term sense sentence class confidence
absorb absorb#v#2 He absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe. metaphorical 0.9
absorb absorb#v#3 He absorbed the costs for the accident. metaphorical 0.9
absorb absorb#v#5 The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax. metaphorical 0.8
absorb absorb#v#8 The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society. metaphorical 0.8
absorb absorb#v#9 Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely. metaphorical 0.7
abuse abuse#v#1 This boss abuses his workers. literal 0.52
abuse abuse#v#2 Don't abuse the system. metaphorical 0.5
abuse abuse#v#3 The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket. metaphorical 0.5
abuse abuse#v#4 Her husband often abuses alcohol. metaphorical 0.7
accommodate accommodate#v#3 Can you accommodate me with a rental car? literal 0.7
accommodate accommodate#v#4 This hotel can accommodate 250 guests literal 0.9
accommodate accommodate#v#7 The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories literal 0.8
acknowledge acknowledge#v#2 The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper literal 0.9
acknowledge acknowledge#v#3 He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway literal 0.9
acknowledge acknowledge#v#4 We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us literal 0.9
acknowledge acknowledge#v#5 acknowledge the deed literal 0.9
acknowledge acknowledge#v#6 The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne literal 0.9
acquaint acquaint#v#1 Permit me to acquaint you with my son. literal 0.913
acquaint acquaint#v#2 You should acquaint yourself with your new computer. literal 0.6
acquaint acquaint#v#3 Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move. literal 0.8
act act#v#1 think before you act literal 0.8
act act#v#10 She acts in this play literal 0.9
act act#v#2 You should act like an adult literal 0.7
act act#v#4 She acts as the chair metaphorical 0.5
act act#v#6 This scene acts well metaphorical 0.5
address address#v#1 He addressed the crowd outside the window. literal 0.6
address address#v#6 He always addresses me with `Sir'. literal 0.7
adhere adhere#v#1 You must adhere to the rules. metaphorical 0.6
adhere adhere#v#2 They adhered to their plan. literal 0.8
adhere adhere#v#4 The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism. metaphorical 0.6
adhere adhere#v#6 Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall? literal 0.9167
administer administer#v#1 administer a program literal 0.7
administer administer#v#2 administer the last unction literal 0.9
administer administer#v#3 administer critical remarks to everyone present literal 0.6
admit admit#v#1 He admitted his errors literal 0.8
admit admit#v#2 We cannot admit non-members into our club building literal 0.8
admit admit#v#3 admit someone to the profession literal 0.7
admit admit#v#5 This problem admits of no solution metaphorical 0.6
admit admit#v#6 The French doors admit onto the yard literal 0.8
admit admit#v#8 This ticket will admit one adult to the show literal 0.9
affect affect#v#1 Will the new rules affect me? literal 0.8
affect affect#v#2 the medicine affects my heart rate literal 0.9
affect affect#v#3 This new ruling affects your business literal 0.8
age age#v#1 The death of his wife caused him to age fast literal 0.7
age age#v#2 we age every day--what a depressing thought! literal 0.9
age age#v#3 The death of his child aged him tremendously literal 0.6
agree agree#v#1 We agreed on the terms of the settlement literal 0.9
agree agree#v#2 She agreed to all my conditions literal 0.9
agree agree#v#3 The two stories don't agree in many details literal 0.7
agree agree#v#5 Subjects and verbs must always agree in English literal 0.7
agree agree#v#6 White wine doesn't agree with me metaphorical 0.5
agree agree#v#7 No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman literal 0.8
aim aim#v#1 Please don't aim at your little brother! literal 0.9
aim aim#v#2 I aim to arrive at noon metaphorical 0.5
aim aim#v#5 He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face literal 1
aim aim#v#6 She wanted to aim a pun metaphorical 0.5
air air#v#2 This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M. metaphorical 0.5
air air#v#3 We cannot air this X-rated song literal 0.6
air air#v#4 She aired her opinions on welfare metaphorical 0.7
air air#v#6 air the old winter clothes literal 0.6
allow allow#v#10 We don't allow dogs here literal 0.9
allow allow#v#3 Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison literal 0.9
allow allow#v#6 I allow for this possibility literal 0.8
allow allow#v#9 The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera literal 0.8
amount amount#v#1 Her action amounted to a rebellion literal 0.7
amount amount#v#2 "The bills amounted to $2,000" literal 0.9
amount amount#v#3 This idea will never amount to anything metaphorical 0.7
analyze analyze#v#4 I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist. literal 0.8
answer answer#v#1 She didn't want to answer literal 0.9
answer answer#v#10 The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch metaphorical 0.7
answer answer#v#2 answer the telephone literal 0.9
answer answer#v#4 The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered literal 0.8
answer answer#v#5 The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution literal 0.9
answer answer#v#6 She must answer for her actions literal 0.8
answer answer#v#7 A few words would answer literal 0.8
answer answer#v#8 The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave literal 0.6
answer answer#v#9 This may answer her needs literal 0.7
appeal appeal#v#1 He was found guilty but appealed immediately. literal 0.8
appeal appeal#v#2 Appeal to somebody for help! metaphorical 0.5
appeal appeal#v#4 She appealed the verdict. literal 0.72
appear appear#v#2 He suddenly appeared at the wedding literal 0.9
appear appear#v#3 Did your latest book appear yet? literal 0.6
appear appear#v#6 Gielgud appears briefly in this movie literal 0.8
appear appear#v#7 He had to appear in court last month literal 0.9
appreciate appreciate#v#2 Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter? literal 0.7
appreciate appreciate#v#4 The yen appreciated again! literal 0.9
appreciate appreciate#v#5 The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark literal 0.7
approach approach#v#1 We were approaching our destination literal 0.9
approach approach#v#4 Winter is approaching literal 0.6
approach approach#v#5 I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters literal 0.9
ascend ascend#v#1 We ascended the mountain. literal 0.7
ascend ascend#v#2 Inheritance may not ascend linearly. metaphorical 0.7
ascend ascend#v#3 She ascended to the throne after the King's death. literal 0.5238
ascend ascend#v#5 The boat ascended the Delaware. literal 0.8
ascend ascend#v#6 The path ascended to the top of the hill. literal 0.9
ask ask#v#1 I asked about their special today literal 0.9
ask ask#v#2 She asked him for a loan literal 0.9
ask ask#v#7 He is asking $200 for the table literal 0.9
assign assign#v#2 We were assigned new uniforms. literal 0.9444
assign assign#v#4 The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise. literal 0.8235
assign assign#v#8 The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class. literal 0.8571
assimilate assimilate#v#2 Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly literal 0.8
assimilate assimilate#v#3 This country assimilates immigrants very quickly literal 0.8
assimilate assimilate#v#5 The nasal assimilates to the following consonant literal 0.7
assume assume#v#1 I assume his train was late literal 0.8
assume assume#v#2 When will the new President assume office? literal 0.7
assume assume#v#5 He assumes the lotus position literal 0.8
assume assume#v#6 He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town literal 0.8
assume assume#v#7 "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger" literal 0.9
assume assume#v#8 This is the day when May was assumed into heaven literal 0.6
attack attack#v#1 "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II" literal 0.9
attack attack#v#2 The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker metaphorical 0.5
attack attack#v#3 The Serbs attacked the village at night literal 0.9
attack attack#v#5 I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed metaphorical 0.7
attack attack#v#6 The cancer cells are attacking his liver literal 0.6
attend attend#v#1 She attends class regularly literal 1
attend attend#v#3 Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation literal 0.7
attend attend#v#4 She attends the old lady in the wheelchair literal 0.6
attend attend#v#5 The children in the audience attended the recital quietly literal 0.9
attest attest#v#1 His high fever attested to his illness metaphorical 0.5
attest attest#v#2 I attest this signature literal 0.8
attest attest#v#4 This word is not attested until 1993 literal 0.8
avoid avoid#v#2 Let's avoid a confrontation. literal 0.9
avoid avoid#v#4 Muslims avoid tobacco during the day. literal 1
back back#v#2 back into the driveway literal 0.9
back back#v#4 back the car into the parking spot literal 1
back back#v#5 back this enterprise literal 0.6
back back#v#6 My garage backs their yard literal 0.6
back back#v#7 Which horse are you backing? metaphorical 0.8
back back#v#9 Can you back up your claims? literal 0.7
begin begin#v#2 The DMZ begins right over the hill literal 0.6
begin begin#v#5 The number `one' begins the sequence literal 0.9
begin begin#v#7 The novel begins with a murder literal 0.9
begin begin#v#9 This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation literal 0.8
believe believe#v#1 I believed his report literal 0.9
believe believe#v#3 I believe that he will come back from the war literal 1
believe believe#v#4 "When you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too" literal 0.8
believe believe#v#5 You cannot believe this man literal 0.8
belong belong#v#1 This book belongs to me literal 0.9
belong belong#v#2 This student somehow doesn't belong literal 0.8
belong belong#v#3 Where do these books belong? literal 0.7
belong belong#v#4 The whales belong among the mammals literal 0.9
belong belong#v#5 They belong to the same political party literal 0.8
belong belong#v#6 the uniform looks like it belonged to a museum collection literal 0.8
besiege besiege#v#1 The Turks besieged Vienna literal 0.9
besiege besiege#v#2 She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged metaphorical 0.6
besiege besiege#v#3 The press photographers besieged the movie star literal 0.7
bind bind#v#3 The Chinese would bind the feet of their women. literal 0.8
bind bind#v#7 They bind their books in leather. literal 0.9
bind bind#v#9 The hydrogen binds the oxygen. literal 0.6
blast blast#v#1 She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone metaphorical 0.7
blast blast#v#4 the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us literal 0.6
blast blast#v#5 blast a passage through the mountain literal 0.9
blast blast#v#6 blast a tunnel through the Alps literal 0.8
blast blast#v#7 the gunman blasted away literal 0.8
blaze blaze#v#1 Meteors blazed across the atmosphere. metaphorical 0.6
blaze blaze#v#2 He blazed away at the men. metaphorical 0.9
blaze blaze#v#3 The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze. literal 0.7
blaze blaze#v#4 The spaceship blazed out into space. metaphorical 0.7
blend blend#v#1 She blended the nuts and raisins together. literal 0.9
blend blend#v#2 This flavor will blend with those in your dish. literal 0.7
blend blend#v#3 The colors blend well. literal 0.8
blister blister#v#1 Her feet blistered during the long hike. literal 1
blister blister#v#2 The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday. metaphorical 1
blister blister#v#3 The tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet. literal 0.8
blur blur#v#2 The haze blurs the hills literal 0.7
blur blur#v#5 The fog blurs my vision literal 0.8
blur blur#v#6 The distinction between the two theories blurred metaphorical 0.9
bob bob#v#1 her rucksack bobbed gently on her back literal 0.9
bob bob#v#2 The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure literal 0.7
bob bob#v#5 Bernice bobs her hair these days! literal 0.6
bolt bolt#v#1 She bolted from her seat literal 0.7
bolt bolt#v#5 The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas literal 0.7
bolt bolt#v#6 Don't bolt your food! metaphorical 0.8
boost boost#v#2 The tax cut will boost the economy. metaphorical 0.7
boost boost#v#4 Boost the voltage in an electrical circuit. literal 0.6
boost boost#v#5 The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption. literal 0.85
bother bother#v#2 Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me literal 0.8
bother bother#v#4 Don't bother the professor while she is grading term papers literal 0.9
bother bother#v#5 The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster literal 0.9
bounce bounce#v#1 The rubber ball bounced literal 1
bounce bounce#v#5 He bounced to his feet literal 0.8
bounce bounce#v#7 The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club metaphorical 0.8
bow bow#v#1 He bowed before the King literal 1
bow bow#v#2 The government bowed to the military pressure metaphorical 0.6
bow bow#v#3 He bowed before the King literal 1
bow bow#v#4 She bowed before the Queen literal 1
breathe breathe#v#1 I can breathe better when the air is clean literal 1
breathe breathe#v#2 Every creature that breathes literal 1
breathe breathe#v#3 He breathed new life into the old house metaphorical 0.7
breathe breathe#v#4 Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear metaphorical 0.8
breathe breathe#v#6 She breathes the Christian spirit metaphorical 0.5
breathe breathe#v#8 This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours metaphorical 0.6
brush brush#v#1 Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket literal 1
brush brush#v#2 He brushed the wall lightly literal 0.9
brush brush#v#3 She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet literal 1
brush brush#v#4 Her long skirt brushed the floor literal 0.7
brush brush#v#5 brush away the crumbs literal 1
brush brush#v#6 brush the bread with melted butter literal 0.9
build build#v#10 Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera literal 0.6
build build#v#5 The government is building new schools in this state literal 0.8
build build#v#6 build a modern nation literal 0.7
build build#v#7 These architects build in interesting and new styles literal 0.8
build build#v#8 build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation literal 0.8
buy buy#v#3 This sum will buy you a ride on the train literal 0.9
buy buy#v#4 She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work literal 0.6
buy buy#v#5 I can't buy this story metaphorical 0.7
buzz buzz#v#1 bees were buzzing around the hive literal 0.9
buzz buzz#v#2 Planes buzzed the crowds in the square literal 0.7
buzz buzz#v#3 This office is buzzing with activity metaphorical 0.7
buzz buzz#v#4 he buzzed the servant metaphorical 0.7
capture capture#v#1 capture the essence of Spring metaphorical 0.7
capture capture#v#2 She captured all the men's hearts metaphorical 0.6
capture capture#v#4 This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons literal 0.8
challenge challenge#v#1 She challenged his claims literal 0.9
challenge challenge#v#2 Fischer challenged Spassky to a match literal 0.9
challenge challenge#v#3 The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard literal 0.9
change change#v#10 Father had to learn how to change the baby literal 0.7
change change#v#2 She changed completely as she grew older literal 0.8
change change#v#3 her mood changes in accordance with the weather literal 0.8
change change#v#7 Would you change places with me? literal 1
change change#v#8 She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast literal 0.8
change change#v#9 His voice began to change when he was 12 years old literal 0.9
cheer cheer#v#2 everybody cheered the birthday boy literal 0.9
cheer cheer#v#3 She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee literal 0.8
cheer cheer#v#5 The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers literal 0.9
circulate circulate#v#3 This letter is being circulated among the faculty. literal 0.7
circulate circulate#v#4 Blood circulates in my veins. literal 1
circulate circulate#v#6 The fan circulates the air in the room. literal 0.9
circulate circulate#v#7 She circulates among royalty. metaphorical 0.8
claim claim#v#1 He claimed that he killed the burglar literal 1
claim claim#v#2 He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter literal 0.9
claim claim#v#3 They claimed on the maximum allowable amount literal 0.9
claim claim#v#5 the accident claimed three lives literal 0.6
clamor clamor#v#1 he clamored for justice and tolerance literal 0.7
clamor clamor#v#2 The delegates clamored their disappointment metaphorical 0.5
clamor clamor#v#3 They clamored the mayor into building a new park literal 0.8
clap clap#v#1 The judge clapped him in jail metaphorical 0.7
clap clap#v#2 The big bird clapped its wings literal 0.9
clap clap#v#4 The children were clapping to the music literal 1
clap clap#v#5 the wings of the birds clapped loudly literal 0.7
clap clap#v#7 clap two boards together literal 0.8
claw claw#v#1 They clawed their way to the top of the mountain. metaphorical 0.8
claw claw#v#2 She clawed the doorknob. metaphorical 0.6
claw claw#v#4 The politician clawed his rival. metaphorical 0.9
clean clean#v#1 The dentist cleaned my teeth literal 1
clean clean#v#10 clean grain before milling it literal 0.9
clean clean#v#4 clean up before you see your grandparents literal 0.8
clean clean#v#5 This stove cleans easily literal 0.8
clean clean#v#6 The other players cleaned him completely literal 0.6
clean clean#v#7 The boys cleaned the sandwich platters literal 0.7
climb climb#v#1 Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house? literal 1
climb climb#v#3 Sales were climbing after prices were lowered metaphorical 0.8
climb climb#v#4 The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill metaphorical 0.6
climb climb#v#5 This young man knows how to climb the social ladder metaphorical 0.8
climb climb#v#6 prices climbed steeply metaphorical 0.6
clog clog#v#1 The leaves clog our drains in the Fall literal 0.9
clog clog#v#3 horses were clogged until they were tamed metaphorical 0.5
clog clog#v#4 The market is being clogged by these operations metaphorical 0.6
clog clog#v#6 Fear clogged her mind metaphorical 0.6
cloud cloud#v#2 The stars are obscured by the clouds. literal 0.96
cloud cloud#v#3 The smoke clouded above the houses. literal 0.6
cloud cloud#v#4 Their faces were clouded with sadness. metaphorical 1
cloud cloud#v#6 The stroke clouded memories of her youth. metaphorical 0.7222
cloud cloud#v#8 The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added. metaphorical 0.5
co-opt co-opt#v#1 The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation literal 0.6
co-opt co-opt#v#2 We co-opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance literal 0.8
co-opt co-opt#v#3 The army tried to co-opt peasants into civil defence groups literal 0.9
co-opt co-opt#v#4 He co-opted the criticism and embraced it literal 0.8
color color#v#1 The child colored the drawings literal 1
color color#v#2 My personal feelings color my judgment in this case metaphorical 0.8
color color#v#3 His political ideas color his lectures metaphorical 0.6
color color#v#4 color the walls with paint in warm tones literal 0.8
commit commit#v#2 She committed herself to the work of God literal 0.8
commit commit#v#3 "After the second episode, she had to be committed" literal 0.8
commit commit#v#6 commit a random act of kindness literal 0.9
communicate communicate#v#1 Please communicate this message to all employees literal 0.9
communicate communicate#v#2 He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist literal 0.9
communicate communicate#v#3 communicate a disease literal 0.6
communicate communicate#v#4 The rooms communicated metaphorical 0.8
communicate communicate#v#5 He and his sons haven't communicated for years literal 0.8
compare compare#v#1 John compared his haircut to his friend's literal 0.9
compare compare#v#2 This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes literal 0.9
compare compare#v#3 We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans literal 0.9
compose compose#v#1 Greed and ambition composed his personality metaphorical 0.5
compose compose#v#2 Beethoven composed nine symphonies literal 0.9
compose compose#v#5 She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult literal 0.6
computerize computerize#v#1 Our office is fully computerized now. literal 0.8
computerize computerize#v#2 Please use a computerized disctionary. literal 0.8
computerize computerize#v#3 They computerized the car industry literal 0.9167
condemn condemn#v#1 We condemn the racism in South Africa literal 0.9
condemn condemn#v#2 The building was condemned by the inspector literal 0.8
condemn condemn#v#3 His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence metaphorical 0.6
condemn condemn#v#4 Her strange behavior condemned her literal 0.6
condemn condemn#v#5 He was condemned to ten years in prison literal 0.8
condemn condemn#v#6 the county condemned the land to build a highway literal 0.8
condense condense#v#2 condense the contents of a book into a summary literal 0.7
condense condense#v#4 The cold air condensed the steam literal 0.8
condense condense#v#5 Her feelings condensed metaphorical 0.6
condense condense#v#6 All our planets condensed out of the same material literal 0.7
condense condense#v#7 Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan literal 0.8
conduct conduct#v#1 You cannot conduct business like this literal 0.7
conduct conduct#v#2 conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years literal 0.9
conduct conduct#v#6 Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor literal 0.9
confirm confirm#v#1 his story confirmed my doubts literal 0.8
confirm confirm#v#2 The witnesses confirmed the victim's account literal 0.9
confirm confirm#v#4 The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense literal 0.9
confirm confirm#v#5 the children were confirmed in their mother's faith literal 0.7
confront confront#v#1 You must confront your opponent literal 0.9
confront confront#v#2 You must confront your problems literal 0.7
confront confront#v#3 We confronted him with the evidence literal 0.8
confront confront#v#4 The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume literal 0.8
confuse confuse#v#2 These questions confuse even the experts. literal 0.9
confuse confuse#v#3 The constant attention of the young man confused her. literal 1
confuse confuse#v#5 Her remarks confused the debate. literal 0.7
consider consider#v#2 consider the possibility of moving literal 0.9
consider consider#v#4 You must consider her age literal 0.8
consider consider#v#5 They considered the possibility of a strike literal 0.9
consider consider#v#9 Please consider your family literal 0.9
consolidate consolidate#v#1 The companies consolidated literal 0.8
consolidate consolidate#v#2 consolidate one's gains literal 0.7
consolidate consolidate#v#3 The town and county schools are being consolidated literal 0.9
consolidate consolidate#v#4 The mud had consolidated overnight literal 0.9
consolidate consolidate#v#5 consolidate fibers into boards literal 0.9
constitutionalize constitutionalize#v#1 The United States were constitutionalized in the late 18th century literal 0.9
constitutionalize constitutionalize#v#2 A good way of exercising is to constitutionalize literal 0.7
constitutionalize constitutionalize#v#3 A woman's right to an abortion was constitutionalized in the 1970's literal 0.7
construct construct#v#3 construct an equilateral triangle literal 0.9
construct construct#v#4 construct a sentence literal 0.8
construct construct#v#5 construct an argument literal 0.6
consume consume#v#4 The fire consumed the building metaphorical 0.6
consume consume#v#5 this car consumes a lot of gas literal 0.6
consume consume#v#6 The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy literal 0.6
continue continue#v#1 We continued to work into the night literal 0.9
continue continue#v#10 The bad weather continued for two more weeks literal 0.9
continue continue#v#5 We cannot continue several servants any longer literal 0.7
continue continue#v#6 We continued our research into the cause of the illness literal 0.9
continue continue#v#7 The demonstration continued after a break for lunch literal 0.9
converge converge#v#3 The crowd converged on the movie star. literal 0.7273
converge converge#v#4 Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power. metaphorical 0.5
convulse convulse#v#1 The comedian convulsed the crowd metaphorical 0.7
convulse convulse#v#4 earthquakes convulsed the countryside literal 0.6
convulse convulse#v#5 The spasm convulses her facial muscles literal 0.9
convulse convulse#v#6 The muscles in her face convulsed literal 0.9
cook cook#v#1 My husband doesn't cook literal 1
cook cook#v#3 These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes literal 1
cook cook#v#5 The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle literal 0.9
correct correct#v#4 engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance literal 0.8
correct correct#v#6 the stock market corrected metaphorical 0.5
correct correct#v#8 The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia literal 0.7
count count#v#1 Can you count the books on your shelf? literal 1
count count#v#4 The toddler could count to 100 literal 1
count count#v#5 The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members literal 0.7
count count#v#6 I can count my colleagues in the opposition literal 0.7
count count#v#7 each answer counts as three points literal 0.7
count count#v#8 you can count on me to help you any time metaphorical 0.6
crawl crawl#v#1 The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed literal 1
crawl crawl#v#2 My skin crawled--I was terrified metaphorical 0.8
crawl crawl#v#3 The old cheese was crawling with maggots metaphorical 0.6
crawl crawl#v#5 European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how to crawl literal 1
credit credit#v#1 We credited her for saving our jobs literal 0.6
credit credit#v#2 She was not properly credited in the program literal 0.8
credit credit#v#3 We credit your account with $100 literal 0.9
crown crown#v#1 The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey literal 0.9
crown crown#v#2 The speech crowned the meeting metaphorical 0.7
crown crown#v#3 A weather vane crowns the building metaphorical 0.7
crush crush#v#2 crush an aluminum can literal 1
crush crush#v#4 The car crushed the toy literal 0.9
crush crush#v#5 She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation metaphorical 0.8
crush crush#v#8 The plastic bottle crushed against the wall literal 0.9
culminate culminate#v#1 The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace. metaphorical 0.5
culminate culminate#v#2 Seurat culminated pointillism. metaphorical 0.6
culminate culminate#v#5 The helmet culminated in a crest. literal 0.6
curl curl#v#1 The cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling. metaphorical 0.5
curl curl#v#2 She curled farther down under the covers. metaphorical 0.5
curl curl#v#4 "Curl my hair, please." literal 1
dance dance#v#1 The young girl danced into the room. literal 0.9
dance dance#v#2 My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio. literal 0.9583
dance dance#v#3 The children danced with joy. literal 0.8
dash dash#v#1 She dashed into the yard literal 0.8
dash dash#v#3 He dashed the plate against the wall literal 0.7
dash dash#v#4 dashed ambitions and hopes metaphorical 0.5
dash dash#v#5 dashed by the refusal metaphorical 0.6
dash dash#v#6 blue paint dashed with white literal 0.6
date date#v#2 The package is dated November 24 literal 1
date date#v#3 Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings literal 0.7
date date#v#5 She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated literal 0.9
dawn dawn#v#1 It dawned on him that she had betrayed him metaphorical 0.7
dawn dawn#v#2 The age of computers had dawned metaphorical 0.7
dawn dawn#v#3 "It started to dawn, and we had to get up" literal 0.8
debut debut#v#1 The band debuts a new song or two each month literal 0.8
debut debut#v#2 "The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out" literal 0.8
debut debut#v#3 This young soprano debuts next month at the Metropolitan Opera literal 0.9
decide decide#v#1 We finally decided after lengthy deliberations literal 0.9
decide decide#v#2 The case was decided literal 0.9
decide decide#v#3 This new development finally decided me! literal 0.8
decide decide#v#4 The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election literal 0.8
declare declare#v#1 He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with literal 0.9
declare declare#v#2 The President declared war literal 0.9
declare declare#v#3 He declared that he was innocent literal 0.9
declare declare#v#4 She was declared incompetent literal 0.9
declare declare#v#7 Do you have anything to declare? literal 0.9
declare declare#v#8 His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast literal 0.8
decline decline#v#3 he declined to join the group on a hike literal 0.7
decline decline#v#5 The roof declines here literal 0.9
decline decline#v#7 "in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives" literal 0.8
deflate deflate#v#2 deflate the air mattress literal 1
deflate deflate#v#3 The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence metaphorical 0.6
deflate deflate#v#4 The new measures deflated the economy metaphorical 1
deflate deflate#v#5 deflate the currency metaphorical 0.7
deflate deflate#v#6 The balloons deflated literal 1
deform deform#v#1 the heat deformed the plastic sculpture literal 0.9
deform deform#v#4 The sidewalk deformed during the earthquake literal 0.9
deform deform#v#5 His body was deformed by leprosy literal 0.9
dehydrate dehydrate#v#1 You should carry dehydrated food on your camping trip. literal 1
dehydrate dehydrate#v#2 All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me. literal 0.92
dehydrate dehydrate#v#3 "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly." literal 1
demand demand#v#1 The victim's family is demanding compensation literal 0.8
demand demand#v#3 The bank demanded payment of the loan literal 1
demand demand#v#6 I demand an explanation literal 0.9
denote denote#v#1 Her smile denoted that she agreed literal 0.7
denote denote#v#2 `multi-' denotes `many' literal 0.6
denote denote#v#3 She denoted her feelings clearly literal 0.7
depress depress#v#1 These news depressed her literal 0.6
depress depress#v#2 The glut of oil depressed gas prices metaphorical 0.6
depress depress#v#3 The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir metaphorical 0.6
depress depress#v#5 The rising inflation depressed the economy literal 0.6
desert desert#v#1 The mother deserted her children literal 0.8
desert desert#v#2 "If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot" literal 1
desert desert#v#3 the students deserted the campus after the end of exam period literal 0.7
design design#v#2 This room is not designed for work. literal 0.7
design design#v#3 Chanel designed the famous suit. literal 1
design design#v#4 It is difficult to design a better mousetrap. literal 0.6
design design#v#5 Dupont designs for the house of Chanel. literal 0.8947
design design#v#6 She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day. metaphorical 0.6
design design#v#7 She designed to go far in the world of business. literal 0.5417
devour devour#v#1 Fire had devoured our home metaphorical 0.7
devour devour#v#2 She devoured his novels metaphorical 1
devour devour#v#4 he devoured three sandwiches literal 0.9
digest digest#v#1 I cannot digest milk products literal 1
digest digest#v#2 I cannot digest all this information metaphorical 0.6
digest digest#v#4 Protein digests in a few hours literal 0.9
digest digest#v#5 the government digested the entire law into a code metaphorical 0.8
discolor discolor#v#1 The painting discolored. literal 0.9
discolor discolor#v#2 The detergent discolored my shirts. literal 1
discolor discolor#v#3 The shirts discolored. literal 1
dismiss dismiss#v#1 She dismissed his advances literal 0.8
dismiss dismiss#v#2 This case is dismissed! literal 0.9
dismiss dismiss#v#5 I was dismissed after I gave my report literal 1
distil distil#v#1 The acid distills at a specific temperature literal 0.7
distil distil#v#2 distill the essence of this compound literal 0.9
distil distil#v#4 The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound literal 0.9
distill distill#v#3 distill the essence of this compound literal 0.8
distill distill#v#4 The acid distills at a specific temperature literal 0.9
distill distill#v#5 The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound literal 0.9
divide divide#v#1 divide the cake into three equal parts literal 1
divide divide#v#2 Can you divide 49 by seven? literal 0.8
divide divide#v#3 The mountain range divides the two countries literal 0.7
double double#v#1 The population doubled within 50 years literal 0.9
double double#v#3 He doubled and vomited violently literal 0.6
double double#v#4 She doubles as his wife and secretary literal 0.7
down down#v#1 He downed three martinis before dinner. metaphorical 0.7
down down#v#2 Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal. metaphorical 0.7
down down#v#5 The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect. metaphorical 0.5
downsize downsize#v#1 Three secretaries were downsized during the financial crisis. metaphorical 0.5
downsize downsize#v#2 The car makers downsized the SUVs when fuel became very expensive. metaphorical 0.5
downsize downsize#v#3 The company downsized its research staff. literal 0.7
drain drain#v#1 The rain water drains into this big vat. literal 0.9
drain drain#v#2 The exercise class drains me of energy. metaphorical 0.8
drain drain#v#3 We drained the oil tank. literal 0.9
drain drain#v#4 Life in the camp drained him. metaphorical 0.9091
drift drift#v#10 snow drifting several feet high literal 1
drift drift#v#4 stock prices are drifting higher metaphorical 1
drift drift#v#5 My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school metaphorical 0.6
drift drift#v#6 The unknown young man drifted among the invited guests metaphorical 0.5
drift drift#v#7 drift the boats downstream literal 0.9
drift drift#v#8 drift the cattle herds westwards literal 0.7
drift drift#v#9 The stock market drifted upward metaphorical 0.6
drink drink#v#1 The patient must drink several liters each day literal 0.9
drink drink#v#2 We were up drinking all night literal 1
drink drink#v#4 The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage metaphorical 0.7
drink drink#v#5 The husband drinks and beats his wife literal 1
drown drown#v#1 I was drowned in work metaphorical 0.7
drown drown#v#2 She drowned her trouble in alcohol metaphorical 0.7
drown drown#v#3 The child drowned in the lake literal 1
drown drown#v#4 He drowned the kittens literal 1
dull dull#v#1 Age had dulled the surface literal 0.8
dull dull#v#2 the varnished table top dulled with time literal 0.9
dull dull#v#5 Too much cutting dulls the knife's edge literal 0.8
dull dull#v#7 Middle age dulled her appetite for travel metaphorical 0.8
dump dump#v#1 No dumping in these woods! literal 0.9
dump dump#v#2 The company dumped him after many years of service metaphorical 0.7
dump dump#v#4 The truck dumped the garbage in the street literal 0.9
ease ease#v#1 He eased himself into the chair literal 0.7
ease ease#v#2 ease the pain in your legs literal 0.9
ease ease#v#4 The news eased my conscience literal 0.6
eat eat#v#1 She was eating a banana literal 1
eat eat#v#2 We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls literal 1
eat eat#v#3 This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat literal 1
emerge emerge#v#1 "Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office" literal 0.8
emerge emerge#v#3 Some nice results emerged from the study metaphorical 0.7
emerge emerge#v#4 He felt new emotions emerge literal 0.7
end end#v#2 She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime. literal 0.96
end end#v#3 This sad scene ended the movie. literal 0.6957
end end#v#4 The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived. literal 0.8
engrave engrave#v#1 engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's literal 1
engrave engrave#v#2 The event engraved itself into her memory metaphorical 0.8
engrave engrave#v#4 engrave the pen with the owner's name literal 1
erase erase#v#1 The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915 metaphorical 0.6
erase erase#v#2 Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong! literal 1
erase erase#v#3 Who erased the files form my hard disk? literal 0.9
erupt erupt#v#2 Unrest erupted in the country metaphorical 0.5
erupt erupt#v#4 The tooth erupted and had to be extracted metaphorical 0.5
erupt erupt#v#5 Vesuvius erupts once in a while literal 1
erupt erupt#v#7 A rash erupted on her arms after she had touched the exotic plant metaphorical 0.5
escape escape#v#1 The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison literal 0.9
escape escape#v#5 We escaped to our summer house for a few days metaphorical 0.5
escape escape#v#7 Gas escaped into the bedroom literal 0.7
excavate excavate#v#1 Schliemann excavated Troy. literal 0.9
excavate excavate#v#3 Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team. literal 1
excavate excavate#v#4 The mining company wants to excavate the hillside. literal 0.9
exclude exclude#v#1 The bad results were excluded from the report literal 0.9
exclude exclude#v#3 The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages literal 0.9
exclude exclude#v#5 The unruly student was excluded from the game literal 0.9
excuse excuse#v#1 Please excuse my dirty hands literal 0.8
excuse excuse#v#2 Please excuse me from this class literal 0.9
excuse excuse#v#3 Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work literal 0.8
excuse excuse#v#6 excuse someone's behavior literal 0.8
execute execute#v#1 "In some states, criminals are executed" literal 0.9
execute execute#v#2 The Mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed literal 0.9
execute execute#v#3 execute the decision of the people literal 0.6
execute execute#v#4 execute a will or a deed literal 0.6
execute execute#v#7 The President executed the treaty literal 0.6
exhaust exhaust#v#1 This kind of work exhausts me. literal 0.7
exhaust exhaust#v#3 One should not exhaust one's savings. metaphorical 0.8
exhaust exhaust#v#4 We have exhausted the food supplies. metaphorical 0.7
expect expect#v#1 The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow literal 0.8
expect expect#v#3 We were expecting a visit from our relatives literal 0.8
expect expect#v#4 I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed literal 0.9
expect expect#v#5 She is expecting in March literal 0.6
explode explode#v#1 We exploded the nuclear bomb literal 0.9
explode explode#v#2 The champagne bottle exploded literal 0.9
explode explode#v#3 The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary metaphorical 0.8
explode explode#v#5 The enemy exploded the bridge literal 1
exploit exploit#v#1 He exploit the new taxation system literal 0.8
exploit exploit#v#2 we must exploit the resources we are given wisely literal 0.7
exploit exploit#v#3 he is exploiting the students literal 0.9
express express#v#4 Can you express this distance in kilometers? literal 0.6667
express express#v#5 Many of the laboratory animals express the trait. metaphorical 0.7
express express#v#6 Italians express coffee rather than filter it. literal 0.6
express express#v#7 She expressed the letter to Florida. literal 0.7
face face#v#4 The two sofas face each other. literal 0.7
face face#v#5 Turn and face your partner now. metaphorical 0.5
face face#v#8 A glossy material faced the lapels of the jacket. metaphorical 0.5
face face#v#9 The building was faced with beautiful stones. metaphorical 0.5
factor factor#v#1 a quantum computer can factor the number 15 literal 0.7
factor factor#v#2 make things factor into a company's profitability literal 0.8
factor factor#v#3 You must factor in the recent developments literal 0.7
fasten fasten#v#1 He fastened the lock onto the door. literal 0.9
fasten fasten#v#2 This dress fastens in the back. literal 0.8
fasten fasten#v#3 They fastened various nicknames to each other. metaphorical 0.6
fear fear#v#1 I fear she might get aggressive literal 0.8
fear fear#v#2 I fear the winters in Moscow literal 0.7
fear fear#v#3 I fear I won't make it to your wedding party literal 0.6
fear fear#v#4 I fear the results of the final exams literal 0.6
ferment ferment#v#1 The Middle East is fermenting metaphorical 0.7
ferment ferment#v#2 Islam is fermenting Africa metaphorical 0.6
ferment ferment#v#3 We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content literal 1
fill fill#v#1 fill the child with pride metaphorical 0.6
fill fill#v#2 The pool slowly filled with water literal 0.9
fill fill#v#3 The liquid fills the container literal 0.9
fill fill#v#7 He filled up on turkey literal 0.6
finish finish#v#1 He finished the dishes literal 0.7
finish finish#v#4 The carpenter finished the table beautifully literal 0.9
finish finish#v#6 That finished me with Mary literal 0.6
fire fire#v#4 The boss fired his secretary today literal 0.7
fire fire#v#6 The soldiers were fired literal 0.6
fire fire#v#9 Oil fires the furnace literal 0.8
fit fit#v#2 This piece won't fit into the puzzle literal 0.9
fit fit#v#4 He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out literal 0.9
fit fit#v#5 Can you fit the toy into the box? literal 0.9
fit fit#v#7 How does this shirt fit? literal 0.8
flap flap#v#2 flags flapped in the strong wind literal 0.8
flap flap#v#3 The bird flapped its wings literal 0.9
flap flap#v#4 The bird's wings were flapping literal 1
flare flare#v#1 Every star seemed to flare with new intensity. metaphorical 0.6
flare flare#v#2 The bellbottom pants flare out. literal 0.6
flare flare#v#3 The night sky flared with the massive bombardment. metaphorical 0.8
flash flash#v#1 The lights were flashing literal 1
flash flash#v#2 The headlines flashed on the screen literal 0.7
flash flash#v#4 The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts metaphorical 0.7
flash flash#v#6 he flashed a $100 bill metaphorical 0.5
flash flash#v#8 A shooting star flashed and was gone literal 0.9
flick flick#v#1 The lights flicked on and off. literal 0.6
flick flick#v#4 He flicked a piece of paper across the table. literal 0.8
flick flick#v#8 The father flicked him with his hand. metaphorical 0.6
float float#v#3 He floated the logs down the river literal 0.9
float float#v#4 The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform metaphorical 0.7
float float#v#5 The dancer floated across the stage metaphorical 0.7
float float#v#8 The government floated the ruble for a few months metaphorical 0.7
flood flood#v#2 The swollen river flooded the village literal 1
flood flood#v#3 flood the market with tennis shoes metaphorical 0.7
flood flood#v#4 Our basement flooded during the heavy rains literal 0.9
flow flow#v#1 The crowd flowed out of the stadium metaphorical 0.7
flow flow#v#2 Water flowed into the cave literal 1
flow flow#v#3 The artist flowed the washes on the paper metaphorical 0.5
flow flow#v#4 The champagne flowed at the wedding metaphorical 0.5
flush flush#v#2 The garbage flushed down the river literal 0.6
flush flush#v#3 the sky flushed with rosy splendor metaphorical 0.7
flush flush#v#5 flush the wound with antibiotics metaphorical 0.5
form form#v#1 social groups form everywhere literal 0.8
form form#v#2 This wall forms the background of the stage setting metaphorical 0.5
form form#v#4 form the young child's character metaphorical 0.6
form form#v#7 the water formed little beads literal 0.7
fracture fracture#v#1 This writer really fractures the language. metaphorical 0.7368
fracture fracture#v#2 These events could fracture the balance of power. metaphorical 0.9
fracture fracture#v#3 The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle. literal 0.96
fracture fracture#v#4 The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe. literal 1
fuel fuel#v#1 "fuel aircraft, ships, and cars" literal 1
fuel fuel#v#3 The tanker fueled in Bahrain literal 0.9
fuel fuel#v#4 fuel the debate on creationism metaphorical 0.7
gag gag#v#1 The press was gagged metaphorical 0.7
gag gag#v#3 The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair literal 1
gag gag#v#4 The students were gagging during dinner literal 0.9
gag gag#v#5 he swallowed a fishbone and gagged literal 1
gain gain#v#5 The home team was gaining ground literal 0.7
gain gain#v#6 The stock market gained 24 points today literal 0.7
gain gain#v#7 the peace movement gained momentum literal 0.7
gain gain#v#9 She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising literal 0.9
gallop gallop#v#1 He was galloping down the road literal 0.7
gallop gallop#v#2 The horse was galloping along literal 0.9
gallop gallop#v#3 Did you gallop the horse just now? literal 0.9
gather gather#v#4 I gather you have not done your homework. metaphorical 0.9
gather gather#v#7 She gathered her shawl around her shoulders. literal 0.7
gather gather#v#8 Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall. literal 0.9
glare glare#v#1 The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her literal 0.8
glare glare#v#2 The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface metaphorical 0.7
glare glare#v#3 The sun glared down on us metaphorical 0.7
glow glow#v#1 The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden literal 1
glow glow#v#2 Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna metaphorical 0.6
glow glow#v#3 The coals were glowing in the dark literal 0.9
glow glow#v#4 Make the people's hearts glow metaphorical 0.9
govern govern#v#2 His belief in God governs his conduct literal 0.6
govern govern#v#3 Who is governing the country now? literal 0.9
govern govern#v#4 most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German metaphorical 0.5
grab grab#v#3 The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask literal 1
grab grab#v#5 She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room literal 1
grab grab#v#6 This story will grab you metaphorical 0.8
gravitate gravitate#v#1 The conversation gravitated towards politics metaphorical 0.7
gravitate gravitate#v#2 Boys gravitate towards girls at that age literal 0.6
gravitate gravitate#v#3 The stars gravitate towards each other literal 0.7
grind grind#v#5 grind the spices in a mortar literal 1
grind grind#v#6 grind designs into the glass bowl literal 0.9
grind grind#v#7 grind lenses for glasses and cameras literal 1
grope grope#v#1 She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom literal 1
grope grope#v#2 His mind groped to make the connection metaphorical 0.8
grope grope#v#3 He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly literal 0.9
grow grow#v#10 The tree trunks had grown together literal 1
grow grow#v#3 Corn doesn't grow here literal 1
grow grow#v#4 He grows vegetables in his backyard literal 1
guard guard#v#1 There will be men guarding the horses. literal 1
guard guard#v#2 Please guard my possessions while I'm away. literal 0.7
guard guard#v#4 This vaccine will guard you against infection. metaphorical 0.8
gutter gutter#v#1 The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground. metaphorical 0.5
gutter gutter#v#2 Tears guttered down her face. metaphorical 0.7
gutter gutter#v#3 The heavy rain guttered the soil. metaphorical 0.6
gutter gutter#v#4 The roofer began to gutter the buildings. literal 0.8
hack hack#v#2 I can't hack it anymore metaphorical 0.7
hack hack#v#3 he hacked his way through the forest literal 0.9
hack hack#v#6 I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best literal 0.7
hack hack#v#8 The patient with emphysema is hacking all day literal 0.6
hail hail#v#1 The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein literal 0.6
hail hail#v#2 She hails from Kalamazoo literal 0.6
hail hail#v#5 It hailed for an hour literal 1
harmonize harmonize#v#1 The colors don't harmonize metaphorical 0.7
harmonize harmonize#v#4 harmonize the different interests literal 0.7
harmonize harmonize#v#5 harmonize one's goals with one's abilities metaphorical 0.6
head head#v#1 where is she heading literal 0.7
head head#v#2 Who is heading this project? literal 0.7
head head#v#3 The procession was headed by John metaphorical 0.5
head head#v#4 This student heads the class metaphorical 0.5
head head#v#6 These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas metaphorical 0.6
head head#v#7 The list was headed by the name of the president literal 0.6
head head#v#8 The wheat headed early this year metaphorical 0.6
heap heap#v#1 He heaped him with work metaphorical 0.6
heap heap#v#2 heap firewood around the fireplace literal 1
heap heap#v#3 heap the platter with potatoes literal 0.8
help help#v#1 Everyone helped out during the earthquake literal 0.9
help help#v#2 These pills will help the patient literal 0.9
help help#v#3 This will help to prevent accidents literal 0.8
help help#v#4 I can't help myself--I have to smoke literal 0.8
help help#v#5 "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself" literal 0.9
help help#v#6 This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries literal 0.8
help help#v#7 She helped herself to some of the office supplies literal 0.8
help help#v#8 New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture metaphorical 0.5
hunt hunt#v#1 Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland literal 1
hunt hunt#v#2 The hunters traced the deer into the woods literal 1
hunt hunt#v#3 They hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood literal 0.6
hunt hunt#v#5 The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency metaphorical 0.7
hunt hunt#v#6 She hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them metaphorical 0.5
hunt hunt#v#7 The King used to hunt these forests literal 0.8
hurt hurt#v#2 This exercise will hurt your back literal 0.9
hurt hurt#v#4 Our business was hurt by the new competition literal 0.7
hurt hurt#v#5 She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests metaphorical 0.5
hurt hurt#v#6 Were you hurting after the accident? literal 0.9
ignite ignite#v#1 Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter literal 0.9
ignite ignite#v#2 Marsh gases ignited suddenly literal 0.9
ignite ignite#v#3 The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor metaphorical 0.7
immigrate immigrate#v#1 only few plants can immigrate to the island literal 0.7
immigrate immigrate#v#2 Britain immigrated many colonists to America literal 0.9
immigrate immigrate#v#3 Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century literal 0.9
impress impress#v#1 This child impressed me as unusually mature literal 0.8
impress impress#v#2 The young chess player impressed her audience literal 0.9
impress impress#v#4 "To make a batik, you impress a design with wax" literal 0.6
incline incline#v#2 He inclined his ear to the wise old man literal 0.6
incline incline#v#3 She inclined her head to the student literal 0.9
incline incline#v#5 She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs metaphorical 0.5
incline incline#v#6 Their language inclines us to believe them metaphorical 0.9
include include#v#1 The list includes the names of many famous writers literal 0.9
include include#v#2 I include you in the list of culprits literal 0.8
include include#v#3 We must include this chemical element in the group literal 0.9
indicate indicate#v#1 These symptoms indicate a serious illness literal 0.8
indicate indicate#v#3 indicated his wishes in a letter literal 0.8
indicate indicate#v#5 Tetracycline is indicated in such cases literal 0.8
induct induct#v#1 There was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy. literal 0.9
induct induct#v#3 We were inducted into the honor society. literal 1
induct induct#v#5 The young geisha was inducted into the ways of her profession. literal 0.68
infect infect#v#1 Your children have infected you with this head cold literal 0.8
infect infect#v#3 society was infected by racism metaphorical 0.7
infect infect#v#4 His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room metaphorical 0.6
inflate inflate#v#1 The charges were inflated metaphorical 0.7
inflate inflate#v#3 The war inflated the economy metaphorical 0.5
inflate inflate#v#4 inflate the currency metaphorical 0.6
inform inform#v#1 I informed him of his rights literal 0.9
inform inform#v#2 The principles that inform modern teaching literal 0.7
inform inform#v#3 She had informed on her own parents for years literal 0.8
inherit inherit#v#1 I inherited a castle from my French grandparents literal 0.9
inherit inherit#v#2 The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair literal 0.7
inherit inherit#v#3 I inherited my good eyesight from my mother literal 0.9
inject inject#v#1 We injected the glucose into the patient's vein literal 1
inject inject#v#2 He injected new life into the performance metaphorical 0.8
inject inject#v#3 inject hydrogen into the balloon literal 1
interrupt interrupt#v#1 We interrupt the program for the following messages literal 0.9
interrupt interrupt#v#2 Don't interrupt me when I'm reading literal 0.9
interrupt interrupt#v#3 Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone literal 0.9
interrupt interrupt#v#4 She interrupted her pregnancy metaphorical 0.5
intervene intervene#v#1 Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II? literal 1
intervene intervene#v#2 This interludes intervenes between the two movements metaphorical 0.5
intervene intervene#v#3 The war intervened between the birth of her two children. metaphorical 0.5
introduce introduce#v#2 A new word processor was introduced literal 0.9
introduce introduce#v#5 introduce exotic fruits literal 0.8
introduce introduce#v#8 introduce legislation literal 0.7
invade invade#v#1 "Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939" literal 0.9
invade invade#v#2 This new colleague invades my territory literal 0.7
invade invade#v#4 The cancer had invaded her lungs literal 0.6
invite invite#v#2 Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night? literal 0.9
invite invite#v#5 I invited them to a restaurant literal 0.9
invite invite#v#6 We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee literal 0.8
invite invite#v#7 The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference literal 0.8
involve involve#v#2 Don't involve me in your family affairs! literal 0.7
involve involve#v#3 This decision involves many changes literal 0.9
involve involve#v#5 Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses literal 0.8
involve involve#v#6 His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon literal 0.6
involve involve#v#7 The situation was rather involved literal 0.6
jam jam#v#2 The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor literal 0.7
jam jam#v#5 the mechanism jammed literal 0.7
jam jam#v#6 the theater was jampacked metaphorical 0.5
join join#v#1 He joined the Communist Party as a young man literal 0.8
join join#v#2 join these two parts so that they fit together literal 0.9
join join#v#3 She joined him for a drink literal 0.9
join join#v#4 The two roads join here literal 0.6
juggle juggle#v#2 juggle an account so as to hide a deficit metaphorical 0.8
juggle juggle#v#3 She had to juggle her job and her children metaphorical 0.9
juggle juggle#v#5 the player juggled the ball literal 1
key key#v#2 We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building metaphorical 0.5
key key#v#3 His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot literal 0.8
key key#v#5 key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude metaphorical 0.5
kick kick#v#3 The boy kicked the dog. literal 0.9
kick kick#v#5 The gun kicked back into my shoulder. metaphorical 0.6
kick kick#v#7 He kicked the extra point after touchdown. literal 0.7
kite kite#v#1 He kited many checks metaphorical 0.5
kite kite#v#2 The businessman kited millions of dollars metaphorical 0.6
kite kite#v#3 The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains literal 0.8
land land#v#1 The bird landed on the highest branch literal 0.9
land land#v#2 the pilot managed to land the airplane safely literal 1
land land#v#3 this may land you in jail metaphorical 0.8
land land#v#4 The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island literal 0.9
land land#v#5 He landed several blows on his opponent's head literal 0.9
land land#v#6 The ship landed in Pearl Harbor literal 0.9
land land#v#7 the enemy landed several of our aircraft literal 1
lay lay#v#2 lay the books on the table literal 0.9
lay lay#v#3 lay the foundation for a new health care plan metaphorical 0.6
lay lay#v#4 This hen doesn't lay literal 0.8
lay lay#v#5 lay a responsibility on someone metaphorical 0.6
leak leak#v#1 The news were leaked to the paper metaphorical 0.6
leak leak#v#2 The news leaked out despite his secrecy metaphorical 0.7
leak leak#v#3 Water leaked out of the can into the backpack literal 1
leak leak#v#4 The container leaked gasoline literal 1
lean lean#v#1 She leaned over the banister literal 1
lean lean#v#2 He leaned his rifle against the wall literal 1
lean lean#v#4 We can lean on this man metaphorical 0.6
lend lend#v#1 Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company literal 0.6
lend lend#v#2 I will lend you my car literal 0.9
lend lend#v#3 This story would lend itself well to serialization on television metaphorical 0.6
level level#v#1 level criticism or charges at somebody metaphorical 0.7
level level#v#2 The building was levelled literal 0.9
level level#v#5 I have to level with you metaphorical 0.7
level level#v#6 The ground levelled off literal 1
lie lie#v#5 She lied when she told me she was only 29. literal 0.9
lie lie#v#6 The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West. metaphorical 0.7
lie lie#v#7 Lie down on the bed until you feel better. literal 1
lighten lighten#v#1 the conversation lightened me up a bit metaphorical 0.5
lighten lighten#v#2 she lightened the load on the tired donkey literal 0.8
lighten lighten#v#3 "after a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit" metaphorical 0.7
lighten lighten#v#5 The room lightened up literal 0.7
like like#v#2 She likes to read Russian novels literal 0.9
like like#v#4 How did you like the President's speech last night? literal 0.8
like like#v#5 I'd like a beer now! literal 0.9
line line#v#1 trees line the riverbank literal 0.6
line line#v#4 sorrow had lined his face metaphorical 0.8
line line#v#6 lined books are more enduring literal 0.8
live live#v#1 People lived in Africa millions of years ago literal 0.9
live live#v#2 we had to live frugally after the war literal 0.8
live live#v#7 You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live literal 0.7
load load#v#1 load the truck with hay literal 1
load load#v#2 He loaded his gun carefully literal 1
load load#v#4 load the bags onto the trucks literal 1
locate locate#v#1 Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest? literal 0.9545
locate locate#v#2 Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space. literal 0.9
locate locate#v#3 The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles. literal 0.9524
lock lock#v#1 Lock the bike to the fence! literal 0.9
lock lock#v#3 The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise. literal 0.52
lock lock#v#4 He locked his hands around her neck. metaphorical 0.8
lock lock#v#5 They were locked in embrace. metaphorical 0.7
lock lock#v#6 He was locked in a laughing fit. metaphorical 1
lock lock#v#7 She locked her jewels in the safe. literal 0.7
look look#v#1 She looked over the expanse of land literal 0.9
look look#v#3 The child looks unhappy literal 0.8
look look#v#4 We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest literal 1
look look#v#5 The house looks north metaphorical 0.8
look look#v#7 She looked her devotion to me literal 0.6
look look#v#9 You don't look your age! literal 0.7
loop loop#v#1 The bicycle looped around the tree. metaphorical 0.5
loop loop#v#3 The stunt pilot looped his plane. metaphorical 0.6
loop loop#v#5 He looped the watch through his belt. literal 0.7
map map#v#1 map the surface of Venus literal 0.8
map map#v#2 We haven't even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist literal 0.7
map map#v#5 sorrow was mapped on the mother's face metaphorical 0.7
march march#v#2 The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria literal 0.9
march march#v#3 He marched into the classroom and announced the exam literal 0.6
march march#v#6 They marched the mules into the desert literal 0.7
match match#v#2 The company matched the employees' contributions. literal 0.9
match match#v#6 This job doesn't match my dreams. literal 0.8
match match#v#8 Let them match their best athletes against ours. literal 0.6
match match#v#9 The two pieces match. literal 0.9545
mean mean#v#1 You never understand what I mean! literal 0.6
mean mean#v#2 The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers. literal 0.8
mean mean#v#7 These flowers were meant for you. literal 0.6
mellow mellow#v#1 Age and experience mellowed him over the years literal 0.6
mellow mellow#v#2 "With age, he mellowed" literal 0.6
mellow mellow#v#3 These apples need to mellow a bit more metaphorical 0.5
melt melt#v#1 The wax melted in the sun literal 1
melt melt#v#2 The sun melted the ice literal 0.9
melt melt#v#4 Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene metaphorical 0.7
melt melt#v#6 her resistance melted under his charm metaphorical 0.7
miss miss#v#1 I missed that remark literal 0.8
miss miss#v#2 He misses his mother literal 0.6
miss miss#v#3 I missed the concert literal 0.9
miss miss#v#4 How could I miss that typo? literal 0.7
miss miss#v#5 She missed her train literal 0.9
miss miss#v#7 The arrow missed the target literal 0.8
miss miss#v#8 The child had been missing for a week literal 0.9
miss miss#v#9 "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane" literal 0.9
moderate moderate#v#1 John moderated the discussion literal 0.8
moderate moderate#v#3 moderate your alcohol intake literal 0.9
moderate moderate#v#4 He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears literal 0.8
mold mold#v#2 The furniture molded in the old house literal 0.7
mold mold#v#4 She molded the rice balls carefully literal 0.7
mold mold#v#5 The dress molds her beautiful figure metaphorical 0.7
mount mount#v#1 They mounted the aerator on a floating literal 0.9
mount mount#v#3 mount slides for macroscopic analysis literal 0.9
mount mount#v#4 mount a campaign against pornography metaphorical 0.5
mount mount#v#7 mount a theater production metaphorical 0.7
nag nag#v#1 She nags her husband all day long literal 0.8
nag nag#v#2 nagging concerns and doubts metaphorical 0.5
nag nag#v#3 she nagged to take a vacation literal 0.7
name name#v#1 They named their son David literal 1
name name#v#2 Many senators were named in connection with the scandal literal 0.9
name name#v#3 She was named Head of the Committee literal 0.6
name name#v#5 name your accomplices! literal 1
name name#v#6 His name was mentioned in connection with the invention literal 1
negociate negociate#v#2 negociate securities literal 0.7
negociate negociate#v#4 The hiker negociated the high mountain pass metaphorical 0.5
negociate negociate#v#5 The parties negociated all night literal 1
neutralize neutralize#v#1 The treaty neutralized the small republic metaphorical 0.5
neutralize neutralize#v#2 Her optimism neutralizes his gloom metaphorical 0.6
neutralize neutralize#v#6 She neutralized the solution literal 0.7
nod nod#v#1 He nodded his approval literal 0.9
nod nod#v#2 The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer literal 1
nod nod#v#3 The old man was nodding in his chair literal 0.6
nod nod#v#4 the flowers were nodding in the breeze metaphorical 0.8
nod nod#v#5 The old man sat nodding by the fireplace literal 1
note note#v#2 She noted that someone was following her literal 0.6
note note#v#3 Take note of this chemical reaction literal 0.6
note note#v#4 she noted everything the teacher said that morning literal 0.7
offset offset#v#1 offset deposits and withdrawals literal 0.9
offset offset#v#2 His skills offset his opponent's superior strength literal 0.7
offset offset#v#5 offset the conference proceedings literal 0.6
oppose oppose#v#1 We oppose the ban on abortion literal 0.9
oppose oppose#v#2 The senator said he would oppose the bill literal 0.9
oppose oppose#v#6 The board opposed his motion literal 0.9
ordain ordain#v#1 The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews. literal 1
ordain ordain#v#2 He was ordained in the Church. literal 1
ordain ordain#v#3 The minister was ordained only last month. literal 0.9565
orient orient#v#2 We had to orient ourselves in the forest literal 0.8
orient orient#v#4 The dean of students tries to orient the freshmen literal 0.8
orient orient#v#5 a magazine oriented towards young people literal 0.6
paint paint#v#1 he painted all day in the garden literal 1
paint paint#v#2 We painted the rooms yellow literal 1
paint paint#v#3 He painted his mistress many times literal 0.8
palpitate palpitate#v#1 Her violent feelings palpitated the young woman's heart metaphorical 0.5
palpitate palpitate#v#2 His nostrils palpitated literal 1
palpitate palpitate#v#3 His heart palpitated literal 0.9
paste paste#v#1 paste the sign on the wall literal 1
paste paste#v#2 He pasted his opponent metaphorical 0.7
paste paste#v#3 paste the wall with burlap literal 0.8
peep peep#v#1 He peeped at the woman through the window. literal 0.8
peep peep#v#2 He peeped his head through the window. metaphorical 0.6
peep peep#v#5 The new moon peeped through the tree tops. metaphorical 0.9
penetrate penetrate#v#1 The bullet penetrated her chest. literal 1
penetrate penetrate#v#5 The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest. literal 0.619
perturb perturb#v#1 She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill literal 0.9
perturb perturb#v#2 The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion metaphorical 0.5
perturb perturb#v#3 The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet metaphorical 0.5
perturb perturb#v#4 Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt metaphorical 0.6
piece piece#v#3 "piece the broken pieces of thread, slivers, and rovings" literal 0.9
piece piece#v#4 He pieced at the sandwich all morning metaphorical 0.5
piece piece#v#5 She pieced the china cup literal 0.9
pierce pierce#v#2 The cold pierced her bones. metaphorical 0.9
pierce pierce#v#3 The scream pierced the night. metaphorical 1
pierce pierce#v#5 The needle pierced her flesh. literal 1
pin pin#v#1 The child was pinned under the fallen tree literal 0.8
pin pin#v#2 pin the needle to the shirt literal 1
pin pin#v#3 pin down the butterfly literal 1
ping ping#v#1 The bugs pinged the lamp shade literal 0.8
ping ping#v#2 the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline literal 0.8
ping ping#v#3 the bullet pinged when they struck the car literal 0.9
ping ping#v#4 I'll ping my accountant--April 15 is nearing metaphorical 0.5
ping ping#v#5 ping your machine in the office literal 0.6
plaster plaster#v#2 The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters literal 0.7
plaster plaster#v#3 She plastered warnings all over the wall literal 0.8
plaster plaster#v#4 plaster the broken arm literal 0.8
plead plead#v#1 I pleaded with him to stop. literal 0.8
plead plead#v#2 She was pleading insanity. literal 0.7
plead plead#v#3 She pleaded not guilty. literal 0.9
please please#v#1 These colors please the senses literal 0.7
please please#v#2 he could do many things if he pleased literal 0.6
please please#v#3 The waiters around her aim to please literal 0.7
pledge pledge#v#1 I pledge that I will honor my wife literal 0.8
pledge pledge#v#2 I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station literal 0.9
pledge pledge#v#5 I was pledged to silence literal 0.6
plunge plunge#v#2 the stock market plunged literal 0.6
plunge plunge#v#3 She plunged at it eagerly literal 0.6
plunge plunge#v#5 The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text metaphorical 0.7
plunge plunge#v#6 It plunged to the bottom of the well literal 0.9
poison poison#v#1 poison someone's mind metaphorical 0.8
poison poison#v#2 She poisoned her husband literal 1
poison poison#v#3 Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her literal 1
poison poison#v#4 This mushrooms can poison literal 1
poison poison#v#5 She poisoned her husband but he did not die literal 1
port port#v#2 the captain ported the ship at night literal 0.8
port port#v#3 The ship finally ported literal 1
port port#v#4 The big ship was slowly porting literal 1
port port#v#5 The small canoe could be ported easily literal 1
port port#v#7 We were porting all in the club after dinner metaphorical 0.5
portray portray#v#1 The book portrays the actor as a selfish person literal 0.7
portray portray#v#2 "Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba" literal 0.8
portray portray#v#4 The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting literal 0.8
pose pose#v#1 This poses an interesting question metaphorical 0.6
pose pose#v#2 We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often literal 0.9
pose pose#v#3 She posed as the Czar's daughter literal 0.8
pound pound#v#1 the salesman pounded the door knocker literal 0.9
pound pound#v#5 The locks pound the water of the canal metaphorical 0.5
pound pound#v#6 The prisoners are safely pounded metaphorical 0.6
pound pound#v#7 pound the cows so they don't stray literal 0.6
pound pound#v#8 pound the roots with a heavy flat stone literal 1
pour pour#v#1 They poured water over the floor. literal 0.9
pour pour#v#2 People were pouring out of the theater. metaphorical 0.7391
pour pour#v#4 Water poured all over the floor. literal 1
pour pour#v#5 We poured money into the education of our children. metaphorical 1
pour pour#v#6 Put on your rain coat -- it's pouring outside! metaphorical 0.5
precede precede#v#1 Stone tools precede bronze tools literal 0.7
precede precede#v#2 Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify literal 0.9
precede precede#v#3 Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan's husbands literal 0.8
precede precede#v#5 She always precedes her lectures with a joke literal 0.6
precipitate precipitate#v#1 The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution metaphorical 0.6
precipitate precipitate#v#4 Our economy precipitated into complete ruin metaphorical 0.5
precipitate precipitate#v#5 The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below metaphorical 0.5
predicate predicate#v#1 The predicate `dog' is predicated of the subject `Fido' in the sentence `Fido is a dog' literal 0.8
predicate predicate#v#2 The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President literal 0.8
predicate predicate#v#3 solving the problem is predicated on understanding it well literal 0.8
preserve preserve#v#1 preserve the peace in the family metaphorical 0.5
preserve preserve#v#2 We preserve these archeological findings literal 0.8
preserve preserve#v#6 preserve the forest and the lakes literal 0.8
prick prick#v#1 The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample literal 1
prick prick#v#2 The needle pricked his skin literal 1
prick prick#v#3 The dog pricked up his ears literal 0.7
prick prick#v#6 The thought of her unhappiness pricked his conscience metaphorical 0.7
process process#v#3 The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech literal 0.9
process process#v#4 He was warned that the district attorney would process him metaphorical 0.5
process process#v#5 They processed into the dining room literal 0.8
process process#v#7 He was processed by the sheriff literal 0.7
produce produce#v#1 The tree would not produce fruit literal 0.9
produce produce#v#2 We produce more cars than we can sell literal 0.8
produce produce#v#3 This procedure produces a curious effect literal 0.9
produce produce#v#4 The proud father produced many pictures of his baby literal 0.7
produce produce#v#5 The Bordeaux region produces great red wines literal 0.8
profess profess#v#1 She professes organic chemistry literal 0.8
profess profess#v#2 The terrorists professed allegiance to their country literal 0.8
profess profess#v#4 The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades literal 0.8
profess profess#v#6 she professed herself as a nun literal 0.7
profess profess#v#7 He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt literal 0.9
propagate propagate#v#1 The genes propagate these characteristics to the offspring. literal 0.8
propagate propagate#v#2 Sound and light propagate in this medium. literal 0.6
propagate propagate#v#3 Sound or light can be propagated through air. literal 0.6
propagate propagate#v#5 This great civilization was propagated throughout the land. literal 0.7
provide provide#v#1 We provided the room with an electrical heater literal 1
provide provide#v#2 The hostess provided lunch for all the guests literal 0.9
provide provide#v#3 The will provides that each child should receive half of the money literal 0.8
provide provide#v#6 He provides for his large family by working three jobs literal 0.9
provide provide#v#7 provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship literal 0.8
puff puff#v#4 The sudden fame puffed her ego metaphorical 0.7
puff puff#v#5 The critics puffed up this Broadway production metaphorical 0.8
puff puff#v#6 A puffing kind of man metaphorical 0.6
puff puff#v#7 Her faced puffed up from the drugs literal 0.9
puff puff#v#8 he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain literal 0.7
pump pump#v#2 He pumped bullets into the dummy. metaphorical 0.65
pump pump#v#6 The athlete pumps weights in the gym. literal 0.6
pump pump#v#8 She pumped the witnesses for information. metaphorical 0.9167
push push#v#1 He pushed the table into a corner literal 1
push push#v#10 "`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman" literal 0.9
push push#v#2 He pushed her to finish her doctorate metaphorical 0.7
push push#v#3 The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model metaphorical 0.7
push push#v#5 she pushed against the wall with all her strength literal 1
push push#v#6 She is pushing fifty metaphorical 0.7
push push#v#7 The liberal party pushed for reforms metaphorical 0.7
push push#v#8 The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs metaphorical 0.7
push push#v#9 The crowd pushed forward literal 0.8
put put#v#2 That song put me in awful good humor literal 0.7
put put#v#3 I wouldn't put it that way literal 0.7
put put#v#4 She put too much emphasis on her the last statement metaphorical 0.5
put put#v#6 We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M. literal 0.7
put put#v#7 He put her to the torture literal 0.7
put put#v#8 put these words to music literal 0.8
put put#v#9 I put these memories with those of bygone times literal 0.8
quote quote#v#1 He quoted the Bible to her. literal 0.9
quote quote#v#2 He quoted prices for cars. literal 0.9
quote quote#v#3 He said he could quote several instances of this behavior. literal 0.9
radiate radiate#v#1 The sun radiates heat literal 0.9
radiate radiate#v#2 She radiates happiness metaphorical 0.5
radiate radiate#v#3 spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel literal 0.7
radiate radiate#v#7 Heat radiated from the metal box literal 0.7
raid raid#v#1 The police raided the crack house literal 0.9
raid raid#v#2 The pirates raided the coastal villages regularly literal 0.9
raid raid#v#3 T. Boone Pickens raided many large companies literal 0.7
raid raid#v#4 Our babysitter raided our refrigerator metaphorical 0.6
rail rail#v#2 rail in the old graves metaphorical 0.5
rail rail#v#4 rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace literal 0.8
rail rail#v#5 fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium literal 0.8
rail rail#v#6 They railed from Rome to Venice literal 0.8
rail rail#v#7 hundreds of miles were railed out here literal 0.8
rail rail#v#8 They are railing for fresh fish metaphorical 0.7
ramp ramp#v#2 The ramped auditorium metaphorical 0.5
ramp ramp#v#3 the lion is rampant in this heraldic depiction literal 0.6
ramp ramp#v#4 The roses ramped over the wall literal 0.7
range range#v#1 Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion. literal 0.7
rationalize rationalize#v#1 rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior metaphorical 0.5
rationalize rationalize#v#3 We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits literal 0.8
rationalize rationalize#v#4 "When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize" literal 0.7
rationalize rationalize#v#5 This function can be rationalized literal 0.7
reach reach#v#3 Government reaches out to the people metaphorical 0.6
reach reach#v#4 Our advertisements reach millions literal 0.6
reach reach#v#6 The sunlight reached the wall literal 0.7
recall recall#v#4 The ambassador was recalled to his country literal 0.8
recall recall#v#5 She was recalled by a loud laugh literal 0.7
recall recall#v#6 The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty literal 0.8
recall recall#v#7 recall the defective auto tires literal 0.9
recapture recapture#v#1 She could not recapture that feeling of happiness. metaphorical 0.7
recapture recapture#v#2 The author recaptures an old idea here. literal 0.5556
recapture recapture#v#3 The military forces managed to recapture the fort. literal 0.9
recapture recapture#v#4 They tried to recapture the escaped prisoner. literal 1
recast recast#v#1 He was recast as Iago. literal 0.7
recast recast#v#2 The bell cracked and had to be recast. literal 0.7
recast recast#v#3 She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state. literal 0.52
recruit recruit#v#1 The party recruited many new members. literal 1
recruit recruit#v#2 The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants. literal 0.8696
recruit recruit#v#3 They recruited new soldiers. literal 0.9091
redouble redouble#v#1 The enemy redoubled their screaming on the radio literal 0.8
redouble redouble#v#2 The noise doubled and redoubled literal 0.8
redouble redouble#v#3 The screaming redoubled literal 0.6
redound redound#v#1 Fame redounds to the heroes. metaphorical 0.8
redound redound#v#2 Everything redounded to his glory. metaphorical 0.8
redound redound#v#3 Her efforts will redound to the general good. metaphorical 0.5
reenact reenact#v#1 They reenacted the battle of Princeton literal 0.9
reenact reenact#v#2 Congress reenacted the law literal 0.7
reenact reenact#v#3 She reenacted what had happened earlier that day literal 0.9
refer refer#v#2 There were lots of questions referring to her talk literal 0.8
refer refer#v#3 This plant can be referred to a known species literal 0.8
refer refer#v#4 refer a patient to a specialist literal 0.9
refer refer#v#7 Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary literal 0.7
refine refine#v#1 refine one's style of writing literal 0.7
refine refine#v#2 refine a design or pattern literal 0.7
refine refine#v#5 many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet literal 0.7
refine refine#v#6 refine a method of analysis literal 0.8
reflect reflect#v#1 This action reflects his true beliefs metaphorical 0.5
reflect reflect#v#3 Sound is reflected well in this auditorium literal 0.6
reflect reflect#v#4 Drive carefully--the wet road reflects literal 0.7
reflect reflect#v#5 her sunglasses reflected his image literal 1
reflect reflect#v#6 His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him metaphorical 0.8
reflect reflect#v#7 The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student metaphorical 0.9
reform reform#v#1 reform a political system literal 0.8
reform reform#v#2 The Church reformed me metaphorical 0.5
reform reform#v#5 reform the health system in this country literal 0.6
reform reform#v#6 The lazy student promised to reform literal 0.9
register register#v#10 Did this event register in your parents' minds? literal 0.6
register register#v#3 register for an election literal 0.9
register register#v#4 Did you register any change when I pressed the button? literal 0.9
register register#v#7 Her surprise did not register literal 0.7
register register#v#9 I'd like to register this letter literal 0.9
rejuvenate rejuvenate#v#2 the land rejuvenated literal 0.7
rejuvenate rejuvenate#v#3 The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him literal 0.8
rejuvenate rejuvenate#v#5 The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather literal 0.6
relate relate#v#3 The witness related the events. metaphorical 0.6
relate relate#v#4 How are these two observations related? literal 0.7
relate relate#v#5 She relates well to her peers literal 0.7
relax relax#v#1 He relaxed in the hot tub literal 0.9
relax relax#v#2 relax the tension on the rope literal 0.7
relax relax#v#4 A hot bath always relaxes me literal 0.9
relax relax#v#5 our new colleague relaxed when he saw that we were a friendly group literal 0.9
relax relax#v#6 The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught metaphorical 0.6
relax relax#v#7 The rules relaxed after the new director arrived metaphorical 0.8
remember remember#v#1 I can't remember saying any such thing literal 0.9
remember remember#v#3 he remembered how he used to pick flowers literal 0.9
remember remember#v#4 He remembered her in his will literal 0.9
remember remember#v#5 remember me in your prayers literal 0.9
remember remember#v#7 "After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember" literal 0.9
remember remember#v#8 We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz literal 0.9
remit remit#v#3 The taxes were remitted literal 0.9
remit remit#v#5 God will remit their sins literal 0.7
remit remit#v#7 The pain finally remitted literal 0.8
repair repair#v#1 She repaired her TV set literal 1
repair repair#v#2 One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich literal 0.7
repair repair#v#3 He repaired to his cabin in the woods metaphorical 0.5
replace replace#v#1 He replaced the old razor blade literal 0.9
replace replace#v#2 Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left literal 0.9
replace replace#v#3 replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it literal 1
replace replace#v#4 the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt literal 1
report report#v#2 Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city literal 0.9
report report#v#3 I report to work every day at 9 o'clock literal 0.8
report report#v#4 One student reported the other to the principal literal 0.9
report report#v#5 Snow reported on China in the 1950's literal 0.8
report report#v#6 I reported her to the supervisor literal 0.9
repose repose#v#1 These philosophers reposed the law in the people literal 0.7
repose repose#v#3 Mao reposes in his mausoleum literal 0.7
repose repose#v#6 The nation reposed its confidence in the King literal 0.6
reseat reseat#v#1 reseat the old broken chair literal 0.9
reseat reseat#v#2 reseat Carnegie Hall literal 0.6
reseat reseat#v#3 The usher insisted on reseating us literal 0.8
restore restore#v#1 restore the forest to its original pristine condition literal 0.8
restore restore#v#2 The week at the spa restored me literal 0.6
restore restore#v#5 restore law and order literal 0.9
retain retain#v#1 This soil retains water literal 0.9
retain retain#v#3 The landlord retained the security deposit literal 0.9
retain retain#v#4 I cannot retain so much information literal 0.9
retrofit retrofit#v#1 They car companies retrofitted all the old models with new carburetors literal 0.9
retrofit retrofit#v#2 The mansion was retrofitted with modern plumbing literal 0.9
retrofit retrofit#v#3 The laboratory retrofitted to meet the safety codes literal 0.8
review review#v#1 let's review your situation literal 0.9
review review#v#2 She reviews books for the New York Times literal 0.9
review review#v#4 I reviewed the material before the test literal 0.8
review review#v#5 she reviewed her achievements with pride literal 0.8
revive revive#v#1 The doctors revived the comatose man literal 0.8
revive revive#v#2 A hot soup will revive me metaphorical 0.6
revive revive#v#3 Interest in ESP revived metaphorical 0.5
revive revive#v#4 He revived this style of opera literal 0.6
right right#v#1 right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust literal 0.8
right right#v#2 They righted the sailboat that had capsized literal 0.9
right right#v#3 The capsized boat righted again literal 0.6
rip rip#v#1 The curtain ripped from top to bottom. literal 0.9583
rip rip#v#2 The tornado ripped along the coast. metaphorical 0.8
rip rip#v#4 The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly. metaphorical 1
root root#v#1 this plant roots quickly literal 0.9
root root#v#2 The problem roots in her depression metaphorical 0.6
root root#v#4 the pig was rooting for truffles literal 0.9
rotate rotate#v#2 We rotate the lead soprano every night literal 0.6
rotate rotate#v#3 Interns have to rotate for a few months metaphorical 0.6
rotate rotate#v#6 We rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil literal 0.8
rubricate rubricate#v#1 She was rubricated by the pope literal 0.8
rubricate rubricate#v#2 the manuscript is not rubricated literal 0.9
rubricate rubricate#v#3 "In this beautiful book, all the place names are rubricated" literal 0.8
ruffle ruffle#v#2 She wanted to ruffle his composure. metaphorical 0.7
ruffle ruffle#v#4 This play is going to ruffle some people. metaphorical 1
ruffle ruffle#v#7 The bird ruffled its feathers. literal 0.8
ruffle ruffle#v#8 The wind ruffled the surface of the water. literal 0.6
ruffle ruffle#v#9 The seamstress ruffled the curtain fabric. literal 0.8
ruin ruin#v#1 You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank! literal 0.8
ruin ruin#v#2 This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election literal 0.7
ruin ruin#v#4 The country lay ruined after the war literal 0.8
sail sail#v#1 We sailed the Atlantic literal 1
sail sail#v#3 "I love sailing, especially on the open sea" literal 1
sail sail#v#4 The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow literal 0.9
salt salt#v#2 the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps metaphorical 0.7
salt salt#v#3 She salts her lectures with jokes metaphorical 1
salt salt#v#4 people used to salt meats on ships literal 1
salute salute#v#2 I meet this men every day on my way to work and he salutes me literal 1
salute salute#v#3 I salute your courage! metaphorical 0.5
salute salute#v#4 a terrible stench saluted our nostrils metaphorical 0.9
salute salute#v#6 "When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute" literal 1
scale scale#v#1 This bike scales only 25 pounds literal 0.8
scale scale#v#3 The troops scaled the walls of the fort literal 0.8
scale scale#v#4 We scaled the Mont Blanc literal 0.8
scale scale#v#8 This model must be scaled down literal 0.8
scan scan#v#1 the surgeon scanned the X-ray literal 1
scan scan#v#2 She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi literal 0.8
scan scan#v#3 The beams scanned the night sky metaphorical 0.5
scorch scorch#v#1 The heat scorched the countryside. metaphorical 0.5
scorch scorch#v#3 The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes. literal 1
scorch scorch#v#5 The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun. metaphorical 0.6
score score#v#1 The home team scored many times. literal 0.8
score score#v#2 She scored the clay before firing it. literal 0.6
score score#v#6 She scored high on the SAT. literal 1
score score#v#7 They scored the SAT essays. literal 0.9
scrape scrape#v#1 The cat scraped at the armchair literal 1
scrape scrape#v#2 They scraped a letter into the stone literal 0.8
scrape scrape#v#5 She had scraped together enough money for college metaphorical 0.6
screen screen#v#1 They decided to screen the blood for the HIV virus. metaphorical 0.6
screen screen#v#2 The officer screened the suitcases. literal 0.6
screen screen#v#3 The scientist screened these samples. literal 0.7
seat seat#v#1 The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith literal 0.9
seat seat#v#2 "The theater seats 2,000" literal 1
seat seat#v#6 seat the camera on the tripod literal 0.6
seat seat#v#7 the mother seated the toddler on the high chair literal 1
seem seem#v#1 She seems to be sleeping literal 0.9
seem seem#v#2 It seems that he is very gifted literal 0.7
seem seem#v#3 There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now literal 0.9
seem seem#v#4 I seem to be misunderstood by everyone literal 0.8
segregate segregate#v#1 This neighborhood is segregated literal 0.9
segregate segregate#v#2 Many towns segregated into new counties literal 0.8
segregate segregate#v#3 the sun segregates the carbon literal 0.7
seize seize#v#1 The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter literal 0.8
seize seize#v#2 The terrorists seized the politicians literal 0.9
seize seize#v#3 the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants literal 0.9
seize seize#v#4 The FBI seized the drugs literal 0.8
seize seize#v#7 Fear seized the prisoners metaphorical 0.6
sell sell#v#2 These books sell like hot cakes. literal 0.9
sell sell#v#3 The French try to sell us their image as great lovers. metaphorical 0.75
sell sell#v#4 The brothers sell shoes. literal 1
sense sense#v#2 This robot can sense the presence of people in the room literal 0.7
sense sense#v#3 I sense his hostility literal 0.7
sense sense#v#4 I sensed the real meaning of his letter literal 0.6
sensitize sensitize#v#1 He was not sensitized to her emotional needs literal 0.7
sensitize sensitize#v#2 She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society metaphorical 0.6
sensitize sensitize#v#3 Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen literal 0.8
sensitize sensitize#v#4 sensitize the photographic film literal 0.7
sequester sequester#v#1 the estate was sequestered literal 0.6
sequester sequester#v#3 The cations were sequestered literal 0.7
sequester sequester#v#4 He sequestered himself in his study to write a book literal 0.7
sequester sequester#v#5 The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on literal 0.7
shake shake#v#5 The bad news shook her hopes. metaphorical 0.875
shake shake#v#7 I couldn't shake the car that was following me. metaphorical 1
shake shake#v#8 Shake the salt out of the salt shaker. literal 1
sharpen sharpen#v#2 We had to sharpen our arguments metaphorical 0.8
sharpen sharpen#v#3 The debate sharpened metaphorical 0.8
sharpen sharpen#v#8 This drug will sharpen your vision metaphorical 0.7
shed shed#v#1 He shed his image as a pushy boss. metaphorical 0.7
shed shed#v#2 She shed a lot of tears when this happened. literal 0.625
shed shed#v#4 Our dog sheds every Spring. literal 0.9
shipwreck shipwreck#v#1 You have shipwrecked my career. metaphorical 0.9
shipwreck shipwreck#v#3 They were shipwrecked in one of the mysteries at sea. literal 0.8889
shipwreck shipwreck#v#4 The vessel was shipwrecked. literal 0.9
shorten shorten#v#1 He shortened his trip due to illness literal 0.8
shorten shorten#v#2 The manuscript must be shortened literal 0.7
shorten shorten#v#3 shorten the rope by a few inches literal 1
shorten shorten#v#4 "In winter, the days shorten" literal 0.8
shower shower#v#1 He was showered with praise metaphorical 0.8
shower shower#v#2 The guests showered rice on the couple literal 0.7
shower shower#v#3 You should shower after vigorous exercise literal 1
shower shower#v#4 Meteors showered down over half of Australia literal 0.7
shower shower#v#5 He showered her with presents metaphorical 0.7
sift sift#v#1 The soldiers sifted through the woods. metaphorical 0.7
sift sift#v#3 He sifted the information. metaphorical 0.7
sift sift#v#4 They sifted through the job candidates. metaphorical 0.8
sign sign#v#1 She signed the letter and sent it off. literal 0.9
sign sign#v#3 He signed to play the casino on December 18. literal 0.7
sign sign#v#4 They signed two new pitchers for the next season. metaphorical 0.5
sign sign#v#5 He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture. metaphorical 0.7
sign sign#v#6 This road has been signed. literal 0.6667
sign sign#v#7 "I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin." literal 0.8
sing sing#v#2 She was singing while she was cooking literal 1
sing sing#v#3 The nightingale was singing literal 0.8
sing sing#v#4 the kettle was singing metaphorical 0.8
sit sit#v#4 When does the court of law sit? metaphorical 0.7
sit sit#v#7 The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue metaphorical 0.6
sit sit#v#8 I cannot baby-sit tonight; I have too much homework to do metaphorical 0.6
smash smash#v#1 He smashed a 3-run homer metaphorical 0.6
smash smash#v#4 She smashed her car against the guard rail literal 0.8
smash smash#v#8 The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail literal 0.9
smash smash#v#9 The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off metaphorical 0.7
smother smother#v#1 smother the meat in gravy literal 0.6
smother smother#v#2 Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow literal 1
smother smother#v#4 the butter cream smothered the cake metaphorical 0.5
snort snort#v#1 she snorted her disapproval of the proposed bridegroom metaphorical 0.5
snort snort#v#2 The critic snorted contemptuously literal 0.9
snort snort#v#3 The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day literal 0.8
socialize socialize#v#1 He never socializes with his colleagues literal 0.8
socialize socialize#v#2 The children must be properly socialized literal 0.9
socialize socialize#v#3 Children have to be socialized in school literal 0.8
socialize socialize#v#4 Health care should be socialized! literal 0.6
solicit solicit#v#1 Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce. literal 0.8261
solicit solicit#v#3 He was solicited by a prostitute. literal 0.8571
solicit solicit#v#4 He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents. literal 0.8571
solicit solicit#v#5 She is too shy to solicit. literal 0.9167
sound sound#v#1 This sounds interesting literal 0.8
sound sound#v#3 This record sounds scratchy literal 0.9
sound sound#v#6 sound a certain note literal 0.8
sow sow#v#1 She sowed sunflower seeds literal 1
sow sow#v#2 sow suspicion or beliefs metaphorical 0.8
sow sow#v#3 sow the ground with sunflower seeds literal 0.8
spat spat#v#1 Bullets were spatting down on us literal 0.6
spat spat#v#2 mollusks or oysters spat literal 0.7
spat spat#v#3 Bullets were spatting the leaves literal 0.6
specialize specialize#v#1 She specializes in Near Eastern history literal 0.8
specialize specialize#v#3 specialize one's research literal 0.9
specialize specialize#v#4 She specializes in honey bees literal 0.9
spell spell#v#1 How do you spell this word? literal 1
spell spell#v#2 I'm afraid this spells trouble! metaphorical 0.8
spell spell#v#3 He spelled the word wrong in this letter literal 1
spell spell#v#4 She spelled her husband at the wheel metaphorical 0.6
spell spell#v#6 the workers spell every four hours metaphorical 0.5
splash splash#v#1 She splashed the water around her. literal 1
splash splash#v#3 The mother splashed the baby's face with water. literal 0.9
splash splash#v#4 The mountain was splashed with snow. metaphorical 0.7
splash splash#v#5 Water was splashing on the floor. literal 1
spot spot#v#4 The wine spotted the tablecloth literal 0.8
spot spot#v#5 This dress spots quickly literal 0.6
spot spot#v#6 spot the areas that one should clearly identify literal 0.8
spray spray#v#1 Water sprayed all over the floor literal 1
spray spray#v#2 spray water on someone literal 1
spray spray#v#3 spray the wall with paint literal 1
spread spread#v#1 The invaders spread their language all over the country literal 0.6
spread spread#v#10 spread cheese on a piece of bread literal 1
spread spread#v#2 the infection spread literal 0.6
spread spread#v#3 A big oil spot spread across the water literal 0.9
spread spread#v#7 He spread fertilizer over the lawn literal 1
spread spread#v#9 spread the bread with cheese literal 1
square square#v#1 square the wood with a file literal 0.8
square square#v#4 He squared his shoulders metaphorical 0.7
square square#v#5 one idea squares with the other one metaphorical 0.7
stagger stagger#v#1 The drunken man staggered into the room. literal 0.9
stagger stagger#v#2 He staggered along in the heavy snow. literal 0.9048
stagger stagger#v#3 The architect decided to stagger the chairs in the lecture hall. literal 0.7222
stagger stagger#v#4 She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquake. metaphorical 0.7895
stagnate stagnate#v#1 Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy literal 0.7
stagnate stagnate#v#2 There are marshes that stagnate the waters literal 0.9
stagnate stagnate#v#3 blood stagnates in the capillaries literal 0.9
stagnate stagnate#v#4 The old man sat and stagnated on his porch literal 0.7
stall stall#v#2 The car stalled in the driveway literal 0.9
stall stall#v#3 "she doesn't want to write the report, so she is stalling" literal 0.8
stall stall#v#7 The inexperienced driver kept stalling the car literal 0.9
stamp stamp#v#2 a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps metaphorical 0.5
stamp stamp#v#3 His playing stamps him as a Romantic metaphorical 0.6
stamp stamp#v#4 Are the letters properly stamped? literal 1
stamp stamp#v#8 stamp fruit extract the juice metaphorical 0.5
stampede stampede#v#1 Thunderbolts can stampede animals literal 0.8
stampede stampede#v#2 The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating metaphorical 0.5
stampede stampede#v#3 Companies will now stampede to release their latest software metaphorical 0.6
steam steam#v#1 The ship steamed off into the Pacific literal 0.7
steam steam#v#2 The rain forest was literally steaming literal 0.7
steam steam#v#4 her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man metaphorical 0.6
steam steam#v#5 steam-clean the upholstered sofa literal 0.9
steam steam#v#6 just steam the vegetables literal 1
steamroll steamroll#v#1 The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat metaphorical 0.6
steamroll steamroll#v#2 The new teacher tends to steamroller metaphorical 0.7
steamroll steamroll#v#3 steamroller the opposition metaphorical 0.7
steamroller steamroller#v#1 The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat metaphorical 0.5
steamroller steamroller#v#2 The new teacher tends to steamroller metaphorical 0.7
steamroller steamroller#v#3 steamroller the road literal 0.9
steamroller steamroller#v#4 steamroller the opposition metaphorical 0.6
step step#v#10 She stepped into a life of luxury metaphorical 0.5
step step#v#5 The architect wants to step the terrace literal 0.7
step step#v#7 step over to the blackboard literal 1
stimulate stimulate#v#1 The book stimulated her imagination literal 0.7
stimulate stimulate#v#4 Coffee and tea stimulate me literal 0.8
stimulate stimulate#v#6 stimulate my appetite literal 0.6
stoop stoop#v#2 I won't stoop to reading other people's mail. metaphorical 0.8
stoop stoop#v#3 The eagle stooped on the mice in the field. literal 0.8
stoop stoop#v#4 The rocks stooped down over the hiking path. metaphorical 0.5
stoop stoop#v#5 The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane. literal 0.8
stream stream#v#1 their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind metaphorical 0.6
stream stream#v#2 She was streaming with sweat metaphorical 0.5
stream stream#v#5 Tears streamed down her face literal 0.6
stuff stuff#v#1 The child stuffed candy into his pockets literal 0.8
stuff stuff#v#3 My nose is all stuffed literal 0.7
stuff stuff#v#4 She stuffed herself at the dinner metaphorical 0.6
stuff stuff#v#6 stuff a pillow with feathers literal 0.9
stuff stuff#v#7 Have you stuffed the turkey yet? literal 0.9
stumble stumble#v#1 The drunk man stumbled about literal 0.9
stumble stumble#v#2 She stumbled over the tree root literal 1
stumble stumble#v#3 I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant metaphorical 0.7
suck suck#v#1 suck the poison from the place where the snake bit literal 1
suck suck#v#2 Mud was sucking at her feet metaphorical 0.7
suck suck#v#3 The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad metaphorical 0.8
suck suck#v#7 The wetnurse suckled the infant literal 0.9
supplicate supplicate#v#1 He supplicated the King for clemency literal 0.7
supplicate supplicate#v#2 supplicate for permission literal 0.7
supplicate supplicate#v#3 supplicate God's blessing literal 0.8
suspend suspend#v#1 The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them. literal 0.875
suspend suspend#v#2 The fluid suspends the particles. metaphorical 0.6
suspend suspend#v#5 They suspended payments on the loan. literal 0.6
suspend suspend#v#6 The prison sentence was suspended. literal 0.6
sustain sustain#v#1 We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible literal 0.7
sustain sustain#v#3 We sustained ourselves on bread and water literal 0.8
sustain sustain#v#4 She alone sustained her family literal 0.6
sustain sustain#v#6 The court sustained the motion literal 0.6
swallow swallow#v#2 The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries metaphorical 0.8
swallow swallow#v#3 The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter metaphorical 0.8
swallow swallow#v#4 She swallowed the last words of her speech metaphorical 0.7
swallow swallow#v#5 He swallowed his words metaphorical 0.8
swallow swallow#v#6 I swallowed my anger and kept quiet metaphorical 0.8
swallow swallow#v#8 Am I supposed to swallow that story? metaphorical 0.8
swell swell#v#1 The music swelled to a crescendo metaphorical 0.6
swell swell#v#2 The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son metaphorical 0.8
swell swell#v#3 The bellies of the starving children are swelling literal 0.9
swell swell#v#6 The water swells the wood literal 0.9
swim swim#v#1 We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore literal 1
swim swim#v#3 my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne metaphorical 1
swim swim#v#4 the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy metaphorical 0.9
swim swim#v#5 this snake swims through the soil where it lives literal 0.9
synchronize synchronize#v#1 Let's synchronize our efforts literal 0.9
synchronize synchronize#v#3 synchronize this film literal 0.8
synchronize synchronize#v#4 synchronize biblical events literal 0.7
synchronize synchronize#v#5 The clocks synchronize literal 0.7
synchronize synchronize#v#6 synchronize your watches literal 0.9
tack tack#v#1 tack the notice on the board literal 0.9
tack tack#v#2 The sailors decided to tack the boat literal 0.7
tack tack#v#3 He tacked together some verses metaphorical 0.5
talk talk#v#1 Actions talk louder than words. metaphorical 0.9
talk talk#v#2 She talks a lot of nonsense. literal 0.8
talk talk#v#3 The baby talks already. literal 0.9
talk talk#v#4 "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!" literal 0.9
talk talk#v#5 Be carefu l-- his secretary talks. literal 0.7
talk talk#v#6 She will talk at Rutgers next week. literal 0.8
taste taste#v#2 Can you taste the garlic? literal 1
taste taste#v#4 This tastes of nutmeg literal 1
taste taste#v#5 We tasted wines last night literal 1
taste taste#v#6 The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died metaphorical 0.7
tax tax#v#1 The State taxes alcohol heavily. literal 0.7
tax tax#v#3 You are taxing my patience. metaphorical 0.9
tax tax#v#4 They taxed him failure to appear in court. metaphorical 0.6
tease tease#v#1 The children teased the boy because of his stammer literal 0.9
tease tease#v#2 The children teased the new teacher literal 0.9
tease tease#v#3 The advertisement is intended to tease the customers literal 0.7
tease tease#v#4 tease tissue for microscopic examinations literal 0.6
tease tease#v#8 the flirting man teased the young woman literal 0.9
tell tell#v#5 He could tell that she was unhappy literal 0.6
tell tell#v#6 I tell you that man is a crook! literal 0.8
tell tell#v#7 he was telling on all his former colleague literal 0.9
tempt tempt#v#1 We were tempted by the delicious-looking food literal 0.8
tempt tempt#v#2 He lured me into temptation literal 0.7
tempt tempt#v#3 the window displays tempted the shoppers literal 0.8
tempt tempt#v#6 St. Anthony was tempted in the desert literal 0.9
tense tense#v#1 the bodybuilder's neck muscles tensed; literal 0.9
tense tense#v#2 alternately relax and tense your calf muscle literal 0.8
tense tense#v#3 He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room literal 0.9
tense tense#v#4 he got a phone call from his lawyer that tensed him up literal 0.8
test test#v#3 The teacher tests us every week literal 1
test test#v#4 He tested positive for HIV literal 0.8
test test#v#5 She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools literal 1
test test#v#7 She doesn't test well literal 0.7
thrill thrill#v#1 The men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow literal 0.8
thrill thrill#v#2 he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine literal 0.9
thrill thrill#v#4 The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies literal 0.7
thunder thunder#v#1 The bus thundered down the road. metaphorical 0.7368
thunder thunder#v#4 The river thundered below. metaphorical 0.7
tie tie#v#1 They tied their victim to the chair literal 1
tie tie#v#2 The teams drew a tie literal 0.6
tie tie#v#3 These big jets are tied to large airports metaphorical 0.6
tie tie#v#8 The fishermen tied their flies literal 1
time time#v#2 The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene. literal 0.7727
time time#v#3 We time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely. literal 0.8889
time time#v#5 The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely. literal 0.7
tip tip#v#1 tip the screen upward literal 0.9
tip tip#v#2 tip the arrow with the small stone literal 0.8
tip tip#v#3 Remember to tip the waiter literal 0.7
tip tip#v#8 He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot literal 0.6
tithe tithe#v#1 The church was tithed literal 0.9
tithe tithe#v#3 He tithed his income to the Church literal 0.9
tithe tithe#v#4 "Although she left the church officially, she still tithes" literal 0.8
top top#v#10 They topped off their dinner with a cognac. metaphorical 0.8
top top#v#3 A star tops the Christmas Tree. literal 0.92
top top#v#5 The towers were topped with conical roofs. literal 0.6
top top#v#6 The hikers topped the mountain just before noon metaphorical 0.8
top top#v#8 The gardener topped the trees and bushes. metaphorical 0.7
trace trace#v#2 trace the outline of a figure in the sand literal 1
trace trace#v#4 The hunters traced the deer into the woods literal 0.6
trace trace#v#5 She traced the circumstances of her birth metaphorical 0.6
trace trace#v#6 The children traced along the edge of the dark forest metaphorical 0.5
trail trail#v#3 John trailed behind his class mates. metaphorical 0.7
trail trail#v#5 The toddler was trailing his pants. metaphorical 0.7
transfer transfer#v#2 transfer the patient to another hospital literal 0.8
transfer transfer#v#4 transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket literal 1
transfer transfer#v#5 I transferred my stock holdings to my children literal 0.9
transform transform#v#2 This experience transformed her completely. metaphorical 0.7
transform transform#v#3 He transformed into a monster. metaphorical 0.7
transform transform#v#5 It can transform energy to light. literal 0.6
translate translate#v#1 I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S. literal 0.9
translate translate#v#2 Braque translated collage into oil metaphorical 0.7
translate translate#v#6 the growth in income translates into greater purchasing power literal 0.8
translate translate#v#7 poetry often does not translate literal 0.6
translate translate#v#9 Can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman? literal 0.9
tread tread#v#1 For fools rush in where angels fear to tread literal 0.6
tread tread#v#3 tread grapes to make wine literal 0.8
tread tread#v#6 male birds tread the females literal 0.7
treat treat#v#2 treat the water so it can be drunk literal 0.8
treat treat#v#3 The doctor treated my broken leg literal 0.8
treat treat#v#5 Grandmother always treated us to the circus literal 0.8
treat treat#v#6 Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating literal 0.6
treat treat#v#7 they had to treat with the King metaphorical 0.5
treat treat#v#8 I treated his advances as a joke literal 0.7
trench trench#v#2 He trenched his military camp literal 0.8
trench trench#v#3 letters trenched into the stone metaphorical 0.5
trench trench#v#4 trench the fallen soldiers literal 0.7
trench trench#v#6 The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench literal 0.8
tug tug#v#1 The prisoner tugged at the chains literal 1
tug tug#v#2 She tugged for years to make a decent living metaphorical 0.8
tug tug#v#3 The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor literal 0.7
tug tug#v#5 The horse finally tugged the cart out of the mud literal 1
tug tug#v#6 Each oar was tugged by several men literal 0.9
tug tug#v#7 She tugged and wrestled with her conflicts metaphorical 0.6
twist twist#v#10 The wrestler twisted his shoulder literal 0.9
twist twist#v#2 twist the dough into a braid literal 1
twist twist#v#4 The cord is all twisted literal 1
twist twist#v#9 Don't twist my words metaphorical 0.8
understand understand#v#1 She did not understand her husband literal 0.9
understand understand#v#3 She understands French literal 0.9
understand understand#v#4 I understand you have no previous experience? literal 0.8
understand understand#v#5 You don't need to explain--I understand! literal 0.9
upgrade upgrade#v#2 I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software literal 0.9
upgrade upgrade#v#4 I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked literal 0.9
upgrade upgrade#v#5 The airline upgraded me when I arrived late and Coach Class was full literal 0.8
uproot uproot#v#1 The war uprooted many people. metaphorical 0.7
uproot uproot#v#2 The vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted. metaphorical 0.8
uproot uproot#v#3 They plan to uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden. literal 1
use use#v#1 we only use Spanish at home literal 0.8
use use#v#2 She uses drugs rarely literal 0.9
use use#v#4 She uses her influential friends to get jobs literal 0.9
use use#v#5 use care when going down the stairs literal 0.6
use use#v#6 She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally literal 0.9
vanish vanish#v#2 The effect vanished when day broke literal 0.8
vanish vanish#v#4 An entire civilization vanished literal 0.7
vanish vanish#v#5 the money vanished in las Vegas literal 0.6
vegetate vegetate#v#2 They vegetated the hills behind their house literal 0.6
vegetate vegetate#v#3 The fields vegetate vigorously literal 0.7
vegetate vegetate#v#4 This fungus usually vegetates vigorously literal 0.7
vegetate vegetate#v#5 warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed literal 0.6
vegetate vegetate#v#6 The bacterial growth vegetated along literal 0.6
vegetate vegetate#v#7 "After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television" metaphorical 0.6
vest vest#v#1 They vested the council with special rights metaphorical 0.6
vest vest#v#2 She vested her vast fortune in her two sons literal 0.6
vest vest#v#3 The property vests in the trustees literal 0.6
visit visit#v#2 Did you ever visit Paris? literal 0.9
visit visit#v#5 The principal visited his rage on the students. metaphorical 0.8
visit visit#v#7 "Every summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month." literal 1
visit visit#v#8 He was visited with a terrible illness that killed him quickly. metaphorical 0.7
visualize visualize#v#2 The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver. literal 0.7
visualize visualize#v#3 Mathematicians often visualize. metaphorical 0.5
visualize visualize#v#4 "With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized." literal 0.8696
volley volley#v#1 Gun shots volleyed at the attackers. metaphorical 0.5
volley volley#v#2 They began to volley the tennis ball. literal 0.6
volley volley#v#3 The attackers volleyed gunshots at the civilians. metaphorical 0.7
volley volley#v#5 I heard him volley a string of curses. metaphorical 0.6842
vote vote#v#1 He voted for the motion literal 0.9
vote vote#v#2 vote the Democratic ticket literal 1
vote vote#v#3 I vote that we all go home literal 0.8
vote vote#v#4 vote one's conscience literal 0.7
vote vote#v#5 They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia literal 0.9
vouch vouch#v#1 Will he vouch for me? literal 0.7
vouch vouch#v#2 I vouch for the quality of my products. literal 0.7
vouch vouch#v#4 He vouched his words by his deeds. metaphorical 0.5
walk walk#v#1 "Walk, don't run!" literal 1
walk walk#v#10 The lovers held hands while walking. literal 0.9
walk walk#v#2 I'll walk you to your car literal 0.8
walk walk#v#4 Paul walked the streets of Damascus. literal 1
walk walk#v#7 We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters. literal 0.6
walk walk#v#8 The horses walked across the meadow. literal 1
walk walk#v#9 He walks the horse up the mountain. literal 0.7917
wallow wallow#v#1 wallow in your sorrows metaphorical 0.5
wallow wallow#v#2 pigs were wallowing in the mud literal 0.9
wallow wallow#v#5 wallow in your success! metaphorical 0.7
want want#v#1 I want to go home now literal 0.9
want want#v#2 This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner metaphorical 0.8
want want#v#3 Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI literal 0.7
want want#v#4 I want you here at noon! literal 0.9
want want#v#5 want the strength to go on living literal 0.9
warn warn#v#1 The director warned him that he might be fired. literal 1
warn warn#v#2 I warned him not to go too far. literal 0.88
warn warn#v#3 The old man warned the children off his property. literal 1
warn warn#v#4 I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions. literal 0.875
waste waste#v#1 He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends. metaphorical 0.7
waste waste#v#2 Don't waste a joke on an unappreciative audience. metaphorical 0.5
waste waste#v#3 We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer. literal 0.7619
waste waste#v#4 The water wastes back into the ocean. metaphorical 0.6
water water#v#2 We watered the buffalo literal 0.8
water water#v#3 My mouth watered at the prospect of a good dinner literal 0.7
water water#v#4 His eyes were watering literal 0.9
wear wear#v#1 She was wearing yellow that day literal 1
wear wear#v#3 He always wears a smile metaphorical 1
wear wear#v#5 wear one's hair in a certain way literal 0.8
wear wear#v#9 What should I wear today? literal 1
wharf wharf#v#3 wharf the passengers metaphorical 0.5
wharf wharf#v#4 the big ship wharfed in the evening literal 0.8
wharf wharf#v#5 The ship was wharfed literal 0.9
whistle whistle#v#2 The bullets whistled past him metaphorical 0.6
whistle whistle#v#3 She whistled a melody literal 1
whistle whistle#v#4 Her optimism whistled away these worries metaphorical 0.7
whistle whistle#v#6 She whistled for her maid literal 1
wish wish#v#1 I wish I could go home now. literal 1
wish wish#v#3 I wish that Christmas were over. literal 0.6667
wish wish#v#6 We wish you a nice evening! literal 0.7222
worry worry#v#1 I worry about my job literal 0.9
worry worry#v#2 I worry about my grades literal 0.9
worry worry#v#3 I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me literal 0.7
worry worry#v#4 I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift literal 0.9
wrestle wrestle#v#1 He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority. metaphorical 0.8
wrestle wrestle#v#2 I wrestled with this decision for years. metaphorical 0.9
wrestle wrestle#v#4 The children wrestled in the garden. literal 1
write write#v#10 She writes code faster than anybody else. literal 0.9
write write#v#2 Please write to me every week. literal 1
write write#v#3 How many books did Georges Simenon write? literal 1