-time equivalent
personnel in the Food and Drug Administration dedicated to
administering adverse event reporting systems as they relate to
dietary supplement regulation over the prior fiscal year.
(3) The total funding and number of full-time equivalent
personnel in the Food and Drug Administration dedicated to
enforcement of dietary supplement labeling and claims
requirements over the prior fiscal year and an explanation of
their activities.
(4) The total funding and number of full-time equivalent
personnel in the Food and Drug Administration dedicated to good
manufacturing practices inspections of dietary supplement
manufacturers over the prior fiscal year and an explanation of
their activities.
(5) The number of good manufacturing practices inspections
of dietary supplement manufacturers by the Food and Drug
Administration over the prior fiscal year and a summary of the
(6) The number of new ingredient reviews and safety reviews
related to dietary supplements and the results of those
(7) An explanation of all enforcement actions taken by the
Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and
Human Services related to dietary supplements over the prior
fiscal year, including the number and type of actions.
(8) The number of dietary supplement claims for which the
Food and Drug Administration requested substantiation from the
manufacturer over the prior fiscal year, and the agency's
(9) The number of dietary supplement claims determined to
be false, misleading, or nonsubstantiated by the Food and Drug
Administration over the prior fiscal year.
(10) The research and consumer education activities
supported by the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National
Institutes of Health.
(11) Any recommendations for administrative or legislative
actions regarding the regulation of dietary supplements.
(12) Any other information regarding the regulation of
dietary supplements determined appropriate by the Secretary of
Health and Human Services or the Commissioner of Food and
Drugs. | DSHEA Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2004 - Makes appropriations for FY 2005, and authorizes appropriations for FY 2005 through 2009: (1) to carry out the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the amendments made by DSHEA, and all applicable regulatory requirements for dietary supplements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; and (2) for expanded research and development of consumer information, including information on safety and beneficial effects, of dietary supplements by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health.
Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, to: (1) fully and appropriately use such funds to regulate dietary supplements; and (2) report annually on DSHEA implementation and enforcement. | 27 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Quality Health Care Coalition Act of
Congress finds the following:
(1) According to a 2002 survey conducted by the Henry J.
Kaiser Family Foundation, 95 percent of the Americans who
receive their health care coverage through their employer are
enrolled in a managed health care plan, up from 27 percent in
1987. Serious questions have been raised about the quality of
care patients are receiving under these plans.
(2) Changes in the health care industry have led to an
increased concentration of health care plans, including
approximately 177 mergers in the last 13 years. This enhanced
concentration has given health care plans significant leverage
over health care providers and patients.
(3) Antitrust laws which prohibit health care professionals
from negotiating freely with health care plans infringe on the
health care professionals' constitutionally-protected rights of
freedom of association and contract.
(4) Repealing Federal laws which prohibit medical
professionals from negotiating collectively with health care
plans will create a more equal balance of negotiating power,
will promote cooperation, and will enhance the quality of
patient care.
(5) Repealing Federal laws which prohibit medical
professionals from negotiating collectively with health care
plans will not change the professionals ethical duty to
continue to provide medically necessary care to their patients.
(a) In General.--Any health care professionals who are engaged in
negotiations with a health plan regarding the terms of any contract
under which the professionals provide health care items or services for
which benefits are provided under such plan shall, in connection with
such negotiations, be exempt from the Federal antitrust laws.
(b) Limitation.--
(1) No new right for collective cessation of service.--The
exemption provided in subsection (a) shall not confer any new
right to participate in any collective cessation of service to
patients not already permitted by existing law.
(2) No change in national labor relations act.--This
section applies only to health care professionals excluded from
the National Labor Relations Act. Nothing in this section shall
be construed as changing or amending any provision of the
National Labor Relations Act, or as affecting the status of any
group of persons under that Act.
(c) No Application to Federal Programs.--Nothing in this section
shall apply to negotiations between health care professionals and
health plans pertaining to benefits provided under any of the
(1) The medicare program under title XVIII of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.).
(2) The medicaid program under title XIX of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.).
(3) The SCHIP program under title XXI of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397aa et seq.).
(4) Chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code (relating to
medical and dental care for members of the uniformed services).
(5) Chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code (relating to
Veterans' medical care).
(6) Chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code (relating to
the Federal employees' health benefits program).
(7) The Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1601
et seq.).
(d) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
(1) Federal antitrust laws.--The term ``Federal antitrust
laws'' has the meaning the term ``antitrust laws'' in
subsection (a) of the first section of the Clayton Act (15
U.S.C. 12(a)), except that such term includes section 5 of the
Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the extent such
section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition.
(2) Health plan and related terms.--
(A) In general.--The term ``health plan'' means a
group health plan or a health insurance issuer that is
offering health insurance coverage.
(B) Health insurance coverage; health insurance
issuer.--The terms ``health insurance coverage'' and
``health insurance issuer'' have the meanings given
such terms under paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively,
of section 733(b) of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1191b(b)).
(C) Group health plan.--The term ``group health
plan'' has the meaning given that term in section
733(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1191b(a)(1)).
(3) Health care professional.--The term ``health care
professional'' means an individual who provides health care
items or services, treatment, assistance with activities of
daily living, or medications to patients and who, to the extent
required by State or Federal law, possesses specialized
training that confers expertise in the provision of such items
or services, treatment, assistance, or medications. | Quality Health Care Coalition Act of 2005 - Exempts health care professionals that are negotiating with a health plan regarding contract terms under which the professionals provide health care items or services for which plan benefits are provided from federal antitrust laws in connection with such negotiations.
Declares that this Act: (1) applies only to health care professionals excluded from the National Labor Relations Act; and (2) does not apply to such negotiations relating to Medicare or Medicaid programs, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), medical and dental care for members of the uniformed services, veterans' medical care, the federal employees health benefits program, or the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. | 28 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Public Safety Interoperability
Implementation Act''.
The Congress finds the following:
(1) Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the
need for interoperable communications for public safety became
even more apparent, and critical to address.
(2) The inability of many firefighters and police to
communicate with each other in the World Trade Centers led to
some loss of lives that perhaps could have been prevented.
(3) As demonstrated by a hearing by the Committee on Energy
and Commerce of the House of Representatives, Subcommittee on
Telecommunications and the Internet, on June 11, 2003,
interoperability problems and spectrum and equipment shortages
continue to plague our nation's first responders, and without
additional funding these problems will continue.
(4) Action is critical to address these shortages not only
to ensure readiness in the event of another terrorist attack,
but also to address daily communications needs that are
(5) Each day this Nation's public safety officers put their
lives on the line to serve this country and immediate increases
in funding are essential.
(6) According to the report by the Council on Foreign
Relations, the United States is drastically underfunding local
emergency responders, and remains dangerously unprepared to
handle a catastrophic attack on American soil.
Part A of the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration Organization Act (47 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) is amended by
adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) Establishment.--
``(1) Fund established.--There is hereby established in the
Treasury of the United States the Public Safety Communications
Trust Fund.
``(2) Deposits.--The Fund shall consist of--
``(A) the amounts appropriated pursuant to
subsection (f); and
``(B) 50 percent of the proceeds of any auction
conducted pursuant to section 309(j) of the
Communications Act of 1934 for any bands of frequencies
other than those described in paragraph (3), except
that such percentage may be reduced in accordance with
paragraph (4).
``(3) Excepted frequencies.--The bands of frequencies
described in this paragraph are the following:
``(A) the 216-220 megahertz band, the 1432-1435
megahertz band, the 1710-1755 megahertz band, and the
2385-2390 megahertz band of frequencies; and
``(B) any other band of frequencies reallocated
from Federal use to non-Federal use after January 1,
2003, that is assigned by competitive bidding pursuant
to section 309(j) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47
U.S.C. 309(j)), except for bands of frequencies
previously identified by the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration in
the Spectrum Reallocation Final Report, NTIA Special
Publication 95-32 (1995).
``(4) Reduction of percentage.--If the board of directors
submits to the Congress a statement that--
``(A) projects that the future needs for grants
under subsection (c) has been reduced to the extent
that the percentage specified in paragraph (2) is
likely to yield a surplus in the fund beyond the
amounts needed to meet such needs, and
``(B) specifies a lower percentage that the board
estimates to be sufficient to meet such needs (without
yielding a surplus),
paragraph (2) shall be applied to any auction subject to such
paragraph that is conducted after the date of submission of
such statement by substituting such lower percentage for 50
``(5) Fund availability.--
``(A) Appropriation.--There are hereby appropriated
from the Fund such sums as are authorized by the board
to be disbursed for grants under this section.
``(B) Reversion of unused funds.--Any grant
proceeds that remain unexpended at the end of the grant
period as determined under subsection (c)(3) shall
revert to and be deposited in the Fund.
``(b) Board of Directors.--
``(1) Establishment.--The Fund shall be administered by the
Administrator of the NTIA, in consultation with a board of
directors comprised of 5 members, appointed by the Secretary,
with experience in one or more of the following fields: grant
and investment management; communications equipment and
software applications; and public safety and emergency
response. The board shall consult with, or include a member or
members from, the Department of Homeland Security.
``(2) Functions.--The board shall--
``(A) establish the reasonable and prudent criteria
for the selection of the grant recipients under this
``(B) determine the amount of the grants awarded;
``(C) review the use of funds made by such grant
``(3) Compensation prohibited; expenses provided.--The
members of the board shall serve without compensation, but may,
from appropriated funds available for the administrative
expenses of the NTIA, receive travel expenses, including per
diem in lieu of subsistence, in accordance with applicable
provisions under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United
States Code.
``(c) Purpose and Activities of the Trust.--
``(1) Grant purposes.--In order to achieve the objectives
and carry out the purposes of this part, the Administrator is
authorized to make grants, from amounts deposited pursuant to
subsection (a)(2) and from the interest or other income on the
Fund, to implement interoperability and modernization
(including equipment upgrades) for the communications needs of
public safety, fire, emergency, law enforcement, and crisis
management by State and local government agencies and
instrumentalities and nonprofit organizations.
``(2) Grant preference for broader scope of
interoperability.--In making grants from the Fund, the
Administrator shall give preference to eligible entities that
are proposing inter-agency or regional and multi-jurisdictional
``(3) Grant availability.--Grants from the Fund shall be
made available on a single or multi-year basis to facilitate
long term planning and training.
``(d) Eligible Entities.--The following organizations and entities
are eligible to apply for funds under this section:
``(1) an agency or instrumentality of a State or local
government of the United States (including an agency or
instrumentality of a territory or possession of the United
States); and
``(2) a nonprofit agency or organization that is exempt
from taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 and that performs a public safety function, as
determined by the Administrator.
``(e) Permissible Uses of Funds.--Amounts made available by grant
from the fund may be used by eligible entities for equipment, training,
planning, and research for the purposes of upgrading communications and
the interoperability of communications used in public safety, fire,
emergency, law enforcement, and crisis management.
``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated to the Fund $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2004 and each of
the 2 succeeding fiscal years.
``(g) Reports.--
``(1) By grant recipients.--Each grant recipient shall
submit to the Administrator and the board a report on the use
of the funds provided by the grant, and on the progress made
with respect to the improvement of the grant recipient's
communications capabilities.
``(2) By administrator.--The Administrator shall annually
submit to the Congress a report on the operations of the Fund
and the grants made by the Funds. Such report shall include--
``(A) an identification of the grants made, the
recipients thereof, and the planned uses of the amounts
made available;
``(B) a financial report on the operations and
condition of the Fund; and
``(C) a description of the results of the use of
funds provided by grants under this section, including
the status of interoperability implementation by the
grant recipients.
``(h) Regulations.--The Administrator may prescribe such
regulations as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out this
``(i) Definitions.--As used in this section--
``(1) the term `the Fund' means the Public Safety
Communications Trust Fund established pursuant to subsection
(a); and
``(2) the term `the board' means the board of directors
established pursuant to subsection (b).''. | Public Safety Interoperability Implementation Act - Amends the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act to establish in the Treasury the Public Safety Communications Trust Fund, to be funded through authorizations of appropriations and proceeds from the sale of certain bands of Government-owned broadcast spectrum.
Requires the Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to administer the Fund. Authorizes the Administrator to make grants to implement interoperability and modernization for the communications needs of public safety, fire, emergency, law enforcement, and crisis management by State and local government agencies and instrumentalities and nonprofit organizations. | 29 |
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) On January 19, 1942, 6 weeks after the December 7,
1941, attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy, the United
States Army discharged all Japanese-Americans in the Reserve
Officers Training Corps and changed their draft status to
``4C''--the status of ``enemy alien'' which is ineligible for
the draft.
(2) On January 23, 1942, Japanese-Americans in the military
on the mainland were segregated out of their units.
(3) Further, on May 3, 1942, General John L. DeWitt issued
Civilian Exclusion Order No. 346, ordering all people of
Japanese ancestry, whether citizens or noncitizens, to report
to assembly centers, where they would live until being moved to
permanent relocation centers.
(4) On June 5, 1942, 1,432 predominantly Nisei (second
generation Americans of Japanese ancestry) members of the
Hawaii Provisional Infantry Battalion were shipped from the
Hawaiian Islands to Oakland, CA, where the 100th Infantry
Battalion was activated on June 12, 1942, and then shipped to
train at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin.
(5) The excellent training record of the 100th Infantry
Battalion and petitions from prominent civilian and military
personnel helped convince President Roosevelt and the War
Department to re-open military service to Nisei volunteers who
were incorporated into the 442nd Regimental Combat Team after
it was activated in February of 1943.
(6) In that same month, the 100th Infantry Battalion was
transferred to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, where it continued to
train and even though the battalion was ready to deploy shortly
thereafter, the battalion was refused by General Eisenhower,
due to concerns over the loyalty and patriotism of the Nisei.
(7) The 442nd Regimental Combat Team later trained with the
100th Infantry Battalion at Camp Shelby in May of 1943.
(8) Eventually, the 100th Infantry Battalion was deployed
to the Mediterranean and entered combat in Italy on September
26, 1943.
(9) Due to their bravery and valor, members of the
Battalion were honored with 6 awards of the Distinguished
Service Cross in the first 8 weeks of combat.
(10) The 100th Battalion fought at Cassino, Italy in
January, 1944, and later accompanied the 34th Infantry Division
to Anzio, Italy.
(11) In May and June of 1944, the battalion was joined by
the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and helped push the German
Army north of Rome.
(12) The battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit
Citation for its actions in battle on June 26-27, 1944.
(13) On August 14th, 1944, the 100th Infantry Battalion was
formally made an integral part of the 442nd Regimental Combat
Team, and fought for the last 9 months of the war with
distinction in Italy, southern France, and Germany.
(14) The 442nd Regimental became the most decorated unit in
United States military history for its size and length of
(15) The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and members of the
team, received 7 Presidential Unit Citations, 21 Medals of
Honor, 52 Distinguished Service Crosses, 560 Silver Stars,
4,000 Bronze Stars, 22 Legion of Merit Medals, 15 Soldier's
Medals, and nearly 10,000 Purple Hearts, among numerous
additional distinctions.
(16) The United States remains forever indebted to the
bravery, valor, and dedication to country these men faced while
fighting a 2-fronted battle of discrimination at home and
fascism abroad.
(17) Their commitment and sacrifice demonstrates a highly
uncommon and commendable sense of patriotism and honor.
(a) Award Authorized.--The Speaker of the House of Representatives
and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate
arrangements for the award, on behalf of the Congress, of a single gold
medal of appropriate design to the 100th Infantry Battalion and the
442nd Regimental Combat Team, United States Army, collectively, in
recognition of their dedicated service during World War II.
(b) Design and Striking.--For the purposes of the award referred to
in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in this Act
referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall strike the gold medal with
suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the
(c) Smithsonian Institution.--
(1) In general.--Following the award of the gold medal in
honor of the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental
Combat Team, United States Army, under subsection (a), the gold
medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution, where it
will be displayed as appropriate and made available for
(2) Sense.--It is the sense of the Congress that the
Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal received
under paragraph (1) available for display elsewhere,
particularly at other appropriate locations associated with the
100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team,
United States Army.
Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the
Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal
struck under section 2, at a price sufficient to cover the costs of the
medals, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and
overhead expenses.
Medals struck pursuant to this Act are national medals for purposes
of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code.
(a) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, an
amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for the cost of the medal
authorized under section 2.
(b) Proceeds of Sale.--Amounts received from the sale of duplicate
bronze medals under section 3 shall be deposited in the United States
Mint Public Enterprise Fund. | Requires the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to make arrangements for the award of a congressional gold medal to the Army's 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, collectively, in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II. | 30 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Employee Free Choice Act of 2007''.
(a) In General.--Section 9(c) of the National Labor Relations Act
(29 U.S.C. 159(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, whenever
a petition shall have been filed by an employee or group of employees
or any individual or labor organization acting in their behalf alleging
that a majority of employees in a unit appropriate for the purposes of
collective bargaining wish to be represented by an individual or labor
organization for such purposes, the Board shall investigate the
petition. If the Board finds that a majority of the employees in a unit
appropriate for bargaining has signed valid authorizations designating
the individual or labor organization specified in the petition as their
bargaining representative and that no other individual or labor
organization is currently certified or recognized as the exclusive
representative of any of the employees in the unit, the Board shall not
direct an election but shall certify the individual or labor
organization as the representative described in subsection (a).
``(7) The Board shall develop guidelines and procedures for the
designation by employees of a bargaining representative in the manner
described in paragraph (6). Such guidelines and procedures shall
``(A) model collective bargaining authorization language
that may be used for purposes of making the designations
described in paragraph (6); and
``(B) procedures to be used by the Board to establish the
validity of signed authorizations designating bargaining
(b) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) National labor relations board.--Section 3(b) of the
National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 153(b)) is amended, in
the second sentence--
(A) by striking ``and to'' and inserting ``to'';
(B) by striking ``and certify the results
thereof,'' and inserting ``, and to issue
certifications as provided for in that section,''.
(2) Unfair labor practices.--Section 8(b) of the National
Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 158(b)) is amended--
(A) in paragraph (7)(B) by striking ``, or'' and
inserting ``or a petition has been filed under section
9(c)(6), or''; and
(B) in paragraph (7)(C) by striking ``when such a
petition has been filed'' and inserting ``when such a
petition other than a petition under section 9(c)(6)
has been filed''.
Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 158) is
amended by adding at the end the following:
``(h) Whenever collective bargaining is for the purpose of
establishing an initial agreement following certification or
recognition, the provisions of subsection (d) shall be modified as
``(1) Not later than 10 days after receiving a written
request for collective bargaining from an individual or labor
organization that has been newly organized or certified as a
representative as defined in section 9(a), or within such
further period as the parties agree upon, the parties shall
meet and commence to bargain collectively and shall make every
reasonable effort to conclude and sign a collective bargaining
``(2) If after the expiration of the 90-day period
beginning on the date on which bargaining is commenced, or such
additional period as the parties may agree upon, the parties
have failed to reach an agreement, either party may notify the
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service of the existence of
a dispute and request mediation. Whenever such a request is
received, it shall be the duty of the Service promptly to put
itself in communication with the parties and to use its best
efforts, by mediation and conciliation, to bring them to
``(3) If after the expiration of the 30-day period
beginning on the date on which the request for mediation is
made under paragraph (2), or such additional period as the
parties may agree upon, the Service is not able to bring the
parties to agreement by conciliation, the Service shall refer
the dispute to an arbitration board established in accordance
with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Service. The
arbitration panel shall render a decision settling the dispute
and such decision shall be binding upon the parties for a
period of 2 years, unless amended during such period by written
consent of the parties.''.
(a) Injunctions Against Unfair Labor Practices During Organizing
(1) In general.--Section 10(l) of the National Labor
Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 160(l)) is amended--
(A) in the second sentence, by striking ``If, after
such'' and inserting the following:
``(2) If, after such''; and
(B) by striking the first sentence and inserting
the following:
``(1) Whenever it is charged--
``(A) that any employer--
``(i) discharged or otherwise discriminated against
an employee in violation of subsection (a)(3) of
section 8;
``(ii) threatened to discharge or to otherwise
discriminate against an employee in violation of
subsection (a)(1) of section 8; or
``(iii) engaged in any other unfair labor practice
within the meaning of subsection (a)(1) that
significantly interferes with, restrains, or coerces
employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in
section 7;
while employees of that employer were seeking representation by
a labor organization or during the period after a labor
organization was recognized as a representative defined in
section 9(a) until the first collective bargaining contract is
entered into between the employer and the representative; or
``(B) that any person has engaged in an unfair labor
practice within the meaning of subparagraph (A), (B) or (C) of
section 8(b)(4), section 8(e), or section 8(b)(7);
the preliminary investigation of such charge shall be made forthwith
and given priority over all other cases except cases of like character
in the office where it is filed or to which it is referred.''.
(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 10(m) of the National
Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 160(m)) is amended by inserting
``under circumstances not subject to section 10(l)'' after
``section 8''.
(b) Remedies for Violations.--
(1) Backpay.--Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations
Act (29 U.S.C. 160(c)) is amended by striking ``And provided
further,'' and inserting ``Provided further, That if the Board
finds that an employer has discriminated against an employee in
violation of subsection (a)(3) of section 8 while employees of
the employer were seeking representation by a labor
organization, or during the period after a labor organization
was recognized as a representative defined in subsection (a) of
section 9 until the first collective bargaining contract was
entered into between the employer and the representative, the
Board in such order shall award the employee back pay and, in
addition, 2 times that amount as liquidated damages: Provided
(2) Civil penalties.--Section 12 of the National Labor
Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 162) is amended--
(A) by striking ``Any'' and inserting ``(a) Any'';
(B) by adding at the end the following:
``(b) Any employer who willfully or repeatedly commits any unfair
labor practice within the meaning of subsections (a)(1) or (a)(3) of
section 8 while employees of the employer are seeking representation by
a labor organization or during the period after a labor organization
has been recognized as a representative defined in subsection (a) of
section 9 until the first collective bargaining contract is entered
into between the employer and the representative shall, in addition to
any make-whole remedy ordered, be subject to a civil penalty of not to
exceed $20,000 for each violation. In determining the amount of any
penalty under this section, the Board shall consider the gravity of the
unfair labor practice and the impact of the unfair labor practice on
the charging party, on other persons seeking to exercise rights
guaranteed by this Act, or on the public interest.''. | Employee Free Choice Act of 2007- Amends the National Labor Relations Act to require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to certify a bargaining representative without directing an election if a majority of the bargaining unit employees have authorized designation of the representative (card-check) and there is no other individual or labor organization currently certified or recognized as the exclusive representative of any of the employees in the unit.
Sets forth special procedural requirements for reaching an initial collective bargaining agreement following certification or recognition.
Revises enforcement requirements with respect to unfair labor practices during union organizing drives, particularly a preliminary investigation of an alleged unfair labor practice (ULP) which may lead to proceedings for injunctive relief.
Requires that priority be given to a preliminary investigation of any charge that, while employees were seeking representation by a labor organization, or during the period after a labor organization was recognized as a representative until the first collective bargaining contract is entered into, an employer: (1) discharged or otherwise discriminated against an employee to encourage or discourage membership in the labor organization; (2) threatened to discharge or to otherwise discriminate against an employee in order to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of guaranteed self-organization or collective bardaining rights; or (3) engaged in any other related ULP that significantly interferes with, restrains, or coerces employees in the exercise of such guaranteed rights.
Adds to remedies for such violations: (1) back pay plus liquidated damages; and (2) additional civil penalties. | 31 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Crib Safety Act''.
(a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The disability and death of infants resulting from
injuries sustained in crib incidents are a serious threat to
the public health, welfare, and safety of people of this
(2) The design and construction of a baby crib must ensure
that it is safe to leave an infant unattended for extended
periods of time. A parent or caregiver has a right to believe
that the crib in use is a safe place to leave an infant.
(3) Each year more than 11,500 children age 2 and under are
injured in cribs seriously enough to require hospital
(4) Each year at least 26 children age 4 and under die from
injuries sustained in cribs.
(5) The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
estimates that the cost to society resulting from deaths due to
cribs is at least $150,000,000 per year.
(6) Secondhand, hand-me-down, and heirloom cribs pose a
special problem. There are nearly 4 million infants born in
this country each year, but only one to two million new cribs
sold. Many infants are placed in secondhand, hand-me-down, or
heirloom cribs.
(7) Most crib deaths occur in secondhand, hand-me-down, or
heirloom cribs.
(8) Existing State and Federal legislation is inadequate to
deal with the hazard presented by secondhand, hand-me-down, or
heirloom cribs.
(9) Prohibiting contracting to sell, resell, lease, or
sublease unsafe cribs that are not new, or otherwise placing in
the stream of commerce unsafe secondhand, hand-me-down, or
heirloom cribs, will prevent injuries and deaths caused by
(b) Purpose.--The purpose of this Act is to prevent the occurrence
of injuries and deaths to infants as a result of unsafe cribs by making
it illegal--
(1) to manufacture, sell, or contract to sell any crib that
is unsafe for any infant using it; or
(2) to resell, lease, sublet, or otherwise place in the
stream of commerce, after the effective date of this Act, any
unsafe crib, particularly any unsafe secondhand, hand-me-down,
or heirloom crib.
As used in this Act:
(1) Commercial user.--
(A) In general.--The term ``commercial user'' means
any person--
(i) who manufactures, sells, or contracts
to sell full-size cribs or nonfull-size cribs;
(ii) who--
(I) deals in full-size or nonfull-
size cribs that are not new or who
otherwise by one's occupation holds
oneself out as having knowledge or
skill peculiar to full-size cribs or
nonfull-size cribs, including child
care facilities and family child care
homes; or
(II) is in the business of
contracting to sell or resell, lease,
sublet, or otherwise placing in the
stream of commerce full-size cribs or
nonfull-size cribs that are not new.
(B) Exception.--The term does not include an
individual who sells a used crib at a one-time private
(2) Crib.--The term ``crib'' means a full-size crib or
nonfull-size crib.
(3) Full-size crib.--The term ``full-size crib'' means a
full-size baby crib as defined in section 1508.1 of title 16,
Code of Federal Regulations.
(4) Infant.--The term ``infant'' means any person less than
35 inches tall or less than 2 years of age.
(5) Nonfull-size crib.--The term ``nonfull-size crib''
means a nonfull-size baby crib as defined in section 1509.2(b)
of title 16, Code of Federal Regulations (including a portable
crib and a crib-pen described in paragraph (2) of subsection
(b) of that section).
(a) Manufacture and Sale of Cribs.--It shall be unlawful for any
commercial user--
(1) to manufacture, sell, or contract to sell any full-size
crib or nonfull-size crib that is unsafe for any infant using
it; or
(2) to sell, contract to sell or resell, lease, sublet, or
otherwise place in the stream of commerce any full-size or
nonfull-size crib that is not new and that is unsafe for any
infant using it.
(b) Provision of Cribs by Lodging Facilities.--It shall be unlawful
for any hotel, motel, or similar transient lodging facility to offer or
provide for use or otherwise place in the stream of commerce, on or
after the effective date of this Act, any full-size crib or nonfull-
size crib that is unsafe for any infant using it.
(c) Adherence to Crib Safety Standards.--A full-size crib, nonfull-
size crib, portable crib, playpen, or play yard shall be presumed to be
unsafe under this section if it does not conform to the standards
applicable to such product as follows:
(1) Part 1508 (commencing with section 1508.1) of title 16,
Code of Federal Regulations (requirements for full-size baby
(2) Part 1509 (commencing with section 1509.1) of title 16,
Code of Federal Regulations (requirements for nonfull-size baby
(3) American Society for Testing Materials F406 Consumer
Safety Specification for Play Yards.
(4) American Society for Testing Materials F1169 Consumer
Safety Specification for Full-Size Cribs.
(5) American Society for Testing Materials F1822 Consumer
Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Cribs.
(6) American Society for Testing Materials F966 Consumer
Safety Specification for Full-Size and Non-Full-Size Baby Crib
Corner Post Extensions.
(7) Part 1303 (commencing with section 1303.1) of title 16,
Code of Federal Regulations.
(8) Any amendments to the regulations or standards
specified in paragraphs (1) through (7), or any other
regulations or standards that are adopted in order to amend or
supplement the regulations or standards specified in such
(d) Exception.--This section shall not apply to a full-size crib or
nonfull-size crib that is not intended for use by an infant, including
a toy or display item, if at the time it is manufactured, made subject
to a contract to sell or resell, leased, sublet, or otherwise placed in
the stream of commerce, as applicable, it is accompanied by a notice to
be furnished by each commercial user declaring that the crib is not
intended to be used for an infant and is dangerous to use for an
(e) Enforcement.--(1) The Consumer Product Safety Commission shall
have the power to enforce the provisions of this section as if such
provisions were a consumer product safety standard promulgated by the
Commission under the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2051 et
(2) A violation of this section shall be considered a prohibited
act within the meaning of section 19 of the Consumer Product Safety Act
(15 U.S.C. 2068), and shall be subject to the penalties and remedies
available for prohibited acts under the Consumer Product Safety Act.
This Act shall become effective 90 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act. | Infant Crib Safety Act - Makes it unlawful for any commercial user to: (1) manufacture, sell, or contract to sell any full-size or nonfull-size crib which is unsafe for any infant; or (2) sell, contract to sell or resell, lease, sublet, or otherwise place in the stream of commerce any such crib which is not new and is unsafe for any infant. Makes it unlawful for any lodging facility to offer or provide such an unsafe crib. Presumes as unsafe a crib which does not conform to specified standards in the Code of Federal Regulations and the American Society for Testing Materials Voluntary Standards, unless labeled as dangerous for an infant and not intended to be used for one.
Grants the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) enforcement powers as if this Act were a consumer product safety standard promulgated by it under the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Declares a violation of this Act shall be considered a prohibited act within the meaning of the CPSA, and subject to its penalties and remedies. | 32 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Rio Grande del Norte National
Conservation Area Establishment Act''.
In this Act:
(1) Conservation area.--The term ``Conservation Area''
means the Rio Grande del Norte National Conservation Area
established by section 3(a)(1).
(2) Land grant community.--The term ``land grant
community'' means a member of the Board of Trustees of
confirmed or nonconfirmed community land grants within the
Conservation Area.
(3) Management plan.--The term ``management plan'' means
the management plan for the Conservation Area developed under
section 3(d).
(4) Map.--The term ``map'' means the map entitled ``Rio
Grande del Norte National Conservation Area'' and dated
November 4, 2009.
(5) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(6) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of New
(a) Establishment.--
(1) In general.--There is established the Rio Grande del
Norte National Conservation Area in the State.
(2) Area included.--The Conservation Area shall consist of
approximately 235,980 acres of public land in Taos and Rio
Arriba counties in the State, as generally depicted on the map.
(b) Purposes.--The purposes of the Conservation Area are to
conserve, protect, and enhance for the benefit and enjoyment of present
and future generations the cultural, traditional, archaeological,
natural, ecological, geological, historical, wildlife, educational,
recreational, and scenic resources of the Conservation Area.
(c) Management.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall manage the
Conservation Area--
(A) in a manner that conserves, protects, and
enhances the resources of the Conservation Area; and
(B) in accordance with--
(i) the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.);
(ii) this Act; and
(iii) any other applicable laws.
(2) Uses.--
(A) In general.--The Secretary shall allow only
such uses of the Conservation Area that the Secretary
determines would further the purposes described in
subsection (b).
(B) Use of motorized vehicles.--
(i) In general.--Except as needed for
administrative purposes or to respond to an
emergency, the use of motorized vehicles in the
Conservation Area shall be permitted only on
roads designated for use by motorized vehicles
in the management plan.
(ii) New roads.--No additional road shall
be built within the Conservation Area after the
date of enactment of this Act unless the road
is needed for public safety or natural resource
(C) Grazing.--The Secretary shall permit grazing
within the Conservation Area, where established before
the date of enactment of this Act--
(i) subject to all applicable laws
(including regulations) and Executive orders;
(ii) consistent with the purposes described
in subsection (b).
(D) Collection of pinon nuts, firewood, medicinal
plants and herbs.--Nothing in this section precludes
the traditional collection of firewood, medicinal
plants and herbs, and pinon nuts in the Conservation
Area for noncommercial personal use--
(i) in accordance with any applicable laws;
(ii) subject to such terms and conditions
as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
(E) Utility right-of-way upgrades.--Nothing in this
section precludes the Secretary from renewing or
authorizing the upgrading (including widening) of an
existing utility right-of-way through the Conservation
Area in a manner that minimizes harm to the purposes of
the Conservation Area described in subsection (b)--
(i) in accordance with--
(I) the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.); and
(II) any other applicable law; and
(ii) subject to such terms and conditions
as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
(F) Tribal cultural uses.--
(i) Access.--The Secretary shall, in
consultation with Indian tribes or pueblos--
(I) ensure the protection of
religious and cultural sites in the
Conservation Area; and
(II) provide access to the sites by
members of Indian tribes or pueblos for
traditional cultural and customary
uses, consistent with Public Law 95-341
(commonly known as the ``American
Indian Religious Freedom Act'') (42
U.S.C. 1996).
(ii) Temporary closures.--In accordance
with Public Law 95-341 (commonly known as the
``American Indian Religious Freedom Act'') (42
U.S.C. 1996), the Secretary, on request of an
Indian tribe or pueblo, may temporarily close
to general public use 1 or more specific areas
of the Conservation Area in order to protect
traditional cultural and customary uses in
those areas by members of the Indian tribe or
the pueblo.
(d) Management Plan.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 3 years after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop a management
plan for the Conservation Area.
(2) Other plans.--To the extent consistent with this Act,
the plan may incorporate in the management plan the Rio Grande
Corridor Management Plan in effect on the date of enactment of
this Act.
(3) Consultation.--The management plan shall be developed
in consultation with--
(A) State and local governments;
(B) tribal governmental entities;
(C) land grant communities; and
(D) the public.
(4) Considerations.--In preparing and implementing the
management plan, the Secretary shall consider the
recommendations of Indian tribes and pueblos on methods for--
(A) ensuring access to religious and cultural
(B) enhancing the privacy and continuity of
traditional cultural and religious activities in the
Conservation Area; and
(C) protecting traditional cultural and religious
sites in the Conservation Area.
(e) Incorporation of Acquired Land and Interests in Land.--Any land
that is within the boundary of the Conservation Area that is acquired
by the United States shall--
(1) become part of the Conservation Area; and
(2) be managed in accordance with--
(A) this Act; and
(B) any other applicable laws.
(f) Special Management Areas.--
(1) In general.--The establishment of the Conservation Area
shall not change the management status of any area within the
boundary of the Conservation Area that is--
(A) designated as a component of the National Wild
and Scenic Rivers System under the Wild and Scenic
Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.); or
(B) managed as an area of critical environmental
(2) Conflict of laws.--If there is a conflict between the
laws applicable to the areas described in paragraph (1) and
this Act, the more restrictive provision shall control.
(a) In General.--In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C.
1131 et seq.), the following areas in the Conservation Area are
designated as wilderness and as components of the National Wilderness
Preservation System:
(1) Cerro del yuta wilderness.--Certain land administered
by the Bureau of Land Management in Taos County, New Mexico,
comprising approximately 13,420 acres as generally depicted on
the map, which shall be known as the ``Cerro del Yuta
(2) Rio san antonio wilderness.--Certain land administered
by the Bureau of Land Management in Rio Arriba County, New
Mexico, comprising approximately 8,000 acres, as generally
depicted on the map, which shall be known as the ``Rio San
Antonio Wilderness''.
(b) Management of Wilderness Areas.--Subject to valid existing
rights, the wilderness areas designated by subsection (a) shall be
administered in accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et
seq.) and this Act, except that with respect to the wilderness areas
designated by this Act--
(1) any reference to the effective date of the Wilderness
Act shall be considered to be a reference to the date of
enactment of this Act; and
(2) any reference in the Wilderness Act to the Secretary of
Agriculture shall be considered to be a reference to the
(c) Incorporation of Acquired Land and Interests in Land.--Any land
or interest in land within the boundary of the wilderness areas
designated by subsection (a) that is acquired by the United States
(1) become part of the wilderness area in which the land is
located; and
(2) be managed in accordance with--
(A) the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.);
(B) this Act; and
(C) any other applicable laws.
(d) Grazing.--Grazing of livestock in the wilderness areas
designated by subsection (a), where established before the date of
enactment of this Act, shall be administered in accordance with--
(1) section 4(d)(4) of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C.
1133(d)(4)); and
(2) the guidelines set forth in appendix A of the Report of
the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs to accompany H.R.
2570 of the 101st Congress (H. Rept. 101-405).
(e) Buffer Zones.--
(1) In general.--Nothing in this section creates a
protective perimeter or buffer zone around any wilderness area
designated by subsection (a).
(2) Activities outside wilderness areas.--The fact that an
activity or use on land outside any wilderness area designated
by subsection (a) can be seen or heard within the wilderness
area shall not preclude the activity or use outside the
boundary of the wilderness area.
(f) Release of Wilderness Study Areas.--Congress finds that, for
purposes of section 603(c) of the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1782(c)), the public land within the San Antonio
Wilderness Study Area not designated as wilderness by this section--
(1) has been adequately studied for wilderness designation;
(2) is no longer subject to section 603(c) of the Federal
Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1782(c)); and
(3) shall be managed in accordance with this Act.
(a) Maps and Legal Descriptions.--
(1) In general.--As soon as practicable after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall file the map and
legal descriptions of the Conservation Area and the wilderness
areas designated by section 4(a) with--
(A) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
of the Senate; and
(B) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House
of Representatives.
(2) Force of law.--The map and legal descriptions filed
under paragraph (1) shall have the same force and effect as if
included in this Act, except that the Secretary may correct
errors in the legal description and map.
(3) Public availability.--The map and legal descriptions
filed under paragraph (1) shall be on file and available for
public inspection in the appropriate offices of the Bureau of
Land Management.
(b) National Landscape Conservation System.--The Conservation Area
and the wilderness areas designated by section 4(a) shall be
administered as components of the National Landscape Conservation
(c) Fish and Wildlife.--Nothing in this Act affects the
jurisdiction of the State with respect to fish and wildlife located on
public land in the State, except that the Secretary, after consultation
with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, may designate zones
where, and establishing periods when, hunting shall not be allowed for
reasons of public safety, administration, or public use and enjoyment.
(d) Withdrawals.--Subject to valid existing rights, any Federal
land within the Conservation Area and the wilderness areas designated
by section 4(a), including any land or interest in land that is
acquired by the United States after the date of enactment of this Act,
is withdrawn from--
(1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under the public land
(2) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and
(3) operation of the mineral leasing, mineral materials,
and geothermal leasing laws.
(e) Treaty Rights.--Nothing in this Act enlarges, diminishes, or
otherwise modifies any treaty rights.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary
to carry out this Act. | Rio Grande Del Norte National Conservation Area Establishment Act - Establishes the Rio Grande Del Norte National Conservation Area in New Mexico, consisting of approximately 235,980 acres of public land in Taos and Rio Arriba Counties.
Requires the Secretary of the Interior to ensure the protection of religious and cultural sites in the Conservation Area and to provide access to them by tribal members for traditional cultural and customary uses.
Requires the Secretary to develop a management plan for the Conservation Area.
Bars the changing of the management status of any area within the boundary of the Conservation Area that is: (1) designated as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System; or (2) managed as an area of critical environmental concern.
Designates the Cerro Del Yuta Wilderness and Rio San Antonio Wilderness as wilderness and as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Releases the public land within the San Antonio Wilderness Study Area not designated as wilderness from further study for designation as wilderness.
Requires the Conservation Area and the wilderness areas designated by this Act to be administered as components of the National Landscape Conservation System. | 33 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Santa Ana River Water Supply
Enhancement Act of 2009''.
(a) In General.--The Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study
and Facilities Act (Public Law 102-575, title XVI; 43 U.S.C. 390h et
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) In General.--The Secretary, in cooperation with the Orange
County Water District, shall participate in the planning, design, and
construction of natural treatment systems and wetlands for the flows of
the Santa Ana River, California, and its tributaries into the Prado
``(b) Cost Sharing.--The Federal share of the cost of the project
described in subsection (a) shall not exceed 25 percent of the total
cost of the project.
``(c) Limitation.--Funds provided by the Secretary shall not be
used for the operation and maintenance of the project described in
subsection (a).
``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section $20,000,000.
``(e) Sunset of Authority.--This section shall have no effect after
the date that is 10 years after the date of the enactment of this
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections in section 2 of
Public Law 102-575 is further amended by inserting after the last item
the following:
``16__. Prado Basin Natural Treatment System Project.''.
(a) In General.--The Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study
and Facilities Act (Public Law 102-575, title XVI; 43 U.S.C. 390h et
seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) Southern California.--The Secretary, under Federal
reclamation laws and in cooperation with units of local government, may
assist agencies in projects to construct regional brine lines to export
the salinity imported from the Colorado River to the Pacific Ocean as
identified in--
``(1) the Salinity Management Study prepared by the Bureau
of Reclamation and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California; and
``(2) the Southern California Comprehensive Water
Reclamation and Reuse Study prepared by the Bureau of
``(b) Agreements and Regulations.--The Secretary may enter into
such agreements and promulgate such regulations as are necessary to
carry out this section.
``(c) Cost Sharing.--The Federal share of the cost of a project to
construct regional brine lines described in subsection (a) shall not
``(1) 25 percent of the total cost of the project; or
``(2) $40,000,000.
``(d) Limitation.--Funds provided by the Secretary shall not be
used for operation or maintenance of any project described in
subsection (a).
``(e) Sunset of Authority.--This section shall have no effect after
the date that is 10 years after the date of the enactment of this
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections in section 2 of
Public Law 102-575 is further amended by inserting after the last item
the following:
``16__. Regional brine lines.''.
(a) In General.--The Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study
and Facilities Act (Public Law 102-575, title XVI; 43 U.S.C. 390h et
seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) In General.--The Secretary, in cooperation with the Chino
Basin Watermaster, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and the Santa
Ana Watershed Project Authority and acting under the Federal
reclamation laws, shall participate in the design, planning, and
construction of the Lower Chino Dairy Area desalination demonstration
and reclamation project.
``(b) Cost Sharing.--The Federal share of the cost of the project
described in subsection (a) shall not exceed--
``(1) 25 percent of the total cost of the project; or
``(2) $50,000,000.
``(c) Limitation.--Funds provided by the Secretary shall not be
used for operation or maintenance of the project described in
subsection (a).
``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
``(e) Sunset of Authority.--This section shall have no effect after
the date that is 10 years after the date of the enactment of this
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections in section 2 of
Public Law 102-575 is further amended by inserting after the last item
the following:
``16__. Lower Chino dairy area desalination demonstration and
reclamation project.''. | Santa Ana River Water Supply Enhancement Act of 2009 - Amends the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior, in cooperation with: (1) the Orange County Water District (the District), to participate in the design, planning, and construction of natural treatment systems and wetlands for the flows of the Santa Ana River, California, and its tributaries into the Prado Basin; (2) local governments, to assist agencies in projects to construct regional brine lines to export the salinity imported from the Colorado River to the Pacific Ocean; and (3) the Chino Basin Watermaster, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, to participate in the design, planning, and construction of the Lower Chino Dairy Area desalination demonstration and reclamation project. Limits the federal share of total project costs. Prohibits using funds provided by the Secretary for operation and maintenance of the projects. Terminates the Secretary's authority to carry out this Act after 10 years. | 34 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Human Cloning Prohibition Act of
Congress finds that--
(1) the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (referred to
in this Act as the ``NBAC'') has reviewed the scientific and
ethical implications of human cloning and has determined that
the cloning of human beings is morally unacceptable;
(2) the NBAC recommended that Federal legislation be
enacted to prohibit anyone from conducting or attempting human
cloning, whether using Federal or non-Federal funds;
(3) the NBAC also recommended that the United States
cooperate with other countries to enforce mutually supported
prohibitions on human cloning;
(4) the NBAC found that somatic cell nuclear transfer (also
known as nuclear transplantation) may have many important
applications in medical research;
(5) the Institute of Medicine has found that nuclear
transplantation may enable stem cells to be developed in a
manner that will permit such cells to be transplanted into a
patient without being rejected;
(6) the NBAC concluded that any regulatory or legislative
actions undertaken to prohibit human cloning should be
carefully written so as not to interfere with other important
areas of research, such as stem cell research; and
(7)(A) biomedical research and clinical facilities engage
in and affect interstate commerce;
(B) the services provided by clinical facilities move in
interstate commerce;
(C) patients travel regularly across State lines in order
to access clinical facilities; and
(D) biomedical research and clinical facilities engage
scientists, doctors, and other staff in an interstate market,
and contract for research and purchase medical and other
supplies in an interstate market.
It is the purpose of this Act to prohibit any attempt to clone a
human being while protecting important areas of medical research,
including stem cell research.
(a) In General.--Title 18, United States Code, is amended by
inserting after chapter 15, the following:
``301. Prohibition on human cloning.
``Sec. 301. Prohibition on human cloning
``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) Human cloning.--The term `human cloning' means
asexual reproduction by implanting or attempting to implant the
product of nuclear transplantation into a uterus.
``(2) Human somatic cell.--The term `human somatic cell'
means a mature, diploid cell that is obtained or derived from a
living or deceased human being at any stage of development.
``(3) Nuclear transplantation.--The term `nuclear
transplantation' means transferring the nucleus of a human
somatic cell into an oocyte from which the nucleus or all
chromosomes have been or will be removed or rendered inert.
``(4) Nucleus.--The term `nucleus' means the cell structure
that houses the chromosomes, and thus the genes.
``(5) Oocyte.--The term `oocyte' means the female germ
cell, the egg.
``(b) Prohibitions on Human Cloning.--It shall be unlawful for any
person or other legal entity, public or private--
``(1) to conduct or attempt to conduct human cloning;
``(2) to ship the product of nuclear transplantation in
interstate or foreign commerce for the purpose of human cloning
in the United States or elsewhere; or
``(3) to use funds made available under any provision of
Federal law for an activity prohibited under paragraph (1) or
``(c) Protection of Medical Research.--Nothing in this section
shall be construed to restrict areas of biomedical and agricultural
research or practices not expressly prohibited in this section,
including research or practices that involve the use of--
``(1) nuclear transplantation to produce human stem cells;
``(2) techniques to create exact duplicates of molecules,
DNA, cells, and tissues;
``(3) mitochondrial, cytoplasmic or gene therapy; or
``(4) nuclear transplantation techniques to create nonhuman
``(d) Penalties.--
``(1) In general.--Whoever intentionally violates any
provision of subsection (b) shall be fined under this title and
imprisoned not more than 10 years.
``(2) Civil penalties.--Whoever intentionally violates
paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (b) shall be subject
to a civil penalty of $1,000,000 or three times the gross
pecuniary gain resulting from the violation, whichever is
``(3) Civil actions.--If a person is violating or about to
violate the provisions of subsection (b), the Attorney General
may commence a civil action in an appropriate Federal district
court to enjoin such violation.
``(4) Forfeiture.--Any property, real or personal, derived
from or used to commit a violation or attempted violation of
the provisions of subsection (b), or any property traceable to
such property, shall be subject to forfeiture to the United
States in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter
46 of title 18, United States Code.
``(5) Advisory opinions.--The Attorney General shall, upon
request, render binding advisory opinions regarding the scope,
applicability, interpretation, and enforcement of this section
with regard to specific research projects or practices.
``(e) Cooperation With Foreign Countries.--It is the sense of
Congress that the President should cooperate with foreign countries to
enforce mutually supported restrictions on the activities prohibited
under subsection (b).
``(f) Right of Action.--Nothing in this section shall be construed
to give any individual or person a private right of action.
``(g) Preemption of State Law.--The provisions of this section
shall preempt any State or local law, that is inconsistent with this
section or section 498C of the Public Health Service Act, that
prohibits or restricts research regarding, or practices constituting,
nuclear transplantation or human cloning.''.
(b) Ethical Requirements for Nuclear Transplantation Research.--
Part H of title IV of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 289 et
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) Human somatic cell.--The term `human somatic cell'
means a mature, diploid cell that is obtained or derived from a
living or deceased human being at any stage of development.
``(2) Nuclear transplantation.--The term `nuclear
transplantation' means transferring the nucleus of a human
somatic cell into an oocyte from which the nucleus or all
chromosomes have been or will be removed or rendered inert.
``(3) Nucleus.--The term `nucleus' means the cell structure
that houses the chromosomes, and thus the genes.
``(4) Oocyte.--The term `oocyte' means the female germ
cell, the egg.
``(b) Applicability of Federal Ethical Standards to Nuclear
Transplantation Research.--Research involving nuclear transplantation
shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of part
46 of title 45, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the date
of enactment of the Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001).
``(c) Civil Penalties.--Whoever intentionally violates subsection
(b) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $250,000.
``(d) Enforcement.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services
shall have the exclusive authority to enforce this section.''. | Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 - Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit: (1) conducting or attempting to conduct human cloning; (2) shipping the product of nuclear transplantation for the purpose of human cloning in the United States or elsewhere; and (3) using funds made available under Federal law for any such activity. Authorizes the Attorney General to commence a civil action to enjoin a violation.Provides that nothing in this Act shall be construed to restrict areas of biomedical and agricultural research or practices not expressly prohibited, including nuclear transplantation to produce human stem cells or to create nonhuman animals.Subjects to forfeiture any real or personal property derived from or used to commit a violation.Directs the Attorney General, upon request, to render binding advisory opinions regarding the applicability of such prohibition with respect to specific research projects or practices.Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should cooperate with foreign countries to enforce mutually supported restrictions on such prohibited activities.Amends the Public Health Service Act to require research involving nuclear transplantation to be conducted in accordance with applicable Federal standards for the protection of human subjects. | 35 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Social Security Number Protection
Act of 2002''.
The Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The inappropriate sale or purchase of Social Security
numbers is a significant factor in a growing range of illegal
activities, including fraud, identity theft, and, in some
cases, stalking and other violent crimes.
(2) While financial institutions, health care providers,
and other entities have often used Social Security numbers to
confirm the identity of an individual, the sale or purchase of
these numbers often facilitates the commission of criminal
activities, and also can result in serious invasions of
individual privacy.
(3) The Federal Government requires virtually every
individual in the United States to obtain and maintain a Social
Security number in order to pay taxes, to qualify for Social
Security benefits, or to seek employment. An unintended
consequence of these requirements is that Social Security
numbers have become tools that can be used to facilitate crime,
fraud, and invasions of the privacy of the individuals to whom
the numbers are assigned. Because the Federal Government
created and maintains this system, and because the Federal
Government does not permit persons to exempt themselves from
those requirements, it is appropriate for the Government to
take steps to stem the abuse of this system.
(4) A Social Security number is simply a sequence of
numbers. In no meaningful sense can the number itself impart
knowledge or ideas. Persons do not sell or transfer such
numbers in order to convey any particularized message, nor to
express to the purchaser any ideas, knowledge, or thoughts.
(5) A Social Security number does not contain, reflect, or
convey any publicly significant information or concern any
public issue. The sale of such numbers in no way facilitates
uninhibited, robust and wide-open public debate; and
restrictions on such sale would not affect public debate.
(6) No one should seek to profit from the sale of Social
Security numbers in circumstances that create a substantial
risk of physical, emotional, or financial harm to the
individuals to whom those numbers are assigned.
(7) Consequently, Congress should enact legislation that
will offer individuals assigned such numbers necessary
protection from the sale and purchase of Social Security
numbers in circumstances that might facilitate unlawful conduct
or that might otherwise likely result in unfair and deceptive
In this Act:
(1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal
Trade Commission.
(2) Person.--The term ``person'' means any individual,
partnership, corporation, trust, estate, cooperative,
association, or any other entity.
(3) Sale.--The term ``sale'' means obtaining, directly or
indirectly, anything of value in exchange for a Social Security
number or Social Security account number. Such term does not
include the submission of such numbers as part of the process
for applying for any type of Government benefit or programs
(such as grant or loan applications or welfare or other public
assistance programs). Such term also does not include transfers
of such numbers as part of a data matching program under the
Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act.
(4) Purchase.--The term ``purchase'' means providing
directly or indirectly, anything of value in exchange for a
Social Security number or Social Security account number. Such
term does not include the submission of such numbers as part of
the process for applying for any type of Government benefit or
programs (such as grant or loan applications or welfare or
other public assistance programs). Such term also does not
include transfers of such numbers as part of a data matching
program under the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act.
(5) Social security number; social security account
number.--The terms ``Social Security number'' and ``Social
Security account number'' have the meaning given those terms in
section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408).
(6) State.--The term ``State'' means any State of the
United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
Northern Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin Islands,
Guam, American Samoa, and any territory or possession of the
United States.
(a) Prohibition.--It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or
purchase a Social Security number or Social Security account number in
a manner that violates a regulation promulgated by the Commission under
subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Regulations.--
(1) Restrictions authorized.--The Commission, after
consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, the
Department of Justice, and other agencies as the Commission deems
appropriate, shall promulgate regulations restricting the sale and
purchase of Social Security numbers and Social Security account numbers
and any unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the
sale and purchase of Social Security numbers and Social Security
account numbers.
(2) Limitations on restrictions.--In promulgating such
regulations, the Commission shall impose restrictions and
conditions on the sale and purchase of Social Security numbers
and Social Security account numbers that are no broader than
(A) to provide reasonable assurance that Social
Security numbers and Social Security account numbers
will not be used to commit or facilitate fraud,
deception, or crime; and
(B) to prevent an undue risk of bodily, emotional,
or financial harm to individuals.
For purposes of subparagraph (B), the Commission shall consider
the nature, likelihood and severity of the anticipated harm;
the nature, likelihood and extent of any benefits that could be
realized from the sale or purchase of the numbers; and any
other relevant factors.
(3) Exceptions.--The regulations promulgated pursuant to
paragraph (1) shall include exceptions which permit the sale
and purchase of Social Security numbers and Social Security
account numbers--
(A) to the extent necessary for law enforcement or
national security purposes;
(B) to the extent necessary for public health
(C) to the extent necessary in emergency situations
to protect the health or safety of 1 or more
(D) to the extent necessary for research conducted
for the purpose of advancing public knowledge, on the
condition that the researcher provides adequate
assurances that--
(i) the Social Security numbers or Social
Security account numbers will not be used to
harass, target, or publicly reveal information
concerning any identifiable individuals;
(ii) information about identifiable
individuals obtained from the research will not
to be used to make decisions that directly
affect the rights, benefits, or privileges of
specific individuals; and
(iii) the researcher has in place
appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy
and confidentiality of any information about
identifiable individuals;
(E) to the extent consistent with an individual's
voluntary and affirmative written consent to the sale
or purchase of a Social Security number or Social
Security account number that has been assigned to that
individual; and
(F) under other appropriate circumstances as the
Commission may determine and as are consistent with the
findings in section 2 and the principles in paragraph
(c) Rulemaking.--
(1) Deadline for action.--Not later than 1 year after the
date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall promulgate
the regulations under subsection (b) of this section, in
accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code.
(2) Effective dates.--Subsection (a), the regulations
promulgated under subsection (b), and section 5 shall take
effect 30 days after the date on which the final regulations
issued under this section are published in the Federal
(d) Enforcement.--Any violation of a regulation promulgated under
subsection (b) of this section shall be treated as a violation of a
regulation under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission
Act (15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B)) regarding unfair or deceptive acts or
(e) Administration and Applicability of Act.--
(1) The commission.--The Commission shall prevent any
person from violating this section, and any regulation
promulgated thereunder, in the same manner, by the same means,
and with the same jurisdiction, powers, and duties as though
all applicable terms and provisions of the Federal Trade
Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) were incorporated into
and made a part of this Act. Any person who violates such
regulation shall be subject to the penalties and entitled to
the privileges and immunities provided in the Federal Trade
Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) as though all applicable
terms and provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15
U.S.C. 41 et seq.) were incorporated into and made a part of
this Act. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to
limit the authority of the Commission under any other provision
of law.
(2) Actions by states.--
(A) Civil actions.--In any case in which the
attorney general of a State has reason to believe that
an interest of the residents of that State has been or
is threatened or adversely affected by an act or
practice that violates any regulation of the Commission
promulgated under subsection (b), the State, as parens
patriae, may bring a civil action on behalf of the
residents of the State in a district court of the
United States of appropriate jurisdiction, to--
(i) enjoin that act or practice;
(ii) enforce compliance with the
(iii) obtain damages, restitution, or other
compensation on behalf of residents of the
State; or
(iv) obtain such other legal and equitable
relief as the district court may consider to be
Before filing an action under this subsection, the
attorney general of the State involved shall provide to
the Commission and to the Attorney General a written notice of that
action and a copy of the complaint for that action. If the State
attorney general determines that it is not feasible to provide the
notice described in this subparagraph before the filing of the action,
the State attorney general shall provide the written notice and the
copy of the complaint to the Commission and to the Attorney General as
soon after the filing of the complaint as practicable.
(B) Commission and attorney general authority.--On
receiving notice under subparagraph (A), the Commission
and the Attorney General each shall have the right--
(i) to move to stay the action, pending the
final disposition of a pending Federal matter
as described in subparagraph (C);
(ii) to intervene in an action under clause
(iii) upon so intervening, to be heard on
all matters arising therein; and
(iv) to file petitions for appeal.
(C) Pending criminal proceedings.--If the Attorney
General has instituted a criminal proceeding or the
Federal Trade Commission has instituted a civil action
for a violation of this Act or any regulations
thereunder, no State may, during the pendency of such
proceeding or action, bring an action under this
section against any defendant named in the criminal
proceeding or civil action for any violation of this
section that is alleged in that proceeding or action.
(D) Rule of construction.--For purposes of bringing
any civil action under subparagraph (A), nothing in
this Act shall be construed to prevent an attorney
general of a State from exercising the powers conferred
on the attorney general by the laws of that State to
conduct investigations, administer oaths and
affirmations, or compel the attendance of witnesses or
the production of documentary and other evidence.
(E) Venue; service of process.--Any action brought
under this section may be brought in any district court
of the United States that meets applicable requirements
relating to venue under section 1391 of title 28,
United States Code. In an action brought under this
section, process may be served in any district in which
the defendant is an inhabitant or may be found. | Social Security Number Protection Act of 2002 - Provides for the regulation of the sale and purchase of Social Security numbers and Social Security account numbers.Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to establish criminal penalties for sales and purchases of the Social Security number and Social Security account number of any person in violation of the laws of the United States. | 36 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Women's Progress Commemoration
Congress declares that--
(1) the original Seneca Falls Convention, held in upstate
New York in July 1848, convened to consider the social
conditions and civil rights of women at that time;
(2) the convention marked the beginning of an admirable and
courageous struggle for equal rights for women;
(3) the 150th Anniversary of the convention provides an
excellent opportunity to examine the history of the women's
movement; and
(4) a Federal Commission should be established for the
important task of ensuring the historic preservation of sites
that have been instrumental in American women's history,
creating a living legacy for generations to come.
(a) Establishment.--There is established a commission to be known
as the ``Women's Progress Commemoration Commission'' (referred to in
this Act as the ``Commission'').
(b) Membership.--
(1) In general.--The Commission shall be composed of 15
members, of whom--
(A) 3 shall be appointed by the President;
(B) 3 shall be appointed by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives;
(C) 3 shall be appointed by the minority leader of
the House of Representatives;
(D) 3 shall be appointed by the majority leader of
the Senate; and
(E) 3 shall be appointed by the minority leader of
the Senate.
(2) Persons eligible.--
(A) In general.--The members of the Commission
shall be individuals who have knowledge or expertise,
whether by experience or training, in matters to be
studied by the Commission. The members may be from the
public or private sector, and may include Federal,
State, local, or employees, members of academia,
nonprofit organizations, or industry, or other
interested individuals.
(B) Diversity.--It is the intent of Congress that
persons appointed to the Commission under paragraph (1)
be persons who represent diverse economic,
professional, and cultural backgrounds.
(3) Consultation and appointment.--
(A) In general.--The President, Speaker of the
House of Representatives, minority leader of the House
of Representatives, majority leader of the Senate, and
minority leader of the Senate shall consult among
themselves before appointing the members of the
Commission in order to achieve, to the maximum extent
practicable, fair and equitable representation of
various points of view with respect to the matters to
be studied by the Commission.
(B) Completion of appointments; vacancies.--The
President, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
minority leader of the House of Representatives,
majority leader of the Senate, and minority leader of
the Senate shall conduct the consultation under
subparagraph (3) and make their respective appointments
not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of
this Act.
(4) Vacancies.-- A vacancy in the membership of the
Commission shall not affect the powers of the Commission and
shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment
not later than 30 days after the vacancy occurs.
(c) Meetings.--
(1) Initial meeting.--Not later than 30 days after the date
on which all members of the Commission have been appointed, the
Commission shall hold its first meeting.
(2) Subsequent meetings.--After the initial meeting, the
Commission shall meet at the call of the Chairperson.
(d) Quorum.--A majority of the members of the Commission shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a lesser
number of members may hold hearings.
(e) Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.--The Commission shall select
a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among its members.
Not later than 1 year after the initial meeting of the Commission,
the Commission, in cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior and
other appropriate Federal, State, and local public and private
entities, shall prepare and submit to the Secretary of the Interior a
report that--
(1) identifies sites of historical significance to the
women's movement; and
(2) recommends actions, under the National Historic
Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) and other law, to
rehabilitate and preserve the sites and provide to the public
interpretive and educational materials and activities at the
(a) Hearings.--The Commission may hold such hearings, sit and act
at such times and places, take such testimony, and receive such
evidence as the Commission considers advisable to carry out its duties
of this Act.
(b) Information From Federal Agencies.--The Commission may secure
directly from any Federal department or agency such information as the
Commission considers necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.
At the request of the Chairperson of the Committee, the head of such
department or agency shall furnish such information to the Commission.
(a) Compensation of Members.--A member of the Commission who is not
otherwise an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall be
compensated at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate
of basic pay prescribed for a position at level IV of the Executive
Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, for each
day (including travel time) during which the member is engaged in the
performance of the duties of the Commission. A member of the Commission
who is otherwise an officer or employee of the United States shall
serve without compensation in addition to that received for services as
an officer or employee of the United States.
(b) Travel Expenses.--A member of the Commission shall be allowed
travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates
authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of chapter 57
of title 5, United States Code, while away from the home or regular
place of business of the member in the performance of service for the
(c) Staff.--
(1) In general.--The Chairperson of the Commission may,
without regard to the civil service laws (including
regulations), appoint and terminate an executive director and
such other additional personnel as may be necessary to enable
the Commission to perform its duties. The employment and
termination of an executive director shall be subject to
confirmation by a majority of the members of the Commission.
(2) Compensation.--The executive director shall be
compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate payable for a
position at level V of the Executive Schedule under section
5316 of title 5, United States Code. The Chairperson may fix
the compensation of other personnel without regard to the
provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of
title 5, United States Code, relating to classification of
positions and General Schedule pay rates, except that the rate
of pay for such personnel may not exceed the rate payable for a
position at level V of the Executive Schedule under section
5316 of that title.
(3) Detail of government employees.--Any Federal Government
employee, with the approval of the head of the appropriate
Federal agency, may be detailed to the Commission without
reimbursement, and the detail shall be without interruption or
loss of civil service status, benefits, or privilege.
(d) Procurement of Temporary and Intermittent Services.--The
Chairperson of the Commission may procure temporary and intermittent
services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates
for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate
of basic pay prescribed for a position at level V of the Executive
Schedule under section 5316 of that title.
(a) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated to the Commission such sums as are necessary to carry out
this Act.
(b) Donations.--The Commission may accept donations from non-
Federal sources to defray the costs of the operations of the
The Commission shall terminate on the date that is 30 days after
the date on which the Commission submits to the Secretary of the
Interior the report under section 4.
Not later 2 years and not later than 5 years after the date on
which the Commission submits to the Secretary of the Interior the
report under section 4, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to
Congress a report describing the actions that have been taken to
preserve the sites identified in the Commission report as being of
historical significance. | Women's Progress Commemoration Act - Establishes the Women's Progress Commemoration Commission, which shall report to the Secretary of the Interior on: (1) sites of historical significance to the women's movement; and (2) recommended actions, under the National Historic Preservation Act and other law, to rehabilitate and preserve them, and provide to the public interpretive and educational materials and activities.
Authorizes appropriations.
Requires the Secretary, after receipt of the Commission's report, to report to the Congress on actions taken to preserve the sites identified. | 37 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Seasoned Customer CTR Exemption Act
of 2006''.
(a) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows:
(1) The completion of and filing of currency transaction
reports under section 5313 of title 31, United States Code,
poses a compliance burden on the financial industry.
(2) Due to the nature of the transactions or the persons
and entities conducting such transactions, some reports as
currently filed may not be relevant to the detection,
deterrence, or investigation of financial crimes, including
money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
(3) However, the data contained in such reports can provide
valuable context for the analysis of other data derived
pursuant to subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United
States Code, as well as investigative data, which provide
invaluable and indispensable information supporting efforts to
combat money laundering and other financial crimes.
(4) An appropriate exemption process from the reporting
requirements for certain currency transactions that are of
little or no value to ongoing efforts of law enforcement
agencies, financial regulatory agencies, and the financial
services industry to investigate, detect, or deter financial
crimes would continue to fulfill the compelling need to produce
and provide meaningful information to policy-makers, financial
regulators, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, while
potentially lowering the compliance burden placed on financial
institutions by the need to file such reports.
(5) The Secretary of the Treasury has by regulation, and in
accordance with section 5313 of title 31, United States Code,
implemented a process by which institutions may seek exemptions
from filing certain currency transaction reports based on
appropriate circumstances; however, the financial industry has
not taken full advantage of these provisions and has contended
that they are unduly burdensome.
(6) The act of providing notice to the Secretary of the
Treasury of designations of exemption--
(A) provides meaningful information to law
enforcement officials on exempt customers and enables
law enforcement to obtain account information through
appropriate legal process; and
(B) complements other sections of title 31, United
States Code, whereby law enforcement can locate
financial institutions with relevant records relating
to a person of investigative interest, such as
information requests made pursuant to regulations
implementing section 314(a) of the USA PATRIOT Act of
(7) A designation of exemption has no effect on
requirements for depository institutions to apply the full
range of anti-money laundering controls required under
subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States Code,
and related provisions of law, including the requirement to
apply the customer identification program pursuant to section
5326 of such title, and the requirement to identify, monitor,
and, if appropriate, report suspicious activity in accordance
with section 5318(g) of such title.
(8) The Federal banking agencies and the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network have recently provided guidance through the
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Bank Secrecy
Act/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual on applying
appropriate levels of due diligence and identifying suspicious
activity by the types of cash-intensive businesses that
generally will be subject to exemption.
(b) Seasoned Customer Exemption.--Section 5313(e) of title 31,
United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
``(e) Qualified Customer Exemption.--
``(1) In general.--Before the end of the 270-day period
beginning on the date of the enactment of the Seasoned Customer
CTR Exemption Act of 2006, the Secretary of the Treasury shall
prescribe regulations that exempt any depository institution
from filing a report pursuant to this section in a transaction
for the payment, receipt, or transfer of United States coins or
currency (or other monetary instruments the Secretary of the
Treasury prescribes) with a qualified customer of the
depository institution.
``(2) Qualified customer defined.--For purposes of this
section, the term `qualified customer', with respect to a
depository institution, has such meaning as the Secretary of
the Treasury shall prescribe, which shall include any person
``(A) is incorporated or organized under the laws
of the United States or any State, including a sole
proprietorship (as defined in 31 C.F.R.
103.22(d)(6)(vii), as in effect on May 10, 2006), or is
registered as and eligible to do business within the
United States or a State;
``(B) has maintained a deposit account with the
depository institution for at least 12 months; and
``(C) has engaged, using such account, in multiple
currency transactions that are subject to the reporting
requirements of subsection (a).
``(3) Regulations.--
``(A) In general.--The Secretary of the Treasury
shall prescribe regulations requiring a depository
institution to file a 1-time notice of designation of
exemption for each qualified customer of the depository
``(B) Form and content of exemption notice.--The
Secretary shall by regulation prescribe the form,
manner, content, and timing of the qualified customer
exemption notice and such notice shall include
information sufficient to identify the qualified
customer and the accounts of the customer.
``(C) Authority of secretary.--
``(i) In general.--The Secretary may
suspend, reject, or revoke any qualified
customer exemption notice, in accordance with
criteria prescribed by the Secretary by
``(ii) Conditions.--The Secretary may
establish conditions, in accordance with
criteria prescribed by regulation, under which
exempt qualified customers of an insured
depository institution that is merged with or
acquired by another insured depository
institution will continue to be treated as
designated exempt qualified customers of the
surviving or acquiring institution.''.
(c) 3-Year Review and Report.--Before the end of the 3-year period
beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of
the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Secretary
of Homeland Security, the Federal banking agencies, the banking
industry, and such other persons as the Secretary deems appropriate,
shall evaluate the operations and effect of the provisions of the
amendment made by subsection (a) and make recommendations to Congress
as to any legislative action with respect to such provision as the
Secretary may determine to be appropriate.
Section 5318 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding
at the end the following new subsection:
``(o) Periodic Review of Reporting Threshold and Adjustment for
``(1) In general.--Before the end of the 90-day period
beginning on the date of the enactment of the Seasoned Customer
CTR Exemption Act of 2006 and at least every 5 years after the
end of such period, the Secretary of the Treasury shall--
``(A) review the continuing appropriateness,
relevance, and utility of each threshold amount or
denomination established by the Secretary, in the
Secretary's discretion, for any report required by the
Secretary under this subchapter; and
``(B) adjust each such amount, at such time and in
such manner as the Secretary considers appropriate, for
any inflation that the Secretary determines has
occurred since the date any such amount was established
or last adjusted, as the case may be.
``(2) Report.--Before the end of the 60-day period
beginning upon the completion of any review by the Secretary of
the Treasury under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit a
report to the Congress containing the findings and conclusions
of the Secretary in connection with such review, together with
an explanation for any adjustment, or lack of adjustment, of
any threshold amount or denomination by the Secretary as a
result of such review, including the adjustment for
Passed the House of Representatives June 27, 2006.
Clerk. | Seasoned Customer CTR Exemption Act of 2006 - Amends federal money and finance law to: (1) repeal the current authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to exempt a depository institution from currency transaction reporting (CTR) requirements with respect to transactions between the depository institution and a qualified business customer; and (2) instruct the Secretary to prescribe regulations that exempt a depository institution from filing a CTR if the transaction is with a qualified customer.
Defines qualified customer as any person that: (1) is incorporated or organized under federal or state law, including a sole proprietorship, or is registered as and eligible to do business within the United States or a state; (2) has maintained a deposit account with the depository institution for at least 12 months; and (3) has engaged, using such account, in multiple currency transactions subject to federal CTR requirements.
Requires such regulations to require a depository institution to file a one-time notice of designation of exemption for each of its qualified customers.
Authorizes the Secretary to: (1) suspend, reject, or revoke any qualified customer exemption notice; and (2) establish conditions under which exempt qualified customers of an insured depository institution merged with or acquired by another insured depository institution will continue to be treated as designated exempt qualified customers of the surviving or acquiring institution.
Requires the Secretary to submit a three-year review and report evaluating implementation of this Act.
Requires the Secretary to review every five years: (1) the continuing appropriateness, relevance, and utility of each threshold amount or denomination established for any mandatory CTR; (2) adjust such amount for inflation, if any; and (3) report to Congress the review findings and conclusions, together with an explanation for any adjustment, or lack of adjustment, of any threshold amount or denomination. | 38 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Communities and Safe Schools
Mercury Reduction Act of 2004''.
The Congress finds the following:
(1) Mercury is a naturally occurring element and
bioaccumulative toxin that is easily absorbed through skin and
respiratory and gastrointestinal tissues.
(2) Although mercury is naturally occurring, studies have
shown that its concentration has increased dramatically over
the past 150 to 200 years due to mining and industrial
(3) Common sources of mercury released into the environment
include breakage of mercury-containing products like
fluorescent bulbs and thermometers, the manufacturing of
mercury-containing products, and incineration of mercury-
containing products.
(4) According to recent studies, mercury deposits are a
significant public health threat in many States throughout the
United States.
(5) Fetuses, infants, and young children are at the
greatest risk from chronic low level mercury exposure.
(6) A study by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention found that approximately 8 percent of women of
childbearing age in the United States had mercury levels
exceeding the level considered safe by the Environmental
Protection Agency for protecting the fetus. This translates
into approximately 60,000 babies born each year in the United
States at risk of developmental harm due to mercury exposure in
the womb.
(7) A study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology found that elevated mercury exposures associated
with seafood could be linked to an increased risk of
infertility in both men and women.
(8) Mercury pollution is widespread. As of early 2003, 43
States had issued mercury fish consumption advisories for one
or more freshwater or marine fish.
(9) Mercury is the most common pollutant triggering fish
consumption advisories in the United States. The number of
mercury advisories has increased 138 percent from 1994 to 2002.
In 2002, mercury advisories covered 12,000,000 lake acres and
470,000 river miles.
(10) According to the Mercury Study Report, prepared by the
Environmental Protection Agency and submitted to Congress in
1997, mercury fever thermometers contribute approximately 17
tons of mercury to solid waste each year.
(11) Numerous mercury spills have been documented in
schools, often causing thousands of dollars to clean up. A
mercury spill in Washington, D.C., in September of 2003 cost
over $1,000,000 to clean up and resulted in a temporary school
closure of several weeks.
(12) Mercury-containing thermostats generally contain 3
grams of mercury, which is enough mercury to poison a 60 acre
lake for one year.
(a) Establishment.--The Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency (in this Act referred to as the ``Administrator'')
shall establish a program for making renewable grants to governmental
and nonprofit agencies and organizations, and to for-profit entities,
for projects to--
(1) reduce harmful free-flowing elemental mercury and
mercury-added products from the environment;
(2) safely dispose of or recycle harmful mercury;
(3) educate communities and citizens about the harmful
effects of mercury;
(4) develop and carry out a plan, in accordance with
guidance provided by the Administrator under section 5, on how
to eliminate free flowing mercury and instruments containing
mercury from the premises of K-12 public and private schools;
(5) carry out a mercury thermometer exchange program.
(b) Procedures and Selection Criteria.--The Administrator shall
establish procedures for the selection of grant recipients under this
section, including requirements that appropriate records and
information be made available to the Administrator as necessary to
ensure that grant funds are used for the purposes for which they are
provided. Criteria for selection shall include--
(1) strengths and weaknesses of the project;
(2) adequacy of overall project design;
(3) competency of proposed staff;
(4) suitability of applicant's available resources;
(5) appropriateness of the proposed project duration and
budget; and
(6) probability that the project will accomplish stated
(c) Recycling Programs.--Funds provided through a grant provided
under this section may be used for a recycling program only if more
than 50 percent of the total material recycled under the program is
(d) Administrative Expenses.--Not more than 10 percent of the
amount appropriated for a fiscal year under subsection (e)(1) may be
used by the Administrator for the administrative expenses of carrying
out this section.
(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--
(1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to
the Administrator for carrying out this section $75,000,000 for
each of the fiscal years 2005 through 2008.
(2) Set aside.--For each of the first 3 fiscal years for
which funds are provided under paragraph (1), at least 40
percent of the amounts made available shall be reserved for
projects described in subsection (a)(4) or (5), unless a
sufficient number of qualified applications has not been
(a) In General.--Subtitle C of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42
U.S.C. 6921 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``SEC. 3024. MERCURY.
``(a) Sale of Thermometers.--Effective beginning 180 days after the
date of enactment of this section--
``(1) a person shall not sell or supply a mercury fever
thermometer to a consumer, except by prescription; and
``(2) with each mercury fever thermometer sold or supplied
by prescription, the manufacturer of the thermometer shall
provide clear instructions on--
``(A) careful handling of the thermometer to avoid
breakage; and
``(B) proper cleanup of the thermometer and its
contents in the event of breakage.
``(b) Thermostat Replacement.--Effective beginning 2 years after
the date of enactment of this section--
``(1) a contractor who replaces a building thermostat in a
residential or commercial building shall dispose of the
replaced thermostat through a recycling program established or
participated in under paragraph (2); and
``(2) each manufacturer of building thermostats for
installation in a residential or commercial building shall--
``(A) establish or participate in a program for the
safe and environmentally responsible recycling of
thermostats replaced by the manufacturer's thermostats;
``(B) establish or participate in a program to
clearly educate individuals who sell or install the
manufacturer's thermostats about the program
established under subparagraph (A).''.
(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 1001 of the Solid Waste Disposal
Act (42 U.S.C. prec. 6901) is amended by adding at the end of the items
relating to subtitle C the following:
``Sec. 3024. Mercury.''.
Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the
Administrator shall publish guidance to assist State and local
governments to remove elemental free-flowing mercury and mercury-added
instruments from the premises of public and private schools.
Thermostats, computers, and motorized vehicles shall not be considered
instruments for the purposes of this section.
Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and
annually thereafter, the Administrator, after obtaining necessary
information from appropriate State agencies, shall transmit to the
Congress a report on the progress made under this Act. Such report
shall include--
(1) an executive summary;
(2) a brief description of the background of this Act;
(3) a State-by-State progress summary of mercury reduction
efforts relating to this Act, including a quantitative analysis
of the amount of mercury eliminated, recycled, or disposed of
in each State, and an identification of the method or program
(4) a description of grants and amounts awarded under
section 3, and of the criteria used for awarding those grants;
(5) a summary of a few selected mercury reduction programs
that received grants, with a description of the success or
problems each program had;
(6) a detailed financial reporting of total administration
costs of carrying out this Act;
(7) a joint summary, by the Administrator and appropriate
State officials, that describes the coordination and
communication progress and problems between the Federal and
State Governments in carrying out this Act; and
(8) recommendations for greater efficiency or improvement
of administration of this Act.
Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the
Administrator shall issue regulations requiring dentists to install a
device that captures 90 percent or more of mercury-laden amalgam on
every chair or office structure in which mercury amalgam is
administered to their patients. The Administrator may provide for
waivers from the requirements of this section for structural obstacle
or significant financial economic harm reasons. | Safe Communities and Safe Schools Mercury Reduction Act of 2004 - Requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a grant program for projects to: (1) reduce free-flowing elemental mercury and mercury-added products from the environment; (2) safely dispose of or recycle mercury; (3) educate communities and citizens about mercury's harmful effects; (4) develop and carry out a plan for eliminating free-flowing mercury and instruments containing mercury from K-12 public and private schools; or (5) carry out a mercury thermometer exchange program.
Amends the Solid Waste Disposal Act to: (1) prohibit the sale or supplying of mercury fever thermometers to consumers except by prescription; and (2) require manufacturers of such prescribed thermometers to provide instructions on careful handling to avoid breakage and proper cleanup in the event of breakage. Requires contractors who replace building thermostats in residential or commercial buildings to dispose of replaced thermometers through recycling programs established or participated in by building thermostat manufacturers as required by this Act.
Requires the Administrator to publish guidance to assist State and local governments in removing elemental free-flowing mercury and mercury-added instruments from public and private schools.
Directs the Administrator to issue regulations requiring dentists to install a device that captures 90 percent or more of mercury-laden amalgam on every chair or office structure in which mercury amalgam is administered to patients. | 39 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Emergency Petroleum Supply Act''.
Section 161 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C.
6241) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(j) Purchases From Strategic Petroleum Reserve by Entities in
Insular Areas of United States.--
``(1) Definitions.--In this subsection:
``(A) Binding offer.--The term `binding offer'
means a bid submitted by the State of Hawaii for an
assured award of a specific quantity of petroleum
product, with a price to be calculated pursuant to this
Act, that obligates the offeror to take title to the
petroleum product without further negotiation or
recourse to withdraw the offer.
``(B) Category of petroleum product.--The term
`category of petroleum product' means a master line
item within a notice of sale.
``(C) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity'
means an entity that owns or controls a refinery that
is located within the State of Hawaii.
``(D) Full tanker load.--The term `full tanker
load' means a tanker of approximately 700,000 barrels
of capacity, or such lesser tanker capacity as may be
designated by the State of Hawaii.
``(E) Insular area.--The term `insular area' means
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Republic of the
Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia,
and the Republic of Palau.
``(F) Offering.--The term `offering' means a
solicitation for bids for a quantity or quantities of
petroleum product from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
as specified in the notice of sale.
``(G) Notice of sale.--The term `notice of sale'
means the document that announces--
``(i) the sale of Strategic Petroleum
Reserve products;
``(ii) the quantity, characteristics, and
location of the petroleum product being sold;
``(iii) the delivery period for the sale;
``(iv) the procedures for submitting
``(2) In General.--In the case of an offering of a quantity
of petroleum product during a drawdown of the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve--
``(A) the State of Hawaii, in addition to having
the opportunity to submit a competitive bid, may--
``(i) submit a binding offer, and shall on
submission of the offer, be entitled to
purchase a category of a petroleum product
specified in a notice of sale at a price equal
to the volumetrically weighted average of the
successful bids made for the remaining quantity
of the petroleum product within the category
that is the subject of the offering; and
``(ii) submit 1 or more alternative offers,
for other categories of the petroleum product,
that will be binding if no price competitive
contract is awarded for the category of
petroleum product on which a binding offer is
submitted under clause (i); and
``(B) at the request of the Governor of the State
of Hawaii, a petroleum product purchased by the State
of Hawaii at a competitive sale or through a binding
offer shall have first preference in scheduling for
``(3) Limitation on quantity.--
``(A) In general.--In administering this
subsection, in the case of each offering, the Secretary
may impose the limitation described in subparagraph (B)
or (C) that results in the purchase of the lesser
quantity of petroleum product.
``(B) Portion of quantity of previous imports.--The
Secretary may limit the quantity of a petroleum product
that the State of Hawaii may purchase through a binding
offer at any offering to \1/12\ of the total quantity
of imports of the petroleum product brought into the
State during the previous year (or other period
determined by the Secretary to be representative).
``(C) Percentage of offering.--The Secretary may
limit the quantity that may be purchased through
binding offers at any offering to 3 percent of the
``(4) Adjustments.--
``(A) In general.--Notwithstanding any limitation
imposed under paragraph (3), in administering this
subsection, in the case of each offering, the Secretary
shall, at the request of the Governor of the State of
Hawaii, or an eligible entity certified under paragraph
(7), adjust the quantity to be sold to the State of
Hawaii in accordance with this paragraph.
``(B) Upward adjustment.--The Secretary shall
adjust upward to the next whole number increment of a
full tanker load if the quantity to be sold is--
``(i) less than 1 full tanker load; or
``(ii) greater than or equal to 50 percent
of a full tanker load more than a whole number
increment of a full tanker load.
``(C) Downward adjustment.--The Secretary shall
adjust downward to the next whole number increment of a
full tanker load if the quantity to be sold is less
than 50 percent of a full tanker load more than a whole
number increment of a full tanker load.
``(5) Delivery to other locations.--The State of Hawaii may
enter into an exchange or a processing agreement that requires
delivery to other locations, if a petroleum product of similar
value or quantity is delivered to the State of Hawaii.
``(6) Standard sales provisions.--Except as otherwise
provided in this Act, the Secretary may require the State of
Hawaii to comply with the standard sales provisions applicable
to purchasers of petroleum product at competitive sales.
``(7) Eligible entities.--
``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs (B) and
(C) and notwithstanding any other provision of this
paragraph, if the Governor of the State of Hawaii
certifies to the Secretary that the State has entered
into an agreement with an eligible entity to carry out
this Act, the eligible entity may act on behalf of the
State of Hawaii to carry out this subsection.
``(B) Limitation.--The Governor of the State of
Hawaii shall not certify more than 1 eligible entity
under this paragraph for each notice of sale.
``(C) Barred company.--If the Secretary has
notified the Governor of the State of Hawaii that a
company has been barred from bidding (either prior to,
or at the time that a notice of sale is issued), the
Governor shall not certify the company under this
``(7) Supplies of petroleum products.--At the request of
the governor of an insular area, the Secretary shall, for a
period not to exceed 180 days following a drawdown of the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, assist the insular area in its
efforts to maintain adequate supplies of petroleum products
from traditional and non-traditional suppliers.''.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Energy shall issue such
regulations as are necessary to carry out the amendment made by section
(b) Administrative Procedure.--Regulations issued to carry out the
amendment made by section 2 shall not be subject to--
(1) section 523 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act
(42 U.S.C. 6393); or
(2) section 501 of the Department of Energy Organization
Act (42 U.S.C. 7191).
The amendment made by section 2 takes effect on the earlier of--
(1) the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment
of this Act; or
(2) the date that final regulations are issued under
section 3. | Emergency Petroleum Supply Act - Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act with respect to each offering of a quantity of petroleum product during a drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to prescribe guidelines according to which the State of Hawaii may: (1) submit binding offers for (thus becoming entitled to) and purchase categories of such product, receiving, at the Governor's request, first preference in scheduling for lifting; and (2) enter into agreements with eligible entities (local refineries) which may act on the State's behalf.
Instructs the Secretary of Energy, at the request of the governor of an insular area, to assist such area in its efforts to maintain adequate petroleum products supplies for a maximum 180-day period. | 40 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Flexibility to Promote Reemployment
(a) Modification of Numerical Limitation.--Subsection (a) of
section 305 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 505) is amended by
inserting ``per year'' after ``10 States''.
(b) Clarification of Application Requirements.--Subsection (b) of
such section 305 is amended--
(1) by inserting ``or his or her designee'' after ``The
Governor of any State''; and
(2) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
``(2) for any waiver requested under subsection (c), a
statement describing--
``(A) the specific provision or provisions of law
for which such waiver is requested; and
``(B) the specific aspects of the project to which
such waiver would apply and the reasons why it is
(c) Extension of Eligible Time Period.--Subsection (d) of such
section 305 is amended--
(1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``may not be approved''
and inserting ``may not be conducted''; and
(2) in paragraph (3), by striking ``December 31, 2015'' and
inserting ``December 31, 2021''.
(d) Clarification of Demonstration Activities.--Subsection (e) of
such section 305 is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``for employer-provided
training, such as'' and inserting ``to employers or claimants
for employer-provided training or''; and
(2) in paragraph (2), by striking ``, not to exceed the
weekly benefit amount for each such individual, to pay part of
the cost of wages that exceed the unemployed individual's prior
benefit level'' and inserting ``that include disbursements
promoting retention''.
(e) Selection of Qualifying Applications on a First-Come, First-
Served Basis.--Subsection (f) of such section 305 is amended--
(1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as paragraphs
(2) and (3); and
(2) by inserting before paragraph (2) (as redesignated by
this subsection) the following:
``(1) approve completed applications in the order of
(f) Termination of Demonstration Projects.--Subsection (g) of such
section 305 is amended to read as follows:
``(g) The Secretary of Labor may terminate a demonstration project
under this section if the Secretary--
``(1) determines that the State has violated the
substantive terms or conditions of the project;
``(2) notifies the State in writing with sufficient detail
describing the violation; and
``(3) determines that the State has not taken action to
correct the violation within 90 days after the notification.''.
(g) Effective Date; Transition Rule.--
(1) Effective date.--The amendments made by this section
shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.
(2) Transition rule.--
(A) In general.--Nothing in this Act shall be
considered to terminate or otherwise affect any
demonstration project approved under section 305 of the
Social Security Act before the date of the enactment of
this Act.
(B) Original conditions continue to apply.--A
demonstration project described in subparagraph (A)
shall be conducted in the same manner as if subsections
(a) through (f) had not been enacted.
(a) In General.--Section 305 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
505) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(i) The Secretary of Labor shall conduct an impact evaluation of
each demonstration project conducted under this section, using existing
data sources to the extent possible and methodology appropriate to
determine the effects of the demonstration project, including on
individual skill levels, earnings, and employment retention.''.
(b) Cooperation by State.--Section 305(b) of the Social Security
Act (42 U.S.C. 505(b)) (as amended by section 2(b) of this Act) is
further amended by striking paragraphs (5) and (6) and inserting the
``(5) a description of the manner in which the State will
determine the extent to which the goals and outcomes described
in paragraph (3) were achieved;
``(6) assurances that the State will cooperate, in a timely
manner, with the Secretary of Labor with respect to the impact
evaluation conducted under subsection (i); and''.
(c) Reporting.--Not later than 90 days after the end of fiscal year
2018 and each fiscal year thereafter, until the completion of the last
evaluation under section 305(i) of the Social Security Act, the
Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House
of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, a report
that includes a description of--
(1) the status of each demonstration project being carried
out under this section;
(2) the results of the evaluation completed during the
previous fiscal year; and
(3) the Secretary's plan for--
(A) disseminating the findings of the report to
appropriate State agencies; and
(B) incorporating the components of successful
demonstration projects that reduced benefit duration
and increased employment into Federal unemployment law.
(d) Public Dissemination.--In addition to the reporting
requirements under subparagraph (c), evaluation results shall be shared
broadly to inform policy makers, service providers, other partners, and
the public in order to promote wide use of successful strategies,
including by posting evaluation results on the Internet website of the
Department of Labor. | Flexibility to Promote Reemployment Act This bill authorizes the Department of Labor to enter into agreements with 10 states per year (currently, 10 states total) for the purpose of allowing such states to conduct reemployment demonstration projects. In addition to a governor of a state, a designee of a governor may apply for approval of such a project. The allowable project period is extended through December 31, 2021. A demonstration project may include disbursements promoting retention to employers who hire individuals receiving unemployment compensation. Labor must approve completed applications in the order of receipt. Labor may terminate a demonstration project under this bill if it notifies the state in writing with sufficient detail describing the violation and determines that the state has not taken action to correct the violation within 90 days after the notification. The bill directs Labor to evaluate the impact of each demonstration project using existing data sources and methodology appropriate to determine project effects, including the effect on individual skill levels, earnings, and employment retention. | 41 |
(a) Made Permanent.--Clause (iii) of section 529(e)(3)(A) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``in 2009 or
(b) Only for Use Primarily by the Beneficiary.--Clause (iii) of
section 529(e)(3)(A) of such Code is amended by striking ``used by the
beneficiary and the beneficiary's family'' and inserting ``used
primarily by the beneficiary''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to expenses paid or incurred after December 31, 2010.
(a) In General.--Paragraph (4) of section 529(b) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking the period at the end and
inserting ``more frequently than 4 times per calendar year.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The heading for paragraph (4) of section
529(b) of such Code is amended by striking ``No investment direction''
and inserting ``Limited investment direction''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to years beginning after December 31, 2013.
(a) In General.--Clause (ii) of section 529(c)(3)(D) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting before the comma
at the end the following: ``, except for purposes of calculating the
earnings portion of any distribution.''.
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply
to distributions after December 31, 2013.
(a) In General.--Paragraph (3) of section 529(c) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new
``(E) Special rule for contributions relating to
withdrawal from school.--In the case of a beneficiary
who receives a refund of any qualified higher education
expenses from an eligible educational institution in
connection with withdrawal from enrollment at such
institution, subparagraph (A) shall not apply to that
portion of any distribution for the taxable year which
is recontributed to a qualified tuition program of
which such individual is a beneficiary, but only to the
extent such recontribution is made not later than 60
days after the date of such refund and does not exceed
the refunded amount.''.
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply
with respect to distributions after December 31, 2013.
(a) In General.--Paragraph (3) of section 529(c) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by this Act, is amended by adding at
the end the following new subparagraph:
``(F) Special rollover to roth ira from long-term
qualified tuition program.--For purposes of this
``(i) In general.--In the case of a
distribution from a qualified tuition program
which has been maintained by an account owner
for the 10-year period ending on the date of
such distribution--
``(I) subparagraph (A) shall not
apply to any portion of such
distribution which, not later than 60
days after such distribution, is paid
into a Roth IRA maintained for the
benefit of such account owner or the
designated beneficiary under such
qualified tuition program, and
``(II) such portion shall be
treated as a rollover contribution for
purposes of section 408A(e).
``(ii) Limitation.--Clause (i) shall only
apply to so much of any distribution as does
not exceed the lesser of--
``(I) $25,000, or
``(II) the aggregate amount
contributed to the program (and
earnings attributable thereto) before
the 5-year period ending on the date of
the distribution.''.
(b) Qualified Rollover Contribution.--Paragraph (1) of section
408A(e) of such Code is amended by striking the period at the end of
subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'' and by inserting after
subparagraph (B) the following new subparagraph:
``(C) from a covered qualified tuition program (as
defined in section 529(c)(3)(F)(ii)).''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply with respect to distributions after December 31, 2013. | Amends the Internal Revenue Code, with respect to tax-exempt qualified tuition programs (529 plans), to: (1) make permanent the allowance for computer technology and equipment expenses and require that such technology and equipment be used primarily by the plan beneficiary (formerly, beneficiary and beneficiary's family); (2) allow contributors to a 529 plan or a plan beneficiary to direct plan investments, but not more frequently than four times per calendar year; (3) permit a recontribution to a 529 plan of amounts refunded to a student who withdraws from an educational institution if the recontribution is made not later than 60 days after the date of such refund and does not exceed the refunded amount; and (4) allow tax-free rollovers to a Roth individual retirement account (Roth IRA) of distributions from a qualified tuition program which has been maintained by the account holder for a 10-year period. | 42 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Girls Count Act of 2014''.
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) According to the United States Census Bureau's 2014
international figures, 1 person in 8--or 12 percent of the
total population of the world--is a girl or young woman age 10
through 24.
(2) The Census Bureau's data also asserts that young people
are the fastest growing segment of the population in developing
(3) Even though most countries have birth registration
laws, every year 51,000,000 children under age 5 are not
registered at birth, most of whom are girls.
(4) A nationally recognized proof of birth system is the
key to determining a child's citizenship, nationality, place of
birth, parentage, and age. Without such a system, a passport,
drivers license, or national identification card is extremely
difficult to obtain. The lack of such documentation prevents
girls and women from officially participating in and
benefitting from the formal economic, legal, and political
sectors in their countries.
(5) Without the ability to gain employment and
identification necessary to officially participate in these
sectors, women and girls are confined to the home and remain
unpaid and often-invisible members of society.
(6) Girls undertake much of the domestic labor needed for
poor families to survive: carrying water, harvesting crops,
tending livestock, caring for younger children, and doing
(7) Accurate assessments of access to education, poverty
levels, and overall census activities are hampered by the lack
of official information on women and girls. Without this
rudimentary information, assessments of foreign assistance and
domestic social welfare programs cannot be accurately gauged.
(8) To ensure that women and girls are fully integrated
into United States foreign assistance policies and programs,
that the specific needs of girls are, to the maximum extent
possible, addressed in the design, implementation, and
evaluation of development assistance programs, and that women
and girls have the power to effect the decisions that affect
their lives, all girls should be counted and have access to
birth certificates and other official documentation.
It is the policy of the United States to--
(1) encourage countries to uphold the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and enact laws that ensure girls and boys of
all ages are full participants in society, including requiring
birth certifications and some type of national identity card to
ensure that all citizens, including girls, are counted;
(2) enhance training and capacity-building in developing
countries, local nongovernmental organizations, and other civil
society organizations to effectively address the needs of birth
registries in countries where girls are undercounted;
(3) include organizations representing children and
families in the design, implementation, and monitoring of
programs under this Act; and
(4) incorporate into the design, implementation, and
evaluation of policies and programs at all levels an
understanding of the distinctive impact that such policies and
programs may have on girls.
(a) Authorization.--The Secretary and the Administrator are
authorized to--
(1) support programs that will contribute to improved and
sustainable Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems
(CRVS) with a focus on birth registration as the first and most
important life event to be registered;
(2) promote programs that build the capacity of developing
countries' national and local legal and policy frameworks to
prevent discrimination against girls;
(3) support programs to help increase property rights,
social security, home ownership, land tenure security, and
inheritance rights for women; and
(4) assist key ministries in the governments of developing
countries, including health, interior, youth, and education
ministries, to ensure that girls from poor households obtain
equitable access to social programs.
(b) Coordination With Multilateral Organizations.--The Secretary
and the Administrator shall coordinate with the World Bank, relevant
United Nations agencies and programs, and other relevant organizations
to urge and work with countries to enact, implement, and enforce laws
that specifically collect data on girls and establish registration and
identification laws to ensure girls are active participants in the
social, economic, legal and political sectors of society in their
(c) Coordination With Private Sector and Civil Society
Organizations.--The Secretary and the Administrator should work with
United States, international, and local private sector and civil
society organizations to advocate for the registration and
documentation of all girls and boys in developing countries to prevent
exploitation, violence, and other abuses.
The Secretary and the Administrator shall include in all relevant
congressionally mandated reports and documents the following
(1) To the extent possible, United States foreign
assistance and development assistance beneficiaries by age,
gender, marital status, location, and school enrollment status
in all programs and sectors.
(2) A description of how United States foreign assistance
and development assistance benefits girls.
(3) Information on programs that address the particular
needs of girls.
Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated for United States
foreign assistance programs of a Federal department or agency that
administers such programs for a fiscal year, up to 5 percent of such
amounts are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act for
such fiscal year.
In this Act:
(1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the
Administrator of the United States Agency for International
(2) Development assistance.--The term ``development
assistance'' means--
(A) assistance under--
(i) chapter 1 of part 1 of the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et
(ii) the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003
(22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.);
(iii) the United States Leadership Against
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003
(22 U.S.C. 7601 et seq.);
(iv) title V of the International Security
and Development Cooperation Act of 1980 (22
U.S.C. 290h et seq.; relating to the African
Development Foundation); and
(v) section 401 of the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1969 (22 U.S.C. 290f; relating to the
Inter-American Foundation);
(B) official development assistance under any
provision of law; and
(C) reconstruction assistance under any provision
of law.
(3) Foreign assistance.--The term ``foreign assistance''
means any tangible or intangible item provided by the United
States Government to a foreign country or international
organization under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22
U.S.C. 2151 et seq.) or any other Act, including any training,
service, or technical advice, any item of real, personal, or
mixed property, any agricultural commodity, any gift, loan,
sale, credit, guarantee, or export subsidy, United States
dollars, and any currencies of any foreign country which are
owned by the United States Government.
(4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of State.
This Act shall expire on the date that is 5 years after the date of
the enactment of this Act. | Girls Count Act of 2014 - Authorizes the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to: (1) support programs that will contribute to improved civil registration and vital statistics systems with a focus on birth registration; and (2) promote programs that build the capacity of developing countries' national and local legal and policy frameworks to prevent discrimination against girls, and help increase property rights, social security, land tenure, and inheritance rights for women. | 43 |
(a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(1) the historical use by settlers and travelers since the
late 1800's of the cemetery known as ``Kingston Cemetery'' in
Kingston, Nevada, predates incorporation of the land within the
jurisdiction of the Forest Service on which the cemetery is
(2) it is appropriate that that use be continued through
local public ownership of the parcel rather than through the
permitting process of the Federal agency;
(3) in accordance with Public Law 85-569 (commonly known as
the ``Townsite Act'') (16 U.S.C. 478a), the Forest Service has
conveyed to the Town of Kingston 1.25 acres of the land on
which historic gravesites have been identified; and
(4) to ensure that all areas that may have unmarked
gravesites are included, and to ensure the availability of
adequate gravesite space in future years, an additional parcel
consisting of approximately 8.75 acres should be conveyed to
the county so as to include the total amount of the acreage
included in the original permit issued by the Forest Service
for the cemetery.
(b) Conveyance on Condition Subsequent.--Subject to valid existing
rights and the condition stated in subsection (e), the Secretary of
Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service (referred
to in this section as the ``Secretary''), as soon as practicable after
the date of enactment of this Act, shall convey to Lander County,
Nevada (referred to in this section as the ``county''), for no
consideration, all right, title, and interest of the United States in
and to the parcel of land described in subsection (c).
(c) Description of Land.--The parcel of land referred to in
subsection (b) is the parcel of National Forest System land (including
any improvements on the land) known as ``Kingston Cemetery'',
consisting of approximately 10 acres and more particularly described as
SW1/4SE1/4SE1/4 of section 36, T. 16N., R. 43E., Mount Diablo Meridian.
(d) Easement.--At the time of the conveyance under subsection (b),
subject to subsection (e)(2), the Secretary shall grant the county an
easement allowing access for persons desiring to visit the cemetery and
other cemetery purposes over Forest Development Road #20307B,
notwithstanding any future closing of the road for other use.
(e) Condition on Use of Land.--
(1) In general.--The county (including its successors)
shall continue the use of the parcel conveyed under subsection
(b) as a cemetery.
(2) Termination and reversion.--If the Secretary, after
notice to the county and an opportunity for a hearing, makes a
finding that the county has used or permitted the use of the
parcel for any purpose other than the purpose specified in
paragraph (1), and the county fails to discontinue that use--
(A) title to the parcel in the county shall
(B) title to the parcel shall revert to the
Secretary; and
(C) the easement granted to the county under
subsection (d) shall be revoked.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(1) the historical use by settlers and travelers since the
late 1800's of the cemetery known as ``Maiden's Grave
Cemetery'' in Beowawe, Nevada, predates incorporation of the
land within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management
on which the cemetery is situated; and
(2) it is appropriate that that use be continued through
local public ownership of the parcel rather than through the
permitting process of the Federal agency.
(b) Conveyance on Condition Subsequent.--Subject to valid existing
rights and the condition stated in subsection (e), the Secretary of the
Interior, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Land Management
(referred to in this section as the ``Secretary''), as soon as
practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, shall convey to
Eureka County, Nevada (referred to in this section as the ``county''),
for no consideration, all right, title, and interest of the United
States in and to the parcel of land described in subsection (c).
(c) Description of Land.--The parcel of land referred to in
subsection (b) is the parcel of public land (including any improvements
on the land) known as ``Maiden's Grave Cemetery'', consisting of
approximately 10 acres and more particularly described as S1/2NE1/4SW1/
4SW1/4, N1/2SE1/4SW1/4SW1/4 of section 10, T.31N., R.49E., Mount Diablo
(d) Easement.--At the time of the conveyance under subsection (b),
subject to subsection (e)(2), the Secretary shall grant the county an
easement allowing access for persons desiring to visit the cemetery and
other cemetery purposes over an appropriate access route.
(e) Condition on Use of Land.--
(1) In general.--The county (including its successors)
shall continue the use of the parcel conveyed under subsection
(b) as a cemetery.
(2) Termination and reversion.--If the Secretary, after
notice to the county and an opportunity for a hearing, makes a
finding that the county has used or permitted the use of the
parcel for any purpose other than the purpose specified in
paragraph (1), and the county fails to discontinue that use--
(A) title to the parcel in the county shall
(B) title to the parcel shall revert to the
Secretary; and
(C) the easement granted to the county under
subsection (d) shall be revoked. | Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land to Lander County, Nevada, and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada, for continued cemetery use. | 44 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement
(a) Additional Limitations.--
(1) In general.--Section 2576a of title 10, United States
Code, is amended--
(A) in subsection (a)--
(i) in paragraph (1)--
(I) in the matter preceding
subparagraph (A), by striking
``subsection (b)'' and inserting ``the
provisions of this section''; and
(II) in subparagraph (A), by
striking ``, including counter-drug and
counterterrorism activities''; and
(ii) in paragraph (2), by striking ``and
the Director of National Drug Control Policy'';
(B) in subsection (b)--
(i) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and''
at the end;
(ii) in paragraph (4), by striking the
period and inserting a semicolon; and
(iii) by adding at the end the following
new paragraphs:
``(5) the recipient certifies to the Department of Defense
that it has the personnel and technical capacity, including
training, to operate the property; and
``(6) the recipient certifies to the Department of Defense
that if the recipient determines that the property is surplus
to the needs of the recipient, the recipient will return the
property to the Department of Defense.'';
(C) by striking subsection (d); and
(D) by adding at the end the following new
``(d) Limitations on Transfers.--The Secretary of Defense may not
transfer under this section any property as follows:
``(1) Weapons, weapon parts, and weapon components,
including camouflage and deception equipment, and optical
``(2) Weapon system specific vehicular accessories.
``(3) Demolition materials.
``(4) Explosive ordinance.
``(5) Night vision equipment.
``(6) Tactical clothing, including uniform clothing and
footwear items, special purpose clothing items, and specialized
flight clothing and accessories.
``(7) Drones.
``(8) Combat, assault, and tactical vehicles, including
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
``(9) Training aids and devices.
``(e) Approval by Law Required for Transfer of Property Not
Previously Transferrable.--(1) In the event the Secretary of Defense
proposes to make available for transfer under this section any property
of the Department of Defense not previously made available for transfer
under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate
committees of Congress a report setting forth the following:
``(A) A description of the property proposed to be made
available for transfer.
``(B) A description of the conditions, if any, to be
imposed on use of the property after transfer.
``(C) A certification that transfer of the property would
not violate a provision of this section or any other provision
of law.
``(2) The Secretary may not transfer any property covered by a
report under this subsection unless authorized by a law enacted by
Congress after the date of the receipt of the report by Congress.
``(f) Annual Certification Accounting for Transferred Property.--
(1) The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the appropriate committees
of Congress each year a certification in writing that each recipient to
which the Secretary has transferred property under this section during
the preceding fiscal year--
``(A) has provided to the Secretary documentation
accounting for all property the Secretary has previously
transferred to such recipient under this section; and
``(B) has complied with paragraphs (5) and (6) of
subsection (b) with respect to the property so transferred
during such fiscal year.
``(2) If the Secretary cannot provide a certification under
paragraph (1) for a recipient, the Secretary may not transfer
additional property to such recipient under this section, effective as
of the date on which the Secretary would otherwise make the
certification under this subsection, and such recipient shall be
suspended or terminated from further receipt of property under this
``(g) Conditions for Extension of Program.--Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, amounts authorized to be appropriated or
otherwise made available for any fiscal year may not be obligated or
expended to carry out this section unless the Secretary submits to the
appropriate committees of Congress a certification that for the
preceding fiscal year that--
``(1) each recipient agency that has received property
under this section has--
``(A) demonstrated 100 percent accountability for
all such property, in accordance with paragraph (2) or
(3), as applicable; or
``(B) been suspended or terminated from the program
pursuant to paragraph (4);
``(2) with respect to each non-Federal agency that has
received property under this section, the State Coordinator
responsible for each such agency has verified that the State
Coordinator or an agent of the State Coordinator has conducted
an in-person inventory of the property transferred to the
agency and that 100 percent of such property was accounted for
during the inventory or that the agency has been suspended or
terminated from the program pursuant to paragraph (4);
``(3) with respect to each Federal agency that has received
property under this section, the Secretary of Defense or an
agent of the Secretary has conducted an in-person inventory of
the property transferred to the agency and that 100 percent of
such property was accounted for during the inventory or that
the agency has been suspended or terminated from the program
pursuant to paragraph (4);
``(4) the eligibility of any agency that has received
property under this section for which 100 percent of the
equipment was not accounted for during an inventory described
in paragraph (2) or (3), as applicable, to receive property
transferred under this section has been suspended or
terminated; and
``(5) each State Coordinator has certified, for each non-
Federal agency located in the State for which the State
Coordinator is responsible that--
``(A) the agency has complied with all requirements
under this section; or
``(B) the eligibility of the agency to receive
property transferred under this section has been
suspended or terminated; and
``(6) the Secretary of Defense has certified, for each
Federal agency that has received property under this section
``(A) the agency has complied with all requirements
under this section; or
``(B) the eligibility of the agency to receive
property transferred under this section has been
suspended or terminated.
``(h) Website.--The Defense Logistics Agency shall maintain, and
update on a quarterly basis, an Internet website on which the following
information shall be made publicly available in a searchable format:
``(1) A description of each transfer made under this
section, including transfers made before the date of the
enactment of the Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act, set
forth by State, county, and recipient agency, and including
item name, item type, item model, and quantity.
``(2) A list of all property transferred under this section
that is not accounted for by the Defense Logistics Agency,
``(A) the name of the State, county, and recipient
``(B) the item name, item type, and item model;
``(C) the date on which such property became
unaccounted for by the Defense Logistics Agency; and
``(D) the current status of such item.
``(3) A list of each agency suspended or terminated from
further receipt of property under this section, including
State, county, and agency, and the reason for and duration of
such suspension or termination.
``(i) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) The term `appropriate committees of Congress' means--
``(A) the Committee on Armed Services and the
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
of the Senate; and
``(B) the Committee on Armed Services and the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the
House of Representatives.
``(2) The term `agent of a State Coordinator' means any
individual to whom a State Coordinator formally delegates
responsibilities for the duties of the State Coordinator to
conduct inventories described in subsection (g)(2).
``(3) The term `State Coordinator', with respect to a
State, means the individual appointed by the governor of the
State to maintain property accountability records and oversee
property use by the State.''.
(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection
shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.
(b) Return of Property to Department of Defense.--Not later than
one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, each Federal or
State agency to which property described by subsection (d) of section
2576a of title 10, United States Code (as added by subsection (a)(1) of
this section), was transferred before the date of the enactment of this
Act shall return such property to the Defense Logistics Agency on
behalf of the Department of Defense.
(a) Definitions.--In this section--
(1) the term ``Agency'' means the Federal Emergency
Management Agency; and
(2) the term ``preparedness grant program'' includes--
(A) the Urban Area Security Initiative authorized
under section 2003 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002
(6 U.S.C. 604);
(B) the State Homeland Security Grant Program
authorized under section 2004 of the Homeland Security
Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 605);
(C) the Port Security Grant Program authorized
under section 70107 of title 46, United States Code;
(D) any other non-disaster preparedness grant
program of the Agency.
(b) Limitation.--The Agency may not permit awards under a
preparedness grant program--
(1) to be used to buy, maintain, or alter--
(A) tactical law enforcement protective equipment,
(i) ballistic helmets;
(ii) ballistic shields;
(iii) battle dress uniforms, coveralls, and
jumpsuits worn during tactical operations,
boots, or other specialized tactical clothing
or footwear; and
(iv) tactical protective padding;
(B) explosive entry equipment;
(C) portable or transportable explosive magazines;
(D) head and face protection equipment, other than
those to be used by certified bomb technicians;
(E) robot and remotely piloted vehicles, including
upgrades, attachments or tools for robots and remotely
piloted vehicles;
(F) canines (other than bomb-sniffing canines for
agencies with certified bomb technicians);
(G) tactical or armored vehicles;
(H) law enforcement surveillance equipment;
(I) long range hailing and warning devices; or
(J) tactical entry equipment; or
(2) to be used for, or to deploy or obtain training in the
use or deployment of--
(A) robots and remotely piloted vehicles;
(B) canines (other than bomb-sniffing canines for
agencies with certified bomb technicians);
(C) explosive entry equipment;
(D) law enforcement surveillance equipment; or
(E) tactical operations.
(c) Review of Prior Receipt of Property Before Award.--In making an
award under a preparedness grant program, the Agency shall--
(1) determine whether the awardee has already received, and
still retains, property from the Department of Defense pursuant
to section 2576a of title 10, United States Code, including
through review of the website maintained by the Defense
Logistics Agency pursuant to subsection (h) of such section (as
added by section 2(a)(1) of this Act); and
(2) require that the award may not be used by the awardee
to procure or obtain property determined to be retained by the
awardee pursuant to paragraph (1).
(d) Use of Grant Program Funds for Required Return of Property to
DoD.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the use of funds by a
State or local agency to return to the Department of Defense property
transferred to such State or local agency pursuant to section 2676a of
title 10, United States Code, as such return is required by section
2(b) of this Act, shall be an allowable use of preparedness grant
program funds by such agency.
(a) Limitation.--Section 501(d) of title I of the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3751(d)) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
``(3) The purchase, maintenance, alteration, or operation
``(A) lethal weapons; or
``(B) less-lethal weapons.''.
(b) Use of Grant Funds for Required Return of Property to DoD.--
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the use of funds by a State
agency or unit of local government to return to the Department of
Defense property transferred to such agency or unit of local government
pursuant to section 2676a of title 10, United States Code, as such
return is required by section 2(b) of this Act, shall be an allowable
use of grant amounts under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grant Program. | Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act - Revises the authority the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to transfer excess DOD property, including small arms and ammunition, to federal and state agencies for law enforcement activities to: repeal provisions authorizing the transfer of property the Secretary determines is suitable for use in counter-drug and counter-terrorism activities; repeal provisions directing the Secretary to carry out such transfers in consultation with the Director of National Drug Control Policy; condition such a transfer on the recipient certifying that it has the personnel and technical capacity to operate the property and will return property determined to be surplus to its needs; prohibit the transfer of specified weapons, materials, and equipment, including explosive ordnance, drones, and assault vehicles; and condition continuation of such program on the Secretary certifying that, for the prior fiscal year, recipients demonstrated 100% accountability for transferred property and complied with program requirements or were suspended or terminated from the program. Requires the Secretary to: (1) report to Congress and obtain prior approval by law before transferring any DOD property not previously made available for transfer; and (2) submit an annual written certification that a recipient has accounted for, and met transfer conditions for, any such transferred property. Requires the Defense Logistics Agency to maintain an Internet website on such transfers, unaccounted-for property, and suspended or terminated recipients. Prohibits the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from permitting awards under a preparedness grant program to be used to buy, maintain, alter, deploy, or provide training in the use of specified tactical, surveillance, or explosives equipment, vehicles, or canines. Amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to prohibit the use of Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds for the purchase, maintenance, alteration, or operation of lethal weapons or less-lethal weapons. | 45 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Securing Care for Seniors Act of
Section 1853(a)(1)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-
23(a)(1)(C)) is amended by adding at the end the following new clauses:
``(iv) Evaluation and subsequent revision
of the risk adjustment system to account for
chronic conditions and other factors for the
purpose of making the risk adjustment system
more accurate, transparent, and regularly
``(I) Revision based on number of
chronic conditions.--The Secretary
shall revise for 2017 and periodically
thereafter, the risk adjustment system
under this subparagraph so that a risk
score under such system, with respect
to an individual, takes into account
the number of chronic conditions with
which the individual has been
``(II) Evaluation of different risk
adjustment models.--The Secretary shall
evaluate the impact of including two
years of data to compare the models
used to determine risk scores for 2013
and 2014 under such system.
``(III) Evaluation and analysis on
chronic kidney disease (ckd) codes.--
The Secretary shall evaluate the impact
of removing the diagnosis codes related
to chronic kidney disease in the 2014
risk adjustment model and conduct an
analysis of best practices of MA plans
to slow disease progression related to
chronic kidney disease.
``(IV) Evaluation and
recommendations on use of encounter
data.--The Secretary shall evaluate the
impact of including 10 percent of
encounter data in computing payment for
2016 and the readiness of the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services to
incorporate encounter data in risk
scores. In conducting such evaluation,
the Secretary shall use data collected
as encounter data on or after January
1, 2012, shall analyze such data for
accuracy and completeness and issue
recommendations for improving such
accuracy and completeness, and shall
not increase the percentage of such
encounter data used unless the
Secretary releases the data publicly,
indicates how such data will be
weighted in computing the risk scores,
and ensures that the data reflects the
degree and cost of care coordination
under MA plans.
``(V) Conduct of evaluations.--
Evaluations and analyses under
subclause (II) through (IV) shall
include an actuarial opinion from the
Chief Actuary of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services about the
reasonableness of the methods,
assumptions, and conclusions of such
evaluations and analyses. The Secretary
shall consult with the Medicare Payment
Advisory Commission and accept and
consider comments of stakeholders, such
as managed care organizations and
beneficiary groups, on such evaluation
and analyses. The Secretary shall
complete such evaluations and analyses
in a manner that permits the results to
be applied for plan years beginning
with the second plan year that begins
after the date of the enactment of this
``(VI) Implementation of revisions
based on evaluations.--If the Secretary
determines, based on such an evaluation
or analysis, that revisions to the risk
adjustment system to address the
matters described in any of subclauses
(II) through (IV) would make the risk
adjustment system under this
subparagraph better reflect and
appropriately weight for the population
that is served by the plan, the
Secretary shall, beginning with 2017,
and periodically thereafter, make such
``(VII) Periodic reporting to
congress.--With respect to plan years
beginning with 2017 and every third
year thereafter, the Secretary shall
submit to Congress a report on the most
recent revisions (if any) made under
this clause, including the evaluations
conducted under subclauses (II) through
``(v) No changes to adjustment factors that
prevent activities consistent with national
health policy goals.--In making any changes to
the adjustment factors, including adjustment
for health status under paragraph (3), the
Secretary shall ensure that the changes do not
prevent Medicare Advantage organizations from
performing or undertaking activities that are
consistent with national health policy goals,
including activities to promote early detection
and better care coordination, the use of health
risk assessments, care plans, and programs to
slow the progression of chronic diseases.
``(vi) Opportunity for review and public
comment regarding changes to adjustment
factors.--For changes to adjustment factors
effective for 2017 and subsequent years, in
addition to providing notice of such changes in
the announcement under subsection (b)(2), the
Secretary shall provide an opportunity for
review of proposed changes of not less than 60
days and a public comment period of not less
than 30 days before implementing such
It is the sense of Congress that--
(1) the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has
inadvertently created a star rating system under section
1853(o)(4) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-
23(o)(4)) for Medicare Advantage plans that lacks proper
accounting for the socioeconomic status of enrollees in such
plans and the extent to which such plans serve individuals who
are also eligible for medical assistance under title XIX of
such Act; and
(2) Congress will work with the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services and stakeholders, including beneficiary
groups and managed care organizations, to ensure that such
rating system properly accounts for the socioeconomic status of
enrollees in such plans and the extent to which such plans
serve such individuals described in paragraph (1). | Securing Care for Seniors Act of 2015 (Sec. 2) This bill amends part C (Medicare+Choice) of title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act (SSAct) to direct the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (in effect, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS]) to revise for 2017, and periodically afterwards, the system for risk adjustments to payments to Medicare+Choice organizations so that an individual's risk score takes into account the number of chronic conditions with which the individual has been diagnosed. HHS must, including an actuarial opinion of the CMS Chief Actuary, evaluate the impacts of: including two years of data to compare the models used to determine the risk scores for 2013 and 2014, removing the diagnosis codes related to chronic kidney disease in the 2014 risk adjustment model, and including 10% of encounter data in computing payment for 2016 and CMS readiness to incorporate encounter data in risk scores. HHS shall also analyze the best practices of MedicareAdvantage (MA) plans to slow disease progression related to chronic kidney disease. HHS shall then, if appropriate, make revisions to the risk adjustment system, based on such an evaluation or analysis, to better reflect and appropriately weight for the population served. (Sec. 3) Congress declares that the MA star rating system lacks proper accounting for the socioeconomic status of plan enrollees and the extent to which those plans serve individuals also eligible for medical assistance under SSAct title XIX (Medicaid). | 46 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Second Opinion Coverage Act of
(a) Group Health Plans.--
(1) Public health service act amendments.--(A) Subpart 2 of
part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act is
amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) In General.--A group health plan, and a health insurance
issuer offering group health insurance coverage, shall provide that
when requested by a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee or
participating health care professional who is treating the participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee, the plan or issuer shall provide or authorize
a second opinion by an appropriately qualified health care
professional. Reasons for a second opinion to be provided or authorized
include the following:
``(1) If the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee
questions the reasonableness or necessity of recommended
surgical procedures.
``(2) If the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee
questions a diagnosis or plan of care for a condition that
threatens loss of life, loss of limb, loss of bodily function,
or substantial impairment, including a serious chronic
``(3) If the clinical indications are not clear or are
complex and confusing, a diagnosis is in doubt due to
conflicting test results, or the treating health care
professional is unable to diagnose the condition, and the
participant, beneficiary, or enrollee requests an additional
``(4) If the treatment plan in progress is not improving
the medical condition of the participant, beneficiary, or
enrollee within an appropriate period of time given the
diagnosis and plan of care and the participant, beneficiary, or
enrollee requests a second opinion regarding the diagnosis or
continuance of the treatment.
``(5) If the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee has
attempted to follow the plan of care or consulted with the
initial provider concerning serious concerns about the
diagnosis or plan of care.
``(b) Appropriately Qualified Health Care Professional Defined.--
For purposes of this section, an `appropriately qualified health care
professional' is a primary care physician or a specialist who is acting
within the professional's scope of practice and who possesses a
clinical background, including training and expertise, related to the
particular illness, disease, condition or conditions associated with
the request for a second opinion.
``(c) Timely Rendering of Opinions.--If a participant, beneficiary,
or enrollee or participating health care professional who is treating a
participant, beneficiary, or enrollee requests a second opinion
pursuant to this section, an authorization or denial shall be provided
in an expeditious manner. When the condition of the participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee is such that the individual faces an imminent
and serious threat to health, including the potential loss of life,
limb, or other major bodily function, or lack of timeliness that would
be detrimental to the individual's ability to regarding maximum
function, the second opinion shall be rendered in a timely fashion
appropriate for the nature of the condition involved, but not to exceed
72 hours after the time of the plan's receipt of the request, whenever
possible. Each plan or issuer shall file with the Secretary timelines
for responding to requests for second opinions for cases involving
emergency needs, urgent care, and other requests by not later than 90
days after the date of the enactment of this section, and within 30
days of any amendment to the timelines. The timelines shall be made
available to the public upon request.
``(d) Limitation on Liability for Costs.--If a group health plan,
or health insurance issuer offering a group health insurance in
connection with such a plan, approves a request by a participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee for a second opinion, the participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee shall be responsible only for the costs of
applicable copayments that the group health plan or issuer requires for
similar referrals.
``(e) Primary Care Requests.--If the participant, beneficiary, or
enrollee is requesting a second opinion about care from the
individual's primary care physician, the second opinion shall be
provided by an appropriately qualified health care professional of the
individual's choice within the same physician organization.
``(f) Specialists.--If the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee is
requesting a second opinion about care from a specialist, the second
opinion shall be provided by any provider of that individual's choice
from any independent practice association or medical group within the
network of the same or equivalent specialty. If the specialist is not
within the same physician organization, the plan or issuer shall incur
the cost or negotiate the fee arrangements of that second opinion,
beyond the applicable copayments which shall be paid by the
participant, beneficiary, or enrollee. If not authorized by the plan or
issuer, additional medical opinions not within the original physician
organization shall be the responsibility of the enrollee.
``(g) Use of Outside Plan Consultants.--If there is no
participating provider under the plan or coverage within the network
who meets the standard specified in subsection (b), then the plan or
issuer shall authorize a second opinion by an appropriately qualified
health professional outside of the plan's or issuer's provider network.
In approving a second opinion either inside or outside of the plan's or
issuer's provider network, the plan or issuer shall take into account
the ability of the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee to travel to
the provider, but the plan or issuer is not liable for costs relating
to such travel.
``(h) Consultation Reports.--The plan or issuer shall require the
second opinion health professional to provide the participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee and the initial health professional with a
consultation report, including any recommended procedures or test that
the second opinion health professional believes appropriate. Nothing in
this section shall be construed to prevent the plan or issuer from
authorizing, based on its independent determination, additional medical
opinions concerning the medical condition of a participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee.
``(i) Notice.--If the plan or issuer denies a request by a
participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for a second opinion, it shall
notify the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee in writing of the
reasons for the denial and shall inform the participant, beneficiary,
or enrollee of the rights to file a grievance with the plan.
``(j) Limitation to Participating Providers.--Unless authorized by
the plan or issuer, in order for services to be covered the
participant, beneficiary, or enrollee shall obtain services only from a
provider who is participating in, or under contract with, the plan or
issuer pursuant to the specific contract under which the participant,
beneficiary, or enrollee is entitled to health care services. The plan
or issuer may limit referrals to its network of providers if there is a
participating plan provider who meets the standard specified in
subsection (b).
``(k) Exemption.--This section shall not apply to health care
service plan contracts that provide benefits to enrollees through
preferred provider contracting arrangements if, subject to all other
terms and conditions of the contract that apply generally to all other
benefits, access to and coverage for second opinions are not limited.
``(l) Notice.--A group health plan under this part shall comply
with the notice requirement under section 714(b) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 with respect to the requirements
of this section as if such section applied to such plan.''.
(B) Section 2723(c) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg-23(c)) is
amended by striking ``section 2704'' and inserting ``sections
2704 and 2707''.
(2) ERISA amendments.--(A) Subpart B of part 7 of subtitle
B of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) Requirement.--The provisions of section 2707 shall apply
under this subtitle to group health plans, and to group health
insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, in the same
manner as they apply if such provisions were included in this
``(b) Notice Under Group Health Plan.--The imposition of the
requirement of this section shall be treated as a material modification
in the terms of the plan described in section 102(a)(1), for purposes
of assuring notice of such requirements under the plan; except that the
summary description required to be provided under the last sentence of
section 104(b)(1) with respect to such modification shall be provided
by not later than 60 days after the first day of the first plan year in
which such requirement apply.''.
(B) Section 731(c) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 1191(c)) is
amended by striking ``section 711'' and inserting ``sections
711 and 714''.
(C) Section 732(a) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 1191a(a)) is
amended by striking ``section 711'' and inserting ``sections
711 and 714''.
(D) The table of contents in section 1 of such Act is
amended by inserting after the item relating to section 713 the
following new item:
``714. Coverage of second opinions.''.
(3) Internal revenue code amendments.--
(A) In general.--Subchapter B of chapter 100 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--
(i) in the table of sections, by inserting
after the item relating to section 9812 the
following new item:
``9813. Coverage of second opinions.'';
(ii) by inserting after section 9812 the
``The requirements of section 2707 of the Public Health Service Act
shall apply under this section as if such section were included
(B) Conforming amendment.--Section 4980D(d)(1) of
such Code is amended by striking ``section 9811'' and
inserting ``sections 9811 and 9813''.
(b) Individual Health Insurance.--(1) Part B of title XXVII of the
Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 2752
the following new section:
``(a) In General.--The provisions of section 2707 (other than
subsection (l)) shall apply to health insurance coverage offered by a
health insurance issuer in the individual market in the same manner as
they apply to health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance
issuer in connection with a group health plan in the small or large
group market.
``(b) Notice.--A health insurance issuer under this part shall
comply with the notice requirement under section 714(b) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 with respect to the requirements
referred to in subsection (a) as if such section applied to such issuer
and such issuer were a group health plan.''.
(2) Section 2762(b)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg-62(b)(2)) is
amended by striking ``section 2751'' and inserting ``sections 2751 and
(c) Effective Dates.--
(1) Group health plans and group health insurance
coverage.--Subject to paragraph (3), the amendments made by
subsection (a) apply with respect to group health plans for
plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2006.
(2) Individual health insurance coverage.--The amendments
made by subsection (b) apply with respect to health insurance
coverage offered, sold, issued, renewed, in effect, or operated
in the individual market on or after such date.
(3) Collective bargaining exception.--In the case of a
group health plan maintained pursuant to 1 or more collective
bargaining agreements between employee representatives and 1 or
more employers ratified before the date of enactment of this
Act, the amendments made subsection (a) shall not apply to plan
years beginning before the later of--
(A) the date on which the last collective
bargaining agreements relating to the plan terminates
(determined without regard to any extension thereof
agreed to after the date of enactment of this Act), or
(B) January 1, 2006.
For purposes of subparagraph (A), any plan amendment made
pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement relating to the
plan which amends the plan solely to conform to any requirement
added by subsection (a) shall not be treated as a termination
of such collective bargaining agreement.
(d) Coordination of Administration.--The Secretary of Labor, the
Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Health and Human
Services shall ensure, through the execution of an interagency
memorandum of understanding among such Secretaries, that--
(1) regulations, rulings, and interpretations issued by
such Secretaries relating to the same matter over which two or
more such Secretaries have responsibility under the provisions
of this Act (and the amendments made thereby) are administered
so as to have the same effect at all times; and
(2) coordination of policies relating to enforcing the same
requirements through such Secretaries in order to have a
coordinated enforcement strategy that avoids duplication of
enforcement efforts and assigns priorities in enforcement. | Second Opinion Coverage Act of 2005 - Amends the Public Health Service Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and the Internal Revenue Code to require a group health plan and an issuer offering group coverage to provide coverage for second opinions upon request under certain circumstances, including if: (1) the participant questions the reasonableness or necessity of recommended surgical procedures or of a diagnosis or plan of care for a condition that threatens loss or substantial impairment of life, limb, or bodily function; (2) the clinical indications are not clear or are complex or confusing, a diagnosis is in doubt due to conflicting test results, or the treating health care professional is unable to diagnose the condition; (3) the treatment plan in progress is not improving the medical condition of the participant; and (4) the participant has attempted to follow the plan of care or has consulted with the initial provider concerning serious concerns about the diagnosis or plan of care.
Applies such requirements to coverage offered in the individual market. | 47 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act
of 2008''.
(a) Application of the Antitrust Laws.--The antitrust laws shall
apply to a common carrier by railroad that is subject to the
jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board under subtitle IV of
title 49, United States Code, without regard to whether such common
carrier filed a rate or whether a complaint challenging a rate is
(b) Definition.--The term ``antitrust laws'' has the meaning given
it in subsection (a) of the 1st section of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C.
12(a)), but includes section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to
the extent such section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition.
The last undesignated paragraph of section 7 of the Clayton Act (15
U.S.C. 18) is amended by inserting ``(excluding transactions described
in section 11321 of title 49 of the United States Code)'' after
``Surface Transportation Board''.
Section 11(a) of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 21(a)) is amended by
inserting ``(excluding agreements described in section 10706 of such
title and transactions described in section 11321 of such title)''
after ``Code''.
The proviso in section 16 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 26) is
amended by inserting ``(excluding a common carrier by railroad)'' after
The Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.) is amended by adding at the
end thereof the following:
``Sec. 29. In any civil action against a common carrier railroad
under section 4, 4A, 4C, 15, or 16, the district court shall not be
required to defer to the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation
Section 5(a)(2) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C.
45(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``For purposes of this paragraph with respect to unfair methods of
competition, the term `common carrier' excludes a common carrier by
railroad that is subject to jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation
Board under subtitle IV of title 49 of the United States Code.''.
(a) In General.--Section 10706 of title 49, United States Code, is
(1) in subsection (a)--
(A) in the 3d sentence of paragraph (2)(A) by
striking ``, and the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. 1 et
seq.),'' and all that follows through ``or carrying out
the agreement'',
(B) in paragraph (4)--
(i) by striking the 2d sentence, and
(ii) in the 3d sentence by striking
``However, the'' and inserting ``The'', and
(C) in paragraph (5)(A) by striking ``, and the
antitrust laws set forth in paragraph (2) of this
subsection do not apply to parties and other persons
with respect to making or carrying out the agreement'',
(2) in subsection (d) by striking the last sentence, and
(3) by striking subsection (e) and inserting the following:
``(e) Nothing in this section exempts a proposed agreement
described in subsection (a) from the application of the antitrust laws
(as defined in subsection (a) of the 1st section of the Clayton Act,
but including section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to the
extent such section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition).
``(f) In reviewing any proposed agreement described in subsection
(a), the Board shall take into account, among any other considerations,
the impact of the proposed agreement on shippers, consumers, and
affected communities. The Board shall make findings regarding such
impact, which shall be--
``(1) made part of the administrative record;
``(2) submitted to any other reviewing agency for
consideration in making its determination; and
``(3) available in any judicial review of the Board's
decision regarding such agreement.''.
(b) Combinations.--Section 11321 of title 49, United States Code,
is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)--
(A) by striking ``The authority'' and inserting
``Except as provided in sections 4, 4A, 4C, 15, and 16
of the Clayton Act, the authority''; and
(B) in the 3d sentence by striking ``is exempt from
the antitrust laws and from all other law,'' and
inserting ``is exempt from all other law (except the
laws referred to in subsection (c)),'', and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``(c) Nothing in this subchapter exempts a transaction described in
subsection (a) from the application of the antitrust laws (as defined
in subsection (a) of the 1st section of the Clayton Act, but including
section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to the extent such
section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition). The preceding
sentence shall not apply to any transaction relating to the pooling of
railroad cars approved by the Surface Transportation Board or its
predecessor agency pursuant to section 11322.
``(d) In reviewing any transaction described in subsection (a), the
Board shall take into account, among any other considerations, the
impact of the transaction on shippers and affected communities.''.
(c) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) Heading.--The heading for section 10706 of title 49,
United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Rate
(2) Analysis of sections.--The analysis of sections of
chapter 107 of such title is amended by striking the item
relating to section 10706 and insert the following:
``10706. Rate agreements.''.
(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), this Act and
the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of
enactment of this Act.
(b) Limitation.--A civil action under section 4, 4A, 4C, 15, or 16
of the Clayton Act, or a complaint under section 5 of the Federal Trade
Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the extent such section 5 applies to
unfair methods of competition, may not be filed with respect to any
conduct or activity that--
(1) occurs before the expiration of the 180-day period
beginning on the date of enactment of this Act; and
(2) was exempted from the antitrust laws (as defined in
subsection (a) of the 1st section of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C.
12(a)), but including section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission
Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the extent such section 5 applies to
unfair methods of competition) by an order of the Interstate
Commerce Commission or the Surface Transportation Board issued
before the date of the enactment of this Act and pursuant to
law. | Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act of 2008 - (Sec. 2) Amends the Clayton Act (the Act) to make federal antitrust laws applicable to all common carriers subject to the Surface Transportation Board (STB), regardless of whether the carrier filed a rail carrier rate or whether a complaint challenging a rate is filed.
(Sec. 3) Subjects to antitrust review agreements among rail carriers to pool or divide traffic, services, or earnings.
(Sec. 4) Authorizes the the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce certain provisions of the Act against STB-approved agreements or combinations, including those related to rates.
(Sec. 5) Removes the prohibition against a private party seeking injunctive relief against a rail carrier for a violation of the antitrust laws.
(Sec. 6) Provides that, in any civil action against a rail common carrier, the U.S. district court shall not be required to defer to the primary jurisdiction of the STB.
(Sec. 7) Amends the Federal Trade Commission Act to authorize FTC enforcement against rail carriers for unfair methods of competition.
(Sec. 8) Amends federal transportation law to terminate the exemptions from antitrust laws for rail carriers, including mergers and acquisitions and ratemaking agreements.
Requires the STB when reviewing a proposed rate agreement, to take into account its impact upon shippers, consumers, and affected communities, and to make findings regarding such impact, which shall be made part of the administrative record.
Revises STB authority to provide that a rail carrier, corporation, or a person participating in an approved transaction is not exempt from specified antitrust laws.
(Sec. 9) Makes the date of enactment of this Act its effective date. Makes an exception for parties engaging prior to such enactment in conduct or actions previously exempted by STB approval (such parties to have 180 days to discontinue such conduct or action or otherwise become subject to the antitrust laws). | 48 |
In this Act, the following definitions apply:
(1) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(2) RUE.--The term ``RUE'' means the retained use estate
entered into by the Jackson Hole Preserve and the United States
on September 30, 1983.
(3) Park.--The term ``park'' means Virgin Islands National
(4) CBI.--The term ``CBI'' means CBI Acquisitions, LLC.
(5) Resort.--The term ``Resort'' means Caneel Bay Resort on
the island of St. John in Virgin Islands National Park.
(a) Authorization.--The Secretary may enter into a lease agreement
with CBI governing the use of property for the continued management and
operation of the Resort.
(b) Additional Lands.--Any lease entered into pursuant to this Act
shall include the property covered by the RUE and any associated
property owned by CBI donated to the National Park Service.
(c) Terms.--The lease agreement authorized under subsection (a)
(1) require that operations and maintenance of the Resort
are conducted in a manner consistent with the preservation and
conservation of the resources and values of the Park as well as
the best interests of the Resort;
(2) be for the minimum number of years practicable to
enable the lessee to secure financing for any necessary
improvements to the Resort, taking into account the financial
obligations of CBI, but in any event shall not exceed 40 years;
(3) prohibit any transfer, assignment or sale of the lease
or otherwise convey or pledge any interest in the lease without
prior written notification to and approval by the Secretary;
(4) prohibit any increase in the number of guest
accommodations available at the Resort;
(5) prohibit any increase in the overall size of the
(6) prohibit the sale of partial ownership shares or
timeshares in the Resort;
(7) be designed to facilitate transfer of all property
covered by the lease to Federal administration upon expiration
of the lease; and
(8) include any other provisions determined by the
Secretary to be necessary to protect the Park and the public
(d) Appraisals.--The Secretary shall require appraisals to
determine the fair market value of all property covered by the RUE and
any property, including the value, if any, of the surrendered term of
the RUE, owned by CBI to be donated, or otherwise conveyed, to the
National Park Service. Such appraisals shall be conducted pursuant to
the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition.
(e) Compensation.--
(1) In general.--The lease authorized by this Act shall--
(A) require payment to the United States of the
property's fair market value rent, taking into account
the value of any associated property transferred by CBI
as well as the value, if any, of the surrendered term
of the RUE;
(B) include a provision--
(i) allowing recalculation of the amount of
the payment required under this subsection, at
the request of the Secretary or CBI, in the
event of extraordinary unanticipated changes in
conditions anticipated at the time the lease
was finalized; and
(ii) providing for binding arbitration in
the event the Secretary and CBI are unable to
agree upon an adjustment to the payment in
these circumstances.
(2) Distribution.--Eighty percent of the payment to the
United States required by this subsection shall be available to
the Secretary, without further appropriation, for expenditure
within the Park. The remaining twenty percent shall be
deposited in the Treasury.
(3) Applicability of certain law.--Section 321 of the Act
of June 30, 1932 (40 U.S.C. 1302), relating to the leasing of
buildings and property of the United States, shall not apply to
the lease entered into by the Secretary pursuant to this Act.
As a condition of the lease, CBI shall relinquish to the Secretary
all rights under the RUE and transfer, without compensation, ownership
of improvements covered by the RUE to the United States.
Passed the House of Representatives March 4, 2008.
By Deborah M. Spriggs,
Deputy Clerk. | Authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a lease with CBI Acquisitions, LLC, governing the use of property for the continued management and operation of the Caneel Bay Resort on the island of St. John in Virgin Islands National Park.
Requires any lease entered into pursuant to this Act to include the property covered by the retained use estate entered into by the Jackson Hole Preserve and the United States on September 30, 1983, (the RUE) and any associated property owned by CBI donated to the National Park Service (NPS).
Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the terms of the lease agreement; (2) appraisals to determine the fair market value of all property covered by the RUE and any property, including the value, if any, of the surrendered term of the RUE, owned by CBI to be donated, or otherwise conveyed, to the NPS; and (3) compensation to the United States of the property's fair market value rent. Makes 80% of such payment available for expenditure within Virgin Islands National Park.
Requires CBI, as a condition of the lease, to relinquish to the Secretary all rights under the RUE and to transfer, without compensation, ownership of improvements covered by the RUE to the United States. | 49 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Treatment Court Improvement
Act of 2018''.
(a) Hiring of Additional Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists.--
(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
shall hire not fewer than 50 Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists and place each such Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialist at an eligible Department of Veterans Affairs
medical center in accordance with this section.
(2) Requirements.--The Secretary shall ensure that each
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist employed under paragraph
(A) serves, either exclusively or in addition to
other duties, as part of a justice team in a veterans
treatment court or other veteran-focused court; and
(B) otherwise meets Department hiring guidelines
for Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists.
(3) Supplement not supplant.--The Secretary shall ensure
that the total number of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists
employed by the Department is not less than the sum of--
(A) the total number of Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists that were employed by the Department on the
day before the date of the enactment of this Act; and
(B) the number of Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists set forth in paragraph (1).
(b) Eligible Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.--For
purposes of this section, an eligible Department of Veterans Affairs
medical center is any Department of Veterans Affairs medical center
(1) complies with all Department guidelines and regulations
for placement of a Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist;
(2) works within a local criminal justice system with
justice-involved veterans;
(3) maintains an affiliation with one or more veterans
treatment courts or other veteran-focused courts; and
(4) either--
(A) routinely provides Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists to serve as part of a justice team in a
veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused
court; or
(B) establishes a plan that is approved by the
Secretary to provide Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists employed under subsection (a)(1) to serve
as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court
or other veteran-focused court.
(c) Placement Priority.--The Secretary shall prioritize the
placement of Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists employed under
subsection (a)(1) at eligible Department of Veterans Affairs medical
centers that have or intend to establish an affiliation, for the
purpose of carrying out the Veterans Justice Outreach Program, with a
veterans treatment court, or other veteran-focused court, that--
(1) was established on or after the date of the enactment
of this Act; or
(2)(A) was established before the date of the enactment of
this Act; and
(B) is not fully staffed with Veterans Justice Outreach
(d) Reports.--
(1) Periodic reports by secretary of veterans affairs.--
(A) In general.--Not later than one year after the
date of the enactment of this Act and not less
frequently than once every year thereafter, the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to Congress
a report on the implementation of this section and its
effect on the Veterans Justice Outreach Program.
(B) Contents.--Each report submitted under
paragraph (1) shall include the following:
(i) The status of the efforts of the
Secretary to hire Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialists pursuant to subsection (a)(1),
including the total number of Veterans Justice
Outreach Specialists hired by the Secretary
pursuant to such subsection and the number that
the Secretary expects to hire pursuant to such
(ii) The total number of Veterans Justice
Outreach Specialists assigned to each
Department of Veterans Affairs medical center
that participates in the Veterans Justice
Outreach Program, including the number of
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists hired
under subsection (a)(1) disaggregated by
Department of Veterans Affairs medical center.
(iii) The total number of eligible
Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers
that sought placement of a Veterans Justice
Outreach Specialist under subsection (a)(1),
how many Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists
each such center sought, and how many of such
medical centers received no placement of a
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist under
subsection (a)(1).
(iv) The total number of justice-involved
veterans who were served or are expected to be
served by a Veterans Justice Outreach
Specialist hired under subsection (a)(1).
(2) Report by comptroller general of the united states.--
(A) In general.--Not later than two years after the
date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller
General of the United States shall submit to Congress a
report on the implementation of this section and the
effectiveness of the Veterans Justice Outreach Program.
(B) Contents.--The report required by subparagraph
(A) shall include the following:
(i) An assessment of whether the Secretary
has fulfilled the Secretary's obligations under
this section.
(ii) The number of veterans who are served
by Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists hired
under subsection (a)(1), disaggregated by
demographics (including discharge status).
(iii) An identification of any subgroups of
veterans who underutilize services provided
under laws administered by the Secretary and to
which they are referred by a Veterans Justice
Outreach Specialist.
(iv) Such recommendations as the
Comptroller General may have for the Secretary
to improve the effectiveness of the Veterans
Justice Outreach Program.
(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--
(1) In general.--There is authorized to be appropriated to
the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out subsection (a)
$5,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2028.
(2) Identification of offsets.--The Secretary shall submit
to Congress a report that identifies such legislative or
administrative actions as the Secretary determines will result
in a reduction in expenditures by the Department of Veterans
Affairs that is equal to or greater than the amounts authorized
to be appropriated by paragraph (1).
(f) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) Justice team.--The term ``justice team'' means the
group of individuals, which may include a judge, court
coordinator, prosecutor, public defender, treatment provider,
probation or other law enforcement officer, program mentor, and
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist, who assist justice-
involved veterans in a veterans treatment court or other
veteran-focused court.
(2) Justice-involved veteran.--The term ``justice-involved
veteran'' means a veteran with active, ongoing, or recent
contact with some component of a local criminal justice system.
(3) Local criminal justice system.--The term ``local
criminal justice system'' means law enforcement, jails,
prisons, and Federal, State, and local courts.
(4) Veterans justice outreach program.--The term ``Veterans
Justice Outreach Program'' means the program through which the
Department of Veterans Affairs identifies justice-involved
veterans and provides such veterans with access to Department
(5) Veterans justice outreach specialist.--The term
``Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist'' means an employee of
the Department of Veterans Affairs who serves as a liaison
between the Department and the local criminal justice system on
behalf of a justice-involved veteran.
(6) Veterans treatment court.--The term ``veterans
treatment court'' means a Federal, State, or local court that
is participating in the veterans treatment court program (as
defined in section 2991(i)(1) of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3797aa(i)(1))).
Passed the Senate February 15, 2018.
Secretary. | Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act of 2017 This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to hire at least 50 Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists, place each one at an eligible VA medical center, and ensure that each one serves as part of a justice team in a veterans treatment court or other veteran-focused court. An eligible VA medical center is one that: complies with all VA guidelines and regulations for placement of a specialist; works with a veteran with active, ongoing, or recent contact with some component of a local criminal justice system; maintains an affiliation with one or more veterans treatment courts or other veteran-focused courts; and either routinely provides specialists, or establishes a VA-approved plan to provide specialists, to serve as part of a justice team in such a court. The VA shall prioritize the placement of specialists at eligible VA medical centers that have an affiliation with such a court that: (1) was established after the date of this bill's enactment, or (2) was established before such date and is not fully staffed with specialists. | 50 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine
Support Act of 2017'' or the ``VETS Act of 2017''.
(a) In General.--Chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, is
amended by inserting after section 1730A the following new section:
``Sec. 1730B. Licensure of health care professionals providing
treatment via telemedicine
``(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any provision of law regarding
the licensure of health care professionals, a covered health care
professional may practice the health care profession of the health care
professional at any location in any State, regardless of where the
covered health care professional or the patient is located, if the
covered health care professional is using telemedicine to provide
treatment to an individual under this chapter.
``(b) Property of Federal Government.--Subsection (a) shall apply
to a covered health care professional providing treatment to a patient
regardless of whether the covered health care professional or patient
is located in a facility owned by the Federal Government during such
``(c) Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to
remove, limit, or otherwise affect any obligation of a covered health
care professional under the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et
``(d) Covered Health Care Professional Defined.--In this section,
the term `covered health care professional' means a health care
professional who--
``(1) is an employee of the Department appointed under the
authority under sections 7306, 7401, 7405, 7406, or 7408 of
this title, or title 5;
``(2) is authorized by the Secretary to provide health care
under this chapter;
``(3) is required to adhere to all quality standards
relating to the provision of telemedicine in accordance with
applicable policies of the Department; and
``(4) has an active, current, full, and unrestricted
license, registration, or certification in a State to practice
the health care profession of the health care professional.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of
chapter 17 of such title is amended by inserting after the item
relating to section 1730A the following new item:
``1730B. Licensure of health care professionals providing treatment via
(c) Report on Telemedicine.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the
Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of
Representatives a report on the effectiveness of the use of
telemedicine by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall
include an assessment of the following:
(A) The satisfaction of veterans with telemedicine
furnished by the Department.
(B) The satisfaction of health care providers in
providing telemedicine furnished by the Department.
(C) The effect of telemedicine furnished by the
Department on the following:
(i) The ability of veterans to access
health care, whether from the Department or
from non-Department health care providers.
(ii) The frequency of use by veterans of
(iii) The productivity of health care
(iv) Wait times for an appointment for the
receipt of health care from the Department.
(v) The reduction, if any, in the use by
veterans of in-person services at Department
facilities and non-Department facilities.
(D) The types of appointments for the receipt of
telemedicine furnished by the Department that were
provided during the 1-year period preceding the
submittal of the report.
(E) The number of appointments for the receipt of
telemedicine furnished by the Department that were
requested during such period, disaggregated by Veterans
Integrated Service Network.
(F) Savings by the Department, if any, including
travel costs, of furnishing health care
through the use of telemedicine during such period.
Passed the House of Representatives November 7, 2017.
Clerk. | . Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act of 2017 or the VETS Act of 2017 (Sec. 2) This bill allows a licensed health care professional of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to practice his or her profession using telemedicine at any location in any state regardless of where the professional or patient is located if the covered health care professional is using telemedicine to provide VA medical or health services. Such authority shall apply to a covered health care professional regardless of whether the covered health care professional or patient is located in a federally-owned facility. The bill defines "covered health care professional" as a health care professional who: (1) is a VA employee appointed under specified VA authorities or under the civil service; (2) is authorized by the VA to provide health care; (3) is required to adhere to all telemedicine quality standards; and (4) has an active, current, full, and unrestricted state license, registration, or certification for such health care profession. The VA shall report to Congress on the effectiveness of the VA's use of telemedicine. | 51 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Oil Price Reduction Act of 2000''.
The Congress finds the following:
(1) Oil producing countries, including the nations of the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), took
concerted actions in March and September of 1999 to cut oil
production and hold back from the market 4,000,000 barrels a
day representing approximately six percent of the global
(2) OPEC, in its capacity as an oil cartel, has been a
critical factor in driving prices from approximately $11 a
barrel in December 1998 to a high of $30 a barrel in mid-
February 2000, levels not seen since the Persian Gulf Conflict.
(3) On February 10, 2000, a hearing before the Committee on
International Relations of the House of Representatives on
``OPEC and the Northeast Energy Crisis'' clearly demonstrated
that OPEC's goal of reducing its oil stocks was the major
reason behind price increases in heating oil, gasoline, and
diesel oil stocks.
(4) During this hearing, the Assistant Secretary in the
Office of International Affairs of the Department of Energy
noted that artificial supply constraints placed on the market
are ultimately self-defeating in so far as they increase
volatility in the market, lead to boom and bust cycles, and
promote global instability, particularly in developing
countries whose economies are extremely vulnerable to sharp
price increases.
(5) These price increases have caused inflationary shocks
to the United States economy and could threaten the global
economic recovery now underway in Europe and Asia where the
demand for oil is rising.
(6) The transportation infrastructure of the United States
is under stress and tens of thousands of small- to medium-sized
trucking firms throughout the Northeast region are on the verge
of bankruptcy because of the rise in diesel oil prices to more
than $2 per gallon--a 43 percent increase in the Central
Atlantic region and a 55 percent increase in the New England
region--an increase that has had the effect of requiring these
trucking firms to use up to 20 percent of their operating
budgets for the purchase of diesel oil.
(7) Many elderly and retired Americans on fixed incomes
throughout the Northeast region of the United States cannot
afford to pay the prevailing heating oil costs and all too
often are faced with the choice of paying the grocery bills or
staying warm.
(8) Several key oil producing nations relied on the United
States military for their protection in 1990 and 1991,
including during the Persian Gulf Conflict, and these nations
still depend on the United States for their security.
(9) Many of these nations enjoy a close economic and
security relationship with the United States which is a
fundamental underpinning of global security and cooperation.
(10) A continuation of the present policies put in place at
the meeting of OPEC Ministers in March and September of 1999
threatens the relationship that many of the OPEC nations enjoy
with the United States.
(a) Policy With Respect to Oil Exporting Countries.--It shall be
the policy of the United States to consider the extent to which major
net oil exporting countries engage in oil price fixing to be an
important determinant in the overall political, economic, and security
relationship between the United States and these countries.
(b) Policy With Respect to Oil Importing Countries.--It shall be
the policy of the United States to work multilaterally with other
countries that are major net oil importers to bring about the complete
dismantlement of international oil price fixing arrangements.
Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act,
the President shall transmit to the Congress a report that contains the
(1) A description of the overall economic and security
relationship between the United States and each country that is
a major net oil exporter, including each country that is a
member of OPEC.
(2) A description of the effect that coordination among the
countries described in paragraph (1) with respect to oil
production and pricing has had on the United States economy and
global energy supplies.
(3) Detailed information on any and all assistance programs
under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export
Control Act, including licenses for the export of defense
articles and defense services under section 38 of such Act,
provided to the countries described in paragraph (1).
(4) A determination made by the President in accordance
with section 5 for each country described in paragraph (1).
The report submitted pursuant to section 4 shall include the
determination of the President with respect to each country described
in section 4(1) as to whether or not, as of the date on which the
President makes the determination, that country is engaged in oil price
fixing to the detriment of the United States economy.
(a) Diplomatic Efforts.--Not later than 30 days after the date on
which the President transmits to the Congress the report pursuant to
section 4, the President shall--
(1) undertake a concerted diplomatic campaign to convince
any country determined by the President pursuant to section 5
to be engaged in oil price fixing to the detriment of the
United States economy that the current oil price levels are
unsustainable and will negatively effect global economic growth
rates in oil consuming and developing countries; and
(2) take the necessary steps to begin negotiations to
achieve multilateral action to reduce, suspend, or terminate
bilateral assistance and arms exports to major net oil
exporters engaged in oil price fixing as part of a concerted
diplomatic campaign with other major net oil importers to bring
about the complete dismantlement of international oil price
fixing arrangements described in such report.
(b) Report on Diplomatic Efforts.--Not later than 120 days after
the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall transmit to
the Congress a report describing any diplomatic efforts undertaken in
accordance with subsection (a) and the results achieved by those
In this Act:
(1) Oil price fixing.--The term ``oil price fixing'' means
participation in any agreement, arrangement, or understanding
with other countries that are oil exporters to increase the
price of oil or natural gas by means of, inter alia, limiting
oil or gas production or establishing minimum prices for oil or
(2) OPEC.--The term ``OPEC'' means the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Passed the House of Representatives March 22, 2000.
Clerk. | Directs the President, within 30 days after enactment of this Act, to report to Congress with respect to: (1) the overall economic and security relationship between the United States and each major net oil exporting country (including members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)); (2) the effect that coordination among such countries with respect to oil production and pricing has had on the U.S. economy and global energy supplies; (3) information on all assistance provided to such countries under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act (including licenses for the export of defense articles and defense services); and (4) the President's determination as to whether or not each such country is engaging in oil price fixing to the detriment of the U.S. economy.Directs the President, not later than 30 days after submitting the report, to: (1) undertake a concerted diplomatic campaign to convince any country determined to be engaged in oil price fixing to the detriment of the U.S. economy that the current oil price levels are unsustainable and will negatively affect global economic growth rates in oil consuming and developing countries; and (2) take the necessary steps to begin negotiations to achieve multilateral action to reduce, suspend, or terminate bilateral assistance and arms exports to major net oil exporters engaged in oil price fixing as part of a concerted diplomatic campaign with other major net oil importers to bring about the complete dismantlement of international oil price fixing arrangements. Requires the President to report to Congress with respect to such diplomatic efforts. | 52 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Teacher Support Act of 2001''.
(a) Deduction Allowed.--Part VII of subchapter B of chapter 1 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to additional itemized
deductions for individuals) is amended by redesignating section 222 as
section 223 and by inserting after section 221 the following new
``(a) Allowance of Deduction.--In the case of an eligible teacher,
there shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to the qualified
professional development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer
during the taxable year.
``(b) Qualified Professional Development Expenses of Eligible
Teachers.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) Qualified professional development expenses.--
``(A) In general.--The term `qualified professional
development expenses' means expenses for tuition, fees,
books, supplies, equipment, and transportation required
for the enrollment or attendance of an individual in a
qualified course of instruction.
``(B) Qualified course of instruction.--The term
`qualified course of instruction' means a course of
instruction which--
``(i) is--
``(I) directly related to the
curriculum and academic subjects in
which an eligible teacher provides
instruction, or
``(II) designed to enhance the
ability of an eligible teacher to
understand and use State standards for
the academic subjects in which such
teacher provides instruction,
``(ii) may--
``(I) provide instruction in how to
teach children with different learning
styles, particularly children with
disabilities and children with special
learning needs (including children who
are gifted and talented), or
``(II) provide instruction in how
best to discipline children in the
classroom and identify early and
appropriate interventions to help
children described in subclause (I) to
``(iii) is tied to challenging State or
local content standards and student performance
``(iv) is tied to strategies and programs
that demonstrate effectiveness in increasing
student academic achievement and student
performance, or substantially increasing the
knowledge and teaching skills of an eligible
``(v) is of sufficient intensity and
duration to have a positive and lasting impact
on the performance of an eligible teacher in
the classroom (which shall not include 1-day or
short-term workshops and conferences), except
that this clause shall not apply to an activity
if such activity is 1 component described in a
long-term comprehensive professional
development plan established by an eligible
teacher and the teacher's supervisor based upon
an assessment of the needs of the teacher, the
students of the teacher, and the local
educational agency involved, and
``(vi) is part of a program of professional
development which is approved and certified by
the appropriate local educational agency as
furthering the goals of the preceding clauses.
``(C) Local educational agency.--The term `local
educational agency' has the meaning given such term by
section 14101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965, as in effect on the date of the enactment
of this section.
``(2) Eligible teacher.--
``(A) In general.--The term `eligible teacher'
means an individual who is a kindergarten through grade
12 classroom teacher or aide in an elementary or
secondary school for at least 720 hours during a school
``(B) Elementary or secondary school.--The terms
`elementary school' and `secondary school' have the
meanings given such terms by section 14101 of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20
U.S.C. 8801), as so in effect.
``(c) Denial of Double Benefit.--
``(1) In general.--No other deduction or credit shall be
allowed under this chapter for any amount taken into account
for which a deduction is allowed under this section.
``(2) Coordination with exclusions.--A deduction shall be
allowed under subsection (a) for qualified professional
development expenses only to the extent the amount of such
expenses exceeds the amount excludable under section 135,
529(c)(1), or 530(d)(2) for the taxable year.''.
(b) Deduction Allowed in Computing Adjusted Gross Income.--Section
62(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting
after paragraph (17) the following new paragraph:
``(18) Qualified professional development expenses.--The
deduction allowed by section 222.''.
(c) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for part VII of
subchapter B of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is
amended by striking the item relating to section 222 and inserting the
following new items:
``Sec. 222. Qualified professional
development expenses.
``Sec. 223. Cross reference.''.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000.
(a) In General.--Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to other credits) is
amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an eligible teacher,
there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this
chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to the qualified
elementary and secondary education expenses which are paid or incurred
by the taxpayer during such taxable year.
``(b) Maximum Credit.--The credit allowed by subsection (a) for any
taxable year shall not exceed $100.
``(c) Definitions.--
``(1) Eligible teacher.--The term `eligible teacher' means
an individual who is a kindergarten through grade 12 classroom
teacher, instructor, counselor, aide, or principal in an
elementary or secondary school on a full-time basis for an
academic year ending during a taxable year.
``(2) Qualified elementary and secondary education
expenses.--The term `qualified elementary and secondary
education expenses' means expenses for books, supplies (other
than nonathletic supplies for courses of instruction in health
or physical education), computer equipment (including related
software and services) and other equipment, and supplementary
materials used by an eligible teacher in the classroom.
``(3) Elementary or secondary school.--The term `elementary
or secondary school' means any school which provides elementary
education or secondary education (through grade 12), as
determined under State law.
``(d) Special Rules.--
``(1) Denial of double benefit.--No deduction shall be
allowed under this chapter for any expense for which credit is
allowed under this section.
``(2) Application with other credits.--The credit allowable
under subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the
excess (if any) of--
``(A) the regular tax for the taxable year, reduced
by the sum of the credits allowable under subpart A and
the preceding sections of this subpart, over
``(B) the tentative minimum tax for the taxable
``(e) Election To Have Credit Not Apply.--A taxpayer may elect to
have this section not apply for any taxable year.''.
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart B of
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end
the following new item:
``Sec. 30B. Credit to elementary and
secondary school teachers who
provide classroom materials.''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000. | Teacher Support Act of 2001- Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) make the two percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions inapplicable to qualified professional development expenses incurred by elementary and secondary school teachers and aides; and (2) allow a credit to elementary and secondary school teachers, instructors, counselors, aides, or principals who provide classroom materials. | 53 |
(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Emergency
Malpractice Liability Insurance Commission (EMLIC) Act''.
(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Establishment of Commission.
Sec. 3. Duties of the Commission.
Sec. 4. Final report; Congressional hearings.
Sec. 5. Powers of Commission.
Sec. 6. Commission personnel matters.
Sec. 7. Authorization of appropriations; GAO audit.
Sec. 8. Termination of Commission.
(a) Establishment.--There is established a commission to be known
as Emergency Malpractice Liability Insurance Commission (in this Act
referred to as the ``Commission'').
(b) Purpose.--The Commission shall examine the causes of soaring
medical malpractice premiums and propose a comprehensive strategy to
combat the consequences.
(c) Membership of Commission.--
(1) Composition.--The commission shall be composed of 12
members of whom--
(A) 4 shall be appointed by the President, 1 of
whom shall be appointed to represent physicians'
interests, 1 of whom shall be appointed to represent
malpractice liability insurers, 1 of whom shall be
appointed to represent lawyers' interests, and 1 of
whom shall be appointed to represent consumer
protection interests;
(B) 1 Senator and 1 other individual shall be
appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate
upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader of the
(C) 1 Senator and 1 other individual shall be
appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate
upon the recommendation of the Minority Leader of the
(D) 1 Member of the House of Representatives and 1
other individual shall be appointed by the Speaker of
the House of Representatives; and
(E) 1 Member of the House of Representatives and 1
other individual shall be appointed by the Minority
Leader of the House of Representatives.
(2) Qualifications of members.--
(A) Presidential appointments.--Of the individuals
appointed under paragraph (1)(A), not more than 1 may
be an officer, employee, or paid consultant of the
Executive Branch.
(B) Other appointments.--Individuals who are not
Members of Congress, appointed under subparagraph (B),
(C), (D), or (E) of paragraph (1), shall be individuals
(i) have expertise in medicine, insurance,
law, consumers affairs, or have other pertinent
qualifications or experience; and
(ii) are not officers or employees of the
United States.
(C) Other considerations.--In appointing Commission
members, every effort shall be made to ensure that the
(i) represent a broad cross section of
regional and political perspectives in the
United States; and
(ii) provide fresh insights to analyzing
the medical malpractice insurance crisis
(d) Period of Appointment; Vacancies.--
(1) In general.--Members shall be appointed not later than
60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and the
appointment shall be for the life of the Commission.
(2) Vacancies.--Any vacancy in the Commission shall not
affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner as
the original appointment.
(e) Initial Meeting.-- Not later than 30 days after the date on
which all members of the Commission have been appointed, the Commission
shall hold its first meeting.
(f) Meetings.--The Commission shall meet at the call of the
(g) Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.--The members of the
Commission shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from among
the members of the Commission.
(h) Quorum.--A majority of the members of the Commission shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(i) Voting.--Each member of the Commission shall be entitled to 1
(a) In General.--The Commission shall investigate and determine
whether a causal relationship exists between skyrocketing malpractice
insurance premiums, rising jury awards, decreased accessibility and
affordability of health care, and the increase in the number of
physicians moving, quitting or retiring from the practices in the field
of medicine. The Commission will make recommendations based on a study
of statistical trends and testimony that can be taken by Congress to
alleviate the impact of the crisis in medical malpractice liability
(b) Specific Issues to Be Addressed.--The Commission shall examine
and report to the President and the Congress on at least the following:
(1) Nature and patterns of the medical malpractice
insurance market.
(2) Similarities and differences of the medical malpractice
insurance market to other lines of insurance.
(3) Impact of the McCarran-Ferguson Act on medical
malpractice insurance market.
(4) Federal role as it is and recommendations on how it
should be with respect to medical malpractice.
(5) Survey and assessment of the efficacy of State-level
legislation in insurance, in general, and medical malpractice
insurance, in particular.
(6) Survey of insurer's investments and strategies and its
role is premium rate setting for medical malpractice insurance.
(7) Role of jury awards in premium rate setting for medical
malpractice insurance.
(8) Relationship of medical malpractice premium rates and
overall medical practice costs
(a) Final Report.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 16 months after the date of
enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit to the
President and Congress a final report which contains--
(A) the findings and conclusions of the Commission
described in section 3;
(B) a detailed plan for comprehensive strategy to
combat the consequences of skyrocketing medical
malpractice liability insurance rates; and
(C) any recommendations for administrative and
legislative actions necessary to achieve such
(2) Separate views.--Any member of the Commission may
submit additional findings and recommendations as part of the
final report.
(b) Congressional Hearings.--Not later than 6 months after the
final report described in subsection (a) is submitted, the Committee on
Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee
on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate shall hold
hearings on the report.
(a) Hearings.--The Commission may hold such hearings, sit and act
at such times and places, take such testimony, and receive such
evidence as the Commission may find advisable to fulfill the
requirements of this Act. The Commission shall hold at least 7 public
hearings, 1 or more in Washington, D.C. and 4 in different regions of
the United States.
(b) Information From Federal Agencies.--The Commission may secure
directly from any Federal department or agency such information as the
Commission considers necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.
Upon request of the Chairperson of the Commission, the head of such
department or agency shall furnish such information to the Commission.
(c) Postal Services.--The Commission may use the United States
mails in the same manner and under the same conditions as other
departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
(a) Compensation of Members.-- Each member of the Commission who is
not an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall be
compensated at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate
of basic pay prescribed for level IV of the Executive Schedule under
section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, for each day (including
travel time) during which such member is engaged in the performance of
the duties of the Commission. All members of the Commission who are
officers or employees of the United States shall serve without
compensation in addition to that received for their services as
officers or employees of the United States.
(b) Travel Expenses.--The members of the Commission shall be
allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at
rates authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of
chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code, while away from their homes
or regular places of business in the performance of services for the
(c) Staff.--
(1) In general.--The Chairperson of the Commission may,
without regard to the civil service laws and regulations,
appoint and terminate an executive director and such other
additional personnel as may be necessary to enable the
Commission to perform its duties. The employment of an
executive director shall be subject to confirmation by the
(2) Compensation.--The Chairperson of the Commission may
fix the compensation of the executive director and other
personnel without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and
subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code,
relating to classification of positions and General Schedule
pay rates, except that the rate of pay for the executive
director and other personnel may not exceed the rate payable
for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of
such title.
(d) Detail of Government Employees.--Any Federal Government
employee may be detailed to the Commission without reimbursement, and
such detail shall be without interruption or loss of civil service
status or privilege.
(e) Procurement of Temporary and Intermittent Services.--The
Chairperson of the Commission may procure temporary and intermittent
services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates
for individuals which do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual
rate of basic pay prescribed for level V of the Executive Schedule
under section 5316 of such title.
(a) In General.--There are authorized to be appropriated $2,000,000
to the Commission to carry out the provisions of this Act.
(b) GAO Audit.--Not later than 6 months after termination of the
Commission, the Comptroller General of the United States shall complete
an audit of the financial books and records of the Commission to
determine that the limitation on expenses has been met, and shall
submit a report on the audit to the President and Congress.
The Commission shall cease to exist 30 days after the date on
which the Commission submits the final report under section 4. | Emergency Malpractice Liability Insurance Commission (EMLIC) Act - Establishes the Emergency Malpractice Liability Insurance Commission, whose purpose is to examine the causes of soaring medical malpractice premiums and propose a comprehensive strategy to combat the consequences. Directs the Commission to investigate the possible linkage between: (1) skyrocketing malpractice insurance premiums; (2) rising jury awards; (3) decreased accessibility and affordability of health care; and (4) a rise in the number of physicians moving, quitting, or retiring. | 54 |
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) Guam was captured by Japan on December 10, 1941, three
days after the attack on Pearl Harbor and remained in the hands
of the Japanese until June 1944. Those prisoners who remained
on Guam suffered atrocities at the hands of the Japanese or
were transported on ``Hell Ships'' to Japanese POW camps.
(2) In January 1942 the Japanese took approximately 1,600
prisoners on Wake Island. Approximately 450 military and 1,150
civilians were then transported to POW camps in China and
(3) On April 9, 1942, Major General Edward King surrendered
the soldiers from the United States and the Philippines into
enemy hands.
(4) Over the next week, the soldiers from the United States
and the Philippines were taken prisoner and forced to march 65
miles without any food, water, or medical care in what came to
be known as the Bataan Death March.
(5) On May 6, 1942, Corregidor fell after a weeklong siege
and its defenders were surrendered.
(6) On May 10, 1942, American forces under the command of
Major General William F. Sharp surrendered after fighting the
Japanese from April 29, 1942, to May 9, 1942, on the island of
Mindanao in the southernmost portion of the Philippine
Archipelago. It was on this date, May 10, 1942, that General
Wainwright, as Supreme Allied Commander, surrendered all Allied
Forces in the Philippine Archipelago.
(7) During this forced march, thousands of soldiers died,
either from starvation, lack of medical care, sheer exhaustion,
or abuse by their captors.
(8) Within the first 40 days at Camp O'Donnell, 1,600 more
prisoners from the United States died.
(9) The conditions at the camp were substandard, leading to
increased disease and malnutrition among the prisoners.
(10) In May 1942 the Japanese began transferring POWs by
sea. Prisoners were crammed into cargo holds with little air,
food or water for journeys that would last for weeks on what
were to be known as the ``Hell Ships''. Many died due to
asphyxia, starvation, or dysentery. Some prisoners became
delirious and unresponsive in an environment of heat, humidity
and lack of oxygen, food, and water. More than 3,300 prisoners
died at sea while being transported by these ships.
(11) On June 6, 1942, the prisoners from the United States
were transferred to Cabanatuan, north of Camp O'Donnell.
(12) The campus of the University of Santo Tomas was
converted to the Santo Tomas Internment Camp by the Japanese
during their occupation of the Philippines. Santo Tomas became
the initial internment camp for both the army and navy nurses,
with the army and navy nurses remaining there until their
(13) The prisoners who remained in the camps suffered from
continued mistreatment, malnutrition, lack of medical care, and
horrific conditions.
(14) The prisoners who remained in these camps were
liberated in 1945.
(15) Over the subsequent decades, these prisoners formed
support groups, were honored in local and State memorials, and
told their story to all people of the United States.
(16) The people of the United States are forever indebted
to these men and women for--
(A) the courage they demonstrated during the first
4 months of World War II in fighting against enemy
soldiers; and
(B) the perseverance they demonstrated during years
of capture, imprisonment, and atrocious conditions,
while maintaining dignity, honor, patriotism, and
(a) Award Authorized.--The Speaker of the House of Representatives
and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate
arrangements for the award, on behalf of the Congress, of a single gold
medal of appropriate design to American military personnel who fought
in defense of Bataan, Corregidor, Guam, Wake Island, and the Philippine
Archipelago between December 7, 1941, and May 10, 1942, and who died or
were imprisoned by the Japanese military in the Philippines, Japan,
Korea, Manchuria, Wake Island, and Guam from April 9, 1942, until
September 2, 1945, in recognition of their personal sacrifice and
service to their country.
(b) Design and Striking.--For purposes of the award under
subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in this Act
referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall strike the gold medal with
suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the
(c) Transfer and Display of Medals.--
(1) In general.--Following the award of the gold medal
under subsection (a), the gold medal shall be given to the
Smithsonian Institution, where it shall be displayed as
appropriate and made available for research.
(2) Sense of the congress.--It is the sense of the Congress
that the Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal
received under paragraph (1) available for display at other
locations, particularly such locations as are associated with
the American military prisoners described under subsection (a).
(a) Striking of Duplicates.--Under such regulations as the
Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary may strike duplicates in bronze
of the gold medal struck under section 2.
(b) Selling of Duplicates.--The Secretary may sell such duplicates
under subsection (a) at a price sufficient to cover the costs of such
duplicates, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and
overhead expenses.
Medals struck pursuant to this Act are National medals for purposes
of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. | This bill directs the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to arrange for the award on behalf of the Congress of a single gold medal to American military personnel who fought in defense of Bataan, Corregidor, Guam, Wake Island, and the Philippine Archipelago between December 7, 1941, and May 10, 1942, and who died or were imprisoned by the Japanese military in the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Wake Island, and Guam from April 9, 1942, until September 2, 1945, in recognition of their personal sacrifice and service to their country. Following its award the gold medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution where it shall be displayed and made available for research. The bill expresses the sense of the Congress that the Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal available for display at other locations, particularly locations associated with these American military prisoners. | 55 |
(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``National Forest
Organizational Camp Fee Improvement Act of 2003''.
(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Findings, purpose, and definitions.
Sec. 3. Fees for occupancy and use of National Forest System lands and
facilities by organizational camps.
Sec. 4. Implementation.
Sec. 5. Relationship to other laws.
Sec. 6. Deposit and expenditure of use fees.
Sec. 7. Ministerial issuance or amendment authorization.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
(1) Organizational camps, such as those administered by the
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and faith-based and community-based
organizations, provide a valuable service to young people,
individuals with a disability, and their families by promoting
physical, mental, and spiritual health through activities
conducted in a natural environment.
(2) The 192,000,0000 acres of national forests and
grasslands of the National Forest System managed for multiple
uses by the Forest Service provides an ideal setting for such
organizational camps.
(3) The Federal Government should charge land use fees for
the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands by such
organizational camps that, while based on the fair market value
of the land in use, also recognize the benefits provided to
society by such organizational camps, do not preclude the
ability of such organizational camps from utilizing these
lands, and permit capital investment in, and maintenance of,
camp facilities by such organizational camps or their
sponsoring organizations.
(4) Organizational camps should--
(A) ensure that their facilities meet applicable
building and safety codes, including fire and health
(B) have annual inspections as required by local
law, including at a minimum inspections for fire and
food safety; and
(C) have in place safety plans that address fire
and medical emergencies and encounters with wildlife.
(b) Purpose.--It is the purpose of this Act to establish a land use
fee system that provides for an equitable return to the Federal
Government for the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands by
organizational camps that serve young people or individuals with a
(c) Definitions.--In this Act:
(1) The term ``organizational camp'' means a public or
semi-public camp that--
(A) is developed on National Forest System lands by
a nonprofit organization or governmental entity;
(B) provides a valuable service to the public by
using such lands as a setting to introduce young people
or individuals with a disability to activities that
they may not otherwise experience and to educate them
on natural resource issues; and
(C) does not have as its primary purpose raising
revenue through commercial activities.
(2) The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of
Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service.
(3) The term ``individual with a disability'' has the
meaning given the term in section 7 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 705).
(4) The term ``children at risk'' means children who are
raised in poverty or in single-parent homes or are subject to
such circumstances as parental drug abuse, homelessness, or
child abuse.
(5) The term ``change in control'' means--
(A) in the case of a corporation, the sale or
transfer of a controlling interest in the corporation;
(B) in the case of a partnership or limited
liability company, the sale or transfer of a
controlling interest in the partnership or limited
liability company; and
(C) in the case of an individual, the sale or
transfer of an organizational camp to another party.
(a) Land Use Fee.--
(1) Percentage of land value.--The Secretary shall charge
an annual land use fee for each organizational camp for its
occupancy and use of National Forest System lands equal to five
percent of the product of the following:
(A) The total number of acres of National Forest
System lands authorized for the organizational camp.
(B) The estimated per-acre market value of land and
buildings in the county where the camp is located, as
reported in the most recent Census of Agriculture
conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics
(2) Annual adjustment.--The land use fee determined under
paragraph (1) for an organizational camp shall be adjusted
annually by the annual compounded rate of change between the
two most recent Censuses of Agriculture.
(3) Reduction in fees.--
(A) Based on type of participants.--The Secretary
shall reduce the land use fee determined under
paragraph (1) for an organizational camp if the
organizational camp is attended by individuals with a
disability or children at risk. The amount of the
reduction for a year shall bear the same ratio to the
land use fee determined under paragraph (1) for the
organizational camp as the total number of individuals
with a disability and children at risk who attend the
organizational camp bears to the total number of
individuals who attend the organizational camp for the
(B) Based on type of programs.--After making the
reduction required by subparagraph (A), the Secretary
shall also reduce the land use fee determined under
paragraph (1) for an organizational camp if the
organizational camp provides youth programs for
individuals attending the camp consisting of organized
and supervised social, citizenship, character-building,
or faith-based activities oriented to outdoor-
recreation experiences. The amount of the reduction for
a year shall be equal to 60 percent of the land use fee
determined under paragraph (1), as adjusted under
subparagraph (A).
(C) Relation to minimum fee.--Notwithstanding
subparagraphs (A) and (B), the reductions made under
this paragraph may not reduce the land use fee for an
organizational camp below the minimum land use fee
required to be charged under paragraph (4).
(D) Special considerations.--For purposes of
determining the amount of the land use fee reduction
required under subparagraph (A) or (B), the Secretary
may not take into consideration the existence of
sponsorships or scholarships to assist individuals in
attending the organizational camp.
(4) Minimum land use fee.--The Secretary shall charge a
minimum land use fee under paragraph (1) that represents, on
average, the Secretary's cost annually to administer an
organizational camp special use authorization in the National
Forest Region in which the organizational camp is located.
Notwithstanding paragraph (3) or subsection (d), the minimum
land use fee shall not be subject to a reduction or waiver.
(b) Facility Use Fee.--
(1) Percentage of facilities value.--If an organizational
camp uses a Government-owned facility on National Forest System
lands pursuant to section 7 of the Act of April 24, 1950
(commonly known as the Granger-Thye Act; 16 U.S.C. 580d), the
Secretary shall charge, in addition to the land use fee imposed
under subsection (a), a facility use fee equal to five percent
of the value of the authorized facilities, as determined by the
(2) Reduction in fees prohibited.--Notwithstanding
subsection (d), the facility use fees determined under
paragraph (1) shall not be subject to a reduction or waiver.
(c) Fee Related to Receipt of Other Revenues.-- If an
organizational camp derives revenue from the use of National Forest
System lands or authorized facilities described in subsection (b) for
purposes other than to introduce young people or individuals with a
disability to activities that they may not otherwise experience and to
educate them on natural resource issues, the Secretary shall charge, in
addition to the land use fee imposed under subsection (a) and the
facility use fee imposed under subsection (b), an additional fee equal
to five percent of that revenue.
(d) Work-In-Lieu Program.--Subject to subsections (a)(4) and
(b)(2), section 3 of the Federal Timber Contract Payment Modification
Act (16 U.S.C. 539f) shall apply to the use fees imposed under this
(a) Prompt Implementation.--The Secretary shall issue direction
regarding implementation of this Act by interim directive within 180
days after the date of the enactment of this Act. The Secretary shall
implement this Act beginning with the first billing cycle for
organizational camp special use authorizations occurring more than 180
days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
(b) Phase-In of Use Fee Increases.--In issuing any direction
regarding implementation of this Act under subsection (a), the
Secretary shall consider whether to phase-in any significant increases
in annual land or facility use fees for organizational camps.
Except as specifically provided by this Act, nothing in this Act
supersedes or otherwise affects any provision of law, regulation, or
policy regarding the issuance or administration of authorizations for
organizational camps regarding the occupancy and use of National Forest
System lands.
(a) Deposit and Availability.--Unless subject to section 7 of the
Act of April 24, 1950 (commonly known as the Granger-Thye Act; 16
U.S.C. 580d), use fees collected by the Secretary under this Act shall
be deposited in a special account in the Treasury and shall remain
available to the Secretary for expenditure, without further
appropriation until expended, for the purposes described in subsection
(b) Transfer.--Upon request of the Secretary, the Secretary of the
Treasury shall transfer to the Secretary from the special account such
amounts as the Secretary may request. The Secretary shall accept and
use such amounts in accordance with subsection (c).
(c) Use.--Use fees deposited pursuant to subsection (a) and
transferred to the Secretary under subsection (b) shall be expended for
monitoring of Forest Service special use authorizations, administration
of the Forest Service's special program, interpretive programs,
environmental analysis, environmental restoration, and similar
(a) NEPA Exception.--The ministerial issuance or amendment of an
organizational camp special use authorization shall not be subject to
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
(b) Rule of Construction.--For purposes of subsection (a), the
ministerial issuance or amendment of an authorization occurs only when
the issuance or amendment of the authorization would not change the
physical environment or the activities, facilities, or program of the
operations governed by the authorization, and at least one of the
following apply:
(1) The authorization is issued upon a change in control of
the holder of an existing authorization.
(2) The holder, upon expiration of an authorization, is
issued a new authorization.
(3) The authorization is amended--
(A) to effectuate administrative changes, such as
modification of the land use fee or conversion to a new
special use authorization form; or
(B) to include nondiscretionary environmental
standards or to conform with current law. | National Forest Organizational Camp Fee Improvement Act of 2003 - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to charge an annual acreage and market value-based fee for the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands (land use fees) and facilities (facility fees) by organizational camps (nonprofit or governmental entity-run camps for youth or persons with disabilities). Provides for annual land use fee adjustments.Reduces the land-use fee, but not below a minimum amount to be determined by the Secretary, for: (1) use by persons with disabilities and at-risk children; and (2) youth programs through organized social, citizenship, character-building, or faith-based activities oriented to outdoor recreation. Prohibits facility use fee reductions.Provides for an additional fee if an organizational camp derives revenue from such lands' or facilities' use for purposes other than to introduce young people or people with disabilities to natural resource education or other appropriate experiences. | 56 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Great Lakes Federal Effectiveness
(a) In General.--Section 118 of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act (33 U.S.C. 1268) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)(3)--
(A) by striking subparagraph (E) and inserting the
``(E) `Council' means the Great Lakes Research
Council established by subsection (d)(1);'';
(B) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``and'' at the
(C) in subparagraph (J), by striking the period at
the end and inserting ``; and''; and
(D) by adding at the end the following:
``(K) `Great Lakes research' means the application
of scientific or engineering expertise to explain,
understand, and predict a physical, chemical,
biological, or socioeconomic process, or the
interaction of 1 or more of the processes, in the Great
Lakes ecosystem.'';
(2) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following:
``(d) Great Lakes Research Council.--
``(1) Establishment of council.--There is established a
Great Lakes Research Council.
``(2) Duties of council.--The Council shall--
``(A) advise and promote the coordination of
Federal Great Lakes research activities to avoid
unnecessary duplication and ensure greater
effectiveness in achieving protection of the Great
Lakes ecosystem through the goals of the Great Lakes
Water Quality Agreement;
``(B) not later than 1 year after the date of the
enactment of this subparagraph and biennially
thereafter, after providing opportunity for public
review and comment, prepare and provide to interested
parties a document that includes--
``(i) an assessment of the Great Lakes
research activities needed to fulfill the goals
of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement;
``(ii) an assessment of Federal expertise
and capabilities in the activities needed to
fulfill the goals of the Great Lakes Water
Quality Agreement, including an inventory of
Federal Great Lakes research programs,
projects, facilities, and personnel; and
``(iii) recommendations for long-term and
short-term priorities for Federal Great Lakes
research, based on a comparison of the
assessment conducted under clause (i) and the
assessment conducted under clause (ii);
``(C) identify topics for and participate in
meetings, workshops, symposia, and conferences on Great
Lakes research issues;
``(D) make recommendations for the uniform
collection of data for enhancing Great Lakes research
and management protocols relating to the Great Lakes
``(E) advise and cooperate in--
``(i) improving the compatible integration
of multimedia data concerning the Great Lakes
ecosystem; and
``(ii) any effort to establish a
comprehensive multimedia data base for the
Great Lakes ecosystem; and
``(F) ensure that the results, findings, and
information regarding Great Lakes research programs
conducted or sponsored by the Federal Government are
disseminated in a timely manner, and in useful forms,
to interested persons, using to the maximum extent
practicable mechanisms in existence on the date of the
dissemination, such as the Great Lakes
Research Inventory prepared by the International Joint Commission.
``(3) Membership.--
``(A) In general.--The Council shall consist of 1
research manager with extensive knowledge of, and
scientific expertise and experience in, the Great Lakes
ecosystem from each of the following agencies and
``(i) The Agency.
``(ii) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
``(iii) The National Biological Service.
``(iv) The United States Fish and Wildlife
``(v) Any other Federal agency or
instrumentality that expends $1,000,000 or more
for a fiscal year on Great Lakes research.
``(vi) Any other Federal agency or
instrumentality that a majority of the Council
membership determines should be represented on
the Council.
``(B) Nonvoting members.--At the request of a
majority of the Council membership, any person who is a
representative of a Federal agency or instrumentality
not described in subparagraph (A) or any person who is
not a Federal employee may serve as a nonvoting member
of the Council.
``(4) Chairperson.--The chairperson of the Council shall be
a member of the Council from an agency specified in clause (i),
(ii), or (iii) of paragraph (3)(A) who is elected by a majority
vote of the members of the Council. The chairperson shall serve
as chairperson for a period of 2 years. A member of the Council
may not serve as chairperson for more than 2 consecutive terms.
``(5) Expenses.--While performing official duties as a
member of the Council, a member shall be allowed travel or
transportation expenses under section 5703 of title 5, United
States Code.
``(6) Interagency cooperation.--The head of each Federal
agency or instrumentality that is represented on the Council--
``(A) shall cooperate with the Council in
implementing the recommendations developed under
paragraph (2);
``(B) may, on written request of the chairperson of
the Council, make available, on a reimbursable basis or
otherwise, such personnel, services, or facilities as
may be necessary to assist the Council in carrying out
the duties of the Council under this section; and
``(C) shall, on written request from the
chairperson, furnish data or information necessary to
carry out the duties of the Council under this section.
``(7) International cooperation.--The Council shall
cooperate, to the maximum extent practicable, with the research
coordination efforts of the Council of Great Lakes Research
Managers of the International Joint Commission.
``(8) Reimbursement for requested activities.--Each Federal
agency or instrumentality represented on the Council may
reimburse another Federal agency or instrumentality or a non-
Federal entity for costs associated with activities authorized
under this subsection that are carried out by the other agency,
instrumentality, or entity at the request of the Council.
``(9) Federal advisory committee act.--The Federal Advisory
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the Council.
``(10) Effect on other law.--Nothing in this subsection
affects the authority of any Federal agency or instrumentality,
under any law, to undertake Great Lakes research activities.'';
(3) in subsection (e)--
(A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``the Program
Office and the Research Office shall prepare a joint
research plan'' and inserting ``the Program Office, in
consultation with the Council, shall prepare a research
plan''; and
(B) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ``the Research
Office, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry, and Great Lakes States'' and inserting ``the
Council, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry, and Great Lakes States,''; and
(4) in subsection (h)--
(A) in paragraph (1), by adding ``and'' at the end;
(B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``; and'' and
inserting a period; and
(C) by striking paragraph (3).
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The second sentence of section 403(a) of
the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C.
1447b(a)) is amended by striking ``Great Lakes Research Office
authorized under'' and inserting ``Great Lakes Research Council
established by''. | Great Lakes Federal Effectiveness Act - Amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to replace provisions regarding the Great Lakes Research Office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with those establishing an interagency Great Lakes Research Council.
Directs the Council to: (1) promote the coordination of Federal Great Lakes research activities to avoid duplication and ensure effectiveness in achieving protection of the Great Lakes ecosystem through the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; (2) prepare a document that assesses research activities and Federal expertise in such activities needed to fulfill Agreement goals; (3) identify topics for and participate in workshops and conferences on Great Lakes research issues; (4) make recommendations for the uniform collection of data for enhancing research and management protocols relating to the Great Lakes ecosystem; (5) advise in improving the integration of multimedia data concerning the ecosystem and in efforts to establish a multimedia data base for the ecosystem; and (6) ensure that findings and information regarding such research are disseminated in a timely manner. | 57 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Apprenticeship, Training, and
Employment Act of 2003''.
(a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to business-related
credits) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of a
small business employer, the highly skilled trades training credit
determined under this section for the taxable year is $10,000 for each
employee (not to exceed 3 employees) having a qualified training year
ending with or within such taxable year (whether or not such employee
is an employee of the taxpayer as of the close of such taxable year).
``(b) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) Small business employer.--
``(A) In general.--The term `small business
employer' means, with respect to any taxable year, any
employer who qualifies during such taxable year as a
specialty trade contractor under subsector 238 of
sector 23 contained in the table under section 121.201
of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect
on the date of the enactment of this section.
``(B) Controlled groups.--For purposes of
subparagraph (A), all persons treated as a single
employer under subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of
section 414 shall be treated as a single employer.
``(2) Qualified training year.--
``(A) In general.--The term `qualified training
year' means each year during the training period in
which the employee received at least 1,500 hours of
training (including on-the-job training and training at
multi-employer training facilities) from the taxpayer
(or any predecessor) under a qualified training program
as an apprentice in any highly skilled trade.
``(B) Highly skilled trades.--For purposes of
subparagraph (A), the term `highly skilled trades'
means any specialty trade specified under subsector 238
of sector 23 contained in the table under section
121.201 of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, as in
effect on the date of the enactment of this section.
Such term shall not include any trade if the customary
apprenticeship period for such trade is less than 2
``(C) Qualified training program.--
``(i) In general.--The term `qualified
training program' means a written plan of study
and training for individuals in, or entering
into, highly skilled trades.
``(ii) Description of programs.--A plan
under clause (i) must be a program which meets
the requirements of clause (iii) and is
``(I) an apprenticeship program
registered and certified with the
Secretary of Labor under section 1 of
the National Apprenticeship Act (29
U.S.C. 50), or
``(II) a program licensed,
registered, or certified by the
workforce investment board or
apprenticeship agency or council of a
State or administered in compliance
with apprenticeship laws of a State.
``(iii) Requirements.--A program meets the
requirements of this clause if such program--
``(I) is accessible to individuals
without discrimination on the basis of
race, sex, color, religion, or national
``(II) provides an overview of the
trade, including the history and modern
developments in such trade,
``(III) provides related
instruction of the fundamental,
intermediate, and advanced skills,
techniques, and materials of the trade,
``(IV) provides training in math,
measurement, and blueprint reading
skills, if such skills are required in
the trade,
``(V) provides training on trade-
specific tools and equipment,
``(VI) provides trade specific
safety and health training,
``(VII) provides on-the-job
training which allows performance of
work under close supervision of an
instructor or skilled worker, and
``(VIII) provides periodic review
and evaluation of participants to
demonstrate proficiency in skills,
including the use of tests and
assessment of individual and group
``(3) Training period.--The term `training period' means,
with respect to an employee, the period--
``(A) beginning on the date that the employee
begins employment with the taxpayer as an apprentice in
the highly skilled trade, and
``(B) ending on the earlier of--
``(i) the date that such apprenticeship
with the employer ends, or
``(ii) the date which is 2 years after the
date referred to in subparagraph (A).
``(c) Coordination With Other Credits.--The amount of credit
otherwise allowable under sections 51(a) and 1396(a) with respect to
any employee shall be reduced by the credit allowed by this section
with respect to such employee.''.
(b) Credit Made Part of General Business Credit.--Subsection (b) of
section 38 of such Code is amended by striking ``plus'' at the end of
paragraph (14), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (15) and
inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at the end the following new
``(16) in the case of a small business employer (as defined
in section 45G(b)), the highly skilled trades training credit
determined under section 45G(a).''.
(c) Denial of Double Benefit.--Section 280C of such Code is amended
by adding at the end the following new subsection:
``(d) Credit for Training Expenses for Employees in Highly Skilled
Small Business Trades.--No deduction shall be allowed for that portion
of the expenses otherwise allowable as a deduction for the taxable year
which is equal to the amount of the credit determined for the taxable
year under section 45G(a).''.
(d) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by adding
at the end the following new item:
``Sec. 45G. Expenses for long-term
training of employees in highly
skilled small business
(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to expenses paid or incurred in the taxable years ending after
the date of the enactment of this Act. | Apprenticeship, Training, and Employment Act of 2003 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to provide small employers with a highly skilled trades training credit. | 58 |
-S-E-C-T-I-O-N -1-. -S-H-O-R-T -T-I-T-L-E-.
-T-h-i-s -A-c-t -m-a-y -b-e -c-i-t-e-d -a-s -t-h-e
-`-`-P-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -B-o-x-i-n-g -S-a-f-e-t-y -A-c-t-'-'-.
-S-E-C-. -2-. -D-E-F-I-N-I-T-I-O-N-S-.
-F-o-r -p-u-r-p-o-s-e-s -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t---
-(-1-) -t-h-e -t-e-r-m -`-`-b-o-x-e-r-'-' -m-e-a-n-s -a
-p-e-r-s-o-n -w-h-o -p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e-s -i-n -a
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g -m-a-t-c-h-;
-(-2-) -t-h-e -t-e-r-m -`-`-m-a-n-a-g-e-r-'-' -m-e-a-n-s -a
-p-e-r-s-o-n -o-r -b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s -w-h-o -h-e-l-p-s
-a-r-r-a-n-g-e -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g
-m-a-t-c-h-e-s -f-o-r -a -b-o-x-e-r-, -a-n-d -w-h-o
-s-e-r-v-e-s -a-s -a-n -a-d-v-i-s-o-r -o-r
-r-e-p-r-e-s-e-n-t-a-t-i-v-e -o-f -a -b-o-x-e-r -i-n -a
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -c-a-p-a-c-i-t-y-;
-(-3-) -t-h-e -t-e-r-m -`-`-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-i-n-g -m-a-t-c-h-'-' -m-e-a-n-s -a -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-n-t-e-s-t -h-e-l-d -i-n -t-h-e -U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s
-b-e-t-w-e-e-n -i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l-s -f-o-r
-c-o-m-p-e-n-s-a-t-i-o-n -o-r -a -p-r-i-z-e-, -a-n-d -d-o-e-s
-n-o-t -i-n-c-l-u-d-e -a-n-y -a-m-a-t-e-u-r -b-o-x-i-n-g
-(-4-) -t-h-e -t-e-r-m -`-`-p-r-o-m-o-t-e-r-'-' -m-e-a-n-s
-a -p-e-r-s-o-n -o-r -b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s -t-h-a-t
-o-r-g-a-n-i-z-e-s-, -h-o-l-d-s-, -a-d-v-e-r-t-i-s-e-s-, -o-r
-o-t-h-e-r-w-i-s-e -c-o-n-d-u-c-t-s -a -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-i-n-g -m-a-t-c-h-; -a-n-d
-(-5-) -t-h-e -t-e-r-m -`-`-S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-'-' -m-e-a-n-s -a -S-t-a-t-e -a-g-e-n-c-y
-w-i-t-h -a-u-t-h-o-r-i-t-y -t-o -r-e-g-u-l-a-t-e
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g-;
-S-E-C-. -3-. -P-U-R-P-O-S-E-.
-T-h-e -p-u-r-p-o-s-e-s -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t -a-r-e---
-(-1-) -t-o -i-m-p-r-o-v-e -a-n-d -e-x-p-a-n-d -t-h-e
-s-y-s-t-e-m -o-f -s-a-f-e-t-y -p-r-e-c-a-u-t-i-o-n-s -t-h-a-t
-p-r-o-t-e-c-t-s -t-h-e -w-e-l-f-a-r-e -o-f
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-e-r-s-; -a-n-d
-(-2-) -t-o -a-s-s-i-s-t -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-s -t-o -p-r-o-v-i-d-e -p-r-o-p-e-r
-o-v-e-r-s-i-g-h-t -f-o-r -t-h-e -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-i-n-g -i-n-d-u-s-t-r-y -i-n -t-h-e -U-n-i-t-e-d
-S-E-C-. -4-. -P-R-O-F-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L -B-O-X-I-N-G -M-A-T-C-H-E-S-.
-A -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g -m-a-t-c-h -m-a-y -b-e
-h-e-l-d -i-n -t-h-e -U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s -o-n-l-y -i-f---
-(-1-) -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -w-h-e-r-e -t-h-e
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g -m-a-t-c-h -i-s -t-o -b-e
-(-A-) -h-a-s -a -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -; -o-r
-(-B-) -h-a-s -e-n-t-e-r-e-d -i-n-t-o -a-n
-a-g-r-e-e-m-e-n-t -w-i-t-h -a -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -o-f -a-n-o-t-h-e-r -S-t-a-t-e-;
-t-o -o-v-e-r-s-e-e -t-h-e -m-a-t-c-h -a-n-d -t-o
-r-e-g-u-l-a-t-e -e-a-c-h -o-f -i-t-s -b-o-x-i-n-g
-m-a-t-c-h-e-s-; -a-n-d
-(-2-) -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g -c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n
-h-a-s -e-s-t-a-b-l-i-s-h-e-d -p-r-o-c-e-d-u-r-e-s -t-o
-c-a-r-r-y -o-u-t -s-e-c-t-i-o-n-s -5-, -6-, -a-n-d -7-.
-S-E-C-. -5-. -R-E-G-I-S-T-R-A-T-I-O-N-.
-(-a-) -R-e-q-u-i-r-e-m-e-n-t-.----E-a-c-h -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-e-r -s-h-a-l-l -r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r -w-i-t-h---
-(-1-) -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g -c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n
-o-f -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -i-n -w-h-i-c-h -s-u-c-h -b-o-x-e-r
-(-2-) -i-n -t-h-e -c-a-s-e -o-f -a -b-o-x-e-r -w-h-o -i-s
-a -r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t -o-f -a -S-t-a-t-e -i-n -w-h-i-c-h
-t-h-e-r-e -i-s -n-o -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-, -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -d-e-s-c-r-i-b-e-d -i-n -s-e-c-t-i-o-n
-4-(-1-)-(-B-)-; -o-r
-(-3-) -i-n -t-h-e -c-a-s-e -o-f -a -b-o-x-e-r -f-r-o-m -a
-f-o-r-e-i-g-n -c-o-u-n-t-r-y-, -a-n-y -S-t-a-t-e -t-h-a-t
-h-a-s -a -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g -c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-.
-(-b-) -I-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -C-a-r-d-.--
-(-1-) -I-s-s-u-a-n-c-e-.----A -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -s-h-a-l-l -i-s-s-u-e -t-o -e-a-c-h
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-e-r -w-h-o -r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r-s
-i-n -a-c-c-o-r-d-a-n-c-e -w-i-t-h -s-u-b-s-e-c-t-i-o-n
-(-a-)-, -a-n -i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -c-a-r-d -t-h-a-t
-(-A-) -a -r-e-c-e-n-t -p-h-o-t-o-g-r-a-p-h -o-f
-t-h-e -b-o-x-e-r-;
-(-B-) -t-h-e -s-o-c-i-a-l -s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y
-n-u-m-b-e-r -o-f -t-h-e -b-o-x-e-r -(-o-r-, -i-n
-t-h-e -c-a-s-e -o-f -a -f-o-r-e-i-g-n -b-o-x-e-r-,
-a-n-y -s-i-m-i-l-a-r -c-i-t-i-z-e-n
-i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -n-u-m-b-e-r -o-r
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-e-r -n-u-m-b-e-r
-f-r-o-m -t-h-e -c-o-u-n-t-r-y -o-f -r-e-s-i-d-e-n-c-e
-o-f -t-h-e -b-o-x-e-r-)-; -a-n-d
-(-C-) -t-h-e -p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l
-i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -n-u-m-b-e-r-s
-a-s-s-i-g-n-e-d -t-o -t-h-e -b-o-x-e-r -b-y -t-h-e
-b-o-x-i-n-g -r-e-g-i-s-t-r-i-e-s -c-e-r-t-i-f-i-e-d
-b-y -t-h-e -A-s-s-o-c-i-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -B-o-x-i-n-g
-(-2-) -R-e-n-e-w-a-l-.----E-a-c-h -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-e-r -s-h-a-l-l -r-e-n-e-w -h-i-s -o-r -h-e-r
-i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -c-a-r-d -a-t -l-e-a-s-t -o-n-c-e
-e-v-e-r-y -3 -y-e-a-r-s-.
-(-3-) -P-r-e-s-e-n-t-a-t-i-o-n-.----E-a-c-h
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-e-r -s-h-a-l-l -p-r-e-s-e-n-t
-h-i-s -o-r -h-e-r -i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -c-a-r-d -t-o
-t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g -c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -n-o-t
-l-a-t-e-r -t-h-a-n -t-h-e -t-i-m-e -o-f -t-h-e -w-e-i-g-h--
-i-n -f-o-r -a -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g
-(-c-) -R-e-l-a-t-i-o-n -t-o -S-t-a-t-e -L-a-w-.----N-o-t-h-i-n-g
-i-n -t-h-i-s -s-e-c-t-i-o-n -s-h-a-l-l -b-e -c-o-n-s-t-r-u-e-d -a-s
-p-r-e-v-e-n-t-i-n-g -a -S-t-a-t-e -f-r-o-m -a-p-p-l-y-i-n-g
-a-d-d-i-t-i-o-n-a-l -r-e-g-i-s-t-r-a-t-i-o-n
-S-E-C-. -6-. -R-E-V-I-E-W-.
-E-a-c-h -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g -c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -s-h-a-l-l
-e-s-t-a-b-l-i-s-h -p-r-o-c-e-d-u-r-e-s---
-(-1-) -t-o -e-v-a-l-u-a-t-e -t-h-e
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -r-e-c-o-r-d-s -o-f -e-a-c-h
-b-o-x-e-r -p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-n-g -i-n -a -b-o-x-i-n-g
-m-a-t-c-h -i-n -t-h-e -S-t-a-t-e-; -a-n-d
-(-2-) -t-o -e-n-s-u-r-e -t-h-a-t -n-o -b-o-x-e-r -i-s
-p-e-r-m-i-t-t-e-d -t-o -b-o-x -w-h-i-l-e -u-n-d-e-r
-s-u-s-p-e-n-s-i-o-n -f-r-o-m -a-n-y -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -f-o-r -a-n-y -r-e-a-s-o-n-,
-(-A-) -a -r-e-c-e-n-t -k-n-o-c-k-o-u-t-,
-i-n-j-u-r-y-, -o-r -u-n-f-u-l-f-i-l-l-e-d
-r-e-q-u-i-r-e-m-e-n-t -f-o-r -a -m-e-d-i-c-a-l
-(-B-) -a-d-m-i-n-i-s-t-r-a-t-i-v-e
-r-e-a-s-o-n-s-, -s-u-c-h -a-s -f-a-i-l-u-r-e -t-o
-p-a-y -a -S-t-a-t-e -f-e-e -o-r -f-i-n-e-, -o-r
-i-m-p-r-o-p-e-r -c-o-n-d-u-c-t-;
-(-C-) -f-a-l-s-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -o-f-, -o-r
-a-t-t-e-m-p-t-s -t-o -f-a-l-s-i-f-y-, -o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l
-i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n -c-a-r-d-s -o-r
-(-D-) -f-a-i-l-u-r-e -o-f -a -d-r-u-g -t-e-s-t-;
-(-E-) -i-n-a-d-e-q-u-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-s-k-i-l-l-s-, -o-r -t-h-e -i-n-a-b-i-l-i-t-y -t-o
-s-a-f-e-l-y -c-o-m-p-e-t-e-; -a-n-d
-(-F-) -v-i-o-l-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -F-e-d-e-r-a-l -o-r
-S-t-a-t-e -g-a-m-i-n-g -l-a-w-s-.
-S-E-C-. -7-. -R-E-P-O-R-T-I-N-G-.
-(-a-) -B-o-x-i-n-g -M-a-t-c-h -R-e-s-u-l-t-s-.----N-o-t -l-a-t-e-r
-t-h-a-n -4-8 -b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s -h-o-u-r-s -(-e-x-c-l-u-d-i-n-g
-S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y-s -a-n-d -S-u-n-d-a-y-s-) -a-f-t-e-r -t-h-e
-c-o-n-c-l-u-s-i-o-n -o-f -a -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g
-m-a-t-c-h-, -t-h-e -r-e-s-u-l-t-s -o-f -s-u-c-h -m-a-t-c-h -s-h-a-l-l
-b-e -r-e-p-o-r-t-e-d -t-o -t-h-e -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g
-r-e-g-i-s-t-r-i-e-s -c-e-r-t-i-f-i-e-d -b-y -t-h-e
-A-s-s-o-c-i-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -B-o-x-i-n-g -C-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-e-r-s
-(-A-B-C-) -a-n-d -t-o -t-h-e -F-l-o-r-i-d-a -S-t-a-t-e
-A-t-h-l-e-t-i-c -C-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-.
-(-b-) -S-u-s-p-e-n-s-i-o-n-s-.----N-o-t -l-a-t-e-r -t-h-a-n -4-8
-b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s -h-o-u-r-s -(-e-x-c-l-u-d-i-n-g -S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y-s
-a-n-d -S-u-n-d-a-y-s-) -a-f-t-e-r -a -S-t-a-t-e -b-o-x-i-n-g
-c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n -o-r-d-e-r-s -t-h-e -s-u-s-p-e-n-s-i-o-n -o-f -a
-b-o-x-e-r-, -p-r-o-m-o-t-e-r-, -o-r -m-a-n-a-g-e-r-, -s-u-c-h
-s-u-s-p-e-n-s-i-o-n -s-h-a-l-l -b-e -r-e-p-o-r-t-e-d -t-o -t-h-e
-p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g -r-e-g-i-s-t-r-i-e-s
-c-e-r-t-i-f-i-e-d -b-y -t-h-e -A-s-s-o-c-i-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -B-o-x-i-n-g
-C-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-e-r-s -(-A-B-C-) -a-n-d -t-o -t-h-e -F-l-o-r-i-d-a
-S-t-a-t-e -A-t-h-l-e-t-i-c -C-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n-.
-S-E-C-. -8-. -E-N-F-O-R-C-E-M-E-N-T-.
-(-a-) -I-n-j-u-n-c-t-i-o-n-s-.----W-h-e-n-e-v-e-r -t-h-e
-U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s -A-t-t-o-r-n-e-y -i-n -a -S-t-a-t-e -h-a-s
-r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e -c-a-u-s-e -t-o -b-e-l-i-e-v-e -t-h-a-t -a
-p-e-r-s-o-n -o-r -e-n-t-i-t-y -i-s -e-n-g-a-g-e-d -i-n -a
-v-i-o-l-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t -i-n -s-u-c-h -S-t-a-t-e-,
-t-h-e -U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s -A-t-t-o-r-n-e-y -m-a-y -b-r-i-n-g -a
-c-i-v-i-l -a-c-t-i-o-n -i-n -t-h-e -a-p-p-r-o-p-r-i-a-t-e
-d-i-s-t-r-i-c-t -c-o-u-r-t -o-f -t-h-e -U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s
-r-e-q-u-e-s-t-i-n-g -s-u-c-h -r-e-l-i-e-f-, -i-n-c-l-u-d-i-n-g -a
-p-e-r-m-a-n-e-n-t -o-r -t-e-m-p-o-r-a-r-y -i-n-j-u-n-c-t-i-o-n-,
-r-e-s-t-r-a-i-n-i-n-g -o-r-d-e-r-, -o-r -o-t-h-e-r -o-r-d-e-r-,
-a-g-a-i-n-s-t -t-h-e -p-e-r-s-o-n -o-r -e-n-t-i-t-y-, -a-s -t-h-e
-U-n-i-t-e-d -S-t-a-t-e-s -A-t-t-o-r-n-e-y -d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-e-s
-n-e-c-e-s-s-a-r-y -t-o -r-e-s-t-r-a-i-n -t-h-e -p-e-r-s-o-n -o-r
-e-n-t-i-t-y -f-r-o-m -c-o-n-t-i-n-u-i-n-g -t-o -e-n-g-a-g-e -i-n-,
-o-r -t-o -s-a-n-c-t-i-o-n-, -a -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l -b-o-x-i-n-g
-m-a-t-c-h -i-n -v-i-o-l-a-t-i-o-n -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t-.
-(-b-) -C-r-i-m-i-n-a-l -P-e-n-a-l-t-i-e-s-.--
-(-1-) -M-a-n-a-g-e-r-s -a-n-d -p-r-o-m-o-t-e-r-s-.---
-A-n-y -m-a-n-a-g-e-r -o-r -p-r-o-m-o-t-e-r -w-h-o
-k-n-o-w-i-n-g-l-y -a-n-d -w-i-l-l-f-u-l-l-y -v-i-o-l-a-t-e-s
-a-n-y -p-r-o-v-i-s-i-o-n -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t -s-h-a-l-l -b-e
-i-m-p-r-i-s-o-n-e-d -f-o-r -n-o-t -m-o-r-e -t-h-a-n -1
-y-e-a-r -o-r -f-i-n-e-d -m-o-r-e -t-h-a-n -$-2-0-,-0-0-0-,
-o-r -b-o-t-h-.
-(-2-) -B-o-x-e-r-s-.----A-n-y -p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l
-b-o-x-e-r -w-h-o -k-n-o-w-i-n-g-l-y -a-n-d -w-i-l-l-f-u-l-l-y
-v-i-o-l-a-t-e-s -a-n-y -p-r-o-v-i-s-i-o-n -o-f -t-h-i-s -A-c-t
-s-h-a-l-l -b-e -f-i-n-e-d -n-o-t -m-o-r-e -t-h-a-n
This Act may be cited as the ``Professional Boxing Safety Act''.
For purposes of this Act--
(1) the term ``boxer'' means a person who participates in a
professional boxing match;
(2) the term ``licensee'' means an individual who serves as
a trainer, second, or cut man for a professional boxer;
(3) the term ``manager'' means a person or business who
helps arrange professional boxing matches for a boxer, and who
serves as an advisor or representative of a boxer in a
professional capacity;
(4) the term ``matchmaker'' means a person or business that
proposes, selects, and arranges the boxers to participate in a
professional boxing event;
(5) the term ``professional boxing match'' means a boxing
contest held in the United States between individuals for
compensation or a prize, and does not include any amateur
boxing match;
(6) the term ``promoter'' means a person or business that
organizes, holds, advertises, or otherwise conducts a
professional boxing match; and
(7) the term ``State boxing commission'' means a State
agency with authority to regulate professional boxing.
The purposes of this Act are--
(1) to improve and expand the system of safety precautions
that protects the welfare of professional boxers; and
(2) to assist State boxing commissions to provide proper
oversight for the professional boxing industry in the United
A professional boxing match may be held in the United States only
(1)(A) the State where the professional boxing match is to
be held has a State boxing commission; or
(B) the promoter who seeks to put on a boxing event in a
State that does not have a boxing commission has entered into
an agreement with the chief administrative officer of a State
that has a boxing commission to oversee the match; and
(2) the State boxing commission has established procedures
to carry out sections 5, 6, and 7.
(a) Requirement.--Each professional boxer shall register with--
(1) the State boxing commission of the State in which such
boxer resides; or
(2) in the case of a boxer who is a resident of a foreign
country, or a State in which there is no State boxing
commission, the State boxing commission of any State that has
such a commission.
(b) Identification Card.--
(1) Issuance.--A State boxing commission shall issue to
each professional boxer who registers in accordance with
subsection (a), an identification card that contains--
(A) a recent photograph of the boxer;
(B) the social security number of the boxer (or, in
the case of a foreign boxer, any similar citizen
identification number or professional boxer number from
the country of residence of the boxer); and
(C) the personal identification numbers assigned to
the boxer by the boxing registries certified by the
Association of Boxing Commissioners.
(2) Renewal.--Each professional boxer shall renew his or
her identification card at least once every 3 years.
(3) Presentation.--Each professional boxer shall present
his or her identification card to the State boxing commission
not later than the time of the weigh-in for a professional
boxing match.
(c) Relation to State Law.--Nothing in this section shall be
construed as preventing a State from applying additional registration
Each State boxing commission shall establish procedures--
(1) to evaluate the professional records of each boxer
participating in a boxing match in the State;
(2) to ensure that no boxer is permitted to box while under
suspension from any State boxing commission due to injury or
other medical-related reason, including--
(A) a recent knockout, injury, or requirement for a
medical procedure;
(B) failure of a drug test;
(C) poor boxing skills, or the inability to safely
compete; and
(D) the use of false aliases, or falsifying, or
attempts to falsify, official identification cards or
documents; and
(3) to ensure that if such commission is considering
permitting a boxer, promoter, manager, or other licensee to
participate in a boxing event while the individual is under
suspension from any State for reasons other than the reasons
listed in paragraph (2), such commission shall notify and
consult with the chief administrative officer of the State that
ordered the suspension prior to the grant of approval for such
individual to participate in such boxing event.
(a) Boxing Match Results.--Not later than 48 business hours
(excluding Saturdays and Sundays) after the conclusion of a
professional boxing match, the results of such match shall be reported
to the professional boxing registries certified by the Association of
Boxing Commissions (ABC) and to the Florida State Athletic Commission.
(b) Suspensions.--Not later than 48 business hours (excluding
Saturdays and Sundays) after a State boxing commission orders the
suspension of a boxer, promoter, or manager, such suspension shall be
reported to the professional boxing registries certified by the
Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) and to the Florida State
Athletic Commission.
(c) Alternate Reporting Entity.--If the State of Florida ceases,
for any reason, to publish and circulate a national suspension list at
no cost to other States on a frequent basis, the Association of Boxing
Commissions (ABC) shall select a different public or private entity to
voluntarily undertake to compile and circulate a suspension list to all
State commissions at no cost.
(a) Injunctions.--Whenever the United States Attorney in a State
has reasonable cause to believe that a person or entity is engaged in a
violation of this Act in such State, the United States Attorney may
bring a civil action in the appropriate district court of the United
States requesting such relief, including a permanent or temporary
injunction, restraining order, or other order, against the person or
entity, as the United States Attorney determines necessary to restrain
the person or entity from continuing to engage in, or to sanction, a
professional boxing match in violation of this Act.
(b) Criminal Penalties.--
(1) Managers, promoters, matchmakers, and licensees.--Each
manager, promoter, matchmaker, and licensee who knowingly and
willfully violates any provision of this Act shall be
imprisoned for not more than 1 year or fined more than $20,000,
or both.
(2) Boxers.--Any professional boxer who knowingly and
willfully violates any provision of this Act shall be fined not
more than $1,000.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Labor shall conduct a study on
the feasibility and cost of a national pension system for professional
boxers, including potential funding sources.
(b) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of
this Act, the Secretary of Labor shall submit a report to the Congress
on the findings of the study conducted pursuant to subsection (a). | Professional Boxing Safety Act - Allows a professional boxing match to be held in the United States only if: (1) the State where the match is to be held has a State boxing commission or the promoter who seeks to put on a boxing event in a State that does not have such a commission has entered into an agreement with the chief administrative officer of a State that does to oversee the match; and (2) such commission has established procedures to carry out this Act.
Directs each professional boxer to register with the commission of the State in which such boxer resides or, where a boxer is a resident of a foreign country or a State without such a commission, with any State commission.
Requires a commission to issue an identification card to each registered professional boxer to be renewed by the boxer at least once every three years and to be presented to the commission by the time of the weigh-in for a professional boxing match.
Directs each commission to establish procedures to: (1) evaluate the professional records of each boxer participating in a boxing match in the State; (2) ensure that no boxer is permitted to box while under suspension from any commission due to injury or other medical-related reason, including a recent knockout, failure of a drug test, inability to safely compete, and the use of false aliases; and (3) ensure that if such commission is considering permitting a boxer, promoter, manager, or other licensee to participate in a boxing event while the individual is under suspension for any other reasons, such commission shall notify and consult the chief administrative officer that ordered the suspension prior to the grant of approval.
Requires the results of a professional boxing match and the suspension of a boxer, promoter, or manager to be reported to the professional boxing registries certified by the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) and the Florida State Athletic Commission within 48 business hours. Specifies that if the State of Florida ceases to publish and circulate a national suspension list at no cost to other States on a frequent basis, ABC shall select a different public or private entity to voluntarily undertake such task.
Authorizes the U.S. Attorney to bring a civil action in U.S. district court requesting relief to restrain a person or entity from continuing to engage in, or to sanction, a professional boxing match in violation of this Act.
Imposes criminal penalties on managers, promoters, matchmakers and licensees who knowingly and willfully violate this Act.
Directs the Secretary of Labor to conduct a study on the feasibility and cost of a national pension system for professional boxers, including potential funding sources. | 59 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Kids Invest and Develop Savings Act
of 2007''.
(a) Expansion of Credit.--Subsections (a) and (b) of section 25B of
such Code are amended to read as follows:
``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an eligible individual,
there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this
subtitle for the taxable year an amount equal to the qualified
retirement savings contributions of the eligible individual for the
taxable year.
``(b) Limitation.--
``(1) In general.--The amount allowed as a credit under
subsection (a) for a taxable year shall not exceed the
applicable dollar limit.
``(2) Applicable dollar limit.--For purposes of paragraph
``(A) In general.--Except as provided in
subparagraph (B), the applicable dollar limit is--
``(i) in the case of a joint return,
$3,000, and
``(ii) in the case of any other return, 50
percent of the dollar amount applicable for the
taxable year under clause (i).
``(B) Limitation based on adjusted gross income.--
The applicable dollar limit shall be zero in the case
of a taxpayer whose adjusted gross income for the
taxable year exceeds--
``(i) $150,000 in the case of a joint
return, and
``(ii) $95,000 in any other case.
``(3) Inflation adjustment.--In the case of any taxable
year beginning after 2007, the amounts contained in
subparagraph (A)(i) and clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph
(B) of paragraph (2) shall each be increased by an amount equal
``(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by
``(B) the cost-of-living adjustment determined
under section 1(f)(3) for such calendar year by
substituting `calendar year 2006' for `calendar year
1992' in subparagraph (B) thereof.
If any amount as adjusted under the preceding sentence is not a
multiple of $100, such amount shall be rounded to the nearest multiple
of $100.''.
(b) Credit Allowed for Contributions to Roth IRAs for Children.--
(1) In general.--Paragraph (1) of section 25B(d) of such
Code (defining qualified retirement savings contributions) is
amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (B), by
striking the period at the end of subparagraph (C) and
inserting ``, and'', and by inserting after subparagraph (C)
the following new subparagraph:
``(D) the amount of contributions made by the
eligible individual to all Roth IRAs for children under
section 408A(g).''.
(2) Limitation.--Paragraph (1) of section 25B(d) of such
Code (defining qualified retirement savings contributions) is
amended by adding at the end the following flush sentence:
``The amount taken into account under subparagraph (D) shall
not exceed the aggregate amount of contributions allowed to all
Roth IRAs of such eligible individual under section 408A(g).''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.
(a) In General.--Section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to Roth IRAs) is amended by adding at the end the following
new subsection:
``(g) Special Rules for Roth IRAs for Children.--
``(1) General rule.--A Roth IRA maintained for the benefit
of an individual who has not attained age 25 before the close
of the taxable year shall be maintained under this section, as
modified by this subsection.
``(2) Contribution limits.--
``(A) In general.--For so long as a Roth IRA is
subject to this subsection, contributions to such Roth
IRA shall be subject to this paragraph and not to
subsection (c)(2), and subsection (c)(3) shall not
``(B) Limit.--The aggregate amount of contributions
for any taxable year to all child Roth IRAs maintained
for the benefit of an individual under this subsection
shall not exceed the maximum amount allowable as a
deduction under subsection (b)(1) of section 219 for
such taxable year (computed without regard to
subsections (b)(1)(B), (d)(1), and (g) of such
(b) Enforcement of Contribution Limits.--Paragraphs (1)(B) and
(2)(B) of section 4973(f) of such Code are each amended by striking
``and (c)(3)'' and inserting ``, (c)(3), and (g)(2)''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006. | Kids Invest and Develop Savings Act of 2007 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) increase the allowable amount of the tax credit for retirement savings; (2) expand eligibility for such credit to taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes up to $95,000 ($150,000 for joint returns); (3) establish tax-exempt Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for individuals under the age of 25; and (4) allow a tax credit for contributions to such IRAs. | 60 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Health Care Access for Small
Businesses Act of 2006''.
The Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
``(a) Pilot Programs.--The Secretary, acting through the
Administrator, shall award grants under this section for the startup
and operation of 50 eligible three-share pilot programs for a 5-year
``(b) Grants for Three-Share Programs.--
``(1) Establishment.--The Administrator may award grants to
eligible entities--
``(A) to establish three-share programs;
``(B) to provide for contributions to the premiums
assessed for coverage under a three-share program as
provided for in subsection (c)(2)(B)(iii); and
``(C) to establish risk pools.
``(2) Three-share program plan.--Each entity desiring a
grant under this subsection shall develop a plan for the
establishment and operation of a three-share program that meets
the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c).
``(3) Application.--Each entity desiring a grant under this
subsection shall submit an application to the Administrator at
such time, in such manner and containing such information as
the Administrator may require, including--
``(A) the three-share program plan described in
paragraph (2); and
``(B) an assurance that the eligible entity will--
``(i) determine a benefit package;
``(ii) recruit businesses and employees for
the three-share program;
``(iii) build and manage a network of
health providers or contract with an existing
network or licensed insurance provider;
``(iv) manage all administrative needs; and
``(v) establish relationships among
community, business, and provider interests.
``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section the
Secretary shall give priority to an applicant--
``(A) that is an existing three-share program;
``(B) that is an eligible three-share program that
has demonstrated community support; or
``(C) that is located in a State with insurance
laws and regulations that permit three-share program
``(c) Grant Eligibility.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary, acting through the
Administrator, shall promulgate regulations providing for the
eligibility of three-share programs for participation in the
pilot program under this section.
``(2) Three-share program requirements.--
``(A) In general.--To be determined to be an
eligible three-share program for purposes of
participation in the pilot program under this section a
three-share program shall--
``(i) be either a non-profit or local
governmental entity;
``(ii) define the region in which such
program will provide services;
``(iii) have the capacity to carry out
administrative functions of managing health
plans, including monthly billings,
verification/enrollment of eligible employers
and employees, maintenance of membership
rosters, development of member materials (such
as handbooks and identification cards),
customer service, and claims processing; and
``(iv) have demonstrated community
``(B) Payment.--To be eligible under paragraph (1),
a three-share program shall pay the costs of services
provided under subparagraph (A)(ii) by charging a
monthly premium for each covered individual to be
divided as follows:
``(i) Not more than 30 percent of such
premium shall be paid by a qualified employee
desiring coverage under the three-share
``(ii) Not more than 30 percent of such
premium shall be paid by the qualified employer
of such a qualified employee.
``(iii) At least 40 percent of such premium
shall be paid from amounts provided under a
grant under this section.
``(iv) Any remaining amount shall be paid
by the three-share program from other public,
private, or charitable sources.
``(C) Program flexibility.--To provide program
design flexibility to accommodate the needs of
different States, regions, and communities, both urban
and rural, a three-share program may include the
``(i) Income eligibility guidelines for
enrollment purposes.
``(ii) Procedures to permit the enrollment
of individuals, as well as small businesses, in
which case the enrollee would be responsible
for payment of the employer's share of the
``(iii) For individual enrollees, and
employer groups of less than 4 individuals, the
program may impose limitations on the payment
of services for pre-existing health conditions
during the first year of enrollment.
``(3) Coverage.--
``(A) In general.--To be an eligible three-share
program under this section, the three-share program
shall provide at least the following benefits:
``(i) Physicians services.
``(ii) In-patient hospital services.
``(iii) Out-patient services.
``(iv) Emergency room visits.
``(v) Emergency ambulance services.
``(vi) Diagnostic lab fees and x-rays.
``(vii) Prescription drug benefits.
``(B) Limitation.--Nothing in subparagraph (A)
shall be construed to require that a three-share
program provide coverage for services performed outside
the region described in paragraph (2)(A)(i).
``(C) Preexisting conditions.--A program described
in subparagraph (A) shall not be an eligible three-
share program under paragraph (1) if any individual can
be excluded from coverage under such program because of
a preexisting health condition.
``(d) Grants for Existing Three-Share Programs To Meet
Certification Requirements.--
``(1) In general.--The Administrator may award grants to
three-share programs that are operating on the date of
enactment of this section.
``(2) Application.--Each eligible entity desiring a grant
under this subsection shall submit an application to the
Administrator at such time, in such manner, and containing such
information as the Administrator may require.
``(e) Application of State Laws.--Nothing in this section shall be
construed to preempt State law.
``(f) Distressed Business Formula.--
``(1) In general.--Not later than 60 days after the date of
enactment of this section, the Administrator of the Health
Resources and Services Administration shall develop a formula
to determine which businesses qualify as distressed businesses
for purposes of this section.
``(2) Effect on insurance market.--Granting eligibility to
a distressed business using the formula under paragraph (1)
shall not interfere with the insurance market. Any business
found to have reduced benefits to qualify as a distressed
business under the formula under paragraph (1) shall not be
eligible to be a three-share program for purposes of this
``(g) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) Administrator.--The term `Administrator' means the
Administrator of the Health Resources and Services
``(2) Covered individual.--The term `covered individual'
``(A) a qualified employee; or
``(B) a child under the age of 23 or a spouse of
such qualified employee who--
``(i) lacks access to health care coverage
through their employment or employer;
``(ii) lacks access to health coverage
through a family member;
``(iii) is not eligible for coverage under
the medicare program under title XVIII or the
medicaid program under title XIX; and
``(iv) does not qualify for benefits under
the State Children's Health Insurance Program
under title XXI.
``(3) Distressed business.--The term `distressed business'
means a business that--
``(A) in light of economic hardship and rising
health care premiums may be forced to discontinue or
scale back its health care coverage; and
``(B) qualifies as a distressed business according
to the formula under subsection (g).
``(4) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means an
entity that meets the requirements of subsection (a)(2)(A).
``(5) Qualified employee.--The term `qualified employee'
means any individual employed by a qualified employer who meets
certain criteria including--
``(A) lacking access to health coverage through a
family member or common law partner;
``(B) not being eligible for coverage under the
medicare program under title XVIII or the medicaid
program under title XIX; and
``(C) agreeing that the share of fees described in
subsection (a)(2)(B)(i) shall be paid in the form of
payroll deductions from the wages of such individual.
``(6) Qualified employer.--The term `qualified employer'
means an employer as defined in section 3(d) of the Fair Labor
Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 203(d)) who--
``(A) is a small business concern as defined in
section 3(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632);
``(B) is located in the region described in
subsection (a)(2)(A)(i); and
``(C) has not contributed to the health care
benefits of its employees for at least 12 months
consecutively or currently provides insurance but is
classified as a distressed business.
``(h) Evaluation.--Not later than 90 days after the end of the 5-
year period during which grants are available under this section, the
General Accounting Office shall begin preparing a report for the
Secretary and the appropriate committees of Congress concerning--
``(1) the effectiveness of the programs established under
this section;
``(2) the number of individuals covered under such
``(3) any resulting best practices; and
``(4) the level of community involvement.
``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
appropriated and there is appropriated to carry out this section
$100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2012.''. | Health Care Access for Small Businesses Act of 2006 - Amends the Social Security Act to create a new title XXII to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, to award grants for the startup and operation of 50 eligible three-share pilot programs for a five-year period. Characterizes a three-share program as three-way health insurance premium sharing among employer, employee, and the grant funds.
Authorizes the use of grants to establish three-share programs, provide for contributions to premiums, and establish risk pools.
Requires grant applicants to: (1) be either nonprofits or local governmental entities; (2) define the program's service region; (3) have the capacity to carry out administrative functions associated with managing health plans; and (4) have demonstrated community involvement.
Requires programs to pay for the costs of services through monthly premiums, divided among employee, employer, and grant funds according to specified percentages.
Sets forth minimal coverage requirements for three-share program eligibility.
Requires the Administrator to develop a formula to determine which businesses qualify as distressed businesses for purposes of this Act. | 61 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Coltsville National Historical Park
For the purposes of this Act:
(1) City.--The term ``city'' means the city of Hartford,
(2) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the
Coltsville National Historical Park Advisory Commission
established by subsection 6(a).
(3) Historic district.--The term ``Historic District''
means the Coltsville Historic District.
(4) Map.--The term ``map'' means the map titled
``Coltsville National Historical Park--Proposed Boundary'',
numbered T25/102087, and dated May 11, 2010.
(5) Park.--The term ``park'' means the Coltsville National
Historical Park in the State of Connecticut.
(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(7) State.--The term ``State'' means the State of
(a) Establishment.--
(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), there is
established in the State a unit of the National Park System to
be known as the ``Coltsville National Historical Park''.
(2) Conditions for establishment.--The park shall not be
established until the date on which the Secretary determines
(A) the Secretary has acquired by donation
sufficient land or an interest in land within the
boundary of the park to constitute a manageable unit;
(B) the State, city, or private property owner, as
appropriate, has entered into a written agreement with
the Secretary to donate at least 10,000 square feet of
space in the East Armory which would include facilities
for park administration and visitor services;
(C) the Secretary has entered into a written
agreement with the State, city, or other public entity,
as appropriate, providing that--
(i) land owned by the State, city, or other
public entity within the Coltsville Historic
District shall be managed consistent with this
section; and
(ii) future uses of land within the
historic district shall be compatible with the
designation of the park and the city's
preservation ordinance; and
(D) the Secretary has reviewed the financial
resources of the owners of private and public property
within the boundary of the proposed park to ensure the
viability of the park based on those resources.
(b) Boundaries.--The park shall include and provide appropriate
interpretation and viewing of the following sites, as generally
depicted on the map:
(1) The East Armory.
(2) The Church of the Good Shepherd.
(3) The Caldwell/Colt Memorial Parish House.
(4) Colt Park.
(5) The Potsdam Cottages.
(6) Armsmear.
(7) The James Colt House.
(c) Collections.--The Secretary shall enter into a written
agreement with the State of Connecticut State Library, Wadsworth
Atheneum, and the Colt Trust, or other public entities, as appropriate,
to gain appropriate access to Colt-related artifacts for the purposes
of having items routinely on display in the East Armory or within the
park as determined by the Secretary as a major function of the visitor
(a) In General.--The Secretary shall administer the park in
accordance with--
(1) this Act; and
(2) the laws generally applicable to units of the National
Park System, including--
(A) the National Park Service Organic Act (16
U.S.C. 1 et seq.); and
(B) the Act of August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 et
(b) State and Local Jurisdiction.--Nothing in this Act enlarges,
diminishes, or modifies any authority of the State, or any political
subdivision of the State (including the city)--
(1) to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction; or
(2) to carry out State laws (including regulations) and
rules on non-Federal land located within the boundary of the
(c) Cooperative Agreements.--
(1) In general.--As the Secretary determines to be
appropriate to carry out this Act, the Secretary may enter into
cooperative agreements with the owner of any property within
the Coltsville Historic District or any nationally significant
properties within the boundary of the park, under which the
Secretary may identify, interpret, restore, rehabilitate, and
provide technical assistance for the preservation of the
(2) Right of access.--A cooperative agreement entered into
under paragraph (1) shall provide that the Secretary, acting
through the Director of the National Park Service, shall have
the right of access at all reasonable times to all public
portions of the property covered by the agreement for the
purposes of--
(A) conducting visitors through the properties; and
(B) interpreting the properties for the public.
(3) Changes or alterations.--No changes or alterations
shall be made to any properties covered by a cooperative
agreement entered into under paragraph (1) unless the Secretary
and the other party to the agreement agree to the changes or
(4) Conversion, use, or disposal.--Any payment by the
Secretary under this subsection shall be subject to an
agreement that the conversion, use, or disposal of a project
for purposes contrary to the purposes of this section, as
determined by the Secretary, shall entitle the United States to
reimbursement in an amount equal to the greater of--
(A) the amounts made available to the project by
the United States; or
(B) the portion of the increased value of the
project attributable to the amounts made available
under this subsection, as determined at the time of the
conversion, use, or disposal.
(5) Matching funds.--
(A) In general.--As a condition of the receipt of
funds under this subsection, the Secretary shall
require that any Federal funds made available under a
cooperative agreement shall be matched on a 1-to-1
basis by non-Federal funds.
(B) Form.--With the approval of the Secretary, the
non-Federal share required under subparagraph (A) may
be in the form of donated property, goods, or services
from a non-Federal source, fairly valued.
(d) Acquisition of Land.--The Secretary is authorized to acquire
land and interests in land by donation, purchase with donated or
appropriated funds, or exchange, except that land or interests in land
owned by the State or any political subdivision of the State may be
acquired only by donation.
(e) Technical Assistance and Public Interpretation.--The Secretary
may provide technical assistance and public interpretation of related
historic and cultural resources within the boundary of the historic
(a) In General.--Not later than 3 fiscal years after the date on
which funds are made available to carry out this Act, the Secretary, in
consultation with the Commission, shall complete a management plan for
the park in accordance with--
(1) section 12(b) of Public Law 91-383 (commonly known as
the National Park Service General Authorities Act) (16 U.S.C.
1a-7(b)); and
(2) other applicable laws.
(b) Cost Share.--The management plan shall include provisions that
identify costs to be shared by the Federal Government, the State, and
the city, and other public or private entities or individuals for
necessary capital improvements to, and maintenance and operations of,
the park.
(c) Submission to Congress.--On completion of the management plan,
the Secretary shall submit the management plan to--
(1) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of
Representatives; and
(2) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the
(a) Establishment.--There is established a Commission to be known
as the Coltsville National Historical Park Advisory Commission.
(b) Duty.--The Commission shall advise the Secretary in the
development and implementation of the management plan.
(c) Membership.--
(1) Composition.--The Commission shall be composed of 11
members, to be appointed by the Secretary, of whom--
(A) 2 members shall be appointed after
consideration of recommendations submitted by the
Governor of the State;
(B) 1 member shall be appointed after consideration
of recommendations submitted by the State Senate
(C) 1 member shall be appointed after consideration
of recommendations submitted by the Speaker of the
State House of Representatives;
(D) 2 members shall be appointed after
consideration of recommendations submitted by the Mayor
of Hartford, Connecticut;
(E) 2 members shall be appointed after
consideration of recommendations submitted by
Connecticut's 2 United States Senators;
(F) 1 member shall be appointed after consideration
of recommendations submitted by Connecticut's First
Congressional District Representative;
(G) 2 members shall have experience with national
parks and historic preservation;
(H) all appointments must have significant
experience with and knowledge of the Coltsville
Historic District; and
(I) 1 member of the Commission must live in the
Sheldon/Charter Oak neighborhood within the Coltsville
Historic District.
(2) Initial appointments.--The Secretary shall appoint the
initial members of the Commission not later than the earlier
(A) the date that is 30 days after the date on
which the Secretary has received all of the
recommendations for appointments under paragraph (1);
(B) the date that is 30 days after the park is
(d) Term; Vacancies.--
(1) Term.--
(A) In general.--A member shall be appointed for a
term of 3 years.
(B) Reappointment.--A member may be reappointed for
not more than 1 additional term.
(2) Vacancies.--A vacancy on the Commission shall be filled
in the same manner as the original appointment was made.
(e) Meetings.--The Commission shall meet at the call of--
(1) the Chairperson; or
(2) a majority of the members of the Commission.
(f) Quorum.--A majority of the Commission shall constitute a
(g) Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.--
(1) In general.--The Commission shall select a Chairperson
and Vice Chairperson from among the members of the Commission.
(2) Vice chairperson.--The Vice Chairperson shall serve as
Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.
(3) Term.--A member may serve as Chairperson or Vice
Chairperson for not more than 1 year in each office.
(h) Commission Personnel Matters.--
(1) Compensation of members.--
(A) In general.--Members of the Commission shall
serve without compensation.
(B) Travel expenses.--Members of the Commission
shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in
lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for an
employee of an agency under subchapter I of chapter 57
of title 5, United States Code, while away from the
home or regular place of business of the member in the
performance of the duty of the Commission.
(2) Staff.--
(A) In general.--The Secretary shall provide the
Commission with any staff members and technical
assistance that the Secretary, after consultation with
the Commission, determines to be appropriate to enable
the Commission to carry out the duty of the Commission.
(B) Detail of employees.--The Secretary may accept
the services of personnel detailed from the State or
any political subdivision of the State.
(i) FACA Nonapplicability.--Section 14(b) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the Commission.
(j) Termination.--
(1) In general.--Unless extended under paragraph (2), the
Commission shall terminate on the date that is 10 years after
the date of the enactment of this Act.
(2) Extension.--Eight years after the date of the enactment
of this Act, the Commission shall make a recommendation to the
Secretary if a body of its nature is still necessary to advise
on the development of the park. If, based on a recommendation
under this paragraph, the Secretary determines that the
Commission is still necessary, the Secretary may extend the
life of the Commission for not more than 10 years. | Coltsville National Historical Park Act - Establishes the Coltsville National Historical Park as a unit of the National Park System in Connecticut.
Requires the Park to provide interpretation and viewing of specified sites, including the East Armory and Colt Park. Requires the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a written agreement with the Connecticut State Library, Wadsworth Atheneum, and the Colt Trust, or other public entities, as appropriate, to gain access to Colt-related artifacts to have them on display in the East Armory or within the Park.
Authorizes the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements with the owners of any properties within the Historic District or any nationally significant properties within the Park under which the Secretary may identify, interpret, restore and provide technical assistance for the preservation of such properties.
Requires any federal funds under such an agreement to be matched on a one-to-one basis by non-federal funds.
Authorizes the Secretary to provide technical assistance and public interpretation of related historic and cultural resources within the Historic District.
Requires the Secretary to complete and submit to Congress a management plan for the Park with the advice of the Coltsville National Historical Park Advisory Commission established by this Act. | 62 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Know Your Caller Act of 2000''.
Section 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227) is
(1) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as subsections
(f) and (g), respectively; and
(2) by inserting after subsection (d) the following new
``(e) Prohibition on Interference With Caller Identification
``(1) In general.--It shall be unlawful for any person
within the United States, in making any telephone
``(A) to interfere with or circumvent the
capability of a caller identification service to access
or provide to the recipient of the telephone call
involved in the solicitation any information regarding
the call that such service is capable of providing; and
``(B) to fail to provide caller identification
information in a manner that is accessible by a caller
identification service, if such person has capability
to provide such information in such a manner.
For purposes of this section, the use of a telecommunications
service or equipment that is incapable of transmitting caller
identification information shall not, of itself, constitute
interference with or circumvention of the capability of a
caller identification service to access or provide such
``(2) Regulations.--Not later than 6 months after the
enactment of the Know Your Caller Act of 2000, the Commission
shall prescribe regulations to implement this subsection, which
``(A) specify that the information regarding a call
that the prohibition under paragraph (1) applies to
``(i) the name of the person or entity who
makes the telephone call involved in the
``(ii) the name of the person or entity on
whose behalf the solicitation is made; and
``(iii) a valid and working telephone
number at which the person or entity on whose
behalf the telephone solicitation is made may
be reached during regular business hours for
the purpose of requesting that the recipient of
the solicitation be placed on the do-not-call
list required under section 64.1200 of the
Commission's regulations (47 CFR 64.1200) to be
maintained by such person or entity; and
``(B) provide that any person or entity who
receives a request from a person to be placed on such
do-not-call list may not use such person's name and
telephone number for telemarketing, mail marketing, or
other marketing purpose (including transfer or sale to
any other entity for marketing use) other than
enforcement of such list.
``(3) Private right of action.--A person or entity may, if
otherwise permitted by the laws or rules of court of a State,
bring in an appropriate court of that State--
``(A) an action based on a violation of this
subsection or the regulations prescribed under this
subsection to enjoin such violation;
``(B) an action to recover for actual monetary loss
from such a violation, or to receive $500 in damages
for each such violation, whichever is greater; or
``(C) both such actions.
If the court finds that the defendant willfully or knowingly
violated this subsection or the regulations prescribed under
this subsection, the court may, in its discretion, increase the
amount of the award to an amount equal to not more than 3 times
the amount available under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.
``(4) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection:
``(A) Caller identification service.--The term
`caller identification service' means any service or
device designed to provide the user of the service or
device with the telephone number of an incoming
telephone call.
``(B) Telephone call.--The term `telephone call'
means any telephone call or other transmission which is
made to or received at a telephone number of any type
of telephone service and includes telephone calls made
using the Internet (irrespective of the type of
customer premises equipment used in connection with
such services). Such term also includes calls made by
an automatic telephone dialing system, an integrated
services digital network, and a commercial mobile radio
(a) Effect on State Law.--Subsection (f)(1) of section 227 of the
Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(f)(1)), as so redesignated by
section 2(1) of this Act, is further amended by inserting after
``subsection (d)'' the following: ``and the prohibition under
paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (e),''.
(b) Actions by States.--The first sentence of subsection (g)(1) of
section 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(g)(1)), as
so redesignated by section 2(1) of this Act, is further amended by
striking ``telephone calls'' and inserting ``telephone solicitations,
telephone calls, or''.
The Federal Communications Commission shall conduct a study to
(1) the extent of the capability of the public switched
network to transmit the information that can be accessed by
caller identification services;
(2) the types of telecommunications equipment being used in
the telemarketing industry, the extent of such use, and the
capabilities of such types of equipment to transmit the
information that can be accessed by caller identification
services; and
(3) the changes to the public switched network and to the
types of telecommunications equipment commonly being used in
the telemarketing industry that would be necessary to provide
for the public switched network to be able to transmit caller
identification information on all telephone calls, and the
costs (including costs to the telemarketing industry) to
implement such changes.
The Commission shall complete the study and submit a report to the
Congress on the results of the study, not later than one year after the
date of the enactment of this Act.
Passed the House of Representatives September 27, 2000.
Clerk. | Directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to prescribe regulations implementing such prohibition. Provides a cause of action for a person or entity, or a State attorney general on behalf of its residents, for violations of such prohibition or regulations.Directs the FCC to study and report to Congress regarding the transmission of caller identification information. | 63 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Birth Defects and Developmental
Disabilities Prevention Act of 2002''.
Section 317C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247b-4) is
(1) in subsection (a)(2)--
(A) in subparagraph (A)--
(i) by striking ``and developmental
disabilities'' and inserting ``, developmental
disabilities, and disabilities and health'';
(ii) by striking ``subsection (d)(2)'' and
inserting ``subsection (c)(2)'';
(B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the
(C) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period;
(D) by adding at the end the following:
``(D) to conduct research on and to promote the
prevention of such birth defects, disabilities, and the
prevention of secondary health conditions among
individuals with disabilities; and
``(E) to support a National Spina Bifida Program to
prevent and reduce suffering from the nation's most
common permanently disabling birth defect.'';
(2) by striking subsection (b);
(3) in subsection (d)--
(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by
striking ``1999'' and inserting ``2004'';
(B) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the
``(1) contains information regarding the incidence and
prevalence of birth defects, developmental disabilities, and
the health status of individuals with disabilities and the
extent to which these conditions have contributed to the
incidence and prevalence of infant mortality and affected
quality of life;'';
(C) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``,
developmental disabilities, and secondary health
conditions among individuals with disabilities'' after
(D) in paragraph (4), by striking ``and'' at the
(E) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph
(7); and
(F) by inserting after paragraph (4), the
``(5) contains information on the incidence and prevalence
of individuals living with birth defects and disabilities,
developmental disabilities, and the health status of
individuals with disabilities, any health disparities
experienced by such individuals, and recommendations for
improving the health and wellness and quality of life of such
``(6) contains a summary of recommendations from all birth
defects research conferences sponsored by the agency including
conferences related to spina bifida; and'';
(4) in subsection (e)--
(A) by inserting ``, including section 444 of the
General Education Provisions Act,'' after ``privacy of
information''; and
(B) by inserting before the period the following:
``, except that the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention shall have access to information under
section 444(b)(1)(F) of such Act solely for purposes of
carrying out subsection (a)(2) of this section and
shall otherwise comply with all other requirements of
such section 444'';
(5) by redesignating subsections (c), (d), and (e) as
subsections (b), (c), and (d), respectively;
(6) by inserting after subsection (d) (as so redesignated),
the following:
``(e) Advisory Committee.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the members of the advisory committee appointed by the Director of
the National Center for Environmental Health that have expertise in
birth defects, developmental disabilities, and disabilities and health
shall be transferred to and shall advise the National Center on Birth
Defects and Developmental Disabilities on the date of enactment of the
Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Prevention Act of 2002.'';
(7) in subsection (f), by striking ``$30,000,000'' and all
that follows and inserting ``such sums as may be necessary for
each of fiscal yeas 2003 through 2007.''.
Section 122(a) of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and
Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (42 3 U.S.C. 15022(a)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (3)(A)(ii), by inserting before the period
the following: ``, the amount received by the State for the
previous year, or the amount of Federal appropriations received
in fiscal years 2000, 2001, or 2002, whichever is greater'';
(2) in paragraph (4)(A)(ii), by inserting before the period
the following: ``, the amount received by the State for the
previous year, or the amount of Federal appropriations received
in fiscal years 2000, 2001, or 2002, whichever is greater''.
Passed the Senate October 2, 2002.
Secretary. | Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Prevention Act of 2002 - (Sec. 2) Amends Public Health Service Act provisions concerning the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities to add "disabilities and health" to categories of data with regard to which the Secretary of Heath and Human Services is directed to collect, analyze, and make available. Requires the Secretary to conduct research on and promote the prevention of birth defects and disabilities and to support a National Spina Bifida Program to prevent and reduce suffering from the nation's most common permanently disabling birth defect.Removes certain provisions regarding data collection, including one requiring the Secretary to collect and analyze data by gender and ethnic and racial group. Modifies reporting requirements, including to require the Secretary to report to Congress on the incidence and prevalence of individuals living with developmental disabilities and the health status of such individuals. Declares that certain data and information collected under the Act shall be subject to a specified provision of the General Education Provisions Act pertaining to privacy.Requires that the members of the advisory committee appointed by the Director of the National Center for Environmental Health that have expertise in birth defects, developmental disabilities, and disabilities and health shall be transferred to and shall advise the National Center on Birth Defects on the date of the enactment of this Act.Authorizes appropriations through FY 2007.(Sec. 3) Amends the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 to revise provisions concerning allotments to State councils on developmental disabilities. | 64 |
(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``America
Implementing New National Opportunities To Vigorously Accelerate
Technology, Energy, and Science Act'' or the ``America INNOVATES Act''.
(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Definitions.
Sec. 3. Savings clause.
Sec. 101. Under Secretary for Science and Energy.
Sec. 102. National Laboratories operations and performance management.
Sec. 103. Sense of Senate on an integrated strategy for National
Laboratories in the 21st century.
Sec. 201. Agreements for Commercializing Technology pilot program.
Sec. 202. Public-private partnerships for commercialization.
Sec. 203. Inclusion of early-stage technology demonstration in
authorized technology transfer activities.
Sec. 204. Information and resources for startups and small businesses.
Sec. 205. Funding competitiveness for institutions of higher education
and other nonprofit institutions.
Sec. 301. Report by Government Accountability Office.
In this Act:
(1) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the
Department of Energy.
(2) National laboratory.--The term ``National Laboratory''
has the meaning given the term in section 2 of the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801).
(3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of Energy.
Nothing in this Act or an amendment made by this Act abrogates or
otherwise affects the primary responsibilities of any National
Laboratory to the Department.
(a) In General.--Section 202(b) of the Department of Energy
Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7132(b)) is amended--
(1) by striking ``Under Secretary for Science'' each place
it appears and inserting ``Under Secretary for Science and
Energy''; and
(2) in paragraph (4)--
(A) in subparagraph (F), by striking ``and'' at the
(B) in subparagraph (G), by striking the period at
the end and inserting a semicolon; and
(C) by inserting after subparagraph (G) the
``(H) establish appropriate linkages between
offices under the jurisdiction of the Under Secretary;
``(I) perform such functions and duties as the
Secretary shall prescribe, consistent with this
(b) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) Section 3164(b)(1) of the Department of Energy Science
Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381a(b)(1)) is amended by
striking ``Under Secretary for Science'' and inserting ``Under
Secretary for Science and Energy''.
(2) Section 641(h)(2) of the United States Energy Storage
Competitiveness Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17231(h)(2)) is amended
by striking ``Under Secretary for Science'' and inserting
``Under Secretary for Science and Energy''.
(a) In General.--The Secretary shall ensure that the following
duties and responsibilities are carried out through one or more
appropriate statutory or administrative entities:
(1) Evaluation, coordination, and promotion of transfer of
National Laboratory research and development results to the
market in collaboration with the Technology Transfer
(2) Submission to the Secretary of reports describing
recommendations for best practices for the National
Laboratories including, with respect to management and
operations procedures, conflict of interest regulations,
engagement with the private sector, and technology transfer
(3) Implementation of other duties, as the Secretary
determines appropriate, to improve the operations and
performance of the National Laboratories.
(b) Reporting.--The Secretary, in consultation with the appropriate
committees of Congress, shall provide an annual update on progress made
in carrying out subsection (a), including the improvement of National
Laboratory operations and performance and strategic departmental and
National Laboratory coordination.
It is the sense of the Senate that--
(1) the establishment of the independent Commission to
Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories
under section 319 of title III of division D of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, is an important step
towards developing a coordinated strategy for the National
Laboratories in the 21st century; and
(2) Congress looks forward to--
(A) receiving the findings and conclusions of the
Commission; and
(B) engaging with the Administration--
(i) in strengthening the mission of the
National Laboratories; and
(ii) to reform and modernize the operations
and management of the National Laboratories.
(a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out the Agreements for
Commercializing Technology pilot program of the Department, as
announced by the Secretary on December 8, 2011, in accordance with this
(b) Terms.--Each agreement entered into pursuant to the pilot
program referred to in subsection (a) shall provide to the contractor
of the applicable National Laboratory, to the maximum extent determined
to be appropriate by the Secretary, increased authority to negotiate
contract terms, such as intellectual property rights, indemnification,
payment structures, performance guarantees, and multiparty
(c) Eligibility.--
(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law
(including regulations), any National Laboratory may enter into
an agreement pursuant to the pilot program referred to in
subsection (a).
(2) Agreements with non-federal entities.--To carry out
paragraph (1) and subject to paragraph (3), the Secretary shall
permit the directors of the National Laboratories to execute
agreements with non-Federal entities, including non-Federal
entities already receiving Federal funding that will be used to
support activities under agreements executed pursuant to
paragraph (1).
(3) Restriction.--The requirements of chapter 18 of title
35, United States Code (commonly known as the ``Bayh-Dole
Act'') shall apply if--
(A) the agreement is a funding agreement (as that
term is defined in section 201 of that title); and
(B) at least 1 of the parties to the funding
agreement is eligible to receive rights under that
(d) Submission to Secretary.--Each affected director of a National
Laboratory shall submit to the Secretary, with respect to each
agreement entered into under this section--
(1) a summary of information relating to the relevant
(2) the total estimated costs of the project;
(3) estimated commencement and completion dates of the
project; and
(4) other documentation determined to be appropriate by the
(e) Certification.--The Secretary shall require the contractor of
the affected National Laboratory to certify that each activity carried
out under a project for which an agreement is entered into under this
(1) is not in direct competition with the private sector;
(2) does not present, or minimizes, any apparent conflict
of interest, and avoids or neutralizes any actual conflict of
interest, as a result of the agreement under this section.
(f) Extension.--The pilot program referred to in subsection (a)
shall be extended for a term of 3 years after the date of enactment of
this Act.
(g) Report.--Not later than 60 days after the date described in
subsection (f), the Secretary, in coordination with directors of the
National Laboratories, shall submit to the Committee on Science, Space,
and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a report that--
(1) assesses the overall effectiveness of the pilot program
referred to in subsection (a);
(2) identifies opportunities to improve the effectiveness
of the pilot program;
(3) assesses the potential for program activities to
interfere with the responsibilities of the National
Laboratories to the Department; and
(4) provides a recommendation regarding the future of the
pilot program.
(a) In General.--Subject to subsections (b) and (c), the Secretary
shall delegate to directors of the National Laboratories signature
authority with respect to any agreement described in subsection (b) the
total cost of which (including the National Laboratory contributions
and project recipient cost share) is less than $1,000,000.
(b) Agreements.--Subsection (a) applies to--
(1) a cooperative research and development agreement;
(2) a non-Federal work-for-others agreement; and
(3) any other agreement determined to be appropriate by the
Secretary, in collaboration with the directors of the National
(c) Administration.--
(1) Accountability.--The director of the affected National
Laboratory and the affected contractor shall carry out an
agreement under this section in accordance with applicable
policies of the Department, including by ensuring that the
agreement does not compromise any national security, economic,
or environmental interest of the United States.
(2) Certification.--The director of the affected National
Laboratory and the affected contractor shall certify that each
activity carried out under a project for which an agreement is
entered into under this section does not present, or minimizes,
any apparent conflict of interest, and avoids or neutralizes
any actual conflict of interest, as a result of the agreement
under this section.
(3) Availability of records.--On entering an agreement
under this section, the director of a National Laboratory shall
submit to the Secretary for monitoring and review all records
of the National Laboratory relating to the agreement.
(4) Rates.--The director of a National Laboratory may
charge higher rates for services performed under a partnership
agreement entered into pursuant to this section, regardless of
the full cost of recovery.
(d) Conforming Amendment.--Section 12 of the Stevenson-Wydler
Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)--
(A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as
subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively, and indenting
the subparagraphs appropriately;
(B) by striking ``Each Federal agency'' and
inserting the following:
``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2),
each Federal agency''; and
(C) by adding at the end the following:
``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), in
accordance with section 202(a) of the America INNOVATES Act,
approval by the Secretary of Energy shall not be required for
any technology transfer agreement proposed to be entered into
by a National Laboratory of the Department of Energy, the total
cost of which (including the National Laboratory contributions
and project recipient cost share) is less than $1,000,000.'';
(2) in subsection (b), by striking ``subsection (a)(1)''
each place it appears and inserting ``subsection (a)(1)(A)''.
Section 1001 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16391) is
amended by--
(1) redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (h); and
(2) inserting after subsection (f) the following:
``(g) Early-Stage Technology Demonstration.--The Secretary shall
permit the directors of the National Laboratories to use funds
allocated for technology transfer within the Department to carry out
early-stage and pre-commercial technology demonstration activities to
remove technology barriers that limit private sector interest and
demonstrate potential commercial applications of any research and
technologies arising from National Laboratory activities intended to
meet the Federal Government's research needs.''.
Section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
``(tt) Information.--In carrying out the SBIR and STTR programs of
the Department of Energy, the Secretary of Energy shall provide to
small business concerns seeking funding under the programs information
concerning resources that are available to small business concerns at
National Laboratories and federally funded research and development
Section 988(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C.
16352(b)) is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``Except as provided in
paragraphs (2) and (3)'' and inserting ``Except as provided in
paragraphs (2), (3), and (4)''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``(4) Exemption for institutions of higher education and
other nonprofit institutions.--
``(A) In general.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to
a research or development activity performed by an
institution of higher education or nonprofit
institution (as defined in section 4 of the Stevenson-
Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C.
``(B) Termination date.--The exemption under
subparagraph (A) shall apply during the 6-year period
beginning on the date of enactment of this
Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the
Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a
report describing the results of the projects developed under sections
201, 202, and 203, including information regarding--
(1) partnerships initiated as a result of those projects
and the potential linkages presented by those partnerships with
respect to national priorities and other taxpayer-funded
research; and
(2) whether the activities carried out under those projects
result in--
(A) fiscal savings;
(B) expansion of National Laboratory capabilities;
(C) increased efficiency of technology transfers;
(D) an increase in general efficiency of the
National Laboratory system. | America Implementing New National Opportunities To Vigorously Accelerate Technology, Energy, and Science Act or America INNOVATES Act - Amends the Department of Energy Organization Act to: (1) rename the position of the Under Secretary for Science the Under Secretary for Science and Energy, and (2) require the Under Secretary to establish appropriate linkages between offices under his or her jurisdiction and perform functions and duties prescribed by the Secretary of Energy (DOE). Directs the Secretary to ensure that the following duties and responsibilities are carried out through one or more appropriate statutory or administrative entities: (1) evaluation, coordination, and promotion of the transfer of National Laboratory research and development (R&D) results to the market in collaboration with the Technology Transfer Coordinator; (2) recommendations to the Secretary of best practices for the National Laboratories; and (3) implementation of other appropriate duties to improve National Laboratory operations and performance. Expresses the sense of the Senate regarding the development of a coordinated strategy for the national laboratories in the 21st century. Directs the Secretary to carry out the three-year DOE pilot program under the Agreements for Commercializing Technology. Requires each agreement entered into under the pilot program to increase the authority of the contractor of the applicable National Laboratory to negotiate contract terms, such as intellectual property rights, indemnification, payment structures, performance guarantees, and multiparty collaborations. Directs the Secretary to delegate to the directors of the National Laboratories signature authority with respect to any cooperative R&D agreement, non-federal work-for-others agreement, or any other appropriate agreement, the total cost of which (including National Laboratory contributions and project recipient cost share) is less than $1 million. Amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to permit the directors of the National Laboratories to use funds allocated for technology transfer within DOE to carry out early-stage and pre-commercial technology demonstration activities to remove technology barriers that limit private sector interest and demonstrate potential commercial applications of any research and technologies arising from National Laboratory activities intended to meet the federal government's research needs. Amends the Small Business Act to direct the Secretary to inform small business concerns seeking funding under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs about resources available to them at National Laboratories and federally funded R&D centers. Amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to exempt any activity performed by an institution of higher education or nonprofit institution from the requirement that at least 20% of the cost of a research or development activity be provided by a non-federal source. Requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to report to Congress on the results of projects developed under this Act. | 65 |
(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Depleted Uranium
Munitions Suspension and Study Act of 2001''.
(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Findings.
Sec. 3. Purposes.
Sec. 4. Suspension of use of depleted uranium munitions.
Sec. 5. Suspension of sale and export of depleted uranium munitions.
Sec. 6. Comptroller general investigation of plutonium contamination.
Sec. 7. Study of health effects of depleted uranium.
Sec. 8. Epa studies of environmental contamination by depleted uranium.
Sec. 9. Environmental mitigation and cleanup requirements.
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The highest regard should be given to the health and
safety of the Nation's military personnel.
(2) Among the characteristics of depleted uranium munitions
are that (A) they are pyrophoric, resulting in the munition
burning upon impact with a target, and (B) the impact of a
depleted uranium munition on a target creates aerosol
particles, which can be inhaled.
(3) Depleted uranium munitions were used by the United
States in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War in Southwest Asia
and during the conflicts in the former Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro) during the
1990s, with approximately 300 metric tons of depleted uranium
being used during the Gulf War, three metric tons being used in
Bosnia, and over nine metric tons being used in Kosovo, Serbia,
and Montenegro.
(4) The United States has provided or sold depleted uranium
and depleted uranium munitions to allied nations, and the
United Kingdom used depleted uranium munitions during the
Persian Gulf War.
(5) Depleted uranium munitions have been used at numerous
United States military installations, proving grounds, and
testing facilities.
(6) The Yugoslav and Iraqi Governments have claimed that
depleted uranium is affecting the health of their people,
although such claims have yet to be independently verified.
(7) No definitive cause has been established for the
various illnesses (commonly referred to as ``Gulf War
Syndrome'') that currently affect approximately 130,000 United
States servicemembers and veterans who served in Southwest Asia
during the Persian Gulf War.
(8) The British Royal Navy, Canadian Navy, and United
States Navy have all announced that they would phase out use of
depleted uranium munitions.
(9) It has been reported that depleted uranium munitions
use has proliferated to more than 20 nations.
(10) Crash investigators of the Federal Aviation
Administration are instructed, in FAA Advisory Circular 20-123,
dated December 20, 1984, to ``handle with caution'' any
depleted uranium that they encounter in crash investigations,
and are instructed that ``the main hazard associated with
depleted uranium is the harmful effect the material could have
if it enters the body,'' and that ``[i]f particles are inhaled
or digested, they can be chemically toxic and cause a
significant and long-lasting irradiation of internal
(11) The 1949 Geneva Convention specifically outlines the
precautions warring nations must take to avoid harming civilian
populations, and it would be a violation of the 1977 Protocol
to that Convention to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary
suffering to civilians, as depleted uranium has the potential
to cause.
(12) The Department of Defense has acknowledged that stocks
of depleted uranium munitions have been contaminated with
transuranic elements, including plutonium.
(13) Plutonium is an extremely toxic, carcinogenic, and
radioactive material with a half-life of 4.5 billion years.
The purposes of this Act are the following:
(1) To eliminate health threats from depleted uranium
munitions to--
(A) United States military personnel and United
States civilian employees;
(B) military personnel and employees of NATO member
nations; and
(C) civilian populations in regions where such
munitions were used (whether in conflict, training, or
development) or produced.
(2) To provide for studies of--
(A) the level and scope of contamination of
depleted uranium munitions by plutonium and other
transuranic elements;
(B) the health effects resulting from exposure by
inhalation, ingestion, or injection to depleted uranium
munitions; and
(C) environmental contamination caused by depleted
uranium at sites where depleted uranium was used in
conflict, development, testing, or training and at
sites where depleted uranium and depleted uranium
munitions were produced.
(3) To require the Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency to issue regulations and requirements, based
upon Environmental Protection Agency studies, concerning the
cleanup and mitigation of depleted uranium contamination at
sites of depleted uranium munition use and production in the
United States.
(a) Suspension of Use.--Effective no later than 90 days after the
date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall
direct that all elements of the Department of Defense suspend use of
depleted uranium munitions.
(b) Duration.--(1) The suspension of use of depleted uranium
munitions required by subsection (a) shall remain in effect until the
Secretary of Health and Human Services, based upon the results of the
study under section 7(a), certifies to the committees specified in
paragraph (2) that use of depleted uranium munitions in future
(A) will not pose a likely long-term or residual threat to
the health of United States or NATO military personnel; and
(B) will not jeopardize the health of civilian populations
in the area of such use.
(2) The committees referred to in paragraph (1) are the following:
(A) The Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on
Government Reform of the House of Representatives.
(B) The Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on
Governmental Affairs of the Senate.
(c) Future Use Limited to Stocks Free of Transuranic Matter.--Upon
a certification by the Secretary of Health and Human Services described
in subsection (b), the Secretary of Defense shall limit any subsequent
use of depleted uranium munitions to stocks of such munitions that the
Secretary certifies to be free of plutonium and other transuranic
(a) Suspension of Sale and Export.--Upon the enactment of this Act,
all elements of the Government with responsibility for approving the
foreign sale or export of munitions shall suspend the approval of the
sale and export of munitions containing depleted uranium.
(b) Duration.--The suspension required by subsection (a) of
approval of the foreign sale and export of depleted uranium munitions
shall remain in effect until the Secretary of Health and Human Services
makes a certification described in section 4(b).
(c) Future Exports To Be Limited to Stocks Free of Transuranic
Matter.--Upon a certification by the Secretary of Health and Human
Services described in section 4(b), any subsequent foreign sale or
export of depleted uranium munitions or preproduction depleted uranium
may be made only from stocks of such munitions or preproduction
depleted uranium that the Secretary of Defense certifies to be free of
plutonium and other transuranic matter, excluding depleted uranium.
(a) Investigation.--The Comptroller General of the United States
shall conduct a full investigation into the contamination of stocks of
depleted uranium munitions with transuranic elements, including
plutonium, neptunium, americium, and other forms of uranium. The
investigation shall include--
(1) determination of when such contamination occurred;
(2) identification of the manufacturing or refining
facilities at which such contamination occurred;
(3) identification of the quantity, by volume and
percentage, of the material by which such contamination
(4) identification of when such contamination was first
realized by Department of Defense personnel and when such
contamination was brought to the attention of senior Department
of Defense management;
(5) identification of persons responsible for monitoring
the quality of such production;
(6) identification of the time when notification of such
contamination was made to NATO-member nations; and
(7) determination of whether any law or treaty was broken
by any such contamination or by any failure to provide timely
notice of such contamination to any affected party.
(b) Report.--Upon completion of the investigation under subsection
(a), the Comptroller General shall submit to the committeed specified
in section 4(b)(2) a report on the investigation.
(a) Study.--The Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry and the Director of the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention shall jointly conduct a comprehensive study of the health
effects of exposure to depleted uranium munitions on uranium-exposed
veterans and on their children who were born after their respective
exposures to uranium.
(b) Uranium-Exposed Veterans.--For purposes of this section, the
term ``uranium-exposed veteran'' means a member or former member of the
Armed Forces who while on active duty handled, came in contact with, or
had the likelihood of contact with depleted uranium munitions,
including members and former members who while on active duty--
(1) were exposed to smoke from fires resulting from the
burning of vehicles uploaded with depleted uranium munitions or
fires at depots at which depleted uranium was stored;
(2) worked within environments containing depleted uranium
dust or residues from depleted uranium fires;
(3) were within a structure or vehicle while it was struck
by a depleted uranium munition;
(4) climbed on or entered equipment or structures struck by
depleted uranium; or
(5) were medical personnel who provided near-term treatment
to members of the Armed Forces described in paragraph (1), (2),
(3), or (4).
(c) Public Health Assessment.--The Director of the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry shall conduct a public health
assessment of persons who are thought to have an epidemiological link
to any United States military installation or facility at which
depleted uranium munitions have been or currently are used or any
production facility at which depleted uranium or depleted uranium
munitions are currently, or have been, produced.
(d) Report.--The Directors shall submit to Congress a report on the
results of the study under subsection (a) and the assessment under
subsection (c). The report shall be submitted not later than two years
after the date of the enactment of this Act and shall include the
findings of the Directors on the matters covered by the report. The
Directors shall include in the report a list of diseases or conditions
that are found to exist within the populations specified in subsection
(a) and their rate of occurrence compared to the general population.
(a) List of Locations in United States.--Not later than 180 days
after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense
shall provide to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency a list of all sites in the United States where depleted uranium
munitions have been used or produced and a site-specific map of each
such site.
(b) EPA Studies.--After receipt of the list and maps under
subsection (a), the Administrator shall, for each site specified on the
list, conduct a comprehensive environmental study of the possible
contamination of the soil, air, water, and vegetation by depleted
uranium at that site.
(c) Report.--Not later than two years after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the
Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Government Reform of
the House of Representatives and the Committee on Armed Services and
the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report--
(1) describing the extent of contamination by depleted
uranium at each site studied by the Administrator pursuant to
subsection (b);
(2) providing site-specific recommendations for the
mitigation and cleanup of each such site; and
(3) providing general recommendations regarding the cleanup
of sites where depleted uranium has been used on foreign lands.
(a) Department of Defense Cleanup Plan.--Not later than one year
after receiving the report under section 8(c), the Secretary of Defense
shall develop a plan for mitigation and cleanup at each site and a
prioritized list for such cleanups. The Secretary shall submit a copy
of the plan to the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on
Government Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on
Armed Services and the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate.
(b) Report.--The Secretary shall submit a report to those
committees and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
each year before commencement of the mitigations and cleanups until
those projects are complete.
(c) Cleanup.--After filing of such plans, the Secretary shall
commence, or contract for, the mitigation and cleanup of each site for
which the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency has
recommended such mitigation and cleanup and in the manner and scope
that the Administrator's report specifies.
(d) Applicability of NEPA.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the cleanup and mitigation required by subsection (c) shall be
carried out in a manner consistent with the provisions of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, without regard to any exemption to
any of the provisions of that Act for the Department of Defense or any
element thereof. | Depleted Uranium Munitions Suspension and Study Act of 2001 - Directs the Secretary of Defense and other Federal entities to suspend the use and approval for foreign sale or export of depleted uranium munitions until the Secretary of Health and Human Services certifies to specified congressional committees that studies indicate such munitions will not jeopardize the health of U.S. or NATO military personnel or civilian populations if used in future conflicts.Limits subsequent use, foreign sale, or export to stocks certifiably free of plutonium and other transuranic matter.Directs the Comptroller General to investigate the contamination of stocks of depleted uranium munitions with transuranic elements.Requires the Directors of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to jointly and comprehensively study the health effects of exposure to such weapons on veterans and their children, as well as a public health assessment of persons with an epidemiological link to military installations or production facilities where such munitions have been used or produced. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a comprehensive study of possible environmental contamination at these installations or facilities. Requires the Secretary of Defense to: (1) furnish to the Administrator with a list of sites; and (2) develop a plan for their mitigation and cleanup (consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969). | 66 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
Conservation Act of 2013''.
In this Act:
(1) Coastal waters.--The term ``coastal waters'' means--
(A) all waters, whether salt or fresh, of the Gulf
coastal State shoreward of the baseline from which the
territorial sea of the United States is measured; and
(B) the waters of the Gulf coastal State seaward
from the baseline referred to in subparagraph (A) to
the inner boundary of the exclusive economic zone 200
mile limit.
(2) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commission.
(3) Fishery management plan.--The term ``fishery management
plan'' means a plan for the conservation and management of Gulf
of Mexico red snapper prepared and adopted by the Commission
pursuant to section 4.
(4) Gulf coastal state.--The term ``Gulf coastal State''
means the following States bordering the Gulf of Mexico:
(A) Alabama.
(B) Florida.
(C) Louisiana.
(D) Mississippi.
(E) Texas.
(5) Gulf of mexico red snapper.--The term ``Gulf of Mexico
red snapper'' means members of stocks or populations of the
species Lutjanis campechanus, which ordinarily are found
seaward of the coastal waters.
(6) Magnuson-stevens act.--The term ``Magnuson-Stevens
Act'' means the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
(a) New Fishery Management Plan From Commission.--The Commission
shall submit to the Secretary of Commerce a fishery management plan for
Gulf of Mexico red snapper adopted by the Commission pursuant to
section 4.
(b) Actions by Secretary of Commerce.--
(1) Review and certification of plan.--The Secretary of
Commerce shall--
(A) review the plan submitted pursuant to
subsection (a) to determine whether or not the plan--
(i) includes fishery management measures
that are compatible to the extent practicable
with the national standards set forth in
section 301 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16
U.S.C. 1851) and other applicable provisions of
the Magnuson-Stevens Act; and
(ii) will ensure the long-term conservation
of Gulf of Mexico red snapper populations; and
(B) certify whether or not the Commission has
submitted a fishery management plan to properly
conserve and manage Gulf of Mexico red snapper
consistent with this Act.
(2) Revocation of superseded plan.--Upon receipt of a
certification by the Commission under section 4(b)(2) that all
of the Gulf coastal States will have sufficient management
measures under section 4(b)(1), the Secretary shall publish a
notice in the Federal Register revoking those regulations and
portions of the Federal fishery management plan for the Reef
Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico that are in conflict with
the fishery management plan for Gulf of Mexico red snapper,
including the deletion of the species from the management unit.
(c) State Actions.--Upon certification by the Secretary under
subsection (b)(1) that the fishery management plan will properly
conserve and manage Gulf of Mexico red snapper consistent with this
Act, the Gulf coastal States shall implement all appropriate measures
to manage the Gulf of Mexico red snapper resource in the adjacent
coastal waters in accordance with the fishery management plan.
(a) Commission Process.--
(1) In general.--The Commission shall prepare and adopt a
fishery management plan to provide for the conservation and
management of Gulf of Mexico red snapper and specify the
requirements necessary for Gulf coastal States to be in
compliance with the plan.
(2) Standards and procedures.--Not later than one year
after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission
shall establish standards and procedures for the preparation of
the fishery management plan, including standards and procedures
to ensure--
(A) the long-term sustainability of Gulf of Mexico
red snapper based on the available science; and
(B) adequate opportunity for public participation
in the preparation of the fishery management plan,
including at least four public hearings and procedures
for the submittal to the Commission of written comments
on the fishery management plan.
(3) Limitation on reduction in quotas.--
(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph
(B), the fishery management plan may not reduce the
overall quota of Gulf of Mexico red snapper apportioned
to commercial fishing on the date of the enactment of
this Act until the date that is 3 years after such date
of enactment. Such plan may increase such a quota based
on stock assessments.
(B) Exception in case of a reduction in stock.--In
the event of a reduction in the stock of Gulf of Mexico
red snapper, the fishery management plan shall reduce
the quota described in subparagraph (A) in a manner
that ensures a sustainable harvest of Gulf of Mexico
red snapper.
(b) State Implementation and Enforcement.--
(1) Submittal of management measures.--Each Gulf coastal
State shall submit to the Commission management measures to
ensure compliance with the conservation objectives of the
fishery management plan.
(2) Implementation.--Upon certification by the Commission
that all Gulf coastal States have submitted sufficient
management measures described in paragraph (1), the Commission
shall certify to the Secretary of Commerce under section
3(b)(2) to revoke Federal management of Gulf of Mexico red
snapper, and the Gulf coastal States shall manage the Gulf of
Mexico red snapper in the adjacent coastal waters consistent
with the fishery management plan.
(a) Determination.--In December each year, and at any other time it
considers appropriate, the Commission shall determine--
(1) whether each Gulf coastal State has adopted all
regulatory measures to fully implement the fishery management
plan; and
(2) whether the enforcement of the fishery management plan
by each Gulf coastal State is satisfactory to maintain the
long-term sustainability and abundance of Gulf of Mexico red
(b) Satisfactory State Enforcement.--For purposes of subsection
(a)(2), enforcement by a Gulf coastal State shall not be considered
satisfactory by the Commission if, in its view, such enforcement is
being carried out in such a manner that the implementation of the
fishery management plan within the coastal waters of the Gulf coastal
State is being, or will likely be, substantially and adversely
(c) Notice to Secretary of Commerce of Adverse Determination.--The
Commission shall immediately notify the Secretary of Commerce of each
negative determination made with respect to a Gulf coastal State under
subsection (a).
(a) Commission Review and Report on Certification on Certain State
(1) Commission review of state certification.--Each Gulf
coastal State that manages Gulf of Mexico red snapper shall
submit to the Commission a certification as follows:
(A) If Gulf of Mexico red snapper is undergoing
overfishing or subject to a rebuilding plan, that such
Gulf coastal State shall implement immediately the
necessary measures to end overfishing and rebuild the
(B) That such Gulf coastal State shall implement a
program to provide for data collection adequate to
monitor the harvest of Gulf of Mexico red snapper by
such Gulf coastal State.
(2) Report to secretary.--Upon the review of each
certification submitted to the Commission under paragraph (1),
the Commission shall certify to the Secretary of Commerce
whether or not the Gulf coastal State concerned is fully
carrying out the matters covered by the certification.
(b) Action by Secretary of Commerce.--Upon receipt by the Secretary
of Commerce of a notice under section 5(c) or a report under subsection
(a)(2) that a Gulf Coastal State is not fully complying with the
matters specified in subsection (a)(1) as certified by that State
pursuant to subsection (a)(1), the Secretary may declare a closure of
the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery within the Federal waters
adjacent to the Gulf coastal State. In making such a declaration the
Secretary shall fully consider and review the comments of the Gulf
coastal State and the Commission.
(c) Actions Prohibited During Closure.--During a closure of the
Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery under subsection (b), it is unlawful
for any person--
(1) to engage in fishing for Gulf of Mexico red snapper
within the Federal waters adjacent to the Gulf coastal State
covered by the closure;
(2) to land, or attempt to land, the Gulf of Mexico red
snapper that is subject to the closure; or
(3) to fail to return to the water the Gulf of Mexico red
snapper to which the closure applies that are caught incidental
to commercial harvest or in other recreational fisheries.
(a) In General.--For the purposes of carrying out this Act, the
Secretary of Commerce shall support the Gulf coastal States and the
Commission in developing and implementing a comprehensive study on Gulf
of Mexico Red Snapper. This study shall include, but shall not be
limited to, the following:
(1) Annual stock assessments of Gulf of Mexico red snapper.
(2) The number of participants, both commercial and
recreational, in the coastal waters of the Gulf coastal States
that harvest Gulf of Mexico red snapper.
(3) Recommendations for improved conservation and
management of Gulf of Mexico red snapper.
(b) Comprehensive Economic Analysis.--The Secretary of Commerce
shall, in consultation with the Gulf coastal States and the Commission,
conduct a comprehensive study and analysis of the economic impacts and
benefits for the local, regional, and national economy of the Gulf of
Mexico red snapper fishery. The study shall include the following:
(1) A thorough analysis of the beneficial economic impacts
of industries directly related to the Gulf of Mexico red
snapper fishery, including, but not limited to, boat sales,
marina activity, boat construction and repair, fishing gear and
tackle sales, and other closely associated industries.
(2) A proper economic analysis of the downstream economic
impacts of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery on the
economies of the Gulf coastal States, including, but not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, related
tourism, and other peripheral businesses and industries.
(c) Biennial Reports.--The Secretary of Commerce shall submit to
Congress, the Gulf coastal States, and the Commission on a biennial
basis a report on the progress and findings of studies conducted under
subsections (a) and (b), and shall make each report available to the
public. Each report shall, to the extent practicable, include
recommendations on additional actions to be taken to encourage the
sustainable conservation and management of the Gulf of Mexico red
snapper fishery. | Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Conservation Act of 2013 - Directs the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission to prepare, adopt, and submit to the Secretary of Commerce a fishery management plan providing for the conservation and management of Gulf of Mexico red snapper and specifying the requirements necessary for Gulf coastal states (Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas) to comply with such plan. Requires the Commission to ensure an opportunity for public participation in the preparation of the plan. Prohibits such plan, for a three-year period, from reducing the overall quota of Gulf of Mexico red snapper apportioned to commercial fishing, except in the event of a reduction in stock in which case the quota shall be reduced to ensure a sustainable harvest. Permits an increase in quota based on stock assessments. Directs the Secretary to determine whether the plan includes fishery management measures compatible with the national standards in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and to certify whether the plan properly conserves and manages Gulf of Mexico red snapper. Requires each Gulf coastal state to submit to the Commission appropriate management measures to ensure compliance with the conservation objectives of the fishery management plan. Directs the Commission, upon certifying that the states have submitted sufficient measures, to certify to the Secretary to revoke federal management of Gulf of Mexico red snapper. Directs the states to manage the Gulf of Mexico red snapper in the adjacent coastal waters consistent with the fishery management plan. Directs the Secretary, upon receiving the management measures certification from the Commission, to publish notice in the Federal Register revoking regulations and portions of the federal fishery management plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico that conflict with the plan for Gulf of Mexico red snapper, including the deletion of the species from the management unit. Directs the Commission to determine at least annually whether state enforcement is satisfactory and to notify the Secretary of each negative determination. Authorizes the Secretary to close the fishery within federal waters adjacent to such a state upon receiving notice of a negative determination or a report that the state has not implemented any necessary measures to end overfishing, rebuild fisheries, or provide for data collection to monitor harvests. Directs the Secretary to report biennially to Congress on the economic impacts and benefits for the local, regional, and national economy of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery. | 67 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Gun Show Accountability Act''.
extension of brady background checks to gun shows
Sec. 2. (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
(1) more than 4,400 traditional gun shows are held annually
across the United States, attracting thousands of attendees per
show and hundreds of Federal firearms licensees and nonlicensed
firearms sellers;
(2) traditional gun shows, as well as flea markets and
other organized events, at which a large number of firearms are
offered for sale by Federal firearms licensees and nonlicensed
firearms sellers, form a significant part of the national
firearms market;
(3) firearms and ammunition that are exhibited or offered
for sale or exchange at gun shows, flea markets, and other
organized events move easily in and substantially affect
interstate commerce;
(4) in fact, even before a firearm is exhibited or offered
for sale or exchange at a gun show, flea market, or other
organized event, the gun, its component parts, ammunition, and
the raw materials from which it is manufactured have moved in
interstate commerce;
(5) gun shows, flea markets, and other organized events at
which firearms are exhibited or offered for sale or exchange,
provide a convenient and centralized commercial location at
which firearms may be bought and sold anonymously, often
without background checks and without records that enable gun
(6) at gun shows, flea markets, and other organized events
at which guns are exhibited or offered for sale or exchange,
criminals and other prohibited persons obtain guns without
background checks and frequently use guns that cannot be traced
to later commit crimes;
(7) many persons who buy and sell firearms at gun shows,
flea markets, and other organized events cross State lines to
attend these events and engage in the interstate transportation
of firearms obtained at these events;
(8) gun violence is a pervasive, national problem that is
exacerbated by the availability of guns at gun shows, flea
markets, and other organized events;
(9) firearms associated with gun shows have been
transferred illegally to residents of another State by Federal
firearms licensees and nonlicensed firearms sellers, and have
been involved in subsequent crimes including drug offenses,
crimes of violence, property crimes, and illegal possession of
firearms by felons and other prohibited persons; and
(10) Congress has the power, under the interstate commerce
clause and other provisions of the Constitution of the United
States, to ensure, by enactment of this Act, that criminals and
other prohibited persons do not obtain firearms at gun shows,
flea markets, and other organized events.
(b) Definitions.--Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code,
is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(35) Gun Show.--The term `gun show' means any event--
``(A) at which 50 or more firearms are offered or exhibited
for sale, transfer, or exchange, if 1 or more of the firearms
has been shipped or transported in, or otherwise affects,
interstate or foreign commerce; and
``(B) at which--
``(i) not less than 20 percent of the exhibitors
are firearm exhibitors;
``(ii) there are not less than 10 firearm
exhibitors; or
``(iii) 50 or more firearms are offered for sale,
transfer, or exchange.
``(36) Gun Show Promoter.--The term `gun show promoter' means any
person who organizes, plans, promotes, or operates a gun show.
``(37) Gun Show Vendor.--The term `gun show vendor' means any
person who exhibits, sells, offers for sale, transfers, or exchanges 1
or more firearms at a gun show, regardless of whether or not the person
arranges with the gun show promoter for a fixed location from which to
exhibit, sell, offer for sale, transfer, or exchange 1 or more
(c) Regulation of Firearms Transfers at Gun Shows.--
(1) In general.--Chapter 44 of title 18, United States
Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``Sec. 931. Regulation of firearms transfers at gun shows
``(a) Registration of Gun Show Promoters.--It shall be unlawful for
any person to organize, plan, promote, or operate a gun show unless
that person--
``(1) registers with the Secretary in accordance with
regulations promulgated by the Secretary; and
``(2) pays a registration fee, in an amount determined by
the Secretary.
``(b) Responsibilities of Gun Show Promoters.--It shall be unlawful
for any person to organize, plan, promote, or operate a gun show unless
that person--
``(1) before commencement of the gun show, verifies the
identity of each gun show vendor participating in the gun show
by examining a valid identification document (as defined in
section 1028(d)(1)) of the vendor containing a photograph of
the vendor;
``(2) before commencement of the gun show, requires each
gun show vendor to sign--
``(A) a ledger with identifying information
concerning the vendor; and
``(B) a notice advising the vendor of the
obligations of the vendor under this chapter; and
``(3) notifies each person who attends the gun show of the
requirements of this chapter, in accordance with such
regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe;
``(4) maintains a copy of the records described in
paragraphs (1) and (2) at the permanent place of business of
the gun show promoter for such period of time and in such form
as the Secretary shall require by regulation.
``(c) Responsibilities of Transferors Other Than Licensees.--
``(1) In general.--If any part of a firearm transaction
takes place at a gun show, it shall be unlawful for any person
who is not licensed under this chapter to transfer a firearm to
another person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless
the firearm is transferred through a licensed importer,
licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer in accordance with
subsection (e).
``(2) Criminal background checks.--A person who is subject
to the requirement of paragraph (1)--
``(A) shall not transfer the firearm to the
transferee until the licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, or licensed dealer through which the
transfer is made under subsection (e) makes the
notification described in subsection (e)(3)(A); and
``(B) notwithstanding subparagraph (A), shall not
transfer the firearm to the transferee if the licensed
importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer
through which the transfer is made under subsection (e)
makes the notification described in subsection
``(3) Absence of recordkeeping requirement.--Nothing in
this section shall permit or authorize the Secretary to impose
recordkeeping requirements on any nonlicensed vendor.
``(d) Responsibilities of Transferees Other Than Licensees.--
``(1) In general.--If any part of a firearm transaction
takes place at a gun show, it shall be unlawful for any person
who is not licensed under this chapter to receive a firearm
from another person who is not licensed under this chapter,
unless the firearm is transferred through a licensed importer,
licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer in accordance with
subsection (e).
``(2) Criminal background checks.--A person who is subject
to the requirements of paragraph (1)--
``(A) shall not receive the firearm from the
transferor until the licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, or licensed dealer through which the
transfer is made under subsection (e) makes the
notification described in subsection (e)(3)(A); and
``(B) notwithstanding subparagraph (A), shall not
receive the firearm from the transferor if the licensed
importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer
through which the transfer is made under subsection (e)
makes the notification described in subsection
``(e) Responsibilities of Licensees.--A licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, or licensed dealer who agrees to assist a person who is
not licensed under this chapter in carrying out the responsibilities of
that person under subsection (c) or (d) with respect to the transfer of
a firearm shall--
``(1) enter such information about the firearm as the
Secretary may require by regulation into a separate bound
``(2) record the transfer on a form specified by the
``(3) comply with section 922(t) as if transferring the
firearm from the inventory of the licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, or licensed dealer to the designated transferee
(although a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or
licensed dealer complying with this subsection shall not be
required to comply again with the requirements of section
922(t) in delivering the firearm to the nonlicensed
transferor), and notify the nonlicensed transferor and the
nonlicensed transferee--
``(A) of such compliance; and
``(B) if the transfer is subject to the
requirements of section 922(t)(1), of any receipt by
the licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or
licensed dealer of a notification from the national
instant criminal background check system that the
transfer would violate section 922 or would violate
State law;
``(4) not later than 10 days after the date on which the
transfer occurs, submit to the Secretary a report of the
transfer, which report--
``(A) shall be on a form specified by the Secretary
by regulation; and
``(B) shall not include the name of or other
identifying information relating to any person involved
in the transfer who is not licensed under this chapter;
``(5) if the licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or
licensed dealer assists a person other than a licensee in
transferring, at 1 time or during any 5 consecutive business
days, 2 or more pistols or revolvers, or any combination of
pistols and revolvers totaling 2 or more, to the same
nonlicensed person, in addition to the reports required under
paragraph (4), prepare a report of the multiple transfers,
which report shall be--
``(A) prepared on a form specified by the
Secretary; and
``(B) not later than the close of business on the
date on which the transfer occurs, forwarded to--
``(i) the office specified on the form
described in subparagraph (A); and
``(ii) the appropriate State law
enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which
the transfer occurs; and
``(6) retain a record of the transfer as part of the
permanent business records of the licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, or licensed dealer.
``(f) Records of Licensee Transfers.--If any part of a firearm
transaction takes place at a gun show, each licensed importer, licensed
manufacturer, and licensed dealer who transfers 1 or more firearms to a
person who is not licensed under this chapter shall, not later than 10
days after the date on which the transfer occurs, submit to the
Secretary a report of the transfer, which report--
``(1) shall be in a form specified by the Secretary by
``(2) shall not include the name of or other identifying
information relating to the transferee; and
``(3) shall not duplicate information provided in any
report required under subsection (c)(4).
``(g) Firearm Transaction Defined.--In this section, the term
`firearm transaction'--
``(1) includes the offer for sale, sale, transfer, or
exchange of a firearm; and
``(2) does not include the mere exhibition of a firearm.''.
(2) Penalties.--Section 924(a) of title 18, United States
Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(7)(A) Whoever knowingly violates section 931(a) shall be fined
under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
``(B) Whoever knowingly violates subsection (b) or (c) of section
931, shall be--
``(i) fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 2
years, or both; and
``(ii) in the case of a second or subsequent conviction,
such person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not
more than 5 years, or both.
``(C) Whoever willfully violates section 931(d), shall be--
``(i) fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 2
years, or both; and
``(ii) in the case of a second or subsequent conviction,
such person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not
more than 5 years, or both.
``(D) Whoever knowingly violates subsection (c) or (f) of section
931 shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years,
or both.
``(E) In addition to any other penalties imposed under this
paragraph, the Secretary may, with respect to any person who knowingly
violates any provision of section 931--
``(i) if the person is registered pursuant to section
931(a), after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend for
not more than 6 months or revoke the registration of that
person under section 931(a); and
``(ii) impose a civil fine in an amount equal to not more
than $10,000.''.
(3) Technical and conforming amendments.--Chapter 44 of
title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(A) in the chapter analysis, by adding at the end
the following:
``931. Regulation of firearms transfers at gun shows.''; and
(B) in the first sentence of section 923(j), by
striking ``a gun show or event'' and inserting ``an
(d) Inspection Authority.--Section 923(g)(1) of title 18, United
States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(E) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), the Secretary may enter
during business hours the place of business of any gun show promoter
and any place where a gun show is held for the purposes of examining
the records required by sections 923 and 931 and the inventory of
licensees conducting business at the gun show. Such entry and
examination shall be conducted for the purposes of determining
compliance with this chapter by gun show promoters and licensees
conducting business at the gun show and shall not require a showing of
reasonable cause or a warrant.''.
(e) Increased Penalties for Serious Recordkeeping Violations by
Licensees.--Section 924(a)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended to read as follows:
``(3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), any licensed
dealer, licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed collector
who knowingly makes any false statement or representation with respect
to the information required by this chapter to be kept in the records
of a person licensed under this chapter, or violates section 922(m)
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or
``(B) If the violation described in subparagraph (A) is in relation
to an offense--
``(i) under paragraph (1) or (3) of section 922(b), such
person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more
than 5 years, or both; or
``(ii) under subsection (a)(6) or (d) of section 922, such
person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more
than 10 years, or both.''.
(f) Increased Penalties for Violations of Criminal Background Check
(1) Penalties.--Section 924 of title 18, United States
Code, is amended--
(A) in paragraph (5), by striking ``subsection (s)
or (t) of section 922'' and inserting ``section
922(s)''; and
(B) by adding at the end the following:
``(8) Whoever knowingly violates section 922(t) shall be fined
under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.''.
(2) Elimination of certain elements of offense.--Section
922(t)(5) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by
striking ``and, at the time'' and all that follows through
``State law''.
(g) Gun Owner Privacy and Prevention of Fraud and Abuse of System
Information.--Section 922(t)(2)(C) of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by inserting ``as soon as possible, consistent with the
responsibility of the Attorney General under section 103(h) of the
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, to ensure the privacy and
security of the system and to prevent system fraud and abuse, but in no
event later than 90 days after the date on which the licensee first
contacts the system with respect to the transfer'' before the period.
(h) Effective Date.--This section and the amendments made by this
section shall take effect 180 days after the date of enactment of this
Act. | Gun Show Accountability Act - Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit any person from organizing, planning, promoting, or operating a gun show without: (1) registering with the Secretary of the Treasury and paying a registration fee; (2) first verifying the identity of each show vendor participating by examining a valid identification document containing a photograph of the vendor; (3) first requiring each vendor to sign a ledger with identifying information and a notice advising the vendor of his or her obligations; (4) notifying each attendee of requirements under the Act; and (5) maintaining a copy of the records described above at the permanent place of business of the show promoter for such period of time and in such form as the Secretary shall require.
Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) responsibilities of transferors and transferees other than licensees, including criminal background check requirements; and (2) records of licensee transfers.
Sets penalties for violations of this Act.
Authorizes the Secretary to enter during business hours the place of business of any show promoter and any place where a show is held for purposes of examining required records and the inventory of licensees conducting business at the show, without a showing of reasonable cause or a warrant.
Increases penalties for: (1) serious recordkeeping violations by licensees; and (2) violations of criminal background check requirements.
Amends the Brady Act to require the national instant criminal background check system, if receipt of a firearm would not violate the Act or State law, to destroy records of the system relating to the call and to the person or transfer (current law) as soon as possible but in no event later than 90 days after the date on which the licensee first contacts the system with respect to the transfer. | 68 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Housing Programs Extension Act of
(a) Expiring Section 8 Contracts.--
(1) Requirement.--Subject only to the availability of
budget authority to carry out this section, not later than
October 1, 1995, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
shall make an offer to the owner of each housing project
assisted under an expiring contract to extend the term of the
expiring contract for 24 months beyond the date of the
expiration of the contract.
(2) Terms of extension.--Except for terms or conditions
relating to the duration of the contract, the terms and
conditions under the extension provided pursuant to this
subsection of any expiring contract shall be identical to the
terms and conditions under the expiring contract.
(3) Definition of expiring contract.--For purposes of this
subsection, the term ``expiring contract'' means a contract for
assistance pursuant to section 8(b)(2) of the United States
Housing Act of 1937 (as such section existed before October 1,
1983) having a term that expires before October 1, 1996.
(4) Displacement assistance.--The Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development may make available to tenants residing in
units covered by an expiring contract that is not extended
pursuant to this subsection either--
(A) tenant-based assistance under section 8 of the
United States Housing Act of 1937; or
(B) a unit with respect to which project-based
assistance is provided under section 8 of the United
States Housing Act of 1937.
(5) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized
to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out
this subsection.
(b) Determination of Median Income.--Section 3(b)(2) of the United
States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)(2)) is amended--
(1) in the fourth sentence--
(A) by striking ``County'' and inserting ``and
Rockland Counties''; and
(B) by inserting ``each'' before ``such county'';
(2) in the last sentence--
(A) by striking ``County'' the first place it
appears and inserting ``or Rockland Counties''; and
(B) by striking ``County'' the second place it
appears and inserting ``and Rockland Counties''.
(c) Eligible Uses of Emergency Modernization Funds.--Section
14(k)(1) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C.
1437l(k)(1)) is amended--
(1) in the first sentence, by striking ``$75,000,000'' and
inserting ``$50,000,000''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new sentences: ``Of
the amounts reserved each year under this paragraph, the
Secretary shall make available to the Inspector General of the
Department of Housing and Urban Development not more than
$5,000,000 for costs in connection with efforts to combat
violent crime in public housing. Using amounts made available
pursuant to the preceding sentence during fiscal year 1995, the
Secretary shall provide amounts in such fiscal year for the
continuation of the drug elimination activities under Project
Nos. IA05PO98003004 and IA05DEP0980193.''.
(d) Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership
(1) Acquisition grants.--Section 234(b) of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1987 (12 U.S.C. 4124(b)) is
amended by striking ``1993,'' and all that follows through
``1994,'' and inserting ``1995''.
(2) Technical assistance and capacity building.--Section
257 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (12
U.S.C. 4147) is amended by striking ``1993,'' and all that
follows through ``1994,'' and inserting ``1995''.
(e) Use of Section 236 Rental Assistance Fund Amounts for Flexible
Subsidies.--Section 236(f)(3) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.
1715z-1(f)(3)) is amended by striking ``September 30, 1994'' and
inserting ``September 30, 1995''.
(f) Housing Counseling.--
(1) Emergency homeownership counseling.--Section 106(c)(9)
of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C.
1701x(c)(9)) is amended by striking ``September 30, 1994'' and
inserting ``September 30, 1995''.
(2) Prepurchase and foreclosure prevention counseling
demonstration.--Section 106(d)(13) of the Housing and Urban
Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701x(d)(13)) is amended by
striking ``fiscal year 1994'' and inserting ``fiscal year
(g) Major Reconstruction of Public Housing for Disabled Families.--
Section 5(j)(2)(G)(i) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42
U.S.C. 1437e(j)(2)(G)(i)) is amended by striking ``fiscal years 1993
and 1994'' and inserting ``fiscal year 1995''.
(h) National Homeownership Fund.--Section 172 of the bill, H.R.
3838 (103d Congress), as passed by the House of Representatives on July
22, 1994, is hereby enacted into law.
(i) Treatment of Certain Projects.--
(1) Conversion of section 23 project.--From amounts
available for the conversion of the Tamaqua Highrise project in
the Borough of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, from a leased housing
contract under section 23 of the United States Housing Act of
1937 to tenant-based assistance under section 8 of such Act,
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, to the
extent such amounts are made available in appropriation Acts,
enter into an obligation for the conversion of the project to a
project-based rental assistance contract under section 8 of
such Act, notwithstanding the requirement for rehabilitation or
the percentage limitations under section 8(d)(2) of such Act.
(2) Compliance with rehabilitation requirement.--
Rehabilitation activities undertaken by E.T.C. Enterprises in
connection with 16 scattered-site dwelling units that were
rehabilitated to provide housing for low-income families and
are located in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and rehabilitation
activities undertaken by Pennrose Properties in connection with
40 dwelling units for senior citizens in the Providence Square
development located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, are hereby
deemed to have been conducted pursuant to the approval of and
an agreement with the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development under clauses (i) and (ii) of the third sentence of
section 8(d)(2)(A) of the United States Housing Act of 1937.
(3) Eligibility of public housing for demolition.--Section
415 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development--
Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988 (Public Law 100-
202; 101 Stat. 1329-213), is amended by striking ``George
Loving Place, at 3320 Rupert Street, Edgar Ward Place, at 3901
Holystone, Elmer Scott Place, at 2600 Morris, in Dallas, Texas,
(4) Section 23 conversion.--
(A) Authorization.--Notwithstanding contracts
entered into pursuant to section 14(b) of the United
States Housing Act of 1937, the Secretary is authorized
to enter into obligations for the conversion of the
Pine Tower Apartments in Bay City, Michigan, from a
leased housing contract under section 23 of such Act to
a project-based rental assistance contract under
section 8 of such Act.
(B) Repayment required.--The authorization made in
subparagraph (A) is conditioned on the repayment to the
Secretary of all amounts received by the public housing
agency under the comprehensive improvement assistance
program under section 14 of the United States Housing
Act of 1937 for the Pine Tower Apartment project and
the amounts, as determined by the Secretary, received
by the public housing agency under the formula in
section 14(k) of such Act by reason of the project.
(a) Underserved Areas Set-Aside.--Section 509(f)(4)(A) of the
Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1479(f)(4)(A)) is amended--
(1) in the first sentence, by striking ``fiscal years 1993
and 1994'' and inserting ``fiscal year 1995''; and
(2) in the second sentence, by striking ``each''.
(b) Rural Multifamily Rental Housing.--Section 515(b) of the
Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1485(b)) is amended--
(1) by striking paragraphs (2) and (4);
(2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4); and
(3) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new
``(2) such a loan may be made for a period of up to 50
years from the making of the loan;
``(3) the terms and conditions of such a loan shall provide
for periodic payments, during the term of the loan, based upon
a schedule for complete amortization of the loan over a 50-year
period and for payment of any outstanding amounts due under the
loan not later than the expiration of the term of the loan;''.
(c) Rural Rental Housing Funds for Nonprofit Entities.--The first
sentence of section 515(w)(1) of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C.
1485(w)(1)) is amended by striking ``fiscal years 1993 and 1994'' and
inserting ``fiscal year 1995''.
(d) Loan Guarantees for Rural Multifamily Rental Housing Loans.--
Section 517 of the bill, H.R. 3838 (103d Congress), as passed by the
House of Representatives on July 22, 1994, is hereby enacted into law.
(e) Eligibility of Area for Rural Homeownership Loans.--Section 502
of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1472) is amended by adding at the
end the following new subsection:
``(i) Notwithstanding section 520, the Secretary may make loans
under this section for properties in the Pine View West Subdivision,
located in Gibsonville, North Carolina, in the same manner as provided
under this section for properties in rural areas.''.
(f) Definition of Rural Area.--The last sentence of section 520 of
the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1490) is amended by striking ``city
of'' and inserting ``cities of South Tucson, Arizona, and''.
(a) Multifamily Housing Finance.--Section 542(b)(5) of the Housing
and Community Development Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 1707 note) is amended
by striking ``and 1994'' and inserting ``, 1994, and 1995''.
(b) Assessment Collection Dates for Office of Federal Housing
Enterprise Oversight.--Section 1316(b) of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4516(b)) is amended by striking
paragraph (2) and inserting the following new paragraph:
``(2) Timing of payment.--The annual assessment shall be
payable in installments on October 1 and April 1 of each fiscal
(a) Certain CDBG Assistance.--Section 916(f) of the Cranston-
Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 5306 note) is
amended by striking ``Act shall apply only with respect to fiscal years
1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994'' and inserting ``section shall not apply to
fiscal years after fiscal year 1995''.
(b) CDBG Public Services Limitations.--Section 105(a)(8) of the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(8)) is
(1) by striking ``and'' after ``under this paragraph,'';
(2) by striking ``fiscal year 1994'' and inserting ``fiscal
years 1994 and 1995''; and
(3) by inserting before the semicolon at the end the
following: ``, and except that of any amount of assistance
under this title (including program income) to the Cities of
Fairfield, Vallejo, Napa, and Vacaville, in California, such
cities may use not more than 20 percent in fiscal year 1995 for
activities under this paragraph'';
(c) Use of Grant Amounts.--
(1) Pittsburgh, pennsylvania.--Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, may
retain any amounts provided under an urban development action
grant for Project No. B-86-AA-42-0275 and use such funds for
the Central Pittsburgh Plaza project, if such project is
commenced not later than 6 months after the date of the
enactment of this Act.
(2) Wilkes-barre, pennsylvania.--Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the city of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, may
retain any amounts provided under an urban development action
grant for Project No. B-87-AA-42-1211 and use such funds for
the Northeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development project, if
such project is commenced not later than 6 months after the
date of enactment of this Act.
(3) Richmond, virginia.--The Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development shall cancel the indebtedness of the city of
Richmond, Virginia, relating to the categorical program
settlement grant provided to the city to settle four urban
renewal programs (Project No. B-78-UR-51-0019). The city of
Richmond, Virginia, is hereby relieved of all liability to the
Federal Government for such grant and any fees and charges
payable in connection with such grant.
(4) Lockport township, illinois.--The Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development shall cancel the indebtedness of Lockport
Township, Illinois, relating to the public facilities loan for
Project No. ILL-11-PFL0112. Lockport Township, Illinois, is
hereby relieved of all liability to the Federal Government for
the outstanding principal balance on such loan, the amount of
accrued interest on such loan, and any other fees and charges
payable in connection with such loan.
(5) Budget compliance.--Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this
subsection shall be effective only to the extent, or in such
amounts, as are provided in appropriation Acts.
(d) New Towns Demonstration Program.--
(1) Insurance authority.--The first sentence of section
1104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992
(42 U.S.C. 5318 note) is amended to read as follows: ``To the
extent provided in appropriation Acts, the Secretary shall use
any authority provided pursuant to section 531(b) of the
National Housing Act to enter into commitments to insure loans
and mortgages under this section in fiscal year 1995 with an
aggregate principal amount not exceeding such sums as may be
necessary to carry out the demonstration under this title.''.
(2) Second mortgage assistance.--Section 1105(e) of the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 5318
note) is amended to read as follows:
``(5) Authorization of appropriations.--There are
authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 such sums as
may be necessary for providing assistance under this
(3) Community development assistance.--Section 1106(h) of
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C.
5318 note) is amended to read as follows:
``(8) Authorization of appropriations.--There are
authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1995 such sums as
may be necessary for assistance under this section.''.
(e) Economic Development Grants.--Section 108(q) of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974 is amended by adding at the end the
following new paragraph:
``(5) Authorization of appropriations.--Using any amounts
appropriated for grants under this subsection for fiscal year
1995, the Secretary shall make a grant in the amount of
$3,650,000 in such fiscal year to the Earth Conservancy in
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, which shall be used for carrying
out a demonstration of using innovative environmental
technologies to reclaim land used for community and economic
development purposes that has been damaged by anthracite coal
mining activities.''.
(a) State Agencies as Sureties.--Section 9304 of title 31, United
States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new
``(c) State Agencies.--A State agency, including any financing
authority established by any State, which meets the requirements of
paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a) may be treated as a surety
corporation for purposes of this chapter. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, user fees collected by the Financial Management
Services incident to sections 9304 through 9309 of this title shall be
credited to the appropriation of that agency and may be retained
without fiscal year limitation to carry out the provisions of such
(b) Clarification of Effective Date for Amendment Relating to
Commercial Mortgage Related Securities.--Section 347(d) of the Riegle
Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (Public
Law 103-325; 108 Stat. 2241) is amended to read as follows:
``(d) Effective Date.--
``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the
amendment made by subsection (a) shall take effect as of the
date of the enactment of the Housing Programs Extension Act of
``(2) National and insured state banks.--The amendment made
by subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to national
banks or, in accordance with section 24 of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act, insured State banks before the effective date of
final regulations prescribed by the Comptroller of the Currency
pursuant to subsection (c).''.
Passed the House of Representatives October 7, 1994.
Clerk. | Housing Programs Extension Act of 1994 - Directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to offer owners 24-month extensions of expiring section 8 assistance contracts. Authorizes tenant displacement assistance in cases of unextended contracts. Authorizes appropriations.
Amends the United States Housing Act of 1937 to: (1) include Rockland County, New York, as a special median income area; (2) reduce disaster and emergency modernization funding set-asides; and (3) set aside specified modernization funds for anti-crime activities.
Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 to extend set-aside grant authority through FY 1995 for low-income housing preservation and homeownership acquisition grants and technical assistance and capacity building.
Amends the National Housing Act to authorize appropriations through FY 1995 for the flexible subsidy program.
Amends the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 to authorize appropriations through FY 1995 for specified housing counseling services.
Amends the United States Housing Act of 1937 to extend set-aside authority through FY 1995 for public housing reconstruction for disabled families.
Provides for: (1) assistance conversion of certain projects in Michigan and Pennsylvania; (2) rehabilitation compliance for certain projects in New Jersey; and (3) eligibility of certain public housing for demolition in Texas.
(Sec. 3) Amends the Housing Act of 1949 with regard to rural housing to: (1) extend the underserved area set-aside through FY 1995; (2) eliminate the termination date for the multifamily housing loan insurance program, and make such loan available for a 50-year period; (3) extend the set-aside through FY 1995 for rental housing funds for nonprofit entities; (4) make certain properties in North Carolina eligible for rural homeownership loans; and (5) consider South Tucson, Arizona, a rural area.
(Sec. 4) Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 to extend the multifamily housing mortgage risk-sharing program through FY 1995.
(Sec. 5) Amends the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act to extend through FY 1995 community development block grant (CDBG) set-asides for colonias.
Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1994 to: (1) extend through FY 1995 CDBG public services limitations; and (2) provide certain cities in California with a 20 percent CDBG public services use limit.
Authorizes Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to retain and use certain urban development action grant funds.
Directs the Secretary to cancel certain housing and related debts for Richmond, Virginia, and Lockport Township, Illinois.
Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 to extend through FY 1995 insurance authority and authorization of appropriations (including mortgage and community development assistance) for the New Towns Demonstration Program for Los Angeles, California.
Amends the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 to authorize appropriations for the Earth Conservancy in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to reclaim coal mining-damaged land.
(Sec. 6) Amends Federal law to permit qualifying State agencies to be treated as sureties. | 69 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Safety Net Extension Act''.
Section 208 of the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act
of 2002 (26 U.S.C. 3304 note) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a), by striking ``June 1'' and inserting
``November 30''; and
(2) in subsection (b)--
(A) by striking ``May 31'' each place it appears
and inserting ``November 29''; and
(B) in paragraph (3), by striking ``August 30,
2003'' and inserting ``February 28, 2004''.
(a) In General.--Section 203 of the Temporary Extended Unemployment
Compensation Act of 2002 is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(d) Additional Weeks of Benefits.--Notwithstanding any other
provision of this section, upon the exhaustion of all amounts that may
be credited to an individual's account under the preceding provisions
of this section, such account shall be increased by an amount equal to
8 times the individual's average weekly benefit amount for the benefit
year (as determined under subsection (b)(2)).''.st
(b) Effective Date and Applicability.--The amendment made by
subsection (a)--
(1) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of
the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002,
and shall apply to weeks of unemployment beginning on or after
the date of the enactment of this Act, but
(2) shall not apply in the case of any individual whose
eligibility for additional weeks of benefits would be based on
an exhaustion of amounts (as required under such amendment)
occurring on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
(a) In General.--Section 203(d) of the Federal-State Extended
Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 (26 U.S.C. 3304 note) is
(1) in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1), by striking ``5
per centum'' and inserting ``4 per centum'', and
(2) in the first flush sentence following paragraph (2), by
striking ``5'' and inserting ``4''.
(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall
apply to weeks of unemployment beginning on or after the date of the
enactment of this Act.
(a) In General.--Section 904 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
1104) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
``Increase and Decrease in Amount of Earnings Allocated to State
Accounts When States Meet or Fail to Meet Funding Goals
``(h)(1) If the average daily balance in a State account in the
Unemployment Trust Fund for any calendar quarter exceeds the funding
goal of such State, the amount otherwise creditable to such account
under subsection (e) for such quarter shall be increased by the
interest premium on such excess. If the average daily balance in such a
State account for any calendar quarter is less than the funding goal of
such State, the amount otherwise creditable to such account under
subsection (e) for such quarter shall be decreased by the interest
``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to any interest
premium or interest penalty to the extent that such application would
result in an increase or decrease of more than $2,500,000 in the amount
creditable to any State account for any calendar quarter.
``(3) For purposes of this subsection, the term `interest premium'
means, for any calendar quarter--
``(A) with respect to the State with the largest percentage
value of excess of the average daily balance in the State
account in the Unemployment Trust Fund over the funding goal of
such State, one-half of one percent of the amount of such
excess, and
``(B) with respect to each other State, the product of--
``(i) the amount of the excess of the average daily
balance in the State account in the Unemployment Trust
Fund over the funding goal of such State, and
``(ii) the percentage which bears the same ratio to
one-half of one percent as--
``(I) the percentage value of such excess,
bears to
``(II) the percentage value of the excess
of the State referred to in subparagraph (A).
The Secretary shall make appropriate adjustments in the interest
premium for any calendar quarter if the aggregate interest premiums
payable for such quarter exceed the aggregate interest penalties for
such quarter.
``(4) For purposes of this subsection, the term `interest penalty'
means, for any calendar quarter--
``(A) with respect to the State with the largest percentage
value of excess of the funding goal of such State over the
average daily balance in the State account in the Unemployment
Trust Fund, one-half of one percent of the amount otherwise
creditable to such account under subsection (e), and
``(B) with respect to each other State, the product of--
``(i) the amount otherwise creditable to such
account under subsection (e), and
``(ii) the percentage which bears the same ratio to
one-half of one percent as--
``(I) the percentage value of the excess of
the funding goal of the State over such average
daily balance of such State, bears to
``(II) the percentage value of such excess
of the State referred to in subparagraph (A).
``(5) For purposes of this subsection, the term `funding goal'
means, for any State for any calendar quarter, the average of the
unemployment insurance benefits paid by such State during each of the 3
years, in the 20-year period ending with the calendar year containing
such calendar quarter, during which the State paid the greatest amount
of unemployment benefits.
``(6) For purposes of this subsection, the term `percentage value'
``(A) with respect to any excess of the average daily
balance in a State account in the Unemployment Trust Fund over
the funding goal of such State, the percentage which such
excess bears to such funding goal, and
``(B) with respect to any excess of such funding goal over
such average daily balance, the percentage which such excess
bears to such funding goal.''.
(b) Conforming Amendments.--
(1) Amounts credited to state accounts.--Subsection (e) of
section 904 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1104(e)) is
amended in the first sentence by inserting ``(as modified by
subsection (h))'' after ``a proportionate part''.
(2) Interest rate on repayment of advances determined
without regard to interest premiums or penalties on amounts
credited to state accounts.--Subparagraph (A) of section
1202(b)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1322(b)(4)) is amended by
inserting ``(determined without regard to section 904(h))''
after ``preceding calendar year''.
(c) Report.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Labor shall submit to the
Congress a report recommending sources of funding for the crediting of
interest premiums under subsection (h) of section 904 of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1104), as added by this section, in the event
that the imposition of interest penalties under such subsection is
insufficient to fund such premiums.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to calendar years beginning after December 31, 2006.
(a) In General.--Subparagraph (C) of section 1202(b)(2) of the
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1322(b)(2)) is amended to read as
``(C) the average daily balance in the account of such
State in the Unemployment Trust Fund for each of 4 of the 5
calendar quarters preceding the calendar quarter in which such
advances were made exceeds the funding goal of such State (as
defined in section 904(h)).''
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall
apply to calendar years beginning after the date of the enactment of
this Act.
(a) In General.--Section 85 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to unemployment compensation) is amended by adding at the end
the following new subsection:
``(c) Moratorium.--This section shall not apply to taxable years
beginning in 2003 or 2004.''.
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2002.
(a) In General.--Chapter 23 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to Federal Unemployment Tax Act) is amended by redesignating
section 3311 as section 3312 and by inserting after section 3310 the
following new section:
``(a) In General.--At the election of any State which is certified
as provided in section 3304, each employer who pays contributions, with
respect to any wages, into an unemployment fund maintained under the
unemployment compensation law of such State shall submit the tax
imposed by this chapter with respect to such wages to such State rather
than to the Secretary.
``(b) Coordination With Depositary Requirements.--Payment under
subsection (a) of the tax imposed by this chapter with respect to any
wages shall be treated as timely paid for purposes of this title if
paid by the employer to the State at the same time as a timely paid
payment, with respect to such wages, of contributions into an
unemployment fund maintained under the unemployment compensation law of
such State.
``(c) Exception for Payments Not Timely Paid.--Subsection (a) shall
not apply to any payment of the tax imposed by this chapter which is
not paid by an employer on or before the last date on which such
payment would be treated as timely paid under subsection (b).
``(d) Federal Tax Transferred to Secretary.--Each State making an
election under subsection (a) shall transmit to the Secretary, at the
time and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary, the amount of the
tax imposed by this chapter which is submitted to such State under
subsection (a) and a copy of the State tax return of each employer
making such a submission. The Secretary may, after consultation with
such organizations or other entities as the Secretary considers
appropriate, prescribe regulations requiring that additional
information be submitted by such State with respect to the amount of
such tax payable by such employer.''
(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 23 of
such Code is amended by striking the item relating to section 3311 and
inserting the following new items:
``Sec. 3311. State collection of tax.
``Sec. 3312. Short title.''
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003.
(a) In General.--Subsection (a) of section 3304 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to approval of State laws) is amended by
striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (18), by striking the period
at the end of paragraph (19) and inserting ``; and'', and by adding at
the end the following new paragraph:
``(20) the State will distribute to unemployed individuals
State-specific information packets explaining unemployment
insurance eligibility conditions.''
(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall
apply to certifications of States for 2003, except that section
3304(a)(20) of such Code, as added by subsection (a), shall not be a
requirement for the State law of any State prior to July 1, 2004, if
the legislature of such State does not meet in a regular session which
closes during the calendar year 2003.
(a) Adjustment Assistance for Workers.--Section 245(a) of the Trade
Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2317(a)) is amended by striking ``September 30,
2007'' and inserting ``September 30, 2009''.
(b) Adjustment Assistance for Firms.--Section 256(b) of the Trade
Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2346(b)) is amended by striking ``2007'' and
inserting ``2009''.
(c) Adjustment Assistance for Farmers.--Section 298(a) of the Trade
Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2401g(a)) is amended by striking ``2007'' and
inserting ``2009''.
(a) Delegation.--Section 256 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C.
2346) is amended--
(1) by redesignating subsections (a) through (c) as
subsections (b) through (d), respectively;
(2) by inserting before subsection (b) (as redesignated)
the following:
``(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the Secretary shall
delegate all functions, powers, and duties of the Secretary under this
chapter to the International Trade Administration.''; and
(3) in the heading, by striking ``to small business
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of contents of the Trade Act
of 1974 is amended in the item relating to section 256 to read as
``Sec. 256. Delegation of functions; authorization of
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take
effect beginning 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. | Safety Net Extension Act - Amends the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 (TEUCA) to: (1) extend the TEUCA program through November 30, 2003, with a phaseout period through February 28, 2004; and (2) provide eight additional weeks of TEUC benefits to those who have exhausted theirs before enactment of this Act.
Amends the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 to revise the formula for the extended benefits trigger.
Amends the Social Security Act to require: (1) increases and decreases in the earnings allocated to State accounts when States meet or fail to meet funding goals; and (2) interest-free advances to State accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund to be restricted to States which meet funding goals.
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) suspend the tax on individual unemployment compensation for 2003 and 2004; (2) allow certified States to elect to collect Federal unemployment taxes, under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA); and (3) require States to distribute to unemployed individuals State-specific information packets explaining unemployment insurance eligibility conditions.
Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to: (1) extend the authorizations of appropriations for adjustment assistance for workers, for firms, and for farmers; and (2) require delegation to the International Trade Administration of all functions, powers, and duties to carry out the program of adjustment assistance for firms (with the exception of such program for small firms, which continues to be delegated to the Small Business Administration). | 70 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Offshore Fairness Act''.
In this Act:
(1) Coast line.--The term ``coast line'' means the line of
ordinary low water along the portion of the coast which is in
direct contact with the open sea and the line marking the
seaward limit of inland waters, as in existence on the day that
is 1 day before the date of enactment of this Act
(2) Existing interest.--The term ``existing interest''
means any lease, easement, right of use, or right-of-way on, or
for any natural resources or minerals, underlying, expanded
submerged land that is in existence on the date of conveyance
of the expanded submerged land.
(3) Expanded seaward boundary.--The term ``expanded seaward
boundary'' means the boundary of a State that is 3 marine
leagues seaward of the coast line of the State.
(4) Expanded submerged land.--The term ``expanded submerged
land'' means the area of the outer Continental Shelf that is
located between the point that is 3 miles seaward of the coast
line of a State and the point that is 3 marine leagues seaward
of the coast line of the State.
(5) Interest owner.--The term ``interest owner'' means any
person holding an existing interest or a portion of an existing
(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(7) State.--The term ``State'' means any of the States of
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
(a) Seaward Boundaries.--Section 4 of the Submerged Lands Act (43
U.S.C. 1312) is amended--
(1) by striking ``The'' at the beginning and inserting the
``(a) In General.--Except for the States described in subsection
(b), the''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``(b) Seaward Boundaries of Certain Coastal States.--Subject to
subsection (a), the seaward boundary of each of the following States
shall be a line 3 marine leagues distant from the coast line of the
State as of the date that is 1 day before the date of enactment of the
Offshore Fairness Act:
``(1) Alabama.
``(2) Florida.
``(3) Georgia.
``(4) Louisiana.
``(5) Mississippi.
``(6) North Carolina.
``(7) South Carolina.
``(8) Virginia.''.
(b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 2 of the Submerged Lands Act
(43 U.S.C. 1301) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)(2), by inserting ``, or 3 marine
leagues distant from the coast line of a State described in
section 4(b),'' after ``the coast line of each such State'';
(2) in subsection (b)--
(A) by striking ``from the coast line'';
(B) by inserting ``from the coast line of a State,
or more than 3 marine leagues from the coast line of a
State described in section 4(b),'' after ``three
geographical miles''; and
(C) by inserting ``from the coast line of a State,
or more than 3 marine leagues from the coast line of a
State described in section 4(b),'' after ``three marine
(a) In General.--Subject to subsections (b) and (c) and section 5,
the Secretary shall, by not later than 120 days after the date of
enactment of this Act--
(1) notify each State of the right to request a conveyance
of the applicable interest of the United States in and to the
expanded submerged land; and
(2) at the request of a State, convey to the applicable
State the interest of the United States in and to the expanded
submerged land.
(b) Administration.--On conveyance under subsection (a), the
Secretary shall transfer to the Governor of the State the authority to
exercise the powers and duties of the Secretary under the terms of any
existing interest, subject to the condition that the State--
(1) shall not impose any burdens or requirements on an
interest owner that would be stricter than any burdens or
requirements imposed under Federal law; and
(2) shall not impose any administrative or judicial penalty
or sanction on an interest owner that is more severe than any
administrative or judicial penalty or sanction under current
Federal law.
(c) Liability.--As a condition of accepting the conveyance, the
State shall agree to indemnify the United States from any liability to
any interest owner for the taking of a property interest or breach of
contract arising from--
(1) the conveyance of the expanded submerged land to the
State; or
(2) the administration by the State of any existing
interest on or underlying the expanded submerged land.
(a) In General.--Subject to subsections (b) through (e), this Act
and the amendments made by this Act shall not affect any valid existing
right in and to the expanded submerged land.
(b) Submerged Land.--Submerged land within the seaward boundaries
of a State (as extended by the amendments made by this Act) shall be--
(1) subject to Federal oil and gas mineral rights to the
extent provided by law;
(2) considered to be part of the Federal outer Continental
Shelf for purposes of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43
U.S.C. 1331 et seq.); and
(3) subject to--
(A) leasing under the authority of that Act;
(B) the distribution of revenues under section
8(g)(2) of that Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)(2)); and
(C) any other laws applicable to the leasing of the
oil and gas resources of the Federal outer Continental
Shelf, including the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act
of 2006 (43 U.S.C. 1331 note; Public Law 109-432).
(c) Existing Leases.--
(1) In general.--The amendments made by this Act shall not
affect any Federal oil and gas lease in effect on the date of
conveyance under section 4.
(2) Divided leases.--If the conveyance under section 4
results in a division of a Federal oil and gas lease that is in
existence on the date of conveyance, the conveyance of the
portion of the expanded submerged land that is covered by the
lease shall not take effect until the date that is 1 day after
the date that the lease expires or terminates.
(d) Future Interests.--This section shall not apply to any interest
in the expanded submerged land that is granted by the State after the
date on which the land is conveyed to the State under section 4.
(e) Taxation.--
(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), a State may
exercise all of the sovereign powers of taxation of the State
within the entire extent of the seaward boundaries of the State
(as extended by the amendments made by this Act).
(2) Limitation.--Nothing in this subsection affects the
authority of a State to tax any Federal oil and gas lease in
effect on the date of enactment of this Act.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of Commerce shall grant to each
State exclusive fishery management authority over reef fish in the Gulf
of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean in the expanded submerged land.
(b) Temporary Additional Authority.--
(1) In general.--In addition to the authority granted under
subsection (a) and subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary of
Commerce shall grant to each State exclusive fishery management
authority over the red snapper fish (lutjanus campechanus), in
the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean in the area of the
outer Continental Shelf that is located between the expanded
seaward boundary of a State and the point that is 200 miles
seaward of the coast line of the State, consistent with the
jurisdictional limit of the exclusive economic zone.
(2) Term.--The authority under paragraph (1) shall remain
in effect for any State until the date on which the Governor of
that State has certified to the Secretary of Commerce, in
writing, that the Governor is confident that the stock
assessments of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration for the red snapper fish (lutjanus campechanus)
within the authority of the State, as established by this Act,
(A) accurate; and
(B) based on sound science. | Offshore Fairness Act - Amends the Submerged Lands Act to extend the seaward boundaries of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to a line three marine leagues (currently, three geographic miles) distant from the coast line. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to: (1) notify such states of the right to request a conveyance of the applicable interest of the United States in and to the expanded submerged land; and (2) at such a state's request, convey to the applicable state the interest of the United States in and to such land. Prohibits states conveyed such land from imposing: (1) burdens or requirements on an interest owner that would be stricter than any federal burdens or requirements, and (2) administrative or judicial penalties or sanctions on an interest owner that are more severe than any federal administrative or judicial penalty or sanction. Declares submerged land within the seaward boundaries of such states to be subject to federal oil and gas mineral rights and to be considered part of the federal outer continental shelf for purposes of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006, and other laws applicable to the leasing of the oil and gas resources. Prohibits this Act from affecting any federal oil and gas lease in effect on the date of the land conveyance. Excludes from specified requirements and prohibitions any interest in the expanded submerged land that is granted by the state after the date on which the land is conveyed. Authorizes such states to exercise their sovereign taxation powers within the entire extent of the extended seaward boundaries. Prohibits this Act from affecting a state's authority to tax any federal oil and gas lease in effect on the date of enactment of this Act. Directs the Secretary of Commerce to grant such states exclusive fishery management authority over: (1) reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean in the expanded submerged land, (2) red snapper fish in designated areas until the state's governor certifies that the stock assessments of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are accurate and based on sound science. | 71 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Tonto and Coconino National Forests
Land Exchange Act''.
(a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
(1) Certain private lands adjacent to the Montezuma Castle
National Monument in Yavapai County, Arizona, are desirable for
Federal acquisition to protect important riparian values along
Beaver Creek and the scenic backdrop for the National Monument.
(2) Certain other inholdings in the Coconino National
Forest are desirable for Federal acquisition to protect
important public values near Double Cabin Park.
(3) Approximately 108 acres of land within the Tonto
National Forest, northeast of Payson, Arizona, are currently
occupied by 45 residential cabins under special use permits
from the Secretary of Agriculture, and have been so occupied
since the mid-1950s, rendering such lands of limited use and
enjoyment potential for the general public. Such lands are,
therefore, appropriate for transfer to the cabin owners in
exchange for lands that will have higher public use values.
(4) In return for the privatization of such encumbered
lands the Secretary of Agriculture has been offered
approximately 495 acres of non-Federal land (known as the Q
Ranch) within the Tonto National Forest, east of Young,
Arizona, in an area where the Secretary has completed previous
land exchanges to consolidate public ownership of National
Forest lands.
(5) The acquisition of the Q Ranch non-Federal lands by the
Secretary will greatly increase National Forest management
efficiency and promote public access, use, and enjoyment of the
area and surrounding National Forest System lands.
(b) Purpose.--The purpose of this title is to authorize, direct,
facilitate, and expedite the consummation of the land exchanges set
forth herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of this title.
As used in this title:
(1) DPSHA.--The term ``DPSHA'' means the Diamond Point
Summer Homes Association, a nonprofit corporation in the State
of Arizona.
(2) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means land to
be conveyed into non-Federal ownership under this title.
(3) FLPMA.--The term ``FLPMA'' means the Federal Land
Policy Management Act of 1976.
(4) MCJV.--The term ``MCJV'' means the Montezuma Castle
Land Exchange Joint Venture Partnership, an Arizona
(5) Non-federal land.--The term ``non-Federal land'' means
land to be conveyed to the Secretary of Agriculture under this
(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of Agriculture, unless otherwise specified.
(a) Land Exchange.--Upon receipt of a binding offer from MCJV to
convey title acceptable to the Secretary to the land described in
subsection (b), the Secretary shall convey to MCJV all right, title,
and interest of the United States in and to the Federal land described
in subsection (c).
(b) Non-Federal.--The land described in this subsection is the
(1) The approximately 157 acres of land adjacent to the
Montezuma Castle National Monument, as generally depicted on
the map entitled ``Montezuma Castle Contiguous Lands'', dated
May 2002.
(2) Certain private land within the Coconino National
Forest, Arizona, comprising approximately 108 acres, as
generally depicted on the map entitled ``Double Cabin Park
Lands'', dated September 2002.
(c) Federal Land.--The Federal land described in this subsection is
the approximately 222 acres in the Tonto National Forest, Arizona, and
surveyed as Lots 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, and Tract 40 in section
32, Township 11 North, Range 10 East, Gila and Salt River Meridian,
(d) Equal Value Exchange.--The values of the non-Federal and
Federal land directed to be exchanged under this section shall be equal
or equalized as determined by the Secretary through an appraisal
performed by a qualified appraiser mutually agreed to by the Secretary
and MCJV and performed in conformance with the Uniform Appraisal
Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (U.S. Department of Justice,
December 2000), and section 206(d) of the FLPMA (43 U.S.C. 1716(d)). If
the values are not equal, the Secretary shall delete Federal lots from
the conveyance to MCJV in the following order and priority, as
necessary, until the values of Federal and non-Federal land are within
the 25 percent cash equalization limit of 206(b) of FLPMA:
(1) Lot 3.
(2) Lot 4.
(3) Lot 9.
(4) Lot 10.
(5) Lot 11.
(6) Lot 8.
(e) Cash Equalization.--Any difference in value remaining after
compliance with subsection (d) shall be equalized by the payment of
cash to the Secretary or MCJV, as the circumstances dictate, in
accordance with section 206(b) of FLPMA (43 U.S.C. 1716(b)). Public Law
90-171 (16 U.S.C. 484a; commonly known as the ``Sisk Act'') shall,
without further appropriation, apply to any cash equalization payment
received by the United States under this section.
(a) In General.--Upon receipt of a binding offer from DPSHA to
convey title acceptable to the Secretary to the land described in
subsection (b), the Secretary shall convey to DPSHA all right, title,
and interest of the United States in and to the land described in
subsection (c).
(b) Non-Federal Land.--The land described in this subsection is the
approximately 495 acres of non-Federal land generally depicted on the
map entitled ``Diamond Point Exchange--Q Ranch Non-Federal Lands'',
dated May 2002.
(c) Federal Land.--The Federal land described in this subsection is
the approximately 108 acres northeast of Payson, Arizona, as generally
depicted on a map entitled ``Diamond Point Exchange--Federal Land'',
dated May 2002.
(d) Equal Value Exchange.--The values of the non-Federal and
Federal land directed to be exchanged under this section shall be equal
or equalized as determined by the Secretary through an appraisal
performed by a qualified appraiser mutually agreed to by the Secretary
and DPSHA and in conformance with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for
Federal Land Acquisitions (U.S. Department of Justice, December 2000),
and section 206(d) of FLPMA (43 U.S.C. 1716(d)). If the values are not
equal, they shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the Secretary
or DPSHA pursuant to section 206(b) of FLPMA (43 U.S.C. 1716(b)).
Public Law 90-171 (16 U.S.C. 484a; commonly known as the ``Sisk Act'')
shall, without further appropriation, apply to any cash equalization
payment received by the United States under this section.
(e) Special Use Permit Termination.--Upon execution of the land
exchange authorized by this section, all special use cabin permits on
the Federal land shall be terminated.
(a) Exchange Timetable.--Not later than 6 months after the
Secretary receives an offer under section 103 or 104, the Secretary
shall execute the exchange under section 103 or 104, respectively,
unless the Secretary and MCJV or DPSHA, respectively, mutually agree to
extend such deadline.
(b) Exchange Processing.--Prior to executing the land exchanges
authorized by this title, the Secretary shall perform any necessary
land surveys and required preexchange clearances, reviews, and
approvals relating to threatened and endangered species, cultural and
historic resources, wetlands and floodplains and hazardous materials.
If 1 or more of the Federal land parcels or lots, or portions thereof,
cannot be transferred to MCJV or DPSHA due to hazardous materials,
threatened or endangered species, cultural or historic resources, or
wetland and flood plain problems, the parcel or lot, or portion
thereof, shall be deleted from the exchange, and the values of the
lands to be exchanged adjusted in accordance with subsections (d) and
(e) of section 103 or section 104(d), as appropriate. In order to save
administrative costs to the United States, the costs of performing such
work, including the appraisals required pursuant to this title, shall
be paid by MCJV or DPSHA for the relevant property, except for the
costs of any such work (including appraisal reviews and approvals) that
the Secretary is required or elects to have performed by employees of
the Department of Agriculture.
(c) Federal Land Reservations and Encumbrances.--The Secretary
shall convey the Federal land under this title subject to valid
existing rights, including easements, rights-of-way, utility lines and
any other valid encumbrances on the Federal land as of the date of the
conveyance under this title. If applicable to the land conveyed, the
Secretary shall also retain any right of access as may be required by
section 120(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9620(h)) for remedial
or corrective action relating to hazardous substances as may be
necessary in the future.
(d) Administration of Acquired Land.--The land acquired by the
Secretary pursuant to this title shall become part of the Tonto or
Coconino National Forest, as appropriate, and be administered as such
in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations generally
applicable to the National Forest System. Such land may be made
available for domestic livestock grazing if determined appropriate by
the Secretary in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations
applicable thereto on National Forest System land.
(e) Transfer of Land to Park Service.--Upon their acquisition by
the United States, the ``Montezuma Castle Contiguous Lands'' identified
in section 103(d)(1) shall be transferred to the administrative
jurisdiction of the National Park Service, and shall thereafter be
permanently incorporated in, and administered by the Secretary of the
Interior as part of, the Montezuma Castle National Monument.
(a) Conveyance Required.--Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary
of Agriculture shall convey to the owner of the property known as the
Faraway Ranch in Lake County, California (in this section referred to
as the ``recipient''), by quitclaim deed, all right, title, and
interest of the United States in and to the following National Forest
System lands in Mendocino National Forest in Lake County, California:
(1) ``Faraway Ranch, Tract 39'' (approximately 15.8 acres)
consisting of a portion of lot 6 of section 4, township 18
north, range 10 west, Mount Diablo base and meridian, as
generally depicted on the map entitled ``Faraway Ranch, Tracts
39 and 40'' and dated June 30, 2002.
(2) ``Faraway Ranch, Tract 40'' (approximately 105.1 acres)
consisting of a portion of the N\1/2\SW\1/4\ and lot 7 of
section 4, and a portion of lots 15 and 16 of section 5,
township 18 north, range 10 west, Mount Diablo base and
meridian, as generally depicted on the map entitled ``Faraway
Ranch, Tracts 39 and 40'' and dated June 30, 2002.
(b) Time for Conveyance.--The Secretary shall make the conveyance
under subsection (a) not later than 120 days after the date on which
the recipient deposits sufficient funds with the Bureau of Land
Management, California State Office, Branch of Geographic Services, to
cover survey work costs and with the Forest Service, Mendocino National
Forest, to cover Forest Service direct transaction costs described in
subsection (e).
(c) Corrections.--With the agreement of the recipient, the
Secretary may make minor corrections to the legal descriptions and map
of the lands to be conveyed pursuant to this section.
(d) Consideration.--As consideration for the conveyance under
subsection (a), the recipient shall pay to the Secretary an amount
equal to the fair market value of the National Forest System lands
conveyed under such subsection. The fair market value of such lands
shall be determined by an appraisal that is acceptable to the Secretary
and conforms with the Federal appraisal standards, as defined in the
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions developed by
the Interagency Land Acquisition Conference.
(e) Payment of Costs.--All direct transaction costs associated with
the conveyance under section (a), including the costs of appraisal,
title, and survey work, shall be paid by the recipient.
(f) Use of Proceeds.--
(1) Deposit.--The Secretary shall deposit the amounts
received by the Secretary as consideration under subsection (d)
in the fund established by Public Law 90-171 (commonly known as
the Sisk Act; 16 U.S.C. 484a).
(2) Use.--Funds deposited under paragraph (1) shall be
available to the Secretary until expended, without further
(A) for the acquisition of land and interests in
land for National Forest System purposes in the State
of California; and
(B) for reimbursement of costs incurred by the
Forest Service in making the conveyance under
subsection (a).
(3) Status of acquired land.--Notwithstanding Public Law
85-862 (16 U.S.C. 521a), any lands acquired under paragraph
(2)(A) shall be managed as lands acquired under the March 1,
1911 (commonly known as the Weeks Act; 16 U.S.C. 480, 500, 515
et seq.), regardless of whether any of the lands conveyed under
subsection (a) were reserved from the public domain.
(g) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid existing rights, the lands to be
conveyed under subsection (a) are hereby withdrawn from all forms of
location, entry, and patent
under the public land laws and the mining and mineral leasing laws of
the United States.
Passed the House of Representatives September 24, 2002.
Clerk. | Tonto and Coconino National Forests Land Exchange Act - Title I: Tonto and Coconino National Forests Land Exchange - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey to certain private land owners specified lands in the Tonto National Forest in exchange for the conveyance by such land owners of certain lands adjacent to the Montezuma Castle National Monument and certain lands within the Coconino National Forest. Requires that the values of Federal and non-Federal lands be equalized.Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey to certain private land owners specified lands northeast of Payson, Arizona, in exchange for the conveyance by such land owners of certain lands within the Tonto National Forest. Requires that the values of Federal and non-Federal lands be equalized. Terminates all special use cabin permits on the Federal land upon execution of the exchange.Deletes from an exchange Federal land parcels that cannot be transferred due to hazardous materials, threatened or endangered species, cultural or historic resources, or wetland and flood plain problems and requires making appropriate adjustments to equalize land values being exchanged.Provides that the land acquired by the Secretary become part of the Tonto or Coconino National Forest, as appropriate. Provides for: (1) the Secretary of Agriculture to transfer all or a portion of the lands acquired adjacent to the Montezuma Castle National Monument to the administrative jurisdiction of the National Park Service; and (2) the incorporation of such lands in the Montezuma Castle National Monument.Title II: Mendocino National Forest Land Conveyance - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey to the owner of Faraway Ranch in Lake County, California ("the recipient"), by quitclaim deed, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to specified National Forest System (NFS) lands in Mendocino National Forest in Lake County. Directs the recipient to pay the Secretary an amount equal to the fair market value of the NFS lands. Assigns all transaction costs associated with the conveyance to the recipient. Requires the funds received by the Secretary to be used for the acquisition of land and interests in land for NFS purposes in California and for reimbursement of costs incurred by the Forest Service in making the conveyance. Withdraws, subject to valid existing rights, the lands being conveyed from all forms of location, entry, and patent under the public land laws and the mining and mineral leasing laws of the United States. | 72 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Nurse Loan Forgiveness Act of
The Congress finds the following:
(1) According to 2001 statistics from the American Hospital
Association, 126,000 nurses are currently needed to fill
vacancies at our nation's hospitals. Today, fully 75 percent of
all hospital personnel vacancies are for nurses.
(2) According to the Journal of the American Medical
Association (2000), the U.S. will experience a 20 percent
shortage in the number of nurses needed in the U.S. health care
system by the year 2020. This translates into a shortage of
more than 400,000 registered nurses nationwide.
(3) Research indicates that there is a greater need for
health care services, especially hospitals and prescription
drugs, but there continues to be a 28 percent decrease in
national licensure examination for all entry-level registered
(4) The U.S. Department of Labor projects a 21 percent
increase in the need for nurses nationwide from 1998 to 2008,
compared with a 14 percent increase for all other occupations.
(5) The General Accounting Office estimates that 40 percent
of all registered nurses will be older than age 50 by the year
(6) Of those registered nurses in 2000, an estimated 18
percent have chosen to pursue other career paths.
(7) According to a 2001 issue of Health Affairs, many
nurses report they are dissatisfied with their current
position. One out of every 3 hospital nurses under the age of
30 are planning to leave their current job in the next year.
(a) Stafford Loans.--Part B of title IV of the Higher Education Act
of 1965 is amended by inserting after section 428K (20 U.S.C. 1078-11)
the following new section:
``(a) Statement of Purpose.--It is the purpose of this section to
encourage individuals to enter and continue in the nursing profession.
``(b) Program Authorized.--From the amount appropriated under
subsection (g) for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall, in accordance
with subsection (c), carry out a program, through the holder of the
loan, of assuming the obligation to repay a qualified loan amount for a
loan made under section 428 or 428H for any borrower who--
``(1) has been employed for a calendar year as a full-time
registered nurse in a health care facility or a health care
setting approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
for purposes of this section; and
``(2) is not in default on a loan for which the borrower
seeks forgiveness.
``(c) Qualified Loans Amount.--
``(1) In general.--Of the aggregate of the loan obligation
on a loan made under section 428 or 428H that is outstanding to
an individual who meets the requirements of subsection (b), the
Secretary may, from funds appropriated under subsection (g),
repay not more than--
``(A) $2,000 after the first calendar year of
employment described in subsection (b)(1);
``(B) $2,500 after the second such year of
``(C) $3,000 after the third such year of
``(D) $4,500 after the fourth such year of
employment; and
``(E) $5,000 after the fifth such year of
``(2) Award basis.--The Secretary shall make payments under
this subsection on a first-come first-served basis, subject to
the availability of appropriations.
``(3) Treatment of consolidation loans.--A loan amount for
a loan made under section 428C may be a qualified loan amount
for the purposes of this subsection only to the extent that
such loan amount was used to repay a Federal Direct Stafford
Loan, a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, or a loan
made under section 428 or 428H for a borrower who meets the
requirements of subsection (b), as determined in accordance
with regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
``(d) Regulations.--The Secretary is authorized to issue such
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
``(e) Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to
authorize any refunding of any repayment of a loan.
``(f) Prevention of Double Benefits.--
``(1) National and community service.--No borrower may, for
the same service, receive a benefit under both this subsection
and subtitle D of title I of the National and Community Service
Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12571 et seq.).
``(2) Direct loan forgiveness.--No borrower may receive a
reduction of loan obligations under both this section and
section 460A.
``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--For fiscal year 2004 and
for each of the 9 succeeding fiscal years, there are authorized to be
appropriated such sums as may be necessary to repay loans in the
amounts specified in subsection (c)(1).''.
(b) Direct Loans.--Part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act
of 1965 is amended by inserting after section 460 (20 U.S.C. 1087j) the
following new section:
``(a) Statement of Purpose.--It is the purpose of this section to
encourage individuals to enter and continue in the nursing profession.
``(b) Program Authorized.--From the amount appropriated under
subsection (g) for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall carry out a
program of canceling the obligation to repay a qualified loan amount in
accordance with subsection (c) for Federal Direct Stafford Loans and
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans made under this part for any
borrower who--
``(1) has been employed for a calendar year as a full-time
registered nurse in a health care facility or a health care
setting approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
for purposes of this section; and
``(2) is not in default on a loan for which the borrower
seeks forgiveness.
``(c) Qualified Loans Amount.--
``(1) In general.--Of the aggregate of the loan obligation
on a Federal Direct Stafford Loan or a Federal Direct
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan that is outstanding to an individual
who meets the requirements of subsection (b), the Secretary
may, from funds appropriated under subsection (g), repay not
more than--
``(A) $2,000 after the first calendar year of
employment described in subsection (b)(1);
``(B) $2,500 after the second such year of
``(C) $3,000 after the third such year of
``(D) $4,500 after the fourth such year of
employment; and
``(E) $5,000 after the fifth such year of
``(2) Award basis.--The Secretary shall make payments under
this subsection on a first-come first-served basis, subject to
the availability of appropriations.
``(3) Treatment of consolidation loans.--A loan amount for
a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan may be a qualified loan
amount for the purposes of this subsection only to the extent
that such loan amount was used to repay a Federal Direct
Stafford Loan, a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, or
a loan made under section 428 or 428H for a borrower who meets
the requirements of subsection (b), as determined in accordance
with regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
``(d) Regulations.--The Secretary is authorized to issue such
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
``(e) Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to
authorize any refunding of any repayment of a loan.
``(f) Prevention of Double Benefits.--
``(1) National and community service.--No borrower may, for
the same service, receive a benefit under both this subsection
and subtitle D of title I of the National and Community Service
Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12571 et seq.).
``(2) Stafford loan forgiveness.--No borrower may receive a
reduction of loan obligations under both this section and
section 428L.
``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--For fiscal year 2004 and
for each of the 9 succeeding fiscal years, there are authorized to be
appropriated such sums as may be necessary to repay loans in the
amounts specified in subsection (c)(1).''. | Nurse Loan Forgiveness Act of 2003 - Amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) to include, under HEA student loan forgiveness and cancellation programs, nurses who serve at least one calendar year in an approved health care facility or setting.Limits the maximum amount of such loan repayment by the Secretary of Education to not more than $2,000 after the first year of such a nurse's employment, with incremental increases after the second through fourth years, up to $5,000 after the fifth year of such employment. | 73 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Domestic Partnership Benefits and
Obligations Act of 2001''.
(a) In General.--A domestic partner of an employee shall be
entitled to benefits available to and obligations imposed upon a spouse
of an employee.
(b) Certification of Eligibility.--In order to obtain benefits
under this Act, an employee shall file an affidavit of eligibility for
benefits with the Office of Personnel Management certifying that the
employee and the domestic partner of the employee--
(1) are each other's sole domestic partner and intend to
remain so indefinitely;
(2) have a common residence, and intend to continue the
(3) are at least 18 years of age and mentally competent to
consent to contract;
(4) share responsibility for a significant measure of each
other's common welfare and financial obligations;
(5) are not married to or domestic partners with anyone
(6) understand that willful falsification of information
within the affidavit may lead to disciplinary action and the
recovery of the cost of benefits received related to such
falsification; and
(7)(A) are same sex domestic partners, and not related in a
way that, if the 2 were of opposite sex, would prohibit legal
marriage in the state in which they reside; or
(B) are opposite sex domestic partners, and are not related
in a way that would prohibit legal marriage in the state in
which they reside.
(c) Dissolution of Partnership.--
(1) In general.--An employee or domestic partner of an
employee who obtains benefits under this Act shall file a
statement of dissolution of the domestic partnership with the
Office of Personnel Management not later than 30 days after the
death of the employee or the domestic partner or the date of
dissolution of the domestic partnership.
(2) Death of employee.--In a case in which an employee
dies, the domestic partner of the employee at the time of death
shall be deemed a spouse of the employee for the purpose of
receiving benefits under this Act.
(3) Other dissolution of partnership.--
(A) In general.--In a case in which a domestic
partnership dissolves by a method other than death of
the employee or domestic partner of the employee, any
benefits received by the domestic partner as a result
of this Act shall terminate.
(B) Exception.--In a case in which a domestic
partnership dissolves by a method other than death of
the employee or domestic partner of the employee, any
health benefits received by the domestic partner as a
result of this Act shall continue for a period of 60
days after the date of the dissolution of the
partnership. The domestic partner shall pay for such
benefits in the same manner that a former spouse would
pay for such benefits under applicable provisions of
chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code.
(d) Confidentiality.--Any information submitted to the Office of
Personnel Management under subsection (b) shall be used solely for the
purpose of certifying an individual's eligibility for benefits under
subsection (a).
(e) Definitions.--For purposes of this Act:
(1) Domestic partner.--The term ``domestic partner'' means
an adult person living with, but not married to, another adult
person in a committed, intimate relationship.
(2) Benefits.--The term ``benefits'' means--
(A) Civil Service Retirement, as provided in title
5, chapter 83, of the United States Code;
(B) Federal Employees' Retirement, as provided in
title 5, chapter 84, of the United States Code;
(C) life insurance, as provided in title 5, chapter
87, of the United States Code;
(D) health insurance, as provided in title 5,
chapter 89, of the United States Code; and
(E) compensation for work injuries, as provided in
title 5, chapter 81, of the United States Code.
(3) Employee.--
(A) With respect to Civil Service Retirement, the
term ``employee'' shall have the meaning given such
term in section 8331(1) of title 5, United States Code.
(B) With respect to Federal Employees' Retirement,
the term ``employee'' shall have the meaning given such
term in section 8401(11) of title 5, United States
(C) With respect to life insurance, the term
``employee'' shall have the meaning given such term in
section 8701(a) of title 5, United States Code.
(D) With respect to health insurance, the term
``employee'' shall have the meaning given such term in
section 8901 of title 5, United States Code.
(E) With respect to compensation for work injuries,
the term ``employee'' shall have the meaning given such
term in section 8101(1) of title 5, United States Code.
(4) Obligations.--The term ``obligations'' means any duties
or responsibilities that would be incurred by the spouse of an
Section 106 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to
contributions by employer to accident and health plans) is amended by
adding at the end the following new subsection:
``(d) Treatment of Domestic Partners.--The provisions of section 2
of the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2001 shall
apply to employees and domestic partners of employees for purposes of
this section and any other benefit which is not includible in the gross
income of employees by reason of an express provision of this
chapter.''. | Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2001 - Entitles domestic partners of Federal employees to benefits available to spouses of Federal employees. Specifies certifications required for benefit eligibility, filing requirements regarding partnership dissolution, and confidentiality requirements. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend the tax exemption for employer contributions to accident and health plans to domestic partners under this Act. | 74 |
This Act may be cited as the ``50 States Commemorative Coin Program
The Congress hereby finds the following:
(1) It is appropriate and timely to--
(A) honor the unique Federal republic of 50 States
that comprise the United States; and
(B) promote the diffusion of knowledge among the
youth of the United States about the individual States,
their history and geography, and the rich diversity of
the national heritage.
(2) The circulating coinage of the United States has not
been modernized within the past 25 years.
(3) A circulating commemorative 25-cent coin program could
produce earnings of $110,000,000 from the sale of silver proof
coins and sets over the 10-year period of issuance and would
produce indirect earnings of an estimated $2,600,000,000 to
$5,100,000,000 to the United States Treasury, money that will
replace borrowing to fund the national debt to at least that
(4) It is appropriate to launch a commemorative circulating
coin program that encourages young people and their families to
collect memorable tokens of all the States for the face value
of the coins.
Section 5112 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding
at the end the following new subsection:
``(k) Redesign and Issuance of Quarter Dollar in Commemoration of
Each of the 50 States.--
``(1) Redesign beginning in 1999.--
``(A) In general.--Notwithstanding the 4th sentence
of subsection (d)(1) and subsection (d)(2), quarter
dollar coins issued during the 10-year period beginning
in 1999, shall have designs on the reverse side
selected in accordance with this subsection which are
emblematic of the 50 States.
``(B) Transition provision.--Notwithstanding
subparagraph (A), the Secretary may continue to mint
and issue quarter dollars in 1999 which bear the design
in effect before the redesign required under this
subsection and an inscription of the year `1998' as
required to ensure a smooth transition into the 10-year
program under this subsection.
``(2) Single state designs.--The design on the reverse side
of each quarter dollar issued during the 10-year period
referred to in paragraph (1) shall be emblematic of 1 of the 50
``(3) Issuance of coins commemorating 5 states during each
of the 10 years.--
``(A) In general.--The designs for the quarter
dollar coins issued during each year of the 10-year
period referred to in paragraph (1) shall be emblematic
of 5 States selected in the order in which such States
ratified the Constitution of the United States or were
admitted into the Union, as the case may be.
``(B) Number of each of 5 coin designs in each
year.--Of the quarter dollar coins issued during each
year (of the 10-year period referred to in paragraph
(1)), the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, on
the basis of such factors as the Secretary determines
to be appropriate, the number of quarter dollars which
shall be issued with each of the 5 designs selected for
such year.
``(4) Selection of design.--
``(A) In general.--Each of the 50 designs required
under this subsection for quarter dollars shall be--
``(i) selected by the Secretary after
consultation with--
``(I) the Governor of the State
being commemorated, or such other State
officials or group as the State may
designate for such purpose; and
``(II) the Commission of Fine Arts;
``(ii) reviewed by the Citizens
Commemorative Coin Advisory Committee.
``(B) Selection and approval process.--Designs for
quarter dollars may be submitted in accordance with the
design selection and approval process developed by the
Secretary in the sole discretion of the Secretary.
``(C) Participation.--The Secretary may include
participation by State officials, artists from the
States, engravers of the United States Mint, and
members of the general public.
``(D) Standards.--Because it is important that the
Nation's coinage and currency bear dignified designs of
which the citizens of the United States can be proud,
the Secretary shall not select any frivolous or
inappropriate design for any quarter dollar minted
under this subsection.
``(E) Prohibition on certain representations.--No
head and shoulders portrait or bust of any person,
living or dead, and no portrait of a living person may
be included in the design of any quarter dollar under
this subsection.
``(5) Treatment as numismatic items.--For purposes of
sections 5134 and 5136, all coins minted under this subsection
shall be considered to be numismatic items.
``(6) Numismatic items.--
``(A) Quality of coins.--The Secretary may mint and
issue such number of quarter dollars of each design
selected under paragraph (4) in uncirculated and proof
qualities as the Secretary determines to be
``(B) Silver coins.--Notwithstanding subsection
(b), the Secretary may mint and issue such number of
quarter dollars of each design selected under paragraph
(4) as the Secretary determines to be appropriate with
a content of 90 percent silver and 10 percent copper.
``(C) Sources of bullion.--The Secretary shall
obtain silver for minting coins under subparagraph (B)
from available resources, including stockpiles
established under the Strategic and Critical Materials
Stock Piling Act.
``(7) Application in event of the admission of additional
states.--If any additional State is admitted into the Union
before the end of the 10-year period referred to in paragraph
(1), the Secretary of the Treasury may issue quarter dollar
coins, in accordance with this subsection, with a design which
is emblematic of such State during any 1 year of such 10-year
period, in addition to the quarter dollar coins issued during
such year in accordance with paragraph (3)(A).''.
Passed the House of Representatives September 23, 1997.
By Jeff Trandahl,
Deputy Clerk. | 50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act - Amends Federal law to mandate redesign of quarter dollar coins issued during the ten-year period beginning 1999, with the reverse side emblematic of five of the 50 States each year during such period, selected in the order of their ratification of the U.S. Constitution or their admission to the Union. | 75 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Poison Control Center Enhancement
and Awareness Act''.
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) Each year more than 2,000,000 poisonings are reported to
poison control centers throughout the United States. More than 90
percent of these poisonings happen in the home. Fifty-three percent
of poisoning victims are children younger than 6 years of age.
(2) Poison control centers are a valuable national resource
that provide life-saving and cost-effective public health services.
For every dollar spent on poison control centers, $7 in medical
costs are saved. The average cost of a poisoning exposure call is
$32, while the average cost if other parts of the medical system
are involved is $932. Over the last 2 decades, the instability and
lack of funding has resulted in a steady decline in the number of
poison control centers in the United States. Within just the last
year, 2 poison control centers have been forced to close because of
funding problems. A third poison control center is scheduled to
close in April 1999. Currently, there are 73 such centers.
(3) Stabilizing the funding structure and increasing
accessibility to poison control centers will increase the number of
United States residents who have access to a certified poison
control center, and reduce the inappropriate use of emergency
medical services and other more costly health care services.
In this Act, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Health
and Human Services.
(a) In General.--The Secretary shall provide coordination and
assistance to regional poison control centers for the establishment of
a nationwide toll-free phone number to be used to access such centers.
(b) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
construed as prohibiting the establishment or continued operation of
any privately funded nationwide toll-free phone number used to provide
advice and other assistance for poisonings or accidental exposures.
(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section, $2,000,000 for each of the
fiscal years 2000 through 2004. Funds appropriated under this
subsection shall not be used to fund any toll-free phone number
described in subsection (b).
(a) In General.--The Secretary shall establish a national media
campaign to educate the public and health care providers about poison
prevention and the availability of poison control resources in local
communities and to conduct advertising campaigns concerning the
nationwide toll-free number established under section 4.
(b) Contract With Entity.--The Secretary may carry out subsection
(a) by entering into contracts with 1 or more nationally recognized
media firms for the development and distribution of monthly television,
radio, and newspaper public service announcements.
(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section, $600,000 for each of the fiscal
years 2000 through 2004.
(a) Regional Poison Control Centers.--The Secretary shall award
grants to certified regional poison control centers for the purposes of
achieving the financial stability of such centers, and for preventing
and providing treatment recommendations for poisonings.
(b) Other Improvements.--The Secretary shall also use amounts
received under this section to--
(1) develop standard education programs;
(2) develop standard patient management protocols for commonly
encountered toxic exposures;
(3) improve and expand the poison control data collection
(4) improve national toxic exposure surveillance; and
(5) expand the physician/medical toxicologist supervision of
poison control centers.
(c) Certification.--Except as provided in subsection (d), the
Secretary may make a grant to a center under subsection (a) only if--
(1) the center has been certified by a professional
organization in the field of poison control, and the Secretary has
approved the organization as having in effect standards for
certification that reasonably provide for the protection of the
public health with respect to poisoning; or
(2) the center has been certified by a State government, and
the Secretary has approved the State government as having in effect
standards for certification that reasonably provide for the
protection of the public health with respect to poisoning.
(d) Waiver of Certification Requirements.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary may grant a waiver of the
certification requirement of subsection (c) with respect to a
noncertified poison control center or a newly established center
that applies for a grant under this section if such center can
reasonably demonstrate that the center will obtain such a
certification within a reasonable period of time as determined
appropriate by the Secretary.
(2) Renewal.--The Secretary may only renew a waiver under
paragraph (1) for a period of 3 years.
(e) Supplement Not Supplant.--Amounts made available to a poison
control center under this section shall be used to supplement and not
supplant other Federal, State, or local funds provided for such center.
(f) Maintenance of Effort.--A poison control center, in utilizing
the proceeds of a grant under this section, shall maintain the
expenditures of the center for activities of the center at a level that
is not less than the level of such expenditures maintained by the
center for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the
grant is received.
(g) Matching Requirement.--The Secretary may impose a matching
requirement with respect to amounts provided under a grant under this
section if the Secretary determines appropriate.
(h) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section, $25,000,000 for each of the
fiscal years 2000 through 2004.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Vice President of the United States and
President of the Senate. | Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide coordination and assistance to regional poison control centers for the establishment of a nationwide toll-free phone number to be used to access such centers. Authorizes appropriations, prohibiting use of the funds to fund any privately funded nationwide toll-free phone number used to provide advice and other assistance for poisonings or accidental exposures. Directs the Secretary to establish a national media campaign to educate the public about poison prevention and the availability of local poison control resources and to conduct advertising campaigns concerning the nationwide toll-free number. Authorizes appropriations. Directs the Secretary to award grants for certified regional poison control centers to achieve financial stability and to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations for, poisoning. Mandates other grant uses. Sets forth center certification requirements. Authorizes appropriations. | 76 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Timely Repatriation Act''.
(a) Listing of Countries.--Beginning on the date that is 6 months
after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter,
the Secretary of Homeland Security shall publish a report including the
(1) A list of the following:
(A) Countries that have refused or unreasonably
delayed repatriation of an alien who is a national of
that country since the date of enactment of this Act
and the total number of such aliens, disaggregated by
(B) Countries that have an excessive repatriation
failure rate.
(2) A list of each country that was included under
subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (1) in both the report
preceding the current report and the current report.
(b) Sanctions.--Beginning on the date that a country is included in
a list under subsection (a)(2) and ending on the date that that country
is not included in such list, that country shall be subject to the
(1) The Secretary of State may not issue visas under
section 101(a)(15)(A)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality
Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(A)(iii)) to attendants, servants,
personal employees, and members of their immediate families, of
the officials and employees of that country who receive
nonimmigrant status under clause (i) or (ii) of section
101(a)(15)(A) of such Act.
(2) Each 6 months thereafter that the country is included
in that list, the Secretary of State shall reduce the number of
visas available under clause (i) or (ii) of section
101(a)(15)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in a
fiscal year to nationals of that country by an amount equal to
10 percent of the baseline visa number for that country. Except
as provided under section 243(d) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1253), the Secretary may not reduce
the number to a level below 20 percent of the baseline visa
(c) Waivers.--
(1) National security waiver.--If the Secretary of State
submits to Congress a written determination that significant
national security interests of the United States require a
waiver of the sanctions under subsection (b), the Secretary may
waive any reduction below 80 percent of the baseline visa
number. The Secretary of Homeland Security may not delegate the
authority under this subsection.
(2) Temporary exigent circumstances.--If the Secretary of
State submits to Congress a written determination that
temporary exigent circumstances require a waiver of the
sanctions under subsection (b), the Secretary may waive any
reduction below 80 percent of the baseline visa number during
6-month renewable periods. The Secretary of Homeland Security
may not delegate the authority under this subsection.
(d) Exemption.--The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation
with the Secretary of State, may exempt a country from inclusion in a
list under subsection (a)(2) if the total number of nonrepatriations
outstanding is less than 10 for the preceding 3-year period.
(e) Unauthorized Visa Issuance.--Any visa issued in violation of
this section shall be void.
(f) Notice.--If an alien who has been convicted of a criminal
offense before a Federal or State court whose repatriation was refused
or unreasonably delayed is to be released from detention by the
Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary shall provide notice to
the State and local law enforcement agency for the jurisdictions in
which the alien is required to report or is to be released. When
possible, and particularly in the case of violent crime, the Secretary
shall make a reasonable effort to provide notice of such release to any
crime victims and their immediate family members.
(g) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
(1) Refused or unreasonably delayed.--A country is deemed
to have refused or unreasonably delayed the acceptance of an
alien who is a citizen, subject, national, or resident of that
country if, not later than 90 days after receiving a request to
repatriate such alien from an official of the United States who
is authorized to make such a request, the country does not
accept the alien or issue valid travel documents.
(2) Failure rate.--The term ``failure rate'' for a period
means the percentage determined by dividing the total number of
repatriation requests for aliens who are citizens, subjects,
nationals, or residents of a country that that country refused
or unreasonably delayed during that period by the total number
of such requests during that period.
(3) Excessive repatriation failure rate.--The term
``excessive repatriation failure rate'' means, with respect to
a report under subsection (a), a failure rate greater than 10
percent for any of the following:
(A) The period of the 3 full fiscal years preceding
the date of publication of the report.
(B) The period of 1 year preceding the date of
publication of the report.
(4) Number of non-repatriations outstanding.--The term
``number of non-repatriations outstanding'' means, for a
period, the number of unique aliens whose repatriation a
country has refused or unreasonably delayed and whose
repatriation has not occurred during that period.
(5) Baseline visa number.--The term ``baseline visa
number'' means, with respect to a country, the average number
of visas issued each fiscal year to nationals of that country
under clauses (i) and (ii) of section 101(a)(15)(A) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(A)) for
the 3 full fiscal years immediately preceding the first report
under subsection (a) in which that country is included in the
list under subsection (a)(2).
(h) GAO Report.--On the date that is 1 day after the date that the
President submits a budget under section 1105(a) of title 31, United
States Code, for fiscal year 2016, the Comptroller General of the
United States shall submit a report to Congress regarding the progress
of the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State in
implementation of this section and in making requests to repatriate
aliens as appropriate. | Timely Repatriation Act This bill directs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to publish a report every six months listing: (1) countries that have refused or unreasonably delayed repatriation of an alien who is a national of that country (the report must include the total number of such aliens) and countries that have an excessive repatriation failure rate, and (2) each country that was included in both the report preceding the current report and the current report (DHS may exclude a country if the total number of nonrepatriations outstanding is less than 10 for the preceding three-year period). The Department of State, with respect to a listed country: (1) may not issue visas to attendants, servants, and personal employees of such country's officials and employees who receive nonimmigrant status; and (2) shall reduce the number of visas available for such country's diplomats and officials/employees by 10% for each six months that a country is listed. | 77 |
(a) In General.--Chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code, is
amended by adding at the end the following:
``Sec. 5341. Flexibility incentive grant pilot program
``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to provide
incentives to encourage States to establish new sources of revenue for
public transportation projects and services and to reward States for
creating more flexibility in the use of their existing transportation
``(b) Establishment of Program.--The Secretary of Transportation
shall establish a flexibility incentive grant pilot program in
accordance with this section.
``(c) Applications.--
``(1) In general.--A State may submit application to the
Secretary for a grant under the section for each of fiscal
years 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 not later than the August 1
preceding the first day of such fiscal year.
``(2) Contents.--An application of a State for a grant for
a fiscal year under this section shall contain, at a minimum,
the aggregate amount that the State and the counties of the
State expended (excluding amounts from Federal sources) on
public transportation projects and services for each of the
State's 2 fiscal years preceding the date of the application,
together with such supporting documentation as the Secretary
may require by regulation.
``(d) Determinations by the Secretary.--Not later than September 1
of each of calendar years 2008 through 2011, the Secretary shall
determine for each State that submitted an application for a grant
under subsection (c) for the fiscal year beginning on September 30th of
that calendar year if the State and the counties of the State increased
the aggregate amount that the State and such counties expended
(excluding amounts from Federal sources) on public transportation
projects and services from the State's second fiscal year preceding
such September 1 to the State's first fiscal year preceding such
September 1, the amount of such increase, and the percentage of such
increase over the State's second preceding fiscal year.
``(e) Grants for Increased Public Transportation Funding.--
``(1) States with an increase of 10 percent or more.--
Subject to paragraph (2) and subsection (g)--
``(A) the Secretary shall make a grant for each of
fiscal years 2008 through 2011 to each State--
``(i) whose percentage increase, as
determined by the Secretary under subsection
(d) with respect to such fiscal year, in
expenditures for public transportation projects
and services over the preceding fiscal year of
the State was 10 percent or more; and
``(ii) whose aggregate expenditures for
such projects and services in the State's
preceding fiscal year was $1,000,000,000 or
less, as determined by the Secretary under
subsection (d).
``(B) the amount of the grant shall be equal to the
increase in the aggregate amount that the State and the
counties of the State expended (excluding amounts from
Federal sources) on public transportation projects and
services from the second preceding fiscal year of the
State to the first preceding fiscal year of the State,
as determined by the Secretary under subsection (d).
``(2) Large states with an increase of 1 percent or more.--
Subject to subsection (h), for each of fiscal years 2008
through 2011, the Secretary shall make a grant of $50,000,000
to each State--
``(A) whose percentage increase, as determined by
the Secretary under subsection (d) with respect to such
fiscal year, in expenditures for public transportation
projects and services over the preceding fiscal year of
the State was 1 percent or more; and
``(B) whose aggregate expenditures for such
projects and services in the State's preceding fiscal
year was more than $1,000,000,000, as determined by the
Secretary under subsection (d).
``(f) States Creating Flexible Transportation Funds.--
``(1) New dedicated source of revenue.--
``(A) In general.--Subject to subsection (g), for
each of fiscal years 2008 through 2011, the Secretary
shall make a grant of $10,000,000 to each State that
established in the first preceding fiscal year of the
State a dedicated source of revenue for carrying out
only public transportation projects and services that
the Secretary--
``(i) determines was not in effect in the
second preceding fiscal year of the State; and
``(ii) projects will result in an increase
of 10 percent in State funds available for
expenditure on such projects and services
within 2 years after the date of such
``(B) Dedicated source of revenues defined.--For
purposes of this paragraph, the term `dedicated source
of revenue' may include the dedication of a State motor
fuels tax or sales tax, interest on existing highway
funds, motor vehicle excise tax, tolls, loans to be
made out of highway funds, and such other sources of
revenue as the Secretary determines.
``(2) Unrestricted use of highway funds.--Subject to
subsection (h), for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2011, the
Secretary shall make a grant of $10,000,000 to each State that
in the preceding fiscal year of the State amended State law or
the State constitution to allow funds that were restricted for
highway purposes only to be used for public transportation
projects and services as well as highway purposes.
``(g) Limitation for States Eligibility for Multiple Grants.--If
the Secretary determines that a State is eligible for a grant under
more than one of subsections (e)(1), (e)(2), (f)(1), and (f)(2) for a
fiscal year, the Secretary may only make the grant to the State that is
for the greatest amount the State is eligible for under such
``(h) Use of Grants.--A State may obligate funds granted to it
under this section for any project or activity eligible for assistance
under title 23 or chapter 53.
``(i) Grant Requirements.--Except as otherwise provided in this
``(1) a grant under this section being used for a public
transportation project or activity shall be subject to all of
the terms and conditions to which a grant made under section
5307 is subject; and
``(2) a grant under this section being used for a highway
project or activity shall be subject to all of the terms and
conditions that would be applicable to such project or activity
if such project or activity were being carried out under title
23, United States Code.
``(j) Federal Share.--The Federal share of the cost of a project or
activity funded under this section shall be 100 percent.
``(k) Authorizations of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section for each of fiscal years 2008
through 2011 $250,000,000. Such sums shall remain available until
``(l) Program Evaluation.--Not later than 5 years after the date of
enactment of this section, the Secretary shall--
``(1) conduct a study to evaluate the pilot program
authorized by this section; and
``(2) submit to the Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the
Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the Senate a
report describing the results of the study.''.
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The analysis for such chapter is amended
by adding at the end the following:
``5341. Flexibility incentive grant pilot program''. | Directs the Secretary of Transportation to establish a flexibility incentive grant pilot program to encourage states to establish new sources of revenue for public transportation projects and services and to reward states for creating more flexibility in the use of their existing transportation funds.
Requires the Secretary to make a grant for FY2008-FY2011 to: (1) each state whose increase in expenditures for public transportation projects and services over the preceding fiscal year was 10% or more and aggregate expenditures for such projects and services was $1 billion or less; (2) each large state whose increase in expenditures for such projects and services over the preceding fiscal year was 1% or more and aggregate expenditures for such projects and services was more than $1 billion; (3) each state that established in the first preceding fiscal year a dedicated source of revenue (i.e., state motor fuels tax, sales tax, or other specified sources of revenue) for carrying out public transportation projects and services that was not in effect in the second preceding fiscal year and which will result in a 10% increase of state funds expended for such projects and services within two years after such implementation; and (4) each state that in the preceding fiscal year amended state law or the state constitution to allow restricted highway funds to also be used for public transportation projects and services. Sets forth certain grant eligibility requirements.
Directs the Secretary to conduct, and report to Congress on, a study to evaluate the pilot program. | 78 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Civil Rights History Project Act of
(a) Findings.--Congress finds as follows:
(1) A fundamental principle of American democracy is that
individuals should stand up for their rights and beliefs and
fight for justice.
(2) The actions of those who participated in the Civil
Rights movement from the 1950's through the 1960's are a
shining example of this principle in action, demonstrated in
events as varied as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the sit-ins,
the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington, the drive for
voting rights in Mississippi, and the March to Selma.
(3) While the Civil Rights movement had many visible
leaders, including Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., and Rosa Parks, there were many others whose impact and
experience were just as important to the cause but who are not
as well known.
(4) The participants in the Civil Rights movement possess
an invaluable resource in their first-hand memories of the
movement, and the recording of the retelling of their stories
and memories will provide a rich, detailed history of our
Nation during an important and tumultuous period.
(5) It is in the Nation's interest to undertake a project
to collect oral histories of individuals from the Civil Rights
movement so future generations will be able to learn of their
struggle and sacrifice through primary-source, eyewitness
material. A coordinated Federal project would also focus
attention on the efforts undertaken by various public and
private entities to collect and interpret articles in all
formats relating to the Civil Rights movement, and serve as a
model for future projects undertaken in museums, libraries, and
universities throughout the Nation.
(6) The Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution
are appropriate repositories to collect, preserve, and make
available to the public a collection of these oral histories.
The Library and Smithsonian have expertise in the management of
documentation projects, and experience in the development of
cultural and educational programs for the public.
(b) Purpose.--It is the purpose of this Act to create a new
federally sponsored, authorized, and funded project that will
coordinate at a national level the collection of video and audio
recordings of personal histories and testimonials of individuals who
participated in the American Civil Rights movement that will build upon
and complement previous and ongoing documentary work on this subject,
and to assist and encourage local efforts to preserve the memories of
such individuals so that Americans of all current and future
generations may hear from them directly and better appreciate the
sacrifices they made.
(a) Establishment of Project.--
(1) In general.--Within the limits of available funds, the
Librarian of Congress (hereafter referred to as the
``Librarian'') and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
(hereafter referred to as the ``Secretary)'', acting jointly,
shall establish an oral history project--
(A) to survey, during the initial phase of the
project, collections of audio and video recordings of
the reminiscences of participants in the Civil Rights
movement that are housed in archives, libraries,
museums, and other educational institutions, as well as
ongoing documentary work, in order to augment and
complement these endeavors and avoid duplication of
(B) to solicit, reproduce, and collect--
(i) video and audio recordings of personal
histories and testimonials of individuals who
participated in the Civil Rights movement, and
(ii) visual and written materials (such as
letters, diaries, photographs, and ephemera)
relevant to the personal histories of
(C) to create a collection of the recordings and
other materials obtained, and to catalog and index the
collection in a manner the Librarian and the Secretary
consider appropriate; and
(D) to make the collection available for public use
through the Library of Congress and the National Museum
of African American History and Culture, as well as
through such other methods as the Librarian and the
Secretary consider appropriate.
(2) Role of director of museum.--The Secretary shall carry
out the Secretary's duties under this Act through the Director
of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
(b) Use of and Consultation With Other Entities.--The Librarian and
the Secretary may carry out the activities described in subsection
(a)(1) through agreements and partnerships entered into with other
government and private entities, and may otherwise consult with
interested persons (within the limits of available resources) and
develop appropriate guidelines and arrangements for soliciting,
acquiring, and making available recordings under the project under this
(c) Services of Experts and Consultants; Acceptance of Volunteer
Services; Advance Payments.--In carrying out activities described in
subsection (a)(1), the Librarian and the Secretary may--
(1) procure temporary and intermittent services under
section 3109 of title 5, United States Code;
(2) accept and utilize the services of volunteers and other
uncompensated personnel and reimburse them for travel expenses,
including per diem, as authorized under section 5703 of title
5, United States Code; and
(3) make advances of money and payments in advance in
accordance with section 3324 of title 31, United States Code.
(d) Timing.--As soon as practicable after the enactment of this
Act, the Librarian and the Secretary shall begin collecting video and
audio recordings and other materials under subsection (a)(1), and shall
attempt to collect the first such recordings from the oldest
individuals involved.
(e) Definition.--In this Act, the term ``Civil Rights movement''
means the movement to secure racial equality in the United States for
African Americans that, focusing on the period 1954 through 1968,
challenged the practice of racial segregation in the Nation and
achieved equal rights legislation for all American citizens.
(a) Encouraging Solicitation and Acceptance of Donations.--The
Librarian of Congress and the Secretary are encouraged to solicit and
accept donations of funds and in-kind contributions to support
activities under section 3.
(b) Dedication of Funds Provided to Library of Congress.--
Notwithstanding any other provision of law--
(1) any funds donated to the Librarian of Congress to
support the activities of the Librarian under section 3 shall
be deposited entirely into an account established for such
(2) the funds contained in such account shall be used
solely to support such activities; and
(3) the Librarian of Congress may not deposit into such
account any funds donated to the Librarian which are not
donated for the exclusive purpose of supporting such
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act--
(1) $500,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
(2) such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal
years 2008 through 2011. | Civil Rights History Project Act of 2006 - Requires the Librarian of Congress and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (acting through the Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture) to establish an oral history project to: (1) collect video and audio recordings of, and visual and written materials relevant to the personal histories of, participants in the Civil Rights movement; and (2) make the collection available for public use through the Library of Congress and the Museum. | 79 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Citizen Involvement in Campaigns Act
of 2005''.
(a) In General.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to nonrefundable
personal credits) is amended by inserting after section 25B the
following new section:
``(a) In General.--In the case of an individual, there shall be
allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the
taxable year an amount equal to all qualified political contributions
paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year.
``(b) Limitations.--
``(1) Maximum credit.--The credit allowed by subsection (a)
shall not exceed $200 ($400 in the case of a joint return).
``(2) Verification.--The credit allowed by subsection (a)
shall be allowed with respect to any qualified political
contribution only if such contribution is verified in such
manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation.
``(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
``(1) Qualified political contribution.--The term
`qualified political contribution' means a contribution or gift
of money, or the fair market value of a contribution or gift of
property, to--
``(A) an individual who is a candidate for
nomination or election to any Federal elective public
office in any primary, general, or special election,
for use by such individual to further the candidacy of
the individual for nomination or election to such
office, or
``(B) the national committee of a national
political party.
``(2) Candidate.--The term `candidate' means, with respect
to any Federal elective public office, an individual who--
``(A) publicly announces before the close of the
calendar year following the calendar year in which the
political contribution is made that the individual is a
candidate for nomination or election to such office;
``(B) meets the qualifications prescribed by law to
hold such office.
``(3) National political party.--The term `national
political party' means--
``(A) in the case of qualified political
contributions made during a taxable year of the
taxpayer in which the electors of President and Vice
President are chosen, a political party presenting
candidates or electors for such offices on the official
election ballot of ten or more States; or
``(B) in the case of qualified political
contributions made during any other taxable year of the
taxpayer, a political party which met the
qualifications described in subparagraph (A) in the
last preceding election of a President and Vice
``(d) Election not to Have Section Apply.--A taxpayer may elect not
to have this section apply with respect to qualified political
contributions made during the taxable year.
``(e) Cross References.--
``For transfer of appreciated property to a political organization, see
section 84.
``For certain indirect contributions to political parties, see section
(b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart A of
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code (relating to
nonrefundable personal credits) is amended by inserting after the item
relating to section 25B the following new item:
``Sec. 25C. Credit for certain political contributions.''.
(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31 of the calendar year
in which this Act is enacted.
(a) In General.--Part VII of subchapter B of chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by redesignating section 224
as section 225 and by inserting after section 223 the following new
``(a) In General.--In the case of an individual, there shall be
allowed as a deduction for the taxable year an amount equal to the
qualified political contributions made by the taxpayer during the
taxable year.
``(b) Limitation.--The amount allowed as a deduction under
subsection (a) for the taxable year shall not exceed $600 ($1200 in the
case of a joint return).
``(c) Qualified Political Contribution.--For purposes of this
section, the term `qualified political contribution' shall have the
meaning given such term by section 25C(c)(1).
``(d) Denial of Double Benefit.--No deduction shall be allowed
under subsection (a) to a taxpayer for any qualified political
contribution made during the taxable year if a credit is allowed to
such taxpayer under section 25C for such year.''.
(b) Deduction Allowed Whether or not Taxpayer Itemizes Other
Deductions.--Subsection (a) of section 62 of such Code is amended by
inserting before the last sentence at the end the following new
``(21) Qualified political contributions.--The deduction
allowed by section 224.''.
(c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part VII of
subchapter B of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by redesignating the
item relating to section 224 as an item relating to section 225 and by
inserting before such item the following new item:
``Sec. 224. Political contributions.''.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31 of the calendar year
in which this Act is enacted. | Citizen Involvement in Campaigns Act of 2005 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow: (1) a $200 tax credit ($400 for joint returns) for contributions to a candidate for Federal elective public office or to the national committee of a national political party; and (2) a tax deduction (available to taxpayers who do not itemize deductions) for such political contributions up to $600 ($1,200 for joint returns). | 80 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Community Pharmacy Fairness Act of
(a) In General.--Any independent pharmacies who are engaged in
negotiations with a health plan regarding the terms of any contract
under which the pharmacies provide health care items or services for
which benefits are provided under such plan shall, in connection with
such negotiations, be entitled to the same treatment under the
antitrust laws as the treatment to which bargaining units which are
recognized under the National Labor Relations Act are entitled in
connection with activities described in section 7 of such Act. Such a
pharmacy shall, only in connection with such negotiations, be treated
as an employee engaged in concerted activities and shall not be
regarded as having the status of an employer, independent contractor,
managerial employee, or supervisor.
(b) Protection for Good Faith Actions.--Actions taken in good faith
reliance on subsection (a) shall not be the subject under the antitrust
laws of criminal sanctions nor of any civil damages, fees, or penalties
beyond actual damages incurred.
(c) No Change in National Labor Relations Act.--This section
applies only to independent pharmacies excluded from the National Labor
Relations Act. Nothing in this section shall be construed as changing
or amending any provision of the National Labor Relations Act, or as
affecting the status of any group of persons under that Act.
(d) Effective Date.--The exemption provided in subsection (a) shall
apply to conduct occurring beginning on the date of the enactment of
this Act.
(e) Limitations on Exemption.--Nothing in this section shall exempt
from the application of the antitrust laws any agreement or otherwise
unlawful conspiracy that--
(1) would have the effect of boycotting any independent
pharmacy or group of independent pharmacies, or would exclude,
limit the participation or reimbursement of, or otherwise limit
the scope of services to be provided by, any independent
pharmacy or group of independent pharmacies with respect to the
performance of services that are within the scope of practice
as defined or permitted by relevant law or regulation;
(2) allocates a market among competitors;
(3) unlawfully ties the sale or purchase of one product or
service to the sale or purchase of another product or service;
(4) monopolizes or attempts to monopolize a market.
(f) Limitation Based on Market Share of Group.--This section shall
not apply with respect to the negotiations of any group of independent
pharmacies with a health plan regarding the terms of any contract under
which such pharmacies provide health care items or services for which
benefits are provided under such plan in a PDP region (as defined in
subsection (j)(4)) if the number of pharmacy licenses of such
pharmacies within such group in such region exceeds 25 percent of the
total number of pharmacy licenses issued to all retail pharmacies
(including both independent and other pharmacies) in such region.
(g) No Effect on Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964.--Nothing in
this section shall be construed to affect the application of title VI
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(h) No Application to Specified Federal Programs.--Nothing in this
section shall apply to negotiations between independent pharmacies and
health plans pertaining to benefits provided under any of the
(1) The Medicaid Program under title XIX of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.).
(2) The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
under title XXI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397aa et
(3) Chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code (relating to
medical and dental care for members of the uniformed services).
(4) Chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code (relating to
Veterans' medical care).
(5) Chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code (relating to
the Federal employees' health benefits program).
(6) The Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1601
et seq.).
(i) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
(1) Antitrust laws.--The term ``antitrust laws''--
(A) has the meaning given it in subsection (a) of
the first section of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12(a)),
except that such term includes section 5 of the Federal
Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the extent such
section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition; and
(B) includes any State law similar to the laws
referred to in subparagraph (A).
(2) Health plan and related terms.--
(A) In general.--The term ``health plan''--
(i) means a group health plan or a health
insurance issuer that is offering health
insurance coverage;
(ii) includes any entity that contracts
with such a plan or issuer for the
administering of services under the plan or
coverage; and
(iii) includes a prescription drug plan
offered under part D of title XVIII of the
Social Security Act and a Medicare Advantage
plan offered under part C of such title.
(B) Health insurance coverage; health insurance
issuer.--The terms ``health insurance coverage'' and
``health insurance issuer'' have the meanings given
such terms under paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively,
of section 733(b) of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1191b(b)).
(C) Group health plan.--The term ``group health
plan'' has the meaning given that term in section
733(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1191b(a)(1)).
(3) Independent pharmacy.--The term ``independent
pharmacy'' means a pharmacy that has a market share of--
(A) less than 10 percent in any PDP region; and
(B) less than 1 percent in the United States.
For purposes of the preceding sentence, all pharmacies that are
members of the same controlled group of corporations (within
the meaning of section 267(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986) and all pharmacies under common control (within the
meaning of section 52(b) of such Code but determined by
treating an interest of more than 50 percent as a controlling
interest) shall be treated as 1 pharmacy.
(4) PDP region.--The term ``PDP region'' has the meaning
given such term in section 1860D-11(a)(2) of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-111(a)(2)).
(j) 5-Year Sunset.--The exemption provided in subsection (a) shall
only apply to conduct occurring during the 5-year period beginning on
the date of the enactment of this Act and shall continue to apply for 1
year after the end of such period to contracts entered into before the
end of such period.
(k) General Accountability Office Study and Report.--The
Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a study on the
impact of enactment of this section during the 6-month period beginning
with the 5th year of the 5-year period described in subsection (j). Not
later than the end of such 6-month period, the Comptroller General
shall submit to Congress a report on such study and shall include in
the report such recommendations on the extension of this section (and
changes that should be made in making such extension) as the
Comptroller General deems appropriate.
(l) Oversight.--Nothing in this section shall preclude the Federal
Trade Commission or the Department of Justice from overseeing the
conduct of independent pharmacies covered under this section. | Community Pharmacy Fairness Act of 2009 - Entitles independent pharmacies negotiating contract terms with a health plan for the provision of health care items or services to the same treatment under the antitrust laws as the treatment to which bargaining units recognized under the National Labor Relations Act are entitled. Treats such a pharmacy as an employee engaged in concerted activities in connection with such negotiations.
Exempts actions taken in good faith reliance on this Act from being subject to criminal sanctions or civil penalties beyond actual damages incurred.
Provides that this Act does not exempt from application of antitrust laws any agreement or unlawful conspiracy that: (1) would have the effect of boycotting any independent pharmacy; (2) would exclude, limit the participation or reimbursement of, or otherwise limit the scope of services to be provided by any independent pharmacy or group of independent pharmacies with respect to the performance of services that are within their scope of practice as defined or permitted by relevant law or regulation; (3) allocates a market among competitors; (4) unlawfully ties the sale or purchase of one product or service to the sale or purchase of another product or service; or (5) monopolizes or attempts to monopolize a market.
Requires the Comptroller General to study the impact of this Act after five years.
Provides that this Act does not preclude the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Department of Justice (DOJ) from overseeing the conduct of independent pharmacies covered under this Act. | 81 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Nurses for Under-Resourced Schools
Everywhere Act'' or the ``NURSE Act''.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The National Association of School Nurses identifies
schools as primary locations to address student health issues,
since a school nurse is the health care provider that many
students see on the most regular basis.
(2) The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasizes the
crucial role of school nurses in the seamless provision of
comprehensive health services to children and youth, as well as
in the development of a coordinated school health program.
(3) The school nurse functions as a leader and the
coordinator of the school health services team, facilitating
access to a medical home for each child and supporting academic
(4) School nurses promote wellness and disease prevention
to improve health outcomes for our Nation's children. In
addition, school nurses perform early intervention services
such as periodic assessments for vision, hearing, and dental
problems, in an effort to remove barriers to learning.
(5) The American Federation of Teachers has called for a
nurse in every school, as nurses are front-line workers that
address an array of health needs and their presence in a school
can help to improve student learning.
(6) National data indicate only 45 percent of public
schools have a school nurse all day, every day, while another
30 percent of schools have a school nurse who only works part-
time in one or more schools.
(7) The National Association of School Nurses has reported
that medication administration to students is one of the most
common health-related activities performed in school. As more
chronically ill and medically unstable children enter the
school system each year, the medical factors that promote and
support their academic success increase, including the need for
medications that enhance overall health or stabilize chronic
(8) Statistics from the National Center for Education
Statistics indicate that 15 to 18 percent of the 52,000,000
students who currently spend their day in school have a chronic
health condition.
(9) According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,
students today face increased social and emotional issues,
which enhance the need for preventive services and
interventions for acute and chronic health issues. School
nurses are actively engaged members of school-based mental
health teams and spend nearly 32 percent of their time
providing mental health services, including universal and
targeted interventions, screenings to identify early warning
signs and provide referrals to medical providers, and crisis
(10) In 2013, the Bureau of the Census reported 7.6 percent
of children under the age of 19, which equals 78,000,000
children under the age of 19, were without health insurance.
Data show that uninsured children achieve lower educational
outcomes than those with health coverage. Children who cannot
afford to see a medical provider miss more days of school,
experience increased severity of illness, and suffer from
disparities in health.
(11) More than 1,600,000 children experience homelessness
each year in the United States. Homeless children develop
increased rates of acute and chronic health conditions, and the
stress of their living situation can negatively affect their
development and ability to learn. As a result, schools have
become the primary access to health care for many children and
adolescents. School nurses serve on the front lines as a safety
net for the Nation's most vulnerable children.
(12) Communicable and infectious diseases account for
millions of school days lost each year. Data illustrate that
when students have access to a registered nurse in school,
immunization rates increase.
(13) A 2011 study showed that a school nurse in the
building saves principals, teachers, and clerical staff a
considerable amount of time that they would have spent
addressing health concerns of students, including saving
principals almost an hour a day, saving teachers almost 20
minutes a day, and saving clerical staff more than 45 minutes a
day. This would amount to a savings of about 13 hours per day
in the aggregate for such school personnel.
(a) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) ESEA terms.--The terms ``elementary school'', ``local
educational agency'', ``secondary school'', and ``State
educational agency'' have the meanings given to the terms in
section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
(2) Acuity.--The term ``acuity'', when used with respect to
a level, means the level of a patient's sickness, such as a
chronic condition, which influences the need for nursing care.
(3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' means--
(A) a local educational agency in which not less
than 20 percent of the children are eligible to
participate in the school lunch program established
under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act
(42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.);
(B) a consortium of local educational agencies
described in subparagraph (A); or
(C) a State educational agency in consortium with
local educational agencies described in subparagraph
(4) High-need local educational agency.--The term ``high-
need local educational agency'' means a local educational
agency described in paragraph (3)(A)--
(A) that serves not fewer than 15,000 children who
are eligible to participate in the program described in
such paragraph; or
(B) for which not less than 40 percent of the
children served by the agency are eligible to
participate in the program described in such paragraph.
(5) Nurse.--The term ``nurse'' means a registered nurse, as
defined under State law.
(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of Education.
(7) Workload.--The term ``workload'', when used with
respect to a nurse, means the amount of time the nurse takes to
provide care and complete the other tasks for which the nurse
is responsible.
(b) Demonstration Grant Program Authorized.--
(1) In general.--From amounts appropriated to carry out
this section, the Secretary of Education shall award
demonstration grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible
entities to pay the Federal share of the costs of increasing
the number of school nurses in the public elementary schools
and secondary schools served by the eligible entity, which may
include hiring a school nurse to serve schools in multiple
school districts.
(2) SEAs.--In the case of an eligible entity described in
subsection (a)(3)(C) that receives a grant under paragraph (1),
such entity shall use amounts received under the grant to award
subgrants to the local education agencies that are members of
the entity, and reserve not more than 10 percent of such grant
funds to support statewide activities to meet a variety of
health needs, which may include hiring a nurse to provide
training and technical assistance to schools statewide that
meet the criteria established in subsection (d)(2)(A).
(c) Applications.--
(1) In general.--An eligible entity desiring a grant under
this section shall submit to the Secretary an application at
such time, in such manner, and containing such information as
the Secretary may require.
(2) Contents.--Each application submitted under paragraph
(1) shall include information with respect to the current (as
of the date of application) number of school nurses, student
health acuity levels, and workload of school nurses in each of
the public elementary schools and secondary schools served by
the eligible entity.
(d) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary
shall give priority to each application submitted by an eligible entity
(1) is a high-need local educational agency, a consortium
composed of high-need local education agencies, or a State
educational agency in consortium with high-need local education
agencies; and
(2) demonstrates--
(A) the greatest need for new or additional nursing
services among students in the public elementary
schools and secondary schools served by the agency or
consortium; or
(B) that the eligible entity does not have a school
nurse in any of the public elementary schools and
secondary schools served by the local education agency
or the consortium-member local education agencies.
(e) Federal Share; Non-Federal Share.--
(1) Federal share.--The Federal share of a grant under this
(A) shall not exceed 75 percent for each year of
the grant; and
(B) in the case of a multiyear grant, shall
decrease for each succeeding year of the grant, in
order to ensure the continuity of the increased hiring
level of school nurses using State or local sources of
funding following the conclusion of the grant.
(2) Non-federal share.--The non-Federal share of a grant
under this section may be in cash or in kind, and may be
provided from State resources, local resources, contributions
from private organizations, or a combination thereof.
(3) Waiver.--The Secretary may waive or reduce the non-
Federal share of an eligible entity receiving a grant under
this section if the eligible entity demonstrates an economic
(f) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date on which a grant
is first made to a local educational agency under this section, the
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the
demonstration grant program carried out under this section, including
an evaluation of--
(1) the effectiveness of the program in increasing the
number of school nurses; and
(2) the impact of any resulting enhanced health of students
on learning, such as academic achievement, attendance, and
classroom time.
(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary
for each of fiscal years 2017 through 2021. | Nurses for Under-Resourced Schools Everywhere Act or the NURSE Act This bill establishes a competitive demonstration grant program through which the Department of Education (ED) shall award matching funds to increase the number of school nurses in public elementary and secondary schools served by an eligible entity. An eligible entity is a state educational agency or local educational agency (LEA) in which at least 20% of students are eligible to participate in the school lunch program. In awarding grant funds, ED shall give priority to high-need LEAs that demonstrate the greatest need for new or additional nursing services. A high-need LEA is one in which at least 40% and no fewer than 15,000 students are eligible to participate in the school lunch program. | 82 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Domestic Energy Promotion Act of
(a) Excise Tax Credit.--
(1) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 6426(b)(2) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--
(A) by striking ``and'' at the end of clause (i),
(B) by inserting ``and before 2012'' after ``2008''
in clause (ii),
(C) by striking the period at the end of clause
(ii) and inserting ``, and'', and
(D) by adding at the end the following new clauses:
``(iii) in the case of calendar year 2012,
20 cents,
``(iv) in the case of calendar year 2013,
15 cents, and
``(v) in the case of calendar quarters
beginning after 2013, the applicable rate
determined in accordance with the following
``If the average price of crude oil The applicable rate for
during the preceding calendar the calendar quarter is:
quarter is:
Not more than $50/barrel........................... 30 cents
More than $50 but not more than $60/barrel......... 24 cents
More than $60 but not more than $70/barrel......... 18 cents
More than $70 but not more than $80/barrel......... 12 cents
More than $80 but not more than $90/barrel......... 6 cents
More than $90/barrel............................... 0 cents.
For purposes of the preceding table, the
average price of crude oil for any calendar
quarter shall be the average 3-month futures
price on the New York Mercantile Exchange for
light sweet crude oil for such calendar
(2) Extension of tax credit or payment.--Sections
6426(b)(6) and 6427(e)(6)(A) of such Code are each amended by
striking ``2011'' and inserting ``2016''.
(b) Income Tax Credit.--
(1) In general.--The table contained in section 40(h)(2) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--
(A) by striking ``calendar year'' in the heading
for the first column,
(B) by inserting ``Calendar year'' before ``2001'',
(C) by inserting ``Calendar year'' before ``2003'',
(D) by inserting ``Calendar year'' before ``2005'',
(E) by inserting ``Calendar years'' before
(F) by striking the period at the end of the table,
(G) by adding at the end the following:
``Calendar year 2012...................... 20 cents 14.8 cents
Calendar year 2013........................ 15 cents 11.1 cents
Any calendar quarter beginning after 2013 1st 2d applicable rate.''.
and before 2017. applicable
(2) Applicable rates.--Paragraph (3) of section 40(h) of
such Code is amended to read as follows:
``(3) Applicable rates.--For purposes of this subsection,
the 1st applicable rate and the 2d applicable rate shall be
determined in accordance with the following table:
The 1st
``If the average price of crude oil during applicable rate The 2d applicable rate for the calendar quarter
the preceding calendar quarter is: for the calendar is:
quarter is:
Not more than $50/barrel................... 30 cents 22.20 cents
More than $50 but not more than $60/barrel. 24 cents 17.76 cents
More than $60 but not more than $70/barrel. 18 cents 13.33 cents
More than $70 but not more than $80/barrel. 12 cents 8.88 cents
More than $80 but not more than $90/barrel. 6 cents 4.44 cents
More than $90/barrel....................... 0 cents 0 cents.
For purposes of the preceding table, the average price of crude
oil for any calendar quarter shall be the average 3-month
futures price on the New York Mercantile Exchange for light
sweet crude oil for such calendar quarter.''.
(3) Extension of tax credit.--Section 40 of such Code is
(A) by striking ``2011'' in subsection (e)(1)(A)
and inserting ``2016'',
(B) by striking ``2012'' in subsection (e)(1)(B)
and inserting ``2017'', and
(C) by striking ``2011'' in subsection (h)(1) and
inserting ``2016''.
(c) Repeal of Deadwood.--Section 6426(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 is amended by striking subparagraph (C).
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to any sale, use, or removal for any period after the date of the
enactment of the Act.
(a) In General.--Section 40(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 is amended by striking subparagraph (H).
(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 40(e) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 is amended by striking paragraph (3).
(a) Extension for Ethanol Refueling Property.--Subsection (g) of
section 30C of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--
(1) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (1),
(2) by striking the second period at the end of paragraph
(3) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3), and
(4) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new
``(2) in the case of property relating to fuel described in
subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii), after December 31, 2016, and''.
(b) Only Certain Ethanol Blends Eligible for Credit.--Subparagraph
(A) of section 30C(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is
amended to read as follows:
``(A) Any fuel--
``(i) at least 85 percent of the volume of
which consists of one or more of the following:
natural gas, compressed natural gas, liquified
natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or
hydrogen, or
``(ii) at least 85 percent of the volume of
which consists of--
``(I) ethanol, or
``(II) ethanol and one or more of
the fuels described in clause (i), but
only if at least 20 percent and not
more than 85 percent of the volume of
such fuel consists of ethanol.''.
(c) Credit for Dual-Use Refueling Property.--Subsection (e) of
section 30C of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding
at the end the following new paragraph:
``(6) Dual-use refueling property.--
``(A) In general.--In the case of any dual-use
refueling property, 100 percent of the cost of such
property shall be treated as qualified alternative fuel
refueling property if the taxpayer certifies, in such
time and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe, that
such property will be used in more than a de minimis
capacity for the purposes described in section
179A(d)(3)(A) (applied as specified in subsection
``(B) Recapture.--If at any time within 5 years
after the date of the certification under subparagraph
(A) the dual-use refueling property ceases to be used
as required under such subparagraph, 100 percent of the
cost of such property shall be subject to recapture
under paragraph (5).
``(C) Dual-use refueling property.--For purposes of
this paragraph, the term `dual-use refueling property'
means property that is both qualified alternative fuel
vehicle refueling property and property used--
``(i) to store or dispense fuels not
described in subsection (c)(2), or
``(ii) to store fuels described in
subsection (c)(2) for any purpose other than
delivery of such fuel into the fuel tank of a
motor vehicle.''.
(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall
apply to property placed in service after December 31, 2011.
Subparagraph (D) of section 168(l)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 is amended by striking ``January 1, 2013'' and inserting
``January 1, 2017''.
(a) Calendar Year 2012.--
(1) In general.--Heading 9901.00.50 of the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended--
(A) by striking ``14.27 cents'' and inserting
``5.28 cents'' in the column 1 general rate of duty and
in the column 2 rate of duty; and
(B) by striking ``Before 1/1/2012'' and inserting
``Before 1/1/2013''.
(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by paragraph (1)
shall take effect on January 1, 2012.
(b) Calendar Years 2013 Through 2016.--
(1) In general.--Heading 9901.00.50 of the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended--
(A) by striking ``5.28 cents'' and inserting
``3.96 cents'' in the column 1 general rate of duty and
in the column 2 rate of duty; and
(B) by striking ``Before 1/1/2013'' and inserting
``Before 1/1/2017''.
(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by paragraph (1)
shall take effect on January 1, 2013. | Domestic Energy Promotion Act of 2011 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) reduce the volumetric ethanol excise tax credit (VEETC) to 20 cents per gallon in 2012 and 15 cents per gallon in 2013; (2) link the amount of such credit to the price of crude oil for calendar quarters beginning after 2013; (3) modify the rates of the income tax credit for alcohol used as fuel and extend such credit through 2016; and (4) extend through 2016 the alternative fuel refueling property tax credit, the cellulosic producers' tax credit, and the special depreciation allowance for cellulosic biofuel plant property.
Amends the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to reduce by specified amounts through 2016 the additional duties on ethyl alcohol blends (ethanol) used as fuel. | 83 |
This Act may be cited as the ``George C. Marshall Commemorative
Coin Act''.
(a) Denominations.--The Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in
this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall mint and issue the
following coins in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the
Marshall Plan and George Catlett Marshall:
(1) One dollar silver coins.--Not more than 700,000 one
dollar coins, each of which shall--
(A) weigh 26.73 grams;
(B) have a diameter of 1.500 inches; and
(C) contain 90 percent silver and 10 percent
(2) Half dollar clad coins.--Not more than 500,000 half
dollar coins each of which shall--
(A) weigh 11.34 grams;
(B) have a diameter of 1.205 inches; and
(C) be minted to the specifications for half dollar
coins contained in section 5112(b) of title 31, United
States Code.
(b) Legal Tender.--The coins minted under this Act shall be legal
tender, as provided in section 5103 of title 31, United States Code.
(c) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of section 5134 of title 31,
United States Code, all coins minted under this Act shall be considered
to be numismatic items.
The Secretary shall obtain silver for minting coins under this Act
only from stockpiles established under the Strategic and Critical
Materials Stock Piling Act.
(a) Design Requirements.--
(1) In general.--The design of the coins minted under this
Act shall be emblematic of the 50th anniversary of the Marshall
Plan, which gave Europe's war-ravaged countries the economic
strength by which they might choose freedom, and George C.
Marshall, the author of the plan.
(2) Designation and inscriptions.--On each coin minted
under this Act there shall be--
(A) a designation of the value of the coin;
(B) an inscription of the year ``1997''; and
(C) inscriptions of the words ``Liberty'', ``In God
We Trust'', ``United States of America'', and ``E
Pluribus Unum''.
(3) Obverse side.--The obverse side of each coin minted
under this Act shall bear the likeness of George C. Marshall.
(b) Selection.--The design for the coins minted under this Act
shall be--
(1) selected by the Secretary after consultation with the
George C. Marshall Foundation, the Friends of George C.
Marshall, and the Commission of Fine Arts; and
(2) reviewed by the Citizens Commemorative Coin Advisory
(a) Quality of Coins.--Coins minted under this Act shall be issued
in uncirculated and proof qualities.
(b) Mint Facility.--Only 1 facility of the United States Mint may
be used to strike any particular combination of denomination and
quality of the coins minted under this Act.
(c) Commencement of Issuance.--The Secretary may issue coins minted
under this Act beginning January 1, 1997.
(d) Termination of Minting Authority.--No coins may be minted under
this Act after December 31, 1997.
(a) Sale Price.--The coins issued under this Act shall be sold by
the Secretary at a price equal to the sum of--
(1) the face value of the coins;
(2) the surcharge provided in subsection (d) with respect
to such coins; and
(3) the cost of designing and issuing the coins (including
labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, overhead expenses,
marketing, and shipping).
(b) Bulk Sales.--The Secretary shall make bulk sales of the coins
issued under this Act at a reasonable discount.
(c) Prepaid Orders.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall accept prepaid orders
for the coins minted under this Act before the issuance of such
(2) Discount.--Sale prices with respect to prepaid orders
under paragraph (1) shall be at a reasonable discount.
(d) Surcharges.--All sales shall include a surcharge of--
(1) $12 per coin for the one dollar coin; and
(2) $4 per coin for the half dollar coin.
(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), no provision
of law governing procurement or public contracts shall be applicable to
the procurement of goods and services necessary for carrying out the
provisions of this Act.
(b) Equal Employment Opportunity.--Subsection (a) shall not relieve
any person entering into a contract under the authority of this Act
from complying with any law relating to equal employment opportunity.
(a) In General.--All surcharges received by the Secretary from the
sale of coins issued under this Act shall be promptly paid by the
Secretary in equal portions to--
(1) the George C. Marshall Foundation for the purpose of
supporting the Foundation's educational and outreach programs
to promote the ideals and values of George C. Marshall; and
(2) the Friends of George C. Marshall for the sole purpose
of constructing and operating the George C. Marshall Memorial
and Visitor Center in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
(b) Audits.--The Comptroller General of the United States shall
have the right to examine such books, records, documents, and other
data of the George C. Marshall Foundation and the Friends of George C.
Marshall as may be related to the expenditures of amounts paid under
subsection (a).
(a) No Net Cost to the Government.--The Secretary shall take such
actions as may be necessary to ensure that minting and issuing coins
under this Act will not result in any net cost to the United States
(b) Payment for Coins.--A coin shall not be issued under this Act
unless the Secretary has received--
(1) full payment for the coin;
(2) security satisfactory to the Secretary to indemnify the
United States for full payment; or
(3) a guarantee of full payment satisfactory to the
Secretary from a depository institution whose deposits are
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the
National Credit Union Administration. | George C. Marshall Commemorative Coin Act - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to mint and issue one-dollar silver coins and half-dollar clad coins in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Marshall Plan and George Catlett Marshall.
Mandates that coin sale surcharges be paid equally to: (1) the George C. Marshall Foundation; and (2) the Friends of George C. Marshall for construction and operation of the George C. Marshall Memorial and Visitor Center in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. | 84 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Church Insurance Protection Act''.
It is the sense of the Congress that--
(1) any arson attacks against churches should be condemned;
(2) houses of worship and their congregations should be
held harmless for any acts of arson and insurance companies
should be prohibited from taking punitive measures against the
churches and congregations because of the occurrence of such
An insurer may not cancel or decline to renew any coverage for fire
insurance for a religious property based on--
(1) the race, color, religion, or national origin of the
members of the congregation for, members of, or participants
in, the religious organization or gathering that uses the
property (or the predominant number of such members or
(2) the status of the property as a religious property;
(3) any previous occurrence of arson against the property;
(4) any threat or perceived threat of arson against the
An insurer may not require, as a condition of coverage for fire
insurance for a religious property, that the insured pay a premium or
contribution which is greater than the premium or contribution for
similar coverage for a similarly situated property, solely on the basis
(1) the race, color, religion, or national origin of the
members of the congregation for, members of, or participants
in, the religious organization or gathering that uses the
property (or the predominant number of such members or
(2) the status of the property as a religious property;
(3) any previous occurrence of arson against the property;
(4) any threat or perceived threat of arson against the
(a) In General.--The authority and responsibility for investigating
violations of this Act and for enforcing this Act shall be in the
Attorney General.
(b) Complaints.--The Attorney General shall provide for persons
aggrieved under this Act to file complaints with the Attorney General
alleging violations of this Act and shall investigate such complaints
to determine whether the violations have occurred.
(c) Monitoring Compliance.--The Attorney General may, on the
Attorney General's own initiative, take such actions as the Attorney
General considers appropriate to investigate and determine compliance
with this Act.
(a) Cause of Action.--Whenever the Attorney General has reasonable
cause to believe that a violation of this Act has occurred and judicial
action is necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, the Attorney
General may commence a civil action in any appropriate United States
district court.
(b) Relief.--In addition to other appropriate relief which may be
granted in a civil action, the court in a civil action under subsection
(1) may award such preventive relief, including a permanent
or temporary injunction, restraining order, or other order
against the person responsible for a violation of this Act as
is necessary to ensure the full enjoyment of rights granted by
this Act (including an order of specific performance of any
contract for insurance coverage); and
(2) shall assess a civil penalty against the person
determined to violate this Act in an amount of--
(A) $50,000, for a first violation;
(B) $250,000, for a second violation; and
(C) $500,000, for a third or subsequent violation.
For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Coverage for fire insurance.--The term ``coverage for
fire insurance'' means any property and casualty insurance
coverage that includes insurance against losses, damages,
expenses, and liabilities caused by fires. The term includes
coverage under a policy for only the line of insurance for
losses from fires and coverage for such fire losses under a
policy that includes the fire line of insurance together with
other lines.
(2) Insurer.--The term ``insurer'' means any corporation,
association, society, order, firm, company, mutual,
partnership, individual, aggregation of individuals, or other
legal entity that is authorized to transact the business of
property or casualty insurance in any State or that is engaged
in a property or casualty insurance business.
(3) Religious property.--The term ``religious property''
means any church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious
property, and includes any buildings and support structures
used primarily for worship and related activities. | Church Insurance Protection Act - Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) any arson attacks against churches should be condemned; and (2) houses of worship and their congregations should be held harmless for any acts of arson and insurance companies should be prohibited from taking punitive measures against them because of such acts.
Prohibits an insurer from canceling, declining to renew, or requiring a higher premium or contribution for fire insurance for a religious property based on: (1) the race, color, religion, or national origin of property users; (2) the status of the property as religious property; (3) any previous arson against the property; or (4) any perceived arson threat. Places authority and responsibility for investigating violations of, and enforcing, this Act in the Attorney General. Authorizes the Attorney General to begin a civil action. Authorizes preventive relief and mandates civil monetary damages. | 85 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Jean Lafitte National Historical
Park and Preserve Boundary Adjustment Act of 2006''.
(a) In General.--Section 901 of the National Parks and Recreation
Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 230) is amended in the second sentence by
striking ``twenty thousand acres generally depicted on the map entitled
`Barataria Marsh Unit-Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and
Preserve' numbered 90,000B and dated April 1978,'' and inserting
``23,000 acres generally depicted on the map titled `Boundary Map,
Barataria Preserve Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and
Preserve', numbered 467/80100, and dated August 2002,''.
(b) Acquisition of Land.--Section 902 of the National Parks and
Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 230a) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)--
(A) by striking ``(a) Within the'' and all that
follows through the first sentence and inserting the
``(a) In General.--
``(1) Barataria preserve unit.--
``(A) In general.--The Secretary may acquire any
land, water, and interests in land and water within the
boundary of the Barataria Preserve Unit, as depicted on
the map described in section 901, by donation, purchase
with donated or appropriated funds, but only with the
consent of the owner, transfer from any other Federal
agency, or exchange.
``(B) Limitations.--
``(I) Federal land.--Any Federal land
acquired in the areas identified on the map as
the `Bayou aux Carpes Addition' and `CIT Tract
Addition' (the `Areas') shall be transferred
without consideration to the administrative
jurisdiction of the National Park Service.
``(II) Easements.--Any Federal land in the
Areas that is transferred under clause (I)
shall be subject to any easements that have
been agreed to by the Secretary and the
Secretary of the Army.
``(III) Private interests.--Any private
land, water, or interests in land and water in
the Barataria Preserve Unit may be acquired by
the Secretary only with the consent of the
(B) in the second sentence, by striking ``The
Secretary may also'' and inserting the following:
``(2) French quarter.--The Secretary may'';
(C) in the third sentence, by striking ``Lands,
waters, and interests therein'' and inserting the
``(3) Acquisition of state land.--Land, water, and
interests in land and water''; and
(D) in the fourth sentence, by striking ``In
acquiring'' and inserting the following:
``(4) Acquisition of oil and gas rights.--In acquiring'';
(2) by striking subsections (b) through (f) and inserting
the following:
``(b) Resource Protection.--With respect to the land, water, and
interests in land and water of the Barataria Preserve Unit, the
Secretary shall preserve and protect--
``(1) fresh water drainage patterns;
``(2) vegetative cover;
``(3) the integrity of ecological and biological systems;
``(4) water and air quality.''; and
(3) by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (c).
(c) Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping.--Section 905 of the National
Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 230d) is amended in the
first sentence--
(1) by inserting after ``Barataria Marsh Unit'' ``, but
only as to land, water, or interests in land and water managed
by the Secretary''; and
(2) by striking ``within the core area'' and all that
follows through ``he may'' and inserting ``the Secretary may''.
(d) Administration.--Section 906 of the National Parks and
Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 230e) is amended--
(1) by striking the first sentence; and
(2) in the second sentence, by striking ``Pending such
establishment and thereafter the'' and inserting ``The''.
(a) In General.--Any reference in a law (including regulations),
map, document, paper, or other record of the United States--
(1) to the Barataria Marsh Unit shall be considered to be a
reference to the Barataria Preserve Unit; or
(2) to the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park shall be
considered to be a reference to the Jean Lafitte National
Historical Park and Preserve.
(b) Conforming Amendments.--Title IX of the National Parks and
Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 230 et seq.) is amended--
(1) by striking ``Barataria Marsh Unit'' each place it
appears and inserting ``Barataria Preserve Unit''; and
(2) by striking ``Jean Lafitte National Historical Park''
each place it appears and inserting ``Jean Lafitte National
Historical Park and Preserve''.
Passed the House of Representatives September 25, 2006.
Clerk. | Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Boundary Adjustment Act of 2006 - Amends the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 to: (1) adjust the boundary of the Barataria Preserve Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in Louisiana by increasing the acreage limitation; and (2) authorize the Secretary of the Interior (the Secretary) to acquire any such additional land, water, and interests in land and water by donation, purchase (but only with the owner's consent), transfer from any other federal agency, or exchange.
Requires, with respect to the Bayou aux Carpes Addition and the CIT Tract Addition, any federal land acquired in such Additions to: (1) be transferred without consideration to the administrative jurisdiction of the National Park Service; and (2) any federal land in the Additions that is transferred, be subject to any easements that have been agreed to by the Secretary and the Secretary of the Army. Permits the acquisition of any private land, water, or interests in land and water in the Unit only with the owner's consent.
Modifies and/or eliminates certain provisions related to the acquisition of property within the Unit.
Permits hunting, fishing, and trapping within the Unit, but only as to land, water, or interests in land and water managed by the Secretary. Continues to provide for the designation of zones where, and established periods when, no hunting, fishing, or trapping shall be permitted except for public safety reasons. | 86 |
Any ADR used to resolve a health care liability action or claim
shall contain provisions relating to statute of limitations,
noneconomic damages, joint and several liability, punitive damages,
collateral source rule, periodic payments, and award of attorney's fees
which are consistent with the provisions relating to such matters in
this Act.
As used in this Act:
(1) Actual damages.--The term ``actual damages'' means
damages awarded to pay for economic loss.
(2) ADR.--The term ``ADR'' means an alternative dispute
resolution system established under Federal or State law that
provides for the resolution of health care liability claims in
a manner other than through health care liability actions.
(3) Claimant.--The term ``claimant'' means any person who
brings a health care liability action and any person on whose
behalf such an action is brought. If such action is brought
through or on behalf of an estate, the term includes the
claimant's decedent. If such action is brought through or on
behalf of a minor or incompetent, the term includes the
claimant's legal guardian.
(4) Clear and convincing evidence.--The term ``clear and
convincing evidence'' is that measure or degree of proof that
will produce in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or
conviction as to the truth of the allegations sought to be
established. Such measure or degree of proof is more than that
required under preponderance of the evidence but less than that
required for proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
(5) Collateral source payments.--The term ``collateral
source payments'' means any amount paid or reasonably likely to
be paid in the future to or on behalf of a claimant, or any
service, product, or other benefit provided or reasonably
likely to be provided in the future to or on behalf of a
claimant, as a result of an injury or wrongful death, pursuant
(A) any State or Federal health, sickness, income-
disability, accident or workers' compensation Act;
(B) any health, sickness, income-disability, or
accident insurance that provides health benefits or
income-disability coverage;
(C) any contract or agreement of any group,
organization, partnership, or corporation to provide,
pay for, or reimburse the cost of medical, hospital,
dental, or income disability benefits; and
(D) any other publicly or privately funded program.
(6) Drug.--The term ``drug'' has the meaning given such
term in section 201(g)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)).
(7) Economic damages.--The term ``economic damages'' means
objectively verifiable monetary losses incurred as a result of
the provision of, use of, or payment for (or failure to
provide, use, or pay for) health care services or medical
products such as past and future medical expenses, loss of past
and future earnings, cost of obtaining domestic services, loss
of employment, loss due to death, burial costs, and loss of
business or employment opportunities.
(8) Harm.--The term ``harm'' means any legally cognizable
wrong or injury for which punitive damages may be imposed.
(9) Health benefit plan.--The term ``health benefit plan''
(A) a hospital or medical expense incurred policy
or certificate,
(B) a hospital or medical service plan contract,
(C) a health maintenance subscriber contract, or
(D) a Medicare+Choice product (offered under part C
of title XVIII of the Social Security Act),
that provides benefits with respect to health care services.
(10) Health care liability action.--The term ``health care
liability action'' means a civil action brought in a State or
Federal court or pursuant to alternative dispute resolution
against a health care provider, an entity which is obligated to
provide or pay for health benefits under any health benefit
plan (including any person or entity acting under a contract or
arrangement to provide or administer any health benefit), or
the manufacturer, distributor, supplier, marketer, promoter, or
seller of a medical product, in which the claimant alleges a
claim (including third party claims, cross claims, counter
claims, or contribution claims) based upon the provision of (or
the failure to provide or pay for) health care services or the
use of a medical product, regardless of the theory of liability
on which the claim is based or the number of plaintiffs,
defendants, or causes of action.
(11) Health care liability claim.--The term ``health care
liability claim'' means a claim in which the claimant alleges
that injury was caused by the provision of (or the failure to
provide) health care services or medical products.
(12) Health care provider.--The term ``health care
provider'' means any person that is engaged in the delivery of
health care services in a State and that is required by the
laws or regulations of the State to be licensed or certified by
the State to engage in the delivery of such services in the
(13) Health care service.--The term ``health care service''
means any service for which payment may be made under a health
benefit plan including services related to the delivery or
administration of such service.
(14) Medical product.--The term ``medical product'' means a
drug (as defined in section 201(g)(1)) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)) or a medical
device (as defined in section 201(h)) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(h)), including any
component or raw material used in a drug or device but
excluding health care services.
(15) Noneconomic damages.--The term ``noneconomic damages''
means damages paid to an individual for pain and suffering,
inconvenience, emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of
consortium, injury to reputation, humiliation, and other
nonpecuniary losses.
(16) Person.--The term ``person'' means any individual,
corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society,
joint stock company, or any other entity, including any
governmental entity.
(17) Product seller.--
(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the
term ``product seller'' means a person who, in the
course of a business conducted for that purpose--
(i) sells, distributes, rents, leases,
prepares, blends, packages, labels, or is
otherwise involved in placing, a product in the
stream of commerce, or
(ii) installs, repairs, or maintains the
harm-causing aspect of a product.
(B) Exclusion.--Such term does not include--
(i) a seller or lessor of real property;
(ii) a provider of professional services in
any case in which the sale or use of a product
is incidental to the transaction and the
essence of the transaction is the furnishing of
judgment, skill, or services; or
(iii) any person who--
(I) acts in only a financial
capacity with respect to the sale of a
product; or
(II) leases a product under a lease
arrangement in which the selection,
possession, maintenance, and operation
of the product are controlled by a
person other than the lessor.
(18) Punitive damages.--The term ``punitive damages'' means
damages awarded against any person not to compensate for actual
injury suffered, but to punish or deter such person or others
from engaging in similar behavior in the future.
(19) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several
States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and any other territory or possession of the United States.
This Act will apply to any health care liability action brought in
a Federal or State court and to any health care liability claim subject
to an ADR system, that is initiated on or after the date of enactment
of this Act, except that any health care liability claim or action
arising from an injury occurring prior to the date of enactment of this
Act shall be governed by the applicable statute of limitations
provisions in effect at the time the injury occurred. | Medical Malpractice Rx Act - Establishes an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedure for all health care liability actions, except: (1) certain actions for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death; or (2) an action under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).Establishes a five-year maximum statute of limitations for health care liability actions. Makes a defendant in any health care liability action liable (severally but not jointly) only for the amount of noneconomic damages ($500,000 maximum) in direct proportion to the defendant's share of fault or responsibility for the claimant's actual damages.Requires for the award of punitive damages that the claimant establish that the harm was the result of conduct: (1) specifically intended to cause harm; or (2) manifesting a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of others.Prohibits the award of punitive damages against a manufacturer or product seller of a drug or medical device where: (1) the drug or device was subject to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) premarket safety and labeling approval; or (2) the drug is generally recognized as safe and effective pursuant to FDA conditions.Allows punitive damages if the defendant: (1) intentionally and wrongfully withheld from or misrepresented material information; or (2) made an illegal payment to an FDA official or employee.Prohibits punitive damages against a drug manufacturer or product seller relating to the adequacy of the packaging or labeling of a drug required by regulation to have tamper-resistant packaging unless the court finds that such packaging or labeling is substantially out of regulatory compliance.Permits defendants to introduce evidence of collateral source payments.Entitles the prevailing party in an action to attorney's fees from the non-prevailing party under specified conditions.Specifies contingent fee limits. Declares that any ADR used to resolve a health care liability action or claim shall contain provisions for statute of limitations, noneconomic damages, joint and several liability, punitive damages, collateral source rule, periodic payments, and award of attorney's fees which are identical to the provisions of this Act. | 87 |
s, Amendments, Amendments Between the
Houses, and Conference Reports.--
(1) In general.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to
consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment
between the Houses, or conference report that includes an
(2) Procedure.--
(A) In general.--Upon a point of order being made
by any Senator under paragraph (1) against an earmark,
and such point of order being sustained, such earmark
shall be stricken.
(B) Form of the point of order.--A point of order
under paragraph (1) may be raised by a Senator as
provided in section 313(e) of the Congressional Budget
Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 644(e)).
(b) Conference Report and Amendment Between the Houses Procedure.--
When the Senate is considering a conference report, or an amendment
between the Houses--
(1) upon a point of order being made by any Senator under
subsection (a) with respect to one or more earmarks, and such
point of order being sustained, such earmarks shall be
stricken; and
(2) after all points of order under subsection (a) have
been disposed of--
(A) the Senate shall proceed to consider the
question of whether the Senate shall recede from its
amendment and concur with a further amendment, or
concur in the House amendment with a further amendment,
as the case may be, which further amendment shall
consist of only that portion of the conference report
or House amendment, as the case may be, not so
(B) any such motion in the Senate shall be
debatable under the same conditions as was the
conference report or amendment between the Houses; and
(C) in any case in which such point of order is
sustained against a conference report (or Senate
amendment derived from such conference report by
operation of this subsection), no further amendment
shall be in order.
(c) Waiver; Appeal.--A point of order under subsection (a) may be
waived only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members of the
Senate, duly chosen and sworn. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to
sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised
under subsection (a).
(d) Definitions.--
(1) Earmark.--For the purpose of this section, the term
``earmark'' means a provision or report language included
primarily at the request of a Senator or Member of the House of
Representatives as certified under paragraph 1(a)(1) of rule
XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate--
(A) providing, authorizing, or recommending a
specific amount of discretionary budget authority,
credit authority, or other spending authority for a
contract, loan, loan guarantee, grant, loan authority,
or other expenditure with or to an entity, or targeted
to a specific State, locality or Congressional
district, other than through a statutory or
administrative formula-driven or competitive award
(B) that--
(i) provides a Federal tax deduction,
credit, exclusion, or preference to a
particular beneficiary or limited group of
beneficiaries under the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986; and
(ii) contains eligibility criteria that are
not uniform in application with respect to
potential beneficiaries of such provision; or
(C) modifying the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States in a manner that benefits ten or fewer
(2) Determination by the senate.--In the event the Chair is
unable to ascertain whether a provision with respect to which a
Senator raises a point of order under subsection (a)
constitutes an earmark, the question of whether the provision
constitutes an earmark shall be submitted to the Senate and be
decided without debate by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of
the Senators, duly chosen and sworn.
(e) Application.--This section shall not apply to any authorization
of appropriations to a Federal entity if such authorization is not
specifically targeted to a State, locality, or congressional district. | Earmark Elimination Act of 2018 This bill establishes a point of order in the Senate against considering legislation that includes an earmark. Under the bill, an "earmark" is a congressionally directed spending item, tax benefit, or tariff benefit targeted to a specific recipient or group of beneficiaries. The point of order may be waived by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn. If the point of order is successfully raised and sustained, the earmark shall be stricken from the legislation. | 88 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Protect our Kids Act of 2011''.
Congress finds that--
(1) deaths from child abuse and neglect are preventable;
(2) deaths from child abuse and neglect are significantly
underreported and there is no national standard for reporting
such deaths;
(3) according to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data
System, in fiscal year 2009 approximately 1,770 children in the
United States are reported to have died from child abuse and
neglect, and many experts believe that the actual number may be
significantly more;
(4) nearly half of the number of children in the United
States who die from abuse are under the age of 1, and more than
80 percent are under the age of 4;
(5) in 2009, of deaths from child abuse and neglect--
(A) nearly 36 percent were caused by neglect;
(B) 23 percent were caused by physical abuse; and
(C) more than 36 percent were caused by multiple
forms of maltreatment;
(6) each year approximately 6,000,000 children in the
United States are referred to child protective services because
of allegations of child abuse and neglect; and
(7) increased understanding of deaths from child abuse and
neglect can lead to improvement in agency systems and practices
to protect children and prevent child abuse and neglect.
(a) Establishment.--There is established the Commission to
Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (in this Act referred to
as the ``Commission'').
(b) Membership.--
(1) Composition.--
(A) Number.--The Commission shall be composed of
not fewer than 12 and not more than 15 members, all of
whom shall be appointed by the President.
(B) Qualifications.--Each member appointed under
subparagraph (A) shall have experience in 1 or more
areas consisting of--
(i) State child welfare agency
(ii) child welfare advocacy;
(iii) child development;
(iv) trauma and crisis intervention;
(v) pediatrics;
(vi) child psychology and mental health;
(vii) emergency medicine;
(viii) forensic pathology or medical
investigation of injury and fatality;
(ix) social work with field experience;
(x) academia at an institution of higher
education, as that term is defined in section
101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20
U.S.C. 1001), with a focus on 1 or more of the
other areas listed under this subparagraph;
(xi) law enforcement, with experience
handling child abuse and neglect matters;
(xii) civil law, with experience handling
child abuse and neglect matters;
(xiii) criminal law, with experience
handling child abuse and neglect matters;
(xiv) substance abuse treatment;
(xv) education at an elementary school or
secondary school, as those terms are defined in
section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801);
(xvi) epidemiology; and
(xvii) computer science or software
engineering with a background in
interoperability standards.
(C) Experience.--The Commission shall have 1 or
more members with experience in each of the areas
listed in subparagraph (B).
(2) Date.--The appointments of the members of the
Commission shall be made not later than 90 days after the date
of enactment of this Act.
(c) Period of Appointment; Vacancies.--Members shall be appointed
for the life of the Commission. Any vacancy in the Commission shall not
affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner as the
original appointment.
(d) Initial Meeting.--Not later than 30 days after the date on
which all members of the Commission have been appointed, the Commission
shall hold its first meeting.
(e) Meetings.--The Commission shall meet at the call of the
(f) Quorum.--A majority of the members of the Commission shall
constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of members may hold hearings.
(g) Chairperson.--The President shall select a Chairperson for the
Commission from among its members.
(a) Study.--
(1) In general.--The Commission shall conduct a thorough
study on reducing fatalities from child abuse and neglect.
(2) Matters studied.--The matters studied by the Commission
shall include--
(A) the incidence of fatalities from child abuse
and neglect in the United States and whether that
incidence has been increasing over time;
(B) the feasibility of establishing a system that
accurately records incidents of child abuse and
(C) practices that can prevent fatalities from
child abuse and neglect;
(D) the role of parental substance abuse, parental
mental health issues, and domestic violence in
increasing the incidence of child abuse and neglect;
(E) the adequacy and effectiveness of programs,
including child health services, mental health
services, child protective services, child welfare
services, education, child care, juvenile justice
services, and law enforcement activities, designed to
identify and prevent child (includes youth) fatalities
that are intentionally caused or that occur due to
negligence, neglect, or a failure to exercise proper
(F) the effectiveness of Federal, State, and local
policies and systems aimed at appropriately identifying
and collecting accurate, uniform data on child
fatalities in a coordinated fashion, including the
identification of the most and least effective policies
and systems in practice;
(G) the adequacy of Federal, State, and local
efforts to obtain an appropriate distribution of
properly trained child health services, mental health
services, child protective services, child welfare
services, education, child care, juvenile justice
services, and law enforcement personnel to identify and
prevent child fatalities;
(H) the current (as of the date of the study)
resource limitations and barriers to preventing
fatalities from child abuse and neglect, and how to
improve efficiency of use of those current resources to
improve child welfare outcomes;
(I) identification of best practices in evaluating
programs for effectiveness in preventing child abuse
and neglect and fatalities from child abuse and
(J) methods of prioritizing child abuse and neglect
prevention services for families with the highest need,
including exploring prioritization based on risk
factors beyond poverty;
(K) the correlation between animal abuse and child
abuse, including whether additional research and policy
changes could better address that correlation and
whether there are warning signs that animal abuse may
escalate to child abuse;
(L) methods of improving data collection and
utilization, such as increasing interoperability among
State and local systems and using other effective and
financially feasible approaches;
(M) identification of best practices and models for
promoting child welfare, specifically addressing child
abuse and neglect;
(N) identification of requirements and national
standards for training and education for child welfare
(O) the potential impact of a Federal law mandating
the review of fatalities of children;
(P) the development of a model protocol for
assuring that civil and criminal legal proceedings are
closely coordinated between child protection and law
enforcement agencies, including coordination between
law enforcement personnel, child protection services
personnel, prosecutors, medical providers, victim
advocates, and mental health professionals;
(Q) the potential effectiveness of a targeted
public education campaign focused on community
involvement to reduce child abuse and neglect;
(R) possible modifications to confidentiality laws
that would increase access to information and better
protect child victims;
(S) examination of public and private models for
improving child welfare outcomes, including suggestions
for expanding the most effective approaches;
(T) examination of sources for available data
beyond fatalities, such as data on serious injuries and
``near misses'';
(U) development of guidelines for the type of
instances that should be tracked to improve child
welfare response and interventions to prevent
fatalities from child abuse and neglect; and
(V) consideration of past recommendations from the
Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect, including
updates on those recommendations.
(3) Materials studied.--The Commission shall review all
current (as of the date of the study) research and
documentation, including the National Survey of Child and
Adolescent Well-Being and research and recommendations from the
Government Accountability Office, to identify lessons,
solutions, and needed improvements related to reducing
fatalities from child abuse and neglect.
(b) Coordination.--The Commission shall--
(1) provide opportunities for graduate and doctoral
students to coordinate research with the Commission; and
(2) coordinate with institutions of higher education, as
that term is defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act
of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001), interested in supporting the work of
the Commission.
(c) Recommendations.--The Commission shall develop recommendations
for Federal, State, and local agencies, and private sector and
nonprofit organizations to implement a comprehensive national strategy
that reduces fatalities from child abuse and neglect.
(d) Report.--
(1) In general.--Not later than 3 years after the date of
the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit a report
to the President and Congress, which shall contain a detailed
statement of the findings and conclusions of the Commission,
together with its recommendations for such legislation and
administrative actions as it considers appropriate.
(2) Online access.--The Commission shall make the report
under paragraph (1) available on the publicly available
Internet Web site of the Department of Health and Human
(a) Hearings.--
(1) In general.--The Commission may hold such hearings, sit
and act at such times and places, take such testimony, and
receive such evidence as the Commission considers advisable to
carry out this Act.
(2) Location.--The location of hearings under paragraph (1)
shall include--
(A) areas with high fatality rates from child abuse
and neglect; and
(B) areas that have shown a decrease in fatalities
from child abuse and neglect.
(3) Subject.--The Commission shall hold hearings under
paragraph (1)--
(A) to examine the Federal, State, and local
policies and available resources that affect fatalities
from child abuse and neglect; and
(B) to explore the matters studied under section
(b) Information From Federal Agencies.--The Commission may secure
directly from any Federal department or agency such information as the
Commission considers necessary to carry out this Act. Upon request of
the Chairperson of the Commission, the head of such department or
agency shall furnish such information to the Commission.
(c) Postal Services.--The Commission may use the United States
mails in the same manner and under the same conditions as other
departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
(d) Gifts.--The Commission may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or
donations of services or property.
(a) Compensation of Members.--Each member of the Commission who is
not an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall be
compensated at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate
of basic pay prescribed for level IV of the Executive Schedule under
section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, for each day (including
travel time) during which such member is engaged in the performance of
the duties of the Commission. All members of the Commission who are
officers or employees of the United States shall serve without
compensation in addition to that received for their services as
officers or employees of the United States.
(b) Travel Expenses.--The members of the Commission shall be
allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at
rates authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of
chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code, while away from their homes
or regular places of business in the performance of services for the
(c) Staff.--
(1) In general.--The Chairperson of the Commission may,
without regard to the civil service laws and regulations,
appoint and terminate an executive director and such other
additional personnel as may be necessary to enable the
Commission to perform its duties. The employment of an
executive director shall be subject to confirmation by the
(2) Compensation.--The Chairperson of the Commission may
fix the compensation of the executive director and other
personnel without regard to chapter 51 and subchapter III of
chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, relating to
classification of positions and General Schedule pay rates,
except that the rate of pay for the executive director and
other personnel may not exceed the rate payable for level V of
the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of such title.
(d) Detail of Government Employees.--Any Federal Government
employee may be detailed to the Commission without reimbursement, and
such detail shall be without interruption or loss of civil service
status or privilege.
(e) Procurement of Temporary and Intermittent Services.--The
Chairperson of the Commission may procure temporary and intermittent
services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates
for individuals that do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual
rate of basic pay prescribed for level V of the Executive Schedule
under section 5316 of such title.
(a) In General.--The Commission shall terminate on the earlier of--
(1) the 90th day after the date on which the Commission
submits its report under section 4(d); or
(2) the day that is 3 years after the initial meeting under
section 3(d).
(b) Exception.--The President may extend the termination date under
subsection (a)(2) by an additional 1 year.
Not later than 6 months after the submission of the report required
under section 4(d), any Federal agency that is affected by a
recommendation described in the report shall submit to Congress a
report containing the response of the Federal agency to the
recommendation and the plans of the Federal agency to address the
(a) In General.--There is authorized to be appropriated $2,000,000
for each of fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014 to the Commission to
carry out this Act.
(b) Availability.--Any sums appropriated under the authorization
contained in this section shall remain available, without fiscal year
limitation, until expended. | Protect our Kids Act of 2011 - Establishes the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities to conduct a thorough study on reducing fatalities from child abuse and neglect. | 89 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Give Fans a Chance Act of 2001''.
The Act of September 30, 1961 (Public Law 87-331; 15 U.S.C. 1291 et
seq.), is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) Inapplicability.--This Act shall not apply to a league of
clubs of a professional sport for any period during which any member
club of such league is--
``(1) subject to such league's requirement, or to an
agreement made by 2 or more member clubs of such league, that
forbids any of such clubs to transfer (by sale or otherwise) an
ownership interest of any kind in such club to any governmental
entity or to members of the general public; or
``(2) not in compliance with subsection (b) or (c).
``(b) Notice of Proposed Change in Community; Opportunities To
Respond to Proposed Relocation or Elimination.--
``(1) In general.--A member club that proposes to relocate,
or a league that proposes to relocate or eliminate a member
club, out of a community in the home territory of the member
club shall furnish notice of such proposed relocation or
elimination not later than 180 days before the commencement of
the season in which the club is to play home games in the
proposed new location.
``(2) Persons entitled to receive notice.--The notice
required by paragraph (1) shall be furnished to all interested
``(3) Requirements.--The notice shall--
``(A) be in writing and delivered in person or by
certified mail;
``(B) be made available to the news media;
``(C) be published in 1 or more newspapers of
general circulation within the club's home community;
``(D) contain--
``(i) an identification of the proposed new
home community of such club if applicable;
``(ii) a summary of the reasons for the
proposed relocation or elimination based on the
criteria listed in subsection (c); and
``(iii) the date on which the proposed
relocation or elimination would become
``(4) Opportunity to offer to purchase.--
``(A) In general.--During the 180-day notice period
specified in paragraph (1), a local government,
stadium, arena authority, person, or any combination thereof, may
prepare and present a proposal to purchase the club to retain the club
in the home community.
``(B) Membership in league.--If a bid under
subparagraph (A) is successful, the league of which the
club is a member shall not prohibit the club's
membership in the league on the basis that the club is
owned in whole or in part by several persons or
entities, or by 1 or more local governments.
``(5) Opportunity to induce club to stay.--During the 180-
day notice period specified in paragraph (1), the club (and the
league of which the club is a member) shall give a local
government, stadium authority, person, or any combination
thereof, the opportunity to prepare and present a proposal to
induce the club to remain in its home community.
``(6) Response.--The response of the owner of the club to
any offer made under paragraph (4) or (5) shall--
``(A) be in writing and delivered in person or by
certified mail; and
``(B) state in detail the reasons for refusal of
any bona fide offer.
``(7) Determination by league.--
``(A) In general.--The league of which the club is
a member shall make a determination, before the
expiration of the 180-day notice period specified in
paragraph (1), with respect to the relocation or
elimination of the club out of its home community.
``(B) Hearings.--In making a determination under
this paragraph, the league shall conduct a hearing at
which interested persons are afforded an opportunity to
present oral or written testimony regarding the
proposed relocation or elimination of the club. The
league shall keep a record of all such proceedings.
``(C) Consideration of proposals.--The league shall
take into account any inducement proposal that is
offered under paragraph (5).
``(8) Considerations.--In determining whether to approve or
disapprove the relocation or elimination of the club, the
league shall take into consideration the criteria listed in
subsection (c).
``(c) Criteria for Relocation or Elimination Decisions.--
Notwithstanding any other law, before making a decision to approve or
disapprove the relocation or elimination of a club out of its home
community, the league of which such club is a member shall take into
``(1) the extent to which fan loyalty to and support for
the club has been demonstrated during the club's operation in
such community;
``(2) the degree to which the club has engaged in good
faith negotiations with appropriate persons concerning terms
and conditions under which the club would continue to play home
games in such community or elsewhere within the club's home
``(3) the degree to which the ownership or management of
the club has contributed to any circumstances that might
demonstrate the need for the relocation or elimination;
``(4) the extent to which the club, directly or indirectly,
received public financial support by means of any publicly
financed playing facility, special tax treatment, or any other
form of public financial support;
``(5) the adequacy of the stadium in which the club played
its home games in the previous season, and the willingness of
the stadium, arena authority, or local government to remedy any
deficiencies in the facility;
``(6) whether the club has incurred net operating losses,
exclusive of depreciation and amortization, sufficient to
threaten the continued financial viability of the club;
``(7) whether any other club in the league is located in
the same home community;
``(8) whether the club proposes to relocate to a community
that is the home community of another member club of the
``(9) whether the stadium authority, if public, is opposed
to the proposed relocation or elimination; and
``(10) whether there is a bona fide investor offering fair
market value for the club and seeking to retain the club in
such community.''.
This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect on
the first day of the first month beginning more than 180 days after the
date of the enactment of this Act. | Give Fans a Chance Act of 2001 - Provides that the antitrust exemption applicable to broadcasting agreements made by professional sports leagues shall not apply to a league for any period during which any member club is: (1) subject to a league's requirement or to an agreement made by two or more member clubs that forbids any of such clubs to transfer an ownership interest to any governmental entity or to members of the general public; or (2) not in compliance with the following relocation or elimination requirements.Requires a member club or a league to furnish notice of a proposed relocation of a club out of its home territory or of club elimination not later than 180 days before the commencement of the new season. Provides that, during the notice period: (1) a local government, stadium, arena authority, person, or any combination thereof (local government) may prepare and present a proposal to purchase the club to retain it in the home community; and (2) the club and the league shall give a local government the opportunity to present a proposal to induce the club to remain. Directs the league to make a determination, before the expiration of the notice period, regarding the relocation or elimination. Sets forth criteria for relocation or elimination decisions, including the extent to which fan loyalty to and support for the club has been demonstrated. | 90 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Tax Equity Act of 2009''.
(a) General Rule.--Subsection (f) of section 1 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to adjustments in tax tables so that
inflation will not result in tax increases) is amended by adding at the
end thereof the following new paragraphs:
``(9) Regional cost-of-living adjustments.--
``(A) In general.--In the case of an individual,
the rate table otherwise in effect under this section
for any taxable year (determined after the application
of paragraph (1)) shall be further adjusted as provided
in subparagraph (B).
``(B) Method of making regional adjustment.--The
rate table otherwise in effect under this section with
respect to any individual for any taxable year shall be
adjusted as follows:
``(i) The minimum and maximum dollar
amounts otherwise in effect for each rate
bracket shall be multiplied by the applicable
multiplier (for the calendar year in which the
taxable year begins) which applies to the
statistical area in which the individual's
primary place of abode during the taxable year
is located.
``(ii) The rate applicable to any rate
bracket (as adjusted by clause (i)) shall not
be changed.
``(iii) The amount setting forth the tax
shall be adjusted to the extent necessary to
reflect the adjustments in the rate brackets.
If any amount determined under clause (i) is not a
multiple of $50, such amount shall be rounded to the
nearest multiple of $50.
``(10) Determination of multipliers.--
``(A) In general.--Not later than December 15 of
each calendar year, the Secretary shall prescribe an
applicable multiplier for each statistical area of the
United States which shall apply to taxable years
beginning during the succeeding calendar year.
``(B) Determination of multipliers.--
``(i) For each statistical area where the
cost-of-living differential for any calendar
year is greater than 125 percent, the
applicable multiplier for such calendar year is
90 percent of such differential.
``(ii) For each statistical area where the
cost-of-living differential for any calendar
year exceeds 97 percent but does not exceed 125
percent, the applicable multiplier for such
calendar year is 1.05.
``(iii) For each statistical area not
described in clause (i) or (ii), the applicable
multiplier is the cost-of-living differential
for the calendar year.
``(C) Cost-of-living differential.--The cost-of-
living differential for any statistical area for any
calendar year is the percentage determined by
``(i) the cost-of-living for such area for
the preceding calendar year; by
``(ii) the average cost-of-living for the
United States for the preceding calendar year.
``(D) Cost-of-living for area.--
``(i) In general.--For each calendar year
beginning after 2009, the Secretary of Labor
shall determine and publish a cost-of-living
index for each statistical area.
``(ii) Methodology.--The cost-of-living
index determined under clause (i) for any
statistical area for any calendar year shall be
based on average market prices for the area for
the 12-month period ending on August 31 of such
calendar year. The market prices taken into
account under the preceding sentence shall be
selected and used under the same methodology as
is used by the Secretary of Labor in developing
the Consumer Price Index for All Urban
``(E) Statistical area.--For purposes of this
subsection the term `statistical area' means--
``(i) any metropolitan statistical area as
defined by the Secretary of Commerce, and
``(ii) the portion of any State not within
a metropolitan statistical area as so defined.
``(11) Areas outside the united states.--The area
applicable multiplier for any area outside the United States
shall be 1.''
(b) Effective Date.--
(1) In general.--The amendment made by this section shall
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009.
(2) Transition rule.--Notwithstanding section 1(f)(9)(A) of
the Internal Revenue Code (as added by this section), the date
for prescribing applicable multipliers for taxable years
beginning in calendar year 2010 shall be the date 1 year after
the date of the enactment of this Act. | Tax Equity Act of 2009 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to provide regional cost-of-living adjustments in individual income tax rates. Directs the Secretary of Labor to produce a regional cost-of-living index. | 91 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Family-Friendly Workplace Act''.
Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 207)
is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(r) Compensatory Time Off for Private Employees.--
``(1) General rule.--
``(A) Compensatory time off.--An employee may
receive, in accordance with this subsection and in lieu
of monetary overtime compensation, compensatory time
off at a rate not less than one and one-half hours for
each hour of employment for which overtime compensation
is required by this section.
``(B) Definition.--For purposes of this subsection,
the term `employee' does not include an employee of a
public agency.
``(2) Conditions.--An employer may provide compensatory
time to employees under paragraph (1)(A) only if such time is
provided in accordance with--
``(A) applicable provisions of a collective
bargaining agreement between the employer and the labor
organization which has been certified or recognized as
the representative of the employees under applicable
law; or
``(B) in the case of employees who are not
represented by a labor organization which has been
certified or recognized as the representative of such
employees under applicable law, an agreement arrived at
between the employer and employee before the
performance of the work and affirmed by a written or
otherwise verifiable record maintained in accordance
with section 11(c)--
``(i) in which the employer has offered and
the employee has chosen to receive compensatory
time in lieu of monetary overtime compensation;
``(ii) entered into knowingly and
voluntarily by such employees and not as a
condition of employment.
No employee may receive or agree to receive compensatory time
off under this subsection unless the employee has worked at
least 1000 hours for the employee's employer during a period of
continuous employment with the employer in the 12-month period
before the date of agreement or receipt of compensatory time
``(3) Hour limit.--
``(A) Maximum hours.--An employee may accrue not
more than 160 hours of compensatory time.
``(B) Compensation date.--Not later than January 31
of each calendar year, the employee's employer shall
provide monetary compensation for any unused
compensatory time off accrued during the preceding
calendar year which was not used prior to December 31
of the preceding year at the rate prescribed by
paragraph (6). An employer may designate and
communicate to the employer's employees a 12-month
period other than the calendar year, in which case such
compensation shall be provided not later than 31 days
after the end of such 12-month period.
``(C) Excess of 80 hours.--The employer may provide
monetary compensation for an employee's unused
compensatory time in excess of 80 hours at any time
after giving the employee at least 30 days notice. Such
compensation shall be provided at the rate prescribed
by paragraph (6).
``(D) Policy.--Except where a collective bargaining
agreement provides otherwise, an employer which has
adopted a policy offering compensatory time to
employees may discontinue such policy upon giving
employees 30 days notice.
``(E) Written request.--An employee may withdraw an
agreement described in paragraph (2)(B) at any time. An
employee may also request in writing that monetary
compensation be provided, at any time, for all
compensatory time accrued which has not yet been used.
Within 30 days of receiving the written request, the
employer shall provide the employee the monetary
compensation due in accordance with paragraph (6).
``(4) Private employer actions.--An employer which provides
compensatory time under paragraph (1) to employees shall not
directly or indirectly intimidate, threaten, or coerce or
attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any employee for the
purpose of--
``(A) interfering with such employee's rights under
this subsection to request or not request compensatory
time off in lieu of payment of monetary overtime
compensation for overtime hours; or
``(B) requiring any employee to use such
compensatory time.
``(5) Termination of employment.--An employee who has
accrued compensatory time off authorized to be provided under
paragraph (1) shall, upon the voluntary or involuntary
termination of employment, be paid for the unused compensatory
time in accordance with paragraph (6).
``(6) Rate of compensation.--
``(A) General rule.--If compensation is to be paid
to an employee for accrued compensatory time off, such
compensation shall be paid at a rate of compensation
not less than--
``(i) the regular rate received by such
employee when the compensatory time was earned;
``(ii) the final regular rate received by
such employee,
whichever is higher.
``(B) Consideration of payment.--Any payment owed
to an employee under this subsection for unused
compensatory time shall be considered unpaid overtime
``(7) Use of time.--An employee--
``(A) who has accrued compensatory time off
authorized to be provided under paragraph (1); and
``(B) who has requested the use of such
compensatory time,
shall be permitted by the employee's employer to use such time
within a reasonable period after making the request if the use
of the compensatory time does not unduly disrupt the operations
of the employer.
``(8) Definitions.--The terms `overtime compensation' and
`compensatory time' shall have the meanings given such terms by
subsection (o)(7).''.
Section 16 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 216)
is amended--
(1) in subsection (b), by striking ``(b) Any employer'' and
inserting ``(b) Except as provided in subsection (f), any
employer''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``(f) An employer which violates section 7(r)(4) shall be liable to
the employee affected in the amount of the rate of compensation
(determined in accordance with section 7(r)(6)(A)) for each hour of
compensatory time accrued by the employee and in an additional equal
amount as liquidated damages reduced by the amount of such rate of
compensation for each hour of compensatory time used by such
Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act,
the Secretary of Labor shall revise the materials the Secretary
provides, under regulations published at 29 CFR 516.4, to employers for
purposes of a notice explaining the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to
employees so that such notice reflects the amendments made to such Act
by this Act.
This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall expire 5 years
after the date of the enactment of this Act. | Family-Friendly Workplace Act - Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to authorize private employers to provide compensatory time off to private employees, at a rate of 1 1/2 hours per hour of employment for which overtime compensation is required. Authorizes an employer to provide compensatory time only if it is in accordance with an applicable collective bargaining agreement or, in the absence of such an agreement, an agreement between the employer and employee.
Prohibits an employee from accruing more than 160 hours of compensatory time. Requires an employee's employer to provide monetary compensation, after the end of a calendar year, for any unused compensatory time off accrued during the preceding year.
Requires an employer to give employees 30-day notice before discontinuing compensatory time off.
Prohibits an employer from intimidating, threatening, or coercing an employee in order to: (1) interfere with the employee's right to request or not to request compensatory time off in lieu of payment of monetary overtime compensation; or (2) require an employee to use such compensatory time.
Makes an employer who violates such requirements liable to the affected employee in the amount of the compensation rate for each hour of compensatory time accrued, plus an additional equal amount as liquidated damages, reduced for each hour of compensatory time used. | 92 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Women's Preventive Health Awareness
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) Well-woman visits are the foundation on which women's
preventive care is built. Such visits include not only specific
screening tests, but also a medical history, physical
examination, evaluation and counseling, and, as indicated,
(2) Over the past 20 years, it has become clear that ``one
size does not fit all'' when it comes to prevention. Although a
30-year-old woman without risk factors for cervical cancer may
only need a Pap test with HPV co-testing every 5 years, the
same woman would need more frequent screening if she were
infected with HIV or had a history of cervical cancer
(3) It is only after taking a medical history and
evaluating and counseling a patient that a physician can make
patient-specific recommendations for screening tests,
vaccinations, preventive medications, and other preventive
(4) Well-woman visits facilitate increased access to health
care that is shown to identify chronic disease risk factors,
promote well-being, and decrease the likelihood or delay the
onset of a targeted disease or condition.
(5) Heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular
diseases are the number one cause of death in American women,
claiming over 400,000 lives each year, or nearly one death each
(6) Women are less likely than men to receive aggressive
diagnosis and treatment for cardiovascular diseases.
(7) Women are more likely than men to have forgone needed
health care due to cost.
(8) Between 2002 and 2010, screening mammography rates
among women in the United States who were 50 years of age to 64
years of age declined from about 79 percent to 73 percent.
(9) In 2009, only 53 percent of 18- to 64-year-olds in the
United States reported having ever received an HIV test.
(10) The proportion of women in the United States 22 years
of age to 30 years of age who reported never having had a Pap
test increased from 6.6 percent in 2000 to 9.0 percent in 2010
despite current recommendations that they receive a Pap test
every three years.
(11) In 2007, 29.3 percent of women in the United States
delivering a live birth did not receive any prenatal care in
the first trimester, even though first trimester prenatal care
is recommended.
(12) Among sexually active females in the United States who
are 16 years of age to 20 years of age, only 52.7 percent of
such females receiving benefits under the Medicaid program and
40.1 percent of such females with health insurance coverage
under commercial health insurance plans were screened for
genital Chlamydia infections during the measurement year, as
reported in 2008. A 2013 analysis published by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention found that for Chlamydia cases
diagnosed in 2008 alone, the associated lifetime direct medical
costs amount to $516.7 million.
(13) Almost half (49 percent) of the 6.7 million
pregnancies in the United States each year (3.2 million) are
unintended. Multiple studies have shown that improved access to
birth control significantly improves the health of women and
their families, as it is directly linked to improved maternal
and infant health outcomes. Women that plan their pregnancies
are more likely to access prenatal care, improving their own
health and the health of their children.
(14) Between 2006 and 2010, one-third of all pregnancies
were conceived within 18 months of a previous birth, an
interval that is potentially harmful to the health of the
(15) Improved access to family planning also saves money.
For every $1.00 invested in family planning, taxpayers save
nearly $4.00 in Medicaid-related expenses.
(16) During the 2011-2012 flu season, 53 percent of
pregnant women did not receive recommended vaccination against
Part P of title III of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
280g et al.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall provide for the planning and
implementation of a national public outreach and education campaign to
raise public awareness, including provider awareness, of women's
preventive health. Such campaign shall include the media campaign under
subsection (b) and the website under subsection (c) and shall provide
for the dissemination of information that--
``(1) describes the guidelines for women's preventive
services, including the cervical cancer recommendations updated
in 2012, by the United States Preventive Services Task Force,
by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG), and by the American Cancer Society, the American
Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and the American
Society for Clinical Pathology;
``(2) promotes well-woman visits for health assessments
which include screenings, evaluations, counseling,
immunizations, and prenatal visits, as appropriate;
``(3) explains the women's preventive services that are
required under section 2713 to be covered without cost-sharing
by a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering
group or individual health insurance coverage that is not a
grandfathered plan (as defined in section 1251(e) of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act); and
``(4) addresses health disparities in the area of women's
``(b) Media Campaign.--
``(1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of
the enactment of this section, as part of the campaign under
subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish and implement a
national media campaign.
``(2) Requirement of campaign.--The campaign implemented
under paragraph (1)--
``(A) shall disseminate information about the
updated guidelines for women's preventive services
described in subsection (a)(1), promote well-woman
visits described in subsection (a)(2), and provide
information on the women's preventive services
described in subsection (a)(3); and
``(B) may include the use of television, radio,
Internet, and other commercial marketing venues.
``(c) Website.--As part of the campaign under subsection (a), the
Secretary shall, in consultation with private sector experts or through
contract with a private entity including a medical association or non-
profit organization, maintain and update an Internet website to provide
information and resources about the updated guidelines for women's
preventive services described in subsection (a)(1), promote well-woman
visits, and provide information on the women's preventive services
described in subsection (a)(3).
``(d) Funding.--The Secretary may use, out of any funds otherwise
made available to the Department of Health and Human Services, such
sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.''. | Women's Preventive Health Awareness Campaign - Amends the Public Health Service Act to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to: (1) provide for the planning and implementation of a national public outreach and educational campaign to raise public awareness, including provider awarenesss, of women's preventive health; and (2) establish a national media campaign and maintain and update an appropriate Internet website as part of such campaign. | 93 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Good Samaritan Search and Recovery
(a) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) Eligible.--The term ``eligible'', with respect to an
organization or individual, means that the organization or
individual, respectively, is--
(A) acting in a not-for-profit capacity; and
(B) certificated in training that meets or exceeds
standards established by the American Society for
Testing and Materials.
(2) Good samaritan search-and-recovery mission.--The term
``good Samaritan search-and-recovery mission'' means a search
for 1 or more missing individuals believed to be deceased at
the time that the search is initiated.
(3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture, as applicable.
(b) Process.--
(1) In general.--Each Secretary shall develop and implement
a process to expedite access to Federal land under the
administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary for eligible
organizations and individuals to request access to Federal land
to conduct good Samaritan search-and-recovery missions.
(2) Inclusions.--The process developed and implemented
under this subsection shall include provisions to clarify
(A) an eligible organization or individual granted
access under this section--
(i) shall be acting for private purposes;
(ii) shall not be considered to be a
Federal volunteer;
(B) an eligible organization or individual
conducting a good Samaritan search-and-recovery mission
under this section shall not be considered to be a
volunteer under section 102301(c) of title 54, United
States Code;
(C) chapter 171 of title 28, United States Code
(commonly known as the ``Federal Tort Claims Act''),
shall not apply to an eligible organization or
individual carrying out a privately requested good
Samaritan search-and-recovery mission under this
section; and
(D) chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code
(commonly known as the ``Federal Employees Compensation
Act''), shall not apply to an eligible organization or
individual conducting a good Samaritan search-and-
recovery mission under this section, and the conduct of
the good Samaritan search-and-recovery mission shall
not constitute civilian employment.
(c) Release of Federal Government From Liability.--The Secretary
shall not require an eligible organization or individual to have
liability insurance as a condition of accessing Federal land under this
section, if the eligible organization or individual--
(1) acknowledges and consents, in writing, to the
provisions described in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of
subsection (b)(2); and
(2) signs a waiver releasing the Federal Government from
all liability relating to the access granted under this
(d) Approval and Denial of Requests.--
(1) In general.--The Secretary shall notify an eligible
organization or individual of the approval or denial of a
request by the eligible organization or individual to carry out
a good Samaritan search-and-recovery mission under this section
by not later than 48 hours after the request is made.
(2) Denials.--If the Secretary denies a request from an
eligible organization or individual to carry out a good
Samaritan search-and-recovery mission under this section, the
Secretary shall notify the eligible organization or individual
(A) the reason for the denial of the request; and
(B) any actions that the eligible organization or
individual can take to meet the requirements for the
request to be approved.
(e) Partnerships.--Each Secretary shall develop search-and-
recovery-focused partnerships with search-and-recovery organizations--
(1) to coordinate good Samaritan search-and-recovery
missions on Federal land under the administrative jurisdiction
of the Secretary; and
(2) to expedite and accelerate good Samaritan search-and-
recovery mission efforts for missing individuals on Federal
land under the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary.
(f) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of
this Act, the Secretaries shall submit to Congress a joint report
(1) plans to develop partnerships described in subsection
(e)(1); and
(2) efforts carried out to expedite and accelerate good
Samaritan search-and-recovery mission efforts for missing
individuals on Federal land under the administrative
jurisdiction of each Secretary pursuant to subsection (e)(2). | Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act Directs the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to implement a process to provide eligible organizations and individuals expedited access to federal land to conduct good Samaritan search-and-recovery missions, which are searches for one or more missing individuals believed to be deceased at the time that the search is initiated. Sets forth procedures for the approval or denial of requests made by eligible organizations or individuals to carry out a good Samaritan search-and-recovery mission. Requires Interior and USDA to develop search-and-recovery focused partnerships with search-and-recovery organizations to coordinate good Samaritan search-and-recovery missions, and expedite and accelerate mission efforts for missing individuals. | 94 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Water Supply Permitting Coordination
In this Act:
(1) Bureau.--The term ``Bureau'' means the Bureau of
(2) Cooperating agencies.--The term ``cooperating agency''
means a Federal agency with jurisdiction over a review,
analysis, opinion, statement, permit, license, or other
approval or decision required for a qualifying project under
applicable Federal laws and regulations, or a State agency
subject to section 3(c).
(3) Qualifying projects.--The term ``qualifying projects''
means new surface water storage projects in the States covered
under the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388, chapter 1093),
and Acts supplemental to and amendatory of that Act (43 U.S.C.
371 et seq.) constructed on lands administered by the
Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture,
exclusive of any easement, right-of-way, lease, or any private
holding, unless the project applicant elects not to participate
in the process authorized by this Act. Such term shall also
include State-led projects (as defined in section 4007(a)(2) of
the WIIN Act) for new surface water storage projects in the
States covered under the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388,
chapter 1093), and Acts supplemental to and amendatory of that
Act (43 U.S.C. 371 et seq.) constructed on lands administered
by the Department of the Interior or the Department of
Agriculture, exclusive of any easement, right-of-way, lease, or
any private holding, unless the project applicant elects not to
participate in the process authorized by this Act.
(4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary
of the Interior.
(a) Establishment of Lead Agency.--The Bureau is established as the
lead agency for purposes of coordinating all reviews, analyses,
opinions, statements, permits, licenses, or other approvals or
decisions required under Federal law to construct qualifying projects.
(b) Identification and Establishment of Cooperating Agencies.--The
Commissioner of the Bureau shall--
(1) identify, as early as practicable upon receipt of an
application for a qualifying project, any Federal agency that
may have jurisdiction over a review, analysis, opinion,
statement, permit, license, approval, or decision required for
a qualifying project under applicable Federal laws and
regulations; and
(2) notify any such agency, within a reasonable timeframe,
that the agency has been designated as a cooperating agency in
regards to the qualifying project unless that agency responds
to the Bureau in writing, within a timeframe set forth by the
Bureau, notifying the Bureau that the agency--
(A) has no jurisdiction or authority with respect
to the qualifying project;
(B) has no expertise or information relevant to the
qualifying project or any review, analysis, opinion,
statement, permit, license, or other approval or
decision associated therewith; or
(C) does not intend to submit comments on the
qualifying project or conduct any review of such a
project or make any decision with respect to such
project in a manner other than in cooperation with the
(c) State Authority.--A State in which a qualifying project is
being considered may choose, consistent with State law--
(1) to participate as a cooperating agency; and
(2) to make subject to the processes of this Act all State
agencies that--
(A) have jurisdiction over the qualifying project;
(B) are required to conduct or issue a review,
analysis, or opinion for the qualifying project; or
(C) are required to make a determination on issuing
a permit, license, or approval for the qualifying
(a) In General.--The principal responsibilities of the Bureau under
this Act are--
(1) to serve as the point of contact for applicants, State
agencies, Indian tribes, and others regarding proposed
qualifying projects;
(2) to coordinate preparation of unified environmental
documentation that will serve as the basis for all Federal
decisions necessary to authorize the use of Federal lands for
qualifying projects; and
(3) to coordinate all Federal agency reviews necessary for
project development and construction of qualifying projects.
(b) Coordination Process.--The Bureau shall have the following
coordination responsibilities:
(1) Preapplication coordination.--Notify cooperating
agencies of proposed qualifying projects not later than 30 days
after receipt of a proposal and facilitate a preapplication
meeting for prospective applicants, relevant Federal and State
agencies, and Indian tribes--
(A) to explain applicable processes, data
requirements, and applicant submissions necessary to
complete the required Federal agency reviews within the
timeframe established; and
(B) to establish the schedule for the qualifying
(2) Consultation with cooperating agencies.--Consult with
the cooperating agencies throughout the Federal agency review
process, identify and obtain relevant data in a timely manner,
and set necessary deadlines for cooperating agencies.
(3) Schedule.--Work with the qualifying project applicant
and cooperating agencies to establish a project schedule. In
establishing the schedule, the Bureau shall consider, among
other factors--
(A) the responsibilities of cooperating agencies
under applicable laws and regulations;
(B) the resources available to the cooperating
agencies and the non-Federal qualifying project
sponsor, as applicable;
(C) the overall size and complexity of the
qualifying project;
(D) the overall schedule for and cost of the
qualifying project; and
(E) the sensitivity of the natural and historic
resources that may be affected by the qualifying
(4) Environmental compliance.--Prepare a unified
environmental review document for each qualifying project
application, incorporating a single environmental record on
which all cooperating agencies with authority to issue
approvals for a given qualifying project shall base project
approval decisions. Help ensure that cooperating agencies make
necessary decisions, within their respective authorities,
regarding Federal approvals in accordance with the following
(A) Not later than 1 year after acceptance of a
completed project application when an environmental
assessment and finding of no significant impact is
determined to be the appropriate level of review under
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
(B) Not later than 1 year and 30 days after the
close of the public comment period for a draft
environmental impact statement under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.), when an environmental impact statement is
required under the same.
(5) Consolidated administrative record.--Maintain a
consolidated administrative record of the information assembled
and used by the cooperating agencies as the basis for agency
(6) Project data records.--To the extent practicable and
consistent with Federal law, ensure that all project data is
submitted and maintained in generally accessible electronic
format, compile, and where authorized under existing law, make
available such project data to cooperating agencies, the
qualifying project applicant, and to the public.
(7) Project manager.--Appoint a project manager for each
qualifying project. The project manager shall have authority to
oversee the project and to facilitate the issuance of the
relevant final authorizing documents, and shall be responsible
for ensuring fulfillment of all Bureau responsibilities set
forth in this section and all cooperating agency
responsibilities under section 5.
(a) Adherence to Bureau Schedule.--
(1) Timeframes.--On notification of an application for a
qualifying project, the head of each cooperating agency shall
submit to the Bureau a timeframe under which the cooperating
agency reasonably will be able to complete the authorizing
responsibilities of the cooperating agency.
(2) Schedule.--
(A) Use of timeframes.--The Bureau shall use the
timeframes submitted under this subsection to establish
the project schedule under section 4.
(B) Adherence.--Each cooperating agency shall
adhere to the project schedule established by the
Bureau under subparagraph (A).
(b) Environmental Record.--The head of each cooperating agency
shall submit to the Bureau all environmental review material produced
or compiled in the course of carrying out activities required under
Federal law, consistent with the project schedule established by the
Bureau under subsection (a)(2).
(c) Data Submission.--To the extent practicable and consistent with
Federal law, the head of each cooperating agency shall submit all
relevant project data to the Bureau in a generally accessible
electronic format, subject to the project schedule established by the
Bureau under subsection (a)(2).
(a) In General.--The Secretary, after public notice in accordance
with subchapter II of chapter 5, and chapter 7, of title 5, United
States Code (commonly known as the ``Administrative Procedure Act''),
may accept and expend funds contributed by a non-Federal public entity
to expedite the evaluation of a permit of that entity related to a
qualifying project.
(b) Effect on Permitting.--
(1) Evaluation of permits.--In carrying out this section,
the Secretary shall ensure that the evaluation of permits
carried out using funds accepted under this section shall--
(A) be reviewed by the Regional Director of the
Bureau of the region in which the qualifying project or
activity is located (or a designee); and
(B) use the same procedures for decisions that
would otherwise be required for the evaluation of
permits for similar projects or activities not carried
out using funds authorized under this section.
(2) Impartial decisionmaking.--In carrying out this
section, the Secretary and the head of each cooperating agency
receiving funds under this section for a qualifying project
shall ensure that the use of the funds accepted under this
section for the qualifying project shall not--
(A) substantively or procedurally impact impartial
decisionmaking with respect to the issuance of permits;
(B) diminish, modify, or otherwise affect the
statutory or regulatory authorities of the cooperating
(c) Limitation on Use of Funds.--None of the funds accepted under
this section shall be used to carry out a review of the evaluation of
permits required under subsection (b)(1)(A).
(d) Public Availability.--The Secretary shall ensure that all final
permit decisions carried out using funds authorized under this section
are made available to the public, including on the Internet.
Passed the House of Representatives June 22, 2017.
Clerk. | Water Supply Permitting Coordination Act (Sec. 3) This bill establishes the Bureau of Reclamation as the lead agency for purposes of coordinating all reviews, permits, licenses, or other approvals or decisions (reviews) required under federal law to construct new surface water storage projects in the states covered under the Reclamation Act on lands administered by the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture, including state-led projects, exclusive of any easement, right-of-way, lease, or any private holding, unless the project applicant elects not to participate in the process authorized by this bill (qualifying projects). The Bureau: (1) upon receipt of an application for a qualifying project, shall identify any federal agency that may have jurisdiction over a required review; and (2) shall notify such agency that it has been designated as a cooperating agency unless specified conditions apply. A state in which a qualifying project is being considered may choose to: (1) participate as a cooperating agency; and (2) make subject to the processes of this bill all state agencies that have jurisdiction over the project, are required to conduct or issue a review, or are required to make a determination on issuing a permit, license, or approval for the qualifying project. (Sec. 4) The principal responsibilities of the Bureau are to: (1) serve as the point of contact for applicants, state agencies, Indian tribes, and others regarding qualifying projects; (2) coordinate preparation of unified environmental documentation that will serve as the basis for all federal decisions necessary to authorize the use of federal lands for qualifying projects; and (3) coordinate all federal agency reviews necessary for the development and construction of qualifying projects. The Bureau shall notify cooperating agencies of proposed qualifying projects by 30 days after receipt of a proposal and facilitate a pre-application meeting for prospective applicants, relevant federal and state agencies, and Indian tribes to: (1) explain applicable processes, data requirements, and applicant submissions necessary to complete the required federal agency reviews within the time frame established; and (2) establish the schedule for the qualifying project. The Bureau shall work with the qualifying project applicant and cooperating agencies to establish a project schedule. In establishing the schedule, it shall consider: the responsibilities of cooperating agencies under applicable laws and regulations; the resources available to such agencies and the non-federal qualifying project sponsor; the overall size, complexity, schedule for, and cost of the qualifying project; and the sensitivity of the natural and historic resources that may be affected. The Bureau must: prepare a unified environmental review document on which all cooperating agencies shall base project approval decisions; help ensure that cooperating agencies make necessary decisions regarding environmental compliance in accordance with specified time lines; maintain a consolidated administrative record of the information assembled and used by the cooperating agencies as the basis for agency decisions; ensure that all project data is submitted and maintained in generally accessible electronic format and make such project data available to cooperating agencies, the qualifying project applicant, and the public; and appoint a project manager for each qualifying project. (Sec. 5) Each cooperating agency must submit to the Bureau: (1) a time frame for completing the agency's authorizing responsibilities, (2) all environmental review material produced in the course of carrying out activities required under federal law, consistent with the project schedule, and (3) all relevant project data in a generally accessible electronic format. (Sec. 6) The Department of the Interior, after public notice, may accept and expend funds contributed by a non-federal public entity to expedite the evaluation of a permit of that entity related to a qualifying project. Interior must ensure that all final permit decisions are made available to the public, including on the Internet. | 95 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Joint Administrative Procedures
Committee Act of 2003'' or the ``JAPC Act''.
Section 802 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by
redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (i) and by inserting before
subsection (i) the following new subsection:
``(h)(1) There is established a Joint Administrative Procedures
Committee to be composed of 12 Members of the Senate to be appointed by
the majority leader of the Senate and 12 Members of the House of
Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
Representatives. In each instance, not more than 7 Members shall be
members of the same political party.
``(2) In carrying out its duties under this chapter, the joint
committee, or any duly authorized subcommittee thereof, is authorized
``(A) hold such hearings, to sit and act at such places and
times within the United States during the sessions, recesses,
and adjourned periods of Congress;
``(B) require the attendance of such witnesses and the
production of such books, papers, and documents, administer
such oaths, take such testimony, procure such printing and
binding as it deems necessary; and
``(C) make such rules respecting its organization and
procedures as it deems necessary.
``(3) The joint committee may selectively review existing major
rules of any Federal agency and recommend--
``(A) to the committees of jurisdiction in each House of
Congress that they take appropriate legislative actions to
amend or repeal laws within their jurisdictions sufficient to
effectuate its recommendations; and
``(B) to such Federal agency that it amend or repeal all or
any part of such major rules.
``(4) The joint committee shall periodically review the regulatory
plan of each Federal agency of its most important significant
regulatory actions that the agency reasonably expects to issue in
proposed or final form in the fiscal year in which such plan is
submitted (or thereafter) to the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget and may submit comments
to such Office respecting such plan. Within 10 calendar days after
receiving any such agency plan, such Office shall submit a copy of such
plan to the joint committee for its comments. Upon completion of its
review or waiver of its review of each such agency plan, the Office
shall also submit to the joint committee a detailed summary of it
``(5) The joint committee may selectively review existing rules of
any Federal agency that were in effect before the enactment of chapter
8 of title 5, United States Code, and that the joint committee finds
would satisfy the criteria of subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of
paragraph (2) of section 804 of such title and recommend--
``(A) to the committees of jurisdiction in each House of
Congress that they take appropriate legislative actions to
amend or repeal laws within their jurisdictions sufficient to
effectuate its recommendations; and
``(B) to such Federal agency that it amend or repeal all or
any part of such major rules.
``(6) The members of the joint committee who are Members of the
Senate shall from time to time report to appropriate standing
committees of the Senate, and the members of the joint committee who
are Members of the House of Representatives shall from time to time
report to appropriate standing committees of the House their
recommendations with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of
their respective Houses which are referred to the joint committee or
otherwise within the jurisdiction of the joint committee.
``(7) Vacancies in the membership of the joint committee shall not
affect the power of the remaining members to execute the functions of
the joint committee, and shall be filled in the same manner as in the
case of the original selection. The joint committee shall select a
chairman and a vice chairman from among its members at the beginning of
each Congress. The vice chairman shall act in place of the chairman in
the absence of the chairman. The chairmanship shall alternate between
the Senate and the House of Representatives with each Congress, and the
chairman shall be selected by the Members from that House entitled to
the chairmanship. The vice chairman shall be chosen from the House
other than that of the chairman by the Members from that House.
``(8) The joint committee may appoint and fix the compensation of
such staff as it deems necessary.
``(9)(A) Notwithstanding any law, rule, or other authority, there
shall be paid out of the applicable accounts of the House of
Representatives such sums as may be necessary for one-half of the
expenses of the joint committee. Such payments shall be made on
vouchers signed by the chairman or vice chairman of the joint committee
who is a Member of the House of Representatives, as the case may be,
and approved in the manner directed by the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives. Amounts made available
under this paragraph shall be expended in accordance with regulations
prescribed by the Committee on House Administration of the House of
``(B) (To be supplied by the Senate).''.
Section 802 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by
redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) and by inserting after
subsection (e) the following new subsection:
``(f)(1) In the House, after the third legislative day after the
date on which the committee to which a joint resolution is referred has
reported, it is in order for any Member of the House to move to proceed
to consideration of the joint resolution. All points of order against
the motion to proceed and against consideration of that motion are
waived. The motion is privileged in the House and is not debatable. The
motion is not subject to amendment, or to a motion to postpone, or to a
motion to proceed to the consideration of other business. A motion to
reconsider the vote by which the motion is agreed to or disagreed to
shall not be in order. If a motion to proceed to the consideration of
the joint resolution is agreed to, the House shall immediately proceed
to consideration of the joint resolution without intervening motion
(except one motion to adjourn), order, or other business.
``(2) In the House, debate shall be confined to the joint
resolution and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled
by a proponent and an opponent of the joint resolution. The previous
question shall be considered as ordered on the joint resolution to
final passage without intervening motion, except one motion to
recommit. A motion to reconsider the vote on passage of the joint
resolution shall not be in order.''.
(a) Congressional Review.--Section 801(a) of title 5, United States
Code, is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1)(A), by inserting ``, the joint
committee,'' after ``each House of the Congress'';
(2) in paragraph (1)(B), by inserting ``and the joint
committee'' after ``each House of Congress'';
(3) in paragraph (1) by adding at the end the following new
``(D) Within 30 days (excluding days either House of Congress is
adjourned for more than 3 days during a session of Congress) after the
date on which the report referred to in subparagraph (A) is received,
the joint committee may report a committee resolution recommending that
each standing committee with jurisdiction to which copies of the
applicable report were provided under subparagraph (C) report a joint
resolution pursuant to section 802 disapproving the applicable rule.'';
(4) in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting ``the joint
committee'' after ``committees of jurisdiction in each House of
the Congress''.
(b) Effect of Disapproval.--Section 801(b)(2) of title 5, United
States Code, is amended by inserting before the period at the end the
following: ``or the reissued or new rule carries out the
recommendation, if any, set forth in the report submitted by the joint
committee to the committees of jurisdiction pursuant to subsection
(a)(1)(D) respecting the rule that did not take effect because it was
the subject to an enacted resolution of disapproval''.
(c) Definitions.--Section 804 of title 5, United States Code, is
amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
``(4) The term `joint committee' refers to the Joint
Administrative Procedures Committee.''.
This Act and the amendments made by it shall take effect at noon on
January 3, 2005. | Joint Administrative Procedures Committee Act of 2003 (JAPC Act) - Establishes a Joint Administrative Procedures Committee to selectively review existing major rules of Federal agencies and recommend amendment or repeal of such rules. Directs the Committee to periodically review the regulatory plan of each agency of its most important significant regulatory actions that the agency reasonably expects to issue in proposed or final form in the fiscal year in which the plan is submitted.
Makes it in order for any Member of the House, after the third legislative day after the date on which the committee to which a joint resolution is referred has reported, to move to proceed to consideration of a joint resolution. Waives all points of order against the motion to proceed and against consideration of that motion. Makes the motion privileged in the House and not debatable. Provides that: (1) the motion is not subject to amendment, to a motion to postpone, or to a motion to proceed to the consideration of other business; and (2) debate in the House shall not exceed one hour.
Provides that: (1) before a rule can take effect, the Federal agency promulgating the rule shall submit to each house of Congress and to the Comptroller General a report to the Committee; and (2) within a specified time frame, the Committee may report a committee resolution recommending that each standing committee with jurisdiction to which copies of the applicable report were provided report a joint resolution disapproving the applicable rule. | 96 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence
Registry Act of 2012'' or the ``SAFER Act of 2012''.
Section 2 of the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 (42
U.S.C. 14135) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end the following
new paragraph:
``(6) To conduct an audit consistent with subsection (n) of
the samples of sexual assault evidence that are in the
possession of the State or unit of local government and are
awaiting testing.'';
(2) in subsection (c), by adding at the end the following
new paragraph:
``(4) Allocation of grant awards for audits.--For each of
fiscal years 2014 through 2018, not less than 5 percent, but
not more than 10 percent, of the grant amounts distributed
under paragraph (1) shall, if sufficient applications to
justify such amounts are received by the Attorney General, be
awarded for purposes described in subsection (a)(6), provided
that none of the funds required to be distributed under this
paragraph shall decrease or otherwise limit the availability of
funds required to be awarded to States or units of local
government under paragraph (3).''; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
``(n) Use of Funds for Auditing Sexual Assault Evidence Backlogs.--
``(1) Eligibility.--The Attorney General may award a grant
under this section to a State or unit of local government for
the purpose described in subsection (a)(6) only if the State or
unit of local government--
``(A) submits a plan for performing the audit of
samples described in such subsection; and
``(B) includes in such plan a good-faith estimate
of the number of such samples.
``(2) Grant conditions.--A State or unit of local
government receiving a grant for the purpose described in
subsection (a)(6)--
``(A) may not enter into any contract or agreement
with any non-governmental vendor laboratory to conduct
an audit described in subsection (a)(6); and
``(B) shall--
``(i) not later than 1 year after receiving
such grant--
``(I) complete the audit referred
to in paragraph (1)(A) in accordance
with the plan submitted under such
paragraph; and
``(II) for each sample of sexual
assault evidence identified in such
audit, subject to paragraph (4), enter
into the Sexual Assault Forensic
Evidence Registry established under
subsection (o) the information listed
in subsection (o)(2);
``(ii) not later than 21 days after
receiving possession of a sample of sexual
assault evidence that was not in the possession
of the State or unit of local government at the
time of the initiation of such audit, subject
to paragraph (4), enter into the Sexual Assault
Forensic Evidence Registry the information
listed in subsection (o)(2) with respect to the
``(iii) not later than 30 days after a
change in the status referred to in subsection
(o)(2)(A)(v) of a sample with respect to which
the State or unit of local government has
entered information into such Registry, update
such status; and
``(iv) provide that--
``(I) the chief law enforcement
officer of the State or unit of local
government, respectively, is the
individual responsible for the
compliance of the State or unit of
local government, respectively, with
the registry requirements under this
subparagraph; or
``(II) the designee of such officer
may fulfill the responsibility
described in subclause (II) so long as
such designee is an employee of the
State or unit of local government,
respectively, and is not an employee of
any governmental laboratory or non-
governmental vendor laboratory.
``(3) Extension of initial deadline.--The Attorney General
may grant an extension of the deadline under paragraph
(2)(B)(i) to a State or unit of local government that
demonstrates that more time is required for compliance with
such paragraph.
``(4) Samples exempt from registry requirement.--A State or
unit of local government is not required under paragraph (2) to
enter into the Registry described in such paragraph information
with respect to a sample of sexual assault evidence if--
``(A) the sample is not considered criminal
evidence (such as a sample collected anonymously from a
victim who is unwilling to make a criminal complaint);
``(B) the sample relates to a sexual assault for
which the prosecution of each perpetrator is barred by
a statute of limitations.
``(5) Definitions.--In this subsection:
``(A) Awaiting testing.--The term `awaiting
testing' means, with respect to a sample of sexual
assault evidence, that--
``(i) the sample has been collected and is
in the possession of a State or unit of local
``(ii) DNA and other appropriate forensic
analyses have not been performed on such
sample; and
``(iii) the sample is related to a criminal
case or investigation in which final
disposition has not yet been reached.
``(B) Final disposition.--The term `final
disposition' means, with respect to a criminal case or
investigation to which a sample of sexual assault
evidence relates--
``(i) the conviction or acquittal of all
suspected perpetrators of the crime involved;
``(ii) a determination by the State or unit
of local government in possession of the sample
that the case is unfounded; or
``(iii) a declaration by the victim of the
crime involved that the act constituting the
basis of the crime was not committed.
``(C) Possession.--
``(i) In general.--The term `possession',
used with respect to possession of a sample of
sexual assault evidence by a State or unit of
local government, includes possession by an
individual who is acting as an agent of the
State or unit of local government for the
collection of the sample.
``(ii) Rule of construction.--Nothing in
clause (i) shall be construed to create or
amend any Federal rights or privileges for non-
governmental vendor laboratories described in
regulations promulgated under section 210303 of
the DNA Identification Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C.
(a) In General.--Section 2 of the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination
Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 14135), as amended by section 2 of this Act, is
further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
``(o) Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry.--
``(1) In general.--Subject to subsection (j), not later
than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this subsection,
the Attorney General shall establish a Sexual Assault Forensic
Evidence Registry (in this section referred to as the
`Registry') that--
``(A) is administered by the Department of Justice;
``(B) allows States and units of local government
to enter information into the Registry about samples of
sexual assault evidence that are in the possession of
such States or units of local government and are
awaiting testing; and
``(C) tracks the testing and processing of such
``(2) Information in registry.--
``(A) In general.--A State or unit of local
government that chooses to enter information into the
Registry about a sample of sexual assault evidence
shall include the following information:
``(i) The date of the sexual assault to
which the sample relates.
``(ii) The city, county, or other
appropriate locality where the sexual assault
``(iii) The date on which the sample was
``(iv) The date on which information about
the sample was entered into the Registry.
``(v) The status of the progression of the
sample through testing and other stages of the
evidentiary handling process, limited to the
following information:
``(I) The identity of the entity in
possession of the sample of untested
sexual assault evidence by the State or
unit of local government.
``(II) The identification of the
sample of untested sexual assault
evidence by the State or unit of local
``(III) The submission of the
sample of untested sexual assault
evidence to a laboratory for analysis,
or the decision of the State or unit of
local government to indefinitely
refrain from submitting the sample.
``(IV) The completion of the
analysis of the sample of untested
sexual assault evidence, or the
decision of the State or unit of local
government to indefinitely refrain from
analyzing the sample of untested sexual
assault evidence.
``(vi) The date or dates after which the
State or unit of local government would be
barred by any applicable statutes of
limitations from prosecuting a perpetrator of
the sexual assault for the sexual assault.
``(B) Personally identifiable information.--The
Attorney General shall ensure that the Registry does
not include personally identifiable information or
details about a sexual assault that might lead to the
identification of the individuals involved, except the
information listed in subparagraph (A).
``(3) Sample identification number.--
``(A) In general.--A State or unit of local
government that chooses to enter information about a
sample of sexual assault evidence into the Registry
shall assign to the sample a unique numeric or
alphanumeric identifier.
``(B) Unique identifier required.--In assigning the
identifier under subparagraph (A), a State or unit of
local government may use a case-numbering system used
for other purposes, but the Attorney General shall
ensure that the identifier assigned to each sample is
unique with respect to all samples entered by all
States and units of local government.
``(4) Update of information.--A State or unit of local
government that chooses to enter information about a sample of
sexual assault evidence into the Registry shall, not later than
30 days after a change in the status of the sample referred to
in paragraph (2)(A)(v), update such status.
``(5) Internet access.--The Attorney General shall make
publicly available, on an appropriate Internet website,
aggregate non-individualized and non-personally identifying
data compiled from information required to be entered into the
registry under paragraph (2)(A), to allow for comparison of
backlog data by State and unit of local government.
``(6) Technical assistance.--The Attorney General shall--
``(A) provide a means by which an entity that does
not have access to the Internet may enter information
into the Registry; and
``(B) provide the technical assistance necessary to
allow States and units of local government to
participate in the Registry.
``(7) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection
shall be construed to require that any State or unit of local
government participate in the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence
Registry established under this subsection unless the State or
unit of local government--
``(A) accepts a grant awarded under subsection (n);
``(B) the State or unit of local government
expressly agrees to participate in the registry in
accordance with the conditions enumerated in this
(b) Funding.--Section 2(j) of the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination
Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 14135(j)) is amended--
(1) by inserting ``and for carrying out subsection (o)''
after ``for grants under subsection (a)'';
(2) by striking ``2014'' and inserting ``2018''; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``For
each of the fiscal years 2014 through 2018, not less than 1
percent of the amount authorized to be appropriated under the
previous sentence for such fiscal year shall be for carrying
out subsection (o).''.
Not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year for which
a grant is made for the purpose described in section 2(a)(6) of the DNA
Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000, as amended by section 2, the
Attorney General shall submit to Congress a report that--
(1) lists the States and units of local government that
have been awarded such grants and the amount of the grant
received by each such State or unit of local government;
(2) states the number of extensions granted by the Attorney
General under section 2(n)(3) of the DNA Analysis Backlog
Elimination Act of 2000, as added by section 2; and
(3) summarizes the processing status of the samples of
sexual assault evidence about which information has been
entered into the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry
established under section 2(o) of the DNA Analysis Backlog Act
of 2000, as added by section 3(a), including the number of
samples that have not been tested.
Section 2(c)(3) of the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000
(42 U.S.C. 14135(c)(3)) is amended--
(1) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``2014'' and inserting
``2018''; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
``(C) For each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018,
not less than 75 percent of the total grant amounts
shall be awarded for a combination of purposes under
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a).''. | Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry Act of 2012 or the SAFER Act of 2012 - Amends the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 to authorize the Attorney General to make Debbie Smith grants under such Act to states or local governments to conduct audits of samples of sexual assault evidence that are awaiting testing, provided such government submits an audit plan that includes a good-faith estimate of the number of such samples. Requires between 5% and 10% of Debbie Smith grant funds distributed in FY2014-FY2018 to be awarded for such purpose if sufficient applications to justify such amounts are received by the Attorney General, provided such award doesn't decrease funds for other distribution requirements.
Requires the Attorney General to establish a Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry that: (1) allows state and local governments to enter specified information about samples of sexual assault evidence in their possession that are awaiting testing, and (2) tracks the testing and processing of such samples. Requires such a government: (1) to complete a funded audit and enter such information about the sample into the Registry within one year after receiving a grant under this Act; (2) within 21 days after receiving a sample that was not in such government's possession at the time of the initiation of such audit, to enter information about such sample into the Registry; (3) to update the status of a sample within 30 days after any change; (4) to provide that the chief law enforcement officer of such government is the individual responsible for such government's compliance with registry requirements; and (5) to assign each sample a unique numeric or alphanumeric identifier. Exempts from such Registry-requirements samples that are not considered criminal evidence or that relate to a sexual assault for which the prosecution of each perpetrator is barred by a statute of limitations.
Requires the Attorney General to make publicly available on a website aggregate non-individualized and non-personally identifying data compiled from information required to be entered into the Registry, to allow for comparison of backlog data by state and local governments.
Requires, for each fiscal year through FY2018, not less than: (1) 40% of Debbie Smith grant amounts to be awarded to carry out DNA analyses of samples from crime scenes for inclusion in the Combined DNA Index System, and (2) 75% of grant amounts to be awarded for a combination of that purpose and to increase the capacity of state or local government laboratories to carry out DNA analyses. | 97 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Medical Laboratory Personnel
Shortage Act of 2001''.
(a) National Health Service Corps Scholarship and Loan Repayment
(1) Scholarship program.--Section 338A(a)(1) of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l(a)(1)) is amended--
(A) by striking ``and'' after ``practitioners,'';
(B) by inserting before the semicolon the
following: ``, and (within the meaning of section
799B(12)) medical technologists and medical laboratory
(2) Loan repayment program.--Section 338B(a)(1) of the
Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1(a)(1)) is amended--
(A) by striking ``and'' after ``practitioners,'';
(B) by inserting before the semicolon the
following: ``, and (within the meaning of section
799B(12)) medical technologists and medical laboratory
(b) Programs Under Title VII.--
(1) Allied health and other disciplines.--
(A) Preference in making awards.--Section 755 of
the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 294e)) is
amended by adding at the end the following subsection:
``(c) Preference in Making Awards.--In making awards of grants and
contracts under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give preference to
making awards to assist entities in meeting the costs associated with
expanding or establishing programs that will increase the number of
individuals trained as medical laboratory personnel.''.
(B) Authorization of appropriations.--Section 757
of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 294g(a)) is
amended by adding at the end the following subsection:
``(d) Allied Health and Other Disciplines.--For the purpose of
carrying out section 755, there are authorized to be appropriated
$100,000,000 for fiscal year 2002, and such sums as may be necessary
for each of the fiscal years 2003 through 2006. Such authorization is
in addition to the authorizations of appropriations under subsection
(a) that are available for such purpose.''.
(2) Other title vii programs.--Section 740 of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 293d) is amended--
(A) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection
(e); and
(B) by inserting after subsection (c) the following
``(d) Medical Laboratory Personnel.--For the purpose of increasing
the number of individuals trained as medical laboratory personnel
through making awards of grants or contracts under sections 737 through
739 for appropriate schools of allied health, there are authorized to
be appropriated, in addition to authorizations of appropriations under
subsections (a) through (c) that are available for such purpose, the
``(1) For awards under section 737 to such schools,
$11,193,000 for fiscal year 2002, and such sums as may be
necessary for each of the fiscal years 2003 through 2006.
``(2) For awards under section 738 to serve as members of
the faculty of such schools, $332,500 for fiscal year 2002, and
such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2003
through 2006.
``(3) For awards under section 739 to such schools,
$8,200,000 for fiscal year 2002, and such sums as may be
necessary for each of the fiscal years 2003 through 2006.''.
(3) Definition of medical laboratory personnel.--Section
799B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 295p) is
amended by adding at the end the following:
``(12) The term `medical laboratory personnel' means allied
health professionals (as defined in paragraph (5)) who are
medical technologists, cytotechnologists, histotechnologists,
phlebotomists, or medical laboratory technicians, or who are in
other fields that, within the meaning of section 353(a)
(relating to the certification of clinical laboratories),
examine materials derived from the human body for the purpose
of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or
treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of
the health of, human beings.''.
(a) Preventive Health Measures With Respect to Breast and Cervical
Cancer.--Title XV of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300k et
seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1509 the following section:
``(a) In General.--The Secretary, acting through the Administrator
of the Health Resources and Services Administration and in
collaboration with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, shall make grants to appropriate public and nonprofit
private entities to provide training to increase the number of
cytotechnologists who are available with respect to screening women for
cervical cancer.
``(b) Funding.--
``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), for the
purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to
be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2002, and such sums
as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2003 through
``(2) Limitation.--The authorization of appropriations
established in paragraph (1) is not effective for a fiscal year
unless the amount appropriated under section 1510(a) for the
fiscal year is equal to or greater than $173,928,000.''.
(b) Public Health Emergencies.--
(1) Combating antimicrobial resistance.--Section 319E of
the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-5), as added by
section 102 of Public Law 106-505 (114 Stat. 2315), is
(A) in subsection (c)(3), by inserting before the
period the following: ``, and support programs that
train medical laboratory personnel (as defined in
section 799B) in disciplines that recognize or identify
the resistance of pathogens''; and
(B) in subsection (e)(2), by inserting after
``societies,'' the following: ``schools or programs
that train medical laboratory personnel (as defined in
section 799B),''.
(2) Public health countermeasures to bioterrorist attack.--
Section 319F of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-
6), as added by section 102 of Public Law 106-505 (114 Stat.
2315), is amended--
(A) in subsection (c)(2)--
(i) by striking ``or'' after ``clinic,'';
(ii) by inserting before the period the
following: ``, or a school or program that
trains medical laboratory personnel (as defined
in section 799B)''; and
(B) in subsection (e)(2), by inserting before the
period the following: ``, and support programs that
train medical laboratory personnel (as defined in
section 799B) in disciplines that recognize or identify
a potential biological agent''.
Section 422(c)(3)(C) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
285b-4(c)(3)(C)) is amended by inserting after ``allied health
professionals'' the following: ``, with emphasis given in the training
of such professionals to the training of medical laboratory personnel
(as defined in section 799B) in medical laboratory disciplines with
respect to which there are needs for increased numbers of personnel''. | Medical Laboratory Personnel Shortage Act of 2001 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), through scholarships and loans for health professional training under the National Health Service Corps' scholarship and loan repayment programs, to assure an adequate supply of medical technologists and medical laboratory technicians to provide primary health services in health professional shortage areas.Requires the Secretary to give preference, in making awards of grants and contracts to increase the number of individuals trained in allied health professions, to entities with programs training medical laboratory personnel.Directs the Secretary to make grants for training to increase the number of cytotechnologists available for screening women for cervical cancer.Directs the Secretary to support programs that train medical laboratory personnel in disciplines that recognize or identify the resistance of pathogens (in combating antimicrobial resistance) and that recognize or identify a potential biological agent (in combating bioterrorism).Revises requirements for the use of Federal payments under cooperative agreements or grants between the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and public or private nonprofit entities for the training of allied health professionals with respect to the prevention and treatment methods for heart, blood vessel, lung, or blood diseases. Requires that training emphasis be given to medical laboratory personnel in medical laboratory disciplines with respect to which there are needs for increased numbers of personnel. | 98 |
This Act may be cited as the ``Smart Energy and Water Efficiency
Act of 2015''.
Subtitle A of title IX of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C.
16191 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
``(1) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means--
``(A) a utility;
``(B) a municipality;
``(C) a water district; and
``(D) any other authority that provides water,
wastewater, or water reuse services.
``(2) Smart energy and water efficiency pilot program.--The
term `smart energy and water efficiency pilot program' or
`pilot program' means the pilot program established under
subsection (b).
``(b) Smart Energy and Water Efficiency Pilot Program.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish and carry
out a smart energy and water efficiency pilot program in
accordance with this section.
``(2) Purpose.--The purpose of the smart energy and water
efficiency pilot program is to award grants to eligible
entities to demonstrate novel and innovative technology-based
solutions that will--
``(A) increase the energy efficiency of water,
wastewater, and water reuse systems;
``(B) improve energy efficiency of water,
wastewater, and water reuse systems to help communities
across the United States make significant progress in
conserving water, saving energy, and reducing costs;
``(C) support the implementation of innovative
processes and the installation of advanced automated
systems that provide real-time data on energy and
``(3) Project selection.--
``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall make
competitive, merit-reviewed grants under the pilot
program to not less than 3, but not more than 5,
eligible entities.
``(B) Selection criteria.--In selecting an eligible
entity to receive a grant under the pilot program, the
Secretary shall consider--
``(i) energy and cost savings;
``(ii) the novelty of the technology to be
``(iii) the degree to which the project
integrates next-generation sensors, software,
analytics, and management tools;
``(iv) the anticipated cost-effectiveness
of the pilot project in terms of energy
efficiency savings, water savings or reuse, and
infrastructure costs averted;
``(v) whether the technology can be
deployed in a variety of geographic regions and
the degree to which the technology can be
implemented on a smaller or larger scale; and
``(vi) whether the project will be
completed in 5 years or less.
``(C) Applications.--
``(i) In general.--Subject to clause (ii),
an eligible entity seeking a grant under the
pilot program shall submit to the Secretary an
application at such time, in such manner, and
containing such information as the Secretary
determines to be necessary.
``(ii) Contents.--An application under
clause (i) shall, at a minimum, include--
``(I) a description of the project;
``(II) a description of the
technology to be used in the project;
``(III) the anticipated results,
including energy and water savings, of
the project;
``(IV) a comprehensive budget for
the project;
``(V) the names of the project lead
organization and any partners;
``(VI) the number of users to be
served by the project; and
``(VII) any other information that
the Secretary determines to be
necessary to complete the review and
selection of a grant recipient.
``(4) Administration.--
``(A) In general.--Not later than 300 days after
the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary
shall select grant recipients under this section.
``(B) Evaluations.--The Secretary shall annually
carry out an evaluation of each project for which a
grant is provided under this section that--
``(i) evaluates the progress and impact of
the project; and
``(ii) assesses the degree to which the
project is meeting the goals of the pilot
``(C) Technical and policy assistance.--On the
request of a grant recipient, the Secretary shall
provide technical and policy assistance.
``(D) Best practices.--The Secretary shall make
available to the public--
``(i) a copy of each evaluation carried out
under subparagraph (B); and
``(ii) a description of any best practices
identified by the Secretary as a result of
those evaluations.
``(E) Report to congress.--The Secretary shall
submit to Congress a report containing the results of
each evaluation carried out under subparagraph (B).
``(c) Funding.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall use not less than
$7,500,000 of amounts made available to the Secretary to carry
out this section.
``(2) Prioritization.--In funding activities under this
section, the Secretary shall prioritize funding in the
following manner:
``(A) Any unobligated amounts made available to the
Secretary to carry out the activities of the Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office.
``(B) Any unobligated amounts (other than those
described in subparagraph (A)) made available to the
Secretary.''. | Smart Energy and Water Efficiency Act of 2015 This bill amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to require the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish and carry out a smart energy and water efficiency pilot program to award grants to utilities, municipalities, water districts, and other water authorities for demonstrating novel and innovative technology-based solutions that will: increase the energy efficiency of water, wastewater, and water reuse systems; improve those systems to help communities make significant progress in conserving water, saving energy, and reducing costs; and support the implementation of innovative processes and the installation of advanced automated systems that provide real-time data on energy and water. DOE must annually evaluate each grant project and make best practices identified in the evaluations available to the public. | 99 |
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