stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public static Map<String, ByteRunAutomaton> byteRunAutomatonMap(
Map<String, Automaton> automatonMap) {
HashMap<String, ByteRunAutomaton> byteRunAutomatonMap = new HashMap<>();
if (automatonMap != null) {
for (Entry<String, Automaton> entry : automatonMap.entrySet()) {
new ByteRunAutomaton(entry.getValue()));
return byteRunAutomatonMap;
} | [
"Byte run automaton map.\n\n@param automatonMap the automaton map\n@return the map"
] | [
"Return the releaseId\n\n@return releaseId",
"List of releases for an app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@return a list of releases",
"Parse rate.\n\n@param value rate value\n@return Rate instance",
"I promise that this is always a collection of HazeltaskTasks",
"Helper method for formatting connection establishment messages.\n\n@param connectionName\nThe name of the connection\n@param host\nThe remote host\n@param connectionReason\nThe reason for establishing the connection\n@return A formatted message in the format:\n\"[<connectionName>] remote host[<host>] <connectionReason>\"\n<br/>\ne.g. [con1] remote host[] connection to ECMG.",
"Get the set of metadata providers that can offer metadata for tracks loaded from the specified media.\n\n@param sourceMedia the media whose metadata providers are desired, or {@code null} to get the set of\nmetadata providers that can offer metadata for all media.\n\n@return any registered metadata providers that reported themselves as supporting tracks from that media",
"Get the value of the specified column.\n\n@param columnName the name of the column\n@return the corresponding value of the column, {@code null} if the column does not exist in the row key",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ resource fields and Primavera resource field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"Determines storage overhead and returns pretty printed summary.\n\n@param finalNodeToOverhead Map of node IDs from final cluster to number\nof partition-stores to be moved to the node.\n@return pretty printed string summary of storage overhead."
] |
public void removePrefetchingListeners()
if (prefetchingListeners != null)
for (Iterator it = prefetchingListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
PBPrefetchingListener listener = (PBPrefetchingListener) it.next();
} | [
"remove all prefetching listeners"
] | [
"Removes the specified object in index from the array.\n\n@param index The index to remove.",
"OJB can handle only classes that declare at least one primary key attribute,\nthis method checks this condition.\n\n@param realObject The real object to check\n@throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException thrown if no primary key is specified for the objects class",
"Propagates node table of given DAG to all of it ancestors.",
"todo remove, here only for binary compatibility of elytron subsystem, drop once it is in.",
"Returns true if all pixels in the array have the same color",
"If any of the given list of properties are not found, returns the\nname of that property. Otherwise, returns null.",
"Create an object of the given type using a constructor that matches the\nsupplied arguments.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@return a new object of the given type, initialized with the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException\nif any of the reflective operations throw an exception",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of spilloverpolicy_stats resource of given name .",
"Get the auth URL, this is step two of authorization.\n\n@param oAuthRequestToken\nthe token from a {@link AuthInterface#getRequestToken} call."
] |
public static Node addPartitionToNode(final Node node, Integer donatedPartition) {
return UpdateClusterUtils.addPartitionsToNode(node, Sets.newHashSet(donatedPartition));
} | [
"Add a partition to the node provided\n\n@param node The node to which we'll add the partition\n@param donatedPartition The partition to add\n@return The new node with the new partition"
] | [
"All tests completed.",
"Adds a file to your assembly but automatically generates the field name of the file.\n\n@param file {@link File} the file to be uploaded.",
"Return the single class name from a class-name string.",
"Get components list for current instance\n@return components",
"Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Set the name of the schema containing the schedule tables.\n\n@param schema schema name.",
"invoked from the jelly file\n\n@throws Exception Any exception",
"Sets whether an individual list value is selected.\n\n@param value the value of the item to be selected or unselected\n@param selected <code>true</code> to select the item",
"Get http response"
] |
public AT_CellContext setPadding(int padding){
this.paddingTop = padding;
this.paddingBottom = padding;
this.paddingLeft = padding;
this.paddingRight = padding;
return this;
} | [
"Sets all padding to the same value.\n@param padding new padding for top, bottom, left, and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining"
] | [
"Sets a property on this Javascript object for which the value is a\nJavascriptEnum\n\nThe value is set to what is returned by the getEnumValue() method on the JavascriptEnum\n\n@param propertyName The name of the property.\n@param propertyValue The value of the property.",
"Get a TokenizerFactory that does Penn Treebank tokenization.\nThis is now the recommended factory method to use.\n\n@param factory A TokenFactory that determines what form of token is returned by the Tokenizer\n@param options A String specifying options (see the class javadoc for details)\n@param <T> The type of the tokens built by the LexedTokenFactory\n@return A TokenizerFactory that does Penn Treebank tokenization",
"Adds an ORDER BY item with a direction indicator.\n\n@param name\nName of the column by which to sort.\n@param ascending\nIf true, specifies the direction \"asc\", otherwise, specifies\nthe direction \"desc\".",
"This is the profiles page. this is the 'regular' page when the url is typed in",
"and class as property",
"Use this API to add cacheselector resources.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all vpath_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Extract a Class from the given Type.",
"Use this API to renumber nspbr6 resources."
] |
public static LocalDate getDateFromFloatingPointDate(LocalDate referenceDate, double floatingPointDate) {
if(referenceDate == null) {
return null;
return referenceDate.plusDays((int)Math.round(floatingPointDate*365.0));
} | [
"Convert a floating point date to a LocalDate.\n\nNote: This method currently performs a rounding to the next day.\nIn a future extension intra-day time offsets may be considered.\n\nIf referenceDate is null, the method returns null.\n\n@param referenceDate The reference date associated with \\( t=0 \\).\n@param floatingPointDate The value to the time offset \\( t \\).\n@return The date resulting from adding Math.round(fixingTime*365.0) days to referenceDate."
] | [
"Return a list of contacts for a user who have recently uploaded photos along with the total count of photos uploaded.\n\n@param lastUpload\nLimits the resultset to contacts that have uploaded photos since this date. The date should be in the form of a Unix timestamp. The default,\nand maximum, offset is (1) hour. (Optional, can be null)\n@param filter\nLimit the result set to all contacts or only those who are friends or family.<br/>\nValid options are: <b>ff</b> -> friends and family, <b>all</b> -> all your contacts. (Optional, can be null)\n\n@return List of Contacts\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns a BoxStoragePolicyAssignment information.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param resolvedForType the assigned entity type for the storage policy.\n@param resolvedForID the assigned entity id for the storage policy.\n@return information about this {@link BoxStoragePolicyAssignment}.",
"Use this API to flush cachecontentgroup.",
"Extracts a house holder vector from the rows of A and stores it in u\n@param A Complex matrix with householder vectors stored in the upper right triangle\n@param row Row in A\n@param col0 first row in A (implicitly assumed to be r + i0)\n@param col1 last row +1 in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U",
"Removes a watermark from the item.\nIf the item did not have a watermark applied to it, a 404 Not Found will be returned by API.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.",
"Get the bean if it exists in the contexts.\n\n@return An instance of the bean\n@throws ContextNotActiveException if the context is not active\n@see javax.enterprise.context.spi.Context#get(BaseBean, boolean)",
"Use this API to unset the properties of ipv6 resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Specifies the list of enrichers that will be used to enrich the container object.\n\n@param enrichers\nlist of enrichers that will be used to enrich the container object\n\n@return the current builder instance",
"Checks to see if the rows of the provided matrix are linearly independent.\n\n@param A Matrix whose rows are being tested for linear independence.\n@return true if linearly independent and false otherwise."
] |
private void createCodeMappings(MtasTokenIdFactory mtasTokenIdFactory,
Level level, String stringValue, int offsetStart, int offsetEnd,
int realOffsetStart, int realOffsetEnd, List<Integer> codePositions)
throws IOException {
String[] stringValues = MtasPennTreebankReader.createStrings(stringValue,
MtasToken token = new MtasTokenString(mtasTokenIdFactory.createTokenId(),
level.node, filterString(stringValues[0].trim()));
token.setOffset(offsetStart, offsetEnd);
token.setRealOffset(realOffsetStart, realOffsetEnd);
token.addPositions(codePositions.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).toArray());
} | [
"Creates the code mappings.\n\n@param mtasTokenIdFactory\nthe mtas token id factory\n@param level\nthe level\n@param stringValue\nthe string value\n@param offsetStart\nthe offset start\n@param offsetEnd\nthe offset end\n@param realOffsetStart\nthe real offset start\n@param realOffsetEnd\nthe real offset end\n@param codePositions\nthe code positions\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] | [
"This implementation checks whether a File can be opened,\nfalling back to whether an InputStream can be opened.\nThis will cover both directories and content resources.",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_aaapreauthenticationpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Inserts the currently contained data objects into the database.\n\n@param platform The (connected) database platform for inserting data\n@param model The database model\n@param batchSize The batch size; use 1 for not using batch mode",
"Sets the lower limits for the \"moving\" body translation relative to joint point.\n\n@param limitX the X axis lower translation limit\n@param limitY the Y axis lower translation limit\n@param limitZ the Z axis lower translation limit",
"Adds an item to the list box, specifying its direction and an initial\nvalue for the item.\n\n@param value the item's value, to be submitted if it is part of a\n{@link FormPanel}; cannot be <code>null</code>\n@param dir the item's direction\n@param text the text of the item to be added",
"Write a size prefixed string where the size is stored as a 2 byte\nshort\n\n@param buffer The buffer to write to\n@param s The string to write",
"Return the coding scheme to IOB1 coding, regardless of what was used\ninternally. This is useful for scoring against CoNLL test output.\n\n@param tokens List of tokens in some NER encoding",
"Read, validate, and discard a single message, returning the next valid offset, and the\nmessage being validated\n\n@throws IOException any exception",
"Check if the the nodeId is present in the cluster managed by the metadata store\nor throw an exception.\n\n@param nodeId The nodeId to check existence of"
] |
public static final String printResourceType(ResourceType value)
return (Integer.toString(value == null ? ResourceType.WORK.getValue() : value.getValue()));
} | [
"Print a resource type.\n\n@param value ResourceType instance\n@return resource type value"
] | [
"Ensures that generate-table-info is set to false if generate-repository-info is set to false.\n\n@param classDef The class descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in all levels)",
"One of DEFAULT, or LARGE.",
"Get the property name from the expression.\n\n@param expression expression\n@return property name",
"Returns the integer value o the given belief",
"Returns the position of the specified value in the specified array.\n\n@param value the value to search for\n@param array the array to search in\n@return the position of the specified value in the specified array",
"Walk project references recursively, adding thrift files to the provided list.",
"Run a task once, after a delay.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nUnit is seconds.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Parses coordinates into a Spatial4j point shape.",
"Add a value to this activity code.\n\n@param uniqueID value unique ID\n@param name value name\n@param description value description\n@return ActivityCodeValue instance"
] |
public static boolean setCustomResponseForDefaultClient(String profileName, String pathName, String customData) {
try {
return setCustomForDefaultClient(profileName, pathName, true, customData);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
} | [
"set custom response for profile's default client\n\n@param profileName profileName to modify\n@param pathName friendly name of path\n@param customData custom request data\n@return true if success, false otherwise"
] | [
"Finds an Object of the specified type.\n\n@param <T> Object type.\n@param classType The class of type T.\n@param id The document _id field.\n@param rev The document _rev field.\n@return An object of type T.\n@throws NoDocumentException If the document is not found in the database.",
"This method retrieves a Duration instance representing the amount of\nwork between two dates based on this calendar.\n\n@param startDate start date\n@param endDate end date\n@param format required duration format\n@return amount of work",
"Method will be executed asynchronously.",
"Writes all error responses to the client.\n\nTODO REST-Server 1. collect error stats\n\n@param messageEvent - for retrieving the channel details\n@param status - error code\n@param message - error message",
"Set the given column name to the given value.\n\n@param name The column name to set.\n@param value the value to set.\n@return {@code this}\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if a column name does not exist in the table.",
"Load the installation state based on the identity\n\n@param installedIdentity the installed identity\n@return the installation state\n@throws IOException",
"remove the user profile with id from the db.",
"Select the default currency properties from the database.\n\n@param currencyID default currency ID",
"Add the declarationBinderRef to the ImportersManager, create the corresponding.\nBinderDescriptor.\n\n@param declarationBinderRef the ServiceReference<DeclarationBinder> of the DeclarationBinder\n@throws InvalidFilterException"
] |
private boolean checkZoneRequirement(HashMap<Integer, Integer> requiredRepFactor, int zoneId) {
if(requiredRepFactor.containsKey(zoneId)) {
if(requiredRepFactor.get(zoneId) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
requiredRepFactor.put(zoneId, requiredRepFactor.get(zoneId) - 1);
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Check if we still need more nodes from the given zone and reduce the\nzoneReplicationFactor count accordingly.\n\n@param requiredRepFactor\n@param zoneId\n@return"
] | [
"Merge two maps of configuration properties. If the original contains a mapping for the same key, the new mapping is ignored.\n\n@param original\n@param toMerge",
"Lookup an object via its name.\n@param name The name of an object.\n@return The object with that name.\n@exception ObjectNameNotFoundException There is no object with the specified name.\nObjectNameNotFoundException",
"Utility function that copies a string array and add another string to\nfirst\n\n@param arr Original array of strings\n@param add\n@return Copied array of strings",
"Get the relative path.\n\n@return the relative path",
"create a path structure representing the object graph",
"Add a calendar node.\n\n@param parentNode parent node\n@param calendar calendar",
"Sets the underlying connect timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit)",
"Gets an item that was shared with a password-protected shared link.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the shared item.\n@param sharedLink the shared link to the item.\n@param password the password for the shared link.\n@return info about the shared item.",
"Gets the name of the shader variable to get the texture\ncoordinates for the named texture.\n\n@param texName name of texture\n@return name of shader variable"
] |
public EventBus emitSync(String event, Object... args) {
return _emitWithOnceBus(eventContextSync(event, args));
} | [
"Emit a string event with parameters and force all listener to be called synchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(String, Object...)"
] | [
"Set the role info for this user. If set, this will be used to set the user's authorizations.\n\n@param roles the roles\n@since 1.10.0",
"On throwable.\n\n@param cause\nthe cause",
"Collect the total times measured by all known named timers of the given\nname. This is useful to add up times that were collected across separate\nthreads.\n\n@param timerName\n@return timer",
"Gets information about this user.\n@param fields the optional fields to retrieve.\n@return info about this user.",
"Requests Change notifications of feed type normal.\n\n@return {@link ChangesResult} encapsulating the normal feed changes",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the first play state found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value",
"Add custom fields to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file custom fields container",
"Return key Values of an Identity\n@param cld\n@param oid\n@param convertToSql\n@return Object[]\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Determine the current state the server is in.\n\n@return the server status"
] |
private void writeResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields(ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields record) throws IOException
m_buffer.append(record.getConfirmed() ? "1" : "0");
m_buffer.append(record.getResponsePending() ? "1" : "0");
} | [
"Write resource assignment workgroup.\n\n@param record resource assignment workgroup instance\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Return the list of all the module submodules\n\n@param module\n@return List<DbModule>",
"Reads a line from the input stream, where a line is terminated by \\r, \\n, or \\r\\n\n@param trim whether to trim trailing \\r and \\ns",
"If the column name is a dotted column, returns the first part.\nReturns null otherwise.\n\n@param column the column that might have a prefix\n@return the first part of the prefix of the column or {@code null} if the column does not have a prefix.",
"Removes elements from begin to end from the list, inclusive. Returns a new list which\nis composed of the removed elements",
"Generates an expression from a variable\n@param var The variable from which to generate the expression\n@return A expression that represents the given variable",
"Convert a url to a file object. No checks are made to see if file exists but there are some hacks that\nare needed to convert uris to files across platforms.\n\n@param fileURI the uri to convert",
"This method take a list of fileName of the type partitionId_Replica_Chunk\nand returns file names that match the regular expression\nmasterPartitionId_",
"Connects to a child JVM process\n\n@param p the process to which to connect\n@param startAgent whether to installed the JMX agent in the target process if not already in place\n@return an {@link MBeanServerConnection} to the process's MBean server",
"Extracts the row from a matrix.\n@param a Input matrix\n@param row Which row is to be extracted\n@param out output. Storage for the extracted row. If null then a new vector will be returned.\n@return The extracted row."
] |
public static base_responses unset(nitro_service client, gslbservice resources[], String[] args) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
gslbservice unsetresources[] = new gslbservice[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
unsetresources[i] = new gslbservice();
unsetresources[i].servicename = resources[i].servicename;
result = unset_bulk_request(client, unsetresources,args);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of gslbservice resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] | [
"Runs the shell script for committing and optionally pushing the changes in the module.\n@return exit code of the script.",
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a FieldCriteria\n\n@param c FieldCriteria\n@param cld ClassDescriptor",
"Read resource data.",
"Refresh's this connection's access token using Box Developer Edition.\n@throws IllegalStateException if this connection's access token cannot be refreshed.",
"Converts the paged list.\n\n@param uList the resource list to convert from\n@return the converted list",
"Get maximum gray value in the image.\n\n@param fastBitmap Image to be processed.\n@param startX Initial X axis coordinate.\n@param startY Initial Y axis coordinate.\n@param width Width.\n@param height Height.\n@return Maximum gray.",
"Deletes a redirect by id\n\n@param id redirect ID",
"Shut down the input manager.\n\nAfter this call, GearVRf will not be able to access IO devices.",
"Use this API to update snmpmanager resources."
] |
public boolean checkWrite(TransactionImpl tx, Object obj)
LockEntry writer = getWriter(obj);
if (writer == null)
return false;
else if (writer.isOwnedBy(tx))
return true;
return false;
} | [
"checks whether the specified Object obj is write-locked by Transaction tx.\n@param tx the transaction\n@param obj the Object to be checked\n@return true if lock exists, else false"
] | [
"Set the view frustum to pick against from the minimum and maximum corners.\nThe viewpoint of the frustum is the center of the scene object\nthe picker is attached to. The view direction is the forward\ndirection of that scene object. The frustum will pick what a camera\nattached to the scene object with that view frustum would see.\nIf the frustum is not attached to a scene object, it defaults to\nthe view frustum of the main camera of the scene.\n\n@param frustum array of 6 floats as follows:\nfrustum[0] = left corner of frustum\nfrustum[1] = bottom corner of frustum\nfrustum[2] = front corner of frustum (near plane)\nfrustum[3] = right corner of frustum\nfrustum[4] = top corner of frustum\nfrustum[5 = back corner of frustum (far plane)",
"First reduce the Criteria to the normal disjunctive form, then\ncalculate the necessary tree of joined tables for each item, then group\nitems with the same tree of joined tables.",
"Returns the compact task records for all tasks with the given tag.\n\n@param tag The tag in which to search for tasks.\n@return Request object",
"Given a string with method or package name, creates a Class Name with no\nspaces and first letter lower case\n\n@param String\n- The name of the scenario/story. It should be in lower case.\n@returns String - The class name",
"Creates a rectangular matrix which is zero except along the diagonals.\n\n@param numRows Number of rows in the matrix.\n@param numCols NUmber of columns in the matrix.\n@return A matrix with diagonal elements equal to one.",
"Build control archive of the deb\n\n@param packageControlFile the package control file\n@param controlFiles the other control information files (maintainer scripts, etc)\n@param dataSize the size of the installed package\n@param checksums the md5 checksums of the files in the data archive\n@param output\n@return\n@throws java.io.FileNotFoundException\n@throws java.io.IOException\n@throws java.text.ParseException",
"Is the given resource type id free?\n@param id to be checked\n@return boolean",
"associate the batched Children with their owner object loop over children",
"Removes a filter from this project file.\n\n@param filterName The name of the filter"
] |
protected void debugLog(String operationType, Long receivedTimeInMs) {
long durationInMs = receivedTimeInMs - (this.parsedRequestOriginTimeInMs);
int numVectorClockEntries = (this.parsedVectorClock == null ? 0
: this.parsedVectorClock.getVersionMap()
logger.debug("Received a new request. Operation type: " + operationType + " , Key(s): "
+ keysHexString(this.parsedKeys) + " , Store: " + this.storeName
+ " , Origin time (in ms): " + (this.parsedRequestOriginTimeInMs)
+ " , Request received at time(in ms): " + receivedTimeInMs
+ " , Num vector clock entries: " + numVectorClockEntries
+ " , Duration from RESTClient to CoordinatorRestRequestValidator(in ms): "
+ durationInMs);
} | [
"Prints a debug log message that details the time taken for the Http\nrequest to be parsed by the coordinator\n\n@param operationType\n@param receivedTimeInMs"
] | [
"Helper method to load a property file from class path.\n\n@param filesToLoad\nan array of paths (class path paths) designating where the files may be. All files are loaded, in the order\ngiven. Missing files are silently ignored.\n\n@return a Properties object, which may be empty but not null.",
"Sets the specified double attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0",
"Creates a new SimpleMatrix with the specified DMatrixRMaj used as its internal matrix. This means\nthat the reference is saved and calls made to the returned SimpleMatrix will modify the passed in DMatrixRMaj.\n\n@param internalMat The internal DMatrixRMaj of the returned SimpleMatrix. Will be modified.",
"Merges a list of local and online dumps. For dumps available both online\nand locally, only the local version is included. The list is order with\nmost recent dump date first.\n\n@return a merged list of dump files",
"Obtains a local date in Coptic calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Coptic era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Coptic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code CopticEra}",
"Opens a JDBC connection with the given parameters.",
"Find the path to use .\nUses java annotations first and if not found, uses kubernetes annotations on the service object.\n\n@param service\nThe target service.\n@param qualifiers\nThe set of qualifiers.\n\n@return Returns the resolved path of '/' as a fallback.",
"Validate the Combination filter field in Multi configuration jobs",
"Function to perform backward pooling"
] |
private void processClassMethods(XMLStreamWriter writer, Class<?> aClass, Set<Method> methodSet) throws XMLStreamException
Method[] methods = aClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method : methods)
if (!methodSet.contains(method) && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isInterface(method.getModifiers()))
if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()))
// TODO Handle static methods here
String name = method.getName();
String methodSignature = createMethodSignature(method);
String fullJavaName = aClass.getCanonicalName() + "." + name + methodSignature;
if (!ignoreMethod(fullJavaName))
// Hide the original method
writer.writeAttribute("name", name);
writer.writeAttribute("sig", methodSignature);
writer.writeAttribute("type", "System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute");
writer.writeAttribute("sig", "(Lcli.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState;)V");
// Create a wrapper method
name = name.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + name.substring(1);
writer.writeAttribute("name", name);
writer.writeAttribute("sig", methodSignature);
writer.writeAttribute("modifiers", "public");
for (int index = 0; index <= method.getParameterTypes().length; index++)
if (index < 4)
writer.writeEmptyElement("ldarg_" + index);
writer.writeAttribute("argNum", Integer.toString(index));
writer.writeAttribute("class", aClass.getName());
writer.writeAttribute("name", method.getName());
writer.writeAttribute("sig", methodSignature);
if (!method.getReturnType().getName().equals("void"))
* The private method approach doesn't work... so
* 3. Add EditorBrowsableAttribute (Never) to original methods
* 4. Generate C Sharp and VB variants of the DLL to avid case-sensitivity issues
* 5. Implement static method support?
<attribute type="System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute" sig="(Lcli.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState;)V">
914 <parameter>Never</parameter>
915 </attribute>
} | [
"Hides the original Java-style method name using an attribute\nwhich should be respected by Visual Studio, the creates a new\nwrapper method using a .Net style method name.\n\nNote that this does not work for VB as it is case insensitive. Even\nthough Visual Studio won't show you the Java-style method name,\nthe VB compiler sees both and thinks they are the same... which\ncauses it to fail.\n\n@param writer output stream\n@param aClass class being processed\n@param methodSet set of methods which have been processed.\n@throws XMLStreamException"
] | [
"Get the list of store names from a list of store definitions\n\n@param list\n@param ignoreViews\n@return list of store names",
"Read an optional boolean value form a JSON Object.\n@param json the JSON object to read from.\n@param key the key for the boolean value in the provided JSON object.\n@return the boolean or null if reading the boolean fails.",
"Returns the configuration value with the specified name.",
"Sum of all elements\n\n@param A (Input) Matrix. Not modified.\n@return scalar",
"Deserializes a variable, NOT checking whether the datatype is custom\n@param s\n@param variableType\n@return",
"Output method that sends a subscription confirmation for the subscriber to avoid DoS attacks, or false subscription.\n\n@param sr\n@return True case the subscription was confirmed, or False otherwise\n@throws org.ow2.chameleon.fuchsia.push.base.hub.exception.SubscriptionOriginVerificationException",
"Serialize the object JSON. When an error occures return a string with the given error.",
"Register the given mbean with the platform mbean server\n\n@param mbean The mbean to register\n@param name The name to register under",
"Use this API to add ipset."
] |
private void init()
jdbcProperties = new Properties();
dbcpProperties = new Properties();
} | [
"Set some initial values."
] | [
"The users element defines users within the domain model, it is a simple authentication for some out of the box users.",
"Initialize elements of the panel displayed for the deactivated widget.",
"Gets a string attribute from a json object given a path to traverse.\n\n@param record a JSONObject to traverse.\n@param path the json path to follow.\n@return the attribute as a {@link String}, or null if it was not found.",
"Retrieves the named calendar. This method will return\nnull if the named calendar is not located.\n\n@param calendarName name of the required calendar\n@return ProjectCalendar instance",
"Given a DocumentVersionInfo, returns a BSON document representing the next version. This means\nand incremented version count for a non-empty version, or a fresh version document for an\nempty version.\n@return a BsonDocument representing a synchronization version",
"Parses a PDF document and serializes the resulting DOM tree to an output. This requires\na DOM Level 3 capable implementation to be available.",
"to do with XmlId value being strictly of type 'String'",
"Gets all of the column names for a result meta data\n\n@param rsmd Resultset metadata\n@return Array of column names\n@throws Exception exception",
"Converts this IPv6 address segment into smaller segments,\ncopying them into the given array starting at the given index.\n\nIf a segment does not fit into the array because the segment index in the array is out of bounds of the array,\nthen it is not copied.\n\n@param segs\n@param index"
] |
protected static CallableStatement memorize(final CallableStatement target, final ConnectionHandle connectionHandle) {
return (CallableStatement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] {CallableStatementProxy.class},
new MemorizeTransactionProxy(target, connectionHandle));
} | [
"Wrap CallableStatement with a proxy.\n@param target statement handle\n@param connectionHandle originating bonecp connection\n@return Proxy to a Callablestatement."
] | [
"Obtains a local date in Ethiopic calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param era the Ethiopic era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Ethiopic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code EthiopicEra}",
"Creates a ServiceCall from a paging operation that returns a header response.\n\n@param first the observable to the first page\n@param next the observable to poll subsequent pages\n@param callback the client-side callback\n@param <E> the element type\n@param <V> the header object type\n@return the future based ServiceCall",
"True if deleted, false if not found.",
"Polls from the location header and updates the polling state with the\npolling response for a PUT operation.\n\n@param pollingState the polling state for the current operation.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller.",
"Creates a scheduled thread pool where each thread has the daemon\nproperty set to true. This allows the program to quit without\nexplicitly calling shutdown on the pool\n\n@param corePoolSize the number of threads to keep in the pool,\neven if they are idle\n\n@return a newly created scheduled thread pool",
"Closes the outbound socket binding connection.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Adds a foreignkey to this table.\n\n@param relationName The name of the relation represented by the foreignkey\n@param remoteTable The referenced table\n@param localColumns The local columns\n@param remoteColumns The remote columns",
"Helper to read a line from the config file.\n@param propValue the property value\n@return the value of the variable set at this line.",
"You should call this method from your activity onRequestPermissionsResult.\n\n@param requestCode The request code passed in requestPermissions(android.app.Activity, String[], int)\n@param permissions The requested permissions. Never null.\n@param grantResults The grant results for the corresponding permissions which is either\nPERMISSION_GRANTED or PERMISSION_DENIED. Never null."
] |
public String format(String value) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) {
boolean continuationLine = false;
if (isFirstLineEmpty()) {
continuationLine = true;
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(value));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (continuationLine && line.trim().length() == 0) {
// put a dot on the empty continuation lines
s.append(" .\n");
} else {
s.append(" ").append(line).append("\n");
continuationLine = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return s.toString();
} | [
"Returns the field with the specified value properly formatted. Multiline\nvalues are automatically indented, and dots are added on the empty lines.\n\n<pre>\nField-Name: value\n</pre>"
] | [
"Determines the component type for a given array type.\n\n@param type the given array type\n@return the component type of a given array type",
"multi-field string",
"Updates metadata versions on stores.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param oldStoreDefs List of old store definitions\n@param newStoreDefs List of new store definitions",
"Executes the query and returns the factory found, if there is only one factory.\nIf multiple factories match the query, one is selected.\n\n@param query the factory query, not null.\n@return the factory found, or null.",
"Sets orientation of loopbar\n\n@param orientation int value of orientation. Must be one of {@link Orientation}",
"This method opens the named project, applies the named filter\nand displays the filtered list of tasks or resources. If an\ninvalid filter name is supplied, a list of valid filter names\nis shown.\n\n@param filename input file name\n@param filtername input filter name",
"Use this API to restore appfwprofile resources.",
"Prepares Artifactory server either from serverID or from ArtifactoryServer.\n\n@param artifactoryServerID\n@param pipelineServer\n@return",
"Checks if we can see any players that are on a different network than the one we chose for the Virtual CDJ.\nIf so, we are not going to be able to communicate with them, and they should all be moved onto a single\nnetwork.\n\n@return the device announcements of any players which are on unreachable networks, or hopefully an empty list\n@throws IllegalStateException if we are not running"
] |
public void setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
} | [
"Sets the background color of the scene rendered by this camera.\n\nIf you don't set the background color, the default is an opaque black.\nMeaningful parameter values are from 0 to 1, inclusive: values\n{@literal < 0} are clamped to 0; values {@literal > 1} are clamped to 1."
] | [
"Builds the path for a closed arc, returning a PolygonOptions that can be\nfurther customised before use.\n\n@param center\n@param start\n@param end\n@param arcType Pass in either ArcType.CHORD or ArcType.ROUND\n@return PolygonOptions with the paths element populated.",
"Returns a query filter for the given document _id and version. The version is allowed to be\nnull. The query will match only if there is either no version on the document in the database\nin question if we have no reference of the version or if the version matches the database's\nversion.\n\n@param documentId the _id of the document.\n@param version the expected version of the document, if any.\n@return a query filter for the given document _id and version for a remote operation.",
"Executes all event manipulating handler and writes the event with persist\nhandler.\n\n@param events the events",
"Determines whether the specified permission is permitted.\n\n@param permission\n@return <tt>false<tt> if the specified permission is not permitted, based on the current security policy; <tt>true<tt> otherwise",
"Remove multiple fields from the map\n@param fields the fields to remove\n@return the number of fields removed",
"Creates a region from a name and a label.\n\n@param name the uniquely identifiable name of the region\n@param label the label of the region\n@return the newly created region",
"Hide multiple channels. All other channels will be shown.\n@param channels The channels to hide",
"Creates a simple deployment description.\n\n@param name the name for the deployment\n@param serverGroups the server groups\n\n@return the deployment description",
"Escapes control characters with a preceding backslash.\nOptionally encodes special chars as unicode escape sequence.\nThe resulting string is safe to be put into a Java string literal between\nthe quotes."
] |
public void readFrom(DataInput instream) throws Exception {
host = S3Util.readString(instream);
port = instream.readInt();
protocol = S3Util.readString(instream);
} | [
"Read the domain controller's data from an input stream.\n\n@param instream the input stream\n@throws Exception"
] | [
"If you register a CustomExpression with the name \"customExpName\", then this will create the text needed\nto invoke it in a JRDesignExpression\n\n@param customExpName\n@param usePreviousFieldValues\n@return",
"This method allows a resource calendar to be added to a resource.\n\n@return ResourceCalendar\n@throws MPXJException if more than one calendar is added",
"Write a string field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Use this context as prototype for a new mutable builder. The new builder is\npre-populated with the current settings of this context instance.",
"Log an audit record of this operation.",
"Logout the current session. After calling this method,\nthe session will be cleared",
"Loops through all resource roots that have been made available transitively via Class-Path entries, and\nadds them to the list of roots to be processed.",
"Returns the names of parser rules that should be called in order to obtain the follow elements for the parser\ncall stack described by the given param.",
"Create a transformation which takes the alignment settings into account."
] |
public static Map<String, Map<String, Metadata>> parseAndPopulateMetadataMap(JsonObject jsonObject) {
Map<String, Map<String, Metadata>> metadataMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Metadata>>();
//Parse all templates
for (JsonObject.Member templateMember : jsonObject) {
if (templateMember.getValue().isNull()) {
} else {
String templateName = templateMember.getName();
Map<String, Metadata> scopeMap = metadataMap.get(templateName);
//If templateName doesn't yet exist then create an entry with empty scope map
if (scopeMap == null) {
scopeMap = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
metadataMap.put(templateName, scopeMap);
//Parse all scopes in a template
for (JsonObject.Member scopeMember : templateMember.getValue().asObject()) {
String scope = scopeMember.getName();
Metadata metadataObject = new Metadata(scopeMember.getValue().asObject());
scopeMap.put(scope, metadataObject);
return metadataMap;
} | [
"Creates a map of metadata from json.\n@param jsonObject metadata json object for metadata field in get /files?fileds=,etadata.scope.template response\n@return Map of String as key a value another Map with a String key and Metadata value"
] | [
"Use this API to disable Interface of given name.",
"Filter everything until we found the first NL character.",
"Generate random time stamps from the current time upto the next one second.\nPassed as texture coordinates to the vertex shader, an unused field is present\nwith every pair passed.\n\n@param totalTime\n@return",
"Processes the template for all columns of the current table index.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Read a nested table. Instantiates the supplied reader class to\nextract the data.\n\n@param reader table reader class\n@return table rows",
"Append Join for SQL92 Syntax without parentheses",
"Send a request to another handler internal to the server, getting back the response body and response code.\n\n@param request request to send to another handler.\n@return {@link InternalHttpResponse} containing the response code and body.",
"Helper to read a mandatory String value list.\n@param path The XML path of the element to read.\n@return The String list stored in the XML, or <code>null</code> if the value could not be read.\n@throws Exception thrown if the list of String values can not be read.",
"For the given service name return list of endpoint references currently\nregistered at the service locator server endpoints.\n\n@param serviceName\nthe name of the service for which to get the endpoints, must\nnot be <code>null</code>\n@return EndpointReferenceListType encapsulate list of endpoint references\nor <code>null</code>"
] |
public void refreshBitmapShader()
shader = new BitmapShader(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, canvasSize, canvasSize, false), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
} | [
"Reinitializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing."
] | [
"It's enough to just set the disabled attribute on the\nelement, but we want to also add a \"disabled\" class so that we can\nstyle it.\n\nAt some point we'll just be able to use .button:disabled,\nbut that doesn't work in IE8-",
"Returns the count of all inbox messages for the user\n@return int - count of all inbox messages",
"Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.",
"Find the latest task finish date. We treat this as the\nfinish date for the project.\n\n@return finish date",
"Stops the HTTP service gracefully and release all resources.\n\n@param quietPeriod the quiet period as described in the documentation of {@link EventExecutorGroup}\n@param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait until the executor is\n{@linkplain EventExecutorGroup#shutdown()}\nregardless if a task was submitted during the quiet period\n@param unit the unit of {@code quietPeriod} and {@code timeout}\n@throws Exception if there is exception raised during shutdown.",
"Converts a time represented as an integer to a Date instance.\n\n@param time integer time\n@return Date instance",
"Sets the replacement var map.\n\n@param replacementVarMap\nthe replacement var map\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Get siblings of the same type as element from parent.\n\n@param parent parent node.\n@param element element.\n@return List of sibling (from element) under parent",
"Try to get a system property for obsolete keys. The value is automatically converted - a runtime exception may be thrown during conversion.\n\n@return all the properties whose system property keys were different in previous versions"
] |
public ItemRequest<Attachment> findById(String attachment) {
String path = String.format("/attachments/%s", attachment);
return new ItemRequest<Attachment>(this, Attachment.class, path, "GET");
} | [
"Returns the full record for a single attachment.\n\n@param attachment Globally unique identifier for the attachment.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Retrieves a specific range of items in this collection.\n@param offset the index of the first item to retrieve.\n@param limit the maximum number of items to retrieve after the offset.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return a partial collection containing the specified range of items.",
"Returns the corresponding module resolved service name for the given module.\n\nThe module resolved service is basically a latch that prevents the module from being loaded\nuntil all the transitive dependencies that it depends upon have have their module spec services\ncome up.\n\n@param identifier The module identifier\n@return The service name of the ModuleSpec service",
"Return the IP address as text such as \"\".",
"Sets up this object to represent an argument that will be set to a\nconstant value.\n\n@param constantValue the constant value.",
"Gets a design document from the database.\n\n@param id the design document id (optionally prefixed with \"_design/\")\n@return {@link DesignDocument}",
"Read a project from a ConceptDraw PROJECT file.\n\n@param project ConceptDraw PROJECT project",
"build an Authentication.\n\nTypes:\n<ul>\n<li>plain:jafka</li>\n<li>md5:77be29f6d71ec4e310766ddf881ae6a0</li>\n<li>crc32:1725717671</li>\n</ul>\n@param crypt password style\n@return an authentication\n@throws IllegalArgumentException password error",
"Return the project name or the default project name.",
"The indices space is ignored for reduce ops other than min or max."
] |
protected void checkVariableName(GraphRewrite event, EvaluationContext context)
if (getInputVariablesName() == null)
setInputVariablesName(Iteration.getPayloadVariableName(event, context));
} | [
"Check the variable name and if not set, set it with the singleton variable being on the top of the stack."
] | [
"Process each regex group matched substring of the given string. If the closure\nparameter takes one argument, an array with all match groups is passed to it.\nIf the closure takes as many arguments as there are match groups, then each\nparameter will be one match group.\n\n@param self the source string\n@param regex a Regex string\n@param closure a closure with one parameter or as much parameters as groups\n@return the source string\n@since 1.6.0",
"Switches from a dense to sparse matrix",
"Removing surrounding space in image. Get trim color from specified pixel.\n@param value orientation from where to get the pixel color.\n@param colorTolerance 0 - 442. This is the euclidian distance\nbetween the colors of the reference pixel and the surrounding pixels is used.\nIf the distance is within the tolerance they'll get trimmed.",
"Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter and specifies which child fields\nto retrieve from the API.\n@param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.\n@param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users starting with this string in either the name or the\nlogin. Can be null to not filter the results.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.\n@return an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter.",
"Adjusts the day in the provided month, that it fits the specified week day.\nIf there's no match for that provided month, the next possible month is checked.\n\n@param date the date to adjust, with the correct year and month already set.",
"Use this API to fetch a tmglobal_binding resource .",
"Reads and consumes a number of characters from the underlying reader,\nfilling the byte array provided.\n\n@param holder A byte array which will be filled with bytes read from the underlying reader.\n@throws ProtocolException If a char can't be read into each array element.",
"Load a model to attach to the avatar\n@param avatarResource resource with avatar model\n@param attachBone name of bone to attach model to",
"Deserialize a javascript design document file to a DesignDocument object.\n\n@param file the design document javascript file (UTF-8 encoded)\n@return {@link DesignDocument}\n@throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist or cannot be read"
] |
public void setFileExtensions(final String fileExtensions) {
this.fileExtensions = IterableExtensions.<String>toList(((Iterable<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(fileExtensions.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"))));
} | [
"Either a single file extension or a comma-separated list of extensions for which the language\nshall be registered."
] | [
"Utility method to clear cached calendar data.",
"This method extracts assignment data from a Planner file.\n\n@param plannerProject Root node of the Planner file",
"Cut the message content to the configured length.\n\n@param event the event",
"Send a track metadata update announcement to all registered listeners.",
"Use this API to update lbsipparameters.",
"Get a property as an long or default value.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default value",
"Retrieves the configured message by property key\n@param key The key in the file\n@return The associated value in case the key is found in the message bundle file. If\nno such key is defined, the returned value would be the key itself.",
"Sets the distance from the origin to the far clipping plane for the\nwhole camera rig.\n\n@param far\nDistance to the far clipping plane.",
"Sets the values of this input field. Only Applicable check-boxes and a radio buttons.\n\n@param values Values to set."
] |
public LinearInterpolatedTimeDiscreteProcess add(LinearInterpolatedTimeDiscreteProcess process) throws CalculationException {
Map<Double, RandomVariable> sum = new HashMap<>();
for(double time: timeDiscretization) {
sum.put(time, realizations.get(time).add(process.getProcessValue(time, 0)));
return new LinearInterpolatedTimeDiscreteProcess(timeDiscretization, sum);
} | [
"Create a new linear interpolated time discrete process by\nusing the time discretization of this process and the sum of this process and the given one\nas its values.\n\n@param process A given process.\n@return A new process representing the of this and the given process.\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if the given process fails to evaluate at a certain time point."
] | [
"Clone layer information considering what may be copied to the client.\n\n@param original layer info\n@return cloned copy including only allowed information",
"Set child components.\n\n@param children\nchildren",
"Use this API to update nd6ravariables.",
"Decode the password from the given data. Will decode the data block as well.\n\n@param data encrypted data block\n@param encryptionCode encryption code\n\n@return password",
"performs a DELETE operation against RDBMS.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.\n@param obj The object to be deleted.",
"Returns a new instance of the given class using the constructor with the specified parameter.\n\n@param target The class to instantiate\n@param type The types of the single parameter of the constructor\n@param arg The argument\n@return The instance",
"This method can be used by child classes to apply the configuration that is stored in config.",
"Maps a field index to an AssignmentField instance.\n\n@param fields array of fields used as the basis for the mapping.\n@param index required field index\n@return AssignmnetField instance",
"Adds the includes of the fileset to the handling.\n\n@param handling The handling\n@param fileSet The fileset"
] |
public void clearMarkers() {
if (markers != null && !markers.isEmpty()) {
markers.forEach((m) -> {
} | [
"Removes all of the markers from the map."
] | [
"Extracts a house holder vector from the rows of A and stores it in u\n@param A Complex matrix with householder vectors stored in the upper right triangle\n@param row Row in A\n@param col0 first row in A (implicitly assumed to be r + i0)\n@param col1 last row +1 in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U",
"Factory method that returns an Identity object created from a serializated representation.\n\n@param anArray The serialized representation\n@return The identity\n@see {@link #serialize}.\n@deprecated",
"Retrieve the correct index for the supplied Table instance.\n\n@param table Table instance\n@return index",
"Load the related repositories, plugins and a promotion config associated to the buildId.\nCalled from the UI.\n\n@param buildId - The unique build id.\n@return LoadBuildsResponse e.g. list of repositories, plugins and a promotion config.",
"handle white spaces.",
"Updates the model. Ensures that we reset the columns widths.\n\n@param model table model",
"Deletes the schema of an existing metadata template.\n\n@param api the API connection to be used\n@param scope the scope of the object\n@param template Unique identifier of the template",
"This method computes the list of unnamed parameters, by filtering the\nlist of raw arguments, stripping out the named parameters.",
"Set new front facing rotation\n@param rotation"
] |
protected void postConstruct() throws GeomajasException {
if (null != crsDefinitions) {
for (CrsInfo crsInfo : crsDefinitions.values()) {
try {
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.parseWKT(crsInfo.getCrsWkt());
String code = crsInfo.getKey();
crsCache.put(code, CrsFactory.getCrs(code, crs));
} catch (FactoryException e) {
throw new GeomajasException(e, ExceptionCode.CRS_DECODE_FAILURE_FOR_MAP, crsInfo.getKey());
if (null != crsTransformDefinitions) {
for (CrsTransformInfo crsTransformInfo : crsTransformDefinitions.values()) {
String key = getTransformKey(crsTransformInfo);
transformCache.put(key, getCrsTransform(key, crsTransformInfo));
GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(Point.class, factory.createPoint((Coordinate) null));
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(LineString.class, factory.createLineString((Coordinate[]) null));
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(Polygon.class, factory.createPolygon(null, null));
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(MultiPoint.class, factory.createMultiPoint((Coordinate[]) null));
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(MultiLineString.class, factory.createMultiLineString((LineString[]) null)); // cast needed!
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(MultiPolygon.class, factory.createMultiPolygon((Polygon[]) null)); // cast needed!
EMPTY_GEOMETRIES.put(Geometry.class, factory.createGeometryCollection(null));
} | [
"Finish service initialization.\n\n@throws GeomajasException oops"
] | [
"Removes the task from the specified project. The task will still exist\nin the system, but it will not be in the project anymore.\n\nReturns an empty data block.\n\n@param task The task to remove from a project.\n@return Request object",
"Helper to read a line from the config file.\n@param propValue the property value\n@return the value of the variable set at this line.",
"Sets a string-valued additional info entry on the user.\n\n@param username the name of the user\n@param infoName the additional info key\n@param value the additional info value\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Remove pairs with the given keys from the map.\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param keysToRemove the keys of the pairs to remove.\n@since 2.15",
"Pauses the file upload. This is a blocking function that would try to wait till the assembly file uploads\nhave actually been paused if possible.\n\n@throws LocalOperationException if the method is called while no upload is going on.",
"Color waveforms are represented by a series of sixteen bit integers into which color and height information are\npacked. This function returns the integer corresponding to a particular half-frame in the waveform.\n\n@param waveBytes the raw data making up the waveform\n@param segment the index of hte half-frame of interest\n\n@return the sixteen-bit number encoding the height and RGB values of that segment",
"Checks String to see if the parameter is null.\n@param paramValue Object that will be checked if null.\n@return this.true if the parameter that is being checked is not null",
"Checks if the specified max levels is correct.\n\n@param userMaxLevels the maximum number of levels in the tree\n@param defaultMaxLevels the default max number of levels\n@return the validated max levels",
"Ensure that the given connection is established.\n\n@param jedis\na connection to Redis\n@return true if the supplied connection was already connected"
] |
public static void createEphemeralPath(ZkClient zkClient, String path, String data) {
try {
zkClient.createEphemeral(path, Utils.getBytes(data));
} catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
createParentPath(zkClient, path);
zkClient.createEphemeral(path, Utils.getBytes(data));
} | [
"Create an ephemeral node with the given path and data. Create parents if necessary.\n@param zkClient client of zookeeper\n@param path node path of zookeeper\n@param data node data"
] | [
"If the user has not specified a project ID, this method\nretrieves the ID of the first project in the file.",
"Checks if the required option exists.\n\n@param options OptionSet to checked\n@param opt Required option to check\n@throws VoldemortException",
"This method writes data for a single task to a Planner file.\n\n@param mpxjTask MPXJ Task instance\n@param taskList list of child tasks for current parent",
"Get the configuration for a TMS layer by retrieving and parsing it's XML description file. The parsing is done\nusing JaxB.\n@param layer the tms layer to get capabilities for.\n@return Returns the description as a Java configuration object.\n@throws TmsLayerException\nIn case something went wrong trying to find or parse the XML description file.",
"Start the host controller services.\n\n@throws Exception",
"Records the list of backedup files into a text file\n\n@param filesInEnv\n@param backupDir",
"Lock a file lazily, if a value that should be written to the file has changed.\n@param propertyId the table column in which the value has changed (e.g., KEY, TRANSLATION, ...)\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking fails.",
"Use this API to count bridgegroup_vlan_binding resources configued on NetScaler.",
"A document that is paused no longer has remote updates applied to it.\nAny local updates to this document cause it to be thawed. An example of pausing a document\nis when a conflict is being resolved for that document and the handler throws an exception.\n\n@param isPaused whether or not this config is frozen"
] |
public ItemRequest<Project> delete(String project) {
String path = String.format("/projects/%s", project);
return new ItemRequest<Project>(this, Project.class, path, "DELETE");
} | [
"A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request\non the URL for that project.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param project The project to delete.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch servicegroupbindings resource of given name .",
"Put a value if and only if the map has not changed since the given snapshot was taken. If the put fails,\nit is the caller's responsibility to retry.\n\n@param instance the instance with the map field\n@param key the key\n@param value the value\n@param snapshot the map snapshot\n@return {@code false} if the snapshot is out of date and we could not update, {@code true} if the put succeeded",
"Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a user's photostream.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param domain\n(Required) The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: \"flickr.com\") with no protocol or pathname.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotostreamReferrers.html\"",
"This method is designed to be called from the diverse subclasses",
"Register a new PerformanceMonitor with Spring if it does not already exist.\n\n@param beanName The name of the bean that this performance monitor is wrapped around\n@param registry The registry where all the spring beans are registered",
"Creates a method signature.\n\n@param method Method instance\n@return method signature",
"Sets the underlying read timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#readTimeout(long, TimeUnit)",
"Clone a widget info map considering what may be copied to the client.\n\n@param widgetInfo widget info map\n@return cloned copy including only records which are not {@link ServerSideOnlyInfo}",
"Gets an expiring URL for downloading a file directly from Box. This can be user,\nfor example, for sending as a redirect to a browser to cause the browser\nto download the file directly from Box.\n\n@return the temporary download URL"
] |
private static void defineField(Map<String, FieldType> container, String name, FieldType type, String alias)
container.put(name, type);
if (alias != null)
ALIASES.put(type, alias);
} | [
"Configure the mapping between a database column and a field, including definition of\nan alias.\n\n@param container column to field map\n@param name column name\n@param type field type\n@param alias field alias"
] | [
"Checks if the date is a holiday\n\n@param dateString the date\n@return true if it is a holiday, false otherwise",
"Create a new queued pool with key type K, request type R, and value type\nV.\n\n@param factory The factory that creates objects\n@param config The pool config\n@return The created pool",
"Skip to the next matching short value.\n\n@param buffer input data array\n@param offset start offset into the input array\n@param value value to match\n@return offset of matching pattern",
"Updates the path_order column in the table, loops though the pathOrder array, and changes the value to the loop\nindex+1 for the specified pathId\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param pathOrder array containing new order of paths",
"Calculates directory size as total size of all its files, recursively.\n\n@param self a file object\n@return directory size (length)\n@since 2.1\n\n@throws IOException if File object specified does not exist\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided File object does not represent a directory",
"Convert a date to the String representation we use in the JSON.\n@param d the date to convert\n@return the String representation we use in the JSON.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all systemmemory_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"This method extracts data for a single day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data\n@param readExceptionsFromDays read exceptions form day definitions",
"Updates property of parent id for the image provided.\nReturns false if image was not captured true otherwise.\n\n@param log\n@param imageTag\n@param host\n@param buildInfoId\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException"
] |
public void symm2x2_fast( double a11 , double a12, double a22 )
// double p = (a11 - a22)*0.5;
// double r = Math.sqrt(p*p + a12*a12);
// value0.real = a22 + a12*a12/(r-p);
// value1.real = a22 - a12*a12/(r+p);
// }
// public void symm2x2_std( double a11 , double a12, double a22 )
// {
double left = (a11+a22)*0.5;
double b = (a11-a22)*0.5;
double right = Math.sqrt(b*b+a12*a12);
value0.real = left + right;
value1.real = left - right;
} | [
"See page 385 of Fundamentals of Matrix Computations 2nd"
] | [
"very big duct tape",
"Checks to see if a valid deployment parameter has been defined.\n\n@param operation the operation to check.\n\n@return {@code true} of the parameter is valid, otherwise {@code false}.",
"Get a View that displays the data at the specified\nposition in the data set. In this case, if we are at\nthe end of the list and we are still in append mode, we\nask for a pending view and return it, plus kick off the\nbackground task to append more data to the wrapped\nadapter.\n\n@param position Position of the item whose data we want\n@param convertView View to recycle, if not null\n@param parent ViewGroup containing the returned View",
"Get the title and read the Title property according the provided locale.\n@return The map from locales to the locale specific titles.",
"Get the current stack trace element, skipping anything from known logging classes.\n@return The current stack trace for this thread",
"Converts a collection of dates to a JSON array with the long representation of the dates as strings.\n@param dates the list to convert.\n@return JSON array with long values of dates as string",
"Convenience method that returns the attribute value for the specified attribute name.\n\n@param attributeName the name of the attribute\n@return the value of the attribute or null if no such attribute exists\n@since 1.9.0",
"Handles the response of the SerialAPIGetCapabilities request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process.",
"Insert a value into the right bucket of the histogram. If the value is\nlarger than any bound, insert into the last bucket. If the value is less\nthan zero, then ignore it.\n\n@param data The value to insert into the histogram"
] |
protected I_CmsSearchConfigurationFacetField parseFieldFacet(final String pathPrefix) {
try {
final String field = parseMandatoryStringValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_FIELD);
final String name = parseOptionalStringValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_NAME);
final String label = parseOptionalStringValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_LABEL);
final Integer minCount = parseOptionalIntValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_MINCOUNT);
final Integer limit = parseOptionalIntValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_LIMIT);
final String prefix = parseOptionalStringValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_PREFIX);
final String sorder = parseOptionalStringValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_ORDER);
I_CmsSearchConfigurationFacet.SortOrder order;
try {
order = I_CmsSearchConfigurationFacet.SortOrder.valueOf(sorder);
} catch (@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Exception e) {
order = null;
final String filterQueryModifier = parseOptionalStringValue(
final Boolean isAndFacet = parseOptionalBooleanValue(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_ISANDFACET);
final List<String> preselection = parseOptionalStringValues(pathPrefix + XML_ELEMENT_FACET_PRESELECTION);
final Boolean ignoreAllFacetFilters = parseOptionalBooleanValue(
return new CmsSearchConfigurationFacetField(
} catch (final Exception e) {
return null;
} | [
"Reads the configuration of a field facet.\n@param pathPrefix The XML Path that leads to the field facet configuration, or <code>null</code> if the XML was not correctly structured.\n@return The read configuration, or <code>null</code> if the XML was not correctly structured."
] | [
"Retrieve a node list based on an XPath expression.\n\n@param document XML document to process\n@param expression compiled XPath expression\n@return node list",
"Converts the passed list of inners to unmodifiable map of impls.\n@param innerList list of the inners.\n@return map of the impls",
"Two stage promotion, dry run and actual promotion to verify correctness.\n\n@param promotion\n@param client\n@param listener\n@param buildName\n@param buildNumber\n@throws IOException",
"Update the name of a script\n\n@param id ID of script\n@param name new name\n@return updated script\n@throws Exception exception",
"Remove all controllers but leave input manager running.\n@return number of controllers removed",
"Use this API to Import responderhtmlpage.",
"Get the root build which triggered the current build. The build root is considered to be the one furthest one\naway from the current build which has the isPassIdentifiedDownstream active, if no parent build exists, check\nthat the current build needs an upstream identifier, if it does return it.\n\n@param currentBuild The current build.\n@return The root build with isPassIdentifiedDownstream active. Null if no upstream or non is found.",
"Get a reader implementation class to perform API calls with.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param <T> The reader type to request an instance of\n@return A reader implementation class",
"Add a IN clause so the column must be equal-to one of the objects from the list passed in."
] |
protected void prepareRequest(List<BoxAPIRequest> requests) {
JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
JsonArray requestsJSONArray = new JsonArray();
for (BoxAPIRequest request: requests) {
JsonObject batchRequest = new JsonObject();
batchRequest.add("method", request.getMethod());
batchRequest.add("relative_url", request.getUrl().toString().substring(this.api.getBaseURL().length() - 1));
//If the actual request has a JSON body then add it to vatch request
if (request instanceof BoxJSONRequest) {
BoxJSONRequest jsonRequest = (BoxJSONRequest) request;
batchRequest.add("body", jsonRequest.getBodyAsJsonValue());
//Add any headers that are in the request, except Authorization
if (request.getHeaders() != null) {
JsonObject batchRequestHeaders = new JsonObject();
for (RequestHeader header: request.getHeaders()) {
if (header.getKey() != null && !header.getKey().isEmpty()
&& !HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION.equals(header.getKey())) {
batchRequestHeaders.add(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
batchRequest.add("headers", batchRequestHeaders);
//Add the request to array
//Add the requests array to body
body.add("requests", requestsJSONArray);
} | [
"Prepare a batch api request using list of individual reuests.\n@param requests list of api requests that has to be executed in batch."
] | [
"Provides a normalized string which is lowercase for host strings, and which is a normalized string for addresses.\n@return",
"Convert a layer type to a geometry class.\n\n@param layerType\nlayer type\n@return JTS class",
"Merge a new subsystem from the global registration.\n\n@param registry the global registry\n@param subsystemName the subsystem name\n@param version the subsystem version",
"Adds a corporate groupId to an organization\n\n@param organizationId String\n@param corporateGroupId String",
"Sets the origin and direction of the pick ray.\n\n@param ox X coordinate of origin.\n@param oy Y coordinate of origin.\n@param oz Z coordinate of origin.\n@param dx X coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dy Y coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dz Z coordinate of ray direction.\n\nThe coordinate system of the ray depends on the whether the\npicker is attached to a scene object or not. When attached\nto a scene object, the ray is in the coordinate system of\nthat object where (0, 0, 0) is the center of the scene object\nand (0, 0, 1) is it's positive Z axis. If not attached to an\nobject, the ray is in the coordinate system of the scene's\nmain camera with (0, 0, 0) at the viewer and (0, 0, -1)\nwhere the viewer is looking.\n@see #doPick()\n@see #getPickRay()\n@see #getWorldPickRay(Vector3f, Vector3f)",
"Returns the value of the identified field as a Long.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a Long\n@throws FqlException if the field cannot be expressed as an Long",
"Handles Multi Channel Encapsulation message. Decapsulates\nan Application Command message and handles it using the right\nendpoint.\n@param serialMessage the serial message to process.\n@param offset the offset at which to start procesing.",
"Attaches a pre-existing set of hours to the correct\nday within the calendar.\n\n@param hours calendar hours instance",
"Concat a List into a CSV String.\n@param list list to concat\n@return csv string"
] |
@Override public RendererViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int viewType) {
RendererViewHolder viewHolder = rendererBuilder.buildRendererViewHolder();
if (viewHolder == null) {
throw new NullRendererBuiltException("RendererBuilder have to return a not null viewHolder");
return viewHolder;
} | [
"One of the two main methods in this class. Creates a RendererViewHolder instance with a\nRenderer inside ready to be used. The RendererBuilder to create a RendererViewHolder using the\ninformation given as parameter.\n\n@param viewGroup used to create the ViewHolder.\n@param viewType associated to the renderer.\n@return ViewHolder extension with the Renderer it has to use inside."
] | [
"Register the Rowgroup buckets and places the header cells for the rows",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key is used.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key is used, false otherwise",
"Parse a date value.\n\n@param value String representation\n@return Date instance",
"Skips the given count of bytes, but at most the currently available count.\n\n@return number of bytes actually skipped from this buffer (0 if no bytes are available)",
"Enables or disables sound.\nWhen sound is disabled, nothing is played but the\naudio sources remain intact.\n@param flag true to enable sound, false to disable.",
"Create a rollback patch based on the recorded actions.\n\n@param patchId the new patch id, depending on release or one-off\n@param patchType the current patch identity\n@return the rollback patch",
"Return a new instance of the BufferedImage\n\n@return BufferedImage",
"Update the background color of the mBgCircle image view.",
"Use this API to update snmpalarm resources."
] |
public static double Sin(double x, int nTerms) {
if (nTerms < 2) return x;
if (nTerms == 2) {
return x - (x * x * x) / 6D;
} else {
double mult = x * x * x;
double fact = 6;
double sign = 1;
int factS = 5;
double result = x - mult / fact;
for (int i = 3; i <= nTerms; i++) {
mult *= x * x;
fact *= factS * (factS - 1);
factS += 2;
result += sign * (mult / fact);
sign *= -1;
return result;
} | [
"compute Sin using Taylor Series.\n\n@param x An angle, in radians.\n@param nTerms Number of terms.\n@return Result."
] | [
"Override the thread context ClassLoader with the environment's bean ClassLoader\nif necessary, i.e. if the bean ClassLoader is not equivalent to the thread\ncontext ClassLoader already.\n@param classLoaderToUse the actual ClassLoader to use for the thread context\n@return the original thread context ClassLoader, or {@code null} if not overridden",
"Gets the type to use for the Vaadin table column corresponding to the c-th column in this result.\n\n@param c the column index\n@return the class to use for the c-th Vaadin table column",
"Set the value of one or more fields based on the contents of a database row.\n\n@param map column to field map\n@param row database row\n@param container field container",
"Returns the URL of a classpath resource.\n\n@param resourceName\nThe name of the resource.\n\n@return The URL.",
"Get info about the shard a document belongs to.\n\n@param docId document ID\n@return Shard info\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/advanced.html#-get-database-_shards-\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">_shards</a>",
"Stops the HTTP service gracefully and release all resources.\n\n@param quietPeriod the quiet period as described in the documentation of {@link EventExecutorGroup}\n@param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait until the executor is\n{@linkplain EventExecutorGroup#shutdown()}\nregardless if a task was submitted during the quiet period\n@param unit the unit of {@code quietPeriod} and {@code timeout}\n@throws Exception if there is exception raised during shutdown.",
"Performs MAC signing of the SMB. This is done as follows.\nThe signature field of the SMB is overwritted with the sequence number;\nThe MD5 digest of the MAC signing key + the entire SMB is taken;\nThe first 8 bytes of this are placed in the signature field.\n\n@param data The data.\n@param offset The starting offset at which the SMB header begins.\n@param length The length of the SMB data starting at offset.",
"Retuns the Windows UNC style path with backslashs intead of forward slashes.\n\n@return The UNC path.",
"Close the connection atomically.\n\n@return true if state changed to closed; false if nothing changed."
] |
public Swagger read(Set<Class<?>> classes) {
Set<Class<?>> sortedClasses = new TreeSet<>((class1, class2) -> {
if (class1.equals(class2)) {
return 0;
} else if (class1.isAssignableFrom(class2)) {
return -1;
} else if (class2.isAssignableFrom(class1)) {
return 1;
return class1.getName().compareTo(class2.getName());
Map<Class<?>, ReaderListener> listeners = new HashMap<Class<?>, ReaderListener>();
for (Class<?> cls : sortedClasses) {
if (ReaderListener.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) && !listeners.containsKey(cls)) {
try {
listeners.put(cls, (ReaderListener) cls.newInstance());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to create ReaderListener", e);
// for (ReaderListener listener : listeners.values()) {
// try {
// listener.beforeScan(this, swagger);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LOGGER.error("Unexpected error invoking beforeScan listener [" + listener.getClass().getName() + "]", e);
// }
// }
// process SwaggerDefinitions first - so we get tags in desired order
for (Class<?> cls : sortedClasses) {
SwaggerDefinition swaggerDefinition = cls.getAnnotation(SwaggerDefinition.class);
if (swaggerDefinition != null) {
readSwaggerConfig(cls, swaggerDefinition);
for (Class<?> cls : sortedClasses) {
read(cls, "", null, false, new String[0], new String[0], new LinkedHashMap<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new HashSet<>());
// for (ReaderListener listener : listeners.values()) {
// try {
// listener.afterScan(this, swagger);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LOGGER.error("Unexpected error invoking afterScan listener [" + listener.getClass().getName() + "]", e);
// }
// }
return swagger;
} | [
"Scans a set of classes for both ReaderListeners and Swagger annotations. All found listeners will\nbe instantiated before any of the classes are scanned for Swagger annotations - so they can be invoked\naccordingly.\n\n@param classes a set of classes to scan\n@return the generated Swagger definition"
] | [
"Retrieves a field type from a location in a data block.\n\n@param data data block\n@param offset offset into data block\n@return field type",
"Performs MAC signing of the SMB. This is done as follows.\nThe signature field of the SMB is overwritted with the sequence number;\nThe MD5 digest of the MAC signing key + the entire SMB is taken;\nThe first 8 bytes of this are placed in the signature field.\n\n@param data The data.\n@param offset The starting offset at which the SMB header begins.\n@param length The length of the SMB data starting at offset.",
"Initializes the mode switcher.\n@param current the current edit mode",
"Creates a ServiceFuture from an Completable object and a callback.\n\n@param completable the completable to create from\n@param callback the callback to call when event happen\n@return the created ServiceFuture",
"binds the Identities Primary key values to the statement",
"Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents\nmatch, the collection is not modified.\n\n@param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation\n@return the result of the remove many operation",
"Commits the working copy.\n\n@param commitMessage@return The commit info upon successful operation.\n@throws IOException On IO of SVN failure",
"Add new control at the end of control bar with specified touch listener, control label and resource.\nSize of control bar is updated based on new number of controls.\n@param name name of the control to remove\n@param resId the control face\n@param label the control label\n@param listener touch listener",
"Reload a managed server.\n\n@param permit the controller permit\n@return whether the state was changed successfully or not"
] |
private ProjectFile readTextFile(InputStream inputStream) throws MPXJException
ProjectReader reader = new AstaTextFileReader();
return reader.read(inputStream);
} | [
"Process a text-based PP file.\n\n@param inputStream file input stream\n@return ProjectFile instance"
] | [
"Used to add working hours to the calendar. Note that the MPX file\ndefinition allows a maximum of 7 calendar hours records to be added to\na single calendar.\n\n@param day day number\n@return new ProjectCalendarHours instance",
"Deletes the concrete representation of the specified object in the underlying\npersistence system. This method is intended for use in top-level api or\nby internal calls.\n\n@param obj The object to delete.\n@param ignoreReferences With this flag the automatic deletion/unlinking\nof references can be suppressed (independent of the used auto-delete setting in metadata),\nexcept {@link org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.SuperReferenceDescriptor}\nthese kind of reference (descriptor) will always be performed. If <em>true</em>\nall \"normal\" referenced objects will be ignored, only the specified object is handled.\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Process data for an individual calendar.\n\n@param row calendar data",
"Load a table configuration in from a text-file reader.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null if we reach EOF.",
"We have obtained waveform detail for a device, so store it and alert any listeners.\n\n@param update the update which caused us to retrieve this waveform detail\n@param detail the waveform detail which we retrieved",
"This method is used to calculate the duration of work between two fixed\ndates according to the work schedule defined in the named calendar. The\ncalendar used is the \"Standard\" calendar. If this calendar does not exist,\nand exception will be thrown.\n\n@param startDate start of the period\n@param endDate end of the period\n@return new Duration object\n@throws MPXJException normally when no Standard calendar is available\n@deprecated use calendar.getDuration(startDate, endDate)",
"Search for the second entry in the second database. Use this method for databases configured with no duplicates.\n\n@param second second key (value for first).\n@return null if no entry found, otherwise the value.",
"Check if all cluster objects in the list are congruent.\n\n@param clusterUrls of cluster objects\n@return",
"Create a smaller array from an existing one.\n\n@param strings an array containing element of type {@link String}\n@param begin the starting position of the sub-array\n@param length the number of element to consider\n@return a new array continaining only the selected elements"
] |
public void getGradient(int[] batch, double[] gradient) {
for (int i=0; i<batch.length; i++) {
addGradient(i, gradient);
} | [
"Gets the gradient at the current point, computed on the given batch of examples.\n@param batch A set of indices indicating the examples over which the gradient should be computed.\n@param gradient The output gradient, a vector of partial derivatives."
] | [
"Initialize new instance\n@param instance\n@param logger\n@param auditor",
"Sets the target hosts from json path.\n\n@param jsonPath\nthe json path\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the parallel task builder\n@throws TargetHostsLoadException\nthe target hosts load exception",
"Append the WHERE part of the statement to the StringBuilder.",
"Sets the elements in this matrix to be equal to the elements in the passed in matrix.\nBoth matrix must have the same dimension.\n\n@param a The matrix whose value this matrix is being set to.",
"Returns all migrations starting from and excluding the given version. Usually you want to provide the version of\nthe database here to get all migrations that need to be executed. In case there is no script with a newer\nversion than the one given, an empty list is returned.\n\n@param version the version that is currently in the database\n@return all versions since the given version or an empty list if no newer script is available. Never null.\nDoes not include the given version.",
"Sets the content type for this ID\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param contentType content type value",
"Utility to list indexes of a given type.\n\n@param type the type of index to list, null means all types\n@param modelType the class to deserialize the index into\n@param <T> the type of the index\n@return the list of indexes of the specified type",
"Copy the given Collection into a Class array.\nThe Collection must contain Class elements only.\n@param collection the Collection to copy\n@return the Class array ({@code null} if the passed-in\nCollection was {@code null})",
"Calculates the middle point between two points and multiplies its coordinates with the given\nsmoothness _Mulitplier.\n@param _P1 First point\n@param _P2 Second point\n@param _Result Resulting point\n@param _Multiplier Smoothness multiplier"
] |
public synchronized int cancelByTag(String tagToCancel) {
int i = 0;
if (taskList.containsKey(tagToCancel)) {
for (Future<BlurWorker.Result> future : taskList.get(tagToCancel)) {
BuilderUtil.logVerbose(Dali.getConfig().logTag, "Canceling task with tag " + tagToCancel, Dali.getConfig().debugMode);
//remove all canceled tasks
Iterator<Future<BlurWorker.Result>> iter = taskList.get(tagToCancel).iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (iter.next().isCancelled()) {
return i;
} | [
"Cancel all task with this tag and returns the canceled task count\n\n@param tagToCancel\n@return"
] | [
"Store the char in the internal buffer",
"Create a new entry in the database from an object.",
"handle white spaces.",
"Adds a basic LHS OPERATOR RHS block.\n\n@param list parent criteria list\n@param block current block",
"Put everything smaller than days at 0\n@param cal calendar to be cleaned",
"Sets all padding to the same value.\n@param padding new padding for top, bottom, left, and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Simply appends the given parameters and returns it to obtain a cache key\n@param sql\n@param resultSetConcurrency\n@param resultSetHoldability\n@param resultSetType\n@return cache key to use",
"Add a source and destination.\n\n@param source Source path to be routed. Routed path can have named wild-card pattern with braces \"{}\".\n@param destination Destination of the path.",
"The users element defines users within the domain model, it is a simple authentication for some out of the box users."
] |
public static void numberToBytes(int number, byte[] buffer, int start, int length) {
for (int index = start + length - 1; index >= start; index--) {
buffer[index] = (byte)(number & 0xff);
number = number >> 8;
} | [
"Writes a number to the specified byte array field, breaking it into its component bytes in big-endian order.\nIf the number is too large to fit in the specified number of bytes, only the low-order bytes are written.\n\n@param number the number to be written to the array\n@param buffer the buffer to which the number should be written\n@param start where the high-order byte should be written\n@param length how many bytes of the number should be written"
] | [
"add a foreign key field",
"This function uses a proxy which is capable of transforming typed invocations into proper HTTP calls\nwhich will be understood by RESTful services. This works for subresources as well. Interfaces and\nconcrete classes can be proxified, in the latter case a CGLIB runtime dependency is needed. CXF JAX-RS\nproxies can be configured the same way as HTTP-centric WebClients and response status and headers can\nalso be checked. HTTP response errors can be converted into typed exceptions.",
"Add server redirect to a profile\n\n@param region region\n@param srcUrl source URL\n@param destUrl destination URL\n@param hostHeader host header\n@param profileId profile ID\n@param groupId group ID\n@return ID of added ServerRedirect\n@throws Exception exception",
"Delete a path recursively.\n@param path a Path pointing to a file or a directory that may not exists anymore.\n@throws IOException",
"Return total number of connections currently in use by an application\n@return no of leased connections",
"Use this API to delete nsip6 resources.",
"Returns a PreparedStatementCreator that returns a count of the rows that\nthis creator would return.\n\n@param dialect\nDatabase dialect.",
"Generates a toString method using concatenation or a StringBuilder.",
"Returns a converter instance for the given annotation.\n\n@param annotation the annotation\n@return a converter instance or {@code null} if the given annotation is no option annotation"
] |
private int getClosingParenthesisPosition(String text, int opening)
if (text.charAt(opening) != '(')
return -1;
int count = 0;
for (int i = opening; i < text.length(); i++)
char c = text.charAt(i);
switch (c)
case '(':
case ')':
if (count == 0)
return i;
return -1;
} | [
"Look for the closing parenthesis corresponding to the one at position\nrepresented by the opening index.\n\n@param text input expression\n@param opening opening parenthesis index\n@return closing parenthesis index"
] | [
"Use this API to disable Interface resources of given names.",
"Distributed process finish.\n\n@param rb the rb\n@param mtasFields the mtas fields\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Restores a trashed file back to its original location.\n@param fileID the ID of the trashed file.\n@return info about the restored file.",
"Gets the JsonObject representation of the Field Operation.\n@param fieldOperation represents the template update operation\n@return the json object",
"Read exactly buffer.length bytes from the stream into the buffer\n\n@param stream The stream to read from\n@param buffer The buffer to read into",
"Set the numeric code. Setting it to -1 search for currencies that have no numeric code.\n\n@param codes the numeric codes.\n@return the query for chaining.",
"helper extracts the cursor data from the db object",
"Assigns this retention policy to a metadata template, optionally with certain field values.\n@param templateID the ID of the metadata template to apply to.\n@param fieldFilters optional field value filters.\n@return info about the created assignment.",
"Get container for principal.\n\n@param cms cmsobject\n@param list of principals\n@param captionID caption id\n@param descID description id\n@param iconID icon id\n@param ouID ou id\n@param icon icon\n@param iconList iconlist\n@return indexedcontainer"
] |
public Weld addPackage(boolean scanRecursively, Class<?> packageClass) {
packages.add(new PackInfo(packageClass, scanRecursively));
return this;
} | [
"A package of the specified class will be scanned and found classes will be added to the set of bean classes for the synthetic bean archive.\n\n@param scanRecursively\n@param packageClass\n@return self"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the lbsipparameters resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Start a server.\n\n@return the http server\n@throws Exception the exception",
"Tokenize the the string as a package hierarchy\n\n@param str\n@return",
"Split string content into list\n@param content String content\n@return list",
"MOVED INSIDE ExpressionUtils\n\nprotected JRDesignExpression getExpressionForConditionalStyle(ConditionalStyle condition, String columExpression) {\nString fieldsMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentFields()\";\nString parametersMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentParams()\";\nString variablesMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentVariables()\";\n\nString evalMethodParams = fieldsMap +\", \" + variablesMap + \", \" + parametersMap + \", \" + columExpression;\n\nString text = \"((\"+ConditionStyleExpression.class.getName()+\")$P{\" + JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP + \"}.get(\\\"\"+condition.getName()+\"\\\")).\"+CustomExpression.EVAL_METHOD_NAME+\"(\"+evalMethodParams+\")\";\nJRDesignExpression expression = new JRDesignExpression();\nexpression.setValueClass(Boolean.class);\nexpression.setText(text);\nreturn expression;\n}",
"Processes an anonymous field definition specified at the class level.\n\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the field as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"autoincrement\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is\nauto-incremented\" values=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"column\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The column for the field\"\[email protected] name=\"conversion\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fully qualified name of the\nconversion for the field\"\[email protected] name=\"default-fetch\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The default-fetch setting\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the field\"\[email protected] name=\"id\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The position of the field in the class\ndescriptor\"\[email protected] name=\"indexed\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is indexed\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"jdbc-type\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The jdbc type of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"length\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The length of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"locking\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field supports locking\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the field\"\[email protected] name=\"nullable\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is nullable\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"precision\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The precision of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"primarykey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is a primarykey\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"scale\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The scale of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"sequence-name\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the sequence for\nincrementing the field\"\[email protected] name=\"table\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The table of the field (not implemented\nyet)\"\[email protected] name=\"update-lock\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Can be set to false if the persistent attribute is\nused for optimistic locking AND the dbms should update the lock column itself (default is true). Can only be set for\nTIMESTAMP and INTEGER columns\" values=\"true,false\"",
"Returns a new color with a new value of the specified HSL\ncomponent.",
"Build all children.\n\n@return the child descriptions",
"check max size of each message\n@param maxMessageSize the max size for each message"
] |
public List<BoxComment.Info> getComments() {
URL url = GET_COMMENTS_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
int totalCount = responseJSON.get("total_count").asInt();
List<BoxComment.Info> comments = new ArrayList<BoxComment.Info>(totalCount);
JsonArray entries = responseJSON.get("entries").asArray();
for (JsonValue value : entries) {
JsonObject commentJSON = value.asObject();
BoxComment comment = new BoxComment(this.getAPI(), commentJSON.get("id").asString());
BoxComment.Info info = comment.new Info(commentJSON);
return comments;
} | [
"Gets a list of any comments on this file.\n\n@return a list of comments on this file."
] | [
"Try to provide an escaped, ready-to-use shell line to repeat a given command line.",
"Session connect generate channel.\n\n@param session\nthe session\n@return the channel\n@throws JSchException\nthe j sch exception",
"Populate the constraint type and constraint date.\nNote that Merlin allows both start and end constraints simultaneously.\nAs we can't have both, we'll prefer the start constraint.\n\n@param row task data from database\n@param task Task instance",
"Filters attributes from the HTML string.\n\n@param html The HTML to filter.\n@return The filtered HTML string.",
"Use this API to enable snmpalarm resources of given names.",
"Parses the equation and compiles it into a sequence which can be executed later on\n@param equation String in simple equation format.\n@param assignment if true an assignment is expected and an exception if thrown if there is non\n@param debug if true it will print out debugging information\n@return Sequence of operations on the variables",
"Creates a random vector that is inside the specified span.\n\n@param span The span the random vector belongs in.\n@param rand RNG\n@return A random vector within the specified span.",
"Here we specify the configuration, starting from default MostUsefulConfiguration, and changing only what is needed",
"get TypeSignature given the signature\n\n@param typeSignature\n@param useInternalFormFullyQualifiedName\nif true, fqn in parameterizedTypeSignature must be in the form\n'java/lang/Thread'. If false fqn must be of the form\n'java.lang.Thread'\n@return"
] |
public boolean evaluate(FieldContainer container, Map<GenericCriteriaPrompt, Object> promptValues)
// Retrieve the LHS value
FieldType field = m_leftValue;
Object lhs;
if (field == null)
lhs = null;
lhs = container.getCurrentValue(field);
switch (field.getDataType())
case DATE:
if (lhs != null)
lhs = DateHelper.getDayStartDate((Date) lhs);
if (lhs != null)
Duration dur = (Duration) lhs;
lhs = dur.convertUnits(TimeUnit.HOURS, m_properties);
lhs = Duration.getInstance(0, TimeUnit.HOURS);
case STRING:
lhs = lhs == null ? "" : lhs;
// Retrieve the RHS values
Object[] rhs;
if (m_symbolicValues == true)
rhs = processSymbolicValues(m_workingRightValues, container, promptValues);
rhs = m_workingRightValues;
// Evaluate
boolean result;
switch (m_operator)
case AND:
case OR:
result = evaluateLogicalOperator(container, promptValues);
result = m_operator.evaluate(lhs, rhs);
return result;
} | [
"Evaluate the criteria and return a boolean result.\n\n@param container field container\n@param promptValues responses to prompts\n@return boolean flag"
] | [
"Returns a string that encodes the result of a method invocation.\nEffectively, this just removes any headers from the encoded response.\n\n@param encodedResponse\n@return string that encodes the result of a method invocation",
"Execute a request\n\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history\n@throws Exception",
"Get a list of referring domains for a photostream.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotostreamDomains.html\"",
"Returns the probability that the records v1 and v2 came from\nrepresent the same entity, based on high and low probability\nsettings etc.",
"Read a nested table whose contents we don't understand.\n\n@param rowSize fixed row size\n@param rowMagicNumber row magic number\n@return table rows",
"adds the qualified names to the export-package attribute, if not already\npresent.\n\n@param packages - passing parameterized packages is not supported",
"Creates a ServiceCall from an observable object.\n\n@param observable the observable to create from\n@param <T> the type of the response\n@return the created ServiceCall",
"Figure out the starting waveform segment that corresponds to the specified coordinate in the window.\n\n@param x the column being drawn\n\n@return the offset into the waveform at the current scale and playback time that should be drawn there",
"Use this API to enable Interface of given name."
] |
public GenericCriteria process(ProjectProperties properties, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int entryOffset, List<GenericCriteriaPrompt> prompts, List<FieldType> fields, boolean[] criteriaType)
m_properties = properties;
m_prompts = prompts;
m_fields = fields;
m_criteriaType = criteriaType;
m_dataOffset = dataOffset;
if (m_criteriaType != null)
m_criteriaType[0] = true;
m_criteriaType[1] = true;
m_criteriaData = data;
m_criteriaTextStart = MPPUtility.getShort(m_criteriaData, m_dataOffset + getCriteriaTextStartOffset());
// Populate the map
int criteriaStartOffset = getCriteriaStartOffset();
int criteriaBlockSize = getCriteriaBlockSize();
//System.out.println(ByteArrayHelper.hexdump(data, dataOffset, criteriaStartOffset, false));
if (m_criteriaData.length <= m_criteriaTextStart)
return null; // bad data
while (criteriaStartOffset + criteriaBlockSize <= m_criteriaTextStart)
byte[] block = new byte[criteriaBlockSize];
System.arraycopy(m_criteriaData, m_dataOffset + criteriaStartOffset, block, 0, criteriaBlockSize);
m_criteriaBlockMap.put(Integer.valueOf(criteriaStartOffset), block);
//System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(criteriaStartOffset) + ": " + ByteArrayHelper.hexdump(block, false));
criteriaStartOffset += criteriaBlockSize;
if (entryOffset == -1)
entryOffset = getCriteriaStartOffset();
List<GenericCriteria> list = new LinkedList<GenericCriteria>();
processBlock(list, m_criteriaBlockMap.get(Integer.valueOf(entryOffset)));
GenericCriteria criteria;
if (list.isEmpty())
criteria = null;
criteria = list.get(0);
return criteria;
} | [
"Main entry point to read criteria data.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param data criteria data block\n@param dataOffset offset of the data start within the larger data block\n@param entryOffset offset of start node for walking the tree\n@param prompts optional list to hold prompts\n@param fields optional list of hold fields\n@param criteriaType optional array representing criteria types\n@return first node of the criteria"
] | [
"Closes all the producers in the pool",
"Determines the number of elements that the query would return. Override this\nmethod if the size shall be determined in a specific way.\n\n@return The number of elements",
"Scale the mesh at x, y and z axis.\n\n@param mesh Mesh to be scaled.\n@param x Scale to be applied on x-axis.\n@param y Scale to be applied on y-axis.\n@param z Scale to be applied on z-axis.",
"Prints a suggestion to stderr for the argument based on the levenshtein distance metric\n\n@param arg the argument which could not be assigned to a flag\n@param co the {@link ConfigOption} List where every flag is stored",
"Returns a builder that is initialized with the given path.\n@param path the path to initialize with\n@return the new {@code UriComponentsBuilder}",
"Command line method to walk the directories provided on the command line\nand print out their contents\n\n@param args Directory names",
"Initializes an annotation class\n\n@param name The name of the annotation class\n@return The instance of the annotation. Returns a dummy if the class was\nnot found",
"Separate from other findNonProgressingOp variant to allow unit testing without needing a mock OperationContext",
"Use this API to add vlan resources."
] |
protected PrintResult withOpenOutputStream(final PrintAction function) throws Exception {
final File reportFile = getReportFile();
final Processor.ExecutionContext executionContext;
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(reportFile);
BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(out)) {
executionContext = function.run(bout);
return new PrintResult(reportFile.length(), executionContext);
} | [
"Open an OutputStream and execute the function using the OutputStream.\n\n@param function the function to execute\n@return the URI and the file size"
] | [
"Saves the loaded XML bundle as property bundle.\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException thrown if localizations from the XML bundle could not be loaded correctly.\n@throws CmsException thrown if any of the interactions with the VFS fails.\n@throws IOException thrown if localizations from the XML bundle could not be loaded correctly.",
"Send a device lost announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param announcement the last message received from the vanished device",
"Gets the task from in progress map.\n\n@param jobId\nthe job id\n@return the task from in progress map",
"Print a duration represented by an arbitrary fraction of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@param factor required factor\n@return duration represented as an arbitrary fraction of minutes",
"Write a string field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Resolve all files from a given path and simplify its definition.",
"Defines how messages should be logged. This method can be modified to\nrestrict the logging messages that are shown on the console or to change\ntheir formatting. See the documentation of Log4J for details on how to do\nthis.",
"Stops the emulator. Multiple calls are allowed.\n\n@throws DatastoreEmulatorException if the emulator cannot be stopped",
"Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.\n\n@param v1\nright-hand vector"
] |
public String[] getString() {
String[] valueDestination = new String[ string.size() ];
return valueDestination;
} | [
"Provide array of String results from inputOutput MFString field named string.\n@return value of string field"
] | [
"Parses values out of the header text.\n\n@param header header text",
"Returns the default shared instance of the CleverTap SDK.\n\n@param context The Android context\n@return The {@link CleverTapAPI} object",
"Validates this string is a valid address, and if not, throws an exception with a descriptive message indicating why it is not.\n@throws AddressStringException",
"Reads a combined date and time value expressed in tenths of a minute.\n\n@param data byte array of data\n@param offset location of data as offset into the array\n@return time value",
"Returns the compact records for all attachments on the task.\n\n@param task Globally unique identifier for the task.\n@return Request object",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new ForbidSubStr processor with a List of forbidden substrings.\n\n@param forbiddenSubStrings\nthe forbidden substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif forbiddenSubStrings is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif forbiddenSubStrings is empty",
"Retrieve a specific row by index number, creating a blank row if this row does not exist.\n\n@param index index number\n@return MapRow instance",
"Read JdbcConnectionDescriptors from this InputStream.\n\n@see #mergeConnectionRepository",
"Converts the given string to a clob object\n\n@param stringName string name to clob\n@param sqlConnection Connection object\n@return Clob object or NULL"
] |
private HashMap<Integer, Boolean> generateExpandedStateMap() {
HashMap<Integer, Boolean> parentHashMap = new HashMap<>();
int childCount = 0;
int listItemCount = mFlatItemList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < listItemCount; i++) {
if (mFlatItemList.get(i) != null) {
ExpandableWrapper<P, C> listItem = mFlatItemList.get(i);
if (listItem.isParent()) {
parentHashMap.put(i - childCount, listItem.isExpanded());
} else {
return parentHashMap;
} | [
"Generates a HashMap used to store expanded state for items in the list\non configuration change or whenever onResume is called.\n\n@return A HashMap containing the expanded state of all parents"
] | [
"Handles the response of the Request node request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process.",
"Reads a string from input stream saved as a sequence of UTF chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to read from.\n@return output string\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Validates the producer method",
"Opens a file from the volume. The filePath is relative to the\ndefaultPath.\n\n@param filePath\nFile path of the resource to open.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Escape a value to be HTML friendly.\n@param value the Object value.\n@return the HTML-escaped String, or <null> if the value is null.",
"Comparator against other element.\n\n@param otherElement The other element.\n@param logging Whether to do logging.\n@return Whether the elements are equal.",
"Make superclasses method protected??",
"Converts an update description BSON document from a MongoDB Change Event into an\nUpdateDescription object.\n\n@param document the\n@return the converted UpdateDescription",
"Generates a torque schema for the model.\n\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@return The property value\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\""
] |
public void copyTo(Gradient g) {
g.numKnots = numKnots;
g.map = (int[])map.clone();
g.xKnots = (int[])xKnots.clone();
g.yKnots = (int[])yKnots.clone();
g.knotTypes = (byte[])knotTypes.clone();
} | [
"Copy one Gradient into another.\n@param g the Gradient to copy into"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Return a list of websocket connection by key\n\n@param key\nthe key to find the websocket connection list\n@return a list of websocket connection or an empty list if no websocket connection found by key",
"Exchange an auth token from the old Authentication API, to an OAuth access token.\n\nCalling this method will delete the auth token used to make the request.\n\n@param authToken\n@throws FlickrException\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.auth.oauth.getAccessToken.html\"",
"Read the project data and return a ProjectFile instance.\n\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Make log segment file name from offset bytes. All this does is pad out the offset number\nwith zeros so that ls sorts the files numerically\n@param offset offset value (padding with zero)\n@return filename with offset",
"Returns the smallest prefix length possible such that this address division grouping includes the block of addresses for that prefix.\n\n@return the prefix length",
"Main method of VPRendererAdapter. This method has the responsibility of update the\nRendererBuilder values and create or recycle a new Renderer. Once the renderer has been\nobtained the RendereBuilder will call the render method in the renderer and will return the\nRenderer root view to the ViewPager.\n\nIf RendererBuilder returns a null Renderer this method will throw a\nNullRendererBuiltException.\n\n@param parent The containing View in which the page will be shown.\n@param position to render.\n@return view rendered.",
"Return a product descriptor for a specific strike.\n\n@param referenceDate The reference date (translating the maturity floating point date to dates.\n@param index The index corresponding to the strike grid.\n@return a product descriptor for a specific strike.\n@throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Thrown if index is out of bound.",
"Use this API to fetch clusterinstance resources of given names ."
] |
private void addGroups(MpxjTreeNode parentNode, ProjectFile file)
for (Group group : file.getGroups())
final Group g = group;
MpxjTreeNode childNode = new MpxjTreeNode(group)
@Override public String toString()
return g.getName();
} | [
"Add groups to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file group container"
] | [
"Constructs the path from FQCN, validates writability, and creates a writer.",
"Add an element assigned with its score\n@param member the member to add\n@param score the score to assign\n@return <code>true</code> if the set has been changed",
"Converts Observable of list to Observable of Inner.\n@param innerList list to be converted.\n@param <InnerT> type of inner.\n@return Observable for list of inner.",
"Helper method that encapsulates the minimum logic for adding a high\npriority job to a queue.\n\n@param jedis\nthe connection to Redis\n@param namespace\nthe Resque namespace\n@param queue\nthe Resque queue name\n@param jobJson\nthe job serialized as JSON",
"Processes the template for all foreignkeys of the current table.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Use this API to fetch aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Hardcode a copy method as being valid. This should be used to tell Mutability Detector about\na method which copies a collection, and when the copy can be wrapped in an immutable wrapper\nwe can consider the assignment immutable. Useful for allowing Mutability Detector to correctly\nwork with other collections frameworks such as Google Guava. Reflection is used to obtain the\nmethod's descriptor and to verify the method's existence.\n\n@param fieldType - the type of the field to which the result of the copy is assigned\n@param fullyQualifiedMethodName - the fully qualified method name\n@param argType - the type of the argument passed to the copy method\n\n@throws MutabilityAnalysisException - if the specified class or method does not exist\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - if any of the arguments are null",
"Checks if class is on class path\n@param className of the class to check.\n@return true if class in on class path, false otherwise.",
">>>>>> measureUntilFull helper methods"
] |
private void populateCalendarException(Record record, ProjectCalendar calendar) throws MPXJException
Date fromDate = record.getDate(0);
Date toDate = record.getDate(1);
boolean working = record.getNumericBoolean(2);
// I have found an example MPX file where a single day exception is expressed with just the start date set.
// If we find this for we assume that the end date is the same as the start date.
if (fromDate != null && toDate == null)
toDate = fromDate;
ProjectCalendarException exception = calendar.addCalendarException(fromDate, toDate);
if (working)
addExceptionRange(exception, record.getTime(3), record.getTime(4));
addExceptionRange(exception, record.getTime(5), record.getTime(6));
addExceptionRange(exception, record.getTime(7), record.getTime(8));
} | [
"Populates a calendar exception instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param calendar calendar to which the exception will be added\n@throws MPXJException"
] | [
"Set the host.\n\n@param host the host",
"Returns the local collection representing the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace referring to the local collection.\n@param resultClass the {@link Class} that represents documents in the collection.\n@param <T> the type documents in the collection.\n@return the local collection representing the given namespace.",
"Checks if the given project exists or not.\n\n@param name project name\n@return true/false\n@throws IllegalArgumentException",
"This method skips the end-of-line markers in the RTF document.\nIt also indicates if the end of the embedded object has been reached.\n\n@param text RTF document test\n@param offset offset into the RTF document\n@return new offset",
"This takes into account scrolling and will be in absolute\ncoordinates where the top left corner of the page is 0,0 but\nthe viewport may be scrolled to something else.",
"Generates new individual particle radius based on min and max radius setting.\n\n@return new particle radius",
"Searches the variables layers, top to bottom, for the iterable having all of it's items of the given type. Return\nnull if not found.",
"When all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same score, in order to force lexicographical\nordering, this command returns the number of elements in the sorted set with a value in the given range.\n@param lexRange\n@return the number of elements in the specified range.",
"Try to get the line number associated with the given member.\n\nThe reflection API does not expose such an info and so we need to analyse the bytecode. Unfortunately, it seems there is no way to get this kind of\ninformation for fields. Moreover, the <code>LineNumberTable</code> attribute is just optional, i.e. the compiler is not required to store this\ninformation at all. See also <a href=\"http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.1\">Java Virtual Machine Specification</a>\n\nImplementation note: it wouldn't be appropriate to add a bytecode scanning dependency just for this functionality, therefore Apache BCEL included in\nOracle JDK 1.5+ and OpenJDK 1.6+ is used. Other JVMs should not crash as we only use it if it's on the classpath and by means of reflection calls.\n\n@param member\n@param resourceLoader\n@return the line number or 0 if it's not possible to find it"
] |
private void validateFilter(Filter filter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
switch (filter.getFilterTypeCase()) {
for (Filter subFilter : filter.getCompositeFilter().getFiltersList()) {
if (UNSUPPORTED_OPERATORS.contains(filter.getPropertyFilter().getOp())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query cannot have any inequality filters.");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported filter type: " + filter.getFilterTypeCase());
} | [
"Validates that we only have allowable filters.\n\n<p>Note that equality and ancestor filters are allowed, however they may result in\ninefficient sharding."
] | [
"Retrieve the request History based on the specified filters.\nIf no filter is specified, return the default size history.\n\n@param filters filters to be applied\n@return array of History items\n@throws Exception exception",
"Creates a simple, annotation defined Web Bean\n\n@param <T> The type\n@param clazz The class\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@return A Web Bean",
"Use this API to enable nsfeature.",
"Use this API to fetch sslcipher_individualcipher_binding resources of given name .",
"Closes the outbound socket binding connection.\n\n@throws IOException",
"creates a shape list containing all child shapes and set it to the\ncurrent shape new shape get added to the shape array\n@param shapes\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Gets read-only metadata.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param nodeIds Node ids to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param storeNames Stores names to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param metaKeys List of read-only metadata to fetch\n@throws IOException",
"Convenience routine to return the specified error's\nunderlying SyntaxException, or null if it isn't one.",
"Sets the background color of the scene rendered by this camera.\n\nIf you don't set the background color, the default is an opaque black.\nMeaningful parameter values are from 0 to 1, inclusive: values\n{@literal < 0} are clamped to 0; values {@literal > 1} are clamped to 1."
] |
public ItemRequest<ProjectStatus> delete(String projectStatus) {
String path = String.format("/project_statuses/%s", projectStatus);
return new ItemRequest<ProjectStatus>(this, ProjectStatus.class, path, "DELETE");
} | [
"Deletes a specific, existing project status update.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param projectStatus The project status update to delete.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"used to signal to the server that the client is going to drop the connection, and waits up to\none second for the server to acknowledge the receipt of this message",
"Check whether the URL end with one of the given suffixes.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible suffixes\n@return true when URL ends with one of the suffixes",
"Locks the bundle descriptor.\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking fails.",
"The % Work Complete field contains the current status of a task,\nexpressed as the percentage of the task's work that has been completed.\nYou can enter percent work complete, or you can have Microsoft Project\ncalculate it for you based on actual work on the task.\n\n@return percentage as float",
"Adds the allowed values. Override for attributes who should not use the allowed values.\n\n@param result the node to add the allowed values to\n@param validator the validator to get the allowed values from",
"Calculate start dates for a monthly relative recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Add all headers in a header map.\n\n@param headers a map of headers.\n@return the interceptor instance itself.",
"Return true if the values of the two vectors are equal when cast as ints.\n\n@param a first vector to compare\n@param b second vector to compare\n@return true if the values of the two vectors are equal when cast as ints",
"Start the initialization.\n\n@param id\n@param manager\n@param bootstrap\n@return the initialized Weld container"
] |
public static base_response delete(nitro_service client, String selectorname) throws Exception {
cacheselector deleteresource = new cacheselector();
deleteresource.selectorname = selectorname;
return deleteresource.delete_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to delete cacheselector of given name."
] | [
"Creates the button for converting an XML bundle in a property bundle.\n@return the created button.",
"Checks each available roll strategy in turn, starting at the per-minute\nstrategy, next per-hour, and so on for increasing units of time until a\nmatch is found. If no match is found, the error strategy is returned.\n\n@param properties\n@return The appropriate roll strategy.",
"Checks if this has the passed suffix\n\n@param suffix is a Bytes object to compare to this\n@return true or false\n@since 1.1.0",
"Build the key for the TableAlias based on the path and the hints\n@param aPath\n@param hintClasses\n@return the key for the TableAlias",
"Writes the details of a recurring exception.\n\n@param mpxjException source MPXJ calendar exception\n@param xmlException target MSPDI exception",
"Disables all the overrides for a specific profile\n\n@param model\n@param profileID\n@param clientUUID\n@return",
"Sets a custom response on an endpoint\n\n@param pathValue path (endpoint) value\n@param requestType path request type. \"GET\", \"POST\", etc\n@param customData custom response data\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Helper method that creates a Velocity context and initialises it\nwith a reference to the ReportNG utils, report metadata and localised messages.\n@return An initialised Velocity context.",
"Painter the tile, by building a URL where the image can be found.\n\n@param tile\nMust be an instance of {@link InternalTile}, and must have a non-null {@link RasterUrlBuilder}.\n@return Returns a {@link InternalTile}."
] |
protected void addStatement(Statement statement, boolean isNew) {
PropertyIdValue pid = statement.getMainSnak().getPropertyId();
// This code maintains the following properties:
// (1) the toKeep structure does not contain two statements with the
// same statement id
// (2) the toKeep structure does not contain two statements that can
// be merged
if (this.toKeep.containsKey(pid)) {
List<StatementWithUpdate> statements = this.toKeep.get(pid);
for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) {
Statement currentStatement = statements.get(i).statement;
boolean currentIsNew = statements.get(i).write;
if (!"".equals(currentStatement.getStatementId())
&& currentStatement.getStatementId().equals(
statement.getStatementId())) {
// Same, non-empty id: ignore existing statement as if
// deleted
Statement newStatement = mergeStatements(statement,
if (newStatement != null) {
boolean writeNewStatement = (isNew || !newStatement
&& (currentIsNew || !newStatement
// noWrite: (newS == statement && !isNew)
// || (newS == cur && !curIsNew)
// Write: (newS != statement || isNew )
// && (newS != cur || curIsNew)
statements.set(i, new StatementWithUpdate(newStatement,
// Impossible with default merge code:
// Kept here for future extensions that may choose to not
// reuse this id.
if (!"".equals(statement.getStatementId())
&& !newStatement.getStatementId().equals(
statement.getStatementId())) {
if (!"".equals(currentStatement.getStatementId())
&& !newStatement.getStatementId().equals(
currentStatement.getStatementId())) {
statements.add(new StatementWithUpdate(statement, isNew));
} else {
List<StatementWithUpdate> statements = new ArrayList<>();
statements.add(new StatementWithUpdate(statement, isNew));
this.toKeep.put(pid, statements);
} | [
"Adds one statement to the list of statements to be kept, possibly merging\nit with other statements to be kept if possible. When two existing\nstatements are merged, one of them will be updated and the other will be\nmarked for deletion.\n\n@param statement\nstatement to add\n@param isNew\nif true, the statement should be marked for writing; if false,\nthe statement already exists in the current data and is only\nadded to remove duplicates and avoid unnecessary writes"
] | [
"Compute 2-dimensional Perlin noise.\n@param x the x coordinate\n@param y the y coordinate\n@return noise value at (x,y)",
"Remove a module.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param existingHash the existing hash\n@return the builder",
"Records the list of backedup files into a text file\n\n@param filesInEnv\n@param backupDir",
"Retrieve an enterprise field value.\n\n@param index field index\n@return field value",
"Exchange an auth token from the old Authentication API, to an OAuth access token.\n\nCalling this method will delete the auth token used to make the request.\n\n@param authToken\n@throws FlickrException\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.auth.oauth.getAccessToken.html\"",
"Guess the date of the dump from the given dump file name.\n\n@param fileName\n@return 8-digit date stamp or YYYYMMDD if none was found",
"Deletes an individual alias\n\n@param alias\nthe alias to delete",
"Check if a dependency matches the filters\n\n@param dependency\n\n@return boolean",
"Provides a consistent ordering over lists. First compares by the first\nelement. If that element is equal, the next element is considered, and so\non."
] |
private Object getConstantValue(FieldType type, byte[] block)
Object value;
DataType dataType = type.getDataType();
if (dataType == null)
value = null;
switch (dataType)
value = MPPUtility.getAdjustedDuration(m_properties, MPPUtility.getInt(block, getValueOffset()), MPPUtility.getDurationTimeUnits(MPPUtility.getShort(block, getTimeUnitsOffset())));
value = Double.valueOf(MPPUtility.getDouble(block, getValueOffset()));
value = Double.valueOf(MPPUtility.getShort(block, getValueOffset()));
value = Double.valueOf(MPPUtility.getDouble(block, getValueOffset()) / 100);
case STRING:
int textOffset = getTextOffset(block);
value = MPPUtility.getUnicodeString(m_criteriaData, m_dataOffset + m_criteriaTextStart + textOffset);
int intValue = MPPUtility.getShort(block, getValueOffset());
value = (intValue == 1 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
case DATE:
value = MPPUtility.getTimestamp(block, getValueOffset());
value = null;
return value;
} | [
"Retrieves a constant value.\n\n@param type field type\n@param block criteria data block\n@return constant value"
] | [
"Remove all children that have been added to the owner object of this camera rig; except the\ncamera objects.",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of dospolicy resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Moves the elements contained in \"band\" in the Y axis \"yOffset\"\n@param yOffset\n@param band",
"Returns the index of the eigenvalue which has the largest magnitude.\n\n@return index of the largest magnitude eigen value.",
"Returns an iterable containing the items in this folder and specifies which child fields to retrieve from the\nAPI.\n\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing the items in this folder.",
"Sets selected page implicitly\n@param page new selected page\n@return true if the page has been selected successfully",
"This method converts a node to text.\n\nLeading and trailing text from hidden tokens (whitespace/comments) is removed. Text from hidden tokens that is\nsurrounded by text from non-hidden tokens is summarized to a single whitespace.\n\nThe preferred use case of this method is to convert the {@link ICompositeNode} that has been created for a data\ntype rule to text.\n\nThis is also the recommended way to convert a node to text if you want to invoke\n{@link org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.IValueConverterService#toValue(String, String, INode)}",
"Starts the loading process and creates a timer that sets of the callback after a given tiime if it hasn't already been triggered.\n\n@param timeout number of milliseconds after which the callback should be called if it hasn't already been",
"Used to create a new retention policy.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the retention policy.\n@param type the type of the retention policy. Can be \"finite\" or \"indefinite\".\n@param length the duration in days that the retention policy will be active for after being assigned to content.\n@param action the disposition action can be \"permanently_delete\" or \"remove_retention\".\n@return the created retention policy's info."
] |
protected Transformer getTransformer() {
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = domXmlDataFormat.getTransformerFactory();
try {
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2");
return transformer;
catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
throw LOG.unableToCreateTransformer(e);
} | [
"Returns a configured transformer to write XML.\n\n@return the XML configured transformer\n@throws SpinXmlElementException if no new transformer can be created"
] | [
"Add join info to the query. This can be called multiple times to join with more than one table.",
"Creates a new child folder inside this folder.\n\n@param name the new folder's name.\n@return the created folder's info.",
"Add a plugin path\n\n@param model\n@param add\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"This method extracts calendar data from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param project Root node of the MSPDI file\n@param map Map of calendar UIDs to names",
"This method writes resource data to an MSPDI file.\n\n@param project Root node of the MSPDI file",
"Use this API to disable vserver of given name.",
"The context returned by this method may be later reused for other interception types.\n\n@param interceptionModel\n@param ctx\n@param manager\n@param type\n@return the interception context to be used for the AroundConstruct chain",
"get TypeSignature given the signature\n\n@param typeSignature\n@param useInternalFormFullyQualifiedName\nif true, fqn in parameterizedTypeSignature must be in the form\n'java/lang/Thread'. If false fqn must be of the form\n'java.lang.Thread'\n@return",
"This method displays the resource assignments for each task. This time\nrather than just iterating through the list of all assignments in\nthe file, we extract the assignments on a task-by-task basis.\n\n@param file MPX file"
] |
public <T> Blob toExcelPivot(
final List<T> domainObjects,
final Class<T> cls,
final String fileName) throws ExcelService.Exception {
return toExcelPivot(domainObjects, cls, null, fileName);
} | [
"Creates a Blob holding a single-sheet spreadsheet with a pivot of the domain objects. The sheet name is derived from the\nclass name.\n\n<p>\nMinimal requirements for the domain object are:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\nOne property has annotation {@link PivotRow} and will be used as row identifier in left column of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotColumn}. Its values will be used in columns of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotValue}. Its values will be distributed in the pivot.\n</li>\n</ul>"
] | [
"Get a sub-list of this list\n@param fromIndex index of the first element in the sub-list (inclusive)\n@param toIndex index of the last element in the sub-list (inclusive)\n@return the sub-list",
"Return a licenses view of the targeted module\n\n@param moduleId String\n@return List<DbLicense>",
"Run a task once, after a delay.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nUnit is seconds.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Use this API to fetch all the nspbr6 resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Indicates if this file represents a directory on the underlying file system.\n\n@param directoryPath\n@return",
"This method allows a subsection of a byte array to be copied.\n\n@param data source data\n@param offset offset into the source data\n@param size length of the source data to copy\n@return new byte array containing copied data",
"Sets the submatrix of W up give Y is already configured and if it is being cached or not.",
"Look-up the results data for a particular test class.",
"Get a unique reference to the media slot on the network from which the specified data was loaded.\n\n@param dataReference the data whose media slot is of interest\n\n@return the instance that will always represent the slot associated with the specified data"
] |
private ReferenceDescriptorDef usedByReference(ModelDef modelDef, FieldDescriptorDef fieldDef)
String ownerClassName = ((ClassDescriptorDef)fieldDef.getOwner()).getQualifiedName();
ClassDescriptorDef classDef;
ReferenceDescriptorDef refDef;
String targetClassName;
// only relevant for primarykey fields
if (PropertyHelper.toBoolean(fieldDef.getProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_PRIMARYKEY), false))
for (Iterator classIt = modelDef.getClasses(); classIt.hasNext();)
classDef = (ClassDescriptorDef)classIt.next();
for (Iterator refIt = classDef.getReferences(); refIt.hasNext();)
refDef = (ReferenceDescriptorDef)refIt.next();
targetClassName = refDef.getProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_CLASS_REF).replace('$', '.');
if (ownerClassName.equals(targetClassName))
// the field is a primary key of the class referenced by this reference descriptor
return refDef;
return null;
} | [
"Checks whether the given field definition is used as the primary key of a class referenced by\na reference.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param fieldDef The current field descriptor def\n@return The reference that uses the field or <code>null</code> if the field is not used in this way"
] | [
"Updates the model. Ensures that we reset the columns widths.\n\n@param model table model",
"Returns the encoding of the file.\nEncoding is read from the content-encoding property and defaults to the systems default encoding.\nSince properties can change without rewriting content, the actual encoding can differ.\n\n@param cms {@link CmsObject} used to read properties of the given file.\n@param file the file for which the encoding is requested\n@return the file's encoding according to the content-encoding property, or the system's default encoding as default.",
"Adds a resource collection with execution hints.",
"Use this API to fetch all the ipset resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Triggers a new search with the given text.\n\n@param query the text to search for.",
"Gets a SerialMessage with the SENSOR_ALARM_GET command\n@return the serial message",
"Returns the screen width in pixels\n\n@param context is the context to get the resources\n@return the screen width in pixels",
"Delete a module\n\n@param moduleId String",
"Gets the i-th half-edge associated with the face.\n\n@param i\nthe half-edge index, in the range 0-2.\n@return the half-edge"
] |
public void start() {
try {
for (final Map.Entry<MongoNamespace, NamespaceChangeStreamListener> streamerEntry :
nsStreamers.entrySet()) {
} finally {
} | [
"Starts all streams."
] | [
"Get all field attributes in an unmodifiable Map, or null if no attributes have been added\n\n@return all field attributes, or <code>NULL</code> if none exist",
"Ask the specified player for a Folder menu for exploring its raw filesystem.\nThis is a request for unanalyzed items, so we do a typed menu request.\n\n@param slotReference the player and slot for which the menu is desired\n@param sortOrder the order in which responses should be sorted, 0 for default, see Section 6.11.1 of the\n<a href=\"https://github.com/Deep-Symmetry/dysentery/blob/master/doc/Analysis.pdf\">Packet Analysis\ndocument</a> for details\n@param folderId identifies the folder whose contents should be listed, use -1 to get the root folder\n\n@return the entries in the folder menu\n\n@throws Exception if there is a problem obtaining the menu",
"Whether the given column is part of this key family or not.\n\n@return {@code true} if the given column is part of this key, {@code false} otherwise.",
"Extracts the column of A and copies it into u while computing the magnitude of the\nlargest element and returning it.\n\n<pre>\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 ] = A.getReal(row0+i,col)\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 + 1] = A.getImag(row0+i,col)\n</pre>\n\n@param A Complex matrix\n@param row0 First row in A to be copied\n@param row1 Last row in A + 1 to be copied\n@param col Column in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U\n@return magnitude of largest element",
"Use this API to fetch tmsessionpolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Returns all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay accross all server groups.\n\n@param context the current OperationContext.\n@param overlay the name of the overlay.\n@return all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay accross all server groups.",
"build an Authentication.\n\nTypes:\n<ul>\n<li>plain:jafka</li>\n<li>md5:77be29f6d71ec4e310766ddf881ae6a0</li>\n<li>crc32:1725717671</li>\n</ul>\n@param crypt password style\n@return an authentication\n@throws IllegalArgumentException password error",
"Starts the animation with the given index.\n@param animIndex 0-based index of {@link GVRAnimator} to start;\n@see GVRAvatar#stop()\n@see #start(String)",
"Set the locking values\n@param cld\n@param obj\n@param oldLockingValues"
] |
public static<A, B, C, D, Z> Function4<A, B, C, D, Z> lift(Func4<A, B, C, D, Z> f) {
return bridge.lift(f);
} | [
"Lift a Java Func4 to a Scala Function4\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function"
] | [
"Calculates the size based constraint width and height if present, otherwise from children sizes.",
"Constructs the convex hull of a set of points.\n\n@param points\ninput points\n@param nump\nnumber of input points\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nthe number of input points is less than four or greater then\nthe length of <code>points</code>, or the points appear to be\ncoincident, colinear, or coplanar.",
"Converts the string of given content to an input stream.\n\n@param content the string content.\n@param charset the charset for conversion.\n@return the stream (should be closed by invoker).",
"Returns data tree structured as Transloadit expects it.\n\n@param data\n@return {@link Map}\n@throws LocalOperationException",
"Use this API to delete systementitydata.",
"Add query part for the facet, without filters.\n@param query The query part that is extended for the facet",
"Get maximum gray value in the image.\n\n@param fastBitmap Image to be processed.\n@param startX Initial X axis coordinate.\n@param startY Initial Y axis coordinate.\n@param width Width.\n@param height Height.\n@return Maximum gray.",
"Appends formatted text to the source.\n\n<p>Formatting supports {@code %s} and {@code %n$s}. Most args are converted according to their\n{@link Object#toString()} method, except that:<ul>\n<li> {@link Package} and {@link PackageElement} instances use their fully-qualified names\n(no \"package \" prefix).\n<li> {@link Class}, {@link TypeElement}, {@link DeclaredType} and {@link QualifiedName}\ninstances use their qualified names where necessary, or shorter versions if a suitable\nimport line can be added.\n<li> {@link Excerpt} instances have {@link Excerpt#addTo(SourceBuilder)} called.\n</ul>",
"Returns a new color with a new value of the specified HSL\ncomponent."
] |
public String getTextForExpression(DJGroup group, DJGroup childGroup, String type) {
return "new Double( $V{" + getReportName() + "_" + getGroupVariableName(childGroup) + "}.doubleValue() / $V{" + getReportName() + "_" + getGroupVariableName(type,group.getColumnToGroupBy().getColumnProperty().getProperty()) + "}.doubleValue())";
} | [
"Returns the formula for the percentage\n@param group\n@param type\n@return"
] | [
"Translate this rectangle over the specified following distances.\n\n@param rect rectangle to move\n@param dx delta x\n@param dy delta y",
"Use this API to kill systemsession resources.",
"Retrieve the number of minutes per month for this calendar.\n\n@return minutes per month",
"Get a loader that lists the files in the current path,\nand monitors changes.",
"Extract calendar data.",
"Create a Collection Proxy for a given query.\n\n@param brokerKey The key of the persistence broker\n@param query The query\n@param collectionClass The class to build the proxy for\n@return The collection proxy",
"Creates a code location URL from a class\n\n@param codeLocationClass the class\n@return A URL created from Class\n@throws InvalidCodeLocation if URL creation fails",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key is a regular queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key identifies a regular queue, false otherwise",
"Read relationship data from a PEP file."
] |
protected float getLayoutOffset() {
//final int offsetSign = getOffsetSign();
final float axisSize = getViewPortSize(getOrientationAxis());
float layoutOffset = - axisSize / 2;
Log.d(LAYOUT, TAG, "getLayoutOffset(): dimension: %5.2f, layoutOffset: %5.2f",
axisSize, layoutOffset);
return layoutOffset;
} | [
"Calculate the layout offset"
] | [
"Schedules the task with a fixed delay period and an initialDelay period. This functions\nlike the normal java Timer.\n@param task\n@param initialDelay\n@param fixedDelay",
"Measure all children from container if needed\n@param measuredChildren the list of measured children\nmeasuredChildren list can be passed as null if it's not needed to\ncreate the list of the measured items\n@return true if the layout was recalculated, otherwise - false",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all audit_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"A convenient way of creating a map on the fly.\n\n@param <K> the key type\n@param <V> the value type\n@param entries\nMap.Entry objects to be added to the map\n@return a LinkedHashMap with the supplied entries",
"Log the values for the provided template.\n\n@param templateName the name of the template the values came from\n@param template the template object\n@param values the resultant values",
"replace the counter for K1-index o by new counter c",
"Inserts a CharSequence value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a CharSequence, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Resets the helper's state.\n\n@return this {@link Searcher} for chaining.",
"Verifies application name. Avoids characters that Zookeeper does not like in nodes & Hadoop\ndoes not like in HDFS paths.\n\n@param name Application name\n@throws IllegalArgumentException If name contains illegal characters"
] |
private long getTotalTime(ProjectCalendarDateRanges exception, Date date, boolean after)
long currentTime = DateHelper.getCanonicalTime(date).getTime();
long total = 0;
for (DateRange range : exception)
total += getTime(range.getStart(), range.getEnd(), currentTime, after);
return (total);
} | [
"Retrieves the amount of time represented by a calendar exception\nbefore or after an intersection point.\n\n@param exception calendar exception\n@param date intersection time\n@param after true to report time after intersection, false to report time before\n@return length of time in milliseconds"
] | [
"Returns a date and time string which is formatted as ISO-8601.",
"This could be a self-extracting archive. If we understand the format, expand\nit and check the content for files we can read.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Roll the java.util.Date forward or backward.\n\n@param startDate - The start date\n@param period Calendar.YEAR etc\n@param amount - Negative to rollbackwards.",
"This method is currently in use only by the SvnCoordinator",
"Dumps an animation channel to stdout.\n\n@param nodeAnim the channel",
"Compiles the allowable actions for a file or folder.\n\n@param cms the current CMS context\n@param file the resource for which we want the allowable actions\n\n@return the allowable actions for the given resource",
"Produces an IPv4 address from any sequence of 4 bytes in this IPv6 address.\n\n@param byteIndex the byte index to start\n@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is less than zero or bigger than 7\n@return",
"Tries to guess location of the user secure keyring using various\nheuristics.\n\n@return path to the keyring file\n@throws FileNotFoundException if no keyring file found",
"Returns a copy of this year-quarter with the new year and quarter, checking\nto see if a new object is in fact required.\n\n@param newYear the year to represent, validated from MIN_YEAR to MAX_YEAR\n@param newQuarter the quarter-of-year to represent, validated not null\n@return the year-quarter, not null"
] |
protected Integer parseOptionalIntValue(final String path) {
final I_CmsXmlContentValue value = m_xml.getValue(path, m_locale);
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else {
final String stringValue = value.getStringValue(null);
try {
final Integer intValue = Integer.valueOf(stringValue);
return intValue;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
LOG.info(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_OPTIONAL_INTEGER_MISSING_1, path), e);
return null;
} | [
"Helper to read an optional Integer value.\n@param path The XML path of the element to read.\n@return The Integer value stored in the XML, or <code>null</code> if the value could not be read."
] | [
"Decode a content Type header line into types and parameters pairs",
"directive dynamic xxx,yy\n@param node\n@return",
"Changes the image data associated with a GVRTexture.\nThis can be a simple bitmap, a compressed bitmap,\na cubemap or a compressed cubemap.\n@param imageData data for the texture as a GVRImate",
"Populate the authenticated user profiles in the Shiro subject.\n\n@param profiles the linked hashmap of profiles",
"Validates that this string is a valid host name or IP address, and if not, throws an exception with a descriptive message indicating why it is not.\n@throws HostNameException",
"Reads an HTML snippet with the given name.\n\n@return the HTML data",
"Set a Java classname path to ignore when printing stack traces\n@param classToIgnoreInTraces The class name (with packages, etc) to ignore.\n@return this",
"Function to delete the specified store from Metadata store. This involves\n\n1. Remove entry from the ConfigurationStorageEngine for STORES.\n\n2. Update the metadata cache.\n\n3. Re-create the 'stores.xml' key\n\n@param storeName specifies name of the store to be deleted.",
"Compute \"sent\" date\n\n@param msg Message to take sent date from. May be null to use default\n@param defaultVal Default if sent date is not present\n@return Sent date or now if no date could be found"
] |
public void setTextureBufferSize(final int size) {
mRootViewGroup.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} | [
"Set the default size of the texture buffers. You can call this to reduce the buffer size\nof views with anti-aliasing issue.\n\nThe max value to the buffer size should be the Math.max(width, height) of attached view.\n\n@param size buffer size. Value > 0 and <= Math.max(width, height)."
] | [
"Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.\n\n@param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type\n@param <U> the target document type\n@return an iterable which maps T to U",
"Return the releaseId\n\n@return releaseId",
"Write a boolean field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Add a polygon symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.",
"Issue the database statements to drop the table associated with a class.\n\n<p>\n<b>WARNING:</b> This is [obviously] very destructive and is unrecoverable.\n</p>\n\n@param connectionSource\nAssociated connection source.\n@param dataClass\nThe class for which a table will be dropped.\n@param ignoreErrors\nIf set to true then try each statement regardless of {@link SQLException} thrown previously.\n@return The number of statements executed to do so.",
"This method can be used by child classes to apply the configuration that is stored in config.",
"from IsoFields in ThreeTen-Backport",
"Cancel a particular download in progress. Returns 1 if the download Id is found else returns 0.\n\n@param downloadId\n@return int",
"Handle a \"current till end\" change event.\n@param event the change event."
] |
public void load(List<E> result) {
if (this.result == null || this.result.isEmpty()) {
this.result = result;
} else {
} | [
"This method is called by the client to load the most recent list of resources.\nThis method should only be called by the service client.\n\n@param result the most recent list of resources."
] | [
"Read a Synchro string from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return String instance",
"Retrieve the Charset used to read the file.\n\n@return Charset instance",
"simple echo implementation",
"Use this API to fetch autoscaleaction resource of given name .",
"Populates a calendar exception instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param calendar calendar to which the exception will be added\n@throws MPXJException",
"Reads a nested table. Uses the supplied reader class instance.\n\n@param readerClass reader class instance\n@return table rows",
"Returns a converter instance for the given annotation.\n\n@param annotation the annotation\n@return a converter instance or {@code null} if the given annotation is no option annotation",
"This method works as the one above, adding some properties to the message\n\n@param agent_name\nThe id of the agents that receive the message\n@param msgtype\n@param message_content\nThe content of the message\n@param properties\nto be added to the message\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access",
"Use this API to export sslfipskey resources."
] |
public void setProxyClass(Class newProxyClass)
proxyClass = newProxyClass;
if (proxyClass == null)
proxyClassName = proxyClass.getName();
} | [
"Sets the proxy class to be used.\n@param newProxyClass java.lang.Class"
] | [
"Get the QNames of the port components to be declared\nin the namespaces\n\n@return collection of QNames",
"Returns a copy of this year-quarter with the new year and quarter, checking\nto see if a new object is in fact required.\n\n@param newYear the year to represent, validated from MIN_YEAR to MAX_YEAR\n@param newQuarter the quarter-of-year to represent, validated not null\n@return the year-quarter, not null",
"Reads filter parameters.\n\n@param params the params\n@return the criterias",
"Sets left and right padding for all cells in the table.\n@param padding new padding for left and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Returns the overtime cost of this resource assignment.\n\n@return cost",
"Read a task from a ConceptDraw PROJECT file.\n\n@param projectIdentifier parent project identifier\n@param map outline number to task map\n@param task ConceptDraw PROJECT task",
"Writes and reads the XOP attachment using a CXF JAX-RS WebClient.\nNote that WebClient is created with the help of JAXRSClientFactoryBean.\nJAXRSClientFactoryBean can be used when neither of the WebClient factory\nmethods is appropriate. For example, in this case, an \"mtom-enabled\"\nproperty is set on the factory bean first.\n\n\n@throws Exception",
"Get the AuthInterface.\n\n@return The AuthInterface",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nspbr6_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public void setShowOutput(String mode) {
try {
this.outputMode = OutputMode.valueOf(mode.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("showOutput accepts any of: "
+ Arrays.toString(OutputMode.values()) + ", value is not valid: " + mode);
} | [
"Display mode for output streams."
] | [
"Return the entity of a resource\n\n@param resource the resource\n@param <T> the type of the resource's entity\n@param <R> the resource type\n@return the resource's entity",
"Must be called with pathEntries lock taken",
"Gets the time warp.\n\n@return the time warp",
"Get the AuthInterface.\n\n@return The AuthInterface",
"Resolve the single type argument of the given generic interface against the given\ntarget method which is assumed to return the given interface or an implementation\nof it.\n@param method the target method to check the return type of\n@param genericIfc the generic interface or superclass to resolve the type argument from\n@return the resolved parameter type of the method return type, or {@code null}\nif not resolvable or if the single argument is of type {@link WildcardType}.",
"Compress a directory into a zip file\n\n@param dir Directory\n@param zipFile ZIP file to create\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"Issue the database statements to drop the table associated with a table configuration.\n\n<p>\n<b>WARNING:</b> This is [obviously] very destructive and is unrecoverable.\n</p>\n\n@param connectionSource\nAssociated connection source.\n@param tableConfig\nHand or spring wired table configuration. If null then the class must have {@link DatabaseField}\nannotations.\n@param ignoreErrors\nIf set to true then try each statement regardless of {@link SQLException} thrown previously.\n@return The number of statements executed to do so.",
"Use this API to fetch all the clusternodegroup resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"once we're on ORM 5"
] |
public void fireTaskReadEvent(Task task)
if (m_projectListeners != null)
for (ProjectListener listener : m_projectListeners)
} | [
"This method is called to alert project listeners to the fact that\na task has been read from a project file.\n\n@param task task instance"
] | [
"Set the replace of the uri and return the new URI.\n\n@param initialUri the starting URI, the URI to update\n@param path the path to set on the baeURI",
"Determine if a task field contains data.\n\n@param task task instance\n@param field target field\n@return true if the field contains data",
"Builds IMAP envelope String from pre-parsed data.",
"Process a file.\n\n@param file the file to be processed\n@param mode the patching mode\n@throws IOException",
"Use this API to unset the properties of vridparam resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Configure file logging and stop console logging.\n\n@param filename\nLog to this file.",
"Shows a dialog with user information for given session.\n\n@param session to show information for",
"Build a Pk-Query base on the ClassDescriptor.\n\n@param cld\n@return a select by PK query",
"Shuts down a managed domain container. The servers are first stopped, then the host controller is shutdown.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param timeout the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of {@code -1} will wait indefinitely and a value of\n{@code 0} will not attempt a graceful shutdown\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs communicating with the server\n@throws OperationExecutionException if the operation used to shutdown the managed domain failed"
] |
private String hibcProcess(String source) {
// HIBC 2.6 allows up to 110 characters, not including the "+" prefix or the check digit
if (source.length() > 110) {
throw new OkapiException("Data too long for HIBC LIC");
source = source.toUpperCase();
if (!source.matches("[A-Z0-9-\\. \\$/+\\%]+?")) {
throw new OkapiException("Invalid characters in input");
int counter = 41;
for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) {
counter += positionOf(source.charAt(i), HIBC_CHAR_TABLE);
counter = counter % 43;
char checkDigit = HIBC_CHAR_TABLE[counter];
encodeInfo += "HIBC Check Digit Counter: " + counter + "\n";
encodeInfo += "HIBC Check Digit: " + checkDigit + "\n";
return "+" + source + checkDigit;
} | [
"Adds the HIBC prefix and check digit to the specified data, returning the resultant data string.\n\n@see <a href=\"https://sourceforge.net/p/zint/code/ci/master/tree/backend/library.c\">Corresponding Zint code</a>"
] | [
"Read an optional string value form a JSON value.\n@param val the JSON value that should represent the string.\n@return the string from the JSON or null if reading the string fails.",
"Concatenates of list of Bytes objects to create a byte array\n\n@param listOfBytes Bytes objects to concatenate\n@return Bytes",
"Examine the given model node, resolving any expressions found within, including within child nodes.\n\n@param node the node\n@return a node with all expressions resolved\n@throws OperationFailedException if an expression cannot be resolved",
"Reads the header data from a block.\n\n@param buffer block data\n@param offset current offset into block data\n@param postHeaderSkipBytes bytes to skip after reading the header\n@return current BlockHeader instance",
"Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel_policybinding_binding resources of given name .",
"Sets the background color of the scene rendered by this camera.\n\nIf you don't set the background color, the default is an opaque black.\nMeaningful parameter values are from 0 to 1, inclusive: values\n{@literal < 0} are clamped to 0; values {@literal > 1} are clamped to 1.",
"Resize the key data area.\nThis function will truncate the keys if the\ninitial setting was too large.\n\n@oaran numKeys the desired number of keys",
"This method removes all RTF formatting from a given piece of text.\n\n@param text Text from which the RTF formatting is to be removed.\n@return Plain text",
"Print a task UID.\n\n@param value task UID\n@return task UID string"
] |
public void validate() throws AddressStringException {
if(isValidated()) {
synchronized(this) {
if(isValidated()) {
//we know nothing about this address. See what it is.
try {
parsedAddress = getValidator().validateAddress(this);
isValid = true;
} catch(AddressStringException e) {
cachedException = e;
isValid = false;
throw e;
} | [
"Validates this string is a valid address, and if not, throws an exception with a descriptive message indicating why it is not.\n@throws AddressStringException"
] | [
"Instantiates the templates specified by @Template within @Templates",
"Initializes the model",
"Add a text symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.",
"Handles the deletion of a key.\n@param key the deleted key.\n@return <code>true</code> if the deletion was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise.",
"Convert an object to another object given a parameterized type signature\n\n@param context\n@param destinationType\nthe destination type\n@param source\nthe source object\n\n@return the converted object\n@throws ConverterException\nif conversion failed",
"Update the state of the picker. If it has an owner, the picker\nwill use that object to derive its position and orientation.\nThe \"active\" state of this controller is used to indicate touch.\nThe cursor position is updated after picking.",
"Overridden method always creating a new instance\n\n@param contextual The bean to create\n@param creationalContext The creation context",
"Gets existing config files.\n\n@return the existing config files",
"If the deployment has a module attached it will ask the module to load the ServiceActivator services.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context"
] |
public String login(String token, Authentication authentication) {
if (null == token) {
return login(authentication);
tokens.put(token, new TokenContainer(authentication));
return token;
} | [
"Login for a specific authentication, creating a specific token if given.\n\n@param token token to use\n@param authentication authentication to assign to token\n@return token"
] | [
"Registers all custom Externalizer implementations that Hibernate OGM needs into an Infinispan CacheManager\nconfiguration.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@param cfg the Serialization section of a GlobalConfiguration builder",
"Read all top level tasks.",
"Sorts the given array into sorted order using the given comparator.\n\n@param self the array to be sorted\n@param comparator a Comparator used for the comparison\n@return the sorted array\n@since 1.5.5",
"Use this API to fetch clusternodegroup resource of given name .",
"Send a lifecycle announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param logger the logger to use, so the log entry shows as belonging to the proper subclass.\n@param starting will be {@code true} if the DeviceFinder is starting, {@code false} if it is stopping.",
"Sorts the specified list itself into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.\n\n@param list\nthe list to be sorted. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return the sorted list itself.\n@see Collections#sort(List)",
"Inserts a String value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing value\nfor the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a String, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Tests the string edit distance function.",
"Get prototype name.\n\n@return prototype name"
] |
private void configureConfigurationSelector() {
if (m_checkinBean.getConfigurations().size() < 2) {
// Do not show the configuration selection at all.
} else {
for (CmsGitConfiguration configuration : m_checkinBean.getConfigurations()) {
m_configurationSelector.setItemCaption(configuration, configuration.getName());
// There is really a choice between configurations
m_configurationSelector.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
} | [
"Configures the configuration selector."
] | [
"Lookup a PortComponentMetaData by wsdl-port local part\n\n@param name - the wsdl-port local part\n@return PortComponentMetaData if found, null otherwise",
"Unilaterally merge an update description into this update description.\n@param otherDescription the update description to merge into this\n@return this merged update description",
"Check whether the URL contains one of the patterns.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible patterns\n@return true when URL contains one of the patterns",
"Append a Handler to every parent of the given class\n@param parent The class of the parents to add the child to\n@param child The Handler to add.",
"Prepare a batch api request using list of individual reuests.\n@param requests list of api requests that has to be executed in batch.",
"Collects all the fields from columns and also the fields not bounds to columns\n@return List<ColumnProperty>",
"Validates an operation against its description provider\n\n@param operation The operation to validate\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the operation is not valid",
"This method works as the one above, adding some properties to the message\n\n@param agent_name\nThe id of the agents that receive the message\n@param msgtype\n@param message_content\nThe content of the message\n@param properties\nto be added to the message\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access",
"Destroys an instance of the bean\n\n@param instance The instance"
] |
public PatchingResult rollbackLast(final ContentVerificationPolicy contentPolicy, final boolean resetConfiguration, InstallationManager.InstallationModification modification) throws PatchingException {
// Determine the patch id to rollback
String patchId;
final List<String> oneOffs = modification.getPatchIDs();
if (oneOffs.isEmpty()) {
patchId = modification.getCumulativePatchID();
if (patchId == null || Constants.NOT_PATCHED.equals(patchId)) {
throw PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.noPatchesApplied();
} else {
patchId = oneOffs.get(0);//oneOffs.get(oneOffs.size() - 1);
return rollbackPatch(patchId, contentPolicy, false, resetConfiguration, modification);
} | [
"Rollback the last applied patch.\n\n@param contentPolicy the content policy\n@param resetConfiguration whether to reset the configuration\n@param modification the installation modification\n@return the patching result\n@throws PatchingException"
] | [
"Registers an image to the images cache, so that it can be captured by the build-info proxy.\n\n@param imageId\n@param imageTag\n@param targetRepo\n@param buildInfoId\n@throws IOException",
"Determines the number bytes required to store a variable length\n\n@param i length of Bytes\n@return number of bytes needed",
"Transform the operation into something the proxy controller understands.\n\n@param identity the server identity\n@return the transformed operation",
"Inserts a CharSequence value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a CharSequence, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"We have reason to believe we might have enough information to calculate a signature for the track loaded on a\nplayer. Verify that, and if so, perform the computation and record and report the new signature.",
"waits for all async mutations that were added before this was called to be flushed. Does not\nwait for async mutations added after call.",
"Wait until a scan of the table completes without seeing notifications AND without the Oracle\nissuing any timestamps during the scan.",
"Queries database meta data to check for the existence of\nspecific tables.",
"Gets the value of the given header field.\n@param fieldName name of the header field.\n@return value of the header."
] |
public void close() throws IOException {
final ManagedBinding binding = this.socketBindingManager.getNamedRegistry().getManagedBinding(this.name);
if (binding == null) {
} | [
"Closes the outbound socket binding connection.\n\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Tells you if an expression is the expected constant.\n@param expression\nany expression\n@param expected\nthe expected int or String\n@return\nas described",
"Populate a file creation record.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param properties project properties",
"Initialization method.\n\n@param t1\n@param t2",
"Registers an image to the images cache, so that it can be captured by the build-info proxy.\n\n@param imageId\n@param imageTag\n@param targetRepo\n@param buildInfoId\n@throws IOException",
"Implements get by delegating to getAll.",
"Return a list of unique namespaces, optionally limited by a given predicate, in alphabetical order.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param predicate\n@param perPage\n@param page\n@return NamespacesList\n@throws FlickrException",
"Calculate start dates for a monthly absolute recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Recover log up to the last complete entry. Truncate off any bytes from any incomplete\nmessages written\n\n@throws IOException any exception",
"Returns the z-coordinate of a vertex position.\n\n@param vertex the vertex index\n@return the z coordinate"
] |
protected boolean check(String id, List<String> includes, List<String> excludes) {
return check(id, includes) && !check(id, excludes);
} | [
"Check whether the given id is included in the list of includes and not excluded.\n\n@param id id to check\n@param includes list of include regular expressions\n@param excludes list of exclude regular expressions\n@return true when id included and not excluded"
] | [
"Decomposes a submatrix. The results are written to the submatrix\nand to its internal matrix L.\n\n@param mat A matrix which has a submatrix that needs to be inverted\n@param indexStart the first index of the submatrix\n@param n The width of the submatrix that is to be inverted.\n@return True if it was able to finish the decomposition.",
"Used for unit tests only.\n\nFIXME: Refactor test code with dependency injection or scope restrictions so this function is not public.\n\n@deprecated Do not use for production code, use {@link #fetch(String, String, voldemort.server.protocol.admin.AsyncOperationStatus, String, long, voldemort.store.metadata.MetadataStore, Long diskQuotaSizeInKB)} instead.",
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicy_dnspolicylabel_binding resources of given name .",
"Examins the structure of A for QR decomposition\n@param A matrix which is to be decomposed\n@return true if the solution is valid or false if the decomposition can't be performed (i.e. requires column pivots)",
"Returns the indices that would sort an array.\n\n@param array Array.\n@param ascending Ascending order.\n@return Array of indices.",
"Returns all entries in no particular order.",
"Invalidate the item in layout\n@param dataIndex data index",
"Creates a status instance from the given serviceReferences.\nThe given list is copied to a new set made immutable.\n\n@param serviceReferencesBound the set of ServiceReference which are bound to the declaration.\n@param serviceReferencesHandled the set of ServiceReference which are handling the declaration.\n@return the new instance of status",
"change server state between OFFLINE_SERVER and NORMAL_SERVER\n\n@param setToOffline True if set to OFFLINE_SERVER"
] |
@Modified(id = "exporterServices")
void modifiedExporterService(ServiceReference<ExporterService> serviceReference) {
try {
} catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) {
LOG.error("The ServiceProperty \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" of the ExporterService "
+ bundleContext.getService(serviceReference) + " doesn't provides a valid Filter."
+ " To be used, it must provides a correct \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" ServiceProperty.",
if (exportersManager.matched(serviceReference)) {
} else {
} | [
"Update the Target Filter of the ExporterService.\nApply the induce modifications on the links of the ExporterService\n\n@param serviceReference"
] | [
"Use this API to update nd6ravariables.",
"Get log file\n\n@return log file",
"Set the meta data for the photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo ID\n@param title\nThe new title\n@param description\nThe new description\n@throws FlickrException",
"Convert a color to an angle.\n\n@param color The RGB value of the color to \"find\" on the color wheel.\n\n@return The angle (in rad) the \"normalized\" color is displayed on the\ncolor wheel.",
"Checks whether the folder exists for fileName, and creates it if necessary.\n\n@param fileName folder name.\n@throws IOException an IO exception.",
"Use this API to update snmpmanager resources.",
"Creates a new row representing a rule.\n@param type the type for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowType#CONTENT} nor {@link TableRowType#UNKNOWN}\n@param style the style for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowStyle#UNKNOWN}\n@return a new row representing a rule\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if type or style where null\n@throws {@link IllegalStateException} if type or style where unknown or if type was {@link TableRowType#CONTENT}",
"Dump an array of bytes in hexadecimal.\n\n@param displayOffset the display offset (left column)\n@param data the byte array of data\n@param offset the offset to start dumping in the byte array\n@param len the length of data to dump\n@return the dump string",
"Use this API to rename a cmppolicylabel resource."
] |
void nextExecuted(String sql) throws SQLException
if (_order.contains(sql))
String sqlCmd = sql.substring(0, 7);
String rest = sql.substring(sqlCmd.equals("UPDATE ") ? 7 // "UPDATE "
: 12); // "INSERT INTO " or "DELETE FROM "
String tableName = rest.substring(0, rest.indexOf(' '));
HashSet fkTables = (HashSet) _fkInfo.get(tableName);
// we should not change order of INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE
// statements for the same table
if (_touched.contains(tableName))
if (sqlCmd.equals("INSERT "))
if (_dontInsert != null && _dontInsert.contains(tableName))
// one of the previous INSERTs contained a table
// that references this table.
// Let's execute that previous INSERT right now so that
// in the future INSERTs into this table will go first
// in the _order array.
//if (sqlCmd.equals("DELETE ") || sqlCmd.equals("UPDATE "))
// We process UPDATEs in the same way as DELETEs
// because setting FK to NULL in UPDATE is equivalent
// to DELETE from the referential integrity point of view.
if (_deleted != null && fkTables != null)
HashSet intersection = (HashSet) _deleted.clone();
if (!intersection.isEmpty())
// one of the previous DELETEs contained a table
// that is referenced from this table.
// Let's execute that previous DELETE right now so that
// in the future DELETEs into this table will go first
// in the _order array.
if (sqlCmd.equals("INSERT "))
if (fkTables != null)
if (_dontInsert == null)
_dontInsert = new HashSet();
else if (sqlCmd.equals("DELETE "))
if (_deleted == null)
_deleted = new HashSet();
} | [
"Remember the order of execution"
] | [
"Creates a producer method Web Bean\n\n@param method The underlying method abstraction\n@param declaringBean The declaring bean abstraction\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@return A producer Web Bean",
"Calculate which pie slice is under the pointer, and set the current item\nfield accordingly.",
"This method is called by the ++ operator for the class CharSequence.\nIt increments the last character in the given CharSequence. If the last\ncharacter in the CharSequence is Character.MAX_VALUE a Character.MIN_VALUE\nwill be appended. The empty CharSequence is incremented to a string\nconsisting of the character Character.MIN_VALUE.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return a value obtained by incrementing the toString() of the CharSequence\n@since 1.8.2",
"Unilaterally merge an update description into this update description.\n@param otherDescription the update description to merge into this\n@return this merged update description",
"Update the server group's name\n\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@param name new name of server group\n@return updated ServerGroup",
"Use this API to disable snmpalarm of given name.",
"Runs the given method with the specified arguments, substituting with proxies where necessary\n@param method\n@param target proxy target\n@param args\n@return Proxy-fied result for statements, actual call result otherwise\n@throws IllegalAccessException\n@throws InvocationTargetException",
"Overridden method always creating a new instance\n\n@param contextual The bean to create\n@param creationalContext The creation context",
"Set the channel. This will return whether the channel could be set successfully or not.\n\n@param newChannel the channel\n@return whether the operation succeeded or not"
] |
public void addRequiredBundles(Set<String> requiredBundles) {
addRequiredBundles(requiredBundles.toArray(new String[requiredBundles.size()]));
} | [
"Add the set with given bundles to the \"Require-Bundle\" main attribute.\n\n@param requiredBundles The set with all bundles to add."
] | [
"Builds the table for the database results.\n\n@param results the database results\n@return the table",
"Read a block of data from the FastTrack file and determine if\nit contains a table definition, or columns.\n\n@param blockIndex index of the current block\n@param startIndex start index of the block in the file\n@param blockLength block length",
"Returns all program element docs that have a visibility greater or\nequal than the specified level",
"create logs with given partition number\n\n@param topic the topic name\n@param partitions partition number\n@param forceEnlarge enlarge the partition number of log if smaller than runtime\n@return the partition number of the log after enlarging",
"Use this API to fetch a sslglobal_sslpolicy_binding resources.",
"Adds a new Matrix variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.\n\nWhile more verbose for multiple variables, this function doesn't require new memory be declared\neach time it's called.\n\n@param variable Matrix which is to be assigned to name\n@param name The name of the variable",
"Creates a new CRFDatum from the preprocessed allData format, given the\ndocument number, position number, and a List of Object labels.\n\n@return A new CRFDatum",
"Makes sure that there is a class definition for the given qualified name, and returns it.\n\n@param original The XDoclet class object\n@return The class definition",
"Removes the duplicate node list.\n\n@param list\nthe list\n@return the int"
] |
private void addChildrenForGroupsNode(I_CmsOuTreeType type, String ouItem) {
try {
// Cut of type-specific prefix from ouItem with substring()
List<CmsGroup> groups = m_app.readGroupsForOu(m_cms, ouItem.substring(1), type, false);
for (CmsGroup group : groups) {
Pair<String, CmsUUID> key = Pair.of(type.getId(), group.getId());
Item groupItem = m_treeContainer.addItem(key);
if (groupItem == null) {
groupItem = getItem(key);
groupItem.getItemProperty(PROP_NAME).setValue(getIconCaptionHTML(group, CmsOuTreeType.GROUP));
setChildrenAllowed(key, false);
m_treeContainer.setParent(key, ouItem);
} catch (CmsException e) {
LOG.error("Can not read group", e);
} | [
"Add groups for given group parent item.\n\n@param type the tree type\n@param ouItem group parent item"
] | [
"Get the underlying channel. This may block until the channel is set.\n\n@return the channel\n@throws IOException for any error",
"Converters the diffusion coefficient to hydrodynamic diameter and vice versa\n@param value Diffusion coefficient in [m^2 s^-1] or hydrodynamic diameter in [m]\n@param temperatur Temperatur in [Kelvin]\n@param viscosity Viscosity in [kg m^-1 s^-1]\n@return Hydrodynmaic diameter [m] / diffusion coefficient [m^2 s^-1]",
"Moves a calendar to the nth named day of the month.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param dayNumber nth day",
"Get the value of a Annotation in a class declaration.\n@param classType\n@param annotationType\n@param attributeName\n@return the value of the annotation as String or null if something goes wrong",
"checks whether the specified Object obj is read-locked by Transaction tx.\n@param tx the transaction\n@param obj the Object to be checked\n@return true if lock exists, else false",
"Splits up value into multiple versioned values\n\n@param value\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"Retrieves list of inbox messages based on given userId\n@param userId String userid\n@return ArrayList of {@link CTMessageDAO}",
"Resolve the boot updates and register at the local HC.\n\n@param controller the model controller\n@param callback the completed callback\n@throws Exception for any error",
"Obtains a local date in Accounting calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Accounting local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date"
] |
public Iterator getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(Query query) throws PersistenceBrokerException
ClassDescriptor cld = getClassDescriptor(query.getSearchClass());
return getReportQueryIteratorFromQuery(query, cld);
} | [
"Get an Iterator based on the ReportQuery\n\n@param query\n@return Iterator"
] | [
"Get the Operation metadata for a single operation on an MBean by name.\n@param operationName the Operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@return the {@link MBeanOperationInfo} for the operation.\n@throws OperationNotFoundException Method was not found\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Map the Primavera UDF to a custom field.\n\n@param fieldType parent object type\n@param dataType UDF data type\n@param name UDF name\n@return FieldType instance",
"Print an accrue type.\n\n@param value AccrueType instance\n@return accrue type value",
"Read resource assignment data from a PEP file.",
"Registers add operation\n\n@param registration resource on which to register\n@param handler operation handler to register\n@param flags with flags\n@deprecated use {@link #registerAddOperation(org.jboss.as.controller.registry.ManagementResourceRegistration, AbstractAddStepHandler, org.jboss.as.controller.registry.OperationEntry.Flag...)}",
"Start check of execution time\n@param extra",
"Initializes communication with the Z-Wave controller stick.",
"Records that there is media mounted in a particular media player slot, updating listeners if this is a change.\nAlso send a query to the player requesting details about the media mounted in that slot, if we don't already\nhave that information.\n\n@param slot the slot in which media is mounted",
"Declares additional internal data structures."
] |
public Object get(int dataSet) throws SerializationException {
Object result = null;
for (Iterator<DataSet> i = dataSets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
DataSet ds = i.next();
DataSetInfo info = ds.getInfo();
if (info.getDataSetNumber() == dataSet) {
result = getData(ds);
return result;
} | [
"Gets a first data set value.\n\n@param dataSet\nIIM record and dataset code (See constants in {@link IIM})\n@return data set value\n@throws SerializationException\nif value can't be deserialized from binary representation"
] | [
"Produces an IPv4 address section from any sequence of bytes in this IPv6 address section\n\n@param startIndex the byte index in this section to start from\n@param endIndex the byte index in this section to end at\n@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException\n@return\n\n@see #getEmbeddedIPv4AddressSection()\n@see #getMixedAddressSection()",
"Used to finish up pushing the bulge off the matrix.",
"Return a new client that may be cached or not. Given properties are always use when not cached, and only used at creation time for\ncached clients.\n\n@param name\nif null, default client. Otherwise, helpful to retrieve cached clients later.\n@param p\na set of properties. Implementation specific. Unknown properties are silently ignored.\n@param cached\nif false, the client will not be cached and subsequent calls with the same name will return different objects.",
"Checks if the given group of statements contains the given value as the\nvalue of a main snak of some statement.\n\n@param statementGroup\nthe statement group to scan\n@param value\nthe value to scan for\n@return true if value was found",
"Look for a child view with the given id. If this view has the given\nid, return this view.\n\n@param id The id to search for.\n@return The view that has the given id in the hierarchy or null",
"Get the current attribute type.\n@param key the entry's key, not null\n@return the current attribute type, or null, if no such attribute exists.",
"Creates new metadata template.\n@param api the API connection to be used.\n@param scope the scope of the object.\n@param templateKey a unique identifier for the template.\n@param displayName the display name of the field.\n@param hidden whether this template is hidden in the UI.\n@param fields the ordered set of fields for the template\n@return the metadata template returned from the server.",
"Returns the smallest prefix length possible such that this address division grouping includes the block of addresses for that prefix.\n\n@return the prefix length",
"Flush the network buffer and write all entries to the serve. then wait\nfor an ack from the server. This is a blocking call. It is invoked on\nevery Commit batch size of entries, It is also called on the close\nsession call\n\n@param storeNamesToCommit List of stores to be flushed and committed"
] |
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/plugins", method = RequestMethod.POST)
HashMap<String, Object> addPluginPath(Model model, Plugin add) throws Exception {
return pluginInformation();
} | [
"Add a plugin path\n\n@param model\n@param add\n@return\n@throws Exception"
] | [
"Write a project file in SDEF format to an output stream.\n\n@param projectFile ProjectFile instance\n@param out output stream",
"Performs a null edit on an entity. This has some effects on Wikibase,\nsuch as refreshing the labels of the referred items in the UI.\n\n@param currentDocument\nthe document to perform a null edit on\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection",
"Expand a macro.\n\nThis will look up the macro definition from {@link #macros} map.\nIf not found then return passed in `macro` itself, otherwise return\nthe macro definition found.\n\n**note** if macro definition is not found and the string\n{@link #isMacro(String) comply to macro name convention}, then a\nwarn level message will be logged.\n\n@param macro the macro name\n@return macro definition or macro itself if no definition found.",
"Use this API to fetch aaagroup_aaauser_binding resources of given name .",
"Merge the contents of the given plugin.xml into this one.",
"This method extracts data for an exception day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data",
"Lock a file lazily, if a value that should be written to the file has changed.\n@param propertyId the table column in which the value has changed (e.g., KEY, TRANSLATION, ...)\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking fails.",
"Load a cube map texture asynchronously.\n\nThis is the implementation of\n{@link GVRAssetLoader#loadCubemapTexture(GVRAndroidResource)} - it will\nusually be more convenient (and more efficient) to call that directly.\n\n@param gvrContext\nThe GVRF context\n@param textureCache\nTexture cache - may be {@code null}\n@param resource\nA steam containing a zip file which contains six bitmaps. The\nsix bitmaps correspond to +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, and -z faces of\nthe cube map texture respectively. The default names of the\nsix images are \"posx.png\", \"negx.png\", \"posy.png\", \"negx.png\",\n\"posz.png\", and \"negz.png\", which can be changed by calling\n{@link GVRCubemapImage#setFaceNames(String[])}.\n@param priority\nThis request's priority. Please see the notes on asynchronous\npriorities in the <a href=\"package-summary.html#async\">package\ndescription</a>.\n@return A {@link Future} that you can pass to methods like\n{@link GVRShaderData#setMainTexture(Future)}",
"we only use the registrationList map if the object is not a proxy. During the\nreference locking, we will materialize objects and they will enter the registered for\nlock map."
] |
public static String getOperationName(final ModelNode op) {
if (op.hasDefined(OP)) {
return op.get(OP).asString();
throw ControllerClientLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.operationNameNotFound();
} | [
"Returns the name of the operation.\n\n@param op the operation\n\n@return the name of the operation\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the operation was not defined."
] | [
"Determines if a mouse event is inside a box.",
"Used to apply or update the watermark for the item.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.\n@param imprint the value must be \"default\", as custom watermarks is not yet supported.\n@return the watermark associated with the item.",
"Removes the task from wait q.\n\n@param taskTobeRemoved\nthe task tobe removed\n@return true, if successful",
"Rotate the specified photo. The only allowed values for degrees are 90, 180 and 270.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo ID\n@param degrees\nThe degrees to rotate (90, 170 or 270)",
"Parses server section of Zookeeper connection string",
"Gets a SerialMessage with the BASIC GET command\n@return the serial message",
"Handle exceptions thrown by the storage. Exceptions specific to DELETE go\nhere. Pass other exceptions to the parent class.\n\nTODO REST-Server Add a new exception for this condition - server busy\nwith pending requests. queue is full",
"Queues a Runnable to be run on the main thread on the next iteration of\nthe messaging loop. This is handy when code running on the main thread\nneeds to run something else on the main thread, but only after the\ncurrent code has finished executing.\n\n@param r\nThe {@link Runnable} to run on the main thread.\n@return Returns {@code true} if the Runnable was successfully placed in\nthe Looper's message queue.",
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_lbvserver_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public Collection<Group> search(String text, int perPage, int page) throws FlickrException {
GroupList<Group> groupList = new GroupList<Group>();
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_SEARCH);
parameters.put("text", text);
if (perPage > 0) {
parameters.put("per_page", String.valueOf(perPage));
if (page > 0) {
parameters.put("page", String.valueOf(page));
Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
Element groupsElement = response.getPayload();
NodeList groupNodes = groupsElement.getElementsByTagName("group");
groupList.setPage(XMLUtilities.getIntAttribute(groupsElement, "page"));
groupList.setPages(XMLUtilities.getIntAttribute(groupsElement, "pages"));
groupList.setPerPage(XMLUtilities.getIntAttribute(groupsElement, "perpage"));
groupList.setTotal(XMLUtilities.getIntAttribute(groupsElement, "total"));
for (int i = 0; i < groupNodes.getLength(); i++) {
Element groupElement = (Element) groupNodes.item(i);
Group group = new Group();
return groupList;
} | [
"Search for groups. 18+ groups will only be returned for authenticated calls where the authenticated user is over 18. This method does not require\nauthentication.\n\n@param text\nThe text to search for.\n@param perPage\nNumber of groups to return per page. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.\n@param page\nThe page of results to return. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 1.\n@return A GroupList Object. Only the fields <em>id</em>, <em>name</em> and <em>eighteenplus</em> in the Groups will be set.\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Figure out, based on how much time has elapsed since we received an update, and the playback position,\nspeed, and direction at the time of that update, where the player will be now.\n\n@param update the most recent update received from a player\n@param currentTimestamp the nanosecond timestamp representing when we want to interpolate the track's position\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached now",
"This method is used to process an MPP14 file. This is the file format\nused by Project 14.\n\n@param reader parent file reader\n@param file parent MPP file\n@param root Root of the POI file system.",
"Appends the key and value to the address and sets the address on the operation.\n\n@param operation the operation to set the address on\n@param base the base address\n@param key the key for the new address\n@param value the value for the new address",
"Suite prologue.",
"Close all HTTP clients created by this factory\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Mark a PersistenceBroker as preferred choice for current Thread\n\n@param key The PBKey the broker is associated to\n@param broker The PersistenceBroker to mark as current",
"We try to convert an Object to an Array and this is not easy in Java so we need a little bit of nasty magic.\n\n@param <T> Type of elements\n@param clazz Clazz of the Objct elements\n@param obj Object\n@return Array",
"Mapping message info.\n\n@param messageInfo the message info\n@return the message info type",
"Returns the encoding of the file.\nEncoding is read from the content-encoding property and defaults to the systems default encoding.\nSince properties can change without rewriting content, the actual encoding can differ.\n\n@param cms {@link CmsObject} used to read properties of the given file.\n@param file the file for which the encoding is requested\n@return the file's encoding according to the content-encoding property, or the system's default encoding as default."
] |
protected <T> T fromJsonString(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
return _gsonParser.fromJson(json, clazz);
} | [
"Convert JsonString to Object of Clazz\n\n@param json\n@param clazz\n@return Object of Clazz"
] | [
"Reopen the associated static logging stream. Set to null to redirect to System.out.",
"Use this API to update snmpuser.",
"Look up all recorded playback state information.\n\n@return the playback state recorded for any player\n@since 0.5.0",
"Creates Accumulo connector given FluoConfiguration",
"Adds a perspective camera constructed from the designated\nperspective camera to describe the shadow projection.\nThis type of camera is used for shadows generated by spot lights.\n@param centerCam GVRPerspectiveCamera to derive shadow projection from\n@param coneAngle spot light cone angle\n@return Perspective camera to use for shadow casting\n@see GVRSpotLight",
"Use this API to fetch a vpnglobal_vpnnexthopserver_binding resources.",
"Specify the socket to be used as underlying socket to connect\nto the APN service.\n\nThis assumes that the socket connects to a SOCKS proxy.\n\n@deprecated use {@link ApnsServiceBuilder#withProxy(Proxy)} instead\n@param proxySocket the underlying socket for connections\n@return this",
"Common method for creating styles.\n\n@param template the template that the map is part of\n@param styleRef the style ref identifying the style\n@param <T> the source type",
"very big duct tape"
] |
public Profile[] getProfilesForServerName(String serverName) throws Exception {
int profileId = -1;
ArrayList<Profile> returnProfiles = new ArrayList<Profile>();
PreparedStatement queryStatement = null;
ResultSet results = null;
try (Connection sqlConnection = sqlService.getConnection()) {
queryStatement = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(
" WHERE " + Constants.SERVER_REDIRECT_SRC_URL + " = ? GROUP BY " +
queryStatement.setString(1, serverName);
results = queryStatement.executeQuery();
while (results.next()) {
profileId = results.getInt(Constants.GENERIC_PROFILE_ID);
Profile profile = ProfileService.getInstance().findProfile(profileId);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
try {
if (results != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (queryStatement != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (returnProfiles.size() == 0) {
return null;
return returnProfiles.toArray(new Profile[0]);
} | [
"This returns all profiles associated with a server name\n\n@param serverName server Name\n@return profile UUID\n@throws Exception exception"
] | [
"Create a table model from an object's properties.\n\n@param object target object\n@param excludedMethods method names to exclude\n@return table model",
"Returns a string representation of map of chunk id to number of chunks\n\n@return String of map of chunk id to number of chunks",
"Validations specific to GET and GET ALL",
"get the type signature corresponding to given class\n\n@param clazz\n@return",
"Use this API to add sslocspresponder resources.",
"Unregister all MBeans",
"Begin writing a named object attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name",
"If supported by the WMS server, a parameter \"angle\" can be set on \"customParams\" or \"mergeableParams\".\nIn this case the rotation will be done natively by the WMS.",
"Removes bean from scope.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return previous value"
] |
public void postConstruct(GeoService geoService, DtoConverterService converterService) throws GeomajasException {
if (null == layerInfo) {
layerInfo = new RasterLayerInfo();
crs = geoService.getCrs2(TiledRasterLayerService.MERCATOR);
Bbox bbox = new Bbox(-TiledRasterLayerService.HALF_EQUATOR_IN_METERS,
-TiledRasterLayerService.HALF_EQUATOR_IN_METERS, TiledRasterLayerService.EQUATOR_IN_METERS,
maxBounds = converterService.toInternal(bbox);
resolutions = new double[maxZoomLevel + 1];
double powerOfTwo = 1;
for (int zoomLevel = 0; zoomLevel <= maxZoomLevel; zoomLevel++) {
double resolution = (TiledRasterLayerService.EQUATOR_IN_METERS) / (tileSize * powerOfTwo);
resolutions[zoomLevel] = resolution;
powerOfTwo *= 2;
} | [
"Finish initialization of state object.\n\n@param geoService geo service\n@param converterService converter service\n@throws GeomajasException oops"
] | [
"This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation\nof timephased work into an external form which can\nbe displayed to the user.\n\n@param projectCalendar calendar used by the resource assignment\n@param work timephased resource assignment data\n@param rangeUnits timescale units\n@param dateList timescale date ranges\n@return list of durations, one per timescale date range",
"Load model from file\n\n@param gvrContext Valid {@link GVRContext} instance\n@param modelFile Path to the model's file, relative to the {@code assets} directory\n@return root object The root {@link GVRSceneObject} of the model\n@throws IOException If reading the model file fails",
"Configures the log context.\n\n@param configFile the configuration file\n@param classLoader the class loader to use for the configuration\n@param logContext the log context to configure\n\n@return {@code true} if the log context was successfully configured, otherwise {@code false}\n\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException if the configuration fails",
"Sets the duration for the animations in this animator.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@see GVRAnimation#setDuration(float, float)",
"Creates the JSON serialized form of the accessory for use over the Homekit Accessory Protocol.\n\n@param instanceId the static id of the accessory.\n@return a future that will complete with the JSON builder for the object.",
"Returns a canonical type for a given class.\n\nIf the class is a raw type of a parameterized class, the matching {@link ParameterizedType} (with unresolved type\nvariables) is resolved.\n\nIf the class is an array then the component type of the array is canonicalized\n\nOtherwise, the class is returned.\n\n@return",
"Use this API to fetch dnsnsecrec resource of given name .",
"Returns current selenium version from JAR set in classpath.\n\n@return Version of Selenium.",
"Computes eigenvalues only\n\n@return"
] |
public static final int getInt(String value)
return (value == null || value.length() == 0 ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(value));
} | [
"This method retrieves an int value from a String instance.\nIt returns zero by default if a null value or an empty string is supplied.\n\n@param value string representation of an integer\n@return int value"
] | [
"Acquire the shared lock allowing the acquisition to be interrupted.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread is interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Use this API to fetch clusterinstance_binding resource of given name .",
"Provides a collection of all the nodes in the tree\nusing a depth first traversal.\n\n@return the list of (depth-first) ordered nodes",
"Adds, eventually merging, a direction for the specified relation type\n@param relationType\n@param direction",
"Start the drag operation of a scene object with a rigid body.\n\n@param sceneObject Scene object with a rigid body attached to it.\n@param hitX rel position in x-axis.\n@param hitY rel position in y-axis.\n@param hitZ rel position in z-axis.\n@return true if success, otherwise returns false.",
"Will wait a maximum of 1 minute for each node to response with their result. If an error occurs on any\nmember, we will always attempt to continue execution and collect as many results as possible.\n\n@param execSvc\n@param members\n@param callable\n@return",
"Sets the database dialect.\n\n@param dialect\nthe database dialect",
"Create and bind a server socket\n\n@return the server socket\n@throws IOException",
"The way calendars are stored in an MSPDI file means that there\ncan be forward references between the base calendar unique ID for a\nderived calendar, and the base calendar itself. To get around this,\nwe initially populate the base calendar name attribute with the\nbase calendar unique ID, and now in this method we can convert those\nID values into the correct names.\n\n@param baseCalendars list of calendars and base calendar IDs\n@param map map of calendar ID values and calendar objects"
] |
private void writeImages() {
for (ValueMap gv : this.valueMaps) {
try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(
ExampleHelpers.openExampleFileOuputStream("map-site-count.csv"))) {
out.println("Site key,Number of geo items");
out.println("wikidata total," + this.count);
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : this.siteCounts.entrySet()) {
out.println(entry.getKey() + "," + entry.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
} | [
"Writes image files for all data that was collected and the statistics\nfile for all sites."
] | [
"Computes the QR decomposition of A and store the results in A.\n\n@param A The A matrix in the linear equation. Modified. Reference saved.\n@return true if the decomposition was successful.",
"Creates the event for endpoint with specific type.\n\n@param endpoint the endpoint\n@param type the type\n@return the event",
"Resumes a given entry point type;\n\n@param entryPoint The entry point",
"set the property destination type for given property\n\n@param propertyName\n@param destinationType",
"add an Extent class to the current descriptor\n@param newExtentClassName name of the class to add",
"Process TestCaseFinishedEvent. Add steps and attachments from\ntop step from stepStorage to current testCase, then remove testCase\nand step from stores. Also remove attachments matches removeAttachments\nconfig.\n\n@param event to process",
"Curries a procedure that takes two arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes one argument. Never <code>null</code>.",
"If a given x is into an interval of the partition, this method returns the reference point of the corresponding interval.\nIf the given x is not contained in any interval of the partition, this method returns x.\n\n@param x The point of interest.\n@return The discretized value.",
"Decrements the client's use count, and makes it eligible for closing if it is no longer in use.\n\n@param client the dbserver connection client which is no longer being used for a task"
] |
private TaskField getTaskField(int field)
TaskField result = MPPTaskField14.getInstance(field);
if (result != null)
switch (result)
result = TaskField.START;
result = TaskField.FINISH;
result = TaskField.DURATION;
return result;
} | [
"Maps an integer field ID to a field type.\n\n@param field field ID\n@return field type"
] | [
"Keep a cache of items files associated with classification in order to improve performance.",
"Starts recursive delete on all delete objects object graph",
"Returns a configured transformer to write XML.\n\n@return the XML configured transformer\n@throws SpinXmlElementException if no new transformer can be created",
"Set default values for annotations.\nInitial annotation take precedence over the default annotation when both annotation types are present\n\n@param defaultAnnotations default value for annotations",
"Set the specular intensity of the light.\n\nThis designates the color of the specular reflection.\nIt is multiplied by the material specular color to derive\nthe hue of the specular reflection for that material.\nThe built-in phong shader {@link GVRPhongShader} uses a {@code vec4} uniform named\n{@code specular_intensity} to control the specular intensity.\n\n@param r red component (0 to 1)\n@param g green component (0 to 1)\n@param b blue component (0 to 1)\n@param a alpha component (0 to 1)",
"judge a->b is ordered clockwise\n\n@param center\n@param a\n@param b\n@return",
"Print a duration represented by an arbitrary fraction of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@param factor required factor\n@return duration represented as an arbitrary fraction of minutes",
"This method converts a node to text.\n\nLeading and trailing text from hidden tokens (whitespace/comments) is removed. Text from hidden tokens that is\nsurrounded by text from non-hidden tokens is summarized to a single whitespace.\n\nThe preferred use case of this method is to convert the {@link ICompositeNode} that has been created for a data\ntype rule to text.\n\nThis is also the recommended way to convert a node to text if you want to invoke\n{@link org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.IValueConverterService#toValue(String, String, INode)}",
"Handles an initial response from a PUT or PATCH operation response by polling\nthe status of the operation until the long running operation terminates.\n\n@param observable the initial observable from the PUT or PATCH operation.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller\n@param resourceType the java.lang.reflect.Type of the resource.\n@return the terminal response for the operation.\n@throws CloudException REST exception\n@throws InterruptedException interrupted exception\n@throws IOException thrown by deserialization"
] |
public Jar addPackageOf(Class<?> clazz, Filter filter) throws IOException {
try {
final String path = clazz.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/');
URL dirURL = clazz.getClassLoader().getResource(path);
if (dirURL != null && dirURL.getProtocol().equals("file"))
addDir(Paths.get(path), Paths.get(dirURL.toURI()), filter, false);
else {
if (dirURL == null) // In case of a jar file, we can't actually find a directory.
dirURL = clazz.getClassLoader().getResource(clazz.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
if (dirURL.getProtocol().equals("jar")) {
final URI jarUri = new URI(dirURL.getPath().substring(0, dirURL.getPath().indexOf('!')));
try (JarInputStream jis1 = newJarInputStream(Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(jarUri)))) {
for (JarEntry entry; (entry = jis1.getNextJarEntry()) != null;) {
try {
if (entry.getName().startsWith(path + '/')) {
if (filter == null || filter.filter(entry.getName()))
addEntryNoClose(jos, entry.getName(), jis1);
} catch (ZipException e) {
if (!e.getMessage().startsWith("duplicate entry"))
throw e;
} else
throw new AssertionError();
return this;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
} | [
"Adds the contents of a Java package to this JAR.\n\n@param clazz a class whose package we wish to add to the JAR.\n@param filter a filter to select particular classes\n@return {@code this}"
] | [
"Mark root of this task task group depends on the given TaskItem.\nThis ensure this task group's root get picked for execution only after the completion\nof invocation of provided TaskItem.\n\n@param dependencyTaskItem the task item that this task group depends on\n@return the key of the dependency",
"Used to NOT the argument clause specified.",
"Retrieves a constant value.\n\n@param type field type\n@param block criteria data block\n@return constant value",
"Use this API to clear route6 resources.",
"Sets the RDF serialization tasks based on the given string value.\n\n@param tasks\na space-free, comma-separated list of task names",
"Populate a resource assignment workgroup instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param workgroup workgroup instance\n@throws MPXJException",
"Marks the start of a query identified by the provided correlationId\n\n@param query - Query data\n@param correlationId - Identifier\n@return Start event to pass to the Events systems EventBus",
"Gets the boxed type of a class\n\n@param type The type\n@return The boxed type",
"Run through all maps and remove any references that have been null'd out by the GC."
] |
public final void notifyFooterItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
if (positionStart < 0 || itemCount < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > footerItemCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The given range [" + positionStart + " - "
+ (positionStart + itemCount - 1) + "] is not within the position bounds for footer items [0 - "
+ (footerItemCount - 1) + "].");
notifyItemRangeChanged(positionStart + headerItemCount + contentItemCount, itemCount);
} | [
"Notifies that multiple footer items are changed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count."
] | [
"Obtains a International Fixed local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the International Fixed local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Closes the connection to the Z-Wave controller.",
"Very basic implementation of an inner join between two result sets.\n\n@param leftRows left result set\n@param leftColumn left foreign key column\n@param rightTable right table name\n@param rightRows right result set\n@param rightColumn right primary key column\n@return joined result set",
"This is a very ugly workaround to get the method arguments from the JUnit 5 context via reflection.",
"Create the work pattern assignment map.\n\n@param rows calendar rows\n@return work pattern assignment map",
"Returns a single template.\n\n@param id id of the template to retrieve.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations.",
"Gets the Kullback Leibler divergence.\n\n@param p P vector.\n@param q Q vector.\n@return The Kullback Leibler divergence between u and v.",
"todo remove, here only for binary compatibility of elytron subsystem, drop once it is in.",
"Converts an object to an instance of the target type.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source to convert\n@param targetType the target class type\n@return target instance\n@see SquigglyUtils#objectify(ObjectMapper, Object, Class)"
] |
public final void save(final PrintJobStatusExtImpl entry) {
} | [
"Save Job Record.\n\n@param entry the entry"
] | [
"Provisions a new app user in an enterprise with additional user information using Box Developer Edition.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the user.\n@param params additional user information.\n@return the created user's info.",
"compares two snippet",
"Returns a color for a given absolute number that is to be shown on the\nmap.\n\n@param value\n@return",
"Converts url path to the Transloadit full url.\nReturns the url passed if it is already full.\n\n@param url\n@return String",
"Given a key and a list of steal infos give back a list of stealer node\nids which will steal this.\n\n@param key Byte array of key\n@param stealerNodeToMappingTuples Pairs of stealer node id to their\ncorresponding [ partition - replica ] tuples\n@param cluster Cluster metadata\n@param storeDef Store definitions\n@return List of node ids",
"Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.\n\n@throws IOException\nif an I/O error occurs.",
"Read the header from the Phoenix file.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@return raw header data",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all scpolicy_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Deal with streams attached to an operation response from a proxied domain process.\n\n@param context the context of the operation\n@param responseNode the DMR response from the proxied process\n@param streams the streams associated with the response"
] |
public synchronized void addNodesToWorkerList(List<Integer> nodeIds) {
// Bookkeeping for nodes that will be involved in the next task
logger.info("Node IDs with work: " + nodeIdsWithWork + " Newly added nodes " + nodeIds);
} | [
"Add nodes to the workers list\n\n@param nodeIds list of node ids."
] | [
"Send post request.\n\n@param url the url\n@param customHeaders the customHeaders\n@param params the params\n@return the string\n@throws IOException the io exception",
"Creates a map of identifiers or page titles to documents retrieved via\nthe APIs.\n\n@param numOfEntities\nnumber of entities that should be retrieved\n@param properties\nWbGetEntitiesProperties object that includes all relevant\nparameters for the wbgetentities action\n@return map of document identifiers or titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\n@throws IOException",
"Provides the scrollableList implementation for page scrolling\n@return {@link LayoutScroller.ScrollableList} implementation, passed to {@link LayoutScroller}\nfor the processing the scrolling",
"Check if the given class represents an array of primitives,\ni.e. boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, or double.\n@param clazz the class to check\n@return whether the given class is a primitive array class",
"Converts a gwt Date in the timezone of the current browser to a time in\nUTC.\n\n@return A Long corresponding to the number of milliseconds since January\n1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT or null if the specified Date is null.",
"Read calendar data.",
"Add a dependency to the module.\n\n@param dependency Dependency",
"Delete a photo from flickr.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'delete' permission.\n\n@param photoId\n@throws FlickrException",
"We have identified that we have an MDB file. This could be a Microsoft Project database\nor an Asta database. Open the database and use the table names present to determine\nwhich type this is.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance"
] |
protected RendererViewHolder buildRendererViewHolder() {
Renderer renderer = getPrototypeByIndex(viewType).copy();
renderer.onCreate(null, layoutInflater, parent);
return new RendererViewHolder(renderer);
} | [
"Main method of this class related to RecyclerView widget. This method is the responsible of\ncreate a new Renderer instance with all the needed information to implement the rendering.\nThis method will validate all the attributes passed in the builder constructor and will create\na RendererViewHolder instance.\n\nThis method is used with RecyclerView because the view recycling mechanism is implemented out\nof this class and we only have to return new RendererViewHolder instances.\n\n@return ready to use RendererViewHolder instance."
] | [
"Attempts to add classification to a file. If classification already exists then do update.\n\n@param classificationType the metadata classification type.\n@return the metadata classification type on the file.",
"Register the entity as batch loadable, if enabled\n\nCopied from {@link org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType#scheduleBatchLoadIfNeeded}",
"Inflate the main layout used to render videos in the list view.\n\n@param inflater LayoutInflater service to inflate.\n@param parent ViewGroup used to inflate xml.\n@return view inflated.",
"If an error is thrown while loading zone data, the exception is logged\nto system error and null is returned for this and all future requests.\n\n@param id the id to load\n@return the loaded zone",
"multi-field string",
"Randomly generates matrix with the specified number of matrix elements filled with values from min to max.\n\n@param numRows Number of rows\n@param numCols Number of columns\n@param nz_total Total number of non-zero elements in the matrix\n@param min Minimum value\n@param max maximum value\n@param rand Random number generated\n@return Randomly generated matrix",
"Executes a batch plan.\n\n@param batchId Used as the ID of the batch plan. This allows related\ntasks on client- & server-side to pretty print messages in a\nmanner that debugging can track specific batch plans across the\ncluster.\n@param batchPlan The batch plan...",
"Authenticates the API connection for Box Developer Edition.",
"For each node in specified zones, tries swapping some minimum number of\nrandom partitions per node with some minimum number of random partitions\nfrom other specified nodes. Chooses the best swap in each iteration.\nLarge values of the greedSwapMaxPartitions... arguments make this method\nequivalent to comparing every possible swap. This may get very expensive.\n\nSo if a node had partitions P1, P2, P3 and P4 and the other partitions\nset was Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 The combinations that will be tried for\nswapping will be the cartesian product of the two sets. That is, {P1,\nQ1}, {P2, Q2}...{P2,Q1}, {P2,Q2}, in total 20 such swap pairs will be\ngenerated. The best among these swap pairs will be chosen.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param nodeIds Node IDs within which to shuffle partitions\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerNode See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerZone See RebalanceCLI.\n@param storeDefs\n@return updated cluster"
] |
protected Object doInvoke(Object proxy, Method methodToBeInvoked, Object[] args)
throws Throwable
Method m =
return m.invoke(getRealSubject(), args);
} | [
"this method will be invoked after methodToBeInvoked is invoked"
] | [
"Look up all recorded playback state information.\n\n@return the playback state recorded for any player\n@since 0.5.0",
"Calculate the duration percent complete.\n\n@param row task data\n@return percent complete",
"Singleton of MetaClassRegistry.\n\n@param includeExtension\n@return the registry",
"Whether the address is IPv4-compatible\n\n@see java.net.Inet6Address#isIPv4CompatibleAddress()",
"should not be public",
"Prepare our statement for the subclasses.\n\n@param limit\nLimit for queries. Can be null if none.",
"Returns the association row with the given key.\n\n@param key the key of the row to return.\n@return the association row with the given key or {@code null} if no row with that key is contained in this\nassociation",
"Replaces new line delimiters in the input stream with the Unix line feed.\n\n@param input",
"Merges two lists together.\n\n@param one first list\n@param two second list\n@return merged lists"
] |
private boolean isForGerritHost(HttpRequest request) {
if (!(request instanceof HttpRequestWrapper)) return false;
HttpRequest originalRequest = ((HttpRequestWrapper) request).getOriginal();
if (!(originalRequest instanceof HttpRequestBase)) return false;
URI uri = ((HttpRequestBase) originalRequest).getURI();
URI authDataUri = URI.create(authData.getHost());
if (uri == null || uri.getHost() == null) return false;
boolean hostEquals = uri.getHost().equals(authDataUri.getHost());
boolean portEquals = uri.getPort() == authDataUri.getPort();
return hostEquals && portEquals;
} | [
"Checks if request is intended for Gerrit host."
] | [
"Harvest any values that may have been returned during the execution\nof a procedure.\n\n@param proc the procedure descriptor that provides info about the procedure\nthat was invoked.\n@param obj the object that was persisted\n@param stmt the statement that was used to persist the object.\n\n@throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException if a problem occurs.",
"Checks the extents specifications and removes unnecessary entries.\n\n@param classDef The class descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated",
"Parses int value and returns the provided default if the value can't be parsed.\n@param value the int to parse.\n@param defaultValue the default value.\n@return the parsed int, or the default value if parsing fails.",
"Generate a map file from a jar file.\n\n@param jarFile jar file\n@param mapFileName map file name\n@param mapClassMethods true if we want to produce .Net style class method names\n@throws XMLStreamException\n@throws IOException\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\n@throws IntrospectionException",
"Returns the index of the first invalid character of the zone, or -1 if the zone is valid\n\n@param sequence\n@return",
"Shutdown the connection manager.",
"Promotes this version of the file to be the latest version.",
"Retrieve the jdbc type for the field descriptor that is related\nto this argument.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of cmppolicy_stats resource of given name ."
] |
Subsets and Splits