#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This file is part of SumeCzech corpus . # # Copyright 2018 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of # Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime import json import re from urllib.parse import urlparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import dateutil.parser import dateutil.tz import regex DomainSettings = namedtuple("DomainSettings", ["encoding", "l_tag", "l_class", "document_extractor", "abstract_extractor", "headline_extractor", "date_extractor" ] ) month_mapping = { "ledna": 1, "ůnora": 2, "února": 2, "března": 3, "dubna": 4, "května": 5, "června": 6, "července": 7, "srpna": 8, "září": 9, "října": 10, "listopadu": 11, "prosince": 12, } date_re = re.compile(r"(\d{1,2})\.\s([^\W\d_]+)\s(\d{4}),?\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})") cet_tz = dateutil.tz.gettz("CET") author_re = re.compile("", flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE+re.IGNORECASE) multiple_linebreaks_re = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n", flags=re.MULTILINE) pp_re = re.compile(r"\s*<(h4|p)>", flags=re.MULTILINE) # regexes for heuristics to remove extra links ctete_take_re = re.compile("Čtěte také.*", flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE+re.IGNORECASE) caption_re = re.compile("\w\s*$", flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE) author_re = re.compile("", flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE+re.IGNORECASE) multiple_linebreaks_re = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n", flags=re.MULTILINE) pp_re = re.compile(r"\s*<(h4|p)>", flags=re.MULTILINE) ### NOVINKY novinky_starts_of_interest_re = re.compile("Nové knihy|Nová DVD|Nová CD|Premiéry|Vánoční knihy|Vánoční DVD|Vánoční CD") ### LIDOVKY lidovky_starts_of_interest_re = re.compile(r"Mistrovství Evropy ve fotbale 2016|MS v ledním hokeji|Kryje inspekce policejní zátaras z lidí\? O šetření nehody na D1 rozhodne soud") ### DENIK denik_starts_of_interest_re = re.compile("Právě jsme se narodila. Vaše miminka|Právě jsme se narodili|Pozvánk") denik_abstract_fix_re = regex.compile(r"(.*?(/[\p{Lu} ,-]*?/)? ?[-–])|(/[\p{Lu} ,-]*?/)") def parse_czech_month_date(datetime_str): '''Parse date in format with Czech month names. Used for: - lidovky.cz (dates like '2. ledna 2012 19:47') - novinky.cz (dates like 'pondělí 4. srpna 2003, 1:57') ''' match = date_re.search(datetime_str.lower()) if match is not None: dt = datetime(int(match.group(3)), month_mapping[match.group(2)], int(match.group(1)), # YMD int(match.group(4)), int(match.group(5)), 0, 0, cet_tz) #HMS us timezone return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") return None def parse_iso_date(datetime_str): '''Parse date in ISO format. Used for: - denik.cz (dates like '2009-08-20T21:00:00+02:00') - idnes.cz (dates like '2015-12-17T06:57CET') ''' # parse date dt = dateutil.parser.parse(datetime_str) # normalize timezone if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=cet_tz) dt = dt.astimezone(cet_tz) # format output return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") # generic def dont_clean(raw_text): '''Dummy function for text that doesn't need cleaning. ''' return raw_text def abstract_to_text(raw_abstract): '''Clean abstract. ''' return raw_abstract.text.strip() def process_text(raw_text, domain, clean_domain_specific_text): '''Clean text. ''' # domain-independent: remove tags not belonging to the text for tag in raw_text(['script', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'img']): tag.extract() # domain-specific raw_text = clean_domain_specific_text(raw_text) # add linebreak between paragraphs; ugly but it works raw_text = author_re.sub('', pp_re.sub('


', str(raw_text))) cleaned_text = BeautifulSoup(raw_text, 'html.parser').text if domain == 'denik.cz': cleaned_text = ctete_take_re.sub('', cleaned_text) # clean multiple linebreaks cleaned_text = multiple_linebreaks_re.sub('\n', cleaned_text.replace(' ', '\n').strip()) return cleaned_text def remove_headline_intro(headline): '''Remove some non-informative headline intros''' return re.sub(r'^(VIDEO|OBRAZEM|Autofotka týdne|Finanční poradna|Tipy na víkend' + '|RECENZE|Český poutník|Kam o víkendu s dětmi|TEST|Tip na výlet' + '|KOMENTÁŘ|Průzkum|S kamerou na cestách|Video týdne|Rady do zahrady' + '|POHNUTÉ OSUDY|ANALÝZA|Test|BAZAR|Putování s BBC|Co vám uniklo|ON-LINE' + '|Potvrzeno|ANKETA|Otázky čtenářů|Poslední slovo|Je to oficiální' + '|GLOSA|PŘEHLEDNĚ|ROZHOVOR|Výzkum|NÁZOR|ON-LINE CHAT|Na poslední chvíli' + '|TOP \d+ TÝDNE|Dlouhodobý test|FOTO|FOTO, VIDEO|DOKUMENT|EXKLU[SZ]IVNĚ' + '|CO VÁS ZAUJME|ANIMACE|ON-LINE REPORTÁŽ|BYDLENÍ|SOUTĚŽ|RETRO|AUDIO' + '|KRÁTCE|AUTOVIDEA ROKU|REPORTÁŽ|PODÍVEJTE SE|VIDEOTEST|Ukázka|TÉMA' + '|\d+\.\s*kolo(\s+ELH)?)\s*:\s*', '', headline, flags=re.I) def process_headline(raw_headline, clean_headline): headline = raw_headline.text headline = remove_headline_intro(headline) headline = clean_headline(headline) return headline def generic_headline_extractor(headline_cleaner): def f(soup): headline_list = soup.find_all('h1') # headline found, clean it headline_text = process_headline(headline_list[0], headline_cleaner) return headline_text return f def ceskenoviny_headline_extractor(soup): headline_soup = soup.find('h1', itemprop='name') headline_text = headline_soup.text.strip() return headline_text def generic_abstract_extractor(s_tag, s_class, abstract_cleaner): def f(soup): abstract_soup = soup.find(s_tag, class_=s_class) abstract_text = abstract_cleaner(abstract_soup) return abstract_text return f def ceskenoviny_abstract_extractor(soup): # check for article article_soup = soup.find('div', itemprop='articleBody') abstract_soup = article_soup.find('p', itemprop='description') if '-' in abstract_soup.text: abstract_text = abstract_soup.text.split('-', maxsplit=1)[1].strip() else: abstract_text = abstract_soup.text.strip() abstract_soup.extract() return abstract_text def generic_text_extractor(t_tag, t_class, text_cleaner): def f(soup, domain): # check for the full text document_soup = soup.find(t_tag, class_=t_class) document_text = process_text(document_soup, domain, text_cleaner) return document_text return f def ceskenoviny_text_extractor(soup, _): article_soup = soup.find('div', itemprop='articleBody') for tag in article_soup(['div', 'ul', 'script', 'img']): tag.extract() tags = article_soup.find('p', class_='tags') if tags is not None: tags.extract() # add linebreak between paragraphs; ugly but it works raw_text = author_re.sub('', pp_re.sub('


', str(article_soup))) clean_text = BeautifulSoup(raw_text, 'html.parser').text clean_text = multiple_linebreaks_re.sub('\n', clean_text.replace(' ', '\n').strip()) return clean_text def ceskenoviny_date_extractor(soup): dt_str = soup.find('span', itemprop='datePublished').text dt = datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=cet_tz) published = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") return published # domain-specific cleaner functions ### NOVINKY def clean_novinky_headline(headline): if novinky_starts_of_interest_re.match(headline) is not None and\ '-' in headline: return headline.split('-', maxsplit=1)[1].strip() return headline def clean_novinky_text(raw_text): '''Clean text from novinky.cz ''' # photos, videos for tag in raw_text('div', ['articlePhotos', 'articleVideo']): tag.extract() # picture and video descriptions for tag in raw_text('p', ['acmDescription', 'acmAuthor']): tag.extract() # picture and video descriptions: authors for tag in raw_text('p', string=author_re): tag.extract() # subcaptions for tag in raw_text('h4', string=caption_re): tag.extract() # see also, galleries, etc. for tag in raw_text('table', 'table_1'): tag.extract() return raw_text def novinky_date(soup): '''Example:

čtvrtek 31. července 2003, 13:22

''' date_soup = soup.find('p', id='articleDate') if date_soup is None: return None return parse_czech_month_date(date_soup.text.split('-')[0].strip()) ### LIDOVKY def clean_lidovky_text(raw_text): '''Clean text from lidovky.cz ''' # see also, galleries, etc. for tag in raw_text('table', ['not4bbtext']): tag.extract() for tag in raw_text('blockquote', class_='twitter-tweet'): tag.extract() # remove the abstract, if present for tag in raw_text('p', ['opener']): tag.extract() return raw_text def clean_lidovky_abstract(abstract): for tag in abstract('span', 'domicil'): tag.extract() return abstract.text.strip() def lidovky_date(soup): '''Example: 2. ledna 2012 19:47 ''' date_soup = soup.find('span', class_='time') if date_soup is None: return None datetime_str = date_soup.text.split(',')[0].strip().replace(' ', ' ') return parse_czech_month_date(datetime_str) ### DENIK def clean_denik_abstract(abstract): abstract = abstract.text.strip() abstract = denik_abstract_fix_re.sub('', abstract.rstrip('-–')).strip() return abstract def denik_date(soup): '''Example: \ ''' date_soup = soup.find('meta', property="article:published_time") if date_soup is None: return None return parse_iso_date(date_soup['content']) ### IDNES def idnes_date(soup): '''Example: