# Set the number of parallel processes | |
# Create the wav directory if it doesn't exist | |
mkdir -p wav | |
# Function to convert a single file | |
convert_file() { | |
local opus_file="$1" | |
local wav_file=$(echo "$opus_file" | sed 's|opus/|wav/|; s|\.opus$|\.wav|') | |
# Create the subdirectory in wav/ if it doesn't exist | |
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$wav_file")" | |
# Use the line below to keep the original sample rate 48kHz | |
# ffmpeg -i "$opus_file" "$wav_file" -loglevel error | |
# Or change the -ar 16000 to other sample rates | |
ffmpeg -i "$opus_file" -ar 16000 "$wav_file" -loglevel error | |
echo "Converted: $opus_file -> $wav_file" | |
} | |
export -f convert_file | |
# Find all .opus files and process them in parallel | |
find opus/ -name "*.opus" -print0 | xargs -0 -P "$NUM_PROCESSES" -I{} bash -c 'convert_file "$@"' _ {} | |
echo "Conversion complete." |