stanford-politeness / X_unlabeled.csv
aravindputrevu's picture
Adding a variation of Stanford Politeness dataset
e13b3d9 verified
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486aff36,"The review has been up there for something like six weeks, I notice. Think you'll be able to take care of those last couple of things?"
201d7655,How many other states follow the same pattern? And do we really need it to?
c9125774,You added the name Ken Taylor to the <url> page but there is no such person listed on the DOD website as having received that award. Who were you refering to?
593ac8fb,I found <url> whilst looking for something else. Any use to you?
d1fdcdba,If it were me I'd want to try and find out more about how/why this happened first before I continued to use that software. Have you asked at the talk page I mentioned above?
40da6ea4,Thank you. So what did I do to earn the tea?
29a32349,Happy belated birthday to you too! How have you been?
f184f658,you recently deleted <url>. can you tell me where is the AfD debate on that article?
117c6f50,"Btw, I've issued a request for discussion on the Canadian Wikipedians' notice board about a dispute involving myself and another contributor on <url>. If you have a chance, could you look this over?"
5fb81bda,"With all due respect, that is going to take ages. How can one create a 'Bot' to do all this for me for <url>, <url>, <url>, <url> and <url>?"
3d961d64,"They did and have done, on my talk page and on their talk page and most the time im not really doing anything and i always seem to get the finger pointed at me. So what do you expect me to do if someone is uncivil towards me?"
1a5c49ba,My question about the truncation operation is to understand the generic algorithm for applying a ring (or un-ringing) a Dynkin node. What method (code) do you use to get the higher dimensions truncated based on the Coxeter Dynkin ringed nodes?
6767fd54,"Hey how are you? Now I can't find you online, where are you lol?"
5c99131e,"Hello, again. Would you care to intervene at <url>?"
a9478fad,Huh? Who the hell are you?
98dbe450," Giggy's RfA. Did you mean to remove 2,066 bytes of replies?"
3edc3159,...just vandalized my page again. What level warning is appropriate?
c7a8d23c,"Hi, I hadn't realized that you had made a revert on redirecting this. Could you see my comments on <url>?"
6a9adbcf,"I hope I don't upset anyone by jumping in univited, but why are self-created images any different than those found elsewhere so long as they comply with all of the non-free content criteria? Is this caveat hiding in a talk page archive somewhere?"
2758fb9c,"So far so good? Drop me an email sometime, ok?"
eacee178,I'm currently considering nominating you for adminship at <url>. Are you interested?
532e9d3a,Hi. I stumbled upon your user page and was wondering if you could offer any tips for creating locator maps... where do you get the 'base' map and what program do you use to fill in the colours?
ed638556,"OK, we are talking about two remaining articles here. The categories serve absolutely no categorization purpose, so why are you being stubborn about it?"
edb78048,"Somebody labeled the ""stenography"" images you did for <url> as unverified. Would you midn adding a tag to those, too?"
45781218,"Fine, but you didn't need to be an admin to make edits to articles. Or did you?"
759a1c9e,"Hi. How do you think, is <url> of FL quality?"
d15d288c,"All right, I'll bite. Is honorary membership in the Justice League not criteria enough for being listed in that category?"
69420aa5,"Your first attempt at doing this also added a <nowiki>""<url>""</nowiki> line to the article, and that's what triggered the bot. Perhaps you should get into the habit of using the 'Show changes button?"
00129c82,"I see you deleted the Shayla LaVeaux article, citing copyright problems. I'd like to see if I can't clean it up... is there any way I can see the deleted article?"
e92d4968,"The link you provided to speedy delection criteria only goes up to CSD12, and there is no CSD 13 listed there. Could you clarify?"
e3808460,"Hi again, OK, say we don't go along the lines of Blair will go before the end of 2007; but we list the announced candidates for when Blair does resign (which will inevitably happen at some point). Do you think this would be any better/more suitable?"
369a8b74,"Hi, you've done a lot of work on comparing FA country articles. Are you aware of any country that got special praise for the selection of images in the article?"
ba683231,"Thanks, Wareh. Have to ask, Davey: why is the Circus Maximus article on your page called <url>?"
b7b751a7,"Great Article RaveenS, Do u want me to add this to the template (Sri Lankan Conflict)? I think it should be included in the ''see also'' section what do you suggest?"
303268c2,Your new images of Micheal Knight and Devon look kinda squashed. Can you fix them or find better ones to replace them?
9b6dd720,"Hey, several of the footnotes that you use in <url> are Harvard footnotes, which means that they need the full citation of the books in works cited section. I imagine you grabbed some of that information from some other places, would you mind retriveing the bibliographic data?"
2531aa33,"Hello, I've written a page about the <url>, shamelessly copying the style from your CCT/FoFC lists. In the process, have I missed anything out?"
34e84916,"Can I you take a look at <url> and <url>? Specifically, look at the formatting of the general reference; is it an acceptable way to present the references?"
360b0a93,"Yep, I'm definitely free for the whole break. Had fun in your trip?"
4ff1a37d,Do you really believe that your photograph at the top of the <url> is better than my photograph which you removed? Should Wikipedia have a dedicated sunrise article that does not feature even one single decent image of a red sky?
ad86f122,"Am I indeed ""dishonest"" by responding to you? Is <url> correct?"
6a2b35c2,"The YA article is a right trainwreck, and having had to do much of the exact same work on <url> and <url>, I'm not keen to do it again a third time on <url>, and then defend three separate articles from identical POV pushes. Thoughts?"
bb5706d5,He's still got the youtube link on there even after your reversion. How does once vs. 25 times or so make any difference?
80d87d1a,The new features of Hotcat are excellent: whom do I thank for this? :-) Are you still its maintainer?
80798b16,"I made the revert as an editor, not an Administrator - I haven't used my Admin tools and I have said I would not use them as I'm involved. Where did I say I hadn't read any of the material?"
206b4496,"I was just curious why you named the <url> for Williamsburg County, not Georgetown County. Is it because W County is listed first by the GNIS?"
ac0fe53f,You also seem somedeal similar to <url>. Not logging in is not sockpuppetry but do you acknowledge that User: is you?
a711cdd3,Lowell/Lawrence Blvd leading from Lowell to the Methuen Rotary is a device from hell as well. How many people does that short stretch of road have to kill?
b4d777da,I tagged the most recent article. Aren't there guidelines for public history in your state?
fe7a06c6,"---- Though I thought I would note that you have now exceeded <big>'''500'''</big> edits while on ""wikibreak"" and that is over less than 10 days, May I ask what kind of break is that???"
f4e82ae3,"Just looking at that photo and the one in the article makes me feel cold :). I just finished this article <url> a week or so ago, and wonder if those Forward Operating Locations are tied into intercepts from those NORAD radar sites ?"
7a0c25b3,"Hello, I am interested in helping out with <url> and <url>, but the pages are very very long, which is unmanageable and discouraging. Could you please break them up into (many) smaller subpages?"
5c30a57e,Good idea.... Perhaps though you could also make a list of kings on that page??
6394c58d,"When someone explicitly states that they created the image themselves, then surely GFDL is at least implied? I know i forgot to add the tag but is it really necessary to put a delete template on the image?"
06e7a4e3,"I've been trying to convince this user that his only problem is his username, but he doesn't seem to fully believe it. Would you mind popping over and giving a word or two of encouragement?"
8f0e6dd2,Where is the vandalism? Diffs?
585f3750,I believe that an opinion about AS belongs only to article about AS (and you are welcome to cite the MS opinion ''in proper context''). However an opinion about MS belongs only to article about MS. Is not this fair and logical?
2cffdce8,"I thought that, when some informations are mentioned about in ''desperate housewives'', it is a reliable source? So, in your way of thinking, Susan Mayer maiden name is not Bremmer or something like that?"
363e3b8e,"I think these are reasonable, and should protect you from lawyering. Should I go ahead and add this?"
562e6449,No problem. Have you heard anything new about HRE?
7be45211,"Hello. I was just wondering, is it really fair to delete an unintentional duplication of a deleted category without a formal CFD submission?"
5c9c392a,You just added it again. Maybe you should look over the guidelines for inclusion of the tag?
84921122,"Hi Leonard G., I just read through your RFA including your reform proposals. Could you take a look at <url>, a proposal I have developed which would give just the rollback tool to people who request it?"
bccdeeea,"Why have you included the Putnam Line in the MTA infobox, when it was never operated by the MTA (excepting the Marble Hill stub, which is hardly on a par with the Hudson Line, Harlem Line, etc.)?"
ef0e8b0f,Could you please block me indefinitely. If you can't then what do I need to do to get blocked indefinitely?
e8d03de4,"Hi, Matt. Aren't you supposed to be banned?"
f10d3eb2,Many thanks for the review. So what was the truce term ''you'' used when little then?
5ffb2729,"Not to worry. What's ""D.M.""?"
c2fb159a,"Hi, I noticed <url> of yours, claiming a <url> violation. Mind explaining that?"
66793a7a,"I have never seen anything which says that warning levels should begin anew each day. <url> says that warning templates ""are listed at right in order of severity, but need not be used in succession."" If there is another policy somewhere, could you show it to me?"
0bf14fc1,"Remember we had the whole edit warring on Edelsten article a while back? I find it curious that a recently created account posted this <url> as their first contribution basically supporting Edelsten's personal website (which when you look would hardly pass <url>, I looked it at this site a while back in research and found some of the positive claims could not be verified) and wanting a complete rewrite of the article... sound familiar?"
88e4ae50,"Hey, I just went ahead and reverted <url>. I was wondering if you wanted your userpage semi-protected to prevent that happening in the future?"
117ac45f,"p.s. I'd be right that you're a supporter of corporal punishment, I presume?"
01ba00b0,"No, I don't know of any way to measure the number of visitors to articles. Perhaps someone on the <url> can answer your question?"
790d229b,Thanks for your reply. I've tried to incorporate the references into the article; how is it now?
ebf5c20e,"Thanks for the redirect help! Is that something I can do myself in the future, or is that an admin thing?"
ae3d5ef2,To me these two bits of TeX look identical after they're rendered. Can you explain the advantage of the latter format (since you've made a point of changing from the first to the second form in some articles)?
289d8ef9,Cheers! Don't suppose you have a link.....?
b13dedd7,"Just a question about the maintenance categories that FemtoBot automatically creates each month: I've noticed that the bot is frequently forced to recreate old, long-deleted monthly categories in the <person> queue, because an article got reverted to an old version for one reason or another and resulted in the old category being temporarily repopulated again. I'm just putting this forward as an idea for discussion, and am certainly not wedded to it u2014 but just to keep things simpler for everyone, I wonder what you would think about the feasibility and/or desirability of recoding the bot so that when it encounters a repopulated old maintenance category, it would retag the article to the ''current'' month instead of recreating the old one?"
dfea7e7a,"Thank you, I was wondering what type of unit this was. Civil Defence, some kind of police squad, or perhaps even Freikorps?"
06cba839,"Greetings, and thank you for your cogent remarks at <url>. Would you be interested in voting in the straw poll <url> as well?"
979e86d9,"I'm sorry, but I don't see the edit if you're referring to the <url> article. Are you referring to something else?"
e59b8e9c,"Seeing you back on Wikipedia after a long time. How are you doing, and is everyone you know safe?"
48f4684d,Your bot takes zh:u514bu91ccu65afu6258u5f17xb7u6885u7b56u723eu5fb7 off of the Christoph Metzelder page. What exactly is wrong with it?
e4a44d63,Hmm. Over?
6278c9a0,"I am reluctant to mention this, but having your paragraph in bold on <url> seems to me to be a bit self-promotional and unfair to the other members. Is there any chance that I might be able to persuade you to voluntarily unbold it?"
5c35e490,"Hi I noticed that you changed the category at <url> from ""People from Alabama"" to ""People from Elmore County, Alabama"". Is this appropriate, as Opothleyahola was dead for three years before Elmore county had been organized and had been forcibly removed from the area more than thirty years before?"
fb975599,"Even worse: ""The authorized use of this data is limited to informational and educational purposes only, and NOT for operational or commercial purposes."" This clearly disqualifies the text for Wikipedia purposes, I'm afraid we'll have to delete the article. Do you know of any similar contributions you've made?"
4fc8b834,<url>! Shall we greet him as he deserves?
579d4370,"Gee, thanks. But shouldn't it be a barnstar for '''''bad''''' humor, or maybe for the humor ""phlegm""?"
358919de,"<url> is having <url> spelling ""<url>"". Perhaps you could help?"
7459b1f9,"These are my numbers: 7 years in Wikipedia, 6 years as an admin, 570+ articles, 4 featured articles, 1 featured list, 21 Good articles, 60 DYK's - After six years as an admin. I recently made some mistakes and I can understand if I am placed in some type of probation were I am monitored and forbidden to use my tools maybe for a year, but do I really merit the removal of my adminship?"
ae27e67e,"""''Images with iconic status or historical importance: As subjects of commentary.''"". Listen, it's just trivial to look up, could you take the care of actually reading these policies before arguing over them?"
3136d053,"In terms of suitability for an article, as I understand it, Merrill's ""claim to notice"" is due to the company (work done by SOM, size of SOM, etc), and also because of the important changes he made to that company. Is that roughly correct?"
002100c9,Hi John. Do you have any more edits to make before I start the merge?
dc0c34b3,So it seems we both already know the problems with the current logo and the SVG one. What can I do to help you?
4bdf287f,You have given your point by point rebuttals to my reasons several times. How can you say I haven't provided my reasoning?
a12aeabf,Perhaps you can help me. How do I view the status of a vandalism report I've made?
5fa86e1d,Links to attack sites and so are not allowed. You must know that you violated BLP?
179f9d7c,I'm not sure what you mean by pointing out that votes were placed before the version you created. Could you elaborate?
ddc72d02,"Thanks. Can you leave a comment at <url>, saying you are the creator?"
7fd293a7,"Since working on the article you wrote, I have become fascinated with this band. Is any of their music availabe online?"
ea858a71,"Just an FYI, I replied at FPOC. How many lists would you prefer?"
3f997b9f,I'm curious as to why you chose to <url> a full two minutes after my last comment? Am I to take this as a sign you are no longer willing to discuss the issue?
fceafba6,Stephen's solution certainly isn't optimal. Fancy giving me a basic rundown on the problem here and I'll see if I can devise a more elegant one?
c8c44d0d,"While browsing wikipedia for missing pages to write i saw it on your things to do list. Assuming he's a poet, do you mean <url>?"
741f94f7,"I have also put speedy delete tags on <url> and <url>. Was there any particular reason to move your user/user talk pages to that name, and back again?"
aaa9ca0a,"The block seems to no longer be necessary or productive. If I were to bring a motion to get them unblocked, would you support it?"
b4fc123b,"Okay. What, exactly, can I do about that?"
c1b35c7d,"At first I couldn't see it, but now that I've taken a closer look I see what you mean. Now, I wonder, who was the first most decorated PR soldier in WW II?"
2b6c30f5,"That's a <url>-length rant. Still, be nice and AGF, okay?"
b55461b3,I enjoyed your comments on the 'Road to Serfdom' article. I wonder if you know if anyone has offered a reading of the book as a satire of the bourgeois-administrative-pseudo-capitalist state?
a16b5831,Thanks. Anything else?
7bd65dac,"What is your source for the PD Seantors? There is no news on RTE, or the PD website?"
63167f4e,"It was nominated for speedy deletion because he wasn't notable. However, if I undelete the page, will you improve the article and be able to provide decent sources to help his notability?"
b3d64e7e,"The reason given on the <nowiki><person></nowiki> tag (''""Non-notable book promo""'') seems to have nothing at all to do with the article. Is this on the correct article?"
aa85a4c9,"I'm sorry, but I don't see the value in having different criteria for two versions of the same list, one sorted by name and one sorted by nationality. Every other list and article on space travel uses the altitude definition, why would the sub-list sorted by nationality be different?"
9b6b80fd,Sorry to not reply earlier regarding Deathrockeru2014I've been away. Has the situation calmed?
bcd162ff,"I have no need to search the interwebs, all that matters is it offends people and is a violation of NPOV and MoS. ""All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view (NPOV), representing fairly and without bias all significant views (that have been published by reliable sources)"" - ess-eff is a bias term for a minority group of fans, put it this way: is there an SF-channel, or how often is the clichxe9 ess-eff used outside fan-groups?"
1785e2c9,"One more thing if you want, let's talk on the Seinfeld talk page. I think I am taking up your talk page so let's talk there instead, ok?"
f9cec11e,I noticed that you have a little note at the top saying your status. How do you do that?
01400f60,"If you're talking about the Recycling Troll, I've never blocked him. Why do you think I have?"
d131dc21,"On reflection it's up for GA peer review, preparatory to trying for FAC. Would you care to <url>?"
5d88105d,When we have a GLAM barnstar then you get it ..... just for the Hindi article! I cannot explain why you needed to create a Derby page in Hindi - surely it should be there already?
f31a7892,"So your argument is that as long as you follow the ""rules,"" nothing else should matter? That if it's legal it's OK?"
1b21bef2,Thanks for the cleanup. Why did you delink the songs and Weird Al's album?
a7cb47c4,"Since this person made a sincere attempt to discuss the page, and the page in his opinion was relevent, you can remove this warning from his talk page? In the spirit of <url>, perhaps?"
b85d5934,"I see you have been creating lots of articles on bus stations on the <url>. Considering how little information there is (and is likely to be) for these stations, would it not be better to have them all on one article?"
9505a49e,"<url> - I removed a see-also to a link placed by a COI-editor pointing to a topic about himself, which duplicated an existing link on the same topic. Exactly what is <em>your</em> reason for the template on my user page?"
da13ef6f,"Thanks. Before I use, is there are way to deny the bot only within a portion of an article rather than the entire article?"
bbd3b9c2,Thanks for adding that ref to <url>. I don't suppose your copy of Conway's says anything about the roles and fates of ''Schleswig-Holstein'' or ''Schleisen''?
5464f574,"No, I didn't know that. Where does this ""rule"" come from?"
1107febe,"Thanks. As an aside, since this did turn out to be factual, just very hard to source, do you think the community would countenance an unblock request from Blaabla if he accepted some strict unblock conditions (such as packing in the 'systemic bias' thing, discussing his edits in a less confrontational manner etc)?"
e5ad1039,"Owing to your status as an active wikipedian, I'm not yet reverting your edit to this article. But what sense is it to move his birth location from the birthdate position in line one, to the top of (a newly formed) paragraph 2 which then (continues from the former paragraph 1 subject) takes off on a subject entirely unrelated to his birth?"
5dc3b6c4,I assume you like to play '''U.S.''' billiards bottom right corner?
044b214c,Title says it all.<url> I dont have time to put up a page... but might I suggest <url>?
da83ffb9,"Greetings, sorry to bother you here... I have been using the MissingTopics tool for years, to generate <url> The last time I used it successfully was Nov 16. Something must have changed in the algorhythms since then, because it will no longer read any page starting with an Amharic character... Is it broke?"
10b2bfc0,"I'm usually polite, but this one seemed to need a slap across the face. It's ... words escape me .. mindboggling... jaw-dropping ... ?"
3c1b6cf0,"That sounds fine. When does the drive end: at the start of August 13 or at the end, and according to which timezone?"
8333af61,Calling all changes for vandalism just because you don't agree with them is NOT the way to explain why you reverts edits. May I suggest that you actually learn what vandalism actually means before you use the word?
63737d87,u2013 Use that dash my friend. How are you geting on?
fc73517a,I am not equally confident about this pinning one: <person>. Hector again?
5703380c,"I actually know nothing about karate, but you look to be doing a good job with your work, and I'm just here to say sorry really that some of your articles got deleted. Which artiles got deleted?"
1e1087e7,"Ah well, if you are going to have such a bizarre flight of fancy as far as to calling it an attack page then perhaps I will remove it. Maybe you should also look at how you interact with others?"
6fbd1b92,"It was closed as ""no consensus, default to keep"". What difference does it make?"
30690777,"It may very well have been a better candidate for a stub rather than a speedy deletion. I would rather not talk about this on another users talk page, if you would like to discuss if further could we continue any further posts on <url>?"
8d39abe8,"Thank You. What is ""The Prince of Santorini"" anyway?"
4505c194,"Thanks for readjusting the <url> remarks on stationsby - I must confess I'm not that much into Danish history, so my edit contained some guesswork... thanks for correcting me. Do I understand correctly that a Stationsby would not be the station that originaly is intended for a town further away, around which then a new town grows up?"
4d28565d,It's on the talkpage - you are deleting like crazy. I can ask for a Cabral if you like?
c791b42c,"Regarding <url>: <url> seems to say the exact opposite (that links on a dab page should ''not'' be through redirects). The page is at <url>, so shouldn't that be how it's linked on the dab page?"
9e465f8f,"I started working on missing translations of news titles inside citations, but discovered that square brackets leave an ugly residue, while round ones may not be optimal, since they clash visually with the ""language"" ones. Would it be acceptable to just use the English version as title?"
c10ad200,"An excellent news, indeed! I don't have time to have a look at it right now (busy with the fr FA), but do they have something on Gndevank?"
f30b8aa9,I wasn't sure what you mean by making the title a clickable link. Can you show me how to do that?
988edce4,Im sorry to see that you withdrew. Maybe next time?
7f842cd2,How can a permablocked user edit? And who would set up a sockpuppet months in advance?
db0d7724,Can I send you a video? Or possibly some stills?
ac5b02d3,"Would you know what the difference is between 'computing by Operating systems' and 'operating systems""? Not obvious to me, why not just eliminate it and add the computing category to the operating systems category page?"
0c85116d,"Hi reinyday - I've been noticing your sig on WP:CFD... this is probably something you know all about but... you do know about being able to use four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>) to sign, don't you? Or have you done some fancy trick with your signature to stop it linking back to your user page?"
7d9fb294,"Don't worry about it. Take it easy, keep the ranting to a minimum and the productive editing to a maximum :) And you're still not convinced you should get an account?"
14ed921a,"Hi, hopefully I will have the <url> ''wonderful-joy-of-a-job'' task done by tomorrow so will be able to join you with the infobox-adding task thereafter. Do you have a method, or is it just A &ndash; Z?"
0f486a0d,I'm curious how you justify your removal of a link to the Washington Blade newspaper website in the <url> article<url>. The Blade is a valid media outlet - a newspaper dating back to 1969. Is there some bias at work?
487814b7,You removed posts by me as well. Do you have any explanation?
cc7446dd,"Most of the editors who would care about the deletion of KiK's threads are the ones who would agree with him, so it's pointless to warn them. Hell ... come to think of it, hasn't KiK been all over their talk pages, with them high-fiving each other?"
5df0aace,"Thanks very much indeed! :-) I don't suppose you'd fancy having a deadlink trawl over at <url>, would you?"
c24e4805,Either <url> is really misinterpreting the guidelines or I missed out on something. Care to shed light here?
28166c88,What City in Connecticut do you live in? And have you been to the north as your name suggests?
2d32b279,"I pretty much agree with <url>, except I would like to know why you modified the see also section to be a hatnote. Doesn't <url> have specific requirements for this?"
ab59e480,Not trying to pick a fight - a user that reverts all articles to a version by you is suspect. Any New Year's resolutions Will?
3c35e086,Hello??? Are you just pretending I don't exist?
7b90395b,Bureaucrats require a higher level of trust than administrators. Are you actually familiar with what these tasks entail?
728e69ef,"Can you explain what you mean by ''""Randi, paranormal, Larry King etc. are all redundant redundant""''?"
7a863181,"When I wrote <url> I was not quite sure if it was a synonym of <url>, and hence did not perform a merge. Could you clarify if they are indeed the same, and if so whether we should merge the articles?"
a3128fb5,"Regarding our WikiProject discussion about airport naming, I am unsure about Wiki etiquette - should I edit your sandbox with links indicating the common name (i.e. airport even though it's an aerodrome) or should I list them on my own talk page?"
2acd6e4c,"Hey, thanks for your contributions here :). Would you mind referencing them to conform with wiki-policy?"
190bcd67,"I had an editorial dispute with a user called <url><, but I'm not responding to him anymore as it seems to escalate into heated arguments. If he keeps messaging, would it be ok if I got back in touch with you and you had a word with him?"
ccaae7c6,"Not that I know of, but it's probably time it was. Want to start a discussion somewhere?"
b0cb3eaa,I'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking. Could you perhaps try to explain it in another way?
c27c526f,Do you mean article edits with sock puppets? Could you give me more precise examples?
f1cc5397,"Hi Dirk. Does the two books you cited for the heavy Belgian <url> losses have any info of how many Gladiators the Belgians lost, and perhaps what losses they incurred on the Germans?"
1bb5245c,OK done. When do I get my money?
c58fe6bb,"Well, lyrics are generally frowned upon on Wikipedia, unless the song is old enough that its copyright no longer applies. Could you perhaps link to the article?"
95ad95ce,Thank you very much for your kind comments but I don't recall if or when I made these contributions. Are you sure it was me?
9706d49c,"You're right, but loosing it because of Devanampriya, of all users, would be quite a shame for Wikipedia. Don't we have to make a stand against ignorance, partisan POV-pushing and constant incivility?"
171fa698,Are you crazy down here?! What the heck is going on?
c5b44331,"Your comment about ""the additions were left intact as a courtesy"" sounds a bit strange to me. Maybe you should read <url>?"
3725ba65,E-mail me at <url> (just get rid of the spaces in between the letters and numbers) whenever you feel like it. By the way are you a member on any Iranian football forums online?
9028fbf3,"Good one for the beginning. Is it possible to paint, say, red color an area between the null line and the curve below it, and blue (or green) an area between the null line and the curve above it?"
e682ea4e,"How can anyone analyze the page if you keep deleting the content? <url> 01:28, 18 December 2006 (UTC) Are you afraid someone might vote for it?"
a99a2c0f,"You again speak of ""the probability of interest"", whereas I made it clear that either there is only one probability of interest, and hence it cannot depend on the door numbers, or there are several probabilities of interest, all with the same value, and hence independent of the numbers of the doors. Don't you understand this?"
9f35a1f2,"Hi, StuRat. Do you want to participate in <url>?"
ceceaf26,"I'm not finding the name change request at <url>, nor does there appear to be such an edit under the ""Rogerboas"" account name. Did you posti t while logged out, perhaps?"
7dc795d9,"#I am still convinced the long page on ""prostatitis"" (a misnomer in the case of CPPS) is confusing, with too many sections and subsections, and would benefit from restructuring and the creation of separate pages for each area, or at the very least the removal of the CPPS section to its own, in depth page. You were the only editor to object to this going ahead, with this comment: ""So, suggest keep this on hold for now, but in principle one might similarly split off other classification categories with this then just umbrella simple introduction."" Do you still hold this view?"
eda1a788,"On another note, I'm going to assume that you were the one who also added ridership data for various LIRR stations, am I correct? If so, could you kindly point me towards your source?"
7754fb86,I wasn't aware my statement was supposed to cause worry. Is there something I'm missing?
e8abb7c4,"I aggree... river name then ""River"". Do you think that since it's a list of rivers in China we should use the Chinese name and the international norm name too?"
5c04b101,No problem. Have you seen the <url> article?
499e0f23,"This is what you wrote: ""In the book 'Inventing Elliot' written by Graham Gardener, the book, 1948 is mentioned numerous times."" What book, 1948??"
f78f3014,"Hi, I wanted to ask what do you follow to create redirects on this <url>??"
2fcf01c9,"I read his note, and you should know that as I responded to it and then you responded to me. So where did the doubt come in regarding that matter?"
6508d393,"Maybe you should consider a user name change? To, say, ""Sarah 'The Hammer' Ewart""?"
e95aa1c5,"Hello Glacier109, I am contacting you because in golf they put Money not Winnings as the standard on most leaderboards used at the end of tournaments. I am just wondering why you selected the word winnings?"
e5e18be7,I see that you are becoming a little bit paranoid. Do i need to do a check user for you ?
12af4174,A challenge for you! What do you think about creating a template for convoys and a list of convoys?
dc66555d,"I believe you wanted to find out which party the PP was? Well i'm sure you'll be able to find it at - my guess is that it could be the Progress Party, who ran in the 1977 WA HoR election?"
eb8bd958,"He's doing it again, removing Lauren's ""bottom 2"" placing (<url>). I just reverted him but maybe we need to file something at AN/I ?"
c06e19ac,"Why was <url> deleted when it was simply a crop of <url> which is public domain? I'm pretty sure I wrote that on the description page, but if not, can it be restored?"
5150dd50,"The article is not about this, at all. Could you explain your logic?"
01b4d5b9,"Opps, how come your archive links to the article's talk page archive? I'm going to fix it for you, ok?"
402d6863,I think it is important to note that Spirit 03 was the last gunship to be brought down and that it has not been involved in a Class A mishap since that date. Should we include that?
09d18e24,Well? Shall I request outside assistance?
c058dc86,I don't understand why Hong is so reluctant to revert unilateral changes from time-to-time when he did so frequently in the past when I or someone else who supported my edits did it. What exactly is the point in me agreeing to this if someone conveniently comes along and then starts making lots of changes that I don't like but Giovanni doesn't mind?
39931e42,Don't worry I understand. Using igloo I assume?
9dc987a4,"All is good here, hopefully the same with yourself. How many English first-class cricketer you think we've got to get done in total?"
d11aa729,"Die Person, die Probleme macht, ist jetzt in Schwierigkeiten. Vielleicht seit langem?"
526a0903,"And ""...definitions..."". What do you mean by ""...definitions...""?"
7098c562,Can you take a look at the article <url> and the conversation going on at <url> (that should probably be moved to the article talk page). Your thoughts on the most recent commentary?
36dca300,You are very welcome. Isn't it great we can all create a better world?
52e367e1,<url> is brand new and may need some attention. I thought you might be just the person who can help get that article at least secured against SPOD-attacks?
dcb31a58,"Testing, testing, 1,2, 3, are you still alive? Where are you?"
9378ca31,"Wanted to Email you about Wikimedia Converence Netherlands, but your email is not working. In any case, you could crash at our place?"
18fc9723,"I'm loathe to come running to an admin, but Gregcaletta is just making the same edits that I had undone before and made objection to on the talk page without any attempt to address the previous objections on the talk page. Now what?"
fcf93d0a,"Ok, many thanks for that. I'm not sure how reliable that 2nd group are - it has <url> but what about all his dinner-guests?"
0268e410,I have just put the article to peer review. Would you care to take a look?
2ca6eb7b,"The Birr page looks good now... but, it seems a little strange to make a distinction between Abyssinia and Ethiopia, as if they were two different entities. The native name was ''ityoppya'' (Ethiopia) long before 1931; in that year, the Emperor formally requested the international community to begin using Ethiopia instead of Abyssinia, much as the Shah, around the same time, requested the use of ""Iran"" instead of ""Persia"" for his country (and it was also around this time that Siam became Thailand, I believe...) Anyway, it might make more sense for one box reading ""Abyssinia / Ethiopia"" in place of the two separate boxes...?"
235a859a,There. Better?
57c18078,"Hey Dan, I see you around but we haven't talked in a bit. What are you up to these days?"
4f39f2f9,"SE, I've briefly blocked your bot because I see it's changing embedded links to footnotes again, against <url>. Did you discuss with anyone that you were doing this, or get permission to use it?"
bc8f2fea,I restored the lead picture series I like. What do you think?
52eda905,Would you mind doing the same for <url>?
37e91a7e,"Tom, that article is ready for publication, was written by someone else, and your changes aren't improving it. Did MER-C ask you to work on it?"
ab5a5ffe,Is there any way I could talk you into being more conservative with creation of new articles? Do you agree that some of what you're creating here would be seen as obviously deletable material by most editors?
413a6ae5,<url> reminded me of a report I want to file about Asad. May I?
32a9f472,I have one last question about the SPI I filed et al. before I put this ugly chapter of my time here behind me; should the <url> sock not be tagged with <code><nowiki><person></nowiki></code>?
f395c93d,There's no tab at the top of the page with a bold EDIT THIS PAGE on it. Is it just my computer?
5d0a6819,"Just wondering, is there any reason why you removed categories from a number of articles and replaced them with the non-existend <url>. Wouldn't <url> have been the better choice, which, as it appears, is a category you yourself created a few days ago?"
70799e9b,"I am not familiar with the credit card / porn star identity incident you mentioned in AnonEMouse's RFA, but I would like to take a closer look at it. Could you provide some more direct diffs related to Mouse's involvment?"
38745a2c,"Katy, good buddy. Is <url> your lost article?"
69cc4f8d,"Having said that, I don't want to drive anyone away just because they can't write well. The question is, where do you begin?"
649bcec8,Noticed your comments on the <url> talk page. What bands/styles are you into?
4a835c47,There is a very nice moving picture at <url> which illustrates the bisection method. Can we get it for our version?
b58c302f,"4. I had once felt that the Euroleague, Italian and Greek leagues were the top leagues. If I were to choose selected European leagues from this page <url>, do you have any thoughts on which ones are important?"
a9452d56,"""Odder"" in what sense? Also, why are you still delaying?"
027385c7,"Correcting an article to remove mention of something that ''was made up here in Wikipedia'' and does not exist in any formal definition of the article's subject is a furtherance of the <url> policy, not vandalism. Are you interested in knee-jerk reverting, or in actually making your encyclopedia correct and accurate?"
cb63ae4c,I replied to you <url> but you didn't answer. Did you not see it?
1cf4e264,Kidding about what? Are there no reliable sources?
4b9dd5f1,You are welcome. Do i correctly understand that you plan to use the <url> account as your primary account from now on?
32a65739,"Actually, I counted 2 sets of <url>. Can he be blocked for 48 hours?"
2c4f8234,I had to revert another one <url>. How about that protection?
ac4fc80a,I say - are you a sort of picture finder? You couldn't find one of John Bowlby could you?
a45c44fa,"Very well I won't contact you anymore. Geez, whatever happen to the spirit of collaboration?"
1764e236,Good find. Do you have a cite for the second para?
21dfd167,"Thanks. Now, if I had to make an infobox on ""London"" (just ''London'', I know there are many terms: Greater London, City of London etc), would it be correct to include the area/population/density of the territories I mentioned + the city area, or would just the city area suffice?"
c2d103e7,"I am bewildered as to why anyone should think that they are ""representatives of the people"". They are not elected, chosen, delegated, or in any other way appointed by the people: how are they representatives of the people?"
f1c3214c,"Thanks for reverting <url> - that was actually me, unlogged in. OK if I re-revert?"
29ed322e,Sure! How could I have missed that?
26ec8f4c,"Firstly who are you? Secondly there seems to be a lot more people involved than just Node ue thirdly I don't care what his view is as long as his edits are neutral, which edits do you dispute?"
123bee90,"Hello Iris. Would you add Straka's signing with a Czech team into, to his page?"
e431f964,"Thanks for clarifying the article - it looks much better now. By the way, is it just me, or does the Trisakti look a bit like the Flag of the Philippines?"
71cdd8e3,Sorry Less? What is that last postdirected at?
e93b00a0,I couldn't tell you why glam rock was there. Better?
5fcb72b1,See my answer in <url>. Is there some problem?
c0f11e52,"How about Guant who plays Pansy? Or Richard Fish who played Bill Weasley, and the actor who played Charlie Weasley in POA?"
3b4f6af0,"I also found your audio uploads at <url>. If it's not a burden, would you mind recording more Hungarian town names for WP?"
76237267,"Lil-Unique told me it with the reasons of what I put in my edit summary, so if you need a better explanation ask him. I left Billboard Hot 100 as Billboard Hot 100 because that's the exact name of the chart?"
1ed0fa00,"Crap, I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was working on it, and it's done now, sorry to get your hopes up. No dramas?"
b1bff8ab,"Oh, that's because I only copyedited a tiny section of the article. Should I still count that as a yes?"
9afa4dc3,"Also perhaps we should set up a subpage for these discussions, so we'll have the thread completely on one page? What do you think?"
42f5e93a,"I'm no expert on the language, but on the face of it that dab page disambiguates two words which are unambiguous anyway - Zakhmet and Khachpas. Am I missing something?"
27f87622,"Alistair, you have only undone the autoblock; you haven't unblocked the account yet. Could you do that, please?"
2583b913,Not sure why I got <url> from you. Had I tagged it?
dafd113c,"Unless im making a major mistake here, this article was about a Not for profit organisation which seemed notable enough to give the origional creator at least some time to source it. Are you sure this had to be a speedy?"
1c69daeb,"You just created that article - but maybe you haven't noticed there's already <url>, which covers the same character set, as the ISO followed the Thai standard. Maybe you should merge your additions there, and make TIS-620 a redirect?"
5f4def1e,Hi again - it looks like the same user is editing out all the information about Destiny being self-centred again. Is there some way we can stop this user from making these edits?
bb5b0c08,Please see our ongoing discussion <url>. Is this how you properly send a message?
19f1ba33,"I want to purchase a macro lens and was hoping for some guidance from you. Apart from being good in macro, can it be used to take good pictures of landscape and portraits?"
01f8c988,But he's still a WHU registered player with a squad number. Is that really the right thing to do?
4af675fa,"Multiple editors never occurred to me - I didn't think much about the boxes, and the blocking help page wasn't of much use. Of ""Block anonymous users only <url>, Prevent account creation <url>, Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent addresses they try to edit from <url>,"" which should I have checked?"
3629de17,You make some good points. How do you feel about nominating the article for AfD then?
682fec70,I asked it before but I'm asking it again: Was it a Basque state? Can we say that?
858db433,"Sorry, I completely missed the subsection title. You think this is Merkey?"
3c5a3986,That's a good idea. What about army and corps HQs though?
a8813785,I see that you don't have an account linked to the Wikipedia email. Would you be able to send me a message so that we can talk off Wikipedia?
1712ae98,"You really want off here, dont you? I've already posted the incident on the incident board and you still are keeping it up?"
96cf0fcd,"Hey Jondel. I was wondering, since Interlingua is basically resurrected Latin, k and w are basically nonexistant in Interlingua, right?"
34ca1fb0,"It's simple Pumpie. Why don't you try to understand all parts, or write in your own language?"
ad65ebef,A remarkably modern-sounding name for something being applied to articles on people who've been dead for centuries. You really think it's appropriate for <url> ?
47e85477,Liked that <url> I tore into that spammer? Got a box with a gun?
b3e0a84d,"Thank you much! May I call upon you if I make mistakes or need help, then, please?"
10f43033,"<url> Well there is no name to the byline, which an article in a newspaper usually has, op-ed or editorials not so much. Do you not think you should have gone to talk before reverting btw?"
64c012e6,"My problem is that the Style Guide for cities causes several topics for this small village to be repeated somewhat, especially the railroad, Gas Boom, and stockyard. Any thoughts on this article's organization?"
caae3ae6,"He used it to assert that '''''others''''' had expressed the notion that the process was concluded and that it was time to move on, and used your statement as evidence of this. Since you did not mean that it had been concluded, and since obviously you were only speaking for yourself and no one else, and participants have been continuing to post on the RfC page and its Talk Page to indicate that they do not feel this way at all, how does it serve to support the idea that they have?"
7b673f64,"You're welcome to revert edits, but I'm puzzled as to why you reverted this one - it seems absolutely essential to me the give a summary of Genesis 1. And if you revert Gen1, why leave Gen2?"
fcb1bcdd,"Thanks for the username change. Now, one last thingu2014since the account 'Dalahxe4st' already exists on Swedish Wikipedia and doesn't appear to have been taken over automatically, where should I go to take care of that?"
1f4f5ee5,"Hi, I've added a question to your RfA. Also, could you elaborate on how you will ''prevent'' vandalism?"
8cc7ab71, did the copyedit for the Japanese flag article and it was completed today. Is there anything else other than a copyedit that you need for this article?
98cdccfa,"Hey, I just noticed that you are NOT an administator, I had always assumed that you were. I wondered if you would be interested in being nominated?"
670c1324,"Regarding your time setting, I'm a little unsure what you want to do - there are only two things you can change - the timezone offset from GMT, which you set at the bottom of the screen by selecting the correct offset for your location from the list - I'm guessing Asia/Calcutta would be about right, and the way the date/time is displayed, which you choose from the list of five options at the top of the screen. What problems are you having ?"
0b0c5b02,"Can you give me a link to ""We Are Defiance"" ? And what do you mean by ""remove"" : 1) moving to the main space or 2) deleting the article ?"
6bbfbbee,"Errr, okay. But let's make sure our answers are accurate by using <url> rather than something we heard someone say, eh?"
3c3d8825,"OK, same situation here :-) Marskell and I agreed on a proposal that would initially just give us some backup on the day-to-day stuff, not necessarily closes, but to work in to people who could help when we needed time off. Is it OK with you if I go ahead and propose that to Raul?"
abca2c37,You do realise this is complete rubbish - it's already been speedily deleted once if you check the logs. I can't see any advantage to having this crap floating around for 5 days - can you?
bc43e38c,I got the page fixed. Sorry I had to do it several times on the page but it wouldn't let me revert it to before the IP user vandalized it how do you do that?
af675825,"Hey Alex... I just emailed a United Kingdom professor, intending to email a University of Kentucky professor. If he expresses interest, are you the person he should talk to?"
a5fbe390,"Please discuss general principles on <url>. Do you think there should be a controversies page, or do you think the controversies should be integrated into the mainline texts of the various Giuliani articles?"
0417953e,"I note also that so far you seem to be the sole editor who favors deletion, while several have favored retention of the article, possibly with editing. Could it be that your view does not command consensus?"
fe54698f,Thanks for the heads up. What damage did they do?
b045be81,"I am puzzled that you just deleted the file 'harry potter stamps'. This file seems to have existed for two years without deletion, so perhaps you could explain the grounds for speedy deletion?"
1c712972,"But, before you accuse me of shying away from your second to last question, my PhD is in inorganic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis to be specific, but my latest scientific paper was submitted (still with the reviewers) to ''<url>'': it touches on the metrological consequences of the microscopic quantization of ''Q'', as it happens, although that is not its main thrust. So, do you want to thrash this out among scientists, or would you prefer to waste your time with ArbCom?"
0d0acd30,Hey. I'm proposing a <url> - would you be interested in coming along?
50ba84b2,"I can't find a page by that name that has ever existed. Can you please specify the exact name (capitalization is important), or link to the deletion log or discussion?"
31623d77,"The Hitchin-related hoax claims by <url> seem to have led to a rather precipitate response, considering that he has only been an editor for a few days. Is there something going on here that isn't obvious?"
7575b3cc,"From my reading of the entries, the Japanese force in <url>/South <url> & the <url> appears to have been the <url>, rather than the <url>. Does that sound right?"
3180f1ba,"I've just seen your message on my Talk page. Why do you want the disambiguation page to be the one that doesn't say ""disambiguation""?"
fddffdc3,What do you think? Perhaps the coat of arms field can contain the picture that the article's family name infobox already has?
51e1bc0e,"Erica, I understand you are a figure skating enthusiast. Are you still active in those types of articles?"
42df4454,By the way: Do you know how to remove the spaces created below the project banner when others are placed below it? And how to make capitalisation of the rating not matter?
1b48c6dc,I just logged in for the first time this weekend. Do you want me to run through or have you already started?
820b3d5e,"To be honest, I'm not sure - the decision say ""remove individuals and organizations"" but it also said ""per BLP"" and Abascal is deceased. Perhaps you should ask Timrollpickering, the admin who closed the discussion, to clarify?"
ff14ccc4,"The section starting with '''a philosophical defeat, etc''' is somewhat informal in style. Could you try to eliminate solecisms when you get a chance?"
da9b9d58,You recently uploaded <url> as being in the public domain as its copyright was not renewed. Does the book indicate that its copyright was not renewed or do you have any other reason to believe that the L.A. Times did not renew the copyright?
7345cf21,Seriously? Seriously?
5c2cb3c6,"Hi, I noticed you blocked '''BPRD Agent''' with no expiry time with reason: ''Vandalism-only account; see contribs and deleted contribs''. Um, isn't the Deleted Contributions only restricted to administrators?"
45d32f8c,So how come he can have all types of slandereous links on his wiki page? Don't you think being an admin you should delete them?
d4a75763,"Oh? You know something I don't, Friday?"
64b3adf7,"I removed that second paragraph entirely, since the information is covered in the article. Do you feel that the lead should be larger?"
1956c448,It appears that you deleted my comments and vote on <url>. May I ask why?
a4a4710b,Thanks for your response. What happens now?
23fd6b20,"I started thinking of how to copy-edit it, but then lost interest... what is this thing that Americans have about writing about their bloody roads, for goodness sake? Can you imagine the <url> as a featured article, or having a ""List of A-roads in Gloucestershire"" as a featured list?"
63c1f812,Thanks for the redactions :). Is it worth getting a third opinion at the reliable sources noticeboard vis a vis the use of law textbooks for points of law?
f9ef8826,"Your reasoning is very sound, it would appear that USGS is wrong and I have no problem with changing it back. In general, what are your thoughts on using the GNIS database for park coordinates/elevations as we convert to the Geobox?"
13c09448,"I could go on from here, but this is essentially the underlying basis of my reasoning. Does this help explain my position?"
b02556f9,Subukan kong ipagtatanong-tanong ang pangalan ng lola mo sa mga kaibigan kong native dito. Sa Tuguegarao ba siya/sila mismo o sa ibang mga karatig-bayan?
131a050c,Vandalism is putting a live AFD template back? You're a smart one ain't you?
775d3ad4,"Agian, wishful thinking is one thing, fantasyland, now back to reality, Can you provide me ONE journal, ONE book that mentioned the term ""palestinians"" before 1960's??? Why not?"
53420b80,pls see my comments on your revert on the talk page. Perhaps you'll consider undoing my revert?
1d82f480,"Regarding <url>, <url>, <url>, <url>, <url> and <url>, may I redirect them? Should I leave the merge tag on the talk page?"
d473b7fb,Shudder? Why?
8576af42,"From my sources it seems that the Duke of York didn't have any radar when completed, but during her numerous refits different radar sets were added. So shall I list all the radar added from her refits?"
100cede4,"Sorry, but i do not find ""double torpedo tunnels"" to be very good. Can you come up with something better?"
964bba91,"So you are still sidestepping the question. Please answer it directly: please answer my question, clearly: are you saying is that you cannot use the wiki to edit cooperatively with other people on the same text, or are you saying that you can use the wiki as it was intended and edit a single text cooperatively?"
c30b6c97,"Please do not remove warnings. Just follow the rules and everyone will get along, ok?"
9fffbeb4,Alright then!?
1a673365,"Thanks, can we write an article on that ? do you think it is notable enough ?"
3d68d1a8,I just saw that after I left this message to you. By speech marks do you mean quotation marks?
ba6cabc7,"Hey, I reverted your edits on recognition because the statements were already relayed in footnotes, which I hadn't realised when you brought it up on the talk page. Did you want to move the statements to the main text?"
4986b41c,"Looking at my various edit summaries to <url>, I don't see any where I mentioned anything about another example. Can you say which edit you have in mind?"
d8bb7d87,"Those of us who've been here the whole time are pretty incredulous about it also. :) We miss your fine editing style and hope you come back sometime -- keep looking in on us now and then, at least?"
76881664,"I kind of agree. Are you planning on actually editing Wikipedia, or is your whole purpose here to promote this ... study (or whatever it is)?"
970aecef,"Although I have yet to understand what some of your maps mean, they are superb! Have you ever considered professional cartography?"
eec987d0,"MONGO, today you speedied this article as a non notable character. Surely you know the non notable speedy criteria is for real people, not characters?"
ea83ab51,"Actually, I am concerned that you had completely removed verifiable facts of which I had included the references. Would you please explain why you had removed the entire section I wrote on Collection Agencies in Canada?"
4f6db01d,"Since you are STILL not responding to me (or the talk page discussion) and reverting anyway, I have mad you a <url> template. Post THAT on your page and leave the regular one alone, OK?"
93ce9a4c,"The benefit of a version of the sentence is that it helps clarify the differences between Lavoisier and Priestley; however, we need to be careful that we don't convey the wrong impression to the reader. How best to do this?"
d8f5e8f4,", and <url> hot. What more could a young man need?"
336be8fa,"Sorry, I dont quite remember what we were talking about. Can you tell me what you were/are confused about?"
d4b1a967,"Yeah, at the moment. Unless there are any other dryandras on the cusp of GA-hood....?"
a1803b6a,"<url> posted a wonderful grammatical analysis of the ""has/had"" thing, another editor agreed, so I'm thinking we should make another request for the change, using Bluewave's post as the basis. What do you think?"
794fe238,"On <url> about the Chinese sex imbalance, you accused either the OP or the first responder (me) of <url>. Could you explain why you thought either of us was advocating, opining, or recruiting, in a way that diminished the quality of the reference desk?"
22c25a4d,"Alright, the NPOV template is even worse, since it specifically points people to a talk page discussion which does not exist. Why are you adding these templates?"
4da5fcc3,"I often work out of Sweden and I have an excellent, free, built-in English or Swedish grammar ''and'' spelling program in ''Word'' on that computer using Firefox (as this user says she does) - red underlinings for spelling and green for grammar - which would preclude almost all of the huge amount of problems caused by this user regarding readability, or at least alert her to the very quanitity of the problems and inspire a constructive attitude as to her own capacity. Perhaps if one does not consider it a ""duty"" of sorts to contribute readable English here, that actually might be the problem?"
77ccb391,"I should be able to get that Mayr paper, it's on Wiley. Do you need me to email it to you?"
e1889600,COI? What COI do you think I have?
7305ecf8,How do you know the author/uploader of <url> intended it to be licenced under the copyright licence that you attached to the file with <url> Are you clairvoyant or did the uploader tell you this was his wish?
905403d6,"I was visiting the <url> article again today, and I had the same instinctive reaction to the image, that it is too specific and not representative of all pederastic relationships but only the sexual ones. Would you mind if I changed to something more representative of the practice, like a symposium image?"
bfc61405,"Makes me wanna ask, what do you say about having separate articles like Wikipedia has <url> and <url> or <url> and <url>? Should this be tolerated for non-Transformers stuff?"
cf82a31d,"If it's alright with you, I'm next going to start from 1930 and work back towards where you are, since I'm particularly interested in the Lang era. Is that okay?"
12b3e56e,Sure AGK. Does the draft need to be updated to include the tweaks?
da5d6e83,"Yesterday you undid an edit of mine (on the <url> article). What did you mean by ""a COI link""?"
2866d3a5,'''Wiki-star''': Hm? Is there a reason for your sorrow my good man?
ac756c22,How come you removed Dobby as an omitted character? Where does he appear?
87f8632d,"Hi, Google found your start at a Bayt Nuba article. Do you want help?"
040f9205,Thanks! :) So we're allowed to do multiple revdels at a time now?
14c0955b,"Some time ago you uploaded an image of the Knowledge Navigator, which was speedied some time later. Can you upload the file again?"
affe9875,"Many thanks. I can't resolve ""The work represents a summary of themes explored in Bacon's previous paintings"", Tony's right - its clunky and unclear; any ideas?"
bf2c4a9b,"<url> is a validly notable topic which has been ruthlessly suppressed at WP, probably because of egoism rather than religionist POV warriors but possibly both. Can you advise me on how to go about appealling deletions?"
c34fa0b6,"One more thing. How is the policy of ""you're not allowed to block someone for personally attacking you"" unworkable?"
9198f633,You may want to look at the nomination. What did you intend to do?
b0231648,"I agree with you in that this chapter has no place on <url>, moreover its inclusion there seems highly suspicious. Is there any way to see who added a particular word/sentence/paragraph without manually going through the history?"
6ce75130,How are recognizing and not recognising defined in this context? The country has explicitly and officially stated that they do or do not recognise the State of Palestine?
b1286198,Thanks for the revert on <url>. Kinda curious how this blanking is always done by IPs that trace back to USAF installations isn't it?
3e62896d,"Technically, Taku is within his rights to change things to conform to an existing standard, but it's not very politic of him to do so; if we decide to change, then it's still more meaningless work to change everything once again. Unfortunately, it's all too common for editors to edit first and talk second, eh?"
c7091ad8,Actually it was a compliment. Does that count as an 'issue'?
dc8cb5df,<url> seems a bit bizarre. Why nowrap date fields in cite templates?
1172063d,"Hi Steph - this would be a fine article, but its already pretty fleshed out - do you have a specific sub-topic regarding propaganda films that you'd like to write about? Have you found some research about propaganda films that you'd like to synthesize?"
af54529c,Hate to be a bother... but need help with getting the bot running? Anything I can do as a non programmer?
a0ddfde5,"Is there any reason you keep moving boldface marks? ITN is on my watchlist and you seem to do this quite frequently, yet, as far as I can see, it makes no difference, so I feel compelled to ask if there's any particular reason?"
9dfe156c,"Hi, I'm new to RC patrol, and I was wondering how you do the 'reverted edits by X to version by Y' edit summary. Is there a shortcut to reverting an edit?"
9a65025a,"Hi there, thanks a lot for commenting. Just to be absolutely clear, and avoid anybody misinterpreting your remarks, could you say if you prefer version 1 or 2 of the lead?"
f8254ef7,"FYI, perhaps you failed to notice, but Anthropologist's ""accursed"" faux pas was already brought to his attention by Philbrick. I think you'll probably agree that a second, dedicated TP section is a bit of an overkill, no?"
eeb1253f,"Thanks, but I've already read those essays. Did you have anything to say yourself, personally?"
da1598ff, appears to be an infobox at the moment and lacking in any content other than that. Have you done a search for the battle at all?
a7359980,"Respectfully, you've replied to the message below mine a day ago now. Could you provide guidance for my request please?"
336b7f2f,Oh I can explain how for you. Do you have a <url> computer?
f1cda33d,"Howdy Mattisse. Haven't I seen you on hockey articles, years ago?"
a729c1bb,You changed the result here: Weu2019ve already had <url>; do you really want to do it again? The result given is a compromise; are you wanting to upset that?
106f043a,"OK, maybe alcohol is depressing my injoke-comprehension circuits, but I can't fathom <url> edit summary at all. Care to explain?"
bef5eaa6,"I think this deserves its own article, as opposed to being in the centrifugal one. Do you have any good sources that describe how it works?"
e2d9bfd2,"By ""this project"" I mean Wikipedia. Do you share the values of civility and consensus?"
6df8b9d8,"I see you've created <url> which I think is great. Would you be able to add the template to the top of the category page, as per its parent <url>, so people can paste it to the top of Talk pages?"
c2b658f7,"Please see my comments on <url> about a remark you added to <url> about the etymology of the term ""minim"" in music. Got any sources for your suggestion?"
129e2aa9,"Can you respond to the comments I left on the S&M PR page please. If you are satisfied with the changes, can you tell me if it is qualifiable for FAN and if not for FAN, then for A class status?"
5c47027e,"I also have problems with a lot of the other recategorisation you have done to these articles, but I won't revert any more until I hear from you. Taking <url> as an example: why have you removed it from <url> when it clearly is a linear filter; why remove it from <url> when it forms part of image parameter theory; why does an article which discusses electronic designs not belong in <url>; why remove it from <url> when, obviously, it is a term?"
9a982d8a,"Man, I'm discovering that Commons is lousy with copyrighted product packaging, there are ''thousands'' of them, I think. I am AWB-challenged, if I start compiling a list, perhaps you could eventually turn AWB loose on it?"
00f476bc,Any idea what happened here <url>? Buffer overflow because my comment was too long?
7e1be114,I have left a comment on the Talk page under that section. You haven't said much there - is there some place where you present your view with a little more detail?
6889f61f,"Thanks. Do you feel the information is ""weak"" or is it just too complex?"
4bda10f6,No kidding. Perhaps you could be troubled to point out the parts you consider to be actionable as 'spam'?
29054d6b,It does not appear to have attracted any participants other than Gerda. Perhaps adding a <person> template would draw in more participants?
27ed11b4,"Sounds good then. In this case, would it be wise to simply remove the ""influence"" field since it simply overlaps with ""subjects""?"
f5bca753,"I clearly provided a source that is valid, and yet a couple of hours is a big deal? Is it your way, or the highway?"
e3a9f4a8,"I've come to state that I find it mildly amusing that you don't consider a press release for a journalism award from Columbia University to be a ""substantial story from a citable source"". Isn't Columbia among the world's most prestigious journalism schools?"
0031114c,"Sure thing, you've been doing great work so far. Would it help to maybe translate the whole article first as it is, and then over the course of time you can play around with the sections and add stuff that you find?"
2e309cb3,"Should be OK. Let me finish up what I'm doing now, and then see what needs doing. How long are you around for?"
34d71a44,So you're interested in both Amiga computers and BDSM! Are you an atheist too?
966c3b04,Good luck on your <url>. What time is <url> <url>?
7e705748,"Wait, that wasn't the question, was it. What appears after these that I don't have?"
3e604ed0,"I was wondering, why did you do that, create that new cat and then add it to the polanski without any discussion at all? Have you read the polanski talkpage and seen the lengthy discussion regarding the cats there?"
b1decc58,Welcome to WikiProject Austria. I'm wondering if you're willing to coordinate the project for a while?
914dcabf,"Unfortunately, I have no clue what you mean. Can you point me to a page that has such a feature?"
c69e53a9,"Good! By the way, what do you think of merging the recurring animals in <url> to <url> and then getting rid of the rest?"
e2213580,"I haven't done an 'official investigation' but perhaps it would be revealing. Alright then, save us the time...enlighten us--how many links have you added to WP that are owned by Stephen Barrett?"
83bfe358,After ''New Jersey'' leaves the mainpage it will be nessicary for us to check all the article linked to USS ''New Jersey'' and ensure that no subtle vandalism crept into them by means of the USS ''New Jersey'' article. Are you willing to help?
ac347d02,So what exactly was the point in moving 'Birmingham New Street Station' to 'Birmingham New Street railway station' I've never heard it called that before nor any other of the Birmingham stations. Is there any need to add 'railway' to the title of a station unless it is being disambiguated from a bus station or something?
6f9a18d2,What? Please speak brighted.Ps.Do you know gag?
55adac49,Hello? You going to answer this?
29dee291,"Maybe others haven't noticed - or are too busy. If you are thinking what I'm thinking, why am I reverting so many of your edits?"
c057a6ba,"Just letting you know (since you have mentioned AFDing <url>) that weu2019ve gone to some effort to establish notability with <url>, and have added three reliable, notable, third-party sources to the article. Do you feel these sources establish <url> as being notable (<url> and all that)?"
7d818579,Good work maintaining the Tibet page i seems to getting an increasing amount of traffic!!! Is our Chinese friend still persisting?
cac9401c,"Ack, hit the wrong button? How do you manage that?"
6c4b9535,I state what I see when I read it. Are you and <url> the same editor?
14748f1f,"Well, I fully agree with the three rationales Lumos has given above; and so evidently do about half the Wikipedians who have contributed to the RfC Lumos has cited. If so many think that such links can be useful and appreciated, why does it matter so much to you that they should be eradicated?"
b8a6ce45,I saw your comment on Jimbo's talk page about plagiarism and copyleft. Would you have time to have a look at <url> and <url> (where most of the discussion has taken place)?
2636d2c8,"Would you be willing to do another pre-FAC review of a different article for me? Specifically, the ""John J. Tigert"" article?"
ecf726f0,If a main or major purpose of your presence here is to cause drama then I would support your being indefed. Am I misunderstanding something?
b305bf54,"No worries, thanks for doing that. Nice to hear from you again - new username for 2013?"
b7c0b18f,Afterthought: where did you get your figure of 82500 tons pa??
50362f36,"The admin says he thinks it should be renamed, but someone else is trying to pull the ""but it happened in the same area nonsense"". Was I clear enough in explaining where the pictures are listed?"
f517ca1a,I finished my expansion of the category you created. Any suggestions on how to improve the category?
4f47f36d,Your bot has ruined the formatting on ref 2 in <url>. Would you care to either call off the bot or suggest an alternate formatting that will work better?
4db3ad2a,"Perhaps these articles should be nominated for deletion. A blue belt is far from a notable BJJ player; Google returns 594 results for him, many of which might not even be the Barry Ley in question; and as for the Blaggers article: I don't see any articles on the higher-selling books you mention, why does this one deserve it?"
a80c0652,I don't want to be your enemy. What can I do to help this situation?
83ea6533,"I've added a note to <url> to explain the dating; there's another couple of places it should go, but I don't want to start putting it in 'til you've seen it. What do you reckon?"
47c6b7f5,"Thank you for that, I was having a problem with diffs and the explanation didn't make sense to me. This is the first I have had to do, what is the procedure?"
73831181,"Um - no. And I take it you delieve all racist and fascist groups are ""right wing""?"
1fab4371,I see you created a nonsense article yesterday because you were bored. If I unblock you will you disrupt more?
478c370e,"I don't understand how you find it appropriate to talk about your illegal drug use on your user page. Also, how do you have the right to ban other people's usernames with a name like ""'''BONG'''warrior""?"
51913323,"So, Pasquale, you're not interested? Have you ever read <url> article?"
c1f10048,Thanks for your help with <url>. I've responded to your comments - could you please take a look and let me know if you are content now?
e166b5c8,Great job. Will it be done by next week?
7ba9b6a7,"Any thoughts on what we should do with this? Delete it as a duplicate, or copy to Commons and rename?"
7fb38c17,"At <url>, you've added from Bacon a line saying that the addition of 3 minor judges to the list of major judges brings the total to 12. But the numbers don't work out - not in the list in the article, anyway. I don't want to revert your good-faith (and referenced) edit, but could you go back to your source and see if you can fix this?"
8a508ac4,I'm confused: what did you do? And how did you delete it twice without restoring it in between?
372f0131,"So do I, because, inspite of my 100s of friends and supporters, I'm feeling a little beleaguered and lonely here. If I can hang on in here, can't you at least keep me company?"
e9c20da4,Hi Finell: I have filed an RfC at <url>. Could you take a look at this matter and proffer some advice?
fe3e524a,I noticed you deleted this while I was in the middle of creating it. Does the listing of it on the <url> not make it notable?
e2f35016,"Hi I noticed you speedied and article but not it's talk page? What's the use of leaving the talk page, discussion or no, if you're going to speedy the article?"
cced11fe,"I don't think so, Giano. Can we just once attempt to let this pass by without calling for the heads of people?"
4d7c8d43,"What's your issue with noting the copyright registration date for this piece? Also, could you point me to the consensus you mentioned?"
6185d929,"So how are u gonna concider weither the licences used by Fluckr are accurate...? ,and if this image has to bee conciderd than should be to..?"
a7d6a4c8,wants to move from a free nation like th US to a tyrannical country like the UK. Give me an honest opinion Haunted Angel what do you yhink of him?
05aff9d1,"Thanks; I expected a decline, despite my extensive comments at <url>. As there is nothing more to this article than listings of bylines in non-notable publications, minor book acknowledgments, uncredited movie extra roles, blog comments, paid directory listings, and unsubstantiated claims about wildly over-the-top PR accomplishments, what exactly do you consider to be the examples of ""credible notability""?"
aa142a3d,Let's pretend that we have reached an impasse and then we can stop talking to each other. Deal?
07c4cf3a,"BTW, small step, huh, from Berkely to Soman's talk page. What's next--Cambridge?"
e38e5d5a,I tried updating it to WP:DAB style but I got reverted. Can you use your magic there and explain to the user why we should follow MOS:DP and such?
893e80f8,"Actually, material in the lead must be discussed in the body. Contemporary economics haven't been discussed in the body, so how can they be discussed in the lead?"
64c9e419,Thanks for the ce's on Attachment therapy. Are you kindly undertaking the second opinion?
1e4e47cf,I don't think I'll have the time to keep the flies off it all week but I'll have a go (I might get around to incorporating Caitlin Moran's detailed reviews too). Could you not semi it as well?
d8560f02,"Slightly more seriously, there's a discussion over at <url> about the lack of non-European info regards torture. Any chance that in your manifold research on all things psychohistorical you've found something that could be used to expand the section?"
1fb3e07f,Nice work. :) Got anything for <url> or <url>?
2ff18f18,"No problem, It was open and shut <url> issue. For your next project can you find something that doesnt make your fanclub at the Wikipedia Review angry?"
794a3a48,"I had that fixed before you oranged me, I swears it! :) Are you not familiar with the technique of doubling your edit count using typos?"
ab8bfae0,"Ha, you're too kind to me, my old friend. MK one day, promise?"
9f8c0eb4,This is starting to almost feel like harassment. Perhaps we should take this to a mediation committee?
6a0e3683,"And what, may I ask, is ''your'' relationship to Hammersoft? How did you come upon this matter?"
883acc82,"I am good at that ;-). You know about the new ""Oversight"" priv?"
a06a4961,Are you calling me a vandal for visiting your user page? Or am I just <url>?
87fc89f2,Thanks! What type of documentation do you want u2014 an explanation of using the notes feature?
e7a3fa3c,It's not too late to help at all - being busy has kept the work on it to a crawl. ;) I'd like to represent what you are referring to; was it on the Abom talk page or somewhere else?
ab85db8b,You have listed it as no source but the author asserts own work. Could you please clarify this?
43903fca,"Granted, it wouldn't be terribly difficult for me to recreate what I did, but I don't like doing extra work when I don't have to. Could you at least userfy the last version edited by me?"
c7c607ae,"Thanks for that, hopefully I have input this correctly. This page also seems to be flagged due to several issues, surely these can now be removed as the page has proved its worth as much as pages like <url> have?"
0dbfa6a0,"Thank you for your time, but, perhaps; If I give you the iformation and images and such for Lord Strachan, could you maybe make it? It shouldn't be that hard to find info, or images, but I already have them, so if I give you this stuff, perhaps could you do it?"
c285ed5f,Per <url> we should summarize the article briefly in the lede. I didn't see anything about higher dimensions in the <url> body so should it be removed from the lede or should the body be expanded?
d8a920b2,"I think I lot of the things on the Methuselah page are very interesting, but perhaps should be transferred to the Biblical Generations article, if they touch on more than just Methuselah. Would you agree?"
3a864a07,"Fair enough, thanks for assuming good faith, I was merely making the page consistant with the past 2 champions league season articles (<url>, <url>) which use path and non-champions instead of route and league. Should they be changed too or was that what they used to be called?"
73d3b63f,"|style=""vertical-align: top; border-top: 1px solid gray;"" | For creating an article on a relatively obscure bridge with interesting information that remains in the current article, which has become the focus of the world for all the wrong reasons, I hereby award you this oddball barnstar. Who knew all this could happen?"
e8ed77f3,I would like to nominate you so that you could become an administrator. Would you accept or not?
227f426b,"Yeah I'd be happy to look at the list, however can't promise much! Shall we discuss it on the article's talk page so that any comments are in the relevent place?"
691e41a6,"At the top of the page it characterizes a guideline as ''a generally accepted standard that editors should follow'' along with a passing reference to <url>. So, I might ask, how would using 4 tildes prevent you from improving or maintaining Wikipedia?"
69b85752,"Well, I suppose it is only reasonable for you to conclude that everyone behaves as you and your allies do. If ""good typography"" is whatever Dicklyon likes, why shouldn't the truth be whatever subserves Dicklyon's cause?"
160913f5,"Unfortunately for those who like railroads, it's been closed again! DOn't you people have better things to do?"
2453ca2e,Hi - how's it going? Do you need more time?
a38f0c4a,Great. Any reason why SCIRS is still an essay and not a content guideline?
4388f7e9,"So I have no authority and am not the chief ed, but you have the authority to give me chances. Are you the chief ed?"
fb10ece7,"Converting <url> to a redirect without preserving either the information or sources, & without discussion was ill-advised. A bit more care in future?"
7611bee3,"Oh, it's not that big of a deal. Drew, which IP edit did you consider to be ""attacking""?"
30170eb0,This is clearly them being just as congenial and accurate as always.<url> What is the appropriate place to report them?
fa648c2b,The file clearly states this is an image from a poster. Since when does this require any additional explanation?
6aafc1fa,Reading the guideline again: ''The name of each article (a link to the articles is recommended as well) in which fair use is claimed for the item''. Where does that say I '''need''' a link to the article?
9fde7379,"What ""fact"" that was recently prooved is referred to? And since when is pi the ratio of circumference to radius, rather than circumference to diameter?"
e7257f88,"Hello -- I see you changed a couple of entries relating to ""PALATINE, the Subject Centre for Dance, Drama and Music of the UK Higher Education Academy"". I don't know (or even care) why that organisation chooses to refer to itself by capitalising the word, but (and I ask for information here) is there a policy that precludes us from respecting that choice?"
d5eda868,Thanks for the edit. Do you have any informaytion on <url> and artists associated with <url>?
b54777d7,"I'm really very sorry, but no, I '''didn't''' know, didn't get a message saying that was wrong. Where was it?"
d1115040,<url> Am I missing something?
596e6d20,"Hi. The font-size for the links in this template may be on the small side, but it seems to be floating okay -- or do I need to check more places where it's used?"
4e793e92,Hi! Could you consider speedy deleting <url>?
8f671ce5,"could you email me when you get a chance? not having any luck this end, must be spam filters blocking?"
4f4388bd,Oh and you seem to have deleted half of the stuff on <url> ... I presume this was a mistake?
0d2f797a,Hi Kathleen - It looks OK to me; all I did was change the template wording a bit and add parent cats to the stub category. What problem were you having?
356a4a74,I know there is some discussion at <url> regarding primary topics so I'm unsure if performing this edit would be an ok move. Thoughts?
51d55ea4,"I'd like to ask why you're so insistent on creating a page called <url>, which means the same thing as <url>. Are you disagreeing that they mean the same thing, do you feel that the <url> article is bad, or do you feel that <url> is a better name for the article?"
0d52faaf,Do we have an automated-edit-using editor who's decided to just stick these in for completeness' sake? Did I miss all this?
ad4a782b,Thanks for letting me know. btw on that page I found <person> but before adding that to the list I was wondering if the templatelist on the project should go so deep into detail or if it just stay Germany wide?
6a6407ea,"Wow, you have a lot of gall, given you removed the West Wing discussion from your Talk Page with the edit summary ""Archiving crap"". Perhaps if your going to make unnecessary comments on people's talk pages, you should hold yourself to the same standard?"
8bf72f34,It's not Bowdlerism to delete nonsensical trivia about which movies an actress appears nude in. Should we indicate what color her hair is in those movies?
4058f626,"If the llamas of Peru spoke Spanish, and one asked the other, ''xbfCxf3mo se llama?'', would he get confused?"
178c1002,Good catch. Do we have a solution for that yet?
bbe1c9ff,"If you don't agree with this approach, you can ether add the references yourself, or delete the added material and I will go elsewhere and write something else, and you can take over doing the anti-tank warfare article 'properly'. Ok?"
136d480d,This is incorrect. Have you looked at the article any time after October 2008?
e7851f96,"You seem to have plenty of time to discuss, why don't you try to educate <url> ? Maybe he needs this more than me ?"
2c3209a3,"Yeah, I already noticed that. Why can't people can just edit in a responsible fashion, or through ''discussion with others''?"
47916882,Nice to see you editing in article space! We have been chipping away at your compiled OBI list - can you believe it's almost done?
aa8efe46,sir.. can i still write an article? do you have any facebook account?
16c63b29,"Hi, thanks for letting me know about my signature not being linked. I tried to save the settings in preferences - did it work?"
96bbb5bd,"You recently edited this page. It is my view that this page is just a corporate marketing listing, there are several hundred companies that do the same job yet are not listed in Wikipedia - Do you not think that this is advertorial?"
149b3fad,I'm confused. Why did I get a user warning relating to this article?
ba362a77,"Yep, no worries. What's the article?"
26f95bff,"Hmmm, you are basically asking me to think positively despite evidence and knowing that over this issue none good faith on part of some users was showed in past, but ok, letxb4s see how it goes. The question then is: do you consider including the discussions with outside mediation participants that happend on those talk-pages (direktor, for exemple, has been very active and enthusiastic there lately) or only the in-mediation discussions are the ones that count?"
9851227f,"If you're not going to reply then I will undo the edit. Again, why have ""Fictional martial artists"" over the sub-cat ""Anime and manga martial artists"" and not use alphabetical order?"
4235a537,Sigh. Was this renewed attack necessary now?
dbcbf35a,I've had enough of this. What would you think about filing a RfC?
412e4ab2,Shane I reverted the edit you made this moring <url> but on second thought I would like some advice. Is it implied in stub that they do not have references or is it appropriate to mark stubs as requiring a reference?
f7d0b218,"The page is getting smacked literally every half minute or so, and I think the joke's worn thin. Give us a break?"
197a1c1e,I think we're not going to convince each other today. Thank you for the enjoyable debate :) Should we just agree to disagree for now?
574cae09,"Hi, ixb4d like to know why are you constantly removing all information i put in your scm comparison about Plastic SCM. donxb4t we have the right to show there our information as the rest of users?"
a8d565ff,"As does ''<url>'', and ''<url>'', and even ''<url>''. Wanna be friends?"
4336dbf4,"In the article on <url>, you recently replaced a non-free image with J. Malcolm Greany's ''Ansel Adams and Camera'' on the basis that the latter image is in the public domain. How did you determine that this image is a work of the U.S. government?"
66dd2dc2,"Hi, would you have any objection to renaming the sub-categories of <url> to look more like the articles which describe them - i.e. <url> -> <url> and so on?"
97c4c47f,You see how time consuming and annoying it is when a person keeps on telling you to provide a source. Why do you want ''Michael'' to be just another compilation album?
19b5ef75,"I put both in the first sentence, to show a range. Is that OK?"
9849113a,"Saw your edits on <url> - all good - but I have a question. What does ""collapse <url>"" mean in your edit summary?"
54975a6f,<url> suddenly has a bunch of new entries for today. Did you change the program?
42c5a25a,Your early edit's clearly indicate that you were not a newbie. How do explain this?
2cfbf787,Not too sure now you come to mention it. Do i need to annihilate it?
f3de6cf0,"You assume correctly; same principle would apply. :-) By the way, is there a trick to getting the (Talk) link in your signature automatically that I haven't learned yet?"
719889fc,"Due to your edits to this template, <url> is now required on all transclusions. Are you running a bot to clean this up?"
33a10594,I'm see about the new Version 0.7 - which stated should FINALLY be published soon... When the exact date it published? Is there anything that I can help?
3e5d020c,"Do you know how to make the 'All Star Template' appear only at the bottom, as well as the 'Confirmed future sites', so the actual table appears at the top of the page??"
ecdbf93d,I noticed that you are the major contributor to the articles. Mind if I nominate <url> at <url>?
64ca54b6,Indian cultural imperialism is rampant this am - what nxt? we have had the mongolians and indians - maybe the astragoths next?
d6ccb77f,Why did you remove those German emigrant cases. Shouldn't we include those cases of people who was born in what was then Germany at the time?
167240b2,Thanks for the referrence. Do you have any other response to the Bozo who doubts notability?
d4609f06,"What is unreliable about the newspaper article reports about the protests in Meliti, Lofi, etc? Are you alleging that the protests against the Greek military did not occur?"
0a178ef3,"Also, in accordance with <url>, I think the Turkish Army Corps should be 3rd Corps, 4th Corps, 5th Corps, not III Corps, IV Corps, V Corps. What do you think?"
698d6410,You sure kill educating information. I wounder why?
1114ea2d,"Nice addition to the <url> article. If you have the works from which those thoughts are taken, could you add a citation(s) for them?"
c6c3f6aa,"Hi, it looks like the en/em distinction is being preserved. What do you see as the advantage of changing the way they're currently written?"
da5701e2,"Just to let you know, there's a <url> now. I don't know, is this mimicry allowed on Wikipedia?"
8ad1ee0b,"Hello, sorry I probably should have asked first, but I thought it might be a good idea to nominate one of the images you uploaded, <url>, for featured picture. I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty, as it were?"
2ee142c6,"Hi MariAna, there are just a couple of outstanding issues with the article. Could you have a look at them so I can get the GA closed in the next few days?"
11f6b9ec,I'm not familiar with that article. Can you please specify the exact article title?
63506b52,"That's still not the original source, and after searching through a few pages on Flickr, I'm assuming the original is all rights reserved anyway. Can I ask why you believe it is public domain?"
8cd5894e,Figures as much. What's wrong with it?
9ebcbcf6,"I was just about to create an article on the 2009 Malawian election; the purpose of adding it to the template was to give me a convenient link when I decided to do it. If red linked elections can't go in the template, why don't you delete all the red linked past elections?"
05882bed,"One question - how come the page is marked as ""in dispute""? The data that is currently posted isn't in dispute, correct?"
f73fc568,"OK, now I see the <url>. Wouldn't it have been better to just say ""see talk"" in the edit summary so that editors don't think that you just moved it on a childish whim?"
30611f70,"I noticed you added the Jean Chretien link to the homepage, which is nice, but you didn't put any comment for the changelog and you also didn't bump of the last article, you bumped off the 2nd last article. Why?"
e1c17a1b,"Sure, I'll have a look at it. It looks like it needs a bit of a copyedit though, hope you don't mind?"
eddf1ec1,Thanks for clean-up of the secret talkpage colourer-inner. Aren't people odd?
a61332b8,"Everything about <url> looks fantastic, but.. going to |2 instead of |30em seems like a major step back. Is there a reason for it?"
6d090733,The profile seems good as it is. Why don't we bring this back up after the Hibiki 2-parter?
3de666b8,Just wondering why removed death material? Perhaps another article on his death and circumstances- legacy?
cf00efc3,I see that there now. Do you want me to tie it all in or do you want to work on it?
bfbea4e6,"""Malbrain, I can't understand you, in either your comments to the talk page..."" is the criteria being used by user WHOSASKING to make reverts of my edits. Since when does any one editor have to understand all the material of a subject known by the other editors?"
cc03a8ee,Why on earth have you deleted the article on the <url>? Can you please undelete it?
d17f9511,Eh. Awesome as in you are going to be more active?
f3918868,"I presume you haven't obliterated them completely, because that would be to be editorialise enormously. Where have you put them instead?"
a198bc94,"There is a lot to learn - but to date I have concentrated on content, followed by style. If I have to keep removing silly comments, though, I will get discouraged - is there an easy way to reverse somebody's goofing?"
dd8c4bde,"I actually went to the long term abuse page right now, and tried to block them, but it seems that those accounts don't exist. Have they been listed incorrectly?"
decf287e,"...cause I feel like a petulant kid, posting it. But: ""We have three volunteers: Awadewit, Mike Christie and Wrad."" Given that I, you know, proposed the countries idea, wasn't it obvious that I was volunteering?"
7f7778d0,I'm not sure what you are reffering to. Could you give a link?
d31d5e8f,my edit was described as ''(Reverted 1 edit by (talk): Rv. (TW))'' and I didn't give the guy a warning or anything so how would anyone think I was calling him a vandal?
d8df711a,I can't remember if I asked/checked to see if it got to you? So... did it?
53e069de,Thanks! To be absolutely fair his earlier edits to Rumble Fighter seemed serious; maybe he left the pc untended?
fb85cf2a,"Hmm. You ''do'' realize that two of the ""please sign"" diffs are from <url>, and that the talk page is splashed with <person> which has the sig thingy?"
a80c5602,Thanks for reverting that obnoxious vandalism on my talk page. How do I bring in an administrator to deal with the vandal?
40aa73bb,Probably I would have to do quite a bit of alteration in wording. Is that O.K?
bd8efabe,"Evidently, I don't have enough consciousness, because I haven't the foggiest idea of what you're talking about. Could you tell me?"
9d8b1839,"I think I'll leave it to the Math WikiProject to decide whether the dab page should be at <url> or <url> since they'll be more familiar with the importance of the various functions. It looks like all of the basic options I was considering are basically OK from the perspective of the DAB project, right?"
2405fedd,"It's not too long, certainly; but the extended quote does look a bit out of place there. Perhaps it would be possible to move the bulk of the quote into the body of the article and leave a short phrase or two that could be inline with the second paragraph?"
7853a4fe,I know this is a bit outside your usual territory but I wonder if you would be interested in helping us get <url> to FA status in time for the 50th anniversary of the line's closure on 10 June 2011? A question has also arisen in connection with the proper referencing of a journal article using the sfn template: when quoting a journal article - say from January 2010 - should the correct formulation be <nowiki><person></nowiki> or should the month be dropped?
ed6ca3e1,Note however that <url> does not exist. Which page were you talking about in this case?
bb286a32,"And it ''takes'' thousands and thousands of dollars to run a campaign, so exactly what's your point? Has there actually been some evidence of wrongdoing on anyone's part?"
2de53898,"OK, then, define ""bias"", propose a way to quantify it, and if it's accepted by consensus, we'll apply it to ''all'' the admins on that page. Or, perhaps as a starting point, how about presenting some evidence?"
49c84bb5,I will readily grant that. But where was the urgent reason not to follow it in any of the above cases?
42223dd6,Welcome to wikipedia? Does <url> and <url> look like unreferenced uselessness to you?
7ddc055e,I'm still scratching my head. How can this be?
72f34e34,"Oh, okay. <url> should be placed as a ""see also"" on <url>, correct?"
4ad31786,"I suppose I should not have used rollback. I was aware of the problem, but you had not solved it, had you?"
316055c9,What a mess. Does anything need to be done about it at the moment?
d8019fac,The sources are ref'd in the article. Can you be more specific?
735deb36,"That's basically what our members have said, not necessarily my opinion. Anything I miss?"
65dbd39b,"Mel, is the above comment from you? If not, could you please respond?"
ba62e480,"Sorry, I didn't know. I added a tag, are you able to delete it?"
6587e21d,I made a change to your user page. Is that the change you wanted?
28ab836a,"I removed most of the boldface lettering from the article. And what do you mean by ""the referencing is insuficcient""?"
c3ccb276,I was thinking about creating a page about Nintendo eShop. And since you are a well trusted user I am asking you if you think that would just be deleted because there isn't enough information?
2089cf21,"I have not seen quotation sections on any other Australian politician page. Also, who chose these ""quotations?"" What qualifies as a quotation?"
806d250f,Very nice. Did you visit also Romania or not?
4a5e75dc,Hi again! Have you had a chance to get it lately?
aa26891e,"Regarding comment on ""length of Performance reviews"" section - the intention here is to provide support for the statement in the biography that ""Latsabidze is already regarded by many as one of the more significant performers of his generation"". Do you recommend that I just delete this statement, or is there some other way to support it other than providing representative critical reviews that say so?"
a098c972,"Good point for the text, but can I also add the photos? They seem to be out of copyright, but maybe not?"
3bcaea25,"<url> is based at 340 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P9 - It doesn't have a photo posted yet. Is this convenient for you?"
1fb2aadc,"One to go. Shouldn't ""now welcome"" be ""not welcome""?"
a90e2da1,"Some time ago, you uploaded separate maps for each town and unincorporated community in <url>. Do you have similar maps for any other counties, or a town-level map of the entire state?"
f89c03fa,"BTW, I translated the page to the best of my ability (my Spanish only carried me so far). Do you speak Portuguese?"
5d6ea6e9,Are you saying that Racepacket attempted to contact Laura's employer? When and where did this happen?
4cada11f,During your RFA you stated that you would be helping deal with the Scibaby situation after Raul stopped doing it. Do you feel that you've done what you said you were going to do?
d177908d,"I was just reminded of my offer to generate a list of uncategorised templates, when I happened across your bot request again. Are you still interested in such a thing?"
54498de4,I don't see any of that in his deletion log. Would you please find out which one it was as evidence so you're not blindly accusing an admin of deleting something they didn't delete?
0d13d95b,"Alternatively, maybe the second column could be '''Country of origin''' and Rosen could simply be denoted USA/Poland, while Pillsbury would be USA/USA, without his US State being mentioned - it would be less confusing I think. Any thoughts?"
80f0e5ca,The main article needs a facelift. Do you want to make suggestions?
9f1f107e,"Huh, looks fine to me. Maybe this computer just lies to me to get me to shut up and stop complaining?"
d2922996,"Hi, I did post at <url> about the new Civil Ensign for Jersey but I've not had a reply yet. Any thoughts?"
37bab216,"Hi, although I agree with you, please check the following <url> in process. Why can't the darn thing work, in the first place?"
455d27e4,"Email from the Darkshado guy complaining about you adding him to the spamlist. I searched the site and couldn't find any of our articles replicated there; has he removed them, or what?"
95c39649,Thanks! Do you know why this was held jointly and what was worked on?
e2918b12,"Hi. Would it be OK to move the timeline to a template, so that all the Mars-related geology pages can point to the same timeline, making updates easier?"
d596ad78,Changing your userpage doesn't answer my question. Why is your userpage a copy of <url>'s?
6440e5a8,"I agree with Orlady here; full-protection, a fairly serious position when we're talking about an encyclopedia anyone can edit, is only to be taken out as a last (reasonable) resort. Since both participants to the dispute are now blocked, is there any reason for the protection to be necessary?"
fec6f41b,"Hi, Leandrod - my computer is slow, and your last two edits were made on top of vandalism that needed to be reverted - I can't tell if I reverted legit changes by you or not? If I did, I'm sorry, can you have a look?"
58470379,Noticed you've been holding the fort alone... again :) Thought I'd drop by and say hello. Surely your sanity has reached its limits by now?
c050d29e,"I'm curious: how do you make those beautiful coats of arms? Do you have a script that generates them from the heraldic descriptions, or do you make them by hand?"
f7281cd6,"Woohoo--279 hits! Hey Scientist, is that an all-time low?"
2bda6559,I tried a white map on <url> and a light yellow-pink on <url>. Which do you think looks better?
bca3cebd,Yes I am planning to. Is that good?
b2884be1,On the mediation page you made a number of statements that I said I would like to discuss with you. Would you be willing to do that <url>?
058e5e09,I'm not even sure who this person is! Which page is this about?
983a459b, is a spider with 'pajek'. Is it really necessary?
5683f4f5,I have reverted your relocation of the images of this fragment - as I think it better if the images and transcripts can be seen side-by-side. Do you agree?
bd37904a,"It's not my job to add the ""Bronze Age"" material in the article on <url>, so please refrain from removing existing material just because you haven't made any effort to add the ""Bronze Age"" content. OK ?"
9b5d6025,"Have made some comments on your list, looks pretty good overall, my points are just picky ones! Any chance you could return the favour and have a look over <url> for me?"
a9324f80,"Email checked and responded to. If you can't respond here, could you at least leave me a note to check my email?"
fcc883d0,"Hey, what was with the fact tag? Do you dispute its name?"
6877712c,"Thanks for your work in cleaning up <url> (which is now finished, but for a few hard cases which likely will require the writing of articles to conform to those links). Would you like to collaborate on another section of this list?"
f629c997,"That's OK &mdash; I just wondered if you had a new translation that used ""on"". Where are you studying philosophy, by the way?"
ca1f9475,"I never programmed that up because there were so few portal reviews, far fewer even than portal candidates. How often does this happen?"
78fd64e6,No worries found it... but yeah... We need a new Foo's pic... Does Flickr have fair use licenses?
d21b55d2,"Thanks for your note, Tom. As a matter of interest, how could you know who someone is based on the IP address?"
fe2ae984,This is irritating. What browser are you using?
d1a4d4cd,"See my comments on the article's talk page, which is on my watchlist by the way. Be bold?"
d3cfaca9,Drat forgot to sign. You blanked my talk page and asked if I don't like K's?
84bce013,"Forgive me if you've already done this, but...Could you post a list of the listing codes (such as DO, RN, etc.) for possibly non-listed properties with reference numbers?"
68817e82,And the username? Do you have any thoughts on changing it to something not involving Nazism?
fc573e33,"In your nom of Everyking you wrote '' Everyking is a former administrator, he made over 1,300 in his 2+ year time as a sysop.'' Should that be over 1,300 sysop actions?"
8a3d82b6,"In your most recent edit to <url> you stated that the track in Clermont, Florida does not fulfill IAAF regulations (since reverted by another editor). On what grounds does it not and do you have a source for that remark?"
370e400d,"Hi, I am having problems with one of the references you added as it goes to the main page and not to one showing any of the figures on religion. Can you have a look at <url>?"
e25fdc04,"Dana, before I give the examples of what sections or parts in the article that needs fixing, I need to know if <url> is still gonna work on the problems. Do you get me?"
c5052130,"Thanks, but I believe I've covered the sustance. Could you also get Beeblebrox to strike the ""Mr"" insult, unless he was doing it deliberately?"
c4703575,"Hi Tim, I received the photograph from Delft but it's page looks a mess and I can't edit it. Can you, or do you know someone who can, fix it?"
05d50a08,"I have to say, I've reviewed the suggestions that ""year in x"" not be piped, and I vehemently disagree. As I note on the [[Wikipedia talk:Piped link|talk page]], ""[s]ee [[Lindsay Lohan]] for a good example of why piping is a good thing (a simple [&#91;2003 in film]] in line would create clunky, hard-to-follow writing&mdash;better to use no links at all)."" Comment?"
46d4f080,"I've created <person> to deal with the new CSD A8, deletion of blatant copyvios. Mind to take a look and tell me if there's anything wrong with it?"
dc3a0f4b,"Yeah, but playtime is over. Find some articles to edit, yes?"
431df2fa,I'm also having to use your link. Perhaps we should change the main page link to use the megaupload until we know that the main website is up?
c9ad1398,"I notice that your userpage announces that this is an alternate account and won't get involved in policy. Did you always have that attitude, or is it since December last year?"
9bc4ea59,(undent) Your Chinese is much better than mine. Is it possible in Chinese to omit a conjunction such as u548c or u8ddf and let a string of two successive nouns refer to a set of two objects?
3a6ce672,"And I guess with exception of 7 countries that recognize same-sex marriage, everybody else would end up in ""homophobia"" category. Or what would be the threshold?"
5fcd83ef,"As a side note, I'm slightly amused that on the one hand, you caution me not to ""encourage"" the penguieater troll, explicitly striking out the ""mocking"" part, but then in the same breath you sign the finding that cites those same penguin diffs as evidence of terrible insults and intimidation. Slightly inconsistent, perhaps?"
03387e0b,Being too efficient can be detrimental - what if I was doing it in the wrong order - does that allow my reversion if indeed I do utilise the abbreviation? A simple enquiry might have been in order?
bd2f27b9,"I saw you removed the copyright CSD from Universum University as being ""unclear copyright status"". What am I missing?"
da3b77fa,"I'm kind of afraid to undo <url>, mainly because I have doubt in whether the nihongo template is necessary at all. Thoughts?"
bc44a563,"Dear commander, this source: '''* Berg, Ole F.: <person>, Oslo 1997 ISBN 82-993545-2-8''' is a Norwegian source, as signified by the lang|no tag, hence the first letters of months is not supposed to be capital. I thought that tagging sources with lang|no would prevent this problem, isn't that correct?"
47c8586d,"I'm sure. How about we let the sockpuppet investigation let us know for certain, m'kay?"
125f800d,I'm sure you're right but I can't find it in FM and haven't found it anywhere else. Could you cite sources in the article?
7dde3a99,I would like to nominate you for adminship. Would you accept now?
8e451f90,"xD if you say so! By the way, what's your favorite game ever?"
a04c630f,"Hi, I see you voted ""support"" but in the neutral section. Would you like to move that to the support section?"
435e2422,"Is there any point to the quotation that's not served equally by the link on its own? Other than the obvious (which I'd like to think you're above), which is trolling the student pollies?"
86e6a68f,"Not according to the history on <url>. Can you give me a link to follow, please?"
898e4557,"Hi, Wereon - I'm afraid I'm rather amateur at nominating articles for deletion. Where do I start?"
be1cbad4,Nice. What SVG editor did you use?
993e2f28,"If you're interested, I could provide you with Subversion (which is superior to CVS) for VandalProof. Interested?"
f5f4e504,"Please explain why you continue to <url> <url> <url> over the folk magic/Christian revivalist wording in the lede despite the clear consensus against you. You have not gained any favorable comments for your position in the RFC (which in fact is about the treasure seeking sentence you want to add and not about rewording or removing the existing sentence), so on what basis do you claim preeminence for your preferred wording, or for removing the sentences completely?"
803fd1a7,"You are right, I apologize not doing so. A different layout for the template could be interesting (perhaps even with names, or those delivered in person/by text) but I didn't quite see the logic in the way you had broken up the dates by 20 year blocks interspaced with 4 year blocks, right?"
464ed029,Thanks for the correction but I am still working on the table. Could you hold off for a bit so our edits don't cross?
bb5b14ca,"I actually posted my comments a couple minutes ago. Do you think that explanation works, or do you think it's a good idea I elaborate further?"
ac1bdaf8,You recently attached a <nowiki><person></nowiki> tag to an article about an Azeri poet. May I ask why?
af6ac8a4,"Anupam, the etymology of ''chand raat'' Sanskritic, as stated in article is basically correct. Is there an issue?"
9b2926bc,Please explain this <url>. Is there a valid reason why this image was removed?
9c8f0c22,I reverted your change to the Pet Shop Boys article - it was kind of a bizarre change (i would have considered it the work of a vandal were it not for the seemingly valid other wikipedia work you've done). ?
1ab38175,"I didn't have those in <person> because they were already included under the tributaries categories. Is this one of those ""basketball player"" exceptions?"
5dc981ec,I must be missing something here. Would you mind clarifying for me the nature of your extensive work on <url>?
fc035651,"The text of your warning <url> made me smile. Did you really think that if China got a new Prime Minister as of today, and a female one at that, it wouldn't be all over the news, and the link to this person would be red?"
b2960ed1,"Now I'm confused--did I miss something? Who was talking about G1, and who was talking about IP blocks?"
561b32bc,"I figured I would ask you directly, since you objected to my original draft, and it seems to be difficult to workshop specific problems in the general discussion taking place at <url>. How is <url>?"
60641caf,Have you visited <url>???
d064b72b,"thanks for your input, it was such a pleasure interacting with you, now that the overlapping projects assessment are done, we need never interact again. projects opting out of policy, how charming, some projects are more equal than others, can i take a vote on SI project opting out of copyright vios?"
07f31e2b,"...welcome back! Is this permanent, or are you just passing through?"
23e081f2,"Thanks, I tried to do that but don't know how to do it? Can you help?"
b70e299c,"Actually, if she is releasing a new single from the debut album, the title ""Home Run"" wouldn't encompass this. Someone else has changed it to ""Debut album"" which I think is more suiting, what do you think?"
59b263d7,"Mattisse hun, you haven't been on wiki for a couple of weeks. Are you ok?"
24f336bd,"Sorry, I can't see it. Would you mind cutting and pasting the sentence that says she won an award?"
c377691f,"Thanks. And, what about the <url> about ""he drowned"" not being reflexive in Spanish?"
8e0cb6aa,Indeed. I trust you have already watchlisted this editor?
b82f804a,"'''<url>'''Please also answer the questions at paragraph '''<url>''' above, as you are looking like a classic bully admin who abuses his powers and should be stripped of that role. Is there any review process in wikipedia, for proposing that you be stripped of your admin powers for bullyism?"
847109be,"Great- so bump up to around ten selected pictures (selective choices, obviously) and then you feel it is ready for FPOC? Is there anything you feel the portal is obviously lacking?"
48e1eb3e,"If the only page you've been visiting is Wikipedia, then it makes sense the viruses would come from here, but if you've been to other sites, they get thrown into the equation. Again, don't you have any anti-virus software?"
f94d3b04,"Serouj, you didn't reply to my message and my email. One question: if the church was built after 1700 but later ruin, for instance ruined by Beria order in 30s, can it be considered Contemporary?"
dd328bf7,"Maybe I'm on crack, but in your edit summaries you're saying ""MT"" and ""Not MT"". What is MT an abbreviation for?"
7b965469,This is now ready for transfer. I will leave it up to you if that is OK?
df739c84,Thank you for the rollback. Does it appear in <url> or only in the history?
b8782386,Nice continued work on the expressway articles. Is it possible to have some maps or schematic diagrams showing the location or routes of the expressways?
651cee58,OK I've created the following test page: <url>. Tell me if you have a problem with it?
c0f778d6,I notice yall were trying to get some Canadian articles featured. How many Canadian articles are even at that status?
7f9a1158,"You've violated <url> on <url>, with 2 reverts in half an hour. Would you like to revert yourself to avoid being blocked again?"
9af4e086,Thanks for the good advice. I still think the electric-shock-button idea is a good one though :-) You been having problems with images as well?
059c3962,"I don't have the full list online, but I do have the 07-08 AJHL record book. Are there any specific seasons or teams you are looking for?"
db519372,"Hi, sorry I think I'm missing something here. Why are you adding a red link to the vandalism page?"
5ccd22ae,"Actually, that's again a misromanization. Would you ''please'' stop this insanity?"
904b9d1e,"Thanks; it just occurred to me to cite USGS maps, but this is maybe even better. Was there once an airplane crash in the vicinity, or are there maps like this for all parts of the country?"
81ce6e28,"Just now I created this stub. Could you have a look at it, and try to improve it?"
e9d0f399,"This statement by The Four Deuces <url> makes little sense to me, does this user often obfuscate like this? The source is quite unambiguous in stating ""communist terrorists"" how on earth does this not mean the author is talking of communist terrorism?"
28495533,I saw on the status page that you have a free spot. Would you be able to coach me?
08b02bdf,"Acad, at <url> the article suddenly starts talking about ''Pomone'' without any context - is this a typo? You're a major contributor - can you clarify?"
2442084d,comment from a member of the Article Rescue Squadron? Do you know how to hide a human body?
d5d684c3,PS - surprised you didn't make the annoucement in your blog. Trying to fool your hordes of devoted readers?
723c3bf3,What the hell? Bitter much?
bbb93652,Reply: I have just found your edits to the talk page of the above article - not impressive at all? I suggest that you take this to <url> and explain why his edits need to be reverted and not yours?
d85bb1c1,Hi Asbestos! This is kind of weird for me but I see that you are a participant in the photo project and list yourself as a photographer in Edinburgh and I was wondering if there was any possibility that you would be willing to respond to my recent request <url>?
cacbaff1,I thought we had already established consensus last month. What exactly is the deal with the parenthesis and columns?
77b477e7,"Nice work so far on your rewrite of ""The One After the Superbowl"". Are you planning on including info about the Diet Coke fiasco?"
95239caf,"Then, I am curious. Why did you create the redirect in the first place?"
d697fc56,That was a nice pic you put up in the Civil War article. where did you find it?
4cb7815b,Look even your 3rr message says to use the talk page. What authority does the Pokemon project have over Japanese mythology?
860b1fd8,you have been following me around all week reverting my edits. what did i do to you?
88e60697,"From the edit history to the template, it appears that your last edit has not been undone so hopefully this issue is resolved. You are both editors of between 1 and 2 years experience here, so perhaps a bit better communications would be a better approach in future?"
2af81500,Let me know when's convenient and I'll put the kettle on. Tea or coffee?
ef30c078,"Anomie, thank you very much, this is a great tool. Why isn't this a Mediawiki gadget ?"
2f492774,We need a visual of some kind. How's the state of your right-brain today?
1bb40fb8,"The answer is ""one citation per city"". Information must always be verifiable; without verifiable sources for say, Unna, how exactly are we to tell that the article is accurate?"
96352b3e,"Otherwise, very nice article. Are you going to submit it to DYK?"
e685bf99,But ''you're'' the one branding his work as anti-Semitic! See what I mean about bad faith?
6f2773aa,"There you go, it's GA now. Have you done anything else that's gotten to GA?"
608adaa5,"uh, okay lol :) no, i dont think i am (although i dont remember drinking any at all..), and um? okay?"
5eca8bc6,Yes please! Buffing up ''<url>'' to at least reflect a bit better on current state-of-play-taxonomically would be good :) Any Reliable Sources call it a <url> ?
3660717f,Based on what? Don't you think a little discussion is in order before doing this?
3595add8,"That was awfully quick, considering that it was open for less than 12 hours. Since I must now do them individually, must they be considered ""Second Nominations"" if I put them up again?"
5062191a,"No, just admire them from a distance of a couple of centuries! You?"
af181c6f,"I know, I looked it up and fixed the article, but it was annoying that you just changed one small thing making the page contradict itself. What's the use changing it if the reader will have no idea what's going on?"
46d82486,"Hi, I borrowed your bit on Rauls Razor for my userpage. I hope thats okay?"
dd9c7f43,Why did you just do that? I am being serious - what business was it of yours exactly?
264cb8ae,Another admin has already deleted the article. Do you need me to restore it for you?
fa6673ea,"I'm on it. Instead, could I persuade you to offer comments on the FAC page of <url>?"
6a8ac8e7,"I advance (Ultra-Orthodox) Rabbi Dr Mordechai Halperin, (Ultra-Orthodox), Rabbi Gershon Winkler, (Conservative) Rabbi Elliot Dorff, to you, for example, that the Torah and Talmud only forbids anal sex. Now explain exactly what division of Judaism is left, for you to claim your view fairly represents?"
95bef1bc,"Soman, since you visited the Swedish Social Democratic Party site in May 2010, did you put the May 2010 ""(This article) may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards"" atomic bomb tag at the top of the article? If so, will you clarify which sections you feel are inappropriate to a discussion of the political party, and what sort of focus you'd prefer to see, and why?"
f72f70eb,"The reason given on the <nowiki><person></nowiki> tag (''""Non-notable book promo""'') seems to have nothing at all to do with the article. Is this on the correct article?"
8d562caa,Thanks for letting me know. Is it considered a subspecies?
72c2fd5b,I went to <url> and couldn't find it. Can you provide a link?
cce6d9e3,"Alf has a large <url> in Germany. How on earth do you know that he is a character ""almost no one knows about"" Where you get your f'n info?"
8e2589e6,"Why avoid it? Is ""November 6,<br>2010"" somehow a more desired rendering than ""6 November<br>2010""?"
3b573ff4,"I realise it may seem ridiculous, but until the copyright holder has released it, we cannot use it (except under a claim of fair use, but this wouldn't fall under our rather strict <url>). I will delete the image now- why not draw your own map?"
90da096e,Girne. Sen?
901e7936,"There's nothing in your history besides editing my page, so I'm not sure to what you are referring. What page are you talking about?"
025cd6df,"Yep, she told me. How are you doing?"
0e524104,What do you mean? How am I supposed to vindicate myself of this ridiculous accusation?
ceaf2c25,"Hi Orlady, I wanted to seek your advice....Information on FIBAA is available in the German language on Wikipedia : Is there any chance to have it in English?"
32899440,"You mean ""the higher solubility in the ocean""? Solubility of what?"
d69800f9,"Thanks for your prompt action at AN/I and on behalf of NawlinWiki; as you gathered, I wasn't sure what to do but it's clear that you did. Two questions: is there any policy of which I should have been aware that governs this situation, and what (if anything) needs to happen to notify NawlinWiki?"
769da97a,Are you really denying that you brought Giano and Bishonen's names into this? Seriously?
5de867cb,"Also, 'topological proof'? Isn't 'proof' a bit strong?"
f4685b39,Very nice. How could I doubt you?
ae95b259,It's a low-profile page in the sense of not getting much attention from editors. Why do you think addressing Luther's views on grace is necessary to understand contemporary philosophy?
f285e49b,You're joking? <person> and <person> have no word play in spite of the same kanji?
4ed53168,Don't you think it's taken too far back to be of any use? Do we have any alternatives?
9d72a0ae,I read your publication and enjoyed seeing the relationship between activeness and chance of success to become an admin. Are you planning to do a similar model for bureaucrats?
509cbf3c,"At the top of my talk page, it says, ""If I left you a message: please answer on your talk page, as I am watching it."" I think I already explained this to you. Is there a reason we cannot communicate?"
18363a59,Misrepresenting a person's actions to portray them in a bad light is one of the more common (and transparent) forms of personal attack. Is that your defense for repeatedly violating <url>?
e68660ca,"ChrisO, am I being paranoiac or are you undertaking some kind of campaign against me? What exactly are you referring to this time?"
bd8f49b8,"Sure. I have to warn you, though, the file size advantage has pretty much been lost since SVG font rendering went the way of the dinosaurs :) Do you make a point of having the border, or can I leave it out?"
7c9576a4,"And if you use Coulson you would probably have to say ""According to Coulson..."". Have you read <url> yet?"
66a1253a,"Well it looked as though it had stopped, certainly tapered off for a few days but now some bloody wanker has started adding it again. I don't suppose you know how to get a page protected, I've never had to do it before?"
f6d5efba,"Um, you know that the last couple of replies have been from someone other than Esprqii? Right?"
dd44a5d8,"""New dictator?"" Who's the old one? And who are ""others in your gang""?"
eb0cdb4c,"I'm a little surprised you haven't responded to my suggestions regarding the GAN yet. Is there some sort of a problem there, or have you just not managed to get around to it yet?"
ea3f696b,"It is disputed among admins regarding the protection of userpages, although the policy says that users can have their user/user sub-pages (but not the talks) semi-protected if the user requests it. Are there other subpages of yours that you'd like protecting?"
19cb72b8,"There's been a slow revert war occurring between <url> and <url> over the Katja Kassin article and I've just left a strongly worded suggestion that they hash out their differences in the article's talk page. Could you keep an eye on the article for a day or two, just to make sure they stop reverting and start discussing?"
cae700bd,"Actually, I thought that I was moving to the end of the list. I must be missing what is the issue with putting a (revised) picture at the end of the list?"
e851535b,He has been indef blocked once again. I wonder how long it will take him to come back this time?
b0e83023,"You also did three reversions. Where are the administrators, meanwhile?"
05175d32,I found this talk page (and <url>) while deleting the user pages that you requested. Would you like to have them deleted as well?
0e825516,"Saw your note on Herbythyme's pageu2014this is great! How come this isn't more widely ""publicized""?"
755f6f0a,Done. Comments?
b0fda065,Just move <url> to <url>. And shouldn't the clean-up parameter be added to <url> also to make it work?
f72ef20c,Congratulations on your new daughter's arrival! What's her name?
dbd12ee7,"I don't follow you I was not aware that my edits were vandalism, I was editing according to what had (it appeared to me) been agreed on the talk page, but additional material had been inserted (that had not been agreed upon) that esentialy said the same thing (and was not supported by the sources) that had caused the origioanl disagrement. I think I may have mis-understood you point, are you saying that I can only revert three times if its vandalism, or that my edits were vandalims?"
33c461a5,"Thanks for taking all that on....just wondering on the template if that Vancouver / North LM split vs Fraser Valley South LM split is something Elections BC cooked up; ""North"" and ""South"" just don't seem right geographically/compass-wise, it's more like ""West"" and East"".....I'm imagine there's reason to your rhyme; dito Vancouver Island/South Coast which is a-geographical somewhat if North Island is included (the Queen Charlotte Strait region is part of the Central Coast). If those are divisions used by Elections BC I guess that's what it is, though....I can make some additions to various pages describing the changes relating to ridings they're made out of and waht areas are in/out in each case.....and since the districts were created in 2008, shouldn't hte title say that instead of 2009?"
d48408db,What is the context that you think is lacking? any suggestions on what to add?
3f720371,WOW. PLEASE tell me that this will be going to FAC?
8b5960e8,The only way I have a naval website is that I am one of the people actively working to make sure Wikipedia has good coverage of naval topics here. Which website do you think I run?
d5894485,"As for restoring the image, no I will not. Did you consider that you are asking me to put up an image for which I know the ""fair use"" claim to be bogus, and that this is illegal?"
b28e7376,Quite welcome. Doesn't Huggle use rollback when available and applicable (last several edits were by the same user)?
a23efe57,"Well, actually I wanted to know if there were any errors in my own maps. ;) Anyway, is the new map at <url> better?"
9dd3af6d,"Currently, <url> is a subcategory of <url>. What would you suggest doing about this?"
44f49be0,I give a glimpse there now and then. What is up?
7ef0f857,I had no idea that I was such a rogue admin. Are you seriously suggesting that I need to be kicked off the project for closing a deletion debate?
cc2c8496,"I do understand the bot was approved and is doing useful job, but. Is it possible to modify it to not save the changes if it is only one-two whitespace(s)?"
e5294639,"its - it's - its - Sheesh ! Thanks for fixing :-) Scary, huh?"
531fec4b,I'm always behind the times. PS- When did you guys decide to ''remove'' the Quebecois nation resolution from that article's introduction?
e6237a29,You're still missing the point. How do the two sites meet <url>?
0522cabe,"According to ''Nature'' <url>, the picture is xa9 Zhongda Zhang/IVPP (IVPP is the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in China). What evidence do you have that we have permission to use it?"
cb993588,"So far, I haven't seen any sound samples in music articles, not even in <url>, which is featured according to the nomninator of <url>. Can you point me to a page where I can find this discussed?"
52c43757,"Hi, Thank you for closing <url> as ""delete"", but much of the material immediately re-appeared at <url> (see <url>) so the questionable content hasn't been deleted at all. Can we do something about this?"
2dd4283e,"You may not remember doing this but, you erased a page entitled, Earl Newton. Why did you do it?"
ca5aeccc,"Hi SKS, I saw your post on the discussion on the charts page about Billboard Korea and I clicked the link and the website seems to be up and running but I can't make sense of it. Can you have a look at it?"
7cfb31d7,"Ah, as I recall it was ''you'' who confused me on that one, by adding them to <url> during the GA review ;) What is the preferred display quote? Does one just use blockquote?"
b0bc2c61,"The PressTV references in Wikipedia's ""Turkey-PKK Conflict"" article are not the same, but the titles are wrong. If you have time, can you correct the titles?"
d8ca3ab0,"Your <url> give your first edit as on April 9, 2011. Do you have any other account you have not disclosed yet?"
1a73b637,Where have you put this material? On a user page somewhere?
5124279f,Just curious. Does the '''tab''' key move your cursor to the search box?
980a2306,I obviously made a mistake too. Do you really think I'd purposefully misinterpret things like that?
a6eda9b5,"BTW, I see you've left some comments at <url>. Would you be interested in signing on to the project?"
4d63dba4,i searched through the history and the question at relates to infomation <url>. could you possiblly answer it?
7616e2ff,I have no clue. Isn't there a WikiProject on radio stations you can ask?
c4bb4fc9,Same with the vandal over at <url>. I don't think enough people watch that page to get a consensus on protecting that page--what can be done in the meantime?
dc133836,"I would say you went a few steps further than I did! Does make it easier to find yourself on the page, doesn't it?"
aa754bf2,I was trying to create a subpage. Could you please make it a subpage for me?
723ae2f3,"Hi, just noticed you reverted this page back to its pre-COPYVIO state. Any reason you didn't use the content at <url>?"
61e33706,Back on topic Jigglyfidders; I totally agree with Deconstructhis on this one. What will you do to address this issue?
c2003f0f,"I wonder if it would ever be worth doing an article on G&S scholarship? You know, cover the major discoveries, describe the evolution of the field... or is that too likely to hit problems?"
9c896db6,"ER, I was wondering if <url> would be a good candidate for featured bio in the portal, since he was the first United States Marine Corps officer, in history to take command of a Naval flotilla. What do you think?"
0abf5fca,Excuse me? What are you accusing me of doing?
877f303d,"We? Which ""we"" would this be?"
29dac757,"The <url> page said that <url> will be shown on the <url> subchannels 26.5 and 26.6, and also on analog channel 48. It is also expected that The U Too will displace Me Too from analog channel 48. If that's the case, then, where do you suppose Me Too will end up? What new channel in Chicago will it be shown on?"
b79eccd1,"I moved '''Engine Arm Aqueduct''' to <url>, because there seemed to be much more content about the canal than the actual <url>. Does that seem reasonable, to you?"
0779e839,"<url> as having been deleted via a deletion discussion, however I can't find any such Afd. Do you know of one?"
27faecd7,<url> was a bit bad form. Think twice before you do it again?
608c7044,"Greetings, I ran across your 2008 article <url>, and the footnotes are done manually vice the usual Wiki way. Any chance you can go back and fix the footnotes?"
e8e5425e,"Sovereignty is something a thing, in this case Japan, possesses, hence the apostrophe. So what's the problem?"
b6b83cc6,"Although Singapore does not use Traditional Chinese, I still think we should at least add Traditional Chinese titles for shows not made by Mediacorp, and bought from overseas (mainly Hong Kong) TV stations. What do you think?"
6ef71586,"Hi- The Magnificent Clean-keeper- I note that you recently removed a contribution I made to the <url> page, citing lack of ""notability"" as the reason. Iu2019m not saying you where wrong to do so (notability is an important criteria in the Wiki project), however, since the definition of ""notability"" is hard to pin down, could we discuss this particular instance, in greater detail, at some point?"
23e93d59,The Nyan Cat is a flying cat with a toast instead of its body. Isn't quite similar?
b87d1e4f,"<url> is, in reality, a good guy, and quite reasonable. I'm confident that he'd be happy to help work with you on any image problems -- remember how you and I started out editing together?"
5de3908b,"I don't recall any consensus on that unilateral change. Can you direct me to it, please?"
ee780a4d,"I've noticed that you're engaged in several edit wars, with Meliniki, regarding minor alterations to multiple Greek language articles. Perhaps you should consider discussing the changes on Meliniki's <url> instead?"
75c6cb3e,I've also started <url>. Now is this acceptable?
f0ec63ed,"Thanks for offer of help on IRC - terminology completely baffling to me (not helped by freenode instructions written as if translated through several languages into final english) - just which channel are admins supposed to log into, and how does one register when it seems by invitation only. Finally what on earth is a cloak ?"
af31b1a1,"I see you removed the review, which makes sense until at least four days from now, when it won't be mentioned on the mainpage at all. But maybe leave a note at <url> so he doesn't feel put-off?"
f1c84c9a,"Your ""resolution"" was to move it back to ""Detective Terry Crowley"" again? Why do you keep doing that?"
580f8df4,I really think that the text you have drafted at <url> is far fuller and better than the article as currently drafted. Do you have any objection to me deleting the current text (except for the infobox which I will retain) and importing you text in its entirety?
29e234aa,"Problem is how do you recognise the categories, as there are thousands of them. I have already made a program that scans the database, and can locate the unstubbed articles, so finding the untagged stubs is ok, and AWB automatically adds the stub tag if the article is short, I just can't think how you could program it to automatically guess the type of stub, any ideas?"
383d7475,"I noticed, that for users warned before, Huggle still uses level 1 warning. Is there anything I can do?"
e24d4d8f,I have to protest that I find it rather meaningless to present arguments on the talk page for edits which are then blankly reverted by the likes of User:Historicar without explanation or discussion. Any suggestions for a more formal process or other remedies?
e50fd28c,Wow! How did you find this?
62f9ece9,"Jeez, Joe, and I was going to suggest you hang around Andrea's to make sure he doesn't do himself a disservice... What is this? Getting blocked is the new cool?"
e803b884,"Yes, sorry I didn't see the discussion. How about moving it to a subpage of <url>, say <url>?"
79f59fab,I hope this makes my concerns clearer. Perhaps we can work together to resolve them?
ee6a2836,"Could you kindly stick to the issue at hand in the FAC? Which is to discuss the article, not me?"
3b2f23ad,<url> apperantly we need a you have one...??
7d908fcf,"I consider <url> to be the single most important edit I have ever made. God, what is happening with The Beatles coverage on Wikipedia?"
04e14efb,"Yes, I agree. Would you please make the appropriate change?"
3c8bc7c2,"Instead of deletion, I'm considering simply redirecting Ponystars to <url>. Any objections?"
6f859638,"Thank you that clarifies matters. Has the image been listed for deletion on commons, or should I do so?"
c0d5b593,Strikehold previously did a <url>. What do you think about adding it to the template?
f147cfe8,"Sorry, almost forgot. After calling me a ""child"" ""uneducated"" and making remarks to the effect of ""shouldn't be allowed to post on edit Wikipedia"" what grounds have you got to stand on to say I've made personal attacks against you by suggesting vandalism?"
6bbd5c15,"Lunch sounds great, Rocket. Do you have an e-mail address I can use to get in touch with you?"
dccfc131,GorillaWarfare- I don't know if you saw my reply on my talk page. Are you interested in being my mentor for the GU De-Ba'athification article?
462ae6ec,"I'm not going to get involved in the content dispute. But I'm pleased to see you finally taking this seriously: its no longer ''all in good fun'', perhaps?"
d4d940e2,I do not know how to merge them. Are you familiar with the process?
f2b1519d,"Is it ok to use words like: here are some ""good"" or ""recommended"" reliable secondary sources? Or does that have to be determined by consensus?"
89ae4dc3,"I posted here rather than to Jon's page because I don't want to embarrass the students; I know Jon watchlists your page and I am sure other NRG editors do too. Anyway, what do you think?"
e084eb0e,"Yes, but not this week as I have university exams. Perhaps next week (or you want this to be a lead-up story for Earth Day)?"
4b322546,"I do not know what you mean by ""important links"" as you mentioned on my talk page. Will you please clarify?"
09e93490,I'm sorry but looking back on that edit I won't stand for that. Don't you think that actually removing the edit summary was a bit... well... let's say 'abusing sysop powers'?
d6171bff,"In my calculation if I got blocked that would only be good for me as it would clear my mind from the obsession to try and change that which seems wrong and mutable, but carries no private benefits for the reformer. Is that line of thinking truly alien to you?"
0049cb2f,"Actually, I think I should route these terms (seismic design, and seismic engineering) to <url>. Does that sound like a better idea?"
fb8b3056,"OK, I've started the deletion debate at <url>. As a major contributor, would you mind indicating there that you agree with deleting the page?"
4bfdf8ff,"I want to send you a private message, but you don't have an e-mail address registered with your Wikipedia account. How could I contact you?"
7f8b53a6,"Well, that's probably going to be an annoying AfD. How about <url> and <url>?"
c774c89a,"I'm not sure how I feel about you adding coordinates to locations all over the place, but rather than get into that, let's start with something easy: ""<url>"" does not equal ""<url>"". Do you need me to explain why, or was that just a typo?"
4ede3e34,"Do you mind if you tell me why do you add duplicate links to the article? More specifically, why do you add internal links to the See Also sections when those links are already in the article navbox?"
54f541f2,And this is your first edit. Isn't that interesting?
dc494ecb,"As I've only ever tagged one page for speedy deletion before (and that was an obvious cut-and-paste copyvio), I just want to make sure I tagged it properly. Was db-1 the right tag for <url>?"
4544190c,"You mean the links that are being edit warred over? I can, but first can you explain what the edit war was all about and what the point of the links are?"
a1dbae4f,This is a great way to deal with external links. Wondering if we should look at applying it almost universally for medical pages?
c8f09148,"I was going to be the first, but now I'll be the second. Do you have any idea who that Oppose !voter was or why he was so upset with you?"
9e45f04f,"Looks like you've been a bit inactive lately, but on the off-chance you check in soon, take a look at <url> and <url>. You're probably the most familiar with CoM's style and brand of hostility, do you think Freakshownerd here is his sock?"
b5100023,"You added partisan colours for the early Chancellors (such as a conservative blue colour for Bismarck); as the early Chancellors were not attached to any political party, and the ""party"" given is merely an approximate indication of their political leanings, I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Also, why did you remove the partisan colour from the last part of the table (the Republic)?"
38f42551,"A quick question, I'd like your opinion on something. Do you think I should put <url> GAN on hold or fail it?"
e7814023,I restored 3 non-piped blue links. How does that look?
e37cc3dc,I will take out Haskett in deference to you. OK?
a841b63b,What are you having a problem with? Are you having trouble with the ssh authentication?
cf1f78cd,"Pat, for someone who has died, you don't say ""he is a former professional baseball player"", you say ""he was a professional baseball player"". Okay?"
583f1892,"Thanks. BTW, there aren't any others that I've missed, are there?"
06136fcb,"Unfortunately I think <url> may also add that material; I am not familiar with Citizendum, though, but I will look at it. If Citizendum has the same policies regarding primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, then why not criticize both Wikipedia and Citizendum?"
f86cab89,Then maybe admins should focus on copyright infringements and avoid the leader/educator/cop/parliamentarian roles that they cherish so much. Could 1000 admins handle this?
c1f9589d,"I'm disappointed that your first response here was to revert me without discussion, and to assert a consensus that was not apparent. Before you choose to revert me again, can you ''please'' participate in the discussion at WT:RD?"
bed81faa,I don't have the delete privilege assigned to my account. What are you talking about?
61bbacbc,It's larger now than the sub-stub previously deleted. Can sources be added to verify the achievements?
75281788,"Re your e-mail, there is info there which is not on my talk page. May I add it to my talk page, or would you prefer it stayed off?"
4a7986a5,"I don't understand. So then you decide by yourself, and the people who stated their support for the original are ignored?"
5123a7ea,I know what the band Rush is. I'm just wondering if you were joking or didn't know the user was referring to Rush Limbaugh?
9d0ce342,Can I ask: was this really the implication that you intended in making this change? And do you really think the RfC expressed consensus support for such a position?
233f0997,"I have just noticed that today a Wikipedia administrator added a POV tag in the u201cPsychohistoryu201d article, which you have contributed to edit. Perhaps someone should do a little work to balance the article and remove the tag?"
20fa7c2d,"Wikipedia is not IMDb, which can easily be used (and is more suited) to providing complete soundtrack listings for pretty much every movie ever made. Would you care to address any of the other points I've brought up?"
3c51508c,"Notability is an issue of common sense: you're writing for other people, so what is notable for you (or me) is not that relevant. My local shop is more important and notable ''to me'' than Wal-mart, but who, other than me, actually cares?"
2686fcc7,"Thanks for the help! That info should be on <url> in easy to read form, no?"
29dd02fb,"You beat me to the punch with the archaeological discovery.<url>. I'm curious, do you know if any Scottish newspapers reported it?"
d2597daa,"We have a <url> page on <url> which, we suspect, may be in Slovenian. Could you have a look at it (whether it is Slovenian and, if so, whether it is worth translating)?"
d3b002d2,Good point - I was unaware of that. Perhaps then you should include a short reference to Aquitanian in the sentence?
c4ed1b3b,No worries. Can you take another look at the nom?
5e104280,-- Bit confused by your DYK nom. Surely the world's first gasoline automobile was created by <url> four years earlier?
b131ee96,I haven't. What are you referring to?
c1d54869,"Hi, I wsa just noticing that in <url>, players such as Tommy Walsh and Paul O'Connor have appeared under 'T' and 'P' respectively, rather than 'W' and 'O'. How should that be fixed?"
bf87292e,Problem solved! Aren't administrators handy?
ae09acab,"Hey friend, you are missed on here. What's up?"
ec0d49f1,"As I have said before, it is an issue of breadth vs. depth. Are you familiar with such concepts?"
e60fe025,"just look out or you'll regret!OK, stop here, go to bed. Have U done ""Tourism Report"" yet?"
23578dbe,"Apologies, I was busy prod'ding this article when you speedily deleted it, so I inadvertently re-created it. Can you delete it again, please?"
06f99311,Please answer Bishonen question to you. When were you invited to comment on UC related subjects?
cf639ca5,You took me by surprise on this one with your comment-what about the obedience a diocesan priest owes to his bishop? And I was under the impression that all Latin-rite priests took simple vows of chastity?
befef1c3,I noticed you've been adding the template <person> to pages - I'm sure there's a good reason but I'm totally puzzled as to why. Can you explain what it does?
e7e4f28c,"I use that template, because it cannot be missed on a page, because it allows for different reasons for blocking (template:blocked is ""vandalism"", only, and takes 2 edits to change to something else), and because it gives instructions for requesting unblock. What is the objection to it?"
6aabe1e5,"Wait a minute! I've done plenty of good edits, where did they all go?"
57c321b9,"Thanks. Oh, and if you don't mind, would you please block the sockmaster?"
ec0680d9,"Crimson, there is a discussion at <url> where we have implemented a new template for bot operators when their bot is blocked stating that it is in ''no way'' an indication or accusation of wrong doing on the operator's behalf. I'm sorry you have interpreted that way - would you be willing to re-consider your retirement?"
9e348fdb,"Okay, so I did what it said and I sent a message to an admin. Now what do I do?"
4eb933ae,What is the source of this image? and why do you think it's PD?
9d4a1406,"I will say this, though, in the form of a suggestion: it makes me a bit uneasy to see you so involved and sometimes argumentative in your nomination. Why not step back and let the community do its thing?"
4de5980c,Please explain how that is a personal attack? You do realise that someone critisizing your actions is not the same as a personal attack don't you?
402a9364,Would you email me with any points/incidents you especially want me to be aware of? Do you think Jimbo will be willing to pass this to the arbitration committee?
78676659,"You may need to enable your own setting to allow E-mail too; I'm not sure. If so, maybe you can turn it on temporarily, so that you can send me one e-mail?"
9595d8e2,"So then ""good luck with your upcoming defense"" and ""congratulations"" (assuming it goes well:)? Are you headed somewhere else where you will be able to continue working with students on WP-Chem stuff?"
ef699ac7,"I just put a table in for the novel villains (to put the novels and films on the same level), but it's kind of messed up (I know presscious little about tables on Wikipedia). Could you please help me fix it?"
a3951c95,"Thank you for telling me. Can you please revert my deletion, for I do not yet know how to do so?"
39ecd744,You're unblocked. Do you want to discuss what the article should be named?
e8717e68,"It's not that, it's just feels ... wrong. An admin especially should be accountable for all his dealings, so why delete the history?"
932a5bd5,Stole ur flag for my page. that ok?
6ada16e3,"Hello - some of your writing is a bit hard to understand. Is English your first language, out of curiousity?"
fa00869d,"To be perfectly honest, I really have no idea what you're talking about. Would it not be simpler to just ''add'' a link to the template (if that is indeed what you mean) than to create a potentially offensive and almost certain to be rapidly deleted category?"
720e2e47,"I responded to your talk page comment, encouraging you to try your hand at reworking it. Good analysis of a potential problem, so why not take a whack at it?"
2596dfee,"I guess I sent you something about the <url> project and Welsh data. But you were also somehow silent on lists like gnome-i18n, weren't you?"
82dd6d6d,"Yes, that's fine, especially with the smaller sections. Where will they be posting their topic ideas?"
51b915ff,Why do you have a problem with the inclusion of Lady Bristol's persona prior to her 2nd marriage? And to the inclusion of Somerset's son-in-law?
2e866907,"Hello, thank you for adding interesting content to <url> <url>. Are you able to provide <url> that will help the content meet our ""<url>"" standard?"
4e53f0ec,Thank you! Could you protect the picture that's live too?
8809a175,"I'm just saying that Kingboyk hasn't really been editing lately. So if you're actually interested in resolving an issue, why not take it to a noticeboard?"
f2f5de66,"Hi, congrats on your admin promotion, but in preparing the short note about it for ''The Signpost'', I'm puzzled as to ""the backlog"", which appeared in your RfA text. Is it a copyright backlog for images?"
d829fcfc,with an ndash rather than a hyphen. Can that be fixed?
fa170dd7,"Thanks for your reply. So just to clarify then, you are happy with the number of references, but you just need me to convert each of them into ref/footnote format, and then the article is GA-ready, is that correct?"
a32429ce,Hi Emily! Do you have any ideas about a topic yet?
109128c4,"Should the ""accessdate"" for the articles you found (thanks for that!) be 200''7''?"
94f44f3e,"I notice you are still contributing to Wikipedia, but have not responded to my argument. Do you now agree with the argument I suggested?"
24599d57,You support Scotland leaving the United Kingdom despite the fact most Scots do not? I am curious as to why?
8b92544c,While watching the contribs I noticed that the bot blanked <url> which has already been checked and is listed at <url>. Isn't that supposed to be the thing that these lists of MRGs were supposed to prevent?
23e713f6,"It was for closure's sake, as to show that the debate was closed and that was the result, the user was '''blocked''' and the userpage was '''deleted'''. Doesn't that show you the items better?"
0c323a85,"I read the diff upside down or something... Glad someone is keeping an eye on me :) I'm mainly doing stuff over here <url> these days, what are you up to currently? Still concentrating on the Ui Imair?"
5922a245,"Congratulations, OGoncho! Isn't there a barnstar for things like that?"
a3497222,Why did you remove the pollution references on <url>. Do you have a source which refutes this claim?
7c18f650,Crossover with ''30 Days of Night''?!
4bde2d56,"I nominated <url> for speedy renaming to <url> and you removed it saying it was moved to /Working, but I don't see it there and it hasn't been renamed. Do you know what happened?"
0b02cfe3,I figured that. Is there anything else I need to do?
56a0cc15,"Wait, I thought algorithms were named for <url>???"
780e175f,"Can it be expanded beyond a definition? Can you write something about who coined it, references to its usage in popular culture, things of those sorts?"
1d561b7e,"I hardly ever agree with Jimintheatl, but that block was bordering on absurd. Fast on the button much?"
6dfdd427,In my opinion that would be more constructive way to approach the solution. What do you think?
29eeaf84,"Thank you so much! I hope it's allright if I move it to my front page, at least when the talk has to be archived?"
5a1fb5b3,Good shot of Danica's car qualifying at Japan. Were you able to see her win the race?
5a30d013,You're welcome. What else is peer review for?
166d0d91,Sounds good. Could you drop Fritzpoll a note?
ba4c3978,I have proposed the merge for you at these pages: <url>/<url>. Is that what you wanted?
837843e7,"Look dude, <url> was ALSO just deleted. What makes 2005 so special?"
4e7bebef,I did not think that was a refinement. How were those categories not appropriate?
656aea0e,thank you. any clue what happened?
1a8a8a15,"Reading your help desk comment, I'm totally confused now. Was it 2005 or 2006?"
9596e2e2,"I understand ''your'' position, however I disagree with it, even regarding the spirit. <ins>Mostly because I don't see linking something as modification of the quote, therefore it's a moot point, even when coupled with bracketed additions.</ins> Perhaps we should see<ins>k</ins> comments from additional editors?"
9929cec9,"Re: <url> and <url>, if you think they are better off as redirects to the suburb/town rather than substubs on the lakes with a <nowiki><person></nowiki> tagline, you only need to overwrite the article with a redirect (or revert to a previous version that was a redirect), leaving the substub in the article history. How come you speedied them before redirecting?"
d5bbe3a1,"Never mind, got it. Is the stereochemistry known?"
99a78b8b,"In instances where there is one major usage of a name and several smaller ones it is conventional to leave the major one in the namespace and have a link in the top to the others (or to <url>. Surely 99.9% of people interested in <url> are going to be looking for the main one, so wouldn't it have made more sense to have left it there rather than making it a redirect?"
290bf3d9,"Great! Do you use IRC at all, or do you stay on-wiki?"
7bef42a0,"I didn't remove the image; I just moved it down to the bottom of the box, to avoid having a long stack of images at the top. Is that a problem?"
443f6b3d,"Ah, I see. Although surely Aaron Lennon was younger when he first played for England?"
edfafa26,David Sprenkle was at the University of Illinois in 1982 (at least part of it) while I was there. Were you there too?
cd04741d,"I'll unblock you if you give me some confirmation you've understood this and you are prepared to discuss the article through the proper channels, calmly and politely. So, cool down please, okay?"
f68e18ef,"Since I have not been able to get an answer to this on the project page, let me ask you directly: Did you receive Durova's ""secret evidence"" prior to the blocking of <url>?"
f2c75e38,Thanks for striking out the comment. Any chance of a support/oppose vote?
f28fc5e1,"Where do you suggest that I post the citation? In the ""USNA"" section or the ""Hispanic alumni section""?"
ecbe575f,"yes, but we are hardly debating that edit that hasnt stood in the last few days anywway and certainly isnt an issue right now. What of that edit do you currently object to with such vehemence?"
0489f4f9,"You said: ""I am just upset that you are harassing a person who seems to be trying to better himself and his relationship with fellow wikipedians."" First, I'm harrassing no-one, and it would be better if you didn't make such accusations. Secondly, what evidence do you see that SS is trying to do anything of the kind?"
06082cd7,"If you have something to say for keeping that picture, say it here and I'll copy it over to the FFD page. But, frankly, if you can't even be bothered to check out the <url> rules to find out about why the Zguri image isn't acceptable, how do you expect to be able to make any relevant argument about the other one?"
382340b6,"Hi Khoikhoi - I see you deleted a previous incarnation of a pan-Arabism article which seems to be resurfacing under variant names, and is now at <url>. This doesn't read to me like an encyclopedia article - do you have any thoughts on whether/under what criterion it should be deleted?"
f06bd98a,"LOL, I can't believe you reverted Kizzle's deletion of my summary at S & aQ. Did you actually like my summary?"
f4aa21a1,"Hmm, page says you are unavailable right now. This means you wont be fixing up <url> any time soon?"
1569d245,"Hi, you recently speedily deleted this image and in your explanation stated that I, the uploader, was informed of this. I was not - please could you tell me why not?"
451ba228,Are u the guy on TV Forum using the same name??
67e500d1,I don't see any mention of Wikipedia in that article. Don't you have other things you could be worrying about?
21bb1b84,"""Get Up"" was released in Canada??"
1b7a635c,"Oh, no, sorry. Why do you want to talk to me on IRC?"
50248057,"BTW, nobody else has been keeping that page updated as much as I have worked on it for the entire hockey year, and it would be dead and empty without my work. So, why don't you be positive and praise my work instead of being so picky on such a minor, insignificant thing as putting 'vacant' on-top instead of below a player who no longer is on the team?"
3cc26fe0,Truly Kafkaesque. Did GoRight try to have it taken down?
605e335b,"He probably couldn't understand the speedy notice. Then again, who knows what goes on in the minds of n00bs?"
9df6799e,Which of course is all the more ironic as my initial edits were an attempt to ''improve'' the article per <url>. Who the hell would have predicted all this?
ddb5ebe8,Why did you remove you comment on the talk page? Did you change your opinion?
13c29634,The notion that a hunter would kill dozens of birds with a single shot seems outlandish to me. Do you have a reference for this?
573c0a80,"you need a copy, you say... by that you mean a translation, or one which has been reconstructed to meet en. wiki coding?"
11930136,Hi im currently compiling a college project on unreliable information and would like to view the deleted article Dudley O'Neill. Can you help?
b6743572,I need to read more about what exactly a pastoral opera is supposed to be. Perhaps it should be a supercategory?
6f7140b1,"Anyway, the point is that the bot is editing against <url>. Can you let me know whether you intend to continue or whether we can agree that you'll stop using it to do this?"
2d53f6ba,"Hey, can you block this moron from editing the IIHF Page? Or what can i do in such cases?"
a89badc3,I think it's a great idea to get the CO3 community involved with keeping <url> correct and uptodate. I shan't be there myself this year (clashes with various things) - would you be able to bring it up?
3ab2eb1d,"give me your personal opinion, is an article with citations and written in a mature manner, about shart, ever going to remain without being deleted? or will i just waste my time if i make it?"
7546ebb7,"Hi, I see you were involved in creating the ship infobox. Would you be interested in creating an infobox for windmills so that I could use it on individual windmill articles?"
c514d1e2,"- millions of people are using it to get help our service is free of charge. Since it's a tech support site you can't claim that it's not related to the article either (if you disagree with that just google for ""consumer electronics tech support"" see who comes first).We are here to server the community - why do you find it so offensive?"
5e82b3a1,I don;t like commons because when i try to link things in the description it never works because it links only to commons. what is that?
6cec75a5,I notice you occasionally use that remark in your edit summaries. I understand simple stuff like r and c. What does awai stand for?
cc69297e,"""Hablo ingles?"". ROFLMAO?"
7988dae0,"Thanks. Are you Slashdot user Anothy by any chance, or someone else?"
cea80fe9,I noticed your nice improvements to <url>. Are you thinking of merging/redirecting <url> to that article?
21122d73,I have extended the block to 1 week. Has s/he been attempting to change your password too?
46ec3119,"If she's been in a lot of porn movies, doesn't that show she is famous. Can't you undelete it and then let it go to a AfD discussion?"
5453e2e6,"hahah, thanks! Must admit, when I saw the title of this section I was thinking ""oh lord, another what-is-the-wiki-coming-to comment.."" :p. How goes?"
7ea48207,"No, I have not read it, as it is of no interest to me or this encyclopedia. Are you claiming that the references make the blog post a reliable source, or why are we still discussing this?"
85f5e0ef,Something's still not right with me here. Think you can perform one of those cleanups?
736dc16a,That is why I suggest the following: either we refer to him as u201cSouth-Netherlandishu201d (like he is described on the Dutch Wikipedia page) or we omit the nationality completely and we just mention the cities he lived in. Does this seem acceptable?
4ca78062,"Aberayron, certainly. But Aberaryron ?"
cdb2ada9,"Hey, long time no seeing! How's stuff?"
5182dac7,"Thanks, was getting worried there for a moment. Have you though of asking Outriggr for a hand with <url>?"
07fcd446,"I have moved the page back, as well as created the new article <url>. Is that better?"
d88233c7,"Don't push it, Zachary. Can you give me proof of the existence of ""MusicMaximum Hot 100""?"
ace38cc4,Picking up your challenge. You a big fan of skittles or something?
75741741,"Well, you leaved me also curious. Why was it not appropriate?"
be42429d,"That ""guest"" could have been an undercover Colbert staff member and the whole segment could have been staged. Otherwise, why would Colbert have taken 3 minutes out of his show to talk to someone in the audience?"
bbf14bd5,"Hi Darwi. Just to ask you as curiosity, how did that debate ended?"
844fca11,And what about <person>? Does it need fixed now too?
77037d5b,"When creating <url>, I also had to create <url>, <url> and <url>. I was wondering if you could populate them?"
57cb50cb,"Please stop removing properly referenced information that I have added to this article. This is an article that <b>YOU</b> nominated for deletion, so why are you even editing it?"
9c105fae,Wikipedia is not the place for new information. How would we know if it was true or not if someone credible hasn't verified it?
065dd183,Yeah I have. Yes I know that; you saying I'm a malicious admin?
ec16312b,"Dan, can you take a look at the last exchange regarding the 1952 election? Looking at the citations, is there doubt in your mind that there was a deal, or at least that it has been widely suggested by reliable sources that there was a deal?"
6a8e3a7e,"That sounds fine, but why would you want somebody who knows nothing about the show to write them? If you are informed about it, wouldn't you be a good person to do it?"
5e7447e1,"I assume you were directing these comments to Malcolm, who was reverted by multiple people (and who blatantly violated the 3RR, as pointed out on his talk page). Correct?"
e7fdc4d8,I could have a go. When would you need it?
8eb19573,"I think if we did it that way, it would add a lot of possibilities to the page, enabling us to give breakdowns of other wars and major events in separate tables as well, in addition to alternative listings, which I think would be quite useful. Because there are a lot of events with different aspects to them that could be covered in more detail IMO, what do you think?"
39340f36,Hello? Whom do I speak to to become a <url>?
7767a7ea,"How about this for a novel solution? The next time a banned editor posts something to your page, why not delete it yourself with an edit summary of ""Sorry, I'm topic-banned from discussing this""?"
ffa34199,Looks like he earned a block. He break the 3RR rule?
2004c116,What for did you analyse the two ArbCom cases Piotrus-Ghirla and Eastern European dispute? Was that suggested to you by Sciurinxe6 during your off-wiki discussions for 20 days?
d376e157,This is not a suitable candidate for CSD as it asserts notability. May I suggest you consider a <url>?
5deaa823,Thanks for your assistance in the review of the Brian Keith review at the DYK! The user has cited the Internet Movie Database before?
b57bdecc,"At the Chicago house article, I think the current state of house music in its birthplace, Chicago, should be added. What do you think?"
38f86c39,You come across as a contributor who possess great depth. Are you a history professor/ student?
abd1b05c,"I see you've added <url> to the category ""Jewish-Canadians"". What is your source for this?"
7dc37792,"Thanks for the heads-up on that; I don't really have anything to add beyond what you'd said. By the way, I noticed you said you weren't an admin: would you like to be?"
59b1ff76,On the third reading... Why not include an edit summary that tells me this? Why not revert my revert?
24a4f7d2,Yellowmonkey has told me we need another FAR delegate and recommended you for the job. Is that something you're willing to do?
e1798a12,"I only used approved templates. If they are not considered polite, why have them?"
4a219482,"You reverted my removal of the ""to critical acclaim"" description from this article. I cannot see where in <url> there is a basis for that claim - it looks like a neutral factual review to me?"
3d3c65b2,Thanks for your comment. What was done wrong in listing the image for deletion?
fd60dfc4,I don't understand Tasc0??
00b163f0,"of <url> as those were just plain old copyedit (replacing begining of paragraph ""he""'s with the name and a template fix). I'm assuming you were on the cell phone again?"
1da0ea25,So far there are four editors on <url> who have called you on your edit-warring. Would you please stop?
b9b464ba,"Hi, I see that you added the etymology section of the <url> article. What does ""RatCE"" mean?"
5992e445,In the summer (June-July) I am going to work on the ''Messiah'' article. Would you like to be in on this?
16824517,"Just one more thing: The <url>' logo was re-made as a vector image a little while ago, but the colors (especially the skin), really seem to be off. Can you fix it?"
c38fd909,"Jeff3000, thanks a lot for your help with the article. But I'm just curious - why was the link to the article for ""Advent of Divine Justice"" deleted?"
82935720,"I hate to roll back 26 edits in a row, but I see a lot of good stuff, a lot of questionable and non-NPOV stuff, not much (if anything) in the way of citation, and a ton of misspellings. Can we discuss these edits before imposing them, please?"
48867ad0,"I have noticed that your objection to someone who unilaterally stops a straw poll. What, then, do you think of somebody who unilaterally ''starts'' a straw poll?"
664e56df,You had deleted the mozzarepa article I was working on since it was judged as an advert (something I didn't intend.) How can I edit and change the article so it is acceptable?
cad7eaca,"Thanks for the alert. By the way, how's Granny doing?"
691c59c6,"I'd love to help, but I'm not sure what you're asking me to look at, specifically. Is there a discussion ongoing that you can point to?"
d82d79b2,"Hello, I'm with the project of turning the list <url> hat is the same list in English, but in another language, and more link for azure. I have a problem, <url>, could you help me?"
ff246bf2,Please stop mentioning my name in relation to FW. <url> How many times do I have to ask?
d813a41b,"In the ACR for <url>, you mentioned that you had concerns with my writing style and were wary of supporting it. Can you specifically clarify what content in the article you had grammatical concerns with so I can make the needed improvements and gain your support?"
36184d50,"Yes, I posted a link to the history. I was asking/thinking where you stepped into the discussion and if you were editing as an IP and that would put a different slant on your 3rr warning to Bbb23?, have you been recently editing the article was the simple question?"
d8da0a9b,Have a look at the edit to <url>. Is this page even a dab?
b0441bc6,"Thanks a lot for clearing that up. Do you also happen to know about the age of consent in Thailand, and why he could be charge with child sex offenses even though she was 17 years old?"
6e135895,Out of curiosity what are you testing? How are things going?
29d774ba,"<sigh> some people have no sense of humor. If I create <url>, do you suppose people will ignore it?"
c0509da9,"Hi Debresser, what's up? Why are you doing what you are doing?"
d45001c6,"I would be willing to move this article to the incubator so that it can be worked on (I agree it wouldn't be an A7 today), though if it's to be made into a real article it needs to be done with someone with no conflict of interest regarding the subject, as creating articles for things you own is highly discouraged. If I undelete it to the incubator would you agree to let it go and leave it up to other users without a conflict of interest?"
4e321c9a,Helped them do what? Leave Israel?
e59e29d8,"Could you take a look at the article now and see whether your concerns (except the reorganization) have been addressed? If not, what is still missing, and what technical terms do you feel need explaining?"
930cdde9,"My question is ""Why?"" I am doing all the citations correctly and this still appears often. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?"
fd134a49,"Which link are you referencing? Anyway, TTN, that another phony or is that you on WikiQuote?"
d5947947,"Yes, this is the English Wikipedia so we use the English version of the infobox. And can there once be a time when you don't find your way to my talk a complain?"
07e606fb,Do you live in the US? How excited are people about the album?
d8663351,Thanks. Do you happen to know if the postcard was origianlly published in Japan?
5d17b0b0,See my comment on the talk page. How did this ever get to DYK?
33137843,What do you think? Is there a mistake somewhere?
cd6d2f57,You know there's no excuse for the edits you're making related to your position at <url>. This has to go to <url>; would you like to make the report?
9d85f76d,I'm not sure what you mean? Add my interests?
729cc1b5,"I don't play club anymore (I stopped this year), I have just been too busy this year, but I will probably start again soon-ish. Where abouts do you play?"
5e6e67c7,"Is there any consensus for these changes? If I've missed the discussion, I do apologise, but could you post me a link to where it occurred?"
47ebc956,"Yes, I have. Did you really need to send me a reminder?"
33ef25f2,Please don't mention other languages when we're discussing the English wikipedia! Why are you limiting yourself only to the Abrahamic concepts of ''God''?
2aac8a99,"I have looked back in my archives a year, and cannot find the issue concerned - although I certainly remember the name, your account, and the style. Can you give me the relevant link/diff, so I can refresh my memory and be best informed what action might be appropriate?"
84761144,"I've always been intrigued by 'dark-complected man.' What's with the radio, and fist in the air?"
b121e045,I believe supserstition exists. Why did you ask me?
fa44813c,"Hi, Jpa! Why not archive the old discussions on your talk page?"
d61633d2,See <url>. I assume you didn't mean <url> ?
013cd1cb,"Thank you, it's much appreciated. What do you think of the changes so far?"
fd89eb65,"Why the removal of the citation dealing with coriolis? Was the proof not within the citation, or was the citation not considered primary?"
1f87bf94,"He keeps coming back, and keeps getting blocked again.... When will they learn?"
8867356f,"Hi, I'm looking for a clerk that would be willing to act as my trainer. Would you be available to do so?"
940b96df,"Um, what? So presumably you'd like to change ""Irish footballer and manager"" to ""Republic of Ireland-born association footballer and coach (sports)...""?"
5a70a057,I'm pretty sure there already is a filter (possibly more than one) for this. What page got moved?
2e1f9d78,I disagree with your edit of the 21st of November. Would you object to me inserting a new version based around the word 'Notwithstanding'?
6aeb7ae6,"Which little tag are you referring to? As for your second question, that does depend on a couple of things- you can send it through the official OTRS address, if you like, and someone will get to you in due course, but you're welcome to forward the email to me personally at jmilburninfaerun AT, and I'll take a look at it for you, and upload the image/explain why it's not possible?"
9e78963d,"It's not off topic, and I see no comment in that other discussion on the merits of WMC's Martian push -- in fact, you evaded the question. So I take it that this is a refusal to answer?"
eacba073,"Ok! First things first, is there anything in particular you would like me to help you out with?"
3856615a,May I suggest you actually read the article before claiming it not to be nonsense and removing my CSD tag? Are you an admin?
fd0474ba,Thanks Anon. Better now?
6128ce7a,I tried to address your concerns in the nomination page. Do you mind having another look?
1a228bd9,I think it's time we considered a perma-block on the IP in question. Comments?
ca73aeb3,Maybe it would be better if we never talked directly to each other ever again. Agreed?
3b53163a,"Thanks for explaining. Um, is that an official policy, or one just custom?"
f0a664b5,Made a bunch of changes to the <url> article. What do you think?
49cf2c82,"Furthermore, I've heard something about ''FE'' trading cards. I know that you know more about it than me, so maybe you could write a small passage about it in the ""media"" (can be renamed) and then I can reference it?"
45f16359,"Hey, I could really use your skill on WikiProject Cities. Do you have time to assist?"
134cd99f,"What's the origin of the data graphed in <url>? The image is used in <url>, which has an in-text cite for solubility characteristics, but could you clarify the source for the graph itself?"
f8cdd23c,Could you be more specific. Are there specific points in the article that you believe are repetitive?
fdbd9e0b,I'm in Japan timezone - and at work now - and most IRC is totally blocked through work proxies. Can we do a weekend?
a67b067e,"I never received any notification of any deletion proposal, lest I would have contested. Is there any way to find the original proposal and/or artical, or has it just been sent to oblivion?"
6a7b876f,Seems like the troll committed suicide this morning. I don't know why; perhaps not enough fun?
d6dcecf3,I note that you've edited since this was brought up here. Could you please respond?
bde167f1,Interesting illustration on the PrIze law page of a Zeppelin taking a Norwegian vessel as a prize in 1917. I wonder whether you could point me to a source for more information on this incident?
d99f89a5,"Hi, I was removed from the ""request for approval"" list at the vandalproof, and not put on either the ""approved"" or ""denied"" lists. Could you tell me why, please?"
3f100f4a,"If the Russia tricolor is not the flag of the Lokot Autonomy, than what is? Is the flag even available on Wikipedia?"
6e6e91dc,I have some made some improvements to the articles you references on the above user's talk page. Perhaps next time you would bring your concerns directly to '''me'''?
ceeb026e,If you have time could you look at <url><url> on the <url> article. I'm wondering what your thoughts are in terms whether it should go or stay?
512f9539,"Okay, let's leave the naming thing posponed for now, why are you reverting the <url>-catagory thing? just because (as you say) Iraq was formed post-WWI that doesn't mean that they aren't the same people?"
6a0922be,I look forward to your genre plan. What do you have in mind?
8563d652,I added a clarifying sentence to my user page <url>. Do you think it distills the essence?
fabeab67,"Thanks for pointing out a problem with the image licensing ... I must admit despite being a seasoned contributor I find this image licensing stuff pretty confusing and hard to get right .. are there recommended examples of standard things like book covers, album covers, paintings etc? Have I done the Jonah cover ok now, or not?"
286a3e80,I am for some reason disappointed that it took me a few seconds longer to pick up the Bon Jovi reference than it did the Tom Petty one. Does that mean the terrorists have already won?
0d47a95a,"This page, which you recently edited on, is constantly getting vandalized by a rival school. Could you please put an edit lock on the page?"
3c6c9f74,Congrats! I thought you were going to be away today?
b17b7c82,"<url> is at it again, adding in the ""in the Premiership"" content you & I successfully merged several weeks ago. Could you perhaps also drop a note on his talk page asking him to stop?"
66c464e9,"Thanks, but I am now having trouble finding it. Any suggestions?"
08b86baf,"Hey there; I saw that you took the time to edit the Valletta article, but didn't remove user Jasalf's edit. How so?"
fdc24261,An IP is complaining that I'm violating policy by removing unlinked nonnotable band members from the notable natives and residents section of <url>. Can you help me please?
c1910dc5,Hi RHM22. Would you or one of your coin-loving compatriots have access to <url>?
ef3763d1,Thanks for the tip. How come I sometimes come across pages where the trailing 's' is left off (or am I confusing that with the 's situation)?
30348f00,"|style=""vertical-align: middle; padding: 3px;"" | I've started the Badfinger wiki amd I need help. You seem to know a lot about them, could you please help out?"
acddae67,"You're acting very oddly today: You've just reverted two separate edits on <url>, saying they were the phrasing of the Lancet, but neither references the Lancet, and it seems unlikely that both would have the same statement applying to them. Have you been hacked?"
b9ea6d37,"Are you saying that Scotty was being ""hot-headed""? If so, can you please tell us what Scotty did that was ""hot-headed""?"
a328fb68,"thanks for working on that. but... what is the difference between what you added to the intro, and what was already written below?"
9a265399,I like the image of the Finnish lighthouses. Do you know if it is for sale anywhere as a poster?
aa44e11e,"On the WP:Football discussion you mentioned that Man City had 150,000+ views more than the seasons article. Please could you tell me where I can find page-views for wiki articles?"
aefa34c8,Did you see JzG <url> James Cantor that his alleged COI prohibits him from editing any BLPs related to his academic field? Didn't the AN discussion after the last round actually repudiate JzG's stance on this?
a7df2eb8,"The reason for the malfunctioning redirects is that the character immediately after ""REDIRECT"" is not an ordinary space, but a ""non-breaking space"", hex code 0xA0. Out of curiosity: how did you manage to create them?"
82b01966,"Third: it's August 31 2010. Please check my userpage for reasons why I really don't feel useful today. Ask another admin, okay?"
7360fbdc,"I've been going through <url> and replacing the refs (per Quadzilla99's comments). However, refs 39 and 40 don't seem to appear anywhere else; could you perhaps replace them with more reliable sources if you get the chance?"
672569dc,"Right, so the links on your userpage? And what is the ""article"" you want me to check over?"
2e61d335,There hasn't been much progress made in the last three days. Is anyone interested in responding?
ae94cf83,"As I said in the summary when moving him away from <url>, for the last twenty-six years of his life he wasn't a priest. Perhaps I've missed the part of the naming convention which requires 'priest', could you please say more?"
3c47e9f9,"I am looking for help improving the dermatology content on wikipedia. Would you be willing to help, or do you have any friends interested in derm that would be interested in helping?"
e3b79269,I haven't heard from you in sometime. Como estan las cosas?
1d80f79c,You didn't answer about the status of above mentioned image. Are you going to tag that image too?
37f4f7f5,Don't you think you should remove the welcoming plate of cookies you left at User:Dococe page???
fc677936,I was thinking more of making the line longer so that the team's name can fit on it. Is that doable?
92461aaa,"In short, based on the sparse information provided by outsiders, I would like to work constructively with you (and others) to whip the article into shape, as its presence seems warranted but the article is unlikely to garner necessary details from random contributors. What shall I do next?"
e12fb437,"I believe you beat me to several vandalism reverts the other night, so I thought I'd give you this. We could all use more, right?"
f692f24b,You liked my edit? Are there any other climate pages in New Jersey that need help?
89ec987a,Hello. Can you help me create a map of Isabela which reflects the 3D map?
f399122b,Many thanks. I'm afraid I don't know the reel - is it played in your part or the world?
9dae4805,"ummm, it's a soft redirect. A placeholder for a future page ... Is there a problem?"
3afa91a3,and so is the new Portishead. Did I mention the Knife?
1b996d62,You've been asking the ''sensible'' sysops...!?
f82b6ffd,There is a special tool which shows you page sizes? Would you like to know how to use it?
5c535138,"This talk page looked like it could use a kitten. How are you doing, is everything going OK?"
388684c3,"Thanks for voting, even though you didn't support. Can you tell me where you thought I was too aggressive?"
f72a5452,"I think the article needs work. For example, I think ""U.S. late 1980s - 1990s"" should after ""Detroit sound."" ""UK 1990s"" should after ""U.S. late 1980s - 1990s."" What do you think?"
5c3f1ba0,"For one phonological citation I need an uppercase ""I"", as in ""Italy"", with _serifs_ to distinguish it from lowercase L. You advised ""The Classic skin uses a serifed font, if you can accept a personal solution."" I'm sorry, I don't catch your meaning. Where do I find the Classic skin, what is a personal solution, and why wouldn't I accept it?"
8ae5d49c,"@Smjg, thanks. But why did you also remove the categories I added?"
300a3797,"Thanks for the advice but that's why I remove the ""Thank you for your contributions"" on the welcoming template. Is that still okay to do?"
123f8418,"Very true. Out of interest, what do you make of the new kits(s)?"
1e0679f5,"Jason, how do you view your phone call to tlc's father&pastor in the light of the Biblical conflict resolution process? And in the light of the Wikipedian conflict resolution process?"
52ba669a,"It's placed outside of the article body, not ""randomly put in the code"". Why such shuffling is a ""proper CHECKWIKKI task"" and why does it warrant saving an edit?"
369b30e3,Would you like to elaborate? How are you empowering me exactly?
245d00ba,"There may not be a lot of situations like this, but there will definitely be some. I was wondering if there is any kind of invisible comment that can be added to the article in these situations so that the report doesn't include it, or if you have any other thoughts about how it might be possible to handle this situation?"
29e291f3,"Also, u201ccould be expectedu201d? By whom?"
d831c941,Hi. With only a little over one day remaiming and <url> not editing and not contributing to the case as yet are there to be any known deviations from the standard procedure?
4f6b092c,"Testing, testing, 1,2, 3, are you still alive? Where are you?"
43ae9e55,"No more saga! Help me by keeping this page the way it is right now, alright?"
97fd142c,"Okay, where can it go then? The list of episodes?"
14087dd1,What is a wall these days? 10 sentences?
3bc61a79,"So, is the template too much? Should I add it to all articles contained within the template?"
37f8f55a,Hayashi and Spreng Explicitly claim that the Inuktitut data is completely compable to Greenlandic. When you write Mahieu & Tersis you mean Trondhjem right?
69981f3a,"Hello, I noticed you recently did a lot of work on the ''<url>'' page. I was wondering if you know of the origin of the word ""Nassarius"" - its etymology/ what is it named after?"
3d7b076c,"How's tricks, JRM? Lying kind of low, aren't you?"
22323e3b,<person> is apparently caught up in that rangeblock. Can you help him out?
bda2ee01,"I'm going to walk you through this one very simply. Let's start here: Is there currently, or has there ever been a cartoon broadcast on television by the name of the Breakfast Monkey?"
35fd96c2,"<person> - sorry about that, those situations are confusing. Maybe Twinkle uses, or behaves like, rollback?"
2b309522,"I was confused by ""darkhad"" being translated as ""sacred ones"", when the usual translation I know is smith or craftsman (kind of). Was I at least correct in being confused?"
c45022a6,He published the document himself for the world to see. What privacy?
50800d17,"Hi. I would argue that a consensus is far from being reached, so I'm wondering why you have went ahead and starting changing links?"
f28f6883,Vi is out of the hospital. Did I mention that she was in?
8b193173,"Since your last warning to BigBang19, he's continued to vandalize the ''Punk'd'' article, undoing the grammatical corrections I made some time ago, and inserting irrelevant, non-noteworthy material about Kuthcer's observence of Jewish holidays and his marriage to Demi Moore. Can someone block this person for a period of more than just 24 hours so that he gets the message?"
62b3a696,Its been over a week now and I see you still haven't passed or failed the article. Made a decision?
ffbcd2e8,"On your Citation templates subpage you have the statement ""CS1 and CS2 both use <person> as a meta-template and are variants of APA style."" In the past I have had experienced editors tell me this, but none of them could point to any documentation or contemporaneous discussion to verify this statement. Can you point me to any confirmation of this statement?"
d10f2d99,Well the only plausible explanation was that you reverted to where I removed an extraneous cat (after Homestarmy's edit) and then swapped out a template... but as you're a competent editor that just seemed odd. Is that what indeed occurred?
e82f8d68,I accept your point and won't classify as Military of Japan. What would be a better desciption for these historical Japanese soldiers?
7fe96322,I was not trying to sound rude earlier. Haunted Angel which of my seven reasons had you decided were evidence of his sock puppetry?
0a64684f,"Hi SE7 - There's some vandalism coming from your account, see <url>. As your past history doesn't seem to fit with this, has someoen either hacked your account or a logged-in session?"
56c91e5d,"I'm trying to keep Minority Report as a GA, and the <url> requested for copyediting - but didn't give examples to cleanup. Can you give me some input on what to rewrite?"
3153c2c7,I have made a Ukrainian version. Were would you like me to email it to?
dbf27ca4,Where should he be? As a parent of Isa-Beg?
86eac1d9,"Hey, I saw you edited the Dark Tower Series page. I was just wondering if you were a fan of the series?"
9580a7a2,"Hi, do you mind if I move your hook to go live on 26/27th? The GLAM WIKI conference could do with being highlighed by a non US/UK hook?"
7b067076,"Sorry, I've moved a number of articles and thought I did it correctly. How is moving done properly without losing the edit history?"
81379620,"One of your edits concerns me - <url>. Maybe a copyedit would be good, but was it really required to be deleted completely?"
93594810,See my recent edit as he was not charged for one of the events so not all are criminal. What do you mean by my identification?
dc89f91b,"Yeah, I'm not sure that I care one way or another, but the 3RR is clearly incorrect. And what happened to <url>?"
c36dc9ed,"I do not, nor have I ever used other accounts on Wikipedia. Didn't you ask me this before?"
58b5403b,"The specific claim of Boyer's that you included and I deleted was that ""cauchy based infinitesimals on limits"". Did you see anybody else saying this?"
659000d9,"The only books by Paul I was able to find were ''Concordia the Lutheran Confessions: A Readers Edition of the Book of Concord'' (Hardcover - not yet released) and ''Communion fellowship: A resource for understanding, implementing, and retaining the practice of closed communion in the Lutheran parish'' (Unknown Binding - Jan 1, 1992). Are those his scholarly works?"
996f3aed,"Hm. Am I imagining things, or does <url> seem familiar?"
7387e72d,"Sorry, I understand, the bot has just moved the category of the sub-cat, not merged it. Is the bot going to proceed to the next layer - or does that have to be done manually?"
8c10bec6,"Hi, I missed your valued contributions recently. Everything ok?"
4ee617ce,My job. Do you have any specific points to address?
10f22acc,"Hi. I uploaded three very nice images in the <url>, can you please tell me what breed could that dog be?"
15682a91,"Dude, what's going on? Why are you leaving?"
0db17c9c,"He has requested unblock, states that he has edited from a school IP and that may be the reason for it. Who is he supposed to be a sock of, and what's the evidence?"
0611587b,"Thanks. Does it happen to say anything about his marriage to Paula, as in when it ended?"
51cd6877,Iulius! Could you provide exact reference of article u017dirmu016bnai part ''Demographics'' ethnicity composition?
be8e40a2,"Number of articles on South Slavic languages is now pretty high and I'd like to add '''Category:South Slavic languages''' as subcategory to '''Category:Slavic languages''', possibly with subcategories on individual languages. The catch is, I don't know how :-) -- could you point me to relevant Wiki links or start the job yourself and let me finish it?"
3513fa9c,"CIV, I'll grant (and yes, I shouldn't have). But how is it a violation of AGF to say that Stewart suggested the article be vandalized?"
0395217e,"That's a couple levels of automation beyond my experience. But if you just got the idea today, then how can you know the false positive level is low enough for WP:AWB/Typos?"
e564aef1,"<url>: I am not sure how a regular spy mission gone bad had contributed to the history of cryptography. Should every spy ship, listening post, tampered cable and what not get included in the category?"
2e3ad55c,"Do you disagree with this reasoning?. If so, could you explain why?"
a54a3a44,"I think that the standards should not apply to animated pictures like ''Tintin'' where start of production is a fuzzy limit. After all, do we have proof that the production of ''<url>'' or ''<url>'' is more advanced than the one of ''Tintin'' ?"
e8396be3,"Wow, thanks for pointing that out. I'm having a bad night, and all the theading... anyway, did I get them all?"
f66774a8,"Alright, I don't like it but is not worth wasting more time on, but (as you now noticed as well) if it ''really'' had been deleted for <url>, it would have been truly problematic. Can I just ask: ''if'' Mephistophelian would return, are we allowed to undelete it?"
4d9e71d6,And now you undid my declination of that one which was copyrighted. Would you ''please'' quit undoing my declinations?
8d15f2a7,"But do you think you can take your concerns to the talk page? Crazy notion, eh?"
9ef0ee3a,"Instead of another 3O, why don't you put in a <url>. And no, it's not a threat - it's an observation - why don't you <url>?"
ca866bba,What's with all the crap behind him? Was this at a signature desk?
5133b3e9,Good day. Can look at this report please <url> ?
f52c5ee3,I think a bot could come along later and remove those double returns. Is there a way of coding a space into the template itself?
6b8f991a,"Hi. The original link ( gives a 404 error, but the amended URL ( works for me, so why do you say it's still dead?"
2ff3790c,"I see you moved and renamed... um, it... to <url>. Are you sure about that, given the conventions at <url>?"
4b9a0fe9,Wait. Unless ''you'' need it repaired and updated quickly ?
fe4ccec1,I don't understand what you are trying to ask me or suggest that I do. Can you clarify please?
cee2b12a,Interrobang has asked me if I would also help mentor you when he is not around. I said that I would gladly help out if it was ok with you?
bbd3e1ad,"I'm curious what your reasoning is in saying <url>'s edits are in ""good faith"" and not blocking him when the two edits right before that were both vandalism of user pages. It seemed quite a slam dunk to me, did you happen to see something I missed?"
ea44c2fb,"I was in doubt too, but when dealing with such incomprehensible concoctions I prefer to err on the side of BLP caution. Would you like it userfied?"
6eac332c,I seconded wholeheartedly your proposal at <url>. Could you please add a link to the discussion?
4aadabc7,Well this seems odd to me. Don't you find it strange that otherwise authoritative sources like Emulex and IBM would be so full of mistakes?
fc9318fd,"As I wrote above, at first I thought lets keep it, but after I heard some arguments, and when I made analysis of my own, I got to my conclusion. What's yours?"
6a902406,"Blocked, templated. Next?"
232928b3,Interesting. May I venture to enquire why?
caa9ceff,"No worries, please, dear - I'll keep this stage open at least until tomorrow night if you wish. Sounds ok to you?"
922ac5d0,"Back when the Nirvana article was a COTW (in like September I think) I started working out a ""Musical style"" section on a userpage, but never finished it. Would you like to help out with it?"
78e04bb0,"Okay, I will fix the ""crystals"", but how do I put myself up for adoption again? Will you kindergarten <url> me through the process?"
691e60be,"No-one's saying you can't edit anything, but what we are saying is that introducing grammatically incorrect phrases, POV, weasel words and things discussed and discounted in the numerous PRs and FLCs this article went through is inappropriate. Buc, stop it please, I'm getting tired of this, why not work on being constructive to articles that aren't at featured status?"
fa14e7b6,"Thank you. It's a strange hobby, isn't it?"
4bc27a9a,Compare the two. How is the first in anyway superior to the second?
5cfd250a,Hi.. I'd actually like to move all images in <url> to the Commons. Is there a way that I can do it myself?
876dec8b,"I'm happy to help! After all, what's the point of acquiring knowledge about a process if I don't use that knowledge to help others?"
5ecce7a1,"I understood just fine, but wasn't at my computer. Are you in a hurry?"
6cecaffe,I see this page is indefinitely semi-protected. It's been over eighteen months: mind if I give unprotecting it a try?
a972e00c,"Ok with you if I play white? I suck so I should go first....and, if you don't agree I will crush you like a mag.... whoa power rush..... Anyway ok with you?"
87352616,"Yes, I'm delighted; result after a torturous few days! Um, can we add a Dali or Miro img?"
bb8a1640,"Hello, our project has begun to fall a little bit behind the collaboration/organization department, would you, as an experienced editor be willing to help us revamp how we deal with issues? The template is a little behind because of this, but it points to some good places:) Do you have anything in particular you would like to do with us?"
c7c510ad,"The cover art image shows annual #2 (1983), and says ""introducing superwoman"". Is that what you were looking for?"
1261f8c6,"I was checking out the article on the Unitarian Society in Fall River that you contributed to, and there's a lot that was wrong. I want to reconcile what you know with what I know so we can get this article right... a little help here?"
8a81d731,"Six months ago was episode 10, and has peter not been in every episode up to and including that? Seriously, where are you getting your figures?"
ff5f6b8a,"While editing the COIN page regarding Ciplex, I accidently broke your sig. Since I don't want any more flame, could you please fix it?"
b94b93d1,There's an interesting discussion here: <url>. Care to explain?
3f00a30d,"Elkman, there are other ways to take a Wikibreak. Can I help?"
69ff7f95,"Certainly the work is out of copyright, and some of the neighboring volumes in the series are visible on (and I don't have trouble with other books on google generally). I wonder if you know of any way, or could suggest any way, that I could get to see the downloaded pdf of Newcomb vol.6?"
37f1ff24,It has been a pleasure working with you on the Burma campaign. What is your source for the Japanese information you have been adding as the books I have been reading on the subject are all from a British or American perspective?
2387663f,"Hi Cmadler, I've written a new ALT hook at the <person> that I think addresses your concerns. Could you sign off on the nomination?"
908a1ad3,"Here, let me parse it out for you:''I regret that because Gravitor and Carfiend's behavior consists of acting in tandem (in the manner of meat or sock puppets), refuse to discuss disputed content on the talk page, and continally provoke revert wars that some administrative intervention is likely required. '' Is it clear now?"
8d1e591e,How can people edit them if it just redirects? Did you think about that?
183e712e,Answered at <url>. Maybe you are not familiar with the expression?
27cbdad3,I've started looking at this article as you asked and inevitably I've got a few questions. Would you prefer me to list them here or on the article's talk page?
8fdc2608,"If the community decides that you no longer speak on its behalf--if the Wikipedia community decides that this supposed ban does not apply to constructive comments on AfDs on articles for which I am a major contributor, and that I may make such comments without asking for permission beforehand--who are you or anyone else to override that decision? I'm not saying that anyone has or will make that decision--but if that decision is made, are you claiming that you are entitled to do what you want regardless of community consensus to the contrary?"
86ad6172,Why do you contend that New Atheism and Atheism 3.0 are unrelated? They are so intermingled that people have difficulty discerning which is which?
cb7f6263,He's now been asked if he is ''the'' Alex Salmond and if not he should make that known. Imagine if he was?
75823d86,Thanks for your edits to the LEMS article a couple of days back. Any hope of you reviewing it for GAC?
c8b6ae9e,I'm interested in why you reduced the columns from 5 to 2? Could you reply on my talk page please?
3be47e6b,"lol thanks. so, australia, huh?"
7cc9c251,Are these two more articles that should be moved on January 1st? Did you get my email about admin nomination for you?
89b8ace5,"Presumably the CfD will be inconclusive. Given the technical issues, perhaps an RfC might be more helpful?"
9d34b6a3,"ok that was really confusing, I clicked on this link <url> and then cleaned the page but the page still exists, sso from what I understood if you put the ending ""/double redirect"" at the end of any article, you'll see how many redirects it has? is that right?"
b48b5fdd,Sorry... haven't unblocked many people before. Is it ok now?
77cba3df,Yes. Need help?
4f036b89,"Sorry for the late reply, but I usually check new additions from the bottom of the page, not the top. What is your disappointment regarding?"
68ea4be8,I asked you a question. Be educated and please respond: What does <url> has to do with <url>?
ad54b195,"Hey Love, as you wish, if you have any suggestions about my section, let me know. Is English a second language for you?"
409d5565,"Hey, Rcej! ;) Would you be up to reviewing <url>?"
f5b97c8d,"Thank you for caring re: my loss. We go on, because it's all we can ever do, y'know?"
7c5335c3,"As you may have seen, <url> was also blocked for the same time. In the light of his pledge to stay away from the article, can you give me an assurance that you will not be disruptive?"
6a9c5cc4,"Oh, and I checked your user page, as you requested. Perhaps you could help me understand why your ""spouses don't confer nobility"" argument doesn't apply to <url>?"
5ce6fbb0,"Is 10 months sufficient time to relist a AFD? Not too soon, correct?"
03699655,"Just to let you know, you appear to have conducted the same blanking of links four times within a 24-hour period, in three different instances. Shall I report you for this, or will you kindly restore the links?"
e8ef1791,Where did you get the tracklist for the album? Can you please drop me a messafe with the link?
5da6ab4a,"Self-follow-up: Also, while sometimes the status quo should be maintained, by supporting it in this case, you're also supporting a ""revert-first, ask questions later"" approach to dealing with good faith edits. Is that really what you want?"
af9d1a1f,"My post above was a helpful hint about following DYK as a whole, not about the nomination process. Would you mind posting your post under a new heading, as it seems to have little to do with what I was saying and seems to be changing the subject?"
c6c16f50,"The <url> has a request (header ""<url>"") left a few hours ago by someone who has pictures of signs in China but can't read them. Would you please be willing to help?"
d91e50ae,"Thanks, looks like <url> needs some fixin'. By the way, are you honestly ok with me bothering you like this?"
99a1cfd6,I started on it. Do you more info on the last article on the list of references?
cee87918,Replace the 100px with the size you're looking for. Did this help?
c5d3a6e7,Anytime. How do you like this closer crop?
38e1c804,"Hi, <url> moved <url> to <url>, and then a bot came in to correct a double redirect so that the page can't simply be moved back again. Can you use your administrative powers to make it so?"
bf39fd15,Ahhhh... My apologies. You wouldn't be using the google toolbar perchance?
373fea0b,"Thank you for the links and the explanation. I'd like to help with the project, what did you have in mind?"
9c257ab7,"And personally I'm not gonna apologize for <url>. Quite a bit different than a Holocaust denier like Nordling, don't you think?"
5b6aca78,I'm afraid I don't know what you mean Arcayne. What comment?
68ad03e3,I was wondering where you got your information for the dice statistics you recently added/changed in <url>. Can you add a source to those tables?
dba57fa0,"Oh that's charming, so instead of making a personal attack on a single editor you made it on a class of editors. Does that somehow make it more ok?"
9248cd63,Thats good. Do you have any enemies on here as well?
6eb8d4ba,Why are you uploading/changing badge files here? Surely you should just upload them to Commons then list the wikipedia version for deletion?
9e34b249,"(sorry for delayed response) I think it would be difficult to intergrate them, my program would probably work more easily from a list of articles with typos generated from the database, with the spelling correction code built in to the program. While on the subject, are you planning on running Humanbot again soon?"
373bd6c8,"Hi, I have cleaned up this page and, in the AfD, identified many other sources and additional content. I wonder if you would reconsider your delete !vote please (I will do the necessary expansion as and when there is a reasonable expectation of it being kept)?"
acb478a7,"I'm in Outer Mongolia from the 27th till the 10th, UB, Hovsgol, UB. Maybe we can meet?"
239904d7,"How did you learn Interlingua? Was it an online course like lernu, or what?"
2f319b64,See <url>. Are <url> and <url> the same team?
da4c8d42,I just noticed you've added me as a sock puppet for Blue Sea? Can I ask what led you to this conclusion?
5e52ebdf,"I don't own any from Rousseau either, but I did know it was Grand Cru, just made a mistake! I notice above you and Stefan discussing the Langton's Classification Wines, I'm going to have a go at getting articles made for more of the exceptional level producers, I've just finished one on <url> - are you interested in working on any of them together?"
7fde6c5e,Wonderful! :) Do you particularly like to work on comics creators' articles?
ec7d7d78,you could have started the discussion yourself. How can you say there was no consensus against the edits if there had been no discussion at the time you were doing the reverting?
401292df,<url> has been promoted to A-class. Shouldn't that score?
bd6a3798,Why revert? Shouldn't it be included somewhere in the discography?
9bcebb08,"You are talking about direktor, right? He begin the edit war again, as seen by diffs, so C was blocked instead of direktor, see?"
5a3d3cf6,"Im interested in where you got the information you added stating woodlands house was closed in 2003. As far as i can see your wording was taken from one website, the milesfaster one. Should you not cite the website you quoted rather than look for a couple of others?"
86547223,That might be very helpful. How can I get it?
53c6ae4b,"I understand your point about MJ being very close and having competent editors, but do you not think those of us who understand the source problems, etc. that the Reagan page is having should try and explain them to those editors (that is, try to educate them)?"
059c7ef8,"Without making a comment on the underlying coverage of the site being down, your edit comment <url> indicates a <url> violation. Under what logic do you propose that you have authority to set policy over the article?"
2151d9d9,"I was trying to be sarcastic, ok??"
180f2910,"If there was another film that had the same title and wasn't disambiguated on the 1961 film's page or the short story's page, then I cannot be held responsible. How was I to know that there was another film?"
53562a6f,I don't see you around much these days. Busy with non wiki life?
ee885fa2,Nice tune Modernist <url>. You owe me one back?
c0c8677e,"I understand the problem with that redundant category--I've hashed that out, I think--but why did you remove ALL categories from the Christian shows? That seems....excessive... Or do I just need a nap?"
f9210fa2,Yes I can. Is it an alternate account?
c15bbe1a,I see that countybycounty listing that you have of your travels throughout the USA. I have a county map of the USA suitable for marking for travelling (I've done it for myself); would you like me to Email this user a copy of the map?
f6fffc79,"I know, I understood that. :) I didn't scold you for it at all, did I make you feel that way?"
db5ca1a4,Just got around to this on <url>. Do you still need help or is this sorted?
ac531b67,No worries. So back to my question: what software makes them rock like that?
dd70a8c4,"On second thought, the mix of pseudo-politeness, vulgarity and threats is...really creepy. Could ya...stop?"
ebdc8100,"Why did you rollback <url>? It appears by a quick scan that the user was correct re <url> - but regardless seemed a good faith edit, one certainly not worthy of a vandalism rollback I would think?"
f42dcbab,I don't think anybody wants the stale uninformative old Victorian results infoboxes. Can you gain consensus before deviating?
136a419b,Hi. Is there anything I can do to help you utilize the spell check features of your browser?
54212383,"OK, so while browsing my watchlist, I saw something peculiar in one of the pages that I'm watching; the user seems to be quite suspicious, based on his user page (similar to Wynchard Bloom's) which leads to the conclusion that he's Gerald. Can you like give him the stick?"
5a2c6564,"Well, look again! Does ''<url>'' look like a dictionary-definition page to you?"
b092045f,"Can I ask why you deleted this AfD as ""A3: Article has no meaningful, substantive content""? It obviously did have meaningful content; was there any reason it couldn't simply be closed like any other AfD?"
4fdce6d1,"Well, I bet you got that from stalking me. Are you making a template I can use?"
6dc11166,"I've tweaked it further: It's now accurate, to within my ability to describe a complicated subject, but rather too complicated. Can we simplify it without losing precision, or, alternately, put something before the precise definition that's a bit easier to understand?"
24635d5f,"How is it false to state he was the ruler of the PRC - terms such as ""Mao's government"" are used in the article. Can you leave your Marxist personal beliefs at the door?"
b5ac1b02,I have always maintained a control of the military section and I can check up the names in the educational section. Which section would you like to clean-up?
3d16d377,"He's back with yet another IP, leaving abusive and harassing messages on my personal talk page as well as here. Is there anything that can be done to end his disruption for good?"
af8e292b,"I've never seen something go beyond AN/I myself, and I find it hard to believe the other two hadn't been tried by now. Or is it a case-by-case thing?"
c103c6ca,"So I got rid of it. Have a little faith in my good judgment, okay?"
8cd4d89b,I thought that only section tags go into sections while the article tags go to the top of the page so they could serve it's purpose. Is there a Wikipedia guideline that can substantiate your revert?
850d4426,"How about saying that the fastest flow is near the deepest part of the channel, and that in most meanders this is near the outer bank? What do you think?"
8b159c74,Hell yeah. How do we do that?
f814f051,Seems to be down again. I assume this is nothing I can resurrect on my own when you have intermittent Internet access like this?
a065df05,"I see you've just placed a deletion request on your user page, but this page has no history and hasn't been edited previously. Did you mean to place it on the article you created, <url>?"
6e3f3a63,Take a look at: <url> Baltimore's were ordered as Recon bomber/ Great Britain - this is the GR designation??
d93c984b,"You seemed, to me, to be addressing all of us who were opposed to your merger. Do you know a different meaning for ""oddwater"" other than ""urine""?"
b3086ae2,O RLY? And what does it do there?
e9c152f8,"I am an administrator on this project and my task is to enforce these rules. Now, will you cooperate or will I have to block you?"
d36cfae4,"I see the dilemma with separate series.. in the case with (untranslated) Spirou there are no such problems, but it seems to make more sense, with no english publication, to switch the brackets for english and original titles (ex: <url>). Does this create a problem with continuity?"
bb9efc24,"Note them where? On their talk page, or by adding them to the list you created at ArbCom so a clerk can notify them?"
94ec24ac,well it wasn't exactly a joke. am I the only one who notice they share the same melody?
5f3a8062,"""I will be retiring to the Cayman Islands shortly with the riches I'm gathering through my Wikipedia editing of political pages."" - ''(From your userpage)'' - You're joking, right? Oh, and you're also joking about being a Republican too?"
0741a297,"Hey I saw that you're using Huggle and wanted to try it out, too. I downloaded it, but every time I try to open the program I get the message: CLR error: 80004005. The program will now terminate....What can I do to fix the problem?"
e06365aa,"Good day, sorry to bother you. Is the 2:00 am news brief called eyewitness news everynite, and if it is do they play move closer to your world?"
b4fd97e9,"Thank you, Cremepuff222, for the kind words. :) How have you been?"
1a754e42,I don't understand why did you add that message at the bottom of this page??
717f7552,"Hey, look at this, I don't even know your name! Quel est votre nom, Mademoiselle?"
d6202301,"Hey, you seem to know a bit about coding, so I figured you might have an answer here. If I want use code to grab the target of a page known to be a redirect, how would I do that?"
3f8961e9,"The information itself obviously demonstrates notability. I'm sure other sources can be found, however&mdash;will you back off if other sources are added?"
4b1644c2,Are you saying you have never edited as anything else? What brought you to that particular article?
9b3fcde1,"Comply with what your talk page says, get off and study!!!! Have you willpower?"
3b7aa17d,"I thought that I should tell you that I created a new SVG version of the Wikipedia logo, located <url>. It has a few problems, could you help me with it?"
068b79a5,<person> I find this conversation remarkable given that you have twice opted to edit war over referencing format to the detriment of an article's quality in the last 24 hours on <url>. What gives?
a0c8fa49,"I have already read this - thank you very much for this kind gesture, dear friend. What's up with you?"
dbc0e664,Ok thank you so much. How long have you been on Wikipedia?
215bdecd,I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Please be more precise?
4223eb66,"PS, I would seriously like an answer to my question above. What is your native language and where do you come from?"
496f9db0,Are you trying to help him milk the publicity over the WR incident? if it ends up on google with lots of nns why would that matter?
cab8a25c,"Hey, thanks for joining! Have any ideas you wish to add to the project?"
ad737b3b,Looks good! Did you check out <url>?
39046f1c,"However, as you can see, I provided citation for my edit. Will you revert THAT and accuse me of vandalizing?"
aba3e200,"Thanks, but why specifically? Because I know the difference between ''hale'' and ''hail''?"
5d3d0085,Hello im trying to make a task force for the Empire of Brazil with some people but we dont know how to make the actually task force stuff like the banner and how to make the quality chart template to see what class each article is. Im asking if you can help make it since i saw you made WikiProject Dam?
71dc001f,"Hi, Why were the images <url> from the infobox in <url>? Is this part of an MOS or something?"
923f9ee5,"I can certainly suggest to Isarig that 3RR is not an entitlement, and that dicussion is often the better approach. Would you like me to try to mediate the Karsh page?"
e5c467c1,"What about ''Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Modern Japan'' (Weiner 2004)? Or any of the dozens of books you can find on Google by searching Ainu+Honshu?"
10d4dcb3,"LordAmeth-- once again, many thanks for nominating me. I have a question, though-- I noticed that the process was ""scheduled to end"" at 16:52 today, and we're past that now...what happens next?"
75398396,"Also, is <url> about chemistry, sociology, theology, international law, or what?? '''I''' know the answer to that question, but does the person reading the article know?"
7a7a6d6e,True. What do you think about the notability of this particular article?
29376770,"I noticed your ""Original Research"" notation for the section on weights and measures in the article in Liberia. Could you explain in more detail your concern and how it might be remedied?"
598fa151,You're mentioned <url>. What do we know about these images?
775c2a94,"Let me know what you'd like me to do. Are you/anyone thinking of copying over the temporary copy wholesale or in parts; destroying the edit history of either, both or neither..?"
59d214bb,"Hi Mike, Awadewit suggested you might be interested in a project we're running here at the British Museum over the next week - <url>. Perhaps you'd be able to help out and sign up?"