--- license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 viewer: false extra_gated_prompt: >- ### Language of Bargaining Data License Agreement All the data within this repo are under this [Data License Agreement](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VXLYPIgd8rm6SoLXaH97KeDqwYmEmFc5/view?usp=share_link). extra_gated_fields: First Name: text Last Name: text Email: text Affiliation: text Job Title: text By clicking Submit below I acknowledge that I have read the data license agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions: checkbox extra_gated_button_content: Submit --- # Language of Bargaining Dataset ## Dataset Description - **Paper:** [https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07117]() ## Dataset Summary This repo contains the Natural Language (NL) and Alternating Offer (AO) negotation transcript data as described in https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.735.pdf. The data includes the "Bargaining Act" annotations for the NL setting. ## Dataset Information Within the `negotiations-data.zip` compressed folder you will find two folders containing the AO and NL data. ### Alternating Offers (AO) The AO data is found in the folder `ao`. The folder contains 230 files, each one representing a single negotation conducted in the AO setting. They are in JSONL format where each line adheres to the following schema: ```yaml { "id": string, "role": string seller|buyer, "message": float, "created_at": datetime, "status": string } ``` There are multiple ways you could load this data, here is an example using the [pandas Python package](https://pandas.pydata.org/) for loading a single negotiation transcript, e.g. `ao/299.jsonl`. ``` import pandas as pd ao_file = 'ao/299.jsonl' negotiation_df = pd.read_json(ao_file, orient='records', lines=True) ``` ### Natural language (NL) The NL data is found in the folder `nl`. The folder contains 178 files, each one representing a single negotation conducted in the NL setting. They are in JSON format and adhere to the following schema: ```yaml { "duration_min": float, "turns": [ [ { "ID": string, "Role": string seller|buyer, "Word": string, "Span": string, "Spoken Numeric": string, "Numeric": string, "Category": string, "Firm or Soft": string, "External Incentive": string }, ... { ... }, ] ] } ``` There are multiple ways you could load this data, here is an example using the json and [pandas Python package](https://pandas.pydata.org/) for loading a single negotiation transcript, e.g. `nl/100.json`. ``` import pandas as pd import json nl_file = 'nl/100.json' with open(nl_file, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) # data contains the data, in json, of the entire negotiation for utt in data['turns']: turn_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(utt) # turn_df contains a single utterance, as a dataframe, where each row corresponds to one transcribed word. # Process and do something with turn_df here... ``` ### Annotation Instructions Below is a relevant portion of the instructions provided to annotators. It shoud help clarify the data: - Span: - `x` on all tokens included in the actual offer - Be inclusive - main idea is to exclude entirely different sentences - Spoken Numeric - `t`: if thousands place is spoken aloud (234,000), else blank - Numeric (i.e. offer amount) - Single number (plain numeric, thousands) - 220 - Range or Bounds - [220, 225] [,225] [220,] - Category - `n`: Numeric Offer (common case) - used for new numeric offers (numbers that haven’t been mentioned yet) - `p`: Push (request the other person move in my direction, mainly needs to reference offer made by other party) - `a`: Allowance (offer to move in the other persons’ direction without explicit number, needs to reference offer made by other party) - `c`: Comparisons to prices of external stuff (price of comparable house, price of imaginary existing offers) - `r`: Repetition of previous offer, non-committal - `e`: End of negotiation via offer acceptance entering mutual common ground (e.g., offer given followed by, “That works for me, let’s do it.”) - explicitly only happens once. - Firm or Soft - `s`: Soft number (e.g., 220ish) - Suffixes: “-ish”, prefixes: “around”, etc. - `f`: Firm number - External Incentive - `y`: speaker incorporates as a part of the offer non-monetary incentives (landscaping, sale/offer timing, cash payment of amount vs mortgage), needs to reference an offer. ### Anonymizing We replaced all occurences of participant names with the token `[PERSON]`. ## Citation If you use this dataset in your research or publication, please cite it as: ``` @inproceedings{heddaya-etal-2023-language, title = "Language of Bargaining", author = "Heddaya, Mourad and Dworkin, Solomon and Tan, Chenhao and Voigt, Rob and Zentefis, Alexander", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)", month = jul, year = "2023", address = "Toronto, Canada", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.735", pages = "13161--13185", } ```