#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This file is part of SumeCzech corpus . # # Copyright 2018 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of # Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import re class RougeRaw: """Compute RougeRAW-1, RougeRAW-2, RougeRAW-L metrics.""" class FScore: """F1 score representation.""" def __init__(self, correct, gold, system): self.p = correct / system if system else 0. self.r = correct / gold if gold else 0. self.f = 2 * correct / (system + gold) if system + gold else 0. def _rouge_n(self, n, gold_words, system_words): """Compute Rouge-n for given words.""" def n_grams(n, words): ngrams = {} total = 0 for i in range(len(words) - n + 1): ngram = "\t".join(words[i:i + n]) ngrams[ngram] = 1 + ngrams.get(ngram, 0) total += 1 return ngrams, total gold_ngrams, gold_total = n_grams(n, gold_words) system_ngrams, system_total = n_grams(n, system_words) intersection = 0 for ngram in system_ngrams: intersection += min(system_ngrams[ngram], gold_ngrams.get(ngram, 0)) return self.FScore(intersection, gold_total, system_total) def _rouge_l(self, gold_words, system_words): """Compute Rouge-L for given words.""" lcs = [[0] * len(system_words) for _ in gold_words] for r in range(len(gold_words)): for s in range(len(system_words)): if gold_words[r] == system_words[s]: lcs[r][s] = 1 + (lcs[r - 1][s - 1] if r and s else 0) lcs[r][s] = max(lcs[r][s], lcs[r - 1][s] if r else 0) lcs[r][s] = max(lcs[r][s], lcs[r][s - 1] if s else 0) return self.FScore(lcs[-1][-1], len(gold_words), len(system_words)) def _tokenize(self, text): """Tokenize given text.""" return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", re.sub(r"\b", " ", text, re.UNICODE), re.UNICODE).strip().split(" ") def document(self, gold, system): """Compute RougeRAW-1, RougeRAW-2, RougeRAW-L for given documents. Each document should be a string. """ assert isinstance(gold, str) and isinstance(system, str), "Expected string arguments" lc_gold_words = [word.lower() for word in self._tokenize(gold)] lc_system_words = [word.lower() for word in self._tokenize(system)] return { "1": self._rouge_n(1, lc_gold_words, lc_system_words), "2": self._rouge_n(2, lc_gold_words, lc_system_words), "L": self._rouge_l(lc_gold_words, lc_system_words), } def corpus(self, gold, system): """Compute RougeRAW-1, RougeRAW-2, RougeRAW-L for given corpora. Each corpus should be a collection of documents, each document a string. """ assert isinstance(gold, list) and isinstance(system, list), "Expected list arguments" assert len(gold) == len(system), "Given corpora should be of the same length" rouge = {key: self.FScore(0, 0, 0) for key in ["1", "2", "L"]} if len(gold): for gold_document, system_document in zip(gold, system): for key, value in self.document(gold_document, system_document).items(): rouge[key].p += value.p rouge[key].r += value.r rouge[key].f += value.f for key in rouge: rouge[key].p /= len(gold) rouge[key].r /= len(gold) rouge[key].f /= len(gold) return rouge if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import json parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("gold", type=str, help="Gold jsonl file path") parser.add_argument("system", type=str, help="System jsonl output file") parser.add_argument("field", type=str, help="Which jsonl field to compare") args = parser.parse_args() gold = [] with open(args.gold, "r", encoding="utf-8") as gold_file: for gold_line in gold_file: gold.append(json.loads(gold_line)[args.field]) system = [] with open(args.system, "r", encoding="utf-8") as system_file: for system_line in system_file: system.append(json.loads(system_line)[args.field]) rouge = RougeRaw().corpus(gold, system) print(" RougeRAW-1 RougeRAW-2 RougeRAW-L") print(" P R F P R F P R F") for metric in ["1", "2", "L"]: print("{:04.1f} {:04.1f} {:04.1f}{}".format( 100 * rouge[metric].p, 100 * rouge[metric].r, 100 * rouge[metric].f, "\n" if metric == "L" else " "), end="")